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hoStbed? of controversy

Over 150 arrested at protest by Fleur Macquwn Imprint staff (OTTAWA)-Over 159 people, including eight from UW DisARMX, were arrested during-a civil disobedience action protesting a military exhibition on Tuesday, May 23. ARMX’89 is the fourth such exhibition of military training technology and equipment. More than 400 exhibitors from 18 countries displayed their products to interested “by invitation only” buyers. ARMX’89 had been the object of widescale protest. UW DisARMX has been active on campus since February, striving to inform the university community about ARMX. On the day the exhibition opened, protesters arrived at Lansdowne Park, the exhibition site, hetween 7:3O and 8:OO a.m. Protestors locked some of the gates with Kryptonite bicycle locks, and formed human barricades in front of three others. Onegroup from Kingston donned orange construction vests and directed exhibitors on their .way to ARMX’89 along the wrung route, said LJW DisARMX /-member Mark Brzustowski. UW DisARMX inembers were involved in the blockade in front .of the main exhibitors’ gate. Protesters went up in waves of four to eight, people; and physically blocked the entrance to exhibitors’ vehicles by lying on the road; As .polic!” officers dragged off those on the road, arresting them in most cases, another wave would take over. No vehic&s got through while the road was blocked, but some people walked through the barricades. The police did not immediately drag protestors away, said Brzustowski; one car was held up for half an hour. Another protestor described the police as _ “disorganized,” as if they were unclear as to their orders. A women’s group sat at the entrance of one gate and wove t

themselves into a large web with balls of wool, so that even people on foot could not get through. Brzustowski said he had heard that some businessmen climbed the fence to get into the park. “The protest was much more successful than the .organizers thought it would be,” another protestor told Imprint. “The police seemed unprepared for the scale of the action.” Apollo Computer exhibitor Ed Hunt said the protestors were not violent, but some “elbowed (him] and shouted obscenities” as he walked in. The ciui! disobedience action was organized by the Alliance for Non-Violent Action, a Toronto-based group. At an organizational meeting held the previous evening, 106 people indicated they were planning to risk arrest, but more decided to demonstrate on the day it&if. By 8:45, all the demonstrators had been arrested, and were taken to the Elgin Street Police Station. At 4~30 p.m., they were brought before a Justice of the Peace and asked to sign a conditioft*ting they WOU-M- -R&~-eturn to the ARMX’89 site until the exhibition ended. Those that signed were released. Thirty-four protesters, four of which were UW DisARMX members, refused to sign. This among group, Brzustowski them, was transferred to the Ottawa-Carleton Regional Detention Centre at lo:30 p.m., after being fed. They had not eaten since early that morning. Between 1l:OO p.m. and 230 a.m. the male protestors -were Brzustowski said. “processed,” They were strip-searched, handed over all their belongings except their clothes, and were asked questions. Six of the men were held in maximum security cells overnight, while the other 11 stayed in the minimum security dorm. Brzustowski did not know why they were held separately, other


As a police officer gets a grip ori one demonstrator, tells him to take it easy. Photo by

than that some had not answered more questions than were required by law, Brzustowski did not know what happened to the wome-n held. After they were asked to produce urine samples, they were allowed to sleep until 5:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, when they were woken up for breakfast, which was not served until 8:00 a.m. That afternoon, all the protestors met with lawyer Lawrence Greenspon, who offered his ser-

another CmigZshuk


vices free. He had struck a deal with the Justice of the Peace and the Crown whereby the rotestors would be released if t rl e four the Police had. records on signed conditions stating they would not return to Lansdowne Park while ARMX’89 was still on. Once these people signed, everyone was released. On June 1.9, the protesters have a “set-date” hearing,. in which a date will be set for their trial. Brzustoswski expectedthe date would be som!time in IWO.

ARMX rally draws’ varied crowd -% by Mike Imprint

Sore staff

[OTTAWA)-Nearly 3,000 ample from across Ontario and uebec gathered here ‘on 6 Victoria Day Monday to protest the ARMX’89 military hardware show.

Another one bite8 the dust..As ARMX protestor, others prepare successfully delayed exhibitiors exhibition. Coverage continues

police officers haul away an to take his place. Protesters and buyers from entering the on page 3. Photo

by Cratg



ARMX ‘89, which May 23 to,25, featured

ran from the latest


400 arma-

of more


ment corporations from 16 countries. About 13,000 buyers from 60 countries were expected to attend. Some of those attending were from countries Amnesty International had charged with’ human rights violations. Those who protested’ against ARMX ‘89 on the holiday Monday afternoon 1represented a

wide cross-section of Canadian society. The protestors, from as far away as Quebec’s Eastern. Townships and Windsor began gathering at aproximateiy ~2:30 in Confederation Park,’ located just south-east of Parliament. Hill beside the Rideau &in& Philip Gosling, a retired shipper from. ‘Georgeville, Quebec, was one of twenty people from the Township Peace Group who boarded a yellow school bus at 8:00 a.m. for the four-hour trip to Ottawa. “I am here because I don’t think Canada, as a peaceloving nation, should have a trade show which sells arms,” explained Co&ng, Most of the Township &ace Croup con= sisted of retired citizens.

Continued m page 3


5 0 0




Holiday’ ‘a rally’ clay’ Continued from page 1 The Township Peace Group rendezvous with groups from . Sherbrooke, which in turn met with protesters from Montreal. In all, eight school buses full of protestors crossed the. Ottawa River, bringing with them picket signs, buttons and T-shirts featuring a defecating bull inside a red circle with a slash through it. Also among the protesters were groups of high school students from Kitchener, Montreal’ and Qt tawa. “We are here because we heard about the protest and we support it,” said Jennifer Bizovie, a’ grade nine student at Gloucester:‘High School in Ot-

and orderly fashion. The protestors, chanting “ARMX has got to go, we don’t need no weapons show”, “Hey hey ho ho ARMX has got to go” and “Arretez ARMX” turned the quiet Victoria Day on Bank Street into a sea of banners, picket signs and bodies. Along the route, protestors handed out’ pamphlets and urged merchants and customers standing in store doorways to join them. The protest parade, -which spanned three city blocks, left motorists unable to proceed through intersections, leaking on with impatient amazement. Outside Lansdowne Park, they listened to 60s folk songs and cheered speakers. Debbie Ellis, from the Alliance for NonViolent A&oh, got the crowd going when she .told them,. “We are going to come back here tomorrow morning and shut this thing down.” Anarchist ,.i(eith Haysons reminded the protestors, “we might say it is the previous generation who created this problem, but that will not make it go away. We must take responsibility.”

tawa. Asked if their parents were also taking part in the protest, one of the students responded, “No, and they are not too happy I came down-my dad works for External Affairs.” After a few quickpep speeches, and the reading of the mamh rules by organizer Richard Sanders, this group began its ,three kilometre trek across Laurier St. and down Bank St. to Lansdowne Park-home of ARMX’89. The forty- minute parade was escorted by three police cruisers, while twenty “Peace Keepers” in blue and yellow tie-dyed t-shirts with heartshaped peace signs tried to keep the marchers moving in a slow


A LiW DisARMX wave of protesters act-on on’Tuesday, May 23.


at the civil disobedience Photo by Craig Eschuk


Taking responsibility was the main reason so many Canadians, from so many walks of life, gave up a Victoria Day Monday to come to Ottawa. They all seemed to agree, as one speaker put it“We do not inherit this planet from our ancestors but borrow it from our children.”


after receiving

Friday, June 2, 1989




their degrees.


by JulG


Convocation this terrjn saw the release of 2510 undergraeuates, ready to descend on life after university. The faculty ‘of arts produced the most undergrad degree recipients with 792 gr& duands. Engineering was second with 533, follolwtid by math@ matics (4883; science [443); and environmental studies, hum9 kinetics and leisure studies, and integrated studies with ,274, ‘-$ A large donation for the newly created Plummer’s Pledge caused a big stir at the engineering convocation. G.raduating engineers pledged a total of $98,000 to aid engineering at Waterloo. The Plummer’s Pledge, introduced at the Engineering Grad Ball held March 11, is a pledge program started by the Engineering Graduation Committee. Engineers made individual pledges of $300, to be paid in three equal installments during the first three years of employment after graduation.

Feds courted by CFS. by Liave I&son Impiint stpf Waterloq’ continues to be courted foq full membership in the Canadign Federation of Students after%lmo~t three years of . “prospective membership.” The latest courtship dance was the May 14-20 Annual General Meeting in Sackville, New , Brunswick. p Sponsored by UW’s Federation of Stlidents, six delegates attended at ‘a cost of over $4,000. The delegates were Dave Readman, Fed President; Fran Wdowczyk,. Vice-President (University Affairs); student councillors ,,Roger Tudor (Math) and .Kare@ Gregory, (E.S.); Council speaker Tim Jackson; and Cerwin Friesen, appointed next year’s external commissioner. ’ The delegates are expected to prestint reports at the next Students’ Cou#cil meeting on June 25.


In l984, the Feds terminated a 1%ybar mebbership in CFS and its gredeCessors, Students’ Council made the decision to withdraw from the evolving CFS without calling a student referendum-ledding to suits and counter-suits that gave rise to a 1986 out-cif-court settlement: Waterloo would become prospective members, Waterlooiwas given two years to decide b$ referendum whether to upgrade to full member status. But the November 1987 referendum went against CFS membership: 1,349 students voted no; 745, yes. . The issue was not settled in the minds of some students. Students’ Council directed delegates (including then-VPUA, Wendy Rinella) to request prospective membership status again. It was granted in fall 1988, and expires in 1990. Why the change,*of heart? Ac-

cording to an October 1988 Fed memo: “Discussion around ‘the motion indicated that Council possesses a good knowledge of CFS and wishes to continue national involvement. It was... geherallyk accepted that the “Yes-CFS” side... was poorly organized and that students were not properly educated about the issues or about the organization. Indeed the Chairperson of the “No-CFS” side ‘stated that the “Yes” side had run an “Anti-No” campaign rather than a true “Yes” campaign.” Imprint had provided advance front-page coverage of the referendum and the three forums that preceded it. Prospective member schools pay only five per cent of the fees required by full members ($4 per student), but are accorded full voting and speaking privileges; prospective members cannot take advantage of services like the International Student Card, Student Saver, and the National Student Health Plan; among other programs designed to save students money. At least three delegates say CFS was not given a fair shake in the last referendum, Readman “It’s something I told Imprint: want to make sure everybody knoivs a lot about before it comes to a vote.” He would like to see a referendum coincide with the next Fed election. Even Tim Jackson, who initially ,campaigned against CFS, says “the feeling was that students probably needed to be more informed. “I currently believe Waterloo should bkcome full members of CFS--you have more lobbying clout

if you

can represent

90 per

cent as opposed to 50 per cent of the students (in Canada).” He was referring to the “big schools” such as Queen’s and Western who had pulled out of CFS during the referendum period, Both now hold prospective memberASp. ’

Jackson said he lobbied against CFS in the referendum because, at the time, there was an alternative: The Canadian University Student Executive Conference (CLJSEC). “CUSEC is dead now; there are no alternatives..,I’ve always maintained Waterloo has needed a national lobbying organization. “If no one was lobbying for us, we would have had the shit kicked out of us over the past three or four years. Who else would have been there-if CFS. hadn’t been at Wilson’s prebudget meeting, for example.” The fact that CFS is given an “aufomatic pre-budget meeting” proves it is respected, Jackson said. “[The conference) was certainly worth the money. It was important for us to get a wide diversity of people there to see what CFS was about.” Wdowczyk, too, believes students were short-changed by the e“Yes” campaign: “Students didn’t have the foggiest idea what the issues were.” The VPUA says this time around, the priority is “getting the information out to the students. “It doesn’t matter how they vote-as long as they have the information.” Wdowczyk is pro-CFS: “I gained a lot of information that I can now use to the advantage of students,” she said, adding she is impressed with CFS’s research. She said that by finding out about other schools’ experiences with transit passes, for example, she and a Waterloo delegation were able to present a unified front to Kitchener city council: “We gave [Mayor) Dom Cardillo a lot to think about. He seemed impressed with our data.” Full membership in CFS would mean an additional’ nonrefundable $4 on each student’s fee statement, although a special deal would have to be struck to reflect that Waterloo is a co-op school.


! The Perfect



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Day Gift!





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EXplREs JUNE.30/&9-- - - - - - -


Imprint, Friday, June 2, 1989

Social change: difficult, dangerous


The organized opposition to ARMX ‘89 in Ottawa was an unforgettable experience. I saw people hurt by the police, intentionally, when it was completely unnecessary. I heard how two diabetics were refused treatment i.n their‘cells. I was lied to by the police when I called for information. I heard court officials lie to the crowds outside. Yet I am expected to believe, and you are asked to believe daily, that the government and the police act in the publi‘c interest. We are asked to believe that justice prevails in our society. We are asked to .believe that eople who get arrested have done something wrong. We are asked to r3 elieve that the process of law and the court is worthy of respect. I cannot respect liars. I cannot, I will noi, respect those who purposely cause others pain and hide behind the mask of officialdom while doing it, Whether you agree with the viewpoints held by those who pro* tested the presence at ARMX ‘89 of representatives from South Korea, Chile and South Africa or not, I hope you can admire the courage it took for t-hem to risk arrest and personal deprivation to stand firmly behind their beliefs and to try to prevent, without hurting anyone, the continuation of an act they perceived as ndt only morally wrong, but also illegal under Canadian law. “You can’t give them all those fingers and that stuff.” warned the sheriff’s officer at the court door, referring to the peace signs being offered silently to the defendants. Why not? “This is a Canadian court of law. You can’t behave like that in a court of law.” Why not? Because it’s a court of law, it seems. A circuitous argument. They labelled it. It’s just a room with people in it, one masquerading as “justice”. I heard the same officers lie to the people wanting to get in to the court, telling them there were no more seats when there were plenty of seats. Apparently, you can behave like that in a Canadian court of law. We are so easily fooled by our own masks. So easily confused by our own inventions. A large cop was hurting a demonstrator. “Stop that!” I yelled. “You don’t have to do that!“He squeezed the quiet protester’s jaw muscles. I “You gonna get up ?‘,I he. hissed menacingly. Someone took a picture, He finally contented himself with dragging the.demonstrator away, which was all he needed to do in the first place. Maybe they didn’t need to do that. They didn’t bother to find out. No warnings were issued. No one was asked to move. Is this Canada? I elected not to get arrested. I had decided it was pointless to get arrested, that the publicity generated by the mass protest on May 22 would be enough, that getting arrested on top of it when we *knew* such action would not stop ARMX ‘89 from going ahead, when we knew we simply would be* removed only made us look like crazies who didn’t know when to quit. I also thought a lot of people would chicken out, and predicted only about 40 to 70 would go ahead with the non-violent action on the 23rd of May. _ Ottawa police had to arrest 150 people. It made national news. Wolfgang Schmidt, the organizer of ARMX, was ready to agree on national radio never to invite foreign representatives to ARMX again. Of those arrested, 34 were detained past Tuesday for refusing to sign a form stating they would avoid the area of the demonstration. Most of those detained save one or two were released because it was decided that there were just too many people lined up for shqwcause bail hearings on May 24. Strength in numbers. Were the arrests pointless? I’m not sure. I wonder if we would have accomplished our goals on the strength of the protest alone. I think we would have, but the arrests underscored the issue, made it clear that people were willing to do more than vocalize. I am glad now I was not arrested. I am proud of t.he people.who wepe. Next time, I may choose to take that risk myself. My role on the day of the civil disobedience was jail support. That meant I did not do anything I was certain would cause my own arrest, but atterppted to help those who were arrested by being available to make phone calls for them, checking on their status, appearing in court for their bail hearings, watching their personal belongings, or 3 anything else I could do. It turned out to be very difficult to help. The police held all the arrestees incommunicado and lied to me when I called to check on the charges. Only through a chance call to another jail support person who had managed to spqak to a female prisoner who demanded her one phone call did I discover thetime of the court hearings, less than J an hour before they began. I was told how nine women were crammed into a 5 by 7 foot jail cell. One was throwing up into the single toilet in the cell. The cops called them “babes”. I was told how breasts were used for handholds by male cops. None of throse arrested, not even diabetics, were fed until 1O:OO that-night, even though they had not eaten since 6:00 that morning and had spent at least 12 hours in jail. At no time were the prisoners informed as to what would happen to them, where they would be taken and when, what the court procedure would be like. Why do people throw civility out the window when they put on uniforms? Paddy wagons have no ventilation, Handcuffs hurt. Certainly prisoners in Canada are treated better than they are in some other places. Is that any reason to ignore the abuses that do take place here? These people had not been convicted of anything. They were not in jail to be punished, only to be processed, but they were treated as convicted criminals. Protesting, being disobedient, is never easy. It’s not how most of us have been raised. But it is becoming increasingly necessary. We need \ to rethink our beliefs. Which authority is legitimate? And which is illegitimate? We are not living in a just society. That is a-myth. The only way to change it is to stop living the life offered by the system, stop adapting to the status quo. We can complain until we are breathless. We ca.n lament or sigh and accept, We can abandon all imagination in favour of cynicism and admonish our idealistic friends that “life’s not fair”. Or we can do our damnedest to change it, at great personal risk. We changed forever the future of ARMX. We can, and we will, do it again. We can change “the ‘way things are”. We must. ’

Cindy tong



I apologize for the lateness of this federal budget report; Mr. Wilson’s propaganda package was supposed to reach me three weeks ago. One of the main differences between this -budget and previous ones, is that this one mentions a goods and services Tax (GST). The finance department has five books on the budget, and one of them is devoted to explaining this new tax, which is part of the tax “reform” which “major economic will provide benefits” for Canada. The GST will be a nine percent tax on a “much broader range of goods and services than the existing federal sales tax”. It also will eliminate opportunities for manufacturers to avoid taxes by slightly modifying a product to alter-its tax status. The implementation of the GST at nine percent will also cause a “one time i&ease in consumer prices of about 2.5 to 3 per cent on average. There will be a new Goods and Services Tax Credit introduced with the GST which tvill be double the existing sales tax credit. The GST really doesn’t bother me; the government does whatever it likes and Canadians a<e, for the most part, too lazy OF too used to tax increases to do something about it. What bothers me are contradictions and promises he can’t keep within the material called the budget. Mr. Wilson claims that “the new system will not pose a barrier to the affordability of housing,” while his budget calls for a one percent increase on the tax of construction materials and equipment for buildings, Furthermore, the government is predicting that this increase will contribute to the federal revenue by two hundred- and fifty million dollars. How do Canadians shell out an extra $250 million and still have the same .affordable housing? That $250 million is not including the wide variety of other taxes we have to pay on other go’ods, services, and our income. There



phrases assuring us how well our businesses will do, like “the new system will establish a level playing field for Canada’s dtimest ic producers,” and “St rengthening Canada’s international competitiveness.” These phrases are reminiscent of the jargon

an entertaining tossed around back when free trade was being negotiated. There are also signs that the governme,nt has awakened to the fact that the world is in a sad state of health. Leaded gas and leaded aviation gas went up two cents per litre on April 28, and will go up another cent on January 1 of next year, while unleaded gas is just going up one cent on each of the aforementioned dates. They also have declared machinery used in toxic waste treatment plants in the processing or treatment of toxic waste will be tax-exempt. One noticeable complaint from taxpayers in recent years is that Mulroney is too pro-business, and consequently businesses don’t pay enough taxes. This is true, and Mr. Wilson has made a feeble attempt to remedy this. A new large corporations tax of 0.175 % [annual) will be levied on corporate capital employed in Canada in excess of

$10 million. I don’t know how businesses feel about this tax, but I’d send Wilson a thank-you card if I owned a business. The section that tells us about the duty-free items provides readers with another good laugh. Here are just ti few items that are now duty-free, word for word: - Materials for use in manufacture of upper atmospheric rer search rockets - Photomasks for the manufacture of semi-conductors - Lamp bulbs for the production of Christmas lighting sets - Satellites and satellite subsystems for testing; articles for use in the manufacture of satellites and satellite subsystems. If you don’t believe in taxes, it’s really quite a humorous book to read, seeing how they try to justify the new taxes. I recommend you get one right away, Just phone I-800-267-6620 and ask for a copy.

David Thomson

z!Mitom Mitada4hbf.






























































































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An@aHeeds , . . , , . . . . . mh Nichol .





























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. , . . . Ted (3rieabwh

. . . . . . . John~ers

88841048 To the editor,

long! And\ Thanks all the fish! /

Thank you to all members of the university community who were inconvenienced during convocation and were not able to use their regular parking facilities. You certainly gave a great welcome to the many visiting relatives and friends of graduands, and made their visit that much more eniovable. I






Trevor Blair, Renee Beneteau, Andrew Bornyi, Britt Carlson, Craig Eschuk, Judy I-Wands, Derek Hrynyshyn, Doug Jamieson, Julie Keffer, Andy Koch, Rich Nichol, Michal Quigley, Marc Reppin, Phil Robinson, Jason Rochon, Marie Sedivy, Mike Sherrif, Kevin Shoom, Jeff Smith, Dave Thomson, Derek Weiler, John Zachariah.


about the Pill?

SEXPERT: If taking the Pi11 stops the egg from being released and you have been taking the Pill for 10 years, does that mean that you will be fertile for IO years I-onger? ANSWER. No, the end of a female’s fertile stage (menopause] will not be delayed by the length of time she is on the Pill. The ovaries contain far more undeveloped eggs than will ever be released, and the onset of menopause has nothing to do with the number of unreleased eggs that remain in the ovaries’, At birth the ovaries contain 40,000 to 400,000 immature eggs. Once a female reaches puberty, one of those eggs matures and is released into a fallopian tube during each menstrual cycle. A female with a 28 day cycle would ovulate approximately 500 times between her first period and menopause. Therefore, roughly one per cent (or less) of the eggs in the ovaries will mature during her lifetime.


DEAR * take



a piIi one morning.

Shop to stop excess packaging

weekend I went camping and forgot to What are the chances that I could have

become pregnant? ANSWER: .I”11 assume that you missed one of th-e 21 active pills from your package. 11 you have a 28 day pack and missed one of the 7 sugar (placebo) pills, it would not have any effect on the effectiveness of the Pill. I will also assume that you are taking a combined (estrogen and progestin) pill. The consequences of missing a mini-pill [progestin only) are greater than those of missing a combined pill. The effect of missing one pill will vary depending on factors such as the dosage of your prescription and the length of time you have been taking oral contraceptives. If you have been on the Pill for awhile and missed only that one during your cycle, there is very little chance of a pregnancy. When one pill is not taken the levels of estrogen and progesterone in your body will not likely have decreased enough to allow ovulation to occur. If more than one pill is missed, ovulation might occur and this could result in pregnancy. When you forget one pill and realize it later that day, take it as soon as you remember and then take the next day’s pill at the regular time. If you don’t remember until the next day, take two pills that day and continue as usual for the rest of the cycle. If you forget a pill two days in a row, take the first missed pill as soon as possible and take the regular one for that day at its normal time‘. The next day take the second missed pill in addition to the regular pill for that day. Be careful though never to take more than two pills in a day. When two pills during a cycle have not been taken at their regular times, you must use a backup method of birth control (i.e condoms and foam) until your next period starts. Even if only one pill was missed, it might be a good idea to use a backup method for your peace of mind. The Pill is most effective when it is taken every day at the same time (give or take 1 hour). Any deviation from this increases the chance of an unplanned pregnancy. If someone is repeatedly forgetting pills, we suggest that she switches (at the start of the next pack) to another time of day when it is easier to remember. This coJumn is prepared by volunteers of the Birth ControJ Centre. If you have any questions for us you ccln visit us in CC206 or cd us at 8854211, ext. 2306. Written questions for this coJumn/can be left in the envelope on our door or sent to the BCC [c/o the FEDS office] through on-campus mail. We cun aJso respond to Jetters through the mail if you provide a return address. P.S. Thanks for’letting me use your terminal, Gary!

*Give preference to re-usable, durable or recyclable products and packages-just say “no” to disposable lighters and razors, etc. *Avoid packingthings twice-for example, don’t use clear plastic bags to wrap your fruit and vegetables, when you’re just going to put them in another shopping bag at the check-out. *Choose items with minimal or no packaging, such as fresh foods. *Avoid individually wrapped or single serving size portions. When possible, buy greater quantities and divide it up at home. *Avoid take-out food. *Bring back shopping bags to re-use, or simply use a canvas or string shopping bag, or your knapsack. In conjunction with Canada’s Environment Week, WPJRG will be in the/Waterloo Town Square from June 5-10 with a display on excess packaging (we’ll be outside Laura Secord, where they have ice cream cones, which have no package]. For more information on packaging and other environmental issues, call WPIRG at 884-9020.

Yes, WPIRG is still talking about excess packaging, because it just won’t go away. Packages serve a-lot of very useful purposes: they’re convenient, they keep products fresh and secure and make things look attractive. On the other hand, 30-60 per cent of the waste stream in Ontario is made up of some form of packaging+ and that’s a serious problem. The fact is that many packages serve their purpose in a wasteful and inefficient manner, A lot of packaging is simply a frivolous marketing ploy, Frequently, packages have a useful life of less than a minute or two-the time it takes to bring a burger from the counter to a table. As consumers we pay for all of this twice, first in the form of higher product price, then later when our municipalities have to dispose of the discards. Not to mention that producing all this disposable packaging is eating up natural resources and causing pollution. Not to despair, As shoppers we can have a real impact on the situation byexpressingourpreferences when we purchase. Here are some tips to follow:


in the sun can be hazardous

Summer is here, and ‘tis the season to take in the rays and catch that nice healthy tan you’ve waited all year for, right? Wrong! The main known cause of skin cancer is repeated exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. A pigment substance, melanin, may be able to filter out some of the sun’s rays, but does not totally block out harmful rays. Fair skinned people have even less melanin than others, and thus are more susceptible to skin cancer. There are three main types of skin cancer, classified according to the cells which are involved: basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer, and melanoma skin cancer. Basal cell cancer is ‘the most common, but it grows slowly and rarely spreads. Squamous cell cancer occurs less frequently, and may spread more rapidly. These two types account for over 93 per cent of all types of skin cancer, and although they can occur anywhere, they appear most frequently on the exposed areas, namely the face and hands. Malignant melanoma, although relatively uncommon, occurs most frequently in younger age groups, and can spread within the body to other organs. This type of cancer usually starts as a dark brown mole-like spot, and it may change colour or shape, and itch or bleed.

Signs to look for include a spreading of skin growth, often darker in colour, a mole or beauty mark that changes in appearance or has an odd shape, or an open sore that does not heal. You should aJways use sun screen, Use one that contains PABA to absorb the ultraviolet rays, or use a sunblock containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which will deflect the ultraviolet rays. Use a minimum SPF (sun protection factor] of 15, higher [Al plus] if you are fair skinned.

Remember: That “lobster red” sunburn is a sign of skin damage. This damage will not go away, but will build with each sunburn, and this accumulation can lead to skin cancer! For more information on this ,topic or tithers, phone the He&h and Safety Resource Network

at the University of Waterloo (885-1211) ext. 6277, or Jeave a question in the Iquestion box in

the main foyer of the Health and Safety building. The HRSN is a liaison between you and any source of health/safety information you need, and con also provide pcm-tphleis, ;fiJms, speakers, and phone numbers of other resources. The of; fice is located in room 221 of the Health and Safety building, arzd we invite ylou to come in to taJk to one of our voJunteers. -



Friday, June 2, 1989


Group IobbieS for Canadian P’




Dem Emding recognition

by Judy


Imprint staff While writers from across Canada gathered at UW’s Village Two Conference Centre over the past weekend for the annual general meeting of the Writers’ Union of Canada, a maverick group of women writers held their own meeting, stating clearly they think the status of female writers in Canada should be a higher priority for the union and the Publishing industry in general. The new group, which held’its founding meeting in the psychology building on Saturday afternoon, calls itself Canadian Women Writers, Their goal is to promote women writers in Canada by lobbying interests such as the publishing industry, Canada Council for the Arts and the Canadian Authors’ Association, According to Anne Innis Dagg, one of the founding members and a professor here at UW, only 31 per cent of the books published in Canada between spring 1984 and spring 1985 were by women authors. At the same time, women represented over 50 per cent of the membership of the Writers’ Union which Sheelagh another founding Conway, member, says is unacceptable, She added, “We are totally disil: lusioned with the Writers’ Union; it has done little of substance to help women writers in Canada.” Conway said having a woman as the chairperson of the union or in a high position in publishing does not necessarily help women writers. “An inditidual woman cannot reverse the pattern of systemic discrimination in industry because the publishi,, she is part of that system.” The group’s goal is to operate outside the system, enabling them to influence it more effectively. Canadian Women Writers has several specific goals they want to fulfil to find a greater market for female authors. They insist on mandatory affirmative act ion in the publishing industry, with at least 50 per cent of books published to be by women, arguing that taxpayers’ money which funds writers should be distributed fairly. They would also like to see money go to working class women and non-white women. Rota Lister, another founding member and a creative writing professor in UW’s English Department, said they want to encourage women to bring their manuscripts out of the closet. Quoting Goethe, she said, “A tal-

to att,.:nd the meeting herself, as ent forms itself quietly in the ;;m;;r:y other women union shade.” To help these unknown women writers, the group wants Still, Ciean feels it is unfair t0 them to be funded by the Canada say the T,vriters’ Union of Canada Council before their first book is was not doing anything to propublished. mote women writers. Admitting The group does not expect ’ support from the most prominent Canadian women writers !such as Margaret Atwood and Alice Munro. Sheelagh Conway says these people receive considerable support from the publishing industry and the government and can be at most quietly critical. They want to “maintain a vii sion of the collective” and they also \*/ant to remember those who a;*e not published once tht:y are published themselves. The Writers’ Union does not disagree with the principles described by Canadian Women Writers. Susan Crean, a union member, said she Joes not oppose the group in any way and that she would in fact, “value their input.” Crean said the new :xoup is like a radical caucus, tnci willhelp bring change. She regretted I” Canadian Women Writers group the women met at the same time as the union because she wanted


with Bejing


they still have work to do, she said the union’s committee on the status of women has already suggested a quota system for the publishing industry. It has also done considerabIe research into the plight of Canada’s women



plan Photo

..I of action, by Suomi

writers. At this year’s general meeting, a major motion was passed. which combines the union with the National Council’on the Status of Women to develop a comprehensive policy statement on the status of women writers. They are particularly interested in Arts Council grants and juries, teaching positions at high schools, and university English and creative writing departments. The group will present these issues to publishers, funding bodies and governments. The motion passed at the general meeting also forces the union to commit necessary funds and staff to keep information and data about the status of women writers up-to-date. Crean concluded by saying this issue is not really a battl4 between the Writers’ Union and the new group. The real issue is “women writers versus the publishing industry, and I challenge you to find one woman here this weekend who does not agree with what they (Canadian Women Writers) are trying to do,”


UW Chinese voice support by Flew Macqueen Imprint staff

the Chinese Graduate Students and Scholars Association. Organizers contacted ,people by electronic mail and telephone. Fangju Wang, one of the organizers, said this was the “first time the [Chinese) press has told the truth... we cannot be silent any longer.” He said the hunger strike, in which 3,000 students were participating, was “very, very exceptional,+‘the traditional Chinese greeting for hello translates as “Have you eaten yet?” That evening+ protest organizers decided to travel to Toronto the next day, May 19, to rally in front of the Chinese consulate after prime minister Li Peng got rid of his rival, the more moderate Communist Party chief Zhao Ziyang and imposed martial law over most of Beijing. Since the imposition of martial law, the government has been trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to move tanks and troops into Beijing. Sixty UW students joined Chinese students from the University of Toronto+ York, Guelph and McMaster in asking the Chinese government to halt martial

UW Chinese students Have added their voices to those protesting worldwide to show support for Chinese student demands for democracy and more freedom. On May 18, over 60 students marched through campus, carrying banners and shouting slogans such as “Down with corruption, down with dictatorship, down with feudalism” and “Support Chinese students.” They stopped outside the Arts Library for half an hour, where Ruopeng Zhu spoke in Mandarin Chinese on the situation in China. Originally students had asked for dialogue with the‘chinesegovernment, Ruopeng said. But now they no longer demand dialogue, just the resignation of 84year old military leader Deng Xiaoping.. He reported many famous Chinese scholars, scientists and professors are supporting the students. The rally was organized at midnight the previous night by

law immediately. UW students again travelled to Toronto on Sunday, May 28, to join a rally outside city hall, organized by the city’s Chinese community. About 3,000 people attended this rally that urged the federal government to suPPort students in China. Similar rallies were held in Ottawa, Vancouver, and other major citie’s



Zhu addresses

around the world, including on& of 80,000 students in Beijing itt?mlF zmG11. The Chinese Graduate Students and Scholars Association will organize other activities if they feel it necessary, Fangju said. UW Chinese students want to continue to show their support for the struggle for democracy and mOre freedom in China.

UW demonstration


supporting Photo by Flew


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lood donors!

by Julie Keffer Imprint staff


The sight of flowing blood and weakened students did not deter people from lining up in the Campus Centre’s Great Hall last Monday. They were there for a Red Cross blood donor clinic, sponsored by the Arts Student Union. Quotas for the number of donors are set at between 250 and 325 per clinic, depending on current blood supplies. The Red Cross met its total with appro,ximately 325 donors. Many people are unaware of the need to donate blood, so the Red Cross has begun programs in high schools in an attempt to make regular donors of young people as soon as they become eligible. You must be at least 17 years old to donate. Headquarters for the clinic are located in Hamilton. Staff and equipment are-transported to the clinic location each time a clinic is held, Standing clinics are available, but are expensive to operate; Kitchener-Waterloo is too small to have one. Not all of the staff at blood donor clinics a‘re volunteers; many nurses are required, as well as one or two full-time Red Cross employees. At fhe UW clinic, there were 24 Red Cross volunteers, as well as members of the fraternity Sigma Chi, who helped by putting up posters and setting up equipment. On the day a clinic is held, four trips are made to Hamilton to ship blood to begin testing. Each unit of bloodis tested separately for different infections and diseases. One unit of blood is .5 litres, or about one-twelfth of the blood in the body. Blood donor clinics are held twice a term on campus, with the next one in July. Blood supplies are adequate for now, #but more. donors are always needed, especially those with type 0 negative blood, currently in very short supply.


win. fuelathon

J;dy Hollands Imprint staff

by JuMa Kdfer







Photo by Suoml

by Jason Rochon Imprint staff To Dr. tronomy

M. P’. Fitzgerald-As-

Question: If ;you’re in a vehicle travelling at t’he speed of light, and you turn on your headlights, would they do anything? Signed: Anonymous Answer: This is a rather difficuli question because it’s impossible for anything except light, photq ons, to travel at the speed oi light, accordi:ng to Relativity Theory. A photon is incapable ol splitting, consequently it cannol emit anything: it can only be destroyed by a collision with another particle. If a car moving just under fhE speed of light uses its lights, a motionless person in front of il will see gamma rays, and a mo. tionless person behind it will set radio waves coming from fhE car. This effect is called fht doppler shift.


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managed both cars, which were

driven by Jeremy Tavares. Frank Kamler was the technician for The University of Wathrloo is and Tom Kubiseski the once again champion ’ of fuel ’ Astral technician for Spirit of St. Louis, economy, thanks to the mechaniRaymond Leistner was the techcal engineering students who nician for both cars in Oakville, won the 13th Annual Shell Fubut was not an official team elathon. The North Americamember. wide event was held from May The objective of the competi23 to May 25 at Shell’s Oakville tion is to build a vehicle with a Research Centre and,7 wifh 29 gasoline or diesel powered envehicles, was the largest in the gine which can cover a nine kievent’s history, lometer run as fuel efficiently as UW’s team entered two vehipossible, The average speed of cles, with Astral placing first, the specially designed vehicles slightly ahead of its last year’s is 24 kmhour. The world amawinning record of 3481.9 miles teur record for a fuel efficient per imperial gallon. This year vehicle was set by the Univerthe vehicle won with 3632.6 sity of Saskatchewan in 1986 miles per imperia_1 gallon, subwhen their car clocked 5691 stantially ahead of fhe second miles per imperial gallon. place teamShell’s own entry, This same team will travel to the Litre Beater. Waterloo’s other Marshal Michigan this weekend entry, Spirit of St. Louis, placed [June 2 and 31 to compete in a eighth. similar event sponsored by the According to the competition Society of Automotive Engiregulations, each team can have four members. Dave Butcher neers I


Friday, June 2, 1989



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Friday, June 2, 1989

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“My assignmentwas to help verify that a new, state of the art, OS/2 Local Area Network Managementproduct could stand up under demandingconditions, and to point out, describe, and reproduce all problems and trouble spots encountered. This involved writing multitasking C language programs to stressvarious parts of the LAN system and analyzethe results.” .

Rick Hill, B.Math, Wtiterloo ‘89 Softwure Design Co-up

“1 started work on a Dialog editor for Excel-it shippedtwo months later. It’s that kind of challengeand responsibility that makes Microsoft a great place to work. When you throw in’ the people, the mountains-,and sailing, it’s a great place to play!” Tubv Wulker, B.Muth, Waterloo ‘88; M. S.C. S. Universitv of Turuntu ’ 90 Suftwure Design C&p ’

“At Microsoft, you don’t feel like ‘just a summer intern’ or ‘just a co-op.’ You feel like you belong and are on par with the regular employees.They always .include you. While it is true that people around here work hard, they play u hard too! The weekly golf-putt around building 3, product ship parties., and the co-op/Bill Gates parties are only a few of the great activities at Microsoft .” Guylu Boritz, B.Mat~ ‘87; B.A. Psychology ’ 90 Waterluu Sufiare Design Cu-up

“Microsoft managementis great. You havelots of say in when you want to work, what you work on, and how it shouldbe done.” Stephen Smith, B.Muth, Waterloo ‘89 .

Sufwure Design Co-up

“I came to Microsoft becauseI realized that I could spendthe rest of my life at some company working with Microsoft tools. . . or I could come to Microsoft and write the tooIs that other people are going to be using. At Microsoft, you know’that your work will make a difference.” Rico Mariani, B.Math, Waterloo ‘88 Sufiware Design Engineer

“The Waterloo alumni at Microsoft, of which there are MANY, are a closeknit group. We havehad WATPUBS almost every Thursday for the past five years. The WATPUBS are attendedby both Waterloo and non-Waterloo people, so they are a great way to meet other people in the company.” Lee Actun,



Scftwure Design Engineer



2, 1989




Friday, June 2, 1989

by John Zachariah

Imprint staff

Most people would agree that, in the west, people are fre& than in, say, the Soviet Union or Poland& the West, we do not fear state repression, we are free to speak hur minds, and our economic status (and thus, to some degree, our social status) is determined by our willingness to work. In a free-market capitalist system, we can have anything we want, as long as we are willing to work for it. This litany of rights sounds good when we read it or repeat it to ourselves reassuringly. It is a cultural and political declaration of faith,.pounded into our heads by our news, entertainment, and advertising. It is, in many ways, RO longer true, however, and our continued acceptance of this myth as truth demonstrates how powerful propaganda can be when aided by cultural bankruptcy. In North America, we have been raised to believe many myths. We believe our government will work for us and our interests. We believe our media are honest, unbiased and accurate. We believe in jobs as arbiters of our worth as individuals. We believe in many things having to do with t&h, justice, and so on. But how much do we know? Do we know about cotton workers in the south-east U.S., left useless because df brown lung? Do we know about the hundreds of women worldwide suffering because of the D&on Shield? Do we know about the true state of our native people, or even how Free Trade with the U.S. will affect US?

Power comes when people submit No, we don’t, because if we did, North America would be a different place. Why don’t we know? Why isn’t this information reaching us, galvanizing us, as- a society, into action? The problem has to do with power and how it is used -not just political and socio-economic power-but the power of ideology as faith. Forget the new-age, cyberpunk rhetoric currently elbowing its way to the forefront of popular thought: powef is not’information. Power is gained through the efficient and effective tra,nsmission of information, or through force. The phrase “power is information” is a useless, amorphous Naisbitism and needs to be discarded, Power comes when people submit. They will submit by force or by choice; if by force, they submit through threats, harassment and violence; if by choice, they submit freely and willingly, believing it is right for those who hold power to do so, In North America, we have done the latter. We have given politicians power through our votes; we have given businesspeople power through our purchases. These people now have the power and ability (which we have given them over the course of decades) to control almost all the information we receive. This power’can be used to deceive us, and in many cases, this is precisely what happens. In the 195Os, a Canadian named Marshall MacLuhan put forward an extraordinary theory, stating in essence that a society’s dominant means of communication deter_ mined how its members interacted with each other and their environment, MacLuhan likened the human condition to a pendulum, swinging from a non-literate state to a literate one, and back again. The 20th century is a non-literate time, its dominant media, radio and television, allowing us to interact more fully with our fellows and our world than writing did, creating a new global village.


MacLuhan contrasted thi6i new era with the previous, literate-one, in which people remained detached from their environment because they received their information in a detached form such as writing. Radioaand television, says MacLuhan, give us our information in a more immediate, encompassing way; we can choose to read or not to read, but, unless we are deaf, blind or asleep, we always see and hear. At roughly the same time that MacLuhan’s ideas were finding a wide and adoring audience, North American businesspeople and manufacturers and the advertisers they hired became aware of two important things which meant his vision would not come to pass.

Writer Jacques Ellul pointed out that good propaganda does not modify beliefs but rather determines action. With depthprobing, the consumer is never asked to act rationally or to change his or her beliefs. These are left intact; it is only actions that are affected. The advent of depth-probing as a marketing device began a flurry of consutier activity in North America which shows no signs of subsiding. As such, it has served North American business interests admirably, beperpetuates spend, cause it reinforcesand ing behavior. However, advertising seives a much larger, and much more insidious purpose;


The 1980-81 imposition of mar ial law in Turkey aroused little media attention despite ar : ests, torture and execution. First, they discovered, through dareful observation of consumer behaviqur, a strong difference between the way people shopped and consumed, and the wa t’hey said they shopped and consumed. F eQple thought themselves to be rational in their buying habits, and claimed to buy healthy food, intelligent magazines and functional, sturdy cars. However, statistics revealed that they were really buying trashy food, sleazy magazines and flashy cars, I other 3 words, consumer activity was not be‘1 ng directed by rationality, but by egotis , vanand the desire “t o be ity, selfishness entertained rather than educated. Second, manufacturers realized that rapid technological improvements 1 were equalizing the quality of all consumer products. Thus products could no lon er be recommended on the basis of superio P quality, as they had been in the past. A new advertising method had to be found. Advertisers quickly hit upon this n c w appreach. Known as depth-probing, it $dvertised consumer products and servi$es by appealing to the consumer’s ego, van*ty, repressed infantile desires, and so o This innovation marked the transition fr a m advertising as a [relatively) reasoned, dboveboard appeal, to advertising as propaganda. l


Most people know that advertising is propaganda: that is, in a discussion about the subject, they say “I know advertising is propaganda. I don’t think I’m affected by it, etc., etc., blah, blah...” However, advertising does not just try to motivate us to buy cars, radios and other shoddy junk. It helps to re-inforce, on a very basic level, our collective socio-political faith, because it is a manifestation of our freedom to consumea freedom supposedly guaranteed by capitalism. Ads are, quite simply, shock treatment, strengthening a power structure in the context of which dissent is not forbidden but, even worse, rendered meaningless. According to Edward S, Herman, this power structure has not been built purposely to control information, but it has nonetheless evolved into a body that does. [The following information is drawn largely .from Herman’s description of media control in his book The Real Terror Network, which is much easier to understand and digest than his recent hit with Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent.) Herman sees the mass media [in the U.S., specifically) under the sway of three important influences. First, the media, business and government are, at the highest levels, controlled by people whose interests are the same; second, the content of the mass media





I Advertising helps to legitimize object oriented society


turns us into consumer

*hogs, glomming 1

as much a~ we can

under the misguided

belief that it is

our right to do so.

Considered individually, phenomena like media bias and advertising may just seem like troublesome spanners in an otherwise smoothly running and just system of free enterprise and consumer activity. That is precisely





to thsink.

But advertising and media bias are manifestations of a well-developed propaganda system; its purpose is to leave our basi!:, assumptions about our society, which are generally favorable, intact. If this can be done, then modifying our actions, or preventing detrimental ones, becomes an easy matter. Advertising turns us

2, 1989


On an international scale, things are not much better; eighty-five percent of the international news flow is handled by only four agencies: UPI, AP, Reuters and Agence France-Presse. As well, the directionsf information flow in the world is distinctly one-way. Most nations are consumers rather than producers of information. For developed nations, this means pressure to develop a separate media identity. But for pourer, nations, the implications are much more serious. There are two problems related with media and the Third World. The first is the sensational coverage given to Third World issues in the Western, press; this focus diverts our attention from truly important matters like cultural identity or appropriate technology development. The second is media imperialism; underdeveloped countries cannot afford, or do not know how to use,-Western technology. At the same time, they are presented with a deluge of Western media information, in ‘both entertainment and news. So not only are poorer countries unable to assert a media identity of their own, they are constantly,‘ being influenc.ed to adopt Western values (just lil-ce we are). The result of this arrangement is that neo-colonial dependencies are perpetuated.’ The indigenous elites in the developing countries welcome such media penetration, seen as a sign of “progress” and modernization, but it sets unattainable and in.appropriate goals for Third World citizens.

Are our thoughts, opinions, and loyalties being managed for the benefit of a select few’?

In 1986, over half the daily papers, magazines, television outlets, book publishers and movie makers in the U.S. were controlled by only 26 companies. The trend toward corporate consolidation means this number will get even smaller with time, The recent Time-Warner merger is a sobering example. As this control tightens, the information available will be further restricted. T-he problem is not just bias. As Herman says, what weI know and think about is being managed. As one of manv examples, Herman cites U.S. media coverage of-martial law in Poland in 1981-82, which was denounced as ‘*communist, totalitarian abuse” of trade unions. However, the 1980-81 imposition of martial law in Turkey, a US. client state, aroused little to no media attention or anger, despite the arrests, torture and executions that occurred in Turkeya at that time.



Hontrol into consumer hogs, glomming as much as we can under the misguided belief that it is our right to do so. It does much more than motivate us to buy.. Advertising helps to legitimize an object-oriented society for us* all the while producing reirenue for companies and canglomerates that will continue to deceive us in order to aquire . m’ore objects themselves (i.e. profit]. Many of these companies are media enterprises, and their goal is to make money by distributing information. They, not you, control what is seen on television, and in the newspapers and magazines, People think that the common wa e-earner determines the content of sue a things: “Why would they produce a product (i.e. Golden Girls) that no one wants to buy?” Because

is determined, to a large extent, by its sponsors, whose money maintains it; third, the mass media receives most of its information from powerful government or business sources, or from major news agencies, that are the only sources with the money and resources to provide information about the world on a daily basis. Herman and Chornsky’s book is based upon the description of five filters, three of which are analogous to Herman’s media influences.‘The other two filters are flak directed at and objection to media content, which can be costly and embarrassing for the media; and the ideo1ogy of anticommunism, which provides a rallying point for silencing any group or person who threatens the established property-owning power structure, It is worth contrasting the rather extreme arguments of Chomsky, Herman and others (i.e., Ben Bagdikian) with more moderate, mainstream media criticism that casts journalists as sensation-seeking opportunists who root a little too much for the home team, In such a role, the mass media are generally seen as responding to the needs of the lowest common denominator, but capable of being objective and responsible should the need arise (i.e. Watergate). The problem with this interpretation is that it insulates the media from influence to which, logically, it must be subject.



they want money, that’s why. And it is sponsors,not you, who provide the prime source of income for media enterprises. If each of us could broadcast our own television signal,. then the world probably would be a MacLuhanesque global village. But the power to transmit information [i.e. the materials, the money, the distribution infrastructure) is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, and guiding these hands are the sponsors. As a result, we rarely hear about human rights abuses at home or abroad if those sponsors have an interest in operating there. The obvious solution to the problem is to strip the sponsors of their power to determine what we see and hear. But it is us who give them this power, freely and willingly. We are responsible for our own deception. We have no real history as North Amcricans, no past against which to measure the present. We have always believed in free enterprise and the power of money, the value of property, and the right to consume. And businesspeople and politicians have transformed these beliefs into an ideology which has, more or less, remaitied intact from its inception until now. We have believed it, held it close to our hearts, and remained completely oblivious to what is going on akoundus. At this point, a qualification is in order. Althounh Canada is not the US,, and to apply &n argument based mainly on US. sources and examples is not entirely fair, all major Western media is dominated by the pressures of advertising. As well, US, corporate penetration into Canada is both deep and pervasive. Canadians are rabid consumers, justlike Americans. And, in the end, American -political and economic events have deep reperoussions here.

The response to this poblem (a useful examination of which can be found ,in Schiller’s Mass Media and American Empire) has been a call for world-wide democratization of information and media systems under the rubric “New World Informat ion and Communication Ordier.” This reorganization of the global media , would entail some far reaching structural changes, promoting among other things a lessening of the media deluge from North to South, an increasing flow of information from South to North, and a simplifying and cheapening of communication technology so that it can be used by,all-not just those with the proper money and training. Basically, what we have to realize is that access to information and awareness of information are different states. While infor- #mation is accessible about human rights abuses and government corruption in the Eastern bloc and conversely about the CIA payoff to Edgar Chamorro (a former Contra spokesperson who was paid to have the Contras take credit for sabotage actually carried out by CIA], of w’hich fact where we made more aware? Would we speak out against it if we all knew about it? In other words, are our thoughts, opinions, and loyalties being managed for the benefit of a select few? Jeff Cohen, executive director of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, has commented, “You can question in the mainstream media whether mining the harbors of Nicaragua was OK, whether doing the (CIA’s) assassination manual was OK, but you never question whether our goal is to bring democracy to Nicaragua.” Why not?



Fully-frontal skull itary”

by Andrew Bornyi Imprint staff It was a dark and stormy night... If it would have been, it would have been the ideal setting for Front 242’s high energy performance. Performing in Toronto for the second time in two years, they filled the Diamond (poor choice of venue) easily with the usual alternative clubbing crowd dressed in black leather, black hair dye and pastel black. Front 242, a Belgian product, formed c&a 1982, is probably the best-known (i.e. commercial) New Beat group. The three members, Patrick Codenys, Jean-Luc de Meyer and Richard Prosthess, have been misunderstood image-wise and musicwise. Image A (Music Mags): Front 242 is a paramilitaristic group, which makes Laibach sound like the Vienna Boys’ Choir. Their incessant, violent pounding puts Nitzer Ebb to shame, invoking images of a wasteland ruled by mechanized tribes. Their name, derived from UN. Resolution 242, is only surpassed by album names of No Comment, Official Vereion and Front by Front, for predicting the aggressive electco-beat. Taking off where Cabaret Voltaire dared not tread, they step into an apocalyptic wasteland, where their surreal, music hypnotizes all those it comes in contact with. Clad in black leather with closely cropped hair, even Rambo, Chuck Norris and Oliver North would shy away from the 242 trio. Synthesized music, interspersed with news clips, provides an intellectual experience for the industrialist. Image B (themselves): Front 242 may or may not have emerged from the New Beat


but Front

242 was

242 was slated

an opening group, the c tense with anticipatio ing been.able to heckle some third-rate group or stand in awe of



poor, you don’t have more; Jesus is here!”

to poor anyin anything

for the industrialist I


“Hey girls, like my new girdle?” scene (what is New Beat, anyways?), but they do provide an invigorating change by way of their melodic rhythms accented by a stimulating beat. After finding a multi-lingual group name, Front 242 used a album cover with no title whatsoever on the. outside. Their clothing is stnrk,

Hip Happenirigs Hip Happening‘s Some things are better than others. What’s your favorite thing? Hey, me too! Well let’sget d6wn to brass tacks-what’s happening in this burg of ours. Well the story of your life is being told at the Cambridge Library and Gallery. Not-?.& your life, but life in general is the theme of the Creation Cye 1’e exhibition, It opens June 3 at 2)p.m. . I’ll just bet you’re dying to know what’s going on at the Joseph Schneider Haus this month. Expel your breath with relief my friend, I’m g@n~ to tel.1 you. Ma& InBerlin; an..exhibjtion*in praise, of local inddstry, opens June 4, ” w = Why here’s another exhibit open&g ahnou~~emeiit~~I~v*nting Women opens June 6 at the Kitchener Public Library. This time the focus is on great inventions and the women responsible for them. What about rock and roll? How would I know? No one tells me anything. Deja Voodoo are coming to Phil’s on June 7. The semi-levenue for-June 14. farce about promiscuity uns from June 14 to 17 in


by Andrew


yet functional, projecting their apocalyptic views of mass media control over a world ravaged by political oppression. Gradually flowing from a unique electro-beat in Nb ComFent to a faster (and more commercially successful] Official Verdon, Front 242 has created Front

some innovative musician. With a few very well rehearsed movements, the roadies made the cequisite final touches to the stage as 242 burst into Circling Overland. Quickly moving into First in/First Out, a quick pace was set which did not abate. The crowd was fairly tame, allowing me to easily work my way up to the stage. The first half of their concert seemed to specialize in tracks off their latest LP, but it was nice to hear some of their oldies with the best of their latest, instead of the fodder that some bands will give you when promoting a new album (i. e. UZ),. One could very easily say that. the crowd was lacking in wildness, especially given 242’s “mil-


but a Southern drawl would be second-rate. Being up at the stage, I could see a sheet taped‘to one of the amps which had the program on it. According to the sheet, there was still one more sorig to be done, possibly as an encore, when Front 242 exited. I wasn’t the only one to see it because the crowd refused to dissipate until the lights were rudely thrown on (like Club Fed). Front 242 gave a basic, raw show, unhampered by mutilated animals, blood, disco lights or videos; by far the best concert I have seen in years,

Recipe for real-ity by J* ,M. Ryan Imprint staff

$ Renate


This magical event occurred on a Wednesday which happens to be the night of the week when we put this crazy rag together. So our arrival was.q-navoidably tardy. But iumour has it the openers, the Randypeters, played their usual great introductory set. I’d have felt bad about missing them if our last issue hadn’t been so good. I guess we arrived just in time to quaff a few brewskis before our man Colin took to the stage, Have you ever looked really closely at Cohn James’ picture? ok a lot like k. d. clean cut and

let’s get some opinions from domly selected patrons.



Jamesi Man or Mystic?

“Colin put on a fine performance and he was really pecso‘nable when we talked to him afterward,‘* quoth two friendly dudes. “When he played Voodoo Thing, it sent shivers up my spine.” “Yeah, and Five Long Years brought a tear to my eye.” “But the piece de resistance

was that weird version of Star Wars, Man, what a jokester.” Well,

I guess


get the idea.

The proverbial ace time was had by all. But for us the highlight occurred after the concert at Tim Harton’s. We were chewing down on some doughnuts when Colin’s tour bus pulled up outside and his minions came in for some Timbits, Rock and roll!






2, 1989


Indiana Jones: back to theeaa by David Thomson Imprint staff

~ ’

For the latest and supposedly last escapade of Indiana Jones, we are given yet another movie thick on action aind thin on intelligent plot, Usually movies like these are thoroughly predictable, and Last Crusade is nq exception. Sean Connery plays Indiana’s father, who has devoted his life to the quest ‘for the Holy Grail (The Monty Python version was better). Apparently Jones the elder’s relentless obsession with this sacred relic caused Indiana to become alienated from his father, and the writers try unsuccessfully to drag some type of

father-son emotion out of this situation. Indiana’s father disappears in Venice while searching for the Grail, and Indiana naturally has to rescue him. From this point there is the wholesale on, slaughter of Nazis, the usual assortment of carnivorous animals, and that traditional evasion I _

- lost crypt


of the

same traps that the bad fall into. Pseudo-Christian mumbo-jumbo is the source of all the cryptic messages and’ maps that Indiana must inter-




to avoid



falls. Another aspect of Indiana Jones movies we have come to expect-and Spielberg to increasingly rely on-is the for the most part excellent cinematography and well choreographed stunts. One exception is an airplane scene that is reminiscent of the older J#ames Bond flicks, with a poorly done matte screen “‘4 effect.. 8To sum up, if you can stand nearly two solid hours of action, combined with a predictable plot that insults your intelligence, this movie is for you. After all, as Ryan might say, six dollars isn’t much in a world where our very existence counts for so little.

Bruce Cockburn: He. isn’t normal! l

by Dave Lawson Imprint staff Someone said he had been practicing on the lawn outside Kitchener’s Centre in the Square on the afternoon of his May 24 concert. What can one say about Bruce Cockburn? He was radiant as ever: no, more. In his mid-forties’ his boyish charm is evidence of a once smoulderingly angry artist’s newly-acquired refusal to take himself seriously. The new trend was most evident in his only cover tune: a piece of musical mischief from Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Always look on the bright side of life drew perhaps more applause than any other single number. From ‘the first tune, he sustained ‘a focused mellowness for an unbearably long time. We’re talking groove here as opposed to speed, where mellowness is often taken to mean “slow-tempoed”. But Cockburn held the mood even through his searing political rockers-and mellowness usually isn’t part of his repertoire. The phenomenon was so odd that I was sure either Bruce or I was on pain-killers. ! wasn’t. Which is evidence of the artist’s ability to ride the wave of whatever headspace that’s &her blessing or afflicting him at a given time. No contest that the audience was blessed (this reviewer included). But it’s hard to say what was afflicting either the sound man or the masterful Stick player, Fergus Marsh. While drummer Michael Sloski’s licks were reliable and often delectable’ Fergie Marsh seemed caught in a troublesome loop of bad sound mixing, a consequent inab+lity to hear himself, and a less-than-delightful rendering of tunes from Big Circumstance that quite depend upon his full input. Marsh can make his ten-stringed “Stick” sound like a bass,

guitar and keyboards all at once, But Wednesday night, Fergie seemed literally half-there: only the bottom end was ever fully audible and the MIDI’d piano and beefy organ sounds were lost in a sea of some sound-man’s ineptitude. Ineptitude that-at the other extreme-led to physical pain

all-too-common critic’s portrait of Bruce as a saint. He sings “the trouble with normal is-it always gets worse.” Thankfully, Bruce isn’t normal. Given the choitie, I think I would have preferred the miniconcert on the lawn, though. It would have been qtiieter. And, of course, cheaper.

“Good for what ails ya!”

-DR. 172 KING


ST. W.,



whenever Bruce stepped on his distortion pedal-pain that made it somewhat harder to aptweciate the genius of the man’s more inspirea electric guitar improvisations. Such criticisms, I concede, are attempts to round out a review that would otherwise repaint the





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Friday, June 2, 1989



ARTS But there’s more! Even a casual shows that the guitarbass-drums lineup is king in indie Australia, as evidenced by bands like Violet Town, Crash Politics, and Souls in Isolation. Yet also noteworthy are the personalized touches: peppy horns and jagged violin here, anthemlike piano chords and weirdo percussion there. And they’re pleasant,, eminently listenable songs all. Some bands do stand out, though. Martha’s Vineyard is an acoustic guitar and percussionbased band with a girl singer whose voice is every bit as insinuating as that of Margo Timmins. A!f Hail the New Right by the Trilobites features the album’s second great chorus (after Hindsight). And the most playful cut on the record is Who’s Gerald?% Pins and Needles, with its sprightly bassline and semistoned-sounding vocalist reciting classic rock ‘n’ roll nonsense like Bop-bop-shoo-op. Granted, it’s most likely that none of these bands will ever become famous. But Young Blood is still fine evidence that there’s more to Australian rock than InXS and Midnight Oil. But then, if you don’t know that by now, 1 guess you should be reading something other than Imprint Arts.


Imprint staff

60’s - 60’s - 70's &nd 1 bY LINDSAY MORGAN

Playing JUNE1-3



So what’s the ‘hippest record label Down Under? Before the cries of “Flying Nun! Flying Nun!” fill the air, you might want to give a Jisten to Young Blood. This is a various-artists compilation from rooArt Records, a small Australian label with a big heart and good intentions. Any label dedicated to “sustaining the qualities inherent in all truly independent labels” deserves a round of applause. “But what about the tunes?” you ask peevishly. Well, most of the music on this album admittedly owes a clear debt to the godparents of Australian indie rock (Chills, Verlaines, Clean, Go-Betweensj. But it’s still bursting with a freshness, sincerity and vitality all its own. The standout track is Hindsight by Sydney’s Hummingbirds. Hindsight sounds as if someone had grabbed the Chills,

by K. Mohammed Shkeer Imprint staff I really don’t know agreat deal about this Pierce Turner guy, but that sh,ou!dn’t stop,me from performing the task at hand; namely, reviewing his latest album (or only album for all i know), The Sky and the Ground. Well, the only suitable test I could tliink of was to do what I do with every new album that


splashed cold water in their faces, put real guitars in their hands, and told them to get of their asses and play some rock ‘n’ roll. Hell, in the band photo, not one but two Hummingbirds are crosses my hot little hand: listen to it while reading. If I stop reading then it is a good album, The only time I put down my book was to light up a coupla’ smokes and turn the album over. Something was definitely amiss. Maybe the album was so sublime my crude tastes couldn’t fully comprehend or apprecitie the incredible genius at work? Noh! Drivel, pure and simple: Turner appears to be caught in

adorned with Meat Puppets Tshirts. This is a band we should all support... [Note: Watch for for the Hummingbirds’ debut Stateside disc this summer, produced by Mitch Easter.1


hot asphalt sotie sort of void between wimpy pop andinoffensive rock. Boy George meets Glass Tiger and Pierce Turner is the result. No catchy lyrics, no obscene guitar solos; nada, squat, nil, zip.

The album is soft (like cream cheese left on hot asphalt], whiney and once again inoffensive. So much so I was ,offended, But there was one redeeming

q.ualitY to The SkY aad the G~iound; Turner sounds like Marianne Faithful would sound like if she were younger and a man (if you like that sort of thing).








Neat movie implies

Kill fo.r acCeDtance -








by John Zachariah Imprint staff

From Rebel Without A Cause to fl;ay Anything, cool-outsiderguy-meetsbeautiful-sensitiveprincess movies have always smacked of sexism, moral simplemindedness and a knee-jerk reverence of rebellion as the route to freedom. The exhilarating new Heathers takes all these faults to task with such panache and aplomb, one soon forgets it’s being performed by a cast of second bananas and almost complete unknowns. Sure, you might remember Christian Slater from The Name Of The Rose or Gleaming The Cube; Winnona Ryder is barely recognizable from her second-string role in Beetlejuice. But until now, neither had acquitted theknselves as mature performers. Heathers signals the emergence of both as notable talents. The title refers to a high-school clique of three beautiful girls, all named Heather. Each one is a cold social climber (their idea of a laugh is to forge love notes from muscle-bound jocks and put them on the lunch trays of ugly, fat girls) and, as the movie opens, they are @‘rooming a fourth girl, Veronica (Ryder), ,to join their ranks. Suck

on this,



ragged exterior I Veronica is sensitive and intelligent but, like many people her age, craves acceptance by a group of sanctioned trendies. However, her rites of passage eventually become unacmptably humiliating and she lets loose a homicidal rant in her diary. To her rescue comes Jason Dean (Slater], JD to his friends, whose laid-back, off-the-wall cool offers Veronica a way out of her self-made trap. Before she


knowsit, though, she’s mixed up in some sleazy multiple slayings and in an increasingly hostile relationship with her JD. Faced with hostility, jealousy and uncaring from almost everyone close to her, Veronica nonetheless extricates herself admirably, molting an old, ragged exterior in favour of a brash, self-assured new one. Slater, given the difficult role of a cool rebel gone sour, is stellar, drawing mirth and delivering menace with equal ease. His

recent description as ;in embryonic Jack Nicholson is not far from the mark. But it is Ryder who is most deserving of praise+ She shames critic’s darlings like Uma Thurman with a performance that, at the least, warrants an Oscar for best actress. Her Veronica is painfully human, but a heroine nonetheless; aside from being a scathing black comedy (and many other things), Heathers is an eloquent declaration of feminist intent, a resounding rejection of the Hollywood-reinforced cliche that the man will always make it right. What Veronica discovers is that it’s her job to make it right. Heathers shuns manipulafive, feel-good romantic resolutions just as Veronica shuns apparently easy routes to selfrespect. Taken at face value, the movie appears to be exceptionally amoral. But the character of JD (James Dean? Juvenile Delinquent?) serves a dual function, as Veronica’s hot new man who turns into a loose cannon, and as a metaphor for her need to establish a distinct identity, to find herself (excuse the term]. Fortunately, her caol head prevails: “I want cool guys like you out of my life!“, she screams at JD, rejecting fhe man and the metaphor in one fell swoop+ while asserting a new identity of her own. Heothers is a milestone in the teen movie genre, providing a genuinely useful and intelligent message for young people in a hip, timely and often devastatingly funny manner. It is also, by any measure, brilliant.

Record Store Top Eight For the week ending May 26,1989 1. 2. 3. 4.

Living Color ........... :. .......................... -Vivid Fine Yoling Cannibal8 ............ -The Raw & ,The Cooked Simple Minds ....................... -Street Fighting Years Sass Jordan .............................. -Tell Somebody 5.Cult ....................................... -SonicTemple 6, DepecheMode.. ................................ -101 Live 7. Blue Rodeo ............................... --Diamond Mine 8. Tone-Lot .............................. -Lot-ed Affer Dark,

Just Arrived L 2. 3. 4. 5,

Cure .... .*...........~.......~....~ Tin Machine (Bowie) ....................... Willie P. Bennett ........................ Various Artists ............................... Andrew Cash .................................


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The 7988-89...

Warrior basketball diary


by Rich Nichol Imprint staff The 1988-89 Waterloobasketbd Warriors had their work cut out for them when they started their seuson in the fall of 1988. With the loss of &Canadian Rob Froese, star point guard Jerry Nolfi, and “tower of power” Jamie McNeilJ, many cynics believed the subpar team would no longer be Q threat in the OUAA West division. But somehow head coach DonMcCrae silenced the critics once again, building another powerhouse squad that folIowed the same path as the previous year’s squad, and earning the OUAA Coach of the Year Award in the process. Plagued by injuries and inexperience, the Warriors started off slow, stumbling to an 8-6 preseason record at the end of November. Yet, with the new year there came a winning attitude. Here is how the regular season ond the playoffs turned out. January 4 versus Guelph: In the season debut, Waterloo had more trouble than usual disposing ,of Guelph. The disorganized Gryphons obtained two 6'8" first-year powerhouse forwards (Tim Mau and Eric Hammond) that would season in the next few weeks. The Warriors staved off a second half rally to post a 65-54 win, despite shooting a pitiful 46 per cent from the field.

“It wasn’t a gem, it was a good competitive win,” commented McCrae, “As far as an art form, this game was in the comic books.” High scorers for Waterloo were Tom Schneider, Dave Rosebush, and Chris Troyak, netting 25, 13, and 12 points respectively. January 7 at Windsor: UW raised their record to Z-O with a 110-73 lambasting of the Lancers in Windsor. Five Warriors scored in double figures as Waterloo shot an amazing 70 per cent from the floor. Newly acquired 6'7" Brock transfer Ron Braley led the attack for Waterloo with 20 points on a flawless ten for ten night from the field. “We broke all of Windsor’s presses and turned it into a layup drill,” said an enthusiastic McCrae after the game. “A lot of people scored well, and we handled the breakdown game really well.”


11 verBus


Tagged as fhe biggest match-up of rivals in the OUAA West, Western thumped the younger hometown Waterloo squad, 8874, increasing their unblemished record to 3-0, while the Warriors fell to 2-l. Before a large crowd of Waterloo faithful, the Mustangs jumped out to a seemingly insurmountable lead of 36-18, However, Waterloo didn’t give up, taking the lead, 52-51, part way

through the second stanza. Then Western, led by sophomore sensation John Stiefelmeyer, stormed ahead with 14 unanswered points to turn the nail-biter into a cakewalk. Stiefelmeyer netted 31 points, 25 in the second half, to lead the Western offense, while Waterloo captain Schneider canned 26 points in a tireless 38-minute performance. Both are headed for all-Canadian allstar status at their current pace. January 14 at Guelph: Although it was only the fourth game of the season for both teams, this gem had the makings of a playoff match. Let’s pick it up late in the second half. Waterloo erased a 12 point Guelph lead and, after an exchange of free throws, UW had the edge W-90 with 16 seconds remaining. Guelph stormed up the court for a jumper but Troyak swatted the ball ,away and, unfortunately, out of bounds. With nine seconds left, overanxious Warrior John Clark accidentally touched the ball before it could be thrown in from the sidelines, The result was a technical foul, which Mau buried to force the game into overtime. In the extra frame, the Gryphons pumped in five of ni,ne points from the charity stripe and Waterloo’s only reply was a Schneider jumper. The final score was 100-93.

January Z&21 versus Lakehead:

In All-Canadian Style: Waterloo veteran guard Tom i Schneider stole the show in his final year, collecting enough points to finish in the top 7 in every statistical catagory in Warrior b-ball history. This included a 39 point effort (above) against Acadia in the Naismith Classic. lmpdnt file photo

The tundra-trodding Nor’Westers were a new edition to the OUAA West this year because of expan6ion. Waterloo put their worrisome 2-2 record behind them as they casually disposed of Lakehead in the weekend doubleheader, 84-78 and 91-65. Unlike past games, Schneider did not dominate the scoring stats. Sophomore swingman Don Meace canned a career-high 21 points in the second game while grabbing 11 rebounds. Defensive specialist Troyak sank 10 and 19 points in the two weekend games. Like many basketball enthusiasts from the West division, McCrae did not know too much about the playing style of his new opponents. “They play with no fear, they always attack,” formulated McCrae. “The a-pointer is the strength of our game,” said Lakehead coach Bruno Colavecchia. “When you’re on, you’re in the game, but when you’re off, you’re right out of it,” January 25 at Brock: Waterloo narrowly escaped disaster in a horribly played contest, edging Brock 66-62. Although the Warriors led the entire way, a 38-27 half-time bulge was nullified as WateJoo nearly became the cellar-dwelling Badgers’ first victim of the season. “A ghastly interior game,” was McCrae’s explanation after Waterloo’s mediocre performance. Veteran shooting guard Schneider paced the Warrior attack with 23 points, while Troyak pitched in 16 points. UW managed to out-rebound the Badgers, 43-33, &spite their problems under the glass. Wa-

ierloo shot a dismal H-for-18 from the line. _ The boosted enough place in

Warriors have now their record to 5-2, good for a share of second the OUAA West.

Laurier took the lead for the first time in the game with a jumper from Mike Alessio. Zienchuk drained two free throws to take the lead once again44 seconds remained. WLU’s Paul DeSantis hit a Jay-up to take it

Gimme Five! Newly aquired Brock native Ron Bradley had a lot to cheer about this past season as a result ot tits total domination under the’glass. Look for him to be a leader next season. lmprlnt file photo I January 28 versus McMaster: At back-66-65 with now only 22 this


in the season,

the Maplace atop the OUAA West division but put forth a subpar performance against the Warriors. Consequently, Watml& trounced Mac, 100-75, in their&est peformance to date on the home court. When UW hit the century mark late in the game, the Saturday matinee crowd became ecstatic and rose to their feet in applause. . s Schneider led the way again with an amazing 39 point effort and was honoured as CIAU and OUAA Athlete of the Week, The 39 points matched his career high point total achieved against the Acadia Axemen during the Naismith Classic back in Nov?mbe?. Teammates Meace and Troyak shared some of the limelight, scoring 13 points each (six-foreight from the floor)..Bradley and rookie sensation Andy Zienchuk followed closely behind with 12 points apiece. “This was the best game we’ve played this year,” beamed McCrae. “This was our best 40 minutes-we’ve been able to play this well but only for a couple of minutes. Today we dominated all phases of the game.” February 1 at Laurier: After thrashing a first-place team just four days before, the sporadic Warriors needed a waning-seconds basket to nick the fifth place Golden Hawks, 67-66,

rauders were in first

With Waterloo leading 62-59, *and with 1:~ left on the clock, Schneider nailed a free throw, but rookie Danny Deep replied_ I with his second three-pointer of the night to close the gap, 63-62.

clicks left on the clock, Braley suddenly became the hero of the game, flicking in a left-handed hook shot “Kareem Abdul-Jabar style” with three seconds left on the clock to pull the victory out of the hat. After a slow start to the season, the Warriors weie now in cruise mode with a five game winning streak and a record of 7-2. February 4 versus Brock: The Badgers were hoping to win back the upset they almost pulled off just two weeks ago, At times, it looked like Brock might steal the game, but the Warriors survived several lapses to pummel the Badgers, 90-71, before the live CHCH-TV cameras, Schneider’ led the scoring for Waterloo with 25 points. But Schneider’s performance was overshadowed by the play of teammate Clark, who shined at both ends of the hardwood, earning the TV game star recognition. Clark rejected many a Mac offering in the Waterloo paint, and almost single-handedly shut down the Marauder offense in the second half. His career high performance was capped off with only a few minutes left in the game, when he walked through the Mac defense and dunked a one-handed jam into the


of the

fans. In total, he racked points on a seven-for-nine noon,


up 19 after-


to the

8 verm~


After blowing the first part of the second half, the Warriors regained their composure, and Schneider scored on a drive to


on page 17




Friday, June 2, 1989


) UW cagers cruise to an II-3 record Continued from page 16 with 20 points while fellow guard Schneider sank 18. put UW up 77-76. Waterloo now with a restreaked ahead, 83-78, but a bar- A The Warriors, cord of 10-3, can finish no worse rage of mistakes took the game than third and have a slim into the final minute. Finally, a chance to grab second place. big basket by Braley and clutch With more -wins like this one, free throws by John Bilawey and Waterloo could win the OUAA Troyak allowed the- Warriors to West division playoffs. steal the win, 89436. Febuary 18 wwsus Laurier: WaThe Warriors will need to put terloo closed out the regular seaforth much better efforts as they son with an 88-61 shellacking of are now deadlocked atop the the Golden Hawks in front of an OUAA West, sharing first place unusually large crowd. The win with Western and Guelph, all at did not earn second place-in the 9-2. A mediocre effort will not do :‘West for the Warriors because against Western. * Guelph won their last two reguFebruary 11 at Western: The lar season games also. match was billed “The Battle for In a rough and scrappy game, First Place in the OUAA West’ the Warriors shot 57 per cent and “A Preview of the Division from the floor and 18-for-26 at Final.” CHCH-TV had once the charity stripe. Schneider again set up the cameras for a turned in another masterpiece, live “game of the week.” scoring 34 points on the day. ‘But, just as predicted, disaster Braley really performed well, struck against the inconsistent hooping 15 points and ripping 12 Warriors. Dubbed “Black Saturrebounds in the contest. day” in the sports pages, WestCKJAA West Quarter Finals ern demolished all hopes of a February 21 versus Lauder: The Waterloo first place season rank, Warriors clinched a berth in the annihilating the Warriors down OUAA West semifinals by in Preppyville, 90-68. crushing Laurier again, just The Mustangs shot 60 per cent three days after the first attack, from the floor, zz of 28 from the 86-65. foul line and completed six of Speaking of attacks, the Waseven trey attempts. .Western terloo Warrior mascot, Blair Falalso shut down the Warrior oftoner, was deliberately struck in fense to a pathetic field percenthe face with a basketball hurled tage of 36, and held Schneider to by Laurier’s Paul DeSantis. only 5 points. In the second half, While the Hawks were warming Schneider left the game tsice the up, ‘Falconer began taunting the ankle he sprained against Windplayers as they took practice sor. shots (a routine thing for mas“We thought we were ready,” cots to do). Coming in for a laysaid McCrae. “We did have our up, DeSantis threw the ball at first five of seven players with Falconer, shattering one of his injuries, but we thought we had contact lenses and cracking the it dealt with.” other. February 15 at McMaster: WaThe main problem for Laurier terloo recovered from the disasin the game was the fact that ter in London to trounce the three of their starters got into sliding Marauders 73-60. foul trouble and were forced to “It was a solid defensive efplay cautiously through most of fort,” said McCrae, “we made the second half. ,some good game repairs.” j Schneider again paced the WaDetermined to be a future terloo scoring with 24 points, his leader for the team, Troyak average for most of the regular spearheaded Waterloo’s attack , ’ season.

Waterloo’s next hurdle is the consistent Guel h Gryphons, who are a camp Petely different team than the one the Warriors met in early season play. After losing their first two games, the Gryphons became the hottest team in the OUAA West, sporting a season-ending l&game winning strea.k. OUAA-West Semi Finals February 24 versus Guelph: Western played host to the Final Four of the C)UAAz-West, with the semi-final match-ups of Waterloo versus Guelph and Western versus McMaster The winner would go on to the CIAU’s in Halifax. The tension was mounting and the chips were down. The Gryphons showed why they are ranked seventh in Canada by slaughtering Waterloo 74-48, bringing the Warrior season to a crashing end. UW hit an unforgiveable 32 per cent from the field and just lo-for-17 from the freebee line. In his last game as a Warrior, all-Canadian hero Tom Schneider was held to 15 points, only five of which were from the field, Schneider left all his faithful fans with a lasting memory, sinking a shot from three-point range as time expired on Waterloo’s season and his remarkable career. Clark led the Waterloo scoring, draining 16 points, while rising stars Meace and Braley were silenced to nine and six points respectively. “Waterloo’s been one of the Cadillacs of the league for years,” commented Guelph coach Tim Darling. “It’s nice for an upcoming BMW like us to win.” Darling didn’t need to throw one of his usual sideline temper tantrums tonight I Later the next day, Guelph would fall to the Western Mustangs in a heartbreaker final, 7% 68.

Ita Cnfor Troyak

steals Laurier nating

two!: Nothing could get by defense specialist Chris this past season. His quick speed resulted in several and routine lay-ups such as the one above against in the OUAA West quarter finals. He will be a domiforce next season. Impflnt





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Imprint, Friday, June 2, 1989,



OUAA hockey-league to 4be reformatted by Rkh Imprint

Nichol staff

major changes will be taking place in the format of men’s varsity hockey next season following the recent Ontario Universities Athletic Association’s annual meeting in PeterboSome


After almost ten hours of debate, a conditional agreement was reached between the OUAA and Quebec’s three university hockey teams. The association renewed a two-year contract allowing the Concordia Stingers, McGill Redmen, and QuebecTrois-Rivieres Patriotes to continue to play in the OUAA, Under





renewal, the OUAA asked for $5000 from each of the Quebec schools

to offset



and raised their league entry fee from $1000 per team last season to $1500

in 1989-90.

The second condition involved a proposed one year exemption for Ontario government quires full

teams, from Quebec legislation that refacemasks and neck protectors. Concordia, McGill, and QTR must obtain the exemption for the OUAA teams from the Quebec Sports Safety Board by June 1.


The OUAA changes that will affect the Waterlox, Warriors inelude the decision to merge the three-division league into two eight-team divisions and, consequently, a shorter regular season schedule.

ICamDus The

equipment managers for football for fall seasgn. For more details, contact Coach Knight through


Coach McMahon the Athletics

Department, ext.





This summer we will offer recreational and competitive programs for the UW community. Recreational rowing will take place at Columbia Lake. We will use a recreational single sculling boat, which is available for

members’ use, Membership is $25 with lessons. Competitive rowing will take place at Conestogo Lake with the Kitchner-Waterloo Rowing Club, We will compete with two coxed-fours and will attend all Central Ontario regattas, as well as the Ontario Championships and the Royal Canadian Henley, held in St. Catharines in August. Tryouts, which will test ability and fitness, will commence in approximately one week. Rowing experience is preferred, but not necessary. The membership cost is $25, in addition to expenses which crew members have

to share



each]. All members also help out with fundraising activities. For further information, please call Harry Chris

Shnider Hardwicke

Continuing ties,





with water activi-



Queens, Ryerson, Tbrantb, and York in the East. Each team will play two games against divisional opponents and one contest versus teams from the other division. As a resuit, the teams will play 22

Ret adventure

domes prospective members, both experienced and novice.

will Two Warrior


The West division will consist of Brock, Guelph, Laurentian, Laurier, McMaster, Waterloo, Western, Windsor, and newly added Kingston Royal Military College. Concordia, McGill, and QTR will compete with Ottawa,






this summer.


on Columbia With the everand blowing winds

and the moving of ducks, the




The OUAA will still have two representatives in the CIAU Final Four hockey championI



auideb from qualified instructors. The club is planning weekend road trips to such places as Sandbanks [near Belleville) and Grand Bend. Club membership is only $30, so come out, get wet, and have fun! New members are always welcome: call Commodore Steve (740-07891 or Admiral Kevin (74690551).

lake on our North Campus provides challenging and :entertaining sailing and windsurfing. Members can use the new vessels and boards at any time, and will also receive free lessons

games each, in contrast to the 25 game regular season schedule in

Due to a mixup with Imp& file photos,a photo of Athena squash.player Diane Hutchisor was mistakenly published ir the last issue referringfo her ar OWIAA alpine-skiing, Cham4 pion Martina Rauter. The corq rect photo of Rauter is below. We apologize for any confusion.

Lane defends crown by

Kevin Shoom

For the second UW

Gonos placed ninth in the 200person field with a time of 35%. Closer to home, the Brick Biathlon was held the same day in Waterloo. Sue Schlat ter easily won the women’s portion bf the event, which was composed of a six mile run and a 40 kilometre bike leg. Schlatter, former coach of the nordic ski team and a top triathlete, blew away her. competitors on the cycle segment. In the men’s division, nordic skier’steve Bentley placed ninth. Two other Waterloo athletes ran the first leg as part of relayteams, with Steve Simon leading all competitors in 3o:30 and Pat Maodone placing sixth in 320%

year in a row,

PhD student


Lane has

won the River Oaks 10 kilometre road race in Oakville. The race, held last Sunday, May 28, was one venue in which Waterloo athletes were competing over the ,weekend,

Lane used a tremendous kick to overpower his main rival, Andy Jones of Western, who had been forcing the pace throughout the race. Lane’s time was 32 &inutes, 35 seconds. Another Waterloo runner, Kevin Shoom, crossed the line in fourth place in 34~1, while Kin grad John

‘Next Issue: Warrior Hockey . Women in Hockey

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2, 1989



FOR SALE Espy writing - Ph.D. student in English available for tutoring: editing, revising and writing of all types. Cheap rates1 747-0648.

Male Don Needed. St. Pad’s College is looking for a male residence don for 89190 and 90/91. Major responsibilities include: supervising 7 proctors, 148 students, all residence activities and working with summer conferences. Male graduate students interested in this position should contact St. Paul’s College (885-l 460) for application.

XT Compatible with RGB monitor serial, parallel, clock, game extended keyboard. St 250 cal,I 893-9234. Full warranty. Waterbed: Gueenrlxe with wooden frame. Only $1 ooO*. Call Cindy at 7473327. Photographers1 Check out this film deal I $30 for coupon book t hat lets you get 80 free rolls of fuji colour film plus 40% off developing. Call Chris, 8847557.

Work reports word processed! Work reports $1 so per double-spaced page and resumes $5.0° per page. Letter quality printer. Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram stadium. Don’t delay phone today. 885-l 353.

Fence and deck instatlets required, $725 - 90° per hr. Sales people. Commission (with a draw). Will train. Sales staff need vehicle. Positions available ‘in the Toronto area. Call Sonny or David. (4161440-0526. Wanted: Non-smoking males for a study examining dietary oils and response toexercise. Noendurance athletes please. 8250°, call Heather ex. 2921.

SERVICES Nordic $kl sweaters. Think ahead, have one made now in your choice of colours and Style. Call 746-1947. S&M - 30 minutes (at least) or freel Animal’ noise effects optional. Payment by chocolate milkshakes or yogurt. Call Buffy or Casper. Accurate, experienced, educated typist available immediately for assignments. Computer is used for easy revision. Please call Leslie at 7454853.

Lakeshpre residents, pr4fessional word processing available in your neigh bourhood. $1 6o Der doublespaced page. Call Mark ?46-4357. Fast, professional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, ‘corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857. For 8S@ d.s.p. 1’11type essays/reports. Fast efficient service: Letters, resurires, theses also done. WestmountErb area. Phone 886-7153.



F88t accurate typist wi II type essays, theses, resumes, etc. $1 O” per doublespaced sheet. Please call Lyn at 7426583.

Will do light moving with a small truck also rubbish hauled away. Call Jeff 884-2831. WANTED Old denlm clothing. If your don’t want it, we do! Please drop off in box at Bombshelter ASAP. Thankx.


32 ye8r8 experience, electronic typewriter, Westmount area. .95c double sDaced oaae. Call 743-3342.

August free. Furnished upper level rooms, share kitchen and bathroom. Clean, completely renovated, balcony, parking. Non-smokers $190 - $265. 749-0573.

Word Processing, spellcheck and letter quality print. Pick-up/delivery available. Fast service, Slso per double SDaCed oaae. Call Mark 746-4357.

Looklng for 2 female roommates to share 5 bedroom townhouse with 3 others. Fall/Winter, phone Sue (416) 542-2405 after 6 pm. S220/mnth.

FurnIshed ’ HOUW available September 1. Raised bungalow with walkout, 6 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 baithrooms, laundry, living rooms, excellent condition, 10 min walk, $1500 plus utilities. 746-7928. PERSONALS Interested In social change? Come to a weekly meeting beginning Monday June 5 at 7:30 pm. in CC 1388, The Community for Human Development. 20$ Q& - Students in first and second year between 18 - 25 years of age are invited to participate in a cardiovascular Reactivity Study4 No exercise necessary, only healthy males and females willing to join the other 160 students. Call Barb or Anna ext. 6786. ACCKWA, AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener/Waterloo and Area is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing education and support for individuals and the community about the Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We provide an information, referrai and counselling hotline; 7418300, Monday to Friday, 1O:OO am. 500 pm., 700 pm. - 1l:OO pm. If you would like more information - call US, or drop in to our House, at 886 Queens 81vd., Kitchener. Get the facts about AIDS! T.T. Eight great months, eh7 (26th) plus one week. I love you. L.F.

Shirley O’.Where are you? The phone number don’t know. Call or write with new address, please. Ken at (416) 356-6071. Birth Control Centre. ‘We have info on more than just birth control. Ask us about sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, planned and unplanned pregnancy, sexuality and more. We also sell T-shirts and give away posters and condoms. Call, visit or write us: CC 206, ext. 2306. Talecare: 24 hours a day, 7 days a , week. We’re an anonymous, confi dential telephone distress tine. Lonely? Worried? Troubled? Call us 658-6805 (local cafl). Day or Night! Obrerred with your weight? If you are suffering from anorexia or bulimia and are intertisted in joining a self-help group composed of others in your siiuatibn, tail Marie at 885-4341. Need spendlng money? We have an easy way for you td earn 20% Alt we ask is 4 hrs of your time of which bne is. yours to relax in a Lazy-boy. No excercising required. 1st or 2nd yr students onlv. Call 885-1211 ext. 6786. LOST

UtllltyS&M belts1 If found, call Buffy and Casper, the clynamic duo. FOUND Lsdlen’ +yeglw - Friday 26 May at Columbia Field - Call Ooua 746-2676.





Stay fit at INDSA’s Veggie BBQ today. There will be a nofi-competitive softball game before the BBQ. Both veg and non-veg food will be available. SUNDAY,






6 -

Cinema Gr8tl8. This week’s feature: ‘The Secret Policeman’s Other Belt”; preceeded by ‘The Twitch”. Movie starts at 9:30 pm. in the Campus Cen: tre’s Great Hall and is free of charge.





“Double Chrllenge” - an evening forum on women with disabilitieg. Take part in a community integration process. $20° registration where possible. Tonight, 700 - 10100 pm. Registration 6:30 pm. - door. The Charles St. Centre, 310 Charles St., Kitchener. For more info: 885-6640. SATURDAY,



S8turday night at the Raliyl A beginner’s car rally sponsored by the Grand Valley Car Club and KW Rally Club, begins ‘and ends at Mother’s Pizza, Cambridge (Hvvy 24 just south of the 401]. Registration starts at 6:00

chener. Come and bring a friend, 6:30 pm. - reception, 7:15 pm. - dinner. For dinner tickets, catl 576-2127, 7455957, or 746-4194.



An Evening Foyum - presented by K-W Access-Ability in affiliation with the Women’s Issues 8oard, Federation of Students. The forum is to provide an opportunity for women from all walks of life to come together. Please contact WIB at ext. 6305 for more information. To be held from 7 - 10 pm. at the Charles Street Centre, Kitchener.

Green Revolu#on to Green Consciousness: The umbilical between environment and development across the globe - a talk given by Dr. Robert Moore, a leading authority on internationaI development issues. Sponsored by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs at the Golf’s Steak House, 5?8 Lancaster St. W.,Kit-

K-W Ch8mber Music Society presents Desmond Hoebig and Andrew Tunis playing works for Cello/Piano by Mozart and Handel. At 8:00 pm. in the KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street West, Waterloo. $1 20° students. Tickets at UW Box Off ice and at the door. Reservations 886- 1673. The Community for Human Devetopment has a weekly meeting begin; ning tonight at 7:30 pm. in CC 138B. If you want to organize positive change” in society, you are wetcomet TUESDAY,


Atarl user group, KWEST, 8-bit meeting at 7:OO pm. in MC 2009, 2nd floor of the Math & Computer Building. Phone 579-3695 for details. ViSitors welcome. ..

Support the lnnu People of Labrador. Educational and Fundraising event on lnnu culture and low tevel military flights over Nitassinan, Today, 2:00 500 pm. St. Andrews’s Presbyterian Church (Gym). 54 QueenSt. North, Kitchener. Free admission. Don&ions invited. Children welcome. Sponsored by Mennonite Native Concerns Committee & Canadian Alliance in solidaritv with Native Peooles. JUNE


Arts Council of Waterloo Region is having its 8th annual meeting at 7:30 pm. in the Rotary Gallery of the K-W Art Gallery. Everyone is invited to see the presentation “Arts Sampler”, featuring storyteller Mary-Eileen McClear and the K-W Multicultural Dancers. A reception will follow, for more information please contact Ruth Russell, Co-ordinator, at 744-4552.

The Cre8tlon cycle: prints, painting& and ceremonial sculptures by Peter Maqua opens today at 200 pm. at The Library & Gallery, 20 Grand Avenue North in Cambridge [Gait). Meet the Sault Ste Marie artist, whose multimedia experience displays his deep belief in the traditions and lore of the Native People. For more information catl l-621 -0460.




Science RevIre@ the Heavens -- Episode 5 of “The Day the Universe Changed” film series with BBC host James Burke. 11:30 am., EL 101. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Centre for Society, Technology and Values; Architecture Students Society; Engineering Society A. Details: ext. 6215.

- first car away at 7:31 pm. and ii;h at approx. 1000 pm. Safe fun for all ages, no special equipment needed. Entry fee: $15O*. For more information call Roger 885-2122, Denis 576-7463, or Ean 894-5357. Let Sh8mlm Khan dazzle you with his variety of Old Fitmi music at the Theatre of the Arts Saturday, June 10. Performaice stafts at 7:30 pm. sharp. Tickets ate 87 adults, $5 students and seniors.

SUNDAY, Scrabble Players Club meeting at 7:30 pm. in MC 3012, Mathematics 81 Computer Building. Bring boards & dictionaries. Phone 579-3695 for details. Visitors, beginners; other languages welcbme: English, French, Russian & Hebrew boards available for play. I



m Scotr Are Coming.. .The Scats are Here1 Doon Heritage Crossroads at R.R. 2, Kitchener. piesents a day of pipes, kilts and colobful tartarsat this annual Scottish day event. The afternoon program starts at 1:OO pm. for more information calt 748-l 914.





Hurry ! Hurry! ’ The Biggest Values are in the Classifieds!


$&nb of Objectivism presents “of Living Death” an audio-taped lecture by Ayn Rand (critique of the Pope’s view* :of sex & birth control) and’ a movie


vs. science).

the Wind”


ML 349 at 7:30 pm,




Cinema Grrrttl. Tonight, “‘Sleeping Beauty”, followed by “Diva”. Show starts at 9:30 pm. and is free of charge. ‘Please come early and help move the furniture.





Twln Cltles Theatre Company Presents a comedy: “Talking Dirty”. Tonight to Saturday night at 8:00 pm. And again on Friday and Saturday June 23 and 24. At the Coffee House in Hagey Hall Room 180. $3*O tickets at the door.

Womyn’s Group - meets in CC 135 (usually) “at 8:30 pm. Come out and enjoy movie nights, educational evenings, dances, road trips and casual discussions. For weekly events call 884-GLOW or IlIsten to 94.5 FM, Thursdays from 6-8 pm.

Atat4 user group, KWEST, 16-bit (ST) meeting at 700 pm. in MC 2009,2nd floor of the Math & Computer Building. Phone 579-3695 for details. Visitors welcome. \

DO you think you have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help, Call 742-6183. Weekly meeting open to the public Thursdays, 300 pm. Village Two Conference room (beside main office).





F8ctory and Marketplace Revolution Episode 6 of “The Day the Universe Changed” film series with BBC hoast James Burke. 11:30 am., EL 101. Everyone welcome. Details: ext. 6215.


Waterloo Jewish Students: Drop in to the Bagel Brunch, from 11:30 to 1:30 in CC 110. Have a nosh, or just drop in to say hi. Chess Club. For lboth casual and serious players, CC 138, 7100 - 1000 pm. For more information contact: Bob Lim: 746-2109, Joe Aleixo: 8846848.

HOUM of Debates meets every Monday at 6100 pm. at St. Jeromes’ room 229. New members are always welcome, TUESDAY Eckunkar Centre enings from 7:30 formation or welcomed. 171 0759.


Chlnese Chrlstlam fellowship weekly meeting. 700 pm., WLU Seminary Building, room 201. All welcome. For transportation cal I 746-5769.

open on Tuesday evto 9:OO pm. For inbooks. Everyone Queen St. S. 886-

WEDNESDAY GLOW (Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo) operates ‘a coffee house every Wednesday in room 110 of the Campus Centre at the University of Waterloo from 9:OO to 1l:OO pm. All are welcome. Call 884-GLOW for more information. Femlnlst DircWon Group. Every Wednesday from 700 to 900 pm. All’ wOrnen welcome anytime. For loca‘tion information drop by the Women’s Centre or call 579-3941. Amnmty Intemationrl Group 118. Come join the Conspiracy of Hope. Work on behalf of prisoners of conscience throughout the world. Everyone welcome. CC 135, 7:30 pm, Play Go! Beginners ihvited to Go classes at 7100 pm. in B.C. Matthews Hall, room 1040. Free playing time ,for all players at 7:30 pm. Call x4424 or x6887. Laymen’8, EV8ngelklrl fellowship Bible study. CC 110 at 7:30 pm. All are welcome. Luke, Luke,use the force Luke. Go to the University of Waterloo at 6:CKI pm. each Wednesday. There in the Ctubs roomof theCCyouwiIIfindWATSFlC. There you wiII be able to learn to use the force. But beware the dark side...


Layman’s Evangellcal fellowship evening service. 7:COpm. at 163 University Ave. W., Apt 203 (MSA). All are welcome.



_ ,,

Old country games, here and now. New exhibit of multicultural games featuring German, Mediterranean, Oriental and Korean games. 900 am. to 5:00 pm. Sundays 1:OO - 5100 pm. Museum and Archive of Games, BMH, free. Counselllng ServIcea presents “Career Match (Occupational Choices)“. Explore your future career possibilities using the latest personal computer technologyI One-hour labs throughout the term. Information and sign-up’sheets are available in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, second floor, room 2q8O. Free CornpostIng Barrels, supplied by the Region of Waterloo, may be reserved by caIIing’Tri-Tech Recycling at 747-2226. Residents may pick up their barrels or delivery can be arrainged for a minimal charge. For more information Solid Waste

contact the Co-ordinator Operations at 8859426.

. l











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