Services to be cut in wake of fee ban e: &:**:. Cr
G p r i n t etaff
New- housing underway t*,
Wodc W W h Ihe Waterloo, Cooperative ~esidenceInc. apartment buildings @bove$rmdthe university's North Campus townhouse project is going well, say oraanEzer8. WCRI is expectinn ail unitsto be completed for fall occupancy. Not all , "
Waterloo students can probably expect service cuts as early a s this term as result of a recent provincial government decision to outlay certain auxiliary fees. The university was expecting a revenue reduction as the computer fee ban comes into effect this term, however on April 24 the provincial government announced further fee bans on items such as student I.D. cards, library cards, and lab fees. The UW administration is concerned over the revenues that will be lost because of the ban. The school was budgeting for a total reduction in revenue of $1.8 million due to the loss of the controversial computer fee. With the new fee bans, however, the university expects to lose a further $2.7 million in revenue. Students registering this sprjng will not be charqed with the extra fees, but will be charged a new tuition surtax [five percent) which wasgranted by the Liberalgovernment to helpuniversities compensate for the fee bans. The Federation of Students announced it is pleased with t h government ban. The group is currently trying to obtain agovern-, meat decision on the lenalitv of CO-OP fees, which are expected to ‘ / more than double et uw in-the nexi few wears.
"-UW-healthcare to be reduced 10%Students at the University of W a t e ~ will h be paying 10 per ceni less this year for medical coverage under UW's Supplementary Health Insurance Man. The reduction, approved April 10,was arranged between the Federation of Students, the Gradueta Student AasoCietiun,the universi. ty's personnel depaPtmsnt and Mutual Life, the holder of UW'e insurance policies. Under the terms of the arrangement, undwgraduate students wit1 pay about $13.18 per term for the srtgplemmtary covera down from $14.84 last year. Ca-og studsntbwiH pay -sximate~$24.7D per term, a reduction ofS.75from l b t year's-27.45. Also included i n theagmcmfent i s t h e e l ~ n a t i o ~ the$25 of deductible charge for claims made fqr extended health cambenefits. Stuup to 6 Q ~ ~ eof neii@de t expenses dents will continue b -ver under this section of the plau; Federation President Ted Cadton said the p n p o d waa made to the insurance company based on figdetermined by a Toronto consulting grou "We're really gappy because we're increasing the service and students are paying re&," said Carlton.
Fourth-year Engineers raise r funds for local disabled people
I 5'
for tL past year, fourth-year %&$acwring students at the Uni-.2yof Waterloo have been $&iiagmoneyhelp disabledper,. 'Phrough the sale of t-shirts W d ~ e d t e r s ,a fund raising
W b , a barbecueraffle, and a lotons, says student
,money raised has r sixh things as a
hydraulic lift for UW's s w m ming pool, and campus ramps. This year the students decidedto split the money between two organizations in Waterloo Region: (1) The Central Ontario Development Riding Association, and (2) Waterloopublic library: CODRA works with children and young adults with physical disabilities, making it possible for them to ride horses. Not only do they enjoy the experience immensely, they get some amount of physiotherapy from it (to some extent tbe riding simulates
walkmg). The UW students are spending $3,000 for a VHS camera, monitor, and related equipment, which therapists can use to monitor the CODRA children as they ride; they then can recommend ways to usethe horses tomaximize theravv. The second project involves $2,000 to the public library for "talking handicapped pects this wil qualify for a of tripIe that
Welcoma back to campus
Inside: M e t #mdelxtpoll. ............ Rae a
mew Federation exec ..........Rae 8
...................... Rae 4 ........... m e '7 mm8Wna8 hterdew.. .........pace 9 Hip Happednga 18 -. .....................pa8s 18
Soviet poll reveals studehts unhappy USSR (ISIS) - Four thousand people, mainly full-time university and college students, responded as Smena [a popular Soviet youth magazine with a circulation of 1,200,OOO) offered its readers a questionnaire. Sociologist Viktor Perevedentsev, Ph.D. (Economics) analyzed their answe’rs to draw a sociological portrait of the student of today. As of last year, departments of Soviet universifies and colleges had a total enrollment of 2.8 miilion. The average student age is 18 to 24. People from every social stratum are among the full-time students (who constitute over a half of the USSR’s university and college students), with a - high percentage from professional family backgrounds. REAL ADVANTAGE AGAINST FORMAL OPPORTUNITIES
Most parents want their children to get an education at least as good as their own. To ensure this, many hire private tutors for their young ones. This is one of the main reasons why the professionals’ social stratum largely reproduces itself. Another important reason is that young people residing in the city where the university or college is situated have better enrollment opportunities than young people living in other cities, because of a shortage of dormitory facilities. Some measures have already been taken to bridge the opportunities gap. Industrial factories send some of their young workers to college on scholarships higher than the ordinary state ones. There are also full-
time preparatory courses at institutions of higher learning, with priority admissions going to young industrial workers and farmers. Good progress at the course means enrollment in the college of university in question without entrance exams. WHAT
The SMena poll showed that the three main requirements the students want their future jobs to meet are to be morally satisfying (77 per cent of the polled), highly useful socially (52 per cent) and well paid [also 52 per cent). Paradoxically, only two in 100 mentioned “the opportunity to become a leader, a manage?, even though many of the polled are school activists with leadership experience. Ariother alarming contradiction revealed by the poll is the gap between the above-mentioned three priority kequirements and the students’ ideas of their professional prospects. One can hardly expect people who are not< satisfied with ‘their job choice to find their future employment “morally satisfying”. But only 64 in 100 said they would choose the same profession if they were to choose again. The fact that so many were unhappy with their selection is attributable to the poor idea the young people had of their own abilities and of the profession they chose, and also to their parents’ erratic guidance. (The poll showed that family played a great roll in career choice). BETTER
CREATIVE OPPORTUNITIES WOULD BE PREFERABLE Many of the polled noted they ‘would prefer an occupation which would vield better P& with many creative opportunirties. The fact that professionals (especially engineers) are paid comparatively little has caused a fall in the prestige of higher education in this country in the past few years, revealing itself in the swift decrease in applications for admission, especially at technical colleges. The situation should change for the better because engineers’ salaries will see an average 30 to 35 per cent rise in 1987, depending on individual performance and qu’alification rating. (Grants for highly efficient workers will also be set up).
and become unable to do any decision-making on their own or act responsibly in the future. The students’ high interest in
* Gardner nam.ed dean of graduate studies c
Prof. James S. (Jim) Gardner has been appointed dean of graduate studies at the University of Waterloo, He will serve a fiveJuly 1. . year ter-m beginning Gardner is a geography professor; his research interests include glaciology and geomorphology, environmental ’ hazards and geographic education. He has been a UW faculty member for 14 years. He succeeds Dr, Horst Lei-
Students’ intense interest in their future salaries seems to be partly attributable to their inability to live on the 40 to 50 rouble monthly grant and to the resulting dependence on their parents. (Most students live with their parents and usually get more from the family budget than they contribute. Most of those living away from home receive material support from their families). A draft higher and secondary specialized education reform provides for a rise in scholarships. Material dependence on the family is not as harmless as it may seem. The young eventually develop the habit of dependency .
S17.W Rent pewmonth (Based on 3 Mos. Rent&l)
12 CUR. $2wcl rent per month based on 3 MOB.Rental
Daxiby Compact Student
x&t per mofith (basedon3mosrentaJ)
AXR. . c(mDITroNERs r
1 _
$99. for the term
$ Z4mO0per month
pholz, a civil engineering professor who ended his term as graduate dean late last year because of illness; currently, Dr. , Lynn Watt, an electrical engi, neering prbfessor and former grad dean, is filling .t he post on a Lpro tern basis, As dean of graduate studies, . Gardner will oversee graduate I programs across the university band will serve on senate, the uni+versity’s executive council and I its management board. As well, * he will chair the graduate coun* cil of senate and the library com. mittee. ’ Born in Edmonton, Gardner completed his first degree at the University of Alberta and did ’ his graduate work at McGill, ’ where he was awarded a Ph.D, in 1968. He taught at the University of Iowa prior to returning to Canada. He has served on many committees and councils of the university. He has also served as associate dean of the faculty of environmental studies. At the moment he is adviser on interdisciplinary programs to the vice-president, academic. Gardner is highly regarded as a teacher; in 1979, he received U W’s “distinguished teat her” award.
Wa8her =From 25.00 rent per month Dryer - mm 20.00 rent per month ( zy%k:,
FREEZERS 68cuft.$20.00 cu.ft.m.00 -.
their future salary is indicative of their desire to gain economic independence rather than an excessive lave of money.
0 I
rules anger-WA
by Alan Vmderhoak Imprint staff
Racine, to be arbitrary and discriminatory* “It’s ridiculous,” fumed one student, who requested anonymity. “The superin“Between a rock and a hard place*’ is tendent issues re-check notices for offenwhere manager Werner Reidel finds himces as minor as a soap-film on bathroom self on the issue of cleanliness at the unitiles, but ignores complaints over broken versity-owned Married Students appliances and fixtukes. We are expected Apartments. to scrape dust off baseboards with a knife Students living in MA are unhappy and keep -mirrors and tiles shiny and with the procedures used to assess and spotless regardless of other priorities, remedy sub-standard levels of cleanlisuch as exams” ness. The lease agreement, signed by all Students are also upset over comments MSA occupants, states that the tenant allegedly made by Racine to the effect “will maintain the apartment in a state of. that he is easier on people whom he ordinary cleanliness during the term of I knows personally. Discriminatory re;’ the tenancy.” The lease also provides 1 marks were also attributed to manager management the right to inspect any Reidei, who reportedly told tenants that apartment, on 24 hours notice, if it beforeign-born students, composing some lieves conditions are conducive to insect 50 per cent of the building’s occupants, infestation. are less fussy about dirt and cockroaches But some occupants consider the judgthan are Canadian-born students. ments, applied by superintendent Phil Reidel vehemently denied these accu-
Optometry ,studies new leiw Contact lens researchers at thei University of Waterloo are stud-’ ying new contact lens materials’ and .designs, soon to come on the: market. “These new contact lenses, which include both the soft and rigid varieties, are made from. highly oxygen-permeable mate- I rials,” says Dr. Gina Sorbara, optometrist in charge of UW’s Contact Lens Service. She, Dr. Desmond Fonn, and a number of. other researchers and clinicians from the School of Optometry, ’ are involved, They are seeking five groups of volunteer subjects, about 25 in each group, who will be fitted I with the ne.w lenses and who I will return regularly for a period of three months of aftercare. “We will look very carefully, for any changes in the eye; we want to confirm that these -new : lenses are in every way satisfactory,” says Sorbara. She notes the lenses have already been approved by the Health Governing Board, in Can-
ada, and by the Food and Drug Administration, in the United States. The UW studies are expected provide further evidence as to the safety and satisfaction of the new materials and designs. According to Fonn, one of the g&permeable hard lenses they will be using is noteworthy in that it permits a much greater amount ofoxygen to penetrate to eye tissue than is the case with present gas-permeable lenses. A concern of eye care specialists is that contact lenses reduce the supply of oxygen to the lens of the eye; this is one reason why contact lenses have traditionally had to be removed overnight+ and it is also a matter of concern in connection with extendedwear lenses. Sorbara in particular is going to look at a new soft contact lens that doesn’t pick up protein,. lipids, calcium deposits, etc., during wear, to the extent that previous soft lenses have done. It should be easier to-keep these
New Fed executive &elected for %7-W The Federation of Students has announced its new executive 1987-88. The following is a list of who to blame if something wrong:
for goes .
Pregident - Ted Carlton Vice-president (operations and finance) - Andrew Abouchar Vice-president (university affairs) - Lisa Skinner Board of Entertainment chairpersons - Greg Krebs and Fames Ahraham 3osrd of Communications chairperson - Dave Farwell Athletic Commissioner - Shane Carmichael Board of External Liaison chairperson r Darreb Meister Internal Liaison Vice-commissioner - Mark Hovey Internal Liaison Commissioner - Adam Chamberlain International Students’ Board chairperson - Eric Choi Board of Academic Affairs chairperson - Tim Jackson Women’s Commissioner - Wendy Rinella
sations. “I told students that persons from fareign countries often have different standards,” he said. “There are many places in the world where a certain level of sanitation, including the presence of cockroaches, is #considered normal and even inevitable. I am in a tough position in that we consider it necessary to eliminate pests from the premises+ yet don’t want to harass the students who live here.” A tour of the premises provided a look at apartments considered acceptably clean, as well as others which were liberally coated in grime. Reidel said given the MSA’s policy of not requiring a damage deposit or last month’s rent, the only alternative is to maintain reasonable standards of sanitation in t~he units. “If people complain, then their standards are too low,” he said. “More than $10,000 is spent annually on pest control, and increases in those costs will inevitably be
lenses ciean. “It’s a new material that has been treatedin a way to make it resistant to deposits,“-she reports. Sorbara says some of the lenses to be studied are “potential” extended wear lenses “but we are only interested ‘ii their daily wear performance at this stage,” she says. *
included in future rental prices, which is something we all want to avoid.” Reidel said the biggest problems occur when tenants are vacating their apartments. “Often people leave a terrible mess behind, then corn lain bitterly when* we send them a bill %or $25 or $30 to cover the cost of cleaning the worst of the mess.” The tenancy agreement requires that students pay for cleaning and repairs beyond normal wear and tear. Of interest to tenants is the fact that MSA and other university residences are not bound by the Landlord-Tenant Act. Practices such as reserving apartments for students or married persons are discriminatory, and would ordinarily be prohibited by law. Reidel said that he would be happy to discuss problems with tenants, but . added that no changes are planned.
For a summer of fun join Imprint ’ cc 140 K-W BOOK STORE’ ‘a EXCHANGE
NSERC grants to UVjl reach $ I I hllion
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& Magazines
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The University of Waterloo . will receive $11,372,8t$4 in confirmed research grants. from the federal government’s Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (hSERC) this year. The NSERC grant year runs from April 1 through March 131, 1988. The corresponding figure for last year was , $10,873,0'58. NSERC is the largest single source of UW research funds. Though funds are up, there has been no allowance for the effects of inflation, UW research administrators note, neither in grants nor in .NSERC scholarships, fellowships, or stipends. The largest single grant to LJW this year will be $530,004, for the construction of a “clean room” for microchip fabrication, in the new Davis Centre, This grant is to Dr. David Ro.ulston, electrical engineering. Others include $4OO,OOO to UW’s Institute for Computer Research.
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Ted Carlton
Andrew Abouchar
A redly hot issue _ d
“There’s a general distrust out there we must heal. Idon’t ever remember
u time
a heyday
ridiculing all that is Christian.” - Jerry Falwell, chairman of the PTL Club, in response to the sex and money scandal currently rocketing the organization Now, I may not be an expert on matters religious, but it to me that groups like the PTLClub, the Moral Majority (which Falwe.ll also heads) and the 700 Club have very little to do with Christianity. In making such statements, Falwell is being very presumptuous. Television evangelistn is no more than a business - a very profitable business - and its ministers are no more than ’ actors. Despite the obvious incongruities of multi-million dollar conglomerates, headed by people who live in mansions and drive Rolls Royces, being labeled “caring,-loving Christian” organizations, many people are duped into supporting such ministries [thus the Rolls Royces). The recent revelations of wide-spread corruption within the PTL Club have opened many people’s eyes to these incongrui ties. And this is what has many TV evangelists worried. The cloud of suspiciori and doubt over the PTL Club has spread to cover the whole field of God&love-for-a-fee* religion. I, for one, think it’s been too long coming. Nothing is more preposterous than the concepts of religion espoused by the likes of Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, the nowdownfallen Jim Bakker (and Tammy] and the now-legendary Oral “the Lord’s a-comin’to take me home” Roberts. The list of these “holy men” is, unfortunately, almost unending - a tribute to the success of this totally legal form of raking in the big bucks without having to do much work, * The legality of this business, however, is purely by-thebook. Judged by ethical and traditional Christian standards, TV evangelists fare only slightly better than Hitler, Stalin, Marcos . . These holy rollers make their fortunes by preying on the guilt and.superstitions of the weak, the lonely and the elderly. Older people, who often spend many hours watching TV at home alone, are especially prone to the slick sales pitch offered by such charlatans, Once hooked, the viewers, many of whom live on low or fixed incomes, are led to believe eternal salvation will be assured if only they would “give til it hurts”, The revelations of the goings-on within PTL (and probably every other such organization] have made people aware that TV evangelists are no less sinful (probably more sinful] than the average viewer who is sending in his or her money. Under these circumstances, it’s no wonder that the public is growing more skeptical - no one wants to go where these spiritual leaders will be spending their eternal life, itls much too hot. seems
Steve Kandon
DEBUNKING: by Robert Day Imprint staff Feelirig a bit itin down lately? A tad sluggish? Various aches and pains that the family doctor can’t seem to deal with? No problem, pilgrim, we got just the thing to figure out what’s wrong with you,. won’t hurt a bit, I mean this is the greatest invention since wooden wheels. What we’re talking about here is iridology, the so-called science of. medical diagnosis from cursory, painless examination of the iris. Don’t ask questions, just sit up here on the table, look at the pretty eye chart ,and be impressed. Cash or charge? Given the increasing obsession with this particuiar money pit of quackery, it’s a little surprising that the concept of iridology has been around for well over a hundred years, inflicted on an unsuspecting public by one Dr. Ignatz von Peczely of Hungary. Rumor has it that, as a lad of ten, von Peczely accidentally broke the leg of an owl he was playing with and noticed that a black stripe immediately appeared on the bird’s iris. Over the next many years, von Peczely developed comprehensive charts of the iris and its relationship with various organs of the’body. (The image of the good doctor. systematically small parts of some unfortunate owl sticks in the imagination.. . but I am being ,unkind. Onward.) The idea here is that each of the genI iris is an indicator eral health of the organs on,its half of the body and a quali‘fied practitioner, with the proper charts, is capable of interpreting the appearance of the iris. The latest resurgence in iridology appears to be almost entirely due to Bernard Jensen, whose 1952 potboller The Science and Practice of Iridology is recognized as the authoritative work even
today. Another major proponent is Harri Wolf, who is the founder of the (American) National Iridology Research Foundation and the author of Applied Iridoiogy. Toget her, these two individuals can generate ’ enough technical pseudo-scientific verbiage to choke a (fjll in your choice of large mammal here]. So where does the science of iridology start to fall apart? Not being content to just attempt a medical rationale for iridology, Wolf demonstrates his abysmal lack of logic by trying to justify his pet science from, of all things, an evolutionary point of -hew. According to Wolf, is it not reasonable. that ‘f. . . through some.. . evolutionary process . . . the human body would be equipped with EI metering device functioning as a gauge in regard to the health of the individual?” What Wolf fails to appreciate is the utter uselessness of a “metering device” that is not accessible to the individual’and must be inspected by someone else, a metering device that is only comprehensible when accompanied by one ,of at least nineteen distinct iridology charts now in existen& and, most of all, a meterthat is almost ing device certainly of no use to an owl that wouldn’t know an iridology chart from the sports page* Both Jensen and Wolf are fond of bombarding their readers with medical jargon *‘cervical ganglion”, like “sympathetic nervous system” and “neuro-optic reflex’*, this last term referring to the hypothetical connection linking areas of the iris with the appropriate organs. Jensen’s tome contains several diagrams of the optic nerve, the / optic chiasm and other relevant areas of the brain and nervous system, while completely glossing over the . rather significant fact that there is no evidence that any fibers from the optic nerve even make a connection’with
have it
the iris and that, according to the Nobel Prize-winning work of Hubel and Weisel, the optic nerve (at least in mammals) is essentially an afferent pathway, meaning that sigpals travel from the eye to the brain, not in the reverse direction. Another ipidologist, in a misguided effort to outdo Jensen for the “most-boneheaded-hypothesis-of-thedecade” award, even suggested an extra level of communication in which damage to the iris would be reflected in a “removal of function” for the corresponding organ, which makes me wonder why the unfortunate souls who accidentally lose an eye don’t fall over dead from total, catastrophic collapse of one half of their body. In a desperate attempt to salvage some respectability, Jensen mentions a wellknown clinical technique called fundus examination which isan accepted test used by opthalmologists as an indicator of arterial circulation. ,Jensen fo,lIows this up without explaining the legitimate research lends any support whatsoever to his rhalf-baked theories, a ntechnique popularized by Bernard Gittelson in his ’ hyping of biorhythms (as some readers may recall from a previous column - see what happens when you don’t pay attention?] I When all else fails, of course, there is always the standard last line of defence that the proponents of iridology share with their pseudoscientific bedfellows, the astrologers - ‘it works. And even when tests at the‘Univecsity of Melbourne and UCSD show this claim to be a total fabrication, Jensen pulls out ‘his ace in the hole by stating, “Many times the conditions revealed in the iris today will not be apparent in the body for years to come, but time will inevitably show the analysis to be correcf .*’ How can you lose?
Imttnre IGLCGI3
rnllet l U31
ha 1JG
t\lnaF) rypa4
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double spaced \
at the editor’s d&w&ion. All m&8ri&l in sU@ct to editing.
Can old actors do no wrong- in U.S. To the editor, Can old actors America? .
do no wrong
In Control, a recent TV drama, a group of ordinary citizens are duped into thinking they are under nuclear attack. In a panic, they destroy public property and injure themselves - some seriously. However, it is all okay when Burt Lancaster expIains that he engineered the situation to dramatize the danger of nuclear war and to shock people out of their complacency. Meanwhile, in Kingston penitentiary, a young woman may have been watching the show. Ann Hanson is in prison for life because she tried to dramatide threats to human life. Before governments of Canada and the U.S. released their findings on
A Different
the causal role of pornography in violence against women, Ann ‘did property damage .to a sex video store in an effort to alert the public to this threat. And before Chernobyl, Ann did damage to Litton Industries, a factory suspected of manufactgring defective nuclear parts. Despite precautions, some people were hurt. She explained that her intention‘ was to save lives. I don’t agree with what Ann Hapson did or with what Burt Lancaster did. 8ut I’m struck by the difference in the way they are treated. Maybe if’? not what you do, but who you are that matters in this country. Is the difference between terrorism and heroism only a matter of sex and age? Ann Hodgins Environmental
How many have to die? by Chris Gerrard Imprint staff
(a pseudonym)
“What do you want to do something like that for?!” That was the response of the mother of a friend of mine when my friend, Barb, said that she wanted to do s’ome volunlteer work for the AIDS Committee of iToronto. As Barb related to me oyer lunch, her mother “freaked out” over the though of gay people, and could not understand why anyone would want to volunteer for “that sort of t hi&‘. . I guess that is an opinion shared by many people. Certainly not too many of our governments are taking this too seriously. After all, it’s just a few “gays” that are dying, so who cares, right? The whole attitude of the Canadian government to the AIDS issue seems rather bland and uncaring. Canada spent far less than the $7 million there are about 15 to 20 independent research studies underway, all taking a different approach ,to the problem, and none of them talking to each other very much. Certainly there is no coordinated effort. Canadian health officials are “pidling around”, according to Phil Shaw of the AIDS Committee of Toronto, in the typically Canadian way - advancements are not expected to come from Canada, but rather the States or France, so why really try? It is as if the Canadian government is denying the existence of AIDS as a problem, Health researchers do not have the funding available to them to do as much as they must. Yet just this past week, the government announced that there has been 1,000 cases of *AIDS in Canada, 498 of which are still alive. In the U.S., the numbers are approximately 40 times Canadian statistics. AIDS is not just a “gay disease” anymore [not that it ever really was - it started in heterosexual Africa), and everyone is at risk. One very major problem is that this health issue is at odds with the conservative tenet. It involves spending a lot of money, and it involves gay people. Jake Epp, federal health minister, the man who should be leading a fight agains AIDS into the battle field of research, is a Manitoba Mennonite, and not at all comfopitable with having to deal with this whole issue. This is reflected in the federal goverriments flustered dealings with AIDS. As well, AZT, a drug that has been allowed administration to AIDS patients in the United States, improving their quality of life and prolonging their lives, is still not approved by Canada’s ministry of health. And, the pharmisutical company that produces AZT is threatening to stop supplying it to Canadian research studies unless it is, approved as a prescription drug. So here we are with health officials that are dragging their’ feet,: and turning a blind eye to the needs of all of us. We have got to let the government know that we are worried about AIDS, and it i-s time to put more money and effort into finding a cure. If you think that this is just a gay issue, or that it is not going to affect you, you are wrong. AIDS is not just something happening on the Castro in San Francisco - it is here, and it is killing people. It’s time all of us took my friend’s example, if not just to stand up and be counted and say, “I want to do something about this.” Talk to your MP, MPP, and the federal and provincial health ministers. Let them know they are not doing enough.
They have injustice in commoti If you’re not too busy, then take some time today to find out about how petiple in other parts of the world are doing. The following accounts are not in any way special or unusual. Please read the accounts carefully and try to deFermine what these people have in common. IRINA RATUSHINSKAYA is a young Soviet physicist and poet. She w,as arrested in Kiev in 1982, and convicted of contributing articles to an unofficial workers’ bulletin and of writing poetry critical of the USSR. She was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment and internal exile for “anti-soviet agitation and propaganda”. PANAYIOTIS SPETSIOTIS is a young man living in Cyprus. he was sentenced in May, 1985 to 16 months imprisonment, after refusing otieligious groun’ds to perform military service. There ‘is no provision for conscientiousobjection to military service under the’ law in Cyprus. DEAN SIMON FARISANJ is a reverend in the Lutheran Church in South Africa. He has been arrested and tortured several times over the last few years, simply because-he has called for the abolition of apartheid. he was most recently arrested on November ~2, 1986 and put into solitary confinement, by the same thugs who had previously tortured him. What these people have in common is that they haven’t committed anything we’d consider crimes, and that they have never used or advocated violence. Instead they have all been punished for exercising rights that we take for granted in Canada. They are being mistreated by the very governments whose job it is to protect them. They are ‘Prisoners of Conscience’.
What these people also have in common is that they were ‘adopted’ by the human rights organization Amnesty International, that members of Amnesty International from around the world wrote letters of protest on their behalf to their governments, and that they are now free. Other Prisoners of Conscience aren’t as lucky. MOHAMED BACHIR ZNAGUI is a Morroccan. He was arrested in August 1974, brought to trial in 1977, and is now serving a 22 year prigon term. He has never used or advocated violence. His only ‘crime’ appears to have been that he was a member of a political group not approved of by the government. He has been tortured while in detention. KOSTADIN KALMAKOV is a 56 year-old electro-technician from Bulgaria. He was arrested in March, 1982 for protesting the imprisonment of Bulgarian conscientious objectors. He was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for “anti-state propaganda”. He has apparently been ill-treated in prison. PARK CHONC-CHOL was a student activist in South Korea. He had taken part in anti-government demonstrations, had been arrested before in 1985 and 1986. This year he was again picked up for questioning, was tortured during his interrogation, and died in police custody on January 14, 1987. He was 21, Events like these are barbaric and deplorable, but seem far away and out of our control. They aren’t! You can make a big difference in pressuring governments around the world to stop mistreatng their citizens, and in helping those ‘people) who are being mistreated. If you want to “do something about it” then contact Amnesty
International. This organization works on behalf of prisoners like the ones mentioned earlier. It is making q difference - for example, in January 1987 Amnesty International learned of the release of 179 of the prisoners it had adopted or whose cases it was investigating. There are however many thousands of other Prisoners of ‘Conscience who couldn’t be helped because Amnesty International is as yet lacking the resources to investi-’ gate all the known cases. Research ii carried out at the organization’s international bureau in London, England where a staff of 150 people work on sifting through vast amounts of information to confirm reports of human rights abuses. s Amnesty International members get Prisoner of Conscience released by publicising their cases in the news media of the world, and by writing letters [often many thousands of them for one case) to- the people in government responsible for the prisoners’ punishment. Amnesty Internationalis also an outspoken opponent of the use of torture and the death-penalty upon any prisoners, whatever their crime. There is a very active campus group which was formed one and a half years ago and which could use your help. It won’t take much w maybe an hour of your time or a few dollars per week are enough The campus group meets weekly in the Campus Centre. Meeting times are posted in the WPIRG Community Calendar. The first meeting of the summer term will be on May 6th+ 1987 in the Campus Centre. For more information call Angie (743-9667) or Wilf (746-0364). Amriesty International and the Prisioners of Conscience could use your help!
Soviet student looking to establish ‘Peace Belt DUSHANBE, USSR [ISIS] - In late’ 1986, Munira Nabiyeva, a college student from Dushanbe [the capital of Tajikistan, one of the ‘15 republics of the USSR) proposed proclaiming the 39th parallel a “Peace Belt”. Her message was published in iocal youth papers, the Tajik-language Komsomoli Tojikiston and the Russian-language Komsomolets Tajikstana. Murina, who studies at the Tajik Institute of Russian language and Literature, is keen on ‘geography. The fact that Dushanbe and Washington are practically on the same latitude gave her the idea of connecting them and all cities, towns and villages situated along the 39th parallel [which, apart from the USSR and the US, runs through Iran, Turkey, Gree‘ce, Italy,
Spain, Portugal,
Japan, Korea and China], with an imaginary line - the Peace Belt. “I address you, the young, why not run a Peace Belt around this planet? Why not have it on the maps, just as we have the Greenwich meridian or the equator now?” Munira writes. In her plan the young in the countries, cities, and villages along the Peace Belt would make a dedicated effort to work forpeace, demonstrating that the arms race and the looming threat of global nuclear war is incompatible with everyone’s aspirat ions, “The young are this planet’s’ future, and they are entitled to being confident in the future,” she notes. Munira believes the first Peace Belt will be joined by more and more similar belts. “Wi must
do it right away, we have no time to spare,” she, writes addressing the young. The two newspapers’ editorial offices invited Tajikistan’s
young people to voice their o\pin- Komsomdi Tojikieton and Kom-
ion on Munira
Mabi eva’s propi!rom foreign countries are also invited to voice theirs. The address of the
OSak Ytxltili;~ple
somolets Tajikirtaaa editorial offices is Sviridenko Street, 66, Dushanbe, Tajik SSR, 734025, USSR.
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Winter term rev~iew:, .“,:,n ;I .. Mulroney
visit wag’the
by Terri Shewfdt Imprint staff
As usual the winter term was a busy one at Waterloo. The term’s top -news story was the visit on March 4 of Prime Minister Brian
Defence Minister Perrin Beatty;, noted Canadian journaIist Gwynne Dyer; Dr. Stuart Smith, former leader of Ontario Liberal Party, and current chairman of the Science Council of Can’ada, and noted debunker Henry Cor-
enthusiastically welcomed by most students although groups such as the AntiCruise Missile group did protest his visit. Other high profile visitors to the university last term included;
-r-_-L ---_ Last term, the Federation of Students held cult awareness, alcohol awareness, and arts and technology weeks, participated in the Ontario Federation of Student’s taskforce on the future of education, and as well held a co- - “ m r
of the term
- -
NEED.S News writers Sports writers .Arts writers Photographers Proof=readks Ad. assistants Paste-tip artists NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY
PM Man Mulroney and wife Mtta enter Needles . Halt during Mar. 4 vtstt
Noted Canadian joumattst Gwynne Dyer spoke about world terrdtism on campus Jan. 20
op fee forum to investigate the increasing co-up fees. Imprint investigative reporter Cindy Long discovered a scandal on campus in the custodial union, uncovering allegations of sexual discrimination, harassment and election rigging. A new fraternity, Phi Delta Theta, popped up on campus amidst controversy over Federation recognition of fraternities and sororities. The Feds, who are concekned about recognizing a group which apparently discriminates on the basis of sex, have decided to hold a referendum on the issue sometime next term.
The Federation of Student, election, held last February, proved to be a competitive event with more than a dozen candidates running for the three top executive positions. Voter turnout was apathetic as usual in the election which saw Ted Carelton elected president, Andrew Abouchar elected vice-presidint (operations and finance) and Lisa Skinner elected vice-president (university affairs). Also approved in the election was a Fed fee referendum+ increasing fees paid to the Federatien’of Students by $3.50 per person per term to allow for reduced Federation debt and increased services.
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“There’s far more eqe@y put into it than the.oM hmcl”
Fuzztones talk at (great) length by Tim Perlich Imprint staff This is very likely the first time the mail service could be found guilty of being too efficient. Consequently, my error-riddled prkview of The Fuzztones’ April Fools show at Waterloo’s City Hotel found its way into the hands of the band well before they arrived in town. Time enough, on the lonesome highway, for an intense h~ate to geetate, and still hours left over to plot a horrible death. Bad news really does travel fast. “Hey dude,” shouted a near jovial Elliott Lefko sporting his new Fuzztones spring line, “good to see ya on your home turf.” “Yeah, grtreat to see ya,” I replied. in a mock show-biz styler befitting his position as almost-king of Toronto “Was it you who wrote promoters. the Fuzztones preview in the Imprint?” “Uh huh,” I nodded hesitantly, knowing full well it contained some erroneous pronouncements about Deb O’Nair still being with the band and saying it was “anyone’s guess whom the drummer might be” when, as I would soon discover, Mike Czekaj had been in the band with Rudi for more than a year. “The urn . . . band wants to talk’to you,” replied Elliott in his ‘solemn’ voice which he hadn’t had cause to invoke since 11~1 on the night of the previous Lyres gig at the Bamboo with vocalist Jeff Conolly still nowhere in sight. As we walked through the labyrinth of doors and stairs to the hive of buzzing Fuzztones, I used every passing second to develop and think through alternate ,ploys and excuses should the truth fail. “This is Tim, the guy that did the write-up,” Elliott tossed in, half expecting an erruption at any moment. There was no reaction. With back to the wall I stepped forward surveying the room. Everyone continued with what they were doing except drummer Mike Czekaj whose death stalk gaze fixed on me from under his sweaty clump of hair and never left during my entire presence. “Your write-up was full of lies,” scowled Rudi Protrudi facing away, fumbling with one of his harmonicas. “I know+ I’m sorry about that,” I admitted, preparing for the worst. “You mean you did it on purpose?” Screamed Protrudi from across the room. “No, I just wrote what I knew to be true about the group. I wasn’t aware of the line-up changes until Thursday while talking to Elliott - by then the paper had already been sent out to be printed.*’ “O.K., what about this Lonely Sort Of Death shit and the different tracks? That was a boot-leg y’know. Live In Europe is a lot better - it wasn’t recorded with a fucking handheld mikel “Yes, I realize that but I thought that the beal Fuzztones fans, the Cult of Fuzz types, who might already own1 Lonely Sort Of Death should be made aware
of any
“But does anybody own it?” “I do . . . and I’m from Waterloo.” (at this point I realized that it was probably a good idea not to bring the Lonely Sort Of Death record jacket along with me to be signed.) ’ “Well, if you’re a member of the Cult of Fuzz, then you should’ve known about the line-up changes from the Fuzz Buzz ?newsletter!” 1. ’ r._ -*
“I dent eyes The ’ was
am a member but I’ve never been any newsletters. (Rudi rolls his in disbelief) Really, I haven’t! only thing I’ve ever been sent a letter containing two tour . posters, no return address, post-
marked “San
‘San Bernadind’.
Bernadino? What the fuck is We’re based in L.A.!” Interjects from a distanf
Jordan (guitarist] corner. “Your fucking
lost man,” offers ’ Mike (drummer] in his own charmingly maniacal way, stare still unshaken. “I guess we’ll let you live”, considered Rudi with a noticeably forced grin, “it seems like your intentions were good.”
Tim: Should we start break-up of the original Rudi:
with the Fuzztones?
Rudi: That’s a part of it I guess, she’s settled now. She has a boyfriend and I think they’re going to have a baby. Michael h?s a girlfriend and they’re gonna get married and pretty much give up rock ‘n’ roll and live out the American Dream; So we went out .there andit took two and a half weeks to get this whole band together. I had just gotten a deal to put out Live In Europe in German and the guy asked us if we could B o a tour - it was right after our first rehearsal. I said “O.K.” and just a chance that we could get it together in two months, So the band’s only been together now for months. We were together for; two months, went to Europe, did the tour: 28 shows in 30 days. I believe it was nine countries. We haven’t even played in America yet. We’re gonna do 11 shows in Canada and then come back and make our debut in L.A.
‘Tim: Well, how about the begining of The Fuzztones? When did you first, meet up with Deb O’Nair? Jordan: When heh, heh
we first
to L.A.
Rudi: Why don’t you just do the int.erview with Jordan. (silence . . . Rudi begins playing harmonica) Tim:
Did you meet Deb in New
Tim: Have you been concentrating on your own material in the shows or is it the Link Wray and the other stuff you usually like to cover?
photo by Tiin Perlich
Rlidi Protrudi “If you’re interested in doing an interview, I’d like to get all of the facts straight. Is there going to be time between sets?” Rudi’s &yes narrow once again. “Between sets? Who told you we were doing two? This band has only been together for a couple of months! We’re doing one and that’s it!” “We could do it right now, that is, if there’s still time left before you go on.” “Yeah, we co.uld do it now,” decided Rudi, I haven’t had my whiskey yet and for what they’re paying us, we’ll go on when we want to go on.”
Back upstairs to pick up my recorder, I took a wrong turn and got lost in the kitchen. Fortunately a passing staffer sketched out a map and I descended into the den once more. Elliott was seated at the table while Rudi had returned to his tour bag. As I took a seat he whispered “y’know how it is with-‘Monoman’ and his shades, well with The Fuzztones it% hair.” The spent cans of hair-spray confirmed his observation. “I heard that,” Protrudi shouted as “don’t believe anyhe swung ‘round, thing Elliott tells you!” “Are you ready to do the interview?” “Sure, go ahead.” ,,.-.n,*I”r.I”n..L...~“I.~‘“-‘“*
Rudi: No, the Link thing was a side project that me and Mike put together ‘cause we were really bored with the ‘no win’ situation of trying to get The Fuzztones back together in New York City. We did that merely to amuse ourselves but we played a couple of shows and people really liked it. So we came here (Canada] and did that little tour and went down to Boston and surrounding areas. Just before we moved to L.A. we recorded two albums worth.of material as Link Protrudi and the J-Men which is going to come out on the same German label as Live In Europe (Music Maniac Records, Marktgasse 17, 7400 Tubingen, West Germany). We have.a couple of new originals that we’ll be playing tonight [One called Heathen Set and a killer with a Farmer John&h chorus called Nine Months Later. . . dedicated, this evening to Deb O’Nair), but we tried to put together a set that was more or less a compilation that we think people would like to hear from us . . . since The Fuzztones haven’t played together in a year and a half.
Rudi: No, I took her from Harrisburg to New York with me. We formed our first band Tina Peel, together, Deb and I. When Tina Peel broke up we started The Fuzztones. We played as The Fuzztones for about five years. \After the European tour (1985) the band broke up. We went for a year and a hatf doing nothing, trying real hard to get the band together, Deb, Michael (Jay) and myself. We spent a couple of months auditioning drummers, including famous drummers, from really b.ig bands until we hit on Mike (Czekaj). The four of us tried to get The Fuzztones back together’for about a year without any luck. Finally we just gave up and Mike and I went to Los Angeles to try and reform the band. The other two -weren’t interested in reforming. Deb had Das Furlines by that time and that’s all she wants to do now. Tim;
Ah yes, the travelling
Tim: you
been happening between Records owner J.D.
and Midnight
Martignon? He’s going to put out the American version of l&e In Elirope which is actually going to be this band. It’s gonna be Live In Europe ‘87 with stuff from the recent tour. After that I doubt that we’ll be doing anything ,more with him because, really, his budget is just too low to handle what we’re doing now. I mean’ we did so much better in Europe. There’s really no reason to deal with small indies anymore. Audi:
Tim: I’ve heard that Deja Voodoo -were fed up with J.D. and Midnight because they still have yet to see any money from their distribution deal.
Rudi: You have to go to him and ’ ’ ’ discuss it with him. Either that or you have to get Michael, over there, really drunk and then sick him on J.D., then it’s very easy to get your money, In fact, that’s what we’re going to do to Elliott at the end of this tour.
Rudi: (laughs) Yeah, I played her all that Monks stuff. . . they were the greatest. I just got a video of three of their songs, it’s wild!* Tim: Do you think that moving to L.A. had anything to do with Deb and I I ~-Michael leaving , the I : . band? . I
from pr8viaw
pa* that everyday is sheer torture. I don? know how anyone could stand living there anymore. They’ve practically given the city over to the element and they can do anything they want. They can walk up to you and take your money in broad daylight or if you’re walking with your girlfriend they might come up and start feeling her up right there. .
Mike: Now wait a minute, 1 know you’re the writer hut what the heI1 do your readers want to know about J.D.? 1 mean , . . &ally! Tim: bly -the like and
Most people reading this probaknow that the Fuzztones are on Midnight label and they might to know what’s’going on with J.D. The Fuzztones.
Jordan: It’s only good for people with tons of money or people with no money at all.
Jordan: (mystically) Maybe they’d like to know what goes on inside the mind of MIKE CZEKAJ! .
Rudi: People haven’t seen you guys yet so they don’t want to know things ,about you. They’ve gotta see you first.
It’s just
a horrible
Tim: The Fuzztones ‘off the beaten path’ stuff Iike the Calico Living Sickness for spend a lot of time to obscurities?
Mike: (derisively) Yeah, but J.D.? . . . Like what is the relationship between Rudi Protrudi and, J.D,? . . . Let me ‘tell ;;us;,mething, ro,ck writers are gorng Where s Lester Bangs when &; *need him? . . . Where’s . . . never mind. (Rudi begins playing ‘Taps’ on his harmonica. which seems to have a miraculous soothing effect on Czekaj)
place to live.
cover some fairly sixties garage Wall’s I’m a example. Do you at home listening
Rudi: We all have different tastes in this band. Sure, I listen to some obscure sixties stuff but I like blues and old fifties things even more, especially jerry Lee, Bo Diddley, and Esquerita. You’d have to ask everybody what they like because everyone is totally different - it’s really a conglomeration. Guys in this band like The MC5 and The Stooges, You’ll
Tim: How did the Screamin’ Jay/Fuzztones association come about?
late Watchband. Everybody says how these bands should “get modern” and “try something new”. What’s new? pick up a synthesizer? Everyone has that! How many people have e Vox guitar? How many people wear their hair like us? If you compare the garage movement to what’s out there now, it’s like a pinpoint on the ass of an elephant - it’s really an absurd comparison. I think people are threatened by it. Maybe they think long hair will come back or maybe people will start gettin’ wild again, maybe Oh they’ll be ’ . . OUT OF CONTROL! oh, better watch that; better make sure everybody’s exactly alike! Tim: About VOX equipment, there are some bands who use VOX amps because they are ‘VOX’ for authenticity sake even though certain models are notorious for shitty sound, flimsy cabinets and constant breakdowns. Rudi: Admittedly, we used VOX amps for a long time and we did have a lot of problems with them so we don’t use them anymore. We use VOX guitars occasionally. I use a Vox guitar. Tim: Where come from? specific.
did the idea for Ward The lyrics seem fairly
I l
+. .
Rudi: The& this bar that’s about two blocks from CBGB’s and it’s a hang-out for derelicts and stuff. I used to go there and get drunk before C.B. sh&vs because no one could afford-the beer at C.B.‘s. One night I was there gettin’ drunk and there was this old black guy in the corner, drunk out of his mind singing all this wild shit about eating people, y’know. I kinda recognized his voice, that deep, booming voice, so I looked over at him and thought to myself, “man, that looks like Screamin’ Jay Hawkins!” I went over to him and asked him and he said he was. .He stood u and started into I Put A Spell On ? ou and everybodyfin the bar went nuts. I asked him if he-wanted to do a record because, y’know, he wasn’t doin’ anything and he said ‘sure’. So we arranged for a live show with The Fuzztones where he would make a guest appearance. We learned two songs in advance but he didn’t rehearse with us - he just showed up at the show and did the two songs. They went over really well so he just kept on going. On that record (Screamid Jay Hewkins with The Fulrztones [Midnight)), the other two songs were made up on the spot, we had no idea he was going to do them. I recorded it, luckily, gave it to J’D, and he put it out. I’m still in contact with Jay; He lives in L.A. now. Jordan: He’s got himself grey Cadillac , . ,
Rudi: Yep, they’re all over the floor. Tim:
a big shiny
Rudi: Yeah (laughing), and he goes out with, like, %-year-old white girls! He’s doin’ really well now, at least he appears to be. Tim: It seems like everyone’s moving out of New York to L.A. now. Apparently one of the reasons Lux and Ivy of The Cramps moved was because they didn’t want to deal with the street scum anymore. Rudi: New York is really dangerous. It’s also a pain in the ass to live there ‘cause for one thing it’s too expensive. The weather is either freezing cold or unbelievably hot. The yuppies are all movin”in so you can’t possibly afford to live there, the prices have all been jacked up. There’s so many junkies and criminals allowed to roam the streets and harass the hell out of you ..l..-.--*‘-~---~~--.---
the guys rubbing did that happen?
Rudi: Believe it or not, they were the guys who delivered the pizza! (uproarious laughter from al1 except Mike Czekaj whose evil gaze remains unmoved) Seriously! We were playin this thing’ shooting the video and they go, “shoooot, we got a band,” So I asked what their name was and they said “Run-DMC” and I thought that was about the dumbest name that I had ever heard. We asked them if they wanted to be in the video and they said “yes”, so we put ‘em in. There’s lots of people from the garage scene in the video too: a guy from The Blacklight Chameleons, a guy from The Tryfles, and one from The Outta Place. Place
Place and
Tim: What was the reason behind The Morlocks break up? Jordan: We were all great friends but everyone got real lazy and refused to get jobs. There was no money. We were borrowing cash to get the bus to rehearsal. It was just getting impossible,
Audi: Wow , . that’s a tough one. It’s a good question though - io one has ever asked me that. Hmm . + . how did that Screamin’ J . . ’ D. Martignon . . . Hawkins thing . . . Do you remember that story Jordan? in the bowery
Rudi: If you watch the video, there’s scene with two of the guys from Run-DMC in it.
Jordan: Yeah, The Outta The Morloc ks,
really dangerous”
It all began
Tim: You were in The Outta weren’t you Jordan?
“New York is
Rudi: But they were weren’t they?
all on drugs
Jordan: No, nothing heavy - just pot, but a few of the guys had gotten to the point where if they didn’t-have pot, all they would do in rehearsals was call around on the phone until they could find some. Another problem was that the singer had a really big ego. He thought he should be attended to. He also thought Atlantic was going to be giving him a contract any day so he didn’t have to get a job or do anything (chuckles).
“We gave Run-DMC their first break” photo by Tim Ferlich
Fuzztones at the City Hotel
hear a lot of that influence now. The sound has changed from before, it’s harder than it was before. It’s still very ’60s oriented but there’s a sharper edge and far more energy put in to it than the. old band. Tim: It was in an interview in Lost Myunde I think, that Rich Coffee said that one of the reasons The Unclaimed broke up was because he wanted to cover some MC5 material. Rudi: (laughs) I 6eard that too! That’s right and Shelley (Ganz) was only into beihg exactly like a sixties band. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just not what we do. I used to really like going to see The Chesterfield Kings when they were an exact copy of The Chocolate Watchband. They were great then but I don’t like them very much anymore ‘cause now they don’t know who they are. Then, at least you knew .tihat they were, there was no other band like them. They were exactly like seeing The Watchband. Unfortunately they began listening to the press and the press kept saying “Oh, well, this is nothing but a cover band . . . retro . . . blah’ blah, blah . . .” The thing is, it was very new to everyone who.watched them play because I really doubt if anyone in their audience ever saw The Choco-
Rudi: (pauses) Well, uh, yeah. We had .a problem in the family and I had to, uh, visit mental institutions all the time. The song was pretty much an observation - the stuff I saw while I was there. Tim: The video for Ward 81 has a strangely dark quality to it, did you have a hand in it’s production? Rudi: Yes. It was shot in a mental institution which was closed . . . without them knowing about. it. (smiles deviously) Tim: You’re kidding, sneak in at night?
Rudi: (nods) We just broke went in, and shot it.
Tim: What about the other members of the band, which groups did they Rudi: You already know that our lead guitarist Jordan Tarlow played with The Outta Place and The Morlocks, Mike Czekaj he’s from . . . uh . . . where are you from? Mike:
It’s anybody’s
Rudi: He showed up on my doorstep and he said, “Stop the search! I am the new Fuzztones drummer!” And y’know, I c*ould tell he was because his attitude was right. We never even listened to him. There’s this guy over here, John Car!, he’s the bass player from a big, famous New York City band called The Speedies and Jason Savall plays organ and he used to be Sparks’ roadie. That’s it, time to empty the main vein.
did you do, into it,
Tim: That’s wild! -Did you shoot entirely yourselves?
Rudi: No, Michael Jay’s brother Andy, Andy Christiansen produced it. He wanted to do a video of and I thought it was the most expressive song. Evervthinn in the video is real, In fact, “we g&e Run-DMC their first break, before they got to be famous.
Imprint Arts! cc 140
by Don Kudo Imprint staff You hear the music, you come, to visit . . . Our minds will cure,, our bodies . . . , were the words of’ the sultry intro to the Parts Found In Sea,show at Kitchener’s Level 21 last Friday (April 24). Openning with the song The Forest, from their release of last fall, Can See The Forest, the Toronto Queen Street faves performed before an appreciative yet unmoved - a8 in motionless - audience. . While the band’s hazy laid’ back sound on vinyl wotild have suited Friday night’s atmosphere at the Level, the group’s stage presentation gave a much different insight into this band. Parts Found In Sea’s two EPs. and their recent .album release. would indicate that this band.
was comfortable in the studio producing interesting and often: intimate songs. However, the. live version of the Partds is muchi .more forceful, particularly lead. singer Steve Cowal. Cowal, with his Jaggeresque . movements, made up for his ad-. mitted off par vocal performance. by his active, yet oh-so-cool, stage antics. His attempt to urge’ more than blank stares from the Level dwellers with his energetic approach was unfortunately un- ’ heeded. The steady bass work of Frank Lippai and the timely crashing drum poundings of Steve Biggs gave a greater depth to the Parts music, while the increased volume and fine sound-system complemented David Cowal’s innovative guitar delivery. Openning Friday night’s affair was Brantford’s Scott Brad-
shaw. Though only a few songs were witnessed, Bradshaw with acoustic guitar in hand, gave little credence to other Brantford boys, Scott Merritt or Wayne Gretzky. Level 21 is making a comeback as the club in town, with a live new music format to compliment its crucial dance tunes reputation. Tonight, for those of you back in town prior to Monday’s line-ups, and “How was your workterm?” small talk, you can catch First Man Over with guests The Hunting Party. London thrashers Black Donnellys and Condo Christ take on the Level on May 9, and rumour has U.I.C. returning for a late May date- before they venture out West. Stay tuned to this section (see Hip Happenings) for more information on the underground action upstairs at the Mayfair Hotel.
verse set of hard-funk; and young swing.
Though a hundred bodies checked through the turnstile Sunday night (April 261, the Princess Theatre never felt full. But the lacking physical presence was overshadowed by the enthusiasm of the partisan crowd who came to see Big Monkey Du and Line One. The opening act, Big Monkey Du, was a one-night fling for some old friends to play music which reflected their past days of jumping about dark, dank bars in the early ’80s and their present interest to .explore youthful jazz idioms. The tineup of Wally Jericho (Paul Wicks - trumpet, cornet, and an array of electronic gadgets), Harvey Dangerous (Geoffrey Bennett drums), Ted Scarf (Kip - guitar and throat), Ward Darlington (Mark Willms - keyboards), Biff Todd (David Willms - guitar), and Doctor Kleine (Andy Kleine - saxes) presented a diPm-
the strangest animal
Line One says cheese by Peter Lawson Imprint staff
by joha Zachariah Imprint staff Thee popular music gods have not been smiling on progressive rock (or its fans) in the eighties. Drowned in a tidal wave of dance-oriented crystalline synth-pop, bands like Yes, ELP, and Marillion have attracted only the old faithful or the morbidly curious, but no large or significant new folldwing. Others have survived through adaptation; Genesis, who were Collinized at the beginning of the decade, now rule the Top 40, while their former headman Peter Gabriel foists his bland brand of yuppie funk on a receptive public. However, progressive rock, pure, unadulterated, pompo’us art rock seems to have been squelched in today’s pop Music milieu. SO why is Larry Gowan, who appeared at the Centre in the Square last Sunday [April 26) and who has art-rock sensibility to burn, such a (relative) SUCcess? Both his last recordand his current one are doing wonder.fully well on the charts, being gobbled up by Canadian music fans everywhere. The answer
lies in the difference between what those fans hear on disc and what they hear on stage. Recorded, Gowan’s nifty amalgam of pop and progressive comes on like pleasant, harmless synthrock. On stage, though, Gowan prances, preens and poses to the delight of screaming teenage girls as his bands rips through about an hour’s blizzard of the most stagey, pompous, prog!essive rock noise imaginable. To be fair, Cosmetics (definitely his ‘best song) was handled well. And, to his credit, Gowan does work hard, jumping around as he does; the man seems to have boundless energy, which paid off during an intense rendering of Strange Animal. Other than these two high points ,though, the shoti was a loud, indistinguishable roar. As for the Spoons, their destiny in the music business seems to be as an opening act, Aside from
33 Uniwmty Waterloch
pop, rock,
Back Students!
14 INCH $59
Large WliH
which bust.s from a punctuated riff to a swinging funk. As the sound impp6ued iti the second, Though -Borne of their musical set, the audience response grew moments slipped into the vastmore dynamic. The punchy Un ness of the average, their irrever. I . Marceau Pour MarceIl which ent stage manner checked any flows between punctuated beats possibility that they would be and racy jive and the pushy Such taken too seriousIy. They had Fun which highlighted interplay come out for a good time, and between the musicians were the they achieved it. audience’s picks of the night. When Mr. *Blackbourn was After one vear (and a bit) with asked to reflect on Line One’s a new name”[ex-eood Food) and year, he responded that the a new bass player, Line One has ’ past direction has changed. Today made noticeable movement, and the group focuses on the arranfor those patrons who lasted gements and moves as a large inthrough the two sets of Line On& strument through their songs they were rewarded with music with trimmed solos. well balanced between emotion After a year of growth, there is much to be appreciated in tine and technique. The current band One’s sound. There, now, exists consists of Ted Blackbourti(keya need to develop more freedom boards), Mike Calich (tenor sax), of interplay bet ween players. Dale Marcel1 and Bill Hancock But existing as a hobby, the res(drums and percussion], Karl trktion of available practice Stevenson (bass), and Terry time is unfortunately a formidaMacli (guitar). ble hurdle. The band bounced through Line One is scheduled to pertheir crowd soothing favourites form a concert in the Sounds of like the bold strut, Calico Hips, Summer - stay tuned. and Mr. Hancock’s Groove
TEL: 746-4111
iented sound, nothing has changed here. Anyone who has heard them before (as most of you probably have od nouseom) didn’t miss a thing.
MCLVDES ~ rM1r fr-n
Mozzarella Chqese l d Pltll ClIMw
I : 1
: Fedsand : Imprint
i :
Zo-operate?.: Dm m Strange but true. Somem times even volunteeiorganiII zations can see their way I clear to, trying adventurem some new ideas that benefit I I everyone involved...
1 Case
in paint?
:I Clubs
I Page, a new ddvertising fea- I, : ture premiering in- Sep- m 1 tember. I potent
ads. All in one high- I ’ profile location. Week after I I 1 week. In black plus one 1 1 extra colour for unpreceI I dented visibility. m l v Imprint. The Feds. TWO
: great ideas - one great new D service. We like to call it the I happy medium. I
1 u I I
; 1 I I n
by Tim Perlich staff
Could it posssibly be true that the greatest “American ’60s garage punk” album was recorded in Klippan, Sweden in 19867 Enjoy The Creeps, the debut LP by the Swedish four-piece The Creeps, makes a convincing argument. As anygne in their mid-thirties will attest, the youth record, market of the sixties was oriented to y-inch singles. Putting but a hit 45 was the primary con-
by Don Kudo Imprint staff You gotta like Junior. He’s that &m-loving cat who always has something on the go. -,In tune to _ what’s happening, yet so offbeat that you’re amazed how he manages to survive. Just a hip hop-s pin’ around, Junior’s forever having fun. Less Art, More Pop! is Junior’s kind of music. The aptly titled album from the Edmonton based band, Jr. Gone Wild, is a rapid-fire attack of ’60s pop stylings. In amongst the the fifteen tracks, not only does the band deliver fine tinkling pop sounds a la the Bryds, but the occasional countrytwanging guitar and infectious bumpkin beat keeps ya bopp’in
,I B 8 *!i by Peter Lawson I Imprint staff I From the cafes of New York City, Pump Boys end Dinettes, a : broadway style show’ invaded I
Theatre on Apiil 2 4. Originally having its humble roots in a New York steakhouse, the show grew from the rambling songs of several dudes; Jim ‘-Wan; and Mark Hardwick, and was fused together with the ideas of Cass Morgan .and Debra Monk to create Pump Boys and Dinettes. The version ’ touring ’ Canada
until April
8 00 PM
Some of the evening highlights were the a cappeIla singing of Fisherman’s Prayer and Vacation which showed good voices, and the rockin’ numbers Drinkin’ Shoes and Mona. A real pleaser, Farmer Tan, was a parddy qf shoo-bop vocals which hailed the virtues of “tanned brown arms, white chest, and redneck”, a real winner at the beach. -- OccasianalIy a number like Mamow was a sappy yawn, .trying to be semi-serious in a light mannered production. After the intermission the cast conducted a raffle for an air
. Boppy tunes and standard show gags originated from ‘the Chartottetown Festival with elements, such as lighting and set design, from the Variety Theatre production. The cast consisted of Jamie Alcorn, Doug Balfour, Jodie Friesen, Randy Kempf, Robert Maciag, and Janet MacEwan. The show is akin to Broadway, . consisting mqstly of songs loosely strung together with whimsical banter. Jokes about the gas station - diner like “stop over, eat ‘n’ get gas” helped (somewhat) to brid e the songs which>.wre a bleti t of country’ rock, gosp.el, and* ‘blues.
freshner, and that is the moment when “I” infiltrated the show. (See accompanying evidence.) With ticket F-14 I went to stage to investigate the full impact of this production. Another example that Imprint goes to the extreme to drag out the story. Just call me Scoops.
cern of eyery teen band which iprotited (like so many weeds between cracks in the pavement from Maine to New Mexico) in those halcyon days of the vinyl mini. A select few,who‘managed to outlast obscurity and survive instant fame were granted the opportunity to cut an entire album. Of those, still fewer had the desire or the creative capacity required to come up with the IQ (or so) songs it took . . . you must remember that these groups generally consisted of 15 aad 16-year-olds and as nasty and colourful as their middleclass lives must have been there simply. wasn’t enough real life experience for them to draw on in writing meaningful, original songs. Thus, an album would usualiy contain the hit single as a selling point (any other singles
could be saved to sell future album’s) with the rest being filler in the form of group studio jams, written by producerssongs /manager and of course, covers. The Creeps, on the other hand, have put together an album of consistently brilliant and original (if anything can be termed ‘original’) examples of what has become known as “garage punk” - a genre defined by obvious rhyme schemes, overt paranoia, and three chord (not excluding one and two chord) structures played with a brutal primitivism that harks back to a time when fire was still thought to exist only as a natural phenoinenon. Here, enormqus Farfisa-fuelled hooks stand solidly beside a thickly fuzzed [and Gibratoed on ballads) guitar sound, coolly underplayed. Hey, where did that
about and gives the album that “down home” feeling. The songs on Less Art, More Pop! become so immediately familiar and friendly that you’ll certainly feel snug and cozy whenever Junior’s around. Day Of The First Snow is a song that basically states the song-writirig point of view of the band; with the lines, Sometimes it’s pretentious, when I use analogiesl’ve got something, an idea, something for you and meBut it’s simple, no lying, ond no analogies. The clever lyrics of the band separates their songs from being regarded as frivolous pop croonings as evidenced by Cosmos. This song is simply brillant. Poking fun at the intellectual, argumentative, know-it-all type of person, Junior sings, I don’t wannu go fishing, but $1like Carl Sagan, and even uses the word erudite! Everyone should know someone like Junior, Buy and listen to Less Art, More Pop!, and make Junior your friend. -
The production was lightly entertaining with its boppy tunes and standard show gags. The set harked’back to the late ‘SOS, early ’60s with large bright yellow wall-tiles and swivel bar stools. This set design won designer Judith Lee a Dora ward.
his x-rated
the week
25; 1987
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7. 8.
. : ....... Love Removal Machine (Limited 2-pack 12” single} ...... , ........................... Great Dirty World The Joshua Tree U2 ........................................ Closer Together The Box ................................... Midnight to Midnight Psychedelic Furs ....................... Husker Du ..................... Warehouse Songs and Stories ................................. .lnto the Fire Bryan Adams ....... Through the Lopking Glass Siouxsie and The Banshees
1. 2. 3. 4.
............................. Hood00 Gurus .................................... Hipsway ................................ Moe-Kaufman ...... Various Artists Soundtrack NE0 A4 ...........................................
on sales
at the Record University
- Athens,
Store, Campus of Waterloo
jazz piano break in Night Club come from? As the Nomads have shown us with their cover of The Lyres’ She Pays The Rent, the weaklink in Swedish garage has notoriously been the vocals. Not so for The Creeps. Robert Jelinek’s almost Texan wail, lying halfway between the fullness of Eric Burden and the grittiness of John Fogerty, is clearly the group’s forte. Check the harmonies on The Sonics’ Maintaining My Cool and the agonized screamthrough of My Baby She’s Gone. Jelinek’ devours each song he sings like a man going to the chair. All this and a brain-bustin’ instro leaves Enjoy The Creeps a fully blown head above any LP that came out in 1966 . . . talk about going out on a limb!
Blow Your Cool .The Honeythief .Moe-Mentum GA. - Inside/Out *Desire
Hip Happenings -. With TB very successful debut EP released earlier this year, former members of veteran indie band Kinetic Ideals come to K-W in their new band First Man Over, tonight at Level 21. Opening will be The Hunting Party. Continuing with the live Level action will be the Black Donnellys and Condo Christ show on May 9. This dynamic duo from Londinium will feature a close reincarnation of infamous thrashers October Crisis with lead throat Dan Ruuuudbal now a Donnelly, and guitarist Rick Barnes and bassist Johnny 0 presently thrashing around with the Condos. The London Underground continue their traffic thrtiugh K-W with the funky L.Mo.T.V.. See some scintillating southpawbass thundering on May 16 at Level 21. A8 promised, Vancouver’s Go Four 3 return to K-W riding high on their wonderful new release, Six Friends. This band’s shiny pop will be a fine introduction to summertime fun. They play Waterloo’s City Hotel May 9. It’s an Upside Down Production with tickets available at the C.C. record store, $4 advance and $5 at the door. On our very own campus, Fed Hall features the gyrating sounds of Higeway on May 8. Later in May, China Crisis graces the Fed Hall stage. The opening act will be the fine roots rockers Wednesdsy Week., a Don Dixon produced band. In Toronto, King Sunny Ade and his African Beats will be bringing the high life to RPM on May 12. Looking ahead to June, Adrian Sherwood brings Mark Stewart and Maffia into town. Go or die. .
lb -
by Peter Lawson Imprint staff Originally written and performed to honour the first anniversary of the death of Italian novelist Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873), Verdi’s Requiem Mass has a history equally theatric to the music of this great mass. The final section of Giuseppe Verdi’s (1813-1901) Requiem, Libera me, had been composed almost five years earlier to honour the renowned Italian Opera composer Gioacchino Rossini (17924868). In its original form the Libera me was to be included in a mass composed by 12 different composers and performed once to honour Rossini. The finagling of an impresario, who controlled all of the musicians required for the performance, toppled the attempt at this grand performance. Setting aside the Li bera me until the passing of Manzoni, Verdi completed his own complete mass and conducted the first performance in 1874. The work soon leaped to legendary status. Though the Kitchener-waterloo Philharmonic Choir production of this venerable music with the London Pro Musica on Good Friday [April 17) did not rocket to the heavens as a legendary it highlighted performance, some fine choral and solo singing and firm guidance under the direction of Howard Dyck. Burdened with the responsi-
vokce began to break early in the first half and broke on the high notes in the famous solo in the Dies Irae. He was the victim of a musical work which takes no prisoners. The bass voice of Joachim Umaran-Davila could best be describe as jowly: a graduate from the “Dief the Chief” school of vocal production. In spite of some of the soloists shortcomings, the audience at the Centre in the Square urere treated to a fine evening of Verdi. The next opportunity to hear the ’ choir is their Spring Sing on May. 8 at Centre in the Square. I
Imprint Arts
A Trip Maaan!
Stalin: Man of Contradiction by Kenneth NeilI Cameron NC Press Ltd., Toronto
bility of wielding a sizable orchestra and several hundred voices, maestro Dy’ck moved the orchestra through fine entries and the choir through cohesive section entries and precise diction. Beginning in the Requiem section+ the orchestra demonstrated restraint in a quiet and very together passage, and the full hushed choir pressed out each word crisply in the Sanctus section. Beyond the tiork of conductor, choir, and orchestra, much of the life blo-od of this theatrical music must be supplied by the soloists. For this p&forma&e renowned Canadian soloist Maureen Forrester sang the mezzo-soprano role, Katherine Johnson sang the soprano solos, Vincent Arnofie sang the tenor requirements, and Joachim Umaran-Davila sang the bass solos. The joy of hearing Ms. Forrester would always be welcome. Thougli singing the mezzo-soprano high notes pressed her own range, her veteran stage presence, which translated into unbridled passion, and her vocal colour moved the audience. Criticized for lacking vocal passion, soprano Katherine Johnson possesses a young tone which floats lightly, especially in her upper-range. Her duets with the contrasting voice of Ms. Forrester were splendid, and in the Libera me she manoeuvered the near impossible by slaying a soft high note - a gloriously eerie touch. The male soloist did not fare is well. Tenor Vincent Arnone’s
by Tom York This revisionist biography, written entirely from English sources and for the general reader is not as pro-Stalin as Henri Barbusse’s official biography Stalin or ‘Budu Svanidze’s My Uncle joseph Stalin, but it leans in that direction. Of Stalin’s treachery and paranoia, his extermination of the kulaks and purge of the Red Army, it says not a word. - “In making an evaluation of Stalin, we must first and foremost keep in mind that he was a Marxist’ and a proletarian le.ader; ’ and for Marxists and proletarian leaders, special standards of evaluation are needed.” These’ “special st andaids” have to do with Cameron’s conviction that “Stalin advanced the position of the world proletariat further than any person in history with the exception of Lenin,” that “in advancing the position of the world working class Stalin also advanced the position of humanity,” and that, therefore, “a new class of world leader has emerged, and Stalin is in its highest rank.” Cameron revises the standard picture of Stalin and Lenin as self-serving conspirators mad for power and driven by personal ambition. “The spirit in which these men met as essentially one of good comradeship, in spite of some differences between them.” Stalin favored a two-stage, Lenin a single-stage revolution. Stalin submitted to Lenin in 3917, but Lenin in 1921 [with the backward step of the New Economic Policy) was forced to
admit his error. Lenin’s views, and his self-criticism, remain orthodox, doctrine, but Stalin is given higher marks for having been right in the first place. Cameron distinguishes between Trotsky’s and Lenin’s versions fo Marxism - the permanen’t revolution (Trotsky) versus the dictatorship of the proletariat (Lenin). Stalin embraced Lenin’s ‘strategy, which involved a temporary alliance between the proletariat and the peasantry. Of Stalin’s punitive m/easures against the peasants, Cameron says next to nothing. His depiction of Stalin is entirely
ails ya!” . -DR. DISC
ST. W., &
172 KING
ST. W., .
nist state would have been worse. There new an Trotsky in 1917, favoring for his Stalin’s abuse of Lenin’s wife on the telephone. Telephones have always -been a favbred instrument in Stalin’s despotic rule (witness his famous telephone calls to Pastefnak, to Shostakovitch), but this interpretation of the power-struggle -in 1922 is novel. In some wavs Stalin: Man of
MAY 19th
UW skydivers
make first jump oheason
Reedy, Set Jump! by Kendra Duncan
doesn’t just plummet to the earth, he or she - uses -_ this time to turn, somersault and learn how On March 21, the University to control body maneuvers. Skyof Waterloo skydivers .made diving does not have to be an intheir first leap into 1987. Twenty dividugl sport, many jumps are daredevils got up their nerve, made in groups where formadrove out to the skydiving ortions are attempted. You’d be suganization of SWOOP in Grand 1 prised what can be done in the Bend, and actually made an inair while falling at 120 miles per tential jump out of an airplane. hour. These people not only admit to This summer, the University doing such a stunt but actually of Waterloo Skydiving Club is are proud of it! For half of the hoping to be busy with a memgroup it was their first “big step” bership of around 60 people. The but for others it was a chance to jump out of a plane “again”. The parachute jumps ranged from a height of 3,000 feet for first- time jumpers, to 9,500 feet for experience people (remember 1 miie is 5,225 ft.). Why jump so high? Well yes, the view is great and the houses do ?ook like cute toys, but the real reason for going way, way up is to experience free fall. Jumping out at 9,569 ft. allows a skydiver to fall for 50 seconds or ‘till the altimeter tells him it’s 2,200 ft., whichever comes first! During free fall, the skydiver
club offers a discount of $20 on the first jump course, transportation to Grand Bend, a discount on s’kydiving shirts and posters and skydiving movie entertainment. If you’re interested in helping with the club activities, please contact Liz Robles at 8868676. Skydiving is an exciting sport and if you’ve got some daredevil in you, or you just want to shock your parents, come out to SWOOP for a wild day of parachuting!
Important C-R dates !hhesday,
CRAC general 4:45 p.m. Grad ,House Thursday,
WarriorS, preparing for football- seaSon
Test out your talents with the Campus Recreation Colouring Contest this term! You could win one of many fabulous prizes mwa squash racquet, free intitructionai program; free recreational league entry fee, free fitness class or a free hour of ice time! Simply colour the front cover of the Campus Recreation Spring brochure and hand it in to the PAC receptionist by May 19.
Sailing meeting 6 p.m. cc110
As well, don’t forget about our club programs and Campus Ret There are 10 different clubs on campus this term -- everything from table tennis to skydiving! Watch for the organizational meeting for the club that ‘?nter&ts you. We offer both co-ret and competitive intramural sports dur-
- all welcome
*INSTRUCTORS Positions available for Certified Fitness Instructor, Golf, Tennis,. Skating and Squash Instructors
Life Guards and Instructors require current NLS or Bronze Cross and a First Aid Certificate (See Page 15 of Campus Recreation Brochure). Applications are due the first week of May Training dates start May irth, 1987 Applications are available at the PAC reception desk
club meeting
Final entry date 1 p.m. co-ret broomball non-contact hockey
Pool staff
applications due by 3 p.m.
Pr\rl/ Travel EURO fib
& BRITAN FOR 18-30’s
but not essential
Once ou have handed in your coloure B cartoon you can check out Campus R&s instructional rograms. We offer all levels of Pitness classes, squash and tennis lessons, social dance, St. John First Aid course, C.P.R., cycling for fitness, taichi and yoga. Columbia icefield is open for the summer. Cool off this term with skating lessons -- you can learn to skate, figure skate, power, skate or speed skate -- the choice I is yours! Instructional registration takes place May 11-13. Check the Spring brochure for specific registration dates and times.
club meeting
Badminton 6:30 p.m. CC113
ing the Spring term. Pick a sport, get a group of friends together to makeqa team and enter a league! Make sure you hand in your team lists to the P’AC receptionist by the specific dealine for each league. I
Sky diving 4:30 p.m. cc110
Spring dnto summer’ .with Campus Ret Muir
Locker registration Men: 830 a.m to 3 p.m. [red activity area) Women: 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (blue activity area)
There was a strong turn-out fir a football camp held on campus March 22-25. Coaches from teams in the U.S. Were recruited for the. .dinic to drill team members on the basics - an effort which is pxpected to help the team to a strong sea&n next fall.
by Deirdre
South Campus 888-48354
Yearround Hot4 Tours or Concept Tours for Europe on a budget (stay in Castles, Cabins, Chateaux and Camp Sites) Tours From 10 Days to 5 Weeks, Start In London, No Hidden Extras 18-30’s, Sing& or Couplss7-t - KY*.---: ---- VI r\c nh uwilr~~e: r x-c- -1 II165 cxper1erruz ,
Visit our Contiki representative, Laura Oakes, on hcation at Marlin Travel, May 7 &8,1987,10 AM. to 4 PM. & Receive a FREE Contiki T-Shirt with any new booking.
Karen Fletcher: 886- 1648.
Word Processing: Resumes, work reports, papers. University Graduate (English and Latin), experienced copy editor. P.C., letterqu lity printer. Advance bookings we Bcome. Judy, 886-l 648. Work heports Word Processed1 fast (24-hr. turnaround, if you book ahead). Close, (near Sea-, gram Stadium). Accurate (draftcopy provided). $1.15 per double spaced page. Phone 885-l 353. Resume8 Word Processed! Fast (if in by 6pm. you can proofread it the next day!) Close, (near Seagram Stadium). Accurate (draftcopy provided). $4 per page. Phone 885-l 353. 31 yeara experience.75 doubte spaced page. t6M Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-&b area. Cat1 Doris 886-7153. Fart, professional typing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Suzanne, 886-3857.
call Judy,
Will do light moving with a small truck. Also haul away rubbish: Call Jeff 884-2831.
AUDlTlONS FOR the newer than new, brighter than bright, cheaper than cheap comedy revue “Honest Fed’s Discount Comedy Ware!-touse”. 10 am.-1 pm., CC 110. Ptease no Gummi Bears allowed+
43 Blueridge Ave., Kitchen&. Wednesday,. May 6, 1987, 1:30 pm. through 890 pm.
AUDITIONS FOR the soon to be’. hit comedy revue “Honest Fed’s Discount Comedy Warehouse”. 6:00-900 pm., CC 110. Please no ferrets allowed.
KITCHENER-WATERLOO Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic. St. Francis Roman Catholic Church.
Hippies Wanted. To populate farm house, grow pot and other organic entities, indulge in extaordinarily ontological hedonism. Free housing. Paul, 885-0254. Large two bedroom downtstairs apartment in new house near UW. Private entrance. Indoor parking. No smoking. $400 per month incl. 746-3303.
FASS W.RITER’S Meeting. Yes, we’re already starting to put together FASS ‘88, and we want your help. Come out and have a good time, 700 pm., MC5158.
Toronto - Subway 4 stops away. Share 1 -bedroom basement apartment. Bathurst-Wilson, one block from Loblaws, banks, beer,liquor stores. $275 month, MayAugust. Mark, (416) 965-4259 work. 638-7572 home.
Dr. Piekoff’r taped lecture series Philosophy of Objectivism - offers a systematic presentation - from metaphysics to aesthetics - of the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Being offered this spring. Contact Martin Campbell at 884-4701 for further Z information.
AUDITIONS FOR the smash’ comedy revue “Honest Fed’s Disa count Comedy Warehouse”.7:30-l 0:30 pm., CC 110. Be there’ and be funny. ‘_
BEATLEMANIA - $10 adv., $13 at the door. 7:30, Bingeman Park. Tickets at the Park or Sam’s in Ki tchener.
Subjects for psych experiments. Sign up in P.A.S. 4217 or 4261 anytime. We’ll even pay you monevl
Are you human? Do you have eyes that function with or without glasses? Then we need you for psych experimentslf Pays about S4.00 for 30-50 minutes. Sign up in P.A.S. 4217 or 4261 anytime.
The Society for the prevention of c cruelty to BEMS reforms! dET we want you! (BEM: 6ug Eyed Monsd ters of Space}.
yet another one. Come 0; but a~. help create something wonderfgri. L, 7:86 pm.:’ hi@ B 158.
STORIES OF HOPE FROM LATiN AMERICA. How Canadians’ telegrammes and letters have helped victims of repression in Latin America. Sponsored by the K-W Latin American Support Group. (746-l 985 or 622-l 048). Erb Street Mennonite Church. 131 Erb Street West, Waterloo. 7:30 p.m.
Antique Radios anyone interested in some vintage tubes useful for restoring these babies call Mike, 886-2875.
FASS WRITER’S Meeting! We would like you to help put together FASS ‘88. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry - it’ll become a part of you.” 700 pm., HI+ ‘280 (notb the room change).
COME FLY WITH USI The Games MuSeurn, University of Waterloo, invites visitors to help build and fly a Giant Kite on Sunday, May. 17th, 2iOO-4:OO<pm. at Matthews Hall. Prizes, Contests, Bring-your 18 I Own Kite! Phbne 888-4424 and pre-register early. Individuals $1 $3.50. Yes, : .OO/FamiIies z. - .*.
FASS WRITER’S Meeting! Come on out and help create FASS 88’. 700 pm., HH280 (note the room change).
2 rooms for rent. Kanata, Ontario. 8200 per month. Kitchen privileges, laundry facilities. Non smoker. Telephone (613) 5923658.
Noon Tuesday
of the week of publication
Telephone ads are I&\ accepted. AU ads must be submitted in person at Imprint Centre 140. ’
Rates: CLASSIFIED: Students, 20 words for $1, 5@ for each aditional word. Non-students, 20 words for $3, 2% for each additional .word.
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_TORONTO - FEDBUS \ p-4.r jj?‘-Tf
‘The FEDBUS b Toronto departs 4:30 p.m. FRIDAYS fram the loading dock of the Math & Computer Building The FEDBUS r&urns from Toronto at 9:00 p.m. Sundays brn the parking bt of the Brewer’s Retan ~WS from Islington Station. ’
Tickets are available starting the Monday
beforein the Federationof Studentsoffice, CampusCentre235. .
STUDENTS’ COUNCIL SUMMER ELECTION i Nominations for Co-operative Representatives to Students’ Council open on MONDAY, MAY 4,1987 and close on MONDAY, MAY 11, 1987 to fill the . following vacancies: Engineering 2-scats Mathematics 2 seats Arts, 1 seat H.K.L.S. (both streams) . 1 seat Environmental Studies (both streams) 1 seat Nomination forms are available In the Federation Office (CC 235) and must be returned tQ that office no later than 4:30 p.m. on May 11. ’
ELECTION COMMITTEE Federation of Students Rooms 235, Campus Centre
up applications
in the Federation operator
*FED FLICK Workers
at the special
$117.00 Kitchener
-Transit Passes are on sale Monday, May 4 . to ’ Friday, May 8 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. -
Bring valid Student X.D. and K-W Transit Photo I.D. Card to,
Federation Office Campus Centre 235
(F Class Minimum)
l CfIIEF RETURFJING OFFICER for the Federation of Students’ Executive Please Federation
(student Positions
hand in resumes Office before
council elections) - Summer ‘87
to the May