What's 1 Inside
:IJackson goes down
Mayor waver wer exclusionary bylaws - page 6
ARTS Editor exolains Arts Page 7 7 '
SPORTS V-ball Warriors reborn - down York
rresidents' t ~ ten p
Whatever Happened to GOD? FebSFebllis
JOHN CLEESE WEEK at the movies
POP-A-SHOT TOURNAMENT “So...what has happened to God? Feb. 9,7:30pm -Arts Lecture Hall “Sau.what it God is real...what difference would it make to me?” Feb. 10, 12:00-t :30pm - cc “So..,sex,money,enloyme~~~.what more could 1 want?” Feb. 10,7:30pm - Theatre of the Arts “So...what’s the b&to& iine?...what does God expect from me3” Phil Keaggy Concert ($6.50) Feb. 11, 7:30pm - Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall Feb. 12,g:Wpm - Village 2, West Lounge Michuel Green, Au&w and UBC Professsor , is guest speaker af all lectures.
every Thursday night x COOL PMZES c Men have forqotten God; that’s why all this has happened. The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, have been a determining factor in all the major crimes of this century. Y Alexander Slozhenitsyn
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- courtesyof External Affairs Board Brian Jantzi, Commissioner
Hamilton Feclbus
The Bombshe/&
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Errol Blackwood Saturday,
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Retzms: from
Friday, 2:OOpm MC Loading Dock Sunday, 7:OOpm James and Rebecca by Market Square (I block from bus terminal)
Board of Entertainment PRESENTS:
with The Randypeters Friday, February 10th
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13 Engines & Sheep Look Up . Saturday, St. Valentine’s
1 lth
Day Rock ‘n’ Roll Bash with
The Paul James Band Feb. 14th, United advanced tickets On sale now in CC#235
March 4th
Lucky 7 (From New York City) Friday, March grd
Legal /Eagles February lo-12
Cwning Soon:
Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts
Friday, February
3, 1989
3 I.
IFed broadmists i
U.w student saw it comina
J.ackson loses 0% bid 1 in jeopardy?:+ / ,by Christine Hardy ‘IinpFint staff
by Mike Sore Impdnt staff
It .w88 ten in the morning and alre,ady Tim Jackson was-predicting, his own defeat. ’ Jackson was unsuccessful in his attempt to become the next chair&rson of the Ontario Federation of Students. The election was held Sunday+ January 29, the final-day of the OFS winter general meeting at Guelph University. He had been predicting a 13-10 vote in favour of his opponent and he was almost right, The vote was 13-S with two spoiled ballots. Had he been successful, Jackson would have been the first. OFS chairperson to come from uw. The new occupant of the position will be Edith Garneau, a francophone from Universite d*Ot tawa. Jackson said the election of a .francophone as chairperson indicates a commitment by the Federation to bilingual issues as Garneau has been very vocal on such issues in the past. In speculating on possible rea‘sons for his lo&, Jackson said part of the problem may have arisen from the fact that the board of directors, on which he sits, hired an executive director who .was not bilingual. According 10 a bilingualism ‘plan adopted by the OFS, the ex*cutive director should have1 been bilingual, on defended the board’s :, n, sa ing there were no P uali f?ied candidates and i+
The deal between CKCO-TV and the Federation of Students which would have seen ten concerts taped at Fed Hall for local and possible national broadcast may be in jeopardy. According to Federation VicePresident (Operations and Finance) Shane Carmichael, the working agreement with CKCO was signed last week and was approved by the Federation Board of Directors on Monday of this week. The first concert is set for February 22. The agreement makes provision for the signatures of three indiv.iduals: a representative from CKCO, the Fed VPQF and the Fed Activities and Entertainment Coordinator. Fed Activities and Entertainment Coordinator Emmanuel Patterson has refused to sign the agreement. Patterson+ who sees the responsibilities bestowed on him by the agreement as outside of his job description, said he was not aware the agreement had in fact been finalized and does not consider himself bound by it, “I am not i? agreement with the working agreement as it stands +‘+he. said. Fed President Adam Chambel;lain was unaware of the internal communication problem within the Federation office. Peter Kent, who will be producing the concert series and was CKCO-TV’s signing representative for the agreement, was unavailable for comment.
Peter Klungel and Edith Garneau at last week’s OFS winter general meeting. Klungel is the OFS executive director and Garneau
is the newly-elected
OFS chairperson. photoa by Chrldlna
that Peter Klungel, who currently occupies the position in question, has made a commitment to enter an immersion plan to become functionally bilingual. “Edith will have a challenge,” said Jackson. In contrast to Jackson+ who already knew of his impending defeat, Garneau’s victory was a surprise to her, Although she is less comfortable with English than with French, she has a firm-commit-
ment to bilingualism and, as observed by Peter Klungel, her English is improving. Garneau’s plans for the Federation include more communication with smaller groups like Trent, and colleges who she feels tend to get left out. As well, she intends to see that permanent committees are. better organized than they have been in the past. Said Beth Brown, chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students, “I think she’ll be great, Best of luck to her, too,”
Patterson is not a Federation signing representative, so his signature is not required for the deal to be legally binding. However, some uncertainty exists as to whether duties outlined in the agreement are part of Patterson’s job descripiion with the Federation, and, a& result, whether he must perfsrm them. Patterson’s failure to participate in the agreement may void the contract. A condition in the finalize& agreement states: “Emmanuel Patterson will be listed in credits as Venue Coordinator+ University of Waterloo.” In an earlier agreement, which Patterson approved of, it was stated that “an ,@ministration cost of $200 a day%4ll:be &I to’ the Venue Coo&i&or Por supervisory and liaidbti ‘duties.” A later amen&$ent had an “OR” clause which’$ead-“or+ each local showing of the productions produced at Fed&ion Hall will carry a 15 to 20 second’promotional spot for the Federation of Students.” it is. this amendment to the signed document which PatIerson does not agreetiith. H&&s, since the agreemeht will rez@ in more work and ejftended hours because of supervisory duties and responsibilities as “Venue Coordinator+++ he &ould be .& I coplI pensated. One Federatioq ,offici’al s&d “the deal is a go&d -id&, ft’ tiill provide low-cost .@tiality, #enter-. tainment for the.;#@#elits;-pbsitive public relw&b.,, .-e-c university and i@qne” i or- the Federation.” ’ qy;:-$+,!. 2. . 5,a’..I‘.%I’ * ,,
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pm Friday February
1 For more Information Contact ’* The Editor at Imprint Office, Campus Center rm. 140, 888’04048’ .,
4 Imprint, Friday, February 3, 1989
South African trade figures’%lamningyy by John Mason Imprint staff
Last week Statistics Canada released Canada’s import/export trade figures with the Republic of South Africa. The figure8 show, that despite the federal government’8 imposition of trade sanctions with South Africa, the results are backward. In 1986 both importa and exports increased in 1988, Imports for 1988 increased by 68 per cent over
the 1987
ports climbed by more than 44 per ceqt. The massiv& increase came as a big surprise for opponents of apartheid South Africa in Canada because of the pride the go-
vernment has taken in leading the international struggle toward economic sanctions against the repressive South African regime, particularly in light of Canada’s decreases in 1987 of both imports and export 8. Imports had fallen by nearly 72 per cent from 1986 to 1987 while exports had also dropped. Imprint spoke to Waterloo MP Walter McLean on Friday January 27 after he addressed the Model United Nations conference which was held on campus over the weekend. Imprint: In your position a8 Senior MP on African Affairs and the UN, you must be very
in the \
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES. Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo Value $17,UMI - $ZO,ooO per year (combining research assistance, teaching assistance, and scholarships) Ettgtbtltty: New Management Sciences graduate students in Spring or Fall 1989 with strong record in Engineering, Mathematics or Science. Appttcatton: Contact The Graduate Secretary, Management Sciences, CPH 4309,ext. 3670
concerned about the South African trade figures released yesterday? Are Canada’s initiatives on South Africa really working? McLean: Yes it is damning and I wish it had not come out the way in which it did but the real question is whether these trade figures are a trend line or a fluctuation, 1987 figures cannot honestly be compared to the 1988 figures because of the changes in classification of what counts as South African imports. In 1987 a lot of South African goods were being channeled through third countries and ended up not being counted aa South African imports but rather aa imports from America or some other country+ In 1988 the origin of the goods was what determined the classification not routing so now goods shipped through a third country would still be considered South African, This reclassification of imports has rendered comparison difficult. As well, certain industries in Canada seem to be stockpiling materials which they believe may be sanctioned in the near future. .’ Imprint: What about the increase in our exports to South Africa? Is there any explanation for that? McLean: I have not been briefed on that aspect of the report 90 anything 1 said on that
aspect would be complete conjecture. Imprint: You are going to be going to Harare with External Affair8 Minister Joe Clark in early February where Canada will chair the Commonwealth committee responsible for finding ways of increasing sanction8 and pressures on the Pretoria government. How will these figures-and
the manner
in which
media has picked them up here in Canada affect those meetings? McLean: The Front Line states are certainly going to ask what do these mean but at everymeeting all actions currently under way are reviewed and we will have to answer any questions posed, but 3 don? foresee any big problems. Imprint: So Canada do&s not stand the risk of our leadership in the anti-apartheid fight being threatened? McLean: We stand the risk, but our program on southern Africa does not depend on those trade figures. Those are just one corner of our total program, Imprint: What progress is actually being made behind the scenes which the public rarely hears about? McLean: Well the Commonwealth has a strong front now with which we are taking united economic action against South Africa. We have alao got a plan of
Government planning
lobbying industrial nations with heavy investment in South Africa - saying to the Japanese, saying to the West Germans, and saying to the Brits, although we are not getting very far with them - that this is the direction the Commonwealth is taking and we need some more action. Imprint: How can the Commonwealth grouping put pressure on South Africa’s financial backers Switzerland? MclLeen: Moral pressure is the only way. They are on friendly terms with many of the Commonwealth nations and the Commonwealth is a diverse group touching most of the global regions and when we sit down to discuss and express disapproval with another country’s policy, it catches their attention. We can only use world moral pressure to influence them.
Imprint: Is there an escalation of the Canadian trade sanctions in the near future? McLean: We are going tr> be looking closely at these trade figures and reviewing our current level of sanctions. If we see a need for further sanctions and believe action will be effective, then we will move in that direction but not without the agreement of our Commonwealth partners.
fq clear-cut
Future of Temagami unclear I by teslie Perrault Imprint staff The Temagami Wilderness may be destroyed, thanks to the Ontario government’s policy on logging. 2 The Temagami forest, 500 km horth of Metro Toronto off High*ay 11, is tl& last major accessible wilderness in eastern Canada and the Ontario government is planning to clear-cut 48 km of logging road into the heart aat u1 :c Il. The 30 km Red Squirrel Road has already been cleared. This was done, aav concerned environmentalists,” without examining the effects of logging rather
than just the effects of the road itself. On Tuesday, January 24, Brooke Bell, a Temagami Wilderness Society representative, escribed the _ situatiw to t W students and asked for their help in stopping the Ontario goirernment from delving further into the forest. The forests have been clearcut, without leaving even seeding trees, The proposed Goulard road would threaten a Drecious ecosystem but would aprovide only one year’s supply of lumber for a logging company. The targeted old-growth forests such as those found in
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Temagami are looked upon by the Ministry of Natural Resources as a ‘@biological desert,” said Bell. But, not one old-growth forest inventory has been done in Ontario. We may be destroying our last red and white pine oldgrowth forest without even knowing it, Foresters can grow new forests, although the reforestation in the Temagami area ia very low so far. But, said Bell, foresters cannot create entire ecosystems. Old fallen treea contain moisture and possibly.other material8 necessary for natural new tree growth. The forest provides a habitat for endangered golden eagles, nearly extinct aurora trout, and contain8 large nesting concentrations of great blue herons, ospreys, pine warblers, and merlins. For those concerned-about the destruction of Temagami’s Ancient Forest, WPIRG has information, as well as postcards to eend to Premier David Peterson. Brooke Bell urges students to write a brief letter to local MPP Herb Epp at Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A IAI and ask what the Ontario government’s policy on logging oldgrowth foreats is, and to express concern for the future of the Temagami forest.
Fridw, F&I.M~~,
Cites U/V accom~lisbments
Walter McLean speaks before Model U.N. by Peter Brown Imprint staff International peace and cooperation: sound like a tall order? Perhaps, but like all great journeys, the trek toward world peace is made up of individual steps. The United Nations Club of University of Waterloo took such a step this past weekend with their annual Model U.N. Assembly. About 35 students acted as delegates from 16 countries, ranging from Mexico to Sweden, from Vietnam to Ireland,
Charles Borass, president of the U.N. Club and SecretaryGeneral of the Model Assembly, opened the forum with comments on the latest achievements of the U.N., and the importance of events such as the Model Assembly in increasing awareness of international problems, Waterloo M.P. Hon. Walter McLean, the keynote speaker at the opening session Friday night, gave his thoughts on the recent accomplishments of the United Nations, and Canada’s role in that vital international
says. In particular, voting habits multi-cultural policies place us have improved, with nations in a wide international communmore likely to vote as blocks and ity more willing to compromise than Recently released figures a few short years ago. show that Canada’s imports McLean cites the recent de- from South Africa have in.crease in international tensions creased by more than 60 per cent ‘in his praise for the accomplishin 1087 over 1988. But, McLean ments of the UN, The Soviet waved these off as deceptive, ,pullout from Afghanisten, the saying many of our imports are Iran-Iraq cease-fire, the planned materials that are difficult or imCuban withdrawal from Angola, possible toobtain from any other and U.S. negotiations with the source. P.L+O, were all mentioned as . Specifically, he mentioned a part of the new international substance used in the steel-harhope for peace and security. dening process, of which South For Canada, though, the Nobel Africa produces 80 per cent, Peace Prize awarded to the McLean claims the problem of U.N.‘s peace-keeping forces was apartheid in South Africa is the the highlight of the past year’s next pressing issue the U.N. world events, along with Canamust face. He espouses a threeda’s election to the Security point strategy in tackling this Council. issue: increased pressure for McLean also stressed Canasanctions, aid fpr the “front-line” da’s unique position as a country - nations, and a solidarity with that enjoys many international the black community in South friendships. Africa, We are a member of the ComThe Model Assembly conmonwealth, and a non-nuclear tinued throughout the weekend middle power, and our history as with debates on the resolutiotis a colony provides us with some of various committees, such as perspective into the problems of the Economic and Social Countoday’s third and second-world cil, the Legal and Political Comnations. Also, our bilingual and mittee, and the Security Council,
forum, His experience as a delegate to the U.N. General Assembly proved to be a source of insight into the “changing dynamics” of the U.N. According to McLean, hot international topics have one thing in common: interdependence of nations, Economic and environmental issues, and problems such as the AIDS virus,, force countries to cooperate to find effective solutions. The atmosphere in the General Assembly has intensified this sense of cooperation, McLean
First Fed forum a
Where is everybody? Last Tuesday’s forum in the Arts Lecture people out to hear the presidential and vice-presidential attendance
expected for subsequent
Hall brought less than 15 candidates speak. Higher
Aumtactlensoffer socomplet~it .: I replaces t& ifthey go down the drain ”
photo by Dave Thanson
by Christina Hardy Imprint staff There have been occasions when the candidates outnumbered the spectators at the first election forum of a campaign, said vice-president (university affairs) hopeful, Kaien Davi& aon. Seen in that light, Tuesday’s forum in the Arts Lecture Hall did not boast such poor attendante.
Approximately 15-20 people attended the forum which was supposed to run from 11~10 to 1:OO but which finished at- about 11:50, The candidates each spoke for several minutes on their j background and what they felt were important issues.
like, “Don’t be shy...” . His efforts were fruitless, . however, as those in attendance either could not overcome shyness or had no questions to ask. Said Karen Davidson, “It will probably be much more exciting at the CC forum on Thursday,”
Chief Returning Officer Matt Snell then opened the floor up to questions, trying to encourage participation with comments
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3, 1989
Mayor speaks on exclusionary
Gearing up for Winterfest
Turnbull opposes interferenc.e by Iohn Mason Imprint staff “It (the housing situation) is much more delicate than just legislation,” says Waterloo Mayor Brian Turnbull in reaction to indications given this past weekend by Ontario Federation of Students (OPS) chairperson Shelley Potter that the Ontario government will soon introduce long promised legislation to stop municipali ties from passing bylaws to limit the number of unrelated people who can live together in-one house. The Liberal Peterson government has stated on numerous occasions since coming to power in 1885 that exclusionary bylaws are discriminatory and ati infringement of human rights. Despite this verbal stance by the Premier and other ministers almost every university city in Ontario has instituted the bylaws. Waterloo’s exclusionary bylaw attempts to promote the family as the key element of the community instead of the individual and thus implicitly believes certain individual rights must be sacrificed for the good of the family unit in the community. The law, therefore, encourages families to live in the core area and in the vicinity of UW and WLU. The UW Federation of Students and the WLU Student Union, in representations to the City of Waterloo and the province of Ontario, have fought the bylaws saying they discriminate against the interests of students and eliminate necessary affordable accommodation. Two student appeals are presently before the Ontario Human Rights Commission which will determine the validity of the kiiscrimination argument. Meanwhile the provincial government finally seems to have reached a decision to take action
on what many municipalities feel is not within provincial jurisdiction, In addressing the OFS meetings at the University of Guelph this past weekend, Liberal MPP Brad Nixon, an assistant to Housing Minister Chaviva Hosek, said, “I think they do violate human rights.” Student leaders are taking this message as a hopeful sign from the Ministry but if the past is an example then Ontario students and their leaders would be wise not to hold their breath. Mayor Turnbull feels Water-
Waterloo Mayor Brian Turnbull loo will be harmed by the provincial interference. “It would be disruptive in our community,” he says because, “all along the attitude (of City Hall] has been
77th Annual
that significant progress can be made even with the bvlaw in I place.!’ Turnbull claims the housing by Easby Ho problem cannot be reduced to the Imprint staff sole issue of exclusionarv bvlaws. “We are not going tds0ive With the arrival of February the problem by focusing on the one aspect of the roblem,” he comes the onslaught of midand more says, University rl ousing, en- terms, interviews, midterms, serving to only aggraforcement of noise and standvate the winter blues already ards bylaws and improved present. So how do you combat understanding between Btuthe winter blues? dents and the remainder of the According to John Watt, chaircommunity must also be consiperson of the comittee for Windered as part of the solution to terfest ‘89, you can start thinking the problem. about getting involved and actuProgress has been made in Waally participating in this year’s terloo to the extent that other carnival. Though bureaucratic university cities in Ontario are problems have delayed organinow contacting the municipality zation a full month, rest assured for advice on their problems. that Winterfeat ‘89 will take “Waterloo has the highest unilace. Lt is officially scheduled versity students per capita in Po;I the 2, 3, and 4 of March. Ontario, probably all of Canada, Last, year, approximately 50 and other university municipalipeople came out to participate in ties are constantly contacting the events, This year, the comour planning department for admittee hope? for at least 70 parvice because we are making ticipants. A new concept for the more progress than other Ontaposters and flyers is one way rio cities on student housing and they hope to draw the crowds. related issues,” said Turnbull. Counting on the element of surBut the issue in Waterloo is no prise, no details ‘have be anlonger one of being unable to lonounced. cate adequate housing; on-camThe committee also plans to pus housing is presently 20 per produce a promotional video, cent vacant during the winter which is tentatively to be reand spring terms, leased on February 9. This “fun” The average co-op student livvideo will be shown sporadiing on the UW campus in 1989 cally throughout the month, outpays ,$3,200 at the beginning of lining the carnival’s events. each term in residence and tuiSpecifically, Winterfest ‘89 tion fees, For many, this is will kick off with an “Assassinasimply too much ,to pay up front tion Game” scheduled for March and therefore students search 1. for cheaper alternatives’off camOn March 2, a “Polar Punch,” pus. Entering the off-campus where participants have the ophousing market, the student runs into. the exclusionarv I bylaw head-on. Mayor Turnbull and the City Planning Department - a _ have been working closely with students, staff and administration at both UW and Wilfrid Laurier University over the years and the student housing issue was high on the agenda of the November 1988 * municipal election which brought sweeping changes to City Hall. Turnbull said a new proposal by Teresa Rodrigue is due before city council shortly, which he predicts will Pushing, struggling, inconfurther improve the local situasiderateness, and general distion. Until presented to council order has become a nightly no details are officially available routine at the Campus Centre as but the new scheme 63 expected people anxiously attem t to seto put an increased emphasis on cure one of the 14 availa 1 le seats bylaw enforcement. * bn UW’s safety van. I
portunity to dive into a pool of ice water, will take place in the afternoon outside the Campus Centre. A “hot tub” party will follow for participants. That night, a “Suitcase Pub,’ will be held in the Bombshelter, free of charge. Lottery tickets for a trip to Montreal that weekend will be soid, and the winning ticket is to be drawn that night. The following day, on March 3, an assortment of team games, such as the “banana push,” will take place in the Bombshelter, followed at night with a concert by “Lucky Seven.” At Fed Hall, a “Ms. Winterfest Queen ‘89” contest will be held. Open to bcth females AND males, contestants will dress up as their “favourite queens .” An “after hours” dance will also be held that night at the Campue Centre Great Hall from X2:30 to 3 a.m, March 4 will be “Cballengk Day.” Approximately fifteen teams of five or six people will compete in seven events such as blind soccer, tug-of-war, and earth ball, The Bombshelter ‘will be open during the day for refreshments. Winterfest ‘88 will finish off with a second *‘after hours” dance, also to be held in the Campus Centre Great hall from 12:30 to 3 a.m. Registration for the . events will start February 13 and continue up to the actual day of the events.
-Turnkeys set new rider policy
Safety van riders toss courtesy out window Every 40 minutes between 6:20 p.m. and 1:OO a.m., the van picks up students outside the Campus Centre and takes them home on a circuit which extends from Sunnydale to Keatsway over to Union Street, and then back to UW. The van runs on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to female passengers. This system has been abused by non-Feds using this service, but also by Feds. People walking along the sidewalk butt in front of indiyiduals, often reaching 40 in number, who may have been wsiting for as long as two hours foo,,a~ * ride, says driver Craig l
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According to Emick, a turnkey and one of five drivers of the van, a situation has arisen where “common courtesy” has been “tossed out the window.” During a recent meeting, the turnkeys proposed a new system whereby coloured cards will be given to the first 14 Federation members at the turnkey desk prior to the next do-minute departure time. The cards will alternate in colour with each successive run. Emick believes this change will initiate complaints from the riders of the van, but it is neces‘sary to control the numbers and the actions of those people. The new system is scheduled to begin on Monday, February 6
Y ou
wouldn’t like to know happening at Waterloo’s Largest Night Club.
Darts, Cards, and all kinds of board games are available at 8~00 p.m. You don’t need to be any good to play .(the pointy. end goes toward the board). There is a free ,slice of pizza for all players, $70.00 worth of gift certificates are up for _ grabs - plus-you could win a trip to Las Vegas!
When the dough gets tough, the tough get going on over to Fed.Hall at 7:OO p.m. You can get the greatest pizza made from fresh ingredients for only .FIOQ:a slice! Thats right! XI@! So come on over and try our alternative to village food. :
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always been the biggest and now its even better !
Imprint, Friday, February
3, 1989
Jobs.for English grads by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff The imminent hiring of a new professor by UW’s English Department is indicative of a new trend in the employment fortunes of English PhD graduates, according to department chairman Gordon Slethaug. To fill the position left vacant by the retirement of Professor Phil Smith, the English Department is interviewing five candidates for a professorship commencing with the 1989-90 academic year. The candidates all specialize in Rhetoric with sub-areas of interest in disciplines ranging from composition theory to artificial intelligence to scientific writing. In spite of the demand for Enaiish classes, though, there are no plans for hiring any extra faculty sinrp the department con-
tinues to suffer from underfunding. “I really wish there was new money made available to us,” says Slethaug. “We’re feeling the pressure now since we’ve had to turn away about a thousand students from taking different English courses,and we still have our professors handling more students than we’d like to see.” There are, however, reasons for optimism as interest in English at UW, particularly in the Rhetoric and Professional Writing program+ continues to mushroom: “There is a tremendous amount of interest in English of all forms, Students are finding that the program is useful. not only in itself, but in providing employment after graduation in a variety of professions. It used to be that an English degree meant that you would be teaching at the elementary, secondary, or university level, but
now, graduates are finding all kinds of work writing in business and industry,” said Slethaug. Even PhII students can take heart as they enter the workforce. For years, English has been a notoriously difficult field in which to obtain a faculty appointment, but that scenario is brightening+ not due to any increase in funding, but due to the almost uniform aging in departments across Canada. “There is going to be a great deal of turnover in almost every English department in Canada since faculties are filled with professors in their fifties and sixties. There is already a shortage of Rhetoric professors and about three years down the line, we’re going to see a great demand for English graduates,” he said.
Canadian Memo
Campus Board
of Windsor
As of September 1988, the University of Windsor has included a questionnaire in its information package for first year students. The form includes questions about the students* academic past and future, parents’ occupations, religious orientation, parents’ income, and their opinion about such controversial issues as premarital sex, abortion, and homosexuality, Students have been told they have to complete the form before they can register. Acting upon mounting student concern regarding this controvercial form, the Students’ Administrative Council passed a resolution to condemn the “Incoming Student Information Form” as the questionaire could be considered “very dangerous,” “elitist,” and “very detrimental” to students.
of Guelph
‘The University of Guelph is restructuring its policy on sexual harassment. The Committee of Student Rights and Responsibilities has completed the necessary research to formulate a new policy and hopefully, introduce a physical means for the committee to deal with, sexual harassment complaints. The Committee consists of students, faculty and staff members from all departments. Their aim is to provide uniformity and offer a variety of services, including access to councilling.
Queen’s University The Alma Mater Society is considering revitalizing the Queen’s Press Council. The Council was created in September 1986 and was meant to act as a third-party mediator with respect to complaints against campus media, In February 1988, the Council’s mandate was revamped and campus media groups were invited to be associated with the council. When no groups respondPA to the invitation, the Council faded away. PRESENT
1 74715657 ~~~~~
1 J
of Toronto
Teaching assistants are confident a settlement can be reached with the U of T administration. The TA’s have not had a contract since August 31 of last year, and members of the grievance committee have been meeting with U of T since June 11. The administration has refused to discuss with Canadian Union of Educational Workers what they call pedagogical issues, effectively leaving only wages and hours open for negotiation. TAs want more say in who actually gets hired, class sizes, and the number of TAs the university hires.
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Losina sleeD for the kids Cultural Caravan by Mike Soro Imprint staff
on its own
I r
Kamran Atri, manager of S:hab~:,L4 CI~UU 0l..L UI~U--A n:doughr Y IYL~AIL ulrling Loungee, broke the existing world endura lnce record for table waiting on Wednesday when he surthe 120-hour mark.I-L passedI l--11 ----!A?-Atri naa L--Deen walrlng qalorles at** #dmai*ht. m*I-*i~*. for fivfiG uaya rl mLAuA~AAL, AGbGAVing only a five minute break every hour, ) ga *cIia *o UUAAGYU ~~h~~llled to continue mathnn tmn+ his mabb~LAAuAA ,,,,il noon today. All prG~,+m~da “““U” UmnSrated d”L.m. through tips and contribut :ions are being JnnataJ trr +h* v-1 uuII=LGu LULllG A-N Rotary Centre, Tnd n T trnamd AWbALA UyAlGuug CL n manager at Shadoughs, said reg ular patrons and ]pval SuPa Ilmixmmmi UfiafiI cIa,,t y students h ~-IFhave bti*mm vamvr amrnnrbd;rrnm ever, the fund raising event is far short of its $20,000 goal. Take away a zero and you’re looking at a more accurate picture of the total as of Wednesday. “Kamran has expressed to me that he does not want to stop without reaching the goal,” said Lyness. There had been hope that corporate sponsors would make donations’ but as of Wednesday none had done so. Rotary Children’s Centre Executive Director Stephen Swatridge, who presented a thank-you card signed by children at the centre to Atri, said all money raised by Shadoughs’Superwaiter will go toward purchasing equipment for the centre. The centre helps 700 physically disabled and hearing impaired children every year. FAA
Shadoughs’ Kamram Atri is presented with a thank-you card ‘by Rotary Children’s Centre Executive Director Stephen Swatridge. photo by Mike Sore
third of Council I One _.seats still vacant
by Wanda
As UW gears up for another round of campus electioneering, one section of student government has gone relatively unnoticed. Out of the 22 seats on the students* council, about one third are vacant. Made up of members from each of the faculties and two of the church colleges, [Renison and St. Jerome’s], the students’ council is a body of representatives from across campus which serves as a liaison between the student body and Federation of Students’ executive, The number of seats each faction has is determined by their population, Arts regular stream has four seats, while the co-op stream has one, Engineering has three seats, while Science’s- regular stream has three, Math, co-op stream has two and its regular stream has one, as does Science’s regular stream, H.K.L.S., regular and co-op streams, Environmental Studies, regular and co-op streams, Independent Studies, Renison, and St. Jerome’s each have one representative. The other church colleges and the villages are not given representation as many of their residents are members of just about all the other faculties. When nominations closed last Friday, January 27 at 490 p.m., Arts regular and Engineering had one seat available, both of H.K.L.S,‘s seats and Math’s and
Science’s co-op seats as well as Renition’s seat were as yet unfilled.
As Arts co-op candidate Brian Jantzi - running against David Clements to make up the only race for the whole council - puts it, apathy is rampant. Last year’s election went off in spite of a voter turn out of only 21 per cent. Student societies often do not fill their executive positions until well into the school term. In an attempt to alleviate the council seat situation, nominations were reopened until today, February 3, at 4:30 on a firstcome, first-acclaimed basis, When this article went to press, six seats were still open; one for engineering+ both for H.K,L& Math’s co-o-p, Science’s co-op and Rension’s.
Temagamk in Campus Centre Unfortunately, a few paragraphs had to be cut out of the WPIRG column on Temagami’s ancient forests last week. Excluded was information about what is being done about it. Here is the missing plug: On February 13-15 there will be a display in the campus centre concerning forestry, and the Temagami issue. There will also. be two petitions asking for certain principles to be adhered to in future develoDment, such as sustainabilit y. * ’
Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel
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by Easby
Intelligent Humor returns Februa& 10 1 +
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ribbean, Chinese, Indian, Korean, and Southeast Asian cultures, are hosting pavilions. Daytime pavilions and performances will take place at the Campus Centre and Fed Hall, There will also be an concert . with Errol Blackwood and Inga at Fed Hall in the evening. An after hours dance in the Campus Centre will follow the concert, Passports for the caravan are available in the Fed office, Campus Centre 235, at $3 for students and $4 for non-students. . Tickets for the evening concert are $5 and $8. They can be purchased together for $6 and $7.
Imprint staff The Cultural Caravan, usually held in conjunction with Winterfest, is taking place separately this year. On Saturday’ February 4, the International Students’ Board of the University of Waterloo’s Federation of Students presents Cultural Caravan ‘89 - a festival that celebrates Canadian multiculturalism and promotes goodwill between the various cultural organizations on campus. This year, six member clubs of the International Students’ Board, representing African, Ca-
Friday, February
by Joseph bPps
3, 1989
and Frances Moore
Is there standing room only on planet Earth? Do we have too many people to feed adequately? According to some estimates, we now have less than one acre of cultivated land per person in the world and that will be cut in half within a generation, even if population growth begins to level off, Aren’t there already too many people in relation to our food and agricultural land base? Most people believe there is not enough food to go around, Yet, despite the tremendous wastage of land and the “food crisis” of the 1870s and early gas, each day the world is producing two ounde of grain, or more than 3,000 caPories, for every man, woman and child on earth. (3,000 calorie5 is about what the average North American consumes). And this estimate is minimal. It does not include the many other staples such as beans, potatoes, cassava, rangefed meat, fruits and vegetables. Thus, according to Joseph Collins and Frances Moore Lappe, on a global scale the idea that there is not enough food to go around just does not hold up. Acre-to-person comparisons appear to be poor measures of food scarcity. To many, the size of a plot of land is obviously the most important determinant of how many people it can feed. Most people associate the intensive use of the land with the loss of soil fertility, but, as demographer Dr. Helen Ware underscores, “fertility may indeed be the result of intensive methods of land utilization. ..+’ The croplands of Japan were once inferior to those of northern India; today Japan’s food grain yield per acre is five times that of India.
The original soils of Western Europe, with the exception of the PO Valley and parts of France, were, in general, once of very poor quality; yet, today they’are highly fertile. Centuries ago the soils of Finland were less productive than most of the nearby parts of Russia; today, the Finnish croplands are far superior. Thus using an acre as a/fixed unit by which to measure the degree of overpopulation is not helpful. Depending on the human investments, an acre might be capable of feeding five people or one - or none at all. How many people an acre can feed depends on whether the land is used to feed people directly or to feed livestock. In the Andean region of South America and in the Caribbean, nearly four times as much land is used for extensive grazing of cattle a5 is devoted to crops. Cattle ranches often occu y the relatively flat land of the river vaPleys and coastal plains while food crops are relegated to poorer soils on erosion-prone slopes. Moreover, in a world where many people are too poor to buy all the plant food produced, livestock have been used to rid the economy of “surplus” grain that might drive down prices. Livestock consumes over one-third of the world’s grain annually. The result is that four billion human being8 on earth, a figure that many would use to measure the burden on our croplands, aren’t four billion equal units at all, One person can represent a burden on agricultural re8ourcea many time8 greater than another. If a person conaumes a largely plant-food diet in which the animal foods eaten are produced on waste materials and non-arable land, his or her “weight” on the cultivated farmland is relatively light.
A person is a much greater user of cultivated farmland if he/she eats a diet of animal foods produced by shrinking 1,800 pounds of grain into 250 pounds of meat annually, as the average North American does, Again, a single acre can sustain a wide range in numbers of people. It depends in part on whether the land is cropped for food for human consumption or for animal feed. How many people a given measure of land can feed depends on whether it grows luxury crops for export or food for the local people. “Food-deficit areas” caused by the pressure of overpopulation are often food-deficit areas because much of the food produced goes to small urban elites or is exported. Worst of all, the export5 are frequently made in the name of “development.” Africa is a net exporter of barley, beans, peanuts, fresh vegetables, and cattle, (not to mention luxury crop exports such as coffee and cocoa), yet it has a higher incidence of protein-calorie malnutrition among children than any other continent. In Mali, peanut exports to France increased notably during the years of drought while production of food for domestic consumption declined by 1974 to one quarter of what it had been in 1967. Mexico now supplies the United States with over one-half of its supply of aeveral winter and early spring vegetables while infant deaths associated with poor nutrition are common. Half of Central America’s agricultural land produces food for export while in several of its countries the poorest 50 per cent of the population eat only half the necessary protein. The richest five percent consume two to three times more than is needed. Agricultural land will, of course, feed
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no one at all unless it is cultivated. This fact seems too obvious to state, and yet maily forget that in Africa and Latin America much good land is left unplanted by large landowners, A study of Columbia showed that while farmers owning up to about thirteen acres farmed two thirds of their land, the largest farmers, controlling 70 per cent of the agricultural surface, actually dultivated only six percent of their land, Although Columbia is an extreme example, this pattern is found throughout Latin America. Only 14 per cent of Ecuador’s tillable land is cultivated. Corporations often keep lar e tracts out of production or use them f or open-pit mining and operations such as tin dredging in Malaya, which destroys the topsoil, making land unfit for farming unless expensive reclamation is undertaken. Bauxite, copper and oil companies decrease the potential food acreage by holding large areas of land thought to have reserves of those natural resources. This widespread wastage of agricultural land, especially by largeholders, lends credence to the estimate, confirmed by several studies, that only 44 per cent of the world’s potentially arable land is actually cultivated. The relationship of hunger to land turns out to be less a question of quantity than of use. We discover the amount of land has less to do with hunger than who controls it,
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Head damage, sexism much, much more....
Friday, February
3, 1989
State of the Arts There are two hard-fast rules that must be followed when editing the Arts section of Im rint. Read on if you care to beinformed as to how exactly the guy w ! o sits in the editor-in-chiefs chair -edits the
The first rule is that nothing obscene or that which would expose the newspaper in law is printed. This is standard editorial and advertising policy. The second rule is that there are no hard-fast rules. Now, I’m not going to sit here at my terminal and blow sunshine up your -0. The bottom line is that the Arts section is offensive. That is the Arts section editors’ intent in many, but not all respects. For size, depth of coverage, and spontaneity, Imprint Arts is one of the best entertainment sections in the country. The Arts section, such as the name denotes, have a special and unique stature when considering what the editors ethically agree to send off to the press. Do not forget that words and phrases which appear as seemingly gross, offensive and tasteless concepts, often represent metaphors, [particular to the arts community), which describe the truth about a performance, a record, a book, an exhibition of art, or whatever. The Arts writers of Imprint benefit from an autonomy which allows them freedom of expression. For every letter of complaint I have received as editor-in-chief, the disturbed readers constantly make artificial leaps in their logic to guarantee their argument. Yes, Imprint is guilty of reviewing “deplorable musicians claiming to be artists” as one inept reader put it, As editor, I sure wish I had, that writer’s rich blood so that I too was capable of deciding what is art and what is not. Yes, Imprint is guilty of printing tasteless head damage graphics, sexual innuendo, satanic messages, and other glimpses at reality and a facetious sub-culture, To get into the meat of it - SEXISM- What can I say? Most of our Arts writers are guys. Anyone can write for Arts or any other section of the paper. If you want to see your views, lifestyle, and biases represented in the Arts section then come on down to CC 140, If you do come down, I will guarantee you I won’t censor your concert review which quotes the vocalist of a band singing “men should be castrated yah yah yah.” If it happened, why should I censor it. If you want to print the band’s album cover of men under the chopping block - 1 respect the fact that it is relevant to the message and substance of your review. Reviews are subjective observations with accompanying analysis, be it off-the-wall or void of personality. The day editors of student newspapers hit the delete key based on gut feelings or a passion for conservatism, is the day when Imprint readers read nothing beyond the trials and tribulations of my personal narrow scope of top-40 bands. Do you think I enjoy Phoetus Interuptus, or for that matter can even relate to Wiseblood? The only thing I enforce upon the Imprint staff and our readers, when it comes to the Arts section, is the mandatory absence of obscene or illegal material, (obviously including those things acutely -pornographic). “Chick” is not a sexist term. If you think it is 7 I guess we disagree. If someone appearedto be “scraggy” in the eyes of a reviewer, you are entitled to disagree with their powers of observation. If you demand Imprint reviewers stick to the time, date and duration of performance in a review, and abstain frominsipid or what you deem to be useless commentary, than read the K-W Record’s entertainment pull-out every Thursday. Imprint Arts is not for everyone. I admit the contributors occasionally take the reader to the very bounds of what is acceptable, This commentary offers no apologies -just an explanation. There are only eight issues remaining in the term, Feel free to take me to task with further explanations, since I realize this rationalization based on freedom of speech and liberty of expression flys right in the face of Imprint Arts’ organized critics. Mike
Imprint exports imprint is now available at fine stores everywhere -in Uptown Waterloo and Downtown Kitchener. Pick one up today.
Library computer To the editor,
UW students have recent! become victims of some new i! ugs - the high tech computer kind, Anyone trying to use the subject categories in the Dana Porter
cltib’s posters torn down To the editor,
Students of Objectivism is a student club which is officially recognized by the Federation of Students, This club provides a forum for the discussion of the philosophic, political, and economic ideas of Ayn Rand. Club membership is open to anyone who wishes to discuss ideas, whatever their viewpoint. ’ During the term, the club runs several events which are open to everyone. The most recent of these events was an audiotaped lecture of Ayn Rand, speaking on “America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business,” held on February 1. One of the club’s chief means of publicizing its .events is the display of posters throughout the campus; however, of the 120 poster advertising the February 1 lecture, fewer than ten were still up within two days of being posted. It is evident there has been a concerted effort to tear the posters down, thus depriving the campus of information concerning a UW club, and hence the chance to be exposed to new ideas. It is
Dianne Balabazuk, Jamie Boyes, Peter Brown, Sally Bryant, Cheryl Breulechman, Daneal Charney, Kevin Cogliano, Bryce Cox, Greg Glow, Julie Croxall, Ollie Davies, Paul Done, Blair Falconer, Eric Kuelker, Jim Harman, Derek Hawley, Easby Ho, Brian D, Jantzi, Andy Koch, David Liao, John MacFarlane, John Mason, Rich Nichol, Bonnie &an, Graeme Peppler, Leslie Perrault, Greg Procyk, Renate Sander-Regier, Andrew Rehage, Chris Reid, Tereas Rodrigue, Nancy Salay, Marie Sedivy, Rhonda Williams, Derek Weiler, Chris Wodskou, John Zachariah, Lesia Zorniak.
obvious the perpetrators disagree with the ideas of Objectivism, but it is unfortunate they have chosen such a cowardly means of opposing these The only thing they have
demonstrated is that they are completely insecure in their own convictions; apparently they feel their own views are rationally indefensible and opposing viewpoints must be suppressed rather than refuted. Anna
Janice Jackson Rob Tarr Amit Ghate
“full of bugs”,
library computer is finding that in the ‘?%a” listings, the “,“is not available right now, Staff in the library admit that after Christmas they began noticing that the computer had decided that brevity was best, and had simply begun deleting any books over 50 from its lists. Woe betide the authors Young and Zimmerman -in most of the library listings they have been reassigned to the Twilight Zone.The library staff isn’t quite sure just what’s wrong or when it will be corrected. It seems that the list of letters known as GEAC [manufacturer and operators of the library system] endowed us with a new “improved” program over the holidays and it’s being described as “full of bugs.” And one doesn’t “fix” a computer program the way one used to be able to fix a car. Perhaps we are again in need of Henry Ford’s founding philosophy of keeping things simple and easy to fix. But in the category where I first encountered the problem, I could not have consulted the great man as the list ended firmly at Ferrier. [This was, of course, in the general listing for The Brain.)
I’m not quite sure how the university powers-that-be may respond to my designing an independent study program using only authors whose last names occur in the first half of the alphabet. When you’re working in “agriculture,” it would seem that you might at least be in the right ball park. But, alas, in the general listing under agriculture, country humility seems to have succumbed to city vanity and is busy keeping up with the Jones’. The list will go no further. Last fall, after watching book store computers cause
Russian-s tyle queues around the building for at least a week, I felt corn elled to write to the editor. At t at time, I suggested that, if those machines were a sign of our high tech future, perhaps it was time to start raising horses again as we were going to need them. Now, after my latest encounter with UW computers, I’m beginning to wonder if, perhaps, it isn’t time for me to start looking for a horse of my ‘own.
Ken Ingie Independent
* Studies
Gimme To the adi tar, Last Friday, January 20, I decided to go to Fed Hall and when I got inside, I remembered why I dislike that place in the winter. Who would design a pub to be the best in the country without considering the effects of so many people arriving in the winter,with coats and jackets? When it starts to get busy, it’s too hot to keep your jacket on, too crowded to carry it with you through the aisles, and too risky to leave it alone. I decided to leave my jacket behind a couch near the fire exit, It was in a dark spot, against the wall, with what seemed like a few hundred other jackets to camouflage it. This technique has worked in the past. When it was time to leave, it became apparent my jacket was gone. Yes, it was a leather school jacket. I would like to say a few things to the person who took it. If it was an accident, a mistake, please take it back, or drop it off at security and tell them you found it or whatever, so long as I get it back. That jacket means a lot to me. If you stole it, please take it back, or drop it off at security and tell them you found it or whatever, so long as I get it back. I had to work a shitload of overtime in order tg buy that jacket, not to mention a shitload of work to justify wearing it. I was hoping to get a few special things with the extra work I did during my last work term, but now it looks like it will go toward a winter jacket since you took the only bne I had. I was planning on getting about five years of use out of that, which is very reasonable for a $300 jacket.
back my leather
You didn’t just take a jacket, you took a leather jacket, you took my only winter jacket, my only spring and fall jacket, and my only bike jacket. A leather jacket is different from any other because it forms to the owner as it gets broken in. It never fits the same on a second person. No other material beL haves the same way, People get very attached to their leather jackets, I don’t expect anyone to understand unless they have had a quality leather jacket for years on end, You took something that is very important to me, traditionally, sentimentally and financially. Taking someone else’s leather jacket is one of the lowest things you could possibly do, even worse if that is the leather they use when on a bike, To the person that stole my
Imprint: To the editor, Another Friday morning, and another copy of the Im rint filled with distasteful an 1 degrading trash. I am extremely embarrassed and ashamed that this respectable university must be defiled for the sake of “free speech.” Please do not get me wrong. I am a very liberal, openminded and free thinking individual; and I have absolutely nothing against the articles of opinion - the expression of ideas relating to relevant, current issues is what a university atmosphere is all about. I do, however, have a problem with the demoralizing photos, advertising for strip joints and reviews of the deplorable “musi-
This is not rape To the
Rape: the crime of forcing a female to submit to sexual intercourse (American Heritage Die tionary ). to the OFS, “A Accordin woman has 8b - ean raped if she has uex with her boyfriend beckuse he threatens to end the relationship” (Imprint, January 27,
Note that-(to the OFS, at least) rape is no longer an act of via? lence or Ithreat of violentie, but a matter of the woman’s lack of any responsibility for her otin freely chosen actions, This definition implies that a woman does not have the maturity or intelligence to leave a onesided relationship, that she is so dependent on .a man that “her freedom
of choice
and therefore ahe has sex against her will” (Gail Hutchinson, in the same article). Nothing could be clearer: women are SOdependent on men that the threat of losing a relationship completely destroys their ability to make rational decisions, This renders them helpless slaves of the male, .-eJNho.muJs.ti-jtiae CQ~,
jacket, I think you are absolute shit, If you took it by mistake, I think you’re just seriously confused, or drunk. I take no pity on people that feed off of the hard work of others. People like you are the leeches of modern society. Do you have any concept of the inconvenience you have caused me? That was my gnly winter jacket. I have to borrow a roommate’s ski jacket to get around now. You’re not even fit to be a professional thief, since you didn’t even leave me my keys. You must have noticed them, as they weigh about two pounds. There were keys to my beat-up car that I drove to get there that night, as well as five other cars of family and friends, two apartments, one house, two tool cabinets, and an office building where I do the extra work so I
can afford the occasional item like that jacket. I had to leave my car, take a cab to my apartment, freezing all the way with only a t-shirt on, qnd wake up a roommate at 2:30 in the morning. Then there’s the inconvenience of getting new keys cut, having extra car keys mailed from home, and. explaining to family, friends and boss that a thief has copies of the keys they had trusted me with. You even took a dog collar which was in the other pocket of sentimental value to me only. Hopefully now you realike that your crime is far from victimless. I am asking that you take it back to Fed Hall, or Security, and say you found it somewhere by luck. Or just leave it in a book return, and you won’t have to see or speak to anyone,
I know my jacket very well. If you return it, I will be thankful and ask no questions. If I find you out first, I will come for my jacket, and a pound of fleshi I hope you are not the total waste to society that you presently appear to be, According to Fed Hall staff, this is far from a remote case. About three jackets lost a week is not uncommon, plus other items such as purses, wallets and cash. Even items put in the back for safekeeping have gone missing. How long will it take before the right people come to their senses, and admit that the place is in desperate need of a coat check, not to mention an office bigger than a public toilet stall? Kent Dorcich 3A Civil Engineering
Clean up your act .. cians” claiming to be artists. Please rename this portion of the paper - “Entertainment, Or Lack Thereof,” I am ashamed that the name of my faculty is associated with this sickening and rather sexist part of this newspaper. The “Arts” section never ceases to nauseate me. There are, most likely, some fine reviews to be found here; it is unfortunate, however, that I cannot bring myself to read this section. Imprint staff, please clean up your act. There are many people who feel as I do. We have heard a lot of talk lately about racism on campus. How ironic this is considering that our school paper, which we as students pay for, is probably the most discriminat-
Let’s not
pletely as if he had a knife to their throats, and is guilty of the same crime, [Feel bad because you’ve been betrayed? Don’t worry, it’s not your fault, it’s his. Maybe you can even press charges. Rape is, after alI, a criminal bffence,) 1 ,, A campa’ n that pur~j&s to I help women ?I y telling theti they - are no better than children is .i worse than useless; it perpetu- , To ths aditor ates the false stereotype of * women _ as lacking control of their40wn lives, as feeble creaI would like to express my distures .unable to resist “mental taste for Assistant Editor Fleur coercion” from men, and thus as Macqueen’s closing remark in second class citizens in need of her comment piece “Carbon protection from their own lack of Copy Candidates,” which apwillpower. peared on January 27. While I The OFS, by ‘ignoring the difenjoy reading informed opinions ference between an act of vioon issues of general student inlence, against which a woman is terest, I find unnecessarily malitruly helpless, and a freely cious coqments about chosen action, trivializes the real uninvolved third parties offenproblem of rape. sive and irritating. You cannot have rights withI hope that in the future MI+ out responsibilities. You have Macqueen’s comments will be the right to say “no,” but if you do not use it then you hatie no somewhat more professional and worthy of a university-level one to blame but yourself. . publication such as Imprint. Mike I. Wsvrick Brenda J. Davis &J!R~IG&LJL~~~~~.~~~~
ing piece of “literature” i have seen in a long time. And it 1s getting worse instead of better. It is unfortunate that the many informative and well written articles that can be found in this paper are getting lost in all that garbage. As it stands now, the Im. . .
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print is a waste of time, money and paper, It also sets feminism and human dignity back about 40 years. Tiaa Adam 1st year Arts
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An Introduction This article is an introduction to a series that Gill deal with questions regarding sex and relationships. The series will be prepared by volunteersb of the Birth Control Centre, and is intended to increase knowledge about sex-related topics and also make people aware of the services that we offer, In order to ensure the-series deals with issues you feel are important and/or interestisg, tie will use a question and answer format to respond’ to questions we receive. There are several wa s in which to ask us uestions. You can visit us in Room 208 of t K e Campus Centre, an 1 ask your question in person, or you can call us at 8854211, extension 2308. Our hours of operation are posted on our door and will be published in a future issue of Imprint. Questions can also be left in the envelope on our door, or sent through on-campus mail to the Birth Control Centre, c/o the Federation of Students office, We will select orie question per week to be answered later in the series. All questions will be answered anonymously, and there is no need to put your name on any question. The remainder of this article will give a brief overiiew of what the Birth Control Centre has to offer. We have resources which could be useful to anyqne interested in sex and relationships. There is information on cbptrmeption, AIDS, planned alid unplanned pregnancy, sexually tbansinitted diseases, sexual assault and issues related to sexuality.. , We will also make referrals for services offered by other universlty or community organizations. For example, pregnancy tests are not provided at the centre but can be done on campus at Health Services. Trained student volunteers provide this information in a confidential and nonjudgmental manner. We have both female and male volunteers, so you might want to check the schedule on our door if you have a volunteer preference. The BCC is funded by the Federation of Students and is open to all students and members of the Waterloo communit The BCC haa remmr~ta whi& can increase YQUF E how~edge, satisfy your curiosity; or provide information and suppgrt which can assist you in making difficult decisions. There is a display of contraceptives at theBCC, to help visitors become familiar with the various methods of birth. control. We also have file material and a small lending library that can be used by students doing research for essays or papers. Our volunteers would be glad to provide, or help ou find information in an of the above areas, Please visit or caI 1 us and take advantage o P the services we offer.
Imprint, Friday, February
3, 1989
What Heavy Metal Bitch Queen? Locaical inadeauacies I To
Could Mr. Peter Stathopolis moniker he’s sporting this week), possibly have attended the same Go Four 3 show that we attended last week at the Bombshelter? Our first impulse is to say “no,” but having seem him there, we are forced to admit to that much as being true - but that’s where the truth ends. If he had seen fit to show up before the last quarter of the show to perform his journalistic duties responsibly, perhaps he would have been able to provide his *‘cherished readers of Imprint Arts” with a more accurate account of the evening’s events. (or whatever
Go Four 3 are an amazingly talented band, and to have someone as dedicated,: energetic add fun as Roxanne Hiechert leading them is certainly their good fortune as well as ours. To describe Roxanne in such crude terms as “Rockin’ Roxie,” the lead vocalist chick with “ample hips and deft hands,” makes her sound like some some kind of lewd exotic dancer playing mind games with her audience. This type of commentary is not only grossly inaccurate, but incredibly demeaning as well, It totally misrepresents her by placing her in the category of the Heavy Metal Bitch Queen that she, in fact, so painstakingly
Perspedbe More historical tests. put to the New Testament Two thousand years ago, a motley band of 12 men who had been followers of a poor, itinerant preacher began proclaiming they had seen him alive after his death. This movement spread until it shook the whole world, despite bitter persecution. Can that movement affect us today? Is what those 12 men said, and died for saying, true? To answer this question, we have to continue looking at whether the New Testament is historically credible. Three of the criteria for historical credibility are archeological findings, external quotes, and internal evidence. One example of archeological confirmation of names and details is “The Pavement” the court where Jesus was tried by Pilate [Jn l&13], It has been recently identified as the court of the Tower of Antonia, which was destroyed around A.D. 70, and buried until now, Thus, later writers would not have known about it. Similarily, the Pool of Betheseda, mentioned only in the New Testament, was found in the last century, Luke, who wrote one of the Gospels, mentions Quirinius as governor of Syria, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene - titles and dates confirmed by archeology. Luke mentions everyone had to return home for a census, which was disbelieved until an Egyptian papyrus confirmed Luke’s statement. There are many other specific, detailed facts, which strongly argue for the historicity of the Gospels. The matter is summed up by Sir William Ramsay, one of the greatest archeologists, who began his career completely skeptical of the Gospels as historical. After 35 years of archeological digging, he wrote ‘*Luke is a historian of the first rank... This author (Luke) should be placed along with the very greatest of historians.” This confidence in the Gospel writers is echoed by biblical archeologist Dr. W.F. Albright of John Hopkins University, who identifies the New Testament books as primary source documents for the life of Jesus, and dates all of them between the 40s and 808
E.M. Blaiklock, Classics professor at Auckland University concludes “Luke is a consummate historian, to be ranked in his own right with the great writers of the Greeks.” In addition to archeological findings, two more tests for historical credibility are quotations from external sources and internal evidence. It is fascinating to note that early sources hostile to Christianity considered the gospels as holding the accounts on which it ‘was founded. Celsus admitted the disciples wrote the gospels. Porphyry and the Emperor Julian attacked Christianity as written in the gospels. Similarily, all heretical groups, including Valentinians, Carpocratians, etc., accepted the Scriptures. Early Christians attribute authorship of the gospels to the disciples a8 well. Papias quotes the Apostle John: “Mark wrote down all that .Peter [the disciple] mentioned, whether sayings ‘or doings of Christ”; tradition attributes Mark as being present late in Christ’s ministry. Papias, writes again that “Matthew‘recorded the oracles in the Hebrew ,iAramaic) tongue.” Polycarp had been a disciple of the Apostle John, and his disciple, Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons, specifically attributes the Gospels to their traditional authors. Finally, internal evidence must be codsidered. Luke [Lk 1~4) states he is recording eyewitness accounts, and John (Jn 18%) states he is an eyewitness. Also, each Gospel bears the distinctive stamp of its authors, Luke, the doctor, uses a technical medical term found in only one other place in the classical literature. Matthew, the tax-collector, always specifies the amount involved when money is mentioned. Mark frequently moves from third person plural to third person singular - the indirect equivalent of first person direct discourse coming from the Apostle Peter. This accords with Papias’ statement that Mark wrote down all that Peter said, We have examined three tests for a historical document, archeological confirmation, external quotes, and internal evidence. The New Testament has had much archeological confirmation, and internal evidence shows the distinctive mark of the writer, . Even hostile external sources attribute the gospels to the.disciples. Adding the impressive bibliographic continuity I discussed last week, isp’t the New Testament establishing itself as a historically trustworthy book by the standards used by historians?. Next week, the possibility of extensive revision and legend will be discussed.
avoids. In addition, dwelling an Roxanne’s “physical mass” is totally irrelevant as far as reviewing the show is concerned, What is his point?
We certainly don’t see anyone compelled to make these kind of ridiculous statements about any of the all-male bands that are reviewed in Im rint. Besides, ca P1 us crazy, but we were under the impression that a concert review should .mention such things as where the concert took place, some of the songs that were performed, especially new additions to the repertoire, and perhaps a little history on the band (note that this is a bond, not a solo act as the review suggests). Obviously, Mr. Pietr Stathopolis does not agree as he neglects to mention any of these points in his “review.” The attitude expressed by Mr. Stathis is typical of the sexist remarks that are making an increasing appearance in the articles of male Imprint Arts writers, If Mr. Poet Stathis and his cohorts can’t write without making chauvinistic comments, maybe they should give up reviewing until they can keep their macho attitudes and their hormones in ,check.
To the editor,
the first writings of John the New Testameni is roughly 110-340 years. Scholars accept the writings of Plato. Therefore, scholars must accept the New Testament, . Even if the reader was gracious enough to ignore the logical inadequacies in Mr. Kuelker’s argument structure, I don’t believe the major flaw in this argument can be as easily tween and
Once again, the readers of Irnm print have had the pleasure of seeing Eric Kuelker muddle through the facts and figures that he feels necessary to prove the validit of Christianity. Alas, his Patest argument is found, upon closer examination, to be as faulty as those presented in the past. Mr. Kuelker put forward the theory that the accuracy, reliability, and credibility of any docum’ent increases as the gap between the first writing of the document and surviving copies of it decreases, The proof of his theory goes somewhat as follows.
Scholars believe they have an essentially accurate text of Plato [ancient Greeks) even though the gap between Plato’s death and the earliest manuscripts is 1,200years or more. The gap be-
The belief that a document accurately conveys the words of its original author by no means suggests the reader must accept the author’s message. For example, many scholars do not accept Plato’s notion of the Forms or soul. Therefore, one’s belief that the New Testament accurately conveys its authors’ words by no means entails acceptance of its contents or message,
Hugh A. Wright 3A Philosophy
Letters to the Editor are always welcome
Maria Cipriano Katharine Per&, Year 4 English Tell me - doea “Heavy metal bitch queenn (your worda) cuddenly become exempt from your philosophies? -Ed.-
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To the editor,
I am writing this letter in response to the garbage that appeared in the Forum section of the Imprint last week courtesy of Mr. Stephen Robinson. First, I’d like to congratulate Mr. Robinson on his ability to construct five paragraphs and not make one decent point. Truly a remarkable feat! I feel, however that some of Mr. Robinson’s views deserve some comment. To answer Mr. Robinaon’s question as to whether or not women who oppose the beauty pageant also read magazines such a8 Vogue and Mademoiselle (and thus weaken their own argument), I can say with a-great deal of confidence that most do not. Common sense would suggest that anyone opposed to the idea of a beauty pageant .would also oppose the degradation and exploitation of women through the medium of photography. I do not have an extensive survey describing the attitudes of readers of such magazines at m disposal, but through a sma r1 survr y of my acquaintances I founr I a distaste of the pageant corre lated well with a dialike for the magazines mentioned ear. lier. Later in his letter, Mr. Robinson states “Women enter this contest (beauty pageant) in order to receive positive reactions, not in response .to peer pressure.” I feel Mr. Robinson needs a lesson as to what peer pressure is, For your information, Mr. Robinson, the desire to
Continued oh page
John Casablancas _I607 KING ST. W., KITCHENER
GRADUATING STUDENTS YO(b?~ CMl~Eft ‘.I,~_1’sy&RT, OfF RI&T._ : ‘:-. li. . Waterbo
By speciaf arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda, with graduate. you
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for details for graduates.
Friday, February
3, 1989
Women’s Centre states its case I wish
to respond
to questions
raised by Stephen ID. Robinson in one of last week’s letters to the editor [Imprint, January 27). The Women’s Centre volunteers, protesters of the Myth Oktoberfest pageant, read the Women’s Centre’s large collection of feminist books, magazines and jfiewspapers as an alternative to Vogue and Mademoiselle, in contrast to Stephen Robinson’s suggestion. We have learned to look critically at the image and attitude of fashion magazines and the mass media, which perpetuate the oppression of women in our society.
By encouraging notions of inadequac , and exploiting the resulting Pears, the producers of fashion magazines and advertisements find an inexhaustible market in women. They encourContinued
women to endlessly spend, alter and work against our natural, physical and mental reality in order to strive for an unattainable, unrealistic, constantly changing image: Last term’s Women’s Centre collective hostecl a presentation by Ann Simonton, entitled “Sex, Power, and the Media: Rethinking the Myths of the American Dream Girl” (see Imprint, October 7, 1988). Regarding the statement “women enter this contest in order to receive positive reactions”: only one of eighteen women receives the crown for physically matching (down to precise measurements) society’s definition of ideal attractiveness. Seventeen of these women receive the negative reaction, once judged, of not measuring up. Again, barriers are created for women who do not meet the agl?
To the editor,
see a world where women and men of all ethnic groups. and races can live and work together free of discrimination. Well, so would we, and feminism works toward that goal. But before we achieve that, we must recognize that women as a group have been oppressed, their achievements forgotten and their physical and mental beings brutalized around the world. Women need to re-examine history, and analyze the roles they have been forced to play in different cultures and religions. We must learn why we were and are oppressed, forgotten and brutalized. A Women’s Centre provides us with the space and resources to help usfocus on these questions. We need a meeting place where we can learn and discuss our oppression, and hoti to overcome them with other women. The women’s movement has often been compared to the black
women who do meet the ideal they are crowned one-dimensional. Although men must also struggle against stereotypes, men have had more than “equal time” for long enough: defining our culture by institutionalizing legalizing and promoting male needs; publishing and recognizing their achievements in literature and t,he arts for centuries. ,Robinaan raised two further questions, “Why does the Fedei’ation of Students fund a Women’s Centre, and not a Men’s Centre also? Why is there a Women’s Studies program at this university and not a similarl program to discuss and study men’s issues and problems?” These are important questions which we are asked frequently - important in the realization that men stiI1 need to ask them, “We assume that people why ask this question would like to
movement. It has been said, “the only people who can free the black are the black people themselves.” The same holds true for women. Others can help and lecture and legislate change, but freedom is more than philosophical ideas and legal wol;ds. Oppressed peop& must rediscover their true .+ves away from the dominant .group’s ideas of who they should-be [an ability guaranteed to them-in the Chartep of Rights). Achieving freedom often requires a certain amount of anger toward your oppressors and united struggle with your oppressed sisters and/or brothers. Feminism is a human struggle, and no peoples will be free until we are all free, but first it is a womer’s struggle.” - Women’s Centre Policy. Renae
3B Political SCieIM8 Wtimen’s Centre Volunteer
from page 13
Sexism against men? Where? receive a positive reaction tram your peers is exactly the result of peer pressure. Peer pressure makes people do things (often silly or degrading) in order to receive acceptance (positive response] from their peers, I think your statement shows how little thought went into your letter. Finally, Mr. Robinson asks why the Federation of Students does not fund a “Centre for Men.” I think the answer to this question is rather obvious. There simply is no need for such an organization. Your creation of this phenomena you calI “sexism against men” is a very interesting way to divert attention from the real topic of Bexism against women, but I’m afraid it is a little transparent, In my 24 years I have never run into sexism against men, Certainly there are some very isolated cases of discrimination against men, but none nearly as severe as what some women run up against every day of their lives, if you have any concrete examples of widespreaddiscrimination against men I would ask you to describe them in a letter to the editor next week. If you don’t, I suggest you write a public letter apologizing for spreading these fallacies and further impeding the drive toward true equality. The ball is in your court Mr. Robinson. Darren Bessey 4B Chemical
market pl ace 0 f uni q ue handcraFted clothing, art objects and jewellery fram many foreign lands. <<n cu tura I event with autlxntic ethnic f 0 lk music and coIotir A--e show of images
f rot-m aroun
d tl-1e war Id *
APPLIED ETHICS The ethical principles of the library by Dave Binklay “Ma&m, a circulating Iibrary in a town is as an evergreen tree of diabolical knowledge! It blossoms through the yearlAnd depend on it, Mrs. Mdoprop, that they who are so fond of handling the leaves, will long for the fruit at last.” - Richard Brisley Sheridan, The Rivals. . I am a librarian who is also a philosophy student. As such, I am occasional1 asked what attracts me to philosophy. My answer is its relevance to my daily li tye. It is little appreciated that the subject matter of philosophy is drawn directly from life. A bit of philosophical speculation puts one’s activities in reveaIing erapective. We can see something of the relevance of philosophy if we consider t R at peculiar institutipn for which I labour, the Library (note generalizing capital L). I do not propose to consider the metaphysical statue of books [do they exist only in the minds of the authors? the critics? the readers?) but will limit myself to what I grandiosely the Ethics of Librarianship (note self-important capital L). I’m interested in two points: first, that there is a general moral principle attached to the Library [what I will modestly term the Binkley Principle of Librarianship’ or BPL), and secondly, that certain duties, incumbent on both library users tind workers, flow from the BPL. My argumentation will be necessarily brief, but, I’m sure you’ll agree, utterly overwhelming: if you accept the general principle, you will have to accept the rules of conduct which follow from it. Such is the power of philosophical discourse. I First Premise: The basic values of a society are evident in the ways in which it spends the public purse [witness U.S. versus Canadian attitudes toward subsidized health care). In Canada, even the smallest community supports some form of public library service. Why should the public’s access to books take precedence over their access to, say, yacht clubs or movies, which are left to the private sector to supply? There is, 1 conclude, something morally special c&out libraries. Second Premise: The special function of libraries, I propose, is the access to the intellectual and cultural tradition contained in library materials, which they offer the citizenry, I connect this role to the right, and indeed obligation, of individuals in democratic societies to sufficiently inform themselves to form and express intelligent and independent opinion (Sheridan’s “fruits” I suppose). This principle could be, and is, used to justify public expenditure on education in general, The important distinction in the case of the Library is that the access to culture is here direct, unmediated and uninterpreted by an academic establishment. This distinguishes the role of the Library within an academic community f:prn that of the teachrng
‘1 ‘. I
While our primary purpose must be to support the teaching of the institution which wi! serve, we support it in many cases by offering the student the means to form independent views, perhaps at odds with those of the professor. +! 1 First Conclusion:
then, is the Binkley Princi le of Librarianship: our mission is to allow the members of a democratic society tR e means to intelligently and independently define themselves with respect.to the intellectual tradition of that society. Yoycan read the Free Trade Agreement for yourself. This,
9 am t’0 9 pm.
INTEKt!hTlOML 118, U of W)
Now for the duties [to use a more or less technical term] which follow from the BPL. The general principle is that to interfere with someone’s access to library material is to interfere with a basic right enjoyed by member of a democratic society; the right to develop informed opinion. Therefore:
- to steal or mutilate books, insofar as it deprives others of their right of intellectual a?cess, is a sin of the highest magnitude, tantamount to censorship; -
for librarians
to deny
to important
of culture
along ideological lines is equally odious. Had I more time, I would develop a comprehensive Ethic against those critics who criticize my omission of budgetary complications in the BPL. I hope I have gone some small Librarianship on a grander ethical
by selecting of Librarianship, constraints
materials proof
and other
distance toward locating the noble calling scale, and in justifying my meager salary.
military nature. The list indicates only that the organizations included are mil-
by Marc huetowski Imprint staff
itary contractors. But the focus of the group’s work is not simply to identify military jobs -
They will pose a threat to the University of Waterloo community’s traditional acceptance of military work, Their actions will bring to the-fore fhe contradiction between the university administration?8 stated policy against accepting classified military work on campus, and its policy of allowing organizations involved in classified military work to hire students through its co-operative education program. Calling themselves Student8 Against Militarism, a number of individual8 have recently formed a group to draw attention to the extent of militarism at UW, and to bring about a change in its acceptance. The group has decided to make its primary focus the system of co-operative
’ that is only part of their work - and this Doint can be illustrated by the following analogy, When the Nestle corporation sold baby formula in the third world, to the detriment of thousands of infants, they I
For two weeks, these UW students, some of them facing job interviews winter, have been comparing lists
had carried
set to challenge mises employed work; they view
out, or
are as clear
as the examples
above. In the past, at least one student ha8 unwittingly been employed to perform military work, Members of the group are careful to stress that the inclusion of an employer in their list doe8 not mean that the job,or any of the jobs,the employer adverfises are military related. However, a8 demonstrated, seveial jobs are of an exnlicit
Co-OD EmPlovers Involved in Militarv Work
years. Three categories were then established so that Borne rough idea of the employer’s primary involvement in military work could be indicated. The Ploughshares list is comprised of organizations in Canada that have carried out defense work since 1980. One job, offered by Leigh Engineering and Aerospace o’f Ottawa, is described in the Want Ads a8 follows: “The department designs digital communications systems for military u8e. We are currently engaged in a number of interesting ,new R&D projects to form the basis of our future product range.”
there is a terrible bet riding on this wager. Garrett Canada, one of the 708 employers, is a large manufacturer of micro-circuit8 for missile guidance and radar systems. They also fabricate temperature control systems, used in numerous nuclear-capable aircraft, such a8 the cruise-missile carrier. The Chalk River lab of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited has subcontra&d SD1 (Star Wars] particle beam research
work in the form of a contract in the past two
Another job offer, this one for a posiadvertised under the Public Service Commission of Canada, describes how the employee would “run a naval combat above water warfare simulator... to establish ship’s performance limits and survivability,” and would perform typical assignments including “automating calculation of missile flight paths and gun kill probabilities.” Of course, “a knowledge of the VAX/VMS operating system, naval weapons systems, and graphics package8 is desirable.” Not all the descriptions of jobs offered by organizations involved in mil-
our military institutions [armed forces, military industries and qilitary research facilities) a8 parts of a global system of violence and
accepted military government
formula I‘or lhe
Students Against Militarism is well the fundamental pre-
of organizations involved in military work in Canada (provided by Project Ploughshares) to the Want Ads distributed by the Department of Co-operative Education and Career S&vices. Their findings are not ambiguous: 50 of the 708 organizations advertising in both groups of the Want Ads perform military work. To determine the inclu.sion of an employer on its list, the g‘roup chose one simple criterion: whether or not the organization
btit at
They point out the contradiction to which supporters of the military economy seem blind: the military economy will ultimately destroy itself, either through the peace its supporters claim it will bring, or by the war for which it prepares. Members of tti group tend to believe that technology. is eventually used to accomplish the task for which it was built. In the case of nuclear weapons,
by the UW adminis-
tration, A significant number of co-op employer8 are involved in military work of various types - unclassified or classified research, manufacturing, maintenance and service - for Canada, the United States and other nations, and for NATO itself.
encountered a boycott campaign not nnlv at their infant formula, all ot their products. The infant itself was riot the de vehll;le expression of disapproval.
and the co-op. system
employers that have performed or accepjed military work in the form of a government contract in the past two years as indicated by a Project Ploughshares directory on military work in Canada. KEY: C: Electrical and Communications Work S: Supplies and Services (including W: Weapons and Military Vehicles Research) threat, and as players in the most viowith Los Alamos National Laboratory lent network of global managr!ment.: in the US. Automation Tooling of Kitthat of the United States and NATO. chener had a contract to build parts for As the military is not merely a violent the U.S. Navy’s Trident nuclear submainstitution but the very institution of rines, violence, Students Agqinst Militarism Many of these firm8 receive millions reject the notion that this institution is a of dollars worth of government subsiguarantor of,and not a threat to,employ- ’ dies in the form of Defense Industry ment, security and peace, Productivity Program (DIPP) pay-
merits, Garrett Canada received $14,625,094 in DIPP payments between 1969 and 1985.’ Students Against Militarism’s oppoa’ition to militarism is grounded in a wide variety of beliefs and convictions* Thev see militarism - which they define”as the building and maintenaice of systems of ma88 destruction, and the mindset that views force or its threatened use a8 a panacea to the world’s ill8 - as a huge waste of resources, a tragic mistippropriation of human energies, and a threat to life on earth. A8 a result, they are effectively withdrawing their consent from one manifestation of militarism on campus; the co-op employers involved in sustaining that threat. They hope to persuade others to join them. Statistics effectively demonstrate the effects of military spending on employment levels. Researcher Marion Anderson estimates that in the 19705, governments could hire 30,000 more people per billion dollars spent on the military than could the military. But, insist some members, such arguments are moot in light of estimates made by UNICEF, in its 1989 State of i~~~‘;:ra~~~~~‘~.fiitoiirsi”‘~~~~~~~:~:~~~: j :rtF:,,~~~~,-~~~~:~~~ :&;:$g!& ;;.&& ::‘,,,:, I.:::.: : : k.’ ‘:_: : :.:,,::;ghe aa@& ~$&.#&~‘~g&$~: ; :;I& r ;i&g&@&&f ~~~:,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <:..‘lj,,::‘. ‘.)j,‘_: ” I’:‘;A; .,,:.$:..,: ;&&&$&g. j&::$&*;)~fgg #$f& i f..‘.’ ~&#w.:~+&&&@# ,,t;~&&‘::~~~;::~;: _.: i.:. the World’s Children report, that the primary need8 of the poorest one third of the developing world could be met with
a commitment
of only
one twelfth
, of ~the world’s yearly military budget. I They argue that the larger military institutions of which Cana?la is a part are the means by which the inequities of the global economy are enforced for the benefit of those who oversee them, They might point to the nation8 of Central or South America, Africa or Asia - nations struggling against oppressive debt, poverty and underdevelopment, often nation8 that buy or receive million8 of dollars worth of arms from the West to enforce a repressive tranquility that annihilate8 popular efforts to relieve the oppression. The final argument the group presents concerns the present apex of militarism: the nuclear threat, the danger to which Canada is such a great contributor. This form of militarism, all non-military argument8 aside, break8 the two most fundamental principles of warfare as expressed in treaty, convention and custom: the principles of discrimination and proportionality. The first principle hold8 that act8 of aggression must distinguish between military targets and the environment, and between non-
combatant8 and combatants, The second principle maintain8 that aggressive actions must be proportional to the goals of warfare, Since it can be argued the possession of nuclear weapons as a deterrent is criminal in this sense, the active and deliberate participation in a system centered on these weapons can be nornlng les8. Students Agaiirat Militakism’8 member8 recommend students ask prospective employer8 about their involvement, if any, in military work, and urge those who are interested in joining upcoming actions or in getting more information to contact them through the w Peace Society and Lynne Siemens at 885-0220. Members of Students Against Militarism have requested their names be withheld pending a letter to the UW administration to be publisAed next . rL
Friday, February
Brbzilian battles have gone on for centuries by John Ccircoran Brazil: sleeping giant of the west. Straddling the equator it covers half of South America; at 8,5 million square kilometers it’s the fifth largest country in the world. From the populous industrial heartland in the south to the lush and lawleas Amazon rain forest in the north it is home to 141 million people: Indians, farmers, factory workers, and tycoons, Where once only the tongues of the indigenous peoples were heard, now the rhythms of Portuguese, Italian, German, and Japanese bear witness to Brazil’s ethnic diversity. But along with the diversity goes great disparity. In the industrialized southeastern states -- Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro -- the standard of living is comparable to Western Europe’s, In the economically backward north-eastern states peasant farmers are hard-put to feed their own families, and starvation occurs regularly. The draft version of Brazil’s new constitution guaranteed to urban workers a 44 hour week and double pay for overtime; but the rural population is less well protected: in the Amazon region, peasant families are being evicted at gunpoint from their farms to make way for largescale ranching and lumbering projects+ and indigenous lndians are about to be displaced by a hydroelectric project that will flood their ancestral lands. In 1500 the Portuguese landed in Brazil and proceeded to exploit the forest and its inhabitants. One of the first resources they extracted was Brazilwood, which gave the country its name; another was the inhabitants themselves: Indians were used as slaves, But the settlers soon found their demand for slaves exceeded the domestic supply, so they had slaves brought over from Africa and made use of them to build sugar plantations at the mouth of the Amazon river. In the 17th century slavery spread to the mining regions of Minas Gerais, and in the 10th to coffee plantations in Rio de Ianeiro and Sao Paulo. By the 19th century two-thirds of Brazil’s population were of African ancestry. Slavery was not abolished until the reign of Pedro II, the.second, and last, Emperor of Brazil, When Napolean invaded Lisbon in 1808, the king of Portugal, Joao VI, moved his court to Rio de Janeiro. He returned to Lisbon in 1822, but his son, Pedro I, remained behind as Emperor of the
newly independent Brazi1, During his reign he s’aw coffee exports become the mainstay of the Brazilian economy; eventua1ly they made up 70 per cent of Brazil’s export earnings. This coffee trade gave rise to an entrepreneurial class that began to wield considerable political influence. In the 1860s the imperial government conducted a costly and lengthy war against Paraguay, much to the dissatisfaction of the Brazilian army. In 1888 Pedro II decreed the abolition of slavery; the coffee planters opposed his decision and, with the aid of the army, overthrew Pedro II and established the republic of Brazil. Coffee exports continued to be the foundation of the Brazilian economy until the world depression, and industrial development remained limited. This changed after the second world war, when Brazil entered a period of industrial development that is still going on today, Industrial production rose quickly after the war; but industrial employment failed to keep pace, and the burden on the urban poor was increased when inflation reached 90 per cent per annum in the 1960s. As a result, a large part of the working class found themselves worse off than before the industrial boom, This urban working class formed a power base for Joao Goulart, a populist leader who
despite the opposition of large landowners, industry, and the military, who considered him a leftist radicil. But the workers expected something in return for their support: each time prices rose they demanded their wages rise as well, and Goulart had to deliver, Soon the workers were his only support, and to implement his policies in the face of increasing opposition, he had to resort to threats of strikes and unrest. This strategy only served to strengthen the opposition, and in March 1964 the military overthrew Goulart and established an authoritarian regime. The military instituted an aggressive policy to increase development in the Amazon region. Large-scale development haid begun in 1960 with the completion of a 2,000 kilometer highway from the mouth of the Amazon river to the federal capital, Brasilia, in central Brazil. The military expanded this project and created a network of roads that gave access for the first time to large areas of eastern Amazonia, They also offered tax incentive schemes to encourage cattle ranching and lumbering in the area, p Businessmen rushed to take advantage of these incentives; they bought huge tracts of land, took the tax rebates, and let the land lie until a road was built to give access to it.
Many of these purchases were killed in these disputes. The viomade l&fore the businessman or lence and intimidation practiced any government official had by the large landowners is apparently condoned by the goeven visited the land in question. Despite government assuranvernment despite the clear ces to the contrary some of the contravetion of Brazi1ian law: in only two cases were the killers land was already occupied, The roads the military had brought to justice. The land itself has also sufhoped would attract large-scale development to the region had fered under this development attracted some small-scale de- program. To qualify for the tax velopers first. Peasant farmers, rebate a company must clear 50 displaced from their traditional per cerit of the land purchased. lands by the conversion to me- For the largest cattle ranches chanized farming and export this would mean clearing crops, had migrated to eastern 300,000 hectares -- an enormous amount of timber to be cut Amazonia. There they settled on any piece and hauled out -- so the of land that was unoccupied and ranchers usually burn it instead, began to farm it. Under Brazilian They then use the land for paslaw, if a family cultivates and ture, but the grasses used are not lives on a piece of land for five suited to the Amazonian climate years and a day and registers and the soil deteriorates after their title to the land, all without about ten years; at this point the being challenged, the land is land can no longer be used for theirs. pasture nor for farming. The trouble began when the Development in the Amazon roads were completed and the also threatens the Yanomami Inranching and lumbering condians, who inhabit the northerncerns finally arrived to begin op- most tip of Brazil, by the erations. They found the land Venezuelan border. A Yanothey had paid for was home to mami Chief made a speaking one or more peasant families, tour through Canada last Deand they accused the families of cember. land invasion, often ignoring evAt a fund-raising concert held idence that the families had been at the University of Toronto he working the land for the five described the government’s years required by the law, plans to build a hydroelectric When the fami1ies refused to power station near his people’s move many landowners sent in valley. It will flood their home, hired gunmen to evict’ them; forcing them off the land they many peasant fartiers have been \ have hunted for generations.
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at this particular point in time and not something elsq? Ivan: Because. (
course of &&interview
thi na Laibr
bnd’s hc&etown Liubl-
Neuii $loWenisc three-p art ‘artie clu&?p theatre, compel ieIds- of 1
destruction of western degenerate art by. media manipulation,. with the ulti1 mite goal of ret+rogradism - going backwards into the future. Laibacb provide the ideological foundation for the’ NSK, which manifests itself in the Ten ’ Items of the Covenant of Laibach. Primary among these ten is the conviction that art and totalitarianism aren’t mutually exclusive. Laibach’s art is totallv
been treated very well [in Amerikaj, the media seem to be taking us seriously and we’re getting a Iot of intdresting reviews. We don’t cure if they’re good or bad reviews, what is important is that they are interesting to us. We think that reviewers are already twisted because of the way they look at records. Manipulating the media is only the first step in any effort to promote an
to its
@ined, r6
I Cavern strdction of the‘
fever in the lost crypt of head damage.
reater interest,
- a groovy resgon
sib&y th stadium domination. The soul of the masse8, whether maddened or aubdued, is the currency these slavs would like to bank. Through
across 800 km, the voice of Ivan crackles from the Mute offices in New York City. After a friendly introduction and some talk of weather and of snow, Ivan is amused at the ossibility of death threats from rabi s Beatleh or Stones fans. Apparently Ldbach expected Fame u on return to the States’but as of yet not K ing. Perhaps in Toronto. . As the younger, frecrher minds are of
kind’a group on his t Trump’s tower opens ask us to open it for Listening to Laibac tion of Let It Be is a di rience - the tir melodies squeeze reinterpretations. nerian sheets of vocal choruses, to Across The Universe, L&h
ing [a word which Ivan uses with overwhelming regularity). Despite their efforts to ta into the Amerikan unconscious, they Peel the media has misunderstood the nature of who they are and what
Imprint wondered who’s to blame the media for.misinterpretation or Mbach for making mistakea in not making their information clear enough? We don’t call them mistakes because it’s good to have 8ome things which people
Friday, February
3, 1989
Red at Fed. Big thrills Kevin Coglimo and Imprint staff
It was on the strength of Tom’s writing abilities that Red Rider was signed onto a recording contract with a major label, He is able to write likeable pop/rock, commercial hits without resorting to sentimentality and the use of cliches, as well as more deeply personal songs. He is one of Canada’s best songwriters. On his more nostalgic songs, Tom honestly induces one to conjure up individual memories of lost glory days, That ability to cause an audience to “live out” a song during its performance shows that a real artist is at work here. The highlights of the night were renditions of Big League, Boy Inside the Man, and that classic, classic song, Lunatic Fringe, a song about terrorism. Radio stations in the US: still say they constantly get requests for that song. The guitar playing on Lunatic Fringe is absolutely haunting. It makes me shiver every time I hear it and I love it. Everybody who attended this concert should pat themselves on the back. The best thing about the night was how much we all participated in the band’s performance. The crowd and the band kept giving back to each other in the very motion that defines this music; Rock ‘n Roll! _-
by David Liro Those of you that were not able to be with us for the Tom Cochrane Ilt Red Rider concert last Thursday night at Fed Hall, well, them’s the breaks. You missed out, man! Colin Linden began the night with his mixture of rock and blues and did his best to warm up the crowd, His songs were danceable and energetic but not a lot of people were paying attention. Even Miles Away From You, a single that received a fair share of airplay last summer on 4107 received minimal applause. Colin and his band simply lacked that essential charismatic ingredient that separates . the best from the rest; however, Cathy, an enthusiastic fan from way back, remarked that to her, Colin has “the sexual energy of Meatloaf.” I wonder if Colin Linden realizes he possesses such charm. When the lights went down, just before Tom Cochrane & Red Rider took the stage, the air was arcing with electricity, Never, have 3 seen a crowd at Fed Hall so pumped up in anticipation. Well the volcano erupted with an explosive opening performance of Victory Day, the title track from their latest album+ Right away the band was signaling that they were gonna red line it all night. I was blown away when Red Rider chose to do White Hot as the third song of the night. A definite Canadian classic with a distinctive intro that weaves sparse instrumentation around power punches. The wrenching slide-like guitar work in the song is my fave. All night long Red Rider provided a rock solid rhythmic foundation from which Tom Cochrane can shine from. Tom demonstrates that he can stand quite well on his own with an unexpected solo acoustic performance, His singing is always emotional, heartfelt and tinged with a desperate, yearning quality.
m /
Well, believe it or not, we actually managed to see the opening band this time. The band, called 88 D.A., hit the stage at about ten and proceeded to pour out their audio assault on the twenty-five or thirty people who braved the shitty weather to come to the show. In the interest of journalistic integrity, which as all 01 <our Arts readers know is key to our success in the field, we will try to summarize the opening band’s style in a few simple words: COCK ROCK. Yep, that’s right, we have just created a whole new ‘genre of music. They were kind of a AC/DC of a thing. It was fun to try and pick out the blatant rip-offs [sorry, influences] they had: “Hey, this sounds like a U.1.C tune, or maybe the Straw Dogs.” “ I thought it was ,JViZdflower by the Cult,” “No, you dope, that was an ORIGINAL SONG!” “Yeah, right.” Basically, they were a really shitty band, but, for some unknown EVIL REASON, we really enjoyed it. We think that it’s probably a sure sign of our upcoming mental collapse. The headliners were the Great Ontario Talent Search award winners the Heimlich Maneuver, * which some of you may have seen when they opened up for the Plastercene Replicas at the ‘Shelter - which is a goddamn shame, ‘cause they kick the poop I’ out of the Replicas’ ass. They were a Jot harder than we expected, which is a good thing (‘cause hey, it’s not like we’re wimps or anythin , but with a good sense of rhytTk m and melody. Not that it mattered, because they were out to have some fun with the audience. At one point, they all sat down on stools to do “a Cowboy, Junkies kind of thing,” according to
Don’t travel all over town looking for model and hobby supplies, come to. REQUIRING SOME _ ASSEMBLY. We have: Balsa, Basswood, S beet Styrene, Hobby Knives, Paints, Brushes, Plastic & Wooden Models &, much more.
at Phil’s
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back ,I
by Jim Human mprint ataff Jack de Keyzer. lay. He was goo x . lanced during the second set. Jack was llues rock and country rock. Everyone cheered at the end and h rlayed an encore.
Necessities [no, we’re not kidding) which on1 we knew the words to out o r everybody in Phil’s Grandson’s Place (PLUG). So, let’s tie up this baby by saying that the Maneuver guys deserve to be a lot better known, so SHOW UP to one of their shows, fer God’s sake,
the lead singer, and sang jazz songs about Mark Harmon.playing serial killers on T.V. The real fun was the choice of covers they chose to play, ineluding a little-known single by the Dundrells called Nothing On T.V., and the terrifically upbeat tune from the Jungle Book, Bare
‘RnHoodooWOn=ktkr~nE~ above
11 Yonge St., at King, Kitchener PROPER ID REQUIRED
by Carol Cambre Imprint staff
The wages of sin are death.
by Danaal Charney Imprint etaff Back with more “Smashes,thrashes and hits”, Kiss’ 1988 album is as the name implies, a mixture of their greatest hits. Contrasting their hard-metal image, Kiss’s album gives liateners some “good practical advice,” The tune Lick It Up [lQt33] is an extended metaphor which explains the manner in which one should approach life.
Kiss adds a poetic touch to their songs as in their first song’s chorus, “Let’s put the X in sex, love is like a muscle and you make me wanna flex,” (Let’s Put TheX In Sex-1988). Most of the album’s hits have a steady beat and a monotonous tone. but Kiss’ redone version of Beth’ (featuring Eric Carr) is an Air Supply style classic which reveals the tender side of Kiss. This really sappy song gets you in all the wrong places if you’re a Kiss lover, but had it been on a Whitney Houston album the fans would have just loved it, Just when you’re giving up on the album, Kiss comes through with I Was Mode For Lovin’ You (1979). Here is Kiss’ great side with its “ooh, ooh, shubup” chorus. Disco lights flash, Other songs accompanying this album are Love Gun [1977), Rock
City Go-o&
Let Loop lure you with their trance inducing strains and fade out. Let these longhairs hypnotize you with their rhythmic pulse and fade out. Let the chanting of those three faces staring vacantly out from the album sleeve tie and bind you with music, heavy guitar-based music, and fade out. Fade out from reality Sit back. Light some incense. Sit back. While one guitar sets the mood, another weaves in and out. The effect takes your brain into two different headspaces, one stable, the other unpredictable. Although vocals’are present, they are far from being in the foreground. They surface and resurface and yet remain foggy-and mysterious which is great as long as you don’t want to hear what the lyrics say. Good music but not for everybody, the kind that makes you worider what Jim Morrison in the ’80s would sound like. It calls and envelops. You don’t need to listen, merely absorb A and fade out.
(19761,and other classics. and buy it riow.
’ Your Best Deal To the Sun !
Daytona Beach.....:.$209.00
(6 nights)
by John Ryan Imprint staff
Back sounds really cool, But The Long and Winding Road is buried somewhere in the murk of the extended I’ve Got A Feeling. The best stuff seems to be the ethereal Across the Universe aa wel.I as the aggressive I, Me, Mine. None of that wimpy fab four bullshit here m friend. Playing this 4ii ing in the office we’ve discovered Let It Ba refusei to be polite background music - you either listen to it or it grates on you at a subliminal level - telling you to kill your ‘friends’ and throw yourself off a cliff. For added pleasuri check out the Sympathy For The Devil EP, on which they provide six different versions of the Stones’ chestnut. And to maximize your rock and roll fun, go to RPM on Tuesday to catch ihem live.
Yeah, this is the infamous record on which those crazy slavs cover the Beatles’ last album. I don’t really like the Beatlea, but I sure do dig this artifact, Truly, Lgibach’s latest salvo in the total information war scores a direct hit. What’s the best tune? Which comes closest to recreating the magic of the Beatles? Well: Get
Ft Lauderdale....... $285.00 (7nights) l
I ncludea:
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For a week of fun in the sun contact your campus rep.: Calin
or Jim 884-9649 101
Presented by Campus Marketing Inc.
ST. N.,
3, 1989
by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff
6y Pietrovich Statherakinski Imprint staff Rush has released their fifteenth album, It has fifteen songs. Fifteen is a big number. It is called A Show of Hclnds. The album contains 75 minutes of music. All of it was recorded live, It sounds good. It costs money to buy. Rush is a three person band. They are Canadian. They use a lot of technology. They use it in the studio. They also use it on stage to perform with. Rush are millionaires. They-have been rich since 198(). Rich as they may be, they are not as amazing1 talented as Go Four 3. Geddy Lee sings in a high voices. He is a tx in man. Alex Lifeson plays the guitar. He is not so thin. Neil Peart is the third person in the band, When they get together, they are called Rush. Many people like to listen to Rush’s music, These people would like A Show of Hands. It sounds good. A Show of Hands is Rush’s third live album. They have had two before this one.
Oh great, an exasperated campus throws its hands up in the air in unison, “More big ratings for records we’ve never heard of just so those Imprint hacks can massage their egos with delusions of hipness. Alas, but the poor hack trudges onward with his thankless task, undeterred by the inevitable reprisals from the MuthNetws staff whose indigna‘tion at seeing a review of an album which does not have a place in their Rush-infested record collections (QUV’S Homegrown album, of course, being the be-all and end-all of inde-
by John Zachariah Imprint ataff ; This song has been kicking around dance clubs for a while, and now it’s getting airplay on CHYM. Ugh, what a song! This is so obnoxiously flamboyant, it makes garbage like Taylor Dayne’s Tell It’ To My Heart sound subtle, tasteful and restrained. Kon Kan rips off Bernard AIbrecht’s vocal style for the verses and then sample the horn sections of five marching bands to use in the chorus. The result is pretty hamifisted, but if you’ve got a few drinks in you, you’re sure to go into full effect. Have
Houre Mudc -All Nlght Long t
EVERY WEDNESDAY, r Lndlsa Night Win a Dream Vacrtlon or Cash
’ pendent music) will doubtless know no bounds, The truth is that there is no good reason why most of the twenty-five bands pepresented on this specially priced, two-record compilation aren’t spinning around as many turntables as, oh, Husker Du or R.E.M. or something else that fits the guitar band gods of critical acclaim of the ’80s. Homestead Records, the U.S.‘s “other” independent label (with all due deference to the somewhat flagging SST), has long been devoted to things alternative in American rock, but by “alternative,” I don’t necessarily mean anything radically experimental, harshly dissonant, or dizzyingly innovative; I simply mean bands that won’t record on anyone’s terms other than their own. The likes of Big Dipper, My Dad Is Dead, Great Plains, Bastro, Antietam, Yo La Tengo, The Embarrassment, Death of Samantha, and Honor Role, all bands with fine, skull-bustingly product on the import shelves, are far from unlistenable -their tracks here are unwaveringly tuneful and bristling with energy, but their shrewd decision fo eschew squeaky clean production values for guitars that bite and vocals with enough gruffness that you can tell they haven’t been put through the studio meat-grinder the requisite twenty or thirty times, This is, after all, human music. That, howeuer, is just one end of the Homestead spectrum. Jonathan Richman meets Jim Foetus on Happy Flowers’ grhtingly amusing I Wish I Was Adopted and GG Allin’s
I’m A Gypsy
Games We’d Like
To See
Light Night and Light Price8 From 9:oO &mm- Mldnlght.
COMING LIVE 1. 2. 3. 4.
Hide the Fiat Eye, Eye, Wh’s Got The Eye? Truth or Punishment Name My Affliction 5. Bind That Wound ,
Tws. Feb 7 - The Spoonr $5.00 - advance Mon. *Feb 18 - Fmhton Show Tue. bb 14 - Vulenttne Celebration Tuer Feb 21 - 570 CHYM Tatent Search. 5 Hve bands Tue& Feb 28 - Barney Bentull and the Ledgendary Hear& $5.00 - advanoib
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Advance Tickets avai~abie at Stages 80x Office; UW Record Store; RPM, Waterloo; Records on Wheels, Guelph & Sam the Record Man, ,Downtown Kitcheney.
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‘1.744-2000 I
and, In My
mockery on ~clrty Heart; and The Clean and Tall Dwarfs are here as well with their wonderfully cluttered, noisy bursts of pop hooliganism. And as for Live Skull [hailed as New York’s “second-best” experimental band], psychedelic girl-groupers Salem 66, and the muscular melodicism and harmonies of Volcano Suns, they’re here for the taking. Demand the ripened fruits of the great unwashed womb of the American underground and grab hold of this while you can.
by Sally Bryent and FraA BaNston Imprint staff HEY! NOW that we have your remember a couple back when we told you the Gruesomas were pretty groovy in concert? Well, they are almost as much fun on vinyl. HEY! is the Gruesomes’latest release on Og Records, and Bobby, Gerry and the boys were the number one sellers in the Campus Record Store last week. So, it seems only fitting that we review HEY! and tell you why they are the top of the heap at present. If you are familiar with and have any affection for the first two Gruesomes lp’s (Gruasomada, Tyrants of Teen Trash and the mini project, Unchained) you will probably want’to take a jog to the nearest record store and scoop this one up. There are few surprises on HEY! as Gruesomaniacs will note - it’s typical Gruesomes stock, All inclusive are Bobby Beaton’s gut-wrenching [screeching) vocals and the usual Gruesomea-style hardedged garage rock. This latest Gruesomes release is basically a hopping and fun album. That is, save for the lyrics which reflect a pessimistic, scorned bunch of dudes with a few, shall we say, “female problems” and gutter-ridden love lives, You be the judge - here are a few of the song titles: So Fur So Bad: Don’t Waste My Time; and Thanks For Nothing. HEY! is well-executed, though gutsy guitars and a wailing bit of harmonica work make several tracks on this album more than memorable. Every piece of vinyl has both treasures and forgettables and HEY! is no exceptioh. Our picks for memorable tracks include: Out of Our Tree, a fun, mindless party tune with semi-surrealistic lyrics: So Far So Bad, a very catchy musical tidbit containing those bitchy lyrics previously attention, weeks
“‘Good fa what --‘I-
fucker- is almost as charming as the title sounds. The U.K. is represented by the terse, wiry stylings of Membranes and the quaint, tea and crtimpets pop of The Pastels. Most welcome, though, is Homestead’s licensing of much of the best of Flying Nun’s roster of New Zealand independent music: The Verlaines’ brilliant single, Doomsday, is testimony to their deft appropriation of classical and jazzy elements in exhilarating, literate pop; The
Chills strike a winning
I Can
which initially ,is*vaguely reminiscent of Bow Wow WOW’S I Want Candy. ‘We thought the .-weak links in HEY! ha pened in a couple of spots. Tei PMe How You Feel. is a fast ballad-type bit of sludge (Gerry’s vocals are hauntingly wimpy), and World of Darkness is sluggish and slightly irritating because it is so atypical, and thus, unexpected. Yabba Dabba Do!
’ ARTS - I_.
I\ Hip happeniw ,
by Sally Bt ant Imprint sta Pf Is anyone you know building a large sea-going vessel? If so, cozy up to them, and while you are at it, you may want to pair up with a desirable creature. Yes folks, the floods are coming (again), so put on your duckies and slickers and paddle down to the nearest club to catch some of the following gigs. The weekend kicks off with the primitive uncaged sounds of the Research Monkeys at the Bombshelter on Friday, February 3. If you want to get eway this weekend, try Toronto - Itsa Skitsa, Strength through Joy, and the CockleShell Heroes are serenading the Rivoli on Friday night. Or you can catch Ozzy Osburns at Maple Leaf Gardens (also on Friday evening), but you minht want to leave vour small bacnyard animals a< home for this one. On Saturday Feb. 4, Errol Blackwood, ex-Messenjah, pays a visit to Fedly Hall - plus, there’s lots more stuff going on in Toronto. Black Betty is appearing at the Rivoli and Heimlich Maneuver is cranking up the party at the Siboney to a nice respectable level with Shadowy Men. On Sunday (the day after Saturday), a bunch of guys that think highly of themselves called BunchofFuckingGoofa, is doing whatever they do at the Siboney. Tuesday, February 7 is the night that leff H8d8y and his band swings back our way for a long-awaited show at The Highlands in Cambridge. If you prefer kitchen utensil-type music, the Spoons are appearing at [oh goody] Stages in Kitchener. If you are still lodged in Toronto and you can’t bring yourself to return to K-W just yet, why not catch Laibach at RPM? There are three main evil events happening on Wednesday, February 8. The best investment and most promising form of entertainment (and let’s face it - it’s something different] is the Fine Arts Guild’s presentation of A Fashion Conspiracy. Tickets are on sale at the Fed Office for $4, and proceeds from the show will be donated to the Children% Wish Foundation. Get your tickets early, then get to Fed Hall . early for the best seats. Fashions and models are a mixture of local and Toronto-based talent. The post-punk synth-pop band Mom, is making a special a pearance at Phil’s Grandson’s PPace to rock the house on Wednesday the eighth. Finally, there is a Watpubroad trip-type deal heading off to The Brunswick House in Toronto at 9:00 pm. The Entrepreneurs’ Club is sponsoring this little adventure, but plan to knock off classes on Thursday because beer flows abundantly and cheaply. Sal1 for now kids... stay tuned for info on up and coming shows like 1S Engines, and Sheep Look Up, - Tha Fall, Nick Cave, and Paul James
+lrrLL, WM’
Friday, February
3, 1989
Is Interfering Studying With Your Simple Effective Fun Y ml
your study. time in HALF
full of snund
by an idiot,
Shakespeare “Life
is but a day.”
Keats “Life
is but
an empty * dream.”
is made
of subs,
O’Henry “Life
is une
ife is
a dirty
of getting
a short
Samuel Butler frum
tu nothingness.”
Ernest Hemingway “When
I die Z shall
rut and
no vastness
* nothing.”
of any oizly
ego will
survive a moment
m. there and
is no
Imprint, Friday, February 3, 1989
Fun bn the
Sages at stages
you are stupid. Kill yourself.. fine and capable performance of Short,’ As Ned,, Perry, :. &Iartin Short portrays a likeable but I alwa 8 manage to feel unthoroughly inept bank robber a movie comforta ii le watching who is a -widower, unemployed, that would have me sympathize on the edge and desperate for with robbers, who for whatever funds to support his voluntarily reason seem to. be justified in mute daughter. So he robs a their crime. bank, Enter Nick Nolte as Daniel I am always amazed that an Lucas, an ex-con trying to go audience, which would otherstraight, that is until Short takes wise be angry if they were the him hostage during the bank victims of such crimes, should robbery. For reasons of pity or readily cheer the usually suc- practicality, I%olte reluctantly cessful escape of the criminals. becomes involved and impliThis discomfort I experience is cated in Short’s bungled baptism less of a moral virtue than it is a into the world of criminal activity. remembrance of the innumerable times I have been ‘ripped off’ Although Nolte tries to disenby various elusive and shadowy tangle himself from Short’s life, figures. Nevertheleae, as the an adorable young lady in the movie Three Fugitivee proform of Sarah Rowland Doroff, gressed, I toe suspended my be- who plays Ned Perry’s very lief and enjoyed a light but young daughter Meg, captures thoughtful slapstick comedy. Nolte’s heart in a most remarkaPerhaps it was the laughter of ble way. With the background details the audience that shifted my attention, or it could have been the out of the way, the movie focuses
by Leslie J. Peters
on developing the growing but grudging relationship ‘between Nolte and Short. The pretience of the young Sarah providei a catalyst to draw out the\,missing qualities in both Short’s and Nolte’s characters, . Nolte, with his gravelly voice and rangy muscular build is found to contain a lion’s heart of compassion and gentle grace while Short develops what my grandmother
to call ‘gump-
The comedy in this movie is not of the int&llectual or satirical genre. Rather, it is very visual or just plain slapstick, as sampled by the tidbits used in the television
The odd ironic twist does emerge during the film; however, if you want something of a darker you’ll
or more cynical nature . have to look elsewhere as
Here’s a Blue Rodeo&e receiving the bountiful energy of the Cosmos. This love-in was held at Stages last Tuesday. photo by Pate Stathapolb
this movie allows t-he audience a rare commodity now-a days - a good feeling.
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Friday, FebruW3,
Mr. Dressup get& down
Get your tick es out pirates. I really . enjo ed this game as there was Skul r Damage all over the stage, Pirates, in Mr. Dress-Up’s world, do not have real swords. They’re dangerous and you could poke someone’s eye out. So Mr.Dress-Up ran around with this thin, phallic balloon for a sword. “I-Iarr Billy, Ya Ever Bin Tah Sea?” Casey and Finnegan delighted the young crowd with their silly antics, Finnegan still hasn’t learned how to speak, but Casey said enough to last us a few childhoods. I can’t stand his voice, but where would Mr.Dress-Up be without him? After all the clapping and singing and imagining and laughing were over, Mr.DressUp didn’t even come out for an encore. Oh well, I suppose too much of a good thing can be fatal.
Andrew Rehags Imprint staff
chuckles of my little sister, who, at 11, would never go to see Mr. DressJJp. Not until she was There’s really not much one wading waist deep in little ancan say about Mr. Drear-U that kle-biters did Marjorie realize anyone who’s had a chil x hood what I had gotten her into. Inlaughter and the doesn’t already know. The king credulous of children’s amusement played phrase “You creep” were heard, to a large crowd at the Centre in Long live Casey and Finnegan. the Square with his pals Casey Singing and silliness were and Finnegan. It was a great SW- tools for Mr. Dress-Up in his prise for some to find out that short one hour show. He stored Finnegan is actually grey and all his clothes in a large “tickle not beige - but he is. trunk” which could not be unSecrecy was the operative locked unless it was tickled. “Oh word -for me last Sunday. Walk- no. I’m in a pickle. My hands ing into the Centre, my leisure have lost their tickle,” was his buddy, Marjorie, still had no dilemma when he could not open idea of what she was getting the trunk. Marjorie and I and the into, I had kept her completely in rest of the 4-5 year-olds obthe dark as to the purpose of our viously had to help him. Obdodging work we should have viously. been doing. Once that was accomplished, I subjected her to the knowing we all got dragged into a game of
Does Andrew
have as much fun with Marjorie?
Black Eagle
Sheep in wolf’s clothing. by Paul Done Imprint staff The presence of Jean-Claude Van Damme and She Kosugi, the two’ modern masters of martial arts, seemed to augur well for Biack Eagle. Van Damme had produced one of the great martial arts movies of all time in Bloodsport, his last film, while Kosugi had always played the Ninja character in the Cannon Group’s Ninja movies with consummate evilness. Unfortunately the lunkheads who were directing this movie decided they should reverse the characters and play Sho Kosugi in the good guy role and Van
r ----------I.
Damme in the evil Russian role. Mistake number 1. This would have been forgiveable if the fighting and brawling had been up to the usual Van Damme /Kosugi standards of broken necks, crushed limbs and fractured ribs - it’s not. What Black Eagle amounts to is a martial arts movie without the martial arts * kinda like a strip club where the gals leave their clothes on. P When I shell out 6 l/2 clams for a movie like Black Eagle I want my money’s worth of ptinchin,’ choppin’ and kickin.’ Frankly, you’d see more good fights if you hung out at the ‘Net at closing time. COUPON
I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I
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Friday, February
3, 1989
Good times a
ARTS Continued page 17
The agenda of Laibach
don’t understand. You can’t give everybody everything. It is good to make eople find some things out for t rl emselves. Perhaps one of the primary areas in which they feel they have been. misunderatoad is in their concept of tutalitarian,.,‘~~‘,~’
form in the -world especially among the youth - it is the most influential. It doesn’t just end here folks, like some tribal Menude, Laibach intend to exist
go-go at Pogo's~ by Jim Harman Imprint staff
mayed by the lack of somewhere to go that has better coffee than the Turnkeys but isn’t as soulIt’s 1:30 in the morning and less and pretentious as Cafe Bon you’ve just left Fed. Thirsty, Choix, approached Barbara, a wide awake and with a bit of a former York student and tosweet tooth, you long for a late gether, after a lot of hard work night cafe to go to and wind [they put in their own electrical jown or talk or just to drink a lot outlets) they opened for busiIf coffee. A lot of coffee, But, this ness January 31. !s Waterloo and you might as Go there, The coffee is superb well go home and put on the in- (Up er Canada Coffee and Teastant because you’ll never find wor & B), always fresh and best of mything ope.n at this hour in this all, bottomless, all for only 85 :own. cents. But wait, that’s not all. Or, you’ve gone downtown to The cheesecake is without a $88 a movie at the Princess and doubt, the richest, best I’ve ever :he bus dropped you off a whole had in a restaurant, none of that ‘lalf hour before the movie starts wimpy creamy stuff. This is and you’re with your girlfriend cheesecake. 10 you can’t catch the strippers Pago’s also has a small food at the Kent so you end up hang- menu, but I haven’t sampled ng around Zehr’s in Waterloo from those choices as yet, Most square because there is nothing of the fare is made on site with !lse to do. the notable exception of the Wrong. apple pie which is brought in Take a small exploratory walk from Chudleigh’s Apple Farm in iown King, left at Erb and in be- Milton, hind the Hotel Waterloo (Taps), POGO’S can be found on the and you will find Waterloo’s corner of Erb and Regina and is newest, hippest coffee shop open ‘til 1 p,m, Mondays thru POGO’S Former UW student Wednesdays and ‘til 3 p.m. and co-owner Heather, dis- Thursdays thru Saturday.
criticized in thti UK, I ,. .‘I, 1;:I. At our reference .to this? .the Ivan rhetoric b.egins to flo’w.~n$e again It’s n.ot :.fbtalita~~tiff & this is wher&.,w&%tive been :@y misunderstood.; Our .qff &. PFE that exprqq&:. ‘a tdt&lit&lsn ideology. Precistily. Thi% kind of ideologically, @otivste$,%$, is nothing ~,ew F Wagnir Gadchis music
t6 “ikpre88
ian idea& Yes, so&@&&fi~erikan artist.... died ~@@~&&&,. ah, what the .fuck .~~:;~$$&$$~~e?,+:,.;:,. Wu r h ol E..&~dy 4&1 #&I !,I$$~..&~&’ ; :.-:.. ,,:,:‘y. the same thing -+ ,.@~r~@#;:~~ j: ideology. ,t&gy&J##:‘I& I:~~~~~~b~~~~~,:~~~. I’:i The r~~~~~~~~‘t~~~:~~~~~~~~~, ins to g~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~e: i_:‘::: workjn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i:~l~ ;.;~~ j8 for t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IA’:-; tjon of pap~~~ii~l~~~~~:s~co~~~~,~I,:,; That ex~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~,~: ‘g&&gI;;;~&&~,.i ers - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,;*.y. ‘,.~l:;..~.:ir:k::F;:.,.‘:.:..‘: _ Stones?~:~~~~~.~~~~,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~: ... . .:.:f”r-+. :.::::‘:::‘$z::.:&* .._.._,.. ::.. .:f‘.iF::.,@@# _,.,. :<:’9.._ “...‘..:, cover vg&~&~w~~~~~ti..e~ ,:.$.&.’ biggest and the best. Andy Warho1
blueprint for ideological popculture multi-media assault. The spearhead ~tr. ‘his cultu-, ral attack is in the area of pop explains:
music is the dominant
as Ivan
The notion of passive Laibach indoctrination should disturb you a bit. The next time you listen to the radio, Laibachminht
Magazines & Used Books TUESDAY
6150 prize each for best male & female All contestants welcome - Qualify for Super Stripperal
Come and Browse through
t ure. Well, ha* . HA
hope you win! ha ha
HA . HA. _HAI You’d better hope we don’t! And swimming somewhere in the distant collective unconscious is the vision of a stadium concert during which a huge wall is being constructed - surrounding the crowd. So ya thought ya might like to go to the show...
our large selection
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be sandwiched between Depeche and The Smiths. Would Ivan feel comfortable seeing the NSK ideology displayed next to a band whose ideology he atid the band disagrees with? it has al-
l l
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No agencies please.
M. H
m SPORTS ’ Q What a rebound!
V-balkrs by GIenn Hauar Imprint
Fred Koops summed up last week’s efforts by stating that “we’re finally showing ourselves how good we can be? Koops, a veteran volleyball player here at the University of Waterloo, is reknowned for his U.S. Marine “be all that you can be” banter, He seems to have spurred his comrades on, as the Warrior volleyball team defeated the third, ninth, and tenth ranked teams in the countr , If volley 6 ail fans will recall, it was only two weeks ago that Waterloo was mired in a slump that looked like it would never end. UW could not win any close matches, and were soundly beaten by top ranked teams. Lacklustre efforts were par- for the course. After defeating tenth ranked Western, Waterloo travelled to Guelph last Thursday, January 28 to take on a much improved Gryphons squad. Brutal is probably the best word to describe the match as it was a horrible display of uninspired volleyball, The Warriore were just “saving energy for the East-West challenge on the weekend.” Waterloo still managed to take the match in thrse. straight, defeating the Gryphons 15-6, IS10, and 36-14. However, the quality of play did not bode well for the weekend in question, as
spike UW was supposed to prepare for tough matches against ninth ranked Toronto and third ranked York. Sporting their new uniforms, now known as the Black Plague, they went into the Yeomen gym unaware of how well they were actually going to play. Toronto was their first opponent. It all started when it was overheard on the Toronto bench that Waterloo didn’t have any middle attack whatsoever. This kind of comment is not really necessary, and the Warrior middle blockers, Scott Smith and Steve Heck, took it to heart.
selves. Between them, Smith and Heck had 15 kills, 10 stuff blocks, and 11 rejections. Smith also came up with nine digs. The Warrior blocking was as good as it has been all year, If there is anything negative to say about the match it would have to be the attacking and serving. Team kills hovered around 31 per cent, and eight service errors were committed. One of the most frustrating things to watch in volleyball is your team serving a ball into the net, However, it is exciting when the other team does it, Spirits are raised, especially in - a close
Heck was angry with the negative comments about his prowess at the net Despite a minor setback in the second game of the match, the Warriors dominated in all three of their winning games, Their 31 defeat of the Varsity Blues erased any ideas that Toronto may have had regarding pursuit of a berth in the CIAUs. It was Smith and Heck who came up big. Heck, in an unusual situation for such a soft spoken guy, was involved in a verbal joust with Toronto’s flamboyant Edgar Lueg for the entire match, Heck was angry with the negative comments about his prowess at the net. The statistics speak for them-
match, It shows the other team is just as nervous as you are. Nevertheless, Waterloo has regained the confidence it needs to defeat their Ontario rivals. York was the big one - the last chance to prove to themselves that they can beat this cocky, yet talented team. The Yeomen seem to expect respect. Usually, if a team gives them respect, they feed on it and spit on ou on the court. They have a K abit of destroying opponents with a smirk on their faces. in a classic confrontation at the captain’s meeting with the referee, the Warrior leader, Jim
McKinnon, met with National Team player Bill Knight. Knight’ 8’7”, is a great player who when he wants to be, ia virtually unstoppable. If the pressure is on him, well . ..? Knight introduced himself to McKinnon as “Sill.” Determined not to give an inch to the Yeomen in this last chance gasp at a high ranking, McKinnon responded “What? Phil?” The somewhat arrogant Knight was considerably surprieed, putting on the “What? You don’t know me?” look. The Warriors played that way on the court against York. Great defence, evidenced by the total of 35 digs in the match, in only three games at that, showed everyone that Waterloo was determined not to let this one slip away, For the firat time this year, Waterloo defeated the Yeomen. The scores were 15-11,15-Q, and 15-10, Three straight games from the mighty York side was unheard of. Although York was playing without Jacob Witorek, who was out with an injury, Waterloo controlled York with several players carrying a few pounds of bandages. Waterloo’s serving was tough, completely opposite to that exhibited in the Toronto match. York’s passing was brutal according to coach Rob Atkinson, that is, their offence was quite predictable. “Our guys were in position and ready on defence,
something that we haven’t been doing until this weekend.” The big hitters for the Warriors were the Smith brothers, who came up with stellar matches offensively. Scott Smith had 13 kills with only one error, His brother, Steve, had an amazing 20 kills with four er; rors. Blocking was almost nonexiatent in the match, Waterloo had
Waterloo 3 Guelph o Waterloo Toronto Waterloo York 0
Continued on page 26
Streaking UW makes it *five,.straight McGraw
Imprint staff How do you thrash a firstplace team on one day and then need a waning-seconds basket to nick a fifth-place team just four days later? The answer isn’t easy, but after pulling off the feat last week, the Waterloo Warriors basketball team extended their winning streak to five games, pushing their record to 7-2 to give them a share of first place in the OUAA West. Wednesday night down the street, the Warriors edged the fifth-place Laurier Golden Hawks, 67-66 after trouncing the formerly first-place M&laster Marauders on Saturday [ January 281, 100-75.
Waterloo head coach Don McCrae, “But then we play three teams in the lower half of the division (WLU, Brock and Windsor) and we’re ripe for the picking. It’s a marathon, you don’t take it in sprints, you go game by game. You play against teams that aren’t playing well - but do you think Brock’s really scared of us after [UW beat them) 66-62 last week?” The Warriors host the lastplace and winless Badgers tomorrow (Saturday) at the PAC starting at 2 p.m., while the 4-5 Lancers visit campus next Wednesday [February 8) at 8 p.m. Ron Braley was Wednesday night’s hero, flicking in a lefthanded hook shot with three seconds left on the clock to pull the victory out of the hat. The basket
Waterloo McMaster Guelph Western Elsewhere Wednesday, McMaster clipped Brock at the buzzer, 81-80, while Guelph thumped Windsor, 86-72. Waterloo, McMaster and Guelph are all tied for first at 7-2, while Western sits in second at 8-2. The ‘Stangs host Lakehead in a weekend doubleheader. “On Saturday we made people stand up and take notice,“aaid
W 7 7 7 6
2 2 2'
14 14 12
capped off a gut-wrenching final four minute6 to put an attractive finish on an otherwise ugly game, Tom Schneider, the CIAU and OUAA Athlete of. the Week for his %&point gem against Mac, led the way again with 25 points deapite an awful two-for-eight nightmare from the foul stri e. Braley, right at home in t R is
scrappy battle, notched 18 points. The Warriors shot 46 per cent from the floor and a gruesome 1%far-18 from the charity stripe. Waterloo played without point guard Chris Troyak, who dressed but did not play after twisting his ankle in Saturday’s game. McCrae was pleased with the play of versatile rookie Jason Poag, who started in place of Troyak despite never playing the point position before. The Hawks, whose offensive game survives on a staple diet of perimeter shooting, hit a gory 33 per cent from the field and ninefor-13 from the foul line. Mike Alessio potted 15 while Tony Marcotullio meshed 14. Both teams fired up enough mortar in the first half to build a semi-detached house, The score stood tied at a paltry 7-7 after seven minutes of play, and the Warriors edged ahead 12-8 by the lo-minute mark, But in a blue collar, grind-itout-in-the-paint battle, the 6'7" 265-pound Braley was the ultimate weapon. His bullying on defence halted the Hawks puny front court, and his power on offence gave the Warriors a 25-18 lead late in the half. Waterloo took a cue from Braley and picked up the pace to take a 34-20 lead to the dressing room at the half. The Warriors extended the
only seven stuff blocks. However, two big ones came against Knight. When he is being slammed, “he turns into jello” according to Koope, the profeeeor of volleyball. Knight started to tip the ball, as well as hitting softly around the block, erasing numerous slam opportunities. After the day was over, with
Shock Mac, nick WLLJ
by Mike
3 1
Ron Braley (43) muscles in another photo by Rich Nldrd
Friday, February
3, 1989
Surprisel Surprisel
Warriors spank Northern visitors by Glenn Imprint
their own division. Barring any unforeseen disaster against Toronto and Guelph next week,
H~uer etaff
In their firat home December 4, the
Waterloo hockey Warriors hosted the Laurentian Voyageurs none too nicely. The powerful UW side disposed of their visitors quite handily in a 13-2 drubbing. “We were quite confident going into the game,” stated UW coach tough
Don McKee/They’re situation, they
UW cagers cruise to 7-2
in a
are con-
But they be able to build without local players staying in
won’t 8ome Sudbury. “It is tough to attract top hockey players into a cold northern town when there are so many universities in southern Ontario. Look at our team, we have Jamie Maki and Jamie McKee, two player8 from Sudbury who always Beem to come through for ua at the end of the season.”
Waterloo has clinched a playoff spot. Toronto ha8 no chance of catching UW, although the Varsity Blues have a chance of 81ipping into fourth spot ahead of Laurier. Unfortunately for the Blues, Laurier is playing the best hockey of everyone in the division right now. Last night at the domed Waterloo arena, the Warriors faced theGolden Hawk8 in what could have been the most important game of the year so far (score una.vailable at press time]. Where the Warriors finish now is all up to them. They have four games remaining, all within
Waterloo will be in a great position to challenge York for second place, perhaps even Western for
first place.
John Goodman feels that the team is in a great apot now. Warrior
“We’re in second place and would play York in the semi-final if the standings finish as the are,” ‘he said. “Laurier would play Western, which is greatbe-
cause the Golden Hswke always play
Confidence, is the key to winning in the playoffs. With all of the goalscorers in the Laurentian match, the Warriors will be full of confident players. The well balanced scoring attack was led Todd Coulter, John Dietrich and Dan Tsandelis, each with two goals and two assists, Goodman also notched two goals with McKee, Maki, Steve Girardi, Brad Geard and Dave Fennel adding one apiece. It is interesting to note that UW’a top acorer, Chris Glover, failed to bulge the twine even once. But he did manage to assist on three goals’ with Ken Euitenhuis and Ian Pound doing the same, Warrior fans will be happy to know that Waterloo will be at home twice next week. On Sunday at 2:30 p,m., Guelph Gryphons will visit Columbia
Icefield. The following Wednesday, the Blues will be on campus at 7:30 p.m.
, Continued from page 25 lead to as much as 18 in the second, but Alessio abandoned the jumper and resorted to kamikazee drives into the land of the gianta. The strategy worked, and a8 the pace picked up, the Hawk8 closed it to 42-36 with 12:55 remeining. Big buckets by Don Meace and Braley restored UW’s lead to 4% 38, when Schneider awoke from hi8 shooting coma to drain 11 of Waterloo’s next 13 point8 to give the Warriors a 62-54 lead with four minute8 left. But the Hawk8 just wouldn’t quit. A8 Laurier closed it to 02-56, the temperature in the WLU AC seemed to rise, and the game’s trashy script took on an epic
character, The Hawks live off of threepointers, and were shut out from treyland - until r;ookie Danny Deep scorched one to narrow it to 82-58 with I:12 left to go, After a Schneider free throw, the little rookie pulled the trigger from long range again - 63-82 Warriora. The exciting cross.-fire began - Ales& popped in a ciutch jumper to give the Hawks their first lead of the night, 84-63. Waterloo rookie Andy Zienchuk canned two clutch free throws with 44 seconds left to steal the lead, but WLU’s Paul DeSantis hit 8 lay-up to take it back 88-65 Hawk8 with 22 ticks left on the clocrk. That set the stage for Braley’s game-winning hook in the waning seconds. Saturday’@ game at the PAC left many observers pondering the queetion why were the
M&faster Marauders in first piace? It w88 really no contest a8 the Warriors buried 67 per cent
of their shots from the floor on the way to a 100-75 hemmering of first-place Mac, There’s no doubt that Schneider must be considered a legitimate all-Canadian candidate. Against Mac he matched his career high point total with 38 - a feat he achieved against Acadia in November’s Nai8mith tourney, But this performance was a step above the other 39 he pumped in 13-of-12 from the field, II-of-13 from the charity stripe and two-for-two on three-
pointers. He did much of this draped in maroon jerseyed playera, who stuck to him like a cheap suit all day. Yet unlike his earlier
piggyback his teammates. Meace continued to build a name for himself, nailing 13 points [six-for-eight from the floor) as did Troyak. The battleship Braley banged in 12 @long with Zienchuk. Another difference? The Warriors didn’t win that November 12 game against Acadia - but they mangled the Marauders. “This was the best game we’ve played this year,” beamed McCrae.“This wa8 our .best 40 minutes - we’ve been able to play this well but only for a couple of minutes. Today, we domi-
nated all phases of the game.”
“I knew it wa8 going to be a game,” admit ted grim McMaster coach Barry Phillips“But I didn’t think we’d get
blown out by 25 points. Waterloo dominated us in all phases of the game - McCrae had his guys really
If‘ you ‘go
through our bench, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who pla ed well, I knew it was going to i! e 8 rough game - I don’t know if my players did.” About the only Marauder who lived up to his billing was Ed Madronich, who meshed 22 points, mostly on touch jumpers from around the perimeter. Centre. Mike Preocanin wa8 virtually neutralized+ scoring 13 while Craig Muir added 11.
piece, Schneider didn’t have to
shot 47 per cent
from the field and a disgraceful eight-for-16 from the foul stripe. The Warrior8 wasted no time,
jumping all over the Maruaders in the o ening four when SC Rneider and turned five steals into
Troyak five tr8n-
sition buckets to put UW up 10-2 endthePACcrowdonitsfeet.At
the dazed Marauders took
an emergency
time out, The game then clicked into hyper space, looking much like an NBA battle as both club8 began to ripple the twine with
very un-Canadian consistency. The Marauders pulled as close as.l8-17, but as the half wore on, . they seemed fatigued by the game’s dizzying pace. With one two-minute superhuman display, the Warriors pulled away for good. In that 120 second onslaught, Schneider rained in two three-point missiles t a routine jumper and turned a steal into a three-point play. All part of a 21-point half for the veteran guard. When the smoke from Schneider’8 Reeboks had cleared, Waterloo led 46-31, and the Maruadera may as well have packed up the bus- and headed back to the Steel City. The Warriors held a 54-39 spread at the half,
The second half offered no re-
lief from the torture for the Marauders - they got no, closer than 12 the rest of the way. Schneider continued his .assault on the Mac defence with.18 more pointa, and was joined by Meace and Braley, who dumped in 11 and eight respectively in the aecond, . The Marauders’ frustration at being humiliated for the first time this season showed all day. Coech Phillips and point guard Muir were both nailed for technical fouls, and near the end of the game Mac forward JefPZownir and Zienchuk got into a shoving match which almost erupted into a donnybrook, The Warrior8 continue with the two consecutive home games
at the PAC this week. Fans are reminded that tomorrow’s matinee will feature a banner contest and will be telecast live on CHCH-TV Hamilton.
After that, the Warriors embark on a crucial two-game road trip, facing Western on February 11 and McMaster on February 15, Waterloo closes out the regular schedule at home on February 18 when the Hawks visit the PAC. The playoffs begin on February 21,
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V-ball Warriors
Now ranked eiahth -
Contiuuad from page 25 the team in a huddle in the middle of the gym, coach Atkinson was standing there with 8 calm look on his face. His players didn’t 8eem to know how to celebrate. He said, “I’ve been composed all day. Now, I’m fetchin’ happy.” Not quite in the same words,. Hopefull , the message will get across to t z .e readers, Lech Bekesza’ usually full of insightful words on volleyball and anything philosophical or theological, stated “1 have no quotes.” Koops followed with “John 3:lO." The player8 are obviously happy with their performance of late, but they must keep everything in perspective. One game at a time. Waterloo has now moved up to number eight in Canada. Why only number eight? After beating third
The answer to that terloo wa8 previously
is that Waunranked. Perhaps the ranking commit tee ie hesitant to move too uickly, based on UW’s play 80 I ar this year. The true test comes this weekend when they travel to Quebec City to play against the aeven man teams in that province.
Waterloo will certainly move up next week if they perform well in 8 tournament with the likes of Laval, Sherbrooke, Winnipeg, and Montreal. Two of the Quebec sides 8re ranked above the Warriore,
unbeatable. If the Warriors ignore the seventh man, the Quebec referee, the will have the chance that they ii ave been waiting for to move up. A berth in the CIAUa ie in the meking if they lay 8s well as they did last weeEend,
&ORTs Skiers
Friday, February
3, 1999
Squash women a big on Broadway
In fine tune for finals by Blair Fdconer Imprint staff ski team tomorrow’s OUAA/OWIAA championship by destroying McMaster in head to head time trials last weekend. The Warriors took eight of the top ten positions in the men’s 15km race, while the Athenas topped their lokrn race with three of the top five places+ A healthy Jack Simpson dominated the men’s race, winning in 46:01 with a more than comfortaThe Waterloo
up for
No win, no bow!
Hiady took fourth and fifth in a impressive show of Warrior depth. In the women’s race, Rhonda Williams again was the top Athena, skiing to victory in ~~55. Brigid Rowan was third and Kathy Stegenga came fifth to round out the Athe.na,results These results were all the more impressive with two strong racers heading to Ottawa to compete in the Eastern CanaMark
12th in this race. The Eastern Canadian race featured some of the top Canadian Development Team prospects, so these results definitely add to Waterloo’s optimi.sm going into the QU/OWs. Two of the strongest Athenas this year, and the women expected to lead the team in the all important races this weekend, are Williams and Fiona Griffiths. Although ineligible for university races until last year, the Athena8 hauled Williams along to training, and the early work has paid off as she continually challenges for top spot at every race. Williams spends most of her off season running triathWaterloo head coach Leslie Dal lons, and the increased fitness Cin regarding the outcome. has also contributed to bet:ter rizHow close was it? Well, the sults this year. teams were neck and neck the most important reathroughout most of the game. sonOnefor ofthis strong Athena The Athenas dominated play in showing’ is year’s off season: the early going, acquiring a lead improvement theof huge Fiona Griffiths. of 15-6 in the first ten minutes. A skier of only three years expeBut that was the largest spread rience, Griffiths is very keen and of the game. Brock cut Waterimproved her positions by loo’s gain to three before the end has of the half and the score was 269 leaps and bounds. 23. Two other Athenas to watch The Badgers consistently are rookies Eva San Soles and stayed within a five-point mar- Kathy Stegenga. Tabbed as a gin of the Athenas throughout pair of great potential, these the second half. With just over women could make or break the twenty seconds left in regulation team finish with their work this time and a lead of only 49-47, weekend. Watch for top-half results catapulting the Athenas into a strong third or fourth
EmMv-handed I-
by Rich Imprint
Overtime, It is those few extra minutes of excitement that bring the fans to their feet, while two teams battle anxiously for the win. That’s just what the largerthan-usual crowd got on Wednesday January 25, as the Brock, Badgers came to town to play the Waterloo Athenas basketball team, Despite a marvelous effort, the Athenas, plagued by a season of bad luck, lost a heartbreaker, 82-55. “It was a tough
loss. The whole team played extremely well arid we came 80 close to winning. Our girls deserved to win. They outplayed Brock completely,” said
in the team
Last weekend, the \riraterloo __ - Dartmouth with 33 points. Athenas squash team travelled The Athenas w&e without to New York City, and ended up their number three player and taking a bite of the Big Apple, captain, Diane Hutchison. After once again leaving their mark. juggling the positions, the AtheAs if seeing the World Trade nas found an order that worked, Centre and the Hard Rock Cafe At number one, Louise Waite wasn’t enough for their appe- had another excellent tournatites, they decided to bring home ment, winning all four of her the overall trophy for the Canamatches, not giving up one game. dian-American Games, held at Diane Lee, number two, won Poughkeepsie, New York. three of four matches, losing a With New York underfoot, match to a strong number two what’s next? Australia? Engplayer from Dartmouth. Liana land? ‘No, just London, Ontario “Lethal Lee” Cooper, played next weekend and the OWIAA number three for the absent HutChampionships. ’ chison, and lost one match to The first-half of the Can-Am Williams and a 3-2 overtime Games were played in Noheaptbreaker to Dartmouth. She vember at York University. Wawon her other two matches. terloo came out of the Sandy Brundle, number four, tournament with all five players only gave up one match, also to winning all their matches, and Dartmouth, She won her other bringing the maximum 25 points three matches easily. Playing at ‘with them down to the second five was Diane Knebel, half of the tournament, held at number who is on a co-op work term. She Vassar College in Poughkeepsie. had a tough time, losing three The Athenas had a more diffimatches and bre&ing her raccult time of it at Vassar, as they quet, but still commented, “I had had to play hardball as opposed fun.” to their regular softball, and quite often felt like they were Catherine Murray, playing as playing racquetball, not squash, a sub at number six, won an exThe Athenas finished the tourciting 3-2 match over Vassar but nament with 18 out of 25 points, lost her other two matches. just three points behind WilliWith the Can-Am trophy ams College and two points beunder their wings, the Athenas hind Dartmouth Colle e. When have an intense two weeks of overall points from ‘60th the training to get ready for the fiCanadian and American sec- nals at Western on February 11 tions were totalled, Waterloo and 12. The Mustangs know that came out far ahead with 43 Waterloo is after their title and points, followed distantly by will be ready.
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3, 1989
off to ClAlJs
UW sw-immers sink Wkl, by Graeme Peppier Imprint staff Nine minutes, 29.53 seconds is what it took Lesley Horton to qualify for the CIAU Championships this March in British Columbia. The Athena neophyte, enormously confident in her ability to race hard and fast, swam to a crushing victory in the ~OQmetre freestyle last Friday at Laurier, Her unrelenting pace boosted her well under the national qualifying time and gave her almost a minute to relax before anyone else finished the race. There was never any doubt that the former Region of Waterloo swimmer would make the time standard, there being many events in which she is capable of
racing fast enough. Later in the meet, with the pressure of qualifying off her back, she would swim a 400-metre freestyle and make &ort work of it as well. Horton’s were not the only victories for the Athenas that evening; however, as the team “won seven of II races and romped over Laurentian 66-8 while tallying a 72-20 victory over Wilfrid Laurier in the complex three team/dual meet format. If deciding how mangr points were to be allocated to whom from whichever team proved difficult for the unfortunate scorers, then Waterloo’s dominance at least made the job slightly less taxing, for the Black and Gold were to be found everywhere in the results. Sheryl Slater and Stephanie Smith cruised to first and second
sign she’s swimming fast for she was a clear winner of the race on this night with Athenas’ Tami Lee and Donna Lank in pursuit. A glance at Kim Boucher during a race might make one think she is not swimming fast but any stopwatch will always indicate quite the contrary. Her third places in the 400-metre freestyle and 200-metre fly were impressive and very close to being better placed but for an Angstrom
places, respectively, metre freestyle with
in the LOOthe former also scoring second places in the 400-metre freestyle behind Horton and the ZOO-metre I.M., won by 1984 Olympic gold medalistturned Laurier Hawk, Anne Qttenbrite. Another Athena newcomer, Nicole Amoroso, won her 50metre freestyle by the slimmest of margins while her elder sister, Marissa, took second place behind Sue Masson in the LOOmetre backstroke. In a race she rarely swims, Masson also took time out to finish third in the sprint behind the younger Amo-
or two.
roso. Stephanie Gamble says her arms feel something like jelly on the last length of her IOO-metre freestyle races. This time was no exception. If anything, it’s a sure
/.Swimmers on their way to LJBCI by Graeme Peppier Imprint staff
Corrie Powell added her name to the list of CIAU qualifiers last Saturday when the Waterloo Athenas blasted through the log-metre butterfly at the nual Queen’s Invitational.
over the first SOmetres by teammate Nicole Amoroso, Powell maintained her stride throughout and won by four body lengths slipping under the national qualifying standard that will ensure her a place at the Championships in March. “My stomach was churning before the race,” acknowledged the relieved second year Kinesiology student who has now
made the standard in both her years at Waterloo. If the dimihutive butterflyer was uptight before the race she didn’t show it and, in the end, she need not have worried for she was comfortably beneath the standard and feels she may be
ing qualified three weeks ago at McMaster, while Athena debu-
tante Lesley Horton
has also
made the standard. If these three are, in fact, allowed to travel to UBC at the end of the winter - all three have to be ranked in the top 85 in the country at the university level to ensure they’ll swim - the possi-
capable of going faster Still, Powell hopes to qualify in the 200-metre fly during bility of more Athenas joining . OWIAAs at Laurier next week, if them remains open. not just to secure fier right to go . With Ontario Championships to CIA& then to prove that she the final chance for anyone to is capable of swimming that fast qualify, hopes within the team whether she has to or not. Her are high that more women will chances of doing so are very eventually make the cut and, good.
At the moment, Powell
bv veteran
the CIA&
will Sue Masson
b’e at
the backstrokerhav-
with some as close as they there is a good chance that will follow in the footsteps their three teammates,
more -
Nancy Crump and Kris Jackshaw earned second places for their respective individual events and Leslie Crombie placed third in the 200~metre 1-M. after a glorious come-frombehind anchoring of the opening 4x100-metre medley relay. If the women had it all their own way, the men were pushed a little harder for their overall victories over their counterparts from the Voyageurs and Hawks. Greg Pye used his 1500-metre freestyle as a training session and was sore for the next three days although he toek second place in the 18 minute torture.
His 400-metre free may have been as demanding but second place was his reward once again. Jeff Slater
the lat-
ter race and may have done better.if not for his state of anoxia by half distance while his ZOO-
Athenas floundering Continuedhm page 27 Waterloo got possession of the ball in Brock territory. A strategic timeout was called. The plan - to keep possession and run out the clock. Yet, in the dying moments, Brock somehow stole the ball and stormed down the court to tie the game at,the buzzer. The overtime score remained close _until the final moments, when the inspired Brock team capitalized on some impressive field shots, pulling away for the win.
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Veteran forward Michelle McCrory paced Waterloo’s attack with 21 points, playing in almost all of the 45 minutegame. “Michelle played a great game and executed the offense brilliantly,” commented Dal Cin. “I also thought that Kelly Mackey played well guarding Brock’s number 10, holding her to only 10 points in the second half.” That was quite an accomplishment seeing as Michelle Luke, number 10 is the second highest scorer in the West diirision. Speaking of high scorers, Waterloo’s star forward Corinna Lueg- added to her impressive season total by collecting 14 points in the game, Lueg also dominated play under the glass. Other honorable mentions for their fine efforts go to quard Karen McCulla and forwards Jennifer Hinton, Jane Willett, and Leah Anne Erickson. The Athenas improved their field
ol four
in rebounding
On Saturday John
completing 24 of 55 attempts. The lady Badgers just edged Wawas
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metre I.M., a race made to promote his versatility as an all-around stroker, landed him in second place, five seconds behind Laurentian’s Darcy Wallingford who won every race he swam. Mike Cash gave everything he had in the ZOO-metre freestyle and chased Wallingford to the finish of that race while his 100metre free produced yet another swift in-season time all-be-it in a bridesmaid- position once again. Chris Cupidio arrived late from work in Toronto forcing him to get out of his suit and tie as fast as he was through his 50metre free. His second place in the sprint made his effort worthwhile, and his finish was emulated by Dave Dineen in the 200~metre backstroke, he too making the extra effort to compete despite a work-term out of town. Eric Fergin swam his final 200-metre fly as a Warrior and couldn’t have been happier regardless of his finish [third place), while Jason Krupp figures he set a best time during the same event, winning it handily, Waterloo’s victory iri the final 4x100-metre freestyle relay lifted the team over Laurentian by a 49-45 point marpin while Laurier could score only 32 points to the Warriors’ 77.
a cokpletely
January 28, it different
terrible Athena team host to the flawless
that played McMaster
Marauders who boasted a 5-0 record coming into this game. McMaster, ranked first in Ontario -and ninth in Canada, had no trouble disposing of Waterloo, 79-48. But it wasn’t aI McMaster’s doing either. Although the Athenas played terri-
ble, the referees ,helped tilt the court one way, callihg a whopping 32 fouls against Waterloo j compared to 20 for M&laster,< ’ “I couldn’t believe it,” said coach Dal Cin adding,.‘? know we didn’t play well but that had to be one of the most one-sided games ever officiated.” The calls disheartened the Athenas in the latter part of the first half. Waterloo, usually known for its slow starts, surprised the Marauders, taking an 11-1 lead in the first four minutes, But from then on, the undefeated Marauders, combined to takeover the roundball contest, leading 48-30 at the half. The Athenas became powerless when veteran players Mackey, McCulla and Lueg all fouled out. Also in foul trouble was forward sensation McCrory. As a result, McMaster stormed ahead to win 79-48. The stats sheet revealed a horrifying reflection of the game results and the mediocre effort of the Athenas. Waterloo shot a pitiful 38 per cent from the field and an inexcusable 18 per cent from the foul line. Leading the scoring for Waterloo was Mackey who collected 10 points with a 63 per cent shooting average from the field. Also shooting well in a losing cause were Lueg and Cheryl Cillis, obtaining percentages of 75 per cent and 60 per cent respectively, and point totals of six each, Leah Ann Erickson built up some good boards collecting nine rebounds in the paint. Overall, the Athenas were out-rebounded by
begin a tough road playing at Laurier on February 1, Brock on February 4, Western on February 11, and travel to McMaster for a rematch on February 15, Waterloo’s next home game at the\PAC will be on February 18 against fellow city rivals Laurier at 4 p.m. The
girls trip,
0 m Track Classic
lJk tracksters hold their owni at Windsor by John Denny imprint staff Last Saturday, the Waterloo Warriors and Athenas track and field teams made the trek to
[Alpiners -
Windsor, where they competed in the Can-Am Track Classic, one of the largest track meets of the indoor season. Both the Warriors and Athenas held their own
nab second1
The Waterloo Athenas alpine ski team finished second at the Giant Slalom Race hosted by the University of Toronto at Craigleith Ski Club. It was the first time in four years the Athena skiers have finished that high. The Warriors, meanwhile, finished fifth in their division. The only team the Athenas failed to top were the powerful Western Mustangs. The first seven places were dominated by Waterloo and Western with UW holding down first and seventh. Rookie Martina Rauter showed her ability again this weekend with another first place finish, moving up by eight tenths of a second. This finish, combined with her other first and second place finishes makes Rauter the racer to beat on the Pepsi University Circuit. Sandy Gillies also finished in the top 10 with a career best seventh place just two one-hundredths of a second out of sixth. Fiona Filfillan also finished well, placing 15th. After the first run, the Warriors held first, second and fifth places. However, two of these three racers were unable to finish the second run. The Warriors finished fifth in a field of ten universities. Peter Bier, a three-year veteran on the team, managed to put in the top finish of his career. He finished,second overall, just six one-hundredths of a second behind last ear’s overall top male skier an B former Ontario Ski team teammate, Dave MacKay. Bier was leading overall after the first run but was not able to maintain the lead after MacKay’e second run. John McFarlane, another Warrior veteran, also turned in a personal best performance, finishing 10th overall after placing 15th in the first run. In the first race at Western on January 13, the Warriors fin-
Synchro swimming The Waterloo Athena8 varsity a nchroa~zttd swimming team pYaced fifth with their team routine in a ranking meet on the weekend. . Dana Craaatone placed BI)cond, Bonnie Mack placed fifth and bnnne Ramm finisbad tenth ~II intermedirta figurse, Ioaans . Towmr, the teum’s only eeaior swimmer, placed ninth in senior figures. Debbie Kritx pIaced eighth in novice fig-
ished sixth and the Athenas came fourth. Rauter placed first in the women’s division. In the next race, hosted by Waterloo, Rauter finished second to pace the Athenas to a third place finish. On the same day, Bier placed third in the men’s race es the Warriors finished fourth. Today [February a), the team travels to Blue Mountain for a slalom.
4:17.55 respectively. In the 600m throughout this grueling meet. The Warriors first action came event, Derek King and Mark Stender [the time twins) ran to a in the 4x200m relay. The team photo-finish, placing fourth in a consisting of Lawrerice Rubin, the Meikle brothers, Paul and I time of 124.97, In the fast and furious 360m, Rob, and John Denny, came sewhich was the last sprint event cond in their heat placing sixth overall with a time of k33.92 in a for the sprinters, fleet-footed Meikle though weary and favery close field. In the very large and fast field . tigued, churned his way to a fourth place finish in a time of of the 60m dash, fleet-footed 35.92, Rookie Milind Ghanekar Paul Meikle placed first in his ran impressively in a time of heat (7.14j and third in the tri-fi40.18. Denny, weary after a full nals in 7.12 seconds. John Denny placed second in his. heat in a day of competition, gave in to a time of 7.24, Rob Meikle ran a doubtful time of 40.45. Shawn McCann ran a personal personal best of 7.42 seconds best of 2:35,88, placing third in and making his 1989 debut was Milind Ghanekar who clocked in his heat. Mark Des Lauriers placed fifth in a time of 2:45.67. at 7.71, placing sixth in his heat. The 1,500rn saw Mark Des The grueling 3,000m saw Al Foulds clocking in at 8.48.70. In Lauriers and Jeff Barrett running the field, rookie Milind Ghavery good times of 495.20 and Business TM
nekar made a last minute entry to compete in the long jump, He made a best leap of 5.1Om, a satisfactory leap considering no prior training was undertaken. In Athena action, power house Jill Francis ran a terrific race in the 1,500m finishing seventh overall in a rather large field, with a time of 4:55,40. Linda Hackney clocked in at ~37.5, Marina Jones and Claudia Hancock, also ran well, but their times were unavailable. In awesome form and style, Marci Aitken powered her way to a fifth place finish in the demanding 3,OOOmin a time of 10:3X28+ just a bit shy of her personal best. It was a long, but good da , This weekend, the team trave Ps to the US. to battle in the Syracuse Invitational,
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The synchro teem will be in ection at the OWAA finale at ‘York on February 11 and 12.
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I 30
Friday, February
3, 1989
Athletes of the Week
Upcoming games
ScorebmWcl An of Jmtiary 31, 1989 Compiled by Rho&a Williams
SCHEDULED GAMES For the week of February 1989 WARRIORS BADMINTON (Warriors Athenas] Feb. 4 - OUAA Championships ‘at RMC, 1O:OOam.
CURLING Feb, 3,4 - Combined at Avonlea CC, Toronto HOCKEY
Feb. 5 Icefield, Feb. 8 Icefield,
vs. Guelph, Columbia 2:30 p.m. vs. Toronto, Columbia 7:30 p.m. ALPINE SKIING Feb. 3 - Race 4 at Blue Mountain, 9 a.m. NORDIC SKIING [Warriors and Athenas) Feb. 3, 4 - OUAA Championships at Camp Fortune in Ottawa SQUASH
Feb, 3, 4 - OUAA Team Championships at McGill INDOOR TRACK Feb. 4 - University of Toronto Classic, 12:00 p.m. VOLLEYBALL
- at McMaster, 8 p.m.
Feb. 4 - at Brock, 8 p.m. VOLLEYBALL Feb. 3 - vs, Windsor, 8 p.m.
ALPINE SKIING Race III gt ‘Craigleith
OF THE WEEK LOUISE WAITE - SQUASH A second year Kinesiology student, Louise is being recognized for her success in the CanAm tournament held at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, Louise won overall against players from Dartmouth College, Vassar College, Williams College York University and University of Waterloo. Louise won four of four matches without losing a game, to help Waterloo finish 10 points ahead of Dartmouth, the closest rival, This was an exceptionally challenging tournament, as it was played with a hardball. The Waterloo team had only two days of practice with a hardball, which made for a difficult adjustment from the usual softball, Louise is an ex-junior nation41 member. She was the top player in the OWIAA last year. ATHENA
WARRIOR OF THE WEEK TOM SCHNEIDER - BASKETBALL Tom is a local product, having graduated from St. Jerome’s high school in Kitchener, Tom is being honoured for his outstanding performance in the Mike Moser Memorial Game on Sat. Jan. 28. In a battle for first place, Tom led the Warriors to a 100-7_5 thrashing of McMaster, scoring 39 points, shooting a scorching 93 per cent from the floor while fighting off five different defenders throughout the game, He was also 1%for-13 from the foul line.
Wate&&” 5th place overall
Currently in the top three in scoring in the OUAA, this surefire OUAA all-star is having an all-Canadian season, A fifth year player, Tom is captain of the Warriors and an Honours Kinesiology student.
Campus Ret important Sunday February s Preliminary Tennis Tournament 2-11 p.m. Waterloo Tennis Club FINALS-Doubles Tennis Tournament 9-2p.m. Monday February 8 Circuit Training Workshop Sign uP in the Fitness Office PAC.2039 Friday February 10 Aquatic Staff Training 8:30 at the pool
Peter “Bier
John MacFarlane - 10th NORDIC SKIING Time Trial at Hardwood Hills Jack Simpson - 1st Dave Simpson - 2nd Bruce Klements - 4th Mark Hlady - 5th SWIMMING Waterloo
77 Laurier
Waterloo 49 Laurentian 15, 15-12, Waterloo 10, 15-4)
1 (15-5,
3 Guelph 0 (15-8, 15-
Waterloo 3 York 0 (15-11,
15-10) 3
Toronto 1 (1543,
15, 15-3,
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Hunger is not a myth, but myths keep us from ending hunger. At least 700 million people do not have enough to eat. , Every year Why so much hunger kills 18 to. 20 ’ million people, mostly children. Come hear Dr. Collins provide What can we do about it? hunger? some
held myths
Oultrrs: Far Strat (mint} and an El Degas. Both with case, Call BruM) at 884-8943.
WHI do light moving, also rubbish removal with a small truck. Reasonable rates. Calf Jeff at 884-2831. Mad AnythIng Typed. Fqst accurate service. Reason&ble rates. Days, 662s iii9, 8f2ave message, or evenings, m .
car 4
Waterloo places 2nd Martina Rauter - 1st Sandy Gillies - 7th NORDIC SKIING Rhonda Williams - 1st Brigid Rowan - 3rd SWIMMING Waterloo 72 Laurier 20 Waterloo 66 Laurentian 8 Waterloo wins overall Queen’s Invitational
Waterloo 3 Western
York Invitational Waterloo 6th place overall Suzanne Scott - 1st in Open Ladies SYNCHRO SWIMMNG Routine’Ranking in Toronto Team Routine - 5th place Joanne Towner - 9th, Senior Figures Dana Crans tone - 2nd, Intermediat e Figures Bonnie Mack - 8th, Intermediate Figures Leanne Ramm - lath, Intermediate Figures Sarah Wilson - lath, Intermediate Figures
Waterloo 66 Brock 82 Waterloo 100 McMaster 75
BASKETBALL Brock 62 Waterloo 55 McMaster 79 Waterloo 48
BASKETBALL Feb. 4 - vs. Brock, PAC, 2 p.m. Feb. 8 - vs, Windsor, PAC, 8
and help answer these questions.
Sunday February 5, 7:OO pm Humanities Theatre Hagey Hall, UW
~~ for editor-in-chief and production manager of Imprint are due Friday, February 10 by 1 :oO pm. For salary information 888 Our ad on page 3.
Imprint, _-_--
- Friday,
PIRSOHAL We&and caunwllon for developmentally delayed individuals. $6.35/hr. Every second weekend. Leave message for Don Mader after 2:00 om. 884-6012. 886-5201. Dlatrlbutlng the editor r8;rns w
th8 Imprint pays+ Contact for information on how to Imprint paper boy or girl.
AppilcW0n~ l invited from students who wish to work 8s snow shovellers on 8n “as required” basis, normally from 7100 am. to 1030 am. Rate of pay is 87.00 per hour worked. Contat Neil Murray in Personnel at ext. 2829. Cardlovuculrr Rerctlvlty - All students who psrticipated last Winter (Jan. - April 1988) at BMH, please call Barb or Franqine at ext. 6786 as soon as possible to set up a retest time. $20.00 c%ah - Students in first and second year b8tween the 18 and 25 yeers of age are invited to perticipate in a Cardiovasculer Reactivity Study. No exercise necessary, only healthy males 8nd females willing to join the other 150 students! Cell Barb or Frantine. ext. 6786.
Fast ~xunta typist will type essays, theses, resumes, etc. 81 .CXI per double-spaced sheet. Please Cdt Lyn 8t 742-6583. Improve your grade with a professional paper. Top quality typing, gramm%tiCd errors Corrected, Sentence structure smoothed. Westmount at Universitv. 885-5952. Euaya, etc. word processed. 8 1.50 p8r doubte-spaced page. Resumes 85 per page. Letter quality printer. Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram Stadium. Don’t delay, phone today. Phone 885-l 353. F#t, -rate typing and letter ity word processing. Resumes, says, theses, business reports. pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 1264. 32 y-n experience, electronic pewriter, Westmount area. .95C ble spaced page. Call 743-3342,
quatesFree 576tydou-
EwnoTyp@ - Th8$8S, PrOjWtS, 850 says, resumes, general typing. Twelve years experience. Good rates. Close to universitv. Cal I 7474409. 33 yarn experience. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. IBM Selectric typewriter; 85 cents d.s.p. Westmount-Erb area. Phone 8867153 gem. - 9pm,
DM-A-wr&ry will process your resume. Onepageresuma 815.00; laser’ print; storage. Dial 746-6910. Fart, protaaalmrl word processing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, spellin& cOrr8ctiOnS available. L8S8r printei. Suzanne, 886-3857. -haurn@ &rvlca: 10 years personnel experience; fast and efficient typing; reasonable rates; no extra charge for consultation. Csll 749-l 778.
Word pmrlng on computer by 8xperienced editor. Speltcheck, proofreading, grammatical corrections and word counts. Letter quality print. 81.50 per double-spaced page, overniaht service. Call Mark 746-4357. Klm’a Ncntrrlrl Services - typing done fast and efficiently. Resumes, work reports, theses and term papers. Free pick-up and delivery! Call 7437233 between 9 8m. - 5pm. Word Procearlng-Typing; professional, r88sOn%bl8; reports, resumes, theses, etc.; south Kitchener location, call now, Caren’s Word Services, 7484398.
Orp bedroom in five bedroom townhouse. Washer, dryer, carpeted, airconditioned, parking. 20 minute walk. Available now for summer, $12D,OO/month plus utilities, Tim, 746-4954. 5586 Brookhaven Cresent. A nrl house with roomates who care about how they live and eat. Twothree rooms, Summer ‘89. 8176 $220, plus utilities. Furnished, dishwasher, microwave, two baths , parking and generally luxurious. Call Carl 747-2406. AI - mm% available in a shared student house, located 10 minutes from the university. 8250 a room, available March 1st. 884-3103. Summar $ubkk One room ii four bedroom townhouse. Fully furnished, free parking, and laundry facilities. 8246/month plus utilities. Call Colin, 7467718.
8wth Kltchener, Summer sublet wanted. Parking 8 must. Call Craig at 747-4673.
PIRSOMAL Chlrmydlr
la not a ,flower. Find out more about this very common ST0 and others. Birth Control Centre, CC 206, 8Xt. 2306.
8rrm~ 1989. four bedroom townhouse with space for four-five people+ Fully Carpeted, mostly furnished. Complete house 866O./mth or four at 8167. 74 Churchill St., No. 2. Call Basat. 747-3875.
An hI@oductbn Service for students. university Introductions - the rational alternative to noisy bars. A non-profit, discreet introduction service organized by students for the members of university community. Until February, free membership for women. P.0. BOX 365, Station W., Toronto, Ontario. M6M Xl.
Summar rutit. Two bedrooms available, furnished or unfurnished. Laundry, balcony, split level apartment and parking is available. Two minute walk from campus, rent is negot iable. 746-7225.
u with your weight? tf you are suffering from snorexia or bulimic and are intsrested in joining a self-help group composed of others in your situation, call Marie at 746-6036.
8CWC Subhlnrlr (al acivetiis8d on T.V.), improve your grades the easy way with subliminal audio cassettes 60 minutes. 1OO,@ positive affirmationsl Programs now available: Passing Exams with Flying Colors; Increase Your Memory Power; Reading with fletention/Comprehension; Effective Speaking; etc. Please phone Paul, 742-7481. ___ dry m&, very successful but lonely, wishes to meet 8 gay or bi male under 25 for a discreet friendship, Interests include skiing, music, travel, and good wcial life. Not into bars. Serious calls only please. Doug 658-3387. Tutorhg. All levels of chemistry. Individual and group sessions. T8n years experience. MSC in chemistry. Call Loreiei, 8@-1171 1 Exprfm biodcbnbnl Spring Break trips to Daytona Beach - 8199., Fort Lauderdale - $259, Mont Ste. Ann8 8239, Call Kendra, 748-9079. mxlmtxe your income tax refund. Student RSP loans at the C.I.B.C. Instant tax receipt. Apply now. Avoid the rush.
3, 1989
April ‘89 Arts Grad%. Arts
Grad Ball. March 10 at V8lhalla Inn. Tickets 830Iperson. Info et ASU or Melinda @ 888-4595. To the guy with no friends: Where do you get Zehrs chips anyway? 8ckna anda. Buy your ticket for the Grad Ball outside Sci C&D. Times: 1030 - 2:30. Feb. 2, 7, 8, 14 and 15. $30. esch.
for experience7 Look no Further. Vote Stephen Markan for Federation President.
Do you want help for your pregnent girlfriend? Birthright offers confidential help for both of you, Call 5792 3990. &uth Atrka. Outraged or just interested? Don’t miss Yusuf Saloojee, chief representative to Canad% of the African National Congress fighting against the South African government. 7:30 im, Tuesday, February 28. Place: TBA. Presented by the Feds Public Issues Board. Free, everyone welcome.
Don’t worry. It can only get bet-
ter. 0. La84 call for jugglers. Juggler’s Association meets Thursday in Arts Lecutre Halt at 430 pm. We need people. For more information contact Dave Fisher, 864-8609:
tips from Gil on 84 Cents day, February by the Fed’s 8oard. Free,
Get low-budget travel White, author of “Europe. 8 Day”. 4;30 pm., Mon13 in EL101 . Presented 8ent and Public issues bvsryone welcome.
InGmrtlonrl WomonJ bay, Guest waker, Maude Borlowe, prominent feminesi and anti-pornography activist, analyzes the Womens Movement. 4:30 pm., Wednesday, March 8, Humanities Theatre. 83 Feds, 85 others. Tickets at Fed office, HUM box office now. Presented by Womens Issues Board and the Public Issues Board. H&n M: The Career Resource Centre isn’t the same without you this semestarl Sincerely, T.F. ’ Corn Qid, Silly Bragg said it best; My friend said she could see no way aheed and I was probably better off without you. She said to f8ce up to the fact that you weren’t coming back and she could make me happy like you used to. But I’m sorry to say, I turned her away, knowing everthing she s8 id w8s true. And thet’s the price I pay for loving you the wey that I do. Hope you are well, Love vou (still). w DO YOU believe in Alcohol Awareness and oppose drinking and driving? Then BACCHWS needs you as a volunteer to help in the upcoming Alcohol Awareness Week, Feb. 13-l 7, 1989. Inte< ested? Call Jennifer at 748-2878 or 885-l 2 11, ext. 6299. Want t0 go to Florida? We 8re going to Ft. Lauderdale Spring Break1 Want to come? Call Jim 884-9649.
LO8T Par of glasses. Blue C8S8, grey pl8StiC rims. Brand newI Lost in MC, Sylvia: 747-4 138.
T’ha &wlah Students’ Association presents Bagel Brunches every Monday and Thursday from 11:30 - I:30 in CC 110 or CC 135 (check with the Turnkeys). Drop’ in for bagels, juice, conversation and fun!
C)HIa for both casual and serious players. CC 110, 7:oO pm. - 1O:oO pm. For more info contact Leigh Ahwai, 747-2865 or Tony Jackson, 7471498.
The Womyn’r Group meets in CC 135 (usually) 8t 8~30 pm. Come out and enjoy movie nights, educationat evenings, dances, road trips, casual discussions. For weekly events call 884GLOW or listen to 94.5 FM, Thursdavs from 6-8 om.
8UNDAY hymen’8
Fe1 lowsh ip Ev-
ening Service. 163 University Ave., W., Apt, 321 (MSA). 700 pm. All are w8lcom8. Thl) Hou8a of Debates meets at 530 pm. in St. 3erom8’9, room 229. New members will always b8 welcome.
WIDNESDAY Wataflc gmwrl meeting. All friends of the computer pleas8 attend. lf you enjoy Scifi books, comics, role playing games or would like to find out what we’re all about, meet in the Clubs Rbom of the CC at 6:OOpm. Todisobey the commuter is treason.
Amnaaty Intarnrtlonal Group 118. Come join the conspiracy of hope. Work on behalf of prisoners of conscience throughout the world. Everyone welcome. CC 135, 7:30 pm. Laymen’s Evangallcrl Fellowship Bible Study. CC 1’10 at 7:30 pm, All are welcome. IMF Top Secret. There has been a report of disturbances at 6:W pm. Wednesday evenings. Your mission, should you choose to eccept it, will be to investigate th8S8 meetings in the Clubs Room of the CC. WATSFIC, the group holding these meetings 8r8 reported to propegate science fiction, comic books, movie nights and gamino. Us8 extreme caution.
(Gays and Lesbians
of Watarloo} operate a coffee house every Wednesday in room 110 of the Campus Centre at UW from 9:OO pm. until 11 :OO pm. All 8re welcome. Call 884GLOW for more information.
Huron tipua Ministry is sponsoring a Bible Class for students and others on The Book of Revelation. 9:OO am. throughout the term. At ‘The Church in the Woods”, 209 Bearinger . Road, %cross from Parkside. Chaplain Graham E. Morbev leads the class. . ONWINO
Another Damned FASS Show. Febru.- ary 3rd at 700 pm. and 1000 pm., February 4th at 8:00 pm. Humanities Theatre. Cost is 85.00. R&6 Clubsponsoring Open Jam in CC 1 13. 3~00 - 6:m pm. All 8re welcome, but you must bring your equipment {anything goes)+ For more info contact Austin, 746-i 577. Want t0 meet oth%r musicians? R& B Club is sponsoring an open jam in CC 135. 3:3O - 6:3O pm. Anything goes, so bring your equipment.
(Gaya and Lesbians of Waterthe Valentine’s G8y Dance at the Cabaret, corner of King and Queen Streets, Kitchener. 9100 pm. - 1:30 am. Cost: Members - 82, others - 84, Call 884-GLOW for details.
loo) presents
Play Got’ 8eginners invited to Go Classes at 7:OO pm. B.C. Matthews Hall, Room 1040. Free playing time for all players at 7:30 pm. Cal! ext. 4424 or ext. 6887. ~IWOVW “Old Country Games, Here and Now” at the Museum &Archive of Games, Matthews Hall. Multicultural games from Germany, the Mediterrawan, the Orient and Caribbean cultures. Weekdays 9100 am. to 5:CIO pm., Sundays 1:OO am. to 500 pm. Admission free. Ext. 4424. ?%a watertoo Public Interest Research Group present: Dr. Joseph Collins, from the renowned Institute for Food and D8vefopment Policy, who will discuss “The Myths of Hunger: Towards a Politics of Hope”. Humanities fheatre, UW at 7:00 pm. Admission: students, seniors and low income, 83.00 in advance, $5.00 at th8 door. Others 84.00 in advance, $6.00 at the door. Tickets available at the Humanities box office, all BASS &lets and at the WPIRG office.
Lutherrn Campus Ministry, 11 :OO am. Service of Holy Communion Keffer Chapel, WLS Bricker St. at Alb8r-t. Coffee hour following. The Jewbh St ud8ntS’ Association/Hillel is holding a Movie Night at 7:3O pm. Csll Tom 8t 884-7567 or Mark at 747-2137 for more details.
MONDAY, Lutheran Program, Seagram.
Movement Supper 5-7 pm_. 177 Albert St. at
The Myatery of Soul”. Talk and open discussion st the EcKanKar Centre. 171 Queen St. S., Kitchener. Call Pam. 886-0759 for further information. Everyone welcome. Sick of English vs. French?Howabout pictures instead? Try the English Society’s “Notwithstsnding Pub”. Play Pictionary for prizes at the Bombshelter. Doors open at 800 pm., 82.00 fee.
Amnmaty Int~mrtlonrl presents “Human Rights Violations in Canada”. Two films describing how the War Messures Act w8s used to intern Japanese Canadians during WWlI, and to suspend human. rights during the FL&October Crisis, 1970. CC 135, 7:30 pm. AlI welcome.
Jug@&% m)cbn of Waterloo. Come join us in the foyer of Arts Letture Hall at 4:30 pm. All jugglers and non-j uggters 8 r8 encouraged 8 nd welCome to participate.
UW Entrapnnwn’
Club presents our Watpub roadtrip to Toronto’s ‘01’ Brunswick House’. 89 includes return bus, entrance, door prizes, games and an over811 great time1 Tickets in Fed office, Rm 235 or Encr. Sot. Clnomr 43rrH8. This week’s movie: Heavy Metal. Movies are shown in the Campus Centre Great Hall at 9:30 om.. and are free of charas.
%m Jawtah Students’ Association: /Hillel presents a Shabbat Dinner at 7:30 pm. $6.00 gets you a koshor c8tered dinner and an informal program. Reservations reauired bv Feb. 6. Call Tom 884-7567 dr Mark 347-2137.
Luthenn Campus Ministry 10:0Opm. Candlelight Eucharist in Keffer Chap81, WLS Bricker St. atAlbert. Coffee hour following. THUR%DAY,
Pm kchrn: “Recent Discoveries in Music Perception” Prof. David % ingham (EngHuron, University of No land). 230 pm., Conrad Grebel College, Rm. 267. Sponsored by the Conrad Grebel College Music Department. Call 885-0220 for more information.
UW Film Society presents “lpekce” (Turk8y/l986) at 7:00 pm. in Uw’s East Campus Hall, Rm. 1219. Director Bilge Olgac won grand prize in Paris women Director’s Festival, 1988. Call 885- 12 11, ext. 3709. CIVH dlaokdknm, direct action. Interested? First meeting of UW disarmx to discuss upcoming 8rms expo in Ot,tawa. Campus Centre, room 110 at 8:oO pm. More information: Marc at 804-2414. Pbughahrras WHarloo Region invites you to learn about “On Track for Disarmament” and join the postcard blitz of Parliament. 7:30 pm. Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Sts., Watertoo. For information call 886-71 64.
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