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of Waterloo, Watsrloo, bUrio




,’ by JoAnfie Langley With the Federation of Students lmpdnt staff unable to pursue the northcatipus , An independent student group is townhouse project and threats of stugoing to do what both the UW ddmindents being rejected from Sunnydale i&ration and the Federation of StuPlace and Waterloo Towers, the dents haye failed to do - provide housing\market for students is get. Vol. 9, No. 5; Friday, June 27, 1986 j . : affordable housing for students. : ting tighter and tighter. The WCRl The Waterloo Co-operative Resiproject now becomes a viable alterdence Inc, (WCRI) .has given the native to regular off-campus housgreen light to constructing a building Long-delayed ann0uncemen.t finally made inn to hdtise &bout 400 :students. j.Plans A feasibility study, completed last call for a c?mpleX, ciontaining two, February by Guelph architects Somthree and four-bedroom apartment& fay and Fryett, indicated a need for to be built qn the 3.26 acr&of IQnd at self-contained apartments, as op moqey because of the computer fee ban, but says the 276 Phillip Sk, immediately south of’ by Phil Biibaum posed to the traditional residence forgovernment has not decided whether or how it wiH the existing WCR1 residences. mat in existing co-op buildings. Imprint staff ’ Members of, the co-op, which is provide the university with the+addit&al funds it Says it Rental costs, Per student (per bed: The University of Waterloo, ‘s controversial computer owned and uperated for and by &uneeds. mom) are estimated at $235 a setice fee has been banned by the provincial govern‘dents, vdted to approve the $5.1 mil“At this ime we’re i?ot @liing to .sa$ exact& what we’ll month. -I ’ ment, but the ban won’t take effect until the Summer; lion project ‘at a June 25 general do. We’II take a look at it . : . orice we have &me hard De purchasing deal for the land, 1987 term and a five per cent tuition increase will be meeting. facts and see exactly what the revenue loss is.” ma&with the Trading Bay Holding permitted to replace’ it. Initial excavation of the lot, purReaction to the policy from both UW administration I Com@ny, closes today, (June 27). Saying the gqyemment was, letting the’ UW adminischased for $@O,OOO, is-expect&d, to and studetitshas, been negative. ’ The .new complex *ll aslo accomtration get away Gitti “tiurd&“, student federation PresiPat Robertson, UW vice ‘president. university s&vices, , begin this fall, with the new building modate’$he expanding WCRI admi-dent Scott Forrest condemned the move. ready for occupancy in the fall of ” nistra@e ‘offices. is disappointed with the governmerit’s decision and not , But the UW administration is also unhappy, believing 1987. hopeful about the university’s chances at further govem. computer eXpertise at this school warrants higher fees. ment funding to replace the $1.8 m&on Per year the fee UWs total fee income from students will drop next year is currently raising. as a result of the decision. We’ve made our present&or% tb them over the last The computer fee has been roundly attacked by St;10 months, to one government or another, - so -they de&s since its inception a year ago on the grounds it certainly know what our viewpoint is,” Robertson ,said. charges for services normally’ included under tuition, He attacks the goverment’s decision to provide each and therefore’ represents an unapproved tuition inuniversity with the five per cent increase rather than crease. alloti-ng money tb b&&d at those universities where it The long-awaited decision, announced last week by can do the most good. (RAS), won the case because, by Terri Shewfelt , Minister of Colleges and Universities Greg Sorbara, puts “The University of Waterloo hSs very specific needs under rent controls, the rents Imprint staff an immediat? province-wide freeze on certain incidental based on its emphasis on compl,lting . . . and students should not have increaied. by Nine UW studenjs last week ’ fees, including UWs computer fee, until May 1, 1987, choose to come to the University of Waterloo because more than six per cent between won: a rent rebate settlement of‘ , Until May 1, no fee can be-raised and no new fee can we are excellent. What the government is saying is ‘you 1982-84 and four per cent in more than $5,000 from two local be implemented, with the exception of @e fees, co-op can’t be excellent.’ 1985. landlords. fees, parking, athletic and student government fees, and “Those [other] universities don’t have those specific . The students, who lived at 9 health insurance fees,.e.slaied to rise seven per cent at UW needs and are going to benefii from the government The’ RAS, which is an offshoot Dietz Ave,, filed for rent review this fail. policy and we’re going to have a disbenefit of the university’s Lega! Reearly last January and finally FeQn May 1, fees determined. by the government to be “l’believe its an indication that the government is in source Office, is sponsored by ceived judgment in their favour tuition-related will be classified as tuition, effectively elirnfavour of mediocrity.‘* the Federation of Students and Xune 16. inating them because institutions charging tuition fees Federatidn of Students President Scott Forrest is the Graduate Students Associaabove -government-approved, levels have government pleased the computer fee is lifted but attacks the Liberals The Dietz Avenue students, tion. funding reduced Sry the over:harged atiunt. for “-breaking an election promise” by increasing @itin whose‘ units were managed by A&hough Sorbara wys a province-wide titvey of inThe RAS assists .students in and thus limiting accessibility to the university system. property agent Terry Good (who @dental fees is necessary to determine which fees are the rent review process by coor“The whdfe thing about thii increa? is it’s limiting other stu,dents also, ‘received a dinating their efforts, representI t&ion-related anql therefoe ,tijl be banned, Soibara’s . -accessibility . , . students who don’t have money arii! large settlement from last year), _ execuQve ~@ita~li, @ob &hqr&on, told lmpylnt *e . realizing, ‘I’m going to leave univers’ty * ing tbhem in, court and providing . a $15,000 were paying betweenexcesls-r;E.; $10~ and : ,..~~“~~~=-fini~ba~k~--’ ’ .~f--.-f~ yfijh-ifi’ -cl-. .-o . . UW computer fee &I1 definitely be one of them. debt; is it really worthwhile, can I a@d to do th&? Al& u’ ‘fd$,. P;b- ,*e.ltt ahe RAS fbv+&fi” !, “We considei the computer fee ti Waterlao 8 tuitionof students wha don‘t h&h &ad& d&icke nijt to & [td The rent rebate, which tota&d related:anciiliary [incidental] <fee. . . [ itwill be panned] as $5,3gg,., wgs ,split between the \gates discrepancies ih rent *. universityr’ he’said .’ ‘ -& May 1,” Richardson sqid. payments. Forrest also criticize&he fije per cent increase as a stuaents based on dverpay&enY \ Y&the time t,he fees are banned, univ&sitSes will be The advisory service is curpoor solution to underfunding. per un3t. permitted to increase base tuition up to five-per cent to rently working on four rent re“k’s not matchedby government funds and that’s the compensate for the loss of incidental fees, Richardson The students, who fought their view cases and can be contacted real problem with it . . . they [the Liberals] believe stusaid: But the increase till not be matched by the goyeticase with the help of the newly through _the Legal. Resource , ’ dents paying $35 extra is going to be a solution to the formed Rent Advisory Service ‘ment, which contributes rouglily $4 for every dollar of Office. underfunding problem . . . it’s ridiculous, it’s pitiemeal. student ,fees. “Students cannot realistically come close to being.any A five per cent increase will cost UW undergraduates solution to the underfunding problem. The only solution about $35 Per term, down from the $60 to $150 currently is to increase govemmeht funding.” being levied fdr computer fees. UW is expected to raise 1 Forrest suggests the UW administration is pleaql tuition the full five per cent. with the financial benefit gained from the three terms of Richardson said the f&es have been allowed to remain computer fees already collected as well as with the until May 1 &cause of the need to assess the financial government decision tti, allow two more terms’of COMimplications of the ban, and because most universities ,puter fees, followed by the tuition increase. have already budgeted for that Period under the as“The universities are ‘quite happy right now with what stimption that incidental fee money would be available. they got. They knew that these incidentaqees weren’t - “it’s difficult for the government tq retroactively turn going to last; the way they were formed; they’re unconaround and tell them that revenues Ithey were expecting trolled, they’re through the back door. They lobbied for cannot be collected,” Richardson said. “That would afexactly what (the government did). fect progamming and ultimately hurt students, and “The university% happy as heck about the decision. that’s what we were concerned about.” Th&y should be L the&-getting away with muider,” he Richardson acknowledges that UW stands to lose said. \


Comlputer fee Mmnned E

Qu.rt &yder$ /land-, L- . .! lords tchepay S!$oOO x



bldg. ov r budget by 30%

by Suzanne Griffith : -’ ’ Imprint staff t The new William .Davis computer building will be$ver budget and over schedule due to rising construction costs. Construction tenders are comirig in about 30 per cent higher than expected, said Rudy Molinary of Plant Operations. In order to meet the higher costs, changes in the design \ of the building are king made. The adjustments ‘will brik costs down as close as possible to the original $24 million budget forecasts. Molinary said no floor space will be sacrificed,. howevq. Most of the design changes are in‘the materials used, as opposed -to the actual appearance of the building.\ For example, ’ it w& originally, planned to use knthdy predast concrete slabs, columnsand beams. It was found, however, that pouring, the concrete columns on-site would be less expensive. This brought the. building down t,~ .bpdget on one item, but push&back the schedule

because muring concrete is more -other is basically to be financed on its ‘. time consuming. 0~ merits? The variousalteratidns in design, All discussion of the townhouse coupled with the current sheet m&tat project, which would provide . workers’ strike, has pushed back the housing for 400 students, has beeri building’s occupancy date. Molinary put on hold until September. said the original target date, this . Because forecasted building costs September, was “a very optimistic on the townhouses have risen since figure.” Administration is now. the board of governors’ approval last looking to the Spring of 1987 for February, said Motinary, the university - could not provide .a -opening the computer centre. Federation of Students President package that would be affordable to students. ,, Scott Forrest said he is concerned The original plan for the furnished the UW administration might try to meet cost overtins’with funds froth townhouses targetted rent at $200 a month +r ‘student. When the project a the 1987 operating _budget. That was approved last winter, the rent . situation niust be avoided, he said. Rising costs ac,ross the was projected at $225 plus utilities. construction industry have already Now estimates are!above $250 Per month. ’ caused UW to postpone plans for a \ ideally, the university wouldike to new student townhouse complex on the north side of Columbia Street. award contracts for preliminary work . . . this. -fall, said Molinary, with Molinary said there is n” connection between the cost constniction on the student housing project beginning next overruns on the computer building Membr of UW’s bnclekvater _-- spring. The and the .postponkme,rit Of the goai of September ‘87 -occupancy SCUBA diving. Classeqmeet would depend entirely on arranging _ , townhouse’project. 1 For all the fun-filled details - “There is no relationship at all... a financial package suitable -for I students, he said, , ‘ one is provincial mo@?y %nd the



class learns the fundamentals of every Wednesday at ‘the PAC. For se’e next llprlr~f! I . \ j_




-_- _.^ NEWS,.



hii/ersity books spared from new -gov’t t ariffs by Graeme Hamilton The Gazette, University ern Ontario

of West-

The federal government’s plans to revive a tariff on U.S. books has been greeted angrily by Canadian book readers and se.llers, but the tariff is not expected to have a.serious impact on universities. The 10 per cent tariff was brought back to life after an, eight year absence as a retaliatory move against a U.S. tariff imposed on Canadian cedar shakes and shingles. But certain classes of books are exempt under the tariff, and among tfiese are library purchases and books certified as university curriculum material. As a result, representatives of Western’s libraries and book store expect to escape the tariff’s pinch. “I’m fairly confident this tariff will have little or no effect,” said John Hoover, assistant director of libraries collection managment at Western. He said he was in his job eight years ago when the tariff was previously in effect. “I’m not aware that we paid any tariff on imported books.” At the Book Store, general books manager Dale Halt said he anticipates the bulk of the store’s stock will not be subject to the tariff.

“Essentially, course materials will not be seriously affected.” I “Essentially, course materials will not be seriously adversely affected,” he said. While the Book Store does some of its buying directly from American sources, most of it is done thrdugh Canadian agents. Holt said this could present some problems if the importer does not know whether a book will eventually be sold for university use. Serge Lavoie, executive director of the Canadian Booksellers Association, said the tariff will mean “a great deal of paperwork” for university bookstores as they attempt to establish with the government which books are included on the school’s curriculum. But the real effect of the tariff \ will be felt by the general reading public. “American books are already considered to be too expensive because of the (difference) in the dollar,” said Lavoie. He said his organization is trying to convince the government that irreparable damage will be caused by the tariff. “They can’t use cultural products like books as a batgaining chip on the free trade table.”




l l l l

GSA President Michael Webster (left) for $20,000 to UW President Douglas

Browse l l l l

through French German Italian Polish

a cheque


to promote



by Teni Shewfelt Imprint staff Alcohol abuse on university campuses is a steadily growing social problem, one that a group on our campus is trying to stop. BACCHUS, a U.S. based group whose motto is Boost Alcohol Conciousness Concerning the Health of University Students, previously had a chapter at UW and is currently trying to readtivate this chapter. The group recognizes the need for responsible drinking and finds that when students misuse alcohol, academic performance, health and safety suffer. The philosophy of BACCHUS is fourfold: . ....Keep in mind that drinking should not be the primary focus of any activity .....Recognize anothers right to drink or not to drink .....Avoid encouraging or reinforcing irresponsible behavior .....Remember that the right to drink


revived is limited by society through laws goveming things such as drinking and driving and drinking age, people must respect these laws. BACCHUS does not attempt to say drinking is wrong but rather encourages moderation in the use of beer, wine, and liquor among students who do drink, and respect for the choice of students who abstain. The BACCHUS group, which is now forming on campus, needs members, board members and student input and ideas. Those inter- ’ ested in joining BACCHUS can contact Tari Akpodiete at extension


And if you drink, remember: - set a limit on the number of drinks you are going to have ahead of time and stick to it. - drink slowly; don’t guzzle. - measure your alcohol when you are mixing a drink. - avoid performing tasks that Equite skilled reactions.

Loan p an for _ Good to last drop foreign students Jumpin.q

out of airplanes

by Dawn Aggett Imprint staff

by Fleur Macqueen Imprint staff who do you turn to for money in an emergency if you’re a foreign graduate student? You can’t get a job without a work permit, you can’t get a bank loan, and in the past you didn’t even qualify for a university emergency loan. But now, with the allocation of $20,000 from UWs Graduate Students Association (GSA), foreign students do qualify for loans and bursaries of up to $500 a year. The GSA has long recognized the financial difficulties foreign students face, said association president Michael Webster. Common problems include getting money out of the student’s home country and the drop in foreign currency rates. Four or five interest-free loans,

with a maximum of one loan per student per academic year, can now be provided annually, said Webster. The graduate office, which handles emergency loans for Canadian students, will decide prior to allocating money whether the funds will be considered a loan or a bursary, he added. The $20,000 made available for this endowment fund comes from the Graduate House profits. Formerly, interest from this money paid for GSA activities, said Webster. These activities will continue to be funded, but will be included in the association’s budget. * Official approval for the endowment fund has not yet been received from the UW senate. Webster anticipates no problem in getting the fund approved in the fall when the subject comes before senate.

Good to the last drop? While no one on the local skydiving club is anxiously awaiting that the members do “last drop”, agree it is-good. The Waterloo Skydiving Club, in operation for five years, offers lessons through UW’s Campus Recreation department. The club currently has 58 members. Jump training is provided by SWOOPS (South Western Ontario” Organization of Parachutists). The cost is $120 for six hours of instruction, both theoretical and practical, and the ‘first jump. Successive jumps are $30 each. Julie Munday, club president, says the Waterloo club holds an impressive safety record. Knee and lower leg injuries are not uncommon, but are relatively


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Jmprint;, Friday June 27,1986

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minor. Is this typical, or has the club just been lucky? According to a recent issue of Parachutist magazine, the sport is not as dangerous as some people believe it to be. Each parachute jump runs a one in 61,000 chance of ending in death. This figure, which includes the general aviation risk, does not look all that bad when compared with the one in 500,000 chance o.f death from an airplane crash. No matter what the percentages, club members would argue it is well worth the risk. Never having had the urge to hurl myself from a plane, I had to \ take it from.the members that it is “sensational.” If making that 8:30 lab Friday morning or lining up at Fed Hall is not quite the ihrill it used to be, -maybe skydiving is for you.

By Charles M. Schulz

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Student Health inSurance rate to go up 7 per cent” by Phil Bimbaum _ Imprint staff The cost of the UW Student Supplementary Health Insurance Plan will increase seven per cent in the fall despite reductions in benefits implemented to reduce costs. The insurance, compulsory for all students who do not have comparable coverage, will increase in cost from $13.68 to $14.64 per four-month term for undergraduates and from $15.83 to $16.94 for graduate students. Co-op students will pay $27.45 for eight-month coverage, up from $25.65. The premium is charged as an incidental fee on fee statements. The insurance pays for certain medical expenses not covered by OHIP, such as drugs, wheelchairs, ambulance service, services of a psychologist and out-of-Canada expenses. The policy is administered by the Federation of Students and the Graduate Student Association, and underwritten by Mutual Life. Fed. President Scott Forrest said the “skyrocketting cost of drugs” is responsible for the cost hike. He said the increase would have amounted to 16 per cent instead of seven had reductions in benefits not been implemented. Among these changes is an increase to $3.50 from $3 in the drug deductible. Students requiring prescription drugs are reimbursed for their cost less the deductible. Forrest said a cost to the student of $3.50 per prescription is “not out of line”, claiming “not everyone uses it (the drug plan)... it should be more user-pay.” The range of drugs covered has also been reduced. Only drugs which require a prescription, as well as certain over-thecounter drugs, will be eligible for coverage. Previously, any drug was eligible provided it was prescribed by a physician. “It’s to discourage people trying to get a prescription when they can get the drug without one,” Forrest said. In addition, the cost of oral contraceptives to students obtaining them off-campus will more than triple. The deductible of $3 per three-month prescription will increase to $3.50 per month, or a total of $10.50 for three months. Any student covered bythe plan, however, will continue to be able to get the birth control pill without charge from Health and Safety on-campus. The scheme to distribute the pill free was launched last September. As of May,1 , H,ealth and Safety records show some 8,500 one-month prescriptions had been obtained on-campus by students. Forrest said the pill was made available free to save costs on the policy. Since Health and Safety purchases supplies of the pill at a lower price than the policy pays the pharmacist, the net result is a savings. Coop students leaving on work terms can obtain a four-month supply of the pill in advance, so in most cases they will never be required to pay for oral contraceptives while covered by the plan.



. .’ Imprint, Friday

I LJune

bann-ed \

The new system, introduced by manager Chuck McMullan earlier this term, was put in place to identify those patrons who had been cut off from further drinking. The button depicts Herman (looking a little sick) crawling across the floor to a toilet. The scene is circled in red with a diagonal line through. it. ! When someone is cut off, he or she has the choice of leaving Fed Hall or staying and wearing the button. If customers are intoxicated enough to be cut off, it is best not to turn them out into the street where they can cause damage to public property or get injured, said McMullan. While the Federation of Students agreed with Fed Hall’s goals, it deter mined the Herman button was not appropriate. Members voted to cancel the system at the May 25 council meeting. “(Council) agrees with the principle of using a button that marks you when you have been cut off so bartenders know not to serve you, and you don’t have to leave the facility,” said fed president Scott Forrest. There is a negative stigma attached to the Herman button, said Forrest. Student council members determined that some people may find the button offensive and do not want to wear it. He said the request to discontinue using the buttons was reasonable in light of the response. -

The three-week intervals between council meetings led to the delay of a federation decision on the use of the Herman buttons, he said. When asked if he was aware of ,the button’s nature before it had been ordered,. Forrest said there had been a mix-up in communications. Both McMullan and Forrest had agreed a button should be used. McMullan wanted to add an element of humour to the button, so heasked Fed Hall staff to design one. They

came up with the Herman button. Students who have been cut off must still wear a button if they wish to remain in the establishment. For a test period, Fed Hall is using the “Thanks but no Thanks’ buttons currently used to identify minors. lf this is effective, Fed Hall will continue its use. If it is not, another button will be designed, said Forrest. Souvenir Herman “no puking” buttons-are now on sale at Fed Hall for $0.75 each.

8 p.m. -, ld p.m. Biology I Room271


of “21

FREEADMISSIO~ Days: One Man’s Fight for Canadian will be available.


by Suzanne Griffith I&print staff Fed Hall will no longer use the humorous “no puking” buttons. to identify customers who have had too much to drink The buttons, which feature the cartoon character Herman, were deemed offensive by student council.

Senator Jacques Hebert



27,. 1986

. .




OFS L a6ed

uo Jamsuv

i-s it?

, 4





27, 1986

Call me cynical but .Oq n

by Andrew Saikalt Two weeks ago, a group of musicians including U2, the reunited Police, and Peter Gabriel gathered at New Jersey’s Giant Stadium before a crowd of 55,000. It marked the end of an 11 day “Conspiracy of Hope” tour on behalf of Amnesty International. They didn’t want your money; the musicians were not trying to sa!vage their images by crying out - “look at us - we’re talented. . . and socially responsible to bootl” Anyone familiar with the track records of the performers atready knows that. All they wanted was your time. ’ So after the nine hour event, everyone who attended or heard or watched the concert rushed out to their local chapter of Amnesty International to write letters or postcards on behalf of political prisoners - right? Call me a cynic, but for most the message probably ended when the concert ended. And that’s a shame because Amnesty is not. something that requires just immediate doses of financial or material aid, pledged during the broadcast. It demands long-term hum& understanding. It strives in a very non-partisan way to tune people into the world around them - not only to alert us to human rights violations in totalitarian juntas - human rights violations are not confined to the southern hemisphere and to the communist bloc - Amnesty International also tries to illustrate how our own Western society has mistreated native peoples. It opposes the‘regressive move of many U.S. states that reinstated the death penalty because rehabilitation was considered a failure and a drain on society’s resources. Returning to a tried and once-rejected practice is always easier -and cheaper than using highly educated minds to keep elements of rehabilitation that work, scrap what doesn’t, and forge ahead with new, as yet untried ideas. What? North American injustice? Never! We’re perfect - love it or leave it - right? Wrong. We’re good, better than most - but that ain’t perfection. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the Amnesty concert is just what the organization needs to turn people’s attention to these and other issues. After all, the concert was more than just a rock and roll show. Hopefully its importance will not be understated. For artists who combine thought-provoking, humanist lyrics with musical talent and the accessibility necessary to reach an audience are a rare breed indeed. More than a rock and roll show? Amnesty proved it, the artists


The opinions

Imprint is the student newspaper’ at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imtrbxt Publication& Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Communiig Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of @xM.lan. university Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second -iday durixgtheSpringtermandeveryBVid&yduring the reguhr terms. Mail should be addressed to Inqrkt, Campus Centze Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3Gl. ImprixKt r8seIves the kight to . screen, edit, and refuse advertistng. Imprimt: ISSN 0706-7380

sports EIditor Photo M&or Offifze Manager Computer Technician


Board ’ * Stem3 Kazmon Neti Bonnor Doug Tait Janet Lawrence Janet Lawrence s7llzane Grnth Doug Thompson Cindy Img’ Andrew saikali &? Paul Done Jo-Anne Langley PI-e& Kha;lsa . CindyLong Peter Lum

. Staff Meeting Friday, June 87, Noon

in this space

are those

of the author

and do not necessarily


the views

of Imprint


Extra-billing: a norMssue blown out of proportion x::,:.:. j:.., .:‘..’ L ... ::.::. ... ,:::: y::: ::..: i: y.:,: ... .:.,::. :.:.: .:.:.:. ;:;2: . ,i. . :.: ::.;:. :2. ;



by Steve Kannon Imprint staff The current dispute between the provincial government and Ontario’s doctors is a classic case of a non-issue b$ng blown out of proportion by the somewhat self-serving Peterson Liberals. The government has persisted in pursuing its ban on extra-billing because the move is politically ex‘pedient, not because tighter controls are an abso,-lute social necessity. The Liberals need the support of the New Democrats to stay in power, the NDP wants extra-billing banned (the practice is not in line with socialist thinking), so the Liberals tabled appropriate legislation. Peterson and his gang don’t need to be told twice which side their bread is buttered on. By taking on the doctors (a relatively small voting block), the government has also earned a fistful of brownie points from the general public. Ontario’s physicians are often viewed as overpaid and under worked, so any legislation aimed at governing the fees doctors can charge will obviously gain widespread support. While the intentions behind Bill 94 may have some merits, the whole issue of extra-billing is far from being this province’s most pressingaproblem. Yet the issue has taken the forefront, both in the Legislature and in the media. As only 12 per cent of Ontario’s 17,000 doctors extra-bill their patients, the problem is not the epidemic. the Liberals and the NDP make it out to be. If that percentage had been 80 or 90, then an alarm would be warranted. But the fact is anyone who objects to extra-billingcan easily find a doctor who bills within the OHIP fee schedule. This is not to say the government is solely, to blame in the dispute. The doctors have done much to deserve the criticism being laid on them by the public and the media (including this publication).Although the Ontario Medical Association does have a legitimate grievance against the government, it has alienated itself by fighting its battles at the expense of patients. Closing hospitals and clinics definitely grabbed the government’s attention, but it did not gain public support for the doctors’ cause. My biggest complaint with the doctors’ stand has been the incessant rhetoric spouted by the OMA and some of its more militant members. They claim the issue is not about money, yetcontinue to make statements about free enterprise and the right to make money. The underfunding issue, a serious problem for Ontario’s health care system, has nothing to do with the extra-billing matter, yet it is repeatedly brought up in response to government statements. The doctors say they fear Bill 94 is the first step towards full provincial control over how the medical profession operates. David Peterson says this is not so. I would be inclined to err on the side of caution and support the doctors’ notion that less, not more, government control is the desirable thing. The government has no right to dictate how medicine is practiced in this province.


What they do have a right to do, however, is monitor the flow of money into the health care system. About one-third of the provincial budget, or almost $9 billion, is spent each year through the ministry of health. This is public money and we have the right to hold the government and doctors who spend it accountable for every dollar. Accountability is not an infringement on anybod-. y’s rights. This is the aspect the Liberals should be tackling, with the full input of the OMA. A ban on extra-billing seems inevitable, but it should be achieved on a more agreeable basis. By ramming legislation down doctors’ throats, the government is acting in bad faith. By reacting in an unprofessional manner, the doctors have damaged any chance of gaining public support for their-legitimate grievances against the Grits. Because of the dispute, patients have lost valuable medical services. But even worse, the public has been stiffed by leaders who refuse to tackle issues far more pressing than extra-billing (such aschronic underfunding for health care and post-secondary education, environmental issues). The Peterson Liberals have made an art of extending the voter honeymoon by dealing only with those issues gua-. ranteed not to rock the boat of popular opinion. If universal health care is the desired goal, putting an end to extra-billing is a necessity. Doctors who extra-bill often get the best of both worlds - guaranteed OHIP minimums with extra fees as the gravy. Achieving uniform medical coverage is an admirable goal, but the government is going about it the wrong way. ’ A ban is not an immediate and pressing matter, it can be implemented over an extended time-period. This being so, the government should set a long ’ target-date for having a complete ban in place. In the interim. both the government and the OMA (which must reverse, its non-negotiating stance) can work out a fee schedule which incorporates a formula for specialists and highly-experienced physicians. Once some genuine compromises have been made, the government would then be in a position to make doctors adhere to OHlPfee schedules. After that point, any doctor not in agreement with the system could opt-out completely and compete in the free market, where supply and demand, not legislation, would dictate the cost of medical services. Most doctors, I think, want to avoid a- market system, which would likely lower the average income substantially. But the government shouldn’t take advantage of this fact until all other avenues have been exhausted. If the OMA refuses to negotiate within a given time-frame, then doctors would have no cause for griping. Right now, the association refuses to even do that much. Both parties are at fault in the current dispute. Both the government and the OMA must put aside their self-serving intentions and reach an intelligent agreement. From all recent indications, both sides have a good deal of growing up to do before we reach that stage.




\ ’ (or I

LETTERS TO THE very neatly printed)



welcomes comments and-opinion pieces from our readers; The Forum page is designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters; columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday of the week of publication. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing to write l.onger opinion pieces should contact the Editor-in-Chief. All material is subject to editing.



IRRELEVAN.T? To the Editor: On June 13 several members of Imprint staff published a short discourse on the issue of extrabilling. In the spirit of fairness, the reader is urgedto look back tothat stack of dusty Imprints in the corner, and objectively peruse the article entitled ‘What’s up Dot?“. It is not my intention to present an opinion or argument about the extra billing issue. Rather, I contend that ‘What’s up Dot?’ contains irrelevant and unrelated reasoning, is an unfounded comOment, and-is a fallacious argument. The following premises are presented in support of my claim. (I have described the fallacies found in ‘What’s up Dot?’ using their proper names in uppercase letters so the reader could easily identify them and confirm their usage in some text on critical thinking.) a Acknowledgement is given to the fact that this is an attempt at an argument as it contains a claim. The claim is that the income. of physicians is the real issue, and that they are striking for the right to charge for services rendered to clients. This claim, unsupported by premise, is left twisting in the winds of reason. The assertion was neither in recognition nor was it representative of the true issues. Both parties have stated their claims publicly, and yearly income was in neither platform. You are thus charged with the misrepresentation of an adversary’s position, that is, the STRAW MAN fallacy. The result of this initial flaw is the following group of fallacies. The fact that doctors make more than average income is an IRRELEVANT REASON. Bold printing the letters ASS in the name Ontario Medical ASSOciation is a textbook example of AD HOMINEM. Name calling bears no weight in adult conversation and casts doubt on the user. ’ There is also an attempt to make the profession appear GUILTY BY its ASSOCIATION to wealth when wealth is neither \a crime nor immoral. Several LOADED TERMS intended to promote an emotional reaction, rather than to appeal toreason, are used throughout. Gut feelings do not form the basis for infallible arguments. Then, there is the paragraph which deals with the “right to have” three automobiles; Rolls Royces to be exact. Everyone has the right to have three automobiles. Though personal financial conditions may prohibit many 4 from this luxury, we all still have the right to have as many cars as we wish. There is nothing in the Canadian Constitution or itsdawbooks to limit free individuals to own cars. This is a sneaky attempt to STEREOTYPE, and a HASTY CONCLUSlON is drawn from this IRRELEVANT assertion. No proof of this statement is offered, for one would be hard put to provide evidence that it was standard for members of a given profession to own three cars, let alone three Rolls Royces. UNSUBSTANTIATED statements like these hold no water for the objective reader.. You bring up the point that’ medical students “are educated at taxpayers’ (read yours and mine) expense”, as though they were a privileged class. Are you and I not also benefiting from the same tax subsidized education system? The comment that doc-

tors have an income in multiples of ours makes the DUBIOUS ASSUMPTION that our (read yours and mine) ability to earn equal or greater remuneration is somehow limited by the fact that we are not physicians. This is very twisted logic. There exist other professional avenues with immense economic potential (like being a dentist, lawyer, hockey player, or journalist for that matter). All these points show your argument to be fallacious. Your contention is clouded in irrelevance.’ Now, I would like to express my opinion about this article and its manner of presentation. You bear the titles common to the journalistic profession, and attempt to carry out its function. Yet, this article is a sad attempt to fit in those shoes. The audience would expect the efforts of no less than six so called journalists to produce something more coherent. It also appears to be very narrow minded and as it proves nothing, it is exactly that - nothing, a vacuum.’ The qualified journalist draws the reader’s attention with a catalogue of sound reasoning, not cheap shots and harsh feelings. Did you think that you could flaunt your prejudice with journalistic impunity? Or was this an attempt to obtain rebuttals for filler space in the Imprint? Can we now entrust you to report newsworthy events and issues without biased ink? I suspect not. ’ Freedom of opinion is a function of democracy and vice versa. However, some degree of responsibility is required before you express your feelings to the public ear. Remember, you do not own this newspaper, you merely operate it. You have beenspared the financial responsibility that a privately owned tabloid would ac-quire when trying to alter common beliefs. It is analagous to

_ Let’s


putting a young child in a room with a box of crayons. The marring of the white walls will be inevitable, as the child has no concept of the repair work and financial consequence of such creativity. If swaying public opinion is your vocation, then do not presume your audience is completely incapable of critical analysis. You cannot unjustifiably discredit and misrepresent others. You have only succeeded in jeopardizing your journalistic integrity. This form of irresponsible action from journalists is unacceptable to both your peers and your readers. . Now, I ask you to redress. Compose an article about. the issue which has a clear and identifiable claim. Support it with sound reasoning, Prove to your audience that you are concerned, yet conscientious. Above all, aet respon-

sibly and maturely towards your readers, and don’t ascribe to pro-

fessional malpractice. Ray Roberts Math,

Bus. Admin.

Dots deserve dough To the editor: This letter is in response to Imprint’s vile article entitled What’s up Dot? The shabby arguments presented in the- article clearly show that the authors are uninformed and jealous. A typical news report informs us that Doctor So-And-So earns ‘$130,000 a year. Should wedoas the Imprint does and gasp, shake our heads and marvel at doctor’s avarice? Let’s look at it from the doctor’s point of view first. The $130,000 is his or her gross revenue. Typically 40-50 per cent of it goes towards office expenses (medical equipment, of- ’ fice rental and nursing and secretarial help) - this fact, which is usually omitted, starts to put things into perspective. Since doctors do not receive company benefits, they must save for their own retirement and pay their own


There’s a joke current on Jarvis St. in Toronto which says that all the members of Metro’s gay community came originally from Waterloo and Ottawa. I was told it, and that it is a joke, by a guy who lives on Jarvis and is gay. So what’s the joke? I guess it’s that the Bible-belters and the bureaucrats, or their children anyway, come out of the closet in droves once they hit the big city. My inform-ant didn’t say that. In fact, he denied that being homosexual had anything to do with one.‘s upbringing. It was less ” a choice of behaviour and alternative life style” (my terms) than “a sexual orientation established by age two” (his terms). We agreed to disagree and to discuss it further, me citing Foucault’s History of Sexuality, vol. I, to him, he citing his own and his friends’ experience to me. But homosexuality,. its origin and nature, wasn’t what our meeting was about. It was about the fact that, at age 36, he was first of his circle (and of the Jarvis St. gay community) to contract AIDS; that, with less than a year to live, he was scared. I had known Gary 20 years ago, in my first church. He was a shy, gangling teenager; I was a zealous young student minister. His parents were deeply involved in the little portable church I lived in and preached at near Newmarket (while commuting weekdays to seminary in Toronto), and Gary, for the first and only time in his life, was “affected” by religion. Then our paths diverged. I was ordained and sent off to Great Whale River, then the Queen Charlottes, then Bella-Bella, Yellowknife, New Orleans . . . Gary left the bleak little subdivision, entered the filmindustry and the fast life, came out of the closet and eventually settled, via Morocco (the haunt of Paul Bowles and William Burroughs) on Jarvis St. in Toronto. The stage was set for our meeting again. The catalyst was AIDS. AIDS, as I’m learning from Gary, is a disease whose victims pose a threat to no one, but who are themselves vulnerable to everyone. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is, as its name implies, a condition characterized by a collapse of the body’s natural immunity against disease. Your resistance to any viral disease, e.g. pneumonia, is low and gets lower the longer you have AIDS. (It’s usually a particular type of pneumonia that finishes off the AIDS victim.)

dental and drug expenses. Malcapped for life, (I doubt the aupractice insurance is a further exthors of that foul article are pense. Their before-tax income is willing or able to take on such renow about $55,000 - $70,000. sponsibility.) So doctors have a comfortable but I work at my office during the not extravagant lifestyle. day, Monday to Friday and don’t When I graduate, next April, I have to worry about the job afterexpect to start around $30,000 wards. By contrast, when a docand climb to around $50,000 (in tor’s patient is sick or involved in real terms) as I gain more expe- j an accident, he or she is called in rience. Why is a doctor worth whether it is Christmas day, 4 more than I am? a.m.-or just a relaxing evening. First of all, doctors have seven In short, doctors deserve the sato 11 years of intense training: laries they receive. two years of pre-meds, four years If the authors of that article had of meds, one year of interning and their way, we would pay our docan optional four years‘for specialitors what we pay our plumbers zation. (Note: Their education is and bright young men and women subsidized just as engineering, would not be enticed into practiclaw, MBA’s and other university ing medicine. The simple fact is programmes are.) that the quality of care would drop Doctors’ responsibilities are significantly. I shudder to think of much greater than mine. If I make the quackery that would be prea mistake, I may lose money. If a valent if we decided to underpay doctor makes a mistake, a patient our doctors for 20 or 30 years. could die or be physically handiJames WoQdger 4A CS



It was while he was desperately ill with pneumonia, before he was diagnosed as having AIDS, that Gary came to the despairing conclusion that “something was missing,” and that he must look me up. His friends, of whom he has many and whose network reaches to - Waterloo (and, no doubt, Ottawa), tracked me down and now Gary and I are in touch again. He’s changed, I’ve changed, but after an hour together it was the same as old times - except that time is short and the end is in sight. What do you say to a man dying of AIDS? Neither of us knew, but I was pretty sure it was the same as what you’d say to dying man, period. After all, the Christian should speak as a dying man to a dying ‘men., So I did, we did. Everything second-rate and smug and complacent was purged from our conversation and we made plans to meet again, to be friends for as long asit lasts, for our mutual benefit. It was almost as though the shade of old Walt Whitman were present-that archetypal homosexual poet--presiding over this colloquy between dying men, naked minds. Lusty old bearded Walt Whitman thundering: Cameradd, I give you my hand! I give you my love more precious than money, I give you myself before preaching or 1a.w; Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel L with me? Shall we stick by each other as long as we live? But there was also a darker side to it which had nothing to do with either homosexuality or with AIDS, but with death: a man in the prime of his life knowing that he must die within a year. What would you do? Why, carry on with life, of coursewhich is what Gary is doing: II There’s a scene at the end of Joyce Cary’s novel, The Horse’s Mouth, in which Gully Jimpson, a loveable old painter who has fallen off a ladder, lies dying in a Catholic hospital. The Sister tending him overhears him laughing to himself and says, “Mr., Jimpson, don’t you think that, at a time like this, you should laugh a little less and pray a little more?” To which Gully Jimpson interrupts his laughter to say, “It’s the same thing, Madam,” and flips out. (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is United Church Chaplain to UW and WLU. His office is at St. Paul’s CoI!ege.) ,


The University of Waterloo would like to thank Clare Millar Travel for their continuing support of UW’s phonathon program. This spring they provided the major incentive prize for volunteers participating in the phonathons - a weekend for two. in Montreal. 50 Ontario st. s. Kiichener, Nli 1 X4 (519) 579-4490



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.lmpritit, Friday June 27, 1988

Engineers -

To the editor: Why does Mike Badali think our t-shirts are unreasonable? Does he realize that Thompson’s article applies to students everywhere *(Soap Bpx, Imprint, May 30)? Does Badali realize that Thompson chose to pick on engineering students because’we are the most socially active group on campus? Let’s put this into perspective. Engineering students generate more positive public opihion through charitablb works than all other faculties combined. “Oh, ya?” you say? Just think about it. As a non-engineering student, when was the last time you were

asked to push a bus through downtown K-W? Or the last time the professors in your faculty raced tricycles? Or, in fact, the last time that any event was held within your faculty that generated donations to a worthy social cause? In the. engineering faculty, these types of events are held at least once a year, with some events ocurring once every four months. There are some events, like the Havenger Stunt, which are open to teams from other faculties. No other faculty enters a team. Why? In our last Stunt, one of the items on the list was “a Ret student in

What.3 up Doug? sponsibility to get a fair deal in An open letter to Doug Wright return. The education process is the Dr. Wright, you seem to have primary reason for a university’s decided that you are unaccountable to the student population. existence. But this system is What have you gained for us in being made less and’less accessiyour tenure? I’m sure-that you ble to students. Obscene raises in consider the many business part-. co-op fees and new computer _ nerships with IBM, Digital, . . . a fees defy logic in these low inflamajor success. The new Davis tionary times. Why must present building is another monument to students pay for past mistakes? your own decisions. And why can’t the profits of our Although I give you some credit high-tech trade be more fairly for furthering the reputation of 8 shared? How can a school afford this school, I consider them to be to branch off into expensive R& b hollow achievements. Why? Well, projects when it can’t even propmany such high-tech firms profit erly fulfill its main objective? I greatly from the high technology challenge you to justify these developments of this school. They huge raises in fees. Unfortureceive excellent new employees nately, you rarely do make a com(eventually) and relatively cheap mitted stand on any such R & D programs that ensure their important issues. Your captive continued success in the future. customer, the student, deserves However, as a representative of better. this university, it was your reDuncan Smith

This is

UW’s Don Quixote does it again!



drag”. A few hardy Ret souls did show- up cross-dressed, and one made a comment about how amazing it was that “all these people stay awake on a Friday night gathering things, and then come into school Saturday morning, and have a lot of fun doing it”. So why do other faculties not organize events of this nature? Apathy? Jealousy? Lack of some kind of social organization within the faculty? As for negative public opinion, again engineering students generate more than all other faculties combined. Or do we? There is nothing being published within the engineering faculty now that can be considered socially unacceptable, nor are we committing any publicly offensive acti. So where does the current dose of bad publicity come from? The answer is simply this: other faculties keep dredging up the past (I should say negative past), and refuse to give us credit for the positive aspects of engineering, past or present. We have laid our past to rest, as have the Board of Governors. Why do students in other faculties not leave it alone? Badali also asks why we didn’t do something to better our public relations. Let me ask Badali why Doug Thompson didn’t write a serious article on the problems of getting a university education, instead of stirring up trouble? I believe that the t-shirts are a reasonable response to an unreasonable article, and that students in other faculties should look at the positive (i.e. charitable) events that EngSoc supports, and try to match them. Duncan Gibbons -Club Mech

by Doug Thompson Imprint staff . Nobody at UW is happy with Queen’s Park this weekfoljowing the announcement computer fees are to be banned - but not yet. . . Student and administrgtion leaders agree the taxpayer should contribute more to universities. The administration thinks students should pay more, but the government once again has put limits on the fees universities can charge. The student leaders argue that many students can’t pay more, and that increased fees prevent some people from getting a university education. The administration also argues that UW’scomputer expertise and “excellence” warrant higher fees. It was the argument used when the computer fee was introduced, and it’s the argument being used by UW (without success) at Queen’s Park. You have to marvel at the political ineptness of UW’s leaders. For decades, successive Ontario governments have maintained a commitment to two principles: 1) universal accessibility of post-secondary education to all qualified students regardless of their financial means, and 2) uniformity of costs for comparable programmes across this geographically and economically diverse province. The argument has always been that, if one school is allowed to charge more than another, a two-tier educational system would result, with good schools for the rich and mediocre ones for the poor (like the U.S. system). Like Don Quixote, UW is tilting at windmills. What kind of ivpry tower fantasies (or could it be sheer arrogance?) makes UW President Doug Wright think he can overturn such longstanding public -policies? It’s not likely iri any scenario, yet that near impossibility is the star to which Doug Wright and the boys have hitched UW’s wagon. Now UW is saying standardized funding means the government wants mediocrity. The argument is absurd. Differential funding causes mediocrity in some places, and encourages excellence in others (just like in the U.S.). Unless UW can successfully demo& strate that all Ontario schools are already mediocre, its point is simply silly. In fact, Ontario universities have an international reputation for a high standard of academic achievement. We don’t have good schools and bad schools, we have good schools! And this same Doug Wright is the guy they just reappointed for another six-year term as UW’s president! It can be argued that Queen’s Park should have put Wright in his place by retroactively banning the computer fee. Of course, as the government pointed oirt, this would only hurt students. Wright, in his unilateral attempt to change education policy in this province, committed the university to spend a lot of money it didn’t have. Such irresponsibility, if you or I did it, would lead to bankruptcy. But Wright was playing political craps with your education and mine, and while he was willing to jeopardize that, the provincial government was not. To keep students off the hook, Wright has to be let off too. But the underlying problem is that universities believe they should receive more money from taxpayers. Most student leaders tend to agree. However, if universities are to achieve that goal, a political process of demonstrating the worthiness of such investments to the Ontario public is required. Cheap manoeuvres to wring a few more bucks from students who are already the most financially disadvantaged members of the university community is hardI1 the way to convince Ontario taxpayers of this institution’s worthiness. Nor are arbitrary attempts to upstage the political process b\ twisting the government’s arm (like inventing new fees which circumvent provincial regulations). Such measures can only lead the public to view this university with even more suspicion and contempt. Academics are often accused of living in an “ivory tower world” divorced from social realities. It is sad to say, but DOUQ Wright is succeeding admirably in proving that stereotype to be correct. The government, after all, represents the people. If the Ontaric public wants more university education, it wiII get it. If it doesn’t, who are university presidents to force them!’ And when it comes to the political process, students and the administration, working together, are likely to accomplish muctmore than either group working alone. How can such co-operatior be generated though, when the administration insists on attacking students? And how can UW be taken seriously at Queen’s Park if il doesn’t respect the longstanding political will of Ontario’s people tc have universal accessibility and universal excellence?



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NEWS, . Fonathon Phun aaO.FS staff grievances



Once again UW students, alumni, faculty and staff proved their skill and enthusiasm as phonathon volunteers this spdng. In 10 evenings of calling, more than 320 volunteers from Arts, Engineering, HKLS, Math and Science participated in telephoning their faculty alumni all across Canada. A total of 1,653 alumni donated an impressive %6,217.* Money donated through the phonathons goes directly to the graduate’s faculty for academic development, scholarships, and expanding and improving laboratory equipmevt. The one to one phone calls are not only important as fundraising events, but they also ensure UW is mailing information on alumni programs and services to current addresses. According to Pauline Hall, phonathon coordinator, “the calibre of volunteers was outstanding, their enthusiastic and dedicated approach was apparent from beginning to end. The pace was very fast and exciting, some faculties even held best-costume contests. Many of the volunteers were first-time participants, but several were experienced callers out for another evening of / phonathon fun.” More than just fun, the phonathon gives participants a chance to speak to alumni and learn how they are applying their university education. Student callers gained some valuable information about companies




by Josette deBrouwer fie Gazette, University of Western Ontario At least eight grievances have been filed against the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) in the wake of a new organizational r&%ructuring scheme. The plan calls for the elimination of one staff position and the redefinition of some other jobs. Complaints about the restructuring surfaced at the OFS general meeting held June 9-l 5 at Queen’s University in Kingston. Peter McVey, vice-president of CUPE local 281 and an OFS researcher, said the grievances have been filed because hiring and transfer procedures within the staff restructuring did not follow the collective agreement. OFS Chairman Matt Certosimo said the grievances are natural in the transition from one kind of staff structure to another. “A grievance is not a crisis point. It is merely a filing of a concern in regards to management,” he said. by &drew Love But Liz Lovis, outgoing vicechairThe Queen’s Journal, Queen’s Uniman of the federation, said the probversity lem in management is much worse than anyone %alized. Other Canadian Universities apWhen the grievances trickled in, pear unaffected and even unaware of we just didn’t consider them to be as Queen’s recent decision not to follow serious as they were,” she said. Four a divestment policy regarding its into 10 grievances have already been v&tments in companies dealing with settled and another eight to 14 are South Africa. pending. Lovis said at each executive The Queen’s Journal contacted meeting there was “a new bunch of representatives of York, McGill and grievances.‘* Dalhousie universities, all of which Delegates to the OFS meeting in have chosen to divest, and asked Thunder Bay last January decided a . them for their impressions of restructuring of the organization Queen’s decision not tb shed such would make it more effective and investments. accountable. Certosimo said the All three universities agreed it was members wanted to ‘decrease the easier for them to divest because staff by one position. they were dealing with smaller But Western’s VP External Bob Wright said the members did not . amounts of money than Queen%. Dr. W. Small, secretary of the know any staff would be fired. “It was board of trustees at York University, not clear to me at all that the restrucacknowledged he was aware of turing of the organization would enQueen’s decision, but said it had no tail the firing of staff.” influence on York’s camous. Janet Maher, former executive of“It is significantly easie; for York to ficer, has filed a grievance for wrongdivest its interests in companies dealful dismissal. ing with South Africa because York As executive officer, Maher built a has an extremely small endowment i strong alliance with the Canadian fund as compared to Queen’s,” he Federation of Students and faculty added. associations, and was the organizaIf Queen’s had chosen to divest, tion’s chief lobbyist. McVey said be- university trustees would have had to

the chair’s decision, but Olley’s ruling was sustained. Members at the plenary earlier in the week wanted staff to make a presentation to the delegates explaining their position in the dispute. Wright, who called for the staff presentation, said the executive became defensive about the issue, treating it like a vote of non-confidence. “They can’t be so reactive,” he said. Certosimo said the members eventually decided against the staff L presentation. “If the staff were to speak to the plenary in a political setting, it would set a precedent,” he said. Certosimo said all the grievances will not necessarily go to arbitration, although Lovis said at least three may be at that stage already. She said the OFS will have to follow the grievance procedures. to the letter.

Queens unquits S. A.

and careers - a few even got job offers. After the phonathons each evening, volunteers were invited to participate in a social hour at the University Club. Corporate sponsor Clare Millar Travel donated a weekend package for two in Montreal. All phonathon volunteers were eligible to win this trip during a draw held at the Uqiversity Club June 4. HKLS student Stephen Hill was the lucky winner.

Gandalf award deadline Monday June 30! Monday is the application deadline for the annual Gandalf Data Ltd. award at UW. The $1,000 award goes to an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student in Electrical, Systems Design or Computer Engineering who needs financial support to continue studies. Applicants should have an interest in he data communications industry. Students in 1 B or above are eligible to apply. Applications are available from the student awards office, Engineering Society and the departments involved. Forms must be returned by June 30.

sell off shares totalling $23.3 million in the pooled investment fund. “York’s investments only amount to a few million dollars and it is much easier for us to facilitate the divestment of these shares,” Small said. Paul Dickersgill, president of the McGill student union, was unaware of Queen’s decision not to divest. But when told of the specifics of the debate, he pointed out that McGill’s level of investments relating to South Africa was substantially less than IQueen’s. Kamleh Nicola, vice-president of external affairs for the Dalhousie student union, also knew nothing about Queen’s decision. And she also pointed out Dalhousie only had to divest $6 million worth of investments. “We are not hurt financially by divesting our shares in these companies and as a result there was not much opposition to our decision,” said Nicola. “Our campus is very concerned with this kind of issue because 10 per cent of the school’s enrolment is a foreign population.” She added she felt it is unfortunate that Queen’s did not divest because the more universities that divest, the more strength the message will carry.

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at conference.

cause Maher was second on the seniority list, the OFS should have opened a new position for her. Maher applied for the new position of communications director, but was not qualified for the job. In a motion seconded by the Westem Society of Graduate Students, the Ontario Graduate Association asked that the executive reconsider Maher’s application for the position of communication director. The job calls for a full-time lobbyist who is fully bilingual. The executive holds that Maher does not meet the requirements for bilingualism. The motion was ruled out of order by OFS speaker Beth,Olley. She said it was not the mandate of the plenary to tell the hiring committee what to do, because the plenary does not deal with the hiring process. Ryerson Polytechnical Institute challenged

Stephen Hill


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Spice a treat for ’ Fed Hall fans

Mike O’Driscoll imprint staff Fed Hall was treated to a blast of the sunny south on Friday night as the Caribbean band Spice made a more than worthwhile appearance. The band was there to get people up and partying, and it worked, considering it only took eight resonating bars of music to fill the dancefloor. Spice hails from Barbados where they’ve gained a considerable fol_ lowing along with honours such’as Band of the Year and Record of the Year. The four original members have been together for 10 years and have managed to put out a total of five albums, all of which have yet to be released in Canada. Alan Sheppard leads the band on

keyboards and vocals while Dean Straker lends a note with backup vocals and guitar. The rhythm section is comprised of Roger Foster on bass and Greg Skeete on drums as well as their most recent member, percussionist Michael “Masher” Cadogan.

Masher has an impressive background having worked with 20th Century Rebels and Crack of Dawn. He also got his start in the industry under the guiding hand of Memo Acavedo of Weather Report. Masher’s recent single, which made the charts at Western. is a blast at P.W. Botha and Company entitled Apartheid Insane. He says because people listen to musicians they should say something important as

opposed to singing about “this woman or that woman.” Spice started the evening off with a suitable cover; The-Arrows’ Hot Hot Hot, which pretty well describes the atmosphere. Despite a promo playlist of 90 per cent covers, the band stuck mostly to originals, providing an interesting blend of rock/calypso/reggae. Songs such as You Got Me Crazy For You, and I Want to Get High boasted a mixture of solid guitar, full vocals and an incredibly tight rhythm section. For the most part, both the orisinals and the covers were well rYeceived by the audience. UB40, of which Straker says “these guys are friends of ours and I hope someday




the band

on keyboaras

they play our music,” were well represented with Red Red Wine and their Chrissie Hynde collaboration Z Got You Babe. Surprisingly, Spice also oozed out a version of the Beatles’ Let It Be, with a tasteful Calypso touch. Speaking of that “calypso touch”, Straker claims that’s exactly what the band wants to maintain when they return to Canada to cut an album later this summer. He says they’re searching for a producer to give them the technological finesse they’ve lacked in Barbados without compromising their sound. Still, he figures the band stands a good ‘chance of making an impact on the Canadian market. With an album just released in England, Straker says of Barbados, “it’s time to ex-

ana %vocaIs.

pand - we’ve gone as far as we can there.” Expansion might be a good idea in more than one sense; a common complaint being Spice produces a somewhat repetitive sound that blends into one indistinguishable mass of grinding sweat. Actually, the repetition went a bit too far when the band repeated Hot Hot Hot and Red Red Wine for the encore. Fortunately an anticlimax was averted with a (beleive it or not) calypso version of When the Saints

Go Marching


Not meaning to end on a bad note I should mention that a friend of mine scribbled “It was beautiful” about half a dozen times on my notebook. She meant the music, and she was right.

Glass Tiger: afar cry from Beatlemania by Fleur Macqueen Imprint staff Screams arose from the teenage girls pressed against the snow fence as a black van pulled up to the Waterloo Park bandshell Saturday afternoon, June 21. As five guys with identical spiked haircuts piled out of the vehicle and ran backstage, I surveyed the mass of preppily clothed teenagers with pocket cameras there to gape- at Glass I iger, currently on Canada’s Top Ten charts. Glass Tiger was performing at the City of Waterloo’s annual free summer music festival, Sounds of Summer, which took place last weekend. Eventually, the band reappeared on stage, along with the emcee from 570 CHYM. When introducing the band, the CHYM rep said the event reminded him of Beatlemania, a sentiment that probably soared over the heads of the girls in the front row. Personally, I didn’t see the resemblance. Glass Tiger, all the way from Newmarket, is .headed by lead singer Alan Frew. He is a blonde stockcharacter with a Scottish accent which makes. you wonder if he’s cultivated it since leaving Glasgow, recognising the effect it has on young women.

Frew crooned mundane love, songs to the bubble gum set, who ate them up and begged for more. (Glass Tiger’s first album, Thin Red Line (referred to as “The Album” by Frew, emphasizing the group’s newness on the market), holds such meaningful lyrics as “Oh, the night is young/So what can we do?” and “Just call my name/I will be there” repeated endlessly. A l



Musically there is not much to say about the band. Glass Tiger is an unoriginal formula band, consisting of Frew, drummer Michael Hanson, guitarist Al Connelly, keyboardist Sam Reid and bassist Wayne Parker. They do seem to have the desired effect on their fans, however. Frew teased the girls in the standard heartthrob manner, urging them to l

come closer to him, reach out and touch him, despite the policeguarded fence keeping the audience 50 feet from the stage. Glass Tiger finished their hourlong set with their hit Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone, which lacked a little without Bryan Adams’ vocals. But this song, which Frew introduced with “If you don’t know the lyrics by now, you’ll never know

them”, got everyone going, including the numerous families and scattered students at the back. The success of the final song, to which many of the audience sang and danced, further emphasized Glass Tiger’s status as a one-hit wonder. Would they even have considered playing Don’t Forget Me before the end of the concert?


review or a-very good revue

by Andrew Saikali Imprint $taff The very fabric of our society was turned inside out Wedneday night as High 8Os, the “hot comedy revue” directed by Torontonian Ellen Hitchcock, and presented by UW’s Creative Arts Board/Upstage Productions, subjected everything from religion to sex to politics to a dose of irreverent humour, biting satire, and any other modified noun you care to use. Without giving too much away (second and final performance is tonight), the revue was a multimedia show comparable in format to Second City or SNL with a touch of Vaudeville -- 80s style.

Among the choreographed musical numbers are We’re not Gonna Drink It and (Let’s Do The) Lunch Think (Again), each laden with appropriate and extremely clever lyrits, and performed with a big group sound (which, in the case of the former number puts Twisted Sister to shame). Speaking of music, the Pit Band - Joe Morrison k&W, Dave Pollon (guitar), and Paul Andry (bass) do a first-rate job at background music, segues, etc. Apart from ensemble song and dance, High 80s includes sketches and videos about a . . . shall we say slightly strange couple whose son is possessed; a job interview in which one needs a few . . . connections;

men - from an ardent man-hating woman’s point of view; pain - from an S&M dominatrix’s point of view; industrial strength beer, and a polititally conscious hitch-hiker. Then there’s the interview with an invisible man whose invisible dog does some visible damage to the interviewer - a beautiful piece of mime. There’s also news, and a man-onthe-street report - the question is “How do you spell ,Khaddafi?” (Gadaffi? - whatever). Then there are two skits - one staged, one videoed, each recurring in modified versions sporadically throughout the show. On stage we have a politically enlightening summit meeting between Reagan and$

Gorbachev. And on video we have a brilliant set of TV commercials for none other than the Roman Catholic Church -- done a la American Express. Blending sketch with song and dance, the Dr. Ruth segment was perhaps the highlight of the revue. Enough said. Oh yeah - the cast. Mlles. Ferry, Fife, Garnier, Gillard, and Isaac and Messrs. Cooper, Lawson, MacIsaac, Roehl, and Sellens, proved undeniably that the creative and performing arts can hold their own at U’W. High 80s - second and last performance is tonight - Fed Hall 8:00 p.m. HOW _ do you spell Koddaffi?




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Campus Hall







Lemmings and.author York

This is a marvelous book which brings together ‘diverse disciplines and approaches to the Arctic. Knowing that each of these approaches is an overlay and constitutes an Urnwelt (a word Lopez glosses as “self-world”: _a lemming has an Urnwelt; so do we), he is at pains to superimpose different visions -of the Arctic - the polar bear’s, the narwhal’s, the muskox’s, the Eskimo’s, the Arctic bota-, nist’s, the polar explorer’s, as well as that of the oil- company executive and the faceless bureaucrat - in his attempt to render the land itself as it has been imagined and explored and inhabited through the ages. To this end, he is concerned with

Trouble Trouble

in Mind suffers from a bad

case of schizophrenia. First, it’s a romance, then, a comedy; next, a burned-out loser melodrama. Couple this with a liberal helping of cliches and an uninteresting, depthless plot, and the result is an embarassing bore. In fact, Trouble in Mind is probably the only picture that could make its audience feel embarassed for Lori Singer, as she gazes soulfully into Kris Kristofferson’s eyes and says “I think you’re a good man who’s had bad luck.” Truly hair-raising. The movie’s personality-swings make the already uninspired plot even more aimless and directionless. As the movie opens, John Hawkins (Kristofferson), hardened ex-cop, emerges from the bowels of the state pen, and promptly tromps over to Wanda’s Cafe. Wanda (Genevieve Bujold) offers Hawkins a room upon his arrival, which is co-incident with the arrival of a

Exhibit by Christine I&print staff







by Tom



The latest art exhibit in the Modern Languages gallery consists of selections from.. the University of Waterloo Permanent Collection. This particular exhibit includes a wide variety of art forms, both in style and in media. Included in the show are art pieces from many different media. For such a small display, the variety is really impressive. Silkscreen, acrylic, watercolour, and oil are represented, and from the less common media are aluminum, concrete, urethane foam and basswood. The variety does not stop at media. Styles range from very realistic, as in Diane Stewart’s works, to very abstract, like Tony Urquart’s. The exhibit touches on just about everything in between. Interesting to note are the donations from foreign countries to the

have Umlvelts; walks edges ’ edges, for “the.- edgesof any lands. cape . . . quicken an observer’s expectation.” He walks them, . he studies them, he rhapsodizes about them. And the Arctic has many hidden edges; for 10 months of the year the Arctic is a twilit land. For his exploration of this enormous land and sea and icescape, which includes portions of five modern nations, Lopez has ransacked scientific and historical and mythic. lore, as well as traveled widely (always, one gets the feeling, as a hanger-on: a Jonah on the whaler, an Ancient Mariner on Greenpeace, an investigative journalist on a government icebreaker, and a spiritualist on scientific expeditions). He has seen, and studied, and returned to

in Mind young couple from the country, Coop (Keith Carradine) and Georgia (Singer), who park their camper in Wanda’s parking lot. When Coop falls in with a jewelery-stealing crowd, effectively leaving Georgia on her own, his marriage begins to disintegrate; Georgia turns to Hawkins for comfort. None of this is made particularly clear, mind you, since the dialogue is hopelessly mired in a festering bog of B-movie cliches. Trouble in Mind fails because it attempts to merge the futuristic, hard-boiled feel of ,Blade Runner with the arty, stylish, ultra-cool feel of Miami Vice. Such an experiment is bound to flop, as Trouble. in Mind has more than proven. In attempting to generate an earthy yet stylish atmosphere of desolation and loneliness, the film’s makers have emptied it of any intelligence, compassion or sensitivity.

appeals university’s collection. Covering the far right wall of the gallery is a large, exquisitely beautiful painting from the Republic of China. Thailand also donated to the collection, with a colourful, culturally interesting piece. Several pieces in the display were rather intriguing and should not be missed. The triad of twisting, gnarled, carefully carved basswood provide a somewhat eerie third dimension to the exhibit. They have a grace that is calming to look at, and are so finely carved that they have the appearance of seaweed swaying gently in the water. I found the piece on the far left wall particularly noteworthy as well. Created by Louis de Niverville, it is an interesting painted collage of various textures. The show in the Modern Languages gallery is a very diverse one, featuring an extremely wide selection. It is definitely worth seeing, there is something in it for everyone.

‘. ,lmprint,



‘+‘. _



27,1986 . ‘.

cription, sug’gests otherness, and invokes reverence. In attempting to evoke these and many other Arctic phenomena, such as white-out, a’ skein of snow geese taking flight, a saussat (an opening which the ice sheet constricts) where hundreds of narwhals and belukhas may be trapped, Lopez often borrows the, techniques of landscape painters, especially the luminists whose preoccupation was with light. Lopez’s preoccupation is with light, too, as he gently interrogates the land to see what mysteries still inhere there. Wonder informs his vision of the Arctic, an almost naive wonder, but he has taken the time and the trouble to inform his vision on a scale unprecedented in books j about the Arctic.

. ‘Fed plans for Canada Day. In the Campus Centre -

Children’s Entertainment

to 1:45tTHE ENCYCLOPEDIA SHOW starring James Gordon to 2:50 TOY TOWN TROOPERS L for the young children while the TWISTER Town Troopers sponsored by Turnkeys) to 3:25 MAJIK the Magician to 4:20 CANDY THE CLOWN (sponsored by the Federation of Students)

All afternoon




I tell us . . . . What does this modern prophet have to report? First, that the Arctic , will endure. It has endured and will endure, and probably the musk-ox with it. Second, that a world without animals is a terrible’ prospect, especially to an Eskimo. “These Tununiarusirmiut men . . . knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond any hesitation, what made them happy, what gave them a sense of satisfaction, of wealth. An abundance of animals.” And with animals of all kinds the XArctic is abundant. Third, that it is only when viewed from afar as a desert that the Arctic is endangered. When viewed close-up and with patience - whether that of an Eskimo waiting at a seal-hole, or of a botanist spending half a day classifying one tussock of grasses - it is a refuge and a ground for renewal. .Thus Lopez’s final wisdom: “The risk we take is of finding our final authority in the metaphors rather than in the land.” On every other page Lopez slips in an ecological warning. Of bleak little Pingok Island, for example, having rhapsodized over its flora pointed out, with land use and minand fauna, he says: “It is in a place eral exploitation. like this that we would unthinkingly In the end, Arctic Dreams may store poisons or test weapons.” Or, be read as a defense brief for proper praising the resourcefulness of curuse of the land, with Lopez represious polar bears who “may in the enting not so much the Inuit as the end eat more often,” he observes animals who inhabit the land. “We that, “today, with the spread of oil need an -attitude of enlightened recamps and the abandonment of milspect which will make both races itary installations, curious bears are (Eskimos and whites) feel more ethisometimes killed by the things they cally at ease with animals, more certest .” tain of following a dignified course in Lopez rightly deplores the “witthe years ahead, when the animals less insensitivity, and the phony sense of adventure” that propelled _ . will still be without a defense against us.” an earlier generation of adventurers There is in Arctic Dreams a connorthward to perpetrate the car. stant invocation of a “third dimennage of polar bears, muskoxen, narsion.” Icebergs, aurora borealis, and whals and caribou. &But a more fata. morganas involve the viewer in daunting ecological threat looms -a third dimension which defies desahead. It has to do, as others have

LOO . 200 (Toy 3:15 4:OO

- Free Clown Face Place (sponsored 1 Student Union) - Photo Show theme Transportation

On the Village Green -

by KW

is on

Little Theatre

and Communication

Outdoor -Concert and TWISTER

12:30 to 1:00 Music Act TBA 1:00 to 1:30 Music Act TBA 1:30 to 2100 Jeff Bradly Comic Juggler sponsored by the Graduate Students Association at the University of Waterloo 2:00 to 3:00 World Record Breaking TWISTER Game (sponsored by CHYM, Milton Bradley, California Cooler) 3:OO to 3:15 Official Ceremonies / Balloon Send off Warriors Band 3:,15 to 4:45 “1964 as the BEATLES”

Information Booth St. John’s Ambulance Balloon Race for everyone Clover the Clown

All day Long Candy the Clown , Strolling Clowns, ,Magicians and Jugglers, University Mascots Buffette the Clown ,

Columbia Field Softball Tournament 5:00 to 8:30 LULU’s Stiltwalker 8:00 to 9:00 ???? Fireworks display 30 minutes at Dusk


Also: l “Step Right Up Folks” Exhibit of Carnival Games - 9:00 a.m. to 9:O;D p.m., Museum Archive of Games, B.C. Mathews Hall - FREE. l Antique Car display in front of PAC l Mini-Parade at 12:00 leaving from Waterloo Square



by Pete Lawson Imprint Staff After more than a half-decade of playing their own music, Breeding Ground, those darlings of Queen Street have finally released their first LP. They have had previous EP releases, Breeding Ground and Reunion, which probably received moderate attention. The newest offering is a good blend of acoustic and electronic sounds - the acoustic adding the punch and rhythm and the electronic adding textural support. The number of songs is slight at six and the album lasts no more than 30* minutes, but the added bonus of the Reunion EP makes the purchase worthwhile. The hottest tracks on are the dance potential tunes, Turn to Dust and Happy Now I Know. Turn to Dust is pulsed by a bassline which should be requested at your favourite dance spot. The positive sound of Happy Now I Know will probably be the “HIT” of the album. The lyrics rejoice with the discovery of Christ in life. ~From a group who by Tom Rand Imprint Staff Frankenchrist. It’s an insight on a rebellion’s reasons. It’s fast. It’s youth throwing punk-chic out the window. It’s hard. It’s songs of anger and change. It’s true to it’s mark. It’s viscous vinyl and articulate anger that breeds compassion and vision. Frankenchrist is big, black boots crushing plastic ideals. Hate hinders many, but not the Dead Kennedys. Frankenchrist is 10 tracks of hate to love and cherish. At My Job: assembly-line hate change, boredom and bass. MTV Get Off The Air: good sarcasm mixes fun and frustration on dying imagination. Stars And Stripes of Corruption: actions to words and words to the thinking youth’s madness. The rest? Lots of love. Lots of hate. Lots of change. The album seethes with the mood of a generation-misunderstood. It balks at nothing, stops for everything. It’s the Jam’s rebellion for America and new times, and it’s a voice for a violence few understand. Bloating mediocrity bursts from hearing sounds ring true. In this album, Jello Biafra reveals the underlying contrasts of Punk’s screams: hate for compassion and anger for care. Gotta hate. Gotta care. Gotta give a damn. Hear Frankenchrist and you have to.

Top Ten Records 1. 2. 3. 4. 5’. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Genesis Peter Gabriel Kim Mitchell Breeding Ground Luba Pogues F+ll Roy Buchanan David J. (Love & Rockets) Cure

1. 2. 3.

Flying Pickets Sique Sique Erasure

and Tapes

Invisible Touch so Shakin’ Like a Human Being Tales of Adventure Between the Earth and Sky ’ Rum, Sodomy and the Lash The Wonderful and Frightening World of DancingeOn The Edge Etiquette of Violence Standing on a Beach - The Singles

have always had a tinge of the nihilist viewpoint, this song presents a difficulty for the listener in determining whether the band is serious or sardonic. Throughout the album, the lyrics deal with abstract hints and definitely do not deal with the usual rock’n’roll concepts of girls, cars, booze and drugs. The remaining tracks, This Time Tomorrow, Epic, and Tales of Aduenture are all good songs with varied tempos. The closing song,


(IN A Coffee



by Andrew SaikaliImprint staff I’m still not too sure where I’ve heard the lead singer (Iva Davies)before, but he sounds very familiar. And that’s about par for Measure for Measure. All the songs, good and bad, send one’s mind a-wandering through vast mental files of rock groups and their respective sounds. The instrumentation to No Promises, for instance, sounds a hell of a lot like This Is Not America (David Bowie/Pat Metheny). Even the vocals bear similarity to recent Bowie, with a hint of Bryan Ferry. Cross The Border, on the other hand, has a touch of the Tears For Fears sound thrown into what could easily have been a Simple Minds song. These resemblances hold for most of the album - the most pervasive being the smooth Bryan Ferry sound. The Ferry/Roxy Music influence is probably due in part to Rhett Davies, co-producer of this and various Roxy/Ferry ventures, as well as to Brian Eno (early Roxy, Fripp, etc. etc.), who does some texturing on Measure for Measure. Other production is done by David Lord (Peter Gabriel). The sound is smooth and clean - relying heavily on keyboards - lots of pianos and synths. No Promises, Cross The Border and Spanish Gold are all solid tracks - smooth vocals on top of a wall of sound. Angel Street is also a nice mellow tune. Occasionally the tracks push smoothness a bit too far. At times, they seem to be on the verge of breaking out with some power . . . but nothing happens. You’re left thinking - yeah, ok, but it could’ve been stronger. One exception is Mr. Big, which breaks from the flow and emerges with some power. Lucky Me tries to do the same, but at the expense of the melody. The best track, one which fuses the biting with the smooth, and hey you can even hear some guitars stand out, is Baby You’re So Strange, the final t rat k. Overall, Icehouse’s Measure For Measure is a good LP that can stand up to repeated listenings. Just don’t expect anything too original.

Just Arrived Groovin’ Spqtnik ;- Love Misslie EP Oh L’Amour EP


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by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff It may be true that the last thing the world needs is another loud, sloppy rock band, but we can always use a good one. And Vancouver’s Slow is a good one. Slow doesn’t have the correct influences for the acceptable face of today’s pop (there’s more of Grand Funk Railroad and BTO in them than The Velvet Whatsitsname) and they tread that invisibly thin line between the great trash of garage rock and the pure trash of lame-brained, power-riffing young punk rebels looking for a cause. But what ultimately saves them is their unpretenTom Anselmi’s oddly tiousness, compelling singing, and the revelation that rough, fast music is not devalued by having a bit of a tune to it. Once the excruciating grind of the opening riff of Have Not Been The Same hurls itself into the thick guitar buzz of the chorus, Against The Glass is largely Anselmi’s record. Sounding like Iggy Pop dredged out of the sewer after an all-night whiskey bout with Tom Waits, Anselmi utters growls that tend to snap heads back and get the neighbours banging on the walls. There’s nothing here that you haven’t already heard a thousand times already, but if Slow can be faulted for anything, it’s for reinforcing all the ugly ROCK cliche& by making them so damn infectious. Unhip, uncool, and as ashamed as I am to admit it, I like it lots.




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The Sun is a tad filler, though the second-half instrumental is a haunting weave. In comparison to most of the musical schlock on the Pop charts, this album is far more vital than that majority. Definitely danceable in a demented way, with a blend of both positive and mournful sounds which has been the Breeding Ground trademark. These musicians played Fed Hall on Thursday, June 26. If you were there, buy the album, if you were not, buy the album.

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10,000 Maniacs: impressive DAYOFF One man’s struggle to take

it easy.,

by Andrew Saikali Imp&t staff From John Hughes, the man who churns out brat-pack movi& year after year, comes an effectively nonbrat-pack film that competes with the best of ‘em. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off has box office hit written all over it. As such, many so-called enlightened critics would possibly brush it aside as summer fluff - superficial, lacking in plot credibility, and so on. Not this critic. In the case of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, I say:’ Screw credibility - the movie is funny. And that’s endugh. After all, exaggeration is aF art form in itself. Set in Chicago, the film is a-dayin-the-life of high school senior Ferris Bueller whoi. . . .um, has better things to do on a bright sunny dag than sit in school. , School - her& we have exaggeration at its best. There’s the principal trying to assert authority through a persoya vendetta against Ferris. The students are all lifeless morons, and this makes for some pretty funny teaching methods. Watch f&r the English Lit. and American History teachers - each droning on, failing to reach the unreachable students who have mentally left the classroom and drifted off into la-la land. Meanwhile , Ferris has convinced parents, school and community at large that he is violently ill. He’coerces his best friend Cameron, a hypochondriac from a rich but problem family, to join him in the fun. Together they manage td get Ferris’ girlfriend excused from school, and the three spend an eventful day in town. The high point is a parade through downtown Chicago in which Ferris hops on a float and leads the crowd i! a lip-synched rendition of Twist and Shout. Ferris is the kind of kid that can pull anything off and have the city behind him all . the way. There are various sub-plots including Ferris’ sister’s jealousy of her siblihg’s popularity and Cameron’s struggle for a more assertive existence. Each part seems to be perfectly cast - from the teachers, secretary (Herb’s wife on WKRP) and principal, to Cameron, and Ferris. j Matthew Broderick execute’s his’ performance of Ferris beautifully with wit, precision, and charm. The credit for this lies beyond the script - to Broderick’s own instinctive humour and stage presence. The guy is a natural. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off need never apologise for what it is - a naturally funny movie that seeks only to entertain. It suceeds. Recommended.

Arts needs PHOTOGRAPHERS Volunteers needed to have fun; meet great bands, become famous - or . . . infamous! Seriously -- the ARts department is in great need of more photographic talent. Anyone with even a little time, talent and interest, is urged to come on down to CC 140, Imprint’s hangout, and meet the crew, then join the crew, and make it a summer to remember! r


by Chris Wodskou ‘Not content with his blockbuster Independent Wednesdays concert at RPM, whiz kid promoter Elliott Lefko inaugurated The Real $5 Concert Series at RPM last Thursday (June 19) with 10,000 Maniacs presiding. Malcolm Burn, late of the not-so-tragically defunct Boys Brigade, opened the show with a solid, if unspectacular, set of basic synth-infiltrated pop with an edge. There were also faint traces of psychedelia and garage punk poking tlGr heads out occasionaffy. Pretty impressive for the unit’s second gig together, Matcolm Burn is a name to look out for. . . . as is Blue Rodeo who, on the evidence of their performance must surely be one of Toronto’s hottest live bands. It’s tempting to categorize them as new-age country rockers a la Green On Red or Long Ryders but it’s hardly as simple as that. Their music skirts the outer fringes of the mainstream, often plunging headlong into weird scenes courtesy of The Doors. Songs such as Railway Crash are surrealistically textural epics journeying across barren western landscapes where the horizon never-ends. Eden when they threatened to be lowered into the depths of being “just another roots rock-band”, the odd rhythms and jazzy key-tinkling of Bobby Wiseman consistently gave the feeling of something very much out of place but which works brillinatly. After their first couple of songs, it looked as though Jamestown, N.Y’s

10,000 Maniacs might be upstaged by Blue Rodeo. lO,OOO.Maniacs have developed a large and devoted following thanks to a warmly-received domestic record release and a widely exposed video. Aside from the dulcet-voiced dervish of a singer Natalie Merchant and the expressions of ascetic ecstacy of guitarist John Lombardo, the band seemed distant and uninspired at first. The playing was a flawless blend of sparkling folk arrangements with accordion and mandolin colouring the more standard pop components. Iriitially however, the passion that fuels their intensely articulate lyrics was missing. By the time they reached Scorpio Rising and the resplendent Can’tlgnore the Train, 10,000 Maniacs had found the drive which gives Merchant’s words spine-tingling immediacy and meaning. Despite Merchant’s whirling, the focus of the band’s drive was Robert Buck, staring blankly in front of him like some refugee from an accounting firm - a refugee with the quiet intensity of Anthony Perkins. He owned the last three songs as the Maniacs outdid anyone’s expectations with a funk scorcher, a hot Calypso number and an intense rendering of My Mother The War. 10,000 Maniacs may not have left Toronto with anymore fans than they arrived with. However, the converted who were preached to at RPM went home craving more of this word.


gets -nervous

Paul Done Imprint Staff By the time I got to Jeff Connoly, main man of Boston trash Kings,The Lyres, he was already well into his pre-gig juicing-up ceremonies, holding a beer i;l one hand and a screwdriver in the other. This combined with the fact they did not do their soundcheck (plagued with monitor prdblems) until after 8 p.m. meant my Guelph meeting with the Monoman might not be as congenial and enlightening as I had hoped - a fear well-founded as Jeff’s previous meetings with the Canadian Press had turned out less than successfully (I found out later). Here’s the way things turned out: Imprint: Just a couple of weeks ago, Imprint chatted to Prince Charles and the City Beat Band who are also from Boston. Is the Boston music scene really as diverse as his and your existence would indicate?

Jeff: The thing about the Boston music scene is that it changes every year because there is a huge battle of the bands every year with, like, 40 new bands in it every time. It’s a really big deal with money and stuff going to the winner. Til Tuesday , won a couple of years ago and they went, on to some pretty lucrative stuff. So, really, the scene changes every year. I: Are there any bands in particular from Boston that you like? J: Yeah, iome but no-one who I could single-out as being great or anything. I: Are there any bands in the states that you like? J: [I notice the increasing evasiveness] Yeah every year we find about four bands that we like from them opening for us. I: There are a lot of definite 60s influences in -your music, are there any bands in particular frori7 the 60s that influenced you or that you like? J: [indignantly] Cause we’re a garage group everyone thinks that w&‘re.into bands just cause they use




of 10,000





J: Yeah, we’ll have a new album New &ose &cords in France have VOX or Farfisa organs and all that out; hopefully in the third week of put out a History of The Lyres on stuff. That’s just not true, I like 60s August. Hopefully it will be distribCD but, it should be our first proper music but I prefer good, strong uted by Attic here in Canada and it album on CD. I’m 30 years old and songwriting to anything else. The should be our first compact disc reI’ve been doing this kind of things for sound is secondary to good songw- . lease. Well, that’s not true because years, so I’m not gonna get excited. ritin6 and that’s the kind of stuff I listen to. HIP HAPPENINGS There are some not-to-be missed shows coming up very soon in Toronto and elsewhere. Tonight and tomorrow night Soul Man extraordinaire Otis Clay does his thing at the Pinetree in Toronto as a part of the duMaurier Jazz Festival. Also as part of the festival, Washington D.C. go-go Trouble Funk make their I: Any bands specifically that you first Canadian appearance June 26th through the 28 at the Bamboo. Also can name? they appear tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) on Queen Street in T.O. as J: Well . . . the main album that I part of the Jazz Festival and that one’s free! listen to now is by Phil and the FranCloser to home, Kitchener faves Anonymous Behaviour are making an tics . . . appearance on campus as part of the Canada Day outdoor celebrations I: . . .from Houston . . . don’t miss soup chef Tom and his wild men. J: [Surprised] yeah, from Houston. Finally Vital Sines headline one of Elliott Lefko’s Independant Night’s at Their album was recorded in 1965, RPM on Queen Street in Toronto Be there! but it is still one of the best albums that you could hear. It’s got great songwriting. I: On to other things, have you felt the need to move out of Boston yet to help your career? J: Nah, at this stage all our distribution is independent and we licence our records out to a lot of peopleActually, I’m the only member in the band who’s really from Boston, but we’re still small enough that we can run everything out of Boston. As Monoman was now looking longingly towards the door and whatever lay beyond it, it seemed as though now might be a good time to wrap things up. I: You played Canada not long ago. What’s happened since then? J: The last time we played Canada, our drummer left us the night before we were going to hit the road. The guy had been with me for 10 years, so we found some kid to drum for us because we’d rather play like that than not at all. So someone told me about this drummer in Columbus Ohio who might work for the band. When we got back from Canada we flew the guy to Boston and he has been with us for maybe four months now. Things are coming along great because normally it takes at least six months to break a new drummer in and this guy is coming along real fast. I like playing Canada because I’ve got frien& I can stay with in Toronto. Roger Psupka of Room of Fools belts out a top 40tune June 13 at I: Any plans for the band? Fed Hall. , Photo by,Preet Khalsa

PACaphobia relieved - \

As soon as he stepped on the field, Billy springer knew he was once again a victim of his own litqal personality.



orne~r , Six points

for safe exercise

by JoAnn Hutchison Imprint staff People should be aware of safe and unsafe exercises, since exercise is supposed to improve and maintain the health of our bodies, not destroy it. It is important to realize that any exercise has the potential to be harmful if done incorrectly. One must also realize some exercises carried out by a physically fit person may be harmful to someone who is not at the same fitness level. Other factors which could make exercises dangerous for an individual are age, medical problems, and physical abnormalities. The potential harm which can be done to your body through exercise can be avoided by following safety guidelines: 1) Use slow,static stretching which is held for 3-5 seconds rather than ballistic’stretching. Ballistic stretching stretches the muscles through momentum by bouncing or bobbing movements. This type of stretching may cause a stretch beyond the normal range of motion, straining the muscles unnecessarily. 2) Avoid exercise which causes undue stress on a joint or muscle. For exa’mple, deep knee bends‘ may cause knee problems by overstretching the knee ligaments. Straight leg raises or situps place tremendous strain on the lower back by pulling the ilopsoas muscle. Leg raises are safe if the knees are brought to the chest and then lifted into the air or lowered to the ground. Bending the knees for situps is also beneficial since the involvement of the iliopsoas muscles is decreased, thus increasing the involvement of the abdominal muscles. 3) Breathe properly. Proper breathing is important when exercising, since ineffective exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen places a tremendous strain on the whole cardiovascular system. Blood flow is dangerously inhibited if the pressure on the chest cavity is-greatly increased by holding the breath during a strenuous exercise such as situps. Remember to exhale on exertion. 4) Wear proper clothing. Loose, worn out shoes do not provide proper support for the feet and often cause injury. Clothing which is appropriate for the activity and for your body’s needs should be worn. 5) ,Warm-up and cool down properly. Muscles are much like up properly, they will snap bubblegum - if they are not warmed instead of stretch. A good warm-up also includes a circulatory warm-up to cause the vessels of the body to open up slowly to allow for the increased circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients. Cool-down is the reverse of warm-ups.. It is a gradual decrese in movement which prevents ‘pooling of the blood in the * muscles and veins. 6) Work at your own level. Over-exertion is dangerous because even the safest of exercise can be harmful if your body is not yet ready for length and frequency of your workouts. Exercise is beneficial, but only if done properly. The best exercise you can give your body is the exercise-of common sense and safety precautions.

C-R World Cup


by Grant Grisdale Campus Retreat ion It may not be the World Cup, but the soccer season thus far for Campus Recreation has been one of many upsets and triumphs. There are 25 teams involved in the league which is divided into two leagues, A and B. In the A league (which consists of five teams), there is a battle for first place between Northern Blizzard and No Names. All teams are possible contenders for the championship. ’ In the B league, competition is a little more- severe as there are 20 teams involved. OP Amps, Civil Serpents, Conrad Grebel and Blackstone Huntclub are vying for first place in division I. 2B Mech and Civouplay are battling it out for top spot in division II. The Playoffs in July should prove to be exciting. Overall, there have been no major problems and the soccer season should prove to be one of the best for Campus Recreation. “World Cup” fever has never hit the University campus better! Good Luck to all competitors.

by Denise Glazebrook Campus Recreation Do you suffer from PACaphobia?? Do nightmares of getting eternally lost in the monstrous brown building plague you every time exams roll around? Are you one of the students on this campus who picks up a campus recreation brochure every term, only to toss it into your waste-basket three weeks, later because you need the extra room in your desk drawer? Have you reached 4A and never yet darkened the door of the locker room? If you answered “yes” to any of the above, now is the time to overcome vour fears! Read on. . . I was a PACaphobic until May 1 of this year. On that fateful day, I said goodbye to my safe, comfortable niche in the world of Artsiedom and made the long journey across campus to PAC 2039 i the nerve centre of Campus Recreation (C-R) and Athletics in the Physical Activities Complex (PAC). Through the past six weeks, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve probably encountered the greatest culture:shock thus far in my somewhat sheltered life. I’ve also experienced great triumphs, for I can now proudly say, “I am an ex-PACaphobic”. For those of you still suffering from this crippling phenomenon, help is on the way. The following is a step-by-step program for tot al recovery: 1. Never believe that it’s too late to befriend the PAC. This is my 18th term living in Waterloo and I’ve just reached the point where I wo.uld consider entering the PAC for reasons not academic or financial. . 2. Don’t be intimidated. I know the sinking feeling that sets in as you watch 40 trim, tanned students, all in perfectly coordinated aerobics outfits, beaming with pleasure as they bound up and down the staircase. Forget them. Give yourself a pat on the back for deciding to appear in public in your Grade 9 gym uniform. Slap on a grin and relish experiencing something totally new. 3. Think Yuppie! You can enjoy all the benefits that a ritzy health club could offer you and more. Membership allows you to book courts, enjoy a sauna, work out with weights, toss around a volleyball and a whole lot more. 4. Try out the PAC ,on your own! Your friends will never know you’re fighting PACaphobia. You can swim, check out the exercise bikes or try the rowing machines. There’s a bulletin board on the first floor of the PAC across from the Equipment Centre that has a list of people willing to play squash or badminton with you. There ARE beginners on the list. Give someone \ a call! 5. Try out the PAC with a friend! Phobias are more easily overcome with a strong source of emotional support backing you up. Invite a fellow PACaphobic to explore the facilities with you. 6; If you don’t know,’ ask! There are a limited number of those bright yellow brochures left in the C-R/Athletics office. To find the office, simply exit the Campus Centre from the doors by the Imprint office; head toward the back end of the PAC; enter the doors marked Red ‘North and go through the door on the far left marked Department of Athletics. The office is open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. The of-

. “I’ve never used the pool before. Could you tell me -how to go about it?“,’ the people who frequent the PAC can give you detailed explanations. Sound complicated? It doesn’t have to be. Just take a deep breath and Attack the PAC! You’ll be over your PACaphobia in no time at all.

fice is staffed by people who can answer all your questions about the activities and facilities the PAC houses. The brochure contains a map of the complex, which will help you find the equipment centre, the gyms, and more. 7. If it’s your first time using ‘the PAC - say so. If you say



New Club




by Mary Pat O’Conner ‘Badminton Club The UW Badminton Club was founded in the 1985 Winter term by Richard Pommainville and Dane Young. Its purpose was to provide court time and competition in a friendly atmosphere for the growing number of badminton enthusiasts on campus. Prior to its formation, the only time available for badminton was during open-time in the or Campus Recreation gyms, Badminton. It was felt, however, that these did not adequately meet the needs of many players. In order to play, you had to bring your own partner. As well, there was only one time slot a week specifically-for badminton, and this time was not always consistent. The w.orst problem, however, was obtaining a court. Unless you arrived early, your chances of getting a court in a reasonable amount of time were slim. Tending to ignore badminton etiquette, many people monopolized the courts. The club has solved many of these problems. We provide regular court times, currently Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to lo:30 p.m. and Saturday afternoons from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. Monday nights we play in the main gym, and at other times in the adjoining small gym (gym 3). Club members need not worry about bringing a partner as the club has developed its own court scheduling system that provides members with a variety of games and assured court rotation. As well as the obvious court advantages, the club holds social

events, about two a term, to allow members the opportunity to get to know one another. The club began with only a case of birdies and four nets donated by Campus Recreation. It _ now manages its own finances and has’ purchased a court schedule board and racquets for use by club members. Possible fu-, ture purchases include more racquets and a stringing kit. The club also sells T-shirts and golf shirts, with the university crest and club logo, to its members. . In past the club has sponsored clinics given by instructors from the Western Ontario Badminton Association (WOBA), an affiliate of the Ontario Badminton Association (OBA). The club has also sponsored members’ participation in Campus Recreation Badminton tournaments. The UW Badminton Club consists of members of all levels of ability from inexperienced beginners to advanced competitive players., some of ‘whom play for the varsity team. The club is a mixture of undergraduates, graduates and alumni, from a variety of disciplines. Currently we number about 110 members, only about a dozen of whom are women. This trend has been our only real disappointment to date. Club membership has grown at a steady rate, with numbers significantly exceeding expectations in past terms. Continued participation and encouragement have made the UW Badminton Club a great success. Come out and join us at any of our three allotted times. New members are always welcome.

B-ball playoffs by Charlotte Schwarzentruber Campus Recreation By now the basketball playoff positions will have been de‘tided, however this article was written last week and all comments are as of June 20. Walking Wounded continues to lead the A division with a record of 4-1, losing their first game by a mere nine points to Air Jordan. This was an important win for Air Jordan as it moves them into second spot. It was a spectacular evening for Derek Cornelius and Ed Cito who added 25 and 16 points re-


spectively to the Celtics five point victory over the Tornadoes. Leading the B division is the PAS Outs followed by Hooptown Rats, Panama Jacks and Dr. Jeds. Hooptown Rats and Panama Jacks are up against each other in the final game. Both have a record of 5-1 with a plus and minus difference of 19. Some hot shooters on the night of June 18 in the B division include Shaukato Fattah of the Coop Cloppus with 19 points. Both Dean Byers and Dan Rowe from Spurn of Moment had 20 in their win over Reluctant Gerbils.

C-R b-ball

by Paul Marchildon Campus Recreation After three weeks of competitive play;all four women’s basketball teams have had a chance to play each other. Larry’s Byrds and West B Oldtimers are on top with two wins and one loss each. Mech Magic and East Quad are not too far behind with one win and two losses each. The highlight game of the season so far had to be Larry’s Byrds vs. West B Oldtimers, June 3, when the Byrds out-shot the Oldtimers 32-27. The Campus Recreation all-star “picks” for that game were Karen Clarke and Lynn Parent (Byrds) and Trudy Mohrhardt and Sue Smith (Oldtimers). Season games will continue for two more weeksand playoffs begin July 8. Come on out on Tuesday evenings 7 to 8 p.m. to cheer on your favourite teams!



CLASSIFIEDs $60.00, wood top coffee tables $35.00, odd table chairs, mirrors, bulletin boards, pegboard panels. 8842806.

PERSONALS ATTENTION NERDS - Thank you for your great response to my last ad. Our first session of NERDS ANON will deal with dating NON-NERD WOMEN so give my anxious roomie, Fleur, a call for your first date. MOLSON’S WHITEWATER triathalon, Labor day weekend. Rafting, survival ball. 6 more team game, volley members required. $195 includes all food/equipment. Dave at 886-6657. DEAREST GWEN, I’m thinking of you - keep smiling. Love Lance. PARTIALLY REFORMED stage crew groupie needs an apartment for the fall/winter. Call 578-9225. If a cat answers, hang up. TOGA GIRLS! Thanks for the bizarre nite. Hope Teddy bear enjoyed chocolate cake and blow dry! Remember our international challenge match. We remembered . . . A.J. & Z. NODDY: SECOND one down - starttrig round three. Nothing can stop us, I hope you can see. From live jazz at brunch to all night 340. The shakers are wild, the baseball’is sporty. I’ll try to keep Grasby at minimum noise if you’ll just keep me smiling (and all the other boys). Love always Dotster.


SAILING-SURFBOARDING Conestoga Sailing School offers sailing and /or sailboarding instruction for adults (2 evenings per week for 3 week period). Sessions start June 9, July 1, July 22. Information and registration forms: Lorne Moor, 578,2784; Ian Macdonald, X-3596. CUSTOM DESIGNED Sweaters! Made to your specifications, in any material - cotton our specialty! Call Sandra at 884-9769 for vour sweater! BODY CHECK fitness appraisals. Make your summer great through fitness and weight loss programs. Personalized counselling and testing available. 884-6530. CLOWN HUGS: Trained clown will entertain at birthday parties, promotions, picnics or other special events: Balloon animals, face painting, active games. Reasonable rates. Phone 8886057. WILL DO light moving with a small truck. Also garbage hauled away. Call Jeff 884-2831.

FOR SALE BICYCLES: CUSTOM Marinoni for touring, Tri-Athlon Racing, Campagnolo parts at great prices, Tune-Ups and more. Call ATP sports 885-l 521. CYCLISTS! THE media is the message. Give your favourite motorist the word by ordering a “Pocket Pie” jersey. Call ATP Sports 885- 152 1. DISKS! $14.90/90X. Brand-Name disks, DS/DD Guaranteed! Single disks also available. Best prices on campus. Call Chip 884-9407. NEED COMPUTER hardware, software, or accessories? Whatever it is, we’ll get it! Call Chip for competitive prices! 884-9407. KEYBOARD, TECHNIQUES: 4octaves, 16 instrumentals, many features. .<Great sound! Very versatile, 7 months old. Worth $1350. Sell $975. Negotiable. 886-5517. j b LOTUS ELAN, 1968 S3 Coupe, excellent condition, must sell now. Offer please. Call Andrew at 7444400 ext. 41, or 579-0737. LEATHER JACKET (UW) size 46 too big for me and hardly worn. Best offer accepted. Call Patrick 886-6578. SHARP PC-1500 Pocket computer and CE-150 printer/plotter. Excellent condition. Best offer for both. Call 886-2643. EXPO? B.C.? Two one-way airline tickets. Vancouver to Toronto. Saturday, Sept. 6 - arrive T.O. at 4:15 pm. One male/one female. $250 each or both for $480. Call 746-0534 or 8867556. COFFEE TABLE bevelled glass top










WANTED: SEMEN Donors for artificial insemination programme in the area. Donors must be healthy and responsible. Kindly contact Dr. N. Assad, 695 Coronation Blvd., Cambridge, Ont. NlR 7J9 ROOMATES TO find a place together for fall work term in Tiverton area (BNPD). I have a few available places. Call Patrick at 886-6578.

HAVE YOU ever been sexually harassed? If so, we want to interview you as part of a serious academic research study being conducted by a woman professor. All interviews to be confidential. Phone Sheila at Ext. 3457 any morning Monday through Friday to arrange an interview appointment.


BLACK “LORUS” 576-3629.



pm., CC 135.




MEDIC ALERT BRACELET in men’s locker room in the PAC. Phone Edward Bulman 888-7250.

WORD PROCESSING Letter quality output, disk storage, professional documents: Essays, Theses, Reports, Resumes & Technical Typing. Specialty (math symbols). Call 749-l 662. UNIVERSITY GRADUATE (English, German & Spanish) Fast * Professional * Reliable - Near University. Will pick up and deliver - $1 .OO per double spaced page. Call Suzanne 886-3857. 25 YEARS experience - 75c per page double spaced. Westmount area. Call 743-3342. TYPING 30 years experience. 75c double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb area. Call Doris 886-7153. PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Essays, term papers, theses etc. Fast, accurate and dependable service. $1 per double spaced page, call 886-4347 (Sonia 1. UNIVERSITY GRADUATE(English and


LONDON. SUBLET June to September room in large house, 1, one s 1OO/month/ 105-l Wharncliffe Rd. N. Phone 743-7514 or London 4322037.



MASS every Sunday at St. Jerome’s, 930 a.m. and 1 1:30 p.m. CHAPEL service at St. Paul’s United College, 1l:OO a.m. Communion 1St Sunday of each month. Rev. Dr. Tom York conducting. HOMER WATSON GALLERY - Discovering the Natural Voice. A workshop by Brent Titcomb. $6 in advance. 894- 1890. ANGLICAN CAMPUS MINISTRY:




APARTMENT WANTED Female student seeks bachelor ($150/mo.) or two-bedroom apt. to share ($300/mo.) for fall/winter. Please call Cindy at 578-9225. THREE PEOPLE looking to share or lease a townhouse for the September to April term - furnished or unfurnished. Call Deb at 746-0563.




CINEMA GRATIS: Campus Centre 9:30 p.m. Free! Yonge Street, and MASK. HURON CAMPUS MINISTRY fellowWesley ship. Wednesdays 5 p.m. Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. EVENING PRAYER and sermon. Conrad Grebel College, 4:45 p.m. BOMBSHELTER - open 7:00 p.m. to 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre. THE WOMEN’S CENTRE and the Federation present “A Matter of Choice” as part of our continuing series. This film explores the crime of rape through the effects it has on the victim. Everyone Welcome. 12:30 p.m. cc 110 ROCK AND ROLL Seminar. Multi-media presentation by Mitch Smith. No admission charged, sponsored by Maranatha Christian Club. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: 1:30 - 8:00 pm. St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 317 Franklin St. N., Kitchener. Quota 325:



BOMBSHELTER - Open 12:00 noon to 1 :OO a.m. Campus Centre. LOIS KUNKEL of Project North will speak on the effects of militarization in Northern Canada on Native communities. 7:30 pm., CC 135. Admission is free. All are welcome. STUDENT GERONTOLOGY ASSOCIATION: Attention all F.G.A. members: Summer Bar B-Q to be held in Kitchener, 3:00 - 9:00 pm. Come &enjoy some burgers and see the film “Grace Quigley” starring Katherine Hepburn & Nick Nolte. Please call Helen, ext. 2468 for information. MITCH SMITH speaking on Christianity. Mitch is a pastor from Pennsylvania. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Club. All welcome. Also on July 4 and 5 at 7:30 pm. in EL 207.



Eastwood. 8:00 p.m., Physics 145. EVERY FRIDAY night at 9:00 p.m., the aquatics staff will be holding “The Big . Splash”, a night of Water fun for those who like doing more than swimming. WORKSHOP at the Homer Watson Gallery on Salt Glaze Techniques and a Firing. Runs July 4, 5 and 6 and continueson the 18,19 and 20. Phone 894-l 890 for more information.. BOMBSHELTER - open 1200 noon to 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre. 9.B.Q every Friday afternoon of the term. Come and enjoy some burgs in the sun.



FED FLICKS: Pa/e Rider, starring Clint Eastwood. 8:00 p.m., Physics 145. BOMBSHELTER - open 7:00 p.m. to 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre




INFORMAL Worship with discussion following. 700 p.m., Conrad Grebel College. Every Second Sunday of term. MASS every Sunday at St. Jerome’s, 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. CHAPEL service at St. Paul’s United College, 1l:OO a.m. Communion 1 st Sunday of each month. Rev. Dr. Tom York conducting. SERMON, given by Gerald Vandezande of Citizens for Public Justice; “From Personal Commitment to Public Confession” at 7 pm. at Conrad Grebel. CPJ is a Christian group dedicated to acting for social justice. Discussion to follow sermon.







CINEMA GRATIS: Campus Centre 9:30 p.m. Free! Dangling Participle, and Eating Raoul. WATSFIC (Waterloo Science Fiction Club) meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. in CC 1389. HURON CAMPUS ministry fellowship Wednesdays 5 p.m. Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. EVENING-PRAYER and sermon. Conrad Grebel College, 4:45_p.m. BOMBSHELTER - open 7:00 p.m. to 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre. THEMAS: Informal discussion 5:30 CC 1389. Communication between faculties is the objective.




BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: 1O:OO a.m. to FED FLICKS: Pale Rider, starring


CAPITALISM: The cure for racism (audiotape) and “Socialism=Fascism” (videotape) sponsored by the Students of Objectivism. Free admission, all welcome. LIVING WITH CANCER Group Meeting. 7:30 - 8:30 pm. at the Adult Re-’ creation Centre, 185 King St. S., Waterloo. Practical guidance and information provided.

Thursday Monday



4:00 p.m. at Campus Centre UW. A 5-DAY WORKSHOP at the Homer Watson Gallery: Re-drawing the Canadian Landscape by Tom Dubicanac. 894- 1890. UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO YOUNG LIBERALS - General meeting, CC 138, 7:30 pm. All welcome




HOMER WATSON GALLERY: Of Rivers and Streams - paintings and sculpture by Anne Roberts and Karen Fletcher. Open daily lo:30 to 5:30 and 7 - 9 pm. Closed Mondays. 8941890.





Latin) available for word processing of resumes, work reports, term papers, letters to employers. Editing available. Personal computer and letter-quality printer. Disk storage for efficient revisions and multiple copies. Draft copies optional. Phone Judv. 886-1648. TYPING; $1 .OO per double spaced page, close to University - MSA Call Karen 746-0631. SAME DAY word processing. Fast (24hour turn-around, if you book ahead). Close (near Seagram Stadium), dependable. s 1 per double-spaced page. Resumes $3 per page. Draft copy always provided. Phone 885-l 353.

Eucha,rist Sunday at 10:00 am., St. Bede’s Chapel, Renison College.


FED FLICKS: Volunteers, starring John Candy and Tom Hanks. 8:00 urn., Phvsics 145. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT at 900 pm., the aquatics staff will be holding “The Big Splash”, a night of water fun for those who like doing more than swimming. STEVE HALLfrom Tempe Arizona will be speaking on the fundamentals of Christianity. Sponsored by the Maranatha Christan Fellowship. SOME LIKE IT HOT! And hot is how things will be tonight at Fed Hall!. “High ’80s” will heat things up and tickle your funny bone as well. Be there at 8 om. The Temperature tonight in Fed Hall should reach the “HIGH ’80s” as Upstage Productions presents the highlight of the summer’s entertainment. 8 om. at Fed Hall. See vou there!! THE HERITAGE RESOURCES CENTRE (U of W) is offering a series of3 field trips for children and seniors to local natural and cultural heritage areas. For information, call Carol or Mark at 885-l 211 Exts. 3942 or 3066.



Imprint, Friday June 27,1986

BOMBSHELTER - open noon to 1:00 a.m. Free Video Movie TBA.


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