IImpr: The University of Waterloo Student Newspaper
VoL 1i' mi.8
Davis Centre drains cash University and project officials blame the recession by Mike Brown Imprint staff
The Davis Centre has been assailed with criticism. The university quietly defends it saying it is functional and in the words of the president, "it closes an open tooth on the East campus." L
Valhalla hosts defence minister
---T~Y by John M u o n Impfint r t d f
"With respect to security issues, actions speak louderthan words," said Canada's Minister of National Defence, Perrin Beatty in a speech to the KW branch of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs on August 30. Speaking on the subject of Canada's Defence Policies and International Affairs, Mr. Beatty outlined the initiatives contained in his 1987 White Paper on National Defence and how the nation's defence goals should meet Canada's needs today and into the 21st century.
---- T
white -
Three elements formed the bas@ of the original security policy review which Mr. Beatty introduced to the House of Parliament over a year ago. First, Canada required an adequate defence. To achieve this goal Canada must remain a committed member of NATO and continue to contribute to the sea, land and air defence of the alliance, Secondly, Canada must press for sound, verifiable _and mutually beneficial agreements in all types of arms control. Such treaties must cover nuclear, chemical and conventional weapons. NATO, the paper stressed, must
avoid entering intu agreements which would be difficult to verify because such treaties could "disturb strategic stability and reduce, rather than raise, the level of our security." Thirdly, Canada must remain resolved to seek solutions to international conflicts by peaceful means and supply personnel for peacekeeping efforts. Canada, the paper pointed out is particularly well placed to provide peacekeeping forces because we are not a superpower, have a sophisticated military capability, are a democracy aligned with allies, and do not have any interfering colonial past. The White Paper clearlv documented that ~ a n a d a ' sd l i t a r y commitments to the NATO alliance far surpassed the capability of the Canadian Forces to Continued on page B
Before the recessionary impact of the early 1980's was fully realized, the University of Waterloo thought $24 million would be enough to create a centre for computer research on campus. To date, the total cost of the William G. Davis Computer Research Centre is egged at no less than $49.7 mi1f)ion.The university and thtir project management firm lay the blame for the doubled expenditure on the recession. The building was originally scheduled to open in the summer of 1986 but opened its doors in the spring of 1988 hecause the tendering came in over budget. The delay came in reworking the tenders. Appmimately $12 million was removed in potential overrun costs in the tendering process according to a spokesman for the universif retained project management &m UMA Spantec Ltd. The delay was also caused by a lack of manpower, UMA spokesman Tom Knight said. Knight. like UWs president and drrector of plant operations says "unfortunately (we were) caught in a time of construction price skyrocketing." The over-budget situation right now according to Eugene Coburn in UWs capital services office is disturbing. "We're sa desperately looking for money to handle all our figures," Coburn said. UW has drawn all of the $27,575,200 in funding which was available through the Minsistry of Colleges and Universities, Coburn said. As UW's committment to raise one-third
of the Davis Centre expenditure, $15.5 million was raised in donations of computer equipment for the building. Figures from capital services indicate the present Davis Centre overrun is $4.1 million. Coburn believes the overrun can be reduced by $630,000 providing Plant Operations approves reducing the targeted furniture expenditure from $1,766,000 down to $1,236,000. As estimated by Coburn, the building project overrun for the Davis Centre will be $3,580,000.
Architect Ron Keenuurg The question which looms on campus is how will the overage affect UWs budget. Coburn denied the overage has been redirected to other accounts. "I haven't made any transfer of overage to any separate accounts," he said. Continued on page 3
Davis bashing ast time by Mike Brown Imprint rtaff UWs newest building has been the object of criticism, some of which is valid, some of which has been dismissed as whining. The criticisms of the William G. Davis -.- C - o m ~ u t e r Centre have made news'in the university's gazette which has caused a riff between some university officials and detractors of the 49 million dollar building. This long awaited article is designed to confirm the facts of the project and an attempt to clear the air of unsubstantiated grumbling and myths. Detractors of the Davis Centre are not limited to students and faculty. The detractors have made many different types of , ,
critical pronouncements stemming from a variety of different concerns. Construction deficiencies are often cited, and are difficult to confirm or deny; however, if any reader can, from a point of expertise,_challenge any official explanations please forward comments to the newspaper. Criticirm: One of the building's overpasses was built too low for a hook and ladder truck. Workers had to later excavate for a lower noadway. Rerpome: (It was) "not a mistake in digging up road for hook and lader." Shaun Sloan Director. Plont Operations "Excavating the road for a hook and lad* was scope of original project. ..,
Tom Knight Project Manager, Spantec, UMA Criticism: Siding on CIM builing (computer integrated manufacturing) is not colour matched. Reaponre: True, It must be replaced! the original manufacturer is out of business. There is a problem with the corrugation and fit according to Sloan. "One of these days we'll take it down. Wait for the rumours then." Shaun Sloan Criticirm: Building doesn't fit in! Rerponre: "What would you fit it in with? Nobody has answered this for me. (We) decided not to out-muscle the Math and Computer building." Shaun Sloan
Continued on page 14
The City of Waterloo supports the use of a lease or rental agreement to identify and clarify the reeponsibilitiea and obligations of students andlandlords alike. In addition to outlining the term8 of occupancy/tenancy, responsibilities related to the, maintenance of yard are& and the visual appearance of the grounds a8 well a8 snow ahovelling should be assigned to one of the partiee to ensure compliance with the City of Waterloo Property Standbrds and Snow Clearing By-laws. Further, the number and bcotion of legal parking spaces ahou1d be deecribed and outlinedin theee agreements. For. more information call the City of Waterloo P1annJmg Department at 8864550.
LICENSING OF LODGING HOMES BY-LAW AND PROGRAM ‘1 Responding to the program objective of distributing student housing information to agenciecl having involvement in 8uch matters, the On-Going Student Housing Committee of the City of Waterloo wishes to make student8 and reeidents aware of the ’ City of Waterloo Liceneing of Lodging Home8 By-law and Program. This By-law was approved in 1986 and require8 that operator8 of lodging homes be licensed by the City, If four or more lodger8 or unrelated persons are living together in adwelling unit, then a license is required. Licensing ensures that a dwelling unit conforms with Zoning and Fire Code regulations and exterior provisiotis of the Property Standards By-law. Copies of the Lodging I-Iomes Licensing By-law Information Package are available at the Building Division, 2nd Floor, Water106 City Centre, 100 Regina St. S., Waterloo.
Secretaries record the unanimous City of Waterloo Council decision to grant a 810 subsidy per university student for each .bus pass sold. .
STOPPING & PARKING REGULATIONS ALONG ROADS- WITHIN THE CITY OF WATERLOO ‘. The following are parking restrictions that are enforced in the City of Waterloo. Please. be aware of the areds in which parking and stopping is prohibited. In accordance with the parking by-law, no person r shall park a vehicle in any of the following places: 1. on or overhanging a sidewalk or curb 2. on the boulevard between the sidewalk and curb 3. within an intersection 4. within 3 metres of a fire hydrant 5. within 15 metres of a railway track 6. within 9 metres of an existing roadway 7. within 1,s metrea of an entrance to a driveway 8. a8 to obstruct traffic 9. on a highway for longer than 3 coneecutive hours’ 10. on any highway between 2:30 am and 0:30 am 11. within 15 metres on either side of a bus stop Stopping is prohibited in the following areaa: 1. within a school bus toading zone 2. on any median strip eeparating two roadway8 3. on, under or within 30 metres of a bridge, elevated structure, tunnel or underpass
I For further information, at 8804550, Extension
please contact the City of Waterloo Engineering Department ’
Last year Waterloo City Council amended the Noise By-l~ti which now enable8 the Police to iesue a ticket AT THE TIME OF AN OFFENCE. The fine for a violation under the By-law is now $75.00. 5 The Waterloo Regional Police Department are prepared to respond to complaint8 and to issue ticket8 to offenders. Their telephone’number ia 579-2211. If you would like information regarding the By-law, please contact the City Clerk’s Department, City Hell, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina St, S., telephone 747-8704.
The Council of the City of Waterloo enacted a propbrty standerds by-law to extend the useful life of individual properties, to enhance the quality of communities and/or neighbourhoods, to protect the safety, health- and well-being of the public and to ensure the continued enjoyment.’ of property for relridente and property owiiers of the municipality. The by-law relates to both land and atructurea and focu88es on matter8 of health, eafety and structural integrity. For more information call the City of Waterloo Building Department at 8864550.
by Mike Brown Imprint staff It’8 not the $25.50 the University of Waterloo and Wil-frid Laurier University student associations had been lobbying for but the $10.00 subsidy recommendation from the City of Waterloo’s Public Work8 department ha8 been greeted with excitement from student leadera. The $10.00 subsidy per atudent pa88 sold formula was prepared by Commissioner of Public,Works Jim Willis. The last hurdle before the subsidy went into effect wa8 the August 29 Waterloo Council meeting. According to Willis’ City of Waterloo report, “coneideration of extending the sub8idy into 1989 .wtll be subject to further reporting when the feaeibility stud and 1988 aales data are avai Pable.” Kitchener Transit already gave the go ahead for a three month pass to repiace the existing four month pass. The 8tudent government8 on both campuses will finally receive a 1.7 per cent compeneation from the transit authority for each paas sold on campus. University students now face urchaeing a $120 three month 1 UB pass which is reduced to $110 thank8 to the recently announced subsidization by the City of Waterloo. The uW/WLU lobbying group had proposed making a university student pa88 equal to the high school rrtudent ‘pas8 at $a450 over three months. The $110 three’ month univereity pass.(which includes the City of Waterloo subsidy) is $18 lower than the adult ass fare of $42 per month or x 126 over three months. WLU Stud&t Union President Karen Bird says her bus pass orgact;;& . is “really enthusiastic.” to Bird, in the past, WLU stu7 ents selling the passes would discourage people from buJlipg theti because it WBS cheaper to ay cash. “We think we can dou g le saies,‘* she said. - Student figure8 pegged the number of average ride& at 132 per semester which meant the actual cost to tha.,stub%nt rider was $1.11 p&r tidal iCitchener Transit suggests a student average8 of 139 trips which-meant 8 CO8tof $1.08 to the student rider. ,Kitchener Transit’s cash fare 18
only $1.05 each time you board the bus. In June 3983 student8 &ere denied a discount subsidy from Kitchener Councill Back in 1983 the Federation of Students were lobbying for a reduction in the four month pass from!)118 down I to $87; the were turned down. The 1883 Benial from Kitchener Council was reported in Imprint. The 1983 new8 article states the proposal was turned doti for reasons that included their Kitchener finonce committee) beIief that university and college students weis “transients” and that they were from well-to-do families. Statements to this effect from Alderman Don Travers and Will Ferguson created quite Q stir in the Federation of Students offices. Not only were Federation offieiaIs upset about the statements,
Tom Allison, was also not happy about the fact that he was not tolled and had to learn of the decision through the KitchenerWaterloo Record. With the three month $120 deal struck with Kitchener t?ansit and the $10 subsidy offered by the City of Waterloo in 1888, the average etudent rider will be paying closer to 94 cent8 per ride, a saving8 of 11 cents compared to the81.05 cash fare. Each universit student pass holder is estimate d to ride the transit syrrtern twice daily during the week while lectures are on. The City of Waterloo is anxious to 8ee if their subsidy will help encourage disbursement of students throughout the community. The subsidy is conditional also because Kitchener Transit is planning to table it8 own study on the worthiness of passe8 in all categories. According to UW’s Federation of Students Vice-President
&ck plainiy sttiied”-fi(, Pam wouldbe
Rinella warns, ’ if passes am eliminated altogether,- “It’s not something we’ll take lightly? A8 the a88 situation stands now, RinePla, a key person behind the university lobby, i8 watching the conditional university pass situation with “guarded optimism.” *
Imprint, Friday, September 2, 1988 3A
Fed VPOF eydng city council seat l
by Mike Brown Imprint staff
While still unofficial, a UW student olitician is testing the waters 1 efore announcing his candidacy as a student card-
keen upon having a student contest one of the City of Waterloo’s council seats; however, C&n& chael’s fellow Vice-President Wendy Rinella believes Carmichael would have to resign from his UW Federation of Students’ executive position. Carmichael disagrees citing other executive members have had outside commitments in the past. He says if elected, he would naturally abst,ain from voting on university related issues; however, he would have influence by his involvement in debates. There is nothing explicitly stated in the Federation’s . bylaws which prohibit an executive member from seeking municipal office. Federation of Students President Adam Chamberlain told Imprint Carmichael would be free to do it. “Ever one who is a councilor has a ful P-time job,” he said. Chamberlain stressed that due to the full-time nature of campaigning, “he’d have to take some sort of leave of absence [from Federation duties).” The Fed president assures “I can , cover for him.” Chamberlain feels it’s good to have a student there, and if it’s Carmichael, he said, “as long as it’s clear there’s a clear division (of responsibility] .. . in my mind it’s up to him.”
date in the upcoming November 14 municipal election. “I’m almost 100 per cent sure,” said Federation of Students VicePresident (Operations and Finance) Shane Carmichael. The Federation of Students are
The Federation of Students have arranged to have an enumeration station located in the Physical Activities Complex (PAC) during registration only. If you miss this on campus opportunity and the close of the September 30 enumeration deadline, the last day for revision to the voters list is October 26. Still, if students miss having their names added to the voters’ list, a person can declare eligibility after the revision deadline up
to and including November 14 (election day) at the polling station, The candidate nomination deadline for municipal elections is October 24. Electors must be a resident in the municipality between September 8 and October 26; a Canadian citizen or other British subject: and have attained the age of eighteen on or before November
We Offer Packages at Reasonable Prices . FREE Clas,s Photo Included in Package (classes 20 & up)
For the migrating masses of university students who have arrived in town, enumeration is an essential step toward exercisi& the rinht fo vote. The enu‘m-U ---’ --u--m meratton period runs from September b to September 30.
Shane Carmichael is almost 100 per cent sure he will contest one of the eight council seats in the November 14 election.
Bailout nionq,i? Continued from page 1 The ministry wants the overage covered, yet UW has failed in having MCU bail out UW’s overrun. “We’ve been turned dcjwn half-a-dozen times,” Coburn said. While the ministry has been saying no to UW as well aE a handful of other institutions in the province with similar recession-caused building overruns. Coburn feels what may *ha pen is that Queen’s Park may su I! sidize a pro-rated percentage of the universities’ overruns. UW wants to build up the figure for costs to the Davis Centre, Accountants still has face some expenditure uncertainties. “We - want to have a fair shake at the fund (if it come@,” Coburn said. In June, Coburn told Imprint “we’ve already asked for $4 million and been turned down.” Director of Plant Operation Shaun Sloan said in a June interview “When we built Fed Hall, construction was competitive... rock bottom prices.” Now, he says, construction prices have soared 30 per cent. Sloan went back to the usercommittee and said, “you want windows (in the offices), some frills must be cut, According to Plant Operations, the Davis Centre was built for between $85$100 per square foot. I don’t think anyone is trying to build for less than $130 per square foot, Sloan said. The site’s architect Ron Keenberg concurred with Sloan ssying it was built for the “same price as an ordinary building.” Keenberg is a member of the UW Architecture program. Melamene constructed walls were among the first frills to go for a savings of around $2 million, “We could’ve cut another $5 million out, but it would have compromised the building,” Sloan. said.
While the Davis Centre is well behind schedule, it is open to most users. The official opening has been rescheduled for November IO. The university, however, still is in a quandary as to how the building will be paid off. Even if UW can muddle its way through the $3.5 million overrun, Queen’s Park gave “no money to maintain it. The university has to find that money,” Sloan said. As UW prepares to welcome fresh for the 1988 academic year, Eugene Coburn in capital services disclosed, “I’m not, the least bit optimistic, but we always keep asking (for overrun bailout) l ”
Jostens has been chosen the official graduation portrait photographer for the following faculties this semester. 7.
‘.PLEAS,E CHECK_.~._ YOUR TIME: ., ‘Book your appointment
Engineering Math
Oct. 4/88
Oct. 13/88
Architecture _ Other A u
A.S.A.P. at:
to Ott 15188
in front of the coffee & donut shop on ,Sept. 21-28/L Mfrnm m--w.. il*RfYnm . . .ww w..,w. tfiww l*Mnm , .vwp,wvw. ~/ TO BE ANNOUNCED
Oct. Grads
to Oct.
This is the photo of you used for your yearbook cpmposite. Please make
and class every
-This is not a cbmmunity college
This is what Linda Frum said in the fall of 1987: Remember the guy’in your high-school cakulus class who wore thick lasses, flood pants, and carried 16 sharpened pencils in his 1 reast pocket - and would never lend you one because you should have brought your own? The one who didn’t go to the ’ prom because not even fat Mabel would go tiith him? Well, now he’s the most popular guy in his class at Wa terIoo University. And not only that, he’s going toget Qmuch better job than you are, This is what Linda Frum said in the fall of 1988: With the honourable exception of Waterloo (which during its brief thirty-one ye& of existence has managed to create an international reputation in its specialty of computer science and technoIogy) . . , The point of this exposition of Frum’s writing will develop, As university fresh, the freshman class of 1988 is all repared to learn social and inteIlectua1 lessons. The third Pesson to learn is about your new environment. In Canada, their is grave concern for our fledgling post-secondary education aystern. The university system is caught in anunderfunding as well as philosophical crunch. In the September issue of Saturday Night magazine, Linda Frum, daughter of on-air personality Barbara Frum, authored a contemptuous article. Frum’s remise was. highly legiti-’ mate: Canadiun aniversitiae are, f y fntetmationd standards,
Some are e national disgrace.
Unfortunately for all Canadian university students, Frum’s method of proving her premise makes an absolute mockery of the legitimate plight. Frum first demonstrated her suspicious research tactics in her narci8sisticl entitled Lindo Frum’s Guide to Canadian Universities.% K er 1987 guide, she Borne how justified talking to a handful of freshman on each campus along with a few administrative personnel to, yield an exposition of Canadian campus life. Her guide wa8 pronounced as garbage by most critics from coast to coast, not because students reacted with blind loyalty to defend their campuses but because the gross generalizations glared with obvious black and white misconceptions. Again in her Saturday Night article, Frum relies on shoddy research techniques such as basing conclusion8 on sources who do not have explicitly obvious expertise. Asking a student here, and a student there, is not good enough. Those students’ responses could have been whimsical instead ..of qualified by four or five years of active involvement on a c$npus. VW’s newest frosh can be proud of this institution. But UWs problems and the plight of the Canadian university system require student interest and action. Don’t let Linda Frum do your talking. Mike Brown
Standards at UW. Tq the editor, I am writing to voice my opinion concerning the recent movement in the reduction of course load for undergraduates by the Mathematics faculty, I did my undergraduate study in British Columbia. The re,ason I chose to come here to ursue my graduate study was t ii at this university had a good reputation in mathematics teaching and research. However, what I witnessed was the reduction from 48 to 40 credits required for undergraduates in the mathematics faculty. Although this reduction would not necessary lower the quality of our program, it would seem to an outsider that our standard is declining. I am quite sure some good and hard working high school students, especially those from the Metropolitan Toronto area will be turned away by our Mathematics facult ‘8 decision since they may thin E we are reducing the course load because there are too many weak students here. The managers of industries and business companies may no longer think our graduates are special since they do not need to go through a rigorous and demanding education program anymore, In the long’ term, this university will probably lose its edge over other Ontario universities in attracting quality mathematics students. I am afraid that in the future, this university can only attract mediocre students whose only rv;frences are easy university I I Cbeong M. TM , Graduate Student Dsputmnt of Applied Math.
Volunteermeeting Friday -’ Sept. 9 1233 LE!!Mitorial. Bo&rd
Contribution list Chris Wodskou, Mike McGraw, John Mason, Joe Sary. Andrew Walduck; Richard Clinton, Mike Soro, Josephine Rezo, Andrew Rehage, Chris tina Hardy, Bonnie &an, Sheri Mills, Paul Done, John Hpers, Phil Robinson, Refton Blair, Byron DeLaBarre, Renee Beneteau, Dan Dempster, Stephefi Knight, teeia Zmnidc .
IL What ‘is WPRIG? by WPIRG staff Are you worried about the indiscriminate dumping of toxic waste, the silent destruction of our lakes and forests by acid rain, or the disproportionate distribution of the world’s resources? Have you often thought about doing something &bout it but couldn’t find a way to get involved? For 15 years the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group [WPIRG) has provided an outlet for UWstudents to actively work on a variety of environmental and social justice issues. Through research, education and action, students have ained insight into the interrelationship between different socia ! issues while improving their skills and providing valuable information to the community. WPIRG is located in room 123 of the General Service Complex. The salaries of one full-time and two art-time staff, along with programmin expenses, are derived Prom a $3 er student per term fee, re f undable during the first three wee E s of the term. Financial and organizational direction are provided by a seven member student board of directors. Nominations for the beard elections will open September 12 and close September 23. If yeu are interested in becoming a WPIRG board member, contact Sean or Colleen at the WPIRG office for details. The-key ingredients of WPIRG are the resource centre, research, .education and action. The WPIRG resource centre has files, periodicals, md books on social justice and environmental iaeuee. A partial topics list includes acid rain, community development, economics, energy, industrial waste, food, health, housing, international development, labour, technology, and water quality. Books and periodicals can be borrowed for a two-week period and files can be used in-house or photocopied. WPIRG’s research is also unique. Do research for class credit! we offer you the opportunity to take part in research projects aimed directly at helping overcome a social injustice. Acid Rain: Silent Crisis; Chemical Nightmare: Unriecessary Legacy of Toxic Waste; The Social Impacts of Computerization; K-W Tenants Guide and Waste Management Master Plans - What You Should Know, are just a few of the publications compiled by WPIRG in conjunction
need volunteers
to con-
titiue research on waste reduction, reuse and recycling and to begin work on food issues, which is currently the priority issue area for all the PIRGs in Ontario. Interested persons should contact Cameron Wright at WPIRG. WPIRG will also coordinate a work group throughout the ear which will organize educational events on social justice an B environmental issues chosen by work group participants. Interested persons should contact Colleen at WPIRG for details. There are several WPIRG orientation events taking place this fall, .There will be a fall planting of woodland shrubs and wild flowers September 13 in the Robert Dorney Ecology Garden in ES1 at 3:30 p.m. This will be followed by a Corn Roast at the barbecue pit outside the Psychology building ‘at 5 p.m. On September 21, at Siegried Hall, St. Jerome’s College, 730 p.m., there will be a forum with Steve Shrybman of the Canadian Environmental Law Association, and Donald Gamble, of the Rawson Academy of Aquatic Science in Ottawa, discussing The Environmental Impact of Free Trade. There is no charge for this event. To find out-more about WPIRG drop by our office Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m*, or visit our information tables at the Volunteer Fair in the Campus Centre, September 19 - 21 to find out. how you can get involved. ,
-STAFF AGENDA First meeting - Friday, Sept. 9,12:30 pm. \
Editorial Board elections Frlday,+Sept. 16, 12:30 pm.
Meetings ace open and new 8Wf 8~8 81~8~8 welcomst Meetings are held every Friday at 12% pm. In the Campus Ctintrsr, room 140 CALL 888-4048 Imprint will resume weekly publication
Sept. 16
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
SA ’
$14,000. price tag for video purchase will tape special events such as volve live close circuit cut-ins to go al. ment which includes two moniMembers of the video commisorientation, homecoming, in- the nearby PAC for basketball tars. .,The package retails for tramurals and varsity sporting games. Carmichael admits, set- sion will be trained by Video $20,000 (new), according to CarWorks. Carmichael hopes to events. ting up a close circuit informamichael, Video Works sold the Fed television will be hitting The future for the video in- tion monitor system on campus have a crew of ten involved with campus video screens soon, Yes, package to UW’s Feds right from the equipment. vestment on campus may in- is also a possible Federation their own studio, which guaianit’s true, the Federation of Stutees its quality, he said. dents ipent approximately To justify the expenditure, the $14,000 in purchasing secondhand video equipment, If you sat Federation plans on ‘marketing on students council in the Federation businesses and services on the screens located in the summer you may be surprised and Federation by the dollar amount. The stu- Bombshelter Hall, The Feds considered the dent council was only informed of contracting-out their of an $11,000 price tag but aal option A pregnancy can occur if sexual intercourse Many relationships are good, long-term relaediting requirements but deVice-President [Operations and cided tionships that can be a source of support and occurs at the time of ovulation (the fertile time of to bank on purchasing Finance] Shane Carmichael exencouragement through good times and bad. a woman’s menstrual cycle): pregnancy can also own equipment. plains, the Federation’s board of their Once a good relationship between a man and a occur even if sperm are just deposited near the “It’s there for other student ordirectors are required to give ap- ganizations to promote their vaginal opening at this time, woman becomes better,-it can lead to sexual feelproval of expenditures of the club8 or societies,” Carmichael Douching, or cleansing the vagina offers no ings. At this stage in life, this can often be concorporation; whereas, reporting protection against pregnancy. said. It’s also. there to promote ~ fusing and scary. such plans to council is done Federation It is important to remember that before sex activities at confermore as an informative gesture. ences as w’ell, he added. becomes an issue’in a relationship the decision to For more birth control information, services are provided by the following resources and arti have sexual. intercourse or not must be-consiLooking after the video equipCarmichael says he intends to dered. Two consenting partners must decide to available to you, inform council at the first meet- ment will be a special video comUniversity of Waterloti Health and Safety 885have children or not. Whether birth control is mission which is organized ing of the fall term. desired is ,a crucial decision as well. 1211, ex. -3541 The equipinent is comprised of under the board of communicaBirth Control Information Centre (on campus] Many people say yes to sexual relations before tions. The vacant commission two cameras, and editing equipthey have considered all of the facts. Remember, 885-1211 ex.2306 Birthright 57g13990 it is OK to say “no” while ou consider making Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital 742-3811 any decisions that could ar feet you, Planned Parenthood, Waterloo Region 743Becoming informed about all of your options will help you make suitable decisions about hav- 8461 ing sex. If you are in a relationship in which you Waterloo Regional Health Unit, Family Planand your partner have decided to have sexual ning Services 884-0012 relations, and you are both willing to accept the risks of a decision, you should be prepared to The Health and Safety Resource Network ii a accept the responsibility and the consequences. liaison between you and any source of healthBefore you decide to become sexually active, /safety information ou need, and can aJso proyou need to consider birth control, pamphlets, fi Yms, speakers, and phone A girl can become pregnant the first time she vide to other resources. The office is located has intercourse, even if this occurs before her numbers room 123 of the HeaIth and Safety building first periodShe can become pregnant just as eas- in and we invite you to talk to one of our volunily whether her periods are regular or not, teers. A guy is able to make a girl pregnant from the time he begins ejaculation (usually between the See the HSRN BuJJetin Board in the southwest ages of 11 and 15). entrance of the Campus Centre for answers to A woman can become pregnant during her questions and other interesting health and menstrual period. safety informatio , Any personal inquiries may The position during intercourse makes no dif- be forwarded to t i: e Health and Safety Resource ference as to whether or not pregsancy occurs. Network. The Federation’s newly acquired video editing equipment. by Mike Browa Imprint mtaff
Birth control
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a 80386-20
MHz Processor ml MBRam(80ns) l 3%-l .44 MB Drive a 61/r-1.2 MB Driva l ATI-EGA Wonder Card l 2 Serial, 1 Parallel Ports l Clock/Calendar/Battery Backup l Enhancad Keyboard (101) l MS DOS 3.3; GW 8asic a Monitor Extra
” DRIVES FREE fnrta tlation Floppy Drives . Panasonic 360 K 5%” .+ I== 1.2 MB V/4” . . . . . . . . . . . . 14&m 720 K 3%” . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 16Qm l
Hard Drives 20MB4QMS I 30 MB 6fjMS 14-O MB WS 4OMB28MS 8OMB28MS
.,a ., .. ., ,. ..+* . ..a
== 44ao15 61Qm 7IQ96 99S.86
Imprint, Friday, Septlmber
2, 1988
UW Policeoffbradvice’tb The University of Waterloo Police Department would like to welcome all students to campus for the fall ‘88 term. For those of you who are new to our campus, we hope it is all you are expecting. Those of you who are returning student will find a few changes. It is hoped members of the Universit of Waterloo Police will be h ‘ghly visible on campus in their new blue uniforms and marked police cars. Your Police Department ha8 alway8 been here but until now, ha8 been known as the Univer8ity of Waterloo security Departmeat, wore green uniform8 and drove unmarked cars. It is hoped our new visibility will assist to better serve and protect the University of Waterloo community. ’ In the past, there ha8 been some confusion among .the upiversity community as to our function and powers. This donfusion wa8 caused mainly by our lack of conformity with traditional police dress. Members of the uw PoLice Department are all trained, SWONI in police OffiCers and assume the same responsibilities and powers as any police officer within the Pro- vince of Ontario. The UW Police Department is made up of two distinct un-iversity departments. The first being the -Police Department. The second being the Traffic and Parking Department. The Parking ” Department of UW is responsible for the building and maintaining of all parking facilities and parking lots on campus, The Police and Parking Department8 share office space within the West side of the General Servitea Complex on campus. To make that simpler, we are located on the Ring Road, just in front
of the smoke
Another new development within the Police Department ha8 been the setting up of Crime Prevention Program geared to the problems of a universit campus, A crime prevention o Pficer. is working full-time on
these problem8 and is available to talk with and advise all interested groups. It is hoped that together, we may be able to solve small problem8 before they beCome large
One of the basic problem8 we 1
hprint staff
In case you are intimidated by Waterloo Regional’s finest or by our own campus cops, here is the inside scoop on university students and the long arm of the UW/KW law. During Orientation ‘88 the Uriiversity of Waterloo Police see themselves in the role of baby-sitters according to both Investigatdr Brian Bradley and Crime Prevention Officer Marshall Gavin. Late at night, for a variety reasona, UW Police will be aending frosh in the direction of their residences but will not tolerate people wandering
TheUniversityCatholic CommunityWdcomesYou To TheUniversity
(Chaplain) Office: 884-8110 Home: 8847725
W8llObL ‘Jain MA88
13, for the mad
in ST. flROMR’S QUAD at 8t
Wetch for changer during holidayrr
790 p.m.
Weekdays: NOW8 Dm8 &#nning %@embsr 8 Mon.- Fri. 3230 p.m.
Ext. 18
Louis Hall Kin. 14
Krystyna Hi@16
(SiSgfl’ied Halt)
Sat. 5:OO p.m. Sun, S:3fl 8 li:30,
11:80 am. In cue s=
of rdn
around campus with open liquor. For liquor infractions’ Bradley said, “People ‘will be charged.” Ti;kenalty is an automatic 53 Waterloo Regional Staff Seri geant Charles McLaughlin just doesn’t have time to baby-sit. h&Laughlin’8 message is clear: If they (students) break the law they’ll be charged, They’ll be fin-’ gerprinted and photographed.” Both the UW Police and the Waterloo Regional Police Force soncur it’s a hard way. to learn.
Message Regional .
Beginning septelxlber 17
* into
History has shown that the student8 of this university are . concerned about the ‘environmerit in which they live, wOrk and study. It is our reaponsibility to keep that environment as safe and secure a8 is possible. Our police officers cannot be everywhere at the same time, so we mus! rely on you to report events Of a suspicious or criminal nature. Together, we can work for a safer, more secure environment. It is the wish of your Police De artment that you all have a saPet happy and productive term’ ahead.
On campus, the university police are in a poeition to work out payment plans with students in some cases- of vandalism. Offcam us, the regional olice have no cfl oice, they just cK arge. The community won’t tolerate it, not from student8 or any other community group. McLaughlin assured Im rint the region’s policy is no dif Perent for students than anybody else. ‘*Per capit&, [students are] not’ ‘a problem. (They’re] certainly visual,” McLaughlin said, ‘The ma’s8 majority are good.”
McLaughlin wa8 on campus last week to ut the word out that a thought Pess prank leading to a criminal charge could ruin career or travel plans. “If I didn’t like students, I wouldn’t be, here,” he said. Noisy parties will al80 net students fines from $87.75 in Waterloo to around the hundred dollar mark in Kitchener. Police will not give warning8 if they are called to a house. If they are called back a second time, arrests will be made, McLaughlin said.
Romau Catbllc campue Miniwy
Pr. Charlie
students. The Police Depament is one of those services. We are available to assist you on a 24 hour-a-day ba8i8, aeven days a week. Presently, we can be contacted by phone at 885-1211, ext. 3211. After 1O:OO p.m. and on weekends the number is 88s lg41. When the Bell Telephone employees return to work, a new telephone number will come into b&g. That phone number will be 888-4811 and will be advertised at such time a8 it comes
(lnside~ scoop on authority
by Mike
officee: St. Jeromes Cobge 2nd Floor: Rme 218, 220 & 222
have on campus ha8 to do with the theft of personal roperty: wallets, Walkmans, caPculatora, things which are readily- transportable. Most of these thefts are <crimes of opportunity and could be prevented with a little care
being taken by the property owner. Some tips to follow in an effort to prevent such thefts are to lock your residence doors when you leave your room. If I 0~ occupy an office on campus, the door when you leave the YOCR office. In classrooms and the libraries, do not leave your property sitting on the floor or a desk top, while you spend several minute8 seatiching for books. Basically,don’t sive someone an opportunity to ateal -your property. TO assist in the recovery of ,stolen property, it is suggested you copy down the serial numbers of your belongings. Property without 88rid numbersshould be engraved with your S.1.N.i Driver’s Licence number, or your initials, In toda ‘8 80ciety, with the maas pro d uction of goods, it is very difficult to return recovered property to its rightful cwner without 8ome mean8 of positive identification. This is especially true in the case of bicycles which have been stolen and then recovered. The University ef Waterloo provides many services for it8
, wa will uw
from Waterloo Police Force
We would like to take this opportunity to’welcome you to our region. We value your presence and appreciate having you a8 a member of our community. Along with the massive amount of information you will absorb a8 part of your formal education, take 8ome time to think about the following social and legal condition8 that affect all citizens. Enjo yourself but please consider ti e consequences of your
actions. There are no such things a8 “student pranks” should you steal or damage property. Shoplifting is a criminal offence. Stealing item8 for a acavenger hunt, decorating your rooms, or for any other reason’ ie * a criminal offence. Willful damage to any property is a criminal offence. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a criminal offence. Liquor rjcence Act infrac-
tions are dealt with through strict enforcement. Where noisy partier have infringed on the right8 of others, and police officer8 are re uired to attend, charges will beP aid, Consider what a criminal record will do to your employment sr travel opportunities!
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
7A L
Get smart on drinking by Lmirp Zorniak Imprint staff
Should birth colitrol devices (condoms) be included ‘in frosh kits? b3 John Ma#on and Peter Dederr Imprint staff
Yea. It would help FROSH realize the consequences of their actions Jean MC-$Jaill viv
Yes. It would make life easier ;;s;hoee
of, us who
n@ke’Karm~m .4AREC’
Recent years have brought a strong drive to educate the public about the use and abuse of alcohol. One of the most widely. recognized campaigns has been the *‘Designated Driver” program. These programs have been partially successful in cre‘iiiting an awareness of the dangers of alcohol abuse and drunk driving but public surveys reveal the majority do not fully realize the dangers. Even with this strong change of attitude concerning drinking and driving: many people who claim they would notd&ve when drunk, willingly drive under the influence of alcohol! They state, “I’ve had a little to drink but I’m not drunk so I can drive.” An alarming number of people have the misconception that it ia okay to drive as long as they are net staggering drunk. In addition, too many hold the opinion that if they have not been drinking liquor then they are in better condition to drive. This is not true. In fact 12 ounces of beer [one bottle], 5 ounces of wine (one glass), and 1~5 ounces of spirits (one shot glass] contain equal alcohol. A poll taken in 1985 by The ABB&iatiOn of Canadian Distillers showed that only 25 per cent of Canadians were aware of this fact. B 1986 this figure had increased ii ut only to
Scully PhD student, GEOG
Chretien coming
Someone has agreed to “speak straight from the heart.” Jean Chretien will be coming to UW’S PAC Wednesday September 21. For UW, which has experienced a considerable drought in its speaker series, Chretien could signal good things to come for public issues on campus. The Chretien visit is sponsored by on and off campus organizations. “It’d an interesting time, since there’s a federal election on the, horizon,” Wendy Rin’ella said. Rinella is Federation vice-president [university affairs) and has personally been involved in the public issues board of the Federation due to a
conducted by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada that
I vacancy. Rinella expects the 7:30 p.m. event to sell out. Close to ca acity crowds have greeted CK re-8 tien at Guelph, Carlton and \Western. The Feds estimate 1500 people will at tend. Student admission is $5. Ticketa can be purchased in the Campus Centre Federation offices (room 2351, The Grad House and BASS. Non-students must pay $7, The Public Issues Board of the Federation of Students is working with an annual budget of $13,800 to bring such events to campus during tne next eight months.
over-represented among drinking drivers. The Ontario Provincial Police found from- two studies that between 60 and 70
cality. Fea de
February recorded the ‘lowest number of alcohol related accidents. Students should keep these factsin mind during orientation week and practice responsible, mature drinking habits. Don’t be” fooled into thinking it’s safe to mix alcohol and cars, Even a few drinks are too many when you are driving. It is no longer “Don’t drink and drive” rather the phrase+must be “Don’t drink and drive, no matter what you drinkl” r
36 per cent. Another interesting fact is that the majority of drunk drivers are beer drinkers. Research revealed
Yes, it’s a modern day practi-
per cent of those charged with impaired driving were beer drinkers. ’ Figures from the Canadian Centre for Juetice Statistics in 1888 show approximately 33 per cent of impaired driving accidents causipg death or bodily harm took place between the months of June and August. The second highest number of accidents, 25 per cent, occurred during the months of September, October and November. Surpriet ingly, the months of December to
Yes. Some of them are pretty naive. Nancy Couth Grad
At Granada, we’re offering special student rates on a wide assortment of top-quality home entertainment products. We’ll give you our low 12-month rate for a special 8cmonth term SO you can enjoy a colour TV for as little as $25.95 a,month. Or rent a MLfutiction VCR for $17.95 a month. And, to top it off, our in-home Granadacover service is yours at no extra charge. Just clip this ad and take it to your nearest Granada Home Entertainment Centre today for the,complete picture. But hurry, offer expires September 30th. After all, if you don’t have a TV, where will you do all your studying?
~rn~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~rn~~~~~r-rrnrn~ 4
No. The majority of FRESH should know the options already. It would just be a waste. Thuesr Puking
Km f cam ii isr
Either way, it doesn’t matter. Kui #ibldm* 2B CIV ENG
II) a
David buifdin~
2, 1988
Phone survey favourg both sides by Mike
Imprint rrtaff
Yet anqther Davis Centre rumour which spread through the building hinted at some dissension within the ranks of Plant Operations. One source claimed UW’s own supervisor of construction refused to have anything to do with the building, That rumour was confirmed to be absolutely false by the the supervisor himself, Boris Nichols as well as the director and assistant -director of plant operations+
“It was the first (project) one I had no ihvolvement in,” Nichols said. He explained that because of the budget in the area of $45 million, WW decided to go the project management route. He says his alleged refusal to work on the building, “sure as hell isn’t accurate.” l
Speaking from his yeere of experience, Nichols says he is not sur rised the building went over bu cf get. “No building I have been involved with has not had deficiencies indirectly related to the efficiency of the general contractor,” he said. When asked if he thought it was peculiar he was not involved in at least the consultation process, Nichols declined to comment. Assistant Director of Plant Operations Rudy Molinary explained Nichols was not involved because he had “a full plate.” In bypassing Nichols, UW chose a fast-tracking project management route which differs greatly from the traditional general contractor method. With “fast tracking” the design is continuous. While construction is underway on one phase of the
BASKETBALL FEFEREES For High School Basketball Need to earn inoney but having trouble fitting a part-time job into your schedule? Referee as many days as you are able and earn up to $150.00 per week. Basketball season September to April TRAINING PROVIDED-No experience required.
Call E3iiat 7454198
building, just then is the architect corn leting the next phase of the buil cring. Under general contracting, the contractor has the entire set of completed plans in his possession. When asked if fast tracking ma have contributed to the $3,~ mil Yion overrun, Nichols answered “1 don’t know.” In a random phone survey, the construction industry was. s lit evenly over the merits of Past tracking. Dadcon
ton. -(Phil Rondal~)
Contractors, [Ralph Marziano)
“Good s stem, one of the better.,Shoul B be used more...Por owner’s interest to -use that. Should be the most economicall.way.” “Manager did not do his homework properly. Usutily give or take S-10 per cent,”
XDG Ltd., Kitchener “It (fast tracking) has a place, I’m not sure that’s (Davis Centrej the place.” “Requires cooperation” .“Reasons were’atical, not construction orient& I think the owner would h”;* e saved some mone had the a ign been complete B up front?”
“I don’t agree with that (fast tracking], you run into ‘roblems... Rest to have whole p Pan in front of you,” Granval ton
Constructjon Schnarr)
Ltd., Pres-
“It depends on the nature of the project... Probably an excellent idea... substantial cost savings.” Granval
?Probably good idea because-the design work takes so long. Time is money, maybe some people haven’t considered the savings in time,” DK Construction Ltd., Kitchensr “Puts project ahead of traditional schedule. In all likelihood it’s done at a premium.” “Not as much control in negotiating final project cost,” “No excuse to be that far above budget.” -
Update! recognized as. best ’
Bell Canada offers up to 30 scholarships to engineering or computer science undergraduates. ’
Winners receive full tuition for the following .academicyear plus an offer of summer or work-term employ1 . . 1 ment at Bell.
by Ron L Weat Imprint rtaff
ELIGIBILITY The awards program is open to engineering or computer science students in their next-to-last undergraduate year who rank in the top half of their class and have made a significant contribution to university or community life.
St. Jerome’s College’s quarterly newsletter Updatef recent1 was named Best News I etter for an Internal and/or External Audience, an award the college won in 1983 and 1984. Robert Donelson, Director of Development and College Relations at St: Jerome’s’ expressed delight et receiving top honors in this Canada-wide competition. “It is nice to be acknowledged by your peers,“: he said. This year Updatel cornpet id with newsletters from Cane&an universities such as York, &Master, Dalhousie, University of Alberta, Guelph, University of NewBrunswick, Memorial University of Newfoundland and others. U date! covers college news,’ pub Pic lectures, news of raduatea and ‘profiles of gra f uates’ career ursuits. Donelson believes t Re newsletter allows its readers to “keep their finger on the pulse Qf the Csl1eg0.” Three thousand grads and 1,500 supporters receive Update!. “From my contact with many graduates of St. Jerome’s, I’ve always known how much they value and appreciate Upda tel’” Donelson commented. “‘This award acknowledges the uality of both its content and 1 esign.”
Imprint, Friday, September 2, 1888
- Illustrator’s Corner Tactical
Beatty welcomes Gorbachev’s new open approach but...
e166Arms control is not 1 .&yi end inI itself” , ’I in the defence derlarticipation ate is important.” fulfill those obligations. The paper proposed a program, which over 15 years, would reequip and re-structure the Canadian Forces to meet their NATO commitmenta. The first annual update of the White Paper this past spring brought five initiatives to the fore: the recognition of Canada as a maritime nation and its need for effective naval fo_rces (in- . eluding nuclear powered submarines]; an acknowledgement of Canada’s inability to participate effectively in both the *northern and the central European theatres simultaneously, therefore Canada should consolidate all efforts in the central theatre; the Mentioning the recent historic revitalization of the Canadian Forces Reserves; the need to in- developments in nuclear arms reductions, the Soviet withdracrease the surveillance capabilthe ity of the Canadian Forces over ’ wal from Afghanirtan, cease-fire in Iran-Iraq, the agreeour soil; and the develo ment of a stronger defence in cruetry in ment to end the Angola conflict, the talks between Vietnam and Canada. Noting that some people are Kampuchea, and the pmgress and Warsaw pacts ‘are serious1 questioning the wis- NATO dom an B relevance of the secur- making to reach,greater military ity policy initiatives because of stability in Europe, the minister expressed concern that Canadirecent developments toward ans hot lose sight that “Canada peace in the international still requires an adequate de-. sphere, Mr. Beatty said, “Public
$118.00 price
The Student’s Choice T lhafting Tables
0 lD;
FILING CABINET 18” jeep Legal Size Tan Cofour only.
Al\ theterm-with the tools
ECONOMYSTENO CHAIR Fully upholstered, Fixed back, Adjustable height, Chrome base with casters. Black only. :
Sewa Cash Carry
Extra 3% 7% \o%
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Sale Ends M&day
to Friday 9:308m - 4:30p Saturday lO:OOam - 3:0qpm
450 WEJ3ER ST. N., IhlATERLOO TEL.74600092 .
*fence,” He stressed the concept that the new international climate of _ ,cooperation which has been nurtured by improved East-west relation@, can be deceptive. “It is important to retain a sense of perspective,” he said, ‘The INF treaty eliminated only four per cent of the NATO and Warsaw pact arsenals. While I welcome and. encourage Mr. Gorbachev’s new open approach to relations with the Weat, we must remember that he is not trying to make the Soviet Union into a western democratic society - he ia trying to meke Soviet commui-&m more effective and effi- . cient.” Mr. Beatty-went on to state, “Arms control is not an end in itself, if we regard it as such then disarmament rather than security becomes the goal. We *must recognize that arms control is -n&t a substitute for an adequate defence but a complement to it where a balance is sought to . achieve our security at the minimum possible level of armamsnts.’ Implementation of the new defence olicy, Mr. Beatty said, is crucia Pto the future of Canada in the 21at century,
you need to turn out your best work yet. Come down to Rapid Blue Print - for E&We prices on quality draf&g tables, drawing instruments and> graphic supplies. Students getalO%breakonall regular price ititms. And . you can bring this advertisement in for an additional $10.00
off the sale price of any drafting table .’ in the store, EEor pmf~imal gear on a &nt’s budget, discover Rapid sBlue Print. ’
720 King Street East, Kitchen& 7434111
The CampusShop (lower level CC)
‘Jacket Day Order your Leather or Melton Jacket Tues & Wed Sept 20th & 21st loam - 12amA pm - 4pm CCRml38B Store Hours Mun-Fri 9-5
Phone 885-l 211 ext. 2188
-Shoti your SPIRIT! ‘Get a UW J&et!! .
pep Rally (PAC lpm) After (CC
Hours lam)
Enumeration municipal begins at
Triple Feat St Elm&s F Animal How Revenge of
election PAC
Bus Passes available at Federation of Students office CC235
Wed & Sat 1Afternoon
Alcohol AfJareness Week Begins
Fall Hours MomSat
noon- Tam Jean
$5 Students
K-W Transit 3-Month
Bus Pass
Double Feature Watership Down The Bugs Bunny/l Runner Movie
$3 photo ID cards available
New Hours:
;,;,g.. .%.:..I :;; y:.:..
Pass & ID available for purchase from Sept 6-76 of Students
:_ Westmount ‘&Place \, Shopping Centre I Tues Night UW SpeciaJs
Tues Sept 6 1Oam-2pm Thurs Sept 8 loam-2pm Thus Sept 15 loam-2pm \
Federation CC 235
&.p: :::..,:_ : '> 'y, '.
, 1 lam-- 2am
- 3am
1 lam - midnight
The Record Store (lowabr level CC) “Now so much more...”
Now Renting: MUV~~S $2 a day/S3 weekends $6 B day/S10 weekends
= All Your Favourites and - The Campus Classics Almost 300 in total
Football: Warriors . Seagram
8 Warriors Practice
Last Day enumeration municipal at PAC
~ PF:
L Axrt Fed Hall Feds/$10
Sept 9-11,
Last Day for Bus Passes at CC 235
Practice (PAC 5:3ppm)
Sept 30-act 2
National Velvet The Bombshelter ($3 Fe&a/$4 Non) Poutbalf: Warriors Seagram
FF: tie The ($3
,ACE:Arts Lecture Hall 113
Vs Toronto Stadium 2pm
Alcohol Awareness Week Ends
Moon Struck
TIME: 7pm & 9pm
PRICE: $2 Feds/$3 Non-Feds
Bombshelter Feds/$4 Non)
I? n
Anne Simpton Humanities Theatre 7:3Opm
._ federation
’ Princess Mde
: '
Warriors Band Practice (PAC 5:30pm)
for elections
’ Raising Arizona
Warriors Practice
5:3Opm PAC
After Hours (CC.lam)
Vs Laurier Stadium 2pm
$6 n
Ticketsareavailable starti the Monday before in the Federation of ?L dents office, CamDUS cenm
Rm* 235
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
It’s that time again. Time to get it together for school. From teary-eyed kindergarten pupils to sophisticated graduating year students Kitchener Downtown can help. Here’s where to findsthe things you need to look good,d live on a budget and make learning a little more fun: allrs~LomlNG Littb
Ports h&n’s Shop Paul Puncher Clolhier G60rge &herds King Size Robwtino*s R. E. Sauder Ltd. Shapes Activ; Wear
LAl&EigE;R .. Fashions
Aim A Fashion i:avFashion
Bernie 0 BoutLque Fawrita ~~&Your Style
2ssA x n’s Wear Star Men’s Shop Stitches The Frat House Thrifty’s Tip Top Tailors
K-W Book Store Mike’s Book Stofe
Dews Eby Street Lingerie hJmss~r~b~
F*ion liirn;;
-suPPLIEs Grand and Toy Limited Wii stationer ’
+nnex s Ladies’
Jacqueline’s Judith Bridal Centre Just Petites Kabl’s Karim’s Kettle Crmk Canvas CO. The Lady’s A Champ Le Chateau Lindor Inc. Madame Angelo Mariposa e MoonshadowSpo~wear $MrCekr Separates Pantorarna Paris Repoft Pennington’s P9ttiitS fvbotoshi
SHOES &Km NJBelinda and Brother Cordwainer Dack’s Shoes Man Shoes Ltd. Kinney Shoes Peels Pets&e’s Shoes Ltd. FksSs’“hdore Wyndham
Athletes Foot Athbtes World FoOr Locker La Faottiker 0. djc .spoa Riordan Ski & Sport Centls
ggg!-p Si” z!2&tzzdt salcod fw-y’”
Fib war
wtches $t)$~ ThiillfS fawn a country TheUniiormSakm vktorbns zc T Ftbhion$ Zena’s Contemporary
0. w. Gordon opucal Factory shipby’boptkal
OPtwts Dr. Paul Davenrby Or. shim Lan Or. Simone Peta
Kctqy Kwik Print Thru
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
UW may beat Lauder in Shinerama This year, Uw’s Federation of Students pla4 to raise at least $27,000 for the fight against Cystic Fibrosis, a disease which kills it’s victims by attacking their lungs and digestive systems. The fund raiser will run from Tuesday, September 8 until Saturday, September 10. The fund raiser’s name? Shineramal To start things off,* froeh received a bookof raffle tickets to be sold during the summer. Some 3800 booka of ten $1 tickets were sent out, That’s a possibility of $38,000 right there. Ticket sellers are eligible for prizes ’ such as a 10 speed bike and a leather Waterloo jacket. Ticket stubs should be given to the student union of your facult . In addition, our campus pu i! 8,. The Bombshelter and Fed Hall, along with other campus businesses will be giving s per cent of their gross revenues during orientation week to Shinerama. Each night, from 5 to 7 p.m. there will be live bands and a SBQ at the PAC Patio. The week will end with the first year students going to various Ontario communities such as Oakville, Mississauga and Burlington to wash cars and wipe windshields to raise money. Last year, less than half the frosh tlirned out for the car wash, This year event organizers are hoping for at least three quarters to show up. Trophies will be awarded to faculties and dorms raising the most money per fresh. Domino’s Pizza is helping out as well. Whenever you order a pizza from Domino’s, they will give you a couponi When you return this coupon to Domino’s, they will donate $I to the Shinerama campaign. Ivan Beeckmans, in charge of’ organizing Shinerama, says his main goal is to @‘beat Wilfrid Laurier.” Laurier started Shinerama 27 years ago. UW joined 5
Reading Read Over 1,000 words per minute Improve Comprehension by 10 to 15% . Improve Concentration and Retention
Ivan Beeckmans,. the man behind UW Shinerarna is foremost concerned about raising money for CF. But beating Laurier would be nice, * ears ago. Althou h WLU is oneYourth our size, ta ey have consistently beaten us in raising funds for Shinerama. Last year they raised $25,000 to our $15,ooo.
Beeckmans has been wearing a cardboard collection box around his neck since June 10. This looks like it’s going to be our best year yet, he said. Beeckmans revealed
the Feds raised $1,320 before Shinerama week started - that’s $1,320 ahead of where we were last year, he added. Money raised ,for CF really helps. In 1884, the average lifes-‘ pan of a CF victim waa 4 years, Today it’s 24 years. There may be a cure is sight for the year 2000, but your help is needed to reach that goal.
R&q&es\ 30 Minutes of Homework per Day
Eight week course begins Tuasday, .- Sept.. 20 in MC
Man survives PAC fall A spectacular fall which sent eighteen year-old Wayne MacGregor from the top of the Physica.l Activities Corn lex to the concrete below, has Peft the construction clean-up worker with a shattered wrist, three broken ribs and bruised lungs according to Brian Bradley with the University of Waterloo Police. The near-traged occurred Monday, August ZQ2:etween IO11 a.m. MacGregor is listed in faii condition in K-W Memorial Hospital. MacGregor was cleaning up after the roofin work on the PAC was camp! tied. His employer, Conestoga Roofing, told MacGregor this ‘would be his I’ast duty before his summer job expired. Bradley feels MacGregor and his partner were rushing so they could enjoy more of the last week off before school resumes. UW Police re ort the mar slipped and fell Bown a 48 fool incline before he hit a 12 foot wide section of flat roof which he spiralled off to a 29 foot straight drop to the honcrete at the front of the campus gymnasium. “The only thing that saved him was a Spruce tree,” Bradley said. The tree broke his fall. His partner raced to the Cam- ’ pus Centre and told the Turnkey staff. The Turnkeys phoned for an ambul.ance and had- the seb
cond man go to Health and Safety to get a doctor. Mac&egor was still conscious, The PAC roof is fine when it’s dry, Bradley said, but is quite slippery with the morning due or
rain. The Ministry as the campus investigations. of the roofs aaid,
Fee including course materials is $80 ~(FEDS) $85 (NON-FEDS) . ’ Contact :the Federation Office
of Labour as weil police’carried out Both men k4ew hazards, Bradley
cc-235 _i
WATERLOO MUSIC -. i REGINA sfREE”f NcN?TH, WATERLOO, ONTAR , (St Eri?St. & Regina . ._.“. St.)
Brass, Woodwind
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Imprint, Friday; September
2, 1988
The official UW line Continued
from page 1
Criticism: Too many bar stools, was& of money! Response: “University never has had anything like this to deal with. No other university has aoda fountain bar and stoolsJ Ron Keen berg Architect, IKOY Criticism: It is rumoured once the unive’rsity takes official possession of the building, the stools will be ripped out at considerable expense. Rmponrd: Ia my opinion, the university would not have the right to take the stools out without exposing itself in law to the architectural firm. Sham Sloan Criticism: Operating costs of Davis Centre wiK drain other university department’s budgets. Respwt: “It’s ok to say operating cost drains dollar8 but origi nal problem is addressed by creating additional space.” Shun Sloan Criticism: Rod hangers on duct work are crooked. “I don’t think they’ll fix them,” Ron Keen berg [architect) Raapaua: Once cabelling is done, the rod hangers will be fixed. Tom Knight [project manager] Critieirm: Railing gaps are subuniversity ,standard at locm instead of ZOcm, Re8pon8r: “It meets our requirements. The cost would have been prohibitive.” Rudy Molinary Assistant Director, Plant Operations Criticism: Office blocks are not wheel chair accessible. Rmponce: “There. is a conflict n
with the fire code.” Note: The dead space between the main corridor and the office wings is accessed by three doors. One of those doors is a fire door: therefore, the other two doors must both open into the narrow dead space which produces a problem of maneuverability for wheel chairs. +dy Molinary Criticism: Non-standard university issue hardware is used and is presumable expensive to replace. Rsspowe: “All standard- stock items.” Rudy MoIinary Criticism: Obviaus view to second storey men’s urinals from GSC windows across the roadway, Responds: “We’ll throw blinds. up.” Rudy Molinary + .Criticism: Space is no‘t used wisely - too much is wasted. tis once: “It doe8 address our neex s both functionally and aesthetically... It close8 an open tooth on the East campus... and what may, be wasteful may in fact be economical.” UWs presi‘dent added, “I am a structural Engineer... I feel it (Davis Centre) is very economical.” Douglas T. wright President, University of Wuterloo
In the letters section of the June 8, 1988 edition of the un‘fversity’s Gazette, Kelly Booth of the Corn ut6r Science department out Pined an A to Z manifesto of Davis Centre gri es. The letter covered some of t R e criticisms already listed but also tievered corn laints about window’ size, buil 1 ing -- layout, stairwell’
access, publicly located faculty lounges, decorative lighting, flickering lights, the building’s hours, acoustic properties, size of washrooms, lack of adequate furniture and the vinyl covering on the walls. The letter caused quite a stir on campus. @rector of Plant Operations Shaun Sloan was irritated by the letter and expressed in an interview his disappointment ‘with the Gazette for not publishing an objective expository piece on the Davia Centre, In the June 22 edition of the administration’s paper, the Gazette carried an article resembling what Sloan desired: “Davis Centre: Authorities defend new building’s design,” The damage had been done, however, and the administration has aent out a message that they are apt to ignore what seems to have been a popular summer past-time: Dcfvia Centre Bashing. . In a June 9 memo from UW Vice-President (University Services) Pat Robertson to Shaun Sloan, Robertson reveals the administration’s explicitly cynical Davis Centre policy. There hove been Q number of letters to the editor in the Gazette recently, critical of various aspecta of the Davis Centre. When I was younger I used to answer such Zetters, believing that,the writer would wish to be informed. However, i gradually learned that the writer didn’t want to be informed. The urse of his letter was to 8rllow r ow dart he was.‘1 wish I was that smart, However, I do want to express again to you and all your staff my sincere appreciatiol ,of the excellent work you did on this
The overpass mistake.,
some suspected
project. For those of us who are informed, I it is a wonder the Davis Centre got built at aII, And it wouldn’t hove if you and your staff were running around trying to show how smart you are. Assistant Director of Plant Operations Rudy Molinary sumped up the Davis Centre realis tically. “Anyone can find fault. Some people will like it+ In that way, it haa character; it makes a statement of its own.” Molinary insists the design stuck to the user-group’8 list of requirements. Every office ha8 a window to cite one of his examples. Sloan echoes his assistant’s sentiments. According to the project management firm, spokesman Tom Knight of Spantec, UMA said. close to 6000 items were on the deficiency list in Deeember 1988. There was “no horrendous blunder,,’ said Knight. The site’s architect Ron Keenberg justified the existence of deficiencies by explaining that when close to five million units of construction are involved and 99 per cent accuracy is realized, 50,000 mistake8 or deficiencies will be yielded. _
was built
:... too low by
Part of Sloan’s fruetration with complaints, he says, comes since “there are very dedicated people in the shop, zeroing in on mistakes.” Although Davis Centre users may not have known, Sloan said university extension 3793 is the number to call to report any legitimate deficiencies. Extension 3793 is the 24,hourper-day Plant Operations emergency phone number. “Thousands of problem8 have been solved,” Sloan said. One problem which will require immediate attention is the area of lightweight dividing walls in one of the office blocks. A locked office door with expeneive computer hardware inside can be popped open by heaving a shoulder up against the thin wall. Architect Ron Keenberg hails the Davis Centre as a “world class building.” He calls it “leading edge work.” It was based on an “extremely tight budget,” he adds, and concludes that it was “designed to the university program.” The building will get an anxiously awaited critical review in North America’s top ardhitectural journals in the fall.
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hf&dernizotion: Less More ~Dangerousj, b Sill Robinson in HoughsK ores Monitor, June 2986 reprinted with permission formorathan twent gears the two superpower8 2:eve had enoughnuclear weapon8 to exterminate each other many times gver. Althou h the number of strategic nut f ear warheads hw more than quadrupled since the mid-18808, numbers have not been the focus of the nucliar arms race for many years. Inatead, the focus of the arms race today is the increasing warfighting ability of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons coming out of laboratories and going into the hands of U.S. and Soviet nuclear commanders today are faster, more accurate, harder to detect and more lethal than ever. They include weapons that sense their target8 and maneuver to hit with in- oint accuracy; misaile warLree s that penetrate deep underround before exploding next to t urie’d, fortified bunkers; bombers and cruise missiles that fly undetected past existing radars: end nuclear bombs that fire deadly beams of X-rays or microwaves when detonated. The United States and the Soviet Union are working on more then 50 different strategic nuclear weapon modernization programs. [Modernization efforts are also underway in the tactical nuclear weapons of these countries - partly to “compens$e” for the recent INF treaty - and in the strategic and tactical nuclear weapons of the United Kingdom, France, and China.) This 8t&t egic modernization race is dominated .by the devel-
opment of e.ver more effective ‘*war-fighting” nuclear weapons - wee ens that are fast, lethal, stealt 1 y or well-protected enough to survive and fight in a global nuclear war; The purpose of these weapons, as expressed in U.S. documents, is to “rtrengthen deterrence” by creating the ability to “prevail’ in a global nuclear war. But t%heeffect - as .the U.S. and U.S.S.R each face the growing vulnerability to a first strike attack - is the growing risk of war breaking out. The U.S. - Soviet negotiation8 on strategic nuclear wea on8 (the START talks] are m s ing substantial and important progress toward a strategic arms agreement, But these talks are largely ignoring the issue of nuclear modernization, conoentrating instead on “deep reductions” in the quantity of strategic nuclear weapons. A START agreement for deep reduction8 would be en historic achievement - it would elimi; nate thousands of nuclear weaona, establish the procedurea -Por further major reductions end build a tremendbue s irit of cooperktion between t Yle United States ‘and the Soviet Union. It would not, however, do much,to reduce the risk of nuclear war. Under the current proposals, aSTART agreement would cut the number of U.S. and Soviet strategic nuclear wea ons by about 40%. This wou Pd eliminate roughly 10,000 strategic weapon&, but it would leave newly 15,000 in place - about the number the two countries possessed in 1878. A nuclear war fought with such an arsenal would be just as catastrophic as a nuclear war fought with the current arsenal,
Furthermore, if it eliminated mainly older weapons [as ape pears likely], the agreement would succeed only in reducing the number of nuclear weapon targets, while leaving the number of modern war-fighting wea ens unchanged; Thie.res& m&t increa8e the danger of nuclear war. c Finally, if the START agreement did not include a specific ban on further nuclear modernization, it would do nothing to prevent the continuation of the war-fighting modernization race . - which may pose the greatellt dan er of nuclear we. Tife Canadian government argues that a deep reduction8 agreement would be a “&nuclear! freteze that works.” The reality, however, is that such en agmement by’itself wouid be “diaarmament that doesn’t work.” The easentiel element of an -agreement that works, whether or not it includes reductions, is a ban on strategic nuclear weapon mom dernization. Such a ban could be- accomplished by three verifiable test ban provisions: a ban on nuclear explosive teats: a ban on strategic ballistic missile and cruise missile flight tests; and a ban on space weapon taste (to prevent Star War8 modernization from becoming the new war-fighting arms race]. The Canadian government once supported these meeaures, most notably during Prime Minister Trudeau’s romotion of the “etrateg . of 8u Pfocetion” at the first an d second United Nations Special Seasions on disarmament in 1878 and 1982 [UNSSOD I and II). Among it8 other elements, “suffocatidm” called for both a ban on.nudeer expio-
sive teats and a baa on strategic mieuile teats. At UNSSOD If, Trudeau argued “suffqcatioa” should also be accompanied by a ban on apace weapone. 33ut the government backed away from “suffocation” after UNSSOD II. The poticy was
dropped altogether when the Coneervutiver ceme to power in l@&t. It is time for the Canadian government to put a ban on strew tegic nuclear modernization back at the top of the list of CMadhn arms control and disarmament objectives.
As p&t-of the Northern Relocation Program, the Studwt Awards Branch of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, responsible for the administratIonof the @~tario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), has relocated to Thunder Bay, Ontario. .
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A new, bigger and better edition of the most broadly-acclaimed Eaference work ever published in Canada. +‘fio household should be without it” - Toronto Star
of Waterloo Bookstore
, .
Imprint, Ffiday, Septembr
2, 1988
UW studmt aoes abr-oad by Ranso Banstaeu Imprint staff n Christine Morris, a Univereit of Waterloo second year Englis it student, spent two wseka on a Quebec dairy farm before leaving for a six month exchange pro ramme $0 Mali, Africa, one of t t e worlds poorest countries. Sponsored by Canada World Youth, a non-government, nonprofit organization, the educational exchange programme sends Canadians, aged 17-21, to developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, While still in high school, &d gaining an increasing awareness of social justice issues, Morris a plied to the 38 country exc Eange programme. Finally after
Imprint, Friday, September
1 Toyrism,
by Mike Sore Imprint mtaff
three ears of waiting to be accepte B and acquiring the French training and agriculture skills in Quebec, she has left for Mali where she will participate, along with her Malian counterpart, in the agricultural and social projects of a small community. Upon returning to Canada, Morris and her core group will visit their host. community in Quebec to heighten awareness of meaningful method for conquerthe corn lex issues, of internaing the ethnocentricity of poor tional rePations. As part of her . and rich countries across the commitment to widening local globe. However, Canada World consciousness she plans to give Youth does provide a means for presentations to the schools and decreasing this gap without outh groups which sponsored forcing pretentious Westernized i er exchange, as well as write solutions on communities whose articles for Imprint based on her culture we’ve yet to study. Beexperiences in North, Africa. fore leaving Morris said, “I am Learning to weave baskets the going there to learn and not to Malian way may not seem like a teach.” .
University of Waterloo Fine Arts professor Ann Roberts was elected to the International Academy of Ceramic8 this summer, The Academy promotes the art of ceramic8 through publications, exhibitions, and working r sessiona. In 1888, 35 new members were elected during a conference held in Sydney, Australia. Prof., Roberts and two other die&-
u’~guished Canadians were elected into the 288 member Academy. “The election into the Academy is a-great honour and will give me an opportunity to meet and confer with other artists in the field on an international level. Travelling abroad will be so much easier as that tie ha8 been made,” The International Academy of Ceramics, : which is based in Switzerland, meet8 every two years in one of it+.8member countries. Prof, Roberts wa8 in Auetralia this year conducting
seminars when she was elected. Fr& Roberts has been with the University of Waterloo since 1972 when she began teaching on a art-time basis. She became a fu Pl-time faculty member in 1877 and has served as the chairman for the Fine Art8 Department from 1985 to 1988. Profe8sor Roberta ha8 been president for Ceramists Canada and is presently the chairman of the board for the proposed Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery which is to built in the near future. The “city of Waterloo has do-
ties and governments.” The need for an organization in Canada like TREC ha8 been Tourism i-n Canada generated long overdue, Smith said. “U.S. over $22 billion in 1986. It sup- universities have been involved ported 80,000 businesses and in tourism research for ears. semployed over 000,000 workers. Canada is lagging behin d , and Worldwide, it is the single larg- &mainly because of a lack of fund- * ?st industry with revenues of ‘ing. *’ about $1.8 trillion (U.S.). Yet, it TREC is to be self-finrylced is one of the most misunderstood through contract research, induetries in Canada. grants, donations and the sale of In an attempt to help educa- information and publications. tors, businesses and governPresently the centre is working ments better understand the on a joint project with the New tourism industry, the UW senate Zealand Tourism Board, and ha8 established the Tourism Re- Lincoln College in New Zealand, search * and Education Gentre on a strategic planning and mar(TREC). The centre is the first of keting stud for feetivals and its kind at a Canadian univerevents in t f: at countr . Other sity. Though located on the UW gtudies include: the ro r e of nacampus, it will include re- tional and provincial parks as searcher8 from Wilfrid Laurier, tourism products; urban tourism Western, McMaster and Cuelph. and the conflicts that arise beAccording to Dr. Stephen Smith, residents and tourists. chairperson for the centre, “the tween The centre will not be offering long term goal of TREC is to pro- any courses or degree programs vide strategic planning and co- in tourism; however, it will asordination of tourism research sist universities in setting up .between businesses, univeraiprogram guidelines. At the moment, the centre is not hiring any full-time staff or co-op students. Dr. Smith say8 he does “see the a possibility of co-op positions ar‘U ising with group8 that TREC ’ nated land for the new galler which Prof. Roberts says t;viY1 hope8 to be involved with.” The problem, he said, % that a lot of ’ open in 1990. “We’re very optimistic now.” A national competifirms ,that hire -are seasonal, lation was held and young hour intense and scared to guaVancouver based Patkan Archirantee jobs.” TREC will differ tects were selected to design-the from its counterparts in businew gallery. At the present time, ness and governmenr by concenthe initial stages of the fund rais- trating on basic scholarshi . The ing have begun. centre will work on deve Poping A ceramic display will be held theories and concepts, and testfrom September 7 to October 7 in ing methods of research in the East Campus Hall with several larea of tourism. “The need to unof Prof. Roberts works on dis- ‘derstand will be the driving pla . All students+and the gen- force behind the research at era Y public are welcome, ’ ITREC”, Smith said.
UW orof. aets acad’emv Postina by Andraw R&age Imprint rtaff
2, 1988
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988;
’ Bush may have b&en .L. covertagent by Stephen
NEW YORK [IPS/GIN) - Despite new evidence that U.S. VicePresident George Bush may have been associated with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from as far back as the early 19008, the matter - has gained jittle media attention, , and has failed to become an issue in Bush’s presidential bid. In the July 18 issue of the left-ofcenter magazine The Nation, reporter Joseph McBride revealed a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI] memorandum in which then-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover describes a Nov. 23,1963 briefing given to a “Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency.” Bush was director of the CIA in 1975-78, and has faced a few questions from the mainstream U.S. media over his role there such as his knowledge of Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega’s drug activities, as the Panamanian military chief was on the CIA’s payroll during Bush’s tenure, But The Nation report is the first sign that he may have been working for the agency 88 far
by Chrirtinr h@it
back as 25 years ago, as an undercover operative. The Nation story cites an unnamed intelligence source confirming that the vice-president began to work for the CIA in 1960 or 1961, with the oil business serving as a cover for his covert activities. “I know he was involved in the Caribbean,” said the source, “1 know he was involved in the suppression of things after the Kennedy assassination.” Through a spokesman, Bush said he did not “have any idea”. what the memo referred to. He told “The Nation”: “I was in Houston, Texas, at the time and .involved in the independent oildrilling business. And I was running for the Senate in late lg63.” Stephen Hart, the vice- residential bpokesman; adde a that “it must have been another George Bush.” The memo was unearthed from among nearly 100,000 pages of government documents released by the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act. Dated Nov. 29, 1963, it concerns the reactions of the Cuban emigre community in Miami to
“The majority of people don’t like to think - particularly if thinking is uncomfortable.” - Dr. Reginald Petty in addressing the Youth Building the Future (YBF) conference. The second Youth Building the Future conference did not entirely refute the truth of Dr. Petty’s statement, but it indicated that a eelect group of students worldwide are truly concerned about the uncertain future of our planet. The conference, held on the Uw campus during the week of August 15-19, continued ti tradition begun in 1987 in Melbourne, Australia. Dslegatee, representing almost twenty differerit na.-
problems, Fomil fuels which produce pollution, especially the production of CO2, substantially effect the climate. Sdlar power is already used in certain parts of the world, but is difficult to store. Nuclear fission, according to Dr, Scholz, is doomed because of rising prices and mounting public concern. Fusion power ia limitless but is expensive. Dr. David Scott, the second speaker on this topic, presented an interesting approach to the problem of an energy crisis. He regards hydrogen ener y as a ossible alternative fuel for the f uture, rlecause it would serve to eliminate the .excess amounts of CO2 which are presently being released into the Earth’s atmosphere from the burning af foeeil . fuels.
gather in the Grad Club to discuss policy
tions from Canada to Iran to.Australia, gath8red to disctles relevant and critical issues, including energy resourcBa, the Greenhouse effect, the nuclear arms race, and Third World Development, UWb Phyaica professor Dr. Guenter Scholz stressed during his discussion that we are not running out of tiource8 of energ We ye only running out of the incre bly cheap and convenient oil and natural gas to which the western world has become accuetomed. Dr. Scholz mentioned a number of alternative .energy sources including offehore oil and gas wells, shale and tar sands deposits, coal, solar power, nuclear fisaion and fusion, geothermal energy and tidal action. Each of these alternative sources are expeneive and introduce individual d;
the etory was picked up by the McBride’s investigation re* Associated Press (AP] and vealed that George William Buah newspapers around the United worked for the CIA as a civilianStates, the CIA claimed the case grade specialist in intelligence was one of mistaken identity. research - in his own words A CIA spokes erson told AP “just a lowly researcher and anathe employee re Perred to in the lyst” - who would not have reMM3 memo was not Vice-Presiceived a special briefilig from the dent George Herbert Walker powerful FBI director. Bush but one George William At the time of the Hoover Bush, who worked for the CIA memo, thia Bush’s government before joining the Defense Intelrank was “G.S. 5,” although he ligence Agency in 1984. Hia presyas later promoted to “G.S. 7.“A ent whereabouts are “unknown,” government source told IPS the .the spokesperson said. ranking aystem goes up to “G.S. AP ran the report on July 19 18,” and that a professional emwithout substantiatin the un- ployee with a rank of 5 is barely usual CIA denial, and af though it above entry level. appeared in many newspapers After moving to the Defense the stbry then faded from view. Intelligence Agency in 1865, he But, according to an update in was employed at the Social Serthe August 13 issue of The Na- vice Administration and as a tion, George William Bush was city social worker in Alexandria, located, and he denies having Virginia. ever received the briefing outWhen contacted at the White lined in the memo. House and asked about this de“I didn’t have a ver hard time velopment, Bush’s apokesman finding him,” McBri Be told IPS, Stephen Hart told IPS “there’s no noting that he has lived in- the story there.” He characterized same house for 25 years and is The Nation investigation as ‘“a -still employed by the U.S. go- ~ waste of time.” vernment. The reporter conOn August 2, The Nation defirmed his story thrqugh other tailed George William Bush’s desourcet& Cbntinusd on page 19
Youth *Building . c the Future,
I Delqates
the assaseination of President John F. Kennedy. Ketinedy, a vocal foe of Cuba’s communist leader Fidel Castro, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, on November 22. In an interview with IPS, McBride said the ,revelation “didn’t seem like a big surprise” at first, because of Bush’s subsequent high-profile siewardship of the agency. a It was only after the vice-preeident published hia autobiography last year - in which he asserts he was choeen as a @‘nonprofessional outsider” to revit& ize the then-beleaguered CIA that McBride realized the political importance of the memo. The story is given further credence by more recent events, especially the steady flow of evidence linking the vice-president and his staff to the clandeBtine CIA activities assistin the anti-Sandinista contra ret els, who are operating out of Honduras. The CIA originally stood by its ~policy of neither confirming nor denying a person:8 connection with the agency. However, after
Closely related to this issue of CO2 ‘emissions is ,the Greenhouse effect, a problem of global proportions. According to Dr. Henry Hengeveld, of the Atmosdheric Research Centre in Ottawa, what we are currently engaged in is a total unprecedented experiment w*ith the life support 1eystem of our planet. In the past, there have been juet dnough greenhouee gases present in the -atmosphere
to maintain
an equilibrium
the planet’s temperature. However, over the last 2iH) years, concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane have increased almost ~~&per cent. If the current rate of increaaevcontinues, the earth could experience a dramatic warming trend which is unprecedented in history. A warming trend would also bring in
about a rise in ‘sea levels) as polar ice caps melt, precipitation patterns change, and the ozone layer is depleted. These changes would drastically alter the world’s grain producing areas making present varieties impossible to cultivate and increase the Earth’s vulnerability to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Another topic was the controversial issue of the nuclear arms race. Both speakers on this topic, Dr. Hugh Dewitt of the Lawerence Livermore Laboratory in California, and Dr. Valerie Thomas, of Princeton University, agreed that for the first time in several years we are on the verge of bringing the nuclear race under some semblance of control, Dr, Dewitt stri?arred, however, that in order to gain a better method for this control, we must realize that any sort of nuclear confrontation will result in mutual suicide. Dr. Dewitt also discussed the American SD1 program, more commonly known as “Star Wars” which officially began on March 23, 1883 as a response of to President Reagan’s request asking American scientists to devise a system which would keep America safe from nuclear weapons. This, warns Dr. Dewitt is a fantasy and can never happen because the completion of this weapon would promote the use of nuclear weapons, rather than protect America from the increased utilization of them. There is no way, he concluded, to guarantee safety by technological means, a sentiment clearly echoed by Dr. Thomas who viewed deterrence BS a barbaric and juvenile concept. A discussion of Third World development was conducted by Reginald Petty of the International Education Servicea in Waehington, D.C., and Dr. Wilfrid Wentzel respectively. Both men igree that the very term “third world” is a misused one, as it was devised by the World Bank for economic reasons, Mr. Petty made use of Ghandi’s words ‘There is enough for everyone’s need? but not for everyone’s greed,” by insisting that ‘hunger can be alleviated and should not be accepted as a natural state. However, before this problemctin be corrected, a thorough understanding of the system within which the change is to be affected,
be undertaken.
Without thie understanding, any posaible change will not only be ineffective but may also be detrimental. Similarly, Dr, Wentzel insisted that a recognition of cultural biases must be brought to the fore when interfacing within the global community. The Youth Building the Future Inter-
national Student conference was designed to stimulate greater international awareness and co-operation among stud8nts by increasing communication and understanding of common problems. By. emphasizing the commonalty of these problems a spirit of community between the delegates was established. The overall reti once by the participants at the con Perence was positive. From Malaysia, Lim Saw Ee said even though there were some problem8 with organization (the Malaysian delegation did not receive their conference schedules until two-days before they were to leave for the conference), on the whole, the conference was a valuable experience. The Malaysian delegation were all confident they were, as a direct r8sult of the conference, equipped with enough knowledge to make people more aware of the issues discussed. Paul Josif of Australia felt the very fact the YBF conference exists and the delegatea wer8 able to form and maintain a good degree of communication was a measure of the success of the conference. Alex Schippars and Hans Born from Holland, however, saw the conference as perhaps too idealistic. They suggested the addition of representative speakers from various industries would have added a needed dimension to the talks, thus providing the, delegates with yet another point of view upon which to . form their own opinions. - Opposition also existed among some delegatea to a press release which presented what appeared to be a united front among delegates regarding the issues discussed during the week of the conference, Among those who opposed this press release, it was felt the contentious nature of the issues discussed and the divetsity of the interests represented were too great to be united in short paragraphs without becoming too broad and feeble. The Waterloo conference was only the second Youth Building the Future conference to take place. B8CaU8e the YBF is a relatively newly established organization it is experiencing growing pains which may have contributed to some of the brganizational problems to which the delegates alludid. This should not lessen
organization. By providing an international forum for students in which topics of global importance are discussed, the YBF serves to stimulate greater community, national and international awareness and coo eration among students, some of w hpom may represent some of tomorrow’s leaders. .
Imprint, Friday, September
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Movln9-Mmwithsmallcubevanand appliance cart available weeknighp and .weekends - 820/hr. (student rate). Call Garv at 746-7160. WWI do light moving with a small truck. Also garbage taken away. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 884-2831.
m Tan year8 bookkeeping exparience. Accounts recaivable and payable, payroll, costing, bank reconciliation, trial balance, financial titements. Bonnie after 6:oo pm. 866-1044.
UW cI#mkr Choir zruditions, 2:303:30 pm. Wilbur Maust, director. Sign up at the Music oftica, room 266, CGC fot an audition time. Auditions will also be held on Sept. 8,9, 12 and 13. Sponsored by the Conrad Grebal College Music Department and the U.W. Creative Arts Bosrd. Choir rehearses Tuesdcrys and Thursdays; 3:30-6:m Pm* Ahrl w group, Vector-GTiA, &bit meeting at 7:oO pm. in MC 2009,2nd floor of the Math and Computer Building. Phone 579-3696 f&ordetails, vsitors welcome. .:A= .
voice placement in9:oOpm. Robert Shantz, &r&or. Everyone welcome. Sign up at rwrn 151, CGC for an interview time. Sponsored by Conrad Grebel College Musk Department and the U.W. Crestive Arts Bosrd. Choir raheatses Tuesdays, 700 - 9100 pm. l
Amnaaty ID fall introductory meeting,’ review and plans, aimed in particular at those intarested in learning more about Amnesty’s work. 730 pm., Kitchener Public Library; 700 pm. for new people. Tour, of Dana Porter and Davis Centre Libraries. 930, 1030, 11:30 am., and 1:30,2:3O pm. Meet at the Information Desk Tours will last approximately 30 - 60 minutes.
UW mbu Choir auditions, 10~00 am. - 12:oO pm. Wilbur Maust, diractur. Sign up at the Music Office, room 266, CSC for an audition time. wnoared by tha Conrsd G&al Collega Music Department and the U.W. Creativa Arts Board. Choir rehearsas Tuesw and mum, 3:x1-6:oo pm. COC chr(nl Choir auditions. 1:00 430 pm. bard Enns, diractor. Sign up at the Music mice, room 266, CGC for an audition time. Auditions also h&l on Saptambar 9. Choir rehearses Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30 6m pm. Spcmomd by the Cuntad Grabel Collage Music Department and the U.W. Creative Arts Board, Fadaration of Students. !JW m auditions. 430 - 6:g pm. Victor Saws, director. Everyone welcome. Sign up at the Music office, room 266, CGC for an audition tima. Sponsored by the Conrad Grabal Col,lega Music Dapartmeirt and the U.W. Creative Arts Board. Orchestra re~M~SM mum, 430 - 6:30 pm. Toun of unkrrrlly Map and Olnign Ubtrry. lo:30 am. and 2:30 pm. Maet (rt the FuMic Services Da& ESI 246. w chdr voice plaoament intewiuws. 6:oo * em pin. Rdmft Shantz, diractor. Everyone wlcome. Sign up at ro0m 161 ,‘CGCfor an interview time. Sponsored by Conrad Grebal College Music Dapartmant and the U.W. Creative Arts Board. Choir rehearses Tuesdays, t:OD - 9:OO pm.
of waitam. Apply in persoe. Waterloo Lenes. 14 Princess Street West, Waterloo. br phone for an appointment 886-2900 or 885-3381.
ReStWrMt- t00d&0p requires parttime people. to work lunch hours. Apply Ciao The Pasta Shop, 33 Erb St. W., Waterloo (in the atrium).
F* -*typing (-might) on 8 Macintosh. 81. doubla spaced page. No technicat typing or charts. Pickup and delivary on Campus. Pet - (after S 0m.i home 893-0499.
32 years axperisnca. 86C
double spaced pale. lMB Salactric. Essay& rMlltnes, theses, etc. westmount-Erb ar98. Call 6B6-7163.
PHRSDRALS cwlbkrn 8tudUW Association waF ##wnes everyone back and invites you to join our club and get involved. Time to omtv West Indian‘stvlel congnbldkn, tu AS. for her appintmsnt to chief photographer with National Geographic. For her layout of. the last known Peruvian Da-Do Bird. G&xl job, we are all pullin’ for ya; The Smannav Brothara.
Untvmlty Chdr voice placement interviews, 6:oO - 9:OOpm. Robert Shantz, director. Everyone welcome. Sign up at room 151, CGC for an interview time. Sponsored by Conrad Grebel College Music Department and the U.W. Creative Arts Board. Choir rehearses Tuesdays, 7:oO - 9:OO pm.
Wwrkd= w-w&t
2, 1888
IUW Chanbar Chair auditions, 1O:oO12:OO pm. Wilbur Maust, director. Sign up at the Music Office, room 266, CGC for en audition time. Sponsored ‘by the Conrad Grebel College Music Department and the UW. Creative Arts Board. Choir rehearses Tuesdays and Thursdavs, 3:3D-6:oO CHII Tours of Dana Porter and Davis Centre Libraries. 9:30, 10:30, 1130 am., and 130, 230 pm. Meet at the Information Desk. Tours will last approximately 30 - 50 minutes. COC Cilapal Choir auditions. 100 3:OO pm. Leonard Enns, director. Sign up at the Music office, room 266, CGC for an audition time. Choir reheatsas Mmdays and Wednesdays 3:30 5:OO pm. Sponsored by the Conrad Grtil College Music Department and the U.W. Creative Arts Board, Fetbsration of Students.
Tours ti Dana Porter and Davis Cantre Libraries., 9:30, 1O:SO, 1130 am., and 1:30,2:30 pm. Meet at the Information Desk. Tours will last apprtiimatelv 30 - 50 minutes. UW Chambw Choir auditions, 2:004:oO pm. Wilbur Maust, director. Sign up at the Music Office, room 266, CGC for an audition time. Sponsored by the Conrad G&al college Music Department and the U.W. Creative Arts Board. Choi,r rehearses Tuesdays, and rnursdavih 3:~6300 pm. UnlvuMy choir voice placement interviews, 6:oO - 9:oOpm. Robert Shantz, diractor. Everyone welcome. Sign up at room 161, CGC for an interview time. Sponaofad by Conrad Grebel College Music Department and the U.W. Creative Arts Board. Choir rehearses Tuesdays, 7:ob - 9:OO om. Tom Ot Unhrdty Map and Design Library. 103Oam. and 230~. Meat at the Public Servicea Desk, ESI 246. UW m 6and auditions, 6:30#- 830 pm. Michael Wood, diractor. Everyow welcome. Sign up at the Musk Office, room 266, CGC for an audition time. Sponsorad by the Conrd GrebaI Collage Music Department and the U.W. Craativa Arts Board. 6and Meatses Mondays, 7:oO - 9:oO pm. WATCAT V The focus of tw 60 minute sasaionswill be on saving time and affort when using WATCAT, the library’s onlina catalogw. Meet at the Dana portsr library ‘Information Desk at 10~30 am. of the Davis Centre Library Information Daak at 1:3oMn
TUUDAY,l ??mMuR . 1s
-- -.
Tours of Dana Ports and Davis Centra Libr8rlas. MO, 1wc3,11:30 am., and 1:30,2:30 pm. Meet at the lnformation Desk. Tours will last approximataly 30 - 50 minutaa. Toursofunlwn)lyMapandDasign .Libtery. l&30 am. and 230 pm* Msrrt at the Public Sawicas Dask, ESJ 246. Lbmy Inwash fur gvaduutb ttudents. Thee 8pecial i-mation sessions are intended to introduce new graduate students to the library and to the many sewice available to them. Maat at the Information Desk at tha Davis Centre of Dana P&t& L&arias, 2:30 pm. ,
WATCAT w The focus of these 60 minute sessionswill bon saving time and effort when using WATCAT, the library’s~ online cata-_ . kquel. Meet at the Davis centm Libfary Information Desk at 12:30 pm. Towr of m Map and Design Llbmty. lo:30 am. and 2:30 pm. Meat ur the Da- Portar Library Information Desk at 2:30 pm. at the Public Sarvicas Desk, ESI 246.
Atrl &a~ group, Vector-GTIA, I d-bit (ST) meeting at 7:W pm. in MC 2009, 2nd floor of the Math and Computer Building. Phone 679-369s for details. Visitors welcome. Tour8 ol Dana Portar and Davis Centre Libraries. 930, 1030, 11:30 am., and 1:30,2:30 pm. Meet at the Information Desk Tours will last *oximately 30 - 60 minutes. Do you need a day away from it all? Participate in the Volunteer Placement Sawb’s first annual Charity Goff Tournament. Form your own team - ladies, man, mixed, and lay8 round of best b6ll golf. fhe fie II *is li@tad, so register today. 83S.m par player. Income tax raceipt for $20.80 will be issued. Marry Hill Golf Club(off Highway 7 to Guelph). More information contact Roy Bue, 742-1012. TourrotNMapandDesign L&tory. 1050 am. and 2:30 pm. Meat at the Public Sawicas Da& ESI 246. m ‘Tun in the Sun” with the Indian Students’ Association. at Pioneer Sports World! Win millions in prizes for go-carting 8,pdmini-golf. Ridas ate available from the Campus Cantra from 430 to 5: 15, chaiges as applicable.
Youth lulldkrg the Future: An international atu*nt network addressing glqbal issuas. Anyone interested in helping maintain the network, please attend our first maating, 730 in CC 135. UW M Band first rehearsal, 7:00- QiOO pm., Conrad Grab81 College, room 166. George Holmes, director. Everyonewelcoms. No audition rquited. w by tha Conrad Gtebel CdIaga Musk Dapartmsnt and the U.W. Craativa Arts Board. Towa of Dana Porter and Davis i=entre Libratie8.9~30, lO%I, 11:3Oam., and 1 :m, 2:30 pm. Meet at tha Infor-. mation Daak. Tours will last approximately 30 - SO minute Cdbbmi 6MMtia’ Assuciatiun invitas evsryone tu the fimt .genaral
mdngandr8p84jmsimdthsterm. 330
pm. in CC 136; Ail Wqlcx~W.
Tou,~UlJrrrrltlrMapandDasign Library. 1030am. and2:3Dpm. Maat at the Pubtk M-i I)riak, ESI 24& ~Clubmeetingut73Oprn.in Campus Cantra 110. Bring boards arid dictionarias. Phona 679-36Q~fw details. Visitora, -innan, ti Ian~uages wakome. Lbrrprl&wnMwNmforgr8dkjate shbnts. Them spacirl inform+ tian sessions ace intandsd to introduca new graduate sttits to tha library and to the many osnljo60 available to them. Meet at the Information Da&k at the Davis Cantn w Dana mtet Libtsrks,’ 1:30 pm.
d fduw bKtiaM trlor-m onamovienightaponaofedbythalndian St&ants’ Aaaociation. ‘Silsiik”, starring Amitabh Bacchan and R&h8 will start the honor roll at 8:oO in the Chsm. 2 IOU-. Family and frind, walcoma. iourr ot Dana Porter and Davis Centra Librsries. MO, l&30, II:30 am., and 1:30,2:30 pm. Meat at the information Desk. Tour8 will last sgproximately 30 - 60 minutas. Twno(~Nbpancl~gn Library. 1&30rm. and 2:3opm. Msat at the Public Servii Da& ES1246.
Chlnrn chrlrlbn Felt&ship waekly meatina. 7:30 Dm.. WLU Saminaw Buildi& room 201: All welcome. & tranmion call 746-6769.
owQ#wnmmvwmm cmrd&n Hantd Health Asaociiion/Waterloo Region ia offering a 10 wwk course for family members of petsuns labeltad, schizophrenic, chronically mentally ill, psychiatric patient. Tha coursa begins Saptember 27th,7:16pm.Nof&willtJ8&8rgt3d. Call 744-7646 bv SatHembar 23. ~k,halpingachildwithspecial needs with a&tool work? Big Sisters uf Kitchanar-Waterloo and Area will be holding a training uaasion foe Hum~Hsl~onMond8ys4pternbar 19,19BB.Ifyouate18yaarsof 898oforetandc8nh8lpaschw~8g8d chitd, cafl743-5206 to raaiater. IU Wor# Youth is now racruiti@participsr& batwean 17 and 20 (as of Decadmt 31, 1988) for exch8nQe programme with developing counttim in Africa, &ia, Latin America and the Caribtsaan. Exchangas start as early as June 1989. Final dealine for applications in January 270969. Far application forms or more information, contact Can8d8 World Youth, Ontario Regional Office, 386 Bloor St., Weat, 2nd floor, To*onto. MSS 1X4. (416) 9226776.
tfanef W&eon Huusa an & Gallery. 17s4 QId Mill Rorrd, Kiihener. Bruc& Harchenadet and Mary Dawn Robmts: September 8 - October 2. wning recept&, mu*, Swtember8, t-,7:30 - 9:30 pm.-PrinL and wai c tsrQocoU~. w m Scholarships, valued .each at 10,ooO pounds per ywr, will be awarded to unmarried Canadlan Citiiensbatwaenthea9asof18-24 thathavaoompIatedatIaastthrae years of univsrsi training by @tober 1,lBBS. Appkation forms and particulara may b @t&ad from tha Student Awards offrca, Saconcl Root, Needles Hall. Nomhdma m rquastad for ttw following mats011 the UnivarsiiSanata, to ba filled by byalectipn. At (east 10 nominator8 are required in each case. One angineafing fa&ty member (term to April 30,199O). One hdty member at-hfga (tam to April 30, 1991). One enginssring facutty undstgr8duate student (term to &ril 30, 1989). One mathamatics fmutty undargraduata student (term to AQlil 30, lm). Nomination forms and furthar information are available from the ‘Secretariat, ext. 3493. Naninstionsshou#ba#nttutbchief~ turning 0ffii, Sacratariat, (NewBaa Hall, room 3060, rw later than 3:oO pm., Wadnaaday, Septumbar 14, 1988. An election will fdtow if nacaasaw.
Affair ignored
The newspa er said that Bush would set arf cfe erioda of up-to nid in a press release to the 24 hours and tell L ‘I aides that he country’s principul newspa ers. had to fly to Washington for a secret meeting with former CIA Yet, it has received little i P any directors, but that he would iaot attention, McBride told IPS. dhr&e his whereabouts. The influential Washington McBride, who calls Bush’s hiaPost, for e~&~~ple, neglected altogether to m the two AP sto- tory as an undercover o erativs for the CIA “very distur 1 ing,” is ries discussing The Nation investigation and the CM5 de- now investigating Bush’8 Uttleexplored past in an effort to disk nial. Other major newspapers, sitch as the New York Times, cover what his duties with the carried the initid stories but CIA may havei been at the time. He noted that presidential have ignored the follow-up, past activities md which contradicts the CIA ver- Candidate8 dhi8ions
SiOn, md
more than a wsek after the release, a epokeewoman for Maerachusettll Governor Michael Dukakia, the Democratic Party’s praridential candidate, said he was not aware of the story, and told IPS the campaign would havSno comment. L . The Washington Post ran an &jcle Augurt 11 on Bush’s tenure at the CIA which made no mention of The Nation story, but did note that there was mystery concerning Bush’s actfvitier aftefba left the agency.
am nurxna.lly the focus media attetition. That wes seen recently in the awe of Dukakis’ non-vi&t to a psychiatrist, a rumor w&h.b
of inten
came national news here. %And former Colorado Sanator Gary Hart31 bid to ba the Democratic Party’s nominee coIla red when the Miami Herald st arkad out hb house tid discovered hir affair . with model Donna Rice. NW1the1es8, &orge H. W.’ BUSWS past, pa@zularly this teatially explosive cha ter, CB B. gone largely un8xplor8
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A look at entertainment. this fall, by Cbr1e Wod&au Imprint etaff
music from ‘acts touring
If you happen to be coming here from ‘Toronto, you might notice the concert scene here’ is not always bustling. Not to worry, though, if you fear spending your weekends watching -Magnum P.I. reruns for the next four months - your benevolent Jmpriat moles and weasels are always on the lookout for the hippest, coolest, most elitist, and otherwise most entertaining goings-on.to flog you with. With no further ado, here’s a venue by venue run-down of the presentations, that the powers that be have been good enough to tell us about, ORIENTATION
some of the premier Southern Ontario..
Sept. 6 - The PAC Patio gets started with Tbe Hopping Penquine, a perennial ska favourite. Sept. 7 - After a couple of exceptionally well-received and energetic shows at Fed Hall over the past few months, and with a new record te peddle, The Ran‘dypetere, one of Ottawa’s best guitar bands, plays at The PAC Patio. _On Wednesday night, you can catch Toronto’s favourjte rockabilly cat!, The Razorbacks, at The Quad at Laurier. Sept. 8 -, Dirsktive 17, former winners. of CFNY’s Great Outario Talent‘ Search, are in at The PAC ,Patio. Sept. 9 - Those zanjr T.O. jazzniks, The Shuffle Demons, will be at The PAC Patio, tacky outfits and all, .%
All right, 80 it’s not exactly a venue, but there’s plenty goings on under the auspices of Fresh Sept. 10 - Probably the biggest Week to merit a few Zooksees, . entertainment event during Most notable is BJZnt’s “PAC Orientation Week will be the Patio” experiment: from Tuesday-long concert held by ‘The day to Friday from 200 to 7:OO . Amnsety Intarnatidnd Fed4 p.m. in the PAC- Quad will be Of Frbdom .at, Bingeman Park food, refreshments, and free from noon until 1:OO a.m. Con-
to play
popsters Go Four 3, local reggae star Errol1 Blackwood (ex-Messenjah], Toronto’s National Velvet, independent supergroup Scott B. Sympathy (members of Groovy Religion, Change of Heart, and A Neon Rome] wh6 have played some smoking shows around here in the past, and fab locals Research Monkeys (see review this issue) and Tim Racine. There’s booze and food there, there’s shuttle bus service to and from the universities, and the money all goes to an eminently good cause. As well, rumour has it 54-40 will be playing an acoustic’ show at the Victoria Park Pavilion Sunday aftlernoon. Sept. 20 - Sort of a post-Orientation Week event, B.Ent’s annual outdoor concert features . The Wailers [yep, Bob Marley’s band) with Meaeenjah. FED HALL
Big and glitzy with a megaloud sound system,, Fed Hall plays host to the major concerts on campus. The following is only a partial listing since all the acts for this term have not been confirmed, Keep your ears open for news of upcoming big names. Sep.t. 16 - Welcome Back Pub ‘88 is a biggie, -featuring M-40 with Art Bergman opening. As strong as their vinyl is, 54-40's 1,ive show really rocks. * Nov, 11.This year’s Homecoming/Naismith Pub offers up The Paul James Band, bluesI rocking and rockabilly madness guaranteed to make ou sweat off that unwanted fla t: s Nov.18 - After all these years and local shows, BIus Rods0 remains one of Toronto’s finest exponents of live. music. A/ways -worth your money and then I. some. TffE’BOMBSH.ELTER Most of the on-cam u% action will be happening at T K e Bomber this term with the “Bombshelter Rocks” ‘S&urday night concert series, showcasing the best in independent and alternative major label acts.
Sat&day nights at The Bomber showcase the best in independent talent.
Pigt E3otmanand Rand Peppler
,hprht fna photo
Sept. 17 - National Velvet’s debut for Capitol was a big%it at CKMS with sinuous alternative rock sound and bodes well for the first Bomber show,
Get roped in by Blue Rodeo Nov. 18 at Fed Hafl. Impflnt
lik photo
Sept. 24 - Blues-rock at its wildest and siveatiest is on the bill with The Phantoms, ‘supremely tight musicians and ti%ly unhinged showmen,. as anyone who saw their Hoodoo Lounge show last spring will attest.
Toronto’s best bands, bar none. Oct. 20 - The one Thursday night show of the term features ex-Messenjah main man, Err011 Blackwood, to play his soulfuland sensuous blend of rootsy reggae. *
Oct. 8 Producers of the Number 1 release at CKMS aa I write, Black Butt @x-Mater= beats] has turne B into a solid and, dare I say, exciting poprock act.
Oct. 22 spate of to ink a recent sounding another after a summer;
Oct. 15 - Back for an encore performance after their wonderful Bombshelter show this summer, Cowboy Junkies’ play the blues and country and, country-blues with a sweet and aching mellowness that has been described as “the sound of molasses.” One of
one of the - Another Southern Ontario. bands big recording contract in months, the StonesBasic English is band making a return well-received show this
Oct. 29 - The Shu’fne Demons, always a campUs favourite, will saunter and smirk back into town with their fake jazz. Continued
on page 2
, 26
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
Who’s playing where this ,fall : Continued
NOV. 5 -Could be the best one of the term. Change Of Heart has
More shows are on the -way for the latter part of November with the B.Ent boys negotiating with some really cool bands.
of preppies
during the weekend but metamorphosing on select Wedjocks
nesday nights into the Oxygen Party, a night of alternative music to remind ‘everyone that not everyone digs John Cougar Mellencamp. vinyl debut Sept. 21 - Their may be a little derivative, but Tragically Hip puts on a dynamite live show, combining originals with groovy ‘60’s nuggets. Sept. 28 - Never seen these guys but some folks around here swear Bob’s Your Untie is one of the greatest live bands going. Oct. 26 - Hailing from Vancouver’s thriving scene, After All are in town to hawk their ! new release. Nov. 9 - If you missed ‘em at The Bomber, or if you loved their show and want to see ‘em again, he&s another chance to catch Basic English.
After enough people kicking up a stink (and rightfully so) when The UW Arts Centre was closed down, The City of Waterloo stepped in and is presenting a Performing Arts Series called
past years. All Presentation place on campus.
Sept. 20-22 z The Blyth Festival makes its return to The Humanities Theatre at Hagey Hall with Bordertown Cafe, “a clever and humourous look at the Canadian obsession with our neighbours to the south.
FLIPPER’S Errol1 Blackwood at The Amnesty and The Bomber Oct. 20. been one of Toronto’s premier indie bands for a couple of years now and their shows-are loud, raw, and unbearably intense (well, almost).
Half Ave.
a mile down in Laurierland
tile photo
University is The
Formerly the notorious’ &ckdoor, Flipper’s is a renovated little hole in the wall in downtown Kitchener that’s back in the business of booking local talent. Sept. 8-10 Boaton cream (don’t know anything about these guys, but I’m sure they’re brilliant) are in for three nights if you happen to be in the downtown Kitchener area. Sept. 22-24 - Same goes for The Rhinos but there’s no cover, so show some support for a worth1 while attempt at giving local bands a place to play.
Lip Sync Contest
I TUESDAY 1 Stages Live Comedy Cabaret 4 of Canada’s top comedians I WEDNESDAV . Ladies
Didn’t get a chance to peek at the schedules for The Albion in Guelph, Phil’s Grandson’s Place, Stages, or The Hoodoo Lounge, so keep your eyes peeled to our weekly Hip Happenings column for any live music going down.
ChangeHeart “Dazzling content, excellent
be term’s
Debut,” in scope and almost identical to the Arts Centre series of
Beat the Summer Heat Wln Coke* Tlcksts v Dance tll2 am - NO COVER
Dance til 2:00 am. to the greatest Sound and Light Show In Canada! SEE IMPRINT3 COUPON PAGE FOR FREE ADMISSION!
only. able to seaion subscribers Oct. 28 - One of the most vibrant and exciting touring dance to one Imprint trou es according staf Per, Toronto II-43 TIqatre brings- their energetic dance to Humalrities. Nov. 6 - After the success of Iaat year’8 performance of Lettsr From Wingfield Fu& Rod Beattie is back with another one-man show, Win fMd.8 Program at Theatre oft f e Arts. Available to subscribers only, Nov. 26 - UWs Draina Department continues their tradition of presenting theatre for children with New Canadian Kid.
Doors Open at 7:OO pm. Dress Code in Effect ....% ..
312 King St. W., Kltchener
744-2000 -
Write for
Advance Tickets available at Stages Box Office; IJW Record Store; RPM, Wsterloo; Records on Wheels, Guefph & Sam the Record Man, Downtown Kitchener.
Sept. 28 - The acclaimed Kitchener=Water~oo Symphony Orchestra is back in .The Theatre of the Arts in Modern Languages --
Purcell, Mozart, and Vivaldi, Oct. 8 - In another return performance, humourist/singer/songwriter Nancy White is back - in the sagacious words Qf The Toronto Star, she’s “a cabaret cobra who comes hissing in a cloud of dhiffon.” Oct. 22 - Theatre Aquarius makes a sto at The Humanities Theatre Fit E M&lure, the,~~o-~y “A
Ray Delions ‘Wheel of Travel’ I -THURSDAk -
show (Nov. 5). Irnpmt flk photo photo
Might with a Twist &
best Bomber
Art Supplies are our Only Business
Ask About the Student Discmunt!
And see the world
2, 1988
Firing a blank. a
by Andrew Rahage Imprint staff
tally funny scene, ‘Dot’ (a Regulator played by Kiefer Sutherland) has his face splatJust when it is &ought the tered with blood and grey ceils great western movie is dead, a after Billy blows a traitor’s new high in the saddle and tumbrains out in front of him. bleweed film is brought before During the course of their who us to remind us how the Amerigives II shit, lets shoot ‘em anycan West was won. Young Guns way vendetta, the boys go a little is the latest to take us back 110 too far and become the object of years to when men were tougher one of the biggest manhunts in than rawhide. the history of the West, The most Young GUM ia the story of six trigger-happy youths hellbent humorous scene comes when the on avenging their mentor’s gang’ members find themselves death, It is aleo the story of how running from the law with no esone of ‘the six, William H. Boncape, They turn to the ancient. ney, became “Billy The Kid.” Indian ways for guidsance and The film unfolds with William * epd up getting stoned out of their Bonney becoming the sixth reguminds. 3 lator hired by an English merWhile all six men we’re reaponchant to protect his ranch from sible for much of the violence in the local villains. The Englishthe film, the media quickly man feeds, cloths and teaches singled out. William Bonney as the six lads to become proper leader and killer and dubbed him men. The quickly accept him as “Billy The Kid”. Supposedly, a father r igure. When he is a16 this is how his. legend begins. bgahed and killed, the six young I In Young GUII~, Emilio Esmen set out to settle the scare. tevezgives what is said to be the They kill everyone, In a patheti-
definitive portrayal of Billy The Kid. It would help a great deal if this were true but the film just _ does no,t give enough information about Billy fur the audience to relate to, The fact that Emilio Estevez has never given the definitive portrayal of anyane or anything also hinders .any feeling the viewer may have for the character. While the movie occasionally feels like the Brat Pack Goes West, Kiefer Sutherland giveq an excellent effort as the brightest Regulator. Playing a gq0cLguy for a change, Sutherland gives the character of Dot considerable depth and credibility. We can actually bee Dot being someone or somewhere &etter. Unfortunately, his circumstances tind the gang %e is with .drag him down. _ For those of you who go for the lowdown and dirty, Young GUM p’rovides enough action for almost anyone, but it is not a great movie.
Every week (b&weekly in the summer), Iaqprht has the news you want to read. We tastefully brtilg you campus events political seandals, ins & commentary, and eye-opening reviews. . Imprint is staffed by Warns of volunteers, but we always welcome new recruits and occasional contributors. All the news is brought to UW students by our section e&Ux% and news grunts, and you can keep up with it by taking out a
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Imprint, Friday, September
2, IS88
- Irma La. D0uc.e shines at Stratford by Christina Hardy rind Bonnia chn
Imprint staff “‘Tis pity she’s a whore.” Even so, thCstory of Irma La: Deuce presents an infinitely enjoyable romp through the seamier side of Paris nightlife where “the only crime is to get ca-ught.” The gaudy, “aha-na-na” style outfits of the “mecs” (pimps) and, the versatile set comprised of two gigantic high-heeled shoes (which, at one point, become a ship called the S.S. Stiletto) j provide an interesting backdrop for this unlikely love story. The opening scene, which features an old, patched curtain that sparkles .nonetheless,,rsflects a prevailing atmosphere of hope in a corrupt j seemingly hopeless environment. _ An unusual love affair develops when Nestor, a law student [played by Scott Wentworth) and Irma, a prostitute [played by Susan Henley), meet arid fall in love. All is. not bliss for Nestor, however, as Irma insists. on con-
tinuing to practice her “profession.” However, when she confesses to Nestor that her dream is to have only one rich, older “custo-. mer” who will provide all the money she needs, Nestor invents Oscar, her dream man, This attempt to assutige his own jealousy by creating a dual identity causes Nestor no end of woe. After attempting, to rid himself of Oscar b-y throwing him in the river, he is charged with-murder.
scene portraying a queue of meri impatiently awaiting their turns with Irma’ This is accompanied by a, musical number entitled’ “She’s Got the Lot.” Best not to think too hard about this one’ In general, the song and dance
numbers were well done and well integrated into the plot+ The exception to this wa8 a number entitled, “The Arctic Ballet”’ a number featuring dancing penguins which apparently had no relevance whatsoever to the
plot. This isolated incident’ though annoying, did not detract from a generally enjoyable performance. .
Irma is at the Avon until
Theatre /
The lead-up to the “murder” is an amusing.scene in which Nestor and Oscar argue behind a circular announcement board about which of them must die. The transition between the two characters’ voices is 80 smooth it is easy to forget that Nestor is actually talking to himself. The absurdity of this scene was not lost on an appreciative audience. A combination of comedy arising from an obviously comedic situation and lively musical numbers overshadow the harsh fact that Irma is a prostitute. This fact is made obvious in a
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Imprint,- Friday, St&ember
Upon arrival at The Third Stage, we thought the queue ridiculously long and figured that we of “superior” intellect would have a seat and wait for said queue ‘to dissipate. After pondering for several minutes the idiocy of those standing in line, it struck tickets
us said
If this play is designed to lights went down on the final achieve the same thing as Sopho- scene, the silence that preceded cles originally intended - that is, the tumultuous a plause was a the purging of emotion - it suc- tribute to the ski1Ped craftsmanceeds immeasurably. As the ship which these artisans
“genera P sdmission,” Great. So, tucking our tails between our legs, we meekly conceded our own stupidity was superior to that of those already in line and took our place at the end of said line.
brought to this age-old tragedy. If there is one word which encapsulates ‘the prevailing mood of the pla , it is “haunting.” Through t Ke eerie, ritualistic portrays1 of the chorus, blending modern and ancient elements, the stark, genderless, black- and white costumes, and the minimal use of props and setting, a sense
ti orchestra through a symphony. If the tragedy of Oedipm leaves one emotional1 drained, The Critic provides a K umorous counterpoint. Contained within The Critic itself is a mocktragedy, containing the standard elements of tragedy exaggerated to ridiculousness. of the timelessness of the lay is The humour centres around achieved. There is no mar 5:er by the dharacter of Mr. Puff [Albert which the play caq be dated, al- Schultz), who conducts hiti life lowing the modern audience-to and work in a manner suggested experience the same purging of by his name. Dominated by SW emotions as the ancient Greeks perficiality, he provides a focal would have, point for this satirical interpretation of this world of plays, The character of Oedipus, SW playwrights and critics perbly portrayed by Stuart The play provides a lightHughes, coupled with the pas- hearted contrast to the dark sionate Jocasta, played by tragedy of CD&pus. The double Nancy Palk, conducts the au- bill of Oedipw and The Wfic is dience through a series of vivid ;;I.T”; qThird Stage until Sep. emotions as a maestro conducts . r)
However, regardless of this initial bit of embarrassment, it must be admitted that there were no “bad” seats in the house. Surprisingly, even though it was a Tuesday, the theatre was filled to capacity. The story of Oedipus, that of a man who unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother, thus fulfilling a prophecy his parents had tried to avoid, is a familiar one to most people. However, this familiarity does not lessen the impact of its performance by the Stratford Young Company.
Two Giznts *iit Stratford -by Sheri
, *
For many people, the name “Shakespeare*’ tends to .conjure up images of ghosts and tragedy with the gloom of death hanging over everything. Not so when speaking of Tba Two Gentleman Of Verona. One of Shakespeare’s earliest comedies, this play is “a charming, deceptively simple exploration of youth: of first love, betrayal and redemption,” in the words of director Robert Beard. A young gentleman named Valentine (John Wojda) seis
things in motion as he sails to Milan seeking adventure. He entreats his close friend Proteus [Henry Czerny] to adcompany him, but Proteus remains in Verona to pursue his love of Julia [Peggy Coffey]. And, as is t pical in Shakespeare’s come d’ies, the unexpected happen8 and love’s hope seems lost when Proteus, who eventually follow8 his ‘friend, falls in love with the beautiful Silvia (Kim Horsman) who has already stolen Valentine’s heart. But hope is recovered and a happy ending lurks
around the corner. The play is very entertaining; the dialogue, filled with sharp quips and quick wit, is very fastmoving, keeping the audience on their toes. The acting.of the four main characters is a credit to the play and not a beat is missed, Des ite the language being Old Eng Pish, the actors’ interpretation of their -respective arts banishes’ all fear of not 1 eing able to understand Shakespeare. The costumes were simple in design and colour, keeping, the focus upon the dialogue. A notable exception. was Thurio [Allan Gray), a suitor of Silvia’s - his brilliantly coloured costumes were a source of great amusement. The flow of the play was enhanced by Two Guntlamen’a sets - remarkable and deceptively simple in ap earance. The stage was adorne If with only a large storybook. As the play began, the book was opened and set changes consisted of a simple turning of a page to a new scene, not impeding the pacing at all. The performances of Keith binical and Bern&d Hopkins, who played Speed and Launce, the servants of Valentine and Proteus, were an added plus. Shakespeare often uses servants as comic relief and these were no exception. Their hilarious banter and the impromptu antics of Launce’s dog, Crab, kept the audience in stitches. Summing up his feelings about the play, Bbard states, “If you approach The TWO. Gsatlamen of Vamna cynically, it will elude you. But if you remember a time when it seemed possible to die of love, when beauty ww a new discovery, and truth unequivocal, The Tws GWIum8~ of VuOM may reward you, with a gfirnpse of your o~n3nnocence.” For a wonderfully enriching eve’ning of pure doyment, The Two GentJm. dc Vargma is -49 must-see, Thapltif’*w showing at The Avoa ‘I’h&b iri Stratford until October .’ :,’ . Z& &&!.
Oedipus and The Critic: a contrast by Cbriat~a cican Imprint mff
2, 1988
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Heaven. while other tracks such as Slide, and The Sentencing darken the alb&n. Even though it WM released over a year ago as a 12”, Wanting is also included on this album. While Yeub Whatever over all is a fine ‘album, it’s greatest shortcoming is it’s length. It is a relatively very short record with only eight tracks in total. Perhaps a-few more songs would ha& given more depth and character to the album. For a Canadian band, Moev has achieved considerable recognition in Europe and is now receiving more attention in North America. Yeah fitever
by Andrew Rehags Imprint rtaff Yeah Whdevar, the second album from Moev is a welcome sight on the Canadian music scene. Those who are familiar
with some of Moev’s earlier dance hits such as Alibis. an-d Took Out The Lace, or for those looking for something fresh in the alternativeLvein of music will not be ‘disappointed with Ye&
Lead sin er Dean Russell’s strong voc s s give the album a moodiness all its own, At times it is danceable with tunes like Yeah_ _Whatever and Capitol I
SIZES 2w8 MEN’S 501, 516, -., 531, styles:
will be released simultaneously in Europe and North America this month and wiil be followed tours on both continents in the, .near future. Looking at the latest August CKMS play list, Ye& *tsvsr can’t be found. Ho fully it will find it’s way onto t gee CKMS airwaves in the next few weeks. It definitely would be a positive addition.
aa?* bycIuimwdmkuu ImprIut rtaff
when I fit slapped Pigfarm’s debut dbum Hold Your IWwon my turntable, I began to feel somewhat ignorant. Having spent good chunks of the last few years *in Tomato, and having checked out a seemingly endless barrage of young Hogtown bands, why is it that I never heard of these guys before? Then I realized that Ifold Ywr N&m was recorded only one year after these prkers ever st~arted playing together. I guess I can be excused for my ignorance, because in the time it takes most other bands to learn their bass lines, Pigfarm is already knocking on the door of that elite club of ‘established T.O. rockers such as Change of Heart and NoMind. While. this. is an exceptional debut, thereis still room for impavement. The obvious comparisons to The Replacements and Meat Puppets fade considerably on the ,slower tunes, as the band has some difficulty writing melodies with much catch or edge to them. The production on the guitar also loses a great deal of energy (crank ‘em up, -kids). So.while HohI Yow Now loses half a doberman since Inprlnt’s Mr. W. Pae, reviewed ‘the cassette version of it in June, Pigfarm definitely has a porky fu? ture in Hogtown’& boozebarn rApff be igno.rant! Buy l .
Back Students!
our.-n on Imprintb . Coupon Page!
SEES 24=a St+& 501, 531; 900
Love it or bate it, one thing hiphop has shown over its brief existence is that you can’t stand still for long or you’re goflna be left choking on everyone else’s dust. With The Gqs of I&B& some three or four years back, RunDMC-establi&ed themselves as the hardest, nastiest, hippest homeboys on the-block, putting the toughest rappbg to bonecrushing metal riffs. R&bg Hell used the critical buzz generated by their earlier works, not to mention Joe Perry’s guitar, to get themselves a hit. And with the unintentionally ironically named Tuugher Tbn Leather, well, they’re jogging on the spot and double platinum status is assured.
Even more than The Beastie Boys, who at least have a juvenile sense of ribald cleverness going for them, Run-DMC are the cartoon characters of rap, still peddling locker-room humour, bragging about the mythical pmportions of their lower regions, and dissing every MC and DJ within spitting distance. Too bad we’ve heard it all beforeMiss EJaine sounds like the kind of stuff we do at arties when we’re drunk enoug rl to think we can rap tid we’re past caring about who we o’ffend. And the best thing about Mary Mary is the Mike Nesmith guitar riff.
Run - DMC are the carbon characters of rap As hip-hop’s main contendersin the pop stakes, Run-DMC still manages to throw enough def beats and sharp rhymes in your face to stay entertaining and out of the rest home for the time being. But after hearing the brutal music of Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, and a select few others, Toufier Than Leather just seems monumentally inconsequential.
by Chris Wodskou Imprint Haff There are manifold reasons to fear that the ‘70’s may be coming back, Eight Ire Enough land Stmw rod Hutch are on the rerun circuit. “Disco” is no longer a necessarily derogatwry term and Research Monke s are really diggable, If wide r apels start cropping up in Sears catalogues again, I’m heading for the ,hills. But it’s a irossly unfair bit of pigeonholing to emphasize the ’70s sound of Research Monkeys, on’e of the finer alternatives’ to Oktoberfest oompah bands in Kw’s local music scene. That earl to mid-Seventies funk-rot E sound and wah-pedal squawkings form an integral part of their live show but this cassette has an incredible diversity of stylings and still sounds thoroughly contemporar . The opener, Hust Pe Shuffle, has a wider range of styles com-
pressed into its severi or 80 minutes than most full4ength albums can muster bver the better part of an hour. An infectious jazz-pop introduction reminiscent of fIREHOSE puts dawn its heels and slows to an introspective lounge-jazz . break with Cindy Martin laying the chanteuse chronic Ping blue collar anst before sax/acou’stic guitarist Greg Curtis steps in’and sez, ‘That’s real sweet, but let’s get real, real gone for a change,” and turns Pt. 3 into a breathless sessicin of white boy rapping. Not too much seems to be beyond the grasp of this crew, equally at home with velvety smooth, melodic guitar-pop leavened with wry social observation on Ain’t It Just Like Televfsion and What Do You Do For A Living as the Andrew Cash-style Can’t Take My Water Away, which features six-stringer Dave Beckstead floating off on his own flute solo fantasy. On Run Song they even break l’nto a chorus of “I Got The Buddha In Me,” resurrecting that dreaded ‘70’s relic - one can’only hope Kiki Dee gets wind of this and collapses with mortal astonishmenton the spot. Even though their live show is superior, this cassette has been all over my tape deck like hair on a gorilla. Look into Research Monkeys - you’ll go ape over them,
been unquestionable but now he almost seems to be enjoying himself. Really! The man renowned for his indifference toward his fans and his dour stage presence has .been observed in concert with T&e Chieft - - tins smiling,m having fun, Iarking about the stage as if it were his playground And ft’s hard to listen to sonBs like Marie’s Wedding and I’ll Tell
&hh&~ . by Chris Wodskou Imprint
sitivity of The Chieftains’ arrangements fits Van’s rustic voice like a second skin, his phrasing often becoming playful as he drones, growls, and yelps like an
Sin ing traditional Irish folk balla f s may seem like the last thing anyone would expect from the man who penned such rock ‘n’- roll classics as Gloria and Mystic Eyes, but it is really the logical next step for rock% Renaissance man. Spiritual and mystical themes pervade his work from the sublime Moonbea to his most recent, Poetic Champions Compors. Traditional Instrumentals have appeared on albums like 1985’s Sense of Wonder, and song titles like Irish Heartbeat and Celtic Ray (both of which initially appeared on earlier albums and have been rerecorded with The Chieftaips for Irish Heartbeat) and Celtic Excavation (from PO& etic Championr) reveal a longing to get in, touch with his roots, deeply embedded within the misty green hills of Eire’s mossgrown heritage.
Listen to
There is a sense of
New Revolutions
homecoming to Wish Heartbeat
The Imprint Arts Record Review show Every.Friday at 6:00 pm. . on CKMS-FM, 94.5 (95.5 on cable)
Currickfergus, She Moved Through The Fair, Raglan Road, and My La an Love are as old as the hills (of der than Van even], musty scents of a bygone era kept vitally alive by bands like The Chieftains. The stirring sen-
There is a sense of homecoming to Irish Heartbeat, a sense that Van’s troubled soul and spiritual searchings have come to a temporary peace. His reverence and passion have always
Me Ma without a lightness of heart, the light-stepping rhythms and jaunty traditional tunes being of the pub fare that has ‘been the soundtrack for alesodden nights of revelrie since St. Patrick gave the snakes the boot. But for the most part, Irish Heartbeat sounds like an older, wiser, and more sober Pogues.
ambling beast. Perhaps more than any other rock icon of the ‘80’s, Van Morrison seems to have found himself and after twenty-odd years in *the_game, he has far from sold out, lost it, or even slowed down. From writing rock classics to making records of timeless beauty;. Van is still one of our greatest resources,
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by Paul Done Imprint staff Though Linda ‘Womack owes much of her talent to her dad SMI Cooke, Mr. Soul, it’s the ties C
2, 1988 being her husband Cecil Womack) draws its strength and inspiration from the farnil bond and not just the bonds between woman> and nian or between parent and child. The bonds on Conscience run deeper than that to’include the relationship between a couple and their extended family group, and even beyond to the-family which exists in the tight-knit communities of Virginia’s coal country the original hotie to the Womack Clan and Womack & Womack’a home since they left L.A. and droDDed out of the music industry laYcouple of years ago. , I
other with a chemistry which is often brdathtaking. Though Linda’s voice is the richer of the two, Cecil’s is by far the more flexible he literally goes from a ~ whisper to a scream to best project each song. Their vocal chemistry is matched by the musical settings which mix lushness which is never overdone to the point of sickly sweetness with soul grooves. . some down-home Cecil and Linda take care of the guitar and keyboard playing on
by Chris Wodskou Imprint stsff Guy Chadwidk’s elfin features look out piercingly from the iacket, that look of tortured. consumpiive youth, of the aesthete who suffers tragically for his Art. It’s only going to be with a heavy conscience that you’re going to pass over that imploring face for the new Steve Winwood or other similarly’ comfortable megastar. Guy Chadwick is the creative force behind The House Of Love, recipients of perhaps the most hype lumped on an independent pop band’ since The Jesus and Mary Chain. Fittingly enough since the Christine debut sounds
-I Even tacular which LP by press, . Cecil
The Artstore welcome graduate
more than on their spec1984 debut Love Wars was named the year’s best much of the British music the voices of Linda and Womack play off each
in a Polygram’s series of releases from the Creation Records (pos‘sibly the UK’s finest independent pop label), Christine takes its place in the honour roll of minor classics by labelmates Biff Bang
of Waterloo
bridge seems alrn~st too much to ask for, but wanton youths that they are, your unspoken wish is their command,
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Love Trrzin features the massed Womack clan in gome great group celebratory harmonizing.
- inspired
As arresting as Christine is, it hardly overwhelms the B.-side, consisting of the similarly driven pop of The HiII and the lovely (real men beware) acoustic flavouring of the Nick Drakelike Loneliness Is A Gun, All this for the price of a seven-inch single. Maybe there is a God.
Record Store Top Eight Records For Flnd
of Summer
I. Tracy Chapman - Tracy.Chapman 2. Various Artists - Now **Rap’s What I Call Music 3. Style Couhci1 - Confessiogs Of A Pop Group 4. Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation of Millions To Hold 5. Ramones - Mania - 2 LP Collection - Now That’s What I Chill Quite Good 6. Housemartins 7. Andrew Cash - Time & Place 8. Shuffle Demons - Bop Rap
Us Back
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I. Railway Children - Recurrence 2. Misfits - Evilive 3. Psyche - Mystery Hotel 4. Midnight Oil - Red Sails In The Sunset 6. Siouxsie & The Banshee8 - Peek-A-Boo
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extends a warm undergrads and
Creation’s stock-in-trade has always been dreamily melodic; ’60s~inspired pop that -can still make the hairs on your neck bristle. Christine fills the bill and then some, the moony-eyed tune having it out with a sharp, almost grsting guitar riff. After all this, a gorgeous, ethereal
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‘After a two-year layoff following their, disastrous second LP Rdio M.U.S.C. MM, Womack 8 Wotiack have returned with their best LP yet. Balancing studio polish with a hearty helping of soul, Conscience is, at its best, an achingly tender and moving testimonial that you can go home and be strengthened and redeemed by the process.
among the sprawling, many-s;blinged Womack clan which feed, inspire and bind the entity of Womack & Womack. Conscience, the third LP from Womack & Womack (the other half
the LP, but they rope iri tv& more Womacks, Travis and Earl to hqndle the bass and drums. Conscience doesn’t have any single track which ‘matches the gospel dhorus drive of LOVE ‘Wars’ title track. It’s consistency from track to track makes this a better and more cohesive LP. It’s not without its moments of u lift though, Teurdrops, Linda’s 1 est vocal performance on the LP, moves with grace, groove and grit while Celebrate The World which owes much to the O’Jay’s
of 1985 LP)
Imprint, Friday, September usual yet’ still pleasant to listen to.
3. Long Hot Summer: Are rise of their very popular 8econ crsingle. It atill hasn’t lost any of its dreaminess even though its tempo has been aped tip just a tad,
This latest quartet EP from The Style Council is a sample of their already released alhum Confessionr Of A Pop Group. A very easy listening offering to . say the least. 1, How She Threw It AU Awcly: Definitive Style Council. A very poppy and summery tune. More orchestration thaD
by John Hymers Imprint staff
Style Council Catching this London Ontario band at Toronto’s Silver Dollar was frequently a niusical highlight of my summer: live, Zen Bones is a tight’ aural attack band that can still throw in those litfle eubtleties that, distance themselves from the average post-punk garage/bar band, Studio album The Im ortance of Big Nakad successfu Ply transports the spontaneity of their live -sound and 8imultlaneou81y ’ cleans it up, which, contrary to . what some people seem to think, can be a good thing.
4. I Do Like To Be B-Side The A-Side: A well done combinaltion of two earlier B-side inetrumental8 Mick’s Company and Mick’s Up. Very funky 80% R&B tune. Good one all around.
won’t be alone
Came and Browse through of l French l Amertcan + Arabic l German l ltrrlian l British l Polish l Canadian
Succeaafully transports the spontaneity of their live sound and cleans it up This tafie begs til be heard; perhaps that is why it-sold out at the
CKMS TOP lo SUMMER RELEASES 1. Pixie8 - Surfer Rosa 2. Nomind - Tale8 of Ordinary Madness 3. Vuious Artists - It Came From Canada Vol. 4 4. Nomannsno - The Diy Everything Became Nothing 5. Sutthole Surfer8 - H&way To Steven 6. World Dominetion Enterprises - Let’s Play Domination 7, Various Artists - Sgt. Pepper Knew My Father 4 8. Iggy Pop - Instinct a. Andrew Cash - Time & Place 10. National Velvet - National Velvet
to 94.5 FM (95.5 on Rogers Cable) this fall for many more musical treat8, including New Revolutions, the Imprint record review show heard every Friday at 6:OO p.m. CKMS is still your only alternative, featuring everything from jazz to hip-hop to hardsore to reggae. Pick up the September CKMS Program Guide. It can help guide you to the sounds you most enjoy. CKMS has it all. Tune
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The band tries lots of different things on this release; the acoustic and brilliant [but too shbrt) She Is Gone contrasts wildly behind The Potato, reminiscent of FIoyd’s Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pitt, but without-the pretense. Moat of the tape, however, is far removed from those two anomalies, roviding the 8tandard guitar- Ii aaed sound with a / refreshing drum style. But only the sound is standard; these guys can play. They beg the question: Do bar bands play with motiona in songs? Even Zen Bones may think-1 read into their music too much, but I contend they play emotionally. Or, maybe it% just the beer, 1 don’t know if The Importencs of Bsfng Naked is a poke at Oscar Wilde, ‘or David Byrne, or both, or neither, ’ but it is a fittingly groovy title for an earneat effort L and -awesome tape.
1, 2, 3, 4 reasons to buy the new Style Council EP
Lonely’) Depressed? Unfulfilled? e
2. Love The First Time: Again very Style Council. Along the lines of The Boy Whs Cried Wolf
by ~AndrawRehyls Imprint rtrff
2, 1988
REtsqm& and desktop publishing ,. . .
B-COURSE DINNER SPECIAL FOR TWO MuIlagatawny Soup Onion Bhaji Chic ken Madras Beef Vindaloo Ah Gobi Nan Bread Cucumber Raita Rice Pulaa
i 8 8 -I i
Sept. 8, 9 10
*Sept. 22, 23, 24
Darts & Fwsball
, I I I connect at
Mon. - Sat. 4:30 p.m. Downstairs
at the Metro Tavern 164 Victoria St. N. (entrance at rear) Kitchkner 576-8914
-e~eLl.QHT Creative
Still plugging away at your r&umG? I
Friday, September
2, 1988
by Phil and Chris .
mood of the bouncers, The Bomber is a laidback place to quaff an ale or three after class.
student budget, take advantage of their half-price tickets on the day of performance.
We know how easy it is to get stuck in a rut once,you get to university and spend your evenings doing your homework (get, serious!], washing your hair, or some other mundane activity. But with a knowledge of all the entertainment, cultural edification, and good times offered by Schnitzelburg, you’ll have no excuse if you don’t go out and explore the city where you’ll presumably be spending the next’ few vears. It ain’t Manhattan, so mike the most of it.
The Bookshelf Cafe - A new entertainment complex of sorta in Guelph, .The Bookshelf combines a restaurant, and bookstore and a new repertory cinema.
Chances R - Reasonably classy haute cuisine next door to UW at reasonably reasonable prices if you happen to have a date you want to impress or if your parents are in town.
Cafe-Bon Choix - With two places in Waterloo, Cafe Bon Choix provides desserts as well as a lunch and dinner menu. The closest cafe is just across the railway tracks in the University Shops Plaza.
Cookie Connection - If you like large cookies, rich chocolate, and nuts, then this specialty store will entice you to get fat. Cookie Connection can be found down by King and University Ave.
Cafe Moaatt - With two locations, one in downtown Kitchener and one in downtown Waterloo, Cafe Mozart serves up and other ~c~u~p~io~~s~~~~ts at pretty reasonable prices .
Doogies - Found in downtown Kitchener, Doogies’ lunch menu features salads, pastas and quiche at affordable prices. Miri rored walls offer weekendevening-pseudo-trend-setters a place to admire their black attire.
Tbe Albion - Guelph’s major concert venue, The Albion plays host to so-ores. of great local bands and touring indies. Check Hip Happenipgs’ for news on who’s playing. ’ Athenian’s - Located in downtown Kitchener, Athenian’s offers a good selection of Greek and North American food, and is just about the only place open really late all the time.
Bookshop - Ontario Street, just off King Street in’ Kitchener is home to this uaedbook store. Full of universitylevel books, as well as some wrestling mags, Casablanca offers the student just about anything you’d want to read at cheap, cheap prices.
The Bombshelter - Things are really. hoppirig at The Bomber, bunkered down in a hollowedout corner of The Campus Centre, .Wednesday’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Nights and Saturdays offer some great live tuneage. As for the rest of the week, depending, on the
Ceatre-in-the-Square - Kitchener’s performing arts palace, -The Centre is home to the excellent K-W Symphony Orchestra and all manner of touring international operas, ballets, etc, And if you think culture is beyond a
warm forget
pub-like to bring
- setting. your da&s!
Encore Records - Kitchener’s original used record store just east of Market Square on King St, Encore offers a solid selection of used recbrds as well as lots of jazz, blues, and collectibles.
The Duke of Wellington - Located downstairs in The Atrium, across from Zehrs in Waterloo) Town Square, The Duke of WeL lingt-on serves up traditional British food ‘in a quaint and
Enertia - Kitchener’s latest attempt at an after-hours dance club, it looks as though this one might just work with a good sound system, huge dance space, and a look that seems modelled after the Big Bop.
Gail ated Gail with books ests.
- Formerly the BackFlipper’s has cleaned up and has started bringlocal talent again. Poetry and bands are the speand there’s no cover for
Wilson Bookseller - Situin downtown Kitchener, Wilson supplies the city high quality, low priced encompassing all inter-
Gorge Cinema - If you have the wheels and the time, it’s worth the trip outside the city to Elmira’s repertory cinema, featuring the best in recent box-office hits and cult classics. Grad House - Although membership is required [about fifteen bucks) for undergraduates, the Grad House offers the cheapKitchener’s
or Take-out
$1 2ae
Pirzqt -
Harmony Lunch - With a aesthetic and low prices, mony Lunch offers what consider to be the best burgers in town.
Highlight Club - Reggae, hiphop, and dantie music are on the bill here on King St. just’east of Frederick. Kitchener’s Bamboo club? Hoodoo Lounge 11 Young Street is home to one of the city’s best clubs. For a few paltry bucks, the Hoodoo feitures some of the best blues acts in the business, such as Otis Clay and Buddy Guy. If you’ve ever wanted to go to a bar like the ones in beer commercials where everyone’s whooping it up, this is the place for you. s Hotel Waterloo - aka, The ‘Loo, aka Taps, this is the biggie with Ltiurier students and jocks (as redundant as that may sound). Cheap booze and a fairly casual attitude, but you want to steer away if you’re not .woll-muscled or if Springsteen’s not your bag.
1 .
i c
33 Unhandy AmE., wlltarloo 748-4111 Sept. 1618811- - -
Sandwichem TAKE-OUT
I 1 -
. Pimtas
fifties Harsome ham-
Highlands - Cambridge’s major nightclub (some of us have fond memories of its halcyon days as Ballinger’s, all sorts of big names (Iggy Pop, The Alarm, Northern Pikes) trundle their wares through here.
30 ontmrlasts..
L - - - - - 1Coupon Expires Look for our coupon on Imprint’s
Kitchener’s ingay bar, but are welcome too for an o’ dancing and. a’ drink-
i 14” Madium’Pirrir 1 3 Extra Itsmr, I 2 Cokes I I O”lY$~@@ I I
straights eve+g ing.
Photos by Snakey
arts palace.
Large Pizza only l
‘12 Half
Dr. - Disc - A quick stumble across King St. from the King Centre will plop you into Dr, Disc, a busy funhouse of an alternative record store with the city’s best selection of imports and Canadian independent recordings.
Flipper’s door, things ing in readings cialty bands,
relaxed atmosand frequently and other spe-
Fed Hall - UWs equivalent to The Paladium, Club Fed tends to be the social Mecca for most of the student population so you don’t need us to tell you about it.
est beer and most phere on campus hosts live bands cial events.
Kitehener, visit our LICENSED location at 30 Ontario St.S., (near Queen)
746-4111 741-8325
Imprint, Friday, September
PlJBS, -CLUBS & STUDENT Huether Hotel - Wings, pizza, Morty’e - At the intersection of pool, homemade beer, and even King and University is this verpeelers during the day, the sion of the neighbourhood former Kent is a peraontil fatheme. vourite hangout and meetingplace. Check out the Brew Pub OIde English Pariour - With a Museum and restaurant, the 1 full menu of British-style food, a Speakeaey billiards and games stand-up bar, and an occasional room, and the main floor for a piano player, the Olde English real bar atmosphere. Parlour attracts a yuppie crowd
2, 1988
versity Ave. by the time you read this. the people who brought you The Albion are trying to dupli, cate that success here with live music, food, alternative dance tunes, and a really casual atmosphere. Should be a big hit. Princess Cinema -A low-priced wrep cinema located at 6 P&&IS Street (next to the Huether), the Princess carries a wide range of films, from cult classics and documentaries to box office smashes. Live acts, such as Andrew Cash, are featured about once a month. The Record Store - The name may be generic, but the selection isn’t - located in the Campus Centre Lower Mall, The’Record Store offers a wide selection of Cllternative Records, tapes, and CDs, imports, indepenclenta, and T-shirts at the lowest prices in town, as well as some 300 video titles for rent. And if ,you can’t find it, you can make a special order at no extra charge.
King Kong Submsrines - Good, cheap subs a quick walk from campus. Get a gang together and try out their three-footer. K-W Book Exchenge - For the best selection of magazines, and some unbelievably cheap used books, check out this King Street shop. K-W Chamber M@ic Society Nestled away in h house on Young St. in Waterloo, the KWCMS is devoted to bringing world-class chamber music per: formers to town. Special rates for students. LUlU’8 standup
The world’s longest bar, zillions of has-been
rock stars from the fifties, and even more middle-aged drunks are just a few of the attractions of Kitchener’s most famoug bar, McGinnis Landing - One of the most popular restaurants among students, McGinnis is a close (University Shops), affordable, and tasty way to fill your gullet,
its more
Olympic Gyros - ‘Really good eastern European food at a price even emergency loan cases can afford. In the University Shops Plaza.
Reggie’s Sandwich Shop - You tell ‘em what you want on your yandwich and that’s exactly what you get (kinda like T.O.‘s Bogey’s). Good food, good prices, and a different concept ,worth trying out. Reuben b Wang’s - Another populsr restaurant in University Shops, Reuben & Wong’s combines a Chinese and deli menu.
Peking Express - Chinese food the way we like it -fast, cheap, and good. Close to school and all sorts of combo specials to choose from.
RPMNot the T.O. club, the Waterloo record store with a selection of new and used records, tapes, and CDs as well as being one of the only places around to carry NOW Magazine.
Phil’s Should
Ruby’s Stages,
Grandson’8 Place be open at King and Uni-
Before the advent of Ruby’s was the city’s
Eddy Cleamvater, Hoodoo lounge
of the
to hit The
hlpftnt fII* ptlato
most notorious singles bar but now they’re making a big pitch with the student/dance crowd and also feature comedians every Friday.
Ice cream and other frosties for dirt cheap. Run by The Federation of Studente.
St. Jeromes Bar-b-q and Grill Located in the University Shops Plaza, this Swiss Chalet clone offers an eat-in or take-out menu. Reading Series - In conjunction with The English Society, St. Jerome’s Col,lege presents a series of readings by f some of Canada’s .best writers. St. Jerome’s
Mediterranean Cafe - Across from the King Centre in ‘downtown Kitchener, the Mediterranean Cafe combines low prices,. and good food with a trendy interior.
just this
pizza (considered the best in town by many) at a real bargain price. ‘. Scwpd - A real food bargain in our very own Campus Centre.
Second Look - Located next to the Odeon Cineplex in down-. town Kitchener, the Second Loqk primarily sells paper backs on a wide range of topics at low prices. Shadoughs - It’s not open yet but the former home of Fluffy’s in University Shops Plaza is now another club aiming for drawing in those OSAP bucks, \
Shootem - A typical rodmu-
se/sports bar at King and University, Shooters would be forgettable if not for their incredible wing specials. Continued
on page 12
. 128
Imprint, Friday, September
2,’ 1988
needs: . Revkwers -for drama< Dance I Literary readings - Movies +* Chssical rbusic
. K-W entertainment Smitty’s
Located in Westmount Place, this isn’t your typical Smitty’s franchise - jazz is on the menu every Thursday night with bands and jam seasions if you’ve had enough of the dance scene elsewhere,
Stages - Kitchener’s
tively owned next to a.video
gallery arcade
shows modern
alternative works.
continued Tony’s Pima - This city has no
located in down-
the gallery and
palace, Stages features more chrome an&leather than a RollsRoyce dealership, expensive beer, Iotso lights, flash, disco, and coiffured women in denim skirts but also some pretty good live fare [i.e. Blue Rodeo, Bodeans).
TCBYs - Or The Country’s
Best Yogurt - frozen yogurt at affordable prices in a spotless, yuppiesque atmosphere[big surprise).
- Tucked into the King/University Ave. intersection, Stanley’s provides _a nice fast-food alternative to your run-of-the-mill burgers-andfries outlets, MART Gallery - A co-opera-
on King
and this
St. in Waterloo.
Books -
from Waterloo Town Square on King Street, Wordsworth Books makes up foiits lacking quantity with a high quality selection.
On campus in the ‘Modern Languages Building is the place to check out, free of charge, o6going exhibitions [about three per term) by some of North America’s best [if lesser known) artists as well as the work of UW faculty and students.
Stanley’s Burgers
The Undercurrent Buried under the Vietnamese restaurant on King St+ in Kitchener, The Undercurrent looks like an eighteen year-old’s idea of what a 1968 opium den would like but if HenAirplane are . drix and Jefferson up your alley, check it out.
Subwry sub - Located in University Shop Plaza, Subway makes its own bread and doesn’t mind piling on the fresh fixings.
of pizza
is one of the best. Tony’s is lo-
- Yet another in the Toronto-based chain‘s growing empire, Yuk-Yuk‘s, in downtown Kitchener serves up, you guessed it, comedy+
Come to CC 140 and chang.e . your life ADVERTISEMENT
great atmosphere
Bnd the cheapest beer on campus.
MUSIC!&KBIC!MUSIC JOINUS~..EVERYONEWELCOME! Auditions startSept.6 Rehearsalsstartthe first weekof classes, Sept.12-16
CHOELALENSEMBLES 1 CHAPELCHOlR 1 CHAMBERCHOIR, Mondays& Wednesdays, 3%5:OOp*m. ConradGrebelCollege Chapel
' huhm
Sign upat
Tuesdays 6,Thursdays, 3:30-5:CO p.m. ConradGrebelCollege Room151
w Auilekm
Sqn up at Mw.
UNIVERSITYCHOIR Tuesdays 7-9p.m. ConradG&l College, Roomf 56
Come for a Voice PlacementInterview Startingan Tues,, Sept. 6, I988,6-9 p.m. Room154,ConradGrebel: College INTERVlEWDAVIES: Sept.6,Sept.7,Sept.5,Sept.12- 6-9p.m. All interviews mustlx complete by Mon.,SepE. 12at9 p.m. FIRSTREHEARSAL: Tues.,Sept.13,7-9p.m.
&ndap, 7-9pm. ConradGrebelCollege, Room156 7 liukion
Sgn up II MUSIC Oifict,
Thursdays, 430430 p.m. ConradGrelxlCottegc,Room156
266, CGC
’ +
up ar MUSIC CMcc.
Thursdays, 7-9p.m. ConradGtcbelCollqt, Room1% ’ No Adition
* Call Conrad Grebel College Music Office 8854220, ext. 26 for more information. Note,
CO anv ensemI+
15 at thr dwmwn
of the ..htec*lr.
Credit is available for participation
in the above groups
* RegisterforMUX 101,lC2,201,202,3OI,ORMZ. All numbersapplyro allensembles. A newnumbershouldbeusedfor eachtermof enambleraken.
4+ 1
University of Waterloo Music Ensemble Rogramme L3Sponsoredby ConradGrehel College and the Cre;ttive Arts Bo;rrd, Federation of Studenes
, . *
Imprint, Friday, September
An Imprint We know most of you probably haven’t been able to keep up with the vast numbers of records we’ve reviewed over the seven summer issues of Imprint (not to mention the fact that we have space to fill), so we, in our boundless generosity, offer you our Summer Record Roundup. The number in brackets refers to the rating (out of a possible five) given the record. John Zom - Spillane - “One credible piece of composition and arrangement, Zorn takes on a walking tour of dusky, serted streets and shifting mospherics.” (4)
inus deat-
The Dal Lords - Based On A True Story - “Required listening for those-who think that straight-ahead rock and roll has lost its creative edge.” (41 Various Artists - The Best of such Chess Blues - “Featuring Chicago greats as Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters, and john Lee Hooker, everything is a classic piece of blues.” (5) The Mighty Lemon Drops .World Without End - “Their sugarcoated powerpop will have you addicted faster than you can say Pass the insulin” (3 112) The Close Lobsters - Foxheads Stock This Land - “That jangly powerpop style so popular in the U.K. but without the pretences.” PI
Pixies - Surfer Rosa - “Pixies’ first full-length album is a revelation of the power of raw, instinctual rock.” (4 ~2) kd Lang& - Shadowland - “kd returns sophistication, mystery, and melancholy to co.untry and western on this wonderful record.” (4)
Tev Falw’s Panther Burns only a Red Devil - “Contains side’s worth of the real good, twisted blues-rockabilly sludge.” (2 1/Z) H-N - Set The Fire -. “Shows a side of the band that is quite inoody and less dependent on the power chords we have come to expect.” (4) Jerry Harrison - CmmJ Gods “Harrison’s sentiments are good, but his effort is suspect.” (2) ~Andrew Caeh - Time And Place - “Maintains a balanced compromise between the music and message. Great .” (4). fIREHOSE - if’n - “Possibly the quintessential American band of the late %&I, fIREHOSE’s ‘if%’ is as refreshing as a double-scooper of lime sherbet.” (4 l/2)
Bnrrence Whitfield and The Savu ages - Ow! Ow! Ow!. - “If this doesn’t make you wanna drink yourself silly and dance on the ceiling, you just don’t know how to party.+’ (4) The Christiane - The Christians - “With their acapella roots, The Christians add funk, Motown, jazz, and spiritual longing.” (31 Stranglers - AlI Live And All Of The Night - “One hell of a good album.” (4) Thelonious Monster - Next Saturday Afteinoon - “Anybody who writes a song repeating how much he can’t stand his little dog shitting on his rug won’t be making the Top 40.” (4 l/2] Jonathan Richman And The Modem bDV8r8 - Modern Lover ‘88 - “The Faster life gets, the more sense Jonathan makes.” (3 l/2)
summer’s record crcip
Peter Murphy - Lo& hysteria - “A disappointment, especially when you’ come to expect a lot more from aomeone possessing his talent.” (2) John Lee Hooker - The Real Polk Blues - “Wouldn’t you juat ‘kill your bbst friend to’play guitar just like John Lee Hooker?” (41 verious Atiisfs 7 Word “Solid hip-hop, combining powerful dan.ce music with some of the best lyrics around.” [3 l/2) The Venetians Amazing wodd - “Any Barry Manilow fans around.” (1 l/2) The Nils - The Nils - “Captivating one’s ears with tight rushes of guitar that reach heroic heights and later simmer to an’ acoustic jangle,” (4) Michelle-Shocked - The Texas Campfire Tapes - “A lot of good stories in a sparse, acoustic setting.” (3 l/2) The Gruesomea - Unchained! “Lotqa fuzzed guitars, lotsa savage beats, and rudimentary chord progressions for a rather sub-baroque brand of garage punk.” (3 l/2) Bundock - Societe Anonyme “The lyrics are insulting to any person with at least two or three functioning brain cells.” (l/Z) Lightain’ Hopkins - Live At The Bird Lounge - “If you’ve ever wondered what it was like to be black in a white America, listento this album.” (3 ~2) Tracy man and tion ‘~%e “It’s play good
2, 1988
Chapman - Tracy ChapI “Combines both sincerity an acute sense of observain all ker songs.” (4 l/2) Sidewinders - Cuocha! enough to write good songs, hard, and show the folks a time.” (4)
~~W;wing Muses - House Tor- “The wispiness of their melodies and their song structures has been infused with an added rawness.” (4 I/2) The Soup Dragons - This Is Our Art - “Though known as ram; bunctious in earlier efforts, this still has enough energy to cause a chill.” (3 l/2]
Leonard Cohen - I’m Your Mcm - “I still believe in Leonard Cohen, I just question his use of synthetic background music.” phi;peite .
Rope - In The Spa?- “Thin White Ropes country-rock sound takes that wrong turn at Albuquerque and gets waylaid in 1067 San Francisco ” The id? - The Frenz Experiment - “The changing moods provide suspense and interest that keep you bewitched.” 14) World I Domination Enterprim Let’s Play Domination k “Combines the dissonant sound and feedback of Sonic youth with the deranged industrial no&e of Scraping Foetus.” (4)
Mania Sodom - Persecution ‘Do you really want to hear a song called Procession To Golgotha?” [I/Z) The Sugarcubea - Life’s Too Good “Gorgtious, idiosyncratic music fuelled by the lusty passion of Bjork’s singing.” (4) .
Butthole Surfers - Hwiway TO Steven“Great, hummable songs eaten away perversely from the inside out.” (4) stump - A Fierce Pancake “Fractured guitars and big, lumpy gobs of bass lo e drunkenly around loose rub rl er band rhythms.” (3 112) . Art Bergman - Craw!. With Me - “Good ideas and tasteful production that don’t always translate into a coherent song.” (3) Simon Harris - hss (How Low Can You Go) - “Tough, clanking, filled with outtakes, this is the sort of thing that wouldmake dancing ten times more fun.” (4)
Living Colour - Vivid - “A band that can rock this hard and still say something relevant and meaningful is an all-too-rare commodity.” (3 112) ’ Various Adste - Colors you think The Cosby Show somehow a realistic portrayal then you’d better stay away.” Goverument Issue - YOU “Has very little to say.” (23
Slammin’ Watuais - Slammin’ Watusis - “Try as they might. even with a fiddler sharing top billing, they fail to tread on virgin ground.‘* 13)
“If is (4) -
Good Times PARN TIL 3 A.M.
University Shops Plaza II 746-2525 Look for our COupon on Imprints
& paga
Imprint, Friday, September
2,. 1988
Summer discs cont. -
lbi8ted Root8 -
Twisted Roots held back by . (2)’ - The Day Everything Became Nothing - “Pow’ erfu1 spurts’ of guitar end dynamic drumming and wild bass on an album bordering on briiliant.” (4) NickCpveAndThkBadSae&The Mercy Seat - “Facing both earthly and spiritual judgment ad death with ultimate conviction.” (4 l/Z) Pwic EMBU - It Takes A Nation of Mil r ions To Hold Us Back - ‘While Public Enemy continue tq pursue freedom, they already possess brilliance.” (5) Dag Nuty - Field Day - “A good skatecore/thrash album, particularly if you’re not really into hardcore.” (3 l/2] Boogie Down Pmductbonr - By AlI Means flecessary - “Varied, non-violent hip-hop and definitely doper than dope.” (4 I/Z] - “Lotsa ;itn;nging.
Various Artists - Werd 2 - “A good place to start a rap collection.” (3 l/2) Lillian Axe - Lillian Axe “Quite possibly the most insipid record i’ve heard in a long time.” Ill The Bulguian Stats Ra& and Teltiion FemmIe Vocal Choir - Le Mystere Des Voix Buigares - “An urideniable testament to the startling clarity and power of the Bulgarian female voice.” 14) cmmper VM BmthovaBa - our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart - “Wandering a spectrum . of popular music from around the globe and across the years.” (41 The Cynic - tielve Flights Up - “Rock and roll at its primal best. Ya!” [4) Ba Lnwell - Hear No EGr “At its best, this is masterfully atmospheric jazz-funk, six dracks of loose-limbed hypnotic rhythms.” (3) Eric Chpton -. Crossroads “ll*his six-album, 73-song release encompasses Eric’s entire recpi.rg
Various R&S - Rat Music For Rat People - “Good thrashy metal and thrashy thrash.” [a) NoMind - Tdes Of Ordinary Madness - “A listening lobotomy can occur after repeated spins, leaving you numb and speechless.” (3 I/Z) Wire - A Bell Is A Cup - “This is a pleasant album, but that’s not what we should expect from a band with Wire’s edie.” (2)
“SC;* .
Apart cover
By You
(The Box)
BESTR & B/REGGAE RECORDING U5 - world Beat 1 Cl LIBERTYSILVER- PrivateProperty q LILLIAN ALLEN - Conditionr’ Criticoi tJ MESSENJAH - COOIOperator q SAlTALlTES - Gimme Some Kinda Sign
Big Blue Sky
Time and Place -
Pop Goes
Love Becomes
Big 8ig World
8 Dust
Lion and
Big Blue
(Blue Rodeo)
OF THE YEAR me (54e40)
Pikes) TERRY BROWN - Outskirts
0 0
Tool She’sMy Girl - The RightThing
& KEtTH -
- TheTrinity Session Cl EUGENERIPPER 8, THENORTH - Peking Hop ‘Cl TEENAGE HEAD - Electric Guitar q THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS - Killed ~ By Love Cl THE SHUFFlE DEMONS - Our of My HousesRoach
DEMONS - Our Of My
ALBUM ART 4, Cl HUGH SYME- The Northern Pikes - Big Blue Sky 0 JERI McMANUS-HElDEN - Robbie Robertson-’ Robbie Robertson
0 0
(The Northern
The Cobra 0 THE CULT -
. Secret Place
Robbie Robertson
Neon Blue ShakingThe Pumpkin
world .O STRANGE
The Crazy River Cl RUSH - TimeStand Still 0 THE BOX - Ordinary People 0 OTHER
Di4wction - Final Genocide “Give me a break.” (112) Railway Children - Recurrence - *“Likable pop meanderings, if not exactlv ground breakix& v PI ” u
0 JONI MITCHELL- Chalk ~or(l In / A Rain Storm
cl 54*40
Luve Will Tear - “Iust a straight-ahead of this gloomy classic.”
(3 l/2)
The CASBY Music Awards are Canada’s Peoples Choice contemporary music awards. Please check r/ one name from rhe suggestions below, or fill in ony name of your own personol choice: Ballots will be tabulated by the accounting firm of Thorne Ernst b Whinney ond the winners announced on the CASBY Mu& Awards radio show, broadcast live from RPM Club on CFNY on Thursday evening, October 13, 1988.
- Boogie On Broadway - ‘An album’s worth of reference points to the definitive music of this decade.?’ 14) DJ Jusy Jeff And Ths F-h Prince - I’m The DI, He’s The Rapper - “Egoism isn’t new to rap, but Jeff s humour is.” (3) &ml Aaylnm - Hang Time “Just goes to show you stringyhaired slobs can send you trashing your living room in an air-guitar frenzy and still not ask you to turn your mind off.” (3 l/2) swans
Artists Selected By You
GRAPESOF WR,&H - The Gropes 9 of Wrath - Treehouse
Come and hear
~od’s word
WEDNESDAYS 7:30 P.M., CC 110 .
Awords, thorne Em- & Whinnmy , PO. Box 262, Commsrcial Union CASBY logo is a registered tmdsmork
of CFNY.
must be rewivd in Toronto via Canoda Post no Ipr than midnight on hiday, Saptrmber 30, 1988. Facsimik ?ot accepted.
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PRO stiop
is this the year?
by Refton Blair Imprint staff The University of Waterloo has a somewhat distinguished but ignored tradition in Canadian inter-university athletics. This, despite the fact that Waterloo is one of the youngest instituI tions competing at this level. One year following the beginning of classes in the fall of 1958, Waterloo began competing in inter-univereity athletics. Football, basketball, and hockey were the first. Today the university competes. i4 approximately 35 inter-university activities. Waterloo athletics have grown over the years, and to meet the needs of both its varsity and recreation prograiias, the univer- sity built the Physical Activities Building (or PAC for short). The PAC is where the athletic depertment’s offices’ can be found. It is also the home of the Warriors and Athenas basketball. volleyball, swimming, and
squash teams. Outdoor sports at Waterloo are played at either of two venues, Soccer, field hockey, and rugby are played at Columbia fields, on north campus. Football is played at Seagram’s Stadium, which is located to the south of campus. Hockey recently found a new home in the north campus’ Columbia Icefield. The names for both men’s and women’s varsity teams are Greek in -origin. We was chosen for the men’s teams due to its connotation of a struggle with necessary characterirrtics of strength, -bravery, courage, effort and shrills important in athletic contest, The s mbol of the team is thus a Gree z helmet. Athena was the choice for the women’s teams. This choice was based on the hek goddess of wisdom, prudent warfare and womdy art, extolling the characteristics of learning, good iudnment. and the masterv II of athleiic skills.
The hockey Warriors have been among the top teams in Canada the past two seasons. With snipers like Chris Glovet (above), it is hoped UW will bred its I playoff jinx in 1988-89. ~ m-m@@
Campus> Rec. Info. Chip is the newest member of the Campus Recreation team, and he’d like you to join him along the road td participation in the fun and exciting activities offered by Cam us Recreation. You can Pearn about new sports and activities by participating in some of the great CR Clubs like sky-diving, kendo, wind-surfing, rowing, archery or equestrian. You can join any instructional programs like aerobics, racquet prograras or swimming lessoas. There’ are also special programs like yoga, cycling or first aid. Come to the .PAC to registejon the day indicated in the brochure. These are great oppsrtunities to learn new skills or upgrade your qualifications. Another way to have a blast is to join CR Intramural leagues. You can pla Co-R&c inner-tube waterpolo, 5: roomball, basketball or slo-pitch. For those’ who like more of a challenge, try a competitive league like soccer or basketball.
HARD rough. one of games
H1TlWG ACTION: Even basketball can be The Warriors have an impressive history as the top teams in the CIAU. They play their in the always boisterous PAC.
The UW Physical Activitieil Complex (PAC) is designed for your enjoyment. The PAC features gyms. weight rooms, a large pool, saunas. diving well; activity areas and dance studios. When you’re not studying, why not spend some of your free time at the PAC. You can do something different each day of the week. An important publication&n campus is the CR 1988 Fall Pro-
gram Brochure. This handy reference will tell you everytbiag you want to know about aampus recreation. They’re available at ---.
the PAC office, the PAC tote desk, the Campus. Centrs and other main buildings on CamPUS.
This i.s Canada! To all fkortl: This is a notice that you will benefit greatly fromif you follow this simple message: forget all that you have been brainwashed to know about interuniversity athletics as told by the sensationalist @rent Musburger .and his flunkies. For@ about the NCAA scheme of athleticr: where the s&called studentathlete is worshipped and pampered by coaches and prafessors alike. Forget about the American jock, who, while attending university makes his college far more money than he will make in the firofessional ranks, if he m&es it that far. , Yes, forget about our aouthem neighbofs college athletes, who, upon graduating cannot compete in the job market with the skills supposedly developed while in college. Forget all of this. Instead, you will come to realize that in Canada, the term studentathlete is not a contradictory term. You will come to realize the people you see on the court, field* ice or in the pool are the same as the guy or girl sitting next to you in class. Academics, you will come to realize are priority number one, Yet upon entering your fitit Warrior Naismith basketbail Classic, you will Come to reralize the level of competition is not for the,weak or timid. When you attend your first Waterhw-Western game you will come to realize the NCAA has no rivalry aa intense.“Sitting In the PAC among the throngs of Warrior faithful you will come torealize what it’s like to be worked up into a frenzy of emotion known as Wu(rior Spirit. Your greatest recreational experience will be the realization you develop at the end of your first year when youte+ize that Warrior and Athena athletics are important parts of the reputation of this university and how vital a role th&y will play in rounding out your 1 experiences at the Univemity of Waterloo. 0
Imprint, Friday, September
2, j988
, Knight poised to revive UW football by Mike McGraw rmprint staff Some thin s in life are renowned for f utility. Autometitally, things like eight-track tape players, the Ford Pinto and DC-10 jet liners come to mind, But the list is incomplete without mentionihg the Waterloo Warriors foptbal team. It’s been over three agonizing years since the Warriors last won a game. Their 16sing st !ak is’ unrivalled in Canada d- a whopping 23 consecutive games dating back to October 13, 1984.Late last season, the frustration finally boiled over. During a mid-October melodrama, the Warrior players revolted, forcing the dismissal of head coach Bob McKillop. At the conclusion of the season, a aeries 01 athletic committees discussed aborting the program. By December, administrators decided to move ahead and advertise for a mew coach. February brought the second most successful coach in CTAU football history to UW. Dave ‘Tuffy” Knight, sculptor of the powerful Wilfrid Laurier program, and holder of a 109-47-5
It -is hoped the woeful Warriors will end their 23-game skid. career record, was hired to save the Warriors from oblivion. Somehow, athletic director Carl
THE-. . -BIG’ ONE.1: You Have To See It To Believe
Our Famous
3 FOOT WI3 We Deliver
Totzke lured Knight away from his position as personnel director of the Toronto Argonauts. . Knight, two-time CIAUcoachof-the-year, has wasted no time in implementing his plan to lead Waterloo out of the OUAA dungeon. He hired former Ottawa Rough Rider and New Jersey General coach Ken Hussey and former Montreal Alouette-Concorde player and coach, Chuck McMann, as his assistants. In ‘late April, Knight held a preliminary training camp to evaluate his talent pool.
Will Knight make a difference?
The skeptics are asking the tough question. Will Knight’s coaching prowess have any impact considering the roster he has to work with? He has encountered difficulties luring top prospects to UW, primarily due to the school’s tarnished football reputation. “On a .scake of one to ten, our recruiting was about a four,” admitted Knight. “I thought it would be a six, but a couple of highly touted recruits changed their minds at the last minute.” Knight claims that other programs’ sales pitches alre the main reason for Waterloo’s ’ roadblocks in attracting recruits. “The other schools said, ‘Waterloo’s program is ping to improve, but not for another three or four years. You’re going to have to go through agony for a couple of years.’ Then the kids say, ‘do I want to do that?“’ “We could have been corn etii tive right awajr if we got tK ese guys,” claimed Knight. “But it’s a catch-22 situation. You need good kids to win in order to build respectability to attract more good kids.” Knight has insisted from the day of his hiring’ that the 1988 Warriors will play a physical brand of football. He once rem marked, “I’m not going to guarentee’ that we’re going to win, but the teams in our division better fasten their chin straps because we’re going to knock your heads off. I like to look down while you’re lying on the ground and say +uf fer sue ker .‘, You’ll be hurting after you play us, that’s the way I play.”
Hopefully, for. win-starved Dupuis are all back, Frosh Mark Warrior faithful, Knight’s tenaLajeunesse, Dave Ryan, Willie cious approach will translate Kennard and Doug Dragicevic into more than just another have all been impressive. doughnut in the win column. DEFENSIVE LINE: On an overHere is a position-by-position all healthy defensive corps, the review of the 1988 football Warline ia anemic, and Knight’s bigriors: gest concern heading into the 8eason. Only four players are QUARTERBACK: Coming out of vying for four positions -an obspring camp, veteran Gre Innavious persoIfne1 problem Vets relli appeared to have t1 e job Mike Lang and Mark Yarmel are locked up. But Innarelli’s deciI back, joined by rookies Jeff Hartsion to not play has left this posiman and Henry Starchurski. tion as one of Knight’s major Some crafty maneuvering by concerns. Knight is required to shore up Last year’s starter Mike _this gaping hole. Wright is back to vie for his-old LINEBACKERS: fn i=ontrast, job, along with returnee Tom this is the strongest pillar on the Sheidow, who didn’t dress for a squad. Led by OUAA all-star game last season. Other hopefuls and second team all-Canadian are Br,ian Lenart and rookie Dave $haw, this is an impressive Andy Oliver. The suc&ss of the crew. Veterans Mark MacCorentire offence id riding on the mack, Paul Kilby, Bob Casey, chance that one of thescfouc can Ron Gall and Dave Brush give blossom into a gompetent starthe backfield a core of expeter. rience, They’re joined by rookies RUNNING BACKS: Knight feels Jeff Lake, Ross DePalma and Rob , confident that one or two of his Proctor. Not much work is hopefuls will get the job done. At needed here. fullback, returnee Gene ChartSECONDARY: With a good nuier, newcomer Doug Schneider, cleus of veterans and a host of Frank Venneste and Owen Earle rookies, this is another one of are all up for a job. UWs strengths. Former wide reTailback seems set with veteceiver Richard Chen has made rans Dave Ropret and Orville the switch from offence to’ join Beckford, along with impressiire veterans Paul Meikle, Larry rookie Tom Chartier and Pedro Vaughn, Bohdan Woschuk, u Sousadiaa. Wayne Freet hy , Dave Hat field, Brqd Kaye and Blair Greenly. RECEIVERS: ‘There’s no shorRookies include Paul Moffat, tage of personnel with many Mark Lasalle, Steve Futyer, players vying for a position. Brian Bishop, Scott Hyde, Scott Rookie Kevin Dutcher and veteJaglowitz and Bill Campbell. ran Tom Mason, have. been impre’ssive, and are joined by Steve . KICKING: Knight has coaxed veteran Jim Harding out of reHarris, Paul Martin, Mike tirement to finish his schooling .McCrae and Joe Jeffries. __ l
- “The defenm bin much better shape than the .offence.” Dave “Tuffy” Knight
V@ran Bryan Raymr, Tony Morrison and Paul Schnepf fom the list of tight ends, a position which is ,drastically lacking in size. Veterans Bill Lewn and Brian Abele are back at slotbackalong
nan and’Gord Lachine. OFFENSIVE LINE: hrith six veterans and four capable roo- / kies, the line is in good shape: however, like most of the squad, Knight is worried about its’ la& of size. Veterans *Marshall Bingeman, Wayne Correia, Dave Stoddart, Ken Wilson, Jeff Smith and Mike
and athletic eligibility at loo. Hardilig played Kn@ht at Laurier. Knight trying to develop Peter r into a p&e kicker. Overall, offence is the biggest
-Waterunder is also Tcher team’s quarter-
backing position is u in the air whir’e the backs an 1 receivers appear to be competent, Aside from the line, the defence locks tough,,with a good base of experience. As Knight remarked, “the defence is in much better shape than the offence.:
. ‘
Warrior Football Preview
AT It will
be like having a final exam on the first day of classes. The first test for Dave “Tuffy” Knight’s new football program will be at the home of one of the CIAU’s juggernauts, the Western Mustangs.
Revenge will be on the Mustangs’ minds in 1988. After rolling to an 8-l record last season, UWO g;irh ,
wag dumped by an upstart team in the OUAA semi-
graduation bug in several cruciai areas, they’ll still remain a powerhouse. Offensively, Western might not duplicate its 40 point per game average of 1987, but look for yet another potent attack. Rocket-armed. quarterback Jon Jurus is back for a fifth and final ‘campai n. He’ll be joined inthe backfie f d by premier tailback Rob Stewart and John Wright, who racked up 13 touchdowns in Although the has bit the ‘Stangs
The receiving corps was hit hard by graduations. Third year slotback Tibor Ribi and fourth year receiver Mark Regan are the only holdovers. The offensive line may also have some holes with the departure of all-Canadian centre, Pierre Vercheval. Western’s brick wall defence hasa goodchance at retaining its number one ranking in the UUAA. The.defensive line is the team’s strongest area, with Paul Balabuck, Mark Dumaresq and WARRIORS
the Athenas.
are still
a Vanier
contender. If Jurus’ offensive line can gel quickly, the ‘Stangs attack will be relentless. The defence should remain the province’s best if c the secondary matures quickly. But with Western’s unrivalled recruiting process, graduation never hurts much anyway - there are always enough rookies ready to step into starting roles. The Mustangs trounced Waterloo, 34-7, last season. This was a close game considering the bloodbaths of previous seasons. Although this year’s Warriors will be improved, they don’t have the talent or experience to combat Western. Kni ht will have his squad hungry f or opening day, but even the greatest of appetites won’t be satisfied on
by Mike McGraw Imprint staff Women’s varsity athletic teams at Waterloo are known as
Dave Shoebottom forming an awesome stronghold. The 1987 CIAU top defensive player, linebacker Brent Lewis, is irreplaceable. But the backfield’s core is still there, including OUAA allstar Mike Lafontaine. Only the secondary was really ravaged by player turnovers, as graduation claimed one all-Canadian and two OUAA all-stars. Tony Whyte and Darryl Forde will lead the rebuilding of this depleted area of the defence. The always reliable Ray Macoritti will once again handle all kicking chores for the ‘Stangs. An OUAA all-star in 1987, Macoritti led the league in punting with a 42.9 yard average. All things considered, the
this day. Western probably won’t rack up a ridiculous score, but still-look for a sound beating.
at Western
SAT., SEPT. 17 -
SAT., OCT. 1 - York
SAT., OCT. 15 - at Lsurier 1 p.m.
SAT., OCT. 22 - at Windsor
2 p.m.
Serving K-,W for
ATHENA BASKETBALL HEAD COACH: L4slie Del Gin The Athenas fell agonizingly short of the playoffs last season - fifth in the OWIAA west. With hall of famer Kim Rau, Cindy Poag and Brenda Bowering all departed, the Athenas have most likely reached their own reconstruction days.-All home games are in the PAC main gym.
ATHENA SOCCER HEAD COACH: Lynn Hoylw ASSISTANT COACIf: Jmica Fairfax . For the third consecutive season, the Athenas competedin the traditionally tough OWIAA west division. Their divisional
opponents include the 1986 OWIAA champs, Western, and 3986 finalists, McMaster. The Athenas pla all h&e iames at Columbia Pield.
2 p.m.
ATHENA BADMINTON HEAD COACEk Chico Sib& Waterloo finished fourth in the OWIAA last season.
ATHENA ALPINE SKIING HEAD COACH= Sandra Gitliee The Athena5 skied their way to a sixth place finish on the OWIAA Pepsi circuit. ATHENA SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING HEAD COACH: Jody Pibeam In a sparkling season, the 1987 team swam to fourth place at the UWIAA finals ATHENA FIGURE SKATING HEAD COACLI: hr4m Oslrrrik The Athenas carved up the ice at the OWIAAs last season on their way to the bronze tiedal.
In its 16 years of existence, the UW field hockey program has fielded one of the better teams in
PAC Student Lockers
the province. Yet like the soccer Athenas, they have the misfortune of playing in a stacked division. The field hockey division includes all teams in the pro-
Rental Fees for the PAC Student Lockers will be collected on Thursday, September 15.1988 beginning at B:OO a.m. Lockers may be rented for one, two or three terms. The Rental Fees s.re $8.00 for one term, $14.00 for two terms and $20.00 for three terms. ,
vince, including Toronto and York, both of which have strong contingents of Olympic players. Last season, the Athenas placed a respectable UW pies
fifth, _ its home field.
F-&w - The lineup for female lockers will in the Red South stairwell of the PAC building.
M&e Lockers - The lineup for male lockers will the Blue South stairwell of the PAC Building.
Cindy Pavin
ASSISTANT COACH: Paul Poviu The Athentis are also plagued by tough divisional opponents Laurier, MeMaster, Windsor and Cuelph. They play home games in the PAC main gym. e
I.D. Card.
If paying by cheque, make your cheque payable to the UW Athletic Pep~tment and include yoy ILKAL address and telephone number on the back of the cheque.
placed fifth.
Late Regwation If there are any lockers still available after the September 15, 1988 allocation, they may be rented at the Reception Dgsk in the PAC Building. The deck is located in the Red North corner of the PAC Building. Late Regiatration takes place on Monday, September l&1988. There will be a Late Registration Fee of $1.00 added to the rental rate of a locker. The rates for the lockers then becomes $9.00 for one term, $15.00 for two terms and $21.00 for three terms.
Please make a note of the Expiration Date for your tacker. One term ,Expiration Date ia Thursday, Dec. 15, 1988. Two term Expiration Date is Friday April 14, 1989. Three term Expiration Date is Friday August 11, 1989.
ATHENA CROgS COUNTRY ” HEAD COACH: Duaae Kennedy In their owir rebuilding year,
2 p.m.
65 years
2, I988
The Athenas are coming off a banner campaign, in which tbey took the OWIAA bronze medal: They play out of the Waterloo tennis club.
at UW, 2 p.m.
The Athenas finished an impressive -third at the ‘OWIAA finals last season.
Entering its ninth year at Waterloo, the nordic ski program is also a club, complete with coaching clinics and organized meets.
Hawks (at Seagram%),
The Athenas are in their post-
Yeomen at UW, 2 p.m.
SAT., OCT. 8 - McMaster
black and gold, they play in the Onatrio Women’8 Interuniversity Athletic Association (OWIAA), also a CfAU member.
dynasty years after taking five straight OWIAA titles, from 1981 to 1985. Last season, UW
Blues at UW, 2 p.m.
SAT., SEPT. 24 - at Guelph Gryphons,
the Athenas finished a disappointing ninth in the 1987 OWAA finals. It is hoped that with an extra year of experience, they will rebound in 1988. Jill Francis is the team leader, and a name to watch for.
All home games are at Serrgram’s stadium SAT., SEPT. 10 -
Wome.n’s Athletics
Opening 1 day will be no picnic by Mike Imprint
RALEIGH MIYATA NORCO STEVE BAUER MIELIE Hours: Tue, Wed, Thur Q-6 Fri 94% Sat $I-5. Closed on Mondiys
Items left in your Expiration Date. after payment of paid at the PAC Un&imed items which time they
locker will be removed after the Items may be recldmed from storage a $3.00 Redemption Fee. That fee may be Receptionist’s Desk. ’ wilf be kept for only one term after will be placed in the garbage.
2, 1988
to men’s
gearing u.p for 1988-89
All Warrbrs by Mike McGraw Imprint staff
he was chosen CIAU rookie of the year and a second team all-Canadian. He topped that performance last season with OUAA central division M.V.P. honours and first team &Canadian status, An unflashy, no nonsense, stand-up backstop like Ken Dryden, Bishop will be back betiveen the pipes this season. The team’s scoring punch comes from marksmen Chris Glover and Ken Linseman, bath of whom can be found among the league’s point leaders. With most of last year’s players returning and a crop of highly-touted recruits arriving, this might be the year Waterloo breaks its post-season hex. All home games are at Columbia Icefield, the armadillo-like structure beside the optometry building.
All men’s athletic teams at Waterloo are knotin as the Warriors. They are attired in customary UW black and gold, and play in the Ontario University Athletic Association (OUAA), which is a member of the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union (CIAU). WARRIORS BASKETBALL HEAD COACH: Don McCrae ASSISTANT COACH: Mike
. I Kilpatrick
As hockey is to Montreal, and baseball is to New York, basketball is. to Waterloo. ’ . Since arriving at UW in 1972, Don McCrae has built a roundball juggernaut. Although his efforts have produced just one CIAU championship [1975), McCrae’s program is one of the most succ&sful and respected in the country. In the years 1982 to 1986,‘Waterloo formed a dynasty in Ontario but emerged as bridesmaid in three trips to the CIAU title game in Halifax. A fourth journey to Halifax was halted in the semi-finals. All four trips have one common element - they were ended by the Victoria Vikings. The Warriors have produced an allCanadian honour roll of players. Topping the list is the late. Mike Moser, a national team member whose death in 1975 prompted the CIAU to rename the league’s M.V.P. trophy after him. More recent notables include &Canadians Peter Savich, Randy Norris, Paul Boyce and Rob Froese. Last season, the Warriors breezed to a 10-2 record in th6 regular season before tumbling to Western in the OUAA west finals. Although the core players of last
be fighting
to enter
yearis team have now departed, McCrae’s recruiting and coaching skills always ensure an exciting season. The Warriors play their home games in the PACmain gym, the unanimous choice of visiting coaches as the noisiest and most intimidating road game in Canada. WARRIORS HOCKEY HEAD COACH: Don McKee ASSISTANTS: Kevin LFitxpetrick Bob Casrridy After
taking the CIAU crown in 197% Warriors went through a prolonged drought period. But the last two seasons have marked Waterloo’s resur72, the
If any varsity team has a legitimate ’ shot at bringing a national title to Waterloo this season, the volleyball Warriors are it. The Warriors’ exploits in recent years reveal a team on the brink of big-time success. Waterloo took the OUAA title in 1985-80, and dropped a five set thriller to Western in the 1986-87 west division final. t They made it one step closer to the nationals last season, drubbing the Mustangs in the West final. But the trip to the oasis ended with another five set barnburner, this one to the U of TBlues. Only one question remains: Is this ‘finally the year? Remarkably, all of last season’s squad is back for another campaign, a rarity in university athletics. Their hunger to break through the wall to the CIAU championships will be the key. Continued on page 19
rection on the Canadian hockey scene. The turnaround has been dramatic. In 1985-86, UW finished a dismal sixth and was turfed in the dpening round of the playoffs. Conversely, the 1986-87 Warriors roared to a 16-4-4 record, finishing third, but bowed to Laurier in two cotitroversial playoff games. Last season was a carbon copy of the previous one. Waterloo finished the regular schedule at 14-8-6 (with a 8-0-2 interdivisional record) trailing only York and Western [the eventual CIAU finalists). Once again thou h, the playoffs were a blur ’ two straig ff t games to Western. The team’s resurgence has coincided with the arriyal of goaltender Mike Bishop. In 1986-87, his rookie campaign,
Rgoi~~ S4W”
..-1Squash Racquet c
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10% Student (Nscount on ALL orders -pl’aced.to Nov. 1, 1988
2, 1988
Lofty goals in sight
V-ball. Warrio-rs ‘Cotild vie for CIAU crown. Continued
from page 18 Net specialists (and siblings), Steve and Scott Smith head the impressive roster of returnees, Setter Tony Martins, middleman Lech Bekesza and Vince Des Champs are also back to stalk the PAC court again. It would seem that coach Rob Atkinson finally has the chemistry of a national champion at Waterloo.
OUAA finalists in 1975, 1976 and 1980, and 1977 CIAU consolation champs, the soccer Warriors are in the all-too-familiar “rebuilding years.” After running up a horrid l-8-5 record in 1986, Waterloo crept up to 2-8-4 in 1987. Officially, this is the third of three such reconstruction years. The 1987 season ended with the now infamous “Ryerson debacle,” which was tabbed as a major setback to the rebuilding process. There is hope that the 1988 Warriors will make some serious strides towards total recovery. Waterloo plays its games at Cblumbia field, adjacent to the Icefield.
in contention for the CIAU a second place OUAA finby fourth in the CIAUs in 1986, 1987 looked like UW’s year. Little wonder, a fifth place finish at the OUAA championships was such a bitter disappointment. Carson, Ernst and moat of the other core runners are back, in what could see the Warriors challenge for the OUAA title again. Carson will be seeking sweet revenge after taking a spill while in tenth place during last year’s OUAA championships. No doubt coach Duane Kennedy would like to see his runners save their best for October 29 - the OUAA finals. WARRIORS SQUASH HEAD COACH: Barney
The Warriors squash team bo’rdered on greatness last year, finishing second only to the powerhouse Western team in the OUAA championships. Waterloo plays its home t0urnament.s on the PAC squash courts. WAmORS ALPINE SKIING HEAD COACH: Sandra Gillies
At one time, the name Harvey Mitro defined Waterloo cross country. But last October, when the Warriors vaulted to the number one ranking in Canada, his teammates shared in the limelight. The formjdable hall of famer Mitro was his usual impeccable self during his last year at UW. Yet last fall, John Carson, frosh sensation Paul Ernst and a swift supporting cast helped Mitro put
SKIING Simpson
A member of Cross Country Canada, the men’s nordic program is in its 12th year at UW. The Warriors, who placed fifth last season, struck silver at the OUAA finals in 1981. As a club, the team also holds coaching clinics and or-
The team works out of Waterloo tennis club, adjacent to Seagram’s stadium. WARRIORS GOLF HEAD COACEkCarl The Warriors Golf 4Club. .
Tot&e out of Conestoga
The high-flying men’s downhill team remained a major force on Ontario’s slopes last winter, capping the silver medal in the OUAA championships.
the Warriors crown, After ish followed
Rugby Warriors Although the sport >doesn’t, revel in the popularity that Warrior basketball receives, -Warrior rugby has a reputation as one of the most spirited interuniversity clubs in the province. Warrior rugby is in its second year of rebuilding. In 1985 the team caputured the OUAA crown after defeating Western on the Mustang home field, The following year saw the Warriors edged out by the Queen’s squad. In 1988, Queen’s went on to defeat McMaster for the provincial title. There is no national title for interuniversity rugby competi; tion in Canada. Because-of the Warrior’s diminishing
statistics, the squad will compete in the second division during the 1988 schedule. This fall marks the departure of one of the OUAA’s most impressive rugby coaches. UWs Mark Harper is handing over the coaching reigns to Brian Quistberg. Walk-ons are welcome. ’ Warriors rugby supports two teams. The varsity team and a second, club side team travel together and play the same number of regular season matches. Practice starts September 6. Socially, rugby can’t be beat, practice times are from 5-7 p.m. weeknights on Columbia Field, 1987
Varsity Sports Shop Reopens September 12, 1988. New Hours: 9:OOa.m. - 3:30 p.m.
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Imprint; Friday, September
2, 1988
Landlord or roomie hassles?
The deosahd don’ts of rentina Security
Deposit t3
The Landlord and Tenant Act now prohibits landlords from asking for damage or security or security deposits. The only deposit that a landlord can lawfully claim is an amount of money equal to one month’s rent and this is applied toward the last rental period immediately preceding the termination of the tenancy. Students should be informed they are entitled to interest on the money paid for the last month’s rent.
. Pro-Rated
For four years, the Federation of Students challenged the legality of prq-rated rent; finally ‘in the summer of 1984, it was declared illegal by the Supreme Court of Ontario.. If you find your lease has a pro-rated clause, sign the lease, move in, and then inform your landlord in writing that prorated rent is illegal, and pay your rent in normal monthly installments. If you need some help or advice in dealing with your landlord, consult the Legal Resource Office, Campus Centre room
Pro-rated rent has been a common practice in Waterloo and other university towns across the province. Pro-rating is the system by which the landlord demands that students pay the full year’s rent in eight installments beginning in September and finishing the first of April. The landlord’s rational is, that many students move ou$ in the summer month’s, leaving the rent unpaid. Landlords are no longer allowed to discriminate in this manner, and must accept rent in 12 monthly installments over the duration of the year lease. Pro-rated rent charges are also said to apply if the landlord asks far the full year’s rent at once. This has occurred recently in
complaints against one landlord in the city.
The landlord can no longer reuire that the tenant issue post3 ated* cheques or other negotiable instrnments to be used for the payment of rent.
Privacy Tenants have the right to privacy in their rental unit. The landlord cannot enter without the tenants permission except by giving written notice 24 hours in advance. This is waived in emergencies or after notice of termination of the tenancy has been given. In the latter ewe, the landlord has the right tb show the unit to prospective tenants or buyers within reasonable hours.
Subletting The Landlord-Tenzrnt Act provides that a tenant ha’s a right to sublet the premises in spite of any other provision to the contrary which, the landlord may have inserted into the lease. It is allowable for the landlord to include a clause which requires his consent’ to any subtenant buf this consent cannot be arbitrarily or unreasonably withheld. The landlord is also entitled to a sublet fee [if written in the lehse), if he/she finds the subtenant to take the premises for you.
Notice to Terminate To terminate either a written or oral leas& whether it runs for a week, month or year, the landlord must give notice to the tenant. In the case of a weekly the landlord is required ’ tenancy, to give 28 days notice prior to termination. When in monthly or yearly tenancies, 60 days notice
Legal Resource Office
Paraleaal service
is reauired, The notice takes-effeet 6n the date the rent is usually aid. Thus, if you have a mont K ly tenancy and you pay rent on the first of every month and your landlord gives you written notice to terminate on March 17, then the termination does not become effective until 60 days from April 1. Identical provision 6f notice applies to the tenant who wishes to terminate thelease. Therefore, if you have a monthly lease and want to give up the premises for the summer at the end of April, then you must notify the landlord in writing by February 28. If you have a yearly tenancy and wish to terminate it you must likewise give 6adays written notice. Once written notice has been given by either p.arty then the landlord has the right to enter the premises at reasonable times to show firospective tenants. Notice from either party must, I) be in writing and signed by the persons giving notice; Z) identify the premises for which notice is given; 3) specify the date the premises are to be vacated (the termination date). Notice of termination frgni a landlord must, I) state the reason and particulars for the termination of tenancy and Z] advise the tenant that if he/she intends to dispute the landlord’s claim to possession, he/she need .not yacate the premises. The landlord may regain possession by applyingfor an order from the clerk or the judge of the county or district court permitting eviction, and the tenant is entitled to dispute the landlord’s claims. Please note that all of the above points must be included in a notice from a landlord, and failure to include any can cause the notice to be deficient and hence. trci-id, ---
Eviction If you are behind in your rent then the landlord can give you a notice to terminate to take effect 20 days after the date of service. However, if you pay your rent up within 14 days of receiving this notice, then it becomes void. Evictiqn of a*n undesirable tenant by a landlord can be a lengthy and costly procedure. A cost will be borne by the tenant if eviction is ordered by the courts. It can also be a mark on your record that can affect your future credit ratings and employ-. me& opportunities. There are *various other, grounds for which the landlord can termirmte the lease before it is due to expire and thus evict the tenants. These grounds in.clude willful damage to the premises, the carrying :on of an illegal business on the premises, the safety or enjoyment of other tenants being impaired by your conduct, noise, etc. In general, a police officer canour not enter your house or room or apartment to ma z e a search of any person there. You must allow the police officer with the Writ of Assistance and other po1ic.e accompanying him to enter and search the premises. However, the Writ of Assistance does not affect your rights regardin arrest and questioning. The po zfice must lace you under lawful arrest be f ore you are’lesally obliged to answer any questions.
8, 1988
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The Legal Re<ource Office (LRO) is a paralegal service staffed by volunteers and funded by the Federation of Studenta. The LRO’s and members of the community in pur ose is to assiat students dea Ping with a variety of legal difficulties but with.particular focus of landlord and tenant relations. With the extremely tight housing situation in the Kitchener-haterloo area, the LRO tries to combat the many landlord-tenant problems by providing information to students both before and after alease or agreement has been signed. The LRO has copies of the Landlord-Tenant Act, K-W Tenant’s Guide and copies of various termination and Bublet forms as well as maintaining a lease bank. Although the LRO’s specialty is landlordtenant issues, the LRO has a wide variety of books, pamphlets and , information to he1 the client obtain answers to any number of legal questions and pro 1 lems. The Legal Resource Office treats till inquiries with strict confidence, so do not wait until it is too late. You can visit the office in the Campus Centre, room 1508, during office hours (posted on the door) or call 888-4634. Also, if you are interested in volunteering either dro by the LRO and leave qmessage or leave a message in the Fed of Pice.
IJniversity of Water100 Book Store STATIONERY DEPARTMENT
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
SportspJex plans brewing on campus . P
improve ‘the quality of life. for Waterloo students, as well as, pointing out inadequate pcreational space on campus.” In a June interview, Federation of Students President Adam Chamberla’in said the Development office was committed to the reject although no amount had ii een set. The figures that are being “tossed around” are be/tween three and six million dollars, Chamberlain said. Develo ment office spokesperson EPaine Cadell would not confirm any commitment to the student life *building project on the part of the Development office. “An option yes,” Cadell said. While it is an administration decision, she said, *‘commitment is a strong word at -this point .” The athletics submission to the Developnient office came out strongly in favour of locating a sportsplex on the North campus. Speaking from the Western experience, however, student VicePresident Mike Bradley told Federation committee members to build within the main campus Students will have more than the comforts of the Campus Centre to enjoy if building plansfor a before exporting such a building new student life buildi.ng gain university.support. * to a part of campus which is not on the main campus thoroughmeanwhile, has long since tabled dation cites a 1987 assessment fares. roughly two months away from The student council committee the date their recommendation is its OWH recommendation to the and report as convincing evidence to urge UWs administrahas not confirmed a consensus due, the project committee is at- Development office, The Apiil as to an ideal location, but UWs tracted to Westerh’s sportsplex 1988 recommendation from at- tion to rank- the student life which accommodates club, and hletics pegs hopes for the crea- project building high in the De- Chamberlain concedes “it’s not The velopment office’s standings. that far to go as long as there’s a student service space. tion of a fieldhouse-sportsplex reason.‘@ Federation council committee on access to the 1980 Major De- “The Federation of Students completed an athletic needs asThe Department of Athletics is has yet to define what a large velopment Campaign of the university. The Needles Hall sessment which indicated strong calling for a fieldhouse which sample of UW students would desire in a new student life administration has been in the support for increased recrea- can accommodate a zoom flat process of ranking its priorities tional space on campus.” The De- track, department al offices and a building project. Questionnaires will likely hit the UW campus in before the Development cam- partment of Athletics’ recom- range of activity modems. The September. paign begins. mendation adds, “The Fourth Continued on page 10 Decade Report stated a desire to The Department of Athletics, The department’s recommenc
by Mike Brown Imprint ,staff
UW frosh do change over the years; however, the bulk of the crop always wander .around campus with symptoms of trepidation for the first few weeks of September. The good news is that fresh can rest assured, they will quickly become accust@med to Waterloo’s sprawling campus, The bad news is that nobody, not even upper year students can ever quite come to grips with the student life building infamously kliotin as the Campus Centre. Frequently called by its initials C.C., the building is a remnant of 1968 Gothic, shortsighted architecture. Lost in a time when dim light’ ‘and hidden hallways were fashionable, the C.C.‘s days as the only student life building are numbere’d. In searching for a solution to the woes of the CC., the Federation of Students have struck a committee of council. The student life project committee was organized during the summer to gather information to submit to the university ,,Development office. As part of a consultation proi. teas, the project committee toured four other university sites in the province. Ryerson’s and U of T’s open, indoor track and fitness facilit impressed the group while t 3:e openness and high visibility of services and lounge space at Guelph’s University Centre also provided ideas for a UW blueprint. * It was Western’s complex, however, which likely has the highest pptential for influencing any UW design. Although,
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Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
CKMS. - setting , the trerida for commWciaI radio by Mike sore _’ Imprint tmff Imagine, if you will, the Bauer Warehouse, Located on the lonely dirt road at the far north end of the campus. It is from behind the walls of this rather non-descript building that the sounds permeate. The alternative sounds of Waterloo. The sounds of CKMS-FM. Located at 94.5 on the FM dial, the UW campus radio station has been saturating the airwaves with alternative programming since the fall of 1977. According to the station’s Technical Coordinator and historical custodian Bill Wharrie, when the station started up in 1968 it was available only on closed circuit in the Campus Centre and Dther various lounges around campus. Then in 1970 the station moved out of _ the Campus Centre to its present locay tion in the Bauer Warehouse and began broadcasting on cable until it got its FM license in 1977. CKMS likes to refer to itae’lf as “the 3nly alternative,” and one look at their monthly programming guide is proof of :hat. “We try very hard to have programming on CKMS that you will not zear anywhere else,” says the station’s idministrative Coordinator ‘Lorna Warlow, who adds, “CKMS does not example we get material from the Unilave commercials so we are not limited, ted Nations Radio in New York, as well, as some stations are, in what we can Radio Moscow has a programme dealDrogramme. Most radio stations have a ing with Canadian-Soviet relations that :omposite of the kind of people they are we air’,” explains Heap. The station’s rying to appeal to, but we are trying to news department also tries to focus on appeal to everybody at different times.” issues that might not be concentrated on ‘acqui Bruner, the Music Coordinator at as much by commercial stations. “They ZKMS, says, “At CKMS we play matetry to do everything, where as we will -ial you can’t hear anywhere else in this have specialty newscasts dealing with nrea, we’re not lying when we say we specific topics like the environment and ire the only alternative. We get the stuff farm issues,” Heap said, albums), before the other stations will Ilay them. Quite often stations, espe:ially those like CFNY, will look at the :ampus charts before they touch any album. So we are actually the leaders when it comes to what will be played” Though Wharrie, Warlow, Brunerand m commercial stations. Heap are the backbone of the station, it is the 150 university, high school and community volunteers that are the heart of CKMS. Despite the large number of volunteers more are needed for a variety of jobs. “During the beginning of September th,e university is having a lot of bands, many ofthem being independent groups from Toronto and surrounding area, which are bands we quite often play. So CKMS is going to be co-presenting the shows with Bent and Cqnfederation of Students. We can use volunteers to help us with doing interviews with the bands or.being master of ceremonies, as well as just being part-of it all,” Biuner said. She stresses there are always odd jobs around the station such as up-keep of the record library and the artist biographical files. There is also something for those more adrenturous types. “We can always use interviews with bands,” Bruner said. “It would be great to have more volunteers who, when going out to see a band, take a tape recorder along and do an interview .” Music Coordinator Jacqui Brunbr Then of course, for those seeking fame, life in the fast lane and free perks The music is not the only thing that from those wanting on airplugs, there is lakes CKMS different from other radio ,the glamorous volunteer job of disc tations in the area. “We try to cover jockey. Those interested in DJing ews and public affairs information “should first listen to the station to find lat is not covered in the K-W area, or out what we are all about and then come bay not be covered in as much depth”, up and see ‘US,” said Bruner. “People ays CKMS’s new? and publie affairs don’t realize that the can actually do Dordinator Paul Heap. ,“I don’t think shows. The think t rl ey need all this nybody should religiously listen to one ii ut no, we show them what experience, adio station or watch one television to do.” Getting a time slot, however, is tation or read one newspaper. That iti very competitive. According to the nfortunate, because all you are getting music director, she does not see too I one perspective.” CKMS provides many slots o ening up. “Our night time ver seven hour6 of news every week. slots are pat ri ed and-1 think we will be booked solid in the Fall except for ZOO be BBC news is broadcast weekdays at 100 a.m. and 12 noon, with local news; a.m.eto &OO a.m, and 6:OO a.m. to 1O:OO am.” But as Wharrie points out, “people asts occurring at 9:OO a.m., 1O:OO a.m. have to realize that ybu can’t come in as nd 3X30 P.-m. “We also provide news, ublic service programs and backa new voltinteer and expect to get a round information on news stories IO:OOp.m. to 2:00 a,m. show. You have to start at the bottom as they say.” lat cannot be picked up in the area. For l
Alternative news
Those interested in working with the news department will find it easier to get their voices onto the airwaves+ Presently there are four voJunteers working on the CKMS news team. Heap says he would like to see that number increase to around ten. “What I would like is to have people come in and research and read the news. But that all depends on their. time schedules+ they might only have time to write the news or maybe only read it. Ideally I would like to have the 9:00 a.m., 1O:OO a.m. and 12:30 p.m. local newscasts covered by someone other than me.” Heap would also like to see the fifteen minute spedialty shows done by volunteers, as well as have people out with tape machines to cover lectures and conduct interviews. If you are interested in working in the CKMS news department you should give Heap a call or come up to the station and pay -him a visit. He does warn, “we are not the school of broadcast journalism... we can offer limited training but we don’t have the facilities or the time to ‘offer extensive Courses.” Anyone interested in learning about the technical side of radio should get in touch with Wharrie. Much of the equipment used at CKMS has been either built in-house, or has been modified by the technical department over the years. According to Wharrie, “a lot of the equipment that people take for granted around here was built during the 70’s when the station had a. very limited budget and we needed these things, We have gotten into a stable situation as far as our equipment, right now we have everything that we need.” Still, the station is in need of a couple of volunteers to do various jobs depending on how much experience volunteers have with trouble shooting, There is alwa s maintenance work to be done aroun B the station, Wharrie said,
CKMS promotion
to improve The majority of CKMS’s funding comes from the $4 tuition check-off fee students pay each term. Some money is also generated through the sale of sponsorships. In an attempt to raise more money, CKMS ia going to be holding a funding
tember to the beginning of October, after which, “we are having a kind of birthday-bash, end-of-fundcraisingcelebration with some bands coming in around the middle of October,” Bruner said, “I could probably use about thirty volunteers to he1 with that,‘,she says. Promoting itse Pf is something CKMS will be doing more of. “We are trying to
get more promotional things done, SC that people know who we are,” saii Bruner. U-W should expect to see a new line of fashion clothing hitting the market j in the form of CKMS silk screened T-shirts. The airwaves aren’i the only alternative thing around CKMS. “We are going to be doing a few different things with our old records like making coasters out of the centrer of them. and then silk screen the CKMS logo onto it, as well as making record mobiles and earrings - smashed records make great earrings,” confessed Bruner, Aside from getting more involved with entertainment events on campus we may be seeing a few other changes ai CAMS, One such change ma be a new home fcr the station on the d ial and ar upgrading of the station’s power. “Thai is something that we have talked abour but haven’t started any action on. Therti are a lot of problems with increasing OUI power and moving t6 a different fre. quency,” Wharrie says. “We are going to need help with fund. ing it, and it (the CRTC approval) is E long process,” said Bruner,
New home on dial? In the area of new shows CKMS is considering putting together a programme using old interviews with bands ‘that have been done by CKMS. “We have a lot of old interviews of bands, We have an interview with the Mission from two years ago, the Cult, Simple Minds from years igo, we have got a lot of really good old interviews that could make an interesting show,” said Bruner. The station’s music coordinator says she would also “love to see a Rock-a-Billy show with old and new Rot k-a-Bill&” What about a Heavy Metal show? “If we could get somebody to do a good metal show&d who is not into things because they are sexist or violent, I would like to have one.” ‘*Personally I would very much like to see a French programme, as well as a Native Peoples show back on the air,” says *Warlow. If you have an idea for a show that you would like to do, come up to CKMS and talk to the staff, They are always open to ideas and very willing to -7 help. If you a’re interested in doing any work at CKMS give them a call at 8889 2567, or you can drop by and visit them at their studios in the Bauer ‘Warehouse located at the end of the dirt road behitid the Optometry building. Andremember to pick up your CKMS Programme Guide at various spots around ca,mpus and tune in at 94.5 FM to The Only Alternative in Waterloo.
Imprint, Friday,
2, l&8
StudentAlumni by Josephine
The student alumni associa.tion (SAA) is a student run, volunteer organization associatedwith the Alumni Affairs Office. The 3AA tries to “link students past, present and future” and is committed to obtaining a “higher quality of student life.” It does not, as many believe, exist tq collect. money from former students. The SAA was founded after one of the officers of the Alumni Affairs Office at tended a conference of Student Alumni Associawtions. A proposal to start a SAA at UW was soon forwarded and accepted. It was agreed the task of setting up the organization would require a person to work F full-time. Fourth-year Bngineering student Blair Davies was hired for the position during his fall ‘84 work term. Meetings were set up between Daviea and an advisor from Alumni Affairs as well *as with the faculty Deans, Alumni representatives, members of the administration, and people from the various student societies, These meetings introduced the concept of the Student Alumni Association, Davies researched and created a list of goals and projects to be undertaken. By the end of the term, no less than 20 student volunteers had been recruited for the project. The organization has many projects. in operation under its mandate. Traditionally, the SAA participates in almost every major event on campus. The association’s mascot Pounce de Lion can be seen “pouncing” around at many events. Its pres-
exice can be requested by simply calling the SAA office (a&84626). The Student Alumni Association is a non-profit organization.. Little fund raising is carried out, except what is necessary’ for running the SAA. The association is, therefore, unable to contribute financially to events run by other organizations. It can however, in special cases, provide manpower and any other help it is able, Canada day was one such event, SAA members acted aa parade marshals and traffic $irectors for the parade. SAA voslunteers set up and ran theinformation booth. Another summertime event in which the SAA takes a major role in, is Reunion Weekend. The first weekend in June is usually when the 5, IO, 15, 20, and 25 year classes return to the place where they spent three to five years of their life (if not more]. Past acquaintances are renewed, as old friendships are strengthened. The SAA helps the Alumni Affairs office to organize the weekend, provide ambassadors as well as decorate, make signs, and help out with the registration and running of the information booth. . Alumni lane is a *brand new program, which got off the ground for the first time this summer. The 1988 graduating -class was the first to donate a tree to the University of Waterloo. The tree was planted just before the spring, 1988 convocation. A collection was made among graduating students to beautify the campus. Hopeful1 the tradition will continue wit K
future graduating classes. Previous alumni classes will also be asked if they would like to have a class tree. Homecoming is another traditional event in which the SAA participates. Homecoming revolves around the Warrior basketball team in November. Plans are already underway this summer for bringin past students together at t t is special time. Winterfest is .UW’s alternative. to hibernation, The SAA, along with the Federation of Students and other groups on campus, bring this winter carnival to cure
those January blues by organiz‘ing some fun filled events. -The FESK (final exam survival kit) is our main fund raising program which maintains the organization. The procedure is to send out letters to the parents of frosh asking them if they would be interested in sending a care package to the their aon or daughter. For a small fee a FESK will be sent, containing a mug, cup-o-soup, chocolate, caffeine (tea or coffee), coupons for foodstuffs; something for a cold and other surprises. The SAA will be giving out an award of $100 for the first time,
to a high school student coming to UW. This award will not be given on the basis of marks but will be given to.a student who has shown an extraordinary interest in extracurricular activities. The SAA is not only visible on campus but the alumni across Canada are aware of the organization mainly through the efforts of the Chapter Liaison Person. An alumni chapter is one that keeps UW grads together and helps them to keep in touch with what is happening at the university.
Packed w&h Hub, society and lJW info
Fed Bdok hitmtands In- case you noticed, Imprint abstained from printing club information in this edition of the orientation issue. Instead of supplying verbose pages detailing a small percentage of UWs has student clubs, Im rint elected to report on t R ,e 1988-89 Fed Book which can be picked up free of charge at rtgistration points and inthe Campus Centre during orientation. Within the pages of the handbook lies a smorgasbord of club and society information. The listings of clubs in the Fed book number 16. If students are, interested in a club at UW, then the Federation’s info-date book is virtually
the only diary of the who, what, when and where on club information. There are actually closer to 34 clubs recognized by the Federation of Students; however, close to half that number fail to submit information to the Fed book editor by the summer deadline - a -quirk that should diminish as the Fed book evolves. This iear’s book is the third printing of such an info-date book by the Federation of Students. The Federation circulates the book free of charge during orientation week. Through close to $3.5~100 in advertising revenue, and what is expected to be close to $30,000 in Federation
subsidization, UW students can discover information regarding societies, clubs, campus organizations and a host of student serThe calendar section vices. provides week-at-a-glance atid month-at-a-glance sections to organize the typical student workload. Important university phone numbers add to the reference value of the Fed book. The 1988-89 Fed book is reduced in size from its two predecessors. Down to 208 pages from 224 pages, the book is well respected according to Fed book Editor Ian L.i ton who worked e project for four full-time on t ii months.
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Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
Don’t be Om.budstaerson takes on role corrupted - it% UWnotUofWa I I by Mike Brawn Imprint
In an attempt to set the record straight for frp-sh before the are corrupted, this article has to een lifted from the November, 27, 1887 Imprint morgue disk. The problem is an old one. The argument is over Waterloo’s abbreviation: UW versus U of W. The official school short term is uw. It appears the confusion has been going on since the school’s inception in 1957. In the early 1970s, Jack Adams, a former administrator in Information Services announced the abbreviation ‘VW” would apply to the university not the often used “LJ of W,” The 1972 announcement was never officially ratified by the Boati of Governors. The ruling was publicized in a news release. The intent wa8 to fac.ilitate a common usage of one abbreviation by the media and the university community. Today in 1987, the inaccurate “U of W” logo is hosted by many shirts sold on campus. Advertisements rampantly displa the “U of W’ logo instead o P the proper UW, credentials. To add more confusion to the @&ion, the shirts our green I .
clad qaintenance people dress in,-sport the “U of W’ logo. Imprint Advertising Manager Ted Griesbach sa s of all the ad copy Imprint han i les which contains some sort of university abbreviation, one half of those say i$fJ’ viwhile the other half say “U
At ;he time when Needles Hall shied away from “U of W’ as the short form, there was confusion ,between Waterloo and the University of Windsor who went by the abbreviation “U-of W.” Another Canadian school revolving around the confusion is the University of Winnipeg. There too, there are reports that Winnipeg is known as “UW’ as well as “U of W.” In an article similar to this one which appeared in Waterloo’s Gazette last year, Winnipeg was credited as being “U of W”; however, “UW” appears on Winnipeg’s course c alendar . States side, the University of Washington is known as “UW”; the University of Wisconsin I is ‘VW”; and the Univer.sity of Wyoming is known as “U.W.” In November 1987 when Univeraity Secretariat Jack Brown was asked by Imprint if there were any attempts at setting the record straight,he replied: “it looks like your doing it.” ’
There may be problems will encounter at UW that cannot handle on your own. Office of the.Ombudsperson established in 1982 to assist with these problems. If you feel bogged down in
you you The was you
_ reaucratic red tape; if your have already been referred to more people than you ever desired to, see UW Ombudsperson Matt Erickson. The primary objective of the Ombudsperson’s Office is to en-
sure a client’s problem is dealt with in a fair. and equitable manner within the university system and that his/hr rights are maintained. THE OMBUDSPERSON a source of information a facilitator a conflict manager a problem solver an agent of change
IS.. .
Birth control. info prompt arm- aavlce 1s available. in CC I
The Birth Control Centre is a non-judgmental, confidential information and referral service staffed by student volunteers and operated free of charge for students and other members of the Waterloo community. The centre deals with family plannin information, planned and unp f anned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual assault and issues related to sexuality. Trained volunteers make information and community resources available and accessible so a well-informed decision can be made within the lifestyle of each individual or couple. The volunteers offer students the time and emotional support needed to talk over difficult decisions. Volunteers are also prepared to give informal
confidential impartial
presentations to student groups on any of the relevant topics, The centre has gathered a display of contraceptives so visitcrs can become familiar ,with the various methbds of birth control.,There is a small, specific lending library and vertical files which have been valuable in the past to students doing research. If you want more information about the centre or are interested in volunteering, stop by the booth during orientation week or visit the office during regular hours. The centre is funded by the Federation of Students and is located in the Campus Centre room 206. the centre can be reached by’ phoning ext. 2306. Emergency and after-hours numbers are available at the Turnkey desk.
THE OMBUDSPERSON HELPS WITH. . . admission problems registration difficulties financial aid difficulties academic standing promotion evaluation c discipline housing concerns co-op problems difficul’ties with university services community problems personal problems The Office of the Ombudsperson offers an independent+ impartial and objective service. All cases are dealt with as quickly as possible and in the strictest confidence. If you should have a problem, a complaint or a question, feel free to contact UW Ombudsman Matt Erickson. The Office is= located in the Campus Centre, room 15OC and the phone number is 888-4042 ext. 2402 or 885~121lext.240&
STUDENTS’ COUNCIL FALL BY-ELECTION Nominations fur representatives to Students’ Council open onM&Azy, Sepfemberla I988 and close onMonday, September 19,1988 to fill the following vacancies: Arts Regular - Mathematics CO-op Renison
1 seat 1 seat 1 seat
Nominkion forms are available in the Federation Office * (CC235-) and must be returned to that office no later than 4:30 p.m. on September 19.
ELECTION COMMi77EE Federation of Students ’ Room 235, Campus Centre I.
Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
Campus paper cracks nation’s top ten in size .
Student journalism: by John Maaon Inlprint rtaff
dents. The staff of the paper, accountable to student opinion, determines the policy of the
What is Imprint and who publishes it? What qualifications are required of individuals who worild like to contribute to the publication of Imprint? Questions like these are valid; the answers are simple, straightfor. ward, and maybe even surpris’ ing. Imprint, located in Room 140 of the Campus Centre, is the official student newspa er of the University of Water Poo and it was chosen by UW students in a referendum held on March 21, 1979, Students voted then to submit a fee each term to assist with the operational costs of the paper. This fee now amounts to $3.08 per term and is collected by the university along with tuition fees before, being turned over to
As a student paper, Imprint is written and produced by ;a staff of volunteer UW students. According to the newspaper’s policies and procedures, “Imprint is democratically run by students and- dedicated to serving stu-
paper I’
During the falI and winter terms, hnprint is published each Friday but in the spring/summer term the paper comes out on a biweekiy basis. The operationof the paper depends on the staff of volunteers who work along-side four full-time staff members to meet the publication schedule. Anyone can volunteer to assist with the paper; no previous experience is necessary. People interested in working with the newspaper are taught the various skills needed in producing Imprint by veteran volunteers and the full-time staff members. Imprint staff represent the full spectrum of facuIties and departments in the university. Engineers and Mathies work together with Artsies. and Reccers. The broader the representation within staff, the more effective the,paper can function. Each individual brings unique ideas and interests to the paper. Few students reaIize the details of putting a newspaper to-
the. Imprint scoop
gether. Articles are the most apparent portion, but they represent only a small part. Besides actually writing the articles, staff shoot and develop the photographs used, copy must be edited before being typeset, advertising has to be sold and the necessary artwork done, pages must be pasted-up, headlines written, and the daily business operation must be tended to as well. So while writers are always needed to man the terminals and photographers are a must to capture campus life, graphic artists are equally important. The graphic design of a newspaper is one of the most important features; it conveys the crucial first impression to the reader. The business side of Imprint is the least obvious part of the operation. About two-thirds of the tabloid’s revenue is generated through advertising. A full-time advertising manager and student assistants are required to sel, design and paste-up ads which appear in the paper. BiIIing of advertisers, invoicing+ filing, and bookkeeping are
necessary to maintain the financial side of the operation. The full-time business manager keeps Imprint financially sound by controlIing the monetary responsibilit ies. Students can help out in the business side as well. Shifting to the higher profile aspect gf Impriat, students write almost all of the copy which is published. There is an incredible variety of writing opportunities which need to be tackled. The paper is divided into four major divisions: News, Arts,. Sports, and Features. Each area is directed by a divisional student editor who works closely with the Editor-in-Chief and Assistant Editor in planning and executing the actuaI final result. News articles range from digging up a scoop on the Feds or the UW administration to reporting on local municipal issues and analyzing campus lectures. The Arts section can involve reviews of movies, records, concerts+ books, theatre, art galleries, and submissions of creative works. All the varsity and co-ret sports events involving UW teams are availabIe to be covered in the
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namer. The features section is a io&ely defined area which overlaps the other three areas but generally involves longer pieces and more analysis. Imp&t tries to publish all articIes, photographs, graphics and comments that are submitted. The paper has a policy against racist, sexist or libelous material. Becoming an Imprint volunteer does not require more time than any student wishes to put into the volunteer operation: although, one should be warned to be adthat Im rint is known dictive Por many who become involved. ’ Contributing to the newspaper does not have to neceesitate spending excessive amounts of time ‘in the actual office in the Campus Centre. Utilizing the campus electronic mail sys tern, contributors can send material to the editor at Imprint without putting a foot in the office. Imprint is not on1 work. The staff work and socia r ize together both on and off campus, The office serves as a meeting place and the seat of many heated debates about campus+ social, economic, and political issues. On production nights, free pizza *is available for the staff to eat together while they gre working. Doughnuts and cookies are the staple fare at all staff meetings, while coffee flows constantly. from the caffeine infusion machine in the office. Imprint teams also enter in co-ret sports events when a team can be organized from within the staff. This past summer for example the Incredible Imprint Gweebs completed the softball league with a 7 and 2 record , before crashing to the Federation of Students Dorks by one run in a pick-up challenge game. Imprint is democratically operated and is responsible to the UW undergrad student body. Toward this aim, weekly staff meetirigs are held at noon on Fridays where concerns, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are discussed openly ‘and freely by. ever one whti ‘wishes to attend. AI r LJW students have the right to speak out on any issue but in order to vote on any motion, students must have attended at least half of eight consecutive staff meetings and contributed to four iseu-es bf the paper. Because running a newspaper requires continuity and a large time. commitment, , Imprint has four full&time paid employees: an editor-in-chief, a business manager, an advertising manager, and a prqduction manager. The four full-time staff members are hired by the voting itaff of the paper and are responsible to the students for their actions on, the job. Full-time staff members do not have votingrights at the weekly Imprint meetings. I Students will always have criticisms about lm rint but often staff is not in Pormed of valid concerns. Letters to the editor are always welcome and will be published as long as they are signed and delivered before the 8 p.m. weekly Monday deadline. Remember as students this is our forum; if you are unable to Ii ec0me a volunteer be sure to voice your concerns in public. It is only with full involvement from all students that Imprint can fulfill the mandate given by you - the UW students. One last point - Imprint staff and editors are not omniscient; if anything newsworthy is happening on campus, it helps ,to give the paper a call at 888~4048.
Friday, September
2, 1988
Campus. Centre is student central The ,Campus Centre is your meeting place, eating place, living room, play room, coffee lounge and more. The CC is staffed by students (called Turnkeys] 24 hours a day. The Turnkeys provide a variety Of services including o enma E ing ing meeting rooms, coffee and tea for a minimal charge, making change and providing answers to all sorts of questions. The Turnkeys also book rooms, play your favourite records, provide first-aid and off-campus housing lists. Aside from the meeting rooms, the Turnke s can aleo let you into the pooP room [for snooker fanatics]; the piano-room or TV room. If you feel like playing games, the Turnkeys have a wide assortment that can be borrowed with your student I.D. card, You can also borrow newspa ers, magazines, bike toola, fris r#ees, glue and man other fhings with your I.D. car B . The Turnkeva. being an energetic group, ” drganiL3 many events for students. Some of these include bike identification clinics, the annual autumn crafts
. . ,cl)
fair, pumpkin carving and kite making contests, noon-hour concerts and drama presentations. Perhaps the most popular Turnkey-sponsored event is the weekly free movie Cinema Gratia, run every Wednesday night. Besides the Turnkeys, the CC houses the Federation of Students office; the Imprint (the student newspaper, the ombudeperson, the Legal Resource Office, the Women’s Centre and the Birth Control Centre. The basement of the CC houses the Used Book Store, the poat office, the Record Store, the Campus Shop, the Apple II Hair Salon and the Bank of Commerce. Throughout the Campus Centre there are separate bulletin boards where you can advertise articles for eale, apartments for rent, rides and jobs available. The Federation of Students have a board advertising their events and there ia also a Scribbleboard where you can leave a messaRe for a friend. You can call the Turnkey desk ’ at tit.3867 or at 888-4434 for more information on any or all of these services, 1
Imprint will not appear Friday, September 9. Weekly publication will resume Friday, September 16.
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Imprint, Friday, September
2, 1988
of Waterloo
North campus development continued
dents forked over $%588,~0 for the rink which was completed in 1983. A fall 1988 student refer-’ endum in slipport of continuing the per term levy for the purpose
from page 4
department’* master plan beyond the construction of a fieldhouse includes an aquatic centre, regulation 18 hole golf course, tennis courter, artificial surface field, football lighted field with seating and an Olympie size arena surface. The Federation recommendation will probably favour club and student services and meetiwan amama tA ha mhmmd iwntn rma oyauci cv UG paAuLPGU AU&U um sportsplex. f!hnmhPwlnin uuuIuYYLLcI**I
pnlltinnd “uu~*“u”u,
wp . .
disagree it would spell the end of their project. ” “I like to think our proposalwill be agreeable to them and they will support it,” he said. “I don t think the athletic report will be diminished much.” The timing for considering a new student building ia ripe, regardlesa of what recommendation wins the administrati;on’a favour and fiscal a proval. In Icespring 1989 the Co umbia field, an entirely student funded building, c will be paid off. Stzle
of a student life building of some sort could G easily take the place of the Icefield levy which ends in the spring.
Join the Imprint
I i I
Everyone is welcome . .
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Imprint, Friday, S0ptember
2, 1988
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