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8, No.25,














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archers to-work on rem0 ning computers by Alan Yoshioka Imprint staff

Researchers from the University of Waterloo will participate in a major Japanese “fltth generation” computer project. , Last week the Canadian Societ), for Fifth Generation Research (CSFGRj signed an agreement with- Japan’s Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT) Under the agreement, Canadian and Japanese scientists will trade basic research, information and results. Research with commercial possibilities is excluded from the exchange. If successful, the project will result in that can literally speak and computers understand ordinary English. As well, they will be able to make logical inferences from these conversations, and will have sophisticated visual pattern-matching and graphics capabilities. Dr. Eric Manning, director of Waterloo’s Institute for Computer Research, says the new computers will’work with knowledge instead of data. He says the New Oxford English Dictionary project currently underway here would be as simple using fifth-generation technology as a ‘table of cosines using today’s computers. Waterlools researchers from the departments of computer science, systems design ’ and electrical engineering are working in the areas of artificial intelligence, logic programming, very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI), hardware architecture, software engineering a‘nd computer vision. Other members of the CSFGR will contribute in areas outside of Waterloo’s expertise. There are major projects underway at Simon Fraser, U BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Queen’s, Western,. Tordnto and the Centre de Recherche lnformatiyue de Montreal. Manning says that, based on a half-dozen visits to Japan in preparation for this agreement, he thought u,niversity research in Canada was of higher quality; however, the Japanese research bffort is superbly coordinated. Research does not have nearly as much financial support in Cnaada as in the U.S., even per capita; nevertheless;the

CSFGR’s offer is so far the only non-Japanese Manning one to be accepted by ICOT. speculated that the current climate of aggressive economic competition between the U.S. and Japan might be partially responsible for the choice of Canada. Manning and his group has applied for $10-20 million over the next five years from the National Science and Engineering Research Council. In comparision, UW’s total research budget was $27.5 million for 1984 - 85. The fifth-generation project is .organized in three stages. The first, hardware to perform logical inferences, was completed on schedule last year. Mitsubishi Co. now manufactures a “sequential inference machine” that makes over 200,000 logical inferences per second. The second stage involves basic research in running logic programming machines in parallel, and method o logies for “knowledge infqrmation processi ng”. ‘The fi’nal integration of these results is targeted for 1990. says Manning. This research is leading to highly specialized computer workstations, Manning says. “Clearly to be well-educated -- or trained, whichever word you prefer - our senior undergraduates and graduate students had better have access to this hardware. That means massive new investments in equipment, arid 1 am damned if 1 can see how we will be able to do’it without the computer fee.” He says‘ that although the implementation of the fee Gas “not handled with great diplomacy and skill”, without the fee students would have to settle for-second-rate facilities. In the past, mostly blue-collar (and “pinkcollar”) jobs have deen lost to automation. However, fifth-generation technology will destroy “a very large number. of middle management jobs”, Manning predicts, but will create a huge explosion of informatiori-hand,ling industries, including education. The big issue, he says, is whether those jobs are going to be in Tokyo and Los Angeles or in Canada. U W President Douglas Wright said in a press’ release, “While Canada may *never make these machiries, the agreement does give us an

opportunity to get in on the development of’the application software and this in itself is going to be enormously important in many fields including, for instance, education manufacturing, geophysical exploration and resource exploitation. “1 he fact is, as well, unless we are active in this kind of research he will never even be able to use the machines. when they do come along -- let alone exploit them effectively.”

North Campus Townhouses

As ‘f’or science fiction stories of‘ intelligent computt;rs like 2001’s HAL, Manning says “intelligence” is a word that invites misuse. “Nobody knows what it really means, and that gets people into trouble. Don’t say ‘intelligence’, say ‘ability to reason’.” He says fifth-generation . computers will lack attributes s’uch as creativity, emotion and sentiment, the things that make us human. “Certainly 1 don’t feel my humanity is threatened,” Manning says.


Uncertain costs may stop project. by Christine Sinding Imprint staff



Preliminary plans for new student townhouses on UW’s north campus are progressing, but final confirmation won’t be available until architectural designs have specified building costs and site studies label the project feasible. Ernie Lucy, Director of Employee and Student Services and Chairman of the Townhouses Building Committee, said the committee will have “a relatively complete plan” by January 22 and this plan will be presented to UW Board of Govenors for approval on February 4. “Design for the townhouses are not absolutely final. We’ve hired Architect Rick Reichard (of Snider, Reicharh & March) who, along with participation of the committee, has’ arranged f‘or a survey, soil and drainage studies and a tentative landscape plan,” said Lucy. “The next big thing we need to do is costlout the plan.”

Plan must be fully costed before final tipproval Lucy told Imprint during an interview last Wednesday that, ajthough the committee is proceeding confidently and on an optimistic note, the project could be brought to a halt if actual construction costs prove too high once a complete design can be assessed by contractors. Ai present, the design for the townhouses leaves little r;om for modification. This fact, coupled with the iack of competition amongst contractors for the work could boost the anticipated cost . beyond an affordable level, he said. “The real probl$m,” said Lucy, “is the construction boom in the city. Contractors are not as anxious to build as they were in 198 1 or 1982. There is a remote chance that the bids may be greater than anticipated.”

The total mortgage requirements for the 100 unit complex are estimated at $6,959,330, of which $5,198,000 is the actual building cost. Archetect Rick Reichard-will be paid approximately five to five and a half per cent (according to standard fees) of the actual building costs regardless of’ whether the proposal is approved.

Lucy is optimistic that construction will proceed When asked Lucy said, “Yes, what we initially possible to ask

whether the townhouse project could be rejected, if‘it were to turn out that the costs were in excess of’ estimated. The real control is in what amount it is students-to pay.”

Despite the uncertainty, Ludy said he is optimistic that high costs . won’t kill the year-and-a-half-old project. He said that the present designs have located where the 100 unit complex will be situated on the property and include plans which show where complex(s) of 300 more units can be located in the future. The lack of student housing in the area has Eiven rise to Waterloo Council support for the proj&t and, if all go& well, Lucy said the new townhouses will “take 400 students out of the city and that’s certainly a beginning”. P!ans still include a completion date for next September and Lucy says this date will be met with at least partial completion of the ilnits --__-I. The townhouses are expected to be totally self-supporting, with rent to be set between $183 - $200 a month. Each un$ will h&use up’ 1 to four students. “We want to have housing that will be totally self-sustaining and won’t effect any other ‘students. 1 am very optimistic,” said Lucy. “The residences were not full during the winter term but 1 think this offer is very much more in line with how students like to live. Today’s housing is different from the housing of the 5Os, 6Os, and 70s.” L-


-NEWS Parkdale

II Plaza

Students and administration, . join to fight underfunding Vice President of University Afcrisis.” fairs, Jon Dellandrea, the bean However, “We feel that it of HKLS Ron Martiniuk, “It‘s a , very positive 1step. the President of the Faculty AssociWe’ve wanted to do this for a would. be more constructive to work with administration to long time.” That’s what lan ation Bob Needham and Sonny Mitchell, chairperson of the come up with a funding-mechFlanagan.. Committee OIP Mandatory anism which is acceptable to WA TSFIC reunion everyone.” Computer Fees, has to say of Wright, in his response dated the new agreement between the There will be a tenth U W administration, the FederJanuary 8, 1986, asserted:“The -anniversary reunion of ation of Students and the Gradbasic problem is not the compuWATSFIC (The Waterloo uate Student Association. ter service charge, but univerScience Fiction Club) on U W President Douglas sity finance in Ontario.” Wirght Saturday February 8. All past, Wright, Federation President said he would be pleased with present and future members of the establishment of a the club are- invited to attend Sonny Flanagan ‘and Graduate committee that would look at and Student Association President participate in games “options and consider the kinds Patricia Liles have agreed to set tburnaments (bring your own up a working committee that of action, including political games) and a book exchange. will investigate alternatives to action, that would be most The reunion will take place in appropriate’* and generally the computer fee and options the Math Building, beginning at for UW in. the face of governacceptable. He invited Sonny 9:OO am. and lasting all day. At ment underfunding. Flanagan and Patricia Liles. to night participants will attend The forniation of t&hegroup is meet with Tom Brzustowski, that evening’s FASS. perform, an interesting political developVice-President, Academic, Pat ante. Tickets for the show can ment at this time, while conRobertson, Vice-President of be bought separately or cerned groups are awaiting the University Services, and through WATSFIC. More recommendation by the Ontahimself soon. information can be obtained rio Council of University Affrom the WATSFlC office in At th’e first meeting, fairs on the legality of the MC 1009. Flanagan will propose‘the addicomputer fee. The decision from the Ontario Ministry of tion of Ian Mitchell, the CQRRECTION Colleges and Universities on the chairperson of the Committee - . In last week’s Imprint matter is expected in mid-Febon Mandatory C’omputer Fees, the extension number for ruary. * and two society representatives Vicki Carlan, the Program The committee was proposed to the new committee. These Co-ordinator for the Stuby the Federation of Students representatives will be dent Vocational Advisor and the Graduate Student Asdesignated at a meeting on Program, was incorrect.” sociation in a letter to Dr. Thursday. The correct number is Wright dated December 1 I, ’ When asked if it was a lobby2494. Weapologize for any 1985. Their suggestion to the ing group, Flanagan said, “If we inconvenience. administration for the commitcome up with something we can + tee was made in the spirit of agree upon, we may take it to “let’s fight underfunding tothe provincial government.” He get her --that marked the peace- also cited Wright’s allusion to a ful sit-in at Needles Hall in possible referendum to determine if studer+ are willing to November. ‘L The Federation stated their see a tuition increase. pdsition in the letter: “We, as Wright has also asked Flanastudents, can no longer accept gan to sit on an inter-university the decline in service’s and the committee whose aim is “to possible decline in the quality of change the public’s perception our edvcation which are the ne- of the university” and to “put it cessary results of contintied’uhin a more dos’itive light.” It will derfunding. Neither, however, also campaign -to make the do we find acceptable’the mea- community more aware of unisures taken by your administraversity underfunding. it will intion to counter the .funding clude Secretariat Jack Brown, * by Karen Plosz Imprint staff






3 Imprint



17, 1986


Comet most -visible on April llth by Marie Sedivy imprint staff

On Monday, Jan,uary 13 at about 6:00 p.m.. about 100 people stood shivering in line atop the Physics building hoping to catch a glimpse of Halley’s comet. The cool, clear night presented ideal c’onditions for viewing this much-discussed phenomenon. What the eager spectators saw when they peered through the telescope in the observatory on the roof of the physics building was not the fiery, long-tailed wonder many had expected. They saw a mere fuzzy dot. (a fuzzy dot! th.ey wan: me to write a story about a fuzzy dot!) Professor Gus Bakos of the physics department offers us some insight into the fuzzy dot phenomenon. According to him, the comet is composed of “dirty ice”; its nucleus (or head) is made up of rocks and various frozen gasses. As it nears the sun, these gases evaporate and radiation pressure pushes them away from the sun, creating a tail. Older comets have fewer gases and, therefore, smaller tails. Halley’s is middle aged (as far as comets go) and has both a fairsized nucleus and a fair-sized tail. It appeared as a fuzzy dot on Monday because it has not yet gone through the point closest to the sun where mo,st of the gases will evaporate. Professor Bakos, along with scientists all over the world, will be watching the comet very ,closely. He will be viewing Halley’s through a number of filters to see how much of various elements is in the comet and to determine how much of the gases are lost. Through this process, scientists hope to gain an insight into the formation and origin of the planetary system and of the entire universe. But there remains another question to be answered: What makes Halley’s so special? From a

For the best view of the comet, plan to be in Alice Springs, Australia on’or around that date. April I 1th falls during the exam period, and viewing the comet should constitute a valid excuse for absences during exams. After all, most students cannot, expect to stick around for another seventy-six years. If a trip to Australia is beyond the realm of possibility, there are a number of more practical tips. First of all, be aware of the comet’s trajcctory. Get away from tit-y lights (Toronto is defi-

Grads face tough picture finding suitable -work .,by Mike Urolocker imprint staff


UW’s graduating students in arts programs are finding few full-time jobs available, although students in math, engineering, and computer science are fareing better. “It’s roughly the same as it was last year,” says Tom Fitzgerald, Progam Administrator at graduate placement services. “The worst hit are those in environmental studies and arts.” According to students in english, economics, and environmental studies, there were few good jobs -- if any--in the graduate Want Ads or the,late postings, which continue until March. . “It’s terrible,” says economics student Elizabeth Summers, “Everyone’s going for insurance and sales jobs. People don’t really want those jobs.” For students in engineering, computer science, and math,


scientist’s point ov view. it is a good candidate for study because its orbit is known; we.know it visits the earth every 75 to 76 years. Other comets also have calculated orbits or periods, but most of these are either too faint to study or don) come into our corner of the universe often enough. From a layperson’s point of view, Halley’s comes once in a lifetime. In other words, if you don’t see it this time around. don’t expect to ever see it. It is also the comet associated with the birth of Christ, and over the years it has often been linked to some disaster. For those interested in viewing the comet on . their own. it is important to know what to expect and where to look. On Monday, Halley’s was somewhere in the vicinity of Jupiter (in the southwest sky). it should gradually brighten and move loser in the sky. On February 9th the comet will reach the point closest to the sun, and will be hidden from view until February20th. As the comet moves away from the sun throughout March, it will be visible just inchesmabove the _ horizon in the early morning sky (about 5 am.). Prof. Bakos was quick to say that he would not have the observatory open then.On April I I th, Halley’s will pass nearest the earth and flash its longest tail.

job availability varied according to the area of specialization. “I’m lucky,” says Vic Quintana, in electrical engineering, “because of the flexibility of the CS option I can apply to jobs in CS, electrical engineering, or systems design, but the hardware guys are hurting.” Some engineering students attributed the lack ofjobs to the slow recovery of the construction, petroleum and manufacturing industries, although students expectations were also mentioned. “The student attitude is much more serious, more picky than in co-op days,” says Jim Domaratzki, also in electrical engineeri ng. Fitzgerald at grad placement says -many employers, especially in arts areas, don’t recruit on campus when positions are available. “Any student who shows the initiative to apply directly should get a reply,” he ’ says.

U W physics professor Gus Bakos looks for Halley’s comet through roof of the physics building.

nitely out); light pollution makes it more difficult to spot the comet. Above all, don’t waste hundreds of dollars on a telescope. Buy a pair 01 binoculars, as they have a wider field of vision. Prof. Bakos went so far as to sav that the fu//v dot seen through the Iclescope on Monday night

the observatory telescope on the Photo by Teresa Skrzypczak

would have looked somewhat brighter through binoculars. So why have the telescope in the observatory on the roof of the physics building. Probably so that Imprint reporters have an opportunity to freeze td death for a good cause! - * ’

Students to work on. census for: summer jobs by Cameron Anderson (with files from CUP)

Employment and Immigration Minister Flora MacDonald, Stewart Mclnnes, Minister responsible for Statistics Canada, and Andree Champagne, Minister of State for Youth, recently introduced their latest job creation program for youth. Starting June Ist, 1986, they hope that at least 6;000, and ay many as 25,000, 18-24 year-old, students will be returning working on Canada’s I986 census. According to the Statistics Canada release, these census representatives will be . paid on a piece-rate basis approximateiy equivalent to $7.30 per hour. The average r,epresentative should earn between $600 and $800 for the five week work period (i.e. $120-$160 per week). s Responding to this news, Diane Flaherty, parliamentary aide to M.P. Howard McCurdy, the opposition higher education critic (N.D.P. Windsor-Walkerville), noted, that the age restrictions, the June 1st starting date, and the lump-sum payment would mean many students will not be able to apply. Furthermore, she remarked that the $25 million budget for the census program,’ money which would have been spent anyway, comes from the $30 ‘million recently cut from the Canadian Jobs Strategy Program. As such, she noted that overall job diversity and availability, and Employment Centre service quality, are likely to be negatively affected. many other programs that need Don Millar, Information the money, such as job training Officer of the Ontario for unemployed youth.” She Federation of Students said concurred with Don Millar in “They (the government) are that other disadvantaged giving with one hand and taking groups would be hurt and stuaway with the other. As a national job creation scheme, the program fails. If the census hiring takes place as scheduled, fewer un or under-employed adults will be working this summer and students will still have to depend on OSAP”. $3 Canadian Federation of Students President Barb Donald, son also criticises the K-W’s hrgest government’s proposal; “Employment and Immigration HRS: Mon~Fri ‘should not have been the deSaturday 9-6 partment that gave the money ($30 million) to Statistics Canada, she says. “There are too

dents would not be well-served. A program which gave 3,600 students meaningful training in government work fast summer. has been cut and replaced with short-term jobs offering little

vocational training. Those interested, in census work this summer should apply to the Student Employment Centre in Kitchener next month.


New,& Used Books & Magazines

Some people don’t know

when to quit. Photo by Joe Muller






of New




306 King St. W. Kitchener 742-l 261












Carol 888448,

17, 1988

Fletcher 885-1211,




Imprint is the student newspaper at . the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario ccmmm%y Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right 0 to screen, edit, and refuse (2macllall -p=&w advertising. . @I Imprint: ISSN 07067380 -

CRYING MARY Editor-in-chief R&k Nigel

tzUW’s tactics bass ackwards -

d s , ‘;z f .g ! a 1‘ . I


It has been an eventful week in campus politics: the computer fee strike, UW President Doug Wright’s threat not to register fee strikers, the Federation assuring us the threat was all bluff and bluster, Wright announcing at press time last Thursday, that yes, the threat was all bluff and bluster, and he would register strikers. As well, there have been nominations for the Federation presidential and vicepresidential elections, anxious speculation about whether the Ontario Council on University Affairs will rule the computer fee as legitimate or not, student leaders calling Wright’s confession of bluff a “major” victory and beginning to celebrate . . . and announcements that another new committee has been created which might allow student leaders a bit of, input on the university’s deliberations about how to get more money out of the provincial treasury. The roots of it all lie in the so-called “underfunding crisis” in post-secondary education. The “incidental” computer fee as a trick to evade provincial tuition ceilings is thought by Wright to have drawn attention to the problem of university underfunding. I wonder. Mostly, what Wright has drawn attention to is his own insensitive, uncaring, manipulative ruthlessn’ess and his willingness to exploit students and sacrifice university accessibility - anything for a buck. He has proven the point that provincial legislators have been making for years: that university pleas for more money represent a selfish, greedy, narrow self-interest and fall .to consider other. pressing social needs. Wright’s repeatedly demonstrated contempt for his own students seems to prove the provincial politician’s point about greed. The fact that universities say they need more money is not, in itself, enough to sell the Ontario public on the importance of coughing up more money. The taxpayer cannot be expected to be sympathetic to a university which stresses elitism, exotic high technology training at equally exotic prices, and pays no heed to the things the taxpayers are concerned about - like being able to afford to send / their kids to school.

Produ&ionManag8r Do@ Tait


That universities may be able to help the mmority of those who can afford the fees get better jobs in the end is not a very potent sales pitch. In Wright’s vision, the university becomes just another device to help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The advantages of university education to the individual, and the social, cultural and political advantages to the province, of having a better educated public - these are the grounds on which education canbe sold. And these ’ socia+, cultural and political advantages of higer learning do not derive primarily from high-tech job training, the kind of education Wright and his ‘fellow engineers in Needles Hall have been advocating. They come from the arts, and while they cost something to achieve, their payoff cannot be measured in dollars and cents because the benefit they bring is even more important than money. If we were a poor country I could be sympathetic to the high priority being placed on practical economic return, and quick payoffs. But we are not a poor country, and our obsession with university education as job tiaining can hardly be understood as anything but greed, pure and simple - especially when the advantages accrue to the richer *at the expense of the poorer. And it’s true you know, poor people in Ontario pay proportionately more for universities than the richer do, and proportionately fewer of them attend. Fair? And every ’ increase in the prcce of education keeps more of the poorer Ontarians out. Certainly, universities are going to have to come up with a slightly more astute political sensitivity in order to “sell” the taxpayer on their need for money. Tactics of exploitation and manipulation such as UW’s administration has been ,employing only convince the public that the universities are pampered, over-fed spoiled brats, totally unconcered with the welfare of the society and the people. I like to think that such a perception is false -but lookmg at the UW administration, I wonder . . . hug

Head Typesetter Doug Thompson !x!ypesetters Dan Kealey Chkistine

Chris Wodskou

SEMINARS Canadian University Press Field Worker Donna Mayer will be conducting two seminars on Friday, January 25, in the Imprint office, CC 140. Newswriting Production



seminar - 1:30 pm. and design seminar - 3:00 pm

All Imprint staff are Anyone else interested is more than welcome.

strongly urged to attend. in attending these sessions .

Applications are now being accepted for the following positions: Assistant Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Arts Editor Assistant Arts Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Photo Editor Assistant Photo Editor Ad Assistant Office Manager \ Apply to the Editor-in-chief by noon on January 17 and attend the 12:30 pm. staff meeting that same day. Don’t be shy, get involved


person gets a job or is treated differently under the laws of this country - just as a person’s race, rejigio.n, or pOlitiCal beliefs should not enter the equation. For some, however, the issue~of Equality Rights applied to sexual orientation is not so clear cut. Kitchener Conservative ‘MP John Reimer, for example, has come out strongly opposed to such proposals. He says that homosexuality is “unnatural and immoral,” and that gays should not be granted special status under the law. And Reimer is not alone in his beliefs. Recently, the Evangelical Ministerial of Waterloo Region decided to officially support Reimer’s position. However, the point both Reimer and the ministers miss is that it is not up to them to determine what is “unnatural and immoral” for society at large. As well, the idea of sexual orientation being included in equality rights provisions is not designed to grant “special status” to gays, but merely to afford them the same rights as every else in Canada. The next time Kitchener voters go to the polls, they should rememtier .just how overly pious and narrowminded their representative in Ottawa can be.


&&s Editor

: State should. keep out of bedrooms Last year, when Minister of Justice John Crosbie appointed a special Sub-committee on Equality Rights to make recommendations on how federal laws and policies could be brought more in line with the provisions of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, few took much . notice. However, when the seven member all-party 3 eventually did make its recommendations they % committee gained a great deal of attention. Among the proposals that generated the most controversy were those that called for “sexual orientation” to be included as a prohibited ground P-1 j of discrimination. The committee recommended that a person’s sexual preference should have no bearing on how he or she is treated in society and that this right should be clearly spelled out in the Canadian Human Rights Act. It also suggested that this ,Act should take precedence over all I other federal legislation. ‘Presently, the government of Quebec is the only one in Canada that prohibits by law discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The proposals of the Sub-committee on Equality Rights seem quite uncomplicated; a person’s sexual orientation should have no bearing whatsoever on whether that


Janet Lawrence Advertising Manager Carol Fletcher


stammet~ Frida,y, , B%lay,

Jan Jan.

17, 1230 24, 12:30

p.m. p.m. :

,Ediforial-Meetings Monday, Monday,

Jan. 20, 5:OO p.m. Jan. 27, 5:OQ p.m.


Imprint welcomes comments and o@nion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is designed ‘to provide an opportunity to present views on various ‘issues. Bplnions expressed in letters, columm,’ or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not jmprint. Letters s’houl~ be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone numb&, and submitted to CC lad by Maximum length of letters: -200 i words. 6:OO p.m. Monday. Anyone wishing to write - Iongiuc, opinionated articles should contact ,the editor-in-chief. All material is subject to editing,

ALL LETTERS (or verv neatlv

TO‘THE minted)




, PLO dedicat.ed to violence not peace To the editor: Palestinian terrorism has once again dominated world headlines.. The recent attacks on the airports of Rome and Vienna are only more examples in a long string of violence perpetrated by the PLO and its various splinter groups. The attacks of the last few months have marked a distinct change of direction in the tactics of terror. No longer content to attack only Israeli targets, the PLO is now prepared to attack any target, anywhere in the world, in order to gain the attention it desires.

Revolutionary violence is the only system f&- liberating the land of our fathers. The purpose of this violence is to liquidate Israel in all its political, economic and military forms and to drive it out of Palestine forever. We know the intentions of certain Arab leaders is to resolve the conflict with a peaceful agreement. When this happens, we will oppose it. Fallaci: Conclusion; you don’t at all want the peace that everyoniis hoping for. Arafat: No! We don’t want peace. We want war, victory. Peace for us means the destruction of Israel and nothing else. We will fight There can be no doubt of the PLO,% committment to terror. According to police in Rome the terrorists threw hand grenadesuntil victory. Decades if necessary, generations. (from Interview With History, 1977) indiscriminately into the crowds at the El Al, TWA and Pan Am ‘There is little evidence to suggest that PLO’s position has counters. Nearby shops were razed with submachinegun fire. One changed in recent years. At a Palestine National Cduncil meeting in of the captured terrorists claimed to have been particularly looking Amman Jordan in 1984, Arafat stated “Palestine cannot be for children. The PLO cannot disclaim credit for the attacks by liberated without the gun” (Qatri News Agency, Dec. 8, 1984). claiming that tfiey were committed by the Abu Nidal faction. The faction may be anti-Fatah (The Arafat wing of the PLO) but it is During a radio interview on Radio Monte Carlo on March 1, 1985 when asked if the PLO was abandoning terrorism in favour of still the PLO. The PLO’s committment to terror and its resolve not to compromise on any issue is best made clear by Yasir Arafat in an diplomacy Arafat replied,‘” 1would like to say that if a nation drops its military option it is not worth living.” Just last month, on Interview with the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci: December I, 1985 the Voice of the PLO in Baghdad broadcast a Arafat: The end of lsrael is the goal of our struggle and it allows for statement by Farouk Kaddoumi, head of the PLO’s political neither compromise nor mediation. The issues of this struggle khether our-friends like it or not, will always remain fixed by the principles that we enumerated in I965 with the creation of Al Fatah.



To the editor: i ‘Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein’ - Proverbs. In the midst of Enginews’much heralded demise last week, I find it ironic and quite sad that in the very same issue of Imprint there appeared the John Labatt Classic advertising feature of “Classic Characters”. This inane ad pictured, so we are -to believe, an engineer. This male enjoyed pornographic, sorry, “high-gloss anatomy manuals” yet is really a very sensitive and intelligent individual. He also likes his beer because the colour scheme of its label matches his clothing. Media carries with it a powerful image. Its effect upon people’s ideals of certain classifications in society has been proven again and again. 1 was offended by this ad because it brought with it.a false image. It insulted the character of every engineer I know. 1 find,it extremely hypocritical that Imprint’s advertising manager, Carol Fletcher, can lambaste everything and anything for its adverse effect upon women and yet blithely print this ad. 1 hope there is a good reason for printing this ad (money talks perhaps?), - because if there isn’t one Carol, there will be difficulty in trying to climb out of this pit. Sandra Odorico 3A Psych/Applied Studies

Editorial alienated sympathetic Engineers To the editor: Carol Fletcher won and Enginews is gone: So regarding her article in last week’s Imprint, 1 was unable to filter out any sound purpose for the strident tone of her self-congratulatory gravedance over Engjnews’ cancellation. Her snide suggestion that “Engsoc can now’ increase the charitable donation.toBig Sisters . .. and (that) this act may in some small way compensate ...” (italics mine) is a silly attempt to demean a student society’s contribution to a charity by hinting that its donations are nothing more than payment for what she calls “habitual past injustices.” Her article could only serve to engender animosity over a paper that is no longer being published. Perhaps if Carol had been more interested in not alienating the engineers who understood (if not totally agreed with) her position than in gloating, she would have written with greater acuity. Ben Wong, Grad Student

department in which he said “the PLO will never recognize Israel’s right to exist.” In spite of the growing realization of the PLO’s intransigent positiion, many world leaders still extend their full public support. Italian Prime Minister Bettind Craxi stated in November “1 do not contest their legitimacy” when speaking of Palestinian terror attacks. In the UN, the Palestiniarjrepresentative explained the death of Mr. Klinghoffer in the Achille Lauro hijacking as having been caused by his wife who pushed him overboard in order,to collect the insurance money. This obscenity went uncontested by other representatives and uncensured by the Secretary General. The PLO maintains full observer status in the UN and sits on many of it$ organizations including the International Civil Aviation Organization (located in Montreal) which amongst other duties develops and decides on plans for international airport security. Consider, the hypocrisy of the PLO being party to airport security arrangements 1 before the airlines! The peace process can count only on those who are committed to it. The PLO is not. At a time when the atmosphere for peace is promising, it would be tragic if the PLO were allowed to spoil real movement towards direct and meaningful peace negotiations. Stephen Noar Department of Systems Design


Long live fixedom of the press! To the editor: I object to the banning of Enginews from being published oncampus by the Engineering Society. This paper was not published to offend anyone, but rather it was always something engineering students could read, have a laugh, and forget their classes for the few minutes they would spend reading the paper. People offended by the paper should not pick one up and read it. You wouldn’t buy a Hustler magazine, or read someone else’s, unless you were into that sort of thing. The paper has improved over last year’s: compaie last summer’s issues to those a few years back, and you’ll see what 1 mean. The paper was good, although maybe not-so-clean fun, and many engineers will.miss their newspaper. One can only hope that the paper will be revived in the future, and the engineers can once again relieve their tensions with a few harmless good laughs. Long live freedom of the press! Jouko Haapanen 2A Mechanical Engineering

For Christmas 1 got a tall black hat -- round crown, wjde brim -- the kind that Mennonites wear, and I already had a black overcoat, black gloves, black boots ... al? that was needed to complete the picture was horse and buggy ,.. The first time 1 was taken for a Mennonite -- in Waterloo: where else? -- I’d driven into a self-serve station, hat on my head and pipe in my mouth, and jumped out to pump gas, check oil, and give all the tires a good kick. I noticed the attendant looked at me .. . mighty strangely. A brief exchange’ between us on the price of oil and he looked more strangely still ... But it wasn’t until I’d driven down University Ave. and been pulled over, along with all the other cars, for the Safe RIDE-check -- it was New Year’s Eve, 1 think -- that 1realized what. was happening. The cop took one look at my hat, muttered “Just checking, sir,” more or less to himself, and flagged me on around the other-cars. Hmmm, thinks I, this is better than the laie 60s when, illegally camped in a city park in Victoria, B.C., I was mistaken for an Indian (“Where you from? Bella-Bella. Son, it’s taboo to camp here in the city, you understand’? Taboo.“) Being a Mennonite in Waterloo is as good a scam as there is, or so 1 thought. ’ Understand me, now. I didn’t set out to be mistaken for a Mennonite. I just wanted a black hat, actually a black Stetson like the brown one 1 usually wear, but the only black hats available were Mennonite hats in St. Jacobs. I’d seen the movie Witness, but 1 didn’t think anything of it. I’d also read John Howard Griffith’s Black Like Me, and never for a moment thought it relevant to me. 1 wanted neither to masquerade as a Mennonite nor to dress like a cleric of the previous century. I just wanted a black hat...

The next time I was mista.ken for a Mennonite was a little more educational. Place: walking down King St. from the bus depot (my car was broken down) to Tim Horton’s donut shop on Victoria. Time: about 2 am. Apparently Mennonites observe a curfew here iy Waterloo: after midnight they get out of town. At the very least, they take off their hats. Unaware of this, my son and 1 were walking down the street, he with my hat on and both hand; busy with our bags: my left had held a bag and my right arm was across my chest holding a bag over my left shoulder. This put my wrist watch right under my nose, which was under my hat. When the two punks coming -- and you could see them zero in on the hat -went for the watch, as tliough to ask the time, I let out my basso profundo bark, such as no Mennonite ever bellowed (to non-Mennonite, at least), and dropped both bags in a squaring-dff stance. It sufficed. But that wasn’t the end. Every car that passed, of teenagers or pursuers of teenagers,’ yelled derisive comments, catcalls, or plain curses. Except girls -- carloads of girls yelled quicky confessions or apologies for being out late, or chasing boys, or whatever a Mennonite might disapprove of. We learned, my son and 1 that night, on the stretch between Tim Horton’s and the Waterloo Town Square: people don’t hold anything back from a Mennonite. Lately I’ve been watching, when I year my hat, for rednecks with crossbows in. their pick-ups. tarts and muggers with confessions at the ready and, generally, just anyone loaded for Mennonite. Whenever 1 spot some suspiciouslooking character, 1 take my hat off to him (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is United Church Chaplain to the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier: Univeristy.)



Great White,Wiriterfest


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Help plan the experience of a lifet!ime !- Join the Federatiori of Students Orientation Committee!

Casserolesare easy by Cindy


1 have good news and bad news. First the bad news. The Natural Food Market on Bridgeport Rd. E. has discontinued its 10% student-discount. This is really a shame because it is an excellent place to buy staple foods (flours, grains, spices, etc.) in bulk, but some other items they carry can be pricey. Ah well, inflation marches on. They still have the freshest eggs in town though. (Slap that egg on the left!) Now the good news. 1 received a casserole dish for Christmas. What do you mean “So what?“! This is a dream come true! Casseroles are easy, fun, variable, make enough for at least two meals for two and cook without stirring them. (1f You grease the dish ahead of time, cleaning it is easy.) For those of you*who were not on campus last term, this column is an attempt to acquaint students with the wide variety of food available to us and the quickest, cheapest, and tastiest ways to buy and cook it that 1can think up or stumble across. We don’t have to pay through the nose for good food and we don’t have to eat junk because we’re broke. (However, if the computer fees goes up maybe we can get creative with cat food.) 1 came across this recipe in the Canadian Living Rush Hour Cookbook Special. it’s cheaper than pizzeria pizza and probably more nutritious.



To the editor:

My return to Waterloo after my work term was marked by a series of happy re-acquaintences. By far the greatest joy, however, was being introduced to the profound utterances of one Carol Fletcher (Imprint, January IO).’ This self-proclaimed spokesman (oops, spokeswoman) for democracy and decency has apparently lost none of her moral intensity, and was at her self-righteous best last week as she pontificated over the demise of Enginews. While Enginews may very well have been cheap,stupid, and tasteless, only a humourless mind of the bleakest prosaist would have taken it seriously. Yet, Carol Fletcher appears to have pondered it primly, and evidently spurred on by cata,strophic visions of the so-called ‘women’s ,movement’ being set back by “a few centuries,” diligently applied herself to the task of ridding the university of this “sexist trash”. The demise of Enginews has, however, been insufficient in itself to propitiate this disagreeable person. According to Carol Fletcher, some form of compensation is now in order! Could it be that the most vile feature of the loathsome Enginews tabloid was the fact that it was produced by the villainous male of the species? For sheer intolerance and narrowness of opinion it certainly ranked no .worse than Miss Fletcher’s authoritarian tirades. As the spring term drew to a close in the pleasant month of August, I vaguely recall Carol Fletcher’s bloodcurdling yells about the evil of the upcoming Oktoberfest Beauty pageant. And looking ahead, 1 have the uneasy feeling that before this term ends Carol Fletcher will discover many more sinister forces of no good lurking on our peaceful campus. 1 anxiously wait to see what will be the next target of‘ Carol Fletcher’s imbecilic agitations and fanatical fulminations. Thomas




The first committee and information meeting of the Orientation Committee will be held on:

Tuesday, January 28, 1986 500 p.m., CC 135

Pitazzas Ingredients:

6 whole wheat pitas (in the bread section) 1 small clove of garlic (chopped finely) 2 chopped green onions (they usually come in bunches of five or so; use the rest in salads, mixed with veggies or in soup) 2 cups (250 g) grated mild white cheese (Brick, Havarti, Monterey Jack) 2 sliced tomatoes 1 mashed avocado 2-3 cups of alfalfa sprouts 2 tblsps. lemon or lime juice 2 tblsps. mayonnaise dash of tabasco sausce salt‘to taste Mix the avocado, garlic, onion, mayo, tabasco, lemon juice and salt in a bowl. Spread it evenly on top of the pitas (don’t open the pita .. . this is a pizza, right‘?). Top them with alfalfa sprouts, tomato slices and cheese in that order. Place on a rack in a 400 degree oven for 5-7 minutes or until cheese melts. This makes 4 to 6 pitas depending on how generous you are with the toppings. These are good for lunch or dinner and you can add anything you like. The mix keeps in the refrigerator. If you don’t keep Tabasco sauce around, don’t worry. It’s nice, but the recipe won’t be ruined without it. Avocados are neat things partly because of their massive pits. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and scrape out the fruit from the shell. Avocados should never be cooked. Also, once removed from the shell or skin, they should be sprinkled with lemon juice if not used immediately. This is mainly for aesthetic purposes. Like apples, they change colour quickly once peeled.

All interested attend!

parties are welcome to






To the editor:

Anyone for a harmless game of War? Soon, the U W campus will become an underground battlefield, where KAOS heroes strive to “complete their assignments” (Lovely!) and liquidate the hordes !ol subhuman KGB assassins. Free Fed Hall beer for every dead Commie! Nothing to get riled about - after all it’s not real. Besides, A war is FUN! 1 am reminded of the children in Orwell’s 1984, playing “fun games” with toy weapons. Ronald “with God on Our Side” Reagan, take notice! War games at the University of Waterloo! Much more intelligent than a beauty pageant-, don’t you think‘? Go ahead, make my day! Sign u-p! So much for higher education. (For interest’s sake, KAOS stands for Killing As Organized Sport). David Broughton Earth Sciences










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Committee positions include the executive (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Publicity/Promotior Coordinator) and. the special event: conveners and their assistants






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If you are interested in holding an executive position on the committee or acting as a special events convener, please pick up an application form at the Federation of Students Office, CC 235, or at the meeting. ’


U of W graduate,




, For ‘further information, contact Irene Wright at 888-4042 or extentior 4047.


FObUVl .


Tuitiim yes, ~ncidetitals no ’ On-Campus

CC 235

Income Tax Proofer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fed Office,

CC 235

$5 plus comm’n

$4.50/ hr room

Income Tax Preparers . . . . . . . . . . . . Fed Office,

$5 -- $6/return $2/return

Delivery person & tips (own car) --

P.A. Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike

& board



Vice-Chairperson $lOO/ month stipend Education stipend

Duck Cafe cc 117. Fed Office

Dons 86187 . . . . . . . . . . . . Housing

Volunteer, Federation Students $lOQ/ month

To the editor:



The arguments against the use of the computer fee have not been stated many times. 1 think its time to consider positive options to resolve the dilemma. The university administration stated that its operating budget would create a $2.4 million deficit this year. Of this amount, $1.6 million would be covered by the computer fee, leaving a deficit of $800,000. Fu r th ermore the real needs of the university, in order to supply the highest standards possible would have resulted in an $8 million deficit. If we divide this figure by the student population (20,000) we arrive at a $400 figure, an amount far greater than the present fee by several times. In the past, tuition increases have been matched 4 to 1 by the government. If we use this funding formula to normalize $400 we arrive at a cost per student of’!%0 per year. This is a number similar to the average computer fee presently changed. In other words, if the present computer fee was called a tuition fee increase and the government matched it 4 to 1, the university could provide the best education possible. The students would contribute $1.6 million part of which may be covered by OSAP, thus resulting in a cost to the government of $6.4 (plus) million. Although the government has given its philosophical support to the university it is subject presently to fina ncial restraint. An option the government may consider is a graduated support scheme. inthis scenario the government’ could take some of the financial pressure

off by building up to the full funding figure of $6.4 million gradually. Paying proportionally less in the present year and playing catch up over the next few years when the effects of the recession have eased the provincial purse strings. This option would at least allow the university to being long-term planning, the keystone to an efficient education system. In turn, the government could still claim .political points for providing a foundation for quality education in the future.It has also been suggested that the, government may provide support through specific project grants. As a long-term solution this is less desirable because it may politicalize academic budgeting. This may create an education system guided by public opinion rather than academic integrity. Since funding would likely vary year to year it may also destabilize the university’s planning capacities. Therefore, the best option for all parties concerned remains in the matching formula. 1 believe that if the students show an initiative and offer to pay a tuition increase as opposed to the present fee, the government may respond favourably and the greater problem of underfunding may be resolved. If the student body wants to attain the highest standards in education possible then there is only one option. Offer to pay more tuition and ask the government to contribute proportionally, as in the past, at a 4 to 1 ratio. David Bray Graduate Economics

of ’a B. Commuriications . . Sonny Flanagan,

CC 235

Commissioner . Sonny Flanagan,

CC 235

Indviduals’interest in developing ‘extended course evaluations’ . . . . . . . . . . Dale Anderson, CC 235

Off-Campus wages & tips

Delivery person . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domino’s,

,For more informatiqn Students, CC 235.






Don’t settle for the same old burger-and-fries-in-a‘ big-fancy-box. Not when you could have one..of three Grande Meal Deals from Taco Bell. They’re a lot more exciting than your basic burger deal. You get your choice of a delicious Burrito Supreme@, crunchy Taco BellGrande@ or crispy- Taco Delight. Plus a regular taco, medium soft drink and . Cinnamon Crispa? for dessert. All for just $3.59 each. So come in to a Taco BelPrestaurant through February 4th. We’ll make those burger deals look like no big deal at all.


-NEWS Study examines spatial awareness:


found -not to be inferior

by Carolyn Hoskins ^ Canadian Science News Do you believe women find it harder to read road maps than men do? Or that gender accounts for the fact that there are few Grandmaster chess players‘? If your answer is yes, you share the view of many applied / psychologists that males are superior to females in performance of spatial tasks. However, psychological research simply does not support this biased view, according to applied psychologist -Dr. Paula Caplan, Head of the Centre for Women’s Studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (i)lSE). Dr. Caplan recently completed an exhaustive study of the applied-psychology literature on spatial ability. Spatial ability, whether doing a jigsaw puzzle, rotating a multi-sided figure in the mind’s eye, or drawing one’s way out of

a line maze, has long been cited as the outstanding example of neuralogical sex difference. Dr. Caplan feels this view has been at least partially responsible for widespread and sometimes overt discrimination against female professionals and scientists. Dr Caplan and her colleagues, doctoral students Gael MacPherson and Patricia Tobin, began examing the work of Dr. Stanley D. Porteus, who originally designed a set of line mazes as an intelligence test. His classic 1965 article, reviewing 105 studies conducted on boys and girls since the the 192Os, cited figures that impressively favoured male superiorty when line mazes were used to assess spatial ability: 99 of those 105 studies had higher male scores. However, Dr. Caplan and her associates found that t-tests (a statistical tool for eliminating

Drug-resistant cancer found at UT by Dan Cass Canadian Science News Researchers in Toronto have found what promises to be an important factor in the treatment of cancer. By studying some cancer cells’ ability to resist the effects of many anticancer drugs, the scientists have found a way of detecting,and possibly of understanding these resistant cells. Dr. John Riordan, a biochemist at the Hospital for Sick Children, and Dr. Victor Ling of the Ontario Cancer Institute, have isolated a ‘marker’ (identifying chemical), called P-glycoprotein, from the surface of resistant cells. One problem with cancer chemotherapy is that cancer cells begin to show resistance to the drugs used in the treatment. This probably results from a fluke change in a verv-small proportion of cells with a I> tumour - a mutation, While normal iumour*‘ceils are “killed by the anti-cancer’.drugs; these resistant mutants survive to “take over” the tumour, which then resists the therapy. Until now, scientists had now way ofidentifying these resistant cells. The surface of the resistant cells shows a very high level of P-glycoprotein, a small molecule sticking out of the cell membrane. The Toronto researchers have now shown that the presence of the P-glycoprotein corresponds to resistance, not only to a single drug, but usually to whole group of anti-cancer drugs. The marker makes resistant cells easy to spot in two ways. First, scientists have manufactured antibodies to P-glycoprotein. These antibodies specifically recognize the shape of the P-glycoprotein molecule. Thus, researchers can locate and identify resistant cells by seeing whether the antibodies stick to them.

chance as a cause of the results) had been done in only 18 of the 105 studies. Only four of these 18 yielded results which could not have been significantly influenced by a lopsided sample of testees. In other words, in 14 of these 18 - and possibly in many of the other 87 - the results could have been due to chance. In spite of these failings, Porteus’ results are usually cited as though 99 out of 105 studies showed male superiority. Another commonly accepted body of evidence involves one of the standard tests of spatial ability, the rod-and-frame test. In a dark room the subject is expected to position a fluorescent rod horizontally, with re-’ spect to the floor, inside a fluorescent tilted square frame. However, the apparent superiority of males in this test disappears when the rod is a human figure, and women do better when told that test measures empathy, not spatial *ability. Caplan feels this reflects women’s nervousness at being tested in a supposedly ‘male’ skill. The OISE researchers say defining the term “spatial ability”, and testing it and it alone, present major problems. Gael MacPherson repeated two of the most apparently. valid tests of this ability among 100 high school students; she found not only no sex difference, but more importantly, no correlation between scores on the two tests. The researchers wonder whether the two tests were even measuring the same ability. Dr. Caplan believes “it is by no means clear as yet” that any sex differences in spatial abiltiy exist.


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Research so far has shown that changes in the activity of either or both of these -systems may lead to drug resistance displayed by cells with P-glycoprotein on their surface. Just how this relates to the presence of P-glycoprotein remains to be explained. Scientists are also interested because the cells’ resistance to a wide spectrum of anti-cancer drugs’is associated with an increased sensitivity to another, totally unrelated group of chemical agents which act on cell membranes, including detergents, anaesthetics, sterods and common heart drugs such as verapimil, kill tumours of the, resistant type. This may prove important in the future and resistant tumours. Funding for this project was provided by the Medical Research Council and the .National Cancer Institute.




A second method of detection involves using a “gene probe” (a piece of the genetic material - DNA) which will bind to the DNA in resistant cells. These gene probes are the same structure as the genes which carry the information that directs a cell to produce P-glycoprotein. Being able to determine whether or not tumour cells are‘resistant is very important in cancer treatment. “Research is now being done on the possibility of using an antibody test to determine ahead of time whether chemotherapy will likely succeed,” says Dr. Riordan. Since chemotherapy often has serious and unpleasant side effects, it would be useful to determine the probable benefits of chemotherapy before exposingpatients to its risks. Another area of intense research is the use of antibodies to P-glycoprotein to “target” toxic substance to selectively kill cancer cells, says Dr. Riordan. “For instance, if a toxin such as diphtheria were attached to an P-glycoprotein antibody, the toxin wduld bind to and kill only the tumour cells.” One drawback of existing cancer therapy is that there is no’ reliable way to selectively kill tumour cells while leaving normal - cells unharmed. The proposed “targetting” technique may provide an answer. In addition, gene probes whichare used diagnosticallv II todav mav one da-y be used to treat cancer patients. -This “gene therapy:’ would involve replacing faulty peices of genetic material in tumour ’ cells with normal aDNA. ’ For the moment, however, gene therapy remains a far-off dream. “Our present aim.is to understand the P-glycoprotein system at the most basic level,” says Dr. Riordan. Most anti-cancer drugs act somewhere within the tumour cell. To reach their target, the drugs must be accepted by the mechanism that pumps substances into the cell; another mechanism pumps them out.



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(for basic returns) ’ Fed Members Only A new service of the Federation Students -- For more information Federation Office, Campus Centre 235.

You may now register without paying late fees. Ensure that you,, are registered ‘by checking with the registrar in Needles Hall. When registration is confirmed, come to the Federation of Students Office, Campus Centre 235, and write “Registered”, beside your name on the lists(s) of fee strikers. This ensures that no fee striker loses the opportunity to register. -..


cheer the Warriors

on to

No experience necessary. Contact Cynthia at the Fed Office

Thank you for your support ,

The Federation of Students







BE A PART OF WATERLOO SUPPORT THE WARRIOi3S Federation of Students University of Waterloo

VCR Draw and ELECTION Coupon Book Help ,I PROCLAMATION Support Cancer -- Research ’ Nominations papers will be available for the following


Members of Students’ Council

Support Cancer Research! 1 Can you spare $7.OO*for a good, 1 deal and a good cause?. Now available through the Federation of Students in Campus Centre 235, these coukn books offer discounts at a wide variety of local stores and restaurants, including many Federation of Students services. Not only do your dollars buy you great deals on meals and gifts, but you will also be supporting cancer research. With each purchase of a coupon draw will be held in the Campus at noon.

book, you can enter a draw for a VCR. The Centre Great Hall on Wednesday, April 2nd

For details.

of Students

visit the Federation


Students’ Council sea& to be elected are as follows: ................ -..t5+. ..“....................................~................................ 3 ‘A-tegular Arts ccwp (both streams) ....................................* .......................... 1 Engineering .........................................................................................3 E.s.regular ..........................................................................................1 ES. coq (both streams) ..................................................................1 t-&K.L.s. regular ....................” ............................................................1 H.K.L.S. colop (both streams) ..........................................” ............. 1 Independent Shx&s ...........r................-....................-...................... 1 Math reguiar .......................................................................................1 .......................................................................................... 3 Math coqa Science regular ...................................................................................3 Science ~0-0~ (both streams) ....................................................... ...... 1 Renison ................................................................................................1 St. Jerome’s ..........................................................................................1 Terms’ of office: Twelve months from the Annual General Meeting, which will be held the last week of the winter term.

CC 235.

~ Win a VCR! Get .discounts at local ’ businesses and restaurants, on 1 . campus and off!


Open: tiednesday, January 8,X984 Close Wednesday, January 22,1986

QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELECTIONS: All candidates must be full members of the. Corporatiqn, i.e., they must be registered undergraduate students who have paid their Federation fees. Nomination papers are available from Helga Petz in the Federation office located in Room 235 of the Campus Centre Building.


__11 AND

12, 1986.

ON \ El










.UW offers cOurse for entrepreneurs If you are thinking of setting out on your own after graduation you should consider taking “Starting Your Own Business”, a non-credit course which looks at all aspects of entrepreneurship, Each year hundreds of small, independently-owned businesses are started - and many of them fail. The reasons for failure are many, but often the underlying cause is ti bad “fit” betweeh the owner and the business itself. Course coordinator Don Kasta comments: “Starting

I Fitnessaqsessments Campus Health Promotion will continue to offer complete 90 minute fitness assesments from early January to late May of 1986. The “Healthwise” program involves a flexibility test, lung function analyses, body fat deanthropometric termination, measurements, and a graded exercise test on a monarch bicycle with ECG and blood pressure monitoring. Exercise prescription and fitness,‘diet counselling are available after the testing session or as a separate procedure. Appointment times are presently available Monday to Thursday between the hours 9 am. - 3pm. Please call the Helath and Safety appointment line at 888-4096. Questions can be answered by calling ext. 6359. Costs are $20 for Universit) of Waterloo student for 90 min.ute.testing session: $35 for University -of Waterloo employees/ alumni; part-time student; and $51) for others. . Individual counselling is available at $7.50 per half hour.

Your Own Business gives you the tools to do a thorough selfanalysis to discover if you have the characteristics necessary to be an entrepreneur. There is a significant difference between having a solid, marketable idea and turning that idea into a saleable item, then running the business successfully. This course makes you take a hard look at yourself and your potential for a career in independent business.” A number of U W graduates have gone on to start successful businesses, Kasta says, and this

course can help you learn about the preparation required for this and the pitfalls you’ll encounter. This information can greatly increase your prospects for success. The course is taught by veteran business consultant Robert Grasley, who is also an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Engineering where he teaches a credit course on technical entrepreneurship. Grasley lists some of the following characteristics as being most important for successful entrepreneurship:

Equally important is realizing that perhaps you aren’t cut out to be in business for yourself. If a!1 the signs point to your not being the entrepreneur “type”, .and you realize you

aren’t willing to accept the hard work and long hours needed to make a go of a business, then you will be spared the frustration and financial loss of having. committed yourself to a failed venture. Additionally, the course provides an insight into many other’ facets of a new business startup, including sources of financing, writing a business plan, and deciding on a franchise, an existing firm, or a new venture. In the past two years more

than 200 UW students have taken the co.urse, rated it highly, and came away -with a good grasp of the concepts involved in starting a new enterprise. “Starting Your Own Business” will run for eight weeks, starting January 23 and ending March 16. It will meet Thursday evenings from 7:00 till IO:00 p.m. The registration fee is $80 for students registered full time in Winter 1986. Further information is available from the Part-Time Studies Office, ext. 4002.




As Bill Gates (creator of BASIC , at age 191, now the Chariman of Microsoft puts it, YIIere is no other industry where you can come up with an idea and a year later you have 100,000 people sitting happily using it to get their work done. I’m having a very good time.” We‘re looking for Software Design Engineers who share this perspective - who have the drive, the insight, the creativity to shape the software that wil! move the microcomputer industry ahead. Ant who enjoy doing it, like Bill does. You’ll work with hardwa-re so r new it hasn’t been publicly introduced. Work closely with the most outstanding minds in the business. Enjoy the fr&dom of your own office in our flexible environment. And relish the challenge of building your perspective into the Test .. 8.exciting projects -7around. ’ ..- ’

If you are a registered. oncampus. full time undergraduajie student thih term and are expecting a Grade Report from the Fall 1985 term, you may pick i: up al the ,xeception area of the Registrar’s Office beginning Janaury 22 (grade reports for St. Jerome’s and Renison registrants will be available at the colleges.) Grade reports for part-time students will be mailed as well as for co-op students on a work term and for students who are living in residence on campus. ID card identification will be required for those grade reports that are picked up. The last official day to register for the winter term is January 3 I, 1986. If you have not yet arranged to pay your fkes, you must do so immediritely. There are many schedules still’remaining to be picked up from the Registrar’s Office. If you have not received a c,ompleted schedule, please check with the Registrar’s Office as r soon as possible. Engineering, I ndependent Studies and Optomestudents can obtain try schedules at their departmerits’ general office.


Smoking hotline The Canadian Council on Smoking, and Health, and the Addiction Research Foundation are offering a Quit Smoking Hotline for the month of January to help people kick the’ smoking habit. The three minute taped message provides information on the effects of smoking’and useful tipr to help overcome the, smoking habit. Smokers can call l-800-3870661 for help. Campus Health Promotion .will aiso be offering the Kick It program beginning February 5th.

perseverance, competitiveness, self-reliance, good physical health, and a willingness to take the initiative. The lectures, along with the films used in the course, will give students the needed insight into their own behavioural characteristics to see if they’ve got these and other necessary qualities.

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Chemistry professor iv@ prestigious award

recipients. The fellowship runs for two years. Prof. Arthur Carty, chairman of U W’s large chemistry department, says the Steacie award is “quite a coup,” both for McMahon and the university. “There are very few people under 40 (years of age) who come anywhere near McMahon’s level of achievement or record of publication. He’s already earned an international reputation in his line of research,” Carty says. “The awards themseIves a_re very competitive -- with engineers,

University of Waterloo chemistry professor Terrance B. McMahon has been awarded the prestigious E. W.R. Steacie Memorial I Fellowship by the Natural Sciences and Engineering-_ Research Council (NSERC). Steacie Fellowships are intended to recognize the achievements of a limited number of outstanding young scientists and engineers in Canadian universities and to enhance their research bpportunities. McMahon, 38, is a physical/ analytical chemist specializing in Gas Phase Ion Chemistry, in which he utilises Ion Cyclotron Mass Spectrometry to study the interaction of isolated molecules without interference of solvents. The native Albertan earned his doctorate at California Polytechnical Institute- and has authored or co-authored 65 academic papers. Before coming to Waterloo in September, 1984, he spent nine years teaching and carrying out research at the University of New Brunswick, and another year on sabbatical at the University of Alberta where he originally earned his bachelor’s degree. I..‘“The most important aspect ofreceiving the Steacieaward is that 1 can spend more time writing manuscripts (for more papers). For the past couple of years I’ve had a backlog, so 1 have been wishing for a desert island with a library where 1 could write in peace,” he says with a grin. “There is some exceedingly interesting chemistry that takes place when gas phase ions (charged atoms) interact with other molecules,” he says. “My interest has been to examine the stabilities, reactivities and reaction mechanisms of these gaseous ions usingboth low pressure and high pressure mass spectro,metric techniques.”

. ’

earth scientists, physicists,

Prof. McMahon officially begins the fello’wship on July 1,1986. He received it on Tuesday in a special ceremony on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, which was followed by a dinner in honor of award

all’kinds of good people, trying for them.

But in a sense, they (NSERC) couldn’t have chosen a better man to win this particular award, because Steacie was himself a physical chemist ‘who worked with gas phase field, and he was always extremely supportive of the youngest and brightest minds in science.” NSERC annually gives the Steacie to four worthv recinients in a vareity of academic disciplines across Canada. In providesfor complete payment of a professor’s salary for up to two full years. Thus it freesthe recipient from teaching during that time so research interests can be pursued. The money is paid to the department, which can utilize it to hire faculty to teach the courses normally taught by the Steacie winner. 1 he Steacie Fellowship is named after Edgar William Richard’ Steacie, a physical chemist and president of the National Research Council from 1952 to 1962. His philosophy included a strong belief that fundamental or free research is essential to the development of science, that the individual is the vital cog for important advances in science. Steacie alwayzs felt that promising young scientists are Canada’s greatest assest and thus should be given every opportunity to develop their own ideas.

Laurier students may pay&or new. \\ residence by Liz Jefferson The Cord Weekly


A new residence may be built at Wilfrid Laurier with student money if a proposal by the Inter-Residen,ce Council (I RC) and On-campus Residence Facilities Committee gains momentum. A plan to put a five-story, 145-bed building on Bricker Avenue, near Euler and Leupold ,residence, was put together by a committee composed of Laurier’s students’ union president Matt Certosimo, vice-president: university affairs Melany Franklin and university administration. The new building will be financed by a $100 residence fee increase in order to offset a loss that would be suffered by the residence for some years after ‘its completion. Budgets and fees are approved by the IRC before being forwarded to the


Certosimo expressed disappointment that the univeristy does not plan to contribute much financial support. “My personal concern, as Melany (Franklin) and 1 both expressed as part of the committee, is that the university demonstrate a commitment to the housing problem by contributing financing to new housing.” He explained that the administration plans to donate the land for the project, and to carry a deficit for about four years which will be made up by the university’s other ancillary services. “The residence won’t make money for another eight years,” Certosimo said. “1 reluctantly accept the ‘IRC’s decision if it’s going to get us more beds,” Cerosimo said. “The need is so great that there is a willingness to accept negative ramifications.” The $100 fee is added to the annual increase of residence fees w il.rch is expeted to be:over 5 per cent next year. As part of the deal, The IRC will be naming

university’s board of governors. IRC chair Dan Wright said he was pleased about. the plan to introduce more on-campus housing, but less pleased about the price students will pay for it. “We were backed into a corner; we either approved the $100 increase or we didn’t get the residence. WLU ‘President Dr. Weir made it clear he was, not there to negotiate.” Dean of Students Fred Nichols supported Dr. Weir’s role in the discussions, saying it was the first time a university president had expressed an interest in consulting the students about housing problems. “This year Dr. Weir said ‘put something together and see what you can do with it’,” he said. This interest resulted in the formation of the On-campus Residence Facilities Committee, which has-been dissolved since fulfilling its madate to present a detailed proposal to the pres’ident.

the new building, subject to the approval of the WLU board of governors: Wright said he was “impressed” with the plans, but expressed concern that there is a lack of student control over the residences, which they actually finance with’ their fee payments. “The univeristy is donating the land. We - the students - are putting up the building, but what’s to say we won’t lose it like we lost MacDonald House?” He added that Dr. Weir gave him assurance that this would not happen-to the planned residence.


The IRC is planning to raise awareness of the assertive student participation in forming the proposal in a press conference. “We want people to know that the new residence is because of the students,” he said. This information will be released around February, when the board of governors may approve the plans. The residence, if approved, may be completed by September.


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17, 1986

Barrier method an effective birth control technique by David Wills Birth Control Centre


Barrier methods are probably the most simple, and accessible methods of birth control today.-In spite of this, however, they are often underrated due to the extra time and attention which-they require. Simply put, a barrier method is a method of birth control whose mechani& fo contraception is to provide a barrier which blocks the path between the male-sperm and the female egg. The three smost common barrier methods ‘in Canada include the diaphragm, the cervical cap, and the condom. The contraceptive sponge, a cousin to the cap and diaphragm, is a fourth method, which, at present, is only available in the United States. The following is a brief description of each of these methods: The diaphragm is a dome shaped latex cup with a flexible rim.. It is placed in the vagina prior to intercourse, such that ,the rim extends from behindjhe cervix, to underneath and behind the pubic bone. A spermicidal jelly or cream is placed into the dome prior to insertion, and is thus held against the cervix when the diaphragm is in place. The mechanism of action is therefore twofold: the diaphragm itself acts as a barrier between the egg and sperm cells, and the spermicide immobilizes and kills the sperm. The effectiveness in typical users in 80-85a/o. The dianhraem is contraindicated (not recommended for medical reason:) for”women with an allergy to the latex or spermicide, a history of urinary tract infections or toxic shock syndrome, or an inability to achieve proper fit. It is also not recommended for those who enjoy the women in the superior coital position, or who undergo multiple positional changes during lovemaking. The diaphragm is only available with a prescription, and is usuallv fitted bv a doctor. The*cervical can is a somewhat less well known barrier method, which was only decently re-introduced in North America. It is a thimble shaped cap that fits directly over the cervi-x and-is held in palce by gentJe suction. As with the diaphragm, a spermicidal jelly is &aced -into the cap prior to insertion, giving it the same twofold mechanism of action: The effectiveness in typical users, however, is 85-87%, slightly higher than the diaphragm. Contraindications for the use of the cap are similar to-those of the diaphragm, except that a history of urinary tract infections does not present a problem with the cap. There are, however, possible sideeffects that require further study, such as the effect of prolonged cervical exposure. to the cap. Also, couples who enjoy a variety of coital- positions are not as likely to experience problems. The cap is not currently marketed for use in Canada, but is available through some family planning clinics in Toronto. The condom is the only barrier method whose sole mechanism of action is to block the path between the egg and sperm. It is also unique in that it is the only method of birth control employed by the I male. The condom is a thin sheath of latex (or animal tissue) which is rolled over the erect penis prior to intercourse and genital contact. It acts as a barrier by keeping the semen from entering the vagina. The penis must be withdrawn from the vagina immediately after ejaculation, and the condom removed and discarded. The condom is the most effective barrier method, with an effectiveness of 90%. This can be increased, however, when used in conjunction with contraceptive foa’m. This combination is highly recommended, and. will increase effectiveness to 96 plus per cent. Condoms have only one contraindication, which is an allergy to the latex or the lubricant used. Both condoms and foam can be purchased without a prescription in a drug store. Condoms are also available in sample form at the Birth Control Centres, and at many family planning clinics. Disadvantages with the use of barrier methods are few. Unlike other methods, the diaphragm and ‘cap must be removed and reinserted between uses, as leaving either in place for more than 24 hours can increase the risk of infection. Condoms and foam must be incorporated into the lovemaking act, and can interrupt spontaneity as a result. Also, spermicides have an unpleasant taste for those who like to engage in oral-genital sex. Barrier methods offer many advantages, including low cost, easy use, no side effects, and the prevention of sexually transimitted diseases. They are very effective when used correctly, and their effects are easily reversed should pregnancy become desired. The above is only a very brief description of barrier methods. For more information on these or any other contraceptive methads, feel free to drop by the Birth Control Centre, CC room 206, or call us at ext. 2306.

Winterfest .‘will cure the blahs by Christine Fischer Imprint staff

Are you tired of looking out your window and seeing a vast white land of nothingness? Does a trip to the sunny south seas seem like the only alternative to going off the deep end? Do you look out the window in the morning and wish you could sleep until spring‘? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are inflicted with the post-christmas-January-winter-blahs, for which one of the few cures is WINTERFEST ‘86. On January 24th and 25th, students of

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U W will join forces on teams of 25 students or.more and compete against other teams in such events as earthball, ice sculpturing, plank walks, toboggan pulls and more. Brainchild of the Student Alumni Association and the Federation of Students, the events were organized by many of the societies on campus, each taking a part. Says organizer Kathryn Seymour, ‘*Our biggest objective is to try to establish a sense of unity over a large-campus with so many separate societies. University means intermingling of everyone,

whether they belong to a society or not, so that everyone benefits and really feels a part of their a sense of alma university, mater, and would want to come back as alumnus. We are providing links for the f%rture and campus spirit for the present.” Already the response has been good, with some teams already signed up and many in the Villages still organizing. As far as community teams go, students could be meeting the neighbourhood policemen, firemen and other groups on the playing field if all goes well. The games officially begin at

1 pm. Friday the 24th, for the preliminaries. Saturday will be the day for finals, and Sunday will be a campus-wide skating party. All the games will take place on campus, on the Village Green. Some of the highlights of WINTERFEST ‘86 include David Wilcox in concert, pubs, food, and an lnuit winter games demonstration by the Games Museum. The event certainly promises to be an exciting one. Says Seymour, “Competition is not the main focus of this event. What we want is for people to have fun.”

Christian retreat by Brad Hilderly

The Navigators, one of several Christian clubs on campus, kicked off the new term with a retreat last weekend. The event was held at the New Life Camp near Durham, .and was attended by students from both the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. Forty three people in all participated in the event, the first of its kind attended by both

as of late as the result of several recent studies conducted in Europe and North America. Such studies point conclusively to the critical state of Christianity in Europe, and the parallel route which North America appears to be headed for in future years. Students were alerted to the fact that the traditional hardsell approach to evangelism is not working. Secular attitudes are rapidly eroding away the


New evangelism sought universities. Activities got under way Friday evening, with students from both clubs becoming more closely associated with one another and with the theme of the weekend. Similar events continued on into Saturday, with students returning to campus late Saturday evening. With “Building Bridges, Breaking Down Walls” as their theme, participants in the weekend retreat addressed the issue of evangelism. The nature of evangelism has become an issue

efforts of well-intentioned individuals, who are perhaps not approaching the problem in the right way. A new philosophy of evangelism, if you will, was presented. It was suggested that a more subtle approach -i-s required, in which the benefits of a Christian way of life are demonstrated to non-Christians over an extended period of time. Organizers of the event showed their support for this approach as an alternative to traditional “ambush evangelism”.


MONTFLEAL -- From Cecil Abrahams‘ office you can see the green lawns of Bishops University stretching out like a British country estate. We could hear the shouts of students playing football on the field, their clean white complexions ruddy from the fall breeze, as we sipped a warm cup of tea and talked about his childhood in South Africa, about his arrests and torture, his hopes for his country’and the troubles it face in the future. Cecil Abrahams is a coloured South African, in many ways the least easy to understand group in South Africa. Along with East Indians, coloured South Africans receive more benefits under apartheid than blacks andyet are - also oppressedand discr iminatidagainst by that system. Cecil Abrahams was forced to flee from South Africa in 1963, when he was 22. In exile, he has written several short stories, a novel, and is the official biographer of one of the most famous black South African writers, Alex La Guma, who is now also~ in exile, in Cuba. Abrahams is president of the World African Literature Society and has lectured on African writing around the world He has also taught African literature at several Quebec universities. CUPz Tell me about growing up in South Africa. Abrahams: I grew up in Vrededorp (pronounced Fryda-dor in Afrikaans), two miles outside of Johannesburg. It was the space between two white designated suburbs. In Afrikaans it means “Town of Peace” (he laughs). All races lived there - the poorer whites, usually farmers who had moved to the city, cape coloureds, East, Indians and blacks. Early on I learned to make the distinction. The poorer whites put on all sorts of airs. They were too good to play with us. If they came into our areas, we would gang up and beat them up and ifwe were caught in their ‘areas the same thing would happen. My father was a cook in a hotel. My mother, when she was employed, was a presser in a factory. CUP: Why was your mother only sometimes able to work? Abrahams: She had eight children - three of them died We lived in two rooms and a kitchen. Ten people would grow up in this litle place where there was no_ running water, no bathroom. If we had to take a bath, which was usually once a week, we put water on the stove and then poured it into the tin bath we had bought. There was never enough food I remember very well going to school with nd breakfast, having no lunch, with the first meal being supper. We got one set of clothes at Christmas which had to last all year. The shoes were always too small. We had terrible blisters and spent all the time we wore them trying to make them stretch. Consequently, we usually wore shoes just on Sundays. m You had to leave South Africa because of your political activity. When did that start? Ilbrahams: It started quite early on - 12years of age - participating in street demonstration. The first time I was arrested was over a soccer game. We had only a gravel pit to play on, but not far off was a green lawn covered field for the whites. Often they wouldn‘t use it so we wouldjump the fence. Once when the police chasedus, they caught two little friends who were only ten and eleven I felt responsible so I let myself get arrested too. They x%de us bend over and they took out their canes and whipped us. I remember having thick welts when my mother cared for me later. CUPZ How did you get involved so young? ,mm Every Sunday ANC speakers came to our F&i square. (It got its name because the sand was red not because we were communists.) Tamboo, Mandela and all the big names of the black movement at that time Came to speak in OUP loud speaker. ‘There were big crowds. They urged us to oppose, not to do,certain things. CUPz What kind of things?

Abrahams: Not to be afraid to walk on the sidewalk. To stand up for our rights. You see, whites used to push us off the sidewalk From time to time, the ANC would call “stay at home“ strikes, or economic boycotts. It was my job to hand out leaflets and’go door to door speaking to the coloureds and East Indians. You see, they are not at the same level of opposition as the blacks because their skin is slightly lighter. CUP: What benefits do they get out of the system? Abrahams: They could go to school for free and got free feeding there. Blacks had to pay. The government set prices these people could never pay. Blacks fill all the unskilled labour and household servant jobs so it was believed they did not need an education for that. East Indians and coloureds also lived closer to the cities so their transportation costs were much lower. Those who owned small businesses like grocery stores, thought quite a lot of themselves. And those that became land: lords were usually more obnoxious than the whites. The government always played up these divisions between coloureds and’whites because we were then likely to spend more time arguing with one another than fighting the real enemy.

again, flushing the toilet. Finally, when I did get out of jail, the ANC wanted me to get out of the country. The chance I would be killed was very high. When the police go overboard as they often-do - that’s it. CUP: What about white children in South Africa? How did they grow up?

(Abrahams then spoke of when he was arrested at 14 and then again at 16. He told of being beaten with fists in his face, being kept awake, made-to stand on one foot and given electric prods to his genitals. He had been leafletting. At 14 he was kept for three days, at 16 for two weeks. j

Abrahams: Afrikaaners see themselves as an African people with a stake in South Africa. No one believes they should go back to Europe. They have been here for 300 years and have a right to stay. But they are indoctrinated at their shcools and at home with all their black servants, that they should not mix with blacks - that blacks are inferior. Some people say the hope for change is in the young generation. But several surveys of the ,opinions of young whites show they are just as racist and entrenched about change as their grandfathers. They would rather die and bring their country to crumbles than see any change. I don‘t see how we can get to the point of change through negotiation. It is going to be bloodshed I wish I could see it another way but I can‘t. If, we want to have a share in that country we‘re going to have to take it. We‘re going to have to learn to go to war. When I was young we never got to that point - we shouted and leafletted andgot our heads bashed in. Those young people today are different than us and won‘t lie down. They are going for it now, but they are not armed so obviously we are going to lose a lot of people. CUP: What do you see happening immediately after the government is deposed?

Abrahams: For a 16 year old, it was quite- a shock I looked pretty disfigured when I came out. My family was horrified From then on I was called “little politician“ by my communi~. At this point I believed, like most blacks, thatwe couldallsitaround,blackandwhite,andtalkand make it all work out. By 18 the police didn‘t have any more doubts about me. I was what they called a “tough ass“, like a hard core, and I had to really be put in my place. They arrested me. They pushed my head into a toilet and. held it down I could see the’ water pouring down. I never was a swimmer and I felt like I was drownlike I was dying ten times over. It still gives me ingterrible nightmares. Iwake up thinking they are over me

Abrahama Africans are very well schooled in terms of political awareness - not formal schooling - but extremely street wise. They are’ also a very opinionated people. When you meet ten South Africans you will be lucky if you don‘t have ten opinions. They are also a very westernized people. Movies, TV; VCR‘s, music, western clothes are all things they are used to yet all this is expressed in an extremely violent society. It is crw on thy weekends, the stabbings, it is quite a lawless country. To deal with this is going to be no bed of roses for anyone who governs. The ANC, which tends to get the most supporters, had a very broad program. However, the experience in Zimbabwe after four years is that the peo-


ale are asking ‘When are -you going to deliver on all these promises?” I! is going t6 be veti difficult to put these general principles into practice. How for instance, are they going to narrow the high inequality that exists in South Africa? The blacks are going to look at the white suburbs and say ‘We want some of that.“ CUP: What kind of government do you hope for in South Africa? . Abrahams: Hopefully we will have something like what the ANC wants, a plurality of many political parties. They can‘t succeed in having a dictatorship because there is no way those people will stand for it again, except if they use violence. We are going to need many years to build up some good will and improve race relations. It was not till I came to Canada that I found white people were human beings. I was convinced they were monsters. It took me a long time to accept them so you - can see the amount of work that is going to have to be done on indoctrination. For a while, there could be all sorts of terrib1e.behaviou.r towards groups, and of course, this will be mostly whites. Blacks may feel it is open season to get goods. But, maybe this will not happen because blacks have been so very patient all this time. I studied romantic poetry, maybe that is why I believe you can transcend the cruelty of the life you live. CUP: What is Canada doing for South Africa? Is it enough? Abrahams: Canada‘s investments, direct and indirect, amount to about two billion. It‘s not a hell of a lot but enough for a country like Canada. Canadian protest is too scattered. There is no national movement like in the States. Our government takes advantage because we are a more quiet and less pushy people. Canada used to be a moral force in the world and it can be again. We can well afford to take some sharp measures with South Africa. If a country like Canada starts boycotting South African products and taking out their investments, it will serve as an example which could have a roller effect. It will endear us to the South African people and when the fallout happens, they will look to Canada as a friend That is what I hope.

A.-dent by Brendnn Weston reprintetl fromche Canadian university

McGill press

CUP: Some people argue against divestment because it will hurt blacks the most. Abrahams: An argument often used is that South Africa is strategically important because its southern cape touches the .major oil routes, and so it is crucial territory in the east-west conflict. However, SouthAfrica is not aU.S.S.R. versus United States issue. That’s their problem. It has nothing to do with communism versus capitalism. When people want a job and stand up and ask for one the South African government calls it communist. That is a pile of nonsense. If anything, the South African people are capitalist by nature. Communism would be very hard to put into effect not only because of whites, but blacks too. Blacks like the idea of selling goods to each other. Also, because they are very religious, communism, which they see as atheism, has no chance in South Africa. As for divestment, we want them to withdraw those investments. You can’t speak to the white community except through their pockets. Blacks will tell you, face to face “We are mering already”. We are suffering right now and badly. In Johannesburg, 80 per cent of blacks live below the poverty line and that is with your western investments. Forty per cent are unemployed and that is a crime. One out of every two black children will be deadby the age of five. There is one last problem I should mention. The kith and kin phenomenon. The British said they couldn’t go against the whites in Rhodesia, they were their brothers. There is something similar in the Reagan administration. They see four and a half million whites and sey they can’t-sacrifice them. There are many racists in the Reagan administration - not necessarily him but those who surround and inform him - especially people like Jerry rFalwell. In a sense they admire South African whites. they have a certain begrudging admiration for them and a nostalgic longing for the days before civil rights - for slavery - when blacks could be putin their place.


spseaks outs


Hate Phillip came home on July 22 to find her apartment ransacked It was the first day of the state of emergency in South Africa and Phillip was only one of many white activists sought out by South African police. Phillip is an editor with the SouthAfrica Student Press Union (SASPU) and the 1984/ 85 president of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS). She was on a tour of Quebec last fall speaking to Canadian students about the role of students in the struggle against apartheid Phillipvisited the McGill Daily before her speech at Concordia University to talk about the student anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. Daily: How does NUSAS fit into the student movement in South Africa? Phillip: NUSAS is one of three progressive student . -organizations in South Africa. It is non-radical, but based on white students. AZASO, the Azaian Student Organization is composed of black university students, while the Congress of South African Students is based on black high school students. All three are allied in support of the United Democratic Front, on the basis of its freedom charter, the policy document of the (outlawed) African \ _ National Congress. Daily: What is the role of students in South Africa’s struggle for progress? Phillip: It has in many circumstances been student protest which has been the catalyst in the resistance. We’ve been the only organization banned since the state of emergency, which reflects the level of militancy. Furthermore, more than half of all prisoners are from NUSAS, and several student leaders, such as Sipho Mutsi and Nunu Kheswa, have recently died in detention. Daily: Could you describe education in South-Africa? - Phillip: Well, first of all, it’s segregated As official policy, whites are trained for power, privilege, management and professional positions. Blacks are trained purely for r&es as a cheap labour pool. Ex-Prime Minister J. Allister was quoted as saying “What’s the point of teaching blacks math when they’ll never get a chance to use it in the workplace?” Daily: What are the demands of students, as put forth in the Education Charter Campaign? Phillip: We want all schools and workers to discuss what education shouldbe and to draw up a charter which is both non-racial and democratic, so all people learn skills to serve society as a whole, and not just private industry. _ In the short term, we want the right to democratic association, and an end to corporal punishment. Accord* ing to a Soweto survey, several students are admitted to hospital every week after corporal punishment. We want mcess to textbooks, where now there is often only one text per one hundred students, and no pens, desks, or blackboards. We want an end-to sexual harassment, where students no longer face expulsion if they fail to submit to rape, or pregnancy if they do. And we want better access to education. Most blacks receive no education before the age of eight because the authorities’say there is no room. Daily: Could you explain the perfect system? Phillip: The principal chooses students to enforce the

\ rules for privilege, but students want student representatives. The first strategy was to ask the principal. That failed Next they tried to form parent committees. That failed too. Finally they organized a boycott, and over one million students have been participating. I Daily: But effective opposition is met with increased repression. Phillip: In January’, 1985, during a student mass meeting in a schoolyard, the principal called the police. They drove a landrover into the crowd, crushing 13 yearold Emma Sathege to death against the gates. The NUSAS secretary, Jabu Khumalo, was foundshot and kicked to death by police. Daily: How are boycotts a more successful tactic? Phillip: During boycotts students organ&e political education classed on campus to teach the history of the South African liberation movement, and other struggles. For many students the only future with the present government is as one of the 50 per cent unemployed or as exploited labour. Many leave to join ANC army school in Tanzania, rather than accept a situation where the average worker supports eleven people on their wages. The situation has become a battleground Police shoot on people who boycott. There is a cycle of funerals -- an average of eight people per weekend, with around 50,000 people attending. Its virtually the only form of legal pro-. test available. Daily: It must be impossible to report on these events amid such extensive legal and paralegal repression. Phillip: In the Police Act it is an offence to publish anything which casts the police in a bad light. The state of emergency gives power to the minister to limit publication to what is released It is an offence to pass on any information on any act by w member of the police until it has been released, punishable by up to ten years imprisonment. They have complete indemnity. On the first day of the state of emergency, white activists were targeted My flat was ransacked, but I wasn’t there. Daily: Haven’t the laws always been that repressive? Phillip: It was never possible to public&e all police actions, but previously people could learn through the reporting on trials.

Daily: We hear about cosmetic reforms to the system i of apartheid, amid reports of mounting violence. Many i people here are struck by this apparent paradox. _( ( Phillip: Repression and reform go hand in hand. They i aren’t introducing reforms b&au&e they want to, or be- i cause they believe Apartheid is wrong. They introduce reform purely due to economic and political pressure from the Black townships and the ANC. Of all the reforms they’ve introduced, not one has given one iota of political power to the black population. They are simply developing a more sophisticated way of maintaining political f control. Daily: Often we get the impression from our media that violence in South Africa is random and out of control. Phillip: In the South African Press you read that stu- / dents burnt the principal’s car, and it appears like excess violence. Butthe reason is that for six months students I had been forced to contribute to a fund for science equipI ment they couldn’t afford and which didn’t appear. It was f discovered the principal had taken the money to buy a I car. In a context where two-thirds of black kidsunder the 1 age of three die of malnutrition, this anger must be considered a natural response. Daily: Do you consider divestment an effective mea- i’ sure against apartheid? I Phillip: There is no question that Apartheid is hurting f the South African government, and that the majority i support it (divestment). During the three-day general 1 strike in November 1984,85 per cent of the people stayed 1 out. But it’s calle-d ‘economic sabotage’ ,( in South Africa) x to support divestment abroad




NOT ALLIES In this presentation, Dr. Ridpath will examine the basic philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and demonstrate why, contrary to popular opinion, he is not ,an advocate of individualism. Dr. Ridpath will discuss what individualism is; what the grounds are for Nietzsche‘s reputation as an individualist; and why it is that, on a more fundamental level, his views are profoundly incompatible with individualism. e ABOUT THE LECTURE


- Thursday

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Ridpath is an Associate Professor of Economics and History at York University. Widely recognized for his skills, he is the recipient of the Ontario Council of. Faculty Association’s award for an outstanding to university teaching. Dr. Ridpath was an intellectual of Miss Rand and is currently on the Board of Advisors of Rand Institute: The Centre For, The Advancement Of He would be pleased to address any inquiries Miss Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, during the question


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The Chesterfield Kings: I

1960s ” ga.r.age rock” revived by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff

As the insipid strains of Top 40 wafted their sickly way through the patron’s heads at Fed Hall, at the other end of the campus, a curious man with unhiply-long hair grabbed a microphone stand and dove headlong off the lavish South Campus Hall stage onto the dance floor. While doing this he unleashed a scream that only a James Brown out-of-body experience could explain. The man was Greg Prevost, serious ’60s garage-rock record collector ‘and leader of The Chesterfield Kings, the band for which time stood still since 1966 and the glory days of The Chocolate Watchband.

Compared with the usually grim fare provided by B. Ent so far this school year (i.e. aging has-beens and tribute and cover bands), Thursday night’s proceedings were unprecedently fresh and invigorating. The Chesterfield Kingsdo play a huge number of covers (Prevost estimates the band’s repertoire at something like five hundred songs), but most of their numbers are obscure enough that the audience would probably have thought they were originals. And they only play what they like - the romping two-, minute rock rave-ups of the mid-‘60s - unlike those ridiculous bands that play anything on the charts from ZZ Top to Tears For Fears. OshawaIband The Purple Toads (formerly punk outfit, Durango 95) took the stage first with their Ramones-cum-‘60s punk thrash. Playing a lengthy set of originals and mostly covers, The Purple Toads were neither dazzlingly inventive nor tremendously diversified in their choice of material, but they were most entertaining nonetheless nonetheless. The guitarists and the bass player took rotating shifts doing the

Lost in the past and playing to the limit

Lead singer Greg perpetual motion.


was in

vocals but it made little difference who was singing as all three have more or less identical voices, each letting loose with raw, brazen voices as if it was the last song he would ever be allowed to sing. While there was *a tendency for some of the songs to get mired in the high mix of the buzz-saw guitars, the scorching guitars and their exuberance more than compensated for any lack of variety. The Purple Toads are a blast, maan, and are wellworth your time. The Chesterfield Kings took the energy the Purple Toads left and took it to new heights. The infectious 1966 garage-rock soon overcame the dance-floor paranoia that was inexplicably present (although Greg Prevost’s threats that they would leave if more people didn’t dance .didn’t hurt) as the greasy aromas of the SCH cafeteria were replaced by those of sweat. . Prevost is a formidable front-man with a mania of demonic proportions. Whether performing his Jaggeresque strut or doing deathdefying leaps into the midst of the dancing milieu, Prevost may not have been poetry in



by Paul Done Imprint staff Whitenoise, a Toronto jazz-funk combo, seem to be in that precarious position known as- “on the brink of greatness.” In their 2% hour show January 10 at the Kent, they showed flashes of greatness, but often lapsed into the merely ordinary. The band’s primary problem is that the guitars often get lost amid the rhythm-section of Glen Milchem on drums and Bryant Didier on bass and saxophone work of Bill Gorve. For extended periods the guitars are often used in a purely rhythmic context or disappear completely beneath Grove’s alto squawks. As if to worsen the problem, the guitar. solos often seemed forced. This

“On the brink Greatness” tended prevent torily.


to muddy the flow of the song and them from ending the songs satisfac-

- However, when the guitars found their natural place,, Whitenoise often succeeded in creating the kind of deadly groove normally



motion, but he was perpetual motion. A screamer definitely to be reckoned with,. his brash vocals bit equally ferociously into covers of The Kinks and The 13th Floor Elevators and originals from their fab Stop! album. The Chesterfield Kings are all about unpretentious fun. High-tech quality sound is not as important as the sound, Ori Guran’s VOX organ poking its head through the nasty guitars, not to emulate, but to relive the glorious sounds of 1966. And they would much rather sing of the woes of teenage romance than try to tackle world problems. -

0 - 1

The show was brought to a shuddering’ climax with a burning ten-minute rendering of Hey, Bo Diddley which had the rafters and . everyone else shaking as Prevost mounted the table of some unsuspecting non-dancers and proceeded to blow his harp with wild ‘abandon. With that, The Chesterfield Kings left the horde of nice people vowing to doff their black garments and grow Brian Jones moptops. P.S. Major Imprint kudos go out to Dave Downer and the GSA for having the audacity to book entertainment of an alternative na4 ture on this campus.



the rlgnt-. noise,

associated with the likes of Defunkt and DTrain. Do The Qonut, Funk Your Face and their exemplary cover of Ornette Coleman’s Dance On Your Head showed Whitenoise at their most funky while Let’s Wreck The Discotheque, a true heavy metal/funk hybrid, showed that the band has been listening hard to their mid-70s P-Funk albums. Disappointingly enough, it was only on these last two that Glen Milchem achieved

Coming to Fed Hall February 5th the kind of intensity he normally displays in his work with Vital Sines. Neither his jacket nor his undershirt ended up in their habitual sweat-soaked bundle behind the. drum kit. Whitenoise, who will be playing Fed Hall on February 5, have definitely improved since The Importance of Breath, their debut album (and #4 on Imprint’s Top 10 Canadian of. 1985). With time may come the extra cohesiveness which may push them into the realm of the great. )Then again, on Fed Hall’s sound system, the present Whitenoise should be a dance experience to remember.

Whiten&e are, shawing rhythm section.


but their


are often drowned by their Photo by Tim Perlich




j .


The CultLove Polygram Records by Chris Wodskou imprint staff Cliche is such an ugly word. Unfortunately, it’s also the word that best describes The Cult’s second album Love. The Van Halen of the so-called “new music” scene, The Cult is all flash, image and incoherent bombast, but more self-important than David Lee and the boys. Led by Ian Astbury, late of the Canadian Armed Forces, the band has absolutely no conception of subtlety, preferring to flog the listener mercilessly with a loud and repetitious onslaught of heavy metal guitar, lethargically plodding bass and Ian Astbury’s annoying howls. Ashbury, also a lyricist of dubious talents, is one of the most gratingly overwrought vocalists this side of Dead (preferably) or Alive’s Pete Burns, taking the songs well past then threshold of tedium with his pompous delivery. The Staple Singers The Staple Singers CBS by Tim Perlich Imprint staff L&t year, Poppa Staples and his three: daughters Cleo, Yvonne and Mavis hit pay-dirt for the frist time in decades with soul-sizzling -ve* of the Talking Heads’ ‘Slippery People The Staple Singers have been together and putting out gospel records for V6e Jay and’ Art Rupe’s Specialty label sirice the mid-fifties. Although they’ve been well-known in gospel circles since their inception for such chillingly atmospheric pieces as Unclotidy Day, it wasn’t until the mid-sixties that they were “discovered” by popular music audiences and had crossover hits with Respect Yourself and 1’11Take You There. It seems as though their time has come once again with’ another cover. This time it’s Pacific Gas and Electric’s Are You Ready? providing the boss action on some of the less staid dancefloors. The new L.P. The Staple Singers is cut from the same cloth as their preoious Turning Poini L.P complete with a Talking Heads song: Life During Wartime. This time out, however, the cover lacks the “upside yo’ head” groove that wholljl converted Slippery People and with David Byrne adding guitar fills, it sounds like nothing more than Mavis singing a rock song. Besides the guerilla blitz of Black to the War and Are You Ready?, there’s not much to be found. The relatively light weight of the remaining material is thinly disguised with excessive, metal-ish guitars and synths. It is good to hear Poppa Staple crooning right through his seventies but it’s a shame that the Staples didn’t end up with a more sympathetic producer who might have shown a little more faith in their voca abilities.


at 890)pm)

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17, 1986

Guitarist Billy Duffy is capable of coming up with some fairly exhilirating riff$ in a U2 vein, such as with She Sells Sanctuary, but usually he just settles for recycling tired, old Led Zeppelin licks that have already been stolen a thousand times by other impersonators. In fact, the whole record seems to be a Led Zeppelin re-issue, from the pretentious use of hieroglyphics on the lyric sheet (presumably to hide the vapidness of Astbury’s lyrics) to the oft-repeated notions about Nirvana and other vague nonsense, singing the same seven or eight -lines of gobbledy-gook ad nauseum for five minutes. Their idyllic (and simpleminded) tales about the bliss of living in the non-material world simply reeks of insincerity to the point where in Love, a song impossible to even like, let alone love, they admit that they “want to drive far away in a big, black car”. If they felt so strongly about the joys of pastoral life, surely they could have written lyrics with some degree of meaning. Love is an album with one very good song (Sanctuary), one passable song (Rain), and eight tracks of regrettable filler, dragging itself along for fifty excruciatingly long-minutes with a combined lyrical content not equal to even one Elvis Costello or Pretab Sprout song. Avoid.

Edgar Allan Poe Emilv Dickenson T.S. Eliot Alexander Pope Gerard Manleg Hopkins W.H. Auden .W.P. Kinsella Henry David Thoreau Joseph Conrad ee cunnrnings William Blake Petrarc 1 Alice Munro Mark Twain John Hawkes John Barth George Orwell Gabriel Garcia Marquez Vyudor Dostoevsky WB Yeats Christina Rosetti John Mitton Geoffrey Chaucer Northrop Frye Gabrielle Roy D.M. Thomas Robert Frost Mallarme Flannery O’Connor Margaret Attiood D. H. Lawrence Guillaume Apollinaire John Stuart Mill Edna St. Vincent Millay Mikhail Sholokhov Torquao Tass Rienzi Crusz Alfred North Whitehead Robert Kroetsch Philip Roth Henry Miller Louisa May Alcott Oscar Wilde,. Ben Johnson Virgil William Shakespeare Samuel. Bedkett Ja‘mes Joyce Michael Ende Umberto Eco Stephen King Virginia ‘Woolf . Gertrude Stein William Safire ’ Susannah MO-odie Michael OndaBtje. Gwendolyn MacEwan s Marshall -McLuhan’ Al Purd,y? Hugh Hood Margaret Latirence Robert Browning L- ‘Roger Bacon Will Dura& “Studs .Terkel’ James Reancy . . Washington Irving Joseph1 Heller Mordechai Richler LeonardCohen John Dontie Malcolm Loui’y PK Page Evelyn Laugh George Herbeit William Langland Marie Claire Blais Lawrerice Sterne Cervantes Thomas Mann Hermann Hesse Jane Austen Ken Kesey Edward Lear

January 31 Friday open


listener along with it as the obsession builds. Various Artists Overall, this is a very fineLPwhich is highly recdmmended to A Music Sampler of the State of Things 1 those somewhat unfamiliar with the a&s&, yet still curious Beggar’s Banquet / Situation Two enough to venture a listen. Well worth the seven buck priceby Scott Gardner tag. A relatively recent trend in the recording business is the issuing of compilation LP’s by various record labels in an effort to sell the artists signed to those labels. These vinyl advertisements are generally offered at reduced prices to attract timid . consumers to the “wonderful” music that the labels have to ‘j\offer. One of the finer of these LP’s is the Music Sampler of the Top Ten Records/Tapes for the Week Ending State of Things put out by the labels, Beggar’s Banquet and Situation Two. The disc contains tracks by artists such as John January 11, 1986 Cale and Nice and bands like The Cult and The Ramones. All 1. Cocteau Twins -. I Tiny dynamine/Echoes in btit a few of the tracks are taken from recent and forthcoming a Shallow Bay albums and, combined, provide a very accessible musical col2. Dream Academy The Dream Academy lection without the blandness of commerciality. Rain Dogs 3. Tom Waits One of the better tracks is ex-Bauhaus vocalist Peter Mur4. Grace Jones Island Life phy’s cover version pf the Magazine tune, The Light Pours Out 5. Depeche Mode Catching Up With of Me. Murphy doesn’t stray far from the original except to beef 6. Echo and the Bunnymen up the percussion, giving the song a bit more low-end punch Songs to Learn and Sing than the original. It is also nice to hear Murphy sing without the tortured dramatics of his earlier Bauhaus days while still main7. Pete Townshend taining his unique creaky vocal style. 8. Chesterfield Kings Another of the finer pieces on this record is Spoilt Victorih 9. Tangerine Dream Child by The Fall. The cynical wit of Mark E. Smiths half10. Artists United Against Apartheid shouted vocals combined with primal guitar riffs and a fast, _jumpy__drumbeat give this track a somewhat disjointed feel that is very catchy in an unconventional way. Its inaccessibility is its 1. Johnny Copeland Bringin’ It All Back Home accessibility. 2. Coliins, Cray, Copeland Mention must also be given to Haunted When the Minutes 3. Re-release - Patti Smith -’ Dr-ag by Love and Rockets. Beginning with an entrancing beat Based on sales in the Record Store, low and hushed vocals, the song reaches a feverish pitch pulling-the -QJllmm~~449.

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Foreign -Affairs enjoyable Foreign

middle of someone else’s conversations. They deal with fear, boredom and conceit as people try to reconcile themselves to disappointing realities. -


by Keath Fraser Stdddart





by Darlene Zimmerman Imprint Staff Foreign Affairs is the second work by Canadian author Keath Fraser. It is a collection of seven short stories and three novellas. In each piece the Canadian setting is mentioned and mentioned. There is also a great preoccupation with sex; sex is on the minds and in the conversations of 611narrators, usually as a result of lack of opportunity. The situations give you the feeling of having walked into the

The characterizations are excellent. There is a flaky film director who keeps a house populated by d religious sect whose mandate forbids food. Waitinggives the occupation its true place as the most important facet of human existence at present and throughout history. The novella Foreign Affairs is told by Silas, a twelve year sufferer of multiple sclerosis. The uneven, frayed writing, the confusion as to what is happening in his own story, and the physical descriptions are frightening. The distress’ created by the situations is relieved by the humour of the writing; the concern is developed, the depression is not. Enjoyable and worthwhile reading. \ Kurt

SHOAH: An Oral History of the Holocaust The Complete Text of the Film by Claude Lanzmann Random House Books, 1985 by Paul Done Imprint staff Shoah is not a novel or book in the conventional sense. Instead, it is an oral painting of the most horrific picture in

human recbllection:

the Nazis’ attemp,ted


of the

European Jewish population during the Second World War The Holocaust. It is the textual reproduction of Shoah, Claude Lanzmann’s 9% hour epic motion picture which documents ruthlessly and mercilessly, the litany of terrors and abominations peipetrated in the name of racial purification.

D.H. Lawrence

officers who worked in the camps, the officials who expedited the process and, above all, the survivors. In reading Shoah, one experiences the kind of pain and sadness which can never be adequately communicated through repeated pictures of dead bodies, emaciated children and gas chambers. This is a deeply human side of the Holocaust. Statistics do not matter here. What matters is the suffering of the iridividual victims of the holocaust - like Sim,on Srebnik and Mordechai Podchlebnik who live with the burden of being the only ttio survivors from the four hundred thousand men, women and children who passed through the gates of the Chelmo camp in Poland. Or, train drivers, civilians who spent thk entire war drunk and who now spend their lives drunk, trying to escape the guilt of their part in the Holotiaust, despite the fact that they were forced - at risk of their lives - to perform --. their tasks. Shoah also produces anger and revulsion directed towards those who, willingly, aided the process. Furthermore, there is the wide-eyed disbelief with which one reads an official’s description of the trains to the camps being classified in the same class as holiday group excursions to speed the paper work re.quired. Much of the credit for the brilliance of this work must 6’e credited to Claude Lanzmann, whose editing of ths movie determines the pace of the book. He cuts from interviewee to interviewee without ever losing the thematic thread of the book Credit must also go to the interviewers who are compassionate when needed but who are also forceful and single-minded in their pursuit of the truth when interviewing the guilty ones. Shoah is an absolute masterpiece: a new approach to the Holocaust presenting another angle to what must be the most thoroughly covered event in history. In never showing any pictures of the Holocaust as it happened, Claude Lanzmann has produced an intense, riveting picture of humanity at both

its b&t and worst.

would knew


Flame into Being Life and Work of D.H. Lawrence

by Anthony Burgess Stoddart Publishing; 1985

by Tim imprint

Perlich staff

If I was D.H. Lawrence and alive today, Anthony Burgess would probably be one of the last people on earth I’d want to write my biography. The mere thought of having a strict Irish Catholic Joycean (whom once described the expqience of reading Lawrence as “lock-jawed boredom”) give an unbiased recount of Lawrence’s accomplishments is laughable. What could be more absurdly outrageous?How about some sympathetic insight into Lawrence’s almost Oedipal nature’s affect on his sexuality and literature by someone who lost his mother to the pre-WWI influenza epidemic before he even

not approve


It would be ridiculous if Burgess were mounting a comprehensive biography or a scholarly, indepth study-. of Lawrence’s work: He’s not. Like its predecessor ReJoyce (a commentary on the work of James Joyce), Flame Into Being is more of .a blow by blow description of Lawrence’s life and its impact on his writing, as well & his writing’s impact on his outlook and relationships: Although the differences in Burgess and Lawrence are significant, there are some interesting similarities in their life experiences. Both were children of lower class families from northern provinces of England who never received an Oxbridge education (however, Lawrence did take, the wif6 of a University College of Nottingham professor, for which something can be said).‘ Because of this, both were never whole-heartedly accepted by the British establishment and like Blake and Colin Wilson, have been looked upon as a curious mole on the behind of English literature. Like Lawrence, Burgess has also taken a foreign wife and



STARTING YOUR ‘~ OWN BUSINESS I Pleasebe advised that this coursewhich wasadvertised in Imprint (Jan. 10, 1986) will .begin on January 23, 1986. i For futther information call the Office of Part-time Studies, Correspondenceand Continuing Education, (519) 888-4002.




Galapagos byKurt Vonnegut Press / Seymour s 1985


by Rick Nigel imprint staff After a three year hiatus, Kurt Vonnegut has published Galapagos, a rollicking, yet flawed, look at the @nise of human civilization. The narrator of this incredible tale is the ghost of Leon Trout, ’ son of Kilgour Trout, a fixture of-many of Vonnegut’s previous novels. Galapagos is set a million years into the future with the narrator looking b&k to 1986, when the world as we presently know it collapses amidst financial crises and man’s last world war. As usual, Vonneght has peopled his novel with a zany cast of , characters, including a ruthless con man, a misguided school teacher from upstate New York and an eccentric and incompetent ship’s captain. With the world collapsing around them, they are in Ecuador, preparing to embark on the “Nature Cruise of the Century” -- tracing Charles Darwin’s exploration of the Galapagos Islands a century before. They never make it to their destination but end up stranded on the island of Santa Rosalia. It is these 10 people who arc the sole survivors of the human race and; therefore, the ancestors of all human life that follows. Over the course of the next million years, through the process of natural selection, humans evolve in a way that is best suited for the environment of Santa Rosalia. They develop fins -and beaks and spend their time pursuing fish and avoiding their predators -- whales and sharks. It is by reflecting on this fate I- evolution in reverse, if you will -. that Vonnegut does what he does best. He uses his sardonic wit to tell us how silly, greedy and, ultimately, how stupid we can be. Vonnegut goes to great lengths to show how useless, in the end, our “big brains” are. Looking back, the narrator . reflects: “Even at this late date, I am+till full of rage at a natural order which would have permitted the evolution of something as distracting and irrelevant and disruptive as those

great big brains of a million years ago. If they had told thb truth, then I could see some point in everybody’s having one. but these things lied all the time!” There is a flippant cynicism that runs through much of Vonnegut’s work, but in Galapagos there is also an underlying bitterness and pessimism. It seems that Vonnegut, in his old


age, has lost hope and is getting his last shots in before the apocaiypse. The major weakness in the novel are its structures and characterization. Galapagos, with its series of sub plots, tangents, \time shifts and its many intricate relationships, is often difficult to follow. It is not the type of bodk that you can read a . bit at a time. As well, it is difficult to develop an empathy for the characters. They are the survivors of the human race ,and we should be able to feel for these people, if we feel for anyone, but it is a difficult task to care about these losers. Overall,Galapagos is a mediocre effort compared to some of Vonnegub’s better efforts, such as Slaughte&ouse-Five and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater. However, Vonnegut does manage, as he aiways does, to show us just how terribly vulnerable we are, not only as individuals, but as a species. And that in today’s age, is an accomplishment.

SpQoialords NOEXtZ6CbiU@




*O Al3T.s continued 0


from 0




chooses to live his life in a self-imposed exile in northern Italy. But strangest of all is that both Burgess and Lawrence became widely known to the general public for what are gene,rally acknowledged to be their works of least artistic merit.


; Imprint,

Lady Chatterly’s Lover, Lawrence’s last major piece of fiction was finished amidst a bout with tuberculosis in four short months, three years prior to his death at the age of 44. The book received widespread notoriety almost solely on the basis of being banned and was consequently misinterpreted, as Burgess aptly puts it; “as an encouragement to talk more openly about copulation and, by those who had not read it, as a sort of New English Bible of the new religion of promiscuity”. With Burgess himself, he explains: “The book I am best known for (A Clockwork Orange), or only known for, is a novel I am prepared to repudiate: written a quarter of a century ago, a jeu d’esprit knocked off for money in three weeks, it became known as the raw material for a film which seemed to glorify sex and violence.” It is largely for this reason that Burgess took on the task of this Lawrence commentary to right-the injustices and clarify misinterpretations of the work of a fellow outsider who did not live long enough toclear his reputation for himself. Burgess dwells relentlessly on As migkt be expected, Lawrence s lack,of discipline, direction and’overseeing control of his characters which to .a Joycean would seem utterly intolerable, if not criminal. The Joyce comparisons sprout up

A committed Joycean, Anthony Burgess colour his views on D.H. Lawrence.



17, 1986

from every angle almost to the exclusion of all other contemporaries. True, James Joyce is the obvious choice for comparison because his work does provide an almost perfect contrast to Lawrence’s, both philosophically and stylistically, however, the constant digressions soon become routine with each adding to the unsavoury scent of stagnation. Burgess is at his best when describing the private Lawrence and specifically, his uncanny powers of total recall and his knack for “consistently hitting upon the mots juste but finding its proper place and letting it lie in comfortable surroundings that the reader can walk around it and admire its correctness”. His gawking, open-mouthed, awe in discussing Lawrence’s ability to achieve some semblence of inner construct - almost against his will, is quite entertaining. ’ Biographically, Flame Into Being seems to -be rigorously researched and often considers opposing viewpoints and recollections to give a truer view of Lawrence’s private life, yet retains its focus by staying clear of the swamps of trivial, backbiting muck that some literary biographers get sucked into. Despite Burgess’ inherent bias and narrow scope, his prose is razor sharp, his arguments are clear and well-considered and ‘the final product is remarkably informative, which is everything that Burgess set out to achieve.

lets his biases ,





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21 Imprint




..Clyei a funny flick th<at works-,4-i by Pete Newell Imprint staff It’s nice to see a flick that’s all it should be once in a while. Combined will the number of disappointments in the last four months, Clue shines even more than it desrves to (which says a lot). I In 1954, with McCarthyism in full cry, six people are summoned to a huge, ugly mansion by a mysterious Mr. Body, where they discover that they are each being blackmailed. Events proceed in the direction indicated by the game which is the basis for this exercise: a murder to solve, too many suspects, and the police arriving in les than an hour. From here on the pace is swift, the patter is’only occasionally flat, the slapstick is flawless, and justice is served in the end. Given the people involved, it’s not surprising to see comedy of this calibre. Martin Mull plays his usual pompous fathead to his usual perfection. Micheal McKean, Christorpher Lloyd and Eileen Brennan are as good as always, and even Madeleine Khan is amusing rather than grating for a change. Standing out from the pack are Tim Curry and Lesley Ann Warren, as Wadsworth the Butler and “Miss Scarlet” respectively. Tim Curry, who has damn well taken his own sweet time about it, has finally proven that he can handle subtlety even better than all-out camp. And Lesley Ann Warren avoids the cheap burlesque that many actresses would have used while covering all the comedic aspects (and fine aspects they are) of here admittedly limited character. In fact, that’s the key to the success of this movie: restraint without neglect. Each of the “big-name stars” in this flick could have hammed it up with no regard for the film as a whole, and the result would have been a mess. As it is, they don’t miss a trick and still mesh perfectly. The “big-name stars” aren’t all this film has going for it in the line of talent. Lee Ving is the compleat blackmailer, sort of like Bill Murray with an internal supply of slime, and Colleen Camp, who I haven’t seen before (I would have noticed. Trust me.) is as French a maid as you could ask for. At least one bit part isn’t’ in the credits, and if you have to have the identity of the actor pointed out to you; you’ll feel just as silly as I did. In other areas, the writing is good, the sets are great, and the period flavour is perfectly maintained; but it all serves its pur-




Lee Ving

and Coleen


. -

pose in this flick: it lays the groundwork then gets out of the WaY Clue, version A - the good version - is playingat the Water: and lets the talent get on with it. When the talent gets on with it loo Theatre, which has $2.50 Tuesdays. like this, you won’t hear too many complaints from this direc- ’ Note: minor inaccuracies have been included here to protect tion. the viewer.


“They’re both equally as effective,but this bottle is - a nicer colour.. .”


G. Longley


.-Might as well slump now by Steve Hayman ’ Imprint staff If you had to pick one time of the year for a basketball slump, you might pick early January, so as td peak in March come playoff time. Perhaps this is what the Basketball Warriors have chosen to do. A lackluster 78-70 victory over Guelph last Wednesday was followed by a more lackluster - lackluster? - 78-77 loss to the Windsor Lancers in Windsor on Saturday. It’s hard to find excuses for the Windsor loss, although you could try “We left the warmtip suits in Waterloo”, or“We got confused by the new interior on the bus”, or “Their gym had too many scoreboards”.

Wat&loo rolled to a quick 24-8 lead and still lead by 16 with nine and a half minutes left‘in the game. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. “The team really needs a long trip down and a big win for morale,” Warrior source Deep Shoes-philosophised five minutes into the game-with UW up by 10; and it looked like that would happen as Waterloo took a 44-33 lead at the half. Persistent chipping by the Lancers narrowed the gap to 73-68 with four minutes left. “Four! Four!“, McCrae shouted. Nobody knows why. Peter Savich, usually one of the top tree-thrbw shooters on the team, proceeded to miss four straigtit at that point in what was perhaps his worst exhibition from the charity stripe in recent memory, fininshing an abysmal 4 for 11 from the line. The remainder of the game was filled with missed opportunities. WindSor pulled ahead 78-77 with under a minute left. Savich missed an opportunity in front with 18 seconds left; UW inbounded the ball,ihen inbounded it again, then intercept’ed a Windsor inbounds pass with 0:06 left bai failed to connect on any of these opportunities, ruining what had been a perfect 1-O se&on. “1 can’t remember anything about the game,” was all Savich cared to say a couple of days later. Fortunately, Warrior coach Don McCrae was a little more talkative. “Free throws should be called must throws. If you’re ahead, successful free throws allow you to break contact, with the other team. It’s the pure form of the sport - a limited player can have this completely in his own control. You MUST make free throws,” he said. The Warriors took his advice only 21 of 40 times during the game. The Lancers certainly had their own chances -every Warrior . except Craig Beda collected at least one foul. Windsor assistant coach Nick Grabowski was very pleased. “We later. told the guys at halftime to hang in, play hard, rebound and play .The Maser Game Tonight tough D. Waterloo’s a smart club, they always will be. It was a very Tonight the Warriors play their tradiiional rivals, the York gratifying win.” Yeomen, in the Mike Moser Memorial game. Moser was a star Of course, we often say “it’s not whether you win ,r lose, it’s tiho player for the Warriors-possibly the best ball handler the team ever 7 has the biggest band.” Unfortunately the Windsor band had - who passed away tragically during a tour of Florida in the outnumbered the Warriors band I to 0. One trumpet player, 1974-75 season. Each year since, a special memorial game has been wearing a suit, played 0 Canada and then left, after flubbing a staged, with the $21 ticket proceeds going to a special bursary fund. couple of notes. That was the only lime Windsor fans were on their . York has become a fixture at the Moser game as they play in the feet, as the 1000 or so in attendence Seem to have forgotten how to . opposite division from U W; the two schools are-the traditional cheer. Times have changed since they built their new gym. At a Ontario Basketball powers and this is often their only meeting 01 playoff game in 1978, Warrior captain Seymour Hawden was hung the year. It promises to be another intense game. in effigy by Lancer fans. Tonight’s game will be the first ever televised by TSN from the Summing it all up, McCrae observed “There’s no reason to PAC. Bring your banners. Win fabulous prizes. Join the Warriors despair. We will not surrender. ” Oh well, 900/Cof the season is,still Band. ahead. Let’s forget the Windsor game. At least we beat Guelph. The Big Feature I Promised That game wasn’t too exciting, except for a few shoving matches The three of you who read all the way to the end of these articles and the fact that the Warriors picked !p 8 fouls before the game was may recall that this issue was supposed to contain the first-ever even a minute old, and . .. what’s that? the scorebgard was broken? ‘Guide to Enjoying Warrior Basketball. Due to circumstances Al T,.-I --..-l-‘.:I un. I nar explains IL. beyond my control, this has had to be postponed. Instead we present The highlight had to be Guelph’s coach Daiie Arsenault, who __ _the -Statistic . _ I of‘_the Week. I he Statlstlc oi the Week became to first coach in history to respond to a chant of”Sit Down Randy Norris leads the team in density at 2.7 pounds/ inch. Coach’s Name!.” sending the band a look that could kill. “That’s Harry Van Drunen is the sparsest at 2.3 great. 1 love that stuff. I wish it was like that everywhere”, he said 1

UW centre Randy Norris defenders last Saturday.

goes up for a shot-against Windsor Photo by Rick Yazwinski

b I

Cross-Country basketball I report \ three Americans

by Donald Duench Imprint staff

In this week’s lo$k at basketball frdm coast to coast, the AUAA’s top teams is in the spotlight. This week’s spotlight: The Dalhousie Tigers, currently leading the AUAA (Atlantic Universities Athletic Association) with an 8-O record, are awfully glad the Stu Aberdeen (Acadia) tournament is over. As reported last week, the Tigers ldst 74-70 in overtime to St. Francis Xavier in one of the two semifinal matches.

been averaging about 20 points a game: is one of four U.S. players (and nine newcomers) on the Dal squad. ClAU rules allow only





Tam Heather bonspiel ’

The women’s varsity curling.team opened their season with an itqpressive 4-O win-loss record at the Tam Heather (Toronto) Bonspiel. This was an exhibition bonspiel that the team won-as they prepare for the OWIAA West Sectionals this Saturday and Sunday, hosted by UW at the Westmount Curling Club. The team ,members are: skip - Caroline Francey; vice - Kelly Lane; second Lynette Greenwood; lead - Debbie Carr The Athenas are defending silver medalists of the OWIAA and look forward to regaining the OW crown this year. The West Sectionals are_ for both men and women. Play begins Saturday at 4:00 pm and continues all day Sunday.


up, so the four take turns sitting out games.

A key to Dal’s success has been their full-court press, which has been frustrating their league opponents. Williams plays the top of the press, and uses his quickness to force turnovers almost at will. Other key performers for the Tigers include fifth-year player Bo Malott, senior forward Greg Brown, and perimeter shooter Mike Gillett. Look for the next appearence by Dalhousie at an Acadia tournament to be held during the East Regional in March (and they won’t lose two games there again).

The next day, they were forced to default the third-place game to Ryerson (official score: 2-O), probably due to the inclement weather which hit Nova Scotia. (The Rams thereby “defeated” two Top 10 teams over the holidays) Otherwise, Dot Ryan’s team is looking much better than last year’s version, which went 7-13 . Guard Darnell Williams, who has

Waterloo unbeaten by top 10


Dalhousie leads A tlantic Brent Baker uDdate: The season IS ober foi St. F. X.‘s stellar guard, but he will try’ to come back for 1986-87. According to theHalifax Chronicle-Herald, Baker, who suffered a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee in Toronto on November 15th’ will try to get the ClAU to allow him another year of eligibility. This had been Baker’s fifth (and normally last) yedr of play. “I’m confident they (the CIAU) will give me another yea’r,” he told the Chronicle-Herald. Baker was a first-team AUAA all-star last season, and was a late cut from the national team. Stats: Here are the records of the ClAU Top 10 teams (as of January 6th) against the other Top IO teams so far this season: Victoria (2-l) 2. Lethbridge (1-O) 3. Concordia (2-O) 4. St. F. X. (2-3) 5. Manitdba (2-3) 6. Saskatchewan (2-2) 7. Dalhousie (2-2) 8. Waterloo (2-O) 9.% Winnipeg (3-3) . 10. York (l-5)


The Week (January Canada west:

The Victoria


6-12) kept rollingalong,


their first two league games over Saskatchewan (79-70) and Alberta (94-77). On the other end of the scale, UBC lost to Saskatchewan and’ Alberta, respectively, by 83-63 and 93-75 scores. Lethbridge, last week’s No. 2 ranked team, lost to Calgaru 88-79 and have now slipped to No. 7 in the rankings. Great Plains: Winnipeg began their rqgular season with a thin over Lakehead (80-61) and two over Regina (93-73 and 85-73). In other GPAC action, it took the Manitoba Bisons overtime to I dispose 01 Lakehead, 86-82. QUAA East: The York Yeomen began defence 01’ their conference title with a 99-58 win over Carleton. The day bef‘ore, the Ravens had shocked Ryerson 91-70 in the Rams’ home opener. Toronto began their regular season with a 88-40 thrashing of RMC in what was to have been a Blues-Tornados doubleheader. (RIP, Twister).


Quebec: Concordia had their second consecutive loo-point league game in a 100-48 thrashing of Bishop’s. The Stingers are now ranked No. 2, with onlv, Victoria ahead of them.

Concordia Stingers impressive -


’ ’ Atlantic: The biggest conference game was played last Tuesday, when Dalhousie made up for their tournament loss by St. F. X. 86-75 at the Dalplex. The Tigers also beat Mt. Allison (9 7-81) and St. Mary’s (80-71) to go 8-O in league play. ln other AUAA games, UPEl defeated New Brunswick twice (82-82’ 78-65), St. F. X. topped Mt. Allison (71-66) and Acadia squeezed by St. Mary’s 66-63.


CIAU Top 10 (as of January 1. Victoria (1) 2. Concordia (3) 3. Dalhousie (7) 4. Manitoba (5) 5. Saskatchewan (6) 6. St. F. X. (4) . 7. Lethbridge (2) 8. Winnipeg (9) 9. Waterloo (8) 10. York ( IO)


1 .

SPOR-TS. UVV tracksters come of age

‘ I

by Rob Hardy It was not many years ago that track team members would chuckle and cries of “why me coach?” could be heard from those ‘lucky’ athletes who had been ceremoniously selected to represent the Warriors in the dreaded 4x800 metre distance relay. With such unfavourable reaction you would think that the track coach had rendered some injustice to his athletes. However, with a team that already was short on numbers, as well as talent, and with tired athletes having already performed their specialties, along with the proverbial fling at some other event that they had never yet tried in practice (e.g., a 120 pound skeleton-like distance runner entered in the strongman’s shot put competition), the thought of sprinting four laps of the-indoor oval against opposi9.g schools with fresh troops was uninviting. However, the unsavory Image of the distance relay has vastly changed in a short while, when in last year’s edition of the OUAA indoor track and field ‘championships the distance men captured a bronze medal while easily breaking the CIAU qualifying standard. With Mark Inman, Chris Laneand Harvey Mitro returning from last year’s fleet-footed quartet, and with a host of other improving Warriors vying for the final position, the team will again pose a threat at the university conference championships to be held in early March. From accounts of Andy Ehal, head track and field coach, there was plenty of fiery spirit amongs_t middle-distance runners at last weekend’s OTFA All-Comers meet, as no less than five Warriors contested the roller derby-like 800 metre event. Leading the ranks, in his first ever race for the university, was Tony Degazon, whose yet untapped talents ensure him a promising varsity running career. Degazon powered his way to a 158.0 closing, and was closely trailed by veteran Chris Lane in 2:01.2. Although a mediocre per,formance by Lane’s standards, anyone who is familiar with his racing pattern knows full well that he will solidify his training by mid-season and will steadily progress toward a peak perform.ante in the 1500 metres at the season. finale. Newcomers to the varsity indoor track scene, Brian Mclsaac and Mike Affleck, also showed promise, as Mclsaac’s elapsed time was 2:04.6 and#Affleck logged a. four, second personal best with his 2:05.7 clocking. This upcoming weekend the Warriors will utilize some of this great depth by’using a yet untested combination of middle-distance men in an attempt to bury the national 4 x 800 metre relay qualifying standard. Carrying- the stick for the Warriors at the York Invitational meet will be reliable Mark Inman, and a trio of rookies at this event, comprised of Degazon, Shamir and Steve Scott. Although the Athenas are not backed with as much support as the men, their middle-distance squad also has some classy talent. One Athena who entertains thoughts of a’chieving the CIAU standard is Kelly Boulding, who was recently chosen fo; the national orienteering team that will travel to Europe next summer. Not only


23 Imprint,



17, 1986 m--


Athletes of the Week

ADELE’DALY - Basketball Adele is a first year Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies student who comes to us from her hometown of Brampton, where she played for J.A. Turner High School. As a freshman, Adele is making a very significant contribution to the Athen basketball team. She started the season as a forward but has now won a starting spot at the point ’ guard in the team’s two guard offence. At 5’ 8 “, Adele has the quickness, ba’ll control and shooting ability to put great pressure on the opposition’s defence. Last Saturday versus the university .of Windsor, she d’id just that as she scored 18 points in leading Waterloo to a 59-39 victory. The Athenas are now 5-O in league play and travel td Brock this Saturday afternon for a “key game” in the schedule if they hope to end up in first place in the OW IAA West Division. \


can Kelley navigate through the dense wilderness, but she is also very adept on the track circuit, as she had an inspiring outdoor sea%on last summer by chopping seconds from both her 800 and 1500 metre personal best performances. This past weekend, Bould+ ing began the new year with an auspicious 2: 19.8 showing for the 800 metres’and will certainly continue to edge closer to the nationai standards for the rest of the season. Turning to the ‘life in,the fast lane’, Warrior speedsters showed

coordinator) on Ext. 3532 (Rm. 2039 PAC). Bring your equipment (CSA helmets and face masks are manaatorv and m-ovided) out on Mondays from 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. and Thursdays 7:b0 - 8:OO’p.m. ,at Columbia Icefields. Sessions consist of instruction and games. Exhibition games are being organised. So if you love hockey and are looking for a fun time you are the ..one we are looking for. Entry fee is a mere $2.00 per person. See you there!


Men’s Hockey



- Track and Field

Mark is no stranger to the Athlete of the Week Award, as he has been nominated and won it several times over his career at Waterloo. The “Relic”, as his teammates like to call ‘him, is competing in his final year of Interuniversity competition as he finishes his Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology in the Faculty of Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies. A native of Hamilton, where he attended Southmount Secondary School, Mark has been the cornerstone of the track team for many years. He has been named the MVP for track and field on two occasions 1980-81 and 1982-83. he was the silver medalist at the 1984 Cl AU’s in the 15i)Om event and the O.UAA silver medalist last year in the event. He holds the school record for the 3000m run and also is a member of the 4x800m relay team which’holds the record for that event.


their lickety-split leg turnover in the high powered sprints at the same OTFA meet. Repeating his performances of a week earlier, Bill Barnes, a senior engineering student, stopped the watches in 7.8 seconds for the 60 metres and nine seconds in his specialty, the 60 metre hurdles. Similarly, Ron Hanic also tied a previous best performance by clocking 7.8 in the short, sprint, but notched a , significant showing in his first ever indoor 200 metre dash by running 23.8 seconds for the one lap. Although U W is not noted for its-field event athletes, after Ken Berry surpassed the national long jump standard in his first meet of the year and rookie Eric Kuschnik’s 6.18 metre leap at the meet last * weekend, the team could be in the medal hunt in performaces off the track oval as well. Complementing t,hese two fellows in the field events will be Elaine Veensta, a former CIAU high jump finalist, who will begin her season this weekend. Elsewhere at the OTFA All-Comers meet, two other Warrior rookies got their first taste of indoor action, as hard working Kevin Shoom ran the 1500 metres in 4:23 and gutsy Allan ‘Rambo’ Faulds logged 8:59 for the 3000 metre event, Both individuals have re’ corded notably stronger showings in their high school years, and can be expected to improve upon these early season performances xxx thev-get a feel fdr the action

by Barry Cross The league started off this Tuesday evening with some great A and Be league action. Teams returning from last term include Postbusters, Suspended Animation, Outsiders, No Fryed Address (formerly the O-Team), Magic Rats and SJC’s Funkin Puckers (and others). It should be a good season so plan to take in a game or tv ‘! rlt Columbia Icefields (It’s Free!) Tuesday or Thursday nights, as w~I1 as mqst Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.


C-R Dates


Monday, Jan. 20 Final Entiy Date: Men’s Tennis Doubles Tournament. 4:30 pm. (PAC 2039) / Tuesday, Jan. 21 Safety and Emergency Procedures Clinic, 7:00 pm. (Phy 150) Cross-Country Ski Clinic, 7:00 - 9:00 pm. (PAC 1089) Wednesday, Jan. 21 Men’s Tennis Doubles Tournament Meeting 4:45 pm. (PAC 1001) Friday, Jan. 24 St. John’s First Aid Course 6:00 - 10:00 pm. (CC 135) Sixteenth Annual Post Secondary Student Intramural Conference 1:OO pm. (Walper Teriace)

Ret Hockey, the more the Diane Brown (Ret team



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aterloo impressive at crOss- country meetThe Ontario Open Cross-Country Ski Championships. held in Barrie last weeked, was the first stop on the 1986 Warrior and Athena nord ic ski teams’ competition schedule. Although the two day competition was of top provincial calibre, it ’ represented only a preparatory step by the Waterloo team towards the OUAA and OWIAA cross-country ski championships in February. However, Waterloo did generated some positive results. Marcus Boyle (skier-coach) double-poled to a fifth place finish in the senior mens 15 km classic style race with a time of 54 min, 14 sec. This was the best individual Warrior finish in a provincial calibre race in three years. On an equally encouraging note, the Warriors as a team demonstrated great’ depth. This was

certainly evident as rookies and developing members of the team pulled in the slack left by the veterans in very demanding 20 and 30 km. races. The Athenas also performed admirably in an attempt to rebuild after last year’s mass graduation of the entire five-time OWIAA champion juggernaut. squad. The french toast at Burger King and two rather humourous disqualifications in the 15 km. classic style race were the only bad points on the weekend. Waterloo Placings . . . Ontario Open CrossCountry Ski Championships Saturday - Freestyle (skating) events Sr. Men - 30 km. Rich Rawling 17th

Cam Mahon 22nd Graham Henderson 24th Jack Simpson 26th Geoff White 27th Leon Vandenburg 28th Jr. Men - 20 km. Doug Ranahan 25th Steve Bentley 26th Jr. Women - 10 km.

Lija Whittaker 9th Sr. Women - 10 km. Sheela Khand kar- 15th Sunday - Classic Style Events Sr. Men - 15 km. Marcus Boyle 5th Rich Rawling 18th Geoff White 22nd

Leon Vandenburg 28th Jr. Men - 15 km. 1 Konstantin Milchin 11th Doug Ranahan 27th Sr. Women - 7.5 km. Sheela Khand kar 14th Siu Ling Han 23rd Jr. Women - 7.5 km. E. J. Hurst I lth

WARRIORS..BASmB=,L Wednesday January 22

BUS TOHAMILTON Come support the Waterloo Warriors Basketball tedm when they play McMaster in Hamilton. Bus will leave from behind the Math and Computer building at 6:30 pm. Wed., Jan. 22. Please be there by 6:00 pm. when the bus arrives. Tickets can be picked up at the Fed Office (CC 235) for $5 which includes admission to the game..

Sponsored by the Federation of students with a special thanks to Labatt’s for adding some colour to this trip. “Let Blue Smile Along With You!” g


in the PAC. U W won 3 games to 0 and are unddfeated, with a 6-O record.


Rick Yazwinski




. ’ ._

A ZoUsy weekend in Kingston


ueen’s,‘RMCkdefeat U by Cathy Somers Imprint staff Warrior Varsity Hockey OUAA Season Flay

The U W Varsity Hockey Team travelled to Kingston on this past weekend to face the Queen’s Golden Gaels and the RMC Redmen and came up empty. The Warriors were hoping to pick up four points in order to remain atop the OUAA standings. Much to their surprise, Waterloo faced two aggressive, hard hitting defensive hockey clubs, and as a result were unable to collect any points. Warriors loss

vs. Queens -

5 to 4

On Saturday, the Warriors played at Queen%. The home team opened up the scoring on a Warrior delayed penalty when a high shot was fired past UW goalie Crouse. Waterloo connected for a shorthanded goal at 803 of the first period, when the puck was tipped ahead to newcomer rookie, Dennis Wigle, who fired a low wrist shot. ‘Steve Linesmen scored at the end of the first-on a breakaway at the blue line. Heading into the second the Warriors failed to generate any offensive surges, and Queen’s was able to capitalize. The Warriors, towards the end of the second, managed to score -two goals, one of which was on the power play.

In the third, with the Warriors trailing by ‘two goals, the offensive started to take more effective shots on the Queen’s goalie. On the power play, Neil Cameron placed the puck in the top hand corner at 2:53 and Jamie McGee added another seven minutes later. Queen’s, however, managed to work the puck into the Warrior end and scored the final and winning goal at 14:27 of the third. Warriors loss.

vs. RMC


10 to 6

The Warriors lost 10 to 6-to the Redmen on Sunday afternoon. The Redmen.seemed to be working the puck more effectively than the Warriors right from the start of the first period, when they scored four unanswered goals. The Redmen conto outperform the tinued Warriors and, by the end of the second, were leading 6 to 3. At the sound of the buzzer and after the referee called a few major fighting penalties, the Warriors had lost- again. The Warriors should play better in their future games once they start playing a little more defensively and start taking fewer costly penalties.

He is from Godrey, Ontarto and is enrolled in the Kinesiology Program at U W. Dave Shaw is a first year Rec. Student who played football this season for U W. He previously played for -the Guelph Platers Junior B team last year. Shaw is currently playing left wing for the Warriors and scored two goals in the-Ryerson Tournament. Special News

Steve Future

Linesmen OUAA

Thurs. Jan. 23

Coulter are among the top ten scorers in the OUAA. Linesmen has 2 1 goals and 4 assists for 40 total points while Coulter has 6 goals, 21 assists for 27 total points. Linesmen is currently the top scorer in the league while Coulter is ranked 5th in the league. Unfortunately for Coulter, he was injured in Kingston and will have to stay out of action for an unspecified amount of time.

David Wilcox Pub at Fed Hall. Science Sot.

Fri. Jan. -24 l:oo .

Snow Sculpture Contest Begins

and Todd

l:oo - 5:oo

inuit Films, Games Museum BMH


Sunday Jan. 19 at I:30 Saturday, Jan. 25 at 2:30 Sunday Jan. 26 at 2:30

(home game) vs. Toronto (home game) vs. Windsor (home game) vs. Ryerson

l:oo - 5:oo

Earthball Game, Village Green (St. Jerome’s) 1:00 - 2:30 lnuit Winter Games Demonstration, Great Hall Vl I :oo - 4:oo Snowathalon Columbia Fields



7:30 Hockey Game Waterloo -vs. Windsor, Winterfest Shootout . 8:00 Winterfest EngWeekend Pub Beach Blanket Bingo

New Recruits

Two new faces are in the lineup for the Waterloo team this term. Dennis Wigle is a centerman who played la.st season with the Oshawa Generals of the Major A Hockey League. Sat. Jan. 25 9:oo - 5:oo

Snow Sculpturing


9:oo - 11:oo

Earthball Finals I 1:30 - k30

Math Sot “Car Rally” (Optional team event) 1l:oo - I:00



12:oo - 2:oo

Pre-game EngSoc-Warm-up Pub, Bombshelter 2:oo - 4:oo

Basketball Game, Warriors vs. Western (Math Sot) Banner Comp. 4:30 - 5:30

Snow Sculpture Judging 8:00

Pub at Fed Hall, Winterfesl’86

Sun. Jan. 26 12:oo - 2:oo

Noon Skating, Columbia Lake l:oo - 5:oo.

lnuit Games & Film Display, Games Museum BMH 2~30 - 4:30

After your favourite activity here’sa cool blast of freshness. Peppermint Schnapps,SpearmintSchnappsand new OrangeSchnapps. Sowhat areyou waiting for? Schnappto it.




Hockey Game: Waterloo Ryerson


Friday Warm Up Shack and Control Centre located in Great Hall of Village, 1. Time: 12:OO - 5:00 pm. Sweatshirts,


& Hot



Winterfest ‘86 Sponsors: Science SOL, ASU, Eng. Sot., Math Sot., St. Jeromes, Games Museum, Ski Club, SAA and the Federation of Students For Details

see Booth

in CC or ask up at Fed Office.

Federation of Students Ukversity of Waterloo












PROCLAPvfATIONL . CAMPUS CENTRE BOAkD ELECTlONg The following se&s on the Campus Centre Board are up for election: Arts, Engineering, Environmental its, Science

Studies, H.K.L.S., IMathemat-

Nomination forms are available from January 8 to 22, 1986, in the Federation Office, Campus Centre room 235. Nomination forms must be returned by 430 p.m. on Wednesday January 22, 1986.

SENATZ ELECTIONS The following undergraduate seats on the University are up for election:

no frisbees


Arts, Environmental Large


of Waterloo

Studies, Science, At-

Nomination forms are available from January 8 to 22, 1986, in the -Secretariat’s Office, Needles Hail room 3060. Nominations must be returned by 4:3p p.m. on Wednesday, January 22, !986. ’


lG.l -b

Friday, January 24th


8’:OOpm. FEDERATION -HALL tickets



at Fed Office & EngSoc Office




il AND 12,1986.

ON -I -


Wednesday, January 29 fkom 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Federation Hall


Prizes for Best Performance! ---



STZJDIO Forde Studio will be at the Arts Society from January 27th until Jan31st to take Grad Photos Please make your appointment early at the Arts Society Office. Grad Photo packages starting Free class pictures of classes

at $35 of 12 and up.

78 Francis St. N Corner of Weber & Water


745%637 ---.---___ KitcheniS.


Jan. 21, 22, 23






MONDAY, JAN., 20 CC 150B (Wb-nen’s Centre)


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