I Friday, October 19,1990 -
Vol. 13 no. 14
The best shows Tuesdays
%aturday /
are free!
are- movie and pizza night at-Fed
BE GIANTS b Canadicln shows!
only two
November 23 at Fed Hall $5 advance
Tuesday O.ctober 23: * x8:30 IO:30
South African anti-aparthied
Born on the 4th of July Lord of the Flies
CLEGG Tuesday October 30:
9:oo 1LOO
Driving Miss Daisy Nuns on the Run
Saturday, Nov. 24 at Fed Ha $10 advance
Looking for something fun to do this New Year3 Eve?
Coming to the Bombshelter.. . the return of
How about a two-night party in Montreal .$99 plus tax (avoid the GST now!)
Something Free Mcrfinee!
Come and see your friendly Travel Commissioner as soon as possible, up at the Fed Office, Room 238.
Friday, Oct. 26 ...*.~*.......~-~~~~~~~~~.~~~.*...~............*~~... *** Look Eng A SW presents
3.I.:..a I,*_*< *..8’. .,.,.
Volunteering is:
Saturday, Oct. 27
for on/y
for upcoming trips to Daytona and Mexico.
BOMBS’HELTE’R Alternative
on Tuesdays
Computing, Advertising,
entre Room 150A MIA Campus Centre 885-121 I, ext. :xt. 2051 Tuesday and Id Thursday 9-12 noon
d 6 p.m,
tough with Admin.
byFklllDonc Imprintstaff
Whereas: The University of Waterloo unilaterally cancelled the ‘Mt.” news groups without consultation of the university community.
The Federation of Students and the Committee of Presidents have, in a forceful move, abandoned their position of mediation in the ongoing controversy over the removal of the “alt.* ” on-line news groups. After meetings with Johnny W0n.g the Assistant Provost (Computing and Information services) failed to produce any satisfactory explanation or action, a resolution was drafted which expresses discontent with the removal of the news groups and which demands their reinstatement.
Whereas: There has been no suff~cient and consistent explanation of this action. Whm: There currently exists no policy governing news groups and potentially offensive material through same. Be It Resolved That: The ---society/Federation of Students regrets the decision by the university to cancel the “alt.” news groups and insists on their immediate and complete restoration on campus.
Resolution demands
. ..of the 44 alt *”
reinstatement... MWS
It will be circulated to all the student societies for consideration and possible ratification. The resoIution reads as foIlows: n-
What’s the difference between Arts students and other undergraduates? At grad photo time, it’s an extra $5.00 fee.
me that it was a sitting fee,” said Kim Hoult, a third-year history student. ‘? asked the photographer and his secretary, and they both said that the fee is not go& to him (the photographer) ,” ASU president John Ciardullo assured Imprint that the purpose of
3 Many arts seniors are wondehg why the Arts Student Union is adding this booking charge when other faculties do not. The Math, Engineering and Science undergrad societies all told Imprint that they do not collect any fee to pay for the booking process. “The person who collected the fee when I signed up for grad photos told
b which were removed in Muy l
The Committee of Presidents is 2 body composed of the executive members of student societies. This action represents thf strongest action yet taken on the issue of the news groups which werr removed from the system in Apti, during the break between the Winter and Spring1990 terms, In July, Dr, Wong announced the reinstatemenl of two of the “alt” newsgroups, %lt.fractals” and “alt.security.” The reinstatement of these groups was requested by, respectively, a faculty member and a manager of an academic support department, Three other requests to reinstate selected “alt,” newsgroups were turned down, although Dr. Wong did not reveal the nature of these requests.
Photo by Peter Bran
Eating Awareness Week Oct. 22-28,199O
Artsies pay photo fee ImprintStaff
by Peter Brcwn
Be It Further Resolved That: A policy governing news groups and the use of computer resources should be
- . . .
drafted so that future cancellations additions or alterations are a result 01 policy and not arbitrary action.
the $5.00 fee was made clear to everyone. ‘There were some people in the (ASU) of&e taking money and booking people who must have misunderstood the fee. Once we realized this, we clarified to everyone that this was going toward the Ar& Student Union, not Jo&ens (the company taking the grad photos) or the photographer.”
On Wednesday, the ASU executive published a letter to all arts graduating students that further explained the fee. ‘The monies collected from the bookings are being used to help cover the booking process,” it said, “and to subsidize the Arts Grad Ball.” The fee had been cokc&d for the past three years with no problems so far, it said. The Letter also described a problem with a $15.00 composite fee that was charged to alI arts students, while only accounting students were sup
Lunch Hour Events at Campus Centre
posed to pay it. “Any non-accounting student who was charged this fee should contact Jostens directly for a fk4l refund,” it recommends.
A sitting fee is paid to the photographer for the photo session itself, in case the student decides not to order any prints.
The Jo&s photographer and Bev Gunnerson, in customer relationS at Jo&ens headquarters in Winnipeg, both told Imprint that the photographer was not getting the $5.00 per student, and that the kind of fees &arged for grad,photos varied according to the faculty the student is in. Each student society organizes grad photos for its faculty, and signs a contract with. the company, in this case Josttin’s, for the particular package of fees. For example, the ASU deal does not include-an explicit sitting fee, while e Engineering contract requires a YXKI $1 . sitting fee that goes to the pho&grapher. The Science faculty’s sitting fee ranges from $9.00 to $37.00. After the basic fees, students canask, and pay, for different options.
1150 - I:30 p.m.
1150 - 1230
“SUPElWMKET Great Hall Speaker: Topic:
Jay Thomson, Ph.D.,KinesioIogy Professor Physiology of Nutrition “Set Point” Theory .
Room 110 Speaker: Topic:
Margaret Notar, M.& M.S.W., Outpatient Psychiatry, K-W Hospital Food and Feelings
WEDNESDAY 11:30 - 1:oo
Great Hall Video: Speakers:
‘Still Killing us Softly” Theresa Casteels-Reis, Psychologist, Counselhg Services Gail Grant, R.N., Ph.D, Assistant Professor Sociology and Women’s Studies Body Images
Great Hall Speaker: Topic:
Mike Houxoq PbD., Kinesiolo~ Professor Fitness: That’s Our Gonl!
TH-URSDAY 11130- l:oo
4 Jmprint, Friday, LCktober 19, ‘1990
Western drafts news group policy 5. GeneralEquivalence of N?ws sexual material should have no difficulties inavoiding it. The same goes GrOUPS for groups like socxulture Jewish and Some of the news grout bear a soc.culture.arabic, where the conclear and direct relation to academic 1. why the Uniwrsity Should be research, for example sci* (scientific ‘tents of each group may be (politidy) offensive to members of Invulved in uknt8 and camp.* (computerI .. topics) the other group. Usenet, also known as ‘*the news,” related topics). Although for other As a rmulf, there will in general be is a whole new form of communicagroups this relation may not be so Akeypointofthenewpokyisthe no need to take any action qarding aremdd tion and formation of communities. immediately obvious, the principle fktthatuhewsgroy$ potentially offensive news groups. .hoMs that all human activity is a “general equivalence - this mean- Tradittionally, universities have been Should it Prove that a group con& a that groups which are not on the forefront of developments in worthwhile subject for academic tently contains offensive material vli&ly aad- l&e he u&,*” theSe aRW+. It h theRfOlF approPX’& interest white the iume of the group does not family, a noMel= acc~fded and worthwhileforthe University to Furthermore, as stated in s&ion 1, indicate this, then the committee will it is worthwhile for the University to m&t cqd b expmy aad& bei1~01~edin Usenet. considerifanyactionshouldbetaken be involved in all of Usenet groupsre&arding-PP Therefore, as a general rule, all A second major point is the dih 2. Computer User Committee Serves ar groups will be considered as equally hation h“omw” NeWS Cbmmifte appropriate for the University to The Computer Users Committee news gmupls and ‘harmful” news carry. Exceptions to this rule are (CUC) will serve as the committee @en in tie following sections. If it can be demons&&d beyond a which decides which news groups reasonable doubt that a certain news CCS will and which it will not carry. group consistently does direct and since the pzxxesa function of Thiscommitteewillbearthefullresdemonstrable harm to a Person or for the prse or USENET requires that a user ponsibility Thereisawidevarietyinthethings persons, than it should be considered eq&idy *l& a pp b&m they to which people take offense. What if action should be taken regard@ receive the materiaL Since all gr0uPs may be offensive to one person may that group. The same applies to a are supposed to have names which, be completely innocuo123 to another. news group whose contents are insomeway,explicidystatetheirconIt is therefore not Possible to make an obviously iI&@. tent, users can avoid material which exhaustive list of all that is offensive. An offensive news group as desthey might fmd offensive. Furthermore, it makes no sense that cribed in section 6, is not considered 3. CCS News Munugm something should not be available to tobeharmfulinthesenseofsection7. A CCS employee, the News one person because it offends someAn example of this kind of harm ‘3iannf;ul” news groups are ones Manager, is responsible for the dayone else. In addition to this, a univercould be incitement to violence which can “beyond a reasonable to-day implementation of the sity traditionally refrains from telling doubt” be demonstrated to be m de&ions made by the CUC regardagainst one or more identifiable perPeople what they can and cannot sons. ing “harm to a person or persons.” ing the News, as far as they concern read. These groups could the be subject to systems that are under management It is however reasonable that an review and action. by CCS. Specifically, News Manager effort be made that no one be inadThe full text of the policy is Printed is responsible for the implementation vertently exposed to something he or below. of the CUC’s Usenet Carqing Policy, she considers offensive. To gain If it comes to the attention of the onsystemsthat are managed by CCS. access to a Usenet news group, one News Manager that a sufficient numThis is a policy statement adopted by has to actively select it In doing so, ber of people consider postings made , the Computer Users Council 4. &ving&&-y one always has to read the name of by someone from LMO offensive, (cw Sections 5 through 9 of this docuthe group. These names give suffithen the News Manager will bring to clarifytheUsenetserviceprovided rnent describe the CUC’s carrying cient warning regarding the contents. this to the attention of the poster. The Computing Mci policy, which states the general prinbY For example, the news group with News Manager will also ask the ~oscommunications ciples that will be followed in making sexual contents is called alLsex, so tertorefrainfromsuchpostingsasa services. the decisions described in se&on 2. People who are easily offended by matter of common courtesy. If the In response
to the general
tionswhichhaverecentlybeenraised by UW’s removal of the “altw’ news groups, the University of Western *wf~ b m a f0& policy concerning their carry& policy.
poster does not compJy, nd further actionwillbetak~unlessthepos tings CM reasonably be considered libellous. In that case, the postings will be considered harmf& as desr cribed in section 9.
If it comes to the attention of the News M,anager that someone from UWOpos&uti&sofwhichitcanbe demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that they may do direct and demonstrable harm to a pexson or persons, then the News Manager will order the poster to refrain from such postings. If the poster does not comply, the News Manager will refer the matter to the CUC. The CUC will review the matter, and may decide to deny the poster future access to Usenet, if necessaxy by removing the roster% computer account(s). The same applies to articles that are obviously illegal. An oHensive posting as described in section 8 is not considered to be harmful in the sense of section 9, unless the posting cm reasonably be considered illegal-
The CUC will review all news groups that exist at the time of its establishment, and decide which ones to w and not to carry, basing these decisions on the policy described in section 4. 11. Lkri&~~ on N&v Navs Groups The CCS News Manager will inform the CUC of the arrival of each new news group. The CUC will then decide whether or not to carry the group, basing this decision on the policy &erred to in section 4.
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$8.00 Advance $12.00 Door Costume Prizes
other foods
- anti at great
Council Report .
ct.&u&d a new position of travel by Mmia Wob commissioner, which has been spxialtoImprint’ created within the Board of Entertain.ment (BEnt). With the official Federation of Students’ endorsement of The seventh meeting of the 199s :“.’ ?’ Saturday, Oct. 13 was NationalDay Student Travel Services, a group 91 Students’ Council was held at 4pm of Action for Abortion Rights in which amanges group excursions for last Sunday, October 14. On _ the Canada. Abut 12Owodeioined~ I agenda for that meeting were the CIIs- ’ students, the creation ‘of the travel national protest by demon&rating at c&unissioner will allow BEnt td take tomary executive reports from John Victoria Park in Kitchener. a more practical role #I helping VeIlinga (president), Kim Speers stuffents arrange trips. _. i , (vice-preside&; c5univemity aflairs), and Tess S&in& (vi* residerit, % , . ‘I ape~tbns and find,rice). & ere’wlere aIs0 September’ reports “tk9rn *e A dapper John ve&ne ,kp&d various l+de&&&” y&f ’ Stude& thii the Children’s’ -it Tti l3oard.s chairs arid a decision tti move (C3-l - a one-day, two per cent of the ratification of campus clubs ti revenues contribution from the CamStudents’ Council from the Commitpus Shop, the Campus Bookstore, tee of Preside&. ’ Scoops and the Record Store had The pro-choice march began at the raised at least $1000 for Unicef. He park and proceeded to. city halL then went on to project that the monSome of the key points of Kim Demonstrators from all facets of ies raised could reach almost $2000 in Speers’ report were as foLlowsi the society threw their support behind the final tally. Ongoing UW/WLU Joint Housing the pro-choice movement in protestino the fdpral Ml r-a.3 and demand-----_---__ Committee is running a survey in ---r.m YLL s*wvaIImprint(see elsewhere in this issue), ing local access to abortion services. and will also&e surveying first-year Bill C-43 states that women can only students in residence so as to be able have an abortion if the pregnancy is to better gauge their housing wants harmful to their physical, mental, or and desires. Further, they will be ciremotional well-being. If the abortion I culating a survey to student residents is perfomled without fkslling thii of monster homes. The responses to subjective criterion, then the women this survey wilI provide the raw data as well as their doctors face up to tviro for the Federation if they ever need to One major item which was moved years in prison. * take a formal position on the issue to Wnmnn man upon was the shifting of the responI .vllLrrL’ nIrL*r, us.b*c--c*. -----I City Council. sibility for approval of student clubs ded this peaceful march. They carried horn the Committee of Presidents (a placards and banners- stat@g such council composed of the presidents. declarations as ‘%ackstreet Abortions A future event of some sign&ance of faculty student associations) to Stop a Beating Heart, of a Woman” *dents’ Council. The process of which is in the works is a National and “Choice Now.” The organizers Unity Symposium which would see approval involves an examination of were pleased with the attendance of student representatives from UW, the proposed constitution of the, the march and would like to thank all McGill University, the Universite De applying club to ensure, among other those who lent their invaluable sup- + -x-A things, that it is nondiscriminatory. IMontreaL the University of Alberta To this end, a sample nonand Dalhousie University discussing discriminatory framework club conthe tioubled state of Canadian Unity. stitution is being drafted. The motion CBC has expressed interest in broadcasting the event, which will be held was passed by the Council. in late December or early January. During the report of Tess Sliwi&ci, The riejct meeting of S&den& vice-president (operations and MPm Staff Coudl is 4pm, October 28 in the Fed finance), reported that the proposed I Hall meeting room. club budgets had been passed and
bypaulD8me Imprint staff
.. TraStrirzg c-43
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Photo by Terry Gauchat
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“xprey Mxch
31 ‘WI
I b :
I 8 8 I I I I I I I I I
6 Imprint, Friday, October 19, 1990
R.I.D.E.? Wrong! Well, Oktoberfest ended just under a week and those of us who drive cars can breath a collective sigh of relief: the chances of meeting a drunk driver have been greatly reduced. And so have the chances of meeting some&ing even worse: the RI.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) check Drunk driving is highly irresponsible, with ago
potentially fatal agrees with that;
consequences. Everybody everybody ought to agree
. withthat.Butintheactofrightfullydamning drunk driving liberty.
we signed away our personal
The RLD.E check is a frontal assault on justice and totally subverts the spirit of common law. It is an attack on one of our most cherished ideals: safety from unwarranted search and seizure. The principals of common law hold that a Fn is innocent until proven guilty. Whether this is correct or not, or even moral, is not the question. The point is that we live in a s&&y that holds up this principLe as the crux of its legal system Why should we agree that what is valid in court is not valid on the roadside? The police require Search Warrants to search personal property; these are administered by the courts. The police require probable ause to stop a pedestrian; they need the same for stopping automobiles. In both cases, this probable cause can be debated in court, But the police just need orange and yellow vests with funky flashlights to stop, and possibly search, a car during a R1.D.E check And this is no longer debatable in court.
“Richard Straka: Unstuppable99
The argument that these spot checks save lives is its strongest suit. To argue against this is to step into the realm of co&ctGe, but no more t&n to say that they a&y save lives. Yet, people r&y also b6 cower&d into not drinking and driving because of their fear of being stopped That I cannot dispute. But the benefits of RLD.E checks do not outweigh its defects. And its biggest deficiency is precedent. Precedent to commit
tered. And precedent to set up random checks for insurance and drivers’ licenses. Seat belts are a good idea, as are licenses and even insurance (despite the companies that dole it out); and c&r& driving is &d. We already have laws dealing with them all; all I am saying is why step outside the law to enforce them? That is not just. Then again, I guess the innocent have nothing to fear. Seig Heil!
more outrages. Precedent to start seat ‘belt checks - which aw already being adminis-
John Hymers
Photo by Rich Nichol
Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief
Paul DonE Assistant ‘Editor ................... ..Stace y Lobin News Editor ............................ Peter Brown News Assistant ........................ Jenny CroA Features Editor .......................... Jon Hagey Science Editor ..................... ..Darc y Brewer Sports Editor Rich Nichol Sports Assistant ................... -Peter Dedes Arts Editor ............................ John Hymers Arts Assistant ........................ Sandy Atwal Photo Editor .................... **Joanne Sandrin Photo Assistant .................... Terry Gauchat ..........................
Student Farm The students
had their breakfast,
and then
together again. “Comrades,” said Snowinski, “it is half past six and we have a long day ahead of us. Today we begin mid-terms. But there is another matter that must be attended to first” The Feds now revealed that during the past term they had taught themselves to read from and write from an old spelling book which had belonged to Mr, Wright’s children and which had been thrown on the rubbish heap.
Napollinga sent for pots of red and gold and led the way down to the five-barred gate that gave onto University stre& Then Snowlinski took a brush between the two knuckles of-her trotter, painted out WATERLOO FARM from the top bar of the gate and in its place painted STUDENT FARM. This was to be the name of the farm from now onward. After this they went back to the farm buildings, where Snowinski and Napollinga .wnt for a ladder which they caused to be set against the end wall of the big barn. They explained that by
their studies of the past t&m the Feds had succeeded in reducing the principles of Studentism to Seven Co mmandments. These Seven Commandments would now be inscribed on
the wall; they would form an unalterable law by which all the students on Student Farm must live for ever after. With some difficulty (foritisnoteasyforaFedtobalanceherselfon a ladder) Snowinski climbed up and set to work, with Squeers a few rungs below her holding the paint-pot. The Commandments were written on the tarred wall in great gold letters that could IX read thirty
“Now, comrades,” said Snowlinski, throwing down the paintbrush, “to the construction site! Let us make it a point of honour to get the Student Life Building done more quickly than Wright and his men could do.” Be seeing you.
...................................................... Duff Vormittag
yards away.
They ran thus:
Board of Directors
President ................................. Trevor Blair Vice-President ..... ...................... Paul Done
1. whatever d&agrw with the Feds ti an enemp 2. Whatever agrees, or &ores the Fd, is a fiend ’ 3. No student shall gutstim the F&publicly @ce us personalIy, or come tu our meetings). 4. No student shall &r&se tinfidence in the Feds. 5. No student shall smoke. 6. No student shall WUITY about Fed managerial wmpe~cy, it is MBR Fedemtiun fault fur anything, it’s those evil, petty 07IYERS. 7. All students aw equal, but some are more eq’llal than uthers
Secretary-Treas. .................... Stacey Lobin Directors at Large.. ............ Joanne Sandrin ............................................ . ........ Dave Thomson Staff Liaison .......................... Derek Weiler
In His Image - Home and Family by Michael
H. Clifton
obey your parents
in the Lord.‘”
Ephes. 6:l One of the earliest recorded incidents in the life of Christ after his baptism and period in the wilderness, occurs at home. “There was a marriage at Cana,” writes John (2: 1). Evidently this involved Jesus’ family, since his mother was concerned with the duties of a host. Mary approached Jesus saying that the wine
for the party
had depleted.
He rep&d
with what seem controversially harsh words to our ears, “Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet. CC~C.” (John 24.)
Staff Production Mgr. ..... ..Lauri e Tigert-Dumas Production Asst. ............... Michal Quigley General Manager. ............ .Vivian Tambeau Business Assistant ......... .Federica Nazzani Advertising Manager ........ ..Arlen e Peddie Ad Assistant.. .................... Warren Stevens Proof Reader .......................... Phillip Chee
“The address Woman’ was so respectful that it might be, and was, addressed to the queenliest.” (in Talmage, Jesus The Christ, Deseret, 1979.) ‘To every son the Talmage expands, mother ought to be preeminently the woman of women; she is the one woman in the world to whom the son owes his earthly existence; . . . when in the last dread scenes . . . dying in agony upon the cross, Jesus looked down upon the weeping Mary, His mother, and commended her to the care of the beloved apostle John, with the words: Woman, behold thy son!’ Can it be thought that in this supreme moment, our Lord’s concern for the mother horn whom He was about to be separated by death was associated with any other emotion than that of honor, tenderness and love?” (i&j.) The second part of Jesus’ response is-tran-
whatever he tells you.” A more likely but interpretive translation reads, ‘Woman, what wilt thou have me to do for thee? that will I do; for mine hour the hour is not yet come.” (JST, John of his ministry 2:4.) Contextually read, it appears that Jesus was waiting on the right time to begin his ministry - a ministry which would not allow him the freedom to be concerned with every family need. At the marriage at Cana, the son could still say to his mother, “what would you have me do?” and be prepared to do it.
Imprint is the official student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, WaterIoo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter tyms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3Gl. Mail can also be sent via e-mail to imprint’watmath c .Waterloo.edu. Lmprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Subscription rates available upon request.
rrevor Blair, Gaby Bright, Lori Brown, Rike Burkhardt, Claudia Campana, Gordon Chiu, Michael Clifton, Cheryl Curren, Jennifer Epps, Bill Falshaw, Graham Forbes, MichelAnn Fraser, Bernard Kearney, Tammy Lee, Belinda L.i, Caia Miller, Ati Rosselet, Stefan Schmidt, Karin Schnarr, Tyler Shaw, Harq schnider, Kim Speers, Tammy Speers, Andrew Stephen, Jacqui Sustar, Dave Thomson, Chris Waters, Derek Weiler, Chris Williams, Monica Wolfson.
The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint, CC 140. Imprint is also accessible through e-mail at imprinpwatmath. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline for-submitting letters is 500 p.m. Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing. ing enough information about the Student Life Building. The Student L,ife Building has been an issue for over four years. Many articles have appeared in the Imprint, including, ironically, a third page headline news article on the recently completed feasibility study
Confused! To the editm, Re: John Krys’ letter of October 5, 1990 Campus escort service. We are confused. For all our lives, we have
been brought up to believe that hard work always pays off. All of us, either through summer an part-time jobs, have managed to finance our educations. We didn’t realize that by not taking advantage of OSAP, we were making ourselves ineligible for certain privileges available at UW. We noted the positions available for Campus Escorts in this paper. $9/hour seemed Iike good money for an easy, but important position. Then we read John Krys’ letter. Oh, we understand. Because we supported ourselves through our educational careers, we are now being discriminated against.. We were not aware that UW was not an equal opportunity qmployer and was able to decide that individuals in a certain financial situation should receive a job over someone else. We are alI in the process of going through the Graduate
process. UW has one
of the finest reputations in Canada, and it’s sad to think that it may be tarnished by the inap propriate actions of one-of our many student services. Why would any employer want to recruit for students at an institution where standard values are not in place? Another question that comes to mind is how are the banes of these escorts financed? Is it not throu& the Federation of Students, the University itself and in the long run, the government? Last time we checked, we had paid Fed fees, tuition and taxes. Oh, once again, we understand. Indirectly, we are in
part paying for these positions and also supporting OSAP loans and grants. But that doesn’t mean we should have an equal chance at the position. That would be fair. We have a suggestion for the Escort Selection committee. Don’t stop at just offering jobs to OSAP recipients. Have all applicants submit a record of their earnings for the past year. The people with the lowest earnings will receive positions. Have discounts on campus for OSAP recipients. Free draft at the Bomb and Fed I-ML Because if you’re going to disctiinate against people, you may as well go all out. It’s only fair. Heidi Buykes QA English Silvana Barbieri 4A English Chris TimbrelI 4B A~couMing Liz weir U-W Grad
When a Fed To the editor,
We cannot help but rebut J.Hagey’s statements in last week’s Imprint comment piece titled “A Quiz for the Feds.” This letter will answer Hagey’s questions, but the tone and content of his piece deserve some comment. Imprint has sent a reporter to every Federation Council meeting this year. Many of the questions posed by Hagey have been discussed at great length at these meetings. For a member of the editorial board of an organ&ation which specializes in communication (Imprint), Hagey has demonstrated poor internal communications ski&+. Further, responsible journalists
endeavour to provide answers and information to their readers. Hagey’s comment was merely confrontational and inflanimatory. Mr. Hagey has deeply insulted all three of us based on incomplete and incorrect information. Correct and complete information could have. been readily obtained from us or Dave Thomson, a member of his own staff. If Hagey Spent more energy providing objective, thought-provoking and informative articles, and l&s energy creating controversy and insulting the Federation
Executive, people might even begin to think of him as a responsible journalist. We would like to specifically address some of Hagey’s
lnfamation about Student L&e Buildin&: Mr. Hagey has criticized us for not provid-
in the same issue as bgey’s comment. the “yes” side of the referendum will be headed up by John VelIinga and Tess Sliwinski. Federation referendum policies
Several studies have been done over the years indicating that students are concerned about the lack of recreational and activity space. Waterloo has one of the most active student bodies in the country, yet has the lowest athletic space per student in Ontario. Go fig=, Jon. Other
and unjustified rambling camplaints: lf Hagey thinks that we are ignoring other issues because of the Student Life Building. he should think again. We have been busy on a plethora of other issues such as underfunding safety, the environment, housing and women’s issues. For your information, Jon, new Federation offices are not in the plan for the referendum and will never be f&nced with student fees. If you had taken the time to read the feasibiIity&dy report your own paper covered last issue, you would know that. Federation Hall: We are being blamed by Hagey for Fed Hall’s poor performance in 1989. Doesn’t Hagey think that the opening of the Twist, a 2000 person dance club in direct competition with Fed Hall would have an effect of sales and labour costs? Fed Hall has been in very good financial shape, and still is, despite its fmt loss in five years. Further, Fed HalI is a revenue generating service at the Federation whereas the Student Life Building will be a non-revenue generating facility offered to the students by both the Federation and the UW administration. For your relief Jon, measures are being taken to deal with intensified competition. The addition of casual bar stools, TV monitors, and the outdoor patio are alI designed to make Fed hall “feel” better on slow nights and provide an alternative use. Changes to the second floor are also being studied. As for you comments about your lack of confidence in our abilit)r to manage; if you have the courage to face us personally, let us know of your concetis and we will gladly-address them. Next time you write a comment, think of this: some people might actually take you seriously. Blindly tossing around insults based on incomplete and incorrect information is not only immature, it is irresponsible. Stoptrying to create controversy instead of understanding. Stop abusing your power as a journalist.
of it!
The grammer, the syntax - exception’s the norm. (Some titbits, just before I close, that strike me
It’s short for “His
tonight: Look up history of “presently”and
it quite backward, those goons. (A dictionaxr)r definition lurking nearby Suggests a suave young zouave is a heck of a WY.) AII that’s in the past - it makes no difference
until October 30 posal. Be assured campaign, a great sive information
will take place.
Just think
here Whereas
for example.
But then they pronounced
prohibit campaigning before the official start of the campaign. As a result, John and Tess have had to exercise great care and discretion
when talking about the prothat during the referendum deal of debate and an exten-
Zounds! %ke “zounds,”
some of the changes
ear. meaning
today hurt my I can grok
okay? But one thing I can’t stand is “have day.”
But though everything’s anarchy, try though it might, It all fits togather: the language is right.
KM shapim h&y
to avoid assassination
a nice
What do they mean when they use that word
“nice?” Do they
“precise?’ Survey says no! They’re
abusing the word While lots more are waiting their turn to be heard. Take “u&g” for starters; it means a male gay - while “gay” just means ‘%appf, or shoutd anyway. Take “omadhaun” next, one of my favourite words It’s Irish for “fool,” one with actions absurd. (One example more right now to break up the flow: A coffeequ&?ng hybrid is a jam dZh W.) Enough of that now or theyll have me
Open kttez,
to the editor,
The Federation of Students executive would like to apologize to anyone offended by this year’s student handbook. While the handbook was imaginative, hip and original, some of the “blacker” humour offended some, in particular many ethic groups, women and members of the Paintin Place Co-op Day Care. We believe it was not the intention of the editor or contributors to offend, but nevertheless this has happened and for that we apologize.
Further, we acknowledge the excellent work and valuable contribution to university life and consciousness provided by the Women’s Centre and the Co-op Day Care Cent-re and apologize for any slight, however
impeached. It’s time that
I got to the point of my speech. You can’t hold back change - King Canute once found that When trying to keep back the tide by fiat. But with care, we can guide it - this won’t take a lot: When using the language sometimes (give it thought). This English is wrong in its yocab and form
unintended. John Vellinga President Tess Sliwinski VP Operations Kim speers VP Univexwity
and Finance Affairs
Here We Go Again! \y
John Vellinga, President Tess Sliwhski, VP0F Kim Spas, VPUA
From bad to verse To the editor,
220 K.ING ST. N., WATERLOO A poem, eh? <j&j ; ., : : .;.:: :. : +,:.. r .,a
We’ve all been entertained
these last few
weeks by the likes of Iliana Pressman
and Jay
Shorten, both very good people who unfortunately have trouble with scansion. Let me throw my hat in the ring now with the poem below, then quietly follow hat and poem with towel.
Order RI
as a First Language
is awful!
The language
You actively have to try not to misspell. A four-letter combo takes eight different sounds
of your choice) and TWO cans of Coke@ and you pay only $8.951 (plus tax)
. topping
Not valid with any other English
19, 1990
by Peter Brown Imprint staff “Modem industrial society is at war with the planet,” according to the Toronto Disarmament Network and Greenpeace. These two groups are sponsoring “No Time to Waste,” a rally for the environment Sat., Oct. 20 (tomorrow) at Queen’s Park in Toronto. The rally is intended to demand action from the government on a number of environmental and social issues, including poisoning of lakes, global warming, nuclear energy, and military spending. Buses organized by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) will leave Saturday morning at 10:OO from in front of East Campus Hall. The cost is $10 return, and people are asked to meet there at 9:45. The bus will return in the afternoon after the rally.
One of the R’s
ACareer ThatCounts. Opportunity From controller to CEO, CGAs are multi-skilled professionals who fill key accounting and financi’ai positions.
Reward Only CGA offers a complete certification program that allows you to continue working full time while pursuing a professional accounting designation.
. El
by Dave Thomson
In addition to our unique modular program, CGA is the only professionalaccounting body that provides you with valuable hands-on computer use throughout your studies.
I-Iave you ever heard of a company called Wildhouse? Probably not, but
those in touch with environmental happenings should become familiar with the name fairly soon. Joldine Lee, a recent graduate of
The goal is to intercept Ihe paper before it is recycled, thereby getting more use out of the product before it eventually goes to the recycling stage. As well, there is no toxic solvent waste produced when the paper is de-inked. She believes that the business-size envelopes could replace the normal envelopes used by businesses to mail out cheques or be used as selfaddressed return envelopes included in ofier mail. Anyone who wants to participate in the environmental effort can get the envelopes 0n-carnpu.s at the Campus Shop in the Campus Centre, the UW Bookstore, and off-campus at the Provident Bookstore located at the Universitv Shops Plaza II next to Don Cheq’k a
Mobility Your CGA designation is transferable provinces.
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Infinity If you’re
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UW’s School of Architecture, has started up the business with the purpose of turning used photocopies into business-sized envelopes. She collects used photocopier paper that only has an image on one side to make the envelopes, folding them so that the white side is on the outside.
Grad House November 8, 1990 All proceeds for a worthy cause
for a career with infinite possibilities us today at 1-800-668-l 454.
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We Recycle
19, 199~2
.. ,,’ . L I :i i 1 I ._I ~ *,! ; .::_* “:I ci ;,;wi ‘:3;., ( ..I ._ i’ 2;!, !; ;ci 4sL.-i ‘3 c LrLtL;f L( Il’ri;Iit’irL.i’:> r;ld>
117 i~Clt~t’~~Ciil~
\vo~nen to eat impproyriately~ Marty physical wnlplimtions arise from bulimia and anorexia such as weakness, fatigue, bleeding, and gastric ulcers. Vitamin and iron deficiencies, and electrolyte abnormalities may even cause cardiac arrest. There is one major difference between the two disorders. The victims of bulimia is usually not underweight like anorexics; instead, they maintain their normal, or slightly above normal weight level. They are not afraid to eat, but they are afraid to gain weight. Therefore, they allow themselves the pleasure of eating in excessive amounts and then puqing the calories from their system by vomiting exercising and diuretic and laxative use. They are overcome with feelings of guilt, and know the dangers involved in their dangerous cycle. On the other hand, anorexia nervosa is characterized by the tremendous loss of appetite and fear of eating. This dread leads to erratic eat-mg habits that are not sufficient for proper health. Since eating disorders influence thousands of women, the Women’s
St. Jerome’s
news release
L One of South Africa’s foremost theologians, Father Albert Nolan, OP., will give the prestigious Devlin Lecture for 1990 at St. Jerome’s College on Friday, fkw. 9at 7:30pm in Siegfried Hall. Father Nolan’s speech, titled “Poor in Spirit,” will focus on the significance of the poor and oppressed for the spirituality of those of us living in regions where poverty and oppresion are not a way of life. “Fr. Nolan will try to interpret for Cardian Christians the often misunderstood biblical phrase pear in spirit,” remarks Centre Director Dr. Mary Malone. “Using some uniquely South African insights, he plans to build on the work of the famous liberation theologian Gustavio Gu tierrez.” Fr. Nolan holds a doctorate in theology and has lectured extensively in this field throughout South Africa and around the world, He has wide experience in university chaplaincy, having served as chaplain to Young Christian Students, an ecumenical organization of university and high school students. In this capacity, he worked in the black townships of South Africa, He was Provincial of the Dominican Order from 1976 to 1984 and is currently the Regent of Studies for his Order. He is the author of several articles and books, including Jesus Before Christiun iv ( 1976), Bibli-
cal Spiritwhy
(1980), To Nauish
Fuith (1986), and God in South A)Fica (1988).
and Rodney
Miller. Photo UW News
from the President’s
Fearless Friday has also been established during this week to encourage normal eating habits as an alternative to dieting and restrictive eating. The slogan “Don’t Worry . . . Eat Happy” reflects the goal of Fearless Friday, to promote eating without fear of weight gain or guilty feelings.
year, according to Family Circle’s Feb. I,1990 issue, while only 27 percent of these women need to lose weight because of health reasons. Inqeasingly, the pencil-thin body bage has become the unattainable goal for thousands of women. The portrayal of women in the media dic-
tates that thinness is necessq for love, happiness, and self-confid-ence.
The detection of bulimia is difficult since there is not a rapid loss of weight. Furthermore, bulimics and anorexics will try to hide their problems to the point of becoming unsociable and isolated. They will
It is crucial to tell women that their happiness must be based upon peir love for themselves regardless of physical appearance.
South African theologian DevlinLlechue
Fr. Nolan’s lecture is free of charge and open to the general public, and will be followed by a question period. Siegfried Hall is wheelchair accessible. The St. Jerome’s Centre for the Catholic Experience is jointly sponsored by the University of St. Jerome’s College, the School Sisters
at SJC
‘Recently, the Sigma Chi Chapter presented $200.00 (U.S.) to Ernie Lucy, UW Dean. of Students, to be used for some area of campus service. Rodney Miller of the local chapter is shown above presenting the money to Lucy with UW President Doug Wright looking on. This year, the monies were used to help offset the expenses of purchasing “La Story of My Life” literature
that 6s distributed during orientation in September. These were given out to the students to help make them aware of alcohol abuse. The local Sigma Chi Chapter received the Peterson Significani Chapter Award two years in a row ($100 each year} and decided to pass it on to the university. This award is presented to the Sigma Chi Chapters who have demonstrated excellence in Chapter operations, including the areas of finances, membership, and public relations.
Food drive total
The Food Bank of Waterloo Region is pleasedto anmunce that our final total for the Thanksgiving Food Drive is 197,411 pounds. We are quite pleased with this result and would like to thank the * generous citizens of Waterloo Region. Platitudes must also be extended to the media for your support and coverage
of Notre Dame, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton, and the Congregation of the Resurrection. Upcoming events at the Centre include the free public lecture, “Synod on the Formation of Priests: A Personal Reflection,” by Dr. Douglas Letson on Friday, Nov. 23 at 7:30 pm in Siegfried Hall.-
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Imprint, Friday, October 19, 1990
- To Your Health Guidelines
For Improving General Health
The last decade has witnessed an increased interest in the way we look at the food we eat. Canadians have , become more and more aware of the relationship between eating habits and good health. This increased public interest in nutrition has prompted scientists and public health officials to develop a’range of dietary recommendations which help to guide people into making proper food choices and thus prevent diseases which have been shown to be directIy or indirectly caused or aggravated by the kinds of foods we eat. A general summary of the recommendations are as follows:
1. Eat a variety
of foods daily
To achieve optimum health the body must be continually supplied with many different nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and unsaturated fat). It is impossible to get a full range of these nutrients unless the diet is composed of a large variety of items.
Reduce the consumption of saturated fati and ch&sterol It is recommended that we lower r intake of fat from 40% of our cal 2 *c* 2,
intake down to 30%. High consump tion of saturated or animal fats and of cholesterol has been associated with high blood cholesterol levels which, in bun, is associated with high incidence of heart disease. Try to eat foods which contain polyunsaturated fats (vegetables). Studies show that help to blood lower they cholesterol. 3. Reduce your intake of sodium Of all the recommendations this one is the hardest to adhere to. Much of the sodium we eat is hidden in processed’ foods or found naturally in certain fresh foods. You can, however, stop adding excess salt to foods when cooking or right before eating. When salt is used, use it in
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4. Inrrease you consumption of complex ahhydrates and fibre Fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of fibre and carbohydrates. Fibre, although it has no caloric value, provides bulk to the diet This bulk aids in the digestion, absorption and elimination of foods. Increasing the intake of complex carbohydrates may reduce fat intake and subsequently “decrease caloric intake.
5. Maintain
an ideal body weight
Excessive body weight has been shown to increase the risk of several chronic disorders - high blood pressure, diabetes, and increased blood cholesterol. The only way to achieve your ideal body weight is to reduce the amount of calories consumed daily and to ticrease your energy use.
The recommendations outlined above are not meant to suggest any drastic changes in a persons eating habits. Rather, they are aimed at highlighting those eating habits which may be gradually changed in order to diet and overall improve your health.
A green reflection by E’hUip Chee Imprintstaff Since the end of Not Another Green Wek has passed recently, I wish to make a few reflections on our society’s increased awareness of the environmental crisis. Increased awareness is well and good, and a laurel should be given out to the volunteers of WPIRG for raising But everyone’s consciousness. implementing the ideas resulting from this week into practical solutions will be the most difficult challenge that faces us. By now, each of us has heard about greenhouse warming pollution, deforestation, acidificaton of lakes, ozone depletion, extinction of wildlife and loss of biodiversity, and the high probability of increased cancer rates from exposure to synthetic chemicals and radiation. Everyone is aware of the danger these problems pose to human survival. Everyone
Zt is a matter of survival knows something must be done to correct this; Brun&and’s ‘Our Common Future” and Earth Day 1990 are two such efforts that have been used to rake this awareness level. ‘Today, everybody in their right mind is an environmentalist”aftel;listening to David Suzuki’s “It’s a Matter of Survival” on CBC Radio last summer.
Do we have what it takes to begin, solving the crisis? Do we know what the scope bf the problem is in order to chance upon the correct solution? Do we have the will to seize this opportunity to reverse the path we have been following for centuries? Judging by the increasing number of “green weeks,” conferences, environmental coverage in the popular media, and the creation of new-environmental science departments, it seems as if the problem is more acute than ever. In January of 1990, Carl Sagan, one of the world’s best-known science popularisers, and 31 other worldrenowned scientists and 370 wellknown spiritual leaders from 83 cou@ries signed a document called “Preserving and Cherishii the Earth: An Appeal for Joint Commitment in Science and Religion” The point of the document: ‘We understand that what is regarded as sacred is more likely to be treated with care and respect.” In other words, to solve the environmental crisis requires a radical change in public policies and individual behaviour that could be brought about by a renewed religious effort to work together with science and technology. The more cynical person may find this view naive, with the knowledge that religion has lost its influence on the typical, secuIar, pluralistic urban dweller. Also, those that are scientifically literate - a disappointing figure of just over 5%, varying with whatever survey you care to read know that technology cannot provide a magical cure. This isn’t to, say -that we have no hope. We just have to think more creatively and be willing to overcome
the fear of change. Yes, we need a new philosophy to guide us. Yes, we need to understand the ecological workings of natural systems and eliminate our blinding ignorance. Yes, science and religion will have to play a part in it. Once man realizes that he is dependent upon nature, he may realize that it will be nature that dictates
No magical
cure in sgght l
how to live and earn a living and what is the most suitable way of utilizing natural resources. He must throw away the arrogant notion of trying to control it. This is where the lack of a tangible philosophy is most glaring. It is not enough to just remember to use the blue box or to buy environmentally-friendly. It is imperative that each of us reflects and analyzes what aspects of the current ways of thinking need modifying, We could start at the university level and re-evaluate the endless information overkill that is generated by the superfluous need for specialization. One of the most importztnt tasks will be to increase the number of generalists capable of cross-discipline thinking. There is .a need to synthesize the current mountain of information and develop more effective SO~U~~OIIS. By all means, become aware; then begin the process of finding answers.
TiDs of the Week
Computer Tip #11 -
How can my prompt be changed to display subdirectories?
To change the current C> prompt to C:b and to display all subdirectories the PROMPT command must be used. To make sure this format comes up every time you turn on the machine this command can be placed in the AUTOEXECBAT file.
Example: X
Displays CWP51ESSAYS~ than C> which does not tell what directory you are in,
Computer Tip #12 -
How do I-know which function keys are which without memorizing them? e
To get a list of all the function keys press the following keystrokes.
Commands: I
The ‘Blue Bottle’, a device that qptures the old CFCs from refrigeration units so that the gas can be recycled. Escaped CFCs damage the ozone layer and contrjbute to the ‘greenhouse effect’. (Pit: Llnde-Union CarbIde)
Press <F3> Tess <F3> again.
This new column has been provided by Advanced CompuFing Solutions to help students with personal computers. Check every week for this column. For any other questions do not hesitate to calI (519) 746-3284. L’
Recycling by Faige Debergo Canadian Science News
Environmental consciousness and good economics have been brought together by a new technology called the “Blue Bottle,” which captures ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbans (CFCs) for recycling and works just as well on the expensive HFCs scheduled to replace them. Developed at Linde, a division of Union Carbide in Mississauga, the Blue Bottle uses a “molecular sieve” to capture the chemical as it passes through in a gas stream, such as the CFC gases used in commercial and domestic refrigerators, air conditioning systems and mobile air conditioners in cars and trucks. The “bottle” is a sealed, flask-like cylinder with valves at each end so gas can be piped through it to trap the CFCs. “While current CFCs are being used, we’ll be able to capture them for environmental purposes, and once the replacement of HFCs are introduced and used on a large scale it wiII really pay to recover and recycle those products,” says Constantine Karayannopoulos, Development Engineer for Linde’s Technology and Research Centre. The Blue Bottle technology was &covered while Linde was conducting other research on a substance ;allecl Silidalite. Silicalite, a porous substance that looks like bits of rice or large sand granules, turned outti be a trap for CFCs. For use in the Blue Botie, it is formed into pelIets. As a CFC molecuIe passes through he SilicaIite, it bypasses pores that =e too small and goes in md out of 3nes that are too big. ‘The molecuIe
CFC’s is just right,“Karayannopoulos ex plains. “It wilI enter into the pore ant then there are weak electromagnetic forces that attract the molecuie ant keep it inside.” Continued research is due, in p& to new regulations brought in by thg Ontario government that call for thy rapid phase-out of CFCs. Sharer Suter, Policy Advisor for CFCs for tht Ontario Ministry of the Environment says that technologies like the Blut Bottle will become very importani during the period after the manufac ture of CFCs is banned and before commercial and domestic appliances that use CFCs are obsolete, \ For people who are currently purchasing apptiances, like ref. rigerators that wilI last for a period 0: 10 or 15 years, service centres musi be equipped with the current CFC gas in order to support the products The new regulations won’t mean thai people will immediately have to bug new appliances, so “we see the use 01 recycled CFCs being very crucial tc mI that void,” Suter says. Linde has already invested mart than $300,000 in the Blue Bottle ant the Ministry of the Environment 2 contributing $86,000 for furthe] research. Phase one of the research it complete and plans are being made to commercialize the device. In laboratory tests, the Blue Bottlt can capture 100 per cent of the CFC ir the gas stream, says Karayan nopoulos. “Once out in the field tha will go to say 99.99 per cent. Also when we purge the Blue Bottle, wt can get back all of the CFC that wa! absorbed.” Karayannopoulos says that recycl ing current CFCs is not economica because that chemical will soon br obsolete, but “from our point of viev it is the right thing to do.“-
Write .*for Dispel the myth that engineers cadt write.
Everywhere and somewhere, . .
With .Gr,ingo Star(r) 1
Stun Fogei is a prufessor of EngIish at St. Jerome’s and has previously published The Post Modern University. 7&e 6xce+j?0m thepont page ~jbrn hisfarthcoming book Gringo Star; further excerpts are at the md of this feature. bY J* wey
UW’s notorious sans reticent English prof, without a Scottish accent, is preparing a text for which pleasure will abound. Stanley Fogel is in res media with his new book Gringo Star, a travelogue/commentary/personal revelation/rant tract which is as humourous as it is didactic. Subtitled ?he Jaded TMV&ZT, Fogel explores foreign soil with his own particular slants and special needs. It is pre(tent}iously divided into two sections; “Everywhere” and “Somewhere.” Their chapter titles are as revealing as they are vague: Hair pt’ece;
l%e Me’w
Woman; Israali~besques. etc. . . The first section deals with general feelings about travel and the second with specific places; Israel, Kenya, Flori&the Marshall Islands. Eogel compiled his musings on his recent sabbaticd to the south of France from past experiences grid past atticks writ&n on travel. Already he ‘is being heraIded as Canada’s gonzo joet by those in the biz, down there in the sludge with Hunter S. and I? J. ORourke. Stan wants to get away from dry academic based books. ‘You feel constrained by having to produce stuff that needs thatdollop of intellectual sanction.” About the comparison ‘1 think it’s great, itI sell lots of boQks.” In fact, to push the text, Vogel has gotten himself a b&tide Hollywood agent with hopes to make miIlions. “I want Gringo Star I T-shirts, G&o Star dolls, I’m not loom to
yea, sure its Lacanian, but can it boogie in a boa?
a. _. a.. rnoto Dy J. nagey
I was hustled into a dressing room, given a splash of make-up and a splashy fur boa and then sent onto a dance floor ringed by the evening’s paid performers curious to have a peek at me, To music I don’t remember I began to dance, leading my boa in various pirouettes. At intervals, choreographing by panic and improvisation, I recruited the closest dancers to remove various articles c$ clothing. First my belt went, ruthlessly taken by a blonde oblivious to the belt’s raised notches. Having barely staved off dismemberment I then offered my boots and socks to a twosome that overcame the logistics of cow-
dance, a babbler of the body, not inclined to tell her dreams, but rather to weave herself lengthily into mine and yours. Recruited to’launch her on her professional way (my maturity and esteemed status in the community, she thought, would augment her energy). I negotiated with the proprietor of a bar I frequented to provide Isadorra (another ‘r” was added to uncontaminate Isadora) a place for her debut. Reluctantly, the owner, whose emporium offered “exotic dancers,” albeit through less haphazard agents, agreed to allow Isadora to perform, emphasizing that a floor show was essential to her act. No problem, I thought: floor show, caberet-type costumes, routines a choreographed display of nipples, drum rolls for the discarding of gstring.Leannecouldhandlethiswitheaseand elan In attendance with me for her debut were selected academic colleagues (bkck tie, invitation only; it was after a& a coming out partyofsorts),andthecofkebreakguysfrom the post-office across the street as well as the tire-making factory down the street. I, of mme, was the one there with the strongest senseofhistorybeingmade.LeanneresurrectedIsadora.Withthelonglithethkhsofa dancer she held. hewlf ahe the throng as heIF@ her thoq&Qqt w * problem. ’ 1’ l%idth@ $rUh~~,o~~~aqd.~pon&ri.ng~~bI~~asart~~vitingly 0fkringasmibgenofbaIletwifhbawcliness,I was accc&eci by the owner, now livid, who screamedth&thepromisedfIoorshowhadn’t been forthcoming and that the regulars (n?ne of my colleagues, of course, who were all of a sudden anthropologists) were outraged. Pavlov, it seems, regdates strip joints and the least deviation causes a shortcoming in this 0 moderate deviancy. I sat puzzled while I got a blunt lexical lesson: floor show meant the dancer by on the floor a& *owed as much of her crotch as she could The only prop re*d was a throw rug. I relayed this to Ikanne who, not discombobulated in theleast4 sent me out to buy her the aforesaid rug (a pink job from a ?ive-&id&me” a few blocks away) while she regaled my researching collwtiwith anecdotes from the arcana d the stripper’s change room. Her next show she was. a blazing star and she was on her . .,_ _. : I IL way,.. *
boy boors...
sell two$housand academic texts. I want to make more money selling fiction than Eric McCormack!” When he gets the call from HolIywood, olc Stan will be gone, “Just send your essays to Stan Fogel, USA,’ it’ll tid me sometime.” Of the motivations for the work, besides big bucks, Fogel wants to resist the extreme formalization of travel books. “Travelogues are the most stylized of-writings, geographically based and removed by their pretty, yet harmless pictures, the ilk of which Nutionuf
;is comprised.
are as
stale stylistically as obituaries.” Why not try those next, Stan? * Now, for those of you who can’t wait, some more excerpts from Gn’plgo Stur:
(fivm chapter. 4, The he-operah’ve Woman 3
.A beautiful woman stripped artfull; to Y&&in in the Rain” until she and her umbrella were alone on stage. Other motifs
fitted other women. Between sets a black man in a loincloth, parodying a primitive - he spoke English, French and German fluently and had not been out of Austria in fifteen years - lifted large tables with his teeth and swung them around his head without holding on to them with his hands. Unlike the women who cadged drinks between sets, he joined us at our table to chat, providing us the opening for our tourist’s mantra: name, citizenship, vocation. One of our party whimsically said “stripper” to his curious@ about my way of making my way in the world. He whimsically replied, “you’re on,” adding only that I had to wait until an Austrian digriitary left the covert _ perch he occupied a few tables away, his hands and those of a dancer having disap peared from view some minutes ago. Before I had time, say, to read a paragraph of one of Freud’s celebrated cases, his super ego had caused hands to reappear and the dignitary was out the door.
Having fostered the best and the . l 4 brightest in my august role as university professor, I appeared one Valentine’s Day at the student pub as (caricature and allusion, both at once) the “professor of dgir&‘.only to find myself embodying both dimen$ons of’d,esiy desired by and desiring ~QEI. Duncan, or rather the dance student paying h-e. to her. Paying homage to her, learme-asIsadora, I foundout that her forte was not to write student essays with such titles as ‘The Roots of Southern Ontario Folkdancing 1920-30” or even dance “en pointe,’ but to strip. She was an exhibitionist, Leanne was, who preferred an audience for just about all her nude or semi-nude endeavours. Leanne was actually quite contradictory in her behavior and style: shy and solitary most of the time, she transformed herself into an extrovert when dancing. On a dance floor or on a stage her mouth widened into friendship and even allure, her hips broadened
their cir-
cle, and her poise elongated her neck and legs as well as pushed her breasts out as it pushed her shoulders back Mundane was she in her make-up only without make-up. She dressed drably and ordinarily in “street clothes”; in costume she was flamboyant and dazzl&, even outrageous at times. Soft-spoken, not given to talking much at all when not preforming on stage she was a demagogue of
Features Contest
Guess where Stan wears (t)his tattoo! Be imaginative, most creative will win a BIG Top five published
answers will next issue.
Imprint, Friday, October -1.9;-1990 13.
by Cheryl
Curran Issues Board Commissioner
“He thought that she wanted to have sex and that she really didn ‘r mean NO.” “She did& warz~ to be more qseriive with him. ” The month of October has been design&d SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH. In this feature, we will deal with the subject of acquaintance rape. We hope the students realize the seriousness of acquaintance rape, and that it is a problem which will only disappear throu& the education of ourselves and of society. Acquaintance rape, more commonly known as daterape, is forced, manipulated or coerced sexual activity by a person known to the victim. It is an act of violence, aggression, and power - not a sexual activity. A woman is forced to have sex through verbal coercion, threats, physical restraint and/or physical violence. Her protests are ignored by her Qahhape is a fxighhkngreality at u&Wsity and college; it has become the kg&t
social and safety problem on campuses across Nq#jt America. Statist&s reveal that dne in ei&fmalesinuni*willbe&te*; and one in four w? experience at&@ date rape by the time their university careers end. ,: , _The incidents of d@e rape on -pus&&k ‘tentimeshigherthkkkthosereportedin~er official crime statistics. However, because women will often not report an acquaintance .m, the true scope of the problem is dif@ult to cletermine~ An estimated 60 per cent of all rapes are acquaintance rapes.
MYTH: Agreeing to kiss, neck or pet means a women has agreed to have intercourse with a man FACT: Everyone has the Iight to say no to sex- ’ uai intercourse, no matter what ha< preceded it. Another area in which we must work harder to alter views on acquaintance rape is the criminal courts. The interpretation of the law is left up to the courts, which are generally
peopled by conservative, male lawyers and judges. In the eyes of the law, acquaintance rape is not a serious offence. Often, any sexual assault is considered a minor offence. For instance, a police chief did not publicize the occurrenc& of rapes in his community because he believed real estate sales would drop, a poor image of the area would develop, citizens would be afraid to go out on the streets, and the publicity would attract other Another case is that of Jane Doe vs. The Toronto Police Force. The Toronto Police were aware of a rapist who was known as the ‘Balcony Rapist,” but refused to tell the public about the man fdi: f&r it would make .it more tq apprehend him Jane Doe is suing the Toron@ P&e, claiming th I used women as bait t0 catch the Balcony xl pi& These pathetic, harmful remarks and attitudes w hard to abolished the existing laws ti Q#&tda do not serv@b a deterrent tu ‘Q, men. The laws should aim tostop rape and all violence against women Society must realize the seriousness of xquaidrwe rape & al&@+ it entails. *The p6ychbQgical effects’ ca&& devastating&d can last for a considerable time, Nobody wants to be raped; nobody “asks” to be raped. If you carry y:m wallet, are you I asking to be robbed? No. ; There is no single solution to preventing
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Photo by Joanne &n&in acquaintance rape. Men and women need to beawarethatitcanhappenandbeedu&ed on ways to help avoid acquaintance rape.
Threeuuartersofakktimsarebetken the ages oi 15 and 21, with an average age of 18. University fresh, therefore, are the most vulnerable group. Many fresh are, for the tit time, experiencing sexual fkeedom and are inexperienced in dealing with sexual expectations from others. The Women’s Issues Baud has developed a sexual assault seminar for UW frosh and will present it to residents of Village Two during the month of October. There is no such thing as a typical date rapist, so women should be cautious at all times. One trait is common, however; date rapists do not use weapons Instead, they use just enough force to gain compliance froti the victim. Precautions, like the ones listed here, are us&& however, they do not necessarily guarantee the prevention of date rape. Any attempt at eradicating date rape would @ely involve abolismg the u.nd&ying myths about sexuality, rape, and relationships. Common myths include the foliowing:
TIPS FOK WOMEN 1) BE ASS-. Remember,you dways have the right to say “NO” even if you have said yes previously1 and men if you’ve had sexual relations before. You have the right to set your own limits. 2) TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. When you sense danger, or if you feel uncomfortable, leave. If you feel you are being pressured into unwanted sex, you probably are. 3) Take a self defence course. money for 4) Always carry transportation. 5) Avoid getting drink or high, especially ’ on first dates. 6) Find out about your date before ym go
MYTHz Women often mean yes FACT= No means NO.
say no when
to report an acquaintance rape and need help, call the Women’s Issues Eklarcl x6305. 7)
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the MI
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MYTH: A person who has had several sexual partners cannot be a victim of rape. FACT: Whether or not the victim gives consent determines whether or not a rape has occurred.
FACT: A partner may be the stimulus, but it is the brain that turns us on and off. No one is under any obligation to relieve a partner’s sexual tension.
3) Don’t exp& “payment” at the end of a daa in the form of sexual favours, or anything . 4) Refuse to accept traditional sex role stereotypes which view men as aggressors and women as victims. 5) Realize that forced/coerced sex is rape, even if the woman is a friend or lover.
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MYTH: A woman is responsible for a man’s sexual excitement, especially if she has turned
they 1) Clearly express in a direct manner what you expect out of your relationship, and tell her well in advance what you want, not just a few minutes before anything happens. Also, FIND OUT WHAT HER EXPECTATIONS ARE!! 2) Realize that if she says “NC)” she means “NO.” Don’t read other meanings into her
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siblefor Word, Excel and‘windows. The peoplebringing incredibly us&l software to desktopsaroundthe world. The company headedby Bill Gates. Now we’re focusing on you. We’ll be here soonin s-h of the sharpestandmost talentedstudentsto join us. We’re working on everything from advancedoperating environments to sophisticatedand integratedapplica&ons.Not to mention hot new technologylike RISC-basedcom-
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Mlakingit all make sensem
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16 Imprint, Friday, October 19, 1990
Arts/Film No, not Valhala
It must be Avalon ,
Barry -on’s latest fYm is a complete surprise. From the very first scene, Avabn @ves you a sensual and emotional rush. lf truth is beauty, perhaps that explains why thii film is so gorgeous. L,evinson wrote the autobiographical script, and he has returned to some of the subjects he wrote about in L&Y and Kn Men; Baltimore, the past, and pitchmen. The dialogue has the same vertiginously real patter, the same exhilirating spotlight on little things. But nothing L,evi.nson has done before, least of all his recent, commercial, directotil efforts, Ruin Mm and Go& A4cming Ketn~~m, will prepare you for this lyrical, epic poem. kvinson has put his finger dead centre on what others have fumbled toward in the dark He uses peculiarly European rhythms, - long takes and long shots, dreamy photography, tihbacks in unpredictable order, shifting point-of-view, and an episodic struchrre .- to create a particularly American work, an expose on the American Dream and the American Melting Pot. Avuh avoids the over-the-top sentimentality of Cinema Fbadim, and while waltzing through the time periods, it does not obsess over pop culture sign-posts, like a lot of moviei do. (BLx~ M the Futire, for instance, would have us believe that the most important changes that have occurred and will occur in decades revolve around consumer goods.) Levinson manages to isolate the most telling moments in each of the characters’ lives, the mkmories that stay in their souls, and he shows how fundamental attitudes and beliefs change through the generations. Sam Krichinsky provides the voice-over in the first few minutes of the film. Sam is a Russian Jew who came to Am&a in 1915 to be with his brothers. He happened to arrive on the Fourth of July. This is his big story, but other family members have heard it so many times they get bored with it. Sam’s immigrant wife, Eva, sits with him at the head of the Thanksgiving table and pond&s aloud (as she has obviously pondered before) how fhis strange holiday or$@ated and what the purpose of it is. Then the point-of-view ..shifts to Sam and Eva’s son, Jules, and his wife Arm. We witness Jules’ attempts to go into business with his cousin Izzy, during the advent of television, and AM’S frustration at the lack of privacy in her in-l&s’ home. Eventually, Ann and Jules’son Michael becomes the focus, as we watch the charms and tribulations of growing up in the forties.
Stay dry all day. These changes in point-of-view do not take place in sequence, but skip around, back and forth. The protagonist in the film seems to be time itself, which is free-flowing the story spans about 70 years, but it never stops to identify specifically what year anythtig is. America in its t&ens is shot at a different speed, as if it were an old movie, or a display of wind-up toys in a Christmas store window. Meanwhile, the white-bread suburbia of the fifties is coldly empty. What Levinson does, and it’s brilliin& is to create a sense of the past so strong that it permeates the present tense throughout the film. You can feel the family tree in the very bones of its youngest member, and so when the full weight of what has transpired hits YOU - the huge boisterous family of the Thanksgiving opener has turned into a nuclear family watching T-V- it’s devastating. Sam says: “If I’d known things would no Ionger be, I would have tried to remember better.” But who could have predicted so much change? Armin Mueller-Stahl handles the bittersweetness of Sam’s situation charmingly, touchingly. You adore him as fiercely as his grandson does. British actress Joan Plowright brings many dimensions to the querulous Eva, and Aidan Quinn and Eliibeth Perkins as Jules and Ann finally get to show their stuff in wonderful parts Meanwwe, (Perkins espe&lly]. some of the most honest, affecting scenes come from the child actor, Elijah Wood, as Michael. Levinson, like Martin Scorsese, Robert Altman, and a few other directors, often allows his cast to improvise; obviously the resulting freedom has been very beneficial to the end product. Allen Daviau’s sumptuous cinematography is itself an emotional experience. The tricky jobs of editing all the time periods together and
designing their look went, respectively, to Stu L,inder (a frequent collaborator with Levinson) and Norman Reynolds. The musical score was supervised by Allan Mason and costumes were arranged by Gloria Gresham. Not everything about Avah works perfectly. Some jokey scenes go on way too long - you start to fear the movie has been pre-empted by a Saturday Night Live sketch. The extension of the Hm’stimespan at the end is a bit much, or perhaps the prc+ blem is in not enough attention having paid to it; this til scene is very bland and anti-climactic. Levinson apparently never re-writes and uses almost all the footage he shoots; unfortunately, sometimes it shows. Nonetheless, so much is right with this picture that it seems unjust to quibble. The special bearing that the story has for the ethnic’ populations of America (and Canada) struggling against assimilation adds to its depth; when Jules and Izzy Qichhsky Anglicize their names to Kaye and Kirk, it is the begmning of the end. As Canadians, we are especially worried about corporations like McDonald’s colonizii of the globe/ about the tiaterialism and homogeneity that seem to be the United States’ chief exports. L&nson has created a cautionary fable of gigantic proportions, even though at this stage it is more fablesque than cautionary. Iike the courts of King Arthur and faerie moharch Oberon in the legendary Avalon, much of what -is depicted in this film has already vanished. It is almost as if L.evinson himself has takeq on the role of Sam, preserver of the past, guardian of the Grail. Avah explores the immortality of memory, and the danger that we will each become pitifully mortal if our tale is forgotten.
Hey Skipper, it’s your little
Hey Sailor, my captain has left me lQM?l)L I’m bokitig for stormy lovin’ that will rock my Minnow. Call me for action that will leave you’ Thurston and HowelLing for
Twin profits The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Luuru Pihler As seen by Jennifer Lynch Simon & Schuster Inc., 184 pages,
Here is a book for all of the David Lynch mob who cannot survive on one mere hour of Twin Peaks a week. In this diary you can follow and plot the development of Laura Palmer’s thoughts and dreams. In fact you discover how Laura Palmer, the innocent twelve year old, grows up to be the deceased Prom Queen from Hell. It all begins on Laura’s twelfth birthday when she receives the diary as a gift from her loving parents. From then on the diary is a rollicking nightmare of a teen-age girl, who is obsessed with sex, drugs, and death; who writes’ some pretty insipid poetry and who has been visited by an incubus-in-the-flesh named BOB virtually since birth. BOB, in fact, makes many cameo appearances in the construction and deconstruction of the diary, both by adding to the entries and by ripping out pages. To say that Laura Palmer was sexuaIly promiscuous would be an understatement indeed. One diary entry written in February of her fifteenth year lists all the initials of people that she has knowingly had relations with (upwards of forty people) because “it is important to look at at least the initials of each person (she’s) been with.” The diary gives many insights into the actual background of Laura’s murder and is somewhat akin to inside information as much of the contents of the diary have yet to be released within the confines of the
television show. But this ‘privileged informationmaybefI&ingasDonna Hayward (Laura’s best friend) has found the whereabouts of the diary on the, last episode. This all brings up the question of merchandising-for a tele&ion show. The diary is interesting and at times humorous and shocking however, the whole thing smacks of a certain commercialism (%in’t that . . * arnerika...ta* D ,* far youand me”) tIi.at is more than a little unsettling: When you thi& of the fate of other television shows that have merchandised themselves, horrible visions arise. Most horrific would be recollections of the H~lppy Days collection
horrible visions arise.
of a prom
complete with pocket book versions of your favorite episodes and, of course, the dreamy Fonzi record of his favourite songs. Also released in this series are the Tapes of Agent COU~W, which along with this diary, are on sale at fine stores everywhere. Just think: if this Twin Peaks merchandising thing continues well have Norma’s Pies in every frozen food section, Jerry Horne’s Cookbook complete with a recipe for “smoked cheese pig,” Lynch’s own Lingerie, and of c&.&e Sing along with Leland Palmer records. I car ‘I hardly wait. It wilI be more than dr .eamy.
New Revolutions
1990 Issue
Independent literary magazines have life spans shorter than fruit flies. The erratic market for literature by amateurs, combined with high print: ing prices for publications without advertising often spell certain death for a magazine in spite of any entrepeneurial drive. Successful magazines do exist, Dave Christy’s AIphu Beat Soup, and Mike Cunderloy’s Factsheet Five being two examples. The reason for the success of magazines is that they appeal to either a wide audience with no specific interest, or they are aimed at a large enough audience to survive. The new independent magazine Lost, unfortunately, doesn’t fall under either of these two categories. This heavily fantasy/horror/gore influenced magazine, although well executed is a little too restrictive in its appeal to survive for very long. The magazine is a multi-media experimental piece, which sounds good, but makes for a crowded magazine, especially in 30 pages. The magazine contains comics, plays and short stories. The artist of the comics (Clay BoutilIier). obviously has some talent, but it doesn’t receive the attention it deserves within a horror fanzine. The short stories seem to reflect various degrees of horror literacy,
and although interesting and unique, may not be everyone’s cup of tea+ Those who find horror literature satisfying to read and write about, youll find a comfortable niche in Lost. For those with wider tastes, Lost may not be the best starting place.
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. alternative”
19, 1990
on C~S-F~M.
LLYour only newsprint
in Space
~ --
Copies of Lust are available fol $2.00. Requests for copies, and pros-c submissions should be sent to Adam Thornton, 67 Seyler Street, New Hamburg, Ontario, NOB 2GO. Art submissions should be sent to Clay Boutillier, 53 Nipigon Street, Kitchener Ontario, N2B 3N2.
L ‘; 18
19, 1996
Him iiamaeidnas If Southern Ontario is but your lyster, then Hip Happenings ought XI be your pearL Sit tight, and dig the h-groovy news we pass your way. I weddt say this, but the week% peatest happening is already in your lands: the Oct. 19 issue of the hprint, and more specifically, the trts section But because such Fleasure is SO ephemeral., and mause you needrplacestoread your Imprint in, we Gffer the following .a. TheBourbonTabemacleChGrroll in to the Fed-Hantonightto regaleyou-tithafewditiesandafew boutswithJack,asinDaniek.~a staple on the Toronto cir&t, the young age of the members belies the intensity and great stage show. Check ‘em out if you dig your blues
words 1
on the ioud and wild side.
Over Friday and Saturday night, theptincessCinemahostsLWaCarson’s play And other Sties. I don’t know anything eke about it except thatitstartsat7:OObothnightsandis directed by Anita S- McIGrlane. Tell ‘em Hip Haps sent ya. And on the movie front, the Rinces is featuring pink Floyd’s The Willfor their late (11:oO) show Friday night A must for all Floyd ‘fans, though I’m sure you don’t need my say-. just don’t do any drug, before yougobecausethey~~‘tletyouin.. Tomorrow, Oct. 20, the Commercial tavern in MayhilI presents prairie fBys&s who promise to showcase their country sound. They’re the bulk nuts, I say!
to Toronto next week? out Concrete Blonde at the Masonic Concert Hall (Oct. 21) and hear them destroy Leonard Cohen. The Bamboo Club presents (Oct. 23) a Brazilian folk pop act Cocada no Lambadas please, we’re Canadian. And Danzig rocks the Concert Hall, to the 33rd degree, with supporters Trouble (Oct. 23). Locally, ‘local blues hotspot” Pop the Gator presenb Hot Tornale Tuesday. with special guests on Oct. 23. &d the next tight, the same venue hosts Me1 Bruwn’s Blues Jam, with Albert Collins haunting the same stage one night after that. Get it? Future things to keep in mind: Dee-me, (RPM Oct. 28); Funlc hc, Fed HalI (Oct. 26); ‘They Might Be Giants,, Fed Hall (Nov. 3); and Toronto shows by The Waterboys and Cocteau Twins. Then
Forget the Rest a Call the Best!
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The fees in&de twenty-one meals a week, full maid Mrvice,obvioussocialbenefitsaswelkscloseproximitytothe academic areas of the campus. Application-forms may be obtained from the Housing Office, Village 1, or: Director of Housing, University of Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 361.
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paragraph: ‘To the Mosquitoes:
We have more influence
over your
IchUdren than you do, but we love your children.. . Nature did right in
,,tyingtheinfanttothefemale...I understand why they want to protect their children, but for their own good, let me point out that though you may I have to explain subjects to your children that you perceive as wrong , it is better to have the freedom to j explain it in your own words than be silenced under a government that has the power to squash anyone who opposes their views.”
My sex and my dmgs and my rock and roll.. . they’re the only things that keep me here. So get your&kin’ piss cup out my fickin ‘face. My sex and my drugs and my rock and roll are my&ckin ’ awn business. . . - Jane’s Addiction, Ritual de lo Habitual
long. It starts off quietly but toward a climax, after which it slows down again, sort of like
thing I noticed after the’first as that Perry’s voice do&not quite reach the same rawness’ and intensity as can be found onpretius albums, in songs such as “*an Size”and ‘Trip Away.“But who qres - it doesn’t affect the quality a!:$$.
those congo drums,
recently asked about the in RalZing Stone, he said ‘I’m
Ritual features three partially-nude
ting in a rocking chair, with figures’ hair on fire. The album aptly named Nothing’s Shocking.
the was
Buy it and enjoy.
Both these album are on the Warner label and in both cases, nearly all of their distributors initially refused to carry it. To keep everyone happy, there was a second cover design made for their latest disc It’s plain white, with the ban&s
ing about explicit
name, a warn-
Iv&s, and the U.S.
First Amendment. South of the border
both version are available, but up here in the icecaps’ we can only get the white cover, courtesy of the Censor Board. People who purchase the albums with non-offensive covers will find a message from Perry enclosed. The
,Remember a couple of yeti ago when some idiot threw paint remover on Rembrandt’s ‘The Ni&t , Watch? We should pardon him provided that he do global community service by insuring that this band never ever ever never record again. by Paul Done
Imprint The
staff are
shunned seventies cannot be plundered without mitigating smirks or depreciating excuses. With the exception of the execrable, worthless dinosaur rock of Pink
Floyd, Boston and the ilk, the dominant pop phenomena of the seventies; glam pop and disco, were deeply rooted in androgyny and gay culture.
and the homophobia
through produced
hail from
north of LA” which serves to excuse some of the incredibly vapid elements of this album. But only some. The rhyming tendencies from the lyrics are straight out of
most maligned and misunderstood decade of popular culture - while all the other decades are raped and recycled with a straight face, the
The eventual
Sesame Street: ‘T want it back the way it used to be / Nuw them’s a cloud that > hangin ’ over me / We’ve al! been Eed mtmy J We need someone to light the way. “This album is just so cliched and and who could r&t the lyrics’ call ” Tube top momma nearly six feet tall/ she’s the fox of the shopping mall/ This is the era, this is the time/ YOU know you’ve got to boo@ ‘cuz your platforms are fine.“Phew, heavy St-d
It’s about time we had a “Coming Out Day” for the seventies. Though you may never wear flares or platforms again, be not ashamed to say that you love the seventies. Be not afraid to say that you love Red IbOSS.
that borders
turbatory. This is exactly
on the mas-
the kind
of music
that Tipper Gore wants for amerika’s youth.
It’s squeaky
clean. The band
are two swell Californian bleached blond guys who know how to “just .
of this fact
which runs wiid
North American stigma
cultural life, which sur-
the seventies.
With T!Grd Eye, their third LJP, Red Kross prove that straight-faced seventies recidivism can be bracing and entertaining, while maintaining the buries* appeal of jump suits, w-i-i-i-de f!&& and stacked heels.
.y;: :;,,‘” From ihe &xtig notes of “Faith Healer,” it’s as though the Star2 never
broke up, and Kiss never took their make-up off. Third Eye is hook-laden and obscenely catchy - replete with choruses which have that instant
only possessed
(or best-plagiarized)
Red Krosshave
by the best
ded, any rough edges which
and san-
on their first two L.I% Neurotika and Teen Babestim Monsanto. Though a couple of tracks come across overly Factory” coy or fey - “Bubblegum being the most obvious of these Knife” or others like “Shonen “Elephant Flares” rock with the buzz and blister of Kiss at their Destroyer/ Lowe Gun peak. There is no more
kinetic moment on the LP than the wah-wah driven opening of “1976,”
.L< -.. will ‘&o
tl, 7259310
. .
12 minutes
new flavour
of himself,
Casey (his girlfriend), and another woman surrounded by photographs and tarot cards, among other things. The cover of their second album had two nude sculptures of his girlfriend joined at the hips and shoulders, sit-
are arranged. a:;;
Fans of Jane’s Addiction
ble releasing it than the last one, Nothings Shaking, due to the covers, both of which were designed by Perry Farrell, the band’s vocalist. models
in which the objects Who the fuck knows
As for the contents of the disc, there is not filler track to be found. That is to say, all the songs are meat, and there’s -a couple thit are -&I/& rwdly great such as “Stop,” “Been Caught Stealing,” and especially ‘Three Days” which is over ten
Jane’s Addiction is to music what credit cards are for big business - a saviour. Ritual is the third album put out by Jane’s, and they had more trou-
not exactly sure what it is about the fetish that offends the powers thaw be. It may be nudity, it may be the t&teeway idea. It may be the r$ualisti$way
U of W
20 Imrint, Friday. Odtober 19. 1990
Py Tyler slulw
inprintstaff This is probably the first and last ime yodll ever read or hear about hi8 artist. Cry uf the hqdm!s is a borng, predictable vanity press jusSiably destined for obscurity. Most >f the material on this rele4se cer&tly has That Beat, but it’s the kind If pathetically pasteurized reprise hat you can hum along to while rou’re listening to it for the first time. ?verytlGng about this band, from the nusic to the performers names, ;ounds like it was derived from some ;ort of perverse popular music &rkovian utation. Personally, I ike ‘The r eight”by The Band, and I w~nthinkthat’7imi”isaninteresting miation on the name mesN but ameone should let this band know
tltiqp have been done. Cry of the Prophets was “written, &mged and, lived” by lead vocal+/ tmist ~ZI’bomas. And, it wpuld L ‘. that&@asEakenonalittIetoo nuch. Basically he has managed to xxMmct nothinp; less than a relentless
What a waste. It’s reaUy too bad that Mojo Nixon
is content to remain a self-parody, a novelty act &s, his latest IX, offers at leastahintthathe~bemuch “I ’ more. Arguably,
Mojo hit his peak about the Frenzy Lp, which contained mo&if his best and funniest material. In th.Wbums that followed, he tended to rely more and more on tired retreads and lame selfyears ago with
four that give the old “rock
stay”saying that there
‘n’ roll is here to
a new meaning. III admit is nothing wrong wm
being mf&nced
by another
artist or
even &xing your own rendition of a classic but it’s very annoying when a gow tries to pass off old ideas as h& 0~ unique creations. Most of the tunes on&is popular music simulation recording have the lyrical
of a bad Cat Stevens
mw. h s0ngs like ‘?lhnce to the Music Till h+ Saviour, toti’! I Thomas tries his hand at the absurd
structure of any one of your favorite AM Top Ten numbers. Then, wrap it all up in a watereddown Don Henley style arrangqmnt and vo&! Cheesetown. A supersanitized music product d&gned fnr quick and easy ~,consumption. Uufortunatelyal&ofpeoplewillpr* b@yfindthemselveschakingonthis one. AC/lX’$“Rock And Roll &n’t Noise Pollution” was obviously’&t~ ten befm$, the invention of .Cl7&, -Thom&Al.landal.lthisitem~~‘unwise mix of a&s and bases. Oh’ the harmonic
of a full band, instead of&t
vocals and “lyrics.” A,,hok tiy g-t mt?s are~ghly
batch of dep,
yw : @+ahu-dw~~ +:?. ‘I, I,. :;;~$+A ‘The big problem, tho’, is with the rdated mean,
by Sandy Atwal ialquiatti /
-Id&treallyknowhowtbstartthis rtiyjew. I could talk atit how music is- gradually becoming more and
more commercialized,slowly strip ping it of . . . I think someone mentioned that last week Or, how music hia8 become another commodity, pandering only to aesthetic tastes, 3evoid of any . . no, I think that’s next m&s 27ae hisme column. It’s become hard to revi~ just a good &umwhi&isexactlywhatJoyRides haven’t liked an for quite a while, , moretomethanit be8 to you The Cavedogs are had to classify, w I won’t try. I don’t know too many krnds auf of Boston except Boston, and they aren’t toorecent Any cornl
prisoni to bands ‘like REM would bevagueatb&Thebestthingabout the album is the emphasis on 8ongwriting. Not just lyri&lly, but as part of an integral whole, work@ with the music. ”
Zhe white r&h kids bitching abut tk world Not only do songs like ‘Gave Me Alone” and “Proud Iand” have something to say,but it is said without the music playing a strictly back-
. ostumes a-’ fib igs salve and reniai& l Hats, Bald Caps l Make-up l Colouted hair sprays (washable) 9 Special effect - blood capsules l Witch, animal and clown noses l Beards and mustaches
ground role. The first track, ‘Tayter Lad’ uses The Smiths technique of m IUNlSUd phrases (in this faw
by Moj&
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AlkaMwiches Expires:
listenable tune, ones that m
never have been&or&A, l&&Terry Mason of Love” or “Put a Sex Mo-
sheen in the White House.” One song the fairly &illing “‘Ibok Out the Trash and Never Came EWc/su~thatMojodoeshaveit in him to be serious. But even this 8ongistrivializedbyhi8gw~ delivery* Here’s hoping Mojo bre& out of his bullshit comedy ltMSON sometime soon.
pop tune. ‘Proud Iand” on the other handsoundsverymuchlikeaSyd Barrett tune. The second side offers much of the same ecktic, original material. The band has obviously experimented ., $i f’;- >+ q’?+&q. wittya variety of sounds, and they’ve @#I $!p!$ $!!p@ hit on what works - a variety of good songs with solid rif&, strong byi &!q songwriting and a pop sound that InqDrhtstaff ‘,’ , should assure them with a faithful following a8 soon as they gain some 1 can honestly say that 1 was SW popularity. prised by this abum. I had heard several nasty rumours and I am
T,J+ Cinnambns
rants. ‘I’
does the world r&y need another Mojo Nixon song exhorting us to ‘Destroy All IawyemT’ There are . a couple funny moments, like ?%&@s) Dentist? (“‘Shune’s dent& don’t wwk too bt$ uhwys at the pub. , . ” ). An$ ,‘Dcm 1Henley Must Die” isnot only a Iaugh ‘n”a half, but it’s pFbbably the most Tockinl song Mojo ever wrote,
But for every there’s more &u&d
I I I I 8 8 I I ‘I 8 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
usually very suspect of middIe the-road kinds of rock, they are usually so mediocre. But Barnes here, he puts on a good show. Mo!st impressive about this album is its clever production Energy and beat come out to you. This ir Rock with a capital R Of special note are “Lay Down Your Guns” and “Sister Mercy,” with clever guitar work blending styles of Robert Palmer’s hesitant twangs with Aerosmith’s gut punching. He is, to put it poitely, quite listen-able and, with no astonishment, very dancable. He could make it to rock and roll night at the Bombshelter next week He kicks Cohn James’ ass back into the velvet covered hole it came from. Unfortunately, while Barnes may standapartfromhispeerswiththis album, he will only be the leader of a pack that slavers’after those FM spots on alI the right radio stations. He is merely the big fish in the tiny bowl, getting prime pick of the fresh plankton and horny mermaids ready tospawnIfthereisanyworthinthat office then Barnes wiIl rise to be a forerunner of W’s ro& if his future endeavors can euual th% attemd
revolving evoiving lineup of the U iters, he has, for the last halfbeen in lewe with Adrian r de Sherwood and African Head Charge. Sherwood is a white London bomand-bred producer who has, through his work with the late Prince Far I and others, established a reputation as
one of the foremost pract&ners of dub - @e hypnotic, inti~tiq hardcore of reggae. The Perry/Sherwood pa*akp has produced moments of sheer magic i- like ‘Train to D<x>msvi.lle” from the Pay itAll&& K$. 2 compilation. Their most recent coUaboration has produced From the Stwet Laboratory, an album newly released on island records. Though _Scratch enjoys presenting himself as the mad professor, mixing magical musical potions in his SK?VZ Lub, it would be more apt to liken him to a witch doctor leaping around spewing streamof4zonsciousness ap0calyptic visions of demons and death. Perry’s lunatic inspiration revolves around the spontaneous performance and composition. He has been known to compose new songs live on - calling out chords to his band stage and creating new lyrics off the top of his head. .The material on Secret Laboratory spans everything from the videogame sci-fi of %spector Gadget” to to the lush soulful “Seven Devils Dead” which features soaring I-Three (hdailey’s backing singers) clone backing vocals from Akabu. Most of the album is cmomposed by Style Scott, the African Head Charge _ drummer, along with Flabba Holt anchors the ocean-deep grooves. Any ramblings of this shaman are worth a listen, but From the Secret Laboratory goes well beyond that Aside from a couple of toss-aways like “I Got the Groove,” this is a keeper -prime time Scratch If therE were any doubt about Perry’s stature as reggae’s ruler, check out ‘You Thought I Was Dead” for proof of po~“cy~
drizzles along stucco walls and the Snake Corps emerge from some basement gig. It’s a solemn affair for the boys; they've released their first W in five years, only their second t0
the decade trying tihat these guys accomplish effortlessly. Out of the alley, shoes sopping, haircqts matted, skin gleaming come they. Out of retirement and into the teenage limelight. People aren’t as kind this Gme around; if you wtit to ,@g around you have to have some ,gkw gitodu&you cart? jiGit reLrele2tSe -& the old album on CD with a few b&des and hope for fanfare. &m&r E&h, a r&hez say tide for an 4&wq hints at the sub3tantial body of utterly inane lyrics- within. The soaring vocal harmonies that seemed appropriate ah ‘Victory made” and even endearing during ‘House Of Man”, are embarr* from the Lp’s opener “Colder Than The Kiss” (Colder Than The Kiss?), straight through ‘More Than The Ocean” (what?) and unto the platter’s &tale ‘I’m Not Afraid”. Comparisons to the Cult and Sisters are inevitable; the pre-histOry Of the corps wiil inevitably contain reference to some , cover-band of gothic intent.
are utterly talentless like Tiny Tim. Finally, there is the rarest variety, lunatics who veer toward, genius . . . like Lee “Scratch” Perry. For two decades plus, Lee Perr)r as producer and performer, has produced a voluminous oeuvre of the best reggae can offer. Though most Of
Train to LkW??2JiV&? We can fairly safely create thq2e categories into which we can divide and-sort that species known as the pop eccentric. In ascending order of merit; those who adopt the “eccentric” pose as a shrewd marketing device like Robyn Hitchcock. There are alsogenuinely insane people who /
It’s a stormy
night in Sweden,
date and reception has been less thati positive. Flash&& September: 1985 and Flab On Flab has yielded two promising singles and garnished sufficient critical praise to transform these rather young gothic pretenders into local heroes, The cliched stylistic trappings of dark broody goth music had been harnessed and transformed into something that could be misI taken for an integral musical style. The Mission would spend the rest of
All is not lost, “The Sky In Your Eyes” is spacious, full of relaxing, munded corners and is generally a nice way to spend three and a half minutes. Be that as it may, Smother Earth is not a particularly nice way t0 spend nineteen dollars. Until the Corps get themselves some domestic distribution, they will probably remain just another band gasping for air, lost in the import bins. Which is precisely where I found them.
being contaminated by the Nashville virus that strikes most* country players. More correctly Williams is a folk player, practicing a folk style native to the fiether kegions Of America, and mosf neglected.
Her players are .cI&&&&&F .&fh no heavy .Or. intrusive pm&j&i& while at the same time cleverly ble& ded. This may be due to the fact that Williams-herself produced the album with Mickey White. -The remastering, done by Joe Brescio, has left each track intact and only polished lightly, not buffed into reflective nausea.
<’ ~
Originally this hurtin’ a&l cheatin’ music was released ten years ago on Folkways but this re-release on Stony Plain is welcome for those who didn’t get a sip the first time, the first issue being quite limited. And hurtin’ it is. In an industry saturated with pap and Af.& American music you rarely hear exarn’ples of white trash. And acoustic espe&lly not on instruments. Williams has avoided
Most surprising is the feeling you develop that this music seems the most natural and se&mless. Yet Williams is a woman singing roots country and western, something that is rarely done wi& any credit; it usually comes off tart or syrupy. Here is a woman who has taken, a predominntly
male sound
and made it
seem like they stole it from her. Which they might have, you never can be too sure about these things. But you can be sure that Williams is most definitely in her element with this album. Williams’ voice is strOng and midtoned; the cream in the vatagitated by only the small fly caught by the edge.
d b
- %
+I, ’ . > ::. ‘,<,,, c I.
The sound is more a kin to a live performance in a hall or barn Some where, with the crowd a hush for respect and love of the singer. Sincerity is what is most bountiful on this album, a quality scarce enough in most music and all but extinct in country. You want to hear some of that 01’ time Texas stuff which makes you smile through your tears, then grab a copy of this talented performer’s album. You won’t be disappointed.
: :
22 Imprint, Friday, October 19, 1990
I must admit it, Bob Dylan can do no wrong by me. He is the god of music in my eyes, the king of my flush and nothing he puts out can suck. Sure this is blind faith, but so what? We& this isn’t review of his career, so Ill try not to go over his life story. What counts is his new album, which Illbe the first to admit, doesn’t exactly rank up there withBloodon the ??a& or mg/zwv 61 Raided, but has songs that can definitely be classified as some of the best of the 80’s. To be sure, the music is the second best thing on the album (after Dylan% voice, of course). Dylan has a pretty damn good back up band, including David Crosby singing back-up on one song, jiie and Stevie Jay Vaughn together on several tracks, Bruce Homsby on piano, Kenny Amoff on drums, and Slash, yes you read that right, Slash from G’n’R on the first track Unfortunately, the pro-
blem is that Dylan, unlike on Oh Mercy, hasn’t put ail that much thought into his lyrics, with some notable exceptions. “God Knows”is probably the best track on the record, 2’s Unbelievable” is great, and ‘T.V. TM Song” is another great track, a criticism of the desensitizing effects of
television - owing a fair bit to Mark Knopfler’s ‘?ndustrial Disease.” On these songs, Dylan is in top form, he has this uncanny way of stressing the wrong word in the sentence - and it works. His voice is; well what can I say, it speaks for itself (no pun intended). His voice isn’t as soft as on Oh
Mercy, but then, the music is different. : wouldn’t fit Dylan’s +yIe* Many people hope that there won’t This album was co-produced by Don be a next time. They think that Dylan and David Was and has a harder edge than most of his material It’s closest has one foot on the highway and on= foot in the grave. They’re tired of Bob counterpart would be 1986% KnotDylan’s blues, and without thinking ked Out Loaded There are weaker fib ro,m twice, they state that it’s’ time to move songsonthealbumMen and the title trackbothof which1 on down the highway. They are have no idea why he put ofi the wrong. Bob Dylan if nothing else 1s not a pawn in anyone’s game, and has album. proven that it is possible to be a part of The song opens with “Wiggle wiggle,” a song tit h-t every the music industry without beiig exploited, and doing what he wanted reviewer has sIagged for being too to do, not what Rave Geffen or anysimple, with not enough attention one else wants him to do. His hatred payed to lyrics, but in fact, the song of the media has shown him not be follows in the tradition ofAnother Side another meewdPtitig musi* of Bob Dylan, Bringing it All Back Home, and Bbnde on ljlwde, alI of cian with nothulg better to do han trying to shock the listening audience which open with a short, under three so they won’t forget about him. His minute song with light, jokey lyrics. music stands on its own. His Just because it comes out of Bob music were experiments with Dylan’s mouth and doesn’t have to do unparalleled drawing from a strong with hysterical brides in penny des doesn’t mean it’s a bad song. musical background. -Unlike Neil Young’s pathetic attempt at fusing “Wile Wiggle” has the same basic Laurie Anderson and Pete Seeger structure of a “Tombstone Blues” or (Trans) Dyla n’s Nashville Skyrine an “All I RealIy Want to Do,” and ser(which moved a whole generation to ves as a good intro for the album. a softer country influenced sound) The themes throughout the album and his religious trilogy were if nothare, well, Bob Dylan themes - death, ing else good music, regardless of the despair, love, desolation, moral corsound behind the man. He doesn’t ruption, a dying world, hard times, pretend to have any answers, and etc. etc. etc. The album sounds good those that think of him as a saviour musically, it’s just that Bob doesn’t and are looking for something more have a whole lot meaningful to say than good music are the first to be disthis time around. appointed. Under the Red Sb has The second side has Dylan on enough good songs to keep Dylan piano, no guitar. He makes way for The Vaughn Brothers. They do a fans hapPYa Buy it. good job, nothing too fancy or that
Eurythmics material than the last two Eurythmics albums. Dave and his cowboys recapture the spirit and sound of SWP& Dreams and Touch, lacking only the sweet vocals of Annie timox. Many of the 14 tracks on this album come off in the same moody style that the Eurythmics burst on the music scene with in the early 80’s. ‘Heaven and Earth”and ‘This Little Town” are good examples of such style. Their bizarre intentions and composition should reassure those who think that Dave has abandoned his musical past.
Being a fan of the Eurythmics datto their SW& Dreams davs, I wis more than just a little curio& to see what if anything could come born ’ ody half of the duo. Annie and Dave always seemed to achieve a perfect bond that was well suited to the unique sound of their albums so how couId only half of such an entity as the Eurythmics survive alone? Like Romeo without Juliet, Abbot minus Costello, the Yankees without George Steinbrenner, how could Dave go on alone? Don’t worry, Dave
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Wow. This is a really cool album. It really is, I’m not kidding. This is Eastern Arabic music that doesn’t sound like Ahab the butcher singing in his shower. This is Abed Azrie, and he knows what he’s doing. Most ethnic music that gets to the air-waves is so watered down or so traditional it has lost any possible flavour. What might other cultures; think of us if they only heard our
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music? After too much of that Acadian stuff your head turns to paste. So we have here an honest to goodness foreign artist who writes contemporary, but with a twist. In the Arab world there are many m&e respetItS for things that we here in the West overlook each day. One of them
However, he is not content to stand still in the past and provides jolts of freshness and excitement mixed with sociaI contexts in “Fashion Bomb’! and “Party Town,” a track which anyone with a radio or Much Music has heard by now. Dave should be given credit for his overall fine production with this album that has a good mix of the new and old, fast and slow and meaning with fun. His ability as a producer has never been shown better than with this offering, amounting to a refreshing vacation from the Eurythmics bond. Ironically, the onIy way this album could be improved is if Dave’s solemn vocals were replaced by by the voice of Aruiie Lennox herself.
is music making. The blend of poetry and melody are the cornerstones here. Using cultural heros from myth, literature or politics is common place, sound. not some specialty Instruments used for affect here are the backbone of the music. And a mighty backbone it is. Right from the first track brie’s low and palpable voice swoons your ear. His rhythms are at once exotic and familiar, not the hip hop you are used to; no, thev are too subtle for that. Instead thei work on a part of your psyche that most western music either ignores or bruises with calloused, barbaric hands. Your intellect. Most of our music has only libido appeal, some works at moving your feet and only a few try for your conscience, but, with the exception of some types of jazz and music written by long dead classical bards, nobody really tries to dazzle your finer senses. Nobody knows your intdkt needs music too. (Werpnkyou a dj at Huggfs?-ed) . What a treat this album is; it soothes your mind and it loosens 90~ toes. If you think you have an open mind and a palate for the exotic a;rd marginal, then try -m&es out, you won’t be disappointed.
UW takes, consecutive Western Mustang - Classic Hockey Tournament Warrior Hockey by Peter Dedes Imprintstaff
Waterloo rookie, Steve Schaefer contributed two goals off tip-ins as five other Warriors contributed singles. Rookie, Cory Keenan and Rod Thacker both picked up a couple of assists and goaltender, Uduari faced 26 shots.
The pond Warriors took their travelling road show to London, Ontario last weekend. In the process they captured a second consecutive first as they slugged their way to gold in the Western Mustang Classic Tournament. It is an indication of the strength of the squad that coach Don McKee has assembled for this season’s campaign. Half dozen ex-junior ‘A’ players, several returning from NT-L training camps boost the squad from
in the two game tourney, it& that Mike Bishop, goal tender par excellence for five years will be missed. In his place will be a high powered attack oriented game that will light up scoreboards in the QUAA. Saturday, October 13, the Waterloo Warriors faced off against the Laurier Golden Hawks, last years playoff
Trading wreckZng-ball blows’ to the body, the Lancem drop to the camuzs
the software. Photo by Ponce Brown nemesis. Period one indicated that there would be little to chose between the teams as it ended in a 1-l tie. After two, Waterloo held a 4-2 lead and it looked like the Warriors would pop it into cruise control for the third round,
Instead, the Hawks, sparked by rookie John Buder’s fortuitous four goals, the. purple and gold fought back and trailed the Warriors 6-5 going into the last two minutes. The empty net yawned for veteran, Tony Crisp as he added a seventh
hock V-ball Invitational
Plague wins third title Warrior
Vol ley ball ’
For the third straight year, the Warrior volleyball team won the Brock Invitational tournament on Saturday, October 13, and for the third straight year, they did it the hard way. Annually, the Brock tourney is the 3irst taste of competition for most teams in Ontario, and as usual, most were rusty. Like many other squads, after only two weeks of practice, the Warriors were still experimenting with different lineups and develop ing offensive and defensive systems; hence, play was scrappy at times. Yet the Warriors fought off the early-season sluggishness when it counted most. In the semis and finals the Warriors established themselves as early favourites to repeat as OUAA champion. In pool play, Waterloo faced a much improved field, including the lanky Laurentiac Voyageurs and the feisty Toronto Varsity Blues. The Warriors’ shortage of proven talent at the middle blocker position was evident when both Laurentian and
Waterloo snatched the lead on the powerplay. Cory Keenan scored unassisted on a fluke off the glass at 12:lO. Jeff Mascarin closed out the second period scoring on another shorthanded play at 16:~. Shots on goal for
Toronto overloaded the middle and scored well. Waterloo’s outside hitting and blocking however, was too much for anybody at the tournament to handle. “We were doing way more off ensively than anybody else,” said Warrior head coach, Scott Shantz. Steve and Scott Smith, both national team members, pounded away on and were rarely the outside stopped. After winning their pool, losing only one game to Toronto in match play, the Warriors met their opponent from last year’s OUAA final, the Queen’s Golden Gaels, in the semifinals, With their most solid effort of the tournament, the Warriors easily dispatched Queen’s 15-11 and 15-4. The final was a rematch between Waterloo and U of T. Both teams were fatigued, and although Toronto was the more inspired of the two and fought hard, they eventually fell 15 12,12-15 and 15-13 to the bigger and stronger Warriors. Blues versus Warriors matches are mostly intense and closely contested. The two teams are friendly off the court, but come playing time, they become bitter rivals. As competitive fires flared, four yellow warning cards were issued during the Waterloo-Toronto pool-play match. In the final, more cards were given,
including a penalty-point red card to Waterloo’s Dave Balodis, for disagreeing with an official’s call. Notables for Waterloo at the tournament were the ‘overpowering Smith twins who also passed very well. Bob Eichvald put in a good eight hours passing and blocking when he wasn’t on the net looking for the coffee truck Shawn Smith picked up the slack in relief of starter Tony Martins. Overall, the Warriors played the game when it was required, but as usual, played poorly ag%nst lesser opposition and never mustered defensive intensity. The victory signaled a good beginning to the season but the results were not significant as the two westdivision powers, McMaster and Western weren’t at the tourney. These two teams, in particular Mac, should prove to be Waterloo’s main competition for this year’s OUAA crown Finally, after years of overpowering 40-minute matches in the PAC, when the Marauders -and Mustarrgs come to town, there11 be some competitive and exciting volleyball for Black Plague fans to sink their teeth into. The Warriors next competition is the laurier Invitational on November 2 and 3. Wear black and cheer onthe Plague in the WLU gymnasium.
Sunday, the Warriors continued to demonstrate an inability to play sixty minutes as in period one, they were checkin’ for the coffee truck while the Windsor lancers scored twice early. At l:Ol, Brad Belland put the Lancers up by one. Belland picked up his second point as he fed teammate Jeff Carl for the 511 scoring play. Windsor outshot the Warriors 14-6, handcuffing Waterloo in its own end. Period two saw the finalists trade blows to the body and Waterloo dig in to knot the match at 4-all. UW score twice on slap-shots from the point. First, Keenan, on a&sti by Jeff Ballantyne. and Clark Day removed the donut at 2:17. On the powerplay, Thacker launched a missile at 3:44 with Pat thy, and Dave Lorentz getting assist points. Windsor picked up a gimme as Belland scored his second while short-handed, six minutes into the frame. The Waterloo pin-ball attack con-
the period were 11-9 in favour of Windsor. The third period resulted in Waterloo finally capitalizing on Lan- I cer penalties and Uduari turning away 9 of 10 Windsor shots. Windsor needled the Warriors with an early one on the powerplay as Mascarin tallied number two from Belland at 2:25. Four UW goals followed to first stagger; then drop the Lancers to the canvas. Crisp slapped the puck high at 5:53 while on the powerplay. Fedema sprawled the Lancer keeper while Windsor was one man short at 10:53. Mackay and Day added the insurance markers on slapshots, cementing the win, 8-5. Gory Keenan’s one goal and two assists earned him all-star defenceman at the tournament, the second Uw player chosen. The Warriors begin regular season a&on on October 24 in Toronto versus the Varsity Blues.
We&n, at 54, a3 ihc only tean1 has a marmt~~d playoff spelt. 1 Toronto (4-ij, Windsor @I-f), Gukph
everybody ek LII the lcaguc. They forced ~13~to throw the football, and we don’t do that wdl.”
of ahe few
the Warrior defence Duane Forde.
It took l&s than six minutes for the Mustangs to christen the score sheet with a 39 yard field goal by Frank Jagas. Then at 5:14 of the opening quarter, UWO quarterback John LKIair threw a 14 yard pass to fullback Duane Forde for the game’s first major. That play immediately followed a 57 yard bomb to Tyrone Williams for the excellent field position.
Forde struck again early in the second quarter on a two yard touchdown run to widen the gap to 17-O. The future looked even worse for the Warriors when Jagas added another field goal (26 yards) at 12:UO and defensive back Pat Gallo intercepted a Steve Bennet pass and turned it into a 58 yard touchdown run - Western 27, Waterloo 0. The Warriors finally got rid of their bagel in the score column with a single on a missed field goal attempt by Peter Tchir and finished the half with a 28 yard field goal. At 1~58 of the thiid quarter, Waterloo running back Tom Chartier caught a .five yard touchdown pass and the Warrior faithful CzLme alive. fans cheers were But the
Turnsfcme Press and Provident Bookstore in v&e you to an evening with
Di\ Brandt author Agnes
of the
As rnmtrtm~d before, thtb Warri;m’ (Sal;urday, ‘i)ctobor 20) against our city rivals Laurier, with a kickoff time of 2 pm at Seagram Stadium in Waterloo. Don’t forget that it is officially Laurier’s home g&ne, so UW season tickets are not valid for admission. If you can’t make it to the game, tune into CKMS-FM 94.5 for a halftime report at 3:30 and an end of game report at 5:OO. John Rusin will bring you the highlights and Rich Nichol will have all of the stats. Waterloo will play their final regular season game ,on October 27 at home against the,, Toronto Varsity Blues. next game will be tomorrow
Photo by Dave Thomson
immediately silenced on the kickoff when Mustang Rob Kennedy returned the ball 97 yards for the major. Forde added his third touchdown of the game midway through the fourth quarter on a 12 yard run and Jagas kicked his third convert. Chartier narrowed the deficit in the dying minutes on a five yard run which left him one yard short of tying the all-time career rushing record at UW. Dick Aldridge ran for 1,417
Half time show At halftime of this weekend’s footb0lI game between the Waterloo Warriors and the Laurier Golden Hawks there will be a celebrity footbalI kickoff contest in support of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (JDF). Eight local celebrities will each have two chances to kick a football from a kicking tee, to see who can kick the farthest. The eight celebrities are Brian Turnbull (Waterloo city mayor), Dominic Cardillo (Kitchener city *mayor), Wayne Kooyman (CKCOTV sportscaster and sports director), Don Cameron (AM 109 sportscaster and play-by-play commentator for Kitchener Rangers Jr. A hockey), Fran Campbell (K-W Record sports writer), Wally Delahey (University of Waterloo hector of Athletics), Tess
Sliwinski (UW Federation of Students Vice President, Operations and Finance), and The Golden Hawk (Laurier’s official varsity mascot). Prizes, for the participants, have been donated by Don Cherry’s, East Side Mario’s, and Reuben and Wong’s. JDF will set out donation boxes at the gate and in the concession area for anyone who would like to donate money for this worthwhile cause. “It ’ would be great if each fan who is at the game could donate a dollar,” said JDF event organizer Rich NichoL “If we have good weather and a lot of fans we could collect up to $3,000 at the game.” Diabetes is a chronic disease which occurs when the body fails to produce insulin, or is unable to make use of any insulin that is present.
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Di Brandt will be reading at the Provident Sookstore, Campus Court, 140 University Ave., on October 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Take Columbia
to Erbsville amber.
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884-5650 BOOKSTORE5
19, 1990
Hendsbee and Orr row to second Rowing by Harry
Last Saturday, October 13, the Brock Invitational was held at the St. Rowing Club. The day was an important one for all, as the seedings for the thampionship regatta would be determined from the race results. As a consequence, all schools except Carleton and Ottawa attended. Waterloo’s results were mixed, but improved over the Toronto races. Most impressive was the women’s Double team of Paula Hendsbee and Sharon Orr in leading Toronto and Erindale boats for well over half the race. In the last 750 metres, UW and the University of Toronto Varsity Blues went stroke for stroke, with U of T winning by a length. It was great watching this crew expressing themselves, and the UW supporters were the loudest on Henley Island. Other scullers fared well, with the men’s Double finishing third of four, making up a lot of water on a Trent boat that easily defeated them last week. In Steve Hickling singles ac tion, dueled a more expeiienced sculler from Brock, rowing well, placing second. The Coxed Fours were all faced with the prospect of qualifying for the finals through three to qualify’ heats. Unfortunately, none of the boats got out of the heats. Catherines
The women had a tough day, finishing last among much stronger crews. The and experienced Lightweights came closer, finishing fourth of five; an improvement, but still experiencing problems. The Heavyweights came the closest to qualifying missing third by a metre to Western. The crew was happy with this race as it had lost practice time due to injury. Although the race did not begin well, Waterloo was able to catch Trent and Western by 900m. For the next llOOm, the three crews dueled each other, with the Mustangs just gaining third in the last couple of strokes. Next week should prove to be a different story, at the Western Invitational in London.
“Pull it
over boys...”
Jalbert stonewalls Western kickers Athena
by Claudia Campana Imprint staff
The soccer Athenas returned from the Thanksgiving break to face some vigorous practices in preparation for meeting the Western Mustangs in bndon on Saturday, October 13. Despite the questionable adequacy 1_I
of the soccer facilities in London, the Athenas were set to avenge a previous l-nil loss to the Mustangs earlier in the season. The intense preparation paid off, as the Athenas out-hustled Western, beating them to the ball and shutting down their offense. The Athenas opened the scoring late in the first half, as midfielder Allison Snider sent a free kick to right-winger Catherine Hollifield who sent it past the Western keeper. The Mustangs were ione too pleased with their position going into
the second half, but the Athenas continued to own the field of play. An excellent breakaway goal by forward Julie Latreille put Waterloo up by two, and great saves by keeper Andrea Jalbert helped to solidify the sweet 20 Athena victory. On Sunday, October 14, the Athenas travelled to Guelph to face the durable Gryphon squad. Fresh from the triumph over Western, the Athenas were determined to square the season series by exacting satisfaction for Guelph’s victory earlier in the season.
5The Athenas showed remarkable improvement in their ability to stifle Guelph’s offense, win the ball and set scoring opportunities. UP Unorthodox officiating practices aside, the Athenas managed to dominate much of the play through concentrated team work and effort. The game ended as a scoreless draw. The Athenas host arch-rival Laurier in our last home game of the season on Saturday, October 20 at 1:OO pm at the Columbia field. Come out and cheer them on.
Courtside $31.50 Reds & Bluks $28.00 Benches $26.00
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Location: PAC - Red North Phone: 885-1211; Ext.2370, .
26 Imprint, Friday, October 19, 1990
Warrior basketball pre-season optimism
’ UW prepares for L91-c92 Juggernaut Warrior Basketball by Rich Nichol Imprintti Once again it is time for the University of Waterloo basketball Warriors
retuning to action in the same sport wilh the new team) “So exactly
shooting range and is therefore an outstanding offensive player.” The Warriors have, lost Ron Braley,
WARRIOR B-BALL First home game
SUNDAY vs Toronto Varsity Blues I:30 p.m. * w at the PAC
Dave Rosebush is back with the Warriors and is as strong as ever, as can be seen from this slam dunk in training camp. Photo by Rich Nichol
Dave lW&ush Pat Telford, and Lance * to gmduationht year, UW fmished the preseason at 11-6, highlighted by a gold medal finish at the Ottawa Tip-Off Tournament and the bridesmaid role as the host of the Naismith Classic. In league play, Waterloo ended up in fifth place overall at 7-7 and went on to upset the McMaster Marauders in Hamilton in the quarter-finals. Unfortunately, the Warriors were ousted from the OUAA Final Four Tournament by the host squad (Western) in the semi-finals, 6347. So here now is a look at the 1990basketball player 91 Warrior profiles:
firepower of Zienchuk and Troyak, but the extraordinary talents of rookie sensation Sean Van ICoughnet-t, coupIed with the welcome return of Jason Poa& Rob Baird, and Mike D&rte, shoul&nake up the dif-
ference. Sean Van Koughnett - 6’7” This skinny freshman from Bluevale Collegiate spent the last two years on the junior provincial team and the junior national team. With his height, his ability to play the whole floor, and his good basketball sense, Van Koughnett will probabIy be to orchestrate the called upon offence. He will also lay the foundation for the next great Warrior teams.
will miss the perimeter
Jason Poag - 6’2” l%ag another Bluevale product, came through for the Warriors last season in several key situations, The
An unforgetable blend of thirteen delicious flavours including three meats and three cheeses. Served hot on our baked fresh for over 17 years. daily bread. The original - a favourite
.increased his strength and is way more fit, which should solidify and strengthen the team in the paint battle.
Chris Moore - 6’6” Another qualified candidate for the inside game is this Barrie native. Last received rookie of the year honours in Warrior basketball and finished third in scoring on the team. His aggressive style and wide shooting range should make him into quite a threat for opponents in the OUAA.
year, Moore
10% OFF
Not valid with any other offer
determine this his
has good rebounding Mike Dvoracek
- 6’3”
This rookie forward has a great work ethic. “A pounder,” according to McCrae. He will be used defensively as a stopper to stonkwall the opposition.
- 6’6”
Thomas, ids0 a freshman, is very athletic and McCrae hopes to mold him into an inside player for future team success.
The Warriors get their first taste of pre-season action this Sunday as they host the Toronto V&s&y Blues. Tip-off time is 130 p.m. at the PAC. Also included in the itinerary Warrior’s preseason schedule prestigious Naismith CIassic, held homecoming weekend, ember 9-11. The draw for the
of the is the
to be
Noveightteam tournament has not been announced yet, but the participating teams are: Winnipeg from the West (GPAC); Guelph, Laurier, and Waterloo from the OUAA West; Laurentian from the OUAA Central; Bishop’s from the 0UA.A East; and Dalhousie and defending Naismith champion St. Francis Xavier from the East (AUAA).
Tennis woes
byKiUi.KlSchnarr Imprint staff
- 6’4”
Hamilton was given High School Player of the Year recognition in the K-W area in 1988439, playing for Bluevale Collegiate. In his freshman
Offer Expires: October 2% 1990
140 University Ave. W. Schlotzskv’s is a renistered trademark of Schlotzsky’s Inc.
- 6’9”
Returning to the Warrior cager program after a two year absence is Dave Rosebush. Although he is rusty in terms of basketw, Rosebush has
for his
with ball-
Waterloo’s front court game will boast returning players Chris Moore, John Hamilton, Dave Rosebush, and Bruce Vanloon. McGae is also pleased to add rookies Mike Dvoracek and Cam Thomas to his roster.
John Hamilton
- 6’6” yet to
cam TholMs
High School is known
great quickness, hazdingskills.
where we stand is hard to determine.” specialist Thepoint &dY Waterloo’s leading Zienchuk scorer in his sophomore year last seasonis at Lourdes in France, and spidery guard Chris Troyak is on a
Kitchener native Alex Urosevic (6’3’3transfered to the Warriors from the Division 1 team at Stetson University in- Florida. He has a tremendous
- 6’2“
In his rookie seas& Duarte was plagued by injuries and didn’t see a lot of floor time, but he joins camp this season with a full bill of health. The Hamilton native from St. Thomas
from one school to anothei
Lynch, a 6’6”St. Jeromes product, will bring his excellent perimeter jump shot accurzq to UW in 1991-92.
Despite his lack of height,
Mike Duarte
Brucle V&loon McCrae has
sophomore year, will be an inside player or a perimeter player. He also
Baird also puts out a strong defensive effort. He is a former junior provincial team member.
take a one year break before
one year work term. Former York star forward
McCqaeexplains. ‘We are a team% transition this year, That is our stigma because we have two veterans who are taking a one year break from basketball and must
This third-year veteran from Southwood Secondary School in Cambridge is known for his lighteningquick movement at the
season, but on the following season of 1991-92. Warrior head coach Don
year at Waterloo last season, Hamilton was often called upon to sink the trey shots at money time.
Rob Baird - 5’11”
to lace up their Reeboks and hit the hardwood for another exciting season of interu&ersity cager a&ion But unlike other years, the pre-season optimism is not concentrated on this
two transfer
most notable of his relief roles was his waning seconds basket to clinch an opening round win over Manitoba in the 1989 Naismith Basketball Classic. In this his junior ‘year, Poag should take on more of a leadership
This past weekend, the Athena tennis team participated in a tournament in Windsor against the University of Windsor and the University of Guelph. Unfortunately, not even the friendly weather could help the Athenas, as they lost 8-l to Guelph and 6-3 against Windsor. Renee Kasta won the sole point against Guelph with a solid victory in Singles. Angie Lee awed the Windsor coach with her win against Windsor in singles and Karin Schnarr collected a point in her singles match as well. The doubles team of Schnarr and Cindy Au-Yeung were successful in doubles as they beat the Windsor team in straight sets. Courageous efforts by the doubles teams of Jennifer Patriquin and Manju Sekhri, and Pasta and Lee took Windsor pairs to three sets. Both resulted in Waterloo losses by narrow margins. The team would like to thank Liz Bennet who provided support and walked miles to get the hote1 reservation. The tennis Athenas appreciate your effort and you did get new shoes!
This Saturday, October 20, the Athenas will play their seasonhosting ending tournament, Univerity of Toronto and Wilfred Laurier at the Waterloo Tennis Club. The entire team will be in attendance and hopefully everybody will be healthy. Come on out and cheer the women’s team to victory.
Imprint, Friday, October 19, 1990 27
NBA East basketball prevkw
Pistons? Pro Sports
by Rich Nichol
ethic of Detroit’s three guard offence, backed up with the bestdefensive unit in the entire NBA. The scary thing about the Pistons is that their bench is 11 players deco in strength, ids0 tops in the league. With a starstudded cast includhg I&h Thomas, Joe Dumars, Bill Laimbeer, Dennis Rodman, James Edwards, John
Bird, Kevin McHale, and Robert Parish. A bird can only fly for so long before it has to land. Larry Bird had an off-season in 89-90 even after he came back from iniuries, and don’t expect much improvement this year. But Brian Shaw may be back, along with NBA freshman Dee Brown, creating more speed on defence.
EGs is part one of a two-parl fatwe, previewing the MIA basketball season. lihfs week predictions are made on the standings in the E;asem Conference and next week the West.
hurts the Hawks is their anemic defensive rebounding game. ’ 5. Indiana
Sure offence
the Pacers have a strong with the talents of Reggie
Chuck Person, Detlef Miller, Schrempf, al’ld Rik Smits, but what do they do when the other team gets possession? If it is anything like last year, the answer is nothing, LaSalle Thompson can’t run the backcourt by himseE 6. Charlotte Hornets Hey! The Hornets have to move up in the standings sometime and what a
better time than in the rookie season of Kendall GilL Couple that with the spidery play of 5’3” guard Mugsy Bogues, Del Curry, and *Rex Chap man and Charlotte will have a top notch b&court. But the team still needs a big gunner. 7. Milwaukee Bucks The Bucks have much the same problem as Charlotte: a strong defence but no scoring drive. Jay Humphries and Alvin Robertson must improve their inside games in order for Milwaukee to stay out of the cellar.
Warrior Soccer minus two pcints.
by peter Stxaub andPauMimmermann This past weekend’s
action saw the Warriors tangle with the formidable soccer dynasties of the University of Western Ontario and Wilfred Laurier. Game one was played on a muddy pitch in London. The Mustangs took an early lead only ten minutes into the game. This discouraging marker might have led Waterloo into tossing in the handkerchief early. Rather, the team battled back fiercely, frustrating the opposition and creating numerous scoring opportunities. Once again, however, poor finishing kept the team off the scoreboard and
struggw who can play the entire
some intensity, since their waTning from the league office about roughness in their matchup with Cleveland in last year’s playoffs. However, look for big things from the tiwkinsDawkins guard duo. 3.l3&m
Age and withering
legs are starting to plague the front-line trio of LXry
of a,lack of shooting accuracy the perimeter players.
4. Atlanta Hawks Dominique Wilkins will probably have his best year yet; he has everything going for him, including low-post matesMoses Malone’ and Kevin Will&. Rm& Run-& R&mon has been brought in for back up in case the glass Spine tif Glenn Rivers gives way again. But the thing that always
1. 1. Detroit pistons Nothing can stop the strong
UW edges We&rn . Field Hockey -
. .e
The Athena Field Hockey team continued league play this weekend at Toronto’s Lamport Stadium. Matches at Lamport meant adjusting to field hockey on artificial turf. This presented difficulties when confronted with the innovative playing styles of Western aitd Laurentian. Saturday’s match against the Western Mustangs proved to be more of a trial then was originally anticipated. The Athenas’played hard, but at halftime, the score was still O-O. In the second half, Waterloo was rewarded with a goal off a penalty comet by Annette Koehler. Shortly afterwards, left mger, Elke Wiid tallied .what the team thought was the second goal. That marker, however was disallowed by the official and the game ended l-nil in favour of Waterloo. Sunday morning pitted the Athenas against the highly physical J-aurentian Voyageurs. Tempers were high and falls were many as the teams competed in what seemed a test of strength rather than skill although Waterloo managed to crkate more scoring opportunities. The Athcnas fell behind after a Laurentian marktbr in the second half. This prowd to be the only goal of the match n5 Waterloo lost 3-O.
field game, but defensive play by Waterloo held them off. Late in the first half, Guelph ,scored, putting the Athenas in a catch-up position for the second time in the weekend. A substitution an4 a change in positioning for the second half allowed Waterloo forward, Janet McPherson to score. The tie was short-lived,, however, as Guelph
countered immediately with another goal. The clock wound down on the Athenas and Guelph came away with the victory, 2-l. Though the points tally at the end of the weekend was disappointing the team learned many valuable lessons. Watch for better results when the Athenas meet Trent, Toronto and -McGill on October 20 and 21.
Having Flayed their best game of the season and still losing the Warriors were desperate for aresult against the Laurier Golden Hawks. The trend this season has been to give up an early goal, and midway through the first half, Waterloo did just that. The Hawks capitalized on a redirected cross which landed on the foot of a burier forward in the middle of the 18 yard box. Unlike previous outings, the determined Warriors rebounded with a goal of their own. Rookie, Jason Pither pounded a wayward rebound into the back of the Laurier goaL Ninety minutes of play saw the Scure stand firm at one apiece, giving Waterloo a well deserved point. Waterloo plays host to both WAStern and Laurier squads this weekend at Columbia field.
Black and Gold Bomber Pub Night by Rich Nichol Imprint staff This coming Thursday (October ‘25) at the Bombshelter, the Men’s Interuniversity Council (MIC) and Women’s Interuniversity Council (WIG) will be holding a Black and Gold Pub in support of athletics. Pub organizers Dave Balodis, Tammi Lee, Sheryl Slater, and Mike Cash stress that the event is not just for the athletes, but for the many fans
as well. The Bl;rck and Gold Pub will feature an all request dance party, and door prizes from Overkill Beachwear. “We would like to make thii a successful evening,” said Balociis. We want to get fans more involved and let them become more familiar with and aware of interunivelsity athletics at Waterloo.” The festivities will begin at approximately 8 o~clo& w
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You can enroll now fcx the second semester in French Total Immersion at Universi& Sainte-Anne. Learn to speak French at this small university (350 students) in a rural French community (population 10,000) along St. Mary’s Bay in Nova Scotia. Because of its size and dedicated staff this immersion program is considered by many as the best in Canada and is available year round. Write, phone or fax us for more information about our short or long-term programs. Dr. Jean-Douglas Comeau, Directeur Sessions d’immersion Universiti! Sqinte-Anne, Box 3500 Pointe-de-I’EgIise, Nouvelle-Ecosse (Church Point, Nova Scotia) BOW IMO
by peter Brown
The Waterloo rugby team phyed well enough to win, but didn’t last Saturday against the McMaster Marauders. After a flat perfo?nce hosting Queen’s the previous week, the Warriors played their best game of the year, allowing three late tries on mistakes and ball-bounces, resulting in the 28-H Mac win. The combination of this loss and Queen’s 9-9 tie with York emtes Waterloo (2-4) from postseason play. Western edged Laurier PO to join Mac -at the 5-l plateau. The ‘Stangs and Marauders will meet tomorrow to determine homefield advantage for th.e playoffs. With memories of a playoff upset at McMaster two years ago, the underdog Warriors were pumped for this contest. They matched their season
Warrior 28-18bss
Craig Hepburnis in
try total with majors from Craig Hepbum and Stel Nikolakakis, and Edsen Cast&o provided all of the kicking punch they needed with 10 points. But this Warrior side was not depend-
ing on A handful of stars. They tackIed well and won the possessional game with sheer determination. The Marauders opened strong with a drive into UW territory. They missed an early penalty kick but AlaA Hamilton scored a blind try in the corner off a five-metre strum. Waterloo’s Castilho cut the lead to 4-3soon after with a 35-metre penalty kick. Mac put on the pressure again, foxing ~0 five-metre strums, both of which the Warriors turned away
IlJW Athletes of the Week 1
3 AUSTRALIAN OILSKIN COATS Reg. $249.95 Sale $189.00
All Reduced
in UWs
b 2
by a Marauder
Phdtd by Pmce
with a powerful pack and energetic difficult convert attempt, *%ut a Mac tackling. Castilho and Hamilton player moved too soon, and the traded penalty kicks before Mac’s Waterloo kicker got another opporTodd Sheppard took the ball in to put tunity. The Marauder soon learned histeam up by five pointis that one ought not to give CastiIho So it remained until late in the first two chances, as he potted the second half when first team v@in Jqsh one. Windsor made a pi+otal play that At this point, Waterloo was simply typified the kind of effort being made dominating. The Warriors were frusby the Waterloo side. A huge Mac trating most of Mac’s strategies, movkick over the forwards had pinned ing the ball almost at will. Then, the Windsor deep in Waterloo territory. roof caved in. With the leading Mac player closing A lapse of concentration deep in to tackle, Windsor hesitated and pretheir own zone with about 20 pared to kick the baI1 into touch. minutes left allowed Hamilton to Suddenly, he pulled the ball in, score again and kick the convert The sprinted around the Matauder, and teeter-totter )yas back in Mac’s favour, rc&eted down the sideline. Breaking 20-18. Minutes later, another defena pair of tackles, he curled toward the , sive breakdown spelled yet another middle of the field and passed to Mac try, this time by Kevin Kea. The Doug Hepburn, who flew between only consolation was that Hamilton the defenders and into the end zone missed the convert, leaving a converright between the posts. With Casted t’y as the differende. tilho’s easy convert, Waterloo had With the Mac points came contaken the halftime lead, 12-11. Unforfidence for th& home squad; they tunately for UW in this game, the poured it on and Simon Beames rules of rugby require that the ball be scored a Iate try in the comer off of a touched to the ground in the five-me& strum. There was no conendzone for a try. The Warriors put vert, and the score stood at 28-18. the ball into Mac’s end zone t&e The junior varsity team also played without completing the play. one of their best games of the year in a M&aster tried co quell Waterloo’s 2240 loss to thehac JVs. De& Percy surging momentum early in the and Rob Thompson scored tries for second half with another %nilton w. kick to regain the lead, 14-12. But, UW Waterloo plays host to the aiready would not be denied. They soon were relegated O-6 Laurier Golden Hawks on top again 18-14, with Stel in the season finale tomorrow at 1:oO Nikolakakis touching it down after an pm. Come on out to cheer on the excellent ruck Cast-i&o missed the Black and Gold at Columbia Fields.
Mm, Tues, Wgd & Sat 9-5 Thurs & Fri 9-$00
Sale 9 DaysOnly VIsll
Andrea had two shutouts this past weekend. First with a 2-O win over Western, who are ranked sixth in Canada. She made 17 saves including two outstanding diving stops. On Sunday vs. Guelph, who is ranked ninth in Canada, Andrea shut out
their offence, particularly on corner kicks, with a O-O tie. Andrea provides confidence to her fullbacks and various strengths to her other teammates. Jeff Clapp
Jeff shot scores of 76 and 76 on October 10th and 11th at the OUAA
Golf Championship to lead the Warrior Golf team to a second place finish Jeff’s two day total of 152 at the Cutten Golf Club in Guelph won him the Bronze Medal. This tremendous feat left Jeff only one stroke from a second place finish and only five strokes from capturing the Gold Medal. MStraka--Tennis
The University of Waterloo and Molson’s are pleased to announce that Richard St&a has beenselected as co-winner for Male Athlete of the Week. Richard is a Is&year Science student from Waterloo, Ontario. Richard won the OUAA Tennis Singles Championship at Western on Oct. 12th, defeating his opponent from York in two straight sets 7-6, 6-4. Richard was chosen as Warrior of the Week two weeks ago, for his first place finish in the OUAA West n
7 King
St. IV., Waterloo
(at Erb)
r fR2
TEAM Vestem Toronto Wfndsx Gualph Laurier Waterloo
5 5 :
II 1 1
5 5
5 4 4 3 2 2
WcHasttr 5
56 32
13 8
130 08 90 92 82 10 36 143 37 172
6 4 4 0 0
0 157 0 132
0 0 0
: 3
5 a
a 710 10 5 2 3 6 5 12 8 4 2 2 9450 706L 8 080
Queen's Toronto Gaurrntian car lrton Ttent ax
Soccer Y
28 7 19 11 l.9 4 21 6 1311 219 2 43
l4 13 12 lo 8 1 8
:: 5. 6,
VBST'EIUiHUSTAIYGS Saint Mary's Huskies Bishop's Qaitrrr Cutgary Dinosaurs TOIWTO BLUES Saskatchewan Hus kles
Qaecngs Golden Gaels Haunt Allison I4mmties
YIRDSOR taRClgB5 UBC Thundmrbitds
Windsur Lacier western Water loo
Warrior DIVISIO# 1
5 5 3 2
Z I 2 3
0 72 0 92 187 172
uat~rlaa Laurirr
51 5 4 3 15 0
10 2 3
9a . 43
HcHaster Queen I I
Cut lph Torunt o
; 6 6 6
mock Trrnt
30 68 71 61
10 1-l I3
i TP
0 140 20 D 52 70 0 41 140 0 17 143
&et THU
308 310 310 312 316 319 315 326 322 331 343
311 311 313 315 321 322 330 325 333 337 340
619 621 623 627 637 641 645 651 655 666 683
Gualph Lalltitt
WiIhdatX HcNartrr Brack Toronta
Trent York
5 2 a 322 34013L5 0 6 1
1D l0
5 6
10 8 6 1
9 2
Qy”o”r;” ‘= Toronto Lauclcr Brock
i 2 1 1
Broek Tormto
3 3
York Queen ' d
3 1
Wutarloo Yindsor
1 0
de&iOnlL October
Qurrrn t5 Water loo
a 6 2 0
Warrior Golf
64 9
ge 5
11) 10 7 5
61 103 77 26
:: 313: 3 2 72413
6 6 6 6
October WeSttXfi
7 7 7 7
Gurlph HcHur trr Ryursan
: 4 4 0
EAST DIVISION TEAM GPW York Queen's ; Toronto 7 Carleton 6 Trent 60 Rprson 7
West Sectional
1 0 1 0
‘H?94ertcr Vatrrloo Vindror Ryerson Carleton HcHustcr Laurmntian Prrnt bau irz
i 1 ! I 0 1 1 1
BMninton I at Ottlwr
13th h 14th
Queen 9 Totontb Yo%k Ottawa
Trrnt RMC Carleton Lmrantian
15 13 8 a
Laurier wertern Guelph McMartcr Waterloo Windsor Brock
LT 1 f
A 1 2 1 0 1 1
2 S 6
t I 8 3 8 1 90
3 4 4 8
1 1 2 1 3 1
Field Hockey 2'9 24 23 8 0 1
; 6 8 21 37
TEAM York Guclph Toronto Laurentian Queen's Waterloo McGi 11 Wmtern Trent CarIeton
PTS 11 10 9 8 1 1
21 16 17 13 9 9 9
October 13 Laurentian Glldph Waterlao Guclph Queen's October 14
Guelph McMaster October 14 Carleton Waterloo Western Laurier
Western Windsor Brock
Trent Guelph Brock WcMaster York Ryersm
East Division TEAM Ottawa York Toronto Queen ’ L
West Division TEAM MeMaster Western Ryerson Laurier M+laster
LEAGUE PTS 22 20 10
4 2 2113
31 4 8'
T ci 3
Laurtntian Queen's GUe Iph
0 0 0120
a 0
byLoriBNwn r.mprint staff
end due to the soaking fields. So, all you basebalI fans, keep your fingers crossed for sunny skies this weekend! The preliminaries wiIl run on Saturday, commencing at 9am at Waterloo
Guslph Laurier Windsor Waterloo
The complete multiple location po,rtrait study for University, College or High School Graduates
park. Finals will run time, same station.
Sunday, same
WhatTemisCourts? The University
of Waterloo shares some of the court space with the Waterloo Tennis Club and community. It is located on Seagram Drive, right beside Waterloo Park Over 80% of the court space is available for recreational use. To hook a tennis court, call 885-3920 after 9am, 48 hours university
students! between
in advance. Remember, all courts are FREE for No bookings are available noon and 1pm. Exclusive
UW use Monday
9am-1 lpm on six indoor courts. For more info, see C-R brochure.
Dates October
19: SJFA 150-02. 6
lopm October 20: Baseball Tournament, 9am, Waterloo Park, SJFA 150-02,9am - 5pm October 21: Baseball Finals, 9am - 7pm, Waterloo Park, Tennis
Sunday, Tourney
Our l-Hour
two locations available l choose from 20 proofs l l we supply gowns & colours + choose from large 5 x 7 proofs
WT.C, 9am -6pm,
SJFA 150-02,9am
- 5pm
23: St. John’s First
Aid starts, 150-026 Wednesday,
- 9pm 24: CPR 352-03
starts, 6 9pm, I?AC 1001 Thursday, October 25: Athktic Advisory Board Mtg. HG 3001,3pm, Flag Football Captain’s Playoff M@, 4;30pm CC.
0 1
:2 26 21 14 11 6
Carleton Waterloo Western Waterloo
TOTAL 51 49
Unfortunately the Men’s baseball tournament was cancelkd Iast week-
TEAM Queen ' s Western Yark Toronto
TennisTournament The Men’s and Women’s Tennis Singles Tournament commenced last weekend and will continue this Sunday, October 21 at 9am at the WTC. Watch for next week’s knpht to see who will be playing in the Finals! They will take place Sunday October 28 at 9am, Waterloo Tennis Club.
Campus Ret
Carleton Queen's Western Carleton Laurentian
ii 5 4 3 1
NAME TEAM GOALS Tamy Ho& York 9 Dee Salsbury Guelph 9 Claire Thurgur Toronto 9 Terri Jackson Guelph 8 Sherri Field YOFAC 7 Veronica Planella York Marilyn Traschler Queen's i Toronto 4 Nancy Callett Annette Koehlcr Waterloo 4 6 players are tied with 3 goals each
I at Ryerson
22 1: I2
8 8 3 1
0 5 2 19 9 7 13 7 22 37
13th & 14th
Wertrrn Ryrrson Wototloo
8 0 1'
PTS 12 ll 9 8
; 5 13 13 13 33
GPWLTF 6 6 6 5 641122 9 3 6 3 6330 62 6 2 i k
l l
19, 1990
rates. Call Betty 886-6361. nlLP
Branch. October 22 - Ontario Forests. Dr. George Priddte, UW, Dept. of Environment ane Resource Studies.
noustwa AVAILADU Autonrotive sperlrtr system. KICKER II single cabinet. 6 l/2 inch copolymer woofers, high frequency drivers, bottom mounted 1O-inch passive radiator. New, never used. Call Jordan 725-0578. Best offer.
campus Reps - individuals or student organization needed to promote our Spring Break Packages on campus. FREE trips plus commission. Call Campus Marketing. l-800-423-5264.
5Ici Boots Salomon SX92 Racing. 19891 DOmodel. Used 12 times. Size 355 ( 10 I/ 2- 11 I/2) $200.00 negotiable. Call Michael at 747-0459.
Smer Busincseee - Action Student Window Cleaners is looking for hard working, motivated individuals who want to take on a challenge next summer. Make up to $1 Z,OOO.OO next summer in a very low risk environment. Call collect (416) 291-9990.
&ifty’s Pine Furniture Clearance outlet, 100% solid pine, handmade, mconds. NEW: bookcases $39., 5 piece dinette $299., wardrobes $249., jamcupboards $149., harvest tables $249., B69-5048 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. B4 LeBvon - loaded, 2.6L, 4 cyl., great 3n gas. 160,000 km but all highway. Cheap, cheap, cheap. $2iOO0.C10 neg. Call l-621-4709. bxy Car: Toyota Corolla 1983. Great mechanical condition. Full maintenance record. Very, very economical. MUST sell soon! $900.00. Call George at (416) 530-486 I. :, Double Futon - in good condition with futon cover. $100. or best offer. Call Sally 888-050 1. Cornmod64C - 1571 Disk Drive, great condition, hardly used. Call 7415296 and ask for Trevor. PA Speaker Stacks and CS800 Amplifier for sale. Price noegotiable. Call Robin: 746-8924 for details.
$1,000/month part-the - Environmental business expanding in this area. Looking for people having the desire to own their own business. Call Marc, 7250249. Bueinew Opportu&y - Entrepreneurs, work smarter not harder, start your own Multi-Level Marketing business with all natural skin, body and various other herbal products. No investment and minimal risk, so why not find out more ; call Wayne or Rob at 888-0600. F@re S&tters required for Ontario. Contact Rhapsody 42, Brantford, Ont., N3T (519) 449-5200. Minimum
Ice Shows in On Ice, Box 5M3 or call age ‘18.
Spring Bzwk f991- individual or student organization needed to Riomote Spring Break trip. Earn money, free trips and valuable work experience. Call now! Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800-3276013.
Winter Term: Townhouse for rent at 249 Cedarbrae Ave. 4 bedrooms, washer’/ dryer, 2 fridges, mostly furnished, 20 minutes from UW. $1,05O/month. Call Jeff at 7253594. Two B.edroom apartment to sublet, Close to both’ universities. $685. utilities included. Avaitableany time after Dec. 1. Call 746-l 270, after 5 p.m. St. Paul’s United College, Westmount Road N.; Waterloo, has residence space available for the Winter term. Contact the Business Office (885- 1460) for an application form and information. Co+ Studenti! 3 rooms for sublet, Jan. - April. Negotiable, fun. 725-5474. $22S/mon& plus utilities. 4 bedroom furnished apartment to sublet for 4 to 8 months (Jan.-April, Jan.-Aug., MayAug.). Really close to campus, 125 Columbia Street West. Call 725-5032. Reduced rent in summer term! First-&es student building. 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment. One or two females to share, non-smoking, laundry facilities, intercom security. Approximately $250/month includes utilities and phone. Jan. 1991. Contact Jen 8880735.
Needing renovrtione done around the house or ?he apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Gail 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. at 746-2763. Aching to be kneaded - Massage Therapy by Darryl Gurney, R.M.T. Former Philadelphia Flyers Sports Massage Therapist. Your student health care plan offers exceU0nt coverage. Call 7471044. Sup&e Someone - rent a life-size Greeting Card (sign) for birthdays, parties or practical jokes. Create your own message. 747-57 17.
Band rrheareaI hall for rent. Over 400 square feet. Insulated, secure, affordable, central tocation. S hart or long term. 662-3 175 or 747-9214.
Experienced ‘Qpist will take care of all your typing needs. Fast efficient service. Westmognt-Erb area. Phone 886-7 153.
Great Music, Super Sound call Rhythm Rob’s Disc Jockey Services, collect (416) 546-5538. Member Canadian Disc Jockey Association. Very Reasonable Rates.
35 ye- experience; .95 d.s.p. typewrftten; $1.25 d.s.p. Word Processor. Erb and Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
WhatamIgoingtodo?HowcanIbesure tam pregnant? Can I continue in school? Where can I obtain good medical care? Call Birthright. 579-3990.
FGt, profwional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857.
Under Spspens3on - seeks experienced rock’n’roll bassist for part-time live performance. No druggies. Gigs waiting. 747-92 14 or 662-3 175.
Wor& for Money. Quality word prooessing and graphics. Postscript Laser Printer. Free pickup and delivery. $2.50 per page. 742-43 15. Wordprocwwing - fast, accurate and letter quality. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports, etc. Pickup and delivery arranged. Call Diane 5761284. Fast, &able quality word processing service. Letter quaiity at competitive
assistance with ACCIS forms? Are you just beginning to think about a career? Visit with a Student Career Advisor for any information required. One is available in the CCon Mondays IO-1 1:30andTuesdays 2-3:30 in room 135. Come on down!
Da yatr wantto put time and energy into a group working for personal and social change? Come with us! Call Theresa 744-2795. Hot “pub Pvtlcs - now you can rent for your big event. We deliver and set up. No plumbing required. “For something completely different” call Splash Spa Rentals I-42 l-0958.
invited to Temple for High Holidays. ; 743-0401.
is a school volunteer proa child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s selfesteem and confidence. Urgent need: male and female volunteers. Call 742-4380.
gram where
of Counselling Services. Half day celebration is planned for afternoon of Friday, Dec. 7. A panel chaired by Robin Banks wilt respond to Koop’s paper entitled “Lashing Back into the Future: Counselling on Campus for 25 Years” - Reception to. follow. Further details to be announced shortly.
Games” - on display in the Public Gallery of the University’s Museum & Archive of Games, Burt Matthews Hall (phone 888-44241, from Oct. 5 through Dec. 15,199O. It is an exhibition of popular commercial war games and related paraphernalia from the Museum’s permanent collection. The Gallery is open to the public on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. until 6 p-m. and on Sundays from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. Admission is free. Homtebve-offersasafe,fuIlyscreened introduction service to people interested in shared accommodation. Homeshare is a program sponsored by the Social Planning Council, Region of Waterloo, and the Ministry of Housing, for details call 578-9894.
The So&J Justice Action Groupmeets regularly throughout the term to coordinate educational evenk and civil disranging from obedience actions speakers and leafletting to blockades. Past actions have included the Dis ARMX campaign, NATO. out of Nitassinan actions and on-going solidarity with the Innu, Christmas Anti-War Toys action, and a continual focus on non-violent resistance to militarism. For details, call 884-3465.
speakers are invited. from the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University to give lectures at the Kitchener Public Library - Main
T&III needed for Spring Term to teach English as a second language or -medial English. Contact Paul barn, Dept. of English or send e-mail message
K-W Chamber
Music Society all at 8 p.m. at KWCMS Music Room or Aird Hall, WLU. Oct. 26 Daniel Lichti, Baritone ; Arlene Shrut, piano in Schubert. Univqsity (Northfield off Webr)
Nominations. are requested for the following seat on the University Senate, to filled by by-election. At least five nominators are required for each nomination. ” One full-time undergraduate student in Mathematics (term to April 30, 1991).” Nomination forms and further information are available,from the Secretariat at ext. 6125.
Need some
I un a fourth year student working on my honours thesis. I am studying the various ways in which Arthritis has an impact on students’ lives. l am interested in spaaking to any students who have Arthritis. If you wou Id be interested in speaking with me, please contact Barb at 725-5236. All information received will be confidential.
Shalom (Reform) Phone: 746-4332
Come and be a part of the Caribbean Student Association (CSA) every other Thursday starting Oct. 11 in CC135. Lots of interesting events are scheduled for this term. See you there!
Are you creative? Are you artistic? Are you interested in justice in the community? Enter the graphic design contest. More info in the Student Volunteer Centre, CC 150A, Ext. 2051, Tues./Thurs. 9- 12 noon.
SrnRVICIS Guy’s Moving T residential, small or large jobs, in town or out-of-town, students 15% off. 746-7160.
Exhibition opens at the Seagram Museum Oct. 2, 1990 to January 31, 1991. For further information contact Lynne Paquetie at 885 1057.
TomYorkMemorial Writing Award submissions presently being accepted. Consider submitting short prose fiction to this years competition. Deadline for entries 22nd of November, 1990. Send to Or. Pauline Greenhill - St. Paul’s College or Dr. Paul Tiessen, English Dept. W.LU. For more information contact Dr. Pauline Greenhill at 885-1460.
Winter Sublet: 1 bedroom in 3 bedroom house, excellent location, $300./month inclusive. Call Michal 888-4048 or 7465733.
Tired of working hard for little reward. Call n’ow and secure your future financially. Markus or Lenzl: 746-7638.
Port and Sherry
CLASSIFIED on CMS to PDBEAM at WATDCS. U Waterloo each listing your name, hours of contact and prefe’rences in teaching time. Planned Parenthood Waterloo Region is looking for mature, caring women and men to volunteer with our agency as counsellom, We are a commuinitybased pro-choice agency whose focus is on family planning and sexuality issues. Gall 743-9360. VolunteerFair’ - is coming to Fairview Park on Oct. 19 and 20. If you belong to a charitable group which would like to inform the public about the work you do and encourage people to become involved as volunteers, you may wish to participate. For further information, call the Volunteer Ptacement Service at 7428610. Our office is now located at 89 Caroline St. S. in Waterloo, behind Waterloo Town Square. If you have a few hours that you can share as a volunteer, call 742-86 10. Volunteers . . . we ‘can’t do without them!
K-W Newcomers - is a new womens social group to meet other new comers. Call 747- 1658 -first Wed. of month at rink in park.
Conference to - Focus on Empowerment in Deaf Community. This 49th Biennial Conference is hosted by K-W Keaf Community at Waterloo Motor Inn. Beginning Oct. 18 to 21 st. For information call (519) 744-68 11 (Voice) or (5 19) 744-6901 (TDD). The Waterloo County Wheeling Squares invite all handicapables in wheelchairs to join in their classes, starting at 8:00 p.m* at Pioneer Park Public School, 55 Upper Canada Drive, Kitchener. Call 893- 1449 or 885-5652.
-,-so C-r Fair ‘90 - at Fairview Park, Call 742-8610 for more info.
Wendo - a woman’s self defense course is being offered by the Woman’s Issues Board today and Nov, 4. $35.00 for both sessions, For registration and info call Tammy, ext. 6305. Yan&y,mtobmPP International Student Wine and Cheese at PAS 3005 (Psych Lounge). Everyone is welcome. 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
MBA Day - is coming your way. Drop in to the Campus Centre from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and make arrangements for your c .3reer. Student Career business Advisors @CA’s) wilt be there to assisi you ! UVV: The Spirit in an Age of Technology - 7 p.m. Dr. W. Klassen discusses Conscience: Friend or Foe? KPL Stanley Park Branch. -y,
Down to Earth: Shopping for a Safe1 Environment - 7 p.m. Guest speakers Ruth Jackson, Consumers’ Associatior and Kara Symbolic, WPIRG. Register by calling 896-1736, KPL Stanley Pat% Branch. OntarioFiblrositisAssoc.-7p.m. Dr. J.P Schaman, M.D. discusses the topic Fibromyalgia Syndrome: The Fitness Connection. KPL Main. Business Introduction to WLU: Organization - 7 p.m. Prof. Rob McKenzie. Tonight’s topic: Marketing. KPL Main.
China Cinema - screenings in UW’s East Campus Hall #1219 at 7100 p.m. “Martial Arts of Shaolin”. Croatian students are planning more exciting social events at the CRO-WAT organizational meeting, HH373,5-7 p.m. Come join or contact Ivo Ragur at 7250880 for more details.
Classifieds CLASSIFIED
Preparing for the Job Search “Hands-on” workshop for graduating students. Sat. Oct. 27 - lO:30- 12:30 - deterWLU: Sporte Psychology - 7 p.m. Dr. mining your interests and strengths ; Fred Binding. KPL Forest Heights 12:30- 1:OO - bring lunch ; l :OO-2:45 Branch. -researching occupations in the Career Resource Centre ; 3:00-5:00 WLUz Sociology of Religion - 7 p.m. Dr. -selling your qualifications in a Richard Christy. KPL Pioneer Park resume and interview. Branch. Graduate 1 Newspaper Fri. Nov. 2. ”
Sessions - Sat. Nov. 10 NH 1020 - lO:OO.- 11:30 - Knowing Yourself/Occupations, Resume Writing ; 12:00-l :30 - Interview Skills I ; 2:00-4:00 - Resume/ACCIS Checks (come anytime during the two-hour period). Saturday
e Centre - Sat. hours CamrRm -Employer files/directories and career planning/job search materials to help you when preparing job applications. Sat. Nov. 10, 11:303:30, NH1 115.
Sign-up sheets and workshop preparation handouts available in Career Services, NH 1001, the week prior to workshop. Classes held in
Job Sear& (I hour) tive and traditional ing jobs. Dates: 3:30-4:30 ; Wed. 12:30.
- a look at creamethod’s
of find-
Thurs. Nov. 8, Nov. 28, 11:30-
Summer Job<s (1 hour) - how to discover the array of summer jobs available. Dates: Tues. Nov. 20, 1 l:30- 12:30. Researching Employers (1 hour) how to locate information about employers. Dates: 12:30- 1:30.
Letter Writing (1 hour) - an important key for getting your job. Dates: I:30 ; Wed. Nov.
Intiew Skills I(1 hour) - tips on how to prepare effectively for a job interview. Dates: Mon. Nov. 5,3:304:30 ; Tues. Nov. 13, 12:30-l :301 “Hands-on” practice usually
in interviews.
interview tice selling
Careers, Oct. 30, 3:30-4:30, NH 1020 ; Environmental Careers, ‘Nov. 1, 6:00-7:00 p.m., NH1020 I-“Shadow for a Day” Draw, Nov. 2.
III (1 hour) - pracyour skills. Dates: Wed.
overcoming personal cliff iculties. Dates: Thurs. Oct. 25, 6:30-9100 p.m., NH3001
6:00, NH300t.
and cheup mere.
Needles Halt, room 2080 or call extension 2655. Claws b@n Tuesday, Oct. 23 1:30to3:30p.m.or6:30to8:30p.m. ; Wednesday, Oct. 23 - I:30 to 3%) p.m. ; Thursday, Oct. 25 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. ; Wednesday, Oct. 31 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
MikeMosaMawrialB~deserving third and fourth year students who have financial need, an examplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment activiies are these awards.
in extra-curricular invited to apply for Application, includ-
Mb&i wvdyc Fundgez w&s. Whte: 60s~ Ckir Ave. E,. Suite 201. Tm Ontati M4TZ.M Or call:
reference, should be submitted by November 30,199Oto Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMtt. Special applications are available at Ehe Student Awards Office.
(416) 923~8173
who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies may be interest@ in this two-hour, 4 session workshop. Oct. 29 - 9:30
CALL Applicdion fom~~ and further information please contact the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.
I-800-263-6750 I
-3~ Ew Mowship Bible Study. OC1304 at 750 pm. All ar@ w0lcome.Formoreinformebor, * ,ca118845712.
L~~.HI HOW to ue Computerized Indexes & Abstracts. Medline will be offered at ll:30 a.m. and PolTox will be offered at 1:30 p.m. Meet at the Information Desk, Davis Centre Library. wahm6dmy,&tobat24
w How to w Indexes & Abstracts. workshop will cover tion Index. Meet at Desk, Davis Centre
Computerized 2:3O p.m. This Science Citathe Information Library.
Asserting Yourself in the Job Interview (2 l/2 hours) - expressing successfully
YOU can ngister at the reception desk in Counselling Services,
Cartada Career Week, - “start to finish” Oct. 29-Nov. 2 ; Hospitality
; Tues. Nov.
Nov. 7. 3:30-4:30.
MBA Day, Oct. 23, 9:00-12:00, Campus Centre.
Learn HOW to u8e Computerized Indeties & Abstracts. CD-ROM. Medline will be offered at 11:30 a.m. and PolTox will be offered at I:30 Skills II (1 hour) - p.m. Meet at the Information Desk, session where you can Davis Centre Library. answering questions
Mon. Nov. 5,4:30-5:30 13, t:30-2:30.
Those who wish to improve their study skills can take advantage of individual counselling and workshops in the fpllowing topics: a) study skills in the classroom, such as notetaking, effective listening, and class preparation; b) effective study techniques, including time management, textbook reading, and coneffective centration and; c) exam-writing skills (4 sessions).
Clvrs Iqins Monday, to 1 I:30 a.m.
Critiquing (1 hour) - bring your own resume for analysis by the group. Dates: Mon. Nov. 12, 11:3012130.
; Wed. Nov. 14,3:30-
renewals of are advised
ques may also be picked
Entry-level Officer & Foreign vice Exams, Oct. 20.
Learn HOW ti me Computerized Indexes & Abstracts. I:30 p.m. CDROM. This workshop will cover (1 hour) - techniGeneral Introduction to CD-ROM an effective resume. use. Also Science Citation Index in 19,2:30-3:30 ; Mon. CD-ROM format will be offered at 12:30 ; Wed. Nov. 7, 2:30 p.m. Meet at the Davis Centre Library Information Desk.
Mon. Nov. 5,12:307, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
19, 1990
eligible for Scholarships
the Student
that the cheques are now available. A list of eligible students is posted in
Career Resource Centre - Open Oct. 27 & Nov. IO,1 I :30-3:30, Ask about evening hours.
h~forutatid Interviews / Networking (1 hour) - finding out about jobs to make career decisions/ discovering job openings. Dates: Tues. Nov. 6, 11:30- 12:30. Resume Writing ques for writing Dates: Fri. Oct. Nov. 5, 11:306:00-7:00 p.m.
students Canada
Additional Rogr;uns - inquire in Career Services, Nt-llOOl , It 15.
mvlning for a Career (1 hour) - the foundation upon which all job search activities are based. Dates: Tues. Oct. 30, 12:30-l 130, ; Tues. Nov. 6, 10:30- 11:30.
- distributed .d
UW,Renisox&ollqe:ArtandSociety-7 p.m. Prof. Michael Bird. Race, Gender and Common Humanity in the Search for Self-esteem. KPL Main.
Anstudy session on Baha’i Faith. 7:30 p.m. Campus Centre, room 110. Everyone welcome! Sponsored by Association for Baha’i Studies. Call Misagh 7254950.
Learn HOW to use Computerized Indexes & Abstracts. t 1:30 p-m,. CD-ROM. This workshop will cover PolTox. Meet at the Information Desk, Davis Centre Library.
at 530
p.m. New members
WelCOmed 8CSM.i~all~. &flle argue with us!
will be Oti and
FAS6Wdkdbetings-c0mebaparl of the crewwho mite that crazy yearly show. Everyone w&ome (we mean it). . 7:30 p.m. MC5156.
W~~~p’u’Gtotlp - Womyn will answer the phone Monday nights - call 684GLOW. Also, rather than regular meetings on Thursdays, drop by the
AmmertgInhrnrtlaarl -writeforHuman Rights at 730 in CC135 Everyone w&ome!
lbrowse the library, talk to other womyn, or just hang out.
ckssesstartingSept.Z6.7:OOp.m.,B.C. Wthews Hall, Room 1040. free pt8ying time for all at 7:30. Call ext. 4426.
office Mondays
P.O.E,T.S. Pub 8:30 - 1100 a.m., CPH 1337. Musicians bring your instruments. Everyone is welcome - licensed.
Jazz choir - come out and ioin the fun from 245 - 3:45atS&$ried Hall (nearS?Jeromes cdlege). No auditions. For Cura m Centre is open until 7 Moc8 info call m, 746-5236. p.m. Make use of extended hours to cam and Wma@a t&map - this teml rather than r-arch employers, academic opportunities. See you there! Thursday meetings ~e wilt have Mmd~ nigh4 drop-in in the G1OW office. See Womah Cemtre holds meetings at 7 “MOM+” for d8bb. p.m. inroom217attheWomen’sCentre. Al are welcome! WKI’SK-theWtwk~~SciinceFfction Club, is holding meetings a;L630. Come out and meetotherfans of Science FEMRYwIbwR6WY ticm, Fantasy, Comics, Wargames, or. Role-playing games. Check in the Clubs Room (CC21 5) for further de&its. GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberatii of ~terbo) coffeehouses are held cm w[ Tht wm Jewish studen&
in tth3 stereo room
of the Campus Chwe, mfentseveryott-rWne=W. GLOW for inf0rmation.
byw Film See Upcoming Events Cabndar lit-
for dewa.
1 I R
from 7-10 to Perry GO! - beginners are invited to go
alternate Wednesdays
Tbt stadmt m Movement’ l, meets todiscuss issuesof injustice. The ’ R SCM is an ecumenical group that l chaltengesp0op&~liveouttheirfaii in RL aclion. For mom inform&on call Gennie l ti57~0r~at884-1177.
witil special Cail884-
FkmkMDkaaskkGroup. Meetsevery Wednesdtiy from 7:OO to 9:OO pm. at global Commur@ Centre in Waterloo. Topic and group vary weekly’s0 that all women are Mcome anytime. For more information ext. 3457 or 578-3456.
Do F think you t+ve a drinking problem? Pernaps Ak&oks Anonymous canhelp.Wee+dymMinosooentothe p&Iii m in ti Health 5 S&y Building -Meeting Room (ask receptionist) on r-----, --F&jts at 1230 pti. OT call 742-6163. C&we m Fellowship meetings every Friday at 7:W pm. at WLU sem inary building, rodm 201. Contact Mike uu at 747e for rides. Wrhers’~: 2-4 p.m. in Psych. Lounge (PAS Building). poetry, short stcnies, scripts, mmts, etc. Bring penoils, copies, and an open, critical mind. Laoktg h a frimdly emimment to hawb&i rVdk%ual discussions and fun? Join our w study sessions at 730 p.m., Campus Centre room 110. kso&tion fcu Baha’i Studks. All wekome! MRY-Y
a dy
Bagel Brunch every Thursday from 1130 am. t0 130 pm. in the Campus
W’8 Em@M Fellowship evening 8Bcvjce. 7:00 pm. at 163 University
- Check
with Turnkeys
for the
mom number. J& tbc War&m Band! Thursday at $30 pm; in 2012 (Blue NoRh). New hers WQI~. w inslruments.
For mm pracaice WWY the PAC. room and dd mCarl provide
infommiion, Cal 664-5712.
FM Wm Meetings - those crazy wHb3mm9atitagain,andth8ywantYOU. t-ietp wri& m shows that millions have raved abut. 730 p.m. MC 5156. Everyonewe~.
Sock? h
Right /Vow is the petiect time to stock up on stocwng Stuflers -like the Dexxa Mouse, WeVe also got lots of stuff with really big stockings!
‘1 Dexxa,Muuse by Logitech* Our Zittle
Pre&hristmas Special forYou!!
Mow is the perfect time to SAVEBIG on these special deals. 1
1 Meg RAM 9 40 Meg Hard Drive 1.2 Meg Floppy Drive VGAColour Monitor& Adaptor I 2 Serial/ Parallel/ Game Pbrts 101 Keyboard
386/25MHz 1 Meg RAM l 40 Meg Hard Drive 1.2 Meg FloppyDrive VGAColour Monitor& Adaptor 2 Serial/ ParallelP&Is 101 Keyboard
VGA LCD Display l 1.44 meg floppy 40 Meg 27 msec Hard Drive serial/ parallel l BatteryPack
ual Game Ports Multi-media graphics MS-DOS,
registered names of the manufacturers.
GW Basic
K-W’S 2nd mosi respected name in computer hardware 170 University Ave. W., (University Shops Plaza II) Waterloo Tel. 746-4565 Fax. 747-0932 OPERATING
10 AM - 6 PM MON - THWRS
10 AM - 8 PM F81