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What's Inside

I1mprintr The University of Waterloo Student Newspaper


VoL 11 100. 18 1 0 -

I -,



Turnbull wins, Carmichael loses! City election sees some suprises. For details see coverage page 5 and editorial Page 7

I FEATURE ) Gay ordination Page 2 0 - 27



Toxic Reasons Inter views Sonic Youth and Dream Syndicate Page 2 4 W.0.Mitchell Page 27 Wings of Desire Page 28 Lord of the Rings Dage 3 0

SPORTS Axernen take Naisrnith crown back east -page 3 1 The invincible Tom Schneider Page 32 Hockey Warriors split with Montreal cousins - page 3 4 Naismith picture scrapbook Page 33


'hrongs of people were fortunate enough to be on the floor during Davis Centre ceremonies last Thursday. Plenty of ,pectatorsat the official opening were able to gain key vantage points from the two upper decks of the building. Premier )avid Peterson helped former Premier William Davis officially declare the building open. UW officials and the architect were on hand to show off the campus' newest building and research centre. For story see page 3.

photo by Andrew Rehage


BENT & MathSac Present:

Arts Board

JAZZ :pJITE at The Botibshelter .‘


Thursday, Novedm 24th, 1988, 8:OOom

FROZEN GHOST with Special Guest 1 ROMAN GREY


Thuisday, November 17th at Federation Hall Doors open at 8 pm $7 FEDS, $8 NON FEDS




*‘.Nath&k.~raan *Captain %&bzlbwe & The Cab&t Shuffle *The Groove Merchants


*With CKMS Album Giveaways

Shop Before Exams _ and Save $$$$ 20%Off all regularly priced merchandise for one, week only, November 2,lst=25th ’

Tickets Available at the Door $2 FEDS, $3 NON FEDS

BENT Presents





,* ‘.


El&ion l

Dbwnchiid Blues Band Littk Martha Band THE RESEARCH MONKEYS h

Sponsored by the Music Society, with the help of the Creative Arts Board


and Special Guests Saturday, November 19th at The Bombshelter . $3 FEDS, $4 NON FEDS .

Coming Soon from BENT:



FiZD FLICKS Novebb& 18,19,20 Mi&aei -...,Keaton

pbst-mortem J with...


National Political Columnist for I ‘the Globe, , “Canada’s Top Journalist” -Wednesd;iy,


BEETLeJuICE ties, i&ally is sh&ing @is time!!)


Showg ~a$ and 9 pun Arta L&l&IaM Room 113 $2*Ft&j S Nom-Feds ’ -, u LI . * .-0 .* 7” ?+ . .

Engineering Lecture Hall 101 g $3 FEDS, $5-NON FEDS

, .




Discounts do not include ,


7:30 pm,

Tickets available at the Door, . the FED Office, CC 235, and the Political Science Students Association, HH 342


’ .


Come Test your luck * with our ’ DUNKING: BOOTH Friday, N6.v 25th This week is STAR TREK WEEK

at the Moviesi


-’ ’ :

I Boar,d.‘if E&erta.inment Chair for the Winter Term. If int&&stedi please apply in writing by Noveinber .3Oth to A&h in the FED Office, CC’235 .* . . r. . _ .’ Chhmberiain ‘1 /

jackets or confixtidmwy



B/g bucks, grins all ‘round

gayis Centre -officiallyopened it as “home away ’ The William G. ter Research Cetii Musical eharnbr c . .:, .* * . I . ‘... +‘,.; 7 -,, . d’-._-

strains of the quartet drifted down

the invocation. Dr. Wright as.sumed the platform to finish the introductions, and to discuss the ideas and process behind Waterloo’s evolution. IP 1863, Wright said, an unprecedented concept was initiated to “brin computing within reach of al P students, in all faculties,” and the largest existing computer aystem in Can-

5’. ,-

v .’ ,*,-_,-..’ Many dignitaries ,*1



were on hand


$$@#&6 brilcony, min&ling m&&$ted chatter of the ~~~~~aff and guests who ‘&Htibd for the event. The ,t . .&&Xase Drill Team and .

with stuhad UW the

ada was purchased. Wright raised Davis for his foresight in 1 oldly approving such a project, referring to him as “a visionary minister who believed in a

mitment to Ontario education, and applauded UW for its decieion to commemorate the expremier, astutely obeerving that if his party ftinded another building, Wright would named it .I after him, Peterson praised the enfhusiam Waterloo has shown in &o many varied fields, and the ‘$lternational 8 tature” the university has achieved by its programs and dreams, especially in technology, a dream Peterson believes “to be shared across the county.”

“ahead in having longer sentenCe8 with no punctuatiofi inarks,” and the succees.of the celebration as better than going to class. The chairman concluded the opening with a few inspiring

words to be folEDwed 6y tours of. the building and scheduled 88-7 minars, appropriately &Idressing the areas of architecture and computing. Free coffee and cookies were served.

“Bringing computing within reach of all students” Thd premier concluded with the thought that “we can never shortchange students, and must compete internationally with high intellectual value-add.‘* He congratulated both UW and Davis on behalf of the people of Ontario for their innovation in education.

Davis enthusiastic Davis stormed political of the quickly

~~~~n’s: entertainment, the b&&&iking up on a late cue to acceany the march af the politscal and intellectual entourage.

k quartet, the Warriors 1 Chairman Jack Sinclair opened the ceremonies, turning over the platform to Father Norman Choate, President of St. Jerome’s College, who conducted

Davis’. continued sup’ &t for UWs progressive growt R earned him the. honour of the Centre being dedicated in his namesake.

Band and the ‘Drill Team”. Davis was involved with the initial planning of the Research Centre. Premier David Peterson aleo commended Davis for his com-

proceeded Peterson and the audience with his best, taking advantage mixed company by confessing there are

thing8 going on in the world he would never comment on “at a gathering of this kind” and, in the same breath, extending a warm welcome to the Progressive Conservative MP Walter McLean. Davis energetically commented on the aesthetics of t4e new building, his verbal advantage over Peterson in being

WAiam Davis comments on his wife’s bald inbrior‘ I -’ decoration for the new Davis Centrk , . p~tobjrAn:&~~

Notice isI hereby given of a .

General Meeting of the Fe&ration of Stud~~t&ci

..i‘ a_ **r

~$@&ersity of Waterloo, a coiporation under the laws of the T&ovince of Ontario, to be held on Thursday, November 24,1988 y@t7:bo p.m. in Room 145 of the Physics Building. The Agenda for :f&is rrieeting is as follows: , . .I > 11 I .


2. .

_ Change:

in section VIILG so that it reads: ‘The term of the Vice-President, University Affairs begins at the Annual Gen-

Auditor’s Report 1987-88

eral Meeting and shalt be a full-time employee of the Corporation for lbofh the Summer and fall Terms .and will rtielve aL’ monthly stipend as established by Students’ Council during the Winter Term while he/she is a full of part-time student.’

Ratification of Auditor for 1988-89


_3, . The following amendments to By-Law I, relating to Tramof the Affairs of the Corporation: .ITction .* . tihange: in section VlI1.F so that it reads: ‘ihe term of the

3ice=President, Operations and Finance begins at the An= nual General Meeting and shall be a full-time employeeaf the Corporation for both tie Summer and FL&/ Terms and will receive a monthly stipend as established by Students’ Council during the Winter Term while he/she is a full or part-time student.’

The following amendment women’s Issues Board:

to By-Law 11, relating to the

Delete: in section 1I.A.i the following: ‘who shall have had experience in and knowledge of the women’s movement’. 5.


The agenda for this meeting is restricted to the above items of business, for which proper notice has been given.

Adam Chamberlain, President


4 Imprint, Friday, November t 8, 1988

\ Hazardous



Legislation to minimize health risks by John MacFariuls Imprint rtrff



on those

in UWs

labs and workshops and forced

come in and close all university labs and workshops if they do not follow the new rulings.

them into a difficult dilemma. Ozaruk doesn’t foresee any opThousands of UW students “If they don’t want to put the position because the regulations who work with hazardous chemeffort into taking inventory, lawill reduce the risks of working icals will now be abli to access belling and filling out datawith dangerous chemicals and detailed information which will sheets, then they simply get rid benefits e?eryone. “The governhelp minimize the health risks of the chemicals” says Campus ment has taken the proper steps, involved. Safety Director Nick Ozaruk. if one implements the regulaMany have taken the latter opNew government amendments tiona ih a- step-by-step, ofgantion with 80 drums of unsafe to the Occupational Health and ized procedure:the-n themaj&ity chemicals being removed from Safety Act require that an invenof chemical related problema’can tor be taken of all toxic, flamcampus last summer and many bedealt with safely,” he says. ma 3:le and dangerously reactive more this fall. substances on campus, each must be clearly labelled, and have a material safety data sheet filled out. Currently, many stut ETHANOL dents are unaware of the poten0 0 tially harmful affects of these - Flammable liquid 0 I chemicals, which are not clearly - Vapour harmful 0 0 marked and have little documen- Keep away from sources of ignition. 0 tation as to the correct safety 0 - In case of fire, usealcohol resistant fwm. - Use in an adequately ventilated area. procedures. 0 0 These amendments have the 0 0 If inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air and perform largest impact on students inthe arlifbcial respiration if necessary. 0 I Chemistry, Biology, Chemical If swaltowed: If victim is bonscious, induce vomiting. 0 Fngineering, Physics and Psy0 Call physrcian immediately. chology departments. A compu0 0 If splashed on skin or eyes: Flush the skin or .ter database will be set up with 0 Id eyes with plenty of water and remove information on each chemical contaminated clothing. Call physician immediately. 0 0 substance such as the quantity, Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet for mote information 0 the hazardous properties as well I 0 as storage, disposal, handling &~~~rn~~~rn~~~~~~~1I11 4 and emergency procedures. The amendments also require Chemicals on campus must .have warning labels and be that suppliers of these potendticumented on a computerized inventory. . tially harmful substances must now fully label everything they He points out health risks will sell to universities and list any Ozaruk emphasizes the diffistill exist because students are precautionary procedures and culty of creating an inventory by much more likely to endanger noting “There ma be 15 to 30 first-aid measures, their health due to their own thousand chemica 9a on campus The added work of taking inpoor safety practices than expoventory of all chemicals purbut nobody really knows besure to the chemicals. Students chased previous to the cause an inventory has never must take on a certain r,esponsibeen taken.” amendment a, and training perbility when it comes to handling sonnel to read and interpret the Inspectors from the Ministry :hemicals, such as usjng the safety data sheets has.” Pput addi+ f ; ,;: ?“.“q;1_ L


University -ofWaterloo L

lung damage, and even sterility.


by Henrietta Veerm811 Imprint steff This week, Imprint received a letter to the editor concerning the incidence of sexual assaults occurring at the Dana Porter Arts Library, “I don’t know if there have been or not,” said Arts Library director Murray Shepherd, of the reported incidence of sexual assaults. Campus police confirmed three indecent exposures occurred this past year, but no aexual assaults. “Psycholagically, effects of indecent exposure can be just as alarming to someone,” says Crime Prevention Officer Marshall Gavin. Legally, a sexual assault is defined as any intentional use of force against another person\ without his or her consent. An indecent act by definition, can happen in a public place in’ the presence of one or more persons, or in any place, with the intent to insult or offend any person. Campus police see no cause for alarm.I

“All three cases were solved,+’ says Sergeant Brian Bradley. “Two people have been charged... The courts wouldn’t accept the charge.” “Considering the number of people going through the library, three incidents over a year doesn’t seem to be a problem. If there is a problem, th&n people have not been reporting incidents,” Bradley said. When asked if anything would vicbe done to warn potential tims of this situation, such as putting up a sign, Shepherd-replied, “That assumes a sign could be worded in such a way to be effective,” “I don’t choose to put a high profile on it. One reason it occurs is to attract attention, for reasons that are not healthy. * - Over the _years, security . has _I been - entirely successful with the approach used.” “Our peopte try to walk through the libraries when they get a chance, but this is not regular at all,” says Bradley. “It’s not a matter of tightening things / up, but reporting inci&nts,“‘.4 _, A.,: d’ ; 51; . I .._ -:


in sturdy remember,

encc mcludcs sending as a member of the Senate Undergraduate Counci!,

is a graduate of the ToFonto Schaols, where In-Chief of the school

Treasurer of the Math of the Federation of


Senate as an undergraduate at-large representative; between 1980 and 1982, he served as a student representative to the Board of Governors. is currently a fourth-year student. His experi-



Tim Ward is a fourth-year Science (Computer Science



from a wide range of colours enameled brass. And it’s refi I lable.

Look for the new DELTAGRIP now at:

dent. In the Winter 1988 term, Tim was He


of Waterloo




‘A&arial m&or) stu-

the Assistant. Referee-in-Chief. campus recreation basketball.



Students Council, 1 Editor of mafhJEWS, mcmbcr of the Student Advisory Council and involvement with concerns.

Jone (John) Kama is currently registered in the Faculty of Arts as a Political Science major. In 1978, he was an Independent Studies degree candidate. Between 1979 and 1981, Jone served on


combines the smooth, cri of a rolling ball pen with

hand like no pen ever has. has never been so comfortable


Mathcw Englandcr is a first-year student in the Faculty of Mathematics. He University



KAMA, Jone OBEDA, Paul WARD, Tim -

he was Editormagazine. At UW, he has contributed to the Imprinr.

The most exciting pen youwe evef seen...of felt! performance advanced It fits your

for is

currently avolunteer on the Homecoming and Math Grad Committee and Treasurer of the Student Alumni &SO&ion. For the Winter 1989 term, Tim is the Presidential Nominee to the Student Alumni Assbation.


“No cause for alarm” in exposure cases


election will take place on

The polling station will be situated in the Campus Centre and will be open between 9200 a.m. and 4~30 p.m. All undergraduate students are eligible to vote for one candidate. The candidates are: ENGLANDER, Mathew


lems, burns


Wednesduy,/V&ember 23,1988.


Canada estimates that one quarter of all


For one undergraduate student ablarge represerkative + Senate (term ‘to April 30,1989),

Paul Obeda

dureg. Labour roughly

workers in North America are exposed to chemical hazards which can lead to heart prob-



proper protective equipment and following the appropriate proce-







Turnbull elected Mayor of Waterloo by Mike Brawn Imprint staff With the shake-up at Waterloo City Hall after Monday’s municelections. students now gave a few m&e friendly faces on city council than was the case under Marjorie Carroll’s eleven years as mayor, Carroll went down in defeat to Councillor Brian Turnbull. Turnbull never looked back after the polls closed at 8 pm. Monday at 8~10 p.m. the results started to come in over the broadcast Turnbull’s

of Rogers lead started



and mounted to at 11 p.m. to Carroll’s


4,450 votes 2,713

Cable. at 162

votes. only

Thi final results became available

Tuesday afternoon pegged Turnbull at 13,134 to Carroll’s 8,318 votes. Carroll was reported visibly shaken at some point when she visited Brian Turnbull’s election celebration at the Waterloo Inn. Turnbull andCarroll concur that what people really wanted was chhnge. Turnbull also feels he was given a mandate because the electorate wanted less secreky on decisions made at city hall. At least five successful catididates who appear to understand student issues round out the eight member council. Councillor Lynn Woolstencroft was the number on6 vote-getter at 12,850. Councillor Andrew Telegdi ‘received a strong mandate with 11,350 votes. Turnbull, Woolstencroft, Telegdi, and

Mary Jane Mewhinney who ia considered somewhaj of a ‘Carroll old guard member’ also go on to represent the city at the regional council level. Besides Turnbull, ‘Telegdi and Woolstencroft, both Robert Brown and Susan Forwell are the other two faces which may represent better city/student relations in the future. Overall, the council looks like they are bound to be energetic, said, Wendy Rinella, Federation of Students vice-president (university affairs). Brown and Forwell are two of the five newcomers to the council which may have been elected ‘at large’ for the last time. Water; loo residents passed a referendum question by supporting a ward systein for Waterloo that would replace the current atlarge system, Residents voted 10,790 in favour of a ward system, while 9,788 indicated a preference for maintaining the system where people may vote for all candidates regardleEs of neighbourhood zoning. Defeated student candidate Shane Carmichael of UW says a ward system may improve student voter turnout. Students would then be able to latch on to one councillor as a representative of a student constituency, he said. Both Federation vice-president’s -Carmidhael and Rhella have reservations about the type of ward system which may be introduced, They are worried that high 8reas. of student concentration will be intentionally split up to reduce student power at the polls. The Ontario Municibal Board is scheduled to decide on the fate of the ward system in the new year; however, Mayor-ele‘ct Turnbull indicates pushing back

that deadline may be in the best interest for working out the mechanics of any proposal. UW Professor Terry Downey of the Political Science department stated that this was the liveliest election in some time. In Kitchener, Dom Cardillo was returned as mayor with 17,458. His cIosest, rival was Alderman Richard Christy who managed to appeal to 15,530 voters. According to Christy, he may not have lost had David Kresky and Veronica Warner not further polarized the results with their 4,586 and 1,974 votes respectively.

Official Results + MAYOR 8rain Turnbull Marjorie Carroll

13,134 7,769

COUNCILLORS Lynne Woolstencroft Andrew Telegdi Susan Forwell . Mary Jane Mewhinney Blake Hall Robert Brown Joan McKinnon Bill Sutler Dorothy Schnurr John Shortreed John Su mmers Pat McMahon Jim Axler Ken Schickler Mark Courtepatte Shane Carmichael Alex Manjuris

12,850 11,350 9,722 9,627 9,012 8,542 8;488 6,831 6,739 6,514 5,553 5,026 5,508 4,319 4,177 3,737 2,556

Poor .student turkwt


Defeated Axler.

Mayor L



and council


photo by A8dmw

All You Can Bowl





385 Frederick St 576-l 160

Student Night Every Wednesday Free Popcorn

Jim Rehuge

by Mike Brown Impritlt aaff The only chance student rrandidate Shane Carmichael had of being elected was if students made an impressive showing at the polls. Universit students in the city did not floe I to.the polls and hence, Carmichael settled in at second last place out of 17 candidates. The UW student and Federation vice-president (operations and finance) was fsr off the pace which sees only the top eight councillors elected and even further behind in actual vote totals. Three candidates which were sup orted by Iqnpriat as well as Wil Prid Laurie& student newspaper, The Cord, hovered around the number 12 to number






defeats Carmichael I ,

16 position throughout the evening as the polls reported in. Of those elected, the newepapers su ported Mayor Brian Turnbu P1 and councillors Lynne Woolstencroft and Andrew Telegdi; these candidates indicated they were willing to corn romise on student city issues. 0 P the defeated candidates, the newspapers supported Carmichael, Ken Schickler and Jim Axler. The defeated candidates were the only three out of seventeen who were on the record as being against exclusionary bylaws. Axler received 5,508 votes; Schickler received 4,s 19 votes; Carmichael recieved 3,737 votes, Is this a community backlash against students? Carmichael says “probabl .‘+Speaking about himself as we K1 as-Schickler and Axler he said “Their support for these issues might have been their downfall. ” “In this atmosphere,” Carmichael added, “there is a fence between the residents and the students in the city right now.” Although Carmichael says his policy toward exclusionary bylaws caused him problems, he insists he wouldn’t give up that principle if he were to run in three years. It is too early to estimate how many students turned out at the p$lls; however, only 200 allegedly voted in the Campus Centre polling station. On-campus residents were eligible to vote in the C.C. which renders a statistic of 200 out of a possible 4,000,

It may be tempting ,


to use Car-

michael’s 3,737 votes as a barometer to how many students cast ballots; but, Carmichael asserts that a significant portion of his total is represented by community support. Certainly, though, it is safe to say that less than 4,000 students voted. In 1985, estimates pegged the student rate at around four per cent

of its potentiat turn-out rate. There is little encouragement that university student turnout increased in 1988, This year’s municipal election also saw two councillors lose their seats, Councillors John Shortreed and Dorothy Schnarr finished in the 9th and 10th position.

DON’T BE A DICK!! Driving Impaired

Can Kill

The holiday season is fast approaching and UW’s Alcohol Awareness Committee (BACCHIIS) would like. to wish you a Merry Christmas, but not too ‘merry’, because we hope to see you around next year.




Directions: Cover bottom of glass with grenadine Add 3 oz. of club soda and 3 oz. of bar lime lop with sprig of mint and 8 cherry to decorate.

Christmas Alcoholic Beverage: Snowcap


Directions: Hot chocolate. 1 pkg. 1/2 oz. peppermint SChn8ppS lh oz. Kahlua Top with whipped cream.


When you start Drlnklng... Don’t stop Thinklng!



6. Imprint, Friday, November 18, 1988

Author to analyze election I by john Mason Imprint staff “Patronage is the pornography politics, enticing ‘to some, repulsive to others, justified as inevitable, condemned as immoral, a ‘practice seldom considered a fit subject for polite conversation. Like pornography, patronage stirs the most basic human paesions and sparks the most emotional of responses.” With this analysis at the beginning of his new book Spoils of Power: the Politics of Power, Jeffrey Simpson breaches one of the most controversial political issues in Canadian history, Simpson, who is present1 national affairs columnist wit x the Globe and Mail and is considered one of the leading analytical journalists in Canada, wili be lecturing at UW November 23 in of



Election Post-Mortem.” The event is co-sponsored by the Federation of Students and the Political Science Students Association; tickets cost $3,00 far Fed members and $5.00 for


-’ Jeffrey Simpson non-members and are available at the Fed office and Hagey Hall rm, 342, Few individuals in denada ar6 as qualified to comment on the election and our political system than Simpson. Educated in politics and international relations at Queen’s University and the London School’ of Economics, Jeffrey

.& Used Books

by kenate Staedsl ImprSnt staff UW’s Project Aries is receiving a gift of 60 NEC Multispeed “laptop” microcomputer8 from Nippon Electronics Company. The company’s donation, valued at $200,000 (retail) will be distributed to students involved in Project Aries to support teaching of a variety of courses. Dr. Don Cowan, UW computer science professor is the director of Project Aries. Microcomputers have become so important to education that Cowan “foresees a time when virtually every university student in Canada will have one.” “We at Waterloo are using computers as an aid in teaching a variety of subjects,” says Cowan, “including not ‘uet computer science but mat A ematics, science, engineering, English, f:;e:iology.II geography...and The ‘new NEC gift will allow Project Aries to continue adapting more and more courses to computerized teaching. Although the system does not replace traditional classroom lectures, it helps a great deal with university-level learning at

Waterloo. Project Aries is developing technology to set up “filling and dumping” stations in various campus locations, Students can connect their portable computers to a network at these “stations” and pick up lesson assignment 8 and information electronically. After completing this work, students return to the stations to feed it back into the network. The assignments are then checked by their professors. Printouts are also available at the filling stations. NEC laptops are loaned to students for one term at a time, When the four months are up, the student returns the computer and it is reaesigned to another student. Apparently, use of this handy technology can get addictiv& “As we create the conditions for computers to’ become more and more useful, they will become more and more popular. This we already are seeing,” stated Cowan, “Many of our students who have used microcomputers on loan in the past, have found them so helpful they’ve gone out and bought their own; they really love them, once they find out how useful they can be.”

Come atid Broke I, l


, Amsg& l Arabic l British l Canadian

through our large qelection ,of .-A. $1:: ::‘#_:6tench @Spanish ‘-.‘-’ l German a Intemrtional l Italian - . I ‘FiWiMh WMQliMh(,” l Polish l Maps

Simpson went on to serve as a Parliamentary Intern in Ottawa. As a reporter with the Globe and Mail, he has covered national and international politics as European Bureau Chief, and Ottawa Bureau Chief: he has also be/en a frequent guest on both English and French CBC television. His previous book, DiscipZine of Power, outlined the rise and fall of Joe Clark’s minority government and won the Governor-General’s Award for Non-Fiction while lasting on the Best-Sellers List for more than six mont ha. In Spoils of Power, Simpson traces the trail of patronage through the entire history of Canadian political experience, from the seedy times of John A, Macdonald when a vote could be purchased for a glass of whiskey, to the shadowy times of the Mulroney administration when charges of conflict of interest and impropriety were a dime-adozen. In his skillful examination of both the contemporary and historical record, .Jeffrey Simpson displays why he is emerging as the premier journalistic commentator in Canada. His daily column is regarded as “required reading in the corridors of power” of this nation; I: suggest all concerned citizens at UW plan to attend what should be an insightful lecture. _

Electroni.cs company. donates 60 computers to university

this ad for 10% off new magazines. One ad per purchase Mon.

- Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 P.m.

Sat. 9

a.m. - 6 p.m.



--- ---,-,


Improved integration of disabled persons into employment, leisure and educational opportunities is the goal of the upcoming ‘Community For Everyone Conference’ co-sponsored by the

Attention UW Students * I

7LJii~v%iXs”if jTSWX(C~h5~~~

-‘-* wnrr-

Over 1,200 people are iexpetted to attend the conference at Bingeman Park from November 17th to the 19th. Participants will discuss the needs and concerns of people with disabilities and those who $ave relationships with them. “It’s the first time such a large and diverse group of people will have met in K-W, to learn and share their research, expertise, concerns and issues regarding integration of people with dieabilities into the community,‘* says conference co-chairperson Adrienne Gilbert, who is also associate chairperson of Uw’s Recreation and Leisure . Studies


Copies of these discussion papers and additional information relating to the above can be obtained by contacting the City of Waterloo Planning. Department, Second Floor, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South of by telephone 747-8757, Brian Trushinski Policy Planner City of Waterloo

..-I- .-.---

_. r~ i

. ‘- Attack of

You are invited to a public meeting to be held on Wednesday, November 30, 1988, in the Council Chambers, Third Floor of the Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, at 7:3O p.m. to address two recently released Planning Department discussion papers on affordable . housing and off-campus student housing in the City of Waterloo. The Affordable Housing Discussion paper presents options to ensure and increase the supply of affordable housing in new subdivisiofis and developments. The Student Housing Discussion Paper presents possible policy options for the location of off-campus student housing in the City I of Waterloo.


The conference will involve: discussions by various respected speakers, hands-on sessions, exhibits,, -mcelebrities I and . entertainment. The speakers include Dr. Lou Brown from the University of Wisconsin, who looks to the day when all people with severe intellectual disabilities will perform “real” work beside non-disabled co-workers and participate fully in community activities. Noted author Dr, Robert Perske will discuss how service providers and ordinary citizens can better understand and support each other. For more information, contact room 4312 CPH at 888-4895.

This article is a request for research information by students atid should not be necessarily interpreted as news or the opinion of Imprint.

foecal coliform in the summer, an escalated rate of erosion on shorelines because of the geese grazing near the edges and approximately $110,000 in crop damage in the Cambridge district yearly. Geese have become a threat and a nuisance to the community.

Are the geese destroying Kitchener-Waterloo? Some say yes The only solutions with the increasing numbers of have been to increase resident geese (geese living in Kof the geese huntin W year round because of the con- . crease bag limits an d stant food supply and mild of geese in the parks climate)


The numbers have increased from a scarce 12 ii December 1953 to 2865 geese in December 1986 (counted by the K-W Field Naturalists). The geese are causing such problems as water pollution with en especially high level of





to date the length season, inthe hunting and conser&km.


these the only viable solutions? We have put a reply box on the Turnkey desk for your opinions and comments. Any information would be greatly appreciated and would help us in our project on this topic. Thank-you

’I ,/ 1

Imprkt, Friday, November 18, 1988 7

More dignity. for the disabled by Iohn MacFarlane Imprint rt&ff “Acceseibility in a dignified manner which is easy to use” is the major concern of disabled students at UW according to Florence Thomlison, Co-ordinator of Services for Disabled Persons. She rates accessibilit on campus by noting “I don’t ii rag about it, but I don’t apologize.” One major problem restricting disabled student services is that the service presently receives no government funding and is allotted money from the UWs Plant Operations budget under major and minor renovations. The dis. able*d student seririce assists roughly MO students on campus, Thomlison feels a separate budget for her department would allow her to take on some larger endeavours. “Right now we are working on a priority need basis-because we do not have enough money to cover all projects,” she says. Equipment such as special computers with enlarged print or voice synthesizers, handsfree telephones and electric doors are improvements which would allow disabled students to be more independent but for which no funding is currently available. Thomlison’ notes however, that Waterloo is better off than some other universities when it comes to services for disabled students, faculty and staff. “Some universities don’t have program co-ordinators or departments for disabled student servicea,“she stdtih. Often, a

lack of services for the disabled limits the number of universities and programs which a student can choose from. A new attendant-care program situated in Village One provides &hour care which allows students to attend university full-time where their daily needs prevented them from doing so before. Thor&son also points out that all buildings on campus are wheelchair accessible, including the new Davis Centre, “I’m very proud of how students react, I have no problems getting volunteers,” she notes and adds that attitudes toward the disabled have greatly improved since 1981, the Year of the Disabled [this is the Decade of the Disabled]. ‘There is a lot of invisible assistance which is not obvious to people who aren’t disabled,” she says pointing out that small things, like high curbs or lack of handrails, go unnoticed by most students but pose awkward problems for blind students and those in wheelchairs. Thomlison herself is kept busy with orientation of new students, proctoring special exams and mid-terms and raising awareness on campus. There is always a need *for more volunteers however, to read to blind students, to help others travel to and from classes and to raise awareness among other students, She is pleased to bee the libraries offering pickup and delivery of books for disabled,atudents and would like to see more co-operation in this

manner. She stresses that integration is key and promotes ‘reasonable accommodation’ where disabled and non-disabled students work to reach a compromise. As an example of this, Thomlison notes that many classes and offices, such as the Imprint office, are not accessible by wheelchair; however, meeting with a student. in an accessible area would be-. nefit both parties without any great effort. Financial support from students for disabled services has

made up somewhat for the absence of government involvement. Graduating engineering and math classes have helped raise funds for classroom microphone s ‘stems and for wheelchair li Yts for convocation to allows disabled students to receive their degrees with greater dignity. She emphasizes that disabled students do not receive any preferential treatment. “They must meet the same academic standards to gain admission and the services do not give

them an advantage over other students+ but gives them the same opportunities,” she says. Thomlison notes disabled students have a greater motivation to do well and prove what they can do. “They have to do double the work other students do but a university education makes these students more employable and therefore better integrated wi’th the rest of society,” she says. “They are students first and students with disabilities second.”

-Dean suggests Security more engmeers Re,port. /;;i-7’ I : ..1 d,’_*.cA .II.. ” ., for UW “’ by Devid Thomuon Imprint rtaff

by Henrietta Imprint staff


Engineering is considering increasing enrollment, This will also see increases in faculty and lab resources. A recent proposal by Dean Lennox suggested upping numbers in Electrical Engi-neering alone. A new provincial fund, the Program Accessibility Fund, will make this possible. The university is eligible through the following condition: “expansion or development of scientific or

FROSH!. Did someone -order you a Look for your name on the !l!l .page ad NOV. 25th.

technical teaching programs to meet the requirements for Onta-> rio’g economic development.” There are constraints, however. The university must provide 25. per cent of the total funding for the proposed increases, and the engineering department must assume risks. The fund, available for four ears, is worth $7 million; some K as ahead been allocated, and the exact ii alance is unknown. TIFf;;dvince could also cance1 l


The Fine Arts department in the East Campus Hall was broken into between 5:00 and 900 a.m. on November 7, Items stolen included camera equipment, a microwave, a telephone, and various office supplies. On the evening of Tuesday, November 8, University of Waterloo Police arrested two UW students in connection with this theft. The following dsy, a student at the University of Western Ontario was also arrested. All stolen property has been rec* cvered. - c


FEDBUS The Federation of Students * is considering starting a Hamilton,/Oakville Fedbus route.. . But we need your sipport. If this is a useful sevice for you, please sign-up at the Fed office. With enough support, this service could begin as soon as the ‘89 Winter Term.


1.’ -El



f Editorial



Municipal slack The headlines of the mainstream media and the city’s two student newspapers urged people to vote; advertisements in those same pages urged students to vote: politicians warned that to be heard, students must vote; candidates signs were a ‘familiar warning a municipal election was near; some wellplaced posters sponsored by UW’s student government rein. forced the idea of voting on November 14; yet, only a pittance of this city’s university students exercised their franchise. . The poor showing at the polls by University of Waterloo students is a serious problem. Hopefully the problem will be identified and an organization will take ste s to ensure we don’t have a repeat performance in 1991, An crwhat organization ought to take these steps you ask? Who else? The Federation of Students as representatives of undergraduates on this campus are obligated to correct this tradition of embarrassment. The Federation of Students, are, after all, the self-proclaimed lobby group of students at city hall. Certainly they are expected during any election to carry on a cam aign of lobbying their own constituents to get out to vote. T R is goes beyond organizing an all-candidates meetin , throwing an ad in, ~,i&wsp&$ and throwing up some p a otocopied signs tglting people to vote on mutiicipal election day. The student newspaper has a role to play as well. The only serious failing of Imprint’s municipal election coverage was that the paper did not emphasize enough as to where off-campus students vote. This may have affected student turn-out considering many people were under the impression that any UW student could vote in the Campus Centre; this was not the case - only students residing on campus were eligible to vote in the CC. UW students need a Federation of Students which is going to visit classrooms telling people to vote. The Feds should create a “get-out-and-vote” audio-visual campaign which can be screened in thesubs (that’s what all that expensive video equipment the Feds bought is for* is it not?]. On this past election day some gung-ho people had a mega hone - Great! Let’s see more of that, and not just on the one f ay the polls are set up. Imprint staff do not have a monopoly on good or bad ideas, but these ideas seem like they are necessaryingredients , III for getting the job done properly. h



Travis Capener, Greg Glow, Kevin Cogliano, Oliver Davies, Sharon E. Frey, Ty Hammond, Glenn Hauer, Angela Heeds, Stacey Lobin, John Sherwood Hinze, Stephanie Kuxdorf, MacFarlane, Scott Murray, Donovan Onishenko, Graeme PeppIer, Tim Perlich, Peter Piliounis, Jon Robinson, John Ryan, Renate Sander-Regier, Mike Shiriff, Renate Staedel, Cathy Szolga, Nancy Warren, Derek Weiler, Chris Wodskou, Maureen Wolfson, Ralph Zuljan

. f




Oct. 28 ,editorial ‘.




C% .” I I d-’

I had a good laugh when I read Don McCracken’s letter to the editor (Nov. 4). McCracken, is not unlike other students I have talked to that don’t believe the Imprint ran the Doll’s House Ad to raise /the issue of sexism on campus. They’re right of course; the ad wasn’t run to raise the issue of sexism. As a member of the editorial board, I am in the position to correct some of the inaccuracies that’ I feel are in the October 28 editorial. . Yes, there was a debate over the ads, but not until the week of October 21 when the “Betty Boobs” ad was printed. A heated discussion at the weekly staff meeting did little more than make people angry at one another (and in particular at me). It was at this-time that the editor decided to write an editorial on why the ad ran. The first four paragraphs of the October 28 editorial are fine. In paragraph five the editorial states: “Because an advertisement is run in a newspaper does not mean the paper has aligned itself with the measage being delivered to readers,” While this may be theoretically true, it is not true in practice. An advertisement is run to attract attention to a product. In the case of the Doll’s House ad, it advertises strippers. The Imprint’s role is not simply irrelevant in this issue, because it is through the distribution of our paper that this ad makes its way into the hands of its readers. Therefore, to say that a newspaper doesn? align itself. with an advertisement it is running mis-states the trut.h. g The




on to

say that the Doll’s House Ad “goes beyond that difficult-todefine limit,” The editorial even states that “Imprint is opposed to the strip club’s objectification The obvious quesof women.” tion then, is why is this ad still



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running in the Imprint? The editorial goes on to say “it is one role of the media to raise the issue of sexism.” I agree, but is running a strip ad the way to do it? Sexism, is a worthy subject of campus debate, but I cannot thfnk of a sillier way of starting a debate, Let’s face it, the Imprint used the “we did it to raise the issue of sexism” editorial to absolve itself of responsibility. Writing to the Doll’s House to get them to remove the ad is a good idea, but the best idea is to get the Imprint to remove the ad, because it is the Imprint that gives this ad access to 15,000 people. Do tell the Imprint to‘cut the ad. As a voice of UW students, shouldn’t the Imprint reflect the supposed ideals of the universitv: that the university communit; will not allow sexism within this paper. The editorial ends by Baying

that “for - those who ‘like+ having realiQ?&&sored frUrIIMbi*$i t Imprint offers nd apology.“~*k+ ing to withdraw the ad is not censoring reality. The Doll’s House ad is just that, an ad. It is not reality. By removing this ad, the Imprint would be eliminating a completely one-sided and unrealistic image of men and women from its paper. To not act, the Imprint is guilty in perpetuating the objectification ‘of men and women, Therefore, I ask once again that the readers voice their concern over this issue, because the ad is still in the paper. Further, 1 would like to suggest that the revenue the Imprint gained by running this ad be donated to the Women’s Centre or a Rape Crisis Centre,

Why should we re-elect a government that calls itself a peacemaker, sending its soldiers/ to keep peace in the Persian Gulf, while it invites the airforces of NATO nations to practice for nuclear war over Quebec and Labrador, land which is home to more than 10,000 Innu people? Why should we re-elect a government that -decries the state of human rights in the East Bloc and South Africa, yet gives millions of dollars, and sells millions of dollars worth of arms, to governments in Latin America including Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador where security

forces operate “death squads” and torture chambers and where the government and army bomb their own populations creating refugees in whose face our government closes the door? s Why should we re-elect a government that supports the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, yet tests the cruise missile, allows nuclear armed ships into Canadian ports, regularly permits nuclear bombers to overfly its territory, and sells most of its exported uranium to states that build nuclear bombs? We should not,






Exdorina- reliaion a matter of choice ,-



To the+&tor, Some notes to the author of the Evidences of God column in Imprint, November 4 1988 issue. Agreed. Distortions of reality and faulty argumentation de-. mand correction, for freedom of speech does not entail freedom from responsibility. Rationality and truth are good standards for discussion. Yet, when you say one should




uest ions’ explore the ultimate very seriously about t1 e existence of God, its nature+ and the nature of its communication to humankind, I disagree. It is with the “should” of your assumption that I take issue. -For I believe that one need not necessarily explore such questions, and indeed, many do not, and still live satisfying lives, moment by moment, accepting death for what it is - an ending. Your use of




‘should’ suggests that those who deviate from the path it points to are ignorant, needing to he brought into the fold of enlightenment and reason, and, converaely, that following its path is the one, good way of proceeding with one’s life, being equally important to one andall. But, not so for all. What is right and good for one or many is not necessarily right and good for-all. Searching for answers to the ultimate ques-

‘88-be,st ever

To the editpr,

centred around the activities in would miss someone. Special the Campus Centre. Although thanks to the Turnkeys far their Reflecting back on the last two we got off to a slow start on Fripatient understanding and asyear’s Homecoming weekends, I day, the Fair and After Hours sistance, VZ Council for the cotthink 1988’s was the best yet, Dance were very successful. The ton candy, ES society for the Having been involved with the VJ was excellent and many were toxic waste fish pond, and those event since 1986, I have seen indrawn to try their luck at games’ members of the Federation Execnovative ideas develop and of chance. utive and Student Council who grow. First, there was the Roam I would like to take this opporfound the time to help out; Around, then the After Hours tunity to thank everyone who Dance and Fair, and this year, helped out Friday and Saturday. Terry Playford the pub in the PAC. Granted, all The list is to long to mention eveHomecoming Co-Director of Acthese events experienced a ryone by name and I’m sure I tivities struggle with their inception and - k acceptance with the powers that be, but, I believe thev have all c proven -to have merit.” Qne thing that all campus cup events could benefit from is better planning and greater involvexnent. - The-- Committee must get to’$ether I3tiore “the GR~ of SepTo- the editor, You sar’d 3 is your democratic tember. Frosh should be introright to choose. Is it your demoduced to the Homecoming . cratic right to contribute to the I was flabergasted, the other concept during Orientation. day, reading Pat Quirk’s letter to destruction of the ozone’ la er? Things have gone OK in the past, Maybe you don’t understan cr the the. editor (Nov.4 Imprint]. I but far from smoothly. consequences. Here’s one effect would like to address a few of This year my involvement was your points. of no ozone layer: A human would receive third degree sunPresently our environment is burns in ten minutes of exposure polluted and it’s getting much (if you are outside.) worse. Scientists all over the world are saying that if we don’t, If these cups pose such a problem, wouldn’t you- think that do something now, about the more appropriate action would water, land, and air pollutants, it will be too late. Governments are be either to buy yourself a coffee mug and carry it around in your starting to spend millionsof dolto backpack with you, or do come lars (maybe too little, too late??) research and see if there are any to solve these problems. environment ally safe, CFC’s, which are a. roduct of - alternate, non-pinkie burning, cups most styrofoam cups, R ave been around. And then recommend directly related to the degradathem to whomever that they tion of our ozone layer,As a matTo the editor, should purchase these for your ter of fact, tremendous research reasons, is going on as to why we have an Mr. Kuelker, after reading Pat, you should either pick up enormous hole in the ozone layer our latest Evidences of God coa paper and read a little, once in a over Antarctica for the first time Pumn, a final verdict has been while, to see that there’s a world in recorded history. What we reached: you failed miserably in out there with some real probneed is more people, like the puran attempt at objective journallems or ap ly for a position with chasers of those cups who are ism, thus your credibility rating Hooker C K emicals Inc, in the making an effort to clean up the is gone. US. and reference your letter. environment, and less self-cenTo study one faith and present ,They’re sure to hire you!!! tered fools who are more worried it to the universit community is about a minor inconvenience to I fine, however, it CKoesn’t warrant Mark Rowlanda their pinkies than our environblatant condemnation. Before 4A civ. Eng. ment. ’ ‘you exhibit further attacks on other faiths, please take a look at your own religion and provide scientific facts for tbe ‘Christian soul” according to neuro-anatomy. Further, discuss the scienTo the editor, the right to vote away from these tific facts by which God created convicts while they serve their “ex-nihilo.” With a Federal election onthe jail term. Really, have these We feel that Hinduism, as well verge of commencing it appears criminals forgotten why they are as Christianity is of a spiritual to be a golden opportunity for in jail? They are there to be punnature; therefore cutting Hinduprisoners in Canadian penitenished. It sickens me to watch ism, or any other religion for that tiaries, to start whining about such slime interviewed on telematter, because it does not fit their constitutional rights. Reviaion. How dare this convicted scientific facts, is wrong. cently, Global News intermanslaughterer ask that his It is your rebponsibility now, viebed a prisoner who had been right to vote be reinstated? He is to apologize to all Hindus and convicted of manslaughter. In obviously ignorant to the fact continue your articles in a more his opinion, prisoners have very that the person he has killed has objective manner. few rights and to exclude him not only lost his right to vote, but and his fellow jail mates from more importantly, his right to Chad Manta voting is totally unsatisfactory. live. 4A Englieh My heart bleeds when I hear Dave Ross such a sad story. Imagine taking Darren Engel] 3A Fine Arts /En@!h



ADolocke Hindus

No Frights forzcons

tione, as you describe them, I bebut in many instances, and I lieve to be a question of values think especially in patriarchal and not a matter of necessity, religious culture, this is not aland so varies in its degree of imways clear. For this reason, I prefer such usages as humanportance among individuals. kind, people, or even, men and Also, you state in your column that “no one has proved that God women, when addressing the doesn’t exist,,.” Granted. But, by community as a whole. On the other hand, it is altogether possithe same token, nor has anyone ble that you meant what you said proven with any degree of certainty that God does exist. Menin your statement - that the tion of this point is important, I Christian god communicates feel, to a balanced and reasoned only to men, excluding women statement, from its discourses. Lastly, I wish to suggest that And again, I object to your use of “He” and “man” in your statethe evfdences of god and Chrisment, “If God exists, what has tianity that you intend to share He communicated to- man?” with the university community in your column are but the eviFirstly, even if Christian religious belief and literature depict dences you choose to believe, God as father and son, just as no @hers May or may irot choose to evidence exists to prove or disbeli’eve likewise.-’ Seine r :mtiftl prove the existence of God, so choose not at all; but instead may disregard the question altotoo exists no evidence to prove or disprove that God is He. This gether. Each of: these positions is usage reflects more a patriarchal good - none better than another point of view than truth. “It” or for all. I believe the evidences ou will bear in your column will seem more ap. “The Unknown” propriate appellations for the 3(e the evidences of only one verconcept of god, sion of truth. So, I say, each to Secondly’ the traditional his or her own truth. usage of man is often said to in- . elude both genders of the human M&r gust Yo community, and not men only, Arts


Evidhices of God Does physics show a creation by Eric

from nothing?


The Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe has some really important implications for what I’m discussing. Lets review the theory first, in case anyone is rusty. .The Big Bang theory states that 9 - 15 billion years ago, the entire universe was compressed into a point of infinite density. From that point of infinite density the universe expanded with extreme force and temperature, an event we call the Bi Bang. The theory states the whole universe is expanding outwar d since it’s explosive origin. This is the only ade uate model in physics to explain how the universe began, and has % een rather well confirmed. The Big Bang is twice predicted by Einstein’s equations, and the background radiation from the Big Bang was discovered in 1965 by Penziae and Wilson. In 1829 Edwin Hubble discovered that light from distant galaxies is redder than it should be, which means they are moving away from us at extreme speed, as predicted by the Big Bang model. Ph sicists have much more physical proof for the Big Bang, but let’s Pook at what they have said about it theoretically. Astronomer Fred Hoyle states the Big Bang requires the creation of matter from nothing, since aa you go back in time, you hit &point where the universe was “shrunk down to nothing at all.” The term “in& nite density” is synon mous with “nothing,” since if it had any size whatever, it could g e even more dense. Richard Gott and three other world famous astronomers wrote in the March 1978, Scientific American, “The universe began from a state of infinite density.., Space and time were created in that event, and so was all the matter in the universe,” So space, time, arid matter were created in the Big Bang, out of nothing, according to the physicists. But that is exactly what the Christian doctrine of creation has said all along! Atheistic scientists recognized this and it repelled them. Eddington wrote ‘The notion of a beginning is repugnant to me... The expanding universe is preposterous,.. incredible... It leavea me cold.” Einstein wrote “This circumstance of an expanding universe irritates me.” This emotional reaction occurred because the obvious question of the Big Bang is, what caused theBi Bang? Physics has no explanation of the cause, except that it ha i to create out sf nothing, and be above space, time, and matter, In response to this tight spot, Sir .Edmund Whittaker, a scientist said, “It is simpler to postulate creation ex nihilo - Divine will constituting nature out of nothingness.” British scientist Edward Milne wrote “AS to the first cause of the universe,.,. that is left for the reader to insert, but our picture is incomplete without Him,” Robert Jastrow, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, wrote in his excellent ,book God and the Astronomers these famous words. “For the scientist who has lived by his faith

in the


of reasbn,

the story



a bad dresm.


has scaled t K e mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak: as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” I in&e all readers to the Pascal Lectures Tuesday’ November 22 in the Theatre of the Arts, at 8:OO p.m. A famous astronomer will be lecturing on this subject, and you can check it out for yourself, from a highly credible source.








The tragedy in Bhopal


Union Carbide was the .real culprit To the editor,

mented the past record of UCC regarding industrial safety and has brought out one report titled The Killer Company. Though the name seems to be a bit strange, it prtivides abundant knowledge about similar accidents. Even the Wall Street Journal(Dec. 8, 1985) had reproduced one incident involving UCC. In Galey Bridge Tunnel disaster, 470 workers were killed and 1500 disabled; And here, the gqyernment of India had, whatsoever, nq hand, One may .blame the goveknment of India for not being strict enough or for having an inadequate inspection procedure. What does it mean,that UCC has no responsit)ility at all? To be

more straight forward, if there is some loop hole or deficiency in the laws of a third world country, does Mr. Ghate mean that UCC, along with other multinationals, have the birth right to exploit those loop holes? Who else other than UCC can know better about the nature of their dangerous products? If safety valves are rotten, if control equipment is not functioning, -who is more responsible, the government of India or UCC man,agement? I am sure at nostage would the _gbfrernment ;cif India have issued a letter, permitting UCC to release MIC and kill hundreds of Bhopal residents in their sleep. If it has, I will definitely like to see

My letter is in reference to Mr. Amit Ghate’s letter in the Nov. 11 issue of Imprint, He has every right to have an independent opinion, but it is not fair on his part to label WPIRG and other such volunteer organizations as environmentalist scare mongers. How deep is the environmental qrisis in present day’s industrialized world becomes evident from the very fact that U.N. had to set up a commission to look into the matter and suggest appropriate remedies to undo the damage that has already been done to the ecologiqal system. Does Mr. Ghate mean that all this is nothing but a scare mongering stunt? Mr. Ghate puts forward his theory that only the government of India was responsible for Bhopal tragedy and gives a clean chit to Union Carbide. To support his version, h,e ;quates some Rober J. idinoHoes&;I &i~k~i~r~...~~e, US~~~U@biBRas~&~~&~ on cloud - UCC’s Bhopal MaeF acre by Lary Everest. In this book, the author clearly brings Nor are they, if different, necesout how UCC management had sarily _in opposition.] Apparbeen flouting the recommendawhether a religion, ‘Christianity’ ent: ly 1 Hinduism’s lack of tions of its own inspectors rein this case, is true.” (Imprint, 11 scientific truth is proof that it is garding poor/negligible safety November 1988 page 10) not the “right” religion. measures. It is not my intention to quesThink, Mr. Kuelker. use the Another investigation was tion the validity of his beliefs or brain God gave you. carried out by a New Delhi based .to make a skeptical or hostile atChristianity also contradicts independent organization Centack one Christianity. I wish, “very basic points of scientific tre for Science and Environment; rather, ’ tg point aut .-a serious fact.” Its followers are asked to This report says, “The Bhopal flaw in his reasoning. believe scientific imposeibiliplant’s management gave little His dismaHy articulated first ties Here are three examples* heed to safety and maintenance. premise is ‘rthat, for a religioh or Engineering control equipment philosophy, o* any way of look1) ‘Virgin birth . -had not been working for a long ing at the world to be. true,.that it 2) Christ. was at a wedding feast; time before the December disashas to fit the available facts and they ran out of wine and, on the ter, the result of an indiscrimiexplain why the >worl~d is the. spQt,,he~~~adx~~~p9fW &weter! :nate economy drive.” Everest way it isb@#!tis M~~h~i~~~~ iats;mta&t6#@;fli2 ~u~~iL~Fsr 1;sharply criticizes the Western the person who &ni tir&rr B#Chria)rP#as~ifif#!~n&&&y I me’dia’ ‘fo’r &eating the itipke’scoyer “whidh’ religion or phg~-,~ sign that the fugdamental causes sdp&i~l shai-ght one.” How do I:of ~hi&2&%~t’l~~~i~ ;thp! ~H.IOF ‘.&m :discm& this? ~~?El~~dn~w~~~ i’technological backwardness of is, l’ook at eiridence for it, and . %ndia. The accident at Three Mile , does iti conflict with begig factg. ;Island, -23wiss 3 cbernical +ild, .- ,aboufL the&orld?” ::: .. ‘. sp&jtuapy 1,w,rong? C+rtai,$y lwhich polluted Rhine:, and many ’ ‘:: Using his. “scientifig’: ’ epn nut. “;,Yet, pccording to Mr. “other such accidents show that preach to religion, Mr. I&elker G Kuelker’s arrogant pronounce-, occurrence of industpial disasshows .th-tit. +Hinduism “flatly merits about Hinduism, Christers has no relation with the contradicted some very basic tianity also ought to be’ technological level of a country. points of scientific fact and hispronounced “not true.” ’ The ($33 has also docutory, and thus is not true.” (True ; Mr. Kuelker would also haveb .


is%: hi

coloured sugar cubes we remember hxn :junior.and seeor. high s&o+ ,y.ere necessary for our overall well-being in c8se of exposure to disease such as mumps, measles, and polio, tetanus, others.’ Many of us today, however, have forgotten just what we had or what is required. Also, a large number of people aren’t sure just when they received certain shots or just what they were for. Indeed, booster shots are required for some of these previous immunizations, and if you intend to travel to other areas of the world, special precaut.ions are required. The following is a summary of Canadian adult immunization reqbirements: Tefauue, di theria aad polio - all ave had a primary series idults should (2 doses plus 1 dose after 6-12 months), and this requires a booster every 10 years. The vaccine is a combined Td vaccine or a combined Td-polio vgccine. Influenza - People over 65, or others with heart, lung, kidney or metabdic disorders are in the risk group. One primary dose is required, but boosters are re uired annually. The vaccine is the in if uenza vaccine. Meaalss - All born after 1956 who are ausceDtible ar8 in the risk group.



‘One-primarv dose is requiied. but boos$er&e nr&e,o8ssary:?!he *vaccine use-d :ti:Tthe ti4a&s.~v4cci& or-, 8. corn&r@ An&R [~5lBS~ &&?Spar; 3?&e~l&~ fJvj& tine. -+:&#&qja I All young x&&s w‘ithna hiswry of mumps &e-in the risk group. On6 primary dose is requtied, btit boosters are not necessary. The vaccine used is the mumps vaccine oi: a combined MMR. (measles, mumps, rubella) vietine.. Rubella - All susceptible women of child-bearing age are in the risk group. One primary dose is re-quired, but boosters are. not necessary. The vaccine used is the rubella vaccine or a combined MMR (measles, mumps, --rubella) vaccine. Hepatitis B - A hepatitis B vac&ne is required in three doees primarily, and an unknown number of boosters may be required. Those in the risk grqup are patients on renal dialysis+ repeated use of blood or blood products, health care workers exposed to blood, staff and residenta of mental institutions, household contacts of carriers, ‘and homosexually autive males, . mbim - An HDC rabies vaccine is required in three doses primariljr, and boosters are required when a blood titre falls below a certain level. Those in the risk group are veterinarians, trappers, animal technicians, animal control, zoo keepers, conservat’ion officers, wildlife

it. In addition to the above books, Mr. Ghate may glance through The, Bho al Tragedy: How it happen8 cr and what it means for American workers and communities at risk by W, Morehouse and M,A, Subramaniam. Also Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars had produced one special issue devoted to the Bhopal tragedy. Though the government of India’s responsibility can’t be ignored, fundamental responsibility lies with UCC and UCC only. Harminder Electrical

Dhillon Eng.

, .

sion (which is what he is asking us to do), then he appears to be arguing against Christianity. Hypocrigy. Christians are often accused of it. And with justification, I am afraid. I cannot believe Mr. Kuelker made it to university with such a profound inability to think lo@tally. I must assume, therefore, that he simple hopes people will fail to notice the glaringly obvious inconsistencies in his argument. Why he so insultingly underestimates cannot imagi~a! his ‘1 I colleagues ,,: sr I ’ ;s+‘I:i2,vt; II JCv‘,“>a!? ’ i:; ;<; {,fik*U sArwe@icmr d4tafafirMYe K~~~J~~#dl~~i~b$##J

all religion; you owe an apology tti all Hindus.. , , Sean Saunders 3B English


biologists, travellers to endemic areas, 1 and others at high risk of exposure. *i.< .‘<.’Phenrsroncpccal - People in the high : ~2 ir+&,grQltp;&re those whose medical conditions increase the risk. One p@nary, ‘5*mr&se * is” r&piired, but no boosters are necessary. The pneumococcal,vaccinE is used . to epiMeningococel - Travellers demic areas are at risk. A.me#ngococA - cal vaccine is required in on? dose primarily, and an unknown number of boosters may be required. to endemic Yellow fever - Travellers areas are at pisk. A yellow fever vaccine is required in one dose primririly, and a booster is required every ten years while risk or travel requirements last. Cholera -A cholera vaccine is necessary only where required for foreign travel, and is given in two primary doses and boosters are necessary every six months while risk or travel requirements last.

Typaoid - Travellers to endemic areas a!re tit risk, A typhoid vaccine is required primarily in three doses and boosters are necessary every three ears while risk or travel requirements Yast. in the risk Tuberculoeir - Those group are high risk health care workers, or those working in areas where TB is The BCG vaccine is still prevalent. given in one primary dose, and no boos-

B-b&II coverage lacking To the editor, I am writing to you about the discontent I feel toward the article “E-ball Athenas slam hop& less Ryerson.” Firstly, I wish to say that yes, I am supportive of our sport team6 here at Waterl&. Secondly, ‘1 have a small bias tdward the Ry-; erson Ram‘6 ,a? rfik @titer ,iF -8’ I rqernbep’of Iha 1@+” ’ ; j ” I’! IQo+vi$ ,thd 1’ still rca’lly’ ] wish the -Imp’&lt ir;ohla ihj&‘ie their spbrt rirpqrtey’s‘hirve ,a;bagic kayledge of the’ ganie/spoe they are cou&in& I qti;dfe: “The only disappointirig &$ct of the game was the slow down in intensity in the second frame.,. perhaps a result of the comfortable margin established in the beginning.” If anything, the opposite was true. My sister reported to me getting the facts from her coach, that in the first frame, the Athenas outshot the Rams by approximately 26 t’o 1. The second frame, however, had a ratio of 7 to 1. This would seem to indicate by logical reasoning, that an increase in intensity of competition occurred. I’m sure if you asked one of the Athenas she would probably agree. $0 the slow down in intensity may gpt

Hate to dimsappoint, ,you Ii& Gardiner, but id Atheqa wae t@q author of the article you hiti chosen to criticize. Coiinna turn ie uot only the Athqa Ceatre, but ehe also coverts w&ens varsity bas&ball for Impriut. -Ed*-

ters are required. if ybu have any questions regarding immunization or other health topics, please contact the Health and ‘Safety Resource Network (8854211, ext. - 62??],’ or cohsult the Health atid Welfare booklet .‘-‘A guide. ta.immtiion rfor Canadians.”

Student Personal Needs Assessment Questionnaire? , Presently on campue, the Stud& Personal tieeds Questionnaire will give us hbundant information about youand your health and safety concerns, needs and requirements. The volunteers who have taken the time to put together this questionnaire urge you to fill one out, so that we may better serve you and help to maintain or improve your overall well. being while a student at the University of Waterloo. This uestionnaire is available for the office o9 the Federation of Students (CC 206) and from the front desk in the Health and Safety Building (across Ring Road from the CC.). It is also available at various locations on campus where you see our HSRN return. boxes. Thank you for your support! We need to know your needs!

Imprint, Friday, November 18, 1988




Sexual harassment at Arts Library -~-

To the editor, The other day, as I was entering the Dana Porter Arts Library at about 6 p.m., I heard the erson on duty at the front dpesk speaking on the phone. He was asking for a security guard to come over, as a student had just been sexually assaulted in the library. Later, when I wai leaving, I asked one of the staff whether the person who had committed the assault had been ap rehended, Fortunately he R ad been. I mentioned that I had heard a rumour that a woman had been sexually attacked on the tenth floor a few years ago and I was told by the staff member that there had been’ a very serious problem involving sexual assaults at that time. This term, there are a number of individuals who. have been sexual1 harassing women in the Arts Li E rary. Some of these peo-



ple have been caught but the problem remains. The purpose of this letter is threefold: 1) tp ask why there aren’t any signs up in the Atits Library warning women about this problem, 2) to advise women to be cautious about where they study in the library. The floors can become pretty deserted almost any time during the day (particularly the upper floors). Of course, the main reason students like to study on the upper floors is because of the silence. If you do want to study on these floors, it is advisable to study with a friend, Otherwise, study on the first, second, or third floors as these appear to be the ones with the most number of people on theti. Finally, I’d like to ask Imprint if they would look into this matter and shed more light onto it.

Fine ,Paper Recycling

the editor,

In the spirit of promoting a “progressive society” and intelligent debate, I offer my opinions on the topic of the day. Beaut contests are symboIic events tK et affirm and promote an ideal of beauty. Since all culttifes d&lop rituala to alebrate their ideals, and western’so&ty puts a great value onJn&vidual achievement, it is &%io tblnk beauty contests can be’ eliminat ed. The beauty contest does not exploit its participents. In exe change for becoming sexual symb&, they receive adoration and monetary gain. Only a sexually re receive moralist would deman x more compensation. The contest hurts all people because it tends to romote attractiveness as a ys Puable asset ih and of itself. If you place a bi bar valve on external physic 9 attractiveness than an intellectual and #ritual ’ achietiment, you ar8 affirming that animal drives are more imI portant than reason. In other words, passion rules and v8ngeance, exploitation, raps and a

A.C. Starling

feti/other things are permissible. If beauty is se8n as a symbolic manifestation of underling intellectual and spiritual values, the presence of the symbol serves as a positive reinforcement of ideals. This presupposes that the. ideals ar8 fair and just. % Beauty. is never a neutral statement. It Manipulates the bSiC &‘iV8i!l fw W?XUd 8XCit8b menf and so+1 eatification. [r*8’pan&lti ui38 ibr maniprilation of sexual ideals by association with any product, event, or institutioh is not morally justifiable. Responsible use is when the artistic, intellectual, cultural or economic b8nefits ar8 more important than the negative ass&atioqs. Our society puts an inordinate amount of value on economics, This causes sexual symbols to be roatitutad for monetary gain. TE 8re is no sin in objectification of male oti female persons sniy in the misuse sf the objtct . So beware, if your oddest is a Diana, you too *will L changed from a man into a buck to run ‘I wild in t&e foretits’of the hunted. Brm 4thysu


fast facts ,


According to the Recycling Council of Ontario, there is only one mill in Canada that produces bond paper from reclaimed fibres. This mill does not accspt oat-consumer paper 8ourc8s for its secondary Pibres. They use printer overruns, envelope offcuts etc. This is because their de-inkcannot handle much ,of the paper ing fyilit generated i y toda ‘s tiff&eel With the advent of nhw high speed 5:otocopying machines which rely on a process E flown &3 “no impact printing,” a high percentage of off&e paper is rendered unuaable except for low-grade applicatiops. For instance; new photocopy techniques and laser printers physically burn the fibres, leaving an impression that cannot be removed by standard

-Newapapsr comprises 10 per cent of the municipal waste stream. -Ontario produces 890,000 kg of newspaper pbr day. -Without recycling, Ontario’s newspaper demands require the use of 614,000,000 tree8 per year, -At UW, 78,200 kg of newspaper are used each yaar. -News aper can be recycled in the Campus Centre an B South Campus Hall.

Glru -Glass comprises 8 p%r dent of the munjcipd Waste stIrtam. -Ontario residents us8 and discard 72,000 kg of glass per day. -21,100 kg of glass are used on campus each year. -Glass can be recycled at the Bombshelter and Environmental Studies Coff88 Shop.

-Metal cans comprise 6 per cent of the municipal waste stream. -The University of Waterloo generates 2,270 kg of aluminum cans per year. -Met& Gans ar8 ret cled at the Campus Centre, ‘South Campus. Ha ii ~, t&mf#ry Club, and ES Gtff& shop. 1 :r ” _. . :. * If you would likd to fain‘ the WPIRG recycling workgroup or want more information on *cycling on campus, visit the WPlRG, office in the cen8ral Servicsa Complex, room 123 or cd! 884: ‘90 20.

Fine Arts

NDPvaluable to social ‘of Czinada * progress , I wish to make an observation concerning the three main political parties in our country, What real difference does it make whether the Liberals or the Conservatives are in power? From my 34-years on2 this planet and in thiY‘cmntry; I have been able to diecsrn very little differ: ence bettieen them. This year is the first y&r of my life that I have decided to make ~1polit jcal affiliation, The previous years were apent scrutinizing the action and inaction of our governv ments. The Liberals and Conservatives in this country correlate very closely to their American counterparts: the Democrats and


Fine paper recycling makes sense. Using paper to make paper reduces the need for wood pulp, theraby relieving som8 of the demand on our over-used forests. University of Waterloo alone uses approximately 25,000 trees per year to supply our paper needs. The paper industry is the single lar est industrial user of oil in the world. To $io iii uce one ton of paper (from virgin’ pulp requires as much energy as an automobile wou 1d us8 driving 17,000 miles - recycled paper requires only half as much. Recycling waste pap& ala0 t&&e&~.sc&~ Of’ the pressure off in* creasin ly exp43nsi)re disposal opt!ons such as ltinclfill f ng or ‘iricinet&iui Once you dro your fin8 paper off at the recycling van, ‘it wil P go to one of two main buyers of high-grade, secondary waste paper fibrea: tissue mills (makers of Kleenex/toilet tissues) and boxboard mills [maksrs of cereal/shoe boxes).


To the editor,

de-inking t&hnologv. Duringthe rest ofihe year you can use the fine paper recycling program operated by Central Stores (the department responsible for such things as mail, storage and office supplies). Fine paper is collected in cardboard boxes weighing no more than 30 pounds). When these b oxes are sealed and marked “Recycling” and are placed in the closest mail room. The mail carriers collect the boxes and deliver them to the Central Stores building on Phillip Street, According to Ken Moody of Central Stores, the paper recycling I program earns. between $600 and $600 per month. This fine paper program is available for use by vyone on campus as long as boxes are used, contamination is minimized and paper is’delivered to the proper places for collection. For information, contact K8ti Moody at v ext. .. 2821.

Have you ever wondered what to do with your notepaper at the end of term? Do you kelp it along with all your other notes in the event that you may need them one day? Do you throw it out along with the other five tons of waste paper generated on campus every day? Recycle it and save 17 trees for every one ton of paper ret cled! WPIRG urges you to Recycle during our Yourth annual Fine Paper Recycling Drive. The Fine Paper Drive takes place on Wednesday and Thursday, December 14 and 15, between 1090 a,m. 4:OO p.m. All you have to do is drop off your paper at the Environmental Studies Van parked in front of the Dana Porter Arts Library. Recycling Workgroup volunteers will be there to sort the pa er and answer any questions you may have afi out recycling on campus. Unfortunately, not .a11 types of paper can be accepted for recycling at this time. Please include note paper, stationary, photocopied paper, computer paper, coloured paper, envelopes, computer cards and writing pads without the cardboard backing. Pleas8 do not include glossy paper, newspaper, magazines, ummed labels, window envelopes, aper tow8 f 8, brown bags, carbon paper or car B board.

Beauty is never neutral To



Republicans respectively. Nevertheless, there is a dibsimilarity between our country, Canada, and the United States. i have come to discover that what makes me glad to be a Canadian is due largely to the init& tives of the .New Democratic Party. Our social programs such as Medicare and those that .are responsible for gur low crime rate are among the virtues that d.iffErentiate Canada from the U.S. These vastly humane programs which make Canada so distinct are a direct result of the NDP’s poking and prodding of the complacency within our previous governments. How v+aluable the NDP has been to the social progress and human development of this country is pro-

foundly evident. It is truly remarkable to realize what the NDP have achieved while- working within the confines of being a minority. This attests to the benevolent nature ’ of their’ $&cies. Yet, it is n<xt sur-, prising that the NDP-are a &nority. For all thqt is ‘humane’ in humanity will almost always constitute a minority. But, as, Victor Frank1 once wrote, “it is for precisely this -reason that each of us is challenged to ‘join’ the minority. Things are bad. But unless we do our best to improve them, everything will become worse.” Richard Pnrrman A member of Greenpeace

.Sports writers too quick to criticize& To the editor,

Attached you will find a copy of an article ,written by Brian LeClair, a staff writer for the University of Windsor newspa er The Lance. I find it incredi Flly discouraging to have to go to a rival campus’ newspaper that puts our football Warriors in a positive light! No, we may not have won a game this seasbn, and yet it‘ is disappointing to lose 3Ogames ih a row, but it seems to me that Mike, -McGraw and the other eports


ace quick

to critic-

ize and reluctant to give praise where praise is due. By all accounts, we have oie of the strongest defensive lines in the conference, possibly in the neighbouring OQFL too; Our of-, fense may not be as brilliant, but it has not been without its bright spots, and is certainly not as dismal as Mr. McGraw would have

us believe (see Mr. LeClair’s article). One important thing that seems to have been missed in all of the sport& coverage of the Warriors this season, is that it takes an awful lot of courage and a good deal of pride to go out on that field week after week, especially when you know the kind of press you will receive if you lose “yet again.” Mr..McGraw, even if youand the staff at Imprint aren’t proud of our Warriors, I am. They worked hard against difficult odds for something they really believed in. It might help if we believed in them. Good luck in ‘89 guys - it should be one hell of a party1 Alice


vardtysports shop Pete ‘Face’

4A Geography

Vesnstra /








One cgnnot help but grow fond of the undertaking which Eric Kuelker took upon his shoulders, that is, to defend the cause of Christianity in the hostile environment of the university. Certainly, many misconception8 have crept into the general public view concerning Christianity as a result of the lack of scholarship and simple-mindedness of those who set out to critique it. However, much of the same criticism could be directed toward the most recent article “Religion has to fit the facts.” I would like to expose several inconsistencies nicely concealed among the proposition8 put forth in the article, and issue a warning to its author that the excess of zeal should never take precedence over the fairness in his treatment ] of. the issues. First of all, I wish to show the enormo.us ambiguity of the premise stating, that any philosophy or religion to be true, must fit the available facts. I take it, that by that premise+ you mean one of the two possible things: either that the facts possess some inherent interpretation in them which the given view must extract; or, that the facts exist as independent entitite, ‘bare particulars’ which could be interpreted in an infinite number of ways. If you mean the latter then, an infinite number of osophies or religions would be true, a conclueion that eventually defeats your very pur.poae. 1 assume that you subscribe to the former view. Now if that

to the way in -which one could discover the inherent interpretation subsiding in any ‘fact.’ That exactly is the central problem of the issue. How does one interpret the fact? If you formulate a theory which would presuppose certain interpretation of the facts, thus explaining them, you will notice, that it is no longer the facts that guide your interpretation, rather+ your interpretation impose8 certain meaning on the facts. And so, you beg the question. If you know anything about science, you will admit that there is not one single fact that could be uniformly agreed on by all scientists, never mind the public at large. I

ence of any such entity as a soul; conclusion which you as a Christian will not accept. And so, we are back to square one,

liefs of the Hindu lady, believing that the aoul of a ersonexists in the middle of t Re brain, from which it exercises a control over the whole body. You assert that

and in grave need of discovering which -facts are true facts, and which are not facts at all. Why should you have the exclusive

the knowledge of neuro-anatomy furnishes us with the certainty that no such central control point exists in the brain. Interesting. The science which you quote,

also denies

right of determining which facts one can accept and which one ought to reject, without a clear

the exist-


the editor;

Last week’s article by Kevin Cogliano and Ollie Davies included a “review” of a Colin James video. It began with the question “Who the hell is Colin James?” If either gentleman

Thus, your simple thesis of ‘Religion fitting the facts’ turned rapidly into a giant posing many serious problems at which you can either scoff or ponder, realizing that all the people holding conflicting doctrines are not so utterly unjustified in their behaviour. In addition to that, I would like to make you aware of your dou; ble. I standard ,concerning the view of science which is evident in go+.. attampt,to refute the>be-:

opened their eyes and read a newspaper from time to time (besides the Imprint) they would realize that Colin James is one of Canada’8 hot test musical commodities these days. In case you’d like some background information for your files, Colin was born Colin James Munn on August 17, 1965. The son of Quaker parents from Regina, Saskatchewqn, he grew up surrounde’d by, folk music: He hew playing prof&ssionally , r 5” _.*r _at; I

time. First, Mr. Piatkowski was$7 the very rich+’ ’ I was concerned that with the _ quoted as stating should pay their fair share of NDP’s recent popularity in the taxes. Who are the very rich? If polls (before their latest slide) all Canadian citizen8 who have that the party of the people may an income aver $50,000 were to compromise their policies and have that income seized by the statements in order to lure dis_- r*s satisfied the amount colgovernment, liberals or conserva-, lected would beless than eight 3 tives. It comforted me to r @cl, i pt@ cent of overnment. spendw ! Imprint’8 interview with 6 & tt-. ing. Not on ‘f y is’ this amount Piatkowski, Waterloo North’s small, but think the ramificctNDP candidate and find that at tions upon the job market of an over taxation of the “rich.” least some NDP stick to their traditional declarations, making me Mr. Piatkowski was also quoted as stating “there can be confidant they shall never no debate about the negative efachieve power during my life-

Conrad 4 Philosophy


b w-

If you mean by a fact, a proposition which is uniformly agreed on, you run into a problem of determining the truthfulness of anything, which can never be based on the prevailing view of the majority, Just because the majority of people agree on something, that is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition for establishing the truthfulnees or falsity of that something.

the editor,

principle at hand, which you iail to provide? Hopefully, in the next series of article8 you can re8train yourself from promoting the old, poorly thought through cliches, and give us good reason for believing that Christianit indeed is real and worthy of em 31racing.

lnnorance buas me! I have a question: what are you running in your Arts section - a video review column or an exercise in ignorance?.

i?~adt!v corivinced To


column’contahincoiwist6ncies .

To tas editor,




NDP won’t win

fects of,.. the free trade deal.” Is this the NDP trying to rid us of another of our rights - freedom of ap%ech? (Remember, the NDP do not believe in the right to own private property.) Or, are they simply stating their position on a controversial subject ia absolute and any discussion would be pu oseless? TT e NDP believes in equality [or so I ani told) vet Piatkowski said that “lot levies should be waived for student housing.” What about low income housing, retirement homes, transition & half-way homes? why at all? Or was this just a statement to ap-

Pease the student vote? ’ Mr. Piatkowski also demonstrated the NDP technique of blurring the difference of nuclear-powered submarine8 and submarines with nuclear weapons, Nuclear-powered submarines proposed by the Conservative white paper, ut ilize a nuclear reactor for power, not for weapons; nuclear power not being a “violation of our commitment to nuclear non-proliferation,” as he stated. As far as the general statement of “the NDP tend to be a more honest group of politicians,”

well, consider what happens to a group when it gains power and comes under the scrutinizing eye of the media and if this ever occurs with the federal NDP, pass judgment then. So thank you, Mr. Piatkowski, for maintaining those traditional NDP declarations, statements that guarantee your party shall not achieve power in this election nor in the future until your rhetorical dogma becomes, at the very - least,.- believable. Blair










-UW grad atudant


_--_-__-____ TUESDAY


the age of thirteen and left home face) are unnecessary and unat sixteen to pursue a career in called for in a video review. music. Rather, they simply illustrate Not only is he well respected the ignorance behind this attack. as a guitarist, he has opened for For reviewers to make blanket *several name acts, including statements like “this retarded Steve Winwood and Stevie Ray album” and “this doofus was Vaughan. probably picking his-nose in a Colin makes his home in Vandark alley off Queen Street not not Toronto. He has couver, more than a month ago” without spent the last ten years building first researching their subject is a large following across the not only ignorant, it is irreeponcountry. He has worked very sible. hard to get to where he is now. If the reviewers had done what Colin James has been heralded any responsible; writer would as Canada’s next big thing by have, namely contacted Colin’s fans and critics alike, Virgin Rerecord company for information, cords had enough faith in his talI would have no problem with ent to offer him a seven record their intense dislike of the video, recording contract. but to characterize the entire Fans of Cohn James span all album based on one video is ages, not just “fourteen-year-old ‘wrong. wankers,” I myself am zz and the Because the reviewer8 did not majority of Colin James fans I act responsibly I would suggeet know are my ,age or older., I that, in the )fytqre t@~$+et get :‘, ~~mrpents,ItLfl-~ttlRatljiPe,~st li,’ ‘qjg&JR &f$ q$&&w; ‘;*:j “naranrauh of the ‘article (about









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* Imprint, Friday, November 18, 1988

’ ON.THE’ Every minute someone CAREER PATH 1;:<,,infqct.ed. :kith AIDS ” L’ 6I . ticinal campaign. 3 : :1 t A consensus id ibuilding inthe *mrld medical: community that the risk of death from AIDS increaeeb with eadh par, of HIV infection, with the projection eothat most, if not ir-11,infected ple will eventlially succum \ t0

WASHINGT0N’(IPti) - Nesrly eV&’ . minu&i $bm&wher&~+on E&t ii ;- someone becoines’ f; $nf&tid with the huhan immtinodefidientiy ‘virus h [HIV) which can - cause the ‘deadly disease AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)+

More governments public health But while the virus continues to gather momentum worldwide, more governments are in-. stituting! unppecedented public fiealtb&camp@gns to combat the $ree&d ailtient. These are some of the conclusions of a new study on “AIDS and the Third Warld,” published jointly by the U.S.-based “Panes Institute” and the Norwegian Red Cross. The Panos Institute - which released the report Ott 21- specializes in studying development issues. The 198-page report is the most comprehensive overview of the global AIDS situation yet published, according to s a Pan08 Inatitute statement. Besides tracing the B read of the disease across the G Pobe, the

are instituting campaigns r

AIDS, ‘said the study. “Paradoxically, a percentage of people with AIDS have been able to live full and rewarding lives for far longer than was previously thought possible,” says the Panos statement. The Development of an effective AIDS vaccine seems unlikely in the foreseeable future, the report notes. On the political front, a “Human Rights backlash is ink creasingly jeopardizing AIDS prevention campaigns,” says the Pan08 communique. “Compassion,” it argues, “is the most direct path to effective AIDS prevention. Evidence gathered from scientific studiea conducted around the world indicates that the vast

4LcOmpassion is the mast direct path to - effective AIDS prevention? majority contracted

of people with AlDS the HIV through heterosexuals or homosexual sex with an HIV-infected partner (prostitutes are increasingly found td be carrying and tranamittipg $he virus), through

report argues that the worldwide effort against AIDS suffers from a lack of resources, and that more emphasis must be placed on public education and preventi6n. ; It calb on ‘the-U.5: to .dreeti-

_ - _ - _

transfu&ons, ,says the report, . FurthermoPe, an individual is muchmore likely-to eontmrct and pass on-the vitis if his or her sexual partner has other aexually transmitted diseases in addition to the HIV, it says, ’ While attention must be ‘ven to developing and using’ re $iable blood tests to detect the HIV, the international strategy against AIDS has not put nearly enough effort into developing integrated

Blotid testing is expensive and diverts funds from public education programmes that deal with the prevention and control of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, notes Renee Sabattier, the study’s author. Sabattier, Director of the Panos Institute’s AIDS unit, spoke at a news conference in Washington, Oct. 21. Testing of a country’s citizens, and/or of tourists attempting to enter a country, is highly expensive, not 108 per cent reliable, technically very unlikely to keep a nation HIV-free, and diverts funds from the more important tasks of public education and prevention, the report says. For these reasons, as well as Human Rights considerations, the report criticizes certain governments’ moves toward implementing mandatory testing and even quarantines of HIV-infected individuals.

Forkmany students, career planning as a whole centres around the development of a great resume which is then distributed in bulk to any ,emplo.yer that is willing, or insane enough to accept them. : ’ g . yI Althoqgh the job ‘.&rch, should bk mtiqh’ ,more ‘in depth than this, to’include areas such as .self-analysis; bmplij;y&r research and’ letter writing, the resume ia an important component of the total job search process which usually gives the student initial employer contact, Thus, .the resume provides a first impression of you to potential employers. A.s the adage states, ‘You nayer get a second chance to makd a first impression.’ While working in various areas of Career Services, I came across a large number ofTresumes which had the creativity and resume is pizazz of a hockey stick - not to impiy everybody’s going to, or should, resemble a Herb Tarlick Jr. plaid velour tuxedo, rather that the resume should be a formal, well formatted document which catches the reader’s attention in a non-tacky manner. Since many people seemed to like making these terrible resumes, I thought I could help students corner the market by providing the key information to creating a rotten resume. Resume language,.. Hey, who really cares about grammar and punctuation anyway? As if you’ll ever really use it on the job, you know? And who cares if the language you use is kind of b-o-r-i-ng, since you can always knock ‘em dead at the interview, that is if you get an interview. But of course you have so .much EXPERIENCE piled in there that it’s just oozing off the page, even though your choice verbs makes it sound like all you ever!did”was assist, help, be involved, and be responsible for things. Componsntr...You know, it’s always been my philosophy that the more the employer knows about me, the better chance I have of being hired. So, include your social insurance number, your weight, our sister’s bizarre sexual habits and any other personal in Pormarion you can think of. Don’t bother with a career goal either, you may be passing up a terrific career as a janitor, The layout of the resume isn’t real1 important either, it’ll ‘ust take them a little bit longer to find t x e information, that’s a I 1, Find appmrMca... So, now that you have diligently created a rotten resume (note that this one only took a few hours, not like the commitment those really good ones take) just print it out on that low quality dot matrix printer, or on a cheap typewriter and photocopy it on some of that cheap paper, fold,it up and send it along in that little envelope. Oh no! Before you send it, make sure your proof-read,it and correct those mistakes in handwriting, we wouldn’t want them to think we’re sloppy now, would we? ’ For those who don’t want to write a rotten resume, drop by and visit one of the S@de.nt Vocational *Advisors for some a~advice , d:’_” on resmnes ‘and o’iBer”jc&~se$tih sftategies: ’ a

_ “ I





















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14 Imprint, Friday, November

18, 1988

W.H.0 knows. all: ab.Out Al:DS dontinued from page 13 There is also increasing evia dence that AIDS is becomin disease of the poor, since t f is segment of the population’s vulnerability is heightened by

The study listed 176 nation8 ahd territories, listing [in the 138 that reported AIDS’ cases) the number of ca8e8. It breaks them

severe - than those in North America, Western Europe and Australia. While only a handful of cases have so far surfaced in the South Asian countries of Bangladesh,

down by gender and by means of transmission, and notes whatever action a particular government has taken to combat AIDS.

AIDS: disease of the poor , its lack of access to adequate health care and information, says Sabatier, ’ After initially being confined

Pakistan and India, experts are concluding that the HIV just arrived in that region later than elsewhere, Sabatier says.

Severe epidemics in Latin America and the Caribbean

i~Jj&&J&l, A&* glffLJyi$ of ?

::! :~~q&w~:,~~~~@~~~


Asia, the Mid&e east, Eastern -Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean, she remarks. In Latin America and the Caribbean, there are epidemics as in many ca8es more severe as P

Nbting’ t&t .theae &&ntries-all . .-&+w t4eir +&are gf poveriy, ‘sexual “acti\;ity, and i&ravenous drug use, *‘it’s just a matter of time” before South Asia experience8 ‘a sharp upsurge in the number of AIDS cases, she maint ains. _

There ie still tremendous under-reporting of the number of HIV-infected people, says the study. The World Health Organization [WHO] estimates that only 30-50 per cent of the actual number of cases in Latin America are being reported, and as few as ten per cent aye being reported in some African countriee - particultirly in the continent’s larger and poorer nations. b Even in North America, with the most resources avail’able to tackle the problem, WHO estie mates that 80 to 90 per cent of cases are reported.

Let*s do lunch at the new Davis -C&me food fair. phobwAn-Rw




WI-IO estimates that there were 150,000 case8 of fully developed AIDS worldwide between 1981, when the disease was first diagnosed, and the end of 1987, according to the study.



debaters 1 defeated

In 1988 alone, another 150,dOO cases are expected, and the total number of people with AIDS could reach one million world, wide by 1991, it rama?ks.




A new agreement between faculty and administration avoided possible faculty strike at the university. Negotiations had been ngoing since the summer; demands included wage parity with ther universities in the Maritimea,

Dalhousie Univereity


? 5


1 I

I “,Twe have prob4$y-+<‘been closely ’ .&r lba;‘& ki&di#$Y@ AIDS ; , tid Donovan Onhhenko In th Pu- lit Speaking p r- z? fE* 2f+ &by11: uLUf’if99 ;rgqi’:GLObI ,rIf”183213DF?kaniJ plac d . 4 ti@ 2 Piliounis Despite these frigb$u&g The UW House Of D&&$&at; J:: %h&> & from his fifth-place f E* I nutibel’si th& extent of the AIDS wiled to Dalhousie University ieh in 1987; ennifer De&r&t epidemic should not be blown in Halifax on the Hallowaen phC.ed. ,fifteent I, . Despite some ” out of pmportion, says Sabbatvw&md in ordei’to: deft@ the diq&intments, the*, tourcam debhi; cbampioiisliip . they mmt cxtntisued to be a good ei- j ier&he n&&d that 25O,OOQchildcapture % l’aet gear, A tqm froin perience fur Waterloo debatera. reti die worldwide every wbek . Carleton Univereity upset the A Waterloo third teati of Anna refrom’ malnourishment and reigning champions. DiMinno and Paul ‘Check comventable diBea8e8 such as a iarIn a close-fought final round, peted in a tournament held at rhea. the Carleton team defeated a Harvard University on the same Memorial University equad for weekend. Harvard did not use a Aids is currently ranked sethe 1988 championship. AlCOmpUter to aBse88 the standings \renteenth on a list of the worl+#s though Waterloo was unable to of the teams, therefore final plactop 20 killers. The list was prereturn with the trophy, the two ings are not yet available, HowWaterloo duos fared well; the +dfjyp&$bPg; ever, Wtierloo did win three of team of Charles Gordon and their five debates, Health at Columbia university Peter Piliounis placed third in The House of Debatee is an onnoted, Sabatier. over-all points, and Jennifer going club on campus and is DeSmet and Donovan Oniopento new&+erg; Nb dhtcou,ld-- move .,into the shenko finished thirteenth after ing experieb i&ne&l&l,,:.~;~ i:. ::, d * NDS ‘* grouti of tip ten -kill&s ‘within ,-,. the i, next five -1years. ;,*I t:. ‘i .I’ ‘I&&’ fg$j@ &js cpses reported by June of 1988, the U.S. has had the largest number of people with AIDS b far. But the U.S. only ranks fift 3: in terms of the number of cases per capita.


*.‘Q ue b ec colleges and universities I

While&e strike-was dri inallji to have lasted fr’&October voted to extend o October 29; on Novem %er 2, 20jchoola 1trik.e. indefinitely.

28 the

1.- -.Q,uesn’s .. IJniversity




With 113 reported cases of of a total opulation of only 82,@0, Frenc rl Guiana is number one, with 1,378 cases per million. Bermuda, with 75 cases out of a population of 65,000 follow8 with 1,339 cases per million, and the Bahamas is ranked third, with 188 reported cases out of a po ulatidn of 235,000 - 800 per mi Ylion, The Congo is fourth with 1,250 reported cases out of a population of 2.1 million;or 595 per million, and the US is fifth with 270 cases per million.

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gev’en of the ten nations

with the highest per capita rate of re orted AIDS cases are in the Cari Ii bean. There, and in parts of Central America, heterosexual Gontact. is the predominant means of transmitting the HIV virue, says Sabatier.





_.% ; 1.

. _I

About forty University of Manitoba etu&ntq proved rotesting Shell”eanada’s zan be effective. The students, ell ti%to cancel its recruiting nent in South Africa, &ti&d & It the Campus Employment Centre. . , _. _ ; University of Toronto S 1

d&e r~ ” 2”

. I.,h

After this year’s registration Nound for blocks, the university If itiplementing phone-in,re&tration, :ould take yews to refine. .‘.j+. e <‘.;:’ ei* I.*‘: ;”

fiasco during which‘ line-ups is set to. consider the possibility It is e&&n&d. the eyatem

_L. L .>‘A _ tf ’ 1of..:( J&$~,&~Qti~&9~ i . ~.mSversity I. ’

The within

univ&t~ two years,






be aq?eaaed

‘_ :,,







> ’:

by tout

R -tone


0; Wind&r

The university has finally appointed The post had been vacant since April, j ,.


hopes i to implement’ shine-in registration a move which’would cut down on line-u 8 and



a Women’s

Commissioner. ‘.:.

,t >.











Soviet exchange

Admission requirements tough at college A&d Nevedeyev it. Tx e second article of .a SovietEquality will be restored when Canadian student netispaper . the college’s new campus is built exchange between Im rint and near Moscow. But that is a thing Mo8cow’s Bauman Co Plege of the future.


When the final exams are over and studentsgo back home for their vacation, the hostel becomes filled with applicants. Although entrance exams begin simultaneously at Moscow’s 75 B~CWUM per

some collegee ha6




coils es-and two universities., I get t a e impression that most of the young peciPl6 prefer our colleg& there are so. many candik dates and,,outsida the college, so many parents, who are even more anxious than their children. Applicants to most Soviet colleges have to compete for admis3ion. The limited number of vacancies is filled by those who 3core the most points on the en-

Evening classes at Bauman College have been given for man years by senior students, for Prec.. They include lectures, seminars, discussions of home and tests and The admission board has a assignments, exams - in short, everything a service which informs the candidates about the entrance exams, future student will need. A group of applicants stood at the choice of subjects, and p*ren the wall examining the list of the schedule of municipal * it and-t he hours oft he lot those who had got pbor grades in mathematics and drop ed Ott of from two to 100 canditrites the race. It was a list o Pnumbers become 8 trial for many. not names, to exclude patronage, and the numbers were handled by computers. There is also a job-placement An official qn duty came out ‘group for the students who have not made the grade. ,Of course, into the corridor and announced that numbers 389 and 615 were far from all will be offered a job invited to commission. No,& and at the college, but there ma be numbers 601 and 245 - to cornvacancies in their chosen fie I d at mission No. 2, Away they went, the neighbouring enterprises and I walked out into the crowd of anxious parents. Here any apMost of the ap Iicants attend pre-exam consu Pt ations where. plicant, no tiatter whose son or the examination program is daughter he or she is, is offered hot coffee and sabdwiches. specified and typical asiignAfter the exams I interviewed the lucky ones. “How did your Parents take your choice?“, I asked a young man in jeans. “It was okay with them. They say I’m clever enough and don t interfere.” What do your acquaintances and your girlfriend have to say about it all?” “I haven’t got a girlfriend, but my acquaintances take it as another whim,” said a young man wearing an austere suit and glasses.




trance exams, Because some col. leges have from 2 to 100 candidates per. vacancy, these examinations become quite a trial for many. The applicants come from Moscow and elsewhere. Muscovites have some advantages. There are far fewer places in student hostels than can accommodate the vast field of candidates, therefore for non-Muscovitea the race is even more difficult, as the have to compete for a place in tIi e hostel, Of course, a candidate from another town can rent an apartment and lift this limitation, but not everyone can’afford

’ ments discussed. Every candidate Prepares himself for the exams as he sees fit. “‘How did ou prepare for the exams?“, I asi ed one young man. “At our school, teachers in the subjects I’ve chosen weren’t up to scratch, so I studied with a tutor,” he replied. It costs a lot to hire a tutor and not all parents can afford it. “We attended evening classes in physics and mathematics hereI at the college, and we think our chances are pretty good,” two boys joined in,



I -



By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda,- with no dbinrnpayment, bbfo’re you graduate. If you have a job waiting fur you upon graduating, give us a cal! or &top by our shotircmn for details on this exclusive offer for graduates.



to do labs.


Now,their dreams are coming true. A group of students has recently left for West Germany for practical training and an American professor gave lectures here at our college not long ago. I think the newly-established contacts between student newspapers will promote friendship with students from other countries. I’m sure we have very a much in common, of Waterloo



“When WQUchose this particular collegi did you know that it pays the highest grants in the Soviet U&n to almost all stUdents?“, I asked 8 very pretty girl, “Nb, I didn’t. It wae a pleasant surprise for me.”


86.00 {St tients/Saniom 83.00) available at Conrad Grebel College Department of Music and the Creative Arts Board, Federation of Stud&s, University of W8terloo





“Do you think you’ll benefit from knowing what’s happening in similar colleges abroad?“, I asked a youn man. “Undoubte d ly. I’d like to know about the work of our foreign colleiguee.” When I took the same interview last year I asked many students that very question. All of them were for broadening contacts. ’

GFi~~UATlfi~ STUDENTS Wate-rtoo North


November23, 24, 2 (lo-5 Daily) . Great.Hall,.Campus University of Water1


16 Imprint,





.Soldier recdls war in+.Gaza by Jon Robinson reprinted from the Ontarion

, I

I can’t scratch my head because of the helmet, and the trickling sweat is maddening. Removing the helmet is out of the question. We are a squad of five. EClier, a platoon of twentyfour, we marched into a camp to re-establish order, Tires burn everywhere and the stench of seared rubber pervades. Our nostriIs are clogged with filthy soot, our faces smeared with sweat, -grime, onion (to guard against tear gas] and blood from the barrage of rocks. We held the main junction of Deir El Balah, a fifty metre empty stretch between us and the demonstrators. But I can’t call them demonstrators. It’s more like a barely contained riot. Foreground, two children have burned an Israeli flag, effectively declaring all out ; war. 8 Now, as I have said, we are ’ five, Every offtier has taken his own squad to settle what he considers to be the most inciting situation. Although not an officer, I command my own squad. Our safe zone consists of less than five metres of narrow alleyway. Along all connecting deys, Palestinian teen-agers and young men await us, rocks, spikes, slingshots in hand. An impasse, No one has inserted live ammunition, yet I realize the situation will soon call for it. We wait, and hope they will grow bored, My camera is in my webbing pouch I look and see a woman hanging laundry, a beautiful two-yearold I sits on the step, observing. >Through complimats 4 cua~-

ing, she grants me permission to photograph her holding the baby. Why not? Once again we attempt to sneak out .a side alley, but each time the know where we are. How? T 3:e mother. The others have seen her signalling to young boys on the roofs who in turn signal the older ones. Denied any other option, we prepare to charge. First throwing smoke grenades, we sprint down the alley, becoming entangled in our equipment due to the alley’s narrowness. Screaming and firing rubber bullets we burst upon twenty five Palestinians. Everyone is so. startled that we forget to attack each other. The noise, the smoke, our yelling has be.en to climatic for anyone to go on, Eventually, we give halfhearted chase.. And yet, the picture remains of the mother end her beautiful child, observing from the doorstep. Over the course of four days, Deir- El Balah was reported as containing anywhere between eight and fifteen thousand Palestinian refugees. This figure has fluctuated according to the dramatic effect required by any of the senior officers, ranging from company commander to the overall commander of the Gaza Strip Military Government. For us, it didn’t make much difference. Our numbers,were all too factual. Twenty-six men, including three officers, three sergeants (myself one] and twenty 19-year-old privates. Whether they were two or twenty thousand was for us, irrelevant. Our ambiguous orders w.er.8. to r’@mrkMe.imf&y &da8~~a%iri-

.. .

Riots in




(Israelis living in habitants Gaza), to secure the free flow of traffic on the main Rafiah-Ashkelon highway and to preserve the normal everyday routine of Palestinians wishing to travel to and from Israel.” What is the normal routine of a Gazan Palestinian? During a night patrol through the camp, we seized four young men. Upon questioning and examination of their documents, our would-be saboteurs were, in fact, nothing more than cotistruction workers on their way to work. They would walk the two and a half k;ilometrea to m.4~ highway and !-them~itahb&8 rtioGf&A&&&4X113Cf



of smothering

here, and thus assumed anyone out at 3:00 am was suspect. Two days later, while awaiting a convoy at Erez, I met three of the same men on their homeward journey. It was 10~0 pm and they were still an hour’s travel from their camp. At midnight, at the entrance at Deir El Baleh, my patrol and I stop ed them once again, less than Five hundred metres from their homes. A tractor tire blazed within the camp, and these men would receive their documerits only when the tire was extin-



within our encampment. Which means a curfew. Which means that the next time I run across any of these men, my orders are to beat them for disobeying the curfew. And if it happens-to be one of these men’s wives or children, we will escort them home, extract the husband/father from the house and beat him. Because we don’t beat women or children. It reflects poorly on the army, The only clear thing to me, amidst this insanity, is that I am ,hated. By virtue of my rifle; my ‘u~~f& o’~~$‘mf:~~~ntpgf, ‘I &ti htm3~b~~~~ei.~W~tid~ -SCho?&&‘nt&tgl&.m

into the highway by members of the revolution to.impede the Israeli Defence Forces and an traitor wishing to work in Israe r . And, of course, since the uprising, they would expect to undergo a full vehicle search at Checkpoint Erez, the entry point into Isr_ael, we were still “green”


four and a half hours a night. How I wouId return to my kibbutz on a Friday afternoon and sleep until late Saturday morning before collecting my freshly laundered uniforms on my way to the communal dining room. But not this Friday. This morning, a bomb exploded

2:oo -4&i titiii

Jhit& llaii2,

dwQ[m ‘,.ti;QkQb8

them stand barefoot in the alley while the nimblest amongst them clings to a telephone pole to remove a poster of Arafat, is simply, and completely, hated. Jon Robinson served us Q medic in the Israeli Air Force for 3 Z/Z years. We now resides in Canada.



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On November. 21 s Re-Elect

McLEAN, WALTER 4 -, ”I Campaign offiCe

100 King

St, S., WaterlaO

Authorized by .lirck Duffy, Official Agent for Walter McLean





Imprint, Friday, N~~ernbr


18, 1988


Speech on anniversary of death squad, killing by Angela Heeds Jacob0 Quiteno,

a lawyer


trade and former president of the

Salvadorean Non-Governmental Human Bights Commission (CDHES) s oke to a group of students Otto ii er 28 with the help of an interpreter. Jacob0 began by asking for a few minutes of silence for the late Herbert Anaya

who had been Jacobo’s successor in CDHES. The night of Jacobo’s talk was, by coincidence, on the one year anniversary of Her-

bert’s death. The fourth member of the Human Bights Commission in El Salvador to be killed since 1980, Herbert was gunned down in front of his two young chil ren.

T If roughout his speech, Jacob0 stressed the importance of the Central American countries’ need to find a solution to their problems,




.dor decided the military

who would govern sector thus main-

taining their economic and polit-

ical stronghold. At this point the people began to organize a civilian, non-governmental organization. El Salvador felt an explosion of this popular- movement in 1979 after a campaign of repression by the military during 1978 and ‘79. Political crimes and “disappearances” drive Salvadorans to violence. Conflict continues in El Salvador and other Central American countries, according to Jacobo, because of the United States interventionist methods. “America is for the Americans and Central

America belongs to the United States, that is the philosophy of the Americans to Central America,” said Jacob0 through his translator.


is known

a& the

Monroe Doctrine and is still u violence and implementing their held. The US, has consistent Py plans independently. In other intervened in Central America, words: Without intervention sending financial and military from the United States. aid to so-called democracies and Jacob0 addressed the origin of blocking dialogue between the the conflict in Central American conflicting groups. Their stracountries. He said the all Central tegy consists of two parts: milAmerican problems stem from itary and political. The U.S. the same unfair social, economic maintains their military prese and political structures. Central ence by creating a “conflict of American countries have tradilow intensity,” which allows tionally had military governthem to give military and ecoment and rule for the past 50 nomic support to the governyears. “These countries have ment. Jacob0 used the example of never known democracy or had Nicaragua where the U.S. had the basic rights of humans,” reset up a Contra-revolution in relayed Jacobo’s interpreter, sponse to thc.Sandinista’s uprisTwenty years ago elections ing. Politically, the U.S. must began in El Salvador. Salvadocreate governments that ap ear rans first saw them as an instrudemocratic’ which will r-lold ment of peace for their country, a chance to claim their rights and elections and then permit them intervene. At present, it costs participate ingov8i’nment. How- to the American government $1.5 8V8fi What they ’ fOUZld~ fW8H! millioti per dg’ ’ to’ sup&&t co& fr,auduls;n,t- +ro~&dUr~s . and t’inued .war an*.B conflict in El SalPUP 8t OVBfll~4Hd8. The Ohgarc%y 0! 14 families in EI Salva- vador, said Jacobo.

Central Americans, on their own, have attempted solutions to their problems, but their efforts are continually squashed by the U.S. government and their agents. In 1883 the external affairs ministers of Latin America set up Contadora. They proposed to stop all military eupport and set up a dialogue between conflicting parties. Contadora wanted self-determination to solve their own problems and no intervention from other countries since Conjadora felt they had promoteqviolence. As’ anticipated, the U.S. opposed Contadora. The day Contadora’s proposal was to be signed by the

Latin American countries the U.S. invaded Grenada Since then, other proposals have been made by leaders of Latin American countries and have likewise been deterred by the US, Based on this evidence, Jacob0 maintains that problems in Central America are not internal. Americans are afraid of losing control of their southern

neighbours such as in the case of Cuba and Nicaragua-and consequently sustain any government which is not communist. Next year holds a new election for El Salvador but Jacob0 doesn’t




rills group. Jacob0 maintained that the CDirES had proof of high military ranking officers involved in human rights violations and death squad killings. He urged Amnesty International members to continue their effort for freedom and peace in Central America. Jacob0 explained the voting procedure in El Salvador. The U.S. sends over money for personnel and high tech computer equipment. They send over noted impartial observers. But the. ballots are numbered according to each p&son’s I.D. number

and can be easily traced. The observers, who report back to the world that the election has been held fairly, only observe in the capital city and do not see the rural polls. After election day the results take about eight days to be announced. “All this computer equipment and it takes eight days!” he said laughing, “Before the expensive technology it took only two or three days. Who knows, next year maybe ten da s to decide what the result wil Y be.” Jacob0 said the reason for the delay was, “noiv the fraud lasts longer because the levels of negotiations -_ are higher.”

,Protestors blocking I aid to.. I repression

in it’s

peace making abilities. He foresees merely a change in which party is in alliance with the military. The -requirements for the new party? According to Jacob0 it must: keep the oligarchy content economically, continue the internal conflict, protect the military from prosecution, limit dialogue with the o position, devote SOper cent oft R e national budget to the armed forces, not enact agrarian reform and pubs. licly repudiate the FMZN guer-

by Muc


Imprint strff

Forty people participated in a non-violent blockade of the External Affairs building in Ottawa on the morning of November 10 to _protest Canada’s role in war in Central Amerm ica. Members and supporters of the Alliance for Non-Violent Action [ANVA) stopped traffic and cut access to the building for an hour as they attempted to end business as usual, A year has passed since the Mulroney government renewed aid to Guatemala where re res-

sion has claimed the Iives oPover 100,000 people: the Conservative government also reinstated aid to El Salvador where “death squads” and the army have






of over


people since 1980; Honduras, promised $14 million in Canaaid



Clark on1 last November, -was found gui Yty in an international court over ces taking

forced place

disappearanunder its au-

thority.. The protesters carried white crosses and dolls stained with red paint as reminders of the children murdered at the hands of repressive regimes that receive


aid. The demon-

str,ators placed dollar bills, also smeared with paint, around the dolls and crosses and chanted “resimt

the war


the poor”

as they sat down on Sussex Drive, eventually blocking six lanes of traffic. Leaflets, distributed ‘to External Affairs workers as they approached the building’s entrance, urged the bureaucrats to “think about what these abstract worde, arms sale .. and for-

eign aid, these paper concepts with which External Affairs works, mean in practice.” “They mean thousands on thousands of civilians - men, women and children - tortured, mutilated and murdered by tbe government of El Salvador... They mean 40,ooO disappeared fn Guatsmah; innocent p8ople gunned down from helicopters with Canadian-made engines. These words mean rape and torture and death for peasants and nuns and little children’” Amnesty International, in its. 1988 report, states that “the Salvadoread death squads are simply used to shield the government from accountability for the torture, disappearances and extra-judicial executions committed in their name.”

By 8:25 a.m., only 15 minutes after the blockade had begun,’ Ottawa Police had rerouted traffic away from Sussex Drive so that no vtihicles could approach the building. This goal achieved, the protesters decided to shut the office down: the police, standing near the road, turned back and ran to the building where the demonstrators soon arrived to occupy the steps leading to the lobb , Kneeling wit 1 arms linked, the rotesters chanted “your pay is ii lood money.” As some civil servants attempted to climb over the human chaim” a few were pulled ovir by police officera standing between ‘the demonstrators and the entrance. After 15 minutes, Ottawa Police

moved in to arrest 25 people and dragged -them off to waiting vans, The peace activists were charged with mischief and released from jail later that afternoon.










play politics

UW holds by Scott Murray Imprint staff The second model parliament to take place this year was held on Saturday, October 29 by students representing all three major parties. With the current federal election, all three parties presented bills they felt were important. The day’s activitiee, as a result a few minor organizational problems, started about half an hour late. The Leader of the Official Opposition (NDPJ started the National anthem. Kitchener MPP



David Cooke, acting as Governor General, deviated from the prepared Throne Speech to say he was’pleased to see that the model parliament, a political exercise of students, was again being held; suggested the members of the house be elected in campuswide elections. The Governor General left and the model parliament continued. The Speaker for the day was confirmed and escorted to his place by the three party leaders. All three party leaders responded to the Throne Speech, and after a brief meeting of party and house leaders, the first government headed into the rigors

Small business doesn’t fear.free trade by Ralph Zuljan Imprint etaff “Much of the opposition to the current free trade agreement stems from the fear of the unknown” according to Cathrine Swift of the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (C.F.I.B.J. However, small businessea the C.F.I.B. surveyed, support the deal by a ratio of 8 to 1. It seems Canadian companies do not fear free trade. Swift was speaking to University of Waterloo students at a free trade discussion sponsored by the Political Science Students Association last Tuesday. Swift edphasized that the international business environment is changing rapidly already and “change is becoming a continuous process.” As a result, jobs as well as businesses are becoming impermanent in nature. Swift’s speech focused on the increasing importance of new small businesses in job creation. In Canada, “Companies with less than 20 employees are responsible for about 80 percent of total net job creation,” said Swift. The majority of new jobs are currently coming from companies that are less than five years old. “Half of the jobs that will be

of Question Period. The Liberal government introduced a bill to implement National standards of education. After a good debate+ the bill was amended and passed. The second bill introduced by the Liberal government was a bill to liberalize trade on a Multilateral Basis. ‘buring the debate on this bill, one government member was ejected ‘from the house. This bill yas also amended atid passed. After lunch, the NDPtookover as government. Following a raucous question period, caused in part by the leader’s aversion to answer questions at the begin-


ning of the period+ this government’ introduced its first bill. This bill was also a trade bill, and after debate was passed, The NDP government then moved to its contentious bill to initiate negotiations to withdraw from NATO. The debate on this bill was sharp as both the government and opposition parties were divided on the issue. During the debate+ two government member’s were ejected. During the official count of the vote, three liberals were ejected+ and then the rest of the caucus left. The bill was defeated by a vote of 11 to 9+ The /PC Official Opposition

then introduced a motion of nonconfidence: the motion was defeated. After a short break, the Pro-’ gressive Conservatives took power, and attempted to present their bill to Create _the Canadian Aeronautics and. !$Bace Administration; both opposition parties did not allow the bill to be put forth for discussion. The second PC government bill, a WorkFair bill, was then considered. The debate on this one was long and bitter due clear differences of opinion. This bill was defeated+ along with the government.

Tories, Liberals n.eck and neck in Imprint election survey by Travis

created in the next five yearti,” Swift said, “will be in firms that do not even exist todav.” “Canada’s rate of new compiny formation is currently one of the highest in the world+” he said. Swift says these statistics verify that “Canada is already a very dynamic participant - in the chanies that are taking place in economies around the world.” “Business generally prefers to operate in an environment in which market circumstances are the major determinant of economic decision-making, Canada has an unfortunate record of propping up inefficient companies,” Swift said. “We have heard many positive comments from our members about the trade agreement .‘+ Many of the businesses represented by the C.F.I.B. stand to gain better access to the U.S. market because of the agreement, and the dispute settlement procedures in -the agreement represent a “major improvement++ over current practices+ said Swift. Also, the free trade deal promises to be a “precedent-setter in international circles++ and it “is being used as a model in the current round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade+++ said Swift,

model Parliament


In an Imprint survey of UW students conducted last week, the Progressive Conservati,ves and the Liberals are almost equal in terms of voter affection. Thirty-six per cent of those surveyed indicated they were most confident the PCs would form the best government, while 35 per cent were more confident in the Liberals, Only six per cent supported the NDP; 18 per cent were undecided. ~ One hundred students of both sexes were chosen at random as they ate in various cafeterias @round cam.pus,last we.ek. Theee ‘were chosen to try to get a more or less even distribution across the six faculjies as well as to inelude both on and off campus residents,by Peter Stathopo!ie Those surveyed filled out a Impript rtaff two-page form, ranking the With the federal election only issues they felt were most important, indicating party loyalthree days away, Canadians are considering the current governties, .,and indicating voting habits. Only twelve of the one ment’s record on world peace. Is hundred and twelve ,people apit eatisfactory? The Canadian ptioached refused to take part. Peace Pledge Campaign certainly doesn’t think so. This orWhen asked who they thought ganization encourage8 would win the election+ 47 per Canadians to elect local .politicent indicated the Liberals+ 42 cians who will actively work to, per cent the- Conservatives and two per cent the NDP. Since only promote world peace and end,the arins race, five per cent were undecided Does the Conservative governhere, it may give some indication ‘merit foreign policy reflect pubas to where the undecided vote will go. lic opinion and values? Were Canadians expecting Brian MulAccording to the survey+ Ed roney to quietly provide military Broadbent is the most popular of while in’-, the three federal leaders+ with 33 aid to Central America, sistin,a that he was really proper cent of support. Second is viding humanitarian aid? Did Brian Muhoney with 22 per cent. testJohn Turner is last with only 13 they expect cruise-missile ing to continue in northern Alper cent. Significantly, 20 per berta yithout their concern? cent of those in the-survey didn’t The answer is Drobablv ‘no’ support any of the three leaders, but, since world peace wa&ot a When stidents were asked to major issue in the last election+ rank which they thought were there was little pressure on polimost impolrtant political, economic and social issues+ leadership, Free Trade and environmental protection were chosen in their respective categories. Second in each category were the Meech Lake Accord+ employment and education. When asked to choose the most important issue overall+ 04 per cent chose Free Trade. Environmental protection placed a ‘distant second with six per cent. Twenty-nine percent of the students



voting because they were undecided, seven per cent said they just didn’t care and five per cent indicated they weren’t enumerated. After viewing the past government’s record, only seven per cent wanted a majority government of similar proportions. Most people (43 per cent) wanted only a slight majority and 41 per cent said they would prefer a minority+ coalition government.

When asked whether they thought they would have enough information to make an informed decision, only 41 per cent indicated they would. Fifty-four per cent indicated they would not and five per cent either didn’t know or didn’t answer the question. Seventy-seven per cent of those surveyed said they were planning to vote in the election. Of the other 33 per cent, eight per cent indicated they wouldn’t be


ticians to move for it, Nuclear war threatens human existence; yet, the Conservatives continue to support research and testing of nuclear weapons. At this point in the electio’n campaign+ the Peace Pledge wishes to ensure, through careful selection and persuasion of MPs, that whatever party wins power, it remain feceptive to the international peace movement, . The Peace Pledge Campaign asks its supporters to follow three basic steps, First, take tba pledget. and commit yourself to elect MPs who will work for eace. Second, talk peace world with t K ese candidates and tell them to he1 change the status quo or YOU’ P1 change the politicians instead. Third, vote peace on election day and ensure that your I candidate will pledge to make Canada a nuclear weapons free zone, oppose all Canadian support for S.D.I., and actively support a worldwide nuclear -test ban and other international arms initi_atives. , control + -. I




cated they would like to see more attention in the campaign placed on environmental protection; 11 per cent wanted more attention focused on Free Trade. Interestingly, an additional 10 per cent of students wanted less attention placed on the deal. -,


Canada’s Support for Nuclear War.

Ever, dot on this

map represents a test facility, production plant Or transport area ior nuclear weapons systems.





November 18, 1988


Third World suffers most.

AIDS campaigns by Sherwood I&print staff


For every case of AIDS there are at least 100 carriers of the infection who have not yet developed the disease. If the conservative figures of the World Health Organization (WHO) are accepted, there are 100,000 confirmed AID&cases and ten million people carrying the disease around the world today. The latest findings by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences conclude that 25 to 50 per cent of those infected will die within five years; the figure nears 100 per cent over a ten to fifteen year period. It does not take a math genius to realize the implications of these findings. Today’s ten million carriers will be dead or dying by the year 2000. One must also remember that these are conservative estimates. Research in Africa suggests that ten percent of the 100 million inhabitants of central ’ Africa are now Human Immunodeficiency Virus {HIV) carriers. This means there are ten million infected people in central Africa alone. In Lusaka, Zambia, 33 per cent of men aged thirty to thirty-five are infected, In Zaire, eight per cent of pregnant women attending pre-natal clinics are infected. Eighteen percent of all blood donated in .Kigali, Rwanda tested positive for the AIDS virus. These figures represent only those who are presently infected, WHO @mates a global total of300 niillfonpeople will be infected within the next five to ten years. The economic implications for Africa’s future are immense, Because AIDS in the Third World is a predominantly sexually-transmitted disease, those between the ages of fifteen and fifty are the most susceptible. In a COhtinent where producers are predominantly peasant farmers and where automation or mechanization is virtually non-existent, it is the sheermuscle power of this age group that sustains the population. In these African nations, AIDS is transmitted in other ways which directly reflect their economic limitations. African hospitals and rural health clinics cannot afford to use disposable needles and syringes. Due to a consistent shortage of funding, they are forced tq re-use potentially infected needles. Screening of blood is.also ex- ensive. The cost of screening & lood can be one quarter of the cost of running a blood bank. Accordingly, mass screening programs do not exist. What Africa needs is a quick, simple andcheap blood test for diagnosing ‘HIV infection. Yet despite the-fact that first world governments are spending increasingly large amounts of money to screen, educate and research the epidemic, only token assistance is going to help Africa. At the beginning of 1087, WHO had an AIDS budget of only $580,000 U.S. In the United States, $2,000 million is being. mobilized to fight the virus. There are an estimated twenty to forty different drugs being tested for the treatment of AIDS. This is only an approximation as pharmaceutical and bio-technology companies are very secretive in discussing their research. The potential profit wind-fall from the discovery of a successful treatment is staggering. Fifty companies are cur’rently

working on AIDS testing kits, anti-AIDS drugs and vaccines in pursuit of what by 1985 could be a billion (a) dollar business. Unfortunately, even if a cure is found, it will have little benefit for most living in Africa. As Arthur Gottlieb, president of the pharmaceutical company Imreg

not su-fficient

Inc., points out, an treatment for AIDS will likely 51e of the nature similar to insulin or irnti-hypertensive drugs - the type needed to sustain life. If this prediction proves true, there will be two immediate ramifications for the Third World.

First, the drug will be expensive. Second+ very few people would be able to participate in a treatment program where a daily administration is required. A cure for AIDS, if indeed one follows this scenario, will only benefit those of the first world. The truth remains however,

that at the present time there is no cure for AIDS, nor a realistic hope of one. For all inhabitants of the Third World, AIDS will be just a further source of suffering, AIDS will be another in a long line of indicators reflecting the social-economic realities of current global inequalities.

Improve your diet, says I Cana,dian Cancer Society by Henrietta Imprint staff


Reduce your fat intake and up your fibre intake, the Canadian Cancer Society recommends, Approximately 35 per cent of the world’s cancers are related to diet. In Canada, 32 per cent of cancer deaths are with diet,’ compared cent with tobacco.

associated to 26 per

Given the eating habits of the average student, there may be some cause for alarm. Women

should take special heed, because 60 per cent of cancers in women are diet-sesociated, compared to 40 per cent for men. Alcohol intake, especially when coupled with cigarette smoking+ is related to increased risk of cancers of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, and upper respiratory tract. Reducing fat intake to onethird or less of total calories may reduce risk of cancer of the breast, colon, prostrate and endometrium. Fibre foods such as whole grain bread and cereals, vegetables, and fruits, provide

protection against cancer of the colon, rectum and stomach. Beta-carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body, he1 s protect against cancers of t R e lung, mouth, larynx, bladder, and esophagus. Good sources include cantaloupes, carrots, broccoli, mangoes and spinach. Vitamin C lowers the risk of gastric and esophageal cancers. The Cancer Society does not recommend vitamin supplements, but advocates a good, balanced diet. , Sun-worshippers need also

take heed: 17 per cent of all cancer cases in Canada are sunlight-associated, 27 per cent are diet-related+ and 16 per cent are tobacco-related. ’ In 1985, the top four cancer killers in Canada were lung, colorectal, prostate+ and stomach for men, and breast, colorectal, lung and ovary for women, For more information on diet and cancer, call the Cancer Infor-mation Service, l-800-263-6750, or dietitian-nutritionist Suzanne Kavanagh of the Kitchener-Waterloo Unit at 880-8888.

Canadian university in France offers. “unique experience” . 4,


Studying in the south of France became a reality for almost 200 French and English speaking students from across Canada when they enrolled at the Universite Canadienne en r;rb;r (UCF) this past Sepl

Beginning its second year of operation+ UCF - a co-operative venture between Laurentian ’ University in Sudbury and Toronto-based Blyth and Company - offers a unique and rewarding experience to Canadian university students. A year at UCF provides students with a chance to earn Canadian university credits in the fields of humanities and social sciences while improving their skills in French and English: it also provides an unrivalled opportunity to experience Europe and meet students from all parts of Canada. In order to satisfy admission requirements, students must have completed a minimum of one full year of study at a Canadian university and be in good standin at their home universities, or tll ey must have a di loma d’etudes collegiales in Que ! ec or an International Baccalaureate. The fee of $7,995 includes tuition, shared accommodation in IJCF residences, airfare from Toronto/Montreal to Nice with an open return, use of campus - includLhg swimming facilities pool ‘and tennis courts - and four local excursions. The tuition for UCF is the same as for Laurentian University’s programs in Canada and Canadian students are eligible for provincial government student loans. An integral part of the Ontario university system, UCF has attracted top-calibre faculty members from universities across Canada and offers students an educational experience

of the highest quality. The curriculum is developed-by Laurentian University in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The location of the campus on a magnificent 42-acre Mont Leuze estate in Ville-franchesur-Mer allows students to take advantage of the cultural attractions of nearby Nice. Numerous places of historical and artistic attraction in France, Italy, and Monaco are also within easy reach. A number of trips are organized to give students the opportunity to further explore Europe during breaks in the ac;8demic year. Classes are scheduled Monday through Thursday to allow long weekends for special trips. In addition+ UCF offers a special six-week spring session from the beginning of May until mid-June. This session includes an intensive university-level French immersion program and a limited number of other courses. The UCF provides students with an affordable, stimulating and broadening experience. An



tt&UHANCE Iro=mr Unicef Canada


educatioxial year overseas also broadens students’ career options, permits them to make life-

long friends in other countries, and leaves them with a greater appreciation of Canada.

Engineering We want the best,Whether you’re an engineering or -’ sciencegraduate or someone who plans to be, talk to us There are challenging cal”eers open now and degree subsidyprograms offered fur tomorrow’s graduates L they offer:

your choice of Navy,Army or Air Force. over 100positionsfor men and wumen in engineering and selectedsciencedisciplinesin several fields of military employment. a chance to lead a team pf top flight technicians testing new devices and keeping various installationsat combat readiness, an attractive starting salary,fringe benefitsand a Securefuture. ,

Choose a Career, Live the Adventure. For information on plans, entry requirements and opportunities, visit the recruiting centre nearest you or call collect tithout obligation - we’re in the Yellow Pages” under “Recruiting”.



ious sciences are unof gay sexuality, exin allcultures around

expressed itself through growing intolerance to a any deviation from the thoughts and inclinations of the masses. Augustine said at this time: “Every part which does not fit into its environment

cetic temperament in the growing Christian tradition. We must remember these voices were few. Their viewsi were n,c$ broadcast on

, “Y..Y

.I Y.

by the criteria they use to excIu& The two above quotations come I the United Church report entitled ward a Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry” (TAC Appendix 2 and C hapter 5 - “Theological Issues: Fou ndations and lustice’l When it was ------







_ _ __

“We have been present, but & not visible - Dravented from $2

stantinople ow &US


lini into the mainstream of Canadian societ ‘. The issues raised were unresolve B and undbmfortable for everyone.



5. -et. .7% ; - --aof-,--$~$pd&~,~



2 ;;lr“q plapgq@&.&&.$~r~ :.’ i


This label may prove pro . years to come. In the long, often obscured history of the heterosexual majority’


commetite$ oti seeing’ iany akainp , others insisted it was. unknown in ture. The use of this ized as eailv as

8, shaved



We think we know our history -that gay persons were always a hidden and shunned minority. We think we see our present world clearly, only to discover 1heighbours with totally different perspectives. We think this is. a religious issue, tied to questions of Biblical au-, thority.

History tells us majorities create minorities

@ rich gay poetic tradition centuries. Welt



ar They were two young men A riiitogiton? of ‘Athens who died trying to overthrow P tyrant, They were famous throughout Thor smcimmt






&%$& Emperor A #&y every

Hadrian bit as ro&&%~:..



little or no concern or comm otle observ’ed statistical d&ance in itself, not a cause for condemnation. If it were, such unusual characteristics as sainthood, superior intellect, or voluntary celibacy would be condemned. With the advent and growth of Christianity, this completely changed right? Wrong! With few exceptions, gay sexuality is notably absent from early church literature. When we do find negative commerits, its an expression of discomfort with sexuality in general. Early critics, such as Augustine, Jepome and Origen, all believed eroticism outside of pro- . creation is sinful. People become intolerant of gay sexuality at the same moment they become intolerant of any minority in their midst. This occurs when a culture be-

gins. This occurs w sufficiently unstable to find persistent distinctiveness irritating. Archaeology, anthropology, and ,modern efforts in scholarship are only three of many disciplines uncovering inconsistencies in our ideas of the past. One example of scholarship in this area L is the award winning book Christianity, black and white one. Social Tolerance, and Homwexuality Such a recipe for intolerance existed by Yale historian John Boswell. I cannot near the end of the Ro/man Empire. With recommend this book highljt enough for the gradual disintegration there arose a an exhaustive examination of this subcollective insecurity. This insecurity imt-.

0i;Ces raised pt ante were stance, one desexuality was unnatatural design” theory (bein male and female “fit”) was humorous f y dismissed as “moral plumbing.” Even the Pope couldn’t be persuaded to in any way condemn what tianjf of his ecclesiastical servants and flock so avidly embraced. For reasons as yet little understood, this state of affairs was not to last. By the 14th century things began to take a decidedly sour turn. Absolute governments became the rule in an increasingly insecure world. A conformist society arose, filled with new laws delving deeper into personal life. Non-conformity now met not only with increasing legal sanction+ but for the first time a general public hostility. This is the beginning of the crusades, the inquisition atid a spirit of open intolerance and active persecution of all forms of “heresy.” In the 12th century lerated a gay subculture with rary tradition and prominent figures. By the 14th century

_----_ demning gay sexuality.durne of the Empire didn’t limit sms; they were equally vociferous about those who loaned money with interest. had intercourse during menstruation, wore jewelry or dyed fabrics, shaved. or bathed regularly, or wore a wig! With the re-emergence of urban centres in the 10th ceGury. acceptance of

hyd * Were khfi&i +uk& J&wk: ‘massacred. The greatest expression of mi& ogyny (hatred of women) occurred at this time in the form of-- aeraecution of-- so ---------_ -_ ---_ -----=----------- called “witches.” :I. All too common were charges that “‘+these minorities were a threat to the %:;:?$&ildren of the majority. Nothing was as .:.%$fective in galvanizing the emotions $ :#$d ignorance of the general population. ember Anita Bryant? B anti-gay 6 Our Children’” can ipaign ten ears ago? Taboo of my sort has greater among the less educat ed and less affluent. What’s this history lesson to do with the present situation? Legal codifications of the 14th century survived their context coming down to our age. In the 198Os, such medieval fears are finding a responsive chord. Looking at a small slice of history challenges assumptions about current prejudices being eternally static. Peo. m pie’s experience is sr+ally .- r organized and can change q1uite - dramatically with time.

Intolerant 14th century mentality present in 1980s e our prseent world ed with a dilemma lective perception of ral and this issue in es the form of a gennc0 gap. We seem to differently from our

e riee of a new culture, fe and tincertainties of earlier centuries were forgotten in a collective embracing of life. A rich and beautiful gay poetic tradition stretches from the 10th to the 14th centuries, well known to all who

population is aware of and o the tremendous changes ding of the human condit century. Along with the era1 shift in legislation in years, another part of the mains unaware and hosIn the late 19th and early 20th century the advent of psychoanalytic theory broadened our horizons of human underst anding. After Freud, simplistic 1 dogma explaining human behaviour no

-. THE P’OLITICS er influenced sensitive, intelligent ons. 1948 the book “Sexual Behavior inguman Male” by Alfred Kinsey and associates created quite a stir. .r research is based on interviews L 10,000 men and women, In it a


At one end

'*All understanding of truth is provisional, conditional and contextual. Truth is tested and validated within the

? -


nd th>



(TAC Attachments 2~) Stichstatements lie at the heart of this debate. They unrcut people’s desire for religious inons Mling them what to believe claim to have answers to all quesWhen a supposed sanctuary from e becoties its promoter, feelings

the lash 20 Gear

10 per c

t saw themselves a1 ning 30 per cent saw !xual. ubsequent research ‘8 findings, stating uality are likely hi t. They also take iI tleties 0s fantasy 8 L changing with agi I 1954,McGilJ Unj I acce ed a thesis 1 sexu ar in Urban Sot noff* HeI describei i&~~tp&.&&i*hz&






ted Chu shelved t

32nd -General Council art “Toward a Christian VA





inal IZ

injustice and mmits ’

‘he state has n dian society. T ble Pew,” is l Present si’-- e church

s unenforceable, Th nt of the then Prime iot Trudeau became th d: “The state has no place

exuality? n 1973 :iation list of :ing the

of: ull these

Ministry,” saying it the present oaition of rch of Cana B a.” It also

sed n 1969 the Canadia


j$ii .,:..;>2 %._e rep&t . me c

arced to chang

_ e

the American Psychiatric Asremoved homosexuality,fram psychiatric disorders, recogreality of h4thy, productive

It fur

the church

to urae



the lWCB’& Unit F

u nernnnn-

ontext) The United mong Protestant

oned.” (TAC Ch. 3: B tion and Sexual


heologi&l and culiural premises that inform our understanding.” The broad nar, existing between the small minoriti bf more tilerant urban membershir, and the senior rural maiority will face its greatest challenge &er the issue of the Bible. ‘*We grew up in isoIation. We were invisible and silent. Sometimes we thought we wouldn’t survive. Often we felt forced to iie.” (TAC Appendix 2). When a minority is marginalised to shore up the insecurities and ignorance of the majority, both are living a lie. I

Sources include: “Christiclnity, Homosexuality” 1980. unity without discrimination because ..I Sexual Orientation.” On December 2,1986 an omnibus bill ss passed amending a number of Onrio statues bringing them into comiance with the Charter of Rights and beedoms equality provision. On Dember 18, Bill 7 became law, extending


issues of the third world, they do SQ from first hand experience. When they speak about battered women, the plight of minorities and AIDS sufferers, they do so as volunteers of supportigroups, clinics and hospices. The gap exists where this broad social perspective meets the average indi-

the foreign language of current understandings and insight takes many forms. Increasingly rigid coneervatism lashes out against social awareness, social justice and more liberalized education. They call for a return to tradition, including emphasis on “family values,” and “Biblical Authoritv.”





Social Tolerance, and by John Boswelk

“Sexud. Behavior in the Human Male” by Alfred Kinsey. 1948. “Toward a Christian Understanding of Sexual Orientations, Lifestyles and Ministry” Recommendations to 32nd General Council, United Church of Ccznada, Feb. 1~88.


I. miss Bay St. by Mike Shirrif Imprint staff


In the Bank of Nova Scotia’s recent publication The Global Economic Outlook, the highs and lows of economic development over the past four years, within Canada and globally, act as a backdrop for a 1989 forecast. Globally, Japan will continue to be the leading performer among G7 countries, due mostly to the strengthening of its own domestic demand coupled with the successful inroads it has made in the Asian and European markets. The strong surge toward a more integrated European market is expected to increase capital spending. Tighter monetary policy will be used to curtail the ever-rising rate of inflation; subsequently, the interest rate will rise to combat the increase in inflation. However the predicted upward movement in the interest rate will ,-act. negatively upon both the indebted North American and Less Developed countries economies. Current account and fiscal deficits added onto the increasing foreign debt is likely to make the North American economy SUBceptible to any shift in international investor confidence. “Stimulative monetary and fiscal policies overseas have bolstered dotiestic demand and eased the transition from exportled growth,� the Outlook states. With the increase in international competitiveness and high overseas demand, non-oil based commodity prices will raise export earnings. Canadian real output growth is expected to be around 2.5 per cent in 1989 due to increaaed interest rates, slow employment gains, reduced consumer spending and a growing debt. However, the resource sector and business investment will give Canada a four per cent economic growth. Higher wages and lower marginal taxes will have an offsetting effect upon the slow employment growth, even though household credit demand will slow a strong housing market and firm prices will underpin mortgage demand.

by Andy Koch Imprint staff

The Bronto-boys have perfected their brand of no-nonsense hardcore that avoids dabbling in the metal or noise elements of the genre. Their sound is very reminiscent of early British HC su plemented with some melo s ic (Misfits-like] overtones. It’s. loud. and it’s heavy; it’s Crunch Rock.

It can’t be said this area’s alternative mueic promoters aren’t After being imaginative. shunned by the preciuua few “real” clubs that exi3t, indie promoters are busy setting up shows wherever they can find SO!hk %mr apace and 9 few elecBCR’s chief asset is their trical outlets: pool hall&, parks, chanting vocal style which conference rooms, Chiness res1-’ I s for taurants and puny excu clubs, Yet another unlikely “t? caBlaet df energy . tion was found to host Frid@ I heavy duty bill of Toxic Reasons . from Indianapolis, The Straw makes the choru!es -stgsM;Dogs from Boston, and Toronto’s altlibiL!h some ex?-Ta harmonies Brontocrushrock. would m&e ):n’ings more interesting. Unfortunately, after The venue? Where else but about half an hour worth of a Arpo’s Dugout, downtown Kitdual guitar attack my attention chener’s number one (only) became diverted to -the Bruinssports bar? This quaint little /Rangers cliffhanger in the adbasement is tastefully decorated joining room. BCR need to find a with lots of swell antique sports way to hold the audience’s interequipment as well as posters and est a bit longer+ but nevertheless pennants from almost every pfo team in existence. This is not to _ they are 9 group more than capable, of, adding some fuel to the mention the multiple video “Sports bar? We were promised fading Toronto HC scene. Umscreens on which to catch the Toxic Reasons. . pire’s call: Base on balls. Next up to the plate was BosA ~Broato Burger to* go! ton’s Straw Dogs. The Dogs are .. c one of the few combos around tar band in a row they didn’t do much for Othe eardrums. Call: A,c base hit! It was almost 12:30 by the time influence -into their music. a new and improved Toxic ReaFriday to .witness this unusual There’s no go&o guitar solos, screamingor pre- sons got into the swing of things. event, After a few beers and a high-pitched Halfway through their first period of N.H.L. action, the fun tentious posing, The Straw Dogs song, I began to wonder if the and games really began. jLst rocked their way through a video screens were going to First up to bat was Brontomedium and fast-paced set withwithstand-the vibratiops caused crushrock. Led by WLU grad plenty of hooks, energy and disby this powerful blast of energy. Geoff Tomlinson on vocals and tortion. They benefit from a deLikewise+ the plastic frame on Dave ex-Direct Action strumGent singer (who actually sings] the Ivan Lend1 glossy looked like ming the bass, BCR have been and a good variety of material, it was about to shatter any se,practicing hard and it shows. but being the second double guicond. Luckily, everything was ‘still intact at 1:20 when the band was still playing and I fled, fear-


photo by Andy Koch

a gig in a Corvette!”

ing premature s .~&.Tox~-

hearing &&



c&ng old ‘sin&new material in their tight, seasoned style. The, songs were f&t atid almost tao intense+ dedpite the -slower+ instrumental breaks. What sets the Toxics apart from other heavy

punk their play

bands is their talent ind passion. These guys could the Forgotten Rebels into

the ground and at the same time their facial expressions and stage presence reflects the feeling put into every note. As singer/guitarist Bruce Stuckey told me before the show; “We can lay anything the speed-metal 1-ands play, we just choose not to pla it.” Thank God fof that! Cal 9: Easily a triple.

I’m somehsiv no longer afraid of the prospect of future shows at Arpo’s Dugout, especially if bands of this calibre are brought . into the area again. ,

1 1 ! I ,

Knife in the head : Open


your mouth and say “urgl-off I” photoby4m say I

Hsp .. Happenings by John Ryaa Imprint staff On Saturday, November 28, the joseph Schneider Haus will be host to a traditional Butchering bee. Out of sight! Closer to home, Black Betty drop the bomb at the ‘Shelter tomorrow night. On Thursday, Noverhber the 24, it’s the Music Society Jru Night. Should be a blast1 Tuesday, Phil’s Grandon’s Place plays host to the Dream Syndicate, see Derek’s interview in this week’s ‘ish’. Then on Wednesday, the F’oqotten Rebels bring their own brand of mayhem and cabaret of cancer to the self-same venue. Far out! What about Toronto? Well Fele is supposed to be at the Copa on Tuesday and personal faves, Live Skull check into Lee’s Palace on Wednesday. Until next week, watch the skies!

by Ranate

Impklnt staff


Comedians from Yuk Yuk’s performed before an enthusiastic, standing room only crowd at Fed Hall last Tuesday. The three performers - two male, one female - were on stage for over two hours. MC Roger Chandler started things off with his crude, locker-rdom style humour: “My roommate’s a real lazy guy. He’d rather have jock’s itch than athlete’s foot. That way, he doesn’t have to reach so far to stiratch,” The emcee’s material also included family jokes. “My grandfather worked on the Titanic. When they sent him for ice, he didn’t fuck around!” This brand of humour may be considered coarse by some, but got pie-nty of laughs. Lisa Gai-Tremblay’s material centred on the “it’s tough being a woman” theme. She lamented about having a tattoo on her chest saying, “In case of sex, THIS SIDE UP.” Another” favourite topic was the singles’bar scene: “Nobody wants a mutt,.. till about ten to one,” GaiTrembla ‘s list of “what we women B 0 for ou men” got some knowing laug K ter from the fe-

male portion of the audience, especially her comments about trying on bathing suits with underwear still on underneath, and “one-size fits all” pantyhose. The first two acts were an appropriate lead-in for the final act. This particular comic displayed a superior talent and extremely quick wit by not appearing to ‘have any material at all, but just capitalizing on audience participation. But despite his comment that “I don’t really have an act... I just look for the assholes in the audience...” He controlled the audience by sticking to some common themes. One thread he kept picking up was reminiscing about “when I a kid...” He was also quick to work the faculty rivalries on this campus into his material, using the audience’s prompting to call Kin “gym” and bringing the house down with his stream of jokes about Mathies studying addition, Engineers also received their fair share of abuse. The comedians all finished their acts by thanking the students and wishing them good luck on final exams. Hearing the comedians’ jokes around campus for the next few days indicated the success of the evening.

Interview with the Psi- Chic YoUth by Iolm RyJohn Hymm Tim Pdich Imprint at J Having wouldn’t

lmdp from

(with I

been told we probably get 4n interview until

after the concert, we were caught off guard when summoned to the Sonics’ table and told to start interrogating. So we’ asked Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore some questions. Lat week you were in the UK,

tonight fairly

it’s Tomuto, emems like a extensive tour,

Thuruton: One of the reasons we like touring is we’re at a point where we get tochoose the bands and that Play with us. Tonight

Kim: It was a problem with the UK distributor, Rough Trade, Some of the people in their office didn’t like it, They basically said if it’s a picture of me - fine, I’m exploiting myself. But if it’s a picture of gokneone else ;*4

why do you as&n to get sa much prssu attention ia the UK? Kim: They love us in North America too, Do you know how America is combig a countr pared to Eng Pand? The potential record buying public in England

Dre-am, baby dream label (Big Time) . was falling apart.” Ghost Starlee has been , released on Enigma; Walton says “the president of Enigma has Have the Dream Syndicate been a Dream Syndicate fan for a graduated from the School of long time”. Walton is optimistic Hard Knocks? One of America’s best alternative bands, the Synabout the band’s future with dicate have spent their career Enigma: “Hopefully we’ll be able plagued by erratic label relato kee the same lineup and the tions and volatile personnel. same Pabel for the next record,” Perhaps only The dBs can rival he siys with a laugh (if they can DS as college-radio’s ultimate do it, it will be a DS first)., hard luck case. The DS will be right here in Mark Walton, bassist for DS, Waterloo, at Phil’s Grandson’s seems to feel that they’re in betPlace, this Tuesday to promote ter shape now than they ever the new album. Were they lookwere. The long wait (over two ing for a different sound 00 years) for their new album Gbwt Storimm? *We’re not really Gbort Storha may have had looking for a %ound,” says Waltheir fans fearing another breaton. “It’s more of a natural evolukup, but OIL the contrary, the tion.” With the new record, band was far from dormant, says though, “We reall tried to make Walton. “We played a lot of local (the live show ran B the studio apdates (in the LA. mea], and pcoach) one and the same. Most played as an all-acoustic band, songs were done in one or two (The Steve W Quarta).” takes, with few overdubs.” The Walton himself r so played on an tmnd continued to write songs album by some friends. almost until the recording began;’ Walton also reports relations indeed, %fy OJd Haunts wtm b&tween bandmembers are betwritten about a week before we ter than ever, “Nobody hates wetit into the studio.” by Derek Weiler Imprint rtaff

Druids tomorrow nas. I u&d

of our time: Sork.Youth it’s the Laughing Hyein Roiling



you’regoingto rppear on &wm-

pihtim of Nd Young covera. Thmtm: Yeah but they listed the wrong song. We’re doing Computer-Age f&m Trans. We figured we’d do something from his Geffen period - no one else will. we got a letter TWOWWk8 t ‘offmsive’ comphining TL a album l lewa. What exactly war the conbwy about the Flower alwveP (W&b had a pictrwOfmmde~~~ _ -

. DO 8~ .bl as the only f!Parle in the group; p$re_mkirrg of ths femmla conscience of the band? Kiaa= I don’t think I’m a female conscience. I just act as a female person but I’m not feminist. So you don’t thiuk in terms of



172 KING

Just for the record, Ghwt Stoti is a wonderful record reminiscent of their earl albums MedMne Show and d e Days of W&s and m, as opposed to the more at-lined Out of the More on that in ‘a few G wee“3: ‘B, when a review of the album a pears in these pages. But did t1 ey succeed in committing their live sound ta vinyl? To find out, you need only check out their show at Phil’s on Tuesday. Don’t miss it.

an page 30


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Dream Syndicate cqitate. each other,” he reports proudly, noting that in the past it was “not good to have a lot of hatred within the band because that’s going to affect your music. This is the only lineup we’ve keff up for two. albums straight. For DS, that is something of an accomplishment. The label problems may also have been solved After touring overseas to promote the 1886 LP Out of the Gmy, Walton says they “arrived home to find our


Kim: No and I don’t think the rest of the band think in terms of ‘all men.’ It’s more subtle than that. so you sit uound uad ~IUJ about what’s politimlly -? Kimz No we have arguments about other things... like... who’s got the biggest pisce of pie.

“Good for what ails ya!” .

is so small.- It’s just that the country is so easily saturated. It’s so tiny, it’s as big as this room, We’ve always got lots of press there, Also, Blast First our label we’ve had in England since Bmd Moon - knows how to

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Fri & Sat,

by John Hymerr Imprint staff

twelve songs are on this offering: twelve songs that bury- the vocals beloti layers of distorted, discordant, . and deafening guitars. The songs are long and involved, with a guitar track popping up here, and then there, bn- to . %f an already solid bass riff, cr rums, and rhythm guitar, These clamorous pieces are brought to a head with Trilogy, an unabashed reach back into the 1970s in both idea and title. In a Sonic world, as the Youths explained recently in a Sounds Magazine interview, there would be Daydream Nation turntables: two foot brutes that play twenty four inch records.


Tuning a guitar for most bands is an act of simple necessity. For moat bands. But when a band starts tP treat tuning the instrument & a way of playing in itself, thebwd is probably serious ahut &hanging all the concepts as to what guitar based rock really is. 43 perceived to be. Sonic Youth is just such a band: a band exorcising the carcass of seventies rock and treating it without the dignity that the fraternity boys give it. Yet in a manner that suggests an awe of what was. Da dream Nstion is Sonic Yout 3:‘s entry into the double album sweepstakes’, and it succeeds masterfully. A scant



Two foot brutes

But these special record players do not exist yet, and Sonic Youth is forced tti relaaee their long ‘projects as double albums, Daytim Nation ia atypical Sonic.Youth as the emphasis is more toward approachable tunes But they take a wrong turn somewhere on the pop highway, and arrive at a destination where pop songs grind rather than float melodiously. But that’s O.K., some music needs to be dirty.


0 -

by Chris Wodekou Imprint staff While the sonic brutality and intensity of Public Enemv leaves the boasts of virtualli every other hip hop crew in the.known universe choking on their Olds 98’s dust, a new breed staggers out of the jungle with a new groove and a new attitude. 1988 has already seen the rise of ragamuffin hip hop with Shinehead and Asher D and Daddy Freddy; acid house rules the dancefloors, for better or for worse; now it’s time to acknowledge the ascendancy of hypnogroove warriors EPMD, Biz Markie, and The Jungle Brothers, Nobody’s gonna beat Public Enemy at their ‘own game, so the sensible crew steers clear of dissing every other rapper on the block and trying, to outscratch and out-DJ the competition when Terminator X is the competition, that’s an impossibility. What Jungle Brothers have hit upon is a hip hop that combines the low-key, spacy atmospherics of Biz Markie with the laidback cooler-than-thou raps’ of EPMD. Samples lift .organ riffs from Sly Stone and nagging1 familiar horn lines that I tiust h ave’heard

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by Greg CIow Imprint oteff I discovered D.H.I. one night late this summer at the Rivoli, a hole in the wall bar in Toronto (sure, it’s a nice hole in the wa1 ,but it’s still a hole in the wall). A friend of mine aaid “He Greg, there’s this great ban 8” called D.H.1, playing their second ever gig at the Riv tonight.” “Never heard of ‘em,” I said. “What does D.H.I. stand for, anyway?” “Death and Horror Inc.,” my friend said. “Oh, GOODY,” I re“another really bad sponded, pseudo-goth band,., but, what the hell, it should be good for a laugh.” Well, I was quite mistaken. The opening act, Mourning Sickness, did suck, but D.H.I. put on a great show, complete with distorted slides, old newsreels, and the original Hunch back of Notre ’ Dame projected on the walls and on a screen behind the band. The music hovered somewhere between Skinny Puppy and Trisomie 21; noise with melody. And, hey, I liked it so much, I bought the cassette right after the show! That cassette, Need and Ability, is the band’s well reduced debut effort. The pat I: aging is nice; a fold-out cover with lots of murk photos and skulls, much like t 3: e aforementioned Puppy. Aho like Puppy, this cassette may become a rarity among fans, aa is the case with the Puppies


feverish hours listening to their K-Tel Superbed compilations to find the perfect songs to sample, and the result is that Straight Out Of The, Jungle comes the closest to recreating the gritty, urban-blight-groove of late 608 and early 70s funk that I’ve ever heard on a rap album. And, praise Allah, it’s a rap album that’s not forty minutes of cocksure boasting - unlike the vastly overhyped Schoolly D, Jungle Brothers don’t spend all of Straight Out Of The Jungle with one hand holding a ruler and the other -hand Jigging into their pants. When they do go into some length about the extremes

“. ’

; I’.,‘,” 3 ; . ,?;l’ s . , . ‘s ’ .’ -y’1 ‘:’

Sampling Grandmaster Flash’s -The Message (“It’s like a jungle sometimes”i on the title track sets the tone for a pithv assessment of social ills ovb th’k course Strdght Out Of The Jungle, reaching its high point on What% Going On, which samples Marvin himself crooning his classic of inner city rage, Next ‘time someone gripes to you about all hip hop sounding the same, tie him down to a chair and force him to listen to Tungle

pre-Nettwerk release, Blrck and Forth. The music, meanwhile’ ranges from raunchy industrial blow-outs like Dread Botch, to moody instrumental pieces like Demise 305. The vocals of lead singer Vicar are weak at times, but despite this, he still manages to mesh very well with the music /noise produced by the synth/sample-men, Max Schrell and Graf Orlori (don’t quote me on those -last names, since they’re buried in the murky background of the liner not@). Vicar also de-

make things more interesting. As mentioned before, these guys blend noise and melody quite nicely, and, despite obvious comparisons to the multitude of industro-dance bands deluging the market lately, they manage to produce some original and interesting material. Anyone interested in getting a copy of Need md Ability, or in getting other info on D.H.I., can contact them at Charnel House Productions, 1507-25 wood Street Toronto, Ontario. And.

For the week ending .Nov. 5, 1888 lo 2. 3. 4. 8. 6. 7. 8.

r ,>*. ,

u2 .~~~*,...~..***.C.*.*....,..*.**.*..**. -Rattle And Hum Jeff Healy . . ._. . . . . . . . . . ..*.*.*........*...*. -See The Light Hothouse F’iowem . ..C.~..**......*..***....~..**.* -People Billy Bragg -Workers Playtime Bobby McFarrin . . . ..1**...*.*...*.m..... -Simple Pleasure8 Sioumie & The Ben&am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. -Peepshow Chriu Da Burgh . ..*.........*.***.I.....*.,.. -Flying Colors RE.M . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Eponymous [Greatest Hits) l






Just Arrived 1 1. 2. 3. 4.

Jam’s Addiction . ..*...q.....***.....*. Feelies . . . . . ..~..*.11.*.*.......**.*~*.~.....*.** coctsau Twins .****m.....*...,....***..... Ministry . ..*.....*..*............

-Nothing’s -Land

Shocking -Only Life -Blue Bell Knoll of Rape aid Honev -Green




m , {r&rint,

Friday, N&w&r4


by Chtir Reid Imprint staff


New Canadian band Blue Oil has managed to do what many have tried and failed - they’ve captured the beauty and magic of a Woolco salesperson demo’natrating a second-hand PortaSound. Their eponymous ‘mini-LP’ is an irritating, dire& tionleas journey into synthetic oblivion. It’s hard to complete1 masaacre a band without fin B ing anything good about them, but Blue Oil sure makes it tempting. Perhaps it’s their sense of humo that can save them, The band’s roster 1.00

tured they’ve

on bass; listed


and Manon

laughably Fatter as


18, 1988



The most appalling track is their stunningly atrocious attack on the timeless Somewhere over the Rainbow. To be unable to fill a mini albutn with their own dreck is bad enough, but to butcher someone else’s efforts is inexcusable.

pianos” But, as starts, the piano a vain attempt at a ‘rougher’ edge. then some.

quickly as it is discarded for giving the song They fail, and

Rumors W Wish Were True



A tktenn (oneyear) professsional gndriate degree p-m, ciplinary approach to public poliky and administration. l

by Chris wodskou Imprint staff Presumably, eff Healey’srepblues utation as a I ireballing guitariat &cedes him and this iY -” jP& 0ixIg t$ be;,buyinj3 ialbYte m p hear He&y wail bway’+ - not to hear anything incredibly ground, reaking. The material on 4!J The Light could -be found on virtually an other blues or bluea-rock al t urn by anyone from Georgia Satellites i~-ZZTop~~~~~~~is,oi


Guitars, Cadillacs, etc., etc. as if he use; a welding torch to play with. My Little Girl and the title track fit the same bill, also best suiting Healey’s white man’s blues-singing style. Hardly the most gifted of singers, Healey’s debut works best when the focus is on the guitar; his voice simply doesn’t have the depth, resonance, or gruffness to carry a song on its: own,‘turning




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Ultimately, see Tha Light simply cannot do justice to Healey’s talent; he needs the spontaneity of the live atmosphere for inspiration and pegging him into three and four-minute formats noticeably constrain8 the wildness of his playing. Still one of the hottest live ticket8 going, perhaps a concert album will be in the offing next and bluesheads 1

with i multi&s-

With optiotul specialized stud&x in health policy and communication iIifolmatiort technology. A&USMPI Rqti~~~~ts B.A. (Hmmur~), or its equivalent, with upper mnd standing


the drummer, This is laughable This album simply lacks any because being a drummer in a feeling or emotion, and that can 8 nth-pop band of this nature is be blamed on their reliance on a ii out as challenging as being synthetic ‘instrumentation.’ PerMarcel Marceau’s sound engi- _ haps they aren’t meant to be neer. taken seriously. Perhaps we should be grateful they were liIf their humour doesn’t help, mited to five songs. Regardless, nothing will. Canada’s answer to never before have I been so the Bangle8 plod along with grateful to hear the needle lift alarming predictability.. Of from the record at the end of the course, being Quebec-baaed, side. This is not highly recomthey sneak in the French-lyric of mended. Su erficiel (ami d’esprit superfitie P1, which proves bad music is bad in any language. No Disturbing Call is a must for anyone who would like to hear Weird Al singing for the Ramanes. Twenty Years is vaguely interesting, presenting the only potential on this record, but it ignore8 any of the even miniscule themes it raises.

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Suburban Armageddon by M&e Sedivy Imprint staff Want to write play8 in Canada? Here’8 8ome advice: don’t write musicals, don’t be a woman, and move to Alberta, Theae tip8 come from David Carley, a man who virtually make8 a living writing plays - a feat he says was almost unheard of even ten year8 ago. He w@s on campus la8t Wednesday t&t about writing plays in Can-a IF a, political theatre, and his thoughts on free trade. His play First Strike will be performed in the Theatre of the Arts November 17 -19 and Nov. 24-28 by the Creative Arts Board’s Upstage Productions. On the topic of playwriting& :.> Canada,’ Carley ie optimistic. He uoted recent figures which i&% icate that 86 per cent of pEb 8. being produced ,in Canada are $ y Canadian playwrighte, and that the biggest grossing shows in the country are Canadian pieces. Smaller theatres do better in this regard than do the large ones, and Alberta has the best record in terms of producing plays by local playwrights. The news for women playwrights, however, is not so good; while 33 per cent of members of


produced I

Canada’s playwrights’ union are women, they account for only 17 per cent of Canadian plays proL’ dwiecl, mie. fiwre drcqs+o -nine

Iarguly involved

becatise of the expenee in producing these.

To Carley’s advice to ho eful playwrighta, one might ad B that, a “stunning Visa bill” can also be helpful; his own debt was the immediate imp+$us for his first venture into drama, While facing a $1000 Visa bill, he heard of the Otonabee. Theatrek New Play Contest. Fir# ‘prize wae (of coqrae) worth $1000. So he 8at down one weekend and wrote most of the first draft of P’ht Strike, a black comedy about two couples have, ing dinner when the bomb falls, throwing the group togt$her ip,a amall- bombshelter. With’ &rr( people crammed’ into 66 s+till:

and jokthe way,” said-Carley, ingly added this was said as incentive for people to 8ee the play. Despite having no previous background in theatre, Carley won the contest. Since then, he has been writing drama “to ensure (he) won’t actually have to appear on stage.” Largely as a result of his involvement with diearmament movements, a number of Carley’s dramatic ventures - including Firrt Strike are olitical plays. Carley is particuParly concerned by the prospect of nuclear war despite the lower levels of at tent ion paid to the problem now in comparison to several years ago: “Toast the world before it toasts you,” he

says, describing the attitude which led to writing this genre of drama, , Carley said there is a poor tradii:n of political writing in Can- , despite the fact that ‘theatre is t&r’-made for politicd issues because it’s so powerful.” ‘ “We’re too smug,” cays Carley. He feels the problem. with middle-aged, middle class#&lt audiences is that they @$ theatre only for it8 entertain&#&t value. He ah90 expressed concern over the closing of the Toronto Workshop Theatre, previously a major venue for political theatre. However, while mainstage theatre is not political, plays for *teen-agers often are. Carley hopes “this will train a whole tiw generation.”


‘Carley also expressed his apprehensions regarding the free trade deal, an agreement he feels could have negative ramifications on art and culture in Canada. ‘“I feel dumb talking about it just in t&m8 of culture, but ,. I 1

(01) (17) (--] (10) (21) (-1 (11) [-) (-) (-)

Top Ten Playlist

Unfair subsidy? I


18, 1988

27 , :

For Nov. 4 - NOV. 10

666 Neighbor of the Beast (Patois) 1. My Dog Poppst........ Tender Prey (Mute) 2. Nick Cave .~**,......L,...*....*.*.,. Truth and Soul (CBS) 3. Fiehbona Hold Your Nose [X) 4. Pigfarm (Polydcr) s. wonderstuff.. . . . . Eight Legged Groove Machine .*.*...,......*.**..*. Blowtorch (Blast First) 6. AX, Tampls 7. Public Enemy.. . . It Takes A Nation LIf Millions (Def Jam] .End Of Millenium Psychosis (Virgin) 8. That Petrol Emotion Crack ‘n’ Drag (Blast First) 8. Big Stick .*..**..........*.... 10. Sonic Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teenuge Riot 12” (Blast First)

( ) denotes





. .



. ..*.*..*..........


last week’s

Tc~p New Adds





l.Nitzm Ebb . . . . ..~.I................... Control I’m Here (Mute) 2.Groovy Chainsawe.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Groovy Chainsaws (Flicknife) 3Miniutry.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Land Of Rape b Honey (WEA)

will,” he said. One of his concerns is that Canada Council grants, which are awarded to theatres to* produce Canadian work, could be challenged as an unfair subsidy under the trade deal. He is also worried the deal could challenge Canada content proviaions on radio. -

If you haven’t heard the Dduble I) Posm You’d better tune in before they get bossy. They’re def, they’re dope, they’re stupid fresh Ain’t no one else can do what they do. Tune in - 31:30 ‘til 2 a.m. And if you don’t, there’ll be mayhem. Wednesday nights are when they’re ripe This is the end of the Double D hype. 3. \ . r






*,Magic m realism in search for the soul, by Wgilio

more effective help. Then, they debate about their own spipitual condition, since Damien longs for a tabte of human life. Damien”a lbp&g for mortality is adcentuateil when he’runs into Marion I $&leg Dominartin), a ‘trapeze artist ih a rundown circus. He gets the *necessary encouragetient to pursue ’ these 1s@ngs by none ,other than ~ t 4


Magic realism is a narrative form in which uncommon, illogi; cal or fantastic events and unreal .beings are portrayed in a natural way ‘as a p&t of tiuiadane life. It is the naturalness bf the presentation that differentiates magic realism from similar genres, such a8 fantaey, horror and science fiction. The roots of this genre are found in the traditional folk tales of many cultures throughout the world and, to a lesser extent, in Greek



c and Roman mythology. However, unlike oId folk tales and myths, magic realism presumes a sense of truth in its subject. Mythical and fantastic tales have been presented since the early years ‘of film making. The Wizard of Oz lQ25,1@3Q); Alice in Wonderlan 6 (lQ33,1851); and the Blue Bird (lQl8, 19401 @re classic examples. However, ladsr films such as Here Comes Mr. lordan (1841); Stairway to Heaven (1948) and The Seventh Seal (1057) become more representative of magic realism. In the past decade, in North America, elements of magic realism have been used mainly in light comedy: Heaven Can Wait (1978); Being There (1979); Oh, God (1978); All Of Me (1985) atid in a more serious tone, in The Purple Rose of Cairo (1885). In the earl fifties, magic reslism came o P age and made its way into the limelight with the emergence of modern Latin


Of D8Sir8

its influence in film has become contemplating the absurdity of more evident in Erendira [1Q84), Iife there and compassionately El Exilio de Garde1 (lQ86] and listening to human thoughts. The Milagro Beanfield War The plot excels due to Wenders (lQ88). But the genreattains new masterful direction. Well over height8 in the new Wim Wend.era film, Wings of Desire. Best known as the director of The American Friend and of the high1 acclaimed Paris, Texas, Wen d ers won the Best Director award at Cannes in 1987 for his ’ the first half of the film is shown latest creation, the script for in black and white, presenting which simultaneously and . . . - he- wrote -.in. cqllaboration I the _ angelsI _ with Peter HendKe. various mortals in somber imIn the film, two goodwilled anages, flashing into colour on only gels, Damien [Bruno Ganzj and a few significant occasions. AlCassiel (Otto Sander), humble though the angels and humans beings quite unlike traditional are superimposed in the ima

Hearing the mortal’s thoughts [voices), and listening intermittently to Damien reciting a poem, constitutes the main soundtrack of the film. This effect contributes in large art to the stunning sensitivity o P the picture. Besides being diverse and eloquent, the mortal voices inspire the angels. Cassiel listens to+an old man uestion when an epic of peace viri 9 1 be written, or if there will be a time when storytelling comes to an end. Then, Cassiel wonders about the impossibility of finding a password to the German soul. Datiien and Cassiel, besides comparing notes about

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Peter Falk, playing himself! Falk is in Berlin, shooting a movie about WW II, and in his walks, “feels” the presence of’ the angels. He greets them %ith the word [passward to the angel’s soul?] componero, trying ta establish a transcendental dialogue, to the amazement of both the angels and the bystanders. Following his own desires, Damien goes through a metamorphosis, becoming a human being ’ and “falling to earth,” Wenders signifies this event by going into total colour. Damien immediately experiments with his newly acqtired senses by tasting his own blood, and enjoying a cup of coffee for the first time. As he learns the proper names of colours arid wanders about in his mortal form, ecstasy and amazement set in, Fortuitous synchronicity prevails as he meets Peter Falk, who informs him of his condition as a fallen angel and of the existence of other beings like himself. Eventually, he runs across Marion and, ‘as predicta-

And remember: at 33% OFF, VIA is the smart

quite like it! yM

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Mitchell admits: Aliens fixed m.y teeth !\ by Stephanie Imprint etaff

He wanted the ad placed in the “Help Wanted” section: but the thought “Perclassifieds lad sonals” would ii e more appropriate, The professor begins to read the “Personals” and disco+ ers that “everyone, every bloody one plays tennis!” and eventuallnty;f get his ad into “Help


W.O. Mitchell, one of Canada’s favourite writers, author of Who Has Seen The Wind, read excer ts from his latest novel, Lady & tig Ladybu , Tuesday November 8, at t a e Seagram’s Museum. The eccentric, selfproclaimed “foul-mouthed old man” (actually more a grandfatherly type), with his deep grumbly voice and fuzzy white dust=moD hair. said he doesn’t

of his wife s&&g~. professor’pfaces ssified section

The ah is answered b Nadya, the single-mother of a. 7ive-year old daughter, who is seeking refuge from a psychotic graduate The professor decides student.

a=d in%r’!T of the news-


foul-mouthed, literate, impatient and self-centered, senior citizen male, desiring good companion. Drinking and smoking, non-laconic agnostic preferred, but will consider pool-playing practicing Druid with green thumb if necessary. tlnmistakab1y female and skilled at back and neck rubs.

whiih by the way, is autobiographical (Mitchell was not born and raised in the Prairies as most peo l$ assume). T R e family moved to St. Petersburg because young Kenneth had tuberculosis (so. did Mitchell). The boy found many things in the U.S. strange and

different, He attended a school for Drama, Dance, Music and Elocution, and had to recite Lincoln’s Gettysbur address as part of the schoo f ‘s bi-monthly recitals. A Tallahassee Senator was one of many government officials attending the recital, Kenneth felt like a traitor to Canada, and as such, made some minor changes, 39 to be exact, to Lincoln’s famous speech. On his way up to the podium, he stepped into the Civil War veteran’s epitoon (which ha pened to be his shoe-size) and R e couldn’t get it off. Heroically, he decided to wear the “goddamn confederate’s spitoon” and give his speech an way. In all the excitement he r orgot parts of the address and improvised his own. Everyone cheered because they didn’t notice. Following his reading, Mitchell entertained some questions from the audience. When asked about how he dealt with death, he said his father died when he was six, an element that comes through in much of his writing. In Who Has Seen The Wind, he realized he was mortal. Mitchell said his creative partners, his readers have changed over the years. They have become older, and mortality becomes more vital and apparent. Of himself, he said he has become more foulmouthed in his novels than he used to be, mostly because his audience is more tolerant today. One man in the audience ventured to ask Mitchell to express his opinion on free trade. Mitchell promptly responded with “you bastard! I’m on a book tour - four times out of .five I’ve been

Italian shoes and a shirt from Taiwan, it makes me less Canadian.” He feels ten times more Canadian having lived in the States, a point made in his new book. He deliberately mentioned Canadian authors when asked who he enjoys reading. Alice


intellectual, cerebral process. The first thing you need is a hunch and Mitchell’s are usu4y thematic, “You be in with-&mad and don’t really 1 now what it will grow into: it’s processing your own unique past,” and W.0. Mitchell’s own past comes through Ladybug Ludybug. 1


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Munro, Margaret Laurence, and Timothy Findley are among his favourites. “The dreadful thing about being a writer is that it takes three years to write a novel, and in the last year, I can’t read a writer I love,” He said writing is not a totally ~wD~rnl~~I~DI~m~I~~D-~rD---I








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Ii Imprint. Fridav. November 18. Lord of the Rhgs


( No strings attached family fun 1

by Ronate Sander-Regier Imprint staff

Who says puppet shows are for kids? If I ever made such a statement, I take it all back after seeing the puppet show to top all puppet shows: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Ringr, It was presented by the Theatre Sans >Fil at the Centre in the Square Thursday November 8, and played to as full a house as I’ve ever seen at the Centre. There were young and not-soyoung in the audience: a reflection of the wide appeal of Tolkien’s tales. And judging from the applause, very few, if any, were disappointed by the show. The plot moved quickly through the enough - roaring whole Lord of the Rin trilogy in 2 f/2 hours - to ho f d the attention of- even the youngest members of the audience. The characters, costumes, special ef-

fects and music were spell-binding, to say the least. Yes, the Theatre-Sans Fil wove some pretty sophisticated and high-tech magic that evening. The sound track was excellent. Crystal clear, the music and the voices of the character8 engulfed the entire theatre. The electronic score - appropriately eerie and natural,aad and joyful - suited each scene of the story. The most impressive characters were Candalf and Strider (also known as Aragon). The wizard Gandalf - cloaked, hooded and bearded: authoritative, gentle and grumpy -came across as infinitely wise and worthy of respect. The mysterious stranger Strider - tall, lean and swathed in cloth; sad, noble and courageous - was equally worthy of res ect. They were both beautiful c R aracters. Saruman, the evil “fallen wizard,” and his servant Wormtongue, also .deserve mention.

They made quite the pair. Saruman was everything an evil master should be - vain, cruel and abusive - while Wormtongue! well, he (she? it?] was priceless, beyond words. You will just have to go and see for yourselves some day. I couldn’t write about The Lord of the Rings without mentioning the various creatures night riders, arcs, ents, balrogs, riders of death - all fascinating and some humorous. And the effects!. Fireworks, black light, fluorescent swords and bats, and even what looked to me like Some sort of laser - all contributed to the magnetism of the show. The set was simple, but not uncomplicated. The nicest effect was a map which rolled down from above as a backdrop, and which was pulled by a few strings to constitute the doors of Maria for the next scene - brilliant! Two towers with drawbridges served as Saruman’s hang-out, the gates to Minas Tirith, and the access to Mount Doom.



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Every so often my-eyes would focus on the dark-clothed, human figures behind the giant puppets - necessary for manipulation, I realize - and they would distract me a little from the story. And once, during a black-out between ac8nes, I8aw a tree run 6ff the stage. But that sort of thing happens in Tolkien’s world, doesn’t it? The show was, on the whole, convincing and entertaining. The Theatre Sans Fil puppeteers are td be commended for a captivating, and s ectacular erformance, They K ad better if ave it ,down pat; thefve been doing The Lord of the Ringr since 1985. Some of you ma remember their rendition t3f 4 e Hobbit, first staged in 1979, which they went on to perform at the IQ84 Los Angeles Olympic Arts Festival, In 1082 the troupe first ’ mounted Swwt gOrrom, taken from the collection of the same name by Canadian hrriter Rotih Carrier. With it they won the Grand Prize of the XVII Internam tional Puppetry Festival in Zagreb (1884) the first competitive festival the Theatre Sane Fil had ever entered. An impressive record for an artistic group that is on its way to becoming (if it isn’t already) a Canadian institution






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get press there. Like SST (their American label) - do you know how many bands me on that label?‘They don’t have time to saturate like Blast Firet .doea. Pk:ta’,e%wft:n:v;~~

do a cover we’ll do it as much as we can do it. We’d like to release our material as blankly as possible. A cassette with no information would be really great, but they wouldn’t let us do that totally.



being rort of out how UI you maam around with lackand rtuff. We’ll find a way, laser something. the @MI Moon CD, Satan makes the numbers go

being phacd

gotig to grooves Thmton: locka or Kim: On is Boring backwards. Speaking of Satan, did ym catch c5edd0’8 qppcid? m3rsa: Bw Eva ild ad “irs about Geraldo’e fucu ing tipscial. We hate Gerald01 We should shave his mustache and force feed it to his mom! On that note we bid th8re adieu, and they went out and rocked.

More Desi-re


from page 28 happily ever: aft&r. Besides its technical ‘excellence, the film is enhanced by Bruno Ganz’a superb performance as a weary and nostalgic angel, In the .great tradition of magic realism, a wonderful story has be& magnificently ,-told (filmed]. Fullfilling its destiny, sheer desire conquer8 all. One could .only hope to tell that worried old man that as long as there are sensitive beings around, the end of storytelling is not in sight. The pace of the film is slow

I and thi length (130 minutes] may not be to. everyone% taste, However, its exquisite sensitivity far outweighs any possible shortcomings. This is definitely a movie to’ see and enjoy. Playing at the Princess, downtown Waterloo, Nov. 16 through Nov. 20. Wings of Desire, directed by Wim Wenders, written by Wenders and Peter Hendke, cinemstom graphy by Henry Alekan. With Bruno Ganz, solveig Dommartin Otto Saunder, Peter Falk and Curz Bois.



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Heads roll, -Axe’men take another Naismith Huskies, Warriors by MIEa McGraw Imprint staff The Acadia Axemen arrived for the 21st annual Naismith basketball Classic last weekend with a vastly different roster than last year. But they left Sunsame way the 1987 tea? - with the championship

Winnipeg Weamen. The Axemen are recovering from the loss of four starters, but you’d never know it, Powered by tourney M.V.P., 6’6” Grant McDonald, the Axemen mowed down the Saskatchewan Huskies, the host Waterloo Warriors and the Wesmen, “We’re a big surprise,” said a smiling McDonald.“It’a more of a team effort this season, we’re going out and playing hard together? McDopald ruled the paint for Acadia, hooping 45 points and and grabbing 23 rebounds on the weekend, ’

and We&men

led to the guillotine

Froese ahd Jamie McN&. We’re still pulling from the hat wheri we make substitutions.“., . The Toronto Varsft?’ Blues capped third place with a 82-71 win over Waterloo, while the McMaster Marauders captured the consolation title, thumping the Huskies, 78-63. Acadia’s acrobatic guard, Clive Anderson: notched a spot on the tournament all-star team, scoring 41 points for the weekend. He was joined by Winnipeg’s Dean Goodbrandson [67 points), M&laster’s 6’9” centre Mike Preocanin (71 points, 3”f pabounds), Toronto’s rookie seasa-. tion Allen MacDougall (65 ponts) and Waterloo’s Tom Schneider (91 paints). The championship game, played before a sparse crowd, was a tight battle until late in the first half. That’s when Anderson put ona floor show, killing Win- j’ nipeg from the perimeter. &derson scored. 12 of his geme-high 20 points before halftime. Acadia led 36-28 at halftime, and started to run away from Winnipeg, leading 52-35 eight minutes into the second. The Wesmen, colder than a prairie wind most of the day, threatened to come back tihen Goodbrand!m13 +ic~~odudk~.~~ pu!! tfw,m j

dia shot a sparkling &Yper ’ . c&t from thefloor. The Miesmen, who shot a dismal 41 per cent; were paced-by Goodbrahdson with 19, Murray Gehman 15 and court general Burke Toews with 14. Let’s go back to Friday aAd recap the weekend’s action. ‘-’ I

The opening round

WAR IN THE PAINT= Ottawa’s Bill Sham walks over Waterloo’s Andy Zienchuk on Friday night. Sham potted 31 pints and grabbed 16 rebmmds as the Warriors squeaked out a 71-66 win. m-by-Fkhrol

It was a typical .Na&mith for, the L’aurier G@deh Hawks’t’hky’tibre bounced’ in the** ing round. The Wgg& deeper U of ‘T Blues not only pounded WLU inside, but beat them lat their own erimet er game, going on to pluc E the Hawks, 87-68. Frosh sensation MacDougall burned the Hawks from outside with 19 points, while Rob Wilson led the charge inside;hotip’ing 16 points. Speedster Tony Marcotullio drained 15 for the Hawks, who trailed 11-O before scoring. The Blues, who out-rebounded the puny Hawks, 42-28, took-a 46-32 bulge by halftime and led by as much as 22. The Marauders erased some bad memories of last season, ushing the Wesmen to the fillrink, finally dropping a 76-71 thriller in Friday’s second game. Mac stuck to an effective straWY - pound the ball inside to Preocanin, who led Mac with 28 points- and 10 rebounds. .The Marauders led 37-36 at halftime and pulled away 53-45 in the second. But scoring famines of two and six minutes let the Wesmen rally and advance to the semi-finals. Goodbrandson potted 28 for Winnipeg and sniper Jason Friesen nailed 16. The Wesmen

f&e: in-th+,jzqscq@ hdjfr as the Bl~es’~ Wilson tooti bver_in the ,Iand. . ..A#, >“Ir &$#$:&raight A bafhbu&j? it ‘wkin’t. Tie . pai$i; t$p@&<Sff, points in the barly gafng, I,J of T Axemen and the Sask@tchewan took its first lead of- the night, Huskies pitted two of Canada’s 68-67 with 2:OEI remaining’ but top teams in Fr?daj?s third game. Winnipeg tied it and won on The Axemen began their crusade Goodbrandson’s two from the for the Naismith title, trouncing charity stripe. / the obviously j’et-lagged HusGoodbrandson. apearheaded kiest 95-80. Winnipeg’s atpck with 20 The game lived up to its billing points, as Friesen added 14 and in the opening half, as the HusToews nailed nine. The Wesmen kies led 23-17 at one point, were 5-of-8 from three-point thanks to the suectacular play of \1 .qwR* L, .- [ &&&r&#/,23 ’ Sheldon Rynra. &%y,,.half.,~ - : i I wi$&$l&j [ ilime, the Axemen pulled in f&t, . le the baby-faced1 41-34, and with a etrmmq& or counted 20. . -of perimeter and ins@?pdr@, other semi-final,” ;lh ~a$&&y’s buried their western oppo&n’ts+ Acadia dumped Waterloo, 71-64. Anderson paced Acadia with while McDonald 20 points, In Sunday morning’s consolaadded 18 and Charles Ikijiani tion final, Preocanin continued meshed 17. Centre Tim Conlin his lane domination’ hooping 22 scored 31 points and’Ryma potpoints and grabbing 18 rebounds ted 18 for the Huskies who were as McMaster shocked the slumpout -rebounded, 36- 18. ing Huskies, 78-63. In Friday’s final game, Water’ Ed ,Madronich pumped in 36 loo clipped the Ottawa Gee Gees, for Mac and pint-sized Craig 71-66. Muir and Gord Leenders both nailed 12 points. Ryma scored>22 for Saskatchewan with 14 points from guard The semi-finals Matt McCullough. On Saturday afternoon, the Marauders pummelled the Saturday night’s first semi-fiHawks in the first consolation nal between Toronto and Winsemi-final, 81-55. Preocanin led nipeg proved to-be the nailbiter the Hawk roast with 21 points, of the weekend. Two clutch free as Muir and Madronich both netthrows by Goodbrandson with ted 15. Paul De+ Santis led the six seconds left in regulation alhapless Hawks with 11 points. lowed the Wesmen to squeak out The Huskies did some trounca 71-69 win. ing of their own in the other conThe first half was wide open solatjon semi, 89-71 over NBA style with MacDougall Ottawa. Ryma led everyone with warring Friesen and Good* 26 points and lb rebounds, and brandson from the perimeter. All Doug Prokop he1 ed with 20 three scored 12 points before points. McCulloug hpkicked in 13 halftime as Winnipeg took a 45, points. Bill Shane carried the 40 lead to the locker room. Gee Gees with 16 points and 11 Neither team led by more than rebounds.

Schneider sucaer buWW ‘settles ,for fourth -



by Mika




McGraw staff

It seemed he could do no wrong. Every time Tom Schneider of the Waterloo Warriors touched the ball at last weekend’s Naismith basketball Classic, it ended up in the hoop. Like King Midas, everything he touched turned to gold. How’s this for a weekend on the court? Waterloo’s veteran guard scored an incredible 91 points in three games, shooting 71 per cent from the floor, 22-of27 from the foul stripe and i-of13 on three-point bombs. Not bad, eh? Unfortunately’ ihe Warriors could have used two or three Schneiders, as they finished gr;y; their annual tourney at


“I’m s6 im&essed with Tom’s play,” beamed UW head coach Don McCrae. “But it’s scary we’re getting too warped. The are going to him too haveto play ai well.” ed *pith a stunningly win over the Ottawa Gee Gees on Friday night, before being bounced in the semi-finals on Saturdi night, 71-6411~ the eventual c 3: amps, the Acadia Axemen. The Warriors dropped the third place game to the U of T Varsity Blues on Sunday afternoon, 82-71. The weekend left-t he Warriors’ preseason record at 6-3 as they head to Rochester for a fourteam tournament this weekend at St. John’s Fisher college. “We’ve got some .gigantic flaws in our game, but the only teams that are beating us are probable division winners,” said McCrae, noting that his Warriors have lost to only Acadi$, U of T and the Regina Cougars, all potential top 16 teams. Friday’s opening round match with the Gee Gees should have . been like a Mike Tyson fight -it wasn’t ‘if the Warriors would pound Ottawa, but ‘when.’ It didn’t happen. “It was a very unsatisfactory performance,” commented McCrae. “Especially when you’re trying to get ready for three days of solid basketball.” As almost 4;660 rowdy fans looked on in delight, the Warriors’ as expected, almost blew the Gee Gees back to Parliament Hill. The Warriors took a 23-9 lead by just past the midway mark of the first half. Ottawa, with nine rookies in its line-up, looked like a group of scared cats. The Gee Gees threw balls away, went over four minutes without a basket, and resorted to * tackling Schneider on defence.

Guelph by Graems Peppler Imprint 8taff “What ever happened to Bill Elgie?,” read the sign osted in the PAC pool last Fri cf ay evening. The former Warrior captain broke his two year hiatus to ,watch the Warrior and Athena teams, circa 1988-89, splash and crash as the Guelph Gryphons kept their motors running lo.nger and crossed the finish line first, winning the men’s race, 52-43, and the women’s race, 51-44 An unusually large crowd mostly rejects from the Naismith Basketball tournament watched and wondered at Corrie Powell as she killed herself in the final leg of the women’s

But led by 6%” centre, Bill Shane, Ottawa crept back into it before halftime. Shane ruled the laneways, scoring 19 of his game-high 31 points before the half, He grabbed 16 rebounds on the night. UW led, 36-27 at the half. Buoyed by the Schneider shooting clinic, the Warriors -. burst ahead by as many as 17 in the second half. Certainly, they were in the driver’s seat, right? Wrong. As Schneider sat with four fouls, the Gee Gees went on a 16-l run, paced by Shane, who left shoe treads on Waterloo’s big men, With five minutes remaining, :Waterloo clung to a 62-W. lead, _ Some nifty teammwork by Schneider and Troyak triggered the Warriora to a 69-57 lead, which they held until the last minute. That’s when the unfat homable almost occurred. In the last 30 seconds, burly Gee Gee John Walsh nailed two quick three-pointers, and Mark Gallagher Quickly added another. Dazed and confused, the UW lead. was mfldenly slashed to 69-66 - shades of the Boston Red Sox in the 1986 World Series.. Rookie Jason Poag hit two free throws to ice it, “It wasn’t the danger of the 105s that was so annoying,” said McCrae. “But there were five players on the floor whomade no attem t to follow our processes. That Peft a very bad faste about the game. Schneider carried UW with 24 while Pat Telford added 10. The Warriors, out-rebounded 47-35, shot a gloomy 46 per cent from the floor. “I -Was very impressed,” said Oftawa coach John Restivo. “When you come into Waterloo, you expect a to& game. I like my kids, they just wrirnt to play and have fun. Any coach would have liked to coach this bunch tonight.” A crowd of about 3,500 watched the Warriors flirt with an upset, teasing the Axemen right to the final buzzer in Saturday night’s semi-final. “That was the best game we’ve played this season, as a unit and for 40 minutes,” McCrae said. “We gave them more than trouble, they just hung on to win.” Schneider played the game of the weekend, pouring in 39 points including a flawless 12for-12 night from the charit stripe. Troyak helped out wit 31 eight points. Schneider s%gle-h mndily ran the Waterloo offence, nailing 19 of the Warriors’ first 23 points en route to a stunning 23-18 lead 12

swimmers 4x166yard free relay only to fall short of victory with half-alength remaining. A win would have given them the, meet, The loss gave it to the farmers’ daughters from up Highway 7. Still, Powell gave it her all, as did teammates Sue Masson, Lesley Horton, and Kris Jackshaw. The grandstand finish wasn’t enough for the spectators; most sat impassive, as if trying to remember the items on tomorrow’s shopping day list. Shame. Despite the late setback, Powell had things her way earlier in the 2660yard fly in which she decimated the opposition,. finishing 11 ‘seconds to the fore of the rest. Masson, meanwhile,

minutes into the contest+ The Axemen were caught off guard and had to regroup quickly. The Axemen started to take advantage of some shoddy Waterloo passing to outscore the Warriors, 16-6 until halftime. The Axemen led 34-29 at the half, with Schneider responsible for 22 points. The Warriors took a brief-4340 lead in the second, but the Axemen began to trample UW inside, pounding the ball in to twin towers, M.V.P, Grant McDonald and Ted Byrne. Acadia’s biggest lead was 53-45 with 8:30 remaining. The tireless Warriors didn’t give up, as Schneider and Troyak nailed some clutch buckets to take the game down the crunch period. UW came within three points, but no closer. Again, Waterloo was stomped under the boards. The Axemen out-rebounded UW, 28-16, led by Byrne’s 23 points and II rebounds. ’ Guard Charles Ike jiani added 12 points while McDonald and Clive Anderson both meshed 11. McCrae felt differently about Acadia’s late game inside i baskets. “We were disappointed with a couple of breaks that could have gone our way. Their big guys pushed the ball at us with violations... If we’d got the ball back we probably would have given it to Tommy.” The Warriors perimeter game clicked, as they shot 54 per cent from the field compared to Acadia’s 53 per cent. “When you come in here, you get hyped,” noted the tourney M.V.P. McDonald. -“There are ~,WQpeople hers and they’re jtist crazy. It's a great trip to come here,” Sunday afternoon’s third place game with the Blues was an anticlimactic affair played before a crowd of under 1,000. Those who did show up, saw Schneider complete his storybook weekend, pumping in 28 points with s-of-6 from threepoint range. Troyak rounded out an impressive tourney, especially defensively, with 14 oints while John Bilawey E icked in 10. Dr. Z, Andy Zienchuk, hoo ed nine points in another so Pid effort. U of T’s frosh phenom, Allen’ MacDougall scorched the Warriors from the perimeter, sinking 26 points on a g-for-16 day from the field. The Blues’ front court of Mark Harvey and Rob Wilson stomped UWfor 18and lbpoints respectively. Guard Marv Busby added 13 points. Waterloo took an early lead,

One-man wrecking

VVaterloo’s Tom Schneider (35) netted 91 of his team’s 2~ poinqs last weekend _. phob b &v : _, at the PAC., trailed at halftitie;r&&nded in the second and crumbled horriof UWs flimsy front court, as bly in the stretch. Wilson and Harvey went to MacDougall and Schneider work. The two brawny forwards duelled from the perimeter in the combined for 26 points in the first half as Waterloo charged half as U of T took control in the out to a 22-15 lead. Schneider final two minutes, outscoring canned 12 of those 22 points. Waterloo, 12-2. But like the previous night, the “We are not game ending very Warriora hit a drought, and the well,” noted McCrae. “We get Blues went on a 13-O rampage into these situations when we’re over five minutes to take a 28-22 up or down by two or four and bulge. The Warriors pecked can’t attend to the business. This away from outside, and trailed is a sign of immaturity;” 41-37 at halftime. The Warriors were out-reThe Warriors ran into fou1 bounded, 34-25, and shot a paltrouble in the second half, as Biltry 44 per cent from the floor. amy, Zienchuk *and Schneider The Blues shot a respectible 52 eventually all fouled out, while per cent. . Troyak sat for an extended time w’th four fouls. McCrae, noted the Blues ad\ n a nip and tuck half, the Warjusted to accommodate Schneidriors stuck close, and even took a er’s invincibility. brief 58-55 lead around the lo“Toronto attacked our warped minute mark. It was a stalemate game, they ran a s ecial defence for a while, with the score locked P against Tom Al our adjustat 63 with.4:46 remaining. * merits were recoveries,”

drown’Warriors, scored maximum points for her 266-yards’ backstroke and freestyle with the very quick and capable Athena newcomer, Horton, finishing a stroke behind in the latter thrash, Sheryl Slater did not -disappoint with her do&yard free. She caught a current and rode it for all 32 lengths leaving her with plenty of time to relax before .Athena Kim Boucher, helicoptered-in to second place. Boucher struck a fast rhythm for her 466-yard free later in the evening and won the race from Athena Lesley Crombie, while Nancy Grump, Kris Jackshaw, and Nicole . Amaroso each contributed to the Athew tally in their respective events.


Eric Fergin shot from ‘a betatron for lO6-yards .of his 20oyard fl . First place soon became and the sensathird, x owever, tionally fast Warrior rookie, Jason Kru p, stole the laurels. veteran was The fourt K -year able to resurrect himself for the ‘PO&yard breaststroke’ and scored a win for the effoti, Dave Dineen remains an ace backstroker something of which the Warriors are in short supply. The call fell on Jeff Slater to swim. the 266yard backstroke with him: ‘Slates’ regretted it Trorp the moment he took his last breath during the on the first length. Dineen race finished second to a Gryphon, and Slater would rather have not



finished at all. Mike Cash doesn’t take too kindly to the formalities of team cheers and what-not. He prefers to psych u on his own. He doesn’t like ii eing beaten either, but Phe does like to race.. He took second place - and n’early victory in the loo-yard free and he. pushed teammate Krupp all the way through the 266-yard free to finish third. Jeff Slater and Dave Dineen combined again in the 266-yard individual medley and reversed their order from the backstroke race while Chris Cupidio lost his second place in the 56,yard free to a judges decision that went Guelp h’s way.

Imprint, Friday, Novembef 18, 1088

NAISMITH ?r WEEKEND SCRAPBOOK Alt photos by.Ty.Hammond The Varsity &fcase Orill Team entertains a capacity cr&d the PAC during halftime on Friday-night.


at And there’s 89 more where that came’ from! Tom Schneider of Water1 points on Nqismith W88kend. H8r8’S two


all reading Imprint sports? Or are they just ignoring the visiting team&ri&fi&gf~j&# I \ .‘.


! M

Imprint, Friday,


18, 1988


i Redmen.win;-.Warriors take it out on Stingers .

to stick check, forgoing the strong physical game of the

, content

by Peter Dudes imprint staff

first 40 minutes, McGill’s Reeve, Warrior offensive shutting out UW

The University of Waterloo hockey Warriors emerged from Homecoming weekend entrenched in third place in the OUAA’s tough Central Division, trailing Western by three points and the York Yeomen by five, On Saturday the visiting McGill Redmen skated peat the Warriora 3-2 in evening action. Sunday afternoon saw the Warriors beat up on a battered Concordia squad, 9-2 at the Columbia Ice Bern.





frame to Sew up victory number six and eecond spot’ in the East. Coach McKee, unhappy with his team’s offense Saturday night, juggled his lines for the match versus the Concordia Stingers in Sunday afternoon pond play. The Warriors

just 57 seconds Jamie



drew first blood into the game.

McKee pas8ed to $hris steaming down right At the top of the circle,

Clover slapped the puck p&t Concardia’s Seaxi Muncastor’ with Buit enhuis registering an assist on the play. In the earl going, Concordia looked to ma il e amends for their 10-l drubbing at the hands of the Leurier. The Stingers tied the acore on loose defeneive play at lo:15 and grabbed the lead a minute and a half later on the powerplay.

Dumptruck of good hockey Period one was a dumptruck of hockey with buckets of hard skating and solid che&ing.

.’ ~+. . . .~~~~~~~~~~~c~ good’

by Warrior netkinder, Mike Biahop, on a smart centering pa88 from behind the net. Just 37 second8 later, the Redmen cabitdized on a Warrior niveawa$ Tim Iannone deflected a shot from the point over Biahgg’s outstretched glove. The Warrior powerplay, still missing Steve Linsemam, moved the uck effectively to capitalize on t i e man-advantage. Defence; man, Ken Buitenhuis pinching in, fed the puck from deep in the corner to Chris Glover who slid it by goaler, Jamie Reeve at 10:06 to close out the scoring in, the first stanza.

foiled in

MdKee wa8 magnificent Waterloo’s

Dan Tsandelis

(16) cruises

In period two the Warrior hitting game picked up, attempting to slow down the artful passing and skating attack of McGill. Brad Geard jumped in on the attack early. Streaking down the left wing with the puck, he squirted it out to Jamie Maki who converted to tie the match at two with ?jp33p~qhb.ti8


^* ; .$:‘ry-,%a ..*>.,)&+“r-<*r, -* 1 _i_ 4;; .’ - 4 .i.,

the slot

on Saturday.

red line.


In careleg play, bLueliner Ian Pound was 8tr@8d of the puck as he attempted to carry It out of

the 4k9f8nsfv8



&&ed q#.hig &M““&

b8orn and raised in the Waterloo riding bPractising lawyer in Waterloo since 1979 1Married to Sharon with children Nathaniel, -. Adam and Laura


Jamie McKee Ied the Warrior resurgence though, netting his hat trick with less than four minutee to play iti the period. Todd Coulter picked his way along the left boards on the powerplay. He threaded th8 needle to McKee who slipped it between their_ _magic the le 8 of Muncastor for hjs -1 waved 1 . first 0 f! four. _. ’ ”

and the geme winner ae he found the five-hole on a screened Bishop. Warrior head coach, bon McKee summed up period three. “We weren’t finishing our

Waterloo’s attack became as predictable aa anow .in February. McGill hadit easy aa all they had to look for wea the lbng lead pass to the fopwards standing on the

. v&ill


The Mulroney trade deal is not “free trade”. It is a sellout of our resources and our economic union with the U.S. On’ November Zlst, put Canada first. Vote Liberal.’ . Authorized by Harry Kumpf, Official Agent for Steve M/o&worth

Imprint, Friday, November 18, 1888




by Marjaliisa Tapper Imprint ataff Unfortunately the last Waterpolo game of the year has been played. At least it saw Waterloo going out with a wet slapping of the buttocks instead of a whimper. But before we get to the good news we have to touch on what happened last Wednesday night at Laurier’s pool. Nothing really ositive can be said about a 12-1 Pass to Western, UW wanted the win and deserved it far more, but unfortunately that didn’t happen, It was an intense game, the second quarter was filled with an extensive attack on the Mustang’s net but defensively Waterloo was weak and offensivel the opportunities weren’t acte cr on effectively. One impressive feature of this game was the spectator turnout. I’m not sure if its the vast circulation those articles get, word of mouth, of if it was merely the parents of the ROW swimmers. Regardless it was encouraging and the team did appreciate it, they only wished they could have put on a better performance. * The real story is the Warrior’s performance this weekend at the Cross Over Round Robin II at Toronto Saturday and Sunday. If you missed it, you missed Waterloo playing their hardest and their best. Yes sports fans there was more than just the Naismith happening this weekend.

Waterloo’s first game had them facing the Carleton Ravens whom they had narrowly beaten in previous encounters. At the end of a scoreless first quarter there, was serious wind sucking action on the parts of both teams. However, the second quarter proved Waterloo’s superior atamina watching the expertise of veteran players Mik$+ Cash and Jeff Slater scoring two goals a piece assisted by Norbert MoInar and Keith Beckley each with one. The rest of the game saw the Warriors surf comfortably to a substantial 9-3 victory, This game gave the team the ‘mspiration t-0 continue on and the realization that they were there to prove a point.

the tournament. But in the final quarter, UWs hustle narrowed the’ gap. Ottawa prevailed 12-6. Spe&l mentionshould. go tg Kevin Laughlin and Richard Frayne who scored their first goals of the year, both of which were possibly due to Gord Head’s - white - water ravishing play. Waterloo’s bench also outswam the Gee-Gee’s and put on a spectacular show. SUNDAY: the dawning of a new era and the birth of a new team, Pla ing the government subsidize B students from RMC, the team was ready for water warfare. With less than two minutes into play, Molnar fired a canon, ripping the mesh of the opposing net causing the first


who can’t play, write. Come to CC 140.. ‘%%?r%m%%%%%%%%%%mm%-


ARf=@S ‘$$fj+ ,DU@-JJT




l casualty of the day grid leaving the rest of the team thirsty for blood. Their thirst was soon quenched, as Cash capitalized on a lackadaisical goalie and widened the gap with two. Keith Beckley soon followed with one, scoring his third of the tournament. He continued his streak into the second quarter, getting two more bringingtithe score to 7-2. With 35 seconds left in the




Buoyed by a 3-l finale, the Waterpolo Warriors missed playoffs The only loss of the weekend came against the Ottawa, GeeGees (Do you ever wonder just what the hell a Gee-Gee is?)* Due to a slow transition from offense to defense Ottawa burned them on the fast break, and found themselves ahead g-1 at the half. Uncle Shane’s pepitalk rejuvenated the team and enabled them to turn the tables in the second half. The third quarter saw Mike Cash netting his fourth goal of’


on page 37




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SERMON BY THE POOL; Waterpolocoach tournament at Toronto last weekend.

Shane Rollans lectures his troops at poolsideduring



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Friday, November 18, 1988



. ‘_



Listless but still unshippable

Imprint Exports

by Glenn Heuar Imprint rtmff


The Waterloo Warriors volleyball team will have to take a good look at themselves after a rather flat performance against McMaster last Tuesda , Even though the match was ta 1 en 8-1, the Warriors showed up to the PAC’s main gym with an obvious lack of enthusiasm. In the words of one knowledgeable volleyball fan, “they were listless.” Nevertheless, it is a testimony to the skill of the individual players that the games were in fact blowouts. Or rather, they were blowouts when Waterloo decided they wsre actually in a volleyball game. The first two games went 15-3, 15-l. All six of ahe pine-dwellers came in for the third game. The played until match was even1 the Warriors too E a 33-8 lead. Then, it slipped away. Six straight points by McMaster and all of a sudden it. -was 14-13. the Marauders Eventually, sealed the victory on an exciting stuff block, 17-15. “We were in control and we let it get away. There is no way thit game should have been lost,” said a disappointed Rob Atkinson. The Warriors coach demands the utmost in effort from all his players’, including the little used bench. “I should have got the starters up and moving when it was 1% 18 in the third game. Hindsight is always best. However, these guys needed the playing time,” continued Atkinson. ’ As it was; the starters came out cold in Game Four. It took “half-a-game” to get on track, when the Warriors got rolling

and ran off seven straight points to win 15-8, Waterloo’s record is now 4-0, good for first place in the OUAA’s West Di.vision. Before the match, the Warriors were concerned about McMaster’s outstanding power hitter, Peter Preocanin. If you are a hask&ball fan, you will recognize the name, for this is 6%” Mike Preocanin’s “little” brother. Atkinson noted, “If we can read the set, we will try and throw up a triple block:’ Preocanin wa8 effectively neutralized in the first two games, in the two blowouts The Smith brothers had outstanding hitting games. Steve Smith, playing the power position, consistently went through, over, and around a triple block. Extra incentive for Smith was a girlfriend and her parents watching in the crowd. His brother Scott was the pI‘ayer of the game. Excellent passing, good coverage on de-a fence, and ai impressive kill percentage earned the honours. KiIIing at 100 per cent in the second game, he was unstoppable. Setter Tony Martins as well as Steve Smith also exhibited great poise with net play in close. Team passing was not on, often long, which-presented opportunities for McMaster to drive the ball in to the Warrior floor. It was only these players’ ability to effectively redirect the volleyball on the way over that kept Mac off the scoreboard. Unfortunately, two of the Warrior starters had an off day. Brian Damman and Lech Bekesza, usually consistent, must. forget this match andgo ontothe next with the determination 2 common to both. A at&at team

will, win only five per cent of their matches when every player puts on a great performance in the same game. Ninety-five per cent will come when the. team plays poorly. An obvious asset, the Warrior’s ability to hit from anywhere will have to be utilized to win the big game. When Waterloo’s blocking and team defence is working, they ‘come right back at the opposition with a variety of quick attacks to any hitter in the frontcourt. McMaster was off balance, on their heels, confused, and frustrated. , Ian Heynen at setter provides a little extra in the blocking depirtment; he is 6’4”. Taking over from Tony Martins in the third game, he had Dave Plouffe, Jim McKinnon, Fred Koops, Dave Shum, and Mike Fullerton to go to. Not bad corn any. . They showed tK ey can play the game as well as anyone when their concentration didn’t leave the PAC building. Leads of 4-2, g-5, and 13-8 were erased when intensity levels dropped. The skill was there, the proper mental set wasn’t, Pfouffe led the side with his blocking and hitting being as intimidating as any player’s on the starting six. Waterloo is at home again on Tuesday, November 22, with Guelph visiting the PAC at 8:00 p.m. It will be a busy week, they also e play on the following Thursday in Windsor. In addition, the first big test of the year will take place on Friday and Saturday, November 25-26, at the Guelph Invitational, Top calibre teams such&s Ball State and Ohio State-will be, participating in this exciting tournament,

Imprint is available



at the following



Cookie Connection, University Avenue Princess Cinema, Princess Street RPM Records, King Street North Wordsworth Books, King Street South San Francesco’s, University Avenue The Cord office, WLU Splint Print, King at University Avenue Shadough’s, University Shops Plaza KitChUIMW:

Dr Disc, King Stre-et West Encore Records, King Street East Gail Wilson Bookseller, King Street West K-W Bookstore & Exchange Sam the Record Man, King Street West Second Look Books, King Street West If you have requests Imprint at 888-4048.

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Imprint, Friday, November

18, 1988


Lose ,to McGill but.-;.

Warriors vent their angeron pitiful Stingers Continued from page 34 He blasted in number two from the top of the left circle on assists from Glover and Buitenhuis with one minute remaining. The McKee wrecking ball was unstoppable. He deflected in his third on a shot from the point by Clover with Geard also garnering an assist with 37 ticks left in period one. Shots on goal, an unbelievable 21-3 edge for UW. Concordia was frustrated early in the second as the Warrior penalty-killing unit held the Stingers scoreless on the two man advantage. McKee scored his fourth in a row, punching in his ,own rebound after taking pretty passes from Geard and Glover with five ‘and a half left in period , two,

icai play, administering punishing hits along the end boards. We played the point solidly, containing the action in Concordia’s zone. Fennel1 cashed in on a rebound at 2:25 to score Waterloo’s seventh. An al&t Mike Bishop registered his first assiit of the season catching the rookie-laden Concordia on a line change. He strung the puck to Glover waiting on the Concordia blueline. Glover found Dan Tsandelis in the short slot who shoved it in at 7:28. Defenceman Rod Thacker closed out the scoring at x0:05, pinching in on the point and slapping Crisp’s pass home. At the end of the match, Muncastor scraped enough rubber from his pads and uniform to retread the team bus tires,, facing

Sniper Jkmie McKee leads waywith


Muncastor scraped enough rubber from his pads and uniform to .retread the team bus tires Coiumbia was able to get Bishop back in the action in the second stanza firing seven at him while Muncastor turned aside 12 of 13 Warrior blows. As the Warriors killed another penalty, McKee found Tony Crisp and Glover all alone in front of the Concordia net rninder. Glover shoveled the puck to Crisp who finished the play with one minute gone in the third. Ian Pound contrblled the phys-

57 blasts -while Bishop stopped four in the third for a three period tot al of 14. * Hockey action continues tonight in Toronto as the Warriors face off against the Varsity Blues at 7:3O p.m. For you lazy types, the game will be rebroadcast Saturday on CHCH’s OUAA game of the week. Sunday afternoon at Columbia, West Division leaders, the Windsor Lancers shoot it out with the Warriors at 2:30 p.m.



at Columbia

Waterloo’s Jim David (18) and a Corxordia player collide on the end Icefield . The hit would have registered on the Richter scale. Photo by -b &Olga


Warriors d r vs. Windsor Lancers I Sunday, November 20 2:30 pm., Columbia lcefield

Recreation Club Management Program T

1WaterpolO finidie~~r Continued




half Gord Head unleqshed his hunger and got his first goal. The third was dominated by ve,teran play, Scott Murray and Slater rifled a goal each. Having a comfortable lead at the start of the last quarter Waterloo continued to give it their all adding five more goals, Molnar with two, and one each by Cash, Head and Slater. This game was an indication of just how well the Warriors can play and left the sweet taste of victory in their mouth with the 15-3 final. And now the game of the season. A victory would ensure a fifth place finish for the season, a 10s~





enth, Knowing the Warriors had to start strong, Waterloo capitalized quickly with two goals by Slater and Reckley within the first two minutes of the first quarter. This lead didn’t last very long, the second quarter

his post-diploma 16-week program will qualify you for a management position in a variety of settings.

began with a , two all tie. The water was burning with intensity, the game see-sawed back and forth, neither team gaining an advantage, even the referees seemed to get caught up in the excitement and at times forgot to concentrate on the game and coordinate their calls. At the half, the game was within a point, it was 6-5, ‘Beckley had seven tournament goals. The Warriors were playing the game of their lives, offensively and defefisively, and Tom Meyer’s goaltending was nothing short of amazing. The third quarter proved dismal for the Golden Gaels who went scoreless. The Warriors

in #trouble and came out strong scoring three, and tying the game at 9-9 .with only 4:32 remaining to play. Waterloo assessed the situation and pulled together as a team for the rest of the quarter. Queen’s had seen the Iast of their goals, Waterloo tightened up their offense and came away with three more, ending the game and the season with a 12-g final. The season ends with Waterloo in fifth place out of nine teams. The top four go to the playoffs. This is an impressive improvement over last year’s eighth place finish. Graduating seniors include athlete of the week, Keith Beckley, Richard

overtook ing the





lead to 9-6. Beckley continued his powerful scoring streak adding two, Cash and Molnar following his inspirational performance each counting one. The crunch came in the fourth, Qu88n’S knew they were




Field placement is combined with practical, academic courses to ensure that you will graduate with the knowledge and experience you need to get a job. Opportunities exist in golf and country clubs, sailing centres, fitness clubs and in private and commercial . recreation clubs. So, if you have a degree or diploma or related experience and a love for recreation, this is the time to change your game plan. Find out more about the Recreation Ciub Management Program, call (416)675-5ooo. Make the move. Control the play.


ray, and Rick SommervillB. The team would also like to thank exiting coach Shane Rollans, for his four years of committment and congratulate him ou the expectant a.rrbai of the team’s new goalie.

205 HumberColl~e Etobicoke, Ontario,


Blvd Msf(v



f I .


t !



Imprint, Friday, ~Navember 18, 1988





F’ ure skater Suzanne Scott has Tee n selected as University of Waterloo and Labatt’s female athlete of the week. Suzanne is a third -year Kinesiology student and is pr888ntIy competing in her second season with UW after transferring from McMaster. Suzanni is being honoured for her performance at the Queen’8 University Invitational figure skating meet last weekend where she led her team to an overti fourth place finish. She helped her team capture second place in the Isolated Move8 category md fourth place in the Senior Ladi Si’miliar Pair8 with her partner Sheryl Stankiewicz She also finished in second place in the Senior OpenTree Skating C8t8@W . OVerall, SUzaMe BCcounte B for 20 of Waterloo’8 48 points. Suzanne js from Cambridge where she skated for the Hespeler and Preston figure skating clubs. She has also competed at’ the Sectional, Divisional and National Levels, skating in both Canadian Novice and Junior Ladies. She is also a previoue winner of the Athlete of the Week award during the 1987-88 season.

I Keith Beckley, a fifth year member of the Warrior waterpolo team ha@ been selected the Univereit of Waterloo and Labatt’s ma Pe athlete of the week, Keith is a fourth year Physics major from Toronto. W During a successful 8888011 ending tournament in which Waterloo recorded three win8 and one loss, Keith, made 1a significant contribution to Waterloo’s strong play. Keith collected 11 goals in four games, scoring two goal8 in a 9-3 win over Carleton, three goals in a 15-3 win over the Royal Military College and six goal8 in a 12-9 win against Queen’s, Keith plays centre for’ward defence, covering the centre ‘forward of the oppoeing team. All weekend while playing this position he dominated the opposing hble man, frustrating the opposition’8 attempt8 to mount an offence. During the 12-8 loss to *Ottawa, Keith also played well against the opposing centre forward. Despite Keith’8 role a8 a defensive specialist, he managed to contribute to one of \rVaterloo’s best offensive efforts of the season, Even with Waterloo migseing ,the playoff8, Keith emergence as a team leader ha8 been on of the high points of the season.

Campus Ret


HOWlNO Renhon tillw has for sale a 2% year-old IBM Qu &writer 7 typewriter with Printer Option. $750 o.b.o., B844400; x629. 120 w#ti speakers for sale. Sanyo AD 920 3-way speakers. Paid 8213 on year ago, asking $170. Not abused1 Call Julian, 745-3884. Compute 1 Commodolu 64 - Diskdrke tideo rwfiiter and printer* Asi sorted software,’ joys.tic,k, a1.l connecting cables. $750. 8.0. Must sell fast. Mint condition. Call Pete Veenstra 746-2491.



-Aquatic Staff Traiping: 4-590 pm Snturday, November 18 -Badminton Club Tournament: Ilam-5pm, Main Gym -Curling Funspiel at Ayr Curiing,Club, contact Cheryl for more info



Monday, Novembur 21

--Women’8 Basketball Championehips: 7:45pm, -Laet C.R.A.C. Meeting: Labatf’e Hospitality leave Blue North at 6:30pm) 1

PAC House,



10 youa bookkeeping experience. Accounts receivable and payable, payroll - costing, bank reconciliation, trial balance, financial statements. Call Bonnie after 6:oO pm. 886-l 044. Man wtth small cube v8n available weeknights, Saturday for moving. 825./hr. KW srea - Gary et 746-7160. wI11’ do. light moving with a small truck. R8asonabl8 rates. 884-2831.

Tuerday, November 22 --CPR


Thundny, -CPR -Mixed

: &lOpm,


PAC 1001



Basic Rescuer: B-Qpm, PAC 1001 Volleyball Tournament Finals: 7:30- ll:45pm


by Joems Herr

The women’s competitive 8occer ‘8eason ended October 30 with another victory for the’ Ripperr who dominated the league throughout regular eeason play and outscored the Notre Dame Trojans 3-1 in tlie final game. Amazingly, The Rippers line-up was put together at the women’s soccer captain’8 meeting back in September - the team before! Congratulations to the layed together had never even K o participated in the league. Ripper8 and all w

PERfFORMANCEDEPOS~SAVAILABLE Just a reminder that Flag Football, Soccer and Volleyball mance deposit PAC 2038.


are available


perforthe PAC receptionist,


mtn8l wmm3. Share two-bedroom, two-floor condo for Jan. term. Furnished room. Washer/dryer, colour cable TV, fireplace. Do-town near Mont-Royal subway. 8285/mo. Terrv 15141 596-l 605.

Echo Twtr. The No. t college tour operator is looking for an efficient, responsible and organized campus representative. Earn free trips and good commissions. Call l -800-323-ECHO. Weekend CoUn8Obrl ‘for developmentally delayed individuals. 86.35/hr. Everv second weekend. Leave message ?or Don Mader after 200 pm. 884-6012,886-5201. Beglnnw X-country ski instructor needed for weekends of Jan. 14, 21, 28 in Waterloo Park. Five hours each Saturday and Sunday. 812/hr. Send qualifications to 74 East Ave., Kitchener. N2H lY7. 8prlng Bark Tour Promoter - Escort.’ Energetic person, M/f, to take signups for Florida tour& Good pay end fun. Call Campus Marketing l-800423-5264. RiDt



MarltImer iooklng for a ride east for Christmas. Sh8r8 ges/driving. -Call Darrvl at 242-4866.

J8 Typing Unlimited. Typing/word processing services by legal secretary. Call 886-3326. R-m, work term reports, thesis, etc. Done quickly and professionally on computer with laser print out. Reasonable rates. Call Wendy 7467849. Typing: 32 years experience. 65c do~b$.spqsrt; pger: te&! -WE Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb erea. Call 686-7153. F-t, eCCUnt+ typing and letter quality word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. Free pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 5761284. 32 ytitb experience, electronic typewriter, Westmount 8re8. .95C dauble spaced page. C81l 743-3342. Word8 - Professional typing services. Offered 7 dsys/week. Work guarant88d. Call 746-6746. Pick-up and delivery available. Fwt, profo88lenal word processing by university gred. Pick-up/deliyery available on campus. Grammar, spelling, corrections 8vail8bl8. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857. E#ay8, o&. word precessedl 61.50 per double-spaced page. Resumes 85.00per page. Draft copy8 [ways provided. Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 885- 1353. F#t ~~r&ypist will type essays, theses, resumes, etc. 8 1.00 per double-s@aced- sheet. Pleas8 call Lyn at 742-6583.

EconoTypa m Theses, projects, essays, resumes, general typing. Twelve years experience_. Good rates. dose to university. Call 7474469. Typing - Camp&18 pick-up and delivery. (Macintosh) 81. double spaced page. No technical typing gr charts. Pat 893-0499 after 5. Word proa8aing. Will type essays, theses, resumes. etc. Fast, reliable service. Letter quality printer. Call Sharon 748-l 793. Learn Wordpmrfact and do your own reports, essays, etc. Short, flexible time courses enable you -to attend when it’s convenient for your Academy of Learning, 749-0318. Also, computer time availble - ask for Nancy.


m -#in furnished townhouse. Available Nov. 1, 1988. Kitchen and laundry facilities. Free parking. Rent negotiable. Call 886-7032. Three room8 in five bedroom house. Partially furnished, washer/dryer, 15 min. walk to U of W. 8240 + util. Tim, 746-4954 or ext. 6366.

wlntm km ‘69. nluthrrrishsd:badrooti& available *in $&‘~partm&tit. * Kitchen, laundry fat., and m room. ,, Free parking, close to UW campus. Rent negotiable. Call 886-8816 or ‘1 886-8538. Studmt condo. Fully furnished spacious townhouse with washer/dryer, microwave, cable TV, garage, etc. One double room left1 Mel8 or female nonsmokers wanted for January. $230/month each (includes utilities). Neaotiable. Call 745-3884. Toronto, Bmnpton Jan.-Apr. 1988. Share four bedroom, two kitchen house in Brampton with U of W Grad. On bus route, close to GO Train, laundry, parking, 8325/mo. Phone Steven days x6177, evenings (416) 450-0582. Room for rent in furnished townhouse. Available December 88 to April 89 or January 89 to April 89. December rent free. Waterbed, microwave, diskwasher, TV with cable, laundry, parking. On bus route, near shopping. Call 746-3769, ask for Galen or come to Hagey Hall 120. rent nmotiable. Toronto. Winter 1989. Basement, kitchen, fireplace, furnished . Two rooms, one to share. 25 minutes to downtown. 8350. Dmlr@d: upper yea r/grad student (non-smoker) to share luxury three bedroom townhouse with two students. Jan. - Apr., Westmount and Victoria. Furnished 13’x20’ room, microwave, washer/dryer, parking, approx. 83OO/month. 741-5549. Randee. Pa&dale Irlrrr. Share furnished townhouse with two other non-smoking females. Room available Janusry. 6177. Phone 886-4874. PERSOWAm WG I going to do? How can I be sure I am pregnant? How should I tell my

Roam for rent. Sept. - Dec. Great place to live. Cheap.- Call 746-4631. 8ummw 8% Whole house, three large bedrooms, furnished basement, patio deck, washer, dryer, garage. University and Fisher-Hallman, 8880/month neg. 745- 1650.



I continue



Where can I obtain good medical care? Call Birthright, 579-3990. Oly mrla, very successful but lonely, wishes to meet gay or bi males under 25 years for social outings and good times. Serious calls only pleas8. Doug 658-3387.





Continued ialp Cham 384 - we need them 356 Ild midterms, finals badly1 If we could let a cow of anvbodv’s old horrors, ;ieese c&l Kathy’- 74’5-6468. Zrrlbbwn stuhnls present Cultural Jight and party. Entertainment, food #nd cash bar. Friday, Novembr 18 in 5CH - 800 pm. 83/person. Atl welmfnet F-1 iir+kvlng,c blonde haired, >lua-eyed maleseeking sqneonespe:ial. Reply in writing with photo to: M. iitwin, 127 University Ave., Waterloq, N2L 3E5. Dbasuad with your weight? If you a~ suffering from anorexia or bulimia and if you are interested in joining ir self-help group composed of others who know what you’re going through, call Marie at 746-6036.

Mlfay Shpson, “Canada’s top journalist”, delivers an election post-mortem at 7:30 pm., Wednesday, November 23 in ELlOl. $3 for Feds, 85 for non-Feds. Get tickets now at Fed office (CC2351 or from PSSA.

Staphan Lewis, Canada’8 former ambassador to the UN, comes to UW’s Humanitiee Theatre at 730 pm. Thursday, January 12, 1989. 85’for students, $7 for non-students. Get your tickets now from the Fed office or GSA office.

Fm Currda. trade Mulra&. Happy BIrthdry Potsiel Hope your next 22 years are filled with lots of enjoyment, too. Love from your favourite Rookie.

Will 8ti and Greg be able to keep their secret from Keith and Marnie? will Keith throw them out of the bunker if he finds out? Will marnie and Keith retaliate with a strike of their own? -b the thrilling conclusion as Bati, Greg, Keith &nd Marniu meet fees to face, November 18, First Strike. Tlieatre of the Arts, 8:00 pm.

LOU, L&k, Lucifer1 You streaking Queen of Waterloo. When’s your next public showing, you blonde with big T’s? R.T. w fHI out a Student Personal Needs Assessment Questionnaire! The +lealth and Safety Resource Network volunteers need to know you needs1


Wad A-6 1987-88 Reunion Night draws closer. Don’t forget - Friday, November 25 in the evening at the Bomber. Bear in mind?hat the last one there has to marry Shannon!

Qullty of not returning publications to the Women’s Centre - it’s not too late! CC 215, Monday - Thursday or at the Fed Off@e. If you don’t vote, don’t bitch. Remember November 21. Anti-apathy activist. &xl A serious topic that deserves serious thought. Don’t teke chances. Call or visit the Birth Control Centre, cc 206, x2306. ThMka to everyone who donated at Sigma Chi’s blood donor clinic. 336 units were donated, well above our goal of 225. Sum: Don’tMame met The Russians showed it...l just pointed it out. One on one on one. Is this normat? Love, Mike.

W help. Lost - Cameo brooch. Oct. 17 between McGinnis Landing and Correspondance Office on Phill ip St. Reward. 747- 1732. L




Cartbbem %tudanta Association presents Cultural Night and party. En-* tenainment, food and cash bar. South Campus Hell at 8:00 pm. 83/parson. All welcome. Fm lww~ concert featuring *Neil Gladd: unaccompanied i mandolin. 1230 pm., Conrad Grebel College Chap&b -Sponsored by the Conrad Grebel College Music Dept. Call 8850220, ext. 26 for information. Nuclear war in Mississauga is not a funny. idea, but Dave Carley’s “First Strike” is. Tonight and tomorrow, Theatre of the Arts, 800 pm. Presented by C.A,B. end Upstage Produc[ions. “Food foi Food” - An informal banquet/coffee house in support of an international food organization. Small cash donations appreciated. Sponsored by the Peace Society. 8:OOpm., Blue, Room, Conrad Grebel. Everyone welcome. .

S0lma=Sockt* presentee par I0 Cer=le Francais Vendredi soir, 7:30 a St. Paul Cal lege. Venez montrer votre talant a different jeux de societe tels que ‘Quelques Arpents de Pieges’, Scrabale, etc. Tout le monds est bienvenue. INDIA praaenta Movie Night: The Seluet. this week we present “Ram Teri sauga Maili” starring Mendakini and ‘who cares?‘. C2 lounge at 800 pm. SATURDAY,



Chrk)mw brtrw. All Saints’ Anglican Church. 9:CXI am. to 3:W pm. Located on the corner of Northfield and Highpoint in Waterloo, Dhr~r tiould have been simple enough, but then the bomb hit, Keith found out about Greg and Barb, and Marnie lost her cool. “First Strike” tonight, lheatre of the Arts, 8:00 pm. Car Rally for beginners, sponsored by the Grand Valley Car Club and the Kit- :hener Waterloo Rally Club. Start at Desert Inn ar@ finish at Mother’s %za, Cambridge. (Hwy. 24, just South of the 401). Registration starts 3t 6:00 pm. For more information contact Roger - 865-2122, Dennis - 5767463 or Ean Robartson - 894-5357. SUNDAY,



,utharan Campus Ministry 11 :OOam. &n&e of Holy Communion, Keffer Zhapal, WLS Bricker St. at Albert. Cof88 hour following. Zm out and have some fun at the %derstion of Students’ Council maatng, 1:OO pm. in NH 3004. rhe KItehan++Waterloo Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Mu& Xrector Grsham Coles, presents a mncert at 8:oO pm., St.John’s Luthean Church, William and Willow streets in Waterlo0. Boon Hwbga Crossroads%hristmss :rah workshop held in Doon’s Townhip Hatl. Make and decorate a Christnas wreath from straw, tiigs and/or rines. 2:OO to 4:OCI pm.

lnd)krti ti m and Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebel College is hosting Kamoji Wachiira, development consultant in Africa, who will discuss “Promising Agenda for Recovery.” in Africa. Conrad Grebel Collage Board Room, Information: 885-0220 (65).

InsUMa of Peace and Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebet College is sponsoring an exhibition of photographic posters of atomic bomb d@aaters in Hirraahima and lyagatiki. I& @chibition is in the Conrad~C~ebel.G@llqe Dining R0om. For inforw&t&n cafl 885-0220 (6s). ‘,

Thr 8tudy Skills programme is offering workshop@ to aid studants in prepa@g for end writing ewms. 9:30 f I:30 pm. and 1:30 to 3:30 pm. interested students can register at the reception desk in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, rmm 2080 or call extension 2655. . Jeffrey 8impaon, “Canada’s top journalist”, delivers an election post-mortem, 7:30 pm., in El 101.63 for Feds, 85 for non-Feds. Tickets at Fed office, from PSSA and at the door.

lND8A mti “Suhaui Shyam”, a cultural variety show of dance and music at the Theatre of the Arts (ML) from 6:OO - 9:00 pm. Tickets are 83/person, 84 at the door. Warnir)g: May be injurous to stomach due to exc&sive ia ughs.

who mwdered JFK7 Expose: Evidence of conspiracy 25 years later. Sponsored by Citizens Justice Committee. Engineering one at 8:00 pm.

Lutheran Student Movement Supper Program, 5:00 - 700 pm. 177 Albert St. at Seagram. Topic: Spirituality and Personality Types. “Capitrllun W. Socialism: Which is the Moral System’” - a videotaped debate presented by Students of Objectivism (UW}. 7:30 pm., AL 207. Everyone welcome, adPmis$ion free:


The Study Skills programme is offering workshops to aid students in preparing for and writing exams. 1:30 3:30 pm. and 630 to 8:30 pm. interested students can register at the reception desk in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, room 2080 or cat1 extension 2655. Wtitwloo Chrbtlrn Fellowship Supper Meeting. This week Robert Mann discusses the relationship between science and Christianity. Come join us from 4:30 - 7:30 in EL rm. 2536. kt m Be Light: Modern Cosmogony and Biblical Creation is the title of the 10th Pasta I Lectures on Christianity and the University, to be held at the University of Waterloo’s Theatre of the Arts (in the Modern Languages building) at 8:00 pm. Also, ‘The Galileo Affair in Contemporary Perspective”, CGC Great Hall. 2:30 pm. WRDNI8DAY,



Lutlwrn Crmpu8 Ministry 1O:OOpm. Candlelight Eucharist in Keffer Chapel, WLS Bricker St. at Albert. Coffee hour followinn. Pugwti: forum for the balanced discussion of social and ethical issues of science and technology. Film presentation - “The Road to Bali”. Discussion follows, AL.206, 7:30 pm. UW Orchdrr concert featuring music by Schubert, Mendelssohn, Moran. Victor Sawa, director. Admission 8503. Sponsored by the Conrad Grebel College Music Dept. and the UW Creative Arts Board, F-S. Tickets available et the CGC Music Office or at the door. Call 886-0220, ext. 26 for more information. m &~kly maeting. Doug McKenzie-Mohr speaking on “Peace Issues and the Media”. 12:3Q pm, 81ue Room, Conrad Grebal College, All welcome. -0th~ PkrdIey, winner of the Governor General’s Award, wi II read from his latest novel, Stones. Siegfried Hall, SJC at 3130 pm. CUSO lnforwtlon meeting for people inteiested in working in developing countries. Speaker and slides. on CUSO’s work in technology. Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St., N. Kitchener. 7:00 pm.




U of W jacket found at Kitchener Auditohum during Oktobarfest. Call 7465742 if vou loat this iacket.




UW Film Society presents Colonel Red1 (w. Germany/Hungary, 19851, the final film in th&s&a S&.Rgt+ ro~~,~~Wprr;;~ti@P3;~rlr12~~” . Watch for saries of filmsfroin s~aisl in December. Call 885-l 211, ext; 3709 for more information. )?utir ww in Missiasaugat Come see the results, Theatre of the Arts, 8:00 pm. tonight, tomorrow and Saturday, as C.A.B. and Upstage Productions presents Dave Carley’s “First Strike”. Th+ Study Skilts programme is offering a workshop to aid student&in preparing for and writing exams. 9:30 11:30 am. Interested, students can ‘register at the reception desk in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, room 2080 or call extension 26SS. You TWO a vote at the Federation of Studenta’ General Meeting at 7:oO pm. in Physics 145, The &rrbbl+ Club invites players, beginners and visitors it its biweekly meeting at 7:30 pm., Room 1040, BC. Matthews HatI. Bring your boards and dictionaries. For more information, phone 579-3695. Computrn ~Sclmnca Club meeting: “Public Kay Cryptography”, a talk by Scott Vanstone. Watch for posters or phone ext. 3820 for further details. INDSA haa GBM II at 7:30. in MC 5158. Topics covered will be elections, the roadtrip, Ouija boards, etc. Be there or baware: we’ll come after YaL .

Nuclear war in Missisaauga is not a funny idea, but Dave Carley’s “First Strike” is. Tonight and tomorrow, Theatre of the Arts, 8100 pm. Presented by C.A.B. and Upstage productions. Junk 8rk, held by Conrad Grebel Coltege, on the campus of UW. 11 :DDam. to 8:oO pm. Items include shelving, small appliances, office equipment, clothing end other odds andenda--all donated by the ‘College community. Proceeds go to the Conrad Grebel ColIlege building fund. The College also welcomes donations of goods from the larger community. For more infor’mation call Conrad Grebel College at 885-0220. WWtioo Pottan’ Workshop Christmas Sale. 6:oO to 9:OQ pm. Saturday, l&W am. to 4:oO pm. First United Church, King and William Sts., WaterIoo. Free admission.


s Chapd &c8o at Conrad Grebel College. 7:oO pm. Inform& service with modern music, drama and discussion followino.

B8gal Brunch, CC 116, 11:30 am.1:30 pm. Every Monday and Thursday. Come to meet people, eat/food, drink drinks, use Star-Wars dixie cups. TUWSDAY WATSFIC {Waterloo Science f i&ion Club) meets every Tuesday at 6:30, Campus Centre Clubs Room. All Welcomet CM and see Scott and Jen duel to the death with their bare hands before an audience of bingo intellectuals. House of Debates St, Jerome’s, 249, 5:30.

Laymonb Evrngmllcrl Fellowship4 Bible study at 7:3Opm. in CC 110. All are welcome. Amnesty Intwwtlonrl Group 118 general meeting. CC 135, 7:30 pm. Movies,speakers, and other interesting stuff. New members are always

loo) hoI& 6 coffee house from9:001 l:C@pm. in room 110 of the Campus Centre. For an informative evening of films,speakers,discussions and socializing. All are welcome. Chrpsl servIcesat Conrad Grebel College, 4:3Opm. Evening prayer with choir and sermon. WSMOO Go Club invites beginning players to lessons starting at 7:00 pm. and players to free ptaying time at 7:30 pm., B.C. Matthews Hail, rtim 1040, call ext. 4424. THURSDAY Women’s Sodrl Discussion Group meets in CC 135 (usually) at 8:30 pm. Come out and enjoy casual discussions, movie nights, social events and much more. For more information call 884-GLOW or listen to CKMS (94.5 FM) from 6:OO to 8:00 pm. Thursdays. kun multlculturd folk dance for fun and performance opportunities. 7:30 9:30 pm., Studio C. ECH Phillip. St. Marg -665-6346. -

ChIma ChrisUrn Fellowship weekly meeting. 730 pm., WLU Seminary Building, room 201. All welcome. For transportation call 746-5769. FrMy prayat,1:30 - 2:16 pm., CC 135, Friday study circle, 8:oO - 1000 pm., CC 135. froth events are spansored by the Muslim Students Asaociation.

Cwmda Wwtd Youi is’ndw recruiting participants between 17 and 20 (as of December 31, 1988) for exchange programmes with developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Exchanges start as early as June 1989, Final dealine for applications in January 27/1989, For application forms or more information, contact Canada World Youth, Ontario Regional Office, 386 Bloor St., West, 2nd floor, Toronto. M 5s 1 X4. 1416) 922-0776. Crnrdlan Council Readings Programme at St. Jerome’s College: Timothy Findley, novelist (Wednesday, November 23, 3:30),Stuart Ma&innon, poet (Wednesday, January 25, 3:30), Bronwen Wallace, poet (Wednesday, March 15, 330). Old caunby games, here and now. New exhibit of multicultural games:.. featumg G&II, Maditerranean, Oriental and Korean games. 9:OO am. to 5:oO pm. Sundays 1 :W - 5:oO pm. Museum and Archiveof Games, BMH, free. Narcotics Anonymow. A non-profit self-help group for those wishing to recover from drug use. Meetings take place Saturday nights at 7:oO pm. at St. Jerome’s High School teacher’s lounge (Duke St., Kitchener) and Monday nights at 800 pm. at St. Louis Roman Catholic Church (Allen St. E., Kitchener - rear door to right of church choir entrance). Mike Moaar Memorial Bursaries. Desewing third and fourth year students who have financial nead, an exemplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in etira-curricular activities are invited to apply for these awards. Application, November 30, 1988 to Dr. Nei t Widmeyer; Dean’s Qffice, HKLS, BMH 6017. Special applications are available at the Student Awards office. “Frienda” I social school program for children in K-W, urgently seeking volunteers \during October and Novembar. Rewarding experience for interested students. Call “Friends” 742-4380 Tuesday or Thursday. Register now for Nov. 2nd workshm. Turnkey Toy Drive. New and gently used toys and wrapping are needed for infants to 16 years-old. All donations are greatly appraciated and can be dropped of at the Campus Centre Turnkey Desk, University of Waterloo. Deadline is Friday, December 9,1988.

,Custoti I Essay ’ Service

LaymMa Ev~@alld Fellowship evening service, at 7:00 pm., 163 University Ave. W., Apt. 321 (MSA). Ati ‘are w&come. For more info, call 88+ 5712.

e Your Gtadea! Visa/MC of COD


Cust0mresearchalsaavaibbie-all levels

960~SO;42 I

4 Collier Tor~nm,

Street, Ontario

Suite 201, M4W I L7

40 Imprint, Friday, November 18, 1988

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These players drink Canad ian.

These players don’t drink Canadian.

Which of these players drink Molson Canadian?

jerseys in the third row belonging to players , . who enjoy the clean cold taste Of Molson Canadian. Explain your reasoning. By the way, if you’re wondering.why we published an incorrect answer for the Canadian Math equation, I ’ *’ we were just checking to see if jmu were paying attention. The correti ahswer isn’t 77, it’s’93.

‘ZL xq alqlslAip . . I












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