Canada Day gets green light by Mike Brown Imprint staff In one Federation executive office there sits two desks. The extra desk has a photo of Shane Carmichael giving Man in Motion hero Rick Hanson a UW crested shirt. The Federation of Students’ vice-president of operations and finance has had a second desk moved into his office as a work centre where he can coordinate his duty as Chairman of the 1988 Canada Day campaign. A second telephone has been added to the office: a direct line for Canada flay business only. The new desk also supports a trophy awarded to Carmichael from the Humane Society for his role in washing oil soaked ducks from Laurel Creek in the Summer of 1987. Since Carmichael’s Winter term eiection to the position of VPOF, his role as Canada Day chairman has caused a volley of political snags. Carmichael never kept his intentions secret. He has been determined to remain as Canada Day Chairperson during his term of VPOF. Although he did ne+a~~Bis in his Co-op mail out or on his promotional sheet, extensive press coverage and public forums detailed his plans; he was given a mandate after he succeeded at the polls. In the aftermath of the Federation elections, a structural review committee which was struck by the 1987-88 Federation executive, recommended restrictive measures for such dual responsibilities at the executive level. The binding restrictions on the Federation executive were passed at the Federation ACM in March. Federation bylaws now dictate that neither the Federation president, nor vice-presidents are eligible to serve on the executives of clubs or organizations which petition funds from the Federation of Students. Carmichael has no intention of resigning his position as Canada Day chairperson: however, he does intend to comply with the bylaw restrictions by simply not
petitioning funds from the Federation. Nevertheless, the Federation’s top three executive members have set a path destinedforclose -ties between the Canada Day campaign and the Federation of Students. Carmichael says Canada Day will be accountable for its own expenditure, Federation Presi-
While everyone their Winter Co-op new Federation of utive was elected Adam Chamberlain Carlton
as President
was away on work terms a Student execand sworn in. replaces Ted of the Fed-
eration. Shane Carmichael is the new Vice-President of Operations and Finance. And Wendy Rinella is the new Vice-President of University Affairs. Adam Chaberlain, a Geography student is taking a year off to be the full time Chief Executive officer of the Federation of Students. His election campaign
berlain said. The Federation president outlined his concern revolves around seeing that “we don’t appear to have a conflict of interest .” Last year’s controversy erupted when VPOF Andrew Abouchar charged Carmichael with being over budget with Canada Day. Carmichael retorted that he was charged improperly by certain Federation departments. To ensure the mixup does not occur this year, both Carmichael, who is coincidentally the VPOF this year, and Fed President Chamberlain have agreed that if the Federation’s Board of Entertainment (BENT) puts on a show the same day as Canada Day, then the bills will be sent to BENT. Last year, Bent productions held on July 1, were charged to the Canada Day budget. The Canada Day campaign was scaled down because of the political problems. Things are just getting started again, According to Carmich,ael, the wa_rm beattier is pirtly attributed to the rejuvenated campaign. The Federation executive will brief the students’ council at the May 29 meeting. Arts Co-op councilor Tim Jackson, an adamant supporter of the original restrictive bylaw, indicated he had no problem with the way the Canada Day/Federation of Students relationship was shaping up. Likewise, the new HKLS representative on council, Donna Lee Irwin says she supports a close relationship between the two organizations.
Veteran coach Tuffy Knight demonstrates tie expects the Warriors to win seven ‘break their O-23 record.
Federation by Derik Hawley Imprint staff
fortable with the arrangement. Chamberlain sees Canada .Day as an important event on camDUS. Some sort of token Federaiion recognition of the event is something Chamberlain hopes for, but cautions “the Federation of Students are not going to be giving money to Canada Day.” The Federation resources are available if they are paid for and l-
mandate und-erwav
centered around the improvement in qu‘ality of Fed services rather than the creation of new ones. His policies will be based upon improving the quality of teaching and entertainment, better athletics, an evaluation of Co-op coordinators and trying to get
a stronger
some winning form. games next season to photo by Mike Brown
Canada Day is primarily a student run event. “The drive comes from students,” Carmichael said. People numbering around the twenty thousand figure swarm to campus and enjoy live music, a parade, loads of contests, fireworks and many other feature events. The first Canada Day Council meeting is open. to attend Wednesday at 3~30 in room 3001 of Needles Hall.
the Waterloo town council. One of his main concerns is the zoning legislation which bans students from living in some areas of the city. Shane Carmichael+ third year Science, is the new VP of Operations and Finance. Although the idea does not seem conceivable under the current political cli-
mate, his campaign was based around the moving of the Fed reception area to the CC Great Hall, including moving the photocopier, and Words to the place in the Campus Center where Scoops is now. Also he plans a general review of the Campus Center to analyze the needs for space, Shane wants to improve events such as Homecoming and Winterfest. Carmichael is currently faced with a dilemma. The recently revised Federation bylaws prohibit an executive member of the Federation of Students from serving on the executive of a club or organization which petitions the Federation of Students for
funds. Carmichael is chairman of the Canada Day committee, an organization whit h has solicited money from the Federation in the past. As of yet, Carmichael has not detailed how he plans on dealing with the conflict. The Wendy Rinella platform is centered around improving communication
student, administrative and goverument groups. Her plans include student inputinto the arrangement of Bus routes, safer pathways and an Emergency Telephone system such as-the one at MacMaster and York. The VPUA deals with all levels ofgovernment and other student organizations.
Villager assaulted la-st month by Christina Imprint staff
An assault on a female UW student has brought to light a new policy by campus security to make such crimes public knowledge. The assault, which was the first of its kind reported in the last eight or nine months, took place shortly after midnight on Thursday, April 7 between the Health and Safety roadway and Village 2 on the pathway adjacent to Westmount Road. Newly-elected Federation of Students president Adam Chamberlain was one of three people who found the woman standing alone by the side of the path. The suspect had originally indicated that he had a knife and dragged her into the woods where she lost a shoe and her Bible. When the woman asked the man not to harm her, he became indignant that sha had thought that was his int&tion. He then began to search for the lost items and as he did so, ‘she made her way to the path where she was seen by the three passersby. While -his friend took the woman home, Chamberlain gave chase, pursuing the suspect through the river before losing him in the darkness. The suspect is described as male: white; early 20’s; approximately 5’8” tall; slim build; fair complexion; medium brown hair; plastic framed glasses. He was wearing blue jeans and a light coloured coat - possibly white or tan with a darker colour across the shoulders. The security bulletins publicizing the assault were in the planning stage but, as a result of the incident, were distributed immediately. Future incidents will be publicized in much the I same way. The bulletins’ however’ will be more attention-getting, with the use of brighter colours as opposed to the-pr_e_s_e_n& black and--white.‘----. Other improvements in security include the creation, last Febof two new positions ruary, those of full time investigator, currently filled by Brian Bradley, and full time crime prevention officer. This will facilitate faster follow-up of incidents and, it is hoped, will achieve better result 9. Security chief Al Mackenzie stresses communication and keeping people informed as the best ways to help make the campus safer. In line with this, he has plans for regular interaction with Imprint and, beginning in September, programs to make people more. aware of what 4s going on and how to protect pert sonal belongings better. Anyone with information that may assist in identifying the assailant is requested to contact your university police at extension 3211. If off campus, call 8851211 ext. 3211. All information received will be treated as confidential.
$6 $11
DEFAFlTSz Math E Computer Building bading dock 43Opm FRIDAYS RETURNS:
lslington Subway
hewer’s Rail actoss statlon 9zCKlpm SUNDAYS
on the patio
Retail (hlington)
Tickets are awdabk starting Fekratknd-officc.CampusCentreRm235
Monday before In the
We need “(&of&? W&RDAY, The - ---
Rundy Peters
SCOTT MERRITT LIVE . . . EI-FCTIONCOMM~EE Federation Ro4xns~235;.
of Students Campus Ccntre
Thaattm of Arts, Modem bnw 8uMing. IJniverMty of Watertoo
MAY 7 $S.W $8.00
Quores’T, cartoons,
Please send your submissions to tk FED Offic c/o Ian Lipton. Hurry, the deadline is June C
Unf ullfilled pledge
Ontario Premier Honourable David Peterson and his government have reneged on-educational opportunity promises to students. In the Legislative Assembly on June X,1987 the Premier stated, “I will guarantee that every qualified student will find a place in a post-secondary institution in this province this fall.” The Ontario Council of Universities figures show that 2500 qualified applicants were turned away from Ontario universities.
6, 1988
The recent budget released by the Peterson government makes financial provisions for univerdies which will alleviate some of the problems but the degree is yet to be seen.
by Derik Hawley Imprint Sttaff
fore senate in March. The budget was sent back for revision when
For the second time this year the administration is preparing a budget to submit to the Senate. The Senate will again pass judgment on the budget after the academic body sent the original 1988-89 operating budget back to the drawing board in March. This years budget deals with the crisis over co-op fees and the added expense faced by the new provincial sales tax. _The budget originally went be-
then Fed President Ted Carlton moved that the costing of Co-op was too high and should be based on maintenance and data processing costs only. The Federation of Students believed the university was calculating the cost of the program higher than it should have been. And therefore the increase was not totally justified. The Federation believed the calculating strategy of the university represented a $700,000 over-
charm. Th% Senate refusal of the first budget took place before the provincial budget was introduced+ The increase in sales tax and the application of this cost to other items will inflate the operating costs of the university. This was first noticed by Dr. Downer at the Senate executive meeting which met May 2. The added costs which resulted from the tax will probably require a second revision of the budget to accommodate the sales tax.
GRADUATION Jostens has photographer
been chosen the for the following
official graduation portrait faculties this semester.
Conservative Education critic MPP Cam Jackson predicts the number of students turned away this fall will increase to 5500, He claims warnings from opposition parties about university un-
derfunding have been blatantly ignored. “They did what we said they would do,” Jackson said. “If the government does not change the announced level and method of its funding this year, it will be doing a grave injustice to the students of this province.” Since coming to power, the Liberals have not upheld campaigh promises regarding postsecundary education. While stu&nt applications province wide have inc?ased 7% per annum, funding ties been capped at 3%. ,
Other potential 88/89 Grads
25 - May
2 - June
Book your appointment Engineering May 18 in front 3rd. floor May 18 in front 3rd. floor
- 25188, 11 am. - I:30 pm. of the coffee & donut shop Math Building - 25/88, 11 am. - 1:30 pm. of the coffee & donut shop Math Buildina
NOTE: This is the photo of you used for your yearbook composite. Please make to attend.
that will be and class every effort
Rent a washer and dryer - why sit around in laundromats? Rent a freezer - stock pile more food from home! Refrigerators of all sizes - we have refrigerators for 2,2,3,4 or more! and dishwashers - oh so convenient! Rent an air conditioner - study in comfort! 1-j
Special Student Rates!
Special Student Rates!
744-3345 AND
127 Victoria
More budget problems
David Peterson’s
by John Mason Imprint staff
Street South, Kitchener
- Open daily 9 to 5:30, Friday 9 to 9, Saturday
9 to 5
6, 1988
A new face for Imprint Presumably few students read the editorial pages of newspapers. There are several hundred who do read the comment page of Imprint. As the student newspaper at UW, Imprint does not have editorials. All ,of the views expressed on. the Imprint comment page are expresely those of the authors. Of late, the entity of Imprint Publications Inc. has refrained from telling the reader “This is where Imprint stands on an issue.” With all the socializing that editors and reporters undergo covering news, arts and sports, an abundance of o’pinions float around the Imprint office, Now, Imprint will rejoin the ranks of the Canadian press by offering a weekly unified Imprint voice in the form of an editorial. When the views of the editor-in-chief, the assistant editor as well as the section editors for news and features, arts and sports agreeupon an opinion, it will appear in the form of an unsigned editorial and shall stand as the opinion of this paper. No longer will readers have to gel for themselves what the paper’s biases seem to be regarding a certain topic - We’ll tell you. The opinions of the staff which are not adopted by the paper will continue to stand as private opinions and will bear the signatures of the authors. Beginning with this first issue of the fiscal year 1988-89, Imprint has a new editor and a few changes in store for the students. The new editor has been around Imprint for two years serving in the capacity of reporter, news editor, and assistant editor. He just graduated with a general degree in history from this institution. He even edited the 1987-88 Federation Info-Date Book - the one with the month-atglance sections featuring the famous Roman eight-day week. Actually, he is the author of this comment piece. My next message to the good readership is “Welcome back to Club UW.” My goal is to create a newspaper so that ten years from now when the bound volume is pulled from the dusty shelf, the researcher gains more than a glimpse of Waterloo. The paper should yield an accurate picture (good & bad) of the campus community of 1988-89. Sitting at the editor’s desk I have formulated a four point plan: investigation; recruitment; closer coverage of the Federation of Students, administration, and municipal government; and improved circulation. Imprint lacks any real investigati‘ve spirit. As a remedy, the assignment list has already changed to accommodate a large investigative element. Sports, arts and especially the news require a large volunteer contingent. Imprint has an open-door policy. Do not hesitate to visit Campus Centre, room 140. Imprint’s recruitment campaign will be the biggest ever this year, Media workshops and seminars will also be featured. We plan’to *make it easier for aspiring journalists to volunteer. In terms of closer coverage, Imprint fell short of fulfilling its _ obligation in 1987-88 as a check on the university powers that be, namely the Federation of Stlidents and university administration. Circulation of the paper will be maintained at 15,000, half that number in the summer with distribution only every other week, The changes to come represent upgrading the placement of the circulation. The circulation of the Imprint will expand to Kitchener, Uptown Waterloo and the merchants around the university. This is the short order list of improvements which are scheduled. The first noticeable changes will be the introduction of weekly editorials next week and with the intensified investigative content of the paper. Mike
Who owns who? To whom does Fed Hall, the Bombshelter, the Campus Centre and the numerous other facilities on campus belong? UW? The Government of Ontario? The Federation of Students? No, it is our campus and our facilities. That is us the student body of the university. Most would agree with me about this issue but we don’t live the fact. We walk our campus like cautious guests afraid of offending some higher authority. Students - it is for us that UW exists and without us, UW would be nothing. The mighty administrators and professors would not have jobs in Waterloo if we weren’t here, I do not mean to promote an attitude of superiority, but students are here to be served! We don’t seem to understand or realize what is ours! I encounter fellow students concerned about abiding by one
minor regulation or the other. Bitching about Fed, the Campus Centre and the Bombshelter. Rules exist to guide not control us. Not a single one is written in stone. Professors and administrators are mostly flexible but many students never test the murky waters outside the letter of the law. Some professors may be reluctant to bend the rules for the sole student but don’t accept “No” if your reasons are worthy. If your cause is reasonable and presented rationally its due respect will be given even when the coordinator or professor does not find it convenient, We must straighten the record of who owes who. Let us stand tall and control what belongs to us. I return to sources of common complaint: Fed Hall, the Campus Centre and the Bombshelter. Recently a friend stated, “We ought to bdycott Fed and the Bomb-
shelter until improvements are made there.” 1 was shocked! These establishments belong to me and my fellow students and if problems exist then we have to correct them even if cutting them out like a cancer is the only solution. If my car breaks down, I have to fix it if I am to maximize my investment in it. Criticism is healthy but let’s begin accepting responsibility as owners of our environment at UW and take action where it is necessary. I challenge twenty students to join me getting off the fence. We are not guests! UW is ours. Lets combine our forces and kick some asses at this school. ]ohn
People who ]ohn Mason’s make enquiries fice, CC 140.
wish to discuss challenge may at the Imprint of-
apply for any of the following position8 attend our re@las
&aE meeting:
Friday, May 13,1988 at 12:30 p.m. Imprint Office, Campus Centre Rm. 140 on the editorial board of Imprint FQbllcatio~~~Inc. are available MJfollaws: l CX6.m Manager Editor l F’eatures Editor l d&slstant New-s Editor l Sports Editor ‘v_ i DisMbution Maauger Pro&uctionAssisttmt ’ l Arts Editor l Cow Edltor TN-: 4 month, part&me position eligible for honoumria
Positiona l l l
All letters
oubfc spaced be typed and ddouble spaced
IYIUS~ must
8884048 -
Imprint has a TO YOUR HEALTH -*beenscooped I Recedi,ng Gums - Enlarging Teeth? Scoops is back in business in the CC after the term break under new management and WIfortunately this current version is almost impossible to recognize as the famous Scoops of past days. We have always beentrue supporters of our local ice cream outlet and proudly boasted of its’ superiority in every respect, The spectrum of flavours and generous portions have generated overflowing pleasure during our days at UW but the rainbow selectioh has taken on a new chameleon like quality which has deeply disturbed us. Firstly, past large servings of ice cream seem to be only a memory of byegone days. Our cones today were so small we could hold them with only one hand. Today was the first time we managed a Scoops cone and a Turn Key coffee simultaneously. Secondly, SCOOPS couldn’t even change a $20.00 bill when we tried to pay for our two cones. Not only could they not provide change but they told us to go over to the Turnkey desk to get our own change before we could purchase ice cream. We wanted
bacteria, so hard brushing to the point of bleeding should not occur. Should your gums bleed with even a light massage with the toothbrush, taik to your dentist. One excellent suggestion. for healthy gums is to run a water-pick gently over all of your gums after you brush your teeth; if you do not have a water-pick, open your mouth to the stream of water each time you take a shower-not only does it help to increase circulation in the gums but it is actually quite relaxing?
Uestion: Could you please give me some in ormation about receding gums? With some of my teeth, so much gum is gone so that the teeth look almost twice their “old” size! What are the causes? What are some ways of preventing this, or slowing this process down?
Answer: Periodontal ease] involves the receding ice cream so we didn’t protest too strongly but we did ask, “Who is serving who?” Thirdly, while one woman served us, a man and woman conducted what sounded like a lover’s quarrel behind the counter. Why couldn’t they keep that for later or better yet, why didn’t one of them attempt to locate change instead of sending us to the Turnkeys to get our own?
disease (gum disand inflammation of gums around the teeth. There is evidence now that it is caused by bacteria, just as is tooth decay. What this means i& that the gums must be brushed as well as the teeth. The best prevention of gum disease is good consistent mouth care and attention to the proper method of tooth-brushing. Brush down over the top gums and teeth, and brush up from the bottom gums and teeth. Some people find it easier to brush in circles. Always remember, however, that the object is to gently but efficiently remove
Unicef Canada
Federation of Students and Shane Carmicheal please tell us the sew Scoops is only .a mistaken chameleon and that we _will see a reversion to our old Scoops soon!
Ted and Mare
For more information on this topic or others, write to the Health and Safety Resource Network, c/o The Imprint, or phone the University of Waterloo (885~1213), extension 6277.The HSRN is a liaison between you and any source of health and safety information you need, and can also provide pamphlets, films, speakers, clnd phone numbers to other resources. We are located in room 126 of the Health and Safety-building and invite you to drop in to talk to one of our many volunteers.
to editor
MAD about bookstore To the Editor,
What is WPIRG? by WPIRG
Are you worried about the indiscriminate dumping of toxic waste, the silent destruction of our Iakes and forests by acid rain, or the disproportionate distribution of the world’s resources? Have you often thought about doing something about it but couldn’t find a way to get involved? For 15 years the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) has provided an outlet for UW students to actively work on a variety of environmental and social justice issues. Through research, education and action, students have gained insight into the interrelationship between different social issues while improving their skills and, providing valuable information to the community. WPIRG is located in Room 123 of the General Service Complex. The salaries of one full-time and two part-time staff, along with programming ‘expenses, are ‘derived each term with a $3.04 fee charged to each student. The tuition check-off is refundable during the first three weeks of the term. Financial and organizational direction are provided by a seven member student board of directors appointed for the summer term. If you are interested in participating as a boardmember phone or visit the WPIRG office for details. The key ingredients of WPIRG are the resource The centre, research and education/action. WPIRG resource cent&e has files, periodicals+ and books on social justice and environmental issues. A partial topics list includes, acid rain, commun3ty development, economics, energy, industrial *
waste, food, health, housing, international development, labour, technology, and water quality. Books and peribdicals can be borrowed for a twoweek period and files can be used in-house or photocopied. WPIRG’s research is also unique. Do research for class credit! We offer you the opportunity to take part in research projects aimed directly at helping overcome a social injustice. Acid Rain: the Silent Crisis, Chemical Nightmare: the Unnecessary Legacy of Toxic Waste;The Social Impacts of Computerization, the K-W Tenants Guide and Waste Management Master Plans What You Should Know, are just a few of the’ publications compiled by WPIRG in copjunction with student volunteers. We need volunteers to, continue research on waste reduction, reuse and recycling. Interested persons should contact Cameron Wright at WPIRG. WPIRG will also coordinate a work group throughout the summer which will organize educational events on social justice and environmental issues chosen by work group participants, Interested persons should attend the first meeting at the WPIRG office May 17 at 4:30 pm. For further information contact Bev
I used to read in MAD magazine about crazy. tiniversity stunts and pranks,, most of which were somewhat hilarious unless you happened to own the goldfish that were being swallowed. Those of u’s that will be here next therm are getting ready for one of the zaniest I’ve come across in a long time; and if you miss it this Spring, it’ll get you in the Fall: we’re talking about the ordeal administered by our beloved student Federation known as “Used Book Store Stuffing.” This idea of seeing how many of the 15,000 University of Waterloo students can pack themselves into the converted closet called the Used Book Store must be a source of perpetual humour to the Federation as there seems to be no effort to make the situation more reas.onable. It strikes me that drinking is far more impoflant to these peopIe as we have the largest campus pub in Canada - and I dare say one of the smallest Us&d Book Stores. It is also morbidlv humourous that h&e at the so-lcalled “computer centre of Canada,” the manager of the Used Book Store
want to be try to arrange something with you, possibly in the resource centre or on reception. To find out more about WPIRG, drop by our office Monday to Friday, 10 am PO 5 pm, br visit our information tables ifi the Campus Centre to find out how you can become involved. If you
Does no one on Fed council buy used books?
we will
always Deadline:
in’ ever
Is anyone on Fed council aware of the advantages in improved efficiency by uoing a sma& cheap computer? Oh are some questions in life to which one never finds the answers. J. Budd
to the
free time but-still
us and
Could UW get a write-up MD magazine about &is?
is forced to work with a stoneage system of cards arranged in assorted cardboard boxes. Well the fine lady who has been struggling along with us under these adverse conditions has had enough and is leaving. I for one am unhappy to see her go, but even more dismayed that it will not dawn on the Federation as to why she left and things will remain unchanged. As I’m standing in line for the better part of an afternoon next term, a few questions will probably drift through my mind: Is it really worth tbe bother of all this to save a few bucks?
‘welcome noon Tuesdnvs.
CC 140
@ Imprint, Friday,
8, 1888
- Tom’York remembered Hardy
by Chrirtina
taught at UW and wrote a co- missions will be available in the fall. lumn in Imprint called Let’s Talk About... As well, he was the au- . The award committee is chaired by Dr. Pauline Greenhill thor of Trapper and several Stephen Jones of St. Paul’s other, novels, the newest of and College. which, Desireless, will be pub- United For more information about lished Boon by Penguin. the award or to make a tax-deAe seems -fitting, the Tom ductible contribution, contact York memorial award will be Dr. Pauline Greenhill, St. Paul’s given for “prose fiction creative United College, Waterloo, Ontawriting” to an undergraduate or rio, NZL 3G5, phone ISIS) 88~ graduate student at UW or WLU. 1460 or Mrs. Doreen Wilhelm at Other details and a call for sub- (519] 743-8440.
A student writing award in memory of Dr. Tom York, Unitid Church chaplain at both UW and WLU, is befn established by a committee of 1 is colleagues and friends. York, who was 47, died in a car accident earlier this year while travelling In the United States. Originally from Arkansas, he came to Canada during the Vietnam War to atraid the draft. He
dent (university affairs) and the academic researcher of the Federation of Students will be attending the CFS’s mid-Ma conference in Victoria, Britis i!i Columbia.
by john Mason Imprint Miff
&main of computer software is a growing concern,” said Don Assaff,, director of Bell Canada’s University Liason Program. “Wateploo’s Electrical Engineering Department has the necessary expertise to bring this research pko @ctto fruition, and the results 8h ould be of significant interest both to sup Hers of computer rroftware an cr to the u8ef communltp in general.” UW is one of three Canadian universities to receive research contracts from Bell. McGill University and the Ecola Polgtechnique in I@ntreal are the other two redpien ta,
ln the do-
ing member. Wendy Rinella, VPUA, would like to see “the congruency between the CFS and the OFS abolished,” Waterloo is a founding member of the Ontario Federation of Students, an organization which helped lobby for the ending of tha computer fees. The Federation’s ambassadors plan tu try -to improve the CFS’ political lobbying. “I don’t think we should remove ourselves from the whole student movement just because we we rrrt2n’t a happy with certain aspects of the or anization, That vvould be self %efeating,” Maella explained.
To: Dr. DE, Irish - Chemistry u&n:
Anr~r: This question is poorly worded. The fact is that the freezing point of water [liquid) occurs at a lower temperature [below zero degree8 Celcius) when sodium chloride is dissolved in the water. This ts true SPRING h&y
&sttu *
k $2.70
2 ,T6
:z z;E;;
kinds of things it relates, and the more extended is its orea of applicabifity. Therefore, the deep fmpression which classical thermodynamics made upon me, It is the only physical theory of universnf content concerning which I am convinced that, within the framework of the applicubilit of Its basic concepts, it wi r1 never be overthrown.
does adding 801 to ice mnka it
8 urn chlorida
1988 c
u w. BOOK
for any solute dissolved in the water. It is one of the colligative properties. These are properties that depend on the number of dissolved particles er unit volume. The greater t Rat number, the lower the freezing point will be. Now we returnto the question - how can this be? The result in this case is uite simple: The lowering of % t e freezing point is proportional to the concentration of particles. Thermodynamics even allows one to calculate a very accurate value of the proportionality constant. Thus it is a powerful discipline. As Albert Einstein said: A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its pre-
It will be-the last conferentie where Waterloo will have a vote, The prospective membership the Federation took out expires in November. “There is a precedent for going,” said Peter Klungel, Fed
firial CFS vote
by Ddc Hmwldy hnprint atrff Despite a referendum opposed to continuing membership in the Canadian Federation of Studente, the president, vice-presi-
Bell Caaade, Canada’e largest telecommunfcatians company, and Uw’s electrical enginelerln department signed a reBearc ii contract worth $85,000 on March 1, 1988. Under the agreement, a team directed by Professora Rudolph Seviora and Paul Dasiewicz will develop a stratag for assessing the reliability of if all’s bomputer eoftware producta and derign an inn;rument to verify qualitycon-
-1 $2.15
CRESTEU .CUPBbARU 412s 225 CRESTEU EXkfiCISE 5K t+idqlVendrtxii * SaturdaylSmedi
3.40 1.80 l
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KNAPSACK -_- ---- :., .ic-T----
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Uhl mFRONt
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NEWS Amnesty
supports: C--
6, 1988
Honduran’s fight to stay in Canada by Pat McInnis and Mark Pritzker members of Amnesty tional
Marco Escoto, a z&year-old Honduran living in Kitchener, says his expulsion from Canada will almost certainly mean his death. He is worried that if the authorities decide to send him back to Honduras he will “disappear”. When he arrived in Canada in August 1986, he applied for refugee status, but was refused. Immigration officials insist Escoto does not fit Canada’s refugee criteria and they issued him an exclusion notice on October 28, 1987. He has appealed the initial refusal. The final level of appeal went through in November, 1987. He still awaits an answer. Escoto fled to Canada to escape enforced military service and physical abusb at the hands of the Honduran army, He says his only crime is that he is a pacifist. “I’m opposed to any kind of war,” he said in a recent inter-
view; yet into the press-gang at age 17 to
he was twice forced Honduran army in fashion at age 13 and fight against the San-
dinistas in Nicaragua. Both times he was picked up off the street, beaten, and taken to an army training centre.
Marco Escoto
On the first occasion, he was further beaten and deprived of food and water before-being released. The second time, he was tortured and forced to do 10 days of military training and exercises. He was only released after his uncle presented a medical certificate to the army authorities. Before he escaped to Canada, Escoto hid from the army for five months. Since he has been in Canada, his parents have been approached several times by the army asking his whereabouts. They have threatened him that he will “disappear” should he ever return to Honduras. Two years ago, Escoto arrived at Pearson International Airport and applied for refugee status. He had been told by the Canadian consulate in Honduras that he would not need a Visa. However, when he arrived here he found he did not fit Canada’s refugee criteria; they state that to be a refugee, one must have suffered from abuse based on one’s race, religion, political views, social standing or nationality. Suffering persecution due to an aversion to being conscripted and serving in the military has not qualified Escoto as a refugee in Canada as of yet. Escoto’s first request for refugee status in Canada was refused, and unaware of his rights, the Honduran failed to launch an immediate appeal. Since then, he has hired Toronto immigration lawyer Lorne Waldman who appealed the exclusion notice and the initial decision of the board of inquiry, The appeal is expected to ;be heard- by the Federal Court at any time. It will be based on legal technicalities alone and will disregard Escoto’s plight. If the appeal fails, Escoto can stay in Canada only if he is granted a ministerial permit. Since 1986, Marco Escoto has adapted well to Canadian life. He says he would like to build his future here. He has learned English+ and holds a full-time job at Bauer Industries in Kitchener. During the last six months the case has gained attention in the
Campus security The term is only days old but the first bicycles have been stolen and new text books are turning up at the lost and found department of UW campus security already. With the return of warmer weather, bikes are abundant on campus and sufficient care is not being taken in locking them up. Security states, “No bike has ever been stolen that was locked through the frame to one of the racks on campus with a kryptonite lock.” Investment in a quality bike is often converted into a farce by students who purchase cheap locks and chains which can be srigrpped or clipped through in seconds. Others lock the front tire only to a rack and return to find the bicycle body spirited away. Please let us display the intelligence with which we got into this institution and make it difficult for thieves. If books, binders and other valuables are misplaced, remember security operates a lost and found service which can be reached at campus ex: 3211. Remember items with names and ID numbers inside are much easier to return to you.
New & Used Books ih Magazines
20 18C)
Kitchener-Waterloo area. Escoto’s cause was first chamDioned by Fatti Polfuss, his &gIish teacher at Victoria Public School in Kitchener* Church groups, private individuals and Amnesty International have joined forces to support Marco in his fight to stay in Canada. To find out how to cbntribute to Escoto’s fight to stay in Canada, the necessary information is available in the Imprint office.
6, 1988
Tuition may go up by Derik Hawley Imprint staff
of Western
Scabs at Western Western graduate students have been pinpointed in the ranks of “scab” labour at Alma College in St, Thomas. The Gazette reported that Western grad students have been filling in for striking teachers at the private girls’ school. Queen’s
Canada’s first non-alcoholic university pub reported losses in its first year of operation at Queen’s University, but optimism isrunning high for the future of Na Banrighinn. The pub is $27,ooOin the red. The dry pub is budgeted to lose $20,000 annually in its first three years. of Toronto
Interrupted by stripper An unknown student at the University of Toronto fleshed out some excitement at the usually uneventful final meeting of U of T’s Student Administrative Council, A male stripper interrupted President Ellen Ladowsky’s year-end report. Ladowski was quoted in The Varsity as saying “I was sick, . . . I’ve never seen tine before.” York University
OFS versus York Student politicians at York elected to drop their membership with the Ontario Federation of Students. The problem is that York’s undergraduates did not elect to drop OFS. The OFS constitution clearly states that each university must conduct a referendum to gain student support before pulling out of the organization. York’s student council claims they acted on a legal opinion which states otherwise.
mend that the accessibility of higher education be guaranteed through public, private and university scholarships and through loan programs”. Currently a university can raise its tuition but the province will automatically cut back on the funding to make up for the surplus. The report, as yet unreleased, deals mainly with concerns over the number’ of students enrolled in science and engineering programs as well as the quality and quantity of research being con-
The Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) is concerned over a federal report recommending that universities be allowed to increase their fees to a maximum of $2,500. “This is a shot king, elitist, and a regressive recommendation on the part of the committee,” according to OFS chairpeson Sheena Weir. “The doubling of tuition fees would effectively eliminate accessibility for an enormous number of students.” . Dr. Wright, the University President, told the Toronto Star ,in an interview, that he supports a gradual increase in tuition fees coup.led with further government assistance to needy students. He also believed that having the government pay 8540 of the education, when the student gains the sole benefit of higher earnings, could be cotistrued as regressive. Ontario-students contribute Students and faculty are now the highest proportion of their able to sign-an to WATCAT outeducation within Canada. South side the library. As of April 18, of the boarder, students pay 1988, WATCAT may be about $3-4,000 a year for their searched from any terminal on tuition. While in Australia the campus or any location off camtuition is free, the government pus using. a terminal and a pays the entire bill. modem. The elimination of tuition fees On campus Sytek users should is one of the policy objectives of I type CALL 2100 and press the the Ontario Federation of Stureturn key twice. The baud rate dents. OFS take a stand opposed to anything which would limit for WATCAT on Sytek is 9600. To sign-off, type END and then the accessibility of a student to a utilize the regular sign-off comuniversity education. mands. The government recommendaOn campus users of Gandalf tion reads as follows. “We reshould set their switch to 20 and commend that Universities be press the carriage return. A 6 allowed to set their own tuition then type CALL Will appear, fees to a maximum of $2,500 per
ducted. The logic behind the allowing of a university to raise tuition costs is to create highly specialized programs and elite research universities, such as MIT and Harvard. The report specifies, “variations in tuition fees between disciplines and programs should reflect specific conditions such as the actual costs of the program and the anticipated revenue of the department, as well as the reputation of the university and the quality of its program.”
WATCAT goes public
Boozelesspub in the red I.
academic year...We also recom-
2100 and press return. The baud rate for WATCAT on Gandalf is 2400. To sign-off, type END and then disconnect your Gandalf. Utilizing a modem within Kitchener/Waterloo: 300 baud b8844280,120O baud t?884-4466,240O baud b884-0070. Type CALL 2100 and press your return key twice. Signing-off is accomplished by typing END and disconnecting your modem. Outside the cities of Kitchener/Waterloo, Bell Canada DATAPAC service is listed under DATAPAC in the white pages of the telephone directory. The library’s DATAPAC address is 33500196.
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6, 1988
Apartheid sports boycott upheld NEW YORK (IPS/ISIS) Despite United Nations efforts to isolate South Africa from international sports, some 2,500 sportsmen and women have chosen to ignore the boycott and participated .in sporting events there over the last seven years, according to a U.N. report released here April 14, A “Register of Sports Contacts with South Africa,” compiled and published by the U.N. “Center Against Apartheid” showed that during the period Sept.1, 1980 to Dec. 31, 1987, athletes from 55 countries defied the voluntary ban. Most were from Western countries and included such wellknown tennis stars as Jimmy Connors, Chris Evert, Vitas Ge-
Bombing l
WASHINGTON (IPSIISIS) On the second anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Libya, the Reagan Administration is facing a lawsuit seeking compensation for 55 of the Libyans killed or injured in the air raid. The suit raises the question of whether “the president of the United States [can) lawfully order military aircraft to bomb and kill civilians in a foreign country in a time of peace,” said former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Libyan plain tiffs. By forcing the administration to reveal the precise targets it intended to destroy and the chain of command through which the orders were transmit-. ted, Clark said he hopes to demonstrate clearly that the April 14, 1986 attack by the U.S. Air Force was “an attempt to assassinate the head of state of Libya.” The United States has denied that it was trying to kill Col. Muammar Gathafi in the prer
rulaitis, Brad Gilbert and BillieJean _ King from the United States, Australian Wimbledon champion Pat Cash, and French tennis star Henri Laconte. Famous golfers include Ian Woosman of Britain and Severiano Ballesteros of Spain. Some athletes from Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America have also participated in sporting events in South Africa, according to the report. A number of athietes who pledged not to play in South Africa again until apartheid is dismantled have been removed from the list. Among those are U.S. golfer Jack Nicklaus, Manuel Orantes of Spain, Tom Okker of the Netherlands, and
Czech Lendl.
In his March 10 letter to the Special Committee Against Apartheid, British rugby player Ieuan Evans said, “I am now older, and I hope wiser, and have no wish to visit South Africa again until apartheid is abolished and the current political situation changed.” To date, the special committeq has received 158 letters from sports personalities pledging not to return to South Africa. The register further states that a number of South African athletes have been allowed to participate in sports events in other parts of the world despite the boycott - often by holding other
victims sue US. dawn raid, insisting that it was retaliating for Libya’s alleged involvement in the bombing of a West German discotheque frequented by U.S. soldiers. But Clark pointed out that the West German government has said it has no evidence of a Libyan connection to the discotheque bombing. In addition, Clark recalled that he personally observed the craters caused by 2,000 pound U.S. bombs near Gathafi’s home and office in Tripoli. The air raid also killed many civilians in different residential sections of Tripoli, he noted. Even if it could be proven that Libya was responsible for the West Germany bombing, “can you strike anbther continent and kill innocent people” in retaliation?, asked Clark. He referred to October 1986 media reports exposing an ad‘ministration disinformation campaign against Gathafi as further proof that the White House deceived the U.S. public about the reasons for its attack
against Tripoli. The administration made no comment on the lawsuit. The suit was filed against the United States, Britain [which allowed U.S. planes stationed on its territory to participate in the air raid), Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, former U.S. Defence Secretary Casper Weinberger, the estate of former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Director William Casey, and the pilots who participated in the bombing. The complaint charges the defendants with violations of various international laws, numerous U.S. laws, and the laws of Libya.
passports. At a press conference where the list was distributed, Sotirios Mousouris, UN. assistant secretary-general and director of the Center Against Apartheid, said the sport boycott of South Africa fits into the sanctions imposed by the U.N. General Assembly on South Africa, as w&l1 as with the cultural boycott which is already in effect. The cultural boycott includes a register of entertainers and artists who have performed in South Africa. The sports register was first published in 1981 with the hope that publication of names would discourage athletes from going to South Africa, acc0rdir.g to the Center Againsa Apartheld. Since then, the United Nations has negot’ated ati international conventior. against “apartheid sport” in which participating countries w 9uld agree not to permit sportin contacts with a country prscticing apartheid and shall take appropriate action to insure that their sports bodies, teams and individual sportsmen do not have such contact. The convention went into force some 10 days ago after it received the required ratification of 29 of the 45 countries that signed it. The countries that ratified the corivention are for the most part from the Third World and the Socialist block, and since most of the athletes going to South Africa are from Western countries, it is not immediately clear what will be the effect of the
boycott. The convention further states that state parties “shall prohibit entry into their countries of teams or individual sportsmen participating or who have participated in sports competitions in South Africa.” The register lists 36 sports ranging from angling to yachting, and includes such popular sports as soccer, cricket, tennis, golf, boxing, and chess. Speaking to correspondents here, Mousouris said, “The register needs to be seen in the broader context of the effort of the international community to put pressure on the government of South Africa to eliminate apartheid.” South Africa has led various recruiting campaigns to entice players to participate in events taking place there. It has been known to offer enormous sums of money to athletes. Furthermore several South Africans have been signed on to play for French and Italian rugby teams, according to the U.N. register+ Golf and tennis are two of the most popular 3ournaments in South Africa, attracting large numbers of US and British players. The register, a consolidated list of sports persons having participated in sports events in South Africa from Sept. 1, 1980 to Dec. 1987, shows the United Kingdom as counting 83 golfers ‘and 42 tennis players and the United States as counting 114 golfers and 113 tennis players to have participated in sporting events in South Africa.
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Casual by John Zachariah Imprint staff As Esquire magazine once remarked, everything old is new again. Old music, old clothes, old cars and old TV are all hip again. fn the post-sexual revolution, AIDS-ridden tundra of North . American society, old morality is hip again, too. Or is it? Are we embracing monogamy again, or is it a bitter pill shoved down our throats, sweetened by the new popularity of condoms? Casual Sex?, playing downtown at the Hyland, answers yes to both questions in an attempt to be inoffensive but comes forward, in the end, clearly on the side of monogamy and happy endings,
Patti Rocks, a front line report from the battle of the sexes playing this weekend at the Princess, doesn’t communicate its message as clearly as the message that Casual Sex? offers; unfortunately, the advanced press blathering which has made Patti Rocks notorious may be misleading, causing people to focus their attention on those aspects of the picture least relevant to the message it’s trying to bring across. This movie must be watched and listened to care-
fully. In Casual Sex?, Lea Thomson is Stacy and Victoria Jackson is
attitudes Melissa, two fun-loving white girls looking for action in the heart of Los Angeles. Stacy is better at it than Melissa, since she has the self-confidence which Melissa obviously lacks. Stacy, who describes herself as promiscuous, suddenly gets wind of the AIDS crisis, and nearly commits herself to a life of fear-imposed celibacy. Then, she realizes that all she needs is a monogamous relationship with a “healthy” man, and convinces Melissa that she needs the same thing, The two set off for a health farm to find their dream men. The one valuable message which Casual Sex? does deliver is that we shouldn’t judge books by their covers, and it makes the delivery with a gentle sense of humour. But the message is selfevident, and could certainly be_ communicated effectively in less than 90 minutes. In the end, we get the feeling that there’s some moral being mashed in our faces (married life WORKS!). Patti Rocks makes a case for casual sex. Patti Rocks (Karen Landry] is the fair-weather lover of Billy (Chris Mulkey), a dumb sexist golem full of false pride and crude jokes who has just made her pregnant. Convinced that Patti will demand child support (or worse!], he decides to drive up to her house to talk some sense into her since, she keeps hanging up when he calls.
High school,ers by John Hymsm Imprint etaff The two
Catholic high schools, St. Mary’s and St. Jerome’s, made the most of being the first high schools to use the awesome theatre facilities available at the Centre in the Square, Kitchener+ It was earsy to forget that the production was in fact merely a high school musical.
Rob Carli played the lead, Henry Higgins, in Alan Jay
Lerner and Federick Loewe’s musical adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s play Pigmalion. ’ Carli’s Higgins was quite believable as the snobbish, misogynoun Prof. Higgins who attempts to transform a cockney flower girl, Eli23 Dooiittle, (Sue Irwin) to a duchess by only changing her pronunciation. Carli’a singing voice ably handled the often musical part of his role. Irwin, as Eiiza, had the most beautiful singing voice of anybod on stage. However, her Britis t ac-
sex in film
Patti Rocks. Trouble is, he doesn’t have a car, so he borrows his friend Eddie’s (John Jenkins) and takes him along for moral support, It’s the talk during the drive up to Patti’s place that has made Patti Rocks notorious, and it is pretty raunchy. But the real meat of the movie comes when the pair arrive at Patti’s place. There, we discover the same thing Silly
does: Patti likes her sex, and doesn’t really give a damn about Billy, w-ho subsequently suffers some mammoth cognitive dissonance, since he can’t reconcile this fact in his Neanderthal-like mind, Eddie, on the other hand, develops a rather special relationship with Patti, who recognizes the sensitivity he possesses and the loneliness he
Over its length, Patti Rocks touches upon an extraordinary constellation of matters human and sexual. Sensitive and shameless, it treats all its characters fairly and thoroughly. Everyone sees this movie and says ‘*See what pigs men are;” but Patti Rocks is trying t6 say s lot more than just that. ’
do l+iggi ns .and. ~cwlittle .t.. .I*.r. &,. I cents were most unconvincing. But the crowd favorite was Peter
Reitzle as Doolittle’s drunk, no account father. His natural acting and fair voice were the highlights of the play. The student-built sets tiers very well done. Higgins’ study was elaborate and well designed. The race track, complete with stands and rails, was presented in a most refreshing, entertaining and ingenious manner. Visually, the production was quite professional.
Directors Bill Klos and Mike Bergauer had to work closely with the Centre’s union in order to allow the students to have a an active role as stage crew, light technicians, and the rest of the back stage work that the union normally claim as their own. The union seemed to be quite agreeable to this arrangement. As well, Klos says that the help of Don Donaldson was invaluable to ensuring the success of the play. The Centre-in-the-Square was also quite receptive.’ to the
smooth student production which had no major prc&lems. The city of Kitchsner is hoping to open up the.G<‘e to more community groups. The clasby My Fair Lady by SMH and SJH should ensure future high school perfor’n&nces there. A side note is that Toronto’s Roy Thompson HsN was host to a music performance ut on by a combination of schoo Ps from the East York Board of Education. The event was a near sell-out coming close to breaking event
:‘ Doughboys work hard forthe: nyney.: By wormy Paa Imprint Staff
It’s 230 AM;Thursday night, at the Silver Dollar. The Doughboys have most of their equipment put away and the only evidence that a hardcore show went on earlier tonight, besides the lingering smell of
stale Export and a 1ittle blood by the front of the stage, is the fact that concert promoter and Silver Dollar . owner Elliot Lefko looks ‘ust a tad older. A busy man and a he 1luva’nice guy, Elliot ‘understandably asks me to hurry up because he’s closing after a hard night. I finish my beer and rewind the tape upon which -is the
interview recorded moments before with John Kastner of the Doughboys. As vocalist and guitarist for Cana.da’s kings of rockcore, John and the rest of the band woke the dead and rocked the l/ving earlier tonight in a triple bill with Toronto’s Pigfarm [watch for their excellent debut release this summer) and California’s intensely powerful , band, All, formerly known to hardcore fans as the *Descendants. The show, played to a packed house, was without doubt yet another popularity
(left) same
and bassist You
Rasta hairdresser?
John bet.
Bon Head.
Do they
to the photo
by Wonny
testament to the growing of the energetic and unrestrained music of the Doughboys. The success of the Montreal-based band’s debut LP, Whatever, has it still on the college charts almost a year after its release, with some damn nice critical acclaim to boot. Since the release of Whatever, changes made in the Doughboys include the ousting of guitarist Scott McCullough for ex-Circus Lupus guitarist Jonathan Cummins, and the switch from Pipeline Records of Montreal on to an American Label. Musically, the Doughboys are as fast and furious as any of the hardcore bands around today, and yet what sets their music apart is the fact that it has a lot of melody and some superb song writing behind it.
. In fact some of their songs ati still ringing in my ears, as the Iast+f the patrons stumble on to ‘Spgdina Avenue from the paint-chip 4 grey walls of the Silver Dollar. I Bo$n my beer, thank Elliot and the I)Bughtijrs, and l&e to sbek the comfDrt of a bed. As I walk through the sl*ping streets of Toronto, past the*ausual hobos and atreet gypsies, f put on my Walkman and listen to the freshlyrecorded interview witk Doughboy’s Irontman, John Kastner.,, IOHN: Hi! Who did you say this interview was for again? IMPRIN’I? “Imprint”,.. over in Kitchener-Waterloo. You guys played there in December with Problem Children and the NF’s. JOHN: Oh yeah. First time we played there it was fun. The second time wasn’t such a good show. It was weird man, like we weren’t “punk” enough or something. I couldn’t figure it out. I mean we played full hardCOW punker
it was fine. Oh well, seemed alright. IMPRINT: “Alright”? great ! But anyways, question is, do you vinyl coming out?
in America
You guys were the important have any new
on page 15
K-town Hipsters raawwwk / by Dee Kaye Imprint
Lead singer Gordie gets Down.
Record Store Top Eight For the week ending April 22 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8.
Various Artists I.R.S. No Speak - Instrumental Rock For the 90's Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - The Best of OMD Clanned - Sirius Talking Heads - Naked Prefab Sprout - From Langley Park To Memphis fIREHOSE - “If’n” loai Mitchell - Chalk Marks in a Rain Storm Sisters of Mercy - Floodland
Just Arrlved 1. Butthola Surfers - Hairway To Steven 2. Nail Young - This Note’s For You 3. Leonard Cohen - I’m Your Man 4. NoMsunerNo - The Day Everything Became Nothing 5. E& B. b Rakim - Move The Crowd/Paid In Full - Remixes
tommorrow night. Dress code in effect: no acid wash and plenty of sweat,
was the best one of the bunch as the song suits this band in their following of great American nuitar rock-
The TragicalIy Hip come from a city that is better known for Yeah, these guys are good and Queen’s U. and the Penitentiary. entertaining. They play Club Fed T’hese guys have a lot more to do with the pen than preppie, uppity-nosed Queenls since these young bucks are the long-haired type with envious kick-ass cowboy boots on their tapping toes. Besides their music is the rebel sort of rock% roll. It’s American “Good for what roots-like twang - not quite ails ya!” Athens, Georgia but-falling more so towards Kalamazoo than -DR, DISC Kingston. At the leopard-skin ledenglitz club called Stages in downtown 172 KING ST. W., K-town, the five man trou e (FORMERLY RECORDS played on April 14. Initially, TKe ON WHEELS) Tragically ,Hip _sounded more like The Typically Hip: Nothing spectacular and not quite as warm as their debut which RCA distributed and campus and commercial radio played. Perhaps they felt uncomfortable in this techno-palace with more folks paying attention to each other in their skin-tight acidwash, than to what the band was doing. About mid-second-set, they brought out an acoustic guitar for a couple tunes and this added a much needed shine to their per- formance. From this point on, things began to pick up with the sweat starting to form as a result of lead singer Gordie Downie’s energetic stomping and throaty singing, The latter half of the set was chock full of covers - Stones, Buddy Holly, a Doors/Zeppelin mix, Dylan - all were not straight-up copies but were punched out with an original ,yerve. The,, t$q&: rock’n rgll standard. Train Kept A dollin’
NOTE: The Randypeters from Otter-wa open with their rough and ready riffs. Don’t miss them.
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Lindsay’s propriate
text aura
to give the apof film noir pro-
gether like a sack of potatoes” the first side is a twenty-five
by Chris Wodekou Imprint staff If alto saxophonist John Zorn laid claim to the crown of the Greenwich Village avant garde with last year’s The Big Gundown, a re-interpretation of Ennio Morricone’s spaghetti western soundtrack music, then Spillane really gives the pretenders to the throne something to think about. Morricone at least has an air of respectability, having scored such internationally acclaimed films as 1900 and The Mission - but Mickey Spillane? That most laughable of pop culture icons, a reputation built upon hard boiled detective clichs and+ Cite Beer commercials? Sneer all you want, cuz Spillane is one incredible piece of composition and arrangement by Zorn. Interspersed with Lounge Lizard-cum-actor John Lurie’s recitations of cohort Arto
by John Hymers Imprint staff
culpa, mea culpa. Based On A True Story is a great album. It is rock and roll and it needs no more justification than that. But most importantly, it is not boring; they do not fall back on the rock and roll tradition like so many roots rockers. Instead, they build on the solid foundation of past r’n’r and come up with a sound that is at once recognizable as it is unique; yet, it is still traditional.
I saw the Del Lords open for Lou Reed in Toronto a couple of summers ago, around the time they released their second album, Johnny Comes Marching Home. They ended with an acapella version of Springsteen’s Johnny 99, and I was so impressed that I bought a Del Lords pin. But I was foolish and never bought one of their albums until this: their third release. Mea
Highlights of the album include Mojo Nixon’s guest sermon on the River of Justice; the haunting ending of The Poem of the River, and the simple and loud The Cool and the Crazy. Based On A True Story should be required listening for those who think that straight ahead rock and roll has lost its creative edge. It changed my thoughts.
If you wouldn’t be caught ????? at a Tupperware Party! We can help you chose the containers f I l l
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Two-Lane Highway. The arrangement of twelve vignettes is Zorn’s, but the playing is unmistakably Collins’ fiery picking, anything but twelve-bar blues. It is a dizzying’ trip down one of those highways lined only w)th telephone poles and the odd sagebrush that goes straight forever, dissolving into a single point somewhere on the horizon. It is also Collins’ most inspired, impassioned playing in ages. Finally, an Orient inspired opus, Forbidden Fruit, employs the post-modern classical talents of the much-vaunted Kronos Quartet, a chaotic, oddly enchanting string quartet which uses a scratcher, no less. YOU don’t have to be a pretentious artsie prat to get off on this, but if you can describe it, let alone explain it, you’re a better man than I, mister. Spillane is an often extraordinary album, and further evidence that just when you think you’ve heard everything contemporary music has to offer, you just have to dig a little deeper.
minute journey through the kitsch and sleaze of a Spillane pot boiler. With shifting atmos-
fundity - “They don’t know how wet the rain can get....1 want to take this crowd and mash it to-
G %a 3 .w 2-w
pherics acting as a soundtrack, Zorn takes us on a drugged walking tour of a dusky, deserted, shadowy street sparsely populated with a smattering of stock low lifes - here a syphilitic, middle-aged hooker, there a small time hood. The street seems lines with an endless string of watering holes and the evening is spent in bar-hopping eclecticism. Zorn takes us into furious post-bop jazz houses, seedy peeler joints, beat palaces with Jack Kerouac freaked out on speed, blues juke joints, Teddy Boy hangouts, ultra hip coffeehouses, the list goes on. Zorn’s lpxicon and understanding of popular music is exhaustive; his ability to create and manipulate mood is consummate. But his greatest achievement is as an arminutes of ranger - twenty-five going in one door and out the other is never jarring, always cohesive and coherent. Side Two is given to Albert Collins’ eighteen-minute Odyssey through the Texas blues,
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line through a sweaty live workout of Baby What You Want Me To Do and Koko Taylor, well, she never holds anything back, but she damn near kills herself on Wang Dang Doodle. And rejoice, all you purists -
By Chris Wodakou Imprint staff The very title of this bargainpriced two-record set should be enough to convince you of its appeal, Chess records being to the blues [you can find Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry on The Best of Chess Rock and Roll] what Atlantic was to 60’s soul and Blue Note is to jazz. But‘for aI1 you doubting Thomases out there who insist on seeing the scars on the hands, consider the following evidence: Two songs by Muddy Watbrs, Chess’s first great find and pioneer of the blues: dig his seminal 1950 delta blues single Rollin’ Stone, and the oft-covered classic (I’m Your) Hoochie Koochie Man. Two songs, nay, stundarc&, rammed home by Howlin’ Wolf - for my money: the greatest blues vocalist and Smokestack Lightnin’ with its hypnotic lead riff and ominous wails and the Willie Dixon-penned Back Door Man is completely comanded by The Wolf with his down ‘n’dirty, threateningly grunted in-yourendoes: they are more than classits Your ten bills also lets you in on a smokin’ pair of Sonny Boy Williamson tracks, Your Funeral My Trial [for all you Nick Cavemen) and a brilliant reading of Bring It On Home, and cuts from such legends as Elmore James, Otis Rush, the great growler john Lee Hooker, and Buddy Guy [the desperate gasps of My Time - After Awhile]. Better showcases of the greatness of Chess are Lowell Fulson’s Reconsider Baby and two of the blues’ most gigantic voices: Etta James purrs and snarls like an oversexed fe-
by Wonny Pae Imprint staff Whether or not you’ve got a sweet tooth, you’ll be mighty glad you bit into this third Lemon Drops LP, whose sugar-
this may be digitally remastered and all that hi-tech jazz, but you can still hear the pop and crackle of low-budget 50’s recording technology and every growl is left with its gruffness intact. This is mu&c! with the same psychedelic dazzle that it did on Happy Head’s Wedding Present-ish My Biggest Thrill and Like an Angel, and later on songs like the acidtrippy title track of Out of Hand. Surprisingly, the Mighty Lemon Drops’ brand of North England pop, with all its sugary sweetness and post-Jesus and Mary Chain “new messiah” innuendos, has so far kept its distance from the aspartane-saturated tabernacle of Top-Forty radio; but with potential hits like Inside Out, Crystal Clear and the too-cool In Everything You Do looming oh-
by John Hymers Imprint staff
by Don Kudo Imprint staff
Buzzcocks, humbug. I’m sick of hearing people compare bands to the Buzzcocks. So I sure ain’t gonna’. But the record company stuck some sticker on the album and made this silly comparison, culled from some reviewer’s article. Why, I ask you? This band is so damn good that such comparisons detract from their own talent. And Foxheads Stock Thie Land is almost the consummate pop album. Quelle claim! Hey, I know and 1 ain’t gonna’ back it up. They play in that jangly power pop style so popular in the U.K. right now, but without the pretences and attitude that so many of those bands have.
This record is a collection of singles from the French New Rose label which is available in Canada thanks to Elliott Lefko (the hippest T.O. promoter if ya’ dig the Silver Dollar line-up) on his Right Side Records. Distribution-by top Canuck indie labelFringe Product, completes the heavy name-dropping behind this disc. Tav Falco is a much-heralded name in write-ups from Spin, New York Times, Sounds, and NME found in the accompanying extensive press release. However, no matter how much these clippings hail Falco to be a real Memphis ,mogul with the authenticity of his twisted blues,rockabilly sludge’ pouring out of his Southern pores, Red Devil contains only a side’s worth of the real good stuff. The middle set of the likable side is a mix of simple sway and rip roar n hop.’ The other half of the disc is lumpy, with the opening percussive ditties too instrumentally shallow to disguise Falco’s irritating lounge lizard crooning. The secret behind Side Two’s success is in the release of the giddyap’n go guitar playing. When the guitarist gets his licks in, Red Devil carries a punch. Otherwise, you’ve &t to be a true fan to get into a few rounds with Tav Falco q.;;d Panther Burns.
The song writing is strong The opening cut, throughout. Just To Bloody Stupid, is a funny son with serious guitars. The fina H track, Mother of God, simply explodes with its wild guitars and Sister Ray drumming (for lack of a better phrase.)
coated powerpop’ will have you addicted faster than you can say “pass the insulin”. Like Out of Hand and Happy Head before it, World Without End is a narcotic surf-trip on a wave of sound, mixing rolling percussions reminiscent of the ChillsSatin Doll and Pink Frost with boppy’ beach-bingo bass lines. Paul Marsh’s sublime vocals float effdrtlessly above all this, as does the catchy up-tempo guitar, which tinkles and twangs out the minor keys while dripping
so close, stardom may just be another album away. Admittedly though, the songs more often than not bear a certain indistinguishable tie with each other, and if you listen with a well-biased ear there’s not much on World Without End that can’t be found within the grooves of their previous releases. But seeing as what they’ve done before is so darn palatable, that sure .ain’t’ a reason to let this latest bonbon of a Lemon Drop pass you by.
The W.S.R.S. studio in Leamington Spa and producer John A. Rivers were responsible for this album, and as well for Love And Rockets’ first album and for the majority of the Jazz Butcher’s brilliant work. So it should be no surprise that the effects of listening to Foxheads Stock This Land are just too bloody hard to put to words.
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6, 1988
MAY 10
PRINCESS Orpheus (JeamCocteau double feature) at 7. Blood of the Poet (France) at 9, GORGE The Computer Animation show at 7 and 9. FILM NOTES: I’m here to keep you happening in the nearby area. I’ll only theatres. Look here for the repertory run film series. I’ll find out if there are are open to everybody. If there are missing, let me know.
informed of every single film ignore the big time expensive cinema films and the studentany course films this term that movies happening that I am
MAY 6 Rutting
1986) at
7. FF Predator (w/ Arnold Schwarzenegger) at 7&9. PRINCESS Patti Rocks (USA, 1987) at 7. The Compleat Beatles (documentary, USA, 1982] at 9:OO. GORGE Moonstruck (w/ Cher, scars and all) at 7&9:10.
SATURDAY, at 7&9:10.
Speed,. Reading Read Over 1,000 words per minute
at 7,
MAY 14.
MAY 16
Me Deadly (USA, 19%) at 7. Jean de florette at 9:3Q, GORGE Hope and Glory (UK, 1987) at 7&9:10.
MAY 17
PRINCESS Jean d’i Florette (sedond last night) at 7. The Portrait: of the +rtist as ,umYoung Man at 9:30. ,GORGE Hope-bqd . * at 7&9:10. ,: I GSoq [/i”fe ic W~i!,k$itg) ”p .A*
MAY 18
SCIENCE FOR PEACE/WPIRG present The Greenhouse . (a BBC video) in EL 105 at 12:30. CINEMA GRATIS Agnes of God (w/ Jane Fonda) w/ The Specialist (short) at 9:30 [come early). PRINCESS Manhattan (Woody Allen, 1979) at 7. Jean de Florette (last night) at 9. GORGE Candy Mountain (USA, ~1987) at 78~9.
-' Effect
dab*. by John Hymers Imprint, staff
MAY 19
at 7. at 9:20, you know
. at 7&9.
. . ..~.I*...~.....**.....~*............~.*~..~~....*..*~*..~.~...
FILM SOCIETY, East Campus Hall 1228 [$3.,Merul&rship Fee.) FF (FED FLICKS), Arts Lecture )iallJl6 ($1 Feds, $3 Non) FEDERATION HALL,@rti. Fjlm* to be announced. 888-4090) CINEMA GRATIS$%nipus Centre .(Free with sat-up 6f chairs.j *PRINCESS CINEM.&6 Princess St. [$2.7S;$S. 085~2950) GORGE CINEMA, 43 Mill St,., EIiira 6$3 Members, $4 Non) * Course. film, Be early.and -guiet,. OK? ‘_ .,’ 6’ “, I-‘ :
, I
begilis Wedn&day, 6005.
‘:’ ;c r
Fee including course materialti. “is ?” $80 (FEDS) $85 (NON-FED@.; '1 Contact the Federation
Improve . Concentration and Retention
28 in MC
PRINCESS Siesta (USA, 1987 cultfilm?) Animation Celebration (new stuff) GORGE life ain’t no Candy Mountain,
Improve . Comprehension by IO to 15% .
Nothing like success in Canada, eh? All it took was four years and two successful albums for WEA to re-release 54-40’s first album. Set the Fire received its initial distribution on the small independant MoDaMu record label in January 1984, before 54-40’s signing on to WEA. Well, the re-release was about time; the album shows a different side of the band, a side that is quite moody and less dependent on the power chords that this 54 40 fan had come to expect from them. Set the Fire is dominated by rhythm; the drums are at the fore and the bass guitar shares the top billing. The lead guitar is sparse and Neil Osborne’s voice, because of the ultra clean production, is uncontested, giving the band the perfect vehicle for their well-defined beliefs. If 54-40 stayed on the course set by Set the Fire, they would have been a much different band today. Perhaps better. Their third album, Show Me, was a minor disappointment after their self titled WEA debut. But after hearing Set the Fire, I can’t help but be disappointed by what they have gone on to do.
FF Tin Men (comedy in 1950s Bdtimore) at 8. PRINCESS Jean de Florette at 7 and’9:30. GORGE Hope and Glory (d: John Boorman) at 7&9:10.
Requires 30 Minutes of Homework per Day
by John Hymers Imprint staff
FF Tin Men (WI Richard Dreyfuss) at 7&9. PRINCESS John and the Missus (Canada, 1987) at 7. Jean de Florette at 9:30. GORGE Wall Street [&Oliver Stone; N87) at 7&9:20.
PRINCESS The Killers (film noir series; USA, 1946) at 7. 2001: A Space Odyssey [Kubrick; UK, 1968) at 9:30. GORGE The Computer Animation Show at 7 and 9.
Eight week c&se
FILM SOCIETY Magnat/The Magnate (Poland, 1987) FF Tin Men (w/ Danny DeVito] at 7&9. PRINCESS Jean de Florette at 7. Withnail & I (one night only) at 9:&l GORGE Wall Street (w/ Charlie Sheen] at 7%9:20.
MAY 8 Oscar-thingies)
PRINCESS My Life as a Dog [go) at 7, Jean de Florette [WI Gerard Depardieu) at 9:15. GORGE The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne at 7&9:10.
FF Predator (Austria Arnold bags an alien) at 7&9. PRINCESS Brazil (Terry Gilljam’s bizarre cIossic) at 7. Patti Rocks at 9:30. GORGE Moonstruck (USA, 1987) at 7&9:lO.
FF Predator at 8. PRINCESS Patti Rocke at 7, Maurice [UK, 1987) at 9. GORGE’Moonstruck (won some
SCIENCE FOR PEACE/WPIRG present The Rainforest Costa Rican rainforests) in EL 105 at 12:3O, CINEMA GRATIS Kiss of the Spider Woman (excellent) Blackberry Subway Jam [short) at 9:30 (come early]. PRINCESS Jean de Florette (Frcmce, 1986) at 7&9:30. GORGE The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne at 7&9:10.
Jerry Harrison, past Modern Lover and long time Talking Head, is mad at the.casual gods. The casual I gods, however, are indifferent to him, and to those whom they oppress. The casual gods are .the multinational corporations that bring democracy, money, jobs, etc. to needy third and fourth world countries. Harrison’s sentiment is good, but his effort is suspect. The problem is that Harrison believes that he has released an album, that can be distinguished from a Heads disk - that gets him out of David Byrne3 c shadow, Not true. Not only does the playing of iristruments have a tjlpical Heads sound ‘(choppy guitars, pulsing keyboards), but often the songs themselves sound like Talking Heads cam~ositions. Bobby, the album’s last cut, with its African rythms and screaming, sounds like a song that the Heads might have rejected in their Remain in Light era. CheroLee Chief is a virtual clone of Girlfriend is Better. Harrison tries to be clever in this song; you see, the song is about a ]eep, but really about Indians. How deep. Byrne could have carried it off, but Harrison’s voice is devoid of any character, of any sense of irony, He is to Byrne what Wayne Hussey is to Sister of Mercy Andrew Eldritch. Although the songs on the album sound recycled, there really is not a bad one in the lot. However, Harrison should not be content with mediocrity, but .if he is, then that is his own business.
JOfiN: We’ve got a new record coming out in Se tember 88. We’re going to record it t R is summer. IMPRINT: On Pipeline again? JOHN: No, we’re recording it in LA so it will be on an American label. I don’t really want to say which label ri ht now, but it will be an American ref ease first and then come out in Canada later. I know that doesn’t sound too patriotic but Pipeline was.,. well, they put a lot of money behind us and helped us out so I don’t want to really say anything bad - about them,,, IMPRINT: You of course were with the Asexuals before the Doughboys and you reduced two of their releases. W Ry did you decide to leave the band? JOHN: Well, with the Doughboys we generally tour eight months out of twelve and it’s what 1love to do! With the Asexuals, all those guys went to schooI and they were more into getting drunk than pla ing music, I wanted to get into tK is seriously. Things started to get worse and worse and at the end we weren’t getting along too well... it was real tense! IMPRINT: You’ve been totiring with All [former Descendents] for a long time and they’re a great band, but why are they headlinin you? OHN: Well I look at it t!I is way, I’ve b een in LA and had to open for some bogus band that I felt should be o enin for us. Basically, the guys Prom Ai! are our friends and I figure, I’m a five hour drive from home, but these guys are like three thousand miles from home, so they deserve to headline, Besides, they re a great band! HMPftfNTt So what exactly hapened with ex-guitarist Scott R ieCullough3 JOHN: Scott was armtier Asexuals “syndrome”. He was more concerned with han ing out and partying with the boys 4t t an playing with the band, When we’re not touring we jam seven days a week and Scott would show up to’maybe three or four sessions every two weeks or so. We tried, man, but hedfdn’t cut ft, so.we let him 80. :!$P$N% So how did you find JonaJOHN: We played hsre at the Silver Dollar and the next night we went out and partied with the 8uys from Nomind. Through the drummer, Dave, we met lonathon. We heard him play, thought he was great and so the next nf ht 1 called him up. Well, two days f ater he was our new guitarist! IMPRINT: Do you think he will lend a new sound to the new album? Can we expect the same Daughbo sound or am we In for any major c i anges? JOHN: Well the new album will have much better reduction, ]ohn Stephan fram Al P will engineer and coproduce it, althou h we haven’t decided yet on a pro ! tlcer. Now that Jonathan is with the band the sound t~iti definitely be more varied, since he’s gain to write some songs, Now there wf R be three of US writing fnsteed of two. IMPRINT: That was a great hardcore cover of “1 Think We’re Alone Now”! JOHN: YOU liked it? Yeah, ever one thinks we do that as a joke but f PYOU hear the original Tommy Jam%8ver- ’ sion.., man, it’s so hot! IMPRlNTz Better than the Lene Lovich or Tiffany versions? JOHN: t haven’t heard the Lena Lovitch version... who’8 “Tiffany”? IMPRINT: [lau hter) Never mind! So how have you 43een received in the US*? OHNr Our first American tour Hias h ard, manl We did 55 cities in four months... and this was BEFORE ow album was even released. We touped with the Descendent8 and h4.t.A. and they billed us as “the Doughboy8 with ex-Asexual vocalist John Kaetner”.
But we still
did really
Oursecond tour was after the album was released so we drd even better and got treated VW wek Except far Houston, Texas. T K at was the onb 2 bad show we had. IMPRfNTt Rednecks, eh? 10~~: NO, too punk of a crowd! ft was bizarre, man.
IMPRINT: Really! Well, how about your best gig? JOHN: Best gig ever - Tampa, Florida. 1t was Doughboys, All, and Agent Orange in a HUGE outdoor rock show..he place was packed and the crowd was fuckin’ crazy! IMPRINT: So it sounds like you prefer touring to being in the studio. JOHN: Both are good... both have their ups and downs, Being on the road’s really fun when it’s going good, but I’ve been-there for like three months when its going bad. That’s when you just say Fuuuuck. But touring is the whole Doughboy phflosophy. We’ve been touring from-the beginning: we came up from nothing and we went for it. What am I: going to do at home? Stand around? The only thin that sort of holds me back is m gir Bfriend. IMPRINT: [Laughter] Okay, well beside8 that, what do you think might be ihe Doughboys’ biggest challenge in the future? JOHN: ,.,&rope. That’s basicall the thing we’re oing for now, Our a ii urn ot exporte d there and right now we 1 &e to sit back and wait for the response. The Asexuals were ready to go to Europe but 1 quit the band three weeks before we were auppaeed to
go, That was kind of a bummer but this band ia going to go - it’ll happen. IMPRINT: Back to North America, what do you think of the North American hardcore indie scene now, in both Canada and the States? OHN: Well for one thing, Canada b as WAY better bands than America! I don’t want to cut down American bands but I’ve been to all the US cities and you wouldn’t believe all the bogus bands we played with in America. Like you play with two opening bands each night-and they both suck, and you play twenty shows lfke that.,. then you begin to realize how good the Canadian banda are.
Canada has way
better bands than
IMPRINT: The new Nils album is pretty good. JOHN: I think it’s one of the best ever.
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one we feel comfortable with, IMPRINT: Have you had any exposure in Maximum flocknRal1? JOHN: Yeah. We played that Gilman Street place a few times.,. all ftickin’ wild shows! I’ve known Tim Yohannan for yeara and he and Jello used to come out and see us In San Francisco when I was with the Asexuals. Maximum Rocknlbll is not something 1 pick up and read every day but hey, ws... welt, an institution. We did some good interviews with MRR. We also by the way have a hot interview with SPIN, the June issue, and JOHN’S GIRLFRfEND: John, I’ll be waiting fn the car.,, IMPRINT: Hmmm... I think that’s our cue to wrap up this interview. JOHN: (laughter) Thanks, See yot~ fn..,where was it again? IMPRINT: Kitchener-Waterloci, OHN: That’s it+ I’m sure we’ll be b ack there someday...for sure.
IMPRINT: Who are your favourites? JOHN: I’d say my favourites bands , are Nils, Pigfarm.., Pigfarm for sure, definitely one of my favourites, Nomind, &iFU, and D.O,A,
Seriously. IMPRINT: Have you considered Nils-producer Chris Spedding for your new album? OHN: Actual1 , eah we did but b asically our i KY ea producer would be someone like Tommy Ramone, but until we get him we’ll stick to aome-
computer technology to Carladian business. Out reputation is second-tonone. Wp are rqmgnized as designers and manufacturers of 8 family of world-class computer terrtlinals. We are rated by itieperrdeiit indusiry analysts as p Canada’s leading network integrator, And we are counted as one of the largest suppliers of connector hardware in the world. And finally, our philosophy is simple. At Lanpar, we believe in the potential of individuals potential that is not necessarily related to experience. Many of our most productive people - and some of our
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- .
Rothwell and Haid seek CFL positions’ by Refton
players worked on their conditioning. On Thursday, before the Hamilton try-out, they exclaimed, “it’s professional or bust .” Rothwell, at 6’5” and 255 lb., has been a stalwart on the Warrior defense, Haid, at 6’4” and 245 lb., is a less notorious figure on the defense, despite his strong play over iast season. Both players seemed satisfied with their decision not to return. They are content with their decisions to attempt to make it at the professional level despite the negative stigma which they may face considering they are coming from a losing program.
Neither Rothwell nor Haid are considering returning to the Warriors. At the Waterloo Spring training camp, the two
Spring’s -1
Allan Rothwell (left) Warriors as a positive
and Bob Haid-see experience,
Instead, both _ players saw their Warrior experience as something positive. They look to the many friendships they developed over their four year stint with UW. Asked about that single victory in the Fall of 1984, Rothwell, with a nostalgic smile on his face
readily answered - “boy was it sweeeeet!” He saw the game as one that was very close, and down played his role in forcing Toronto to abort their fake extra-point attempt, to preserve the Warrior victory - the only one in the last four years. Haid concurred with the sentiment of Rothwell about the pleasure of that victory, but adds “everyone put it together for that one game.” Both players were caught off guard when asked if they had ever considered what their professional chances would be like if they played one more year under coach Tuffy Knight and become associated with a team that may demonstrate I some measure of success. For both players their next stop in their free agent search for a professional career will be at the try-out camp of the Grey Cup runners-up the Toronto Argonauts on May 28.
Tuffy an cl the Warri.or Challenge by Refton Blair Imprint staff
It’s Spring again and the Blue Jays have started in their usual slow yet competitive manner. It’s also the time of year when university football teams all over North America partake in the ritual of spring training for the fall football s&ason. The same ritual occurred over the last two weeks for the Warriors Football team, under new coach Dave (Tuffy] Knight. I Coach Knight went into spring training having recently appointed Ken Hussey, a former coach of the Ottawa Rough Riders, as his assistant. Some -fifty veteran players participated in the camp which ended last Sunday. Coach Knight was most impressed with the attitude and daily progression of the players in camp, commenting, “they have progressed by, leaps and bounds”. The first task for coach Knight was to evaluate the returning talent of the War- ’ riors - to that end, he is in the process of moving players to positions he think they can best help the football program, but he point out that before this process is fully implemented he will give the players a chance to prove themselves at the position they think they are best suited for. Many of the moves will come about in the fall training camp in August. Asked to give a position by position summary of the talent evaluated in camp, coach Knight commented that depth, speed and strength are the obiiious weaknesses:
The team needs more size. LINE: There is a major need LINE:
and more
at the position, The coaches expect to add to this position through the incoming freshman class. LINEBACKERS: Dave Shaw’s return is the key here. @UNNINGBACKFULLBACK: Depth is the concern here where onlv only -three three players are out for the posit&n. position. The situation is crucial because no one fits the bill for size and speed needed to play the position. The tailback position s needs more speed. The big question at this position is the return of Orville
Bennett from injury reserve, SPECIAL TEAMS: nf tha matrlwninrr SPECIAL TEAMS: Of the returning players, there are no punters or field goal kickers, but there are three people with soccer experience who are trying out for both positions. Coach Knight is hopeful that one will be able to b&h both punt and kick field goals for the team come fall. QUARTER1 QUARTERBACK: Two returning players came out at this position, Mike Wright and Greg Innerier. A third’try out had no experience, but coach Knight felt he was progressing steadily. The need ,
Spring practice football Warriors held at Columbia
the was Field.
here is speed as the new offensive formation requires a speedy QB with mobility and a strong arm. WIDE RECEIVER: Again,’ speed is the area of concern at this position. While the returning players are all capable, this position in the new offensive scheme will require very quick receivers. The incoming freshmen prospects could help. Two or three. potentitil UW recruits are capable of coming in and starting immediately. While evaluating the talent that is returning, Knight is also in the process of evaluating the prospective incoming freshmen. I3e had 65 visitors since his March 1 start. Unfortunately, a large amount had not made Waterloo one of their selections as a university. Knight not only had to convince them of coming to Waterloo for the football program but also to make UW one of their choices for an education. He is happy, however, that the majority “basically had good marks”. When asked how he would go about convincing prospective recruits that coming to Waterloo is the best choice, the coach began by saying “there are three needs to consider; academic, football and social.” Knight added “regarding academics, I could assure you a good education if you came to Waterloo: because I will do everything to ensure you gradu-ate - nothing underhanded or illegal, but I would make sure you studied, and attended classes. I think this is a friendly school, students get along, and they support the athletic program. Though this is One of Canada’s biggest I Tniversitiea a big school with a small school
phere. “Two to you
to three years ago I could not say that this University could fulfill
for size. SECONDARY: According to guest coach Meyer, of the Toronto Argonauts, there are three or four people who can play, but more speed is needed
it is
on page 17
May 6, 1988
KEN sHUSSEY ---is ecretary by Refton Blair Imprint staff A UW sports announcement was made by Wally Delahey, Coordinator of Men’s Interuniversity Athletics and Dave Knight, head football coach of the Warriors.
Guest spirited
coach Meyer of the Toronto Argonauts pointers to UW’s Spring camp defensive
“Lazy football Continued
from page 16
your football needs, but today I can assure you we can. We can develop you into the best football player you can be, we can help you bring out all the god given talent you possess.,. We want to win! and to that end when we bring you in, the first thing we will do is to let you see how our program is run, and what you can expect
gave plenty lineup.
Ken Hussey was named as assistant Warrior football coach on April 19. Hussey officially assumes his duties on May 1,1988. He will assume the position of defensive co-ordinator wlith the Warriors, leaving coach Knight to tend to the offensive responsibilities. Hussey was most recently an
of Defense
assistant with the Ottawa Rough Riders of the Canadian Football League. In Ottawa, Hussey was in charge of the defensive line and had some special teams responsibilities. His coaching resume includes assistant positions with De La Salle High school in 1976; the Scarborough Rams of the Canadian junior League in 1977; the University of Toronto in 1978; Guelph in 1982 and in’86.He also had a stint with Colgate University in 1983 as defensive back coach. At the, professional level, Hussey coached in the USFL with the famed New lersey Generals as an assistant from 1984-
85. His first professional coaching position was with the Toronto Argonauts from 1979 through to 1981,, Knight points out that since Hussey’s “been brought up in the city of Toronto+ he’s familiar with the Toronto high school set up - that should help us with our recruiting in that area of Ontario.” Regarding his coaching background Knight said, “He’s had good football training. He’s had coaching experience at all levels, high school, university and professional; he’s familiar with the OUAA and we feel that he will help us in many areas of our operation.”
players won’t like it here” - Knight from us.” However, he went on to point out that there are certain things expected from the recruit, “lazy football players won’t like it here,” Knight said. One of Waterloo’s possible bright spots is wide-out/defensive back Richard Chen. Chen practiced this spring with the Warrior defensive backs and if the recruiting of two of Metro Toronto’s best receivers becomes a reality, he will become a permanent fixture and a leading candidate for the free safety position in
the fall.-Coach Knight sees this as a key move since the defensive back field is one of his priorities. Finding someone like Chen 6'2", 180 lb., with 4.6 speed is a difficult task. Another returning player who could make things easier for the Warriors of 1988 is fullback Orville Bennett who is returning from injuries, and could not attend Spring camp because of Co-op commitments. His return is vital to the running game, but his commitment is
being questioned by many. While Knight is energetic, he does concede, that coaching the Waterloo Warriors may be the toughest challenge of his football career. He truly believes the warriors can win because as Knight says, “they are a tough group.” At the level the team practiced at in Spring camp, Knight claims the Warriors are capable of a win. However, ‘+I am going into the season expecting to win seven games,” Knight said.
Waterloo Jewish Students Association “EXPERIENCE OUR EXPERIENCE”
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May 6, 1988
Campus Ret .dates The following are some important dates you should consider prior to getting involved: WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 CRAC General Meeting 5pm VI Great Hall THURSDAY, MAY 5 Locker - Men: 8:30-3:OOpm Registration Red Activity area -Women: 8;303:OOpm Blue Activity area MONDAY, MAY ‘9 Instructional Registration - Fitness 4:30-6:30pm GYM 3 Racquets 7:00-8:OOpm GYM 3 TUESDAY, MAY lO’Registration All Programs loam-2pm GYM 3 WED-FRI,
‘byPamBondett How do you occupy your free time apart from studying the basic necessities of life? What is your involvement like in the summer? Continue reading and check out the opportunities our Campus Recreatiori program has to offer. This Spring, Campus Recreation offers job opportunities if you are interested in new experiences, meeting new people or just making some extra money. Several refereeing positions are open within Campus Rec. Interested students can seek information at the Campus Recreation office in the PAC. If refereeing is not your thing how about instrutting feliow students in the pool or lifeguarding, teaching fitness, squash, tennis, swimming, skating or golf. Campus Recreation is interested in you if you have previous instructional experience and wish to make some extra money throughout the term. Simply contact Sally Kemp ext. 3533, PAC 2050.
The Campus Recreation brochure is a significant tool in the organization of your involvement. The brochures are available in the PAC room 2039 as well as throughout the University. Any questions or concerns you may have just pay Campus Recreation a visit, Red North PAC room 2039. The theme for Spring 1988 brochure is “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” June 3,4 and 5 Campus Recreation celebrates its 20th birthday. For more details check out the brochure
Registration 12:30-1;30pm Red Activity area MONDAY, MAY 9 Final Entry Date: l:OOpm PAC 2039: Co-Rx Broomball, Co-Ret Slopitch, CoRet Volleyball, Ball Hockey, CoRet Innertube Waterpolo, All Women’s and Men’s Competitive leagues
CR offers jobs and fun
TUESDAY, MAY 24 Safety Clinic CC1 30 7:00-8:OOpm
#I Nautilus offers you the best in Nautilus equipmint. The ’ fastest, easiest, most efficient way to exercise. In addition to our fantastic aerobic programs, we also offer you personal program checks, which will fine
If you have more fun as a participant enter a team in one of our Co-Ret leagues or if you feel confident 6nter a team into one of our competitive leagues. Our only demand is that all players be eligible to play. Eligibility requirements dictate that participants are students at UW or possess a Campus Recreation membership. Students on work terms in the area are eligible as well. How is your foxtrot or backhand, on the court of’ course? If any of these areas need improving then register for any of four instructional programs offered weekly for 8-10 weeks. As stated in the brochuge some of our courses offer certification, a definite bonus for any resume. If your free time hasn’t been catered to after reading our offerings, there is one more area to consider: become a volunteer. Campus Recreation is the largest employer on campus and many of the positions have volunteer roles available. Get that experience your life and resume so desperately need for enrichment.
Spring ‘88 The following Campus for the Spring ‘88 term
designed for you by physical I *ti education graduates. Stop by 1 A 30 minute introduction visit . . . 11 today for b FREE workout. . . FREE FIT , And get a taste of the good life. II I CHECK / 4 MONTH I FULL STUDENT Your ticket to the 1 I MEMBERSHIP J I --we----- Good Life! w-
part-time positions are accepting applications.
Referee-in-Chief for Hockey and in-Chief for Soccer, SoftbaIVSIo-Pitch
Referees Non-Contact Pool
Hockey - Lifeguards
- Fitness,
I + Instructors
#I filcRJt~lus FITNESS
To apply for any of these positions, complete and return an application to the PAC Receptlonlst.
f or further I-
de. 747-7044
140 Columbia
Tennis, Swimming,
Skating and Golf
Peter Hopkins at Ext. 3532 or Sally Kemp at Ext. 3533
St. W., Waterloo
Gear Up For The
27 Scott St., Kitchener
5790BIKE (2453) Open Daily 9-5:30, Thur. & .Fri. til 9, Sat. til 5
CALENDAR,conscience, SUNDAY,
FASS WRITER’S meeting. 800 pm., MC 5158. Newcomers welcome,
UW STAGE Band auditions. Sign up at room 266, Conrad Grebel College for an audition time. Michael Wood, director. Sponsored by thge Conrad Grebel College Music Department and the .UW Creative Arts Board. ’
THEATRESPORTS organizational meeting for summer. 7:30, CC 110. All welcome, especially new faces. (Theatresports equals improvisational wm8dy).
of torYou can make a difference. Meetings are in the Campus Centre, Rm. 135 at 730 pm. Evervone welcome.
CAB. PRESENTS a T-Shirt Painting Day. For $5.00 we will provide a TShirt and the paint, while you do the art work. Come on out and be creative. 1O:OO 8m. to 5:00 pm., Campus Centre Great Hall.
SAlWRDAY KW CYCLING Club: Club rides leaving from Campus Centre l&O0 am. 50-l 00 KM rides at 26-35 KPH. For information call Kevin ext. 3607.
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Group 118. Join the conspiracy of hope. We fight for the release of prisoners of
bn’r IO speed bike, tatI frame, may need maintenance. Only 860.00, call 746- 1498. APS Sharewan: ISM, PC COmp8tibl8. 83.95 per disk. Various programs, accounting, word processing, games, etc. Call 416-679-6704 or write: APS, 269 Springside Dr., Suite C, Hamilton, LQB 1 PS for free catalogue. IQ@0 Ha* Civic, 4-speed manual. Very good condition, AM/FM radio, S 1500 or best offer. 746-7049. 1977 Suzuki GS550. Black. Good reliable bike. Needs nothing to certify. $800. 743-7424 evenings. SRRVICRS
Will do light moving with 8 small truck. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 8842831. Alao rubbish removal. mtio -Mm with small cube van and appliance cart available weeknights and weekends - 620/hr. (student rate). Call Gary 8t 746-7180. WANTCD SIngI+
rprrbn+n? for sublet, Sept. Dec. Leave message at third floor math building, north end bulletin board by today. haa pkyer S88ks drummer and rhythm musicians to form blues band. CalI Thomas (immediately). 7461436.
TYPING F ut, profeuhrl word processing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery 8Vailabl8 on campus. Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Suzanne, 886-3857. 32 yufa experience, electronic typ8writer. Westmount area. 85C double spaced page. Call 743-3342.
AvaIlable now, bargain. Male or female wanted to share beautiful three bedroom home with working professional male who is hardly there. Erb and Fischer Hallman area. Five minute walk to campus. 825OImonth for everything. Phohe 886-9769. Room for rent. Bright, clean room available immediately for mature female. Smoker okay. Share kitchen, bath, N room and yard. Furnished, owner occupied townhouse within walking distance of U of W. Bus stop’ nearby, parking available. 8230/month includes utilities (except telephone). Phone 885 12 11, ext. 3665 or 884-7311 after 500 p-m.
JS Typing Unlimited. Prof@ssional s8cretarial services by legal secretary. Seven days a week. Call 886-3326. Typing all kinds. Fast, reasonable rates. Phone and leave message 744 1636.
Word prw@dn#. Fast, accurate, letter quality 92.OO/page double spaced, minimum 85.00. Disk storage for Call Fannie 664quick revisions. 3662. Maggie
TYPING Fast, recurate typing and letter quaiity word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. Free pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 5761284.
type itl Essays, theses
Typing - 32 years experience. &5& double spaced page. 1BM Sel8ctric typewriter. Essays, resumes, theses, 8tC, W8Stmoufit-Erb area. Call 8667153.
Just -rsurmer and letters (word processed). Resumes: $4 per page. Letters: 82 per page. Draft copy provided. Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 8851353.
Room in two bedroom apt. May 1 to August 31. Ideal for co-op student. Female, nonsmoker. St. George and Bloor. Call ‘416-925-7601. Chop townhwo summer sublet, Two rooms still available. 746-2967.
MAY 9,lQll
a stice l
Giant l
& a drink
lk8n88d T.V.
Campus Events
In Downtown EAT-IN
PrufessioMl Research & Literary Sentices
Must be submitted by Monday at 5:00 pm. prior to publication
9604042 hadbes apprwhing?Cdl us for qu8llty aHvice.
lounge scc88n
INCLUDES: Mozzarella Cheese our famous Pi228 Sauce Extra Items: $ “60 each Ingredients: Pepperoni, mushrooms,
4 Collier St . Suite 20 1. Toronto. Ontmo M4W 117
We’ve got the “Road to the Four” NCAA games! 30 Ontario St.,S.
Classifieds and
wrh Gmpu Sccurlry and chhc Repanal Polwe. rhc Turnkeys ~111 btcyclr wrh Idcnnflcaraon In order be ldennhcd and returned co you of you need to do is c&e 1 minuta your drwer’s license md your bicycle. wil! k a draw for bike rccssorin wll b avrtirbit co rll rcudcncr wth bike LD:r. by.
10 am. to 4 pm. HALL, CAMPUS CENTRE
Free Prizes provided by:
Join us!
Dr. J. would like to thank the friendly girls of Waterloo for their warmth. Sea you in Aussie land1 Space ciodw wizards in spaceships, rock n’ roll and two very unlikely The Cool Headspace superheroes. Show, 1l:oO pm. Tuesdays on CKMS 94.5 FM. hug 0. - If you ever want to see your dinner-w8res alive again, send $4000 in unmarked Canadian Tire money. Call 747-2427 for more info?
- Taronto.
THE 17TH Airborne Division Association, composed of men who served as paratroopers and glidermen in the division during World War II, is conductiong a membership drive to locate all former members, including Gold Star mothers and family members of those who were killed in action. If you sawed with this division, please contact Edward J, Siergiej, Secretary-Treasurer, 62 Forty Acre Mountain Road, Oanbury Connecticut 06811, for details of the Division Association as well 8s information about the 35th annual reunion which this year will be held at the Radisson Hotel, St. Paul, Minneaota on August 3-7, 1988.
In coopranon Wtrrlw mark your that tt may stolen, All and bring Thcrr encry forms new w old So drop
PERSONALS Undo n@w management. Furnished rooms, Summer rates. May 1 - Aug. 31. 845 - $50 week. 413 Hazel St., Waterloo. Close to Laurie!. Phone 886-7568. Leon - Elsie.
Cycle & sport crow cmwry SW
Albert St. Three rooms for rent, May August. Semi-furnished, 6 150/month, 746-7489. On, room in two bedroom apt. in MSA avsilable immediately. ciuiet, nonsmokers preferred. Call 885-6608 or ext. 6089 at school. Downtown Toronto. Share apt., for co-op work term only. Central, sunny, laundry, near subway. Call Pete 416977-2715 davs. -. or 416-925-2006. ~
~XpsrknWd t’@t. $1 .w p8r D.S. page. Close to campus. MSA. Phone Karen 746-0631.
6, 1988
THE STUDY Skills spring programme will begin the week of May 16, 1968 and will include workshops designed to develop effective study habits such as efficient time management, notetaking, reading and preparing for writing exams,. The two hour workshops will continue for four sessions. Interested students may register at the receptiorr desk in Counselling Services, Rm. 2060, Needles Hall.
$tude#~ta -Available June lst, 88. One bedroom in 8 three bedroom luxury condominium. Located in Toronto at Young8 and Steeles. Has all modern conveniences. $425/month. Call (416) 922-0595 after 8 pm. . May I. Two bedrooms in spacious semi-detached. Close to campus, bus, shopping. Parking, laundry, deck. Female non-smokers preferred. Call 746-2164.
81.00 par page. Minimum charge 88.00. Pickup &delivery Campus CenWe, 743-l 976.
Babyalttor waMd for a four-monthold, Afternoons only. Call Karen be:; ~~.Zkfl pm. or after 600 pm. a
LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship evening service at 7:OOpm., 163 University Ave. W., Apt. 321 (MSA). AU are *welcome.
all forms
THE WATERLOO Go Club invites interested players to free playing time. Open play begins at 7:3O in B.C. Matthews Hall, Room 1040, Columbia St. entrance. For more information phone ext. 4424. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship Bible Study in CC 135 at 7:30pm. All are W8kOm8.
MR. JULIAN Pavne, director aeneral, policy branch, C&a&an lnternationai Development Agency, will speak on new strategies in d8V8lopment assistance. 800 pm., board room, St. Jerome’s Colle~nu-*
. ture and the death penalty.
AMNESTY INTEANATIONAI, Group 9 and 71 will hold a memorial service for disappeared persons in Chile at Trinity United Church, Frederick St. at 7:30 pm. Your are most welcome to attend.
SO, ARE you lonely, bored, hungry? The first bagel brunch of the term is in room CC 138 6. (Most others in room CC 110) from 11:30 to 1:30. FASS WRITER’S meeting. 800 pm., MC 5158. Newcomers welcome. TULSDAY,
WOMENS’ CENTRE first meeting of the term at 5:30 pm., CC 113. Everyone is welcome. Come on out and find out what we are 811 about.
olives, DineaDDle
and gree
bacon, anchovies, tomatoes, hot peppers, sausage, ham.
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