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Fly our Flag


BalloonI / by Fleur Macqueen Imprint staff

Andrew Cash dances through a sea of smiling faces. Was it the beer of the performance that caused those smil&s? Cash was among a line-up of performers at the Sounds of Summer festival tast weekend. Coverage continues on pages 7, 11 and 15.


ihto own’ hands

Ret$rcl i ng woes by Marc Reppin Imprint staff A recent contest sponsored by the Engineering Society challenged engineering students to design a device that can separate steel cans from aluminum on&, and then crush them. The contest is just the latest example of how students are becoming more active in their promotion of recycling on campus. Civil Engineering student Cynthia Smart is largely responsible for her society’s growing activism. As the recycling director, she arranged her faculty’s recent purchase of three polyethylene containers to hold newspaper; tin and glass, She is presently planning a fine paper drive for the end of this term. Smart was also the organizer of the design contest, a contest she hopes will do more than just promote .a greater awareness of recycling among students, “We will take all the ideas, build a prototype and have it in one of our engineering buildings,” she says. While some students are working through their societies‘, others are acting on their own. Fourth year environmental studies




1 resi-

dent Daniel Ponech set up a recycling program in South 7 this month, In just three weeks the house collected nearly 200 Ibs. of newspapef, fine paper, glass and steel, which Ponech sold to a local recycleI’. “~‘was tired of waiting for administration answers for a pro,blem that was essentially otir DWtl-,” says Ponech, explaining

his decision to start recycling in South 7, “I don’t see why students should have to have it done for them. They should do it themselves.” Smart and Ponedh are among a growing number of students who have become impatient with the university’s perceived inability or unwillingness to implement tin extensive’, campuswide recycling programme, and are therefore initiating their own small-scale recycling efforts or expanding existing ones. In February 1988, the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group began campus-wide recycling, without -assistance from the university, That effort was abruptly halted last November when Plant Operations informed WPIRG that Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd:, the company holding the waste disposal contract with UW, was interested in recycling. In early January Rudy Molinary of Plant Operations told Imprint that Laidlaw and the university were in the process of choosing options for recycling goods throughout t.lie campus and residences. Six months later the status of the project remains unclear. Plait Operations could not be reached for comment. Laidlaw declined to discuss the matter. Currently thb university recycles fine paper only. The rest of its potentially recyclable waste - over 110 tons a year - is dumped at local landfill sites. The Federation of Students favours a blue box program’, similar to the one in place in the city of Waterloo. According to Fran Wdowczyk, Vice-Presider&’ ‘[University Affairs), the city has

alreadv made known that it is tiilling to bay a third of the cost. The Federation would like to split the remaining two thirds with the university. *‘That is our goal,” says Wdowczyk. “We think it’s an excellent idea” she adds, however, -that “it’s just not- coking together yet because of the contracting. It’s a shame when the city is willing to kick in the money and we can’t take advantage of i,t .” The Federation plans to keep recycling on the administration’s agenda by raising the issue at forthcoming student-administration meetings, The Public Issues Board intends to present high profile speakers to discuss recycling on campus, The Federation will also encourage village dons to start recycling waste on their floors. While some of the church colleges recycle, the university-administered residences do not. The residences are major waste producers. Ponech estimated Village 1 alone goes through close to a ton of newspapers annually. For him recycling is long overdue. “It simply’ has to be w done.” Dr. H.R.N. Eydt of Housing Administration supports recycIing on campus. “We are all waiting for Plant Operations on what is to be done.” Once Plant . Operations gives the go ahead, “we’ll begin immehe says, diately.” Few, howevet, expect an extensive university-administered recycling programme soon. In the meantime, small initiatives by studerits and concerned staff members will have to suffice.

bust .

The KW Canada Day Council decided this week that balloons are more than just a lot of hot air - or helium’, as is the case. The reason? There’s rubber in them thare balloons. Environmental concerns have grounded the 40,000 red and white balloons, scheduled to be released during the opening ceremonies of the Canada Day events held on campus July 1. The cancellation follows on the‘heels of Parliament Hill’s cancellation’, *which was encouraged by environmentalists like Deborah Tobin. Tobiri, who works with the Halifax-based Briar Island Ocean Study group, wrote tci the federal minister of the environment, “In addit on to littering, they do in fact kill marine animals, sea turtleti, and 7 migratory waterfowl.” To till told Canada Day chairperson Shane Carmichael that many animals are likely to eat the spent balloons. When giant sea turtles find lnem in th- watef, they presume they are jellyfish and eat them, ‘which can impair their eating or breathing. “Thf: ocean-going ma:nmals are doomed either way,” she said. @per .he past t> 10 weeks‘, the Federation of Students has received rnFdJy cumpla,nt 9bout the balloon release. Parents, teachers, and o?ner concerned citizens expressed the view that the balloon release was an example of deliberate littering which posed a serious threat to animals, Public relations chairperson Terry Playford said some public schools were unwilling to fill out balloon tags labelled with childrens’ names and addresses to send up with the balloons. Last y‘ear one balloon tag made its way back to KW froni France. This year’s tags will be used for ‘a draw instead. Carmichael felt some people, especially childreti, would be disappointed the balloon release has been cancqikd, as in its past three years, it has been “a good public celatiom event. . . those balloans have carried KW Canada Day flags e all over the contiy. “We shouldn’t just cancel it, and have itime kids disappointed, some environmentalists happy, and (the council) without an opening ceremony event .‘* As an alternative‘, they are planning a “balloon burst.” Everyone at the opening ceremonies will receive a balloon fillkd with air, rather than helium, and the crowd will all break the balloons together. After that, they will be encouraged to throw the balloons in the garbage cans provided. Canada Day visitors will also be invited to sign two large cards which will declare the balloon release was cancelled out of concern for the environment, and thank others for caring as well. The cards will be sent to the federal minister of the environment and the Briar Island Ocean Study group. Playford said she was “glad the decision went through to cancel the release,” but was sorry the council did not have more time “to come up with an alternative event.”

This little Mountie carried theflag proudly at Iast Day parade. The 1989 parade starts at Central Meat Market a . 1000 ain. on Saturday, and finishes on.Campus.


Boat Cruise on the Mariposa Belle. Sunday, July 9th June 30.July 2: Stand and Deliver


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June 30, 1989


Chinese students meet in Winnips

Park-vous by Andrea Szego Imprint staff UW students can now benefit from courses in a number of disciplines - taught in French. And they can even travel to France to do it. Among courses offered in French are history, philosoph3/, and Canadian studies. With the new prograti, undergraduates can earn one of two “certificats d’etudes en langue francaise” from UW. The certificat programs are under the auspices of the Interdisciplinary Program Board and are funded by UW as well as the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Students can select courses from an approved list maintained by the Advisory Board of the Programmes d’et udes en francaise. Two certificat levels are offered: four term courses with a 85 per cent averagd, or seven term courses with a 65 per cent average. * Students must pass a French Proficiency teit prior to being awarded the certificat at graduation. Arrangements can be made to study for one year at the Universite de Paris (France) while earning UW credits. Thanks to efforts made by Ruth Parker of the Department of Cooperative Educatioti; UW became the first Canadian university to join the Interuniversity Mission’ for the Coordination ‘of Franco-American Exchanges. MICEFA, as it is known in French, was created in 1984 to promote cultural, scientific, technological and indus-

Ftancais? trial cooperation between France and the United States. This September, the first group of UW students leaves for the year to study and work in Paris - the program is designed for Co-op students. The six students, majoring in areas as diverse as Fi’ench, psychology, political science, and mathematicg, may spend their work terms in French schoold, perhaps tutoring English. Parker believes the students will be eminently”marketable” because they will be fluent in both French and English. MICEFA will help others find work with French, employers when the French universities end for the summer. While in Paris, the students will live in‘ the “Maiscln du Cana&,” the Canadian section of an International Students residence in Paris. Parker, who has toured the facilities, says students can expect to find very comfortable living arrangements. She stresses that the exchange program is not for debutantes. Students must have a strong knowledge of French before appy lying to the program, and when in Paris, will attend an intense three-week course that reviews grammar and explains essay writing and note-taking techniques. For further information about the -program or the certificat, contact Ruth Parkei, Coordinator, Teaching Department of Cooperative Educatibti, at 8651211 ext. 3117, or Dr. Chris Bryant, Director’, Programmes d’etudes en langue francaise, at ext. 3610.

Chan will britig with him the constitution of the Chinese Human Rights Association‘, the proposed successor of the Representatives of Chinese ACDHRC. As the name suggests, students groups at several Canadian universities are meeting at the new group* independent from the Federation, will focus the University of Manitoba this on monitoring abuses of human weekend to discuss strengthenrights by the Chinese regime. ing ties between themselves and says Chati, is a with groups in the United States -, The CHRK, nokprofii, non-politic‘?31 organiand otierseas. zation modelled after Amnesty “We should be united,” says International. However, besides Ricky Chati, president of the repromoting the recognition of cently-formed ,-Action Commithuman rights in China and helptee for Democracy and Human ing the victims of repression, the Rights in China (ACDHRC), and group will seek to promote c&uWaterloo’s delegate to the conral understanding between Canferencd, “though not necessarily adians and citizens of, the as one organization‘, but at least People’s Republic. we should have some people Cooperation of groups is escoordinating our efforts so we sential if overseas Chinese want * can be more efficient.” ACDHRC to exert political influence‘, \he was formed under the Federastudent groups tion of Students’ International - adds. “Hopefully in North America will be united. ’ Student Board after the Beijing We hope we can then press gomassficre , by Marc ReppIn Imprint staff

vernmeats to exert pressure on the Chinese government to stop the persecution of students.” Participants at the meeting will debate the merits of economic sanctions’, as carried out by bbth governments and private business. Chan is going to propose establishing an academic journal whose purpose would be.to provide a forum ,for discussion on human rights issued, concepts of democracy, and related political and social topics. The first meeting of the Chinese Human Rights Association will take place Sunday evening, July 9 in MC 2066. The organizers encourage anyone interested in: human rights and.the recent events in China to attend. As well, three witnesses to the turmoil leading up to the massacre are expected to speak on campus within the next week.

Learn Japanese’at, UW, i’

L L by Derek Hrynyshyn Imprint staff


Several new courses will be offered in the coming fall term for students interested in learning about the culture and languages of the Pacific Rim countries. Renison college will be offering courses in East Asian Culture as well as Japanese language, and plans for a course in Chinese language are underway. Dr.






teaching the culture course, says that the course will cover the history, geography and artistic achievements of China, Korea, and Japan. The course will cover a great deal of material, dealing with the region’s culture from ‘earliest times to the end of the 19th century, and will be offered for the first time this September. Also starting in the fall term will be a series of five courses teaching the Japanese language’, which is “not like French or German’,“. according to Dr. Swan,

‘This makes it a “difficult thing to learn’,” he said. Courses in the Chinese language have not received senate approval, but hopefully a series of courses similar to those in Japanese w.ill begin in January. ’ Also new this fall is a course in Croatian culture’, similar to Russian and German culture courses, and intermediate level Croatian language courses. First-year Croatian was already offered last year’, with the new courses intended to extend them, u

Ode to the Coal-oillantern by Renate Staedel Imprint staff “Not again!!” was the collective wail . the second time our high tech campus was crippled by a power failure last Thursday. The power had been out for almost ten minutes when it returned for about five minutes, tricking everyone into resuming their activities before going out again, this time for almost three hours. Apparently, a lightning strike on a pole the night before had weakened the* insulators, which succumbed to i cloudburst the next day causing the power failure,

The effects of the lack of electricity were felt all across campus except for East Campus Hall, Students in a psychology stats class ended up writing their midterm on the dimly lit PAS.stairwells. “And most of us had solar-powered calculators!” one distressed student reported. Needles Hall, in the midst of hosting co-op interviews, was described as. “chaos.” “Nothing is working. Employers can’t buzz through when they finish an interview, so everyone is trying to shout out students’ named;” an eyewitness said. “In a high tech office, the only ihing w&king is the jelly bean machine,” commented Carl Hennig, supe,rvisor of the Language I,& iq&&11O. “Right now everything is elect.rical. We can’t do a ‘darriizd thing - not even read a book,” he lamented. A near-c&is was averted .when a student almost entered the men’s washroom on her way to .-the. Language Lab -(one door over from the men’s room).

The United Nations






a video

about the Arab-lsrali conflict

July- 12th G7:30




do you set the VCR clock? Now 1’11 have to dig out the manual agaiti,” one student lamented. Oh, for the good old days of wind-up clocks, coal-oil lanterns arrd outhouses... . /.



En@. Lecture





4 Imprint,







Canada Dai cheer --

w Over the past few months, I have seen the KW Canada Day Council at work, preparing for the huge celebration held on campus July 1. In five years, the day has grown from a small, quickly-organized event to one in which many students, staff, and local sponsors are involved. Imprint itself is one of those sponsors. With a large council comes differing opinions and politicking. The council has had its share of problems, The chairman’s departure for Ottawa early in May, and communication mix-ups between council members have created some confusion. But on the whole, Saturday’s celebrations look like they will be a roaring success. Volunteers burdened with arranging for 8,000 daytime campus visitors and 50,000 nighttime visitors to enjoy themselves have really come through. Canadians have received some bad press lately. A recent Decima research poll taken by Maclean’s magazine’, as reported in The Globe and Mail, found Americans describe us as friendly, nice, and wonderful, while we labelled them snobs, pig-headed and obnoxious. Yeti, we did also call them good and friendly. But 25 per cent of Canadian respondents were quick to say they disliked the Americans’ “superior attitude.” “By contrast,” the Globe reported, “most Americans could not think of a nasty thing to say about Canadians.” ’ Funny - in the July issue of Saturday Night magazine, Andrew Coyne faults Canadians for just such statements; he says we sing a “swelling-hymn of self-Jove” to prove we are “better” than Americans. Coyne writes, “Other nations are too proud, but only the Canadians are so vain as to think themselves too modest.” But volunteer-run organizations such as the Canada Day Council restore my faith in Canadians. The cot&i1 has worked tirelessly to make. KW Canada Day the success it surely will be - and mosf have been modest about it. :* If lyou are visiting us for the day, on behalf of the; whole campus I would like to welcome you and hope you will enjoy your stay. Watch the parade, burst a balloori, sing along with the bands, paint a tlshirt, try your hand at Imprint’s Canadian Trivia Contest, and ooo and ahhh at the fireworks. Canadians do have a lot to celebrate.

Paper towels won’t clean

this up


I remember, many years ago, down the beaches scrubbing the tragically mis-handled events of touring the countryside around noxious film off rocks with the Alaskan pi1 spill. Campbellford, Ontario with my paper towels! Although the Valdez incident bro*ther -Steve and my gran+ These are not the swift, effiwas bytio means the first spill in father. My brother .and I were cient and competent disaster history, it wos the first t,o openly quite young [nine and siti] and expose the inconscionable lies recovery crews we were lead to after visiting a cheese factory, believe could be brought into -perpetrated by the oil indu,stry. Steve and I decided that we They have always promised, play by the International Brothsimply must have a bottle of deep and wide, that in the event erhood of Oil Magnates. They Coke. My grandfather, being a of a major spill, they could and are cleaning up entire shorelines very generous and tolerant mati, coated in thick, black gobs of would rush to the scene and bought one for each of us and we gluey poisons with the same clean it up before any serious were happy. equipment my grandfather felt damage was caused, Besides, For reasons that only Ca nine such spills were highly improbawas inadequate to take five ounyear old child could understand, ces of Coke out of the suede seats ble, they assured us. Right? Flew Macqueen I thought it would be fun to of his car! Wrong! They are not improbacruise the landscape sipping I was twelve years old before I ble, as was demonstrated this Coke and soon convinced would be allowe’d to get into my past weekend when fully three Grampa that it would be okay. grandfather’s car again with so separate spills marred thee waAfter alf, Steve and I were six terways of the world, spilling as much as a sealed can of root beer. and nine! Surely old enough t6 This was only after I could sit at much as 750,000 gallons of oil control a single bottle of pop, the kitchen table and demonapiece. They claimed that they even though the car was new and strate my ability to control a could clean it. still smelled like the factory. glass of- milk through the entire But do their cleanup teams use Fate has a funny way of foremeal. A.nd I had only been an ins0phisticate.d oil-zapping hardshadowing tragic events. We nocent bystand& at our spill ware? Do they sprinkle some hiweren’t five minutes out of the site. tech chemical onto it and convert say. I say, I’d clean them up! Rubber has become the scapecheese factory before Steve had Why theti, ‘do tie tolerate such it into water and fertilizer? But are we cleaning up our engoat of our nation, spilled half his bottle all over the No. They have huge teams of immature, irresponsible incomMy bubble has burst - OI’, vironment seriously? Or are we back seat. The generosity and p’etence from Exxon and friends people shoveling the beached just piously smugly extolling the more precisely,\ my balloon. Cantolerance of even my grandwhen the stakes are so much clumps into garbage bags by virtues of taking away a kid’s ada Day balloon releases nationfather had its limits. higher? hand. Rosie and her friends have fun? Talk about an easy target. I. He pulled over onto the gravel wide are being abandoned in been hired to wander ’ up’ and . Are the anti-balloonists going shoulder, leapt out of the cap, response to the misplaced cries bff Smith to refuse to get their Canada day of knee-jerk environmentalists. tossed both Steve’s and my cherfamily photos -developed Don’t get me wrong: I don’t think ished Cokes as far as he could, - even in my present think df the awful chemicals. and spent 15’ minutes in vain, rage Are they going to take away trying to get. the Coke out of the that all environmentalists are their kids’ crayons? Crayons brand new upholstery in the evil villains, nor that it’s wrong hafta contain bad stuff. to curb pollution. back seat with B paper towel. But why pick on the kids? And The truth i$, everything that’s He had made a mistake in letfun has a cost to it. Smoke, you ting us convince him Steve was doesn’t it occur to anybody that get cancer. Eat too much of the old enough to handle his bottle. the anti-balloon sentiment on wrong thing, you .wreck your But even though I pkobably was Parliament Hill is embraced heart. But sometimes negligible old enough’ he gave us _absdwith open arms because Mulrodamage can be justified by the lutely no -chance to prove hiin ney’s own propagandists heaping amounts of fun it ‘can wrong again. The cost, to him, couldn’t come up with better diversion tactics if such were produce. was too high to indulge our deluBut ten phone calls a day sions of maturity. handed to them on a silver platthey’re ,getting. By whose arch You may be wondering now, ter! strokes is public sentiment being what I’m going on -about. How Forget oil spills, acid raiti, cardoes a seemingly innocuotis manipulated so shamelessly as bon emissions. Forget the tons of Ed&tm-M, .............. Fleur M-n to cut short themost quintessenevent from my childhood have unrecyclable waste the day will bnlatmt’tiW ............. ..D8~~w80 n tially Canadian’, celebrational, any bearing on today’s real generate - and we can because world? ................... Renatie s-1 freedom-symbolizing, the most we’ve appeased our consciences Well, although he is no longer fun [except for the fireworksWawsAada@mt ................ JudyHollrtnds by picking on balloons* but we’d better not mention with us, I like to feel that my ..................... .Andr0a &ago From eating balloon carcasses, OopylDdifar those!) aspect of the day? grandfather’s response is as FemturemBUltor.. .............. AngelaHeeds water-faring turtles are dying, -valid today as it was sixteen I want my crayons back. ..*.*...*......+ . Rich Nichol they say. I say, produce a c‘arpse! sportm Editor ... years ago. But I am no longer ....................... John &ym ,What if someone scattered balDave Lawson talking about children spilling loons on your front lawn’, they Photo Edftur ............. Jon&w Matthews drinks on new upholstery. -At Salovaara Fhoto Assi8tmt ... Micha431 (Suomi) least not literally. At the time 1 felt quite indignant that z should be viewed ........... zSu&mm wer. Vivian Ta;mbeau as my equally incompetent v-t Trevor BlaiI’, Michelle Blaig, David Blosdal~, Karen Brook$ younger brother. But now, from Michael Brysori, Kevin Coghand, Mavis Dixon, J. Hagey, Adwrtisix@ Mana@r .......... Ted Griesbax=h an older perspectivf?, I can easily vacant Glenn Hauef, Derek Hrynyshyti,. Mike Hunt, Michelle understand his reactions. DlstrlbutionManaggZI .......... John Hymm Kennedy, Shirley-Anne Off, Michal Quigley, Mark Reppiti, NOW I an1 contrasting that Andrew .Rehage‘, Jeff Smith, Tania Spence?, Derek We&r, seemingly well handled incident to be the John Zachariah. 1 with what I cansjder l



My balloon. has burst!














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To the editor, The new $14 work report marking fee that every co-op student has to pay is a total farce, and 1 can prove it. At the end of last summer I wrote my fourth and final work report. Having completed my work report requirements, I was quite angry when I saw this new fee on my fee statement for this summer, The Department of Cooperative Education and Career Services wanted me to pay $14. for services for which I had no need. SO, in protest, I decided to submit a work-report anyway to get my 14 dollar’s worth. In doing sd, 1 was able to show that the marking services the students are paying for are totally inadequate. . The work report I submitted

1Is Bruce a

fee farce

this summer is an exact copy of the work report I submitted at the end of last summer’, with the folfowing two exceptions: first, I made a slight change in the cover letter to indicate that I had submitted this work report before; second, I added a final page titled “Concluding Remarks” in which I protested the $14 marking fee and freely admitted that thi9 was a “repeat” work report. I never expected my work report to be marked. However, after picking it up last week from the Math undergrad office, I discovered, for the following two reasons, how much of a rip-off the $14 marking fee is: I] Not only was my work report marked in full, but the marker did not even notice that it was a repeated work report. Since this point was made clear in the concluding remarks it is obvious that the marker did not


all of my work report, the exact same work report I received two totally different grades on the two occasions in which it was submitted. Last year I received an “Excellent” grade and my work-report was up for an award. This year the same report dropped two grade levels to merely a “Good”. In both cases’, my Computer Science work report was marked by non-faculty members of the English department. Clearly, they are not qualified markers in any case, In fairness to all students, I expect an abolishment of the $14 work report marking fee, and a return to the policy of Math faculty professors marking the work reDorts of Math students within their departments.

2) For

Wayne Morris 4A Computer




To the editor,

To the editor: I am an avid reader of Imprint. I noted with interest your article some issues back on the completion of Waterloo’s Oxford English Dictionary computerization project. Your revieti of acclaimed Canadian songster Bruce Cockburn’s recent Kitchener performance also caught my attention. These two articles were linked for me wheti, while perusing Dana Porter’s new (hard] ZO-volume copy of the Oxford English Diet ionary, I spotted a word which characterized exactly my opinion of your Cockburn review: that word is “pumpkinification” (definition: e.xtravagant or absurdly uncritical glorification]. Your reviewer made a pumpkin of Bruce. Alexandra Macqueen 4b Environment and Resource Studierr

This is in response to the column “The Voice of Treason” which appeared in the June 16 edition of Imprint. The writer of this column -has made a few statements which seem to show he knows as little of fundamental Christianity as he knows about evolution. First, any person who has honestly studied evolution and creation would realize that belief in macro-evolutiia, with its conspicuous absence of fossil records tying on species to another (ie: a fossil ‘rn its’ intermediary “evolving” form] requires as much faith as creation. But on to the main point. The writer also stated that fundamental Christianity promotes “aggressive anti-intellecwhich further tual beliefs*’ seems to indicate he, has failed to do sQme basic research. Unfortunately too many people identify fun&mental Christianity with the lunatic fringe that grabs all fhe headlines and feel at liberty

to make sweeping ,statements about fundamentalism without investigating what mainstream fundamental Christianity teaches. *Fundamental Christianity first and foremost teaches that everyone needs a personal relationship with ]esus Christ and this relationship should be evidenced in every believer’s life. Man in his pride has developed many theories and philosophies without recognition of God. Millions of people have studied these and have found them to be empty and hollow. The same have turned to God, by faith received His Son‘, and have experienced real joy and peace thereafter, Fundamentalism teaches this message and further teaches the principles taught in the Bible without apology even though many times they conflict with modern man’s philosophies and standards. Why is a rejection of man’s philosophies and acceptance of God’s Word as it was written “anti-intellectual”? Consider the following from Colossians 2:2,3: “My purpose is that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Chris& in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”. Seeking a deeper knowledge of God is the highest form of intellectual pursuit and it is encouraging to see that the university has not barred this endeavour. D. VanderSchee, C. CaIef 4A Mech Eng

Whoops! To the editor,

David Lewis has a hoast of irrational


Last Thursday, June 22, the Psych Society was to .hold “Dusk-to-Dawn Movies.” Unfortunately, we were unaware of new copyright laws prohibiting such an event without a license. We offer our sincere apologies to those who showed up! loanne Mathon 3b Psychology

/D~ITIOWX~ “best we’ve To the editor, K. Barrett, in a June 16letter to the editor, noted that a 21 year old Chinese student who informed China’s 84 year old leader, “You don’t really get the point !“, reminded him of a cartoon. In this cartoon a recent graduate who, upon completing his or her degree, was instructed, by the world, to sit down and learn the rest of the alphabet. Barrett made the tenuous comparison on the basis that, “Too many university students these days are idealistic youngsters who would tear down all existing institutions overnight, but, unfortunately, lack the experience and maturity to replace them with anything better.” I am not sure what era K. Barrett was raised iti, but in so far as jI have been told, university stuidents have always been idealistic. Idealistic, I submit, with good reason. Idealists strive to tear down existing institutions because so much about those institutions is bad. Rampant corruption and lack of citizen participation in the institution of Chinese government, for example, is a good reason why it should be changed and why student idealists attempted to do so, In another example, the repressive‘, savage nature of McCarthyism and the injustice -of a war the United States had no business fighting, was a good reason for idealistic students of the 1960s to shake up that nation’s institutions. The problem is not idealistic students who want to tear down, but entrenched, power hungry people who call themselves *‘realists” and want to maintain control for their means.



Those people-know damn well their systems are flawed and that change is a greater reality than they will ever know. A great many reform problems would disappear if those within the system would lend some of their “experience and maturity” to young reformers who will make changes anyway. Barrett went on to discuss the dubious merits of democracy as revealed in Scripture. “It (democracy) has proveri,” according to Barrett, “to be the weakest form of government devised in the human experiment,” The connection with the rest of ‘the letter is not stated, but it would seem the implication is that democracy is not something to strive for since it is so easily twisted and inherently unstable, as indicated by the equating of democracy to clay in the Old Testament passage Barrett refers to, Winston Churchill agreed. He called democracy the worst system for achieving decision and action. None the less, he struggled to insure its survival, calling it, “the best we’ve got.” Democracy is so fragile because it attempts to do the most to protect individual freedom. If order and stability is what one craves, then’, obviously, there are systems and institutions which do a much better job at providing this. In short, idealistic students striving for greater democracy are not nearly as misguided as Barrett seems to indicate. Sometimes they are wrong in the way they bring about change, but they are not often wrong for wanting change. Daniel Ponech 4th year Environmentai Studies

often is often?i

OEAR SEXPERT: I usually have sex with my partner about 1once a week. My friend was telling me that he has it once a day. Am I missing out on something? ANSWER: Not necessarily - once a week is fine as long as you and your partner are satisfied with that. The ideal frequency would be whatever you both agree on. Statistics are available for the average frequency of sexual intercourse but there is no point in mentioning them here. As your question implied, there is great variability among couples in how often they have sex. Some couples are content with once a month while others are not satisfied by anything less than once a day. If you are happy with your sex lives, there is no reason to.be concerned with what other couples are doing. However, if either you or your partner is not satisfied with the frequency of seti’, it is important to discuss this. Quite often one partner’s sex drive is much stronger than the other’s, Remember that intercourse is not the only way to satisfy sexual urges. You should consider alternatives such as masturbation’, massage and cuddling. Sometimes a person% interest in sex can be affected by problems within or outside of the relationship. This is difficult to change unless the underlying problems are resolved. After a couple has been together for some time it is nor@al for the frequency of sex to decline. There is no problem with [his as long as you are happy with the other aspects of the relationship. One final thing to consider is that you don’t need to settld into a routine and expect sex’to happen on a consistent basis. Thereare many factors that can increase or decrease sexual desirq (i.e. be stresg, weathef, movies - you name it) and there will likely variability in whatever frequency you consider ideal. This column is prepared by volunteers of the Birth Control Ceotre. If you huve questions for us you can visit us in CC206 or cd us at 885-1222, ext. 2306. Written questions for this column can be left in the envelope on our door or sent to the BCC [c/o the FEDS office] through on-campus mail. We can ako respond to letters through the mail if you provide a return address.

6 ’ Jmprint,






Focus on Feminism by Michelle


The imposition of the North American Beauty ideal, main:ained and promoted by the ma.e-stream mass media, serves as 1 consistent reminder to women If their inherent physical unac:eptebility. Rather than quesioning the validity of the standard, women have learned o blame ourselves for our inability to “measure” up. The )reoccupation women have with letting’ and remaining thin conrols our activities, robs us of our Bride and self-confidence and Irevents us from occupying the ipace that we require. a By continually bombarding women with a masculine creaion of reality which equates hinness and youth with beauty, lappinesd, love and wealth and my making correspondence to his male image the most necesary and highly acclaimed ource of women’s acceptability ,nd valuation’, the patriarchy las succeeded in creating a deepeated feminine fear of fat which xtends beyond age, race and lass barriers. Because women Lave been encouraged to adopt his male-stream mass medial node1 as an exemplar of our deal selves’. we fail to recognize


that constant vigilance in thg face of food and the self-loathing which results when women satisfy their appetites are overi forms of female control exer. cised by the “fathers” of society to their own economic and pat= riarchal benefit. Vivian Mayer Aldebarati, a fat activist, has suggested that “mass starvation of women is the modern American culture’s equivalent of foot-binding, lipstretching and other forms of female mutilation’,” fundamental to the maintenance of women’s inferior h’uman status. If we are to be leaders in the freedom of women from the shackles which bind us to this patriarchal fallacy, feminists clearly must reexamine the impact of weight on the lives of wometi, particularly from a fat perspective. Through the exorcism from fear and negativity of fatness feminists can begin to radically re-form a positive concept of feminine body image that is consistent with women’s diversity. Through the abandonment of the oppressive patriarchal standard of female beauty and an embracing of a woman-centered acceptance of all female bodies+, women can begin to support, with convictioti, every woman’s right to be fat.

buy those


The next time you pick up a bunch of luscious Californian grape& think of The Wrczth of Grapes. While the title of John Steinbeck’s novel is The Grapes of Wrath, the “Wrath of Grapes” is the slogan of the current California grape boycott, which refers to the hazards associated with the pesticides used on the grapes. California grape growers know the appearance of grapes is important to consumers. Those plump, innocent-looking grapes have been pumped up by growth hormones that make them grow three to four times their normal size; howevef, this alters the organic composition of grapes, thus weakening the natural resistance grapes have to pests. As a result, grape growers have had to increase the amount of pesticides they use. Since the 19405, the amount of pesticides sprayed on grapes has increased l&-fold. Last yeaI’, eight billion pounds of pesticides were used on the grapes grown in California, and approximately one-third of these pesticides are proven or suspected carcinogens, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. The type of pesticides used on grapes are organophosphates, carbamates, and thiophosphates, all of which are considered nerve-gas type pesticides. The most danger&s pesticides are Captan, Methly Bromide’, Dinoseb, Parathion’, and Phosdrin, Parathion and Phosdrin are responsible for the majority of farm, worker poisonings and deaths in California. Captan is a widely used fungicide and most often found by the US proven carcinogen - it is the pesticide Food and Drug Administration in their monitoring of grapes for residues. There are three officially recognized child cancer clusters in California. One of the three clusters is McFarland, a town surrounded by pesticide-laden fields in California’s San Joaquin Valley. In McFarland, the rate of cancer among children is 600 per cent higher than normal. The State of California and Kern County have been forced to look at the possible causes of these clusters, but as yet, have been reluctant to link the incidence of cancer to pesticide usage. Adults in McFarland are also facing an increased incidence of cancer’, specifically head and neck cancers. What makes this cancer particularity noticeable is the rapid growth of the tumors. These tumors can grow from the size of a pea to the size of a nectarine in weeks. The state of California is reluctant to include a review of adult cancer cases with its review of child cancer cluster% arguing that it is difficult to trace possible environmental factors with adult cancer. The reluctance by the state to deal with the dangers that farm workers face is not surprising. Under the leadership of Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers have organized the predominantly Chicano farm workers. There are now less than 25,000


poet writes once again:

“Barrett .

K., you. Pharisee!”

To the editor:

in response When rained The students

to K. Barrett’s


of June

the bounteous showers asked in far Cathay


of May

“Thou glorious Communist Party! You are not Qin Shihuangdi Give us some democracy!” In Guelph, tot& it was on TV “Be silent!” ordered K. Barrett “You haven’t learned your alphabet!” “What gives in university? These students cry for anarchy Which they call ha! democracy’ Too much idealism, so says me. The answer to this problem set: They haven’t learned their alphabet! “They lack my wise maturity That’s shared by Comrades Deng and Li We don’t stop with A or B We know it all to X Y Zee! Experience requirement - met! You see, we know our alphabet Stop tearing down society Learn to live on bread and tea Not to Satan bend your knee Leave the thought to those like me GO back to school: your ears are wet You haven’t learned your alphabet!

“Read the Book: Dan 2:30 On King Nebuchadnezzax’, he dreamed an idol [what deviltry!] built with clay and metals three Daniel alone could interpret Because he’d learned his alphabet “You’ll find it writ in Prophecy The uproar of heathen Chinee The weakness of- democracy All known in B.C. Six-Oh-Thkee How do I know? It’s no secret I have learned my alphabet!” I And so, ‘twas done, the Red Army Sent forth the tanks, by A.M. 3 A trick not thought of by Ghandi But by the Manchu Nurhaci f agree with K. Barrett Yes, they learned their alphabet! But Jesus Christ, the Lord, said He: (“Iris there, in 7:9 Matty] “Who in all this crowd I see Would give a stone to a child hungry?” Of, in ‘89 A.D. A bullet shoot when they hear the plea Of Chinese children for democracy Far worse than snake for a fishie “THOU SHALT NOT KILL,” this from Oh, Barrett K:, you Pharisee! From your eye remove that tree! You haven’t learned your Bible yet So don’t tell us - “the alphabet!”


lay Shorten lat year Arts

workers under contract, though 208,000 have voted to have the UFW represent them. The UFW has been successful in securing safer working conditions for the farm workers. These achievements tire currently under seige. In 1983, George Deukmejian was elected Governor of California with strong financial and political support of the growers. Since his election, he and his administration have sought to dismantle the few rights the UFW have fought so hard to secure. The people who work in the grape fields are now involved in one of the most critical battles of their lives, They are fighting to reduce the use of pesticides which not only threaten their health as workers but also threaten the lives of their families and friends who live in the same communities where they work. It is not only the farm workers, their families and friends who may be at risk. The increased use of carcinogenic pesticides also places consumers at risk. Not all of these pesticides can be washed off the grapes; some chemicals are oil based and coat the surface of the grape’, and others seep through the porous grape skin to the inside. Because of the potential hazards to consumer& the UFW is looking for support from the public to end this dangerous use of pesticides. The present boycott on Californian grapes was officially declared on July 11, 1984. During the following two years, Cesar Chavez and other UFW organizers toured the US and Canada developing support for the campaign.,. “The reasons for this boycott are similar to previous boyco& except thaf this time one of our problems has become a tragedy: an incredible epidemic of our workers are dying from cancer; child-ren are being born with birth defects; women are having miscarriages due to the use of nerve-gas-like pesticides used on grapes,” said David Martinez, VP of the UFW. Martinez is working in Canada to build Canadian support for the boycott. “The same pesticides which cause death and deformities among farm workers and their children are being eaten every day by Canadian consumers’,” Martinez said. In Iuly 1988, the UFW sampled grapes in 66 stores in Metro Toronto. The screenings for organophosphatti, caramate and thiophosphate pesticides showed positive in 60 stores. Of the 72 samples taken at each of these stores’, 86 per cent of the grapes tested positive for the existence of these pesticides. While not enough research has been done of the long-term health effects of consuming pesticide residues, Martinez states: “Don’t wait for body counts! We’re already providing them, Our children are already dying, Don’t wait till Canadian consumers are contracting cancer too.” The grape boycott has been effective,in the past, and the current boycott is beginning to have an impact of grape prices. In specific markets, the effect of the boycott has been significant. In Bostofi, grape sales were down 12 per cent from last yeaf, and Chicago, 20 per cent. According to Martine& “all we need is a 10 per cent reduction in sales to make. the boycott effective, and our preliminary reports are that there has been a 10 per cent reduction in shipping. We don’t think the grqwers can go another year. If the consumers will stick with US, they won’t last another year.” YOU can support the California grape boycott in several ways. The easiest is to stop buying them and tell your grocer about your concerns. WPlRG student working group that is taking this boy: cott to local stores. The next meeting is on July 5 at 5:30-6:30 in the WPIRG office, room 123 of the General Services Complex.

Cool Imprint! .‘ To the editor: Three cheers to Cindy Long for her comment piece on the protests at ARMX ‘89. Her comments on the “myth” of our just society are particularly poignant. It is important for us as university students to move for , ’ positive change; if we aim for the status qud, we sell ourselveS, and our society, short. At my wife’s convocation last week, University of Guelph President Brian Segal emphasized the “privileges, duties and responsibilities’+ of the graduating class. I would like to re-emphasize the responsibilities. Stay cool, Imprint. Brent Wood . Edit or-in-Chief The Ontarion University of Guelph

LETTERS to the Editor

are always welcome. Maximum 400



Send or bring them in by 6:00 pm. Monday

Imprint, Fridaq, June 30, 1989



7. _


their mark

Women Inventors by Karen


Although the Canadian Patent Office issues only one per cent of its patents to wometi, there are countless women inventors waiting in the wings to up that ratio - if a recent display is any indicator. The genius of Inventing Women was on display at the Kitchener Public Library from June 5 to 30. The inventions of twenty-six women were exhibited - more than half of them Canadian. Women 41s Technologicoll Inventors displayed inventions such as “Landmarc” 7” a device used to m‘ark the sppt for chest compression when doing CPR c and a computer aid for disab!ed persons. invented by. Women for Women exhibited “Hot Heels”, a heel protectof, and “MaternaMate”, a support device for pregnant women. Invmtions for Everyone displayed the popular game Balderdash, Liquid Paper, and drip coffee. Inventions for Children displayed the Jolly Jumper and Knifty Knees - a device especially useful to hemophiliacs, where a scraped knee can mean the difference between life and death.

The Women Inventors Project, a non-profit organizatiari, was started in 1986. Its co-ordinators are Shelley Beauchamp, PhD graduate of the University of Waterloo and Technology Consultant with the Canadiaq Industrial Innovation Centre, and Lisa Avedori, M,A. graduate and Adult Educator with the Ontario Ministry of Labour. ‘Shelley Beauchamp says the Project aims to ‘*raise the profile of women inventors, to provide information to women who want to invent, and to inform students and teachers about the Project.” Focus, a newsletter written by the Women Inventors Project, provides information and advice to ivbmen inventors.. Women inventors today face financial and social barriers. Beauchamp has received letters from women who want inforrpation about the Women Inventors Project, but do not want it sent to their home, afraid that their husbands may see it. They have been held back by a lack of money, information‘, recognition and support networks. “InventorS,” Beauchamp says, “are all motivated to invent in order to solve a problem; how-. ever’, the needs of women differ from those of meti, so they invent in order to satisfy those needs.”


answer to The Pogues, The Men They Couldn’t Hang, entertained crowds at Waterloo’s festival last weekend. The band appeared along with The Paul James 8and, Spirit of the West, and Weddings, Parties Anything&e stories on pages If and 15.

‘Sounds of Summer”





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What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance found among the fat cells in the bloodstream’, which are called lipids. There are two basic categories: high density lipoprotein (HDL] and low density lipoprotein (LSL). HDL is thought to pick up cholesterol from the cells and the arterv walls, taking it to the liver for removal from the body. LSL seems to promote the deposit of cholesterol on artery walls, an excess of which can restrict blood flow through the arteries, resulting possibly in a heart attack. What causes high cholesterol levels? The majority of people have a normal ievel. Even in most diagnosed cases of a high cholesterol level, it has not been attributed primarily to eating foods containing high levels of cholesterol. The single most important factor in high cholesterol levels is heredity. Eighty per cent of cholesterol in your body is processed there; only the remaining 20 per cent is influenced by diet. What is the biological junction of cho/esterol? Cholesterol is found in every living cell in your body, and it serves many necessary functions: it helps produce hormones, it is required to produce vitamin II, it helps in the construction of

cell membranes, and it is essential for the production of digestive juices. Saturated fats tend to raise the amount of cholesterol in your blood. They are found primarily in animal fats and coconut or palm oil. Saturated fats can also be produced fromdunsaturated fats through a chemical process called hydrogenation. What pm I do to contruI my cholesterol level? Good health always includes a healthy diet. Eat a wide variety of foods, including fibre rich on-es, Limit your calorie intake and restrict saturated fats to be only a third of your calorie intake. Regular exercise - 30 minutes of action three times a week - and sensible weight control will not only help control you’r cholesterol level, but will also decrease your chances of heart, disease and cancer. Cholesterol is only one of the leading factors contributing to heart disease. It is recommesded that a cholesterol level test be done at’the aie-of twenty and every five years after that. If your family has a history of heart disease, you should have a regular check up every three years. And should you have a high cholesterol level, you can, together with your doctor, work out a diet plan best suited to your needs.



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tmprint, Friday, June 30, 1989

Malawi by Shirley-Anna Imprint staff



Dr,Banda’, President since heads a one-party government which allows no opposition, People both fear and revere their president, whose policies have suppressed their &ghts while putting food on their ta1964,

Mathies said, Ofted, “in order to maintain stabilit$’ said Mathie?, %anda has been ruthleSs.” Mathies spoke of four students expelled last month for criticizing university officials-in the schobl paper. Students protested the expulsion with a march, which closed the university down. Over ~OO,OOO Mozambique refugees flood to.Malawi annually. Mathies said “although Malawi was one of the first neighbouring nations to have good relations with South Africa,. it is in& rectly affected by South Africa’s destabilization policy.” Internall& Malawi shows some signs of progress. There is greater self-reliance as new agricultural and educational endeavors are established and the value of urban life improvea. But Malawi natives still battle the effects of a per capita income of $200 per year, a life expectancy


of 45 years

and an infant 33 per cent.

mortality rate of ,Mathies said education efforts have improved as more community-sponsored elementary schools are built. Because the

cost of a high school education can reach $200, a cdllective of villages can only afford to sponsor one student, Currently, 40 per cent of the country’s groes national product is used

to service


Hunt staff

The provincial government’s new health payroll tax, which takes effect in January, 1990, will eliminate OHIP premium payments for all individuals. Students and the unemployed will be covered for the full year under the new plan, and current OHIP numbers will remain the

same. The employee health levy will *be paid by employers and is based on the wages of their employees, This presents a problem for Ontario university administrators’, as salaries at their institutions are higher - $40,000 per full-time employee‘, compared with an average industrial wage of $24,000 in 1987-88. This will cost the universities some $24-

tional debt. Decreases opment agency support, such as Canada’s recent cuts of CODA and





many development projects. According to Mathied; XIalawi’s problems cannot be easily solved. The natives are making valiant efforts .to cope with their problems: villagers will carry rocks and clay for miles to build their schools; adult literacy has increased 25 per cent as’more natives recognize the need to read

and write; young men are learning trades and craftd, and up to a third of the high school students are female. While North Americans may be able to ignore the statq of Third





development efforts as’hopeless - the people of these nations strive for a better life, recognizing they must first help them-

selves before any changes will occur.

million more than they now pay in OHIP premiums each yiar. The new program is seen as a major funding cut by administrators, who met with Ontario Treasurer Robert Nixon on June 12 to try to negotiate relief from the tax. Nixon has agreed to provide $%million in “transitional payments” (for the 1990 fiskal year), to compensate universities for their losses. _




Terrific Contact

The Voice of Treason . .

internain devel-

OHIP premiums dropped by Mick Imprint


for bette.r life


On a recent visit to Malawi, a tiny natioh north of South Africa, Professor Ron Mathies of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies witnessed the barriers to Third World economic and social development that North Americans can easily ignore. Mathies iold Amnegty International members at their June 21 meeting that Malawi shares the problems characteristic of most underdeveloped nations, The nation’s population of eight million is exploding at a rate of 3.9 per cent annually. Population problemd, repressive government, international withdrawal of development funds, the destabilization policy of South Africa and a high international debt is holding back Malawi’s chances of reform.



“VVhite ‘tfa’sh” J-Hawv


Gosh, golly, gee! Have you seen those mead, nasty books? You know, the ones people are burning, like The Merchant of Venice and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Books like those ones upset many people. It is not very nice when they use naughty words that offend minorities like Jews and Negroes (even though it was the way they talked back then.) I suppose all books that are not nice should not be read; they should be burned too. Fur&y thing though, they never ban books which give my minority a bad name. You never hear anyone defend the rights of white trash, do you? We should all be equal, right? We should not offend anyone, right? We should all give in to self-righteous groups that have the literary insight of a pea’, right? That’s why we have to protect white trash, especially the males of the species. After all, we have feelings too. In Hamlet all the white, male characters are quife offensive to me. The title character is a schizophrenic, spineless jelly fish who sees and talks to ghosts,

murders a girl’s father without remorse and then drives her to insanity-and suicide. Her father, Pqloniug, is a boring old fart that, in some perverse. way, seems to deserve his violent end. His sari, !Laertes, is an arrogant, undeserving son who jumps in his own sister’s grave just to start a fight. Gee& what a hot head, Havlet’s uncle/stepfather is an obvious nasty, killing his brother to sleep with his sisterin-law and become king. But this blatant attack on white men is crystallized in the pair of idiots Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. With all these derogatQry and inflammatory men‘, any worthy white, nnale characters have been obscured and forgotten. Anyone who has read this play would re,alize the terrible indignities dealt my minority, In my crusade against blatant and unrestricted rationality, I hope to succeed. Against the proponents of intellectualism I I6will strive to achieve victory. Yea, against those social misfits known as liberals and libertarians I plan to prevail so that I may hold my ignorant head high, scream amd beat my chest like the savage I will have become.

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by John Zachariah Imprint staff

The recent claim by Ponst and Fleischman - that cold fusion had been achieve’d under the most mundane of .conditions - was interesting, not just because it was made by chemists [rather than physicists) but because it held the shadowy promise of almost unlimited energy for all, thus heralding some new golden epoch. The process, they said, produced more energy than it consumed, thus seemingly violating the second law of thermodynamics., which states that when matter is converted from one form to another, a net energy loss must result. If Pons and Fleischman were correct, then all of science would be fundamentally changed. Reading about the two chemistg, I was reminded of Joe Newman‘, who caused a great stir a few years back with his electric motor, the output of which, he claimed, was much greater than its input. What all three men were laying claim to wag, in fact, perpetual motion. They weren’t saying they had systems that never stopped running, but rather systems that produced more energy than the consumed, systems that vio r ated the first, the second or both laws of thermodynamics [the first states that energy can’t be created or


produced the picture of the original state. This class qf self-blowing windmill seen r machines [which try to vioon this page. The machine late the first law ofthermolooks rather interesting, but dynamics) differ from those it should be obvious that which attempt to convert even if the bellow’s could proheat. to work (and which try duce enough wind to turn the to violate the second). An exwheel [tihich they never ample of the second type is* could), the three connecting the Gamgee zerometer, deverods would run afoul of each loped in the 1880~, an engine other as soon as the whole which used ammonia as the thing started to move. Oh working fluid. well, nice try. I Most efforts to achieve perpetual motion before the conservation of energy was fully understood stemmed from the desire for unlimited power. If a person could find some means of perpetual motioti, he or she would have no need for beasts of burden, would never need a windmill, would not have to locate beside a waterfall, etc, According to Ord-Humti, author of Perpetual Motiori, almost all perpetual motion efforts in medieval times were variations of the overbalanced wheel or the closed -cycle mill. closed-cycle mill In principle, the overbalanced wheel is a simple deLiquid ammonia vaporizes vice. It exploits a system of into a gas at a very low constantly shifting weights temperature. Gamgee, the into keep one side of a wheel always heavier than the ventor of the device, figured that room temperature would other (see diagram). Variabe enough to vaporize the liqtions of the wheel use uid., which would expand, buckets instead of arms, and push a piston, then cool, rethere are some rather exotic turning to a liquid state. versions which have been What Gamgee forgot was produced over the years. that when the ammonia None of them has ever succeeded in overcoming friction changed from a liquid to a gas, heat was lost; as a gas, and running forever. the temperature of the ammoThe closed-cycle mill is nia was -33 degrees Celsius. another idea simple in theThus, the whole machine ory. The water driving an would have tb bi cooled to a overshot waterwheel is temperature lower than that raised back up to a trough by an Archimedean screw to work. By the beginning of this driven by the waterwheel. century, almost all physicists The trough delivers the water agreed that perpetual motion back to the wheel and the cycle continues (see diagram). Among the first to develop this idea was the English physician Robert Fludd, in 1618. His mill didn’t work, and neither did the multitude of copies which cropped up during the next two hundred years. 9 IO.


years or SO’, there have been some interesting examnles of-people who thoight th&ad achieved perpetual motion, or who managed to convince the public they had. The most notorious of these people was John Keely, a Philadelphia carpenter whb, in-the 1870$, claimed to have created a machine which tapped huge amounts

of energy from very small volumes of water. After a series of court cases which attempted to prove that Keely was a fraud, his company abandoned him, leaving him without backing. Out of nowhere, a rich widow, Clara J. Bloomfield Moore, sponsored him despite his refusal to let anyone examine his devices in any way possible. Two years before Keely died, investigators managed to expose him as a fraud to Mrs. Bloomfield Moore’s satisfaction’, but they still hadn’t -figured out how he w,as deceiving everyone. After his death, it all became clear; the “connecting rods” on his device were ‘actually

Zimara’s perpetual motion


destroyed, only changed from one form to another, as in kinetic to heat). The more I thought about these separate discoveries, the more I became curious about the history of perpetual motion itself. .Was it CQlourful or bland? Had there been any successes, or only failures? Why did people even bother to try, what use would perpetual motion be to them? N--e-





motion is actually quite long - spanning centuries. One of the first documented efforts came from Zimara, an Italian polymath born circa 1480. He never built his machine, but he did leave instructions for doing so. .An artist followed his directi;&, And ’

There were otherinteresting efforts involving, for instance,, magnetism. A Jesuit priest, Johannes Taisnierug, dreamed up a perpetual motion machine based on magnetism in 1570. The machine drew a metal ball up a ramp by means of’ a powerful magnet placed at the top. But there was a hole in the ramp near the top through which the metal ball was supposed to fall, whereupon it should have been: delivered to the bottom of the ramp to be drawn up again. The problem with this idea was





ful enough to get the ball to the top of the ramp would never let it fall through the hole. All of the above-mentioned machines attempt ,to deliver more energy from a falling or turning body than is required ‘t~+%store~th@ device t0 its . 1



was entirely impossiblti, and most serious and knowledgeable researchers gave up the quest. For a long time, it has been impossible to get a patent for a machine that violates either the first or second laws of thermodynamics. HoweveI’, in the last hundred .

microbore tubes which delivered compressed air to run his machine. When the fraud was completely exposed, it was called the greatest ruse of the century, and investors in Keely’s devices collectively lost millions of dollars. Then there was the case of . I

Friday, June 39, 1989


Garabed Giragossian’s perpetual motion machine, developed in’ 1917. Fearing he would be rejected by the U.S. Patent office, he took his case directly to the United States gov-ernment, who promptly launched a full-scale investigation. They found that the unschooled and scientifically ignorant Garabed had “discovered” a giant flywheel. But one of the most recent, and in &any ways most inter-. esting, perpetual motion claims has been made by the aforementioned Joe Newmad, who says his device is not a perpetual motion machine, though it does violate the first law. Newman’s machine is an electric motor that, with an incredibly small input, produces an. extraordinary amount of electrical energy. When Newman was denied a patent for his device in 1982, he sued the Patent and Trademark Office, claiming that hiti machine was operable ,and deserved a patent. It was sent to the National Bureau of Standards for testing, but Newman claims they did not test his motor properly. The ensuing trial seemed to sway in Newman’s favour, though a decision has not yet been handed down. Newman is a self-taught inventor who claims that his electric motor draws energy from the gyroscopic movement of subatomic particles, . the existence of which only he is aware. The idea does sound whacky, and there are inconsistencies in his .cIaimS, but some respected scientists are Newman converts, ifieluding Roger Hasting& a physicist who works at Unisys in St. Paul. Other researchers have denied Newman’s claims, saying that his motor is less efficient than a convent&x4 electric motor. Newman‘, though, remains convinced he is right, and is rather hostile toward those who believe he is a cheat or a charlatan. No perpetual motion device that has been invented has ever worked. The history of perpetual motion is a history of frustratiou, a long and complex Fortean tragedy which has generated much trivia, but no triumph. In recent times, though the quest for perpetual motion seems to have abated considerably, largely because of the constraints of the first and second laws, but also because internal combustion and nuclear power have consideral * bly reduced the need for self-motive or energy producing machinery. Yet for some reason, people like Joe Newman still try, and there is a chance they may be . right. At various times in his-+ respected scientists toqh have categorically stat.ed that powered flight would be impossible, could not



a ship

cross the Atlantic, because it would need more coal than it could carry. They were .wrong, of course, and the experts who decry the Newman& Ponses and Fleischmans of our time could be ju6t as mistaken. ’ r. ._


if you do...

Bat stuff by Andrew Rehage Imprint staff Through the passage of time, Batman has become the stuff of urban lore. Originally created in 1939 by Bob Kane, the character started out as a dark and slightly tormented crime fighter. Giving into pressures to reduce violence in comic books during the fifties, the character became more light hearted, In ,1966, ABC Television gave us a pansy Adam West as Batman. The campy series was far from what Bob Kane had originally created, but by that time’, was the height of Batman’s popularity. While at times irritating, the series gained a cult following during the 80s. Frank Miller brou he darker side of Ba

Keaton’s portrayal of B,ruce Wayne is plausible yet far $rom brilliant. He portrays the m$lionaire as a sleepy almost airhead type olily occasionally revealing anything past that. As Batman? Well, anyone could play The Dark Knight if they wore the padded suit that Keaton does. Keaton plays the big, strong, silent type, The eyes? Well, the pfoduuers wanted someone who looked as if they had a whirlwind of torture “behind those eyes.” He does actually have that look, and, along with his pursed and pouty mouth, he looks like he has problems and is going about his own bent way in dealing with them. Kim Bassinger is the love interest. Her character is one-dimensional and only creates friction between the hero and the

and that’s what 31 I think. Jesus Ma-

oing.” The similarities ork City are too strong have the movie Batman. All the ters describe it as “syncriticism falls silent as we look onymous with crime.” The major to screens across North America museum’, also a wonderful art to. see if Michael Keaton really - deco creation’, is called “The Fluwili fall on his face and destroy gelheim Museum” arid the mayor the movie. Incredibly, he doesn’t. of Gotham City was separated The film itself is a comic book from New York’s Ed Kdch at on celluloid. If you suspend all birth. concepts of reality and have an Oh, yes. The BatmobiIe. It’s avid imagination’, you’d enjoy amazing what mechanics can do this film. with a 1968 Chevy Impala, a fe’ Jack Nicholson headlines the parts from jet fighters, and 0th r r movie’, and for the most part, carneat stuff. They made two ‘f ries it himself. His incarnation them. Neither can pass 93 m J‘h * as The Joker is the usual outrai but both together cost over geousness we have come to ex$250,000 to make. They’ll sell f& pect from him. He is almost a great deal more. perfect as the arch villain. At Is the film successful? Yes. It’s’ times he simply comes across as dark and brooding. Bob Kane a nut case and’not as the truly served as a technical advisof, SO, evil, “fully functional homicidal for the most part, ‘it lives up to his expectations. It also sur‘artist” the character really is. Unfortunately, we only see a passes the expectations of those few examples of his handiwork. who thought it would fail misPhysicall$ the comic book Joker erably. is tall and gaunt - Nicholson While the film has its shortfills his purple suits a bit too comingd, like its all-too-typical much. Hollywood tied up ending, BatAs for Michael Keaton, well, man is the closest ode could get even he didn’t think that he was to bringing this comic-book icon to reality. right for the role. In fact -he got the role because of his eyes?!




30, 1989 II

some eyeball6 . Feed ‘that -#ien ‘1’ x by Derek Weiler Imprint staff



Nothing is certain in this world. Just when I’d all but completely given up on Robyn Hitchcock and his Egyptians (following their last two rather lame LPs, Globe of Frogs and Queen Elvis), they turned in a thoroughly spectacular show at the Diamond in Toronto. That Thursday show was one of the very few ct3zwwtsI’ve ever seen that actually left me wanting to hear more. Now here I am’, a Hitchcock believer all over again. First, to give credit where it’s due, Poi Dog Pondering did a wonderful job of warming up the crowd, Poi Dog Pondering is a seven-piece, eclectic (mandoliti, fiddle, horns, accordioti, xylophone, and spinning globe were among the instruments trotted out) Texas outfit. They’ve just signed a major-label deal with Columbia and are sure to go places. But the night belonged to; Hitchcock in every way. Strolling onstage through a telephone booth (a la the Queen Elvis sleeve), he broke into .a solo rendition of The DeviI’s Coachman. Soon afterwards, he was joined by the Egyptians, Andy Metcalfe and Morris Windsor. Throughout the evening, these three musicians consistently surprised us with the depth of their musical talent, especially bassist Metcalfe. They played a few’of the highlights from the Queen Elvis LPFreeze, Veins of the Queen, Swirling, Superman-and happily, they all sounded better, more forceful than the lacklustre studio versions. Freeze stood out for featuring the raunchiest guitar

part of the night (except for the could drool” deserves to go down closing number, which 1’11 get to in some otherworldly Hall of later]. Veins of the Queen was Fame. . . emb&shed by- Poi Dog Ponder-’ But all things must come to an ing’s horn player. end, and for the Egyptians it ended with two knockout perforBut the best stuff was Hitchcock’s older material. Where to mances. First, there was a hilarious a cappella‘, Uncorrected begin? Personality Traits. Theti, they My Wife and My Dead Wife: four years ati, and it’s still one of all switched instruments (WindHitckmk on,bwg, the finest songs Hitchcocl6seve.r - ‘sor on guitti, Metcalfe on drums) for a stellar penned. Bass: I-Iitchcock’s fishmania at its height. I’m Only run.thPough listeni’ng to th,e Higsons. You: a-parable about a boy who is %s they say hermetically, And that was that. When it became apparent that a third enqueer for his own ass” becomes a core was not in the offing,; we . flabbergasting L Hitchcock/Metcalfe rockout. Tropical Flesh stumbled out into the night. For perhaps the third time in my life, Mandah: any song with the lines I was bemoaning a concert that I “Floating in a moist exotic ouevre ! Feeling so good natured I felt had ended too soon.

Spir,ited show ! by Derek Hrynyshyn Imprint staff

unrecognizable. Of course, everything they did they did rig’ t, including favorites such as $ PIitical and Drinking Song. Unfortunately, there were technical problems with a guitar pick-up, but this only gave tlhe ‘other musicians an opportunity to keep the tune going, partioularly with an extended solo frdm the flutist. The flute is worked so well into the music by this bavd that you forget it’s not every band that strays from convehtional instrumentation. The mandolin fits perfectly too, and the overall effect is a full sound of acoustic power that few bands can come close to. They also had the guts not to do Frozen North for an encore, after a standing ovation’, even though the audience wanted to hear it. They opted instead for the more serious Take it from the Source. Being able to combine the serious message songs with the frivolous fun tunes in the same show is an ability that makes Spirit of the West one of the most “live” bands around. 1 only hope they don’t get too big for small shows.


They said they would be back, and they didn’t let the crowd down. Returning a few months after their show in the Bombshelter, Spirit of the West was well-received once again. They managed to create a happy, energetic atmosphere, even though there were far more people at the bandstand in Waterloo Park than would ever fit in the ‘Shelter’, and the sun’s heat was enough to dampen any cookedr up ‘energy. They did lots of familiar mate+ rial, plus a new song or two. The highlight of the show was Putting Up With The Joneses, a song about the institutionalization of mentally handicapped individuals. Many of their songs have lyrics about such social issues, but this one works as well as any. Plus they haven’t recorded it yet, so it’s nice to hear it when you can. They also chose to perform Run Boy - reworked for a reported fifth time. They finally got it right, making it less negative-sounding without making it



MORNING 5:UU p.m. - 7.00 pm.

8:30 a.m. - I I .OO a.m. Community Brunch (K-W Hospital) 9:UO a.m. - 12:UU p.m. Fun Run (Ring Road) IO=00 a,m. - 12:UU p.m. Parade (Central Meat Market to UW Campus 7U:UUa.m. - 7.00 p.m. Baseball Tournament (Columbia Field)







5:UU p.m. - 9:45 p.m.

72:UU p.m. - 5;OO p.m. Food Tent (PAC Quadrangle) Biology & Earth Sciences Museum (Biobgy 1 I RmS 370-l) Physics Circus (Biotogy 1, room 2%) 1215p.m. - 1.M p.m. Opening Ceremonies (Village Green) I:00 p.m. -. 5:UO p.m. Dinosaur FiIms (Biology 1, room 270) .1 I:45 p.m. ‘- 5:UU p.ni. Outdoor Concert (“1964” as the Beatles) I:15 p.m. - 5:UU p.m. ’ Laurierland Children’s Pavillion (Campus Centre) CHYM Games (Biology Field) - Face Painting (Campus Centre, CC/Biolog\j Field) T-shift Painting (CC/Biology Field) Dunk ‘Tank (PAC Quadrangle) Canadian Trivia Contest (PAC Quadrangle) Bingo (PAC Smatl Gym) 1 Scavenger Hunt (CC/Biology Field) L-30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. Medieval Display (CC/Biology Field) - ’

Mini Olympics (Columbia Field) Brubacher House Museum [Columbia Field) 5:30 p.m. - IO:30 p.m. Food Tent (Columbia Field) 6.00 p.m. - 9 p.m. Pony Rides 790 p.m. - 7:3U p.m. Sparkle the Clown 7:30 p.m. - 8:3U p.m. Sticky Fingers as the Rdtk Stones I 8:3U p.m. -9:Uo p.m.. ,:. *.m Nevel’ But Always Musi&&ntetiainers /’ 9:OU p.m. - IO:00 p*m. Spirit (a cappella entertaimrs) ’ 1O:UU p.m. - IO-20 p.m. 4:!, I .A3 , Fireworks Display

University Waterloo


by Trevor Blair Imprint staff During World War II, Axis and Allies alike experimented with sound technology in hope of discovering a way to harness the shattering din of the battlefields.. Not content with merely deafening a few hundred soldiers, tacticians wanted to employ ‘every component of an explOsioti, as until that time sound was regarded largely as a waste product. It was from these very experiments that TC/80 was born; but I am getting ahead of myself. While some fools were working on great big bombs, others iaboured over a tool of far greater consequence than any explosive. The popular argument went something like this: Whitecoat No. One: “If we create a really big bomb, we can really blow things up.” Whitecoat No. Two: “Of course we don’t want to blow up every body.” No. One: “Oh, right, yeah we’ll want to have some left over.” No. Two: “The real question is what do we do with the leftovers?” The war ended with the really big bombs getting all the attentioti, while behind the scenes men of power were deciding what to do with the leftovers.

Many generals’ reported the uncanny depcndencti their men developed for archaic combat rhythms. The now mighty Wyndham Hill had its humble origins in developing a series of “Battlezone Environments” recordings for discharged soldiers - to keep ‘em in the trenches-at home. This series fhatured, amongst others: Incessant Guns, The Neverending Explosion, Relentless Impact, Cries of An- I guish-Cries of Pajti, and, their hottest seller Music+ From Dying Bodies. The Wyndham logo (a Q-tip with little grenades on both ends], was scrapped in ’ the sixties for what it is today. Sedation technology developed into “Rock and Roll,” and by setting a goofy “rebellious” stage, the men were able to ensure an endless supply of dolts to play the parts - you’ve seen them all: rebellious, friendly, crotch-grabbing, sensitive and artistic and so on. Time marched on. The eighties arrived, and as the veneer of religion began to fade... a nation strung out on rock ‘n’ roll left the masses_ - that’s you - under control. With each musical “movement” spearheaded by the “right” people at the right time’, an enfire generation wag, ultimately able to soothe itself out of existence. But man had to pay a price. The home replaced the concentration camp, the bed, with its jagged borders, replaced the battlefield, Psychic barbed wire and camouflage tore at the confused families; us’ became them and then us again. Boundaries were drawn that none could see, and negotiation became unbearable. Per.haps I am in danger for telling you this but the truth must be known. I’ve been keeping track of the new bands, especially after the punk thing (circa late 70s). I have watched as the facade of music television crept into qur homed, intoxicating and addicting us to a lifestyle we never asked for, nor could ever

refuse. I thought I could find sanctuary in the visions of Huxley but after New Model Army’s Brave New World EP hit my desk back in ‘85, not only did I realize my hunch was right, but I also knew that they were on to me and they were toying with me. I’ve been, shall we say, between places ever since. Right, a week later the file TC/80 arrived from an anohymous sympathize-r. It outlined this band as being the top priority “thing”: a band, a culmination of the sound project, a final experiment with a ten year incubation period. So as the 90s begin to creep from behind multinational skylines, listen for the vanguard of the endless army’s footsteps wading through the twilight of the nuclear era.




July S/8@, lr30




at tha Hutmnitisr


EW Wice,


FedOffice &all licketmeater



vs, Right

vs. Evil vs. Reason vs. Pleaeure 5.Helmets vs. Anteaters


wrestle my own colon down to the ground and give it a few rabbit punches to keep it sedate. That bit was cool -but everything else about them suck. The worst thing about it was that the pauses between songs were too short, like by abbut an hour or so. And what in #God’s green goober does Corpus Vile mean? Vile corpse? Redundant, don’tcha think? As opposed to a nice, cleati, well-behaved corpse, I suppose? If you gee this album in a record store, which I sincerely doubt, make sure you piss on it for me. Girls included, But, lucky for Fringe, they do have a good hardcore band signed, and they go by the moniker of Guilt Parade. Their album, of which I received a test pressing, is titled “Coprophobia”, which, as near as I can tell, means “Fear of Shit.”





does of the all-butforgotten Vikings? Laying ‘around, sippin’ screwdrivers while mellowing out ta For What It’s Worth played on acoustic guitar by some longhaired hippy reject more out of it than myself, if that’s possible? No way, wimpoids, summer means hardcore: slam dancing in some shithole club to a sonic assault by barely adolescent “musicians” while it’s easily 200 degrees outside, never mind the ridiculously dangerous temperatures it is reaching in the club. Now, that’s summer for ya. SO, when the summer indie Fringe releases showed up in the Arts drawer in the office, I snatched them up quickly. I went horn@, eagerly looking forward to a night of volume. Alas, I could only listen to the Corpus Vile thing for about thirty seconds, because my lower colon was threatening to leap up my spiQa1 cord and strangle my brain rather than listen any further. It was the most boring hardcore (more like speed thrash) I have ever heard; it Qwas the most boring record I’ve ever heard; it was the most boring thirty seconds I have ever spent, except for when I had to

summer mean to me, one-half

Australian folk singer Judy Small recently came out with her fourth album, Home Front. Those familiar with her anti-war songs Mothers, Daughters, Wives and Bridget Evans will not be disappointed with the political message that_ inspires almost every track. Her carefully written lyrics remind us of the atrocities we would rather forget: the cultural genocide of Native people, the aftermath of the Vietnam War and the constarit threat of Nuclear Holocaust, Those. intimidated by such heavy subjects can find comfort in such gently sung ballads as The Sky of the Southern Cross and Ivy Says. Although Small writes memorable lyrics, she lets herself be constrained by the English folk tradition which she knows so well. Consequently, Small’s melodies are familiar and predictable. This creates a sense of comfort t-hat, in some songs, edges on boring. Home Front benefits from an interesting mix of traditional, accoustic and electric intruments played by talented musicians.

HUMANITIES THEATRE, HAGEY HALL, UW $7 (students/seniors) $10 (others) RESERVED SEATING .

LLeft Z.Good 3.Faith 4.Pain

by Kevin Coglino Imprint staff

by Mavis Dixon Imprint staff


Eternal Confli&




Well, they are kind of an anal compulsive band -rarely does a song go by without a healthy “Eat shit!” or some such extraneous yelping, No matter, The really interesting thing is that for once the press release isn’t lying through its teeth: they term Guilt Parade as “the best hard-core band in Toronto’* and, gosh darn it, they are. Mind you, that’s like saying you’re the best rock-climber in Kansas, but still. The reason they are so good isn’t so much their playing, which is average, but their sense of self-depracating humour and ability to hake each song distinctive, whicli is a real trick when you play something as restrictive as hardyore. But they do. The stand-out tracks are t eir goth ten-minute-plus versio b of Heartbreak Hotel that takes bn Wagnerian pro port ions, and the previously released [on an It Came From Canada compilation) track Ode to an Asshols, a shockabilly song about country dickheads. SO, unless you happen to be a country dickhead, it’s worth spinning around your table. But stay away from the Corpus Vile rot. That’s isn’t music, it’s sarcasm.


some good mandolin picking by Louis McManus. Judy Small will be making a rare appearance at Humanities Theatre on Wednesday, July 5 at enthusiasts 7:3o p.m. - folk should take the time to hear this powerful songwriter perform solo. ,’

_ . . . . -

Bang, bang, jail guitar doors.

. r . . -

. . , .

. - .

_ . .




inexplicable mad at something or other, Check out these lyrics: “Washington heads in the toilet bqwl / don’t see sustate / right-wing premacist dicks in their boiler suits / picking out who to annihilate.” Easy’, Dave. Have a reality pill. Here, take two, they’re small. In another song, he calls people “fuckheads,” “a&holes” and but since Rolling “buttholes” Stone already used those lines in their rei;ietlt, I won’t tell you. by Kevin Cogliano what context they’re used in. But Imprint staff . trust me, Dave’s been O.D.‘ing on his super-power-packed WheaI was just abuzz with news of ties breakfasts. this release., What a concept: The guitar work& astounding, David Bowie in a self-contained with Bowie playiqg very tight band, promising a radical deparand sharp rhythm axe-work, ture from his current sound [or with some other guy. My roommore accurately, his latest incarmate swears up and down i’t’s nation). What would it be like? Robert Fripp but I doubt it To be honest, I was worried+ even though 1 won’t tell him that since the last halfway decent ‘ices he’s at least a foot taller than. thing Bowie released was Scary me and could probably snap me Monsters and that was in 1980.. in two like a match stick. Sd, to sum up my mental state’, it The songs are really songs was anxious with a large pinch o’ unlike some of that retarded crap trepidation. he’s been flinging lately (quick! Guess what, kids? It’s very name one other song on the Togood. Sounds like. he’s been night album besides Jozzin’ For pickin’ through his son’s record Blue Jean) - with some of his collect ior& ‘dos you can hear best hooks and choruses in a shades of the song deconstruclong while. Mind you:, some of it tion techniques used by groups is rather stinky [specifically the l[ke Sonic Youth and (early) cover *of John Lennon’s Wqrking Jesus and Mary Chain. As 1 peer Class Heroes], and the vocals are at the tape coyer - with Bowie buried in the mix,’ which is a as a bearded-pers-on-iniblack shame when you have someone looking, well, lost. of Bowie’s caliber winding his What’s the deal with the facial pipes. hair, too? Hey, if I could sucAnyway, Bowie is getting up cumb to peer pressure where there in age, and since he never everybody on this friggin’ camreally eats too well, he could pus told me to hack off my beard,theoretically pop off any second, then he can bleedin’ well get a so this could very well be the last shave. It’s not like he can’t afford good thing he ‘ever releases. it - I notice two of the Stooges in the line-up, albeit with really faAfter this, he’ll probably release , a cover album of Donny Osmond shionable long hair, And they songs in acid house r&mixed . are put to work: this is the hardest, bar none, that -Bowie has versions [possible title: SpitUps?), so I’d suggest buying this ever been. It’s like listening to waxwork before he is totally Station to Station at seventy_ _ washed up. eight r.p.m.‘s.




Jude . 30,




reason’, Bowie is hopping



GRAD PORTRAIT is important



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by Andrew Rehage Imprint staff While the music is very interesting, it seems that Xymox is a band about five years behind the times. Don’t get me wrong, I like this record, really. It just. sounds too much like the stuff I was into during high school. Obsession sounds very much like old New

Order but is still good dance music. The 12” is a pre-release for the album Twist of . forthcoming Shadows and contains bsth the long and the short versions of Obsession. Also included is an instrumental piece dubbed the * Hitchikers’ Dnnce Guide. This sounds somewhat like Yello’s Oh


While the style used by Xymox isn’t all that new, their sound is still quite fresh and enjoyable. If you still like the techno dance music of your youth-gone-by you’ll enjoy, Ohscssion and probably the whole Twist of Shadows album. It’ll be worth getting. If you know about Xymox already or if you’re just interested, Xymox will be performing live at The Diamond on Eriday, June 30. They might be worth seeing.

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N., #211

(King and University)








L. ARTS. v”


Li’mits of ^refirlement by Lyn Imprint

McGinnis staff

The Stratford ‘Festival is becoming increasingly well known for its productions of other great authors besides Shakespeare. At the top of such alist must be the works of one of Russia’s greatest playwrightti, Anton Chekhov. Over the years the Festival has staged truly memorable productions of Chekhov’s work. In 1976, when Artistic Director John Hirsch directed the Three Sisters, Chekhov’s second last play, the cast included internationally acclaimed actress Maggie Smith. Now the present Artistic Director, John Neville, has brought this fascinating and moving tale to life again. The result will perhaps be seen as one of the highlights of the season. The plot-of Chekhov’s Three Sisters, is decept?vely simple. The Prozorov$, three’ ‘sisters and a brothe?,’ live together in a town somewhere in Russia. The play begins one rear after their fat he?, General Prozorov, has died, He had been sent to the distant province from their beloved Moscow with his family of highly educated and sophisticated children eleven ye&rs before. NOW, a year. after his death, the three sisters, Irina, Masha and Olga, ranging in age from early to late twenties’, long to return. It becomes clear this is both an idealization of their past and an inability to deal with the present. Gradually, both circumstance and temperament conspire against the realization of not only where they shall live, but the directions their lives will take.’ The three women haire an ex-. aggerated esteem for their brother Andrey, whom they continually embarrass in front of company. They hope to ride his coat tails to Moscow, but they are disappointed. Andrey, feeling a great weight lifted from him with the death of. his powerful father, deflates into a smaller figure than expected.

Instead of becoming a University professor, he enters local politics, marries ’ an obnoxious local woman and acquires huge gambling debts, leading to eventual loss of the house. Yet through this great frustration and tragedy‘runs an undercurrent of warm and gentle humour. The human condition is looked at both closely and with compassion. The mystery of our often-stumbling progress through life is keenly felt by both the characters and audience. Though dealt many emotional - .biowS, the sisters remain, in3 the

with making responsible decisions. -Three Sisters is a-comment on the Russian society-of the time, tw.enty years before the revolution. The upper classes are the hybrid breed having increasing difficulty existing in the open air. The youngest sistef, Irina observes: “We come of people who despise work.” Inherent in such “noble” disdain is fear. The Prozorov children are the final flower of a society with a submerged fear of life itself. Thisresults in the indolence, frustration and abstract

Cry and= laugh by Carissa Cameron Imprint staff

play are burdened with. Perhaps the ultimate observation of this play is that refinement has its limits, This production brings Chekb hov’s masterpiece to life. The acting is both strong and hensitive. Lucy Peacock’s portrayal of Masha Prozorov is especially memorable, given the complexity of that character. The costuming and set easily transport the audience into provi&al Russia ninety years ago. Of special note was the incredi-bly large and beautiful hanging curtain of lace which served as a graceful backdrop to the entire Play Chekhov often referred to the Three Sisters as “a light comedy.” Perhaps this “comedy’: is best described as irony - the irony of human expectations and their conflicts with life itself. The play continues at the. Avon Theatre in Stratford until August 20,

172 KING

ST. W.;



Titus Andronicus moves so quickly that the viqlence seems almost unreal. The play commences with bloodshed, and systematically purges itself of all unfortunate and evil characters until there is a only handful of actors left on the stage. The death toll may be unrealistic, but compared with the recent crisis in China, the violent momentum of stage clearly has

its roots in the real world. Ironically, this play is costumed in the ancient Oriental tradition. The parallel is almost too close for comfort S The worldly weight and consequence of Titus Andronicus is dispelled after intermission by The Comedy of Errors, which matches the levels of, revenge, mutilation and high tragedy with a calculated sense of comic timing, wit and. energy. Thti actors literally run from one scene to the next. Even during the scene changes the rhythm is never broken. The clock at the top of the set guards the time both within the movement of the play, and during the business between the scenes. Although the two plays have nothing obvious in commoti, the concepts behind the production are what bind the plays together. The tragedy in Titus is not experienced by one character but by many, and in each character there is something tb identify with as an audience. The ‘Comedy of Errors is so dependent on the pattern and order of events that each character influences the outcome.


densely patterned I If one thread of similarity could be passed from one play to the other, it would be that the events that happen in this world are not brought about by single and simple unrelated actions and motives, but are the result of a’ densely patterned ‘fabric of consequences woven behind them. The strength of the concept behind the direction of this production makes it a daring theatrical success. At last some careful consideration is being taken to illuminate Shakespeare’s works with a contemporary sense and relevance.



“Good for what ails ya!” -DR. DISC


The tragedy/comedy double bill Titus Andronicus ,and Comedy of Errors is a successful start to what will hopefully be a new age of directing at the Stratford Festival. For once the actors outshone their costumes with performances that held modernday meaning while containing the expected traditional grace. Tit us Andronicus and Comedy of Errors are suspected to be Shakespeare’s first tragedy and comedy, and are considered in scholarly circles to adhere strictly to their respective classical forms. Directors Jeanette Lambermont and Richard Monette have severely cut [at Stratford it is called. “adaptation”) the scripts down to approximately an hour and half each. What is left is the skin and bones of two very intense, complicated and different plots. I The actors as a group must work to make sense of all the action on stage so that the meaning of the play is not lost to the pace of the production. For that reason no cast member can be singled out as the star, or the character around which the action revolves. it is very much an ensemble effort, which is wel,come on the Festival Stage.

an ensemble

While anyone seeing this play will come away with the keen memory of three women thwarted in their various aspirations, there is a great deal more to the Three Sisters. A warm and generous feast for the imagination and <the heart, Three Sisters is full of deep and earnest musings about the nature of human existence, and the aspirations and sufferings of trying to live a good Iife. A major impediment to fulfillment for most of the characters is a general malaise, taking the form of a dangerous lack of energy and imagination. Why is this the case? The sisters are very much the product of a very specialized environment. Once taken out of it, they are like fish cast up on land, or some exotic hybrid plant, taken from its greenhouse and planted in vegetable patch. They have no skills for adapting to and little experience change,





Imprint;. Friday, Jtk


30, 1989


Who review Last Saturday night at The Who concert when Roger Daltry picked up a guitar to strum along with The Who’s cover of I’m a Mart, somebody a few rows behind us yelled out, “C’mon Rage, put the fucking guitar down.” The inference is that the axejob should have been left to Pete Townshend, except Pete’s role was reduced to power strumming an acoustic guitar for more than half the show, due to aging ear drums. Lead guitar was left to Steve Bolton. Smash the guitar, Steve?!? The times they have a-changed, but The Who still rock on. Tawnshend and Daltry bounced onto the stage at the CNE at about 8%) Saturday, June 24, to the strains of the theme from Bonanza. That set

drumming of Keith Moon was missed. Townshend’s solo drummer Simon Phillips was solid, but he couldn’t live up to the maniacal Moon, Pinball Wizard was an early highlight, as Pete wailed on his acoustic; John Entwistle slapped his bass; and Roger twirled his microphone in the classic Who poses, Before going down to the CNE, we checked out The Who’s set at Woodstock, which I had on videotape from a late night broadcast a couple of years ago on PBS For most of the first set, the hazy mist of fantasy versus reality seemed to fog over Exhileration Stadium. In fact, the whole evening had a dream-like quality to it, but it wasn’t until a rousing version of Who Are You? late in the opening set that the overwhelming reality of the event

the tone tar the whole even&g. For once even the band seemed to have a good.time. They opened with a selection of tunes from their 1969 rock opera Tummy, which they are playing in full twice this tour for charity. Complemented by horns and backing singers, the songs enjoyed the full sound of their original recordingg, although the signature

s’ank in, There on stage was Pete Townshend in the flesh, doing jump kicks and windmills; beside him was Roger Daltry with his medium length curly blond hair belting out I Can’t Explain: and beside him was John Entwistle pounding out the bass line of My Generation. Ride the Magic Bus, indeed - wow!

by Michael


i I


They played all the classics and then some. How many people know Mary-Anne with the Shakey Hands? The last song they played, like in 1982, was. Twist and Shout!. Last year, before this tour was even a rumour, my ex-roommate told me that The Who would tour again because “how could they end their concert career with a Beatles song ?” Technically, it’s not a Beatles song, I know, but that’s not the point. The point is they did tour again, and ,if my roomm@e’s logic is true, they may just do it again - but don’t count on it!

Groove masters by David


“Is Manteca a dance band or not?” queried Matt Zimbel, leader of the nine piece band, After a brief explanation of Manteca’s music, Matt decided that, while they are not a dance band, the music is very danceable. Of course, Matt then went on to





tioning that people sometimes have problems keeping the groove due to strange time signature changes in the music. To prove his point, they did a number shortly thereafter that did exactly that. But hey, I would rather get thrown out of step occasionally than have to listen to a two four snare for two hours.

There was no opening act, but Manteca did play Fed Hall for more than an hour and a half on June 16, finishing up the evening shortly after midnight. To prevent the audience [and perhaps themselves] from getting worn out, the band intermixed a number of mellow tunes with their more energetic comThis gave the aupositions. dience a nice breather here and


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The mix on the dance floor was ideal. At times’, the vocals were not loud enough, but, as the vast majority of Manteca’s songs are instrumentals, it really didn’t matter. Pulsing, sweating+ grooving, hot, infectious, enhrgetic are all words that could be used to describe the concert, but the best word is simply fun.






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Rt SPORTS 7988 Warrior

Rugby recap

The remarkable turn-asround year by Rich Imprint

Nichol staff

and Glenn I

the intimidation tactics of the Golden Hawks, After the break, the over-anxious Warriors took a penalty, allowing Laurier to tie the score at three. The nail-biting crowd began to have their doubts until Belgrave clinched the game with another penalty goal. Waterloo 6, Laurier 3, This score stood for the rest of the game.


In 3985, the Watkrloo Warriors rugby team captured the OUAA crown on the fieldof the Western Mustangs. Unfortunately, many of the talented members of this championship sqtiad were in their senior year and could not play for the team the following season, The younger and weaker version of the team began a Iong and frustrating rebuilding process in 1986. But efforts deteriorated and in 1987 the Warriors finished the regular season with an embarrassing O-7 record. Consequently, Waterloo was demoted to Division z and, as if that wasn’t enough, veterun head couch Mark Harper stepped down, leaving the reigns to new skipper Brian Quid berg. However, with ,the return of several key veterans and the debut of many talented rookies, the Warriors began what WQS to become one of the greatest comeback years in Waterloo sports history.


‘Game 1 - September 17 at Brock: The Warriors knew that the season opener against Brock would be tough because the Badgers, without ‘a co-op system, had most of their strong players return for this season. In the first half, Waterloo’s front row of Jimmy Gloss, Alan Phillips, and Matk Rankin arld second row,of Mao Clayton and Glenn Hauer dominated the set pieces, winning 17 of 21 scrummages and 35 o&.41 lineouts. Former OUAA all:, ,tar Blair Faltoner skooted da.t n on many fast runs but the @rock wingers kept running back$bnd nullified the distance gaine$by Waterloo. As a result, the tea& were deadlocked with donut&at the half, Falconer ran t h$ugh Brock’s fly half and insi&“centre on a great break from the Waterloo

for most of the contest, resulting in a 45-0 qnoihilation of the Redmen. ? Veteran flank&” Falconer‘, speedy prop Gloss, and star flyhalf Kendall mastered the offence both in set pieces and loose play. Waterloo took 51 of 74 scrummages and lineouts in the match. Team captain Kendall led the ruled

But one great chance by the Hawks late in the game almost changed all that as Laurier pulled to .within two yards of a try. Laurier l:ook a stupid penalty for dirty play, and Water100 cleared the ball out of the danger zone for the 6-3 win.

Back to Division 1: In one of the greatest comeback efforts in Waterloo sports history, the rugby 1 Warriors rebounded from a dismal O-7 season in 1987 to finish 7-O in 1988. Imprint

Waterloo scoring atrack with two tries, four converts and three penalty goals for a total of 25 points on the day. One try each by Close, Falconef, scrumhalf Steve Sclater, winger Paul Overbaugh, and fullback Mike Fischer rounded out the scoring for Waterloo. At times, dropped balls by the Warrior backs and confusion on offence erased several scoring chances. Quistberg feels that these errors must be eliminated when UW meets the stronger squads of Tren.t, Toronto, and Laurier, The division standings show Waterloo and Trent in first with 2-O records and Laurier and Toronto right behind at l-1. Game 3 - September 28 versus Leurier: Sporting a much larger forward pack, Laurier felt that they would defeat the Warriors in the Waterloo home debut. . In an exhausting first half of hard hitting actioti, neither team could muster a paint, and the score sheet was blank at the half. Almost halfway into the second stanza, the Warriors capitalized using a lineout play that the forwards had been practising. Phillips got the ball to Clay1011, who left the ball for Falconer to scoop up. As the entire UW back row pealed to the front of the line out, Falconer dodged around the maul and popped the ball over to strum-half Rod Duncan who ran uncontested into the end-goal for the try, The teams exchanged penalty kicks late in the game, and UW managed to hang on’, edging Laurier in a hard fought match, 7-3,

1 versus Game 4 - October Brock: Dirty and unsportsmanlike play were the wrong ingredients needed for Brock to gain revenge for their 4-0 loss at the hands of the Warriors earlier in the season.

Waterloo got fired up early after winger Mark Hogg scored a try and was sucker punched twice by two Badgers. As a result of this fit of stupidity, the Warriors became very aggressive and sought revenge’, never looking b,ack. Closs and Falconer both had excellent games in the forwards with many intimidating tackles. The backs were anchored we11 by Kendall, with strong efforts shown by Duncan‘, centre Rob Veizef, and fly-half stand-in Gerard Gransaull. Closs and Veizer scored one try apiece, and Kendall kick two penalties for an 18-6 win, Waterloo and Trent are still ‘deadlocked atop the Division Two standings, boasting 4-O records. Waterloo has the slight advantage, with a points for versus points against ratio of 73-9, while Trent is 62-34. Both teams meet in their next game which will probably decide who will @ke the division crown and be promoted to Division One, Game 5 - Octeber 8 versus Trent: The Trent forwards were rumoured by scouts to be the dominant players on the team. But it was the Warrior forwards who took over every aspect of forward play: strums, lineouts, ruckg, and mauls, Waterloo took a 6-O lead in the first half on two penalty goals by inside center Belgrave. But the Excalibur knotted the game with two goals of their own, five minutes into the second frame. On the ensuing play, Gloss provided some Warrior motivation yelling, “It’s not penalty kicks that are going to win this game, it’s a try!” Five minutes latef, a grapevine play from Duncan to Hogg to Rankin and finally to Veizer allowed Waterloo to run in for the first try of the game. With less than 20 minutes remaining, a

file photo

careless throw by Trent’s panicstricken hooker landed in the hands of Falconer. The veteran Warrior made a beautiful pass to Aussie import, Damien Byrnes, who ran in for an easy try to polish off a well earned 14-6 victory. The Warriors now seem to be the untouchables in Division Two, with a 5-O record, and are raising the eyebrows of the cynics in Division One, Game 6 - October 19 at Laurier: What can I say? Waterloo was absolutely flawlesG+ despite the excessively rough play of the Laurier squad. Kendall picked up the only points of the first half with a penalty goal. At halftime, the Warrior forwards were told to toughen up in order to eliminate

Game 7 - October 22 verws Toronto: With the victory over LaurieP, Waterloo was guaranteed first place in Division Two and a’ playoff spot against McMaster. The Warriors wanted to use this match against Toronto as a playoff warm-up game. UW dominated play in the first half but just could not get info the end-goal for a try. A penalty goal by Kendall gave Waterloo a 3-0 half-time lead. In the second half, the Warriors exploded for 17 points, including three trys by Waterloo backs Overbaugh, Gransaull, and Duncan. For the last try, Duncan took the ball from a maul and quickly jumped over the end-line near the end of the match. Kendall played the Varsity Blues’ swan song by converting one try and kicking another penalty goal. Sporting an unblemished record of 7-0, Waterltio has an excellent chance to beat Division One champs McMast ‘r (with a 6-l record] in the QUA semi-finals. The Warriors fin’shed f the season with 113 pointb for versus only 18 against. Not one of their seven opponents could score a try against UW in league play. All I8 points came from penalty kicks.


on page 17

D-rug testing in CIAU by Rich Imprint

Nichui staff

Ben’s blunder with steroids in Seoul has created a snowball effect of testing and clean-up efforts to get rid of drug use in Canadian sports. The campaign toward drug-free athletes has now spread into the leagues of amateur football. The executive of the Canadian Amateur Football Association recently announced at its annual general meeting in Banff, Alberta, that they will be adopting no-notice random drug testing for the 51 teams in the CIAU (Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union) and the CJFL [Canadian Junior Football League]. The tests, therefore, will include our very own Waterloo Warriors football team. Testing is estimated to begin in 1990, but the CIAU program could start this coming season if its members can reach an agreement. “I’m sure there are kids out there on steroids,” commented<Bob O’Doherty, executive director of the CAFA. “We’re giving them ample warning that testing is coming and they better get off.” Not mentioned were the consequences of testin,g positive, but it will probably result in immediate and lifetime expulsion from all CIAU sports. In 1987, the CAFA introduced an educational video about the dangers of drug use - particularly steroid use -- in sports.



lJW finishes-%with .7~0record Continued

from page 16

CIUAA Semi-Finals October 29 at McMaster: It was one of the greatest moments in Warrior rugby history. Never before had a Division Two team beaten a Division One side in playoff competition T until now. Waterloo shocked the favoured Marauders 7-4 and earned the right to host the OLJAA championship. Queen’s, who eliminated York 16-9, will be UW’s opponents as the Golden Gaels will try to defend their two year reign as OUAA champs. Despite th’e low scoring, the pace of the match between Waterloo and Mac was furious. Finally, in the 25th minute, Mark Cohoon put Waterloo on the board with his first try of the season. The rest of the first half was even and Waterloo led 4-0 at the break. Waterloo slowed their pace at the start of the second half and McMaster used it to their advantage resulting in an easy try. The teams were deadlocked at 4, The Warriors raised their intensity level once again and were building for something big. McMast-er could not keep up the blistering pace and a tired Marauder was caught offside, allowing a . penalty kick for . .JVaterloo. Belgrave kicked the40 yarder with wind and put it barely over the crossbar for what proved to be-the last points of the game, The final score was 7-4.

Although there is no national title for interuniversity rugby competition in Canada, you could guarantee that Waterloo would be in the top five of CIAU rankings after this victory over Mac.

OUAA Final November 5 versus Queen’s: The powerful and more experienced Queen’s squad was too much for Waterloo in the mud-drenched OUAA final, The Golden Gaels captured the coveted OUAA championship trophy for the third year in a row with a 20-3 victory. Strong cold winds pushed needle-like rain drops into the faces of both teams, making for a sloppy rugby match. Neither team could capitalize offensively in the first half. Waterloo had a 3-0 lead at the half on a penalty goal by Belgrave. After I!?minutes of even battling, Waterloo was called for a penalty in close. Queen’s took the opportunity to knot the game at three apiece. If only Waterloo could get that raging offense going in the bitter wind. _ In a- tough break, the ball bounced off a Waterloo player on a Warrior kick and landed close to a Queen’s player behind the Waterloo try-line.. The Golden Gaels player touched the ball to put his team ahead 7-3, Five minutes later, Queen’s scored a drop-goal to increase their lead to 10-3. Waterloo tried to make a comeback on a valiant 10 minute ef- . fort. But, a couple of go&line stands and fitie-metre strums _ la-tef, Queen’s scored their first decent ,try. The - score 14-3 _ Queen%.’ . Taking the wind out of the sails of Waterloo, Queen’s scored another try, this one converted, to polish off the witi, 20-3. A very disappointed Warrior squad .clapped the victorious Queen’s side off the field in a heartwarming sportsmanlike gesture. Meanwhile’, the Waterloo fans were applauding for their team, coi’lgratulating them for a fantastic comeback year.




Crew ’ anyone? by Andrew Bornyi Imprint staff The UW Rowing Club got underway last Friday for the spring term. This sport is organized as a club during this term and will be a varsity team in the fall. Equipment used by the club consists of a four-person shell, a coach’s boat and a single’s shell. For training, the four-person shell is used at Conestogo Lake and the singles shell is available . for recreationa use at Columbia Lake. Training is every morning from 5:00 a.m. until 8:OO p.m. (travel time included) with regattas held on most Saturdays. Equipment is shared with the Kitchener-Waterloo Rowing Club, an organization which is an off-shopt from the. UWRC. Funding for the club comes from fundraising, the university, and the members themselves. As there is no OUAA competition in the spring term, theclub’s training goal is the Henley Regatta in Ottawa, held August 9 to 13, which ends the season. Although not lacking in spirit, the club is lacking in bodies. Currently, there are only enough men for a four-man crewi Coach Don McLean is hoping to be able to have more men to make a second crew, and more women to make a crew. Anyone interested should call McLean at x3809 or leave a message at 742-8726.

who can’t play, write. Come


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June 30, 1989



guide to....

Su.rrimer fitness by Michelle Kennedy ’ Summer’s here! Bathing suit season has arrived. Shorts replace our long skirts and pants; sleeveless tops replace our concealing winter turtlenecks and sweaters. For many, such thoughts send them tearing to the PAC - determined to work aff the extra five or tbn pounds gained during the montbs of winter. For those anxious to rediscover and tone up their evasive muscled, here are some tips: 1. Don’t expect miracles. Realize /those extra pounds that took you six or seven months to accumulate are not going to disappear overnight. To lose exceiss fat and tone those muscles you need to commit yourself to exercising regularly and to pressing on even after your goals are achieved. It’s surprising how fast the results of your efforts will disappear once you stop wotking out. 1.1,.

Are het,: there yet?

Lots of Waterl‘ (fa’ students, faculty and staff turned up for the Kitchener-Waterlo&lO km Classic ruri, held on Sunday, June 18. The rinb road before ending up back where it began tadium,. This year’s run raised proceeds for ChildFind, an organization that helps parents locate missing children. Over 700 partgipated, and the first place finisher ran the race in just over half an &ur, despite the stieltering heat. The tocal food and beverage comp@y sponsors were much appreciated by the overheisted runners;-;; ’ r>*:*I photo by Julia Keffer

2, Eat sensibly. Fad diets are not the route to take. You may experience a quick initial weight loss on fad diets but, more often than not, the loss is primarily water loss. Gaining it back (plus more!) is not uncommon when you inevitably return to your old eating habits. 3, Don’t over-do it. A common mistake made when starting a program is the tendency to “go all out” in an in spired, heartfelt effort. If you fall

into this trap, your’ honourable intentions will often result in incapacitation due to extreme muscle soreness and even injuries. It is best to start out at an easy pace, increasing gradually as your muscles-adjust to the new strains you are imposing on them. If this seems slow and boring at first, remember in the long run you will be further ahead for having avoided injuries and muscle soreness. 4. Remember cardiovascular fitness. Remember to include a cardiovascular (aerobic] component in your exercise program. The most important part of any program, cardiovascular exercise not only gets your heart and lungs in shape’, it also burns calories at a high rate - helping you to lose that extra weight, You should be aerobically active three times a week for at least 20 minutes each time. Try to elevate your heart rate and keep it in its target zone during the whole exercise. (This does not include the warm-up and cool-down time.) To determine your heart rate zone: 220 - age x 65% lower limit [of heart beats per minute) 220 - age x upper limit (of heart beats per minute] -’ 5. Weight training: If you want to use weights in your exercise program’, it is im85%

portant to observe some basic rules: 1) Allow a day of rest between each lifting session. If you wish to work out daily, develop’a prod gram that uses different muscle groups on alternate days. 2) Exercise large muscle groups before smaller muscle groups and allow rest time between exercises that work out the same muscle groups. 3) Antagonistic or opposing muscle groups s-hould bq worked one after another. Avoid doing twd exercises in a row for the same muscle group (when starting out). 4) Exhale on the exertion phase of each-exercise and inhale during the relaxation or release phase. 6. Stretching: Stretching should be a part of the warm-up and cobl-down phases of every program. You should stretch all muscle groups, especiall’y those which you will use in your exercise program. All stretches’should be static [no bouncing] and each one should be held for 10-20 seconds. Perform each stretching exercise 3-4 tinies, 7. Have fun.!!! Working out should be enjoyable. For many it is looked upon as a necessary evil, but this does not need to be the case. Find some form of exercise which ou enjoy. Put aside time in whit 3: to do it and maybe even find someone to do it with. Together you . can .look forward to those fabulous results!

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molter - lpen Roland &otter, includes huge supply of pens, paper, transparencieslandAutocad - $700. CallJeff at 746-0599.

32 yearn experience, electronic typewriter, Westmount area. .95c double spaced page. Call 743-3342.

04’ Honda CRX, Good cond, sunroof, AM/FM cass, as is $4700. Debbie 888-7717.

Word Proces#lng, spellcheck and letter quality print. Pick-up/delivery available. Fast service, $150 per double spaced page. Cat I Mark 746-4357.

Wlntiurfer Sprlt Racer. Superb cond. Best offer, weekday evenings 746267%. -

Glwy’8 Moving - man w/small cube van and appliance cart available weeknights, weekends - $30/hr. in Kitchener-Waterloo; out-of-town extra Gary 746-.7160.

Weekend counrellorr for developmentally delayed individuals. Minimum 8 month commitment. 680/hr. Leave message for Don Mader after 2 pm. 884-6012, 886-5201.

lakeshore rerldents, professiona word processing available in your neighbourhood. $150 per doublespaced page. Call Mark 746-4357.

For 85$ d.s.p. I ‘II type essays/reports. Fast efficient service. Letters, resumes, theses also done. Westmountfrb area. Phone 886-7153.

2 rooms for Fall and Winter terms in a 4 bedroom Townhouse on corner of Albert St. and Weber St., on major bus route, spacious with clothes washer. $250 & utilities call Richard 519-6348806.


$330/month 746-3 148.

ACCKWA, AIDS Committee of Cambridge, KitchenerIWater l& and Area is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing education and support for individuals and the community about the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We provide an information. . ref-

Call 8ev

Room for rent in !arge shared house. Laundry available. Quiet non-smokers please. Avai table immediatety. $28O/month 741-8313.


5 bedroom house call 746-6327.










Canada Day celebrations on campus include a parade from Central Meat Market to Campus at 1O:OO am., opening ceremonies at 12:30, “1964” as The Beatles on the Village Green at 1:45, games all afternoon, evening entertainment at Columbia Field starting at 7:OO pm., and a huge fireworkq display at 1O:OO pm. Come out and celebrate Canada’s birthday with usl SUNDAY,




Dominion Day Del ightsl At Woodside National Historic Park, 528 Wellington St. N. Kitchener. Come enjoy horsedrawn wagon rides, concerts, relay games and much more. For more information call 742-5273.




Clnema Gratis. Tonight it’s ‘The Great Train Robbery” followed by “La, byrinth”. Show starts at 9:30 pm. in the Campus Centre Great Hall, and is free of charge. Please come early and help move furniture. . K-W Chamber Music Society presents Janina Fialkowska on piano playing Bach, Liszt, Brahms and Chopin. At 8:oO pm. in the KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W, Waterloo. $1 20° students. Tickets at UW Box Office and the door. Reservations call 886-l 673.




Blood Donor Clinic today between I:30 pm. and 800 pm., at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 317 Franklin St.,N. We need your type! Atarl user group,KWEST, 8-bit meeting at 700 pm. in MC 2009,2nd floor of the Math & Computer Building. Phone 579-3695 for details. Visitors welcome.




FIrat Book of Creation - a new exhibition of clay drawings by Hull, Quebec Artist, Carla Whiteside, at the Library & Gallery of Cambridge, 20 Grand Avenue North, Cambridge (Galt). The nine abstract works each have a passage from the first chapters of Genesis. Show continues until July 28, more information - l-621 -0460. New Physics: Newton Revised. - episode 9 of ‘The Day the Universe Changed” film series with BBC host James Burke. tl:30 am., EL 101. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Centre for Society, Technology and Values; Architecture Students Society; Engineering Society A. Detai Is: ext. 6215.





Summer Cabaret! Suffering from post-midterm blues? Movie prices got you down? Then join us for a fun-fit led evening of music and comedy as FASS presents a Summer Cabaret tonight at 800 pm. at Siegfried Hafl, admission $350.




Cinema Gratis. This week’s feature: ‘The Tender Tale of Cinderella Pengu in”, followed by “Cat BaIlou”. Movie starts at 9:30 pm. in the Campus Centre Great Hall and is free of charge.




Atari user group,KWEST, 16-bit (ST)’ meeting at 700 pm. in MC 2009,2nd floor of the Math & Computer Building. Phone 579-3695 ‘for details. Visitors welcome. Students of Objectivism presents “Capitalism: The Cirre for Racism”, an audio-taped lecture by Dr. George Reisman, 7:30 pm., ML 349. Admission is free and all are welcome. UN Club presents “Twice Promised Land”, a video about the Arab-Israeli conflict. Discussion to follow. 7:3O pm., EL 208. All welcome! For more information call Club President Charles Borras. 886-4292,



Sex heppens. If you would like information on how to do it safely and responsibly - call, visit or write the Birth Control Centre. CC 206, ext. 2306.




Analog watch found on road, at entrance to village, around June 10. It still works. Cafl Larry 746-0208.


Obseued with your weight? If you are suffering from anorexia or bulimia and are interested in joining a self-help group composed of others in your situation, call Marie at 885-4341.

Eckankar Centreopen on Tuesday evenings from 7:3O to 9:00 pm. For information or books. Everyone welcomed. 171 Queen St. S. 8860759.


Chape,, Sewice: today at 4:30 pm. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. There are no Sunday evening services this term.

Laymen’s EvangNwl fellowship evening service. 7:ClOpm. at 163 University Ave. W., Apt 203 (MSA). AtI are welcome.

bymtn’8 Evanaellcal fellows h it, Bible study. CC 11’0 at 7:30 pm. All a& welcome. Luke, Luke,use.the force Luke. Go to the. University of Waterloo at 6:00 pm. each Wednesday. There in the Clubs room of the CCyou witI find WATSFIC. There you will be able to learn to use the force. But beware the dark side..:

Old country games, here and now. New exhibit of multicultural games featuring German, Mediterranean, Oriental and Korean games. 9100 am. to 5:00 pm, Sundays l:oO-- 5:W pm. Museum and Archive of Games, BMH, free.


WEDNESDAY GLOW (Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo) operates a coffee house every Wednesday in room 110 of the Campus Centre at the University of Waterloo from 9:OO to 1l:OO pm. All are welcome. Call 884-GLOW for more informat ion. Femlnlat Dkcusslon Group. Meets every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:oO pm at Global Community Centre. Topic and group vary weekly so that all women are welcome anytime. For more information 579-3941. Amntnty Internatlorial Group 118. Come join the Conspiracy of Hope. Work on behalf of prisoners of conscience throughout the world. Everyone welcome. CC 135, 7:30 pm. 8eginners invited to Go 700 pm. in B.C. Matthews 10. Free playing time for at 7:30 pm. Call x4424 or

Womyn’r Group - meets in CC 135 (usuallyr at 8:30 pm. Come out and enjoy movie nights, educationa t evenings, dances, road trips and casual discussions. For weekly events call -8&I-GLOW or listen to 94.5 FM, Thursdays from 6-8 pm. DO you think you have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Call 742-6183. Weekly meeting open to the public Thursdays, 3:00 pm. Vi I lage Two Conference room (beside main office). wnterloo Jewish Students Association Bagel Brunch; food. people, that kind of thing. 11:30 to 1:30 in CC 135. Chess Club. For both casual and serious piayers, CC 138, 7:00 - 1000 pm. For more information contact: Bob iim: 746-2109, Joe Aleixo: 884-

6848. FRBDAY



Mondays at 500 pm.



Play Go! classes at Hall, room al I players x6887.

For Classified Ads and Calendar

Need spending money? We have an easy way for you to earn 20% All we ask is 4 hrs of your time of which one is yours to relax in a Lazy-boy. No excercising required. 1st or 2nd yr students only. Call 885-l 211 ext. 6786.


Chinese Chrlstlan fellowship weekly meeting. 700 pm., WLU Seminary Building, room 201. All welcome. For transportation call 746-5769.

Counselling Seivicer presents “Career Match (Occupational Choices)“. Explore your future career possibilities using the latest personal computer technologyl One-hour labs throughout the term. Information and sign-up sheets are available in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, second floor, room 2080. Anrwerlng Questions on career planning and the job search process...that’s what your summer SVA {Student Vocational Advisor - Carol Williamson) is here fort Plan to drop into the SVA office - Mondays an;f Wednesdays from 1O:OO am. - 12:oO pm., Campus Centre, room 138. Ail students welcome.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Unlvsnity Avenue closing for repairs. Waterloo Regional Engineering Department is &sing University Avenue from the railway tracks?0 Westmount Road for road repairs. The westbound lane, (toward Westmount) closes for approximately two weeks as of June 26, and the eastbound lane will be closed for another two weeks.


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Changing Knowledge,Changing Reality. - the final episode of “The Day the



The Community of Human Development has a weekly meeting at 7:30 pm. in CC 1386. If you want to organize positive change in society, you are wetcome!



Must be planned parents or permanently childless b\; choice. CalI 884 1580.

erral and counselling hotline: 7418300. Monday to Fridav. 1000 am. 5:OCl pm., 7:ti pm. - 1 I’:& pm. If you


Exploring the Cal leciions: Carl Ahiens - an exhibit of a tocal artist, Carl Ahrens (1862 - 19361, at the Kitchener/VVaterloo Art Gallery, Lower level lobby, Show continues until July 31.


I M$ Carh - Students in first and second year between 18 - 25 years of age are invited to participate in a cardiovascular Reactivity Study. No exercise necessary, only healthy *males and females willing to join the other 160 students. Call Barb or Anna ext. 6786.


Scrabble Playera Club meeting at 7130 pm. in MC 3012, Mathematics & Computer Building. Bring boards & dictiona’ries.. Phone 579-3695 for details. Visitors, beginners, other languages welcome. English, French, Russian & Hebrew boards available for play..

30, 1989

U of W seeks married couples for study examining family structure.

would like more information - call us, or drop in to our +-louse, at 886 Queens Blvd., Kitchener. Get the facts about AIDS!





Wecare: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re an anonymous, confidential telephone distress line.Lonelv?, Worried? Troubled7 Call us 65&6805 (ioc& call)..Day or Night! -

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Large basement in Townhouse for rent Fall 89/Winter 90. Half bathroom, microwave, close to laundry, grocery, and beer store, 15 min walk to campus. Suitable for 2 people.


FaM, professional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857



with RBC hoast James Burke. 11:30 am., EL 1Of. Everyone welcome. Details: ext. 6215.



House of Debates meets every Monday at 600 pm. at St. Jeromes’ room 229. New members are always welcome.


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