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of the seek u

by Bridget Molonsy Imprint staff Linda Frum, daughter of wellknown journalist Barbara Frum,

spent one year after graduating from McGill visiting 42 Canadian universities in order to compile the information for her book entitled,Linda Frum’s

to Canadian Universities. Frum begins Waterloo’s e% pose as follows, “Remember the guy in your high-school calculus class who wore thick glasses, Guide

flood pants, and carried 16 sharpened pencils in his breast pocket - and would never lend you one because you should have brought your own? The one who didn’t go to the prom because ngt even fat Mabel would go with him? Well, now he’s the most popular guy in his class at Waterloo University. And not only that, he’s going to get a much better job than you are.” . Imprint caught up with Frum while she was visiting Kitchen&-Waterloo to promote her new book and the following is an interview with her, IMPRINT: What gave you the inspiration for this book? FRUM: Well I have to give credit to Anna Porter, who is the publisher of Key Porter books, for the idea. 1 think her thinking was; and the reason she came to me with the idea; that there really wasn’t anything at alI 011 the market to help high-school students to chose a univspsti S The idea seemed natural and o iL , vious. High-school student8 needed more information &out unfvereitie# and 80 that’s wbti I &brnmd “to do+ -



You visited 42 universities in one year. Do you feel *you gave a fair representation of each university? FRUM: party-two universities and six colleges. As you say, that is obviously a lot of schools and you could spend five years visiting t.hem or you could spend less. I spent a year which is a long time so I don’t feel I shortchanged places. It’s true it would __have been nice to have set a more leisurely pace, also from the writing end because I was under deadlines, but with anything, you take the time you’re given and you do the best job you can. I spent a year immersed in this everyone I met, sitting on airI. planes, gcing to parties - I’d ask people: Where did you go to university? What did you think of ii? - it was completely my whole life for a year. QHPlUNT: What was the average amount of time you spent on a campus? At Waterloo? PBUM: I spenttwo to four days depending on the size and how IMPRINT=

bette,r child care -by Mike O’Drircoll

Gebrgia ‘a Jayne ?&et, 22, was crowned Miss OktoberFest 1987 last Thursday at the Humanities *Theatre. Kitchener-Waterloo’s Coben Fitzpatrick was the third runner-up in the contest. DhotdYPmJlW

Imprint 8t mff A .coalition of university et& dent groups has launched an appeal to the City of .Waterlgo in hopes of altering the policies that determine who is, ,and isn’t, eligible for child care support. According to a report direFt,ed to members-of city council’s Health and Social Services Committee current guidelines discriminate against studenta in need-of daycare subsidies. The coalition, which consists of UW’s Federatidn of Students and Graduate Student Aasociation along with WLU’s Student Union and Bricker Street Graduate Student Association, will present its report to the committee on October 21 in the Marsland Centre. - According to the re ort, present regulations disa Plow daycare subsidies for families in which both parents are students, or families in which either parent is a student working beyond their first diploma or university degree. The coalition contends that the municipal government is, in effect, passing judgment on the students on grounds different from those granted other members of the community. The report stresses that education and child Iearing are not mutually exclusive, and both are a necessary part of life. “Students attend universities to obtain the qualifications for employment and while doing so, some of them, like.other people, I have children. We ask that these 1 children be given the same ac-1 cesi to our Day Care system that other children in the Waterloo

Region families ble for The thgt, “. actively ipating

enjoy, by making student in financial need eligiDay Care subsidization.” coalition also conten&’ . . although etudents are contributing arid particmembers of the Waterloo


on page aa

MUTINY! by Imprint Sports Dept. This week saw a major upheaval within the Waterloo Warriors -football organization. On Wednesday, Wally Delahey, the men’s athletic director, announced to the players that head coach Bob McKillop would step down at the end of the season. According to team captain Chris Maecker who is acting as spokesman for the players, tensions came to a head last Thursday when Coach McKillop announced during halftime at Guelph that his job as head coach was under attack by a player or players on the football team. McKillop also announced that he would find that player or group, and went on to question that player or group’s dedication to the organization. The players took to the -field in second half mulling over these statements on their


to a 48-8


The team met last Monday at a meeting for players and coaches. Coach McKillop attempted to clear the air by asking the person or persons responsible to come forward. At this point the play-


on pega 28


Let’s Talk About ,

By Tom York


The rise of the modern multiple murderer [the subject of Elliott Leyton’s’ Hunting Humans, McClelland & Stewart, 1986] is particularly relevant to university students, especially women students. In Canada, where the overall homicide rate has been curiously stable for years; the multiple murder rate has remained similarly stable. Still, the astonishingly high homicide rate in the U.S. (the highest in the western industrial world, and by a huge margin) has begun to encroach on Canada - with multiple killer Ted Bundy’s occasional visits to Vancouver, for example, and the recent capture of alleged torturer and serial-killer Charles Ng in Calgary, not to mention our owri Clifford Olson. One thing a high percentage of these profoundly conservative, marginal figures have in common is th,eir preference for university women as victims, There are several reasons for this, according to Leyton. 11 The university campus is a classless enclave in the midst of a strati* fied society from which they feel excluded. Z) University women are not only idealized representativgs of the offending society+ but are often alone ahd accessible (walking to and from classes) and inclined to come under the killer’s control (by entering his car, or going home with him]. That is to say, they are foolishly fearlesi (though many serial killers employ ruses, eg. Ted Bundy’s wearing a cast and splint on his arm and fumbling with a load of books bn Central Washington State College campus to induce a Is-year-old co-ed, his third kill, to help him get his books to his car], And 3) University women embody perfectly the privileged freedom and upward mobility de’nied these marginal figures who have fumbled their opportunity, felt ridiculed, felt disillusionment regarding some personal ambition, and decided to “get badk” at, society by stealing its most valuable members (university women first, children second) and snuffing their lives. “College students are beautiful people. Good. hoking people. Healthy people. Exciting people,” said Ted Bundy, who killed at lea@ 20, and is suspected of having killed 40, college co-eds in California, Oregon and Washington campuses in the mid-‘70s. Or as Henry bee Lucas, apprehended in 1984 after. 360, killings, put it: “I was


death on women.” The sexual component of multiple-murders - always blatantly and brutally present - is, according to Leyton, secondary. The murderer’s prime motivation is social - a demonstration to the authorities, an insult to society at large. As Charles Starkweather, who killed 11, summed it up: “Dead deople are all on the same level.“. Not that this hasn’t happened throughout civilized history. But the. pre-industrial multiple killer was an aristocrat who preyed on his peasants (eg., the Baron Gilles de Rais, who sodomized and eviscerated over 800 children in the 15th century). The indust.rial era produced a newly arrived and insecure bourgeois (village schoolteacher, country doctor, etc.), who preyed on prostitutes, homeless boys, and housemaids. In modern North American society the multiple killer is usually a failed bourgeois (a high-school or college drop-out, from an institutionalized background or illegitimate or adopted or whose mother has married three or more times) who stalks university women in pursuit of his own “personal mission,” his’“task,” his %tatement.” The tragedy and irony is that what has produced this escalation of senseless violence is the achievement of the freedom for .which university prepares us - freedom to explore one’s self without rpference to rigid theories of thought. That freedom exacts a terrible price, for it releases humans from their social contract. Those whose ambitions are denied simply explode (and there have been more each year since the 1960s: there is now a new multiple killer every 1.8 months, with 9.25 victims per month]. And in a culture which glamorizes violence their explosion is tolerated and even celebrated (in the movies, media:coverage, and celebrity-status ’ awarded the mass murderers). ’ We can expect many more to follow the path of the U. of Chicago undergraduate,‘William Heir-’ ens, who searched for sdmething - who knows what? - in thi! dissected entrails of a kidnapped child, and wrote in lipstick. on the, walls of another victim’s apartment: “FOR HEAVENS SAKE CATCH ME BEFORE I KILL MORE I CANNOT CONTROL MYSELF.” (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is United Church Chaplain ta UW and WI,& His office is in St. Paul’s College.] * ,

Your Future Awaits...


of West&n


Strike news is still bleak this week as workers stay off the job at the University of Western Ontario and York University. The talks at Western between the administration and members of CUPE Locals 2361 and 2692 broke down again. On Wednesday; when the two sides met, the administration-walked out after two hours*. Glenn Harris, vice-president, (administration), said the unions’ wage proposal was “totally unrealistic”. Plant Operation ,and Food Service personnel at Western have been off the job for 35 days. York


At York the issues are.still unresolved in the strike by the York ints of University Staff Association. Wages and pay equity are the contention in the labour dispute. Seventy percent of the c r asses at York are still running despite the disruptions. Univemity

of Lathbridgrr


The infamous ELP test is going to be scrapped at the University of Lethbridge. ELP’s which stand for English Language Proficiency test have been apart of the Canadian university system since the early 1980s. The reason for the abolition of the Lethbridge ELP is’economic according to the student paper on campus The Meliorist. The onus is now on professors to recognize substandard writing skills in strrdents and then recommend corrective action. One result of the ELP demise ELF according to the Meliorist is that “the elimination of the ELP requirement means that students no longer face expulsion for failing the exam. It will also save students the $20 exam fee.” Queen’s



Lt. Colonel Oliver North’s assistant and courier Robert Owen spoke at Queen’s Univer’sity October 5. Owen’s visit sparked a peaceful protest and criticisms toward the student government for bringing him oh campus, Owen hailed North as a true patriot. Owen stated that he had no knowledge of North &and the Iran/Contra dealings. Queen’s students accused him of lying to the American people. Owen was quoted in the Queen’s Journal as sayitig “I didri’t lie to the American people. I d@n’t know about Iran and I wasn’t going to hold a press conference for something I believed in.”

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El Salvador’s woes the focus of event at St; Jerome’s by Mike

O’Driscoll Imprint staff A fledgling group from the KW area will hold an information and discussion session October 18 at St. Jerome’s College to increase public awareness of the many problems faced by the people of war-torn El Salvador, The event, entitled “The People; The Culture; The Country”, will run from 1 to 6 p.m. in Seigfried Hall. There is no charge. In addition, Cutumay Camones, an El Salvadorean band, will perform at Seigfried Hall on Monday night. The group returns to the cultural roots of its members to create “the new Salvadorean song” by integrating the marimba with the sound of guitars, violin, accordion, bass and percussion. Cutumay calls itself “a song for the self-determination of the Salvadorean people.” Tickets are $5. The sponsoring organization

“Miss Conception”, Catlin Jenkins, shows her talent to a receptive audience during an Alternative Pagent. A group protested the Miss Oktoberfest pagent saying that it was’ insulting and degrading to women. photo by Paul Sdvlnl

Amnesty week set to get going Monday

Lawsuit pending .at Fed Hall by Cindy

Long . imprint staff In the October 8 edition of The Varsity (U of T’s student newspaper) it was reported that the University of Waterloo had an *‘alcohol-related” outstanding lawsuit against it. The report ii not accurate. According to the Federation of Students’ business manager, Fred Kelly, there is a laweuit pending regarding a healthrelated incident at Federation Hall, but it does not involve alcohol. Nevertheless,Kelly confirms that pub managers and adminis.trators are very concerned about the possibility of civil liability lawsuits. For this reason, he will be attending a seminar on October 30 hosted by Professor

COSPES, or the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, was formed in response to the personal experiences of its El Salvadorean founder as well a the local absence of a group devoted specifically to the concerns of that country. Ac_cpsding to the Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America one out of every four Salvadoreans is currently displaced or living as a refugee. The committee notes that the country’s six-year-old civil war, waged between proponents of a people’s rebellion and the military forces of the American backed Duarte regime, has claimed some 60,000 lives, has consistently downgraded already pitifully low living standards, and has marked the erosion of almost all basic human and civil rights. COSPES is devoted to peacefully altering that situation,

Three local chapters of Amnesty International, including the group located on the UW campus, have announced a variety of events for the week of Robert Solomon of the UniverOctober 18 to 25 as they take sity of Western Ontario on prepart in the organization’s annual venting such lawsuits against Prisoners of Conscience Week, student pubs. He said he hopes Similar events will be held by the seminar will focus on what Amnesty groups around the student pubs can do to protect world as members work to pubthemselves. licize the plight of long-term Kelly emphasized the fact that _ “prisoners of conscience” held in the Federation of Students tries prisons throughout the world. to provide alternatives to drinkThe focus of this year’s events ing alcohol and to promote will be those prisoners recogresponsible drinking. He cited as nized by Amnesty that have example the prices of soft drinks been in detention for more than which are not inflated to the 10 years. It’s an opportunity for point where the student would members to both educate the decide he “might as well” have a public and recruit new members beer instead. concerned about abuses of civil “We’re not in it to see how rights around the world. much money we can make. We Amnesty International is a $re interested jn providing low non-partisan movement which cost entertainment to our mem-fights for the immediate release bership and in providing jobs for of all prisoners of conscience: students,” said Kelly. those people who have. been

imprisoned anywhere for their beliefs, colour, sex, sexual orient&ion, ethnic origin, language, or religion, and who *have not used or advocated violence. The following is a list of events scheduled throughout the week: Monday, 7:30 p.m., UW Campus Centre room 135, a meeting to discuss the work of Amnesty International; Tuesday, 10 a.mo 3 p;m., UW Campus Centre, a booth publicizing the plight of long-term prisoners: Wednesday, 7:3O p.m., LJW Campus Centre room 138, films including two short documentaries of the lives of people imprisoned for their beliefs. “Jacob0 Timmerman” and “Yugoslavian Prisoners of Conscience”; Thursday: 12 p.m., UW Campus Centre Great Hall, dr.amatization of a capture; Saturday: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., downtown Kitchener, a gathering to publicize the plight of long-term prisoners.

GR-dkDUATI.ON F?ORT’RiilT.S . Jostens has photographer

been for


chosen the the following


official graduation portrait faculties this semester.




NOTE This is the photo of you that will be used for your yearbook and class composite. Please make every effort to attend,

Photography +

by Claude Marcotte of _ Steve Robinson JOSTENS

Youth conference tacklesworld .

Five University of Wsterloo students are looking f0rwaF.d to the ebtablishment of a new magazine, written by and for college and university students the world over, dealing with. world issues and problems ranging from Third World hunger to nuclear arms control.

The Melbourne conference focussed on three major themes: the nuclear arms race; the environment, including resources and energy, and the Third World and social justice. “The conference and its aftermath of public appearances, media interviews and other functions kept us very busy for a good two weeks,” says Warling. “After that, we spent some additional time sightseeing, including a visit to the Great Barrier Reef .” The students met with Australian cabinet. ministers, were interviewed by radio, television and newspaper reporters. They also addressefl assemblies of Australian public and high school students. .

New magasine dealing with; world issues The five were impressed with this possibility during a recent conference in Australia, a conference dedicated to building a better future for the young people of the world. It was hosted by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology as part of its centenary celebrations and it brought together QO student delegates from 18 countries, including Eastern European and Third World countries. The five UW students were the sole Canadian representative@. They are: Mark Warling and Glen Hearns, earth sciences: Wilma VanderVeen, mathematits, &d Whitney Erickson and Abyd Karmali, chemical engineering.

tional Ltd, flew them from Toronto to Australia and back, at no cost. ‘*Without their support we never would have made it,” says Warling. - The main organizer of the conference was Hein Wagenfeld, head of the Institute’s physics department. “He and’ his associates arranged a week-long series of morning lectures for us,” says Hearns. “Then we broke up-into small groups to discuss the speeches throughout the afternoons, Discussions often continued into the evenings - in fact we only managed four or five hpurs sleep a night. It was intense.”

Students met with Australian cabinet ministers, were interviewed by radio, television and newspaper reporters Their expenses were lower than expected because individual Australian families hosted them, throughout much of their Stay, in their homes. The RMIT its& took care of their food and lodging during the actual conference. Canadian Airlines Interna-



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The UW students are completing. a report on the conference. Some of its recommendations will be: university students the world over should call on their governments to reverse the capital flow from Third World countries and ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth bet ween richer and poorer nations; students the world over should also call on’ their nations’ governments to reject discrimination based on race, creed, sex, sexuality, wealth, age, or class; there should be an attack on environmental problems [for example, acid rain) in a spirit of cooperation; there should be a freeze on the production and deployment of nuclear weapons: a ban on nuclear weapons test-ing; globalnuclear disarmament,

Inside a large brown eucalyptus. Richard Park (USA) and Mark

“Beyond achieving consenalis bn those resolutions, one of the things the conference did was estahlis’h an international student network. This is new!” Warling says. “We hope communications can be continued among the students who &ended. We also hope similar conferences can be held in the future. everv vear or at least every two years. Perhaps we will even see one at Waterloo in the not too distant future.” -


“There was, fur example, what appeared to be a genuine discussion of Chernobyl in the Soviet Union and Three Mile Island in the United States, with both sides *admitting mistakes had been made,” Warling reports. “We found it interesting but alittle frightening too that young people from China and Malaysia were not even aware of the enormity of the.Chernobyl incident: young people from West Gery many complained their government had played down and even falsified information concerning


Hearns says the conference was held in English. For’the most @art, there was an open exchange of ideas I . I though political considerations were evident on occasion.



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radioactivity levels, and students from Eg@ were disturbed that foods deemed ‘unsafe’ for Europeans because of the radioactivity from Chernobyl later found .their way into marketplaces in Africa.” !



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exerts presstire


Local.xomp&ny calls for’easing of rules ’ , by Ralph Zuljan Imprint st rff *Canada’s defensive industry is having a major influence on the direction of the country’s militar p,olicies, says Ernie Regehr of t x e Waterloo chapter of Project Ploughaharee, “The current structure of Canada’s military industry in some senses drives, rather’ than is responsive to, Canadian defence policy,” says Regehr. He says there is ample evidence to support this statement: Canada exports a great deal of military hardware despite a Canadian policy that “says that Canadian. arms should not. go to countries which pose a threat to Canada, where there are imminently threatened+ or actual hostilities, or where a UN resolution prohibits arms exports,” Yet, artillery shells have been sent to South Africa, an helicopter engines have been, sent ta Iran. These are: glaring examples of practice contradicting policy, he says. The government has difficulty controlling the arms. industry. A ty ical example exists in Diemac 1 Inc. of 1036 Wilson Ave., Kitchener, a subsidiary of Devtek Corpoiation. This company, with the -assistance of many subcontractors, produces the Cr rifle (commonly known aa the Ml6A2) for the Canadian Armed Forces Right now, their contract “to produce some 80,000 CT rifles is nearly half finished. The last rifle will be delivered four years from now ia 1991. As a result, the comp’any faces a Crisis as its main product loses the only market currently available. That story has already appeared in the news as have a variety of n&s stories in which Diemaco is the central character. Project Ploughshares, located in Conrad Grebel College, has kept a record of Diemaco’s appearance8 in the media and. some government documents as well. Their records go back to 1883 when the rifle replacement program was looking for a contractor. A fascinatin collection of changes occur in t!I e focus of media attention. The K-W Record first mentioned Diemaco on December 16, 1983, At that time reference was made to the poesibility that Die-

deal with clarifying the economic benefits, and the costs, The C7 rifles coet more than a similar weapon imported from the US, but then-defence minister Jean Jacques Blais defends this in order to “get Canada back into production of’ military goods”. In another article Blais stated that “it is government policy to use military procurements to credte jobs.” Diemaco is the

Djemaco’s arms manufacturing Canadiah “centre of excellence” for small arms production, declared Blaia. Diemaco representatives btated that the rifle contract “will make the company a eignificant exporter of military arms” to other NATO countries. Such exports are “condetent with ;dernment policy” Diemaco .


In October, i@84, Pernfuss Roofing Ltd. got media attention because it paid $45,OOO/acre for a_ half-acre of land in the same d industrial park where Diemaco intended to build a new plant. Diemaco purchased, through Devtek, seven acres at $17,50o/acre. Ki tcbener Council defended the sale to Diemaco by noting that Cambridge offered land for the Diemaco factory at

short attention s#an on the part of the media. The public implicitly has a short attention span, or a lack of interest in the issue. For the past one and a half years Diemaco has ceased to draw interest in its activity., Though an Ontario industry and trade report praised tbe company for its $5 million of total investment as well a8 its efforts to increase the Canadian content

ment policy to shaping that policy for the government. Ken Epps of Project Ploughshares says that since Canadian weapons acquisitions are modest by comparison with what is necessary to sustain a company in the long run, therefore, -those company’8 which produce weapons for Canadian will sooner or later find themselves in the position Diem&co is moving toward:

plant on Wilson Ave., in Kitchener. . r

al’s (the giant auto parts manufacturer] - president - understood this problem and undertook to remove the corporation from involvement in defence contracts. Devtek, the parent company of Diemaco, was once controlled b Magna. Another o ii vious difficulty for Canadian defence contractors lies in the necessary government involvement in their establish*

1’ 6. -Ia ., *. 4:; .,.r *:i--.



of its .product. 1. . I - ’ either export weapon4 or7 &q. gnk$j@ce set up cosie are h r h, Fr& January ~086, onwafd, o’f business. The latter o:hoicG is “.f%. wtiapons Canadianmanu t . cDiemaco has received praise adesirable for everyone since it turers produce tend to be more from the newspapers for its job create8 unemployment at a time expensive than those produced creation and introducing new when employment remains a by larger, established Aberimn technologies. On March 11,1988 popular issue. But, the former and European firms. Thus, in Diemaco delivered its first C7 io causes a potential conflict of order to export companies like the Canadian Armed Forces. interest between the corn any’s Diemaco are likely in need of Thereafter, the hi h quality of intereat in being profitab Ye and more government aseistance. the rifles has also % een noted. the government’s interest in Canada’s government takes on ‘About ApriI 1886, defence being responsible in internathe role of salesman for its magazines published positive tional relations. defence industry, therefore reviews of the new weapon. SenCertainly, the employees of warping, be,yond reieognition the tine1 and International Defense Diemaco Inc. would not be interreasons of state for having a ., Review comment ,on both the ested in giving up their jobs defence industry. high aualitv of manufacture and ’ abecause the * government refuses thi reliaality that the C7 to sell to New Zealand. People in In wanting to s@ain the plant displays. Kitchener probably feel the same’ for economic reasons, the people A government document dated way about the situation. in Kitchener do their part in takJuly. 3, 1986 (Briefing< Notes for ’ Large corporation8 appreciate ing olicy initiative out of the the Minister and Associate ‘Minthis situation. Canadian defenee ban B B of government and ut. ister on Small Arms Replace4s not a profitable enterprise in ting it into the invisible han crB of ment Project) made Diemaco’s the long run. Magna Intermtionthe market, . pending dilemma explicit. ‘“Die. - -~ mace has raised the issue of finding itself being established by the government as a small arms centre of excellence, yet being unable to sell its products or capabilities to anyone except the government because of legislation, An interde artmental team voice: 349-l 121 24 hr BBS: 74%1152 which reviewe a the legislation recommended an amendment of the Criminal Code”. new hours: noon-~090 pm M -F 10 am -5 pm-Sat ,-* The government’s statements took on meaning by January, We sell only top quality IBMclones and specialize in both Desk1987 when Canadian Defence Newa reported that Diemaco bad top Publishing (using VenturaPublisher) and remote communicareceived a contract to provide CQ tions. Call or drop in and find out about our “no 83.” guarantee!!! (the Canadian version of the Belgi.an Minimi machine gun] parts nlInQsMlrrr NEW Juko Auto-Switch (no more Graphics Sduto New Zeala& Later, Internal tion) for only $25 extra!!! Yes we will upgrade all our previous tional Defense Review menticustomers! oned that “Diemaco proposed the MlgAZ (the C7) to New Zealand” as well. By June the Globe e nolrv; Wendin-DOS-(preview copy) - the 06s of the future! and Mail suggests government (better than OS12 at I/4 the price?) 1 _

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The product

line: the

C7 rifle

mace will he given a contract to make a new rifle. The article noted that the “$110 million arms contract award would mean 145 jobs in Kitchsner” and “an additional 75 jobs among suppliers.” A flurry of stories occured in February-and March 1984. They

and C9 machine


that price. No follow-up articles exist. Media coverage hinted tit a variety of questionable actions by both government and industry. Then, the newspapers ceased their investigation and proceeded to other issues. A good case could be made for the


in the arms

sale to

New Zealand. The arguinent being that “Canada should . . . have exporta to friendly countries” which was illegal’ while talks for the ekports occurred. Today, Diemaco exports its tieapons technology to New Zealand. Diemaco is not unique in the way it haa moved from being

an instrument

of govern-

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drives for IBM $160.00

- nobody everre~retted buyinG qua/@ and reliability ~

Students’ viewed as obstacles at Uw An old adage on the UW campus - “This university would perfect if it wasn’t for the students.” Lately a series of events have brought this prevailing attitude to my attention: whenever a decision is to be made, it is made not with the student’s well-being in mind, but with that of the faculty and/or staff. Interestingly, universities sell themselves io prospective undergrads with the image that the institution is here to serve, to facilitate a brilliant and enlightening introduction into the world of post secondary education and the galaxies beyond. Don’t give me that do-goody-gogd bullshit. Case ’ 1: A department that would rather coerce its co-op students into taking eight-month work-tqrms, instead of the more marketable’ and preferable four-month terms as allowed in the course calendar, by threatening to not offer the courses required to complete the degree in question. The reason as far as I can tell: to ensure the department’s budget and faculty are under less ‘strain during the prime summer saili’ng season.- (Silly of us student types to.expect them to cater to our needs.) The result: a lot of pissed-off people fearing for their educational and professional futures, Case 2: A professor of mine (who will remain unnamed, and hopefully won’t read this, because as we all know sooooo well, it’s their fragile egos that are so often fatally linked t@ the holy transcript) is in the habit of restricting all questions to the end of class. Why? So that the lecture is not interrupted by all those pesky little inquisitive minds. The casualty list consists of about 40 alienated _ students who have forgotten what was so near and dear- to their hearts by the pd of a two hour lecture, and leave feeling as injlignifiy cant and uninspired as when they entered the class. Caae 3: It’s been said that while academic skirmishes over course cukriculum are waged between faculty members, the battle ground is the fetiile minde’of the student body. So true, BItit whjle professors around the wdrld fight to legitimize their own existences no one ever stops to ask the students what they might like to,,learniG Kind of autocratic, kind of silly, very safe for some, Case 4: A trivial note. Ever notice how all the best parking spots’ on campus are reserved for faculty and staff? They get paid to come here, while students pay to come here. Doesn’t make sense until you realize how tiring it &an be walkins from your car with a full wallet. That’s just a few examples that came to-mind, and they weren’t all that e3usive either. Bet you can think of a few too. This university never will be perfect, but it could be alot more realistic about why it’s here. , Mike


Mo pin, .but.... Well folks,’ all those who saw the Oktoberfest parade please raise your hands. Okay. Now all those that thought that the parade was boring only because of the spaces between the floats and bands please keep your hands raised, I figured a% much. In all’ the years I have been going to the parade i!: has never’been as bad as it was this year. The event was probably a real screani if you happened to stand near a.spot where they were videotaping the parade, but if you were standing say at King and Water or, heaven forbid, King and Ontario the parade must have had a long drawn-out look to it. Myself and a few others I knbw stood at KCI because it was high off the street so the view was great. Regardless, down the street was CKCO-TV with its mighty force of video-operators running helterskelter all over the street, to get that perfect angle for the re-brbadcast. You could see the bands and floats backed up for what it seetied miles each getting their “15 minutes” of fame. Okay, I can understand that floats tend to “stretch out” a little bit over the course of the route (entropy no doubt] but it was only frustrated,by the noble attempt to immortalize it on film. Parades are best seen live that!3 why everyone drags everyone else they know to these things, The re-broadcast is all only icing on the cake and where Kitchener gets to have its glorious beer-bash broadcast all over this culturti-starved country of ours (yes this is almost 100 per. cent Canadian content). All I can say to the organizers of this morsel, of advertising excess about next year is the immortal words of Jack Benny and they are, “Keep it moving, keep it moving.” Robert


Time to r redress t-he wrong This is actually a comment on “old news” but since I often fitid myself in “no-news!’ capsule while at school, I was hot aware of this occurrence until I went home for turkey this pa&t weekend. Appartitly on September 17, the U.S. House of Representatives in a 243-141 vote, offered the nation’s apology and $1.2 billion in reparatjon payments to the thousands of Japanese-Americans who were forced into relocation camps during WW I!. More than fou.r hours of debate lead to this decision that redresses the imprisonment of appriiximately 120,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry. The 1942 detainment of these Americans as a reaction to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour was described by Hous Speaker lohn Wright as “oerhaps the -most egregious vi’olation of our constitution in the 20th Century. Today we have the ’ opportunity to ’ . redress that ancient wrong.” Tax-free payments of $20,000 each for those detained and the nation’s formal apology for these American citizens will be made following Senate approval of the bill. Here in our own country, 22 000 Canadians ‘of Japanese origin were relocated from their West coast homes, shortly after the American action was taken against their own apparent “security risk(, This action by our government was peafdrmed despite the statements made by RCMP and army officials at the time that the Japanese Canadians posed no threat to Canada’s internal security. No charges were ever made against anyone of Japanese ancestry during this period, yet the homes, automobiles, and other

personal property were gathered and sold without consent by the owner. Some of the money generated by the sale of these’goods was used to finance the evacuation of the Japanese-Canadians to work camps in northern B.C., camps in the B.C. interior, and to other locations out of the pro4 vince. ’ Th’e Mulroney government has made an offer to the JapaneseCanadian community regarding the redress*issue. A token fund for community purpos’es amotinted to about $850 for each person that was evacuated from his/her home. No individual qompensation was tabled in the Canadian deal. -’ The argument that I have experienced over this issue of compensating these Canadian citizens are often of the nature: “War is war, sometimes things happen that can’t be helped.” Wartime situations do raise

emotions to great levels but the situation here in Canada during I WWII did not require the lqss of all freedoms for a specific group of citizens because of their ancestry, The irony of the whole matter was that Canadian& including some of Japanese origin, wgre overseas fighti.ng for the very values of freedom and liberty that were stripped,from the Japanese-Canadians. In 1942 the Canadian government followed the US, action in their attempt to quell the “Yellow Peril” that was supposedly. positioned on the West coast of North America. The drastic measures that were undertaken by the Americans *has now been redressed, and it is time that Canada follows the action of our neighbours to the South so that the proper reparation of the these Canadian citizens will be _ forthcoming. - Don Kudo

. . * AND



All letters


be Zyped and double ,






Writer wrong onL tw.0 counts To the editor I completely disagree with both the form and the substance of Cindy Long’s Soapbox “Doubtful Benefits” (Imprint, Oct. 9). In form it is perhaps the most objectionable and self-serving piece I’ve seen in Imprint. Why? Because it’s obviously sour grapes over being thwarted by the paper she writes’ for. A poor loser, she now writes to us all to complain. Perhara she hopes there’ll be a groundswell of indignation against her intolerable plight. A Paper has to have some sort of edit&l polici; it need not be explicit - a workable consensus as to wha’t the paper is about. If Cindy’s co1um.n was rejected by a staff vote, I assume Zeke and Chris Gerrarda’ columns were accepted by a vote. Democracy can be damned

inconvenient when it thwarts you. A war of columns in any paper would b@ a boring, counterproductive farce, Like “letter wars” in past issues of Imprint, what begins as a difference in position quickly degenerates into nastiness and ceases to contribute anything toward a greater understanding and appreciation of t)le’issue. While the form of the letter was my principle reason for writing, I wish \to say something about its substance. Cindy says gay relaare doomed to failure I tionships and heterosexual society not only feels discomfort at their uresence but pain at &heir failing< If relationships don’t work because the a individuals involved are gay, what excuses do failed heterosexual marriages have? A relationship is a relationship; if it works it works. Society suffers from heterosexual

A plea for help

divorce - should we invalidate heterosexuaIity? The essential dilemma is not the gender you are attracted to, but what your pictures of life vvith another human being are. Chris Gerrard’s own sad piece last week, “Relationships”, demonstrates this. Men are brought up a certain way, which -can indeed sabotage relationships with other men with



No one is in a position to invalidate another’s choice of relationships. It never ceases to amaze me how insolent and unfeeling some can be in meddlinn in others’ busi- ness. If you chaos: to be in a relationship,’ what concern is it to. anyone - no matter,the gender of those involved? Lyn I&Ginnie

Too judgmental

Someone to: bake decisions

To the editor, Even Different

after three eats of A Li ht, anot 3: er upti ht H is expressing a er of homosexuality t a rough Imprint. She uses her real name because heterosexuals don’t e$ harassed b class mates I‘f or being straig i! t, In a soapbox [Imprint, Oct. 9) Cindy Long slanders the gay communit simply for -existing and imr icitly encourages “avowed ii omosexuals who want children and lasting long-term relationships”to give heterosexuality rra

he-terosexua i norance

To the editor,

I’m so disappointed to hear try . that Imprint staff voted against Maybe you simply intend to printing Cindy Long’s articles. I create more fear and hostility thought it was time someone around homosexuals to fuel our called a spade a spade and persecution. showed us all what propaganda That Imprint refused to acce t “A Different Light” really is. I ou su bmission’of articles mig R t know I can’t think for myself and K ave be’en due to their resembform my own views based on lance to hate literature. To deswhat people write; why, I was cribe A Different Li ht with the even starting to feel encouraged emotionally-charge d word “proto “give it a try” (you know, like pa anda” is to imply a deep and smoking) b evi s manipulation. The word You see, I firmly believe it’s up describes you intentions much to hetergsexuals to decide how better. -Apparently, the voting homosexuality affects society staff of Imprint (six or seven that and make judgements about its day) favour m position. desirability. Really, they know No wonder. ImG ou complain print censored your articles in best. It’s like men deciding the same sentence that you enwhether it’s appropriate for women to have abortions or whites deciding whether blacka really do experience ,racism: it’s not necessary to have an understanding of a particular Tifestyle or condition to fiake a judgem&nt about it, I know that this To the editor, seems a bit odd, but really, it’s true! Looks like Wendy RineIla and I think Long said it all in one her band of radical women fernistunning display of logic: “What nists have missed an excellent opdoe&- not work for individuals portunity. Last year, around will not work for the community, I Oktoberfest, all we heard about and their suffering belongs to all and read about was the Miss Oktoof us.” And what suffering: Cerberfest Pageant, how degrading it was to women and how la competitainly heterosexuals don’t expetion such as this did not belong at rience that kind of pain. the University of Waterloo. This Considering this, who realiy beyear we see (cover story, Imprint, lieves a lifestyle like that is>deOctober ‘9) three very scantilysirable? cl&d males parading about on So that’s’ why I’d like to tiee stage. Where was the Women’s


courage the oensorshi of minorities b judging “the cfesirability of any I ifestyle I . . by its effect on the larger (white?-middle: class? straight?) community”.Your attitude is not beneficial. Its harmful effect on society is .manifested in the most popular forms of discrimination’ those based on gender, race, culture, disability and sexuality. Still, your simplest ar ument of all is that homosexua f lifestyles do not work. How do you know? Have you lived one? What’s a homosexual lifeat le anyway? Do you know w x at works for everyone. Because Chris Gerrard is down about his love life (Imprint, Oct. 91, do ou assume that my relations x, ip isn’t working? The only difference between gays and straights is the gender of their partners and the sufferin brought on by ignorant indivi ii uals who presume to speak for the whole human community, Cindy. Neither persecution nor censorship, the real issues here, he1 anyone, And as for “understan aing the roots of homosexuality”, there is no challenge *to accept, $.n$ only your rantmgs to en-


_ read





and menacing


@balthat we

more than the

we read in the newspapeys

and see on t.v.

Janet Childerhose

Commission in all of this? I see a dangerous double-standard here. First, let me explain that I am taking nothing away from the competitors, male and female. No doubt they work very hard atwhat they do and I respect them for that.


(a pesudonym)

Last Saturday night, I saw the movie Too Outrageous, a comedy staring Craig Russel, among others, advertised as a “drags .to riches” story. The plot of the film centres around a “drag queen” who tries to break into the “big time” entertainment industry c and leave the exclusively gay clubs behind. Even though I laughed a great deal throughout this movie, there was one thing that stood outmost of all. It was not the comedy, or the Uoutrageous” costumes of Robin Turner, played by Craig Russel, It was something relatively near the end of the film, After Robin’s lover walks out on him, one of the characters, Robin’s musical arranger, Luke, who is also the lover of Robin’s agent, leaves the film. In the story, he had to go back to New Yo.rk. Robin’s agent then oes on to explain, with a great deal of anguish evident, that Luke Bhas full-blown AIDS. * In the play, The Normal Heart, the story is mostly about AIDS, and the terror, frustration, antier, and sorrow surrounding it. Because I was going through a difficult time in my own life, the force of this play did not really hit me. But watching the screen of Too Outrageous at that moment Saturday night, and seeing the lover of the AIDS victim speak, I was suddenly hit%y the force of what AIDS really is. So many times in the past I have felt my own anger and frustration toward a government and the straight segment of the population that seemed to not care whether we, lived or died. I have written about this with indignation, almost screaming for someone tq do something. But having seen what I saw in that scene in, Too Outrageous, I do not feel anger now. I feel pain - pain for the man on the screen that had to watch his lover die in a most hideous way’ pain for all the people that have died and have had to watch others that they loved die, and pain for all of those who will die. Not only do I feel pain, but I also fear. I fear for what this disease is doing to the gay community, what it is Poing to everyone on this planet. I fear-a backlash against gay persons, because we have been (wrongly) -viewed, as the perpetrators of this malaise. AIDS. is not a gay disease. It is a disease of our species. It can kill all of us. This virus does not just select out the cells of gay men. And I fear for my own well being. In the past, I have tried to take an attitude of “we gre all going to die one day, so we should not get worked up about it”, I suppose that that seems to work for me most of the time, but when confronted with the horrific way that AIDS engenders death, Lam scared. I do not want to die like that. I am not jrelling now. I am pleading. Please m I beseech all of you out there - help us. We have got to pull together on this. We, the gay community is trying so hard to help ourselves and everyone else afflicted with AIDS - but we can not do it alone - and it is so hard to get anyone to listen to us. AIDS is certain death now. We havb got to do something to find a cure -a vaccine, a treatment or we are all going to die. More research must be done. Fast. Make some phone calls. Talk to your Members of Federal and Provincial Parliament. Call the AIDS,Committee of Toronto, or GLLOW. But please do something. Or we may all be dead. Au of ris. The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has been diagnosed in 40,051 persons in the United States with 23,185 deaths as of Aug. 10, lSS?. Some 58 per’cent of the adults and 01 per cent of the children diagnosed with AIDS have died, including more than 78 per cent of those patients diagnosed before JanuaTy 1985. In the fir&t 36 we!ks of this year, there were 12,758 (8,511 in the same period last year) reported cases of AIDS.

,A shared feeling -


No complaints

Long’s articles printed ante the propaganda

by Chris

To the editor,



is directed

to Chris

Gercard. I was really touched by your tween this body building competicolumn last week entitled “Relationships”. tion and the Oktoberfest beauty You effectively Daneant: expressed what, many people not on1 gays - feel: a deep sense a The body-builders strut about on stage doing flexural poses, I of lone I iness, and incompleteness a desire to become “one” with wearing considerably less than the Gother being. Many people want contestants in the bathing suit a permanent, $ong-term relationcategory of a pageant. No only ship; and many people have diffithis, but at least the women in a culty findin one. It is eo hard to be pageant do* something talented! single and !I ave people hassling The fact that the competition was

But look at the comparisons







argument that the Women’s Commission is comprised of a group of “ladies”. Where is the Women’s Commission when it is needed most to protect the interests of female competitors in this competition?







I do

not think that I am choosy ae the result of a defence mechanism, but because I think I can tell what will and will not work. I, also, haire a pretty good idea abput what I would like in a mafe. I, like ‘you though, am rather pessimistic partially because few men are ready for or desirer a seriously committed relationship and &par-





I meet so few men I am compatible in

such a relationship.

I sense a real ionging, in your article, for a feeling of being whole apd content in a relationship with another human being. Yes, this

type of relationship has been my desire too, for a long time. Whether’ my desire will be fulfilled or not, i do not know. I do know that I have finally, after many years of desiring such, become content in. my God. I know that he, as described and found in the Christian Bible, is all that I need (not necessarily all I want)-




if not now, then must continually Word and in His be fulfilled. My Chris, is that you, this fulfillment, contentment,

suah JmscouItbn 3rd year S.D.S.




in the future. I seek Him; in His world and I will prtiyer for you, too, would find wholeness and




Reader compeknt To the editor,


I would like to offer my support to Cindy Long for her commendable position against censorship in Imprint, There may be room for, debate on the merits of censoring certain kinds of published material - violent pornography for example. However, the censorship of idea8 is, or ought to be, abhorrent to those with the intellectual courage to put their viewpoints to the test of others’ arguments, In principle, then, I for one would be delighted to see (and have the opportunity to respond to) the series of articles proposed by Ms. Long. In practice, however,

Sonic Abortion

I wonder if it would be worth the be okay with people who conduct trouble, if the taste her reader8 their lives differently. were given last week is any indicaFor Msi Long to argue against tion of the quality of Ms. Long’s the desirability for me of expreqsargument. ing my sexual orientation involves Whatever the basis of Ms. Long’s the assumption that I am not comarguments against “the desirabilpetent to manage my own life. If ity of a homosexual lifestyle”, they she wishes to take the position appear short of both facts and that my way of life involves some logic. By what right does Ms. Long cost to society as awhole, she will determine the desirability of my ’ have to come up with better evilifestyle7 To whom should my lidence. festyle be desirable? I am not entirely sure what Ms. Long means bv that term. She appears to be &ng it in two .sen&: that expressing one’s sexuality is an appropriate way for those of homosexual orientation to behave, I and that living in this way ought to



Below the belt To the editor, When 4 dropped

off our



Abortion at your offices I was under the mistaken belief that Imprint supported local music. Somehow your reviewer Don Kudo ha8 got the impression that we are a Trent University band from Peterborough. None of the band members are from Peterborough and none of the tape was recorded there. Besides this indication of S~ODDV research (we did provide you with a fact sheet) you seem to have this builtin dislike of anything from’ Peter-

borough. We admitted you . obviously

read except

in our bio (which

didn’t bother to to pick out parts for

your clever little witticisms) that we are mot aiming, at top 40 success. This is our first effort knd not a perfect one; we are prepared for negative reviews. What we were not prepared for was Mr. Kudo’s snickering, condescending and arrogant tone. If he did not-like our tape, fine, just say so. We do not appreciate having our “review” turned into a foruni for Mr. Kudo’s

I to- manage own life

cheap, below the belt style of humour. The consistencyof your record review section is wonderful; right above our review in which Mr. Kudo slays us for using a drum box (among ot,her things) is a review of Echo and the Bunnymen, a band whose name comes from their drum machine, named Echo. I guess, the difference is that Echo and the Bunnymen use their drum madhine more artistically than we



We would not be mad if Mr. K&o has given us a bad review. What we object to is hi8 terrible research, patronizing tone and the

way he used-our


out a feti cheap laughs pense,.

to pump

at our ex-

Suburban Distortion ’ Nate (Trent, 3rd year Politics) Dave (Queen’s, 2nd year Philosophy) Ig (Waterloo, 3rd year EngineerinsI

Chris (WLU grad) Matt [Queen’s, 3rd year History) All resident’s of Waterloo

Tradition 5 by Peter Stubley I have’never been to South Africa. I cannot cliim to be an expert on apartheid. However, there are a few observations that everyone can make. Africa is not Europe of Nopth America, The cultures that make, up Africa are not like the cultures that make up Europe or North America. Before the Europeans arrived in Africa, there had been certain historical patterns established. African history is based on the relationohips between the many different tribes that make up the African people. Where the Europeans went through the process of developing city-state and fintilly nation-state, the Africans had a much simpler system. The stronger tribe would conuer the weaker tribe, and the weaker tribe would be killed, %riven away, or made into slaves, regardless of who lived on the land first. When the Europeans arrived on the scene, they continued the tradition. They conquered the native Afkicans and enslaved them. By western standards, the Africans were not slaves, because they were paid for their work, but had lost control of their own country, The Europeans have since attempted to impose their system of government on theaAfricans. The continent has been carved into nations whose borders have little relation t,o the m&y different tribes. The African countries have also had European democracy foisted on them, with varying degrees of success. Through the latter half of the 20th century, the European hold in Africa has weakened, until South Africa is the only remaining white-ruled country. The South African whites are worried about what is going to happen to them when they are no longer the strongest tribe. The trarisition from white to black rule has sometimes been peaceful, and sometimes violent. Most observers would predict a violent transition for South Africa, South Africa’s route toward an all-black government is thk traditional one. Does that make it right? Or wrong?

Ms. Long’s compassionate analysis of my lot leads her to state that my lifestyle “does not work”. What an outstandingly arrogant conclusion. I implies that she is the best ,judge of my intereet and welfare. Whatever “suffering” I may endure in my life, and for whatever reason, it .does not “belong” to Ms. Long and her kind, not is she equipped to judge its extent and cause.

To argue for the suppression of a particular lifestyle choice for no dther reason that that it happen8 not to be the choice of the majority has a striking parallel with censorship. It appears that although Ms. Long may insist on her own freedom of expression, the freedom of others is of no great concern to her.

Nicholas Dabbing Urban & Regional



The sp.rbad- of CFCs Do jrou remember the outcry in 1978 when many terests. A splendid example of this was the “pubconsumers learned that their armpits might be lic policy” strategy put forward by the US Interior endangering the planet because of the presence of Secretary Donald Hodel, that the “public be adchlorofluorocarboss (CFC’s) in aerosol spray vised to wear sunglasses+ hats, and sunscreen as cans? These “‘super chemicals” had originally an alternative to concluding an international been introduced in 1928 because they were odouragreement for CFC reductions, This gem is equiless, non-toxic, and chemically inert, But the valent to Ronald Reagan’s famous quote that trees chemicals were so ‘stable that each chlorine molecause acid rain. Fortunately more sane heads won cule was able to rise up into_the stratosphere and out in the United States and recent1 they signed last for thousands of years destroying up to on to a draft in Geneva calling for a r reeze on CFC 100,000 ozone mqlecules. The ozone layer is made production and a 20 per cent reduction beginning up mostly of oxygen which in the stratosphere in 1990. Canad played an integral role in bringing sides together ‘at these talks. protects us from ultra violet radiation. By dee- _ opposing Still questions are’being raised as to whether troying the ozone layer more dangerous ultra vithis reduction will be enough to stop destruction ol@ radiation would be allowed to penetrate of the ozone layer. The Friends of the Earth organincreasing the risk of cancers, cataracts, Iand who ization is one of many groups calling for an 85 per knows what else. cent reduction as amore realistic target because of Do you 41~0 remember how the issue faded from the large amounts of chlorine already in the stratthe public spotlight after Canada, the United osphere, They have started a campaign called’ States, and Sweden imposed a ban on certain “Styrd Wars” to educate the public about ozone aerosol spray containers? However following the and the need for large scale reductions. The title dis-covery of a hole in the ozone layer the size of was chosen to mimic Ronald Reagan’s concentrathe continental United States, it seems our reassution on building an artificial space shield while rance was quite premature. Ironically the hole would have been discovered much earlier had it allowing the worlds natural shield to be eroded. not bbeen shirked off as an anomaly by the scienFrom a health perspective a small percentage tific community. In fact NASA has actually prodecrease in ozone content can have serious impligrammed its computers to ignore any, dramatic cations. For example the US National Academy of ozone depletion figures like the ones found -over Scientists has stated that for every one er cent Antarctica, Once again the culprits appear to be decrease in ozone there will be an a cr ditional CFCs. 12,000 to, ~O,CI~ICLskin cancer cases. Already the Contrary to public belief, CFC’s did not disapiricidence of malignant melanoma (a sometimes pear following the bans. Instead the large manufatal skin cancer] has increased dramatically. In facturers like DuPont found other uses for them as 1930 one could expect one in 1,500 people to conrefrigerants, air conditioners, solvents’ and as a tract malignant melanoma, Today this number has dropped to one in 150. The cancers are also blowing agent for fast fopd containers like styrofoam (DOW’s tr4de name for polystyrene]. Beattacking youngerCurrently incidence of fatal skin cancer iire more frequent than any other tween 1976 and 1985 aerosol spray use declined cancer (with the exception of lung cancer among from a high of 470,000 tons to their current levels of 200,000 tons. However during the same time women). period non aerosol spray use has increased from A more rigorous control program may arise based on test results expected this Christmas. 350,000 tons to 540,000 tons. This means thiit CFC ER2 aircraft fitted with sqphisticated test equipusage has regained its pre-ban l&els and this figure is continuing to climb. Canada currently - ment will fly over Antarctica gathering evidelice produces about 31.5 kilotonnes per year - 2.5 per which will have a “nine out of 10” chance of resolving the ozone-CFC link,one way or the other. cent of the world’s CFC production. The United However we do not have to wait that long. TechStates on the other hand produces approximately nologies qnd choices already exist today. For exone-third of the worlds total. ample a company alread markets a refrigerant In economic terms CFCe represent a multi-bilusing a substitute for c K lorine, less dangerous lion dollar industry. And at $1 a pound, this is a lot forms of CFC can be used, solvents can be recyled of CFCs! This is also why history is once agaii in close-loop systems or gathered through carbon repeating itself - DDT, Mirex, Kepone, Sulphur filters, and paper products can be used as a substiDioxide, and now CFC’a. Des ite gtiwing scientute for c=PC blown fast food and e g containers. tific evidence, DuPont and t R e other large CFC You can easily help by avoiding, w % ere possible manufacturers want “absolute proof” that their 1 the use of CFC produced containers, meat trays, chemicals are destroying the ozone layer before insulation, egg ctirtona, etc. action is taken. Once again the chemical takes on For its part WPIRG is promoting a move away human characteristic8 and is innocent until from excess ackaging on campus. Mugs are being proven (without a doubt) guilty. sold -as an a Pternative to using styro cups which . And once again scientista have b.een put on the may endanger the ozone layer (depending on defensive because as Susan Solomon of the Nawhether they are blown with CFC’s] and certainly tional Atmospheric Administratian (NOAA) do pose a danger to the environment because they says, “there is always going to be a measure of do not break down., We also hope to compile a uncertainty”. Many scientists agree with the US better profile of what CFC’s are currently tared on Environmental Protectioa Agency (EPA] admincampus istrator Lee Thomas who states, “if we wait until If youw,ould like more information on ozone health and environmental impacts are madifest it depldtion or ozone protection campaigns call might be too late”. (2578) or visit the WPIRG resource centre in the But the issue, like acid rain, has now entered the General Service Complex, room 123 (across from realm of public policy where scientific data must * the new computer building). compete with differing corporate and political in-

CAMPUSQUESWON* \ Are your for or against -free trade? - i

Reluctantly yes; m view is that Canada is basica Ply a trading nation and we need access to markets, The richest most dynamic market in the world is just south of us and we need access to that market. We need to secure, for a long-term basis, access to those.markets. Americans for a variety of reauons have become very protectionist in their thinking. It will make us a more American nation; it will make us more dependent on the American economy, on American politics. I think that battle was lost 60 years ago. .,

I really don’t see what we gained. The more I reed about the deal it seems that we gave hn just about everything and won a fairly meaningless ‘dispute mechanism . . s We’re not necessarily protected from these new , bills in the congress. The whole thing really bothers me. At Meech Lake they gave away the power of the federal government in this country and now we’ve given away the po,wer to legislate in this country because of an agreement with an outside power. It’s Mulroney style of negotiating: to give away everything for the sake of a deal. Tad Carlton President, Students


Profes#or Political


R.P. Wooht Science

I am certainly against it. I think it’s potentially disastrous in Canada because it represents a fundamental shift away from the concerns and the values we have held as a nation for many, many years. In fact since its founding. I think there are certainly a great deal more losers? than winners that I can see in it. Those that stand to lose the most are those who are in the weakest position in society: labour, farmers, women . I I It operates under a theory that doesn’t take into account a concdrn for regional disparity, a concern for the poor, a concern for those in a positjon- of weakness. It represents a very serious threat to sovereignty, Rofeswr TJ. Downey PoliticabScience


I’ve never been really up-todate on politics and therefore I haven’t really thought about the issues,

Yes I am for it - subject to seeing the final details which are not yet published. The r&son: the status quo’is not an option. It’s either freer trade or much greater U.S. protectionism. 1 Douglas Wrigh’t Univsrrity President

I’m against free trade as I think it’s going to end up because I don’t think the Canadians are going to get a fair deal out of it; it’s not going to be free. Namely it’s going to really hurt the auto industry. We have a pretty good deal going right now. _

Kevin Law 3A Civ. Eng.

I’m opposed2 to an allencompassing trade deal. It should be on a sector-to-sector basis where problems could be more- easily dealt with. Frankly, all the emphasis on free trade is the government’s way to take the heat off itself for its other deficiencies.’ Steve Kannon Editor-in-Chief,


The problem with the current pact ia that there ase very few details. For that reason alone, I would say I’m opposed to ratifyi g it as it is. We just don’t know w% at we are ratifying. . Jt’s not clear whether we have free trade generally or whether it’s going to be free trade for cbrporations and consumers will have some restrictions. * Professor Iim Brox Economics, and Faculty ’ As&ociation President ‘. I am against free trade, I think that a lot of the people who are for free trade feel that Canada haa to compete internationally and the way to do it is to have a strong trade agreement with the United States which I don’t agree with. I think we can enhance our trade in our economy by trading between the provinces which is petty poor sight nowi For examp Pe its cheaper for Ontario to buy coal off British Columbia but we fail to do that because of regional rivalries but we’ll buy coal off Pennsylvania. It doesn’t make sense. We’re supposed to be a nation. t Briau Willis. 2A HOM. Englirh

Bob Hedrick 4A Mach Eng.

I’m undecided. I li&ten to some people and they say qne side and that’s finerand’then you listen. to th;e other people say the other side and, well, they have some valid points too so then you never +now what to do.

I’m for it. There are some drawbacks, but I think in the long run it might be odk. We may lose some jobs in some things, but I believe that in the long run we are going


ain other

other ways. I fi elieve income will: go up. Yes I am for it. There is an access to a larger market for Canadian goods,

joba in



Laurel I don’t like free trade because it’s hard on agriculture. Canada is getting the raw end of the deal for it.

Carol0 Gray IA Science . .










As Canadians we have always been seen as a young country that needed to protect herself in order to grow and prosper as a country should, That’s all fine and dandy to say, but now with free trade we’ve taken tho’se selfish ideas and thrown them out the window not simply for our own good but for the good of our ever friendly neighbour tp the south! There is no doubt that there ase a number of advantages to free trade, (other than getting out of paying duty at the hordes!): But I can’t help to wonder if the picture will change Qver the l&year transitional period. So much of the agreement is open to change that what we think we are getting today will be very different a few years down the road.


Williams CS




UBC scientist is speaker z A Pilgrim’s 1 p&spe,ctive Canadian geological bcientist . tickets required, There are Hp- * Dr. Allan Freeze, of the Univerproximately 200 balcony seats.) sity of British Columbia,. will The Hagey Lecture series is give this year’s Hagey Lectures the premier lecture series at Waat the University o*f Waterloo. terloo, bringing to the campus These lectures will be given at annually scholars, scientists, or 8 p.m., October 20 and 21, in the, artists of international stature, humanities theatre, Hagey Hall. who are also renowned for their Admission to the theatre’s 500 eloquence. The series is to honor orchestra seats will be by ticket; UW’s founding president and tickets are free and are available president emeritus, Dr, J.G. * while they last from the univerHanev. of Kit chener. sity’s A& Centre box office, fhh’ year’s lecturer is Canaalso located in Hagey Hall. [Addian born and has spent most of 1nission to balcony seats is bn a his teaching career ai UBC. Since early !986 he has been on a halfFirst-come, first-served basls; no








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His research interests focus on the development of computer models of water systems, both surface and ground (tinderground) water, and on the application of information generated by these models to the design of nuclear waste facilities. As well, he is keenly interested in social, legal and economic questions involved in decisions regarding waste disposal. Freeze has been much honored f6r his achievements. He is a fellow’ of the Royal Society of Canada and president of the hydrology section+ American Geophysical Union. He is the author of more than 75 technical and scientific papers and co-author (with UW’s Dr. John Cherry) of the widely-used textbook, Groundwater. .

Live On Campus Durlng The Winter Term 1987


time basis, devoting the remainder of his time to research and consulting.


I si.ngle rooms are now renting for the term. Please inquire at Housing Office, ’ I or phone 884-0544 or local 3705. d. . . J

Through his consulting activities, Dr. Freeze has been involved’ in studies of the North Italian city of Venice which has been gradually sinking, over. the years, to below the level of the Adriatic Sea. Venice will form the subject of the Tuesday lecture: The Subsidence of Venice. It will be amply illustrated. The Wednesday lecture will deal with groundwater contamination including the migration of pollutants fro5 dumps and land2 fill areas into nearby water suppEes. It will be entitled: Groundwater Contamination Technical Analysis and Social Decision Making. The subject is a particularly lively one at the moment in Wateirloo Region, as well as in many other Ontario communities, \



in a

a. On, sexuality ,

By Bob tiorton

I would like to start right off by saying )that I think many member4 of the Christian community have been wrong in treating members of the gay community the way they have. The Bible says to “Love your brother as yourself’. If your- shunning your brother or calling him weird (by the way, I’m using brother in the global sense) then you are not loving him, If you had a feature of your personality that some people didn’t .find particularly easy to accept, would0 you prefer them not to constantly be giving youa hard time about it? I realize that it is blatantly obvious but I would like to point out to members of the Christian community that we are all human. If we are straight or gay it makes no difference, we are, all human and needing and deserving of love; both from man and, more importantly, from God. Now, before I go any further, I would like to make something clear. I believe homosexuality is a sin and is not the way that God intended us to live. That does not mean that I hate people who are homosexual, it simply means I believe the act of homosexual intercourse is a sin. But then, so are many thingi. Premarital sex is, for heterosexuals, virtually the same sin as homosexual intercourse is for homosexuals. I realize that some would disagree with this but the point is, ydu, or perhaps I should say we, for 1 too am guilty of sinning, are doing something that God doesn’t want us to do. I have found (in my limited knowledge) that .premarital sex (and I presume it would relate to homosexual sex).has a very negative long term affect on relationships. Now, I will not go so far as to say all premarital sex is wrong, I can’t make such sweeping statements (even though I believe it for myself), but I would say that in general it causes confusion in a relationship that i-s not firmly established. From what I have seen, the earlier you get involved in sex within a relationship. (sex meaning most kinds of intimate physical contact in this case) the more difficult it is to distinguish emotion from hormones. From what I have seen, people tend to get hurt more and have a mare difficult time breaking up when-there is sex involved. Perhaps when dad said that sex before marriage was wrongr He was-just trying to save us a lot of grief. Nothing we do cannot be forgiven. If we have previously or are having premarital sex, God can forgive us, and indeed He will if we irsk Him. We should remember though; we are not alone. There are mapy people, both straight and gay, who, are -involved in premarital sex. We as Christians have no rightto judge any of them. We should simply strive to help both ourselves and anyone who asks for our help. In helping people to do the will of God, we glorify God and isn’t that what we’re trying to do?


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BACCHUS by Sandra


* Statistics indicate 80 per cent of students on Canadian university and college campuses drink alcoholic beverages. No other single group of Canadians has a higher -proportion of drinkers than the post secondary student population. While moderate drinking is often associated with students, more than loper cent oistudents suffer negative consequences through the abuse of alcohol. Problems reported include poor grades, .financiaI loss, breaking the law, and social difficulties. Many of these problems often only become evident in later life, after years of alcohol abuse. Drinking habits developed while in school often remain with the student for the rest of his/her life. Young students become exposed-to many new freedoms once they leave high-school and move dway from home to attend university. One important freedom encountered is the student’s alternative choices about drinking. By providing awareness, we communicate the facts about alcohol to the students, helping

@lans new seWiCes

them’ make rational, adult choices. While most of the previous work in alcohol awareness programs for students has focussed on undesirable outcomes of over-drinking and scare tactics, students peiceive these programs as “anti-drinking” and thus rejected them because-they were no,t in harmony with accepted social norms and customs. What is needed is a progtiam that students can relate to, one which is not threatening and one which is realistic. This type of program would be one which emphasizes and models the positive. i BACCHUS, named after the god of wine in classical Greek’ mythology, is such a program. It promotes responsible drinking behaviour, not abstinence. The BACCHUS philosophy: ’ drink moderately if you’re going to drink: know your own limit; don’t drink to be “one of the crowd”: be considerate of others who don’t want to drink; and. don’t drive when you’ve been drinking. BACCHUS is peer-based in its approach to educ$tion.

Senate elections Tim Tacksqn was elected by acclamation last week to the Univ&r’sity of Waterloo Senate as an Arts faculty undergraduate student representative. Nominations for the p’o’sition closed October 7, Jackison’s term runs until April 30, 1988. Professor Ron Mullin was elected by acclamation as a Mathematics faculty, representative on senatie. His term also runs to April 30, ‘1988.

This year, the BACCHUS chapter at Waterloo is expanding its horizons by offering many new progpams and events that will interest all student. Some of the possible programs include: mini-bartending 1 courses: wine-

. tasting ing pursuit As ning week, about

clinics; res&nsible hostsuggestions; beer trivial contest. ’ well, Imprint will be runthe BACCHUS fact of the which will have a fact alcohol and two recipes -

The Vegetarian

one alcoholic drink and one mocktail. If you have any ideas for BACCHUS or just want to find out more about it, p1eas.e contact me at the Education Commission, CC 235 or call ext. 629S.


The trimmMg,s, without the turkey by Dawn Miles


now that I don’t support the meat industry I have lost all those negative feelings. Another thing I am thiankful for is the extra room I have on my plate now that there’s IJO turkey there. I get to eat Like most of you, I spent this Thanksgiving more of the different dishes that are avdJabIe with my family. As we-often do, we went up including dessert! north to visit my grandmother in Huntsville. I am also,thankful for the fact that I don’t have Although many of the trees have lost all their< to eat leftover turkey for the next three weeks. leaves by Thanksgiving, there is still a lot of The first turkey sandwich may taste good, but it colour to be marvelled at. very quickly loses its appeal. Thanksgivings usually involve big family Finally, this Thanksgiving, I didn’t have to gatherings, with most of my aunts, uncles and deal with the cravings I used to have. I’ve only cousins around. Grandma never wants to offend been a vegetarian for two and a half years, and I anyone, so you can be sure your favourite food always had to fight the desire to steal a piece of will be served. The dinner table groans under the turkey off the plate when no one was looking. weight of all the food: turkey, cranberries, eight But I seem to be over that at last, and it makes different kinds of vegetables, bread, casseroles these big meals a lot easier for me, and at least three different kinds of,desserts. She* Sadly, I think these big family dinners up makes a special effo’rt for. me, because of my north are soon to be a thing of the past. My vegetarianism; I get stuffing that hasn’t been ’ grandmother is going blind and is starting to cooked in the turkey and a lima bean casserole find large family gatherings ‘confusing’. It may that I particularly enjoy. be that. she will have to sell her house if it People seem to think that. I’m missing out by becomes too much for her. . not eating meat - after all, what’s Thanksgiving The environment is changing too: the fish are without turkey? Realistically, though, I don’t’ dying due to acid rain, the swamps are being lose much. There are hundreds of different kinds of food out there,-and there are only about 10 or destroyed to make way for new road8 and the XJ that vegetaridns don’t eat, bush out back where I used to play is being cut Actual1 , being vegetarian, has given me down for new houses. People, including myself,. things to i! e thankful for this Thanksgiving. For are getting busier and.sometimes just can’t find one, I don’t have to-feel guilty anymore. I used to the time. As usual, the world is changing faster feel bad about how this poor turkey had to suffer than I like it. But tit least I.‘ll have some fond and die so that 4 could have something to eat + memories of Thanksgivings past to sustain me.







should marry whom? Or As a Certified General&xountant, your careerPath whether students should -have could leadright to the top. children? Or. is it supposed to ‘CGAshave a thorough graspof fiscalmarragement. - help families in financial need to -Plusa full rangeof additionalProfessionalskillsin ’ ensure that their children, tea, high demand today.Most’importarit, computer tech,have access to reasdnable day I. care?” nology has.put CGAs at the*forefron$of their field Region, they are‘ presently not and is helping them provide professionalservicesfaster considered community members and more effectivelythan everbefore. by the Day Care subsidization Bu can study while holdirig an accountin;’ - programme.” The report notes job, And relevantuniversityor collegecoursesearn that students contribute to the municipal budget through propyou advancedstanding. erty taxes and by pouring mill Discoverhow you canjoin Cariada-sfastest lions of dollars every year in to growing body of professionalaccountants’.Call today the local economy. In addition, (416)593-l 103(toll flee l-800-268-8022). the report states, “Once their c

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(the student’s] universityaducation is complete, most. hope to be in positions where they do no) require social assist ante. They hope to be fullv employed profession&3 - people whapay the taxes that support our social programmes.”


home of t-he- g,e& ’

FRUM: Well, I quoted one person as saying “Waterloo students are Continued f&m page* I the worst dressed in Canada.+’ and other people said similar well I knew the university. I things. I WBB at Western yestergrew up in Toronto so I knew the day and the difference is exToronto area obviously better treme. There they were than I knew places in Manitoba, complaining about how I desI spent two days at Waterloo. I cribbed the way they dress. When had some friends who were here, you’ve been to every university, and as I shy, Waterloo has a relatheir differences become more tively high profile’in the country pronounced and,you can see it on so I knew something about Waa very superficial level. I could terloo before I came here. sketch out for you what a WaterIMPRINT: Did you have a set loo student wears and what a pattern for visiting each campus, ,Western student wears - they or did you just go and observe are two highly different things each university? and you would know if I desFRUM: It was a combination. I cribed them, which was which. had certain people I wajlted to People dress differently at diftalk to but didn’t get the chance. I ferent schools; they look differtried to talk to as many people as ent, they have different interests possible. My feeling was there and attitudes. was no right or wrghg answer; IMPRINT: Where did you get the no right persontp talk to or no statement that a Waterloo man, wrong person to talk to - every once he meets a womati, won’t let opinion was valid,. It was a quesgo of her because he doesn’t tion of cramming in as many peoknow when he will meet ple as I could. another? IMPRINT: What has the feedPRUti Well, I didn’t make it up. back been like? Positive or negaI asked some men about their tive? . love lives and their sex lives, and FRUM: It all depends who you they said it’s true you might see ask. University student officers more long-term relationships are not thab.enthusiastic. But I \ here than at other universities. Lthink- high-s&o&students and So I then said what I said.. . you the parents of high-school stuiav;to make it interesting, you - dents who I know are very ).happy with it. I don’t say it is the IMPtiNT; And. the -comment only thing you should look at that math and engineering stuwhen considering which univerdents all carry black vinyl brief : sity to attend but I do think it is cases? just that much more information PRUM= People do. When I went than you had before and it can’t outside, I was here in the winter hurt. - maybe it was during co-op-- in-_ JM~RJNT: Do you, think any terviewa, I saw a lot of black kjrour T&ohmentg *ere to-6 c b ‘* - ?btiefcases. These are, ~just t& , treme or controversial? things, as a reporter, you walk around and observe. Maybe it PRUM: I don’t think so. I think was interview time and I got an^ everything I said was fair and . exaggerated picture. truthful. IMPRINT: You entitle your bqok IMPRINT: You don’t think you a “guide”. Do you feel it is a realexaggerated? istic auide” for high-school stuFROM: Ya, it’s true-. . qat Waterdents or people who don’t know loo I played for laughs. I admit it, anything about Canadian uniI wanted the book to be fun to versities? read as well as informative. FRUM: I’d be very sorry to think When I said everyone at Waterpeople are being misled, I didn’t loo is a computer nerd, I exout to mislead people. I set . set petted the humour in that kindof out to inform them andgive-them statement would be recognized a colourful picture, not a dry, and people would not be ofdull picture. I sincerely believe fended. that the picture I painted of WaIMPRINT: How have other terloo is accurate and that someschools reacted to your book? one reading my book could get a sense of whether or not Waterloo FRUM: At every school I go to suited their personality. I bethey say, “Why were yo.n the lieve that with all my heart. hardest on us?” It’s because you IMPRINT: Is there one point, in feel a tie, a loyalty to your particular, you want your book school. A friend of mine from to bring’ across? McGill, where I went, said, PRUM= The one point I always “Thanks a lot Linda. I thought at like to stress is that I think it is least for M&ill you would have very important for people to try been nice.” I was nice. I thought to do what they can to go away to that I was nice to all schools. school and to not choose the obWhen people are blindly loyal to vious and that’s why I think a school, they really can’t accept -m a book like this is helDfu1. it you any criticism at all. grew up, as I did, in&onto, you IMPRINT: Where did you visit, have a very narrow view of specifically, at Waterloo? What what’s available. I’m hoping this areas on campus? PRUM: My best story came from the student paper at Waterloo the anti-Larry campaign. It was very amusing. I’ve had many comments about that from all over _ the place. In this room (Campus centre Great Hall) I went from group to group. I went to the gym, Village 2, the student council and I talked to friends I knew who went here. There wasn’t anybody I encountered who I wasn’t interested in hearing from and what they had to say, I also spoke to a liaison officer and someone from the information office, so I tried toget the official information and the, titudents’ feelings as well, IMPRINT: What about the flood pants and polyester shirts you describe as’ the typical garb of X’’ ’ Waterloo/ students?

No one can help you with that. book will broaden people’s homarket + IMPRINT: You write in your rizons and that people will be IMPRINT: On what did you base book, “It isn’t just the artsies and willing to do daring+ adventuyour judgments about social life the engineers who hate each rous things, like go away to a far at Waterloo?. other.+’ On what grounds do you away province to study. That’s FRUM: I went to parties at unibase this statement? really my agenda with this book, versities when I could, but I had FRUM: You see this at other uniif I have one, to encourage more to rely on other people’s judgversities too. At university, peomovement, more travel, more exment. You can tell a place by its ple aren’t excessively social. ploration among young Canadipub. I know you think the comPeople me& in class or at the ans. I ments are negattve, but my genpubs after class. Here it seems IMPRINT: Did you observe eral feelings about Waterloo are more dramatic. I think it is bemajor differences between the all very positive. If there are cause there is such a disparity universities in the west and the comments which .appear to be between the marks needed to get universities in the east? negative, you have to take them into, for example, math and comFRUM: Oh, no question. I had a with a grain of salt. Sometimes puting as opposed-to the kind of things are true and you don’t like very narrow view of the country, marks you need to get into arts. I hadn’t travelled at all and it’s a to hear them. It doesn’t mean This is a very unusual campus much more interesting country they’re not true, it just means it’s that way. Some people are here than I realized, much more dipainful to read about them. with 60 per cent and some people verse. We have a lot of cultu”re When I was writing about are here only because they an avand you notice it only when *you McGill I knew I had to say negaerage over 80 per cent. I think leave your region and go to a new tive things, but I didn’t particuthere is more tension between region and ou see how differlarly want to, but you have to. the faculties because of that kind ently they r ive. The difference IMPRINT: Does it help you havAt other schools there betwean. east and west is draing a well known journalist as a of rivalry. isn’t. that much of a difference matic. The west is very sober. mother? I between the quality of students. All the cliches about them; F’RuhQ: Everybody asks me that. Any final comments? they’re in to fitness, they are I No, it hasn’t really helped me I . I IMPRINT: FRUM: It is a book written with clean living and hard workingmean I’m the one who had to a sense; of humour aad people are true and this is reflected in travel to the univerbities and without ‘a sense of humour may their universities. You go out gather the information. The job not enjoy,it - I can see that. east and there are a lot more of writing the book was my own. * “Don’t Drink and Drive” posters and a lot more parties, just a lot more people hanging around the campuses. In central Canada yqu have everyt ing, you #have very sober, bori B g campuses and then you have places like Western and Queen%. We have the most so,cially elite campuses, in central Canada and a real mixture of moods and atmospheres. Make it a HaJloween paw you won’t forget! + IMPRINT: Why did. you pick We have all ypu need for .disguise: makeup, wigs “Revenge of’ the Nerds” as Waterloo’s favourite’moyie? and -warts. Costume sakksn)y.: FRUM: I-have to,conc‘ede WaterEXTMOED HOURS: , loo iS the only university -that has a “favourite movie” section. I sit. Oct. 24th. -10 to 6 p.m. liked Waterloo alot. I said a lot of Oct. 28th. - 30th. - 9 to 8 p.m. very nice things about Waterloo Sat. Oct. 318t. L 10 to 6 p.m. and- I think that on the whole it eza4tib got one of the better reviews, which is why when I make a 4. comment like Waterloo’s favour697 Glasgow St. Kitchener ite movie is “Revenge of the: Nerds”, I need it to balance out the rest of what I say. IMPRINT: Did you interview coop students? Where did you get your information which claims “Waterloo students don’t compare themselves to students at other universities: they simply pity them.“? l

~dll~~~~~ br{yr. 745k3~315



FRUM: No question I talked to do-op people. The attitude is striking here; almost everybody is very job oriented here and people do have the sense that this is an academically elite institution. And it is to acertain extent. You do get a sense of, well I won’t call it intellectual snobbery, but it’s a Jc’ind of prestige snobbery. Peo.ple do feel that they are going to a high quality, big-name university and they think their degrees are worth more than other’ degrees offered in the province. There is a kind of arrogance here about your .,value on the job

I :


Wtiat-is India? Some personal observations on the’ diverse by Jane Oliver


What is-India? Chanting sadhus and singing ‘birds, perfumed blossoms and burning incense, orange and pink turbans and red and gold brides, guram chai and sweet Iossis, tandoori chicken and red hot chilies, wild peacocks and scavenging vultures, bicycle rickshaws and camel drawn ca’rts, handlebar moust&hes and Himachali topis, painted elephants ,and hairy buffalo, non-working telephones and daytime blackouts+ tropical sunsets and snow-capped peaks, sugar cane fields and wide-open desert, marble temples and Le Corbusier buildings, Tibetan flags and political slogans+ the spinning wheel and Ashoka’s lions. India is vibrant, sensuous, unpredictable - alive! Before leaving for India, I felt that I must prepare myself emotionally for the trip. I imagined the worst scenario - thousands of beggars, rampant disease, absolute filth. I expected to break down in tears andshout with anger at the poverty and pollution I would see. Instead, the colourful clothes of the Rajasthani people, the ambling, hairy camels, and stirrtng Indian classical music warmed my heart as I lalighed and smiled. Certainly, there were grotesque lepers, sickly children, rabid dogs, smokey air, and piled-up garbage. But what struck me was seeing and experiencing the liveliness and the warmth of the people we met, the beauty of the marble temples and rdyal forts, and the incredible variety of life and activity everywhere-we went.

Grotesque lepers, children, rabid dogs


sickly .

At the start of our journey through the deserts of Rajasthan, I felt the need to make sense out of all that I saw. Everything that caught my eyes looking out the bus window, seemed so different, so for.eign. What did it all mean? Shouldn’t 1 be doin’g more than just observing? A rather wise member of our group, an elderly gentleman from Canada, suggested that 1be satisifed with simply observing. His mesaage was to keep my eyes and ears open, to take it all in and make sense of what 1 saw later. 1 was in lndia now, and so 1 should experience it to the fullest. I then found myself watching and listening intently to all that I faced in the streets, in the temples and palaces, and while spending time with Indians themselves. In fact; I felt no desire nor need to read books I brought from home. I was in India, and seemingly oblivious to any other world I had known. It’s only now, in talking about the trip with friends back in Canada, that I’m piecing together many of the things i saw. There is a temple on Jakhoo Hill in the town of Simla in the Himalayas. This tern* ple is dedicated to Hanuman, the monkey deity, “divine in origin and with magical powers.” On the steep climb up this hill, sit and walk many chattering monkeys. After a strenuous half-hour climb I arrived at the temple on the hill. I sat down on a bench to rest and to look out over the valleys atid hills in sight. Thirsty, I reached into my bag for an orange. No sooner had I brought it out than a monkey had spied it, jumped up onto the bench and reached to grab the orange! Rather surprised and a little fearful I swung my arm at him and sent him flying off the bench. The local photographer for tourists witnessed the whole scene, yelled at the monkey and picked up a rock to throw at him. The monkey ran off and I was left to thank the man and contemplate whether I would Further take the chance of peeling and eating it. I felt shaken up, but relieved that the monkey w& gone. It suddenly struck me though as being contradictory that I hit the monkey and that the man threatened and yelled at it. Wasn’t I sitting on a hill with a temple nearby that was for worshipping Hanuman, where monkeys are viewed as divine beings? Shouldn’t I and the man therefore have been conciliatory and happily let the monkey *take my Drange? How closeljr are beliefs and actions linked? It seems simply that monKeys too have their place in Indian society - as animals to be competed with ‘on:arth, and as divine beings to be re’coglized spiritually in temples. Animals are omnipresent in India. It has

the world’s greatesi population of cattle+ 400 million strong, along with water buffalo, goats, sheep, camels, peacocks, elephants, and a great variety of birds same sacred and others not, many domesticated and others wild. The treatment by huqans of cows and dogs especially struck me. In large, modern cities like Delhi and Bombay, I was amazed by the fact that cows freely walk the streets along with cars, buses and people. Some seem ownerless as thtiy drift from one garbage pile to the next or weave in and out of the street vehicles. But cows are revered in India, as they symbolize the nourishing and productive mother, proi;lding five important items: melted butter (ghee], dung [for fuel), urine (a disinfectant), milk and curd (dhai). It is an economic as well as a religious relationship between humans and their cattle. To kill a cow is sacrilegious, so cows of all ages roam the city and village streets until they one day drop dead. There, is a Western expression, “holy cow!“, no doubt derived from India. In actuality the expression should be “holy bull!“, as the bull is highly regarded as a symbol of strength - both physically and sexually. In the city of Mysore in southern India, there is a temple on the top of Chamundi Hill. One can walk up the 1.000 steps to reach this temple. Two thirds of the way up lies a gargantuhn carved stone bull. It is decorated with fresh flowers daily, while a Brahmin (priest) stays nearby, This black bull is called Nandi, the carrier of Siva - one of the chief godheads of the Hindu Trinity. Siva represents the, forces of creation and of destruction. His sexual pqwers are passed on through Nandi and so the bull is also worshipped.

Nandi, (black Hill, Mysore,

rock bull), S. India.




camels hauling heavily laden wooden carts, or are these men, women and children carrying heavy loads on their heads and backs? I refer to the latter. In the town of Simla, 7,000 feet high in the Lower Himalayas, autos are not allowed on the upper roads of the town. So how does one transport furniture, store goods and other items to the houses and buildings? On your back. There are men who earnmoney by carrying such items into the town. I cemember one instance where a man was bent over at a go-degree angle with a sofa strapped horizontally across his back. He slowly and steadily placed one /


Atop the hill are cows. They wander &bout-freely nudging people for handouts. To perform puja (making’an offering to a god or goddess), one offers incense, flowers, a coconut and a couple miniature bananas. The cowa are anxious to partake of these sweet offerings. As well, bilk is offered to people outside of the Chamundeswari T&tpje. Similarly, other temples throughout ‘India are accompanied by carv-ed bull figures. The cattle are decorated: the bulls wfth painted horns of blue, green, yellow or otherwise, while the cows are adorned with embroidered fabric covering their faces, humps or even backs. It is a celebration of the wealth provided to humans by this venerated animal, In great contrast to the treatment afforded cattle, is the low esteem held for dogs. The majority of rdogs are mere scavengers, living in the streets of the cities and villages. One dares not touch these seemingly wild creatures, as they are feared to be rabid. It is only the richer Indians who keep dogs as pets and treat them as a Westerner is accustomed to feeding it, grooming it and taking it for walks. Beasts of burden. Are these cattle or


as seen

on walk

up Chamundi

foot in front of the other as he faced the ground and trudged up the hill to his destination. There is a qualitj; to Simla town unmatched by any other locale I visited, Simla itself has a very humane feeling to it. It is a city of about 100,000 inhabitants having grown considerably since the time as a \ when it was used by the British summer government capital. Sitila is perched here and there on the top and sides of a hill. The Mall, or main street, stretching along the entire ridge, from the old Viceroy’s Lodge on Observatory Hill to Chota Simla, an hour and a half’s walk away, is for pedestrians only, with exceptions for government and emergency vehicles. One walks to wherever one must go. And any walk is a pleasank one as the high Himalayas


be Peen in the distance.-

The Ridge, or main square of the city, is bounded by grandstands on either side. At midday, the seats are filled with people soaking up the sun and generally observing the life going on around them - the young school boys playing cricket, children atop horses going on rides, photographers taking pictures of tourists, Indians and others alike, dressed-up in traditional Himachali clothes, shoe-shine


on roadside.

boys hawking their service, and Tibetan women selling shawls. In the late afternoon, The Mall in central Simla is filled with people strollirig arm in arm past the pastry, clothes and book shops. There is an easy relaxed pace to their walk. Smiles are exchanged with hand palms meeting in front, saying “Namaste” to friends and acquaintances. The streets are a -meeting place, to share the day’s activities and thoughts with one another. Cars and auto rickshaws are noticeably and thankfully absent. No horns, no near misses, and no exhaust fumes add to the peace and humane atmosphere. Respect is a highly placed value in India, There are different words or additions to words that alone signify respect or a high regard for a person. For example, a man is addressed as “Saheb” and a woman as “Mem Saheb”. Then there is the touching of a pkrson’s feet - a long-lived, but currently waning custom, An elderly woman may have her feet touched by her son or daughter yr by younger friends or relatives; for examplecAs well, beggars often touch the feet tif people they approach for alms. I felt uncomfortable when the latter happened to me while waiting for a bus one, day in 3ombay. Three or four young bedraggled children came to me with open hands and imploring eyes as they bent to touch and dust off my shoes. Their actions made me feel that I was very different from them. Was it my white skin, my western clothes or my camera that drew their attention, their respect? No doubt all of these factors combined. This show of respect did ilot touch my pride. Rather, it became clear that money was my most redeeming quality for these children. This respect for my supposed wealth somehow made my money feel dirty,

Money the most’ redeeming quality Often there seemed to be a fine line between begging and working in India* The big cities, the tourist areas, and the trains are the most common areas where beggars are found. I found that they were generally the same kinds of people who begged. There were elderly men and women, handicapped people and leper& ‘children and women with babes in arm. Some would aggressively beg by following us down the the street tugging on our clothes or come to our bus windows and beg-with their eyes and nodding heads. The more pagsive approach was to sit or lie at the edge of a path or street with malformed limbs exposed and a shaky hand held up. On’the other hand, children or women with babes would approach our auto rickshaws at a stoplight and offer to sell us obscure mini-newspapers. On the train, I remember a man with one leg entering our cabin and singing a song for about 30 seconds, after which it was expected we would give some coins. Small boys’would periodically enter ou,r second class car, sweep the dirt from under our feet, up and down the length of the car and then return



next PW


in tndia

Not what you’d expect \ to each compartment to receive any coins we might offer. In these cases, an active effort is being made to exchange a service or talent for a few coins. it wasn’t straight begging, but yet it didn’t seem like the activity could be called a job. Then again, this is my cultural bias, I have been brought up in North American society to see a job as one in which I’m either em- I, ployed or one in which a special, pfactised skill is offered to those who are interested, like selling art or jewelry on the streets of Toronto, These enterprises reveal an amazing sense of resourcefulness in the people, but underneath lies an ugly sense OF urgency , and dire necessity for thousandsof people in the cities. ,Many of these people are selling balloons, glasses of cold.water or spyro-gyro pictures, earning a mere Rupees lo-15 ($l.OO-$1.50) per day to feed their families. Many are landless labourers who can no Itinier find w&k on the farms in their villages, .

Amazing smge of resourcefulness Contrasting this tragic dimension of life is the comic. Not only is there a feeling of goodwill, hospitality and overall warmth from Indian people, but also a high degree of humour. While walking through the Lakaar Bazaar of Simla town one afternoon, a group of us came across a small cloth-wrapped item on the ground. A couiple of us bent down to pick it up but found that it was stuck to the ground. He pulled and pulled but it remained firmly attached. We figured it was1 held down by some sort of sticky material, and so we continued on our way. Upon return along the same path we came upon the approximate same location but discovered instead a wallet. None of us reached down for it, though we all wondered if and what connection there was between it and the ppe+iOus’ item. Upon passing+ it we ehcOUntered several shop owners giggling and laughing as they looked past us, back from where we came. We turned and there, was a young shopkeeper bent over the wallet liammering a nail through it. His shop was exactly opposite the point and no doubt he had gleaned great pleasure in first watching us attempt to pick up the cloth and then us later staring wondering why there ’ was now a wallet in its place! Time for pranks, time for laughter. The day is not only one in which “X” number of rupees were collected. Another common, and terrifying, prank is played on all city people by the auto rickshaw drivers. I consider them to be the e&t ly Indian equivalent of airborne Japane %e Kamikaze pilots! The rickshaw men careen down the city streets weaving in and out of the tiaffic, vehicular and human alike+ Often, when there is a lone piedestrian fearfully and cautiously surveying the street up and down preparing to cross it, a rickshaw drijer will hit the gas and aim straight for the pedestrian; The rule is to just keep walking, as hesitation would no doubt be the death of at least thepedestrian.

Rajasthani market.






he evening on the way to the Maurya ‘Palace Sheraton Hotel in New Delhi our driver was-humming a song as he leaned far -into the curves on the roundabouts while we held onto the steel bars for dear life. He spotted a victim and headed straight for him at top speed. I hid my eyes unable to watch [there was no stopping this thrill seeker), hoping that the “Wheel ofl’Life4‘ of the rickshaw and the pedestrian, were both in the “living“ phase! Through my squinted eyes and from between my fingers I saw us safely pass the man. Upon glancing back through the.rear window of the rickshaw I saw only the man staring at us in shock as his back was arched into a “C” shape! We had just missed him, though no doubt his clothes had been ruffled as we went by. We stepped down from this roller coaster ride and into B world of firecrackers, music and copious amounts of food and drink as two rich families fern Bombay and Delhi wedded their son and daughter in a five-star hotel. Our driver had warmed us up to our intended entertainment for’ the night. . India has a mixture of Indian and English phrases, slogans an,d advertisements. The cities are filled with large and small billboards. The ones I remember most clearly were two in Bombay. One said “Jaywalking is,a shortcut to the morgue.” The other read “Urban commandment: Neither a polluter nor a pollutee be.” How could such slogans of discipline and rules apply, when chaos and c_acophony are induced bjr the very phrase on the back of most trucks- and auto rickshaws, “Horn O.K. please”? Indians generally drive with one. hand permanently fused to the horn. And what could have been more appropriate than seeing an advertisement for “Hotel Aroma“ in Bombay city tihere air pollution, combined with other street smells like urine, sandalwood, bidi smoke, and betel nuts fill the air. In the city trains of Bombay. and at the focal train stations I saw a rather shocking advertisement. It said “Painless abortions for Rs 70 [$7). YOU can be home in just two hours!“ It sounded as easy and painless as a haircut. Mystery and romance. Two overused words in North Atierican Harlequin Romance books, .but two very appropriate words to describe aspects of India. Jodhpur is, the “blue city“ of Rajasthan. As one stands at.op the Meherangarh Fort upon the city‘s major hill, and loolis cut over the city of 750,000 people below, one observes the blueness of many houses. These houses are owned by the Brahmins or priests. According1y, their houses are painted a deeper or lighter blue depending on whether they aye higher or lower caste. It’s a beautiful sight accompanied by the varied sounds of life drifting upward playing children, mooing cows, barking dogs, movie music and chiming bells. And - so one evening three of us went for a walk into this rather enchantedcity/The streets were dark as pitch as there were no street lights. Cam.els pulled carts with their owners+ cows ambled along looking for handouts, bicycle bells rang out as men



wotian I

at roadside



>. .,

Street Mysore India.

vendor city,

s&ng Karnataka a


, ‘v6wtw

jackfruit state,.

in S.

and women cycled home, and hawkers yel1ed as they were selling their wares. We eventually ap roached the hub of the city and through a Pamp 1i.t dusty haze ye made out a street corner building called the

Himbchali Himalayas.

wom8n .



village? They would often just gather nearby and look at our faces, at our clothes, no doubt at our body language too, and how our talk sounded. I felt their cur& osity. I wanted to speak to any one of them, but any direct look back at them at that point scared them off. I think many didn‘t even realize how long they were looking at us. I too was curious about many of the villagers especially. The clothes and jewelry the men and women of Rajasthan wore, truly intrigued me. But my North American upbringing reminded me that it was considered rude to stare, so I looked at them only when they weren’t looking, or from the corner of my eye: Eventually however, I asked myself why I too couldn‘t look directly at them as they were at me. One afternoon we went to Lake Pushkar, Rajasthan. Upon returning to our bus, I came across another bus outside of which were standing perhaps 15 village women. They were dressed in reds and mauves, with silver jewelry of all description - bracelets and anklets, silver flower nose rings attached by chains to earrings, -large and small, silver rings on their fingers and fascinating faces - smile lines, wrinkles and deep brown eyes. One woman was braiding the hair of another. I found myself drawn to them. The colours of their clothes, the tinklingsounds of the silver jewelry, the chatter - where did

in Khanag-Viljage,

“Galaxy Hotel”. - Street lamps in front shone pyramids of light down to the side walk. The building corner was roundedoff, and windows were placed regularly on its two stories. It seemed like a scene out of a Bogart film. ,I half expected him to emerge from the shadows and lean against a lamp post with his hat pulled low, his coat collar up and.cigar&te smoke swirling upward. No sooner had this image appeared to me, but a man-oh a decorated white horse suddenly galloped by! Where did he come from? Cut! Stop action! Take two! The camera wasn‘t rolling! Magical. We stopped and stared. All three of us saw it, It wasn‘t a film scene. It wasn’t a dream. It was real. And why not? This is India. Anythihg and everything seems to happen @e. Many Indians in India have never seen a white person before, let alone 14 of them clustered together. Often times we were surrounded and stared at by men, women or children. Such a reaction to us often made us quite self-conscious - about our whiteness, our clothes, the items we carried - and perhaps a little embarrassed. But it w&s a curious kind of stare. Who were we? Where did we come from? Why are we here - in India, in this state, in this




they come from? What kind of lives did they lead? Was today a special day for all of them to be here? I had questions too. Curiosity is‘ natural and so staring isn’t necessarily disrespectful. T&o cultures mieting face to face. What could be more natural than to wonder about our obvious differences? The morning I awoke on my last day in Simla in the snow-capped Himalayas of the north, I buried my head deep under the covers; I tried to shut out the reality of my return to Delhi to prepare for my departure back to Canada. I had grown very fond of India - it‘s crazy chaos, its beautiful village people, its deliciously cold drinks of yogurt and roseweter, and its wild peac0ck.s and proud camels, present in daily’ life, among everything else. I felt hysically healthy, I felt more comforta%le with the ways of the people and I felt the need to learn even more about its tremendous bpeadth of culture. I did experience the ugly part of India, as in any country, that I expected to see from what 1 media had fed me. But / North American that is not what would stay with me. Rather the fantastic mirage of India’s people and life activities will forever return in my dreame and memories of the country.

L \,..


Les Ballets

Jazz de Montreal

#Dancers s.izz)e’at the HUM by Renate Sander-Regier Imprint staff Despite a rather dry beginning, Leii Ballets Jazz de Montreal eventually sizzled in the Humanities Theatre on September”% The opening number, a sultry duo entitled La Femme uux Talons Hauts (Woman in High Heels], was performed by Lise Bernier and Cassel J. Miles to Tom Waits’s mellow This One’s From the Heart. Miles was actually seated during the first half of the performance, smoking and watching Bernier execute a technically impressive but somewhat long solo. ‘Things livened up when he joined her, but I was glad that the piece ended when it did. _. The ending w_as, in {act, my favourite part: she sat down on

his chair, he handed her a cigarette . . . Percussion pour Six nearly deflated what the programme had thus far built up. The performance Jacked vitality, and the choreography didn’t seem to jibe with Lee Gurst’s music. A few of the solos sparkled, but the ensemble movements fell short in expression and timing. What a thrill to see Libertango after the intermission! Astor PiazollZa’s tango music created a fiery atmosphere, and Mauricio Wainrot’s choreography matched it in intensity. No lack of variety in movement or expression in this smooth piece. The costumes alone 2 ladies in ,slinky, black dresses and gents all in grey - spiced up the visual aspect of the performance. The dancing itself was good, but unfortunately __the gentlemen were not as well syncopated as

Chronicling by John Zachariah Imprint staff Ridley Scott does his best work in the dark: the dank, nightmare passages of the Nostromo in Alien or the seedy evertwilight of Deckard’s Los Angeles in Blade Runner. Or, in the new Someone Td Watch Over Me, *Mike Keegan’s (Tom Berenger) night shift, during which he does guard duty for wealthy socialite Claire Gregory (Mimi Rogers), witness to the brutal murder of ‘a close friend tit the hands of a gangland kingpin. During the day, Keegan has to face the realities of his lgwer middle-class life in Queens,

the ladies. Of the latter, the effervescent _Daniela Panessa stole the show. After the second intermission the ultra-modern Fiesta concluded the show with a bang. Again the music, this time by Maurice Ravel, found powerful expression through Mauricio Wainrot’s choreography. Cdlourful costumes set against the bare skeleton of the stage without backdrop, plus a different and varied vocabulary of movement, made this pi&e fun to watch. Judging by the exprese siveness of the dancers, it must also have been fun to perform. Not only was Fiesta fun to watch, it was also thought-provoking. A story - an intriguing one. . - was being. *told, buta .I. won’t attempt . an Interpretation. I leave 1 that up to the individual . specraror,


up the stage

the -.clash~dnigh~t a~ndday

which aren’t terribly harsh realities, just bland ones; the responsibility af having to keep his wife and young son happy, etc. But at night, Keegan enters the cloistered world of Claire’s apartment, furnished with every comfort, bedecked with every extravagant accoutrement. And he -finds Claire a most bewitching--woman, a stunning pseudogoddess who he’s enchanted b yet feels extremely protective o P. In time, they become lovers, but the affair-precipitates acrisis for Keegan, both at home and’on the job. During it all, he’s also faced with t.he task of protecting Cl&e from the killer, who is forever lurking in the shadows: this sto-

ryline provides the picture with ’ Blade Runner in style and tone; its element of suspense. even parts of the latter’s soundWhile Someone To Watch track have been borrowed. In Over Me tends to be ,,he;av.yboth mg\iies,> Scott presents us handed in parts,,its exhmination with a &mlydit; artificial w&d. of the mutu& titt~actfcifi’&#ween But while Deckard was Mike Keegan and Claire Gregory stranded, Keegan is seticed, is fascinating. At first, each is. draw,?, in. cautious of the other. But cautioti-.“. .‘+’ -. turns to interest, .nd interest. 1.‘. The j!flot ii pretty easy to read. turns to respect, and re$plct to,;. We know relatively early on that 1true love will prevail and the Scott succeeds wonderfully in Keegan family will be’ reunited contrasting Keegan’s @ey, gar[albeit by way of . a violent den-variety, daytime existence climax). But the imagery is good. with the seductive,’ ethereal Eveyy time Keegan checks his nighttime environment of watch, while on the job, it’s three Claire’s apartmerit. It’s probably a.m., the time’when “the soul is no accident that much of Someat low ebb”, -as Bradbury ‘once reniarked; the time when we’re one To Watch Over Me echoes


WithSomeone To Me, Scott suggests Keegan made a mistake comingClaire’s lover, affair was a hiccup -wiee fulfilling life. explore the darker ably more intriguing that Keegan, in Claire, would also world he had never fore, and one which be willing to abandon, . less of the price. But the door on this early on, thus robbing devastating movie. the adequate Someone Over Me.

H~uslier Du.it,to.itonQueen’s.Quay by Don Kudo imprint staff

The RPi cltib, a converted warehouse on the Queen’s Quay in Toronto, was an appropriate setting for the mighty Husker Du’s return to Toronto Tuesday evening. The Toronto stop w&s a part of a four week eastern blast to continue the promotion of their most recent release Warshouse: Songs and Stories. The stories the band unfolds, with their superior song-writing,

were oause to see that life after hardcore can be v@ palatable and profitable for a li and of the class of Husker Du. Husker .Du has succeeded in, spanning the very large gap of youthful ‘core crazies to slightly more mature audiences. Both crowds were present at the soldout show and both enjoyed the show for their own reasons. The Du’s warmed up the audience with tunes from W-0 houee, Grant Hart was the* primary vocal force of the band

The intro to the song found Hart’s kick drum drubbing meeting Greg Norton bass strum-. ming, which produced an eerie beginning to this song that dates back to the band’s “heavier” days. The explosion of Mould’s guitar and the passionate pleas of Hart’s vocals made this one of the highlights of the show. The band followed the relative calm of Diane with Powerllne and reached back further into Husker history with the raunch ‘n’ roll anthem of What’s Going

them a unique spot iq today’s underground rock ‘n’ roll-scene. Bub Mould’ wsuld later commenton the slamming in front of the stag.e by stating that he didn’t really appreciate “all the shit going on” especially when the band turns to slower ad slightly more serious notes, He then expressed his wonderment over whether the people upfront came out to- see the batid and he& the music or just act like they did because of the band’s maximum reputation. Mould’s

“Australia still affects our kinusic very much” .

by Chris Wodekau Imprint staff.

Songs about love and relationships are a dime per ten dozen; good songs about love and relationships are no big deal, either. So just what is it about The GoBetweens that make; them so special? What is it about an Australian pop group in their thirties who sing about the things we all talk about in the most casual, everyday conversation that makes them haunt the memory with Iingering images and subtle pop hooks long after the last Cult guitar riff has forever evaporated from your brain? And more to the point, how is it that a band of such throat-lumping passion, beauty, and lyrical brilliance can go virtually unknown in this hemisphere? Some ‘pretty’ weighty matters to mull over and who better to interrogate than singer/lyricist/guitarist Robert Forster? So, Rob, tell-me about the early days back in Australia’when it was just the three of you (drummer Lindy Morrison and cosinger/lyricist/guitarist Grant MoLennan -a lineup that would last until the addition of bassist Robert Vickers after 1982’s Before Hollyvkod)? “We got together in Brisbane which is our hometown in Australia and we just knew each other, That was in 1978. We ut two singles out on our own la % el back in Australia, the Able Label, and those singles have re;tl keen reissued as a”p,ackage

“I inean, the re’s no way it can’t. We were born there, we went to school there. What’s bred in the bone. I still have a lot sf affection for the place, deep and wide and long and definite. I always will.” But there comes a time when a band intent on making a viable living out of musio has to make certain career moves. Like Canada, Australia is a pretty unforgiving country towards independent music. The sprawling geography and sparseness of the population, not to mention the lack of B rabid music press supportive of independent talent, make compfehensive record distribution a near impossibility and touring an endless crosscountry trudge spending nights

enough for us to leave. We always wanted to get out. I think a lot of other bands wanted to get out, too, but got rejected once or twice and decided they wanted to do something else. So there were a lot of bands that Isaw in 1978 and ‘78 that I thought were world-class and there are maybe a couple left.” The ‘move from’ Australia appeared to -have even greater benefits by 1884 when Sire, a label affiliated with mega-label WEA, released Spring Hill Fair, a varied, vaguely folky, and uniformly gorgeous album that was easily one of ‘84’s best. They could be touchingly sincere and heartfelt, as on the lilting BacheIor Kis se& create haunting

-Canadian write? by the name of Robertson Davies’; [Grant is a fan of several contemporary American writers like Raymond Carver and Thomas McGuane), Robert maintains that external literary influences are not that big an influence on these most literate.of tunesmiths: “I think we read as many books as most people, but I don’t think we have any particular literary bent. But, I mean’ definitely the things we read, not at face value maybe, do come out in our work to some point.” And it’s true that Wbsrty Belle’s Apology Accepted, possibly their greatest song, co&d hardly be accused of slavish impersonation, so brutally hon-


That double EP pack, Lee Rem’ icb’ sees The GotRetweens in a younger, more carefree, dare we say almost jangly mood on the title track, a shyly boyish paean , of lust to the actress who looks positively angelic on the cover, enough to make any biologically correct young male forget all about choir practice. Also included in this set is Karen, a ringer for REM’s Maps and Legends, although it pre-dates REM’s very existence by three or four years, and which was a stunning encore at The GoBetweens Fed Hall show a coupla weeks back. Fine as that EP is, though, it is light-years from the polished, nearly perfect pop quintet of today. By . . .‘Lulhby and Befora Hollywood The Go-Betweens were developing into the gentle, eclectic, yet emotionally alive in -a beat-up, rented van after pop band that their past three playing your guts out to i handalbums have confirmed them as; ful of fans in slopbucketites [is Their prowess as lyricists was this getting just a little dranow beginning to be widely matic?). Robert elaborates: ap reciated, especially the wist“I know a variety of Australful P y redolent Cattle and Cane ian bands who just dot bitter or which still appearsin reviews as died. You see, the major problem a benchmark to which contemwith Australia is that in England porar pop aspires, and on you can play five gigs and sudcount r ess lists of “Desert Island , denly get on the cover of the Discs” in the U.K. music press.. about Having left Australia for Eng- * music papers stirearning how great vou are. In Australia. land in response to an offer from

Go-Betweens frontman Robert Forster photo images and striking metaphors like Draining The Pool,For You, and then chill you with their stark honesty on Part Company: $‘That’s her handwriting/That’s the way she writes/From her first note/To this her last.” Remarkably, Liberty Belle And The .@lack Diiimond Exprazr is an even stronger album; the songs are perhaps the catchiest Forster and McLennan have ever written’ the lyrics are

by Tim Petikh est is it: “Time and. time again/You close your soft eyes/In ‘trust above me./Such a simple question/I pretended I was sleeping, /I didn’t know anything/ But you I’m keeping. /Don’t know how long/I can wait to see if my/Apology’s Accepted.” At their most confessidnal, on Apology Accepted and Part Company, listening to. The GoBetweens almost tiakes you squirm, like eating dinner at a

rassing to sing about End of that discussion, brings us to their latest, chartward-looking date, Tallulah, also their domestic release. Easily most polished work yet, couple of listening8 lightweight fee1 to Right Here and Cut It ing that is quickly once you hear the words tough and poignant revealing the grittiness makes ‘Tallulah so than just another album. It’s also Betweens debut instrumentalist Amanda whose violin and oboe cacy and charm to straightforwardly moments of the album. “Amanda started playing us about February, ‘86, when we were touring a couple of weeks later, her to join the group. just playing a couple on-stage at the time thought we should have the time. But f wouldn’t that as a definite movement new direction we’re mean, it could happen, know. The stringed instruments do play a large role on We let them carry the Is Tablab your stardom? .“No. If you’re going stardom’ you need money than we had at to record that album. lot of backing if you’re a big star.” “Well, I guess in we’ve now sold about copies, so that’s great. that at 1-t ~&c~oo: have at least one piece in their record’ collections.” Ahhh, now we hit conundrum: why the hell anyone know about Every time I play one albums for friends who’ve heard of them, I get asked you can get thsir records. hack in the UK even as to describe them acceptable face of adult-oriented rock” (Robert dismisses “some* local wit run hardly the type of stuff to worry about pissed-off bours and landlords why are you still considered alternative band, Robert? “I really don’t know. people have suggested our lyrics. You know, an the Top 40, there’s a hundred words ‘lw hen”, “oh, baby”, Those words are all-there time - it’s just a matter ranging the words. words that just creep songs that are words everywhere, like here room, And the people records on the radio would baffle the very




No rhourning

This Mourning During’ the concert, Chris paused for a breather and a small speech. “This is probably the finest university facility we have ever visited - and that’s no bullshit!” The concert resumed with Empty Park and Park Island. The group also ripped through a chainsawed version of Whitney Houston’s current tune I Wanna Dance With Somebody. Since the did the cover right in the mi B dle of Superman, it took a few people a while to realize what was going on while the rest of us rolling with laughter. Chalk Circle did a big finish with 20th Century Boy followed

8 o’clock and all’s well . . . so when does the band stari? II?! - I could’ve gone to see Miss Oktoberfest.

With a little over an hour to kill, I did the headless chicken dance around Fed Hall trying to get an interview with Chalk Circle. From the bar to the dart board to the dressing room, I talked to “important” people to see what my chances were. 1 1 managed to gbt Derrick Murphy, drummer for Chalk Circle, alone in the lounge area.

“We’re happy with our success so far, but we still have a long way to go. We haven’t cracked the US. market yet and no one outside of Canada has really heard of us. We would like more international exposure but right





at. Fed- Hall Thursday

by Andrew R&age ImpTint staff

The band has been touring universities and colleges in Ontario for about the last three weeks (their Fed Hall show was October 8) and headed for Quebec after Thanksgiving to hit a few more educational institutions and clubs. The best comes around Christmas when they will be going on tour as the opening band for Rush on the east coast.




now we’re taking everything one day ata time.” The image that they try to convey is quite simple. “We’re regular guys; normal -like everyone else. We don’t preach any ideals or philosophies in our music, we just try to relate to the common person.++ -The group has no real musical boundaries and no main influences. “Obviously we influence each other the most. We all like different groups. I’m into Weather Report and Miles Davies. Chris likes The Clash and The Sex,Pistols. Our own music is varied too. We do reggae and jazz type things as well as our harder stuff.” OverSoul S evenperformed well opening for Chalk Circle. They put on quite a lively show that got everyone in a ‘Hip-Hop-


their manager. photo by Andrew


pin’ inood. They were on6 of the best opening bands I’ve seen in a long time. r Chalk Circle opened the show with sufficient force playing Artificiul Sweetener and Hands. It didn’t take them long to get to their most popular songs. “This is a song about a large body of water not to far from here that people seem to take for granted.‘+ was Chris Tait’s intro to Great Lake, The group blasted through A ril Fool. This was the part w rl ere EVERYONE was singing along. They slowe‘d the pace of the concert down a bit wrth N.I.M.B.Y. but picked it up again with another sing along, Me, Myself, and 1. Chris’s voice was crisp and clear resonating thrqugh Fed Hall. He displayed his well defined guitaring techniques through out the whole concert but especially during


by an encor8 of Chris also” tried chae1 by singing As the stage went second time, the mered for more. smoke from the concert/still gering in the air, came out alone. “This is like a waltz, so take who ever you’re dance, go ahead.+’ he did a short two with one arm stretched ward the mike to Say. The finale and concert was one tunes called Animals, group doesn’t do often.

HIP HAP .PENlNt%) AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHI!! Here we are up to our gonads in midtermsand essays and Oktoberfesting and we still don’t have anything better to do than think up new and creative ways to spend your money. Tonight in Cambridge, The Highlands has Philly-bred “scruff-rock”ers The Dead Milkmen in for a night a rock ‘n’ roll zaniness. See the review in this term’s first issue for more dirt dn these dudes. If you happen to be Guelph-bound tomorrow night, take a little side-trip to U. of Goo for local lads .The Weathermen’s record release party. Don Kudo will be there in University Centre Room 103 so if it’s good enough for him, well... And the good folks at B.Ent haven’t forgotten about you either - don’t miss 54-40 at Fed Hall Wednesday night. These guitarslingers, frqm Vancouver are only about twice as good live as





they are on vinyl thing to be ashamed sleeves, either, ao #jazz at The Bomber night in the form Mondo Combo. Now the things much about: Lee Ballets te-Carlo bring their flavoured dance Centre-in-the-Square night-. Tuesday night, goes up for a five-day Drama Dept.‘s Woody Allen’s God hov’s The Bear -just ter than the twin-bill drive-in+ n’est-ce nally, if you’re into listening, Jane Urqhuart, of Storm Gisss and pooI will read in Common Room Wednesday ternoon at 3:30. Or hungry, show up and donuts.



the moods they can conjure, The title soqg sees The Heads plowing ahead’with a heavy dose of take-no-prisoners thrash a&thetic, all the while managing to sound almost . . I fey. In an attempt to immortalize their idol, The Pleasure Heads have composed Madonna Eyes - as loose and joyful as their first gingle.

by Paul Done Imprint staff With their debut single, F& Iing Mm, the pattern &r The Pleasure Heads’ unique blend of ’60s garage-grynge, punk’s ailout assault and pop melodicism. Febg Man was easily one of tfie best- few singlqs released in 1986 and their two follow-up releases Holdins On (released early this year) and now, Treasure, have seen very little finkering with this marvelous potion. Within this fbrmula, though, the Treasure -EP, sees The Pleasure Heads experimenting with

Their most ambitious song to date is buried on the E-side in the form of Something You’re Above. For a start, it is slower and longer than any song they have yet released. More importantly, the aong manages to maintain the same level of intensity as their others while explo’ring more diverse musical territory. _ 1-1 I& khe Pleasure &ads’ first two singles, Treasure is a buttkicking piece - of grunge-pop. tuvverley. 1


by John Ryaa Imjrrint giaff

ST. W., &.

172 KING

ST: W.,

tia t Celebration

lqs .


One night about a dozen years ago Canada Customs earned its place in Rock’s Rich Tapestry. The inspection of a band’s effects turned up a quantity of amphetamines. The band didn’t to blow the tour so they let their bassist take the fall, ‘and continued on their merry way, That bassist wa’s Lemmy Kilminster. He returned to the U.K. and created the ultimate musical revenge: he formed Motorhead. Several LPs, tours, guitarists later we are presented with Rock ‘n’ Roll. Well how is it? Does it rock? Does it Roll? A quick glance at the lyric sheet (lyric sheet!) shows the usual Motorhead themes are explored: violence, cruelty and partying, All of which are leavened with a strong senseof sick humour. That sense of humour


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings [with Coupon Only) 1 To make your Birthday 8 or Anniversary a special 1 evening, we offer for 3 1 days only an 8 COURSE : MEAL including cocktail, wine and an.after dinner

by Joba Hymsrs Imprint staff

i :u

has always been Motorhead’s saving grace, elevatipg their songs above the usual slash, smash and Satan worship with which so much of Metal is preoccupied. The inner sleeve photos and the Michael Palin guest-spot show that Motorhead don’t take 9any of this or themselves too seriously. After all, any album with a song called Eat the Rich should bd taken with a grain of salt. The Plain People of Woaerloo: This is, all very we&, but is .t he, record any good? Myself: I was getting to that. It depends on what you mealn by ‘good’ or ‘bad’. In a se‘nse you could say, to paraphrase Nietszche, they are beyond good .and evil. In fact one could say.. . The Plain People of Waterloo: Come on. Myself: Alright. If you like metal, you’ll like this; if not you may like it anyway. Motorhead are the acceptable face of Heavy Met al. The Plain People of Waterloo: Oh, that’s pretty good. Can I use

Pink Floyd without Yes, and-all the more them, A Momentary Reason shows that wasn’t Roger Waters; showcases David Gilmour’s ent as a songwriter as a lyricist) and the ity to play. Quantitatively, ?he awesome: there tire more minutes of music on tively, the album is the high recording standards pected from Pink Floyd vered. Musically the good; they wisely depended on the sound effects tened to ruin the The.Fi.&al but they left behind intensity of former bums. . This lack of intensitv a’ minor impact on Gilm&r’+ lyrics are troub!esb’me aspect lyrics could best be a conscious searc*h Rhyme is a good thing; tiful to listen to. But becomes an end in to feats the purpose of Thus, the album is there is no singing. band, krrew this: there plgnty of instrum&& strumental sections albunt. Forget the crap, being a dinqsaur band, rpast its time. This band, a band that has cab still release an album, an album that They could teach Starship thing.


Myself: anyway.

Go ahead it’s not mine by Demk Weller 1mprtnt stdf For some reason, Mercury released this six-song touting Eighties folk Big Thing. Unfortunately, even the presence shington Squares saves dord from terminaI Granted, the two Squares (New Generation and Kill Me) are excellent, doean? justify the rest included herein (and

Top Eight Records/Tapes For the week endlng ,Octobei 1; Variourr Artists - It Came ,From Canada Vol. 3 from 2. Billy Idol - Vital Idol 3. Art of Noise - In No - Sense - Nosense 4: New Order - Substance 5. Mojo Nixon % Skid Roper - Bo - Day Y Shus 6.’ Dead Kennedys. k Give Me Convenience of Give Me 7. Marianne Faithful - Strange Weather 8. Various Artislts - Genuine Hotiserockin Music Volumn Alligator Records

by Paul Done Imprint staff Rap has made a commercial breakthrough over the last year with the success of Run-DMC, then the Beastie Boys, and now with LL Cool J. The record label which has been involved in each of these successes is Def Jam in existence for less than half a decade, but has already attained a near-legendary status. Both the Beasties and Cool J are signed to Def Jam, while RunDMC are managed by Def J&m’s Rush productions and are produced by Rick Rubin, who has produced the majority of the records released on Def Jam. I’ Def Jam has near-single-hand-edly fused the pyrotechnics and noise value. of Hip-Hop and heavy metal into something far more accessible to a white audience than conventional rap. The noise value inherent in this meeting and the profound way it has influenced rappers, even those who hate rock ‘n’ roll, has he1 ed prish rap into an unassai Pable. position as the most challenging, adrenaline-charged music being made. This noise aesthetic is helped by an’aatute feel for the sure-fire novelty Iike Run-DMC’s Walk This Way or The Beasties Fight. For Your Right. Further, Def Jam lias not stagnated and fallen behind, a danger especially acute in rap where records can solind aged and old in a -mere six months. Thus, though the same formula had worked for Run-DMC’s Rairing Hell and The Bastie Boys’ Licensed To Ill, LL Cool J’s Bigger and Dsfbr moved ahead, leaving the already dated formula fir behind. In celebration. of this last 12 months, Kick It! The Daf Jam SampI&, has been released. Concentrating on the less wellknown acts on Def Jam, Kick It! contains a few obscurities which make it well worth the importDriced bucks. The singly most desirable track on the compilation is Rock A

IUST ARRIVED ’ * 1. Sting - Nothing Like the Sun 2. Al Dimeola - Project Tiratiisu . 3..Ramones - Halfway to Sanity 4. Cabaret Voltaire - Code 5. Bruce Springsteen - Tunnel of Love Based on sales at the Record Store, Campus . _ Lower Mail, University of Waterloo

. CKM6

ra ‘off of Hard -’ the Beastie AC/DC’s Back In iId-ac . This track, was previously available only as a rare semi-bootleg single. This,track kickr the butt of anything on Ikead To Ill TheBeast& before. sexism and booze rotted their brains, Ki& It! also contains I’m Bud, the obligator LL Cool J song. Why they cou Tdn’t have included something cool and obscure like the alternate mix of Rock-The flells is beyond me. The third part of Def Jam records’ rap pack Public Enemy is well-represented by ’ You’re, Gonno Get Yours from their excellent Yo? Burn Rush ThuShow album released earlier this year. , The other stuff on, the .*LP is split roughly evenly between the crappy fake-soul which has become more common on Def Jam of late and cool Def Jam rarities. For a start there’s Jazzy Jay’s scratch-athon Def Jam an earlier Def Tam release which has become’ a seminal mark-in the history of rap, .


An example 6f Dcf J&s wil- ’ lingness to release records simply because they liked theti rather than for atiy commercial reason is The Jutikyard Band. Def Jam released an excellent Go-Go single by this group of Washington t eenagera to little comm&rcial or critical response. Here The Word and Sardines, the two sides of their only single are segued into six and a half minutes of Go-Go madness. Original Concept are perhaps Def Jam’s most underrated group, despite two excellent singres Bitin’ My Styl&e and Can You Feel It; they remain unknown -j this might be because their best song; Pump That Bass, is buried on the B-side of Bitin’ My Stylee. Kick It! attempts to rectify this situation by the inclusion of two tracks Can You Feel It and Pump\That Bass I . . hey Def J&m! how’s about an Original Concept L,P soon! For much of it’s length, Kick Ii is as pure a noise assault as has been put on’ record. Ultimate stupid fresh!


Murray McL4uchlan entertained a neai capacity crowd at The Hum last Tuesday. Wlth only two other players... on stage, t.his legendary . Caimadlam singer/songwriter ran through a cataloaue of the . claislc hlts that have made hlm thls, DomInIon’s best loved son. .


Top Ten

for October


Various artiats - It CUM Frolir CaBada vole 3 (gig] 54340 -show Ma \-’ Tom Waits - F’r aaf%d Yeah fhlmd] REM - Document WS] Billy Bragg - P-1 Ssraiona [Pol$grun) Various artists 7 Lonely is aa Eyeeors (IAD/Poly*] ir,Deja Voodoo - Wont of . . .(Og] 8. Varioug, artists - Indie Tap 20 (Band of Joy) 8. Grsteful Dead - In the Duk (BMG) 10. Weather Permitting - Into the Ground (Vat)

1. 2. 3: 4. 9 5. &

IT’S OUB ltlIRTHDAY! This month we head into our It’s amazing but true. We are having and planning a . events for the next year to celebrate the 10th ANNIVERSARY. posted to this section, check out the monthly program the posters around campus to, get more details.

they finally dropped out), also expecting

graduated’ (or but yer probably a rundown of

taken him a whole week to level. Jericho. The Mongole -%eepwalk. A

age brats have learned to play their instruments and th!ow in one hot solo to bodt. what’s cool and what’s just okay, sb@oky three minutes of evil, * The Ten Commandments so here goes. !wiFted fun in that bastardiza. Not True. T.O. garage mayhem Dik VanDykes -Curling. One that’s that close to greatness. Get tion of blues and iockebilly we. hot, chugging rug-cutter about these guys outta the basement’ know and love a8 psychobilly everyone’s favourite spectator and into the studio and watch from the now-defunct Montreal by Chris Wodskou sport (and they say Canadians the fur really fly. band. ’ , imprint staff are dull!) from these Hamilton ‘Hours of Knives - Death Mu,Coior h48 Psycho - Black Curlads. ’ seum. Deja Vooddo’s plenty co61 vair. Yeah, them Calgarians It’s fall again, so I reckon that Ray Coado and His Har&ck know what to do with with those atid all, but do we really need a can mean only one thing - it’s Goners - \umps, Giggles,. bnd guitars and Farfisa organs, too.. Deja Voodoo clone barid? From time for yet another installment Shouts. More wild whoopabilly -Purty garagey garage sorta stuff. Canibridge, possibly the only of It Came From Canada. Yep, from these Montrealers who Guilt Parade - The Todd Incicity in North America with more just when you thought it was probably have Gene Vincent dent. You’d think that being donut shops Ejer capitq than Kitsafe to drop 400 bills for that snappin’ his fingers in his grave. . from Fredericton and all you’d .chener, equalizer, here come Gerard and have something better to do than The Stin ia’.Hornets - With a Deja Voodoo - Bound For Tony Voodoo under the guise of name like t% at you can only be a Glory. ley redneck hardcore, Not as Nothing radically new Og Records with their third comrockabilly.band, but this is just a from the undisputed kings of. I Pu$ny as Vol. i’s Ode To An Aspilation of the rootsy, the garalittle too familiar sounding. shale, but still worth a guffaw or . sludgeabilly, but it’s still latsa gey, the grungy, the shamelessly Condition - Hound Dog .Yep. thtee. fun and,they get dibs .cuz they tasteless, and the just plain The Hound Dog, and a pretty jerry Jerry And The Sons Of invented the stuf! in the first weird. And as you might well ex. damn terrifying one at that from Rhythm Orcbestru - Yap Yap. place. pect, a lot of old hands are here the Urban Primitive Swingsters Real, real gonzo “psycho-counI’he Gruesomtts L Y&r Lies. along with a few kids who l&ely I of your worst, nightmares. If Jotry-gospel-punk” Edmontonians Yeah! In addition to knowing had their high-school principal shua had h,ad vocalist Julia Gilso&d more like The Dead Milkhow to rearrange great Kinks breathing a sigh of relief when. more with him, it wouldn’t have guitar riffs,. these Montreal gar- , men here than the Jerry Jerry of flashy. ft”s perfect for that teen niche in Canada th6t’s all too often filled with the imported likes of Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Bon Jovi. So if we’re going to listen to pop, why not listen to home-grown which is of comparable quality to the what the Yanks have to offer, by Peter Stathopuloe For a debut, this album is far Imprint staff above average in complexity and Well, anot her Canadian rocker final delivery. It shows an effecon the Alert label! Michael Breen tive mixing of keyboards, YOjoins the ranks of The Box and cals, qnd rhythm section. Sass Kim Mitchell and judging from Jordan also contributes some the pop pop popular sound of his fine backing vocals on the title debut album, he’ll be joining track, How +Vifl i Know. Each these stars on the financial airsong has an independent direcwaves, Already, his first single, tion musically and the whole Rain, is getting a lot of play on-, album qows very smoothly. radio as well as vides, exposure ’ Some great choruses in songs like, Face to Face, High and Low on MuchMusic and Mvsique* and So Long. plurs. The music on the album is ’ Breen maintains strict control high-spirited, 1polished, of his r&sic. He is a solo comand

old who lynched commie da name uv da Lawd, are far worse thing5 sound like. \ E.,: Brule - Killer tack. Mr. “I-do-it-all-with-mymouth-at-the-same-time+’ back but, dammit, this funny. Chris Houston -‘Baby Looks Like Elvis. And to Mojo Nixon, even space look like Elvis. Whatever, time nutcase and bluesman Chris proffers some more of iar wisdom and answers question, “What would lin’ Wolf 78 sound like # The Bagg Team -I Flip. More songs about on dumb’60’5 TV shows. kinda Iike Lawrence ducting The Clash playing Machine. You’ll probably yourself for liking it poser who programs drum rhythms, and boards ‘and guitars singing. But after years work, he is also eager tunes to the clubs. been making demo tape6 his home 8-track studio he got picked up on cords. And the marketing tegy that Alert boss, has chosen for Breen working as successfully as it has for Kim Mitchell. There

is a growing

young, flamboyant,

entertainers to capture the home market and some headww ‘into - States following the great less plough of Bryan Adams. ‘there’s nothing to stop Breen from becoming Canadian wonderboy.

Friday, 23 October

El 1


800 p.m., HumanitiesTheatre TheatreBalletof Canadawill cqtivate you with its specticu@visud presentation.

- There’s a mind and I just heard room full of ghosts ghosts are all course, there are than the courageous examination worked and will work for those and will, but this encouraged: Take swear its fine. Beyond the variously death-ageing thread sewn into the fabric the songs, Brave tains Wet B’Ionket, The Chill Blue, ingly, haunting particular, Night Blue- contains one lines which so perfectly my own sentiments of a Jungian collective cious seems not but necessary: It’s the night of the I’d like to say how But it’s all been said I try to say it new then I’II say it wrong. Courageous and ate, *hard and’ soft, cold, Brave Word8 premely accomplished modern pop. Martin unique lyrical construct The Chills’ non-linear structures which form music of potency and resonance.

by Paul Done Imprint staff


It haa taken seven years and 10 different versions of the group but, joy! bliss! capture! The Chills first album is here! After a series of singles (compiled onto the soon-t o-be-reissued Kai&ioscope World), the bizarre, fractured Lost EP and a couple more singles, Brave Word8 has been released with the most stable lineup The Chills have had and with Martin Phillipps songwriting powers at their finest. As it is Brave $Vords stands as the finest, most fully realized pop LP so far in 1987. Though the album includes thrashy rave-. ups and swirling bits of gloominess, the majority of the music on the LP is ringing, bright antiodean pop. Martin Phillipps’ Pyrics evoke various shades of specific uncertainty - about love, about death, about the human condition(-ing?]. No small part of the reason that The Chills have taken so long to reach this stage is the fact that they have been hidden away in their home of New Zealand for much of their career, visiting Eu-

by Peter Stathopulos Imprint staff


There’s a .Cali coming odt of the California music scene and it’s growing louder. This W&t Coast band is carving out its own distinctive sound. This nine-song package, Into The Woods, is their best effort so far. The album has a cofisistent unity to it tind contains wellwritten tunes that aren’t weakened by inferior production or inappropriate arrangements. A jgy to l&ten to from first to last. Most of the songs sound like anthems, Even love songs are played and sung as if they were the last love songs in the world. They begin with a synth melody that continually haunts the % background while the guitars and drums echo variations and the solemn voice of MichaelBeen steps in and grabs the lead. This use of the synthesizer creates a mysterious, haunting quality in songs like Too Many Tears, Memory, and the title track,The / woods. The Call use some standardpractice musical ideas, but they get away with it because they do it effectively. The introductory bass riffs on Expecting and In The River aye really sharp on

Chlllin’l rope infrequently* Further, they have only been to North America once last July, during which they played three ahows - two in New York City and one in Boston. (For a review of one of the N.Y.C.‘shows anda North Ame&an-exclusive interview, scavenge a copy of’ the July 24 Imprint) Their press coverage outside their home New Zealand has been minimal, at best. There could not have been a

by Chris Imprint

Wodskou staff

The Wedding Present . . . sounds pretty inhocuous, huh? Sorta like Myron, Floren jemming with Perry Como with The Happy Wanderer on the flip side, eh? Guess agaiin, kids! T.he Wedding Present’s umpteenth single release is one heckuva corker, another three staccato bursts of adrenaline rush from these*British indie chart god8 who should once and for all transcend the legions of so-called shambly popsters who play their guitars fast and, uhm, shambly. Put on the A-side and flail about to a.three-minute blast of glorious amphetamine guitar that would do e olde Buzzcocks proud: I thoug 3:t I was gonna be able to write one of those “Boy, this record sounded great - and

better’ title for this album than Brave Words. Now that the frivolity and lightness have been drained from the lyrics, the focus upon death and pain has sharpened - even since Pink’ Frost, which may still stand as The Chills finest moment. Martin Phillipps stands straight end courageous in his clear, thoughtful examination of fears of death and fears of ageing - fears wh?ch lie within us, well-en-

tombed and hidden through years of dFnia1 and avoidance. He pries open the doors of our own uncertainty - not with the callousness of a intruder, but with the encouragement to confront and come to an understanding, or an acceptance, of our ghosts within. “Ghosts” is certainly how Martin Phillipps views these deeply buried fears and stigmas

then I found out that the turntable was on 45” ’ reviews, but y’see., Anyone Can Make A Mb take is a 45. Don’t get the idea that this is just some wild, undisciplined speed buzz, t bough; these guitars ring and chime with a manic op sense and crunchingly per Pect guitar riffs whilst a non-manic depressive Ian Curtis-styJe singer carries a propulsive tune that’s pretty darned catchy in its own atonal way. How The Wedding Present; keep these songs in one piece at this pace without everything flying off in a millioqdifferent dii rections is a mystery to me, but I’m no? gonna argue with results like this. AII About Eve and Getting Nowhere Fast on the flip aremore of the same - impossibly fast atid frenzied pop that’s closer td 1978’s Buzzcocks/Undertones pop-punk heyday in spirit and sheer excitement than a whole indi_e chart full of jangle-pop and goth-clones. If yer blood’s justa boiling for some brilliant, aggressive pop, try pumping summa this into yerself intravenously for a great fix,

WORK FOR ARTS! an incredibly bland way. The: rein lies the problem: the album lacks anything to grip on to; it is completely devoid of both feeling and intensity; it begsfor airplay in Muzak-possessed ‘telephones. The musicians don’t milk any emotion from their in-


by Ed Draqs

‘The following venue8 show obrcure and mord.welbknown cam u8 and nearby. If ou huve a free night (hah) go bre !i or as QD enjoya 3:le form of education. If ym (cheap] films happening in the area, Jet me know, c/o Enjoy yourself, you hear? FED FLICKS FEDERATION

(FF), Am



116 ($1 Fgda,



(Free. Phons 888-4090 to confirm.] [CG], Campus Centre (Free with


(STP), French Loutige (In French only. PUBLIC LIBRARY [KPL), Queen & WLU-SU FILMS, Student Union Bldg. lEl($S.88 WLU, (Not SU) Arts Building 2E7 Free.) PRINCESS CINEMA, 8 Prince88 St. ($2.75 Members, GORGE CINEMA, 4$ Mill St., Elo~aJ@&a&ers, FRIDAY,



FF The Killing Field8 at 7&8. FED HALL - No movie@. (Oktoberfest. Free. WLU-SU Witches of Eastwick (i.men are sue h . ..) STP I)iva (En francois, sur video.) e 18h30. PRINCEASS The French Connection (5 Oscars) at 7, Sid and Nancy (love [?I story)‘at &lo.


FF The Killing Field8 at 789.. PRINCESS m& Dayb (d: Woody The French Conaection

A~I, 1987.) at’ (USA, 1978) at

Da Vinci models work! by Renete Sender-Regisr Imprint staff Renaissance Science Center Leonardo da Vinci would probably roll over in his grave if he saw this title attributed to anixhibition of models constructed according to his original sketches. Or maybe he wouldn’t, The mind that came up with the sort of mechanisms currently on display at UW’s Theatre of the Arts Gallery,- might be open to the idea of his works constituting a Science Center. Leonardo da Vinci, probably best known for his painting Mona Lisa, [one of the most popular attractions of the Louvre in Paris] merits just as much recognition for his achievements in the field of science. This same realization perhaps led IBM to the idea of sponsoring a travelling exhibition of models made from da Vinci’s sketches. The models were built in 1948 by Dr. A. Guatelli and are owned by IBM. The collection, ‘which will apparently no longer be traveiling, is a part of IBM’s cultural contribution to Canada. According to gallery adminis trator Earl Stieler, the University of Waterloo is and will be the only outside gallery -to exhibit the models since they were taken off the road for refurbishment two years ago, The pieces, delivered by IBM complete with panels, signs, and everi live plants;blend harmoniously ‘into the decor of the gallery, They take up a lot of space, but since they line only one wall the floor isn’t too crowded. *The craftsmanship of the models is ito be tidtiired. Not only db they look nice, they also work!

A catalogue, also rovided by is available at tphe entrance. It provides background information on Leonardo da Vinci and explains the models. If you can’t figure out how a certain mechanism functions, ask whichever of the attendants is on duty. They have been briefed on each piece. Neti gallery hours are II a.m. to 4 p,m. Mon. to Fri., and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. Admission is free.

You can push, pull or turn various handles, and watch the mechanisms go through their motions. A copy of da Vinci‘s original sketch, as well as an illustration of the present-day application, accompany each model. Pieces such as “Helicopter”, “Military and ‘Machine Gun” Tank”, evoke certain images in the mind. Wait until you see Leon‘ardo’s version!


CKMS hits the big* one-oh by Don Kudo Imprint staff *The campus radio ‘station celebrated its ioth birthday yesterday. CKMS, the only alternative in Kitchener-Waterloo, hit the airwaves on October 15, 1977 at the FM frequency 94.5. -

Da Vinci%


tank I



by Andrew


The 10th anniversary year will be a busy one for the staff and volunteers at CKMS. The first scheduled event is an open house at the station. The recently refurbished CKMS &udios will be’ open for the investigating today and tomorrow between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. These two days, being the last of the open house week, will be an opportunity to check-out the world of campus radio with door prizes, and freebie coffee and donuts available for the-taking, In November, CKMS and the Princess Cinema will be hosting, the Laurie Anderson movie,

of the Brave. proceeds for this evening donated to Amnesty tional, making this a poseful event. Come the new year, nights (possibly at Hall), concerts, and maybe a radio auction will works for CKMS. , The future for CKMS ing. A goal of expanding missions capabilities watts over the next years is a’ main priority. fund-raising activities undertaken and requires support of the community large. Take the time to tune FM llO5.7 FM with Cable) to capture the programming offered The .monthly *program available at various locations campus and around will give one a better the happenings on CKMS. Hbme

i ‘weLGoffer -a Universitv j ctxreer tchmhe

the most,Ofit.

Ask aboutthe Canadian ForcesRegular: Officer Ttamg Plan.. . You kve-initiative, leadership qualities and are determined to succeed! This mcly be the plan for yoti. Upon acceptance the Canadian Forces will subsidize yotir education at a Canadian military college or a mutually selected Canadian university We offer you a good income, tuition, books

by Peter Stithopulos Imprint staff Saturday,


IO and Ok-

toberfest season has just begun in Kitchener-Waterloo. While most people are out getting acquainted with beersteins and festhalls on Saturday night; The Backdoor is putting on some alternative entertainment with a non-alcoholic bar and three hardcore bands, Two-Fisted Law, Drips Under Pressure, and local favourites, The Nun-% fuckers. The Backdoor, which is actually the downstairs of the Metro Tavern, was waiting until the dirndled and feather-capped Oktoberfesters cleared out of the Tavern upstairs so that the bands could turn their music up loud. So about 8:3Q, the anxious crowd was let in out of the chill evening for $5 into the low-ceilinged, but warm basement3 First up on the bill was Two: Fisted Law, a loose band- with interchangeable guitarists and at least three different singers, none of whom really captured the crowd’s attention. In fact the rhythm guitarist had to leave, but fortunately, the bassist had been shown the chords just in case. Two-Fisted Law needs to develop a more distinctive ‘sound, rehearse a hell of lot more, and find a charismatic 4 leader, otherwise they’ll never be ‘more th an local noise. The _ only vocals I rememb8r were the words, “Fuck off!” - needless to say anything further really. ’ I Saturday night was the second gig for The Drips Under Press&e but they sounded surprisingly tight and clear. The crowd was all attention as they watched Rick, The Drips’ singer, tiark out his vocals, looking like a junior Johnny Rotten with his red plaid pants, green jersey and tufted blonde hair. ’ The Drips had some good

change-up material in their IZsong set, including a catchy tunecall;d i Don’t I&e Anything with the chorus, “Oi;Oi, Oi,” like something out of an AC/DC album. The Dripe’ guitarists, Lake and Mike, explain their name and lyrics come from their basic starid against education, the police, capitalism, and the government. They believe that their music should be aggressive enough to create a new establishment rather than try to modify the old+ “Oi!” And at abolit 9:45, The Nunfuckers appeared in the little opening that was the stage area. The crowd crammed all the way back to the staircase and as far front as the NF’a amplifiers to see this band perform. The Nunfuckers roared through asolid 40 minutes of skate-punk thrash with an occasional leap and crash from Rob, the singerjacrobat when there was enohgh room. About halfway in the set, the band urged people to dance, so the chairs were trashed and piled in the back so the crowd could slam while the band jammed. But the dancing got a bit *excessive and the audience almost absorbed the band several times. To close the evening, the NF’s* encored with Hendrix classics, Purple Haze and Fire. Talking with a couple of The Drips outside after the gig, I found out there’s going to be an indie tape compilation with all three of the bands on it. It’s scheduled to be available for consumers by early January. The crowd, bands, and promoter considered the evening a success and The Backdoor will continue to put on alteinati‘ke music shows every Saturday night. Tomorrow riight, you can see Garden Bower and Tree Frogs, And in the future, watch fpr Shadowy Men From A Shadowy Planet.

*+ BackdOor. .I*:hardcore EdEmOversou I:,-y1.,*,OverSoul, seven II)

II .



and one. more”


by Pete Staihopulor

1 returned to Fed this time to open cle. After hearing garded praise of set for The Go-Betweena weeks ago, missing couver trio again inexcusable. Some of the band commented tentious, and thus, stance. While others to the ease of their sound. What Oversoul ces while on stage to the standard drums rock ‘n’ roll honesty of their complimented by the boys mix their for performing without dulging in. hero-like ‘Thus, they keep rhythm tight throughout set. r The music is only enjoying an Oversoul show. The endless only released by ments, but is also “having a great isms. This energy few of the Fed Hall some ventured onto floor to take on ments. Though their and loud, most thkir stint and the group found Waterloo tle more accommodating time around. Plans up to their Fool lease will be tabled to Vancouver. The I second tour E last (the the company of 54.40) and the band hopes left a good impression Easterners tc d warrant nent return.

. . 1 .


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Red-hot Warriors run awaywith , by

John Gonoe _

At Delaware Park in beautiful downtown Buffalo last Saturday, the Waterloo Warriors cross country team won the gold, medal at the Canesius College Invitational meet. The Warriors are now the number-two ranked team in Canada. UW’s Harvey Mitro, took the’ individual gold medal, finishing

the 5.5-mile loop in a qujck 27:08. Mitro beat pre-race favourite Ken Dubois of the University of Detroit, a perennial All-American. UW’s Nick Cipp continued )sis streak of outstanding performances with a third place finish. Other Warriors who competed ‘were Kevin Shields, 7th, Tim Rose, llth, Shamir Jamal, 14th, --Dave Lapham-, 25th, Sean

Soccer Warrich. desperate for, win by Tim Walker Two weekends ago (Oct.3 and 4) the soccer Warriors had their most successful weekend in three years as they beat the Ryerson Rams 3-0 and tied the M&laster Marauders 1-1. These three points put the Warriors back into the hunt for a playoff spot also for the first time in three years. The Warriars finished that weekend with a 2-3-L record good for six points and a share of third place. started slowly 1 The Warriors against the Rams, who have no points in OUAA competition, and only led 1-O at half time on a CarIds Burmeister goal. In the second half the Warriors took control of the game and scored twice more. Upen’Kawale scored on a delightful chip shot and Peter Straub scored on a penalty kick with time. running out to complete the scoring. Although happy with the result the-coaching staff was worried- about the team’s slow start to the game. The team was instructed to come put much faster the following day against McMaster. The team did as instructed and scored midway through the first half when Paul Knafele scored on a breakaway. Unfortunately, the team then began to give &Master more room to maneuver in the second half and the Marauders took advantage scoring the equalizer with only a few minutes left. Once again the

Warriors .dropped points- to a less talented team due’to lapses in concentration, The soccer Warriors trsvelled to Brock October 7 to meet the Badgers. After having beaten Brock 1-O in the season opener the Warriors were looking for another two points at Brock. The Warriors, however, came out aaleep .and allowed Bpock to take the game to Waterloo, This pressure led to a Badger goal on ,a long shot early in the first half. Things began to look u for Waterloo when a Brock p Yayer was ejected for disputing, too vehemently, the referee’s decision concerning an altercation with Warrior defender Wart Rotundo (Scott Robinson]. This sending off only served to make the Badgers more determined as they scored in the minute following the expulsion. The first half ended with the Warriors dowri 2-o. ' The Warriors completely dominsted the second half but the B&k goalie was equal to the task. He went so far as to save a Waterloo penalty shot, albeit a poorly taken one. The final score was 2-0 for a Brock team that was just more fired up on the day than the Warriors were. This loss left the Warriors at 2-4-2 and desperarely in need of a couple of wins in their next two games. The Warriors will have played at Leurier by the time this is published. They meet the Guel h Gryphons at Guelph on Otto ii er 18 at 1 p.m.

Athend open , with win and tie

The Athetias soccer began their home season

team with a

On Tuesday, the Athena8 met the Brock Badgers, and played a

McGuinness, 26th, john Gonos, 29th. and Dave Barrow, 40th. Waterloo edged Caneaius for the’ gold medal by a slim 36 to 37 margin. The win was doubly satisfying for the Warriors as they 0were without top runners Paul Ernst, John Carson and Allan Faulds, who sat out this race. The meet was also important

in proving the resurgence of Shields and Rose. Both were injured and did not run all summer. After the meet, Shields was named to‘ the Waterloo OUAA team where he joins Ernst, Mitro, Cipp, Carson and Faulds. The seventh man-and alternate will be chosen after the Laurier meet October 24 at Waterloo Park.

.gold In the women’s 3.1-mile only two Athenas Cheryl Auglin and finished 27th and tively in a field of 38. This weekend is for the cro’ss country they’ll be helping out K-W Hospital fokm action is the October Waterloo Park.


b$ Peter Brown Imprint staff Th,q Waterloo rugby side played their -best game of the season October 10, but still came up short against b close1 matched University of Guelp ii team 16-7. Mistakes were minimized, but still cropped ‘up at the worst moments. And the officiating-was as inconsistent as it always is in the GUAA, withone mind-bogglingly incompetent call costing the Warriori at least four points. The big improvement this day was execution. Waterloo succeeded at their game plan for the most part, but lost excellent field position and plenty of momentum on crucial mistakes. In recent weeks, Waterloo:s disadvantage in player size -meant that the most. they could hope for in the strums was holding their own. On Saturday, however, parity was the word as both packs found footholds in . the cold turf. The Warriors dominated most of the rucks, but thjs advantage was repeatedly negated by curiously numerous referee whistles whenever Waterloo was moving the ball.

Both teams agreed upon one red jerseys within arm’s thing: the poor quality of offiwasn’t enough visual ciating in the game. Unfortufor the man with the nately, the Warriors suffered Blair Falconerjed most from the ref s bad calls. again, as his teammates This is not to say the ref stole a Peter Keir, Michael win from Waterloo, The Warrior Paul Overbau also side deflated their own momengetic and intense games. tum with frustrating mistakes bau scored Waterloo’s deep in Gryphon territory. with Keir later adding Partway through a very close kick for their total first half, Waterloo found the points. kind of running for which it’s The Warriors also been looking all season and comWestern Mustangs on bined it with a well-judged kick when they suffered by Michbek Fischer to place the stomach-loss b’y an ball within five metres of an opThis, and Saturday’s* ening try. That’s as far as it got, them no wins in five though., as-, the Gryphons record with which to be gamed possession and kicked it given the structure of away. rugby league. It is separated Guelph broke a qoreless tie two divisions, with late in the first 40 minutes with a with the worst record penalty kick. Then, with seconds division and besi in left before the half whistle, they changing places. As struck again <with an unconguess, being relegated verted try, making the score 7-0 , cond division is not at half. fate. Early in the second period, Tomorrow Waterloo Steve Slater had a glaringly ob%lcMaster Marauders. vious try ignored by the official; Apparently, Slater lying on the ball with two black-shirted teammates on top of him and no

by Mike


Imprint staff

The UW basketball dynasty of the mid-‘80s is just a-memory now. A few remnants remain, but in the vicious cycle of player turnovers, the look must turn to youth and * the future. This point hit home last season, when the Warriors+ after four consecutive trips- to the CIAU Final Four, including three championship game appearances, were bounced in first round playoff action. No doubt, many diehard souls were heard muttering, “Ah, I remember the days when Savich and Norris , . . “ True. With the departure of legend Peter Savich, 7’0” Randy Norris, and sixth men Harry Van Brunen and Willie Boggild, the ’ Warriors suddenly lost the depth that earned them an excursion to Halifax every March. The fortunes of the 86-87 Warriors seemed to always end up in the able hands of All-Canadian Paul Boyce and OUAA All-Star Rob Froese. “1 know people were disap; pointed with tis last season,” said head coach Don McCrae. “But we were not a strong team, we had-little bench strength &d

we relied on too few people.” Now, with Boyce joining S& vich on the UW Wall of Fame, the idea af a well-balanced attack becomes even more crucial: McCrae obviously had that in mind when he went shopping at Ontario’s’high-schools last winter. His travels have attracted so much new talent that a junior vareity squad will operate this season. McCrae will unveil his new project tomorrow night (Saturday) at the PAC, when the varsity Warriors take on the K-W Titans at.8 p.m. The Titans have ddded Bo ce to their already formidable r ine-up which has established them as one of men’s t earns. Ontario’s to t rl e junior varsity Meanwhile+ squad will be in a tournament at Conestoga College, playing to-’ night at 8:30, and tomorrow ‘at f&30 and 4. . Cne place where depth won’t be a problem is at guard Back for their fourt& year as a starting tandem are veterans Froese and Tom’Schneider, Froese has been a 1eading’OUM scorer throughout his carier, while Schneider was destined for a&star status in 86-87 until felled ,by injuries. Also returning is fan favourite,

UW’s ans’wer to Spud Webb, $10” s arkplug Jerry’ Nolfi. To B this, a d rookies Chris Troyak, point *guard from OFSSA champs, St, Jerome’s, and, Peter Sawchuk, Ontario provincial team point guard. The Warriors have enough talent here to give a couple of other teams a starting guard. Much of McCrae’s ‘hopes for this seaa’on rest on his big ‘men. He hopes to use his bulkier front court to mount what was an almost nonexistent inside game last season. Headhg the list is fifth-year - defensive specialist, 6%” Ja@e .McNeill. He’s joined by sophomores 6’8” Pat Telford and 6’5” John Clark, two players who will spend less time on the bench in 87-88, As McCrae said,“1 hope the big guys can divide the time -up equa11 ’ We hope we can run at g T ass and become more the agressive this year.” New additions at this position include 6’8” Dave Rosebush from Toronto and the currently sidelined 8’8” Paul Doucette from Oshawa. other centre$, --~-~ Two who. for the time being will start on the junior varsity iquad, are 8’6”, 225 lbs. Rick’ Lachine from -St. Thomas and Kingston native, 6’6” 200 lbs. Dave Reynolds. Returning at small forward is the always improving 6%” John

Bilawey. As he entqs

his third year, Bilawey will have to continue his &velopment pattern in the absence of Boyce. Last year’s transfer addition, 8%” speed merchant Jeremy Moore also returns. Bilawey and Moore will be joined by 6%” frmh, Don Meace from Sarnia. Notice that this season’ a player who is 8’5” or 6’8” is considered a “small forward” on the Warriors. to Doucette, two ” In addition other players are on the injur shelf. s’# rookie guard, Win d sop’s Dennis Byrne and. 6’5” sophomore John Vincic won’t be ready to play until the end of the month. Doucette will also ,be ready by the end of the month Although the wealth of talent is cause for optimism, McCrae is quick to remind people that with and three sopho. six freshmen mores, the 87-88 Warriors are a young squad. “‘There are_ alwaysdangers with young players. The veterans and coaches have to be patient with them. But at the same




The second ‘name against Western was quite different. The Mustangs’ chippy play cost them dearly as UW scored two power play goals in the first quarter in building a 3-2 lead. In addition, two Western players fouled out, one of them in the first quarter. By the end of the third quarter, UW was ahead 8-5. The team then suffered a letdown as fatigue took its toll. Defensive lapses allowed Western to catch up andeventually tie the game with 2:09 remaining. UW then had three consecutive prwer lay chances, only to be stymied f!ty poor pass; ,ing and ill-considered shooting, allowing Western to steal the tje. Leading the scoring parade with

two goals each were Jim Steinb‘ach, bike Cash and Keith Beckley, while Jbe Milia and Norbert Molnar counted one each. Head coach Dave Heinbuch commented *that he +vaa impressed .by the team’s effort, even though it wasnot reflected on the scoreboard. Assistant coach Shane. Rollans added that, “it was too bad we couldn’t hold the lead against Western. We’re improving every time out and we will surprise some teams before the’ season is over.” The Warriors close out the season with fheir only home game on November 18 at 7:30 at the PAC against York, and host the 8888013’s final tournament on No.vember 21 ‘at the Laurier pool,


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of the kgm8i


polo team drow*ried by Mati The waterpolo Warriors opened their regular season last Saturday in Hamilton with an 18-4 loss to McMaster and an 8-8 tiie with Western. In the first game, the powerful Marauders jumped out to a quick 2-O lead only 45 seconds into the game and neverlooked bqck, In reacting to Mac’s talented attackers, UW’s inexperitinced de’ fence was forced to foul, resulting in four Mac penalty shot goals and several powerplays. In the end, Mac drubbed UW, 18-4. Bright spots for UW were Jeff Slater with three goals and ThQmtis Ueyer with the other.


S.W.O.O.P. Home

by Thomas

time, the rookies part to make big the varsity level.” Even though ‘it and Schneider must court leaders this -to be successful, mented, “We warped last year so Froese could lead. I don’t that this season. counting. on Schneider to do a Other junior varsity are Peter Ascough ville, Paul Bereza OFSSA.shot put shaw of Windsor, age from Kitchener, of Chatham and guard Terry Rudkins. squad wili play George Brown and varsity squad this Names like Savich, Boyce haved faded But the talent McCrae is grooming ture proves that to live in the past,

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by Jonathan Sac&r , Imprint staff . If preseason play is anyindicator, this year’s version of the hockey Warriors will be a force to be reckoned with’ in the OUAA West. The Warriora swept the Bauer Tournament

played a solid game they let-up’ late in each period allowing Laurier to pop in last minute goals all three times, Laurier tied the game in the dying momenta of the third period. The Warriors rose quickly to the occasion with a fine defensive effort until John

some sloppiness was evident on defence allowing Laurentian’s trio of net rattlers resulting in the 8-3 final. Chris Clover, now in his second year’ had a big night with three goals and one assist. Jamie Maki and Steve Girardi each had



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1Campus Ret

Riotball Warriors fumble .their -way to an O-4l record by Refton


and Paul Msikle Waterloo’8 football Warriors were again trounced by a better team October 8; this time it was the Cuelph. Gryphons ‘winning 48-8. The loss drop8 the hapless Warriors to 0-5, and marks the. third anniversary of winless football. Many considered this to be the worst performance by the club this season. It was a poor performance for the special teams and the linebacking crew. The Gryphons were able to run as they pleased, using long marches consisting of quarterback draws and offen.sive guard and tackles stunting, leading their running backs to daylight. Waterloo’s offence spent much of the evening on the sidelines, the result of their continuous miscues and interceptions. The extent of the offence’s inability to move the football resulted in their amassing a mere 30 yards in total offence for the first half. ’ Unlike some previous weeks, the Warriors were never a factor in this game. From the opening series the %Gryphons were in command, taking a 9-O ‘lead by . the end the first quarter thank8 to a long touchdown drive and a safety on a Waterloo punt attempt. In the-second quarter, the Gryphons exploded for 24 unanswered,‘” points on three ,touchdowns and a field goal. SWaterloo’s defence wa8 out‘gunned at the line of scrimmage . -and ivas unable to alog the grinding offence of the Gryphons. The second half was a more rewarding experience for the

Warrior offence‘ as thewere able to acquire 172 yards. Gamebreaker and two-way player RIchard Chen was able to have success on both sides of the football, He scored a touchdown on a pas8 play from quarterback Mike Wright and picked off a Guelph pass. Defensive back8 Larry Vaughn and Brad K&ye also had interceptions. This. was the result of a strong game by the entire defencriva secondary. Linebacking on the otherhand was almost non-existent as the offensive stunts used by the Gryphons kept th,e defensive team guessing. After conceding the touch. down ‘pass to &en, the Gry- r phons -marched right back to score a touchdown of their own to put an already decided issue further OI.& of the Warrior’s reach. With the score at.41~7, the Warriors put together a -solid drive down field to the Gryphons’s 15 yard-line. But as has been the .case so often this season, an interception stalled the Warriors’ drive. On a later series Continusd from page 1 the offence was able to get close -enough to have, the Gryphons ers found his &mands unapconcede a single point from punt. propriate, and asked the coaches Yet again the Gryphons came to leave the room so that a playright back to score what ers meeting could take place in amounted to a pointless touchorder to-discuss-the events and I-down. come to some sort of resolution Chris Maecker . injured his of their own. ankle during the contest, while This meeting was a closed Peter Thistlewaite* physd+:with door session in which the playtin injury. Due to this, Chen ha’d era were asked to express any to play both offence and defence. ‘grievances that they might have. As usual, the Warriors are During the discussions one issue mired in the OUAA basement at came to the ~forefront - overO-5. Their next action is tomo& whelmingly, the players wanted row (Saturday) at 2 p.m., when a coaching change. A vote was the York Yeomen visit Sea- taken and of the 54 players who gram’s Stadium. 1 casted a ballot 47 wanted a coaching change while 3 disagreed and four did not vote. The 1 issue was not his ability as a coach but rather his ability to lead the team in the future. Maecker commented that the players do not lay all the blame on-the coach - they do believe that-they should share much of the blame. But as the system is set-up, the coach is the person, res onsible for the end product an cp the record speaks for itself. I -


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Upheaval in -Warriors football organiz&ti.on


Yvonne Terhaerdt

A total of 43 tennis competed in the Campus tion men’s and women’s tennis tournament on 27, October 3 and 4. Participants were divided into several of play and competed fied pool round-robin with single elimination The men’s A division pion was Dan Latendre nalist Mohammad Tafai, division had a close the first set going breaker. The winner hammad Tafai, but <nathan rallied back to win t b 7-5. The deciding get tually won by Jonathan C division final was tween brothers. Calvan was the eventual champion, trick Yam the finalist. The women’s division pion was Patricia Craton ing back from being behind games in the first set first set 6-4 and the 43-O. The finalist in the division was Sandra


The *captains then met with MckilIop who had no comment. His stance of no comment seems to be all-encompassing as any attempts by the Imprint to recieve his side of the story have been personirlly rejected by the coach. Last Tuesday the- administra: tion began their own inquiry and held ameeting with*the coaching staff that night. Imprint to date have gotten no word from the administration on the reaulte of that meeting. j’ The player8 were more concerned with the position they had -been left to take. As Maecker, a fourth year layer, said “it should never _phave come to this”, He, like most of his teammates, felt the adminl istration forced them into this position by not taking any action themselves, and 80 it was with much reIuctance and trepidation that they came to their decision. They believed that this action’ demonstrates their will to win, and their profound interest in the future of the football program-at the University of Waterloo.

results by Deirdre


Heather Boston is owner of the l&speed donated by Breus’s the Cam us Recreation Anna Pel Pizarri won certificate donated by Landing, and-Paul Neufeld the squash racquet, The raffle raised ceeds will be split equally tween the Campus Bursary Flind and committee.

Overview by Angela Bunn Campus Recmatioa



The Campue Recreation gram is off to another term thanks to the help than 400 students every.facet of the program, . This term there are teams involving 4,700 pants registered in the tive and recreational This is a record high teams in Campus Ret The instructional running at capacity. individuals are registered atructional programs, from squash dndskating


sports 0

In, short

TENNIS - Waterloo

!3, Laurier



STANDINGS FIELD HOCKEY - 2-5, 5th place, OWIAA West SOCCER - O-4-1, 7th place, OWIAA West TENNIS - 32 pts., 3rd place in QWI,AA



FOOTBALL Guelph 48, Waterloo 8 CROSS COUNTRY - Gold medal at Caneisius Invitat ional HOCKEY - Waterloo 8; Laurentian‘ 3 - Waterloo 4, Laker 3 - Waterloo wins Bauer Invitational SOCCER Erock 2, Waterloo 0 RUGBY . I Western 11, Waterloo 3 - Guelph 16, Waterloo 7


FOOTBALL - Oct. 17, vs. York at Seagram’s, 2p.m. BASKETBALL - Oct. 17, vs. K-W Titans at PAC, 8 p.m. HOCKEY - Oct. 17, 18 at Trois Rivieres RUGBY - Oct. 17, vs. Mac at Columbia, 1 p.m. VOLLEYBALL - Oct. 17 at Brock Invitational WATERPOLO - Oct. 17 at Western SOCCER - Oct. 18, at Guelph BADMINTON - Oct. 18,' 17 at Ryerson

I ATHENAS FIELD HOCKEY Waterloo 3, Western 2 ;OCCER - Brock 1, Waterloo I

Seturday,October 17 - St.John’s first aid 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - CC135 - Badminton -club social

Monday, October 19 - CPR heartsaver e to 9 p.m. - PAC 1088

FOOTBWL 0-5, 8th place in OUAA iiOCCER 2-4-2, 4th place, OUAA West RUGBY 0-5, .6th place, Division I, &AA CRCZSZ3,COUNTRY ,. + ..+t’: I. - Ranked. 2nd in CIAu


Tuesday, October 20 - CPR basic rescuer to 0:30 p.m. - PAC 1001 Wednesday, October 21 - CPR heartsaver 6 to 9 pm; - PAC 1001

Thursday, October 22 - Athletic Adviaory Meeting 3:30 p.m. - PAC 2045

Boar d

Friday, October 23 - NLS course 9 a.m. to 4 p,rn.. - PAC

ZEGNA. Computer’



THE CARIBBEAN Stud8ntS Association wekomes all members and nonmembers to a Caribbean party, 9:m ‘pm, To be heldin PAS - 3005 (Psychology Lounge). Mmbers: Free; nca-


THEATRE SPORTS league play this Friday 8:&p& ltipromania Admission party


DAVIS CEMRE Library tours- 10:30. am., ll:30 am., 130 pm., 2130 pm. Meet at the ~nfOimatiOn Desk.

freat,-Things Happen When Experience & Quality Team Up

Athena of the Iani Gendron

of thi Week - cross Country



Fully loaded system ZEGNA 640K Turbo 8MHz XT* System Loaded with keyboard, monitor & printer

Warrior Mitro

Harvey is currently finishing ‘Jani, who plays tre, had a great up a brilliant five year CIAU Brock last Wednesday, cross country and track career. the He was the 1987 recipient of the ently winning ponents and beatidg Totzke award as the outstanding fullbacks &to set male athlete at Waterloo. scoring chances. Last Saturday, at t’he Caneisus shots on goal which College Invitational meet, Harvey took the gold medal in a lent saves by the Brock strong field of over 50 runners. prevent certain goals. This helped the Warrior team to Although Jani for the centre forward cap first place over the host team. The 5.5 mile event is re- she makes up for garded as a grueling race and de- , sire and hustle. She one goal this season, mands the most out of coaches feel there conipetitors. to come. Harvey is a two-time All-Canadian who has finished second in the CIAEJ 1000~~1 the last two years.


ATHENAS a. BADMINTON - Oct. 17, 18 at Ryerson BASKETBALL - Oct. 16, 17, 18 at Laurier Invitational FIELD HOCKEY vs. Mac, York at Toronto FOCCER - Oct. 18, at Brock - Oct. 21, vs. Guelph at Columbia, 4 p.m. VOLLEYBALL - Qmd Challenge TournPmsnt, 7 p.m.



Sunday, October 18 . - St.John’s first aid 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - CC135



Friday, October 16 - St.John’s first aid 6 to 10 p.m. - CC135


P~ychdogy, Anthmpdogy,SocioI~ey Joint Societies MfMin& SOm8thingl Come to ing today at 4:30 pm < Phych Lounge. we spettdin,g money. : . . ‘.



DEC. 27th. - Jan.


$999.00 l l l l

640KRAM 1 Panasonic 360K DSDD floppy drive 1SOWCSA approved power supply

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Phoenix Bias AT style keyboard Packard Bell high-res monitor w/swivel base Seikosha SP-180 NLQ printer One year warranty




port (Hercules


a $269L $100 deposit. final payment

due: October due: Nqvember

23rd., 1987 20th., 1987






Killing Fields. Showtimes are 700 pm., and 9:OO pm. in AL 116. Feds 81 .oO and Non-Feds $3.00. Note? Dith Prann will be lecturing October 19.




JEWJSH Students Assopresents: A video movie

ciation/Hillel night. 8:oO pm. For directions 886-4567 or 884-0965.



Killing Fields. Showtimes are 7;OOpm.. and 900 pm. in AL 116. Feds $1 .oO and Non-Feds $3.00. Note: Dith Prann will be lecturing October 19.





Library tout. 2: 30 pm, Meet at the Information Desk.

FASS ‘88 writers’




MC 5158.

STUDENT’8 Club witl be holding a general club meeting at 630 pm. in CC 135..



DAVlS CENTRE Library tours. lo:30 am., 1130 am., 1:30 pm., 2:30 pm., 7130 pm. Meet at the information Desk.




DAVIS CENTRE Library tours. lo:30 am., 1130 am., 1:30 pm., 2:30 pm., 7:30 pm. Desk.


at the




of Education, University of Toronto, wil I discuss admission and program information at 11;30am. and 12:30 pm. in Phv. 150. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL (Campus Group) holds a workshop for new members interested in becoming invohmd. 7:30 pm., Campus Centre.

MEETING of the U of W Rainforest Action Group. 500 pm, CC Rm. 138. All welcome. Come out for fitm, facts, and discussion,




54:40 appearing at’ Fed Hall. 86.00 for Feds, 97.00 for non-Feds. THURSDAY,




of Education, Nipissing University, wilt discuss their admission policies and program in El, 3522 A from IO:00 - 1.1:$O am. AMNESTY INTERNATlONAL (Campus Group} holds a general meeting. 7:30 pm., U of W, CC, Rm. 1388. New members are welcome. THE FACULTY of Education from Brock University, will present admissions and program information in EL 109from ll:OO12:OODm.


THE FACULTY of Education from University of Windsor ,will present information on their program and admissions policies in El, Room 3519 from 12:OO - 1;OO pm. CINEMA


This week’s feature: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s nest. Movies are shown in the Campus Centre Great Hall starting at 9:OO pm., and are free of charge. _


FED FLIaS. Killing Fields. Showtime is 8:OOpm. in AL 116. Feds 61.00 _ and Non-Feds $3.00. Note: Dith Prann wit1 be lecturing October 19.


FAS& ‘88 writers’ meeting. 7:OO pm., MC 5158. KW BLOOD Donor Clinic. First United Church, King and William Sts., Watertoo. 1:30 Pm. through 8:oO pm.



Fellowship International. Bible study. CC 1.35, at 7:30 pm. All are welcome. DAYCARE SUBSIDIES for students will be requestedat the Region of Waterloo Health and Social Services Committee Meeting, 1:30 pm., Committee Room B, 8th floor, Marsland Centre. Concerned parents and others please attend- For more information call Heather ext. 3806 or Wendy ext.


DAVIS CENTRE Library tours. 10:30 am., 11:30 am.,’ 1:30 pm., 2:30 pm., 7:30 pm. Meet at the Information Desk. WATERLOO

CHRISTIAN Fettowship supper meeting. 430 pm. - 700 pm., CPH 3388. It is not too late to come and join us. Everyone welcome1

MONO0 COMBO 8ombshelter. 85.00 for non-Feds.


playing at ‘the for Feds, $6.&I



BRUNCH, Waterloo Jewish Students’ Association/Hillel, CC 110 every Monday and Thursday 11:30 am. - 1:30 pm, (holidays excepted) Please join us for bagels, friends, conversation, Styrofoam cups, etc. Only Sl.OO-


appearing at Fed Hall. 95.00 for Feds, 86.00 non-Feds.

WATERLOO JEWISH Students Association/Hillel requires your reservation on or before Oct. 23 for our first Shabbat dinner of the term. (Oct. 30). Call 578-7884 or 886-4567. Operators standing by. NEED A BREAK? Come to the Mug Coffee House: music, good conversation, relaxing atmosphere, homemade baking, coffee and tea:’ 8:30 - 1l:OO pm., CC 110. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowship.


FLICKS. Outrageous Fortune. Showtimes are 7:OO pm., and 9100 pm. in AL 116. Feds $1.00 and NonFeds $3.00.

BAGEL BRUNCH, Waterloo Students’ Association/Hi1 lel, every Monday and Thursday am. - 1:3O pm. (holidays Please join us for bagels, friends, versation, Styrofoam cups, 61.00. t SATURDAYS


PRAYER with choir and sermon. Conrad Grebel Chapel at 4:30 am.


fhe original social cutt. Interesting people, interesting conversations. Chanting and flower selling optional. 5:30 - 7:OQ pm., CC 138.


DAVIS CENTRE Library tours. lo:30 am., 11:30 am., 1:30 pm., 2:30 pm. Meet at the information Desk. FROZEN



conspracy of hope! We fight for prisoners of conscience, fight against torture and the death penalty. Meetings are Wednesdays, 7:30 pm., 1388 in Campus Centre-


GO Club invites all interested persons to lessons for beginners from 6:30 to 7:30 every ’ Wednesday, B.C. Matthews Hall, Room 1040. Free instruction and open ptay will follow classes. More information phone 888-4424. GLLQI#

COFFEEHOUSE. An inftirmal gathering of people who enjoy light conversation, coffee and fun times in a comfortable setting. 8:00 11 :OO pm., CC 110. For more details cal I 884~GLOW. WEEKLY

WATSFIC (University of Waterloo Science Fiction Club) meet; ing. Upcoming events: Video Night and a D & D (Dungeons & Dragons) Tournament. LAYMEN‘S

EVANGELICAL Fellowship. Bible study. CC 135 at 7:30 pm. All are welcome.


Club km. come. 1O:OO am., Campus Centre. call Kevin .ext. 3807.






Chapel, Renison College Prayer Book Eucharist. Contemporary Eucharist Room, Men’s Residence, Renison leoe.


SERVICE with porary music; coffee and discussion follow. Conrad Grebel Chapei pm. MORNING WORSHtP every The Rev. Dr. Tom York celebrant. munion first Sun. of each 11 :OO’am. at St. Paul’s Colteae. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL ship. Evening meeting. MSA, versity Ave. W., Apt. 321, All are welcome.

ONGOING EVENT: Visitors vited, to discover and explore Great Puzzle Exhibit. It’s a for everyone with spots of via, riddles, mazes, films, guest ers, special events and a “hands-on” game area. Free. Monday Sunday l-5. B.C. Matthews 4424.



CAMONES in Concert. 7130 pm., Seigfried Hall, St. Jerome’s College. Tickets in advance $5.00, (Working Centre Global), 86.00 at the door. Soonsor: bv COSPES.

’ LUNCH FILM Series presented

by the Women’s Centre. First film takes a pointed look at pornography. All films at 12:30 pm. in CC. 135. Free admission. DITH PRAN “Living in the Killing Fields” speaking at t-lumanities Theetre. Feds 67.00, others 68.00




DAVIS CENTRE Library tours. lo:30 am., 11:3O am., 1:30 pm., 2:30 pm., 7130 pm. Meet et the Information Desk.

THE FACULTY head University

of Education, Lakewit I discuss admission and program information for interested students, 9:30 - 11:30 am. in El, 3517.

“MY THtRTY Years with Ayn Rand”, a video-taped tecture by Dr. Leonard Peikoff. Presented by Students of Objectivism. 7:30 pm., HH 334.


of Library and Informat ion Science from University of Toronto will present a talk on their program in HH 261 from 2:OO - 3:OO Drn. THE FACULTY of Education, University of Western Ontario, wiII discuss

FOR SALE Skl equlpm@nt - boots, skis, poles, car


rack. All excellent condition. Mens 9 and womens 6. Offers? Derek a 746~ 3127. .

Potible w88hhrg machine. Separate wash and rinse. Good condition, 670.00. Call weekends, 884-4198.

Firh Tnk

UW CO& Men’s black cord, size 38.

heater, plastic Shawn

for sale. 10 gel. with filter, thermometer, gravel, rock%, plants, canopy, lights. Call %t X4048.

A ftne selection of antique Japanese silk kimonos and tapestries. Elegant as bathrobes or after hours attire. Call



Will buy, s@I or trade new and back issues of DC, Marvel and Independents. Minimum 10% discount. 747-2115.

For %rk: SK-l sampling keyboard. Also, Shepperd Puppy- 11. weeks old, house trained, has had shots. Phone 1747-2984.

Chris. U of W Vrnlty jacket (black with yetlow sleeves) size 38. Excellent condition. Huntsville 705-789-3832, evenings. ~ 1983 L8dr for sale. Certified, AM/FM radio/cassette, snow tires included.

8 14OOor best reasonableoff er. Phone 741-9506. Phone anytime. IBM don@%, brand name computers, High quality, at low prices.

78 Honda Accord. 5 spd. hatchback. Runs well. Some body work needed. 900 060. 742-0826. 77 Hondr Civic. Red and black. Superb condition. Good for tiork or school.




spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses,‘etc Westmount-Erb area. Call Doris 886-7153.


rccurrrte typing and letter quality word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. free pickup end delivery. Cell Diane, 576-

1284. Klm’r Sawtwirl

do light moving with a smai truck. Also haul away garbage, other odd jobs. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff, Will


peripherals, software. full warranty machines Cal I 747-2452.

No course or year on sleeves. worn. Call Ritch 746-0323.

32 I year8

884-283 1. Tlrmd of the college dating scene? Our club is the national alternative. Faculty and serious students please respond to : Friends & Lovers, P.0 Box 8081 Substation 41, London, Ont.

N2G 280.

Services. Resumes, term papers and t hesis - Done fast and efficiently. Call 743-7233 or 7462744. Free pick up and deliv&y. SO ywrr experience; electronic typewriter, .85 double spaced page. Westmount are%. Call 743-3342. Flrt, proimlonrl typing-word processing by university grad. Pick-up-




&inan donor% for artificial insemi& tion programme in the area. Donors must be healthy -and responsible. Preference given to married candidates. Kindy contact Dr. N, Assad, 715 Coronation Blvd., Cambridge, Ont. NlR 7Rl.


repreaent&ke or organization needed to promote spring break trip. Gain Bxperience in marketing, earn money and free trips. Call inter-campus program, l-m-433-7707 for more info.

Sharon’r Typlng Service. Theses, term papers, essays, resumes, eic.

Word Procaulng:

Co-0,~ rtudrntr- avai Summer ‘88 sublet. Spankin’ nevli three bedroom apartment Philip Street - 5 mihutes froticampus. Carpetted, parking, Ieundv, 747-3506 tadav. Jmtmry lBW+ Furnished available for sublet in Winter Share bathroom ancl kitchen other students. Close to University Ave., between Albert. 821 O/month plus utilities. Andrew 746-3079. Six m,

5 minute walk laundry. immediately. 6225./month ties. No lease. 747-2889 or 4650.

nished, microwave,


- 81 .OO/page td.s.) for typist living on Cempu’s (MSA). 9CKIOquetity pages typed since 1984. Catl Karen Shew 746-3127.

Reasonable rates. Call 748- 1793.



Grammar, spelling, corrections able. Suzanne, 886-3857.



Fast end efficient.

Assignments, essays, reports, theses, letters, resumes, etc. Professionally don8 on word processor. Featuring automatic spelt check. Reasonable rates. Call any$me 746-2810. Word Procwrlng; Resumes 65.OO/page. Letters, Reports, Essays


B+rr: Confidentiatity teed. Sunday, October 18, McGinnis landing, ask for dobr. Let’s talk crvstal and


Sunlvrl: Coping den Dise bit ity”. Persons come disabled within the last needed for interview with Leave message for Kim et ext. 2345.

For I good time ... go to Yuk-Yuk’s Fed Halt. Monday, October open at 8 pm. 63.00, Feds, Feds.

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