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b$ Sarah Clarke Imprint staff ,


-Deep under our lecture halls, la& tutorial rooms, paths and manicured ldts exists a lab,yrinth of dimly lit, concrete passages. Tunnels -L shadowy corridors -full of eerie echoes, coJtiured lights and unmarked doorways leading to other unmarked doorways and more tunnels; leading to .., .“What are you talking about?” -That’s what Security Investigator Brian Bradley said when asked about tunnels on campus. UW# Police seemed like a good place- to start investigating the tunnel story, sinke popular rumour gays the reason-they we,re closed around ten years ago was b.qcatise of assaults, thefts, muggings and the like. It seems that everyone who has been at.. Waterloo for ti number of j;ears has a- tunnel -stor$ For example, tunnels connect all the buildings on campus and extend as far as Village One, &d our predecessors here’ on campus,used the tunnels to get ,tb classes in the Lwinte$, right?.The reason the campus is builtinside a ring with all the park@ lgts on , the outside is because ‘thqE._are tunn&l&&ti&$3=ransport us to b’uildings fai inside Ring Road,-right? -i-w


Bradley blew off every story ‘this i-nvestigative. reporter had ever hearid- about u_nderground pathways and mysterious, passages under our campub with -those words. *The only _pedestrian tunnels that..emr, w.re on campus are the ones between the Arts ,build+gs, (Modern. Languae$, Humanitieg, Environmental Studies, and- South -Campus. Hall], and they’re still op-en. Rick Zalagetlas, chief. engineer at Flint Operations, suggested that these -are the only pedestrian tqnqels on campus because of the expense of building and maintaining tunnels. Pedestrian _.ftinne-1s cofineoting all the buildings just wouldnot be,economi’ ca)ly feasible, he said. Security in the tunnels ,may algo caiuse a problem. There are

limited zsecurity - precautions taken in the Arts tunnels (they’re ‘locked around 1O:OO p.m. and opened at 6:00 a.m, by custodial. staff), but-Bradley says UW Police2 is unaware of any past: as-’ saults or-thefts in the pedestrian tunnels. ’ All the mystery and legend of the tunnels is not completely unfounded, however. There we*service tunnels that connect ev.ery building inside Ring Road and-extend t9 Village One and Two. These tunnels connect hydra distribution pipes; some computer relay panels‘, and telephone cables. The tunnels are connected to mechafiical.rooms that have, among ot-her things, the water pumps. far buildings in _, them. j _I This may. explain why you never see a maintenance worker wearing a coat in the winter;- the best way to see where these tunnels are is tb se;e’where,the snow me&s first in the winter.,The service tunnels are quit? warm year round. I .UW Police-warns that anyone other than authorized perrrdnnel’ found iti the servicir: tunnels will be charged with tresp’assing: the tunfie.ls contain sensitive mechanical -equipment - and were never intended for public use. Cainpus lore assertg, hotievef, that there are tunnel travellers ationg us. Some report that trap doors in the flo,ors of lecture halls and statrwells that lead ’ straight into the ground are the entry ways tq the, subterranean ma,ze below us. Aside. from the brightly coloured pipeg, ladders and the occasional architectyral drawing, tunnellers say the s&rvice tunnels are really, only “your average industrial basement .” j Although-a: fairly elusive bunch, tu,nnel travellers can appear at t-he most- unexpected times ,and places, so keep your eyes to the ground, indoors. and out. But seriously, readetig, the tunnels are only a myth. Now this -intrepid reporter is off to investigate/the “Dana Porter Library is sinking because they didn’t calculate the -weight of the books” story . . .

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tihere .

member &David Forsey, is star: ring in the CGL’s recent demonstration. video, A PubIic Service Anriouncement-. This humorous short, a corn-, 8 putkr:generated animation’, will be shown,at next month’s SIGGRAPH ‘89 computer graphics . conference in Boston. Directed ‘by Forsey, the video has drawn * .. :~ on the combined talents of many-, “f’ CGL members, with-help from a of other catnpus organi-/ ’ i, &mber 1. zatiocs, . i I2. I^, The, a&n@ion was created _: j

-, -

Photb .





Way deep down’below,


only the .‘I green, men go...


’ ’ . courtesy

tunnpt _traw&ler


One dey Sam (not his. real name] and his friend were sittingina &cturre <hall betweeir classes. Bored, with nothing better to da, his _ friend (let’s call him Dan) decided to look under one of the linetar plates in the floor. They lifted the lid, and to their surprise, saw lights far below them. Intrigued, the two adventurers sqyeezed _themselves into a narrow passage way, crept along it, and eventually found a -passage ‘way intd the tunnels. The two &wly itiitiated .tunnel, travellerq spent their time dodging green meti, exploring the p-assagewayg, and trying to figure outexactly what building they were under. All too sooti; it was time to heed. - back. . The two left the tunnels, crept back-along the narrow passage way: and’were surprised to find the lid of the. metal plate closed. Dan lifted the lid slightly, lpoked through, and whispered’ upgently to Sam‘, “There’s a class going on!” Yep, Prod &t the-board, Sam and Dan’s knapsadks

s’_tudents diligenily and ti6,ats on.a chair

taking noted; and by the metal plate.

, They

had-to get their stuff, ,Undaunted, ban loudly threw-open the lid, brashly jumped up onto the floor and looked around the‘room at the shocked,students and horrified Prof..“You idiot!” he yelled batik down to Sam; “This isn’t the bank!”

of #lying ~logos>- ‘. using software written by Fort r$” says Forsey. “They presey and other CGL members. The dominately generate images of final transfer to video tape was shiny chrome corporate logos. I performed at the University o.f flying,through, spatie.” Toronto’, using equipment in the Over the , yearg, countless‘ of.‘. Dynamic Graphics Project, U of these flying logo animations ’ T’s counterpart to the CGL. have been shown at , I th@ confer--The video opens with the word ence. . “LQGO” flying through the ‘air, The sound track, “based on . ‘ which transforms into a gad-fly Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyrles, that buF?es about the dragon’s was both adapted and perforllied head. ,Flames shoot out of the /by local band Twelve Foot Bl& dragon’s mouth, exte,rminating to provide the narration fo.Fortfie fly, an’d then he says, “Resey’s,directorial statement. p_ onl-y ybu can prevent For.. those upable to attend _ member, .. SIGGRAPH, A .P&$c Service f1ying logos*” “The whole point [of the video) Announcement should be availis. to demonstrate some-new rndh able as ptirt of the aG6RAPfi “delling techniques developed at video -review cassette to be re,I CGL while-poking a bit of fun it leased some time after the con-. the computer graphics. iedus. fbrence-close8 in August.’ 1

I , ,

Recover from exams at the

Nbw Open. until August 11 L Monday-Friday, noon till 1 am. Book our patio for your End of Term B.B.Q A gireat way to end’the term!

* - - - -


Crwtrr~lss~a~s sm.....ev -.w



- I’llI lclly




Vlttlto Pldl

- I’lfbl Icsl - I'tohKIlw~

ictly 1





we Work!!

For exciting volunteer and part-time positions, come see us in CC 235!!

Wiz Need You to be

Homecoming Chairperson

Last Show of the term! Shows at 8 pm in PHY 145. I

If you are interested in this position, please apply at the Federation of Students’ Offke, ’ Campus Centre room 235

For good food and great times, visit the Shelter Whether you need a study break or a change of atmosphere, we can help you!

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More thati just FUN coiitact’Dave %fcDougall atExt. 6329. ..



Friday, July 28, 1989


The Captain says...k

Condoms: your best friend Sarah Clarke Imprint staff by

Free condoms for kids? Not really, but a group of school children showed the greatest interest in the AIDS Awareness booth set up in the Campus Centre. The booth, set up in-an alcove off the Great Hall, was one of the information points set up for AIDS Awareness Day last Thursday. A few students stopped by the booth to try the AIDS quiz and look at pa& phletg, but - with the exception of the group of children - the booth was quiet for most of the day. When asked whether the location of the booth may have been a factor in the lack of interest, Al Wadley, a co-ordinator for the Birth Control Centre said, “It’s possible, but it’s more likely that people feel they know enough about AIDS. In the past we’ve had booths in highly visible locations and people were still reluctant to be seen getting

information on issues related to sex.” In the afternooti, Walter Wilson from the AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchenef, Waterloo and Area (ACCKWA) led a discussion on safe and enjoyable sex with a small group in the Campus Centre. He began by showing a video called Changing the RuIes that emphasized how the existence of AIDS requires people to modify their sexual activities. Only couples who have had no other sexual partners do not need to concern themselves with the possible transmission of HIV. The video included scenes illustratini excuses for not using condoms. One scene showed three females discussing what precautions one woman would use on an upcoming date. The woman said she wouldn’t use any because, “he doesn’t have AIDS, he’s an accountant.” After the video presentation, the participants took part in an exercise in which they rated the HIV transmission risk of various


More wivates -

by Derek Imprint


Weiler staff


UW Police are investigating an act of indecent exposure that occurred in Parking Lot ‘72” on the afternoon of Thursday, July 20. Two female UW employees were getting into a car when the suspect exposed himself to them. The suspect is described as a white male, between 23 and 25 ..* years b4d; approximately six feet tall; between 170 and 180 pounds; with wavy blonde hair. He was wearing a navy-blue hooded sweatshirt and see-through pantyhose, so that his private parts were exposed. “There has yet to be a return offence,” said UW Police Sergeant Marshall Gavin. “But I can expect that the person will be back. The only thing is for people to be extra cautious and to report.” Anyone who may have any information on this case should contact the UW Police immediately at 888-4911. In a related story, another suspect who was being investigated for indecent exposure confessed to 15 separate counts of exposing himself in the past year and a half. Howevef, the UW Police only had complaints on file for seven of the offences. Therefore, they were unable to charge the suspect for the other eight, as they had not been reported. Such a case only underscores the importance of reporting any instance of indecent

exposure, Gavin said. The answer

suspect will the charges.

be appearing


court in early



sexual activities. Vaginal intercourse without a condom, anal intercourse, and sharing needles are the highest risk activities. In one exercise, participants were asked if they would change their sexual practices if they knew the person they were sleeping with was HIV positive. The fact that most participants answered “yes” indicated that people are not taking all the precautions against HIV that they could, said Wilson. In spite of the low attendance, Wadley felt there was a positive response from the people who did attend. “The low turnout can likely be attributed both to a lack of publicity and to people’s reluctance to discuss AIDS,” he said. AIDS Awareness Day wrapped up at Fed Hall with an appearance by Captain Condom. A draw was held, in which Tshirts with safe sex logos were given away, while the Captain was giving away condoms. In an exclusive interview with Imprint, Captain Condom explained why he was giving out condoms. He said many people already know a lot about AIDS, and that they should be using condoms. However, people are still hesitant to use condoms, or ask their partners to use them. “Even if people use the condoms for balloons or water balloons, at least they’ll see what they look like, Hopefully we can make people more familiar and comfortable with condoms so that there will be a greater chance of them being used when they are needed,” said the Captain. AIDS Awareness Day was organized by the Public Issues Board of the Federation of Students, the Birth Control Centre and the Health and Safety Resource Network.



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Imprint, Friday, July 28, 1989


solved -


Over the past few issues, Imprint has received a number of criticisms about one-sided articles we have printed. Most of these pieces appear within our forum pageg, and are not actually articles per se, but column& comment piece$, or letters. The forum pages are aptly named; within them, both our readers and writers express their opinions in a forum for discussion. As they are opinion piece$, they are not expected to be objective, as our news articles are. What follows is a guide to what ap ears in forum, Editorials are unsigned opinion pieces written E y a staff membef, often the editor, that are published as the view of the newspaper as a whole. In order for an editorial to be published, the editorial board (those people listed in the masthead on this page] agrees that the editorial reflects the paper’s opinion as a whole. ’ Last yeal’, we published a number of editorials. Howevel’, with such a diverse staff, it is difficult to publish editorials that truly reflect the opinion of the paper. We have also found readers prefer signed pieces. Therefore we have recently been publishing comment pieces. Comment pieces are signed editorials. The religion piece on this page entitled, “God: a mystery” is a comment piece. Columns are pieces that appear in each issue and address a particular topic. Some are opinion pieces, and some are published more for their information value. Currently we publish the columns The Sexual Enquiref, To Your Health, The Voice of Treasofi, Focus on Feminism, and WPIRG. In order for Imprint 10 publish a column’, we ask that writers bring us five column submissions. We post these in our office for a week, and at the next staff meeting, discuss the column with the writer. Voting staff members (determined by their contributions to the paper) then vote on whethep or not to accept the column for publication, The material that appears in the columns is not dictated by u$, but “sanctioned” by us, so to speak, The opinions expressed in the column are those of the writer’, not the newspaper. We occasionally bring columns in for reviews if we feel they are not fulfilling our expectations, or becoming problematic. ’ I am sure you are all familiar with letters to the editor. Howevef, you may not know that they cannot exceed 400 words without special exception by myself, the editof, that they must be typed, daublespaced, submitted by 6:00 p.m. Monday, and include your name, discipline, and pho_ne number. You can also e-mail us letters (we prefer it!) at imprintwatmath, bring them in on floppy disk$, or type them here in our office, CC MO. Sometimes we are unable- to publish all the letters we receive in a given issue, as is the case this week. Sb, in the future, try and remember, if something on the forum pages gets you going, don’t blame Imprint as a whole - we’re only trying to give people a forum for expression and discussion. If something bothers you, write or come in and see us. Good luck on your exam$, and happy reading! Fleur Macqusan



To the editor, Michelle Blais has written but one more literary masterpiece aptly entitled “Abortion and Hysteria” in her July 14 column for Focus on Feminism. The ‘article itself is a blatant piece of paranoid hysteria outlining the masculine drive of the anti-abortion movement. In her article, it is imagined that men are so opposed to abortion because it is women’s most effective protest against male oppression. Let’s first of all talk about a man’s role in the reproductive process (allow me to use the term procreation). Our “assumed” role as you say is a very real one. May I remind you of the fact that a human being in a woman’s womb isgenetically just as much the father’s as the mother’s, First you say pregnancy is an act done by men on wometi, then you go on to imply that men are in no way involved in procreation. This idea is so ridiculous that there should be no need to argue against it. It is obvious you dislike men but at the same time you seem to a have a subtle contempt for women. Your ideas of male domination through female pregnancy undermine women more than they do men. Did you ever consider that many women want to have babies, that it is a joy to have a child and not a disease inflicted by men? Should a woman want to be so

hysteria” free




agined, or real, that she abort


a human life and in doing so destroy a part of herself? Many men-are guilty of rape, neglect, and hostility toward women’, that is very true. On the other hand, there are many men who genuinely care about women, with none of the powerstarved motives that you believe, and are all too willing to aid women being oppressed by men. On two different occasions I happened upon an attempted rape taking place [just call me lucky). I say attempted because I

was only too anxious to intervene. Call it what you want, macho



role play-

ing or whateveg, but it was not just that. Seeing women oppressed and degraded really pisses me off, but then again hearing “I am Woman‘, hear me roar!“, I don’t care fok that much either. Myself, and many other nice guys, want to see a lot less of both. Try to relax a little, Michelle, there are some men out to get you women but many others are nice guys. An arrogant separatist attitude such as yours is no way to solve problems, and you had better join all people in finding solutions’, because fighting men instead of joining them will only aggravate the situation. Mike Duffy, 2B Mech Eng



Janessa Alexandef, Carissa Camerori, J. Hagey, Glenn Hauef, John Hymerd, Derek Hrynyshyti, Mike Hunt, Julia Keffef, Sandy Kunef, Alexandra Maqueen’, Ian Macqueeti, Titi Shirley-Anne Off, Michal Quiglep, Andrew Rehage, Rudy;,Robert Semenciv\t, Mike Shirrif, Jeff Smith, VoelsReH, i Derek Weilef, John Zachariah. RMhairi

Religidn has always been one of the very basic facts of life, right up there with death, sex and government. It is essentially a conditioning that begins when we are children. Most of us are raised within a specific religion (for me, it was Roman Catholicism) and are trained by our parents t‘o at least nominally conform to that religion. When we are childreri, we rarely question this state of ‘affairs in any sort of intellectual way. Of course, it never really occurs to us not to. As teenagers, however, we rebel against our upbringing in many different ways. One of these‘ almost always takes the form of a rejection of our religious training. This may be simply a rebellion against the restrictions on such things as drinking and premarital sex. It may, howevet, be a more considered rebellion against the very nature of religion. This is the kind of thing that results in atheism and agnosticism. Indeed+ by the time we reach university, religion has become unfashionablb; it is almost considered a sign of intellectual weakness to, be religious. And I do noj exempt myself from this trap. Raised as a Catholic, I am now as lapsed as lapsed can be and regard myself as a firmly committed, diehard agnostic-bordering -on-atheist. Yet for ever.y person like me, there seem to be just as many people who have maintained or else regained - their faith. In recent year$, Imprint has tackled the religious question from a variety of angles. Ail approacheg, howevet, wer,e more or less unsuccessful. None have really come any closer to penetrating the vast mystery that must necessarily surround the existence of a Supreme Being. Two years ago, Imprint ran a dolumn called A Pilgrim’s Perspective. The column was a highly personal account of one pe&dn% struggle _ with [and views on) Christianity. The essential problem of the column was that it was an account of religion related entirely from the inside; it was clearly an attempt by a member of the converted to preach to the unconverted, Because of thi$, there was little objectivism or insight to engage the uninitiated,

Last year, Eric Kuelker produced a column called Evidences of God, which was retitled One Christian Perspective midway ‘through its run. Kuelker introduced the column’s debut installment by lamenting the “intellectual dirty tricks” he felt had been used against Christianity. This is actually a very ‘valid complaint, because any sort of intellectual argument used against religion basically misses the point. That i$, religion is based on faith. It is a faith that excludes matters of logic and intellect. Th,is is not a putdowti, merely a statement of fact. Where Eric Kuelker ran into trouble was in trying to prove things that by definition cannot be proven, The holes in his logic were inevitable, since logic has little place in a discussion of religion,

Dave state

Thomson his ability to with certainty that Satan (and presumably God as well) is an “imaginary being.” Clearly, his “nonexistent till proven existent” assumption is shortsighted. “What grounds do you have for believing some sort of superior being or spirit exists?” he asks. The logical reply is “What grounds do you have for believing He doesn’t?” The point of all this? If thereis one, I believe it’s that religion is a mystery everyone has to wrestle with individ.ually. None of us have either the right of, perhaps more importantlgr, the means to attempt to convince anyone else one way or the other. As for myself, I find that I’m becoming increasingly areligious, and even antireligious, for reasons that are deeply personal. However’, I do not have the arrogance to presume that those with convictions are religious “wrong”, while I am “right”, If anything I envy them% their faith, and I wish that I could find it in myself to share it.

Howevef, perhaps the mast illconsidered analysis of religion to grace Imprint so far appeared in our last issue. Hell, I’m practicallv an atheist. and Dave Thomson’s comment piece offended me on a Purelv intellectual level. I musi ad&, though, I envy



SUktasin4hid . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~~~n m MA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DaLgwrson Rsnat;e &a&l nsrrrqdiitm lWwsAuS#tmt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J~@Ifollende lWhOW!?O .I,...**,*....*...*.. WY=+= Pestarm-.. . . . . . *.*a..:.. AngelaHeeds RichNichol . . ..*...*..*.**..... sporb&tsmds#m .



























































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Khomeini’s To the editor, I am writing in response to the death . ..I’ in letter ” Khomeini’s the July 14 issue. Brother Islami writes “his achievments were heroic++ but fails to mention at least one such achievement, So let me elaborate on that. These achievements include: - 10 years of destruction and death caused by the most barbaric and most sensless war in the recent history of mankind+ with a loss of hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of dollars and finally a peace treaty so shameful Khomeini himself said said was like “drinking poison”; - A hostage taking crisis that not only tarnished the image of Iran around the world but cost our people almost $11 billion when Khomeini’s envoy signed the Algiers agreement with the United States; - A $2.5 billion illegal arms purchase from the “Great Satan”+ and numerous arms deals with the “Zionist State”; - More than 100,000 people executed, and more than 300,000 political prisoners.

Need I say more brother Islami? . He continues “when the Shah controlled Iran, a deep sadness pervaded ., .“. Get serious, really. Today Iranians are deprived of their most basic human rights, their daily lives are under the close scrutiny of the regime’s spies and various patrol groups. Being happy is a crime: playing a game of chess or listening to music are sins punishable by flogging. I think people would have been much happier if the “deep sadness’+ of the Shah’s time was still pervading. In the 25 years of the Shah’s rule, numerous schools, universiti&, hospitals, technical institutes, dams, etc. were built. Iran was made into one of the strongest countries in the world both economically and militarily. When he came to power there were 400,000 students in the country and one university. When he left there were 10 million students, of which 200,000 were studying at 18 universities. Now, brother Islami name one school+ one hospital+ one road ‘that was built by your beloved Khomeini. ’

Tell me brother Islami, where is the justice in executing nine year old children? Where is the justice in putting adulterers up to their necks in the ground and stoning them to death? Where is the justice in killing the irmocent? Mr. Islaml, it is the Khomeini’s regime that has repeatedly denied our history and culture. It was this regime that destroyed anything that had the name of a king associated with it and went even as far as trying to destroy the remains of a palace that is more than 2500 years old. It was your regime that burnt the Isfahan University’s library and told people that numerous ancient books were burnt in the blaze but later all those books turned up in European auctions. Brother Islaml, as a real muslim and a true Iranian’, I don’t find any happiness in the death of anybody ‘even if he is the sworn enemy of my country. But at the same time I, like many other Iranians who are proud of their past and their culture, do not feel any sadness and certainly am not overwhelmed by the death of a tyrant.

Condom-mania! I

SEXPERT: My girlfriend is going off the Pill at the end of the month and after that we are . thinking about using condoms. How effective are they? ANSWER: Condoms will give y-00-_-I. the same protection from pregnancy as the Pill if they are. used with contraceptive foam [i.e. Delfen] and are used properly. The proper use of latex condoms starts with storing them and carrying them, Heat or friction can weaken the latex and increase the chance of the condom breaking when you use it. Condoms should be stored in a cool place away are from direct sunlight - glove compartments not a good place. Also avoid putting them in wallets;, pockets close to the b.ody (i.e. pockets of tight jeans) or places where they could be punctured while carrying them, Good places to carry condoms are usually purses, knapsacks and coat pockets. The weakening effect of heat takes place over time and therefore a brief exposure to heat will not seriously reduce the effectiveness of the condom,


When the time comes to use the condom, make sure that fingernails or rings do not tear the condom while removing it from the package. Also, having clean hands would be a good idea because things such as oil-based hand lotions can weaken latex. Place the condom on your penis before any genital contact occurs - pre-ejaculate contain’s enough sperm to get your girlfriend pregnant. Squeeze the tip of the condom while putting it on so that there will be an air pocket for the ejaculate. Once the condom has been placed on the penis, check that ‘there is enough lubrication before engaging in intercourse. Just because a condom is lubricated

tyranny not missed






is enough

lubricant to make intercourse safe and pleasurable for you. If there is insufficient lubricant+ there is a chance that the condom could break due to the greater friction. In additioti, there is a chance that your partner will enjoy intercourse more when there is enough lubricant, Using a condom can be made more pleasurable for yourself if you put a drop of lubricant in the

inside of the tip of the condom before putting it on. This will allow the tip of the condom to move freely over the head of your penis during intercourse. Use only water-based lubricants such as K-Y jelly. Oil-based lubricants such as Vaseline can also cause the latex to weaken.

The condom should be removed immediately after intercourse before you start to lose your erection. Hold on to the base of the condom so that no semen spills out of the condom. Use a new condom each time you have sex. Although the above seems like a lot to remember, it doesn’t take long to become comfortable with condoms. If you haven’t used condoms before, it might be a good idea to practice using them by yourself before you use them with your girlfriend. There is no need for condoms to interrupt your sexual activity - you could insert the foam for your girlfriend and she could put the condom on you. Many couples have-made this a pleasurable part of their foreplay, If you have any more questions about condoms or foam, visit the Birth Control Centre (cc206) or call us at 8854211, ext. 2306. Due to exams and holidays we will be open on a limited basis during August. Our hours will be posted on our door each week. Effective September 1 our name will be the Sexuality Resource Centre. There won’t be any major changes in what we do - the name is being changed to more aticurately describe our current services. If you would like to be part of the first SRC volunteer group this fall, pick up an information sheet from the board beside our door. I’d like to thank the BCC volunteers for their help with this column and for their enthusiasm’, dependability and log book entries this term. Thanks to Cathy Cameron’, Sarah Clarke, Mike Cotterill, Ron Grondin‘, Linda Kechkes, Kirsten Krastel, Ted Martifi, Alison McPheti,. Ernie Muis& Wendy Perking, Daniel Pane&, Michal Quigley, Mary Jo Schropp, Laurie Tombs, and Isabel van den Kerkhof. Special thanks to Cocoordinator Lynn Acri for all her effort and support - Al Wadley.

Please keep your rhetoric for when you leave this “decadent” country and return to Iran to become the Minister of Prdpaganda, Alsd, please do not assume the position of spokesman for Iranian students on campus. Not all of us subscribe to your views. PS.1 have already written my will in case I should suffer a sudden mysterious death. M. Kashani

Correction The first

part of the 1etteI: titled, “Khomeini’s death overwhelming”+ published July 14, was meant to read: *‘The man of Islam left us in the name of God” (as a title) To God we belong, and to him we shall return - Quran (as a quote]. We apologize fir any misunderstanding. Editor

Condemned To the editor,’ After reading Dave Thomson’s comment pieoe “Praise yourself Y not God”, I could not help but be amazed that he was attempting to attack the Christian religion while displaying such an appalling ignorance of its precepts. I do not know Dave personally, but it seems evident from his article that his Christian experience goes no further than childhood Sunday School. The central message of Christianity is not “be good or go to hell.” Rather++ Christians believe that no man can achieve heavy:‘* through his own effort. Bec’ause of this, God sent Jesus Christ to die, allowing a new method of achieving heaven. All who accept this offer are called Christians. Christians are good out of gratittide to God. The minister is not “in touch with God” any more than anyone -else. He is there to teach. Dave’s phrases “sickeningly polite and submissive to everyone”+ and “innocent so-happyto-be-listening -to-the-word -of-God laughs” suggest to me a hostility which has colored his perceptions of the people around him in the Church. I’m sorry-he found his minister boring, but why condemn a religiDn because of one person? The same applies for TV evangelists and fighters of holy wars, I am..a Christian, and after reading about and talking with people from other religions and philosophies, I will still take Christianity any day.

unjustly Am I insecure? I don’t think I am any more than any other person, even an atheist. Am I brainwashed? I guess I’ll never know, Am I at peace with myself? Usually. To Dave Thomson, I recommend the book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. Reading it, you may get a better idea of what Christianity is all about. I wish you the best of luck in your life. Terry Van Belle 2B Computer Science


the editor, I’m writing in regards to the smut that was shown on the video ,screen at Federation Hali on Thursday July 13. A video by REM displaying women’, clothed only from the waist down and jyggling their breasts, was more than inappropriate. This university promotes a non-sexist attitude. We no longer support beauty contests, and do not support fraternities and sororities because the university believes they promote sexism, I am infuriatedby this exploitation of women. If one wants to see this garbage, one can go to some sleazy strip joint to get their jollies. I would appreciate a response from the management of Fed Hall on this issue. Ann Race 3B Math To

Focus on Feminism “Silence” bY Meg After lent



I am no longer My mouth will word@,



of being


able to speak, rmt open to let the wish to say, came

I out My silence

is a barrier.

I am silent in my anger Rage may boil within. Yet I cannot express it with ers present.


011-1~ in the most private places. I am able to express my true feel-

ings Many women have been forced into living silent lives. Often this is not of our choosing We are an oppressed group Forced into a non-vocal existence, If only women’s rights to speak were encouraged and ensured the tales that would be told Enchanting tales, ranging to stories filled with horror and violence.

w 6


Friday, July 28, t 989


Evolution ill-founckd To the editor, I am writing in response to a letter by Matt Charels (July 14 issue). in which he describes creation as a dogma based on intellectual faith, As defined, he said that faith is a belief i‘n something that you *cannot reason on using logical means. Can evolution be considered scientific reality? Evolution, as I shall refer to it, is the theory that the first living organism developed from nonliving matter’, without any intelligent direction. In science, a theory must be demonstrated in the lab and the real world before it is proven as fact, Can we say this about evolution? The theory of evolution was described by Darwin in The Origin of the Species. One hundred years lat,er, WR, Thompsod, then the director of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control in Ottawa, wrote this introduction: “As we

know, there is great divergence of opinion among biologists, not only tion

about the causes of evolubut even about the actual

process , . . . It is therefore right and proper to draw the attention of the ndn scientific public to the disagreements about evolution.” Even today, there is a growing dissent among reputable scientists on the theory of evolution. Is it easy to explain how our human bodies were developed through evolution? Take for example our eye. The eye has been perfectly designed to- automatically control its focus, adjust exposure and maintain a dust free lense and can be used by the brain to recognize everyday objects and distinguish one from another in 3D and in full colour. Human vision is far plex than any camera; ter can match it. How that it took technology neer such artificial

more comno compucan we say to engivision and


’ ife exchange llw



To the editor, Can Michelle Blais point me to the nearest wife commodity ex-, change? It sounds to me that the possession of wives is a safer and more profitable form 6f investment than stocktrading. Do similar terms apply? [In other words, does “stock swap” be-

come “wife swap”?) The only drawback I can see is in the maintenance requirements for all these wives. How many obstetricians are needed to service the average portfolio? Is it more or less than the number of gynecologists? Eric Giguere 4A CS/C%O


The Voice of Treason In search of a iacket by


It was a dark and stormy afternoon. I could feel the calm before the storm, that’s when she blew into the Grad Club. She was a tall dame with the most amazing blues I’d ever seen, a bundle of trouble looking for a fuse. Am I right or am I right? She told me her sad tale of a local night club, Fed Hall, where, after several drinks she noticed her new jacket missing. The flatfoots were no help so she came to me. Isn’t that always the way with dames? Am I right or am I right? I told her I’d look around, see what I could flesh out of the locals, A wink and a nod later I was out pounding the asphalt. If there were clues to the crime then one of my snitches would know, Am I right or am I not incorrect? My first lead was to check out the local vegetarian dive/The Beet Eaters” gang was lounging around, sipping virgin Mary’s and V-8s. After dancing a two.-fist tango with one I found out they weren’t into aggressive stuff, it just wasn’t their scene. Some of them even wore leather on some occasion. They told me about rising co-op fees. I swung over to Needles to see a man about a jacket. It occurred to me that co-op students were a beady-eyed pack who got off on dough and didn’t care who got in the way, Am I right or am I right? After talking with a couple of stuffed peacocks I figured that none of these whips would be smart enough to pull off a scam this big. It was out of their league and so I went to find out who really had the bats, and who had the balls. The trail of the missing jacket led right to Fed Hall itself. A large poluka out back selling jackets for a saw buck was the big tip-off. I went inside and found the manager in cahoots with the Fed president. It seems the money they were losing because of all the glasses being sto.len from various Federation joints was astronomical. Loonies upon loonies were lost every night. They had to do something so they started this recycling project of their own. The jackets’ resale value would supplement the heavy Losses. -Well, I figured some more and found they had a point. I mean, how many people with stolen jackets have suspicious looking shooter and beer glasses at home? Am I right or am I right?

c,onsidered plausible. Also these amino acids were synthesized in an oxygen free atmosphere.

Can evolution be proven in the lab? In 1953 Stanley Hiller passed an electric spark through a gas mixture of hydrogeti, meammonia‘, and water thane’, vapor. This produced four amino acids that are some of the building blocks for life. However, 20 amino acids are needed for life to exist and scientists have still been unable to produce the other 16 amino acids under conditions

Many scientists dispute this because they claim that without oxygen’, cosmic rays would travel through the atmosphere and wipe our any amino acids formed.

by Vanessa



thensay that the development of the most complex human eye came by chance - an accident?

What about every day life? Iri biology labs, we know that when something is sterilized, no life will ever form on it unless it is introduced from the external environment. Also, when manufac-


Once upon a time, diapers were a topic of interest only to parents, prospective parents and those directly involved in the industry. If the subject came up outside of those circles, eyes would glaze over. After all, any extended discussion about diapers requires, at the very least, an active and imaginative use of euphemisms. Well, the times they have-a-changed. Diapers have become an issue on which almost everyone has a point of view. In the era of the waste crisis, parents and parents-to-be find no shortage of free advice and opinions from friends and relatives on whether they should use cloth or disposable diapers. Most environmentalists - both those with children and those without - will recommend cloth diapers as the environmentally responsible choice. There are three main options for dealing with the problem of keeping baby dry: disposable diapers, cloth diapers you wash yourself, and cloth diapers from a service.. The disposable diaper - the plastic and paper miracle of the 1960s - is currently the most popular of the three. About 1.7 billion disposables are used in Canada each year, accounting for 85 per cent of the diaper market. They are promoted by extensive and expensive adverfisl ing campaigns and are much touted for their convenience. What’s more, new parents are encouraged by hospitals and often are forced by day care centres to use disposable diapers. Cloth diapers you wash at home are the most traditional choice and the least expensive. Many parents reject this option as being too time consuming, and, let’s face it, not enjoyable. The cloth diaper services, companies that each week deliver clean, folded diapers to your home and pick up those you’ve used, are a parent’s dream, although they are not available in all areas. Diaper services provide the ultimate lowmaintenance diapers, and, compared to disposables, they are about half the price. To some, the diaper debate may seem only a drop in the pail compared to our overall mess of garbage, To others, diapers are a.symbol of the larger problem, People make choices about the environment with the products they purchase. The question of using cloth or of using disposables must be seen to be as much an environmental decision as a decision for convenience. The’case for cloth diapers is not so much an argument for them as an argument against disposables. The cotton industry, for example, has a less than pure track record of pesticide use and of poor labour practices. Cloth diapers must be washed, whether at home or at the diaper service. Their washing consumes water and energy, and may involve the use of bleach and/or detergents that are high in phosphates and additives, Diaper services must get those diapers to and from homes each week. Last but not least, diaper pins have wreaked havoc on countless innocent thumbs and bottoms. In spite of all that, there remains a principle of sound environmental practice that make cloth diapers the preferable choice for parents: the reusable product is better for the environment than the disposable. The principle is based on the hierarchy of environmentally sound waste management options: reduce, reuse and ret cle. The outright disposal of products should on Ky be considered once other options have been exhausted.

faith turing consumer goods strict rules ate kept in its design for optimum quality and nothing is left to chance. Are not living animals of superior design than simple



In conclusion, to believe in evolution is an excuse for irresponsibility if we are here from chance, there no real purpose for living except for self gratification. This affects our whole outlook on life. This takes a lot of faith. Cecil


The best way to avoid waste is to reduce the amount of materials we use or consume. obviously, babies are n6t likely to reduce their need for some sort of diaper product. The next choice is reuse: in this case the cloth diaper. Recyclable diapers are unlikely to ever be desirable or possible. Disposable diapers, on the- other hand, are a single-use, wasteful, throwaway product. Perhaps the best way to analize a product’s environmental impact is to take a cradle-tograve approach to look at its) productioti, use and disposal. In all three, disposable diapers present problems. Production: To make those fluffy liners, the dispbsable diaper industry works its way through one billion trees each year worldwide. In Canada’, our forests are being depleted at an alarming rate, with only poor efforts on the part of industry and government to replant and manage logged areas. As a result, until the forestry industry is made more accountable for its actions, the manufacturing of disposable diapers will only encourage continuing deforestation. Once the trees are down, the wood is pulped and then bleached using chlorine to give it that nice bright-white look. The chlorine combines with other chemicals in the pulp to produce toxic chemicals - dioxins and furans and other chlorinated compounds. Such toxins make their way not only into any water or air emissions from the mills, but also into paper products manufactured from the pulp. Use: -The problems with the use of chlorinebleached paper products are now becoming clearer. Dioxing, a result of the bleaching process, can be contained in diapers and could pose a health threat to babies. Dioxins are lipophilic - they love oil and fat. Putting petroleum jelly or anything oily on a baby’s bottom makes it easier for the dioxins to move from the diaper onto the baby’s skin. Once there, some of the dioxins may be absorbed through the skin into fat cells, Disposal: The disposal of these diapers creates other problems. Each year in Canada, about 250,000 tonnes of used disposable diapers end up in the garbage. That amounts to approximately 2.5 per cent of Canada’s residential waste stream. These diapers can only be put in landfills- or incinerated. Right ‘across the country, municipalities are faced w:ith- the problems of landfills - lack of space and lack of confidence in the safety of landfills. While parents and caregivers are, theoretically, supposed to ‘*empty” the diaper faeces before throwing it out, less than five per cent actually do the dirty but honourable deed. There are more than 100 possible viruses that can survive in dirty diapers for up to two weeks. No one knows how much of a problem this might be to groundwater supplies and to the garbage workers who handle the waste. Incineration is also fraught with problems. Concerns about high levels alf dioxins and furans emitted from the stacks or left as ash residue remain unanswered. All in all, the environmental case against disposable diapers is a strong one. As parents look beyond the questions of convenience, more will switch to cloth diapers. YOU can help by talking to new parents about the diaper issue. Encouragie them to use cloth diapers rather than disposables. Give them a copy of this article, or get them in touch with WPIRG, room 123 General Services Complex, 884-9020.




To the editor, Unto the editors of Imprint does Arnora Dunestati, Seneschal of incipient Canton of Byniau Tywnnog, Society for Creative Anachronism’, send greetings, Good gentles it pains me greatly to find it necessary to admonish you fbr your horrendously sloppy journalistic procedures. I refer to your Canada day write up concerning the activities of the Society for Creative Anachronism during their demo shows a remarkable lack of intelligence‘, never mind the gaping lack of respect for “journalistic responsibilities.” I quote “The medieval display put on by the (SCA], exhibited medieval duelling techniques. A commentator explained the significance of the duels as they took place, The crowd , . . watched the duel scenes in silence.” My lords and ladies allow me to correct your mistakes: 1) What we do is NOT “duelling.” These are real weapons, and can cause a-great deal of injury to the unprepared or unwary. We do not “duel”, we FIGHT for real. 2) The “commentators” were actually marshals there for the purpose of keeping the fighters from staggering into the crowds. Secondly they were not explaining the “significance of the duels” but commenting on the types of weaponry, the style of movements, and the honorable reactions of the fighters, The fights themselves bore no rele-

On Friday, July 14, at approximately 9:45 a.mJ, University of Waterloo Police Sergeant Marshall Gavin attempted to investigate a male person known to the University of Waterloo Police, During the investigatiori, the suspect assaulted the uniformed officef, in an attempt to escape. Two Food Services employeeg, Greg Frowd and Leo Cabrera, stopped at the Security Building





reader takes, quit/ in hand. 0 vant significance. 3) The crowd definitely did NOT watch in silence. They cheered and jeered, applauded, whistled, and above all else, asked all of the questions that your reporters should have asked. 4) The fights were NOT scenes. They were in no way staged. The fighters were often not certain of WHOM they would be fighting until their opponent stepped onto the field;let alone certain as to who would win. When they fought, they h

fought FOR REAL. Those hits were FOR REAL. The exhaustion they felt after four hours of fighting in the sun was FOR REAL, and we thank you for considering the fact the we’, at least, take what we do VERY seriously. My lords and ladies of the Editorship, what you have basically done is misrepresented what the SCA is, Not once were any of my people approached by any of your reporters, and I can only assume that this means that you don’t consider it your responsibility to report facts. _

We were misrepresented and not only does that not impress us, it makes you look bad in a journalistic light. If this is the kind of journalistic responsibility which you are attempting to display to the world, then it isno wonder that Imprint has a reputation for being a “rag”, and unfortunately, whatever readers you may have had in the SCA have no desire to be caught dead with such trash. Perhaps until you learn the true meaning of “journalistic responsibility”, you and yqur staff

ought to take up new hobbies. But please don’t turn to the !?&,A as we have no desire to accept such irresponsibility and lack of respect into our membership. In service

to the dream,

Arnora Dunestan son) Seneschal, Canton of Bryniau




Readers may be relieved to learn tht none of the SCA fighters were injured or killed during the demonstration -ed 1

Biblical message still valid To the editor, I have to say I was shocked to see such a one-sided article presented in a student newspaper. As for the question is religion definable - must it be? Does today’s society have the need for everything from love’, to the soul,, to God, explained away by a scientific periodic table? Religion has been a source of conflict for centuries’, yet it has also offered comfort. I tend to think that human beings have and will continue to be in conflict and that people have used religion to justify their conquests. Using religion in war reflects on the people themselves, not on religion. I think that Mr. Thomson

UW Cops say thanks To the editor,


and summoned the aid of other police members to assist Sgt. Gavin, A third male’, known only as a faculty member, stopped to ensure all was in order, The University of WaterIoo ’ Police extend a hearty thank you ’ to all those people who assisted in this matter. This serves as a good example of what can be ac-

complishedwhen we all work to-

gether. UW Police

War, Famine, Pestilence, Death and Warren

playing the banjo.

wrote his article with a closed mind and preconceived notions firmly in place. My religion professor emphasized the fact that the Bible was not to be followed literally - that the historical myths of the day affected the tone of the Bible, but that many of its messages are still valid. 1 also tend to think that Mr. Thomson has Iimited himself, and his research, to the evangelical strain of Christianity which makes up a part, but not the whole of the faith. A love of God and others, and living to the best of my ability is the celiter of my faith. I believe God is a forgiving God, as he is portrayed throughout the Bible, if dne is willing to read it seriously.

The ministers and lay people 1 have been involved with are much like myself - quiet, down to earth Christians who respect individuals and their beliefs.

every day people such as myself who study theology and practise religion’, not as a psychological crutch, but as a way of life which is enriching and rewarding.

As for morality and religion religion should help people make decisions they feel comfortable with. I take great offense at Mr. Thomson’s theory that religious people are either insecure or brainwashed. 1 am quite secure in my own abilities and take success or failure upon myself, while retaining my faith as a guide through both.

Doris Dirks, Academic Vice-President, Students’ Association, Mount Royal College Calgary

My impression of the article Dave Thomson wrote is that he as used his reference point based solely on caricatures of TV evangelists, He has no conception of

The religion piece written by Dave Thomson was II comment piece, not an article. A comment piece is an opinion piece written by an Imprint staff member. It is not expected to be objective, as Q news article is, as the writer has the freedom to editorialize and draw conclusions, which he/she connot do in a news article - ad.

To Your Health Coffee

in tablet


aches, nausea, irritability, tiredness’, and the Final exams are almost upon us. There is no “shakes” in some people. doubt much of our time these days is spent either Caffeine may also have a diuretic effect (an studying or trying hard to socialize in the few increase in the frequency of urination) if taken in hours of free time we allow ourselves, Perhaps high doses. Large-doses have also shown to prowhat we notice most of all about this time of year duce headaches, nervousness and even delirium, is the incredible fatigue,. listlessness and ledoses have produced an increased thargy we feel after an entire semester of hard , and near-fatal blood sugar level and ketonurea (abnormal apwork and meeting deadlines nears completion. pearance of metabolic intermediates in the Caffeine pills, or “wake-up” pills are a comurine]. mqn method students use to stay awake-during No long-term effects of a toxic nature are seen the exam period, simply because of the many hours of studying most courses demand. The if caffeine intake is below about 600mg per day which is equivalent to about eight cups of coffee; pills are easy to obtaid, and their widespread use howevef, regular use of greater than 350mg per would imply they are an acceptable means of day induces a form of physical dependence and attaining additional cramming hours. ’ withdrawal will be evident in the absence of Questions have arisen ds to the health effects caffeine. A fatal oral dose is approximately ten of caffeine pills, Caffeine is a behavioural stimugrams. lant which activates the body systems by the If wake-up pills are going to be takefi, they are production of adrenaline, and has Idng been _ best taken after consuming a meal, since the user known to be the stimulating effect in our mornif they are taken on an ing coffee. It postpones fatigue and enhances I cain become nauseated empty stomach. Their use should also be careendurance, which is why caffeine pills are popufully monitored. lar at exam time, Remember that the body is designed’to have a Caffeine is also found in tea, chocolate‘, and certain number of awake hours followed by resome soft drinks. Body reactions to this drug are laxed, restful hours so that it can maintain its unpredictable in different people; it can depend proper functioning. Interference with this syson a person’s natural tolerance and on their pretem with drugs such as caffeine piIls may be vious consumption of caffeine. Speeding up of harmful in the long run due to overall exhaustion the heart [palpitations) can occuf, and increased or addiction. acid production in the gastrointestinal (dig&Use them wisely. tive] system is common. Persons with bleeding More information on caffeine and its addictive disorders of the bowel or with a propensity for, or physiological effects may be obtain’ed by calulcers should be discouraged from using caffeine ling the Addiction Research Foundation in Kitpills. chener at 579-1310. Also, the methylxanthenes in caffeine have been shown to cause increased lumpiness in the For more information on this topic OF others, breasts of women who have’a tendency toward phone the Health and Safety Resource Network cyst formation in their breasts. These women are of Waterloo (8851211] ext, strongly advised by their-doctors to avoidcoffee, . at the University 6277, or write to the MSRN, c/o Imprint. The chocolate‘, and other caffeine substances. HSRN is Q Ii-cfison between you an$ any source of Since caffeine pills are often taken in numbers health/safety information you need. The office is and for extended periods of time, there is a great located in room 121 of the Health and Safety potential for addiction. With increased use, the building and we invite you in to talk to one of our user may become depeildent upon their effects, volunteers. Withdrawal is characterized by severe head-

8 Imprint,

Friday, July 28, 1989



Attacking by Mick Imprint


Hunt rrtaff

The late Alden Nowlati, Canadian writer and poet, tells the story of a young boy who signs an unemployment cheque for his father. As the two enter the bank and present the cheque to the teller, they smile at each other; the narrator speaks of the difficulty in discerning who is prouder, the father or the son. Between 20 and 25 per cent of Canadian adults are illiterate, and despite societal demands for a higher level of literacy this number is increasing, according to the Literacy Council of Kitchener-Waterloo. A person who is unable to read and write at a grade five level is considered illiterate, while a functional illiterate is a person who reads and writes below a grade nine level. A recent Southam survey showed that illiteracy drops with education: 53 per cent of Canadians who completed grades five -eight were illiterate, as were 24 per cent of high school dropouts. The survey offers 24 per cent as the Canadian aver-

3ne of the literates.


The most startling statistics are among high school graduates (17 per cent), those with community college or trade school educations (11 per cent), and university graduates (eight per cent). The survey also states that _13 percent of university drop outs were illiterate. Ron’, a literacy learner in Ottawa, describes the frustration felt by illiterate Canadians: “No one knows the anger that people who can’t read go through. You

Photo by Jullr


can’t pick up a paper and learn the latest news. You can’t carry on a conversation because you don’t know what’s going on in the world. You’re left in the dark. You just try to carry on the bkst you can. We’re living in a different world than other people who can read”. The Literacy Council of Kitchener-Waterloo was formed in 1980 with a mandate to reduce


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ing bachelors’ graduates enter full-time graduate education and many do not complete their degrees. The main goal of NSERC is to “ensure an adequate supply of highly qualified scientists and en&nier% for the nation’s science ana technology requirements.” The new strategy includes allocating 55 per cent of the program budget to the research base programs. This includes operating grants for 6,600 individual researchers, funding collaborative research initiatives, providing equipment grants and general support. NSERC intends to encourage university-industry co-operation in research. The centres of excellence program, of which Waterloo has five of the seven existing centres, launched last year is a component of this straWY NSERC &o intends to increase funding for graduate students. They currently fund between 20 and 25 per cent of science and engineering graduate students and aim to increase fellowships and scholarships to 15 per cent of the total program budget, The report does not state how by how much funding to studenis will increase. In an attempt to attract international students to Canadian universitieti, NSERC will be expanding their international programs. They hope this will attract the world’s best young scientists into’ Canadian research laboratories.



Terrific Contact

by Jud-y HoIlmds Imprint staff Research and development in Canada needs a boost to catch up to other industrialized nations. This not very new conclusion was reached in a strategy document recently released by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Ten Yearrs to 2000: A Stmtegy Document, describes Canada’s ailing performance in the international arena of advanced scientific and engineering research. The dbcument also prescribes NSERC’s plans to reverse the current dismal trends by the year 2000. Canada’s spending on research atid - development is among the lowest of the major industrialized nations. In 1986, Canada spent US. $5.6 billion compared to US. $117.4 billion spent in thb United States and US $41.8 billion spent in Japan. Alsa, over the past 15 years total real expenditures on -R&D in Canada have actually decreased. Government and universities in Canada do most of the R&D with industry lagging behind. Only 1,800 firms do industrial R&D, and 40 per cent of what is done is performed by only ten companies. Current population trends also concern NSERC. While the demand for skilled science and engineering researchers is increasing, the number of university age population is declining. Currently, only 15 per cent to 20 per cent of science and engineer-

To: Prof. Pierre Filiofi, Urban and Regional Planning Question: If Waterloo had a dome, where would we tmt it? Answer: I think it should cover the whole campus. Instead of having an ivory tower we would have an ivory-dome. We would be totally isolated from all external influences.



R&D in 2000

the level of illiteracy in this area. They offer confidential, individual tutoring to adults who need basic literary and numeracy skills. The council uses Laubach skill books and teacher’s manuals, which attempt to improve a person’s level of reading to a grade five level. Students and tutors are matched by a placement coordinator, who assesses student goals, needs, and interests. The learners are encouraged to progress at their own pace, without fear or pressure. A wide variety of books and other materials are available at the centre. The program is sponsored by the Ministry of Skills and Development and through donations. Presently there are 130 students and 113 active volunteers. Due for publication is the book Windows, a collection of short stories at various reading levels which was developed by the council. People are welcome to visit or phone the drop-in centre, both for reading lessons and to volunteer to teach reading, It is located at 62 Queen Street South in Kitchenef, and its phone number is 741-0900. The council’s services are free, although there is a nominal charge for books.

SEPT. 14 HAPPY VALLEY 348 Ontario

SEPT. 6 THE POACHER’S ARMS 241 Quems The back room hss ’ lmun resewed

SEPT, 13 University

THE SPOKE of Western

Murray Fischer Managing optician I~oP1IcIAHr University Square Plaza (near V)ceber) 65 University Avem~e bst watefloo, ON. N2J 2v9 (519) 746-3937

AppHcations for co-ordircrtor8 ar0 still being accepted Corrtact: Andrew Bornyi, Watpub Commissioner Federation of Students, CC Rm 235 :888-4042 or l-800-265-451 1



State sanctione-d by Shirley-Anne Imprint staff


“On arriving in the town . . . the people of Islamabad were fascinated by a new scene in the town’s main square in which they took great delight ,,, a building in the midst of construction provided the scene on which the people’s gaze was fixed. Bodies were hanging from the bare metal girders on the second flooP, looking like motionless pendulums ,,. the three men had been hanged earlier that morning.” This account was published in Iran’s daily Jomhouriy-e Eslami on August 9,1988. The/three men were executed on the charges of betraying their fatherland. Iran is one of the 100 countries world-wide which retains the use of the death penalty. The eighty remaining nations have abolished the death penalty, classifying them as “Abolitionists.” On April 24,1989, Amnesty International began their campaign calling on the 100 government 4, known as “Retentionists”, to end “cold blooded and premeditated” judicial killings world-wide. Execution is a violation of the right to life and the right not to be subjected to cruel, inhumane or degrading punishment. Why then is execution viewed by some as a humane means of punishing those who have committed serious crimeg, when most consider torture inhumane and a violation of human rights? What is the distinction between a woman being hanged by her arm8 until she experiences excruciating pain and a woman being hung by her neck until her spinal cord is severed or she dies of asphyxiation?“If the gun held against a man’s head and the chemical injection used to cause severe pain are considered instruments of torture, what do we call the firearms used by a firing squad or a fatally poisonous injection? Execution is not humane - it is, more often that not, extremely painful and tortuous, Governments use a number of means to execute their criminals, For a person to die from hanging, their spinal cord must be severed due to the gravitational pull on their body. If the calculations for -the length of the rope are incorrect, thb person will either die a painful and elongated death of suffocation or will die from decapitation. Firing squads or single shots are also used td kill. In 1986, the Nigerian Military Governor ordered that those sentenced to death for robbery should be executed by successive volleys of bullets, fired at intervals, starting at the ankles. The United States made progress in capital punishment when they introduced death by electrocution in1888. Powerful electrical surges of up to 2000 volts are applied for brief periods. The desired result is cardiac arrest or respiratory paralysis resulting in death - however, this result does not always occur. In April 1983, in the state of Alabama, Louis ‘Evehs required three separate charges of 1900 volts over 14 minutes before he was’ pronounced dead. Doctors had to ,wait 10 minutes after the first charge be+ fore they could examine Evans his body I was too hot to touch, Eye







witness accounts state that Evan’s eyes bulged out and his lips swelled, turning purple and black, Eighteen US, states use the more “humane” method of execution known as lethal injection. A combination of three drugs -one to cause unconsciousnes$, one to arrest the motion of the lungs,’ and one to cause a cardiac arrest - are used to execute the prisoner, In some cases the chemicals j are injected separately; the first chemical [a saline so-

red sacks ...’ The wounded women fell to the ground and Revolutionary Guards smashed their heads in with a shovel to make sure they were dead.” It is clear that each form of execution is characterized by paiti, tort ure., ahd inhumanity to be experienced by the one who% to die. What is often forgotten is the brutalization society suffers from each time a person is executed. In Florida’, radio announcers bel-

lution) is slowly dripped intravenously into the bloodstream. The risoner is strapped to a stretc K ex+,and takes as long as ten minutes to die. Death due to asphyxiation caused by cyanide gas is another way to execute a parson, In the state of Mississippi, September 3, 1983, Jimmy Lee suffered from convulsions for eight minutes, gasped for air, and repeatedly bangeld his head against a pole behind him before he died. While beheading and stoning seem to be archaic forms of execution to Westerners, they are used b a number of governments. In Sau B i Arabia, if all goes according to plati, the criminal’s spinal cord is severed by ode swift blow of a sword. Several blows may be required before the criminal is dead. In .regards to death by stoning, Article 19 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran states, “In the punishment‘of stoning ‘to death, the stones should not be too large so that the person dies by being hit by one or two of them; they sh-ould not be too small that they could not be defined as stones.” A recent execution in Iran had public citizens execute two women in a public square, A witness report. allegedly reads that “two women were lead to a -spot wearing white and with sac&s over their -heads . . . [they) were enveloped in a shower of stones and transformed into two

lowed, “FI’y the maggot!!” over the air waves when Ted Bundy, the renowned. rapist and killer, was executed. People camped outside the prison’, carrying placards and chanting, “Kill the bastard!!” as they,awaited the news of his death. People in Iran crowd the streets to share in the excitement as members of revolutionary groups are hanged or stoned to death - some even share in the deed. In some nation& executions are part of the entertajnment at presidential inaugurations. Whether taking place behind closed prison doors or with actual public participatiofi, lawfully condoned killings such as these do affqct the society. ’ Deterrence, qr dissuading others frbm committing the same crime, is a common justification for capital punishment-. Howevef, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim. Indikiduals who commit serious crimes, such as murdef, often do not rationally calculate the consequences of their crime. Most murders are’ committed under intense emotiori, the influence of drugs or alcohol, or by someone who is mentally unstable. A Japanese study from 195547 discovered that of the 145 convicted murderers questioned, none thought that they would be sentenced to death for their crime. A British doctof, after 35 years in the Prison Medical Service, stated, “A high proportion of murderers are so

tensed up at the time of their crime as to be impervious to the consequences to themselves; others . . . persuade themselves that they can get away with it.” If the death penalty is a deterrence, then countries or states which use it should have a lower incident rate of similar extreme crimes - however, this is not so, In 1962, the United Nations received. formal evidence suggesting that the rate of crimes committed which were once punishable by death did not increase( once abolition was in place. Canada became abolitionist in practice in 1976, and in 1985 the homicide rate per IOO,OOO was its lowest in 15 years. Nigeria, who punishes certain crimes by death, has a homicide rate which has been steadily increasing since 1967. If criminals are executed, they will not repeat their crime; howevep, it is impossible for officials to be certain that any one criminal will be a repeat-offender. Courts rely on trained psychiatrists to determine the likelihood of repeating the offense; yet, the American Psychiatric Association admitted in 1982 to the U.S. Supreme Court that predictions are wrong in at least two out of every three cases - even under the best conditions. Economically, execution is not inexpensive for the tax-payer. It costs the state of New York roughly $1.8 million tax-dollars to pay for one capital punishment trial and one appeaLThis amounts to almost two times the cost of imprisoning one person far life. I “An eye- for an eye” is often the argument for capital punishment yet biases and human’ fallibility exist in all legal systems making it impossible to promise retribution. A dead killer will not bring back the dead victim. Studies in execution show disproportionate imposition of death sentences on black defendants. In South Africa, 96 per cent of all those hanged are black. There is not one black judge in South Africa and juries. are all white. No white man has ever been hanged for raping a black woman but 90,black men have been exkcuted-for ra ing white women, In the US:, rl lacks comprise 12 per cent of the populatiob, yet account for 40 per cent of the recorded 2182 prisoners on death row. A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling now permits states to impose the death penalty on criminals who . are develo men’tally disabled or oti juvenile o r fenders who are tried once they are 18 years of age, Amnesty International esjimates that 40,000 men’, wome&and children have been executed since 1979. Thousands were put to death after unfair, trials, lengthy imprisonment and torture. The crimes punishable by death include murder, rape, defiance of state faith, adultery, prostitution and showing pornography. But the crimes committed are not the issue here. Human rights should not be arbitrarily granted by governments for good behaviour they should be common to all people world-wide. Every human being is protected by the Human Rights Code to ensure that he or she never suffers a violation of human rights o;r the irihumanities imposed by the death penalty.

The seven circles of Hell by Derek Weiler Imprint staff

handful of tight, taut numbers like Prove My Love, Promise, Please Do ,Not Go, Fat, Nightmares, I Hear the Rain and Dating Days.

It’s after midnight, and a lonely Imprint hack sits at his terminal, desperately ‘seeking some gimmick to structure his concert review. The sheer scope of the “Monsters of Folk/Punk Tour” demands something that will capture the assorted highs and lows (theke were lots of both] of the show. Well, let’s see . . . The Pogues called their last go-round the “Straight to Hell Tour”; Violent Femmes have always been just on the losing side of the spiritual-vs-carnal battle, and Mojo Nixon is a downbound fiend if ever there was one. That’s it! Throw in some pretentious allusions to Dante, and we’ve got something here! He claps his hands together’, cackles gleefully, and sets to work,

The First Circle of’Hel1 Mojo Nixon and his ever-silent sidekick Skid Roper take the stage and rip into a frenzied tune called Debbie Gibson is Pregnant with My Two-Headed Love Child. This pretty much sets the tone for the set, which turns out to be better than I ever expected -from Mojo.

The Fifth Circle of Hell Midway through a drawn-out, epic Confessions, the band is joined by th.e Horns of Dilemma:, and things quickly go downhill. Quite bluntly, the Horns of Dilemma suck. Black Girls is kinda fun but sluggish, and Gone Daddy Gone has all the power and perverse chafm sapped out of it, The band apparently now feels the need to draw out and distort every song, so that by the time the tune finishes, the audience is glad to be rid of it.

The Sixth Circle of Hell

set of the night, but he also accomplishes the monumental feat of generating interest in a crowd that’s clearly here -for the Femmes and the Pogues,

The Second Circle of Hell

booze-soaked mouth. . They play a whole batch of the good new songd,from their forthcoming Peace and Love LP. The most instantly notable ones are


To our surprise, eight nattily. dressed but poorly-groomed Irishmen shamble onstage after Yeah Ye&, they leave the stage, but it soon becomes apparent that the crowd will be-having ne of that. In due time, the Rues return for a couple of faS, The Sickbed of Cuchuld Fiestd, performed with. fire that marked Yeah Then’ they’re gone for and we’re left to the IS.

_--With his last couple of LPs, Mojo has been in danger of slipping into self-parody, but this time, he’s right on target. Oldies like Mushroom Maniac fit in nicely alongside newer songs like (She Put a) Louisiono LipIock (on My Love Pork Chop]. When not waging his two-man war on George Bush and Rick Astlef, Mojo praises the virtues of all that is good, decent, and Elvis. ’ Not only does Mojo turn in the most consistently entertaining

and love: Spider Stacy rail-thi and gravel-voiced; James Fear ley leaping around with his accordion in tow; Philip Chevron looking exactly like a leprechaun. And of course Shane MacGowan, unghaveti, wearing .black sunglasseg, ever-present -. I. cigarette aanglrng mom his l

. .




urth Circle of Hell +z 3naklng 01 Pogues close? WALAA u II-UIIL~~; dottle .*,4&l,




rrdkmi.um Id age is through,



and Q


rbsesF:i porary obscurity of Lment. On July 12, Wa-year Architec,Pulled . , _ . off . an

and then the anthernib Yeoh Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah. Now this is more like it! The band are ripping it up, and the back lawn has become a solid

These set-building and musical effects may have been meant to replicate human culture, which [on one level) does no more than produce junk as truth is silenced and aborted by the existing order. Generally strong performances were turned in by all not-yetarchitects. Especially notable were Patrick Kennedy (as Galileo] maintaining a steady characterization in a demanding role; Tom Wilson (Ludovico) bestowing a convincing sneer on a motley audience: and Ytiette Janesco (the little monk) as the only sincere note in Galileo’s experience with organized religion. Howevef, certainly the most impressive features of this production of Galileo were its stylistic effects: the enormous slide screens behind the Audience, the multiple video diatribes against Galileo, and the fantastical costuming (including a tinfoil prince and a wonderfully tartedup foPI*




by. now, and as nt Femmes take truly are greeted heroes., begins with loads a .I lney rear rnrougn


the the like t

of a

The Horns depart, but the spirit of self-indulgence remains. Kiss) Off becomes a bloated parody of itsformerself, the pinnacle of crap.

The Seventh Circle of Hell For the first Femmes are back

encore the in form for the

- -_.-.

minute and a half that it tales them to do Old Mother Reagan. Add It Up starts off promisingly, but soon degenerates into another directionless mess. Finally they wrap it all up with a perfunctory rendition of Outside the Palace, from the 3 LP.

Yeah, so the circles of HeII thing is dubious it best, especially since there were nine, not seven. Still, the “Monsters of Folk/Punk” show truly WQS a roller-coaster ride through bliss and agony, divinity and damnation, A hellfire of (I time WQS had by all.

of: d oubt


Imprint, Friday,July

[SUmmer dreaming) the fairies - particularly ‘l’itania [Lucy Peacock) - but as music, the songs weren’t especially good. They were decidedly sappy at times’, in a sort of shopping-mall-muzak kind of way, But thea, the whole play is written that way. The plot is simplistic enough: couples ‘falling in love and misunderstanding one another’s actions, with the mischievous fairies adding to the fun. There isn’t much substance to it, so at the end, some of the characterg, portraying actors, put on a play that takes comedy to new l,evels of absur-

by Derek Hrynyshyn Imprint staff If you need relief from the endof-term pressure, this season’s production of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream at Stratford’s Avon Theatre is just the thing for you. As usual, the acting is beyond crit icisti, with the emotions portrayed so convincingly that the audience can forget the stage: the sets and lighting seem so natural they are barely noticeable. The costumes are excellent and surprisingly eclectic. Shakespeare has been performed in modern dress, punk dress, and just abotit any other style of dress you might imagine, but the combination of the contemporary military uniforms on Theseus’s attendants and the “new age” gossamer silk on the fairies is unusual, to say the least. Bottom and the other players are dressed in ambiguous, timeless costumes, the way Shakespeare’s plays are written, The overall effect is the achievement of nested levels of fantasy returning to an impressive reality. But the play is first and foremost a comedy, and comedy is built into every part of the production - even some o,f the costumes. Bottom gets his head turned into a donkey’s, and the expression qn his tiask is priceless. That single prop is probably worth the price of admission. The other new feature of the performance was the music, also new age. Not only were the fairy scenes introduced with pleasant chiming bell-like synthesizer tones, but musical parts were sung by cast members as well. If there was anything to complain about at all in the performance, it would be the songs. They were sung beautifully by

28, 1989

‘An dy !

dity. While the play-within-a-play bedrs no relation to the main body of action, it doesn’t need to. The weak plot is easily overlooked in the face of such humour. Comedy like this takes real talent to perform [and to write) properly without becoming as silly as it would sound retold. Real talent is abundant here, and

it works.


’ Night’s

runs until Avon


28 in Stratford.


Dream at, th@

A*ndrew Gash played to a packed and expectant crowd at Phil’s .Grandson’qr Place last Thursday night. There were three aspects of his performance which were found to be impressive - heart, sincerity, and sense of history. Cash’s heart is in his music, his lyrics, and his performance. Though he might do well to develop a couple of new moves, Cash gives all during every song. Even the ultra-feminists in the front row didn’t seem to dampen his spirit with their ridiculous over*vigilance of his use of the term “man”. Cash’s lyrics are not only sincere but believable. Hand gripping the mike, wedding band in full display, Cash started,“this is a little song about the difficulties of keeping commitments in the 20th century.” Such a sentiment almost seems to clash with his overall “nice guy” image, but at the same time he leaves the audielice with no doubt that he has indeed had his fair (?) share of sexual temptations. Cash’s sense of Canadian-ness came through full-bore in a hot, raunchy rendition of an old Gordon Lightfoot classic, Sundown. Cash and the Ambassadors took this song to a new level of energy, especially when compared to Lightfoot’s drug induced oh-so-slow version. But Cash has nouglit but respect for the man from Huntsville, and showed this through this unadulterated and driven rendition

of an old song


a new


Andrew Cash and the Ambassadors will be happy if you listen to them. You might even be happy if you listen to them. If you caught the show at Phil’s you are probably happy today, right? See!

G ‘c u e .s-’o m ai n La any number ot mid-Sixties reIrish reels they grew up with, out endless variations of tired’ gional American bands,” old timeworn riffs, There’s not a but they keep making wonderful Self One: “Yeah, but the Gruemusic. You should know by-now song they’ve played tonight that that originality and quality are somes never intended to present I haven’t been able to predict a lyrical and musical vision an-d I don’t even two things that don’t necessarily note for notethat’s all their mn.’ They’re just go hand in hand.” have any Gruesomes albums! here to play their hearts out for Self ‘Two: “Ah‘, but there you Where’s the originality, where’s the music they love. And they’re have it. The Pogues are a truly the inventiveness?‘* accomplishing that in spades. great band because no matter Self One: “Rock has always been “Listen to Hey and Thanks for how much they depend on their more about fun than originality. Celtic roots, they infuse those Nothing and tell me this is a Even the best music made in the band that doesn’t have it. roots with g lyrical and musical last twenty-odd years has been Self Two: “They might have “it”, vision that’s all their own, - little more than thinly-disguised but they’re going nowhere with on the other recyclings of brilliance that has - “The Gruesome% hand, have shown us nothing to- ‘it. Sure, Thanks for Nothing and gone before. own. Hey are great moments, but after night that’s all their “I mean, look at a great band They’re doing absolutely no- ninety minutes of moments exlike The Pogues. There’s nothing thing that couldn’t be done by actly like those, it’s h,ard to there that you can’t find in the

by Derek We&r Imprint staff

That’s it, Now- I’m sure I’ve been a music hack too long - I’m cracking up completely. I spent the entire Gruesomes show at Phil’s last week having a long, involved argument with myself. It went something like this ,,. Self One: “This is great! The crowd’s into it, the Gruesomes ,are in fine form and they’re kicking ass onstage. This is what rock ‘n’ roll’s all about.” Self Two: “I really doubt that rock ‘n’ roll is all about trotting

the same l&e1 of respect.” Oh-, a band called the Longshoremen opened the show. I don’t know. squat about them and .I can’t remember very much about the show. I do remember, the bassist looked very men&cing, and I remember vaguely liking them. Put it this way: the Longshoremen promise a hell of a lot more than the Gruesomes do at this point. Self TWO: “Both the Longshoremen and the Cruesdmes promise Q hell of Qlot more than you do at this point, you burned-out hack.” maintain

v”--AN 33 University





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Imprint, Friday, July 28, 1989

-Monarchi.es a~nclwars’

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KING ST. N., #211 fKing and University)



Henry V, at Stratford’s Avon Theatre is an exemplary examination of the excesses of monarchies and wars through time, This production offers cerebral and aesthetic satiation to those interested in Shakes,peare’s investigation of this power-hungry link in the British monarchical bloodline. The play op&ns in the fifteenth year of the 15th century [only five hundred years before the outbreak of the “war to end all wars”, WW I) during the respective reigns of Henry V of Britain and Charles VI of France. Artistic Director John Neville has skillfully, clothed this production in early zoth-century battle fatigues to add impact to this direct comment on the insensible




blood battles, Wil f iam Needled, cast as, z8 WWI veteran’, neatly offers the audience a sense of warmth and insight often consideredatypical of Stratford productions. His narration also draws the audience about

into deepening curiosity the character of this monarch who managed to defeat the fresher and super-confident French troops with only a handful of over-tired, disheartened,

and starving British forces. At





narrative tone lends sadness to the thought of similar, purposeless wasting of lives throughout the course of history. ’ The cast gives its all in a moving and convincing portrayal of two fiercely and unrelenting nations at war. Geraint Wyn Davies, as Henry V, has clearly come to terms with the charm and convincing compassion that

must have been requisite of the

young king leading his troops to such an unlikely victory. William Dunlop [as the Welshman, Captain Fluellen) also deserves






portrayal of a truly honest and loyal subject of the King of England. Although quiet and reserved through most of the play, Dunlop’s characterization really shines when”the chips are down.” Special attention and praise goes to the portrayal of a variety of characters by none other than Deborah Drakeford, a graduate

by Carissa Cemeron Imprint etaff






“ad libbed” a. subtle ing “occupational”

- but she also but convinc-

fall on the

steeply raked stage. Way to go Deb! If you are seeking a special day at the theatre, then I cannot be too strong in my praise of this presentation of Henry V -catch it if you cati, as this may be the best performance before WW III.

She plots with the disfigured De Flores - a servant of her father’s who is in very unrequited love with her - to kill her her fancy.

The Stratford Young Company’s production of The Chcmgeling, falls shoyt of “good” for two reasons: the play’s material is not entertaining, and the cast is too inexperienced to bring anything interesting to it. Apparently it was the objective

of UW’s dra:matic arts program. Not enough that Deborah gave an authentic and believable portrayals of everyone from a bawdy prostitute to a lady of


director of the Young Company, to hire fresh young actors for the seasdn, If so, he hasn’t chosen a play that shows .off these fresh talents to, their best advantage. Something a little lighter than indiscriminate hell and unavoidable damnation would have worked better. The play, an artifact of the Jacobean era, studies the phenomenon of the %hangeling”, a’ person who changes physically or mentally in order to deceive others, Apparently Jacobeans were very interested in the psychology of the melancholic soul wonder what they did for a good time?! Unrelievably bleak-, The Changeling is not easily made enjoyable: it maintains a strangle hold on its subject from the beginning. The main character Beatrice Joanna, is soon to be married off to.a gentlemen of her father’s choice, but falls in love with another man more suited to

future The result

husband. actio:ns that of the fatal

ensue are a decision to commit murder for the sake of happinesd, culminating in the growth of Beatrice and De Flores’ pathetic relationship - and the murder or disgrace of the rest of the cast. The play provides no release, little comedy to lighten the TOment for the audience, and for the actord, no-moments for their characters to step out of their descent into unforgiving hell. Every ch.aracter, no matter how removed from the plot, is somehow touched by the festering evil that has been let into the world by the thoughtless actions of poor. Beatrice Joanna. The Young Company merely sustains the action’ of the play; nothing con.temporary has been brought

to it by themselves


the director. The events of the play seem to be contrived only for the purpose of demonstrating the potential of evil in the world. But whose world? The Jacobean world of playwright’s Thomas Middleton and William Roley? The Changeling unfortunately belongs to another time, and this production of it has failed to justify its modern-day value.

by Derek We&r Imprint staff The Stone Roses are the U.K.% latest Grand Hype, having been covered to death in British journals like NME and Melody Maker, After a handful of acclaimed British releases, this is their first domestic album release. I must admit, the record sleeve looks pretty cool (the best I’ve seen since that Michelle Shocked album). However, the proof, as

they say, is. in the vinyl (well OX:, so that’s not exactly what they say]. The unfortunate truth is that, if this LP is any indicatiors, The Stone Roses are nowhere near being the next big thing. In fact, they are merely an extremely competent British indie band with your usual fondness for the guitar. They are no better and no worse than scores of other bands that are out their doing their best to put food on the table in this crazy business of rock ‘n’ roll (or something like that]. Song for my Sugar-Spun Sister is pretty neat. So’s the eightminute plus I am the Resurrectiofi, which reminds me of (the truly unique, unlike the Roses) Julian Cope. As for the rest of this albuti, it’s fine and pleasant to hear on the radio, but I wouldn’t go out and p;iy money for it.

..’ :.,. .’ ,_ 1; ‘, :: ‘. > ”






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by John Hymers Imprint staff AI1 right, all right, So this disk has been out for a little while. Mea culpa. I have really procrastinated with regards to actually cranking this review out. But I have always found it difficult to review something that I have nothing but praise for, 1 don’t want to slobber all ever this one, nor do I want to turn it into a pumpkin. Howevef, A Blues For Buddha- demands, comniandb, and remands a good, nay, great review. A couple ‘o listens alerts the listener - such as myself, the critic - to a band that can contain well voiced lyrics in a musical setting reminiscent of Burlington’s Royal Botanical Gardens: lush, vast, and full of poison ivy. Yeah, there is enough here to prick yourself on: to cause a reaction, a redness of the aural skin. The Silencers tread softly on that treacherous and unforgiving pop territory: the rock ballad, Especially unforgiving

When the seventies music scene seemed to sink to new depths of shit-for-music, the punk/new wave movement ar-


Record Store -mp


thinks that’s how best to sum up the whole thing: simple and soulful. The Silencers could do big things in the future: this album deserved a far better response than it got. Especially as it was a major label release. But who knows, maybe this review wiI1 tip the balance in its favor.

when they have an Irish sound, and cloning Van Morrison or UZ .would be a great way to increase record sales. , Thankfully, though, the Silencers avoid this trap to carve their own niche, The title- track is perhaps the strongest with its simple structure and soulful singing, Me-

instruments, combine them with the energy of rock and voila! Their third album, Ride, protiides pleasure at every turn.. Whether it is with a dance beat (New York Girls), a thoughtful lyrical tune (Love Vigilantes -a New Order original), or high powered accordian licks [Gamblers) this album satisfies. Along with the Pogues and The Men They Couldn’t Hang, the Oyster Band provides relief ,from all this trashy high-tech elevator music that insults the mind and poisons the soul.

rived to give pop music an edge to shred a pathetic decade to bits. In the eighties, the age of Rick ‘Astley and house music, salvation has arrived in the form of a revived and redefined folk movement, This is not music of the granola and alfalfa set of the past. The folk music from the U.K. (“rogue folk”] is tough, sharp and hungry to make a statement. One of the leaders of this revival is the Oyster Band. Babically w.hat they do is to take traditional melodies and songs, and


For the week ending July 22, 1988

At first, I thought I would write the review on the new album by White Zombie without listening to it. Then I thought: nab, better give the darn thing a listen. (I should have gone with my first choice.] In the forty-odd minutes it took to enjoy White Zombies particular brand of metallic dirge, my mind began to wander and my anal sphincter clamped itself shut. And I mean really stinking tight. What else could 1 possibly be doing? Driving a red hot spike into my cranium’, sucking puss from Gertrude Stein’s big toe, trimming nose hairs with a weed-whacker, all wonderful choices, but alas ‘fweren’t to be, White Zombies are a pitiful excuse for a metal band. While doing their best (?) impersonation of Metallica, they fail because they are a talentless bunch of* yutzes, There exists a very fine Iine between Thrash Metal and Trash Metal - and it’s more than just the “h”. Every song sounds like the previous song. The vocals are incoherent: the Iiner notes help, but then you realize how incredibly inane the lyricd actual1 are.

This album suckrr more t 3:l n n soapc? up Filter Queen.

-Mind Bomb I. The The ....................................... 2. Violent Femm& ......................................... -3 3. 10,000 Maniaca ........................... -Blind Man’s Zoo s 4.LoveandRockets ................ i.. ... ..-LoveandRocket .-Self Titled 5. Auderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe ............ 6. Proclaimers -Sunshine Qn Leith 7. Public Image Ltd. ....................................... -9 ............... -Rockland 8. Kiin Mitchell ...................... ............................

Just Arrived

1. 2. 3. 4% 5.


-Peace and Love 1. The Pogues -Iron Man 2, Pete Townsend .*...*,..*.....*..*....*****..*... 3. Per& .Ubu l *.........*..*...~..*,m...*.*.*.**.*... -Cloudland 4. Bob Mould @x-Husker Du) . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . -Workbook 5. Weddings, Parties, Anything.. . , -No Show Without Punch l











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by Michael Salovaara Imprint staff

by Mike Shirrif Imprint staff

:’ .,,,, > ‘.. :. . . . ‘. . .. ,‘I.


306 -King St. W. Kltchmer’ 742-l 261

ST. W.,



Imprint, Friday, July 28, 1989












: ,-

Animation thrills

could not be discouraged. While Mr. Johnson is the center of attentiod, pay attention to the antics of the cat in the background. In fact, much of the humour of this piece occurs as background action in dirgt contrast to the frantic behaviour of the reluctant cat owner. Art: 8 Entertainment: 10 The hands-down &inner of this tournament has to be Frederic Back’s The Man IVho Planted Trees, The sweeping, delicately constructed story of one man who converted a desob late, barren lqndscape in rural France into a thriving, lushly vegetated valley represents the heights to which animation may strive. This true recount of the life of Elzeard Bouffier stands along with Fantasia as one of the most astounding animations I have ever seen, I did not find the remaining animations outstanding for any r&ason’, so a simple rating will suffice.

by Jba Smith Imprint staff

Since the demise of the great days of Warner Brothers and Walt Disney animations, there have been few consistent sources of entertaining and artistic cartoons. Fortunately, the 21st International Tournee of Animation, along, with its twenty predecessors, ppovides a stable force within the world of cartoon entertainment. This year’s contribution offers fourteen diverse examples of the state of the art, ranging from pixelation to claymation and on to traditional hand drawn animation. Each of the shorts is rated below. Comments have only been included for those pieces that are remarkable for some ’ reason. 7~ Tours, a self-indulgent product of artistic masturbatioti, is one of the most pointlesd, mindnumbing pair of minutes imaginable. This vignette of faces and bodies moving like half animated zombies through a city park serves only to provide a counter-example against which to measure the remaining works in the film, Art: 4 Entertainment: 4 When the Bats are Quiet by Brazilian director Fabio Lignini is a work that, in contrast to the first two selection& is thoroughly gripping. His moody drama, starkly lit by an electrices. Anyone who has been cal storm’, grabs the viewer’s at- through a similar trauma will retention and holds on. Lignini has late to this on a aurpriaingly captured the feel of the live-ac- . deep level. tion Hollywood movies of the Art: 9 Entertainment: 10 1940s with this gripping black Technological Threat is the and white offering. only representative / from the Art: 8 Entertainment: 9 field of computer animation to Arnold Escapes from Church. in this year’s collection. The title says it all. The most appear In fact, that verv fact is used to entertaining offering in the heighten the eff&t in the attemPt whole show. to dramatize the conflict beCraig Bartlett animates poor tween man and technology. clay Arnold, forced by his family On screen, the classically anito attend Sunday church servimated wolves are slowly being *

Candyjam Art: 5 Entertainment: 6 The Writer Art: 8 Entertainment: 7 Portfolio of Richard Williams Art: 9 gntertainment: 8 Quinoscopio Art: 8 Entertainment: 7 Augusta Kneading Art: 8 Entertainment: 8 Living in a Mobile Wome Art: 7 Entertainment: 7 Pas a Deux Art: 7 Entertainment: 5 Lights Before Dawn Art: 7 Entertainment: 5

replaced by computer anirnated robots at their tedious desk jobs, The resulting showdown is reminiscent of the vintage Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck confrontations. Art: 9 Entertainment: 9 The Cat Came Back demon: strates the consistent high quality that has become the trademark of the the National Film Board. It is an extremely funny dramatization of the children’s -song- about the cat that

To sum up, the 2Ist Tournee of Animation is hertainly worth the price of admission, The Man Who Planted Trees is worth that rice on its own. Thoroughly Paced with well mad@+entertaining cartoons, the Tournee is a well deserved treat for the typical exam-bound scholar.

Globe of -frogs by

Ian Macqueen

Lead singer Bruce Weins calls them a “revival of the good old days in the backwoods of Nebraskd, or was it Nashville, where they used to make instruments out of birch bark and snot, A cross between Box Car Willie and Ratt, with a little bit of the King thrown in,” I’d prefer to call them a good local band on their way to stardom. They started the climb in front of an unsuspecting capacity * crowd July 12 when they opened for The Men They Couldn’t Hang

i I I 8

; I I

Two delicious treats, at a WITH couPoN ONLY delrciously low fXiC8. Both orb made with cool and creamy Dairy Queen’ SOP serve. And covered in hot fudge One’s served with a brownie. And the other, nuts. It’s a fudge lover s dream! So hurry while they’re hot! Now on sde at yoi:r part~apatinq Dairy Queen’ store



I 1 n


Weber & Unlvemkty We8tmount at Unhdty

-OPEN DAtLY UNTIL lmmmmmImmmmm~~-~~I~a

1 t P.M.




The Treefrogs combine compelling folk lyrics with melodicrock music to get what they like to call “folk rock”. The band concentrates on writing and performing their own music, and only played one cover tune during their hour- long set. -Although relatively inexperienced on stage, they managed to capture and retain the audience’s attention with their strong stage presence. The slower songs were a little less captivating, especially when they played several in a row, but overall the crowd seemed very responsive and liked what they saw.


1 l/89

I I 1

at Phil’s


The band has one tape out at present, and has been working in a local studio on a five-song tape which should be available in early





one to look


The killing by J. Michael Ryan Imprint staff You know it seems like yesterday that I was writing about the Joke’s appearance at RPM. But it wasn’t the day before today, it was months agd, chow time flied, how things change, how quickly we mould and eventually die. This time Killing Joke played at the Siboney, an infinitely mobe suitable venue than that warehouse on the waterfront. The smaller space afforded the Joke an opportunity to play at a more, intimate, almost subderma1 level. 1 Their set list wasn’t too different from their last appearance but the songs sounded a lot more immediate than before. They seemed to eviscerate their best tunes, peeling away‘all the niceties and leaving a bloody, spinal rhythm to pulsate fiercely in the midnight sun. They may be mouldy old prats with idiotic ideas about life, its meaning and purpose but this show reminds you that they’ve written some great songsi

As usual, Jaz is the focus of the festivities - bugged out eyes, silly danceg, moronic patter - a great front man, The rest of the crew almost blend into the background, which considering how mutated th.ey‘are, is a good thing. It’s amazing how well the older material holds up. The new stuff isn’t too bad either, Extremities .really kicks butt - as they like to say in rock and roll circles. The only real dud is the tedious epic Age Of Greed, for which the crowd was conspicuously unenthusiastic. Of course rock and roll has little to do with music and a Killing lake performance has little in comtion with objective reality. It’s


a pleasure

to see Jaz

try to inflict his .. . uti, well unique ideas on a confused audience. The




he tried to talk everyone into walking in a clockwise direction around “What’s

the the


N’o Jag, we just

club. No takers. matter are you

don’t feel strolling forward to term& nation. On the -whole, a tuff time was. to be had by tffose with the vilike

sion to see and the ears to hear. Stay tuned for Trevor’s monster

‘interview the fall.

with the Jokesters in

m SPO+RTS -n by Andrew R&age Imprint staff After a questionable bump with .Emerson Fittipaldi, Michael Andretti took the checkered flag this year at the Molson Indy in Toronto. With only two iaps left in the race; Fittipaldi managed to close an eight second gap between him and race leader Andretti on the Lakeshore straightaway, With . less than a second between the two cars going into turn three at the end of the straightaway, Fittipaldi tried to gain the lead by taking advantage of a small hole between Andretti and the inner track wall. In the same instant, Michael Andretti tried to close the space. He hit Fittipaldi in the rear wheels and sent him first into the wall and than skidding through the turn, While Andretti Michael Andretti leads the pack late in the race to win this year’s Molson Indy. sped through the turfi, Fittipaldi had to stop his car and back up to . get back into the race. 23 laps. Fittipaldi, a 42 year old early on in the race, Danny SulliFittipaldi for the bump after the Brazilian driving for the Marlvan came in third in his Penske race’, Michael Andretti was Twenty-six year old Andretti, PC-18 for the Miller High Life - booed by the crowd when he COGdriving a Lola-Chevrolet for the bore Racing Tear& took second lected his first place trophy. “I &Mart/Havoline team, went on in his Chevy powered Penske Penske team. Teo Fabi and Rick to win the race b 12.08 seconds PC-18. Mears placed fourth and fifth. didn’t know he was that close. -Although he led for 35 laps after holding the Tead for the last Even though he apologized to When I looked back in my mirror

by John Zachariah Imprint staff Guy Debord once said that the spectacle is the guardian of sleep. You’d never have known it, though, watching the thousands of rabid fans at the Molson Indy, the Canadian sport spectacle par excelJenc& in Toronto last weekend, None of them appeared to be asleep, unless you consider sleep to be the consumer mentality-induced brain death of Western society. Rut, I’m getting ahead of myself. The Molson Indy, held in Toronto every summer for the past four year& is the ninth event in the l&race CART/PPG Indy Car World Series. This year’, the season began in April in-Phoenix; the teams stopped in Indianapolis for the month of May. It was ‘here that 400,000 fans (the Iargest crowd for a single-day sports event ever) watched Emerson Fittipaldi drive a !%&mile race faster than anyone else that day. After a few other raced, the teams arrived in Toronto along with teams from the American Racing Series (ARS), the Corvette Challenge and the Player’s Ltd./GM Motorsport series. Notable names in this year’s CART/PPG Indy Car World Series include Mario and Michael Andrettt, Teo Fabi, Emerson Fittipaldi, Rick Mearg, Bobby Rahal, Danny Sullivan and Iast year’s Molson Indy winner Al Unser’, Jr.

he was a little spot. It’s’ a shame up the way it did. It definitely wasn’t intentional,” Andretti said later. Getting out of his car after the race, Emerson Fittipaldi was very upset but managed to cool down for the award ceremony, “I was already ahead of Michael but he made the move too late.” Fit.tipaldi set a new track record during qualifying rounds with a speed ofsl70.672 kin/h. The 1989 Molson Indv was free of any major accidents, The wprst came when Mario Andretti, father to winner Michael. sidesv viped Roberto Guerrero’s disabl ed CB1r1in almost the Bame place wher his son would later hit Fit :tipall i. Trying to pass Teo Fabi in the straightaway during the eighth lap, Andretti Sr. hit Guerrero’s cap, shearing off both left side tires before he hit the walI himself. He then slid through turn three, into the escape road and it ended

ans in the the CART/PPG race. Ludwig Heimrath Jr. competed in his third Molson Indy this weekend. Scott Goodyeat, who scored an eighth place finish in 1987, and Heimrath formed the first Canadian two-driver team at the Indy. John Jones was CART’s Rookie of the Year last year and finished seventh4n the ‘88 Molaon Ind3, the best finish ever by a Car&an. What you just read is a condensed version of the press material all the reporters received at the media centre in the EX’S automotive building, the main hall of which contained an immense exhibit of racing cars and was glutted by messengers

Danny Sullivan

takes an early lead.

Seconds after being bumped by Michael Andretti (seen in left L’ corner), Emerson Fillipaldi skids through turn 3.

was stopped by a wall of tires

~~ one was injured None of the threi Canadians who participated in the race finished.

Photos by Andrew Rehage


c 16









lJW .Comes in fourth by Rich Nichol and Glenn Hauer Imprint staff The Waterloo volleyball Warriors had waited long enough for a shot at the national title. UW ended up on the short end of a five game nailbiter against Western in the 1986-87 OUAA West division finals, The Warriors won the West in 1987-88, stealing the pennant back from the Mustangs’, but dropped another five game thriller to the U of T Blues in the OUAA championships. Therefore‘, Waterloo was mighty hungry to go to the CIAUs in 1988-89. And why not? With all of last season’s squad returning, UW was in its best condition for a national dhampionship attempt. The Warriors certainly showed their determination in the pre-season by claiming the gold at two different tournaments, In the Brock Invitational, Waterloo won nine of 11 games to take the crown, and notched six out of seven games, to clinch the East-West Tournament in London. The undefeated Warriors were more than ready to charge into league play. October 27 at Brock: Waterloo had no problem disposing of the mediocre Badger squad in their first league match, In less than 40 minutes, UW dismantled Brock in three straight games, 15-2, 15-2, and 15-3. Waterloo head coach Rob Atkinson formulated a confident response after the game, saying, “Unfortunately for the fans, this is the way it’s going to be most of this year!” November 1 verzw Laurier: Although they had to play in the small gym at the PAC, the Warriors felt comfortable in *their home opener against the Hawks, In the opening game, Waterloo was completely dominant, the score 15-l. The Warriors’ side out ball was unstoppable as a result of very accurate passing. Things didn’t change much in game two as Waterloo allowed only five Laurier points. On’s fake-to-middle reverse set by Tony Martins, power hitter Brian Damman went up without a block and smashed the ball onto open Laurier floor. Atkinson decided to try out his

Absolutely opponents

flawless: Waterloo was the pride of the OUAA West in 1988-89, 12-O in league play on the mad to the ClAU’s in Calgary.

sweeping Imprint

second-string in the third game, a strategy that made matters. worse instead of better for thE Golden Hawks. The Warrior bench players swept Laurier 15o in a game highlighted by strong performances from rookie Mike Fullerton and alternate setter Ian Hyman. Waterloo had finished’ their second 3-O massacre of the season in under 40 minutes. November 4 at Western: Finally, the Warriors played against a team with an offence that could actually challenge them. In the cavern-like confines of the Western gymnasiuni, Waterloo continued its flawless season defeating the Mustangs in three straight garhes, 15-8, 15-6, and 1542. Overconfidence plagued the Warriors in this match-as their offence sputtered. slightly. Neverthelesg, all five of the.starting hitters had eight to ten kills, showing Martins’ remarkable setting ability,

Martins also showed a strong defensive effort, leading Water-loo with 11 digs, and heading towards another OUAA all-star 4eason.

November 15 verBus McMaster: Waterloo showed no mercy in the first two games, pummeling the Marauders 15-3 and 15-l. Atkinson ,went to the bench crew in game three once again and Waterloo had the slight edge 13-8. But a lack of enthusiasm to win allowed McMaster to come back with six straight points and eventually steal the game on an exciting stuff block, 17-15. This ended the Warriors’ amazing II game winning streak. With the starters back on the court for game four+, it took the Warriors half the game to get rolling again. Waterloo stormed for seven straight points after an 8-8 deadlock to win the game 15-8 and the match 3-1. Waterloo is now setting the pace atop the OUAA West with a 4-0 record. Siblings Steve and Scott Smith had outstanding hitting games - Steve consistently effective. at the power position and Scott with ari impressive kill percentage.

November 22 VBISUS/Guelph:

_What more can ydu say aboufa team with virtually no competition in its own division? Waterloo took just under 50 minutes to defeat their next victim’, a somewhat confused Gryphon squad, 3-o.

The Warriors showed their authority early in the match, winning the first two games 15-6 and 15-0. Once agaiti, Atkinson brought out his bench players for some court time in game three. After building a 9-O lead, Waterloo’s replacement crew . settled for a 15-13 win td sweep the match 3-O. Fans and critics alike are now believing that UWs




the same calibre as most of the other OUAA West teams’ starting units, November 24 it Windsor: Despite not having two of their starters, the Warriors were veryconfident of bringing back a win from the long road trip to Windsor. But a combination of subpar l


tile phctta

passing and hyperactive hitting caused Waterloo to fall behind early in the opening game 10-6. Windsor native Dave Shum came to the rescue for the Warriord, serving nine straight tough float serves to win the game 159, 10,

Waterloo looked a little lazy on the court in game two, and it’ nearly cost them the game, Middle player Scot\ Smith offered up several impressive hits arid passes to edge out the Lancers, 15-9,

An unenthused Atkinson blasted the team at the bench before game three and the Warriors woke up, smoking Windsor 15-2, to win the match in three straight. January 10 vertiu8 Brock: After a well deserved break at Christmas time, Waterloo increased their unblemished record to 7-0 with a 3-O sweep of the Badgers. UW won the first two games 15-2 and 15-8. Brock cashed in on many Warrior mistakes in the third game, nearly pulling off an upset victory when they crept within one point at 1241, But Waterloo cleaned up their*act and clinched the match with a 15-11 win, In the CIAU listings, the Warriors are ranked ninth while York (at fifth) is the only other Ontario team with a higher standing. Jan. 20 at Lauriar: Following some fairly dismal performances at the York Excalibur and Winnipeg Invitational Tournaments, Waterloo rebounded back to true form ‘in league play against the Golden Hawks. The Warriors continued their merciless slaughterfest with three quick games, 15-3, 15-3, and X5-8.



versus Western:

Game one saw two nervous teams playing side out ball for a while. But with Dave Plouffe promoted to power hitter the Warriors soon took over game one -




Western’s passing continued to weaken their own attack in the second game of the match and, unfortunatel$ Waterloo fell victim to the same constraints. A lack of kills on side out balls cost UW the game 15-12. Bouncing baak in the third, the Warriors chalked up a convinc-

ing 15-2 victory, highlighted by a Steve Smith roof spike and a combination slam by Steve Heck and Martins. Confidence stayed with Waterloo and produced some good hustle, aggressiveness, and patience as the Warriors wrapped up the match with a 15-4 win in game four. January 27 at Guelph: After defeating tenth ranked Western’, Waterloo had a bit of trouble disposing of Guelph in their second meeting this season. In a match marred by low quality play, the Warriors eked out wing of 15-6, 15-10, and 16-14. Perhaps the Warriors were just saving energy for the upcoming weekend tournament. East-West Challenge at York: The strategy worked as the Warriors beat ninth ranked Toronto 3-1 and surprised third ranked York 3-O in exhibition play. This put Waterloo back into the CIAO rankings in eighth place. February 2 at McMaster: In a carbon copy performance of their previous meeting in league play, Waterloo defeated the Marauders three games to one by scores of 115-2, 15-5, 12-15, and 15-4. The Warriors now stand at 11-0, a phenomenally flawless record, with only one game left in the season.

Lava1 Carnival Tournament at Laval: UW was allowbd to have an on-court look at some of its nationally ranked opponents with an appearance at the Lava1 Carnival Tournament in Quebec. After defeating - fourth t ranked Laval, sixth. ranked Sherbrooke, and the University of Montreal in round-robin play, Waterloo took the gold medal in the finals against Lava1 and deservingly vaulted to third in the national ranks.


17 versus Windsdr:

Waterloo finished the regular season with an unblemished 1% 0 record after a 3-O lambasting of thi! Lancers. Hot off the Quebec Tourney, the Warriors vapourized Windsor IS-4,154, and 15-4 in a mere 37 minutes. OUAA West Division Semi-

Finals February 25 versus McMaster:

Although Mac c4inched the fourth and final playoff spot in the OUAA West with a mediocre 5-7 record, the Marauders were no match for the streaking Warriors.’ But the match was not a cakewalk, as Waterloo collected an ‘unusually low number of blocks and digs. Consequently, the contest became a side out affait, which would be won by the team with rthe least mistakes. A very boring first game saw 23 sideouts before. three points were scored. Qn the 14th point Martins and Steve Smith put up a huge block and were rewarded with the slam. The game ended 15-10.

The excitement started to build in game two. Heck nearly bounced the ball into the roof on a quick set by Martins. Scott Smith finished off the second game with a slam to make it 15-g. McMaster had dug themselves a deep hole and just fell into it in the third game, losing 15-5. After advancing to the finals in the OUAA West, Waterloo received




their ment Four

efforts with the announceof the all-star selections. of the six members of the OUAA Weet all-star team were Warriors: Marti.nb, Heck, Steve Smith, and Lech Bekesza. ,


on page 17



Friday, July 28, 1989


In. the OUAA West finals...

Waterloo f in~ished 12-O

Continued from page 16 Predictably,

skipper Coach

Atkinson of the Year

Waterloo picked up honours.

OUAA West Division Finals March 4 versus Western: In most other sportg, a game against Western would be an exciting rivalry. But 2000 Waterloo fans watched as the Warriors easily defeated the younger Mustangs 15-7, 15-11, and 15-8 to win the OUAA West final in three straight games, Western’s passing was atrocious and predictable in the first game, allowing Waterloo to jump ahead 13-2. The Warriors’blocking broke down a bit in game two. This, in combination with hitting errors’, enabled the Stangs to lose the middle game earning a respectable 11 points. On the winning point, UW’s Steve Smith cut a tough set onto the net. Fortunately, it rolled along the top of the net for five feet and teetered onto the Western court. Waterloo walked choking Mustangs


all over


in the final

Western put several serves into the twine with a lot of help from the crowd, who were dhanting, “Net! Net! Net!” OUAA Finals March 11 at York: Waterloo,

still with a third place national ranking, are guaranteed at least a wildcard spot at theCIAU$, no matter what the outcome is of ‘, the OUAA final, These thoughts may have possibly weakened the intensity of the Warriors’ play, as the fifth ranked Yeomen won the bragging rights for Ontario,

three games to two. Accordingly, their ranks were switched. Don’t get me wrong, Waterloo played extremely well in the first





some really tough serves. Combine this with some ‘Steve Smith’ kills and ‘Dave Plouffe’ .digs and the Warriors win 15-10 and 15-12. But then the roof fell in. York passed ‘perfectly in the final three games, York powerhouse Bill Knight, a member of the National Team, took control of game three while everybody else just watched, The Yeomen closed the gap to 2-1 with a 15-6 win. Without momentum’, the Warriors fell behind early in game four and eventually lost 15-10. With a 9-o deficit in the final game, Atkinson put veterans Jim McKinnon’, Plouffe, _and Fred

Koops together to bring the score to recovery status, 15-7. As the Warriors repair the emotional damage, they are off to the CIAUs in Calgary. CIAU Quarter Finals versus UBC Thunderbirds: Seeded fourth in Canada, UBC wasi a one-man wrecking crew. First

team all-Canadian Greg Williscroft mesmerized the Warriors with 30 kills, most of which were used to win the first two games for UBC, 15-12 and 15-12. A very stubborn and determined Waterloo squad did not give up, defeating the Thunderbirds 15-12 in the third. Heck stuffed a ball at the whining Williscraft a couple of times to cap off an easy 15-3 UW victory ._in game four. ‘tEXPEt?tEIVCE


Waterloo fell behind 8-O in game five, They needed to start an offensive attack a-nd also exert pressure on Williscraft to eliminate his resurging kill power. The plan came through as UW recovered to take the lead 14-10. Late

in the game, it was 15-14 Waterloo. On the following serve, Heck knew exactly where the ball was going to go,-as he slammed the UBC all-Star once again to win it, The crowd gave Watei’loo a standing ovation for their gritty comeback. CIAU Semi Finals versus Calgary Dinosaurs: Calgary is undoubtedly the best team in

Canada. Sporting player of the year Randy Gingera and second team all-Canadians Tom Elseti and Kelly Grasky, the Dinos collected a 36-2 record before the CIAUs. Atkinson’s strategy before the match was this: “ We will pres-

CIAU gold, leaving the-silver Manitoba in the finals. CIAU versus





York: After a tough 3-2 loss to York in the OUAA championship, Waterloo could now possibly gain revenge in the game that really counts for something. But it was not to be, Waterloo was disheartened, flat and uninspired. York built up an 11-O lead before UW scored a point and the Yeomen eventually won the first match 15-10. Yet, as always, Waterloo bounced back to lead 13-7 in game- two and were ready for a tough, exciting mat-ch. Unfortunately, the ill-fated Warrior9 then fell apart with

sure them as-much as we cati, and serve to Gingera to keep him out of the game.” At first glance, the game scores of 15-7, 15-7, and 15-6

may seem indicative of a blowout, but that wasn’t the case. Dint, setter Grosky commented after the game, “They were a good feam. All they needed to do was cut down on errors and it would have been very competitive. They had a confusing attack when their passing was on.” Waterloo’s mental lapses and bad passes were of no -help in battling the Dinos intense defense and varied attack, led by Grosky. The Dinos were virtuallyI errorletis and went on to the


Crunch1 The undefeated Vollyball Warriors play with floggings’of Brock and Laurier.




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160 Uriiversity Ave, W, Waterloo 886-0711 Mon - Fri: 9-9; Sat: 9-6



Continued from page 15


steamed into league flk photo

-Molson lndy

-- Rlom!AN 5skLdW

1 it9.;:

two hitting errors and three bad passes, York edged Waterloo for the second game, 18-6. The deflated Warriors couldn’t recoup. York took the third and final game 15-6 in front of a small crowd of Waterloo fa:thful. Post-season thoughts: Overall, it was an amazing season for this highly talented squad. The players can hold their heads high, as they were the pride of Waterloo Athletics this past season. The calibre of the competition in Canadian volleyball this season was tremendoud, a fourth place finish is something to be proud of.

8 J

People who stayed in their living rooms in Kitchener were telling me about crashes that had taken place yards away from me but to which I was oblivious. Ah, the miracle of television; the best seat artiund., Mind you, ‘I gleaned a few interesting facts while milling about, For instance, did you know that the heart rate of an Indy car driver can go as fast as 195 beats a minute, which is faster than an astrotiaut’s at takeoff? The average heart rate for the drivers is about 175 bpti, which is comparable to that of an Olympic-level marathon runner. Not only that, on hot days (which the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd were, reaching temperatures of about 32 degrees Celcius), the cockpit temperature of the cars can average 150 degrees Fahrenheit, leading to severe dehydra-

tion, This, in turn, affects the co-ordination of the driver. Sd, despite what you may think, race car drivers are truly athletes, rather than just “drivers,” These facts are reasonably interesting, but they still didn’t make the Molson Indy any more . intereating as a spectator event. And all that free pop and Beeman’s chewing gum didn’t help much [though the Snap-On Tool calender was all right). Sixty-two thousand people gathered, like the Roman citizens of yore, to view wasteful sport ai their civilization crumbled about their heads, As Carpophourus the beast-master and his ilk squandered the valuable resources of the Roman empire to help whitetish the creeping


so now

do the

CART/PPG teams glom ‘increasingly scarce fossil fuel49 for today’s circuses.







28, 1989’


C-R competitive league finals. by Sandy Kunej

and playoffs, One final special thank you to Lynn Montag of Campus Recreation for typing the Winit awards, See you in the Winter term!

Men’s basket ball On Tuesday, July 18, the centre court of the PAC played host to the much anticipated finals of the men’s competitive basketball league. By the end of the night, champions had been determined in the five divisions. The championship evening began with the C division title up for grabs. In second, the Chemadians capped an undefeated season by downing West 4, 35 - 29. Next on the court, Massive Kintusion



Women’s Soccer Although relegated to second place at the conclusion of league play, the Sock-hers pulled through to take the Women’s Soccer title. The championship game was a close battle with the Sock-hers taking the better end of the 2 - I score over the Spazzes who had trouble finding the net.


the Cinderella team of the playoffs, Spent. But no Fairy Godmother was to appear this night, as the top seeded Massive Kintusion overpowered Spent, 43 .’ 3T, to capture the B3 division title. The B2 Division final followed, pitting Tamil Taximen against the Chiefs. After starting the second half four points dowti, the high-flying Taximen rallied back to witi, 48 - 44, in a very physical contest. The excitement heated up some more as Buster Highman jumped off against Dunk-a-Mania, In what can be considered an upset, Dugk-a-Mania spoiled Buster Highman’s perfect record, by edging them 38 - 34, to earn the Bl division crown. Finally, the evening culminated with the A division championship. Coming off a one point deficit at the half, the Wet Goats from Hell regrouped to storm away with the title. They, tad, iced a perfect season by defeating the Tornadoes, 44 - 35. Congratulations to all those layers who participated in the Peague, especially to the finalists and champions. Thanks to Colin Anderson for organizing the referees and to the referees for their work throughout the season, Ak, thank you to Leon Ashford for his assistance with the organization of the league

Men’s Soccer The A division championship game resulted in the first and second .ranked teams after league play meeting in this finA1 to battle it out for the title, The Old Boys retained their number one Did you know that drowning spot by defeating Dienasty in a is the second leading cause of actough game by a score of 3 - 1. \ cidental death of Canadians The number four ranked N4 under 55 years of age? To combat Hurricanes, who had defeated these deaths, the Royal Life Savthe number one ranked Psychoing Society has teamed up with s s to earn their position in the the Ministry of Tourism and Rec x ampionship game, challenged creation and the Brewers of Onthe seventh ranked Rhode Schotario in launching Drowning lard, who had overcome the third Prevention Day August 5. ranked team, W.C.R.I. N4 HurriRecreational aquatic accicanes took home the Bl Division dents account for over 1200 fatitle, talities annually in Canada. This The B2 division championship number is greater than the went to the W3 Wandering Jewb, number associated with air diswho outplayed the Mad Mechs asters, commercial shipping in a game of surprise finalists. tragedies and rail disasters comSt. Paul’s Bible Thumpers were true to their number one league ranking as they defeated Rampage in the B3 Division championship.


Men’s Hockey The Waterioo Warriors skated the victory lap after their Men’s Hockey final win. The game went into overtime before the Warriors put the puck in the net ,to defeat the Poor Kids, Finishing . third, the Pre&choolers wrapped up a tight game with an empty net goal in the final minute to --make the_-.--score 4 - 2.




Weekqnd counrellors for developmentally delayed individuals. Minimum 8 month commitment. 6@J/hr. Leave message for Don Mader after 2 pm. 884-6012, 886-5201.

for sale - in other words: a desk, a chair (one of those comfortable adjustable types), and a small filing cabinet. Dad said I could keep the money so I’m setting it for less than cost1 Call Angela at 888681 5.

HoMa Civic ‘81 - new exhaust system, radiator, battery, tires in good condition. Good pans car. $300 or best offer call Marliee at 884-9065,

Wlnnlpeg - Rlde available, Aug 25, must be witting to Shamredriving &gas. Cal I’ 884-2056.


tlve In a damp basement? You need a dehumidifier1 Call Angela 888-6815, very cheap, Avai table for sate August.

32 years experience, etectronic typewriter, Westmount area. .95C double spaced page. Call 743-3342.

1962 Suzuki GS 750. Stored last 3 years, tow mitage: Great condition. S13oooO or best offer. Must sell! 746-


Word Procerrlng, speltcheck and letter quality print, Pick-up/delivery available. Fast service, St 5o per double spaced page. Call Mark 746-4357.

One complete set of principles, along with an entire value system and a semi-adult dose of integrity. Also in the market for new family. and friends. Best offer, call Barbara D.

Lakeshore resldentr, professional word processing available in your neiahbourhood. $1 so per doublespaied page. Call Mark 346-4357.

SERVICE8 Gary’8 Moving - man w/smaH CUM van and appliance cart available weeknights, weekends - 830ihr. in Kitchener-Waterloo; out-of-town extra Gary 746-7160.

Word Procesrlng. WitI type term papers, Theses, reports, resumes, etc. Letter quality printer. On campus delivery, pickup. Call Sharon 656’-3387.


Chesterfield and chair in great condition. $85 for the set, negotiable! 746651 4.

Fast, professlonal word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser orinter. Suzanne, 886-3857. For 8% d.s.p. 1’tt type essays/reports. Letters, reFast efficient service. sumes, theses atso done. WestmountErb area. Phone 886-7153.

bined. The highest at risk are males, accounting for 85 per cent of the total. One third of drownings involve boats, usually small craft under 18 feet in length. More than 50 per cent of all boating fatalities involve alcohol, The campaign aims to reach those at high risk. Typically these are the people who don’t take swimming lesstins and/or don’t frequent public swimming facilitieb, yet flock to the water by the millions each summer. August 5 was chosen as it is the


5 bedroom house available Sept. 1 ca It 746-6327. Brand new 4-level split house, 4 appt iances, Fischer-Halt man/University Ave. area (onty 2.5 km) call 578-4935 or l-756-9266 after 6 pm. Housetorsale, $11.6,000, neardowntown Waterloo in lovely older neighbourhood. Two bedrooms, original pine floors, tastefully decorated. Call collect 416-457-2785.

Too lazy to look for ourselves: Two females seek townhouse or rooms in house for January term. Preferably close to Campus on Philtip Street. WiIt sublet. Get rid of your place earlyt Call 885-3967.

PERSONALS Lobotomies available upon request1 No more troubles! No more worries1 Try out a whole-new personatity, experience a totally new perspective1 Re.sutts guaranteed1 Just look at Ms. Barbara Ot




Saturday of the August long weekend, the weekend in the summer when most Ontarians drown. Campaign messages warn Ontarians th#at: - excess drinking and boating don’t mix; - you should check the depth of the water before diving; - an overloaded boat can capsize; and - hypothermia kill; among other messages. So take a tip from the campaign; think before you go out on the water,,

Triathalon by Judy Holland8 Imprint staff

FOR 8Al.E Off lee furniture


Over 450 competitors endured last Sunday’s heat to compete in the Big Brothers fifth annual Triathalon held at the Laurel Creek Conservation Area. The event included a one km swim, a 40 km bike ride and a 10 km run. Richard Browne of Toronto was the top male, completing the course in 148.29’and Julie White of Barrie was the top female with a time of 204.08.

Cash awards were given to the top 10 male and female competitors with first place receiving $200 and1 10th place receiving $25.

The event’s main organizef, Jan Ciuciurti, said that after expense& the event raise $10,000 fur the Big Brothers of K-W, which is ‘about the same amount as was raised last year. The race is planned to go ahead again next year des ite complaints from people who Pive in the area saying that the competitors disturb them.




By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda, with no downpayment, before you graduate. If you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this exc_!usive offer for graduates.





from page 18



20$ Ca8h - Students in first and second year between 18 - 25 years of age are invited to participate in a cardiovascular Reactivity Study. No exercise necessary, only healthy males ,and females wilting to join the other 160 students. Call 8arb or Anna ext. 6786. ACCKWA, AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener/Waterloo and Area is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing education and support for individuals and the community about the Humari lmmunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We provide an information, referral and counselling hotline: 7418300, Monday to Friday, 1000 am. 500 pm., 700 pm. - 11 :OO pm. If you would like more information - call us, or drop in toour House, at 886 Queens Blvd., Kitchener. Get the facts about AIDS1 Attention gmdurter. Out of money? Mabe we can help with a personal loan. Bank of Commerce, Campus Centre.



Poke State is coming! Police State is coming1 Gimme that old time religion, gimme that old time religion, if it’s good enough for Barbara D., it’s good enough for me! Public, dosed,study - PAJ - Pigs Against Jessica1 Hold on to your washbottles - (coming to a lab near you!)



Clayton! Hen@! You stopped holding my hand! They stopped taking my picture! I had to do something!! I’ve changed my mind.again, I want to tell everybody how swell you guy’s are, but Greg won’t let me... Have you taught English in Japan or Taiwan? 1 would like to find out about your experience. Would you drop me a line at Imprint? Dave L. .

Teiecare: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re an anonymous, confiCo-op students. Out of dential telephone distress line. , Attention money? Mabe we can help with a perLonely? Worried? Troubled? Call uti sonal loan. Bank of Commerce, Cam658-6805 (local call), Day or Night! pus Centre. Obsessed with your weight? If you are suffering from anorexia or bulimia and The K/W Chapter of the “Reliable are interested in joining a self-help Bible Institute”, founded in Throwgroup composed of others in your si-, back, Ontario, wishes to remind you tuation. call Marie at 885-4341. “University ladies”, in these exciting days of bribery and betrayal for God Co-ordinatom needed for Watpubs in of one of our favorite mottos: “Quit Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Sarnia, your job, raise your babies, and pray London, Calgary. Apply to Andrew some nice man will marry you in spite Bornyi, Watpub Commissioner, Fed of your past.” Be real women 1 , office. CC 235. 888-4042.




qg I


Need spending money? We have an easy way for you to earn 20% All we ask is 4 hrs of your time of which one is yours to relax in a Lazy-boy. No excercising required. 1st or 2nd yr students only. Call 885-1211 ext. 6786. U of W seeks married couples for study examining family structure. Must be planned parents or permanently childless by choice. Call 8841580. Adoif Hitler {a very misunderstood gentleman), said “Children, church and kitchen are the only legitimate ’ concerns of women.” Thanks to the inspired actioi-ts of Barbara D., happy days are just around the corner! This message is brought to you by the local. chapter of the “Reliable Bible Institute”. Happy Birthday Mickey! Let’s experience the halo effect some time this weekend in honour of your b-day. It’s been a great summer - hope to set fire to a kitchen with,you in the fall. What? What? What What? Love Sarah.

Wutpubr! Check this issue for dates and times of the first ones. LOST Roommate’s brain: last spotted singing “If you knew Suzie like I know Suzie” and trying to figure out which Dairy Queen is closer to Sunnydale. If found, please return. Happy Birthday va nutl Lost one gold hoop earring between University Plaza I and Waterloo Tawn Square. Retiard - sentimental value, call 886-8923. -Lo$t: respect and esteem of family ’ and. friends through betrayal. Any shred ti dignity found please return to Barbara D.

FOUND Analog watch found on road, at entrance to village, around June 10. It still works. Call Larry 746-0208,





Paper Sculpture, Monoprints and Lithoprints on display till August 27 at the Homer Watson House & Gallery, 1754 Old Mill Road, Kitchener. Sculpture is by Mary Catherine Newcomb and the mixed media works by Judith Morsink. Call 748-4377 for more information.


Wedding of the year1 Featuring a balloon release, and a big paw afterwards. Thanks to everyone who helped out - hope all our guests have a great time today - Jeff and Fleur.





Ebytown Food CO-op hosts its monthly orientation session for prospective members at 7:00 pm. in the store, located at 280 Phillip St., building A4, lower floor. If wholesome food at reasonable prices is important to vou. be sure to attend1




Amnesty International plans fall events at a general meeting in the CC., room 135 at 7:30pm. A social at the Grad House follows the meetina. ~ --Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic today in St. Francis Catholic Church, 49 Blueridge Avenue. (corner of Queen and Westmount in Kitchener). Between 1130 and 8:oO pm. Please remember to eat before vou donate.






Benjamin Thomas - Oyehnda. New works in Stone. The artist wiII b8 present from 11 :OO am. to 400 pm. today at Gallery lndigena 151 Downie St. Stratford. For more information please call 271-7881.







“!!!us!ons, Ai!us!ons” is a unique display of sculpture combining leather and steel by Rex Lingwood at the Kitchener/Waterloo Art Gallery, Eastman Gallery, opening lo:00 am. The artist will be present at a special recept ion on September 14. For more information please call 579-5860. Scrabble Piuyerr Club meeting at 7:30 pm. in MC 3012, Mathematics & Computer Building. Bring boards & dictionaries. Phone 579-3695 for details. Visitors, beginners, other tanguages welcome. English, French, Russian & Hebrew boards available for play. The 1950’s: Works on Paper, opens tonight at 7:30 pm. to the accompanyment of the Ted Bohn quanet playing jazz pieces pbpular at the time, at the Library and Gallery, Cambridge (Gait), 20 Grand Avenue North. The exhibition illustrates Changes in the Canadian Art scene after World War It, moving towards abstract expressionism, The show is part of the Art Gallery of Ontario’s collection and is brought to the Region by the A.G.O.‘s Extension Services Department, Show continues until August 29. For more information, call Gordon Hatt at l62 l-0460. Eighty/Twenty: 1 m-years of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Desigri; A multi-media exhibition, including watercolours,photography, textiles and videos, begins today at the Kitchener/Waterloo Art Gallery, Main Gallery. Show continues until September 17. For more information, please call 5795860.

Fallow the “Trail of the Black Walnut” to the anirual Black Powder Rendezvous ‘at Doon Hertiage Crossroads, R.R. 2, Kitchen&. In the tradition of the fur traders, trappers, woodsmen, and buckskin-clad moutain men of old, Doon Hertiage Crossroads invites you to a re-creation of a rendezvous from the fur trade era. Trade with campers for blankets, watch tomahawk throwing contests, and have some rabbit stew! For more information, call 74%-l 9,l4. -. Midsummer’8 Day at Woodside National Historic Park, 528 Wellington Street North, Kitchener. Experience the late Victorian world of William Lyon Mackenzie King through a great array of enjoyable activities, including 1890’s fashion talk, period games, puzzles, toys, and cooking on a woodstove. For more information call 7425273.




Amnesty intemationai holds its last meeting of the term in C.C., room 135 at 7:30pm. New members welcome at 7:OO pm. A social at the Grad House follows the general meeting.




Ouffy Wilson - New Works in Stone. Meet the artist today betw?en 11 :oO am. and 400 pm. at Gallery Indigens 15! Downie St. Stratford. Duffy is an Iroquois carver. For moie information plt3ase call 271-7881.




“Watsrcoiour Wonderr” is the name of a new exhibit opening today at The Staircase Gallery, at the corner or Henry and William Streets in the Village of Wellesley. The paintings are by artists from the workshop of Bea Hogan will be in attendance at the opening, from 2:OO till 4:30 pm.



14 - 19

The Peace and Justice Centre - presents a 15 member Columbian musical grqup from Bogata at Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church on Monday, August 14 at 7:30 pm. Free. For details, call 9 745~9025. K-W Chamber Music Societq presents the “Penderecki Quartet”, with Robert Kortgaard on piano, playing Haydn, Schubert, and Dvorak. At 800 Monday August 14 in the EZCMS Music Room, “57 Young Street West, Waterloo. 81 20° students. Tickets at the’ UW Box Office and the door. For details call 8861673-a.



14 - 19

Slide iliustrated lecture accompanying the exhibit “The 1950’s: Works on Paper “, witI be presented on Thursday, August 17 at 7:30 pm. at the tibrary and Gallery of Cambridge (Galt), 20 Grand Avenue North. For more information about the lecture, please call Gordon Hatt at l-621 -0460. Jerry Jonathon: Sculptures in Marble and Alabaster. Jerry Jonathon, from the Six Nations Reserve, Brandford; wilt be present Saturday, August 19, between 11 :OO am. and 4:QO pm. at Gallery Indigena, 151 Downie St. Stratford. For more* information Dtease call 271-7883.



20 - 26

tie Themar: Soapstone Sculpture. Iroqupis legends in stone. Gene Thomas will be present one day only on Saturday August 26 from 11 :OO am to 4100 pm. at Gallery Indigena 151 Downie St. Stratford. For more information please call 271-7881.


27 - 31


Come outto either of the two YMCA’s for a Peace Picnic, on Sunday, August 27 from 1:OO until 600 pm. There witI be swimming, fitness, garhes for children, family activities, and a balloon release. We’ll finish things.off with a potluck supper. For details, call 743-5201.

MONDAY Home of Debates meets every Monday at 600 pm. at St. Jeromes’ room 229. New members are always welcome. The Community of Human Development has a weekly meeting at 7:30 pm., in CC 138B. If you want to organize positive change in society, you are welcome!

TUESDAY Eckrnkar Centreopen on Tuesdayevenings from 7:30 to 900 pm. For information. or books. Everyone welcomed. 171 Queen ‘St. S. 8860759.

Play GO! classes at Hall, room all players x6887.

Beginners invited to Go 700 pm. in B.C. Matthews lO40+ Free playing time for at 7:30 pm. Call x4424 or

Chap! Service: today at 4:30 pm. Conrad Grebet College Chapel. There are no Sunday evenin’g services this term. Luke,, Luke,use the force Luke. Go to the University of Waterloo at 600 pm. each Wednesday. There in the Clubs room qf the CC you wilt find WATSFIC. There you will be able to learn to use the force. But beware the dark side... Laymen’8 Evangelical fellowship Bible study. CC-1 IO at 7:30 pm. Ail are welcome.

Womyn’s Group - meets .in CC 135 (usually) at -&30 pm. Come out and enjoy movie nights, educational evenings, dances, road trips and casual discussions. For weekly events call 88;4-GLOW or listen to 94.5 FM, ‘Thursdays from 6-8 om.

Counsei!ing reer Match

*wIce8 presents “Ca(Occupational Choices)“.

Explore your future car& possibilities using the latest personal computer technology! One-hour labs throughout the term. Information and sign-up sheets tire available in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, second floor, room 2080. Answsm Question8on career planning and the job search process. ..that’s what your summer SVA (Stud8nt Vocational Advisor - Carol WiIIiamson) is here forl Plan to drop into the SVA off ice - Mondays and Wdnesdays from 1O:OO am. - 12:oO pm., Campus Centre, room 138. All students welcome. City oi Waterloo has opened “Attitudes”, this area’s first skateboard facility at Albert McCormick Arena in Waterloo. “Attitudes” is open Monday to Friday from 200 - 4:3O pm. and 500 - 7:30 pm; Saturday and Sunday from 1ZOO - 2%) pm. aqd 3:W - 5:3O pm.’ The facility wiH remain open until August 25, 1989. For more information call “Attitudes” at 885- 17dduring program hours.

DO you think you have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Call 742-6183. Weekly meeting open to the public Thursdays, 300 pm. Village TwoConference room (beside main office). Waterioo Jewirh Students Association Bagel Brunch; food, people, that kind of thing. 11:30 to 1:30 in CC 135. Chess Club. For both casual and serious players, CC 138, 7:oO - lo:00 pm. For more information contact: Bob Lim: 746-2109, Joe Aleixo: B846848.

Chinese Chr!st!an fellowship weekly meeting. 7:00 pm., WLU Seminary Building, room 201. All welcome. For transportat ion call 746-5769.



Laymen’s Evangeiitai felbwship evening service. 7:OOpm. at 163 University Ave. W., Apt 203 (MSA). All are welcome.



WuHiE86AY GtOW (Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo) operates a coffee house every Wednesday in room 110 of the Campus Centre at the University of Wat8rloo from 9:OO to 11 :OO pm. AH are welcome. Call 884-GLOW for more information. Feminist Discurs!on Croup. Meets every Wednesday from 7:OOIo 9:oO pm at Global Community Centre. Top@ and group vary weekly so that all women are welcome anytime. For mor8 information 579-3941. Amnesty Intemationri Group 118. Come join the Conspiracy of Hope. Work on behalf of prisoners of conscience throughout the world. Everyone welcome. CC 135, 7:30 pm.

Old country games, here and now, New exhibit of multicultural games featuring German, Mediterranean, Oriental and Korean games. 9:OOam. to 5:OO pm. Sundays 1 :OO - 590 pm. Museum and Archive of Games; BMH, free.






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