
Page 1

Village II hosts Canadian writersy brainstorm session Union. Margaret Atwood didn't attend, but Alice Munro, TiTwo hundred members of the mothy Findley and Mavis GalCanadian Writers' Union of Can- lant were there. Pierre Berton was one of the ada descended on the University of Waterloo's Village Two last most noticeable writers as he is weekend to discuss issues af- the union chairman and directed fecting writers in a series of pan- many of the discussions. The purpose of the writers' els. workshops and meetings. The conference started Friday, union according to their constiMay 27, and ended at noon Sun- tution, is "to-unite writers for the day, May 29, at which point the advancement of their common members were invited to a bar- interests." beque at Pierre Berton's house in The writers voted against free trade, reasoning it would flood Toronto. To be a member of the union, the marketplace with American ou must have written a trade authors; voted to push for better ook, which is a book that has tax breaks for authors; firmed been published ingeneral circu- their resolve to get royalties on lation. These requirements qual- copywrited material and reify a variety of authors. solved to use non-sexist lanincluding those who write child- guage. ren's books, cookbooks, poetry, A panel was also held on whether Canadian book publishing is out-of-date. BertonFas chairman, was blasted by feminist writer Sheelagh Conway for his use of the word he when referring to authors. An award was given to Larry Scanlon of the Kingston WhigStandard for the best book page in a major Canadian newspaper. The Kitchener-Waterloo Record was sixth best. Although the issues were important, the conference also gave the articipants a chance to meet eacR other. Author Melinda McCracken said of the conference. "the mast important thing is that it takes away from the isolation. There's a sense of community. You find out that there are other people who care about The union has a total member- the same thing." Berton commented that it als h i ~of 670 membera. Penny ~ c k e n s the , executive director lows him to mix with his fellow of the Canadian Writers' Union, writers and "put back something said she was extremely pleased which, when I was a young wriwith the turnout of approxi- ter, the community gave me." The writers, as might be exmately 150 people and it has been one of the biggest conferen- pected, were very articulate. ces yet. Dickens said the union Many of them sported buttons has reserved Village Two again protesting the censorship legislation which is before the Comfor next year. Some of the best known Cana- mons (bill C-54). And generally, dian authors are among the there wae a trend towards very ranks of the Canadian Writers' comfortable looking sandals.

by Heather Raithby


Some happy Arts graduates express they a r e only too pleased to have successfully obtained that piece of paper which allows them to add t h e letters BA to their surnames.

Embezzler serves to clear Fed deM by Fleur Macqueen Imprint staff With the $60,000 returned to the Federation administration after the theft trial of former administrative director Helga Petz in March 1987, and $19,000 allocated to debt reduction in the 1987-88 budget, the Federation debt has been reduced to zero. Petz, a 20-year employee of the Federation, was arrested and later charged with theft after an audit revealed funds had been embezzled. The Federati~nthus is in a healthy financial situation this year, as Vice-president (Operations and Finance) S h e c a r m i chael said the student services such as SCOOPS, the Fed Buses and Words word processing mrvice did well last fiscal year. According to the proposed general operating budget for 1988-89, the Federation of Students stand to retain a surplus of close to $79,000 at the end of the fiscal year.

The total general funds allocation is proposed at $1,119,770. The total revenue to be generated by the various departments. is $725.350, leaving a projected subsidy of $394,420. This will be covered by the net Federation fee income of $475,414 which leaves the projected surplus as Federation income. Carmichael presented the budget to the Federation of Students council membars at their afternoon meeting Sunday. May 29. It was accepted as infomation only for the time being and will be voted on a t the next meeting to be held June 26. Carmichael feels a nonprofit organization EUre the Federatian should be a b k to rhow a surphu of funds at the end of a fiscal year. He would W e to build up enough money so that the Federation doesn't alwa s need to go to the student bogy for money for large projects. Fed Hall was such a project. Students decided by referendum to pay $7.5Qper term into a 20year mortgage fund.

Allocation of funds has increased to all departments, with the exception of the Bbard of Academic Affairs, which Carmichael said has rarely spent its full allocation. Carmichael would like to see more of the student services making money. id the proposed 1988 budget. $468,650 is allocated f m such services. They are expected togenerate revmuss of $423,000, leaving a 8ubidy of $49,650.

Cermichaal has the Federation buses. ,th Fed pbutocclpiat, h C I t c h tnnsit pas-. i n t a m s t i d stdent cards, social ,memberehipa. r a p i d r e a d i n g pro r a m SCOOPS and Worda to m& money this fiscal year. By turning a pmfit on atedent services. C h m k h d hops to relieve some of the nnrsrw on Fed Hall and the d s h a f t a r to generate funds. Fed Flick tickets have been raised from $1.00 to $2.00 recently to prod& campus groups

Continued on page 3

10:30 1:30 lo:30 1:30

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The Tigersharks


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Positions available in promotions, publicity, scheduling and Shinerama. For all inquiries please contact Ivan Beeckmans in the Federation of Students Office or at 888-4042 x6329.

Working disabled call for change of att-itude by Chrid&a Hudy Imprint at& On Thursday, May 26, an employment equity session, entitled, “The Disabled-An Untapped Resource,” was held in Physics 145 exploring the subject of employment hurdles faced by qualified disabled perlions. Representing different points of view on the subject, speakers included Beryl Potter, Meredith McInnes, Florence Thomlison, and Chuck McMullen. Beryl Potter, who is an advocate for the disabled from Toronto, was the first to speak. She became disabled at age 40 when she slipped on a piece of paper. The resulting blood clot in her kneecap escalated into thrombophlebitis eventually leaving her lacking both legs, one arm and an eye. She described her feelings of anger, that the whole world was a barrier, and how, when she sought employment, she was laughed at. She also said that a change of iattitude is needed, citing inciBents in which children have come up to talk to her, only to be told by:their mothers not to. To gombat _this, she visits schools

’ Get

‘Clean Slate Continued

from page 1

a way to raise funds. Seventyfive cents of the ticket price will be given to groupb which sponsor the film. A group would be expected to send several eople over to make ticket an x food sales: . , : Tha&ioney is set aside into a tharitable donations fund if a film: &bGt sponsored a particular w.e&. ” ,.. Car&heel said this fundraising scheme makes more sense than the earlier practice of arbitrarily handing out Federa‘tion mcmey when groups came to ask for it. He stated.it also provides nonprofit groups with an easy way to raise money. This year, the Federation has allocated $6,000 for projects to improve the image of students in KitcheRsr-Waterloo. The Federation executive will decide how the money will be spent, Carmichtiel said. Other new expenses for this year include $6,000 for the Fed Page published in the Imprint; $0,010 for a winter-term co-op student term to co-ordinate . homecoming and the winter carnival; and $2,000 for a monthly Federation newsletter’ to keep Federation members up-to-date. The Federation is also looking at raising $10,000 to support the Safety Van which is expected to cost $30,000 in the next year.

and shows the children the stump of her arm. As well, although she credited Premier David Peterson with supporting the handicapped in 19’82, currently.she sees the 1986 bill C62 a8 useless - having “no teeth”. This gave rise to the statement that it was a sad comment on society that we had to legislate rights for the handicapped at all. Potter sees transportation as a major problem for the handi, capped. Many do not get the service they need. As a result, it is difficult for them to get jobs. The solution, she said, was to make public transportation accessible. Meredith McInnes, from the Correspondence office, was the next to speak. She spoke mainly of Sheil,a, who is a mentally handicapped adult working in the Correspondence office. McInnes says she was, at first, a little hesitant about Sheila, but, after working with her, is amazed at her enthusiasm and capability. She says that, even though Sheila needs some extra encouragement and guidance, it is more than worth it as Sheila takes her job very seriously and has never been late. The third speaker was Florence Thomlison, UW’s Co-ordinator of Services for the disabled, She praised UW citing ’ that all buildings on campus are accessible, though not always conveniently so, Although the accessibility of the campus is being continually upgraded, she said there is still a long way to : 80, Chuck McMullen, manager of Federation Hall, who has two artificial legs, does not consider himself disabled. In fact, he doesn’t even like the word. He has a hard time identifying with the emotions of the handicapped, as he does not feel he has been discriminated against+ He feels thst you have to do the best that you can and that disability is in the. minds of individuals. As a parting shot, he added, “I can really dance up a storm, too.”

Peter Klungel,

Feds reconsidering by Derik Hawley Imprint Staff After their trip to the CFS conference in Victoria, the Federation of Students may reconsider the decision not to join the national student organization. Last fall after the result df a referendum, the Federation did not take out membership in the, organization. In her report to Federation council, Vice-President (University Affairs) Wendy Rinella recommended that a committee look into holding a new referendum. Rinella also ‘suggested she was trying to get our prospective membershjp ex-

is the



the Victoria conference.

CFS decision?

tended for another year. She believes in a a nationwide student movement because of theneed to lsbby both levels of government. One of the”main issues the Pederation wanted to deal with at the conference was unresolvedl There was no formal ruling on whether or not theontario Federation of Students should remain linked to the CFS. Wheu the issue was brought up before a. committee the issue became bogged down as many members were not informed on the subject. The issue is being studied further by the CFS. Among the issues addressed was the Free trade agreement and how it will affect students.

The CFS did not adopt a formal policy on the deal, instead the closing motion of t.he plenary committee called for an election of free trade. One of the mainobjections UW had against joining tias the voting structure. The way it is currently done is one vote per campus, The CFS exewtive now has a mandate to look into finding ways of making the voting more equitable, Fed President Adam Chaimberlain said he was “pleasantly au rised” by the conference, He a‘s mitted the conference was important in that it showed him how> to do. his job much better. 1

UW has 2,700 new gradt@Ws 1:. .. by Louise Gonealves About 2,700 graduates crossed the stage in the Physical Activities Complex at the end of last week, completing that final step in the journey to be granted a University of Waterloo degree or diploma. The four ceremonies, held from May 28 to 28, made up Uw’s 56th convocation. Convocation addresses at the ceremonies were made by languages professor J. William Dyck (Arts and Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies), Cambridge

NOTE: of you that will be used for your yearbook and class composite. Pleas0 make every effort to attend. This

Wendy Rinella and Adam Chamberlain

scientist Sir Jack Lewis (Environmental Studies, Science and Independent Studies), Canadian-born Princeton mathematician Robert P. Ltinglands (Mathematicsj and engineer Robert S. Dudley (engineering) s Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Stephen Lewis addressed Wilfred Laurier graduands at their convocation ceremony on May 29. Dyck, while congratulating Arts and Human Kinetiss and Leisure Studies graduands, said, “Success is an ongoing process, a jirurney, not a de&&ion. On

this journey, the greateit lesson we can learn is to” be &&rant with others.” Langlands told Math graduands “Math is a great thing. Be patient... ou will learn to like it,” ‘and coner uded with “Math is an essential part of the civilization of a country. It is one small measure of mankind’s participation in the contemporary world.” After the speeches were made, degrees were awarded to till graduands, Receptions were held &tar the ceremonies in Village 1 and some of the church colle&. .

I 4 Imprint, Friday, June 3, 1988


Waterloo needs convocation hall Close to 2700 graduates filled the university’s Physical Activities Complex May 26,27 and 28. The school gymnasium is affectionately known as the PAC by a generation of Waterloo students, However, when it comes to the generations of relatives and friends who have watched University of Waterloo Convocations in the complex, the PAC represents a royal pain in the backside. Waterloo graduates like most university graduates, invite parents, grandparents, and friends to witness their admission to a degree. The have little to look forward handful of proud and beaming spectators to in the way of seating, The walk in high heels up the bleachers is treacherous, The women in attendance who are in heels must carefully negotiate their paths over the open spaces between each slick and narrow plank of wood. If the men and women in the bleachers survive the climb, the backless hardwood leaves an aching reminder of the proud day which lasts well through the usual dinner celebration which friends and family usually indulge in. Of course, the university will point out there is floor seating arrangements for those people who have a “disability.” It is not just the elderly and disabled who ought to be afraid of the bleacher zone at Waterloo. The bleachers may be fine for Warrior basketball games. At least at athletic events people can be expected to dress practically. Convocation must, therefore, be moved, There are several solutions which .are possible. UW’s Vice-President [University Services) Pat Robertson says there is noplan for th6 construction of a convocation hall on the university order paper. Robertson expressed “If you don’t overcrowd it (PAC], it doesn’t seem to be a problem.” He, did concede that the floor capacity seems ’ to have been exceeded with the large numbers of graduates - approximately 900 spread over three days during this last (56th) UW convocation. Another possibility is to take convocation off campus, The Kitchener Auditorium would be an obvious choice; yet, there is definitely something positive to be said for convocating on the campus where three or more years have earnestly been devoted by the graduating classes. In these days of under-budgeted universities, the construction of a building on campus called Convoccrtion Hall is unforeseeable. The only way this university can take the proud parents and friends out of the cheap seats at the PAC is if groups like the Federation of Students, the Student Alumni Association, and Alumni affairs take this problem on as their own and arrange for the funding of a convocation site which is typically commonplace on other campuses,

Sian - advertises m&e than party

ILife after graduation by Nancy Couneellor Couneelling


Mann Services

Is there life after graduation? Do you feel unfocused or confused about your career direction? Counselling Services is now introducing a new way for students to explore possible areas of career interest - using a computer! The Personal Career (PC) Directions program data base con-

tains detailed information about 1000 different occupations. A student can input various chazacteristics of a job that are of particular interest to him or her. The computer then sorts through its data base and selects jobs that correspond to the student’s interests; Some preliminary information about the nature of these occupations and the qualifications required is also available on the computer. An hour and a half is all it

takes to complete a career search using PC Directions. The program is extremely “user friendly,” and a brief introduction is provided by our staff. Students then enter information about their ,personal interests, education level, personality, de&red salary, and various other work related factors. By entering their most important concerns first, students can control the sorting process of the computer and usually end up with a list of between 20 and 30 occupations which are compatible with job characteristics they have selected. The list often contains a few career choices that the student may have considered at one time, a few new ideas, and some that are just good for a laugh! We find the program is most helpful for students with little or no idea what career path they would like to follow at this point.


Board Mike Brown F%3urMa0qu0en John Ma80n I&&k Hawley Mike McGraw chria Wodsk;ou Phil Rob-on . Brittama Masy J-WV &y-n McOlMi8 ‘Heather Bherrl


Btelmatck m3 Qrie8bach

John Zacb.~A& Rienee Beneteau Ed Dram

Individuals who have already identified a specific field of interest likely will benefit more from researching that particular career in greater depth. These students may also be interested in the educational program search of the fitiancial aid search components of PC Directions, especially if they are considering further education at another institution. Although it would be nice, students rare1 find* “the perfect job” flashe B up on the screen, However, PC Directions can be a useful tool to help get started with your career planning. If you think you would like to try PC Directions, call Counselling Services at ext, 2855 or visit us in room 2080, Needles Hall and arrange for an appointment. YOU

I have just seen the sign in the C.C. advertising the Hot Legs Pub, and I was very disappointed to see the existence of another narrowminded sexist event on campus, After watching the Miss Universe pageant and the chauvinistic exploitation of all females, I am appalled at the backwards, sexist attitude students at this university still hold. I for one am not going to attend a piggish event which is apparently supported by not only males but also by some females in the KSA. This is a real slap in the face after many of us made it very clear to the administration of this supposedly progressive university that events such as the Miss Oktoberfest pageant are simply not acceptable to many of us who value our wor,thiness as people, and not simply as sex objects to be paraded around in front of a bunch of horny, self-gratifying pigs. Whether you realize it or not, anyone who attends the Hot Legs Pub is making a statement to the surrounding community that we, at UW, support old sexist ideals that go much deeper than silly contests. We might as well tell the women around us we think they should get back into the kitchen: barefoot and pregnant. We have made great strides but with attitudes like this still existing, this university might as well offer a course in chauvinism, Carol



‘Contribution list Fleur Macqueen, John Mason, Mike McGraw, Chris Scogswow, Phil Robinson, Derik Hawley, Britta Bia, Ed Dress, Sherry Stelmack, John Zachariah, Lyn McGinnis, Renee Beneteau, Andrew Waiduck, Donald Duench, Andrew Rehage, Christina Hardy, Refton Blair, Carol Cambre, Wonny Pae, John Hymers, Jim Harman, Graeme Peppler.






Leslie Perrault, Louise Gonsalves, Mike Shiriff, Santowski, Peter Dedes, Don Kudo..Marc Reppin




All leners

must be typed and double spaced

Prize would add insult to injury To the editor, The recent proposal to establish the equivalent of a Nobel prize for women is an insult to such luminaries as Marie Curie and Marie Mayer. It in effect concedes the fals’e notion that women do not possess intellectual faculties equal to those of ‘men and hence must be judged by different standards. It is therefore only fitting this prize be named after Helen Caldicott who’s greatest effect has been to prevent the transition from fossil fuels to demonstrably safer nuclear power, conse-

causing the premature 1uently eath of hundreds of people per

year. Her approach consists of replacing critical thought with demagoguery, misinformation and ad hominem attacks. Included among her many brilliant, analytic assertfoas is ‘I,*. scientists who work for nuclear power have sold their soul to the devil. They’re either dumb, stupid or hi hly compromised.” The esta ‘f,lishmeat of this prize would therefore constitute yet one more self-destructive acm tion initiated by the “feminist” movement, Amit abate



Most of us have eagerly awaited the return of summer weather so that we can be outside and enjoy the wonderful effects of the sun on our pale Winter-white skin. However, that “healthy looking glow” our mothers so love to see may not be as healthy & tie would like to believe. Awarenuas has increased dratiatically in the last decade regar the health aspects of sun exposure, The num -Ii!3 er of People with skin cancers has increased in recent years, and professionals agree-this increase is correlated with exposure of the skin to the ultravioiet ra 8 of the. sun. Some recent statistics suggest that B y 1888, 1 out of 150 parsons will have malignant mela, noma (a sarious form of skin cancer), and by the year 2oO0, the incidence will have reached 1 out of every 100. There are a number of reasons our generation is seeing more skin cancer. H&days to sunny climes are easier to take today than they were even 15 years ago. The amount of money available to the average erson is higher, and there are regular flights to FPorida, the Behemas, Hawaii... On top of that, the atmos here is changing with advaiiced technology; ptl Plution is causing a decrease in the buffering of Ultraviolet rays to the earth’s surface, and thus we are exposed to a much higher concentration of damaging radiation than in pretifous years. Also, the trend that a “golden glow” is the fashion rage has allowed us to perceive a tan as healthy. Many peo le naturally have high amounts of iri tfi eir skin which allows them an increased,resistance to UV light rays (damage can still occur, however, with extensive sun exposure). White skin does not have much pigment and therefore these rays can ultimately damage cells that are exposed with no protection. Blond haired peo le tend to be especially vulnerable, as do freck Yed people, people wittt-fair skin, and children. People who are taking acne medication such as tetracycline, or medication for high blood pressure must know the skin becomes increasingly. sensitive to the sun*s rays. Many of us are likely to think “it won’t happen to me” or “I don’t bake in the riun like some eople do,” It must be remembered exposure to t 1 e sun does not just mean laying on a lawn chair. Exposure to the sun has i cumulative effect, Golfing, cycling, playing baseball, or just walking to and from school can expose your skin to damaging pigment

Recycling on campus WPIRG operates a glass, tin and newspaper recycling program on’campus. The program presently includes depots at the Campus Centre, South Campus Hall and the Rnvironment and Resource Studies coffee shop. Other locations will be incorporated once arrangements with the University Administration and theCity of Waterloo curbside recycling program can be made. The success of the University of WateF;loo’s program depends on our access to the city’s curbside program which starts Iune 7th. Although glass, tin and newspaper may be a small percentage of waste generated ou campus, it constitutes 22 per cent of the municipal waste stream. As landfills continue to o~rflow, we all have an obligation to reduce, reuse and recycle*wastets. The average Ontarion generates 2.2 lbs. of waste er day. Glass containers make up 8 per cent of the total resideatia P waste stream For an approximate total of 1,583,500 lbs. annually or 7~3 tons of glass per day. At glass recycling plants in Ontario, the &id bottles are crushed to make cullet, mixed with other ingredients, melted down and molded into new containers. In Ontario, 20-30 er cent cullet mix is used in the manufacture of clear bottles an s up to 70 per cent cullet for green bottles. Glass cullet also is used to make fiberglass, sewer pipes and reflective glass beads for road paint. For every ton of Gullet used, there is an approximate energy saving of 30 per cent when compared to thee uivalent production of glass from virgin materials. The use of cul Pet allows companies to operate their furnaces at a lower temperature than otherwise required, using less energy and increasing the life of the furnaces. Stack emissions and air pollution are also decreased. Tin-coated steel food and beverage cans contribute 8 per cent to the total resi&ntial waste stream. For every ton of steel cans recycled, 1.5 tonnes of iron ore and the energy equivalent of 3.8 barrels of oil are saved. When steel is made from recycled material instead of virgin ore, a 74 per cent energy saving results. When scrap iron is used instead of iron ore to make steel, mining wastes sre reduced by 97 per cent, air pollutants by 86 per cent and water pollutants by 76 per cent (Recycling Council of Ontario]. Newspapers make up 10 per cent of the total residential waste stream in Ontario. This equals approximately 977 tonnes per day! Old newspapers can be de-inked and used to make newsprint. The on1 de-inking facility in Ontario demands an increasingly large sn B steady supply of old newspapers. A proximately 190,000 tonnes of recycled newspaper will be use if in 1988, compared to 70,000 tonnes in 1087. An additional 45,000 tonnes of old newspapers are used annually in the production of light-weight cardboard for cereal boxes, shoe boxes etc. It is estimated 17 trees remain standing for every tonne of newspaper recycled. If you want to recycle glass, tin and newspaper at the campus locations, simply deposit the materials in the beige and brown labelled bins provided. Please do not deposit anything but the materia1 indicated, as this causes problems with odor and sorting, If you would like to get involved in recycling initiatives on campus, or if you would like to participate in a Move-a-thon litter-clean-up campaign for Environment Week, (SatJune a), call m visit the WPIRG office, room 123, General ServicesComplex, 384-9020 or 885-1211 ext 2578,

rays, especially if it is fram 11:CKI a.m. to 2:W p.m. in the day when the sun is at its highest angle. ’ What about the tanning salons? The ultravfolet rays you receive from the lights they use are also damaging to the skin. Tanning in a salon does not lessen the risk of skin cancer, and may even make the skin more prone to damage by the sun’s rays. On the market are sunscreens with “Sun Protection Factors” (SPP). These are known to block out various amounts of the W ra a that damage skin, The SPF ranges from 2 to a L ut 21. If akin without protection can take exposure of 90 rain-, utes, then an SPF of 2 will allow double that, or one hour of safe exposure. Double-d it SPFs are the most effective. The problem wi 3l the usu of sunscreens is that many people do not realize the importance of its Fe-application after swimming, sweating, toweling,’ sho.werin , etc. The sunscreen will only work properly if.,tt QIi&tructions are followed. j None of us want to stay compleiely out of the. sun, which is the best reventative measure ot all,.. What we can do, Ii owever, is maintain an active role in the prevention of aunburn. When in the sunshine or even on warm cloudy days, use sunscreen with an appropriate SPF, A tan will be allowed to develop gradually and safely. If complete block-out is desired, zinc ointment is available; although, it can be messy if you want to block rays from all areas of your body. Remember, increased sun ex osure causes faster aging and wrinkles as we1P as damage to the skin and possible skin cancer. Another sugestion is to use cosmetics with sun protection f actors incorporated into them. We are exposed to many damaging things in our environment. it is our responsibility to lessen the effects of those that we can do something about. For more write

information to the Health

on this topic or others, and Safety Resource Net-

work, c/o The Imprint, or phone the University of Waterloo [MIS-IZII) extension 6277. The HSRN i$ a liaison between you und any source of ‘health/sufety information you need ( and con also provide pamphIet8, films, spebkers, and hone numbers to other resources. Our office is Porated in the Health and Sufet building and you are invited $0 drop in und tu rk to one of our


Native identitv underminded I II

To the editor, The traditional lifestyles of re: Native peoples fight govsrnNative groups in Canada have ment (by Ed Drass) ’ been undermined by the disappearance ’ of the once-abundant In the. closing remarks of the land and the loss of resources ,May 20 review of the No Xya’ crucial to the*austenance of those play put on by the Gitsan and lifestyles. In British Columbia, Wetsuwet’en Tribal Council of the situation for Native peoples British Columbia, you state you relative to land and resources “have the feeling that others also was and is particularly acute, as have a curiosity concerning na- no land was reserved through tive peoples, and there may be a t-reaties in that province. wave of interest among CanadiThe well-documented presentans-about the cultures and peo, day social problems in native ples that connect us to the ast of communities have been exacerour continent.” I woul a have bated by ,past (and current) patgreat difficulty letting these ernalistic attitudes toward statements be published without Natives on the part of the largely comment. Before country,

white European government of Canada. The efforts of Canada to “manage” the welfare of Native populated by a variety of soverpeoples have been inappropei n native nations with well-esA’ riate. To ensure the healing and taf!i lished political and cultural healthy, development of Native traditions. groups in Canada, native comFor diverse reasons, the posimunities are demanding the tion of Native people in the land right to be self-governing, to that became -tinada declined control their own health and relative to the position of the Euwelfare, education, resource deropeans. Various “peace and velopment, and so on. Native friendship” treaties which “recommunities in Canada feel they served” lands for use by Natives have an “inherent right” to be were signed (mostly in eastern self-governing which was and central Canada), while in granted by the Creator and provinces where no treaties which has never been signed were signed (western Canada) away in treaties. Canada’s forNatives were displaced by mal position is that Natives do agrarian European settlers. not enjoy this inherent right, and

indeed the last round of First Ministers’ Conferences broke down over the issue of Native self-government, which generally promotes greater autonomy for Native communities, operating undo, the Indian Act. If the Indian Act is found to be insufficient for a specific community’s needs, special legislation salfgovernment for the Sechelt Indian Band in BC. The Sechelt legislation is unique in Canada. Native peoples remain an essential and undeniable part of the fabric of modern Canada. Your review of the No Xya’ play seems to portray Natives as an anthropological aberration ‘from the distant past of Canada about which (we) whites are curious,

Europeans came to this Ntirth America was


Self-government claims are an

issue of today and of the future. Relegating such claims to the “past of our continent” is to deny the role Natives have in shaping the culture of North America. In future, I suggest you reflect somewhat




lishing statements which reinforce far-too-prevalent parochial notions about Native peoples. Alaxandrra 4A



Macquesn and ,RUBWC~





3, 1988


Selling the Ranch Proviqcial Treasurer Robert Nixon placed a last minute freeze on Western’s $96 million sale and tease-back plan. The deal to sell library books, research equipment and physical assets to the private sector and then lease back over a 17 year period would have raised - $5.7 million for the university, The idea of selling off the university’s assets met with public and faculty critism,,but Western’s President George Pedersen stood firmly behind the administration’s decision. Pedersen told a full house at .Western’s senate meeting that such deals are not tax .‘+loop-holes” and that they are used by both the federal and rovincial governments. The Ontario government+ however, feels t Ke deal undermines the tax system by reducing the federa1 tax revenues from which a large portion of university funding is generated. Aa a result the government has threatened to cut funding to participating universities by the amount they net.

Double Parked Federation of Students’ President Adam Chamberlain (far right) 1~88 apkt of the official opening of the Summer Youth Employment Office on King Street in Kitchener.

’ Owners of illegal1 parked bikes on the University of Western Ontario campus wil 9 Boon find a note, an additional chain and e pad&k attached to their bieycbs. Under the-plan, sid8rs will got b fined but will have to walk to the cam us p&d or parking office to get an official- to unlock their bikes. T 1 e chaining policy is intended to encourage the use of official bicycle rgcks.

’ Lewis- ,asks WLU gracbto improve human- condition’

onefdea life bldg. by Retina

by LeeBe Pemult Imprint etrff Stephen Lewis, Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations, and Dr. Flora Roy, chairman of the English De artment for 30 years, received R onorary doctorates Sunday at Wilfrid Laurier University’s spring convocation. Lewis, known for his “outspoken opinion end integrity” in broadcasting, aad hie memorable UN speeches, didn’t fail to impresa the convocation audience. With past pritions a8 the provincial leader of the new Democratic Party, a researcher for the &Wiat ftitemational in London, and a school teacher in Africa, he has developed and continues h.i~ rob ae a utcial democrat. Ever awere of the EM& of the oppressed in the world, Lewis entreated the graduate8 to live beyond the fundamental obligations of their new careers and liver: “1 don’t want to hector you or preach at you...about obligatione....I have merely one thing I want to convey. Often we live in

of a tillion youngsters under the A committele was established age of five every year.” at the last student council meetThe graduates deserved every ing to look into the issue of a new praise that could be “heaped student life building. The Btuupon [their). collective heada” dent life project committee is an declared Lewis. After up to five action-oriented committee years, receiving a university de- whose specific mandate is to gree ie certainly worthwhile, he present an idea of what 8tudentB stated. He only hopes the stureally want in a new building. To dents will “make it even that thh end, they will Beck the opinmuch more woflhwhile.” Their - i~lw of individual etudentrr snd The rem&&r of the tort will effort ie needed to help Create “a &dent so&ties. likely fall m-the BtUdeAtB.The mm ju8t, a more equttabh, ,a’ The only definite idee tbut hm $10 pr term fee, which 8tUChlt8 more civilized, a more humane, been pmmted forcanri&ration have been pay@ for Columbia and, ultimately, a mom peacefd 81 y&t in that, of a “Sportrplex.” finirhed in one 8OCiatly.“~ Tha facility would in&de a w)o ‘Ice Field wilk yuaf. It &8 been -ted that a Dr. Fhwa Roy, bono& as OLLG metre flat track, thrae to four rsferSndUti .ba held ut election of LaUrwS mo8t outrtanding fa- bueketb& courts, or five ten& time to tiund tha fee to add to c&y rmember~, Ied her departem&& 6r 24 badminton courts, provided b the Demeat with remarkable 4 I VraiQty Cbffit-B m&S - $manay ~t4d&CS. TbiB I; OW8V8fs de&cmti~n. .Her .department ef- ” Wee, rowing meclrinss, and wills rtudeat &&ion. fsrad COti In &lOBt We+ t tmisIng 8 tdpmnnt. tmditianal fkfkl of epecialimB- : Ye arjn proI? lem with I tion, even with o&y two fact&y. &rtepfex, mcording to Vicecihumbd%ia 8tFs88@8 how immemberi~ dir@ the iate 1~0’8.. &eai&& [IJtihw~~ty Affti) port&t it is that t&e AdminbtraRoy’s innovatiahs include bar wy .-a is &et a Sport8tioa help fund tk II~W buil&ng hunehi&of the audio-visual fa- #ax w@&d not enc~a8l the l 8 the lest twoatrt of three builddties on NUU~UB and intro&‘I#bde of 8ll BtUChts. aher in#%w8re funded by 8tUdMtB. ing etudsnts to Canadian 4BhMI8 h&Id8 a W8ibh bkillg He alIowr that the Adminirtraliterature when other Univereiaf tb PAC buil tf ing to the Cam- tion @muine!y WaStB to help but ties wert still debating its merB Cent&e: althou& nothing is that thehelp eU8t bs rubatenit8. F .naliaed, tial, not just in prinetple.

what can often be an unjust,...a deprived, and even a depraved world. It is worth taking a small chunk of your lives, it can be a week, it can be a month, it can be a year,... and devote it to attempting to improve the human condition,” Lewis asked that students ‘oin one of the non-governmenta 1 organizatione if they care about human rights. fie deaded directly: “If you care to do away with some of the atrocities that [are inflicted) on vulnerable human beings in moorsaocietiee than I care to name, then join Amnesty International” or enother organixatios, He hopes that graduates will spend time “givin of the connidemble inteliectua f ad eocial axperisace which only e univat&ycur provide, to confer BOIM leader&@ on ~SBU~~Bwhich will mean eom8thing to peuple we11 beyond the boundarier of this country.” .% Very proud of Canada.8 invol-






Lewis emphasized the imp tance of OXFAM, CARE, end UNICEF, “which saves the lives

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Fund@ for the project is exected to come, at least in art, Prom the Developmsnt 0Pfice, which hae elready committed itself to helping fund the project, Although the amount to come from the Develo ment office is not yet Bet, the Pigurea that are being “toeeed around,” are between three and eix miilion dollar& Federation of Studentr z;ident A&m Chamberlaie .


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Imprint, Friday, June 3,1=


Cutting string s on foreign aid: “Development priorities must prevail in the planning of foreign aid pro rams and assistance,” while ot a er interests such as forsign sales take a back seat, said the ,Director General of the policy branch of the Canadian Internation Development Agency (CIDA) . Julian Payne, policy branch director general since 1986, addressed his talk on recent foreign aid strategies to Kitchener-Waterloo branch members of the Canadian Institute for International Affairs, who met at St. Jerome’s College on Thursday, May 19. The institute, part of a national organization, promotes discussion on Canadian international involvement primarily by bringing in guest speakers. Payne said in the past, Canadian foreign aid has been more close1 tied with the sales of Cana Bian goods and services to other countries. With the change in government over to the Conservatives in 1984, aid priorities have also changed. _

CID/4 looks to the future When questioned, Payne reaponded it is difficult to influence other countries by slowing or withdrawing aid. The amount of assistance, the time span it covers and exactly how you are trying to influence the country are all factors in how effective such mea8ures will be. He described the area of human rights as an “almost in-

herent dilemma of conflict,” in that, the Canadian government must decide between giving money to countries with poor human rights records, or withholding it, thus denying it to the poor of that country. In assessin aid projects, analylW8 of bot!I the impact on women in the country and on the impact on the environment are now done, Payne said. This is

Payne described a fundamental change in the way policy is developed. The change, he said, is reflected in the increased input of parliamentarians and non-governmental organizations. He said recent policy documents reflect a broader baae and aren’t as “technocratic” as they once were. The Canadian government has changed their foreign aid from a mixture of grants and loans to straight grants. Payne said it “didn’t seem appropriate (to give out 1oanaJ when there, was already a debt crisis in’the third world,” (which loans would only increase). The Canadian government asks that receiving countries participate in policy dialogue, setting and working on objectives to show they are interested in improving conditions in their country, the director said. With the s‘tremendoua upsurge in concern about human rights” over the past few years, the Canadian government also tries to promote human rights and democratic government+ in which all citizens have a political voice.

When questioned on the effectiveneaa of foreign aid, Payne replied there have been indicators of improvement, especially in the areas of nutrition levels, literacy levels and in the irradication of major contagious dis68888.

Economic improvements aren’t as clear, but Payne cited India as a country which as improved. ‘I’here are still food digtribution problems within the country, but food production is at a level that they are able to export Borne of it. On the whole, Payne stated he doesn’t feel there is “significant evidence that Canadian foreign aid has been wa8t8d.”

Clouds hamper race

Solar cars a glimpse of the future # by hdr8W Walduck Imprint staff Had the weather been better Friday, May 20, you would have

seen a glimpse of the future driving around ring road; two solarpowered cars competing in the fourth annual Great Canadian Solar Recel

The government has been reducing-this so-called “tied aid,” in which aid money is used to purchase goods and services from either Canada or third world countries. Payne said many aid-receiving countries are in a position to produce their own goods and services, but lack the funds to do so. Thus Canada wants to support such local development by providing that money, Though $2.6 billion annually is spent by the Canadian government on foreign aid, the policy is vague, Payne explained+ stating the law says aid is “for purposes of international development assistance, emergency relief and other circumstances.” Despite the loose policy definition, the government is kept in check on policy spending by the federal Treasury Board, which regulates the spending of government funds as well as nongovernmental organizations who lobby the government with their aid concerns, media coverand policy statements age, issued by CIDA itself, the director said.

part of the ttind toward social assistance over financial or technical aid.

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties and a lack of sun, the entrants from UW and George Brown College in Toronto will have to wait until Friday, June 12 to try again. UWs entry Northern Light [or Midday Siesta - depending upon who you ask) was driven by its designer, fourth year Mechanical Engineering student Dan St. Louis. The car weighs approximately 105 pounds, 45 for the frame and 60 for the solar collectors. On a bright day, with the solar collectors providing 200 watts of power (about the same as the average bicyclist], the IO-speed car will clip along at an average speed of 15 kilometres an hour, and may reach its top apeed of 30 kilometres an hour. If it is cloudy, the onboard battery will provide enough power to keep the car going temporarily. St. Louis said he spent around hours designing and’building the car. It would have cost him bver $3000, but generous corporate sponsorships kept his costs down to $600. St. Louis has a broad base of .. 200

The driver of George &own College’s entry in the Great Canadian Solar Race w&s left powerless on the cloudy race day. lmprlnt


by Dodd

experience for this type of enecgy-efficient vehicle. His past projects have included managing the UW Shell Fuel-A-Thon team, a reclining bicycle, an&nithopter (a bicycle with fla ping wings) a8 a retirement jo r 8 for a professor and a novel ZCyd8 engine design. The Great Canadian Solar Race wail started here at’waterloo in 1985 at a student’s suggeation. The first year was a university-level competition to design the most efficient th8rmO8y hon solar water heater, in whit R the water circulates by natural convection instead of being moved by a pump. In the second year a new event which took lace at Ontario Place was ad if ed for high school students: solar hotdog cooking. The third year saw the addition of radio-controlled solarpowered cars, This year, the race included full-size cars complete with unidrivers, solar tea making for high school students, and the thermosyphon event, which was won by Queens University, with DW placing a close se,cond.


Youth to build at UW and their own experiences, student dele ates will draft conaenFrom August 15 through’ to sus resof utions defining their positions on the various issues. August 20, over 130 university The delegates will make the students from 33 countries will gather at UW to di8CU88topics as resolutions available to students diverse 88 deforestation and around the world through the network of Youth Building The American religious fundamenFuture groups in varioua countaliem. The Youth Building The Fu- trids, and the network’s newsletter. ture conference which the will The conference’s objectives be attending is comprise d of % series of lectures, seminars, and are to make young people mor8 group diBcUs8iOn8 On i88U88 af aware Of the i88Ue8 affecting them, and encourage them to get glotial concern, featuring interinvolved in finding solutions. nationally-recognized speakers B addressing the resolutions authorities from UW and to t t: e world’s governments, the abroad. delegate8 hope to make them Discussion topics include nu- aw%re of the concerns of the clear arm8, environmental polluworld’s youth, since the decition, energy and energy sions of the88 world leaders will alternatives, religion and develhave lasting repercussions. opmentl Because of the extensive propThe conference- provides a arations such a large event r8forum for students from around quires, volunteers are needed the world to discuss global now. Anyone interest.ed in helpissues in cause and effect, and of ing organize and administer the profound influence on their own conference should contact John lives. Herbert immediately at the Math Drawing on the lectures and Society Office, MC 3038 (ext seminars, secondary sources 2324). by Marc Repph


K-W’s HRS:


largest Mm-Ffi





9-B pm.


8 lmpriht, Friday, June 3, 1988

Van deal struck in wake of critkism I by Carol timbre Imprint staff An average of 50 women per night were turned away by safety van drivers at the end of last fall and through the winter. The demand for rides ranges from 180-200 women every night and the legal capacity of the van right now is 110. What happens to those who don’t get on? The drivers have been known to make extra rounds but this isn’t always possible. The rest? They haveto find their own way home. I Besides the worry of the present van falling to pieces, (driver Craig Emick “put his foot through the floor”), the Safety Van Interest group presented the supply and demand problem to the Federation of Students on Emick and the May 8, 1908. rest of the committee, comprised of Calvin Tripp, Lee Weiner and Meg Vanloon, suggested a two van system for the fall and winter which would alternate routes so those living in the Keats Way area would have a chance to get home with less of a wait.

Emick said if women get home faster, there. will be less chance they will decide to walk, and thus less chance they will become targets for assault. The committee has been express.ing these concerns to the Feds for the past nine months and insist on the situation’s urgency. Emick also suggested more preventative maintenance on the van rather than waiting until something breaks to fix it. Emick stated “Although the Feds recognize our concekn, it’s not high enough on their list of priorities.” The discussion ended with the agreement to make buying a new van by the fall the first priority, If the group wants another van, Vice-President (Operations and Finance) Shane Carmichael said they should have to promote fundraising events to raise ,the approximate $IO,OOO needed. The Feds would pay for wages, maintenance and gas. Since the presentation, the Feds have been “trying to come up with a soiution that is fair to all students,” Carmichael said. “We’re looking into the possibil-

ity of having a Magic Van on-call in addition to the regular van.” Carmichael said the Feds understand safety has to be improved, but the van is one service that is part of a much larger program. Carmichael believes other options for getting eople home Y3y the Federshould be explored ation - such as the walk-home service the Villages have used in the past and other campuses use now, “These. types of things should be investigated before spending $20,000 of the students’ money,” he added. The safety van group argued the demand is up and should be met as soon as possible. The Feds said the goal of the program is being met as assaults are down and more students are getting involved in evening activities which means they are less fearful of being out at night. Carmichael suggested “the dean of students, and the Women’s Issues Board should also look into alternate ways of developiqg the safety program.” The Feds are investigating op-

portunities to get a used van that would be replaced yearly from Thrifty or making a similar deal with Chrysler. Carmichael pointed out the program must go in stages and getting a new van is the first stage. The Federation vice-president “would like to see commitment in a fundraising event where students become involved” or a “box where students could contribute or donate whatever change they could to keep the van running, Let’s get people to get together to work at it,” he said. According to Carmichael, the meeting raised some interesting ‘directives. He suggested that others get involved: Security, the administration, KW Transit, the Federation of Students and the Turnkeys to name a few. .Turnkey Stephen Markan said the Turnkeys and the Feds (through the Women’s Issues Board) are involved and have been for about four months. They have provided a local ride board in the alcove to the left of the turnkey desk which uses cards similar to the other ride

Words from. Soviet student Imprint


In April, 1985, Specioj Projects Editor of the Novosti Press Agency Andrei Bezruchenko contacted Imprint Publications from the Office of the USSR Embassy in Ottawa. Imprint WQS asked to generate questions for a press conference to be held in Moscow later in the month. Imprint asked four questions in conjunction with the Federation of Students. Vladimir Curbolikow, one of the leaders of the unofficial student movement in the USSR fielded Zmprint’s questions. The following is the text of the transcri t of the press conference where t R e questions were asked.


IMPRINT: In Canada students are organized at the university, provincial and national levels, These student organizations often agitate against the government with demonstrations, protests or public speaking. If the students in the USSR are dissatisfied -with the education system or the social system, what avenues are available to similarily express their disapproval? Gurbdikov: We cannot boast about having powerful and independent student organizations* Before the students dissatisfied with the way they were taught simply dropped out at a certain stage. As the recent soviet reforms began, so called informal student clubs began to appear. They became sort of coordinators of student protest on campus. Last

winter for instance several thousand people from three institutions in Tomsk, a major Siberian city, demanded at their meetings that their military training curricula be changed. What is the reaction of the institute administration? In Tomsk, the issue was resolved in favour of the students. But it was not the administration of the three institutes but the defence ministry that had the matter settled: the ministry agreed with the justness of the students* claims and promptly took measures to improve the work of the military training chairs. The leaders of higher education have finally heeded the voice of students and decided to expand student representation in the chief collective organs of institute self-government-learned councils. Students now make up 25 per cent of the council members. In my opinion, the truly fair solution would be to increase student representation to 50 per cent, But student clubs and organizations will still have to fight for the realization of the ideals of selfgovernment, for very frequently the decisions made 00 top are not fulfilled locally. I can give you an example of the Moscow Teachers Training Institute, of which I am a student. The decision on student representation in the learned councils was made almost a year agobut the administration of our institute resorts to all tricks to prevent its implementation. A passive position of many students is quite a problem. We have been doing the utmost to make them act, IMPRINT: In Canada the main difficulty for students is to get enough money to pay for university education. Do soviet students have similar prtiblems? What funding mechanism is utilized to pay for university education? Gurbulikov: University education is free in the Soviet Union. Education is funded by budgetary allocations. This does






have no money difficulties. It is very difficult to live on the grants, even though their amount was increased, beginning. this academic year, by 50% for all -liA3S and by 25% for all &A&-andiiB&S Students (Grants run between 60 and 70 rubles a month or about 125 to

board. For the sake of safety+ th driver and rider meet in front c the turnkey desk and exchang ID. More information is availabl at the TK desk. The Women’ Issues Board is also willing t take suggestions for improve ments.

Just prior to going to press, Im print learned the Federation a Students decided to Iease a I passenger van from Thriftys fo four months starting in luoe. 1 at the end of the Ieasing agree ment the Federation decides tl buy the van, Thriftys will pu 79% of the lease money towari

its purchase.

leader 145 Canadian dollars.) Students get part time jobs as cleaning personnel, loaders, and night guards, they also get seasonal jobs in the summertime and are supported by their parents. IMPRINT: In Canada there are the student organizations of Amnesty international, Why is it that Amnesty international is not allowed to operate within the Soviet Union? Gurbulikm Honestly speaking, we know nothing about Amnesty international and its activities or that it is banned in our country. As far as I can judge by the name of this organization, it is concerned with human rights, In our country there are many Independent Organizations, which handle this issue. True, they are mostly out of students’ sights. IMPRINT; In the west people believe that there are hundreds of Drisoners of conscience in the USSR, What are your feelings about that? Gurbulikov: I think that speaking of hundreds is a strong exaggeration. We, anizations, members of Independent or personally know many peop s e who have been recently released from the camps and exile where they were sent for their political views under Brezhnev, In our opinion, the task of nqw is to have firm guarantee6 that this should never happen again. Our organization comes out for the creation of a system of legal guarantees to reclude the slightest possibility o P persecution for political reasons, IMPRINT: What are the’student leaders doing to raise the public awareness about. AIDS? Gurbutikov: Student organizations have not yet joined the effort to conquer AIDS, This is partially because the disease is not widespread in the USSR: only one real case of AIDS and several dozen AIDS carriers have been registered so far. Our activists are mostly concerned with such issues as the struggle for rights as students, for the improvement of their material conditions a free .discussion of all quesand for tions without censorship or interference on the part of the administration. For us the most important issue is the management by induction inherited from Stalin. And it is the most serious problem at the moment.

Imprint, Friday, June 3, 1988


Self-directed learning is alive and well. and living at Waterloo The Independent

by Howard Woodhouse The author is an educationqd consultant at severa universities. He is also an academic advisor for the Independent Studies pro ram at the University of Waterloo. Be$ore coming to UW Dr. Woodhouse taught in an African uni-

ronto, as well as many others scattered throughout Ontario and the other provinces. At the college level, The New School at Lawson College in Montreal is a program committed to individualized learning of an interdisciplinary nature that has been running successfully for more than ten years. ~ -Canadian universities have proven relatively slow to adopt independent study programs. There are now Interdisciplinary Programs at York, McMLster, Guelph and Waterloo but only at the latter is education based on selt-directed learning. In the Dnited States, however, Empire State College in New York State operates an Independent Study Program that is found on a one-to-one tutorial system. The University of Minnesota has operated a “University Without Walls” program for many years in which undergraduates pursue independent learning’ and Antioch College in Ohio State continues to offer coo - . erative programs in all fields, there i y emphasizing the relationship between study and social reality. In Britain, the Oxbridge tutorial system has encouraged independent study throughout its history, as has the Open university which has successfully offered multimedia courses, primarily to adult learners for some 20 years. Not surprisingly, one of the most innovative programs is based at a polytechnic. The School for Independent Study at North East London Polytechnic started in 1976 as an undergraduate course of study in which students plan their own programs using the varied expertise of the Polytechnic’s staff. The school has an enrollment of 100, publishes an International Newsletter of Independent Study, and started a graduate program in 1984, based.on the same principles. Back at Waterloo, there are currently about 40 students enrolled in’ IS. (about 60 are enrolled in the fall and winter). During its lir-year history,over 200 students have graduated from the program with a Bachelor of Independent Studies (B.I.S.) degree. According to the written testimony of many of the graduates’ IS. provided an educational environment that catered to their individual needs, making learning an enjoyable process in which students


The University of Waterloo is Fenowned as a “high-tech” university; its Faculty of Mathematics, for examp18, is the on1 0~8 inCanada. Why is it, then, that tE 8 university has b88n so active iA its support for Indepsndent Studies. The university itself was born in 1958 and has managed ‘to sustain its youth and vigor, largely through a decentralized decision-making process, often absent from older institutions. The university has supported an unusual number of innovative programs, including the Co-o erative Program, Environmental Stu Bies, Wornens’s Studies, Canadian Studies, Gerontology. The university understands the worth of the program in preparing students for life in a rapidly changing society in which narrowly trained experts are many but broadly educated human beings are too few to number. It is.partly to the latter to whom IS, appeals in its educational mission. Independent Studies (IS.] at the’ University of Waterloo is a self-directed learning program unique in Canada. It began in 1969 and has continued to produce graduates who go on to enter all walks of life, from medicine to film production and midwifery to economic planning. The program, which has consistently enjoyed the support of th.e univereity senate and administration, combines the ex erimental and the innovative with t R e practical and the excellent. Self-directed learning is an idea born of educational romanticism, popular during the 1860’s; it was supposed to have died then and there. At the elementary and high school levels, the “free” schools of the 1960s became the “alternative” schools of the 1870s and 808, stressing the themes of community, individualized programming, experimental learning, and egalitarian relationships among staff, students, and parents. There are 21 such schools alive and well in To-

with one of &#lclasses.

Dr. Woodhouse




Photo bfBm

still constitute the core of I.S. and link the program to current educational debate in the university as a whole. Founding Members - In the fall of 1968, IS. was established with a view to implementing its three central features. Not surprisingly, the rogram initially attracted those stu crents who were most vocal in their op sition to the educational and politic BP0establiahment: free schoolers and deschoolers, feminists and pacifists of Theodor Roszek’s %ounter culture.” These people became the founding members of IS. and gave the program much of its momentum and flavor for the next several years. Government - The idea of self-government has also provided a central thrust to the history of IS. The program has been run, in turn, by one of three systems: a general assembly or council, a management or executive committee, or a combination of both. At present, both the Academic Director and the Executive Committee, with two members elected by stu-, dents and two Academic Advisors, make decisions and determine policy after full consultation with IS. Council which includes all members of the program. The idea of a council, at which all members, including students, faculty, and staff, have a vote is not new, It was successfully implemented at AS. Neill’s Summerhill and at Bertrand and Dora Russell’s Beacon Hill School; however, unlike UW, the above examples of self-government don’t cater to undergraduates. At the regular meetings of the IS. Council, students and staff raise their concerns about matters academic, administrative and social. After further discussion in the appropriate commit-tees, on which students also serve, a consensus is usually achieved. Ongoing Constituency - I.% still _ attracts those students who enjoy learning in self-directed ways, as well as those who question society’s dominant ethic both intellectually and existentially. There is, however, as there always has been in IS., another category of students who can be regarded as “entrepreneurial.” These students wish to make use of the openness and flexibility of IS. to sharpen up their intellectual skills for the battles of the marketplace, One of our first graduates’ for example, is currently running a highly successful wool farm in Southern Ontario..Two of our graduates work for investment and financial companies in Ontario and New York State, while another is Canadian Sales Manager for a microcomputer firm. Another of our graduates is managing editor of Quill and Quire, while yet another is Deputy Director of the International Institute of Communication, a non-profit international organization in communications research . /policy and analysis, based in London, England. Six other graduates have attended or are attending M&faster University Medical School, renowned for its innovative teaching methods, and one of these is now a Clinical. and Research Fellow at the H-pita1 for Sick Children in Toronto. We have a graduate who is Academic Coordinator for a women’s training program affiliated with George Brawn College and another .who is Director of Policy for Premier David Peterson. .

are able to develop skills appropriate for the work lace: independent thought, prob Pem-solving, communication, and leadership. Originally, there was also a non-degree stream within the program, in which students could pursue their own studies regardless of whether they intended to graduate. When the program was reorganized in 1986, this stream was dropped to the regret of many students, who saw it as a unique opportunity to pursue their interests with no external pressure whatsoever. Students may enter the program directly from high school or from other university or college programs, 0~ as mature students. Some students come to IS. with work experience’ desiring two or three years off to strengthen their acsdemic or job-related skills. Others continue working part-time while they study. The program has roven flexible enough to accommo Bate all-comers, including full-time students. Students graduate, not by accumulating course credits but by writing an undergraduate thesis that is supervised by two faculty members outside the program. Students can obtain guidance in ‘this process and in their pre-thesis studies from any of the academic staff within the program. Examples of current areas of interest include artificial intelligence’ women’s health, medieval architecture, and alternative energy. The caliber of the projects is unusually high. Some are of post-graduate quality, In addition to the academic director, there are five academic staff. Their interests include the fields of communication’ history, philosophy, political science, and psychology. History and Philonophy Founding Ideas - IS. grew out of discussions at the University of Waterloo in the mid to late 1960’s concerning the nature and purpose of learning. Three main issues emerged: first, that course credit and grading systems might actively prevent learning in some students; second, that learning could be facilitated in small groups of students and faculty, working together as colleagues: third, that an integrated approach to knowledge was needed that would link different disciplines and develop diligent generalists. These ideas

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Studi-es Program

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UW writer-in-residence by Haatbm Rdthby 4mprint staff The thing about writers ilp that they have this habit- of taking what they see and putting it into listening a stor . “I’m always and o i serving,” says Sandra Birdsell, who is the writer-inresidence at St. Jerome’s College this year, “I see interesting people in restaurants that stick in my mind and won’t go away. I know they’ll appear in my stories someplace.” She tells of one time when she was in a pizza place in Winnipeg+ Manitoba. Four high sihool girls were having a how 1 lost my virginity conversation. “I overheard the conversation and it ended up in one of my stories.” Birdsell has been at the University of Waterloo since September 1987,and will remain here until April 1989. She works for the university for two days a week, and is free the rest of the time to work on her novel. Currently she is working on one called The Lost Child, but won’t say anything more about it except she thinks the title is “marvellous.” “I never show my work to anyone, except of course my editor. My children even say I’d like to read this novel you’re working on. I say you wiII, when it’s published.” The book will be available in the sprin or fall of 1989. Birdsel ‘: is 48 years old and has three adult children, She is relatively new Canadian talent who

is quickly getting recognition for her work. To date, she has published two collections of short stories: Night TraveIIers, and Ladies of the House,.and has won several awards for her work. In 1982 she received the Robert Kroetsch scholarship+ and in 1884 won the Gerald Lampert award and the national magazine award for fiction. The writer-in-residence program is,sponsored by the Canada Council, so the university and church colleges pay only half of a - writers’ salary. The arrangement seems to be beneficial all around. The writers get a salary to work, the students get a chance to talk about writing with someone who really knows the craft, and Canadians get the benefit of the books that are produced. Birdsell says she often looks at poems or stories that students bring in to her, and discusses what it’s like to be a writer, Associate professor Judith Miller is the chairman of the writer-in-residence program, She says one of the reasons Birdsell was selected was because+ besides being a very good writer, she was very interested in working with “the beginning writer.‘+ Miller says Birdsell is “wonderful at speaking to people about writing..,very down to earth and very frank about her experiences”. Birdsell is the fifth writer-inresidence that the University of Waterloo has had. Graeme Cib-



still a prairie person Horwood;

Susan have Waterloo.

Musgrave and Sean Virgo

all been affiliated


Birdsell grew up in a small Manitoba town at the bottom of Lake Agassiz, and calls herself a “pkairie person, born and raised.” Many of her stories are reflective of the vastness and isolation of the land. Unlike some writers who begin at an early age, Birdsell confesses she didn’t really think when she was younger that she would end up being a writer. “Sure I was always scribbling things down,+but I really loved sports more than anything in school, But her love of sports was not enough to keep her in school: she dropped out after grade ten, and moved away from home. Birdsell is the fifth of II children. “People always think if you come from a big family you automatically like to always have lots of people around. Well, I wasn’t like that...1 very much needed to be alone.” Both the dynamics of the family and the boarding house she moved to in Winnipeg are forces in the stories she has written. After the move to Winnipeg+ she worked at a number of jobs to-pay the rent. She married at age 17, a move she says she was ready for, A turning point for her career as a writer was the creative writing course that she took at the University of Manitoba in 1976. Taught by Canadian novelist




photo and poet Robert’ Kroetsch, the course helped to expose her writing to a critical eye, as well a8 interest her in finding out what other Canadian women tiriters had done, /

Shameless cast untames shrew by Beth jort Imp&t stdf So, was Shakespeare a misogynist or what? Tha Tmniq of the Shrew, Shakespeare’s uproarious, high-spirited comedy about a stron -willed wife who is tame&by her stronger-willed husband (you & now, the dominant male), certainly provides ammunition’ for those who want to fit Shakespeare neatly intq the canon of male authors who think mainly through their pants and only partly through their egbs. Yet, in light of his many strong and complex women - Hermione, Cleopatra, Viola, Rosalynde, and Isabella, to name but a few - Shakespeare is not easily disposed of among the ranka of the bigoted male. On the contrary+ on closer inspection+ Shakespeare seems to be a strong voice for women’s equality, though affected by his hierarchical society and his male uersnective. rc So how does one reconcile this husband-subdues-wife scenario with the healthy respect for women evident in so many of Shakespeare’s other plays? And, more to the point, how does one justify a production of such a seemingly offensive play in this age of enlightened men and women (or, at least enlightened women); Stratford’s current production of Shrew, brilliantly directed by Richard Monette, offers a sophisticated solution to this complex



Kim Horsman,





Rather than emphasizing the hard satiric line which runs beneath much of the play’s text, filling the stage with cynical women and idiotic men - an obvious and safe interpretation given popular opinion in the 80’s - Monette dares to suppress the satire of the play, or at least the characters’ awareness of the satire. Instead, the audience finds itself in the innocent fifties, and what’s more, in the heart of earnest, passionate Italy. The emotions are real, though many of the characters are ridiculous. L. . .r


Katherina is not a cynical; free-spirited woman ahead of her time, but a volatile, bad-tempered, miserable shrew, if you please, and Petruchio, rather than a cold, calculating shrew-tamer, seems to simmer with an energy and passion equal to his antagonistic bride’s: he is a sort of would-be shrew who has learned to control his passion. By creating this world of earnestness and energy and framing it in a dream, Monette laces the onus on the audience to challenges the see the satire if it will; as the p Pay closes, Monette audience to draw its own conclusions, to catch the irony as Christopher Sly, alias Petruchio, awakens from his drunken reverie and wanders thoughtfully from the stage. Goldie Semple is-fabulous as Katherina. Though she must carry her character through an enormous transformation from shrew td gentle wife, Semple avoids the trap of playing two entirely different Kate’s. Semple manages to maintain a consistent character and energy level throughout the play, embodying Kate’s believable development from child-brat to capable woman, rather than her miraculous (and tragic) conversion into gentle, meek wife, Showing wonderful range, Sem le is as convincing as the wild, sadistic terror of Padua as the su rl tie, controlled wife of Petruchio, Matching the energy and intensity of Semple’s performance, Colm Feore, with his playful smile, leather jacket+ and motorcycle [a la Fonzie ofmMarlon Brando), oozes capability and adventurous charm. One gets the impression that Feore’s Petruchio, a mixture of fierce determination and sensitivity, is able to ‘out-Kate’ Kate, not only because he is clever+ but because there is a great deal of Kate beneath his tough, good-natured hide. Given the electricity of their individual performances, it is no wonder sparks fly when Semple and Feore &are the stage. Act II, scene i, the first meeting of Katherina and Petruchio, is a delightful, but unlikely seduction scene as these equally stubborn lovers” exchange verbal and physical blows, hurling insults+ threats, and shoes at each other. Katherina’s insatiable ire finally meets its match in Petruchio’s indomitable charm. Locktd in an unyielding battle of wills with Kate the cursed Petruchio finally secures his wife-to-be with a sudden flurry of mental and physical ingenuity. By the time Kate catches her breath, the scene is over and she in betrothed - a match made in heaven. Kim Horseman is delightfully obnoxious as the bubble-headed blonde Bianca, as is Geraint Wyn Davies as the insecure, lovesick Hortensio. Overall, a strong and postivety shameless cast makes the most of every even remotely comic situation, creating a wonderful comedy out of the genuine concerns of ridiculous characters. . .G . %. .,

by HWhw


The writers that Birdsell feels influenced her the most in those early days are Margaret Laurence, Alice Munro arid Gabrielle Roy. They gave her the confidence, says Birdsell, to see her experience of growing up,

and her knowledge as a woman, was valid. “Although I had never travelled around the world, or had marvellous adventures, I found that I could really write about the commonplace, and that it could be interesting.” One af the books that had an impact on her was Gabriel Roy’s The Roc~dPast Aitamont. “I don’t know how many times I had driven by on that same road ast Altamont, but after I read Rer book, I saw the area through her eyes, and everything was fresh and new. It was wonderful.” She showed me, says Birdsell, “that what I saw was worth writing about,” Fiction writers, like many artists, often manipulate what they erceive into something that s frlows their own vision of the world. Birdsell says people make the deepest impressions on her, “When you meet someone, or see someone interesting+ your initial impression is so strong that it won’t go away, You put a little bit here, a little bit there, and it grows and grows until, sometimes, you’ve moved far away from your initial impression. That’s how you create and form fictibn.m

She says she doesn’t take notes of her impreseions because she figures if the initial impression was strong, anything she will need to know will come when she needs it, continued

on page


ening circuit.

by Cbrb Imprint

by Wonny fae Imprint staff



I don’t know about you, but having long since finished off adolescence and pretty sure that I still haven’t seen it all, I kind of resent hearing preening, teenage mallchicks like Debbie Gibson and Tiffany whining about, “Oh, I’ll never love anyone like you again, you smoldering hunk of sixteen-year-old manflesh, you.” Awww, my heart bleeds for you, baby.


Take a guitarist-songwriter listens to the Replacements and the Meat Puppets and comes from an acoustic American roots background, and then take an ex-VEtranger, ex-Diatribe bassist-songwriter who listens to who



Soul Asy-

band on the T.0, club

Now if you go a step further and take this unique blend of heads-down rock and C&W geetar’aoff the stage andlnto thestudio and give it a production by Michael Phillip Wojewoda [Plasticene Replica& Nomind, Fifth Column], well then you end up with Pigfarm’s debut LP called Hold Your Nose - and you can hold your nose if you want, but don’t cover those ears or you’ll be missing out on some of the best stuff to come a’ oinkin’ and a’ squealin’ out of Hogtown since bacon bits. Now you might think that with their distinctly separate musical inclinations, guitarist Adam Faux and bassist John Deslauriers would each contend

within the album as a whole, the een Wheelers, a number ‘that styles give a wide range of takes you math 1 down that Aladiversity, from some middle of bama highway and then slama the road Meat Pup et-y numbers on the breaks before suddenly guaranteed to turn 1 le yer’ weeds, shifting back into overdrive for a to some real house trashero guacbrus that [intentionally) ranteed to make your nelghbourar sounds like Lynyrd Skynyrd hate you. If you like it hard and heavy,’ there’s the--- ---rough *n’ singing Steve Miller. Whatever your taste, there’s raunihy Tr It and the Marshallprobably somethin by Pigfarm stack attac z of Subway Surfin*, that’11 put a real curf on your tail, both written by John. If you like ,and tomorrow night you can be it laid back, there’s a ballad writthe first ig in the pen to hog a ten b Adam. But if you want to hear i: 0th styles complementing ’ copy of t K eir debut vinyl at the each other, there’s the unforgetSilver Dollar (Spadina at College) where Pigfarm will be tably stunning Wish You Were Me that’11 leave you thrilled to holding their record-release bash that’11 kick off a Canadian the snout with some dazzling tour followed by a Stateside two


let me stand

in your way when you want to slit your wrists after your first post-peachfuzz boyfriend breaks up with you. What do you know about life and love anyway, and why do kids have to grow up so fast with all these overwrought adult emotions? We simply need more people like Jonathan Richman in the music biz to counteract all this glitzy, pubescent sophistication bleating out of TransAm radios, Modern Lovers 88 is a somewhat haphazard, but ultimately winning and thoroughly appealing collection of Jonathan’s minimalist-garage-doowop and childlike ruminations of the joys of boyhood. But don’t get me wrong

1. Worse








3. A real leg-humper 4. Give thin dog a good 5. Irt heat!

lum and the Nils, and then throw in a female drummer who can

make Neil Peart look like he’s on Valium... What have you got? Well, it’s a Toronto trio named Pigfarm, and they’ve been slowly making a name for themselves after a long stint as an op-

-Jonathan’s not just some twelve-year-old trapped in an adult’s body through some cruel joke of fate. He just hasn’t forgotten what it’s like to have fun making your own fun instead of playing with Transformers and Jem. Ah, yes, the simple pleasures are the ones for Jonathan: the smell of the late-night falafel stand and Dancing Late At Night, being able to dance on your lawn witho_ut provoking disapproving ’ -_ glares from your neighbours (New Kind Of Neighbourhood), and hot, humid summer nights when the night seems like it will by Mike Shhif never end (I Love Hot Nights). Imprint mtdf That Summer Feeling really has haunted Jonathan. Pure whimsy, Wouldn’t you just. kill your of course, but if you’ve forgotfen best friend to play the guitar iike the innocent thrills of walking ohn Lee Hooker? Probabaly not, barefoot through the grass, b ecause you know, no one would you’ve gotten too old too fast. really care. So what do you do to Dancing and warm nights conimpress all those impressable tinue to crop up on most of his people? You put on your Air Jorsongs, almost as his ex ression dans and run down to the record of freedom from stulti Pying ristore and buy the re-issue of gors of nine-to-five life, if I may Hooker’s The Real Folk Bluee. wax analytiaal, and inspire him Why would they care? Well, to moments of true genius, gen- you could prove to them that erously peppering I Love Hot -George ThorogOad didn’t write Nights and Dancing Late At One BourbontOne Scotch,One Night with gorgeous guitar Beer but, that John Lee Hooker hooks. But you have to wonder if really did. [And wouldn’t they he’s maybe not running out of ‘ust be pissed off real bad). If you things to write about. When b uy Tbe Real Folk Bluee, you Harpo Played His Harp and I would probably find a couple of Have Come Out To Ploy sound songs others stole and made silly in comparison to the rest of famous (but, I’m not telling). the album, as if he’s lost the Noted as one of the greatest childlike eye he turns on the blue guitarists to ever play the adult world, and becomes an instrument, Hooker shows his adult speaking down to a child. immense versatility on Let’s Go And on top of that, African Lady Out tonighi, im’ revising hisare far from worthless, but, to be t$e;tt they’re little more than . I c;ln’t rate Modern Loveru 88 the greatest album of all time. So what! Jonathan still has his finger on something most of the rest of us lost long ago. The faster life gets, the more sense Jonathan makes.


2 Flea bitten

way through 2 dst of the song, (Remember this was recorded on the Chess Records Label and al-

most anything

could happen

during a recording session). The versatility you ask? The Water-

front one man, one guitar and not a whole lot more. Without a doubt he is the quintessential blues guitarist af the last forty years. f,

for the upper songwriting hand, but not so. Instead, their separate styles agreeably co-exist side

by side: within individual songs this yields some pretty striking fast to slow transitions, from hardcore-encroaching verses to beautifully melodic choruses;

byMikesMmi.f Imprint rtrff Peter Murphy’s new album Love Hysterics is somewhat of a disappointment, especially when you have come to expect a lot more from someone ossessing his talent. The prob Pem is that Murphy is caught in a state of flux: not wanting a sound that is reminiscent of his Badaras ,days, yet still unable to get away from his past, What you end up with is a Bauhaus clone album by an e&group member. Tracks entitled l3lind Sublime and Socrates the Python are the best examples of songs that with a little work could have sounded like original pieces and not ripAoffs from any number of previous Bauhaus albums. Of the three solo albums available only Dalis Cars, done in collaboration with Mick Karn (of Japan fame) is the best; because Murphy takes what he learned while with Bauhaus and expands on it. What



do is de-

cide what type of music he wants to play, .so as not to end up doing:

cover versions of his ast material. Once he has that Pigured out he can get on with making the type of music he is capable of, and not the redundant stuff that has filtered its way into his last two albums. ” 1


3 FOOT S-UB You Have To See It To Believe


12 Imprint, Friday, June 3,1988


by Phil Rnbiaiwn Imprint mff

If you have seen the movie Colar, maybe you’ve been interested in the sound track. Perhaps ou wondered who all these 2:ands are. Better yet, ou’ve decided to go out and ii uy a rap album, but you don’t know where to start. Well, I haven’t seen the C&m sound track around, so you’ll best be advised to pick this album up instead. Supposedly, =WORD is the first

and hip hop prince respectively, and although this posturing can get tiresome after awhile I’m willing to forgive them because they are talented. So what do you get for your bucks? Well, to start there’s Schooly D’s Porkside 5-2, a powerful portrait of his Philadelphia neighbourhood. Kool Moe Dee’s No Respect is a plea to the kids in his neighbourhood to stay away from drugs. Accompanied with home, Kool Moe asks his listeners, “what are you going to do when you’re sent to jail and no one cams who you are? “A seven foot brother who’s serving Iife comes in your cell and says ou’re his wife”.You’U have to Y;‘sten to the rest of the SOW to find out what happens next.

. -


Jazzy Mess

Jdfs with




Heroin is another Mti-drug song on t b e album that combines a don’t-do-drugs ~NBsage with a pretty heavy dance

of a regular series of albums featuring the freshest acts from the street.If thi8 is true, you’ll be able to keep up ,tith the growing

You can also find Who&i, Dynasty and Mini, The Classical II, and The Skinny Boys on thie


corn one

number of rapand hip hop armaking music today. -:;. Y-i.’ About the ox@ thing that bugs me about sotiL.rap music is the egoism which;$ often prevalent in the songs. QJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince, &d Steady I3 proclaim themselves a hip hop mes-

by cam1 cadm Imprint


7. There is &thing amazing about this a$m. After playing



so if you



%aad you can just move to the next selection. Rap and hip hop are relatively new music genres, combining powerful dance music with some of the best lyrical writing I’ve seen. This is tons better than those dorks The Beastie Boys. it three or four times and never really,hearing it, the logical conclusion was that reading Milton can be more exciting than liatening to a record. Maybe it’s such a flop because it was remixed at the Hit Factory in New York; I don’t know. This album will amuse you as much as a June bug crunching under your back bicycle tire and getting flicked onto your shorts where it refuses to let go. Any Barry Manilow fans around?

by Don Kudo Imprint stdf

Four years ago, The Nils appeared on a Montreal compilation called Prlmitiva Air-Rdd: Montrerl 84. Here, on this beastly collection (featuring the likes of Vomit and the Zits, Porcelainhead, and Morbid ’Fiasta), The Nil8 outdistanced any bf the supporting tracks with a youthful anthem entitled Call of the Wild. This early work, done when they were just old enough to be legally drinking, din layed a tuneful knack for mePody accompanied by rushing guitars. Just over a year ago, the band signed with a major independent US. label, Profile R8Cord8 of New York and formerly Run DMC. The result was a late 1987 release and an early 1888 top ten U.S. campue-radio showing, according to the poll pages in Rolling Stone. The strong showing on American radio is a testament to The Nils ability to write and perform music that carries enough aggressive guts to push you around the room in an air-guitar frenzy, while Alex Soria’s voice has an endearing quality to make each track a fresh sing-a-long affair. The band doesn’t overpower listeners with raging 8010s or strange measures of guitar noise. Instead, The Nils captivate one’s ears with tight rushes of guitar that reach heroic heights and later simmer to acoustic jangle. A likeness to modern day allround bands such as the Re-

revelling in the feeling that rock’n roll is the only thing that matters. I know I would have * craved The Nils’ music back when the Clash Ruled OK!, and f’m glad I love it now, since it seems some of my friends are growing way too old wa too soon, and this album ho1crs me back a few steps from their plight. the case of Michelle Shocked. An Iob8cure Texan, she spends a great deal of time outside of a country she has learned not to like. The Campfire ‘kpsr album is not overtly olitical. Instead, it is .primari P observations about the wor Td as seen through the slightly naive eyes of Michelle Shocked. The real catch to this album is its simplicity, but this i8 by no by Mike Shirrif means a simple album Down on Imprint stdf Thomas Street is a look at life in a black neighborhood (were few One night during the Kerrville whites rarely go), but what elee Folk Festival, some guy with a would you expect from someone Sony Walkman started to record who was a social outcast most of a women, with a guitar, singing her life. However, she shows around a campfire. The end re- none of the much expected attisult was The Texas Campfire tude problems shown by quasiTap. political song writers. She is As often is the case, some of more willing to just tell a good the best musical talent goes un- story. Basically that’8 what you noticed because of their mass find on the album: a lot of good public appeal. This is also true in stories. placements and Husker Du can semi-describe The Nils’ aound. Yet, a tag of hardcore Eagles rings ever so true because of the harmonies and adept songmanship, I can’t really pen a preference for an specific song on the album 1:ecause this i8 a package of deserving tunes that contain8 the unquantifiable qualities of






I eqjoy events that

go overbudget.

TO put y-our patriot ism in ~~3tJ0n



,J&e conflict





It’s gOcd for free Wade. ,

So I can get free breadcrwnlx lots of snlvelling attention






Imprint, Friday, June 3, 1886 13

ARTS you to know that, self-parodic as they have become, Canada’s f&vourite garageland cartoon heroes still hit raw, hard, and nicely unpolished on Unl chainad!, a collection of rarities’, After pillaging 60's punk nugget, U&hc& My Heart for all it’s worth, they attack a remix of Your Lies [which made its maiden appearance on It Came From Canada 3) with a pumpedup dose of piano, Then they turn in an appropriately indelicate cover of Buried and Dead by The Master’,s Apprentices, an Australian band so

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff

It shouldn’t come as any major surprise that the new Gruesomes mini-album is less than

obscure that legendary Imprint hack Dee Kaye swears he’s never heard of em. Side Two’s Santa CIaus is a hoot, as is the English version of Grussomania’s le Cherche, but the real gem here is The Bluesomes romp through the Slim Harpo classic Got Love If You Wont It, Not likely to make you think you’ve stumbled upon an old Yardbirds bootlek, but a fulsome chunk of blues-rock non-

ground-breaking. Yep, Unchained! sounds like the Gruesomes, all right, lotsa’ fuzz on the guitars, lotsa’ savage beats and rudimentary chord progressions, and more of Bobby Beaton’s rip-and-snarl singing, making for a rather sub-baroque brand of garage punk. But presumably you don’t spew your bucks on a Gruesomes album expecting a rock opera, so it should be enough for

Sinead O’Connor - The Lion And The Cobra Midnight Oil - Diesel And Dust The Miseion - Children The Stranglers - All Live And All Of The Night Leonard Cohen - I’m Your Man Weird Al Yaakovic - Even,Worse Tracy Chapman - Debut . Andrew Cash - Time And Place

Just Arriyed


on sales

at the Record University

Top Ten Playlist


Store, Lower c$ Waterloo.




For May 21 - 27

(08) 1. Buttho Surfers ...* .. .. . . .. . . .. . .&fairway To Steven (Fringe) (-1 2. Variour Artists •~.*.~+~~...~Jt Came From Canada VoL 4 (Og) (01) 3. Andrew Cash Time And Place (Island) (02) 4. Nomeansno.... The Day Everything Became Nothing (Alt. Tentacles) (15) 5. Various Artists . .. . . ...*.....Agf. Pepper Knew My Father (NME) (161 6. Tracy Chapman Tracy Chapman (WEA) (19) 7. Billy Bragg . .. . . .. . ..Heip Save The Youth Of America (Pulygram1 (03) 8. jesus And Mary Chain . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. ..Barbed Wire Kisses (WEA] (081 9. Blue Rodeo ..***.*.,........*....*... The Outskirts Special (WEAJ [07) 10. Firebose . . .. . .,.,, . . .. . .. . . .. . ..Sometimes. Almost Always (SST) l




. .





( 3 denotes








l.The Soup Dragons This 2.World Domination Enterprises........Let’s duct) 3.Netional Velvet . .. . . .. . . .,,., .. . . .. *Flesh Under l


Is OUP Ar; (WEA] Play Domination Skin

by Mike Shirrif Imprint staff For those of you who are lucky enough not to have heard of the Bundocks, they are five brothers from Montreal (kinda’ like the Jacksons) but without as much talent, While musically the sound of the album Societe Anonyme is not altogether bad, the lyrics on this album are garbage. I would go as far as saying the lyrics are insulting to any person who has at least two or three f uric tioning brain cells a Just so you don’t think I am making any of this up, here’s the lyrics to El Salvador /The Beat Of) - the last song on the album, and their attempt at being a band with a social conscience, Love the beat of El Salvador The beat of a bullet in your head It will he your last dance It will be your last chance It will be your last dance Dance alone now if you can One day it will knock at your door The beut of El Salvador It won’t be your Iost cry ft won’t be your last sigh , It won’t be your last cry Cry alone now if you can One day it will knock at your’ door The beat of EI Salvador Do I really

by Phil Imprint


12” (Intrepid)

Remember to tune in to New Revolutions, the Imprint Arts record review show, every Friday evening at 6:00, for the best in new domestic, independent, and import releases.

Robinson staff

When I first heard Sam Lightnin’ Hopkins I thought, this guy sounds like he’s an old and wrinkled blues player who has lived a hard life. Well, when I finally saw a photo of Hopkins I was @ht. He was old and wrinkled, and if you listen to his music, it becomes obvious his life hasn’t been easy. As the title suggests, this album is recorded live in 1964 at the Bird Lounge, a dingy bar that no longer exists in Houston. He plays alone and in front of an appreciative black audience. Unlike the other Hopkins albums I’ve heard, he spends a considerable amount of time talking to the audience explaining his philosophy of life.

go out with Mary even he was married. Sam explains: “I still Iove my wife, but sometimes Q man needs a friend outside of marriage. Not Q sexual thing. lust a friend to drink with...” The song I Heard My Children Crying fully exemplifies Hopkins pegional countrystyle blues. Sam doesn’t always sing, sometimes he’s just willing to talk with his guitar laying quietly in the backgroun s . When Hopkins plays the blues I’m talking real blue, “I had the blues so bad I couldn’t eat”, he sings in YOU Treat PO’ Lightnin’ Wrong If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to be black in a white America listen to this album, Hopkins paints a vivid picture of growing up black in the United States from the Twenties on by combining intensely personal stories with acoustic guitar playing, You have to hear it to apcreciat e it.

“Good for what ails ya!” -DR. DIS 172 KING

ST. W.,


have to say anymore?

etheless. How long will The Gruesomes remain interesting playing the same three chords over the length of every album? Dunno,’ but for now they’re still fun and that’s enough for me.


For the week ending May 28, 1988 1

1. Soundtrack - Colours 2. Dayglo Abortions - Here Today Guano 3. Melissa Etheridge - Debut 4. Deja Voodoo - Big Pile of Mud 5. Forgottan Rebels - Surfin’ on Heroin

would though


Sandra Birdsell

Record Store Eight 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8,

After the song Lbavelike Mary Alone Hopkins explains why he

from page 10 *

One of the hardest things, says Birdsell and I’m sure many university students who have ever written an essay would agree with this, is actually facing the blank page to begin writing. She says it’s something that can’t be forced, or what you are writing won’t be complete. Experiences need time to “digest” before they can be turned into fiction, . “It’s hard because I’m a workoriented person. If I’m not actually working, as in moving around and ‘doing something, then I don’t feel as if I’m working. But so much of writing is just sitting around and, staring. I think it’s important to do that because it’s Athe storyi inside you. Suddenly you can’t hold it anymore, _and then it’s ready to be written,” But when a writer reaches this point, it doesn’t mean the story comes out in the form that is sent to the publisher. “It’s not like you can just pick up a pencil and the story appears, but it’s a very line by line, paragraph by paragraph procedure, re-writing and starting over again.” Birdsell says that once the story ‘is on paper though, she doesn’t mind doing revisions. She even calls them a “thing of joy,” which sharpen and define what she has written. She shrugs her shoulders when asked what she’ll be doing after her residency at St. Jerome’s College expires. You might say her life will be an open book. There is little doubt, however, that she will continue to write. As William Kinsella notes, “Sandra Birdsell is here to stay.”

n I

I 1

Klig at John Weber & Unlvenlty Westmount at University

0-n Daily Until 11 p.m. L ~NII~-~DD~~mD-~~~-m---


1 I

u J


Imprint, Friday, June 3, 1988

Over the summer... Collect stories for an upcoming feature on




Happenings In which your favourite obnoxious entertainment calendar

makes its long-a waited ret urn, jorm-packed with info, insights, suggestions, and snotty comments from ImprintArts slimebags.

Stop fooling around. It’s time to .get hardcure about software. With -a Microsoft Co-Op Internship position. We’ll give you all the resources you want. Tens of millions in R&D funding. All backed by management that truly &es speak your language, because they probably helped write it. We’re serious about software design.

There are opportunities to work with our teams in applications, systems, languages, -or CD-ROM. Microsoft offers you an opportunity to live and work where the quality of life is high and the cost of living is low - the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Along with amenities such as a health club membership, paid holidays, and more. We’ll even help you with visa preparation, and provide Software Design Engineers relocation assistance. We will be interviewing o~campus We’re working on everything from corn-’ pilers, operating systems, and networking June 20, 1988. Contact your Cooperative to sophisticated graphics, powerful produc- Education Office to apply for this internship. We are an equal tivity software, and more. In fact we’re working on some truly visionary ideas we ’ can’t even reveal yet. You could be too, if you are pursuing a degree in Computer Science, Math, or Engineering and if you have programming experience and a back: ground that includes micro’s, “C”, 8086, 68000, Macintosh“” Toolbox, UNIX*/ XENIX’“, or MS-DOS@.


Tonight and tomorrow night, yet another legendary blueeman, Luther Guitar Julrlor’ Johuron, wheels back into town to get down at The Hoodoo, while local rockabilly cats The Tisemhukm will be slapping that bass and twanging that geetar’ tomorrow night at The Bomber. Tuesday night has pianist extraordinaire Janina Fiokowaka at the K-W Chamber Music Society Music Room (57 Young St, West in Waterloo] to proffer up some Beethoven, Chopin, and whatever else strikes a pianist’s fancy. Wednesday night looks especially happenin’, what with insane blueswailers Little Charlie and the Nightcats randacking The Hoodoo, and alternative pop’s clown prince, The Jazz But&or, coming to this burg’s Victoria Park Pavillion. Says John Son of Jazz Butcher’ Hymera, “The Jazz Butcher is a must-see in concert; music,’ he says, ‘is all about apazzing out.’ So, being a man of hie word,.The Jazz Butcher spazzes out’ on stage. He is an honest performer, but, more importantly+ he is a fun performer.” Enough said. Thursday night things heat up with T.Q. hardcore deities Nomind at The Albion in Guelph, Blue Rodeo rounding up the masses at Stages, Ron Earl And The Broadcastare in for a weekend stint at The Hoodoo, and the stART Gallery’s (125 King St, W.) opening of its latest exhibits by Heather Diem and Nancy Hallas. Friday, June 10, our pick is the K-W Chamber Music Society’s Gala Concert in honour of Jan Narveson at the WLU TheatreAuditol’ium, but you might want to check out PO ulur Front at The Albion, It’d aPso the place to be the folio-wing nights with soon-to-be campus radio rockers Heimlich Maneuver in on Saturday and redneck poppers Bob’8 Your Uncle. on Sunday.

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9 Italian Sandwicham

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Friday, June 3, 1988




The Chief stotms the Hoodoo by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff



Everyone always says the nice thing about The Hoodoo Lounge ia that on any given weekend you can pay five bucks for someone you’ve never heard of and get more than your money‘s worth. . Eddy Clearwater, for one, was preceded by his reputation - a great sho.w at the Hoodoo some months back and an apparently electrifying performance at Th-e Montreal- Jazz Festival last summ&r which some friends swear was the best show at the entire festival. Add the fact that he’s one of the hard&St working juke-jointers‘ in the business, and expectatiotis run pretty high, even for a lousy five bills. Ad yes, you can stop holding your breath - those expectation3 were quite fulfilled. Clwwer took the stage looking @e the answer’ to the q,ueetion, “What would CEeavon Uttte have looked like if Be had been -ap@p in*tead of thasheriff in Sbla~8rddlasr’ Abig, jolly haa&. oi g mm, flashing cavern5us amiil0s, tryi so hard to eaeethat you cou1 dn’t help but T ave hink. “Is ev*od~ feelin all right,” ha kapt ding the initially list-

Standard after standard from Dock of the Bay to a really rocking Sweet Home Chicago were plowed through with enough aplomb for two bands, but the applause-meter showed that the real crowd-pleaser was I’m As Drunk As I Can Be, A variation of Sweet Home’s twelve bars, it turned into an orgy of blistering saloing by Clearwater and right hand man Will Clark I?] that went on for what must have been about twelve minutes and still seemed to end too soon, The only shortcoming was the number bf soul and blues ballads the band felt obliged to play -

not bad on their own terms, but a bit of a letdown from the level of. intensity they reatihed on the wilder numbers whose raucous energy more than compensated for the fact that Clearwater isn’t exactly Otis Clay in the pipes department. The rest of the band also seemed to lag into something less than pure inspiration once the tempo let up. But when Eddy just set his mind to partying, he was right up there with the best of them. Sure, I’ve seen better shows, but I’m not going to complainone bit.

Compilad by Ed Drass FILM NOTES: If yuu want to avoid the onslaught of summer hit movies, here’s how: FILM PICKS: Princess: I’ve Heard the Mermaids Six&a on Friday, Wannaw Conference until Sunday, Dark Eyes from Tuesday to Thursday. The Gorge: Jean de Plorette, The Ilead and Menon of the Spring.



FF Stand By Me (Rob Reiner ad for Pez) in PHY 145 at 8. PRINCESS I’ve Heard The Mermaids Singing (good film] at 7. The Wannsaa Conference (West Germany, 1986) at 9:15. GORGE Eurythmics Live (recorded and fiImed in 19873 at 7&g.



FF Stand By Me (USA, 1986) at 8. PRINCESS The Wannaaa Conferanes ‘[arch field trip) at 7. ’ Liquid Sky (1883 American cult -film] at 9, GORGE,Eurythmics Live (good film of great Iive band) at 78%

SUNDAY, JUNE 5 FF Stand by Ma (apparently o decent nostalgic film) at 8. PRINCRSS Waaasm Confersnca (verbatim reenactment) at 7, Autumn Sonata [d:Ingmar Bergman; Sweden, 1978) at 8. . GORGE Brordcet Newa (w/ William Hurt) at 7&@20.


on psge


Yeah, B,know, so does every - other sp&ed rack star, but Eddy CIearwatir really does desperately waat to show you a good time, a& his infectiously fun presence. whipped the crowd into a whoping frenzy by midnight, so &et it seemed everyone was hav$ng almost as much fun 88h0W04h

P:raises flow for ,Pars.ifal AmId &outs of bravo, and a Stan&g ovation by the near capacity-crowd, the legen&ry Ion Vi&m was called back to the staga four times. He petiormed in Wagper’s opera Par&al at Kitcbsndr Centre in the Square am May z7, m36. ‘T&s cmseert was part of tbb ~&rpbce sallies with the KitcJwwr-W4htrloo Symph4my Orcbest?s mul was the lest prrfummaa of th.e season. Me dfPlsctor Raffi ArsBaniaen,

Jon Vickers

who is on. a year’s leave of absence, returned to the stage to conduct the performance. There was a sense of expectation in the air which graw to excitement as the avenin progressed. The 60-year-01 8 Vickars showed why he is a world-class performer. Although- the role as Parsifal didn’t chow off his magniHcent tenor voice to the fullest, it was a soiic recital, and there were moments when he showed just how 418 his voice could be. But Vicksra wbsn’t the only star an rrpige, Msazuepran5

Gail Gilmore shone in her role as the temptress Kundry. It’s a difficult part to sing because of the music s renge from alto to high soprano, but she handled it beautifuily. Gilmore was very dramatic as she moved about the s?agt~ in her gftttering black #3wn, stealing the show a number of timea. canedlen c%&ds corbuil al& appeared UII stage. His de as Klingor meant he :ms not on rtage as ‘often PI Yickers and Gilniore, but ha turned in a cornmendable perf~r~~once. The Kitchener-Watsrluo Philharmonic Choir wee &I ti Uvely chorus. Par&f81 wa8 psrformed in German, but an EngUsb translation was provided in the prygram.. The evening began with a prelude to act one the KitchanerWaterloo Symp% any. Both the text and t&e musii: wers w&ten by Wagner, between 1877 and 1082, and was his last “music drama.” Armenian, who is a long-time fan of the innovative Wagner, has said he thinks the instrumentation is unrivalled. It is also very unu8ual. The music seems to be plain in some ways, maybe because different instruments play the same notes. The individuality of the instruments is lost and something new is created. As Armenian commented at a pre-concert symphony suggestion, it’s like the chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen that produces water: the music that is produced appears quite different from its ingredients. Therefore, although the music ap ears plain, it is also very camp Pex. Because Wagner didn’t use bars in his music, there are few breaks, and the music is some= what unrelenting. The variation occurs when musical motifs SUP face and drop back again. The performance was very well received.


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June 3, 1988


Plasterscene Replicas no cheap imitations by P8t8r hd88 Imprint steff

It was Saturday night. I had just returnedfromToronto when my leisure buddy (with whom I am cosmically aligned’) asked if I wanted to go out and see some band called the Replicants or something like that. a “Do ya mean The Replacementa?” “No. No. The Plasterscene Replicas.” “That’s better.” For anybody who cares about tedious bits of trivia, The Replicas played the old Level 21 about three years ago, along with Maggot Fodder and some other band which I don’t remember very well. Anyways, Upside-Down Productions brought the Replicas back to town to play The Loo [downstairs of the Hotel Waterloo] and provide a delightful even? of fun, frolic and drinking

think the wail of his Telecaster is really, really nice - sorry - just short of incredible is better. The Replicas use some strange chord progressions. Okay, your music teacher would say improper or illegal or something contrary. I don’t care. TPR make

them work and shorely th’eydo jus’ flow lak thuh sweet 01’ tiissussippi.’ It wasn’t too crowded with the two six-strings, and the rhythm section was competent’ if pedestrian at times. The two guitarists and bas-

White Mischiel?

sist, who have formed of The Plasterscene

the roots

Replicas since their inception in 1983, write most of the songs. The Replicas will be releasing an album July 4. Entitled Glow, it features a groovy, groovy cover and some great music. It’s a more than worthy follow-up to their truly fab’ debut EP of three year8 ago.

The band featured

the and - oh, I almost forgot, there was this guy named Tim Racine, formerly of The Waiting Room, Squatbox, etc., etc., who. opened the show with a tasty set of solo acoustic pop-folk songs. Look for the band to return to the area in a larger venue this fall. new tracks

in their

a few of two seta

Rich & Bored by Juha Zachariah Imprint 8wf

If atmosphere can be defined as “an intangible envelope surrounding a heavenly body,” then White Mischief has atmosphere in spades. Thick, humid and decadent, with a constantly flowing undercurrent of malevolence, the movie’s main asset is Greta The Plasterscene Replicas Scacchi, who plays Diana, who score no touchdowns for their marries Sir Henry “Jock” Delve8 between-song banter. That’s Broughton (Joss Ackland) for hi8 okay. It’s more fun to chuck money, and accompanies him to paper airplanes and launch elas- Kenya in 1940. There, the live deca i ence tic bands at their heads anyway. in extraordinary In all seriousness folks, The while their fellow citizens on the Replicas’ despite their appella- Isles endure the Blitz. Bored and tion, are more than just another restless, Diana soon faHs for the good band. How about worthy of oily charms of Josslyn Hay [Chasigning a contract with a major rles Dance), and in no time at all, they’re the talk of the colony, label’?!! Their music isn’t crassly com- flouncing about in full view of mercial, though they probably all, including Diana’s husband. could cash in on the current gui- This greatly perturbs Jock, tar-pop fashionability on cam- who’s very concerned about how the whole affair looks socially. pus radio. The songs are finely con- But Diana has made her choice, structed, with a sort of-ragged and it’s Joss. Unfortunately, Joss is murjangle foundation, three part vocal harmony and good guitari- dered one evening, shot in the fication’ of Charlie Salmon. I head in his car, and suspicion

immediately falls upon Jock, who is brought to t&I. He’8 acquitted, and attempts to resume a normal life tith Diana, who’s been in a depressed etupor since MONDAY, FNE 6 Joss’ ideath. Jock’s need to return to the routine which his trial disPRINCESS Vmgdmnd (Frunce, Is651 at 7. rupted, and Diana’8 increasing RendeeVous (a180 France, 1985) at 9:30. detachment from that routine GORGE B-t We (USA, 1987) at 7&9:20. brin the movie to its climax. W II ite Mischief never i&i= TUESDAYJUNE 7 cateau who Joss’ killer actually wae, but we’re shown plenty of H~m&eplng Iatest Bill Forsyth) at 7. suspects. The inhabitants of -PRINCESS Dark -Ryea [w/ Marcel I 0 Mastroianni) at 930. Happy Valley, as the British basat 7&8:10, tion in Kenya is known, are a GORGE Jean da Phmtte fw/ Gerard Depardieu) truly motley lot, by turns dour, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 depressed, drug-addicted and - disillusioned, whip ed about in the death throes oP an old era SCIENCE FOR PEACE presents I@0 &wI&OU~S mf8Ct [on global worming) in El, 211 at l2:3O. while threatened by the ’ enof Butwick (I thought it was OK) croaching shadow of a new one. CINEMA GRATIS The Witch6 w/ Dsmonr & Marblea [short) at 9:30 [come early). Sarah Miles, John Hurt and TrePRINCESS Duk Eye8 (d: Nikita Mikalko; Italia, 1987) at 7. vor Howard (in his last screen EIoueekeepi~(USA, 1987. filmed in EC] at 930. role] all turn in truly unique perGORGE Jean de Florstts [very popular tragedy) at 7%9:10. formances, making White Mischief a well-seasoned dish. The THURSDAY, JUNE 9 main course, though, is Scacchi, who is positively stunning: she is going to be the sex symbol of PRINCESS Houmkwping [director of Gregory’s Girl) at 7. the next decade, and one of its Duk Eye8 (winner at Cannes, little press here] at 9:30, best actresses as well. Don’t GORGE Jem de F’loretts [d:CIaude Berri; France) at 7&9:10. miss White Mischief, one of her first major killings. FRIDAY, JUNE 10 FF The Living Dmylightr PRINCESS Hourskeeping


Triangle is the smial/professional fraternity of Engineers, Architects and Scientists. established at ities in North America

eeting will be held CCllO.

YOU ha

(latest James Bond thing) at 8. (rural Montana comedy) at 7. bgdb+h8 &8 [Jive concert film from 1987 at 9:30. GORGE 3%~ Dead (dir&or John Wuston’s last fi 1’m) at 7&g.



ta [“comic book movie”) at 8. PRINCESS Ho ie [director of @al Hero) at 7. brythmh (include8 “I Need a MC&‘) at 9:30. GORGE m Humt~s’s The D&d (USA, 1987) at 7&9.


FF The Liting Daylight8 [don’t expect anything new] at 8. PRINCESS Dancers (w/,Mikhail Baryshnikov) at 2’7 & 9:20. GORGE Bisrthleaa (forget Richard Gere; France, 1959) at 7. Aiphwillr (two by Jean-Luc Godard tonight) at 8.



PRINCESS Tiuw 8th Still [Hungary, 1981) at 7. Wdker (US president 0 Nicara uo in 1856) at 9:15. GORGE.Braathlem (origina f Go&r cf film) at 7. Alphavilla (gangster movie; France, 2965) at 9.


(d: Alex Cox, w/ Ed Harris) at

and I Crrdle (original; Fmnce, 19851 at Manon dm Sourcea/ Manon of the Spring

3 Men

8 Waterloo not only while attending school, but also weekends while on co-op. A Potential help in arranging housing .while on co-op.



For nicve information call collect: Brad Keller (419) 691-4376 John Coleman (313) 663-0515 or Jack Sargent (219) 277-7781

9:15, at 789:lO.



for Bouzu (with guess who] w/ The Ret Pmople [double eature) at 8 (come early]. PRINCESS - No Film. (Tony Bir d plays) GORGE Manon of the Spring (France, 1986) at 789:lO. Cere Tbet




JUNb 16

PRINCESS Lust for Life [on Van Gogh; USA, 1956) at 7. Gothic (scary weird thing by Ken Russell) at 9, dw Source8 (sequel to Jean de Florette) at 789:lO.


FILM VENUES FILM SOCIETY, East Campus Hall 1220 (Start8 next fall) FF [F’ED FLICKS), Phydcr Building 145 ($2 Fede, $3 Non) FEDERATION HALL, (Free. Film to be umounced. 8864OUO) CINEMA GRATIS, Compus Cuntre (Free with set-up of him.) PRINCESS CINEMA, 6 fiiIhC8M St. ($2,7S-$S. MS-2@$0] GORGE CINEMA, 43 Mill S!., Elore @S Memb8r8, $4 Non)



This is the second of Q three part feature OR the saga of the University of Waterloo foot ball rogram. Part one dealt with the rl eated layer rebellion which led to t Re firing of head coach Bob McKiliop in October, ‘1987. Part two analyzes the uncertainty which abounded rior to the hiring of new hea B coach, hV8 Tuffy” Knight.


The crossfire was over. The Waterloo Warrior football players banded together and reached their objective: head coach Bob McKillop was fired. Hard feelings would always linger, but for the mcOment, the bickering had subsided. As Christmas approached, a more important issue loomed: the future of the program itself. After a third consecutive O-7 season and 23 straight losses, many felt the Warriors should be left to die in peace, The university’s movers and shakers were about as together on the issue as Canada’s politicians are on the free trade bill. Athletic heads Carl Totzke and Wally Delahey claimed it was sufficient funds or no program. . Meanwhile, university President Doug Wright and Dean of Students Ernie Lucy were never worried about the program’s future.

Eulogies or previews? With such a lack of consensus all involved were left in limbo throughout the month of November. Would we be writing eulogies or previews about the program come 19881 In the first week of December, Director of Athletics Carl Totzke announced the program had received a second life. The athletic department received the goahead to advertise for a ‘new head coach, To help in the selection process, the department established an eight-member committee comprised of university and athletic administrators, football players, students and football alumni. The tribunal was aptly titled, The Footboll Review Committee. “We’ll sift through the applications down to the bottom three or explained Totzke.“Then four,” we’ll hold some interviews to decide on a new head coach.” Before the job was even advertised, many potential miracle workers expressed interest. Twenty-one applications had been received before the ad hit the papers. “We’ve received some quality said Totzke, adapplications,” ding that most had applied in confidence thus he couldn’t release any names. From Totzke’s perspective, it was the efforts of football alumni which helped to keep the program afloat, “We’re very encouraged by the enthusiasm of our football Alumni,” he said, “In spi_te of what was perceived as unsuc-






! !


NOT SO FAST: “If we get the funds, we’re on going, if we don’t, I don’t thinkwe’re on going,” said men’s athletic. director Wally Delahey, cautioning against any optimism.

ON WE GO: “It’s time to get on with the program,” said Dean of Students Ernie Lucy, insisting all along that football would continue at Waterloo. cessful football (the Warriors’ win-loss record], they were very enthused about the worthwhile experiences they had while playing for the team.” According to Totzke, many former UW players came forward with finances to save the floundering program. Many explayers also offered to assist in recruiting and other areas of the program. Totzke couldn’t have phrased it any better when he said, “we’ve got some friends out there.” Those friends helped save the program. As snow blanketed the turf at Seagram’s Stadium, the Warriors’ game plan focussed on another field of battle: the board room, After s-.Christmas, _ . the committee would begin1. the1 process ” . . I ol choosing a new neaa coacn, or in this case, Messiah. In January, it became increasingly apparent that money for the program would be no prob-




been waiting for, on Monday’ : February 8, a press conference n was to be held at the University Club to introduce the new head coach of the football Warriors. ’ ’ What had looked like certain death for the program became extended life. It would have been easy for those in authority to pull the plug on the Warriors. With no wins in over three years and the dust still settling from the bitter player revolt, the climate was right to end it. But UW football,fans can be grateful that many people didn’t want it to end. Despite the futility, the jokes, the rebellion and the anguish, some are still determined to see the day when Wa1 terloo is no longer the laughing stock of the OUAA. As everyone headed home that Friday foi the weekend, the tension mounted. Who had taken over the impossible task of rebuilding the Warriors?

Rothwell is a would-be Argo - .- --

’ by Refton

lem. The athletic department fiMcKillop’s successor. From the nalized its budget on January 21, outset, the name Dave Vuffy” and announced that the field of Knight, personnel director for 27 applicants had been narthe Toronto Argonauts, was the rowed down to just four. one most frequently mentioned. “Some good people have appKnight is the man who built lied, and we’ve held some interthe Wilfrid Laurier program said Del&hey. “But these . views”, from obscurity to a CIAU powerthings take time.” As expected, house. He’s the second most there was no word on who the winningest coach in CIAU hisfinal four might be. tory. In all the administrative ferd What made UW seem”so apvour’, the department estabpropriate for Knight, was that he lished yet another committee. is a. Kitchener resident, and The new one was named the Facoaching at Waterloo would also cilities Development Committee give him the opportunity tq and was chaired by Judy coach against long-time friend McCrae. The university’s atand neighbour, Rich Newbrough hletic facilities were a major (WLU’s head coach). Btit the fact concern when the decision was the University of Toronto head made to rebuild the program. - coaching job was also vacant, Only money could cure this vital added a twist to all the snecula.I . aliment ; tion. tsmr. r . 1 nls wul oring our recrea. Finally, on February 5, the tional needs up to snuff,” said I puzzle start&d to come together. Delahey. ’ A piece of athletic department AS the administrators sifted stationary was circulated from through the paperwork, rumours information director Paul Concirculated over who might be don with the word everyone had ‘11



Imprint staff Say it isn’t so, but if you d? you would be wrong, The University of Waterloo football program has gotten some much needed credit, One of the corner stones of the lightly regarded Warriors will have a chance of joining the professional ranks. Last Saturday t6e Toronto Argonauts held their Canadian free agent camp at exhibition stadium. Of the 80 participants Allan Rothwell a defensive end

with four ers June the beat

the Warriors over the last years was one of five playasked to participate in the 16 rookie training camp at University of Guelph. He out 10 other defensive line


Present Warrior Head coach, Tuffy Knight, reluctantly admitted he recommended Rothwell to the Argonauts. But he refuses to take any of the credit for his being invited to rookie training. “He must have camp, stating, been the best of the bunch, they only signed one.”

Rothwell optimisticly access his chances, saying “it’s a long road, but at -least I’m on the road.” Coach Knight gives Rothwell as good a “chance as any other rookie.” Asked about possibly lusing Rothwell to the pros, CO~I knight first commended Al on his “hard work i? winter. practice during March,” concluding that the “hardwork was rewarded.” Rothwell who had earlier said his quest for the pros was an all or nothing deal, reaffirmed this

by telling imprint “I just wont go back to play football.” I-Ie added, there are no masters program-at Waterloo that appealed to him, Upon hearing this, coach Knight responded by saying “My idea is that he goes out and try to make the




on that. But if he doesn’t make it, look at his alternatives. Quitting football or returning. He will not make the pros by sitting out a year.” Coach Knight thinks he will be given an “honest chance” and will make the best of it.


Imprint, Friday, June 3, 1988


Olympic B-ball program under heat ’ by

Blair 8tdf



When Jack Donohue steps down as head coach of the Canadian national men’s basketball team after the Olympics, he will leave behind a program much maligned by criticisms over his selection of players and his ability to create a proper feeder program* Presently, the team is in Uruguay fighting for an Olympic berth to Seoul, Going into the tournament the team’s chances of qualifying were very slim. As of last Thursday, the team had however claimed a place in the play-off where a single victory could mean an Olympic berth. (On Tueda , the national term qualified Por Seoul with PII 87-70 victory over Uruguay.] The selection process of the team is a major point of argu-

ment for many critica of the program. They want to see a change in this process as they feel the team should not be an avenue for dinosaurs of the Canadian game to prolong their careers. On the surface, all these are valid criticisms of the basketball program and the people who run its operations. But critics of the program fail to understand “the international game is more than just being good; playing in a foreign environment, adapting to situations, diet, fatigue, and tolerating all that goes with the internat ional game,” are important features in the performance of players, says Waterloo Warriors head coach Don McCrae, The key to the game of basketball is the play of the big men. For coach McCrae size is the difference between Canada having a good basketball team and their having an internationally domi-

CR time capsule Do you want to be renismbered h the year 20001 What will Campus Recreation be like in the year 20007 Will we play softball or cosmicball?‘.Will we have archery tournaments or laser gun competitions? Wha: tever the changes are, Campus Recreation wants to give the students of the 2000’s an idea of what CR was like in the 108Os, and you can add in your own items to help us with this mission! To be “immortalized” in this CR capsule, simply fill out an

entry form available from the PAC receptionist and bring your item to the PAC office by 4 pm on Monday, June 8. Anyone whose entry is included in the time capsule will have their name included in the log which will be sealed in the capsule. The ttme capsule will be buried after Monday’s 5 pm CRAC meeting which will be held in the Vl Great Hall. Why not come to the meeting, watch the sealing of the capsule then join thi! procession to the burial site at the PAC, Blue South at 6 p.m.? Everyone is welcome.

nant team similar’ to the United’ States. The issue is demographics, says McCrae, noting “the population size is a factor here? This factor makes it possible for the Americans to have total player turnover every four years. Canada on the other hand is not able to do the same. He also sees the lack of commitment from the few capable players on NCAA rosters and their schools in making them available to the program as another roblem, With t R e annouced retirement of Donohue from the program, McCrae hopes the next national coach will not change the existing system since the program is dependent on factors which the program organizers cannot control. He adds however, “there will be some changes.” The obstacles which hinder the programs improvement include such things as money, marriage, education and player commitment , A major obstacle is players keeping their pledge to remain a part of the team for four years, Some of the players-get married and are unwilling to travel for extended periods. McCrae points out two of the biggest obstacles are the NBA and the NCAA. Neither will go out of their way to make a Canadian player readily available to the rogram. And the few quality ii ig men coming out of the Canadian game are gobbled up by American schools, After their college careers are completed, the NBA will offer more than the Canadian national program can even think of competing with.





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I 2

If you wanted to apply for the position of men’s national team coach it’s too late, the deadline was Feb. 29. Money is a consideration in younger players’ development both cases. The NBA offers more are guided by the coach or organto the Canadian player. While izers of the national’program. the NCAA schools tie up the recWhat it all points to is that the ruited Canadian player with “the national team does not cansuch activities as “weight protrol its players,” states McCrae. grams, uarter school load, and He is satisfied with the selection jobs an d9a campus.” says coach of veteran players over rookies, McCrae. who despite their basketball Asked about the criticism the skills may not adapt to the situanational team lacks a centralized tions involved in playing interfeeder system, McCrae used the national ball. example of the Canadian soccer There are still many questions team. Players from that program concerning the Canadian team’s are consistently unavailable be- level of play and their ability to cause of .their commitment to compete internationally. But for their club teams in Europe. Thus, McCrae it’s simply a matter of the national program cannot es- making the best of a bad set of tablish a program whereby the circumstances,





Plaza II, Waterloo DELiVERY


4 P.M.


f I I









Imprint, Friday, June 3,1988







FREE CONCERT in the perk. Rock ‘n’ roll with Snowblind at Waterloo Park Bandshell (behind fire hall next to Westmount Place). 2-5 pm.



IN model parliaments? to an organizational meeting for model parliament session. CC hdefstion of Students Boarat 4:00 pm. Everyone welcome,

Come a fall 235, droom





FREE 8oUIOI The House of Debates wants you1 Come to the meeting at 6:30 pm. in St. Jerome’s, Room 229 and see what you’re missing. PROGRESSJVE CONSERVATIVE Campus Association general meeting. CC 135,700 pm. Everyone welcome. If interested contact Todd Howe at 7464709.





AMNESTY INTERNAll0NAl. Group 9 will meet for a potluck supper and meeting at 43 Eastwood Drive. Everyone welcome. Potluck at 6:30 pm. For more info olease call 743-8883.


:% %. A.’ ..:




dian Cancer Socim. Grad 7:30 pm., 86.00, wastern games..

8UWDAV, CmREREL service with 700 pm.


House, theme.


Chapel. !nformal discussion following.






CANADIAN ALLIANCE in Solidarity with Native Peoples, Kitchener-WaterIoo Group will hold its third meeting at 8:oO pm. at the Global Community Centre at 89-91 King St. North, Waterloo. All welcome.



118. Join the conspiracy of hope. We fight for the release of prisoners of conscience, oppose all forms of torture and the death penalty. You can make a difference. Meetings are in the Campus Centre, Rm. 135 at 7:30 pm. Everyone welcom0.


EvENIN PRAYER with Conrad Grebel at 4:45 pm.











3: , ‘. I 1:., :’

,,.. I


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,I~., .> ::. .>i,

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00 YOU like the sound of your own voice? The House of Debates is probably willing to listen. New members will be showered with affection at our meeting at 6:30 pm. in St. Jerome’s

SClENCE FOR Peace Series on the Environment: Faculty -panel and dis- **Im cussion: The Hidden Costs of Miltarism- 1230 Pm-8 EL ‘05.


THE WAlERLOO Go Club invites interested pIaYers to free pl8yiw time. Open play begins at 7~30 in B.C. Matthews Hell, Room 1040, Columbia St. entrance. For more information phone ext. 4424. LAYMEN% EVANQELKM Fellowship Bible Study in CC 135 at 7:3Opm. All are welcome. THEMA8 - an experiment in interdisciplinary discussion. Patterns, art biology and interaction; ~amplexity, anauchy, socim and conformity; ping-pang, physics and cheese. ldeaS at the interface. Heather, please: no hexes. 530 pm, CC 138.

Wetarloo: Street

Princess -


at the following Princess

Kitchener: Dr Disc, King Street; Encore If you

Records, have

King ideas

COME JOIN the Summer Ministry Team. 430 pm. in ES Courtyard (ES1 250). A combination of LCF, WCF and NAU’s.

--.__ off-campus


Sam the Record

locations: RPM




sion free,

King Street;

Street. for other




MONDAY JAZZ poets,~conie AND Other out Sounds. Musicians and and jam *,,stairs at Pierre’s Steak House, 32 King Street South (Uptown Waterloo). Band starts at 9:OO pm., cover 83.


M&s 10 wed bike, tall frame, may need maintenance. Only 860.00, call 746- 1498. APS Shm~rru: IBM, PC Compatible. 83.95 per disk. Various programs, accounting, word processing, games, etc. Call 416-679-6704 or write: APS, 269 Springside Dr., SuiteC, Hamilton, L9B 1 PB for free catalooue. R@!eIgh Myck - 26 inch 10 speed with safety brakes and kickstand. Excellent condition. 8100 cash. Call eKt. 2560 or 669-1428.

w do light moving with a small truck. Reasonable rates. Cd Jeff 8842831 . Also rubbish removal. m=tiwithsmallcubevanand appliance cart available weeknights and we&ends - 820/hr. (student fate). Cell Gary at 746-7160.

tvnll m instructor wanted. Needs to have flexible hours, about five per week. ASAP to December. Call Andrew 747-5478.

WV wanted. part-time. For appointment Prime 8ar-B-Q Rest. 745-881

FuH or phone I.

Mat be in Miemi, Florida for July 1st. Trsvelling there abouts? Need your vehicle transported to you? Call 7464932.

Fast, rccurrta typing and letter quality word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. Free ,pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 5761284, fmt, profssslonrl word processing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, spelling, corrections -available.. Suzanne, 886-3867. 32 ywn experience, electronic typewriter. Westmount area. 85c double soaced ~)~cle, Call 743-3342. J8 Typing Unlimited. Professional secretarial services by legal secretary. Seven davs a week, Call 888-3326. Typing dl kinds. Fast, reasonable rates. Phone and leave message 7441636. Word prwwlng. Fast, accurate, letter quality82.DO/pagedoublespaced, minimum 85.00. Disk storage for @& revisions. Call Fannie 664M-la cm type it! Essays, theses $1.00 per page. Minimum charge 88.00. Pickup &delivery Campus Centre. 743- 1976. Typing 0 m years exparienca. 85C double spaced page. IBM Selectric typewritef. Ess8ya resumes, theses, .;~~~Westrnount~Erb area. Cell 886.* . Expwbcd m 81 .OO per D.S. page. Close to campus. MSA. Phone Karen 746-0631. JW mmm8a and letters (word processed). Resumes: 84. par page. Letters: 82. per page. Draft copy provided. Near Seagram Stadium. Phone B851353. Ina. Essays, theses, reward pw sumes, etc. btter qual ity printer. Fast and accurate. On-campus pickup, de- . livery. Call Sharon 748-1793. Word-proMsrlng/typesetting with spell check. Variety of fonts and sizes. Laser printed. 821D.S. page. Graphics extra. Pickup and delivery available. 579-4632 eveninus.

f)(E 17TH Ai-ne Division Association, composed of men who served as paratroopers end glidermen in the divlsion during Worbd War II, is conductiong a membership drive to locate all former members, ‘including Gold Star mothers and family members of thosa who-f9 killed in action. It wu sefvd with this division, please conmct Edward J. Siergiej, Secretary-Treasurer, 62 Fcwty Acre Mountain Road, Danbury Connecticut 06811, for detaits a4 the Division As#lciation as well as information about’ the 35th annual fedonwhictOhisy0afwitlbeheMat the Radisson Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota on August 3-7,1988. OCEAN MAYAKIWO around Quaadl Charolotte Islands (West coast). Club organbed trip. August 14 - 26. Early booking required. WOK, cogt 81500, including airfare. Call Terv 747-4309.


FASS W’RTTTRS’ Meeting. Come help write a musical comedy. 8:OOpm., MC 5158. Newcomers welcome.


WY liiiiia

CHINESE CHRlSTlAN Fellowship weekly meeting. 7:30 pm. WLU Seminary Bldg., room 201. All welcome. For transportation call 884-2949.

Professional Research & Literary Services


FOR SAU JS Typlw Unlimited. Professional secretarial services by legal secretary. Fast, accurate, dependable service. Seven days a week. 886-3326. Typing rlt kinds. Fast, reasonable rates. Phone 8nd hV8 message 744 1636. wutd prtbcu&#. Fast, accurate, letter quality 82.OO/pagedouble spaced, minimum 85.00. Disk storage for quick revisions. Call Fannie 6643652.

-town Torontu. Share apartment for co-op on work term only. Central, sunny, laundry, near subway. Call Pete 416-977-2715 days, or 416925-2006. pool, pbno, Parkdale Plaza1 Single room in furnished townhouse, availaMe July 1 onwards. Ouiet, non-smoking female preferred. 8175. Phone 886-4874.

I wmtd for September ‘88. Three - five bedroom townhouse. Phone Tim 747-1837 or ext. 6386.



Jaffy% kldr: HonoufaMe mention for the rescue mission on Friday the 13th. It deserved

to be in print. Wav ta 001

Jerry. P.S. Say Ray. OLOW (Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo) offer for the campus community and the gay community at large, a coffee house every Wednesday, between the hours of 8:CKI pm. to 1100 pm. in room 110 of the Campus Centre. For informal discussions and socializing.


A RESOURCE and Referral Centre for parents, learning disabled adults, teachers and other professionals is open Mon. - Fri. 9am. - lpm., rm. 16, Suddaby School, Frederick St., Kitchener. Call 743-9091 (24 hr. answ. service). ART SHOW at Laurier. June l-9. Works by Jean Detheux of Toronto will be on display in the Concourse Galley at WLU.

WCF BIBLE Study: Campus Centre, Ruofn 110. 1:30-2:30. All ages wetcome. For info call Judy 885-6809.


Imprint is available


ship waning sarvice at 7.90 pm., 163 University Am W., Apt. 321 (MSA). All are wlekom9. . FASS WRITERS Meeting. Come help write a musical comedy. 8:OOpm., MC St 58. Newcomers welcome.



.: ‘:I,

j.\ ;:6. Iv ’ ..:. ..... ’‘!;.::; ,<.’ :i..,, Y.. : ..“I%, .;;,.c\, “;.


WUlONAIRES S-s Design NIOHT. in supportGSAand of -na- 3A

CINEMA GRATIS. This weeks feeture: The Witches of Eastwick. Movie starts at 9:30 pm. in the Campus Centrs Great Hall. and is free of charae. SCIENCE FOR Peace Series on the Environment: The Greenhouse effect (video). 1230 pm.. EL 105.



KW CvCLlNO Club: Club rides leaving from Campus Centre IO:00 am. 5O-100 KM rides at 26-35 KPH. For information call Kevin ext. 3807.

9604042 Deadline@ approach&kg? cd1 wiorqudity sewice.



4 Cdl& St.. Sulle 201. Torcmto. Ontam MW 117


Community welcomes


come join us: Daily Mass 12:30 pm Notre Dame Chapel Sunday Mass 9:30 am, 11:30 am Siegfried Hall St. Jerome’s College


: li id 3ij


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