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12, 1985;


-No. ,8; the Student

Ne Fwspaper,


Uni versity

of HYaterloo,



market tight

By Karen Plosz Imprint staff With a vacancy rate of .7?b in metropolitan Waterloo, and an estimated 16,500 U W and Wilfrid Laurier students registered for the fall term, the housing situation does not look good for the UW students struggling to find affordable, suitable accommodation close to campus. The residences, as usual, are filled and the waiting lists are long. P,rices for residence accommodation have been increasing for the last couple years; 5% for Villages and 12yc at Waterloo CoOperative Residence. There are a few housing starts; but there is a proposal by a university committee for the construction of’ townhouses beihg considered by U W presiddnt Doug Wright. Dr. Ron Eydt, Director-of Housing, is Warden of the Residences, and oversees Minota Ha,gey, the Married Student Apartments and the Off-Campus Housing Office. Eydt says he has been monitoring the housing situation and ‘communicating with WLU. He reports, “it’s about the same as last year -- pretty thin. You just can’t pick up a housing list and find a room that suits you in 20 minutes -- it may take two days.” The number of off-campus units are “decreasing slightly”, says Eydt. He cited the changing of the taxxlaws in 1977 or 1978 as a possible factor. Because students had to be given receipts for the rent they paid, this discquraged some home owners from opening their houses to students, since there was no more underthe-table non-taxable money coming from students. After the Civic Holiday it might be necessary for the university to make an appeal to the community for housing. If there is a “dramatic” problem, says Eydt, where the number of off-campus housing situations- falls below 100, the alarm could be srounded earlier through TV, radio, newspapers and church congregations. Helga McGoey of the Off-Campus Housing Office says, “Right now the picture looks pretty good -- but that could change. There are about the same number of beds and student applications as last year”. However, the number of cancellations are up. “There’s a real decline in people’s interest”, says McGoey. Currently there are 270 beds listed on the Fall 1985 housing list. This compares to 384 beds offered in Fali 1984. Right now, she is receiving”a couple dozen (students) every hour. Some days it’s really packed. It goes in spurts”, says McGoey. The office is open on weekdays, and on Saturday from 10 - 3 p.m. It has three phones for the use of house-hunters. The Admissions Office for Village 1 and 11 reports that the waiting list is about the same as previous years. In Village 1 and 11, 2,223 people can be accommodated. Fees for room and board are $1,649 for a single, $1,59 1 for an interconnecting room and $1,533 for a double room. There are 100 upper-year females and 115 males (co-op and regular) on the waiting list, as well as 352 first-year ‘females and 254 first-year males. Village rates have increased 5% sinde last fall. They were raised 6.6% last fall. Margaret - Danton, Admissions Co-ordinator at the Waterloo

300 ’ ‘laphps’ /

Co-Operative Residence Inc. at 280 Philip St., says the situation is “about the same as last year . The residence can accommodate 396 students in,the residence,‘and 64 in the apartments”. There are 80 women and 200 men on the waiting list. Fees are for room and board and are $12 I2 for a double and $147 1 for a single per term. l‘his is a 12yi increase o+er last year’s fee rates. The fees were increased 696 the year before. On Thursday July 11, Student Federation president Sonny Flanagan presented a proposal on behalf of-the Housing Project Committee to Doug Wright for the construction of 50 townhouses on the northwest corner of Columbia and Westmount. Flanagan did not wtint to release details of the proposal before Wright saw it. H owcver, he did say, “the\proposal‘expresses the need for housing. It outlines specifid needs. such as computer.ducts and the proposed site. 1 think it’s a good proposal and they’ll have to react positively. It’s feasible and it’ll pay for itself.” The maximum cost per student would be $185 per month and units for the handicapped would be available. WPl KG researcher Darlene Langlois supports the townhouse proposal. “1 think the university has to share some initiative in the* development 01‘ housing. In terms of concrete work, not much has been done by the university in the way of housing projects”. Langois produced a student rental guidebook, “KitchenerWaterloo l‘enants Guide 1985,” that’s available and free at the W Pl RG office. “l’here’s a basic shortage of information on / renting”, she says. She expressed concern about the future. Because several industrial parks are being developed close to the university, the demands for housing made by the influx of employees could create a housing syueez’e. “l‘he city does not seem to be interested in the housing situation. Thbre has not been much in the way of housing starts”. She‘ predicts the city may be more worried about the industry than students, and will produce family units with prices aimed at that group. Theri has been very little new development and construction, says Dean Nadon, UW Ombudsman. “You have your standard stock that is remaining the same - and in many cases we a-re on the verge of getting into a student slum situation- in some areas”. He cited one case where a student got bit by a bat: Another problem is that there is noxomprehensive legislation to deal with people who convert older buildings and three-storey walk-ups into rooming and boarding situations. The tenant’s rights are not spelled out; all the legal rights rest with the landlords. Nadon is very concerned about the current housing situation because “the housing issue has a direct effect on student stay at university. To study and maintain high standards is hard enough. Once you have to worry about repairs and landlords, that makes it three times harder”, especially for first year students who are on their own for the first time. A big problem is student naivete, says Nadon. “it‘s important that we make students aware” of possible pitfalls when renting.


Rick Nigol Imprint staff The University of Waterloo was given a $1 million computer gift by Hewlett Packard (Canada) Ltd. last week. While introducing its new Portable Plus laptop computer at a press conference in Toronto on July 4, the computer hardware manufacturer announced that 300 of these machines would be donated to UW’. The battery-powered Portable Plus, which retails for $3,660 and weighs nine pounds, can be carried around like a The HP Portable Plus laptop computer. small briefcase. It has a flip-up, 251ine screen with memory expandable up to 896. kilobytes of random-access memory. officials Hewlett-Packard students to participate in Software is available on discs. admirted that the introduction learning related research Wesley Graham, U W’S Dean applications. of their portable computers to of- Computing and CommuniU W was not entirely altruistic. In making the announcement cation, said the 300 portable of. the UW/ H p project, lt could ClXXte a substantial computers will be used in a pilot HewlettPackard student market for the president project to see how they cati best Malcolm Gissing refered to it as machines. Malcolm Gissing be utilized in teaching and “a marriage of some benefit to -promised that Hewlett-Packard research. He also said both parties and to Canada as a would offer a student discount researchers could, develop whole.” He noted that HP ‘is on the Portable Plus but did not software and hardware to involved say how substantial it would be. -in’ hardware accomodate -the networking of technoiogy while U W is UW president Doug Wright these computers with the “renowned for its development was also enthusiastic about the possibility of joining them with of software.” Gissing said that deal.’ “We see this project not. a central computer system with C anada could be more only as a promising area of greater storage capacity. The productive and competitive in research, but also a rather portables will be distributed to international markets if special one as well, because professors across the campus . -computers were used as integral these new machines are so who will randomly select ,tools in education and indusiry. so versatile, and attractive,

above all so inexpensive, one would expect them to prove remarkably popular,” he said. Although he hopes that the use of portable computers by students will. soon be widespread, Wright noted they would not be mandatory. He said that such computers may be available to interested students on an installment financing plan in the future. Don Cowan, a U W computer science professor, thinks that students will want portable computers when they disco\*er how convenient they arc.“Right now we have to ration-, computers and computer time, ’ ’ SOstudents may see buying their own as a very worthwhile option,” said Cowan. Last week’s announcement’ about the portable computer gift is tlhe most recent in a series 1 of links between UW and Hewlett Packard. The company is the newest corporate member Of UW’S Institute of Computer Research and has donated a $150,000 HP 6400 microprocessor development system to the university which will be used by electrical engineering students. As well, HewlettPackard will be locating its new headquarters building for its Panacom division in UW’s research park on the north campus of the university.

’ ’


by Doug Thompson Imprint staff The trespassing charge laid against Integrated Studies student Ahab Abdel-Aziz on April 10 by IS acting coordinator Joe Sheridan was dismissed on July 3 by Justice of the Peace Betty Futher in Kitchener Provincial Court. The trial had been adjourned on June 19 when the defence lawyer, Antony Keller, moved for dismissal of charges on the basis that the crown had failed to make a prima facae case that an offence had even been committed. When the tiral resumed, JP Futher ruled that the crown had made a case and the defence proceeded. Abdel-Aziz testified that he had been a student in IS for seven terms and was one term away from graduation in January when he took the winter term off. He and IS student Jim Kafieh both testified that it is usual procedure for IS students in the degree phase to continue working on their degree projects, using the program area and consulting with supervisors while on off-terms. The prosecution case had rested on the argument that because Abdel-Aziz was not actually registered and paying tuition during the winter term, he was not a student. Therefore the prosecution argued he had no lawful right to be on campus, making the request from Sheridan and security for him to leave legal and proper under the trespass act, and hi5 refusal to leave a violation of the act. In the prosecution evidence and cross-examination of AbdelAzir, an intense argument raged over the definition of “student”. The crown maintained that only those currently paying fees are students, which means that people in their work terms and summer vacations are not students and have no right to be on campus. The defence argued that one is registered with the university as a student from the moment one is admitted until one either withdraws or graduates and that status does not lapse on work-terms or summer vacations.







against Sheridan with the U W ethics committee on another matter. Security arrived and a long discussion characterized by witnesses as “friendly” took place between officer Kaufman and Abdel-Aziz. When Kaufman admitted he did not know the charge, Abdel-Aziz said, “I won’t leave unless 1 know what the charge is”. Abdel-Aziz then phoned Federation lawyer Antony Keller, who assured him he had a right to be there. Officer Kaufman, after making several phone calls, told Abdel-Aziz, “I’m arresting you because my supervisor says to arrest you,” and he claimed that explicit authority to do so had come from U W vice-president l‘om Brzustowski, who was in London England at the time.

Arresting “I’m



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by Ann Marie Jackson Imprint staff T’he U W Women’s Centre flourishes this summer under the direction of summer coordinator Janet Bate and the willing commitment of the Federation of Students. T‘he Centre, which was established in 198 1 as a resource and referral service for women, hones to exnand and imnrove in the coming months. 1


One ad

OT-I’AWA (CUP) 1 he federal government must make the funding of post secondary, institutrons a priority if Canada is to experience real growth in research and development, the head of‘ the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council says. “Something has to be done to help the universities because they are the source of research and development. industry needs human talent (to carry! out research) and that come5 lrom the unv iersities,” says

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The dismissal of charges could stand as an important precedent in defining who is legally a student and defining the legal limits to the administration’s ‘disciplinary authority’ on campus. The UW Act is very clear that only the president of the university may expel1 a student, yet Abdel-Aziz was effectively expelled by Sheridan’s trespass charge against him since the registrar’s office used the charge as an excuse to refuse him enrolment. When asked whether the banning of Abdel-Aziz from the PAS building would be lifted following the dimissal of the case against him, security director Al Romenco was unsure. He said, “It’s an academic decision” and that the ban would be lifted “if he’s allowed to register.” Although security had issued the ban on its own authority, Romenco said he would need some directive from Sheridan, Brzustowski or the new IS steering committee for it to be lifted. An appeal of another trespass charge against IS student Drew MacGillivray, upheld by a different JP on June 5, will be heard July 30 in Kitchener provincial court.


Reseurc neede

through our of NEW


and unfair” situation ended by c~urf, can% be arrested fur be-in@ ORI campus. -


Following the resignation of the Federation’s Women’s Commissioner, Kate Krug, several weeks ago, the Women’s Centre gained responsibility t‘or the July film series. But Bate refused to say whether this was

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know why Abdel-Aziz was charged: you bwause my supervisor told me to,“”

Abdel-Aziz subsequently had tried to register for the spring term and had been told that he could not be registered until the trespassing charge had been dealt with by the court. He was also issued a notice by Kaufman banning him from the PAS building where the incident took place. Defence attorney Keller told the court that because the charge consititued an effective expulsion of Abdel-Aziz from the university it was a “draconian and unf’air” situation. Keller argued that the evidence before the court demonstrated that Abdel-Aziz believed he had a right to be present, and believed so with very good reasons, and th:_ct it was not unreasonable in such a situation to ask “Show


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“DracOnian Students


In her ruling, JP Futher agreed with the defence and said that, after hearing the defence evidence, she was convinced that the crown had not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Abdel-A/i/ was not a student, and that while security did have the authority to charge non-students with trespassing, Abdei-A&z’s status gave him a lawful right to be present on the premises., 1 he trial had its dramatic moments, as Abdel-A/i/ and Kafieh contradicted much of Sheridan’s testimony,; at one point Abdel Aziz burst out “He’s a liar!” Sheridan had testified that Abdel-Aziz had requested to withdraw from univeristy. but Abdel-Aziz maintained that Sheridan had told him withdrawal was not necessary for a one-term absence. On the day of the event, April 10, Sheridan had called security after finding Abdel-Aziz in his office retrieving the U W policies and procedures manunl which hc needed in order to file a grievance

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me why 1 should leave.” He pointed out that in spite of repeated requests from Abdel-Aziz to be shown why he should leave, no one did. He argued that the prosecution had also failed to show the court any reason why Abdel-Aziz should have left.



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a permanent change, and stressed that the position of Women’s Commissioner will be filled in the fall term. Presently, the mandates of the Centre and the Commissioner overlap in the area of campus education.

can contact another woman who is walking to the same area after a night class. “1 would hope that women would ask someone in their class after they have used the service and feel comfortable”, says Bate.

Apart from the film series, which includes the controversial, “Not a Love Story”, the Women’s Centre is responsible for an extensive resource library, a referral service to community aid for campus, women experiencing difficulties, and an informal meeting room. During the fall and winter terms a “nightwalk” service was established. Through the Centre, a woman

Another large project this summer is a petition against the Miss Oktoberfest Beauty Pageant, which has been held in the Humanities Theatre for several years. The Women’s Centre plans to contact Mayors, MPs, M PPs and the Oktoberfest Committee to express their distaste for this event. The members of the Centre believe that at a time when women are being


to follow nonencouraged traditional roles, the pageant should not be tolerated on the university campus. Petitions are available for students, faculty and staff to sign in the Women’s Centre and the Federation office. Bate. thinks the chances of success are “very good” and says that if the pageant does take place the Centre will organize a picket. The Women’s Centre, located in CC 150, hopes to expand its funding and its profile during this fall’s orientation. As a Federation service, the Centre has opportunities for volunteer both women and men.

ouncil says more money ovemment proposes less NSERC McNabb.



NSERC has just released it5 second five year plan in which it is asking the .federal government to provide almost $703 million by 1990 to bring Canada’5 research and development potential to a productive level. Its goals include: increasing universities’ research capabilities and training opportunities; attracting more Canadian5 to graduate schools to replenish

the pool of local talent; equipping universities and institutes with up-to-date lab equipment; and creating strong links between universities and industries.

plan, (NSERC) is trying to show what the univeristy research community can contribute to the economic recovery of the country,” McNabb says.

McNabb said the council had been trying to correct the ravages of‘the funding cutbacks in the 1970’s, and had managed to bring research and development to a level enjoyed in 1974, with the first five year plan. “With the sernnd five vear

“The government is pressuring the university community to work more closely with industry to fund more long term projects, but we need funding support consistent with the expectations of‘the government for economic growth.”






258 IQng St. N. (at







. Imprint,

Bike, thefts: by Karen Plosz I&print staff Bike theft on campus is a constant problem that is at its peak during the summer. In the last six months, there. have been 84 0bikes stolen, compared to 107 bikes stolen last year, reports Al Romenco, director of UW Security. Part of the problem is few owners take the precautions that could prevent their bike from being stolen, or improve the possibility of retrieval of . their bike if it is stolen. “Very few people record the serial numbers of their bikes,” says Romenco. He encourages ’ students to get their social insurance number or drivers’ license number etched into the bike frame. He sees this etching service as “very effective. Anything with an identifying number, the opportunity is there to get the bike to its rightful owner.” This service, offered free by the Waterloo Regional Police year-round, is brought to the university each term in conjunction with the turnkeys. This bike identification is something that Nick Ozaruk, of the Health and Safety ‘office, wants to see made mandatory in future. . Each person who got their bike identified in “Operation Identification” this week, received a pamphlet, “A Guide to Safe Bicycling a University of Waterloo” that was produced b:, the Bicycle Safety Subcommittee, which is composed of representatives from Health and Safety, Security and the Turnkey desk. “We’re going to print thousands (of the pamphlets) for the fall”, says Nick Ozaruk. Because there are three to four thousand bikes on campus daily in the fall. He believes a “strong” program regulating and dealing with bicycle



The Federation of Students at UW is in the process of establishing a Standing Committee on Students’ Rights. The mandate of the committee will be to research students’ rights, to present a draft Charter of Students’ rights to the President of the Federation of Students and Students’ Council, and to monitor and update the Charter as deemed necessary. The Charter may include rights presently recorded and contained in the University of Waterloo publications - “Policies and Committees” and “Academic Regulations and Student Discipline and Examination Regulations and Procedures” and other relevent . University documents. Additionally, it may contain students’ rights which are presently in practice but not yet formally introduced as policy, rights which our counterparts at other similar institutions enjoy and are deemed to be necessary at Waterloo, as well as anything else which may come to the committee’s attention. The committee’s make up should be renresentative of a

routes, driver conduct, bike maintenance, theft, parts exchange and sale should be set up. However, the first step is launching a voluntary bike safety program, says Ozaruk.




12, 198s


Thieves _!helped by j careless . owners and inadequate locks /

This program was developed in response to an increase in the number of people who have. complained about close-calls with bicycles. Last year, for instance, Mr. Ozaruk received three or four complaints. This year the number has increased 50%. Tom Schmidt, a member of the safety committee, suggested that a further examination into this matter was needed. Chris Leach, a turnkey and coordinator of the summer “Operation Identification” workshop, said this was the first time a draw for bike accessories was made part of the workshop, in order to encourage people to participate. This draw is a hint of what is to come. Leach promises a publicity program and a bicycle safety clinic that will run on September 24and 25. Says Leach “The police will be involved, we will have bike clinics in the PAC and we hope to get some of the bike shops l’nvolved .” Al Romenco wants to see new students warned during orientation of the threat of bike theft, and advised to insure their bike a!ong with other valuables such as stereo equipment. In the end,“the key is to use a good locking device,” says Romenco. He recommended casehardened locks that cannot be cut through easily. Bike thieves have been known to use bolt-cutters, hack-saws, prybars, and hammers - tools that “can cut through in a matter of seconds,” says Romenco. “Some of these<guys who steal are quite professional. Very few bikesare stolen by campus people. They’re often street kids, and youthful offenders under the age of 18.” Usually

broad cross-section of the University community. Persons interested in joining the committee or myking submissions to it are asked to contact Federation Pre$dent Sonny Flanagan in the Fed office, Campus Centre room 235 or by calling 885- 12 11, extension 2478.

New Liberal


Premier David Peterson has appointed Greg Sorbara, a rookie MPP from York North, as Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities. Sorbara is a lawyer specializing in commercial, immigration and corporate law. He has experience in extensive municipal affairs in his home town of Maple and operated a free school for children in British Columbia in the 1970’s; Along with the Colleges and University portfolio, Sorbara will be responsible for skills development.

GSA votes in With a 26% voter turnout, UW graduate students last week voted to become full members of the Ontario

Federation of Students and the Canadian Federation of Students. The Graduate Student Association reports that 78(& voted for membership in the OFS and 580/c voted-for membership in the CFS.



A memorial scholarship has been established in the memory of the two children of Dr. Nagraj Tumkur of UW’s Biology department, who perished in the June 23 Air India crash. Chitralekha Tumkur, 25, and Rammohan Tumkur, 2 1, were among the 329 people aboard the flight when it went down off the coast ot Ireland. Those wishing to donate to the scholarship fund can do so by making out a cheque to WATFUND (c/ o the Ram and Lekha Tumkur Memorial Scholarship) and sending it to the WATFUND office in S.C. H. Cash donations CiSI-! be given to Helena Hahn in the biology department.

Fees protested A notice urging students


it’s the high priced bikes that are stolen. “A iot ot the thieves strip them for parts,” says Romenco. Romenco urges students to report people who . are hanging around the bike racks who look suspicious. Very often, these people “may be casing the bikes,” he says. “Most thefts are reported to somebody,” says Romenco. Thefts are reported to the Security office or the Waterloo Regional Police. For the last four years, the number of bike thefts has

protest the computer service fee which will eome into effect in the fall has been circulating through U W’s centratcomputer system. It urges students (particularly Arts students) to “expend their fair share of computing resources (to) bring home the point that, if the compulsory computer fees arc indeed service fees, the administration must be prepared to provide service in kind.” Those receiving the notice are asked to pass on the message to friends via the CMS send command.



by JoAnn Hutchisoq Imprint staff “To ‘promote open discussion and to challenge people to personally investigate the claims of Christianity’* are the main purposes of the display called “The Ten Myths of Christianity,” which was located in the M & C on July 10 and 11. Gordon Carkner, one of the developers of the display, hopes the display is “challenging to both Christians and to those ’ ‘who believe otherwise.” He

ranged from 94 reported thefts in 198 1 to 1,‘; in 1982. In each of the last four years, Security retrieved slightly more than one half of the stolen bikes. An irony of this is “often we’re stuck with bicycles that are recovered-and never claimed by anybody.” says Romenco. Security may hold them for six months, and then they are sold at the Central Stores sales held twice a year. He estimated some 15-20 bikes are sold at each sale.

explains that the display is “an attempt to make people determine what they believe and why they believe it.” He also hopes that it “challenges people not to separate the Christian faith from other areas of life” and “to realize that faith and reason are indeed friends.” , The display consists of 10 large display boards and a booklet in whjch IO of the most common questions about the Christian faith are addressed. Issues such as “Jesus Christ was only a great moral teacher”, “the presence of evil and suffering in the world proves there is not God,” and “there is no evidence that Jesus Christ rose from the dead” are some of‘ the issues discussed by the writers to!’ the booklet. The views of various authors on these issues are also presented. Carkner feels that “it is important that people start to deal with the&question,s and attempt to answer them:” “The display first originated at Guclph University in 1983 as part of Christian Awareness Week,” explains Carkner. “Students organized the week to clarify misconceptions about

-_- - --

the Christian faith and to show how Christianity is relevant to the university’s various disciplines and social life. Since , then, the booklet and display have been revised by four Christians with backgrounds in philosoophy, general arts, science. and theology. The revised version was finished in December, 1984 and it is now being translated into French. The display is being used throughout Canada and the United States and will soon be introduced to lreland, England, and Austria. Carkner says that “in general, the response to the display has been good.” He feels “the display is a non-offensive communication tool which stimulates open. friendly discussion, regardless of whether people agree .or disagree with the Christian faith.” Carkner feels “people should not just accept prejudices or pat answers about Christianity*.” He hopes that this display will “encourage rather than discourage dialogue about Christianity, so people will investigate it for themselves.”




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12, 1985 ,-


competent to fight their own - William Godwin, 1798



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Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Riblications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Oniario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUT). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo. Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right IJO screen, edit, imd refuse advertising. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 rL


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of inaccuraciks

Jack Cahill’s feature, “Whiz kids at computers without any time for fun”, Toronto Star, June 29th, certainly has sparked much criticism. The Star has surpassed even lmyrint and won the “Contentious Story of the Month Award”. Response on campus was pointed: “Confederation Hall indeed!” -“That article made us all sound like Tories” -- “Pissmeoff!” There appear to be several inaccuracies in the article that should be addressed. The idea that UW students do not “chalJenge coventional thought” is absurd. To name only a few, groups such as WPIRG, GLOW, and yes, Imprint have been known to go against the traditional grain more oft than not. Of course, Mr. Cahill was witness to “line-ups of ‘kids’ in panty hose and three-piece suits ( on the appropriate sexes)” because he was here researching his story one day while co-op -intervIews were taking place. I have since invited Mr. Cahill back to UW again so he can see the men in pantyhose and the women in three-piece suits. It is insulting to be called victims of the “ME” generation. Although only an altruistic few could debate thrs point, it does add to the imprecise image of UW students which comes from the generalizing done by Mr. Cahill. There is, as the story inferred, a common feeling of exhaustion among co-op students with regard to the contmual uprooting every four months. The pros certainly outweigh the cons. As opposed to lostng friends because of the--co-op

U- Shaped

Canada Day celebration: Canada Day celebrations on Campus made July 1st a day to remember. When so many of us are segregated into our own little groups, it was refreshing to see such a wide variety of people from babies to senior celebrating in citizens unison. There was somethmg for everyone, whether

system, many students make more friends. As for loneliness being “one of Waterloo’s big lessons”, Cahill’s sweeping generalizatibns get a little out of hand. Undoubtedly there are lonely students at UW as there are lonely students at all other universities and as there are many lonely people all over the world. It is difficult to comprehend how the demanding academic structure at UW in effect causes an epidemic of, sad and lonely students. Cahill praised with good reason the faculties of engineering, math (computer), science and kinesiology. The major fault of his article is the conspicuous absence of any information on the arts or environmental studies. It is amazing how over 10,000 students can be considered Inconsequential. According to Mr. Cahill, information on the arts was edited out of his final copy. Editorial perogative also slashed a quote by UW president Doug Wright promoting the arts. After reading a quote from Dr. Wright in the Gazette, July 10, “Maybe the world is not ideal, but that’s how it is, and Waterloo maybe sees that!“, I am not certain whether his profundities would have been effective. So the image the readers of the Star.will have of UW will be that of a university comprised of lonely, socially-inept computer-knobs. It will be up to the present students and alumni to set them all straight.

Campus Events Classifieds Atis




Photos/News Spo~%s/Forum Andwe




!ruesuay1a:oono~n MeanIt!

R&k Nigol

News Editor Karen Plosz




Doug Tait



Carol Fletcher

locks only

Rzilording your driver’s license number on the bottom of your bike is a good way to get your bike back if it’s stolen by an incompetent thief. Following the advice on the little Safety Office pamplet “A Guide to Safe Bicycling at UW” and locking your. bike with a cable is a great way to make sure that rncompetents will have an easy time of stealing your bike. Long experience in cycling shows these locks to be next to useless. THIS week’s program at the Campus Centre to mark licence numbers on bikes and advise riders on safety and secuf Ity IS well conceived but ill-informed, Specifically, cyclists are advised against the use of U-shaped shackle !ocks: “they are not appropriate for the UW campus . . . as s-jrking regulations do not allow bicycles to be locked to ‘es, railing, trees etc. Bicycles must be parked .. . and ’ +,~d r)nly to bike racks.” i:Irst of all, U-shaped shackle locks can be used quite zffectively on UW’s racks. Secondly, they -7re ihe only .!pu,,e _. which can force a thief with hand tools to spend a few minutes sawing. Chains and especially cables take



bike defence

only seconds to demolish with small portable hand-tools. ‘When l worked as a bike mechanic, I periodically had tocut locks for whrch keys or combinations had been lost. The cable takes micro-seconds. Large solid steel (or kryptonite) locks take several minutes with a power saw, and undoubtedly longer with a handsaw. Parking regulations prohibit locking bikes to trees and railings. The rationale for this remains anything but obvious, but UW likes to regulate everything it can. I have seen Security more than once chop up cable locks and remove illegally parked bikes. You beat thieves by locking your bike in a place with good public visability and lots of pedestrian traffic with a hardened steel or steel-alloy U-shaped lock. Nobody’s gonna move it then. A number of bike racks are located off the beaten track in places where a thief can work on your lock without detection. Avoid such racks. The front wheel should be re’moved and locked up with the back wheel and chain-stay to a rack - or a tree, or a pole. Doug

Janet Lawrence

Head Typesetter Doug Thompson

Typesetters Sandi McLeod, Dan Kealey

Arts Editor Harlan


Photo Editor Joe Sary AdJmistant Mark Holden


hard work made it a success

itself.” This is not entirely people just wanted to sit true. Dave Lawson, with the back and take in the music help of people such as Dean and sights or whether they Nadon, Gary Stewart, Wim wanted to join in the fun Simonis, Ann Woodruff and and fly a kite or dance. The the Turnkey staff helped entire day had a festive and make the celebration a joyful ambience to it. reality. A great deal of hard Creative Arts Board work brought it together. chairman Dave Lawson, who coordinated the Dave, in particular, was Canada Day events says the 6 instrumental in conceiving “truly ran celebration

Business Manager

the idea and assuming the responsibility of seeing it through to fruition. We should be grateful that he stuck to it. He‘ made it possible for us to celebrate our national holiday in true Canadian fashion no chest-thumping jingoism, but a sharing of good fun, good music and good company.


Board Meeting5

MonBay,July 15th,5:00p.m. Monaay,-Julya8nd, 5:oo pJn.

staff Meetings Friday,JulylWh,18naon FriUay,July19th,l~no0n

Imprint welcomes comments and opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is: Uesigked to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters shoul4 be typed, double-spactid, and signed with. name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 146 by 6:06 p.m. Monday. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing to write longer, opinionated articles should contact the editor-in-chief. All- material is subject to editing; spelling and grammar errors will not be corrected.

Girl fCghtened To the editor: I would like to address this letter to all females in the UW community in the hope that they can take heed from knowledge of the following incident. On Saturday, June 29, in-the early


in carpark


afternoon, a friend of mine had a frightening experience in parking lot H. A young male was stealthily apprbaching her while she was readinn in her car. Fortunatelv. she had noticed his presence and was Observing his behavioui in the car mirror. By doing. so, she reacted whe’; his actions becaie indecent, effectively pre-empting a potential sexual assault by locking herself in the vehicle (the degenerate rushed the car as she did

/ by Mike Lob Just before the spring term started, I moved into a townhouse right n&t to Waterloo Park. As the weather becomes warmer, I notice the various activities going on in the park. The kids’ baseball teams start pr@cing and families come out early during the weekends to catch some sun, bringing along tons of food and drinks. Reunions and huge family gatherings are often held too. Then there are those who couldn’t wait t6 get their tan. These are the regulars, they occupy the same spot on the same days pf the weekat the same time. Another familiar sight is a man, probably in his late 50’s, who carries a metal detector with him to &an the entire park every three weeks oi so. I have always wanted to ask him if it pays, but his suspicious stares discouraged me.


II .


i would like to urge females to use caution when thev find themselves alone in the area: be alert. The incident occurlied so fast, I can only relay the following description of’ th4e vile creature: average height and build, young (late teens - very early twenties), and he rode a ‘BMX’ type bicycle with high handlebars. Obviously, I respect my friend’s desire to remain anonymous, therefore I must also remain anonymous.

Beer costs jobs To the editor: ’ ’ Re: Campus Question, Imprint, June 14th. Whenever I read somethf’ng about the “beer where you want it” policy the Liberals want to push, I always am reminded of a fact. .1 bnce “read in a newsnaner:if Premier Peterson goes ahead with the move, all conve&eLce store employees un&r the age of 19 will find themselves unemployed. This is logical since if an under-age person can’t legally drink, he cannot legally sell alcohol either. That’s the law. There are seven to eight thousand convenience stores in Ont‘ario. How many under-age youths are now employed in these stores? Definitely thousands, although.1 have no preciqe number. vhousands of youths, in the age group with thehighest . unemployment, will sbddenly lose their jobs! Wasn’t youth empldyment one of Peterson’s catipaign promises’) Then there are the workers employed by Brewers’ Retail. Certainly many of them will be laid off if “beer where you want it” goes through. Even though they are older,. they will still increase the unemployment rate, should they be laid off. I hope Premier Peterson and the Ontario public will become more aware of this understated fact. ;Jeff Streutker, 1B Math.


The most interesting events involve the baseball teams. The young players are enthusiastic and energetic, training almost every morning for the next game. On the big day, the two rival teams usually me& in the afternoon, when the heat has subsided somewhat. The players’ parents are also present, carrying lawnchairs and coolers, settling themselves comfortably under the trees next-to the dugouts. I enjoy watching the games, both the youngsters and their mums and dads. The coaches are a special breed of humans, grown men dealing with ambitious kids in the most articulate way. They are tough yet friendly and supportive, like big brothers. When it’s time for a particular boy to hit, the.cheers begin with claps and a few encouraging shouts intensifying as the ball flies past the second base to more shouts and excitement. The player’s parents, discreetly beaming with pride, take it all in as the highlight of the entire afternoon. lt must be one of those very special moments for a kid growing up here. ‘I his will be my last summer here and I intend to enjoy every moment of it, not that it is short in Canadafthe perpetual heat back home will more than substitute for that,) but because \ summers here are such special times, when all theoutdoor fun is unleashed in one saturated Imoment. It’s the time to be a little more outgoing and wild and everbody still thinks you’re normal. So what if they don’t, let yourself go for a while, why be normal?


To the editor: The University of Waterloo has implemented a surcharge on its tuition. This fee is labelled a computer fee. The Engineering 1985 tuition is $628, per four month term. In addition to this basic fee there are CO-op fees and incidental fees. The total of this ’ is $835.58 per term or $1,671.16 per, year. The Ministry of Colleges and Universities has control over the cost.of education, but this new computer fee allows the Uniyersity Board of Governors to gain power over the -Ministry. To date, the tuition has reached the limit set by the Ministry. The cost of this computer fee is $100 for engineers and is subject to change. As stated in the course calendar, the Board of Governors reserves the right to make changes in the oublished I schedule of fees without notice. The total cost of tuition is $6,484.64 for a bachelor’s degree but OSAP only allows a maximum of $9,800 in aid. If the fees do not increase. a student has $3.315.36 to live on for four vears. The village residence alone cdsts (approximately) $8,00d0 for four . years. The cost of tuition and residence far outweighs the aid of OSAP. Clearly the university fails to make education accessible. Think about the unlimited increase of tuition and your financial resources. Don’t let apathy win, make your opinion known. Barry Uitvlugt Environmental Studies.



To the editor: In your article, “Gary Stewart will be leaving on July lst”, you misspelled the name of one of my favourite te!evision actresses, Miss Lynda (not “Linda”) Carter. Miss Carter is not a spiteful person, so I am sure she will be most gracious about accepting your apology. She can afford to be generous, I know, because with her new job as Assistant Communications Director at the Federation of Students, she has undoubtedly reached the pinnacle to which any professional can aspire. She’s underpaid, of course. I thank you in advance for your correction of this error and remain yours s,incerely, Linda Carson Assistant Communications Director Federation of Students. Sorry


that Linda

and Lynda.



Reading machine moved To the editor: The feature article on handicapped students that appeared in your June 14th issue was exceptionally interesting and useful. Students who wish to use the Kurzweil reading machine should know, however, that it is no longer located in the Dana Porter Library, but in the Low Vision,.Lab of the School of Optometry. Gary Draper, Library .

It’s Summer!!!! . Why be Nornial?


Rambo and Reagan a new Yankee pride, no law can stop them by Mike Loh Imprint staff The ads need no blurbs. They stand out among the other movie ads with Sylvester Stallone’s heavily-muscled gleaming body, clutching a bazooka, poised for action. And they say “Rambo: First Blood Part II”. I did not see First Blood Part I but I doubt it has any effect on Rambo’s storyline, ‘which has a plot so thin I could have sat back and breezed through it if not for the screen beina constantly set ablaze with explosions and blood fro; faceless persons having their guts blown apart. This movie averages one death for every 126 seconds, one CFNY announcer said. I believe him. Since its opening, Rambo grossed over $100 million and much more will be,earned from a series of Rambo paraphernalia such as machine guns, ‘action figures’, Tshirts, and all other possible plastic equivalents of the hero’s tools. And a hero he is indeed, to the millions of young and old Americans who watch the movie to find an able-bodied vet capable of single-handedly recovering a portion of Uncle Sam’s missing soldiers and pride lost in i ‘Nam’. Some say it’s time Americans feel proud about themselves again, even if it means the resurgence is to be started through this film fantasy. Ronald Reagan himself got an uplifting experience, having be&n quoted as saying in reference to the TWA hijacking, “Boy, after watching Rambo last night, I know what to do next time.” Well Ron, you may actually have sqme support, judging from the press’s constant chanting about Washington’s general soft-touch policies when dealing with hostage incidents .Involving American citizens. If they toughen up, I hope they will do it in a more tactful way, as opposed to Rambo’s . display of the Army’s latest high-tech toys.






12, 1985

Education on Nuclear war by Jo Ann Hutchison Imprint staff “We shall require a substantially new manner mankind is to survive.” - Albert Einstein

of thinking

Languages Theatre on Nov. 11, 1982. The theatre was filled and the people who were there expressed an interest in Science for Peace, so the organization started to take shape.” She adds, “Frank Thompson, a religious studies professor, was one of the poeple who \ was instrumental in founding the organization at UW.”


Einstein’s quotation is an apt description of the philosophy of Science for Peace. It is an organization whose main purpose is to provide the public with factual information about the dangers and likely consequences of nuclear war, to monitor destablizing developments in the arms race, and to offer expert advice on these issues to decision-makers. David Roulston, a U W electrical engineering professor who is secretary of the organisation, explains that “Science for Peace started at the University of Toronto because of the need to educate Science for Peace has been in the public on nuclear warfare.” existence since 198 1 and over the last four years it has become a national organization with chapters in B.C., the Waterloo Region, New Brunswick, Guelph, and Montreal. The U W chapter has been on campus for the last two years. Cynthia Folzer, vice-president of the organization and a member of U W’s chemistry department, explained how the club originated: “A nuclear weapons panel discassion was held in the Modern

T‘he U W branch now has about 20 members and the membership is “growing rapidly because of a mini-membership campaign which began in February and concern over the Star Wars issue,” says Roulston. “Members are scattered across the various faculties on campus. ” He describes the group’s composition as a “good mix”, since each person has a slightly different perspective. The present executive, of which Jim Gardner (a geography professor), is president, is comprised of members from geography, chemistry, engineering, religious studies, and plant operations. Roulston claims that there are a “few more people from engineering which makes sense, since engineers are involved in fundamental research which could be used for war, despite its humanitarian uses.” Students are also welcome to join the organization. “Twenty to twenty-five per cent of our members are students”, says Roulston. 1 Peace education and peace research have been the main activities of Science for Peace since its inception. “Science for Peace is purely educational - we are not a lobbying group,” says Roulston. “We find out the facts to educate both ourselves and the public.”

“Science for Peace offers a noncompulsive, rational, educational approach which is appropriate for the university . setting.” 7 hompson feels “Science for Peace offers a noncompulsive, rational, educational approach which is appropriate for the university setting.” F‘olzer points out that “the public looks to experts for information. Science for Peace has many educated people in its membership, therefore, people are more willing to accept what we say.” 7 he organisation is a “non-political group, so I it offers an unbiased view” adds Roulston. “Science for Peace tries to educate both the public and politicians,” says Folser. It has an active educational program which is aimed at various sectors of the population. Seminars, which are open to the public, are held weekly and provide information and a chance to exchange views on a wide variety of topics related to the issues of armaments and peace. Workshops and syrmposia have also been organized. A chair for Peace Studies-has been established at the University of 1 oronto. Anatol Rapoport, who recently returned to Toronto after four years as Director of the lnstitute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, and who is now the president of the Science for Peace national executive, initiated this peace studies program. Science for Peace, in cooperation with United Campuses to Prevent Nuclear War, has designed a course entitled “Nuclear War - Facts and Implications” which is offered in the School of Continuing ._ Education at the U. of 7‘. The organization is working with the City of Toronto Board of Education at the primary and secondary school levels to assist in developing a curriculum to address issues in the school classroom such as the arms race, arms control, disarmament, and the quality of the nuclear future. Communication has also been established with Science coordinators in most Boards of Education.in Ontario to encourage awareness and to improve the quality of information which is available to teachers. Science for Peace also has a roster of speakers available to address clubs, luncheons, church groups, or schools.

40th Birthday -of the Nuclear Age E

- featuring live music by Matheti segments from Last Call Ingram, performed by Kitchener-Waterloo Amateur Theatre, speakers from Science for Peace. -speakers,


and die-in

CC Great Mall Tuesday noon to 2 pm.


, , ,, ;,,,*9! iI,/ ‘/ +,/” , , I, ,,

educating politicians.

Recently, the group undertook a project of “We talked to every M.P. in the area to educate them and to tell them about our concerns”. says Polzer. She claims “most of them reacted favourably; they were polite, listened, and asked questions, but we’re not sure we changed their opinions.”

‘, ,” ,: ’

I 8






neither right wing nor left wing. We’re conservative as far as peace groups go.”


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“There are about 1,000 peace related groups other than Science for Peace in Canada,” states Roulston. “We liase with them informally to share ideas and perhaps pool research.” He adds, “we share similiar concerns with these groups, but we are neither right wing, nor left wing. We’re rather conservative as far as peace groups go.” People who join Science for Peace receive a monthly newsletter and can attend weekly meetings which usually feature films, seminars, or guest speakers. Roulston feels “people should join not just to get something out of it, but to also spread the word. Education is important,” he says, “particularly for politicians and researchers whose work could be put to war related uses. This is probably why I am a member.” Science for Peace is an organization that believes we “require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” Through its educational and research initiatives, it is helping us to achieve this new way of thmking.




EXTRAVALUE . seDinnerfor Four ___----


Science for- Peace is also devoted to exploring ways of “putting science in the service of‘ peace instead of war,” says Roulston. Their research studies have included work towards an international satellite monitoring agency, studies in the technical aspects of cruise missile systems, monitoring nuclear tests, chemical weapons, environmental modification, nuclear winter, and militarization of space. 1 hey also feel science can help create better understanding of social and political systems which will lead to a better insight into preventing wars and consolidating peace. Therefore, a study of the



origins ot wars occurring during the past 50 years explores how developing tensions may be resolved without resorting to war. A declaration opposing Star Wars (a space-based anti-ballistic missile system being planned by the U.S.) is a major project of the organization at the present time. By signing the declaration, people state publicly they will not participate in Strategic Defence Initiative development. Roulston describes the declaration as a “statement of principle”, which can be signed by both scientists and non-scientists. “The Unive rst“t y of B.C. and McMaster University started the declaration. At McMaster, more than one third of the faculty signed the declaration,” says Roulston. At U W, over 100 people have signed. The declaration will be presented to politicians to show them the number of scientists and non-scientists who are against Star Wars. Roulston has found “some people are not aware of the Star Wars issue. This shows the need for education.” Science for Peace is a charitable corporation,which obtains its funds from membership fees and charitable donations. Staff are volunteers and its only capital equipment expense is a small library. Special events and projects have been supported by additional contributions from individuals and foundations, and from the Department of External Affairs. On several occasions, the Department of National Defence has provided indirect support by defraying costs for symposia participants.

I a l

Submarine 150 C!niversity






Clockwise everybody dancing UW



a clown;










fireworks Photos Plosz,


to Manteca;




it up in the on Village on Columbia

by Rick

Joe Sary, Mar Nfgol and S

Campus Gre




12, 1985

JULY 24~26 sOws P+ 5&





\rVe’ll Be Back August 1% h







1 1. ii! !lL_

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Lunch We honour

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Nite in the Pit (8:00

Coney Hatch David Wilcox Killer Dwarfs p.m. - 1O:OO p.m.)




Lear: Hirsch’s by Rick Nigel The Stratford Festival’s outgoing Artisitic Director, John Hirsch,is leaving the company with a resounding bang. This season’s production of King Lear, directed by Hirsch, is a powerful and riveting rendition of what is arguably Shakespeare’s most engrossing tragedy. Veteran Festival actor Douglas Campbell (an original member of the Festival’s first acting company) is the primary reason why this production works so ‘well. As the mercurial Lear, Campbell - with his hefty frame and resonating voice - dominates the stage throughout the performance. He captures ail the stages - the bellowing hubris, the rage at filial betrayal, the creeping madness - that mark Lear’s evdiution from proud king to “unaccommodated man” facing the elements. Most importantly, Campbell depicts with great skill the Lear who, in the end, stripped of his robes, his knights, his power, discovers humility and charity which he never exhibited while ruler. We see d Lear with wisdom and dignity. Campbell’s performance, in one of the most difficult roles in theatre, is a tour de force and he deserved tlie standing ovation he received at the play’s conclusion. Campbell is’ well supported by other veteran actors in the cast who also give strong performances. In particular, Nicholas Penneii,

Brubeck by Peter Lawson Imprint staff The Stratford Festival’s Sounds of Summer concerts commenced dn Monday, July 8 at the Festival Theatre. This musical series dawned with the Dave Brubeck Quartet which played the melodic jazz which has entertained+. audiences for decades. Most of Dave Brubeck’s career has been associated with the quartet format, and this tour the quartet was


Heads Little Creatures WEA ,

by Harlan Davey Imprint staff Don’t let ail the rumours you’ve heard about Talking Heads’ new album Little Creatures scare you. They really haven’t gone commerciai they’ve jusr matured. On this, their eighth album, Talking Heads have stepped out of the dance grooves and left the strong African rhythms behind. They have evolved to a strong =-xw-itiw and catchy (but not cute) musical style. Back down to four members, the band has simplified their music but have retained their energy and eccentricity that their concert film Stop Making Sense so well captured. The lyrics are sheer poetry, offering David, Byrne’s perplexing and intriguing insight on many things such as television, jealousy and making babies. On Creatures of Love, Byrne sings, “Well



provides both comic relief and insight as the Fool. Pennei plays a witty fool whose sharptongued barbs are usually at Lear’s expense, but who remains fiercely loyal to him. And James Biendick as Kent and Lewis Gordon as Gloucester admirably portray the hopourabie qualities of both characters. Maria Ricossa (Regan) and Patricia Collins. (Gonerii) play Lear’s two unfaithful daughters with just the right amount of coldhearted bitchiness. When they walked on stage there was a noticeable drop in the temperature. The weak links‘ in this product’ion of Lear are to be found in the performances of Joseph Ziegler (Edgar) and Benedict Campbell (Edmund). Although displaying enthusiasm their inexperience.>hows through. At times their deliveries are wooden, as if they were merely reading their lines instead of bringing their characters to life. Director Hirsch ensures that this three hour production does not segm like three hours. He keeps it well-paced with quick scene changes, well choreographed .fights and excellent effects (the storm and battle scenes are particularly convincing). Attention to such detail provides the play with a realistic edge. The play is a triumph and represents Stratford at its best; It is a fitting way for John Hirsch to end his term at the Festival’s helm.

‘quartet comprised of Bill Smith (clarinet), who has played with Brubesk intermittently for 40 years, his son Chris Brubeck (electric bass and bass trombone) and Randy Jones (drums). Though the evening rendered no stark surprises, Brubeck and friends performed two hours of music which did not border on the fringes of jazz but went to the very heart o’f it. Blues are and boogie-woogie


up “Sourid

musical styles which Dave Brubeck often . manipulates stylishly and these jazz basics at the were prominent Stratford show. Beyond the biuesy jazz or jazz standards which were the evening’s foundation, the Brubeck quartet played with the chromatics of the mideast, the rhythms of Latin American and Mexico, and a classical structure reminiscent of a harpsichord sonata. ‘Chris Brubeck was enthusi-


asticaiiy cheered when he blew out two blues numbers on the trombone. He injected /humour; with raunchy low notes and by talking through his instrument to compiement his smooth trombone sounds. Even ail of each of familiar More Sounds

though I don’t own Brubeck’s records, the numbers has his style. jazz is planned tor the of Summer concerts



group’s latest release on the I’ve seen sex and I think it’s innovative, emotional and New Order Windham Hill Record label airight, it makes those little extremely textured, unlike Low Life and is a disc possessing creatures come to life.” And other bands they do not rely Poiygram musical vitality, with no song on the synthesizer to carry a on The Lady Ddn’t Mind, the sinking to blatant filler. There best track and the. rnost song. throughout the danceable, he writes “Last . by Harlan Davey New order is definitely d no- is variety album, achieved by contrasttime she‘ jumped out the nonsense band risht from Imprint staff ing rheiody on qne song and . window, well, she oniy+turned their powerful musical style down to their mysterious rhythm on another. and smiled. You might think New Order has transcendBeyond labelling Shadowincognito reputation. she would say something but ed the border between dancefax’s music as jazz, this music you’d have to wait a while.” Nowhere on the album jacket ’ able music and-fistenabie muare the band members or remains Ibeyond the old Talking Heads are still sic on their album Low Life. their purposes listed. But with categories of jazz. There are experimenting. Creatures of Tracks like The Perfect Kiss surface moments of traditionsuch a formidable album, ’ Love has a strong country and Love Vigilantes are al jazz ideas coupled with influence which is oddly New Order no longer risks effective and Road to aiready ricocheting acroSS a best keptsecret - the hints of rock-fusion and ’ Nowhere &gins with igospel the dancefioors, but the album just might bring them a , supported with rhythms musical and lyrical content of borrowed from world-wide chorus. huge new following (whether the album has not been . the” want it or not) sources. A similarity in styles The album starts off slowly sacrificed with two disappointing can be heard in Manteca, but tracks, And She Was, and Shadowfax Manteca strives for “danceGive Me Back My Name, but Much like the album’s title, appeal” Thk Dreams of Children through heavy an oppressive and desperate rhythm and some funk. it picks up and the album Windham Hill Records gloom radiates from it. The Shadowfax’s The Dreams offers some of their best vocals are desperate and the of Children is a well crafted music to date, which is very by Peter Lawson _ song-writing is potent. Tracks but easily enjoy&e album reminiscent of their 70’s style Imprint staff which sounds good todayand on albums like Fear of Music. like This Time of Night and Sunrise demand serious and will sound equally as ‘Qood T.he modern jazz of David Byrne’s singing is careful listening. Love tomorrow, - and tomorrow, creative. He does a good job Vigilantes is an extremely rich Shadowfax is music which wiil and tomorrow. of adapting and twisting and complicatedsong that * not pack a concert hall with screaming teens, but is a around a song, not to mention can be enjoyed and explored Various Artists some interesting hiccupping. at many levels. Eiegia, the sound which will soothe a Vertigo Sampler summer afterSo ’ don’t worry about instrumental tracks, displays “lazy- hazy” Talking Heads they are still New Order’s real reckoning noon or late night weariness. by John Jongerius eccentric and fascinating they force. Instrumentally, they The Dreams of Children The Vertigo Sampier is a is this California are just doing it better. create a sound that is based


at the Stratford Festival Theatre on selected Monday nights throughout the The Preservation Hail Jazz Band swings on July 22, Al Hirt (trumpet) blows-iton July 29, Sarah Vaughn’s legendary voice is to be heard on August 19, and a teaming of Dizzy Gillespie and Moe Koffman will play on August 26. Two pop artisits, Dionne Warwick (August 5) and Judy Collins (August 12), will fill out the Stratford repertoire.

limited edit& two a bum collection of twenty-three songs by‘ eighteen British groups or solo artists who for the Beggars record Banquet - 4AD or Vertigo label.



The sampler consists of new, old, live and remixed material; some of the new songs are advance releases from forthcoming albums. Coiiec tors and hard-core fans will appreciate the previously unavailable, selections by Tears for Fears, Dire Straits, Big Country, ABC, Dexys :%4idnight Runners and Icicle Works. Groups such as Coiourbox Cocteau Twins, Love’ and Rocket% Tones on Tail, Cult, Rubber Rodeo, Gene Loves Jezebel, and This Mortal Coil are already established in England and have a sizeabie following in Canada through FM play and import sales. The album is a very good introduction to a diverse array of musical talent.’


ARTS . ’ The “California Girl” is out by Andy


Model: this word, a symbol, is for the person defined by the current North American ‘norm’ attached to a traditonal image of a tall, svelte woman whose cheekbones etch perfectly her tanned face. Her hair’s styling and colour may vary, as well as her ethnicity, but on average she would still be a flowing, vivacious blonde. Use the expression “California girl” and .somehow this scattered physiognomy magically coalesces. But if instead you ask someone more knowledgeable of the current trends in the modelling business what

.,I, L ;::;::;;;t1) i,


CHA4EE AT: The entire Canadian Catalogue of records from “Celluloid Label New York City” includes La& Poets, Massacre, Golden Pdominos, etc. LAST

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Tuesday, 7:3c) pm Room 2066, Math Bldg

23, 1985

MEL WATKINS, Economist potential economic impacts

PANELISTS from Toronto of the STAR

JOHN HEPBURN, Chemistry and Physics Science for Peace. Will focus on technical


University. Will focus WARS programme.

on the

professor of UW. Member difficulties with STAR

of WARS.

TBA, A third panelist will focus on the military danger of fueling the arms race with STAR WARS. Will also focus on how to get involved with the issue. Group Soonsored bv: Waterloo Public Interest Research


i ::

Free Delivery on Campus Phone for more information: 885-l 866 Expiry


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26, ; 985

FREE PUB July 19 8:OO p.m. - 1:OO a.m.


e 5\ 0

a 9 c1 2,


72 Udder

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July Creative



the 0


24-27th 8 p.m. Theatre Arts Board, Federation

of the


of’ Students

by the


their impression of the norm in modelling is today, you’ll likely find that the archetype of the last paragraph will melt before your eyes. To be “different” as Cameo School of Modelling graduate Heidi Heaton puts it, is in. Not too different, however: one’s features must still be balanced; photogeneity is still a must. And the industry still limits the label “professional” to those models over fiveseven in height. The “California Girl” is out, being too close to the sexist connotations of “Valley girl” wanton tart, the industry which advertises the economic society’s both nonhuman and explicitly human products substitutes the “career woman”, the liberated-mind’s feminine ideal. Her image is that of the informed consumer, assertive individual, dynamic, confident and objective professional, all bundled up in an athletic physique, balanced off against the emphatic capacity of Athena and sporting gayly the most recent designer threads, bangles, cosmetics and coiffure available to the North American consumer. Further, in keeping with the liberated-mind’s prescribed means of transcendence rationalism sexism is piously expunged from all general concepts and conceptualizations: “The Look” is for all pragmatic purposes unisexual. Of course, biological realities impose a slightly greater degree of sensuality on the woman and evolutiqnary realities require the male to On Tuesday July 16 and Wednesday, July 17 Canadian Playwright Allan Stratton will be visiting UW. Mr. Stratton is the author of the upcoming Creative Arts Board production of 72 Under the 0. The play is a new version of the author’s original work. Mr. Stratton will be attending rehearsals on both evenings to give some assistance to the Director Alex McGovern and the cast with this premiere production. During both days the author will read from a selection of his plays and he will be discussing playwriting and the performing arts in Canada. Both sessions are open to all members of the University community and will be held in Humanities room 333 from 1230 to 4:00 p.m.. The play will be presented on July 24,25,26 and 27 in the Theatre of the Arts.

expose a trace fragment of guilt in his pensiveness to atone for his only recently reformed chavinism. What I have just described is the product of a contemporary application of the “human capital” theory which today’s model must acquire to “make it”, in Ms. Heaton’s words. As she pointed out, “. . . no matter how pretty she is, or how handsome he is, they’re not going to make it if they’re not intelligent . . . They’ve got to be able to recognize what’s going on in the business.” Though this eye-for-thetrends is a necessary component of the successful model’s capital, it is not the only, not the most important component. The model must have “a fire in (his or her) eyes ” s/he must exude a “confidence in (his or) her own style ” and demeanour. And ’ herein lies the art of the model - and, I don’t think many of us would be surprised to discover that herein lies the part of the model’s “human capital” that orthodox economics tells us almost nothing about. Orthodox economics is a mix of nationalism, empiricism, and positivism, REP though I doubt many orthoeconomists would distinguish between the three. This ideology of REP generally results in the position, “If it can’t be REPresented by mathematics, it’s “unscientific” and, hence, subjective, if not “mystical.” Thus orthoeconomics limits itself to “quantifiable” evidence and conjecture wherever possible. This means recorded

In the case of models, their physical plants are their bodies, and if they spend more on average on euphoriants than on food, and everything else is relatively constant from period measured to another, then this implies that the productivity of euphoriants is greater, in terms of the model’s image, that that of food. Given the reported prices of cocaine in New York, the modelling capital, the ortho-economist may may find some surprising results. Further, the orthoeconomist would assume that, as a consumer, such behaviur by the model would be “rational”. On the other hand, Ms. Heaton points out that the successful model cannot abuse drugs and expect to retain their inner fire. She stresses that a great deal of model’s training involves different psychological or spiritual excercises that help to maintain emotional stability. The value of these inputs, which are selfproduced services produced almost costlessly by the same plant which is also a consumer who consumes such spiritual goods without any objective logical grounds, seems obviously high. Psychology suggests that without this spiritual or emotional foundation the model’s consumer-plant may in fact turn tits up.

1. Various Artists 2 LP Collection from the Beggars Banquet 4 AD - VERTIGO Record Label ............... Little Creatures 2. Talking Heads The Dreams of Blue Turtles 3. Sting .............. Low Life .......................... 4. New Order ............ Fables of the Reconstruction 5. R.E.M. ............ 19 The Final Story 6. Paul Hardcastle ................... Boy in the Box 7. Corey Hart .................. Brother in Arms 8. Dire Straits ...................... Treasure, 9. Cocteau Twins ... First and Last and Always 10. Sisters of Mercy


2. Jesus 3. Scott




. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . and Mary Cain . . . . . . . . . You Trip Me Up Merritt . : . . . . . . Serious Interference (1983)

Based on last week’s Campus Centre, Lower


costs and incomes are analyzed and compared between various moments of artificial stasis.

sales at the Record Store, Mall, University of Waterloo.


by Vish Canaran - I’ve slipped the surly bonds of earth and danced the skies on laughtered silvered wings . , Since the beginning of time man has tried to escape the. chains that bind him to the drudgery of mother earth. Imagine yourself gliding through clear blue skies and puncturing white fluffy clouds. Imagine the feeling of weightlessness. Imagine your body cutting the sky at 200 kph. -. If you dream and dare to make your dreams come true, 1 have something for you. SKYDIVING! The word skydiving instantly evokes visions of crazed masochists hurling themselves from perfectly airworthy airplanes, from incredible heights, to an

unfriendly surface below. Let me clear the above misconception for you. Firstly, skydiving is safer than driving. Secondly, skydiving is better than<sex. And third, skydiving buil_ds character: With all these incentives, plus the thrill of your life, you’re probably just waiting to be pointed- in the right direction. Look no further! The University of Waterloo skydiving club is here. If you intend to join the club or require more information, drop by the reception desk in the’ PAC. We have meetings every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. in M&C 5158. You can reach me at home (746-0973 ask for Vish). This members

summer made

30 their

new first

jump at the SWOOP drop zone at Grand Bend. Every Saturday morning (weather I permitting) -our Sky-bus : leaves the Campus Centre for Grand Bend. This coming weekend (July 12) we have planned a Skyspicnic at the drop zone. All are welcome on Friday July 19 at 8:OO pm. in the Pscyhology Grad lounge for our Sky-bash -- booze, snacks, music, dance &prizes. Don’t tell me you still have doubts, eh! If you maintain an average level of health and fitness, you qualify to skydive. There is one other special quality you% require and that is an aggressive desire to enjoy life to its fullest. As an ending note, now that the weather is improving, we shall be jumping’ BEFORE and AFTER EXAMS.


- Skydiving

is safer than driving

on the highway

Self-criticism and philosophy stressed , in, -week of Canadiens’ hockey life- 1

than his idol ever was, Dryden stili sees himself as a kid, hoping to become what Bower was. Only one thing makes his own achievements seem tangible. Macmillan When he sees a kid in a driveway or a street playing hockey in a Canadiens’ sweater with his own number 29 on the back, then it sinks in - he has achieved his childhood goal. by Mike Urlocker . I . l’he spirit of the team’s dressing room, with its strong Imprint staff adherence to tradition and regimen is well captured. Each Hockey _ books are a dime a dozen, but a book that uses hockey as a vehicle to take a philosophica! look at life is ._ player has his own seat, his own role to play so as not todisturb the feehng before a game. Lapointe, the joker, slice,S Drydcn’s rare. Ken Dryden’s autobiography, T..u Game, lets readers get laces to bits if he’s late for practice. Houle tries hard to become a to know the star goalie by getting to know his views - his views millionaire, complete with fat cigars and bogus stock tips. Shutt on the game’s evolution, the cities he’s lived in, the NH L, even is the Shakespearian fool watching, waiting for an opportunity fellow players. to add his witticisms to the conversation. The Game details a week in Dryden’s last season with the has put a lot of thought into this book. He Montreal Canadiens back in 1979. Most of the week is spent oi$ I__ j Dryden confidently dissects his own life, analyzing his fears of injury, the road, with plenty of time in buses, planes, and hotel rooms‘ *his love for the game, and his need to compete -Bunny spent deep in thought. . with . . .. ILarocque, .Irne team . .s otner . goalie. m* IIUntortunately-, 1. he takes hrs Dryden writes clearly and without clutter, allowing the analysis too f‘ar. reader to relate to his thoughts. Topics range from his The insight that is so valuable when applied inward seems childhood in Toronto, through his-first games with the team in wasted examining the lives of others. l’eam-mates, opponents, the 1971 playoffs, to his ,,own decision to leave hockey. _ old heroes, new play.ers, coaches, none.are spared. To be fair, He describes his feelings so well they cross the border between each is examined in-less detail than Dryden examines himself; a hockey star’s life and the reader’s own. Readers pick up the but they are nonetheless examined. feelings and translate them to their own lives, knocking down For Iexample, little is gained from learning that Dryden any misconceptions they may have about celebrity status. The considers Eddy Palchak, the team’s trainer, to be getting tired elated feeling after ending a slump by beating BufrBlo is like from his years on the ,road. As to the assertion that Palchak falling in love - again - and the hell of four games in five leads a satisfied life, I’d prefer to read it in Palchak’s own nights on the road is the hell of final exams. autobiography. While Dryden’s views on others are usef’ul as background, the This book is a pleasure because of Dryden’s humility. For detail could have been better used to bridge the gaps left in his example, in a meeting with Johnny Bower, the goalie of his own story. Although his life as a full-time hockey player is childhood dreams, Dryden reveals his reluctance to accept his thoroughly covered, I’m still curious about the years he spent own success. Not that he is seeking more, but he always thought he would feel more. ,Undoubtedly stronger, faster and better under the dual pressures of law school and professional hockey. The Game by Ken Dryden of Canada, 248 pp, $4.50

coming up in. Championships ‘:” campus bas.keiball, ice-.hoCkey Swish Singlet here giving the season wrap-up for Men’s‘ Basketball. It has been a great summer for basketball as A and B leagues prepare for the playoffs. The only undefeated team was the Dukes, in B. Competition has been stiff, so there should be some great action in the playoffs. j In A league, the Pro-Bucks snuck out a win over the Niners to put them in first place. The (ex B league) Nurses had a valiant win over the Dirty Dawgs, who have been reinforced by seven foot varsity player, Randy Norris. (Now we know why they are called ‘Dirty’). Orange Kush and the Lakers also had good seasons and should provide excellent competition - but this unbiased expert picks the Niners and the Pro-Bucks to meet in the final with the outcome depending on the inside game. In B league, the Dukes are hot! They play a hustle defence that comes up with big plays when they need them. Other teams to watch are the Aliens, Pheasants, Killers, and Five Moes who all had 5 and 1 seasons. Upsets could come from the Walking Wounded, 3B Dance, Geoknobs or the Furious 9. The Math Slammers claim to be an upset team also. Piayoff action should be exciting. Playoffs being on Wednesday, July 10 at 5:45. Final games are on Wednesday July 17 with the ,A championship at 5:45 followed by the two B championships. Games are played on full court at the PAC and bleachers will be available so come on out and watch the best basketball this side of the Warriors! The


of the



ice hockey


at the

University of Waterloo is rapidly coming to a close. T‘he regular season has just ended with Saint Ceasars and the Cougars posting undefeated records. The playoffs begin July 8 at the Ice Field with the championship series occurring on July 15, 16 and 18. Good luck to all of the teams that made the playoffs. Also, I’d like to thank the best officiating staff on campus (Mike, Karen, Russ, Jamie, and Peter) for doing such a great job. Keep up the good work.Jeff’ Upton

Yoga: body/mind/soul


“The practice 01’ Yoga implies taking personal responsibility for our own actions and self-development and becoming aware, through this process, of the unity of body] mind/soul. Through proper breathing techniques and postures oriented towards a heightened self acutity, disease and tension can be transformed. yogg is a Sanscrit word meaning to yoke or unite. Hath Yoga, one aspect of Kundilini Yoga, is a balance of the two basic energies, positive and negative, within US.” -qwtaiion Jiom 3, Heather Lee instruction in yoga is offered each term through Campus Rec. Maybe you’d like to join.

- ~

-GLASSIFlED Male Subjects Needed - earn $10 $15 for 2 hours - study rnvolves measures of physrologlcal responses to a complex task. For more Into call ex 2839 or Drop bv BMH 1 IOOE

LOST Ripped Off! One Mlyata 100 front door of 256 Phtl lp Anyone with Info call Peter Reward oftered. No Disappeared Sunday June


18 -


20, 3 days only

bicycle from St. unit 44. 886-4186. questions! 22nd.

- Essays, made, 886-8329.

Theses, near

Reports, Etc. campus. Call In 8- IO a.m. for I I p.m.




BUZZWORD personal media services: resumes, cover letters, mallng list labels, disk storage, choice of type-face. consulting, call: 742-5794. ~-Wil do fast efficient typing of student papers on Smith Corona typewriter. Reasonable rates. Lakeshore Vilage. Phone 886-6 124. Word Pro.cessing. Stadium. >I per dratt copy Included. If you book ahead. WP Medical Processrng. Letters. PATRICIA

MODEMS 0 0 @ 0 0 0

Hayes EMP EMP EMP EMP Signal

1200 1200 A auto 1200 B auto, Hayes 101 mrni ‘101A auto answer man Mk XII


Transcription Essays, 9-9 745-0366


reports. for



Professional theses. double 4347


Resumes, student




1983 condltton. Asklng Stephanie,



term service Accutype


papers, $ i per 886

Typing: Essays, theses, work reports. resumes, business letters, etc Neat. accurate, WIII correct spelling, grammer & punctuation Reasonable rates, electronic typewriter, 7 yrs, experience typing tor students. Phone Lee, 886. 5444. afternoon or evenina.






a small Also I.

truck. Rubbish

Waterbed Oak. for the


Only $199 Winter

Only Fall/


serial $150 4pm

2 months (or best term! Call

King and Sheryl

Size Waterbed mattress cover. 884-4928.


3 brown offer.



WANTED ~_______. tar





Europe. 5545.


Toronto. Large apartment. Subway, 463-7733.

In lease.


needed .Woodstock 888-65

Sept. selt-contalned Pwn shopping

Toronto: locatron). kitchen, (4 16)

Richmond Call

Anyone interested 13th Party on call 1-4 16-270.6974.




Lizard laughed end. ahead, Happy


Broadvrew bedrooms, subway,

large On

rails Call

Toronto: 2-bedroom Female 92 l-6

Wanted apt. preterred. 2 I 1. Lenore.

a Friday please IS Alvin.


mightiest” joked


a lot, more always Tiff,


With 20th.

us Cnsco,

We ve lived and Let’s never let it good times be being friends. George.

Clarence. on vourcolour You ‘have

next keep

Next been

time your Duckle

you dress - JO.

Employee of certain r;w employed away trom ordinary residence or home terminal seeks companlonship with certain third year C.A. Nights only. No standby charges. Jack, 888-6960. Sheila birthday In July!

(Central large

one to share (Bloor Call evenings

“the May

Gil Lynne Davies The frequent Fed Hall please on. Are you em-bare-assed?

$400. (4 16)

Hawkins honey. Lets

Revenge Bear-haters. even tar wil roll. GERM Island, ONE thing, BAD.

excellent Spadlna).

- Sorry I forgo: I honestly thought ior a drink! Luv


Congratualtions your engagement. best. Love and Barbados too!).

horn and

heat Sept-Aug.

attendlng July name


Gourdes; first Allan, then time I frnd fettuclnnl stains I won’t be so tolerant.


For Rent: 2 minutes kitchen facllrtles, Included, cleaning lady, $190/ mo. 576-88 18.

In Saturday

What wil become of Jovce In Toronto? Wil she turn Into an e’lf or a snoopy character? Wil she cruelly krck her grandmother Into the dining room? And who’s locker can she put the wrong lock on? Stay tuned for details.

bedroom for Fall ask for


Bloor/Broadvrew. basement suit 2, the road.

entrance, across

Two $275. 463-7733.

2 18

a beachtowel. Save and bring them 300 down 1200 to

Anyone ready, wiling and able to see Kim Mitchell at the Kingswood Theatre on August 25, please write 23 Austin Dr., Wat. Ont., N2L 3X9. My name IS Theodore.

Toronto: Sept-Dee Bloor/ BroadvIew ( 12 mrn. to Eaton Centre, 7 mln to the Bay!. Whole house co-ops. Very large rooms. Suit 4. $950. Subway, shopplng on doorstep. (416) 463-7733.


Toronto: Housing 1985. Three preterable close Ruth 746-3 142

Keni Jarvis wants your popslcle wrappers to 505A Sunnydale. 90.



In Phone

Rooms campus, hydro lease.

$1 00, page IBM Select, IC. ribbon. yrammdr. spelling good quality bond paper, symbol, rtallcs. work term theses, essays. Personallzed 579.55 I3 evenings. Downtown locatron.

Backp&ck or Buy. Call

Roommates apartment Workterm. Steve.


Grad Student (Mature, responsible) looklng tor apartment or townhouse W area. Wiling to sign 1 yr. Available to take care of house orotessor on sabbahcal. 746-l 817.

Framed Rent

or or

450. Excellent Quarterfalnng. Contact

wrth negotiable.





I50 cps, all DOC. atter





2 ot

100’s to choose! We carry rooms, flats, apartments, houses, townhouses, throughout the K-W area. Fully computerrzed service. By far the largest selectlon of vacancies. Helping students since 1959. Homelocators open 10-8 weekdays, I O-5 Saturday, I l-5 Sunday; small fee. 20 Unrverslty Ave. E., (near King) Wloo. 742-3558. ~Free service to lrst your vacancy. We have many students lookrny for shared accommodatron, rooms and apartments In all areas. Call days 742-3558. Homelocaters Service.

Francesco Moser Cntenum Racing bicycle. 59cm./23” Campagnolo Super Record equipped. Excellent ndrng condltlon. must sell: $885. Phone 884. 8164 (John). __-___ 1 brown leather jacket - $199.00 Size medium to large excellent condrtlon. Never worn (a glft...too small tor me). Drop by Hagey Hall Rm. 341 contact Clark Ext. 2363.



typing essays, etc. Fast, accurate spaced page. Call

carbon correctrons. prootreading. reports, service Kltchener

moving Rates. Jeff

with graphics, spare ribbon. John at 884-1808

Queen Size old. Stained offer) Great 884-5545.


Near Seagram double-spaced. 24 hr. turn-around

25 years experience spaced page Westmount 3342.

Wil do Reasonable Removal.


wanted, preferably to WLU. If you know Ten-1 @ 884-9437.

S 100 Reward for lnform$ron (or offer) leadlng to our sublet ing a 3-4 person apt./housejtownhouse near campus for fal 85 term. Call Dan at 886.8351 weekdays, or collect (4 16)2241969 weekends (use the last name Simpson so that I can accept the charges.) Act now! Offer valid tar a lmlted time only!

and Kree

Seagram page, turn-around 885-l 353. Service:

Word Processing. Stadrum. $1 per Draft copy Included. you book ahead.

$679 $359 S369* $ 69 $ 99 $379


Near double-spaced 24 hour Phone

Hair Permanently Removed gently from your face the most advanced method (medlcally For your free consultations Centre Electrolysrs 745-2044.

Printer parallel, BO.


2 bedroom apartment Towers. Want to take or Jim @ 743-0845.

Unwanted safely and body using short-wave approved). call Town light

for close call

Townhouse Call 886-2


TYPING TYPING Correctlons Katherine sure

Apartment bedrooms, such a frnd


Donna You


the The



Gummy Gummy done

lnlustlces Glen.

Mike deserve way over




your rt was Carol.

Bears! Bears them

on the to


the get

wil Heads

says: You re stranded on a Desert with beverages, company and OTHER THING. You choose the and brrng It to the G-Spot tonrte!

(416) FOUND

In Klease. tar

Ray who corresponds with MISS Woon about Singapore - please cali Shtrley, Customer Service, Kltchener Post Ottlce at 893-6690 ex 3 1. Letter *5 has lost Its envelope. The Post Office would lrke to send It on tar you, but they need the address.


wanted tar fal term or tour bedrooms to a subway Irne. Call or Ann Mane 884-9437.

I’m a Fan here. Catch

Chakman it.








MONITORS 0 0 0 0 0

Prlnceton Graphics HX-12 Princeton Graphics SR-12 Princeton Graphics MAX-12E YJE 1000 high res monochrome YJE composite

$789 $999 $329 $199 $159



Salatul I:30

July 12 -










Rita, F!amil























- see





- organlzed patio,



term. 206,

Please Campus


drop Centre.

In between Or Phone



l2:30 at ext.

.4:3CJ 2306,



Students Welcome.


Council Agendas



Funny Newcomers


Meeting available



Thing welcome

7:00 pm. lntormal ________ on the way to 86! write next vears

happened to



PRINTERS 0 0 0 0 0

Roland 1010 Roland 111 l/Panasonic 1091 Okidata ML-80 Qume letter quality 22 cps Epson FX-lOO+

Theatresports. 180 at 8 pm.

$269” $399 $199 $899 $829



Improvised Feds




Hunger Briefing: the persistence






meeting Reallv!




Ending ending

service FASS s comedv

as a team






The Hunger hunger. All I I:30






happened always

Theatresports. 180 at 8 pm.

tol owing.

7 pm

















“Thecan Pelkott

Centre presents Free admlssron.


Christmas now!!! --___ ClNUvlA


l 0 e 0 e 0 0 l

6502 motherboards Apple type case + keyboard 5A power supply for apple 8088 motherboards power supply for IBM 155~ IBM style metal case B detached keyboard for IBM/Apple bare boards for IBM



pm. all

$69” $69” $69 from $269 $169 from $59 $129 30% off



Class: Len at




wditromcs 258 King N., Unit 1, Waterloo








1 13.







own Held










and JoIn the Blue




the tun. Actrvrty


Ministry Chapel,


Fellowship St. Paul


UW House own scalpel. tor


Debates St. Jerome

WJSA/HrIlel Invites welcome. HH

4:30 s. All



pm welcome.






way help




be pertormlng s Rm 229


For Area,




In St.

Choral by CGC Gallery, screen

Paul Graham

Concert and the


turther PAC.

STAR Wars? Watkrns, Sponsored

WARS Attend

I25 some

“Living Waterloo. guidance _~-



to FASS write next




pm. Live from starnng

*7 and

Between entertainment studying. Robert





I 1:30 held ot

Peter Board.

7:30 give

& WIllam





meet Hall,

Centre and Prayer



Huron Study

Campus In Wesley





Resume p.m.,




Letkemann. Tickets






for B.







tol owlng.

meeting hrt. Really!

7 pm.












Wood. 8:00 pm., Rm Tickets at the door. the months of July.






156, Conrad Grebel $5 ($3 students/seniors) ’

College. The

July 23 -


pm., to




- I :30





WJSA/Hil el Suggestions


Theatresports welcome:


Grebel students/senrors).

of the tl m ot avante-garde


Presented Homemade

by Waterloo munchies.





180 Klnq members.

St,. South Practrcal









Ministry Chapel,

Fellowship St. Paul




hlms tree.





Workshop.*“PrereqursIte 1020.

Women welcome.

rn Blue






pm welcome.






All Grebel

s. All &



Collar 4:40

non-traditIonal at

understand In

Paul Graham





- Resume


s Dining Morbey.








people pm.,

1 IO. all


Chapel. centre In Canada.


Chnstlan Please 145,8:00







yourselt St.

Chaplain pm.


Chapel Bring



July 25 -

cordialy a very tor

invited brutal

Invites welcome. HH

to the manner?

WJSA/Hll el

workshops. 180 at

UW St.

Bagel everybody

House Jerome’s

Brunch. to Instructron



Debates College,

Every sessions on

to the

murder Rm



mystery 229, 7:00 I 1:30


held of

every lmprovlsed

- I .30 Thursday

-- Who pm.

5:30 comedv.


rn CC1

IO. - 7:OO Free

President Everybody tn CC and

7 pm.

Everybody In CC


Centre, family Leaders.

and Group

Star Mel TBA.






Kerr state




Fletch CC

Adult Recreation patrents, friends ProfessIonal




a Wine to

8:00 pm. Conrad the door. $5 ($3


and RIrg Road. by Jett Wlchlow. and





meeting. mutual;upport IS provided

presents Admlssron



You Fletch

waltlng HH


pm. Richard a talk on the

from cottee

- Wed. July 24 -



s Dining Morbey.





86! FASS Writers years s comedy

as a team


Cancer” group Session provides and tnformatlon ..--

The Women’s Mountains

Fri. July 19 Arts

King St. W ot hrs films



PROBLEMS? What are the economic, technical, C mll tary problems an Intormed, cntlcal panel discussion on Star Wars. Speakers: Economist Physlclst & Chemistry professor John Hepburn, and a third speaker WPIRG (Waterloo Public Interest Research Group). M & C 2066, 7:30


Join us Nelcome.


Thursday to


dlrected Creative


medical 7:00 p.m.



Coffeehouse 8:30 Free Admrssron. a relaxing break The



workshops. 180 at 7 pm



Mon July 22 -

Band Concert directed by Michael bv CGC and the Creative Arts Board. wil be closed on Mondays for

GLLOW Coffee that understand.







$1 workshop

about Leonard

July 18 -

It you


THE MUG FellowshIp. JoIn us tor






The START Toronto wil






UW Summer Sponsored

NFB A --


been In

Theatresports welcome:


6091 Admrsslon.


at First


- Thurs.

WJSA/Hil el Suggestions






I 10.



equipment 12.00





- 8:30





Representative 235.

- Tues.


Economics Students and Faculty! Finally, the event you ve all Cheese Party, 5 9 HH 373. For more Info, come by our othce _______What Colour are your Glasses? -4:30 pm. Flreplt/M.L. 349mlcome DISCUSS Chrrstlanrty as a world view. Waterloo Chnstlan Fellowship.

The Brrng

10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon - Sat



- Thurs.

& Apple peripherals low priced




Campus Wesley

Join us welcome.

All IBM Shamefully



think.” 7:00 of ObJectlvlsm.

Great Donor

GLLOW Coffee that understand Huron Study




Juggling Greg


A Love Welcome.

Johnny Can’t by the Students






Not All



Red Cross in Waterloo.


School: Sponsored

NH 3004. office, cc



- Wed. July 17 The Women’s pornography.

Assocratlon, Movie

of July.



Sun July21





UW Stage Soonsored Bbmbshelte;

July 16 -

Project, Welcome.


Students Video

pm. Fed





Sat July 20 -


Mon. July 15 -




I :00

- Sun. July 14 Conrad _____-~Funny alwavs

by the to


- Sat July 13 FLICKS

in the


The Birth Control Centre IS open for the summer weekdays and 7:00 IO:00 1 uesday evenings, room we wil be pleased to help you. _____. smu’a (Friday prayer) organlzed by the Campus Centre room I35 at I :30 p.m. every Friday






Forty years ago this Tuesday the world changedforeverwhenthefirstnuclear bomb, was detonated over the Alamogordo Desert in New Mexico. Let’s not let this day pass unobserved. Corn6 to the Campus Centre on Alamogordo Day (July 16, 12 noon) and celebrate forty years of survival.

I IO. all


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