Che University of Waterloo Student Newspaper L
Homecoming organizers looking for improvements by Mike Brown Imprint daff
Homecoming at Waterloo has a l w a y s lacked something, namely, enthusiastic student participation. Those days of mediocre Homecomings are thankfully. numbered according to co-chairman of the Homecoming committee, Shane Carmichael. "This is the first time we've planned anything this big," Carmichael said in talking about Homecoming 1987. He jokingly predicted "mayhem. absolute mavhem. In this ground-breaking, back to-basics Homecoming weekend, however, there are some mounting concerns and frustrations being voiced by Carmichael and Heather Laundry, co-chairmen of the committee. Laundry's concerns surround the level of student turnout for the weekend. Student support for the Homecomfng events is the essential lneaeum of snacess
photo by Strr, K m n
or failure for the four day long event. Carmichael is just hoping the Warriors are not eliminated too early from Naismith basketball tournament action. On Wednesday, the frustrations of trying to improve upon Homecoming surfaced for a moment on the faces of the co-chairmen in the cramped Federation of Students' committee room. "Homecoming, if it is to become a success like at other universities, (then) all departments and student organizations have to prioritize it for it to come together as a major event." Carmichael added. "there have been problems convincing some organizations that this is a worthwhile thing to put effort into." On October 4, the Federation of Students assumed the role of coordinating the four Homecoming organizations: the Student Alumni Association. Alumni
Affairs. the Athletic Department, and the Federation of Students. - - --. . .In the future, Carmiclrael said he hopes to centralize Homecoming so there is only one committee. The Federation of Students, who subsidized this Homecoming with $4,000, had to step on a few toes this.year, he said. To the Feds credit this year is the "Roam Around", the Homecoming Fair in the Campus Centre, the pep rally, and the 30th Anniversary program. . One Chairman even hinted at the prospect of bringing footbekl back into the promotion of Homecoming while maintaining the basketball venue a s well as bringing hockey and even rugby into the Homecoming limelight. One side note Imprint sportswriters recommend catching the Warriors in the first round because it is unlikely t h y wiU make it past the second round. Check out the games either this Friday or Saturday night.
by Steve Kaaaon lmprinf staff
University of Waterloo students this week sent a strong mes sage of dissatisfaction to the Canadian Federation of Studeirts voting overwhelmingly in favour of dropping out of the nationa organization, I$re than 63 per cent of students who voted'said "no" to thiE C in this week's referendum. The "yes" side, which ended uli with 35.1 per cent of the vote, was beaten-out in every faculty, al1 well as at St. Jerome's and Renision colleges and in the co-oi> mai%out. Only 2,121 of the14.514 eli 'blevoters 14.6 per cent turnect out at the polls set up Novemrer 9 and 10.The final tally was'bo' ~ 3 i l ; Bvotes (83.8 percent), "yes" 745 votes (35.1 per cent) s p o i ~ k ~ l o t s27 (1.3 per cent). 'Wokcampaign leader Tim Jackson, chairman of the UW Federe tion of Students' Board of Academic Affairs, said Tuesday thce vote was indicative of Waterloo's unhappiness with the way t he~ CFS operates. "E think students realiz; that CFS doesn't represent Waterla3 and its students," he said. "CFS is now going to have to decide if they want to stay the way they are predominantly smal1 schools or do they want to chenge to lure the bigger schools. Throughout the campaign, Jackson had criticized the CFS for itrB oficies, especially on the issue of weighted voting [giving mem per-schools voting power proportional to their student popula tions). The current policy of one vote per member is cited as IB major factor in the non-involvement of such largeruniversities a8 Queen's and Western. Darren Meister, who led the "yes" campaign,,agreed the issue of weighted voting did lay an important part in the loss. "I believe weightefvoting was the number-one reason forth e that and student apathy about the federal involvement i~n loss educational funding." said Meister. who chaipa the UW Fed1r' Board of External Liai-son. Meister said he was disappointed with both the voter turnou t and the decision made by Waterloo students. "It's disappointing that the cost of a beer is too much for na1tional representation," he said, refarring to the $2 pap student pe r term membership charge that would have been levied. "Bd,wit h a 14 per cent turnout, it's a possibility the other 85 per cent wh0 didn't vote were saying 'we don't have enough information t 0 make a choice'." Those involved in the "yes" campaign will spend some tim e assessins the reasons for the loss a ~ will d look a t the possibiHt Y of holding another referendum, possibly as early a s next term, he said. 'We have to assess if it really was just weighted voting w Iif students don't believe in a national organization." he said. 1If research show that, with a few changes within the CFS and th e pmvision of more information, students m' ht support theorganIization, then another vote would be consiyered. For now. UW wiIl continue its involvement with the nationcll federation; Waterloo's prospective membership runs untilthe end Meisteir. of May, 1988. Three members of UW's Federation President Ted CarIton and researcher Peter Klungel are schceduled to attend a five-dav CFS conference that begins today i n IS,
. ..
Best-ever event-expected by Jaclquie Griffin Imprint staff
This year's homecoming is filled with events and activities 'to make it one of the most promising homecomings ever. The '87 committee expacts more t h e 7.090 alumni to sKow up for the weekend which also marks UWs aath birthday. The committee, composed of mwe &en 45 members, bopes this y e d s emphasis on more student involvement will better the image of Waterloo's homecoming. Committee chairman Shane Carmichael said "greater interaction with students and alumni is what will create agood homecoming. By increasing the promotion and hype about the events, this should grsr tly in-
crease studeat iovolve~lt?ntas well." Tonight Nov. 13) the Nelsmith basket$dltournameat begins with the m r i o r s playing Qneenh a t 8 p.m. in the PAâ‚Ź. Also on this evsnlq as w d as Saturday, is the Ca~ptisCsatre Carnival ta taka place in the CC Great HaU, This will include entertainment. g w a a n d a food fair. A h a iaduded will be a dunking booth An after-hours d a a d will take pkce on Both Friday and Saturday from 12-3 a m . in the CC Great Hall as well. Of oourse there's live entertainment at Fed Hall with the Double Blues band appearing Friday night and the Paul James Band on Saturday. Tickets for these events are $3 each .,The
Naismitfi Classic also continues on Saturday night at 8 p.m. Fed Hall will host an &-youcan-eet Sunday brunch kom 10 am. to 1p.m. Tickets for this can b purchased at the Fed Office for, $6.50. After loading up on, energy here, it's time for the N e i s d h ' s championship game at 2 p.m. It's an annual event mogt Waterloo students don't
Committee c h a i r p e r s o n s Heather Laundry and Carmichael said that this year's homecoming will be the best ever. Carmichael said "this is an excellent chance for students and alumni to interact and a great o p portunity for U W to defraud Linda Frum's impressions of UW students!"
Let’s Talk About
ime for a piicy by Fleur Macqueen Imprint staff
Canadians are deceiving themselves if they continue to believe that international stuthey-disappeared, merges in a flash with the picdents are a drain on our tax dol-. ture too painful to look at - Homecoming! by Tom York lars, and policies implemented to That’s how I remember it . I . decrease their, numbers are You won’t have such a picture, if you attend doing us more harm than good I have before me a picture of Homecoming, the UW. Instead, you’ll have the spectacle of 8,000 both economically and socially, photo frameless and faded, the faces youthful and alumni attending a basketball tournament, aSunsays Dr. Reuben Green. blank - except Mason’s, He.was ca tain of the day brunch, and a ‘Meet-Your-Match-Butt on’ Green, an economics professor football team. His face was hard, the 4ace of a pro game. at the University of Windsor, even then; his hand securely on the pigskin as on a This is the third year UW’s Homecoming has discussed his three-year study possession, something to hold on to, to run with s . been organized around the Naismith Classic, with on the economic impact of interAnd I remember running with Mason round and vastly increased attendance. It’s also the first year national students with a small round inside the Sugar Bowl, sweating off in insalumni have been systematically canvassed to numbepof students at the first of and-outs and sprints and jogs, like wringing out a give. the International Students’ wet jersey, the weekend fraternity booze. Then Of ,the 38,000 UW alumni in Ontario, indluding Week lectures .on November 10. watching Mason run on, from stadium to stadium, 12,000 in K-W alone, a goodly number are ex“Many Canadians . . . tend to in team after team, down the years - Houston pected to give, atid another, smaller but more stradraw a more or less direct relaOilers, Green Bay Packers, Oakland Raiders, Los tegically-placed number to lobby for federal tionship between per student goAngeles Rams - while I, hungover and in a frenzy funding of their old home school, vernment grants to universities to evade the draft after college, planted my ID on a That, I would aay, is what Homecoming’87 is all and the real per student cost of corpse washed up bjl the.Mississippi, only to be about: establishing an identity in people who university education. The readswallowed by LizBeth . . . graduate from UW for the twin purposes of fundily draw the conclusion t 31at reAnd there she is! Greenwave Homecoming ing and for government lobbying. ducing or eliminating foreign Queen of ‘65, victorious season, with the captain Nothing wrong with that, but I miss the smell of students would reduce the cost of the team (Mason) escorting her mid-field amid the pigskin and the pain of love. of university education proporbouquets and princesses and jerseyed jocks [intionate to the reduction in stucluding me] . . . ah, and the image of her shimmy&. (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is United Church Cha dents and thereby save the ing at the homecoming dance with her escort’s plain to WV and WLU.‘His office is at St. Pat.& Canadian taxpayer millions of hand on her as on the pigskin, while he drank, and College. 1 education dollars.” Such a view is inaccurate as a university is essentially a fixed cost operation, and reducing enrollment cannot, in the short to medium term, reduce costs while maintaining educational quality, Green said. Green and his assistant Rick by Flew Macqueen system on the way. Federico looked at the marginal Thomas said automating the Imprint staff costs of adding a student (any Co-operative Education and administration’s scheduling prostudent] to an existing univerCareer S,ervices current.ly has a cess is the first priority, and For those of you that have beeti sity system in the short, medium proposal in with UW Data ProCECS will continue to post hard trudging through Needles Hall and long term. cessing to automate their intercopy from their system while lately, fighting your way to the view scheduling In the short term, the costs system, and looking at giving students onbulletin boards to see if you have were approximately $800 a year. eventually students may be able line 8ccess. any interviews or scanning This figure represents costs into to check upcoming interviews Currently, when an employer those dreaded “missed intercurred by teaching extra courses via computer, said CECS’ Dave calls in with a list of students ta views” sheets, there is a better using existing faculty on an Thomas. interview, the office staff check “overload” mode and hiring more off on the applicant’s list which part-time lecturers. students are being interviewed, As the university could not and then have an interview schecontinue indefinitely oh overdule typed up, photocopied and load, more permanent faculty posted. members would have to be hired, Not only would a computerThe Faculty of Education at Nlpissitig Univqrsity College Green said. Thus the medium ized system be faster, it would is a limited enrolment program designed to prerare cost of a student end interview time conflicts, as term marginal students for the realfties of the classroom. Our c-ore rises to $2,500 a year. interviews would be organized progr(am, in additfon to prescribed ministry compulsory The long-term cost of a stuby student name as well as by subjects includes’art, music, physical education and dent, which takes into account job name and number, said Thocomputers in the classroom. Our small clkss size of all the capital costs which may mas. approximately 35 students ensures personal attention be totally unrelated to that stuThe department is looking at from professors. dent, such as increasing support ’ having the system ready for teststaff, buildings and equipment, ing next summer, though fall is $5,200 a year. This cost is mis1988 is more likely. I would like to learn more about the one-year YSS second degree program leading to a Bachelor leading, Green said, as it is often cl of Education and Ontario Teacher’s Certificate. unclear whether a university is 1 merely adding space or upgrading its facilities. I would like information on the program Ye8 On the benefits side, Green options of “Education of Native Children”, “language Teaching: French”, or “Religious and Federico calculated that, in cl . 1984-85, international students spent $9,000 a year [including fees) while in Canada. During I would like to learn more about the Carl 1984-85 the 33,500 international cl Sanders Scholarships and the Teach North Awards. university students studying in l
CECS plans on-line system ’
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Canada thus added $300 million to the economy. This figure represents between 7,200 and 9,500 jobs, Green said. And now, due to increasing fees for international students, this source of job creation is being cut back. If a company employing this many people was threatened with closure, Green said there would be a public uproar and the government would bail the company out. Thus the idea that international students are being subsidized by Canadian taxpayers j unfounded, Greenasaid. The tit searchers also found “to date c least there is no indication that previously pent up horde E eager young Canadian national is rushing in to fill the class OF enings vacated by departing fol eigners.” Green recommended that th government and universities as sess just how many interns tional students they are able t accommodate in the long-tern rather than running by the a hoc policies they’ve current1 been using. Scholarships for internation students should be seen for wha they are - foreign aid in th form of an education. This is on of the best kinds of aid, Gree. said, as such education may b unattainable in some ‘count riet the money never leaves Canadz and the international student themselves bring in a substan tial amount of foreign capital. “If we are prepared to suppl: weapons t.o another countr: surely we can see education as ‘better approach.” Educationing internations students in Canada is also an er cellent way of increasing our ir ternational trade. “Foreig students.. . offer the potential t become a virtual army of (good will] ambassadors if they vie1 their stay in Canada as a pleg sant and rewarding experiencr the more so since many of thes students enter the higher realm of business, industry and gc vernment in their home coun tries” the study states. Green recommended the im plementation of a rational quot system, set up upon consultatio. between the government anI universities, allowing a certai: number of students from eat: country receiving foreign educa tional aid to study paying eithe Canadian student tuition *level or through scholarships. International students at th talk, all dissatisfied with the dif ferential fees, [international un dergraduate students pay mor than 3.5 times the tuition Cana dian students pay] general11 agreed that they feltthey hadn’ been well-received in Canada They felt that Canada’s reputa tion as a nation which aids de veloping countries was bein1 eroded by the attitude toward in ternational students, interms 0 the imposition of heavy tuitior fees, frequent difficulties en countered with immigration of ficials, and the implication tha they were taking places of Cana dian students,
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Foreign Students in Canada
Sem.i-formal caps fund-raising -_. drive
UW’s student villages’ annual fund-raising drive for local charities was capped with a semiformal at the Bingeman Park Ballroom November A crowd of more than 500 Iistened as head table guests Federation of Students President Ted Carlton, Dean Nadon, founding chairman of the Benefit, and Pat Henderson, Freeport Hospital administrator, spoke of the positive contributions UW makes to the Kitchener-Waterloo community and lamented the unfavourable press coverage students habitually receive in the local media. Carlton pointed out that the semi-formal was not the only community event taking place last weekend: St.Jerome’s and Notre Dame’s annual Charity Run was also raising money for a local charity K-W Working Centre and St. Lhn’s Soup Kitchen. Semi-formal co-chairman, Oscar Buset, noted that “C.A.W. (the Canadian Auto Workers] raise $50,000 for the same charity, and they make the hourly news on CHYM - we had no coverage at all.” No representatives of community media were present at the semi-formal, Guest speaker John Sweeney, provincial minister of communit y and social services, delivered a short address stressing the importance of private sector donations to charities. The tendency, 6s said, is to “let the government
take care of it”, Sweeney said “the older generation feels younger people today are self-centered . s . this event tonight disproves that sentiment.” Sweeney also expressed a sense of pride in the villages’ achievement and a feeling that the community is “lucky to have (the university) here.” Sweeney has a special interest in this year’s beneficiary, Freeport Hospital, as the hospital is both in his constituency (KitchenerWilmot) and ministerial portfolio. Benefit organizers estimate between $19,000 and $20,000 will have been raised for Freeport Hospital. once all the money is in. “We had set $20,000 as our goal, and it looks as if we’re going to reach it,” said Buset, adding that he was very happy with this year’s res-ults. This year’s donation .brings the total dollar figure donated by the villages over then past eight years to more than $150,000. The Villages’ Benefit conais ts of a number of fund-raising events and activities orchestrated by the village dons. As guest speaker Dean Nadon pointed out, the villages’ benefit is the largest student-run fundraising activity on campus, The most important activity, in terms of money raised, is the villages’ benefit charity raffle - a raffle of prizes donated by local
Ccmmunity and Social
Oscar 5uset (left) Services John Sweeney
businesses. This year’s raffle saw more than 14,000 tickets sold . At $1 per ticket or for $5 “results in a tidy .sum. The villagers deserve the credit for this year’s success, according to Buset, since all villagers are given tickets to sell early in the term and are encouraged to sell via an inter-house raffle ticket challenge. This year’s raffle ticket sales set a new high. “With this support, we couldn’t help but do well,+’ he said. Raffle ticket results page 15
Groups seek compromise hy ‘John Mason Imprint staff
A meeting November between student leaders, Waterloo residents and the city planning department regarding a rezoning proposal was said to be constructive. The meeting was arranged following the presentation of a petition by core-area residents. The petition+ which would limit the number of rooming ‘houses in Waterloo’s central residential district, was presented to city council two weeks ago.
Both sides, student leaders and the concerned residents, agre’ed the community has reached the saturation point and consented to a recommended immediate freeze on further con-’ versions in the area. “It would be a dangerous precedent”, said Lisa Skinner, Federation of Students vicepresident (university affairs], “to agree to this rezoning proposal without other solutions for student housing being offered.” Residents and student leaders agreed to work together with city council in pursuing other options for student rental accomtiodations.
Refugee numbers steadily increasing Ralph Zuljan imprint staff “Our generosity is less than meets the eye,” sags York University professor’ Reg Whitaker of Canada’s immigration policy. The Canadian government iends to be ready to accept refugees from communist countries, he said, but is unwilling to allow entry to the many third world refugees that make up the bulk of today’s claimants. Whitaker, a professor of political science at York+ was at Waterloo November 6 to present a seminar cm his new book Double Standard: Immigration and the Canadian State, The seminar was follotied by a reception sponsored by the Political Science Student Association. Refugees are a “distinctive 20th century phenomena”, he said. And their . numbers are steadily increasing. After World
War I there were four million refugees. Since the end of the. second world war, about 70 million people have become refugees. Right now, about 10 to 14 million people are displaced outside their home states, and another 10 million are refugees within their countries’ boarder. Whitaker identified Africa as having the most serious problem. One of every two refugees are in Africa. Afghanist ati and central America are also in a grave state. He said that the numbers continue to rise. Refugees, said Whitaker, are now a “permanent part” of the world’s political environment, Dealing with refugees has “become a world problem”+ Yet, governments in the west are closing the door to refuge’es as the numbers rise, .because they “shy away” from the “political Qntinued
page 4
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The planning department was asked to look carefully into the possibility of opening new areas of the’ city to allow rooming houses and duplexes. Recommendations, from the pl!nning department, are to be brought befo.re city council on November
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Canada not so *generous says Prof. I “_ Continued
from page 3
behind the creation of refugees. The super power competition, Whitaker said, is the cause of much of the refugee crisis that we face. In the postwar era, east European refugees were happily accepted in the North America and causes”
western Europe. We hosted refugees then, Whitaker said, since it had a destabilizing effect of the communist states, and we “scored propaganda points”, Fully 75 per cent of refugees accepted into Canada come from communist countries; in the United States, 90 per cent of refu- gees originate in a communist
he said. tion became “colour blind” after Canada is in a comfortable pothe immigration reform of 1977, sition rfgarding refugees, said this law did not include specific Whitaker. We accept only a _ policies regarding refugees. The small proportion of the absolute government can discriminate by numbers that exist, and our geodesignating “refugee producing countries”, According to Whigraphic position makes it difficult for unwanted refugees to get taker this biases the process behere. cause only communist states Although Canadian immigrahave been designated so. At the same time, Whitaker said this is a big improvement over the previ& practice. In the sixties, when all refugees’ status was decided arbitrarily. Canada’s generosity toward refugees existed because they were “produced by communist states.” The 1977 reforms also accepted the obligations in the U.N. convention accepted in 1969. It both formalized the immigration procedure and implied a recognition of inherent rights on the part of individuals+ whether citizens or not. Such recognition was strengthened by the Charter of Rights and the Supreme Court’s interpretations . which considers, “anyone physically in Canada” to have the rights of a citizen. As a consequence oft he formal rules, the immigration system has become highly bureaucratized, said Whit aker. Government officials, he said, have retained their opinion that refugees have no rights. Officials consider them to be “objects to
W’loo council may fund Arts Centre
k Waterloo Mayor Marjorie Carroll has requested a meeting with UW president Doug Wright to discuss the cancellation of professional theatre at the UW Arts Centre. The Mayor told city council at the November IO meeting, “Right now our priority is the Humanities Theatre. If we’re thinking of funding the arts in any way, maybe that’s where the council should go first .” Alderman Andrew Telegdi had earlier suggested that they consider funding the Arts Centre as well as Kitchener’s Centre in the Square, as was recommended in &recent report prepared by the city’s futures committee task force on culture,
be controlled”, said Whitaker. Whitaker asserted that the cold war - the unfriendly, competitive relationship between the USA. and the USSR - has dominated Canadian refugee policy. He supported this position with examples of our government’s treatment of communist refugees from eastern Europe as compared with that of refugees from Latin America’s right wing dictatorships. The “last great move (of refugees] from communist states” occurred in the eighties with the Vietnamese boat people. Some 75,000 were allowed to enter Canada. Now, the refugees come from “right wing regimes” or countries like India and Sri Lanka. These third world countries are not part of thecold war and the Canadian government has “moved to close the door” on them. In doing so, Whitaker said, Canada is falling in line with other western countries and such action is not out of line with the historical evidence of Canada’s refugee policy. However, the laws the Conservative government introduced to deal with refugees (C55 and C84) are “probably unconstitutional”, said Whitaker. Therefore, the government will not be able to carry out its morally questionable policy, he said.
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Canada drawn into suDer Dower struggle ---
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by Andrew Rehage Imprint staff The real purpose of the Canadian Armed Forces is to push Canada toward involvement in a global nuclear war, not the protection of the country’s borders, says Ernie Regehr of the Project Ploughshares disarmament group. Regehr, director of Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel College, gave a critique November 10 on the federal government’s new white paper on defence, released this past spring. The revamped defence policy could see Canada more involved in Reagan’s proposed Strategic Defence Initiative Star Wars - plan, he said. Tuesday’s lecture, organized by the UW Peace Society at Conrad Grebel College, was a short, informal forum for defence discussion. In his lecture, Regehr said since there is no military threat to Canada, the country’s defence program is geared toward what to do in case of a nuclear war.
The problem of more accessible public transportation for disabled persons is becoming a pressing issue in the KitchenerWaterloo area.’ Advocates for the cause are presently hard at work attempting to create enough awareness of the problem to have the situation altered, George Farrenkoff of the K-W Services for the Disabled says the current situation is “highly inadequate”. The main reason for this is that the Project Lift service does not offer same-day service. Two-week bookings are the norm which greatly inhibits the independence needed to live an integrated lifestyle with society. The Project Lift transit system in K-W has 10 vans serving 1,500 members. Farrenkoff, himself a disabled person, cites various other links to this all-encompassing pro blem. “Employment is a big area, Getting to the job is half the battle . . . and many disabled persons who are unable to drive need the system even more than the general public.” Although there is a cost factor involved in the issue, Farrenkoff wants to make the public aware that “equality in trans ortation is a right guarantee cr by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. . . we are simply stating our rights.”
Ernie Regehr
Canada, being one of the prominent members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), is a global peacekeeper and an arm of the American nuclear warning system, Regehr stressed the point that Canada’s main purpose, in his
by Andrew
view, is that of an early warning system. The country’s radar stations in the far north (distant early warning stations) serve as a red light in case the Soviet Union decides to send nuclear bombers over Canada. At present, if such a situation occurred,
Included in the white paper is the A.D.I. (Air Defence Initiative). Under this plan, not only would Canadian pilots be able to intercept Russian bombers, but Canada could also have nuclear missile installations in the arctic
Other areas affected by the problem also include recreation activities *‘which are generally spontaneous in nature . . . if my friends decide to go to a movie that evening I have no way of getting there.” This also relates to the problem with the current service’s hours of operation: the vehicles are only on the road
the K-W Services for the Disabled office, located downstairs at Waterloo Town Square. The petition will be presented at a transportation forum on November 25, The forum, which takes place at the Victoria Park Pavilion from 7-10 p.m., will be attended by transportation professionals including the commis-
r involved. “‘J Y reductions provided to students and seniors should also be extended to the physically challenged. Currently the cost involved is the same as the general public. Monthly passes are also not offered to disabled persons, a situation Farrenkoff would like to see changed.
cnang The public is also encouraged -_ attend. Farrenkoff says he hopes to see this city’s transit system become more like that of Toronto’s or Hamilton’s, both of which have a much greater ratio of vans to general transit buses.
can be signed
l l
101 Arts Lecture Hall Thursday November 26th. 8:OOpm. L
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with the present radar stations, said Regehr. “This would compliment Star Wars. Star Wars would be the ceiling through which no ICBMs could penetrate and A,D,!. would close the windows and door from attack. The only thing left is the sea.” With the sea comes another worry. The USSR has a vast fleet of nuclear-powered submarines that could easily slip under our Canada’s early warning system and fire missiles, he said. Canada currently has nuclear-powered submarines patrolling the northern seaways to protect Canadian sovereignty. “They could easily be used to launch a counterattack against Russian subs, striking Russia’s submarine ports, That’s why they’re nick named ‘killer-subs’,” Regehr said of the potential uses of Canada’s navy. It is quite obvious that America would like to see more participation from Canada, he said, and under the present aggressive,. conservative government, Canada could very well move toward a greater involvement in military escaiat ion.
This is a plan heavily supported by the war hawks in the oval office. “The new white paper hints at an escalation of Canada& warning system and we will intercept air attacks. This is a great destabilization of the present system as it would give the U.S. more invitation for a first strike.”
Disabled residents call for greater transit accessibility’ by Jacquie Griffin Imprint staff
Canadian airforce planes would confront the Russian bombers+ establish their intentions and return to base - their only action being to warn the Americans that the Russians are coming, he said. Regehr said Canada, under the new poky present by Defence Minister Perrin Beatty, could actually engage and intercept the Russian planes if it was thought their intentions were to strike the U.S. (and more than likely, Canada].
Computer in and talk
Campus Room
about us, our extensive Entry planned Career Development
Science, to us:
Centre 110
or Business
IRA on the.outs In the wake of this horrible bombing that the IRA. is responsible for I would like to relate conversation I had recently. I was taking the train back from Toronto on a Friday evening and while I was waiting in line I struck up a conversation with an elderly gentleman who was standing next to me. He was an old man, with white hair and had thick glasses: when he spoke he he was very quiet. It turned out that he was from Belfast in Northern Ireland and was here on a holiday. We talked about Ireland and he told me all the places I should visit. I asked him about the problems with the Catholics and Protestants, as well as the popular opinion of the I.R.A. in Northern Ireland. He got all quiet for a minute and then told me how, when his wife was still alive, when they used to go walking he carried one of his golf clubs (a nine iron I think) to protect themselves from the hooligans that would cause all the problems, throw the fire bombs and rocks at the British and such. He said that it is mostly the young teens that did this for the kicks, Nobody considered the I.R.A. as being serious in that they could ‘change the government this way. He said that the men involved just needed something to make them feel powerful and that they have no real support at all, they just wantto play with their guns and make a lot of noise. This story came back to me when I was reading the paper about this bombing - all the mourners, both Catholic and Protestant, who lost someone in this attempt to knock off a couple more British soldiers; they are all probably thinking the same thing, This blast that killed 11 and injured 63 is probably sounding the end of this group of half-baked terrorists who, through this act, have shown their true selves As well, this incident has shown just what the citizens of Ireland really think about this terrorist blight on their country. I.R.A., .your days are numbered, and good riddance!
k link in system To the editor, In case you were wondering, Brian, you are not alone. It was shocking to read the recent barrage of condemnations in regard to your exasperation with the people of Co-operative Education and Career Services (CECS]. Perhaps people should slow down and read you letter with more care.
RememberRemembrance I
Day !
Remembrance Day just doesn’t rate anymore. Guess what went on Wednesday at the University of Waterloo to mark the day committed to the memory of our war dead. Well, there was a seminar on “Chemical Teterogeneity of Block Copolynmers;” there was a talk on “making computers easier to run;” a physicist gave alecture on new experimental materials; and a former UW dean gave a lecture ‘on “The What and How of Differential Fees.” Admittedly, the UW News Bureau Gas caught completely unprepared by forgetting to merely include a mention of Remembrance Day in its weekly circulated news agenda. Imprint made the same oversight last week; an article would have been appropriate before the event not after it. unless you work for the government -yet, No longer is there a holiday on Remembrance Day -, holiday or no holiday Canadians who sacrificed their lives, lost their limbs and experienced the ‘. agonizing hell of combat deserve thanks on Remembrance Day. From young urban professionals to punk ro.ckers, Canadians today owe thanks to the veterans who fbught for the cushy lives that most of us lead today. Mike
For those who did not read the letter, Brian Lau, a UW students, was expressing his frustration with CECS. Much to the misunderstanding of some readers, Brian was not complaining about the lack of hand-holding that one finds within the co-op process, he was expressing his frustration in dealing with the automaton-like response one usually runs into when cogs in the co-op wheel get clogged. He is asking that a small bit of compassion be shown for a student who finds him ore herself lost in the bureaucracy of the process, Brian is quite rights to complain and complain. loudly. This term, every co-op s&dent paid $250 for the services CECS provides. Yet, in this age of.cost accountability, students are the least informed about where their money goes. And now there is news that the co-op fee will increase to $325 in the near future, with no justification of increase in services provided. . Students cannot be treated like machines. The mistake that CECS made was to treat Brian
Lau like an inconvenience, rather than a student with a problem. Each student feels important and significant; CECS should not be allowed to take away that individuality. Like the co-operative edugation system, students make mistakes. We run out of resumes, sometimes we are late for an interview, and we may not get our reports in on time. However, unlike students such as Brian Lau, CECS has shown an unwillingness to take responsibility for its mistakes. Should we, as students, accept an increase in cost while CEC-S continues to shun its responsibility to be accountable? Co-operative education is good and some of the people providing the co-op services are also good, However, there are also some weak links in the system. Case in point - Brian Lau and the lack of communication he endured. There are several groups on campus interested in improving co-op. However, we, like Brian La& are making our voices heard and we encourage everyone else who has had a problem with CECS to do the same, Co-op students are not children asking to be led around by the hand; we are adults dissatisfied with an expensive service. Let co-op know that you are out there. Make your voices heard. Deun Van Doleweerd
All letters
be typed . and double
8884048 5
Computer sto.ry could have included greater variety more for software than for hardware. I would like to compliment you It is true that a great deal of softfor your article that discussed the ware is distributed for free, but concerns of a would-be IBM PCwhat good is that when you do not clone buyer. The article has identiknow where to look, or who to ask? fied some of the most important Most retailers would rather sell features to be aware of. However, you a $XKI wordprocessorthan tell the article claims that, “Unless you you where to find one in the public have a specific application in mind domain, Since many other microwhich demands certain hardware computers are aimed at the averfeatures only found in particular age person, the price of software is machines, you will probably be also within the average person’s considering buying what is known budget. as an IBM-clone.” In the same artiit is true that the Mechanical Encle you say, “If you keep these, gineering Department has recomideas in mind as you shop you’ll be mended the purchase of in the category of ‘informed consuIBM-compatible computers. Howmer’.” evef, this decision should not ‘be How can YOU make these claims? Yau have only described .a very L-used to set a precedent. Simply because IBM-compatibles are useful narruw port ion _of - t&e ; personal to mechanical engineers does not computer market. Why do you feel imply that they would be just as that specific applications are the useful to a psychology student. criteria for looking at other perPerhaps you should have investisonal computers? What is so spegated how useful a microcomputer cial about IBM-clones that makes would really be to the average stuthem the machine of choice? dent. Many beople feel that microThe tasks for which microcomcomputers are just too expensive puters are widely used include for the services they provide. wordprocessing, spread-sheets, IBM-clones are not the cheapest communications, and database, computers available. They do not programming. Since these tasks represent current technology. are so widespread they have been With IBM’s own introduction of implemented on virtually every PS/Z they have been made obsocomputer in existence. Since the lete. IBM-clones are not “the” maIBM PC was targeted for the busichines for communications as you ness market, so was the software. have claimed. Any microcomputer The price of hardware may fall, can be used for communications, but the price on software stays All microcomputers, including about the same. This leads to an IBM-clones, require additional immense hidden cost, that of softhardware to allow communicaware. It is not uncommon to pay
To the editor,
A P&+n’s Perspective On Works m I
<by 8ob Horton “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation onrock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” - Luke 0:46-49
“For it ts by grace you have been eavei, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.” - Ephesians 2:8-g God tells us through His word, that our works, or the things we try and do to please Him that we do on our own initiative, are not what will save us and allow us to spend eternity with Him. Yet, the Bible says that if we do not put God’s word into ractice, we will be building our house without a foundation, wit R out Him as our foundation, and it will collapse to the ground when the torrent comes. How then can we resolve this apparent dilemma? Do these I 4 two passages really disagree? To this I reply a resounding No! For we are taking these two passages without taking the rest of the Bible into account. If we look at passages like James 226, this passage says “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” What is being said is that our faith in God has given us the right and the privilege to be called children of God, yet if we do not continue to practice survive? Christian,
what it is that we learn about God how can our faith So, when I say reading the Bible is not what makes you a or, going to church is not what being a Christian is all I say these things in light of what the Bible teaches; that
about, faith without
May each of us practice the things sage of scripture know that you are
is dead, who calls ourself Christian learn to put into God teaches to us in His word. May the pasbe extremely evident and true: “All men will my disciples if you love one another.”
It is unfortunate that you have singled out a specific microcomputer. There are many microcomputers on the market today. Even the cheapest will perform the same applications as a basic IBM-clone, We are not saying that IBM-clones are incapable machines. We are saying that IBM-clones are not the only machines worth considering when making a purchase. You could have introduced students to the Amiga, the Macintosh and the Atari ST to name a few, With a little more research you could have turned students into truly informed consumers.
]lim Boritx Ted Timu Edwin Hoogerbeets ” Gayla Boritx Computer Science Clubkxecutive
Thanks to Conra.d Grebel To the editor, I believe congratulations are in order for the Conrad Grebel Music Society for their great offering of alternative music at the Bombsheltel’ November 6. The Jazz Night was a refreshing change from the normal musical fare available at campus pubs, As well, it was a great opportunity to show-off some of our local Waterloo talent. In short, the whole event was extremely enjoyable end well worth repeating. Keep up the good work.
Julie Fraser
Confused by apple To the editor, I’m confused. The October 30 column begins with hundreds of words describing how pesticides can be carefully manages to produce an untainted apple crop while minimizing the environmental hazards. It then tells us that we shouldn’t expect blemishfree apples: “However, we must work on the mindset which equates good health with a brilliant, unstuffed apple, which is in f;;;m anomaly,” we are admon-
Wh’at is an anomaly? A brilliant, unstuffed apple? Yes: “ApIjles simply do not grow that way naturally,” we are told. Or equating one with good health? Of course not. Pesticides prevent far more than blemishes - they also prevent worms, bacteria, and rot, Lack of blemishes is, usually, a sign of wholesomenesq. Is it the goal of WPIRG to have us eating wormy, rotten apples? Do they think that such
WPIRG is not acting in the public interest in this case, judging by the column’s closing remarks. Rather, they seem to see it as their job to tell the public what its interests shuuld be. ]im Wiebe, BASc, Electrical
Do not iudae me -
by Chris Gerrard Imprint staff
(a pseudonym)
I am about to digress from the main theme of this cdumn [being gay issues and re-lated subjects]. I am also about to change my of writing a little, moving away from gentle persuasion, and etting up on my soapbox: I have read in thio. paper over the past Pittle while, things that I find distressing both ak a.humti&arian, and as a Christian. Of course, these things are not convictions held by just the writers of various letters to the editor and other sections, but are unfortunately, I think, held by ,a number of persons in’aociety [read partkukrl we*,1 tu&k$., As well, I would like t6 point Out t x &f’ S&%&6 cy‘A F%grim’a Perspective”) does not have a monopoly oli Christian theology, just as the Vatican does not, and that Cindy Long (Soapbox, Imprint, Oct. 9) is not the only individual “concerned” for the welfare of her brethren on the planet. I too consider myself to be somewhat knowledgeable in Christian doctrine. I also care for my fellow man in, I believe, no less a way than anyone else. My Christian background began with a “fundamentalist’” church - Missionary Alliance - where I learned not only a great deal about the contents of scripture, but also a great deal about what I will term “Literalism” and some of the unsound wherefores put forth for numerous concepts, one of them being the absolute sinfulness of same-sex relations, another being that there is some absolute set of rules that will guarantee entrance into God’s kingdom {if indeed there is such a thing). Upon entering university, I began investigating other religions and eventually choge Catholicism as the one that best suited me. That does not mean that I agree whole-heartedly with everything fits that ‘“the church” espouses - it just means that Catholicism the best for me. Since then I have continued to investigate my faith and have tried to understand what it is that I call “faith”. “Why is he telling me this?” you ask. I want to point out that I am not speaking “off the cuff” about what I believe, and that my theological -opinion is, I think, just as valid as anyone else’s Enough of the preamble. Now to the meat of this column. Like it or not folks, we are all part of the same family. We are all brothers and sisters, regardless of race, sex, nationality, age, religion, sexual orientation, social class, or anything else. If you belong to the species homo sapiens, you are part of our global family. There is no “them” and “us” - it is only “us”. That goes pretty well no matter what your religion or faith is. Particularly, as Christians, no one elf us is any better than another (that is made very clear in scripttire], and no one is in Q position to pass judgment on any one else. Christ ggve us two commandments: Love God, and Love each other. Ahd that each other meant everyone, without requiring that individual to conform to your way of living or thinking. That love is unconditional. How can you possibly stand there and tell me that I am sinning by loving someone else? You are telling me that what God Him/Her/Itself sanctioned and glorified is evil. And to carry the popular argument further that it is not really love but evil lust that I feel, I would ask you, just how do you know what I feel’? Have you been in my shoes? Do you kqow me so well as to know how my mind works better than I do? I could be very petty and counter with, !‘Well, then, I think thst all you feel toward your (heterosexual) partner is mere1 lust, snd therefore you are sinning just as badly as I.” But I wi r 1 not, because I do not know what y6u feel. Only you know, and God knows, just (IS only I know and God knows how I feel. Please do not be so pious as to assume that you know what is best for the world. You only know what is best for you, and only for this moment in-time. Religion, and Faith, are very personal things, that each of us must come to terms with of our own accord. I resent being told’that that which I am doing, which in no way hurts anyone in and of itself, is inherently wrong. Just what is the basis of your belief? Are you so learned and experienced to unequivocally state the trueness of your “facts”? Where is the rigorous proof of your hypothesis? Instead of attempting to force everyone in the woild to do and live according to one individual’s paradigm, perhaps we should be showing a little bit more genuine care for our fellows who are destitute, and who want and actually need our help. Whether one is Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or whatever, I believe that we all have a charge to raise the level of well-being of others. And, not to be trite, as the old saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.” Before attempting to change the world to a particular ideology, I believe one should be style
very sure that that ideology is sound. I believe the ideology of “Love” is sound - really, the only sound one that there is. I think Josee Duffhues (Letters, Imprint, Oct.23) put it all very well. I will get off my soapbox now and humbly ask the forgiveness of
.were, aware
of everything
I have
spewed forth, and who did not need to hear it again. I also apolbgize for the wrath with which I have written this to all who have read the above. Btit, alas, I am a passionate person. Back to my old style
Evolutiori relies as ‘much - YITs, not geeks, are on faith as Creationism plaguing Waterloo To the editor, Two human dispositions are accepted today: Men are living souls or living matter, The former is based on the ludaic-Christian belief that man was created in the image of God by animating the human body with an immortal’ spirit: the latter stems from a physical humanism which holds that all life is material only. A living soul perceives the material world through .the physical senses and understands things spiritually through thought, faith, free will, etc. Since the spiritual world is nonmaterial and thus invisible fqr men, it is open to doubt. Faith in God, however, who is Spirit, and His Son’ in the flesh, fesus, creates peace in the heart which material comfort and human security cannot provide. The doctrine of physical humanism (that human beings are living matter only) involves risk and uncertainty because human knowledge is limited, contradictory, and often utopian. In ad&ion, men are totally ignorant of the extent and consequences of the unknowns. The ideology of physical humanism is based on materiel science and evolution which postulat,es that things have developedcontinually in an arrangeable order over immense time spans. Physical science provides a systematic know how through mathematics and measurements. But men are capable of inventing novel mathematical systems and also techniques to measure as-yet unknown things. The constitution of today’s theoretical physics is randomly uncertain for paradoxes have been resolved mathemat itally by probability formalisms. Evolutionary continuance can-
not be observed for heavenly bodies, but relativistic science has generated for astrophysics a mathematically immense past which, in my opinion, is utopian. For example, the billions of years of cosmogonic ages and also of light years of cosmological spaces follow from the uniformity assump‘tion that a constant speed and composition of light gersisted throughout these ages and spaces. The cosmos thus generated is imaginary for its uniform vastness can never be verified - neither can its existence nor its evolutionary nature. The vast radioactive dates which are selected for the socalled earth’s history depend on the postulate that an amount of radidactive matter in rocks is convertible to time. However, if all uranium 238 which exists in the earth’s crust, for example, would be used for the da(ting, including the uranium ores, I believe that the dates would be as random as the
and location
of the iso-
a few of each kind, and finally man, one male from dust directly and one female only. Each discrete kind had an unbelievable ability to multiply and diversify within each kind, and the most complex and simple life forms were created discreetly and simultaneously. The fossil record appears to val-
ironically, the evolutio-geologic ages appear to follow even the sequence of it. But neither creation nor Golution need validations for both are convictions. The former requires faith in an Almighty but invisible God; the latter, belief in a superhuman ability to decipher an invisible past which can never be
to have existed.
Objectable is the often arrogant certainty of the evolutionists. Socrates took great pain to convince his fellow men that they were just as ignorant as he wtis, for the epistemoIogica1 truth is that the greater the human knowledge, the greater the uncertainty of it is. The renowned astronomer Copernicus derived two solutions for the Platonic problem of combining circular motions such that they have the appearances of the wandering planets as seen on earth. One solution was concentric to the earth, the other to the sun. He was
tope deposits. The Darwinian theory of gradual evolution by a continual natural selection of life is contradicted by-ihe fossil record which shows discrete life forms only in the sedimentary rocks, The missing links are absent in the mosaic of discrete a humble man for he considered both solutions as mathematical fossils tessellated in Darwinian patterns. Apemen are human cononly. On the inscription of his structions from fossil bones and tombstone he craves for the forskulls in accord with Darwinism, giveness which lesus, nailed to the cross, granted the robber. Maybe and are akin to a sculpturing of the fame intergoddess Diana in accord with I- he felt that scholarly Roman mythology. fered with the glory of God, for in In the Bible, discrete forms of the Psalms: The heavens declare life were created only: Plants each the glory of God, and the firmameni sheweth his handiwork. after their kind first,ihen sea creatures and fowl, all kinds abundantly out of the waters, then land J. Schroeder animals out of the earth, probably Civil Engineering
The Vegetarian World Eating too much protein by Dawn Miles
Many forms of cancer seem to be affected by a intake, although not all studies agree on this. There is a link between obesity and cancer. The most common cancer in the U.S., cancer of the colon, has been strongly correlated with a high protein diet, The consumption of animal protein is the strongest correlating factor disease, and gout. in the incidence of bladder cancer. Other types of Degenerative diseases are not caused by ,hostile cancer that have been linked to high protein conmicro-organisms attacking our body but, rat her, sumption are cancer of the pancreas, ovarian by our bodies malfunctioning. Many people becancer, Hodgkin’s disease, leukemia and lympholieve that these diseases are an inevitable part of sarcoma. aging: these diseases didn’t develop in the-past Osteoporosis is a problem that has a high probecause people didn’t live long enough. However, file these days. Osteoporosis is the gradual weakthere is evidence to the contrary. In the third ening and shrinking of the bones due to a loss of world, those who live to old age are generally free calcium. Many food companies are adding calfrom these problems. This indicates that such decium to their products to help consumers get their generative diseases are not inevitable, but are inrecommended daily allowance (or that’s what the stead related to our western lifestyle. sales pitch is, anyway]. However, getting extra The predominant factor in the development of calcium doesn’t really help prevent osteoporosis. these diseases has been shown to be diet. Diet On a high protein diet, the body will lose calcium outweighs heredity, stress, smoking or lack of no matter how much calcium is consumed. exercise as a factor in most of the diseases listed Not all the calcium that is taken from the bones above. Among the various aspects of diet, an exactually leaves the body when a lot of protein is cess of protein has a prime role to play. This is eaten, Often if collects in the kidneys, producing why the western populations are so Susceptible kidney stones. There is a marked correspondence they eat, on average, two to three times as much between kidney stones and the consumption of protein as they need. This is due to the high animal protein, but no such correspondence beamount of meat consumed, tween these stones and dietary calcium intake. Obesity has been linked to high protein intake, Excessive protein also leads to progressive especially when coupled with a large amount of .deterioratbn of kidney function. The kidneys sugar in the diet. Vegetarians suffer less from may eventually fail, resulting in the need for dialobesity than non-vegetarians. (A case in point - 1 ysis or replacement kidneys. In contrast, low prolost 20 lbs after I became.a vegetarian,) Obesity tein diets have been effective in treating people itself has been correlated with diabetes, heart diswith kidney damage. ease, and cancer. Gout has long been called a “rich” disease as Atherosclerosis may be related to too much proonly the we&off ever got It. This 1s because only tein. Vegetarians, who generally eat less protein, the rich could afford the high protein diets that have been shown to have a significantly reduced cause it. This disease is strongly related to high risk of suffering from the fatal complications of all the various cardiovascular diseases. There are’ protein consumption. These examples demonstrate that the amount of well documented links between high protein diets protein eaten by the average North American is and obesity and between obesity and atheroscle-’ too much. The meat eating-diet has harmful efrosis. Also, some researchers have proposed that fects. In contrast, a vegetarian whole-foods diet atherosclerosis may be directly caused by a comdoes not have too much protein. This diet has been bination of too much protein and not enough vishown to be significantly healthier. tamin B-6.
Over the past 50 to 70 years there has been a dramatic increase in the incidence of various degenerative diseases in the western world. These diseases include atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries], cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, kidney
high protein
To the editor,
The University of Waterloo is a strange place. It is large and reasonably well-funded, as well as having a considerable student population. Nevertheless, I ca&ot stifle the perception that a disproportionate number of the activities of this university are oriented around the ambitions of that large majority of students which I would call YITs (Yuppies-InTraining]. Linda Frum was mistaken: UW does not suffer from an overabundance of geeks. Rather, most of the students are intent on a life which will consist of BMWs (alternating with Audis every second year), cellulajr phones and DINK-status
(double income no kids]. Most students are no longer concerned with cultural history, philosophical issues, political,p
situations or academic in t egration. No wonder-the pseudo-philo-
sophy of Objectivism is so popular Its primary tenets of objective reality, reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire capon campus.
italism read like a list of what is wrong with this university. To paraphrase this “YIT-creed”: the
only person
that matters
is your-
self. This is, in fact, the most selfdefeating philosophy I have ever encountered. Ayn Rand and her kind would blame the socialists and the altruists for the political injustices of our century. This is a ridiculous accusation. If the political right leans toward economics, industry and financial security, surely it is the political left, with its social programs, Crown corporations and unions, which is better equipped to end political injustice. I challenge the students of this university to seriously consider the implications of U.S. protectionism. the Reagan administra-
tion’s foreign policies, stock market instabilities and cultural sovereignty before jumping recklessly onto the Objectivist bandwagon. Further, make an attempt to get involved in the (horrors!] extracurricular events of this university and surrounding area. Although the UW Arts Centre is soon to close its doors forever, there still exists a number of entertaining and thought-provoking.lectures, films, dramas+ concerts, exhibits, Bhows, debates, journals and referendums which can intermittently break the mq-
notony of midterms, assignments, interviews, beer bashes and Family Ties. Let us emulate neither Linda Frum’s geek nor Yuppiedom’s Alex P. Keaton. Rather, let us integrate our academic life with a well-bal-
and emotional to
Durrell Scott Bowman, CSloo fufor, 38 Music and Applied
CFS info useless to co-opers To the editor,
of pressured students, their bladders overflowing. Undoubtedly, there will be line ups for the washrooms surpassing those seen each term at the bookstore during the first week of classes. Then the shit will hit the fan!
As a Co-op student, I was both pleased and disappointed by the recent CFS voting package I received. The opportunity to voice my opinion on a matter such as joining the Canadian Federation of Students is important to me. The package I received however, prevented me from voting. Instead of being presented with unbiased information on which to base a decision, I received propaganda. The package contained two pieces of information, one from the CFS and one from the UW Feds. The CFS greatly extolled the benefits of joining. It promised services, OSAP relief and power on Parliament Hill. Much along the lines of what I expected. My Federation of Students asked me if I would dare say yes when my peers at Queen’s and Western said NO. I was told that Scott Forrest and Ian Mitchell said NO. And I was told that the CFS was a socialist movement that hated the situation in El Salvador, wanted out of NATO and loved the CLC. Under these conditions my vote was not yes or no to the CFS, but rather yes or no to the socialism that my peers have rejected. It is not the role or place of the UW Feds to decide or dictate what is best for the students, but to provide a referendum based on the most objective information possible. The Feds shot down the CFS but they did nothing to offer an alternative method of getting our voices heard. The Federation of Students has done me no favour by letting me vote, it has taken advantage of my isolation from any other sources of information or debate in order to coerce me into supporting its views. If Co-op students are to vote, they must be provided with as much information as possible in order to consider and weigh the biases presented and cast an educated, careful vote.
Tony Tessarolo 4A Biochem
Mark J. Wagner 3A Applied Studiee
Cramped in the toilets To the editor, In the four years I have been here the campus has undergone several necessary changes. Most recently, was the transfer of the EMS library to the Davis Centre. This migration resolved the problem of insufficient space. The new ‘EMS’ library, as I prefer to call it since there are no retired politicians that go by this name, is quite roomy and pleasant. I realize that there will probably be further alterations to the existing layout, however the one I’d most like to see concerns the washroom facilities. This is unquestionably the most poorly thought out water closet design I have ever relieved myself in. There are two men’s washrooms at each end of the library, with each room housing a sink and a toilet. When a patron steps in, he locks the door. Therefore at any one time only four men can be relieving themselves under the roof of this library. I assume, since I’ve never had the nerve to get a firsthand look, that the situation is similar for the women’s washrooms. When exam time comes, and it always does, the library will be filled
to capacity
Dr. Harry
Objectivism To the editor, Dr. Harry Binswanger lectured to a group of UW students on the November 3. In a great show of salesmanship, Binswanger worked to swing his audience over to accept the absolute value of Ayn Rand’s Objectivist theory of reason and ethics as the ultimate means of determining absolute truths in the world of reality. In an overzealous attempt to rid humankind of the age-old preoccupation with those ever-present “grey areas” inherent in analyzing and dealing with the complex realities and ethics of human existence, Binswanger attacked the theories of the great thinkers of the past - Plato, Marx, Freud, Aristotle (in part) - presenting some of their tenets in fragmented blips, completely out of context. That Binswanger managed to distort these theories beyond recognition was of no concern to his line of
is highlysimplistic& The following are some highlights of Binswanger’s brand of reasoning and ethics: Plato was a collectivist and rhc father of totalitarianism; Today’s humanists are our enemies; The first loyalty is to the self and not to the collective: the prime virtue is selfishness. Reasdn, he proclaimed, is the basic tool- for realizing this “moral” imperative; Binsianger advised thbse engineering student who hold a Christian world view to go into the priesthood on the grounds that they would be hypocrites to the engineering profession;
tloned whether Binswanger believed in absolute truths. He affirmed, citing Darwin’s theory as an example. He told the audience about a conversation that he had with a group of biologists who argued that there is not 100 per cent certainty in any theor otherwise - on ory - Darwin’s the grounds that out knowledge about world of reality is dialectical and subject to change. Dispensing with their scientific reasoning,
reductionisk Blnswanger asserted his own truth: Darwin’s theory is absolute; Toward the end of Binswanger’s lecture, a member of the audience asked how the Objectivist philosophy could be applied to the real world [ouch!]. Binswanger responded by imparting his political-economic views: Laissezfaire economics, mi‘nimal governmental intervention, no income tax, very few laws, and judicial officials for the purpose of social
service and regulation. Binswanger’s lecture has led us to conclude that Objectivism is a highly simplistic, reductionistic, and dangerous philosophy - one which makes a mockery of reason and human ethics by making selfinterests and productivity the prime virtues of our reasoning capacity.
Katherine Foster Silve Pal
Westbrn culture is suDerior to all other cultures because lwesterne
employ reason to expedite mat rial ends (computers, high tee cars, etc.], whereas Fijians, f
example, are still preoccupil with fishing due to their primiti thinking capacity; A member of the audience que
Remembrance Day fell way too short
Trade and the .environment
While industry, labour and the three federal political parties battle over free trade, the usually vocal environment movement has been very quiet. Why? The most probable reason is that environmentalists are use to working on their own specific issues and free trade transcends all environmental boundaries. It is also not an easy issue to gather all the facts on. That didn’t happen, though. Ye 8, Two factors making it exceptionally har’d to To the editor, I had my own moment of silent analyze are: but only because I happened 1 is Wednesday did not feel Iike havea freeperiodand wasin tl1e (1) To pin a definition on the environment and varies depending on who is doing the Remembrance Day* SOme FJPle library. I could see no one aroun td difficult me takinga minute to ponder01 meay define did have pappies on, but there was Jt defining. For example, the economist no period of silence, or anything. in terms of natural resources like past, and it was sad. I later learl nt environment f rom friends, who were in lectun ES wood, energy, minerals, For the last six years, I have and water. However enbeen in a chapel at 11 a.m. on at the time, that the same was tn le vironmentalists view this as a very narrow definiArmistice Day, but I was not this there. tion of the environment and prefer the definition year. It was a weird feeling. I think that something’s bet contained in Ontario’s Environment al AssessAlthough 1 did not expect a formal lost, It’s importantto think abol ment Act where the social, cultural, and environservice or ceremony, I did think what,s happened in the par mental impacts, are included. that the university community, “Those who do not learn from hi [z) There is a shortage of people both within the whatever Was going on* Would tory’smistakes are condemned government and the environment movement restop and have a minute of silence repeat them.” searching the environmental impacts of a free so that everyone could reflect on trade deal. There was also an absence of environD. Morton thhowdyesdand the men and women mental representation on either Simon-Reisman’s . negotiating team or within the federal gotiernment committee that examined the free trade agreement. Thomas McMillan, our environment minister, had no representation on either committee. a So what does this mean? Well it means that for E I I the most part, we have had a number of businessmen possibly operating by a narrow definition of the environment, conducting Canada’s free trade negotiations. And we have had no review process for monitoring true environmental impact. Also missing is a clear consensus of what is really up for grabs under a free trade deal. We all know that free’ trade means much more than just by Peter Stubley the buying and selling of widgets and auto parts. According to Brian Mulroney, social, cultural, and I went r&k climbing with my brother last week. He climbs environmental programs have not and never will fairly often, and I wanted to go at least once to find out what it was be at stake. But many Americans seem to have a like. He took me to the beginners’ climb at Rattlesnake Point. different understanding. For example, the U.S. On the walk from the parking lot we passed a small metal firm Dominion-Pitfield has stated, “Canada’s plaque, marking the spot where a climber fell to his death last right to make optimum use of the arable land and April. I didn’t let in worry me. water sector should be up for grabs”. The basic idea of rock climbing is to climb up a rock face This apparent confusion increases the diffibecause it’s there. We went around to the top of the climb and culty in determining the over-all impacts of a free dropped a rope down the face. Purists might feel that this was trade deal. Three of the more contentious issues cheating, that you should take the rope up with you, using pitons are non-tariff barriers (NTB’s), energy, and water. and all that stuff, but I didn’t let it worry me. Non-tariff barriers are generally anything beMy brother went up first, and I held the rope so that he wouldn’t sides a tariff that could give a competitor an edge fall very far, He was very careful to show me the technique for in the marketplace. Usually they consist of either taking up the slack, with one hand always on the rope. He was government subsidies or legislation. A problem about two-thirds of the way up when I realized that I was literally arises if the Americans claim that Canadian goholding his life in my hands. I didn’t let it worry me. vernment subsidies give Canadian companies an Then It was my turn. I looked at the face, trying to plan the unfair advantage whichis contrary to the doctrine route. I picked it auf, and stepped up to the face. It took me about of free trade, The impacts could be devastating. five minutes to figure out how to get up the first five feet or so. For example: Most of the five minutes was spent trying to get foothplds and - Unemployment Insurance benefits for eastern handholds and convince myself that I actually could stand on a fisherman could be viewed as an unfair non-tariff little piece of rock that stuck out about and inch. The actual barrier, climbing took about ten seconds. - government health insurance plans could be I was about half way up when I stopped for a break. This was a looked upon unfavourably because they relieve mistake. Once I started climbing, I just climbed. I wasn’t followCanadian companies of some health payments, ing my planned route, but just climbing up, and it wasn’t hard at - subsidies to promote Canadian culture could all. Than I got stuck, because I couldn’t figure how to get any also be viewed as an unfair advantage. further. This part is a little hard to explain. I wasn’t afraid of - Canadian subsidies for reforestation, pollution falling off, because I had faith in the rope, and I knew I wouldn’t control equipment, and switching from high sulreally fall, at least not very far. I just couldn’t find places for may phur to low sulphur coal could be viewed as an hands and feet that made me believe I could go any further. unfair advantage, Eventually, I tried to move, because I had to do something, and I - By the same token, some environmental legislacame off the rock, swinging on the rope. I had no feeling of fear, tion could be interpreted as providing an unfair but I had to let go of the rock, which meant I wasn’t going any market advantage. For example, the Ontario eni further. I got my brother to lower me down. Purists might think I vironment ministry has established legislation had given up, but I didn’t let it worry me.
Hanging Out
which governs what kinds of conjainers can be used in the beverage! industry. It may be argued that this legislation gives an unfair advantage to returnable bottles or recyclable containers. Also the Ontario program to control acid rain emissions (and provide subsidies for control of acid rain) could be interpreted by the Americans as giving Canadian smelters an unfair advantage. According to some environmentalists, the situation with NTB’s has not been satisfactorily sorted out yet by government. Things could also work in revers& Because of the deregulatory atmosphere in the United States, Canadians may have a tougher time competing on par with the US. As a result companies will be looking to streamline their operations. Because environmental policies inevitably affect comparative advantage by increasing costs, they may be the first to go. Comparative advantage means that countries specialize in goods they can make best/cheapest. In fact, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce has already suggested that Ontario might have to relax tough new legislation (ie. acid rain) to help local businesses compete. This doctrine of comparative.advantage may also lead to ruthless development of Canahian resources like minerals, because Canada has always been a staples producer. This could mean irrevocable damage to the environment. Energy sources like Canadian gas and oil may also be exploited to the limit in order to supply the American market, This may endanger long-term Canadian supply. It is also not impossible to conceive of Ontario Hydro building more nuclear power plants in order-to export energy to the United States, Regardless of the scenario, the free trade deal’appears to offer the U.S. free and open access to Canadian energy supplies. Water has also been talked about in regards to a free trade deal. Canada’s chief negotiator Simon Reisman has been a central character in a scheme to turn James Bay into a freshwater reservoir. The scheme entails building a sea level dike across the mouth of James Bay in order to divert its water into the Great Lakes where it can be sold to the United States, There have been few references to the resulting impact such a diversion would have on local wildlife habitat and ecosystems and on the livelihood of the 10,000 native people who derive their living directly from James Bay, Reisman has been a strong advocate of using Canadian water as a bargaining chip at the free trade table. Reisman has said, “I think they (the Americans] would go crazy for the idea”. It has also been proposed that ye use water exports as a means to gain an agreement with the United States on acid rain controls. The recent announcement by McMillan that large water diversion projects will not be acceptable to Canada does little to alleviate fears. According to Professor Frank Tester (University of Toronto) “without legislation to.back up the policy, it is useless”. Clearly then at this stage in the game we have more questions than answers, There is little consensus among environment alist s regarding the free trade issue although there is growing concern that the free trade agreement may have a detrimental
More research must be done on the environmental impacts of the free trade deal before any final decision is made. As well there must be greater public consultation. For more information on the free trade issue visit the WPIRG office in the General Service Complex room 123 or phone 884-9020.
How do you feel about the UW Arts CenWe’s decision to stop professional theatre?
by Andraw Rehage
I am very opposed. This university and surrounding area Arts are already culturally lacking. UW is a university too strongly oriented toward academics and this closure doesn’t help. Peter Dedes Art8
. I
I feel that professional theatre in conjunction with -the amateur theirtreis important,. It is another feet of ctilture th’at is now n,o Iongk available to students. _ c ! Ahdrew Wilduck . lA Sysby!i D88iglv
’ ,’ . I
. I -a
. If ,and time, Mike
it can’t hold Wrestlemania. A tractor, pull at, the same it ain? worth fuck-all!!!!! McGraw ‘. I&-SadI&
Imprint sports Editora
all-aspects df the art world. qrofessipnal .and amateur. I ‘. clih Mailer’” I . i 1A BloChem .
Thursday Notiemb&
.. _
DRAMA: Ned Dickens in an adaptation of Herman Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall street -8:OO pm. . #:f
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Friday November 27th. Music with CATCHPENNY
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Market crash may be tough/on by John Mason On Monday, Oct. l&1987, the major stock markets of the world crashed. In the ensuing uncertainty, instant experts have inundated the media with their pat answers. All the clamor has left many young people saying, “This does not affect me. I won’t worry about it.” Is that the case? As UW students does the crash have any effect on us? 1 say yes, possibly a serious impact. If you hold stocks, RRSP’s or mutual funds, the effects are clear but few students do. Our premier concern is whether the market plunge will bring on a recession. If there is a recession, co-op students and graduates looking for jobs will be hit hardest. As the economy slumps in recession, hiring will be curtailed if not axed altogether. Graduates looking for permanent employ-
Computer \by Bob Horton. Imprint staff UW’s Computer Science Club played host November 4 to a number of guests from major microcomputer firms. Representatives from Apple, Atari and Commodore participated with students and faculty in a panel discussion on Computers in Education. During the day, 68000-based microcomputers from Atari and Commodore were displayed for students and staff to examine. At 7 p.m., the representatives from the various firms came, along with Prof. F. Burkowski, Prof. J.P. Black, and Erick Engelke from the Watstar development team to sit on a panel to discuss “Computers in Education”. It was unfortunate that the topic that was eventually chosen for the night was so broadly based as the night did not seem to have a very clear focus as a result. Jim Boritz, president of the Computer Science club this term, said that this was a result of Commodore’s reluctance to do a presentation of the current developments within each company and the directions each company was taking. Commodore’s representative said the company who spoke last would win in such a presentation and they would not be willing to participate if such was the format. The evening came as an offshoot of similar events that the Computer Science Club (CSC) has sponsored in the past called “The 68000 Wars”, where members of the club would present their 68000-based micro and debate the qualities of their machine against others who have different machines. Boritz said the CSC hoped to get a better idea of where the various cornpanies were going and the deveIopments that they hoped to make with their new products through the evening. The Computer Science Club is . trying to raise its profile again on campus by sponsoring more events of this nature than they have in the recent past. Boritz stated membershi in the club has improved an ir this has allowed more of this kind of activ4ty. When asked what the prjmary oaI of the Computer Science C &ub was Borite replied:
ment will find the opportunities greatly reduced. Co-op jobs will not be hit as hard or as quickly. The short term commitment and lower wages will remain attractive solutions to industries’ personnel problems. Should a recession be prolonged though, the impact on co-op jobs would grow. Students face another,problem during a recession. If you are unable to find a job in your field upon graduation, you will settle for any decent job. When the upturn arrives, employers tend to prefer a fresh graduate than the individual who has stagnated in a nonapplicable job because there were no job openings previously. But will there be a recession? Since economies move in cycles, eventually there will be a recession. The question is whether the market crash will force one in 1988 or whether it can be held off to 1989 or 1990.
Canada has been in a period of continuous economic growth since 1982 but the market collapse in itself can not bring on a recession even though it does seem time for the expansionary cycle to end. The stock market has a psychological effect on the consumer. If a pessimistic attitude is adopted, then spending is curtailed and a recession will hit. World leaders, for this reason, have been attempting to rebuild shaken confidence with pronouncements of the health of their economies. Business raises long term capital, needed for expansion, through the stock market. When stocks fall it becomes more. difficult to raise that necessary capital. In concerted action immediately following the plunge, the western nation‘s central banks reduced their interest rates, therefore making long-term bonds less attractive. This will
club h’osts pane.1 “To expand the awareness of computers for the student body at large. Some of us see ourselves as a resource, he said, adding that the members of the club are there to be like consultants to the university at large. Ted Timars, club vice-president, said “the club is trying to raise its profile on campus. We try more to help students in general, with problems relating to computing. This means that, when necessary, we communicate with MFCF, the CS depart-
ment, DCS departments campus.”
and .all other and faculties on
The club has gone not only for funding, although this is where the funding has typically come from in the past, but has also gone to EngSoc to receive additional funding in order to help support various activities and expenses including the clubs library which is provided as a resource for students who need help .working with computers.
help business and governments, time, the western nations have The drop in interest rates and acted rapidly and together on an the weakening of the U.S. and economic issue. This gives hope. Canadian dollars against EuroMost forecasters expect the pean and japanese currencies, North America economies to lose should stimulate exports and resteam during the first half of duce imports thus slimming the 1988. Then if the economic outlook remains stable, business U.S. trade deficit. Economic downturns are unmay pick up. avoidable but have we learned In the meantime, businesses enough through past experience 4 .will make their own guesses and to avoid another painful recesif inientories start to build they sion? will cut production. No one can answer that quesIt is the production cut that ultion but many safeguards now timately effects the job market exist to protect us. For the first and us at UW.
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Hopkins students facing ethical crisis by Jay Lechtman Features Editor Hopkins News-Letter
University President Steven unwilling to police themselves Muller has called for students to and the honour commission was take a leading role in increasing unable to enforce that policing, a the level of student academic the honour code, a %&year tradiBALTIMORE [ISIS) - Students integrity on the Homewood camtion of student-regulated acaand faculty at Johns Hopkins pus, and David Hannan, underdemic integrity, was abolished. University are facing an ethics graduate academic ethics board That system today is coming crisis on their campus, chairman, admits that “cheating under fire for the same reasons According to student council goes on here daily and we’re not that brought down its predecesmember Lora Sims, “there’s an catching it”. sor, and students, faculty and ethics crisis on campus right Thirteen years ago, amidst ah . administration alike are asking now.” atmosphere of “intense academic themselves: Have we learned A large portion of the univercompetition” and widespread anything since 1875? Is there a sity agrees with her. feelings that students were place for ethics at Johns Hopkins? The proctored exam system, when implemented, was Run Your Own Business Next Summer intended to be only a temporary solution to the ethics problem at l Average net summer earnings for 1986 the time. It closely paralleled the managers is $10,700 honour code it replaced, with the l Manager information session: Wed. Nov. 18, exception that enforcement was at Needles Hall, 12:30 - 2:30 pm., RM.4021 no longer left entirely to the students and was designed to revert back to an honour system when circumstances permitted. Drop by any time .But the undergraduate situa(no experience necessary) tion is hardly today than it was 13 years ago. Cheating remains widespread at Homewood, and the ethics board is viewed as
inefficient at dealing with it. “Sadly, I don’t think we’re very effective,” admits Hannan on the performance of the board, which suffers from the same anonymity as its ill-fated ancestor, the honour commission. “I would say that about 15 per cent of all cheating cases are caught, and the ones that come before us are really blatant.” Often, students aren’t aware that they are cheating, says Hannan. Apart from obvious cheating looking at another student’s exam, or plagiarizing material for a paper - using tests that are not on reserve in the library, or studying from old blue books or papers, “anything rthat gives you an unfair advantage over another student,” con!3fitutes cheating, Hannan explains. Only one case of cheating has been detected since September, and a scant 15 to 20 are reported per year. The most cursory glance around the library or an intro Chemistry lab will reveal more than 15 or 20 students
In the system that replaced the honour code, responsibility for the conduct of exams was placed with individual faculty members, while students would be responsible for making the faculty aware of cheating. “The problem with the honour system is the unwillingness to turn in cheattirs,” said the chairman of the panel charged with evaluating the original honour code. “This poses a conflict to students - loyalty to their fellow student and loyalty to the honour system. “But certainly there is no conflict in simply telling a professor that there is a cheating problem,” he added. Shifting partial responsibility to the faculty for enforcing student ethics, however, has done little to alleviate the problem. Most students are unwilling report cheating to a professor, and the bulk of cheating, borrowing a friend’s old test, etc., occurs outside of the classroom, away from faculty control. Many students feel that the faculty is also partly responsible for the atmosphere of “intense academic competition” at Hopkins which fosters cheating. “You’re graded on what you get, not how you got it,” comments Hannan. Grading curves are also blamed for pressuring students into comparing themselves with other students and into cheating as a means of getting ahead. “Curves breed competition,” Hannan remarks. A consensus is emerging that undergraduate attitudes concerning cheating -that cheating is expected and tolerated - must be addressed before an honour code can be brought into effect. Hannan is optimistic, however, that “we can implement an effective honour system here in the coming years.” Hannan said he would like to see a process “where students are aware of the ethics board and the honour system here from the time they apply.” This process should be reinforced by orientation, he adds. “The advantages of an honour code would be numerous,” states the Human Climate Task Force Report, pointing out that while honour at Hopkins depends on undergraduates, active discussion of the honour code may help change those attitudes for the better, A student honour system would be a “point of pride” for students+ the report continues, much as orientation and spring fair are. However, everyone agrees that students must take an active role.
Second Alternative Education: A Forgotten Tradition?, the second of a four-part lecture series presented by Independent Studies and the Teachers Resource Office, is scheduled for November 19 at 8 p.m. in ESI room 350. Dormer Ellis of the department of adult education, Ontario tnstitute for Studies in Education, will lecture on the topic Educating a Growing Minority: Canadian Women Engineers. A question period will follow the lecture. uestions, If you have any contact Howard Woo ! house at Independent Studies, ext. 2345.
After a la-year dry spell, the Laurier Golden Hawks have once again claimed the Yates Cup. In exciting football action at Seagram Stadium last Saturday, Laurier defeated the Guelph Gryphons. Guelph upset Western the week before to get to the Hawks. Laurier is up against UBC this weekend. In the east, McGill is squaring off against St. Mary’s University. Imprint sportwriters predict UBC and McGill a8 the teams to advance to the Vanier Cup. York
Strikes on campuses are in the news again. York security officers have rejected the latest administration proposal. Better benefits and increased wages are at issue. University
of Winnipeg
The U of W of the West may soon upgrade its now one-faculty-status. The Faculty of Applied Studies may be added to the Faculty of Arts and Science. The reason for a new faculty is to make up for limitations in the other faculties. Queen’s
Homecoming at Queen’s is still in the limelight since this year’s event was especially marred by destructive street parties. Alumni have been giving negative feedback to the university. There is a feeling on the part of Queen’s alumni that “students and administration are not doing enough to ensure that the good name of the school is not damaged across the country,” says a university official quoted in the Queen’s lournal. The University
of Manitoba
The Meech Lake Accord debate came to Manitoba as a forum was held at U of M. According to the Manitoban, the student newspaper on campus, the accord was attacked as a “flawed document whose implementation is a backward step for the West and contrary to federalism.” University
of British
The opening of a chair in Punjab and Sikh studies at UBC has indirectly caused a boycott by Sikhs on campus. After Sikhs learned ihat an invitation had been extended to the Indian Consul-general for the dinner to officially open the chair, the Sikhs took offense and began their boycott. The protest stems from the lack of support the Indian consul gave to the chair’s establishment.
This event was apart of the Golden Bulldozer Challenge. (above) is competing in a pumpkin under-over game.
This aspect for the championships is in the true spirit of impromptu speaking. Each person will choose a topic from a hat and immediately speak on that topic for five minutes. On November 15, the final round of debate and public speaking will take place in the Conrad Grebel Great Hall at 3:30 p.m. This will determine the champions of both categories.
“Christian Faith and Human Rights” is the title of the 1987 Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the university, to be held at the University of Waterloo’s Theatre of the Arts at 8 p.m. November 17 and 18. Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, dean and professor of jurisprudence at the Simon Greenleaf School of Law, will give two public lectures Tuesday’s lecture, entitled “The Human Rights Dilemma”, will
Spectators are more than welcome to come in and watch this event, and admission is free. Anyone who is interested in watching or judging any of the debates should simply drop in at EL 112 at one of the following times: Fri. Nov. 13 at 3:30 p.m., Sat. Nov. 14 at 8:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m, or Sun. Nov. 15 at 9:30 a.m. No expertise is needed for judging,
explore the twin issued of th, existence of human rights and a motivation for enforcing them. On Wednesday evening, Montgomery will describe “A Christian Response” to the questions identified during his first lecture. Mongomery is an expert in several different academic disciplines. His interests range from owning antique Citroen automobiles to gastronomy and travel. He describes himself as one who, “like C.S. Lewis - one of my greatest heroes -, was literally dragged kicking and screaming into the Kingdom by the weight of evidence for Christian truth”. Among his many accomplishments, Montgomery has participated in several historic public
debates with well-known individuals, including Bishop James Pike and situation-ethicist Joseph Fletcher. His recent writings include Human Rights and Human Dignity, and History and Christianity. Montgomery’s lectures will be the ninth in the series on Christianity and the university. The Pascal Lectures were established by members ,of the University of Waterloo to create a forum for Christian issues in an academic environment. Past speakers have included the renowned British jo*urnalist Malcolm Muggeridge, who inaugurated the lectures in 1978, and Madeleine L’Engle, author of A Wrinkle in Time, who spoke in 1984.
Grad Comm ‘88 Presents ...
STUDENT ACCOMMODATION Live On Campus During The Winter Term 1988
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The fees include twenty-one meals a week, full maid service, obvious social benefits as well as close proximity to the academic areas of the campus. Application forms may be obtained from the Housing Officg, Village 1, or: Director of Housing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2t 3Gl.
SPRING Village spring Village
Pascal lectures taking off
UW hosts debating tourney This weekend the UW House of Debates club will be hosting the 1987-88 Canadian National Debating Championships. Sixty teams from across Canada will be participating in this event, which will determine the university debating champions. This is the first time the University of Waterloo has held the Nationals. Our location in Central Canada has attracted schools from coast to coast, and this tournament is by far, the largest in recent memory. The debating itself will take place on campus from November 13 to November 15. The debates are all in the parliamentary style, which means the debates mimic that of the House of Commons. A “Speaker of the House” presides over all proceedings and presents the teams with resolutions to be debated. The Government team, which argues the affirmative, consists of the “Prime Minister” and the “Minister of the Crown”, and must define what the resolution means. The opposing team, or Opposition, consisting of a “member” and “leader of the Opposition”, argues against the Government. The winners are determined by a panel of judges. One of the most interesting facets of debating is to see how the Government team interprets the definition of a resolution. It is a rare occurrence when different teams define a, resolution in the same way, and imaginative and twisted definitions often occur. Debaters will also participate in a public-speaking category.
The planning
I single rooms are now renting for the term. Please inquire at Housing Office, I or phone 884-0544 or local 3705.
Village raffle prize winners 1st Prize
return airfair for two to Ternpa, Florida donated by Wardair Eaton’s lravel Brooks Campbell, South C, ViJJa$e JJ
2nd Prize
40 piece
set donated Ed Brauch,
3rd Prize
74 inch
The United Way reached of $5O,ooo.
their fund-raising
Winter schedules Winter schedules for full-time undergraduate students returning .n the January to April term will be distributed according to the iollowing schedule beginning November 13 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Arts - ALH
(foyer] -
Engineering: All first year (except chemical) - CPH (room Systems Design - E2 (room 3301) Electrical - E2 (room 3307A) Mechanical - E2 (room 2328) Civil - E2 (room 2333) Chemical - El (room 2513) Geological - ESC (room 311)
Health Studies, museum) Dance - ECH Math
and Recreation
All others
ESC (room
certificate Jerome
- BMH (foyer
by games
Jon Dellandrea, vice-president (university development), said the ADF fulfills an important function within the total development plans of the university. “The University of Waterloo’s reputaiion has been built on its , spirit of innovation and its camtiitment to protecting an aca- I demic climate in which good ideas have an opportunity for development,” Dellandrea said. “Without the flexibility provided by the supporters of the Academic Development Fund, the university’s ability to fund innovation would be severely hampered. We also believe that the ultimate beneficiaries of Waterloo’s teaching and research activities will be Canadian business and industry and _ society in general,” he said. The ADF report, compiled by Tom Brzustowski, former vicepresident academic, notes that while the support given to the 20 programs and projects through ADF was relatively slight, less than one fifth of one perscent of the university budget - this amount “is exerting tremendous leverage because the faculty and staff at Waterloo are generally prepared ti innovate and to take on new challenges as overload, if some help can be provided with the direct costs of the new activities.: “What the list does not show is the large number of good proposals what could not be funded because money was lacking in the ADF. “The university has been committed for a long time to the principle of the ADF and to maintaining that fund large enough to have a strategic impact. It remains committed to both. . . . “As a result, the University has made the ADF the focus of its appeal to many organizations and individuals. Their contributions combine into a fund which has the potential to have a major influence on the quality and direction of the University of Waterloo.”
donated NenteJ,
by Rentacolour Victury
by the
7 779
TV Rentals Pickering Gallery Cr., Utta wa
CFS ; vote results Continued
Students registered with St. Jerome’s and Renison may pick up their winter schiZdules at the colleges. Schedules for part-time students and co-op students returning to classes after a fall work-term will be mailed. Students may register for the winter term by paying their fees at the Needles Hall cashier’s office.
from page 1
These are the final results of the referendum, broken down by polling area: (Figures shown are percentages of “no”/“yes”/voter turnout) 58.3l41.2l8.1 Arts . ..*.,*.....,*....*.~.~...~~.~,..,~.,**..... 48.8/45.7/15.9 Env, Studies ..,*......*,*.......,..~~,..**..~*. 65.3/34.1/18.8 Engineering . . . ..~.*.......*~*...*..*,*.....*~,. 62.7/35,6/13.3 HKLS .,***....,...*...,..............****.,.,* 66.7/33.3/4.9 Ind. Studies l .I.....I..*...****~.,......**,~...* 68.0/31,3/21.2 Math . . . . ..**......*.*.*..........**.*...,,.... 69.6/30.4/19.2 l ,~,**..,.*,*...~**..***,......,..**. Optometry 55.6/44,4/+.1 .~L.....*~~..~*..~*,.......,*.*,...~.*.* Renison 56.6/42.1/12.3 St. Jerome’s . ..~.*.~.**,*..,~~~*~~,,*~,,,.....,* 62.9/36.l/ll*I Science l .*.~*~..,..,,..**~..,**~.........***.*., 66.9/31.7/16.~ .~.*.*.....~*..*.,.,*,*~.,~......***~.. Mail-out
Science: Optometry
A total of $239,203 has been and Centre for Society, Technolallocated through the Academic ogy and Values. Development Fund (ADF] to 20 The ADF has helped support a new or ongoing programs at the variety of academic ventures, University of Waterloo in 1986including scholarly journals 07. which remain an important part The ADF was instituted in the of the intellectual work of the late 1960s and soon became a university. major force in promoting innoA sum of $239,203 was availavation and renewal at Waterloo. ble for allocation in 1986-87, For example, the ADF brought . most of it on a one-time basis. the first numerical-control More than $100,000 of that machine -tool for manufacturing amount came from the private research to UW, the first microsector - donations from outside computer labs in the early 19808, the university. Typically, these and helped establish such prowere donations by businesses in grams as the Rome program in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, the School of Architecture and contacted, and in most cases gave assistance to the start-up of visited, by Cathie Jenkins of the the Institute for Risk Research development office.
Env. Studies
Royal Dodton
Erb St. W., Waterloo
Tom BiJaJis,
4th Prize
Directors _ Needed for: 0 Ottawa l Montreal l Calgary . l Toronto
contact Craig Martr’n at 88549U6, the federation Office (CC2351
or leave a message - 888442
+ National Columnist, Globe & Mail l Panelist, CBC Sunday Report
From Daie:
Number Time: 730
Place: Humanities Presented -by: Education
The&e Commkskm, Federatbn of Students Tickets: $4.00 Feds, $6.00 Non-Feds
at CC 235
or at the door
PHONE.:. LOOK. LISTEN. 1 3 Ways to Keep lhforzned
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Bawd of Communkationrr
weathermen rock: McCormack tight-lipped. by Bridg& Mokmsy and Stephnaia Kuxdorf Imprint staff Guelph-Erased band the weathermen were the main attraction November 5 upstairs at the Huether Hate1 [formerly the Kent). The event, sponsored .by St. Jerome’s College and the English Society, was to have seen St. ferome’s prof and acclaimed writer Eric McCormack give a reading as well, but, unfortunately, he disappointed his fans when he just dropped in without reading. St. Jerome’s own infamous Stan Fogel hosted the event and suggested an “Eric McCortiack read-alike contest”, for which there were no takers [guess he’s just irreplaceable]. It was a successful evening that began with a local musici‘an/writer, The Beggar (lead singer of Torso Column) who was AL- -.-----I 11!--I -!- -1 me warm-up __- acr. ms ormnar compositions were difficult to understand and he was not very well received by the crowd, One of his works, performed in a hard-core Neil Young style, was a down-home Nor& American tragedy “about a guy who shouldn’t be doing what he does”; a “fuckhead” who works
for a guy he doesn’t like and who’s guiag to get money from.a loan and “fuck.off on his family.” Another of his works contained the advice that “large dogs need real meat”, which led one member of the audience to remark, “I hate-starving artists.” At around 1~0, the weathermen appeared on stage to a large, enthusiastic crowd. This prom-, ising local talent is comprised of UW’s own Seth Matson, lead singer/guitarist, and guitarist Ian Grant, and U of Guelph’s rhythm combo, bassist Doug Watt and drummer Marty C&s. The strong, emotional vocals by Matson were somewhat drowned out at times by powerful bass guitar and drums and most of their songs tend to sound rather similar, Nevertheless+ their rhythmic guitar-pop sound packed1 the dahce floor of the tion goes out to an&identified UW iathie who writhed around in appreciative orgasmic spasms, and could knit while dancing). The ;;kathermen’s recently Peleased first vinyl, an eight-song independent album, is available in the CC Record Store. d-*31
_ -!
How~~cool can one bandbe by Robert Cllmmin;i’ Imprint staff
Cool. Nothing but extreme cool. That may be all that may need to be said about this concert. Imagine a roaring crowd scr_eaming at the top of their lungs as the musicians creep silently onto the completely dark stage and suddenly a light goes on behind Dana Key and he belts out an a cappella version of Casual Christian in the way only he can. Then the concert begins. The audience was completely won over. The only question left for the remainder of the night was whether the band could get any more cool - and they did. Ed DeGarmo and Dana Key met in high-school and were in a number of garage bands together at that time. After high-school they joined a bafid named Globe and were even offered a recording contract. However, at this time, they both became Christians and soon left the group. They then formed a Christian band, called The Christian Band,
concert this next album, D&K which they soon discovered was promises to be even more rocktoo Christian for rockers and too rock for Christians. Fortunately, - oriented. The most interesting thing about the upcoming rel a number of years later they lease is the unique way the tried again and this time stuck it ca;ssettes are to be packaged. The through, calling themselves, surcassettes will come two to a prisingly, DeGarmo 8 Key. They’ve been in the business package for the same price as -ever since having put out eight or one. The reason for this says a lot for their motivation for being in nine albums to this date. They the Christian music industry in didn’t really hit it big until they that they are hoping that people released their Communication buying the cassettes will give album a few years back. their extra tape to someone who They have been one of the otherwise would not listen to most popular Christians bands their music. . ever since. According to CMP By the end of the concert No(Christian Music Productions, vember 7 everyone was exthe company that has been puthausted but happy. Dana Key ting on these concerts) only didn’t lay on a guilt trip as some Petra is as popular in Canada, Christian artists are noted for based on thi number of times but instead laid-out his message people have requested to see very simply and sincerely, being them in concert in the questionvery careful to not let the emonaires handed out at every contion of the moment or his own cert. Their most recent studio personal charisma sway people. album, Streetlight, is one of the Still a number of people came gutsiest albums released by a forward at the altar call. non-metal Christian band in reI’ve been to a number of concerts, both secular and religious, cent years, and by far this was the best of From the selections of their all. It WQS an incredible concert. uDcominn release done in the
Chief Eddy the Woodoo
Clearwater Lounge
played to enthusiastic last Thursday to Saturday.
. Got a big, gaping space so fill this week, but that’s just fine with us because we Imprint Arts swine are simply overrun with pleasant things to do for the coming week that we’re just dying to share with you, especially (since the Arts Section is almost totally devoid of gratuitously sexist comments this week) if you happen to be a slinky, unattached (or attached, what the hell, we‘re not picky] nubile. (No, we have no shame.) Topping our list tonight are Exeter, Ont. country-thrashing good ole boys UIC who‘ll shiver the timbers along with local speed-folk combo Tba Waiting Room downstairs at the City Hotel in yet another Upside Down Productions presentation (watch for UDP to bring the werthermsa back to these parts in the new year). Tonight and tomorrow also have some San Fran cat named Ron “Quick“ Thompa-on at The Hoodoo Lounge. Don‘t know anything about this dude, but he‘s presented by the Southern Ontario Blues Association and we‘re not about to quibble with their night with T.O. taste. And blues and rootsy spirits are even gonna toughen u Club Fed Seturda blues and rocka i illy fave Paul James. This one‘s sold out, t K ough, so forget un 1ess you already have a ticket or happen to know the bnuncers. And if that‘s not up your alley, maybe Conrad Grebel’s Homecoming Choral Concert Saturday at 8:00 or the K-W Chamber Music Society3 Sunday night presentation of The Krhghoff Quertst at 57 Young St. W. in Waterloo are more your speed. Tuesday night is the gala opening night extravaganza of UW‘s DramaDept’s prqduction of C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrob. You probably know half the cast and you have until Saturday to catch them at the Theatre of the Arts. Things are gonna rock at Lulu’s Wednesday with none other than The Genius Iitry Ghdeml If you‘ve got the bills, skip your night classes for this ail-too-rare chance to see once of popular music‘s greatest legends. Ceatre-in-the-Square is also active Wednesday with the beginning of a five-day run of The King And I (presumably you know something about this one], and earlier in the day, at $30 to be exact, in St. Jerome‘s Common Room, native Indian playwright To-n I%@hwav will read from his works, including the acclaimed Thr Raz Maters. Eric McCormack sez this guy’s fab, so you’d be well advised to get off your butt and over there. And if your ears are still craving more of the written word, the Arts Lecture Series continues Thursday night at Theatre of the Arts with readings by UW Fine Arts Professor Virgii Burnett and local writer Jw umti
THIRD CINEMA Love B~Wd...h Pot Ghana ISMO dir. Kwaw Ans& t
African ,
Yellow Earth China 2985 dir. Chen Kaige by John Hymera Imprint staff
by John Maeon Imprint staff
Love Brewed is an award winning, love story caught in a large cultural predicament. Set in the Ghanaian capital Accra, the Appiah family. typifies the middle class. They are doing their utmost to maintain the society standards set by the departed British. Aba, the eldest daughfer, returns from university to fulfill the aspirations of -her parents by marrying the lawyer son of a local politician. Accidently she meets Joe, a mechanic, and they fall in love. The A piah’s are shattered when A lza states her intention to marry Joe. Her father is insulted when the elders of Joe’s family bring a gift of moonshine instead of the proper imported schnapps. Conflict between African traditions and colonialist cultures are the focus of this film, Beginning as a satire, it shifts smoothly into comedy and then veers toward melodrama. Director Kwah Ansah takes a biased look at Africans who neglect their heritage and adopt the manners of the former colonial masters. “It is not part of our roots”, says Ansah. He entwines voodoo scenes into the film that keep ancient tales of sorcery alive for his audience. This film is a fine example of the progress that has been made in African cinematography. -_ -
by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff It took Brazilian director Suzana Amaral close to 20 years to make her first feature film after raising a large family and graduating from New York University - a classmate of Jim (Stranger Than Paradise, Down By Law) Jarmusch. It would be understating things to say that it’s been worth the wait, though, judging from the numerous international awards it has won and the reception a nearly full Princess Cinema gave its Saturday night screening which the director attended. That the movie can keep your interest over its entire 95 minutes, let alone hold you rapt in its grasp, is rather an extraordinary accomplishment: the idea of an anti-hero is nothing new, but Hour of the Star’s protagonist, Macabea, is an anti-character. And there are maybe five minutes over the whole course of the film where she is not command-
ing the screen of presence.
her very
is a wisp bf a
character, passive and unassertive to the point of almost being nonexistent. Even her reactions barely register - the criticisms from her boss, the endless tirades of abuse hurled at her by her exasperated boyfriend, OIympico,
the condescend-
ing insults from her sexpot coworker, Gloria, have no impact on her. The mystery deepens when you consider that she is employed as a typist although she can’t type and you have to wonder whether she’s somewhat
as her typing
seems to
The basic plot: a communist soldier visits a backward village to collect folk songs which will then be taught to soldiers after the lyrics have been changed to patriotic fighting words. He meets a young girl who fears marriage more than anything else and who admires him to no ends. The time: 1939. Was the movie worth it?: no. Made in China, the movie was, in part, a justification of the Mama, I‘m Crying dir. Betty Wolper by Trevor Blair Imprint staff Suprise festival film was in fact two films, The first, a documentary on the abominable conditions in Sout+ African work camps, was realistic to the point of disgusting. Conditions in the form of rampant malnutrition, overcrowdand family separation, ing, coupled with social problems such as the lack of opportunity for black advancement in the work force, presented a horrifying and unavoidably disturbing picture of humanity under white rule. Major companies in SApay blacks pitiful wages, exploiting those with no power to strike back. These very companies and their domestic counterparts
could never get away with their social crimes in our country, and they know it. The film relied heavily on statistics: during the hour it took to watch the documentary, 30 SA children died of malnutrition. A handful of popcorn suddenly tasted iike thumbtacks, and coke tore the lining of my throat. Depressing, disturbing and ultimately annoying, this film demanded attention, inflaming those comfortable enough to simply look away. The main film Mama I’m Crying played effectively off of the anger generated by the documentary. Loosely based on the recollections of a white SA and her former -servant, the plot strayed off to examine the attitudes of the young toward the existing system. Violence is apparently the .only alternative the black youth of SA feel they have. They have long since lost their fear of death, and insist it is far more important to fight for
worsen instead of improve. It would probably be oversimplifying things to say that Macabea has the mind of a child, but the workings of her mind are confounding. She should be miserable, making less than minimum wage and living in a desolate squa’lor focussed upon with scrutinous detail by Amaral in a one-room apartment she shares with three other women. She has the -same dreams as a normal 19-year-old woman, fantasizing about love, marriage, and being a glamourous movie star, but she’s unattractive to put it charitably, and true to her-passivity, only near the end does she experiment with makeup and clothes more flattering than her positively drab attire. But she’s almost maddeningly happy in spite of herself. She glories in taking strolls through the park with a boyfriend who’s indifferent at best. She amuses herself by riding the subway and, without the barest hint of irony in her voice, she sums herself up happily and accurately: “I’m a typist, I’m a virgin, and I like Coca-Cola.” Amaral could haye very easily turned Macabea into a martyr, preyed upon and exploited because of her simplicity, or into an angel with a redemptive innocence. But instead, she makes Macabea a tatal ambiguity, a character with dreams, but no apparent desires; looking for happiness, but devoid of passions (which isn’t, to further complicate things, to call her emotionless). Like Betty Blue’s heroine, she is an elusive, vexing
wrestles with the viewer’s mind in a compulsive search for unders t anding. A brief question and answer session with Amaral ensued after the screening, a sampling of which follows, Could you tell us something about the book your film was adapted from? Hour of the Star was written by a Brazilian writer, Clarice Lispector, who is considered to be a sort of Brazilian Joyce. Yes, she writes in a stream of consciousness style. I was attracted to this book because the main character is actually an anticharacter. She’s not an active character, but she’s one I can appreciate. What about the references to the north of Brazil? Macabea is from’the north the northerners in Brazil are sort of refugees. It’s a very undeveloped area still, but they are real outsiders in the south, culturally outside. How did you choose Marcelia Cartaxo for the lead role? (Among other awards, Cartaxo won the Silver Bear at The Berlin Film Festival for Best Actress.) I didn’t want anyone recognizable for the part and it just happened that Marcelia was part of a theatre troupe that toured the south. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was right for the part. How successful was the film
in Brazil? It was quite a success, it played there for two or three months. Actually, it was a lot more successful than I thought it would be, especially since it was made for less than $200,000 and in less than four weeks.
communist revolution. Yellow Earth attempted to show what pre-communist rural China was like. The movie dealt with typical revolutionary topics like famine, draught, and social organization, but it dwelled primarily on pre-arranged marriage. The movie starts off with a marriage and ends with Ciu Qiao, the film’s heroine, running away from her marriage, Thus, the film seems to state that the main concern of the Chinese communist revolution was Marriage. The movie lacked substance; it failed to hold my attention. Sure, it had imagery, but a movie dependent on imagery should break new ground lest it become a boring re-hash of over-used images. Yellow Earth fell into this trap.
freedom than to accept their lot. I don’t plan to ever live in South Africa, for the sight of black youths chanting Kill the White Man, is more than ample
warning to Steer clear or this social furnace, I will follow future SA news with cautious
nia, Burkina Faso, and Benin are all examined extremely closely in this film. Vietnamese director Trinh T. Minh-ha challenges many conventional assumptions about the anthropological documentary. With techniques such as blurred focus, sudden camera jumps, incomplete pan shots and unusual editing, she disputes established met hods. With the oft repeated “Is it truth, is it fact”, the narration is open-ended, leaving the viewer questioning. For the filmanthropology. student and those interested in the West African people, this was a highly informative film, not to be missed.
dir. Trinh
Is Round
T. Minh-ha
by John Mason Imprint staff “Step into the heart of your ancestors, your traditions may weaken but they can never fail.” Dogan proverb (Mali) This highly controversial, anthropological documentary takes a new slant in analyzing music, dance, form, colour, architecture, position, and ornaments in traditional West African cultures. Senegal, Maii, Togo, Maurita-
1ac.k of presence
slightly oafish husband who would also like to be rich and modernized, but since that would take more’work, he’s content to live the simple, but hard life of a peasant and partake of the homely pleasures of his pipe and playing with his nephew, the son he longs for. Their rustic, but fairly idyllic existence is disrupted by Hehe’s abandonment of his wife, Quirong, and son as he turns his back on the traditional peasant life in favour of ill.-concerved entrepreneurial pursuits like farming silkworms - he finally hits it big in the flying squirrel dropping business. Only the stoic Quirong escapes Xueshu’s satiric eye. Faced with having to provide for herself and her infant son, all she can worry about is trying to eke out a living.
Wild Mountains China 1985 dir. Yan Xueshu by Chris Wodskau Imprint staff Wild Mountains took home an armful at the 6th Annual Golden Rooster Awards - China’s equivalent to Thr %cq.r~, and Saturday’s showrirh i’he Princess left little mystery as to why. A visually sumptuous film with wryly satiric strokes continually smirking through the cinematic austerity and beauty+ Wild Mountains is something of a landmark in Chinese cinema, Whi,le much at te:ltion has been paid to the so-ca!led Fifth Generation of Chinese t’i Iimakers and their emphasis xi visual style and images, diwr;tor and cos<:reenwriteib Yan Xueshu, who actually predat i?!l this moveInent, seems to laire opened up new doors For. c .I\ nese cinema. MI jiaging’s r;Ittb!!iatography is II *t$athtaki:.I;; a. iakingvasl, sweeping s-;tk!.. +he sornnre, KIW landscqe c)’ il:le mounlain0~5, terrac:‘(1 nort !iern proviflce CJI.’ S haanx : lio+L;;Lver, Xueshu infuses an l: emwt of earthiness ilad ribaldr j ant <I i he traditionally straigplt-fai:e of Chmese Kim, using qags about sex, outhouses, ant: defrtcating in pigsties that like Mr?l Brooks might find provoc;rtive. In short. Wr:d Mountirins takes liberties with China’s new openness; simultaneously satirical of the revered old traditions, and China’s current flirtation with capitalism, all within the framework rlf a s;t~rf of marriage swap. Guilan i:* (III ambitious? upwardly mob& hut infertii+?Y peasant farmer’s wrfc Huihjli is her lovab; ) : :: ~-ga-lr.~ck~~~
The Unuwsity
Huihui’s gentle buffoonery provides much of the humour, but his lack of motivation and his refusal to bend to changing times are not excused. And Hehe and Guilan may have found the wealth and modernity they sought, but at the price 0: hrr?aking up their families. Xucshu makes these points, but doesn’t dwell
.Mountains a compassion;t> f fi , that would rather pokr 1’. . ,?t t .* : fensions caused by tir= -. I em:*’ ,726 .;I! dt modernizing a Ian6 . tradition and laugh ,, rhe delicate situations drrslng in the comedy of manners played out hy Huihui and the emancipated Guilan.
Las Madres: The Mothers Of The Plaza de Mayo Argentina/USA 1985 dir. Susan0 Munoz and Lourdes Portillo by Ttevor Blair Imprint staff A fine Argentine film called Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo played to a tiny audience in a repeat performance at the Arts Lecture Hall last Sunday. Thirty thousand alleged sub*versives were kidnapped by the Argentine military governinent in 1976. After the suspention of all constitutional rights, the resultant state of martial law in Argentina was supposed to terrorize any government resistance. The yictims of this terror campaign were from all walks of I life, many of them students. The mothers of the disappeared began to assemble in the Plaza de Mayo and have done so every Thursday, insisting the criminal government and its underlings are brought to justice. The film presented the mothers in their hopelessness: walking about the plaza crying and begging for knowledge. The double talk of the military dictators, proclaiming their policies and declaring authority for the “extermination of all subversives”
tion would be taken. 1 honestly knew nothing ab rut this situation prior to watcb.ng this film, True, I was a wee ci: dd when this occurred, but I cannot think of the number of times \re heard someone say, “We musl :emember what happened in he Nazi death camps to ensure ~lis will never happen again,” E urw could the world have just st .f)d by and let 30,000 people diF -ppear? A civilian president gaiiked power in ‘83, and since the se pn main military leaders have h aen tried in court. The henchr-:en who actually disposed of the ‘IOfiI;h however, remain unp Ina ,
Don’t just think about it DO IT! ’ Imprint Arts
Xueshu’s film is a rich and vastly entertaining 100 minutes of celluloid that still leaves it imprint on your mind long after the gum has hardened under the seat - a combination that after seventy-odd years of existence Hollywood still does well to capture.
of Wat:erioo Drama Apartment
sharply contrasted the humanity of the mothers. A defector from the military revealed the methods of disposing of the bodies. *‘Open door” flights of American planes were conducted over the ocean. Bodies would simply be thrown out and left to disappear forever beneath the waves. Ovens were used to incinerate the flesh of these perceived enemies. Bodies would often have to be cut up to accommodate the small furnaces. Newborn children of the subversives were given away to military families. Military officers, having any problems with their neighbours would simply reveal them as subversives and appropriate ac-
C.S. Lewis’ THE
LION, Director: Nov.
Judy Silver
Music Director:
_ Special Preview Presentation: 17, 1987 at the Humanities Theatre
WARDROBE Jeff King at 7
Tickets available at the Humanities Box Office Students and Adults $3.00 Special Group Rates: $2.00 each for groups of IO or more. ke WilIiums will lead udience in singing ’ traditional Christmas to start the evening.
Wednesdij,2December& YIlxaxhy,3December 890 p.m.,Hurnanilies Theatre $17.00 ($15.00 stu/sen)
Tickets available at the Humanities Theatre BOX Office
(885-4280) and all other’BASS outlets.
Camera d’Afrique: Twenty Years Of African Cinema France/Tunis 1983 dir. Ferid Boughedir by John Mason Imprint staff Film clips and interview segments, with the most innovative figures in African cinema, were blended to give a fascinating account of 20 years in African cinematography.
the colonization of the African mind by the western media. Problems have cluttered their path but the film industry in Africa has become a conscience. Honesty has prevailed even when censorship has disallowed films to be screened in their homelands. Governments have become heavily involved in funding and attempts to manipulate for propaganda purposes abound. The battle of African cinema for Africans is not over but the future looks bright!
masking white in the assimilation of the ex-patriot Chinese in London. Hong Kong 1984 * The movie exhibits the tradidir.Po-Chick Leong tional dark humour of Hong Kong cinema that focuses on the exploit ation of physical handicby Chris Kemp aps such as size and weight. InImprint staff spector Yip plays the role of the The Princess Cinema was the quiet-spoken banana cop. He scene November 5 of the screenfalls for much of Ping Pong Ball’s (in the Eddie Murphy role) sob ing of Banana Cop. Comedy and stories and is in turn given the action were combined in a sucslip on a number of occasions. cessful adaptation of HollyPing Pong Ball, a hunchback, wood’s 48 Hours. Hong Kong wimpy character surpasses Eddirector PO-Chick Leo&s title die’s slyness. PO-Chick experialludes to Franz Fanaon’s neocolonial notion of black skin ments with distracted, Banana
With traditional control of the African film market by western companies, African directors initially’ had very little funding and support I Directors saw locally produced films as tools for blending the many cultures and languages into national identities. They wished to question habits established during colonial times I Habits which were not African in origin. By seeing themselves in film, they believed they could preserve their identity and reversch short-lived experiences of love that the two main characters wander into. Set to a London, England, landscape+ many of this city’s idiosyncrasies are portrayed. Circling doubledeckers, flocks of birds in Trafalger Square, a labyrinthsubway, street entertainers, and the ugly statue are but a few of London’s charms that characterize the movie. A chase scene is comically set to the Chariots of Fire theme, The movie left me satisfied that a new dimension is being added to the cinema of today.
s t8r80
cable 105.7
Top Ten for Oct. 31 -
6 1. 54.40..
.................................... Show Me (WEA) 3 2. Alien Sex Fiend ................ Here cum Germs (Anagram) - 3, Various artists ........... Secret Policeman’s Ball 3 (Virgin) - 4. Sting ....... .................... Nothing like the Sun [A&M) - 5. Jesus & Mary Chain ............. .......... Darklands (WEA) - 6. Sons of the Desert . . ......................... 33 45 (Dessert] - 7. The Gruesomes ........................ Gruesomemania (Og] 19 8. Housemartins The People who grinned ... (MCAj ........... 13 9, The Grapes of Wrath ................. Treehouse (Nettwerk) 29 10. The Weathermen ................. ............ Debut (WX) Top New
1. Jane Siberry ........................ 2. The Gruesomes ......................... artists Secret
3. Various
..Th e Walking (Duke St.] Gruesomemania [Og] Poticeman’s Qll . 3 (Virgin] .-
Tune in Friday the 13th at 7-10 p.m. for the scariest radio on the planet. Also the debut of Texas Radio. Saturday night on In Concert the Eric Stach Unit live at the K-W Jazzfest. Coming Friday Novem-ber 20 “Home of the Brave” at the Princess Cinema. The sights, the sounds, the experience! A 10th Annivereary event!
Perfu med Nightmare by Peter Dedes Imprint staff The Princess Cinema played host to Perfumed Nightmare,a festival choice film from the Philippines. Set in the Philippines of the mid-‘7(ls, this film is the journey of the director, Kidlat Tahimik, in his eventual understanding of American culture and the ideals of the country of his dreams. Perfumed Nightmare also makes commentary on American involvement in the Philippines and the unreasonable dreams that the benefactors have installed into the natives. The theme of the journey into enlightenment is first explored in the symbolism of bridges. The most important bridge in Kidlat’s life is the bridge which connects his village to the city. The narrow stone bridge is the way out for Kidlat. It permits the passage of small vehicles and restricts the traffic of larger vehicles. Crossing this bridge are children playing, political leaders preaching conformity and contestants in the Miss LJniverse pageant. The bridge takes part in the final journey as a funeral procession crosses. This bridge is not enough. The Voice of America is the all pervasive foreign influence. Kidlat listens to the programs religiously and absorbs as much of America as he can. He is enthralled with visions of progress and space travel and becomes president of the Werner von Braun fan club, He dreams of going to America because, “in America I can become an astronaut, here I am only a jeepie driver.” Kidlat gets his chance
when he is invited to travel to America. First, though he must spend a year in France. In Paris, Kidlat sees bridges everywhere and believes he is in paradise. It is here that Kidlat meets Lola, an elderly egg vendor. Kidlat begins to be aware that there are some imperfections in the American way of life as one of the last merchants of the four seasons dies to make way for the supermarket, the vendor of synthetic eggs. His disillusion is complete: when it is time to fly to paradise, he leaves, finally in comprehension of the falsity of the American
Dream. This film brings to attention the psychological injustices that . the Filipino people have suffered as they try to juxtapose their culture with imported technologies and beliefs. The film certainly succeeds in conveying the emotion and outrage of Tahimik as he is witness to the exploitation : of I;is country by the Americans. J Clumsy use of sytibolism and artistry, however, detract from the almost documentary nature of Ttihimik’s intent. Ninety minutes of pseudo-artistry seems unjustified in the presentation of such important subject matter.
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Win Albums & Concert Tickets Beca’use You Party At MINGLES! Great Munchies - Wings - Popcorn DANCE - DANCE - DANCE ’ BE A WtNNER - COME EARLY & GET A SEAT Just
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ails ya!” -DH.
St. W. Kiichener
by Paul Done Imprint staff With one song, Eric B., Rakim and a crew of U.K. mixers have shown once gain just how boring and dismal are self-important losers like Sting, UZ, Bruce
by DJ Coldcut it has become seven minutes of stuttering found voice lunacy and, also, the year’s best single. Of course, it bears little resemblance, to the original song which has been included, for ease of comparison, on the B-side. Paid In Full has been reconstructed to such an extent that it almost seems ridiculous to credit it to Eric B. and Rakim. Opening u with a Mr. Science-type t K is is a journey into sound, Coldcut and pals manage to integrate samples from James Brown’s Funky
Best of 1987 Springsteen and their other superstar pals are. It’s so wonderfully ironic that ego-monsters like Sting consciously strive to be creative and conform to some illusory ideal of “art”. Meanwhile Eric B. and Rakim make no such claims and produce music which is miles ahead in terms of creativity, innovation and mastery of sonic texture. Fuck Sgt. Peppers’ babes, Eric B. and Rakim eat trash like that as an appetizer, Though the title track Paid in Full was only the fourth best song on Eric B. and Rakim’s debut LP, in the hands of British hip-hop remix psychopaths led
Drummer, Salt’n’Pepa’s Funky Drummer clone My Mike sounds Nice, Original Concept’s Pump That Bass, along with an Indian singer (Pandit Dinesh, I believe), and innumerable bits of dialogue from radio and TV shows into the slow, insistent reggae-ish groove of the original song. If that wasn’t enough, they even find room to include most of Rakim’s original rap. Though this is a million miles removed from any conventional conceptions of rap, it is nonetheless proof of hip-hop supremacy. Brilliant, unique and like I said before, the best single of 1987 so far.
Jane Sibbery
by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff Well, all right! Rejoice, all you Canadian Content programmers who’ve been starving away for some honest-to-goodness, necksnapping, back bacon rock, assuming, of course, that Bryan Adams and Helix don’t quite cut it in your definition of R ‘n’ R. At any rate, here come Montreal’s Gruesomes back with all guitars blazing on a second album guaranteed to whip the most mellow and reflective types into a moptopped frenzy. Their debut, Tyrants of Teen Trash, was plenty cool, but no way did it prepare me for this. It ain’t original, that’s for sure, but that’s not the point with garage-rock - it’s a genre that thrives on necrophilia and if you can rip off more cool riffs than anyone else, more power to you, And as a brain-broiling ’60s time-trip, well, maybe The Creeps’ debut album has Grusomania beat, but I don’t know if anything else does. Surf instrue mentals (Whirlpool), ’60s British skiffle-rock a la The Yardbirds and The Prett Things [Leave My Kitten A Tone), Psychotic Reaction spinoffs (Why Me), and the de rigeur grunge ‘n’ twang of garage-rock of the most bad-
‘assed variety - it’s all here, kids. They’re not opening up any new frontiers, of cor.lrse. but the gruesome foursome have learned how to play those instruments in the past few months - just dig that crazy riff in You Said Yeah and the heaven-sent guitar solos througho.ut the 14 smokin’ . tracks, But where Grusomania really .stomps all over the competition is in the intensity department something many garage revivalist s lose somewhere in all the fuzz, Bobby Beaton has never sounded more of a pissed-off, snotty brat, and Gerry Alvarez adds a lot more howling this time out, Their cover of “close friend” Bo Diddley’s I Can Tell, Time’s Gonna Come, and Way Down Befow, where Bobby’s larynx. damn near spontaneously combusts as he condemns the archetypal heartbreaking hussy to eternal hellfire, are all too whacked-out for words. And speaking of words, you might even get a kick out of the lyrics, clever reworkings of all the standard “I’m such a loser she’s such a bitch” cliches: “I feel like a heel cuz I got no wheels/ I ask girls out but they say ‘no deal+./ It doesn’t really matter that they all say no,/ I can’t take them out cuz I got no dough” Why Me. Kinda makes you wanna grow your hair long, but a whole set of mod threads, and trade in your Nissan for a Rickenbacker. But if you buy Grusomania, best dig out some shin guards, ‘cause this record kicks.
by Renate Sander-Regier Imprint staff
ing [And Constantly), “an endless shift of sifting through! the facts, the fey! you never know for sure.” You won’t know for sure either when you listen to this album, and you are not supposed to. * The fold-out lyrics sheet does help, though, in mentally co-ordinating the rhythm and words.
Jane Siberry’s latest album, The Walking, fits right into this time of year. Images of falling leaves, flying geese, and more frequently of snow and cold, combine with weighty electronic instrumentation to create an atmosphere of gloomy, mysterious earthiness. Enigmatic lyrics abound. Jane sings, in the title cut The Wulk-
Siberry’s sound is not likely to appeal to everybody. I found a number of songs, such as Goodbye and Ingrid and the Footman, reminiscent of Kate Bush, yet less successful. The fault doesn’t lie with the music, but rather with Siberry’s voice. Impotent and watery, it doesn’t pull off the special effects intended to embellish the
The Gruesomes
songs. Siberry constantly pushes her range to ambitious highs and lows which she doesn’t quite reach. Her less than perfect voice does not, however, detract from her effectiveness as a composer. The variety of songs on the album - from a seemingly banal conversation6argument in Lena is a White TabIe, to the operettastyle The Bird in the Gravel bears witness to Siberry’s creative versatility. If voice this much less, you, album
someone with a stronger had sung the lead vocals+ album would have been more powerful. NevertheSiberry’s voice grows on and the music makes this worth listening to.
by Peter Dedes Imprint staff
by John Zacbariah Imprint staff ii Fashion had ever been possessed of talent, they may have sounded like Toronto band Alta Moda, which is not great praise. A moderately good,. but by no means great record, AJta Moda is cast from basically the same fre8ze-dried, dance-pop mold that the dismal Fabrique was, the former with pseudo-funk flecks throughout. what makes
AJta Moda a superior product is the warmth and energy of its execution, and singer Molly Tohnson’s full,hstrong voice. The results are songs like Train, the moving, irridescent Notown [In uasiParticular), and the spare, surreal My Millionaire: a1 1 impressive, though nnt spectacular On the other hand, the listener is also faced with the likes’of Cool Love and Classique, hideouslv crystalline dance numb&s, soulless and drab. And the cliched “I-know-the-scorein-life” lyrics tend to be irritating. But Alto Moda shows promise, and if the band maintains the quality of the good cuts here through the length of an entire record, the results should be dazzling.
I have not lately seen any album jacket art that has made my stomach churn until I picked up this latest offering from Godley and Creme. But you don’t judge a book by it’s cover, right? Wrong!!!
by peter
Imprint staff Bourgeois
pompous and sweeping statements in their latest release entitled Yoyo. Instead, an introspective look and excellent musicality combine to produce
It’sa time for friends -o/dand new t0 get together: Whether you’re playing in the Big Game or &king part in the activitiesHomecoming really b,uildsa big appetite So for the Flood,.the Fun, ” atmosphere make ‘_ and’the -. your play at Mccinriis- , _
This four-song EF from these ex-10 CCer’s ranks among the most intellectually devoid rubbish that I have ever heard in any dance club, If you like to dance, this is a great album. There is a persistent drum machine beat, funky bass and incessant, mundane, white boy hyper-rhyming rap. There’s even a semi-humorous tribute to Deep Purple’s Smoke on the Water. This bit of vinyl is supposed to be an appetizer for a forthcoming album. It is, however, difficult to have your taste tempted when three of the four songs on this offering are re-mixes.
one of the most powerful compilations of intelligent music this year. Yoyo is the second al bum released by this California based quintet. Producer Todd Rundgren (from Utopia) has encouraged Bob Bourgeois and Larry Tagg, theprincipal writers to make their music, especially their lyrics, intensely personal. Instead of recapitulating tired political themes, Bourgeois Tagg explore themselves. Themes of love and fear are intriguingly presented though some of the images seem a mite forced, Musically, Tagg seem to prefer to employ an eclectic approach with each track ‘containing something slightly different. Even verse-chorus changes within songs contain markedly different sensibilities. Waiting for the Worm to Turn is a magi-
Just what the hell is a re-mix anyway? It’s just technicians fooling around with a song until it fills up the space on a 12” single as many different ways as possible. Anyways, if you like to dance and you don’t care what you dance to, get this mini-album. Also, if you like scary record jacket art, get Snuck Attack. Finally, if you like the words to Wet Rubber Soup, and don’t give a shit about the music, get this album. If not, go to the record store, look at the record and then buy a pizza.
cal example of this. lazz-funk verse and-ethereal anth”emic chorus combine to create what will undoubtedly be the kick-off single. Beatles influence is evident in two qf the tracks. I Don’t Mind weaves a beautiful melody around lush string arrangements. Coma conjures up images of Strawberry Fields with hypnotic vocal effects. Yoyo is not only music for the mind. Both sides are replete with excellent danceable music, The album’s strength however is a result of artistic depth. Uncompromising attitudes toward lyric and music and the immaculate production values of Todd Rundgren result in an album of major importance. Yoyo is must-buy vinyl for everyone.
1 :
by Paut Done
Imprint staff Re-issue!
age! Ae-evaluate Double-pack Extra track
the songsf with Q photograph (cmd u tacky badge)
Mourners form a line to the left the flood of post-demise Smiths’ exploitation has begun! The ever-wonderful Rough Trade has seen fit to. @ace ourielves with another ‘essential Smiths item: a 12” of one of the lesser moments on StrUg9Prrayu. Hers We Come with a couple of barrel scrapings. on the B-side. Spend, - - oh ye of bulging _- pockets and little sense (myself shamefacedly included].
The A-side is’ one of Johnny Marr’s rockin’ attempts to turn The Smiths into The Rolling Moans I Started Something I Couldn’t Finish which is only redeemed by Morrissey’s TypicuJ me! Typical Me!. The flip-sides are one good, one bad. The g6od news is the alternate take of Pretty GirJs Make Graves which, in its original form, was one of the high points of the first LP, It is easy to see why this take is the alternate nonetheless a valuable bit of stuff for Smith-ophilea. The other extra track is definite bottom o’the barrel effluvia in the shape of a live take of Some Girh are Bigger Than Others which: one of the reasons The Queen is Dead was The Smiths’ worst LP, If all this explciitation tieren? enough, news from Rough Trade records indicates that they’re not finished yet 7 we’ll getat least onemore 12” single (Last Night I’ Dreamt Somebody Loved Me) plus album from The *smllns, am.a live , 1 wno were always 8 stunningly mediocri live band.
Record Store Top Eight Records Record
Store Top Eight Records/Tapes/CDs For the week ending November 7
1. Depeche Mode 2. Housemartins 3. Various Artists 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
....................... Music for the The People Who Grinned Themselves to Death .......... *The Enigma Sampler [ZLP collection] sting ................................... Nothing Like the Sum That Petrol Emotion ......................... Big Decision (EP] Soundtrack Various Artist ...................... Dirty Dancing ABC ........................................... Alphabet City Gruesomes ...................................... Gruesomania
BREHNAN TOTTm*** Fe air;@ and play6 guttar. tie Joined la ‘85 and aa l Lover ha8 toured tte If.:, , Canada &nd &rope. He grew UP in Shthern Callfcroia ard s;artrb 88 a dmmer in Surf band@= Ho was a real good brgad-:urger Lr. Junior high. Worked in the parking lot at Diswylstd a6 a teenager. L wanted him lrr the band for his great rhythm guitar playini?, Then It turned out he could sing real well t30. JOIUW AVLA+*+ Be smg8 ud ia. the Modern Lovcrr Urumwr. He joined in October of i told klm he could UBU any klab of d-0 he wanred as long aa fit could carry them by hlrrrlf. Ho ue.8 just one i even on the record) and ubsa you II) m ply X think you’ll agrms that al& he needs is onn &ma to do anythln# a drummer needs to ILO: Ee grew up ia !daeeachuactta and Non York. Iis played in The Lamada, OCC Of the FDFUl8r New k&.Ud bapdr from the Surf Nantesker daya. +md like Qremm4, I knew be r& l great player but he act to be a ,flnt singor ar roll.
Just Arrived 1. Carlos Santana .~*,*.*~~..~*.*.......~...*. Blues Far Salvador 2. INXS .~.**........*...,.,*....** ,..................,,..* Kick 3. .Robbie Robertson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , *. Debbie Robertson Whateve] 4. Doughboys The Walking 5. Jane Siberry
Based OR scales at the Record Campus Centre, University
I8 may raturn to Auetraiia thir rpring. Lamt therm w8 tried 30 SYOi;XSG ohowrt 20 many people nowulyr don't LLL erporinent: rant to go to nlgktoluba beawzsr of the smoke. I don’t lik it either. But I don’% think we’11 try to mJr* a tie to rtop rooking again. Lotr of liked it but Doma thou@% urn uwm tryin to pud them atou.nU and they oated horntile. So you had defiant moicrrr md other psoplr trylag to rtop thea SnAadimg mm. Thl8 felt to0 muah likr aahooL! uld I our0 don’t mat thaw ah~rr to make anyme fuel llke tha~,es~eaiall~ meITTb@ee 8horm
Store, Lower Mall of Waterloo
_ ’
by Ed Drass
Film Notes - I hope you got to see sume interesting’things at the Third Cinema Festival. Unfortunately, things didn’t seem to go well, except at the Princess..1 think both organization andstudent interest _will have to be improved if a festival like-this% is going to work in thia small town. I don’t want to talk about it. Anyway, my friend Harry said I should suggest good upcoming films so I will. Movies I would see are Malcolm at the Gorge, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and th6 NFB film Waterwalker at the Princess, and I’d risk that German film tonight In ML 246. . The following venues chow obscure and more well-known films on campus and nearby. ff you have a free night (hah] go see a movie as a break or as an enjoyable form of education. Send me.suggestions 01 .info.on films that are happening. Us8 inter-officemail, or come by CC and leave mail with the Turnkeys. Enjoy yourqslf. FED FLICKS (FF), Arts Lecture Hell 116 ($1 Feds, $3 Non) FEDERATION--HALL, (Free. Films to be announced. &88-4090] CIlUEMA. GR&TIS. (CG], Gampui Centm (Fr& wftb es&up.) ST, PAUL’S -(STP), French Lounga, in Fraach only (Free.) &n&c*’ Various locations. (be.) a GERMAN FILM SERIES (GFS], ML z&(w/ subtitles, Free.) MIDDLE EAST STUDIES (MES], AL 202 (w/ epdcetrs, xFrw.] WOMEN’S CENTRE FILMS (WC), CC a!. (Pree.] WL?&C* Arts Building 2E7 (Fr88.J W&U-SU FILMS, Student Union Bldg. aEl($%aS Non-WLU) PRINCESS CINEMA, 6 Princess et. ($2.7s Members, $4 Non) GORGE CINEMA, 43 Mill St., Elora ($3 Members, $4 Non) * C de-notes course films. Be early and quiet, OK?
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13: FED HALL - No film. [Double Blues Band ploys) STP Le Jouet (comedie, sur video) a 18h30, EFS Eitimal Kudamm Und Zuruck [BRD, 1983) at 8. FF Crocedile Dundee (w! Paul Hogan).at 7&9. WLU-SU Full Mstal Jacket (d: Stanley,Kubrick) at 8. PRINCESS R&&s Edge ($3.50 Members, $5 Non) at 7. Miss Mary (w/ Julie Christie) at 9%. GORGE Home Of The Brave (w/ Laurie Anderson) at 7. Stop Making Sense (w/Talking Heads) at 9. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14t FF Crocodile.Duadee (Australian propaganda) at 7%9. PRINCESS Miss Mary (UK/&gentinu [!!I, 1986) at 7. River’s Edge (~1 Dennis Hopper) at 9:X. CdRCE Home Of The Brave (weird good music) at 7. Stop Making Sense (good weird music) at 9, SUNDAY,
Room 140
\’ Waterloo 183 Web&r SL,N. :886-9056
FT: Crocodile Dundee (commercial Oz film) at 8. PRINCESS River’s Edge (USA, 1987. $3.50 Members) at 7. Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (USA, 1958) at 9:X. GORGE Malcolm (Australia, 1986) at 789. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16: WC Dorothy Liveeay: The Woman I Am (NFB 1980, 40min. A portrait of Dorothy Livesay, a CanacfiOn pget, pioneer feminist, and long-time pohticd activist) at 12:30. FED HALL - TBA (Eddie Murphy-week probably starts) at 6. PRINCESS Marnie (d: Alfred Hit&cock, 1964) at 7, Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (Tennessee Williams) at 9:3O. GORGE Malcolm (comedy, with.lotsa gadgets) at 7. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17: MES A Peculiar People (origins of Christianity) at 1:3b. UW-C Persona (d: Ingmar Bergman, 19eS) at 2:30 Br 7. FED HALL - TBA (phone 888-4090 to verify) at 6. PRINCESS Ulysses (from James Jo cc’s novel) at 7. Gardens Of Stone Id: F. Coppo r a, 2987) at 9:45. GORGE The Fourth Protocol (espionage) at 7%~~ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18: FED HALL - TBA (call) at 6. CG 101 Dalmations w/ Bedknobs and Broomsticks (double-bill of Disney films,-come early] at 8. PRINCESS
Of Stone
Waterwalker (d: Bill Mason) at 9:15. GORGE The Fourth Protocol (WI Michael Caine) at 730. THURSDAI’, NOVEMBER 1B: at 6. FED HALL - TBA (phone 8884090) PRINCESS The Harder They Fall (last Bogart film) at 7. Waterwalkpr [Canada, 1985) at 9:15, GORGE Full Metal Jacket (UK, 1987) at 7&9:10.
Imprint hack Tim Perlich does the rummaging
SALE e.,... :
The &mads Amigo Musik Y’
Jimmy Reed’s Ain’t That YOU Baby get8 the full Super Continental workout as does Otis Redding’s posthumous!y released Love Man, complete with Monoman’s frightening recreation of the Big . !3’;f;;eatpdstutter u’cauI ..‘cau I.. cause I’m a love man”. . . a gas! There’s also a previously unreleased version of Conolly’s IOO CC. and the pre-Nomads (“Ve vant to ricord von uf yer songs”] version of She Pays The Rent. What kind of Lyres compila- %ion would it be without the inclusion of the seminal Don’t Give it Up Now or How Do You Know? - they’re both here. Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, for a live recording the sound quality is, surprisingly bright . . . mono - what else? L0vi.n’
Back from the Crypt comes a new compilation of old Lyres i live tracks recorded over- the seven years of their i1 with the emphasis being existence, on longi forgotten covers. ‘Included 1. alongside the classics such as i :Louie Louie, the Standell $Little 1’ Sally Tease and The Tongues of ;: Truth’s Let’s Talk About Girls .*I are a few oddities like Lily, Long ;~Gone, Geraldine and Bill Halley ” and the Comets’ Skinny Minny. Most interesting though is the inclusion of the R&B-type material which charts the development of the embryonic Lyres
Of the enormous glut of ‘BUS garage punk compilations released in the last few years probably one of the more innovative collections as far as breaking th,e more unique documents of teen psychosis have been the mansWorld Punk volumes featuring strange regional mutations of R&B, Beat by groups from Italy, France, Holland (and yes, even Canada). What it showed was that the genre wasn’t peculiar to North America . . it was actually an international phenomenon. In a similar way, Searching In The WILDemeas adds substance to the world-wide conspiracy theory but focuses more on the primal beats of England and the Nordic expanse without dredging up any “U.K. psychedelic bilge” as ga,rage guru Tim Warren succinctly commented. As with any collection, there are a couple of duff tracks (when the liner notes say things like “a good example of their aore mel
lodic style”, you should know what you’re in for) but fortunately they form the minority. Why the fab In Crowd’s Things She Says hasn’t previously appeared on another compilation is beyond me but it’s here at last for all to dig. I’ll leave the description of this pre-Tomorrtiw Steve Howe rave-up to the notes: “Ferocious, mutated post R&B guitar mayhem characterizes the In Crowd’s monumental 1965 feedback and overload orgy of strangled guitars, howling vocals, wailing harp, a truly brutal rhythm attack, compression, leakage, demented B-string axe murder, and the Parlophone kitchen sink, all combined into a savage witches brew of HELL RAISING FURY!!” Yeah! Especially cool is what sounds like a studio rehearsal by a group listed as the Muswell Ravens. The Ravens (from the Muswell Hill district) was the original name of the Kinks and the track AU Aboard is an outtake circa 1965. This is definitely worth seeking out even if they did cop their label name and sleeve from the Dutch Outsiders’ first single.
As long as these Nomads have been around, you’d think they’d have an attic o’records by now but no, Hardwire is their first full-length album. To be truthful, I sort of expected a whole lot more from them than simple retreads of those worn out jungle/swamp cliches that many lesser Euro-punks are still bound to. Probably the album’s best work is Call Off Your Dogs written specifically for the group by longtime fans Jeffery Lee Pierce and Peter Case. The screamed refrains splattered on thick ‘n’ throbbing guitar chords is prime Nomadic raunch recalling the past glory of Where The Wolfbane Blooms. Another standout is a raging reading of the Dictators’ punk anthem 16 Forever which they bring some deeper meaning to despite what the calendar says. Hoardes of fist-shaking vikings are brought to mind with Check Your Backdoor - one of those slow, menacing beasts that the Nomads invoke every now and again just to show the Psychotic Youth who are the sultans of the Solna scene. Some fine stuff here if you look long and hard enough.
A-!. LM
Hot off the Link presses, run by certified couch-potatoes Billy and Miriam, is a four volume rockin’ instrumental compilation series called Strummin’ Mental. With lQ(!) primitive stompers on each record by incredibly obscure groups like the Terri-tones, Megatons, Johnny and The Volumes and The Creshells, the KICKSter twins have once again done fans of twangin’ garage music a great favour by turning a spotlight on a vast and lively portion of America’s rich musical heritage (cue fanfare).
Many people are still blissfully unaware that pounding instros were the code of the day as far as music that teens could infuriat e their folks with back in the dark ages of rock before Los Beatles appeared on the Sullivan show and proved that even longhaired wimps from foreign countries could have the chicks screamin’ if they hit the right chords and smiled a lot, Why, even bands from Minnesota and Wisconsin didn’t let the fact that there wasn’t any curls in a thousand mile radius dissuade them. They just loaded up their older brother’s Fender Jaguars with the heaviest strings they could find (bass strings would do in a pinch) and blasted the Midwest into surf music history. If you thought surf was just a bunch of fat beach preps whining about California girls then plug yourself into Strummin’ Mental and get the real scoop t roup!
Don’t Open Til Doomsday is” the first of three Chesterfield. Kings LPs that doesn’t have the look and tinny sound of a local group’s 500~copy waxing from 3966. Posing stiffly before a Rochester photographer’s backdrop screen with dry-ice billowing overhead, the Kings appear as though they’ve been forced into an uncomfortable situation. So it is with the bxording,
True, the instrumentation is carefully assembled and the parts well played, the resulting saund somehow lacks the spark of its predecessors. Maybe everything is a little too well thought and re-thought. Greg Prevost is in fine voice (which for this genre, amounts to a sneering growl) but his screams and wails come off sounding a bit calculated. It’s spontaneity that they lack. Similarly with (recently exguitarist] Rick Cona’s leads for the most part they’re competent if not clever but a touch contrived which might be acceptable for any other group playing music of this sort but for The Chesterfield Kings, it runs contrary to their punk ethic and
gives a misleading impression of what anything-can-happen havoc this band can wreak given a crowd and a couple of VOX ACtjo’s set on “stun”. Who knows, maybe it’ll sell. Fans of the Kinks take note that the album cqmtains a cover of a rare Ray Davies song Time Will Tel1 that was, I believe, re-
leased then
for about withdrawn.
a week As
in 1967 well.
album has the Kings’ version of T-Bone Burnett’s 1’11 Go taken from his first recorded demo. The song was so obscure+ in fact, that when Prevost rang Burnett to ask for permission to use the song, T-Bone reportedly couldn’t remember how the song went but said “sure” anyway.
_, iNJ3 FED -’- NOT,ES
Manguel’s Magical Tour The Dictionary Places Aberto
Guadalupi Lester and Orpen
Imaginary and
by John Zachariah Imprint staff
If you afe a MMby Friday, November organized person ‘13. whb luves to have a PLANNING good time, the job ot. ’ MEETING ‘winter carnival coofdinator is for you. Pfelirminaf y planIf YuuHd Iike tu ning meeting for organize the biggest winter carnival ‘88 wintef party evef, will be held on apply now! Submit Tuesday, Nov. 17 at your application now 4~00 p.m. in NH to BEnt, Federation 3001. Everybody of Students CC 235, we/&ome/
Looking to set your imagination aflame? If so, the newly reissued Diet ionary of Imaginary Places, by Gianni Guadalupi and Alberta Manguel, should spark up quite a conflagration. In some musty place on earth may exist a catalogue such as theirs, but it’s * unlikely to be as depthful, exhaustive or bewitching. A rick and fascinating compendium of colourful, haunting and provocative places from the pages of the worid’s literature, the book received wide critical acclaim when it was first published in 188~. Re-released for this year by Lester and Orpen Dennys in Toronto (with 11 pages of new entries)+ this extraordinary dictionary is like a bowl of salted peanuts at a bar: addictive.
Included are well-known realms Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland, C.S. Lewis Narnia, and the legendary con&rent of Atlantis. But also included are Calvino’s Octavia, the Asian city construt ted of spidepwebs, Abbot t’s two-dimensional Flat land, and Tosetti’s Malacovia, thy eggshaped fortress in the marshy delta of the Danube which can be raised or lowered on bicycledriven cogs. The maps, diagrams and illustrations which accompany the text are excellent: clear, easy to read, and pleasing to the eye. And references are given after each entry, so the reader knows the source and can thus read the book in which the place
There will be a general meeting of the Federation of Students on Thursday, December 3, 1987 toI consider by-law changes and to present the Auditor’s Report 7986-87. .
was~_ found. _ -_ There’s no snobbery here; any index that has Tolkien rubbing shoulders with Richard Matheson is inclusive in the best sense of the word, But Guadalupi and Manguel had to set some criteria to decide which places to include and which to leave out. A place could not be from the future, it had to be on planet Earth, and it could not be a disguise for a reallife place. Even with these constraints, though, the Dictionary of Imaginary Places is still immensely entertaining, It’ll keep you up to the small hours of-the morn, and take you to places you’ll find on no topographic map. Take the trip now.
A!/ material to be considered at this meeting must be submitted to the President of the Federation of Students before 4:30 p. m.. on Tuesday, November 24, 1987.
Psalm Settings from Six Centuries THEATRE OF THE ARTS Saturday, November 14, 1987 at 8:OO pm. UW Chamber Choir: Wilber Maust, Director University Choir: Robert Shantz, Director ~$G.OOAdult ($3.00 Student/Senior) Y
StudeM Vohmeer
Tickets available at Conrad Grebel College and at the door Presented by Conrad Grebel College in co-operation with The Federation of Students/Creative Arts Board
Campus Representative t0
.8 8 8
8 8
Dec. 27 - Jan. 1. (Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdsle)
1 I 1 1 8
i ; 8
- 743-6060
Papadum Vegetable Pakora Beef Madras _ Chicken Curry
$16 l
; I 8
88 I 8
Vegetable Curry Nan Bread Basmati Rice Pulao Katchumbar Salad
380 Weber Street West, Kitchelier
I 1 : n
8 8
95 F::p20 i Nov.
Come see us in the Campus Centre - Room 15OA or phone Ext. 205 I. Volunteer positions both on campus and in the -community are always available. Not only is volunteering satisfying, but it’s a great wa,y to flesh out your resume! New Office Hours: Monday 12:30-4:30 pgm. Tusdb y 12:30-2:30 pwm. Wtzdnesda y 12~30~ I:30 p.m. Thursday 9:00- 1l:OO a.m.
Warriors dorriinate hockey double header .
for and 15 against. Chris Glover, The hockey Warriors flexed who has proven to be an offentheir offensive muscle this past sive force, chalked up 10 points weekend as they amassed a total with 4 goals and 6 assists. Meanof 18 goals in two games. The while, Steve Linseman, who is lucrative * weekend was. the reno slouch in the scoring departsult of a hockey doubleheader as ment, held his own with 3 goals the Warriors hosted Queen’s to a and 4 assists for 7 points on the 6-3 defeat last Saturday and weekend. However, every silv’er . RMC to a 12-1 trouncing the follining has its cloud. The Warlowing Sunday. riors lost *taran Dave Fennel1 1. ’ NeedMa to, say, both ,t=ms to a broken wrist during the first fail to impress, sitting in the botperiod -on Saturday night., Fentom third of the Eastern Division nel& who returned to the team and sinking, (Queen’s .2+0, ;;t: ,BMC after a yea~long sabbaticaLis B ~&pkq , ; 4&&to*, c rapt&n,‘7 and impoH& f. :Jmml t’““” The first five minutes of Sa’ to 4 wins and a loss with 34 goals
turday’s game were indicative of the Warrior’s weekend as Glover and Linseman lit the red light with one apiece for a Warrior subtotal of 2-O. However, the Warrior penalty streak didn’t desert them, allowing Queen’s to tie it up by the end of the first at 2-2.
Steve Girardi melted some glace in the second with two goals bringing the score to 4-2. Some excellent hustle on the part of Jamie Maki in the third brought the score to, 5-z. Queen’e,. undaunted, slammed .one home. However, Dan Tsandelis had the final word with an
empty net goal for the 6-3 win. man, Clint Ellicott and Clark The RMC Redmen skulked out Day scored for the Warriors. of the rink redfaced due to a 12-1 The third period saw Scott thrashing at the hands of the Dick in an awesome display of Warriors. Girardi opened up the puckmanship turn the defencescoring followed by rookie Dave men inside out. He then adLong and Linseman .for the 3-0 vanced for a victorious lead. RMC’s chippy style cost one-on-one against a harassed them early on as a five-minute RMC netminder for the 12-1 major dished out to the RMC final. captain resulted ia Z+ Warrior points. The sunburn on the back of the goalie’s neck had little time to heal as John Goodman The Warriors face crosstown and Glover finished out the gerivals Laurier at 2:30 p.m on riod with go&. . . Sumjay at the- Columbia rc.efMd. The score after the second peFan support is essential in what riod was 11-l as Glover, Linseis traditionally a heated soiree.
Basketball Athena,s bronzed The Athenas basketball team captured the bronze medal at the Carleton Invitational tournament last weekend. In the tournament opener, the Athenas trounced the host club Ravens, 67-34. Carleton jumped out to an early 6- oint lead, but Waterloostorme B back to take a commanding 30-18 lead by half-time. With tough defence, the Athenas held the Ravens to 16 second half points. Kim Rau led the Athenas with 14; while Brenda Bowering meshed 12 and Jen Hinton added 0. The next match saw Waterloo face the tough, nationallyranked McGill Martiets. The Athenas played aggressively on
defence throughout the first half, but encountered difficulties , mastering McGill’s press. Rau kept the Athenas within striking distance by hooping an outstanding 18 points in the first half. McGill’s strong shooting allowed them to take a 37-34 lead to the dressing room. Both clubs came out determined at the outset of the second half, which turned out to be an exciting display of end-to-end basketball. Waterloo applied full-court pressure, allowing the Martlets to capitalize on several transition hoops. In the end, McGill prevailed 71-56, a score which is not indicative of the play In the battle for the bronze l
medal, Waterloo downed Concordia, 65-62, Once again, Rau was unstoppable offensively, She sunk 10 field goals in the first half and 7 in the second, finishing the contest with a careerhigh 35 points. Bowering added 8, while Michelle Campbell kicked in 6 and Karen McCulla, 4.
Rau’s outstanding play was recognized, as she was honoured as tournament MVP. This is traditionally bestowed upon a player on the championship team. But tradition took a back seat, due to Rau’s incomparable performance. The Athenas kick off their regular season next November 18 at the PAC against Guelph. Tip-off inQnm
Warriors kick preppy butt by Tess Slowinski
. I
SUNDAY, NOV. 15, 2:30 PM -..‘,’ :~;..COLUMBIA IGEFIELD I.;,.I (7 : .y.&f. .L , . Ip;
The Warrior volleyball team added two more “Ws” to their record last week, with the wins coming at the expense yf Western and Windsor. On November 3, a large and appreciative crowd saw arch-rival Western gallop into the PAC only to be corralled by the Warriors. The first Waterloo lassos came in the form of an early barrage of slam-blocks, roping the Mustang offensive charges. tech Uekeska and Steve Heck had the Mustang defence hitting the dust with some offensive sharpshooting of their own, Steady steeds Vince Descamps, Scott Smith, and Ron Clarke along with cocky colt Steve Smith proved more valiant than the best of the Mustangs, who were forced to play more like timid foals. Warrior Tony Martins set a furious pace for the unbridled Warrior attack. Through consistent play, the Warriors downed Western in a surprising three straight games,
Perhaps the key to the match was Waterloo’s shutting down Western’s big guns, Paul Husson and Peter Siksna, as strong blocking and serving kept the Mustang offence at bay. Because of their victory, the Warriors are sure to trade places with Western in the national rankings, where the Mustangs were ranked ninth, and Waterloo 10th. Hired guns Dave Plouf and Brian Daman, who were instrumental in Waterloo’s earlier victory over Mac; weren’t needed this time as the ‘*magnificent seven” of Bekeska, Clarke, Deschamps, Heck, Martins and the lanky Smith brothers were all that was necessary to tame the Mustangs. On Novmeber 6, the jubilant Warriors travelled to Windsor to take on the Lancers. The Warriors proved too much for the inexperienced Lancers, and swept the match, 15-1, 15-2 and 15-8. The winning Warriors head down to Laurier on November 17, and host Guelph on November 20.
Naism-ith by Mike McGraw Imprint staff
Homecoming. When most people hear this word they think of broken windows, drunken street parties and police riot squads. At Waterloo, homecoming is identified with one thing - basket ball. This weekend at the PAC. Waterloo plays host to the prestig ious 28th annual Naismith Cla& sic basketball tournament at the PAC Over the years, the tournament has been a hotbed of basketball talent. This year’s Naismith field is one of the best ever assembled around CIATJ circles. Here, then, is a preview of what to look for from each team this weekend. BRANDON BOBCATS: Last ye-ar’s CIAU champions are still the country’s basketball juggernaut. Sure they’ve lost threetime all-Canadian John Carson, but with replacements and returnees they’re the team to beat once again. Keep your eye on 6’7” guard David Dominique, another refugee from Tulane University in New Orleans, who many feel is even better than Carson. Up front, the Bobcats are virtually unstoppable with 6’8” Whitney Dabney (yes, another New Orleans product) and Patrick Jebbison. The Bobcats are missing only one thing - a weakness. REGINA COUGARS: Perhaps
the only team that will battle Brandon for their GPAC and CIAU crowns this campaign. Spearheaded by 1987 CIAU MVP and national team member Chris Biegler, the Cougars arrive at UW with the same starting 12 that put them in the top IO last season. Key names to watch for are front court huns Bill Knudsen and Robert Andrist and court general, fifth year guard James Hillis, Next to the Bobcats, the Cougars are arguably the country’s best roundball team. If for some reason Brandon falters+ watch out for Regina. ACAIMA AXEMEN: This team survived the long, cold winter in the top 5, only to be turfed in Atlantic -regionals by St. Mary%. Thanks to the mindboggling decisions made by the wild card selectors, Acadia wasn’t even invited to the CIAU tournamebt. Despite the obvious travesty, the Axemen, too, are one of Canada’s creme de la creme. .Their biggest asset is bulk up front, led by 8’7” Peter Morris, another national team member. The only problem might be, getting the ball over half, as they are counting on some young faces at guard to control their offence, But in the front COUH the’ Axemen may have no Peers. ST.FRANCIS XAVIER XMEN: Courtside, the X-Men are governed by the experience of an assistant Olympic team coach,
tourney .’
Warriors by Mike
McGraw staff
On Halloween weekend, the Waterloo Warriors dressed up like a bad basketball team. Last weekend+ the masquerade ended, as the Warriors notched second place in the Guelph Invitational tournament. UW slammed the host Gryphons, 80-72, but were handed a lashing of their own by a stacked Toronto Senior men’s team, 8% 66. Injurywise, Warrior coach Don McCrae must be feeling a sense of deja vu. Like last season, his squad is hobbling into the annual Naismith tournament. Fiery rookie Chris Troyak is shelved with a possible stress fracture, Defenders of the front court 6’9” Jamie McNeil1 [ankle sprain) and 0’8” Dave Rosebush (muscle strain) are likely to play this weekend. On Friday night, Waterloo rolled over the host club. Rob Froese’ led all scorers as he hooped 24 points, Refreshingly, eight other Warriors scored between 8 and 10 points. Serge Bolzon led the Guelph attack with 21, while Ron Darling meshed 20. However, McNeil1 crumbled to the floor with a sprained
rgcover ‘t
ankle, atid was lost for the remainder af the weekend. Saturdby, the puny Warriors [minus McNeil1 and Rosebush) were outaeverythinged by the Toronto ,&b. With 7’0” Jim Zote, an ex-N3A and national team member, .:Toronto plowed to an easy victory. Tom Schneider paved the way for Waterloo with 13 points, while Johb’Bilawey netted 12, At .the clos$: of the tournament+ Schneidsr and Froese were lauded with all-star honours. McCrae- was visibly pleased, especiallg.;aft er his t earn’s farcical play .6$ Halloween weekend. “We t&ned our team game around &&r the disaster of last weekend$“commented McCrae“But wei$on’t know-where we’re ioing ‘b&&se we played without our b&guys. When you have a lot of &@ries+ it’s hard for a team to @@me together.+’ The ju$lzr varsity edition of the Warr#&rs crushed Conestoga College $$ :the weekend, M-48. Eric Fqwtiaw paced Waterloo with 18 points. The Ii&ping. Warriors will need a p&ne effort in the tough Naismitbt ,field this weekend. They’ll &&x? a traditionally brutal, but _j&pposedly improving Queen’s .:,gquad tonight at the PAC. TiP&ff . .>: 1 is 8 p.m.
The Athenas tennis team finished off another successful vear last weekend. Waterloo downed McMaster at the.Welland Tennils Club in the OUAA finals to clinch third place and the bronze medal overall. Team members were Marcela Krajny, Shanika DeAlwiss, Anne Zavaros, Ruhuni DeAlwiss, Dianne Lai, #ri.sta Fatum, Elizabeth Pillon and Kathryn Junger. Head coach wasSandy Macovik, sup1 ported by Liz Bennet.
catch a glitipse of him, watch Steve Conchulski. On the court, out for 6’0” blur, point guard they are one of those rebuilding teams with a roster chalk full of Tony Marcotullio. Up front, key youngsters. Make it a point to man is 6’7” Ron Moravec. But like Queen’s,.over their heads in watch guard Chris Ross. This a tournament of this calibre. three-point demon will be heavWESTERN MUSTANGS: The ing up long bombs from everyyuppies from London have lost where in the PAC. But aside from him, the line-up is full of “ifs”. much of the glue that held their Any success will depend on the attack together in recent years. Gone are veterans Peter van den development of 6’6” Jamie Bovenkamp and Chris Cavender. Paulsen. Overall, they are a solid The torch has been passed to last squad, but still leagues below season’s frosh sensation John. the likes of Brandon, Regina, and Stiefelmeyer. He’ll have to avoid Acadia. the sophomore jinx for the QUEEN’S GOLDEN GAELS: ‘Stangs to be successful Like Last year, these doormats didn’t manyother teams, they’re rel even make the playoffs in the ing on a good batch of hig i! laughable OUAA East. This year school recruits. Don’t expect to may be a different story. The Gaels have almost a carbon copy see those powerhouse Mustangs of last year’s roster, giving them of old. They’ll need more than a good base of experience. Their just the wild card selectors key performer is’ 8’5” forward working for them to get to Halifax this season. John Godden, After a pre-season WATERLOO WARRIORS: split with McGill, Queen’s The Warriors aren’t the worldcomes to UW with confidence+ if beaters they used to be. Now nothing else. Yet despite the Paul ‘Boyce rumours of improvement, not a that all-Canadian has hung up his Reeboks, UW is team to lose sleep over. a completely different squad. LAURIER GOLDEN HAWKS: The boys from down the street Their offensive hopes rest on the were the ugly ducklings of the shoulders of veterans Rob strong OUAA West last season. Froese and Tom Schneider+ that They feel an off-season roster is, if both stay healthy. Defenfacelift has -helped them supsively, 6’S++ monster Jamie press last year’s nightmare. In - McNeil1 is their chief stalwart. But like the ‘Stangs, there are fact, coach Chris Coulthard believes they are better now than many babyfaced frosh in the liat any point last season. But once ne-up; six to be exact, After a again, their only hopes rest with very turbulent preseason+ UW will be counting on a rambuncthe three-point circus. If you can
tious on,
to spur
ACADIA vs.LAURIER, Fri. noon - Acadia should have no problem, look for them to roll by 10 points. BRANvs. WESTmN, Fri. 2 p.rn,,k Brandon is just too strong, Western is too young. Brandon by 14. REGINA va. ST.F.X.; Fri. .8 p.m. - Regina’s depth outweighs the X-Men’s youth, Regina by 9, WATERI’& VI. QUEEN’S, Fri. 8.p~. - Queen’s may be improved, but UW has the home court adv,atage. UW should win by 5. * This woyld set up a very exciting Acadiq-Brandon semi-final, in which the 3obcats would take a close 8-p&t decision. In the Regina-UW semi, the Cougars ’ would nc$@ an easy 12qoint victory. Brandon,bshould take the 1987 Naismith title, in a barnburner final on Sunday afternoon against Regina. This would definitely be e.clash to remember. Students are. reminded that the tournament continues all weekend at the PAC, and includes a consolation round for teams defeated in opening games, All ames are covered by student atb f etic passes.
Soccer rourid-yp by Tim
You thought you were rid of these horrible soccer articles, Well you aren’t. This is, of course, the end of the season soccer round-up. To put it bluntly this was not a good year, In fact this year’s team accumulated only one more point than last year’s team. This ,was not so great as the league on the whole was worse this year. Only Laurier was as strong as last year. The 1987 version of the soccer Warriors finished with a 2-8-4 won-lostetied record for 8
Cheerleaders go to Rie%on The 1987-88 varsity cheerleading team will be representing Waterloo in the third annual Canadian cheerleading championships to be held at Ryerson November 20. . The team has designed two three-minute routines that demonstrate the expertise of the team members and depth of the squad. This year’s team looks promising, but will face strong competition from defending nationa)l champs Western and the strong Laurier squad from down the street. . The team is coached by SteGe Morrison, also a coach of a local cheerleading organization. Regardini this year’s team, Moreison commented+ “I’m. really surprised at how quickly the team has progressed. Each member ‘is really enthusiastic and has workea hard. I’m impressed
ents.” This weekend+ Waterloo students will get a sneak preview of the cheerleading team during the Naismith basket ball class& Fans are reminded that there will be a pep rally tonight (Friday) at 8:30 p.m. in the PAC quad.
.. points. The 1986 team’s record was l-8-5. The 1988 team scored 10 goals and let in 17, The 1987 team scored 11 goals and let in 22. This regression in goals allowed was one of the main reasons for the Warriors lack of improvement this year. The Warriors showed improvement on attack- this year but unfortunately the defence was not up to last year’s standard. The 1986 defence was able to shut down the big offences. The 1987 team allowed 12 goals to the top-two teams while the 1986 team allowed only six to last year’s top two teams. As previously stated the i987, offence was much better than the 1986 offence. Although they only scored one more goa1 than last year, they dramatically irnb proved the total amount of time that the Warriors spent in the op. position end of the field. In 1~66 the Warriors defended for practically every minute of every game. The 1987 team, although -unable to produ,ce goals effectively, were able to control the ball in their offensive zone for long periods of time. A bright sign ‘this ear was the emergence of Carr OS Burmeister and Paul Knafelc as possible goal scorers in the future. The’ Warrior midfield was also noticeably stronger this year as Upen Kawale,Pete Straub, and Brent ‘Wathan all had respectable ears. A late-season addition to t K s midfield Dan Rogozynski was a very pleasant surprise as he played the style of soccer that led the Warriors to the o&IA+ finals seven seasons ago. This years defencs was hurt by the graduation of John “Sasquatch” Gimple. and Ralph Barker, both fullbacks in excess of 8’0” and 280 pounds. Last year’s goalkeeper, Tim Walked, was forced to sit out this year while he recupemted from open heart surgery.. .*_ . These lossea left the Warriors
weak at the back. Fortunately, Bruce Hollamby and 8iLly Mueller picked up much of the slack. Hollamby will likely be a OUAA a&star. Ricardo Bean and Peter Tchir both played well but were hurt by their cumulative lack af experience. Next years defence, although without 1986 team .MVP Scott Robinson, will be much improved. This year the Warriors-tried three diffewt goalies. Finally, Rob’Terry .ernerged as the starter. Next year the experience that Terry gained this year will improve his game t remendo-udy. The 198? Warriors will play as many indoor’games as poqible in an attempt to improve4beir game. for tb 1988 outdoor season. At t hh ‘point in time the outlook for the P988 season is gwd. Barring unforeseen injuries and failings tie Warriors should make the p&yoffs in 1988. ’
Swimming Warriors win double header by Greeme Peppler Imprint staff Sunday mornings are an opportune time to catch up on lost hours of sleep incurred during a week of studying, partying, or general late-night boob-tube wat thing. So it was with considerable weariness that members of UW’s varsity men’s and women’s swim teams lumbered to the PAC at 9 a.m. November 8 to play host to an equally dozy and late arriving - University of Montreal. On the heels of their defeat of the York Yeomem swimmers cm Friday evening, the Warriors and Athenas breathed fire [or caffeine, if the truth be told) on their French-Canadian visitors and splashed to a98 to91 overall victory in front of a handful of spectators in the PAC pool facility. The prospects for a closely fought competition got off to a less than sparkling start when the Athena “A” and “B” teams placed an unopposed first and second in the 4x50 medley relay. This was followed closely by Athena Cathy Aube’s storming 400 free which earned her nothing more than a disqualification for an overly aggressive start. The men’s 4x50 medley relay got things going, however, when
the foursome of Dave Dineen, Chris Cupidio, Jeff Slater, and Joe Milla led from start to finish to take the Warrior’s first win of the meet. Soon afterwards, Greg Pye collected a second place in the 400 free - a race in which he claimed victory against York on Friday and a placing he was later to emulate in the 400 individual medley against Montreal. Athena newcomer Leslie Fedora fought-off the attacks of Montreal’s Suzanne Desrosiers to record a win in the 200 free while later she out-touched Isabelle Tremblay by three tenthsof-a-second to finish runner-up to teammate Cathy Aube in the. 100 fly. Meanwhile, Bermudian olympit team hopeful Dave Cash took the men’s 200 free.by storm in a time of 1:5&g while a second place in the 100 free was the best he could muster despite his time of 50.5 seconds. Back for another season with Waterloo, veteran Alison Loucas and British Columbian Dave Adams finished first and second respectively in their fleeting 50 free races. Loucas also won the 100 free becoming the only Waterloo swimmer who was able to win more than a single individual event during the competiton. Loucas, who divides her time between school, varsity swimming, and a coaching job with
the highly successful Region of Waterloo Swim Club, also achieved notoriety against York by becoming the first Waterloo swimmer of the year to surpass CIAU qualifying standards. She did so by blitzing through the 50 free in a time of 27.8 seconds. Nancy Crump’s dependability came through in the eclectic 200 and 400 individual medley races. Second place was her reward in both. events on Sunday while on Friday at York, she produced ripping performances in the 200 individual medley, the 100 fly, and the 200 breaststroke. Steve Head’s obsession with the 100 fly may have been put on hold when he scored an impressive and crucial victory in the men’s 100 breaststroke race against Montreal, He was followed closely to the finish by rookie Chris Cupidio. Dave Dineen’s contribution to Waterloo’s tally came by way of a third place finish in the 200 free - an event coach Dave Heinbuch seems to be grooming him for - and a first place in the 100 back, proving he can give the Warriors something they haven’t had in years: a backstroker. Dineen, a resident of Waterloo and refugee from the Region of Waterloo Swim Club, also took control of the 200 free against York in Friday’s meet to record his first race win as a Waterloo Warrior finishing in a time of
Polo Warriors flounder in weekend action The waterpolo Warriors lropped two close games at U of : last weekend. They were dged 5-3 by Western while Toonto nicked them 12-Q. Waterloo’s erratic play in the irst quarter against Western alowed the Londoners to take a -0 lead on a power play goal. In ffort to shake the team out of its tupor, the Warriors changed oaltenders, allowing the ag.ressive Scott Murray to play orward. The move backfired as Yestern scored twice while Waerloo’s offence sputtered. With UWO leading 3-0 in the hird quarter, the Warriors fi*ally got back on track against he tiring Mustangs. The Wariors closed the gap to 4-3, ijut Western scored a late goal to ice 5-3 victory. Norbert Molnar etched two of UW’s goals ;tnd
Large Pizza
Meat-ball Sandwich
l l l
The Warriors lost the speed and leadership of Slater as he fouled out, After this, the Warrior defence struggled and conceded 7 Toronto goals, including 2 on penalty shots. Jim Steinbach netted three for Waterloo, while Joe Milla and Keith Beckley scored two apiece. Molnar and Thonias Meyer meshed the others.
Head coach Dave Heinbuch was especially pleased with the work of the bench. “Our substitute players put in a very good effort again today, They are still lacking a bit in experience but are learning quick11 and will help us in the future.” Assistant coach Shane Rolm lans was also very positive, stating “it was good to see thr offence finally get on track against Toronto. We’ve showr: that we can be competitive wit1 any team in the league, but it’s t big step from being competitive to winning.” The Warriors close out thei season with three home games They host York at the PAC OI November 18 at 730, and Yorl on November 21 at Laurier start ing at 11:OO.
The coach of the men’s and women’s teams, Dave Heinbuch, who recentIy announced his impending departure from the swimming program effective next spring, was pleased with the general level of effort put in by team members during both competitions.
8ome very positive things in the pool this weekend”
“I saw
“I saw some very positive things in the pool this weekend,” he commented after Sunday’s win. “The swimmers put in good efforts and deserve a lot of credit for the win.” Hopes on the team are high that a top-three position in Ontario is within reach by the end of the swimming season in March. The University of Montreal men came through on the final relay of Sunday’s meet, the 4x50 free, to win the race but the result left them one point short of the Warriors, 48 points to 47, The Athenas were able to accumulate 50 points during the meet and thus win their battle over the Montreal women by a 8point margin.
Lacrosse team loses to Brock in semis by Michael Treaty Imprint staff The University of Waterloo Field Lacrosse Club lost in the semi-finals of the Ontario Universities Field Lacrosse Championships November 8 in Toronto. Waterloo began the tournament by crushing Carleton 16-5, completely dominating the game. Waterloo led 9-2 at halftime. The victory was a total team effort, with most players contributing offensively. Dan Gerrard was leading scorer with four goals and two assists, John Grant and Matt Firth each had three goals, Brian McIsaac added two. Gord Ellis, Brad Hause, Jim Cassibo and Jeff Lovell added singles. The Waterloo defence played ti strong dominating game, with Andrew Taylor again making the big saves in net. Waterloo met Brock in the se-
mi-finals, a game that really could have been the finals. Brock and Waterloo finished one-two in the stronger western division and were the two top teams in the championships. The teams from the eastern division, York, U of T, Carleton and Queen’s were not as skilled as those in the west. Waterloo and Brock played a very fast paced, physical game but in the end, the defending Ontario champions won. Brad Hause led Waterloo with three goals, Gus Liadis, Peter Pavlenich and John Grant scored twice. The Waterloo Lacrosse Club had a very successful season, and the team is looking tdward the spring lacrosse tournament in Hamilton, where 14 Canadian and American schools are to compete. By then lacrosse will become sanctioned by the OUAA.
3 Items ’ Four Cokes Free De t ivery
Jeff Slater scored the other. Waterloo approached the game against Toronto with the intent of being competitive. After all, they had previously trounced the Warriors by 11 and 13 goals. True to their word, Waterloo took a 2-1 lead out of the first quarter, and later led 5-4, only to see Toronto tie it 5-5 by half-time.
seconds. The men’s 200. individual medley saw Jeff Slater, Jeff Budau, and Eric Fergin finishing in second, third, and fourth places against a fast Jacques Jodoin of Montreal. Budau and Fergin also tackled the 400 individual medley, giving best to the same opponent in spite of impet uous efforts to see to the contrary. Against York, Budau impressed with his victory in the 200 individual medlev completing the distance in a time ne’arly equal to his personal best and Joe Milla continued to show copious amounts of speed while thrashing through his freestyle events during both weekend meets. Other point scoring efforts for Waterloo - points are awarded on a 5-3-l basis for first, second, and third with only two results per team counting, and 7 points to nil are up for grabs on relays - were Kim Boucher, Stephanie Gamble, Joanne Aldridge, Heidi Leblanc, Lisa McCuaig, Andi Kenyon, and diving convert Carol McNiece, Scott Whyte, Mike Cash, Al Hainer, Jonatlian Mathews, Dan Stratton, and Dan Maddock all served notice of their intentions by recording point scoring finishes or respectable early season times during both weekend meets as did work-term swimmers’ Dave March and the lanky Graham StrinRer at York. ZO8.4
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Sports . in short As
of November
Queen’s 3 11, RMC 1
Waterloo - Toronto terloo 66 VOLLEYBALL - Waterloo
- Waterloo U of T
at Fed
80, Guelph Senior Men’s
Classic, Wa-
BLUES BAND are playing Hall.
OF Education, University of Ottawa, will speak about admissions requirements and program de%!%I am. - 1200 pm., NH 3001.
NATIONAL Debating championships begin today. Come on out to EL1 12 at 3:30 pm. to watch or judge the first round of public speaking.
14, 15, Naismith
at Western
3, Western 3, Windsor
5, Waterloo 12, Waterloo
0 0
- Nov.
17, at Laurier,
- Nov. PAC
3 9
14, Homecoming
- Waterloo 67, Carleton 34 - McGill 71, Waterloo 56 Waterloo 65, Concordia 62 TENNIS - Bronze medal, OUAA finals
14, at
14, Homecoming
- Nov. 17, vs. Guelph, p.m.
at PAC. 8
Choral concert featuring University Choir directed by Robert Shantzand UW Chamber Choir drrected by Wilbur Maust. Psalm settrngs from the Gregorian Chant to the twentieth century. 800 pm., Theatre of the Arts, UW. Sponsored by the CGC Music Dept. and the Creative Arts Board. Tickets : $5/$3. FED FLICKS. Proiect X. Showtimes are 700 pm., and 400 pm. in AL 116. Feds $1.00 and Non-Feds $3.00.
__ __
sought divine intervention, This year, up 24, he casually remarked “I’m playing like an asshole, but !‘m still winning.” This was not completely true, as he forced Crymble to make numerous errors. Millard went on to win 3-O. . .
NATIONAL Debating championships are on all day today. Spectators or judges are welcome to attend at EL 1 12 at 8:45 am. or 1:30
MlJL Hall.
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Manta Ambassidor Alu.minum Racquet $34.98 Reg: $44.98 ’ Don’t
Our 24 Hour Re-Stringing w
at Fed
LAY MEN’S EVANGELICAL Fel Iowship International. Bible Study at 7:30 pm in CC 135. All are welcome.
FASS ‘88 writers’
7:OO pm.
EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. Evening Meeting. 163 University Ave. W., Apt. 321 (MSA). 700 pm. All are welcome. FED FLICKS. Project X. Showtime is 8:00 pm. in AL 116. Feds $1 .OO and Non-Feds $3.00. CANADIAN
NATIONAL Debating championships continue today with the final three rounds. All are encouraged to attend at 9:30 am. in EL 112 or at 3:30 pm. for the final round in Conrad Grebel Great Hall.
MC 5158.
Speaker Night. Jerome Goagoseb recently arrived from Namibia willspeak about the situation in southern Africa. 7:30 pm., Rm. 1388 Campus Centre. Admission free, everyone welcome. TRUE NORTil Strong and Free. Video summary of conference on the North, U.S. involvement and sovereignty. 12130 in EL 211, Sponsored by Science for Peace.
CINEMA GRATIS This week’s Double MOWDAY,
LUNCH FILM Series presented by the Women’s Centre. This week Dorothy Livesay: The Woman I am.. Showing at 12:30 pm. in the Campus Centre room 135. Free admission.
HOUSE OF Debates meets at 5:30 pm. in St. Jerome’s room 229. The nationals WIII be wrapped up and discussed with a debate and public speaktng if permits. New members -___~ are always welcome.
Feature is 101 Dalmations and Bedknobs 8t Broomsticks. Movies begin at 8:00 pm. in the Campus Centre Great tiall and are free of charge.
CONFERENCE ON early identif ication, prevention and treatment of the eating disorders Anorexia Neruosa and Bulimia featuring an internationally known expert on the topic: David M. Garner, Ph.D.900 am. - 5:00 pm. at Seigfreid Hall, St. Jeromes. Contact Tammy Morrelt, Health and Safety Services.
GLOBALLY. Act locally on the environment, social justice, peace, women’s rights, grass roots democracy. CC 138 A, 7:00 pm. Working together to create alternate responses: Waterloo Green Party. Henry 746-3 168.
CHRISTIAN Fellowship supper meeting. Or. John Warwick Montgomery, the Pascal ‘87 lecturer, witI be speaking on “A Lawyer’s Defence of Christianity”. 4:30 - 7:00 pm. in CPH 3388. Everyone welcomer VEGETARIAN
CLUB Taco party. Bring your favorite vegetarian taco filling, will will supply the taco she&. All welcome. 5:30, CC 135.
See page 30 for;
CFUW, K/W, meeting, at 800 pm. at First United Church, Hilliard Hall, Waterloo. Topic: Growing With Books, Dr. Adele Ashby, Toronto Education Consultaqt. Come and bring a friend1
more classifieds
$801 ATARI
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512K RAM & 192K ROM GEM User Interface Parallel Printer PoR RS232 Port Midi In & Midi Out Ports Hard Disk Drive Port 512 Cotours ST Basic Mouse Attaches to any TV Runs WordPerfect and Thousands of Other Software Titles And Many More Features!
Inquire about special educational prices o,n the complete A TA RI ;ine including the new Mega STs
103 Queen St. S. Downtown Kitchener 74466211
MC 5158.
FASS ‘88 writers’
FOR ALL you people who like to play Dungeons and Dragons, the Waterloo Science Fiction Club is holding an AD & D roleplaying tournament on Nov. 14 - 15. Call 747-0780 anytime for additional information.
is squash camp
Steve Millard, a second-year economics student, is UW’s new varsity squash champion. Millard defeated 1986’s champion Ed Crymble in a best of five match November 9. In last year’s meeting between the two Millard, down Z-O,
8 p.m.
- Nov.
Project X. Show-times are 7:00 pm., and 900 pm. in AL 116. Feds $1 .OO and Non-Feds $3.00 GERMAN FILM Series. Einmal Kudamn and Zuruck, dir. Herbert B& Imann (1983,96 min.) ML 246, at 800 pm. All films with English subtitles. Admission free.
72 82,
I Nov. 15, vs. Laurier, Icefield, 2:30 p.m.
9, 1987
Plaza IT 586-0711
A/umber One Atari Dealer
FED FLICKS. Pee Wee Herman’s Big A .uenture. Showtimes are 7:00 pm., a,.d 9:(X) pm. in AL 1.16. Feds $1 .oO a 4 Non-Feds 63.00.
STUDENTS AssociaNight; A perforIF lnce #oIlowed bv a dance to be held in duth Campus hall. Caribbean food . vd / be served, cash bar. 8:30 pm., ;: .tival Room. Feds: 95., Non-Feds:
Advisors help in identifying skills writing resumes and letters, developing interview skills and more, For Program Co-ord., JoAnn Hutchison, 9:30 - 4:3O in NH 1004. are offering
and interests,
tti i presentscultural
i: -ED A Break? C ome out to the Mug C! p’ h E. 1 F
Ieehouse for a rebxing atmosire. good conversation, music, remade baking, tea and coffee. I r-yone welcome. 8:30 - 11:30, CC J.-Sponsored by Waterloo Christian owship.
STUDENT VOCATIONAL Advisors are offering help in identifying skills and interests, writing resumes and letters, developing interview skills and more.For the faculty of Arts, Evan Noden, lQ30 - l2:OO, ML 334 - Env. Studies, Romany Woodbeck, 12:30 2:30, ESI 344 - Science, Nora Ibrahim, 1 :OO - 230, ESC 251. WEDNESDAYS
MONDAY% & GEL BRUNCH, Waterloo Jewish ST dents’ Association/Hillel, CC 110 eb ‘ry Monday and Thursday t1:30 ar+.. - 1:30 pm. (holidays excepted) Pluase join us for bagels, friends, conve:sation, Styrofoam, cups, etc. Only $1 I. 00.
Club meetinq: Professor N. Charness of the depprtment of psychology will give a talk or, the topic of cognitive science and artificial intelligence.
PRAYER with choir and sermon. Conrad Grebel Chapel at 4:30
The original social cult. lnteresting people, interesting conversations. Chanting and flower selling optional. 5:30 - 700 pm., CC 138. STUDENT VOCATIONAL Advisors are offering help in identifying skills and interests, writing resumes -and letters, developing interview skillsand more.For the faculty of Arts, Evan Noden, 12:30 - 2:00, ML 338 - HKLS, Sonia Savelli, 9:30 - 11:20, BMH 1040 - Math, Kevin Lasitz, 12:30 1:30. MC 3035.
JOIN THE conspracy of hope1 We fight for prisoners of conscience, fight against torture and the death penalty. Meetings are Wednesdays, 7:30 pm., * A. 1388 in Campus Centre.
GO Ctub invites all interested pe‘rsons to lessons for beginners from 6:30 to 7:30 every Wednesday, B.C. Matthews Hall, Room 1040. Free instruction and open play will follow classes. More information phone 888-4424. GLLQW COFFEEHOUSE. An informal gathering of people who enjoy light conversation, coffee and fun times in a comfortable setting. 800 1l:OO pm., CC 110. For more details call 884-GLOW. WEEKLY WATSFiC (University of Waterloo Science Fiction Club) meeting. Upcoming events: Video Night and a D & D (Dungeons & Dragons) Tournament. CC 138, 6:30.
Advisors are offering help in identifying skills @nd interas%, $&ing resumes and letters, developit?g i&rviewskilIs and more.For the faculty of Arts, Marc Lamoureux, 10:00 - 1130, ML 338 Env. Studies, Romany Woodbeck, 12:30 - 2:30, ESI 344 - Math, Kevin Lasitz, 11:30 - 200, MC 3035. FRBDAYS
VOCATIONAL Advisors are offering help in identifying skills and interests, writing resumes and letters, developing interview skills and more-For the faculty of Science, Nora Ibrahim, I:30 - 300, ESC 251 - HKLS, Sonia Savelli, 9:30 - 11:20, BMH 1040.
EVANGELiCAL Fellowship. Bible study.. CC 135 at 7:3O pm. All are welcome. THUR8DAYS
iNFORMAL SERVICE with contemporary music, rt &tee ;ind discussion to follow. Conrac; &ebeI Chapel at 700 Pm. *-MORNiNG WORSHIP every Sunday. The Rev. Dr. Tc:!r~ “+‘qrli:celebrant. Communion first ,:::,I’.. .3i each month. 1l:OO am. a: ?;6 ~%:~:j’s College. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship. Evening meeting. MSA, 163 University Ave. W., Apt. 321, at 7100 pm. All are welcome. ONGOING EVENT: Visitors are invited to discogri;,: and explore The Great Puzzle Exh!blf. It’s a puzzlement for everyone wgi?: spots of puzzle trivia, riddles, mazns, tiims. guest speakers, special eve! ;:s anti a “hands-on’* game area. Frf-le. Pm-day -Friday 9-5, Sunday l-5. B.C. %?a~rhews Hall, Museum and Arcf?ivoi uf Games. 8884424.
Waterloo Jewish Students’ Association/Hillel, CC 1 IO every Monday and Thursday 11:3O - t:30 pm. (holidays excepted) &se join us for bagels, friends, conversation, Styrofoam cups, etc. Only 81 .oo.
LANGUAGE classes for elementary school age children will be held under Heritage Language Program from 9:oO - 11:30 am. at Victoria School, 50 Joshep St., Kitchener. For more information call 747-0991,8852726 or 885-0338.
SERVICES St. Bede’s Chapel, Renlsor College 9:30 am. Prayer Book Eucnarhst. - 1100 am. Contemporary Eucharist Moose Room, Men’s Residence, Renison College.
DA&Y Hamming
Es around the corner. Find out about the latest at the Homecoming infu booth, daily at the CC, Oct. 29 till Homecoming, Nov. 13, 14. 15.
Fish Turk for sale. 10 gal. with filter, heater, thermometer, gravel, rocks, plastic plants, canopy, lights. stO0.W. Call Shawn at X4048. . 1% aoftwrrti Programming, utilities, games, spreadsheets, word processors, etc. 8$95/d&c. Free catalogue. Cal! 416-679-6704 or write 269 Sprmgside Dr., Hamilton, Ont. L96 1PEi. Plane ticket: Toronto to Saskatoon, lea./ing Toronto Dec. 17, ‘returning * Jar. 1. $325.QO. Phone ‘578-7816 aft.:r 16 pm. ‘IBM &II-, brand name computers, pet tpherals, software (word processing. etc.) High quality, full warranty machines st low prices. Call 7472452. Ghywm httof quality printer. 17 fF.F-‘;. Good conditon. 6100.00. 746-
Sharp PC-1403
pocket computer for sais. Will taki, best offer. 884-5029. T
- Colorir . TV. General ilectric 20”, -8125. Clarion hi-p-r under dash cassette deck with autoreverse, 20W % 2 amp, and co-axiai 6 x 9s, $100. Steve 742-93 52.
Must #me - t 1 dbrrrcrnd,
yellow and wh re gold wedding ring. Has been-apprased at 8930 but selling price extreinely negotiable. Please call, Desperate for money, 576-001.3.
&q mrgency? Let eprofessional I wf .ef give you constfg@ive advice on .gr; ‘nmar, structure and style. Call Ja. et, 743-4812, 10sm. to 10 pm. fit
tit cu sp 8C
rd of the colltige dating scene? Our ‘* is the national tilternative. Fay and serious studecits please rend to Friends & Lovers. P.O. Box 1, Substation 41, London, Ont.
On CWblpU8 travel representative or organization needed to promote Spring break trip to Florida. Earn money, free trips, and valuable work experience. Call Inter-Campus Programs at l-800-433-7707
Travel rsprerentatlve
or organization needed to promote spring break trip. Gain experience in marketing, earn money and free trips. Call inter-campus program, l-800-433-7707 for more info.
Pr00e & Poetry &ubmissions
wanted for Online 87-88. Online-is an annual UW Creative Arts Board publication. Submit with name, phone, address to Fed of Students office. bn Campus travel representative or organization needed to promote Spring break trip to Florida. Earn money, free trips, and valuable work experience. Call Inter-Campus Programs at l-800-433-7707 HELP
fleid opportunity.
Gain valueexperience while earnCampus representatives needed immediately for Spring break. Trips 10 Florida. Call Campus Marketing at ‘l-800-423-5264. ble marketing
ing money.
represenlatlve to promote and sell student travel trips. We offer free travel and valuable cash bonuses. Must be responsible and motivated. Student needed immediately for Quebec City ski trip. Dec. 27 - Jan. 1. (Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale) l800-265-5797.
babysitter(s) required Thursday and/or Friday afternoon. Responsible non-smoker, my home. References. Beechwood. 888-7772. Nabal Food retail experienced, parttime person, required. If interested bring your resume to 722 Belmont Ave., W. Kitchener.
Ni ; 280.
Emayr, WANTLD -
Tr ne G; ml PL m
fei representative or organization led to promote spring break trip. I experience in marketing, earn ‘ey and free trips. Call inter-camprogram, l-800-433-7707 for 3 info.
E te & Poetry submissions wanted fol Inline 87-88. Online is an annual U! creative Arts Board publication. Sr. nit with name, phone, address to Fc of Students office.
therea, work reports, business letters, resumes, etc: Wil I correct spelling, grammer and punctuation. Electronic typewriter. Resonable rates. Phone Lee 886-5444 afternoon or evening. 32 yean experience. .75 double’ spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb area. Call Doris 886-7153.
Fast, accurate
typing and letter quality word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. Free pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 5761284.
Female roomtie .TYPING
Kim’@ Secretariat
Services. Resumes, term papers and thesis - Done fast and efficiently. Call 743-7233 or .7462744. Free sick up and delivery.
wanted to share twobedroom apartment from Jan. - April. 15-20 minute walk to U of W. $225/monthaII utilities included. Call Debra 747-3608.
Room’ avaiiabie
30 yeam experience; electronic typewriter, .85 double spaced page. westmount area. Call 743-3342. -
immediately for female. $220 per month plus utilities. Large clean house, LakeshoreVillage. 20 minutes from campus, central airconditioning, gas BBQ, laundry facilities, great roomies. Ask for Anna and leave name and number at Imprint.,
Fast, profeulonai
888-4048. Jan. - Apr. Male non smokerto
typi tig - word processing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Gramma;, spelling, corrections &ailable. Suzanne, 886-3857. Typing - $1 .QO/page (d.s.) for typist Iiving on Campus (MSA). 9OCXI quality pages typed since 1984. Call Karen Shaw 746-3127.
Assignments, estheses, letters, resays. reports, sumes, etc. Professionally done on word processor. Featuring automatic spell check. Reasonable rates. Calt anvtime 746-2810. Word Procerring; Resumes 85.OO/page. Letters, Reports, Essays and Research Papers. $1.50/page. Call 884-2 184.
Experienced Typist with teaching degree. $1.00 per D.S. page. Close to Earnpus. Ask-for Karen Lr 746-063 1. Maggie Can Type It! Essays, Theses $1 .OO per page. Minimum charge 88.00. “Free” pickup and delivery, 743- 1976. - Profe8sbnai typing services. Offered 7 days/week. Workguaranteed. Call 578-6653/-744-7628. Pick-up and delivery available. Typing. 13 years experience, including medical terminology. Professionally done on high-quality word processor. On-campus pick-up and delivery. Sharon 748- 1793.
share furnished basement accomodation with one other student. Private entrance and parking; $45/week. Call 745-2002 or 888-373 1.
Room waibbls - Jan. I/88 - For one female in North Campus Townhouse. Serious, non-smoker onty. Call Jane in T.O. 416-588-0898 after 5:OO pm. Help me - I’m living with three WLU students, and I need two U of W chicks to even things up. Call and we will talk because this ad costs too much. 7473 189, Dewey. Housing nvallu#a January ‘88. Two bedrooms in townhouse shared by two other females. Close toUW and all necessary facilities. $140 - $150 a month plus utilities. Call 886-5145. May - Aug. ‘88. Five bedroom house not far from campus. 8165&/mo. includes kitchen, 2 baths, laundry, housecleaning, cable TV. Call 7464679 or 747-2828, and be gettled for Spring.
Female nonsmoker to share 2 bedroom apartment, King & Columbia. $200 month. Possible option to take over lease. Senior students/grads preferred. Call Denise at 884-5163 or X 6790.
‘two bedroom apartment! available December 1 st for two quiet,’ responsible, non-smoking students. Seven minutes from university by car. $450. includes utilities. Call 8935086. January 1988. Furnished bedroom available for sublet in Winter term. Share bathroom and kitchen with other students. Close to campus - University Ave., between Philip and Albert, $21 O/month plus utilities. Call Andrew 746-3079.
= Accomodatbn needed for two for winter term 1988. One bedroom apartment or large room in house, etc. Near a Metro station. Call Jeff or Fleur at 747-3855.
Jam - Customized song tributes from scratch. 743-7343.
Economics Society presents Road Trip II to Clirb Exit on Friday, Nov. 20/‘87. Cost is 825 which includes bus to/from campus and all you can drink at the club. Age I.D. (21 years) is required. All are welcome1 For tickets and further info visit HH 151 6 or phone Jim at 747-2014. Wanted:
looking for bassist and drummer for casual playing - ie. garage band. Influences include the Replacements, Minutemen, Volcano Suns. If interested call 886-9489. Ask for Jeff. What am I going to do? How can I be sure I am pregnant7 How should I tell my family7 Can I continue in school? Where can I obtain good medical care? Gail Birthrinht 575-3990. Attention ComOp students. Out of money? Maybe we can help with a personal loan. Bank of. Commerce, Campus Centre. Gq man, successful but lonely, wishes to meet a younger man for friendship and companionship. Serious calls only please. Doug 658-
3387. KmW:
Everybody knows what you did last weekend (we told them). That was really gross! Your new roomates, V& 8.
G.N.C.T.R. 88. CIV DIS would like toI thank all those who bought tickets for the microwave raffle. Details on an end of term blow out bash soon! P8uia: Rw are red. Violets have class, I would give anything, For a ,piece of your...birthday cake. Happy birthday.
From KeGn.
Eatlrrg dirorden
conference featuring Oavid M. Garner, Ph. D., internationally known expert in the area. Wednesday, November 18,9 am. to 5 pm., U of W. Contact Tammy - Health and Safety Services, U of W.
Clean, sexually
active girls who will do it on the first night. Call: Brett K. 747-1836. guys, looking for a crazy time, I’m looking to use my free Safe Sampkf Call Sue at 1 F North, K.W. Hospital. Hey
EaM A & B Reunion. Anyone who has ever lived on East A or 8, come on out to fed Hall this Wed., Nov. 18. See you all there! Psycho and Adam.
Stsvs S. I’m starting to put on some weight and it’s not from the Octoberfegbeer. Signed; Worried in Michigan. Tend of being a Ioveslave Dave for semi-goth...confused trendites? Join the League of Deviant Dave’s!! Call 81-82-83-84 f or “Don’t be a dependable Dave”, subtitled “‘Fun with Fluid Physics.” Ski trfp - December 27 to January 1. 8269 includes bus, 5 nights accoinodation, 4 day ilft pass at Mont St. Anne. Call for intormation 746-2616.
A red Gortex coat *aken from a party at the new Columbia St. Townhouse complex, unit 5IJ,. on Sat., Nov. 7, 1987. If y.ou took his coat by mistake or know who ha> St, Dlease call Jeff Thomson 746-I I%:-. .FOUWD
~CXSWiound on Ring Road outside SC: i >lLuki’s Metamorto phosis. Call Kr +-: 11 ae: 746-7907 claim. c ..
* X press ,16
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