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-Fuel spill leads to UWduck feverishly all through the day to remove the oily residue by Cindy Long from surface of the water. Imprint staff The spill was the result of an act of vandalism. Youths apparently managed to open the valves on storage tanks at Waterloo S-prings Co. and released the fuel. It may take weeks for Laurel Creek to recober from Waterloo Springs has agreed to pay the cost of clean-up. the 400 gallons of diesel fuel which poured into it July 12 An official from the MOE said he couldn’t say what from Waterloo Springs Co, on Phillip Street. surrounding, the The fuel entered storm hewers which open into the ~ the jmpect .-would be on .the wildlife creek, although marry ducks were covered in the fuel ‘creek a few metres downstream from the Health Serviand fish were? seen floating on the surface of the creek. ces building on campus. The city was notified of the During the afternoon following the spill, about 30 spill at about 1,O p.m. Sunday an_d in turn notified the concerned UW students collected oily ducks, too weak ministry of the environment. City clean-up crews were to fly or run away, and brought the,m to a site on the on the scene early the following,morning and worked
Fewer faculty-a by Steve Kennon Imprint staff UW’s faculty may be cut by IO per cent as administrators look for ways to reduce a $1 million operating deficit in the 1987-88 budget.
The proposal, presented for consideration by Vice-President (Academic) Tom Brzustowski, calls for faculty numbers to decrease solely through attrition, based on a formula that would see only one position filled for every two vacated, This measure
Grad students fa’ce huge fe;e increases ~acquie Imprint
GriHin staff
’ The University of Waterloo is slowly taking steps to deal with its $167,000 deficit. Although it will remain unchanged until the spring of ‘88, several ideas are currently being considered. One proposal is the increasein graduate student fees. These students pay a fee 13 per cent lower than that of undergrads, along with a $100 bursary every term to compensate for 12 months of payments. The proposed idea would be to remove these benefits thus acquiring $200 to 300 per student annually. With 6ome 1,300 to 1,400 graduate students currently registered here, the additional revenue would go a long way to help alleviate the deficit, says the university’s administration. Federation of Students President Ted Carlton cites problems with the proposgl. Carlton said the quality of grad students is crucial to UW. Recruiting these grad students therefore is an im-
portant task for the university. If an increase in fees may turn some of these individuals away, then it is simply not worth it. Jim Gardner, UW’s newly appointed Dean of GrPaduate Studies, takes a similar stance, Gardner ‘said that to maintain the quality of graduate students one must maintain incentives. Although Gardner said the quality of professors and of the program itself are of primary importance to the majority of individuals choosing a graduate program, there can still be other intangible effects generated by such an increase. The principle of the situation could possibly generate “bad will” toward the university‘s approach to graduate students. It could possibly then be the deciding factor, wheti potential grad students are choosing between similar programs. Gardner estimated the retienues would also be insignificant in a $140 million budget, For the risk the university may be taking, he said the move may not be a positive one.
was Dart of a deficit-reducing prop&al made to the faculti deans and department chairmen. The money saved in faculty salaries would be applied to improving the resources, such as teaching assistants and lab equipment, available to faculty members, states an administration report, “Given the prospects of very limited improvements in base funding . . . the only way to improve support infrastructure for faculty seems to be to decrease faculty numbers by attrition, and use some of the resources freed up in this process to provide better support for those who remain. “The long-term target is a faculty complement of 725 supported from the base operating budget. This is about 10 per cent less than the present number, and would take us back to the faculty numbers of the 1970s.” The idea has been met with a mixed-bag of reactions from department chairmen,. althotigh most of those questioned agreed it was not a desirable move. “My reaction is clearly negative,” said Bruno Forte, chairman of the applied mathematics department. “The remaining faculty will be loaded with teaching and the quality will go down, . . eventually the students will suffer.” Forte said Waterloo already has the highest student-teacher ratio in the country and the problem would only be compounded by reductions in faculty. “There has already been (an)
off with
a blow-dry
lawn at St. Jerome’s College where attempts were made to wash the oil off with water. Each of the approximately 50 ducks, and two muskrats, rounded up by students were put through four wash and rinse cyhles using+ mild detergent before being blow-dried. After going through this process, the animals were packed into-cages and taken to the Kitchener Humane Society for three of four days of safekeeping. After the ducks had,re ained their natural oils, which keep them insulated an B allow them to remain buoyant in water, there were released on the Grand River behind the animal shelter. Most of the ducks rescued survived the ordeal.
savings I
increase in enrollment without a corresponding increase in faculty,” he said. His concern for studentteacher ratio is shared by English department chairman Gordon Slethaug. “W&e already teaching 10 per cent more students than the university suggests” is the ideal,” he said. “That (proposal) would simply cut the life-blood as far as English is concerned. We really can’t do it; it would be at a cost to the students.” Slethaug said any faculty cuts would hit the arts faculty hardest> While courses in engineering and computer science are heavily equipment-oriented, and thus might benefit from the tsadeoffs, arts courses are predominantly professor-oriented, he said. And while the techdical programs can make use’of federal and provincial research grants, there are very few extra grants for the arts faculty, he added, Cutbacks wo-uld seriously threaten the “intellectual resource bas,e” of the university. “You’ve got to have the intellectual base to maintain excellence. We do have excellence right across the board; we have to maintain that.” Slethaug said there have’to be other ways for the administration to hold the line on expenses. From a totally personal poi@ of view, he said he would rather see professors’ salary increases held to two per cent, instead of four per cent, than the cutbacks. J. W. Mark, electrical engineer-
ing chairman, said his depart-_ _ ment is already over-extended, with a foreseen increase in enrollment expected to tax an already severe space shortage. “I’m not sure that this is the strategy the university should take,” he said. “If a reduction is to take place, it may have an adverse effect at a later date.” Trading-off faculty for more equipment can only be a shortterm solution because equipment purchases are a continuing process, he added. The chairman of the math facultv’s combinatorics and optimrzation department also questioned the trade-off philosophy.’ “Is it an appropriate trade-off for me to choose to lose a faculty member in my department to aiquire’ more support?” said Paul Schellenberg. “I’m not convinced that kind of drastic measure is warranted.” He said the proposal seems to have been put forward by &ustowski to elicit response from the various departments and more information till be needed before a decision can be made on the issue. Although it may only be a “trial Mloon”, the proposal isn’t likely to get any support or positive response from the faculty deans or the department heads, said civil engineering chairman Ralph Haas. While none of the professors questioned was fully in favour of continued
on page
Get Involved With the Feds! There’s Something for Everyone! l Volunteer at the Legal Resource Office, Birth Control Centre or Women’s Centre 9 Become a part of Shinerama, or Homecoming or l Join ‘a Federation Board or Commission
Come up to the Fed Office in the Campus Centre or
MCo-ordinators gad,
(This Fall, for:)
needs a Manager
. Legal Resource Office l
Women’s APPly -
Last Otie
Fed Office
This Wednesday
this fall
(July 29, 1987) APplY -
a federation,
Fed Office
July 25th, 1987,8:00 p,m.
Agencies look to house &area’s homeless by Lisa DilIon Imprint staff
tary for the YWCA. Consequently, financial support for the YWCA is greatly needed. At present, the organization is trying to raise $106,000 to cover fire safety, physical protection and accessibility improvements to its building. The House of Friendship program provides supportive housing for homeless men in K-W. Volunteer co-ordinator Tony Bender spoke of constant turnover of residents at the Charles Street hostel. “Many men stay at the hostel ih order to apply for welfare, since permanent residence is one of the requirements for receiving welfare. Once they receive their first welfare cheque, most move on.” For many, living in a hostel is a way of life. Some men return three or four times a year, and some move from town to town, staying in different hostels. “Whether you are a student or someone on a fixed income like welfare,” said Bender, “there is very little low-cost housing available in Kitchener-Waterloo.” The Charles Street hostel is constantly full, with two or three men being turned away everyday. The other homes run by the House of Friendship offer ‘more long-term housing. They are designed to meet the needs of alcoholics, those with psychiatric or emotional problems, federal parolees and socially disadvantaged youths. Life in these houses is like living in a completely different world, said Bender. Hostel living is very institutional. Putting up to four residentp in each room prevents privacy. As well, there are tight regulations, such as an II p.m. curfew. “Considering the lack of independence and pri-
The plight of Kitchener-Waterloo’s homeless and the efforts made by local agencies to help these people was the subject of a display in UW’s Campus Centre July 22. The House of Friendship, the YWCA and the Housing Registry for Youth provided this information forum as part of the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group’s Without A Roof day. The display was followed by a panel discussion that evening. Both
the Houseof Friendship and the YWCA offer temporary and long-term housing for the homeless. The Housing Registry for Youth assists young people in their search for affordable accommodation. A 66-bed women’s accommodation service is the main thrust of the YWCA’s efforts to serve Kitchener-Waterloo; Typical clients are unwed mothers, battered wives, alcoholics, ex-psychiatric hospital patients and former drug-abusers. Occasionally, women will be sent to the YWCA when there has been an overflow at AnSelma House, a . local home for battered women. A youth counselor at the YWCA teaches young women general life skills, such as budgeting. Sometimes the YWCA can hire its residents to work in internal positions funded by government grants. The number of women who have been approaching the YWCA women’s residence for shelter has been increasing over the past few years. “Everyday, at least one woman must be turned away due to lack of accommodation,” said Linda Toner, secre-
the men get along fairly well,” stated Bender. The House of Friendship aims to answer the physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual needs of its residents. Thus, it offers a variety of services such as food hampers, interestfree loans, the family outreach program, spiritual discovery programs, cooking classes and recreational activities. In furthering its activities, the House of Friendship welcomes both volunteers and donations. vacy,
The Housing Registry for Youth is operated by the Lutherwood Youth Employment Counselling service. This service helps disadvantaged youths search for full-time jobs.
One problem that many of these youths encounter is the difficulty of keeping a job without permanent residence status. Their needs are answered by the Housing Registry, which lists low cost housing and matches appropriate youth to suitable ac-
commodation. The Housing Registry is active in promoting public awareness of the shortage of housing in KW. For instance, it encourages home owners to share their homes or rent their property to youths.
“By finding housing and jobs,” said Jane Hamilton of the Lutherwood Youth Employment Counselling service, “we are able to get disadvantaged youths off the street.”
Anyone who drives a car knows that summer means road repairs everywhere. Every route, from city streets to the 401, appears under construction. Even UW’s Ring Road has fallen prey to this v.icious trend.
Fed task force.to study student life l
by Marie
rection in the next decade,“ he said. Carlton expressed a number of concerns regarding the present quality’of student life at Waterloo. “We’re losing sight of what university life should be like,” he said. Carlton said “academics are emphasized to the point that it‘s self-dlefeating.” He also said education at UW is too ‘specialized and technical. Because of the emphasis on academics, too few students are
Sedivy staff
Concern over the quality of student life has prompted UW’s Federation of Students to set up The Task Force on the Undergraduate Experience in the Fourth Decade. According to Federation President Ted Carlton, the task force is looking to enmurage students to think about the university experience at UW. They hope to solicit input from students and “possibly get a consensus on di-
involved in student activities. “There is a good core of very dedicated and involved people, but that should be expanded.*‘ He cites co-op as a factor which has negative impacts on student life. The major effect of co-op is that “it is difficult to build continuity,” said Carlton. “It disrupts the normal flow of activity and creates problems in fee,ling a part of the university.” d Despite the disadvantages, Carlton said, “co-op is here to stay and we have to work with that situation.“
ter the intellectual
and social deboth within the academic programs and outside of the curriculum, and in this way to help them to become responsible, en’lightvelopment
of its students+
ened, and cultured individuals.” Issues being addressed by the task force include finding a bal-
ance bet ween. theory and practice, the problem of over-specialization of courses, and whether students arti being encouraged to memorize and regurgitate material rather than to develop a critical capacity. An effort is also being made to promote participation in extracurricular activities. Because of the problem of scheduling meetings fir a group of students, the task force is considering recommending an across the board break at some point in the school day.
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Time for change long
past dueThis summer has marked a controversial one for both the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services and Recreation Students. Fed up with feeling neglected and receiving what they perceive as poor jobs, recreation students formed the C.R.A.P. committee Ip the. Co-op Recreation Advancement Planning Committee. The committee+ the brainchild of Recreation Students Association President; Ivan Beeckmans was formed to deal with probIems recreation students were having with co. op* Starting with a letter to the editor (Imprint, June 12), the C.R.A.P. commit tee boldly announced its intentions with respect to the co-op department. Claiming co-op is not aligned with the recreation program, the committee stated upgrading the quality of jobs and understanding the nature of a coordinators job as their main objectives. Rrock Fuller, the liaison co-ordinator between S.A.C. and the co-op department and co-ordinator in charge of recreation, responded to the ietter to the editor with a written memo to all recreation students. The debate not over yet - continued with a news article in Imprint [June 26) and a further response t6 recrea: tion students from Brock Fuller. Evidence of the issue being put to rest is hard to find, C.R.A.P. has a full executive, has passed an official mandate and is holding regular meetings, The committee will also be attending an open forum with Brock Fuller before the end of the summer term. Plans are already in the works for frosh orientation and next term’s committee. While the C.R.A.P. committee was busy in the foreground with its concerns, there was a quiet movement toward change in the Student Advisory Council (S.A.C.), an advisory council to the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services. It consists of student representatives from all faculties with coop. Its purpose is to provide the department with advice from the student perspective. As of this term, the chairperson of S.A.C began attending the monthly meetings of program administrators in the co-op department. In addition, projects in the works for some time such as the student handbook about co-op are finally being completed. S.A.C. is also revis“ing its terms of reference. The thrust for change within S.A.C., while considered long
overdue by some, was partially a reaction to the C.R.A.P. committee. Having the chairperson of S.A.C. attend monthly program administrators meetings was largely a response to charges of poor communication between the co-op department and S.A.C. The constant emphasis within SAX. to improve their profile on campus is indicative of problems. S.A.C. exists as a communication link between students and the co-op department. And if the students do not know it exists the need’for change is obvious. The changes occurring within S.A.C. (howevep minor they may appear) are not necessarily indicative of problems ‘with the council. Similarly, the formation of the C.R.A.P. committee suggests more than the unhappiness of recreation students. Rather, these two organizations reveal problems with the co-op department. The co-op department is not very large, especially considering the number of students enrolled in CO-op. There is no excuse for poor communication between students and the department. Having a member of S.A.C. attend the monthly program administrators meetings is a step in the right direction. If student concerni are not being heard (let aIone acted upon) it is difficult to understand how the department can be working for students, The lack of student knowledge about S.A.C. demonstrates either a disinterest on the part of students or a committee long considered ineffective by those it is supposed to represent. As for the CR.A.P. committee, its formation is a symptom of other problems within the co-op department - problems pertaining to ail co-op students. The co-op -department has often been questioned about its dedication to the employers at a cost to the students. While recreation students have very specific concerns pertaining to their department, many students outside recreation also have concerns. The C.R.A.P. committee shows what is necessary to deal with the co-op.department. The improvements of S.A.C. and the recreation students’ C.R,A.P. committee were important events this,summer for the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services. They indicate the time for improvements is long overdue. . Janice
UW just the same .old thing
_ _ _ Lately, ‘Waterloo’s been getting on my nerves, and I don’t mean the city. My creative mind is atrophying by staying at this “university.” -I’m stagnating because of the lack of exposure to anything new. It’s just the same old thing with a slightly new flavour added to it every four months. There‘s very little real imagination or creativity happening on campus anymore. The inventiveness that put Waterloo on the map with ideas like co-operative education and technical degrees is no’ more. lt seems we’re just riding on the waves of the past, rather than promoting individualism that could rock the proverbial boat out of its complacent waters. Student are being indoctrinated not to question, but to accept things for what they are. They say that they’ll raise hell after they‘ve put up with a corrupt system and used it to their advantage. At Waterloo, the status quo is golden and top much crusading against it just gets you into an acid bath of bigtime bureaucratic bullshit. Last week, I conducted an experiment on campus, 1 tie-died a T-shirt dull red and then painted a bright, yellow hammer and sickle on the front, a la
U.S.S.R emblem, Now, I was perfectly valid. The student is interested in seeing whether my not forced to subscribe to any of assumptions about this them as, the gospel truth, but university were tr’ue. My hopefully exposure to them will observations did indeed prove expand their own perspective. my theory’ there is an oppressive At Waterloo, however, seeing amount of narrow-mindedness things the one, true way like (fashionably referred to as everyone else is pleasantly conservatism) at Waterloo. preferred. Narrow-minded About 9 out of 10 people spottedbusiness clones are being bred to my e’mblem from about 50 feet fit niches in three-letter away and then didn’t look up at multinational organizations. me again until they had passed Whatever happened to free and me or were safely out of sight radical thought without fear of themselves. The remaining 10 being barred from the Cool Club per cent looked at my shirt, then of success. Our own “university” my face, shirt, face, shirt, face in is teaching us not to stand too a continuous pattern as they far to the left or the right, but to approached. Their faces showed find the comfortable middle road visible anxiety and contempt. and walk-it. One asked me what the hell was I Take caution. In no way do 1 trying to prove and another said, l advocate communism or the “Are you trying to be fuckin’ cool Russian state over the other or something?“ and then just “isms” and the countries that shook her head and continued practice them. I would just swearing from behind my back. prefer to see or hear simple Now, I ask anyone reading my acknowledgement without its why does this comments, accompanying disgust or institution call itself a apathy. Afterall, I’m not trying “university” (a combination of to persuade this campus into parts into a whole) when people believing what I do, just are either too afraid or too encouraging them to look a bit prejudiced to acknowledge the further than they usually do existence of something because before passing judgment. they don‘t necessarily agree with Contemporary highways have it. University is supposed to be a more than one lane, nest-ce pas? focus point for many different perspectives and opinions, all Peter Stathopulos
All letters
be typed
and double
Illegal immigr-ants poorly by breaking To the editor, 18 Canada’s eastern coast becoming the global scale Mexican/U.S.~ border? I’m a Canadian and proud of our open and permissive ‘nature to foreign customs and culture. I also believe in the systems and processes that we have set up to govern ourselves. Included in these systems are established routes for proper immigration into this country. Granted these systems are in some cases cumbersome and often appear unreasonable, however, it is important to recall why these systems are established. In much the same way people regulate those who they wish to enter their homes, our immigration policies serve the same regulatory function on a’ larger scale. Many people are accepted to our country as immigrants every year, legally. These people have proven they are worthy of their Cantidian citizenship as judged by policies established by ou,r elected government. On the
other hand, some people are rejected based on these policies. Why do the 174 Sikhs who so obviously tried to illegally enter our country feel they have‘the right to go ahead of those who are trying to do so following the laws established by our government? If these people are truly seeking refuge in Canada, then why do they avoid analysis by our government to establish refugee status? Why do they maintain secrecy of their origin .and how they were brought to our eastern shore? ~ By trying to enter our country illegally, these people show with their first action that they do not respect this counfry’s laws. IS this the type of behaviour you wish to see in potential neighhours? If th ese people wish to enter our country we should be allowed access to their records and, from that information, allow the established policies to determine whether entrance should be granted. The policies, not the pressure of groups supporting illegal immigrants, should determine the right ofen-
Impriat welcomes letter8 fPom our n+ders. The forumpa@s am designedto prwide an opportunity to present vim on variom issuss. Opinions expressed in l&tms, coluxnn8,or oth0r mticks on them3 pages are those of their authors, not Xmphk send 10ttmt3 to m by e-mail. Send or ‘bring letter8 on paper to ~,cc14o.~tteM3on~~rm9r;t~~aad~~lThedeadlineis 8:m pm. Monda;y. B&ixiInm langth is 400 worda, l3ahmgh longer piece8 m-qO?e accepted at the ebiWr’8 ciisaebn. All I3l&mw is suqject to 0diting.
start off our laws trance to Canada. It is my opinion that our borders are far too free; we should take greater interest in those we allow to enter our country. just as our children represent our future, immigrants also have a share in our future. Let’us be sure that those entering our country are those we wish to share our childrens’ future. The 174 who landed in Nova Scotia have shown blatant disregard for our laws and policies. These people are thus, in a sense, criminals. If they can establish refugee status, fine, but they should also be judged with regard to due reason for breaking our laws td enter the country, Our rights have been violated. Our border was violated. We should not tolerate this‘type of illegal entry. If these people are not scrutinized and dealt with sternly, what is to stop a breakdown of our regulation of those who cross our borders and become our newest neighboucs? Blake
Course evaluations just +in early stages Says BAA chair . To the editor, I would like to respond to Janice Nicholls’ commentary entitled “Half-assed evaluations just a real waste of time” [Imprint. July 10). As anyone who has attempted to start a large project knows, you must start small and allow the project to grow. This is what the Board of Academic Affairs is attempting to do with its course evaluations. It was pointed out that students have access to information about classes in the course calendar and through word of mouth. This leads to the whole purpose of the evaluations - to supplement the course calendar info>mation. In the same edition, one professor was quoted as saying “students need information about courses beyond what’s re-
ceived in the calendar.” It was also pointed out in Ms. Nicholls’ article that often a course is not as interesting as the calendar may indicate. Our objective is to make students aware of this. As to the second point regarding word of mouth, our goal is to make that word of mouth more accessible. By providing students with as much information about courses beforethey pre-register students are more likely to be able to take the courses they want. If a student waits until the first week of classes to “shop around” not only have they wasted a great deal of time but often classes are already full. The board realizes that ai this is the first term for the evaluation project there will be problems. ,Once these minor concerns are alleviated the end
result will be beneficial to all students. If one of your classes has been selected for evalualion please take the time to honestly complete the. form as you will be helping future students select courses that will be of interest to them. The Board of Academic Affairs is not attempting to win any popularity contest as suggested in this paper. The Board is simply fulfilling its mandate “To encourage the evaluation, maintenance and development or academic programs and standards at the University of Waterloo.” In effect our goal can be summed up by the Federatioe of Students motto; “Students Serving Students+” Tim Jack&n, chairman Board of Academic Affairs
4-7 , f4’
Problems with $20~ To the editor, I’d like to address the matter brought up by Cindy Long in the Soapbox on ]uly IO concerning the refusal of a Federation of Students cashier to change a $20 bill. I work at SCOOPS and ,have on a couple of occasions had to kefuse to change a $20. Be as‘sured ‘this is never done to make people angry. The only time I have ever done this have been when several customer before laid with $209 (once even a$!%).
It seems to-happen in waves. Note also that when this is done we try to get to the Fed of4 fice when we can to get smaI1 bills. I don’t mind doing this, since I realize that ice cream is very popular, especially during the summer. I also realize that with bank machines that only given out $ZOs, this is bound to happen. Please, however, try to realize that we are going to feel a little reluctant to clean our our $1~ and $2~ to change a $20. Bob Camnbell
Introspection by Chris Imprint
(a pseudonym)
This column marks a year that I have been contributing to the Forum section of Imprint. I have delved into a host of topics, and learned a great deal writing this column. I was sitting thinking the other day (a dangerous pastime) about life in general, hnd about gay life in particular. I was doing a little ‘introspection’. I was thinking about expectations, norms, politics and political correctness, and equality and how I fit into the whole picture. A couple of events spawned all this consideration: ai article that I read and subsequent postings on sexual practices, the drama The Normal Heart that is pIaying this weekend, and conversations with friends. I decided that I was probably not in with the p’olitically correct group on a few topics. I always like the idea of “getting married”, settling down and being in a monogamous relationship for eter-i nity, and all that. I’m not into all this “free sex” liberation staff, and I tend to stick pretty close to my Christian beliefs. But I look around at the others in my community, and I see that a lot of them do not hold the same views. Hmm.. , I did not march in the Gay Pride Day Parade this year. I do not vote for the NDP party. I have no “Gay is Good” or pink triangle buttons on my nap-sack. I do not refer to my gay male friends as “girl”or “sister”, and I do not like being referred to in that way. I do not often go to the bars. 1 am a pretty devout Catholic. I have a fairly large circle of straight fsiends. I have definite ideas (morals, perhaps) on sex and love and relationships. 1. like being masculine. I am a Yelatively private person. I do not want to be categorized by my sexuality alone. Yes, I am gay. But I am also’an artist and musician, a computer scientist, a life guard, a writer, a humanitarian, an animal lover, a swimmer, a chef, ?nd a host of other things that are far more indicative of me as a person than the fact that I prefer men over women, And I do not feel 1 should be looked upon as being any less a person simply becaus? I fail to support all the gay related things that come along, or because 1 do not fit into some pre-defined mold. I am an individual, and I want to stay that way. My life is filled with a number of causes, and not all of them are gay related. I perceive there are more problems out in the world than a sector of society being oppressed in some way [and that is not to trivialitre said oppression). Yet 1 am categorized - by both the gay and straight commtinities. The straight *world looks at me as “one of those gays”, and the gay world tries to fit me into some mold of gay activism. And in the process I lose my identity - if I succumb.So I wind upfighting; fighting the straight sector for acceptance and tolerance, and fighting the gay sector for the same type of acceptance and tolerance. I guess what I am asking for is the same thing that I have always been asking for - acceptance and tolerance. But this time I’m asking not only from the straight populous, blit also from my fellow gay brothers and sisters. I realize that there are other people who feel the way I do, but they are not the more vocal of our group. I have come out of the closet, but I am not going to jump into a battle tank and wage war openly on the rest of the world to fight for gay rights and against oppression. Someone wrote in some time ago, “Who are you really ?” looking down on my use of a pseudonym. Well, my response is: It does not really matter who I am, and that is personal, anyway. I have written a fair bit of my private life into this column, and as a result, I do not particularly feel like announcing my sexuality to the whole world. It is personal, and not a defining characteristic of me. I do not want to be known as “that gay guy that writes the column”, As we finish this term, and head out to work-terms or another school term, sit back for a minute and see if you are as tolerant and accepting of others as you would like them to be of you. If you are not, maybe you should consider changing that. Do not slot me into your neat categorization scheme, and 1 will not do the same to YOU. Let us accept each other for who we are, and not for what-we want each other to be. But I have rambled on enough about this, so I will finish this column with a “good luck” t’o everyone on your exams, and ‘*see 0 you next term”.
Women always have a right to decide their own futures To the editor, Although Marc Adams, as a man, is no doubt perfectly suited to tell us what a woman really wants, and what her deepest feelings are, I feel I must disagree with his letter Pro-choice really no choice (Imprint, July 10).
Mr. Adams claims that abortion is not necessary and is in fact an escape from life since “no girl really wants to have an abor-
tion” and that any woman can look after a child if she tries hard enough. This is patently untrue, Mr. Adams, since every woman needs control over her body and destiny, and many women recognize that they are unable, unfit, or unwilling to be mothers. I quote from Marge Piercy’s “Right to Life” when I teI1 you Mr. Adams, that “every child born has the right to love, and every baby born unloved, and
Women prefer to have sthe pro-choice option To the editor, I found several serious problems with Marc Adam’s letter (Imprint, July 10). First, Marc, you open your letter with “The pro-choice movement is not really for choice at all”, but fail demonstrate how this is so. Instead, you claim all pregnant women would rather continue with their pregnancies than have an abortion, which is a completely different argument. Second, you do not substantiate this broad claim with any evidence; rather, you offer only your own convictions as support, claiming to know how all women feel about being pregnant. Considering that you are male, never have and never will undergo a pregnancy or an abortion, I find this ridiculous. I also find it frightening becausb, while it seems you do not like the idea of abortion, you obviously do not understand the reasons why women choose’ to have abortions, nor how strongly many women feel about not con-
tinuing their pregnancies. Pregnancy is a reality all women who are heterosexually active have to consider. For many who do become pregnant, especially whose who are young or students and could not afford a child either economically or emotionally, abortion is chosen because it is the most realistic option. The more I talk to women who have had abortions or who are sexually active, the more this is confirmed. You make pregnancy sound like a.welcome consequence of sexual activity, that all women should welcome pregnancy and all the burdens and responsibilities it brings, and if they can’t handle it, tough luck, they’ll grow to love it.
unwanted is a bill that will come due in twenty years, with interest, an anger that must find a target, a pain that will beget pain.” Obviously you and your society “value children so dearly that none ever go hungry, none weep with no one to tend them when mothers work, none lack fresh fruit, . . . , and every noon the best restaurants serve poor children steak.” You and I both know, Mr. Ad’ams, that this is not the world we live in. The fact is that women must live in the reality of our world, where the luxuries of food, clothing, and housing don’t always exist, and where abortion is a necessary thing. You and I both know, Mr. Adams, that if safe and legal abortion is not available women will turn to unsafe practices and end up bleeding to death or dying of te.tanus. Is this a good thing, Mr. Adams? Women have the right to choice, the right to choose what enters us, what becomes flesh of our flesh. Without choice, there can be no politics, there can be no ethics. You must recognize, Mr. Adams, that you don’t know what women really want, nor do you know what their deepest feelings are. You must recognize that women’s lives are a non-negotiable demand. Lori Alhrough 4A AMKS
Entertainment . by Robert Day Imprint staff It’s mighty quiet out t&e.. too quiet, in fact, But as Bonnie Wheeler, President of the Cambridge U.F.O. Research Group, puts it, “even the spacecraft take a summer vacation.” Bloody considerate of them. Since there are no pressing issues and this is the last Imprint of the term, just a little something to keep you amused, Firstly, the fledgling Ontario Skeptics are hosting another public meeting Monday, July27,8 p.m. in the Debate Room on the second floor of Hart House at the University ” of Toronto, featuring “psychic” presentations by magicians Henry Gordon and Gordon Precious, and a talk on “scientific” creationism by Richard Wakefield. Wakefield’s presentation should be especially relevant given the latest effort by the well-organized creationist groups in the Excited States of America, who made it all the way to the Supreme Court in a bid for scientific respectability, only for the Supremes to slap them down once again. Sigh. Can you say “masochism”, boys and girls? In the slightly longer term, the Ruyal Ontario Museum,
I suggest you talk to women who have chosen abortion; perhaps you’ll learn that many women were relieved they had that option and did not have to experience compulsory mot hechood. Janet Childerhose
For those who are unaware, the Co-op SAC (Student Advisory Council) is the official conduit of communication bet ween students and the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services. It is made up of student representatives fro-m all the co-op faculties and one co-op program administrator who acts as a liaison between the group and the department adminisfration, The primary role of SAC is to communicate the concerns of the students to the powers that be. To this end the SAC this term has had its chairman attend the program administrators+ monthly management meetings. As well, a student questionnaire has been created to aid in the identification on student areas of concern.
The Co-op SAC is now in the process of reviewing its terms of reference in an effort to streamline its operation and improve its visibility on campus. Included in this is the creation of an external executive position, someone who would sit on the -Board of Academic Affairs and any other related committee on campus. The Co-op SAC in its on-going communication with the department has given opinions on many proposed changes- to the co-op system, such as computerization of services and a co-op student handbook. However, the SAC can only be effective with student input. SAC exists for students, so get to know your SAC representative and tell them vour troubles, thev’ll be happy”to listen. ” Matt Snell SAC chairman
who hosted magicianidebunker James’ Randi earlier this summer, continue a fine tradition with the new Star Show Signs from the Sky: The Puzzle of Astrology, narrated by Randi and running until September 7 at their own McLaughlin Planetarium. In the star show, Randi discusses the origins of astrology, starting with the ancient Babylonians, and working his way through the ancient Greeks and astrology’s golden age in 16th century Europe when “Astrology was taught in universities and considered in medical diagnosis.” And doesn’t this sound depressingly familiar, hmmmm? The press release for the Star Show takes the obligatory potshots at world-renowned astrologers Sydney Omarr and Jeane Dixon (in Randi’s words, “the unsinkable rubber duck of the psychic world”), and I don’t imagine I’m giving away the ending by stating that the end result is not particularly favorable for the astrologers and their socalled exact science of astrology. Hours for the Star Show are Tuesday to Sunday: 3:00 and ~30 p.m., with an extra show on weekends at 12:30 p.m., admission only $2 for students.
Co-op SAC reps happy to meet with students To the editor,
Canada is often perceived as a water-rich nation, yet it is clear that within the next decade several areas will experience shortages in the supply of potable water. Severe shortages have already been experienced in several American centres where growth has outstripped available supplies. We are beginning to learn that water is neither an infinite nor a cheap resource. In Waterloo Region water rates have recently. increased by 50,per cent. This rate must climb much higher to financially offset the price of expensive engineering water supply projects. A chronic water shortage during hot, dry summer lawn watering season has led region officials to hire Dillon Consulting to prepare a ma’ster water supply study covering the next 50 years for Waterloo Region. This study is the first of its kind in Ontario, but many other regions should be following suit in the next few years. The option recommended by Dillon is the-Mannheim Artifical Redharge Project. This project involves the pumping of water from the Grand River over a gravel bed and into a reservoir. Estimated cost of the project is $135 million. The region wants t’o begin phase-l immediately. This phase involves the construction of most of the hardware for the project - a costly endeavour, Of the volumes of information prepared by Dillon, very few pages are devoted to water conservation as a viable option. This concerns WPIRG because society must begin to deal with environmental problems by addressing fundamental questions regarding our consumptive habits. Water conservation directly addresses the “consumption mindset” while decreasing demand for water and expanding the Iife of engineering projects like Mannheim. And the price tag is minor compared to the total cost of Mannheim. Several successful conservation programs have already been implemented in the United States. Because much of the shortage problem is caused by lawn watering in summer months it seems reasonable to continue to call for lawn watering
bans during extended hot, dry spells; It would also be possible to implement a rotating day watering system. These programs clearly lessen the absurdity of spending$l% million mainly to meet peak summer demands for lawn watering. Who said lawns are not expensive! Currently the rate structure for Kitchener penalizes the small water user. Like Ontario Hydro “the more you use the less you pay”. A more equitable rate structure system could have a dramatic effect on water usage in Waterloo Region. A flat rate accompanied by a peak demand charge would make people who use more water on peak days pay more for that privilege. According to Professor Jim Robinson (UW Env. Studies Dept.], this type of rate structure could result in a maximum day demand reduction of 12 per cent or five million gallons/day (gpd) + Residential retrofits for homes already built coupled with existing rebate programs could also have a significant impact on water demand. According to Robinson, “if we assume a 75 per cent participation rate , in a retrofit program and started in 1991 to be completed by 2001, demand would be reduced by approximately 1.1 million gpd and add five years onto the existing life of Mannheim. Because these programs have not been properly assessed by the consultants, WPIRG has asked the minister of the environment to call for a full Environmental Assessment Act hearing for the Mannheim project. We expect the minister to consider our request reasonable. However we would prefer to see the region initiate these programs independently. ff they did we would withdraw our request for what could be a costlyhearing. It is important that the precedent for increased water conservation be established now so that Waterloo will be seen as a positive ground-breake’r. If you would like more information on the local or international water supply issue please drop by the WPIRG office in rodm 123, General Service Complex (under the big smokestack). This concludes WPIRG’s column for the summer. See you again in the fall.
Diabet.ics offered free care, supp.lies in study by Steve Kannon Imprint staff The University of Western Ontario is looking for people with diabetes to take part in a long-term study into the treatment of the disease. The University Hospital is in the fourth year of a 10 year study and needs 17 more volunteers by January to round out its case studies at 50. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial, sponsored by the US. National Institute of Health, is currently underway at 25 American centres and at two in Canada, Western and the University of Toronto. Volunteers in the experiment will have their diabetes monitored and controlled by some of the top specialists in North America. As well, all insulin,
Western who is handling project publicity. She said Waterloo students would be in an ideal position to take advantage of the study because of their proximity to London. Diabetics attending UW from outside the area would have somewhere to go for continuing control of their disorder, she added.
syringes and other supplies will be provided at no cost for the duration of the test period. Transportation to and from the London, Ontario, centre will be arranged by the DCCT people. ‘*Universities are prime locations for finding people to get involved in (this) project,” said Jane Evans, a nursing student at
Faculty cutbacks continued from page I such a move, two of the department heads in the HKLS faculty said the reductions may be the only alternative ITuV has to tat-. kling its budget clvoes. Roy Camero*l, health studies, and Steve smith, recreation, both said the reductions could be made to *,Irork if the university was left with no other options. “We’ve got a serious problem here . . . I don’t see any way around this option (faculty cutbacks) ,‘I said Cameron. He said his department needs more support. staff and teaching assistants to increase services to students. More support would allow for “an environment where faculty can be more creatively productive”, he added. For his part, Smith said he could support the argument in favour of reductions if it means improvements elsewhere, although he doesn’t believe attrition is the best method, “I can appreciate the need for reducing the total faculty complement . . . there doesn’t seem to be much of an alternative, but attrition is a poor way of doing it,” He said a straight one-for-two formula would not work well. A quota system would not allow for . a controlled and wellplanned method of making use of vacated faculty positions. A flexible plan, administered by the chairmen and deans, might not reduce numbers as quickly, but it would better for the departments, said Smith.
Volunteers must have had insulin diabetes for 15 years of less, be taking one or two insulin shots a day and be between the ages of 13 and 39. All applicants will
be given
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a thorough
nation, with emphasis on the eyes, kidneys and nervous systern. Eligibility will be based on the degree of existing or foreseen complications stemming for the individual’s diabetes, said Evans. If accepted, a volunteer will be placed in one of two treatment groups* Traditional treatment (called standard in the DCCT) involves one or two insulin injections a day. According to a DCCT fact ‘sheet, the goal in the trial is to maintain clinical well-being and long- term blood glucose levels within the’usual range for conveniently treated Type I people. A newer form of treatment (called experimental in th?
DCCT) that has e’ntered widespread use in recent years is more intensive. It involves three or more insulin injections a day or the use of a device, calIed an insulin pump, which continuously delivers small amounts of insulin day and night, more closely mimicking the body‘s normal function. the goal fo; this group is to maintain long-term blood glucose control as close to normal - non-diabetic - levels as poqible, Doctors involved in the project hope, by the end of the trial period, to show that intensive treatment can help prevent or slow the developmerit of diabetic complications. The DCCT has already shown that a significant difference in blood glucose levels can be achieved betweq the two treatment groups. Those interested in volunteering should contact Pamela Colby at (519) 663-3578.
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UW architecture alumnuswins Prix de Rome award A University of Waterloo alumnus, John Schnier, Toronto architect, has been awarde,d The Canada Council’s $ZS,OOO Prix de Rome in architecture. He is the first winner of the new award. The money will help provide a year in research in Rome where he will also have use of a studio in the Cardelli Palace. Born in Toronto in 1955, Schnier received a Bachelor of Environment al Studies degree from Waterloo in 1977 and completed his Bachelor of Architecture, also at UW, in 1980, when he was awarded the gold medal of the Ontario Association of Ar-
chitects. Until February of this vear he worked with B&ton My&s Architects Inc., Toronto: he is currently senior associate * with Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects, Toronto. Apart from this he has undertaken independent projects and participated in exhibitions such as “A Measure of Consensus: Canadian Architecture in Transition,” and competitions including the “Tridel Polo Club Sculpture Competition.” He is a fifth-year tutor at the School of Architecture, University of Toront 0. The Prix de Rome is intended
to recognize an architect, in the early stages of his development, whose work testifies to exceptional skill and creativity. In Rome, Schnier proposes to continue his exploration of urban architecture, building upon research he has already done on a project to reconstruct Les Halles, in Paris, France. He was one of four finalists for the Rome prize. The others were Brigitte Shim, also a UW architecture graduate: Brian MackayLyons, Halifax, who has lectured at UW, and Patricia F. Patkau, Vancouver, who won the design competition for the proposed ceramics museum in the City of Waterloo. -
Three in math faculty awarded Descartes Foundation medals At its 26th annual dinner recently, the University of. Waterloo’s Rene Descartes Foundation for the Advancement of Mathematics (a foundation within UW’s Faculty of Mathematics) honored three of the university’s own faculty members, for their contributions to education, The three - Ronald Dunkley, Ronald Scoins and Edwin Anderson - are former high school teachers and long-time lecturers and administrators within UW’s Faculty of Mathematics. Each was awarded a Rene Descartes medal and admission into the Society of Rene Descartes Medallists; . Until this year, Descartes medals have been awarded only to continuing or retiring high school teachers. “The awarding of these medals was at the instigation of pre-
Descartes medal winners,“ comments Dr. James Kalbfleisch, UW dian of mathematics. “Their request was overwhelming and enthusiastic. One, for instance, stated he attributed ‘whatever succzss I have had in my teaching career’ to their example.” Born in Springbrook, Ontario, Anderson was educated in Drayton and Wingham (Madill secondary school), and completed a mathematics degree at McMaster University in 1956. After serving as a high school mathematics teacher for many years he joined the university in 1970. He is a lecturer in the department of combinatorics and optiinization and has been active in the organization and distribution of UW‘s annual mathematics contests for public and high school students. He also served as managing ediT
OSAP loan hike to provide more to singl,e parents Additional loan assistance for sole-support parents will be provided under the Ontario Student Assistance Program, Minister of Colleges and Universities Greg Sorbara announced recently. The move is a reversal of Sorbara’s February 26 announcement of several changes to OSAP, one of which was an bcrease in grant assistance and a reduction in loan assistance for sole-support parents. As a result of that decision, the maximum grant soh+support ‘parents can receive was raised from $2,500 to $3,500 per term or $7,000 for a regular two-term school&year. However,.the reduction in loan assistance of up to $1,500 meant that &e-support parents receiving social assistance were to have their living costs provided only through family benefits or -general welfare.
This situation was deemed unfair by a number of provincial including the, Ontario woups, -Federation of Students and the opposition parties at Queen‘s Park, and an appeal was made to Sorbara. The minister has since decided that each sole-support parent‘s situation will be reviewed by the financial aid officer at the parent‘s college or university to. determjne the am-ount of additional assistance required. The decision was welcomed by OFS chair Sheena Weir who said the loan assistance increase should reduce the possibility of single parents experiencing short-term cash flow Iosses. The OFS will monitor the situation during the next six mdnths to ensure such parents receive enough money to complete their studies, she added. -
tor of the publication, The Math Student Bulletin. He has contributed much to UW’s successful “teaching option” program in mathematics - a program that has contributed scores of top notch teachers to high school staffs in the province. Dunkley is a Windsor native and holds a btichelor’s degree in mathematics‘ from the University .of Western Ontario. He spent matiy years in the insurance industry’ and as a high school mathematics teacher, prior to joining the university, in 1967. He is assistant dean for external programs, Faculty of Mathematics, and a lecturer in the department of combinato,rics and optimization. Dunkley has been one of ihe main contributors to the success of the Descartes Foundation (he is currently its chairman) and its scholarship programs. He continues as well to be much involved in liaison with the high school system in Ontario, and with t$e university’s high school mathematics contests. He is the author of a number of high school mathematics texts. Scoins is also a lecturer in the faculty. of mathematics as well as a Canadian math contest administrator. Born in Seafort h, Ontario, he has an honors mathematics degree from the University of Western Ontario and completed a master’s degree at Waterloo in 197% He taught mathematics in the secondary school system for 12 years, prior to joining UW in 1974. He has been much involved in haison with the high school system, and with UW’s teaching option program for mathematics students-as well as recently contributing to the training and’ coaching of Canada’s Math Olympiad team. UW’s Descartes Foundation is named after Rene Descartes, a French mathematician and philosopher of the 17th century and the father of analytic geometry. Descartes medals are to honor persons who have made significant contributions to mathematits education.
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Sex, ,marriage and family cour,se now’ offe.red at Waterloo Sexuality, marriage and the family is now offered as an option, a minor or a diploma program for UW students. The SMF program is not entirely new. St. Jerome’s College has offered courses in sexuality since 1972 in sexuality, in its “Studies ip Family Life and Sex Education Program.” However the courses were only made available during the summer session or were held in off-campus locations, chiefly for teachers. Now there will be more access to the courses and the scope of the original program will be broadened. SMF is an interdisciplinary faculty of arts program adminis-
tered by St. jerome‘s college and can be chosen as a joint hanours option, as a minor, or as a general option for students majoring in ai undergraduate discipline. A diploma program in SMF is available for ‘post-degree and non-degree students. Courses specifically in the field of Sexuality, Marriage and the Family will be combined with a range of courses from other fields which deal with sexuality, marriage or family life. The SMF program is not intended to train undergraduate students to serve as sgx therapists or counselors. It would be an appropriate choice for people intending to pursue a career in health, social science, family counselling or teaching.
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The accessibility
test. ”
doing what it can for handicapped
by Marie Sedivy tmprint staff “One of’ my friends told me that when I first started university, he only saw the wheelchair,” says Edward Faruzel, a fourth-year economics student at the University of Waterlo,o. “Now he’s gotten to know me and doesn’t even notice the wheelchair anymore.” Although he tiannot get around without a wheelchair, Faruzel says “I’m one in a group of friends, no different,” He feels most of his friends think of him as one of the guys. “Jf my friends are going somewhere,” says. Faruzel, “they just throw the wheelchair into the car and off we go.” Most of his concerns and activities are not ‘much different from the average student; he enjoys going down to the Bombshelter with his friends and wishes that Fed Hall were a little closer to other buildings and that there was an elevator to the top level. Although he knows several other disabled students, he is integrated into a group of students with no visible disabilities. Florence Thomlinson; co-ordinator of services for the disabled on campus, also emphasizes that disabled students are students first, and students with special needs second. She says they
have been concerned about giving him an advantage over other students. Thomlinson, however, points out that giving students such as Faruzel more time for exams is not giving them an advantage, but rather balancing the opportunities for them. She also emphasizes that admission requirements are no different for disabled students. Mark Urquhart, a blind student at Renison College, agrees that most professors have been accommodating, and adds that
of saying something that might time load is heavy enough when are currently only two spots offend me. They’ll say “did you one has to depend on others which are not accessible: the reading. see that show on T.V., and corthird floor of the Modern LanOne of the major goals of imrect themselves by changing the guages Building and the second proved accessibility is to give ‘see’ to ‘hear’. I’ll tell a blind joke I floor of the Arts Lecture Hall. the disabled greater independor something to put them at When a disabled student is scheence. Like Urquhart, Faruzel . ease,” .duled for a class in one of those says the degree of dependence on Urquhart feels that the major areas, the classes are switched others can be frustrating, espeproblem is that students are with classes which are accessicially if people don’t stick to sometimes not very aware and ble. In the four years he has been their word. He says people let would like to help, but don’t on campus, Faruzel has encounhim down anywhere from five to know how. tered that situation twice. 10 per cent of the time, but this is They don’t know how much to Although the UW Heritage Resomething he has had accept and help,” he says. sources Centre has recentIy crilearn to cope with. According to Thomlinson, “the ticized the university for not
“I’m one in a group of friends, no different. If, my friends are going somewhere they just throw the wheelchair into the car and off we go.” want to be like others. Accessibility should enable them to achieve this goal. For example, until 1984, students with I impaired mobility could not get onto the stage to receive their diplomas during convocation. In that year, the engineering graduating class donated alift so that they wouldn’t have to be treated differently from others. The main difference between disabled students and others is that those like Faruzel needs a little bit of help in some areas, and has to find alternate ways of dealing with certain situations. More specifically, Faruzel needs help taking notes in class. He generally provides a friend or classmate with carbon paper so that they make a set of notes for him. This became easier once he met people on campus. Some adjustments have to be made in the classroom. Normally, professors are notified if a disabled student will be taking his or her course, and arrangements are made. Steps are taken to accommodate individual disabilities; students who have trouble writing may be given extra time for exams or may be permitted to do oral exams. In the case of a deaf student, the professor is asked to keep in mind that the student will have to lip read. According to Faruzel, for the most part his professors “have been great .” There is usually no problem arranging for extra time to write exams. Nevertheless, he says occasionally professors
A UW student makes good use Of we of many “for most of the& it’s a learning experience.” He says it increases their awareness, and although at first they might have to be re-
“Students on this campus are very helpful. There i-s never a shortage. of volunteers to/read to the blind.”
an campus.
For Faruzel, the worst aspect of being in a wheelchair is that “many people associate wheelchairs with mental retardation.” ‘He is quick to point out he hasn’t encountered those attitudes at
minded, eventually “t hey’11 spell out the words they write on-the board, etc.” Urquhart, says that while in many ways he likes to think of himself like any other student, “Realistically, I’m not like other students. It takes me longer to do , research, etc.” Urquhart feels one of the greatest frustrations is the fact that he has to be dependent on others.
Thomlinson and disabled students themselves have little but’ praise for the university population. “Students on this campus are very helpful,” says Thomlinsbn. Every term she puts up flyers asking for volunteers to read to the,blind, and the response is always more than adequate. Urquhart says he has two or three readers at any given time. “It’sgood to have the support,” he says, I While. campus awareness is generally good, Thomlinson says some people are not accustomed to dealing with disabled students, and sometimes don’t
library to study, but has to wait for a volunteer reader to be available. Thus, he needs to stick to “a structure.d and organized schedule.” Himself a part-time student, Urquhart says “I don’t know how a blind student could do a full course load.” he feels a part-
a person
who is blind or in a wheelchair. Urquhart says some people don’t know how to approach him and shy away. “But then again, I don’t know if I’d have the nerve to approach a handicapped person if it was the other way around,” he adds. “Very often people are afraid
disabled have to take the initiative to let people know their needs.” _ Urquhart agrees: “You can’t expect some.body to just help, you have to be assertive,” he says. Urquhart also recognizes a two-way responsibility. He says the disabled can’t put the total onus on others; disabled have to communicate their needs but also must be careful to let others know if they are being helped to much,”
photo by Peter Stathopulos -r
providing sufficient accessibility, Thomlinson and many disabled students disagree. Thomlinson says she was recently told that after Carleton University in Ottawa, UW is the most accessible campus in the province. According to Faruzel, Wilfrid Laurier University is a nightmare compared to UW. A number of services are available to the disabled. These include a full-time co-ordinator who has access to various resources and acts as a liaison be-
Carleton University in Ottawa is the most accessible in the province; many feel UW comes second. Urquhart emphasizes that just because he’s disabled he can’t expect everybody to cater to his needs.
“We’re here for an education, and we can’t expect to get through without working,” he says. “We have to help too.” In addition to accommodation in the classroom, the university has been working on improving general accessibility on campus. According to Thomlinson, there
tween students The libraries ante. Materials
and professors. provide assistwill be retrieved from the stacks fnr all library users unable to do so. Library materials can also be delivered anywhere on campus. In addition, special reading rooms are available for visually impaired users and their readers. South 1 in Village 1 has been altered to accommodate the disccwtinued on page 11
On the rail{ t\o Newfound-land by Avery MacLean speciai to Imprint He’s geriatric and loquacious. He comes over to the Via train’s bar, where we’re quietly drink, ing wine. “Hi, I’m Morris,” he says. “I’m an alcoholic.” We kind of mumble salutations. “I bin livin’ on the streets in Toronto, Now I’m goin’ back to Prince Edward Island, ta pick ‘taters.” And he goes on about his life in Toronto. My parents prick up their ears when they hear he’s been to places like the Scott Mission and the Salvation Army. Did these places help him? “Is dis a survey or sumthin’?” “No, no,” says Daddy, “We’re just ‘interested.” _ . “Lemme buy ya a beer.” “I’ve got a drink, thanks.++ “C’mon I know ya-want a beer - why are ya askin: me all dese questions?” “We just want to hear you opinion on those places.. .+‘says Mummy. “Well, anytiays, I’m gettin ya’lls a beer - even you” he says, turning toward me. “You wanta beer doncha?” “How did you know?” I smile. “I’m not tryin’ ta pick ya up or nothin’. Wouldja like a cigarette?” And so an hour progresses. He’s great entertainment even though he lurches toward me from time to time and leers in my face. Mummy, Daddy, and the boys and I are on our way to Newfoundland.
On the’way, We ran into some interesting characters
Other characters on the train recommend culinary delicacies, like cod’s tongues and stuffed squid. Sounds delicious. We transfer from the train to a boat. Its the largest ferry in the world, The Caribou, and they are very proud of its length+ capacity, etc. They constantly announce stati,gtics over the loudspeaker. But despite its size and plush cabins, its crew is ham-fisted. Most of the crew members are missing fingers, and for them, even operating a cash register is a major effort. They’re all wellmeaning, stolid guys masquerading as a smartly-dressed, efficient crew. Unfortunately, they don’t succeed in giving the slightest impression of organization.
leader Conan (not 4he barbarian) led conquered Russians across. the Bering Strait, becoming the first North American natives. This theory is a personal favourite because it contends that the Russians were qcfually in league. with the Scandinavian Vikings, and together they set up these, false communities to cona fuse people+ in a similar manner to Alexander the Great. For when he left a conquered village he ordered his craftsmen to build huge suits of armour, weapons and utensils, thereby leaving an impression that he was a giant, On our way there, we’ve driven by some spectacular scenery: vast green forests and brooding mountain ranges. This area has- some of Newfoundland’s many salmon iivers,
On the way, we’ run into some other interesting characters: a math teacher who finds our A Newfoundland pastoral habit of drinking skim milk rather hilarious, a go-year old civil engineer who has fought at Vimy Ridge, and his daughter+ We’re on our way to L’Anse who looks like a librarian, but aux Meadows, where a Viking she has lived in India for 10 settlement was discovered about yeairs. 20 years ago. The Norsemen The guy sitting next to me is a were the first to .bump into North professional diver. He’s discoAmerica+ about five hundred vered treasure on two wrecks years before Columbus. The Shimeuu and The August - . There were a few different the$300,000 worth of the first coins ories about the first group to disminted’ in North America, in cover North America. One 1711. theory claimed that a great
where anglers can test their abilities. We stop at St. Anthony, looking out on the majestic Atlantic, just,at the tip of Newfoundland. We see huge icebergs as they float by and hear reports of whale sightings. Som*how, its not as romantic as I expected: its pretty cold here, and the mosquitoes attack without mercy.
We saw some
Mummy’s been reading us the Viking Sagas - Erih the Red son of Thor son of Odin son of.. . etc. The family trees go on for pages but they’re ripping yarns . . . she says. I hid the book whenever I could lay hands on it, so now she whips it out when the boys and I become boisterous in the back seat. The menu is full of variety. There’s fish, fish, and more fish. Usually its garnished with greasy french fries and the ubiquitous canned pea. I don’t mind the fish. Its fresh, and there’s enough variety to compensate for the lack of possibilities from the vegetable side. There’s so much fish that the town cannery processes about 300,000 pounds of it per day. The exhibit at L’Anse aux Meadows is sparse but informative, and the film accompanying it is quite impressive. Although this is an internationally known archaeological site, the guy who’s discovered it (yes, I’ve forgotten his name already) was given no recognition. Instead, the names mentioned are Parks Canada and a few other institutions that slip in at the last minute+ clean up the sites, and install water-fountains, In the morning before heading to Port au dhoix, we have an exciting encounter with the coastal fog. The boys and I are out exploring and give Mummy hysterics. She’s convinced that we’re going to hurl ourselves off the edge of one of these jagged cliffs. Unfortunately, we all enjoy teasing her and we teeter over the ferocious, zoaring Atlantic. Meanwhile, Daddy is taking pictures of rocks and seaweed. They air look the same, but someday he’ll have an exhibition
on the beach
and ‘they’ll have names like “Angst”, “Shakespeare”, or “The colour of Avery’s eyes.” With Daddy off in quest of higher aesthetics, and Mummy reclining on a rock, and me examining a dead, washed-up star‘fish, the sinister mist surrounds us. It had been twb miles away IO minutes before. Now, however, ‘we can barely see. We can only see about two feet ahead, and we make our way back slowly. Daddy is angry. “The fog ruined one of my pictures: springing up so suddenly like that,++ he says. We visit the Tablelands. These are mountains of volcanic rock which are supposed to closely resemble the lunar surfaces. It is quite barren and lonely. The mosquitoes and blackffies are dancing selected excerpts from “A Chorus Line” beside the car windows, I refuse to get out and join the dance until I don my armour - insect repellent “Off!” Today is Daddy’s day. We’re each of us allowed to plan one day, under Mummy’s guidance, and today we toiled up and down mountains. It was what Daddy wanted to do. And we only lost about a pint of blood to the bugs. I dread Dugaid’s day (he’s the little one). In the worst of his schemes he’ll make us go to azoo full of jaded, sweltering animals and eat at McDonald’s and then say “I hated today. Why don’t we make this Avery’s day and 1’11 choose tomorrow.” It’s, halfway through our trip and on driving along the roads, we drive by Morris, the loquacious alcoholic. But he isn’t alone. As we go by, I overhear him talking to someone he’s probably just met: “C’mon, lemme buy ya a drink.”
few as studentsmadapt g continued f
from page 10
abled. Grab bars and lever type tapi have been installed+ and disabled students have priority accommodation. .The university also provides priority snow clearance for routes used by those with impaired mobility, and special parking spots are made available for disabled people who drive their own vans. More importantly, the university’s accessibility has been steadily improving. This is an on-going and slow process+ because accessibility was not an issue
the campus
quhart is nof sure anything can be done to remedy that situation. funds are limited+ and only so much can be done. “Everyone talks about total accessibility, which is all fine and dandy,” says Urquhart. “But it will take time and money,” Thomlinson says she gets very few complaints about poor accessibility, She says this is not
changes. For example, the Engineering Lecture Hall is now accessible through the courtyard. . Previously, the only ‘access to the building was through Carl Pollock Hall. There are also plana..under way to install a buzzer in the Bombshelter in order to let the doorperson know a disabled person is at thi! back door.
“The. disabled are better off at. the University of Waterloo than they are anywhere else in the c&y” /
signed. While the campus is picturesque and interesting, it presents difficulty to some disabled individuals. Urquhart feels the campus was poorly designed. His major criticism is the inconsistency in steps all over campus, In some cases, they’re quite steep, and others are very shallow. Yet Ur-
because everything is great, but because the students have learned to cope and accessibility is improving. Urquhart says the university is “trying to accommodate the disabled population; they are making the effort.” In the years he has been here, Faruzel has seen several
Recently, Thomlinson has tried chaining sticks by elevator buttons so that they are accessible to someone in a w.heelchair. However, the sticks in the Math and Computers elevators have been torn off several times, and she feels she cannot afford to continually be replacing them. Most of the changes imple-
mind is safetv. Thomlinson mented over the last few years points out that in several buildhave been what Thomlinson ings, access is provided by elecalls “band aid solutions”. While vators. .However, during a fire they are often simple solutions should not be used, for individual situations+ they . elevators and an effort should be made to are what makes all the differprovide alternate routes. ence. Although progress is being “Sometimes we have to be made, much remains to be done reactive rather thah proactive on campus. Faruzel suggests aubecause all the disabilities are so tomatic doors. Often there aren’t different,” says Thomlinson. Moreover, there are no funds alpeople around to help open doors. He would also like to see located to making the campus another route into the Engineermore accessible. Nevertheless, ing Lecture Hall. Thomlinson has never. been reUrquhart recommends greater fused anything that was needed cooperation among various colfor any disabled student. leges and universities in the pro“We-do the best with what we vince. he feels everyone would have,” says Thomlinson. benefit if resources were shared According to Thomlinson, more. several factors must be kept in . Although accessibility on mind when improving accessicampus is far from perfect, bility. First of all, modifications Thomlinson maintains the dismeant to benefit a disabled abled are better off at the Unigroup cannot impose a barrier on versity of Waterloo than they are the rest of the population. anywhere else in the city. A second factor to be kept in
Cabaret,‘old c6umy , “.‘-*II\Q,‘.,.*
by Sam Hiyate Imprint staff As the lights dim in the Festival Theatre at Stratford, CoEaret’s Master of Ceremonies, Brent Carver, steps into a spotlight and introduces the Kit Kat Klub, the hottest music-hall in 1930s Berlin. This is ‘a decadent time, a time of speakeasies and lanky flappers. This is also the time Hitler seizes power. “Leave your troubles outside,” the emcee says. “In here, life is beautiful - the girls are beautiful - even the orchestra is beautiful!” The Kit ,Kat girls bounce out one at a time, eyes alert and mouths pouty, offering escape through suggestive titillation. Christina (Faye Cohen) even baits the emcee with a pickle.in L;;esmouth. which he quickly , “Each and every one is a virgin,” he assures. The Kit Kat Klub fades and the story then unfolds througha series of vignettes, alternating between Kit Kat acts and confrontations betv$een Cabaret’s various characters.
Sheila .Brent Cabaret
McCarthy Carver
and from
Clifford Bradshaw (Scott Wentworth), an aspiring American novelist, meets Ernst Ludwig (Stephen Russell), a German businessman, on the train into Berlin. Ludwig recommends the
Kit Kat Klub to Bradshaw as the choicest slice of Berlin nightlife Bored, on his first night, Bradshaw goes and there sees Sally Bowles (Sheila .McCarthy), an Englishwoman. , The Kit Kat is known for its telephone at each table, and Bowles uses one to call Bradshaw. Their one common link is they both speak English. Still, it’s one common link more than she shares with her current lover, Max, who owns the Kit Kat. Meanwhile the rise of the Nazi movement is seen through Luldwig. Cabaret focuses on subsequent relationships: one between an uninspired writer and a starstruck Cabaret performer, one between his German landlady and her Jewish tenant, and, on a global scale, the relation<ship between the old Germany and its “new order,” The acts at the Kit Kat main function is to satirize events in Berlin, like a performing political cartoon; led by the emcee. As the emcee, Brent Carver is dazzling: he’s a consummate showman, irreverent and stoic. Wentworth is reminiscent of Kevin Costner in The Untouchables as Bradshaw. The experience of erlin, as it etches itself 5
on him, is shown with subtle control. The Choreography (by Brian Macdonald) is powerful and erotic; if the Kit Kat girls ever need employment in a real Cabaret, they’ve got what it takes. McCarthy brings Sally Bowles across with grace and confidence, starting with one of her opening lines of “I guess I am a really strange and extraordinary per&,” and showing it. Cabaret is a stunning tale of escapism on different scales, from Bradshaw’s need for the exotic stimulation of cities like Paris and Berlin to “be a novelist”, to Bowles inability to leave the magic of performance. It’s playing at Stratford until November 1.
“Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to work we go” by Cassandra Nicolaou I Imprint staff At one point during their Tuesday night show at Fed Hail, Breeding Ground’s lead singer, John Sheriff, began to softly sing “Hi ho hi ho, it’s off to work we go * . .‘I That short phrase succinctly sums up the mood of the evening. Breeding Ground was formed in 1981 and has, over the past six years, watched their popularity fluctuate with frustrating regularity. Once one of Toronto‘s favaurite Queen Street bands, they’ve recently been overwhelmed by relative newcomers such as Blue Rodeo, Bratty and the Babysitters, Chalk Circle and Micah Barnes. Last year’s release of Tales of Adventure on Fringe Records saw the band receive increased radio play, but it failed to generate any major label interest. All of the above aside, these guys are still out there trying. However, if the Fed Hall performance is any indication, they aren’t expending a lot of effort in the process. They made a halfhearted attempt to create some excitement with a spirited rendition of Turn To Dust, but the sparse Fed Hall crowd wasnot very impressed. Even the diehard Breeding Ground fans who initially began the! evening dancing soon opted for the shift-yourweight-from-foot-to-foot-and: watch strategy. The showcasing of some new tunes did nothing to alleviate the low energy level of audience and band alike. To the casual listener, much of Breeding Ground’s music sounds the same after a while, and the new material .was no exception. As well, the muddy vocals and earthquake sounds generated by the sound system did not help to capture the audience’s at tention. It was
action with the audience to comments such as “Hi, how are ya” and “Here are some new songs”. Net exactly inspirational. It ,is doubtful that Breeding Ground gained any new fanson Tuesday night. Unfortunately, those ,who left after three or four songs missed guest vocalist Molly Johnson, who is the best thing about’ Breeding Ground. Best known as the leader of Alta Moda [just signed to CBS Records), Johnson provided her usual hallmark vocals on Happy Now I Know and a few other tunes. It’s too bad she didn’t sing a little longer. Johnson at least created a few emotional moments in a rather apathetic evening. Donny Cart wright, Breeding Ground’s “special guest”, probably should’ve stayed at home, His countrified solo show was energetic and honest, but he was singing to the wrong audience at the wrong time. i
and Molly
Johnson photc, by Peter StathopuCos
by Don Kudo Imprint staff
GABBA GABBA HEY, got any tickets? Barchord buzzards - Teenage Lobotomy, Blitzkrieg Bop, I Wanna Be Sedated, Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment, I Don’t Care, Sheena Is A Punk Rocker, ‘Surf’in Bird, Glad To See Ya Go, Cretin Hop, I Don’t Wanna Walk Around with You, Here Today Gone Tomorrow, Do You Wanna Dance, California Sun. I
the end of the
set, when the band sailed through the more popular tracks Reunion and Happy, ,Now I Know, that people actually danced and looked like they were having fun. Sheriff delivered his usual theatrical performance, often waving his arms above his head or rolling around* on the stage. He limited his inter-
John Sheriff
Go Johnny
Go! photo by Ddn Kudo
Packed pogo-paradise. $80 a pair - you’re nuts! It’s too hot inside RPM for the black leather jackets, but Dee Dee’s wearing a black tank top, joey’s black and white striped tee doesn’t have the sleeves ripped off, and there is no visible sign of rips on their tapered dungarees. Johnny’s bowl cut looks as homely as ever and his guitar shows the signs of buzzsaw wea’r and tear. The drummer doesn’t even look like a Ramone. He’s got dirty blonde hair. What ever happened to Tommy and
Markyanyway? The band should be happy they have so many drumming brothers. The fake I.D. didn’t work, despite the desperate pleas. Wanna sell your ticket, little girl? An hour-long set including two encores, with two sold-out evenings to go. A divided crowd of pre-End Of The Century fans reliving their jagged pasts and post-Rock’n Roll High School followers enjoying The KKK Took My Baby Away and Bonzo Goes To Bitzburg. Dee Dee’s 1234!‘s sound like their coming from a man of his age. Gone is the boyish bass player antics. The other two originals move in their required Sashions. The band’s maneuvers
nature Joey leans back, Johnny and Dee Dee move forward and occasionally jump up on to the P.A. stacks. The music is not as well-rehearsed. It doesn’t reallv matter. $25 for a ticket and over three smacks for a beer. Hey Ho, Let’s Go!
out in New Yo.rk,City
by Tim
Perlich and Paul Done lmprint staff This past month New York City played host once again to the New Music Seminar series. One of the bands that applied and were accepted to play a special showcase gig at the Cat Club was one of New Zealand’s (and the rest of the world’s) premiere contemporary music groups, the Chills. The night before their performance, Martin Phillips, the group’s softspoken songwriter/vocalist/guitarist, talked about his group and the New Zealand music scene. When did you first become interested in the whole rock music thing? Martin: I started to listen to rock music when I was in high school I , . groups like Alice Cooper and David Bowie - they were my early ‘idols’ I suppose; way back then. 1 didn’t really start buying records until 1976. I was getting off into the wrong direction at first,. buying Queen records and stuff but along came punk rock and everything changed. What bands in ‘76 were you most influenced by? . . s Was it the Sex Pistols and The Clash or were there local New Zealand groups who had a stronger im-
pact? Martin: Yes, I liked The Clash and the Sex Pistols and definitely The Ramones. Locally, the most important band was The Enemy who later became Toy Love and now two of them are the Tall Dwarves. The Enemy were a great. band!
Chills. A number of the Chills songs which we still perform were written with The Sane. Frantic Drift from the Dunedin Double LP was written back then. The first Chills came about in the fall of 1980. It seems as though there is a healthy camaraderie between New Zealand bands with the interchanging of members between the Verlaines and the Chills and such. How do you account for this? Martin: New Zealand is a small country and correspondingly, the music scene is also quite small 7 everyone stibks together. And, yes, we have, .had a funny association with the Verlaines in terms of the amount of people who have changed. Our first bass player, Jane Dodd, went to the Verlaines, and then came back and our present drummer, Caroline, started in the Verlaines before joining the Chills. Why did Caroline leave the Verlaines? Did she want to be in the Chillg that bad1 ? Mart in: It o (chuckles], 1 think she liked being in the Verlaines but she was based in another city as she was still studying at the. time. When the last Chills (version 9) broke UD, I knew it was Caroline that I wanted is the new drummer. We ended up waiting a year until she finished off her journalism course. One aspect of the current N.Z. pop is that it’s very literate compared to most chart pop, there is some sibstance to it. Martin: It started with N,Z. bands like Toy Love and The Clean. Even with a dumb
pop song, the lyrics of The Clean were still very good. So, right from the start, there to live up to, From 8 was a high standard there it has just been an attempt at a realization of what rock music could or should be. We’re still striving for that. One of the worst things about most pop/rock is that the lyrics are terrible.
Apart from being literate, the Chills’ songs can be extremely personal in the saihre way that Jonathan Richman can be at times. Martin: We try to create an atmosphere when we play live with emotional walls of sound. Unless you really feel it, and really believe in whit you’re singing, you can’t do it. It won’t work. Having those kind of standards, it’s difficult to just pick up a new song. It might take six months to try and write a new lyric that works well. Songs that seem so personal like Pink Frost must be difficult to sing. Martin: No, not really with that song, it was just a story. The difficult part about Pink Frost is being able to create emotional music.,A lot of people think that song is about our drummer, Martyn Bull (who died of Leukemia] but it’s not. Inspite of whom the song was written about, it still comes across as a very powerful song. I’ve heard that I Lovtl Mv Leather Jo&et was written with Martyn Bull in mind. Martin: Yeah, it was. That song also seems very personal but in a more light-hearted wry.
Did your interest in the music of the ’ sixties begin sometime after forming the Chills? Martin: Nat really. I was brought up with that music. The radio was always on in the *kitchen while 1 was growing up. The first thing I did when I started buying records was’track down all the songs that 1 had heard on the radio.
Not everyone, side of New
well, not everyone
o u 1-
of forming
band as a logical career alternative. HOW did the Chills first come about? Mar’tin: I can’t remember why, but for some reason 1 bought an electric guitar. (smiles) Thinking back, it seems like a funny thing to-do. Some friends ,of mine knew that I had it and were forming a band called The Sane, a punk band. I joined that and afier . . . oh.. +about a year or so, I took it over and it became my band. Three members of The Sane later became’ the
Whose songwriting do you admire? Martin: Those questions are always difficult because I can never remember the names off the top of my head. I like Graeme Downes‘lyrics (of the Verlaines], Syd Barrett’s songs and lyrics are amazing . . . Randy Newman 2 he’s one of my alltime favourites. The Beatles, or maybe I should say John Lennon’s lyrics and what I can make out of R.E.M.‘s lyrics I’ve liked but I can’t really tell for sure (laughs). There’s well-thought out lyrics that 1 like but also some of the silly things that The Ramones did are equally great.
There seems to be a very distinctive New Zealand aauti coming from bands like the Chills, Verlaines, Sneaky Feelings, The Orange and others. Is that something your’re aware of? Martin: I wasn’t really until we went overseas and 1 found that there was no one else that ,sounded like us. It was quite reassuring. Rock music is prone to regional variations so I think the isolation of N.Z. has a 1st to do with developing a ‘unique’ sound. N.Z. is just so far removed from world fashion and the rat-race of bands trying to become instantly popular as soon as they form. There, we were allowed to develop at our own pace. I think that was important. The closeness of the bands might have had something to do with a ‘common sound’ - the exchanging of band members. and ideas between the Verlaines and the Chills. Over the last five years, 1 think bands like SnFaky Feelings, the Verlaines and the Chills have drifted away from a common influence, if not played upon, of the Velvet Underground to find their own niche. .
I’ll bet that great New Zealand band, the La De Das [a mid-sirities pop/garage band similar to the Small Faces that has gained a cult following mainly due to COVers of their songs by groups such as The Chesterfield Kings and the Bangles) were getting a lot of regional radio play during the sixties . . . Martin: No, not much at all as I recall. Probably every band other than New Zealand groups were getting a lot of play (laughs).
You seem to be getting quite a bit of campus radio play, in Canada at least. Martin: Yeah, on the other side of the coin, campus radio has been really good to us, giving us strong support.
To sing something that personal, ‘night after night, do you find you must disassociate yourself with the meaning of what you’re singing and just sing the words? Martin: just the opposite really. I find 1 have to think back to the time I was writing the song to get the feelings I had when 1 first wrote it . . . which is pretty tricky, especially in a live situation. You’ve got so many songs on your mind you think “what the hell was that all about, right!”
, ! [ j
H&w do you feel about currently popular group? such as The Smiths? Martin: They’re an odd sort of band. When 1 was in N.Z. listening to different music, 1 didn’t really appreciate them. After going to London though, and seeing the conditions and the state of mind of the British public, I can really appreciate why The Smiths have done so well there. Yeah, I like what they’re doing.
Did you have-any prior musical training? Martin: Well, my two sisters and I were made to take piano lessons. I hated the lessons at the time but 1 later realized their value.
I guess even in New Zealand there was a prejudice against the native music scene. Martin: Yes, it was similar to the way it is now. , Are the Chills having difficulty getting radio play? Martin: Our last couple of single releases have charted quite well. So the radio stations have been playing some things but there are, of course, other groups who receive little or no play at all. Now New Zealand has instituted a 20 per cent New Zealand content programming policy which seems to have been wor,king quite well in Australia. We’ll have to wait and see how it all works out. Unfortunately, it seems that many of the new programmers that the stations have been hiring have been programming what appears to be British top 40.
Martin: Yes. I mean, obviously, there was a lot of things I wanted to say about Martyn because he was an amazing person. Of courhe that’s ‘what everyone says about someone who dies but he really was! I wanted to say it all in one of those soft and atmospheric kinda songs but it sounded really bad. The lyrics suddenly fitted into this . . . Gary Glitter, sort of rock ‘n’ roll number - it seemed quite appropriate really.
in Europe.
is the guy
by Paul Done Imprint staff
Akin to running through The Metropolitan Museum of Art at a full sprint, The Chills in concert present so many moments of exceileqce that it is difficult to separate individual events from the overall emotional impact of the show. Their recorded work to date, left no doubt that The Chills were capable of constructing pop songs that were melodic, charming and emotive. What was not evident was the sheer intensity that The Chills project - whether singing light songs such as Doledrums
Frost. Martin Phillipps, The Chills‘ lead singer and songwriter has proven that he possesses the rare ability to craft consistently fine pop songs without the necessity of limiting himself to one style, mood or theme. He can write about dead friends (I Love My Leather Jacket] with the same verve and insight as he examines fanciful daydreams (Kaleidoscope World).
he creates
the hat.
sweet harmonies as easily as thrashy rave-ups. On this night. which was one of only three concerts during this, their first trip to North America, one could only stand in wonderment at the Drocession bf classic pop songs which balanced a winning sweetness with the bands ability to drive their music 10 a high-speed punky roar. From the opening chimes of Doledrums, The Chills sent out wave after wave of emotional impact. Sometimes relying upon the combination of wordplay and instrumentation. as in the dreamlike Great Esc~e; at’ other times abandoning words in favour of emotions which cannot be expressed by words alone - like the new song (whose title was not mentioned] during which Phillipps and the bass -player emit ted “psh6o&?’ noises as part of a circular, And, occasionally,
instrumental. Chills overpop perfection like the harmonies on Kaleidoscope World which were spot-on. Well worth a 10 hour drive, The Chills whelmed
surging The
proved that pop can be played with fiery intensity and that one need not paint oneself into an artistic corner in order to maintain
a specific
More important Bulgarian dishes) yummy blonde amazon
of excel-
and a yum-yum-
The obvious fact that all of the most important N.Z. groups are on the same (Flying Nun) record label must have something to do with a ‘New Zealand Sound’, if only because the music is being produced and engineered by some of the same peapie, Martin: 1 suppose, but the part of the producer and engineer tit ‘Flying Nun, for the most part, has taken the form of a person who shouts “can’t hear the guitar!” It’s more the result of everyone being around at the same time and growing up with the technology at hand. It ivas a very good way to learn. I Are there any plans for a new Chills album? Martin: There are plans for the first Chills album, yeah, We’ve just finished the bulk of recording -for it before we came over. You see, because of all the line-up changes, none of the Chills bands have reached the stage of recording an entire album, The songs date back about six years,
played live. It’s going to be about half old songs which we haven’t recorded before and half new songs. Some of the songs were recorded Iive in the studio, Who is in the current Chills line-up? Martin: Caroline Easther on drums, Justin, Howard on bass, and Andrew Tide plays keyboards. This band is really solid and evetiyone gets along well together. It’s the best the Chills have ever been. ’
I : ’
. :
by Paul Done Imprint
Jim Thirwell is back in his Foetus suit, running his grime-covered paws lustily over everything in reaching distance. This time he finds himself playing granite man in Bedrock, which sounds like the soundtrack for a snuff-porno film rendition of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A mere rundown of the lyrics reveals Jim Thirwell to be a master of the sick and perverse Yeah, slimes of a feather grime together/ I oughta scatter your brains from here to White Plain
Peter Stathopulos stuff
Saint Julian is a very straight ahead rock ‘n’ roll album. Julian ’ Cope doesn’t m&e any earthshattering discoveries or backmask suggestions to buy 13 copies of his album. What he concentrates on is putting together good songs almost effortlessly. Island Records and Cope have figured out how to make a good thing last and last and last . . . : There are about 12 different versions available of his three singles, World Shut Your Mouth, TramPoline, and Eve’s Volcano. They’ie goid, but-how much is Federation
of Students,
growls the ugly red-haired one. After wiping the spittle from his foaming mouth he proceeds Well I’m a two-fisted fucker getting hard in my pants/ and hot under the coJJar. Later, he utters the most inspiringly perverse couplet I’ve heard since. . . since his Wiseblood collaboration with fellow asshole Roli Mossiman A woman’s place is on ma face/ eat ma fire I’m the new messiah. Thirwell’s sick, growling rant, combined with the sparse, ‘lounge-music-from-hell backing track creates an atmosphere ‘which oozes, violence and disease - lovely! A quote which was once used to describe Wiseblood’s first single Death Rape 2800 seems quite appropriate at this time - it goes something like this:. . , this is not the kind of record .that people who are supposed to be concerned about your welfare should know you listen to. ,
out three Ll%, of which hint lulian is the only one availablain \\, Canada. His singles are catchy-pop‘ with compelling hooks and casual vocals. Cgpe’s singing is very comfortable. He doesn’t strain and can stretch from his lower, Iggy Popesque voice to his upper range. His lyrics are minimalist. Trampoline’s chorus is a typical example. Trampoline, I can’t believe L You’re trampliag me. Short and to the poiht. Very nice, Mr.Cope, If you would like to see J.C, in action with Siouxsie and the Banshees, they’ll be playing the Kingswood Music Theatre on Wednesday, August a2. University
of Waterloo
Campus Centre, Lower Mall University of Waterloo --~ ~
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Mbnday to Friday 900 AM to 500 PM Saturday from 100 PM to 5:00 PM CLOSING
to Imprint
If you don’t find the threat of a worldwide barbecue particularly funny then you‘ll probably get a big kick out of Roger Waters‘ new album cuz he seems pretty pissed off about it himself. And while there may be some validity to the argument that antin:lclear themes have been overdone in recent pop, this album is also an eloquent examination of the potential of this music for change and reform. Radio K,A.O.S., the voice through which Waters transmits his ideas, is a “renegade rock station fighting a rear-guard action against format radio.“ Mingling with the music of this “radio show” is an ongoing conversation between Jim, the DJ, and Billy, the main character, as well as Waters‘ usual assortment of raving lunatics and politicians. Thus, the liner notes take the form of a script and, like the best Floyd stuff, the album’s power is doubled by reading along with Waters’ apocalyptic vision, and picking up his pointed attacks on nasties like Thatcher, Reagan, and Sylvester Stallone. In one of the album‘s ,many funny moments, a biting comparison is drawn between Ronnie and Hopalong Cassidy: Adventure‘s his bread, excitement’s his butter, and why that‘s like danger, strawberry jam to top it off. Though his overall message gets muddled in places, Waters’ humour never misses its mark. Musically. Radio KAOS ranges from sadly to pop to very powerful. Waters’ voice is strong and tortured and clearly reminiscent of The Final Cut. Nobody has ever sounded so honestly. pained. Still, it can‘t save Radio Waves which is dismally jinglish. Luckily, the .pproaching-storm sound of ’ :Who Needs lnformotion follows, aqd the fired-up T Powers That Be. By this final 4 irst-s!de son’g the music has finally got off the ground, featuring the dynatiite horn section of Waters’ Bleeding Hearts Band, and the guest vocglists who are made good use of, throughout, Most notab’b of these is Glare Torry, whose soulful solo was immort\ ized on The Dark Side of the ii eon, and who returns with a sweet vengeance on Home and Four Minutes. She is just one of the elements which serve to make this second side as headphone-worthy as a lot of Pink Floyd. The representation of the countdown to the bomb is brilliantly, chaotically, terrifying. A male voice choir ends the album with moving passion on The Tide is Turning in which Waters points with surprising optimism to Live Aid, and the awesome potential he sees in music and radio as a medium for social change.
blackest irony of Radio KAOS is that the format radio stations it criticizes are so obviously the majority that the album is not going to get the Thus exposure it deserves. listening audiences will likely hear only those individual songs deemed “listenable” by mindless programmers, and miss the enormity of the album as a whole. I guess it‘s too bad Roger Waters is -infinitely too intelligent to wrap his entire social conscience into a fourmintite
structions. And the music . . . well these crazy cats suffer from a malady of watching too many old surf b-movies and overdosing on the soundtracks. Their instrumental ditties have all the goofy beach intentions and in combination with a goofball game, the result is a real winner. Perfectly suited for those nifty beach parties where Annette and Frankie will certainly wanna join in on all the fun, fun, fun!
by Don Kudo Imprint staff its finally here. Yes, Schlaggers! Not only is SchIaggers! the latest 45 from those crafty T.O. space cadets known as Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet, but it is the band’s big plunge into the big business world of kiddie games. Included in this mighty seveninch package: lunar bingo chips. astral director, space bolt, universal two-sided language decoder (the record, stupid!], semi-invincible ‘sandwich bag[to keep Schlaggers fresh), plus frightfully simplistic in-
But there is one problem that my little brain has yet been able to solve. How does one use the universal two-sided space sized language decoder with space bolt and astroj director attached, and listen to the Shadawy guys’ tunes? I’ve got it! Buy another copy! So there you have it, you crazy kids. Go on out there now to your local Toys-R-Us or Dr; Disc and’ buy at least one copy, and happy Schlagging!
dy Peter Stathopulos Imprint staff Hugh Marsh has been Bruce Cockburn’s violinist for about six years and he’s finally released his own album. The most exciting aspects of Shaking The Pumpkin are its zest for experimentation and its technical precision. The entire album was recorded, mixed, and mastered digitally. It sounds great. The first song is a cover of Purple Haze using Marsh’s squealing violin and Robert Palmer’s subdued+ nightclub voice. Covering a Jimi Hendrix tune is an unusual way to begin an album, but this is probably the most usual song on the whole record. The rest of the songs go on different musical and lyrical tangents. Marsh has assembled several friends/singers to help him do this, including Palmer, Cockburn, Dalbello, and B.J Nelson, How The Violin Was Born features Cockburn reciting poetry rather than singing it. And again, recitation appears on the track, Rules Are Made To Be Broken. Here, Palmer narrates the fictitious story of how the
Nazis try to restrict jazz music because it is too spontaneous and reckless, Dalbello adds her synthesizer-enhanced singing to the track to make it the strongest on the album. In most situations where a conventional sygthesizer would be used in the recording studio, Marsh instead substitutes his violin. In another very experimental tra_ck called Pizz Punk, Marsh plucks the violin strings (pizzicato] in accompaniment to a drum machine, But what seems to be a drum machine is actually Marsh tapping his chest and abdomen, recording the pitches, and then arranging them as if they were a drum kit. Marsh’s lyrics in many of the songs are drawn directly from literature that he’s read and enjoyed. His singing violin pervades each song and gives the album its main thread of consistency. Along with the punching drum and bass, Marsh creates a musical experience that makes the listener want to flip to Side 2 and investigate with what else he’s experimented. The last cut, Sempre Nel Mio Cuore (Always In My Heart)” is a very beautiful Spanish-influenced song that tiomes.about spontaneously with Palmer humming a folk theme in time to Marsh’s gentle playing. Shaking The Pumpkin is a strong effort’ for Hugh Marsh, and he is expected to take his violin on tour in mid-September.
Top eight records and tapes .
for week
i, U2 - The Joshua
July 18, 1887
2. Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Life 3. Roger Waters - Radio K.A.O.S. 4. Box - Closer Together (Fed Hall July 25) 5. Crowded House - Crowded House 6. Northern Pikes - Big Blue Sky 7. XTC - Skylarking (Dear God] 8. Bruce Cockburn - Waiting for a Miracle (2 LP collection) JUST ARRIVED 1.X-SeeHowWeAre
2. Montreux - Sign Language (A Windham Hill release) Vipe (Jesus On The Payroll) 3. Thrashing Doves - Bedrock 4. Grateful Dead - In the Dark (Purple Haze) 5. Hugh Marsh - Shaking The Pumpkin Based on the sales at the Record Waterloo.
by Peter Stathopulos Imprint ataff In an age where shiny, pastel, three-minute video/singles are the gruel of the day, Marillion forges yet another exhilarating concept album. Clutching At Straws finds the Scottish artrack band brandishing a more forceful sound and a more serious subject matter: alcoholism. The band seems to have matured enough to make a statement that will be heard by more people than ever before. What is this? Mass popularity for one of the last bastions of intellectual music? Will they join the growing list of pop musicians who are cashing in on the la-year old Madonna/Prince Ghetto-blaster/Walkman pre-recorded tapes phenomenon. Although Marillion has a huge following in Europe, they are not very well known in North America. Perhaps, because they do not compromise their type of music for their record company or for North American audkences weaned on Whitney and Lionellips. The theatrics of Genesis in the ’70s are being realized again in
by Paul Done Imprint staff Father and Sons is a compilation of tracks from, arguably, the three greatest modern gospel quartets: R.H. Harris and The Soul Stirrers, The Five Blind Boys of Mississippi and The Sensational Nightingales. The Soul Stirrers, as the seminal quartet have a whole side devoted to a survey of their best work with Rebert Harris while The Five Blind Boys and The Nightingales share the second side. In the I%%&, under the leadership of Rebert Harris, The Soul Stirrers transformed the concept. of the quartet, which had existed since the late 19th century. Previously, quartets had been frowned upon by “serious” churches because of their “trickeration and clowning” (much like barbershop quartets). The Soul Stirrers’ prime mbtive was to tear up churches with the raw
the '80s by Marillion. In fact, tiany people who listen to Marillion point out that they sound too much like early Gabriel-Genesis. Well, the truth be known, they do, or rather they did on their first few albums (I could swear Fish and Gabriel share the same set of vocal cords.] Clutching At Straws, however, marks a turning point for Marillion. They are developing their own distinctive texture here with much raunchier guitar parts than early Genesis laid down. Fish, the lead singer/lyricist, is also contributing to their independence by writing songs that carry stronger statements than their previous albums. These include violence vs. personal honour in tracks like White Russian and Slainte Mhath, creeping middle age and bad health in Torch Song, and a satire of the rich and famous in Incommunicodo. The first three albums form a trilogy that tell the story of the Jester, the band‘s symbolic heromascot. The Jester’s life is narrated chronologically backwards. He begins as a iaded, old man, moves through his angry youth, and back to the innocence of his childhood. Well, the new record is based somewhere in between the time of angry youth and approaching middle age. The setting for our hero is a basement speakeasy. Here in darkness, he sits drinking away the evening with other
strangers reminiscing about his problems with booze and drugs and trying desperately to put them behind him, We become invobved in the concept because as listeners, we are either being addressed directly by the hero or we can overhear his conversation to others, Whatever the case, the concept is brilliant for creating interaction between the album and its audience. This basic relationship is neceisary to the success of any music - whether artrock or hardcore thrash. The strangers that share the Jester’ seclusion include the band members who are crowded around a pool table and other once famous celebrities. The one common feature about all of these figures is that they’re “clutching at straws.” They’re holding drinks in their hands as they chat in comfortable anonymity with each other. The final song, The Last Straw sums up this ongoing theme. And if you ever come across us don’t give us your sympathy/ You can buy us a drink and just shake our hands/ And you’11 recognize by .the reflection in our eyes/ That deep down inside we’re all one and the some/ We’re clutching’ ai straws still drowning . . . The album ends with . the sound of the Jester’s drunk and careless laughter, Happy Ending. Unable’ to cope with the
emotional power of their performances. The Soul Stirrers shed the bonds of tight group performance and carved out a new style in which Rebert Harris was free to improvise his phrasing while the rest of the group held a powerful, yet sweet harmony. His fluid tenor bounced across bar lines and against the rhythm of the group in a .spiral of increasing intensity and power. Later, The Soul Stirrers would begin to use alternate leads with R.H. Harris, allowing the singers to push and prod each other to more fevered pitches of emotional outpouring. Later, Rebert Harris would take a shy, awkward teenager under his wing and groom him to replace him upon his retirement in 1950 that teen was Sam Cooke, whose early recordings reflect his reverence for Harris (along with the influence of The Swan Silvertones’ Claude Jeter). The Soul Stirrers’ tracks collected on this compilation were, with the exception of two songs from 193% recorded during the period 19451948. The tracks are all superb, with the later tracks standing out thanks to the addition of James Medlock, a second lead singer. My personal favorite is Does Jesus Care? duririg
which the group works up into a righteous+ hand-clapping swing. Soul man Bobby Womack once claimed that Sam Cooke “couldn’t carry Archie Brownlee’s jockstrap”, and while Sam’s voice may have been sweeter than Archie’s, there are very‘few ‘noises which can compal’e to the terrifying sanctity of a Brownlee scream when he’s in full flight. Of the four tracks contained herein, Archie Brownlee and The Five Bliti Boys of Mississippi (as opposed to Clarence Fountain’s Five Blind Boys of Alabama] get down to some righteous wailing on three while the fourth, I Was Going to Tell God , shows that Archie could sweeten a harmony with the best, During Jesus Is A Rock Brownlee and co-lead P.L. Perkins cut loose into a sanctified, screaming frenzy, which makes even Aretha Franklin or Wilson Picket& most emotional moment pale in comparison. According to the evidence on this record, Archie Brownlee and The Five Blind Boys of Alabama were truly the baddest group who ever lived . a . ever, The third quartet represented on Fathei and Sons is The Sensational Nightingales who were led by Julius Cheeks and his strong baritone. Cheeks shouts and screams were second only to Archie Brownlee for sheer incendiary power. The Nightingales used much more complex backgrounds than the simple country harmonizing of The Five Blind Boys, borrowing much of the technique from doo-wop groups. The primary strength though was Cheeks and his groundmoving leads are shown in iheir prime on the classic Somewhere To Lay My Head where The Sensational Nightingales build up to an emotionai pitch unique to gospel quartets. As great as '60s soul like Otis Redding, Eddie Floyd, the Four Tops and James Carr was, the great gospel quartets like The
FATIitEl!bt!!&ONS .:~ :.‘>
pressures that he’s been telling us about, he takes to drinking once again: clutching at straws, still drowning.
by Peter Stathoptilos Imprint staff Nomzama is one of hundreds of albums to avoid in 1987. The band’s name is deceptive - IQ is something these four guys could use more of. “Synthesizer garbage” surrounds many of the songs on this album. The core of a song may last about two minutes, but then the band adds two more minutes of insignificant music which serve only to bring the track in at four or more minutes. Ngrnzrmo would be a better album if there was less effort and more feeling in the music. It’s been mixed and engineered to the point of oversaturation.
by Rob Cumming Imprint staff Stephen Crumbacher has discovered variety and sophist icaCon. The band’s first album, Incandescent Glow, while being innovative was somewhat oppressive in the sameness of the songs. That album was dominated by keyboards which resulted in a cheap Hammond organ sound. This new album is a definite improvement. The keyboard sound has been reduced to a more acceptable level and other instruments have risen to take up the slack. The songs themselves show a better variety of styles, from the semifunky Once in a Heartbeat to the Dream Academy-like Only Time. The highlights of the album include the title song, Thunder Beach, and Only Time. The heartfelt Here am 1’ and the boppy instrumental Ttlrra Firma are also interesting. Unfortllnately, some of the other songs show too much of the cuteness from their earlier albums. Lyrically, Crumbacher shows a sincere desire to reach out to his audience, however, some might find the ideas he expresses’ simple and not in touch with reality. If Crumbacher‘s experz tise continues to grow, as this1 I album has demonstrated, the future should be bright for this band.
“God for what ails ya!”
ST. W., &
172 KING
ST. W.,
BOYS of Mississippi and The Sensational Nightingales make the grittiest of soul seem tame and restrained. Father and Sons is an essential collection of the best quartet recordings made and, thanks to the great cover notes by Anthony Hielbut [author of The Gospel Sound], a highly informative historical document. Buy.
Songs like No Love Lost do not provide any new musical information after the first 30 seconds. The title track is likewise anticlimatic. Although, the band is trying to be introspective and “deep” here, they muck even this up because they are simply too vague. IQ is trying to make fourminute singles using Emulator and Prophet synthesizers and then filling in the music with vague, philosophical lyrics. The words, *‘glamour artrock” come to mind. The two words are contradictory. You can’t bond Level 42 with Pink Floyd. You can’t marry Platinum Blonde with Marillion. You can’t listen to IQ without laughing because everything they do is just rehashing what others have already done better. IQ’s Nomzamo is another example of the formula handbook to mediocre vinyl in four easy minutes. The aalbum lacks any real punch or direction in its music and lyrics, To boot, the cover graphics and sleeve pictures are tasteless and if IQ manages to put out another album, then they may well be worth panning again.
rived at the humour level of this film. Inspirin’, ain‘t it? Ogre is eventually initiated into the nerds‘ fraternity, with full honours: pocket* protector, taped glasses, greased hair, and plaid trousers and jacket, I give away the ending, because it’s not worth going to see unless you happen to be mentally undernourished. Paradise is’ being far away from Nerds in Pczrodise.
and grenades across his (Commando/Rambo ripoff.] -The nerds play their music ‘to win the good favour of the other fraternities (Nerds I ripoff.) The most profound quesbullets chest
WORKING GIRLS by Peter Stathopulos Imprint staff
tion in the whole movie comes The big, bad, film fairy has from Ogre after he’s smoked a given us yet another mindless few foot-long island joints. He sequel for the summer. Nerds in poses, “What if C.A.T. spelled Paradise asks us to please check dog?: We-have now officially arour brain at the dqor and follow -.. our burning genitals into ,the by John Zachariab theatre for som8 T&A+ action. staff The original cast of nerds has ’ Imprint returned to represent .their fraMolly (Louise Smith], the ternity, Lambda Lambda main character in Lizzie Lambda, at the national .conferBorden’s Working Girls, is a ence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. former Ya’lie who works in a Appropriately enough, even high class New York es%ort seramidst mounds of tanned flesh and stringed bikinis, the nerds are still treated like second-rate citizens. As soon as they arrive, the manager boots them out of their hotel and they end up staying at a dive called the Hotel Coral Sussex. To further aggravate this situation, their accommodations are, appropriatelgl enough, at the Rickie Ricardo suite. The nerds spiff up the dive, alter the hotel’s neon sign to read, “Hot Oral Sex,” and change into their alter egos to become cool rappin’ music heroes. Now, this is bad comedy, but unfortunately, it gets worse. The film blatantly steals scenes from dfilms likb The Karate Kid, Commando, and even the original Bevenge of the Nerds. Parody to a limited extent is fine, but this film completely relies on it for its success. After a while, there aren’t any surprises left for viewers because they’ve already seen the gags or heard the jokes elsewhere. Booger finds his mentor, Snotty, and learns the mantra of phlegm [Karate Kid ripoff.) Skolnick straps on scores of
vice (read brothel). in the movie, we follow Molly Zhrough the trials and tribulations of a day on the job. And what a day it is for poor Molly. She has to break in a new girl, her frazzled madam asks her to staylate, and-she forgot her stockings and garter belt.
Sure is a good thing she coyld Don’t Prebch trivialized the borrow some from a co-worker, plight of unwed teenage mom’s, Dawn, who goes to university in Working Girls comes across as a the evenings. There’s also Gina, trite attempt to show us that whcr’s saving to start her own prostitutes are the same as evebusiness. ryone else. Mind you, Borden‘s Sure, these girls are jes’ folks, depiction is not inaccurate, but it says Borden, with the same is incomplete. All of us have read problems and hassles as secreabout teenage runaways, adtaries, schoolteachers, etc. Whedicted to drugs and beaten by tiever they complain about their - -_ ____-their pimps, and about young johns, it sounds-like they’re comboys sodomized by old, fat perpiaining about gum on their verts. And knowing this, it’s shoe, or a cofn. Which is the hard to be moved by, or have basic problem with Working Girls. Just as Madonna’s Papa sympathy for B~den’s vision*
Hip Happenings even on Saturday night, RM will help eliminate mediocrity at this bar of alternative vibes, Also tonight in Guelph, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet do their wild instrumental thing at St. George’s Church, 99 Woolwith St. Throughout July th.e School for the Performing and Visual Arts have been working hard toward their production Starz to be presented on July 29. The Centre in the Square has been alive with the talents of these young people who present a play or a visual display in the KW Art Gallery. The big event of the summer, yes, SOBA’s afternoon picnic of Blues in Doon. This show happens in the mid-afternoon on Sunday, July 26 and features soul-man Otis Cl&y, Chicago Pete, and some local dudes. To find Doon, drive out on highway 8 on route to 401, turn right before the 401, and just drive around until you find a sign or a woman or man,
Are you ready for the weekend were everything happens? Well get ready, for this is that weekend, For starters, on the island in Guelph Lake (just outside Guelph) the entire weekend is devoted to outdoor music of Hiibide ‘87. This mega festival features 20 musical acts and also a children’s program. Now let’s drop a few names: Scott Merritt, Nancy White, or Haywire. Another festival, of sorts-, is the Amnesty International benefit. An all day affair featuring primarily local artists. The Weathermen, Young Pagans, and T.O. Queen Beverly Bratty will all be playing upstairs at the Huether Hotel. Who knows what other other socially conscience artists will appear here Saturday? The benefit concert starts at .1 p.m. For tonight‘s big action drive to Elora to witness The Research Monkeys live in action at the Cafe I Flore. For two nights, yes
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UW sports:
the last five years
by Donald Duench Imprint staff The University of Waterloo celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. To commemorate this achievement, Imprint Sports presents a four-part review of Waterloo athletics. This week: part 4 - the last five years.
Above: IJ’VV goglie Mike Bi: shop was the ClAU’s rookie of the year in 1987. Right: The rugby Warriors won OUAA titles in 1983 and 1985
imprint file photos
The basketball Warriors came back from a 25-10 deficit in the OUAA West division championship game against Brock to win 62-57. Peter Savich led the War+ors@th 32 poi’nts. 7hey went on to win th6 OUAA filr;al with a 66-65 win over York. In their CIAU semi-final game at UW versus Brandon, Savich’s shot at the buzzer gave Waterloo a 73-72 victory, The Warriors went on to the CIAU final, where they lost a 63-52 decision to Vic-
toria. Both Waterloo curling teams won Ontario championships. Glenn Howard, Bruno DiGioacchina, Paul Godword and Matt Feltis won the OUAA title, while Caroline Francey, Tammy Hughes, Nancy Lawler and Sandy Smith were the OWIAA’s best. ’ Led by Pat Wardlaw and Jacquie Gibson, the Athena nordic ski team won their third straight OWIAA title. The Warriors fiaished fourth at the OUAA meet’. The Athena swimmers finish in second place at_ _ the . OWI’AA . _ __ I swim meet. Lynn Marshall q’ualified for seven CIAU events, while Kelly Neuber qualified for six. Overall, 13 Athetias earned a trip to the CIAU meet,“where they saw Marshall, win the 400 metre freestyle race.
on page 18
SPORTS ’- . Cheers
for CR Champions
PAC hours
by Pam Bondett Campus Recreation Exciting times have swept by us. once again. The competitive leagues have played their playoffs and all the leagues excluding men’s basketball have acclaimed their champions. The men’s basket& ball champions, which were decided July 22, was not available at press time. The season for each of the leagues went by very quickly and smoothly. The efficiency of various leagues can be attributed to the hard and enduring work which each of the five conveners contributed this term, Referees and umpires should be commended for the hours that they put in to secure the fair and safe play we enjoyed this term. To congratulate once again the league champions in their respective divisions, here is a brief recap of this term’s results: Non-Contact
“A” Division: “B” Division:
Men’s Iceomers Renison
“A” Division: Highway 90 “B” Division: Lego “Cl’ Division: Active Components Women’s
Many thanks to the following Jacobs, Trudy Smit, Charlotte Janet Sestanovic.
Reunion’s in June
of terri’l The PAC hours of operation for the remainder of the Spring term are:
Mon. July 27 - Thurs. July 30 8:00 a.m. to 1l:OO p.m.
Poor Kids Men’s
for rest
Fri., July 31st 8:00 a.m. to lkO0 p.m.
“A” Division: Dienastl r “BY Division: Boombar; as “BY Division: Mission II+,,hnnccivil “B3” Division: Merkin
Mon., Aug. CLOSED
$ 3
West B Oldtimers people for their hard work: Swartzentruber, laci Lvndon,
Tim and
action I
:::>2:.. 3gs$@qc&>~~~ ::.:.:.:& i ::.::::~~<~&..~~ in CR competitive baskett
photo courtesy CIampus Recreation
The PAC will be closed from August 15 until September 8. All lockers must be cleaned by August 7, After August 7, locker contents may be redeemed for $3.00. Items will be stored for one term.
Sunday afternoon fun in TO
by Grant Grisdale CR Reunion Coordinator A Campus Recreation reunion is to occur in June of 1988 for past employees of the department. Activities have yet to be confirmed but the wee-, kend should prove td be full of thrills and excitement. It will be a chance for everyone to get together and talk about the past and present. Make sure you keep an eye out for more information regarding the reunion. If you are interested in helping to organize t-he reun-_ ion, please contact Grant Grisdale at 885-1211 ext. 3302. Your assistance would be greatIy appreciated.
Tom Sneva was caught speeding Sunday on take Shore Boulevard along with 23 of his friends. It was all a part of the lndy-car racing in Torcnto last weekend. Despite a collision with Danny Sullivan’s car in the last lap, Emerson Fittipaldi of Brazil
won the race. fittipaldi’s duriirg the race. Sullivan Rahal, last year’s winner.
car averaged 95.991 miles finished second, followed
per hour by Bobby
lmprlnt photo by Mike Brown
SPOIRT8. . ‘ohmbia JceIf/e
Hall of Fa Continued
In volleyball, the Warriors won the OUAA West division championship, led by co-MVPs Paul Craven and Owen Jones. UW lost to Toronto in the OUAA final. Athena tennis player Alison Manning won the OWIAA singles championship, while wrestler Abe Buechert won the OUAA title in the 112 lb. competition.
1983 - 84 An on-campus arena finally became a reality at Waterloo. The name Columbia Icefield was chosen over calling the edifice the Don Hayes Arena. The rugby Warriors won the OUAA championship, defeating York 19-3 in the final game. Andy Stone’s three penalty kicks and tries by Paul Coburn and Tony Stea gave UW the win. In field hockey, the Athenas, led by Lisa Bauer’s Waterloo record 29 goals, finished second to Toronto in the OWIAA finals. Their finish earned UW a trip to the CIAU tournament, where they finished sixth. The Athena nordic ski team took their fourth consecutive OWIAA title. Pat Wardlaw and Susan Stone were UW’s top placing skiers. In curling, the Warriors won the OUAA title, while the Athenas finished second at the OWIAA bonspeil. Lana Marjama of the crosscountry Athenas finished third in the OWIAA race, and fifth at the CIAU meet. Her placing earned her All-Canadian honours. In track and field, Athena high jumper Elaine Veenstra finished first at the OWIAA meet. Cornerback Mike White of the football Warriors was drafted by Ottawa in the.seventh round of the CFL draft. After defeating Concordia, Winnipeg and Brock to win the Naismith, the basketball Warriors had an 11-l regular season. At the same time, both of UW’s men’s and womem’s volleyball teams finished first in their regular season schedules. The success of the three teams resulted in the busiest athletic weekend ever at UW. On the days of February 24 and 25, Waterloo hosted the OUAA West basketball tournament, the OUAA volleyball championship and the OWIAA volleyball tournament. At the basketball tournament, Western defeated Water109 9% 88 in triple overtime to wir: the OUAA West division championship. The Warriors went on to win the Midwest regional and finish fourth at the CIAU tournament.
After going 12-1 in the regular season, the Athena volleyball team fell30 York at the OWIAA tournament. . In men’s volleyball, the Warriors defeated York 3-1 to win the OUAA title. Paul- Craven, Owen Jones and Jim Cooke were named OUAA West all-stars, while head coach Dave Husson was named OUAA West volleyball co-coach of the year. Waterloo finished third at the CIAU volleyball tournament. Paul Craven was chosen as one of the tournament ail-stars.
1984 -85 Arr Athletic Hall of Fame was established to honour those who had made outstanding contributions to athletics tit Waterloo. Among the initial inductees were Dr, K.D. Fryer, Dick Aldridge and Claudia E. Cronin Schlote. Waterloo swimmer Mike West won the CIAU 100 metre and 200 metre races in CIAU record times. Peter Savich of the basketball Farriors won the Mike Mose’r award as the CJAU’s outstanding basketball player, That year, the Warriors awon both the Naismith (with Lakehead, Acadia and McGill the victims) and the OUAA West championship. They went on to win their regional tournament in Toronto on a shot at the buzzer by Rob Froese, sending UW to the CIAU tournament. There, they lost to Victoria, 93-79, in the CIAU final, Skip Glenn Howard’s curling Warriors extended their string of OUAA titles to three, while the Athenas again came second at the OWIAA competition. UW’s men’s volleyball team won the OUAA West division title, but lost -to Toronto in the OUAA championship match. The field hockey Athenas finished second to York at the OwIAA championships. Kathy Goetz and Debbie ,Murray were named to the OWIAA all-star team. Their second place finish qualified the Athenas for the CIAU tournament in B. C. Place, where they finished sixth. For the second year in succession, the golf Warriors finished second in the OUAAgolf tournament. The football Warriors defeated Toronto 25-24 for their only win of the season, and their last win to date.
1985 -86 After five overtime periods, the rugby Warriors finally won the OUAA rugby champions hip, 16-12, over Western. Jay Dinovitzer scored the winning try.
Randy Team
Norris (N0.54) dunks to help Waterloo win the mate Peter Savich (ins.et) was the CIAU’S player
1986 OUAA of the year
The basketball Warriors won ished fifth in the CIAU chamtheir third straight Naismith pionships, held in Moncton. tournament, defeating Laurier in Dave Ambrose was named a the final. It was the first time first-team All-Canadian. that UW and WLU hadmet in the Under new coach Don McKee, Naismith final. the hockey Warriors had a ceguAfter the Naismith, UW lost lar season record of nine wins, seven-foot centre Randy Ndrris. two losses and a tie at the Christto knee problems, but got No&i-s mas break, good enough for first back in time to win the OUAA place at the time. title and their regional tournaTheir winter was not as specment ta advance to the CIAUs. tacular, as they managed to hang Just like the previous year, Waon for sixth place and a playoff terloo lost to Victoria, 70-61, in spot. In the sudden-death quar<. the CIAU final. ter-final game, Waterloo lost a Peter Savich played his last 4-3 decision to York, but their games with UW that season. At season revived interest in varthe last home regular-season sity hockey at UW. game, Savich’s -No. 21 was re- - The Athena soccer team was tired, joining Bill Jones’ No, 22, formed that season, and played Jaan Laaniste’s No. 11, and Mike an eight game schedule. Moser’s No. 53. The only OWIAA champion1986 -87 ship taken by an Athena team that season was won by the UW The volleyball Warriors finfigure skaters. Margo Fraser, the ished in first place in the OLJAA team’s MVP, won the open sinWest division regular season for gles competition, the fifth straight year. They In volleyball, the Warriors were defeated 3-2 by Western in won the OUAA title, and finthe OUAA West final.
basketball in 1985.
final Imprint
at York. file photos
In hockey, the Warriors finished.third in the OUAA regular season, with a record of sixteen wins, four losses and four ties. UW received stellar goalkeeping from Mike Bishop, the team’s MVP and the CIAU hockey rookie of the year. In the playoffs, UW lost their best two-of-three quarter-final series to WLU in two straight overtime games. Both the Warriors and Athenas finished fourth at their respective Ontario swim meets, At the CIAU meet, diver Clare Young won the 1 metre diving event. Backstroke specialist Kate Moore won two CIAU medals, finishing second in’the 100 metre race and third in the 200 metre event. At the Waterloo Invitational cross-country meet, UW’s Harvey Mitro and Jill Francis won the men’s and women’s races respectively. The Warriors went on to finish second to Ottawa at the OUAA meet. By finishing second, they qualified for the CIALJ meet, where Andy Krucker finished fifth overall to earn All-Canadian honours. UW took fourth place at the CIAU event. Mitro would also shine during the indoor track season by winning the OUAA 1000 mette event, setting a new OUAA record. He finished second in the CJAU 1000 metre race. Overall, seven UW indoor track athletes went to the CIAU meet, including Krucker, who finished third in the 5000 metre race. Marcela
Mathers won the OWIAA doubles tennis title. As a team, the Athenas finished third overall in OWIAA tennis. Halftiine of the Naismith tournament game between UW and WLU was used to acknowledge the 20th anniversary of the Warriors Band.
FED FLICKS “Burglar”. Showtime is at 8 pm. in Physics 145* Price is $1 .OO for Feds; $3.00 for non-Feds.
with Amnesty International featuring dinner at 7:30 pm. at the Graduate House. Movies about A.I. and Prisoners of Conscience, and music from past A.t. benefit concerts. Everyone welcome. $3-00 admission. UW DRAMA and GLLOW present Larry Kramer’s “The Normal Heart”. Performances start at 8:OO pm. in Hagey Hall, 180. Admission is $1.99.
Concert featuring University Choir directed by Harris Loewen. Music by Haydn and Gershwin. Sponsored by CGC Music Dept. and the Creative Arts Board. Tickets:
for Feds; $3.00 for non-Feds.
7:oO pm..
MC 5158.
MC 5158. A SPECIAL benefit performance Of “The Normal Heart” Larry Kramer’s will be performed at 800 pm. at the Princess Cinema in Waterloo. Admission is $6.00, with proceeds being donated to Casey House, Canada’s first AIDS hospice.
FED FLICKS Raising Arizona
.Showtime is at 8 pm, in Physics 145. Price is $1.00 for Feds: $3.00 for non-Feds.
all for only $1.00 at the Jewish Students Association Bagel Brunch. Every Monday and Thursday 11:30 1:30. cc 113.
MONDAYS FRIENDS, conversation, orange juice, chairs, Styrofoam cups, atl for on ty $1 .OO at the Jewish students Association Bagel% 8runch. Every Monday and Thursday 11:30 1:30* cc 113.
SATURDAYS KW CYCllNG Cbb. ride to Conostogo Elora etc. Every summer. Info call 1000 am, Campus
FASS ‘88 Writers’ 700 pm.
meeting, MC 5158,
$1 .OO for Feds; $3.00 for non-Feds.
AUGUST’S meeting.
A --A
Srand new Norco Bicycle. Lost SYUU. Will sell for $250. or best offer.
MC 5158,
FASS ‘68 Writers’ 7:00 pm.
9 MC 5158,
31 years experience. .75 double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb area. Call Doris 886-7153.
Bev, 884- 8495. Honda CB175 twin cylinder,
electric start, five speed, new battery, good rubber. $400 or best offer. Call Don at 885-0794. Fish Tank for sale. 10 gal. with filter, heater, thermometer, gravel, rocks, canopy, lights. Call plastic plants, Shawn at X4048.
78 Fatrmount
Station Wagon. M ileage: 1 OL/lOOkm or 23mi/gal, ideal as two people camper, certified. $1600, Martin Koenemund, 7468095. Leave messane. ~elosport
12 spd. touring bike. Excellent condition. Just had complete tune-up. Call 746-2553 after 6. Queensized waterbed. One year old, 5 year warranty, electrical heater, etc. Cost 5175. Phone 886-9844 or
X6677. MEt Car stereo amp and speakers.
30 W per side. Brand new. Still under warranty, $200, OBO. Call Arthur 746-7621 eveninas or X6686 days.
Pink Floyd post concert party series. Sept. 22, 23. Come revel in mind-expanding psychedelic experiences in the company of fellow Floyd’fanatics! 21 Silverthorne Ave., Torpnto, Details: Scott 744-6526. BYOCS.
of the week: The rest of the
shoe sizes are indicated hair on the ear..
by the last
Futon man! Thanx for EVERYTHING this term. You’ve been wonderful. 1 don’t know how I would have survived without your futon. Luv, your personal masseuse. P.S. I think I still owe you dinner...qr is it dessert?. Dear
MicheleHarwood: Hope your birthday bash at the Bombshelter was fun. Sorry I couldn’t be there in person, but best wishes were with you. Keen smilin’...it’s almost over! Luv
LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. Evening meeting (Bible Study), All wetcome. 6:30 pm. i63 Univer&ty Ave. W. Apt. 321. THE HERtTAGE Resources Centre (U ’ of W] is offer_ing a series of four field
NO CHANTING or flower se1 ling required of new members. Come discuss unusual and interesting topics with citizens from all faculties at Themas. 5:30 CC 138 HURON
Puzzle Exhibit at UW’s Museum and Archive of Games. Puzzles, mazes, films, guest speaker. Special events and hands-on games. 9-5 weekdays, l-5 Sundays. Matthews Hall. THE FOURTH Annual Hillside festival will be held July 24, 25, 26 (Fri. eve. ‘til late Sunday afternoon} at Guetph Lake - on the island. Three stages of music, children’s program, food and crafts areas, camping, swimming, canoeing and more. $20 advance for a weekend pass (inbludes camping). One day passes avaita ble. Children under 12 free. Tickets available at Macondo Books, New Age Health Food, Bookshelf Cafe, Albion Hotel, New Wave Records, Desert Rose Cafe, Elora. for more information, call Hillside Office at 763-6396.
University ofWaterloo Drama incoqeration withGLLOW prcscll!s: .--
ship. 4130 - 7:w Paul’s Collene.
Ministry Fellowpm,, McKi’rdy Hal 1,St.
4:30p.m. MEAL Bible Study 5130 - 7:OOp.m. (Genesis l-11)
EVANGEL&CAL Fellowship International. I3ibte Study. Evervone wetcome. 7:30 pm., CC 135.
THE GAMES Museum, University of Waterloo and Waterloo Go’Club invite interested players to Go classes and free playing time. Every Wednesday evening. Beginner classes 6:30 - 7:30, open play 3:30 - 9:30 at B.C. Matthews HatI, Room 1040, Columbia St. entrance. Free. Call 888-4428.
Co-Opstudents. Out of money? Maybe we can help with a personal loan. Bank of Commerce, Campus Centre.
IUDo,, condoms and foam, cervical caps, the pill, natural methods...How do you decide which method is right tor you? Need soma help? Wander into the Birth Control centre, CC 206, or call us at 885-l 211, ext. 2306. Social awarenessat the Attitude: They are digging a big hole by the railway tracksrand nobody knows why. Anyone
to teach immiQrants speaking English good, please to write’2-264-Regina St., N., Wat., Ont. N2J 387. My name is Theodore.
Little Gtrt. Little Boy wants you to go
I It
Do you think the CIA has unleashed germ warfare to kill off all the queers Jerry Falwell doesn’t want?To find out come to Hagey Hall, 180 at 8:00 pm. Friday and Saturday. TO alt the cast and crew of “The Normal Heart”: Thank’s for everything. I love you all! Neil S.
. ’
home with him to meet his family next month. Mr. Bill.
WATERLOO Greens will be holding meetings at 7130 in CC 110. The Greens are a “sane” alternative political party devoted to ecologi$ally sound, sustainable policies. All welcome.
FEt) FLICKS Raising Arizona. Showtime is at 8 pm. in Physics 145. Price is
80 - 100 km club Lake, Stratford, Saturday during Kevin, ext. 3807. Center.
trips for children age 7-12 to local natural and cultural heritage areas. For more’ information call Mark, Debbie, or Wendy at 885-l 211 Ext. 3942 or
FASS ‘88 Writers’ 700 Dm.
MEETING on the Provincial Conference on Questions of Peace and War. 7:30 pm., Campus Centre 135. (University of Guelph, Sept. 27 - Oct. 3) Ail interested groups/individuals welcome.
BAGELS, FRIENDS, conversation, orange juice, chairs, Styrofoam cups,
MC 5158,
Come out and discuss the eseteric, the perverse and anything else that sounds interesting.
“Burglar”. Showtime is at 8 pm. in Physics 145. Price is $1 .OO for Feds; 53.00 for non-Feds.
Showtime is at 8 pm, in Physics 145. Price is $1 .OO for Feds; $3.00 for non-Feds.
FED FLICKS Raising Arizona.
FASS ‘88 Writers’ 7100 Pm.
FED FLICKS “Burglar”. Showtime is at 8 pm. in Physics 145. Price is $1 .OO
DRAMA and GLLOW present Larry Kramer’s “The Normal Heart”. Performances start at 8:OO pm. in , Hagey Hall, 180. Admission is $1.99.
One waich found July 14outside Biology building. Contact Turnkey desk.
Wttl do light moving
with a small truck. Also haul away garbage, other odd jobs. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff, 884-2831.
Non-Smoking female roomate wanted for Fall work-term in Scarborough/Markham area. Call Kim 8869832.
& Used Books & Magazines 1
Wet Suit: wanted to buy. Size: 1 SO Ibs. 6’ 2” tall. Size 10 feet. Call Richard ut 884-5007 after 10 pm.
TV PING Fast, professtonal
typing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, spelling, corrections available. From August 1. Suzanne, 886-3857.
306 King St. W. K~lchaner 742-1261
I I I 1.
flavors come together in one delighfful treat, it’s twice c1snice. Mmmmm. Notntng qurre We a DouDIe DeIlghT” Treat. Especlolly at this low price. Quick then. Before the sale ends, get to your participating DAIS QUEEN store.
I n
Westmount at University Weber at University King at John Open Daily Until 11 P.M. Fri. & Sat. Until ~~-mmmmmm~mm~mmmmmwmm
12 P.M.
Turbo XT@ l l
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Turbo AT@ 6/ 10 MHz processor e 512K RAM d 200 W power supply ‘@AT-style keyboard l 1.2 high density floppy drive l 20 MB XT hard disk l monochrome graphic adaptor l high-res monitor l
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