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Weekend: Show and hail, many clouds. Monday: Sunny, high of 72, low of 32. Tuesday: Drizzle and an earthquake. Wednesday: -27.6OCfrom 11:34 a.m. to 245 p.m. Thursday,: PCB storage site in K-W will catch on fire, sending toxic gases all cwer. Stay inside. Friday: Imprint published. A,great day for all man (and woman) kind.


Housing forum heats everyone up by Mike Sore

Imprint staff Recommended amendments to the City of Waterloo’s zoning by-laws may impede the city’s ability to restrict the number of students who can live in a single dwelling. The current by-laws, which allowed no more than five unrelated persons to live’in a single dwelling, were struck down by the provincial government as being discriminatory. As a result, the city has been left with zoning by-laws which it can not enforce. On October 11, the city held an information meeting to discuss amendments to the by-laws. The meeting, which was attended by about 100 homeowners and students, including student representatives from UW and WLU, was at times heated and emotional. A report prepared by city planner Rob Deyman, outlining seven possible zoning by-law approaches, was the basis for discussion. The report’s approaches range from maintaining’the status quo, to creating a student housing zone similar to one which exists in Kingston. * The report concludes that city council should adopt a “definition approach.” 4 This zoning scheme would see the definitions of “family,” “dwelling unit,” “boarding house” and “foster child”, deleted from current by-laws. They would be replaced by the new definitions of “Single Housekeeping Unit,” “Dwelling Unit,‘,’ “Boarding House,” and “Boarder.” The approach would also result in the repealing of the Interim Control by-law, which pr’ohibits the conversions of single detached dwellings to multiple unit forms and boarding houses in the Central-Fountain neighbourhoods. speakin Ialong-side WLU stbdent council vice-presi dent, Stuart Lewis, Fran Wdowczyk, UW vice-president (university affairs), told city officials that “we are leaning toward (the definition approach), with minor revisions. The wording is not exactly the way we would like to see it, but we feel that is the best option.” The two student representatives say they also want the city to fund a study on student housing. Ultimately, Wdowczyk says she would like to see the city allow “unlimited occupancy (of dwellings], and use stronger by-law enforcement” to reduce noise, ensure premises are maintained and handle other by-law infractions. Most residents who spoke at the meeting ex-

pressed concern with the way the city and their neighbourhoods look, not with the student housing. Absentee landlords, landlords who do not maintain premises and students who do not understand their rights are the major contributors to the problem. Lakeshore resident Al Hunter told the meeting he would like to see a more vigorous enforcement of by-laws and more responsibility placed on the shoulders of landlords. John McMenemy, a Fountain Street resident and professor at WLU, declared “Waterloo is becoming a slum. Waterloo will be characterized by slums.” He said students only get a “snapshot” view of the city and do not see the deteriorating conditions, McMenemy placed the blame on politicians, landlords, student and the universities. Peter Huggins, of Hazel Street, pleaded with city council to place restrictions on all types of housing. “Otherwise you are going to ghettoize the area around the universities, and some of us would like to live there a little longer.” The comments by McMenemy, Huggins, and others, who told similar stories of deteriorating conditions in their neighbourhoods, stirred the emotions of residents in the audience, ‘often drawing applause, cheers of support and nods of understanding. In an attempt to improve relations between residents and students+ the student governments at the two universities are currently examining the feasibility of “student self-policing” and establishing a 24 hour complaints hot-line. But Wdowczyk says these ideas are “definitely in the infancy stage.” “The emphasis is on getting students to know what their rights are,” says Wdowczyk. “Once they know (their rights), they will feel more comfortable and be willing to do more *to maintain their residences.” The report’s recommendations are to be discussed by Waterloo City Council at 7:30pm on October 23, 1989 in the Council Chambers. Wdowczyk, however, feels the city will wait until after the November 18, housing sympo’ sium, to be held at WLU, before making any by-law amendments. The symposium is being hosted by the City of Waterloo, WLU and UW. Invited are representatives from all of Ontario’s universities and university communities, as well as representatives from the provincial government.

JPOF Fran Wdowczyk would like to see the City of Waterloo sllow “unlimited occupancy (of dwellings), and use stronger byaw enforcment” to reduce noise, ensure premises are naintained and handle other bylaw. infractions. photoby Mike Swo

Welcome to Waterloo,


by Leslie Perrault Imprint staff

After five years of living in Sudan, Yigebawal ZeleIew can finally continue his education safely. The University of Water100 is sponsoting Yigebawal, who is a political refugee from Ethiopia. This is Yigebawal’s first year of university, although he graduated with high marks from a high school in Ethiopia, His education there was in.EngIish, and he speaks it well. Ylgebawal is enrolled in honours science. He thought UW would be smaller than it is, and also finds it cold here. In E!thiopia, the teqperature usually ranges between 21 and 26 degrees Celsius. Because refugees allowed into Canada receive landed immigrant status immediately, YG gehawal will be allowed to work in Canada as soon as he graduates and stay as long as he



Before 1984,Yigebawal lived with his brother in Bahardar, Ethiopia, which has a population of about 30;0oo. The city has one textile industry. The capital city of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa. Currently, Ethiopia is in the midst of a civil war. Because of this war, crops in some regions

gram offered by the World University Services of Canada (WUSC), which operates out of Ottawa and has offices all over the world. The organization runs programs’ and events that raise cultural awareness, such as cultural caravans. UW accepted Yigebawal with an agreement to pay for his first year of education. The University pays for four months of his residence fee at Village One and his tuition+ and the Federation of Students pays for the otherfour months and living expenses; Yigebawal is guaranteed summer employment after the first year. Hopefully after that, with, the help of O.S.A.P., Yigebawal,wilI be able to pay his own Nay. Fran Wdowczyk, Vice President (University Affairs), says that there are “fewer foreign students here now than there were at one time.” She believes that international students enrich

Ethiopian refugee student Yigebawal Zelefew’s jointly- sponsored by the University and the photo by Nell Bavtt \v Federation of Students.



-; ’ . .: 1. . i ; ? :.

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focus”E?iiother culture, and ‘that is what university life is all about. “We’re trying to give someone a chance who normally wouldn’t have a chance,” as well, said Wdowczyk. She stated that helping refugee sttidbit’b g&in an education is definitery a “way to deal positively with some of the persecution in the world.”

i y , / ,I :



Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989



Improved services

UW receives by Mike Soro Imprint staff


UW received $299,000 from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to improve its accessibility for students with disabilities. The grant is part of a $4 million accessibility funding envelope the ministry has established for universities and colleges in Ontario to implement or enhance support services for students with special needs. The allocation will become a permanent component of the base ’ funding for universities. The decision to provide accessibility funding w,asmade on advice from the Ontario Council on University Affairs. Florence Thomlinson, UW coordinator of services for disabled persons, says she is excited about the allocation. “We have been operating for five and a half years with no funding except what the university could afford. Up until now the government has done nothing.” According to Thomlinson, many Ontario universities have done little to provide support services for students with disabilities. As a result, students with disabilities have beeri discouraged from attending university or college. “They are getting through the high schools and making it to university because the high schools are now accessible. The universities did not prepare for these students, and are now trying to catch up.” Without a budget, the Office of Services for Disabled Persons has survived since 1984 on a strong volunteer base, and hundreds of hours of overtime by Thomlinson and her small dedicated staff. Currently, the office offers reading services for blind stu-



dents and assists new students in becoming oriented with the campus, accompanies students back and forth from , classes, helps them set-up in the classroom, proctors examinations and generally helps the students cope with university life and eventually become as independent as possible. With the provincial funding, Thomlinson plans OII improving services and purchasing equipment “needed to bring the opportunities for students with disabilities up to the same level as everyone else.” , Items so far on the shopping list include, two computers and speci,alized software, four TDD telephones, FM hearing equipment [which will be on loan) and a Kurzweil Reader which scans book type and, with a voice output, “reads” to the user. The office has already hired a part-time councillor to help with disability related problems or difficulties and intends to also use part of the funds to hire more clerical staff. Thomlinson says there is a need for a “standard of provisions” at all Ontario universities and colleges. “Students with disabilities should be able to choice between any university in Ontario, knowing they offer the same standard of provisions.”

Doug Wright congratulates

a recent graduate as Florance Thomlinson

Hey dude, charge it! by Scott Murray Imprint staff

In an attempt of attain this goal, Thomlinson and hep counterparts at other Ontario postsecqndary institutions meet on a regular basis and discuss ideas, The manner in which UW allocates its funds will be based on these meetings and the needs of its students. L

Are you ready to d&over the magic of your true self and your true power? Do the course. Use the techniques. Jotia network of graduates numbering several million strong in 63 countries worldwide. Ancient techniques and

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modem research combined in an internationally renowned and respected program in which you will learn b use your mirrd to be more’ productive, confident, positive, and successful. ....and you’ll have a.great time, too.

The University of Waterloo Alumni Association launched the UW Mastercard in September in hope of offsetting the cost of its Quarterly Alumni Magazine. Applications are being accepted for both UW graduates and undergraduates. This card, iwhich features the Dana Porter library on it, is a Bank of Montreal affinity Mastercard with a wide range of features. These include one per cent off the standard Bank of Montreal Mastercard interest rate, and credit card’s registration service, among others. These services do not come free, however - an annual $10 fee is charged which is being waived for the first year. This fee is not expected to increase in the near future. The Alumni Association is also looking at forming a Users’ Group with other affinity card holders, with the idea of possibly providing further benefits to their: card holders. This would not increase the $10 fee charged by the bank. Alumni Affairs hopes that there will be 3500 to 4000 cards issued in the first year of the card. So far, around 850 applications have been processed. Accarding to the Bank of Montreal, this is a good turnout based on other University affinity cards. The Alumni Association wants to raise $35,000 a year from the card, which will pay for the cost of publishing one issue of their magazine. Currently, they get l/4 of one per cent of the purchases made with the card, but a high use of the card will push this to around 0.3 per cent of the purchases made. Apart from the initial promotion in October’s issue, there are no plans for on-going promotion af

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hired a full time staff person JO handle its promotion, and they raised $106,000 in their first year. The Alumni Association is also planning on suggesting ways of maintaining control of your credit. For further information, contact Joy Roberts from the Alumni Association at extension 2959.

Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989



day of action

by Susan Butler Bob Rae, leader of the NDP, also addressed the cheering crowd saying, “No politician, no matter how well-meaning or allknowing they think they are, has the right to tell women what to do with their bodies.” When the roar of the crowd subsided, he added that we “are fighting for the day when women can make a choice without fear or intimidation.” The NDP is the only party that has expressed an opinion concerning the abortion issue.

Keep the coat hangers in the closet, Keep your laws off my body, Men for women’s choice; these were among the many signs carried by Pro-Choice demonstrators at the National Day of AGtion in Toronto on Saturday, October 14. More than 3,500, men and women gathered at Queen’s Park in a demonstration of the strength of the Pro-Choice majority. When the rally moved to the streets, the crowd swelled to well over 4,000 as people joined in the two-hour march. The theme of the rally, “Don’t lose the right to choose,” signified pro-choice opposition to the threat of new laws re-criminalizing aborition. CARAL, the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League, organized the rally. Similar demonstrations took placein more than 30 centres across Canada, Calgary organized a candlelight vigil and demonstrators in Thunder Bay presented coat hangers to an MP as a symbol-of backstreet abortions. A large n.umber of groups attended the rally, including the YMCA, AIDS Action Now, Planned Par-

I Thousands

protest at Queen’s Park.

enthood, Physicians for Choice, and Men for Women’s Choice. Queen’s Park resounded with cries of “no new law” as Miriam Jones of the Ontario Coalition of Abortion Clinics welcomed the chanting crowd. ,Jones introduced Bonnie Johnson of CARAL, who organized the National Day of Action. “The decision,” said Johnson, “is a moral

photo by Susan Butler


one and therefore the conscience of the individual must be paramount to that of the state.” She added that re-criminalizing abortion would be “setting a woman’s body against herself.” A speaker representing AIDS Action Now described the prochoice movement as rra fight against state control of sexuality.”

The rally was also a celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the de-criminalization of contraception and women’s rights to reproductive freedom. These rights were solidified two years ago when criminal sanctions against abortion were struck down by the Supreme Court, This summer, however, injunctions (later lifted) to prevent Barbara Dodd and Chantal Daigle from having. abortions left Canadian women fearful of losing their right to choice. A handful of pro-life suppor: ters dotted the periphery, but did not cross University Avenue to Queen’s Park.

No more binge and puke by Tamara Speers We are led to believe dieting will bring beauty, happiness and success. It may well lead to anorexia nervosa or bulimia instead. This is the message to be spread on campuses across North America during “Eating Disorder Awareness Week.” On October 25 at 7 p.m., the Women’s Issue Board will show the film Still KilIing Us Softly. It will be followed by a discussion with Theresa Casteels of Counselling Services. It will be held in Biology One, room 295. The 1989 campaign will target universities and colleges, since eating disorders are an important concern in this population. It has been estimated that two to four per cent of college women

are bulimic, while a larger number have many of the symptoms, such as binge eating and occasional vomiting. Moving away from home, growing independence, and the stresses of university life corn-. monly act as precipitating factors to the development of eating, disorders in students. An eating disorder seriously affects academic performance, interpersonat relationships and general mental and physical health. Given accurate information, university personnel, friends and family members are in an excellent position to prevent the development of eating disorders through the early detection of warning signs or symptoms. Anorexia nervosa commonly

begins during adolescence, but there are many individuals who have been struggling for years with the disorder and finally present for treatment when they are in their twenties, thirties or forties. It is characterized by an intense fear of weight gain, and the relentless pursuit of thinness through restrictive dieting often accompanied by obsessive exercise. Fearless Friday has been established during Eating Disorder Awareness Week to

promote normal eating as an alternative to dieting and to encourage people to take a more critical look at restrictive eating. On Fearless Friday, individuals on diets across the country are encouraged to eat what they want and abandon their fear of weight gain for the day. On Friday, October 27 at the Campus Centre a booth will be set up with information and cookies, to encourage others to eat without feeling guilty.


Cdlection II opening I at ~ library H The UW Friends of the Library society is hosting the opening of the Breithaupt Hewetson Clark Collection, donated by the family of the late H, Spencer Clark and Rosa Breithaupt Clark, on October 27 at 3:3O p.m. The collection is in the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room of the arts library, Local historians tracing the development of the Waterloo Region will find it an invaluable resource, for the collection includes the 1867 to 1927diaries of Louis Jacob Breithaupt, correspondence between various family members, news clippings about the Breithaupts, and a large collection of photographs. As well, the collection illustrates the pioneering work in architectural conservancy undertaken by Spencer and Rosa Clark, known for their formation in 1932 of the Guild of All Arts, a working centre for artists and craftsmen in Scarborough.

The short program and reception starts with a welcoming address by President Douglas Wright followed by a commentary on the Collection by historian Dr. Kenneth McLaughlin of St. Jerome’s College. A commemorative volume will also complement the photographs and other items from the Collection displayed that day. Everyone is invited to attend.





20, 1989

Don’t believe the hype Public Enemy is coming to town Monday night, and the town is quite understandably abuzz with anticipation - Public Enemy is, after all, the most controversial and certainly one of the most innova-

tive, explosive, and important bands of the late 1980s. Many local fans have gushed with excitement about the coming show, but it is distressing to hear just as many, maybe more, say something along the lines of, “Yeah, but they’re a bunch of racists, aren’t they?” Public Enemy’s affiliation with Louis Farrakhan and the Black Muslim movement, long-associated with anti-Semitism, as well as the radical politics of their music, made the group vulnerable to charges of racism, charges which came to a head with Professor Griff’s [Public Enemy‘s Minister of Information) much-hyped, anti-Semitic tirade in the Washington Post. Griff’s remarks were regrettable, ill-conceived, and unforgivable, but the aftermath of the Post article says more about racism in North America than about Public Enemy’s alleged racism. The truths exposed by Chuck D. about the exploitation of blacks by white America from the days of slavery to the present, about the systematic ghettoization and ruthless suppression of blacks, about blacks being robbed of their heritage and culture while white America celebrates its European history and traditions, about the fact that the drug trade is not perpetrated by, but victimizes blacks, have been all but lost in the racism furor. Black recording acts have often met with great commercial success with white audiences [as have, incidentally, Public Enemy), but they have generally had a non-threatening stance toward whites; Public Enemy’s incendiary rap points a hostile, accusing finger at white America, detailing with unclouded vision the abuse blacks have suffered in (North) America. And whites simply cannot deny their agency in producing a black underclass and then conspiring to keep it uneducated and impoverished. White guilt is undeniable, but whites do not want to be reminded of it; a band like Public Enemy disturbs their peace of mind. One way of dealing with someone pointing out your faults is to find fault with that person and magnify it. White America may be racist, but see?A member of Public Enemy made anti-Semitic comments, so who are they to tell us we’re wrong? Forget everything they say about us, they’re just a bunch of Jew-haters (and the rest of America isn’t?] Things really have not changed that much in the fifty years since the uproar over the publication of Native Son, Richard Wright’s cautionary tale about the violent results of black rage pent up after suffering generations of racial abuse and injustice. Wright tells of whites’ fondness for happy-go-lucky, sweet-smiling, contented blacks and whites’ fear and loathing of angry blacks - that rage forces whites to look inward and admit their complicity in keeping blacks largely underprivileged. Fifty years later, The Cosby Show, featuring an eminently contented, middle class black(ish) family that feels at home in the white world, warms enough white hearts to perch atop the ratings, while Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing, a brilliant, visceral film about the ugly, brutal violence that inevitably erupts in a pressure cooker of racial4ension in which everyone - whether they be white, black, Italian, Korean, etc.- is responsible, is widely denounced as promoting violence against whites. There are no good guys in Lee’s film; the tolerant whites turn out to harbour deep-seated feelings of racism, while the complacent blacks hit back against them with an unforeseen rage. What Spike Lee, Richard Wright, and Public Enemy have all done is hold a mirror up to reality. They are warning about an unhealthy climate where Donald Trump takes out a full page ad in the &w York Times after a white woman is allegedly raped by black youths in Central Park, while the rape and murder of a black woman a few days later receives only cursory coverage; where a sixteen year-old black is lured into the white New York neighbourhood of Bensonburst and then beaten to death by a gang of white youths - wfi‘en blacks stage a march through Bensonhurst a couple of days later, they are met with abuse from white cesidEnts who tell reporters the blacks are obviously looking for trouble. To dismiss artists like Public Enemy and Spike Lee is a transparent effort to deflect and invalidate their criticisms. And then we will profess outrage and shock when the next outbreak of racial violence occurs. Chris Wodskou

Eilltorirrl IBdtorAa-Chief Abdstant



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., Fleur Macqueen I






Saw8 EQUr . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Renata Staedel l!#ewa4b&tam& . . . . . . . . . . ..JudyIIoUa~~ds Feature8 Editor. . . . . . . . . . Danml Charney 8porb lklitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rich Nichol mrtm AM. . . +. . . . . . . . Peter Brim maditar ..,...., ,.,,.,,... TrevorBlair _15rfr Adstmt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derek WeiZer Pb3to Bditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neil Ban&t PhotoA~lstant

. . . . , . . . . a Joanne


Dalai Lama vs. Regl *Army Four months after. the Tiananmen Square massacre, the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Dalai Lama, perhaps the most potent symbol of opposition to the Chinese state in the world todav.

town ‘of Dharmsala, in India, where he has ensured the continuance of a truly unique culture from total genocide for the last thirty years while tending his flower gardens, repairing watches and spending long peri-

self as “a simple Buddhist monk - no more, no less” has once again shown the world the most and 1difficult . . . . answer to. violence . . brutality - non-violence, tolerance, patience, and greater. understanding between protagonists. The citation accompanying the award praised the Dalai Lama, saying he had “advocated peaceful solutions based on tolerance and mutual respect in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of his people.” China had always seen Tibet as a natural part of its territory. In 1950, Tibetan independence came to a bloody end with the Chinese takeover.

As the 14th reincarnation of the supreme spiritual/political leader of this remote Buddhist kingdom, the Dalai Lama has iravelled the world meeting many prominent and influential individuals.

Therecipient,describinghim- 0th in meditaiion. -

For years it has ruled Tibet with an iron hand. With systematic brutality, it has attempted to eradicate Tibetan culture, killing civilians, forcing monks out of monasteries and into the army then destroying many thousands of religious structures and works of art. These enormous crimes are not against Tibet alone, but all humanity. China, once the victim of European Imperialism, now teaches the West h6w low Imperialism can sink. In 1959, the Dalai Lama fled with 100,000 Tibetans to sanctunry in the Himalayan foothills

He has shared his unique inSights in many ways, in print, on film, he has even lectured at Harvard on the Tibetan view on the human mind. This international role in no way takes from his first and foremost task, being the symbol and hope of over two million Tibetans living under Chinese rule. China has interpreted the award as one more example of the West’s continuing interference in China’s internal affairs, Beijing’s embassy in Oslo, Norway, where the five-member committee announced the prize,

said: “Tibet’s affairs are wholly and purely China’s own business, The Dalai Lama is not only a religious leader but also a political figure who aims to divide the mother country and undermine national unitv.” Egil Aavik, Nobel committee chairman, said the selection can be viewed as an encouragement to the student led reform movemerit, Manv Tibetans inside and outside T&et see this both as an acknowledgement of their revered leader and a slap in the face of their enemy and oppressor, China. “What we have is the moral authority . . , we are fighting a just cause”, said an official of the Tibetan government-inexile. What cbuld be a greater insult to China at this time? “Moral authority” against brute force, a “simple monk” against the Red Army! “What difference does it make?” If nothing- else it shows the strange possibility that an individual of vision can influence the councils of nations and perhaps, with immense patience, bring about the impossible. Lyn McGinnis

I Coritributiop


Sandy Atwal, Moustafa Bayoumi, s’e,Marc Brzustowski, Susan Butler, Carol Cambre, Michael Clifton, Peter Dedes, Paul Done, Al Folliott, Chris Frey, J. Hagey, Lynn Hoyles, Andrew Kinross, Marcela Krajny, Kendra Mazzei, Al Mertick, Scott Murray, Patrick Moore, Patrick Myer, Peter Myers, ]ason Rochon, John Ryan, Suomi, Kevin Shoom, Jeff Smith, Mike Soro, Tamara Speers, Chris Wodskou, John Zachariah.

Board of DWctors Pr&deqt , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Mason , vice-Freddemt , . . . . . . . . . . Flew Mwqueen w-Tsaumrer . . . . . David Thomson s#@f!fLiamn..., I..,... HenriettaVeerman Dirwtmmtlarge .,.... . . . . ..Tre-vOrBlai.r ,.**..**....*. Paul Done . . . . . ..I... Pietr St&his

proapatioa~er .. RWud~~~Alad&mt+.... DavIdThomson ~~~..:+.....VivianT&mbeau offics mer . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLhonda E&i&e .







. . . . . . Ted Griesbach

Henrietta Veerman JohnIIymers John Mason . . . . , , , , . : : : : : : : staoey L&in . ..----____.__ Lsslie l%Ymailt

IkbtdBmth~&:..... -



#*#!?&?*? . !!#-(?!)I##*=!$$&*?!!! Although I wasn’t terribly impressed by the reaction to the swastikas in the Arts section rating guide on Sept 29 /Ott 6, I felt the purpose behind the use of symbols in the section, as well as their abundance in, and effects on society should be commented on. Symbols are convenient tools mankind has employed since the dawn of time to make life easier, simpler to comprehend, Big ideas in small packages, essentially. Remembering that our language is expressed with symbols and has changed over the years to suit our needs indicates that man eternally strives to master the symbols he creates. We are creatures of expression, not puppets. J.G. Ballard once wondered would it be a crime if someone, upon attending one of the Queen’s parades, held up a sign in front of her saying “ASSASSINATION” or “GUN.” Of course not. There is a world of difference between symbols and reality. The symbols used in the first

symbol rating guide were: the swastika, the baseball, the cross, the iron cross, and the usually absent nuclear fusion symbol. Their order was not contrived, but since the swastika is one of, if not the most powerful symbol I know of, I was not sad to see it first, giving the symbol rating guide some serious context. This piece is not solely about swastikas, but since it was the only symbol anyone really cornplained about, obviously pulling some strings, I will digress more than perhaps I should on them. The biggest question here is: what does the swastika mean? Now I don’t mean the swastika

of 60,000 years ago, that would be a cop-out on my *part, as a symbol of well-being pale next to the power the Nazi’s gave it. Nor, though, am I generous enough to define it as it was during and after WW II - where “limitless evil” and death camp atrocities were essentially revealed to the world through a swastika-shaped. window. First, consider this: the rating

guide was not composed solely of swastikas. Would that have made a difference? I think so; any symbol is governed by the context in which it is placed. The major criticisms of the rating guide were essentially that the swastika was: out of place, out of context, presented casually. Now, both you and I know that any symbol being crushed by a boot [a symbol in itself) gives a different impression than the same symbol crushing something else (a body, a dove - symbols, symbols, symbols.) The swastika never appeared without, at least, the baseball following it -it was always contained in a larger context. My own thoughts and feelings regarding these symbols and their relationships are irrelevant; the whole point with symbols is that we each assess what they mean to us. So what’s this about casual context? My speculation is those that complained about the rating guide were no,t upset that the symbols were cosudy used, whatever that means, but were annoyed that .

the context they favor to see the swastika in was not the one presented. I believe my critics actually wished to “take a stand” against Nazism, anti-Semitism, and racism, but in desperation to “be counted,” became slaves to symbols. None of the letters we received mentioned Hitler or Nazism, and ihly one [President of Waterloo Jewish Students Assoc.) mentioned “the holocaust.” Are these things secondary to the importance of the swastika? I don’t wish to get involved with various ethnic groups and their reaso’ns for criticizing my actions, but one girl told me she had seen swastikas painted on synagogues. Keeping in mind the differences in context, such an occurrence is in itself an act of, at least crime or at most, Nazism. The license that allows me to put symbols in the Arts section is, again, worlds apart from that of vandal morons.-1 ask you to consider possiblilites. if you are content with your conclusions, fine. Q:“How can you tell the good guys from the bad (in an old movie)?” A:“The good guys wear white, ha ha ha. Q:“How can you tell a soldier from a murderer?” A:“By his uniform. Ha ha ha.” The jokes above might encourage you to think about perception. To those of you that truly despise Nazism (or whatever), I suggest you consider the valid-

Teri (Labusy-body” -To the editor,

perspective. I feel that these things are To address a specific question . against the law because represposed by Teri Weagle in the Ocsive busy-bodies such as Teri tober 13 Imprint: Weagle have a tradition of telling “It would be interesting to know other people how they ought to how pro-choicers feel about suilive their lives, filled with the tide, murder or just walking sanctimonious idea that they around naked. If a female’s body know better due to some higher is her own to do with it as she calling. That “walking around naked” is against the law is no pleases, why is it against the law more just than that a woman to v-alk around naked or commit does not have the right to control (or Ittempt) suicide or murder?” Setting aside the question of her own reproductive process, it is simply less important, and how anyone could class together the very serious crime of murder thus not subject to current wiwith the nuisance charges of sui despread controversy. tide and indecent exposure, I Some effort has been made to will attempt to answer the ques- overturn sexist laws that claim that a woman’s naked breast is tion with regard to “walking around naked” and committing indecent, mostly taking the form suicide from this pro-choicer’s of public breast-feeding, but


Y our

these efforts have not been very wide-spread, or successful. Suicide is a more contentious issue, and attempted suicide is usually symptomatic of some mental dis-order, and a cry for help. However, I feel that if one is in a rational state of mind, and truly wants to commit suicide, that it should not be illegal. The present law exists as a convenience, allowing appropriate authorities to confine individuals who un-successfully attempt to commit suicide until appropriate help can be administered. Obviously, laws prohibiting successful suicide are moot,


Sex attack! This past week was AIDS Awareness Week in Ontario. (“no way”, “get out of town”, “let’s have a party”) Yes, I too am tired of the AIDS Scare, even though it is a real threat. For most university students [unless there are more drug pushers out there than I thought) AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease. The problem with AIDSis you cannot detect it until it is too late and then you can’t get rid of it. I dislike the focus of some of these awareness weeks, as they ignore other dangerous and troublesome STDs which are more prevalent. Most of the troublesome STDs are treatable, but they can become permanently damaging if left untreated. Chlamydia has been very noticeable of late. Chlamydia can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (sometimes signalled by a burning sensation when urinatirti] which may lead tosterility and other unsinhtlv complications. Veneral warrs a;e on ihe rise also. They appear similar to normal skin warts except they grow on the genital and/or anal areas. Warts usually don’t appear until two to three months after first exposure, Many STDs exist, but with some cases no symptoms show up .until permanent damage oc-


ity in 1989 of the symbols by which you think you recognize what you oppose. I have a suspicion that today’s Nazis have left the swastika far behind, as a smoke-screen. BEWARE of knee-jerk reactions. When a symbol pulls your strings a bit too hard, wonder if you’re being driven to distraction. The major thing I would like people to consider is: if you see something that you don’t agree with [i.e. it doesn’t reflect your already-instilled values), rather than assume a convenient antiposition to it [one merely reinforcing said values,) look a bit beyond - question the validity of the premise by which you base your reaction. I salute those that do and did. If you don’t’have the time, forget it. Last thing: remember that phrase those that do not remember the past tire condemned to repeat it? Well, you have to get what you’re remembering right and you have to perceive today through a clear window - unobstructed by the dirt of cliched historicai prejudice. Continually evaluate symbols; they can be useful, but in the case of the rusty swastika, its historical context must be separated from its modern ability to identify the ideology that it once represented. Frieden. Trevor Blair Arts Editor




Satanism. With contrived efforts such as war, world hunger, and We are writing in response to * environmental disaster, long have we laboured to divert manM. Germain’s letter concerning the goat’s head symbol that ap- kind from the goat’s head symbol peared in the September 1 issue - and we almost succeeded. Then just as man’s moral fibre of Imprint. Germain was offended by the goat’s head symbol was about to crumble, you, Gerand wonders why it appeared at main, you come along with your Christian sensibilities and blow all. What can we say, but the whole deal. We are sick and “Curses, foiled again!” Since the dawn of time, we tired of you do-gooders and your have been trying to corrupt and antediluvian notions of truth GO SOAK YOUR destroy mankind through un- and light. speakable tools of evil like rock HEAD! music, naughty words and yes, the goat’s head symbol that you The forces of darkness 1st year general Arts have so astutely connected with

To the editor,

curs [this phenomena includes chlamydia and venereal warts). What can a person do for protection if detection is difficult? The first way is old fashioned. Don’t make the prospective person a partner until you trust him/her with your wallet and bank account number first. Another means of protection is proper use of a latex condom. This method can also be fun with experimentation. Whether you choose to have sex or not, the number of partners you have is your choice. Nothing can stop you from your the choices you make, but having multiple partners does make you a risk to them and yourself. So have some consideration for others as well as yourself. (I tried not to be morali&, but it is just too much fun.)

1 Feds apologize’

If you have-any concerns about this topic or others [i.e. stress, nutrition, smoking, cancer, how to get your name into Imprint) ask the Health and Safety Resource Network (HSRN). The Sexuality Resource Centre in the CC can ,also provide extensive info on STDs.

of people, we assumed the same would be appropriate for the game at York. Unfortunately, we were unable to get anyone willing to monitor the buses. As a result, arrangements were made with the bus company to bill us for any clean up rather than have a deposit. Much

885-1211 ext. 6277 or visit the H&S Bldg. room

To the editor, We are writing in regards to your letter to the editor in October 6’s Ilpprint about the buses provided by the Federation of Students for the Warriors-York Yeomen football game. You claim there was very little advertising. In fact, posters were put all over campus on the Tuesday before the game. Judging by the turnout for the Toronto game (two weeks before)wherewehadtwobue,loada


to our dismay did we read in Imprint that someone had to fork up a deposit before the buses would leave. We have since contacted the bus company and they have arranged to compensate us with a discount on our next bus. With the arrangements having been made, it did hot make sense to have to cancel the trip because of two people. It seemed logical that people could load themselves onto the buses. ye





venience to the people who went and will do our best to ensure somethin”g like this never happens again. Dave Readman Fran Wdowcayk Tim Collins Federation executive


imprint, Friday, October 20, i98Q

Playboy pays To the editor, “I read it for the articles” is an excuse some men use when caught reading a copy of Playboy when they are doing nothing but scanning the pictures. There is, however, a grain of truth to the phrase. The faclt is, Playboy DOES carry a lot of interesting fiction and non-fiction. The reason is very simple: they pay the best rates in the market. A typical non-fiction piece in Playboy will make the author at least US$SOOO.The minimum rate for fiction is US$ZOOO.Writers will often jump at the chance to make this kind of money. Being published in Playboy is often seen Ias a career-boosting move as well. It is not uncommon for fiction writers to be approached by New York publishers and agents after having a short story published in the magazine. Playboy is not the only such magazine, Penthouse pays similar rates, although its material tends to be more sensationalist. So, pictures aside, Playboy does indeed have “literary value.” Is is sexist? Of course the magazine is squarely aimed at the 18- to 35-year-old university-educated male. But then, any publication is biased, whether it’s the Toronto Star, The Globe 6 Mail or Imprint. I worry, though, that the militant feminists on campus would like to act as censors for the rest of the university population. If the feminists succeed in Bemoving PIoyboy from the li3rary, what will be the next caslaity in their vendetta? Eric Giguere IA CS/C&O

Stop large headlines the editor, I realize the letter submitted Sy myself last week was extremely long (over 750 words], 3ut it is obvious that you felt it .mportant enough to.give it such 3 large headline. With regards to :he headline, that was not the 2oint of my letter, it was just an observation I made regarding Lyn McGinnis’s terminology. I also realize you had to edit my article. However, by omit:ing the points I was trying to .nake concerning Hitler and the attached photo, I feel my point Nil1 not be understood, I acrnowledge that no great amount was deleted, bu t enough to alter ny objective. An interesting observation is -hat the omitted text would hatie ‘it nicely into the spot where the ‘large” headline was placed. I believed the point to anyone ;ubmitting an article to Imprint was to express their opinions md beliefs concerning a preIiously printed article. ObJiously, this is not the case and I Im sorry I wasted my time. rhank you. reri Weagle r3 Math ro

G%torial policy regarding letters .totes that they must not exceed 00 words, except with special permission of the editor. The leter in questiog, even after editng, WCISallowed to run over 400 vords. If there aj-e any particu3rIy important points that you !on’t want cut, you must indiate this to the editor before pubication. -ed.



Working class rights To the editor, Any abortion legislation introduced in Parliament is sure to be some compromise that “balances” a woman’s rights with ‘7 he rights of the fetus.” If the government follows the Law Reform Commission of Canada, they will propose that women be arrested, tried and punished for aborting after zz weeks. Why would the government see such an arrangement as serving their interests best? Where is the utility in policirtg the uterus? The political context in Canada today is one of insecurity. As real wages shrink and more workers are imprisoned in longterm unemployment, a mood of helplessness provides larger audiences for the politics of the right. Not only so-called “neoconservatism”, but also Christian “fundamentalism”. These groups locate the source of the current socio-political problems in the decline of the traditional family unit. These anti-women, anti-homosexual bigots correlate a fabled stability of the past with the “sensible” or “natural” family structures then in place. The alternative li-

festyles now common have undermined the uniform social fabric that is necessary for general prosperity. In their view, there is one role for women. Independence, daycare, sex education, contraception, and abortion are all “wrong.” As isolated, wageless housewives; women were once content to play their part in a system that worked. Nauseating stuff, but society’s rulers then and now delight in this sort of bargain. For despite all that may be said on its behalf, the “family unit” has very distinct virtues for capitalism. It provides: free housekeeping, free childcare, support for underemployed and injured relatives and residence for a generation of under-pensioned retired workers. It is obvious that capitalism cannot provide these things. In Canada, in concert with the FTA and the GST, massive social service cutbacks are “required.” Government strategy on daycare, UI, VIA rail, Ontario Worker’s Compensation and care for seniors attempts to make working people foot the bill for capitalism’s flaws.

To the editor, jn response to L. Beckstead’s letter to the editor appearing in the October 6 issue, I have the following comments $0 make. Let me get this straight in my The depth of the crisis remind . . . the initial decision to quires that society be .restructured to be as it was in the days have sexual intercourse is a muthailed by the “pro-family” forces ual decision between the female as “natural”. Then these services and the male (rape being excould be dumped and the cluded.) Yet, the resulting consequence of pregnancy is not the burdens transferred to the individual families. Alternatives to male’s responsibility unless the family life are obstacles; a new woman so decides. Let me clarify. Women as abortion law is vital to deny women such alternatives. The yourself would not allow a man a government will try to roll back say in the decision of having an the time limit for abortions. The abortion. You view the potential further back it goes, the more the human being as “your” responsiworking class will suffer. The bility if you choose to have the sex police will help keep power abortion. But, if you choose to not to have the abortion, you where it is now. view the resulting child as “our” The struggle for abortion responsibility. rights is a struggle for working You hypocrite, class rights. “Pro-life” actions Women as yourself strive for and working class actions ultiequality with men, yet you make mately empower contradictory movements. If you support both, no attempt at allowing for equality when you have the upper it has never been more important to sharpen your politics. Can you hand [having the physical control of the potential child.) You do more good by using unwanted children to reproduce an offen- do not allow the man to have sive world; or by using your re- equal say for his views and feelspect for 1,ifeto build a ?vorld run ings regarding the consequence of his actions. * by human needs? Abortion is not solely a female issue, but one between the respective individuals who created the problem. Bryan Smyth Robert Biron UW International Socialists 4A Arts

Plant breeders rights The vegetables and grains which make up the North Aherican diet were originally cultivated and developed over a period bf centuries by farmers around the world, Farmers and the general public view the genetic material for reproducing these plant varieties as a public resource and should be freely available to all. But now, as companies like Royal Dutch Shell and Ciba-Geigy but up the world’s seed companies+ seed production is rapidly becoming a big business. The spread of seed patent legislation, sometimes known as plant breeders rights [PBR), is an important part of this process. This legislation, now in place in a number of industrial nations, guarantees the owner exclusive rights to market a new variety usually for 18 years. Supporters of PBR argue that: * the legislation will give financial incentive to the private sector to expand its own breeding programs, complementing existing public programs, * Canadian farmers will benefit from the resulting development of new Canadian varieties, and from better access to the private varieties of other countries which already have access to seed patent legislation, * new export markets will open up for Canadian-developed varieties, * royalties collected on the sale of public varieties can be used to support further plant research in Canada. If the trend in other countries is any indication, it seems more likely that PBR will benefit only the company that owns the patent. Rather than expanded private seed research complementing public research in Canada, it is more likely that private research will supplant public research, as it has in other countries, Under the new scheme of things, university researchers agree to give the corporate, sponsor the patenting rights to the fruits of their labour. Furthermore, these scientists may not be able to publish their research or share any of their “trade secrets” without prior corporate approval. This is a radical shift away from the centuries-old tradition of the free flow of information among university researchers, tow\ards secrecy, selfishness, and cut-throat competition. Consequently+ multi-national companies are liable to conduct research and develop only those varieties that have profitable markets. As the potential for higher profits from the sale of hybrid or patented seeds increases, the availability of traditional plant varieties may be phased out, and the options for seed selection drastically limited. And, ‘as traditional seed varieties disappear from the market, the added expense of private varieties will be added to the




for their





to the price

consumers pay for their food. This reduction in the gene pool runs contrary to what environmentalists have been calling for in both domestic and wild species. Seed patent legislation is the thin edge of the wedge. Due to advances in biotechnology, scientists can now develop new varieties of’micro-organisms, plants, and animals. The U.S. already permits full patent rights on these life-forms, and Canada will be pressured to do so as well,

In Canada, this encourages abusive agricultural techniques and aggravates the decline of the family farm. In the Third World, it exacerbates economic injustice as large landholders drive peasants off massive imported than the

their small plots of land. Third World countries develop debts and balance of payments deficits as the cost of agricultural seeds, machinery and chemicals rise faster export pride of the crops produced. ’

Ironically, the Third World now buys seeds from industrialized countries, even though the genetic resources from which these seeds were derived were taken mostly from the Third World without compensation. The original plants and seeds were either taken when these countries were colonies, or given freely in the interest of furthering scientific knowledge. In May 1989, the Mulroney government introduced Bill C-15, ‘the fourth attempt to establish seed patenting in Canada. The new bill is consistent with the Canada-U.S. trade deal, reflecting the US demand that the “intel!ectual property rights” of the U.S. seed corporations be respected in Canada as they are at home. Bill C-15 would precipitate a host of expensive procedures not existing under the present system. Patents would not be issued unless the variety under consideration could be shown to be new and different. A patenting application must be drafted by a team of lawyers and scientists, once a new variety was developed. If their application were rejected, a corporation would be able to appeal the decision. While some costs would clearly be the corporation’s responsibility, the administration costs of the government agency would be covered by our tax dollars. This bill is being staunchly opposed by a coalition.of organizations, coordinated by GROW (Genetic Resources for Our World). Here’s what you can do. First, become informed on the issues connected with PBR. For those interested in additional information about GROW and what can be done, contact GROW: 750 - 130 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario. K1P SE2 (613) 594-8704. Second, start and maintain a letter writing campaign. Send letters to: Prime Minister Mulroney, Honourable Ed Broadbent, Right Honourable John Turner, Don Mazankowski (Agriculture Minister] and your local MP. Send letters postage free! c/o House of Commons, Ottawa. KlA OA6, Third,





or artkles

to the


subscribe to the GROW publication, share the information, encourage others to get active. For additional information about Plant Breeders Rights, check out the periodical The Ram’s Horn, available in the resource centre at WPIRG. WPIRG is in room 123 of the General Services Complex, under the smokestack. WPIRG is funded and directed by the undergraduate students of the University of Waterloo. We engage in research, education and action on environmental and social justice issues.

Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989




-Model 1govt I


by Scott Murray Imprint staff by David Thomson and Joanne Sandrin

Why do nipples? To make sex more fun (if they’re sensitive). Delihla Fro& Science


have To’ show men how superior women are Monica 4A History

The third annual model parliament takes place on Saturday October 21, 1989 in the Great Hall of Conrad Grebel. Representatives of the three major polwill be in itical parties attendance, along with independent representatives. This year, the event is organized by the Political Science Student Association (PSSA), who instituted a few changes. The major change was the provision of seats for the Independents. It is hoped that the government party will be chalrenged more as thi Independents


would have the capability to be the balance of power. The organization of the day was also changed, and now starts at 9:00 a.m. to continue to 6:50 p.m. with a forty minute lunch break. Each of the three major political parties will form a minority government during the day, where they will introduce up to three bills and face Question Period. With the Independents having the balance of power, it is assumed that they will be able to negotiate with the governing party to have one of their two - bills introduced. Observers are welcome throughout the day.


Live on Campus


the Winter

Term 1990

SINGLE $1973 DOUBLE “1836 INTERCONNECTING ROOM $1919 Something else to suck on. Freddy’s girlfriend 1A Accounting who cares as long as they have them? Freddy

and Ace

The fees include twenty-one meals a week, full maid service, obvious social benefits as well as close proximity to the academic areas of the campus. Application forms may be obtained from the Housing Office, Village 1, or: Director of Housing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3Gl.

4A Electrical Engineering


Compiled by Jeff smith Imprint staff

Thirty years ago this week: EngSoc votes unanimously to drop Enginews and join forces with the Cord Weekly to form a truly campus wide paper. The first issue of the Cord was published October 23,1959, the week following that year’s frosh orientation week. (The Cord Weekly should not be confused with WLU’s paper of the same name.) Twenty-five years ago this week: The recently formed UW Campus Police legislated and began enforcing their first priority concern - parking violations. Due to their preoccupation with automotive hooligans, they overlooked other pressing issues. Hence for several weeks it was-legal to-&zle beer in lectures.

York University. And yet another firing A York security supervisor who was involved in the handcuffing of a patron at the Cock and Bull pub has been fired. The report, filed by the police, says that the man, who was held by the supervisor and a guard (who was also fired), was verbally and physically abused for more than two and a half hours.

Since UW was considered private property, it was the local administration’s responsibility to legislate alcohol laws of its own. At least the drunkards’ cars were well and thoroughly towed! Twenty years ago this week: 1000 students participate in the international Viet Nam moratorium. Five years ago this week: Student tenants air their grievances against the Waterloo Towers apartment complex management, citing safety and health violations among their chief concerns, The name for the proposed computer research building is announced. Note: You may notice that there is no “Ten years ago this week” section. Nothing of any real interest was mentioned in the paper for this week in 1979. This is bound to happen from time to time. Starting next week, I will begin researching a “Fifteen years ago thisweek” section: I hope that this will improve the interestingness of future installments by providing more material to draw tram.

University of Manitoba University threatened to close An old steam tunnel, built in 1912, is on the verge of caving in. The tunnel delivers heat to the majority of the buildings on campus. If the tunnel caves in, the university will be forced to close. Repairs on the tunnel have been going on for a couple of years now, but a complete replacement of the tunnel must get underway. The cost of the new tunnel will be $12 million.

Drop a class, get some cash! A third year sociology student at York is offering $100 to any student who will drop a course he needs to graduate. The student has already received fi&

calls about his deal.

University of Toronto Recycling to start at Toronto U of T may finally be getting a recycling program. The University of Toronto’s Environmental Coalition is trying to get recyclipg all oirer campus. Paper will be their first focus, but they will move on to cardboard and glass.


Queen’s University Queen’s band “at tacked” Ottawa police have charged a University of Ottawa student for hitting a member of Queen’s band. A group of Ottawa supporters tried to steal the Queen’s tri-coloured the colour guards. According

flags, carried by to a colour guard, Ottawa security just watched and weren’t willing to do anything. The crowd then threw eggs

and water balloons at the band.




Village 1 single rooms are now renting for the spring term. Please inquire at the Housing Office, Village 1 or phone 884-0544 or local 3705.




Anyone wishing to reside in townhouses for the Winter or Spring Terms 1990 can obtain an application from the Housing Office, Village 1.

I 4 I I I I I I I B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 B





Dig into a juicy, full-flavoured Homestyle Single Burger for only 99C! KS a heck of a burger! At one heck of a price! Head into Dairy Queen soon. And taste what’s cooking for only 99C.



Westmount at University

: I : I


10 Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989


JaDan’s I DeoDle The differences between Japanese The social nature of the Japanese and Western culture are numerous, inoften means that they form closed volving virtually all aspects of life. It is groups, securing a structure in which to not surprising, then, that many Wes- find belonging. Entrance into the group terners have taken up an interest in the is not as difficult as with Western land of the rising sun. More surprising clique. It merely requires an inviation; if are those Westerners who, with relative one of the group brings you in, the rest ease, are able to adopt the radically difwill gladly accept you, .aswe learned at ferent habits and attitudes of the Japa- New Year‘s in Morioka, capital city of nese. Iwate prefecture. How could they so easily adopt such t’ ‘. foreign traits? An answer may be contained in a comment by Colombia University’s professor of Japanese, Donald Keene. Discussing the works of writer Osamu Dazai, a famous and tragic predecessor of Yukio Mishima’s generation, Keene wrote, “a Dazai novel is at once immediately intelligible in Western terms and quite unlike any Western book.” Similarly, it may be said that while the Japanese culture is not necessarily Buddha - reflecting Japanese sense “immediately intelligible” to the Westof interdependance. ern observer, it is founded upon the same principles and notions which have served to support the development of inner-nature of the Japanese:something our own culture. Given a chance, Japaless complicated than the world of Sunese culture becomes familiar and, thus, mitomo Bank and Matsushita Electronadaptable. ics and less deliberate and defined than We seem to forget that the* Japanese Japanese etiquette. . are not all easily slotted into categories Interest in Japan has likely never been for us to understand. As in our society, greater than it has been during the the Japanese are varied, each person eighties. Like uncertain lovers, Japan having his own nature and personality. . and the West have alternated between Unifying characteristics do,exist. HopeToori gate marks the entrance to Shinto Temple. desire and suspicion, venturing close fully, as education in the area of Japaphotos and calligmphy Michael Clifton and then pulling away unclear about the nese studies expands, more Westerners other’s intentions. will recognize the fallacies that are 4 Likewise, the image of Japan which presented in the popular arena of JapaDuring New Year‘s, two traditions The secrets of the Japanese are not all the West has entertained has frequently nese observation. absorb the attention of most Japanese, discovered by relating with the them. changed. At once Japan is friend, then One is to visit the local Shinto shrine We got a deeper insight during a visit to potential foe, mystic and simplea certain small Shinto shrine. (‘Jinja’) to pray for a prosperous, peaceminded, suspect and devious, astonishful year, the other to view and photoWe came across the shrine while cyingly moral and devastatingly corrupt. graph the year‘s first sunrise. This confused view has been presThe best vantage point for seeing the ented to the populace by the media, in A certain aspect of the general Japa-. new sunrise is on a mountain top, of news programs and documentaries. nese character is that they are as anxwhich there are many in Japan. But they Even in children’s shows, Japan is a ious to learn as they are to teach, and to are most often snow-capped, and the “faaaarrrrr” away ,land, unreachable give as they are to receive. roads that lead up them’slick and foreeither by virtue of its distance from us In the city of Misawa in Aomori preboding. or because of the odd magic its people fecture (district ), my companions and I largest metropolis.) lzumi is a wild The challenge did not daunt my comand religions supposedly have. (on my visit to Japan from early August mixture of small mountains, extensive panions. We met in the dark of early Journalists, after one-timk visits to 1985 until late July 1987) met a delightagricultural fields, shopping cenfres, morning+ having visited a shrine only -Japan, tend to think that the corner of ful old lady named Okudera. wildlife reserves, valleys and large hours earlier (prayers start at midnight, Japan they see is representative of the Okudera-obaachan (“grandma”) plots of suburban residences. As we December 31]+ and began a long trek up whole country. lived in a small apartment at the back of cycled along, our eyes were drawn off the steep, snowy incline of Morioka’s her son‘s home. Her daughter-in-law vithe road into the spreading fields and Aofama (the “blue mountain.“) sited daily to drop off meals. We became bounding hills. Before we arrived at the top, the sun frequent visitors, sometimes bringing My companion. and I spied a Toori had begun its ascent. Unfortunately, we snacks, and talking about things that gate, the birdperch-like entrance to discovered there was heavy cloud cover in*terested us, Shinto shrines and symbolic of Japan’s blocking our view. Okudera-obaachan was a poet. At godly authority, leading into a small To the Japanese, though, it seems any least once each week she and some tither grove between a few simple rice padexcuse for a party is good. At the base of local “rojin” (old-folks) attended meetdies. We decided to investigate. the mountain’s observation deck a small ings run by City Hall, where they would The earth stairs were wearing away, group had lit a bonfire and were sndckread, recite and compose five-line, 31-. despite the cover the trees offered from ing on inexpensive sake, hot coffee and syllable traditional lyrics called Tanka. Japan’s frequent rainy seasons. The minuts. When we came down we were inBefore I left Misawa to move back to niature wood shrine, no more than cluded into the crowd of mostly middleSendai, capital of Miyagi prefecture, waist height, was decorated with strips aged labourers and store owners. A few Okudera-obaachan gave me a book of of paper cut like lightning bolts, colored tried their English, which most Japaher poems, of which only a few hundred twine and a statue of the fox-like kami nese can use more proficiently than they had been printed. “god/J Scattqred (approximately admit. Mostly, we just chatted about One of the things that she gave me, around, the clearing where the edifice the neighbourhood and the natures of through that book and her conversasat were other broken figurines on our respective countries. tions, was an understanding of that constumps. A circle of ashes indicated that Eric Margolis of the Toronto Sun once The disappointment of not seeing the cept of taking each moment as it comes the local farmers still used this little wrote, “Japan looks like one giant facsunrise was quickly forgotten, since the as an opportunity for my senses. shrine to dedicate their fields and pray tory, with worker housing and an occareal purpose in coming to see it, besides What we gave her in exchange is an for good crops and clement weather, in sional rice field thrown in. Its cities, acknowledging a respect for beauty alequally valuable commodity in Japan the way that the scent of incense indiwhile spotless and incredibly safe, look most universal among’ the Japanese, friendship. cates worship at a Catholic church. in some cases like an en+ironmentalist’s was the opportunity to socialize, the When we first met Okudera-obaaThe privacy and stillness of the space nightmare.” He later said he had only purpose for virtually all traditional acthan at her door, she responded, as do allowed us to sense something of the been to Tokyo, with a brief jaunt into tivities. many of the old in Japan, “dare mo inai” . Kyoto. - nobody is home. In Japanesei as in * James Abegglen and George Stalk English, the phrase implies the non-esJr.% book, K&ha, The Japanese Corposential nature of the speaker‘s existration (Basic Books, 19851, a recent acence. But, in Japan it is meant more quisition of the St. Jerome’s library, literally. It is the perception of many of describes Japan and the Japanese in Japan‘s old that their role is of little or terms of their corporate structures, as no significance. almost perfect, competitive and powerSadly, the Japanese have such a sense ful. of interdependence that loneliness or To people familiar with the realities the sense of being left oul is perhaps one of Japan, those images are both laughaof the most devastating emotions they ble and offensive. To those unfamiliar, can feel. Sadder still is that not all the those images create their whole impresold in Japan are treated with respect. sion of the people and the country. This Rather, they come40 see themselves as leads to Japan becoming widely achaving no worth other than to fill a slot cepted as incomprehensible and unatin the family circle, though that role is tainable. frequently ignored or shown patronizHardly a realperception or a fair one. North Eastern Coastline - Miyako City ing respect. I



Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989


East Timor:

Invasion by Marc Brzustowski Imprint staff When James Dunn testified before the U.S. Congress in March of 1977 on the subject of what Congressional Committee chair Donald Fraser called “allegations of genocide committed by the Indonesian forces against the population of East Timor,” the reaction was generally hostile. One member of Congress, J. Herbert Burke, wrote that “I have my own suspicions respecting what might be behind [James Dunn’s] testimony... it is in all our interests to bury the issue quickly and completely.” With few exceptions, the issue was buried: the death of as many as two hundred-thousand East

Timorese at the hands of the Indonesian armed forces since 1975 has received scant media coverage and has escaped the condemnation of the Western governments which pride themselves on their concern for human rights, the same governments which equipped the Indonesian arrried forces. But James Dunn, and others like him, will be testifying again. Dunn and his wife Wendy, Australian conk~ls to East Timor from 1962 to 1964 and leaders of various official Australian delegations to the former South-East Asian. Portuguese will _ - --_- --* . colony, . tober 25 at ~30 pm in Room 170 uyuu*.



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and resistance

The occupation forces have launched at least three major counter-insurgency operations this decade, including Operation Security in 1981, Operation Clean Sweep in 1983-1984, and Operation Eradicate in 19861987. Refugee testimony and eye-witness accounts smuggled out of East Timor by aid workers and clerics corroborate allegations of massive human rights violations. Guterres, in an interview with the Japan-Asia Quarterly Review, states that “napalm, defoliants, and incendiary bombs were used against the civilian population as well as the guerrillas+” Guterres, himself a guerrilla, was captured by Indonesian forces and tortured. The reason he

gives for the con termined resista donesian milit a among the Timol as follows: “I joi las, I had to, beet bear to see wha was doing to the ple, and I thought die fighting with to be killed like chic1 Between Septemb’er cember of 1975, East ‘: joyed the beginn independence. A coaliti itical parties formed East Timor towards i ence was shatte znlic

grams in agriculture and liter- * Timor in 1975 and 1976 prior to the incorporation of Easi Timor acy, promoting food into Indonesia. The Indonesian cooperatives, non-alignment and measured steps to full inde- Government withdrew and dispendence. Also in September, In- ciplined offending units guilty of donesia began a program of individual excesses, but most of limited military intervention in the human losses in East Timor appear to have occurred prior to East Timor’s affairs. Indonesia’s intervention.” By the end of November InOne can hear the state departdonesian forces had killed, in adment echo the same theme each dition to many East Timorese, five Australian journalists and time a new. massacre by Central American armed forces in a U.S. controlled significant stretches supported “fledgling demoof East Timor around its border cracy” reaches public attention. with West Timor, the Indonesian By 1980, Amnesty International part of the island. Within two estimated the death toll in East weeks, the Indonesian army Timor at 200,000, or one third of would launch a full scale invathe population, while Internasion. “, I‘ .. tional Red Cross put at 200,000 Two Amer&&po&ical philothe number of Timorese forced sophers, Edward S. Hi2fTnanand into resettlement camps

propaganda cover and a continu-



-I 1despite the official Indonesian, American and Canadian government statements to the contrary. Such organizations as Amnesty

International have urged the United Nations to ivestcgate the situation in East Timor because of the Indonesian occupation’s “consistent pattern of gross violgtinnc ,mL+u,‘Y

*f v+

hlrrngn ll”,llUll

viohta A IglAr”,

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ing to Amnesty’s 1985 UN submission. In its 1988 report, Amnesty International stated that “human rights violations continued to be reported from East Timor,” including torture, political imprisonment, unfair trials and extrajudicial execution. The report stated .as well that the human rights organization continues to “press for a full investigation into all ‘disappearances’ of East Timorese reported since the Indonesian invasion in 1975,”

saw FRETILIN victorious to fill , i the power vacuum left by the de- died ‘by milital commodation 1 parting Portuguese colonial ad-r ~~ U.S. actions, and by~~ a- rerusal 10 ministrators. speak out . agail -_nst the continuing 1

James Dunn, who, at the time, was heading an Australian aid delegation to the country, wrote of the independence period that “the FRETILIN administration had manv shortcomines. but it clearly enjoyed widespread support from the population, including many hitherto UDT supporters , . . there was no evidence of any insecupity or any hostility toward FRETILIN.. . In my long association with Portuguese Timor, which goes back some 15 years, I had never before witnessed such demonstrations of spontaneous warmth and support from the indigenous population.” FRETILIN, upon securing Dower in September, 1975, began io implement development pro-a--





correct. They were armed roughly 90 per cent with our equipment.” Dunn, who interviewed two hundred refugees from East Timor before his 1977 congressional testimony, asserted that that their situation “might well constitute, relatively speaking, the most serious case of contravention of human rights facing the world at this time.” Immediately after the invasion, the UN. General Assembly passed a resolution condemning Indonesia for the invasion and calling on Indonesia to “withdraw without delay its armed forces from the Territory in the bil 1 relations between order to enable the people of the Territory freely to exercise their right self-determination and independence.” Most Western countries abstained from the December 12, 1975 vote, Resolutions to the same effect, passed almost yearly by the UN General Assembly, are still in force. Most recently, the Pope vjsited East Timor and his Bishop there, Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, who, in a letter to the UN Secretary General, implored the international community to support the Timorese people: “The decolonisation of Portuguese we are Timor has still not been resolved e inclu- by the United Nations I , . InWe re- donesia says that the people of :iendly, Timor have already chosen intenation gration but the people of Timor themselves have never said this. of business with.” we Portugal wants to let time solve T o note that U.S. the problem. And we continue to nut strategy is die as a people and a nation.” deep water Herman and Chomsky reiterdep cha e island of ate: “The Indonesian campaign the In- to suppress the independence super- movement of East Timor conon the tinues, The annihilation of simsame #aits: the benefits in ple mountain people goes on with barely a whisper of protest

“where,” according to Dunn, “conditions were shocking.” Herman and Chomsky draw attention to some of the more obvious reasons the Indonesian invasion was not condemned:


Lisbon, and Peter Mason, wh- ’ Film Betrayed But Not BI documents the situation Timor since the Indonesian sion. Indonesia invaded East T on December 7, 1975, one davY after U.S. President Fordand Se’cretary of State Kissinger met with Indonesia’s military president, General Suharto,- in Jakarta. Bringing to an end East Timor’s brief period of inde-

“(New kork) Times editors and cbrrespondents are much too busy seeking evidence of Communist atrocities to bother with the possible massacre of 100,000 Timorese at the hands of a U.S. client using United States arms.” “Burke’s concern that the issue of Timor be ,‘buried’ is understandable given that the United States had provided crucial diplomatic and material support for these continuing atrocities,‘, the two authors continue. Testifying along with Dunn at the March 1977 Hearings was Gebrge H. Aldrich, State Department Deputy Legal Advisor, who, in response to the question of whether the U.S. had armed the Indonesians to enable them


nitions, military vehicles transports, and engin counter-insurgency helic Canada gave Indonesi million aid packa after the invasion mitted $350 millio ada has become o three foreign investors in I; donesia since 1975, hosting, example, a military trade sh in Takarta in 1984 to promote Canadian weapons makers. Evidence of the burying of the issue comes from the U.S. Government itself. Though the 1977 edition makes no mention of East Timor, the 1978 edition of the Human Rights Report of the state department does include the issue, the entire entry reading as follows: “Questions have been raised concerning atroci-


,000 people. die in the securing access to the waterways essential ting strategies for nuocaust - clearly a ing for the future. ” the aggressors, in the of Adam Malik, Indonereign Minister, stated, in 977, that “50,000 people,

or perhaps




been killed during the war in Timor, but we saved 600,000 of them.” Needless to say, it lies in his government’s interests only to under-report the death toll. As far as the press is concerned, Herman and Chomsky quickly dispatch any notions of its being objective, let alone free.

racies that are providing material support and ideological cover.” _ . . Sources used in th-* is article inelude: The Political ’ Economy of Human Rights, byr Edward S. Herman and Noarn Chomsky; the Amnesty Inter national Report 1988: the CCanada-Asia Working Group Easit Timor publ-,11 ,a:-r Allication; the Tapol bullerln ~1 ~mt: Indonesian Human Rights Campaign; and an interview with Jose Guterres published in Jopan-Asia Quaterly Review Vol. 20, No. 3. The event has been organized by WPIRC and The Peace Society.


The Phantom st.riykestA

Gaston Leroux’s original 1911 novel than any of the cinema interpretations thus produced (ineluding 1974’s Phantom Of The Now that big business is becoming the scapegoat of choice Paradise). The story concerns a horribly disfigured composer vis a vis global disintegration, corporate * sponsorship of the [Calm Wilkinson) who lives at arts will no doubt be viewed in- the side of the lake underneath creasingly askance by anyone the Paris Opera House, and who who regularly exercises their so- becomes obsessed with the cial conscience. So I had some voice, and then the person+ of misgivings about attending the .,’Christine Daae [Rebecca Caine); special “college and university ’ ‘a. @fitid, young singer who has journalists*+ showing of The the\lead in the Opera’s wesent Phantom of the Opera, span- production. ‘, ‘I sored by Garth Drabinsky’s Christine is in love tnrit’MXaoul+ Cineplex Odeon empire. I cer- Vicomte de Chagny ;[Byron tainly confess to a little leftN&age) and they plan to marry’ wing swagger upon striding into bwt the- Phantom taps into her the ridiculously opulent “Phan- dark Ean@sies+drawirig her into tom Suite” in the bowels of the his dark-:candle-lit world of gonewly refurbished Pantages thic eroticism. Theatre (courtesy onqe again of The battery of extraordinary Cineple? Odeon) on Victoria effects, controlled by two comStreet In downtown Toronto+ . . puters [equivalent person power just a block away from the Eaton I&O) never overshadow the perCentre. formers but instead+ compleWhat followed in the “Phanment them rather well. Of tom Suite+’ has to be one of the especial note are the portable most shameless bribery cam- mini-mikes which -allow the paigtis Cineplex’s PR departsinging to be heard by everyone ment has ever mounted. We were in the rather large theatre. given glossy, expensive press This amplified singing was exby John Zachariah Imprint staff

Charm, professionalism

forts of Drabinsky who, according to our Ciniplex-employed hostess, “sees colours we can’t see.” There seemed to be the implicit suggestion that the quality of the production and the opulence and splendor of the theatre were connected.

production is more faithful


Don’t think this. As long as the production values (for which, admittedly+ Cineplex is responsible) were maintained, the Phantom Of The Opera could be shown in a school gym and still

be just as good. It’s unlikely that Phantom will be hung by the hype surrounding it; the production is too high quality for any sort of backlash or foot-scuffing and whining about bait-and-switch to be credible. The show gets a good review in spite of, not because of Cineplex’s PR efforts which, to i;cmest, were extremely enjoyI Despite their megacorporation status, Cineplex Odeon can hardly be painted with the same l

Raggle Taggle gypsies by Derek Weiler Imprint staff

Scott was every inch the antirock star: there was a strict no interviews and no promotion policy, and there weren’t even any T-shirts on sale in the lobby. Besieged by drunken for his heartbreaking


epic Red Army Blues, Scott responded by distractedly shaking his head. But right from the start, Scott has always had a heart full o’ soul. Albums like A Pagan Place and This is the Sea displayed genuinely spiritual concerns that were .reflected in the bigness-of the music. Scott distinguished ‘1. Earlyla- on, IL.- -I--r!-1 L-Z- *,

Van’s heir without his pomposity and self-importance. For the new album and tour, Van Morrison’s brand of Irish soul. Happily though, he dis- Scott follo.tied fhe path of many played little of Morrison’s pom- other Irish bands (most notably Pogues) and embraced tradior the pygity, Ipreciousness L1---1 T-Z-L -b_- 1, fl,.r ,..LZl, CL,

brush as, say, Union Carbide. I’ve never seen another Andrew Lloyd Webber production aside from this one, so I can’t compare it to anything else he’s ever done. But the musical+ 3 think, speaks for itself. Drabinsky should be . saluted for his efforts. The Phantom of the Opera is awash in humour, eroticism and tragedy and despite its setting, doesn’t come across as dated or cheesy. Precisely the opposite+ in fact; the show is grand and beautiful.

h it T.O. *

Ponues are cynical and worldwe&y, conc&trating on life’s depravities+ the Waterboys have chosen a more wistful+ romantic tradition. (This is evident in the choice of lead instruments: contrast Steve Wickham’s warm and welcoming fiddle with the shrill cry of Pogue Spider Stacy’s tin whistle.) As Wickham’s solo opening to Thursday’s show signalled, this new approach formed the basis of the concert. The latest album Fisherman’s Blues was spotlighted, and the temptation to simply list some highIights is too great: Has Anybody Here Seen Hank?; And Q Bang on the Ear; When Will We Be Married-

On Thursday+ October 12, troubadour Mike Scott led his Waterboys through the last of a three-night stand at Toronto’s Concert Hall,


photo by Robert C. Rags&de

and ove rblown showmanship.

Nor did the band neglect their other work. They offered fine performances of the memorable tunes from the early LPs. And the B-side RaggIe ‘fuggle GypCinE 9nt4 +a new cnna r~l1Rf-l fif


memory serves) In Search of a Rose served to satisfy the rarityhun r in the crowd. W81i e the vast majority of songs were antiquated in sound, Scott also provided evidence that his .band is capable of real rock ‘n’ roll-based energy, with ferocious versions of Be My Enemy and Medicine Bow, and the frantic coda to Fisherman’s Blues. They also dared to use synthesizers for an especially haunting [ethereal, he said pre;~;%ously) rendition of OId Eng. Through it all, Scott and the band displayed a willingness to entertain (but not to reward complacency; Red Army Blues and Church Not Made with Hands both went unplayed), and a real zest for live performance. May they all be in heaven a halfhour before the devil knows thmh? ded.


Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989

_.ARTS .-.

Gordie Gordo arid the,G-Men:’ by John Hymers Imprint staff



The four G Men are seated casually around a glass table on which a recording device sits. “We should have worn our spandex,” guitarist Joe Delco intones. No one se&ns to agree with him, Lead man Roberto Verdecchia fondles a stool, “look, a minimalist antique turtle.” The phone rings: “probably the Prime Minister,” gro arns bassist Derek MacKinnon. Drummer Gordie Gordo, nee Gord MacKenzie, answers. “Yes, no, . . . yes; sorry you have the wrong number.” Apparently it was the Prime Minister. Gordie Gordo and the G Men have strong ties to Og Records, the unholy child of Gerard Van Herk and Tony Dewald, a duo better known as Deja Voodoo. The latest Og release, -It Came From Canada, Volume 5 features a G Men track, Catching Cows. Though it isn’t one of their stronger numbers, it should help to catapult the band into the world fame they so richly deserve. >

The exposure that It Came gives them is an incalculable asset. People seem to worship Og records: Deja Voodoo have made a career of playing lousy music, but their fan loyalty is legendary, if not scary. And other bands like Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm made a name for themselves on’Og and play to enthusiastic audiences. Yet there lies a band behind this thin veneer of the Next Big Thing; a collection of real human beings, unafraid to shed a tear, or to smile at a young babe’s joke. This is the chronicle of those mortals, of Gordie Gordo and the G Men. The G Men have played extensively around the K- W-Guelph area in the past year, opening up for such bands as the Phantoms and Deja Voodoo; they have shared the spotlight with Iocal band, the Rhinos, and headlined the recent CKMS henefit show at Taps. But, until their Dead Milkmen gig at the Bombshelter, they played to a largely inbred audience at Phil’s .Grandson’s Place. That Dead Milkmen show,


itself a boost for the band as they opened for a big band, provided the chance to open the doors to a larger audience. Open doors they did. The G Men made the most of it, and by some acounts were more entertaining than the Dead Milkmen themselves. While that may be going a little too far, they accomplished more than hold their own up on that dinky Bomber stage: they proved themselves to a crowd which did not expect the treat they.got. Yet their arrival on stage was beset by a particular malaise. The Jazz Butcher used to remark about his former guitarist, Max Eider’s, habit of getting lost in some Twilight Zone. He’d lose him for hours and had no idea where he was off to, or when he would come back. Pretty well at every gig the G Men toil through a similar phenomenon: “The thing that always happens is that two minutes before we’go on, somebody disappears. And then the rest of us sit up there and wonder what happened. Like when Joe disappeared at the Princess for about five minutes,” Roberto explains: ‘Discounting the usual disappearances before the show, Derek and Joegot lost on the way to the Bombshelter. On university property. Joe took a wrong turn and got his directions completely mixed up. He found The Bomber eventually by asking somebody how to get there, Somebody else gave him permission to drive on the sidewalk. But the best story to emerge from that show happened after the G Men had left the stage and involves a rather drunk and confused patron. In Joe’s words:

Look ma, no hands.



“Right after our set I went otit to the Great Hall and this guy comes up to me and tells me we were great. He goes ‘I got your first album and why didn’t you play this and such and such.’ So I


. I _

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On Thursday, October 26, at 8:OOp.m., Waterloo will have the pleasure of hearing Garnet Rogers in concert at the Princess Cinema. Who is Garnet Rogers you ask? Well, he just happens be one of Canada’s finest singers of traditional and contempory folk songs, He has a powerful baritone voice which is strong enough to fill any concert hall and subtle enough to tug at your heart strings. He brings on stage with him six and twelve-St ring guitars, an electric guitar and the occasional violin. Although Rogers mostly performs other writers’ material, he sings as if he wrote the songs himself. He also has a reputation of having a keen ear for excellent material and is even a better arranger of music.

Advance Tickets Available at UW Record Store


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asked him who we were. *And he goes ‘tlie Dead Milkmen.‘I had to go talk to the bouncer at the-door to let him back in.” In keeping with the disparate bands they have opened for,

Well, if this Rogers guy is so good why haven’t I heard of him before now? There isn’t a soul who after hearing him perform hasn’t asked the same question. But don’t let your ignorance rob you of an evening of enlightenment, see Garnet Rogers for yourself.

tmprint, Friday, October 20, 1989

ARTS - __.

o.n Her Majesty’s these guys have eclectic influences. That is bound to happen whenever you have four separate souls sharing one group identity. Garage music is up there, as is Metallica. The Residents played a part and reciting the rest of the litany would &feat the purpose. However, ti Roberto says, “nothing I really like sounds like this.” The music the G Men play can best be described as inhabiting that wispy world between loud and soft, between innocent and diabolical. Their music harbours every known musical cant radiction,





makes them the entertainers they are. By refusing to adopt one style, one genre, they have the luxury of culling and molding their various influences into a sound all their own. Again, what is important is not the influence, but the result. And the resulir so far is the aforementioned cut on the Og compi-

each. But it just gets lots andlots of airplay. Number one all over Canada.” They also have a cut on the CMKS compilation, A Giant

Leap of Faith.

The Og compilation is literally just the toe in the door for the G Men. In the new year, around March, Og records will release a G Men album. At least that is the informal agreement that the two parties have reached. According to the band, the main factors affecting the disk getting into a reare actually cording studio, and, upon cornpletion, waiting for the time when og has enough capital to release it. There is no real fear that this deal will fall through. The week before the Dead Milkmen show, the G Men opened for Deja Voodoo yet again, and Gerard and Tony bade them to g’et into the studio as sobn as possible. Fortified with the facts that Deja VOOdoo loved the G Men’s demo

Secret Cervix

not exactly known for screwing up young bands and taking them for all that they are worth, it seems more than reasonable to special order the album now from your local record store. The potential for the G Men to sound great on an album is quite good, but we shouldn’t judge this from either the CKMS albumi A Giant Leap of Faith, or Og’s It Came from. Those two albums

only contain two G Men songs in total. The greatest indication of their ability to transmit their live show on to vinyl w&s the Studio-two session that they did at CKMS. This was broadcast live over the radio and they were quite powerful, even though this time they were unable to draw support or become bouyed by a crowd. And that is the essential elemen,t of a decent band. Anybody can give a good performance live if the crowd digs ‘em, and the G Men quickly align the audience ‘in their favour. But to do that on vinyl takes a witch’s brew of good songs, good musicianship, and some ie ne sais quoi that often translates into something like novelty. Not necessarily humour, but novelty in the sence of newness, of virgin ground. The G Men, whatever their future holds - as promising as it is - still have to put up with the trials and tribulations of being new kids on the block, Fr’instance, the Dead Milkmen barely talked to them. Says Joe: “most bands we’ve opened for are like the coolest people on earth. But the Milkmen only talked to us for about two minutes before their

sound check”. And when they recently opened up for the Phantoms, lead singer (and Jim Morrison look-alike) Jerome Godboo made fun of their equipment. More specifically, their tiny amps. ‘,‘~f we ever play with them again, we’re gonna rent huge stacks,” retorts Roberto. “In fact, we’ll just build a .huge cabinet and cover it up. Then we’ll grab their Marshalls and hold ‘em up and say ,‘look at these guy’s amps.’ But at least we don’t have to carry B around huge amounts of eqTh\te;iiy haven’t an equip ment m’anager. They haven’t any manager, although they could have used one in more than a few inst antes, True, t heif small and few pieces of equipment are easily carried around by them, but there have been times when they must have wished that they had somebody to help them, if only on stage. Take the example of Marty’s last year, “What about Morty’s last

year?” queries Joe. “I broke a string and then you (Roberto) broke one and then I broke one: three songs in a row. But in the whole week we broke eight strings. I broke four, he broke three and Derek broke one. Too bad it wasn’t a mystical number like nine, ‘cuz nine is-closest to G - you know, Gordie Gordo,” Truly, the G Men can afford & ’ expect a lot from the future, They are a very cohesive unit, and on stage each of them is a pillar supporting the edifice that is Gordie Gordo and the G Men. 3 They all add their two cents worth, from Derek’s demon screams and solid bass, to Roberto’s screwed up stage antics, From Joe’s wild guitar stylings, to Gord’s incessant beats. I grab my tape recorder off of the table and leave, Roberto grabs and plays around with a stool. “Look, a minimalist antique turtle.” Sure. “I guess we have weird habits; we all hang out together.” I have no idea who said that.

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Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989

This is a poor weekend to be alive. Sex-starved males can attempt new methods of self-stimulation. It’s called autoerotic asphyxiation. Try standing on a chair naked. Next, loop a noose about your neck and attach it firmly to a beam in the ceiling. Now manipulate your loins. As soon as you feel you are about to ejaculate, jump off the chair. Isn’t this fun. The Wammee tire playing at Lee’s Palace tonight. Fiddlehead says they’re, “really good punk blues band . . . amazing!‘* Rhonda thinks‘that Wammee are really boring. Who-has more street-cred

If you’r&nto humiliating secretaries and dental hygienists in a big way, check out Andrew Cash at Stages. Monday, October 23 is the date and cheaper than the $20 yqu’d have to shell out to catch hitl hoD terrorism at the Twist, Chuck D and Public Enemy fire the

ursday, October 26 p.m. Our favorite editor’s birthday is on the 27th. Everyone remember to bring a present. Unconfirmed reports suggest the sold-out The The concert at Fed Hall is cancelled, stay tuned. Into the second week of November, FOKUS - In Between and Beyond, a major exhibition of German contemporary art is featured at The Power Plant. Sort of concurrently, a 48-author international symposium featuring literary giants as Mordecai Richler read from their works. This happens at the the Premiere Dance Theatre on Queen’s Quay. But beware, this part is over soon.




Public by Paul Done Imprint staff The fact that Public Enemy are even playing live again at The Twist this coming Tuesday [the 23rd) is a great surprise considering the fact that just a few months ago, the group was-said to be in an indefinite hiatus. The breakup was spurred by anti-semitic comments made in an interview by Professor Griff. After he was kicked out of the group, Chuck D. decided to temporarily disband the collective. They’re back though, and from what I’ve gather the whole posse - Griff included - is together again. Considering the radical change in their attitude toward their white audience, which was evident from their first Toronto concert to their most recent, it will be curious to see whether they have decided to try and con‘tinue the process of reconciliation‘or whether the events will foster a new militancy in their rhetoric. For a moment, let’s set aside all questions and doubts concerning Public Enemy’s contentious and occasionally inflammatory

enemy # 1

views on racial politics. Once this is accomplished it is painfully obvious that P,E. are simply the greatest rap group’ ever to wax prophetic. Their records have set a new standard of lyrical and musical

as the focus for the rage of the youth of America’s dispossessed nation of 20 million blacks. .When Public Enemy play live, it’s not just entertainment - it’s rhythm and rhetoric: music to move the masses - black and

What can you say? intensity to which all other rap groups can only strive. Their records are dense collages of sound which propeLthe lyrical rage of these educated Afro-Americans. Further, they have ignited a coming revolution in black consciousness. After years of rap serving primarily as an outlet for the egomania of participants, Public Enemy have redefined it

white into recognizing the nature of their oppression. Even though calling a band important nowadays is a hollow gesture, given the number of good-for-nothings who have been called important before. Let’s forget the past abuse of the i-word and call P.E. a truly, truly important group. Don’t miss this show.

Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989



A story of passion and power by Moustafa Bayoumi Imprint staff

major focus of her search for experience.

The topic is’ a provocative one: a la-year-old girl attempts to seduce a &year-old playboy it’s provocative because it’s sure to provoke controversy and discussion. But 36 Fillette is more than just another cheap controversy, and more than just another Lolita.

Maurice is not so sentimental as to let a thing like her age disturb his efforts at a good time. His character is jaded, an uncompromising wall of gritty ex; perience. And hiti experiences have made him stoic and cynical. (“Stick your wick into a gal three time, then forget it,” he advises Lili’s brother.]

This film, by French writer/director Catherine Breillat (playing at the Princess Cinema until Monday) is an extraordinarily compelling examination of a young woman’s search for her sexual soul and a depiction of her indoctrination into the adult world of sex, love, brutality and relationships.

of cinema. The moments of silence, the long shots, theinactivity of the camera are all techniques unique to cinema and deftly handled by Breilla;t. Breillat draws you into Lili’s situation quietly but entirely, and doesn’t let you go. And so, although the climax of the film occurs early with the hotel scene, the movie never waivers or loses your attention after that. Lili has won us over

Etienne Chicot plays Maurice and holds his face solidly in one position throughout the film, giving us a sense of the severity af Maurice’s experience. Lib remarkable features, on the other hand, allow her to lure Maurice with a seductive toss of her head, or to hide from him with her baby fat and pouting lips,

no answers

Lili (played by Delphine Zentout) is the girl with a woman’s body. With her busting bodice, the title of the film refers to the girl’s dress size she wears, despite her full bosom. (Zentout, who was 16 at the time of filming, gives a marvelous, sly, shy .

Lili is the emotional centre of the film. Her emotions fuel the film and drive its responses. When Lili moves, the film moves with her - the editing is quick,’ the narrative jumping. When Lili sits to have a co@ee w’ith a famous French.singer to talk about her contradictions, her teenage angst, her desires, provocateur her wisdom, her worldliness, and her desires again, we sit with her. The camera lingers. performance in her first screen And so, as Lili’s emotions dictate the editing of the film, her search role.] for experience becomes all the more compelling - and terrifyLili’s bored with life and with her parents, and she’s seeking to ing, because of her innocence. This culminates in a remarkaexplore the volcanic intensity of her newly found sexuality. She ble hotel scene near the middle of the film. Here Breillat slows is fascinated by the new power she can wield on the men around ~ down the tempo to almost real time, Every second of her time in her, and Maurice, the middleaged playboy, becomes the the hotel room with this man be-

“The candy-mace! Yes, the candy-mace!” yet absolutely full of tension, which draws the air out of us in the same way Lili’s bodice squeezes her, hurts her, in ord&r to pop her breasts out of the child’s wardrobe. Earlier the editing of the film had given us the chance to breathe, only now to take our breath away. What gives 36 Fillette its incredible power is Breillat’s brilliance with handling all the tools

comes our time. The movie is magnetic at this point, drawing you into this incredible situation as she both enand discourages courages Maurice. Her indecisions and contradictions, and Maurice’s possible reactions, fill the screen with such power that the result is completely visceral and mesmerizing, The shots are long and slow,




and we have to seewhat happens to her. But t4ere are no easy answers, no easy victories for her. Her world is full of dark incidents, full of violence, loneliness, failure, as she comes up against adult sexual politics. She discovers that sex is never free, but is full of manipulation, full of use and abuse, and full of solipsism. Her attempt at selfsacrifice, at oral sex, fails miserably as she thoroughly loses her innocence. Lili’s gain of experience is inevitable, but nonetheless lamentable. The French approach to sex has always been more mature, more real than our voyeuristic approaches in the realm of experience., 36 Fillette is thoroughly engaging, brutally unsentimental, challenging and inspired. It holds you and grips you with astonishing immediacy. It leaves you with-ideas and with images ringing in your head. It does everything great moviemaking should do.






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by John Zachariah Imprint staff *


The title track from Janet Jackson’s new album Rythym Nation sounds as though it was performed by a pit crew. You can almost picture Janet, chrome pistons where her arms should be, piledriving a pair of Simmons pads, a loudspeaker where her mouth should be, blaring, her new creed of unity through rythym. Sizzle, sizzle, whomp, whomp goes the song, roar goes the chorus, as Janet wails for the

new earth. It wouldn’t be right to say that things go downhill from there (Rhythm Nation is the first cut), but Janet and producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis never quite match the intensity of their first declaration. Intensity alone, though, does not make a great song. Witness the simmering steamhammer bass of the album’s first single, Miss You Much., which rehashes to Bood effect the lean, icy funk of Control. The first three songs on the record find Janet addressing various social issues and, unfortunately, she lapses into stilted left-wing rhetoric more than once. Thinks are made better by the end of side one, though, with Love WiII Never Do (without You), a completely winning song the likes of which Prince should be so lucky to write. Social conscience is eschewed

entirely on side two, with ~scapade, an escapist fantasy which apes Prince’s Take Me With You and the album’s best surprise, Slack Cat, a heavy metal bumpand-grind romp which could teach Lee Aaron and Robert Palmer a thing or two. v After that, though, we’re into three syrupy, stinking ballads that close the album in bad form. These ballads aren’t the, only problem: in fact,the main one is Janet’s aforementioned newfound social conscience, which tends to express itself in lumpen and corny ways, especially on stuff like Livin’ In A World (They Didn’t Make]. Many times her sentiments seem misplaced or shallow, as though she were calling for band-aid solutions when what’s really needed is more than the new order of “Music/Poetry/Dance/Unity” which she calls for. But it’s difficult to’ fault a pkrson for speaking their mind when they see things that need changing, and <ti the &&%inspire anyone to find out more about social issues, then they’ve done some good; learning is never bad. Rythym Nation is a genuine benchmark, a triumph for Jackson,’ and a resounding vindication of her association with Jam and Lewis. A wedding of technology and talent+ the album draws on a large body of funk history but nonetheless boasts a sound all its own, a whole which surpasses the sum of its parts.

Doin’ the nasty

5 bands that open for Public 5, New Kids


shouldn’t Enemy’

un the block


4. Status Quo 3. Queen


2. Sammy Davis Jr. 1. Skrewdriver

by Patrick Myers -Imprint staff With their latest, Aerosmith prove why they are one of the legends of hard rock. Pump may not be Aerosmith’s best album but it is up there, combining their classic sound with a new innovative style. A style that few bands in the hard rock genera would have the guts to duplicat e. In many ways, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry came up with what can be considered a typical Aerosmith album. The main

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themes of their songs still deal with sex, drugs and raising hell, The lyrical sophisticat ion of most of the tracks on the album leave something to be desired, but is not all bad since it gives the impression that they’re having a lot of fun. The first time you hear Steven Tyler’s grating voice you want to wince, but in a strange way his voice is a refreshing change from most of today’s ultra-high polished vocals. Perry is his everimpressive self of lead guitar, resisting the temptation (which many less-seasoned guitarists don’t) of spinning his guitar

solos into mindless, repetitious scales that pass for guitar solos. F.I.N.E. and what it Takes exemplify Aerosmith’s classic style, and with some luck might make it into the ranks of their greats. Like the majority of Aerosmith’s albums, you get a couple of great tracks and the rest of the album sucks. I won’t mention the bad songs, but do be forewarned, they are there,




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Thievery; a remorseless ripping off - but no slinking return home with tail ‘twixt legs. Slimy electronic chaos colours music in.an attempt ‘to create a nineties alias’ for sixties halftruths. These falsehoods are the result of stealing - stealing the worst





Prefab Sprout and Simply Red. No great loss really, but it is unfortunate. Music shouldn’t be about creating religious devotion to doctrine, But pomposity and gratuitous overindulgence in prayer to the dead are cult. Sowing the Seeds of Love sucks.

Imprint, Friday, October’20,




What she’s left is a drab, but

by Moustafa Bayoumi Imprint staff She’s been called the poor man’s Tom Waits, but Rickie Lee Jones (RLJ) used to rise above such crass put downs and (almost] hold her own with her former sweetheart. But with her new slab of ll’cuts, RLJ threatens to legitimize even her most severe critics. Gone are the funky streetsmart lyrics; the clear poignant vignettes, the surrealistic journeys through her houses of id and angst - all that which was so beautifully rendered in previous efforts (Pirates, Girl at Her Volcano]. Instead the phrases ring empty, the images are hackneyed, and the language solecistic. Oh Rickie, why have you left us? What have you left us?

well-produced (all too well, probably] record [produced by Walter Becker of Steeley Dan fame) which only hints at the sly Rickie of the past, The problem is that without her previous integrity, Rickie’s idiosyncrasies become exaggerated. Her blueswoman act is unconvincing, like your . grandmother, drunk, doing her best Etta James, and her incomprehensible crooning becomes Lily Tomlin doing baby talk. It’s been a while since Rickie’s treaded down the recording waters, but the waters would have been left better undisturbed. No worry here of Rickie troubling the waters of hipdom on this effort though, the album sinks too fast.

And that’s what makes it so hard to listen to; the album is too easy to listen to. Like her last album (The Magazine), this work doesn’t push, play, or challenge anything musically or lyritally . So she’s not the poor man’s Tome Waits. No, she’s become a saccharine Tom Waits - too artificial and too easy to take and anyone who knows Tom Waits knows that it’s got to be whiskey or nothing at all.



“Those Imprint Arts guys, I tell ya ...“’

by Rhoada Riche Imprint staff The first time I heard of the trio Scrawl was in July when my roommate Cassandra was desperately trying to find a copy of their LP He’s Drunk, The first time I actually heard the album, I was kinda disappointed. I’d heard that these Ohio gals had been opening up for fIREHOSE and the Butthole Surfers, but at first listen they sounded like Indigo Girls with lower production values! That is to say, this record


didn’t kick butt like I expected it to. But now I know better. After repeated listenings, I realized that Scrawl sound more like the Blake Babies with higher production values. Sue Harshe and Marly May’s harmonies kind of snake around like the Indigo Girls with knives. And even though there a couple of really lame tunes on this record, songs like Breaker, Breaker and Green Beer are loud, fast and good. Don’t be afraid of the all-girl

band tag& the word womb does not appear anv’where on this record. Scrawl excel1 lyrically: for ’ example, Green Beer asks the eternal questions Why is the keg always empty? Why ccln’t she ever let go of a man, and Why does she always bring her mom on the scene? Yes, songs about falling down ’ drunk and songs about leaving town and never coming back, something for fans of bands girl and boy alike. And Cassandra, I hope you can find this album in Edmonton *cuz it’s worth it.


Curry, Tbmdoorl and Vegetarian Dishes are our Specialties We serve a .speclal

.3=COlJRSE LUNCH decked out in Soundgarden Tshirts, baseball caps, wristbands, and black satin jackets. Not only that, but were Louder Than Love marketed as a “new metal” LP, music hacks like me wouldn’t feel the misguided urge to review it, and we’d no doubt save some of our own precious time. To accentuate the positiv& there are a couple listenable moments on this LP. One of them is Big Dumb Sex, which is a lot of fun with its “I wanha fuck, fuck,

by Derek Weiler Imprint staff For the life of me I can’t figure out how on earth a band like Soundgarden has managed to get away with an “alternative” tag. I mean, this is a band that’s the sum total of every metal cliche you’ve ever heard, from Zeppelin and Sabbath right on down to AC/DC. and The Cult. But because they served time on the hip Seattle indie label Sub Pop, they’ve conned everyone into believing that they’re more “cool” and “alternative” than Plant, Astbury et al. So here I go, foolishly risking the wrath of Jacqui Bruner once again: This album is a drag. The sad truth is that Soundgarden have been grossly

fuck, fuck youuuu” chorus. But on the same slab of vinyl on which they lampoon metal lyrics, they include a song called Get on the Snake (you figure it out] that contains nary a whit of satire or irony. Oh well. The few genuine metal fans who hear this will love it, as will some self-deluding college-radio programmers. But when Soundgarden hit T.O. roaring and howling to disguise their essential unhipness, I’ll pass, thanks.

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arketed. A&M should be pushing Louder Than Love at a crowd of young headbanging Guns ‘n’ Roses disciples. True, they’d be sacrificing some credibility, but at least they’d stand a chance of hitting it big. With a little imagination, it’s not hard to picture.a herd of acne-riddled fifteen-year-olds . ‘,‘.. J’a



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20’~ Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989


’ over, it’s as dry and ironic as the best of Vanderhaeghe’s work. Indeed, ‘Vanderhaeghe’s terse prose draws the reader into the story almost immediately, and holds him there throughout. The essential problem with the book is the character of Earl, Vera’s brother. Never seen by the reader, he takes on mythical status in the novel, as shadowy hints of his mental difficulties are dropped, and his breakdown is finally recounted during the book’s climax. Unfortunately, Earl’s breakdown occurs almost fifteen years before the book’s narrative, and the flashback is mad-

iri a way that’s always completely believable, And when the ihird-berson narrative takes

Blatant filler - or a profound statement7


of Waterloo


by Wacey Lobin Imprint staff


The Bridesmaid is a brand spanking new mystery/thriller novel from my favourite, Ruth Rendell, the new queen of British crime __ novels, In this, her latest

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bb -


and contrived.

This is

perhaps Homesick’s one fatal flaw. However, these structural faults do not invalidate the sheer joy of reading Vanderhaeghe’s prose, or discovering his wonderful characters, or relishing his magnificent irony. Despite its flaws, Homesick is a book to be read and enjoyed.

If looks could kill... The Bridesmaid Ruth Rend& Doubleday Canada 259 pages


deningly vague. In short, Earl’s character is undeveloped to the point that it is unable to su~pport the book’s denouement, as Vanderheghe obviously intends it to. Without a strong character behind it, the book’s ending comes off as antic-

effort since last vear’s The; Veiled One, Rendell iontinues td attract her audience with a spellbinding tale of crime and suspense. Philip Wardman is a normal, twenty-year old man living in a suburb of London with his widowed mother and teen-aged sister. He has a steady job, a steady girlfriend, and a nice dog. Things are fine (although along the way he breaks up with his girlfriend, his mother is jilted in love, and his little sister harbours some sort of dark secret) until he meets Senta Pelham, his older sister’s (1 forgot to mention her; she is newly married and Senta is her husband’s cousin] bridesmaid at her wedding: the bridesmaid. Philip is awed by Senta’s extraoqdinary loveliness [which, by the way, closely parallels the beauty of a marble statue that the Wardmans have sitting in their back garden) and is drawn to her strong, magical presence. She commands his life and his thoughts until Philip cannot possibly function as a complete person without her. Philip only wishes that Senta was not so preoccupied with morbid and grisly death - a subject Philip abhors. But suddenly, he finds himself confronted with it at every turn, until he almost perforrhs the most appalling of acts . . . You know it’s hopeless, you know Philip should stay away from Senta, you know there’s something wrong with the top flat in Senta’s house..

. but Ren-

dell cleverly reassures us, she soothes our flustered feelings, and then WHAM! -hits us with the inevitable conclusion. It is her forte, this dark, brooding mystery; she weaves suspense and excitement into intricate patterns for a fina! “tapestry of psychologitial apprehension and, F


Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989

Brushes With Greatness Ed. by Russell Bunks, Michael Onduatje, and David Young Coach House Press 146 pages

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff A couple of years ago, my roommate and I rode the campus media ticket for all it was worth and wormed our way into a record company shmoozefest with Peter Buck and Mike Mills of REM. Under the rubric of a record release party for Document, the record company wined and dined us and a spate of radio and MuchMusic types on a two-hour boat cruise around scenic Toronto harbour. Over the course of the cruise, untold buckets of beer were tossed back, and just about everyone was earnestly engaged in networking and making connections, leaving Buck and Mills sitting on the deck chatting bemusedly by themselves, whereupon my roommate and I, having no connections and even less shame, seized’ our opportunity and harangued the REM duo for an hour with effusive adulation and listened reverentially while Mike Mills waxed poetic about life in Athens, Georgia and Peter Buck pontificated about the virtues of Canadian beer. My sistbr has had several conversations with no less a celebrity than Don Cherry. And when my dad was a teenager, he literally bumped into Wild Bill Ezinicki, who twice led’the NHL in pedty minutes in the ‘40’s, at the Maple Leaf Gardens concession stand. The point of all this is that meetings with celebrities are not remarkably unique or rare; the

strength of a compendium of anecdotes about ordinary folk holding court with the glitterati rests in the quality of the writing and the interest/hurfiour factor of the stories, not in namedropping big stars in the “I served Sammy Davis Jr. a Super Big Gulp at 7-11 in Cheektowaga” vein. Brushes With Greatness, re: leased with considerable hoopla by Coach House and notable at least in part due to the stature enjoyed by co-editors Russell Banks and Michael Ondaatje, thankfully avoids this pitfall. But it does not always live up to its subtitle, “An Anthology of Chance Encounters with Celebrities”; stories of paparazzi-style stake-outs at a hotel where John Lennon stayed smack a little too much of calculation to qualify as “chance mettings.” There is also a little tod much gushing; this is understandable since it stands to reason that if one is going to write about an encounter with someone, it’s going to be someone who means a lot to that person. But such excessive reverence-tend6 ta belo& on a reader with limited knowledge of that figure, Even the story about one.Ghloe Lietzke attending an Elvis concert seems almost a bad parody of Elvis fans: “For days following I was still in a dream world, one like I have never experienced since. I wanted time to stand still, because each day I was farther from Elvis.” One can only expect a certain unevenness when there are some seventy vignettes in Brushes With Greatness, but some of the stories are truly memorable, foremost among these being Gary R. Edwards’ recounting of his encounters with Colonel Sanders. Seems that Edwards’ family owned a Kentucky Fried

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I picked through Mia Farrow’s Chicken outlet and played host to Cal, Sanders when Edwards was a young boy and an inveterate bedwetter. Not a problem until the great man has to sleep

garbage in the same bed as Edwards: when they meet again years later, the colonel greets him with, “Aren’t you the young whippersnapper who pissed all

over my leg?” Other highlights include two college friends vacationing in Cuba, getting Papa Hemingway’s attention by insulting his latest book, and then getting the snot pounded out of them by the burly bard; Dizzy Gillespie discussing Henri Bergson’s The Philosophy of Time in a Montreal jazz club; Buckminster Fuller trying to sweet-talk a girl with the classic line, “You’re very , + . universe”; GovernorGeneral Award-winning author Timothy. Findley curtseying to Katharine Hepburn; and Fidel Castro stymying a baseball team of North American students studying in Cuba with wicked curveballs while Che Guevera watched from the sidelines. Another personal favourite would have to be Sharon Thesen, whose sublime entry is, in its entirety, “I once lived with a man whose ex-wife had an affair with Sonny Bono.” Definite grounds for divorce. The majority. of anecdotes offer light and usually entertaining reading, but at their best, are also concise, personal glimpses of people like Argetine writer Jorge Luis Borges, Desmond Tutu, T.S. Eliot, an.d Tennessee Williams: celebrities who have become so mueh a part of our cultural mythology as to become abstractions rather than people , who actually exist led). To read of Jayne Mansfield flirting with a shoe store clerk seems almost fictitious; to give scenesfrom the life of an icon seems almost unreal, but oddly charming. in spite of its flaws, Brushes With Greatness maintains that charm through most of the vignettes, however self-gratifying and gushing they may be at times. It’s hardly a towering achievement, but I can think of worse ways to while away a few hours.

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upset Laurier - afte,rshocks felt

by Rich Nichol Inlprint stuff . For the last 18 years the Waterloo football ‘teams have bowed to their city rivals+ Laurier, in the OUAA Westhell the Warriors no longer have to hang their heads in shame on University Avenue because the new and improved team squeaked past their counterparts 7-6 last Saturday before a near capacity crowd of 4200 fans. The win extends Waterloo’s phenominal winning streak to three games, a great turnaround from a record 33 game losing skid. This puts the Warriors in a three way tie for the fourth and last playoff spot, sharing 3-3 records with Laurier and Windsor. The big story this season was just going to be a possible Waterloo win, That has now grown into.a chance for UW to make the playoffs. Here is the situation Waterloo is in. The Warriors must beat Windsor this Saturday. This would put Waterloo at 4-3 and eliminate the Lancers from the playoffs with a record of 3-4. Toronto is at 4-3 right now and meets up with Laurier this weekend to decide the Hawks fate. If Laurier wins then Waterloo, Laurier, and Toronto would all be deadlocked in third place with 4-3 records. In situations like this when there is a tie for a playoff spot, teams are ranked first by head-to-head play and then points-for minus pointsagainst differentials. Head-tohead, each team cancels each other out; Laurier beat Toronto, Toronto defeated Waterloo, and Waterloo edged Laurier. So the tie is still unsolved. zBut when you apply the differential, Toronto would take third place overall in the OUAA West and Laurier would take the final playoff spot in fourth, leaving the Warriors [who hold high points-against numbers) out of a ‘playoff berth. So two things have to happen to get the Warriors into post-season play: Waterloo must beat Windsor at Seagram Stadium, and Toronto must beat Laurier at Varsity Stadium.

-Waterloo running back Tom Chartier splits the Laurier defence en run late in the third quarter to.win it for the Warriors. “It was nice to win here at score ended 1-O. At the start of the second quarhome in front of our fans and against our biggest rivals,” said ter, Laurier had a first down but a gleaming Waterloo head coach could not get another as lineTuffy Knight. “They are like old backer Dave Brush tackled a friends to me and it was nice to Hawk ball carrier five yards short of the marker. beat them and shine the limeWaterloo pivot Brian Lenart light on Waterloo for once.” Knight .was later quoted on looked a little shaky in the first half. On Waterloo’s next possesCKCO-TV as saying, “Before the sion, Lenart threw a bad pass game, I had a talk with the guys and assured them that we had a about five yards to the left of intended receiver Dave Ropret. chance to win for the first time in Unfbrtunately, the ball landed in 18 years. I told them that they the alert hands of Laurier cornercould lose and face these guys back Greg Knox. (Laurier players) on the streets Unable to move the ball on this winter in shame, or they their next two plays, Laurier decould win and gain some dignity and let them feel what it’s like to cided to try for a 16 yard field goal at 11:42. As Hawk place lose.” It was a very defensive game kicker Dave Brownrigg booted the ball, Waterloo linebacker with very little scoring, but was Kilby burst through the line to still very exciting nonetheless. block the kick, and Waterloo recBoth teams stuck to their runovered the ball. ning games with very little To litter the quarter with even leather being thrown in the air. Aore turnovers, Lenart tossed Neither offence could move the up another brick that was picked ball up the field effectively. off by cornerback Tony Wilson. On the opening kickoff, WaterThree plays later, Brownrigg loo’s Peter Tchir booted the ball kicked a 22 yard field goal to put 70 yards over top of the head of Laurier ahead 3-f with eight return man John Tavares and minutes remaining in the half. Each team collected a few first . Warrior playoff hopes: downs but neither squad could Waterloo must beat Windsor sustain a drive of niore than 20 Toronto must beat Laurier yards. Halfback Tom Chartier did most of the running for the Warriors, while Doug Reid and With only one league game left then the ball bounced right out of for all teams, none of the eight the back of the end zone for a Andy Cecchini shared the Laurier carries. positions in the OUAA West single point. That point would 9 have been determined. Guelph Nevertheless, Laurier got later make the difference in the within striking distance and will travel to London to play game score. Western to decide who will take With Laurier in possession notched up an impressive .46 the division pennant, while first, the Warriors were showing yard field goal into the wind to McMaster hosts York in the batsigns of weakness on the right take the lead going into the tle fm the basement. hand side hut held off a fairly dressing room at the half. B-I. dismal Hawk offence despite Just at the start of the half, a The last time Waterloo made two first downs. Waterloo had blanket of clouds turned day into the playoffs was in 1978 when one fumble resulting in a turnight and the grounds crew the team lost to Laurier in the nover, but Laurier could not cap- thought that they woul’d have to semi-finals 30-23. That was also italize on it. The Waterloo turn on the lights. But the black the last year that the Warriors defence improved tremendously clouds blew over without harm. finished above ,500 1 toward the end of the quarter Lenart regained the confidence Getting back to the victory, with brilliant tackles by Mark and consistency that he has the last time Waterloo beat LaurYarmel, Dave Shaw, Paul Kilby shown in the previous two ier ip football was in 1971 when and Blair Greenly. In a rather games, on Waterloo’s first posWaterloo defeated the Hawks quiet first quarter on offence, the session of the second half. On 19-7.

in California The final quarter reflected the opening quarter in that neither team could execute a prosperous offence. The 2500 Warrior faithful were chanting the one point lead while our down-the-street rivals were. strangely quiet. Waterloo ran a fake punt snap at 5:~ of the fourth quarter to get a first down, but that is about as exciting as it got, at least until the end.

one point lead in the fourth

route to a 24yard touchdown. photo by Wke Dupb mostly short yardage pfays, Lenart anchored a series that started at Waterloo’s nine yardline and ended with a touchdown. The drive included 5 first downs on 17 plavs and covered 161 yards. Big yardage gains were collected on running plays by Chartier and passes to rookie halfback T.J. Diehl. On the final play of the drive from the Laurier 24 yard line, Lenart passed the ball up the middle fairly ‘deep to Chartier who carried it in for the major at 3:48. Since the score was now 7-6 for Waterloo, the Warrisrs decided to go for a two point convert that, if successful, would limit a possible Laurier field goal to just a tie rather than a lead. The overanxious Warriors were called offside on the convert attempt and the score remained 7-6.

Tchir tried a 44 yard field goal attempt with three, minutes left but the 1ball sailed just slightly wide right of the uprights. Finally, with 0:Ol on the clock and Laurier on 3rd and 7 at their own 37 yard line, it was do or die for the Hawks. Every back and receiver scampered deep and Laurier quarterback Ian MacKenzie overshot the intended receiver, and the Warrior fans began to spill onto the field. The statistical summaries were too small and pathetic to put down here. The Ray Owens Memorial Award is given to the MVP of the game for each team, in honour of the former Waterloo Ombudsman. This years awards were given to Waterloo halfback Tom Chartier and Laurier linebacker Ron VanMoerkerke. Each plaiyer received an honourary plaque and had their names engraved in the large permanent plaque which hangs in the Ombudsman’s office. Waterloo’s chance at a playoff spot comes tomorrow (Saturday) against Windsor at 2:OOpm at Seagram Stadium. “It’s not going to be easy against Windsor,” commented Knight “Windsor plays a tough game, but we’ve got the momentum and are within striking distance of a playoff berth.”

Game MUPs: The Ray Owens Memorial award recipients were Laurier linebacker Ron Vanmoerkerke (52) and Waterloo running back Tom Chartier.


Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989


in b-ball opener

UW thumpsYork by Rich Nichol Imprint staff It wasn’t the most exciting game in Warrior basketball history, but Waterloo started its exhibition schedule with an 88-59 lambasting of the York Yeomen last Friday (October 13) before a crowd of just under 1006 at the PAC. The contest was filled with sloppy passes, steals, air balls (some that even missed the backboard), and unchallenged shots, all typical elements of #two teams’ first game of the year. “Both teams were fairly green as is understandable, but des,pite the inexperience of our five rookies, we wore them (York) down quite effectively,” said Warrior head coach Don McCrae, “I played everybody at different times in the game and the guys worked well together despite all the combinations of lines. We have got a long way to go yet and I’m glad we have three more months to work with before league play starts.” Waterloo dominated all aspects of the game. The Warriors ruled the paint, out-rebounding the Yeomen an astounding 3716, with high numbers by rookies John Hamilton and Mike Duarte, Waterloo also moved the

ball better, collecting 20 assists the game. Troyak began to take comto York’s pathetic two. The only mand, netting eight points in a stat that the boys from North span of one minute, highlighted York achieved the higher by an uncontested shot from the numbers in was personal fouls. They climbed all over the War- treyline. Consequently, Waterloo stormed ahead 35-26 with riors 24-14. Individually, the Waterloo of- four minutes to the break. Poag started a scoring streak fence was anchored by the of his own on a fast break pass guards. Second-year sniper Andy Zienchuk led the team from ironman Ron Braley and with 22 points and logged over drained eight points before the 22 minutes on the hardwood, the half. York hopelessly started to most of any Warrior. Sophomore Jason Poag played like a fourth play a catch-up game and finally got the ball moving in the opposyear veteran, sinking six of eight attempts from the field for 13 ing key. But the Yeomen should have been concentrating on points. Chris Troyak looked very poised and in control, nailpatching up the “turnstile” deing 12 points, including three fence. However, York narrowed the Warrior lead 45-38 at the jumpers. half. The game started out at a slow pace with both teams tossing up It onlv took 14 seconds for Witerloo ti score the first basket of bricks. Neither team had a front court as was evident by the the second half. Poag trotted through the middle of the paint sloppy work in the paint. York with little coverage for an easy marksman Mike Gallivan deuce, followed*one minute later canned two treys in the opening minutes but Zienchuk answered by a tremendous three point back with five baskets, includplay . ing one on an impressive steal, to The Yeomen’s Jeff Lynch congive Waterloo a close lead 13-12 tinued his consistent leadership at the middle of the first half. on offence in the early part of the McCrae was unusually quiet second frame. Heavy- coverage at the beginning but started to con Lynch by the Warrior defence become more vocal with the defresulted in a couple of fouls and ensive formations at this point of he netted three out of four gift

shots. He led the Yeomen scoring with 13 points. Waterloo broke the game wide open as Zienchuk stole the show, pumping in shots from the baseline. Later, he dribbled in through the back door and ‘acrebatically one handed the ball off the glass. With 14 minutes left on the clock, Waterloo had widened the bulge 62-46. To make matters worse for the Yeomen, Poag and rookie Chris Moore each swatted away shots out of the air like flies, resulting in steals and fast breaks. Veterans Braley and Pat Telford took advantage of the turnovers by sinking easy baskets in the paint at the mouth of the rim. As the ticker wound down to 1:29, second-year Warrior Rob Baird canned a brilliant shot for the trifactor. From there, York kept digging a deeper and deeper

gra\ie for themselves. Duarte added to the insult with a three-point play at 6:39 and another basket at the buzzer. The final damage was Waterloo 86,York 59. The two teams meet for a rematch tonight (Friday], this time on York’s court, The game starts at 8:00 p.m. for anyone who will be in Smogville. “When you play a team two weeks in a row, you’ve got time in between to correct some of the mistakes,” commented McCrae adding, “You have more of an idea of what to expect the second time around and you can build on that like measuring sticks. York will definitely be an improved team.” The next home games for the Warriors won’t be until mid November when they host the presNaismith Classic, tigious

Club Z points: Sophomore sniper Andy fienchuk drains one for two of his team high 22 points in the 88-59 lambasting Of York.

Pond hockey g.old) by Andrew Kinross Imprint staff 1 Another, weekend tournament, another hockey victory. The Warrior ice hockey team skated off with their secoid tournament championship in as many weeks, this time capturing the 5th Annual Western Mustang Hockey Tournament held at IJWO in London. In many respects, the tournament outcome was almost a carbon copy of the Oktoberfest Invitatibnal held last week here at Waterloo. The Warriors ousted Guelph in a shootout 7-6 in the first round of play, and then went on to outclass our preppy -_ - neighbours, Western, 5-1 in the championship game. The tournament was the last game situation for the Warriors before the regular season begins and left the team’s exhibition record at 5-2. However, with veterans in the lineup, the team’s record is unblemished with five straight wins. The Warriors went up against the Guelph Gryphons for the third time this year on Saturday afternoon and the two teams ended up stalemated after regulation time, 4-4. A shootout followed a five-minute sudden death overtime period where neither team succeeded in notching the winner. In the shootout, players from either team skated simultaneously with the puck from centre ice toward opposite goaltenders. lim David and John Goodman scored on their shots to put Waterloo out in front 2-0 in the shootout. Guelph narrowed the lead to one with a goal on the fourth shot. On the fifth and final shot, the Guelph shooter raced down the ice and scored to even




away 31 shots. Johnny-on-thespots for the Warriors were John Goodman, John Williams, John Dietrich, and Tony Crisp. In the championship game against Western, the Warriors consistently dominated play for two periods, built up an insurmountable lead, and then coasted to victory. A pleased, yet reserved Don McKee, head coach of the Warriors, commented that the team was getting some welcome breaks. “We’re not blessed with a whole lot of scoring power . . . but the puck seems to be going in the net for us.” Tony Crisp, flanked by linemates John Goodman and Jamie Maki, paced the Warriors with two goals. In the second period, Crisp broke in on a two-on-two rush and scored probably the prettiest goal. He cut in behind a Mustang defenceman, waiting


for the goalie to commit himself before tucking the puck in the open net. McKee said, “John Goodman was playing with an awful lot of desire.” He added that Goodman, as always, helped the team with strong checking and leadership. McKee was happy that Crisp was a “real offensive threat -all weekend long” for both tournaments. Crisp, who contributed three goals and one assist over two games, was selected as MVP for the tournament. Mike Bishop was between the posts for Waterloo in the final game and he along with his strong defence held the Mustangs from several good scoring opportunities.’ First year student Steve Schaefer, who McKee praised as a promising rookie, has decided to leave the Warriors and play with the Elmira. Junior B club.

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however, Steve Girardi elevated the Warriors to victorv bv finding the mesh for the third shootout goal seconds later. WGerloo started second-string goaltender Jamey Sollman, who provided a solid performance, especially during shorthanded situations. He turned

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Imprint, Friday, Octob


20, 1989 ,



Win clinches semi-final ehomefie-ld

over Mac

Ruggbrs rollercoaster by Peter Brown Imprint staff

It was a wild win in a wild wind. The Waterloo Warrior Rugby team clinched a playoff berth and homefield advantage for at least one game with their strange 16-13 victory over the visiting McMaster Marauders. Why strange? Well, whether it was Indian summer or the greenhouse effect, it was a bit warmer than classic rugby weather. Some turbulent wind cooled off the pitch by the end of the game, however. The other strange thing was that the Warriors’ usual pattern of winning wasn’t followed. Instead of gradually gaining momentum and playing more cohesively later rather than sooner, the hdme side rode a rollercoaster, intense and surehanded at some times and flat and tentative at others. They showed flashes of briiliance between muddled mental lapses, and the flashes and some solid teamwork were enough to win, giving them a 5-1 record to remain in second place in Division One. Paul Toon and Marc Cahoon again played excellent games, with Hayden Belgrave also standing out and Michael Fischer giving his usual solid performance. This match started out much like so many of this season’s games: slow and sloppy. Soon McMaster emerged as the dominant team, though Waterloo threatened at least twice. On both occasions, it was Warrior Cahoon who was near the ball. Once, Cahoon targeted t he ball like a missile, kicking it away from a couple of Marauders and almost collecting it for a try. Unfortunately, he could not get a handle on the piece of leather and Mac regained possession. Waterloo soon turned to the right page of its usual script, and finally began to consolidate its game by 25 minutes in. Again they threatened in the Mac end, and forced a penalty. Darren Wilton made the kick for post, and Waterloo had struck first to lead 3-0. This kick seemed to wrench the Marauders’ collective fingers from the dike, as the Warriors increased their intensity and sensed that

This is not how tineouts are supposed to work. McMaster won the ball on this play, but the 3 Warriors won the day 16-13 for their fifth win in six games. photo by Peter Brown I they could dominate. McMaster kicked off to begin play again, and a Warrior-controlled ruck followed. In classic textbook fashion, Steve Slater passed the ball out to the Waterloo wingers, who were running well by this stage, The ball made it out to-Michael Fischer, who rounded the corner and sped down the sideline, eventually kicking it forward when he had run out of ‘room. It was a useful kick, almost making it to the McMaster *tryline. Excellent Waterloo support arrived, and a hot-potato scramble carried the ball into the endzone. Slater snatched it from the air, and dropped for the try. Wilton added the conversion, and Waterloo now led 9-o. This score held until halftime, with Waterloo still in control of the momentum. The. second half opened with Waterloo still pressing, and soon McMaster had been forced into surrendering another penalty. The location of this foul was certainly in Mac’s favour, though. It was well to the left side of the field, giving Waterloo a difficult angled kick attempt. The placement didn’t faze Wilton, and the Warrior kicker made another highlight film boot, putting the ball above the crossbar and inside the right upright by a

couple of feet. This score extended UW’s lead to 12-O. The Marauders now realized that they had to make something happen, to try to wrest the mo: mentum from the steady Warriors. First, they noticed that the referee was not calling offside infractions, especially on rucks

side started to make dangerous mental mistakes. A penalty kick by Simon Beames put Mac on the board, still down 12-3. Waterloo’s defensive game began to fall apart, and Marauder Erik Kampe took full advantage of mental lapses and tentative tackling by the Water-

Belgrave passed to Marc Cohoon, who raced down the sideline untouched for an exhilarating

try. The

Warriors were now ahead 16-7. and mauls. Second, they remembered that pain can have a negative effect upon mental concentration, and began to use their cleats liberally on the backs of the rucks. McMaster must have found the formula, because the home

loo backs. Receiving the ball from a strum at about 15 minutes into the second frame, he danced past one Warrior and straight-armed another, breaking or avoiding at least three tackles to plow over the tryline in the corner for the major.

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The convert failed from a near impossible angle, and Waterloo’s lead had been reduced to a surmountable five points, 12-7. Mac could win with a converted try, an entirely plausible event, given Waterloo’s loss of poise. The UW side was showing frustration at Mac’s rough play and the reluctance of the official to make routine offside calls, Some careless tackles by the Warriors gave Mac what they wanted: opportunities. But they failed to capitalize on them, missing two penalty kicks in close succession. The official missed a Mac forward pass, and then added injury to insult by calling Waterloo for a high tackle. Another chance and another miss for Mac, not successful at kicking so far in the game. By the midway point of the second half, the game had reached a transition point again. One sensed that McMaster could not keep squandering chances or that Waterloo had to stop their careless errors. The only question was which would happen first. In one of their flashes of brilliance, it was the Warriors, And the inside men and backs, running strong again, made it happen. # Ralph Engels passed to Hayden Belgrave, who took the ball confidently for his best run of the day. He passed to Marc Cohoon, who raced down the sideline untouched for an exhilarating try. The convert was missed, and the Warriors were now ahead 16-7. This was a vitally important score, as the Warriors reverted to their lack of defensive concentration a few minutes later. McMaster pressed late in the game, and scored a try off of a strum dkep in UW territory just before the finishing whistle. A breakdown in Waterloo’s concentration and the official’s reluctance to curb McMaster’s aggressive rucking again led to the sloppy score by Marauder Grahame Walsh. Beames kicked the convert, but the whistle ended Mac’s hop& of a comeback; the game ended 16-13 for Waterloo. Waterloo and Queen’s, who posted a 19-13 weekend victory over York, have identical 5-1 records, but the Golden Gaels hold top spot by virtue of their win over Waterloo earlier this season. So, it looks like UW will host only the semi-final game on October 28 against either Western, McMaster, or York. The Mustangs, 3-3, hold a onepoint lead over the other two schools for third place in Division One and the last playoff spot. But, they play Queen’s in the final week, making their prospects bleak. McMaster and York play each other, meaning that one of the two will probably be Waterloo’s opponent on October 28. Queen’s will host the winner of Division Two, either Laurier or RMC, in the other semi-final game. The winner of that game, regardless of who it is, will host the OUAA final on the following Saturday, November 4. The Warriors can still win the division with a win and a Queen’s loss tomorrow (Saturday] to Western, but the latter is not something to count on. If Waterloo and Queen’s advance to the final, it would be a rematch of last year, won by the Gaels 20-3, The Warriors’ last provincial championship was in 1985.


Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989



Brock invitational regatta

Lightweight raced their brelir%iar$- heat, placing third and qualifying for the final. Both the heavyweight men and the lightweight women crews were overpowered by the intense competition, but feel confident about a comeback at Western, on October 21.

Keep four oars in the lagoon! Athenas made it to intense final at hock last weekend. photo by Card Cambre Meanwhile, the lightweight men’s crew qualified for their final by smoking U of T in their preliminary heat. Their final was excruciatingly close. The

Watemolo four by leff Hater Imprint stuff The Warriors waterpolo team travelled to Hamilton this past weekend to play a two-day, fourgame set against their Eastern division rivals: Ottawa, Carleton, RMC and Queen’s, The Warriors split their matches, beating Carleton and Queen’s and falling to Ottawa and RMC. Waterloo’s record stands at 3-4 pending the result of a game at York on Wednesday night which marked the mid-way point of the season. Waterloo is now under their third coach in three years, Jeff Slater, who is also playing for the team. Although everyone is working hard for the best results, continuity will be necessary for Waterloo to rise into the ranks of the OUAA elite. This year’s team is buoyed by a strong set of returning players led by Gord Head and Norbert Molnar, and an. excellent rookie crop including starter Greg Baldwin and two stars of the future, Allan Mansoor and Steve Codrington. On the weekend Waterloo opened against the Ottawa GeeGees. Overmatched from the be-

men _/.- sink U of Te

first place boat crossed the line and the next three boats came in almost simultaneously with Waterloo placing fourth, leaving the last two boat&n the wash.


team sdits


Starting the fourth quarter with a 5-3 lead, Waterloo quickly lost two starters after their third major fouls of the game. The young bench players showed they are learning quickly as the final was 6-5 in favour of the Warriors. Molnar played a particularly strong defensive game and McLeod came up big in net to earn the victory. RMC was the final challenge for the tournament. A’ weak team UW 14 Carton 3 in years past, RMC has really got their act together with a new coach and a couple of junior naOttawa 18 UW 2 tional team players. . The game was a see-saw battle UW 6 Queen 5 with RMC prevailing 10-9. Waterloo was led by the strong RMC 10 UW 9 swimming of Head and Denault. Andrew Blake pfesented a conbv Keith McLeod. Dave Norton . stant offensive threat as well as siored his first career goal, re- his usual good defence. warding his hard work and perOverall in the tournament, the severance. Warriors showed more unity Sunday opened bright and than earlier in the season and early against Queen’s. Waterloo began to play well together as came out fast in what was a the weekend progressed. The serough game right from the start, cond half of the season has the taking a 4-2 lead after the first promise of many ‘good perforquarter on goals by Molnar, mances. A. fifth-place finish in Baldwin+ Marc Creaghan and the nine-team league is an attaiOttawa U transfer Michel De- nable goal for this developing nault. squad. ginning, the Warriors fell 18-2 with Rick Sommerville and Gord Head scoring. Ottawa is a traditionally powerful team and will be vying with McMaster for this year’s championship. The Warriors came back Saturday evening to whip Carleton 14-3, showing the true disparity in talent in the league. Norbert Molnar scored five times in front of a standout performance in net







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Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989


Toogood and Whyte having steiigr year

Soccer Athenas shut out top opponents by Lynn Hoyles Imprint staff In the continuing battle to make the playoffs, the Athena soccer team faced two equally determined opponents this past week: Wilfrid Laurier on October 11 and Windsor on October 14. Any game against WLU has that added intensity from our rivalry over the years, and the Athenas were psyched for this game. The first half started slowly, with both teams content to play cautious soccer, but the Waterloo squad picked up the pace and started to force Laurier in the midfield. Right-winger Catherine Hollifield laid a cross-over in front of the Laurier keeper and Anita Toogood, this week’s female athlete of the week, was there to connect with a firsttouch shot that seemed to rock WLU back onto their heels. The second half belonged to the Waterloo squad as they won the ball consistently at every position. Two Waterloo natives combined for the second goal as centre forward Leanne Wiens broke through Laurier’s fullbacks on a two-on-one. She coolly drew the remaining defenders to her and then laid an angled ball to her left for Toogood, whio finished the play with her right foot to Wat&loo go up by z-o.

Laurier pressed forward on the attack -and Waterloo’s fullbacks and midfielders, along with keeper Tammi Winchester, -shut them down. Waterloo has taken three out of four points against WLU, a team ranked from the start of the seasonin the CIAU’s top ten. Qn Saturday, Windsor had the long bus ride up to the Athenas home field. Against an always speedy and hard-tackling Lancer team, Waterloo did not take anything for granted, pressing from the opening kickoff. The menacing weather that hit points east of here passed over the field in the first half, and with it gone, Waterloo started to score. Centre forward Laurie Whyte notched her third goal of the season, eluding the charging Windsor keeper to push the ball into the net on a through ball from Anita Toogood. Then centre forward Wiens repeated the play, taking the bail from their backs, and used her great hustle and speed to beat the keeper and pick up her second goal of the regular season. The final goal came when a long pass by midfielder Kerry Jameson (using Mr. Left) connected wit6 Toogood, who beat the Windsor fullback and cracked a shot high into the net, off of the underside of the crossbar. The final score was Athenas 3, Windsor 0. Keeper Winchester continues to be steady in net, well up nn

your white evening gloves. going forward to intercept passes and distribute the ball - The team’s record stands at 4quickly to press forward on at- 2-2 and they are now in sole possession of third place in the tack. Lisa Bater, our sweeper, col- CIWIAA West. Cuelph Gryphons lected a yellow card for what ap- host the Athenas for a game under the lights on Wednesday, peared to be a good clean slide October 18, and then Western tackle against a Laurier forward who had broken free down the comes up to Waterloo for a 1:OO p.m. start on Sunday, October sideline. The call? “Unladylike 22. conduct.” Next time Bates, wear

crosses and with good distribution upfield to our midfield. The midfield was very effective in both games, with co-captains Heather Bowen and Jami Gendron, along with assistant captain Sheri Macdonald, all having strong iames. The fullback corps, always strong in the tackle, shut down the’ offence of both opponentp,



Of concmtratlon.

OWIAA West division.

Two wins in one week have put the Athenas in 3rd place in photo by Neil Bameti






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Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989



The big trade of 89

Will Walker bring Vi.kings Super Bowl? by Al Folliott Imprint staff When the National Football League’s Minnesota Vikings traded for Pro Bowl running back Herschel Walker last week, they took an enormous gamble. They gave up ,a great deal for a chance at the Super Bowl in the next four years. Viking general manager Mike Lynn has responded to his critics by saying, “This trade is going to be successful if we win the Super Bowl while Herschel Walker is a member of this team.” If Minnesota goes nowhere with Walker, the trade will be considered a bust.

How much of a risk did they actually take? How much of a risk did they actually take.7 A closer look would suggest that they didn’t give up as much as people think in return for the one thing they needed most: a potent rushing attack. The Vikes gave up defensive end Alex Stewart, running back Darrin Nelson, cornerback Isaac Halt, and linebackers David Howard and JesseSolomon in return for Walker. Solomon was the only player who was a starter in Minnesota. He will be missed, but is being replaced by an excellent linebacker in Ray Berry. Nelson has seen limited playing time this

year and is no longer needed with the acquisition of Walker. Howard and Holt should both be successful in Dallas but had little room to move up on the Minnesota roster. Holt was playing behind all-pro Carl Lee, while Howard backed up Mike Merriweather. Stewart was a reserve on one of. the best defensive lines in the league and probably won’t play much in Dallas. The Cowboys also will receive several top draft picks in the next few years. These are draft picks that the Vikings can afford to give up. For one, being a Super Bowl contender, the draft picks are not going to be very high. Also, these players would have a difficult time cracking the starting lineup in Minnesota with their solid roster. Quarterback Tommy Kramer is the only front-line player over age 30, so it should be a few years before a significant number of starting positions are available. All of the players and draft picks the Vikings gave up will be missed, but Minnesota should be able to get by without them. In Walker, the Vikings have received a player who is one of the NFL’s best running backs. In the past few years, their biggest weakness has been a consistent running game. Walker automatically gives them this. His presence will attract a lot of attention from opposing defences, which will help open things up for Anthony Carter, one of the most


a team that likes to incorporate running backs into their passing offence, especially when Tommy Kramer is at the controls. Herschel Walker is generally considered as one of the best receivers in the league coming out of the backfield.

dangerous wide receivers in the game. In the past, teams have given most’of their attention to Carter which sometimes hinders his effectiveness. Walker will change that immediately. The Vikings have always been

He gives the Vikings the one thing that has separated them from recent NFL champions: a dominant running back. The other ingredients have been there for the last two years, and Walker may very like*ly be the final piece in their puzzle.

ClAUs within reach The 3A math student has had a successful year so far, starting with a fourth in the OW 1500 in March and continuing through the road racing and triathlon circuits this past summer. To prove her fitness, Laffradi was the second woman to finish in last Sunday’s Oktoberfest ten kilometre road race. Jill Francis, meanwhile, is in her fourth year with the Athenas. This year marks her third season as team captain, A health studies student out of Thunder Bay, Francis has been running with Laffradi and the other leaders in races this season. Her best showings so far have been a seventh at the Queen’s Invitational and a fifth last Saturday at the Ontario Track and Field Association cross country championships. The other side of the Athenas is reflected in the third and fourth runners named to the team. Nancy Calder is in her

by Kevin Shoom Imprint staff After years in the wilderness, the University of Waterloo’s women’s cross country team may finally be running into the promised land. The Athenas have placed no better than fifth in the OWIAA Championships in recent years. This year, however, they are ranked fifth in the country. The 1989 championships will be held October 28 at Queen’s, and the Athenas must take first or second to qualify for the CIAU championship race. A big reason for the resurgence has been the dynamic duo of Lisa Laffradi and Jill Francis. They were two of the four runners named to the team earlier this month. Laffradi, last week’s Athlete of the Week, took the bronze in the Queen’s Invitational this fall.

third year at Waterloo and Laureen McLaren is a sophomore, yet neither has run for the Athenas before. Their decision to join the team has had a big impact on the Athenas. Their fitness and racing have been growing by leaps and bounds, and both placed in the top twenty at Queen’s, The other three runners and the alternate will be selected following the Laurier meet tomorrow. Leading candidates include Marci Aitken and Ingrid Vanderschot. Both are in second year, and both, like Calder and McLaren, have shown massive improvement since starting training in September. Aitken also ran last weekend’s Oktoberfest lOK, finishing fourth in the women’s division. Tomorrow’s meet starts at 1 p.m. It will be held in Bechtel Park, at the corner of University Avenue and Bridge Street.




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28 tmprint, Friday, October x1, 1989


Field hockey winding down by Kendra Mazzei Imprint staff

The Athena Field Hockey team travelled to London October 14 to challenge the Western Mustangs and the University of York Yeomen. It was a successful meet for the Athenas, who tied Western and lost to the Yeomen by two. Although they came away without a win, the Waterloo players showed a marked improvement on both an individual and a team level. In the first game, the Athenas attempted to shut down the Mustangs on their home field by playing with their strong forward line. This effort on attack was sustained throughout the first half as the Athenas put to use the cutting skills they had honed during their pre-game practices. Despite this display of mental and physical amelioration, the Athenas failed to score in the first half. Although the Mustangs were able to get a few good shots away, Athena goalie ]ennifer Murray put out her kickers to stymie the ball. The second half went very much like the first; both teams worked hard to score the first goal. Neither team was successful and the game ended in a O-O draw. In thiir second game of the day, the Athenas tackled a fresh York squad. York took full advantage of Waterloo’s fatigue, scoring twice in the first half. For this second game, Coach Judy McCrae made a few

Athletes of the .week7

changes in the line-up, putting Rookie Angela McNeil1 in the outside halfback position.* McNeil1 performed strongly in this defensive position, and was a key player in terms of advancing the ball to the forward line. The second half proved to be the most effective for the Athenas, as they shut down the Yeomen and prevented further scoring (much to York’s dismaYIThe game became extremely antagonistic as York’s frustration escalated. Both sides had close calls at the net, yet neither were able to add to the score. The game was concluded in a 2-Owin for the Yeomen. Overall, the Western league is at a standstill in terms of rankings, as Western and Guelph still have three league games remaining. The Athenas will still be able to qualify for the OWIAA if they defeat Guelph and keep the University pf Toronto Blues from maintaining a large goal differential on Qctober 21 at Lamport Stadium in Toronto. The Athenas are looking forward to playing on Toronto’s fast turf, where they will be able to utilize their strong, fast players. ATHENA

NOTES: Special men‘tion should go to Athena defender I-Ielen “Tip” Snare for her play against York last Saturday. Helen did her best in trying to stop the shot fired by York forward Cathy Timmins in the first half, which resulted in the first goal of the game. Good effort Helen!!












A Strategy Conrulthg

Tony Crisp was MVP in the Western Invitational Hockey Tournament. The University of






Waterloo won the tournament defeating Western 5-1 in the championship game, in which Tony had 2 goals. Tony had a total of 8 points last week in the Waterloo Oktoberfest tournament.




Warrior Football player Mike Lane has been selected as the University of Waterloo and McGinnis’s Athlete of the Week. Mike is from Hamilton and is a fourth-year environmental studies student. Mike was very instrumental in the Warriors’ ‘victory over Laurier on October 14 with 18 tackles, eight of them un’assisted. This is a tremendous feat for a nose tackle, who is usually doubleand sometimes triple-teamed.

Athena soccer player Anita Toogood has been selected as the University of Waterloo and McGinnis’s Female Athlete of the Week. Anita is a graduate of Waterloo C.I. and is currently a first-year kinesiology student. Anita is a left winger and this past week scored both goals in a Z-Owin over Wilfrid Laurier, and scored the final goal in a 3-Odowning of Windsor. Anita has six goals in league play and two goals in exhibition play so far this year,

Honourable rior Hockey





from a Jewish Perspective We will be holding an information sesslan at Waterloo on Wed. Oct. 25, lCl:OO-ll:3iSI am in Needles Hall, Room 1020. . lntewlews will be held Jan. 16. Monitor Company Is a rapldly growing strategy consulting firm based In Cambridge, Massachu-. setts, with offices in Toronto, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Milan, Tokyo and London, England.

Discussion to be led by


of Beth Jacob Synagogue, Kitchener Wednesday Evenings 7:00-8:30 MC 1066

Our international client base is composed primarily of Fortune 500 companies and their intemational equivalents.

Ott 25 Noi 1 Nov 8 Nov 15

We work with our clients to help formulate and implement business unit and corporate strategies, employing the latest techniques and conceptual frameworks in the area of strategy and competitive advantage. For more information, please ask for our Job and Company Description at your Career Cuntra.






Introduction Abortion Genetic Engineering Euthanasia



Monitor Company The Monitor Bullding, 151 Kirrg St. E. Toronto, Ontario, WA 133 (418) 841-9189




/ Hillel

Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989


First loss . for Streaking tennis team by Marcela Krajny Imprint staff

The Athena tennis team’s winning streak finally came to an end last weekend. Saturday morning, October 14, the team was a little late in waking up and lost to Queen’s, last year’s gold medal winners. Only Mary Mathers was able to hold up her end and win her three-set match 6-1, l-6, 6-3, giving Waterloo one match in their 8-l loss. Still recovering from their team loss, the Athenas then took on McMaster, who beat them 54. Paula Hadden and Shanika DeAlwiss had a close three-set match, but McMaster’s cheering was much more obnoxious than Waterloo’s support and the frustrated doubles team lost. Waterloo made up for it at

York. Two team losses were enough for the Athenas, so Sunday night they avenged themselves as they shot down York 6-0, winning all of their singles matches. Paula Hadden wiped her opponent off of the court 6-2,6-l, and the team cheered on Karen Banko to her three-set victory. The next tournament will be held on our own tennis courts at the Waterloo Tennis Club (inside the bubble) tomorrow, October 21. Waterloo is scheduled to play singles against Toronto at 9 a.m. and Western at 11. The doubles will be played in the afternoon. Yes, there is a football game Saturday afternoon+ and the balcony of the tennis club offers a great viewt So come on out and cheer for the Athenas - you can watch football between the sets!


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Imprint, Friday, October 20, 1989


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Sat. Oct. 14 rerult Windsor at Waterloo Future UW games Wed. Oct. 18 Waterloo at Guelph, 7:30 pm Sun. Oct. 22 Western at Waterloo, 1:OO pm (At Columbia Fields]


GRAD POFKRAIT is important .. l

over three-games, struck out 15, and had an amazing .75 ERA. Also contributing to the victory was Kevin Nicholls, with the first and only home run over the Thanks to great pitching, fielding, sliding, hitting, and. fence. In the “B” Championship, Bad weather, the First Annual-Hardball Tournament was a success. Attitude edged out St. Jeromes In the erid, the Chinchillas de- thanks to power hitting and feated Norbert’s Crew to capture great defence, After a slow start in the prelithe “A”Championship, thanks to the great pitching of Greg Yet- c minary rounds, the Groovy Guys were victorious over Nine man, who pitched 12 innings


Deluxe Sitting (up to 16full-sizeproofs) Up to half an hour devotedto your sitting! Traditional, casual and contemporary poses. Free Permanizing” (the only way to make your portraits last) Photographed elsewhere and don’t look your best? - deduct THEIR sittinc fee from your order cI with us! Appdntments at YOUR convenience. Mail order or personal order service. Your choice of backgrounds.


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Heather Rafeal



J. D’ArCy

Free 2 Hour Parking In the Regina Street Lot

11 ERB STREET EAST, WATERLOO For your appointment, ple-

call: 746-4811

HOURS: Man, Tue, Wed, fri 9230 to 6; Thurs 9:30 t0 8; Sat 9:30 to 3

Barbara Brendemuehl > & Associates REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPtSTS

Sat. Oct. 14 result (at McMsster) Ottawa 18 Waterloo 2 Waterloo 14 Carleton 3 Sun. Oct. 15 result Waterloo 6 Queen’s 5 RMC 10 Waterloo 9 Future UW games Wed. Ott 17 Waterloo at York, ~30 pm OUAA HOCKEY Western Invitational Tournament Sat. &t 14 result (exhibition) Waterloo 7 Guelpb 6 Sun. Ott 15 rarult (exhibition) Waterloo 5 Western 1 (Gold medal game] Future UW games Sun.Oct22 Windsor at Waterloo (beginning of regular season: at Columbia Icefield)

oWIAA, OUAA CROSS COUNTRY . Future UW meets Sat. Oct. 21 Laurier Invit.. 1:OO pm


Sat. Oct. 14 Queen’s 8 Waterloo 1 McMaster 5 Waterloo 4 Sun. Oct. 15 result Waterloo 6 York 0 Future UW matches Sat. Oct. 21 Waterloo vs Western, Toronto



Future UW games Sat. Ott 21 Waterloo at Toronto


First-Basemen, No Pitcher thanks to excellent pitching by Mark Yaphe and John Forman, and great sliding by Steve Brown (SO to zero in 1.5 seconds!]. Best style on the mound goes to Opie while . , . (cut to commercial) goes to Lance. A special thanks goes out to all of the players and umpires who made our first hardball tournament a great success. As well, thanks to Peter Hopkins for making the tournament a reality, Finally, we would like to extend our appreciation to Dave McGraw and the Waterloo Minor Baseball for their support and use of their equipment. ‘C-R CALENDAR Sept.20121 Reminder that the gym will be closed due to convocation Sept. 22 Engineering Volleyball Tournament Sept. 25 Women’s Y-Aside Captain’s Playoff Meeting, 5 p.m. CC 13.5 Men’s Competitive Soccer Captain’s Playoff Meeting, 5: 15 p.m. CC 135 Sept. 26 Basic Rescuer 352-03 begins Sept. 28 Women’s Y-Aside Playoffs Men’s Competitive Soccer Playoffs ICAMPUS REC GOES BIG by Allan Mertick Imprint Staff For the second year in a row,


Campus Recreation’s fall programs have attracted more than 14,000 students! Over 4,600 students are registered in competitive and recreation leagues. To date, we have had 23 men’s slo-pitch, 24 mixed slo-pitch, and 12 hardball teams registered in tournament play. There are over 2,100 people registered in 40 instructional programs, interest being particularly high in fitness classes, social dance, raquet sports, and CPR. Due to increased interest in Outers, badminton, rowing, skiing and weight-training+ club memberships total well over 1,200. It is estimated that over 5,000 people each week use the C-R facilities, including the PAC, Columbia Icefield, and Waterloo Tennis Club, for their own self-directed recreation . University of Waterloo’s Campus Recreation is glad that so many students are seeking alternatives in their lifestyle It is a credit to the meager but efficient and dedicated staff, the nearly 400 student leaders of C-R, and the staff of the Athletic Department, from executive administration to facility operations, that make it all possible. From the student in me, thank you. From the student assistant in me, thanks to all the students who make Campus Ret programs as fun, exciting, and rewarding as they qre. My hat goes off to all of you.

CLASSIFIED @headache l stress/tension l back pain l stiff neck l sore muscles l tendonitis l sports injuries/problems l and other conditions






Finest Eyewear


I Standings GWLT F AP Queen’s 6 5 1 0125 80 10 Waterloo _ 6 5 10.86 53 10 Western 6.3 3 0 95 57 6 McMaster 623 182915 York e23166475 Guelph 6 0 6 0 41147 Cl Sat, Oct.14 Div. I Fesults Waterloo 16 McMaster 13 Queen’s 19 York 13 Western 28 Guelph 15 Future UW games Sat. Oct. 21 Waterloo at Guelph 1:OO pm


WV’S first annual hardball tournament results by Jane Arnem and Joe Taibi

If your





Sat, Oct. 14 result Waterloo at Brock Heavyweight women - 3rd place Lightweight men - 4th place Future UW games Sat. Oct. 21 Western Invit. 1O:OOam


West Division Standings GWLT FAP Laurier 951319 913 Western 10 5 1 4 16 5 14 Windsor . 952216 612 Guelph 10 3 3 4 12 7 10 McMaster 10343 8139 Brock 10 2 3 5 7 12 9 Wat erlao 10.3 5 2 14 11 8 10 1 8 1 10 37 3 Ryerson Sat. Oct. 14 resuft Waterloo 6 Ryerson 1 Sun. Oct. 15 result McMaster 1 Waterloo 0 Future UW games Sat. Oct. 21 Waterloo at Windsor, 3:OO pm Sun. Oct. 22 Waterloo at Western, 1:00 pm OWIAA





West Division Standings GWLTFAP Western 6 5 1 0226 4110 Guelph 6 5 1 0123 74 it* Toronto 6 4 2 0125 83 6 Laurier 633095746 Waterloo 6 3 .3 0102 122 6 Windsor 633098996 McMaster 6 1 5 0 69 180 2 York 6 0 6 0 47205 0 * Two points taken away for using an ineligible player Sat. Oct. 14 results Waterloo 7 Laurier 6 Western 52 York 1 Turonto 18 Guelph 13 Windsor 34 MaMaster 8 Future UW game Sat. Oct. 21 Windsor at Waterloo, 2:00 pm

All Your Copying and Printing Needs and Friendly Service Too! .

Full service copier Setf sewht copier Transparencies 2 colour copies Quality papers Printing


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Good used furniture, household articles and clothes. Low prices. St. Vincent De Paul Thrift store, 97 Victoria Street North., Kitchener. Word processor:





Wordstar 5.0 u nregistered, new, asking $225. Ask for Blake, R:884-7914 B:746-0033. Hard to reach please leave message. Two roomafes, bookworms, non-partiers, basically squares - one Can’t drink, the other doesn’t. Best offer or will trade for the old Dave & Paul.


ULTRAILIFE HEALTH CENTRE 168 Lexington Court, Unit 1, Waterloo 746-4741



SERVlCLS Will d4 light truck. Al& Reasonable

moving wiih .a small rubbishhauled away. rates. Call Jeff 884-2831.

Gary’s Movhrg - man w/small cube van and appliance cart available weeknights, weekends - $30/hr. in Kitchener-Waterloo; out-of -town extra Gary 746-7160. HELP WANTED Sp*lng



- Individual

cw stu-

dent organization needed to promote our Spring Break trips. Earn momy, free trips and valuable work experience. Apply now! Call Inter-Campus programs: l-800-327-601 3. Weekend cOUn~~~Of# for developmentally delayed individuals. 86m/hr. Every second weekend. Leave message for Don Mader after 2 pm, 8846012. 886s 520 1. Dn page 31 _ coDtinued

Imprint. Friday, October 20, 1989


Reactlvlty Study - All students who participated spring and fall 1988 at BMH, please call Barb or John at 885-1211 ext. 6786 as soom as possible to S8t up a retest time.

Want a Party? Ontario no.1 Student Tour Operator seeks campus representative. Earn free trips plus cash. Join in on the fun l-800-263-5604.

20$ carh -Students in first and second year between 18 and 25 years of age are invited to participate in a Cariovascular Reactivity Study. No excerise inonly healthy males and volved, females willing to join the other 210 students1 Call Barb or John at 8851211 ext. 6786.


International Cosmetics Co. seeking entrepreneurial type person to distribute a natural organic product. Excellent part-time money for more information write A.A. Olsen, R.R.1, Elora Ont, or cali l-6469975.

Wanted: Classroom observers.

The Waterloo Smoking Prevention Project, Study Ill, is recruiting a team to be involved in a major research project. Requires: some research experience, you will be evaluating classroom implementation of a smoking prevention program, training provided, available at feast 5 hours per day, minimum 2 days per week, drivers licence, your own car preferred, resume and references. We pay $8s* per hour and So25 per kilometre (when you use your own car). Work is available Nov. - Dec. ‘89 and Jan. - April ‘90. Contact Marjorie MacDonald, WSP Field Director, MC 6081 H, ext. 6552, on or after October 10.

ACCKWA, AtDS Committee

Summer mubtet: four bedroom Columbia Lake Townhouse available May 1 to August 31, 1990. Free parking, 8xtremely close to laundry, and clean. Rent is neclotiable. Call 725-l 233.

For 85$ double spaced page I’ll type essays, reports, letters, resumes, theses* Fast efficient service. Westmount-Erb area. Phone 886-7153.


Fust, proferstonal word processing

by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857.

Current 8ofI lens wearers:

Fast, accurate typing and letter quality word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. FRee Pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 5761284. “Words” - Proiessional typing ces offered 7 days/week, ranteed. Call 746-6746 deliverv available.

Work p/u



to be held today and tomorrow. To sign up, contact, Watsfic by 9 pm. Saturday, in clubs room, at 725-0395 or e-mail watsf ic at watcsc. Watsfic members or complete teams of six: $360 per person. Individual nonmembers: $40°.

The FAC in co-ordination

with Kappa Gamma Phi will be hosting a masquarade party at the Huether tonight. Tickets $3 advance $4 door, 74721 84for prizes and a really great time, come out I




lnstltute of Peace and Conflict

Studies, in Conrad Grebel College Chapel is hosting Dr. Vinay Samuel, minister and director of a ministry to urban poor in Bangalore India, and will speak on “Evangelism in the Contextof Religious Pluralism” today at 12:00 to I:00 pm. For more information please call 885-0220, extension number 65.

What ever happened

to the free squid giveaway? Why does the flaming giraffe gather no moss? Find out the answer to these questions and more at the House of Debates at 5:OOpm. in PHY 313 tonight.



Onltne submtsstons for cover art and poetry/short prose now being accepted for 1989-90 issue in CC 235.

Exams, midterms, essays, driving you

Good clean fun. The Campus

crazy? Take some time out for thegood of your health. The Health Care Fair, Tues. October 24 and Wed. Oct. 25 in

typing, grammar and spelling corrected, sentences smoothed. University area - 885-5952, St. Jacobs - 664-3374.


ing. Reports, thesis, letters, resumes, etc. Reasonable rates, changes available. Call Heather at 888-6417.

Halloween Costumes, masks, make up, latex, fake blood... We have it all or we can find it for you. What’s What Gifts and Novelties, 41 King N, Downtown Waterloo or 150 King W., Downtown Kitchener, 746-5971.

Word procesrtng. Essays, theses,

resumes, etc. Letter quality print, spetlcheck. On-campus delivery, pickup. Medical terminology. Call Sharon 856-3387 after 5 pm.


Care Fair Ott 24 & 25.

Telecare: 24 hours

The Student Alumni Association is a young energetic group of students that work tolink past, present and future students. Next meeting Ott 25, 5:30 NH. Evervone welcome1

Typtng. Professtonat word process-




a day, 7 days a week. We’re an anonymous, confidential telephone distress line. Lonely? Worried? Troubled? Call us 658-6805 (local call). Day or Night1

Feel better,

look better, smell better! Campus Centre Health Care Fair. Ott 24 & 25.

Being sexual comes naturally;

information regarding sex doesn’t. For non-biased and factual information regarding sexuality, contact the S.R.C. CC206, x2306. ’

Waraga Beach weekend. Nov 17,18, 19. $99 incl. transp. accomm. meals, drinks & more. Call 578-7603 Mon & Tues evenings or sign list posted in CC (to left of turnkey,desk). Brfan the Pices tram Stouffville: I like your shoes even though I didn’t get to, see them all summer. The beach hasn’t been the same without you since April. Fed Hall tonitel The Libra.

Wanled to meet: anyone who likes to rollerskate and has-access Call Don at 888-0594.

Readtng & Study Skills - workshops tasting 4 weeks on notetaking, effective listening and class preparation begin today from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. and again between 6:30 and 8:30 pm. Registration at the reception desk in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, room 2080 or call extension 2655. Cinema

Gratts presents: “The followed by “Gotcha”, Sweater”, showtime is 9:30 pm. in the Campus Centre Great Hall, admission is free. Please come early to help move the furniture and ensure a good seat!



department presents Jean-Claude Van Itallie’s “Almost Like Being” followed by Edward Albee’s “The Zoo Story” tonight through Saturday at the Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages, show starts at 800 pm. Tickets are S60° adults, $40° students/seniors and can be purchased at the Humanities Box Office and the Drama Department. Group rates available.

ln$tttute of Peace and Conflict Studies, in Conrad Grebel College Chapel is hosting Dr. Vinay Samuel, speaking on “Social Justice and Personal Piety: Integrated Evangelism” today between 12:OO and 1 :OO pm. For more information please call 885-0220 ex-




now?” A public forum to discuss the Abortion question and how proposed legislation might influence our societywill be heldat WiIfred Laurier University Theatre Auditorium tonight at 7:30. Panel members will include Rev. David Pfrimmer, Dr. Joan Lenardon, and Dr. Rockney Jacobsen. Come out to hear and be heard, The forum is sponsored by the Chaplins of Wilfred Laurier University. For more information please contact 884-l 970 extension 2240. Audience limit,*950 people. Readlng & Study Skills offered

today at Counselling Services, Needles Hall. For more information see Calendar ad for Tuesday October 24.

stck? Feeling blue? The Health Care Fair is just for you. It’s in the CC and it’s free. LOST

tort Be&stead - If you went to J.A. Turner in Brampton, give me a call at extension 2322. We’ll talk over old times - Ted.

Btue Warm-up jacket by cross-walk at Carl Pollock Hall on Sunday, October 15th. Please bring to Security’s Lost & Found.

What If I’m pregnant? Can I continue in school? Where can I obtain good medical care? Call Birthright 5793pso.

Gold hlghschoot signet ring. Lost Friday 13th on Ring Road by C.P.H. senitmenta I value, reward. Phone 747-2549.

Do you think

at Forest


Jazz Choir - The University

of Waterloo Jazz Choir meets today and every Monday in Siegfried Hall at 1000 pm. All are welcome. For more information about this exciting new organization call David Fisher at 884-6565.

FRIDAY Do you think you have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Ano- , nymous can help. Weekly meetings open to the public held in the Health & Safety Building - Meeting Room (ask receptionist) on Fridays, at 12:30 pm. or call 742-6183.

The Hour& of Debates meets every Monday at 5:00 pm. in PHY 313. Come out and debate! New members always welcome.

Everyone welcome1 Caribbean Students Association (CSA) meetings every Tue&ay at 530 pm. in the CC. room 135. WEDNESDAY GLOW (Gays and Lesbians

of Waterloo) operates a coffee house every Wednesday in room 110 of the Campus Centre at the University of WaterIoo from 900 to 11 :OO pm. All are welcome. Call 884-GLOW for more information.

Femlntst Dlrcurston Group. Meets every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:ClO pm at Global Community Centre. Topic and group vary weekly so that all women are welcome anytime. For more information 579-3941, Laymen’s


featuring Carol lssac, dassical piano. For more information call 885-0220 extension 26.

Feltowship Bible Study. CC 110 at 7:30 pm. All are welcome. Call 884-5712 for more information.

Student Alumni Association will meet tonight, 5:30 pm. NH. Everyone welcome! New members always web come.

Play Got Beginners are invited to Go classes, B.C. Matthews Hall, room 1040. Free admission, regular playing time 7:30 pm. Call 8884424.

Frst, noon concert



Scknce Ftctlon, fantasy,


Scrabble ptaysnctub meeting at 7:3O pm., in MC 3012. Bring boards & dictionaries. Phone 579-3695 for details. Visitors, beginners, other languages welcome. English, French, Russian, & Hebrew boards available for play.

role playing games, tournaments, video nights and discussions about life, the universe and everything: “Watsf ic” meets every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. in the clubs room (CC 138). For information call 725-0395 or e-mail watsfic at

watcsc, ’

Readlng & Study Skills offered today at Counselling Services, Needles Hall. For more


see Calendar





in CC


for Tuesday October 24. The Red Cross will be holding a Blood Donor Clinic in the CC from 10:DOam. to 4:OO pm. Human blood can not be manufactured. Your donation could help save a life.

(usually} at 8:30 pm. Come out and enjoy movie nights, educational evenroad trips and casual ings, dances, discussions. For weekly events catl 884-GLOW or listen to 94.5 FM, Thursdays from 6-8 pm.


FASS wrttef8 meetings every Thursday and Sunday at 890 in MC 5045. Help us write our annual musicaicomedy extravaganza, and join in the fun. Everyone is welcome.

(Canadtan Aeronautics & Space Institute) presents “Sail Wars: The Tecnology Behind America’s . Cup” today 11:30 am. to 12:30 am. in the’Davis Centre, room 1302.

laymen’s Evangel lcal Fet tows h ip evening service. 163 University Ave. W., Apt 321 (MSA) at 700 pm. All are welcome, Call 884-5712 for more information, ONGOING


El Salvador Information Off ice, where you can get information about the current social, political and economic situtation in our country.You can visit us

Hill United Church, 121 Westmount Road East, Kitchener N2M 4Y6, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:00 pm. to 9:oO pm. and Saturday 500 pm. to 9:00 pm. Or call us at 743-5481.

K-W Access-Ability needs volunteers for their bi-weekly regularly scheduled programmes for the physically challenged, also for bi-monthly fundraising bingos. For more information please call Chris at 885-6640 between 9:CKI am. and 5:oO pm.

Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student Villages for the Spring Term 1990 should obtain an application form at the Housing Office in Village 1, or from either Village Office, and must submit it to the Warden of Residences, Housing Office, Village 1, prior to the end of October, 1989. Applications received after Octobei 3 1,1989cannot be considered for appointment for the Spring Term 1990. . . CanSurmount Is a new volunteer program training tiisitors to cancer patients and their family in support and If you have had encouragement. cancer, or have shared the experience with family or friend, and want to help others with cancer, call 886-8888.





The present Administrator

is resigning andthispositionisavailableasof January -1,199o. 1L Job Description: Available from the Housing Office by phoning Ext. 2679. Job Limitation:

THURSDAY droup -

to a car.


you have a drinking problem7 Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Weekly meetings open to the public held in Village Two (behind reception) on Thursdays at 12:OO noon. Or call 742-6783.



Pro-Chotcet Waterloo County Unitarian Fellowship, 136 Allen St. E., Waterloo, proudly announces Herbert Layh, spokesperson for “Citizens for Choice” will giva a talk on this new organization and the validity of Choice in a modern, democratic society today at 1100 am. Everyone welcome, for more information, please call 7420432. OCTOBER

a study has been initiated at the Centre for ‘contact Lens research, School of Optometry, to test a new soft lens disiniection and cleaning system. If you are inter8sted in participating and will be in the area for the next 10 months, please contact Ketty Johnson at 4742:

Ftght Antt-Cho’lcel Learn about “Citizens For Choice” and how you can speak out against the crimminalization and opression of adult human beings. S&e Calendar for Sunday, October 22 for details.

Improve your grade! Top quality



house n88ds

2 housemates for Jan. to April. Lots o’ room, parking, 5 appliances, 2 TV’s a VCR, finished ret room and a bar. Call 7437678.

35 years experience. .95 d.s.p. typewriter/$1 25d.s.p. word processor; Erb & Westmount area. Call 743-3342.

Pro-Choice OVBI no choice1 “Citizens for Choice” is committed to the right of every woman to make rational d8cii sions about her own body and for every child to be a wanted child. For more information writ8 to: Citizens for Choice. P.0, Box 372, Station C. Kitchener N2G 3Y9.


AD & D tourney


of Cambridge, Kitchener/Waterloo and Area is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing education and support for individuals and the community about the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We provide an information, referral and counselling hotline: 74l8300, Monday to Friday, 1000 am. 500 pm,, 7:00 pm. - 11 :OO pm. If you would like more information - call us, or drop in to our House, at 886 Queens Blvd., Kitchener. Get the facts about AlDSI



Seeking somethtng new or just anything to do? Don’t despair. Check out the Health Care Fair, We’re sure vou’ll find something there.

Expertenced legal secretary will type fast and accurately for 95C d.s.page. Call 747-0213 for mure information.

Earn $7/hour

cleaning windows. Hours flexible; 15-25 hrs /week. Call C-thru Student Window Cleaning, 746-3994 Frank.





The Warden will view

most favourably any application from female graduate students because the building was originally given to be a residence for female graduate students.


should beinatthe Housing1 Office by November l&1989.



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