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Second Class Itegbtration Number NF'6455 Kitchener, Ontario

J “.-e


by the


of Communicntiorta


\ Towards

a heakhy body image:




on Eating Disorders




restricting your food . intake despite hunger . self-induced vomiting + laxative abuse - food hoarding l


. . . -

2) Gain instant notoreity with ‘Faithful Patron’ Boxers and T-Shirts.


perfectionist overachiever overly sensitive introverted, secretive conformist, immature dependent feels ineffective feels helpless


Theresa Casteels-Reis from Counselling give a presentation on Eating Disorders psychological-clinical viewpoint. Presented by the Womrn’s

Issues Beard, Federahm

Services from a



* Frisbee’s too!

Ofi 3) Give us some creditVisa and Mustercard are now (officially) accepted! . ~1.)Soccer is over... Replaced by the return of great movies daily at Noon & Five. 5, Get out of the MC building and experience a user-friendly Pub!

every hour of the video “IBody Test’: The audience wiil be given. test cards to assess their own eating habits.

A brief talk on Eating Disorders from a socioculturalfeminist viewpoint will be given by Assistant Professor Gail Grant

Very hip Bomber Shorts & Caps +\




* pt

‘I’llwrl~l~rJllh- 2 I2II IhEs CrrOrt~ f71011t I 302 9:OW:~

6) Experience real food (Bomb-B-Q’s), real drinks, REAL CHEAP!


The Student


Pub with Student

The Tie That TUESDAY


1) MOLSON INDY PUB - Rock ‘N’ Roll on . Wednesday July 18, this year! Many Hip Prizes! 5

Do any of these eating habits or personality traits-sound familiar? Bizarre








It’s FED HALL night! speakers, cm open , discussion on censorship Wednesday July 18th campus centre Great Hall filrnii,



7:45 National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 9:20’ Tango & Cash [Kurt Russel, Sly Stallone) 1l:OO The Fabulous Baker gOys (Jeff S Beau Bridges) i



%8:30 Tango 81Cash

l&lo ALWAYS @hd-mrd






SLICES on Tuesdays! d


, Did you KNOW?? YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to appeal a final <grade in any course. The University Ombudsperson may be helpful in resolving a grievance by facilitating informal communication and/or serving as a mediator. For more information contact Irene Domingus, Chair, Board of Academic Affairs


at extensiun 6299. . . _._..LI . ‘I. _..._ ,. . __.I___


Solar car heads.. for Michigan

Sun ‘worshipers Team leader

Marc Gagnon says that it has been a formidable task finding S~O"SOIS and raising the money while at the same time

byPoterBmwn Imprint staff (from UW News Bureau) As you read this, UW’s Midnight

Sun solar

car is on its way from HaIeyviUe, Alabama to Spring Hill, Tennessee on the fifth Ieg of an H-day, 3,000 kilometre race from Florida to

Michigan. Waterloo’s

At press


on pilgrimage

designing and building the car. The team is drawing on valuable experience gained throqgh UW’S SUcCesSfuL participation in other student competitions such as the Shell Fuelathon and Formula SAE, Gagnon said.

on Wednesday,

entry was in ninth place out of 32 entrants, and its highest speed attained was 80 km/h. The H-member team of engineering, kinesiology, and physics students have spent the past year and over $100,000 building the 200 kilogram, three-wheeled car, under the supervision of professors Alfred Bnmger and Stephan Lambert. The General Motors-sponsored Sunrayce USA is a solar-powered auto race from Disney World in Florida to the GM Technical Center in Warren, Mich. from July 9-19. UW joins the University of 0ttawa as the only Canadian participants. The top three finishers, based on total elapsed time, wiIl go on to the World Solar Challenge race in Australia in November.

At the solar car’s official send-off on June from Sears Canada, one of the project’s corporate sponsors, presented $10,000 to te am members. In addition to cor-


porate sponsorship, the team has raised money by “selling” sections of the car at $10 per square inch, plus team T-shirts. Midnight Sun is the largest student project ever undertaken at LJW, with a budget of about $116,000.

The single-passenger vehicle, which looks like a small space ship or the stealth bomber, is powered solely by solar energy and will be able to reach speeds of more than 100 km/h. Power is provided by photovoltaic cells that directly convert solar radiation into electricity. Each car is also equipped with a battery for cloudy periods, and the Sunrayce’s rules dhv each car to charge its battery for two hours with its solar cells before each day’s leg. While on a clear day, the Midnight Sun could coast forever, it is efficient enough to run up to five hours on battery power. The UW team w&l-have five drivers who will be aided by a computer that simulates the photovoltaics and battery. This will allow the driver to vary the amount of power drawn from the battery at any time, such as-when climbing steep hills when more power is needed. A computer program will use the characteristics of the terrain and record the time, position, and battery condition each 100 rnet-

A rare look at the Midnight

Sun’s innards as the driver prepares to disembark,

res of the course to help the team determine strategies that must also take into account changing weather conditions.

photo by Peter Brown

.GSA viol.ates We.n-Do faces own bylaws lawsuit . byPau.lDane Imprint staff

Despite an apparent contravention of their own by-laws, Tuesday night the GSA Board Of directors passed a motion to approve the expenditure of up to $9400 for the House

Office Expansion pIan passed at the last meeting (June 26). The outcome of the motion was 13 for and a total of 6 opposed and abstentions, meaning that the motion had seemingly obtained the 2/3 majority approval it needed to be passed However, 3 of the 13 votes in favoti were proxy votes, which, according to a standing motion in the GSA by-laws, cannot be counted in motions regarding fznancial matters, ThemotioninquestionisStanding Motion 6 (passed 2713174, amended 1?/4/74) of the GSA by-laws which states that “All fmancial matters...mustbepassedbyamajorityof2/3 of the votes pmt”(emphasii ours). Therefore, subtracting the 3 proxiesfrom the recorded totals, the outcome of the motion to approve the expenditure would be 10 for with 6 against and abstaining - a result which would mean that the motion was defeated. In another divergence frtim usual GSA Board meeting procedure, the agenda was alter4 to postpone the consideration of r&gnations and appointments until the Office Expansion motion had been conresignations and sidered. Normally,


are dealt with as the third item on the agenda, after a calI to order and a consideration of the past meeting’s minutes. Norm&y there are no resignations and appointments, however at this meeting one member

bers were

was resigning

and two new mem-

to be appointed.

The postpone-

number of the motion Despite it’s apparent contravention of usual GSA procedure, the changwe of agenda was done in full accofdafice with Robert’s Rule of Order and GSA by-laws. The regular chair, Lmna Won& was absent for this meeting and was replaced by Angie Sauer, the GSA’s vice-president (external) +It isuptothechairofameetingtodeclarea motion passed or defeated. Vote counting and the ratification or defeat of motions are the mosf basic elements of meetings. Procedural errors like this one undermine the process by which decisions are made and action undertaken As a result of thisproceduralerror,theGSAstan&inaprecarious situation. The error can and must be corrected at the next meeting when the minutes are considered. ment efkctively reduced members who considered


Once it is noted and the motion declared defeated, the motion can be reconsidered. Likely, dice of motion would have to be given again and discus+on and consideration postponed until the notice has expired.

by David Themson Imprint staff

A man fighting for men’s ri@s has filed a complaint of sexual mtion with the Ontario Human Rights Commission against the Wen-Do Women’s Self-Defense Corporation, a company which offers self-defense classes for women. The company held the cmme on campus earlier this term, sponsored by the Women’s Issues Board of the Federation of Students. MichaeI Celik, a representative of a men’s right group calledIn seancl of~,fikd the complaint after being told he could not participate in or watch a Wen-Do class, since the cqxme is designed exclusively for women. Celik has a black-belt in judo. The Wen-Do Corporation has a womenonly policy which its legal defense, the Women’s L,egal Uucation and Action Ftid (LEAF), chirns is “qxcifdIy designed to promote women’s equality and therefore (does) not violaate human rights legislation.”

‘Wen-Do provides strong women role models and a safe space where women can talk about fears and experiences related to sexual violence,” says Wen-Do instructor Marilyn Walsh. “This has helped many women overcome the w pgycholoogical and physical constraints that prevent women from believing they can defend themsel~~es and from learning techn@es to do so.” Counsel for the Wmdo Corporation will argue that. their &defense program addresses the so&al disadvantage women experience as targets of violence and therefore is protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code. LEAF feels they have a strong case in light of a recent Canadian Supreme Court decision that ruled that the Canadian Charter of Rights can be applied to advance therightsofdisadvantagedgroupstoalleviate those &dvanm=

LEAF believes that there is no dkknination or disadvantage for Celik by excluding him from the program, as there are numerous other gender-neutral s&defense ograms he could participate in, while kr en-Do is designed for women, teaching them how to prevent male attackers from assauIting

ALEAFandW;?n-Dovictoryinthecasewill send out the message that women’s groups are depigned to corn-t an Izistor@0 d&a& vantage, and that these groups do not violate any eip2kIity provisions in the Charter of Rights or other human rights legislation, uOtherwise,“says~ExecutiveDirector Christine Jefferson, “many valuable service ‘offered to women, including Wen-Do, women’! shelters, rape crisis centres, and women’s self-help groups, will be in



4 Imprint, Friday, July 13, 1990

Pro-choice group formed

Catholics accused of brainwashing Ed Halbach, a local organizer of the Movement, in a letter addressed to Imprint staff, accused the Roman Catholic Church of holding “weekly indoctrination sessions/where group leaders brainwash” parishioners. Halbach was responding to alIegations, made by ex-mem& and the Council On Mind Abuse (COMA), that the Movement is a cult. Experts on, and within, the Roman Catholic Church disagree with Halbach’s statement about the Church. “Anyone who would make a statement like that ceminly doesn’t understand the wav the

First friends

(Catholic) &urch functions or its theology of the last forty years,” said Dr. Ludson, president of St. Jerome’s College. Ludson went on to say that the idea of indoctrination in the Catholic church was abhorrent to him and that the church’s position was to foster individual consciousness with the right to know. A critic of the church agrees with Ludson. Professor Joeseph Novak, of the philosophy department, said that while there may be certain “insipid elements” in the Catholic church’s doctrine, it is not that prevalent at the local level. “On the broad scale, there is great independence for the individual. Catholics can hold independent beliefs from the

church This is-fairly widespread all over North America.” Novakadded that he couldn’t see ‘brainwashing’ to be active in Kitchener. He also pointed out that there no longer exists a “straight line of communication” from the church in Rome to the church at the lo& level. One r&son for the doctrinal breakdown that has occtmed in the church in th+ decade is the demise of Latin as a language of the priests. “This tradition has all but disappeared,” said Novak, adding that other vestigial traditions exist more as habit than coerced, brainwashed activity. Imprint was unable to reach Halbach for comment about his accusations.

by Catherine

can be ,best

Hey buddy, cm you spare some (time? J wlridn,



depending on how well-adjusted the foreign student is. They will be assigned one student, or more if they wish, and all they have to do is be a ‘friend’ to this student The friend can call the student sometimes, spend time with


The International Students Board has been busy this term working on a Buddy Program called ‘First Friend.” It is designed to welcome the incoming foreign students to our campus. Often a foreign student entering a University in Canada is faced with a doublewhaquny; they haveto deal with both a new cuIture and language and a different system of education. They become bewildered and overwhelmed by all thii and sometimes feel alienated The program is a very simple one. It requires a volunteer to commit themselves for about four to eight weeks to the program,

They have to deal with a new culture, language, and a different system of education them, take them to Fed Hall show them around campus, and other activities. We are currently looking for volunteers for the program If anyone is interested, they can contact Mil&ia in the Fed office in CC 235, or call 885-1211, ext. 6305. . I

DATE RAPE Not a Strd Down Lover’sx Lane A Day of Discussion

Wednesday July 25th Canipw


movies speakers

The Federation of Students will also be circulating a guide for international students letting them know everything they need to know about attending univ&sity in Canada. This should be ready by Orientation week in the fall term Vice-President (University Affairs) Kim Speers has been &tively working,on getting international students into the coop program. Right now, foreign students are excluded from a lot of programs due to their inability to work in Canada and partake in the ~0-0~ program. These fields of study and the experience that can be accumulated from the coop program are invaluable to a student returning to their home country. Education is one of the greatest gifts Canada can give to a developing nation.



- Full Service


by the Wumen’s

With the new abortion law in the offing it is important that voices on all sides of the issue be heard. University of Waterloo students have formed The Right to Choice Association in anticipation of making their points of view heard. The group provides a forum and an opportunity for action for everyone interested in the pro-choice movement. Though in its infant stages, the association has definite plans. It lists its objectives as “working towards a system of full reproductive freedom for all women with the resources and the facilities needed to utilize that freedom.” Such resources include safe and effective contraception, sexuality counseling universal day-care, and employment equity. With these resources, women will be better equipped to make the decision best suited to their individua1 lives; and to have the freedom to carry that decision out. In response to anti-abortion groups in the KW area, The Right to Choice Association will hold a counter picket at the RW Hospital on Thursday, July 19 at 1:45 pm. For those interested there will be an organizational meeting in the Campus Centre at 1:00 pm, prior to the march. Gretchen Zimmerman descriibes the immediate aims of the protest as “creating a presence which involves, empowers and mobilizes alI those who believe in the equality of women A presence which wiIl show that the anti-choice movement speaks for the minority, and not the majority, of KW citizens.” Cherie MacDonald, of the Ontario Coalition for Abortion Clinics, will address “Abortion Rights Todav”# during the protest

We - =Hoivour u\N’s, Stu-dent Drug - Plan


activities start \ at one



Issues Board



to us!

- Post Office





- Friday:

9 am-9 pm; Saturday:

9 am-7 pm; Sunday:

11 am-6 pm.

Imprint, Friday, July 13, 1990 5


What happens when you discover late on production night that your Campus CL answers


flee Fridays by David Thomson Imprint staff The Federation of Students Office.wiU be closing on Fridays during the summer months as part of of a trial plan to increase productivity. Vice-President of Operations and Finance Tess SliwG&i decided to operate only four days a week during the summer after talking with representatives of other student body governments during conferences she attended in the last few months. Other Ontario universities such as Guelph and Western that are operating at comparable levels of capacity during the summer as Waterloo have found that the fourday work week has been beneficial to their organizations. The shortened work week will only directly affect four of the eight ful.Mime staff at the Federation of Studqts, who have agreed to the plan. Sliwinski views the day off as compensation for overtime that is put in during the first few weeks of the fall and wiitter terms. The President and the two Vice-Presidents of the Federation of Students will still be working most Fridays, and are &ill available to talk to students who make an appointment to see them. According to Sliwinski, students normally. don’t visit the o&e on Fridays other than to buy concert and Fed Bus tickets, and altemative arrangements to *continue providing these services have been made. Fed Bus tickets will be sold on Fridays at the Campus Shop (beside the Record Store in the Campus Centre) and concert tickets can be purchased at the Record Store. The Campus Shop and the Record Store will only be providing these services on Fridays during the summer term.

,HOWBt.upid ~~~~~ st


This. Four meaningless pictures of people from campus -with no rationale or explanation . a kirida seems--like a microqosm of the bitter, turgid miasma of existence; eh? l



.Recieve a free T -shirt and WeI1 be the judge. n



i 8’

can you be ?




i * 88 88 8 I8 8

i 5.

People Trick& 1 P pE .27th . ‘i ,! FFzs

If you can do any stupid tricks, pick up an entry form in the Fed office, or the MathSod office MC3038

_ .

j ,’ .-i’ ’ I8 -eg? _ 0 8 .“zw o”

I 8 ’8 I 8

c 6)z E 0 a’El Mm.

6 Imprint, Friday, July 13, 1990


Now back to the, miserable reality


Speaking of the economy, would you be at all surprised to learn that intewt rates have kn almost three (3) percentage points higher than Mike Wilson’s February budget ‘projections’? Thanks, John Crdw (who ent incidentally gave himself a hefty 1Ol~ raise a few months ago). Now the d er tit will shoot over the $30 biIlion ma& unless Mike can dig up another two billion dollars someMere. Two billion really isn’t too much, put into context. of course, when all the media are promoting Wii’s two self-determined choices’ of raising taxes or reducing spending, it does seem scary. There is another aIternative which is brought up occasionally but not really discussed seriously: tax refomt. The federal government hands out something like $25 billion (25 followed by nine zeros) every year to business through a myriad of programs, agreemen@, and tax incentives 1 won’t even bore you with the statistics of how many corporations that made so many millions and paid no taxes. There is a large degree of hypocrisy involved when ordinary Canadians are taxed on money we receive from the government’s so&I programs while many profitable businesses pay no taxes. Wilson gave us the impression that he was getting serious with the deficit and debt pro‘blems of Canada in last years budget but as I said, it was just that - an impression. Maybe in two or three year’s time weti Canadians elect another government (id est, the Liberals), they will get serious with the fiscal problems. Of course, just because Cretien was a Finance Minister ten Q twelve years ago doesn’t mean he’ll be keeping on top of things, but we can hope. Canadians will grasp at any rays of light after the current regime has numbed us into disbelief and hopelmsness.

Tragedy has struck Canada The economy is plunging. Rioting has broken out aIl across the land. If onIy Clyde Wells had honoured his word the way the Prime Minister has so many times before. GoodthingtheQueencametopullusalI together and bring us to our senses. A figurehead from an aristwratic country preaching equality and tolerance was just what we needed to put things into perspective. Too bad George Bush has that @licy of not meddling in another country% internal a&its, or else he could have offered us time valuable advice as well. Perhaps de Clerk will make a visit to point out where we went wrong and’ advise us what to do next, The apathy shown in English Canada towards the ‘death’ of Meech Lake was absolutely incredibIe. RegardIess of whal you think (thought) of the accord, it is sad to see your roommates more wrapped up in watching foreigners repeatedly sprint up and down a stadium chasing a soccer ball than finding out what’s going on with the c&@ry’s constitution What a ridiculous never-ending nightmare! Let us pause for a moment and imagine how different Canada would be if we never elected the man who invented Meech and made a passing attempt to run the country for 1 the last six years, namely Brian M&on&y. Ahhhhh. Thatwasrefreshing-nowbacktAthem& erable reality. Meech failed and there is nothing we can do about it right now. Chretien thinks that we should, let Quebec cool off ‘for about two years’ (at which time he will be elected P.M., unless God materializes and runs for the Tories) before trying to negotiate anything resembling the M-word. Elsewhere on the crumbling political landscape, Members of Parliament in Ottawa voted themselves a $6000 taxifree expense allowance, on top of a current saIaxy of $62,100 as well as a $20,600 housing and meal allowance. I guess the taxpayeqs can take on that minor burden, considering that we are in such good economic times.

Revolutionary Movement

Our apologies

To the editor,

To the Editor,

Bill C43, the new abortion law; essentially this new piece of legislation states that a medical practitioner may not perform an abortion unless she/he can determine, “if the abortion were not induced, the health or life of the female person would be likely to be threatened.” Health is defined, physic& mental and psychological well-being. This Bi.lI forces women to become either hypocrite or causes them even greater distress and inconvenience than the initial abortive measures. This 1egisIation does not reflect decisions handed down by the Supreme Court of Canada aq reflected in the MortgentaIer, Borowski or Daigle cases. The 1988 Mortgentier decision concluded that Section 251 (previous abortion legislation), of the criminalcode breached Section 7 of the Charter of R&h& and Freedoms which guarantees the right to “life, liberty and security of the person+” Bill C-43 does not mirror the beliefs and desires of the majority. It does not uphold the concept of personal security for those it is sup posed to protect; women. Many women from distant regions of the country travel hundreds of miles to find a qualified doctor who is willing to take the risk of providing a safe abortion. They are then forced te convince a stranger that her health would be endangered by the continuation of an unwanted pregnancy, often forcing women to lie. Further complications arise when the threat of third party litigation is made possible by the new Sill, scaring doctors and propagating illegal, unsafe abrtions. We at the R@ht to Choice Association feel compelled to make our views regarding the new abortion law heard, since we do in fact speak for the majority of Canadians. We are also aware, however, that a small but quite vocal minority of pro-life individuals could possibly jeo choice and r e access to a safe and affordable clinical abortion. As a result, we ptit forth this plea: Do not take anything for granted; do not feel content to remain apathetic in the hopes that someone else will defend your human tights. Finally, we ask all female University ’ students to consider how the forced continuation of an unwanted pregnancy would affect your education, your career and your life. by Gretchen Zimmerman, Helen Viand Bernie Herold l

by Dave Thomson






Our apologies OnbehalfoftheF4erationofStudentsand Muslim Students Association (MSA) I would like to apologize for any *ension caused by the recent poster for the MSA sponsor& leclyre which was entitled ‘Is the White man superior to all other races?” I a#horized the posting of this ad with the full understanding that the lecture addressed worId wide racial issues like Apartheid and that the lecturer was, in fact, of Muslim origin. . Shortly thereafter, it was brought to my attention by both the GSA and Pacer that the poster was not only offensive to some groups on campus, but it was vague in its factual con- . tent. In ail honesty, the poster was meant to attract attention to the event and not to offend anyone. Regrettably, my decision to authorize this pmter was founded on information which was not readily available to those reading it. As I am the person responsible I can assure you that in the future all advertising will be detailed and, hopefully, not offensive. I really appreciate the feedback of those groups who found the poster offensive as it @ES me an added perspective to consider when future decisions of this kind have to be made. Tess Sliwinski VP Operatins and Finance Federation

of Students



Editorial Board EdItor-ipa.. Aastlmt mya

...... ........



..pa.ulm m John Hagqy




...... Dave Thomson 8ci8am Bditor ....... Peter Johnson mrta Bator ........... Rich Nlchol Arta a............. Derek Weiler EhutQsditm .... ..JohnPaulTede so0 Ihm



Contest! At



ofyour mind



I’mjustgladthatIcanyonthosegun mags to ya, cause along w&h those Gore ‘zir&s,%h~ just about n&e my day. I really git off on them heads split open with axa and tits cut off by gardening shears. But fuck, if thu shit that &cm foretiers try to git inta here got past me, I’d just shit. WelI, tha& for giv@‘me this swell job, I’m sure ta keep up all the hard work on them dirty porno movies and skin mags, I’ll plug away till my eyes go dim. But don’t get me wrow I enjoy sex and liberty as much as the next guy. It is just that you need Fection from certain ideas. If divergent mews were aired about the women’s movement or racial tensions then all manner of, tragedies may occur. I am only too honoured to protect and serve your needs. Be seeing you.

Importation of contaminating materials is strictly forbidden. If I, as a member of your border patrol, permitted corruptive literature, de-generative art and pornographic film to breach your community I would be doing my duty in bad faith. auf leaders have charged me with a most sacred undertaking and I will not slouch in its execution. For the sake of our children I will bar those medium dealing with homosexuality and explicit sexual portrayak I will stop at the point of entry any media I feel threatens the strong moral character of our fine land It is my God given right to follow the Holy Writ of’ our government to prevent perversion from seeping into your minds. So I have to check each and every kind of media parcel that wants in. And I don’t let those titles fool me, ourmja ou~e~~,AsNastyh mey mnna ‘ Be, Di&@cy; these kinds of things are not to be trust&. This task is not as easy as one might think, / C Daily, filth and depravity pass through my hands. You would not believe the smut that I view by the hour, it turns my stomach every time. I’m just glad I can save this from your eyes; I’m sure thu shock would blind ya. People engaging in gutter play with thu vim and vigor of salt wolves and frothing monkeys, limbs stretching to orgasmic limits with corn- , mon decencey in total abandon. Makes thu blood boil, don’t it?

Board of Directors mwdent



































+....He~ttaVeemnan DlmctmIrflar%e.......TrevorBlair



Figure out some stuff:? 1) The ugliest building on campus 2) The



in this


3) Why you go on with pointless life

Q la Mapp~ethorpe


Submit answers to CC 140 & win a prize of our choosing



Trevor Blair, Gaby Bright, Consolidated Dedes, Jenus Fiouzi, Catherine Gunby,

Pete] John Hymens, TanyaJeremic, Astrid Kalt, Andrew Kin ross, Andy Koch, Susan Lehane, Stacey Lobin, Kathleen. McSpurrew Paul Tersteege, Ch& Wodskou, Dan Clowes.

F(“-‘JRUM Training and Indoctrination To the editor, Although I am writing in response to the recent articles on the Movement, this letter deals with cults in general. I am not a member of, nor am I speaking on the behalf of the

MClIWlnent. As an atheist, I have always held a detached and impartial view on spiritual matters. I have chosen a life without religion. However, as long as an individual is not being harmed, I support their belief in a god or gods. The requirements of the Movement’s members do not seem different than the guidelines imposed by many of the major religions. Requiring “a complete restructuring of a person’s belief system” or changing Ilyour perspective on life” are common demands on new members of many churches, especially fundamentalist Christian organizations. The Movement’s non-violent values are comparable to those of Eastern religions. The desire to recruit new members is also evident in the Christian religion. Telling others of one’s faith is recommended many times in the Bible. People ‘trained in “cult detection” argue that the glorification of a charismatic leader distinguishes cults from other religions. The Christian, Islamic and Buddhist religions are centered around this same basic principle. Although I have never read Silo’s books, I think that any holy or spiritual book can be considered metaphorical. The idea of “divulging something they have guilt about in themselves” reminds me of confession in the Catholic church. Hypnosis is defined in intro-psychology textbooks as a height-ened state of suggestibility to the coaxings and directions of another individual (Myers, 1986.) The power of hypnosis resides not in the hypnotist, but in the subject’s capacity to be open to suggestion (Bowers, 1984 cited in Myers, 1986.) Hypnotized subjects perform only such acts as they might do normally. People may be hypnotized by non-psychologists for entertainment purposes. Hypnosis has been found relatively ineffective as a behaviour modification tool (ie. to quit smoking or lose weight.) I hope I did not offend anyone with this letter, that was not my intent. AlI I say is that it is incorrect to label something as wrong just because it is different. Criticizing a belief system for features that can be found in all accepted religions is hypocritical, espe&lly if one claims to be religious. Inform people of the truth of particular organization. I agree that Jonestown was a tragedy. Equally tragic are stories of child abuse ‘%upported” by Bible verses; yet we do not put Christianity at fault, only the individual. Why are similar “religions” in slightly different forms treated so differently?

Tina L. A&m Honuurs peychology 3w=f

ikitherImprint northe the Movement

Movement ti a reiigiun -- ed

claim that

Is Paul a racist?

To the Editor, Paul Done’s diatribe against contemporary music (Review of Consolidated’s meMyth of Rock, June 29) contains the most blatant and ir&c@.@y preudiced statement I have ever

seen in either a mainstream newstlaDer or a University one. Referring to the k&e, male member of the North American middle class, ’ the critic claims: ‘There is no more foul, vile, reeking specimen to be found on the face of the earth than he.” Anyone who does not see this as a racist stateGent should substitute “black, male member of the South African lower-middle class” for”white, male member of the North ‘American middle class,” and come up with a statement possibly found in the most extreme right-wing South African newspapers. Defending the review by claiming that the viewpoints expressed are solely those of &e band defeats the issue. If that is indeed the case, Imprint should stop wasting valuabIe trees by devoting an entire page to the review of a band which expounds such ignorantly racist ideas. .Such bands should simply be ignored

Don Grant Mech ‘90 Grad

stevensanoper uwAlumnus. A fm poin&. First, Con&id&d are three white* male membersuf the North American middle ck&. I am a white male mqdwof theNorth AWan middIe cla.~. Racism? Hardly. L& call it selfloathing. Your comparison of the statements’ to tightwing hate literature are complete/y, inaccurate, since lam white, writing about white, to a white audience. I am not attempting to arouse hatred against another racial pup. Finally, it seems stmnge to label Consoli&ed “l’gnorant~y racist” when you haven ‘t heard the record only read a review. Itk, bad fom to toss defamatory labels around in Ignorance. - ed.

Warfare. on Unfavourable Ground

My third concern is the Plumbers’Hymn? Is it next to 86, or will it just be edited to suit the whiners and complainers? How about this chorus: Weare we are we are we are we are the Engineers. We can we can we can we can rot here for five long years. Drink milk drink abilk drink milk drink milk and come along with us! For we don’t do a thing That’s interesting For all but a few of us! How’s that for self-deprecating and nonoffensive to anyone else? With a hymn like that, the other faculties on campus wouId have no reason to bastardize the song. How about a referendum next time such changes are contemplated?

’ .

To the Editor: As one of those within the student body who oppose the drastic changes occurring within the Engineering Society lately, I would like to state my opinion on some matters. First, let me comment on the RIDGID Tool. I must ask how the name ‘“The Tool” is any less phallic than”The RIDGID Tool”. Do people really find the word RIDGID phallit? I doubt it. If you really want to avoid sexism in this issue, why not adopt a new symbol like the Bell Phone Book? There are several reasons why this is a good choice, and many of them are contained in the following list: 1. The Bell Phone Book is anything but phallic - it is short and stubby with no natural holes in it, 2. The Bell Phone Book represents men and women in approximately equal numbers, 3. The BeIl Phone Book doesn’t discriminate against anybody based on race, religion, or any other of the major criteria, 4, The Bell Phone Book has a picturesque cover, which should not offend any reasonable person, 5. The Bell Phone Book is printed on recycled paper, 6. The Bell Phone Book is updated yearly, and is not iriexpensive to replace (in case it is ever stolen by U of T or Queen’s), 7. Bell hires engineers of all types, 8. The Bell Phone Book very rarely gets totally ripped, thereby setting a good example‘for us to follow, 9. The Bell Phone Book is useful, 10. The Bell Phone Book promotes self betterment and diversification such as letting your fingers do the walking. How can anyone disagree with such a persuasive argument? My second concern is the proposed renaming of the Orifice. Does anybody really think that the orifice is a phallic name for the place. Everybody knows that it is the hole ~ that the decision-makers crawl into to eat free food from the C&D, and drink cheaper than at r.pETS.

The Role of the Woman To the Editor, When I obened the June 29th issue of the Iniprint I was aghast at the images behind the Arts title graphic. Very clearing many sprawled bodies can be seen writhing in an c&y, but the women are all wearing bikinis!


from us for fear that we cannot handle this kind of explicitness while only pages later it 0 prints a picture of someone being violently crucified and two: that it turns the female form from an honest exPression into the same 1 cheap kitsch beer companies use to sell their 1 suds. Why is it that the hprint thinks that itmust always protect me, a university student, from reflections of my own body? I am proud of it, and I enjoy pleasing it, be it eating something tasty or having sex with someone. I want to be treated like an adult, something women have been fighting for all their lives. Doctors never listen to us, bosses poepoo us and the Imprint packages us into safe, patriarchal images of bikini clad bimbos. Is it an accepted belief that liberated women do not engage in sexual practices? Or if they do, it would be in skimpy swim-suits? If our society could shift focus from explicit portrayals of violence towards a heathy acceptance of human sexuality, life would be all the sweeter. The fear/lust of the female fo seem the only reaction our media has; one“r might expect more from a campus newspa er, but the Imprint is as unenli Pg tened as all the rest of the phallicent&media. A dark day for women, indeed. Fiona Porter 2BAItS Perhaps you had better discuss the Iphallocentrism’ of Imprint with the two women who, in ~‘a, cuncei~~ed OJ and d&w, the bikinis -- ed.

On closer inspection it can be seen that these bathing suits were drawn on with ma’rker or some such thing. All I can say is why? As a feminist and a woman I am offen- ded on two counts. One: that the Intpriirt feels that the nude fernale form should be hidden


(from 4 - 7 p.m.)



to take


of this







8 Imprint, Friday, July 13, 1990

Date rape forum


- July 25

Socialization by A&rid Kilt and @us Fiouzi Women’s Ismes Board I met him at a paq. He was very charming and quite good looking. We talked, we laughed, and we danced We had a lot in common and I real/y liked him. When he ask4d me to cumeover to his place&r a drink, I thought it would be okay. When wegot to his place, theonly place we could& on was on the bed ldid not want him to get the wrong idea, but what could I do? Afier some talking, he made his move. He started pushing me down on the bed. It&d tuget up but he was much biggernndstronger than me. Istarted to cry. Ij%zeand he rapedme. He was rough. When it was over he kept asking me what was wrong. He just fonxd himself on me and he thought that was O.K. He said he wanted tu see me again. Iam apaid to see him. Inever thought it would happen to me. . . I rnd her at a puq, she iooked absuiutely gorgeous. I knew she liked me because she kept smiling at me. I asked her over to my place and when she accepted I knew I would get iucky tonight. We starred kissing on the bed. Everything was grout until Istarted to luy her down. She started twisting and saying she did not want to. X knew she was putting on a show so she would not seem easy. She was still upset aJe?wurd. I don ‘t undotand it. If she didn ‘t want to havesa why did she wme to my place? What was her problem? One in every four Canadian women will be raped in her lifetime, and it is estimated that in 63 to 80 percent of these cases the victim knows the rapist. Why do so many people have dficulties +ccepting these facts? There are a lot of women out there that this has hap pened to. One underlying reason is that nobody ever hears about it. 0nly one percent of acquaintance rapes are reported.

and miscommunication

to blame

Even if the victim does decide to report it, family and friends are rarely sympathetic and often react with disbelief because she is accusing someone she knew and trusted. The victim is also more likely to blame herself; she’ probably had some amount of voluntary contact with the “friend.” In many ways acquaintance rape is more psychologically damaging than sexual assault from a stranger. -. There are many different scenarios and conBicting messages that can lead to acquaintatice rape. In these situations, either the man and woman cannot communicate effectively with each other or the rapist disrespects the victim’s choice of not wanting to participate in sex.

The victim and/or rapist are often intoxicated, which results in feelings of guilt in the

victim if her resistance and fighting are ignored. The rapist, on the other hand, is more likely to lose his inhibitions and act despite her rejections. They are also heavily influenced by the social environment Men are taught to be dominant and aggressive toward the opposite sex. They are supposed to know more and to initiate sexual activities. In many cases, they have learned to put women into two



and easy.

are brought up to be passive and weak, They believe that men know more about sex than they do. They have learned to be more reluctant in voicing their opinions on sexual matters. Thus, if a woman On the other hand, women

says “no,“it can be interpreted by the man that she is hiding her true desires. She wants to appear as a “good” girl and therefore cannot admit that she wanb to have sex tn a survey of 1700 students in grades six to

nine in Rhode Island, one-quarter of the boys and one-sixth of the girls said it is acceptable for a man to force a woman to have sex if he has spent money on her. 87 percent of the boys and 79 percent

of the girls said rape is

acceptable if a couple is married. Not sur@singly, 20 percent of the girls and six percent of the ‘boys said that they had been sexually abused by someone that they knew. This stereotyping of sex roles and gender traits leads men and women to accept misconceptions about sexual violence. Many men, agree that certain situations allow them to force sex; if the woman ‘leads

Mon. - mum. :


him on” This idea causes extreme feelings of guilt in the victim. Most women are made to believe, through media and parenting, that they should look sexy and destible from an early age. If rape occurs, they are lekt feeling guilty because they believe that they asked for it by leading him on. The resuIting self-blame and denial is the main reason for the negigible reporting rate. Women, asked if they have ever been raped, will answer no. If asked whether an acquaintance or date forced them to have sex against their will, they will answer yes. Men will not ad&it to having committed rape, but will admit that they hve forced someone to have sex on a date. The main problem seems to be the inability of men and women to communicate. Here are some guidelines to deal with a tricky situation:

9:3Oam-3i3Opm Fr k&y : 10mam-3:mpm

Math 6 Computer Bldg Room 2018 (51Q)886436

SPECIAL OPEN HOUSE THURS., JULY 26, I990 MC2018 1O:OOa.m, to 3:30 p.m. FEATURING

Women: -Knowyoursexualdesiresandlimita You have a right to determine



what is right for

you and what is not. If you feel uncomfortable in a situation and you are not sure about

whether it exceeds one of your limits, stop and talk to the man about it immediately. - Trust your intuitiom. Often non-verbal clues can warn you of a dangerous situation. If you feel that you are being manipulated, you probably are. -B4!snn. Indecisiveness and passivity might be taken as a permission to go further. -Knowthemeaqpyousendthroughyour &thhg. There is nothing wrong with dressing in an attractive manner; be aware that it is taken as an invitation to sex by men. Men:

- Know your own sexid

Try to eliminate peer pressure. - Do not take a woman’s “no” peraoAly. She does not say “no” to you but to an act. Even if you cannot control your desires, you are still in full control of your actions. -Ifawomandreseesrroxilyand&ts,itdoes notmeanthatshewantstohave~ Women and Men: - Consume alcohol modmtia and communicating.


NEbV 3.5” FD, 20MB




We!li get used to it! i j I,



: II



They can get in the way with straight thinking



desires and limits.


Eating dsorders

and their

by Kathleen McSpurren Women’s Issues Board Jane is a third-year




she has self-control. Lf she can keep this up for a few days, maybe she can eat whatever she wants. She does a few situps in the evening, and goes to bed feeling hungry, but knowing that how she looks is very important. The traditional perception of eating disorders (ie, anorexia nervosa and buliqia) as isolated illnesses, suffered by the unfortunate few, negates&e roots of these problems in our society. The ideal of thinness has become fwndy entrenched in the West during this century as the acceptable social norm. T&y, our “fat”-phobic attitudes serve to label overweight people as lazy, ugly, and personally weak. Thinness represents personal and career success and social emancipation. The underlying social pressure is the equation of a person% value with physical appearance. Women are the primary targets of this pressure. Most ads and fads about weight-loss are aimed at women. The majority of lipo-suction clients are women and 95 percent of anorexic and bulimic sufferers are women. The emphasis on physical appearance as personal worth is evident in the numbers of diets, diet centers and diet pills and food which pervade the Western lifestyle. The fantasy of thinness for many people means thatthey will be successful and popular. In order to attain this social acceptance, women will deny themselves basic physical and emotional needs, including food. Most women cannot measure up to the ‘Barbie” image, and the real discrimination they cannot endure leads to to guilt, insecurity and self-hate. The equivalent for men, some

researchers believe, is the abusive dependence on steroids, to achieve the ‘Xambo” look The behaviour of women like Jane is common More than 50 percent of North American women aged 24 to 54 diet. In a recent survey in MS magazine, 75 percent of the 33,000 responding women believed they were “too fat,” but only 25 percent of those women were clinically overweight. The term “eating disorder” needs to be expanded to include these less extreme examples of weight control. While the neuroses of anorexia and bulimia are medically labelled “diseases,” dieting is considered normal. In order to better understand these neuroses, they must be considered part of the weight control / body image con-urn, which encompasses everything from anorexia to - obesity.

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idea of thinness appears to offer an opportunity for self-control to many people, especiaIly women, The media continually reinforces a women’s value in society as the sum of her physical appearance. But the media reflects the values of this society. A thin, attractive woman will be received more positively than someone who falls outside the”Ba.rbie”mold. The media could play a role in reshaping our

Contributing to the body image problem is the myth that fat is unhealthy. In a recent article in HeuZfhhuting, Donna Ciliska and Carla Rice point out that the poor health of overweight people may be a resuk of ritual dieting rather than their body weight. The theory of “set-point” weight proposes that the level of a person’s body fat is determined by genetics and early childhood nutrition. A person can be very healthy at a set point weight, despite being over or under the height / weight standard tables. Although being overweight is not considered an eating disorder, many people have unlearned hunger and fkllness signals from ye&s of dieting. Normal eating needs to be relearned and redefined. One positive step is eliminating the forbidden foods, which constitute punishment and selfdenial for the overweightperson. Since foodis a fundamental part of daily life, overweight people must constantly deny themselves choices and pleasures. However, this denial is misconceived as “self-control” (something to be ’ valued), rather than punitive measures (the self-punishment it really constitutes). The

attitudes by portraying ail body types, rather than the media typical “model” types. However, real change can only come from2 direct challenge to social norms and attitudes - perceiving the btiy image as one element in the total composition of a person, and not the most important one. We need to reduce the relative importance of body shape in determining self-esteem. The old cliche applies: beauty is only skin deep. The Women’s Issues Board of the Federation wiII be holding a forum on Eating Disorders on July 24 in the Davis Center room 1302 alI day long. A video called ‘The Body Test” will be shown during the morning and then the audience will be given test cards to assess their &ate of health. During the afternoon, Professor GaiI Grant wiIl be speaking on the topic of eating disorders from a so&-cultural feminist viewpoint. Later on, Theresa Casteels-Reisfrom Counselling Services will be speaking from a clinical-psychological viewpoint. Refreshments will be provided. Please come out and raise your consciousness of this very important issue that effects so inany University and college students.

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Even when emaciated, an anorexic victim regularly abstains from food, fearful of any body fat. Those who suffer from bulimia repeatedly binge on food, and then purge their bodies either by vomiting, using laxatives, exercising excessively, or starving themselves periodically. But a normal obsession with weight is separated only in degree from these extreme forms of weight control. M&y clieters be.hve in the she mqmer.

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Towers Plaza Bridgeport at Weber Waterloo 7252880

The changing

art and science

of hed“ng




U.S. RDA 1980

According to C&zd~‘s Food Guide, (Health and Welfare Canada, 1983), it is possible to derive all the necessary titaminsandmineralsape~nneeds from food without supplementation The National Academy of Sciences of the United States popularizes recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for a nun&r of nutrients: vitamins A, D, E, c, B-l, (thiamin), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (niacin), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-12 (cobalamin), f&lasome minerals, protein, and energy. For example, as shown in Table 1 (this page), the U.S. RDA of vitamin C for adults over 15 years of age is 60 milligrams (mg) . It is smaller for children and greater for pregnant and lactating women. Public health agencies in Canada and the U.S. also make recommendations for rnoderation which they believe will improve the general health of individuals: limit intake of fat, sugar, salt,exercise, and, if it is consumed at all, alcohol, but increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and water.

Based on what most animals make for themselves,


human beings should have at least


mg of vitamin



The RDAs for vitamins are the result of decades of research into the associated deficiency diseases. Less is known &out required amounts of minerals and how vitamins and minerals act synergistically (in combination to produce total benefits greater than the sum of the individual benefits).

The deficiency disease associated with vitamin C - the ascorbate ion is scurvy, described by two-time Nobel prizewinner l,.inus Pauling, PhD, as “the wasting and disintegration of tissues in the body.” (How to Live-Lunger and Feel Be#er, 1986, p. .88) “The scorbutic sailor showed lassitude and then extreme prostration, swollen, tender, and bleeding gums, foul breath, a tendency to bruise easily, internal bleeding caused by broken blood vessels in the muscles and other tissues, weakness of the joints, profound exhaustion, diarrhea, and pulmonary and kidney troubles leading to coma, collapse, and death.” (Cancer and Warnin C, 1979, p. 100) “A Person who is dying of scurvy stops making collagen , and his body falls apart - his joints fail, because he can no longer keep the cartilage and tendons strong, his blood vessles break open, his gums ulcerate and his teeth fall out, his immune system deteriorates, and he dies.” (Paul@, 1986, p. 90) The U.S. RDA for vitamin C can be obtained from a single glass of orange

juice. Many scientists are rejecting the position of gov&nment.al agencies regarding vitamins: the proper amount of a &amin people should take is that amount which prevents the deficiency disease. Pauling calls this goal “ordinary poor health,” whereas by increasing vita& intake peopIe can achieve greatly, “optimum health.” Pauling says people have a “biochemical individuality,“meaning that different people require different amounts of vitamins, depending on their own unique abilities to use vitamins efficiently. In Table 1, Pauling recommends lOOO-18,000 mg of vitamin C each day, but 18,000 is not anupper limit. Because vitamin C is water soluble, the body can el@inate it easily with a large intake of water (another recommendation of public health agencies}. Pauling believes that the total rate and method of intake of vitamin C should be dictated by an individual’s ‘bowel tolerance,” the amount that will act as a moderate laxative.

Vitamin C Vitamin E Vitamin A Vitamin K Vitamin D Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine, Cobalamin, Folacin Pantothenic


60 mg 2500 mg 10 IU 400 IU 5000 IU 15,000 IU none 100’ mg 400 IU 400 IU 1.5 mg 20 mg 1.7 mg 20 mg 18 mg 200 mg 2.2 mg 30 mg 0.003 mg 0.09 mg 400 mg 400 mg none 150 mg

(as P-Carotene)

B1 B, B, B, B, 2 acid

Leibovitz 1984

Allen 1981 1500 mg 600 IU 15,000 IU none 300 IU 300 mg 200 mg 750 mg 350 mg 1 mg 400 mg 500 mg

Pauling 1986

2500 mg 300 IU 20,000 IU n’one 800 IU 100 mg 100 mg 300 mg 100 mg 0.1 mg 400 mg 200 mg

lOOO-18,000 mg 800 IU 20,000-40,000 IU none 800 IU 50-100 mg 50-100 mg 300-600 mg 50-100 mg O-1-0.2 mg 400-800 mg 100-200 mg

Table 1: FOverecommended daily allowances of vitamins for adults, taken from ‘How to Live Long and Feel Better’. Caution: certain vitamins can be lethally toxic in repeated doses higher than the U.S. RDA. Research further before starting to take supplements. The megadoses of vitamin C Pauling recommends cannot be derived from food done. He says that vitamin and mineral supplements should be bought in the cheapest form possible and in the form that causes the fewest side effects- Some people may be sensitive (allergic) to the fillers and binders in pills. In megadosage amounts, the cheapest form of vitamin C is a pure, water-soluble crystal. When dissolved in plain water, its’acid taste is like vinegar. To buffer the unpleasant taste, it can be dissolved in juice.

Some oncologists specialists) regularly of vitamin


and surgeons




C daily for their patients

People with kidney stones are advised to keep their urine either acidic or basic, depending on the chemical make-up of the stones. Ascorbic acid can be taken as as is or made basic with baking soda. Pauling implicates vitamin C in helping to alleviate cancer, diabetes, allergies, glaucoma, cataracts, constipation, infection, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, rheumatism, mental illness, wounds, ulcers, and others. As well, he argues that it reduces the severity of disease and Pauling’s 1979 book, Cancer and k5timin C: A Discussion of the Nature, Causes, fkventiun and Twatment of

Cancler with Special Reference to the Value of Etamin C, describes his reasons for recommending vitamin C & a preventive measure against cancer and in connection with more conventional treatment once the disease is detected. In the same way that ascorbate is required in the production of collagen, a protein in connective tissue, it acts in defensive process in the encapsulation of tumors. The encapsulation process surrounds a tumor with connective tissue in order to cut off its supply of nutrients. Also, vitamin C must be concentrated in certain white blood cells of the lymphatic system in order that they may attack.cancerous cells. ’ Pauling explains individually each of the diseases listed above. The other vitamins are also shown to be useful; for example, some of the B vitamins in the treatment of mental illnesses.

Unfortunately, there are frauds in the practice of medicine as with all other professions. Scientific study and its popularization may provide enough awareness to prevent fraud.

Pauling’s present philosophy of medicine is what he calls “orthomolecular.” “Ortho-” from the “correct.” He Greek, meaning believes physical health comes from having substances in the body in the correct concentrations, and wants the medical profession not to underestimate the use of nutrients. Drugs, foreign to the human body,’ and techniques such ‘as surgery and


radiotherapy damage the human body. If nutrition can keep the body strong, then the invasive techniques and toxic drugs will result in fewer side effects. Pauling argues that vitamin C reduces the severity of disease and of the toxic side effects of drugs and of the physical damage of invasive procedures. The face of medicine is changing. Many physicians are now turning to alternative forms of medicine as they continue to see benefits for their own patients. Many alternative medicines have been practiced with success for generations, if not millenia. They include acupuncture, acupressure, herbal&m, naturopathy, homeopathy, clinical ecology, and reflexology, Critics of alternative methods accuse these physicians of relying merely on anecdotal evidence. Pauling’s 1987 Eok, Now toLiveLunger and Feel Bater, contains elements’ both of a me&analysis and of a pop ular medicine book. He cites many scientific, double-blind studies as his most reliable information.


C helps wounds

in the ocular fluids, adrenal glands, and white blood cells. Vitamin




collagen, which s trengt her& connective ’


via the immune system.

to tumors by forming


C is showing


heal and helps to cut off the nutrient

C is concentrated

Writers and broadcasters interested in public health must do three things: discontinue their incessant denouncement of non-traditional medicine, and encourage support for further research, and give thoughtful and true accounts of research already completed. The quest in medicine is to .find scientifically-provable methods of healing. If an entire system (for example, clinical ecology) is rejected on the grounds of a few frauds or a (superficial) lack of evidence, then the advancement of medical science will be stunted while the people of the world wait for a reductionist philosophy which monopolizes research labour and resources with innovative computerized techniques and foreign, synthetic drugs* Recommended Reading: How to Live Lunger and FE! Better Linus Paul& Avon &X&S, 1986. Cancer and Vitamin C. Ewan Cameron and linus Paul&, Warner BoukEi,



C tand the Common

Linus Pauline



Bantam Books, 1971.

to Be Your Own NuMtbnist.

Stuart M. Berger, Avon Books, 1987. Paulin@ book How to LiveLonger and PkeZ &WE has an extensive list of scientific studies and publications . he cites.


I <order to breed animals fast enough to supply the hli man demand for animal meat, furmerS have had to divelop systematized methods of production. These t&miques of “factory farming” allow the farmers to bleed clnimaJs quickly and efficientJy. Canadians eat ouer 400 million warm-blooded animaJ>s Q year, whose sOle purpose in Jife is to be slaughtered to feed us. , byDave


Canadians eat over 400 million warmblooded animals a year. Their sole purpose in life is to be slaughtered to feed us. Nearly ali animals in North America are fed a staggering amount of antibiotics, growth hormones aqd other drugs tP combat various illnesses that arise due to their unnatural, crowded, and filthy environment. In this feature, four different aspects of factory farming are presented: the animal rights movement, an examination of the type of drugs used to breed animals; a vegetarian perspective; and the industry’s viewpoint. This feature will be run in two parts. This week, the farming industry viewpoint and a look at the drugs used on animals will be presented. There are many arguments against consuming meat, and this feature will present but a few. While we, as a group, do not object to people eating meat, we would Iike them to be able to make an informed choice. For example, this week, we hope to give the readers an idea of exactly what they could be ingesting in the process.

The drugs that farmers administer to animals through their feed and water, or by injection or implantation, are a large part of what allows factory animals to survive in a crowded sin*-species environment. Unfortunately, hazardous chemicaIs such as pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, vaccines, growth stimulants, hormones, and other possibly carcinogenic drugs used in animal feeds are absorbed into the animal’s meat and are present in that animal’s byproducts (for example, eggs and dairy products). Out of the more than one thousand drugs used in livestock production in the U.S., over 140 pesticides and drugs are likely’ to remain as a significant residue in the meat after slaughter. Forty-two of these are suspected or known carcinogens, twenty have been proven to cause birth defects, and six have caused genetic damage on laboratory animals. Canadian beef is not pure and free of chemicals either. Agriculture Canada allows the use of Piperazine in all animal feeds to remove roundworms. This chemical is a potential neurotoxin, especially in children. Streptomycin is a growth promoter and may cause kidney impairment and neurological problems in .humans.

Imprint, Friday, July 13, 1990 11

the- ,beef?


is another




can cause hypersensitivity, renal or htipatic disease in humans. And so on. The mammoth amount of antibiotics fed to animslls (55% of antibiotics manufactured in North America are fed to cattle) has Ied to many strains of bacteria becoming r&i&ant to the drugs. Almost one-quarter of all sa1m8e liB&Ada are now #3La&utt to

many of the antibiotics

used (cook your din-

ner well tonight). Ampicillin, for a semi-synthetic peniciIIin that 100 percent effective against bacteria in 1967 but now is only effective.

example, is was nearly Salmonella 25 percent

More than 1000 drugs are used in livestock production

challenging the ban. DES also present in the 4‘moming-ufler” pill in duses much larger than ihose known to cbuse cancer in animals. The dairy industry industries in terms

is one of of using animals to produce food for us. given drugs to bring them into roducfion cycle sooner than they

- then they are artificially inseminated. A couple days after the calf is born, the calf and mother are separated and confined to IWWW S~ZI&. For the next month and a half to two months, the mother cow produces milk, untiI she is inseminated again. . The way in which chickens are raised on factory farms is also rathei depressing to read

about Laying hens are debeaked when they are chicks and put into cages which have a sloped bottom that allows eggs to roll onto a conveyor belt which carria them to the end of the shed. On average, three chickens are

crowded to antibiotics and survives meat can also be transferred to the consumer of that meat; thus the consumer has ingested antibioticresistant bacteria and the same antibiotic administered to a sick person may have little or no effect in combatting the sickness. The Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, recentIy released a report based on a twelve year study which linked antibiotic use in animals to antibiotic resistant bacteria in humans. ’ Diethylstilbestrol (DES) is a very potent drug: it is not an antibiotic but a synthetic estrogen&c hormone which has been proven to be a human carcinogenic agent. DES has been banned and reinstated an number of times and is currently banned for use in breeding animals, pending law suits Bacteria

that is resistant in the slaughtered

The industry’s by Paul Temteege Man Is the onb animal who both laughs and weeps; fur he alone sees things not only as they are but as they could be - Anon. The recent growth in animal activism has some farmers worrying about the future of their industry. The animal rights movement has long relied on graphic images to captivate the public’s attention. Without a means to challenge accusations an unbalanced picture is often presented. The Ontario Farm Animal Council (OFAC) hopes it can provide the necessary means to combat bad press. The fledgling organization hopes to promote public awarenand participation of the scientific community. Council spokesperson Leslie Ballentine believes research is necessary to upgrade the accuracy of current literature. She believes that if identified, specific criticisms can be used as a springboard for industry improvement. Professor Frank Hum& at the University of Guelph is one of a handful of people trying to provide the scientific basis for designing better living conditions for animals. Applied ethology, HumWs specialty, is a relatively new field concerned with farm anima1 desires and behaviour. By studying the impact of such factors as temperature and humidity ethologists can come up with a list of design criteria. Agriculture Canada has also identified a number of concerns. Their list of priorities include conditions which will promote: 1 access to basic needs such as food and water 2 good health 3 freedom from fear (of people, predators and hostile peers) 4 physiological and psychological comfort Hum& contends that the hard part is to reproduce the necessary components which will satisfy these conditions in the designed environment, &creation crf these conditions irwolves such a complex study ranging from psychology to ethology. Until now neither Agriculture Canada, nor scientists have made much progress in formulated a means to implement their policies and knowledge. Further, more fruitful study is necessary if the industry’s methods are going to be based on science rather than intuition. OFAC believes the farmers it represents, care for their amto the best of their knowledge.

the worst drugs on Cows are their repshould be

into a cage with

an approximate

floor area about the size of an album cover. When the chickens are almost full grown, they become very stressed and resort to pecking each other: debeaking prevents the chicker& from killing each other at this point in theif lives. They are usually kept in semidarkness or total darkness most of the time as another way of reducing stress. Veal farming is the most reprehensible factory farming industry that I heard about. The calves spend their entire lives in a stall slightly longer than their body and is about two feet wide, which is too small for the animal to even turn around in. They are kept in a permanent state of anemia by feeding them a mixture of skim milk, dried whey, starch, fats, sugar, vitamins, and antibiotics, which comes out the other end looking much like a white, watereddown pancake mix.

sol-ution Most seem willing to accept change as a necessary occurrence in a highly competitive industry. If practical solutions are offered which will result in healthier animals, OFAC contends farmers til adapt new practices. Even if this becomes the norm, there will still be the sentimental extremists who regard even the best housing a prison, and plead for the liberty of the at&&. For them replacement of meat by other sources of protein requirements, is a concept most commonly promoted by vegetarians. They feel people can get along fine without the traditional steak and potatoes. Some vegetarians claim that they not only have a viable alternative to %humane’animal husbandry practices, but a healthier choice too. A second alternative would be to reduce meat consumption. Strong linkages between heart disease and the cholesterol intake sup ports the theory of reduced red meat consumption.

The public / -_ an exercise consumer muscle The three R’s, refinement df farm practices, replacement of meat by other sources of protein, and reduction of red meat consumption, provide a broad-based approach for the reduction of animal suffering. The public is largely responsible for which alternative they prefer to choose. People seeking a refinement of current animal practices should further encourage participation of government and the scientific community to look for practical solutions. The latter two alternatives allow for the public to exercise consumer muscle. Already supermarkets are providing products such as free range poultry. Concerned customers should ask their grocer about the market’s source of produce. Yfhdtever


be an educated

you chcmse, it shuuiKl

one. Why

not contact the Ontario Farm Animal Cound and arrange to see fmt hand how animals are treated. Their address is: OFAC b 7195 Millcreek Drive Mississa~~ Ontario L5N 4Hl (416) 821-3880, ’

Banner taken from Jimmy Swaggart’s

“Issues of the Eighties”

I Home succeeds on many levels Home Stratford I+dival untilAugust

naked best: moronic and petrified. The four speak as if their greatest conditioning had come at the hands of a television set. Time becomes non-existent in the fractured world of TV, with its attendant tape delays and so on. Their speech, peppered by non sequiturs and rapid subject changes, is used to display the central core of humanity, and thii vision is quite bleak And so are the characters: all four are unhappy and both the guys end up crying at one point or another.


w-Hymers imprintstaff

The playwr@ht’s product must be prophetic to survive the test of time. But more than prophetic, it must be o&k With these attributes, the rork will speak to generations and flap the message within a beautiful a&age. David Storey’s 1971 play bme embcxiies tbse attributes. Homeisbii~asanallegoqforthe isintegrating British EImpire, but it is D much more profound than that It ndeavours to point out how scckty unctions today: by solely living the ow. This weltimxhouung is explored ‘y Storey to its very limits - history lecomes simply a memory with no ausal properties, and the future does lot exist Time is now, not then nor 1ter. The play is centered around four haracters: Jack (Nicholas Pennell), Ian-y (James Blendick), Kathleen Ekubara Bryne), and Marjorie (pat Xioway). The secret of the their uorld is the crux of the play, and as it levelops they reveal mono and more lues as to where they really are. Yoward the play’s conclusion the iudience realizes the playa’ true ocation and simultaneously reach he inescapable conclusion: facades Iside, all levels of society play the ames games with thknseks and ehers to deaLwith reality. The four characters m* evenually,byatablewithtwochairsXhis uels their territorial instinct, and ecomes Stows obvious allegoric mechanism for the BriGsIt Empire. ~ereareonIysomanychairs-so nuchterritoxy - to go around. Thus, he four &arackr~ start with two

But Alfred, the man who wrecks their world, is insanely stoic: he is completely incapable of outward emotional display. Alfred is the play’s dynamo; nothing happens until he deconstructs the set, and nothing happens after. Thus, Storey paints humans as feeble creatures fatally tied to the blind impersonal force of uncontrollable, fated action. Stratford’s production points out that theatre did not ossify with Shakespeare’s dying words. Pennel, as Jack is well suited to such a verbal role. His speaking - acting - voice is unparalleled and he exerts a neurotic air which gives the play a razor sharp edg4. Blendick, as Harry, starts off shakey. The first act of the play demands that Blendick carry on a conversation and be jovial, but also, like Jack, be neurotic. Blendick wasn’t that convincing, but seemed much more comfortable in the second act when his character becomes unglued. He rose to the put here, and shunned the overacting of the first act

“Good God -- fiddleheads. Hundreds of them.” chairs, bring another, and then another. They dimax with four, and then a Hth character, Alkk anives.

Alfred is a lobotomized andhe,overthecoumeofhisnearspeechless vm,

wr&ler, takes


&airs one by one and the table too. Theotherfourare thus eventually left with nothing, and Harry closes the play as a pathetic mess whjrnpetig in the comer of the stage. Dialogue is the key to Home: it is basically an actionless play. The

players were blessed with an excellent script that blends trite cl&es with vapid conversation. The profundity of the script does not lie in the actual words, but in the way the characters discuss and avoid certain topics. Storey captures mankind at its

weights - thoie keep us sane.


games which

The‘Wod doa his bit for ag&jkanco relations

Le Festival InternatiOnale de Jazz , of the great chameleons

bJdMSW* Lmprint

of jazz, incor-

staff RdkZ

Now, I don’t know much about a@ but I know what I like Sound familiar? -_ Yet --- SW&ES&S-_--~-~x from a woefully undennImpri mt ha& begging his eader’s GiIling suspen&n of


Montrea ijazz

fans’as a patron



and meticulous, and redrained, r-




by saint.



thev m&t

to Jones’ flexibility - Jones helped define the forceful, passionate percussive style of the hard bop period, but still has the instincts to play with the subtlety and melodicis~ dimanded by much contemporary jazz.

sirThe focus, of course, was on Jon

d’ ’ fh,F t Thatwasalso,pe~,th disappointment of the evening. as we& hdktheny, for all his virtuosity, can- be_ almost heavy-handed in his * da. _ refectiveness and perkctionism; too dbn. thp b;lnd ----mid txmortun&~ -


Imind, much to audience: Methenv a----


framework tmhaps the b&?st p&e of the ;how ;vas that so little soloing for a members have d s&3 accbimd

aational de Jazz de MO



_ studied intrommtive -----l--.

60’s, where he PLyed alongside Jimmy Garrison and McCoy Tyner. Since that time, he has recorded a number of excellent albums with personnel and performed with his Jai Machine t L&&era, a solid sax-


did, though, it could be dow&illing.-Herbie Hancock one




----,, --_-_ -- -or e. Arguably the ;Pr+nf the rust ---thir+v GnzF&z

&he J&n




i.n i-lore _--~ as part of the classic &krane Qu&et of the mid-


motion, his solos sometim several -.minutes, but never intotedium. M4-d nf #IP _____ s&ctions ---_ of -the ~~~ s a-m-----hkened






Coltrane, be&kng with basic blues . themes &iFh th& flung off into

of free performances


and a pretty sensible al temative to 1. -I-- oneseu -----lb? z-r, rw-eivership d^-a pang spring lFor aU the lnru headlining shows t0 .



the Myth of .Rock mythology, the unrestrained excess and hatred typified by Gun&Racists or Skag Row would be exposed for their driven naked greed. Post-mode&m seeks to demystify and expose - popular music seeks to enshroud, veil and cloak its fascistic intentions.

consolidated k’s l%.lace Jury 9,199o

I”% is neither law r&@un, philusupy or farhiun and should never be represented as SUCIZ. T&is ti no mck ir ivlll band It is a democrati&j+arer:uted forum fur social and puiiticu1 tram$wmutin. IN EFFECT BROYXER~(~om Cunsulidated) Consolidated came, saw, questioned, introduced democracy into the modem fascistic entertai;unent form. They played a set They turned on the house ligfits. they accepted the audience’s questions and criticisms. Understand the fiction and fascism of the medium. Do not allow yourself to be shaped and molded by the propaganda.

by Paul IIon? Imprint staff

Consolidated hasn’t been shown un T?? CunsoWted is nut available in gum. Cunsutida~~ is nut even a cummercial product. Th& is nu rock’n ‘rull band It is a unique cn3tive vision of a small isoluted group uf individuals. A tmm, skilled and dedicated &arching fur the knowledge that will enable them to improve their lives and the lives of those around them..

61. The agent @he spwtude placed on stage as a star is the opposite of the individual the enemy of the individual in himself as well as in others. Passing into the sptxtaele as a mude! fur iden@Ication, the ugent renounces all autunumuus qualities in order to i&nt@y himself with the general law of ubedienee to the urder of things. lie cunsumptiun celebtity sz+x flcially reprtxnts di@?x?nt types ufpemunaiity and shuws each of thae types having equal access tu the tutu&y of cunsumptiun . . . The admirable pmple in whom the system pemn@es i&e/fare well known fur nut being what they are; they become great men by stooping beiuw the rwr& uf the smallart individual life, and qetyone knows it. - Guy Debord, Sbciq of the Spectacle. “Post-modernism * Dead1 ‘* “Deconstructionism has%umblec@ . The headlines scream and screk. The purge has been instigated, the media and entrenched academics pound away at the target - they tried to integrate and assimilate it into conventionaI scholarship but it wouldn’t behave. Now it’s hunted - hunted because only post-modem deconstmctive analysis has the power to strip away successive layers of lies from the society of deceptionin which we live.

Univemly Choir Presents

A Summer Evening of Choral Music Featuring ‘“This is not a rock’n’roli


It’s the self-destruction switch latent in every building block of our society - mass enlightenment is the catalyst to shatter the bricks and bring the societal structure crumbling down. In Beyund Culture, anthropologist Edward T. Hall defined a concept known as “action chairi$ a behaviourist approach which defines much of culture in terms of ritualized patterns. In our culture, the most powerful set of actions chains are the

bauhaus linearity, perform mimics rolling the plot

diagonal fashions of as the characters prinicipally in duets. The rhythmic verse the duet and builds an easy pace, i.mperceptib@ driving forward.

by Peter De& Imprint staff

‘The silence of thee fiightms

me. ” -




Louis XIV dominated the period of European history at the time Jean Rxine wrote Phaedru. His demand for classic regularity of form was a contrast to the passionate vision of the baroque in italy and Flanders. Racine, however, took the geometric and austere simplicity demanded to create a dramatic dynamism of space. A forbearer of neo-classicism, Racine removed the caustic austerity of the tragedy and gave it human pro-

I would kill my heroes, haven’t found any yet.

University of Waterloo

photo by Paul Done

Phaedra is tom by the news of her husband’s death. She is ill-served by her nurse, who suggests she pursue Hippolytus. FIippolytus admits love for Phaedra’s stepdaughter, Aricia’ ~ro~tik$klden from marxying by . Shirley Douglas, playing the nurse Oenone, renders her character as an Irish country mother. She pathetically attempts to serve her mistress. Her misplaced concern for Phaedra results first in Phaedra’s admission of her lust to Hippolytus. After Theseus’ miraculous return, Oenone claims to 1 the king that his son was behaving ’ incestually. Theseus turns his son out i of his house. Neptune is indebted to Theseus and has granted him a wish. Leon Pownall as Theyus howls in rage, demanding that Neptune bloody Hippolytus in death.

Bauhaus fashions of diagonal knearity


Canadiun Composers

acts of consumption. Modem music is no more or less than a set of commodity-defined gestures. Thus, post-modernism and popular music have never made comfortable bedfellows - since consumer -rock is no more than a set of formulized gestures of enforced conformity. Despite that fact, popular music defines itself as the font from whence d&&s and fantasy fl&v. Without this



So Yew








Admlrsion Ah available

passion can be reconciled and Racine’s baroque view is not so . annoyingly measured.

Presented bard,


IO Write

out’s, We’ll Rant und

11 Fugw; We’l

Who is ur my Widow, Lronud

Saturday, July 21, &Ml p.m. Theatre of the Arts Uniwrrity of Waterloo

A baroque Phaedra Phaedra Third Stage, Stratfor Festival Until August 18

Friday, J!~ly 13, 1990 13





Rwr; m; Weaver,



56.CKJ (5tudmk5cniw at the CCC

by Conrad Grebd Federation d Stwknts,

~4.00~ Musk


tdkp. Unimrity

TlcWs or from


al the dax. mrmkrs.

bpartment d Music of Waterloo





by Andy Koch Imprint staff The first thought that c&e to mind when I saw this record is: why are Bad Brains releasing another live album? [t’s only been a couple of years since they released one on SST. And being as this was recorded in - 1987 (in Amsterdam), that makes two live records based on only two full length studio albums. Whether they need the money or have a contractual obligation to fulfill, I don’t know. But, needless to say, the exercise seems a bit pointless, -

by Derek Weikf Imprint staff I’m having a hard time deciding x whether or not Steve Wynn has “sold All practicalities aside, this is still a more reggae this time-%%ind, includout” The former leader of LA.‘s damn good recprd. The recording i”g a rasta-medley of “Day Tripper” quality is every bit as sharp as the SST perennially unlucky underground 3nd “She’s a Rainbow.” The album stars The Dream Syndicate has just release and the material is even betcaptures Bad Brains at their prime. ter. issued his first solo LP, KmseneMan-. Currently the ban&s status And it is slick, slick, sI.ick. remains uncertain (vocalist H.R’s All the hardcore classics are belted The album has all the trappings of a latest reggae-soul effort is out ori ’ out with precision and furious abantraditional bid for success: numerous SST), but fans and newcome= alike the Movies,” “Coptic guest stars (including a regrettable don: “At an rest assured that there’s no shorduet with Concrete Blonde’s John&e Times,” “Rock for Light,” and “House ‘age of Bad Brains material to choose of Suffering.” There’s also a little &m. Napolitano); professional studio musicians (during a radio interview, I heard W@UI proudly proclaim that COU~~~~~~VALUABLE COUPON==the Kerosene Man band had some musicians in common with Starship); and a disturbingly radickiendly, over-produced sound. The 0nIy snag in this Iittle picture is the album’s label: Rhino Records,





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hardly the company one would prepare their sellout record for. ” The good news is that Wynn’s songwriting skills seem to have emerged unscathed. Songs like ‘Tears Won’t Help” and “Something to Remember Me By” are as good as anything the Dream Syndicate ever recorded; they’re just d@imt. Perhaps the biggest sqxise is “Carolyn,” a lovely, wonderful bit of down-home corn that will surely join RE.M.‘s “Rockville” in the ranks of Unlikely Country and Western Classics. Besides country, Wynn also flirts with jazz and blues on Kerosene Man, and for nostalgia’s sake, he tosses in a Syndicate throwback called “Younger.” For the most part, though, the LP is made up of mainstream (corporate?) light rock. The title track and many others wouldn’t sound a whit out of place on the mighty Q Whether or not that’s a good or bad thing is up to the reader to decide. Ill only go so far as to say I hate the mighty Q but I still like this alburk a helluvalot. .

1 I


by Andy Koch Imprint staff



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Why is ‘it that so many good independent groups go rapidly downhill as soon as they sign with a major record label? In some cases the label’s inputs of cash, facilities, and “advice” result in a change in the band’s sound. In other cases, the band’s best material may already be behind them by the time they reach the big leagues. In the case of Big Dipper’s debut on Epic (after a few indie releases), the mediocre material and lacklustre performance suggest the latter scenerio. After last yeafs excellent Crcsps LP, this just doesn’t cut the mustard. In general, this 13-sang release is like a p&a with no toppings: all the basic ingredients are there but there’s a real lack of flavour. The ingredients add up to simple, workmanlike guitar pop, with no fear of occlsionally rocking out or doing a softer number. All of this is very much in tact on Ham: ‘Blood F?x?’ is an enjoyably fastpaced outburst while “Father’s Day” is a pretty good “ballad”. However, the most interestkg track on the release may be the cover of Ian Hunter’s “All the Way from Memphis,” not because it’s that great, but rather because it sounds distinct compared to the rest of the songs. WhiIe it’s hard to find many outstanding moments on Slam, I have to admit that there’s aIs not much to hate. So, I guess this has all the requirements for good background music: pleasant sounds that rarely grab your attention either positively or negatively. The disappointing thing is that Big Dipper have proven themselves capable of-much more.



it would

be both



the vocals tend toward


the cloyingly




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Beyond that, it’s difficult to pigeonhole the sound of Ultra Vivid Scene. Stylistically, Ralske can segue effortlessly from lush synthpop not unlike New Order or the Beloved (“Guilty Pleasure’) and into a deadon imitation of Loaded-era Velvets (“Extra Ordinary”), barely stopping to catch his breath. by Derek Weller


Ultra Vivid Scene is yet another American band signed to Britain’s 4AD label. For their debut IP a year or two ago, the Scene was basically a one-man band made up of classically trained New Yorker Kurt Ralske. On the second album, Joy 1967-90, although Ultra Vivid Scene has now become a full-fledged band, there is still a strong impression that Ralske is running the show. Happily, onJoy, Ralske does all the right things: he’s artful without being artv. earnest without being Dreten-


Probably the great pop gem here is “Staring at the Su$ an unlikely choice with its atypical structure, but &at a guitar line! But there’s plenty more worth noticing. So I’m not going to waste my time and yours trying to breathe some life into yet another pointless record review (let’s face it, if you’ve already read this far, you probably already own the damn thing) when I’ve already said everything worth saying and I’ve stuffed this worthless piece with far too much padding already. I like Joy 1967-W a lot and if, in the unlikely event that that means a thing to you, go give it a listen.

Take Out


University Plaza II Highland Hills Mall

follow a tried and true formula (i.e., expression for a gamut’ of deep &man) and fail miserably. This is emotions sufficient nowadays? Listen the most boring movie’I’ve ever seen, dudes, it you have to go see this movie - and I’m sure you will L make and Lrd, I’ve seen a lot of bad movies, but 1 mean reaf/y, how much someone else pay for it. But enough;. does Warren expect us to tie? And I, . back to the record review. just Iztie the way the womel; are As I said before, the only good song on this whole entire album is either stereotypically good (Tess ‘Vogue,” the danceable, catchy, Truehart) or bad (Breathless Mahoney), but above all, helpless. upbeat tune that’s so hip and popular, even though it’s so easy to mix it up Okay, okay, they were trying to capwith %xprQs Yourself..” But please, ture the mood and feel of the 1930s depression era, but hey, I mean this is save yourself the heartbreak and by the 1990s and I’m just not gonna take the cassette single (cause it’s got a nifty picture of Madonna ,on the front it - where doa she get those groovy And another thing:- did Warren _ forget how to act? Or is one facial clothes?).

- =4?t

This sucks. “Why does it suc& State?” asks Pete. ‘You can’t just say it sucks without explaining why it sucks.” Let me elaborate, then. This latest effort from Madonna, coinciding with the release of the highly over-rated and imbecilic Dick Tracy, is ‘ye another reason why poti stars just 41 shouldn’t do soundtracks. Madonna,, for all her good looks and plummy voice, comes off as bland, insipid and strained. Soundtracks have a way of doing that to a performer. The song3 on this album (except for the only good one, “Vogue’? are “from and inspired by the film.” Of the ten-odd tunes, three are from the movie and the others are anything but inspired. They are all uniform and mundane. They all stick to a bluesy, jazzy 1930s sound with Madonna’s earthy drawl (she’s gotta stop stiging from the back of her throat, though} setting the mood for a gangster bustup. It doesn’t quite make it, though; the bored lounge crooner/sex siren/ hooligan attitude she’s trying to flog comes across as kitschy and stupid. The music is insincere and is a poor attempt to emulate the wonderful sound of the era. And now, I will rant about the movie. I really hat? movie9 *qt try to









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“InsubstantiaI,” and the glorious ‘Time Thief,” but becoming far more bitter than sweet, temporarily laying to rest the notion th+t sensitive, tuneful popstexs are necessariIy effete wimps. Ah, it’s a sad and beautiful world, a.lI right, with such momentary stays against confusion mitigating the heartbreak requisite to writing magnifkertt pop songs. Thecomforts of madness are multifoId, and they’re .all right here, ready to unfold before your world-weary ears.


ging into an easy formula already. ne cO~#urts of MaSn~ breathes a gathering gIoom that tratiends any formula with de&acy and savagery duking it out in every song and alluring hooks so perfect that you wonder why no one b ever used them charming


ness like only perfect three-minute pop singles can. The soul-baring con-

curale to accuse Pale Saints of plug-


by Stacey Lobin Imprint staff

13, 1990

for springers

nevertheless served as the catalyst for last year’s best new band, My Bloody Valentine, and a solid contender for the best new pop band of 1990, Pale saints. While the comparisons to JAMC andMy Bloody Valentinetiaptwith their obscuring- of summery, lightheaded melodicism in ?Ithick murk of brooding, feedback-drenched noise,



Of course, like just about any other U.K pop band you care to think of, polite, as if the boys are singing Jacques Brel songs to mum at tea time, but there’s always an underlying tension, a threat qf becoming unhinged, the vocals not so much sir@ng as aching and sighing through their woeful tales of betrayal, unrequited love, and sadder-than-thou sagas of heartbreak and self-debasement. AU rightr maybe that is a bit much, but “You Tear The World In Two,” “A Deep Sleep For Steven,” and “Sight Of you” &me close to breaking y&r heart w&h their glassy-eyed wistfulThe Jesus And Mary Chain have probably only done three worthwhile things over the course of their Uence: ‘You Trip Me Up” and “Never Understand,” their first two singles, and opening up a whole new subgenre of pop. But while JAMC, because of their boneself-important posturing headed arrogance, and appalling lack of any musical or songwriting ability, fded to materialize anyU&Ig other. than music to be dour and wear black to out of their initial vision, they




746-I 666






13, 1990

Over a year aftq~ the release of their 1 fabulous debut Lp 7?ke Feet High and Rising De La Soul finally get around to releasing two of the strongest tracks on one re-mix platter! We get three versions of each, “Eye Know” and “Buddy,” which for

Have you ever seen a sign saying “No Seeing Eye Dogs AlIowed”? A strange object indeed, benefitting neither the blind person nor the dog yet still exidng in this universe. nese ho dance wco& f&ll the

foundations of nightclubs all over the world“Broadcast Test” could be that son& exce ifs too boring. The I30 %I, d brothers, once united with the genius that is Fake, fare

the da&e clubs, laboriously complex

minutes of which her actual cont&bution if you stripped it ri&t down,

enforcing -their codes: smashing

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,, .>..?<h,


pretty skilar. fie so& has transformed into a dizzying House anthem by mixmasters Colin Hudd and __ Paul Borg. The vocals have


“know it all m&” of “Eye how” and the “native instrumental mix” of

( ’




of the recent


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BISHOP’S BENEDICTION Nation’s third-ranked Warrior


edged by Laurier

in city playoff rivalry vaulted UW to a number four ranking in the nation Not a bad way to start a new d-de. Jan. 12 vs Brock: Calgary Flames c_oach Terry Crisp (father of Tony) was on hand to watch Water100 score five consecutive goals to outmuscle the Badgers 6-3. With the score notched l-l, Dietrich opened the bage with two goals, and then assisted on a marker by M&L David and Crisp rounded out Waterloo’s offente. The Warriors then got sloppy ‘and stupid, allowing a Brock powerplay goaland a breakaway. Goodman was hit with a five-minute major for fighting. Jan. 14 at Lmrenh: It’s worth the drive to Sudbury! It’s worth a 7-l win and two points, that is. The Voyageurs struck early, but not often, as David scored two goals 29 seconds apart in the second period, both assisted by Girardi UW’s other goals during this onslaught came from Rod Thacker,


b$dkWBroWn and Andrew Kinross Imprint staff

Most fans of Waterloo’s hockey team must have thought onething at the end of the 198889 season, after yet another first-round Warrior loss, this time at the hands of York Would the Warriors rebound with another strong season and shake their playoff jinx? In 1989-90, this question was answered with an affirmative yes. All Don McKee’s players did was cornpile a 1741 record, enjoy a number three ranking in Canada, and make it to the OUAA West fmals before being ousted by eventual national finalists Laurier Golden Hawks. (The UUAA was realigned last year into two divisions, shifting Waterloo to the West. The OUAA East includes those in eastern Ontario and the Quebec university teams.) The team enjoyed individual success as well, with goalie Mike Bishop being selected as the CIAU’s outstanding player of the year, and Don McKee being named the CLAU’s coach of the year. Earlier this summer, Bishop was also given Canadian university hockey player of the year honours by The Huckey News. Exhibilion: Waterloo began the exhibition season the same way they ended the playoffs: with a loss to Laurier, getting bo~~+ei( lO-5. This diddt say much thou&h, since such pre-season matches tend to>be wide-

After collecting gold medals at the Oktoberfest and Western Tournaments, the Warriors began their climb up the national ranks with another championship at the Duracell Tourney photo by Andrew Kinross (above) earlry1 in the new year. the same team that they would beat in the first round of the playoffs. The -powerful line of team captain John Goodman, Crisp, and Jamie Maki provided all the scoring punch Waterloo would need with Goodman and Crisp popping in two goals apiece. Crisp scored his pair 82 seconds apart, one on the rebound of a Ken Buitenhuis slapshot from the. point, and the other from th& r$$l$t slot >tith Maki ruslning interference

first period. The second frame turned wilder with Corn9 &@mg Waterloo 20-14 wh$e@%h Ban& 5 j$y&&&ih

winner, and Goodman put in an empty-netter to complete uw’s scoring. Bishop and the &fence lapsed ,.+,for only 30 seconds late in the game, 1 but that was enough for U of T to I score two quick goals to make it

Sean Burton, Dietrich, Girardi, and Maki Jan. 20 at CmThe Warriors began their Montreal roadtrip on the right foot by beating the Stingers 5-3. Goodman notched two goals, and Maki, Dietrich, and Crisp added SbgkS.

Jan. 21 at McGill: The previously 6-52 Redmen took a strip off of the elite of the OUAA by beating Lawrier and UW iq the same weekend, Both offence and defence deserted the Waterloo team in its worst loss of the season, 6-l. Richard. provided the only UW goal. Amazingly, Waterloo floated to third in the nation, its %ighest ranking in 16 years, while


fell from sixth to eighth.

Crisp scored his 20th goal of the ,season late in the second period to put U-W up 4-1, ahd Bishop maintained the lead with a karate-kick save preseason was news that CIAU alla 1. star Bishop would return to backstop ’ ,_ the Warriors for a fourth year. Bishop, had tried out at the Chicago Black- ? hawks’ camp, but the NHL. team had ‘7..( been unwilling to make a commit< merit The Warriors soon bounced back to their winning ways when they hosted and won the Oktoberfest toumament, beating such OUAA Central Division nemeses as York, Guelph, and Toronto. Waterloo began by thrashing York 7-l and edging 1 Guelph 3-l in a penalty shootout. Then, UW struck gold with a 5-2 victory over the Blues in the championship game, keyed by a Tony Crisp hattrick and the tourney MVP goaltending of Bishop. Crisp, with eight points on the weekend, joined LAN blueliner Ian Pound and Bishop on the tournament’s allstar team. The next weekend, the Western Mustangs play4 toumam ent hosts and handed over the gold-plated hardware to the Warriors, who outclassed the preps to the tune of 5-l in the final. Waterloo beat Guelph 7-6 in another shootout in the first round game, in which backup goalie Jamey Sollman made a strong start for Waterlou. Speedy forward Crisp again led the UW offence, notching three goals and an assist in the two games and earning tournament MVP honours.

was predictably Warriors buried

at Ryerson:

as the 11-2,

The Good

ded the other ors

one-sided Laurentian


Warrior Ryerson

and the Warriors



Oct. 22 VB Windsor: The Warriors continued their success in their re@ar season opener at home, dominating the Windsor Lancers 7-2,

ed to be the


taken notice, and


on page






13, 1990

Warriors continued



David struck first in the midst of this scrappy play, and Crisp soon added another for his 22nd of the year. Gudph wouldn’t let up, though and soon tied the ewithapairof goalaItwas 3 %3inthethirdwhen Daly scord for UW, and the Gryphons lo& their cool, costing them a five minute major. Goodman scored on this man-advantage to give the53fmdJhegoodnewsw8sthat this win clinch4 second place in the OWAAWestandafirstroundbyein the pIayoffs l

kb. 11 vs RMC: Another rout ovef RhK, this time 9-2 This goalfest was led by Crisp, Girardi, and David. The h@light of the game was the two teams combining for five goals in one minute and 36 seconds. fib.

18 vs Western:

Uw ended the regular season with a bang as Good-

Feb. 22 at Windmrz The lancers came ihrough in their must-wi+itua3-2, despite W’s shooting edge sf 35-21. Waterloo’s Shaw struck early before Wir top scorer Don Mahon tied the game and Scott Johnson put Windsor ahead. Day notched it at 2-2, and so it remained until 6:55 of the third, when Brad Belland put the Iancep ahead for good. tion, edging the W&ors


leagues the basketball

Campus Ret by Susan Lehane



The summer is winding down, and consequently so is C-R. Summer leagues are entering finals and championship games, and schedules for these events are available now from the PAC receptionist. An important date to mark 6n your calendar is July l&h, at 4:45 pk in the gymnasium


man assisted on the tying goal and scored the winner in a 3-2 comeback victory over the Stangs Waterloo wasdown24Iinthethirdlxforescor ingthreegoalsinsevenln.@utesfor the win. Bishop stopped a parade of breakaways as the Wtior defence became more and more sloppy.

from page 17


will be

played. From 9:00 till approximately 11:OO pm the same day the hockey finalists will do battle at Columbia Icefields. All competitive teams are to pick up their refund vouchers from the PAC receptionist before August lOi?L C.RA.C (Campus Recreation Advisory Council), held its final recommendations meeting and BBQ on July 10. The public relations board, chaired by Linda Sandford, has been monitorine: the suggestion boxes in the PAC. ?hey hiie drafted some

U CO UTER I !L!!bav &-









for the nationals’ ber two line took

McKee’s lads of Windsor%

took a Girardi


ability at protecting a lead by pulling out the stops early. They outshot the Lancers 44-13 in this 5-1 win thahtied the series. Fifteen minutes in, Goodmandrewfirstbloodwithawristshot from the top of the circle. Lancer Mahon responded after a scramble in frontofBishoptotieitl-l,andGoodman got his second goal-early in the secondperiod.Dalyputitoutofreach in the third, and David and Payne added late marti

Mark Seguin. Late Girardi passed to


Top 5 list of stupid sports rules and recommendations

finals - A request was submitted for a set of scales in the weight room, however limited space does not warrant such a purchase. There are already scales in


their hot hand, with

1. Penalty kicks to decide World Soccer matches.

the change rooms for student use. - We are aware of the poor circula‘tion in the warm-up rwm but there is little that can be done at this time, aside from major renovations to the PAC. - There are presently two Suggestion Boxes in the PAC, one in the weight room and another by the Tote desk. If you have any suggestions or concerns please drop them in to one of the boies.

2. The American hitter rule. 3. The NFL rule.


League designated



the grasp

4. 162 games to decide four baseball pennants. 5. Ben “Roids” Johnson in track and field.

allowed back

Mon. - Thurs. : 950 am - 320 pm Fr iday : 1O:OOam - 320 pm

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MC2018 IO:00 a.m, to 3:30 p.m.


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Appropriately, Waterloo’s o”lY marker came on a power play from a ’ defenseman, Rod Thacker.



Hawks Marc Lyons scoring on a rebound only 4.7 seconds into g8me two. &at goals tirn Crisp and Thacker and another from Laker left the score at 2-2 after one period. UW seized the defensive momentum in the second, but could not convert this success into go&+. Laurier responded mightily to Waterloo’s pw, ffmringthree more goals, the last an empty-netter, forthefir&%2winThisgaveWLUa 2-l win in the series, and they went on to losein the CIAUcham~ons~p to the Moncton Aigles Bleus.

than any other game this seasow facing 37 shots to Rob Dopson’s 31.



in the

4 at


Mar. 1 at Lmrh Golden Hawk Dan Rintche tied thisgoaltender duelat l1 with 2:13 remaining in regulation time. The+ 2:05 into OT, WWs Carnet .McKechney took a piperfect pass from captain Peter Hellstrom and put the puck past a helpless Bishop to steal game one of the best-of-three. Bishop was busier


Math & Computer BIdg Room 2018 (519) 98846S



Gem-d whose wristshot deposit4 the puck upstabs. -Windsor scored again in the third+tUWputthegameoutof reach with two power play goals.

Ikb. 27 at Waterloo: Maki’s hat trick led the Wtiors to clinch the threegame series with an &-4 victory at the Icefield. The game began with goals for each team that should have been saved, from Maki and Belland. With the score tied 3-3 in the second, Maki pbt UW ahead for good by tucking in a Goodman rebound. Then the num-

recommendations and replies in response to the inquires: - Concern was expressed by a num-“ ber of PAC weight room users about equipment problems and repairs that need to be done. All maintenance suggestions were reported to the appropriate people and they will be repaired as soon as possible. - In response to requests for new equipment, a we,ight lifting platfoim will be in place ti September. As for the missing barbells, we believe that sumeone has walked off with them, so keep your eyes open for th&m in your f&nds’ b&em&ts!

over as Williams and backstop

pass from a f&off

it past Lancer








at discounted



UnivwsHy of Waterloo or WitM All products sold are consistent


staff and students of the Lsurier University


with UMfs computing direction

loans available to UW full-time stu*nts

for computer purchases







POR SAU ‘69 Grand Rix - candy-apple red with black top and black leather interior, great shape with no rust. $5,000. neg. Call after 6 - 746-2763.

ShareaHome- with me! Quiet& comfortable surroundings, $300/month plus l/3 of the utilities. Large house with all amenities plus used lot and fireplace. Only 15 min. walkfrom UW, a 5 min. bike ride. Call 746-4236.


1000 - 512K, 1080 color Monitor, correspondance quality printer. Asking $1,300. Call Mike at 884-9108.

Research Subjects Wanted - Subjects with colour vision problems and wishing to participate in a study investigating the naming of coloured cables under different types of lights. Please contact Paul Neumann, ext. 6768 Mon. - Fri. 9-12 a.m. Off ice of Human Research approved. Payment $lO.OO/hr.


Bluevale St. townhouse available Sept. 1st. 4 bedrooms, 3-car parking, finished basement, air-conditioning, laundry, yearly lease. Call 742-9792,

Cute, Cuddly - Baby Ferrets. Male and female, brown or albino. Makes great pets. $25.00. Call Rog At 746-0240. E3P 28s - calculator with manuals and leather carrying case. 885-O 109.

Accommodation available immediately to Sept. 1st in comfortable Westmount home. Please phone Jonathan or Carissa at 742-4 105. Toronto aparhnent - to share with UW graduate available September 1. Located directly at Oldmill subway. Rent $400.00 (negotiable) per month incl. Liz


J-em student wanted to rewrite chapters for possible book on education. Please call 886-6054. John Weekertd Counseilors & Relief Staff for developmentally challenged individuals. $8,75/hour. Every second weekend. Leave message for Don Mader. 7461007.

Uverweight people to lose up to 25 pounds/month and earn extra $$$. 100% natural, 100% guaranteed. Call toll-free l-4 16-550-0226. TYPIWO Expe&!nced YQpist will type anything. Reasonable rates. Fast efficient service. Westmount-Erb area. Cal I 886-7 153. 35 years experience; .95 d.s.p. typewritten; $1.25 d.s.p. Word Processor. Erb and Westmount area. Call 743-3342. Fast, prof+ssional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857. Word &ocessing. Fast, accurate, dependable* Letter quality. Competitive rates, same day service often available. Call Betty, 886-636 1.

work (416) 828-0102, 9528.

home (416) 234-

One roommate wanted - to share a house with recent Waterloo grad. $350. plus utilities. House furnished, provide own bedroom furniture. Pharmacy & Lawrence area (Scarborough). Call David (416) 288-22 15 days : call David or Auben (416) 2858746 nights. Please leave message if not available. Available Aug. lst, 1990.

Science Fiction

-Club is

SWORD - South Western Ontario Region Dojos. 2nd Annual Senior Kendo Tournament. Forest Heights Collegiate. Fisher-Hallman Ave. & Queen St., Kitchener at 500 p.m.. Hosted by University of Watertoo Kendo Club.

The Toronto Art Therapy In&it&! and the Institute for Arts and Human Development at the Lesley College Gaduate School in Cambridge Mass. have completed arrangements for a cooperative program of studies leading to a masters degree in the expressive arts therapies. Students and graduates of the Toronto Art Therapy Institute 2 year diploma program, are eligible to apply to the Lesley College Masters degree program in the Expressive Art Therapies where their graduate - level training at the Toronto Art Therapy Institute will be given credit as part of the Lesley Masters program. To complete their Masters degree, students spend two summers at Lesley College for 2 five week periods. If you would like to receive further information about this joint effort, please contact our office and astaff person wi Hbe pleased to talk to you. 216 St. Clair West Avenue, Tel.: 924-6221.

-,-Wa WPllZG - in conjunction with the Up Arts mmputer. Experience Camp, presents Toronto choreo poet Ahdri Zhina Mandiela. Ahdri explores social justice issues through her unique art form. Theatre of the Arts, UW, 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5., available at the Humanities box office. For details, call Colleen at WPIRG, 8849020.

Gaxy’s Movingresidential, smatl or large jobs, in town or out-of-town, students 15% off. Call 746-7160.


13, 1990




Wthshop - Poetry and prose reading then informal peer critique. Bring at least one copy, pencils and paper, All are welcome. Call Anne Dagg (x2368) or Peter Johnson (884-6217) for further info.

Summer Concert - at 8:00 p.m. at KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St., W., Waterloo. John 8 Cobie Mills, Guitars. ---Y,JullPl Ai& Commit&e of Cambridge, Kiichener, Waterloo and Area will hold information sessions for people wanting to volunteer with ACCKWA at St. Mary’s General Hospital, 10th floor at 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call 741-8300.

-,klllAm&89 In~tioaal - U of Waterloo group features speakers on Indonesia, focusing on life in a small village in Indonesia and on the current human rights situation. Meeting starts 7~30 p.m., speakers at 8 p.m. Campus Centre, room 135, U of Waterloo. Non-members welcome.


The pceticidc Action GroupWaterloo Branch, meets monthly on the third Thursday evening of each month at 8 p.m. For more information, call Dawn at 746-4905.

-,=Y17 K-W Area M.E. is a support group for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers, their family and friends. Meeting: from 79 p.m. at Lincoln Heights Missionary Church, corner of Lincoln Road and Bluevale Street. Information: 884-6092.

House @o&are with 2 others, Lawrence & Victoria Park. Non-smoker, $350. per month plus utilities. First & last required. Please call Auben at 285-8746. Toronto - North York /Avenue Rd. & Lawrence. Sept. 7 - Dec. 3 1st. Spacious, 2 bedroom apartment, clean, good area, hardwood floors, washer, dryer, garage, Furnished - optional. Excellent access to TTC - Downtown in 20 min. Ideal for. 2 students on work assignment in Toronto. Call (4 16) 488-4234.


running its tri-annual Dungeons & Dragons Tournament. For beginners or advanced, entry is $3.50 per person. We meetat 2:OO’p.m. in the Engineering Lecture Hall, room 201. We accept participants either individually or in teams of 6. For more info. call 7250395.




mrw= Aids C&t&e - of Cambridge, Kiichener, Waterloo and Area will hold information sessions for people wanting to volunteer with ACCKWA at St. Mary’s General Hospital 10th floor at 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call 741-8300. Ebytown w Cc&p holds an information session for prospective members al 7 p.m. in the store (280 Phillip St., the Waterloo Co-operative Residences, building A4, lower floor). Refreshments will be served. If wholesome food al reasonable prices is important to you, be sure to attend! RwrlrrkJr47 Bombskl~ prtio - (free) - Jimmy Avon I from 12 n0on to 4:oO p.m.

Great Mmic, Super Sound call Rhythm Rob’s Disc Jockey Services, collect (4 16) 546-5538. Member Canadian Disc Jockey Association. Very Reasonable Rates,

Fast, Pr&saional word processing, by experienced secretary. Letter quality print. Spell check. On-campus pickup & delivery. Call Sharon 656-3387.

$20.00 C&I- Students in first or second year between 18 and 25 years old are invited to participate in a Cardiovascular Reactivity study. NO EXERCISING REQUIRED! Call Barb or John at 8851211, ext, 6786.

A WaHtAd fh Like San&~It Delivers tbe Goods! I

R l






d Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 7:00 pm. at 163 University .Ave. W. (MSA), apt 32 1. Al I are welcome. For more information, cal I 884-57 12.

Waterloo) will be planning special and weekly events throughout the summer term. Everyone is welcome to join in. Watch this column for upcoming dates, and call 884-GLOW for currentinfo.

“Leaping Lesbians” on CKMS, 94.5 FM, Thursdays from 6-8 pm.


Bagels! The Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel pfesents a weekly Bagel Brunch every Thursday from II:30 am. to 1:30 pm. in the Campus Centre - Check with Turnkeys for the room number.

Discussion Group. Meets every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. at Global Community Centre in Waterloo. FASS Writers Meetings - those crazy writers are at it again, and they want YOU. Topi‘c and group vary weekly so that all Join the Warriors Band! Practice every women are welcome anytime. For more Help write the shows that millions have Thursday at 5:30 pm. in the PAC, room information ext. 3457 or 578-3456. 2012 (Blue North). New and old memwelcome. we can provide L~~uwIL’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible bers Study. CC 1 IO at 7~30 pm. All are instruments. welcome. For more information, call 8845712. The Student Christians Movement meets to discuss issues of injustice. The JAZZ Choir - The UW Jazz Choir meets F-writers Meetings - come be a part SCM is an ecumenical group that every Tuesday at IO:00 pm. in Siegfried of the crew who write that crazy yearly challenges people to live out their faith in Hall. New members are always welcome. show, Everyone welcome (we mean it). action. For more information call Sheri at For more information contact David Fi 7:30 p.m. MC5158. 741-0892 or Garth at 884-7 130. m sher at 884-6565. See you there! hninist

“Come and be a part of the Caribbean Students Association (CSA) every Tuesday at $30 pm. in CC 135. A number of interegfing events are scheduled for this Science Fiction fans:WATSFIC term. ‘See you there!” Waterloo Science Fiction Club is active Do

--. -. . -_ P Hour

of Debates meets in Physics 313

at 5:30



welcomed ecstatically. argue with us! NURY

. a





will be

Come out and


of the usual coffeehouses (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of

this summer. Meetings 6:30 p.m. Thursdaqs. New members welcome. For details of planned events see WATSFIC ’ board in clubs room (CC 138)



8:30 pm. Come

- meets in CC 135 at


and enjoy movie



ma - offera a safe, fu Ily screened introduction service to people interested in shared accommodation. Homeshare is a program sponsored by the Social Ptanning Council, Region of Waterloo, and the-Ministry of Housing, for details cal I 578-9894. The Said Justice Action G-meets regularly throughout the term to co‘ordinate educational events and civil disobedience actioris ranging from speakers and leafletting to blockades. Past actions have included the Dis ARMX campaign, NATO out of Nitassinan actions and on-going solidarity with the Innu, Christmas Anti-War Toys action, and a continual focus on non-violent

think you have a drinking




public held in the Health & Safety Building - Meeting Room (ask receptionist) on Fridays at 12:30 pm. or call 742-6183. tl .

Chinese Christian Fellowship meetings nights, educational evenings, dances, every Friday at 7:00 pm. at WLU sem road trips and casual discussions. For inary building, room 201. Contact Mike weekly events call 884-GLOW or listen to Liu & 747-4065 for rides.

I&&h & S&Q Dept. - will be open from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 D.m. Mondav to Friday during the months of May, June, July ani August.



can help. Weekly meetings open to the

Monday to Friday during the months of June. Juiy and August. To assist students seeking accommodation on weekends the office will be 0Den from 10:00 a.m. to 3:OO p.m. on Siturdays, June 23 to August 25,1990, inclusive. If the off ice is closed accommodation lists may be obtained from the Turnkey Desk or the Security Office-

Celebrate 3rd Ann4 4-W Arts Awards. Nominate artists whose work has made an impact on our cultural lives. Forms available at Centre in the Square box office, K-W Art Gallery, K-W Libraries, Waterloo Regional Arts Council Office. resistance to militarism. For details, catI Nominations accepted until Mon. Sept. 17 at the Waterloo Regional Arts 884-3465.


blem? Perhaps Alcoholics



’ Council Offiie.

needed for Spring Term to teach English as a second language or Bemedial English. Contact PaUl Beaffl, Dept. of English or send e-mail message on CMS to PDBEAM at WATDCS. U Waterloo each iisting your name, hours of contact and preferences in teaching






looking for mature, open minded women and men tovolunteer. Persons interested in counselling and public education in the areas of human sexuality, birth control and pregnancy. We are a pro-choice time. agency. For further information and to of&cunp~ Housing - which is located join call: 743-9360 or 743-6461 on the roof of the Village I Complex will daytimes. remain open from 8130 a.m. to 4130 p-m.,

23 l


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