Women’s Issues B08fd Federation
of Studs&
$4 students, $5 others
Y-w, II
h a I I//.
MOE !LGtITS!, Mon Jm Wnd: 1
Contact Chloe or Janet at the Women’s Centre
to the
Dpug by Fleh Macqueen Imprint staff
The key issue facing the university leaders today is the “criof dwindling financial support in the 1970s and 198os,” UW President Dr. Wright told a crowd of several hundred on Jansis
1/ Few students -showed up for the t:alk, which was billed as a state’ of the university address L and answer sesLand question -sion.’ Wright spoke for 45 min, utes, and answered questions for another 45. . He; said the university administraiion is “outraged by such matters as the recent grant announcement.” In early December, Ontario universities were given an eight per cent increase in university funding. However, Wright says this really only represents an actual increase of about 2.5 per cent. Three per cent of this money is intended as an offset for higher taxes and levies. The increase also includes three per cent for accessibility, which Wright questioned. He said it is important, but not clearly defined: ‘*accessibility by whom, and to what?” ’ Wright is concerned that fund+ ing tied
to increased
,. has led to Ontario universities f accepting f ar more students than i should actually be here. 1 e.. I “I do not believe that it is nei‘cessary in a democracy to penal&‘*qChievement and reward mediodr’ity,” he said. 1, Wright cited Ontario universities as having a first-year acceptance rate of almost 30 per cent of those people in “the relevant age group. The level of estimated
provincial funding available per year for these students is $4,250, as compared to $5,910 for students in Ontario colleges, and $7,050 for high school students.
Wright is planning to be heavily involved in UW’s next fundraising campaign. This campaign is intended to be one of the largest UW has carried out, and he believes “it is vital that the president of* the university play a central and leading role in ii.”
As far as tuition goes, he continues to favour increases, along with increased access to student loans and grants. He argues that studies have shown that universities
transferring a substantial amount of money from less wealthy families to subsidize more wealthy ones. On the issue of private research funding, Wright said Canadian universities only derive five per cent of their research budgets from industry. “While such support is welcome, it can never provide more than a small proportion of the research funding needed,” he said. Those researchers who are funded by industry are -also the university’s strongest, ones which attract industry support after receiving heavy government funding. Professor Len Guelke, president of the faculty association, threw several tough, accusatory questions Wright’s way. He expressed concern over the Fourth Decade Report, the university’s long range planning report published in 1987, which he alleged was not completed with enough consultation with professors. Wright answered that “it may not be perfect, but it represented a very, very broad consultation, and as far as I can tell, a consensus.” Guelke ‘also questioned Wright’s and other senior leadership, saying they did not try to get professors involved. He used as an example the faculty of arts council meeting during which the Fourth Decade report was discussed, which was poorly attended by professors.
Wright offered to “come and take attendance at the arts faculty council,” and that he “couldn’t answer for Guelke’s colleagues who don’t attend council meetings.” Guelke is also concerned that senior university administrators are too removed from and therefore not accountable enough to the professorate. Recent publication of the terms and conditions of senior administrators at the University of Guelph has him upset, as he told Imprint prior to the talk. He says the Guelph president’s salary is $173,000, plus various perks. UW won’t release Wright’s salary. Guelke feels that such a highly-paid person is no longer in the same class with or &answerable to professors. “Isn’t it time we moved back to a situation where the leaders of our universities were professors with ordinary terms and conditions of employment?” he asked. Wright countered that he believes he is the “only academic in a senior post who is not currently active in teaching and research.” He continued that “all my colleagues are active professors who also hold these jobs on a part-time basis. They don’t see themselves, (and) I don’t see them as being separate from the professorate.” Recent senior appointments include former head of biology and dean of science Roger Downer as vice-president, university development, and dean of math Jim Kalbfleisch as associate provost for academic affairs. In response to concerns that there are, besides Dorothy Battae, who was recently appointed UW’s treasurer, no senior women administrators, Wright said that he could not promote women if no qualified candidates put themselves forward. He hopes in the future there will be more women to promote.
U of G President makes $173,000 - and Doug? photo by Joanne
Waterloo student and new Ontario Federation of Students chair Tim Jackson asked Wright if he was willing to approach the provincial government himself on funding questions. The Council of Ontario Universities, an organization made up of Ontario university presidents, has failed to organize a “general, continuing political campaigri” Wright said during his speech. Wright answered that he & ready has done some camp&& ing, and intends to do rnor&* Provincial Premier David Pe terson, and Tom Conway, minister of colleges and universities, have acknowledged to the president that it is hypocritical to create a premier’s council on science -and technology on one hand, but continue to underfund universities on the other. Research funding has increased dramatically in the past few years, Wright said, but basic operating grants have not. He believes the politicians have made decisions partially based on “political expediency.”
Car owners beware: security
Wright also reiterated his interest in joint researdh projects bet ween the faculties of environmental studies, engineering and science, an opportunity he sees as unique in Canada as so few undergraduate environmenta studies programs exist. Expounding on the possibility of in-depth undergraduate studies of specific environmental problems on our campus, such as food.. ,Waste, he concbded that th$&&$‘many wayg in which th&Mversity could *et an ex2 am&e by its own be . @3ur*‘I.. 1x B&h during his a lrl ress and the question period, wright expressed his interest in meeting with university community members. He told one student that groups of students could meet with him if they wished, but that normally he dealt with the Federation of Students, He reminded students that it is their responsibility to elect candidates to these offices who are accessible and will represent their views.
after you
This week alone, about 250 to 300 tickets have been written, and about 100 cars have actually been towed. Approximately 10,000 to 12,000 tickets are written per year, with another 2,000 to 3,000 cars towed. Security
will listen to all requests special parking pen-n&ion, however, MacKenzie stated. For example, people are allowed to park in specially designated areas for medical reasons or to move heavy for
warehouse behind the Optometry building which the towing company rents from the university. And for those of you who remember the good old days when a tow only cost $18 (less than the $25 ticket), prices have gone up: straight tows cost $30; if a dolly isrequired, an additional $10 is charged; the overnight fee is another $5; and if the truck operator is called after hours, expect to dish out an extra $15.
Tow truck on campus from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Hey! That’s my car! by Renate Stadel rmprint staff Illegal parkers beware: WV’s new contract with Speedy Towing went into effect on Monday, January 15. Sewice roads have been geting plugged with illegally parked cars since the previous contract with Active Towing expired last Occobet.
photo by Pietr Stathis
Safety hazards are the main concern with errant parkers, said Al MacKenzie, Director of Security for UW,
Security received numerous complaints from the fire department last term when trucks’came on campus to answer false alarms emanating from the Villages. The fire trucks were obstructed by cars parked in tie Village c&de-sacs. In a red
this blockade
life-threatening. A tow truck wil now be on campus from 7 am to 7 pm to keep seMce areas and Ring Road clear. Service roads are supposed to be used by dumpsters, delivery vehicles, service vehicles and emergency vehicles. When illegally parked vehicles block these areas, those vehicles authorized to use servkareas end up on Ring
Road, posing additional
For those of you who have always wondered how the ticketing/towing deal works, the first procedure in dealins
in to
afix a ticket to the car’s windshield. The tow truck is then called, with an officer on hand to point out the errant parked ear. The vehicle is then checked for damage. When the car is towed, the ticket is removed. Violators are removed to the Bauer
If a problem (with illeg&y parked cars) is perceived, and th.t?trucks and personnel are available, w will bring two,. even three I&ks onto campus to clear servic$ areas and Ring Road, MacKenzie sqid. This new contract
is for one year,
with the university having the option to renew for another ye. UW chose
the company because of its fair pricin& to be reasonable to partig violators.
26, 1990
n sexual eaualitv
speak by Kim Speers Women’s Issues
Yet, these actions have become a play day for the media and for those who do not agree with the progressive actions being undertaken. Anti-feminist backlash is becoming quite evident, indeed popular within certain groups, even at the University of Waterloo. Susan Cole, a Toronto-based feminist and founder of Broadside magazine will be, coming to UW to speak about the myths of sexual equality and how the experience of inequality is still pervasive for women in our society. While speaking,
The feminist movement is alive and kicking at the University of Waterloo; as it is, in fact, at most universities across Canada. Through pay equity programs, affirmative ’ action initiatives, increased safety services on campuses and the rernoval of blatantly discriminatory events or materials, the fruition of the quest for equality between the sexes is becoming more and mcwe conceivable. UWlVEtilTY
Cole will be focusing her speech on the inequalities which exist on university campusus across Canada. Cole states ‘that her political position stems from “a body of ideas that understands that the most important social, political and economical relationship in society is the relationship between the sexes, and notices that the relationship is unequal. A feminist is someone who wants to do something to change that.” Much is to begained from this enlightening and entertaining,
located The Ontario C-
charismatic speaker. Sexism is a problem for both males and females and the only way to combat the problem is if both sexes agree to work together to fashion a solution. Susan Cole will be speaking on February 1, at 7:30 pm at the Davis Centre, room 1305. Tickets are $4 for students and $5 for non-students. They can be purchased at the Federation of Students’ Office in the Campus Centre. For ftirther information, contact Kim Speers at 885-1211
Competitive for students
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AREAS OF RESEARCH: molecular biology and genetics, immunology, radiation biology, stem cell biology, controt of gene expression, cell differentiation, metastasis, carcinogenesis. experimental chemotherapy, electron microscopy, electron spectroscopy, radiation treatment, diagnostic imaging using x-rays, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and ultrasound. for
Responding to the tragedy which occurred there, Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique launched the petition which states, “The undersigned call upon the authorities for the &mediate enactment of laws forbiddine anvone in Canadian territory fro; ha&g in their possession an; military or para-military weapon, with the exception of members of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement
Tel.: (416) 924-0971 X 5125
Invites You To The First General Meeting and Party Good Mwic
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7:OO p.m. Thursday, .Feb. 1st. Grad Lounge, Hagey HalZ 373
and Members Wetcbme
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Fur hqbrmdiun call: at 7449758 or ho ut 725488fl
HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9 am-9 pm; Saturday:
CCES representatives are not satisfied with the legislation which is currently being drafted by the government. Jacqueline Morgan said it would “not prevent Marc Lepine frm-~ getting the gun he did.” They want a total ban on military and paramilitary weapons. Kim Speers, the Federation of Students Women’s Issues Board representative, expressed her support for the petition also, saying “We support the Engineering Society in their quest for tighter gun control laws. Blank copies of the petition are available from the Engineering Society (888-4762). The Engineering Society is asking that completed petitions be sent to: Canadian Committee for Arms Control, P. 0. Box 6079, Station ‘A’, Montreal Quebec, H3C 3A7.
- We Honow UW’,s Student Drug PIail l
.. ,”
gun control
To date, the petition has been signed by over 100,000 people in Quebec. The goal is to obtain l,OOO,000 signature; from across Canada by m&February, before sending the petition to Ihe Minister of Justice. The petition is a demand for the government to draft and legislate a new bill concerning gun control by the end of the next parliamentary session. The Congress of Canadian Engineering Students (CCES) heId its 22nd annual conference in Kingston from January 9 to 14. It was decided that engineers have “intimate involvement in technology and its applications, includ& firearms.” The congress decided to endorse the petition and support its distribulion. Student representatives returned to their campuses and held
Graduate Secretwy Dapartment oi Medkd Biophyskr Onbrto Clncsr lnrtltute 509 $hWoum* Street Toronto, Ontario, Cmnrda M4X lK9
“We are in favour of stricter gun control laws . . . it is a step toward a safer society.” At a press ‘ionference on Monda);, Jacqueline Morgan, the UW Engineering Student Society Council of Ontario (ESSCO) representaWe, encouraged UW students and the community to sign a petition asking for a ban on military and para-military weapons in
with a background in Physka, Engtnewtng of Compute Sclanm8, Chemhtry, Bklogy, Genetlc8, Immunology, Blaclmntotry of related acbnc*r.
Fellowships are available letters of application to:
by Judy HoNands Imprint staff
Ix 6305).
9 am-7 pm; Sunday:
1 I am-6 pm.
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 1990 5
GST “big
Candidates revealed
says to a narrow base, and has thou-’ of “loopholes.”
by lohn Craig Special to Imprint
“It’s not perfect, but it’s a big improvement over what we have now.” This is how Pat Sobeski, Progressive Conservative M.P. for
Since the MST is applied during production, rather than at the retail stage, it puts Canadian exporters at a competitive disadvantage in world markets The
posed Goods (GST).
ently’applied at a rate of 1315 per cent. “It’s 65 years old and should be retired,” Sobeski said jokingly.
Cambridge,describedthe pro- MST instituted in 1925,is’presand Services
B B’?
The proposed Goods and Ser/*:cx ,Y,<.~ .::...: ..::: ::::$.i::-“r ,._.. 3::‘I: .:~::.:~~.~~~~~ :::.,:-+::+:: t1;: .g.::: ‘5.‘. vices Tax will replace the MST @$:g&&: and will be levied at a rate of ..gw.<“” ::...~..~~;~~<: I y:’: ,f .m:.:.:.:.‘>G q:~I:.. .$xg ~~.$ g<... .,y .;: seven per cent. As its name sugx::, ? h.L> . . . .mq ::~;~..:<.+& i < <:.% &&&&>..tq.“,i..:;..>.gests, the GST will apply to all goods and services, although items such as groceries will be exempt. Sobeski argued that the new GST will be more fair to consumers, while assisting Canadian manufacturers and exporters. In addition, the government plans to provide low-income Canadians with sales tax credits to alleviate their tax burden. According to Sobeski “a family with an annual income of
And the race is on! The candidates for the Federation of Students elections on February 13 and 14 are: (back, I to r) Roger Tudor (Vice-President, Operations and Finance), Mark ERlot (President), John Vellinga (President), Nick Vatataru (Vice-President, University Affairs), (front) Frank Stendardo (VPUA), less Sliwlnski (VPOF), and Kim Speen (VPUA). photo by Terry Gauchet
Sobeski During.
photo by Naomi Snieckus last Monday’s GST held in Hagey Hall, and
sponsored by the University of Waterloo P.C. Campus Association, Sobeski took aim at the existing Manufacturers Sales Tax (MST) which he termed “completely unfair.” According to the‘ MP, the MST is hidden, applied
$30,000 will find themselves $245 better off once the GST is in
place.” During
On several occasions, So bes ki fielded numerous tough ques- I Other students argued that the expressed his concern that the tions from the 30 students in atsavings resulting from the remopublic does not understarid the tendance. Concerns were val of the MST on items such as beexpressed about the inflationary automobiles would not be GST. “Many people wrongly lieve that the GST is a brandeffect of the GST, and Sobeski passed on to the consumer, Sonew tax”, he. remarked,% fact, was forced to admit that “a one- .i beski countered that while this another tax (the time hike in inflation of one to could occur, “market forces in * it replaces MST] which has .been hidden two per cent” could result when competitive industries will work from the consumer.” to keep the GST is implemented in 1991.
students fro& various buildings and residences on campus, as well as conducting foot patrols and report any unusual activity to UW Police. requires good physical condition and willing to work nights. (must submit to a record check through the’local police force.} $9.OO/hr 15 hrs/week between the hours of 9:00 rxm. to 2:00 a.m. I
contact the Student
Office if you wish to
Au opinions-on
6 Imprint, Friday, January 26, 1990
this pa&3 are 8trictJythose
of the auth0rs
El Sal-vador a terror state The Treasury Police torture their prisoners. Had she not been a foreigner working with Peace Brigades International, had the Canadian government not pressured President Christiani directly, twice, to release her, had she not been a North American, Karen Ridd, she admits, might well have been dead. So many with whom she had worked had been disappeared, tortured, found dead. As it was, she was beaten. In El Salvador the army has a government and it has its death squads. In El Salvador, the United States has built an army: over$1.5 million in military aid each day since the beginning of the last decade. Why call it aid? More than 7o,o0o Salvadoran people have been aided to their deaths. Karen Ridd expressed her sorrow: her sorrow that it was she who had to tell this story, when so many Salvadorans had been crying out for years. The murder of six Jesuit priests by the armed forces in November, just before Ridd was arrested in a San Salvador church, worries some of the powerful in Washington: the “consensus on El Salvador as a democratic success story” [Globe and Mail January l3,1990) is threatened. A democratic success indeed: it is illegal not to vote; before elections opposition candidates and supporters receive death threats, turn up in ditches, tortured, the ballot boxes are made of clear plastic, if the army finds that you have not voted, then they can send you to jail, maybe the Treasury Police. Little wonder the main opposition , boycotts the vote. This elite consensus means one thing: it does not matter that El Salvador is an anti-democratic terror state, it does not matter that unionists, students, human rights and church workers are systematically disappeared, tortured and assassinated as a matter of government policy; all that matters is that the powerful agree to define the country as a democracy, naming its official enemies and supporting its patriotic, democratic, war criminals. The powerful in Washington. The echo from Ottawa. Roberto D’Aubuisson, who founded the ARENA party that now governs El Salvador, masterminded the assassination of Oscar Romero, Arch-Bishop of San Salvador. D’Aubuisson received his training from Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyons,” the Nazi who sent thousands of Jews to their deaths in France. After the war, Barbie was employed by the CIA to infiltrate the French and West German communist parties. Witha helping hand, he finally set up shop in South America. No coincidence. Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay. Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic . . . Canada renewed aid to El Salvador in 1986, citing an improvement in the human rights situation. Fewer disappearances, tortures. Fewer bombings of civilian populations from air force planes: less strafing from army helicopters. Canada maintained that aid - around $s million each year throughout 1987 and 1988, even after death squad activity had doubled over the previous year. Aid has been suspended, for now, since the fighting last November. Karen Ridd sees the only solution to the war in non-violent means: negotiation between the government and the FMLN, an end to U.S. military “aid.” In the United States in November, hundreds of citizens were arrested in acts of non-violent resistance to the war their country is waging against the people of El Salvador, people who are poor because they have been impoverished. In Canada many have been arrested resisting our government’s complicity in that war and its silence on American intervention. A weapons fair in Ottawa last May, ARMX, invited officials from the Salvadoran Armed Forces: hundreds of people blocked the gates. In November 1988, 25 were arrested on Remembrance Day for participating in another Alliance for Non-Violent Action blockade of the Department of External Affairs over Canadian aid to El Salvador. The judge found all of us guilty. He gave some two months jail, some of US one year’s probation. They call it “aid.” Aid should help, Thousands more in Canada have written letters, spoken with MPs, signed petitions, organized demonstrations, attended educational events, travelled to El Salvador, joined the Peace Brigades, prayed and wept and wondered why. And yet the repression intensifies. ARENA recently passed new anti-terrorist laws that make criminal almost any anti-government activity. A campaign of repression against the church and against foreigners is escalating. The real iron curtain is falling again, muting the screams of those people trapped ‘in a death chamber impdged upon them by a consensulr of North American elites who hear only English and see only white and green. But all the bullshit and the distance vanishes when one Salvadoran man tells me quietly: “I will never let pass an opportunity to speak about El Salvador.” And everything I understand is contained in his words. Karen Ridd tells of a Salvadoran friend, asked how he manages to continue: “despair is a first world luxury,‘+ he says. 3:+. The El Salvador information office can be contacted at 743-5481. Marc
The train was nine hours late... The train was nine hours late, but we didn’t mind. As it rolled along the rails, through Thunder Bay, through Winnipeg, through Regina, we phoned the station every hour for the recorded arrival message. In the final hour we threw our bags in the back of the car 2nd’ drove through the darkness,heading for the base of the Calgary Tower. From there we descended into the concrete of the station to find a crowd< all waiting for the Canadian One to come in. We could understand why it was late; the weather had been so cold we had decided not to go skiing a day earlier, and these trains always seem to slow in the cold. One train arrived at the coast a full day late. We wondered if that meant it was that day’s train or the previous day’s. On board at last, we stowed our luggage in our roomette. What was a roomette anyway, we had wondered when booking our ticketjr. We found it to be a most generous term for a bunk. In the observation car the Rockies loomed above us, shining with the snow. We gazed out as the train rocked us slowly back and forth until we could no longer stay awake. Back in our bunk, we listened to the excited children across the hall try and arrange where their parents would sleep. We kept the blind open, so we could look out at the great expanse of sky. Finally the children drifted off, and so did we. I slept lightly, constantly aware that we were moving through the night. I didn’t want to miss anything. As a child, I had fallen asleep with thoughts of sleeping in a moving train; now it was happening. The next day, we ate our pancakes while passing through SyI camous. Later, in the observation
Bditopcin4Uef. ............. Fleur Macqueen dwirrkat Editor H&wietta Veerman B&w8 Bditor Retr stathis IWewadub&ant : : : : : 1:: 1 . Paul Done tkienc8Editor...................... SandraDuncan Featmea Editor. ........... Angela Heeds mrta EdItor ............... Rich Nlchol Sporb &ristaat Peter Brown ............ drtr E&&m ................. Derek We&r Arts &btam.t ............. John Hymsrs Photo
.. . .........
Terry Gauchet
....Vivian Tambeau , Rhonda R&he
, <Ted Griesbach smey L.0biJ-l . &he1 Needleman . . . . . . . vacant . . . . . Pi&r stam
...*.., John
Mason . . . . Flsurhhqwen . . . . David Thomson
Is accepting applications for the following full-time positions:
. Henrietta Veerm&.n ...I*... Trevor Bldr
.,.*...... Paul Done I...... Pietr stam
Please submit resumes to the Editor by I:00 pm January 29, 1990
Please submit resumes to the Editor by MO pm February 5, 1990
over train maps and took pictures out the window and pictures of themselves. The children across from us played with a new friend while we read our magazines. We took a few pictures too. Via offered us lunch
I -
as an apology for their lateness When we arrived in Van couver, we lugged our bags ul the track witha bitter sweet feel ing, happy to be finally there, bu sad to know our first trip alon! that part of the iron rails woulc probably be our last. At tha time it was three weeks from thi axe. A porter at the Calgary statiol told us the local bus line war buying it up and turning it into i “cruise” train, The tickets WI paid $80 for, would soon cos rich foreign tourists $700. It’s true. The train was nin hours late. But we didn’t mind.
Mamh31,1881 Formoreix&rmaUonp1eaae uont&ottheedttul?atthf3 Imprint ofme, cc 140,
Sandy At wal, Mnustafa Bayoumi, Milrli Dr-uuzii\~wiaki, FI,iI Ckao, I-AC-knot Clifton, John Craig, Peter Dedes. Peter’ Diaz. Mavis Dixon, Carrrl Dougan, Chris Frey, J. Hagey, Michelle Hahn. Judy Holland% Derek Hrynyshyn, Jack Lefcourt. Calleen L., Sue Lynn. Belinda Li, Toni Mogren, Scott Murray. John Ryan. Kevin Shown. Kim S eers, Renate Staedel. Nancy Usjak. WiIIiams, Chris Wodskau,
the record
What w-erg Ridpath’s To the editor, I would like to point out several mistakes made in the Confrontation 90 analysis from the January 19 Imprinf. Dr. Ridpath was totally misrepresented by Bob Rae and the authors of this article. They may think they dismantled Dr. Ridpath’s arguments, but first we must set the record straight as to what his arguments were. The argument that Dr. Ridpath put forward is a complex integration of concepts from what reality is (metaphysics), how can man gain knowledge of it (epistomolgy), what man should do in life (ethics), and what is the proper social relationship between men (politics). Only a brief outline of these ideas can be presented in an 18 minute opening statement, however that does not make the ideas any less valid. In the analysis, Hollands and Clifton state that Dr. Ridpath argued that since only individuals are the ultimate value or aim of a moral system, therefore capitalism is the only moral system. They left out the arguments regarding the evil of the initiation of physical force, the proper concept of man’s rights, and that the only way to uphold those rights is a laissez-faire capitalist government consisting of the police, the courts, and the anned forces. Dr. Ridpath does not believe that philosophy is separate from realiv per se. His entire presentation was argued from the fact that reality is objective, man’s reason is his means of grasping reality and hence his
means of survival, etc. This is a realityoriented philosophical argument. The three issues that were’ supposedly not answered by Dr. Ridpath were most definitely answered and the case for the answer was outlined in his opening. (i) “Is society an accident or a property of human nature?” Dr. Ridpath does not suppose that life should be fulfilled in isolation from society, but that the individual is the only entity with the faculty of reason and must be left alone to think and act as he chooses. It is his choice whether he lives alone or trade with others, and
he must not be forced to do so by others or the government. (ii) “What are the limits of ownership in a rational and free society?” If someone owns property of any kind, then he can use it and dispose of it as he chooses as long as he doesn’t violate the rights of others. There are no limits of ownership. (iii) “What is the rational basis for the assumption thatall human beings are essentially good?“&. Ridpath did not say that people are good because it is rational to be so. The main premise of capitalism is not that people essentially good Rather, are capitalism is based on the fact that
arguments? man’s means of survival is his reason. People are free to think and act in any way they like so long as they do not initiate physical force against others (i.e., violate their individual rights). As for Mr. Rae’s arguments, it was clear from the debate and the Imp& analysis that he had none. He was invited to argue’ for a moral system and instead presented us with an emotional appeal interspersed with quips and jokes. He asserted that we all have a mutual obligation to one another, that we should love each other, that altruism is moral, that everyone has a right to education and health, etc., but he never once
offerred an argument for those claims. I suggest that anyone who didn’t see the debate or is now confused about the ideas presented by Dr. Ridpath, come to the showing of the debate on videotape next term, and read Ayn Rand’s works, The Virtue of SelJishne;rs and Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, or come to the next meeting of the Students of Objectivism on February 6,199O at x:xx pm, in AL 212. David Bowland 4B Math
Belief needs commitment To the editor, I am writing to comment on the l&tter wriUen by Allen Chen in the January 5 issue of Imprint. My comment is that Chen should be more aware of what he is addressing because Itis ideas are faulty* For example: he was irritated by the letter in the December 1 Imprint &awe “it innocently started 0Gt as a letter of concern regarding the issue and we should ofcultsoncampus... ail be aware of it” and ended up
“pTeachine about Christianity.” He was “sure any semi-intelligent being will become at least slightly irritated at such a gross display of selfcentered hypocrisy.” Chen in fact took the opportunity to preach his ownhumanism (“Come on guys, can’t you take a stand for yourselves for once,” or “For once in your life, wake up and see the world inyourowleyes...‘~. is it not a p&son’s right to believe in something and if you believe in something why not share it? I commend Chen ontakingastand on what
he believes but I disagree with his condemnation of someone else’s beliefs. Chen was amazed “how a sentient being’s mind can and WU be so completely surrenderd to a fabricated entity.” From this, Chen’s idea is that by committing your life to God you be your feeling& Many of my friends have surrendered themselves to God but stil’ have feehgs such as: love, sadness, fear, happiness, etc. From my perspective they have not lost their feelings; they have only gained a
deeper underam of life+ then’s portrayaI of brainless * . cIms&ms is a general unproven statement Committing yours& to a doctrine by faith is not a simple decision. InthisletkrIhavetrigdtobeaware ofwhatiantadckssingbymore~ one partieuIar viewpoint In conclusion, I think people should have a bekf in somethir42 but whatever it is to bg wholly m&&&d,
moke, alcohols equally bad
I To the editor, I have a question for the managers of Fed Hall and the Bombshelter, the Feds and the university administration. Why is alcohol served on campus considering its long term negative impact on health, alcoholism, divorce, violence against women, drinking and driving death etc.? People like Mr. Littlefield seem to be selective about people’s personal habits when it personally affects the fragrance of his hairdo; yet there is a whole rotting environment out there that we all contribute to. I suppose you drive one of those stinky smelly automobiles that just happens to make mincemeat out of the ozone layer giving us all cancer. In this yuppie, preppie, buppie, Pepsi generation society we live in, why don’t people concern themselves with issues of real importance that effect our health and then do something about it? Smoking and drinking are equally evil and should both be banned for their effects on people and families. Let us be consistent. Oh, by the way Pete, I will see you and Smurfat Rock 3l Roll Night Wednesday. Bye.
The fate of the world’s rain forests has received much public attention lately, thanks partly to the efforts of persons as diverse as David Suzuki and Sting. Unfortunately, it is becoming difficult to see through the haze of information resulting from the hype. The importance of the rain forest to the global ecosystem, the actual damage being done to the forests, and the causes of the damage and potential solutions to the problems are alI discussed from a variety of viewpoints. Itwas once thought that the rain forests, such as the Amazon in Brazil and the Sarawak in Malaysia, were crucial to the oxygen cycle which supports all Lfe. This is no longer believed true, but the forests are important for other rea!3urls. Rain forests contain five times as many species per unit land area than the global average, and are home to the greatest variety of species on Earth. Most of the species have not been identified and little is known of the potential benefits they could bring to the human race. In fact, we know more about some parts of the moon than we do about some parts of the Amazon. The rain forests are alsoimportant because they absorb solar radiation, instead of reflecting it as heat energy. This has sign& cant effect on the global climate. The rain forests have been home to native peoples for thousands of years, and form an important part of their way of life. They are also important parts of the global water cycle; nearly two thirds of the world’s fresh water flow through the Amazon. The destruction of the rain forests is proceeding with great haste. In Brazil, 240 square kilometres are lost every day. It is predicted that within 20 years, species loss will be occurring at the rate of over 100 species each day. Within 50 years, it is thought, the last of the rain forests will disappear forever. The causes of this destruction are varied and it seems impossible to point to a single factor. The rain fores& in Central America have been cleztrrd in order to create grazing lands for cattle, and the beef was often imported into North America. But this is not a significant factor in the destruction of other rain forests. In M&q&, the Sarawak is being logged in order to create plvood and packing crates, mostly for Japanese corporate giants Mitsubishi and Mazda. The remaining forests will be lost in three or four years if the current rate of deforestation continues.
In Brazil, deforestation has been blamed on poor settlers from the slums of large cities who burn the forest in order to plant subsistence crops. This practice is incredibly destructive, since the burning releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect, and because the resulting soil is very poor for future agricultural use. Ne landholders also engaged in this practice, but most of the burning has been stopped since its ineffectiveness has been realized. Still, the deforestation continues, and is still accelerating faster in Brazil than in neighburing Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. The main enemy of the Amazon is now the industrial development that hasbeentakingplaceundergovemmentauspicesinrecentyears.Anewmple is the huge Xingu hydra-electric project, composed of 12 dams, which will flood 20 million acres and necessitate the resettlement of ten per cent of all of Brazil’s native people. This project will produce only a small amount of power, and most of this power will be going to the huge mines in the area. Five percent of Brazil’s ektric power goes to two aluminum mines. Many of the mines are also very destructive to the ecosystem, depositing silt into many of the rivers, or polIuting them with toxins such as mercury. There is hope, though, that the Brazilian government will not allow the large industries to destroy the fragile environment as they have in the past. On January 15 of this vear, the Pitinga tin mine in the Amazon (the largest in the world) was closed because the road to the mine travels through a Yanomami Indian reserve. This is the frrst time that the Brazilian govemment has recognized native people’s rights to live unharmed by industrial development International attention has doubtlessly been important in this first step to save the Amazon. But much more attention from the global leaders will be required if the rest of the world’s rain forests are to be saved. Pressure must be brought on the government of Japan to stop the importing of Sarawak timber, and upon Brazil to stop allowing big industry to exploit the d&X42-. This pressure must begin with the citizens of other countries, including Canada. A letter to your MP will be a small first step in an important process. WPI..G is a studbn#nded and d&ted organization that canies out wseurch, education and action on environmental andsocialjustice issuex For mow infor mation visir us in room 123, General Services Compltx or call *2578.
8 Imprint, Friday,January 26, 1990
Elvis is the second To the editor Groan! Yet another article on Christianity bashing. It seems to me that you people are trying to get your client, God, off by technicality instead of addressing the issues. Let’s get a little perspective on the issues. 1. Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian. Last count, Mesmer beat Jesus in healing Doug Henning beat Jesus in miracles and Elvis Presley beat Jesus in resurrections. 2. The meaning of life is not equivalent to the question of the exis-
tence of God Many people have had meaningful lives without the necessity of a deity (i.e. Sigmund Freud). 3. The essence of God is the issue, not the existence of God. In other words, it’s not the contents of the box we are disputing, it’s what’s written on the box (truth in advertising laws apply here). God is asserted to be the only one of God species, and cannot reproduce (messes up the whole idea of monotheism) and therefore deserves no gender distinction as He or She, only It.
Wrong, Rhonda To the editor, Just one cotton piCkid minute! fit kind of concert review was that for the Voivod/Soundgarden/Faith No More show? Girnme a break! I may not be a writer, but at least I can get my facts straight. Soundgarden’s set was good fun, what with all the stage diving and assorted craziness going on, but the terrible sound and muddied guitars certainly didn’t do justice to their songs. As for Soundgarden’s supposed decision to leave out Full on Kevin ‘s Mom and Big Dumb &x so as not to p&der to the audience, that is one big joke. First off, they did play Full on Ktvin’s Mom. Where were yoq, Rhonda? How could you have missed Chris ComeH’s enlightening introduction - ‘This one’s about sex” - and his amazing mid-song swan dive into the audience, microphone and all? Unless the ill-fated ‘iMtie Berg Incident” occurred at that very moment, I just don’t think you were paying very close attention. As for Soundgarden’s decision not to play Big Dumb Sa, well that just wasn’t their decision to make.. That song was pencilled in on the song list as an encore but they didn’t gamer
enough audience applause or enthusiasm to merit an encore. I may be wrong, but I don’t think any big decision making went on there, Those are the facts. I’m not writing this letter to be spiteful, but I believe that credit should be given where credit is due. I, too came to the show to see Soundgarden,~ but Voivod put on a good show and it was obvious that the audience was all theirs. As for Rhonda’s comment that these three bands were a bad choice for a triple bill, there certainly weren’t too many people at the show that wouId agree. Many of the fans at the front of the stage did not venture from their places from the moment Faith No More hit the stage to the last chords of Voivod’s encore. I never got the feeling it was them against us; we were ail in it together. nose,
comes from ignorance. killers are ignorant
Certain mass-
of the rights and
abilities of half of the population,
well as themselves. This is not restricti to -Hers, but extends to rapists, wife-beaters, and all those who many of us so “justly hate. But where, you are probably &istheignomnceinapersonwho haiesamisogynist?
that God is Non-Conscious, ie. has no awareness (so much for that allknowing stuff). The Christians talk of “God’s love.” But It lacks the autonomic nervous system which enables us as human beings to feel love. I think that Elvis is the “Second Coming.” Jesus never experimented with drugs or sex, and so could never understand the human condition: if you haven’t tried it, you don’t have the right to judge it.” Elvis could understand human existence and he died for our music and was resurrected. By the most reli-
able authorities on the face of this earth (the H++My World News and the Sun), we have read testimonies that the King is still alive. We Elvisians are waiting for the ?Wrd Coming,” because the New and Improved Testament (the gospel according to Elvis) says so. At one concert, the Great God Elvis said “Bye Bye, I love you all, see you soon!” (l%iscilla 3: 17.6). Craig S. Ballantyne BMath Computer Science 4N F’sychohgy
Ethics at Imprint? To the editor,
be slanderous, nature.
Imprint often prints articles and letters to the editor which indicate it has editorial standards which would make the editors of The National Enquirer blush with envy! Imprint does have a legal and public responsibiity to edit and verify the accuracy of artkles and letters which appear to
or sexist
I examined one alarming item thoroughly and investigated the degree of verification by Imprint. Three city newspapers in Ontario shared my opinion that the item was slanderous and poorly verified. They would not print such an item, first because of and second --.- ethics, aa because of libel laws.
It’s certainly regrettable that Waterloo lacks a school of journalism which couId instill in young editors and writers a sense of ethics, standards and public responsibility. I suggest the University of Waterloo administration underwrite the cost to send Imprint editors to Carleton or Ryerson to attend a tutorial on standards and ethics journalism. Neal Mansard uwalunl.ni
Investigating nuclear enemy
Maybe next time, Rhonda, you should get your air before the show can get the full picture before you start making your judgments. Maria Cipriano Katherarine Perak
UW alumni
aHate breeds hate
reader says
so that you
nere have been a multitude of letters appearing recently on two seemingly unrelated topics, misogyny and the validity of religious teachings. ‘Bible thumping” can be cited as one of the greatest barriers between the wisdom of religious teachings and the average person who has not whole-heartedly accepted such teachings. But has so much Bible thumping gone on that no one realizes the entire hate mentality is a probIem of a spiritual nature, not a matteroffixingblarneintheright place? People are accusing large grout of people of hating other large groups of people. You don’t need to own a Bible tobeabletofigureoutwhatk@doP social environment this behaviour WiII generate. When one demonstrates hate, hate is returned.
By definition, God is not alive. Living beings are born and die, and the stuff between is called life. The Bible asserts that God was not created and cannot die, and so logically, does not live. God should be referred to as “it” (Using the premise that “it is God” and “Coke is it”, and therefore Coke is God), The Christians say that Man is made in God’s image. The curse of the “apple” was to give Man consciousness, this means that Man was a non-conscious being before eating the Fruit of Knowledge. This implies
too, are the facts.
To the editor,
It is socially acceptable to be ignorant of anything concerning a person who demonstrates hateful tendencies. Ignorant of the hate they must have experienced to turn them into such an incarnation of hate. Ignorant that, by hating, 6ne is creating the very evil one so much wishes to see disembowelled, No saviour ever stood up and said ‘The me! Love me!” S&ours say things like “Love thy neighbour,“and “Do unto others.” But when all this hate is going on, WHY a& religious people expounding so much that we should love some saviour, and no one says to love ail peopIe unconditionally? There is something hypocritical and self-destructive in a fenkist hating a misogynist or an “innocentJ* maIe hating feminist . People floundering around, hating another person’s hatreds, is bound to generate a lot of hat&. Somebody could get killed! Somebody did get kAlecL AU the people ‘Ibitch, bitch, bitch”ing are the root of the problem, not a response. Where are the people who are supposedly acting on the ad&e of some saviour? Hopekssly conceded behind some membership drive, oblivious to the fact that they are the only ones with any kind of answers to the problems at hand.
With the accumulation of a vast body ,of evidence xGnting to the degradation and eventual destruction of, IUT environment, various influential individuals and :roups are proposing a large number of solutions. jome propose sobtions that are meritorious and can be whiIe others choose to measonably implemented, exchange a few precious coins of reason for an overinh&d currency of self-interest. Unfortunately, the latter youp is most vociferous. One of the many examples of this is the case of the sole of nuclear energy in our future. The proponents of nuclear power maintain that the only way to ameliorate he problems of acid rain, greenhouse eff et, etc., is with I massive build-up of the nuclear component of global energy productioi. The main advantage cited in f&our of this option is 3-;at nuclear power plants are “clew” in that their operation does not produce gaseous emissions into the atmosphere. Another advantage is that breeder reactors m be d to breed plutonium fuel while they connune uranium fueL Thus, the present supplies of non-renewable mmhun can be made to last for several centuries more, matring that our growing electricity demands will be ;atisfled without undue stress on the environment and Nithout sa&ficing our present standard of living. The iddedbonusofthisoptionisthatitwillbuyustimeuntil titernative, renewable technologies, such as fusion and s&r power, can be developed to the extent that they an assume the entire burden of energy production. The drawbacks of this proposal are many. First, the lumber and associated cost of nuclear power pIants equid to reduce global CO2 emissions and keep up tith growing energy demands (estimates range from j,OOO to 8,000 new reactors by the year 2025) would merely strain the resourc esofafewcountiesandbanmpt most others. Even with the lowered cost of mass production and standardization of components, this option would remain prohibitively expensive. Technicaland economic difficulties notwithstand&, here exists a tremendous amount of public reSiStance XI nuclear power, due chiefly to concerns about safety. After the accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Dt.her Iess publicized incidents, these concerns are well Founded.
zx rtise and support required to d&gn, build and df” - dy operate large numbers of nuclear reactors are still wyond the capabilities of most countries. In the last decade, severrnl new reactors have been ksigned that address and circumvent the above .proDlems. These reactors are ComparativeIy small and
mod&, so their construction time and cost are cone siderably reduced. One such ‘next generation’ design, PIUS (Process Inherent Ultimately Safe) from Sweden, is a simplified, inherently safe and forgiving reactor that provides a large margin for safety. Even-with the new safer, less expensive reactors, the problem of disposing highly radioactive and long-lived spent fuel is yet unsolved. The technical problems of the most favoured option - burying the fuel in deep underground storage facilities for several thousand years - are still outstanding. There is no way to ascertain whether or when the radioactive waste will breach containment and leak out into the environment, causing potentially catastrophic consequence. Public resistance to this fashion of waste diSposaI is also very strong. ‘These are some of the benefits and drawbacks of the nuclear energy option. Nuclear energy cannot and should not be completely dismissed, but it can be used in more responsible w&s and in concert with other energy-producing technologies and methods of conserving energy. In this way, it can buy us some time until new and better technologies are developed However, these technologies will likely bring with them new and unforeseen problems that will have to be dealt with in a manner demonstrating prudence, good judgment and a concern for the environment and the long-term weII-kng of the people of this planet
The decision to reduce greenhouse and acid rain gases is obvious, but how to act on it is not There is no one sohttion; there are many. Each solution will be bought at a price. We must be awan of the prices and determine what we are willing to pay. Our decisions will have to take into account this planet, all the people who occupy it, and, perhaps most important of alI, the pcvple yet to GOme* w e c4-mdd not expect tkrm to pay for our mistakes. - Reprinted from an slrticle written by Zorm Bilanovic of Engineering Phykcs at McMaster University for Argwush Rqxxs, Summer 89 issue.
Imprint, Friday, January 26, 1990 9
Ridd looking by Derek Hrynyshyn Special to Imprint After being held in prison by the armed forces in El Salvador, and then “strongly advised” by the government to leave that country, Karen Ridd, from afar, continues her efforts to end the violence there. Speaking at St. Jerome’s College on Wednesday, January 17 as part of a nationwide tour, Ridd told the audience, about 75 strong, of her experiences as a Peace Brigades international volunteer. Because the civil war in El Salvador is “not militarily winna-
ble,” an inflicted country through as those she said*
and other countries to accompany people who are likely targets of violence. They may, thus, deter attacks on those people by providing a potential witness. providing
Ridd herself once approached the scene of an arrest taking place during a demonstration+ she was carrying Par.tly,because
The Salvadoran union leaders, church’ leaders and social workers targeted by “death squads” for imprisonment, torture or assassination are less likely to suffer such crimes with
end to the hardships upon the people of that can only come about non-violent means, such used by Peace Brigades, PBI, as well as operating an information service and educational &ents in Canada, sends volunteers to El Salvador
to end violence
them says.
there to testify
about Ridd
Ridd gave a few examples of this tactic at work. One volunteer was able to ensure, by merely being present, that a raid on a health clinic in the nation’s capital, San Salvador, during which 64 workers were seized, did not result in any deaths or “disappearances.”
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a camera,
the police immediately
It is possible
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in ,El Salvador presence saved the lives of the would-be arrestees, or at least saved them from potential torture. Such activities were ended by PBI last November when she and another Canadian, Bruce Reid, were arrested, detained for 14 hours, and then released. She refused to leave the jail until all who accompanied her were released. After she was eventually freed, she returned to Canada for her own safety* The current violence in El Salvador is the result of a “history of 500 years of suffering,” she explained. Since’ the Spanish conquistadors enslaved the country in order to extract its resources, the country has never been free. While official independence was declared in 1821, 14 families have held control of about 85 per cent of the wealth since then.
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The economy, based on labour-intensive coffee production and controlled by large landholders who force small owners off the land in order to creat6 wealth for themselves and a large peasant work force, is the cause of a very unstable society in which tremendous repression is necessary to ensure order. The massacre of La Matanza in 1932 - saw 30,000 people killed in two
weeks uprising
in order to put down an against the ruling oli-
500 years of suffering Since -then, strong opposition has led the government to form the “death squads,” causing the disappearance of thousands of people during the civil war. The “mothers of the disappeared,” known by the acronym “Comrads,” were united by Oscar Romero, a Catholic bishop later assassinated by the armed forces. Waging armed resistance to the government is the FMLN, who believe that there is no room for non-violence in the fight against the government, Ridd reported. The FMLN recently fought a large campaign against the government forces in the capital San Salvador. The attack was sparked by the bombing of a radical union office killing ten people and injuring more than 25. This bombing was done with knowledge that children would be present to see their parents blown apart, Ridd said. The unusual brutality of this attack led directly to the six-week show of strength by the FMLN in the capital city.
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During the ensuing battle, the government bombed the poor residential areas of the city, killing many civilians. For the first . time, the fighting had come right ti the seat of power, the FMLN demonstrating that it could not be defeated militarily. But neither can the government, which receives more than $1.5 million dollars per day in aid from the American government. Charges recently brought against government soldiers in the killing of six Jesuits (who were the country’s best scholars, she noted] and two others show the American government’s influence in El Salvador and mark the first time army officers have been implicated in killings, but it is also the first time the American governxent has pushed for such c$rges. . Ridd wntioned tha? there is still a moderate elemen) in El Salvador trying to find.a peace.ful solution to the violence. The Permanent Committee of the National Debate, composed of student groups and unions, arranged for’. negotiations between the ruling ARENA party and the FMLN. Speaking of last March’s elections, Ridd said that “we do not hear what that word means,” the process so flawed that the results of the election (victory for the right-wing ARENA party) cannot be considered valid. And after
the election,
the official
of power,
army stepped in and took advan.tage of the vacuum. I Currently, Peace Brigades operates a bureau in Mexico city to monitor events and prepare for their return to El Salvador.
26, 1990
The Voice of
Imprinf’s writing 8tam
Treason This fable was inspired by the recent decision of the Ontario College of Art to hire only women for the next ten years and the refusal of the Human Rights Commission to take any action against this sexually discriminating policy of a post secondary institution. “Grandma, tell us the story about when women “All right, Susie. Billy, stop bothering weren’t boss.” your father in the kitchen and come in here. Children, this is the story of how men got put back in. their place. “Once upon a time, there was a people of the North. They lived in an age when there was much art, most of it foreign, and most of it, unlike the local stuff, was god.
before them. “We want you to hire only women, or from now on the only nude women we will allow to be painted are us.’ This scared the president because these women afl needed personal house calls from Richard Simmons real bad. “You mean, Grandma, that there used to be a time when it wasn’t proper for a woman to be fat?” “That’s right, Susie. It was a very unciviIi.z~ time back in the nineteen nineties. Men could get fat as they wanted, but women were always being told to stay young, trim and bouncy.
There existed in this time a place called Oh See, Eh and this was where the young ones, like you Susie, went to become artists. Here they lived in a fantasy-land with lots of paint and clay.
“So, the president gave in to their demands and drafted a policy that would insure that no man could get hired for the next ten years. Of course men that wanted those teaching jobs complained but even the Human Rights Commission of the government told them it was
“They alI lived pretty happily until someone noticed that most of the teachers were men. ‘well, this is a terrible thing!’ said their president. So all night and all day they thought of how they could get more women on the faculty. One person suggested that they start hiring a certain percentage of women. Everyone thought this was a splendid idea. No one really knew why they needed more women teachers, but hey, they would spice the place up, right? “Well, they only got a few women teachers but they got lots of spice. The women that now worked at Oh See, Eh thought that all the other teachers were dirty old men because they painted naked women and put them on posters This may be so,’ they replied, ‘but women have been painted nude since art began.’ The men out numbered the women so the women hatched a plot. They would get more women as teachers. ‘This plan was quite good. If their plan worked women could become a socio-economic force of their own and still pig out at ice cream stores. There would be no more of these naked women being painted, that was for sure. ‘We want nude men hanging around the studio’ they used to say to each other in the sauna. . “One night the supporters gathered in the meeting place. There, they had the president of Oh See, Eh
tough paintings
breaks but so what, they of naked women either,
“After this move Oh See, Eh was forced to htie on a lot of people with limited talent because those that were any good got real jobs. The quality of artists produced by the school fell-through the floor. As a res$, credible art disappeared from the Canadian scene as all the good artists moved to more liberal, free countries like Iran and China, Who needs good artists anyway’ they said. “An ancient Greek woman, named Plato, wrote that artists are all untruthful jerks that smoke all your cigarettes and drink all your wine, so everyone was glad to be rid of them. “soon
they were only hiring women and
soon after the women put men back in their place. And, as herstory has shown, this is where they belong, submissive in the household, without the vote, raising children. Our scientists have proven this fact with numerable experiments.” “Wow, Grandma, that was a great story days. But isn’t sad that men are so backward allowed to do anything?” “Dear, they own little world and are quite happy
from the old and can’t be live in their witi it.”
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I was recently treated for a yeast infection and my boyfriend and I had sex a few times during the time that I had the infection. Is it true that men can get yeast infections from women? ANSWER: Yes, the fungus that causes yeast infections in females could have been transmitted to your partner during intercourse. Ifit was, it would then be possible for him to pass the infection back to you. There are two areas on the penis where the fungus could grow:’ the urethral opening at the tip of the penis or, if your partner is uncircumcised, underneath his foreskin. Regular washing of the area underneath the foreskin could limit the chance of the fungus growing there. If your boyfriend is experiencing painful urination or notices rednms around the tip of his penis, he should see a doctor because this could be a sign of a yeast infection or another sexually transmitted disease. Males are generally treated with the same medication as females but it is in the form of a cream (applied externally to the genitals) as opposed to the vaginal suppository used by females. Medication must be taken for the prescribed length of time (two to four weeks) even though the symptoms may disappear after as little as two days. This applies to both males and females, Whereas males can only get yeast infections from sexual contact, it is very common for females to get infections when they are not sexually active. The yeast organism is always present in the vagina, but its growth is limited by the vagina’s natural acidity. When this chemical balance is disturbed, the fungus can begin to grow uncontrollably. Symptoms of yeast infections are typically mild to intolerable vaginal itchiness, redness and swelling of the vagina, and a thick white discharge similar in appearance to cottage cheese. There are various things that can alter the chemical balance in the vagina. Some of these th%gs are completely natural and therefore out of your control. For example, menstrual flow increases the chance of yeast infections in some females and infections are very common during pregnancy as a result of hormonal changes. There are other things that can aiter the chemical balance of the vagina but are difficult to change (at least in the short run). The use of antibiotics or oral contraceptives (especially when combined), emotiona stress, and lack of sleep can all decrease the resistance to yeast infections. Finally, there are more practical ways of limiting the chance of developing yeast infections. A study by Heidrich in 1984 found that wdmen who wore pantyhose were three times more likely to have yeast infections than were those who did not. Nylon underwear can also retain heat and moisture in the vagina that in turn leads to infections. Decreasing the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, limiting exposure to products that can irritate the vagina (e.g. deodorant tampons, vaginal sprays) and ensuring that there is plenty of lubrication during intercourse can also help to prevent infections. I’ve probably given you more information here than you were asking for, but hopefully it will help you (and others) decrease the likelihood of getting yeast infections. l7ze Smual Inquirer is written by volunteers-of the Sexuality Resource Centre and appears in Imprint every other week. If you have anonymous questions for this column, they can be sent through on-campus mail (SK,, c/o Federation of Students) or left in the envelope on our door. Questions can also be asked by calling (8851211, ext. 2306), visiting (CC206) or writing the Sexualitv Resource Centre.
erjzes for:
a female
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26, 1990
Faculty awards notice
by Scott Murray
Though originally Lloyd Axworthy had been on the bill, a last-minute switch meant the campus Liberal club hosted a talk by potential Liberal leader-
ship candidate Jim Peterson instead on Wednesday, January 17. The day before, Axworthy announced that he was no longer intending to run for Liberal leadership as the campaigning cost was prohibitive. Liberal delegates are allowed to spend $1.8 million, which they must raise themselves. About twenty people attended this question and answer session to hear the brother of Ontario Premier David Peterson. Peterson believes there is a lack of Canadian control of the Canadian Economy. He used the foreign take-over of Connaught Biosciences by a French government company as an example. Peterson said that he wanted a “Canada strong for Canadians.” Peterson told the audience that every $1 billion of foreign investment in Canada provided on average 11 new jobs. The same amount invested by Canadians creates 5500 jobs. He aiso noted that foreign subsidiaries tend to. be domestic market oriented with either little or no money spent on foreign research and development.
Peterson suggested that part of the $25 billion which Canadihave invested in various pension funds could be put to better use. The pension fund administrators might be enticed to invest in high-tech areas as well ans
Applicatioti dea&ine%r the following _* otherwise stated,
awards is March 30,199O unless
I+iwultyofEngin~g: l J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursary, deadline Jan. 31 (available to all Chemical Engineering ) l Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Combined National and Ontario Scholarship (available to 3B with an interest in the health care field) l Keith CHIT Memorial Award (available to 3rd or 4th year Chem Eng) l Chevron Canada Ltd Scholarship (available to 3B Winter term) l John Deere tid. Scholarship (available to 38 Mech Eng) l Charles E. DeLeuw Transportation Scholarship, deadline Feb. 28 (available to 4B Civil Eng Special Application) l Dow Chemical Canada Scholarship (available to 38 Chem Eng) l Duxbury Award, deadline Feb. 28 (available to 38 Chem Eng) l GandaIf Data Limited Award, deadline Jan. 31 (available to 1B and above, Elect, Sys De, or Comp Eng) l Murata-Erie North America, Inc. Award (available to 3B Elect Eng) l Ontario Rubber Group/Rubber Chemistry Division Award, deadline Jan. 31 (available to all 3B Eng students who have demonstrated an interest in the rubber industry and related fields) l Ready Mix Concrete Association of Ontario Award (available to 3B Civil Eng) l Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary, deadline Jan. 31 (available to 4th yr Civil Eng) l M.S. Yolles & Partners Ltd. Scholarship (available to 38 Civil Eng) l Suncor Bursar& (available to all Chemical or Mech Eng Special Attention)
Faculty of Arts l Arts Student Union Award, deadline Feb. 28 (available to undergraduate students who are actively involved in University Student Affairs with a minimum overall average of 70%) l James C. McKegney Memorial Award, deadline Feb. 28 (available to upper year Arts with outstanding perfprmance and/or extra-curricular activities in the Hispanic Area - one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in Spanish America Studies. l J.W. Dyck Honours Scholarship (available to year 1 students who plan to enter a year 2 program in German and/or Russian)
as creating global size companies to compete in the world
market. In dealing with the long term sustained growth in the Canadian economy, he said we could try following the Japanese model of long-range planning with close co-operation between government and industry. Turning his attention to the Free Trade Agreement (FTAJ, Peterson remarked that the Liberals had accurately predicted that it would be bad for Canada. He cited the Liberal estimate of 57,000 jobs lost due to free trade. Despite the move toward “freer” trade, American companies made more applications to restrict Canadian exports to; the United States. Peterson scoffed at the notion that Canada had gained unrestricted guaranteed access to the American market, noting that Canada shakes and shingles producers still had to pay a 15 per cent tax on their products destined for the U.S. In response
to questions
Fhculty of Math~tics l Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship (available to 3B Computer Science) . QUANTUM Information Resources Ltd. Awards, deadline Jan. 31 (available to ZA Computer Science Special Application)
Michael G&er Memorial Scholarship, deadline Jan. 31 (available to alI 3rd year Regular Health Studies & Kinesiology) l Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship, deadline Jan 31 (available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology)
Faculty of Environmental studies
and Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship (available to 3rd year Environment Resource Studies and Planning students Special Application) l Credit Valley Conservation Foundation Bursary, deadline Jan. 31 (available to Geography or Plarming students) l
General Awards and Bumaries - All Faculties l Canadian Federation of University Women - K-W Chapter Burties, deadline Jan. 31 (available to full-time Upper Year female Special Appfication) l Masonic Foundation of Ontario Bursar& appointment final year undergraduates, required, Special Application}
l Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee Awards, deadline Jan. 31 (value - $5,000 for one year of undergraduate study in a student’s second official language: English or French): Candidates must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants who have successfully completed 2 years of a university program and one year of university studies in their second official language. Interested candidates should arrange to see the Awards Officer. Special Application) l Tom York, essay approx. 2,500 words, interested essay to St. Paul’s United College.
Information about other awards and bursar& dent Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles HalI.
is available from the Stu-
r Fmlltyofscience
Biology Club Bursary, deadline Jan. 31 (available to all Biology) J-P. BickeIl Foundation Bursar&, deadline Jan. 31 (available to Upper Year Jhth Science) l Untario Rubber Group/Rubber Chemistry Division Award, deadhe Jan. 31 (available to all 3B Science students who have demonstrated interest in the rubber industry and related fields) l
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Peterson proposed to solve Meech Lake problems by changing the perceptions of all Canadi-
ans on Meech Lake, and startingfrom scratch to solve the basic problems between the two founding language groups.
Saturday, February’ 1O/90 8:OO p.m. - 1:OO a.m, sfnsaman Park
ter the federal ruling that bilingual signs outside Quebec stores were legal.
on the
recognizes the special status Quebec has in Canada, and labels it as “distinct” has been largely misunderstood by English Canadians. He also stated that he felt the Quebec premier Robert Bourrassa had made a “terrible mistake” in invoking the notwithstanding clause in the
should submit
basic French-English conflict and the Meech Lake Accord, Peterson suggested that the distinct society clause, which
deadline Jan 31 (available to all with the Awards Officer is
26, 1990
NATO should by Mark &mp-Gee and Yetta Veerman
Lawrence Martin, Moscow correspondent to the Globe and Mail was one of three panelists at a discussion on Gorbachev’s reforms held January 16 at WLU. Martin, who was a correspondent for three years, recently published a book based on his experiences in Moscow. The book is entitled Breuk-
ing with Rmdutiun
Histury: The Gorbachev - An Eyewitness Account.
Also speaking were Mosha Lewin, Soviet scholar and professor of hisUniversity of tory at the and lgor Lobanov, Pennsylvania, press officer for the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa. The discussion, which attracted an audience of over 130 people, wrapped up Laurier’s festival on Russia, Back in the USSR. Each panelist spoke for about 1.5 25 minutes, after which a question and answer period was held. In his talk, Lawrence Martin gave his summation of the current political and economic state of the USSR, based on his experiences as foreign
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correspondent from 19854989. Martin described the Soviet economy as a ‘basket case,” and Gorbachev as a social democrat who “could have made a fine candidate for the NDP a few months ago.” According to Martin, pmstroika has played a major role in Gorbachev’s attempts to provide for selfdetermination of peoples. He noted that, in trying to follow up on this goal, Gorbachev found himself in a paradoxical situation. The Soviet Union is made up of over 100 different peoples. With his policy of self-determination of peoples, many of the Soviets’ annexed territories would declare their independence. Martin listed Georgia, the Baltics and the Ukraine (with a population of fifty million), as the most likely to go, along with many others. In encouraging this policy, however, Gorbachev jeopardizes his own power and career. A great amount of time and money - not to mention many military expeditions - have been invested in building the Soviet Union into what it is today. The Soviet Union, as it stands, is a vast empire with over 280 million people, With its natural resources, the USSR stands to rival Canada for its economic position in the Western world.
...the odds of the Soviet Union invading Europe are about the same as Canada invading Great Britain... Martin discussed the possibility of a “multi-national confederation” taking form in the future. Under such a confederation, states such as the Ukraine would be given more political autonomy while still remaining part of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, given the desire for independence and the disastrous condition of the Soviet economy, few states would remain with the Soviet Union. According to Martin, the state of the Soviet economy has gotten worse, not better, since Gorbachev’s reforms have been instated. He stressed that we in the West need to help Gorbachev with his reforms however possible, and severely criticized the West for its almost passive role in disarmament proceedings, asking why we are not taking the lead, Disarmament has actually been spear-headed by Gorbachev.
Perestroika and Mosha
preachers Lewin.
photo by Joanne
This issue also raises the question of why Canada, and other NATO allies, are still stationing large numbers of trool% in Europe. The troops are supposedly there to keep the
to demonstrate achieve their the audience needs a push development,
Soviets in check. As Martin pointed out, “the odds of the Soviet: Union invading Europe are about the same as Canada invading Great Britain.” He believes that the Soviet threat in Europe, as such, no longer exists.
Unfortunately, Lobanov did not provide the attentive audience with any pertinent information which had not been heard before. When asked about the political views of Soviet youths, Lobanov replied that the unrest of the young people is high, and that many informal youth organizations are political in nature. Conversely, in response to the same question, Mosha Lewin commented that students in the Soviet Union are “fast asleep and one day they will wake up and tell us something!”
tn contrast, Igor Lobanov, press officer from the Soviet embassy, compared the changes in the USSR to the changes occurring throughout Europe and the rest of the world. He said that “a11 of us, we are changing” and then w&t on to discuss the achievements of the Soviet reform policy. Lobanov said that the mechanism for perestroika had always existed within the Soviet system of government, and did not attribute any particular credit to Gorbachev. He did not explain what this mechanism was. Perestroika, “unprecedented conscience.”
said Lobanov, is the growth of public
Discussing further changes for the USSR, Lobanov noted that the Soviet Union has a great resource potential and a very gifted, innovative people. These people need greater freedom
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their capabilities and potentiaL&He also told that the Soviet Union in the area of economic especially agriculture.
Perestroika is the unprecedented growth of public conscience. The Soviet scholar defended the “old” Soviet system, saying that it was responsible for Soviet industrialization and for making the Soviet Union the Superpower it is today. Lewin went on to inform the audience that when the old system stagnated, Gorbachev’s reforms had saved it. He talked of the lack of goals and authority which had plagued the old system. He then pointed out that the biggest issue in Soviet politics is deciding which type of political system should be employed - what role should capitalism play in the Soviet political structure? In addition, he stressed that economic change must take place, as had Martin. Finally, Lewin announced that the world is focussing too much attention on exaggerated Soviet problems. He gave the example that crime has been widely publicized as being a Soviet problem which has reached alarming levels. However, according to Lewin, crime is at only one-fifth of American levels. The majority of the panel discussion was not so much concerned with peresMka as it was with the problems the Soviet Union has faced in the past and will face in the future. The only specific aspect of perestmika which all three panelists agreed upon was that it has failed to adequately address
the Soviet
economic problems. In fact, despite the increasing political freedoms Gorbachev has brought for his people, he is not that popular, both Martin and Lobonov agreed. Since perestroika, the Soviet economy has worsened. All three predickd a tense, difficult yet hopeful future for the USSR
26, 1990
Student security force approved most.” She cited the fact that many night classes get out at 9 p-m., and bars by 2 a.m. Students who want to stay on campus later than this, especially architecture students who often stay all night in their labs, are still at risk, she noted. “Everyone has the right to walk on campus at anytime,” said Speers. Many attacks have occurred during daylight hours, specifically along the Sunnydale pathway. But the students will have to prove that they want the service by using it before funding will be increased to address these needs. savs SDeers.
Kim Speers,
the woman
by Angela Heeds Imprint staff Funding of $23,484 was approved last week by the LJW administration to establish a paid student security force on campus. “There is a need to feel protected on campus,” said Kim Speers, the Federation of Students’ Women’s Issues Board chairperson, in her drive for the new service. From 1984 to 1988, 61 sexual assaults, indecent acts and “peeping Tams” were reported on or around UW campus. Speers says the real numbers are much higher. As much as 16 times higher, according to her report proposing the security force for uw. In the report, Speers cites last year’s three-month study showing an average of 53 students turned away from the safety van
The department of Co-operative Education and Career Services (CECS) has announced how it intends to deal with students who miss interviews. Last fall approximately 500 students missed first round interviews. As a result the department received a number of complaints from employers, The department considers that students are committed to attend all interviews scheduled, and missing interviews deprives other students of interviews for jobs which they may otherwise have been selected. It may also jeopardize future jobs if companies question the students’ commitments to the interview process. Therefore, a student who misses an interview without a justifiable reason will be subject to disciplinary actions. These are:
January 15. The SAC prised of co-op students faculties.
patrol buildings The 15-20 people earning $6.50 an hour, will be equipped with 2-way radios, flashlights and identifying jackets supplied by the UW police. One male and one female will constitute a team and the two will be in regular contact with UW security. In addition to providing an escort service for students that call the available hotline, the team will patrol campus buildings (12 of the reported 61 sexual assault and indecent acts occurred in the Dana Porter Library) and parking lots. The team will report any lighting problems or suspicious activity to the police. Speers said she hoped even the knowledge that someone will be
dangerous is comfrom all
The council felt that although the measures sounded drastic, they were necessary in order to maintain the high level of excellence of Waterloo’s co-operative education system. They also noted that studerrts could still get jobs and relevant work experience even if they did not receive official credit for it. To
further help students schedule their time, CECS will post all tentative employer interview dates on a weekly basis. These dates will be posted in Needles Hall only.
The next SAC meeting is Tuesday, January 30 at 4:~ in Needles Hall. All interested students may submit their questions to their faculty SAC representative or attend the meeting.
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1. You may not rank any job number one. Your rankings will start sequentially at two. Multiple rankings will still be permitted. 2. Missing more than one scheduled interview. You will be placed “On Own University Imposed”. Students may continue through the inter-’ view process, but they would not get an official credit for the work term. Second Round Placement Students will be placed “On Own University Imposed” and will not receive official credit for the work term. These measures were discussed at the Co-op Student Advisory Council [SAC) meeting on
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their bodies.” A paid security force was the solution to the unreliability and unsafeness of volunteer programs. The service will begin in the nexf three weeks and the security hotline will be posted beside every phane on campus as well as on promotional posters. The service is not exclusively aimed at females, says Speers. At York, about 20 per cent of the escort service users were male.
walk students
every night. She feels the project, which took 14 months to receive funding, is an important step toward campus safety. It will be modelled after York University’s student security system, which includes a campus patrol, escort service, bike patrol, pub patrol, parking and information booth staffing and re’gular security support. York’s escort service, which UW plans to emulate, runs from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. September through April and 8 p.m. until 2 a.m. May through August. UW’s force, however, will run only from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. six days a week and until 1 a.m. on Sundays. There will be two teams of two people on duty each night. Recognizing that these efforts may not be enough, Speers said, “We tried to pick key hours when (the service) would be used the
by Sandra Duncan Imprint staff
it all
patrolling will be enough to discourage some potential offenders. “The police do patrol, but not as often as people want them to,” she said. The patrollers will receive training in first aid, where to patrol when not escorting patrons, using the two-way radio and responding to different types of situations. Speers emphasized that patrollers would be encouraged to, “use their heads and not
Date: January 29, 1990 Time: 5:30PM - 7:30PM Place: University Club
30, 1990
*All candidates
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exmoses VIA and message
by Henrietta Veerman Imprint 8t aff
of the book. Not a Journey presents many ostensibly valid points, but does not back them up with hard, documented evidence. For example, Davies relies far too much on testimonials as proof for her points. In the second chapter, Davis attempts to prove the case against CN and CP, which have been overcharging VIA for track rental. She quotes many reliable authorities, such as Roy Jamieson, former executive director of Transport 2000, Canada’s national transportation advocacy organization. Jamieson is quoted as saying that in one case, CN was charging VIA more to run its train on the track from Kentville, N.S. to Yarmouth than CN’s cost to run its entire freight operation on the same track. While Jamieson must be a reliable source, Davis does not include hard facts - like a copy of CN’s local accounting ledger to back up his statement. Although much of the evidence presented is not new, Davis has uncovered some fresh evidence of smudged statistics by the federal government. Government reports assessed VIA’s ridership to be three pe-r
suing Western
A law suit against Western may cost the university $100,000. Associate dean of law Craig Brown was fired last month and is now suing for damages or the fulfillment of his contract, which includes a $4,000 annual s&ry supplement and a ten month, fully-paid study leave. No public reason for the firing has been given, but members of the law faculty say it was because Brow-n breached confidentially by circulating an open ktter recommending co&& extensions for junior law faculty members, two of whom were women. Problems at the law school have led to accusations
cent, based on an assessment of air, train and bus travel. Reports by Statistics Canada and Transport Canada reveal air travel was assessed by counting all flights, oversea and transborder, to assess air travel. GO, Greyhound, charters and Montreal’s MUCTC buses are included for buses. For rail, -however, only VIA rail was included in assessing train travel. GO-Transit, MUCTC Transit, B.C. Rail, Ontario Northland, Algoma and Amtrak routes were excluded. Needless to say, this stacks the case against VIA fairly well. All things considered, the book remains a monumental accomplishment for Davis. This was her first attempt at a book, and she put it together in three months. Davis started her career in the 1950s as a comedy writer. She has also produced television documentaries. Her producing experience is evident in the
As scheduled,. the VIA rail cuts went into effect on January l&1990. Since this date, the federal government has announced the possibility of more VIA rail cuts. Waterlbo resident and author Jo Davis believes there has been a conspiracy to undermine VIA rail and passenger rail service in Canada. Davis has recently published a paperback that promised to reveal the VIA-gate conspiracy. Entitled Not a Sentimental Journey - What’s behind the VIA RAIL cuts - What YOU can do about it, the book was released January 14, in conjunction with the VIA cuts. ‘Filled with cartoons satirizing the VIA situation, short stories, interviews with rail workers, and administrators, 4 ssengers apalyses, newspaper articles a$d even a poem or two, Not a Sentimental lourney makes for an interesting read.As would be expected in a callto-arms book, the view and writing is slanted, and rightly so. Davis wants to prove government policy on VIA rail is wrong. Unfortunately, this slant detracts from the overall quality
Law professor
26, 1990
that the firing was related to sexism. QW?dS
- taken
the cover
book’s layout, which sequences text, graphics and photos like cuts in a television program.
of Davis’s
Not a Sentimental Journey is available at the UW bookstore, Provident bookbtore, and Wordsworth books.
To Your Health i
The end of January marks the “crunch” for students as we begin to ponder the many demands on our time. There is no need to panic, though, because the Health and Safety Resource Network has advice on managing the anxiety which accompanies our busy lives. Anxiety is a normal and inevitable part of student life. A certain amount of anxiety can be a good thing; it keeps us aware and interested in what we’re doing. This positive anxiety is called facilitative. Anxiety which becomes too great and’therefore interferes with what we need to do is labelled deliberative. The secret is to manage our lives in a way which prevents becoming what is commonly referred to as “stressed out.” The physiological component of anxiety includes reactions like a pounding heart, shallow breathing, butterflies in the stomach etc, These are natural responses 20 dangers - real or imagined. Some ways to counteract physical tension include muscle relaxation and deep breathing, although there are many other ways to relax. The other component, worry, is the internal dialogue we carry on with ourselves about our lack of achievement, our incompetency or stupidity, our potential for failure, etc. These negative thoughts take the focus away from-what we have to do [*i.e. study for or write an exam) and increase the psychological reactions mentioned above.
The Anglican
Some ways to break the worry habit include: distinguishing between problem-solving and worrying; working on the task and putting aside the anxious thought which surround its initiation/completion/success; concentrating on the present, not the past or future; and giving yourself positive instructions. The ways to reduce emotional-physical tensions are simple and pleasurable, and involve doing things which interest you. The therapeutic effects of going to the show, listening to music, talking with a friend (about the cause of your anxiety or life in general), exercising, going for a “stress” walk, meditating, eating a nutritious snack/meal, or screaming wildly out the nearest window are great. By doing these things, and by detecting the stress symptoms and lowering your physiolQgical arousal level, you will increase your energy level and your capacity to channel this energy toward your scholastic goals. If you feel your problems cannot be resolved/managed in these ways, or if you have further questions about managing anxiety, contact the Counselling Services Centre (second floor of Needles Hall, Room 2080, 8854211 ext. 2655). You can also contact the Health and Safety Resource Network (Health and Safety building, Room 121, 885-1211 ext. 6277) for questions about anxiety, stress, or any other heaIth issue. If you would like to see a particular issue covered in this column, contact HSRN as well.
Renison College - St. Bede’s Chapel University df Waterloo Services: Sundays: lo:30 a.m. (alternating
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Wednesdays: 12:30 Chapel Eucharist Monday to Friday: 9:oO a.m. Morning Prayer Bible Study and Discussion Groups. Everyone .is Welcome! Drop in and see us!
Chaplain: Father David Hartry 746-4740
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Biotech and the artof listening by Geoff Lumby ” Special to Imprint In the Campus ‘Centre one evening I had a wonderful discussion with a political science major about biotechnology. It was one of those rare exchanges where two people with opposing views leave with permanently enlightened perspectives. As a biology major, I’d always had unbridled enthusiasm for biotechnology. My friend’s position was one of extreme caution; he maintained this new technology had the potential to wreak great havoc on the environmental and social structure of the planet. The stage was set for a friendly debate. The new techniques enabling us to effect genetic changes are miraculous in terms of the precision and power’we can now exercise, As an example, pest-resistant strains of commercially valuable crops were obtained traditionally via breeding programs that frequently took years to complete, often with little improvement. To protect crops from pests more effectively, we have had to rely on a heavy application of pesticides, the detrimental long-term effects of which we are all too familiar with. Recently it was discovered that the balsam fir tree contains a compound (juvabione] that prevents some pests from developing into their destructive adult form. Attempts are now being made to transfer the genes for this compound directly to food crops. Within limits, it is possible that any trait is transferable as long as the genes responsible are small in number. The University of Waterloo has a new federal centre of excellence, Biotechnology for Insect Pest Management, which will explore new ways of conferring pesticide resistance via recombinant techniques (the splicing of DNA or genes). I relayed such wonders of bio-
Cystic by Sandra Duncan Imprint staff
technology to my friend. He liked the‘idea df reducing crop damage without using highly toxic pesticides, but asked if anyone had considered the consequences of releasing genetically novel plants into the environment. Was he envisioning the genetically superior stems of a few grape vines surrounding and strangling a small town? Could a laboratory accident result in a killer cloud of pathogenic bacte-
strain compared to the parent organism, Most recombinant bacteria cannot survive beyond the ideal conditions of the laboratory petri dish. The absurdity of these scenarios represents a mistake that many scientifically-trained people make when discussing a technological issue with a layperson. We assume that a political science major will be ignorant of the real constraints [like the one outlined above] and resultant
ria? There is a substantial amount of evidence suggesting that neither of the posed scenarios will ever happen. A fundamental rule of adding genetic material to any organism is that the new creation invariably ends up being less fit, as the genetic make-up of an organism is the result of thousands of years of evolutionary fine-tuning. The addition of a gene always creates new energy demands. If the organism can, it accommodates this sudden drain by decreasing output to other areas. The result is a much weaker new
limiti imposed on any technology* Hence, the layperson may believe any alarmist story. To test my friend’s susceptibility, I asked if he was concerned about such disastrous situations. He replied that he was familiar with the idea of recombinant organisms being weaker, and it made sense. But there were other problems that concerned him - especially the Irish potato famine. The mould that destroyed huge areas of potatoes in Ireland, causing many deaths, did so because the plants were all geneti-
Fibrosis ’
Researchers from the University of Toronto at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Michigan at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute have been able to clone the gene and locate the defect that causes most cases of Cystic Fibrosis (C.F.). Their discovery was reported in the September 8, 1989 issue of the journal Science. CF. is the most common genetic disorder in Caucasians, affecting five per cent of all children born in the US. For the 30,000 people estimated to have the disease today, life expectancy is only mid to late twenties. This disorder affects a number of organs including the sweat glands, pancreas and the lung airways. Treatment only deals with the symptomatic infections and problems associated with the abnormally thick mucus the body produces. This mucous accumulates in the lungs, depriv’es the body of oxygen, and eventually causes death by impairing r~*?wdk!u~~ **m&*,EMwa0wM*m~~~~-
tally similar. Likening potatoes to exams, if every one we ever wrote was identical, our success rate would eventually reach 100 per cent. But as the demands placed on students are constantly changing however, we are prevented from achieving 100 per cent (at least most of us are). Similarly, the mould was not able to destroy every potato plant on earth as some plants are
resistant by virtue of their uniqueness. Many articulate arguments against biotechnology are based on this point. If genetic engineers are allowed to design “ideal” crops, and the degree of genetic uniformity of the world’s food crop is increased, are we not then setting the stage for future disaster? The proper phrase is “decreasing the gene pool,” and many are concerned that allowing too many engineered products into the market could be problematic.
This very important side of agricultural engineering I learned from my political scientist friend, not from any biology or biotech course I had taken. Decreasing the gene pool is but one of a number of controversial issues. It should come as no news that generalists are in demand. Whether David Suzuki, Alvin Toffler or Larry Smith says so, the creation of so many highlyspecialized technologies over our lifetime has lead to the need for those who will serve solely as liaisons. Without these people, many miraculous technologies, biotechnology among them, may never be utilized to their full potential, or worse, they might contain hidden features eventually proving more harmfu1 than beneficial. To be fair, there now exist some liberal arts courses that provide a rounded and accurate look at some of the controversial issues in biotechnology. Slowly we are starting to recognize the need and set up the proper educational channels, but what can a single person do to facilitate better communication? My friend took the first step that evening in the Campus Centre. He knew I was.sizing him up as ignorant on the issues of biotechnology by virtue of his degree. He listened anyway, listened and learned. He also managed to educate a biologist in some aspects of biology far more important than memorizing the chemical structure of juvabione. 1 would not trade my detailed knowledge of biology for anything. I also remain confident that biotechnology will bring more promises than perils, provided that we will actually listen to each other, And to this end, the lesson I learned that night was this: your education is worth nothing if you believe it gives you sole rights to any topic.
normal body function. other areas. , word is enough to cause the gene The researchers responsible This search was speeded up in to be incorrect and result in CF. for this discovery, Lap-Chee 1987, when Tsui joined forces Now that the gene defect has Tsui from U of T and Francis with Collins’ research team. By been found, there is the possibilCollins from U of M, began their using Collins’ technique of ity of developing drugs aimed at search for:. the CF. gene inde- _ “jumping” up and down the treating the specific defect and ’ pendentzlyL This de&&h e&n -be r chromosome, rather than walkDot just the symptoms. UKcompared to looking for a particing along, the team was able to &ately, it could be possible to , ular house on 8 street when you bypass the long sections of the gmploy gene therapy to correct I don’t know- what cipy:province, gene that could not be distin-t ‘ihedefect. or country it is in. This search is guished. 3 .i Gene therap.y- i&&as, i&o-~made even more difficult beThe final result of this trek: ducing the normal gene intqthe, cause there was no map for t.he down chromosome number patient whose cells have the researchers to refer to. seven was the identification of faulty gene. Once in the body,, Tsui made ‘an important disthe gene and mutation responsithe normal genes can express the covery in 1985 by locating the ble for 70 per cent of all CF. proper message and reverse the gene on chromosome number cases. When researchers corneffect of the faulty genes. Howseven out of the possible 23. He pared the gene of aC.F. patient to ever, this therapy is a long way had found the “country” thegene the same gene of a healthy indioff, and to date, there is no mewas in. vidual there was a small, yet sigthod of introducing the gene into By making many copies of the nificant difference. cells of a patient. chromosome and using enzymes Chromosomes can be visualFuture and more immediate to cut up each one differently, he ized as the blueprint of life, made prospects of this discovery will “waIked” down overlapping pieup of numerous genes which be the improved detection of the ces of the chromosome. By idencarry the message detailing how tifying landmarks or unique to put everything together carCF. gene defect. In order to inherit the disease, markers, Tsui made a map of the rectly. The words that make up chromosome a child must receive two copies as he searched the message are all three “letof the defective gene, one from along it. However, this wds a t erS” long, each parent. Those who receive long and tedious journey since In the gene on the seventh one good copy and one defective much of the chromosome conchromosome! in 70 per cent of of the tained vast stretches that had no CF. patients there is just one copy are termed carriers disease and do not have any features to distinguish it from word r$,ssing. :.The loss of . .thisL t~L’Iu-~~-1s*m~dD a m+ma*wt.m
physical symptoms of ease. When two CF. have a child there is a 25 chance that the child will C.F.
the discarriers per cent inherit
This new research should pave &+vay to positively iden-” ‘tify C.$:‘ia$riers, ‘itip*&e their ch&c.Fs .o$. having a normal childhdod through genetic counselling, and prevent further spread of this devastating disease. Since one in every 20 persons is ;f carrier, the potential testing market is huge. The potential profit for the Hospital for Sick Children and U of M, the holders of the patent, could be huge. The long years of research Tsui,
that cnl-
leagues spent developing the procedures for tracking down the C.F. gene defect are a triumph in molecular genetics research. These procedures can now be used in thti search for the ‘gene
many devastating disorders. t
16 Imprint, Friday, January 26, 1990
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26, 1990
Part 2 - The Cljibwziy pe~phx
0.ur northern. lights by Cindy Long Special to Imprint
her hair lightly. “No,” I responded, “how about yours. 3” She smiled in return. First con-
watches, but at 5:OO they all mysteriously appear.
Cinciv Lung is a W graduate arld fonnclr Imprint reporter. She is currently teaching grades seven and eight irr Summer Beaver,
If, ten years from now, I think back on my time in Summer Beaver, I’will remember first the faces. . . the smiling faces and dark, dancir/g eyes. From old grandmothers to the kind rgarten crowd, the warm, glowing smiles r %diating from these brown faces set me at pbace. I These are theojibway, “Anishnabi”in their opn language which means “people” or “the people.” Like the words “Dene”, “Inuit” or “Cheyenne”, the people are simply the people. “Ojibway” is a word applied to the Anishnabi by other tribes and means “people who wear puckered moccasins.”
. L
The Ojibway of Summer Beaver waste no words. If it can be said in three words instead of thirty, they’ll find a way. Part of this impressiort 1 have of their patterns of language is influenced by the fact that English is a second Ianpage for al1 these people. However, their concise habits contrast markedly with our Southern, urban pattern of talking for the sake of talking, or making a “story” out of something we wish to communicate. Samuel arrives back in the village after a week of hunting. He strides into the staff room, beaming all around, holds up two fingers. “Two moose.” That’s all he needs to say. He would not impose a story on his audience. We are allowed the pleasure of our own imaginations. If questioned, he would supply details, but questioning is not the way of conversation here, although it is accepted that white people are full of questions and we are tolerated rather welI. Samuel’s family will eat moose stew this winter, and I’m waiting to see the new moccasins appear on the children.
Adolescent suicide Summer Beaver has a popuIation of just over 300,96 of whom are children enrolled at the school. Nearly everyone is related somehow, by blood or by marriage, and the children eagerly educate outsiders on the intricacies of family arrangements: ‘That’s Jeremiah. He’s my uncle!” exclaims one eight-year old, pointing out a three-year old tot by his cabin, Four or five family names account for most of the population. The teenage girls currently have their feet off the ground with excitement at the prospect of ail the visiting team members which will be in our community next week for the Third Annual Nibinamik Hockey Tournament. Although the chances of meeting sotieorie not related to ofieself are greater in a neighbouring community, many people in Summer Beaver have cousins or more distant relatives on the outside. When there is a suicide in any community in the North, all the villages mourn the loss. _ Since my arrival here, there have been no less than four, ail young people under 18.
their own destiny with as little government interference as possible. They have community by-laws which prohibit the importation of alcohol or narcotics into Summer Beaver and insist that ail buildings be of log construction to guarantee employment for the locals. Summer Beaver was established without the blessings of the government, an action which has resulted in the settlement not yet receiving the status of a reserve, even though it has existed in this particular spot for the last 15 years. These people, living on land they have lived on for thousands of years, are considered squatters by Ottawa.
I am walking home from school. The little ones are walking just ahead of me. They haven’t seen me yet, but they will. One turns and with a shout, races back to catch my free hand. The rest pour into phce beside me, behind me. “Cindy!” My name has become a favourite word. 1 feel so good in the company of these little ones. They do not care what colour I am. We catch up to Roger, the village construction foreman, and his small son, Arthur. Arthur is practising his shooting with an old plastic curtain rod he has acquired. “Arthur killed his first partridge!” Roger informs me. He contains his pride admirably.
A serious mistake you could make in Summer Beav_el would be to take yourself too seriously and find offense in the teasing which seems to be an integral part of social interaction. Hun-tour, the idea of what is funny, varies. from that to which 1 am accustomed. 1 would be surprised if a native of Summer Beaver found a Gary Larson (Far Side) cartoon amusing. However, were I to slip on the ice and fall, I would expect this to be one of the funniest stories of the day, to be widely circulated. Slapstick humour is still of great entertainment value in Summer Beaver and practical jokes much admired. Don’t be surprised to find toothpaste in your door lock or a tack in your boot.
photo by Cindy Long
An Ojibway
girl sets a rabbit snare.
The first European explorers commented on the friendliness and helpfuIness of the Ojibway they encountered. This openness and trust would soon be exploited by early settlers, greedy for furs. Still, the Ojibway remain a friendly people, now suspiciously aware of the outside, but willing to work with individuals who come into their community. The peopl y tire typically shy, but not unfriendly or c8 ld.’ Nervousness or tension is expressed most often by laughter or giggling, a trait which can be unnerving to a newcomer who often feels as though he or she is being “laughed at.” 1 remember sitting on the front step of a cottage shortly after my arrival, trying to take it alI in. Three small girls about age nine sat nearby whispering and giggling, their eyes on me the whole time. Two older teenage girls, future students of mine, stood off to my left doing much the same thing. A returning teacher sat with me, saying nothing. 1 never felt so awkward and out of place in my entire life. One young girl of about 11 approached me and stood staring, her face a mask. She reached out and touched my long, blonde hair. She gave it a tug which hurt. “Is that a wig? ” she asked finally, in the monotone I would soon come to associate with a native speaking English. The Ojibway language is strangely, to my ear, devoid of inflection. 1 smiIed and tugged
Indian time zone Soon after my arrival in Summer Beaver, 1 made enquiries as to how to quickly get a telephone installed in my cabin. Trying to get an estimate of how long it would take proved difficult. 1 soon learned to drop the words “quickly,” “hurry,” “rush” and “immediately” from my vocribulary. When you get to the north, forget time zones. You’re on Indian time and you better get used to it. Far from being unpleasant, it is a welcome relief from the bustling idiocy of the city where people run to catch a subway train despite the fact another one will arrive in four minutes. Besides, no one expected me to do anything quickly either, or at least no one complained if 1 didn’t.
photo by Cindy Long
the future
for these
Summer Beaver itself had two the year before. 1fear for my own students. Adolescent suicide is a serious problem amongst the native people of Northern Ontario.
One rarely hurries in the village. Only children run around. If you see an adult runnitig, you might want to consider running in the same direction because there must be an awfully good reason! The people here work hard; they must in order to survive, but they work at their own pace and one can almost feel the natural, daily rhythm of the village, or hear it as though it were a simple score of low notes, flowing from some unseen source, rising and falling
The Anishnabi of Summer Beaver are part of the larger Fort Hope Indian Band which is scattered over four communities: Fort Hope,
At 5:00 the village is very quiet. Smoke rises from each chimney and one hears not even the shout of a child. Everyone seems to eat at exactly the same time. Soon, 1 began to eat then too, feeling more comfortable as a part of the flow than as an aberrant current. 1 have never heard a parent call a child home to dinner, and none wear
Beaver. The Fort Hope Band has been the subinto the ject of, an intensive investigation relationship between government and Ontario’s native people in a book entitled I+%c~~~Freedom is Lustby Paul Driben and Robert S. Trudeau. The people of Summer Beaver are unique in that they are a group determined to decide
Arthur is only six years old. Now he is a hunter, a provider and important member of his family. I express my respect for Arthur’s skills. Who cares about his school work? He made his first kill! Sunlight and six-year olds. A partridge feather. A proud father. We take too much for granted, The simple things matter most. A faint shadow passes over my afternoon as 1 remember that these people have a struggle ahead of them, a battle with bureaucracy which will determine their “right” to exist as a community. I imagine Arthur in a place like Lansdowne House, where it is not uncommon for children his age to sniff gasoline, What will become of Summer Beaver? What will become of its children? 1 am not the only one who wonders. Fear and
Natives know firsthand the power governments have over the poor and those in a minority. Yet, I am hopeful, for these people are strong. In ten years, when 1 remember Summer Beaver, 1hope it will still be here. I clasp the Iittle hands a Iittle tighter, and we walk home together.
at Bomber:
Maria D-el Mar: the future of feminism lucky enough to be the next Mark Bell, hauled up on stage to be embraced by Maria and be invited to join the band in a chorus
by Paul Done
I have seen the future of feminism and her name is Maria Del Mar - the cybertronic gothAmazon marauder from Planet X. As the lead singer of National Velvet she has created a category for females within rock ‘n’ roll - an overtly sexual woman who brooks no moronic sexism and possesses the physical presence to impose her views upon males who may choose to differ, With the ragtag troupe of subservient male musicians she calls a band, Maria Del Mar rocks as hard [excuse the phallic imagery] as any male musician, while making no concessions to the baser gender. While their return engagement at the Bombshelter last Thursday, lanuary 18, was both enjoyable for the music and for Maria’s cavalier, brusque attitude toward the men in the audience, National Velvet showed signs of pandering to the core of their audience which has emerged through the success of their two “hits”: Flesh Under Skin and Change My Mind (which they played twice). Without Maria Del Mar’s Dionysian presence front and centre, National Velvet would
or two
probably be just another hack band labouring with their variant of postpunk angst - one which has already been flogged to death by innumerable sallow white kids with bands called Dead Souls or something like .
that.. With her, though+ they’re what a reviewer from a kinder, gentler age might have called “a total gas.” While National Velvet are by no means stars yet, Maria in-
spires massive amounts of fandom and adoration from the audience, which seems to consist largely of hormonally-deranged males who crane and crowd ever closer to the stage. Perhaps they hope that they too might be
Brass Baroque Boring, symphony by Mavie
Dixon staff
Those of you who shared my anticipation of the unusual Ba-roque programme being performed the K-W Symphony must have been a little disappointed with the offerings last Wednesday at the Theatre of the Arts. The “Baroque and Beyond: Music from England” evening began with John Adson”s Masques and Antimasques. It was performed by a brass quintet of K-W Symphony members, with Carol Ann Feldstein reciting verses by John MiL ton (1629-1635). Maestro Raffi Armenian’s preamble suggested that these “allegorical plays” extolled the virtues of their patron Royalty. Masques evolved into a unifying presentation of dance, music and poetry. To my mind, this conjured up thoughts of an elegant and theatrical concert. What we received was quite a different matter. In spite of the obvious talent of the performers, the quintet seemed ill prepared for this performance. They failed to master the abrupt rhythm and tempo changes. The crass, unrestrained performance of the__ musicians - _
contrasted painfully with the formance. Counter tenor, Theodry, unmoving reading. This I dore Gentry strained his shrill concert would have benefitted voice in the role of the Sorceress, from the visual distractions of Dido’s lament “When I am laid dance and theatre. on earth, may my wrongs create Johann Christian Bach (the no trouble in thy breast; reyoungest son of Johann Sebasmember me, but ah! forget my tian) was one of the early symfate” reduced me to tears when I phony composers. His Sinfonia first heard it sang in concert by in D major, op.18, No.3 is a sim: Kiri Te Kanawa. Carol Ann Feldple composition for double orstein admirably mustered everychestra, although this double thing in her being for this orchestra is in fact only 25 playpassage yet it still left me uners. moved. The performance by K-W Before you, dear reader, start Symphony was exquisite, The to think I’m just another cruel beautiful singing melody of the reviewer, let me tell you about a second movement was subtly NUMUS concert which an intihandled. Some very gentle playmate number of us attended Friing made the most of this sweet day, January 19, at 8 pm at the music. Humanities Theatre. Those who Closing out the evening was a weren’t there must continue straight recital of Henry Purreading as you missed a stucell’s .Dido and Aeneas, for pendous event. Two centuries of which the Guelph Chamber musical evolution has generated Choir joined forces with the K-W some brilliant twentieth century Symphony
Schellenberg, Carol Ann Feldstein, Theodore Gentry, and Guillermo Silva-Marin. The Guelph Chamber choir gave a surprisingly strong performance. The “cast” was inconsistent in comparison. Henriette Schellenberg, in the role of Belinda, outshone her colleagues with a-subdued but sublime perriette
My Mind.
. Imprint
of Change
I would guess, though, that their truer desire would be to trade places with the anonymous male whose face Maria thrust into her cleavage with the admonition “You’ve been staring at them all night. Have a closer look!” Bozo of the night award went to “Biff from Guelph,” who foolishly yelled “Take it off!” at Maria during the second set. After apeing his remark, and after his refusal to obey her “Come up here on stage you asshale!” command, Maria (wo)manhandled Biff onto the stage by the lapels of his jacket. The verbal abuse he received from crowd and band was swift, brutal and unending. For a band with a new album theoretically imminent, playing the same song twice in a night smacks greatly of stagnation and cheap cro.wd-pleasing. Maria Del Mar is a completely unique rock *n’ roll phenomenon, despite her giga-ugly, unfiatter,ing dress (pulled from the Salvation Army reject pile, I’d guess) and National Velvet are a boss evening’s entertainment.
I was not previously familiar with any of the repertoire, which may have been a good thing as I could not have had a more dramatic live introduction. Out from the blackened stage emerged a trio of cello, piano and flute, Dressed completely in black and half masks, the performers successfully immersed
the audience in George Crumb’s VOX Bleaenae(l972). To recreate or suggest the guttural and ethereal calls of wholes, the trio employed
simultaneously singing while playing the flute, plucking the strings of a prepared piano, and whistling.
Before we could get (111self-oggrandizing and serious we were faced with Toshiro Mayuzumi’s Metamusic. The program notes tell us that it is a work without a score . . . largely pantomime. In fact, it was a pithy comment on how posed and artificial the concert experience can be. The
small audience enthuslastlcally shared in the joke. Enrico Caruso was the unwit-9 ting partner in the brilliant piece by Charles Dodge. lance is Purely (1980). Computer
Coincidental sampling and manipulation of Caruso’s voice faced off against pianist Terry Kroetsch. Kroetsch was agile and witty in his responses to his synthesized partner. finale was The theatrical Glenn Buhr’s Lacrimosa (1989). saxophonist and The pianist,
trumpet player were staged widely apart, leaving room for the actors, the dancer and soprano. The work aims to bring us into the emotional world of the composer. Buhr’s choice of texts included passages from James Joyce’s The Dead, Ingmar Bergman’s The Magic Lantern and Rabintranath Tagore’s The Hungry Stones. The powerful and earthy singing of Anne-Marie Donovan so moved me that my faced burned and my chest became tight. The juxtaposition of two dialogues from The Dead had me on the verge of tears. Anne Moselton and John Watson demonstrated such sincerity that I couldn’t help but share their earnestness. Glen Buhr blends such unbearable sadness with the full spectrum of emotions. I was overwhelmed with the ability of the young performers to spin through these emotional acrobatics required by this complex
piece. Don’t miss the next and last NUMUS concert, Drumming: The Big Bang, March 9 at the Princess Cinema which will in-
clude Steve Reich’s Drumming. Advance tickets are a paltry $5.~ for students.
Mighty by Peter Diaz Imprint staff When The Mighty Lemon Dropa formed five years ago, it was never intended to last as long as it has. Singer Patil Marsh and guitarist David -Netitm started jamming together just to pass the time in between jobs. With the ‘addiffon of bassist Tony Linehan and drummer Keith Rowley, they started doing some shows around England and soon found themselves being sought after by a few record companies. They eventually signed on with Chrysalis in England and Sire in North America. Since then they’ve released four albums in North America (dappy Head, Out Of Hand, Wbrld Without End and the new Laughter) and three in England (CM Of Hand wasn’t released the). They’ve toured Canada thpee times, once with The Chameleons, again with Love atid Rockets and finally at the 1988 CFNY Canada Day picnic at Molson Park. ‘I had the chance to talk to Paul Marsh last week and I asked him what it was like to tour with Love and Rockets. He said that although they had a great time, it was also quite strange. “In England you couldn’t put Love and Rockets and The Mighty Lemon Drops together on the show because you could sort of split the audience down the center,” quite unlike the Canadian crowds, Marsh said. The Lemon Drops are looking forward to playing to the North American crowds, who Marsh feels are more interested in the music and having a good time rather that just “standing there and watching.” On their current tour, which will bring them to the Diamond on January 29 and to The Trasheteria the next night, they will be touring with Ocean Rain and Iohn Wesley Harding. This tour of North America wil! be their longest and most extensive yet. It is bringing them to places that they haven’t heard of. In fact, Marsh asked me to describe The Trasheteria to him so he would know what to ex’ pect. They’ll be playing in venues ranging from theatres to colleges to clubs. In New York they’ll be playing at The Ritz which can hold up to 3000 people. The first show was a week and a half ago in Washington and according to Marsh it was a “brilliant show. One of those special nights.” The band has undergone a line-up change between the last tour and the new album, Leughter. Former bassist Tony Linehan has been replaced by Marcus Williams (who toured with Julian Cope). Marsh said that they “sort of asked Tony to leave.” Linehan was fed up, didn’t want to tour as much as the rest of the band and had stopped songwriting. Communication had broken down between him and the rest of the band. In the end, the future of the band was at stake so it was out withTony, in with Marcus. The band is happy with how things have been going with Marcus, calling him a “breath of fresh air.” With Linehan gone, the band
Imprint, Friday,
January 26, 1990 19
Lemon4 Drops talk to Imprint they possibly can according to Marsh. As far as the album goes, Marsh says that, for the most part, it was recorded live, The bass guitar, drums and lead guitar were laid down together; then he went in and added the irocals. Songwriting credit goes to guitarist Davis Newton, who brings in the idea for a song into the studio. Once the band is together, they “strip the song totally down and re-arrange it and put it back together.” At the end of the day, “it is a Lemon Drops song.” Both Marsh and Newton work on the lyrics, mixing both personal experience and fiction, They like to keep the lyrics open so people canget their own interpretation from them.~
has been able to branch
out musically and experiment. Songs like Written In Fiction and The Real World weren’t passible while Linehan was in the band, With his departure, the use of a brass section, - female I singers . _ and percussion have been introduced. All of this is part of an effort “to make the best record” I, I,,, ,
Do we Go From Heaven, may be self produced. Marsh said that they have plenty of live footage taken by people “hanging around with a v”ldeo camera,” and they also had a show recorded .prpfessionally .. last year. The show they al’e performing on this tour runs+pout an hour. and ten minutes (&I bit longer if they do encores). Marsh said’ they are drawing equally from their four albums; or the set list, making sure that d %y do most of ’ the singles. “We know what the people want and we’re going tq. give it to them,” Marsh said. . , If you get the chance, check out The band doesn’t really enjoy one of their showsi because thei doing videos yet they realize that do put on great show and it’s the with the importance attached to best way to hear The Mighty them; they are a necessity. Their Lemon Drops, next video, for the single Where I
However, Marsh cautions against placing’too much importance on the lyrics saying that “they’re just another part of the song, like the guitar.”
73% choseRio. ~ 27% choseVail.
100% chose Sugarless Dmtyne foffresh breath.. Theballotsareinfur the SugarlessDentyneVAIL/RIO Sweepstakes. On January31,1990,10luckywinnerswill begiventheir choiceof a fabulous tri for two to Rio deJaneiroorVail, Colorado,Thanksto everyone that cRoseSugarlessDenme for freshbreathandgoodluck in the draw.
26, 1990
’ Glory: a return by Chris Wodskou
In cinematic terms, 1989 down as the year that truly independent film established a financially viable art form,
may go creative, itself as sex, lies,
and vidmtffm# Do The Kgltt Thing, Roger And MS, and Jesus of Montreal all being made on very modest budgets and all being box office successes. Still, even the most pretentious in our midst would have a hard time denying the allure of a fullblown, grand-scale, Hollywood epic: the spectacle, the casts of thousands, the grandiloquent heightening of emotions, the great deeds and quests accompIished and battles fought, the whole I laughed Icried, Istood up and cheeredness about it. Edward Zwick’s GIvry is a worthy successor to the epic tradition from Cecil B. DeMiUe to David Lean’s opuses like Lwrence of Arabia,
to the epic
although much less sprawling in its scope. Glory follows the saga, from its inception, recruitment, and training to the discrimination, frustration, and ultimate martial vindication of the Massachusetts 54th, the firstblack battalion to fight for the North in the
of his authority as a grizzled old wardog, The supporting cast simply overpowers him, making him seem vacillating and boyishly weak-kneed in spite of his projected image of valour. As a result, Broderick’s progress
American Civil War. More thematically, it is a coming of
age story; however, in spite of his name being the one splashed on the marquees, it is not spe&caUy the
perhaps intentionally so, than the initiation of the black recruits. Glory does subscribe to timeworn, romanticized notions of honour, whereby
More timeworn, story-of Matthew Broderick’s young colonel, the man charged with the recruiting and training of the 54th. Broderick’s name, as was the case with Robin Williams in Lkud bets tie& is merely the most recognizable among a strong ensemble cast that outshines him. Broderi&s performance seems as ill assured as his character, a stripling
Many of the black soldiers are not much more than the black equivalent to white yahoos with heads stuffed full of false ideals of what a gas it be to be given free license to
59clikI100sNon-wrbal (Pre!vhdy99c)
by Dave Ross Special to Imprint
Non-Verbal Communication is a show of recent work by Waterloo alumni Fred Brown, currently on view in the Fine Arts Building Gallery (East Campus Hall). Brown is a fine example of an artist who makes art holding tradition in one hand while signaling expletives of disregard
sink your teeth anorighld taco. Always tasty, always delicious and nuw only 5% each. This is a ItmIted time off&-, so vis~~co BeIlnowandcrunchabunch. Otler Not
vahd vatId
at with
partmpatmg any otheroffer.
85 ~mmsmrAw.
black youth,
look inward for their motivation to fight. Any fears that G@y, as suggested by the ads, will degenerate into
another way, Fred Brown is an antagonist. Historically, wood-blocks have been exploited for their ability to transmit beautiful gestural line quality, and expressiveness; while it is true that these qualities are quite evident in Brown’s work,(“Waiting for Giotto”
is one of the best examples in the show) he will not let us be lulled by them. The reduc-
tion process does not involve the usual intricate work with small gouges and knives, rather he wields an unabashed Black & Decker power router.
is what keeps Glory from tripping over the threshold Vito overglorified, empty spectacle. The battle scenes verge on exhilarating, with flawless, intricate choreography, bracing camera work, and a truly gutwrenching violence that comes from the lack of high-tech weaponry, confronting you with the visceral brutality of hand-to-hand combat.
It’s immensely moving, too, without being shamelessly manipulative. GIoly does tug a little concertedly at the heartstrings, playing up the musical dramatics when heroes fall in battle bravely - stupidly, but bravely
notions of honour
one does not truly prove one’s manhood until tested by martial combat, but this stance is made easier to swallow by the historical context.
run wild with a rifle. However, Morgan Freeman, playing the middle aged officer and fatherIy, steadying influence on the young headstrong recruits, and Denzel Washington, awarded a Golden Globe Award for his intensely brooding portrayal of a
empty patriotic sloganeering. are thankfully dashed by Washington’s refusal to carry the colours into battle. He is not fighting for his country, which has only exploited him and his people, but, like Freeman, is fighting to prove himself human; a black mm, not a Negro, a peer’ and an equal to the white soldiers. Edward Zwick’s direction, though,
with attendant
flights of angels to their rest, but the
strength and convincingness of the acting provide a helping of honest histrionics. Ultimately, Glory is a modest epic, its eye on universal themes of racial
strife and disaffection,
equality, hon-
our, and manhood, without sight of the individual.
communication Ripping from
a large
of wood
sheet of plywood
particle board, the machine leaves behind “tracks” that provide the linear content prominent in all of his prints. ‘The result is confident work, imbued with a latent aggressiveness that is as close as the nearest electrical outlet, and far from gentle. It is difficult to get overly sensitive with a power router. Brown’s subject matter is primarily
Shhh . . . Art Zone
to mind when staring into his colour schemes. When a recognizable shape does &de into his work, it is usually in the form of a simplified human figure. (as in “More Desirable Than Happiness”] These figures point to the crux of Brown’s work. At the centre of virtually all of Brown’s works is a distinct sense of libido. The figures Brown investigates are far from analytical, and even the works devoid of referential material have a certain “sexiness.” Labeling this sensuality usual art terms
nesque.” plays composition games with his signature bulbous shapes, pushing and pulling masses of colour with the divisions provided by those Black & Decker lines. Colour comprises a good deal of the immediate impact of his pieces. Solid, adventurous, and controlled, the term funky comes
like “RubeFred might use foxy. has obviously left out
Brown many of the current critical considerations concerning the way
the body is viewed and analyzed. Proponents of post-structuralist thought should consider themselves warned. Brown’s is definitely not politically correct work; just the way Fred likes it. Non-Verbal Communication runs until February 3.
26, 1990
gets serious
Enter the asylum by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff The eighties have been one of the best decades for comics since their conception in the early fifties. This particular decade saw the maturation of comic books as a literary medium with the appearance of such works as Alan Moore’s Wutchmm and V.fir Vcndettu, and Frank Miller’s Butmm: The Dark Knight Rc~~-ms. Also, the art of people such as Todd MacFarlane, Art Adams and Bill Sienkiewckz helped generate interest in the comic book genre. The eighties changed comic books’ main audience from immature audiences to people from all walks of life, and even led to some, such as Watrhmw, being taught at the University level.
New “Mature”
Another book which can be added to the ever growing list of “mature” comics is the new hardcover Arkhufn A~vlum. Although meant to capitalize on the recent phenomenal success of Batman, writer Grant Morrison and artist Dave McKean’s latest rendition of the caped crusader is sure to last for years as one of the few serious treatments he has received. The premise of Arkham Aq4um is that on April 1, the inmates of The Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane (The Joker, Two-Face, The Scarecrow, et. al.) revolt against the doctors and demand that for the safe release of these hostages, Bat-man must surrender to them. He does, and is caught up in a game of hide and seek with the inmates. He encounters numerous villains, most of which he defeats with relative ease, except Killer Croc, who gives him a decent battle, but ends up getting skewered like a big alligator shishkabob. At the end of the game, there is a showdown between the inmates and Batman. The Joker decides to leave the fate up to Harvey Dent (aka TwoFace) and his famous coin. One side of the coin is scarred, and if that side comes up, it spells curtains for Batman. Dent flips his coin and indicates that Batman is free. As Batman leaves, however, the coin is revealed to have come up on its scarred face. The “unstable”ending fits the overall style of the book. Although t8e story is well-written, what makes the book great (and what makes it cost $30.95 for less than 120 pages) is McKean’s lavishly painted illustrations. The paint on the glossy pages is a welcome change from the typical ink on newsprint regular comics come with. The Joker is especially well-suited to the paint treatment. He has never looked so maniacal, and so evil, his bloodshot eyes stand out against his white skin, which is accented by shocks of green hair and ruby red lips. Batman himself is painted as an almost formless shadow, with only his teeth sometimes visible through his dark brooding COWL In&a&&f Uniform homogeneous M&a makes the blood mori realistic by showing it congeal and stain, and drops of it &kti.ng light. One hdf of a comic bk is the “comic” part, and MCI&II my holds up his half. The story is quite complex ati
of steriods
does not lend itself easily to interpretation. What also complicates the tale is that the story of Amadeus Arkham is also told at the same time. ’ As his story unfolds, the book works through themes of madness, rebirth and death, as well as that of hidden emotions and feelings.
abuse. It is rare indeed that one can talk of a comic book with mature themes in it. The people also have been fleshed out. as they would be in any good novel. They are not just cardboard cut-outs. Hopefully, the trend of mature comics will continue after Arkham Asylum.
u&&L&d B
,=6 DOerRS OFeNcoo
26, 1990
Spears by Michael H. Clifttm Imprint staff Danish-Canadian artist Heather Spears is well-known for her pencil drawings and her poetry. Her present exhibition at the UW Art Gallery, located in Modern Languages, cuntinues until February 11. The show contains some 300 finished sketches of refugees who were aboard the hotel-ship Safe Bristolia at Copenhagen Harbour in early 1987. Spears was born in Vancouver and studied at the Vancouver School of, Art, UBC and the University of Copenhagen. For 24 years she has resided in Denmark, returning to Canada regularly to teach. Stead thematic art shows and her po&y, which she says are often written”about the failure to make a drawin&” have won her world-reknown. h 1983she receiveda Can& Cmncil Grade B Award for writing. fie ptraits are of refugees; the title “titer d hope” identifies he unifying theme. Spears has tried to
us a’LHlinter
capture the revelation of secret hope and private excitement in the features of each of her subjects. Whether she has deliberately posed her subjects is not known, but in their postures and expressions she has captured the f&ndamental character of each.
A few entries are very loose sketches. These are the sort that a student artist might feel insecure about presenting to an instructor. A practiced and perceptive artist, Spears recognizes in them the very sensitivity for the subject she has tried to
Spears’ art is not unfinished, but she does settle on an incomplete representation of sensible reality. She is reaching beyond the matter of her subjects, towards their internal sensibilities. Thus her portraits and other compositions seem to skim across the image of reality, concentrating on aspects of the scenes which represent her intended theme: the expression on a face, or the closeness and intimacy between human bodies. A few, simple strokes capture the essence of a child’s tousled bed cover, a lock of stringy hair, or the embrace of two hands.
~ He&her
accomplish in each work. Observation and commentary on art is a highly subjective practice. Some may regard her drawings as unfinished work filled in with scrib blings, refusing to admire her delicate use of tone, direction, shape and size.
Physical details can be filled in by viewers of Spears’ drawings; feelings are of the mind’s realm and cannot be represented in mere two dirnensionality. Where Spears makes lines or shapes solid, we sense strength *and permanence. Where they are loosely scribbled or broken, there is
freedom, sensation, memory,
by ae] H. Cltmplrint etaff *
The Chapel
song fine
Conrad Grebel College Choir has a long history of
0 CF T oronto-Bay ,view .Regional Cancer Centre The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation
Ontario churches. Last Sunday the choir began its 1990 winter season under the direction of conductor George Wiebe, with a visit to St. Jacobs Mennonite Church. Wiebe, working here with his wife as part of an exchange of professors with Mennonite Bible College CNBC, isan exuberant choir director. Under his guidance my hymn becomes a jubi.l@ song of praise (sometimes to the consternation of congregations not used to singing at the mighty tempo he requires). Esther Wiebe, his wife, provides piano accompaniment for the choir. Choir members met the challenge of Wiebe’s direction with the ability of seasoned singers. Their confident performance was clearly an uplifting Sabbath experience to those who attended the church. The choir performed a number of common, and some uncommon, selections from the Mennonite Hymnal and the Hymn Sampler, someaccompanied by the ‘times congregation. Their main number
-2075.Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4N 3M5 Telephone: (416) 488-5801 Fax: (416) 480-6002
or even
the motion of a dance. The UW Art Gallery is open from 21:OO am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday, and 2:00 to 5:00 Sunday. Suzanne Morrison, a Toronto artist, is showing some landscape pictures in the gallery’s next exhibit, on from February 15 to March 25.
photo by Mik Eskestad
In her portraits, Spears is almost techfidgShecapturesthea@esand planesof the human face with the p~ksion of text-book art. Her overall approach, however, reveals a sentitivity to direction and space, ~PeChfly revealed by the bodies, shadows and hair*
of hope”
where Shall Wisdom Be Found?
which focuses on the wisdom and understanding of God. Despite only a scant few Weeks to practice all the pieces, and the limited number of choir members who were able to come to the performance, their voices mixed well and carried thesensitivity of their messages to the rest of the congregation iis part of the service, Nelson Scheifele, the college’s vice-president of administration and development spoke. His message was based upon a <scriptural reading from Matthew. He
SATURDAZI: JANUARY 27,lWO 1:oo - 3:oo PM
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&cussed the way in which Conrad Grebel College acts as the “yeast” in the university community and helps the Mennonite community to do so worldwide. Choir members, though not all Mennonites or Conrad Grebel students, .seemed to Cxemplify his statements, as the$ music carried a message of ,good. “will and peaceful Unity.
The choir also gives its members chances to express themselves as individual performers. Walter Warfield sang the Pater Noster during the offertory. Ann Shultz conducted in Wiebe’s stead for the benediction, i%e Lmd Bless and Keep You. Shelby Krahn was able to share a message about the history and meaning of the famous hymn Tliere is a Green Hill FurAway, with the younger children in the congregation Richard Schweitzer
Sunnybrook Medical Centre
University of Toronto
the children
further by drawing the crucifixion scene against the backdrop of Jerusalem and its surrounding hills. me Conrad Grebel Chapel Choir’s next performance is on February 4, at Wellesley Mennonite Church at 9:30 am, and St. Agatha Mennonite Church at 11:OO am.-
by John Michael Imprint staff
Halfway through January, you’d expect all that end-of-one&&e, dawn&g-of-a-new hype to be done. I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen enough best of the decade lists to last for me another ten years or so. But before we consign the 1980s to the ash can of history, there is some unfinished business to be dealt with, namely the career and legacy of Duran Duran. So let our enlightened gaze pierce the mists of time as we look back on a more uncomplicated age, when the music stiIl meanf something, when there was still a future to look forward to, when for better or worse, those smgs became part of our IiVeS.
Sure, we laugh now, but remember how these puffy-f&d ponc~from
nowhere filled a thousand dance byPau.lDone floors with their weedy but insanely Imprint staff cra#ed pop? You just listen to Piawi! fiflh and fry not to go around saying ‘%a baba bababa” for tin next three Funk, like every other word Weeks. traditionally used to describe bIack Maybe now that it’s over, the truth music, has undergone a severe can 6nally be told. As meaningless as devaluation in the eighties. From its the lyrics were, as whiny as Simon initial use as an adjective to describe LeBun’s voice could get, as contrived gritty jukehouse blues, until it as the whole enterprise seemed, defined a ge?e unto itself in the early somehow Duran Duran came seventies, the wordfink carried conthrough with a few moments of notations of sex, sweat and unsavorigenuine inspiration, Compared to - in the most appealing,way. today’s faceless army of electro-dolts EEe then, it has been applied to and teen pop puppets, Duran Duran music ever more removed from the stand as veritable giants of talent and origid sense of the word. cllarisma -prettysadifyougiveit The ‘Jungle Brothers are out to much thought change all that - like their debut IP This compilation is l&e an aural StraightoutTheJungLe,DoneByThe history of the eighties’ charts; pasty Forces of Nature sets out to fashion an eighties remold of the seventies funk white pop (Piintet Earth) mutates into sound. gestures overblown Like others who have liberally (Nozotious) whi&?oters into dance borrowed from their parents’ oriented rock (Ml Ske WaMs Is). The records, the Brothers steal the beats chameleon act wasn’t entirely sucand jack the bass drum up - knowcessful, no matter how they change, ing that our numbed generation will they’ll never recreate that early hysbe moved by nothing less than boneteria. jarring bass. The mixture of their Fxxhmately they know their loose ‘n’ laid-back rap with the vinlimitations and these days seem contage beats they pillage is propulsive tent to release reasonably well done and intoxicating - what God wanted dance floor fodder. when he taught men how to@&. So there it is, warts and all, the Whether constrained by fear of 1980s in 45 minutes. A little slice of litigation or inspired by a desire to historye thdl fit in your pocket (at explore newerturf, mostworthwhile least the cassette does). ’
rap groups are moving further away from the gross steal into more complex song constructions With the exception- of a couple of P-Funk and Afiika Bambaataa samples excepted, Done By The I;rrmes of Nam, goes out of its way to hide and disguise the sources of the samples while maintaining the groove and feel of the source. While crap, dull positive messages are dime-a-dozen in rap, the Jungle Brothers lyrics are positive, pithy and pertinent. They find a halance between the innate seriousness and selfimportance of preaching, with a comic, playful streak. A reasonable comparison to the spirif of the Jungle Brothers would be De La So.ul (who make a guest appearance on &in’ Our Own Dang
“Good for what ads ya!” -- ----DR.
172 KING
Dr. Norman Thehhskoka
-buttheJB’ssoundreliesIesson gimmicky samples, and more on stmi#$&up groove. Though the long album is of uniform.lyhighquality,thefusthalfof the first side, &wzd ?%k WorEd, F&in’ A/tight, Sunshine and FWti U W&in’ 4? stand out above the rest. l&yond l71k WorM has the nastiest groove I’ve heard since EFMD% snic-
fly Business, while what U Wai?in ’ 4.7 borrows the bassline f&m George Clinton’s Atomic Dsg and Sunshine skips along merrily saying not very much at alL These boys are certainly the ruling kings of the hiphop jungle (Public Enemy excepted) and Done By The brats of Nature has instantIy vauited into my favorite four or five raps LPs. Grab a vine and get swangin’!
1 2
Bethune Festival Prohctiorl
VL Written by Ken Mitchell
call today for a complimentary
Studentm $14.50 Others: *l&SO
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St., W. (id Philip) l4bduo
Friday, January 26, 1990
Signs that the end is nigh
1. Another Wodskou birthday - he’s now 36 2. Fiddlehead’s increased credibility at Imprint 3. Led Zeppelin widely revered - even respected 4. Church choir review in Imprint Arts section 5. Donny Osmond enjoying a comeback
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff There definitely was a time when Clapton deserved the nickname God from the British subway artists, but after his days with Cream and his bout with drugs which nearly destroyed him, his career took a turn for the worst. Although he survived that, he was then relegated to starring on other people’s albums and touring with them. Most of his last few doing albums, although phenomenally well commercially (such as 1987’s August) did not do all thiit well in the eyes of the critics. Clapton seemed td be easing off the guitar and adopting a J.J. Cale-type voice so that he wouldn’t look like he was riding on his former successes. His last outing was the boxed set Crossroads, a beautiful voyage through Clapton’s career, meandering from his Cream days to his stints
t-4. 13
with Derek and the Dominoes, and ending with quite a few selections from his late 80’s albums. Journeyman continues that sojourn with a definite improvement over some of his lame mid-eighties albums such as 84’s Behind the Sun. The two strongest tracks are both covers, the original (Willie Mae Thornton) Hound Dog and Bo Diddley’s Before You Accuse Me. Other bound-to-be-favorites (because they have that cool blues part) are the first single pretending and Hard Times. One of the most impressive parts of this album is a document of one of the
by Stacey Lobin imprint staff Oh, merciful heavens. A nightmare of ghastly proportions: a bunch of cocky, upstart @am-rock and burntout rockers getting together and doing a bunch of covers, dedicated to the memory of a group of noble stiffs who died of drug or alcohol abuse. Everybody needs a “cause” to work for, and if this record and its helpful, inspiring liner notes can save one or two people from tumbling into a sordid, sickening death, then that’s just Pe;$Y* . .. Did Skid Row really have to butcher Ho/idqs if1 thhe Surr? And I think the Scorpions lackluster rendition of ICbn i Explain is shameful and deplorable. Also, although I$e always had a thing against Motley Crue, ripping alcoholics that they are, I was willing
emerging trends of the 80’s, artist collador&on. The “appears courtesy of” section on the liner notes include such heavyweights as Phil Collins George Harrison, Chaka Khan, David Sanborn, and Mr. rent-an-axe himself Robert Cray. Overall, &is is probably Clapton’s strongest recording in a decade or so,
by Peter Dedes Imprint staff
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to give them a chance to prove that they really are venerable and worthy, but they do nothing to redeem themselves with their cover of TPUSPP-; Gorky Park (glasnost gee-tar band), Bon Jovi, and Cinderella also do noth-. ing to lift the album out of the depths of mediocrity. The only thing remotely tuneful is A@u Hazu, charmingly rendered by Ozzy Osbourne, but then I’m a sucker for anything Jimi-like. The whole sorry mess ends with a monster jam recorded at the Moscow Music Peace Festival (what? peace and charity?). It’s a painful medley of HouruziDu~ B/UP Suvdc> S~OPX,Lorry 7illl &/It: and Roc*k utul Roll, which will make any Zeppelin fan shake his or her fist at the blasphemy of it. Save yer bucks and get the real stuff instead.
at UW
St. W., Kitqhener
One Sunday in early December, 1 was leaving London. A snowstorm slowed the city and taxis were at least an hour in demand. I needed to be at the VIA station to catch the 2110 to Kitchener. Somehow I was driven there. A guy I vaguely remember having a beard said that the trains were running on time after I asked and so I purchased my ticket and boarded the waiting coach, We waited almost an hour for the Sarnia connection and if you hang on a minute, I’ll make the comparison that ties this Breeding Ground LP to the story. I was sitting vis a v-is this woman named Bernadette who is a manager at a Mary Brown’s Chicken. Beside me was sitting a nursing student, His name was Dale. I was trying to read a book when an insistent voice interrupted me. There was this guy on the train, see. He was sitting across the aisle from me. He spoke no words to me. But the rest of the coach and I gathered that he was a first year them student here. By St. Mary’s, we were ready to throttle the bastard. You see, he was expounding upon the scientific virtues of UW, saying that all arts students got the wobblies so bad at the horrific number of parties they attended that -1dS remember their names. He also talked, if I recall correctly, about art and music and the meaning of life to his temporary companions (an elderly woman and a bio student at the Uof G). . He &had a Voice that projected. It was kind of humorous for a while. But he became grating, simplistic and in the end, repetitive. Obscurity and Flair is like this guy;
tainment value, but in the end desinto a mind-numbing cending drone. “Yes, but what of it?” you ask uncomprehendingly. And all I can say is that .we don’t need a vague attempt at a Chalk Circlesque musical mannerisms. Because by the end of this record, I was ready to throttle the bastard.
, F
January.26; 1990 25
Steve’s a tad puzzled - he’s got only 60 seconds to find a cool Canadian. Can you give the guy a hand?
Best ranking in 76 years
Ice Warriors 3erd in nation by Peter Brown Imprint st sff Somebody must have spiked the Gatorade of the McGill Redmen. A mediocre 6-5-2 before last weekend, this Montreal team upset the two best university teams in the province, Laurier and Waterloo, to send a shiver through the OUAA. Waterloo’s 5-3 win over Concordia on Saturday, coupled with the Redmen’s edging of the Golden
The Warriors didn’t manage to score until Steve Richard’s marker in the third period, and the defence allowed more than twice its usual 2.4 goals per game. Rather than inspiring the team, Richard’s goal 48 seconds into the third seemed to leave them flat as the Redmen outshot
Puck Notes:
CIAU top
1. Alberta
downing UW on Sunday by a concussing 6-1 score. Captain John Goodman scored two goals to lead the Warriors to their 5-3 win over the Stingers, with Jamie Maki, John Dietrich, and UW’s top scorer Tony Crisp each adding one. Mike Bishop enjoyed his usual light workload, turning away 17 of 20 shots. The next day was Bloody Sunday as McGill pumped in six goals against the all-star Bishop, the last one a penalty shot with two minutes left. This game left spectators wondering what happened to Waterloo’s offence and defence.
crown on championships. And an extended homestand is exactly what they need for the stretch to the playoffs. The farthest they venture from home for the rest of the regular season is WLU next Thursday, February 1. The black and gold completes its season series against the division-leading Golden Hawks just three days later, Sunday, February 4, at the Icefield. With the way that both teams are playing, these two games should decide home ice advantage for the divisional playoffs. - Tony Crisp’s team-leading 34 points, on 19 goals and 15 assists, puts him in third place in the OUAA scoring race behind two Golden Hawks, Greg Puhalski and Mike Maurice+
lead with one game But McGill made with
-The Warriors are approaching a key point in their quest to cap-
Hawks, 5-4, left the Warstill within three points of
riors the division in hand.
dropped from fifth to eighth in the nation. The ice Warriors played at Guelph last night, and are home to Laurentian on Sunday, January 28 at 2:30 p.m. So, don’t get bored by the Superbowl pregame show; come out to the Icefield instead, and support your Warriors.
2. Calgary 3.
UW 18-7 in that frame. The final was UW’s worst loss of the season, 6-l. Waterloo remains three points back of Laurier with seven games left in the regular season. Miraculously, UW edged to third in the CIAU rankings from last week’s fourth spot despite their loss to McGill, and Laurier
the OUAA way
to the CIAU
Last Wednesday night’s game between the Waterloo Warriors and the Guelph Gryphons was almost as identical as last year’s overtime tilt in the Royal City. But this time there was one difference - the Warriors returned home with the two points, winning 54-53. In post-season fashion, Waterloo knotted the game at 46-46 on a Chris Moore free throw to end regulation time. Then, behind by .one point inside the final second of overtime, Chris Troyak sank a jumper from the top of the key to clinch the victory for UW. That win, coupled with a 75-59 whipping of Brock the previous Saturday in St. Catherines, puts the Warriors on a three game winning streak after a slow start in league play. It will be interesting to see the CIAU rankings next week, now that Waterloo has beaten eighth ranked Guelph snd
guard Andy (background) three game
- page
photo by Russ Lomas
edges UG at cwzzer In u I by Rich Nichol Imprint staff
Sophomore Chris Troyak their current
Zienchuk (dribbling) and veteran have leid the Warriors through photo by Rich N~~KA winning stfe*
We are already five games into the OUAA basketball regular season and not one team has taken on a dominant role. Lakehead upset Western in overtime, 69-83, in one game of a weekend doubleheader in Thunder Bay, eliminating the Mustangs from recognition as the only undefeated team in the OUAA West,
Western still sits atop the division at 4-1 while Waterloo, Guelph, Brock, and McMaster are all log-jammed in second place with 3-2 records. Lakehead and Laurier (both 1-3) are deadlocked in a distant sixth and Windsor occupies the doormat at 1-4.
throw misses for both teams at money time, and we almost lost it in the middle of overtime,” explained McCrae. “It was a great competition. Defensively we played phenomenally well, but we still have to pull together on offence+” Both teams stonewalled each other on defence which accounted for the game’s low score and the smaller than usual numbers on the stats sheet. Waterloo 54 Andy Zienchuk put on another Guelph 53 solid performance for UW, leading all scorers with 21 points. Spidery teammate Troyak netWaterloo 75 ted a quiet ten points but was a mock 59 tenacious workhorse OR defence all evening long. Four Warriors collected seven rebounds apiece in a contest that showed some “No matter how hard we tried, pretty rough tussles in the paint. we won,” commented Waterloo After battling coaches, play- I head coach Don McCrae after the ers, and eligibility requirements Guelph contest. To many people, a in the pre-season, Guelph star those words do not make any Eric Hammond (6’8”) fought sense. through for 18 points, ripped But if you were one of the 100 down 15 rebounds, rejected four and collected two UW faithful sitting among a UW attempts, larger than usual crowd of 800 power jams on the day. The Gryphon supporters, you’d springy center was even know what he meant. The game whistled twice for goaltending. could have gone either way on a Waterloo silenced the shooting dozen situations in the dying arm of 6’8” 1988-89 OUAA West moments of both the second half all-star Tim Mau, who took on a and the overtime period. But defensive role with 13 rebounds. when the chips were down, the Warriors came through. Continued on page 27 “There were some serious free
hnprint, Friday,
26, 1990
Cagers control. Brock offence 5, Continued
from page 26
Ray Darling led the perimeter attack for the Gryphons, collecting a season-average 15 points. The two tea& had identical shooting stats from the field and the line, indicative of the game. Waterloo and Guelph shot a pitiful 33 percent on field goals and a shaki 62 percent at the gift box. B&h sqcads played a manto-man defence for the entire game and there wasn’t a full court press in sight. Let’s pick up the game with l:l7 left in regulation time and the Warriors behind 45-46. Waterloo commits three fouls while pressing in the next 42 seconds, but the Gryphons choke at the charity stripe, missing all three. With five ticks left on the clock, Zienchuk throws up a prayer from 18. The ball balances on the rim for what seems like an eternity and, unfortunately, falls out. Moore reaches for the rebound and is fouled. At the line with the Gryphon fans heckling him, Moore nervously misses both free throws. However, Guelph is called on a lane violation on the second toss and Moore gets a third chance, This time he sinks it, sending the contest into extra time. Guelph gets the early lead in overtime but Waterloo shaves it down to 53-52 with 0:16 remaining. The Warriors commit a sacrificial foul to get the ball back
The highlight of the game involved a routine slam dunk by Ron Braley, who was open like 7-Eleven on the weak side. The tame slam dunk caused the ball to remain trapped in the tight mesh for a split second while Braley held onto the rim. When he let go, the ball flew back up out of the rim, nullifying the basket. Sq, when Braley was in the same situation the secbnd time, he did the slam dunk backwards and jammed it down with authority. Zienchukpaced the Warrior attack with 21 points (7-for-8 from the field) and played an exhausting 38 minutes. Braley 11 points and ripped drained down the same in rebounds. A fine solo of string music was put forth by Jason Poag, who went a perfect eight-for-eight at the line. Troyak and rookies John Hamilton and Moore just missed the double digits in scoring. Hamilton added eight rebounds to his fine performance. Brock forward John Demott canned ten of his 14 points in the second half to lead the Badger offence. 6‘9” center Gord Wood (OIJAA Athlete of the Week last week) netted 11 points and added 15 to his extraordinary rebounding totals. Waterloo shot a mediocre 51 percent from the field and a dismal 60 percent at the line. In a disa,sterous air show, the Badgers nailed only 35 percent from the hardwood and 46 percent on granny tosses.
and the Gryphons miss the free throw once again. Now with possesion, Wateiloo calmly marihes down to the front court and, after a wing pass strong side, the ball returns to Troyak at the top of the key. As a Gryphon defender drapes him like a blanket, Troyak somehow tosses in the basket *and the buzzer ends the game. “We anticipated a good game against Waterloo,“ commented Gryphon helmsman Tim Darling. “Each team played their own game defensively, but we were forced to play a Waterloo game offensively.” In the Waterloo-Brock matchup, the Warriors finally got something they couldn’t get in their four previous outings - an
“NO matter how hard we tried, ‘we won.” Don McCrae
early lead, 10-2, including two treys by Zienchuk. From then on, UW controlled the boards well and kept a strong defence. Building from their own end out, the Warriors stayed ahead for the entire game, winning 75-59. Interestingly enough, while Brock was ranked eighth in Canada going into the game, Waterloo held the Badgers to 20 points beloti their season average.
“This was our best 40 minute performance since late November,“ said McCrae. “It was nice to follow up the win over McMaster with another solid performance here at Brock.” - The Warriors next home game is tomorrow [Saturday, January 27) when they have a rematch with Windsor at 2 p.m. It is also the- 16th annual Mike Moser
Memorial Game, which will feature bursary award presentations to six well deserving recipients at half-time. In the second half of the double header, the Waterloo Athenas will take on the Lady Lancers at 4 p.m. On Wednesday night (January 31) the Warriors will host a battle wjth city rival Laurier at 8 p.m. in the PAC.
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28 hnprint, Friday, January 26, 1990
Mike Moser Memorial Awards
Jim by Rich Nicbol Imprint staff
’ 1 : i t, / I
“He was something special.” “He made the most of his abilities.” “His ability to set goals for himself and then to work towards those goals is a mood& that we could all follow.” “His ability to commit so much time to basketball and to still maintain an outstanding academic record was amazing.” “I never saw a player who worked as hard as Mike did.” “The way he went at things, everybody .was touched by his fife.” “He represented a quahty of life - it was a real loss when he died.” These were just some of the many compliments given to the late great University of Waterloo basketball legend, Mik,e Moser. Eireryone, from national and university basketball coaches and players, to fans, family, and friends, recognized Moser as one of the most outstanding athletes ever to play the game. This Saturday’s OUAA mat-
chup between the Windsor Lancers and our own Waterloo Warriors will be the 16th annual Mike Moser Memorial Game, honouring the remarkable legend. Also in tribute to Moser, the university established the Mike Moser Memorial Fund, which provides bursary awards to third or fourth year students in financial need who have an exemplary academic record and wl-& h&e achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities. This year’s Mike Moser Award recipients will be announced at half-time at the PAC on Saturday afternoon. They are: Jim Closs, Brian Damman, Michelle McCrory, Maureen Owens, Dave Shaw, and Pat ?lelford. The fund was established through donations from inter&ted individuals and for a number of years, the proceeds from the Annual Mike Moser Memorial Game were turned over to the Memorial Fund. The fund now stands at over$25,000. Anyone interested in contributing to the Moser fund are asked to forward $eir repittan-
ces to either Joanne Wade, clothe UW Registrar’s Office or Paul Condon, c/o the UW Athletic Department. Receipts for income tax purposes will be issubd for all donations of $10 or more. Moser’s amazing career began at Forest Heights Collegiate in Kitchener, where he excelled in high school basketball, volleyball, and track and field. Under the guidance of then head coach Don McCrae, Mike led the march to the All Ontario High School Basketball Championship in 1970 for the Forest Heights Trojans. in his first year of post-secondary play in 1971-72, Moser accepted a basketball scholarship at Brown Universitv iii Provi-
dence, RI. The following year, he came to the University of Waterloo, registered in kinesiology, and joined the basketball Warriors. There, he met up again with McCrae, who became Warrior skipper in the fall of 1971. &I his brief two and one-half year career at Waterloo, Moser amassed enough points and stats that many of his records still stand today, sixteen years after his death. His death came suddenly on January l&1975, while the Warriors were in exhibition play in Florida. Mike was sidelined with what was thought to be a bad flu virus, hut a heart infection developed, resulting in his sudden death. ti aterloo, in respect for Moser,
introduced only four players in their starting lineup for the remainder of the 1974-75 season. The same team went on to win the CIAU championship, reflecting as a goodbye gift to Moser. In testament to Moser’s achievements, the CIAU named its annual Most Valuable Player Award after him. At the time of his death, Moser was also a player on Canada’s Natiotial Basketball Team, preparing for the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, During the Montreal Games, the players wore Moser’s number ten on their jerseys in memory of their great teammate. Mike had participated in internat ion al competitions in
on page 29
ONE ROOMS AND COLUMBIA LAKE TOWNHOUSES . FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 1990/91 Upper year students who are not currently in the Villages may now submit applications for Village residence for the term which commences on September 4, 1990. Applications will be accepted up to the Lottery deadline of February
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26, 1990
to honour a basketball legend - most free throws in a season by a UW player, 179 in 1973-74
goal percentage
in a season by a UW player, 63.3 per cent which he did twice in his career - third in all-time Warrior rebounding scoring Waterloo’s last 17 points to spark the Warriors to a 72-71 comeback win over a highly ranked St. Mary’s team in
the Naismith Classic - of the top ten highest point I totals in a single game by a LJW i player,
holds the first, third, fourth, fifth, and ninth best performances with totals ranging from 52 to 39 points I of the top 15 rebounding
1 games in UW history, Moser 1 holds down the fourth, fifth, sev1 enth, ninth, tenth and eleventh best totals, ranging from 25 to 21 i rebounds. The followinn aie brief descriptions of tke Mike Moser Memorial Award recipients: 1 Jim Gloss, a former high school football all-star, has been a Pat Telford member of the Warrior Rugby team for the past ,four years. China, Russia, and at one world During the 1988 season, he was championship in Puerto Rico. selected as an OUAA All Star Some of Mike Moser’s basketrugby player. ball achievements include: Iq the season just ended, Closs - most points in a game by a UW was the captain of the rugby player, 52 squad and is currently the presi- most field goals in a game by a dent-of the UW Rugby Football UW player, 24 Club. Closs is in his fourth year - most points in a season by a of studies in kinesiology. UW player, 979 in 1973-74 In addition to his involvement - most field goals in a season by in rugby, he has participated exa UW player,
400 in 1973-74
in Campus
is a five
year volley-
of the Warrior helping them to be contenders for the OUAA volleyball championship, During his time with the team, the Warriors have captured numerous tournaments and league honours. This is Damman’s final chance to help capture a CIAU championship.
ball team, consistent
team selections, In his first year at Waterloo,
addition to playing football, Shaw was also a member of the Warrior hockey team. The graduate of Cuelph Collegiate was a member of the Junior “B” and Junior “A” Guelph Platers during his high school career. Last year, Shaw received the Totzke Trophy as UW’s Male Athlete of the Year.
basketball home games. David Shaw just finished his fifth and final year with the football
as team
for the last four seasons.
His outstanding playing ability has been recognized, with four
OUAA and
All-Star team selections All-Canadian All-Star
Rugby honour
Warriors their best1
by Peter Brown Imprint staff The Waterloo Rugby Football Club celebrated a fine. s&son and rewarded outstanding individual performances last Saturday night at their annual Rugby Banquet. Paul Toon, one of two OUAA all-stars selected from the UW side this season, won the Most Valuable Player award, while Nick Nikolakakis was the Most Improved Player, and the Rookie of the Year award went to Darren Wilton. The award for Contribution to the Club was given to team cap-
tain lirn Closs, a fourth-year player also honoured this week with a Mike Moser Memorial Award for his exemfilary academic record and his high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities. Sion Jennings and Doug Milburn were the winners of the Derek Humphries Award, new this year. Derek has played and coached for the Waterloo R.F.C. for more than 20 years, and his teaching of work ethic by example has never failed to be an inspiration to the team, This award was instituted to honour team members who best exemplify Derek’s qualities of dedication and perseverqnce.
‘XI Convocation
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riors. The 6'8" center has been called on in recent years as a rebounding specialist. This season, he has put forth a more dominant role and currently ranks fourth on the team in scoring and third in field percentage. Telford’s, practice focus and game preparation skills serve as a role model for his teammates,
(nee Camp-
a two-time high school Athlete of the Year, is a very valuable member of the Athena basketball team. In her five years of play, McCrory has been consistently among the team’s leaders in scoring and rebounding, and has shared co-captain duties for the past two years. Maureen Owens, has been a four year veteran of the Athena field hockey team and has served as captain for the last three seasons. Not only is she a participant in athletics, but an organizer also. Owens has been involved in ‘the Women’s Interuniversity Council, the Regional CIAU basketball championship held at Waterloo in 1986, the annual Naismith Basketball Classic, and concession operations at the
Pat Telford is a fourth-year veteran of the basketball War-
Tickets available at: FED OFFlCE HKLS OFFICE
30 Imprint, Friday, January 26, 1990
ack and Field
u\N fourth at w&tern th fourth place at the Don Wright Team Challenge last Saturday, January 20. Western hosted the meet, which is in its seventh year. Top UW pebformer was Jane Taite. The rookie hurdler used a fast start to place second in the 60 metre hurdles. Taite saw quite a bit of, action at the meet, as she also contributed to Waterloo’s point totals in the long jump (4th) and relay teams. The Athenas’ 4x200 m and 4x400 m relay teams both placed third. Waterloo brought home a plethora of bronze medal finishes+ Kim Gittens, another rookie, .
men’s 600 m. McCann als strong leadoff leg for the thirdplace 4x800 m relay team. Kim Gittens was as busy as her teammate Taite, as she took fourth in the women's 60 m and fifth in the triple jump, in addition to the long jump and a relay bronze. Lynne Hedley followed Gittens across the line in the 60 m in sixth spot. In the men’s high jump, Rich Koomans leapt 1.95 m to place fourth. The mens’ 4x200 m and 4x400 m relay teams were both fourth as well. Two more rookies represented Waterloo in the men’s 60 m hurC. and Mark Charlebois took sev-
Peter Fay at the men’s 60 m finish for fourth place. Foote also was fifth in the long jump, while Fay unfortunately pulled his hamstring in the relay and is doubtful for the the team’s next competition. In the men’s 1500 m, Jeff Barrett, David Frake, and Dave Massie came in llth, 12th, and 13th. Waterloo competes again tomorrow at the University of Windsor’s Can-Am meet. The return to action of runners Paul Ernst, Lisa Laffradi, and Pat Kirkham shouid L.give the team a i ..-..---national ranking. 1
B-BALL DOUBLEHEADER Saturday, January 27
Warriors vs Windsor Athenas ,vs Windsor
2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY B-BALL DOUBLEHEADER Wednesday, January 31 Athengs vs Lauder 6:00 p.m. Warriors vs Laurier 8:00 p.m.. c
Desplte the scoring stren$h of team leaders Michelle M&my (#12 above), Sara Bradley, and Brenda Kraemw, the basketball Athena8 dipped to 0 - 6 In league play after a 44-34 loss to Guelph In the Royal Clty Wednesday night. photo by Rich Nichol
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Catherine Mainguy, and Tina Lukezic all made it into the top ten. Martina finished third, Catherine eighth, and Tina was tenth. Maria Burton took over fourth spot for the Athenas with a 12th place finish, Erin ChurchiT was l6th, and Linda Glenday 18th. Again, the women’s team had to settle for second place, but this week it was UWO who triumphed. Western
The Athenas showed their strength again by putting all six racers in the top 18. Martina Rauter,
26, 1990
finished with 112 points compared to Waterloo’s 9 1. The Warriors suffered a little more with the conditions. Peter Bier, Waterloo’s top-seeded slalom racer, was havmg a good run until the fiftfi last gate. It was here that Peter’s ski hit the gate straight on and it happened to slide to the wrong side of the pole, causing him to straddle the gate and
be disqualified. Colin Rogers had problems with the course as well. Colin struggled on the pitch in the top third of the course and ended up skiing out. Third-seed racer Greg Hemphill had trouble again this week, but managed to gain 12 points for the team with 29th placing. John MacFarlane recovered from a fall to come in 12thas the Warriors’ top finisher.
Andy Dawson and Richard Burton pulled through with two smq finishes: Andy 17th and Richard 21st. The Warriors dropped to fifth place this week in the team standings, but will be looking for revenge on Feb ruary 2 when it is their turn to set the Slalom in the Pepsi University Racing Series.
Nordic skiing ST. PAUL’S
Driving was terrible skiing was great! by Toni Mogren After threading their way up the highway 400 “wrecking yard” through freezing rain and snow, the UW cross country ski team arrived in Midland just in time for the women’s five km race. With little warm-up and no knowledge of the course, the nordie Athenas were in a tough spot against six other university teams. UW’s Fiona Griffith had a fine topten finish with Brigid Rowan one minute, 25 seconds behind. Other Athenas who raced in this adverse situation were Kathleen Fraser, Eva Suny-Sole, and Robyn Wheeldon. The nordic Warriors, with more time to warm up and pre-ski the course, raced against three other
OUAA first-place contenders: Laurentian, Carleton, and Queen’s, as well as Western, U of Toronto, U of Guelph, and McMaster. Lakehead also has a shot at number one in the division, but did not race on this day. The Warriors finished a strong third behind Carleton and Laurentian. Chris Rogers was tenth with a 10 km time of 35 minutes, ten seconds, just ahead of Dave Lumb’s 35~17. Other counters in our top four scores were Ken MacLeod (37:35) and Trevor Riclcwood (37.40). Other Waterloo times were John Kim (38:09), Dave Baerg (38:25), Bill Cameron (39:10), Roy Streem (39:15), Steve Paradine (39~291, Bruce Klemmets (40.05), J.P. Pinard
race, and that’s what racing is alI about: training hard and making improvements,” said Farrance. Next week, Waterloo races at Udora, north of Toronto, or Duntroon, south of Collingwood, depending on snow. National class skier Mark Rob will join the nordic men fresh (maybe tired) from top-ten skiing in the Canadian Championships. The next few weeks will be exciting as final team selection is almost finished and inter-team competition is intense.
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(40:10), Marcus Dell (40:51), and Doug Ranahan (42.29). Coach Brian Farrance was very pleased with the team’s overall performance. “JP. Ward had a personal-best
alpine -racing series
Pepsi-university Waterloo alpine skiers travelled to Craigleith on Friday, January 19 for race two of their season. The University of Western Ontario hosted the slalom race, setting a very physically demanding course that took its toll oti the athletes by eliminating one-sixth of the field.
. ‘1
DANCE CALL... 884-3691 884-2723 884-9132
26, 1990
Figure skating
Plague Others The Waterloo Warrior volleyball team would like to extend thanks to both the UW fans who travelled to Alumni Hall at UWO on Tuesday night, and also to the Mustangs. The Warriors
position OUAA wins
maintained their as the top team in the
this week, raising league record to 9-o. Western only lost to one team - The guesters - and the Warrior gave them a taste of what Mustangs have needed: real leyball. The
their has Pla-
men the vol-
infested the Purple Prancers with 30 blocks and 25 digs. Steve Smith had 20 kills and only seven errors, and Brian Damman had an 80 per cent kill efficiency. These superb statistics, coupled
from Dave killed the
‘Stangs. Waterloo coach Scott Shantz showed the strength of,his team by playing Ian Heynen as setter and Mike Fullerton as power without giving Western a chance to fight back. The home team was feeling the grasp of the Plague
York University,
by h&tdle Hahn Imprint staff
with great blocking Balodis, are what
by Carol Dougan imprint staff
Silver blades 1 at York
the team captured
second place - only four points behind the no longer elusive Western team. Strong performances came from ,every part of our team. Shannon Cowling placed sixth in Senior B ladies, and Alison Hu&es was fourth
It is becoming apparent that Waterloo’s varsity figure skating team will be a force to contend with at the upcoming OWIAA finals. This past weekend at an invitational meet at
short program placed second
mediate with
solo dance,
Lorraine in inter-
then, teamed
Linda Saville, finished
again in intermediate
The veterans of the team again exhl’bited their talent at York Carol finished second in intermediate ladies. SUanne Scott, entered in back-to-back events, skating a sizzling program to finish second in the long program. Bonnie Snow
competition, won Senior B ladies. Caywood and Scott teamed with Yvonne Devantier and Alison Hughes to win the fours event. In the final category, the team came together to win the precision event. This flashy number wiIl be exhibited between periods on February 1 when the hockey team plays Laurier. In the meantime, the team continues to train for OWLAA finals which will be held at Queen’s February 9 and IO. Their goal? To wreak some serious havoc on the Western
game, when a lot of their fans left, they suffered every symptom of the Warriors’ pulverization. The Waterloo fans cheered
the team on to three straight victories. Last Friday, despite Laurier’s diagnosis that the Plague was ripe for the picking, the Warriors scored yet another threestraight league victory. Come out tonight (Friday) as the Warriors, still sixth-ranked in Canada, meet up with the (Oh my! 1-5) Guelph Gryphons at &OO p.m. in the PAC.
The 1989 -90 Waterloo figure skating team. photo by Michelle
111 byB4?lin&Li Imprintstaff
Vail re&atta in -delphia.
The UW Rowing Club is one of the largest campus WC clubs with 50 to 60 members each term Club ativities vary from term to term with the exception of the use of club rowing machines in the PAC.
Recreational rowing in single skds takes place on Columbia Lake ‘in the fall and summer. Club members are eLigibe to fry out for the varsitycrewinthefall. The winter season focuses primarily on preparation for the Dad
Ministry of Colleges and Universities Ontarkj
Sean Con*.
regatta . I
for Philly Dad Vail
is the U.S. college rowing haI and take place the second weekend in May.
awarded for the I& individual and team performances and anyone is welcome to take part. More details will be provided in next week’s Imprint and in the PAC.
Dryland training will consist of Any working out on weights, rowing m&es md poolside mwers to . without to come develop &the-water techniquepicking
Other major events planned for this term are the Canadian Indoor Rowing
in Toronto
twelve hour fundraising
and a
interested oarsmen (with or experience) are encouraged out early to start training and up technique at the pool.
With four months
tb go, all rowers
have ansqual chance to row at Dad Vail. call - *_ F& _ -_ further -__ ----information Belinda ti at 746-1523.
ergathon in
the Campus Certtre on-Febvruary 15, 1990 from 8 am to 8 pm. Prizes will be
Financial assistance for Ontario students 19894990
Submarines Assorted
Garden Salad
(ham, salami, pepperoni)
Apply Nuwf
Creamy French Italian
Cheese, Lettuce, Onions, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Hot Peppers Green Otives,
1 Prices do not include tax1
-Sub SaucesMayo, Italian, Light Italian, French, Mustard, Honey Mustard, Dijon Extra Hot, Pizza, Seafood
, Ctiasar
4 2.99
Veggie Sub 4.39
1Roast Bee7 Corned Beef Pastrami &Meatball
OSAP applications for 19894990 shou# be stlbmlled at least 90 days before the end of the school year.
bank, or any other lending institution, the forms necessary to maintain your interest-free status-
OneOSAP applicatkm lets you apply for:
If,you have already applied for assistance and want to appeal for additionalassi6tance, please contact as so0n as possible your FU’tai’tciat
lfycweceiwdabanin th0past,butnotthis yeaf, you mstobtain from your Financiil A& Mr, your
Administrator to obtain the deadline and other information.
2.89 .
5.19 1 Super Assorted (double meat) Combo 1 (ham, salami, past&i) Combo 3 (turkey breast, roast beef) BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) BLT Club (turkey breast, bacon) 1Seafood (potlock, crab legs)
3.37 b
Special (ham, turkey breast, b%!!] Combo 2 /ham. turkev breast, roast beef 1Turkey (tuikey breastj 2.75 1 Delivery (outside free delivery area) I
2 LARGE (assorted.
Carrot Cake Brownies
SUBS salami.
VALID l-4 PM HALF SUB (assorted, ham, salami, pizza or pepperoni) SMALL SALAD
large sub VALID ANYTIME SUBSHACK Waterloo locat ion only EXPIRES JANUARY 31, 1990
Varsity West Division Standings (as of Jan. 22) G..W.,L..T.,.F...A..P Laurier 15.13..2..0.115..38.26 W aterbo 15.11..3,.1..81..39.23 Western
Windsor Brock
15..9..4..2..75..59.20 15..9..6..0..66..54.18 14..5..7..2..70..83.12 13,.6..7..0..56..58.12 13..2.11..0..38..89..4 16..2.14..0..46.114.,4
Guelph RMC Laurentian East Division Standinns (as of Jan. 22) G..W..L..T...F...A..P York 15.11..3..1..76..55.23 ’ McGill 15..8..5..2..64..47.18 UQTR
Toronto Ottawa Concordia
15..7..8...0..75.,68.14 13..6..8..1..62..69,13 14..6.11..0..56..63.12 11..5..8..0..51..78.10
Ryerson 15..4.11..0..46..89..8 Queen’s Sat. Jan. 20 rasult Waterloo 5 Concordia 3 Sun. (an. 21 result McGill 6 Waterloo 1 Thurs. Jan. 25 result Waterloo at Guelph Future UW gamss Sun. Jan. 28 Laurentian
at Waterloo,
4 3
McMaster Guelph Brock Waterloo
4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
Laurier Lake head
1 293 270 1 342 301 3 1 318 .258 2 2 296 304 2 2 265.282
3 6 3 4 4
Toronto Queen’s
1 3 329 1 3 295
a 4 3 2 3 2 Z.1
Ryerson York
364 335
2 2
4 6 7 5
661 613 715 427
CIAU Men_‘8Volleyball Rankings (as of Jan. 241 1. Manitoba Bisons (2) 2. Lava1 Rouge et Or (4) 3. Calgary Dinosaurs (3) 4. UBC Thunderbirds (5) 5. Saskatchewan Huskies (6) 6. Waterloo Warriors (7) 7. Sherbrooke Vert et Or (9) 8. Victoria Vikings (8) 9. Alberta Golden Bears (1O)lO. Dalhousie
(7) 4. UQTR Les Patriots 12) 5. Moncton Ainles Bleus (Si 6. Manitoba Bisons
543 9 685.4 931 4 529 3
Yeomen (5) 8. Laurier Golden Hawks (-1 9. McGill Redmen (9) 10. Guelph Gryphons
‘112 4 S 3 6
Thurs. Jan. 18 result at Laurier
Future UW games Thurs. Jan. 23 Brock at Waterloo, 8:OO pm [at the PAC] CIAU Women’s Volleyball Rank& (8s of Jan. 24) (3) 1. Victoria Vikettes (2) 2. Manitoba Bisons (1) 3. UBC Thunderbirds (5) 4. Saskatchewan Huskies (6) 5. Regina Cougars (5) 6. Calgary Dinosaurs ’
27 -
York Yeowomen (8) 8. Ottawa Gee-Cees
Windsor at Waterloo, 4:00 pm Wed. Jan. 31 Laurier at Waterloo. 6:00 am (both games at the PAC) a
1415. Alberta Golden Bears i5) 6. Concordia Stingers (7) 7. Calgary Dinosaurs I-) 8. Guelph Gryphons (IO)!% Brandon Bobcats (-)lO. Lakehead Nor’Westers
Lauder 5234 Guelph 5050 Waterloo 5 0 5 0 East Division Standings (as of Jart. 22) GWLP Laurentian 6 6 0 12 Toronqo 5413 Ottawa 4315 York 2112 Queen’s 5142 Carlet on 3c30 Rgerson 5@5q Wed. Jan. 17 result Waterloo McMastec Wed. Jan. 24 result Waterloo Guelph Future UW games
CIAU Men’s Basketball Rankings (as of Jan. 24) 11) 1. St. Francis Xavier X-men (6) 2. UBC Thunderbirds (2) 3. Victoria Vikings (3) 4. Western
8 8 6425 8 4 6 3 8336 7.2
Waterloo 5 4 91 !? 2 Guelph East Division Standings (as of Jan. 22) MWLP Ottawa 6 5 110 York 5 5 010 Toronto 5 3 2 6 Queen’s 6 2 4 4 Carleton 5 1 4 2 Ryerson 5 o li o
West Division Standings (as of Jan. 22) GWI.? Lakehead 6 5 I IO Brock 6 4 ?.8 McMaster 6 4 :, 8 Windsor 0438
Brock Western McMaster
2~00 pm
Central Division Standings (as of Ian. 221 S. W .L F A P Laurentian 11 6 5 882 804 12
West Division Standings (as of Ian. 221 M. W 1. P Windsor 8 .7 1 14
9 7 2 812 74e.14 3 4 5 837 844 8 10 0 10 701 827 0
1 3 310 336 2
Future UW games Sat. Jan. 27 Windsor at Waterloo,
East Division Standings la8 of Ian. 221 i; W .L F. A P Concordia 11 10 1 1058 851 20 Bishop’s 11 10 1 927 771 20
Future UW games Fri. Jan. 26 Cuelph at Waterloo, 8:00 pm Thurs. Feb. 1 McMaster at Waterloo, 8:OO pm (both games at the PAC)
CIAU Hockey Rankings (as of Jan. 241 (1) 1. Alberta Golden Bears (3) 2. Calgary Dinosaurs (4) 3. Waterloo Warriors
West Division Standings (as of Ian. 221. GWL F AP
West Division Standings (as of Jan. 22) MWCP Waterloo 7 7 .o 14 Western 7 6 112 McMaster 6 5 3 10 Laurier 6 2 3 6 Windsor 8 3.5 6 Guelph 7182 Brock 7c70 East Division Standings (as of Jan. 22) -MWGP Queen’s 7 7 0 14 York 5 4 1 8 Toronto 7 4 3 8 Laurentian 7 2 5 4 Ryerson 6152 RMC 6152 Fri. Jan. 19 rend Waterloo Laurier Tuss. Jan. 23 result Waterloo
Wed. Jan. 17 result Waterloo 71 McMaster Sat. Jan. 20 result Waterloo 75 Brock 59 Wed. Jan 24 result
(9) 9. Alberta Pandas (1O)lO.
et Or
Athletes of the week
. MW 286 286/12MHz l 640K of RAM + 1.2Mb floppy drive l 20Mb 6Oms hard drive l AT controller & MGA l
+ 12”
$11 oooo
MW 386SX.
MW 286
386SW16 Ml+ l 1 Mb of RAM + 1.2 Mb floppy drive
286/l 2MHz VMbRAM l 1.2Mb floppy
The University of Waterloo and McGinnis Landing are pleased to have chosen Louise Waite as the female Athlete of the Week. Louise is a third-year kinesiology student from Sarnia, Ontario. Louise was undefeated at the OWIAA Crossover tournament, versus East Division teams, this past weekend at McMaster. She was responsible for five of the 20 points accumulated by the team, which finished third place out of nine teams. She I also defeated McGill’s number one player, who was the top player last year, by a score of 3-O. Louise is the Athena team’s number one seed, and was a member of the junior national team before becoming a UW team member.
AT controller & MGA 12” mono monitor 101 keyboard
Mention: KOEHLGR
Chris recently returned to the Warrior nordic ski team and has exploded to become one of the -
An honourable mention goes to Annette Koehler for her outstanding achievements this past weekend at the York Invitational. Annette scored five goals in an overtime loss to Gueiph, and had a total of 15 goals in the two-day tournament.
drive drive
. AT controller & MGA l 12” mono monitor l 101 keyboard
of Waterloo
and McGinnis Landing are @eased to have chosen Chris Rogers as the male Athlete of the Week. Chris is a fourth-year engineering student from Ottawa, I Ontario.
101 keyboard
Chris placed tenth land Ski Club and qualifying meet in Warrior team placed all.
in the MidUniversity which the third over-
This is Chris’ fourth year as a cross country runner and his second as a nordic skier.
$1 3250°
$1 62Soo LlMlTED
MicroWay Comiputer 301 KING STREET EAST KITCHENER ‘578-6930 OPERATED
34 Imprint,i\ Friday, January 26, 1990
by Colleen Lichti Imprint staff IMpoRTm
Monday, January 29 Entry deadline for tennis mixed doubles tournament, 1:00 pm, PAC 2039
Thursday, fibmary 1 Tennis mixed doubles tournament meeting, 4:45 pm, PAC 1001 , Fr$ Sat, February 2,3 CIRA-Ontario Student Conference at Brodc University
C-R STUDENT ASSISTANTS Apply NOW for a C-R job for Fall 1990! Students are employed by Campus Recreation for the day to day organization and administration of its programs. These students are kv;lved in competitive and recreational p leagues, tournaments, aquatics, fitness and instructional programs, publicity, promotions, or special projects. Gain some experience and have a great time! Applications and job descriptions are available from the PAC application receptionist. The deadline is Friday, February 2,4:30 pm, PAC 2039.
C-R STARTS THE DECADE OFF RIGHT 13,400 UW students are participating in campus ret this term! This includes: 346 student number leaders, 2246 persons in the instructional progrank, 1032 club members, 226 competitive league teams, 238 recreational league teams, and 5000 occasional users. Participation is steady in all areas with the irtstructional programs continuing to grow in popularity. Thanks to all for their interest. Have a great term.
, Vesp~ 100 Sport, motor scoote r. (ttatian style) 1100.00 0. B.O. Phone Geoffrey at 668-0887 after 1I :00 pm. or leave message. single ticket to the Phantom of the Opera March 16, 1990 Centre 3rd row $75.00 tail evenings 653-4521.
Gary’s Moving - man w/small cube van and appliance cart available weeknights, weekends - $30/hr. in Kitchener/ Waterloo; out-of-town extra - Gary 7467160.
SongwziteMceyboardi seeks female singer to form pop duo or sing on demos. 743-6232.
Wartted: Apple Mac plus or SE, Image Writer, Extended Keyboard, mouse, etc. Call 748-9897 after 6 pm.
Wanted: Math tutor for young man high
Wh Ien booking
Toronto / Montreal Depar-bes
one of Holidays:
3 Contiki European 31 days
a Ac
+ --..-.
European 40 days
1 1 -
school level. After 4:OO pm. 746-5272.
Contrasts from $55/day
Weekend Cowllors
for developmentally delayed individuals. $&41/hr. Every second weekend. Leave message for Don Mader after 2:00 pm. 884-6012; 886-5201 I
Adventurer from $53/day
Grand European 52 days l from $51/day
CIppotity kn&! Work part-time or full-time. No selling. No investment. No inventory. Be your own boss. Above average earning potential. for more information call Donna 746-8567 or Shawn 725-9005.
We’re looking for people who want to earn extra money in their spare time on Wednesday evenings or Thursday mornings delivering the Waterloo Chronide in areas around the University. Please call 886-2830, 9:00 am. to 5:00 pm.
baGoingYwrWay! For full details
and receive
a copy of the new Contiki
Toronto 979-2406 / 977-04~Il + Ottawa 238-5493 l Montreal 288-1130 l Winnipeg 269-9530 l Waterloo 8860400 Guelph 763-1660 l Sudbury 673-1401 . Quebec City 654-0224 l Halifax 424-2054 l Fredericton 453-4850
272 Oxford St. W., Suite 200, London, N6H 1% [ 519 j 438-0142 For other locations call: BOO-KAP-TEST
Experienced Typist will type anything. Reasonable rates. Fast efficient service. Westmount-Erb
area. Call 886-7153.
Stuck in lease for summer? I need a onebedroom apartment in Waterloo for May 1, $5OO/mo inclusive. 886-8668.
35 years experience; -95 d.s.p. typewritten; $1.25 d.s.p. word processor. Erb and Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
Typing. Professional word processing. Reports, Thesis, Letters, Resumes, etc. Reasonable rates. Changes available. Call Heather at 888-6417.
Fast, professional word processing by University Grad(English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857. Word Procewing. Will type essays, theses, resumes etc. Letter quality print. On-campus delivery & pickup. Call Sharon 656-3387 after 5:00 pm. Word Processing. Fast, accurate and letter quality. Grammar and spelling checked. Free pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 576- 1284.
summer term. May-Sept. Room in Columbia Lake Townhouse. Rent negotiable. Call 725-0109, ask for Sasha. -- -- .____ Three bedroom townhouse for rent. Available May, with option to take over lease. Located at 74 Churchill St. number 2, 15 minute walk to U. of W. Call Basat 747-3875. Roomavailablefor&nter&summerterm ‘90 fully furnished, washer/dryer, microwave share house with students, $200 month, call 725-2036. Clean, comfortable bungalow. Two bedrooms available May onwards. F!I~nished, all major appliances. Close to campus. Call Peter/Johanna 746-0933.
Telecare: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re an anonymous, confid&tial telephone distress line. Lonely? Worried? Troubled? Call us 658-6805 (local call). Day or Night! Social Issues - Christian rock all on a new radio show “Behind the Walls” on 98.7 F.M. community radio station CKWR. Provokative guests - talk show format on issues of poverty, family violence, child abuse, justice system, street children, social justice and more. Tuesdays 6:OO pm. to8:OO pm. Spread the word. Check it out.
Do YOU want help for your pregnant girlfriend? Birthright offers confidential help for both of you. Call 579-3990.
Florida, Panama City, Feb 16 - 25, 7 nights, $89. you drive, $199. coach. Contact Jim 742-4847 or 885-12 11 extension 2339. Gay male, successful but lonely, wishes to meet other gay or bi-mares for casual friendship or possible relationship. lnterests include travel, skiing, sailing, movies, music, massage and good times. Possible shared accomodation in future is possible. Serious calls only please, Doug 658-3387.
Jazz Singers: The UW Jazz Choir, after a succesful89 tour, is looking for new recruits. Join us Tuesday’s in Siegfried hall at 1O:OOpm. or call David Fisher at 8846565 for information.
ACCKWA, AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener/Waterloo and Area is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing education and support for inalviduals and the community about the Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (HIV). We provide an information, referral and counselling hotline: 741-8300, Monday to Friday, IO:00 am. - 5:OO pm., 7:OO pm. - 11:OO pm. If you would like more information : call us, or drop in to our House, at 886 Queens Blvd., Kitchener. Get the facts about AIDS!
Alone v&h your unplanned pregnancy? Call Birthright 579-3990. We offer support and can help you discover your options. Pro-Choice over no choice! “Citizens for Choice” is committed to the right of every woman to make rational decisions about her own body and for every child to be a wanted child. For more information call l-650-01 53 or write to: Citizens for Choice. P.O. Box 372, Station C, Kitchener N2G 3Y9.
K-W Chamber Music Society presents the University of Virginia’s MonticelloTrio playing Mendelssohn, shostakovich and Kodaly. At 8:00 pm. in the KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street West, Waterloo. $12.00 students. Tickets at UW Box Office and at the door. Reservations 886- 1673.
Dance! Dance! Dance! INDSA presents an lndependance Day Celebration. Tonight at 8:00 pm. Math C&D Lounge (3rd floor MC). $2/members, $4/non-members. Everyone welcome. 70 years of students’ movement in China photo exhibition. 1O:OO am. to 8:00 pm. Campus Centre. Presented by Association for Human Rights in China, K-W.
Dr. David Mills, UW Health Studies, presents the topic “Longevity: Limits to the Human Lifespan”. Kitchener Public Library at 12:OO noon today. Women’sCentre Meeting 4:30 pm. today - all welcome - Room 138b, Campus Centre.
Cinema Gratis presents “WE;terloo trip” followed by “The Running Man”. Showtime is 9:3O pm. in the Campus Centre Great Halt, admission is free. Please come early to help move the furniture and ensure a good seat! New Career Services Workshop. Women: recognizing and overcoming barriers to success in the workplace - sign up in NH 1001. Workshop begins at 12:30 till 2:00 pm. in NH 1020.
Jazz Choir - The UW Jazz Choir meets every Tuesday at 10:00 pm. in Siegfried Hall. New members are always welcome. For more information contact David Fisher at 884-6565. See you there.
Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible Study. CC 110 at 7:30 pm. All are welcome. For more information, call 8845712.
Do you think you have a drinking probtem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Weekly meetings open to the public held in the Health & Safety Building - Meeting Room (ask receptionist) on Fridays at 12:30 pm. or call 742-6183.
Come and be a part of the Caribbean Students Association (CSA) every Tuesday at 5:30 pm. in CC 135. A number of interesting events are scheduled for this term. See you there!
Science Fiction, fantasy, role playing games, tournaments, video nights and discussions about life, the universe and everything. “Watsfic” meets every Wednesdayat 6:30 pm. in the clubs room (CC 138). For information call 725-0395 oremail watsfic at watcsc.
B-g the week of January 22nd, Winter Workshops in: Assertion Training, Career Planning, Exam Anxiety Management, Time Management and other topits of interest will be offered by Counselling Services.lf you are interested in a work shop, please come in to Counselling services, NH 2080 (directly opposite the Registrar’s Office} to sign up.
Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 7:00 pm. at 163 University Ave. W. (MSA), apt 321. All are welcome. For more information, call 884-5712.
Feminist Discussion Group. Meets every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. at Global Community Centre in Waterloo. Topic and group vary weekly so that all women are welcome anytime. For details call extension 3457 or 578-3456.
weekly events call 884-GLOW or listen to “Leaping Lesbians” on CKMS, 94.5 FM, Thursdays from 6-8 pm.
The Career Resource Centre (NH 1115) is open Thursday evenings until 7:00 pm. Explore career possibilities and learn about employers by using the resources in the Centre.
i f
Susan Cole, feminist and journalist, will be speaking about “The Myths of Sexual Equality”at the Davis Centre, room 1350, 7:30 pm. She is a founder of the feminist review “Broadside” and has published “Pomoaraohv & the Sex Crisis”. Charles Caccia, former Minister of the Environment and Environmental Opposition Critic will speak on “Environmental Issues: An Aoenda for the 1990’s” 8:00 pm., Davis C&tre Room 1351. Presented by the Hertiage Resources Centre. Enbepreneurs’ Club General Body Meeting. Find out what’s new and exciting about today’s entrepreneur. New members welcome! The NDP Club is holding its organizational meeting tonight in CC 110 7:00 8:OO pm. Topics for discussion include club activities for the term and sending representatives to the Provincial Youth Conference. For further information, call -Scott .Iat y-W 888-0470. ._ -
Womyn’s Group - meets in CC 135 at 8:30 pm. Come Out and enjoy movie nights, educational &enings, dances, road -trips and casual discussions. For
Found -A watch was found Monday January 15 1990 at University Plaza. If it is yours please call 725-2312.
Mr. Vague (4B Comp Eng) Sprawl for me babe!!
GLLOW (Gays and Lesbians of Waterloo) operates a coffee houseevery Wednesday in room 1 IO of the Campus Centre from 9100 to 11100 pm. Everyone is welcome! Call 884-GLOW for details. Before the coffee house, tune to “Nowhere to Hide.” on CKMS. 94.5 FM between 8:00 and 9:00 pm.
1 I 1 f 1
Watch fopnd Friday, January 12th. If you can identify it, it’s yours, call Sue 8846625.
Amnesty International, presents the acclaimed film “Cry Freedom”. Everyone is welcome to attend. New members 7:00 pm. film at 7:30 pm. Room 135, Campus Centre.
P Reach for hope! If you are pregnant, Birthright can help. Free pregnancy tests. Call 579-3990.
: 1
Green Future demonstration: “Let’s plug the leaking bath”. Promote high efficiency instead of more nuclear power plants. Queen’s Park/Ontario Hydro 3:30 pm. in Toronto. For details, call Peter Jantzi, 744-2795.
Cheap housing for summer and/or fall. Rent negotiable for summer. On bus route. Call Janelle 578-6293 to inquire.
CUBA contact lens case and lenses. If found call Lianne 579-6845.
26, 1990
PENPALS Ear North Americans - all ages. Send self-addressed stamped envelope fordetails. Pen Pats Unlimited, 60x6261, Station “D”, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2C8.
Girls - I said “bullwhip”, not “cool whip”. (but it was interesting!) 0. Giovanni. P.S. See you at the Opera Gratis! 86-89 E5/5’2 ‘ers. Doctor Aut will be at the ‘shelter January 27/90. Come on out for some good ‘01 times.
Social Justice Action Group meets reg~ularly throughout the term to co-ordinate educational events and civil disobedience actions. Past actions have included the Dis ARMX campaign, NATO out of Nitassinan. Christmas AntiWar Toys action, and a continual focus on
For details, call 884-3465.
fully screened introduction service to people interested in shared accommodation, Homeshare is a program sponsored by the Social Planning Council, Region of Waterloo, and the Ministry of Housing, for details call 578-9894.
Books Needed: The Student Alumni Association needs books for their first . annual booksale and is looking to the University Community for help. If you have any books that you can donate to help this student volunteer organization, please drop them off at Alumni Affairs, 2nd floor, South Campus Hall or call extension 4595 for tiore information. K-W Access-Ability is a voluntary community agency working together wi:h physically challenged people, to provide and develop social, recreational and educational opportunitiesfor community involvement. If you would like to share a few hours a week, or for more information, call Chris at 885-6640 between 9:OO am.
Nominations have closed for the byelection of one HKLS undergraduate student representative to Senate. Patrick Reilly, Kinesiology, has been elected by acclamation for the term to April 30, 1990. If you require any further information, please call the Secretariat at extension 6 125.
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