
Page 1

one of reasonableness. At Needles Hall, the main body of marchers

the amount of $1500, as well as the services of LRO’s Matt Erickson,a secondayear -Psych stunancy Commission for a rent rebate, and since then, Erickson ,has been accumulating evidence to help the students’ lawyer, Gary Flaxbard, corroborate their Claim. _ Under current law;’ tenants in buildings \constructed >before 1976 may only be charged a 4% an’nuai- rent-increa.se -(@$I under the former . Tory .government). A landlord, contemplating a rent jncrease above this amount must ask for a hearmg‘at least 60 days before the planned in; .

then sinks, unkempt.!a,ndscaping, potholes in the parking lot, andvvallsbnlyhalf covered by stand; , ’ , ard- drywaft piece.?. - I .

’ bard, testified at the hearing that he knew no-, ‘c thing of the renovations. Good could not be ’ ’ reached for comment.

“Landlords take advantage .of the f&t ‘that their residents&-e students: Erickson said. “StuA .’


’ , ’ I, . _- ,






29, 1985 -

Laurier students reject OFS membership by Graeme Peppler Imprint Staff

Students at Wilfrid Laurier University voted last week against membership with the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) after a campaign that saw both campaign committees disqualified for breaching referendum policies. Of the 1169 ballots cast, 778 voted against OFS membership while 338 voted in favour of membership. 53 ballots were spoiled. Approximately 30% of the eligible student body turned out for the vote. The referendum, held Thursday November 21, lost some credibility the previous day when chief electoral officer (CEO) Robyn Boparai revoked the right of both committees to campaign for and against OFS membership for Laurier students. The decision, which cost both sides crucial campaign time, required the removal of all campaign materials from the campus as well as submission of campaign expenses from the committees to the CEO at a later date. According to referendum regulations, campaigning was to have been terminated at 10 p.m. the day before the referendum. The “NO OFS” side, represented by a group called “Students for a Realistic Decision” argued in their campaign that the OFS does not offer Laurier students benefits worthy of the $3 investment per student, per year. “YES OFS” believed that membership with ‘the OFS would be a-solid investment for Laurier; an opportunity for students to influence the objectives

for which the OFS aims in order to ensure that their own concerns are recognized. The OFS is a student lobby representing university and college student organizations across Ontario. It offers students a government-recognized voice on issues which concern students such as housing, OSAP, incidental fees, funding for post-secondary education, and student input in decisionmaking. The “yes” committee was the first of the two committees disqualified for violating referendum policies: it had exceeded the poster limit and placed posters and a booth where they were not permitted. Referendum policy required that there be a 25 poster limit for any one poster type with a maximum 50 poster total limit. The “yes” commmittee had over 50 posters, 50 of which were identical. According to Bopa-rai, it also failed to submit all campaign material to the CEO for approval. The “no” side was disqualified later the same day by Boparai on a technicality; it was unaware that a group of student senators from the senate caucus were campaigning for their side. Campaign guidelines stipulate that the-official campaign factions must be -aware of all groups campaigning for them. Matt Certosimo, president of the Wilfnid Laurier University Student Union (WLUSU) expressed his personal disappointment with the vote outcome. while maintaining that, in his opinion the vote was not a “no” to OFS but rather a “no, 1 don’t know attitude” to membership with OFS. “A lack of information avail-


able to the students brought about the result,” said Certosimo. “The level of understanding of the benefits (of the OFS) was not consistent among the

all, Laurier students chose to go the other way on the issue. The University of Waterloo held a similar referendum on October 15, 1984. On that day,

student body.” Certosimo was referring to the fact that the WLUSU Board of Directors voted 14 to 2 in favour of memwith OFS while, over-


65.6 per cent of students who voted were in favour of membership with OFS while only 21.9 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots.

Enginews controversy lives on is unfortunate that some read- -calls a slanderous title and some share attitudes that have been and this is why dominant, ers feel other questionable articonclusions in the article. woman engineers tend to have cles, such as a satire of Thibaudeau said she presor at least understand the masadolescent ‘tit’ watching, take ented her own ‘practical’ femion many away from the page. nist view - that women in culine perspective issues.” “If an article has valid points, engineering demonstrate equalBate said the masculine persa fact is a fact and a truth is a ity- by succeeding in a malepective Thibaudeau refers to truth,” said McGowan. “It dominated field. She also trivializes women and the addoesn’t ,matter where you readwrote, “Women engineers tend it. You can’t take it in terms of vance women have made, glorito understand and get along fying men as superior human context.” with men better than the typical beings. Kathy Stewart, the Women’s female. It is very difficult to not Commisioner, disagrees and she wants to see the newspaper Corrections banned. Although she said the first issue this term - which In an article in last week’s Imprint we referred to Lois some engineering students Wilson as the moderator of the United Church of Canada. labelled as “boring” was She is a former moderator. The present moderator is Robert quite good, she said the F. Smith. **** newspaper has been given “enough of a chance”. Her plan A clarification of our Pizza review two weeks ago: Domiof action has not yet. been nos does not use frozen dough; a 12” pizza with two items is established, but it is likely to $8.50, not $9; and they deliver until 3:OO am. on weekends, involve university vicenot 2:00 am. president Dr. T.A. Brzustowski. Federation vice-nresident Scott Forrest described the paper as “degrading, basically not very humanistic, immature, and not acceptable”. The feminist page itself is also ’ a source of controversy. Although author Thibaudeau said she expected input from the Women’s Centre, the centre’s former co-ordinator, Janet Bate, said a breakdown in communication left the centre uninvolved. are for pedestrians. Cros&lks Bate also questions what she L

by Mike Urlocker Imprint staff



recent issue of Enginews, published last Friday, includes a full page on the feminist attitude of female but the breasts, engineers, buttocks and bestiality of the other 11 pages still offended the Federation’s Women’s Commissioner and others on campus. The feminist page, purposely mis-titled EQ U/L1 T Y, was written by Michelle Thibaudeau, a 4th year student in chemical engineering. The article was written in order to fulfil1 the tabloid’s legal obligation to New York based Ms magazine, after last year’s editors were caught plagiarizing an article by Ms publisher Gloria Steinem. The new editors, Paul Arthurs and Martin Baron, were given the choice of paying a $500 fine to Ms or of running a page on women’s rights in consultation with women’s groups at UW. They chose the cheaper and asked Thibaudeau to write the article because of her experience as the former director of the now defunct Women in Engineering (Femmeng). Although Engineering Society President Al McGowan says the EQUlLITY page is “the most progressive thing Enginews has done in terms of the women’s movement,” he says it

READING WEEK hhar’keting

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’ match-in Centrsil- America


_ Durnin I also expressed his interest indetcrmin-aby Graet& Peppler _i the ex:tent of Canadian involvemne’tin CenImprintstaff s ‘, ” ..:’ ’ I”. \i : -1--mg tral Amex ica and what significance it may’have in Three people from the Kitchener-Waterloo the develcopment of the region. ’ area have been selected to join hundreds from all Selectic In of peopfe for the journey was don-e .over the globe in a journey through Central by an ad, -hoc group that invited applicants for America next month. the tour;,c sndidates had to have an appreciation The trek will begin in Panama City, Pana-ma ’ for Centri al American issues, they, had to be keen on December 10; the group will walk and bus and matu re, and based in the community. Of the over a six week period to end in Mexico City on six who aapplied; three were selected. /’ I - January 20, 1986’. * Joinjne ; ,Durnin from the K-W area will ,be .Organized by a Norwegian peace group and Barb Saumders, a women’s rights ‘activist, and going under the title “March for Peace in Central’ Doug MC:Kinnley from the-Waterloo Public InAmerica”, the marchers will be attempting to draw-world-wide attent:--lul .rr mL..-aLnL+m .,:a @rest Retsearch Group (WPIRG). ’ , l.u lulal~lCb VlU' lations occuring in the r egion as wep as advocat_ “The trip has been thoroughly ’ organized,” says McKinnley. “Many orgamzations know we Fnr net-t?%10 ing the right. of self-detc .tm;atinn a*I*IEGCA”~~ I”A tkm erlLk@ yruyrw. are cdmil ng and lodging’has been. arranged .a!Those partrcrpating in the march will come most for 1:he entiretrip.‘T.McKinnley’isexpecting from countries in Europe and North America, c- 300 to 4010 people to be present for the march. and an Australian delegation wiil also be present. They v$1 be joined by ‘suchpeople as Jessie ,The tour will pass through the seven countries of Jackson, Gunter *brass, Daniel .E’lsberg, Jphan _ Central America - P&am& Costa-Rica, Nicara. Galtung, ErnestoCardenel; Martin’ Sheen; Migua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and .‘--‘-_. chael FOI uworfh, and Bibi Anderson. .lvleXlCOs * The official ending of the march wil! take place Gord Durnin, a UW student concentrating-in : in Washington, D.C. at the end of January where Peace and Conflict studies, is amohg the three a,delegation will present the,findings.ofthe:grotip people chosen to join the tour. He expects the toCongress and the President. march to give him a, further understanding of Central-American’ problems. . 1 ’ To-raise the $2,000 per person needed to send ._ the K-W represe-ntatvies to Central America, “I ?have. no sympahty .for American involve‘-r several fund-raising events have been organized ment in Central America,” says Durnin. “I hope such as concerts, sales of T-shirts, and bake sales. to hear from groups, unions, and other represen- A coffee, house will be held on Thursday, at tatives of the people to know what their com8~00 pm. on December 6 at St. Michaels Parish < plaints are and of how they feet (about the issues . . on Hemlock Street. All are encouraged’to attend affecting them).” I- . r -to ,discuss the tour with the group merhber’s.

Do you know a ‘Super-Prof?. do,- and that they intend to So far this fall, several dozen nominate that person for,a 1986 students have told the office of .. i. Distinguished Teacher A,ward Teaching Resources --that they -@TA). The administrative as,L

sistant for Teaching Resources, Wendy Macintosh, said that this speaks well for the quality of teaching at the university and the level of enthusiasm of U W


many undergraduates make the effort”, M,aclntosh said, “since the”third floorof Needles Ha&is unfamiliar territory to most of them. And 1 understand that a

. ble that he -or she’& not win. been- submitted (that :is, someTRACE reports that -potential thing -- or things i- with the signominators should not be disi nature of at least ten eligible couraged by this, however, s nominators), ‘Teaching Resour- ‘, since anything submitted on a ces contacts the DTA candicandidates behalf this year wiii- - date’s department I to invite be reconsidered in future; if-that colleagues ’ of that teacher’ to ’ ..person is renominated, -4n,.fact, offer input for the nom&ation the office advises, it is normaL ..file. Accordingly, said .MacIn;for.a nomination afile to aceurntosh, it:s ;a good Idea if nomina- .jionS ‘&e .‘: $qb,m$t$ed’ “-y&{ “‘in ula~suppart~~~atePia~a~~~~ a 1>$&jj@+& t&!&$td& ,‘j~~~lf~e, numbeaof yea@tiMf~rle 55part%


&de groups _such as the (ASU). Stewart said the form&&uf ’ Women’s Centre, the Women’s Gleise said that UW students discriminated, ;againqt~ 50~. t,he . Ibpdnt staff ’ She*said :a:major purpose- of the The Coalition on Comm,u&@A’ coalition of campus and are being discriminated against Safety is an intel ,grounds that, -we’were students:” :c,ommumty groups ,has been Commission, G’LLOW,. the En& coalition is to ,-t’allo,w, gr+ups miie ,gineering Society, Planning’stuconcerned aboutsafety to share to the emotions1 by the Concordia Club of KitPijetadmitte,d that3 was disl,. ’ _.. h&w . the Stud&-Alumni cririiinatioiic-~~l~~f~~;~t~~,nts;. 1 formed to study: theproblem of dents, informatian.‘;T-~3 ’ I chener, which refuse,d . A’SV :+ “.- ‘r.; ’ ing~:oclassm&@.. ki&d, “Rather c -, Association, UW--Safety, and ’ In the shor~%erm;..they .wi,l& :: than g& (l@$ji-nd bitter (a&& : from booking the club for their , but said, ‘;-‘there tye+.: pfqbfems: ,_ publ$ saf*tY a”<! ‘determine ; The the K-W Social/Planning Coun- -i, concern them@$es w!thprom<& ,,;‘Ellison’S mu&) ‘January semi-formal. we had’ in..the p&t* and’ that’ i’t 1 _ how -1; c&r: be reproved. we decided;@ , \ I lgot dht .of ha&“; , ; -. coahtlon on Community safe- Cil. ’ ’ ). Apparently, ASU. ap’ Otillg -the ‘SLW?TeheSS -bF’ safety : .do somethjng positive about it& _ .Women’s Commissioner before examinmg the feasibility! pioached the ConcordiaClub Pijet .said that it; was %cleri- 1 ty has arisen in response to con~1 e,rr&?’ that-t&eAS@k,dep-,ferns ahut .Public safety,. -..Kathy Stewart said the organ&- ’ of such things as improving last Wednesday to book a room Stewart added that the co& ’ ; physical , infrastructure (lightj for their semi-formal. The ‘; .,osi,: was accepted? an& that- the “- . particularly after the murder :of zation’s purpose is firstly to ‘ac+*“ ; cess the extent’& the problem. - booking clerk accepted their _;policy w8! be-upheld.: e’ ~ ’ ’ -’ HW student Shelley Ellisonand ina. sidewalks and nathsl. or es: t$on will allow all I participating. . groups to spealc as one voice area woman .last and, then to ,evaluate. existing @ii& -s&d-, that t&~~ASU is’ ’ anlather ta%lishing self-defence deposit, unaware of Con+-pfi& ,-. r when-addressingpol’itrcrans ar$d safety measures,Bnd, finally, to .programs, or setting’ up a rape dia’s policy of not booking to se.nding &let& Ito- the .&etter mi , /_ -- . ,Membe’.rs:of the coalition in- consider the feasibility of implecrisiscentre. student groups. The next day, -Ru&iess Bureau -and have . -_,social’ service.ageneies. * ’ te ASU-was toldby Concordia 7 booked their &em&formal else- , _ lub macager, I$. Pijet, ‘th.at where. I ., : .;.:,I? \ 1~ ,_‘J 1_T_ .: _



, Imprint,





Advertising Mwer: Carol Fletcher 8884048,0r8854211,e&.2332 Imprint. is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and& member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right 2 to screen, edit, and refuse -g=giw advertising. Imprint: ISSIF 070&7380 -

Editor-in-chief Rick Nigel Assistant Eaifor Chris Jinot Production Mana#nr Dou Tait BusinessMan8ger Janet Lawrence Head Typesetter Doug Thompson Typesetters ,Dan Kealey Christine Sindbg

The question behind the Computer Fee controversy

Education or.job training? Education Funding -- Some questions to think about .. . Why is primary education free? Why is secondary education free? Why is post-secondary education not free? Is education a commodity properly to be sold, or is education an essential element in a civilized culture? Is education a luxury for only the rich! or is education a necessity, or even a right? Is it better to have an educated populace, or an uneducated one? What, if anything, do education and job training have to . do with each other? Should educational institutions, like primary, secondary and post-secondary schools perhaps be prohibited from job training, and leave that up to employers? Should education be an instrument of economic policy? Or are its objectives and purposes so important as to be best kept insulated from direct economic performance pressures? How much education, in today’s society, is a ‘necessity of life’ which should be provided by the state to a citizen free of charge, and at what point can we call education a luxury, to be provided only to those with the money to pay? Educational policy today in Ontario is a chaotic collection of irrational political compromises assembled over many years, and defined as much by the power of special interest groups squeezing the government for money as by any clear social policy. But then the 42-year Tory reign in Queen’s Park was not noted for coherent or rational social policy. The problem with power-broker, compromising, irrational governing is that it serves only the powerful, and always compromises the weak. Thus the poor pay more taxes than the rich. Government lavishes money upon pri-


And the $1.4 million Computer Fee which the UW administration is so graciously collecting to cover the “coincidental” $1.4 million operating deficit of the new computer building, what is that? Yet another subsidy for private business concerns. At best it will provide job training for industry, but for the most part it will be selling research. So you are being forced to pay more for your education so UW can sell computer research cheaper. And this is the “crisis” in educational funding. It is a real crisis, that money allocated for education goes into job training instead; that money charged for education (computer fees) ends up as welfare payments to corporations. Students, you better wake up and look at what’s going on, and start asking some questions, and start demanding some answers or you may find that by the time your own kids are ready to be educated, education has ceased to’ exist. Doug

The two countries’ histories have obviously legitimized each other and given form to each other for so long, it would be impossible not to be friends. The US and the USSR need each other; each system gives the other a reason for being and incredible employment opportunities. Each allows the other to meddle in the affair,s of their designated portion of

Mmtiising Manager Carol Fletcher


MAruristant Sha@a Gunter BWws Editor Gord Durnin Arts Editor, Chris Wodskou AssMt Arts Editor Darlene Zimmerman Sports Editor Jo-Anne Longley Photo Editor Richard Clinton Abssistant Photo Editor Preet Khalsa

-Manager Maureen




‘Display Ads -m!i. 8:oo p,m, ’ Features , Campus Events ClassifIeds -Monday 8:OO pana


the globe. Each finds, in the existence of the other, the need for flag waving, drumming, marching, beating of breasts and all sorts of’other entertaining manifestations of patriotism. Indeed, where would all the bomb builders, strategic thinkers, gun builders, gun boat painters, general’s secretaries, silo technicians, space laser experimenters, rocket fuel refiners, Marines’ travelling show entertainers, and guardsmen be? Where would all the cynical journalists be such friendship? Of course, this is not an ex. .. without haustive list. It would make an interesting game show to have each contestant try and figure out all the implications of this love affair between our corporate Gods - US and USSR. The prize could be a lifelong trip to an asylum or a job at the RAND corporation. What do you think? It’s been done, right? RIGHT!! Gord




These are not new ideas, nor are they expressed here in their finality, nevertheless they are appropriate for this week. Things just seem to be right in the world these days now that Ron and Mikhail have smiled at each other in front of crackling fires and sat in comfortable chairs gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes while in Geneva last week. And I don’t mean this in the sense that peace has finally come to the world and we can all put down our bombshelter building supplies. Rather, it just seems to me that the images that each has portrayed of the other in the past conflict with their obv;ously close friendship and the friendship of their respective nation’s hierarchies.


vate industry (whose primary purpose is private profit for a small elite) and withholds money from social services -including education. When private business needs trained people, the government will spend for job-creation. The past decade’s creation of community colleges, a euphemism for job-training centres, and the current Institute for Computer Research (ICR) project at UW are notable exam-pies. Of course, calling this job-training expenditure “educational spending” is deceptive and inaccurate. It is simply another form of subsidy to private business. Let’s call a spade a spade and a subsidy a subsidy and not try to pawn off busines subsidies as social service or educational spending.

Photos/News~ Tueshy And we Mean It!



EditoriaJ Board Meetings Monday, Dec. l&&r00 pm. CiEEIEItAL XEETIZW Mon. Dec. 8,6:00 pm.

Staff Meetbgs Friclay, Bmi. 89,la:30 Friday, Dec. 6, l&30

pm. pm.

not. Imprint. -Letters: aird ~subniitted to C e to ‘-write

‘. * To the editor: ’ ‘* Then-there .a& .the indirect’benefits in terms of future trade and investment; ;.These -are -often fostered y by contacts I would like to ‘respond to Tom Fulton’s letter ‘Foreigners established during their education and by their being ‘should pay more’ (Inrpriqt, November 22). His letter clearly’ demonstrated his ignorance on the whole issue of high accustom&-to Canadian -equipment, supplies; expertise, differential fees for international students in Ontario. / - , ’ ,standards; and’specifications:, there is the cross-cultural enrichment of Firstly, ,he\got it all wrong with the way-differential fees are ,. And -finally; calculated in this province. It is not as simplistic as he. assumes it Canadians. Properly integrated into the mainstream of to. be. Let me explain. . institutions, international students can no’doubt ‘enhance the 1 educational and’cultur.al milieu. t y The system that the provincial government current% uses to assess the unit cost of educating a student is the Basic Income Finally,,‘let me-state that‘1 am for a reduction of at ieast 50% of _ Unit (B.I.U.) The -‘B.I.U. for. 1984-85 was $4009, Different the, present differential fee level. No doubt that the reduction will have to absorb ‘a partial ’ programs were assessed ’ different. units. For’ _example, ‘. will mean that the .government : share-of an- international student’s educatinal costs. However’, professional programs such .as medicine, engineering,..-&d architecture were assessed- two’ units while non-professional I considering tlie benefits that’:1 have outlined, I strongly believe that ,Cntario stands to’ gain a lot -more than Fulton and &e ones such as Honours Sciezice~&d~Ma.th.were assessed 1.5 unita. government would like me to believe. Thus, a Canadian student in,..say, an engineering program was 1 previous Conservative I. ‘asessed by a,basic fee of $1142,’ or 14.2% of the B.I.U. Cn the other.:” NH. Quah . hand, an international student ,in the same program was Chairperson _ ’ ‘a . assessed $6,468 or -86.66%. . ,’ International) Stlident .Board” . : : . , But that was not all. University administrators weregiventhe’ I option to levy an additional’lO%-to the basic fee. All universities, . as far as I know, exercised theioption. Thus the international student, instead of paying $6468, wqs actually paying $7115, an . _ amount which was very closeto paying the full&t of his or her To the edit;: education. The B.I.U. -also included ‘research costs, .which,, It has been clearly shown that UW is short of funds. The whole according to a University of Alberta study, accounted for,24% of. university system is short of funds. What can they do about it? it. Fulton argued that international students should pay the full .Either they start cutting programs (which isunacceptable if we ,cast of their education because they, do not contribute to the are to maintain our standard pf education!) or they get more ‘Canadian economy when - they graduate; .iFollowing .his money. They can’t increase tuition, any more than they have ‘reas,oning,,~I~;.~~.~~d, also argtrethatthey,,. should not pay the already because the government. merely subtracts t,he extra research costs. After all, research’ddne-.&e-only benefits the amount off their payments. This keeps the‘university.from over-* -Canadian economy..Thus, subtracting the 24Ohresearch costs, charging. The system is now out-of-date. The situation is so bad Tom would find that the,>$7115 they were paying actually far that UW is trying to hike tuition by calling it something else (i.e. exceeded their full ’ cost of education. In- fact, ‘,they were _ computerfees). This is m\orally and legally w-rang. subsidizingthe cost of educating a Canadian student! The Feds and faculty have :apparently been trying to-chan,ge ; ;Secondly;he:failed to see the many tangible and intangible the system quietly. The effect ofi this has been-minimal at best.. benefits that Cntarioderives’from having them. Let me highlight -The Feds have decided to tackle the incidental .fees withou,t a few. b _ / doing much about the greater problem. Incidental fees should be There is theeconomic benefit. In’early 1984, Dr. Reuben Green, fought. This can be done through official channels, much more an economics professor at the University of Windsor, conducted effectively than with sixties-style protests. ’ , a survey to’ determine the average- amount of money To change government >policy. requires public support. Since international students spent inthe Windsor.com$unity outside we can’t affordto tell the people about our problems ourselves, of the university. His survey showed thefigure to be$-7,896. This we need the news media to do it for us. We-need a new method (or figure, he concluded, meant that their spending injected $12.46 an old effective’method) to focus the attehtion,of the news media million into the Windsor economy. With*no multiplier effect, this on our problems.. We need‘ something peaceful .whiclLwon’t signified the creation of 259 jobs. Now, if one were to consider all alienate too many people. There must be ‘someone in. this monies injected into the Ontario econ0m.y by the .tot$ of higher learning who can think of a solution, >a / international student population, one- does not need to be an institute of% incidental fees .are allowed-.by the’govirnment; they will ec.onomist to grasp their’ signif&@ .,contributions j to the ‘“. ,-risedf that& happens; some; ofgmr a$&@Y-t). best frien”ds won? be able are to his a?gument. ‘ : $&ff&@.,.t+ l&&&& @a@&-& C~&$.f&&~o& , economy. Yet Fulto,n totally ignored-th$s”in head%!&‘J through.

the- roof I lover

So let’s,get.cracking Paul Oavie, -2A Earth Sciences

$200~ .next-

and do something - .







‘, , DearTom ’ ’ ’ After readitig-ydur letter last week in Imprint, I felt angry and.tried to$hd all the reasons why I don’t agree &th you, but I can’t. I finally d&id&d that you are right, if only partially, in saying that all + foreign studentsshould pay tuition that reflectsthe actual cost of .educatipn: Per. student - in Ontario specifically. Since this is my last term here, I immediately felt a sense of relief, selfishly thinking that itis not tiy problem anymore. But when 1think about it, it’s our probleti, yours and mine, and a lot of other people’s. Put yourself in my position. for exainple. .You ,want a’ dece& eda&$ion but the cornPetition to enter,the @aI universities is just-, impssible and your loving parents agree to spend atmost, if not , ail, of their entire.life savings to get you a degree. Fine, so far, but. where? The institution must be accredited and, most important, it ( must be affordable. . .‘ * ,I decided Ginada is best, a good conservative country with nice people and..very;good universities and yes, it was affordable. My parents haven% broken their backs yet while working to pay for my education but, someho’w, @b the increasing tuition fees I + kept thinking, could we have done something better with thatmbney? 1 r&an; $50,000 later I finally got that paper that says I’m * a BSc.‘, and:it!s.justad g’o@d’asthose which cost 20 times less. Did I-earn my degree by; lf only figuratively speaking, partially paying, for it? You are advocating full cost tuition Tom, and I agree to that. If I foreign students chwse.td come here thkre till be people willing;i. to Pay nca matter, hoy,‘nuch ,it is,..but there will be a lpt more: ~~pt&tiho 5&n-3P,y~+oah&afford I : it but are qualified to study but not? ._ %Provide&Gdti opPortunity. Do you seriously believe that the: OntariO government is paying-more than what it should for: j tertiary educatiofi because we are here?.ln other words, if all visa students were toTleave in the new year, are you and your fellow; Ontario residents going to-,pay lessin taxes for education because 1 there is less burden? I believe you can answer that yourself. I’.m grateful for the few years I spent here; it meant more than an educazon to me. There are so r&ny ‘Cana$ans who genuinely, belcom& me and constantly &%#.a l$t of effort in making me ‘feel at home. Canadians are’ kno&t to tdieldd and oenerous. : -~: r;;

@her I

I &&+i~~sz .

‘,pay the fee dnd t&.& a&&g&e , \


:--.., .* / ‘. . 1 -.To the editor: ’ ’ .” experience, (This was*effectiv-e before as well as after the corn; _ I Having had the issueiof withholding computer fees in the \ \ . puterfeewasimpos&d.) ‘8 winter term rais:ed in one of my classes recently, I felt it time to There-are a variety of’five computer systems su _portedsbythe ’ . make acomment of my.own. Having “kept up” with this controv‘Faculty of Arts, offering a wide range o,f.eniplc$ya ii le skillsto be ers-y, I understand the- major issue to be the possible illegalities I ,_*,’ (: acquired “free for. the asking’:,, of this compiiter fee over and above-the legal tuition limits and I , .Before I make this sound like.tdomucfijoi~~~~es pifCh,lfPlt me the bad prece’dent’this may set. It i’s not a question, but rather a * mention that of the $40 f,ee a full time Arts’student,is’presently , fact,. that the university requires greaterrevenue to not.only required to pay, $10 is received by-the -Faculty of. Arts. This ten maintain but continually upgrade the computer facilities that _d 011ars is, on average, insufficient to cover the paper costs of a . _this university is so-well known for. _i student typing papers on the oomputer3n a term. + , Without diminishing the complexity-and importance,of this . I personally VbeIieve, that these *fees should. be temporarily ’ ongoing funding problem, I.don’t wish to rehash t ‘e previously kefundable upon protest with the forfeiting of,the, advantages . : offeTed dis,cussions on this topic,! would,merely li% e to let some -.$.t h ey entail. While the issue still‘rages on, whynot take.adv.ani specific-:details’ be known in regards to the Arts computing t age of the facilities available at,this educational institution; facilities, with which .I am most familiar. regardless of whether we, ,our-future tax dollars, present society While admitting .a certain degree of bias due to my having been. or the government’,>is paying for it?,That’s what we’re here for, ,,employedby the‘Arts ComputingOffice for several work terms, ’ I . after all. I am writingfrdmthe’:perspective of a student. The Faculty of Leanme G. ~~~~~ 1,Arts offers ,computer accounts to all registered,*Arts students, 3B PhiIosbphy ._. I .. ‘~‘allowing youftf:typk all.Xyo&r papers while gaming valuable Applied Studids. .,, l


a& r


adults ... Children ancljuveniles are per*~sZrctualIy cy appprently .. under the age of eighteen.” That regulation, aimed .at &Id Pomogiaphy, is now routineIy used to censor anything hinting at-the youthfulness of characters in gay fiction. (‘The naughty sentencl at the be$nr$g c$ this ‘. column ran afoul of the rules by usi the phrase ’ pre school”.) The arbitrariness and’d&iright si??iness of,some o Pthe recent ; deletions is*evidence that Customs is less interestedin stopping 1 obscene materialthan-in harassing Publish&sand’booksellers, .especially in the gay community. 7 Much’of the i&rr@it&~ &s&ted here comes from &a& &ii. BUlletin~‘e@ed~ by.Max~All&i~ .published ir$egularly by, Glad’








.. .





fF !I '!l






I - I-

,!I It



Tickets on Sale in the Federation ca-mpus: Centre Room 235.

#‘All buses depart from, the kath. 8, \:‘. . lTORONTO I Departs.at 6:$0 B .


& Camp. ’ ’


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pt. J 16E





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To the editor: - * -Just a comment oh ljoug Thompson’s thought-stimulating editorial; last week “Are the poor prevented from studying?” Well, the answer is yes. But the reason is not simply because poorer peo.ple cannot afford the expensive

cost of tuition fees (or even the - means for poorer students to Mom and Dad said we couldn’t acquire. enough money-to, pay , play with them. We didn’t infamous computer fees). You see; some people who believe for school. know why, that’s just the way things were. Then high school that the educational system is However, inequalities in education do not originate at the came around and many of us fair may point to student asUniversity level, ,it starts at were eager to pursue our edusistance programmes (OSAP), or even to the job-oriented poverty in the home. We all cational dreams. We never remember the bad kids around co-op programme. These, it could. understand why all the cornerr next to the tracks, ‘may- be claimed, provide the ._

, 1 am a working dog. Not like a, Husky, or a St. Bernard, or even a. German Shepherd, you understand, but between studies me and the Rev.T. La@ hunt bear, or we track down truants from the chapel, or we make “pastoral calls”. That’s when the Rev. T. Larry goes inside, while I stay outside, and he stays a long time before he comes out, then we go home. Now that .tbe days are getting shorter, and the * nights colder, he sometimes takes me in with him, like recently when we paid a little visit to Village 1 and Village 2. The reason I mention this at all is tbaothei day I beard somebody say that pigs were smarter than dogs. They said that guard dogs -were being replaced by pigs, becayse the pigs were smarter and get this .-- cleaner! lt made me fairly bristle when I. heard it. The _Rev. T. Larry Put in his two cents’ worth by telling about some Anglican priest a couple of centuries ago who’d taught his Pet pig to drink out of a tankard at the table. I didn’t say it, but I thought, “That’s just like a pig.” But back to Village 1 and Village 2 ... Village 1, as-you, probably know, is a m’&e of ‘corridors, and, when we got there everyone was playing “caps’i. Now, caps is a game the Rev. T. Larry didn’t know, and he wasn’t very good at it. So he volunteered me to take his place. A pig would have flipped- that cap and popped it right into the glass, but I didn’t see anything iti it for me, so I played stupid. Really, when you getright down to it, caps is a game for pigs; &hatAnglican priest’s pig would have picked up caps like a pro. Not Snuffy. Like, I,say, I’m a-working dog,:a.nd lalways th$ of ~~~.~S~~-a~~~u~~~~i~*~~~~p~~~~~~~

those bad kids never wanted to go to’university, we thought they must be lazy. If what we are after is more equal access to education, why stop at fighting the computer fees? We must confront the issue of poverty in the

Schroeder should‘e~amiqe

and we $auntered on over to Village’2, At village 2 the “Century Club” was having a meeting. Nearly everybody there was in the club, and the club was workings its way through its. agenda. Here again, I was invited to sit in, but I said “Thank, but no thanks,’ or sounds to that effect; and everybody thought I was just stupid -- “That dumb dog,” I tieard a freshman say. (This, freshman was the one who got his cards mixed up playing “@OS’, who bumped off the wrong party and got d&qualified. He’s from Toronto.) - When I heard that freshman call me dumb, I thought: ‘A pig would join In and feel right at home irf your .I club.’ After an hour and forty minutes of this hilarity, me and the Rev. T. L;arry left Village 2 for St. Paul’s College. Now, St. Paul’s, like the other church colleges, doesn’t have such games of skill as caps, or such elite groups as the Century Club. Instead it has church suppers, chapel services, and hymn , sings. I was looking forward to one .of those church suppers when the Rev. T. Larry popped into PAC to relieve himself-(after Village 2). ,He was a long time at it, and I chased a few squirrels, splashed tiff in the creek,‘got Petted by girls, when--u’h-oh--here comes the guy from the Humane Society, right acrossthe water, stompin’! On with the muzzle and into the truck and here I am again -behind bars in. the wagon full of yappy dogs, tIesty dogs, D&D dogs, AWOL dogs, cap playing dogs and Century Club dogs, all of them dumb dogs soon tQ,@edead dogs, if not this time, the next, and me? -- I hadn’t even sniffed a drink! I i& yw2sifd is,t@ere aqy just&e? Maybe-it’s betterf&“.: to be; “&fipfd; s,o~,+‘~,’ afid;~~p$~&$@.*fn.

To the editor: In J. Schroeder’s letler in last week’s Imprint, he stated that believing that ‘random particles evolved ‘by chance \ into the most primitive life forms is illusory. I suggest Mr. Schroeder should go to the EMS library and take a few books out on biochemistry and chemical L evolution. He would then see that the forming of amino

home so all those bad kids we learned to ignore can also pick up those competitive. traits needed for university. Learning about life does not start at university, it begins at home. Bogus J. Lubcynski 4th Year Planning I

chemical evolution

acids and proteins, which -are the building blocks’ of all life (from methane (CH4), ammonia (NIP) ’ carbon dioxide (C02) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which existed at the .time of earth’s cooling} is not as--ridiculous as he thought. In fact, such an experiment was .done by Stanely Miller and Harold Urey in the 1950s. There are many more steps involved before you eventu-

ally come up’ with self-contained and self-replicating life forms or cells. I don’t have the time to go through them all but I’m sure that Mr. Schroeder will find them interesting-and maybe, afterwards he could look at his owntheory as logi=cally .as he is trying to,look at evolution. Blair MacDonald 1A Mathematics

. .

-Students aware,of underfunding crisis. To the Editor: . . May I begin by thanking Dr. Wright for an opportunity to engage in dialogue (Imprint, November 22). I hope this- spirit may be , perpetuated. At present we face two problems: a decade of accelerated underfunding and the mandatory eomputer fee as implemented. Since the latter has stigmatized the-former, it must- be dealt with first. The inandatory Computer Fee is not a valid ancillary fee.’ It covers services traditionally covered- by tuition and was applied across the’ board without a student mandate. In addition, many students are not able to access the services the fee supposedly.pays for. It is clear that this fee is unique in its -application. A great deal of effort has been directed at bolstering undergraduate systems _capacity and to present the,best face for an indefensible l

the recession. Yet there persists a positive and generous spirit on this campus; a benevolence which should be respected. Although students may be willing to shoulder some of the burden of thi&risis; there are import ant zqualifications. Firstly, the govebnment is expected to answer anyfinancial gesture with appropriate fynding. An ex1 amination of alternative long-range funding strategies with the government is also para: mount. Secondly, with increasing- financial re; sponsibility, the influence of students in university affairs should increase. Finally, a call for imprpved disclosure of sp-ending,’ (where the money goes-and into what projects). Concerns over the $1.4 million required~ per ‘annum to cover unbudgeted operating expenses for the new CRC are valid. They support the need for proper negotiations between the parties.


The Creative Arts Bdard sf the- Federation of Students . is preparing an amateur product&, probably of Robert 3olt ’ 9s A Man For All Seas&s ’ \ Vahcouver


Edmontdn/ Calgary


Contact Andrew ~CO&ll at 8846177 ,f& ‘further- \ a -information. . -.

c no otlkr;and

A Weekend l&e



Sleighride. .. _ ’ ” .. Semi-Formal Dinner and Dance, Sport8XctMties Live Ihtertainnient at &al Bar ,



Food -. For \ Thought- 1


by Cindy Long . Christmas is just around the corner. Nobody knows this better than the local merchants who will undoubtedly milk the last commercial drop out of this yearly event as they : always do. Christmas gifts used to commun&ate a’personal message of warmth and caring. Now we live in a materialistic society where we have been trained to value money and that which it can buy. For this reason, Christmas can hit students pretty hard in the wallet. If you want to give pre’sents; but OSAP didn’t come through and next term’s tuition is due, forget the local department stores. Give a gift that reflects a genuine effort on your part - something that lends a personal touch without costing a mint. Bake some cookies, or make some jam. Buy a cand-y thermometer and try making candies,,or chocolates, or fudge. Find a nice tin, some fancy ribbon and there you have it! These gifts are always’apprecieated, especially if there are kids in the family. If you want’to make jam (and if you can find good jam fruit at this time of year) just follow the directions on the back of the label of any jar of : Certo. One treat that goes over well at my place are simple coconut macaroons. You take 3 cups of moist, shredded coconut, 1 tsp. of vanilla or almond extract and 1/ 8 tsp. salt and mix it all together. Add 2/3 cup sweetened, condensed milk (1 use Eagle Brand) and stir it well. Fold in l-2 stiffly beaten egg-whites androll batter into a teaspoon-sized balls. Drop the balls onto a well-greased cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake them for 8 - 10 minutes at 350 degrees or until they look sort of toasted. Roll them in some icing sugar. This makes about 20 cookies. For chocolatesones, heat the milk *and add 2 tblsp. of cocoa. Cool this mixture before adding it to the coconut. A traditional Christmas favourite are shortbread cookies.. These are even more fun to make with kids around to help you cut out the shapes and add decorations. A recipe that’s never failed me yet ‘is this one from my grandmother: ’ All you need is 2- I/ 2 cups sifted cake and pastry flour,’ 1 cup (I /2 lb.) of soft butter and l/2 cup of “fruit” sugar sometimes called .other things in the stores, but it’s the one that isn’t icing sugar, confectioner9 sugar, brown sugar or normal white sugar. It‘s usually sold in a box. Cream the butter with a spoon and blend in the sugar until the mixture seems light or fluffy. Gradually add 2 cups of the floui. Turn the mixture onto a floured surface and knead it lightly until the dough cracks. Add more flour if needed to get it to this stage. Roll it out to >I/3” thickness and cut into shapes. Add cake decorations if you like: Bake about 25 - 30 minutes at 300 degrees or until light brown .on the bottom. Becareful they don’t get overdone. L don’t be1iev.e you need to grease the pan for these cookies. if they stick horribly to the pan on the first try, grease. it. lightly the second time., 1 don’t think they ,will. Merry Chrrstmas!. . . ’



29, 1985 -

WPIRG panel discussion focuses onI student houshg problems-. h\ L

neighbourhood, the availability of low-rent housing and the limit of by Derrick Chua students per house. “Housing must not \become non-family Imprint staff I housing,” he said. The effect of students, Ginslar said, is based on “Rental Blues” was the title the Waterloo Public Jnterest their behaviour and impact as well as the upkeep of the house; Research Group chose to present a panel discussion on local There must be a fine line between a parent’s desire for a quiet housing issues last Thursday. But the news was not all blue, as a number of possible solutions were presented in the informative t neighbourhood and a student’s desire to blow off steam, he added. Gins@- a1s.ocommneted on the need for more low-rent housing discussion. near .the university where transportation is 1readily accesible to The speakers present were Brian Turnbull, Waterloo Alderman; everybody: Concerning the bylaw limiting the number of unrelated Ken Morrison, a landlord; Ernie Ginsler; a member of the K-W people living in a house, he related it to a Supreme Court de&ion Social Planning Council; Darlene Langois of the Legal Resource which “in essence decided that it was outside the mandate of a Office; Ray Owens, Ombudsman, and Dr. Eydt, Warden ‘of municipality to decide what,users or how.many users could inhabit Residences. a residential dwelling, is within the mandate of the -municipality to Turnbull talked about the Waterloo Student’ Housing Task determine uses, but not users.?’ Force which is studying a number of local issues dealing with Darlene Langois started her address by clarifying that. the student housing. Among the concerns of the Task Force is keeping campus Legal Resource Office is funded by the Federation and tries downtown schools open due to the decrease in family housing downtown’ in favor of student housing, and the question of. to advise students on contracts, clauses, etc. As for the five people bylaw she said more discretion on the city’s part was required. available housing space: They are looking at the question of student Ray Owens commented that “the thrust of development which is, vs. family housing all over K-W. The Task Force will meet on lots and lots of lots is very nice, but how many people can afford December 11 to put together an information package on their today to go out ,and build a house or purchase a house’?’ He said the findings-and there will be an open forum concerning these findings : . answer was not “lots and lots of anything, but affordable housing on January 15. . and affordable to all groups of people.” ~

Municipal .bylakw arbitrary

Owens said that students are not the cause of the housing crisis in K-W and that it is a problem that must be addressed by the entire community. He added that the lack of affordable rental accommodation for students is not solely the university,% problem. To ask the university to solve the housing situation on its own is putting the onus in the wrong place, said-Owens.

The next speaker Ken Morrison, a landlord iri K-W who rents to students, made the point that “the student population is about 20% of Waterloo” and that “it is necessary to live.in harmonious rather than adversarial positions.” He talked about some basic rights of students boarders which include “the right to a clean and cheerful ’ place to live, the right to his/her_ privacy and the right to a quiet atmosphere to study”. But he noted that students have duties as well Dr. Eydt commented on the university’s position by saying, “1 as rights and these duties would be to “keep the place clean and res&ve spent quite a long time being concerned about on-campus Andy pect the property of the landlord, of the neighbourhood and of the off-campus housing, the number of beds available, and I thought community . .. students should integrate into the community, and that what we are dealing w’ith at Waterloo is unique . .. at the point honour all commitments.” ’ where we are about to recommend building townhouses which is the same position ‘as about 10 other universities in Ontario. The An issue that has recently come under scrutiny is the municipal universities collectively are making a‘ strong by-law stating that only five unrelated people can live in a single Ontario to the Committee of Presidents, the Council of family dwelling. Morrison commented that, “the five people per recommendation Ontario Universities, asking the presidents to collectively approach home (bylaw) is merely an arbitrary figure ... (it) should be a house to house study to determine individual maximums’*. He suggested a the province as one voice to do what they did in the late sixties, that student housing bureau similar to the Better Business Bureau. “The ’ is, to provide funds to universities for low-cost housing;” The question period that followed provoked more questions and problem now is that the housing offices just list accomodat,@, not what it looks like or,w-hat ‘thelandlord is like,” said Morrison. This. speculations as to’ the future of stu,dents .housing,at Waterloo, but bureau would check out all houses and report to the housing offices i no-one solution really stood out. There wasa general conse.nsus that more and cheap housing is needed here, but where it will come from ,. a-nd would serve all the people in the community, ’ Ernie Ginsler talked about the effects of students on the is still anybody’s guess. A

Low income, h0ksin.g needed


r . I *


Sat&day Nov. \ 30th ’ I L~V&


_ -’



is sold. \ , c. out c \ ” Federation Hali .Owill b& open for full sertiice ‘until Saturday December ZJst, .i1985 A < ‘ . / \^ W&e open to serve you !. . January Mb., 1986 I . .I ,~~*h,~~~; =tz-#e+*~~~%*. , -., --_/

For fimther information, contact the Federation of &u&its, CC 235 or \ -M&phone 8884042. \ _ / \ flITM7EL \mS - Going Your Way! . .


,\ b




9 Imprint,





CIA killed JF-K, says \ speaker .,.

tax i united the two groups. by Mike Urlocker , ’ j “Oswald-a3d Ruby (who killed Oswald during his transfer be-Imprint staff tween jails) both worked for the CIA. There is no doubt,” he says. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) killed U.S. President Although CIA agents were involved in the assassination, he says John F. Kennedy .with the help of Texas oil-men, says a Toronto it was not directed by the heads of the agency. Once the leaders in high school teacher, speaking to over 200 in the Math & Computer Washington realized their own men were involved they -tried to building last Wednesday - the eve of the 22nd anniversary of cover it up through the subsequent investigations. Kennedy’s assassination; Using FBI.Slides of Kennedy’s clothing, He used six trays of slides - one quarter of his collection testimonies from the autopsy surgeons and frames from the famous pointing out the loopholes and anomalies in the four official investi“Zapruder film” of the assassination, the speaker - who shuns gations into Kennedy’s murder. For example; the Warren publicity to protect his own life - revealed the numerous contra-! dictions in the Warren Commission’s 1964 condlusion that Lee ‘Commission reports that the same bullet which travelled upward from the back of Kennedy’s neck and out of his Adam’s apple, then j Harvey Oswald acted alone,in killing Kennedy. John Connaly’s back and travelled ’ According to the lecturer, who makes a hobby of collecting and ’ entered Texas Governor downward ,through his wrist and intohis thigh, without suffering . presenting information on the asassination, 189 people who any deformation. were too interested in the matter have died since 1963 in what he The commission also says Oswald - who was a poor marksman considers suspicious circumstances., He says ‘nobody is concerned as a U.S. marine - fired two successful shots and one miss with a when he uses a private lecture to present his theories - which are $14 1talian WWII surplus rifle and a misaligned scope in less time based on published information ranging from the 27 volumes of the than could any of the expert riflemen-selected by the FBI in their. * Warren report to over 800 books and hundreds of slides - but too investigation. much media exposure could be fatal. As a result, he has refused ,Furthermore, photographs of the seating arrangements in the air-time on all three major American networks, and refuses intermotorcade suggest no line of sight could be drawn back from the views. two politicians to the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook DeposiAccording to him, the CIA and the oil-men plotted the attack on tory, from which the shots are said to have been fired. the presidential motorcade as it passed through Dallas. Kennedy’s Federation of Students vice-president Scott Forrest says he may plans to break up the CIA and “scatter it to the winds,” and his plan invite the speaker to return to campus to present his entire slide to heavily tax Dallas oil companies - some of which never paid any show over ~four nights next term. \ .

places n&jonal .

. InmiP

Canadian university tournaments, ’ and

debater. 3rd iti .I





David Bigelow, finished third in public speaking. After concluding his remarks, with? ‘and thus’ Capitalism collapses under the .

\ ex%~&$ho~~~ts

event R

debating organizes


did not

D %?di$i$


Y 1 - 1 * * -

- . V ” I . C ”

“ 1

L . . .

-wa “‘- terlooI and Queen’s I. . held a mobile puo rouna m a uus travelling from York University to the hotel. It was such a popular event that’ the tournament or? ganizers asked the two teams to have a formal grudge match the afternoon



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-KOhil?UT~R call Glenn

& Rubinoff

‘Address- on Nicaragua

bilitation of the victims of the John Asling, religion writer he -v---.x*--ahnlichwi -*au and nrtlnl~r rr)n, presentation in the Chapel and 1IW.“U”J v. for the K-W Record, will give an informal discussion will vinced some people they w(ere I Bhopal gas leak, make your cheque payable to: an address titled “Creation, follow. right. , ’ Asling was a member of the , Death and ‘Resurrection in, ’ ’ Bhopal Gas Tragedy Nicaragua” this Sunday at 1l:OO* ’ Ma&Environment Studies K -first, -Canadian delegation of : am: at St. <.Paul% College : University of WaterlooI,+’ 1: 1’:; ( i .- i. i. ,“#;f , ~;l:,.t~,:i wate~,ii...~Q$&L~ i t 50 i Chag& iAblO:OO~ qm.,:inlthe~;~, ~,W&r!,ess &for: P$$a$I ’ Af: n’)lntn--’

” .Bhopal .#cs .i,



$1000 engineering- b-ward

If you would like to make a ---___ --------w-e. ..-wwvIavv ,., -1--y 1”..*a-. 1.““I”I.-a&a. donation for the relief and rehaargued that computers should next


last year’s Bhopal gas tragedy in India will take place from today to+December 3 (900 am. - 5:00 pm.) i,n the courtyard of the EnApplications are curterest in the data communivironmental Studies building. rently being accepted for the cations industry.. Students Professor Sehdev Kumar, who - Gandalf Data s.Ltd.c ,Award. .‘It 1 in 1B or above are eligible to ‘was in India’at the time of the ’ is an annual award of $1,000 apply. gas leak from the Union Carto an outstanding underApplications ’ must be subbide plant, will deliver lectures graduate or graduate stumitted by December 15th, on the issues and consequences dent in ._ _ ._ -_ electrical. systems 1985, and are available in surrounding the accident. He design ~ or c.omputer - engiwill lecture. today at 3:00 pm. neering who _is in I need ‘of:‘,$ and on Monday, December 2 at nancial support, to continue 12:00 noon in ES ‘1, room 221. studies and who has an ‘in’-

F%ii %~h~~~ i%~~$;“‘; wonder’what the hell I meant by ‘that.’


At the &ternational Youth sity of Waterloo Hous e of DeYear Debating Tournament, . . -. . .A ---. bates, placed third at tl,,he rer.nnt IticIb,IL ’ _ .Waterloo and Queen’s UniverCanadian National Debating. sity dominated both the awards Championships (November 8ceremony and the social events. 11). The tournament was held Bruce Kirby of the House of * at The-University of British CoDebates came first in public lumbia and teams from across speaking. His -topic of discus- Canada; attended. In team ’ sion was “If I were Prime Minisstandings, Roberts and Alletpr thic ic what 1 wnllL-4 w~or ” Sandra Piioreschi finished in i ,t the end of his speech, Kriby twelfth spot. This was an excep-w-”ac “--*x”aa*b ctanrfino nn Araoo~A “*A ua table CU”Ib LJlGDJb” tional finish in that it was Prionly+ in Boxer shorts. ,On findoreschi’s first . tournament. ing out that he had :won, he is _

tudents being attacked by, a huge snowball? No, this is just )me of the action in last week’s earthball tournament. Photo by Paul Harms’


, _,,

ELECTRONICS _.- -I. 886-4567



















- - -----



would be used to melt snow off driveways. It is proving to be prohibitively eXpensiv8 around the world. In the United Stat&, the& have been no,new orders for nuclear power plants (since the near meltdown at Three-Mile Island in Mazch of 1979. In fact, since 1975, all but two of 89 orders in the U.S. have been cancelled In 1983, work started on only_ 14.- plants worldwide. In Ontario the projected cost of constructing the barlington nuclear generating station (NGS) rose Tt.nnw&.a.nd.qa.t.&lB billion, which amounts to $4,600 per taxpayer.An average of $4 million is being spent-* on the project eachday. As well, the cost of operating and maintaining the reactors is on the rise. Ontario Hydro’s 1983 Operations, Maintenance, and Administration budget was up 16.8% from that of the year before, which was itself up 19% from the year before that. -





Ontario Hydra is the secondlargestpublicutil ~~,unream~anduncontrolld enxlronmental balance and the sociail and ecoa The con~ial technology of nuclear pow Once looked upon as a panacea, nuclear power 1 fhndamental problems. These Include radio


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’ lncludcb ““llS 1rl500 MWc (pwb,orlnorc. ,”,Cn’,~tz JS01Jim. I, WC. S~lurce~ Nrll lrrld I’cwcr Rc.xror PLwc,m,ancc. onw1,, H\tkr, lyw2.


__~~&zGG Hydra m

-states an& aroun~~i-GoFf&

Many people in Ontario have been led to believ o&y aihmnative to “freezing in the dark”. Thi industqy al&e. There are practical alternativeS. Andwhat’s n mor6 relUble, and safer than the nuclear qw The following feature takes a look at some of E energy in Ontario.

H$dro’s rational8 is that, switching to nuclear power will eradicate the need to use the coalfired plants. This is based on the fa;lse assumption that nuclear power plants rarely break down. They do break down, however, on a regular basis - reqtiing Hydro to reactivate its ~P&hni\a mnlrcr t.hn.n t@YClCl miling til ha.ve to be thermal - _stations and release un.treatea a . aciageneratT-3gas -- - emissions l into the atmosphere. spent to retube units 1 and 2 at Pickering-NGS, me bigF&noC ~lTJUl~ll1 ---Ll-\’ of quclear ,generatep Itseemsdddt~tn~cl~powercanbesaidfo tafhr zk YVL .Qari*vyY ml.9 -1--w-nccident twt3 UYWI UI ____, yeq,ago ,Fvealed contri)nxte si@dXicaMly TV the:prob@.p of .W$d __, -power, howev& is the q !MS tion of hoti to. d&snh~~nic? flaws I -in the Unit 8 VIY VIII m-w. w-v r,ANDTT~r~~~f~~~~. ----- - -. gain, but in Ontario that it ti certainly the case. In ponse of the radioactive wastes it produces: Alis down as well: it will require ’ re@3i.rs of up to $80 1978,‘ Ontario Hydra accounted for 30% of the associated wth uranium though the r-?roDlems qq aon ait,er some if its pressure tubes ruptured . . . totd provinciaI oum ofmphyr dioxide lPF- i3lllaALL xnlmng may Sublll fiM-rrll ;n l. compWson with the during a test la&t spring. t#&b LI “--*VUIL” aidnifi&nt. ffin.t that nnnlnrC;nnl onA )-------LA-\--m&, cy *VI” nnn&WfinS -v---w------- the --I lIeal. nf cnal mi.n__----_ Tn -YuL”*v** &iii~.inn t.n t,he cnsts nf reaair, each ---reactor-~lfi.nRnrr+ nfi;-Wi+ **a. “W ---w-w---=--, _---mrnnl S’xrce of SO, emissions, vv UAALL a lad-jwDL, J+UArr DUL ing, problem of disposing of high& toxic waste INCO's &&)w oper&ol-, -IQ & a&o in' Ontario. breakdown costs $200-250,000 per tiy in E&1=8will continue ofv8ars to be is a one threatwuch for Tn 1 QRn UT~F~‘Q nr?ifI @a... o&put w&s _gr+tBr products hm&ea which andevenf&,m& merit. cnal_ as well as the $300.000 her UaV in &























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_is working or not. On top of all this, there are hidden costs asso/ri Q tail Trrrith n11rl PP T, yv nnwap.s “I nvnh Whiny, Among “V*-A. *AU”*“Y’ ----“---I these are the cost of research and marketi ngefforts ULclrUUU

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mm.ung the reactor cores anddispos+.g )a&ive wastes produced.




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ada combined. By 1984, output had reached 540,000 to 600,000 totes; HydrO will be leguy









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-xciere --- a-ze serious political, philosophica;l,md~c~o~o@c ti problems which have ybt m be resolved.&tg a satisf&ctory solut$on *-C-&l-- icy I-WAY w UG can be found, its implernw~r~~~ll prohibitively expen&e. 2”




tonnes in 1986. It is unlikely that this obligation will met. While Ontario Hydro wasted $1.65 billion buy- * ing u&eeded heavy water plants, which it then mothballed at a cost of $750 million, it refuses , to spend the $300400 million required to outfit its coal-fired generating stations with tiid gas “scrmbbers”, a proven and highly efficient technology.

By the end of this year, Onta@o Hydra-will have ~u&ured a debt of close to $86 billion It increases I by about $2.6 billion every year and, by Hydra’s own estimates, will reach $80 billion by the year 2000. It is important to put this into perspective. The province of Ont&rio has a total debt of $27.1 billion; over 80% of it is therefore due to Ontario Hydro. Hydroaccountedfor lOO%ofpublicborrowix@ by Ontario in 1982, and ?O% of all capital spein the province by all levels of government - munici pal, provincial, and federal. A staggering 88% of your Hydrobillgoes to- . ward interest payments alone. This-amounts to $800 per billpayer per year; even back in lQb3, this totaled $lSO,OOOperhour. Hydro’s foreign debt in. 1983 was $9.3 billion, compared wit+ a foreign debt of $5.3 billion for the federal government. In terms of foreign exchange drain, the interest on Hydro’s foreign debt, close to $1 billion,per year, is more than the dividends paid out to foreign investors by all the foreign-controlled oil companies in Canada. The prospects for improvemetit are grim: the province recently lost its triple-A credit rating, which means that it will have to pay higher interest rates in the future. Meanwhile, Ontario has the lowest per capita, spending on post-secondary education of all the provinces in Canada. It’s 1985: do you how where your taxes lare? ’



DEBT ($ Can)’

Ontario Hydra $9,~6o,no,ooo



s%xo,ooo,ooo 4 i


Ontario Government (non-Hjdro)


m l



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C?immmnr Rivicw.


of Chuio 1984.


Md~HydnlasofFcb. Supdkmar.



28. Km. Bu*


Atomic energv evolved as a by-prodtict of the allies’ Mett& Project d& IkWII, where controlled nuclear reactions were used to produce the _ “weapons grade” material needed for atomic bombs. They still arq. The WU (CANadian ‘Deuterium Uranium) reactor uses natural uraniti as fuel. Natval uranium -consists mainly of. two isotopes (different tqpes) of uranium, XT-235 and U-238, with ,U-238 predominating. Iwide the reactor core, it is the U-235 that fissions (splits apart), creating energy from the small amount of matter that vanishes during the reaction, according to Einstein’s famous formula, E=mc2. Meanwhile, the U-838 is converted into pluto, nium (Pu-239), @ich can eusequently be purified to “weapons grade” by convention&l chemical methods. Plutonium do& not exist naturally in the Earth’s biosphere - it can only be created by a nuclear reaction. what this means is that one of .the major waste products in-the spent fuel from a;CANDU reactor. is not only extremely toxic, but also liable to be used for the fabrication of atomic explosives. This makes CANDU reactors particularly susceptible to be exploited for the purpose of nuclear weapons manufacts, by any. country that buys one. At the present time, those countries incldue In&ia, Pal&taqRo~Ilreentina,a;nd4kmthIcorea. As well, this means that the spent fuel must be safeguarded from possible sabotage or thea for the thousands of years it will remain hazardous. ,


“Job Creation” is a conventjbnrtl defense of all flate demand. (bg. the “stamp gutcoldfeet” ad cam‘white elephant’* projects and Ontario Hydra’s nu-_ ~ cleas expansion program is no exceptibn Pa@*) rIn North-America. It has emba@r.edupon Hydra also promotes increased consumption by The $12 billion capital expenditWe required to panslonprogramthatisthreateniIxgthe.. - its “&,clming bloW rate Mucture, whereby the ~ complete Darlingtonwill result in3OOgermanenf ticsecuri3froftheprwlnoe. . joba. Bell Canada employs S?,OOO people with the mow elec&ricity- one uses, the less it costs. Th& , in is the focuB of m’s expan&jn efEorts. : same asset&; General Motors.. m‘ employs effect,‘offers flnancialJnMiti~~~ for the -0~ con3 ITIn-u on some aiue*c anuvery sumers of electrici~nut to cpnserve energy. On the , 43,000 with qssets tom #3 billion- one fourth of @e capital cost of Darlington tive waste, the pott3ntiaJ for nuclear other side of the kin, -0 shut down 17 coal, oil, tralization, and skyrock.eting costs. While The electricity sector is, in fti, on of the worst natural gas and hydroelectric plants - enough generating capacit;y to tieet the needs of aJl four Maricreators of jobs, requiring about $150,000 to be dV8paralyWd.the WBlstIy in the l3Uied time ptiovinces - in order to make wayfor.its needed spent per job, as compared to $20-25,OOO~needed es to reCognbe the writing on the wall. per job in the manufk&uring sector. And no nuclear power plants. hat, despite its flaws,nucleaz power is the wonder: the aver’age salary level for.Ontaxio Hydra &empt & manipdate s the myth that keepsthenu&arpower - , This “push-me-pull-you:’ demand upwgd on thd o~&k,v&.ilg claiming ‘to stands atlSO%of*he averageCk@Uiamwage. The 1983 Hydra budget caJled for an increase be struggling just tb keep up with it on the ,o.ther, e, these alternatives are cheaper, cleaner; which. would raise the average wage for a regular ma&explain why m has to spend so,much ?e\ti which we are current&y Btuck employee to $45,509. mon~~toconvincethepublic~titis~~ problems with and alternatives to atomic in their intePesL I Hydra has hi.storicallyoverestimatedde~dti order tb jus@y its expansion program. Between 1974 and I981 its denknd fqmast for the yea,r 2000 dropped from: 83,00 to 31,000 Megawatts.. In 19@,3,Ontar$o H$@o$ad enough surplus capacJ’)Em ‘, ityto supplythe~entireprovince of Manitoba. There . is now enough,gen&ating capaciGy tq produce SO% more electrici~ at any time .than is need on the A 1975 forecast by Atomic EnergY of Canada coldest day of the year. A 15% surplus is sufficient L;td, (AECL) predicted that by tlie yeax 2m, C&n- for efficient utilitieti to alJow for fluctuations .in ada would ha+e- -186 nuclear retitors in semce, demand. with ;86f ~4ri+~Otx,tax4~ -a&q+ The’ .nuclear gefierating ‘.@jam@ m9.i. :@@m&p? ii&l&w. .cap&y‘[T.S.. , t.,, statiiaf$ NQQ- ~~~.~d~~-~~~~t~~n-~~~~ Dw,w- ,-’;.> wm ka*.@::t$@t &&, f& tiw@‘. &~~&j&,--$-~&‘~~ ton is the legacy of this@it&&bf li&ikii~sS growth. ,and to Stimulate domes& ‘de-d, !Fhik it does in Currently, Ontario has 12commercial reactors order to increase its revenues, so that it can pay off in operation, t&ee,down fdr m&jor w, and six the debt that has arisen, to a large degree, fkom more uM.er construction, including the four at financing the kurplus capaciw. In other words, Darling&n. The rsst of Canadahas optedoutof the / Hydra is looking for someone to pay for its nuclear power trip: there are only three reactors mistakes. in operation outside of Ontario,-two in Quebecand It would seem to be more in the l&g term i&rone in New Brunswick. est of the Beople of Ontario to try to reduce demand ’ Ontario Hydra’ spent ~3O’millio~ on public re- by encoqaging conservation, and thereby elimilatiow ‘in 1983. Some of that money was spent nate t&e “need” for Darlingtontobe comP;leted. Not convincing people that it ls’necess~&o complete only would this Sarve taxpayers and billps;yers me ’ the Darlington-NGS. in order to m@et rising de- d6Sbillion ~requlred,to compl&e i&e project, but‘it %The single most promising energy option for the .’ mand. Some :of ti went to encour+ge people td he&t would @so promote a make r&t&n& -10 ap future’ can be summed up insone word;: conservatheir homes electrically, thereby attempting to in- proa+ch t0 energy utilization in the province. tio~A19’79Ener~Probestudyshow~dth&_ifhalf ’. the cost of constructing the Daxwn nuclear generating station Were spent on energy conservation,. more electrid energy wouId be conserved than the pl+nt could produce-in its lifetime. As well, f this’ course of action Would save vast amounts of fossil fuel, result in decreased pollution of the eneonment, and create 10,000 more person-years of employment. Although Ontario Hydra, the second-largest publicutjli~InNorthAknsrica,has-n.Ot~adopt’ this strategy, the Tennesme V&alley Aqthorilgr (WA), the largest public utility in NorthAmerica, has. The TVA h&s reduced its nyclear power pro-, gram from 17 to 9 reactors and institutkd a conservation program incl$ing zero-interest loans, w&&h, along with the reactiva;tion of-mothba,l&d . thermal generating stations, will satisfy its enera demands to the year 2000. Accord@g to TVA estimates, tke cost of saw _one kilowatt of electricity is 1300, while the cost of genertiting on& kilowatt of electricity using new plants ranges between $1800 and $3000, In other

words, %egawatW awatt

- -

are cheaper than "meg-

Conservation is & viable al&native. The U.S. Na- ’ _ tional Academy of Sciences determined t&&t a 60% reduction in energy consumption couldbeacheived by 2010 with virtually\ no decrease in the standaxd of liking. In addition to conservation, the other su@ainable or “Soft:’ energy options are availa@le in Ontario, incl~ passive solar, biomkss, and cogeneration, as well as 14,000 megawatts of undeveloped -hydroelectric potential.

Is there a common concern or idea appearing in the writing of university.students? Apparently not. Virgo does point out that one topic may seem conspicuous by its absence - the nuclear threat. It does not seem to be the ever-present burden on the mind it is purported to be. Other aspects of the job include giving public readings of his work, guest iecturiqg and, beginning in the winter term, teaching a course on Canadian literature.

by Darlene Zimmerman Imprint staff Cean Viran hat hwn the writer in residence at UW since the beginning of September. In a small, self-conducted survey it seemed to me that not many students knew who he was, ‘or what he was doing here. At that point 1, went to speak to the geritieman himself, and asked the same questions. It would see’mt something had gone wrong with my survey sample. Sean Virgo is a busy mart. I “The main of a writer in residence is to wrife,” Virgo said. -“sea.
















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On a year long tenure funded by U W, the Church Colleges and the Canada Cduncii, he has the time to write. At the same time, ‘most Canadian writers can not ,afford to make a living from their craft. The University offers patronage to writing which they regapd as quality. ‘Sean Virgo has published poetry and short stoGes and has worked on theatrical and multi-media pieces,, His first novel will be available in the spring. Written over .five years, it is an obvious source of pride and pleasure. However, “it is the’ job of academics to tell. what a novel is .^ I.,. gbout,” he &ted.

to the university. “1 am -a re&rce-*person, available to anyone who needs help,?’ Virgo said. Contribution to the university takes place in s&&al ways. “Talking to young writers (in terms of their writing experience) about their work is one of the enjoyable aspects of the job.” Faculty members, students from Waterloo and Wiifrid Latirier, as well as community members all seek advice. Students cgme from ail disciplines; there is no obvious correlation between English majors and writers.

I. @WI

I ,;Fu z ‘“y

Through Daily


,’ I’.-.4&q-y-@ ._?.

the Year Meditations








with Thonias Merton: from His Writings

~’ ’

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Y I Y ” y . - . . C T . . .



and, Edited .by Thomas p- McDonnell Doubleday, 1985

_ _ _ _

biJ Chris Wddskou”, Imprint staff’



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ship, class,





mai1 art

is’ far ‘more_.





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seems to have fled from the steaming.reality

of human passions

and struggles, to be found only in .“silence”land “emptiness”. I, would submit that it’is Merton, and not God, who has fled the -_ { :., :* pressures df social ,life. , I’d also sumbit that if y9u?Je;loo.ki.n9 for good i&iirgi.gri& for the personal daily meditatiQn _ m__.__ A__,_\ and. reflection, . . take any. of .I tour ,mill ofgospels, the divide it into.365(6) peaces qnd take one apay, ;rtct ,uar

- - -


1. _ Christ, we can find in Jesu. s’s 18%Christian ex&nDle of asceticism and contemplation - J(BSUS’ 40-day fast in the- Wilderness, for instance;and his periodic c withdrawals from.the crowds. Yet interacthis is all balanced by Jesu: 3’ intense engager&mt@nd tion with people, their problems, their-sicknesses, their joys, their sorrows. . . In short, the Christian approach is characteiizkd.by a life and action of love supported by times of retreat and reflection and prayer. Merton is disturbing to m;e in his emphasis 011 retreat and a one-dimehsional God who exists not in the marketplace amidst the struggles of mankind, but in silence. Merton’s God


_ I would offer a warning, however;,Merton’s passion’for the ascetic hermit’s life‘ leaves me meditating on the tragedy df the man’s neuroses. I recoil at his description of “conversation” as “a punishment for false niysticism”. I find his statement “I-am by Doug Thqmpson ‘once again ‘made clean by frost and morning air, here in the , imprint staff presence of the moon,” (November 19 entry) to be positively Hermits have a hard time not being controversial, and the un-Christian. It stahds in apparent opposition to most views of C;isterciaq M,o&.Th9mas, Merton was no exception. Through CI II mualury see love.of God to be realized in expressions I / the:ivear with <Thomas Merton, subtitkd -Daily Meditaof love ‘to neighbocirs. How can an expression of love in conver, i ;:~&&&$$., HbV ..writiq&. is as controversial and thoughtsation be equated with “punishment for false mysticisti”? !;;.!&~~~@j~, &he famqus, Ca,th&c xhermit was himself. Cleansing “by frost and morning air” might well be underChristmas is comi&,‘and with it lotsof “gifty?‘books; cqmpistood as keferring to the contemplative benefits of getting away lations, anthologies, and books of daily meditations. I didn’t from the maddening crowd to reflect and gain perspective if it read all 366 daily “meditations” in preparing this review, but I uia A!-’ nor --L IWIIWW L-II-... i*a----mediately rm after the description of conversation read enough to be puzzled, provoked, angered, inspired, comaa.cla ,....a;, 1,-Ae+ and . were it not penned by a hermit who made yurll3lllllt=llL, forted, encouraged and affirmed. This book is definitely Inot a a05virtue af fliaht flisht from sharing and caring - for the woes of nanal gift to be offered to Jerry Falwell fans, nor would most )rurua -- -- ahcnll itis+:< hn able to avoid the temptation of disctirding it as the world. . heresg. But for .the open-minded seeker, interested in &king Aud social comment, where--it occurs, is bitter, biting and .his thought(s) ‘brovoked into new ,t&rritories an&uncharted shows little compassion. Thomas Merton seems to be angry, waters, this intens,e, concentrated collection of glimpses into and describes his solace in terms of emptiness and isolatibn. If the life and e>tbloratiotis;of Merion could ..prove toybe an abiding ’ Chiistianity can be said to be that which pertains to Jesus, the _ Selected

(I ,

not, confining

Recently, the value of having a writer in residence has been questionbd.. It has been suggested that money should instead be given to fund computer resources; that universities, as major supporters of Canadian writers, are the cause of academii: elitism in ‘hew Canadian work; and that writers gear themselves toward that select (academic) audience. “Romantic garbage,” retorts Virgo. “Patronage has always, theoretically, been a restriction of freedom. There is no way that this environment could confine my freedom as a thinker, feeler, an artist.” The financial burden for patrols is minimal. In 1978, the Canadian census reported the annual income fot a writer as $7,000 per year. There has been no tremendous jump in this figure. With government funding becomming increasingly restl;icted andsiiff competition from American and British writers fo.r the public dollar, Cagadian writers-must find funding and support elsewhere. The tiniversities seem to’ be’ the place. A writer is paid to, write as oppossed to “fitting in”, their writing while working full-time to earn a-l‘iving:Weicdme to the Utiiver-.i s . sity of Waterloo, Mr. Vi,rgo. Works by Sean Virgo are available in the Dana‘Porter Library and Campus bookstore. His -office is in St. Jerbme’s College. .r .~. , ; .,. ._I _“. L‘_3, _’ i’ 1 ’


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Mnvtnrr'e A’LGl




and his Messiah are just that, reflections,and often vex y rrruuur ones. The real thing is much mdre retreshing, much more radical, and as we have seen, Jesus continues to be even more .:, ci>ntroversial than Merton-


‘;thati- ‘the’ : dada: L which were intrinsiFlIg;i tinkled! 1: tu$ed ‘e&tries ‘mailed ‘in froin .J humani& 1.mja~em&!rit. ;It :is *a”m&ns of’ 8tqconcetins about‘criitt.ire$o=.. Nbrfh . meiica E&ids&g ‘cultur& and thd ’ ’ ‘through&t communicaiing, ideas beciety, and Icontemporary .i and frijm Europe, South exchange’ qf id&as were twq d;r Arinerica and other-exotic lotweefi artists on--a :very per- .. issues. ‘. ’ . i. c, %, the prevalent themes of-‘the tI 2hd International tOthers~ .were stark, poig- sonCd level. ‘(mindtales. nant images such as one from - .Although it has arisen out ’ The entries in the exhibir roastingly gttoovy) Postal Art Exhibition which took place,_ gf the same social conditions . titin.‘were marked by their inBelgium which consisted of dividuality, the variety of differently coloured Portr$ts last -week in $he’ES-2 gallery, which spawned Dadaism, a ‘&rated by John Silverstein’s seemingly absurd, nihilistic themes, and the wide range ~~~w~aendw~x~~s~o~is~t~; and nature of the forms of ex. ’ world which makes little Fine Arts Exhibition Curatorothers .w&e playfully sardonic pression. The artist is not r&twistings ofexpectations and tricted to ‘the _ traditidnal Top Ten Rec&ds/Tapes for the Week Ending fgrmat of &hibits, revieti soci&l%stitutions such as the / November22, -1985. arid sales and, as a result, et&y from Quebec recording “ambhssade .e;ach of-the entries had a disartist and LArtists United Against Apartheid Sun ‘City tinctjvely personal stamp, the neoiste”, Monty,Cantsin, who 2. Clash ’ Cut the Crap artist having complete control sent a lavish display of neoist 3, Depeche Mode - Catching Up With Depeche Mode propaganda . atid \ various over his work. ’ , 4. Joni Mitchellt - Dog Eat Dog posters telling of the progress ‘- Seeking to transcend the 5. FallThis Natiorl’s Saving Grace ofCount,, “Monty . CBntsin’s BloocI conventidnal barriers be6. Big Audio’ DynamiteThis is-Big Audio Dynamite t&en art and life, mail’art is * 7. Simple MindsOnce Upon A Time actually a reflection of the real At first glance, postal art is , 1. 8. Alarm; Strength ‘world with the emphasis on an arresting b&t cgnfusing 9. Arcadia Election Day 12” Single presenting, images and sugmeans of expression. How10. Pat Benatar Seven the -Hard Way . gesting ideas rather than ever, as last ‘week’s exhibition Just .Arrived making’ heavy-handed maniproved, it is a powerful media 1. Baltimorzi Living in the Background festos. Many of the entries for- the exchange of ideas and 2. Aiexei Sayles; .Didnlt You Kill My Brother (12”) were collages of seemingly 0piniQns. The Importance of Breath 3. Whitenoise~ll~l~l~~ll!*~ll~lllllllnll~l~l~l~l~~









ipeak Out: ‘One work# or none’ ” - one of the entries I e 2nd International Postal Art Exhibition. Photo by Chris Wodskou

. -Eating Raoul \

survival and searches for women ->another depleted commod\ Without a doubt, Eating kaoul is one of the most bizarre, ity. He finds one and follows her into her subterranean reblackest comedies in film history. It is the story of Paul and of a small midwestern town where it’s always state fair Mary Bland, a straightlaced Hollywood couple who dream of _ / creation time. But it seems that the Aryanistic town-fathers have taken a one reviewer said: “On the day God created Spinal Tap, opening up their own home-styled restaurant. But much to shine to Johnson’s genes and wish to keep him there and it is HeAsshould have rested”. That one quote says volumes about their dismay, their condo complex has been insidiously taken ‘only through .a gruesome twist that the boy and his dog escape. this ~gawdoffal band, the creation of Christopher Guest and over by decadent- sex-crazed “swingers”, played by a wide A BOY and His 00s is by turns disturbing, funny, and Micheal McKean. Thbugh Spinal Tap were only created for the variety of television-character actors, particularly from WKRP. stomach-turning. It is not only the story of a ‘very unique movie, they have released an *album and they made a guest To rid their innocuous, moral little world of this menace, the friendship, but also‘ an unsettling commentary on the innate appearance on Saturday NightLive, on which they performed s Blands use a sex-fantasy-fulfillment service as .a front for luring sickness and barbarism of the human race. their timeless classic, “Christmas with the Devil”: If YOU ignore swingers to their place, and killing them before any act can take the wave of over-kill which followed it, though; This is Spi+ place. To make a little side money, their friend, Raoul, takes the Tap may be enjoyed as a brilliant parody of a deserved target, bodies to a lowbrow dogfood company. the big-headed excesses of heavy metal. And even if SOW of Superficially, Eating Raoul is just a depraved, but hilarious the “in-jokes” pass over your head, there’s still enough slapcomedy. But digging deeper will reveal one of the most scathing ‘One of the notorious cult movies, Repo Mati has all the stick to make even the most naive non-initiate laugh out loud. social and moral satires in memory. Moral double standards ingredients of a classic cult film - a great soundtrack featuring i . are ridiculed as the Blands won’t even think of committing the the likes of Iggy Pop, The Plugz, and Black Flag&rising young acts they advertise and they even sleep in separate- beds, but . actors such as Emilio Estetiz;.-and a plethora of weird, :; ; t :- _Z G f --‘: ‘ 1c $: .8;b-_-=. , ..I ,, c - ~ r+ q .t ,, , murder. per&man& of a lifetime as a middle-aged, burnt-out Lcar * -’ ‘ repossessor who takes the causeless. punk rebel, Estevez, 1 under his wing to teach him the ropes .of the repossessing , 1 Even though some may resent it, this John Sayles movie business. bears comparison to that Spielberg monster, E.T., because The plot, which consists, of the chase between rival “repo” both movies show how a newcomer to this plariet would react ’ agencies to get to a 1964 Malibu with.a futuristic space weapon to its hazards and peculiarities. A very simple moviej it conof unknown origin in the Itrunk, is really secondary to the Years before Miami Vice’s Don Johnson discovered stardevelopment of endearingly odd characters and the comment dom via three-day scruff, white pimp clothes, and glitzy vioterns the experiences of an extra-terrestrial who happens to resemble a 25-year-old black man. Though he is a gentle crealence, he was in an award-winning@4 flick called A Boy And on the shallowness of society. Vignettes showing Estevez’s ture, the authorities of his planet want him back for a crime, it His Dog. Itls after a nuclear holopaust and the entire earth is a parents sitting, mindlessly watching a TV evangelist -they’ve different barren desert where man is cdmpletely selfishly pitted against ,given all their money to .and&trio of punkssaying, ‘fLet’s do a would seem, he did not commit. The reactions-of on man to get what little food is left on earth. crime” show the aimlessness and meaninglessness of types to him during his stay are an interesting commentary Aided by his best friend, a shaggy genius of a dog with whom American society. One of the funniest, most memorable I \ the way people interact. Sayles’ picture is both charming and. cerebral, a good mix to run across. he communicates through mental telepathy, Johnson fights for movies of recent years. i

\This is Spinal Tap

Repo NItin

\ l- A Boy And His Dog

ized by expiosives, bulldozers and other forms of modern machinery, usually enveldped ,in a thick black smoke. As the pace of koy-on-isskit-see], directed by Godfrey Reggio and the music quickens, so does the film speed, so Francis Coppola, is an unusual film that played t,bt what fdllows is a representation of. mobs at the .Princess Cinema last Tuesday and of inane people, cars and factories, running to Wednesday and was shown yesterday by and fro, rushing and rushing, faster and fasWPIRG. It is unusual in. that it neither has plot ter, until the machinery and the people are indistinguishable from each other, and the nor characters. Instead, it uses extensive vis_, ual imagery with a soundtrack by Philip Glass , music reaches a crescendo. * - ’ to depict the destruction of the American In this aspect, the film becomes a metaphor landscape and the dehumanization of urbanilikening people, who are represented as - zation. hordes rather than individuals, to parts of a We are first presented- with a series of grand machine whose purpsose has long I. sweeping panoramas of unique Iand, water - been -forgotten; but which continues to funcand cloud formations, before’ the arrival. of ; tion parasitically and methodically destroying ’ man. The citiesare then created,,as symbolits environment. One segment which was parby-Sandra Jeppesen /. -’ _ Koyaanisqatsi (pronounced

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ticularly effective in portraying this image deAlthough to take this film too seriously pitted first a machine that ’ spewed out _ would be a ,mistake, there is the obvious ‘mes-’ sausages followed by a series of parallel escalsage &at we are destroying our own world ators being ascended by endless crowds of that was once breathtakingly beautiful at an escalqting rate that cannot feasibly continue, people, $11in fast motion, T&e people throughnor for that matter, be easiIy restrained out the fiim, in fact, w’ere all being observed or processed as if in a factory, where each tiny Equally importantly, however,. it makes us ’ laugh at ourselves in disbelief, as we shudder part has no real significance to the process, or each person has o-individual significance. to to think that we l&k like so many-sausages/the industrialize 2_ city. .going ‘up and-down escalatop (Think about Koyaanisqatsi means entropy, or dis- ’ that. the next ,tim-e you’re at the Eaton Cen. order, and the film presents quite. a marked 1 tre). . . contrast, both visually and through. the use of A film with&a plot, withoirt characters, music, between the majestic and orderly landwithout ‘speech, Koyaanisqatg is an interestforms before man exploited them; the disoring concept, a solid production and definitely ganization -and eve&increasing entropy of worth seeing. , urbanization and industrialization. a.




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295 King Kitchener, 744-1370


De1 Amitri Chrysalis MCA

Rough Trade’s big boss man, Geoff Travis) for a four LP deal. SaysII_.Iain:. . “Btg Star is their excuse for not treating us as a serious ..::::: :..., :::,,, I.................. ::.::.~~:::‘::~,~.::~:. consideration. Its quasi-independant image within the .:...:...:.......... ..A .,...A.......,. ...

by Tim Perlich Jm rint staff x t first look, De1 Amitri may appear to be a cri band of youths thrown together after last week? practice - not so. Formed nearly five years ago 1 songwriter, bassist Justin Currie and school chug

St. E.



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Crocodiles brilliant PIeasant Dream$~ the single tailed to sell out its initia&$@ virtually unknown until the BBC’s Jc&# greatest band in the universe’ for Suddenly the major labels sat..& sisned the lads to their Bis Star.2 gleefully masturbatorv suitar solos over a nassable. nloddina funk ditty. It is-perhaps significant that this is the-only track which ex-Chicsters’Tony Thompson and Bernard Edwards do f&&$/$&T&, ;y..:;. I” not play. -. : Bernard Edward’s ham-fisted mutilation of this album makes by Paul Done .. + .‘. ’ it an instant inductee into the Bad Production Hall of Fame. Imprint staff :‘.:I:. ,. .,, j:.. Riptide is a predictably banal effort from the man who helped With the excepti&&&f.one~ track, Riptide, Robert Palmer’s , perpetrate one of the greatest travesties of all time in The new album is a p&@y”:miserable effort. A stellar collection of Power Station’s cover of Get In On. musicians and si:~&&rs is wasted through bad production and mediocre songwriting. The majority of Power-Station vein bad approximation album is so awful tl anything that poor Discipline Of Lo where the smog of Quiet Riot axeman d

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Simple Minds Once Upon a Time Virgin Records

by Charles McRobert Imprint staff By no short means, Sons And Fascination is unquestionably the pinnacle for Simple Minds. You know it, too, when you dance to Love Song, of Theme For Great Cities. On New Gold Dream, Simple Mind embraced their greatest commercial success in an album that not only maintained the group’s integrity, but also proved accessible enough to crack the FM market. I had trouble getting used to Sparkle In The Rain, which featured an assault of drums and a lillywhite wall of sound. Nevertheless, songs such as Speed Your Love to Me and Waterfront worked very well. I wish I could say that there are a few good songs on Once Upon A Time. I cannot. What a piece of garbage. Unquestionably, Jimmy. “Fat Man” Kerr and the boys have taken a turn down the wrong lane. Why are the songs so banal? Why has the drumming of late gone from bad to worse? ’ The former question can be explained by the departure of * Derek Forbes, bass player and chief songwriter for the group _ Forbes has a unique sense of style that imparted a distinctive flavour to Simple Minds. The latter question is answered by the departure of an original member, Brian McGee, drummer from day one who left after Sons And Fascination. ‘His replacement, Mel Gaynor, has a simple direct style quite different from the complex rhythmic structures devised by McGee. At one time in the not too distant past, Simple Minds could have been considered one of the truly great groups of the eighties, combining both a sense of dance dynamics and musical integrity. While they never enjoyed mass appeal, one was given to believe that the group was content with its (fairly extensive) coterie of fans. Once Upon A time seems to indicate that the desire for the big time has become too tempting for the group. Proverbially speaking, just how bad have Kerr and company become? Buy Sons And Fascination and make your own little discovery. I am sure that Virgin president Bob Muir is peeing his pants, for Once Upon A time undoubtedly will outsell any preceding Simple Minds album (for reasons only too well known by this reviewer). So, the next question is, when will Simple Minds change their name to Simply Monetary?


Herzog by Chris



On a Sunday morning in 1828,’ a boy of about 16 was found standing motionless in the town square of Nuremburg, Germany. The scruffy lad held a prayer book in one hand, a note in the other. The note, evidently written by his keeper, explained the boy had spent his entire life chained in a dark cellar where he had been denied human contact. He could barely walk; he couldn’t speak or eat

Disney by John Zachariah Imprint staff


One Magic Christmas is a good movie not because it has great acting, an engaging plot and elaborate sets, but because it is sure to evoke a great sense of warmth and nostalgia in anyone who, as a little one, waited up for Santa in the living room with a flashlight or gazed longingly at a GI Joe or Barbie in a dog-eared Sears catalogue. The new Disney picture presents two

film ingeniapus

properly. When given a black probably his best known in piece of paper b-y the curious North America. townsfolk he scrawled on it Equally intersting is the per“Kaspar Hauser”. formance of Bruno S. as KasThis true story, the subject - par Hauser. Bruno S. is a of Werner Herzog’s 1975 film pseudonym for a man whose The Enigma of Kaspar own life bears a similarity to Hauser, is playing this weekKaspar’s. Herzog chose (end at the Princess Cinema Bruno for the part after seeing in Waterloo. Alternately ena documentary made about thralling and maddening, the his life. His prostitute’mother movie documents Kaspar’s had deposited him in an instigradual assimilation into sotution for the retarded when ciety. He- is taught to speak, he was three years old. Alexhibited as a -natural man though not retarded, Bruno then mysteriously murdered. lived in the hospital until the Of all of Herzog’s films this is age of nine, by which time he

was life.




Apparently, Herzog found him living like a bum in a shack, occiasionally playing an accordion in the backyard. To perform the’ scene in which he learns to walk, Bruno knelt for three hours with a stick behind his knees until his legs were too numb to stand. His oddly stooped body .and broad wide-eyed face conveys a child like amazement. Truly an ingeneous film.

movie, is nostalgic views of Christmas, one through the eyes of Abby Grainger (Elizabeth Harnois) and the other, through the eyes of her mom, Ginny (Mary Steenburgen). Ginny does not like Christmas, particularly, but unlike Ebeneezer Scrooge, she doesn’t speak about the subject harshly or cynically, but in a tired tone. The trials of Ginny’s job and family have completely eroded her interest and fascination with Christmas, so

much so that she tends to equate the season with other nuisances such as taxes. Abby, wide-eyed with the approach of Christmas is nonetheless concerned about her mom’s dourness. She finds an ally in Gideon, though, the Christmas angel, who is wonderfully portrayed by Harry Dean Stanton. Though it is A Christmas Carol-like, One Magic Christmas has a timeliness with which one can easily

identify. The scenes of rayonbearded Santas in department stores (and the like) would certainly jade anyone. But the movie never purports that it is the commercial trappings of Christmas which make it such a magical time, but instead, the feeling of fellowship and warmth which can be felt. And although Ginny learns to share this warmth in a fantastic and unlikely.,. manner, her lesson is of which we ta/n all draw from and use.

1 UW wins ‘Naiimith!!!,


by Steve Hayman Imprint staff Last Sunday, five thousand enthusiastic Grey Cup haters saw the Warrior basketball team crush the upstart WLU Hawks 95-76 in the final of U W’s 18th Naismith Tournament. Randy Norris led all scorers in the final with a whop.ping 29 points and was named the tournament MVP for his efforts. It was Waterloo’s third Naismith championship in a row. “We hope it culminates in a National Championship this year, ” assistant athletic director Wally Delahey said to thunderous applause as the all-star team of UW’s Norris, Peter Savich, Rob Froese, WLU’s Rene Luypaert (how on earth do you pronounce that), Acadia’s Gary Towle and Winnipeg’s Gord Tucker was announced. Tucker appeared for his award wearing a Warrior’s sweatshirt to more thunderous applause, saying afterwards “I’ll do anything for a clap. This is the best tournament in the country. We love coming here. The fans are great.” Wanna transfer, Gord? We can probably find a place for you.

The Warriors’ Rob Froese goes up for a jump shot against Laurier’s Bbb Urosevic. Photo bv Simon Whedler\

Basketball The basketball Athenas started a strong season with three wins and no losses. Action last Saturday night brough another victory, this time over the Western Mustangs, 69-57. A pre-season loss to the Mustangs did not discourage the team, as they dominated the game from the initial jump. Crisp passes and alert defence

More thunderous applause greets the introduction of the 1974-75 Warrior National Championship basketball team - but Wally, could you tell us some of their names . . . The applause was only slightly less thunderous for a fine performance by the WLU Hawks, the surprise team of the tournament. Laurier upset Acadia 87-83 in the Friday opening round and edged a tough Western squad 7 1-69 in Saturday’s semi-final. Waterloo had an easier time, crushing Carleton 91-66 and beating Winnipeg 79-72 in their only real test. The team finally seems to be playing together. Pre-Naismith rankings had Waterloo at #2, just behind you-know-who, but we’ll just see about that now, eh? Carleton was missing three of its starters from the team that lost to Waterloo by 38 earlier in the year. “For being as undermanned as they were, they did a great job,” Warrior coach Don McCrae remarked after the game in which every Warrior got to play and all but one got to score. Friday’s games were remarkable in that the four teams that began with “W” all won. A mild upset - at least to me - saw Western edge Toronto 7 l-70. Notable by a first half absence of Toronto standout John Karpis. Why, Blues coach Brian Heaney was asked, didn’t you use him more? “Academic demands are very high at U of T. Some of our players had to miss our previous game due to exams, so they had to sit out a half.” Does this make any sense to anybody?. Winnipeg made a fine comeback against UQTR after being down by - 1 can’t find my notes - about 15 at the half to win 82-8 1, setting up Saturday’s Wesmen-Warrior clash. The game was basically ever for the first half until a surge led the Warriors to a 5 l-36 half-time lead. The new big-man rotation scheme involving Paul Boyce, Jamie McNeil and Randy Norris worked marvelously as U W played some of its best basketball of the year. Things got tense in the late going with Wesmen pulling to within 5 with 2 minutes left, but the Warriors rode 23 points by Rob Froese to a 79-72 win. “We didn’t handle their lane-ing zone in the last 15 minutes very well,” Froese mused. Coach agreed. “We were too tentative with it. Manitoba used it too, maybe they sent a message to Winnipeg. But we stuck Peter Savich in the middle of it. He hit somejumpers - if he hadn’t, we’d be watching the final.” Warrior tenth man Craig Beda announced that the game ‘was exciting from the bench. “It’s more important for us to win the championship than for me to get two minutes of playing time,” he said graciously. , Pre-Final ThougMs: I am going to kill whoever thought to sell kazoos. It sounds like there’s a herd of killer bees loose in here. The rugby team has the right idea - they’re selling empty popcorn bags as Warri.or Puppets. Another darn-near-full-house is here, the first Sunday afternoon full house in years, partly because it’s the first time UW and WLU have ever met in the Naismith final. WLU played some great basketball to get here and has obviously been the surprise of the tournament. The official disappointment of the ‘85 Naismith award oes to Toronto, a team with lots of individual talent but, as If eaney said, “A mistake people make is saying any group of players comprises talent. We’re seeking to develop a talented team.” -

UW’s Jerry Nolfi defies the law of gravity as he looks up court, Photo Iiv Simon Wheeler As part of the Festival of Mascots, the Warrior Classic - an alumnus, brought out of retirement for Homecoming -joined the Homecoming Lion for the final and did an<other fine job of frenzywhipping, along with the the New Warrior who orchestrated some of the finest waves ever seen in the PAC. With a Roman Soldier and a Lion, all we need now is a Christian for a complete set. The final was a one-point game for most of the first half with neither team holding more than a five-point lead until a Norris basket ended the half at 5 l-45 for U W. The Warriors pulled away steadily in the second half to win the title 95-76, in spite of a “We Want 100” cheer that stalled the momentum during the final minute. * Savich noted that, “This tournament we got the ball to the big men consistently”. And not as much to. Savich - his game style is changing; according to McCrae. “He’s trying to respond to other players more,” McCrae noted. “He did a great job playing control ball - he could get 50 a night if we let him lay his ears back. There’s no question that Norris was the MVP. He started us off and kept us going.” All in all, a fine tournament, fine basketball, a great crowd, with three sellout games in spite of the ticket scheme which I hereby apologize for calling “goofy”. Tieing the Naismith u-r with Homecoming appears to be a success. Good work everybody. Oh yeah, I would have done better in the pool if I’d remembered to get my picks in for Saturday’s games .. . What’s Ahead This weekend the Warriors play at a strange tournament at U of T. Waterloo and Toronto will each take on two=American schools, Stanford and American U. (of Washington, DC). Each country gets a point for winning a half, and 1 think the winning country gets the Northwest Passage. Do we have to cheer for Toronto‘? Ugh “(This) week we’ll have to keep improving - if we open a crack, they’ll bury us”, McCrae forecasted.

Athenas take first three games led to the success of the Athena offense. The squad controlled both the offensive and defensive boards with a total of 49 rebounds. Kim Rau’and Cindy Poag led the team with 11 and 10 and guards Sheila Windle and Kerry Doherty grabbled six and five respectively. The young players had an exceptional offensive game with

hlichelle Campbell scoring 11 ‘Kemp recalled the last time and Adele Daly throwing up Waterloo beat Western on their eight. Top scorers were Corinna court. Lueg with 18, and Cindy Poag With continued improveand Kim Rau with 13 each. ment and more experience the Western was overwhelmed Athenas will be strong contendby the Athenas’ strong team ef- ers for a first place finish in the fort. Waterloo guards refused West Division of the 0 WI AA’s. to show their youth and inexCome see the Athenas next the term in action at 8:oe p.m. on perience, and controlled game with confidence.Coach January 8 in the PAC-

. Warrior Volleyball team wins three, loses one in St. Kitts by Rob Vanderburgh Last Friday night the Warrior Volleyball team travelled to St. Catharines to play the much improved Brock Badgers. The badgers had shown their strength two nights before as they played extremely well against Western. Although UW made this trip without two key starters, Dave Ambrose and Scott Shantz, they managed to win three games to one.

In the first two- games the Warriors overcame the emotional Brock team by scores of 15-11 and 15-12. In the third game, though, the Warriors made a few costly mistakes which allowed the Badgers to gain the momentum. Brock pushed the score to 14-8 before the Warriors could get the ball back. Waterloo did come back to make the score 14-12 but that’s all they got. The third

game went to the Badgers 1512. With the score 14-l 1 for Brock in the 4thgame, the Warriors began a gutsy comeback. They tied the game at 14-14 but then stalled. B&k took control and promptly scored a point to make it 15-14 and game point again. Strong hitting and good defence on U W’s part, however,

allowed them to tie the game at 15-15 and then take two more points to end the match at I 7-15. The Warriors play tonight (Friday) at 8:00 pm. at WLU and then on Saturday at the Guelph Invitational tournament. The Warriors hope to place highly in the Guelph tourney.

Skaters figure first at home

Second place for squash team

Rankie placed first in the Junby Stephanie Muller ior Similar Pairs. In the Senior winning 3-O. Brenda Hoffman Last weekend the figure skatby Chico Silvestri Similar Dance, Rankie and Julie played very strong at ing team held its first annual Last weekend, the Waterloo matched up with Yvonne Depositions one and two, losjng to Homecoming Invitational vantier and placed second. Athena squash team attended Western and McMaster in close Competition. Held at ColumRankie also placed second in part one of the OWIAA Chammatches. Diane and Julie were bia lcefield the tourney hosted the Junior Singles. Margo pionships, the Western Divsqueezed out 3-2 in their seven Ontario universities. The Fraser had a good weekend isionals at UWO. Waterloo matches agains’t Western, playfinished second overall, losing Waterloo team had outstanding placing first in the Open Ladies ing excellent squash on the way. , performances from all the skatto Western O-5 while easily deand third in the Senior-Solo Joyce Munn was forced to withers and beat out second place Dance. However, the tourney feating Laurier 5-O and edging draw due to an ankle injury. SylWestern 20 points in team ’ belonged to Pam Hastings as out McMaster 3-2. via Ounpuu, who played will in she placed first in the IntermeDiane Hutchison, Rebecca ’ standings. the sixth spot, replaced Joyce in . diate Singles, fourth in the SeStreeter and Joyce Munn, playthe fifth position and was triIn the individual events, Waing third, fourth and fifth renior Singles and third, along umphant in her match. Action terloo faired well. The team of spectively,’ dominated in their with Carol Snow, in the InterAlison, Hayes-Sheen and Carol matches-over McMaster, each continues in January. mediate SFmilar Pairs.

U W’s Margo Fraser took first place in the i)pen Ladies competition in last weekend’s Homecoming Invitajional. Photo by Simon Wheeler

.I I ’ At&es ‘-

of athe Week

1 by Cathy Somers ’ The UW -- Vaisity Men’s Hockey team was once again victorious, def&ating the visit,ing Queen’s Golden Gaels from Kingston 7-6, this past Homecoming weekend. The team played with a mixed intensity, Irom a very low .to a veqy high; potent, power play which was 100% successful, with fsur goals on four opportunities. The Warriors were up 5-2. heading into the third period, but Queen’s managed to net four’ unanswered goals, compared to Waterloo’s two.in the third. _

Pam Hastings - Athena Figure Skating * Pam is a second-year psychology student who is an intermediate skater with the Athena, Figure Skating Team./ Pam was a key factor in the -Athena’s victory at the Homecoming Invitational Figure Skating Meet this past weekend. She won the Intermediate Singles Free Skating and then -entered a higher category.and picked up a 4tfi place finish in the Senior Singles Free Skating. Along with her partner, Carol Snow, Pam alspenveered. the Intermediate Similar Pairs. With only a week to prepare for this, Pam and Carol put ’ together a routine whichearned them a 3rd place finish in their category. F


Boyce Basketball

Peter Grouse was strong in ihe- Warrior-net, since the opposition outshot the Warriors 3321. Waterloo also manag{d to take more penalties; including one game misconduct. The 43 penalty minutes were definitely t,o ‘the benefit of the Golden Gaels. Both Steve LineSman and Jamie McKee had two goals. for Waterloo tihile Dave Fennell, Todd ‘Coulter and Dave Cole added singles. Waterloo hosts Guelph today (Friday) at home and then goes on the road Saturday evening to face the McMaster Mauraders in Hamilton:


Paul .is a 6’ 6 senior Warrior basketball player from ’ ( Sudbury, Ontario *here he attended and played for Lasalle Secondary School. Paul, a computer science major, returns this year following his recognition as an OUAA All-’ Star in f984, despite missing one month of that season with h j . broken foot. 1 Paul is always considered by everyone tiho the Warriors play ‘as a member of their all-, opponent team for his work in the trenches. Surrounded as her and is with All-Canadians League All-Stars, Paul’s stats do not alwiys allow him to Isurface as a key player.,


Co-Ret Le8gues. -


v by Grant Grisdale I would like to thank\ all those who were involved with the co-recreation leagues (broomball, volleyball, inneritube waterpolo, women’s ret hockey) either as a participant or volunteer. If you have any suggestihns to improve leagues, please leave them with the . ’ receptionist in the athletic off@:. Happy .Holidays‘!

Refunds :”


To all competitive teams; yen’s and Women’s .Basketball, Men’s and Women’s Volleyball, Hpckey and Ball Hockey: please come and pick up your performance deposit refund-vouchers form the PAC receptionist on Friday November 29. Then simply take your voucher to the cashier’s office in Needles Hall and cash it in- Note: _All Refund Vouchers must be pi&&ed up by the ad of this term.

A g+at‘big

thank y.ou is due to five very dedicated aed cbmpetent




on page 18

T_heW$ors’ Neil earneron ta&es @slips&t on the-Q$een’sgbailie as UW edged oiit the @(tls \ 7-6. 4. . ‘Photo by Satinde&S+hota

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\ continued


page 17

people. They were the conveners for Campus Recreation competitive leagues this term. The success of the season is a tribute to their skills and hard work.Thank You: Allison McMurter, Women’s Soccer; Anna da Silva, Men’s Soccer; Gariele Schrocker, Womenis Flag Football; Patti Murphy, Men’s Flag Football; Mark Nathaielsz, Ball Hockey.


by Patti Shapton Another successful term has come to an end for the Instructional ’ Programs. Close to 2,000 people participated in our programs and 1 would.like to thank all instructors for their enthusiasm and dedieation: Skating - Wanda Backus, Chris Ford, Debbie Anderson, Ida Jane McCaag, Ann-Marie Bonitabus, Catherine Moore, Jane D.ickson, Sue Kilby and Pam Sally. Squash - Paul Jackson, Grant Robinson, Gerry Hilhorst, Kerry Bock, Sam Garcea, Mark Eckerr-t, John Osborne. Tennis - Charles Clark, Kim Haberleitner, Jeff Voganm, Stan Tsang, Lloyd Fiorini, Dennis Tam, Paul Tam, Noel . Law and Greg Bolitsky. So&al Dance - Michael McCarraher. Weight Training - Tim Warren. Cycling - Steve- Cornell. Tai Chi Dozi Rudensky. Yoga - Heater Lee. St. John’s First Aid - Gord Rodwin. Thanks again. ’

Ball Hockey Notes rolling to a ‘close and this past

The season is slowly the majority of- Ball he-rthc









week for

In A Division, Who Cares held off a last minute surge by Team Cannibas to take a 7-6 decision with WC’s Dave-Toomath and Bob Hull each scoring two goals. Meanwhile, the Bombers dominated Ray’s Esso 12-1, as Ralph Bocrke and Ray Fuller both enjoyed three-goal games. In B Division, the Screaming Stemmers took a 6-3 win from a determined Pek2deth Bydux, with Brian Hochfellner’s three goals proving to be the difference. Elsewhere, the SJC Ballers earned the right to meet SS in the B finals as SJc’s Kent Grafham’s overtime goal sealed the victory in a hard fought context with Celluloid Heroes. In C Division, Licence to Kill, aided by Steve Nagora’s two goals, downed the Flying Chubbs S-l. D Division action saw‘ Soth E-Rotics and WA Bucket Crushers square off for the right to represent village 11, South E, helped by Alan Snow’s three goal performance, earned< the honours by an 8-1 score. In other play, SJC Gum_beys downed Civil Serpents 3-2 in overtime.

Men’s Basketball Finals . The Men’s Campus Recreation Basketball League has reached the end of another season. Both new teams and returning teams earned’ positions in the playoffs but only the more experienced and skilled teams progressed to the finals. The “C Championship” was awarded to St. Paul’s after they defeated Yellowbellies by a score of 3 l-22. St. Paul’s’ dominance in their division of regular league play was again demonstrated in the -- --.- 3 l--1rnan or -A- AL------.l-----*-l--.-1 *tseconu me I’-_-, Imar game wnen AL--. iney ourprayeo int; \I-ll-e..t-l I ~IIOWO~I-





lies. _ Dr. Jeds squeaked by the lst-ranked Sixers by a score of 40-37 to win the “‘B4 Championship” title. The deciding points in the game were scored by Cade and Cook’s (-Dr. Jeds) foul shots made in the last 13 sedonds of the game. . In the “B3 Championship” game, fifth ranked 86ers upset W3 Morticians in a hard fought game. 86ers emerged from a tied game at halftime (14-14) to win 35-34. The B2 Championship series saw ton-ranked Chisker Baskets dominate over second-ranked Fighting Owls in the last half. aided by a 3 point lead at‘ halftime for a final score of 43-33. T&c (C. Baskets) and Pfeifel (F, Owls) were the game’s top scorers with 17 and 11 points respectively. Both Celtics and Renison defeated higher ranked teams in other playoff action to obtain a spot in the “Bl Finals”. Celtics emerged victorious over Renison by a narrow margin 46-43. M. Hovey scored 17 points for the Celtics while D. Connolly scored 12 points for Renison. “A-league finals” action saw second-ranked On Pro comeback from a 14 point deficit at half to win over first ranked Henke Goes Sidearm 57-56. H.G. Sidearm lost their lead in the game in the last five seconds when On Pro’s Truck scored two points in free throws. Highscorers for the game were H.G. Sidearm’s Kent (18 points - 8 for 8 on free throws), Peever (16 points), On Pro’s Turck (17 points) and Jackson (14 points). Congratulations to all winning teams! Thanks to all- the participants and referees for another great league. Performance bonds are available from the PAC recentionist on 1 November 29, 1985.


t 411TRAVELta



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MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY WORK!< CFS has a way-to help you


cut your tratel costs and gain valuable work experience in Britain, Ireland, Belgium or New Zealand. You owe it to yourself to find out about;



toll free



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. . . Fot A Taxi At Youtboor CALL








103 QueenSt.South







Friday Nov. 29



-. .. -1he Alumni

. P

F.A.S.S.I. Now that we’ve got your attention...Are you musically inclined? Then FASS would like to hear from you. We need a Music Director for our February show. The job involves working with the Director, Choreographers, Rehearsal Pianist, Band Leader and enthusiastic cast to ensure the high musical quality of the show. Specifically thgr Music Director must run the singing auditions and rehearsals. Please note that the Rehearsal Pianist wil play the piano for you any time you want except at parties when (s)he wil be busy having fun. You can reach us by calling Brenda Parsons at extension 3728.


S. B.

You can aet some Keep the f&e burning! Day. Raphael say5 Happy You’re a Bitch. But I mean that way. Raph, Mark, Flynn.

Delta Omega Chi presents term bash! Keg Party II. If you first, don’t miss the second. Sunnydale. November 29. 4090.

its end of missed the 516 C Call 886-

Are you musically inclined? Did you just read the above ad and say “sounds like fun but I don’t want all that responsibility?” Then FASS stil wants to hear from you. We need a Rehearsal Pianist to play for our Music Director and a Band Leader to arrange music and conduct the pit band. The Music in the show ranges from Cole Porter to ‘Madonna atid’eve@tI-i ng ifibefween. We rehearse and party through January and open the doors to the public the first week in February. You can reach us by calling Brenda Parsons at extension 3728. Before you leave for home this term, don’t forget to submit your nominati>n for the 1986 Distinguished Teacher Awards. For information on the DTAs, please contact the TRACE office, NH 3005. ext. 3 132.

the Don’t coming

place miss

couldn’t OSSM6 next term.

have - The

fit Final

Birthday Jeff! What do you knock off, wipe its tush and serve with a potato? Meet us at 6:OQ at GTs to find out. Have a good day you won’t remember the night wink!). P.S. Poodle and porky want in your corvette.

Gord contact

Odrowski: old friend

Sale - Second lowest

Floor, any


There Once whose quest he looked for would come very dim! Happy the worst.


reach able ever Love Greece

Dear P: Life without lot by To like 4.

is not going next term. Love always,

you me.

T: Please me care

don’t a lot


Roommate in the Sunnydale. Call Jane

so secret days le&allv



84-85: “Christmas”, Party. Located Shag, Albert

Wankers Come

to “See Friday, Nov. at the “Albert Eusebi, and St., 746-0524

a ,

People M. W&t

I may

Thanks life.

need you

win. all


Anybody Zealand WATPUB

going to next, work someplace.





20th clouds

21. Conarats. it A fuil year w&out. -The Blue Lightning be in Australia/ term? How 888-6781. birthday! disadpear?


in Call

a wil Avec

5 students, 5 to May or for to both

May close 579-1698.




bedroom male term. minute Phone

townhouse with students for January Laundry facilities, walk to UW, close 886-0694.


Montreal: New



Spring rooms, available Spring information Gloria

sharing 10



Campus for more

one swimming fitness

call and on



4 bedroom fir&place approximately Call Kevin 884-2891, Summer comfortable, Sam’s


Townhouse: to

skylight, take




2 upper to April parking, to shopping. Summer sundeck, Sept.

3 year 1986 20

rent Call

Sublets: $99-s 576-8818.

Clean, 125/

wanted furnished included.

to share with Rent plus hydro. or Shelley (D

pm. close month.

and Call



wanted Jan-April female Cathy 451-8740.


1 female. 2 UW, 20 min laundry Call Kristen

Wil (collect)

students Getz

to take over a aot. Must be U&W. Phone


apartment to UW Call or Louise


co-op Phone

or after


for two


collect (416)

for 2-4 upper during JanIApr. 613-234-2950



one person in large High ceilings, hardwood Drver. 5 min walk to 25 to campus. $175+. 744.1899.

Sunnydale lease very clean,



townhouse. summer, low rent,

needed: partly

apt., (Waterloo

-must -recently end unit,

to furnished, Towers).




Ottawa No Lease! 4 rooms in 5 bedroom house on 2nd ave. Off of bank. Close downtown. $230 monthly plus utilities. Semi-furnished. Jan 1 (you can move early) 613-237-3320 after 6, 613-726. 2039 8 to 4.


clean, quiet for winter 7973.

Mansion. Close Washer 885-0092.

furnished term. Close

St. townhouseor 4 responsible washer&dryer

Winter to

1 room Waterloo & dryer.

Albert UW.


another washer&dryer, includina Waterloo.

(4 bedrooms, Wiliam Parking Available to take


Townhouse St. Near access to Interested?

St, and for lease

female, close Deal!!


do page,

Typing and/or

Resumes stored and spelling service. Delivery 1284. Wil do fast, papers on Reasonable area. Phone

Typing .’ only on camgus degree, spelling 746-3 127. turn copy Stadium, Phone


indefinitely. checked. arranged. efficient Smith rates. 886-6124.

Maggie letters “Free” 1976.

available Parkdale Plaza .4 pool . 10 minutes Call us at 746apartment in Universitv Ave. 86. Aug 66 with Steve 746-0336. with wk in

typed rates. pm.


typing, 664-2105.

processing. Punctuation Fast, accurate Diane, 576.

typing Corona Lakeshore






typist living has English Call Karen

processing (24 hour if vou book ahead). Draft s provided. Near Seagram Y 1 per . double-spaced page. 885-! 353. wil

Can Type page &

do fast, Reasonable Lakeshore

accurate rates. Vilage.

It! - essays, theses & - Resumes $5.00 delivers -Phone 743-


Typing. Reports, theses, manuscripts, etc. Statistical and Math a specialty.’ 16 years Phone

experience. Nancy,




moving taken

Quein one heater, $250 0288A

Small gold

Lost: ball. party. 6576.

Last seen Sentimental

Lost Faber lead, (lost

- Mechanical Caslel mechanical reward, phone Nov 4th).

Pair frames, 2464.

on be


wire ring with Friday Nov. value. Please


prescription 1 nose s

_ lost on camous return wo;ld 746-4835.



Amethyst 22 - beach call 884.

green pencil,

& silver 0.5 mm evenings

886:5669 sunglasses. missing..Call


Metal 884.

Silver key chain with 3 keys on it. Key chain is the face of ‘a doo and it has an inscription on .the back Tf found please call Nikki at 884-7246.

a small truck. Jeff 884-2831.


_.. ,

with Call



5 piece Includes

waterbed. Only used the wbrks (caps. pad, sheets). Asking offer. Call Andy at 885.

month! mattress best


1981 reliable, hatchback, $2,985

Plymouth front

matching offer


One dining chairs. refused. Call

room $50. No 884-1039.

table with Reasonable

For sale:Seven piece kitchen very comfortable, excellent Purchased for $400, asking Christine at 749-1882. Leave not home! Amazing Boomerang. accurate return. fun. Great gift. only Atikon, Ont., POT Return Toronto Only

airfare Dec.

to 15,


Fed Bus Leaves negotiable. desk.

1978 radio mirrors offer.


Lost: maroon return.

on gold

campus bracelet. at,746-807



Monday If fbb’;ld

*Nqv. please

25 call

1. tan

wallet. REWARD!

. -

leather Would 742-6914

purse appreciate

with its J





stone-age Box 1685,



set, Call


Thunder Bay. Return Toronto Doug at 884-7206.

Leave Jan

(one pm. or’Turnkey 40”

very condition.

Excellent 7424750.


Beautiful Wonderful $4.95. 1CO.

set, light

Ford Granada . 6 cylinder . tinted Call 884-8144. in done

table condition. $250. message

ticket to Ottawa Dee 13th 1:00 Greg 884-5537

Oak Dining pedestal, handsome. sell, $895.

Lost one Karen

TC3 Turismo, sporty, wheel drive, 2 door, 40 MPG, regular gas, 885-5511.



way). Price

round, solid

and Must

Deluxe -automatic . vinyl roof . sport - $2,495 or best

SELL: 1974 Burgandy Monte fantastic condition. Extensive on car over summer. Reliable, wil certify. Asking $1,800. Call at 749-1882.


memories! Experienced photographer wil attend functions, parties, events and take pictures. Reasonable rates. Dramatic black & whites or color, wil mount, any size. For more information, call Chris at 7491882.

Need Help with Math The key to good understanding. I am Science grad, so I can instruction in all Math courses. Rates cheap, guarantee you wil see 885-0836. ,

and exam


courses? marks is Computer personal and CS core negotiable. I results! Call Alan: a



td Radio

Shack printerwant to print some papers off floppy disk. Inputted using a TRS model 3. Wil pay for time. Infrequent access required. Call

Angela. 886-0275. Interested in the International looking representative. commissions business information 2883.


Interested International looking representative, commissions business information, 2883.


travel industry? college tour operator is a responsible campus Earn free trips and good while gaining great experience. For more call collect at (312) 462.


the travel industry? college tour operator is for a responsible campus earn free trips, and good while gaining great ,,experience. For more call collect at (312)-462-

Male subjects

SERVlCES Capture


(black) .18. Please


Day Word


do light

wallet Nov


around alwa

$1 .OO oickuo ’

Control Centre offers and non-judgemental and counselling on all of birth control, planned and pregnancy, s&fertility and Drop by CC206 or call ext. 2306 appointment.

MUST Carlo work clean, Christine

of student typetiriter. Vilage


$1 .OO/page (MSA). Typist coriected.

Experienced typist work. IBM Selectric. Close to SunnydaleCall 8851863.

2 ful close to laundry sublet in in Sept/

fuly furnished, to 7 bus, $351 Waterloo St. 742-0698.



share apt. 884.

- Female to share a “loft” utilities, Super


a beautiful Victorian available for female. Square. $1 SO/ month. Phone Donna or Carol,

Sublet:’ l-bedroom Waterloo Towers (137 W.) one month free; Jan option to take lea??. Call Wanted

to bedroom campus.

Secretary double-spaced


service, reasonable after 5:30

very 886-3066

25 years experience. spaced page. Westmount 3342. to

May-Aug ‘86. Ideal students. Great _ 746-3134.

Spacious Abode bathrooms) on Waterloo Square. facilities available. May/ 86 with option 86.- Call 749-1652. 508A bedrooms, from 6894.

needed one to

Medical 9OC

one 137 746.

Call 2-bedroom female Brock

Typing- fast, professional on computer, Please call

LOST Ladies’ Monday appreciated.


For sale:

- Two bedroom 1986. Close 4th year students. (416) 241-4857 _

year term. after


wil Also

Dec. 5

Card Catalogue Session - l/2 hour instructional session on making effective use of the card catalogue. 2:00 p.m. Meet at the information desk. Dana Porter Librarv. “New Music” instrumental improvisational concert, featuring local composers. 8:00 pm. stART Gallery, 125 King St. W., Kitchener.

What am I going to do? How can I be sure I am pregnant, how should I tel my family. Can I tontinue in school, keep my job, where can I obtain good medical care? Call Birthright 579-3990.


or townhouse


86. I.am lookina on a 1 or 2 bedroom walking distance at 886-5005.


To 1 or 2 persons duplex. Fully and payTV $180/ month o (514) 482-0095 between 7-10

Jan-April. $130/ 20-25

street, Barbara

available for

Summer sublet,


Summer lease within Geoff

$300 Marita


The confidential information methods unplanned STD’s, for an

a townhouse


for Jan ‘86 - ‘May sublease. Call 823-5256 1030 pm.



term. 3 single bedrooms in large furnished as well as ful use of and laundry facilities, carport. 15 walk or one bus to U.W. $2251 including utilities. Non-smokers Call Dave or Joe at 886-3511.

Wanted: 2-3

is from


Have You Always Wanted To Take Dance Classes? Here is your chance! Classes in the PAC. Ballet Tues-Thurs 1:30 _ 300, Modern Wed-Fri, 1:30.3:00. Runs Jan 7 - March 28186. $72 ( 12 weeks x 2 classes/ week). degistratidn by Dee l/85 at BMH 3101.

‘86 with pool. Plaza, 5 min washer, 885-4955.

Parkdale UW. Furnished, Phone


pool, nice


for summer

Ottaw Jan 86: Large basement room, suit 1 or 2 people. Close to all high tech companies. Includes ret room, t.v.,’ kitchen and laundry, cable. for more info call Sue: 885-6593.

bedroom campus.


accommodation female

one information

$190,. both at 7464755.



3 others. UW, 2 min/ or Aug. _‘- - . . - .-

K-W Blood Donor Clinic. 2:00 pm. - 8:30 pm. Grace Lutheran Church, 136 Margaret Ave., Kitchener

Card Catalogue Session - l/2 hour instructional session on making effective use of the card catalogue. lo:30 am. Meet at the information desk, Dana Porter Librm.

behind ri;e from 3 bedroom.

Dec. 4

Ministry night fellowship. Huron Campus Common meal 4:30 pm., meeting time 5:30 pm., dining hall, and Wesley Chapel at St. Paul’s College. You are Welcome. Lutheran’ Holy Communion Candlelight service, 1O:OO pm., WLU Seminary, Keffler Chapel, Albert & Bricker Sts. GLLOW Coffeehouse Come and meet other who care Rm. 110. CC 8:00 pm. Call 884GLOW for more info* Evening Prayer with choir and sermon, 4:30 pm., Conrad Grebel College. Holy Eucharist, 12:30 pm., Reniion College. Bible Study, Renison College, 10:00 pm.

Dec. 3

Ottawa - Jan-Ap ‘86 . looking for female to share townhouse with 3 others. Bedroom furnished. Full use of house. On excellent bus route to downtown + Hull. Call collect using last name Peterson. (613) 744-2549.

term accomodation. Residence both single and double, are at Conrad Grebel College for Term, 1986. For more and an application contact Eby, Dean of Students, at 885-

Philip for 3 location, Bruce.



January. bus route, utilities. 300

Parking. min/ 6 utilities. Jan-May ~I~JQ. 74&4)548.-.

Female +

needed for furnished townhouse January. May stay summer Fall. Churchil St. (20 minute Leanne 8820836.

3 bedrooms, cheap, option Craig 746.8360.


You did impressed.


of utilities.


bedroom beginning return walk).

Well Blond Bomber. finallv . You We’re Squad-

surroundings month plus . 886-0875.

in house shared two others (living, dining & kitchen Neay Waterloo Square, 40 minute from the university. Rent $200 Please contact Grant or Sally


West “B” Hinds. “End-of-Term”; Davis Furniture” 29th (tonight!). Inn” (home of the Whitlock) 653-E (B.Y.O.B.). -

for the happiest 2%! years of my

I love

winter living room and Square & bus-stop. for Brian or Brad.

St. Catherines . Room in apartment for non-smoking op student -Jan-April - near Phone 4 16-682-3603.


Summer: One or two roommates needed for 3 bedroom, partialy furnished townhouse. May return winter 87. Backyard for summer sunning. 20 minute walk/ 5 minute bike ride. Call Leanne 885-0836. -

and the Vic


with area). walk utilities. 746-3824.



available session, Call

Two rooms

Chem/Biochem - Class of 87.88 or? It has been a great term. Think of me after exams,

beautiful $130 or Leslie

appliances, summer universities.

To my roomate Deb: What a great term we had! I’l never forget 105, Andrew from Phil. Blue. “Oh God”. Tom-Bear or John Waite. Thanks for living and dying in 2A with me. Love Ralph.

West “A”

Fully furn. WLU. $200 Regina.%

bedroom University 0569.


wanted for Winter

House for Rent:

21st. from

be the same be missed S. (West 4).

yourself. you. Luv

in house,

Male Roommate





Fall ‘86

admirer. It took YOU 7670 this ooiit in time.-Now vour to d& everything, if legalities-hai stopped you before. Happy Kruiser. P.S., Your present stil hasn’t arrived yet!


take painted, 884-9171.



One bedroom available in with three other students, Bedroom furniture available, month plus utilities. Albert minute walk. 746-1044 ‘Donna.


3 rooms available dryer. On main plus heat & St. 5781093.

Washer $160 Wellington


2. Must

Social Butterfly:


beautiful house. floors. Washer/ Waterloo Square. Call Bev or B.A.


a not


Basement apt. to share with min to shopping, 25 min to to WLU. Furnished, carpeted, facilities, TV, $175/ month. or Nancy, 886-6958 weeknights.

was a man named Tim was to find him some trim, alumni that he thought he by, but his future did look 21 st B-Day T.A! You’re

Greetings from

in large

term. Large kitchen, min walk to Waterloo Phone 579-4642 ask

Single, available, anytime



1 room available

Dec. 2

Lutheran Student Movement meets in the3lower lounge of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary 4:30 - 7:00 pm., - for . . supper 1and fellowship._ Topic: Meaning of Advent. ~ I-- _ Today is just 6 weeks (32 she upping days) until the Psych. Society’s Winter Ek tctions. Will you be ready? Interested: Call Petf :r 884-9069; if not, don’t

Winter house, kitchen minute month only.

available For 6910.

Are you tired, not getting a good night’s sleep? Well, then, you need a Big Todd Teaser Tuck-in! Relaxing and Therapeutic! Call now to book your EndOf-Term Tuck-in’s. (Remember, Big Todd has to study for fihnals too, so call ahead!) Todd C. at St. Paul’s. For sell,

29, 1985


House of Debates: Come pay homage to the debating gods. They will appear at 5:30 pm in St. Jerome’s rm 229. Film Screening at Laurier. To end their Women and Film series, Laurier’s English depa.rtment will present .. tow_^a-films. A. These . - are “Speaking our Peace,” a lYt3S tilm by Thorlnie Klein and Ten-i Nash, and “Dream of a_-.-Free Country.” The films will be shown in room 1017 cjf the Peters Building ..^-.^-^ 13 :, .wu..^ Icome, at 7:00 pm. No admission. EV~ZIJWII~:

Dire& bike dryer,


Happy horns baked tonight cause (wink, a ride



Large Furnished apartment. 10 minutes Underground parking, racquet courts, sauna, view’. 886-4537.

anymore. Chapter

in optomeq? Jil, 886-0060.

Wllliam Janzen. Sponsored by CGC Music De t. P5 & Creative Arts Board. Tickets (students/seniors $3). 8:00 pm. Theatre of the Arts.

Christian Worship on campus: Every Sunday, lo:30 am., in HH 280. Student led services. Sermons mostly by Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. All Welcome. Holy Communion: (Anglican and Lutheran) 9:30 & 11:30 am.. St. Bede’s ChaDel. Renison Colleae. Lutheran Holy Communion WLU Seminary, Keffer Chapel, Albert & Bricker Sts. 11:30 am. Advent 1: music and sermon to begin the season of preparation for Christman. 4:00 pm.‘Conrad Grebel Chapel Advent Carol Service at WLU. The WLU Chapel Choir, under the direction of Prof. Barrie Cabena, will present an Advent Carol Service at 8:00 p.m. in the Keffer Memorial Chapel. Admission is free and everyone welcome. Aseans - Free sauash class - members onlv 3:55 pm. Meet at PAe Red North The Rev. Dr. Tom York conducting worship. John Aisling, religion writer for the K-W Record, -will qive an address entitled “Creation, Death and ResGrrection in Nicaragua.” 11:OO am. St. Paul’s United Colleae Chaoel. A slide presentation and informal discussion on the plight r>f Nicaraguans today. Led by John Aisling, religion writer for the K-W Record. 1000 pm.. St. Paul’s United Colleae Chapel. Handel’s Messiah (Christmas Selection) perforqed by University Choir, directed by

team “rude and rusty” makes an appewnce for the last game of the term. Rude and Rusty is preparing for the International tournv in December. Come prepared to laugh. fiH 180 at 8 pm. Cheap too! Theatresports Workshop Training for improvisers. HH 180 at 1 pm. All are welcome UW Band Concert featuring UW Concert Band directed by George Holmes and UW Stage Band directed by Michael Wood. Sponsored by CGC Music Dept. & Creative Arts Board. Tickets: $5 (student/seniors $3)

Brian “satisfaction”. Happy Birthday. in a nice


Sunday Dec. 1

Nov. 30


. .

The Mug Coffeehouse: an alternative to wild Friday nights. Good food, good music, good company. 8:30 .pm., Campus Centre. Fnllr\\rrchin Chinese Chris-,:tian , \-llvm31 ,,,, RihL “‘“IL n,,i7 UC”,& fiT\ “I I Exodus & II Timothy. Refreshment & Fellowship afterward. 7:30 pm at WLU Seminary Rm. 201. Everybody wecomed. For further information, please call 885-3964 Poiiticai Science students/faculty are attending the End of Term PSU/ASU Christmas Party on Friday Nov. 29 in HH3?3 at 8 pm? $1 at the door cover. P.S. Someone soecial vou know is attending.


hours study physiological task. For more by BMH, rm.

needed. involves responses info call 1100 E.


$1 O-l 5 for 2 measures of to a complex ext 2839 or drop

Want teaching experience while earning extra money? Craft instructors required by leading needlecraft company. Craft .experience helpful but not necessary. Flexible hours, generous commission. for interview call Maryann, 742-8813. Van/ for small Please Someone tapes) 885-0836.

Truck going call

dresser Karen


or teach

699-4088 Lidies

Night Thursdays


Music By A Disc Jockey 50 - 60s Rock Dr by request

Friday and Saturday Night -LIVE November

BAND 29th and 30th

to Ottawa with room and $able, end of term. after5 (746-I 036). soinething me

(ie, DANISH.

records/ Call Alan:

Come out and rock Rail in St. Clements!






Mt. Ste. Anne

Dec. 31-

of Waterloo

Feb. 6 - 9186

Jan 5/86 -


return transportation 5, nites luxurious accommodation at the Quebec Hilton .


5 days skiing at Mt. Ste. Anne


Feb 16-21/86 - return transportation - 5 Nites in Killington Village at the Mountain Green Condominiums - 5 Days skiing. - Prices start at $319.

3 Days skiing at Mt. Ste. Anne

f Day ,at Le Massif Prices’start at $269 - quad Deposit of $75 due

transportation at Hotel Clarendon Quad ~ available




return 2 Nites $99 Skiing


N&L 21st in Room 221.


Campus Centre

Feb 14 j




return flight to Munich return transfer to Innsbruck. 6 Days skiing [good at 5 resorts) free shuttle

1 ~~J~~~a~~~~~ ,8,“,“,“” Limited



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