Set for March
Feds/OFS-call protest by Mike Brown Imprint staff Quiet lobbying techniques are being thrust aside. The Federation of Students want Waterloo students to hit the streets of Toronto during a “Provincial Week of Action.” The Week of Action is the idea of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS). UW’s Fed liaison to OFS is Darren Meister; he explained that OFS has persisted with quiet lobbying techniques “but is frustrated by it,” The targeted date is the week of March 7-10. The Feds will host forums on campus for the first three days. On Thursday, March IO busloads of Waterloo students will be transported free of charge to and from Queen’s Park, Toronto. Look for a forum on campus protesting the $106 living allowance of the Ontario Student Assistance Plan as well as a forum on municipal exclusionary bylaws restricting the number of students allowed to live together. The Federation indicated their on-campus forum portion of the Provincial Week of Action may start as early as the week of February 29. Meistet expects at least four buses to carry UW students to T.O. “Anything less than that is a sad comment,” he said. The bus tab will cost the Feds at least a $1,000. The secondary purpose of the day, says Meister is the linking of Ontario’s university students together in Toronto. The University of Western Ontario strongly endorsed the march, something that Meisterl said surprised him because of Western’s traditional conservative nature. Since he was wearing a Ralph Lauren shirt at the time of this interview, Meister chuckled at the thought of a Polo shirt clad student doubling as a temporary student activist. The difficult task in getting Waterloo students out will be detided upon today by a special committee meeting to choose a strategy. Heavy society involvement is expected to be the mainstay of the Fed ploy of filling the buses up. Other ideas under consideration for on-campus support for the week is a room jamming contest and possibly a debate between a municipal official and student leaders, Meister’ says a debate would “make the people making the decisions face the students.” UW student council support for the action week was very strong. Organizers are hopeful that Waterloo’s show of seven people at a Queen’s Park protest dating back a few years can be topped. President -elect Adam Chamberlain warned that protests of this nature should not be done all the time, “but a little bit of media attention isn’t all bad,” he said. He added that a protest was overdue. I Anxious students can sign a preliminary sign-up sheet for a seat on the bus in the Federation of Students’ office in the Campus Centre.
OCUA stalling puts co-op fees up in air by lacquie Griffin Imprint staff Students in co-operative education proirams may be paying more in the upcoming term. At the university senate finance meeting, held this past Tuesday, the 1988-89 budget includes $700,000 in increased co-op fees. If this proposal is passed by the Ontario Council on University Affairs, students will be paying about $320 per term in co-op fees, Rationalizations for this include the following: cost to the department, space and utility costs, computing and data costs (to conduct its extensive matching process between employers and students], marking work reports and faculty administration related to co-op. It is these last two aspects in regards to the increase that greatly concerti the Federation of Students. In a number of faculties, marking of work reports is done not by the university, but by the employer. Included with faculty administration duties, the Federation sees the amount of $700,000 as questionably high. The Federation has brought its case against the increase to OCUA. The Federation is also concerned with a plan to introduce the changes into the budget before it has actually been approved. Essentially, if the increase is not passed by OCUA until the fall, students in the summer will still have to pay these already inflated fees. Fed President Ted Carlton said that “on such a tight budget, this approach is actually somewhat reckless. If the increase is not approved it could put the university budget in the red.”
Salary committee conciirns Carlton by Jacquie Griffin staff I Imprint A further review of the Uni. versity of Waterloo’s 1988-89 ; -budget was presented at the seI nate finance meeting Tuesday. Federation of Students Presir dent Ted Carlton voiced several ’ concerns, one of which &nlt with the Faculty salary committee. The committee basically deThe Federation of Students and the OFS hope to reincarnate the cides the salary increases to be above show of spirit of university students backing their student given faculty members in the upcoming year. leaders up on key issues. The OFS is sponsoring a Provincial Carlton cites a problem .with Week of Action March 7-10. UW students are being asked to the committee, which was join other universities i’n a protest and social at Queen’s Park. formed several years ago. He says there should be some questioning as to why there is a lack of debate on faculty salary issues. “This is really the only aspect of the budget that remains closed to the board of governors, which means there is little room for debate of the whole package.” He said the situation is much cent to be exact in ‘86). Toronto by lames Cash different in other areas, and gave with 51.3 per cent, Western with Imprint staff the example of teaching equip38.8 per cent nnci Wilfrid Laurier ment, the budget for which is with 37.7 per cp?f round out the Included with the University down 38 per cent from last year, rest of the top five in 1986. Brock of Waterloo budget information from $1.3 million to $800,000. came last with 31.8 per cent, released Tuesday were some in“Perhaps”, Carlton said, “there Waterloo leads the pack, howteresting statistics concerning should be questioning in regards ever, in the frequency of scholarthe university. Most impressive to factilty increases, as this may ships awarded to its graduate is the share of Ontario Scholars have affected this 38 per cent destudents, these include NSERC Waterloo attracts. crease.” postgraduate, NSERC 1967, OnIn 1986, 54 of every 100 registario Graduate Scholarships, trants were Ontario Scholars: in Doctoral Fellowships 1984, 52.7 of every 100 regis- , SSHRC Scholartrants were OS and in 1982,54.9 ’ and the Commonwealth ships. In 1086-87,23.2 per cent of out of every 100 registrants were the total graduate student enrolOS. Consistently, more than half ment, some 390 students, at Waof Waterloo’s Grade 13 registerloo were awarded. In a distant trants comprise Ontario Schosecond place is Toronto with lars, 16.1 per cent awarded scholarThis is only a second-place ships. Guelph with 15.9 per cent, standing. Queen’s came first in Queen’s with 11 per cent, and each sample year with OS Grade McMaster with 10.3 per cent 13 registrants numbering complete the top five. roughly seven in 10 (72.6 per
Waterloo second for attracthg brains
Basically all decisions made by the faculty salary committee are binding on the senate and the board of governors once the representatives have made a decision. Acting Vice-President (academic and provost] Robin Banks said the committee clearlv PCpresents the faculty and board of governors, as there is a representation from both sides. The sixmember salary committee are made up of members of the faculty association as well as reprtisentatives from th’e university association. Banks also pointed out that the BOG agreed to the implementation of a faculty salary committee. “The process is a unique one and is better than most universities . . . it is basically an agreement that is fairly negotiEited to come to a point that is acceptable.” Carlton cites further concerns with the chairman of the committee. If the representatives from faculty and university cannot come to a conclusion, the decision is ultimately made by the. chairman. “This is quite a responsibility to place in the hands of one person, without the further debate of board and senate.”
Israeli consul challenged over Gaza violence by Meets Mackenzie The Queen’s Journal What was intended to be a closed meeting between Toronto Israeli Consul Ben Tzioni and the B’nai Brith Hillel Foundation at Queen’s turned into a heated, emotionally-charged discussion Februarv 11. A smill group of 10 placard-
wielding members of ad-hoc committee of Canadians Concerned for Palestine arrived at a Mackintosh-Carry lecture room to protest the Consul’s presence at Queen%. “Israel is being given a chance to justify its behaviour in Gaza (through the invitation of the Israeli Consull. Instead of iustifying this, we’should be &ou-
The Shroud
of Turin,
by Robert Day And just when you thought the fine folks down at the Catholic Church had just about exhausted their capacity for public self-destruction, we have the following embarrassing morsel courtesy of the January 21 issue of New Scientist, “Vatican undermines tests on Turin shroud.” According to writer Ian Anderson of San Francisco, “The Roman Catholic Church stands accused thi,s week of altering an elaborate scientific protocol to test the age of the Shroud of Turin so that the results will be ambiguous, The church has narrowed from seven to three the number of laboratories that will be allowed to date the shroud using carbon dating techniques. It did so without warning and contrary to an arrangement agreed in Turin in 1986. With fewer laboratories involved, the results will be less reliable.” “At the meeting in Turin between scientists and church officials, delegates agreed on an II-stage procedure for removing samples from the shroud, shipping them to the laboratories, and returning them after the~analysis.” I “The Vatican, after reviewing the protocol, has made changes, including the elimination of four laboratories from the test.” The establishment of the protocol mentioned above was discussed in an April 17,1987 copy of The Globe and Mail, in which Garfield ReevesStevens referred to the 1978 examinations of the shroud by the 25-member Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP), stating that the STURP team “found no reason to dispute” the belief that the shroud was the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Regular readers of this space may recall a three-column series on the shroud some time back in which yours truly also came to some conclusions, not the least of which were that virtually every conceivable piece of evidence (Biblical, historical, visual, and chemical) refuted STURP’s bizarre belief and that the STURP team were as incompetent and unobjective a group of dingbats as one could cram into a phone booth. Having briefly mentioned the pros and cons of the STURP tests, Reeves-Stevens points out the most frustrating omission of the entire examination, ‘,. . I despite the thoroughness of the STURP examination, the most basic question about the shroud remains unanswered: How old is it?“, an
raging forums for constructive dialogue,” said committee member Oscar Ammar. “There are people here (at Queen’s) that are qualified to speak on behalf of Palestinians.” The committee heard of the Consul’s visit through a notice of coming events in a De artment of Political Studies bul Petin. and came equipped with placards
omission due to the Vatican’s insistence that carbon dating the material would require the removal’ and destruction of a significant portion of the alleged holy relic. This particular objection was never on terribly firm round to begin with and became even shakier a i!ter the development of a new technique called accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) by Dr. Harry Gove of the U, of Rochester and Prof. A. E. Litherland of the U. of Toronto, in which the total shroud area required for all seven labs participating would be just greater than the size of two postage stamps. (This amount is what is technically referred to in the scientific literature as “small”.) According to Reeves-Stevens+ Gove and other researchers developed a double-blind protocol for testing the shroud-*that was to have been supervised by the British Museum and involved seven AMS labs, but even then, there were warning signs of some serious footsie being played. After having waited patiently for the tests to begin, Gove stated, “I’m baffled . . a There has been no action for six months . . l ‘I. And then the crunch. With no warning, those fine folks in the Vatican tossed out four of the seven labs and stated that the archbishop’s scientific advisor, Luigi Gonella, would not attend the next meeting with the three remaining labs unless they agreed to participate in the dating procedure as approved by the church hierardhy. One would have thought that these shining examples of moral leadership would have progressed beyond the stage of “It’s my ball, and I don’t wanna play no more.” Apparently not. The remaining labs made their dissatisfaction painfully clear in a letter to shroud custodian Care dinal Ballestero, stating, “As you are awar& there are many critics in the world who will scrutinise these measurements in great detail. The abandonment of the original protocol, and the decision to proceed with only three laboratories will certainly enhance the scepticism of these critics? Gove, in a. statement to New Scientist, was slight1 less subtle, “1 ho e the three laboratories stand Yirm and say to he Y1 with you . . .” To suggest that the Vatican’s justification for this somewhat sleazy behavior is a bit weak is being overly charitable. All labs are responsible for their own financing in the protocol and the difference between one postage stamp worth of material and two is, to put it mildly, insignificant. It would seem time for the keepers of the sacred cloth to stop screwing around and either put up or Ihut up.
reading “Gaza Israel’s Sowetd” and “Zionism - International Terrorism,” Howard Crosner, president of the Jewish students group, originally told the gathering they would not be allowed -in, but subseqently said they could stay after Tzioni agreed to their presence. Tensions built throughout the evening and peaked when committee member Banu Helvacioglu asked a question concerning Israeli violence which Tzioni evaded. “You have talked about media distortion, and now you have a forum to tell us the truth. I have a simple question: Are Israelis killing Palestinians?” Helvacioglu asked. Replied the consul: “If everything was okay and police were only directing traffic, would Palestinians allow Israel to live in peace?” Although Helvacioglu asked her question repeatedly, she was given the same response, and finally told by the consul that her question was a racist one. “You are a racist ,” Tzioni told Helvacioglu, who in reply suggested she could sue for slander. “I have diplomatic immunity,” was the consul’s reply. After demanding an apology and being told by Crosner that one would not be forthcoming at that timeJthe committee stormed out ‘of the room in a show of further protest. “This is just one more example of how when you say something against this regime, you are accused about being an antiSemitic,” said a protester who asked not to be identified. Earlier, Tzioni talked briefly about what he perceived as intense but superficial media coverage of events in the Israelioccupied Gaza Strip. Showing the group of about 40 people a front page Toronto Star article reporting Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, and a second three-line article from the Toronto Sun telling of the deaths of three Israeli soldiers, Tzioni said that such coverage was out of context. “This is a distortion of a very big lie,” said Tzioni, “The media are interested in the sensational and thus don’t cover such things as the thousands of Arabs that receive free treatment in Israeli hospitals even though they aren’t citizens, nor the fact that 10,000 families over 20 years have been moved out of refugee camps into housing,” he added, During the question period, Tzioni denied comparisons of
South Africa and Israel as settler nations which were displacing indigenous populations. “The Jews have ancient linguistic and cultural ties which give us a rightful claim to the region,” explained Tzioni. “Almost anyone can become an Israeli citizen and have the same rights as a Jew.” Committee member Jamal Elwerfalli quickly responded to Tzioni, saying: “Muslims could use the same argument. We believe in the same prophets. You are mixing religion with nationalism. The Jew, like the Christian, has the right to live anywhere - it is wrong to let someone come from the US. and kick out a Palestinian.” Later Tzioni failed to comment on a statement from the audience that Israel is one of the largest suppliers of arms to South Africa. Crosner said the meeting was not originally structured as a debate, and that he was unsure of how news of the event got into the political studies bulletin. “We did not intend for this to be an open event,” he said.
Ruling hasn’t slowed Moraentaler by Derik Hawley Imprint staff In a recent speech at Queen’s University, Dr. Henr Morgentaler, attacked strong r y the prolife movement despite a recent ruling by the supreme court affirming a women’s right to abortion. Morgentaler, who joined the pro-choice movement in the 1960s explained the reasons for his actions, “I saw desperate women coming into the hospital month after month suffering from the complications from illegal or self-induced abortions . I . many of whom would have died without the benefit of medical attention,” As well as explaining the cause, Morgentaler attacked the opposition. “I call them religious fanatics because they are impervious to reason . * , what they really have is a fetus fetish.”
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U.W’s first: by Kelly Cascone Imprint staff
Female security
There is a new face amidst UW’s Security force. Barbara Jean McNeil1 is the first female officer to be hired by the University. When the present.Chief of security, Al McKenzie began work on campus in August, he was surprised to see no females on staff. ‘McKenzie would like to hire more women officers but He said, “I won’t lower the standards.” Two openings for officers were advertised and 20-25 people applied. Of those, only three were female and one met the qualifications.
McNeil: quickly earned respect of her peers McKenzie did not set out to hire a female he comments, “1 didn’t want a token female,” rather, he wanted someone who would do the job and he feels he has found her. McKenzie boasts, “Jean is the type of individual who can handle herself well and she has quickly earned the respect of all her peers.” A minimum of 5 years police experience is one of the job requirements. McKenzie has observed that when women leave the police force they leave to have children or because their husband has moved away. McNeil1 agrees with the statement and she adds, “There are not a lot of women in the police force to begin with and if the regular force is finding it difficult to recruit women then it means there are fewer experienced women circulating,” McNeil1 has not had any problems with her all male co-workers, She explains, “I thought initially some of the men may have felt upset at having to surrender their domain - even if they did, they didn’t show it.” There was an incident at Federation Hall several weeks ago that McNeil1 and a male partner responded to. “Having a female respond can put a damper on things more quickly than when two men respond, Mckenzie said, There is no guarantee that this will happen all, the time. After the event, the male partner indicated he would like to have Jean for a partner anytime.”
Male officers have no choice but to treat McNeil1 as an equal as Jean describes, “there just isn’t enough staff to do otherwise. There may only be two people to go out on a call and then I am his back-up and he is mine. You have to know you can count on the person you are working with. I hold my own and so do they.” Women must handle certain situations differently than a man would. McNeil1 describes, “being a woman, you have to use your brain first then your mouth with tact and diplomacy.” There are two approaches to handling difficult predicaments: one, you can put the person’s back against the wall and they will come up fighting; or two, try and talk yourself out of a situation using tact and diplomacy, she said. McNeil1 recognizes, “I am short and a woman so if a big guy wants to hurt me he can. I know holds and restraints but they don’t always work. I must use my head more than men because 1 do not have their stature. Students here seem pretty easy, they don’t get too violent,” Work at Waterloo is basically what McNeil1 expected. She worked for the Armed Forces and was stationed at CFB Kingston in the Military Police Section. There are many similarities between the two positions. Previously, McNeil1 worked closely with students in barracks and in Waterloo there are residences. Waterloo is less strict and the amount of theft on campus is tremendous she said. During a walk on campus, McNeil1 saw about every second door open and purses left out within sight. No one asked her who she was, “I could have made a fortune, and some people do,” she commented. The duties of the job involve more security type work than she experienced before. Duties like checking doors, foot work, vehicle patrols and traffic duties are some jobs which McNeil1 mentioned.
It’s like walking around in a big park McNeil1 is pleased to be the first female at Waterloo; however, this is not the first time she broke tradition. Ten years ago she became the first female provincial Park Warden. She explains, “I ended UP on a course with 80 men and I was also the youngest."
Watch for this face and’ welcome Barbara Jean McNeil. She is pleased to be the fir& female security officer the University has hired.
McNeil1 is having a good time and is looking forward to the summer. “1 hear it is like walking around a big park,” she said.
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Academics rewa,rded for work ’ Dr. ]ohn Hepburn, University of Waterloo chemistry and physics professor, has been awarded a Sloan research fellowship by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York, Sloan fellowships, valued at $2S,OOO (U.S.), provide two years of financial support which can be used to release researchers from teaching duties, for professional travel, for technical and scientific assistance and in a number of other ways intended to further their research careers. They make it possible for scientists still at the early stages of their careers to be able to do more fundamental research. [Sloan fellowships are also offered older scientists on occasion, to facilitate changes in career directions.) The fellowships are awarded in physics, chemistry, mathematics, neuroscience and economics; there are 90 in all, 23 in chemistry, across the North American continent. Hepburn’s is in chemistry. Hepburn, 33, has been an assistant professor at UW since 1982. Born in Hamilton, he attended Waterloo and received a bachelor of science degree in 1976. He completed his PhD in Toronto in 1980, having worked with the Canadian Nobel prize winner, John Polanyi; he also did post-doctoral work at the University of California (Berkeley) with another Nobel prize winner, Yuan T. Lee. Hepburn’s research involves photofragmentation and photoionization studies of small mole-
cules, using lasers. Preliious honors include a Cottrell Research Award (also a U.S. honor) in 1984. He is the fourth UW chemistry professor to receive a Sloan award. Others are Drs. Fred McCourt, Robert LeRoy and Ajit Thakkar; Dr. Jiri Cizek, applied mathematics who has a cross appointment with UW’s chemistry department, has also received the award. Hepburn is the second member of his UW undergraduate class to receive a Sloan fetlowship; a classmate from the '76 class, Dr. Peter Bernath, now a professo’r at the University of Arizona, has also received the honor.
Dr. David Lyon, sociology pro‘fessor, Bradford and Ilkley College, England, will-discuss “The Coming of the Information Society: Reality or Illusion,” at 12:30 p.m*, February 29, in Campus Centre room 135. It will be a free lecture, sponsored by Waterloo’s Centre for Society, Technology and Values. Lyon feels new computer and communications technologies mean “important changes are occurring, but not necessarily in the way the pundits have imagined.” He feels difficult ethical, political, technical and economic questions remain to be faced. Dr. Lyon is the author of a new book, The Information Society; also of The Silicon Society.
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This spontaneous igloo, by (clockwise from top left) Earl Lockwood, Tommy Scott, Eddie Van Haren, Ray Portelance and others will be entered in the Village 2 snow sculpture contest. People from Floor West A constructed the sculpture late last Fridav night.
Fridayllkndredi WednesdaylMermdi Thursday/ Jeudi 1 1 I
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department, the Federation of Students, the Arts Students’ Union, and UW. Pitfield is a former trusted adviser of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau; -he was appointed to the senate in 1982. He is also a director and a corporation former Harvard professor,
Senator Michael Pitfield will give a public lecture at the University of Waterloo, March 3. He
Monday1 Lundi I SALE OF 7C1E MONm
will discuss the views of Canada’s three major political parties in relation to such issues as free trade and the Meech Lake Accord. Pitfield will speak at 3 p.m., in the great hall, Conrad Grebel College. He will be the guest of UW’s political science department, the political science student association, Conrad Grebel, the history
Two adjunct professors, Edward Jones and Detlef Mertins, of the University of Waterloo’s school of architecture will be main speakers at the annual meeting of the Ontario Association of Architects next week. The meeting is scheduled for March 3 to 5 at Toronto’s Metro Convention Centre. Jones, an English architect now practicing in Canada, is currently Arriscraft visiting professor at UW. He is co-designer of the Mississauga city hall. Mertins is a Toronto architect and director of Toronto’s bureau of architecture and urbanism. Theme of the meeting is “after mbdernism.”
Sundayl Uimanche
‘.Viliager-b&ilt igloo undercuts regular
5 :oo
p.111. .
Publicity problems and low interest spoiling Ed’n Board by Marc Brzuatowski Imprint staff
To: Professor - Economics
‘0: Dr. Peter Woolstencroft !uestion: ose? igned:
Franz Hartmann
Question: Like, Lar, what’s with the drinkin’ boxes in class? Or specifically, exactly how many utils do you derive from each unit of con-, sumption? ,. Signed: Scott Russell - Village II, West C, “Home of the Pig Dogs”
) Larry who? ) Because the other two tooges - David “Curly” eterson and Bob “Moe” Rae - just wanted to point finers at each other,
Getting it at the library electronically If you are interested in practicing safe communication with the Librarian, or rather, the library’s new on-line catalogue system, you had better get yourself a modem for those off-campus encounters. For off-campus service to the catalogue use Bell Canada DATAPAC service. Dial 5789720 for 1200 baud, or 579-0009 for 300 baud, The library’s DATAPAC address is 33500196. For on-campus encounters with the the GEAC9000 serviced catalogue using GANDALF, set the switch to 03 and hit the carriage return If SYTEK is your fancy, type CALL 2400 and press the return key twice. An asterisk will appear. Type 03 and press return. Up to 10 outside calls can be handled by the library’s on-line system at any one time.
Larry Smith
Zillions of utils. I spend most of my miserable salary on these boxes. But I need all this fruitful energy to vanquish the dark forces of economic ignorance. Otherwise, I start to look like my hero: Yoda, Answer:
The Federation of Students Education Commission “took a big loss” on each speaker it brought to lecture at UW since the fall, and little remains of the commission’s speaker funds. Nancy Johnston, one of two education commissioners, blames the loss on meager attendance, but says publicity is not a problem. Attendance at the four speaking events sponsored exclusively by the commission this academic year has averaged 100. Ideally, ticket sales will cover costs but none of these events has broke even. Poor turnout limits who the commission can bring on campus: explained Johnston, 100 people showing up to a $5,000 event “blows half our budget.” The Commission has $10,000, or 36 per cent of its allocation, to spend on drawing lecturers and speakers to UW, in addition, $1,000 is set aside to co-sponsor events with student societies, clubs, and the Waterloo Public Interest research Group. Johnston said more than $9,000 has been spent. The cost of these four events has ranged from around $500 to more than $2,500. One speaker, entrepreneur David Harley, is scheduled to speak February 29 and, said, Johnston “we are trying for a few things” in March. The cost of a speaker includes the lecture fee, travel and living expenses, and ticket and advertising costs. To reduce these costs, a number of universities will book the same speaker, sharing the travel and accommodation
part of the $2,500 bill. Admission was free only for the MacKenzie event. In October journalist Dith Pran, portrayed in The Killing Fields movie, spoke in the Humanities Theatre to fewer than 100 people, not enough to cover his $2,000 [America) fee, and Jeffrey Simpson, the Globe and Mail columnist, lectured in November at a cost of $2,000. Johnston admitted “something big and controversial” would boost attendance as well as the image of the commission’s activities, but, referring to past speakers, she said “all of them were incredible.” The University of Guelph’s Central Student Association albo has a $10,000 budget for guest speaker events. In cooperation with U of G’s University Centre, and Guelph’s Daily Mercury, the CSA has hosted former federal Liberal cabinet minister Jean Chretien, former CIA agent John Stockwell (who the commission helped co-sponsor at UW), Dith Pran, scientist David
When you bring irhds
Suzuki. and Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd environmental organization. Average attendance has been over 500, with tickets between $4 and $6. The CSA usually breaks even when ticket sales exceed three-quarters of total. John Bonnar, the CSA’s program coordinator, explained that losses are split with University Centre management, and the Daily Mercury offers “good deals”
on advertising.
Johnston points out the Education Commission budget is intended to be spent, and the commission’s purpose Is education rather than profit, but low attendance severely limits the choice of educators. In add-ition to posters, the Fed Line, community calendars, CKMS announcements, and press releases, she said the commission “targets a few classes” with advertisement, but complained few professors announce the events: “they’re not helping the situation at all.”
oi color
On September 14, the Rhino Party’s Charlie MacKenzie came to Fed Hall at a cost of $500 plus travel expenses from Montreal. Near the end of September, the commission held a free trade debate between Mel Hurtig agd Donald McDonald. Hurtig’s return ticket from Edmonton was 160 WWERSITY AVE W. (between U of W & Philip)
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Co-op should provide contracts Sitting in the “pit” in Needles Hall. Observing the well-dressed people waiting for interviews. Most of them with lumps in their throats, holding clipboards, trying to appear as calm and prepared as possible. Their names are called over the loudspeaker and they walk to their respective rooms. Just a bit nervous.. . Reminds me of a giant assembly line processing human flesh-for-hire. “Next! Step right up.” 4;30 in the afternoon. Rush hour at Co-op Grand Central Station. Squirming like spongy animals against the job-postings board, the students sweat and stink up their finest business suit;. There’s a push to see who got an interview, who got passed over, how many people can fit into this narrow corridor? What inflames me is not the mass of peo,ple pressed together like canned fish. Not even the nervous waiting game in the “pit”designed to intimidate us. No! What really grills me is that we put up with a hiring process that excludes the most necessary item of employment: the contract. I don’t tiant to sign my name on a green piece of paper in lieu of the contract - I want the real thing right there in my hands. Just because I’m a co-op student, the administration can’t expect me to take a job in trust and hope that I won’t get shafted by the employer. It’s my right to ask for this valid business document before I scribble eight months of my life away. If I or any of you worked full-time in the business world and were asked to commit ourselves to a paragraph-long job description, we would also expect to see a contract on the table. And if we didn’t see one, we would scoff at the employer’s promises and promptly walk 1 have to be an away. Yet, the co-op system believes it’s doing students a _ You don’t - - because I anarchy loving, unruly rebel to favour by finding us jobs, we should be content to trust them and let protest these days. The student them take care of us. Well, I don’t trust either the co-op people or their activist of the eighties can wear corporate clients. What I do trust is a legally-binding document with a Polo shirt and attend institumy signature on it. tions like the University of Once you’ve signed that green sheet, you’ve accepted the job and Western Ontbrio. are at the mercy of the invisible contract that it represents. If you Today’s university students complain about your problems to the co-ordinator, chances are some are going through an identity criaction may be taken against the employer in the future. But how does sis. They look to the past and see that help you now? It doesn’t, A corporation is obviously more the sixties and seventies image important to Career Services than you, a mere individual, right? of the student activist; today’s WRONG! If you that’s what you think, why are you reading,this at students are embarrassed at the all? thought of society lumping them You must do what is specified in a contract that you’ve never seen, into the same category as their otherwise you’ll receive a poor work evaluation. In extreme cases, colleagues of the previous : the employer may even hold the contract over your head, threatening decades. : to dismiss you if you don’t comply. And by the way, claiming ignorOf late, quiet lobbying has ance is no defence. been the philosophy of Ontario’s The employer immediately has the advantage over you because student leaders. Some students she has read the contract and you have not. Your expectations are are frustrated: they are frusreally only assumptions. You hope to be treated fairly, You expect trated because of backward legsomething to be your right, but learn that it’s only a privilege. The islation such as exclusionary person who interviewed you has been promoted. Your new boss is a bylaws. If you are annoyed complete stranger who has no clue as to what you should be doing. about a municipal government wing is substantial until you actually arrive at the job. And what telling you that five of’your budif the employer drops little “surprises” on you during your term, but dies can’t live together in an offholds up the contract as support? Surprises such as filling in for campus house you are no bloody vacationing staff, a.k.a. stuffing car seats on the assembly line while radical if you show your support the full-time stuffer tans in Jamaica. by taking part in an Ontario FedHere lies the problem - insufficient or ambiguous information in eration of Students sponsored the job descriptions compounded by shallow questions and evasive protest at Queen’s Park. answers during the interviews. Signing the contract at the time of The Liberal government ia gethiring would erase any possible confusion as to the student’s responting deafer and deafer to the sibilities during her work term, sounds of the student voice as it While we’re on the topic of contracts, nowhere does a job desc,ription state the salary in writing - students are advised to ask for it discreetly during interviews. And even if a student is hired, the little green piece of paper won’t state the salary in writing either. You’re told you’re making $400/week by th+ interviewer, but the invisible contract specifies $380/week. A human mistake? An oversight? ... okay, but what do you do? Just grin and bear it. Hardly . . . I can empathize with students who feel alienated by thtiir colop terms. But I can’t feel sorry for them if they won’t demand their inextricable right as employees. If Career Services wants to be regarded as a truly professional placement agency, then it should behave like other placement agencies. It must care enough about its human resources to hire them out with at least the security of a contract. This can only increase the less Waterloo is a dump, but there than adequate trust between students, administration, and employare a few good things about living here. So, sharpen your peners. cils and sweat it out until next week. A ballot will appear in the Fietr Stathis following issue. l
Polo shirt protest realizes the power of majority The eighty’s stugovernment. dent doesn’t ask for much; he doesn’t want to change the world; he doesn’t ask that education be free; he doesn’t protest against governmental foreign policy; all he asks is that municipalities steer clear of making their cities inhospitable and they also ask for a few funding concessions from the government and university administrations in the province. When Ontario’s students are not taken seriously with these realistic concerns, the
power of intimidation, that is, the threat of mobilizing a collective vote, has got to do are talking for us. In the weeks proceeding Thursday, March 10, get up to the Federation of Students’ office and sign up for a seat on the bus chartered for Queen’s Park. Let’s send a dozen buses because that is what it will take if you care about getting a fair shake from our trustees in the government. Mike
Swaggart bites the dust - Thank God! Well I guess we’re all human. Jimmy Swaggar.t has never professed to be any more than just that. Well, most of the time anyway. In any case, let’s have pity on the poor guy. If not for the fact that he represents the utmost in hypocrisy, at least we can feel for the fact that he never fully realized that his fate was a long time coming. I suppose Jimmy was just trying to do his job. Saving all those who have been mislaid, (or is that misled?) Anyway, it’s not easy being the caped crusader against homosexuals, Catholics, and tobacco. I mean, it’s a tough job and somebody’s got to do it. These are valid causes that need concrete financial backing. This week Swaggart’s masquerade finally ended. Allegations of his involvement with a New Orleans prostitute were confirmed. The pure fire and brimstone e,vangelicafism that has been burning on television sets everywhere, has been put out - hopefully for good. In many ways, it is truly a time of rejoicing for the rest of us, Another milestone has been met in regards to the debunking of the atrocities created by TV evangelists. Perhaps it is only a matter of time ‘before the entire system crushes under its own weight. The judgments and power struggles that exist between these “head honchos” of Christendom are being exposed more and more. We may even live to see the day whereby they will all be professed to be the total frauds that they are. For the meantime however, let’s all take a moment of silence to thank God that another individual who has chosen to make a mockery of religion has finally been laid to rest.
Best of Waterloo Readers’ I Poll 1988”
Jacquia c B
Scott “should spend less time watching TV, and more time getting an education”, a somewhat sharp and completely uncalled for comment at best. Perhaps Brian should think about all possible in-
To the editor,
Pseudonym conflict To the editor,
How would you feel if rived at school one day to article, which you has written not ever conceived ing, appearing in Imprint you name? This happened February 19.
you arfind an neither of writunder to me
On that date, a guest author wrote Chris Gerrard’s A Different Light column. This author wished to protect her identity through the use of a pseudonym. Unfortunately, her chosen pseudonym happens to be my real- name. The person she describes in the column, however, bears no more resemblance to me than does Chris Gerrard himself. It is standard practice for major newspapers and publishing houses to check the names of cl11 fictional characters in any works they publish. Even-campus society papers, such as mathF&WS, check pseudonyms against the registrar’s master list to avoid using the name of a student currently enrolled on campus. Surely it would be both reasonable and responsible for Imprint to follow such a procedure. This would avoid embarrassment fdr all parties con-
Humanism *priority over religion in ’ classroom . To the editor,
In accord with “. . . keep religion out of class” (Imprint, Feb. 12) a petition was circulated on campus encouraging the Waterloo Board of Education to promote “our reputation as a fair-minded and tolerant community” in answer to Christians who oppose the liberalizatiqn of religion in public schools. I One may wonder, howetier, how> fair-minded and tolerant are the university’s curricula and fields of study, an4 which religion is contradicted in some of its classes and texts? Maybe by default of Christians, the university promotes today a physical humanism, In psychology, man is material only, and the ’ so-called science of human behaviour does not tolerate the Biblical’ human spirit which enable man to think and act freely. The physical sciences have become authoritarian: matter is held usually to be the o~lly eternal existence, and both astrophysics and geology promote evolutiologic processes. - The heavans do not declare the glory of God anymore, anti the firmament shewest not His handiwork - In biology, men are primates, and no more than an animal species. ‘Today,. Christians attempt to protect their chliklren in public school from other religious views, for the Gospels teach that Jesus is the only way to God. Universities protect their authoritarian views from which Christianity has all but vanished because they do not unpromote the epistemological certainty of a11human knowledge.
at yourself 1
Concerning the letter to the editor entitled “Nuclear neighbour doesn’t glow in the dark (Imprint, Feb. 191, I submitted the cartoon cecned. referred to in the letter on behalf of I in no way begrudge theauthor a friend. All I can ‘say with regards the expression of her opinions, to the letter complaining about however, I wish she had not done misinformed nuclear hype is that so while using my name. Convethe cartoon was supposed to be niently, there was s’ufficient inforjoke. That’s why it was in the car* toon section, mation in the column to effectively differentiate the author from myBoth Scott (the cartoonist] and I self. Someone else might not be as support nuclear energy as the only lucky in the future. reasonable alternative to fossil Hopefully Imprint will now fuels. The point of the cartoon was adopt a more cautious approach. io make light of the ridiculous hype associated with nuclear power.
terpretations of a piece of humour before responding nastily in the future.
On a bit of a tangent, I feel-many of the people who write to Imprint seem to have opinions they defend in a humourless, uptight manner. People ought to relax and not take every differing point of view [or sense of humour, in this case) as a personal affront. It’s easy to lase one’s sense of hurnour, or perspective when we feel someone has said something wildly offensive or different from what we know to. be “right”, but -why . bother - _ freaking- out about ^^ _it, It’s much nicer anc¶ more effective
Brian Fehrenbach [the author of the letter), obviously didn’t get the joke, and voiced his disapproval somewhat rudely by stating that
to present
as just
that, without bringing down people with differing opinions. In this cartoon episode, calling Scott’s education into question because his opinion seemed against nuclear power is ridiculous. Scott is as educated in the field of nuclear power as any non-professional I’ve ever met. I find the last sentence of Brian’s letter (quoted above) to serve serves no purpose but to offend. In this, it was effective.
Let’s all relax and enjoy the Ontario educational system as best we can, there’s lots of time to be assholes later. Celeb J. Howard 3A Mathespatics
‘A Different I. _’
by Chris Gerrard Imprint staff
Dear Reverend
(a pseudonym)
While perusing the gay news group on UseNet one day [for all you Unix users, just type “g soc,motss” in rn), I came across this very amusing posting. It was uploaded to the net from .a gay electronic bulletin board. It is a letter written to the Rev. Earl W. Jackson. Even though this was addressed to Rev. Jackson, if you have been keeping tabs on what is going on in the U.S. presidential race, this letter could probably be said to apply to most of the candidates. As a little bit of background information, the “good reverend” htia come out repeatedly against equal rights amendments, and demonstrates a rather clear homophobia. This was especially dembnstrtited in Massachusetts with the attempt in that state to have equal rights entrenched in state legislation in 1987, similar to what was done here in Ontario with Bill 7. The campaign, unfortunately, did not succeed. So, without further adieu . . l
A LETTER FROM SISTER POLLY ESTHER From BAY WINDOWS Feb. 11+1988 ’ New England’s Largest Gay 8r Lesbian Newspaper MIXED
BAY WINDOWS received a copy of the foIlowing Rev. Earl W. Jackson: ,
letter, sent to the
I am writing to thank you and congratulate you for your diligent work that helped defeat the 1987 Massachusetts Gay Rights Bill, People who, like gay men+ break laws casually mentioned somewhere in the Bible should not be given civil rights protection. More Christians should be as dedicated as you to fighting basic civil rights and human dignity. Good work, Reverend. However, I am concerned that many people break other laws mentioned in the Bible and yet do riot suffer just discrimination for their mere existence. I am specifically concerned about people who break the law outlined in Leviticus Chapter 1% Verse 19: “Neither shall a garment mingled of different fabrics come upon thee.” Yet you can see people out on the streets every day shamelessly wearing flannel shirts with wool sweaters, acrylic blended with cotton, and all manner of other sinful combinations one could imagine in a nightmare. This sort of disrespect for the Laws of God is leading
to the moral decay of our society. And what’s even worse: they flaunt their perverse mixed fabrics in front of children. (I’ve even heard that some of them like to dress children in mixed fabrics, but this sin is just too perverse for further elaboration . . . and of course+ ALL people who wear mixed fabrics have a secret or overt desire to dress ohildren the same way-1 If a mixed-fabric wearer wanted to become a foster parent, the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts would allow it. There ari! no questions on the application referring t6 this sin. No one asks if the child will be exposed to mixed fabrics or might even be forced to wear them. We should spend some tax dollars to study the effects of mixed fabrics on children, though I am sure it has a negative impact, Furthermore are people who eat bacon for breakfast, which is outlawed in Leviticus 11:17, and Deuteronomy 14:8; rare steak for supper, which is outlawed in Leviticus 17:10-l& and cheese burgers for lunch, which is outlawed in Exodus 23:19, Exodus 34 26,. and Deuteronomy 14:21; [This must mean that cheeseburgers are three times as sinful as gay sex since the former is mentioned thrice.) Now there so-called Christians who want to liberally “interpret” the Word of God or leave out certain parts of it, They say that Jesus came to fulfill the law [Matthew 5:18) and that His message of love is far more important (Matthew 19:19, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27, and I Corinthians 13:13) than mixed fabrics or cheeseburgers. I point out that there is a curse on anyone who completely leaves out any part of it (Revelations 22:18). Besides, it’s all right to call yourself Christian, just don’t try to be TOO MUCH like Jesus. After all, look where it got Him. For the sake of Christianity and the children, E\rl, I want you to join me in restoring some morality to government. Together we can take away the civil rights of homosexuals, mixed-fabric wearers, and unClean meat-eaters. Next we can persecute barbers (haircuts are outlawed in Leviticus 19:27) and veterinariarls (outlawed in Leviticus 22:24). Then we can enforce all the Biblical laws and directives! I can’t wait until we will be able to apply the death penalty for adultery as Leviticus 20~10 mandates. Because you have never committed adultery, Earl, and lived without iin among us, jrou should be the one cast the first stone (John ~9). Sister Polly Ester Christian Coalition Against Mixed Fabrics Boston, MA
Last winter I wrote a number of colimns on the biblical references to same-sex orientation. However, I must admit that I find this treatment of the topic quite effective. I am always a bit put off by the selectiveness of people in sighting certain scripture to back up their
ences that are as equally valid. Instead of hiding behind an excuse of ++mdral absolutes” with respect to bias against gay men and women, I think it would be a great deal more productive to try and discern why it is that one has feelings of homophobia, and attempt to justify those reasons. With ‘a little research, I think most would find that their argu-’ ments for maintaining a bigoted attitude toward persona with a same-sex orientation are really rather flimsy.
of co-operation
and concern
are the same.”
‘OlvmDics Compared m
To the editor,
While watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, I was filled with patriotic pride - how good it is to live in such a beautiful and wealthy country. How good it was to see such a display of community, where thousands of people joined to celebrate an event which promotes international peace and good will. And how good it was to see such joy and co-operation; putting together such a momentous event must have required much sacrifice, and yet the actual event seemed to give the participants more joy than they had ever counted on. The purpose of this letter? I feel that such a display of co-operation should be a source of encouragement for all those who were devastated by the Supreme Court’s paciif; regarding abortion in . I will never forget the talk the Beverley Hadland gave to our group last term. Having had two abortions herself and being director of the Abortion Outreach Cen- i tre in Toronto where she counsels
with pro-life
women who suffer from PostAbortion Syndrome (PAS), she presented the whole situation in a very clear and factual manner. One of her comments concerned counselling. She said that when someone comes to us with a problem (ie. they are failing all their courses), we comfort them, we try . to show them that there is hope and that all is not lost, and we might even go so far as to help them study, so as to help fhe situation become less hopeless and more positive. The last thing we would do is agree with our friend that his situation is irreversible, that all is lost, and then recommend a high bridge where he may jump off and offer to give him the final push. She then said that an unwanted pregnancy. seems to be one of the only situations where alternatives to abortion are not given to most women. Instead of hearing “Yes your situation is very difficult, but there are many ways in which we can help you, for this is not the end of the world,” most women are hearing just the opposite. They feel alone and unable to cope with the situation, and abortion is seen as the only solution to such an overwhelming problem.
Since we have been given the gift of free will, and thus by our
we are “pro-choice,”
we are
by Katarina Jollc
free to choose good or evil, right or wrong. But in order for us to choose responsible we must know all the facts. And not only t&t, but we must reach out and help each other, we must support each other for we are made for community and not individuality. There is never only one solution to a problem, but there is always the best solution to a problem. What we must remember is that the best solution the case of an unwanted pregnancy is not always the easiest, .and it involves the care and active encouragement of us all. No problem is so big or serious that only the death of an unborn baby will solve it. As solitary individuals there is little, if anything, that we can accomplish. But as an active caring. community we can do so much, from hosting the Olympic Games to helping a woman who is faced with an unwanted pregnancy. The principles of co-operation and concern are the same.
Sarah Donnelly Prerrident, Students
for Life,
...Goes to Village What do you think is the best part about being in Village?
Mike Davies 1B Mech Eng I like the Village because Adam Chamberlain is my don.
Steve Millard 2B Econ All the Hot Babe‘s!
Wilf Laurier 1st Yr Geography It’s better than sleeping outside.
Sean Glover 13 Math Friends, Oprah Winfrey, zerotti, and Hilda, our mot her.
I les market resistance L
by Steve Courtesy
Gombos of Alternatives
Mel Tucek of Ayr, Ontario has the technology to-recover valuable material and energy from scrap rubber tires, but his efforts are being frustrated by manufacturers who will not use recycled ribber in their products. Tucek opened the Retico Rubber recycling plant in Waterloo Region last fall, using his patented process to crush tires and remove metal and fabric from the rubber. He sells the rubber back to industry for reuse - if he can find buyers. Tucek believes the best way to deal with manufactuers’ reluctance to use recycled rubber is for government to impose legislation requiring certain rubber products to contain specified percentages of recycled material. Potential uses for recycled rubber include athletic tracks, rubberized asphalt for roads and driveways,
headache for landfill operators, Whole tires buried in the ground are not easily compacted, and have a tendency to find their way back to the surface. The non-biodegradable products also provide
shelter rodents for_mosquitoes,
that allow and make
1st Yr Kin Looking forward
to getting
Dove Cart of the Village
to accumulate,
ideal breeding grounds _ _ -. . If they are piled above ground+ the tires pose a dangerous fire hazard. Tire manufacturing is a major industry in Waterloo Region and local landfill authorities have had to deal with manufact,urers’ rejects as well as the usual load of worn out tires. So far, Tucek hasn’t recycled many tires from Waterloo Region: Until Tucek secured a deal with local B.F. Goodrich.and Uniroyal plants, Reiico Rubber received tires transported from Buffalo, N.Y. Tucek is still waiting for the regional government to set up collection procedures for domestically discarded tires. Until recently, the region was reluctant
to get involved
demand-for recycled rubber was sporadic. “We’re s,%les and heels, insulation, bumpers+ and carpet slowly penetrating the market. It has been slower \rlays. than- anticipated,_ m but _.we’ll get. . there,” . says ‘9 Tucek struggles to find markets for his .a Tucek. . on tire ana otner waste -ubber, an estimated one tire per person _ For more intormation reduction, reuse, and recycling visit the WPIRG all industrialized countries is disqte. Most end up buried in waste . resource centre in the General Service Complex (across from the WG Davis computer building], Canada, 15 to 18 million tires are -. Waste tires have become a Section A, room 123.
Quack...neither man nor duck should have to eat this food. ..quack quack.
Games room: pathetic
To the editor,
on most machines are taken out, dusted kissed, and immediately reinstalled, which is comparable to replacing a brokern guitar string with a rubber band: it won’t sound as good, but it works.
I enjoy this school. I like all the buildings (including the new Bill Davis one), all the people I meet attending class, etc. I especially like .the Campus Centre. It’s a good place to hangout between classes, talk to friends, eat icecr.earn, read Imprint, whatever turns your crank. I also enjoy, or at least used to enjoy, spending 10 or 15 minutes up in the games room. The games room provided a pleasant distraction from important stuff like never-ending lectures and labs: however, it-now provides extra frustration instead of fun. The video games themselves are not repaired when they breakdown, I have seen a repair man working on machines that are totally unable to function; the ones that barely function at all are left on their own until the screen goes blank. One example is the game Gauntlet II, which is next to unplayable since the joysticks are almost totally worn out. Many of the other games are in similar working order; the moving parts wear out, but are never replaced, .As far as I can tell, the joysticks
Considering the amount of revenue generated by the games room, it doesn’t make sense for the Feds to let it fall into such disrepair. Even though this is a minor “rag” in comparison to the goings on at school, I recommend to you and to my fellow students: avoid the games room, take you money else where. To sum things up, then, I can describe the games room in one word: pathetic. Chris Griffin 3B Economics
Kick at YOUR CAREER SEARCH the Cat To the editor,
To the editor, I’m truly disappointed the Imprint has ye? to review the latest LP from probably the most innovative Waterloo band, Flatulence. Why is this? Is this because they’re not signed to a major record label or is it because they have absolutely no affiliation with Imprint? Maybe Flatulence ’ is just too
Local independents need all the coverage they can muster and if Imprint won’t help in this area, there is almost nowhere to turn. Flatuience deals Furthermore, with issues at UW, including student debt, student alienation, housing problems, etc., issues which are frequently ignored by Imprint. IS this not a band that demands attention by your newspaper and its readers? The only conclusion I can draw from Imprint’s avoidance is that perhaps Flatulence is too relevant to UW. Perhaps Flatulence is more relevant to Uw than Imprint? Why else would they be ignored by your publication?
O.P. Theakston 1B Chemistry
S&e The l d Improve Your Grid881 Order
with VisalMC or COD I
Deadlines us far 4 Collier
approaching? quality service.
, Suite
Indeed, his last statement/question is a very common fallacy amongst non-ESrs and amongst ESrs themselves (ES including planning, geography, and environment resource studies). Although there isn’t necessarily a high demand for Environmental Studies students and graduates, the need for environmentally conscious and knowledgeable persons is increasing with the ever increasing awareness of the environment. The apparent deficiency of positions for ES students and grads is misleading. Why misleading? Because ES students have many marketable transferablk skills. From all the group work, we develop strong interpersonal and communication skills, becoming “people” people. We do a lot of information gathering, developing research and analytical skills. We also write reports and papers+ compiling information and data into presentation form. As well, cartographic there are the technical skills - graphic abilities, competency. summer+ and full-time - stress In the job search - part-time, these transferable skills. As well, be resourceful, creative and enthusiastic in your job search. Don’t lose sight of those other options such as CUSO, IAESTE, contract work in Northern Canada and in other countries. The bottom line: Make yourself marketable. Stress those transferable skills, be enthusiastic and keen, resourceful and creative. For more information: check at the ESPO office [Environmentm Studies Placement Office), ES1, 344; ask your SVA (ES1 344, Tuesdays l1:30-l:30, Thursdays 11:30-12:30); drop by the ES Career Fair, March 3, g-4, ES Courtyard.
AUTHENTK INDIAN CUISINE 386 Weber F Street West, Kitchener
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Chicken Beef Bhoona Raita, Pickle, Papadum, Pulao Rice & Nan Bread Tandoori Lamb or Vegetables,
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Studies students roommate replied, working at parks, drawing maps.. . I don’t know. There aren’t many jobs out there for E.S students anyway, are there?”
Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda, with no downpayment, before you graduate. If you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a c&l or stop by our showroom for details on this exclusive offer for, graduates.
Adviaor of jobs he thinks Environmental get, my misinformed, non-ES , . . testing water, planting trees,
Cusbmresearchatsoavailabk-all levels
Professional Research & Literary Services
Vocational what kinds and graduates “Mmmmmm
Stress management, drug use/addiction, allergies, fatigue, campus safety, interpersonal skills, prescriptions, relationship breakdown, homosexuality, co-op survival, headaches, acne/skin conditions, AIDS, time management, healthy sexuality, suicide intervention, sexual assault, premenstrual syndrome, smoking, relaxation, birth control, pregnancy, dating, career counselling,, common cold, nutrition, alcohol abuse. The topics listed above, and many more, are concerns of stu.dents at the University of Waterloo. The Health and Safety Re-, source Network is just that - at Network which can give you phone numbers, persons to contact, and information about various topics which you can then investigate on you own time, We tell you what is available. When you have a question and you don’t know who to contact, the HSRN is you liaison to people and resources on campus or in and around Kitchener-Waterloo. We are here to help you find information. The HSRN maintains a collection of pamphlets and brochures on health and safety topics. The Network also has a number of volunteers capable of putting you in touch with other resources and support groups in the city. We have the phone numbers and locations of other campus resources, such as career counselors, personal counselors, psychologists, doctors, nurses, chaplains+ etc. All interaction is confidential. Everyone at the University of Waterloo is welcome at the HSRN, and the volunteers need not know names or require explanations. The HSRN is located in room 126 of the Health and Safety building, and the phone number is an extension of the University of Waterloo -885-1211, ext. 6277) Write a letter to the HSRN column, c/o Imprint, if you have questions . . . In the next few weeks, watch this column for information about: frostbite, breast and testicle self-examination, receding gums, homosexuality+ kidney function, and smoking hazards.
ES. Student
Upon being asked
Health & Safety Network
Imprint gripe
I 16.278
by The
In response to Sharon Frey’s comment piece of February 19, there is a way we could have overcome the long arm of Ontario drinking legislation and allowed Cat into the Bombshelter. We could have requested written Perumission from Cat’s parents (somewhat absurd considering she is responsible for her actions under the criminal code) and verbal permission from the LLBO. Unfortunately, I was unaware of Cat’s age until about a half hour before we were set to begin. It should be noted that the Bombshelter staff were very accommodating: it was through their suggestions tha,t we were eventually able to present Cat’s work. Peter McPhee Editor On-Line
Hours Dance
12:OO - 3:00 A.M. CC GREAT HALL following SPICE at Fed Hall FRIDAY,
The decline by Ted Carlton Unabashedly elitist, intellectually breathtaking, and profoundly unsettling. This is, perhaps, a start in describing Allan Bloom’s book entitled The Closing of the American Mind, The book’s subtitle gives a better indication of the book’s theme - How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students. Bloom is a professor of political philosophy at the University of Chicago. HisL book, written this year and a surprise bestseller, is a frontal assault on the intellectual health of the West, and an indictment of the university for its part in this decline, Bloom begins with a critique of the modern day student. This student can be clearly distinguished from other ages by a belief that all truths are relative and all men are equal. This relativism is a belief that there are no absolute truths in the world to guide one’s action. It means that one does not pass judgment on the values or “lifestyles” of others and everyone ptains them for him/herself to act as they please. The student who believes that some ways of life, some systems of government are intrinsically superior to others is singled out and ridiculed for their illiberal beliefs. Bloom contrasts this with what he calls “True openness is the “true openness”. accompaniment of the desire to know, hence of the awareness of the ignorance. To deny the possibility of knowing good and bad is to suppress true openness.”
of a University of the studer+ IL
This leads to his first assertion that a return to the Great Books approach is necessary. “To be open to knowing, there are certain kinds of things one must know which most people don’t want to bother to know and which appear boring or irrelevant. Even the life of rtiason is often unappealing and useless knowledge, ie. knowledge that is not obviously useful for a career, has no place in the students’ vision of the curriculum. So the university that stands intransigently for humane learning must necessarily look closed and rigid.” The subtitle of the book states that the souls of the youth are impoverished. What are its symptoms? Students no longer love books, their music is sensual and vulgar, their relationships are shallow and their love of equality cause them to call into question all great thinkers of the past who are now painted as mere apologists for sexist, racist, and aristocratic rulers, Most striking, to Bloom, is the lack of any strong claims to the thoughts of today’s youth. Where before, university was a time to question firmly held beliefs about one’s family, one’s religion or one’s country, today’s youth is engaged in a frantic search for “values” to give their life rn-eaning. This attack on students [causing one to wonder at how Bloom tolerates the brutes in his own classroom] is followed by a primer on history of philosophy. The intellectual dexterity he presents one goes from Socrates to Bacon to Locke to Rousseau and back again in a single paragraph - is useful if only to force to reader to recdgnize their own ignorance of the
This reader exited great thinkers. slightly dazed. His premise is that modernity was made possible by the power of -philosophy. he quotes Nietzsche’s statement th@ “the greatest deeds are thoughts” and notes that liberal democracies are a result of the Enlightenment. However, this triumph of rationality led man to believe that all %ocial sciences” which tried to reduce and quantify the most basic questions of man’s existence. Man lost the ability of the ancients to accept the fundamental tensions that exist, and that will always exist in society. “The search for solutions, easy or difficult, to problems is the stamp of modernity, while antiquity treated the fundamental tensions as perman@.” The operative word for the Greeks was not conflict-resolution but the colliding of different points of views to uncover the truth. What does all this mean for the university? As an island of thought it has a special role. “The university as an institution must compensate for what individuals lack in democracy and must encourage its members to participate in its spirit. The most important function of the university in an age of reason is to protect reason from itself, by being the model of true openness.” Bloom blames universities of the ’60s for capitulating to the pleasures of students and in the process replacing the core of a university education with meaningless choice. His cure is to restore the “Great Books” curriculum within liberal education which would acquaint stu-
Tax Receipts n a and d* Education LJectuctlon Certificates
dents with what the “big questions were when they were still big questions; models’ at the very least, of how to go about answering them; and, perhaps most important of all, a fund of shared experiences and thoughts on which to ground their friendship with one another.” Bloom cautions that a Great Books curriculum does not simply mean distribution requirements where students take courses in different areas (ie. The view that a liberal education means that Engineers take PSYCH lOO.and Arts students take CS 100). Nor does it mean the development of inter-disciplinary them courses whose dangers are “trendiness, mere popularization, and lack of substantive rigor. (Waterloo simply abounds in this category, particularly in the Arts Faculty). It does mean a rigorous study of representatives of a past culture, but as people speaking directly to our own times. Bloom’s hopes for his curriculum are high. “The (Great) books in their objective beauty are still there, and we must protect and cultivate the delicate tendrils reaching out toward them through the unfriendly soil of students’ souls. This is undoubtedly a very important book and deserves the attention of anyone concerned with the fate of university education. At the end of Bloom’s attack on relativism he has made a case for at least one absolute. Either this is a nostalgic polemic lamenting the passing of a university tradition that never existed or it is a profound critique of the university that deserves our immediate attention.
FEBRUARY 26,1988
~~LL-TIME,~NCAMPUSSTUDENT can pick up their Tax Receipts and/or Education Deduction Certificates at the former cashiering wicket located at the head of the stairs on the second floor of Needles Hall.
& Salad Bar
Ta JEROME’S & RENISON COLLEGE can pick up their
at their
EVERYBODYELSE: part-timers, work term,
including part-time grads, co-op students on etc., will receive their documents by mail,
Receipts include fees assessed and paid. 2, Tuition receipts cover only(May’87-April’88). included on last year’s followini excerpt taken
Friday & Saturday until Licensed under L.L.B.O.
3 am.
and computer
t&e current academic year The Ian.-April ‘87 term was receipt. Please read the from the tax guide:
The fees you me.y cIaim are those for a period of up to twelve months starting in 1987. You may claim tuition fees for a calendar year rather than an academilc year. If 80, enclose a note showing the amount from year’a receipt. the attached cecI?ipt and the amount
denied right to study EAST LONDON (IPS/ISIS] - A jailed South African opposition leader was last week denied the right to study in prison after a lengthy legal battle. Arnold Stofile, a former regional official of the opposition alliance, the United Democratic Front (UDF), was refused permission to register with the Cor-
respondents University of South Africa. Stofile, a former theology lecturer at the Universit of Fort Harare, was tried in t x e Ciskei homeland’s Supreme Court and sentenced to 11 years for involvement in underground military activities. The Ciskei Commissioner of
World’s nuclear power capacity grew in 1987 (ISIS) - Public opposition to nuclear power has become an almost universal phenomenon, but the number of communities which draw their electricity from nuclear sources conGnues to grow. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports that 23 nuclear power reactors in eight countries were connected to electricity grids last year, bringing the world’s total number of nuclear electricity plants to 417. All told, 26 countries generate electricity from nuclear power, and in some countries the nuclear share is between 50 and 70 per cent of generating capacity. Nuclear power now accounts for more than 16 per cent of world electricity production, and the capacity of the world’s nuclear plants last year grew by just over 23,000 megawatts to 297,000 megawatts. Countries which brought new nuclear reactors on line in 1987
were: Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Japan, Spain (1 each); France [4), the Soviet Union (5) and the United States (8). Three small reactors were shut down in the course of the year. One each in Canada and Belgium were connected to power grids in 1962, and one in the United States was connected in 1968. The following 28 nations rely on nuclear power for part of their electricity supplies: Argentina [2 plants], Belgium (7), Brazil (I), Bulgaria (S), Canada (181, Czechoslovakia (81, Finland (41, France (53), German Democratic Republic (5), Federal Republic of Germany (21], Hungary (41, India (61, Italy (a), Japan (36), Republic of Korea (7), Netherlands (2), Pakistan (I), South Africa (21, Spain (o), Sweden (12), Switzerland [5), Taiwan, China (61, United Kingdom (38), United States (106), USSR (55), Yugoslavia (1).
Prisons Lieut. Gen. Fumbalele Zozi said he had decided to refuse Stofile permission to study because he and his co-prisoners Nelson Mzwakhe Ndlela, Sakhmumzi Somyo, and Mveleli Gqibithole - had been jailed on serious charges and their behavior had to be carefully.observed. Ndlela and Cqibithole were sentenced to 15 years and eight years respectively in the same trial, also for involvement in military activities. Somyo was jailed for four years for refusing to testify at their trial. They are all serving their sentences at the Ciskei maximum security prison at Middledrift, “Studying is a privilege and not something you can demand. It is not a right,” Zozi said. Stofile and his co-prisoners brought the application against the commissioner, Earlier this year, a court ruled in Stofile’s favour that a previous refusal was illegal. The refusal had not been issued by the Ciskei commissioner of prisons, the only person entitled to do so, the court ruled.
Visit Marlin located in Campus Hall March 4/88 ~l:QU a.m. & and meet Martin
How to influence American election Are you an American citizen living in Canada? Are you sick of seeing Ronald Reagan screw things up? Are you dismayed with the Democrat-Republican struggle for power in Washington ? Do you feel like you can do nothing about the state of affairs in your native country? You may be surprised to know that you can do something about it. Not only can you vote directly for the President as an Absentee Voter, but you can even vote in a primary. According to the Toronto Star, there are an estimated 300,000 U.S. citizens in Canada, 50,000 of those in Metro Toronto alone. There is also a substantial American population here in Waterloo, and most are professors and students. If you’re one of these, you can actually help pick the next President. To vote in the election in November contact the U.S. Consulate in Toronto; they’ll send you a ballot. If you are a Democrat or wish to vote as one, the Canadian branch of Democrats Abroad want you. There will actually be voting delegates from overseas (that means Canada too) at the convention. To find out more, contact Jim Gallagher in Toronto at 486-0004. Republicans Abroad will also send non-voting delegates to their convention on you behalf. Contact Howland Russell at P.0. Box 8470, Ottawa, KlG3HQ. Finally, if you are a normal Canadian, and just don’t want Pat Robertson or George Bush to be the next Prez, tell your Yankee friends to get out and vote.
Travel South on Friday between 3:OO p,m. Shirley Hillcrest
Tours representative! Ask her about her new summer brochure and Eind out about weekend trips to New York, New Orleans etc. or call us at 888-4054.
of British
The University’s Procrastinators’ club has postponed meetings until further notice. Meanwhile the Apathy club has cancelled all of heirs, due to lack of interest, according to The Ubessey, UBC’s ampus paper. University
of Lethbridge
The university is having problems due to a high demand for access ime for the campus’ Macintosh computers. Most of the problem eems to be stemming from the policy of not letting students into labs o work on the unused computers, 1The Saucy noodle, a food service outlet, is planning to expand its alcohol sales coming -into competition with the Ratt, a studentowned pub. The university forbids the Students Union from competng with the university but there are no restrictions the other way rround. Simon
Students are mobilizing to fight a fee increase. The students :iety is organizing a freeze the fees campaign, British Columbia’s tre the second highest in the country, after the Maritimes. University
of Toronto
The university will be spending $7 million on an arts centre for the karborough campus. Scarburough Hall has recieved a $3 million lledee from the $100 million U of T Fundraising Campaign .
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Call Marlin Travel located in South Campus Hall 888-4054.
Bill c-55:
by Pat Mclnnis and Mark Pritzker On August 1,1986, three-yearold Cakwa Kastiel was shot dead by soldiers in his mother’s arms in a village in eastern Suriname. An eyewitness said the soldiers did so to frighten villagers into giving information. Had the villagers fled to another country to protect themselves from a similar fate, they would be refugees. Canada has welcomed refu: gees in the past, but is now closing its doors to them by introducing legislation such as Bill C-55. The bill, a fundamental amendment to the Immigration Act, seriously threatens human rights and would have far-reaching effects on all refugees bound for Canada. Bill C-55 was tabled on May 5, 1987, by the Minister of Employmerit and Immigration, the Honourable Benoit Bouchard. The bill is intended to streamline a refugee policy generally recognized to be cumbersome and too
Suit will be a removal order to his country, even if be is a true refugee facing imprisonment, torture or death squads at home. Step two consists of the eligibility test. The sole criterion for eligibility is whether the refugee came from a “safe third country”; if he did, he is barred from proceeding further and is returned to that country without having any chance to explain why he is seeking protection in Canada. However, many refugee experts - and even some government officials in private - say that the safe-country concept is not workable. There is no guarantee that the “safe third country” will not return a refugee to his original country where he faces persecution. A good case in point is the recent arrival from the Netherlands of a boat-load of Sikhs who claimed refugee status. The Dutch made it clear to Canada that they would not allow the Sikhs to stay should they re-enter the Netherlands.
One of the bill’s flaws is that the pre-screening process can reject claimants before they have had a full hearing on the merits of their claims. easily abused by “bogus” refugees. However, the bill violates some basic human rights. Under the bill, genuine refugees may be forcibly removed from Canada to face the arbitrary detention, torture or execution that they are trying to escape. For this reason, Bill C-55 has been condemned by humanitarian groups such as Amnesty International and the Wnited Nations High Commission forpefugees, by the Canadian Council of Churches and by many immigration experts. Bill C-55 provides for a threestage process for refugee claims: pre-screening+ a full hearing, and an appeal if a negative decision has been made in the hearing. Opposition to the bill is directed particularly at the pre-screening and appeals stages. They contain three major flaws: * The pre-screening would prevent universal access to the refugee system; * The decision-making body in the pre-screening would not be independent; * The right to appeal would be limited. Also it based not on the merits of the claim but on points of law. Lack of Universal
One of the bill’s flaws is that the pre-screening can reject claimants before they have had a full hearing on the merits of their claims. Although this may keep out bogus refugees, it also limits access for genuine refugees to the full hearing stage. This is problematic in what is often a matter of life and death for these refugees. The pre-screening process consists of three steps. Before any evidence is heard, the claimant will be asked if he wishes to make a refugee claim. If the answer is yes, the claimant proceeds to the second stage, If the answer
is rm, he is forever
from claiming refugee status in Canada. However, shortly after arrival in Canada, in a strange country with a foreign language, afraid, tired, possibl without counsel and tinsure oP the consequences of his answer, a claimant may deny his true intentions. The re-
Had Bill C-55 been law, and Canada had sent them back, and the Dutch were to deport them to India, Canada would ave violated the Geneva Conv +I?ntion to which it is a party. Under this UN convention, Canada’s only obligation is not to return a refugee to a territory where that per-
son’s life or freedom would be threatened. Hence, Bill C-55 is incompatible with Canada’s commitment to the United Nations. Bill C-55 would give the federal cabinet authority to create a list of “safe countries”. There is every reason to believe the cabinet will take into account historical, economic and political considerations when deciding whether a country is “safe”. There are dangers in this practice. For example, U.S. foreign policy refuses to recognize that El Salvador and Guatemala produce refugees. The United States regularly deports refugees back to those countries, despite their abysmal human rights records. Virtually all refugees coming to Canada from Guatemala or El Salvador will have come through the United States. Will the Canadian Government risk damaging relations with the United States by declaring that the U.S. is not a safe country for these refugees? The non-politicized aspect of Canada’s existing refugee deter-’ mination process is one of its strengths; but the power given to cabinet to define safe countries will add politics to the process, seriously damaging the integrity of the system and possibly putting genuine refugees at risk. Refugee policy must have humanitarian concerns at its basis, and must transcend relatively petty political, economic and historical considerations. If the claimant is not from a “safe third country”, then in step three, he must establish that
there is a credible basis for the claim. Under Bill C-55, the criteria for determining this are the human rights records of the country where the person fears persecution, and the decisions made on previous claims from the same country. Any evidence regarding the person’s individual basis for fear is inadmissible. “But I was tortured”, the refugee may plead; “irrelevant” will have to be the reply if the refugee
Bill C-55 is incompatible with Canada’s committment to the United Nations. is from a country with a good record, At the end of the three prescreening steps, the decisionmakers are not required to provide reasons for their decision. This makes the likelihood of a successful appeal even more minute. It is unfair because the decision-makers are not held accountable, Right
to a Meaningful
Lfrom legal technicalities occurred during the hearing. Since most refugee claims are questions of fact and credibility, and not questions of law, this will virtually eliminate all appeals. Hence, the procedure is meaningless. Furthermore, even if the appeal is heard, it can address only points of law, and not the individual merits of the refugee’s case. This is just not adequate when the issue is escape from persecution and death.
Appeh Biased
If * the claim is rejedted, then the most likely decision will be a removal order. Technically the person has 15 days to fike an application for appeal with the Federal Court of Canada, but the removal order demands that he leave Canada within 24 hours. This does not give adequate time for a claimant to locate a lawyer and have all the necessary legal documents prepared. Even then, an appeal will be granted only if errors stemming
The decision as to whether the refugee claimant will be allowed to proceed with his claim from the pre-screening to a full hearing on its merits are made by a member of the Refugee Division as well as an Immigration Adjudicator. A unanimous decision is required for a negative decision to be made. However+ the fact that an Immigration Department official is involved increases the likelihood of a negative decision, because Immigration Department adjudicators are not experts on refugee concerns and are not trained to be sensitive to human
Refugee policy must transcend petty political economic and historical considerations. rights issues. Their job is to select immigrants who could best adapt to Canada. With genuine refugees, the issue is not one of adaptation and selection, but of their fundamental human right to remain in Canada. Their rights to life and freedom are quite independent of the jurisdiction and power of the Immigration Department. Last year, the people of Canada were awarded the Nansen Medal by the United Nations in recognition of their generous response to refugees. But Prime Minister Brian Mulroney cannot credibly maintain that his Go.vernment cares about genuine refugees when he is hurrying to bring in the seriously flawed Bill c-55.
Canadians are proud of their humanitarian tradition of assisting the persecuted and the displaced; this tradition would be destroyed under Bill C-54, and people like Cakwa Kastiel’s mother will be turned away from Canada as soon as this summer. Mark Pritzker and Pat Mchnis belong to local Group 118 of Amnesty
courage anyone concerned uboul the ramifications of the bilI tt~ write to their MP, to cabine! ininisters, or to the Prime minister, The postage-free address is: House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario KIA oA6
Move to stem refugee status called too harsh by Marc Bnustowski Imprint staff According to the dean of WLW’s Faculty of Social Work, the sponsors intended their public forum on immigration to educate rather than to make a political statement, but the panel discussion so& took .the form of a debate on the impact of the Conservative,government’s proposed immigration bills. The February 18 forum, moderated by IJW History Professor John English, first heard Raphael Girard, coordinator of the Refugee Determination Taskforce, defend the proposed legislation by showing why restrictions on immigration are necessary, not a moot point. He spoke of control over immigration as an expression of sovereignty and portrayed the government’s efforts in this field as “not dominantly restrictive, but dominantly outreaching.‘* Federal programs, limited by available funding, are a “completely altruistic approach to refugee relief ,” said Girard, and bills C-55 and C-84 are attempts by the government to reform the refugee determination process established by the Immigration Act of 1976. Admitting the current system is widely held in disrepute, he maintained the new system would quickly identify legitimate refugees and remove cheaters from the system. Dr. Tom Clark, from the InterChurch Committee on Refugees, next discussed the human rights perspective. He cited the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights to demonstrate two principles fundamental to imm’lgra-
tion: the right to fair and impartial hearings to determine rights, obligations and guilt, and equality under the law. Clark also referred to the 1967 Convention on Refugees - “a recognition of their vulnerability+’ signed by Canada that prohibits contracting states from expelling refugees to the frontiers of a territory where their lives or freedom may be in danger. Clark then brought th& Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms into the fray, arguing that refugees have rights in Canada springing from the signed conventions, and that the Charter allows for the denial of these rights only in accordance with fundamental justice. He is concerned with C-55 because it would not give everyone the chance to express their fears of persecution and defend themselves. He noted it is “cheaper to get rid of the courts and have police decide on the spot.” Dr. Josephine Naidoo, from Laurier’s psychology department, discussed the multicultural dimension to immigration. She said visible minorities would remain in the periphery unless elements of their cultures were incorporated into the larger culture, and used the current school prayer issue to illustrate her point; she called for an institutionalization of multiculturalism. Naidoo observed people must have the freedom to retain values that give them internal integrity, “for personal mental health.” When this integrity is destroyed they become a burden to the state, often turning to drugs and alcohol. She saidthe
problem was reaching the public, and impressing upon people Canada’s diversity: “There is room in Canada for people suffering around the world.” Reading from Victor Malarek’s “Heaven’s Gate: Canada’s Immigration Fiasco”, Sri Guggan Sri-Skanda-Rajah, a Toronto community legal worker, spoke of the difficulties in family reunification under Canadian Imtnigration policy. He said in
some cases families are never reunited, while in others waiting for applications to pass bureaucratic hurdles can go on for years. The fourth and last panelist also described how the government has been slow in recognizing the shifting focus of immigration traffic to the third world from Europe, and has been equally slow in redistributing its resources to meet the challenge.
He also asserted the new bills “will be challenged at every turn” because they are flawed. True colours shone during the question period after the panel presentations. To the dismay of the audience, Girard, when pressed on how refugees in totalitarian and war-torn nations are to safely apply for asylum, said “genuine refugees go to the consulate, the rest go to the border.”
is problem
WHO to study drug addicts The World Health Organization (WHO) recently committed itself to a major reassessment of strategies for the prevention and control of AIDS transmission among drug users. The decision, announced by Dr. Jonathan Mann, director of the WHO Global Programme on AIDS, follows an extensive review of existing approaches at a meeting of experts from 23 countries in Geneva last month. “Drug injecting behaviour is already a major public health problem in a number of countries, in both the developed and developing world,” he said. “And now the global pandemic of AIDS has erupted into this complex issue . . . “Our goal is to look for and evaluate new, creative ways to involve everyone con-
cerned in developing, planning and implementing an entirely new range of int+erventions,+’ One ofthese, proposed for evaluation at last month’s meeting, is the distribution of sterile syringes and needles to drug addicts. The sharing of unsterilized needles has been confirmed as a major cause of transmission among 20 to 25 per cent of the AIDS victims in the United States and Europe. Other recommendations include the expansion of drug treatment services, and the extension of medical and non-medical social support options available to intravenous drug users. Dr. Manuel Carballo, chief of social and behavioural research for WHO’s Global Programme, said new approaches are ur-
gently needed. “Although few of the possible new approaches have been systematically evaluated, there are indications that interventions such aa needle and syringe exchange programs, are increasing the contact with drug-injecting persons who health and social services were unable to reach before,” he said, “This clearly opens up a new range of possibilities for treatment, counselling and risk reduction, not only for prevention against the Human I Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), but for prevention and treatment of drug injecting behaviour itself .‘I Over the next few months, WHO will provide assistance to countries which want to establish projects to evaluate their intervention strategies in the context of intravenous drugs
of Waterloo
Editor-In-Chief -
l l
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plus full ben.@tS
Knauvledgeof a newspaper’s production procedures required
This position &Kms a one ye;rwntmCt _ April 1, 1988 -~&imh, 31,JQ89:.., ’ ’ 1please Bend a.18ttm md Resurnsbbf6Ei . I’*
,.A. OFF _ .
80Iatot Attention Hiring Staff c/o Impmt Pub1icatiom Inc., Campus Centm, Room 140, Univemity of Waterloo, . Waterloo, OntaAo N213Gl
- &selection of new hardcover & paperback
and all 1988 calendars MARCH 9 a.m.
1,2 & 3/88
VISA AND MASTERCARD l PHONE ORDERS to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday 885-1211 Ext. 2049
are now being accepted for. the
Orientation Chairperson
OF STUDENTS We are looking for a chairperson for the Orientation Committee ‘88. If you would like to organize a campus-wide party for frosh and returning students, this is for youl The position is full-time for ten weeks starting in July with a stipend for May and June.
Executive Board 1988-l 989 ’ The
positions are open to any full member of the Federatidn of Students for a monthly stipend, the amount to be determined by the Students’
The followlng
l l l l l l l l
applications, and personal
and qualify Council.
poaltlons will be tllled:
Chairperson, Creative Arts Board Chairperson, Board of Entertainment Chairperson, Board of Academic Affairs Chairperson, Board of Communications Chairperson, International Students’ Board Education Commissioner Chairperson, Board of Internal Liason Chairperson, Women’s Issues Board Speaker of Council
stating back-ground
This position can also be counted as a co-op work term.
qualifications, basis of interest, previous experience should be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 4th.,l988 to:
l!El ’
Adam Chamberlain President-Elect Federation of Students Room 235, Campus Centre
1988 Student Leadership Appreciation Banquet
SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1988 FEDERATION HALL at 6:30 pm. TICKETS: $8.00 in the Fed Office -One
Please forward your applications to Adam Chamberlain in the Federation Office by March 1, 1988.
for students who exhibit outstanding student leadership. Nomination forms are available in the Fed Office, CC 235.
Founder of Far West Mountain Wear, a clothing manufacturer which markets Gore-Tex, will give a presentation on the entrepreneurial spirit necessary to start one’s own business.
FEBRUARY 29,3988 at 7:00 P.M. ARTS LECTURE HALL, RIM 116 Tickets available in the Fed Office 81 at the door.
$5.00 (FEDS)
$7.00 (OTHERS)
Earle and Razorbacks by Phil Robinson Imprint staff LIGHTS. LASERS. FOG MACHINES. HAIRSPRAY. STAGES. STEVE EARLE. Hey, wait a minute, there’s something wrong here. For those of you who think disco is dead, you need not go any further than downtown Kitchener. Stages, with lots of lights and plenty of chrome, was full of people sporting the latest in mall fashions. Sort of a John Travolta takes Saturday Night Live to Dachau. Yahoo, cowboy country. Opening for Steve Earle were The Razorbacks, a Toronto quartet who hit the stage around 9:30. When I say hit the stage, I mean it. They played all over the
hit the stage
stage and all over theirinstruments. Admittedly, the muddy vocals detracted somewhat from their performance, but the sound did improve throughout their set. Combining covers with songs from their album Go To Town, The Razorbacks rocked Stages. And the crowd? Most of them didn’t know what to do with themselves. The raucousness of the Razorbacks was replaced with a more subdued Steve Earle a half an hour later, I guess I could try to impress you with a long list of song titles, but I’d be lying. I know zippety doo dah about Steve Earle. I can tell you however, that his intimate style would have been more suited to a smaller venue. Earle spent a
in a frenzy.
photo by Pletr $tatM
on stage
good portion of the evening telling the at times inattentive audience stories about his life and America. Earle’s concern with the New Right in America seemed to be missed by the crowd which was intent on getting drunk and requesting songs while he was talking.
Earle concerned with the New Right in America Although Earle is billed as a country star, his playing does not fall into the insipidness of something you’d hear on Hee Haw. Sure he played some country standards, but he also played some blues a la Lightenin’ Hopkins, along with his original titles. On stage with one guitar and one microphone, Earle reminded me of the Springsteen sound on the album Nebraska. Content-wise Earle’s songs seemed to be a mixture of spiritual longing, and political discontent. The crowd it seemed, was too busy asking for Sweet Little 66 and raising their beers to contemplate Earle’s philosophical stance. When Earle told the crowd, “I hope you’re as hospitable to Americans as you were last time,” the crowd cheered, but I wonder how many people actually knew he was alluding to Vietnam? I’d put Steve Earle into a new category of politically aware and active artists. Not like some of those Sixties singers, who thought if we held hands long enough the world would get better. Earle seems to recognize that we can’t wish this world away,
on guitar
and harmonica
so it’s going tb take hard work by a lot of people. Was the crowd ready for this responsibility? It was hard to tell. If the crowd can even remember what they heard Monday night I’d be surprised. Tuesday morning, they were
photo by Pktr Stathla
probably too hungover to do much more than sleep in. What a shame. If you get a chance to see Steve Earle give the guy a listen. Don’t be like all those other idiots who interrupt him, he’s got something to say.
Poitier wonderful mountains and out, and climaxes with a moderately exciting shootout on a auto ferry. The potential for Shoot To Kill to be this year’s Witness is great; the premise of bringing together two people from completely different worlds can be worked to great effect. But to say that the Berenger/Poitier relationship has less promise for conflict and discovery than Harrison Ford’s and Kelly McGillis’ did, simply because they are of the same sex, would be letting screenwriters Zimmel, Burton and Petrie off too easily, The characters just don’t interact in any satisfying way.
by John Zachariah Imprint staff The return, after a lengthy hiatus, of Sidney Poitier to the screen is definitely cause for celebration. Unfortunately, Shoot To Kill, is not. The fault is Tom Berenger’s, though; for some reason, he just fails to act. Berenger plays reclusive mountain
Jon Knox, a guide in Wa-
‘shington whose mountain guide girlfriend Sara (Kirstie Alley) has been taken hostage by a vicious killer and dragged into the heart of the Rockies (the mountain scenes were shot in Canada.) Poitier plays Warren Stantin, an FBI agent who is chasing this vile scum and requires Knox’s help to track him. Knox agrees, very reiuctantly, and the two make off on a manhunt that takes them through the
On the plus side, Poitier delivers a wonderful performance, and anyone who accuses him of just reincarnating Mr. Tibbs would be doing him a great disservice, Kirstie Alley serves up a good
of gutsy
the way, and seems to have left Lt. Saavik way behind, But the movie still leaves an empty space: there’s some good funny parts and some good action parts [at times, the violence is almost artistic,) but it’s too bad Poitier didn’t lend himself to something a bit more interesting.
Everybody likes the Northern Pikes by Peter Dedes Imprint staff Bryan Potvin, lead guitarist with the Northern Pikes, talked about fishing, fear, and the future when I caught up with him just before a smokin’ show at Stages in downtown Kitchener. P.D.: So do you guys actually fish at all? B,P.: Yeah, I do. I don’t get a chance to go very often. The last time I went was the summer of ‘85. There was an article about. the band and a picture of me holding up a pike in the Canadian Outdoors Magazine. P.D.: How big was it? B.P.: Oh about eight or nine pounds, it was a decent sized fish - this big snake. P.D.: I guess you guys are kind of symptomatic of the new Canadian movement in music; how do you define that? B.P.: I’m glad you mentioned that, I just think it’s more or less sort of a coup going on, you know. The rule book is kind of being torn up; you don’t have to look and sound and dress and write songs like a whole bunch of other groups. I just think it’s really healthy. It’s sort of finally coming around now. You have groups like 54:40 and the Grapes of Wrath and The Pursuit of Happiness and Chalk Circle and us, and I feel akin to that group of people. We’re starting something different in Canada anyway. P.D.: Where did you grow up? B.P.: Well, I’m the only one who wasn’t born and raised in Saskatchewan. I was born in Ottawa, both my parents were working with the federal government so I was hoppin’ all
over the place;
lived in Winnipeg for a while, in Victoria B.C. for a while. I was 14 when I moved to Saskatchewan. P.D,: Did you like it there? B.P.: Ah, no, I was at that weird age where I was like, I was startin’, you know, “Please God, kill my parents,” kind of thing. They dragged me out to this godforsaken hellhole in the middle of winter. I did the bulk of my growing up in Victoria and it doesn’t really snow or get cold there. We moved two weeks before Christmas in 1978 and there was snow everywhere. It was an adjustment. P.D.: Has living in Saskatche wan influenced your music at all? B.P,: Yeah, of course it has. I think the isolation and the fact we didn’t get a whole lot of gigs in the beginning was a benefit because we just sat in a basement and honed our songwriting skills and our playing skills. We weren’t caught up in the big city trend-of-the-week, This may not happen so much in Toronto maybe, but places like New York and London are probably horrible for that. P.D.: Are you at all concerned with Saskatchewan’s regional problems? Do you think that you reflect any of that concern at all? B.P.: You know, I don’t think that we’re really political or issue-oriented. A lot of people misconstrue The Things We Do For Money. They think it’s a political song and it’s really not. It’s a song about consciousness and gniltiness. It was inspired by someone sitting in front of the TV set writing out what they had to do the next day: “Well I have to go to the bank, I have to ah, fill
out my prescription,” or you know this kinda shit. And on TV, Sally Struthers is selling off a phone number so you can call in and send money to these twoinch-waisted, three-year-old kids. These people have to try to eat and I have to go to the bank tomorrow. It was just sort of an eye-opener. P.D.: So what is the main focus behind what you do if it’s not political? B.P.: I’m not sure what we are on album yet. As it stands right now, a Pikes gig should first and foremost always be fun. It should be a good time, right? Because we’re in the entertainment business and you pay your money to get entertained. If there’s something lyrically you can take home, put in your pocket and think- about, then that’s even better. P.D,: Is the squeaky clean allCanadian kid image part and parcel of being from Saskatchewan? B.P.: I don’t know how that happened. It’s hard to get really analytical about yourself when you’re right inside it. I know myself and the other three guys as people, and I don’t really know them as musician personas. I don’t think we’re squeaky clean ‘cuz we fart and burp around each other all the time, you know, and look really ugly - - in-the morning jhst like everyone else. P.D.: Is the video image important? B.P.: Video’s a funny thing. I don’t know. We’re all real big fans of performance video: live videos and not too much message; just let the song speak for itself. I don’t think you’ll ever see any stupid stories in our videos.
for the Pikes
P.D.: What’s the ideal venue for your music? B.P.: Anything. We have fun in loo-seat clubs and we had fun at David Bowie in front of 60,000 people. There’s this little place in Fredonia, New York we play now and then called the Old Maid Inn, It’s just a shoe box and the people are right in your face and- they’re all sort of hanging over you while you play on this coffee table stage and it’s just a ball.
page 17
contact the Bombshelter and/or
P.D.: Do you think that you guys have become too glossy? B.P.: No, I think the next record will probably be a little tougher, a little more reckless - those are the plans we have right now. The Big Blue Sky was a very formulated record. In retrospect, it was almost like a “best of” to date. Five of those songs came from independent records we did before and the only reason we put
Photo bY Andrew
-March 3188
featuring... COP”andthejuicepigs
j .‘. I
them on was ‘cuz we thought they were good songs. We hadn’t given them the proper lifeline that they could have got. Looking back on it now, it was our first time on a major label and everyone was tense and didn’t want to take too many chances. We wanted to make a nice, clean, good sounding record and present the songs in a pretty safe way. We’re kind of bored with it now. I think the next LP is going to be a little bit quirkier and a little bit weirder; a little bit rougher around the edges. We’re going to try and record it in a live way. What we did with the Big Blue Sky was the layering process. This time we’re going to all set up in the studio + . .
I don’t think we’re squeaky clean P.D.: You mean live off the floor? B.P.: Exactly. There’s been too many people who’ve been comin’ up to us since the album’s been released and, “Gee you guys, I like vour record but vou’re just so different live.” Wi were’ all just sort of scratching our heads and, “Yeah, it does sound different.” So maybe we should capture a bit of that and see what it sounds like.
from page 16
P.D.: In the group, who do you feel is most responsible for your success? B.P.: Pin-pointing that’s really hard. I mean Merl (Bryck), who sings Teenland is the most identifiable with the younger kids. “Oh, he’s the singer of Teenland, we all know him. He was in Flare Magazine and one of the Top Ten Bachelors or whatever.” It’s really hard. If there’s one person to date right now, I would say Jay (Semko) - because he did write the hulk of Big Blue Sky. P.D.: Do you ever feel self-important? Does the whole band have a larger-than-life image of itself now that it’s gotten some suecessa B*P.: No. I wouldn’t say that. I really question things so much but it seems that the bigger we g-et the more I sort of question the whole business in general. I wonder, “When is rock ‘n roll gonna die? When-are people , gonna stop buying records? Why do people buy records? Why are there so many groups out there? How does the whole thing survive?” You have to have an ego to be an artist. Don’t let any artist ever fool you that there is no ego involved because he’s lying through his teeth. Doesn’t matter if you’re a writer, musician, sculptor, painter anything; it’s
and Merl
photo by Andrew Rehrge
all ego, it’s all show and tell, “I did this. Look at me. Look what I did,” Why were stages invented? So that they could stand up higher then everyone else.
P.D.: What is miesing from your career right now? B.P.: More international recognition. Half the reason we got into this was for the travel. The record’s been released in Europe and I’m just waiting to get over
there. That’s personally my next big thing. I don’t care if I get paid a penny a day, I just want togo to Europe and see-that place and perform and work there. We all thought it’d be a lot of fun.
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pened to have on a cassette. Butch’s appeal is his manner of commentary: it is always hilarious, but on target and important (Real Men, Human Jungle, BuffaI0 Shame, all off of past albums and singles.) Looking ForLot h9 is based on Thomas Pynch.on’s novel The Crying of Lot 49 and Butch carries Pynchon’s post office conspiracy theme throughout his by John Hymen song. Fish spazzes-out on LookImprint staff ing For Lot 49 and this is the Butcher at his best. As he says Listen up! The fab butcherman “that’s what music’s all about. is back, this time offering a diet Spazzing-out .” of lunatic lyrics and wild Chickentown is about living in rhythms. So what’s changed? Northhampton and Fish says “it Glad you asked: his label, his also features what I suspect is band, and his marital status, the least competent heavy metal Yep, girls, Butch is now married. ’ guitar solo ever delivered on He is now on Creation records, vinyl, which I am proud to say is and no longer playing with Max the work of my own fingers.” Eider. Life often throws curve Fish also spazzes-out on this balls at you. song.
lyric in that crap voice of hers. To .describe this as “cloying” doesn’t do that saccharine sound justice as she sings some precious little ditty in the most childish voice this side of Cyndi Lauper. Check out those song titles: The Walking (and constantly], Ingrid (and the footman). Oh Jane, thou art so deep and meaningful, those parentheses just give the game away, you pretentious prat. Trying to be a Canadian Kate Bush or a northern Laurie Anderson when you are only slightly less vomit-worthy than Luba.
Negative Land, a five-piece San Francisco group released Escape From Noise recently.
dib burned and the master tapes had to be dramatically snatched from the flames. When not being heroic enough to make the six o’clock news, the band must have spent their time running around peonle’s homes and watching* Mr. Magoo cartoons with cassette recorders on play. Using mainly sampling technology, Negative Land has put together a purposeful collection of aural images that reveals their most unfavourite things. They manage to slam AM radio, rednecks, commercial musicians, television, gun ownership, ter-
After a first listen, I was disappointed because I thought that it was just another psychotic noise band, sampling everything and playing it over a drum track. Well, they did sample everything and play it back over a drum track, but what I realized later was that the whole album is a strident scream directed against society’s flaws, A warning though: this album isn’t for everyone it drifts between sampled noise and a young child singing badly. I love it anyway. This album has been in the making for some four years and could have been subtitled “Es,cape From Fire.” On February 13, 1987, (Friday the 13th) their stu-
rorism, commercialism, psychiatrists, patriotism, religion, and bureaucracy. Whew! My favourite cut on the album is Car Bomb a throbbing punk howl, best played at excessive volume and sounding vaguely like the Sacred Cows meeting Tackhead in a dark alley. Escape From Noise is an album that asks you, “is there any escape from noise?” and forces you to think about escaping society’s faults. 1. can’t promise that you will enjoy it - I didn’t at first - but I think it’s a thoughtful view of the world. I wonder if the PRMC will want to put thought-provoking material stickers on it?!
by Nigel Robinson Imprint staff
by Mike McGraw Imprint staff
A word about the new line up. Kizzy O’Callaghan aptly fills Eider’s shoes as a guitarist. Alex Green, Butch’s touring partner last summer, blows some sax. On drums is Dave Morgan and laying down the bass tracks is Greenwood Goulding. Everybody who writes about the Jazz Butcher delights in informing the reading public that his real name is Pat Fish, And thus the title of his album is explained. Well, almost: it is the name of a fish and chip stand on, of all places, Waterloo street in London (that would be England.) Fishcotheque is all over the musical spectrum in a brilliant - albeit eclectic - manner. Fish has never shied away from any musical style. His first album embraced jazz; his subsequent albums were pop with punk stylings, and his latter output has included rap - drum machines and all. Fishcotheque’s opening cut is Next Move Sideways, a song about the removalof Northhampton’s (Fish’s hometown) bus stop, The song wastes no time turning into a frontal attack on capitalism. Fish- continues his rap aspirations on Fishcotheque with The Best Way, a serious/funny diatribe against eating chickens, done in a manner that must offend purists. Jonathan Richman is sampled saying :‘I’m hypnotized.” The whole song is based on an American ad for Waybest chickens which fellow Northhamptonites Unit Csawza hap-
Fishcotheque is concluded with Keeping the Curtains Closed, which is in the tradition of the Jazz Butcher’s more beautiful tunes such as Vienna Song Butch’s appeal is his manner of commentary: it is always hilarious, but on target and important. Fishcoteque showcases the Jazz Butcher as the poet laureate of bus stop victims and post office haters. Indeed, all of the songs on Fishcotheque are worth mentioning and praising, and this makes Fishcptheque Butch’s strongest album. And this man has never released a bad piece of vinyl.
J by John Ryan Imprint staff You can’t buy this record in stores nor is there even a special TV offer. I guess Jane’s record .company sent us this thing to promote her upcoming local appearance. Well, the joke’s on her because I’m not going to mention the date. She can get someone else to be stooge. The music chugs along in a not unpleasant way until Jane opens her mouth and sings some inane
Banish to the doghouse Fur fane and wealthy, curioue folk Heinz 57 mediocrity Take this puppy home with you Timeless! WN outlive you and your dobermann
Oh no, is David Wilcox mellowing? Is he sipping Grand Marnier on stage these days instead of slugging Jack Daniels? Has he ditched his jeari jacket for an argyle sweater? Well, I wouldn’t go that far. But there is evidence on his latest album Breakfast At The Circus that he is experimenting with a new and different sound. If you’re a diehard Wilcox follower, the title track will knock you on your faded Levis, A soft, sweet ballad, this one is quite a departure from the archetypal Wilcox style. The best part of the song is a laid back, melodic guitar solo, reminiscent of the type you’d hear in a coffee house. The mellow carnival sound is effective, but tough to get used to if you prefer his grinding style.
A lunchpail lament Of course, it wouldn’t be David Wilcox without the typical Wilcox drinking tunes. On A Roll, Cabin Fever, Fire In My Bones and Let It Flow are more what people have come to expect from Wilcox - witty lyrics with an underlying intelligence, grinding rhythms and energetic guitar solos. No doubt, Wilcox purists will identify with these numbers. The most stirring track on the album is the hard driving Layin’ Pipe. Here, Wilcox is definitely successful in experimenting with the addition of a synthesizer to his grinding guitars. The song itself epitomizes life in southern Ontario: working construction on the night shift, joining a union and giving all the money to the woman you love. This lunch-pail lament stands out as the tightest and most energetic song on the album. If nothing else, it will be a big hit at union halls and bowling alleys. Wilcox tries again with this new electric sound in Push, Push, Push but doesn’t come close to repeating its effectiveness. But there’s one ingredient which is sadly missing from the album: continuity. You find yourself being pulled one way and then another as you listen to the tracks. Just as you are sinking into the soft melodies of the title track, Wilcox jumps back to his hard drinking anthems of earlier albums. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to see him branching off and dabbling in new areas. But after listening to this album, you feel as if you’ve been on a rollercoaster ride - rocked up and down, but left up in the air,
by Pietr Stathis Imprint staff Pop Goes The World is a definite comeback album for Men Without Hats. This Montrealbased pop group skyrocketed to the top of the dance charts a few years ago with The Safety Dance and then just as quickly disappeared from the music scene. Perhaps, it was an inability to cape with the pressures of popularity on the lead hatter, Ivan, that caused their withdrawal. Whatever the case, the band is at large once again with a melodic and varied collection of dance songs and ballads. The tracks on the album are linked by “a little baby’s” narration and electronic effects, so that altho h, each song is distinct, they aY share a strong sense of order and belonging.
The one you’ve all been waiting for PGTW
a purely
album that doesn’t make any political or instrumental claims on a listener. The title track is a great example of pop composition, echoing a lot of the feeling and exuberance in The Safety Dance. Ivan’s vocals are as strong and flexible as ever, giv-
ing the hatters much of their pop appeal. Some of the extras on PG& include guest musician, Ian Anderson, playing flute on the ballad, On Tuesday. Also, the ever-abundant hat tendency to blend vocals with horns and synths. The poppiest dance tracks resound with hammering bass and hiccuping vocals like Jenny Wore Black, Moonbeam, and Walk On Water, The introduction to this disc teases, This is the one you’ve alI been waiting for. Clearly, a very confident album, it asserts that Men Without Hats are back in the pop world. Harmless and fun, PGTW is very easily one of the best dance albums released this year. Its title tells more than enough and it doesn’t require a record critic to search for a deep meaning to the music. If you’ve been depressed lately because of midterms and you’ve been listening to even more depressing albums, buy the new hats disc and turn on the dance lights. Better yet, check them out at Stageson Thursday, March 10.
by Ed Drass
FILM PICKS: My Life As A Dog, Tournee of Animation, Roxanne, Down By Law at the Princess. The Gods Must Be Crazy at WLU-SU. Dark Eyes at the Gorge. Also: Manhattan, Fanny and Alexander and Fellini’s Roma. FRIDAY, FEBRUARg 26: STP La Retour de Martin Guerre (En francais) a 19h. FF Ishtat (prepare thineself; USA, 1987) at 7&9. WLU-SU The Gods Must Be Crazy (a very good time) at 8. PRINCESS 20th International Tournee of Animation at 7. My Life As A Dog [WV, go check it out) at 9:15. GORGE Nuts (w/ Barbra Streisand) at 7&9:20. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27: FF Ishtar [Beatty 6 Hoffman) at 7&9. PRINCESS My Life As A Dog (Sweden, 1986) at 7. 20th Int’l Tournee Of Ariimation (quality) at 9:15. GORGE Cinderella (Disney animated film) at 2. Nuts [w/ Richard Dreyfuss) at 7&9:20. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28: FF Ishtar (yank it, Feds) at 8. PRINCESS Tournee of Animation (good cartoons) at 6:30. Gone With The Wind [full colour 6 big screen) at 8:30. GORGE Cinderella at 2. Dance For Modern Times (dunce; Canada 1987?] at 7&g. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29: AL 202* -TEA (a film by Werner Herzogj at 7. AL 113* Fellini’a Rome (ltalia) at 7. ECH 1220* La Dolce Vita (d: F. FeJlini; 2960) at 7. PRINCESS Roxanne (w/ Steve Martin, 1987) at 7. The 20th International Tournee of Animation at 9:15. GORGE Dance For Modern Times (ballet and dance) at 7&g. TUESDAY, MARCH 1: WPIRG NATIVE ISSUES FILM SERIES Fort Good Hope (on Mackenzie VaJJey Pipeline] in CC135 at 12:30. PHY l45* Manhattan (d: Woody Allen) at 3:30&8. PRINCESS The 29th International Tournee of Animation at 7. The American Friend (d: Win-t Wenders; 1977) at 9:20. GORGE Dark Eyes [w/ MarceJlo Mastroianni) at 7&9:20. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2: WPIRG NATIVE ISSUES FILM SERIES It’s Hard To Get It ‘Here (National Film Board) in Campus Centre 135 at 12:30. WLU-CTB* Taureau (Quebec, 97 minutes) at 4. GREEN ROOM The Third Man (w/ 0. Welles) at 8. CG Fanny & Alexander (d: Ingmar Bergman) w/ Nukie’a Lullaby (short) at 9%) (come early). PRINCESS Down By Law (d: Jim Jarmusch; USA, 1986) at 7. Tournee of Animation [looks cool) at 9:20. GORGE Dark Eyes (Italio, 1987) at 7&9:20. THURSDAY, MARCH 3: WPIRG FILM SERIES The Third New Economy w/ The People and the Land [Z native issues films) in CC135 at 12:30. PRINCESS Stacking (brand new American film) at 7. Rita, Sue and Bob Too [UK, 1987) at 9:30, GORGE Dark Eyes (Best Actor, Cannes 1987) at 7&9:20. FRDAY, MARCH 4: FILM SOCIETY Marquise of 0 (France, 1976) at 4.
by Paul Done Imprint staff With
their second LP Heavy Whitenoise still find themselves straddling musical genres - jazz, rock and funk. Usually the division is pretty clear (ie. this is a jazz song), but often they find themselves slipping into the foul quagmire known as fusion - ah, the spectre of that ’70s abomination where the worst of rock and jazz met and spawned their demon seed. Most of the time though, thing are kept tolerable and‘ enjoyable. However, are Whitenoise a real group or are they merely a prop to further frontman Bill Grove’s “quirky white-guy” persona? Except for when Glenn Milchem starts freaking on the drums (in concert), not once does the group push, prod or challenge Grove to anything other than sub Albert Ayler-isms while playing his sax. The problem isn’t with the musicians along with Milchem, bassist Bryant Didier teams u.p to form TO’s most kickin’ rhythm section - it must be with Grove, then. Complaints aside, Heavy Meta, like its predecessor The Importance of Breath, is an engaging and often enjoyable LP.
In particular, the funk attack of Let’s Wreck The Disco-Tech is eminently satisfying. Often though, there is a sense of complacency in the playing which just shouldn’t be there. Somehow, the group doesn’t realize that the intensity found in great jazz comes from the musicians challenging each other, while working in a co-operative con,, t text.
FILM VENUES: FILM SOCIETY, East Campus Hall 1220 FF (FED FLICKS), Arts Lecture Hall 116 FEDERATION HALL, (Free. Films to be CG (CINEMA GRATIS), Campus Centre
($3 Membership Fee.) ($1 Feds, $3 Non) announced. 888-4090) (Free with set-up.) STP (ST. PAUL’S), French Lounge, in French only (Free.) AL 202*, AL ll3* Arts Lecture Hall (Free.) ECH 1220*, East Campus Hall, Screening Room 1220 (Free.) PHY 145*, Physics Bldg. 145, various course films (Free.) GREEN ROOM, Environmental Studies Building 2 (Free.) WLU-SU FILMS, Student Union Bldg. 1El ($3.89 Non-WLU) WLU-CTB*, Central Teething Bldg., Room 2-201 (Free.] PRINCESS CINEMA, 6 Princess St. [$2.75$5.885-2950) GORGE CINEMA, 43 Mill St., Elora ($3 Members, $4 Non) l -denotes cour~le films. Be early and quiet, OK?
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After being together for a few years, Whitenoise is beginning to gel as a unit. However, within that unit, the electricity between the members is often lacking. The production quality is excellent, as is the arrangement and musicianship, it’s just missing the occasional spark of inspiration which separates the good from the great.
Thur. Mar.3
THE RECORD STORE Open MON-FRI 9-5, SAT l-5. Lower Mall, The Campw Center
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Poseur? No. She is the real thing; she can sing, write songs, and arrange them well. Her talent is obvious, but her maturity is not. Give her time: she will have to learn that over-used emotions are sappy. Then she will be an important chanteuse.
by John Hymers Imprint staff The Lion and the Cobra is the strong solo debut album from Irish singer Sinead O’Connor. It draws its name from the Bi’Jle and, accordingly, O’Connw plareligious allusions ces many on it. O’Connor’s voice has a wide range and she exploits a full emotional scale from fear and anger [Troy) to joy (I Want Your Hands On Me.) Yet, this is where her biggest problem is: she has a tendency to over-milk her emotions and her emotion becomes the reason, not the vehicle that it should be. Her sentiment clouds her message.
The British album cover (it’s different than the North American one) illustrates the overemotion that O’Connor is capable of as it depicts an anguished O’Connor screaming. The cover is appropriate, though; she does scream a lot on this album, most notably on - Troy and Mandinka. It is effective to a point, but it becomes slightly annoying after a few spins. I have learned to put up with it as those two songs are gorgeous and complaining loudly about her screaming is like protesting James Brown’s screams.
by Paul Done Imprint staff Keith LeBlanc, Doug Wimbish, Skip McDonald and Adrian Sherwood - collectively known as Tackhead - are the only group of musicians today capable of matching the sonic assault of hip-hop. Their black-earth funk encompasses heavy-metal guitar textures, industrial found-voice manipulation, and Adrian Sherwood’s dubwise production expertise - honed while producing a plethora of hardcore dub reggae LPs. Gary Clail, former car salesman, adds his chants and slightly askew political observations to the Tackhead brew. The first three listed above cut their teeth reproducing the latest fave rap grooves for Sylvia Robinson’s Sugarhill records. Working with Grandmaster Flash, Sugarhill Gang, Funky Four fi 1, Spoonie Gee, and anyone else who turned up into the studio, LeBlanc, Wimbish and McDonald fused into a rhythm section in the tradition of Booker T. and the MGs, the Meters or the Hi Rhythm section - a group who know each other so well that they function as one musician. Sherwood described Tackhead as “fucking head damage”, and that’s about as close as you’ll come to understanding the pulverizing attack contained in their search-and-destroy aural assaults, Rippling layers of noise and rhythm, clips of disembodied voices, disconcerting dub echo, are bound with a unity of purpose, and a gleaming-eyed dash of perversity. If a crowd at a Tackhead show doesn’t meet the Sherwood’s expectations, he often sends wall of raw noise
through the PA (from his position at the mixing board) bombarding the audience with high-volume pneumatic drill noises and feedback - “if they don’t dance, I’ll make their f uckin’ ears bleed”. This LP, Tackhead’s first Canadian release contains many of their previous singles like What My Mission Now?, Get This and Mind At The End of A Tether. However, it has be&. mixed as though it were a live Tackhead show - songs smashed and reconstructed from their original forms, blended together to form two seamless halves. Make no mistake though, this is no fucking concept LP - I’m sure that the members of Tackhead would gladly bash Alan Parsons’ head in with a brick. In a typical Tackhead song, Keith LeBlanc dense drumming
[04j (09) (08) (051 (-1 (25) (17) (23)
[and drum machine programming] forms the bass upon which Doug Wimbish adds his syncopated bass punctuations. Skip McDonald throws some feedback power-chording and choppy rhythm licks, On top of all this lies a constantly shifting soundscape of harsh noises and chopped up voice fragments from Margaret Thatcher to anonymous Baptist preachers and radio announcers to movie dialogue. This whole melange is then put through Adrian Sherwood’s treatments panning leftright, compressing and echoing segments - turning the obvious into the nagging and subliminal. Tackhead balances skull-drilling noise and shit-funky grooves in a formula which is philosophically precise and purposeful. It’s severe head damage, but you can dance to it!
Top Ten for February
3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8.
Eurythmics ............................... Midnight Oil 1.. ..................... Waiting Room ...................... The Tragically Hip ......................... Firehose ....................................... ...................... Jazz Butcher a. Gary Numan ....................... ............... 10. 10 Commandments+,
( ) denotes
last week’s
standing Top New Adds
.- Savagd (RCA) Diesel & Dust (CBS) Greatest Hits (Cass.) Debut (RCA] Ifn [SST) Fishcoteque (Polygram) Exhibition (Polygram) Weird Out [Sensible)
Sound System (Nettwerk) 1. Tackhead . . . . Gary Clail’s Tackhead If’n [SST] 2. Firehose I..,*.I...~....*.....~,,.*.....**..*,~.~**. 3. Various artists.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Age [SST) Program
‘N’ Stuff
Sunday nights from 9 to 10:30 latest and best import LPs, EPs, On FM Magazine today at 5:00, on South African singer activist songs from her album Sangoma. Coming soon on FM Magazine, dinaire Michael Hedges!
“Good for what ails ya!”
p.m. it’s Imported Sounds with the and CDs from around the world. it’s part two of our four part special Miriam Makeba. The show features an interview
with guitarist
by Greg Clow Imprint staff In referring to Pailhead in their mail-order catalogue, Wax Trax! says they “can’t tell you who’s on this record, but it sounds like some sort of collision between Al Jourgenson (the man who is Ministry) and a lead singer from a Washington D.C. hardcore band.” If you believe that, you’ll be half right. The weaker of the two tracks, No Bunny, is just that; the patented, pounding, dancefloor destruct0 beats of Ministry, wonderfully combined with guitar feedback from hell, a treated spoken bit at the halfway point that would make any selfrespecting Butthole proud, and vocals by Ian MacKaye of Washington’s disbanded Minor Threat. MacKaye has retained his old “my vocal chords are about to explode” singing technique and he goes on and on about you bunny fuckers and how there’s no bun,ny/ you can’t believe anything you read. The flipside, however, has a bit more oomph to it. The music/noise is this time provided by semi-industrial outfit Naked Raygun and vocals are once again by MacKaye. It starts with a Revolting Cocks sounding intro - a very funky/industrial feeling. About the halfway point, you know there’s something in store as MacKaye interrupts, I’m fucking ready!!/ please don’t crsk me/ ‘cause I will refuse!!. The song then mutates into total thrash and proceeds to .kick some serious ass. Clocking in at just under nine and a half minutes, many people will be afraid to dish out the usual seven to nine bucks that import 12”s usually cost. However, this particular slab of vinyl would be a healthy addition to the collections of anyone interested in the three bands involved, or for that matter, anvone interested in the indust&l or hardcore music genres.
ST. W.,
Donate Books And Records for the 24th Used Book Sale of the
Canadian Federation oi University Women Book Sale April 8 & 9 To Donate call :
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Variety, is the spice of animation by Lyn McGinnir Imprint 8 taff
dom worth the effort?” and Great Britain’s Girls Night Out. Here we follow a party of Welsh working class girls treating themselves to a night at a male strip show, where one of them discovers she has a bit more spirit than she’d ever suspected.
The 20th International Tournee of Animation opened at the Princess Theatre February 18, displaying an incredible variety of animation art from around the world. The mediums range from familiar “inked-cell” animation of Walt Disney, through clay animation from the U.S.S,R., stop motion photography and a couple of remarkable examples of computer animation.
&mputer generated images seem possessed of .human emotions
Coupled with the variety of mediums represented is the wonderful smorgasbord of 8tOries. The emotions evoked cover a wide spectrum, from pathos for a discarded unicycle to delight at a bug’s efforts to woo a woman, The darkly humorous spectacle of the indifference of life juxtaposes an individual’s attempts to find happiness and meaning in his existence. Highlights include the Soviet Unions’ outstanding piece of clay animation; Break, a boxing story both incredibly funny and thought-provoking; Gravity a short film from Hungary asks the existential question, “18 free- 1
-The three entries representing computer animation were simply amaiing. To see Luxo Jr. alone was worth the entire show.In it we see computer generated images that not only look real, but seem possessed of human emotions; in this case a pint-sized Luxo Lamp plays with a rubber ball, watched over by its long suffering parent.
get rowdy
at a male
The 20th International Tournee of Animation continues at . the Princess Cinema tonight at 7 p.m., Saturday at 9:15 p.m.+ Sunday at 6:30 and Monday at 0:15 , p.m.
Hum shows l,mpbrtance of Being Earnest by James Hea Imprint staff For those who appreciated wit, irony and mistaken identity, the place to be was the Humanities Theatre last wee,kend to see Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Bein Earnest. Wi f de’s comedy begins at the house of Algernon Moncrieff. His friend, Earnest W&thing, stops by to retrieve a misplaced cigarette case. Algernon recalls that he found a cigarette case but the inside inscription stated “to Uncle Jack, love Cecily.” In order to get his case back, Earnest has to explain who Cecily was and why she called him Jack. Jack explains that he invented the name Earnest for use during his city excursions and that his real name is John (Jack) Worthing and that Cecily is his beautiful, 18-year-old ward. Jack
fabricate8 a troublesome brother named Earnest to allow him to go to London whenever he wants. Algernon confesses that he too has created another persona which allows him to access the w:henever ‘he countryside pleaaerr under the ruse of helping Bumbry. Algernon tells Jack that
he is having tea that afternoon with. his aunt Augusta and cousin Gwendolen. Jack confides to Algernon that he intends to proose marriage to Gwendolen and % lgernon promises to draw his aunt away so that he can propose. %wendolen accepts, a
~11’s well that ends well Shortly after, Jack asks her if she could marry a man who’s name was Jack. She replies that the name Earnest is very important to her. Before leaving, Lady Bracknell is told that her daughter, Gwendolen, had accepted Earnest Worthing’s proposal of marriage. Lady Bracknell doesn’t- approve of Earnest because Of his lower Social da88. In fact, he doesn’t even know who his’parentq are because he was found in a black handbag in a .railway station. Earnest gives Gwendolen his country address
so that she can visit him after the weekend, but Algernon also writes down the address while eavesdropping. The second scene opens at Earnest’s country home on Sunday. Cecily is being tutored by Miss Prism when Rev. Canon Chasuble stops by. Cecily tells
the Reverend that Mi88 Prism has a headache. Although not suffering from a headache, Mi88 Prism agrees to the frequently practiced cure, a walk with the Reverend in the garden, Immediately after their departure, the butler announces that Earnest Worthing has just arrived. Cecily receives Earnest with ‘much love and approval; she isn’t aware that Earnest is really Algernon. Cecily’s beauty charms Earneat and he proposes marriage to her. She quickly accepts and states that they’ve been engaged for over three months (this confuses Algernon because he has only just met her, but she later explains that she had fabricated thia engagement #in her diary complete with’ letters from him which she had written aa his proxy.) Jack returns from London a day early and tells the
Reverend and Mi88 Prism that his never-before-seen brother, Earnest, is dead. Due to his strange -bringing, Jack asks the Reverend if it’s possible to christen him with the name Earnest later that afternoon (in order to please Gwendolen.] Cecily enters and is
informed that Jack’s brother, Earnest, is dead - she quickly states that this is impossible she’s just met him in the garden. Jack’s sudden surprise quickly turns to anger when Algernon is introduced as Earnest. The scene closes with the arrival of Gwen: dolen. Cecily and Gwendolen chat amiably until they discover they’re both engaged to Earnest Worthy. A small spat develops, but is resolved when Jack and Algenon enter, revealing their , true identities, The women then flee into the country house. The third scene, within Jack’s home, starts with the women speculating about the reasona for Earnest’s scandal. Algernon and Jack enter the house in hopes of explaining their way back into the hearts of their fiancees. Before they have a chance to speak, Lady Bracknell also enters. Algernon declares that he is engaged to be married to Cecily. Lady Bracknell is skeptical until she discovers that Cecily is quite rich and of upper-class parentage. Then, Lady Bracknell is more than happy to approve of the marriage. But there’s a catch: Jack, as her guardian, can withhold his needed consent and plans to do 80 until Lady Bracknell allows him to marry her daughter. As the ultimatum is being delivered, Miss Prism and the Reverend enter. Lady Bracknell and Miss Prism immediately recognize each other; Miss Prism was formerly employed by Lady Bracknell until she lost Lady Bracknell’s sister’s baby boy. The boy was lost when he was accidentally placed in a black handbag and left in a railway station. Jack produce8 the bag in which he was found &id Mids Prism verifies that it was her bag. After the past is clarified, Jack inquires about his red name. Lady Bracknell doesn’t recall but does know that his name would be the same as his father, General Moncrieff. She cons‘ults a Military Who’s Who and discovers that older brother is Algernon’s named Earnest John. All’s ,well that ends we& The cast receives their richly deserved applause from the thoroughly entertained audience. Now, all of us know The Importance of Being Barnest.
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OUAA Wed basketball hoedown at PAG by Mike McGraw Imprint Staff
As McMaster coach Barry Phillips commented, “the playoffs ba$e a whole new ball You’ve probably heard the oftgame. ‘Anything can happen used sports cliche, “it all comes : and, Qe ‘seen some strange down to this.” This weeken,d qt. thf&s hqppen.” the PAC, no other phrase will be Uilfortunately for Phillips, nomore appropriate. thing too out of the ordinary hapBeginning tonight (Friday) at 6 pened on Tuesday night. His p.m., the four surviving teams in defending champion Marauders basketball’s OUAA West divwere edged, 88-86 by the ision will battle for the 1988 title. Lancers. Elsewhere on Tuesday, The winner advances to the Brock pummelled Laurier, 109CIAU championships in Halifax 79 and Western hammered on March 10, lf,l2. On March 5, Guelph, 82-56. the champion travels to the home WINDSOR LANCERS (7-5) vs. of the East division champ for WESTERN MUSTANGS (8.3],6 the Ontario Championship, p.m.: which has no bearing on who The Lancers live and die by goes to Halifax. their kamikaze style of basketAfter Tuesday’s quarter-fiball. While they led the Ieague in nals, only the Brock Badgers, scoring averaging 94 points per Windsor Lancers, Western Musgame, they also gave up the most tangs and Waterloo Warriors re- 92 points per match. This ragmain in the hunt. The Lancers tag style caused them embarand Mustangs tip-off at 6 p.m., rassment in an upset loss to while Waterloo and Brock play previously winless Guelph last at 8. The winners of these games weekend. play Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Their top gun is Matt St.Louis, final. These games are not cothe mosi -feared perimeter vered by student passes. Admisshooter in the division. Western sion is $2 for students and $3 for will have to put the pinch on him - if he gets rolling, he can put a others. One thing to keep in mind: game out of reach with a-point there is no tomorrow. You’ll see a howitzers. Scott Thomas and lot of fidgety coaches and anxCarlos Boniferro can also pull ious players on the bench this the trigger from outside, but weekend. When you consider Windsor will need to get some that 5 months of games and pracinside points to beat Western. tices come down to 40 minutes of The Mustangs can light up the pressure cooker basketball, it’s scoreboard too, but their maineasy to see why there’ll be a lot of stay is a rgck solid defence. Like sweaty palms around the PAC. St.Louis, Western% John Stiefel-
UW finishes
meyer can break a game open by himself. He can dominate inside or outside, and is helped in the paint by forward Terry Thomson, Speedy guards James Green and Brian Omerod can also reak havoc from the perimeter. Western will be trying togrind the Lancers to a halt, while Windsor will be hoping for a triple-digit shootout. In a big game like this, the consistency of Western should prevail. This should be a war, and Western will win. BROCK BADGERS (6-6) WATERLOO WARRIORS 2), 8 p.m.:
vs. (lo-
Their regular season was a disappointment, but the Badgers are getting hot at the right time. Tuesday’s demolition of Laurier proved how tough the Badgers can be when they put it together. Now that injured all-star, 6%” Kevin Moore has returned, the Badgers can’t be taken lightly. If he comes to play, he can be an instant game breaker, The Warriors held him to 7 points in a January meeting and will have to do it again. Along with 6’8” Mark Girdler, 6’7” Kelly Grace and 8%” MO Willoughby; Moore occupies alot of space under the glass. Waterloo will have to pound the , boards and try to clog up the paint. WILL THIS SCENE 6E REPEATED? This 1934 picture of UW The Warriors are having a seacoach Don McCrae shows him clipping down the mesh after son coaches dream about. After a earning berth in the CIAU championships. He may do the same this weekend. cqtltipued on page zs _t-r -w_ .< .
Yeomen edge Warriors,cops by Mike McGraw Imprint rtrff On the ice, it was a meaningless end to the regular schedule. Off the ice, it resembled a Miami Vice episode. Friday night (Feb, 18) at Columbia Icefield, the York Yeomen dumped the Waterloo Warriors 7-5 in a ho-hum affair, The Yeomen finished atop the OUAA Central while the Warriors took third with a 14-8-6 record. Waterloo began its playoffs last night (Thursday] at We8 tern, The off ice action is worthy of explana Hon. It all started at 6:13 of the second period when York’s all-star defenceman Rob Crocock struck a linesman twice in the head with his stick, Crocock was given a E-minute major and ejected from the game, When the referee left the ice at the end of the period, he informed the timekeeper to call the police as he intended to charge Crocock for assault. Midway through the third, five Waterloo Regional Police cars pulled up in front of the arena. In a scene right out of an Iranian airport, a hoard of police officers burst through the door8 in search of Crocock, A UW campus security guard arrived shortly after wielding a billy club, but bashfully put it back in its holster when he realized no riot had materialized. Crocock must have sensed the heat - he was nowhere to be found. Oh yeah, the game. With the game having abaolutely no bearing on the standings, UW coach Don McKee treated it like a scrimmage. Star
goalie Mike Bishop, defenceman Ian Pound, ace winger Dan Taandelis, and captain Steve Balas all got the night off. Gritty forward John Goodman served hi8 onegame suspension. Back-up goalie jamey Solloman started his first game of the season. “We weren’t trying to finetune too many things,” said McKee. “We wanted to give our backups some work.” The patchwork Warriora hung on long enough to build a 4-3 second period lead but crumbled in the final stanza. Chris Glover notched a hat trick for UW while linemate Steve Msemair added four assists, Greg Rolston *r+allied -three times for York while Nick Kir’iakou chipped in four assists, The Warriors dominated the opening frame and emerged with a 3-Z lead, out-shooting the Yeomen, 12-6 in the period. Before most fans were seated, York had a 1-O lead. Seventeen seconds after the opening faceoff, Ralston fired a pass from Kiriakou past a bewildered Solloman Glover tied it u at 2:40 when he knocked a rol Ping puck past York goalie Mark Applewhaite, Waterloo took the lead at 8:08 when Jamie McKee drove a long Li;Etyan rebound past Apple. York’s Brian Small tied it again on a powerplay tip-in at 10:07. But with 3:22 left in the period, Linsman stole the puck at York’s blueline and fed Glover, who bulged the twine from 30 feet. Most fans were still in the lobby when Rolston struck again. Nineteen seconds after in-
termission, he blitzed down the wing a drove a sizzling blast into the top corner to tie it, 3-3. Crocock’s infraction started a domino effect of penalties, - and the Yeomen played 11 minutes shorthanded. But all the Warriors could muster was a single goal. Glover completed hi8 hat trick at 12:13 when he launched a missile past Ap lewhaite from just inside the b Pueline. Rolston notched his third at l&11 to make it 4-4 after 40 minutes. The Yeomen went ahead 5-4 at 4:49 of the third when Brian MacDonald converted a ass from- Rolston past John C K .an,
miss their man
who replaced Solloman to start the third. Seven seconds into a Warrior power play, Darren Gani blocked a shot and broke in all alone and deked-out Chan to put the Yeomen up 6-4 at 12:45. Three minutes later, MacDonald showed shades of Gretzky as he foiled three Warriors before twisting Chan into a pretzel to r make it 7-a. Brad Geard wristed,one past Applewhaite 28 seconds later to ro.und-nut the scoring. PLAYOFFS, vs. WESTERN: Last night (Thursday), the Warriors opened a best-of-three divisional . semi-final at Western.
HEY1 I WASN’T READY YET!: York’s Greg Ralston SoIloman, 17 seconds after the opening faceoff.
Game two is Sunday afternoon back at Columbia Icefield, while if a third game is needed, it willbe back at Western on March 2. This schedule has been altered from th8 original. To say the least, these two teams dislike each other. In three regular season meetings, the Mustangs won two, both at home, All three games featured stick work, post-whistle joustitig and general violence. “It’s gonna be a hell of’ a series,” said coach McKee. “We’d ’ like to grab that first game up
ttti page 24
startled lJ\hl goalie Jamey mot0 by Wchard Bureau
Warriors brave elements to pummel IUh by Miks Imprint
McGrew rtaff
If you look at the OUAA West basketball standings, you’ll notice that Waterloo’s 82-75 thrashing of McMaster on Saturday night meant absolutely nothing. The outcome gave the Warriors a 10-2 record for the season and undisputed possession of first place, while the Marauders finished at 4-8 and in sixth place. So why did the Warriors brave a winter blizzard and some illfated travel plans to make the senseless journey to Steeltown? Think of it as investing in a retirement plan or buying stocks: insurance for a rainy day. Should Waterloo stumble in this weekend’s OUAA West championships at the PAC,. its
healthy regular season record and national ranking might earn it a berth in the CIAU championships anyway. The Warriors begin their playoff drive tonight at 0. But UW coach Don McCrae viewed the game more as mental preparation for the playoffs rather than disaster insurance. “We have to prepare for sudden death,” commented McCrae. “No game, no half, no minute, no trip down the floor can be taken lightly. You can’t be nervous about it, you have to find a way to deal with it.” The Warriors raii into some first-half turbulence at the deserted Mac gym, but otherwise encountered no real problems in pummelling the smaller Marauders, who were even tinier without injured 6’9” centre Mike
Battle vs. ‘Stangs Continued
from page 23
there on Thursday+ but I’m sure Western’s saying the same thing.” “We’re confident - we’re as good as them,” added McKee. “Just as long as we get good officiating.” McKee must have a phobia with the men in stripes after last year’s playoffs. In the opening round against Laurier, Waterloo was ousted in two games, both decided by incompetent refereeing. Whichever team wins the series won’t have to worry about defeating the winner of the York-Laurier semi-final. Water:*! loo or1 Western would, automati::“I cdlgir nilwaitce : ito’ the * OUA’A
final-four bv virtue of the best inter-divisiinal record of a divisional finalist. The ‘Stangs won’t* be pushovers. Their defence is sturdy with six solid backliners while the high-flying line of Scott Tottle, Mike Tomlak, and Darren Scholod is an offensive attack in itself. With Crocock .now suspended for at least seven games and others injured, McKee believes York will have a tough time with Laurier despite the Yeomen’s ZO1-5 record. “York’s in trouble, and Laurier’s hot. Laurier will win that series in three games.” 1 McKee offered .no prediction .-on: his qwn reyi”eo.’_ .. . . ,-
qreocanin. Tom Schneider single-handedly got UW rolling, hooping the Warriors’ first seven points, and nine of the first 11. Schneider’s hot hand helped Waterloo build a 23-13 lead 10 minutes into the game. But 10 points was the biggest lead Waterloo saw before the half, as Mac caught the Warriors napping. Over the next four minutes, the Marauders outscored Waterloo 18-7, to take a brief 3130 lead, Mac’s court general Perry Bruzesse took charge+ driving down the vacant lane time after time to make up for the size disadvantage. Mac held the lead for a short two minutes before Waterloo regrouped to take a 47-41 lead a halftime. “We let up a bit in the first half,” observed McCrae. “Everybody was doing the team things but nobody was working hard. We addressed this problem at halftime - I think the team responded well.” McCrae’s synopsis tells the tale of the second half. The Warriors grew wise to Bruzesse and fellow guard Ruppert Wilson driving the paint, and shut the lane off to all traffic, Gradually the Warriors chipped awa and tatf87-56 midway throug x the . The Marauders scrapped to keep it respectable, but their smurf-like line-up couldn’t crack the l&point barrier. Waterloo took total control of the game in the final 10 minutes to extend the lead. McMaster coach Barry Phill&s admitted that size had much t& do with his team’s losg.
“When you have smaller people you get lots of fouls, Smaller people with good conditioning can play hard, but eventually their true height becomes obvious.” Height was obvious in the rebounding department where Waterloo manhandled Mac, 3321. “Waterloo wore us down, and we started to get a lot of fouls,” added Phillips. The Warriors went to the charity stripe a whopping 38 times on
the night and cashed in 32 times. From the floor, UW was a subpar 45 per cent.. Rob Froese once again led all scorers with 27 points+ while Schneider helped out with 22. Jerry Nolfi meshed 11 including two crucial 3-point missiles. Bruzesse paced Mac with 19 points while Craig Muir hooped 13 and Wilson counted 10. The Marauders shot 49 per cent from the floor and 13-of-18 from the 8tripe.
Athenas bite the dust by Kate Cox Imprint staff The Athena Basketball team played their final game of the OWIAA league last Saturday, and unfortunately lost to the McMaster Marauders 48-45. The Athenas finished fifth place in the league, just missing the final play-off spot. The OWIAA league proved to be very competitive; the Athenas won five games and lost seven. The Athenas played aggressively never losing by more than lo-points. Their loss to McMaster can be attributed to scoring only 25 per cent and the absence Rau [side-lined jury]. McMaster McKay created for the Athenas vantage enabled points. The Athenas
from the field, of talented Kim with a back inplayer Heather some problems as her height adher to score 16had an aggr_es-
sive and effective defence, but their offence was deficient in accurate shooting. At half-time McMaster had a six-point lead, the score being 27-21. The Athenas trailed behind until the final five minutes when they scored successively, but unfortunately could not close the three-point gap* High scorers were Brenda Bowering with 14 points and Cindy Poag with 11. Sheilagh Windle and Jennifer Hinton scored six points each. Athena coach Leslie Dal Cin believes the team has -played well overall, and has enjoyed the season. The Athena basket ball team is losing three fifth-year players: Brenda Bowering, Cindy Poag, and Kim Rau, and would like to recognize and thank them for their leadership, sportsmanship and dedica- . tion in developing a fine basketball team. The Athenas are looking forward to a successful season-next year.
160 University Ave., University Shops Plaza II Waterloo 886-0711 (beside
Wet warriors swim to fifth at ()UAA finals’ by Graeme Peppier Imprint staff As the University of Toronto held off the uppish McMaster Marauders to claim yet another OUAA Swimming Championship, the Warrior men slotted into fifth overall after scrapping gamely with their rivals from Carleton and Brock. The two days of competition, hosted by brock University February 19 and 20, saw 13 of 18 Waterloo men score points in individual races with another fotir contributing to point scoring relays as the team totalled 290 points and qualified one person for next week’s CIAU championship. That qualifier was freestyler Dave Adams who, despite looking dwarfed in comparison to Toronto and McMaster’s brooding sprinter’s, still mahaged to put most of them to shame over the short distances of 50-metre and loo-metre races. I-Iis first qualifying run came in the preliminary heats of the 50-metre free where he placed eighth in 24.26 seconds, a place he was to maintain in the championship final later the same day. His fling into fifth place in a time of 52.67 seconds earned him a second CIAU qualification it’s+ the third time in as many years that Adams has surpassed the increasingly remote standards - in the 100-metre free the following day. Taking fourth position in the consolation race of the latter event was veteran Dave Cash in what could well have been his swansong as a Warrior, unless time standards for CIAUs are relaxed within the next week to allow more competitors who are presently close to the standards to attend the national meet, as has been discussed. His panache in the pool was evident all weekend as he grabbed a seventh place for his trek through the zoo-metre free - an event he had ho ed would qualify him not only Por CIAUs but also for the Bermudian olympit team, which he can still hope to do between now and the end of the summer - and the 400-metre free where he placed fourth,
B-ball at PAC continued from page 23 frustrating pre-season, Waterloo caught fire and has never looked back. Veteran Rob Froese, Captain Work Ethic, is having an allCanadian season. Guard Tom Schneider has been venomous from the perimeter while 6’9” Jamie McNeil1 has arrived as a king among the big men. Spunky court general, 5’10” Jerry Nolfi provides leadership and is a demon from treyland. Add a bunch of energetic role players and coach Don McCrae has the chemistry of a winner. The Warriors will also outnumber Brock 3,012 to 12. The PAC is the rowdiest gym in Canada and visiting teams are often initimidated .by the noisy crowd - every visiting coach this season has mentioned this. Just watch when Brock calls a time out - coach Garney Henley will have to hold his huddle on the court to get a word in edgewise. Waterloo humiliated Brock in two season meetings, but this one should be closer. The Badgers have nothing to lose, and if Moore gets hot, it will be close. Look for a heated, physical battle which Waterloo will win.
coming closer to a medal than any Warrior has in many a year. The Bermudian’s brother, Mike, was also brimming with gusto during his events. The younger Cash swam intrepidly to earn a sixth place in the consolation final of the 200-metre free and a twelfth place overall in the gruelling 1500-metre free marathon. Greg Pye did his customary workman-like job, tackling a tenth position in the 1500-metre race ahead of Cash while also achieving a seventh place result in the 400-metre free consolation final. He entered the 400-metre I.M. as well and promptly stole points for his fifth place finish in the consolation final of that event. Pulling his long-limbed body through the pool with effective finesse was Jeff Slater. The selfconfessed basketball junkie took one minute, 0.6 seconds to place third in the consolation lOOmetre fly while he also captured a sixth position in the 200-metre breaststroke consolation race immediately behind fifth placed teammate+ Steve Head. Slater crept into the 400-metre I.M. final, displacing Warrior Dave Dineen to the consolation race in the process, Despite lopping 1.3 seconds off his preliminary time, Slater remained in eighth position overall in the race. Steve Head was suitably inspired for the two-day swimming affair. In addition to his placing in the 200-metre breaststroke, he swam to sixth place in the x00-metre fly consolation final with Warrior Eric Fergin in hot pursuit. Ignoring the conseuences of taking a difficult race % at-out from the start, -Fergin impressed mightily in the ZOOmetre fly before dropping to an eventual sixth place in the consolation final of that race.
Joe Milla, on the other hand, was surprised at how good he felt at the loo-metre mark of the same race and gunned it from there, slashing over 4 seconds from his preliminary time to take fifth position just ahead of Fergin in two minutes, 20.74 seconds. Dave Dineen finished his first year as a Warrior swimmer by scurrying to an eighth place in the final of the ZOO-metre backstroke. He added more points to Waterloo’s total - ZO-17-16-1514-13-12-H points for first to eighth in finals, 9-7-6-5-4-3-2-l points for consolation finalists - with a sixth place in the lOOmetre backstroke and a second place in the 400-metre I.M. consolation races. Jeff Budau achieved seventh and eighth places in the LOOmetre and 400-metre I.M. consolation races, respectively. Much like Al Hainer’s good fortune in the 200-metre breaststroke in which he finished eighth in the consolation race, Budau earned his place in the 400-metre event when a faster competitor was disqualified for a stroke infraction during the preliminary heats. The importance of relays was not overlooked by long-time Waterloo coach Dave Heinbuch, the former Olympic swimmer emphasizing to his team the crucial nature of performing well when, as is the case with relays, the points distributed for first to sixteenth are doubled. With two Waterloo teams entered in every relay event - the 4x100-metre medley, the 4x200metre free, the 4x50-metre medley, and the attention-rivetting 4x100-metre free - all were successful at claiming points when the pressure to do .so peaked. Recent team recruit Kevin Loughlin was an essential contributor to the relay performan-
Runners cross border by Kevin
It was a journey to another world for the University of Waterloo Track Team last weekend, The intrepid band of runners ventured to the Kane Invitational meet at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. The ureality began at the border. Passage into the U.S. was almost denied because of Paul Ernst. The middle distance runner, a native of Rotterdam, apparently constituted a threat to the integrity of America because he did not have the proper ID. Ernst blew away the field in the 5000 the next day. He won by half a minute in 14 minutes, 56.7’ second:, his best time so far this season. The fantasy continued at the Ponderosa in l3atavia. Shamir Jamal, who would finish seventh in the mile in 431, was a victim of the “Less is More” orientation of the country. His meal (salad with a drink) was 10 cents more than the same salad with a sandwich and drink cost a teammate. Kevin Shields, who had the special, was second in the mile in 4:21.6. The “Less
is More”
in evidence at the meet, where there was sometimes only one timer for eight-people races. Paul Meikle was fourth in the 55rn final, but was awarded sixth. Times were calculated by timing the winner and adding a 10th to each successive place. Meikle earlier won his heat in 6.69 seconds. Peter Papp was allegedly sixth in his heat in 6.95;
John “Coach” Clayton ran a fifthplace 6.85, and Reg Rusawurm may have been fifth in his heat, Then there was the 3mOrn. Head Coach Chris Lane, returning from a bout of pneumonia, was seventh in 9:05.7, Al Faulds, who crossed the line 20 seconds before Coach Lane, was officially ninth in 9% (actually fifth, 8:46), while Kevin Shoom, well back, never’ officially finished. Former Waterloo student Terry Goodenough won in 6~34.6. Goodenough is now doing research at Cornell. The United States is a tough, hard land. Scott McLellan got bumped in the men’s lOOOm+ costing him up to a second. He still ran an excellent secondplace 2:29.7. Steve Scott was ninth in 2:41.6. The men’s 4 x 400 team lost about two seconds at the first exchange when Paul Meikle was blocked from reaching Derek King. The team still turned in a sixth-place ~30.0, with Pat Kirkham and Peter Papp running the other legs. The men’s 4 x 800 took third in a slow race. Shamir Jamal, Steve Scott, Kevin Shields, and Scott McLellan teamed up to run 8:04.7 Kirkham and King were neckand-neck in a fight for the 400 m bronze.
on in 51.4,
with King right behind in fourth. In the women’s 400, Kelly McHale
was sixth
in 63.9,
Martha de Gannes progressed to a fifth-place 8.41 in her 60m heat, and Sheri Emery ran 29.3 in the 200 for seventh. Jill Francis, in the women’s mile, was outleaned for the bronze. She finished in 5:19.2. Linda Hachey was seventh in 5%.
ces as was sometime radio . disc-jockey, Dan Stratten. Dave March - who would have made the ZOO-metre backstroke consolation final if not for his irregular turns and subsequent disqualification - and breaststrokers’ Chris Cupidio, Graham Stringer, and Andrew Codrington all swam to commendable times in individual races and relays during the meet.
The University of Toronto topped the overall standings with 918.5 points to McMaster’s 706.5. Western pladed third with 417 points: Carleton, with whom Waterloo fought to the bitter end, took fourth with 313 points while the Warriors were fifth, ahead of the Brock Badgers, at 290 points. Fifteen universities from across Ontario took part in the competition.
Volleyball men looking to take Ontario crown by Refton Blair Imprint staff Last Friday night at the high school down the street the McMaster Marauders defeated a cocksure team from Wilfred Lariuer University and thought they had gained a berth in the play-offs against the Waterloo Warriors. But much ts their shegrin, the Marauders celebrations this past weekend turned out to be the result of misinformation. Their victory over the Golden Hawks did not give them a place in the play-offs, but instead a place in the stands if they choose to come down to the PAC and watch a display of real play-off competition, as our Warriors take on that same cocksure bunch from down the street who -sat quietly and watch, the Marauders make a foolhardy display of themselves last Friday night. \ This Saturday the Golden Hawks will get their come-uppance when the Warriors and their London born coach(who is forgiven for his past tcansgression df not having attended Waterloo) take to the center court of the PAC at 7 pm to do battle. Despite having to spend the weekend and Monday unsure of who they would be playing tomorrownight the Warriors were nonchalant in their approach to the game as it really does not matter, aa neither the Hawks nor the Marauders had been a competitive foe for the Warriors during the regular season. And though the Warriors are not over looking any one they do realize that only a team effort is needed to dispatch the undersize, undertalented, and over matched Hawks come Saturday. They are more concerned with the game which will follow next week Saturday 7 February against the Western Mustangs who play the Guelph Gryphon Tomorrow in London also at 7. Regardless of the almost inevitability of tomorrow’s games the, play-offs will feature some great VolleyBall and so=e interesting match-ups. The Lariuer Golden Hawks do not pose much competition for the Warriors as they lack size, obvious
of 5-7
John Bald as a power hitter. Keep in mind that the Warriors, and in fact most teams power hitter average height is 6-4. However, a truer representation of where the Hawks ability to win lies with Keith Harris-Lowe(No. 7). He is their key player and the only chance of their upsetting the Warriors is if he as a “really narly” California performance
on Saturday night, which is very unlikely. In the game at London a very young and small Guelph team will certainly unseccessfully attempt to beat the veteran and imposing Western Mustangs. The Grypghon8 only hope rest with perennial fifth year OUAA allstar Dave Guest. “The best defensive player in the league, probaly the country, but that may be over stating it”, says Warriors coach Atkinson. Whose own defensive prowlness as a player and coach is legendary. Guelph’s only other player of note is 5-11 off-aide man Ken Carson. Now with both the two losers shown for the what they truly are, the eventual match up between the Warriors and the Mustangs in the Division finals is more worthy of note, Western is the only team to defeat the Warriors in regular season play and more recent1 in an exhibition game, but bot z time they used the castrophobic confinds of Terns Hall. The impor‘tance of this is that the Warridrs volley serve, a specialty of most of the Warriors cannot be executed in the very sophisticating confin& of Terns Hall. The center court of the PAC will seem iilce the open spaces of the Sarah to the endosed Mustang. To the Warriors the center court of the PAC will be home and familar to the play of their offense. So given that the PAC will be the venue ofthe titanic match up, the Warriors have an offensive edge. Western pose a very physical problem for the Warriors. That problem come in the form of the Southpaw tendencies of three of the six starters from Western. To make this lefty problem even more of a concern to the Warriors is the presence of 6-4, 2101bs OUAA perennial ALL-Star middle blocker, Paul Husson, who is the most dangerous of the southpaws.“He is our biggest concern“says coach Atkinson. His size and physical tendencies ; along with his experience makes him the target of the Warriors’ preparation. However, this preparation is hampered by the Warriors’ lack of southpaw players to use in practise. The lefty play of the Mustangs makes it difficult for the Warriors to setup their blocking schemes. But coach Atkinson adds,“we have’gotten used to this because we have ,played them enough”. The Warriors says team captain, Vince Deschamps, is a better team man for man,“we have a deeper bench, six strong offensive player at any time” .
Labatt’s Athletes of the Week
Scores and rankings As of February
ClAU MEN’S TOP 10 1. Brandon 2. Acadia 3. Victoria 4. WATERLOO 5. Toronto 6.UBC 7. Western 8. Saskatchewan 9. Bishop’s lo. UPEI
WARRIORS BASKETBALL - Waterloo 92, McMaster 75 - Waterloo finishes 1st OUAA West - Waterloo ranked 4th in CIAU HOCKEY - York 7, Waterloo 5 - Waterloo finishes 3rd OUAA Central - Waterloo ranked 9th in CIAU
1. UPEI 2. Saskatchewan 3. Alberta 4. Calgary 5. York 6. UQTR 7. Western 0. Acadia 9. WATERLOO 10. St. Francis
Campus Ret info Monday, February 28 - Men’s ball hockey captain’s playoff meeting CC113,5 p.m. - Entry
deadline: Men’s and women’s broomball, tournament PAC 2039, 1 p.m. - International squash singles PAC 2039,l p,m. - Basic rescuer PAC 1001, 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. - Student assistant meeting PAC 2045,4:30 p.m.
UPCOMING EVENTS WARRIORS BASKETBALL Feb. 26, vs. Brock, 8rp.m., ;AC JOCKEY - Feb. 28, vs. Western, 2 p.m., Columbia - Mar. 1, at Western (if necesSarYl
Wednmday, March 2 - Squash tournament ing meeting PAC 1001, 4:45 p.m.
-W BOOK STORE & EXCHAN New and Used Books Come and Browse through our large selection Of l l l l
9 French
Arabtc British Canadian
l l l
ttatian Polish
Spanish International Fashton Madaztne
l l
Friday, March - Final entry date: Mixed volleyball tournmnsnt PAC 203&l p.m. - Applicationa Due: Student asaigtants, comemom, refereea4n&isf, arsistant refemea-in-chief 4:30 p.m., PAC 2039 SPRING CREATION TIES
Referee-in-chief (men’s noncontact hockey): rerponaible far organizing, training, and evaluating approximately 10 refemea for the spring ‘88 men’s C-R non-contact hockey league. Level 2 certification pteferred. Contact P. Hopkins immediately. Applications are available from the PAC receptionist.
Clip1 this, ad: far jlO”/oloff/ new,magazines. One ad per purchase Mon. - Fri. g a.m. - 9 p.m.
Thursday, March 3 - Men’s and women’s broomball scheduling meeting PAC 1001, 4:45 p.m. (Games played March 7-25 during C-R times) Men’s basketball playoff meeting CC 113, 4:30 p.m. - Women’s basketball playoff meeting CC, 4:30 p.m.
Sat, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Applications will be available for all instructore and lifeguards at the end of March.
Athena of the Week Julia Fare11 Volleyball
Warrior of the Week Rob Froese Basketball
Julia led the women’s volley-‘ ball team to two victories against Windsor and McMaster. As the only setter for Waterloo, Julia is expected to run the entire offence. She does this extremely well, taking the second pass go95 per cent of the time and converting approximately 80-85 per cent of those into playable attacks. Julia’s talents were first noted by Paul Pavin, the Athenas’ assistant coach three years ago when she played as a setter for Kitchener’s Forest Heights CL During this time her team won WCSSA twice and CWASSA once with Julia as the 5-1 setter. Setters are rarely recognized for this type of award but she is definitely deserving of recognition, Honourable Jill Francis, a second-year runner for the Athenas, placed second in the mile at the University of Michigan Invitational last week in a time of 5:18, kicking down a talented Michigan runner in the final straight away,
The 6’3” guard on the Warriors basketball team is being honoured as Warrior of the week for the third time this season. A 2%year-old from Stratford, Rob is in his fifth year in a double major of Math and Chemistry. Rob hooped 27 points on Saturday as the Warriors finished their regular season with a 92-75 trouncing of McMaster. A surefire OLJAA all-star and all-Canadian candidate, Rob is second in the league with an average of 24 points per game. Rob is ranked third in the nation with a 92.5 per cent efficiency from the line. Rob’s play this weekend in the OUAA West championships will go a long way in determining Waterloo’s success.
Ayn Rand. Free copies of her essay, “Philosophy: Who Needs It”. Call John at 885-3065. Plnrlonk 1091 printer. Excellent condition, compatible with IBM, Atari, Amiaa and other computers. 8275. Phofie Stephen, 747-9364. Qm &e futon and frame for sale. 8 150. or best offer. Call Janice 7468532.
1Fre,te Young people who may qualify are those who are: l between 18and 24 and not attending school full-time or
Start Your Own Business l between 25 and 29 and are recent graduates from a postsecondary school or have received a trade certificate in the past year.
Qigantk nrwlng sale. Apartment full of furniture, appliances, etc., must be sold by April 30. For directions/information call 746-3127. U oi W psychology
shirts - they’re back1 Only $15 in PAS 4028* Holy Tumoli, they’re hot. Cmp, che8p cheap. One single bed boxspring and wood w/mattress, frame. 835.00; one kitchen table $40.00; Hurtin’ lamp must got 85.00.
call (free): THE YOUTH
HOTLINE l-800-387-0772
The program is sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Skills Development in co-operation with the Royal Bank of Canada, the Ontario Chamber oE Commerce and local Ministry of ’ Skills Development participating Chambers of Commerce 629 Alvin Curling and Boards of Trade. Ontario Minister
for local for details.
tlrlr 6alon is looking for models who are willing to have an updated look. We will be taking appointments on Wednesdays at noon. Also fun colours and perms. For more info call B$45141. Clcplo~ paInten for summer employment in Toronto. Minimum 67.00 starting wage. Not a student company. Contact Eric at 740-8356. Wanted:
Nina Mini-Bus drivers for Campus Day, Tuesday, March 15, 1988. We wilf hire for half a day or the full day. Must have “F” class drivers license and attend an orientation session on March 7 or 9 at 3:15 pm. in the Security Office with Sid Turner. Salary 85.00 per hour. Please telephone Gail Ruetz in the Visitors Reception Centre, Optometry, Room 306 et ext. 3614.
WHI do light moving with a $mall truck. Alsorubbish removal. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 894-2831.
Ayn Rd.
Get down to business,
Phone 894-5276
Free copies of her e%ssy, “Philosophy: Who Needs It”. Call John at 885-3066, Ewrym, thema, work reports, buuiness letters, resumes, etc. Will correct spelling, grammer and punctuation. Electronic typewriter. Reasonable rates. Phone Lee 696-5444 afternoon or evening.
MarI wllh small cube van and appliance cart available weeknights, weekends - $ZD/hr. Call Gev at 746716&
FlI& waned: Gred student looking for ride to North-eastern United States in mid-April. Will share gas, driving. Call Adhir at u-w- ext- 8099. leave measage. * TYPIWO Faot, accurate typing and letter quelity word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. Free #ickup and delivery. Call Diane, 6769 1294.
Mentions At the Cornell University Invitational, Paul Ernst won the ,500Om in 14:56.7 while lapping most of the field. Paul adds this major invitational win to his gold medal performance at the Pan-Am games in Windsor recently, again in the 5000m.
Fad,pmfeulonrl word processing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery aveilable on campus. Gremmer,spelling, corrections available. Suzanne, 866-3657. ‘Wordr” - Professional typing services. Offered 7 days/week. Work guaranteed. Call 578-8653. Pick up end delivers available. 32 yum experience. 85 cents double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb area. Call 886-7153. Typing - $l.OO/page (d.s.). Typist on campus (MSA). Over 10,ooO quality pages since 1984. Call Karen Shaw at 746-3 127. 32 ywnexperience; electronic typewriter, .85 double spaced page. Westmount area. Call 743-3342. Typing: Fast, accurate typist with over 25 years experience, will type essays, theses, resumes, etc. New Spell Write II Dictionary SD 250. 81 .oO per double-spaced shoet. Call Lyn at 742-
6583. Lerkon
Word Procarohg service speci&zing in manuscripts, term papers, research and resumes, Guaranteedfast, on time, spell-checked, error free, draft or letter-quality. Best rates in the region. 7 days a week, pick up and delivery by arrangement 6537863. Word Nngl 81.35 per doublespaced page. Resumes 84 per page. Includes: one draft copy (letter quality printer and 20 lb. white bond peper). Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 8851363. Memla
Can Tvpe Itt Essevs, theses
81.00 per page. Minimum charge 88.00. Pickup and delivery Campus Centre. 743- 1967.
Word Proceuhg. Essays, theses, resumes, etc. 13 years experience. Fast reliable service. On campus pick-up and delivery. Call Sharon 748-1793*
on page 27’
Summr ‘88. Townhouse for rent. Four people, 8468 total/81 22 month. Clean, close, convenient. Parkside and Bearinger. Call 746-0296.
from page 26
Room for rent, summer ‘88. Master bedroom, in a townhouse, furnished, share kitchen and bathroom. lakeshore. Rent 8210 util. included. Call Michele, evenings or weekends. 747$umn!ar ‘88 Fully furnished, four bedroom Columbia Lake townhouse available for summer term. Fr8e cable, water and parking. Located close to laundry facilities. For more info phone 747-2640.
Manor? 5 bedrooms, 3 common rooms, 2 balconies, dishwasher, laundry, parking. Option for lease. N88r WaterbO Town Square (12 Georaej 741-9984. Hurl St. May-August ‘88. Wantedclean, responsible, non-smoking female to share a 2 bdrm apt. with same. 886-2833 leave message at 7460235). 0-a condo, Furnished 2 bedroomShort walk to U of O/Downtown. Tennis & squash courts, pool, sauna. 8550 May-Aug. (613.)594-4858. Norm or Blake. Two roomm in semi-detached house. Available from May 1st. Prefer upper year student, non-smoking. $150 $200.
Ishtar. Warren Beatty, Dustin Hoffman. Showtimes are 7:oO pm., and 900 pm. in AL 116. Feds 81 .OO and Non-Feds 83.00.
WCF IO Myths displays.
Today Myth 7: The Bible is an unreliable set of documents and cannot be trusted. Mvth 8: There is no evidence that J&us Christ rose from the dead.
ST PAUL’S College is hosting their annual Black Forest Coffee House and T8l&nt Show on Feb. 26 and 27th., starting at 800 pm, $3.00 for Feds, 84.00 for non-Feds.
CARIBBEAN STUDENTS‘ Association sports weekend: Sports at Conestoga College (Doon Valley Campus) lo:00 am. Dance at the Highlight Club, 220 King St. E. 9 pm. until ... .$4. FED FLICKS.
lshtar. Warren Beatty, Dustin Hoffman. Showtimes are 7100 pm., and 9:W pm. in AL 116. Feds 61.00 and Non-Feds $3.00.
Ishtar. Warren Beatty, Dustin Hoffman. Showtime is 8:OO pm. in AL 116. Feds $1 .oO and NonFeds 83.00.
PSYCHOLOGY snmmm Would you like to have a Psychology Society? Come out to our general meeting today at 4130 in PAS 3rd floor lounge. We have money - we need people.
DOES SCIENCE owe our society anything? A forum to discuss science and the military, the environment and other topics related to the scientists role in our society will be held to promote discussion on these and other topics.
synchronized swimming team will be presenting a display of solos, duets and team routines. 7:00 pm, PAC pool gallery. Come out and be part of the 1st annual watershow1
WCF IO Myths Display. Today Myth 9: Evil and suffering on the world proves there is no God. Myth 10: All religions are basically the same.
Flva Indm
semi-detached, MayAugust. Ten minute bike ride to UW, clean, near shopping centre, bar-bque, T.V. 8 1000 plus., unfurnished, ohone collect (416) 531-5233. ApaHment nrdlrbk for May-Aug ‘88 term. Semi-furnished, for three people, ten minute walk to campus, close to ShoDDinn, laundry, perking available. 70-3730, ever&&s. M&y-August ‘88 sublet: 3-4 bedroom house, 2% bath, air conditioning, large and comfortable. Close to both campuses. Willing to sub#et rooms individuallv. Phone 885-0956. Summer hwslng: Columbia Lake Townhouses, 3 rooms, non-smokers. 8220/month negotiable. Denyse 746-3536. Charlie/Ron 747-3783. Houaa to sublet, Summer ‘88, option for Sept. Close to UW and WLU, air conditioning. Call Kate 746-5759. Two roarnm in townhouse available April-Sept. 1988. Churchill St., 8148.75Imonthl Kitchen, living/dining room and bathroom. Call Margaret 886-l 1 S4.
Party - All you people who screwed up your pink and green cards, come watch it in glorious colourl 8:oO pm., Fed Hall.
Sumner knn in Mississauga. Regular rent or willing to house-sit in exchanae for rent. Call Brian Hook (519) 8854683. Hw#e 01 townhouse wanted for May l st. Must be willing to give up lease. Prefer Kitchener location. Bus. 7427227. May get machine. Apt. wurkd: Grad. student looking for two-bedroom apt. for summer ‘88 and beyond. Close to campus. Call Adhir at U.W. ext. 6099, leave message.
Do you want help for your pregnant girl friend? Birthright offers confidential helo for both of YOUcall 579-3990. Pragnant? We want to help. We would love to adopt your child into our family of three. Through a licensed Drivate sgency. Contact Jackie (416)897-2352. -
and Lovers - an introductory service for students by students. Nonprofit, Confidential, only 815 per year. Recent graduates, drop-outs welcomed1 P.O. Box 8081, Substation 41, London, Ontario. N6G 260. Futon man: How about them close encounters of the futon kind! Think I should get 8 bigger futonir Luv, your personal masseuse.
FILM at WLU. ‘Taureau” (97 minutes). The film portrays the tragedy of a small village persecuting a family incarnating evil. The film will be shown at 4 pm. in Room 2-201 of the Central Teaching Building. Admission is free.
VOCATIONAL Advisois fSVAs) are available to answer questions about resume writing, job search, interview skills, and much more. Feel free to drop in. Sonia Savelli (HKLS SVA) 2 - 3:30, BMH 1040. Romany Woodbeck (ES SVA) 11:30 1:30, ESI 344. Marc Lamoureux (Arts SVA) 11:30 - 1 :OO, ML 232. Kevin Lasitr (Math SVA) 1l:OO - 1 :OO, MC 3035. Nora lbrahim (Science SVA) 900 - 10:30, ESC 251.
weeks feature is Fanny and Alexander. Movie starts at 9:oO pm. in the Campus Centre Great Hall, and is free of charge.
STUDY for mature students, 12:30, Rm 138, Campus Centre. All ages welcome. For more info call Jim Girling. lVCF 749-2594 or Judy 8856809.
FILM at WLU. Lauri-
er’s Catholic Club with Chaplain Services presents the film “Behind the Veil”. It portrays women’s roles in the church.Dr, Mary Malone will speak about the film, which will begin at 7:15 pm. in room 2C8 of the Arts and Science Building. Everyone is welcome.
Group 9 will meet at the Kitchener Public Library, Eby room. New member orientation at 7 pm. Meeting at 7:30 pm. Topic: Recent disappearances in Chile, Presented by Bill Blair. Evervone welcome. WPRlG EVENT: Karmel Taylor McCullen, author and former director of Project North, will be speaking about the plight of the Lubicon Indians and their struggle against Petro-Canada. The event will be in the Arts Lecture, Room 124, at 7:30 pm. MUSIC AT Noon at ULU. Andrew MacDonald, guitar. The concert will take place in the Theatre Auditorium. Admission is free and everyone is welcome.
The Believers. Martin Sheen, Helen Shaver. Showtimes are 700 pm., and 9:OO pm. in AL 116. Feds 81 .OO and Non-Feds 83.00.
PM. CHAPEL. Evening prayer with choir andsermon, ConradGrabel ChaDet. THEMAS: Shake off those winter blahs with some interesting and unusual discussion: from processed cheese to life, the universe and everything. 530 - 700 pm., CC 138.
INTERNATIONAL Group 118. Join the conspiracy of hope! We fight for the release of prisoners of c&science, oppose all forms of torture and the death Denaltv. You can make a difference1 r Campus Centre Rm 135 at 7:30 Dm. All are welcome.
GO Club invites interested players to Go classes and free playing time, Wednesday evenings. Beginner classes 6:45 - 7:30, open play 7;30 - 9:30at B.C. Matthews Hall, Room 1040, Free. For more information call 888-4424 or x6887.
GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE. An informal gathering of people who enjoy light -conver&tion, coffee and fun times in a comfortable setting. 8:00 11 :OO pm., CC 110. For more details call 884-GLOW.
Students’ Brunch.
VW0 DMlng Sewice - Come on out and make a date with the FASS Video ‘881 Fed Hall. March 1, 8:O0. Nuts #d Bolts tonight! Downstairs at Taps, 8:3O pm. Come and find your match! The nuts and bolts are provided. whrt kev RI. Sume; Did I have a key? W.K. Shop; Your key may be in lOO1 -comeupandseemesometime. N.H. Hall. North E 1985-1986 reunion! See Wayne strumming his instrument. Sat., March 5 at the Bombshelter. 1#08 Paych&gy graduates - are you interested in a class of ‘88 grad photo? How about a graduating party? Call Randee at 746-3954. Kin l ttdentmz What are you going to do with your degree?!? Answers to this familiar question Thursday, March 10 at the KSA Symposium. w wti from hell. If you wonder about how much scientists care about the rest of the world, come to a forum on Feb. 29 at 2:30-4:OO pm. in the third floor Chemistry 2 reading room. North E 1985-86 reunion1 Set., March 5, Bombahelter. Avi tells the ‘ice-cream joke’ while standing on his head1
WATSFIC (University of Waterloo Science Fiction Club) meeting. Upcoming events: Video Night and a D & D (Dungeons & Dragons) Tournament. CC 138. 6:30.
friends and eat the the same time. 11130 - 1:30, cc 135.
STUDENT VOCATIONAL Advisors (SVAs) are available to answer questions about resume writing, job search, interview skills, and much more. Feel free to drop in. JoAnn Hutchison (SVA Program Co-ordinator} 9:30 - 4:30, NH 1004., Evan Noden (Arts SVA) 11:30 - 1 :15, ML 232.
EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. Bible study in CC 138 at 7:30 om. All are welcome.
STUDENT VOCATIONAL Advisors (SVAs) are available to answer questions about resume writing, job search, interview skills, and much more. Feel free to drop in. Sonia Savelli (BMH 1040)
Rumr, Iuvo it that petite blond is ‘into surprize parties, scavenger hunts and couch-potatoes. If you are too, look for the partying woman tonight.
Rapublk holiday for 7 full days. Atl inclusive only $800 Can. Toronto departure April 23, 1988. Contact Rich at 884-5DO7. 31 glrk:Thenxforthepastsixmonths. Mony mony. Hey M.F. Donna is a s---. When you thinkof me(which better be often) please always remember and never forget, I’m a moron and an idiot. This isn’t the last of me. I love you all. Take care. Love alwavs ‘The Moron”. MO&I prrlwt involving UW’s Liberal, NDP and PC clubs and any independant members out there. Join us for a great day and test your PM or MP potential. Phone Thomas at 888-6971 or Burk at 886-0885 for more info.
Loat: gieses, in or around Needles Hall. Women’s gold wire frames. Urgently needed. Phone Anne at ext. 3698. ’ Loat Woddln# band. Square shape with two rows of diamonds. Custommade, anxious to recov8r. Substantial reward. Contact Lynn at 689-2765 I lo4 number).
Bl or 82. A man’s gold signet ring, engraved with the initials”UV”. Reward. Call 747-2417 after 5:30.
EXPLORING THE Christian faith. Informal discussion of Christianity with Chaplain Graham Morbey, 7:30 pm., Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All welcome. CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship. 4:30 meal, 5:30 bible study. (St. Paul’s College). MacKirdy Hall. All welcome. STUbENTS FOR Life meetings every Wednesday. 4:30 - 5:30, CC 138. Keen vourself informed on such topics as &rtion, infanticide and euthinasia. Everyone welcome. ADULT CHILDREN of Alcoholics, an Al-ANON Group meets on campus every Wednesday evening. For meeting information call X2424, X2655, X6277 or visit Counselling Services or Health and Safety.
INFORMAL SERVICE with contemporary music; coffee and discussion to follow. Conrad Grebel Chapel at 7:oO pmLAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. Evening service at 7:OO pm. MSA, 163 University Ave. W., Apt. 321. All are welcome.
at WLU. Candlelight services of Holy Communion will be condicted by the Lutheran Campus Ministry at 10 pm. in Keffer Memorial Chapel. A coffee hour fol.lows and evervone is welcome.
WORSHIP on Campus. 1O:3O a&HH 280. All campus people welcome. Sponsored by Huron Campus Ministry. MORNING WORSHIP Services will continue every Sunday despite the tragic death of Rev. Tom York. Communion first Sun. of each month. 11 :OO am. at St, Paul’s College.
WATERLOO JEWISH Students’ Association’s Bagel Brunch. Make friends and eat the the same time. 11:30 - 1:30. cc 135.
STUDENT VOCATIONAL Advisors (SVAs) are available to 8nswer questions about resume writing, job search, interview skills, and much more. Feel free to drop in. Kevin Lasitz (Math SVA) 11:OO - 12:00, MC 3035. Romany Woodbeck (ES SVA) 11:3O 12:30, ESI 344. Nor8 lbrahim (ESC 251) 2:30 - 400. Evan Noden (Arts SVA) lo:30 - 1230, ML 232. WOMEN’S SOCIAL Discussion Group. Come out and meet women in a casual and supportive 8tmOsph8ra. Thursday evenings. 8-11 pm., CC Room 1 i0. Spons%ed by GiLOW.
CHlNESE CHRISTIAN Fellowship: Weekly fellowship meetings at 7;30 pm. Wilfred Laurier University, Seminary Building Rm. 201. Come and join us, all are welcome. For transportation call 884-2949.
)Irve YOU lost your kav? Anonymous WanUrn: Your dreams are reality, when will you dance with me? Man with frinaes.
Book table and informal discussion. All are welcome to discuss any issues related to the 10 myths display on Christianity. 9-6 pm., CC. Great Hall.
WCF 10 Mythsdisplay.
SumnW88chsapi Partially furnished clean four bedroom condo. Nent to laundromat. Ten minute walk to campus. Parking 8164/month/person. 746-2481.
LANGUAGE classes for efementary school age children will be held under Heritage Language Program from 9:00 - 11:30 am. at Victoria School, 50 Joseph St., Kitchener. For more information call 747-Q@Sl, 8852726 or 885-0338. THE WATERLOO Regional Arts Council invites you to its third annual Beaux Arts/Sweet hearts Ball - Saturday, February 13, starting at 9:00 pm. in the Seagram Museum. Dancing, hors d’ oevres and prizes. For tickets, call
EVENT: Visitors are invited to discover and explore The Great Puzzle Exhibit. It’s a puzzlement for everyone with spots of puzzle trivia, riddles, mazes, films, guest speakers, special events and a “hands-on” game area. Free. Monday - Friday S-5, Sunday 1-5. B.C. MatthewsHall, Museum and Archive of Games. 8884424. EXPLORE YOUR future career possibilities. Counselling Services has recently acquired a new computer program called PC Directions. The program includes information about 1000 different careers which can be sorted according to your personal interests. We are running 1% hour labs throughout the term. For details see the receptionist at Counselling Services, NH 2080. WORKSHOPS TEACH Good Study Habits. This series of workshops is designed to help students develop effective study habits such as efficient time management, note taking, reading as well as preparing for and writing exams, will begin the week of February 22. Each two hour workshop will continue for four weeks. Interested students can register at the reception desk of Cou nselling Services, Needles Hall, Rm. 2080.
and Procrastination. Students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies may be interested in this twohour workshop, beginning the week of February 22 (continuing for four weeks). Interested sruclants can register at the reception desk of Counselling Services, Needles hall, Rm. 2080.
St. Bede’s Chapel, Renison College 9:30 am. Prayer Book Eucharist. - 1l:OO am. Contemporary Eucharist Moose Room, Men’s Residence, Renison Colleae.
ABOUT Exams? Counselling services will be offering another Exam Anxiety Workshop this term. Students who would like more information can inquire at Counselling Services, NH 2080, or call 885-l 211 ext. 2055.
8088 CPU
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80286CPU @ 10 MHz
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