Second Class Registration Number NP6453 Kitchener, Ontario
Sign-up sheets and workshop preparation handouts available in Career Services, NH 1001, the week prim to workshop. Classes held in NH1020. PlanningforaCareer - 7 hour-the foundation upon which all job search activities are based. Wed., Mar. 6 - 6:00 . to TOO p.m.
Job Search 0 1 hour - a look at creative and traditional methods of finding jobs. Tues.,,Feb. 72 - 70:30 to 7 1:30 ; Mon., Mar. 78 -17:30 to 1230 P.m.. Summer Jobs - 7 hour - learn how to discover the array of summel jobs available. Mon., Mar. 4 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Informational In&views/Networking 1 hour - enhanceyourproficiency. Mar. 6 - 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Resume W&in& 7 hour-techniques for writing an effective chronological, modified resume. Tues., Mar. 5 -1 I:30 to 7230 ; Thurs., Mar. 74 - 72:30 to 7 :30 p.m. Letter Writing - 1 hour - letters can be an important key to getting your job. Tues., Mar. 5 - 72:30 to 1:30 ; Thurs., Mar. 74 -
I:30 to 230, Ix&n&w Skills I - 1 hour - tips on how to prepare effectively for job interviews. Wed., Mar. 73 - 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Keith Car Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical Eng. Chevron Canada I Ltd. Sc,holarship deadline March 28 -available to338 Winter term. John Deere Ltd. Scholarship - deadline March 28 - available to 3B Mechanical Eng, Charles E. DeLeuw Transpotiation Scholarship - deadline Feb. 28 - available to 4B Civil Eng. - Special Application. Dow Chemical Canada Scholarship available to 3B Chemical Eng. Gilndalf Data Limited Award - deadline Feb. 28 - availabte to 1B and above, (Elect., Sys. De., or Comp. Eng. Murata-Erie North America inc. Award deadline March 28 - available to 38 Etectrical & Computer Eng. Ready Mixed Concrete Assoc. of Ontario Award - deadline March 28 - available to 3B Civil Eng. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursa-ry available to 4th yr. Civil Eng. Shell Canada Ltd. Award - deadline March 1 - available to 3rd or 4th year. JackWiseman Award - availableto3rd or 4th yr. Civil Eng. students whose work term report has been graded as outstanding and must focus on Construction or Project Management. Deadline: March 1. MS. Yolles & Partners Ltd. Scholarship deadline March 28 - available to 38 Civil Eng.
FACULTY OF ARTS Interview Skills II - 1 hour - “hands-on” Arts Student’ Union Award - deadline session where you can practice answerFeb. 28 - available to undergraduate ing questions usually asked in interviews. students who are actively involved in Wed., Mar. 13 - 7:00 to 8:OO p.m. University Student Affairs with a *4:qJJ * ~~~J,DD “I I minimum overall average of 70% Interview Skills III - 2 hours - practice James C. McKegney Memorial Award selling your skills. .Mon., Mar. 7 7 - 72:30 deadline Feb. 28 -available to upper year to 2:30 p.m. Arts with outstanding performance and/ EVERY MOMDAY or extra-curricular activities in the HisAssertingYourself in the Job Interview -2 panic Area - one in Peninsular Spanish Womyn’s Group - Womyn will answer the 712 hours - expressing yourself more Studies and one in Spanish America phone Monday nights - catt 884-GLOW: successfully. Tues., Mar. 72 - 3:30 to Studies. Also, rather than regular meetings’ on 6:OO p.m. Thursdays, drop by the GLLOW office FACULTYOF Mondays from 7-10 to browse the library, Preparing for the Job Search - Saturday, MATHEMATICS talk to other womyn, or just hang out. Mar. 9. - “hands-on” workshop for Electrohome 75 Anniversary graduating students, IO:30 to 72:30 - Scholarship - deadline March 28 - avail. determiningybur interests and strengths, able to 38 Computer Science. EVERY TUESDAY and defining important aspects of the job. 72:30 to 7:OO-bring your lunch. 1:OO Information about other awards and burP.O.E.T.S. hb 8:30-- 7:00 a.m., CPH to 2:45 - researching occupations In the skies is available from the Student 7337. Musicians bring your instruments. Career Resoyrce Centre. 3:00 to 5:00 - Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Everyone is welcome - licensed. selling your ‘qualifications in a resume Hall. and interview, I Career Rmurce Centre is open until 7 p.m. Make use of extended hours to research Student Career Advisors CARADA SCHOLARSHIP g employers, careers and academic opporOffice hours begin week of Jan. 7 ; for RRWRWAL tunities. See you there! infbrmation on times and locations, Students eliglle for 2A and 3A renewals inquire in NH7001 or phone 888-4047. of Canada Scholarships are advised that Waterloo Public Interest Research Environmental Careers the cheques are now available. A list of Group hblds its Board of Directors eligible students is posted in the Student Thurs., Mar. 7, I:30 to 2:30, NH 1020: meetings from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in DC Awards Office and cheques may also be 1331. All members welcome! picked up there. Undergraduate marks available starting Janaury 76. If you are a registered, on- # EVLRY WEDWESDAY campus, full-time undergraduate stu- dent this term and are expecting a Grade # Report from the Fall 1990 term, you may s’ Concerned abut the government debt, national unitv and Canada’s role in interpick it up at the regis$rar’s office beginAre needed to assist two blind students 4h national politics? If so, the P.C. Youth with library searches, reading and essay ning January 16 (Grade reports for St; Associati& at UW wants you! Come to Fed Jerome’s and Renison registrar& will be l-lF.ll I -.,-mm -* c.rl)n -p.1 -I I. AI e.e.11n-8 II rr+ writing. If anyone would like to volunteer r-vail ~uurlye at 3.3~ VI ~;a11 raw at to help these students, please contact available at the college B.) Grade reports 725-54 77, for part-time students Rosemary Ambrose, Services for Persons with Disabilities, NH 2051, X2229. well as for co-op studer ifs on a workterm. Women’s Centre - holds meetings at 7 IV c;a~~ Iucalull~auwI yvilt be required for p.m. in room 277 at 3:30 p.m. (The Sunnyside Home is looking for evening those grade reports that are picked up. aWomen’s Centre). All are welcome! and weekend receptionists. Week days Studies ai7d Engineering students can grade reports in their between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on get their HOUR of Debates - argues vehemently weekends between 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 departments. about anything and everything in Physics l pm. These positions will give people a 313 at 530 p.m. New members always Raffle. Winatripfor chance 10 both work with seniors and Clas~of’91GrtidGift welcome! Call Sandy 884-5970 or Paul meet the public. If interested contact two to the Dominican Republic, a CD I 746-2367 for info. a 7991 Schwinn portable stereo, Chris Cameron, 893-8482, ext. 303. Woodlands mountain bike and any other GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Student Volunteer Centre refers UW prizes. Get your tickets for only $3.00 or 2 Waterloo) holds coffeehouses from 9-7 1 students and staff, who are interested in for $5.00 at SC. Sot., Math Sot. or p.m. in room 704 of the Modern volunteering, to organizations on cam- Eng. Sot. Languages Building. The GLLOW pus and within the K-W Community. Studies .and Engineering students can phoneline IS staffed weekdays 7-10 p.m., Open Mondays and Thursdays 17:00 get their grade reports in their providing information and peer counsetla.m. to 7:00 p.m. departments. I ing. Message at other times; call 884El GLOW. Volunteers needed to gather information Classof’91Grad Gift Raffle. Winatripfor on local MISSING PERSONS and two to the Dominican Republic, a CD . Fminist Discussion Group. Meets every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. at UNSOLVED HOMICIDES as part of a portable a 7991 Schwinn stereo, Global Community Centre in Waterloo. National Campaign. More information Woodlands mountain bike and any other available in the Student Volunteer Cen- prizes. Get your tickets for only $3.00 or 2 . Topic and group vary weekly so that all women are welcome anytime. For more tre, CC150A, ext. 2051 (Monday and for $5.00 at SC. Sot., Math Sot. or Thursday 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.) Eng. Sot.
I l
-I L
Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible Study. DC1304 at 7:30 Pm- All are welcome. For more information, call 884-
FASS Writers Meetings - come be a part of
an ecumenical group that challenges peopie to live out their faith in action. For more information call Gennie at 576-0504 or Dave at 664- 7 777.
the crew who write>hat crazy yearly show. Everyone welcome (we mean it). 7:30 p.m. MC5158.
p.m. Call 884-GLOW
Amnesty International - write for Human Rights at 7130 in CC735. Everyone welcome!
Great Films of France brought to you by UW FilmSociety. Please refer tothe weekly calendar for details.
nights are back: at 7-9 for details.
Play Go! r beginners and players are invited to free play at Matthews Hall, ‘room 7040, 7:30 p.m. Call ext. 4428. All Year Round! Slavic Students Society meets at 5 to 7 P.m. Everyone welcome (non-majors too!) Check bulletin boards in ML for location.
Do you think you have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Weekly meetings open to the public held in the Health &Safety Building - ~vI
The En@h Society meets at 4:30 P.m. in H.H.262. For more info call ext. 2339. New
Fridays at 12:30 pm. or caH 742-6783.
members -
Chinese Christian Fellowship meetings every Friday at 7:00 pm. building, room 207. Contact Mike LIU at 747-4065 for rides.
are a’ways we’come! #VERY
Career Resource Centre Extended Hours 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Our resources include information on various occupations, employers, educational opporiunities, work/&dy abroad, and m&b. T*.mw f-LA” JLl1Vl.l
--~vIIIGuuL(111uJvIIIIlIGIurIIIv Pb-Lm* .-,a I+ ~rh-4 kin
tkw f1 an fin
m 2:45 - 3:45 at Siegfried Halt (near I 2. Jeromes College). No auditions. For more info call Chery, 746-5236.
Womyn’B Group - this term rather than Thursday meetings we will have Monday night drop-in in the GLLOW office. See “Mondays” for details. WATSFIC - the Waterloo Science Fiction Club, is holding meetings at 6:30. Come out and meet other fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comics, Wargames, or Roleplaying games. Check in the-Clubs Room (CC275) for ‘further details. Bag&!
Association/Hillel presents a weekly Bagel Brunch every Thursday from 1I:30 am. to 7:30 pm. in the Campus Centre - Check with Turnkeys for the room number. Join the Warriors
Band! Practice every Thursday at 5:30 pm. in the PAC, room 2072 (Blue North). New and old members welcome. We can provide instruments.
W&rs’ Workshop: 2-4 p.m. in Psych. Lounge (PAS Building). Poetry, short stories, scripts, novels, etc. Bring pencils, copies, and an open, critical mind. Lookinn --fat a-...friendlv -..-‘, envkonr -... . -. ..nent to have ------o both intetlectual discussions and fun? Join our weekly discussions at 7:30 p.m., CamnoIQ C%v+rF? rnnm r-’
I.% l”“,
Accnrdinn ,
fnr ,“I
Baha’i Studies. All wetcome!
Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 7:00 pm, at 763 University Ave. W. (MSA), apt 32 1. All are welcome. For more information, call 884-5772.
FASS Writers Meetings - those crazy writers are at it again, and they want YOU. Help write the shows that ‘miltions have raved about. 7:30 p.m. MC 57 58. Everyone welcome.
University Chapel Worship Sewice, Keffer Memorial Chapel, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary - 1l:OO a.m. - an opportunity for all campus people and others to participate in a regular Sunday worship service of Word and Sacrament. tnformaiion: Chaplain Graham E+ Morbey, Chaplains Office, MC 4002, ext. 3622. ’
YouVe a candid candidate! ing sex&m and racism on campus. Herold is a member of thg Women’s Issues Board, and is mu committed to women and minoritie on Campus. Both Brice and Jantzi would Like to work with the Humar Rights BCGIII toward a &lution, Homby would like to see more minorities represented on campus, and Tii would like to promote more women in engineering.
At a little past 11:30 am, the Candidate Forum held this past Wednesday, February 6, began in the Carl A. Pollock HalI. Chief Returning Officer Scott Murray presided as MC for the fluctuating lunchtime crowd of 30 to 40 people. Preceded by acclaimed VPOF mdidate Steve Millard, the presidential candidates and the VPUA candidates took turns at the podium. Given three minutes each, the candidates introduced audience, briefly
The next question was directed at the presidential candidates on the Student Life Building issue. Is it worthwhile, and do they support thie
to the
their political platforms. Tpically, such issues as accountability, communication, recycling and underfunding were on their agendas. The major differences seem
Both Brooks more student information plans. Leddy was one more one wants to
to lie in their orders of priority. Murray then opened the floor to questions from the audience. One audience member chose to attack the candidates’ promises to represent all students. Specifically regarding the OFS, they asked is abortion considered a student issue? Bernie Herold, Jeff Homby, and Ted Timar voiced their personal beliefs, but Lisa Brice, Sean Brooks, Brian Jarttzi, and John Leddy abstained. Despite their personal stances, the majority agreed that
The 1991 Federation dead space hanging
abortion is a social issue, not directly student-related. According to L.eddy, the OFS should not be involved, they “should serve direct student needs.” The issue of accountability was
then introduced by another audience member. When asked how each candidate will actually gather student opinion for policy implementation, the presidential candidates espoused their commitment to attending
by chadenevantyghem Women’sissuesBoard
tles, green dye, and odour-filled capsules. However, we feel Echo would
of students election above their heads.
There is an increasing awareness at the University of Waterloo that there is a need to solve campus security problems; more specifically the personal safety of women. the Women’s Issue Board of the Federation of Students is making available the Echo Personal alarm system at the Turnkey desk. Echo, which stands for Emergency Call Help Out, is a personal safety device that attaches to your belt, or can be put in your pocket. The pulsating alarm is activated by either pulling the ripchord, or depressing the button located on the
of the alarm.
Echo claims
prior to, and during. women’s week (March 4-Q a booth will be set up in the Campus Centre where you
can fill out a questionnaire ing campus safety.
Another course
option offers
is a self-defence
the best protection. The Women’s Jssues Board offers Wen-Do, a women’s self-
Photo by Karina Kraenzle
to social issues, the canon their opi-
defence come, on term every cams. Wen-Do stresses that women Ii ve choices and alternatives to being victims. The course is based on awareness, avoidance, and action both verbal and physical. Wen-Do
each term,
of attacks
on women
in the
University Heights area. Last Wednesday Uanuary 30), it was reported that two high schoolage women were brutally beaten in
But as Freddy
demanded, they have to justify the fees, and Waterloo should “pull out if they’re not getting anything back”
affirmative action and All agreed that they support women’s issues, and would like to find solutions toward eradicat-
For their candidate platforms, to vote on
separate, cidents.
use different physical and verbal tactics, Repeat how you are feeling make the attacker aware that you dg not want this, and that you are na oing to make it e&y for h&n Watch IL r his weak points, try to negotiate, con or lie to get yourself out Of the situation. Protect your friends on and off campus. There are a multitude of services to help persons who have been sexually assaulted On campus, the Sexuality Resource Centre, the Women’s Centre, the Women’s Issues Board, Health and Safety, and CounseUiq Services, are ail qvailable to victims
though connected, inOne woman was beaten
uncon&5ous by two men while walking across the grounds of Bluevale High School (around 8:15 pm). Two hours later, a second woman was followed off a number 9 bus by two men, whose descriptions matched those of the two bvolved in the earlier incident, yho repeatedly shoved her into a chain link fence, until, she too, lost consciousness. Furthermore, the Queen’s Bench Study, conducted in San Franc&co,
Being a victim of sexual assault is a terrible thing to think about. As students, we are here to learn, to meet new people, and to explore ourselves and our independence. Why then should you bkl thinking about sexual assault? A recent Canadian Study, published in the Toronto Star, indicated that 60 per cent of collegeage males reported that, in certain situations, they would use force, commit rape, or do both, in sexual rebtions with women. Also, off campus, the police are advising women not to walk alone at night becuase of a
they won’t see.“Timar stated that the Student Ljfe building “was a matter of priority, and not one right now.” Finally, the candidates were questioned on the CFS and the OFS. What’s their relationship to the FEDS? What’s their focus? All basically agreed that the CFS and the OFS are a strong lobby group, and Waterloo needs to work with them in order to have a provincial or
nion regarding gender parity.
ECHOL earlier a woman responds to an attacker, the better a chance she has to get away. Watch for advertisements for upcoming Wen-Do classes, as it is
Womenhave choices and dternutives to being victims
to ignore the enormous
didates were questioned
generated sound of 105 decibels is audible for two city blocks. The only way to deactivate the alarm is to remove it from its yellow pouch, open the battery compartment, and remove the batteries. More information will follow this article as to the exact date that Echo will be available. The Women’s Issues Board stresses that Echo may not stop an attacker. It may, however, catch them off guard and give the victim time to run away. Further, the alarm may be heard by others who will inform security. There is also a disclaimer on the Echo instructions stating that “the Echo alarm will not prevent attacks. Always use common sense.” There are other personal safety devices available on the market such as; whis-
try desperately c
society meetings and getting to know students on a more personal level. Jar&i explained his intention to increase resources of contact, and promoting more interaction between the Feds and the student body.
be the most effective personal safety device, and the easiest to make avail-
able to students. Unfortunately, the University Student Escort Team (USEIT) is not in operation th& term. We hope that, after a campus safety audit is completed this term, the program will be reinstated. If you would like to help with this audit, please contact Charlene or Kimberly at the Women’s Issues Board, ext. 6305.
and Jantzi demanded option and more regarding building believed the question of finance. After all, “no pay $20 for something
Off campus,
Centre 579-2211,
closing statements, each reiterated their political encouraging the students Febntary 12 and 13.
the KW Sexual
24 hours
a clay, al
ext. 623.
Wutchfor his wazk 1 Ways to help protect yourself points...con or lie to - Plan your routes home ahead of get yourse&%ut of time, avoid isolated, dark, or wooded areas. -m the situation. - Always be on guard, and be alert to your surroundings. Don’t wear headphones while walking alone as
found that women who avoided sexual assault did so by using resistance - both physically and verbally. Also, these women were more suspicious, and prior to the actual attack, they responded to the rapist in a rude and’ hostile manner. Finally, don’t make yourself an easy target. If you are attacked, try to
you may not hear the attacker. - Try to walk home in groups, especially after night classes and parties. - Always Iook in the ,back seat of your car before you get in. (30 per cent of sexual assaults occur in cars) - Take a self-defence course, and encourage other women to do so. - Report suspicious behaviour to the police.
4 Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
Council looks Alcohol Awareness Week Moderation is the key niat new job coordinating all annual Federation s - events, which currently are r lentation, Homecoming, Winterfest and Summerfest. As well, this person would seek corporate sponsorship for these events, assist in the Federation promotion of all businesses and services, and sell advertising for the Fed Handbook By giving this person responsibilities that used to be paid part-time positions, it will cost the Feds approximately $5,600 to hire someone for this position. The idea of a sports bar in the upper area of Fed Hall has been an success, according , to amazing Sliwinski. A larger, second pool table has been added, and the first pool table has already paid itself off. There were amendments to the constitution.of the Iranian Students’ Association (ISA) due to a problem with a different group of Iranian students attempting to take con@1 of the ISA.
y Daw Thomson nprint staff The second Student’s Council feeting of the year took place at the zderation Hall coat check room last unday, February 3,199l. Vice President, Operations and lnance Tess Sliwinski was the only xecutive member present. She is ow acting President, since former resident John Vellinga resigned in Tovember of last year. Sliwinski reported that she is still Dmpiling results of the Student Life wilding survey which was conduc!d after the defeat of the proposal last ear. On that same theme, she said mt she hoped to distribute a ‘Needs A ssessment’ survey to students by tl le end of March. The survey wiI1 be tl 1e first of its kind since 1986, and will b e more comprehensive and less b iased than the last one. It will alttempt to focus on a variety of stud ent needs, from academic to It Gsure. Plans are also in the works to create nother full-time position of Special vents / Promotions Coordinator tithin the Federation of Students. his person would be responsible for
The passing of the constitutions of the IJW Reform Party and the Hellenic Students’ Association were deferred until the next meeting, since no representatives from these groups showed up.
Federation Election c91 All-Candidate Forum
specialto Imprint Alcohol awareness is a major dilemma at Canadian universities, largely because drinking is accepted as an everyday part of campus life. While many students consider alcohol use to be normal and acceptable, they often forget thatalcohol can cause serious social, physiological, and legal problems. The use of alcohol among university students is widespread. Statistics indicate that 80 per cent of student drinkers suffer negative consequences due to alcohol misuse. No other single population has a higher proportion of drinkers than the postsecondary population BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students) is an organization devoted to informing students of the consequences of alcohol use. BACCHUS takes a realistic approach to drinking among university students: if you are going to drink/ do so in moderation. The BACCHUS philosophy stresses the importance of knowing your own limit, not driving after drinking respecting others who choose not to drink, and not drinking just to be a part of the crowd.
BACCHUSbooth in CC GreatHall
twist. The Bombshelter wiIl play host to a game of Beer Trivial Pursuit at 2 pm. Teams qf four can sign up in the Bombshelter, but there is a limit of ten teams, so sign up early to avoid missing out.
BACCHUS is also running a Green Ribbon Campaign to remind people not to d&e after having consumed alcohol. Green ribbons tied to car aerials wiIl serve as reminders about
kiebruary is...
Black History Ch/ A February is Black History Month, and a number of local groups will be celebrating. The Kitchener-Waterloo Chapter of the Congress of Black Women of Canada is sponsoring two events. On Saturday, February 9 at 7 prnf “Theatre in the Rough,” a theatre group from Toronto, will perform “See here! It’s Africa and the Car+ bean at St. Mary’s High School’s west campus, 35 Weber Street W. Admission at the door is $5 for adults and $2 for children.
Monday, February 11 II:30 a.m. t0 I:30 p.m.
The week of February 11-15 has been designated Alcohol Awareness Week for the University of Waterloo. Plan to visit the BACCHUS booth in the Campus Centre on Feb. 11 and 12 with any questions you may have. An officer from the Waterloo Regional Police will be at the booth from 2-4 pm on both days to demonstrate the ALERT breathalyzer machine on all interested students. On Wednesday, February 13, try your hand at trivial pursuit with a
Campus Centre Great Hall Bringtoughquestions andaskthem!
Frederick Douglass Join the Congress for folk stories ana songs on svu”day, February 37 from 2 to 4 pm, also at St. Mary’s High School. Admission is free. PIease call 747-1067 if you are interested. On Tuesday, February 12 at 7 pm, the Race & Ethnic Relations Commission of the University of Waterloo will s onsor the anti-racist theatrical proB uction “No Problems Here,” pro-
full service
and me&ine protective devices
-sub-Post Ofke photo service ’ photkopying
We look forward to sewing you. * Valid on new bookings only until March 31, 1991. conjunction with any other Marlin Travel discount.
468 Albert Street Parkdale Plaza
Marlin Travel University of Waterloo
884-3860 Monday
to Friday
The Caribbean Canadian Cultural Association wilI be .presenting an evening of drama and music entitled “From Africa and Asia to Canada: A drama of Caribbean Canadians” on Saturday, February 23,7 pm at Conrad Grebel College’s Great Hall. The production traces the history of Caribbean Canadians from slavery to colonialism, to independence, to immigration. There will be a small admission at the door. Call 746-3762 for more information. Black History Month began with Carter G. Woodson who, in 1915, initiated the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in the United States. In February, 1926, Woodson organized the first Negro History Week, which became an annual event. In the 196Os, Black History Week was expanded and renamed Black History Month. February was chosen because it included the birthdays of both Abraham Lincoln and black leader Frederick Douglass. Negg-0 History Week was first celeb;ted in Canada in 1957 by the Canadian Negro Women’s Asso&tion, now known as the Congress of Black Women in Canada. In 1979, the one-year old Black History Society petitioned the mayor of Toronto to pro&im Februaryas Black History Month. Since then, it has become an annual tradition.
If you are a student at Unlversity of Waterloo or Wilfrid Laurier University, Marlin Travel will save you 5% off selected holiday packagb. Our friendly,.trained staff can find the perfect vacation for every taste and budget, Jncluding affordable cruises, sun & sand or an exotic adventure. Drop in to ourSouth Campus Hall office today.
FE&Q cb @?I tb Q I %Y b-28 Beat a path to Marlin Travel (and save yourself 5% too)*
duced by the Company of Sirens.The show will be performed in the Humanities Theatre at IJW. Regular admission is $4.25, $3.25 for UW students. Tickets are available from the Federation of Students office,
If school has you going around in circles...
responsible drinking behaviour and the commitment to arrive alive. Ribbons will be distributed starting February 14. BACCI-IUS always needs volunteers who are willing to get involved and make a difference. It’s a great way to meet people, while also contributing to the quality of student life. Please contact BACCHUS through the Federation Office (CC 235, 8884042) if you are interested.
9 a.m.-9
9 a.m.-7
11 a.m.96
or ext. 3188
Not valid in
film festival
Imprint staff
Friday, February 8th, Davis Centre, Room 1302 February 7, 8, and 9th, an International Film Festival on the Developing World, sponsored by Students for IntemationaI Develop merit, will be held at the Davis Centre in Rooms 1302 and 1304. Admission is free. Showtimes are 7 pm to 11 pm, on Thursday and Friday. (See film programme below). Beginning at 11 am on Saturday, there will be a forum on the position of developing countries in the “New Global Order.” This will be followed by more films at 300 pm. Films have been selected from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East to meet a broad range of international interests and issues. In particular, films will be shown from El Salvador, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, AngoIa, South Africa, Uganda, Mozambique, and Palestine. Subjects examined in the films range from women’s issues, apartheid, the environment, effects of colonialism, political violence, foreign investment, and debt. Come out and experience some of the most recent and thought provoking films on the Third World. For more 747-9897.
call Sue
7:00 pm, Gara .Ghetto; The lives of the Palestinians in Israel. 8:30 pm, Etitreu: A 7Tme to Heal; A barefoot doctor and her mobile clinic strive to increase health care in this war torn region. 9:30 pm, Angola is Our Cc~ntry; A rare glimpse of a country emerging from colonialism, caught in an undeclared war with South Africa. Davis Centre,
7:OO pm, Los Made de la Plaza de Mcryu; Mothers of the Disappeared in Argentina S:lS pm,Dreamofa FreKuunt~:A Mesage jum Nicaraguan Women; The story of the women who played a primary role in the overthrow of the Somoza regime. 9:15 pm, Swe& sugar Rage; Women activists promoting awareness and action against inequality in Jamaica. Saturday, February Davis Centre, Room
1:OO pm, Forum on the Developing World in the “New Global Order(
by John Mason
9th 1301
11:OO am, Professor Hupert Campfens (VVLU); “Poverty, Terrorism and Drugs: Peru- A Case Analysis of the Third World”
Davis Centre, Room 1302 3:00 pm, Starving for Sugar; Documents the poverty and exploitation in the suw industry 4:OQ pm, Samsara: Death and Rebitih in Cambodia; A glimpse into the aftermath of the demise of the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, featuring attempts by the populace to deal with mass tragedy and suffering. 4:30 m, Southern Africa: The Right to &ve Popment; A look at the broader context of apartheid and its traumatic effect on the economic and social development in the entire region of Southern Africa. 5:OO pm, Holding our Ground; A study on the struggle and hope for change in the Philippines, 7:~ pm,Bitter Cane; Shot clardestiely ti Haiti, this film focuses on and explores the sugar industry from the perspective of the Mouvement ,Haitien de Liberation. 8:30 pm, Farmers Helping Famrers; In this film we meet farmers from Prince Edward Island who fund more than 100 food growing projects in direct association with farmers in Kenya and Tanzania and a look at how ordinary people can get involved in the development process. 9:OO pm, Banking on LXsuster; A masterful film set in the last frontier of Western Brazil, dealing with the interrelated effects of colonization, _I road-building and deforestation.
Grad raffle update by Alexander N. Rink special to Imprint Grad Gift Raffle ticket sal& are going weI1, and many students and faculty members are enthusiastically supporting the idea of a raffle to raise money to improve the facilities on campus. The month of February will prove to be the most intense selling period as student sales agents try to sell all of their remaining tickets in time for the March 4 main draw. We expect that all 5,000 tickets will be sold by then, so that we can make a sizable contribution to the university. The $10,000 expected to be raised by the ticket sale should allow us to install an automatic door opener for disabled students on the Village One dining hall, an annual scholarship of $500 to a disabled student entering the university in any program, and a contribution of whatever amount remains to support the University Student Escort Team (USET) service. We encourage everyone to continue to add to the initial funding that we will provide for the scholarship so that in the future, larger amounts can be awarded. This raffle allows you to contribute to these causes and have a chance to win one of the following prizes: Grand Prize: A Marlin Travel gift certificate for a one-week trip for two to the Play Dorada Princess Hotel and Casino in the Dominican Republic. Second Prize: A Sharp GXCD75 portable stereo with CD player from Krazy Kelly’s. Third Prize: A 1991 Schwinn ‘Woodlands” mountain bike from Homefit. Fourth - 15th Prizes: Gift certificates from East Side Mario’s, HMV, Gus Maue
the UW
For more information, contact any of the following people: Engineering (CPH, ext.2323) : Alexander Rink, Kevin DeLeenheer Math (MC 3038, ext, 2324): Ray Hyde, Peter von Schilling Science (ESC lOZA, ext. 2325): Sandra Duncan, Daphne Moskal
Why are we doing all of this? After all, it ,is our last year at UW and we won’t even be around to see the fruits of our labours. Well, with the federal and provincial governments continuing to make funding cuts to the universities, we feel that it is time that we, the community of students and
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faculty members, begin to take the initiative to -try and improve the facilities on campus. We are not taking the responsibility away from the respective governments, but we do want to ensure that the quality of our university does not fall at the same rate as the subsidies we receive. We very much hope that next year all of the faculties on campus wiIl band together to run another raffle, and that it will be even bigger than this one! lf you are interested in he@ ing to organize a raffle for the 1992 graduating class, we would be more than pleased to share our knowledge and experience with you. Come talk to us - keep the spirit alive!
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6 Imprint, f riday, February 8, 1991
I’ve got those lazy, crazy Fed election blues d elections are heavily populated with affable but stem candidates, handing out sinfully caloric lollipops of promises by the fistful. But this year’s Federation of Students election campaign seems rife with even more confectionery than usual, Not that each of the good intentions is unrealistic, but that collectively, they represent a burden on the resources of any executive member. The only all-candidate forum that I could attend, as of my time of writing on Wednesday night, was the one outside Poets Pub in Carl Pollock Hall that day. While listening to the candidates speak, I thought of some questions of my own, but could not ask them because of time constraints. I urge you to go to the last open forum on Monday, February 11 in the Campus Centre Great Hall between 11:30amto1:3Opmandaskaboutthepoints that I raise. Here we go. First off, a common theme that has found its way, plagiarized or not, into the platforms of all seven candidates is one of communica~ tion. Each of them has preached increased contact within the executive, between the executive and the various boards and commissions of the Federation, and between the Federation and the student @y, as represented by the student societies. Suggested ways of doing this have included holding studtint council meetings intheCCduringthew&insteadofatFed Hall on Sunday &moons, frequent informal “bull” sessions with students, and even ma&g the campus lookiqj for students to I d&t spoken
know if any of the candidates have to Tess Sliwinski or Kim Speers
about the workload of an executive position, butJ’msurethatthelOto15hoursthatwould be chewed up each week by meeting with the societies of seven faculties s~and informal sessions with students themselves, would add aa unreasonable load upon an already chock-full job. If the candidates expect to take tin this kind of responsibility, then what sorts of thin& will have to suffer? What issues and facets of the job will be placed near the bottom of the list of priorities? In short, it is completely unrealistic that executive members would have the free time to spend talking to individual students in informal settings. That is simply not going to happen. What is the more time-efficient solution that will probably be adopted? Well, through bodies like the impotent Committee of Pr& side&, the Federation will pretend that it is maintaining contact wit@ studenti by dealing directly with the student societies. The only problem there is that the societies may -have no practiczil mandate to represent the views of the students in their faculty. . Certainly, Engineering and Mathematics have strong sbcieties; each receives a be enough percentage of their faculties’ vote at election time to validate themselves. However, that is nqt necessarily true of other faculties. In the we of the largest faculty on campus, Arts, the connection between the undergraduate students and the Arts Student Union is non-existent. Arts students simply don’t vote for their ASU executive.. Call Art&s apathetic, but the president of the ASU has no mandate to represent the interests of Arts students to the Federation. Another question that I have concerns the
candidates’ seemingly contradictory -views on reduction of paper use. Many of the candidates have blamed the low attendance of Federation fora and speakers on a lack of publicity. All have cited a need for increased visibility across campus of the Federation and its services. Since posters and flyers, along with the Fed Page (see the centre spread), seem to be the major techniques of informing students about events, more publicity would seem to require more paper. . Yet, most of the candidates have also pledged to decrease the amount of flyers and posters that the Federation posts on campus, to reduce the total amount of paper used. How can these two goals be reconciled? One solution offered by the candidates is electronic signs like the ones that are placed outside of the CPH and Math C & D’s. Gee, that’s great, but how much does one of those signs cost, and would the Feds be able to afford buying more than two or three more of them? And even if they did, how could this hanti of signs inform students about events better than a blitz of posters? These day=-today issues are what you should be grilling the candidates about, not whether or not they agree with the Ontario I+deration of Students’ pro&oice stance. T&e these ideas and your own to the last forum on Monday, and drop them on the adidates. Remember when you vote that this is serious shit You are voting for the executive of a $6 million per year organizalion+ Peter Brown
I’m . losing., it y I’m snapplng Just like J Rusin (I&ers to the editor, Februaryl),Ialsohadmycarstuckinthedrifting snow on the road behind 0ptometry in the blizzard-like conditions on the afternoon of Sunday, January 27. And I too was astonished and severely disappointed by the fact that our campus security day-shift crew simply didn’t give a damn and the snow removal crews never plow snow before 11 pm on a Sunday. To add to Mr. Rusin’s letter, I would like to briefly discuss the dangers of leaving that road unpatrolled and unplowed. I had to pay $30 for a tow because the university does not keep this road clear. (I must admit though that the rest of the campus is well plowed.) So why leave this road out? It is one of the only roads in the middle of a field. Of c&use the snow is going to drift over, so
either plow the road or put up some snow fencing. . Leaving that road unpatrolled and unplowed makes for a potential disaster. Can you imagine if there was ever afire at the radio station, or someone broke into the station, or someone was raped, beaten &d lefi for dead? What would happen is this; the building would bum to the ground, the robbers would pteal everything and the rape victim would bleed to death while unconscious and be buried in drifting snow. Why? Because the fire trucks and ambulances can’t get through the drifts and campus security couldn’t care less ibout patrotig that road at daytime. I’m sure the City of Waterloo Fire Department, UW Health and Safety, UW Women’s Issues Board, and UW President’s 0ffice
wouldn’t be too pleased to hear about these accidents waiting to happen. Instead, the officers were up at Columbia Icefield making sure the Warrior hockey fans didn’t park in the entrance way to the arena. (This is so fire trucks can get through. Sound familiar?) I am sure once the fans are inside the meha during the game that parking is not a problem.
So instead of having all your officers look around the campus roads. I could park my car at the parking lots beside Columbia St. during bad weather and walk over the drifts next time and my problem is solved, but there is still the potential / dangers of an unpatrolled road and building. Rich NichoI watch
It takes a campus of .millions...??? Cover by Stacey Lobin
Editorial Board Paul Done Editor-in-Chief .......................... Assistant Editor .................... ..Pete r Brown News Editor vacant vacant News Assistant ................................ Ekatures Editor ...................... .Sandy Atwal Science Editor ......................... Phillip Chee sports‘Editor...........................Rich Nichol ...................... Sports As&&ant Bill Falshaw Arts Editor ............................ John Hymers Arts Assistant ................ ..Bemar d Keamey photo Editor ...................... Joanne Sandrin ........... r: Wim van der Lugt photo Assistant .....................................
Staff Production Mgr. ..... Laurie Tigert-Dumas Production Asst. ............... Mike Sheppard .....................................................L_ Rike Burkhardt heral Manager.. .......... ..Vivia n Tambeau Dio Rodrigues Nice Asst .......................... Business As&ant ............. Michael Clifton Rep. .................. Scott Hendry hdv&ishg Qd Assistant ..... ., ........ ..Michel-An n Fraser Proof Reader ....................... Julie Cochrane Graphics Editor ..................... Stacey Lobin
the game, get one to take a quick
Board of Directors
Trevor Blair President ................................. Vice-President ........................... Paul Done Secmtaq-Treas. .................. ..Stace y Lobin Directors at Large .............. Joanne Sandrin Dave Thomson Peter Brown Derek Weiler Staff Liaison .......................... .....................................................
is the official student newspaper at the of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). [mprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3Gl. Mail can also be sent via e-mail to imprint*wakmath Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Subscription rates available upon request.
Ed Avery, Insoo Bae, Trevor Blair, Gaby Bright, Andrew Dalby, Jeff Deverill, Rob Flynn, Jody Frederick, P. Hohnholz Gesiarz, Barbara Jo Green, Jon Hagey (as the prisoner), Michelle Hahn, Easby Ho, Richard Ho
K~IUOSS, Gordon
Andy Koch, Karina Kraenzle, John Mason, Kevin McDonald, Alexander N. Rnk, Chico Andrew Paper, Frank Seglenieks, Silvestri, Jeep Tedesco, Charlene Vantyghem, Christopher Waters, Chris Watt, Derek Weiler, Chris Williams, “Lance Manion” Dave Thomson,
The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint, CC 140. Imprint is also accessible through e-mail at imprint@watmath. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 500 p.m. Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing.
The greatest letter ever written To the &&or, War in the Gulf; Unfortunate-Yes, Irresponsible-No! In a democratic society all people have the freedom to speak Why is this? Well I would like to believe that it is a due to the fact that in 1944 (thut would be 194.5 - ed) the Allies de&ted a fascist monster by the name of Adolf Hitler. Brave men and women gave their lives so that future generations would be able to live in a free and democratic so&y. Bush the Satan! Sorry, but I think nd Thank God for leaders like Bush, Mulroney, Mit-* terand and the Thatcher/Major team. Also, give thanks to the brave men and women that are in the Armed forces. The& is not a job that I would relish, but, unfortunately, this is what armies are for. These people are fighting for the removal of another dictator. Saddam has chosen to live by the sword and hopefully he will die by the sword. Bush the Saviour? Hardly, but at least a man that will take a stand against outright aggression. Amanthat has seen the horrors of war. A decorated soldier! This does not sound like the type of man to be a warmonger! But the truth is, what if Hussein-had been given more time? Well then, it is highly unlikely that he would have withdrawn and it is a good possibiity that we would be trying to remove a man that has nuclear weapons, a man that would use these weapons to destroy Israel and any coalition that would stand against him Sanctions would not have made a difference. Sanctions would have hurt the Iraqi civilians as all food obtained would go to the feeding of his military machine. Also, Saudi Arabian smugglers were doing a great trade in selling supplies to Iraq. It would be an
to cripple
the country
The Iraqis have also come through with their threat to set the Kuwaiti oil fields on fire. Let’s pray that this madman does not live up to his promise of setting the gulf itself on fire by flooding it with oil. The damage to &e environmenf would be irreparable. It is hard to believe that this terrorist is a man that many peace groups sympathize withAll this so that he can go down in history as a “great leader” of the Arab people, well history wiJ.l not be very kind I hear the peace movement talking about how the coalition forces are intentionally killing innocent civilians, well check the facts, the 15,000 sorties that have been flown to this point have all been against miliiary targets and not the cities of Iraq (hmmm, ISRRU lo mull CNVs Bemud Shuw mtkq the “flashm of light” throughout Bughdud-ed)! It is an unfortunate reality ok war that some civilians will lose their lives, but this is unintentional. Hussein on the other hand has chosen to launch off ences at the civilian centres of Israel. A comtry that has no reason to be involved in this war, except that their eritry would help Hussein break up the coalition that is united again&him. Saddam uses his “dud”missiles in the same waythat Hitler used his Vl and V2 bombs to killcivilians,anddon’tkidyourselfthatthisis all these missiles are good for as they are not accurate enough to take out military targets. This man has also used hostages and more recently POW’s as shields, not for his civilians but his killing machine. Cowardly acts by a cowardly man. I respect the views of some peaceful protesters, yet I feel many are just jumping on the bandwagon. These are the unemployed looking for a way to pass their time. All the while sponging off a country that is being protected by our fighting forces. These Same people are robably into alternative music, alternative E’ estyles and alternative reality. Just how long did it take to create this fantasy world and did you realize that with this sort of effort you
I can think of no logical reason for this policy. No matter how .much discrimination exjsts in our society against women and mofities, there was no reason to fear that the questionperiod would have been manipulated by white males. I can’t help thinking that, if I were a woman, or a member of a visible minority group, I would feel a little insulted by the idea that I needed to be given special treatment in. a situation where the microphones were clearly equally available to everyone. MikeDavies , 4B Math i
could most likely find a job? This is not a our war many say, well that is bullshit! Was WWII our war? Yes because if Hitler was nof defeated world domination was his goaL Hussein may not have a chance to physically control the world, but he would have a chance to take the Middle East and therefore dominate most of the world’s economy. Iraq’s sympathizers have also been calling the W$?S of Cmadians stationed in the Gulf and claiming that &eir husbands have been killed in action or are M.LA. Also one wife was told: “your husband is a murderer and he is coming back in a body bag.,, This is completely despicable and I sincerely hope that it is not some peacenik group, unfortunately, it most likely is. So next time you are burning the Canadian flag I hope you realise that this flag represents us the people and the nation of Canada, also our brave troops and not a government that you disagree with!
A note bf disapproval
AnopenkttertoChuckM&lu&n,Manager, F3?&raticm HalL When I ran for Federation president five years ago, we had some h&ated exchanges at the “all candidates’ forum.‘” If you recall, I was gready concerned about $e declining usage of Federation HalI over yotrr first three terms as manager. Without becoming/too number happy, it was determined that’ the average expenditure by each student was decreasing at an alarming rate, and that was accdanting for differentials in enrollment, term+ i term. As a “sodaIly act&e” student, I was well aware of the growing number of students who felt alienated, and whose needs were not being served at the Hall. Your response at the time was to institute music formatting. to mainstream Fed Hall’s appeal. This may have been the solution to the problems at the Valhalla, where you last worked, but I warned you about the dangers of this narrow-minded approach in marketing Fed Hall to the student population With recent losses amounting to $lOO,OOO;I would hope that you might consider a different approach, but I doubt it.
John crrmiskey Political sclem!e
Why the quotas?
To the editor, writing
to express
my disapproval
one aspect of the Gulf War “teach-in” held January 29 at Fed Hall. I attended one of the panel discussions for
about 45 minutes. After the three panelists had finished, the moderator announced that the question period would begin, but that, in order to prevent “domination by certain people,” every second question must be asked by a “woman or member of a minority group.” 3
l contirhed
to p!ge
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8 Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
l cont’d. from page 7* In your mainstreaming. you have failed to recognize the facts of your marketing environment. The ’80s was a time to develop micro-markets, mainstreaming is out! (The '90s are extending that trend.) When the distribution of consumer preferences is reIatively flat, mainstreaming tends to alienate more people than it corrals, and this is particularly so when it comes to music. As the VP of Marketing of an independent record company, I can tell you this is our day-to-day reality. My experiences on campus would lead me to believe that micro-marketing, providing alternative entertainment, is even more critical to successful operations at Fed Hall. Behind the concept of micro-marketing, there is a human face. ‘@dents are individuals and react poorly to being backhanded with sweeptig &aracte+tions as “the students.” In fact, the UW campus offers an incredible potpourri of interests and needs. It was because these needs were not being met in the community that the Feds were able to build Fed HalLThat process took years of negotiations and planning, and a lot of money - money that was invested by each student. And that’s the bottom line Chuck; your patrons are also your shareholders. Their wishes for alternative entertainment are just as real today as they were in the early ‘BOs, when Fed Hall was constructed. If I had been elected president back in ‘86, I would have fired you. And you knew it. I wouldn? tolerate someone who was not genuinely working for the students - someone who was serving their own interests on route to bureaucratic tenure. Now that you are approaching tenure, and Fed Hall is still los@g money, I would hope that you might feel secure enough to try expanding the entertainment opportunities at Fed Hall, and risk including more people in the facility as. regular clientele. David Bray Alumni
We sat with another member of the Human Rights Board (HuRB), listening to each candidate. At one point, we asked the VPUA candidates what their views were on accessibility for the physically challenged. Jeff Homby responded by saying he would like to install a lift up to the Fed oflice. Bernie Herold answered that she would like to move some Fed office space downstairs in the CC, or into a portable, in order to make the Fed Office more accessible. Lisa Brice was shocking she said she couldn’t promise anything but she could feel for those “poor, handicapped people,” as she had been on crutches for a few months. We hardly think Ms. B&e can empathize with physicaIly challenged persons when she knew that her situation would eventually better itself. Many of these people have been physically and >mentauy chaI.lenged for most of their lives. Pity is not expected anymore, it is a reaction from the stone ages. Attitudes like this are not useful or constructive on the Federation of Students’ executive. I suggtit Ms. Brice seriously considers her answers before she spouts another ignorant response. , T-YSF HuRB PetefHolrne Physically HURB
Artificial (Excerpted from the word English tionary, Military Edition, volume’VI.)
MiIitary IntelIigence NOT a oxymoron)
Mi&.le attack ant see SORTIES
&trith n 1: sorrow for one’s sins that arises from a motive other than that of the love of God. 2: damage Our planes incur when shot down BDA (Bomb Damage -mt) evalu&bn of a m&&n’s success ,syn see BODY COUNT (archaic)
~~e&ilterrc&mnTheyfuckup nature ant see ENVIRONMEMAL CALCmTION - We fu& up nature
(lt is
vb They bomb US - We-bomb Them
NewWorid&iernOurvisionofrightan~ FOURTH REICH - Their vision
vb paying see PICKING UPTHE
of right
for war expenses BILL
POW n We take Them prisoner. m see HOSTAGES - They prisoner,
Us I,
war crimes n Acts the loser of a war commits, hopefully it’s Them ant LIBERATION Acts the winner of a war commits, hopefully it’s Us. Be seeing you.
Stone age attitude? To the editor,
pmisicmguidedmunitions failure vb one of Our bombs doesn’t work ant see MISFIRE one of Theirs does the same
neutrsllizing the thmt vb We kill Them ant FRIENDLY FIRE - We kill Us.
cobteral damage n Their citizens killed by Our forces during active combat ant see BLOOD SPILUNG - Their citizens IdlIed by Their forces during active combat.
I cm*’
kt the games begin! This week the Fed elections got off to a glorious be@nning - a whopping five people at the first forum in Arts Lecture.
Exercise Your Right To VOTE!for your Federation of Student’s
PRESIDENT and VICE-PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS .February 12 & 13,199l POLLING STATIONS: open from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ARTS - Art-s Lecture Hall, Mail Foyer IS and ES - ES 2, Main Foyer’ ” SCIENCE - Earth Sciences& Chemistry, outside Sci. SW. ENGINEERING - Carl Pollock Hall, Main Foyer AHS and OPTOMETRY - Burt Matthews Hall, Main Foyer RENISON and ST. JEROME’S - St. Jerome’sCollege - Siegfried Hall MATH - Math and Computer Building, 3rd Flour
Tuesday, February 12 from 5:QO to 9:00 p.m. at PAC Red North
I.D.-Cards must be presented to vote Election Committee
The International by Phillip
. Imprint staff
“The oceans bebng to all of us and we must look at them from different points of view to make sense of them,” said Dr. Elizabeth Mann-Borgese to a gathering of Department of Biology faculty and students on January 23, 1991. Dr. Mann-Borgese was invited to present a seminar on 7?ze Internarional L2w of lheSea, and its significance to Ocean environments. The director of Ocean Development, and a professor at Dalhousie University, she served as the Austrian delegate to the United Nation’s Law of the Sea Convention. Born in Germany, she is also the daughter of the writer, Thomas Mann. Not only is she a scientist, but her wide range of interests include music and political science. This, she feels, allows her to see the importance of the interaction of scientific and social perspectives in our attempts at problem solving.
Law of the Sea
transforming the traditional uses of oceans. Large commercial fishing and wtig fleets have greatly indusued the way people fish. Hunting at this scale runs into a major problem sooner or Iater: the exhaustion of resources. A secondary effect of this is how much the technology affects ecosystems. For example, large drift nets for harvesting tuna have decimated dolphin populations worldwide, Industrialization has also created new uses. Offshore oil accounts for 20 per cent of worldwide oil production, according to Mann-Borgese, and is a major growth sector for the oil industry. Metal and mineral extraction is another important industry. In fact, Mann-Borgese stated, anything that can be taken from the land can also be produced from the sea; food, fibre, and energy will come increasingly from oceans. Secondly, the traditional Law of the Sea was made by only a few maritime powers, namely the United Kingdom and the US in
. will achievethe most extensiveand peucefil redistribution of oceanareasfor worldwide use “It &es u.s feel a little small,” she commented as she surveyed the artifacts in the Biology Museum where the seminar was he@ “Scientists are citizens and human beings.” In contrast to U.S. president George Bush, Mann-Boreese savs that the oceans should be consideredvas a dodel for a new world order. She cites two significant historical reasons why the nations of the world have come together to make this model of cooperation a reality. Firstly, there is the penetration of the Industrial Revolution into the oceans. Although scientific progress has been a beneficiary of this social movement, Mann-Borgese echoed the feelings of many in the Iate twentieth century, who have pointed out the great catasr trophes industrialization has caused on the land. In this sense, a new Industrial Revolution is
this century. S&e World War II however, many new states have eherged from Africa and ‘East Asia whose economies depend heavily on the use of the seas. Thus, there was a need for an international law to reflect their interests. By the third United Nations conference on the topic in 1982, 159 countries had signed the & convention on the sea. (Negotiations for the International Law of the Sea began in 1968, with the second ,conference being held in 1973.) Sq far, 44 states have ratified the convention, which requires 60 for enforcement. This number was expected to be met by mid-i991, but Mann-Borgese admits that the Gulf war will put further work on this accord on the back-burner. She pointed out that the US has not ratified the convention. The convention embodies three importani features. Firstly, it contains the only comprehensive environmental law. It will provide
At Ahmadi,
lxloc oil field, Gulf of Mexico
Notwut oil field, Persian Gulf
1978 Atlantic
Empress, Trinidad
tm Amoco
Cadiz, France
Can on, Eng Yand
1966 Vatdez,
Will nations take responsibility WorkI order?
for preventing
in the New
“An awe-inspiring mushroom cloud from an underwater nuclear test elf the Bikini Atdl.~ Hopefully, makik the oceans mankind3 common hedtage will render this scene a thing of the past. for enforcement disputes.
and mandatory
Secondly, it will achieve the most extensive and peaceful redistribution of ocean areas for worldwide use. In the past, nations had a three-kilometre offshore limit that was open to laissez-faire exploitation Now, a 200-350 mile limit, including the seabed, will put most resources under international jurisdiction. In effect, the high seas will come under the care of all mankind, declared Mann-Borgese. Thirdly, the convention is based on a new principle of international law. According to this view, the ocean environment is the common heritage of mankind; no one can appropriate it, nor make sovereign claims over it. Thus, it must be reserved for peaceful purposes and future generations. As well, all settlements must be taken to arbitration. What will be the outcome of this convention? Mann-Borgese says the convention is based on the idea of sustainable develop ment, of trying to integrate the environment and development. Although this has not worked in practice yet, she feels it may be possible by &eating new institutions. She takes as a starting point the Brundtland Report, Our Common Future. national governmental For example, departments that oversee agriculture, science and technology, and shipping and navigation, will be paralleled by international UN organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization {FAO); United Nations Educational, Scientific, and . Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and Intergovernment Maritime Consultative Urganization (IMCO) respectively. In the spirit of searching for interdisciplinary integration, there will also be a transcendence of traditional levels of govemment. Mann-Borgese suggests that the boundaries between different department levels are now becoming transparent. People as close as possible to the lowest level should be making the decisions that will affect resource use, she feels, but decisions should also be able to go to higher levels for things that will affect many parties (pollution, for exampie).
Moving to regional planning that transcends national boundaries is not an easy step, says Mann-Borgese. But the countries involved must have a strong national&ucture, meaning stable national government. That was the transformation on the political scene that she saw happening, especially in the marine sector. Ironically, this has taken a step backmrd in light of the current world war. In the subsequent question and answer session, she was asked whether the term sustainable development when applied to resources was not an oxymoron. She replied that finite resources can be made renewable with new technology. For example, she said, continental drift creates new mineral deposits in decades that can last for centuries. Another member of the audience asked her what sort of mechanism would be in place to settle a dispute between a First World nation like Canada and a Third World nation like Zambia. She answered by stressing that the traditional means of settlement based on financial strength of the involved parties will no longer be allowed. A 36-member council will be set up to maintain a balance among au nations, thus protecting weaker nations from being out-voted by the stronger ones. The call for a new world order is a daunting task. With the failure of organizations such as the International Whaling Commission, there have been successes such as the cleaning of the Mediterranean Sea through the efforts of the Regional Seas Commission. One of the solutions, according to Mann-Borgese, is the development of new systems of financing the new levels of international cooperation. In this regard, she cited Venezuelan President Perez and his promise that the Latin countries in the Americas will be open to, and are developing their own financial systems. One of the important considerations resulting from the Gulf war is the possibility that 20 to 30 years of progress will be reversed. Mann-Borgese solemnly declared “we have initiated World War III and. it’s going to degenerate into a war between the North and SOUth.”
So much
for a new world
Have yOu hugged your teddy bear: today? by PMlip
The most lovable animals tended to be ones that have human-like features; large eyes, rounded faces, and cuddly bodies. Disliked animals How do we come by our love for were generalIy unanthropomorphic animaI.s, those non-human beings we in appearance. But as children got cherish, preserve, eat, and destroy? older, their feelings became more Why do we fee1 more empathy for objective. There was also a difference dogs and cats, yet generally squirm at in where the children lived that the thought of finding a rat or mouse influenced how they reacted to in our homes? We will kill a cow for its animals. Country children were less flesh, but shudder at the thought of fearful of “wild animals” than city making a gourmet dinner out of children, less likely to favour sport Northern Dancer. hunting but not as upset at hunting And is it true that our perceptions animals for food. about how we relate to animals are _ What is the significance of all this learned in childhood and that there is data? What will happen to all those somethhg that transforms those feelings of “ethical appreciation of Eeelings as we reach adulthood? animals and the environment?” This According to David Patterson, a Eormer director of the British Veterinary Association’s Animal Welfare Foundation, “we must now take the next step and attempt to find out what factors lie behind the transition that we see in young children’s thinking as they move through the F&r Rabbit, Womble and Wuterskz’p Down stages, to an active concern for animals in particular, and the environment in general.”
Imprint staff
is an important question because of the pressing need for the preservation of wildlife species from extinction, worldwide. Will these feelings translate into action? Renewed moral reflection? Paradigm shifts? If children have had similar perceptiims to animals in the last thirty years, why hasn’t there been a greater amount of constructive results in the environmental crisis? This is a sobering thought, becaue John A. Livingston, a naturalist and Environmental Studies professor at York University, wrote in his book, m.e Fallacy of WZd& Cunsmation, that wildlife conservation and preservation efforts have been a dismal failure.
byAndrewFape tqwcid to Imprint
TeenageiMutant Ninju Turtks One of the significant features that Patterson has found is that younger children prefer “lovable cuddly animals,” especially the family pet. This is the agreement that a number of other studies have confirmed, such as those done by the Humane Society of the United States, the American Fish and Wildlife Service, and a Btitish Broadcasting Corporation survey. In a deeper analysis of the results, the British survey showed that British children are more emotionally and sensitively attached to animals at an earlier -age than American children. This was because British children are exposed to more television shows in the naturalist genre. Obviously, David Ahenborough is more influential than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The American surveys identified three stages in the development of attitudes to a@nals: exploitative, emotional, and ethical.
Maybe the fox should MaWe Aesop’s Fables for not getting him on LettermaWs Tup Ten Li*
League table for animals Patefson 7987-7986
US 7982
Dog/horse Cat Panda/Chimpanzee
Dog Horse Cat
BBC Sufve.y 7988 Most Dolphin ml Cat/Rabbit
Crocodile Rat Spider
Rat _ Wasp/Mosquito Cockroach
Waif Spider Rat
Sustainable eneraw.I is it possible??-
Computer Tips of the Week, Computer Tip #23 - How do you delete an entire rl subdirectory 3 * The standardway of typing de1 ~subdirectory~*.*will deleteall files .in a spe~ific~~ subdirectory.However,thereis a quicker‘way.This is shownbelow. l
l I
Type DEL [subdirectory] .
3 DEL CHARLIE This statementwill deieteall the contentsin the directory calledCWARLIE. II
Canadians and students in the picture. One of our main realizations was how closely inter-related Third World energy development issues Have you ever thought about the are to our lives here in Canada. Our energy that is required ta produce over-consumption and present interthis newspaper you are reading? national economic system inhibit There are many levels of energy equitable energy resource distriburequired to produce a newspaper, tion around the world. We looked at starting with the transformation of some really innovative technologies the energy in the sun’s rays and for Third World energy needs, water’s nutrients into the-growth of a mainly ones developed by the Brace tree, which in turn is used to produce Research Institute in Ste.-Anne de pulp, and then paper, and finally a Bellevue, Quebec. They did some newspaper through many processes community-initiated projects in N-W which require energy, including the Thailand, including projects such as physical printing, and -the transportathe development of a wood co&ing tion of the materials over long distanstove that was more efficient than its ces. We must consider that energy is predecessor, which had beeri present neither created or destroyed, but only in many peoples’ homes previously,. changes its form. There isa limit to the and was thereby accepted within amount of energy on the earth, with rural Thai culture. an ever increasing global population, Pugwash is an International and with an increased conspption organization on many University of all human beings of the earth’s campuses, and in many professional resources (much for energy), we are circles, that is concerned with the faced with an immense problem. It SO&l and environmental imhas been predicted that the world plications of the use of science and population will be in the range of 76 technology. Its biiplace is Pugwash, - 9.4 biion by the year 2025. In Nova Scotia, which is where an Intergeneral, the Iarger human energy national conference between Eastern demands are within a particular setand Western scientists was held in ting with our present scientific 1957 to discuss the responsibilities of knowledge, the larger amounts of scientists in the cold war and with the pollution there Gill be. We are startnuclear threat. Albert Einstein and ing to see now that pollution from the Bertrand Russell were behind such a other side of the earth affects us here, movement. because the earth is one closed sysIn the past couple of years, the tern, with many subsptems. Waterloo Pugwash chapter has been During the weekend (Feb Z-3), at involved with such issues as new rep the McGillU University Student reductive technologies and global Pugwash conference on Energy Use, environmental degradation This the participants discussed these term, over 20 Waterloo students have issues along with many others in attended Pugwash regional conworkshop sessions, panel disferences, including the Energy Use cussions, and among ourselves. one in Montreal and a Populationand There were some exceptional Development conference which was speaker as well, including Western’s held in Scarborough a few weeks ago. Dr. Fyfe on “Sustainable Energy and Those two conferences, along with a Pugwmh national conference on March 15-17 called “Options for the Ten Billion People , . . Is it Possible,” Future” in Ottawa, make up a p+rt of and I+. Miller from Ottawa discussGlobal Change conhg, -“Environment / Energy Policy .Pugwash’s ference program. Challenge. Overcoming the Ob stacles: Doing the Right Thing.” Dr. Miller reminded us that intellectualizing an ideal “sustainable” world is qot enough, when one considers the immensity of the problem, and Later on this tern the Waterloo that we need to change our lifestyles, Pugwash group will be looking at and work toward an all encompassissues related to the military use of ing “systemic change” to deal with the environmental degradation WC! science. We will be organizing a panel discussion on the issue, and try to are imposing on the Earth as a result on the of our energy consumption He bring out several opinions question from experts in the field. At spoke about the need for a realistic our next meeting tie wiI1 be discusstransitio~l plan which would allow ing this and the Enqgy Use confor the systemic change from our pr* ference. Wednesday, Feb. 13,4:3Opm, sent economic~politicaVsocial strucCC 135. New members welcome. tures. 0pen to people of all backgrounds I participated in the Energy and the and disciplines. The Earth’s problems Third World workshop in which we are everybody’s problems! Free coflooked at Third World energy fee (bring a mug) and doughnuts. development issues, appropriate Call Mark if you require further infortechnology, and our roles * as mation; 7254712.
This new column has been provided to help students with personal computers? Check every week for this column. For any other questions do not hesitate to call (519) 746-3284 and ask for Gordon. II
Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
Amorphous silicon technology Who’s afraid of Virginia mouse?
The NCR Microelectronics Fellowship will allow Dr. Sawas Chamberlain of the University of Waterloo to investigate the use of amorphous silicon in solid-state image sensors, devices that are fundamental to documachines, ment scanners, facsimile manufacturing and machine vision systems. “We are going to use our experience with semiconductor devices and try to innovate on new devices and architectures using amorphous silicon,” says Chamberlain. “We are going to look at the various building blocks which are necessary for image sensold‘ The interest in amorphous silicon devices dates back to the late 1960s when the material itself began to be studied. In the 19705 amorphous silicon was used to successfully construct solar panels. Today, amorphous silicon can be found in the liquid crystal dii plays of laptop/portable/notebook computers. Amorphous silicon devices where silicon atoms are, randomly packed - are ultimately more cost-effective than highlystructured crystalline silicon because the manufacturing equipment is significantly cheaper. The crystalline silicon found in, for example, computer memory chips, requires production temperatures from 700 degrees Celsius to 1100 degrees C, while amorphous silicon production requires 250 to 450 degrees C. Thus capital costs are lower; the manufacturing clean room is smaller because production is confined to a smaller area; and the material can be fashioned into three-
image sensor measuring 0.5 inch by 1.5 inch and containing 2,048 or 4,096 photoelements requires an expensive lens in order to focus on an 11 inch document. Using amorphdus silicon, the device could be made 11 inches long, thereby eliminating the expensive lens. However, amorphous silicon devices, with their random atomic structure, are up to 500 times slower than crystalline silicon devices. Thus, one of the research chalIenges facing Dr. Chamberlain is how to maximize speed, while retaining the cost-benefits of amorphous silicon. “There is a place where you can reduce the cost of the overall system,“says Chambe&n. ‘The? is an opportunity to trade off speed for cost, and vice-versa. For example, hand-held page scanners can be made very small because you don’t need complex optics.” Chamberiain’s group 6lso plans to develop simuIation tools to analyze and experiment with various implementations using a computer rather than fabricating an actual device. And while Japanese firms currently dominate the consumer sector, Chamberlain notes the industrial application sector for such devices is stilI wide-open. “One could make inroads in terms of innovations of the devices, innovations of the architecture, and our background can be used to make inroads in the application of the technology.” Dr. Chamberlain’s research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the Information Technol-
llI2C has a jibe-yewfwzding commitmentjbm the Ontario TechnologyFund totding $35 million dimensional devices rather than the planar restrictions of silicon crystals. * When employed in image sensors, amorphous silicon devices have additional advantages over their crystalline counterparts, including: a 20 times improvement in photon efficiencies; the ease of manufacture of page length devices; a spectral sensitivity which matches closely that of the visible spectrum; and the potential for higher resolution devices. Image sensor devices are generally composed of photoelements of “electronic eyes”, address circuitry to process information sequentially, an output amplifier, and a buffer between the amplifier and the outside world. Specific applications require more’ sophisticated features, such as processing for scanners, or imagers for machine vision systems. With amorphous silicon, substrates can be made large. For example, a crystal silicon
ogy Research Centre, Micronet - a federal Network of Centres of Excellence - and industrial grants. ITRC has a five-year funding commitment from the Ontario Technology Fund totalling $35 million. Established in January 1988, ITRC currently funds over 50 projects in artificial intelligence, cognitive science and intelligent control; the mathematics of computation; computer networks and communications; microelectronics; and software, systems and graphics. The $1,billon Technology Fund was established in 1986 to support science and technology research in the private sector and post-sicondary institutions. It forms the cornerstone of Ontario’s efforts to formalize long-term strategies for economic develop ment which emphasize technological advancement, and research and development as a way of improving international competitiveness.
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12 Imrxint. Fridav. Februarv 8. 1991
Last week,we talked about them. T&is week,
presm= Brian Ja.ntzi byBrian
MynameisBrianJantziJama Waterloo native and am clurrently finish@ my m year of study h Honours History with the Peace and Conflict Studies option 1 have spent
two years on Federation Student Council. I have served the Federation as Municipal Affairs commissioner, President of the Student Issues Action Coriunittee, and as a member of the Housing Committee. I have also served students as a Turnkey, a writer for Imprint, and as co-host of a weekly news show on CKMS.
Before any student considers any election candidate, I believe that he or she has a right to know why a candidate wouId want a job suchasPresident of the Federation of Students. My reasons are simple: I care about the students of the University of Waterloo and want to work hard for
them It is the responsibility of the President of the Federation to be accountable, responsible, and available to aII &dents, regardless of their concerns, As a person who has experienced all facets of campus life, from residence, to off-c&npusliving,andfrom within and without the Federation, I believe
that I can offer this kind of coIIunifment to the students of UW
When dealing with the issues of any election, it is most important for a candidate to offzr students a forum to express their frustrations, hopes, and ideas. Everyone is concerned as to how to make our campus environmentally friendly. Everyone wants to walk on a safer campus. People want to have a happy and memorable experience during their university years. Because ot my fw with the Federation system, and its bylaws, I am in a position to reform a system that does not always benefit the majority of students.
I-Ii, I’m Ted Timar, a candidate for President of the Federation of students. Wheti choosing a president, I think you should look for experience, innovation, and direc-
There are other ways that we can work to improve the quality of life for Waterloo students. In the short term, we can try to solve problems such as the lack of space for student services, expand s&vice in our enter&nment and educational sectors, and lobby the administration and governments for more financial support to all aspects of our education In the long term, we can seek ways .to include more students in the planning process already underway for areas such as the North Campus, and promote our athletic programs in the oncampus community and the greater Waterloo area.
As a student councillor, I am concerned that the Federation executive does not communicate effectively with the students. I will hold monthly feedback sessions in the Campus Centre, giving students a chance to ‘Mch” at @e President and Vice Presidents. I also want to see suggestion boxes all over campus, so student don’t have to trek all the way to the Campus Cen&e to talk to the Feds. _ &February 12and 13,pleaseelect me, Jeff Homby, Vice . President, University Affairs. Real experience, real issues, real abilities.
The environment is high on my list of priorities. Not only using recycled paper in the Fed office and services, but a conce Iobbyins effort to local industry to stop dumping wastes into Laurel Creek and Columbia Lake. With the Student Issues Action Committee, I have been lobbying for more government funding for universities With the merit Council of Ontario Universities proposal to
I have experience with the Federation, EngSoc, MathSoc, Renison, and many other, campus groups. As ‘Societies Commissioner and Secretary of the Committee of Presidents for the Feds, I have learned that the societies operate much more successfullythanthe&ds.Ihavebeenan Associate Vice President of EngSoc as well as editor of the Irrrn Watir. I have also served as chair of Students Advising Co-op. With this group, I have successfulIy lobbied the administration to reduce the work
by Lisa B&e I feel that my experience with people will be valuable for the pition of Vice President, University Affairs. As a Don, I have been exposed to the problems and concerns of student life. It is my feeling that the students are the mosf important aspect of UW. The
of VP’UA, is based
report marking fee from $14 to $11, and refund the difference to the students, and instituted the Coordinator Evaluations. I believe that the Federation has lost touch with the students. This is seen in Fed Hall’s $100,000 loss last year, the lack of attendance for many Public Issues Board speakers, and the Stude’nt Life Building referendum. While there is no single solution to this problem, it may be solved in paThe sixties are over. It is time that the Federation entered the nineties. To be taken seriously by the administration, we must make reasonable demands. If we ask for the impossible, we will be ignored. We must make our case on underfunding and student issues clear.
Townhouses. We must make the campus safer. To do this, we should improve lighting working with the University, but using Fed money if required, to ensure that it really gets done. We should also install emergency phones and run two safety vans when demand is sufficient. We must get the co-op process fully computerized. This should include Want Ads, job selection, and rankings. It should be done right, not as a 20-year stopgap measure. With my experience with Students Advising Co-op, I feel I could ensure that student needs get as much attention as administrative needs. On February 12 and 13, please exercise your right to vote. Vote for experience, innovation, and direction. Vote for Ted Timar.
Lisa Brice
Within the Feds, we must reduce tie bureaucracy. We must not let the corporate side dominate. The MS “students serving must remain students.” Toward this end, we must get more feedback from students. This may be accomplished through frequent student polls, meetings with the student societies, and forums on specific topics. The lack of attendance at the Federation’s semi-annual general meetings shows that people will not attend forums without major specific issues. We must give the Federation back to the students. To improve the lifestyle of student on this campus, we should make more rental equipment available at the PAC and Columbia Ice Fields, increase club space, and bring a variety store, pharmacy, and cinema onto the north campus to selve the Villagesand Columbia Lake
increase tuition by 40 per cent tar incoming students, accessibility will becurtailed.ThefirstthingIwilldoin ofGceislobbyagainstthistu.itionhike~
Real experience, real issues, real ability. I’m Jeff Hornby, and these are the qdities that I will bring to the Vice Presidency. I started getting involved in Federation and society activities three years ago, and have been increasingly involved since. I am a fourth-year Mathematics student, am an undergraduate Senator, and was Math orientation Director lastfilL I am very concerned about accessibility to universiQ education ThroughtheHumanRightsBoard,I have been working toward a more quitable education for all people. F3ea* many mi.norities feel
I realize that I cannot be all things to weryone. What I can offer to the students of Waterloo is a person with the patience to actually listen to their con~ms. On February 12 and 13, please exefcise your right to vote. If elected, I promise to work hard for
WJA: Jeff Hornby
unwelcome at universities, I feel that we should begin an outreach program to secon~schools, especially to native stud+s and people of colour. This would parallel the successful Engineering Society outreach program to women in secondary
Ted Timar
resenting the voice of the students, which is why I feel that comrnunication is extremely important One of my goals is to improve the communication between the Federation and the student societies. This could be done by informing societies of upcoming Fed events, as well as
asking for their input This will help increase student involvement with the Feds. I would also Like to see the Fed executive hold informal meetings in a neutml location, such as the Campus Centre or Fed Hall. This would allow students to approach the executive team, talk to them, and ask questions in an informal atmosphere. Campussafetyisalsoanissue.Iam concerned with the -area of Westmount Road, between University and Columbia, as there is little space tti walk safely. This is a welltravelled road by students living in the Church Cokges, Villages, and C,olebia lake Townhouses. I would like to bring this problem to the atten-
tion of Waterloo City Council. Also concerning safety, I would like to stablish a permanent source of funding for our University Student Escort Team (USET) program. Orientation is also one of my concerns. I have worked closely with the Village Two orientation committee in trying to promote alcohol awareness as well as confront the problems of sexism and racism in our first year students. I would like to see this on a campus wide scale, I am a newcomer to the kdedon, but I feel that my enthusiasm and communication skills will be a valuable asset to the covration. I ask for rtonFebruary12and13, your su r and in e upcoming year.
8, 7991
they talk about themselves.Nat week, vote! Pres.:.
John Leddy8
Teamwork This word best desc&es my vision for the Federation of Students. An effective president must ieilize that he or she is part of a larger team made up of aII federation employees, volunteers, and most importantly, you the student. As your president, I wiIl stress the importance of teamwork in accomplishing our go&. I believe I possess the background to make this te&n a reality. StopIPlease don’t turn to the personals; I’m just getting started. It’s important that you know a little about who I am and what I stand for. During my four years at UW, I have been involved in many student activities. These include being involved with Campus Recreation and its advisory council and the UW Ad Hoc Alcohol
Federation accoun~biIity - the by Sean Bmks Fed executive is mandated by you, the student, and must continue to answer to you for its actions and Good day. I am Sean Brooks, and I initiatives throughout the year. Biam a 38 Honours Geography student weekly pldic forums and,a prorunning for the position of Federation active attempt by the Feds to seek out President. Th& job requires feedback from student societies leadership, energy, ingenuity, and would aIIow for infod two-way are adaptability - all of which discussion between all students and quaIities I possess. I believe that it is the Federation team. the job of the Feds to keep in touch University funding UW with the students, not to bring in new students are all too familiar with low “toys” every term, but to’ address the faculty-to-student ratios, obsolete lab facing students today: equipment, limited accessibility and L problems underfunding safety on campus, the an overall erosion in the quality of our environment, and communicatio’n education. As your president, I will with the students. work to direct the focus of the Fed Having worked as a Turnkey, a Executive and our provincial lobby Bombhelter doorman, and as a group, the Ontario Federation of Safety Van driver, I believe I have Students (OFS), td this issue and acquired the communication skills away from issues which do not direcnecessary to effectively run the Fed tly involve students. office and communicate with all students on an equaI level - not on a level above them. I admit I do not have the wide-ranging experience with the Feds that some my opponents do; however, I feel I can bring a new, innovative, and fresh approach to the job from the perspective of a “grass roots” level student. Communication with as many students as possible is a must. I would go about this by not hiding in the Fed office, but getting out and visiting society meetings and functions, students on a social level (such as in
VPUA: by kmie
Committee, being president of the Village 1 council and chairperson of the 1990 Benefit Semi-Formal committee which raised over $10,000 for local charity. I am also a village don, and most recently I was elected head don of Village 1 by my fellow dons. I have spent my summers selfemployed, providing employment for a total of thirty students over the last two years. Issues: there are many, but space constraints will only allow me to touch on the folIow&
Seari Brooks
Hi! would dent, VPUA
Practice what you preach - despite assurances from all candidates that the environment would be a main concern when elected into office, only two candidates, myself and Lisa Brice (VPUA candidate) have chosen to pay higher prices in order to ensure that all campaign material would be on recycled paper.
the Bombshelter, Fed Hall, or the PAC), and on a level where there is no condescension. I would try my .hardest to get involved and to become more knowledgeable of the Feds and all the various services we offer. I encourage you to attend the forums, read the Imprintand Gzzae,
Bernie Herold
My name is Bernie Herold and I like to be your next Vice PresiUniversity Affairs. Next year’s must be someone who has the
women and men in Village Two. I have also completed extensive research on safety and have discussed the issues with UW Security and Waterloo Regional Police. Yov can be assured that, if elected, I will implement effective safe* measures.
Please vote on February 12 and 13, and when you do, I ask for your SUD. , poti l
Photos by Joanne Sandrin
as well as all the posters that are alI over the campus. Make your decision based on what you have read and heard, but do come out to vote on Tuesday and Wednesday to prove that this is not an apathetic campus. Prove it to yourselves. When you do, remember me: Sean Brooks for Federation of Students President.
and Karina Kraerwle
skills and experience to effectively fead the Federation in addressing the needs of Waterloo’s students. I believe I am that person. One of the vital issues in this year’s election is safety on campus. As a member of the Women’s Issues Board and co-ordinator of the Women’s Centre, I have helped increase awareness of this issue among students. I wrote a comprehensive article on the University Student Escort Team (USET) and the Safety Van in the Imprint, and conducted date rape seminars for
I would lobby the administration to reinstate USET and provide funding as is done at other universitie. I would also have two safety vans running during peak hours to accommodate more women and men. If I am to become your next VPUA, environmental issues will also top my agenda. As manager of Scoops, I eliminated the use of disposable bowls and over-packaged products. I also contacted the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) and made every effort to follow their advice in using non-toxic, biodegmd-
able cleansers. I would continue these efforts by working toward reduction in all food services. Also, I would like to reduce the number of flyers and posters advertising Fed events by putting up electronic signs, such as the one in Carl Pollock Hall, in the most frequented buildings on campus. I would also like to see greater accessibility and accountability in the Federation of-Students. As VPUA, I would be responsible for hiring the chairpeople ahd the commissioners of the Fed boards. As the chairperson of the Campus Turnkey Interviewing Committee, I have developed the necessary skills to hire people who can respond effectively to the needs of students. I believe that moving the Student Council meetings to the open atmosphere of the Campus Centre would help in making the ,Federation more accessible. *Also, I would like to see tlte Fed exkcutive work with the psychology and, statistics departments to develop nonbiased surveys that could be used to determine what real, not perceived, needs students have. The Federation should offer nonacademic courses, such as pottery, photography, cooking, and guitar playing which could provide a recreational outlet for students who are not athletically inclined. Other useful program would be a Tenant Information Directory, an idea first suggested to me by the Umbudsperson. This directory would contain basic information about a prospective unit, such as its proximity to amenities as weII as testiinoniaIs and comments from past te+nts. Thank you for considering me for thii position I look forward to working with you next year. Whatever your choice, please exercise your right. to vote.
Ice Wwriors clinch OUAA West pennant Wins over GueZph and Laurentian keep goose egg in UW loss column A
Warrior Hockey byAndrewlcIlms9 Imprint spurts
Five pieces of the puzzle remain% That’s what it must feel like for the :e Warriors, who are five games hort of becoming the f&t OUAA ockey team to go undefeated wough the regular season since the Jniversity of Toronto Varsity Blues id it 15 years ago? in the 1973-74 eason And last week, pieces fell into place x the Warriors, even when they *re not on the ice. Waterloo’s stiffest ornpetition in the OUAA (Laurier nd Trois Rivieres) confinued their espdve losing &treaks. Both York nd Toronto edged Trois Rivieres by ne goal while Ryerson, occupying Ie ba&ment of the OUAA East Diviion at the time, whipped Laurier 9By virtue of the Laurier loss, oupled with Waterloo’s victories lver Guelph and Laurentian last weekend, the Warriors clinched fixst date in the OUAA West Division, hree weeks before the season’s lnd. Un Thuday night, a red-hot iuelph team rolled into town, fresh nom a 5-3 upset over Trois Rivieres le week before, and pushed the hriors close to the brink, However, Waterloo found the wherewithal to iumph in stor@ook fashion, 4-3. Until late in the second periud, the
match looked like a nip and tick goaltenders duel and the scorecard read: .Guelph 1 gwt@xt, Waterloo 0. But after the ebbing and flowing of the first 34 minutes, Guelph’s Eric Ross solved Waterloo’s James Organ with a low slapshot at 14:26. The Warriors were finally able to beat Guelph netider Rob Fournier, and evened the score when Tony Crisp stuffed in a rebotlnd off a shot by Ian Pound, just before the end of the second period. . Gradually the tempo of the game picked up, paving the way for a thrilling third period. Several stiff bodychecks were handed out, including one to Guelph’s Rob Ricketts who was belted by Gory Keenan. ’ Jamie Maki took a breakaway pass and beat Fourqier to give the Warriors their first lead of the game with 6:52 remaining, resulting, in a Chgour of pans from a group of appreciative UW fans. But the stubborn Gryphons L clawed back. Guelph tied the game with 3:32 left to go, and then the teams exchanged goals, Waterloo scorin with 79 secon@s on the clock, and 8 uelph equalizing with 21 seconds left to force the extra period. Freshtrk gdtende James Orgy was a standout in In overtime, much to the delight of waterlods thfiHing 44 avm vicmy.wt3f Guelph. ofgail the knse crowd, Warrior Mike Macriowhasal.98goatsqpinstavemgeintburgamee Kay converted a rebound at 3:47 to Photo bv Peter Brown snatch the victory, 4-3. The goal was the third game-winner of the year for igured they’d try to knock off the On Sunday, Waterloo __ _ - visited _ Sud_ the speedy forward, who admitted next undefeated team.” Going into bury, and retumed home, having afterward that .he had been nervous the overtime period, MacKay said downed the Lauren& Voyageurs. about the Guelph team. that Waterloo head coach Don Waterloo built up a 2-1 lead after one McKee reminded the team of their period, doubled it to 4-2 after two and “I went down to see them play success in the Columbia Icefield. “He then added two more insurance said we’re undefeated in this wding markers in the third to defeat LaurenThree Rivers and they played awesome,” sa@ MacKay. ?Yhey knocthis year and if we can help it, that’s tian, 6-2. ked off number one, so now, they the way we’re going to stay.” ’ Darren Snyder led the ieam with 1
Gutsy -m- per$brrnance byI,mke
Waterloo’s Athenas squash nished 3rd overall in the OwlAA quash championships this past reekend hosted by Ryerson But if ot for L+se Waite, the team would e looking at a disappoint@ fifth lace. Having struggled all year with a rukitude of problems, including last linute recruits due to a shortage of layers, Waterloo scraped by with 4th lace in regular season play. To gain a e@~ into the championship round owever, meant beating the 5th place &onto Varsity Blues. Normally lat’s a ti arrxmgement as the no. 1 am plays no. 8, no. 2 plays no. 7, no. plays no. 6, and no. 4 plays no. 5. But 5 it turns out, the Varsity Blues nishedfifthonlybecauseearlyinthe v they were weaker playing t the east division teams and E . dfewerpoin~ -But when they me to play the ktem teams they added two mmger yerstol..heirIineupand RashEd lr ateIiw4matiestol.~
thrashing included a 3-O loss for Waite (Waterloo’s no. 1 seed). Disappointed and unmotivated, she competedintheindividualchampionship tournament last weekend, losing also to M&aster’s no. 1 seed 3-O. For Waterloo to have a shot at the medal round, the weight lay tremendously on Waite. The only way the team had any hope was if she could turn around and beat McMaster and Toronto just two weeks after losing to both. With the matches tied 2-2 against Toronto, Waite scrambled and fought to a 3-l victory over Anita Nador in a very gusty performance. With spme relief now, having advanced to the top four championship fight, the team met the no.1 ranked McMaster Marauders one hour later. Waite gave everything she had and reversed last week’s loss to flisonGiachinobywinningagain3. The following day Waite met Queen’s no. 1 seed and dominated by a score of 3-1. Her final match was a@in!3t~ricolenMnwhoranlSin the top 5 in Canada in the women’s open division Coleman proved too much for any opponent in the CWIAA league, and also too much for W*rloo’s worn out no. 1.
1. Calgary 2. Waterloo 3. Alberta 4. UQTR 5. Dalhousie s6. Regina 7. Laurier 8. Concordia 9. New Brunswick 10. York goal and 3 assists. Other UW goals were scored by John Williams, Dave Lorentz, Tony Crisp, Mike h&Kay, and Clark Day while Bill Campbell and Scott Wasson replied for Lauren@II-L Waterloo outshot the Vees 34-28. The Wtiors play their last two home ice games of the regular season this weekend at Columbia Icefield. They face Western at 7~30 pm tonight (Friday), and Row M#&y Col.l&ge on Sunday at 2:30 pm. Next weekend, the teamtravels eastto take on Ottawa on Friday, February 16 and Trois Ri&eres on S&uxlay, February 17. Both games start at 2 pm, On Friday, Felwuary 22, the Warriors wind up the regular season in St. Catharines where they have a return meeting with Brock
Waite J
Squash Athenas take provincial Athena
Men’s Hockey
Waite did what she was asked to do’ by her team all weekend and her loss to Coleman was insign&ant. Not to belittle any one else’s performance on the tempt Silvestri was impressed, elated and “damn proud” of Waite. Her performance will ahvays be remembered this year more so than any other. In the past bui&s talents were taken for granted. This weekend her courage and team loyalty was an example to all her teammates and coaches. McMaster finished tit overall with nine points, Westernwassecond with eight, third was wtif!rlw totalling seven, followed by Queen’s with six, This was the closest and most exciting finish ever ‘in the UWIAA squash championships. Squash is getting more exposure and the ialibre of university competition is improving. Waterloo was fortunate to have Diane Lee at the no. 2 position. In finish@ 3rd at the individual championships, she had proven that she could play no. 1 at almost any other schooLIxeaqinbeatallno.2seeds easilyatthisweekend’sfinals.titsof toherforfmbhinghersquashcareer withuutalossinOWIAAteam coInpetition
bronze I
3 position She won her most important match of the t ournament, 3-o against Toronto to help advance the team to the championship round. Then with the match scores at 2-2 against Western and the silver medal on the line& Cooper surprised a stronger opponent by jumping into a 2-O Iead in games. *Wendy Hiscox from Western showed some real discipline, however, and fought back to wins2 Thanks to Me Grady who showed team dedication by flying back from her work term in Vancouver to play no. 4 for Waterloo. * Unfortunately lack of practice, jet lag and nerves kept her from getting her squash together long enough to wina match
Grady lost 3-2 against Western and Queen’s, two key matches, Clubtine And-n showed some grit and detem-&wtion playing iit the no. 5 psitioa
3-Othencamebackfroma2-0d&i.t to overpower her opponent from Wm 3-Z Omsidering this is her first year in competitiofi Anders4m’s peEbrmancewasouts~ Connie Mayor could have played higher up the ranks but a coachingdeciskmkptherfrom T? e wp.FiIwup as the no. 4 awl no. 5
uw squash#l seed ~ Waite,am=l--fot FemalemldebdhYw. positions were hard to select She was asked to play as wkrlw’s substitute at the no. 6 p&t-ion UnseEshly, Mayor su rted the team and encowag ,gpothem all weekend. Waite, Ilae, arid Mayor will be
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16 Imprint; Friday, February 8, 1991
The Black PlagueSshows no mercy Veteran power hitter Scott Smith, a 1989-90 All-Canadian honourable mention, topped UW’s attack stats with 23 kills and four stuff blocks for 27 points. The other half of the power hitting tandem, Steve Smith, added 16 kills. But the most ink on the stats
What else can be said that hasn’t been said already. lie Black Plag-C~ volleyball Warriors are a force to be reckoned with and everyone in the OUAA knows it, especially the Laurier Golden Hawks. This pst Wednesday at the Athletic Complex of Wiid Laurier university, Waterloo swept the Hawks 30 (E-13,15-3,15-8).
wont’d. from page 17. four attempts at the charity stripe. Defensive wizard Duarte muscled in for 10 rebounds and eight points. Ale&o was simply dominating throughout the game and it showed on the stats sheet, going N-for-12 at the gift box, 7-for-8 from the field, and adding a trey, for a game high total of 27 pods. Livingstone had 19 points (including three treys in the opening First-year centre Shati Roach half)
sheet was beside the name Dave Balodis. He hammered down 11 kills, committed only one error in the entiri match, had a spike efficiency of 92 percent, built six stuff blocks, and scrapped up five digs. Waterloo is still ranked fitth in Canada, while OUAA West rival McMaster is in ninth. Laval, Calgary; Dalhousie, and Manitoba occupy the CIAU’s top four spots in decending order. scored an even 10 points and snagged six rebounds, while back court threat Danny Deep had an unusually quiet eight point night. The Wakiors now embark on a tough road trip which sm at Guelph tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 pm. Then on Wednesday night they travel to Biffville to play the Western Mustangs with an 8 pm tip-off. Both games will be well worth the trip for &e Wador faithful.
The Warriors’ league record now stands at an awe-inspiring 9-1, with only two matches left on the schedule. Both are must sees. Waterlocbtakes on Western this coming Wednesday, February 13 at 8pm here at the PAC. Then on Friday, Feb
in Wtierloo
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-Y,-@ 2 p.m. - Athenas vs Windsor wedmday,FLb.l3 6 p.m. - Athenas vs Western 8 p.m. - Warriors vs Western FMamy, lm. 15 6 p.m. - Warriors vs McMaster (CIAU #5) (CIAU #9)
ruay 15, M&&r comes to town for a 6pm match which will probably decide who gets home court advantage in the division finals. This year’s , provincial championship will be held at the East division winner’s gym. Just think for a minute. If they put a volleyball net up around Iraq, the Bktck Plague would have no problem attacking the country. That would be one hell of a beach volleyball game.
All Gumes at the PAC
V-ball Athenas take Laurier to the Mmit Athena
Hear all the sccwes on CAMS-WI
In women’s volleyball action this past Wednesday, Waterloo travelled down the street to challenge the third-place Laurier Golden Hawks. The Athenas fought a good battle, but came out on the wrong end of a five we match to see their record fall to 2-8, with about three weeks left in the regular season. The first game was the closest of the match and set the tone for the tough net game, which would prove to be the factor in the match. It was a ping-pong game, with neither team going up by more than three points, but with the Athenas leading 13-12, and the Hawks gaining momentum, gocjd hits by Carren Hall and Nikki Campbell secured the Waterloo victory 15-12. The next game was close for a while, well that is until the score was 3-3 when the Hawks broke out and never looked back taking the game 15-3.
Now, when I play volleyball on Tuesday’s, my roommate always says ‘Block for a point.” And, I am sure he would have been impressed by the Athenas play in the third game, as they were able to put up a wall which Laurier could not break through. Waterloo jumped out to a 6-O lead due in part to five sparkling serves by Katrina Englebrecht, and padded this lead to 10-2 using an exciting array of hitting and blocking. The most effective weapon in the Athena arsenal was the quick set to middle hitters Michelle Vanvliet and Carren Hall, which worked to perfection. The rest of the game was all Waterloo, getting the win 15-6. In this game the Athena played as weti as 1 have seerI them play ail season. The next two games both followed the same pattern; close for the first five or six points, Waterloo would then get down by a few points, this had the effect of shaking the Athenas confidence, and the Hawks would continue to press and come out on top. The final scores in the fourth and fifth games were 15-7 and 15-5 for Iaurier, thus giving them the match n s2. This was the first match I have personally seen the Athenas play in the second half of the season, and I can
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confidently say that I could see the improvement. But, they will have to start playing more consistently if they hope to become contenders in the OWIAA. The next game for Waterloo is tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 pm in the PAC when the Windsor Lancers come to town. Next Wednesday at 6 pm Western’s team visits the PAC. So why not come out and support your, university women’s volleyball team?
to host
OUAA squash finals
byJeffMd Imprint
The University of Waterloo hosts the 1990-91 OUAA squash championships at the PAC this weekend. The number two-ranked Waterloo Warriors, with a record of 537, will seek to dethrone the number one Western Mustangs. These championships will feature Ontario’s eight best teams, as three universities, Guelph, Laurier, and Trent, failed to make the grade. The firstquarter-final round begins this afternoon (Friday) at 4: 30 pm at the PAC. If the team manages to beat Toronto, their next match will be against the winner of the match between Queen’s and McMaster on Saturday at 9 am at Northfield, a club just north of campus. If all goes as planned, the Warriors will be in the finals against Western on Saturday a? 3 pm back at the PAC. Waterloo squash,has never seen so much ability in the entire six-man team assembled for these championships. With the likes of Bruce Morrison (among the top five in , Canada as a junior), Jeff Deverill (Mr. Fitness), Tyler Millard (number one junior under 16), Steve MUard (twotime varsity champion), Ron Hurst (a wealth of experience), and Mike Zidar (the best Kirkland Lake has to offer), we have a good opportunity to be OUAA champions+ So, come out and support the Wtiors’ quest for their first OUAA title ever.
Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
ter ends 17 year PAC drought
Warriors swarmed by Marauders, Warrior Basketball uw sophomw forward John llamim sbotsfmm thetmcta with Mc-
by Rich Nichol rnqmint staff
It must be heart-wrenching to play back-to&& games in which you are almost within reach of a victory and then the other team pulls ahead in the waning moments to steal it right out of your hands. Web such was the fate of the hask&all Warriors this past week in the OUAA West They dropped a 76-71 decision to McMaster last Saturday while Wiarton Wiie was admiring his shadowThen this past Wednesday, just when Waterloo was ready to pluck the Hawks and send them down to KFC for f?ying Laurier surged forward for a 73-69 win The Warriors now slip to 4-5, still good enough for fifth spot in the &vision. And with only five games remahinginthe1991campaign,they must concentrate on getting home court advantage for the quarter&& (which is awarded to the third and fourth place teams). The Warriors have a tough finish to their schedule with road games against Guelph and Western, match-ups with Windsor at home and McMaster in the Steel City, and finally one last bout with Western at the PAC.
IWordham Imprint sports
Mqy times an anemic record of l8 can belie a team’s level of play and competitiveness. Waterloo’s basketMl Athenas, in the midst of an eightgame losing skid, may be a perfect example of this. Then again, after Saturday’s game with McMaster, they may not. A young Athena team was no match for the nationally-ranked squad from Hamilton, as they were blasted 61-39. But just when everything seemed gloomy, Waterloo stormed out of the lmker room in the second half of Wednesday night’s contest against Laurjer to win 57-55. The thrilling come from behind victory ended the Athenas’ eight game skid and put them at 2-8 in the OWIAA West UW sophomore guard Kathy Wordham paced all scorers with 14 points. Teammates Brenda Kraemer and Tina Murray drained 11 and 10 points, respectively. More details about that game next week. &like many of their earlier losses, Waterloo was never really in this game. Led by All-Canadian Heathq Mc.Kay,andpotentialO~aU-star Vicky Harrison, the Marauders established superiority early, scoring 10 unanswered points before the game was six minutes old. The Athenas managed to close within by bhe 10 minute
Sheldon Laidman diibding. photo by Downtown
First or second place are virtually out of reach with Guelph (8-l) and Western (7-1) currently occupying those spots. Western, with one game in hand on the Gryphons! is awaiting a weekend doubleheader with Lakehead in London. McMaster sits in third place at 6-3, with Lakehead at an even 4-4 in fourth. Rounding out
lead to the dressing room. The Marauders (ranked tenth in the country) started the second half much the way they began the first, applying pressure that resulted in easy scores. Add to this the fact that the Athenas couldn’t capitalize on their own steals, plus a few missed free throws. McMaster, with an 11-4 run, had an in&mountable 24-point lead. Dignard’decided at this point to make wholesale changes, substituting in groups of five. With fresh troops being put in every couple of minutes, the Athenas were able to play at even terms for the remaining
in Mrted
win- I
sheet for Mac was the 6’3” werhouse forward Madronich, and snatchjng r oopingR2;mpas eight OUAA west ieider V&derPol rebounding grabbed eight boards to go with his 16 points, while Zownir and Howard naikd 12 and ,, 11 points respectively. Two explanantions in the Warriors’ loss were a field goal percentage of 33, and the fact that they were outrebounded 35-21. Wednesday night’s city ,rivalzy lived up to its usual billing: quic$ scrappy, and close. But tiurier seemed to always have a slight advantage. After the Warriors were the first to ripple the chords, taurier took a slight lead throughout the last 18 minutes of the opening half. Midway through it, freshman bigq3u.n Chris Livingstone nailed two treys just over a minute apart with a basket by fifthV&elXl Mike AIessio Ysandwiched in between, as the Hawks tied forw&I, 19-13. With two minutes to the break, Moore, amidst a scramble, made a spectacular diving tippass to Jason Poag who dished off to freshman centre Cam Thomas for the lay-up. The sporadic opening half ended with Laurier ahead by four, 34-30. Determined to kill the defxi$ UW t&o-clad guard Mike Duarte christened the second half with a quick drive through the lane. At 16:23, VanKoughnett made an inbounds pass to Dave Rosebush in the paint for an easy two and the fouL Rosebush completed the thre+oint play for a momentary lead change, 41-40 for the Warriors. Laurier answered back with a 20-10 surge, before Waterloo closed again, 62-57 with 4:21 left in the game. . Fearing that WaterIoo would rally to win, Laurier head Coach Gary Jeffries did the unexplained. He grabbed a binder of stats sheets from the scorers table and slammed them back dam s&hxing them everywhere. (And I thought Tim Darling was the only coach who threw temper tantrums like a baby.) Nevertheless, two more baskets by Livingstone and a string of free throw by Ale&o kept the Hawks ahead to win, 73-69. VanKotighnett paced Waterloo’s attack with 17 poinl~, and Moore chipped in 15 points and hauled in ~venrebounds.Thomashadhisbest game yet, sinking 3-for-3 from the hardwood and went flawless in his score
Qxhnued to page
We appreciate your yemvound business and therefore PETALS & P&s does not raise it’s prices on Vulentine’s Day! owers Bouquet rl Flower Basket Bouquet
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Guelph bullied Brock 90-70, and M-aster annihihted Wind&r 9864. In Saturday afternoon’s victory over Waterloo, the Marauders ended a 17-year jinx at the PAC in which they went 20 games without a win Their previous victory at UW was on Jan 29, 1974 when they squeaked past the Warriors 88-86. The Marauders opened up a c@ck 11-3leadwithaquicktn ame and consistent post-up play. f rash sniper SeanV&Xoughnettanswered back with a couple of scud Miles from three-pint range, as Waterloo rallied to take a 17-15 lead at 8:53 of the opening half. The hosts stretched the margin to seven points before McMaster court general Ed Madronich spearheaded a 12-point run over the next five minutes, with a trey and a deuce. The Marauders took a 34-30 advantage to the locker room.
Ihining baskets from both the perimeter and inside, the Steeltown crew opened up a 45-36 bulge by 14:57. In the process, the 0fEcials ignored a couple of calls on the visitors, and the normally calm Waterloo head coach Don McCrae lost it, he snapped. Luckily, he wasn’t shown the exit door, the standings are Brock (3-6), Laurier On Mac’s next trip down the coti, (2-7), and Windsor (l-8). The top six 6’6” forward Jeff Zownir made a teams make the playoffs. sharp turn in the comer, too sharp for Elsewhere in the league this past his knee to take the strain. Zownir left week: Friday, Lakehead edged Brock the game with strained ligaments. 65-63; Saturday, Brock revenged Moments later, Madronich commitLakehead 73-57, Guelph dumped ted his fourth personal foul and had Laurier 85-67, and Western pumto sit melled Windsor 107-77; Wednesday, The weakened Maraudexs allowed VanKoughnett two more treys, as Waterloo out-scored them 12-2 in a span of four minutes, The Warriors had the lead briefly, before 6’9” McM&er pivot Jack VanderPol under the glass and diminutive guard Derek Howard at the trifecta put the game away for good, 76-71. “In the last four minutes we made 17 minutes. The finaI score had them some defensive qrors in terms of down by 22,61-39. who we were covering,” said ‘We a plied more pressure in the McCrae. ‘But for 37 minutes we second Llf but I wouldn’t say we played very well, so that is the posiwere ha&y with the result,” tive prt# explained Dignard. “The Athenas Madronich may have been the have five games left. We are setting a CHCH-TVgamestarbuthisbee-b goal of three wins.” gunpopsinthepaintwere,nothing McKay topped M&laster with an compared to the howitzer treys in 18 point effort, while Brenda VanKoughnett’s second half floor Kraetier and Tire Murray were the show. VanKoughnett went 7-for-8 best for the Athenas with 12 and eight from three-point range on route to a points, resp&ively. 3%point game, a season high for him. The Athenas next see action in Fellow forward Ch& Moore drained Guelph Saturday, February 9, then 14 points and led the Warriors in they are back at home to host ?ebounding with six. Topping the Windsor on the 16th of February.
spwks _. .mmdbll
Athena Basketball bybbflyM
seven points
shocked by Hawks
A love-filled basket of whit6 barnboo with hand painted hearts and filled with a fresh colourful
EVERYONE WELCOME! Annual General Meeting Wednesday, February 13,199l 6:00 p.m. Math & Computer Building, Room 5158
14-7, but this is as close as they ever got McMaster utilized a full-court trapping press that forced Waterloo into too many turnovers. ‘We handled their press poorly, worse than any other Fe,# &d Athena head coach Peruse UipnaM. ‘We made flagrant turnovers.” b&Master took a cornman&@
Refreshments Will Be Stmwd
ext. 2578
18 Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
Two gold and two silver
UW track team excels at’ Ontario Relays Track
& Field
Ca,utesy of UW Track with Rich Nichol
and Field
It was another exciting and superb track & field weekend. Despite some minor injuries to PatKirkham, Brent Fxmest, and Kelly M&ale, four of the eight UVV relay squads entered won medals at the Ontario Track & Field Relay Championships held at York University. Waterloo’s gold medal performances were both in the 4x400m relay events. The Athena contingent of Jane Taite, Marina Jones, Kim G&ens, and M&ale crossed the line in 4:14.lO,shavingacolos~ll0seconds off their previous best performance. The four women weren’t satisfied with just one set of track meet hardware; they captured the silver xnedalinthe4x2OOmrelayinatimeof 1:50.69, a three second improvement on that personal best.
In uw’s other gold medal win, the Warrior grouping of TJ MacKenzie, Forrest, Jason Nyman, ‘and Rob Meikle broke the tape at 3:30.50. The other Warrior team (Steve Walker, Mark Young, Brian Hagemier, and Dave Frake) finished a close fourth in the same event with a time of 3:37.27. The men’s 4x200m relay crew of Meikle, Simon Foote, Yti Quintana, and Walker, captured the silver medal in 1:33.79, just missing the CIAU standard of L33.24. The ‘3” team of Mike L&h, Milind Ghanekar, Shawn deLang and Nyman crossed the line in fourth, 1:37.40, only 3.7 seconds off the pace of their teammates. Lisa Laffradi, Catherine Hollifield, and Marci Aitken joined M&ale to finish fourth in the 4x800m relay with a personal besttime of 10: 07.45. UW% men’s 4xt300m team, comprising of Forest, Frake, Hagemier, and McKenzie, finished in a time of 8:15.14, also placing fourth. Athena CIAU hopeful Jane Taite
finished fourth in the 6Om hurdles in a personal best time of 9.40 seconds. It is only a matter of time before she breaks the national qualifying stan-
UV’s Cash overpowers field in 8dOjkee
Figure skaters consistent at York Figure Skating tryMi&eleHahn The Athena varsity figure skating team competed for only the second time this year at the York University Invitational Competitbn in the varsity arena/barn. of the 10 teams (an unusually high number), the Athenas are a young but very talented crew of skaters who haven’t as yet had a chance to show their prowess on home ice. ThemeetatYorkbeganwithabang as Meredith Shaw and Shannon Alysworth placed second in sir&u
- quite a showing dance variation Flood placed fou& in senior dance; considering the event began at 9 am, and Sharleen Floar placed fifth in the and the team was still quite frozen skX, ,Short program. The da$ best perafter the 5:15 am bus ride. hmed ‘=came from rookie Lesley The York competition has had a Neave who skated a fast and flawless notorious record of technical foulprogram to capture second place in ups, ineptitudes, and temperatures Senior B Ladies. that are near the Kelvins. This year In a surprisingly high turnout of *was no exception as first the tape nine teams, the final and most heavily machine broke irtto a high-pitched weighted category - precision squeak, and then the microphone has taken on a higher level of combroke down for close to an hour. petitiveness and innovations than in Skaters were forced to approach the the last few years. Waterloo, skating to judges before they began to clarify the Can Can and Rocket Robin, their name and team. placed third under the tutelage of However, amidst this havoc, ShanSuzanne Scott and choreography by non Klassen placed fifth in InterLiesel Walton. mediate Ladies; Alison Hughes and The teams from Toronto and Michele Hahn placed fourth in senior Queer& have always been strong, and pairs; Meredith Shaw and Carmen this year Guelph has put together a surprisingly c&&tent tea& Thus Waterloo was pleased with its fourth ~ place finish o,verall. However, it warns Guelph and Queer& not to rest on their laurels before the Ontario Question habitation, finals be@ February 16th in Guelph. comptez sur nous Practices continue for the Athenas, and if you are free Friday mornings at 7 am, you are invited to the Icefields to cheer them on.
CMHC r”l SCHL Helping to house Canadians
graduate studies in housing FOR THE 199%1992
Swimming by I&in McDonald Imprint sports
On Saturday, while the CHCH OUAA Basketball Game of the Week was in prdgress, the Wtior and Athena swimming teams were off to Toronto for a final set of warmup meets for the upcoming Ontario championships. Both teams had the tough task of facing the number one team in the country, the U of T Varsity Blues. Predictably, Waterloo was on the short end of the scoreboard, with the Warriors losing 63-23, and the Athenas 59-27. The York Yeomen also made an appearance at the meet and both of their teams were humiliated by the Waterloo squad. Despite these overall results the teams performed admirably with some excellent individual results. On the Athenas side, Juanita Diegel was a
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dard. Meikle, Quintana, and Ghanekar ctimpleted the 60m dash in 7.28,7,75, and 7.71 respectively.
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‘(Fur Something Completely DiJ%rent” CALL
UW CIAU qualifier Karl Zabjeck finished in fourth place in the high jum competition, at 2.00. Tr is was the first time ever for University teams to compete at the Ontario Relay Championships which has been traditionally a club only meet, At the request of UW head coach Brent McFarlane, who wrote to the OTFA Board of Directors and got OUAA/OWIAA approval, university teams were allowed to enter the meet. “I felt the close proximity of the meet to Waterloo, the reduced travel time, the reduced cost of the meet itself, and one of the major goals of this year’s team - to run relays well, were all offered in the provincial competition,” said MC&lane. ‘We gained immensely, as did four other university teams who competed as weU.” “We still need more women to make our team stronger in size and competition but our present members ran superbly and great results can be seen by pfig first and second in the 4x400 and 4x.200.”
scant two-tenths of a second off first place in the 200 breast, and the 200 free relay, of Nicole Arnoroso, Jo Ann Aldridge, Andrea Booth, and Carrie Powell pulled off the only Athenas win of the meet. The Waniors also managed a win against the U of T swimming machine when Michael Cash (KOD) won the 800 free, which is unfortunately not an official event. Ian Hunt in his school record holding event, the 100 fly, was touched out for first by a mere 5/1OOths of a second. On the upcoming pre-reading week weekend, Canada’s tenthranked Warriors return to the U of T athletic complex for the OUAA championship meet. The bearded Warriors rallying cry will be “Beat Western” as they have an exvllent shot of knocking off the Geldings to place third behind perennial powerhouses U of T and Mac. The team feels very confident of accomplishing this goal as the two teams were recently involved in an extremely close dual meet where the teams were tied going into the last event with Western pulling out the win 122-104. The seventh-ranked Mustangs have been one of the three elite teams in the past, and the Warriors will be trying to make it the elite four. Serving as a small incentive for the team is the fact that the Warriors former coach John Oesch is now at Western and the team would like some sweet revenge. Waterloo will be lead by graduating seniors Greg Pye, Michel Denault, and Chris Cupidio. ‘These seniors will be long remembered for their leadership, enthusiasm, determination, and overall contribution to the team,” said head coach John Heinbuch. For the first time in three years the Warriors have some potential CLAU qualifiers, with not just one but several possible swimmers who could meet tie standard. “Ideally we could send a relay team (four people) out to Halifax (site of this years CIAU championships),” said assistant coach Jeff Slater. “Ian Hunt, Mark Yip, Jason Krupp, Michael Cash, and Brad Oesch all have excellent chances of qualifying.” This is traditionally one of the fastest swim meets in Ontario, so if you would like to see some raging studs in action come on out to the U of T pool next Saturday or Sunday and cheer on the Warriors.
. sports
Rab first .to ski through Guelph *sludge who is in sight directly ahead of them. This second-place finish by Holden was the third good finish in as many weeks as she led the Athenas in every one of those races. The second Athena to cross the line was Fiona Griffiths in ninth position, nudging teammate Lisa Patterson (tenth place), by a mere seven seconds. Another Athena, Julia Nor&m, fmished 1201, with a strong effort. Norman, coming from a strong club skiing background, is regaining form at just the right time after a twoyear absence from competitive racing. competition,
Nordic Courtesy
UW Nordic
Ski Team
Warrior skier Mark Rab scorched the rest of the field in a decisive firstplace finish at the University of Guelph iIWit&iOMl meet last weekend. In a balmy 10 degrees Celsius, the conditions were anything but desirable for ski racing, being more suited for suntanning. This made for a slow course with little glide, as the trail progressively softened as the race unfolded. The 7.5 kilometre course consisted of a demanding, hilly section to start off, followed by a rolling middle section, and a flat and downhill slope to the finish. In most ski races, the downhill and rolling sections provide somewhat of a break for the racers. Under these conditions though, these ~eclions were equally demanding. There was no respite to be had. It became both a test of determination and fitness to perform weIl. The men’s 15 km race wound around the rolling terrain twice, while the women completed one 7.5 km loop. Athena skier Rachel Holden performed well in this tough race, skiing to a close second-place finish. She was narrowly beaten by Sonya Skinner, a Carleton skier, who had the advantage of starting 30 seconds behind Rachel. In staggered st&s of this nature, the later skier benefits as one is able to pace oneself from their
Rowing courteeyuw RcwingClub Sure, why not. On Saturday February 2, six of UW’s most ambitious rowers headed to Toronto to participate in the Canadian Indoor Rowing Championships. The event started at 8 am and ran until 5 pm. The participants were mainly from the southern Ontario region but there were other entrants from Montreal, British Columbia, and The Canadian National team as well. The events were ail run as heats with finals to follow. Four of UW% group made their respective finals while the remaining two missed quaIif@g by only small margins. First off was Laurie Featherstone who finished fifth in the lightweight category. Next, Bryan Connell pulled to a fifth-place finish in the lightweight men’s group. Third of our four finalists was Jana Borrowman and, believe it or not, she finished f&h in the heavy women’s group. Finally Al Williamsen finished in a strong fourth place behind,among others, Phil Moncton, who has recorded the second-fastest ’ time ever in the world. All in all it was an extremely successful day for everyone that attended and all the athletes were happy with their times. Stay tuned for the Ontario regional championships coming in March.
W&or team were five to 25 finishes in a competitive men’s K‘eld. Ken MacLeod, in his first university event this season, lived up to promising expectations, placing a solid 14th. The competition for the next few positions was very tight, with three Warriors finishing within 19 seconds. This race featured Jason Gregoire beating out Bill Cameron by only three seconds, placing 17th and 18th respectively. John Kim followed closely behind in 21st and Mike Cooper in 25th. The rest of the team included Dave Richardson in 3&h, Trevor Rickwood in 28th, Graham Wickens in 39th, JP. Pinard in 41st, and Kevin Berry in 44th.
Intra-team competition coupled with a good camaraderie has proven to be a good combination, bringing. the Athenas to their best f&m in years. A perfect example of this occurred this weekend as Griffiths and Norman combined in the race for a good team finish, second only to Carleton. Magie Navaleza finished ZZnd, followed by Eva San-Sole, 23rd (a significant improvement over her last race). The Athenas were rounded out by Linda Kim in 3&h and Robin Wheldon in 39th. Supporting Rab’s victory for the
This weekend was the deciding qualifying race for the CXJAA and 0WI.M teams in Sudbury on February 15. The teams are as follows: Athenas: Rachel Holden, Lisa Patterson, Fiona Griffiths, Julia Norman, Rhonda Williams, Magie Navaleza, Eva SanSole. warriors: Mark Rab, Ken MacLeod, Bill
Cameron, Jason Gregoire, John Kim, Mike Cooper, Dave Richardson. Western host the last University Cup race prior to the OUAA and
OWLAA championships. The team is now concentratig on speed work in its tapering phase prior to the big events.
( Do it ftw the he&h Campus Ret by Barbara Jo Green Imprint sports It won’t be long now until you can sleep %I noon, stay in your PJ’s all day and parfy all night with no worries of having to get up for that 8:30 class. Hang in there! As most of you know, Campus Recreation offers many competitive leagues, but are you aware of the student run council that oversees these leagues? The Protest and Conduct Board is a controlling body whose overall purpose is to create an atmosphere which is conducive to fair play and sportsmanship in C-R competitive leagues. The P&C Board ensures this safe environment in two major ways: enforcing the current rules, and making recommendations to the rules and regulations which they believe would increase the effectiveness of Campus Recreation. The P&C Board is student run, consisting of a chairperson appointed from the C-R Executive Council, a student assistant, and other members chosen from various areai that are
involved in C-R such as CRAC. This term the chairperson is John Giroux and Alex Rink is the student assistant. The board meets weekly in PAC 2045 at6:15pmItisin these meetings that disputes and incidents from the C-R competitive leagues are discussed and ruled upon. There remain two vacant seats on the board, so if you are a Campus Ret enthusiast and interested in being part of this dynamic board, contact John Giroux by leaving a message with the PAC receptionist. On last week’s topic of C-R prelimhary statistics for this term, I can’t help but brag about Uw staff and students staying active and keeping fit. To date there are 218 men5 competitive league teams and 20 women’s teams which total 2,380 par-, ticipants. There are also 224 recreational teams consisting of co-ret volreyball, broombalI, innertube vball, indoor soccer and recreational hockey. During the next seven days before reading week begins, drop by the I PAC and relieve some of that stress that may be building up so you’ll be primed for the holiday. Do it for the health of it!
Of it!
by Ins00 Bae Two weeks into the season of the men’s competitive ball hockey league, a dominant team has yet to emerge. from any of the three divisions. In the “A” division, Bad Attitude, the champion from last term, lost its first game, 5-4, to the Dawson Dogs in what could have been a preview of the upcoming championship game. However, five teams are currently tied with two points apiece - the Fighting Aardvarks surfacing in the
number one slot with a greater goaIsfor / goals against ratio. Rob’s Team, formerly the Hired Guns, also has a good chance at first place. The Bulldogs, SJC Cyclones, and Ozone Friendly are tied for first in the ‘TV’ division with perfect 2-O-O records. The Bulldogs have gamed the number one rank with their 24 goals scored in just two games. The Buckaroo BaH Hogs and the Spanked Penguins (last term’s finalists) are expected to be serious contenders for first place. Finally, in the “C” division, Surps and SJC Toast are tied for first at 2-O. The Moving Targets, the veterans of the divisionghould have a good shot at first.
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Warrior Hockey GP
PLAYER Tony Dave Darren Clark Jantie Jim Mike John Rod Steve Brad tory EL11 S tevc Jeff Ken Card Pat Ian Craig SCWP James Mike Steve Mark
cris9 Lorentz Snvder Day ?laki David Mackay Wiliams Thacktt Schaefer Cearc KeelEn UhfEtle Richard Eallantyno Feddema Cost igan Daly Pound Shar woods Organ Payne Udvari HcCue
PLAYER --.Steve
17 17 13 17 11 17 17 15 16 17 16 17 7 II i7 13 a 14 17 15
17 9 10 7 0 6 6 5 2 3 1 3 4 3 2 I 1 1
16 22 15 10 0 9 6 7 9 7 9 6 3 4 5 6 :
33 31 25 17 i6 15 12 I2 II IO 14 9 7 7 7 7 b b
4 1 12 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
I 0 0 0
2 2 4 0
4 13 12 4 34 12 26 2 le. 2 10 45 6 22 24 4 4 22
Athena +20 +?6 +I8 + 7 +9 +0 +7 +14 +2D +6 +fi +14 t4 +6 +14 + 1 +i +z +25 +I1 t7 NlA 0 Nlh Nlh
- WEST TEA-Y Western
OF 7
w 7
L 0
MCMaSter Brock
351 387 434
311 376 348
8 6
ii 4 4
Lakehea_d Guelph Laurier
390 204 396 449
426 351 463 561
Waterloo h'indsor
8 8
2 1 1
4 7 7
TCX&li! HP HcYasteY 10 Rrock 7 Laurier 10
‘s” a
Lakehead Guelph water100 Western Windsor
8 4 2 2
Laurtnt3an 7 Queen’s
5 6
Ottawa York
21 254
3 4'
359 336 259 334
2 2 3 DC6
York Ottawa
307 281 219 487,
10 11 9
9 10
6 4
Toronto Carleton
4 0
5 6
- 7
7 5 ’
4 4
MW 6
ML 0
Lori Coleman - Western Allison Giachino - McMaster Diane Lee - Waterloo Louis5 Waite - Waterloo Stephanie Richardson - Queen's
:: 3, 2
2 3.
Tricia Jody
Smith - McM3ster Kerschcx - Western Melville
- Nordic
The University of Waterloo is pleased to have selected l&he1 Holden as Athena Athlete of the Week Holden, a former National is a third-year Team member, Kinesiology student from Deep River, Ontario. As a first year member of thy team, Holden has had a strong three week performance for the Athenas. At the Guelph Invitational on February 3, she took first place in a tough 10 km course. This win followed a ‘previous first place finish on a 15 km come in Udora on Janm 26, and a second $we finish in 0rangeville on January l
?lcMaster (McMasts and Srock)
RAB - Nordic
w 7 7
IL 2 2 Brock)
2 by Guelph
7 beaten
Tom-m Windsor (Above six are the Provincial
7. 8.
z 5 qualified
3 3 5 for
Queen's Laurier
9. 10 11
Athletes \of the week HOLDEN
(Guelph won against
3. 6.
B Level i;-Michelle
6 a 7 rl
Tl3!W Guelph
A Level
’ s
Waterloo Laurtnrlan
3 ?* _?
; 7 8
Men% Volleyball
The University of Wate+loo is pleased to have chosen Mark Rab as Warrior Athlete of the Week He is a fourth-year Kinesiology student and a former National B Team member. In a strong performance at the Guelph Invitational, Rab took fizst place in the 20 km race. This highlighted two previous third place finishes, one in Orangeville and one ti the Udora race held on January 12 and 26 respectively. Given a strong performance at the OUAA championships on February 16-17, Rab could finish in the top three. Next year, he will be attending Teachers’ College at Queen’s Univer&y*
1. Lava1 2. Calgary
3. Dalhousie 4. Manitoba 5. Waterloo 6. Winnipeg 7. Sherbrooke 8. Saskatchewan 9. McMaster 10. Toro-nto
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Andv talks...
The Doughboys rock played one’of their first ever gigs in Kitchener. From the beginn+ these guys had something going for them because of their energy and enthusiasm. First off’ for those of you who have Their musical proficiency was first nr, intention of reading this whole captured on 1987’s W?UMVT LP, an harangue, let me s&ply say that the impressive debut indie release, by Doughboys rock I know that sounds any standards. On the strength of this cliched and a bit stupid but these guys record and an American tour with are loud and heavy, and if that is your The Descendents and MIA, the band cup of tea you should cat&them live. quickly built up an impressive In other words, be at the Bombshelter momentum that culminated in a tonight to see them headline a show record deal with Restless/Enigma. with Toronto’s Change of Heart (who Recorded in C&forma, the also have a capacity for deafening Doughboys’ second release, Home unwary concertgoers). Again, gave us more of their familiar bombast while demonstrating an increasing capacity to blend great pop Now for the article. tunes with blistering guitars and speedy tempos. UnfortunateIy, the release of HumeAguin coincided with After talking to vocaiit, gu.i*t, the dep&e of drummer/vocalist hock Pytel, whose compositions and founding member John Kastner last week, it’s not hard to deduce that were the highlights of that record. this band revolves around one thing: Paul Newman, (ex of Toronto’s making music. There’s no hype or NoMind) filled in well as resident gimmicks or politics surrounding this pounder, but I had doubts as to Montreal-based quartet; they’re not a whether they could compensate for U.K. treat-of-the-week and they’re the loss of Pytel’s vocal and writing not riding the crest of some “new”fad abilities. They’re just the My worries, however, were largely Or sound. Doughboys: one of Canada’s hardest allayed with the release of Happy working (and best) bands. Accidents, in support of which the Their output says it all: I think of band is currently touring. While the their three fine records and the great material may be somewhat weaker live shows (I’ve seen them in Monoverall than on Home Again, Happy treal, Toronto, * Guelph, and Accidenti literally bursts with Kitchener). It’s the Doughboys’ noexuberant power pop. Recorded in Micheal %ilIip nonsense approach and ability to Toronto with (who also produced the consistently deliver the goods that Wojewoda allow them to rise above most highlatest from the Jellyfkhbabies as well speed guitar riffd Of course, the as the Change of Heart’s Swp Bcrx, capability to write good songs and a the best Canadian release of 1990), Happy Accidents establishes a cleaner fierce live show don’t hurt either. I first saw the Doughboys almost and more confident mund As four years ago when the band, billed Kastner indicated, “more time and a as “the Doughboys featukg ex- lot more effort” were P;t into the making of this record. Asexuals vocalist John Kastnery
The extra work seems to be paying off, so far. The new album is number one at campus stations across Canada and reviews have been favorable, and including raves in Sounds Melody Maker. Apparently, the record has even snagged 5-star ratings in several meta! magazines. The US release of the album is still to come, as is a video. Another personnel change has taken place recently, as well, with John DesLaurier (ex-Pig Farm), takhg over the bass duties from John Bondhead. Kastner says the transitions the band has gone through have been quite smooth, because the “replacements have been as good or better” then the members they’ve replaced. According to Kastne, “D&Iaurier isn’t quite as good a bass layer as Bondhead. . . but he’s a way $2 tter singer”. Kastner feels that the current lineup is the best and tightest yet. And this comes at an appropriate time; the band has just hnched a mammoth &month expedition that wiIl take the boys to 15 countries in North America and Europe (Asia hasn’t been cleared yet!). This will be their second trip to Europe where the band’s following is apparently “just as strong as in Canada”. Their great live show is likely a major contributor to the Doughboys’ modest successes to date. A mass of hair, sweat, and jumping bodies, there’s little posing or pretense to oti their n*holds-barred guitar attack. And the music is always high speed and high intensity, Their cover tunes are a bonus, too. I’ve heard the Doughboys perform rave-ups of Cheap Trick’ Lynyrd Skynyrd, Devo, Nick Lowe, the & 52’s, Tommy James, and apparently I’ve missed the Buzz& and, of course, Kiss (the band’s selfrofessed “major influence’?. Having Pearned to play guitar in the seventies, “anything from 1976 up” is an influence for the members. ‘B’s natural for us to just start playing the Buzzcocks, or Kiss, or. Cheap Trick,” states Kastner. “And i& a break from pIaying the songs we wrote every night, and the fans seem to like it, too.“ Kastner does indicate some disenchantment with the current music scene. He lashed out at the inunda-: tion of *‘shit bands” that are “ruining”~ thingsinhlorth Americaandwilltum~ the European scene to “toast” in the’ near future. He also lamented the fact that its getting harder for new bands tci get started, especially in Canada. “Nobody’s willing to take a chance on a new band,” he said. But for his own band’ John Kastner is optimistic. Breaking into wider acceptance seems a lot more realistic at a time when Faith No More can sell more than a million albums, when Sonic Youth and Social Distortion are opening for Neil Young and when Jane’s Addiction and Nirvana can headline at Madison Square Gardens. SO the Doughboys’ time may soon come. In the meantime, however, hyperactive, long-haired these C~dians who like to play loud rock‘n’roll will continue to do their thing for those who are willing to listen.
at, Fed
Photo by Dave Thomson
bymw?Emie Imprint staff
Dave saw them for the first ,time. Katie on the other hand, saw them at Lee’s palace, Clinton& the Cameron, and the rest of the Toronto scene. The ‘uckiest’venue in which to see them was Fred’s h4alL But we both loved them despite all of Fed Hall’s shortcomings, which we will mention throughout this review. First item to atta& The doorgo*. We get there late because we didn’t want to have to sit around lis,tming to the same genre of mt@c that Mhasalwaysplayed We&thepoint is, the band was on stage when we got there, about to start their first set So we make our way past the lirte-up to the doordolt, explain that we are with bymint, and that our names are on the guest list which is directly behind him. The door-butthead gives us an exasperated look and tells us that we should wait in line like everyone else (or eliegpr cuz Am&&n Express cmd +). We point out to the door-cro-magnon yet again that the concert is beginning and we are reviewing it. Finally the doorNeanderthal asks for ID and lets US in. We find a seat, sit down and enjoy the first set. Chris the keyboard% should do more singing as he has a better voice than the guy who did most of the singing. Kat6, dn the other hand, had a b&ter voice than both of them, even dough she seem&.to do more backup and accompanunent h lm&. we were hopingto hear a
solosongfromherbut,&s,therewas none. I I guess we can elaborate on “we loved them” In addition to the traclitimal guitar, kew and drumst thw was a sax wet we believe), violin, bass guitar, and two vo&sts.Whatlcindofbandarethey? Thekindthatmakesmusicthatpeople dar@e to. The kind that would make Dave dance if he could dance (Dave does not dance). Then the intermission This is the lays time when the deejay usually music until the band comes ba crc on. Usudy, the music is of the same general sound as the band. Not Friday night The intermission treated us Dee-Me’s latest single, the Soup Dragons'rinjve, and generally gross music. A Fed exec agreed: ‘l%d Hail’s been known to play bad music.” Not the kind of music that fits in with BTC, regardless of your musical taste. Do they only have redundant, annoying’ irritatin& obscene, trendoid music to play? If so, someone shbuld expand this narrow music collection, thus (maybe) expanding the clientele (hello there Chuckie). Near the beginning of the second set they brought on a guest violinist. Tgo bad the guy operating the mixing board didn’t crank up his channel. When a few yeah, &be
he did do solos in the middle oi s0wl *eY Were exdent . that’s the word we’d use to de+ the whole show; ace!kW. l
Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
byJohnHymers Imprintgtaff
replaces the efficxy of physical experience: What is in his mind suffices for what is outside the mind. This is consistent with the cubist outlook; we cannot know an object from sight alone because we miss mostoftheperspe&v~Picassodis plays this new reality on his’mvases. This view of Being is basically nonessentialistic: Picasso separates the thing itself from its visibly manifest form, and even goes so far as to ascribe new forms to it.. He “dissects anddecomposesthesubject,“according to Maurice Rapal (an early and brilliant biographer of Pi-), and replaces it with plastic images, arranging them in an order not dictated by its physical appearance. The Being is truly found elsewhere, beyond its physti appeamnce, beyond its form, beyond ifs ice. Rayml oesontosaythatPiG&so “createsa iin* d of newpictorialworld, where lyric imagination is atie of its own power alone, with the known forms of nature, to create new pupings. The asp& of (visible) nature is left far behind.” Picasso, according to RaynalJs pursuing. like one need be told that we apprehend objects sensibly before weclassifythemwi.thregardtoth~ uses. It was eminently right and prop&, therefore, that we.should restore the use of their properties to plastic entities.” This idea of not reptesenting nature irccord@ to its visibly manifest form is not original with Picass0, nor with the cubists. Vincent Van Gogh himself once commented to his brother Theo: ‘Tell (a critk)?hat I should be despente if my figures were correct, tell him I that I do not want them to be academically correct, tell him that I mean: If one photographs a digger,
he certainly would not be digging then. Tell him that I adore the figures of Michelangelo though the 1egS are undoubtedly too long, the hips ,and backsides too large. Tell him that, for me, M&t and Lhermitte are the real artists for the reason that they did not paintthingsastheyare,tracedinadry and analytical way, but as they Millet, LhemWe, Michelangelo feel them Tell him that my great longing is to learn to make those incorrectnesses, those deviations, remodelings, changes in reality, so that they may become, yes, lies if you like but truer than the literal
truth.” Van Gogh’s quotation is a gold mine of ideas - many of which reflect Picasso almost perfectly. ~,likeVanGo&doesnot want to make h$ fig&W academicaJly correct, and for the same reason: ?f one photographs a digger.,“’ says Van Go&“hecer&inlywouldnotbedigging then” In other words, the merely captures .an photosra image CP the digger, it does not kome the digger. Both artists are reakingthataltislimitedi.nthis m, and that classical realism is based on what Unite Lipton calls, in l%Ixawo Ctid, K4?9-1939, %lhsionism and perspective.” Uassicalreahsm&bothpainters,iswrong because ofthe attitude itpurveys; that ~becauseitlookssoreal&the bestWaytOcapturereality. This fallacy was put to rest about five hundred ym before the birth of Christ by Plato. In iK4e Republti, he wrote: “‘. . . you may look at a bed or any other object from straight in front or slantwise or at any angle. Is there any ~ceinthebeditselfofdoesit merely look different? It only looks different’ Iwe& that is the point. Does: painting aim at reproducing any actual object as it is, or the appearance as it looks? In other words, isit a representation of the truth, or of a semblance? ‘Of a semblance.’ The art of representation then is a long way from reality; and apparently thereasonwhythereisnothingthatit cannot reproduce is that it grasps only a small part of any object, and
that : only an image.” PI&o& arguing that a painter cannot Capture Beine because . .-- -- he ---h- only --conce;ned with Gpturing a small p& of an object, the image. This is essentidy the same argument as Picasso and Vim Gogh, who are not so concerned with the image ,as with what they intuit the object to be. They seek the Being underneath the image. ing to le&n how to make “those deviations” foreshadows Picasso’s radical experiments. But, though the two differ in style and degree, both were doing a similar thing. Both were trying to represent nature by not slavishly tracing it. Both tried to go beyond the world of normal sense data Now, this is not to put Van Gogh and Picasso in the same camp. They were &Idly different, and belonged to different schools, and had temperaments opposite to each other. But this does not stop them from employing a similar vocabulary. At the end of his quotation, Van Gogh aksofhisartas’lies”.Pic.assodoes r esamethingandwiththesame Z-I. lmenL Wha+ Van Cnoh that --- once ----- he --- -----
hv liar is
to --
faithfdy, he paints lies. %a& tak& this one step further. AU painting is lies because all painting is merely lastic forms, forms about which we L ve lied to ourselves and have as&bed to them a meaning, when in fact they mean nothing - they are just swatches of paint This is what Phsso meant when he said”through them the f&ms we form our aesthetic point of view of life.” Regardless of their different beliefs as to where the lie in art is found, they both have the same intent. Only through this deception can we arrive at. what Van Gogh calls the truth %uer than the literal truth.” Copying nature removes the truth from a work of art because it is stale. It does not feel, it does not search. It merely sees and dupliates. By going beyond nature, the two painters forge a lie that hcomes essential in grasping the truth. There is a danger in this view to represent the artist as a seer - one who is able to “see” things that others may not. This elite view of artists was held by Schopenhauer and Hegel, among others. And as such, Picasso paints an idea. of reality that he derives from his vision, and reconstructs it according to his inner vision. There seems to b;e no objective reality in what Picasso pain& But there is nothing in Picasso’s philosophy to support this idea of himself as a seer. (Indeed, as we shall see, his Bergsonian leanings would
Girl with a maaddin,
(N ew York, Musewn of Modem Art)
forbid this.) Pkiiso sees what everybody else sees.- He is merely pointing out that what we see is not Beti& it is form. Being is only apprehended in viewing all possible perspectives of a thing, and this is impossible. The fact that his paintings look hermetic does not mean that he isthe master of some esoteric formula to understand reality. No, he is in fact doing the omosite; he is instructing us about reality. Picasso, in painting reality, reje& its appearance and seeks the concepts behind it. Picasso’s
art work was a constant So, even though he changed his styles often, and frequently bent the rules of whatever school he was working in, he still had the same goals. According to Raynal, “Cubist art and the more realistic manner he cultivates. . . are one in the same.” His different styles have been called rebirths, and the differences between them are of nature, not of degree. They look different, but they really are not. search for reality.
Picasso tried to show what reality truly was. He tried to divine the “real figuration of, Being.” He does this by manipulating form and perspective. Unite tipton believes that this approach was neo-mtin Picasso’s plastic images come from his ideas; thus, the idea of reality becomes more important than reality itself. And besides, Picasso imposes categories
on the sense data, forcing his ideas of reality into new, albeit plastic, forms. ~a@ cmed that Picasso could be seen as the artistic heir of both Herui Bergson and Emmanual Kant. Kant, in so far as Picasso did not cap ture nature as nature, but forced on to it forms (as the mind does does time and space, according to Rant), Muding those of time and space. Ray\al believed thatPicasso approached the essential through form as opposed to the imitition of nature. Bergson in SO far as Picasso,approaChed his object through ‘intui~on’. Bergson armed his works against the naturalism of the late nineteenth century. He was not against reason, as it is widely believed. Bergson saw his idea of intuition as being a completion to reason. That Bergson’s works were aimed a ainst naturalism is important, for ii e ‘cubists were also pointed in the same direction. He basically held that direct knowledge of a subject itself was only possible through intuition, not through the intellect. Thus, he invalidated the exclusiveness of sense experience and the sciences. In other words, the intellect alone is inc,apable of knowing Being. This went directly against the NewtorGanism of the day. Picasso practically admits the Bergsonian influences himself. He once said that he painted from his instinct: “art is not the application of beauty but what the instinct and the brain can conceive beyond any canon” On a different occasion, Picasso went on to say thathe wants that “internal surge* in his art “. . . to repose itself to the viewer in the POrm of traditional painting violated.” Raynal backs this up with a suitably quotable quotation: “artgestates from a non-intellectual & and provokes a non-intellectual response. Its penetrating power is vz&a-vis intuition.” Zervos, Piasso’s goad friend and cataloguer, agreed with this inter7 pretation; he even once said that Picasso takes the sense data and manipulates it to his own “innervision.” This Bergsonian approach is sup rted by the cubist desire to o Ei yond’ the visibly manifest. Tfl e intuitive Being of the objects is what they and Picasso sought. Bergson’s theories were perfect for them, coming when they did as well as saying what
he was a contem-
porary. His doctrine of intuitively sensed Being gave Picasso the words for his paintings, and clarified his vocabulary. Intuition equals Picasso’s instinct, Being equals reality, intellect equals normal sense data. UNIVERSITY
II, 725-9310
The exciting
next week.
-A lost evening
Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
Dada jizmo at ‘Phil’s byJJ@v
shot #29.
Photo by Dave Thomson
lay1 Tea with the Watchmen
73e Bombshelter February
by John Hymers Imprint staff
Mid July - I fmd myself in Tomto, drhking far. to excess, and wtithg for the Wedding Resent to take the stage. Of come, I had to SK& fer through a few 0 ning acts that were sub-par. One 0 r them was called the Watchmen. Early February - I find myself at the Bomber, drinking far to excess, and waiting for ldyl Tea to take the stage. But first I had to listen to an opening band, and they were fab. Again, it was a band called the Watchmen that I saw, but this time theywerel3-raan~so,afterth&set,I asked the lead singer how they could have improved so much. It turned out thatIwasavictimofmindf@.The band that I saw inToronto was not the same band @at I saw in Waterloo, -_they rnxely &.an?d thename WOW. .
You’ve got to place yourself in my shoes - I expected to see a band’th;st I reviled, and then the band on stage turns auf to be quite good. Great, in fact. They featured a tight, funky sound that fully took advantage of a singer with admirable pipes, Their destruction of Lou Reed’s ‘Walk on the Wild Side” did not colour the rest of the evening they were able to dktinguish themselves with fine musicianship~~d asweat- quoia thatI have never seen in an opening band for a free show with an audience of less than 100. But Idyl Tea failed to keep my attention. I played a game of darts, asked for my free “Bomber birthday mug” got people to guess my age, and ordered more beer. All the time, E was wishing for the house deejay to come on. Why? Idyl Tea have no concept of song writing. Their creations lack any orighdity - they dragged onandonandonApoorman*sREM, I heard someone say. Yeah, it was a weird eve*. The opening band played an encore, and the headliners did not, Kind of sad, really. But The Watchmen were great.
It was a dark and stormy Tuesday night. Phil’s Grandson’s Place was having their weekly blues jam. A shot rang out. Amidst the excitement, it sounded like: The jam went quite fast and made a good breeze, and as we went along the set with the dust powdering the trees, and down the view (we had a fine view back through the trees,) of the town risin up above the crowd and its river o f drink. “But I can’t,” he said wonderingly, looking at the strange object that was the mike. Then the bugles sounded the kill, blared over the dog-brays and folded their hardest for flesh and headed for home, striking strident note after n&e on their silvery horns. In school, Pablo hated poetry like Howlin’ Wolf Shakespeare, Blind Jack Milton, and Missouri Tom Eliot, told just one more dreamer to hoist the delta blues - a guitar and &rum. It is impossible perhaps for your mind to grasp that The most aggressive member of themobwasayoungmanwearinga red waistcoat, who kept stoning tie soldiers and yelling insults. Baaahhahhhh! If your mouth is naturally droopy, lift it slightly at the outer corners with a lip brush. I looked at my merry Uy from Glasgow, who comes to Phil’s on a visit once a year. “like a work of art,” she repeatti, looking for someone to canvass on thet steps and again. . back 0.m 0. . . I’ 1 see only constUut3ons wruCn are :f backed by gold, pride, and blood and
Valentine’s Week February 1145
HUNKA~MUNKA LOVER Every Lover deserves a Hunka-Munka PLUS a Fresh Rose
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Photo by the Prkoner
now&e do I see.. . he turns toward the eg fingers of Rowland and Perenee . . . gentle humanity, the fairness in moderation which ought the form the basis of the social treaty. Chdy if the~individualistic pole in the stmcture of the natural is decisive, can naturalism be romantic and amalgamate witi Bone-he-man&m and Ex&tentialsim. “@en the whisky, Tom,” he ordered, “and I’ll make you a man.” But oh, If it hadn’t occured to me to mow the grass! ‘It’s a dream, this is all some sort of dream? In Nazi Germany, there were no fantasies, merely romanticized visions of blues jams and triumph. Lily came back swinging her hips
ina manner of high civilization saying Vnless you have a mentality of a retarded squirrel, you can develop the vector blah blah blah.” Their phying time included forms very like cyclops and the water flea. The leader, who had misundezstood Duport’s name, and thought he was not a bass player, but the club manager, congratulated him on his company. Oh yeah? You think you know evfxythhg just because you go to SchwL You must go out into the world and look for a b’ er nobody than yourself. And w I!?en you find him, you must help him. Then, and only then, will you-yourself become a -somebody.-.,-
yUVlms ,nusicianship is not ta be found on this album. Kevin Kinney’s vocals are aurally bearable at best, and his voice on slower tracks, such as “For You,” sbongly suggests that he should seek another career... seriously. Don’t look for a Hendrix, Clapton or Gilmour here. The guitar work is solid, but hardly spectacular or memorable. The lyrics are an inept attempt to profoundly express their their view of the misery in life, and society in general, which serves nothing but to confuse the average rock junkie. Their social statements of life are too obscured in the metaphors such as “I -LC
:. ..,: .:: ‘I
I The lvrics are ineot, socialstutemmts bad metaphors
stopped a freight train with a grain of sand. . . N Now we’re not E&noes, but Drivin’n’Cryin’s lyrics lack even I the purely and poetically aesthetic nature found in Wayne’s latest writings, or even the largely indifof the London ferent lyrics Quireboys, or Great ‘I’-. mistaken for the Black Crowes on a very bad day. It offers no surprises and little originality, following the Y
- No surprises and Me oviginality
Watt and Ed Avery
mp MPS~ --dht - - of this auartet from a 1.b 1*--easily be south of the border c&d
format of ’ typically predictable, straightforward, guitar-based rock,
Ta be blunt, this band tries too hard to say something meaningful about the state of society, only to fail miserably. Their only saving grace is the actual music, which is nothing extraordinary in itself. However, after a few or ten pints, it can become quite listenable, if not enjoyable. You may want to save the cash you could spend on this album for something more productive . . . like getting your legs waxed.
Jazz on CD
by Sweet Daddy J
Of the most popular bands of the thirties was Benny Goodman’s, He brought several innovations to jazz, among the more interesting being the first white band leader to work with black musicians in his orchestra. Goodman has a sound all his own, one that created riots most everywhere he went in the thirties. Starting out in Chicago in the Ben Pollock, he was the best clarinet player around. Starting a band of his own early on, Goodman developed his sound by listening and seeing black bands, like Fletcher Henderson’s, and presenting the same energy and vitality to white audiences. Of the most historic of these presentations was his 1938 concert at Carnegie Hall, an event unheard of in a time when jazz was still very much an illegitimate musical form. This was recorded and is available as a double CD through Columbia under the unassuming title ‘*Bemy Goodman - Live At Carnegie Hall.” Jazz being essentially a musical form heard best live, this CD is a treasure, energetic perfoimances and spontaneous improvisation are the incredible high-points to the disc. The key is that this is the sound that not only legitimized, but popularized jazz to white audiences all across America. He introduced the stylings of many black attists, his orchestra included Teddy Wilson, Charlie Christian and Lionel Hampton. Count Basie, Buck Clayton and Lester Young also appear on some of the tracks; less because of Goodman’s desire to assimilate black and white musicians than because of his impassioned demand to have only the best players under his direction. He developed a near-legendary reputation for being an incredibly difficult perfectionist. His sound is diversified, cool as “Body and Soul” or simmering as “Avalon.” The tracks epitomize the various aims of jazz, from the upbeat to the mellow, the selections impart passion and energy. Ever-present is the tension; that integral part of jazz. Of special interest are Harry James’ solo on “Be1 Mix Bis Du Schon” as well as Eielen Forrest’s vocals. Lionel Hampton’s distinct vibraphone style is heard at its peak on “Stompin’ At The Savoy” while showman drummer GeneKnrpa is power personified on “China Boy.” Of course, no examination of this recording is complete without even a slight comment on the incredible twelve minute rendition of Louis Prima’s “Sing Sing, Sing.” This piece is the shining showpiece of the disc, one of the few that survives the period in its intensity and drive. While other songs seem tame by todafs standards, the whole-sale chaos of this track is frantic, exciting and gloriously fanatic. Krupa’s drums pound through the score, the horns blaring in evil fits and starts. The solos are hot with trumpet, piano and clarinet battling it out, no holds barred. At the final crescendo the small kit sounds more like crazed tribal drums than one man beating only four skins. The orchestra blasts away until, it seems, there is nobody in the band or audience left to incite into the music’s delicious madness. If there is only one Benny Goodman recording to get your hands on, this is the one. The recent release from Concord Jazz, “Mary McPartland Plays The Benny Carter Songbook” is nowhere near as mundane as it sounds. First off, McP&land is an accomplished jazz pianist who’s career spans some of the most vibrant periods in jazz history, she participating in some of them, most significantly with jazz instruction. She is one of the few women in jazz who has made contributions outside the vocal arena. Besides McParttind, Benny Carter plays alto sax for the quartet, which is rounded out by John Clayton on bass and Harold Jones on drums. The mood of the album is beauty. Where most quartets strive to create a strong, smooth sound that builds intimacy in the listener, the usual outcome is corny or tacky or both, like a lounge lizard. Not this disc though, it is sweet to the ear and soothing to the soul. Of special note is “Lonely Woman” and “I’m in the Mood for Swing”, both tight presentations of Carter’s standards.
“K-IV’s ,fJestNight Clu6fir 2iltehta ti& fi?e
Friday, February 8
JIGSAW Saturday, February 9
GROP TOADS and Opening Guest Band
741-9776 Entertainment
- Saturday
HOURS: - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; Sunday
- 12 noon
to 8 p.m.
Record Reviews Complaints of Canadian CF-18 Fighter Pilots RATING GUIDE
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff What is this’shit? Enough is enough. This stuffdeserves a sound trouncing in a review, so here it is. First of all, I need to attack the people who keep this crap alive. All you no-life, pseudo-intellectual, looking-for-something-to-believe-in,
by Kenton
Imprint staff
“4$x t$k
Idun f believe in smack..
. Said dun ‘t yti
by John Shimeld
specialto Imprint
“see a priest in a box save a boy on his knees he says for that which you’ve confessed, a thousand HaiI Marys for your dirty mind, dirty dreams Mother Mary wiI1 protect you from dirty mawines Madonnas and Mary Magdalenes . . . ”
These are lyrics Baker,
by Brenda
a Regina-based songwriter will be appearing in the
who Bombshelter next Tuesday at 1230 pm (there’s no admission charge). Brenda has toured across Canada, performing both for adults in various folk festivals, and for children in public libraries. It takes talent to reach such a diverse audience, and Brenda has got it.
Top 8 Campsign Sbgms Ym Nut llkety To Hew
1. T&is not included on in-flight computers. - 2. “Amerian fly-boys get all the babes!” 3. Nintendo Powerglove option too expensive for Canadian Gov’t. 4. Not enough opportunity to use the word “niner”. 5. “Hey! They’re shooting right at us!”
February 8, 1991
musically-confused social pariahs firsthave to realize that this band is garbage. That’s the acceptance stage. I know, I know, you’re thinking of ways to hurt me right now, that’s normal, it’s called the denial stag& Just reading when you’re continue done. Now, how to take action. Just trade in your tapes, records and cds, I’m sure someone will buy them, and pick up something worthwhile. This album is loud noise, not postapocalyptic industrial sonic assaults representing the intellectual depression oftwentiethcentury man, so jugt stop lying to yourself. The lyrics are brainless rhymes that you can make up just as easily, go ahead, fry it. See how easy it is to rhyme “destruction“ with “constru&ion,” and Xill,” with “pflf?” Useless garbage.
by Lance Manion rmprint staff One of the tied-and-true rules of music hackdom reads that when you cannot effectively label a band’s sound, your best bet is to make some outlandish comparison to another, more established artist. For ewple: “Throwing Muses sound like the bastard child of the Pixies and the Cocteau Twins,” or “If the Sugarcubes had hailed from Boston instead of Iceland, they would have sounded a good deal like Throwing Muses.” Of course, hackdom being what it is, the reader will end up being pretty brutally misled. Throwing Muses don’t sound a great deal like the Pixies, or the Cocteau Twins, or the Sugarcubes, or anyone. So the truly conscientious hack must put his flogging creativity to the test, and describe the band’s sound by stating jiurn scruteh. In Throwing Muses there are three -girls, one boy, two guitars, one bass, drums, two female voices. The guitar sound is diirent: it
8. Yeah, I voted for the Student Life Building and anyone who didn’t is a putz 7. 40 percent tuition increase; why not? I’m graduating anyway! 6. Waterbed and curtains for the safety van. 5. “Save energy, dismantle campus night-lighting.” 4. “I’m running for prez and I’m not a quitter.” 3. “Mromen shwomen.” 2. “Lug-a-mugs...who needs ‘em?’ 1. “Hi. My name’s Shane and I want to look after all the dough.” softa rings and buzzes at the same time. The guitar lines slither around in the background, deceptively unobtrusive. The bass is sprightly and fluid, and actually delivers most of the songs’ kicks. The drums aren’t content to simply keep time: they’re all over the place, and they sound great.
shift abruptly, country rhythms are arodied. But the most distinctive PeatureofaThrowingMusesmo&s the voice of lead singer, guitarist and songwriter KHersh. Harsh is young - not yet twenty-five, I think - but she sounds like an awesomely aged crone. This isgood, not bad H-h’s voice is truly unique and distinctive, which is unusual in today’s world In kt, the same could be said of Throwing Muses.
The song construction on this EP typifies that of the Muses. Tempos P
die on me babe/ Don P ya die on me/ ‘pause love’s all guud people need and music s& the sick onesjke - Andrew Wood, “This Is Shangrila.” If lead singer/lyricist Andrew Wood had practiced what he preached, he would be alive today and his band, Seattle-based Mother bve Bone, would be taking the music industry by storm. Instead, a heroin overdose shortly after the completion of their first m, Apple, claimed Wood’s life and tainted its otherwise
Currently, Brenda has two albums; the first is a self-entitled debut effort directed toward adults, and the second is a children’s album entitIed ‘%legamunch and Other . Singable Songs.” Personally I have only heard the first album, which is the whole reason I am writing this review. Her sound on this album is "fObY" Yet -en4 While her lyrics are harshly honest yet often humorous and based On Personal experiences (for example, One song called”Man Of MY Beams” was insPired bY a dream Brenda had of her head fding off just before an important date). The pro-
auspicious release. Apple drips with promise and showcases the band‘s deftness in moving between powerful rockers and passionate ballads. Thundering guitars dominate the majority of this recording but give way to Wood’s melodic voice on the softer tracks, which also feature piano and acoustic guitar. . Like the tempo of their songs, Mother Love Bone’s sound varies. Classic Led Zeppelin, GunsN’Roses, and Jane’s Ah&ion all emanate from Apple, and faint traces of The Cult, Bad Company, and Aerosmith can also be detected. As Apple progresses, it becomes evident that Mother Love Bone could have had an extremely successful career. With the exception of “Holy Roller,” one song in particular doesn’t stand out from the rest. This is because the entire package is good; nothing bad or even mediocre has been included. Five years from Low, Mother Love Bone would have been the standard by which all other hard rock bands are measured; today, their only lasting legacy is Apple.
duction on the album is by Rob Byranston and his experience in this field comes through on the album, especially on the songs “Millie Mine” and “Sex and the Bomb”. So come out to the Shelter next Tuesday for lunch, and give Brenda a listen. Qr, if you are just too scared that youll end up spending the entire afternoon at the Shelter (what, do you havd work to do or something), Brenda WilI be appearing on the Frank and Friends Show on CKMS 94.5 FM from -10~00 to 1~~00 on Tuesday,
SKI CLUB ~~&ler/BI
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26 Imprint, Friday, February 8, 1991
Record Reviews
not the case. His fusion of sex, religion and music has become a pseudo religion unto itself; Lovk3txy’s Positivity has mutated into a sillhe~~ similar to all this gawdoffal GivePeaceAChance nonsense.
by Trevor
Imprint MafE The enigma of Prince: he releases a copious amount of quality Mteriai, yet also produces an at least equivalent volume of stuff that floats around on b-sides and bootlegs. Entire unreleased albums - 7k Black Album, and Crucial with Miles Davis both deserve recognition equal to, or gre&er than, thatgiven Around 77te World In A Lazy. Some would arjpe that the prolific purpleness’ best work is to be found on the bsides of his singles from the early to mideighties. Prince could certainly do well by his fans and for himself by issuing one of those attractive boxsets which seem to be getting popular. We can only hope. Now being in the difficult position of having the great vinyl for Grafiti Bniige accompanied by its rancid celluloid nemesis, Prince seeks solace in remixing. “New Power Gencration”is Prince’s bid at becoming the L Ron Hubbard of the music world; if the sleeve to Graffiti Bridge wasn’t clue enough, here’s a lyric: “lay down four funky weapon, cume join us on :he floor - making love and music’s, :he ..- only-- things _ worth __ _.fighting for.” What!? Pretty daffy stuff and certainly
After kicking the piss out of its sentiments, NPG remains a disturbingly anthemic, yet funky pig which, over the course of the EPk first side, Prince rocks. “TC’s Rap” and “Brother With A Purpose” both work the infectious chorus and “Whoah oah -o&Y groove that Power Generation sets I recommend singing along, upand dancing like h&&in Short. The sleeve tells us that this platter is in fact a “recitaI/ remixed in 5 days andnighklastOctober.“GetOff”and ‘Zoveleft, Loveright” are a couple 0’ tidy non-LP tracks. “Get OfI% electrocution bass line chugs along
while Prince sez: “I don’t have to spank you cos this is not a tip - get off.” A super, naughty mantra. The sleeve also mentions ‘The Lubricated Lady” not a song in itself, it’s actually “Get Off” stumbling around for a few more cryptic minutes. All very good and welcome, but neither truly great nor commanding. Prince has probably got two or three new LP’s..finished by now, so any Gra$iti Backlash that happens along could well go unnoticed. The NPG EP is testimony that his creative force flows on . . . another direction for another day.
What has been missing from Psychic TV’s successful execution of their prank is the need to create an overall synaesthetic experience involved both their presence and their music.
Since the disbanding of Throbbiig Gristle in 1981, front person Genesis P-&ridge has concentrated his efforts and -devotion to the cultish Temple ov Psychick Youth. The visual and aural chapter of the temple is better known as Psychic TV. In the past the sacred music of this temple has ranged from quiet ballads reminiscent of the Velvet Underground to metallic noise. In recent records the band has experimented with ethnic %&ruments and sam-
Although not a_ssuccessful as they would like to be, Psychic TV display a humour and knowledge of the music business that goes far beyond that of other groups. Where the Clash might have believed in their own role within popular music, Psychic TV play up their cultish pretensions to artistic criteria. As with the best pranks, imagin$ion, poetic imagery and metaphor, the unexpected, and a deep level of irony or social criticism ’ are involved.
There is always an escape route in the music business, and with TOWU~~Y TheeInfinite Beat Psychic TV has ventured into the genre of house music. The result of this excursion is Psychic TV% most successful commercial album. There are two reasons for this success. First, the album was released on the domestic market by Wax Trax, allowing album buyers to avoid the hefty import price of the group’s ast efforts. Second, Toward T&e InP nite Beat is a good dance album that is forever changing and does not lose its appeal after several listenings. Psychic TV’s initiation to house music came while on an American tour. House emerged in the late ’80s out of the underground gay clubs of black Chicago. It blended old disco with m&i-rhythmic beats. Bringing b&k loads of house tapes
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to England, P-&ridge he@& create interest in an acid hour movement. Acid in this situation did nut mean LSD but rather was Chicago slang for sampling. “Acid bum”was the phrase used to refer to stealing someone else’s sound. TuwmdsThee InJnite Beal takes a more psychedelic play of house, while Btyund The hjnite Beat represents more of what the original sound of house music was in the heyday of the Chicago club scene; repetitive heavy beats, limited lyric sampling, and subtle instrumental variations. The ability of Psychic TV to blend various influences in one pounding beat contributes to the success of both albums. Take the Moroccan music of “Bliss” for example. The timelessness of the Arabic sample only heightens the danceability of the song and gives house a more sophisticated outlook. Father and son musicians Bachir and Hadj Attar contribute their talents to the song and will further collaborate with Psychic TV in recording an album of Jajouka-influenced Moroccan music in the near future. Also included on the album are a smattering of pop music including “I.C. Water,” a song reminiscent of Vew Order reminiscing about the Velvet Undeqround. The song is dedicated to Ian Curtis, the late singer for Joy Division Despite the forages into pop music the overall beat is house as in”Horror House”and the hip-red “Stick Insect” (available on the CD only). The appeal of both albums lies in the way the music camouflages the sting of deeper, more critical denotations of behavioral routines. Beyond TIzeIncfiniteBeut is a perfect remix CD for parties. Stand outs include “S&k Ins&’ (damn man, why don’t you pump up thy shit so that yoti can fuck up my eardrums a little bit) remixed by DJ Global and “S M I LE.” with its looney tune and ’40s movie-melodrama sampling Emixed by Greedy Beat Syndicate. So p&t your cutlery black and have akubversive party:
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Imprint, Friday,’ February 8, 1991
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Qxy’s Mm - residential, small or large jobs, in town or out-of-town, students 15% off. 746-7 160. Needing watiom done around the house or the apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:OO a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or after 6100 p.m. at 746-2763. Co~pu@r
w - “Professional” We manuscripts, reports, proposals, theses, resumes and anything else on paper. Complex formulas, tables, graphs our specialty. Your choice of type styles including numerous special text effects, any size. Report covers range from dear acetate to pressboard; Cerlox binding also available. Competitive rates and free doorto-door pickup and delivery. Call us anytime at 725-5134. Can Scan Publications.
Now hiring - Student Painters - for people interested in working in the KitchenerWaterloo area. Experience beneficial but not necessary. Phone Bill at 888-0647. Editor for twice-weekly newspaper. Skills necessary include: ability to motivate volunteer staff, strong writing and editing, computer Iiteracy and dead Iine punctuality. Portfolio and resume must be received by Feb. 27, 3100 p.m. Send to: Business Manager, Excalibur, 4700 Keele St., Downsview, Ontario. M3J 1P3. Part-time Advertis@ Sales Rep. needed by IMPRINT. Payment by commission for establishing new accounts and servicing ongoing accounts with local businesses. Car required. Call Vivian at 888-4048 or et. 2331.
“Mdt Fkndez-Vous” - it’s the 1st Annual KIN Semi-formal! March 23, 1991 at Ruby’s, Waterloo Inn. Tickets $35./ single. Everyone invited! See your c&s rep for more info. See you there!! %ld Me - is playing at the Theatre of the Arts, Modern Langudges, February 13 to 16 at 8:oO p.m. Tickets are available at the UW Theatre Centre, Hagey Hall and the Drama Department, 888-4556 at $7.00/ $5.00 #or students/seniors. I Open House - Centre for Professional Writing - February 21 from 1:OO to 4:30 p.m. Hagey Hall, 175. Technical Writing, WMbility Testing, Training, Research. All welcome!! -
Jlktysomething followers - love and happiness for Valentine%. - love Wendy. NothingtodoFeb. 16or 17th?Beajudge for an Ontario-wide University debating tournament! No experience necessary. For more info c&l Sandy 884-5910. /
Finish Exams with Bust Loose!! - to Mexico and Jamaica. Low rates and lots of fun. Call Lorri at 7250958.
F&n& is a school volunteer program -where a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and -confidence. Urgent need: male and female volunteers. Call 742-4380.
1991 BriIi& Universities Summer Schools Program - Birmingham, London or Oxford -.registration before March 31, 1991. For further info and application forms may be obtained from: Awards Division, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KI P 5Nl. (613) 56313af2
& Word Processing. Reasonable Erb and Westmount. Call 743”
Ward w? - look no further! Fast, reliable, accurate service. Reasonable rates. Call Betty 886-6361. Experienced typistwill take care of all your typing needs. Fast efficient service. Westmount-Erb area. Phone 886-7 153. Fast, pIpfessional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857. Hi@ quality, low prices. Experienced word processor available. Laser printing for only $1.50/dsp. Call 725-5550.
Huge lxiaement bedroom plus use of living area. Male or female/non-smoker to share with one female. 20 minute walk. Available March, April or May 1st. Call ltlona at UW, ext. 2634 or 747-2146. Taronto
Eaton’s 1,700 alumni. roponic
- sunny downtown condo - near Centre. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, sq. ft. to share with newlywed Outdoor whirtpoot, sauna, hydvegetable garden. Beautiful starter
HAVE YOU registered for your new Ontario Health Card?? After Jan. 1, 1991, you’ll be asked to present your new Ontario Health Card for health services in Ontario. For further info about reaisterina, please call your local Ministry of-Health-U*ice. a F&m&m of U&e&y Women - KW - Donations needed for main fundraisina event of books for our 27th Annual Used-Book Sale. To dofiate call our pickup committee at 884-4866, 576-8645, 884-0633 or 885-4247. ’
Bombshelter Bar & Grill - 8 p.m. - The Doughboys&Changeof Heart- presented by CKWR FM. Fh kstivd - students for International Development Third World- Film Festival. Feb, 7, 8, 9. Rms. 1302 and 1304 I.C.R. Davis Centre. 7:OO p.m. - 1O:OO p.m. On Saturday 3:oO p.m. to 1O:OO p.m. Admission free.
of att types - show your stuff! St. Paul’s College presents ‘Black Forest Coffeehouse’ - March 8 & 9. Contact: Richard Bodini 884-2171 ; Susan . Hahn 884-5361 ; Michelle Jones 8848362. Wanted
- l?ehmers
Camg&mAuthom Aseoc -holds meetings the first Monday of every month at the _ KiIchener Public Library. Mon., Mar. 4 - Margaret Springer -
for Classifiis & Page 2 Announcements is Nhdays-5 p.m.
Tutors Wanted each term to assist with Conversational and Written English. Contact Sheryl Kennedy, International Student Office, NH 2080. Campus Mess Kit - environmtintally friendly alternative to disposable dishes and cutlery. It will hold an entire meal and
Bomb&e&r Baker
Pub - matinee
Must be prepaid
Events Humanities Theah - 7:30 p.m. - Bruce Cockburn (solo) - presented by AM/lO9. Atari User Group .- KWEST, I6-bit (ST} meeting at 7:pO p.m. in MC20#,2nd floor of the Math & Computer Building. Phone 579-3695 for details. Visitors welcome. w,Rllbnrrrl(q+ BombshekerPub-8:OOp.m.-Me,Mom& Morgentaler (St. Valentine’s Cele bations)
UWFme Arts Film Society presents -Great Films of France - screenings in Uw’s East Campus Hall, 1219 at 7:OO p.m. “Stress”(Stress) -90 minutes.
WPIRG Annu,al General Meeting, 6 p.m. at MC5158. Everyone welcome! Support your public interest research group by attending. Excellent refreshments will follow.
Free - I@& Legal Clinic sponsored by Zinszer, Sloane & Pinchen (Barristers and Solicitors), 3 p.m, to 6 p.m. at WCRI Main Office, Clayfield Building, Block 2, 268 Phillip Street.
Conrad Gretrel College Great Hall, room 156. Free noon hour concert - John Cage Piano Music, Terry Kroetcsh, piano. Phone Eleanor Oueck at 885-0220, ext. 26.
Bombshelter matin=.
Pub - Mike Something
-@-Y,Vll Ontaxi Genealogical KPL Main.
Society - 7:30 p.m.
Prow Here! is a theatrical production on anti-racism, performed by Toronto
Write for
- Brenda
Ski & snow DayS - at Doon Her@?e Crossroads. Feb. 10 & 17 from I:30 to 4:30 p.m. Admission $1 .OO/person. Members ire free. Call 748-1914’for further info.
0ffljne - Waterloo’s literary periodical. Now accepting submissions. Use Offline drop-box in the Fed Office, CC. Call 725 7973 for more info. SI)ring Action is the annual student and faculty concert presented by the University of Waterloo Dance Dept. The performance will be at the Humanities Theatre March 16 at 8:OO p.m. and March 17 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets can’ be purchased at the Humanities Box Off ice, 885-4280.
If your Clubor student society wishes to book the Campus Centre Great Hall, please call the Turnkey Desk. We are always open to your suggestions, criticlues and comments.
K-W Newcomers - is a new women’s social group to meet other newcomers. Call 747-1658 - first Wed. of month at Rink in the Park,
Kitchener-Waferloo Little Theatre - “The Crucible” - 8 p.m. at the Victoria Park Pavilion, Kitchener. AlsoonSat., l%b.9-8p.m.;Sun., Feb. 10 - 2:3Q p.m. matinee ; Thurs., Feb. 14 - 8 _ K-W Area M.E. is a support group for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers, family and friends. Meeting is from 7 to 9 i&ission: $9. for adults $7 foe seniors/ p.m. at Adult Ret Centre, 185 King St., S. students. Tickets availabl; at &re in the at King and Allen St. E., Waterloo. Informa\ Square Box Office, Val’s Video, KWLT tion: 884-6092. Members, at the door.
Come and be a part of the Caribbean Student Association (CSA) every Thursday starting Jan. 17 in CC138. Lots of interestins events are scheduled for this term. See you there!
Student Career Advisors for Winter term. You can benefit by receiving training in all areas of career counselling. Volunteers are needed 3-5 hours/week. Applications available in Needles Hall.
Planned Parenthood Waterlop Region is looking for mature, caring women and men to volunteer with our agency as counsellors. We are a co&mui;litybased pro-choice agency whose focus is on family planning and sexuality issues. Call 743-9360.
based troupe - The Company of Sirens. 7:00 p.m. at Humanities Theatre. Tickets $3.25 feds - $4.25 non-feds, available at Fed Office (888-4042) and Humanities Theatre.
Bamb&elter Bar & Grill - matinee - Al Rapone Zydeco Band from Louisiana.
comes complete with quality stainless steel utensils. This is an effort by Food Service$ and WPI RG. Kits will be available through all Food Services outlets. Any customer using Campus mess Kit and Lug-a-Mug will be entitled to a free refillof a regular beverageatall Food Services cash operations. Offer will expire March 30, 1991.
call 578-9894.
Bus are iron - Flipper is grey Paisleys are groovy - MAZEL TOV UNCLE J! P.S. I was inspired.
1 C”“.
‘Qp@ rates. 3342.
The Social Justice Action Group meets regularly throughout the term to coordinate educational events and civil disfrom obedience actions ranging speakers and leafletting to blockades. Past actions have included the Dis AR MX campaign, NATO out of Nitassinan actions and on-going solidarity with, the Innu, Christmas Anti-War Toys action, and a continual focus on non-violent resistance to militarism. For details, call 884-3465.
Taauny Sue: Hey baby, you got a nice...chance of surviving the terrible twos. My advice? Beware of gamesie. There’s your boyfriend, punchbug, head...(games that is). Happy 21st birthday!
Bust m!! - to Mexico and Jamaica April dr May. Call Lorri 7250958. of year. IMPRINT is looking for an Editor-In-Chief beginning April 1, 199 1 to March 3 1, 1992. If you are interested and feel you qualti, olpace1 PaLLcm Vivian for more details at ext. 233 1 or 8884048.
T.A.T.I. -ounces that a part-time training program iti Art Therapy will begin in April 1991- Classes will be held on two Saturdays each month and 3 weeks in the summer. Call (416) 924-6221 or write to Toronto Art Therapy Institute, 216 St. Clair Ave., West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1 R2. Play@ with Mbney - is an exhibit at the Museum of Archive of Games (Burt Mathews Hall). Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sun. 2 p.m. to5p.m.; Fridayfrom 1 p.m. to3p.m. with late hours of 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday. There is admission charge. The exhibit runs until April 28.
Home&areoffersa safe, fully screened introduction service to people interested in shared ‘accommodation. Homeshare is a program sponsored by the Social Planning Council, Region of Waterloo, and the Ministry of Housing, for details
Training in Art Therapy - The Toronto Art Therapy Institute offers a two year training program in Art Therapy which grants a diploma. Individuals interested in a Masters degree program, offered in cooperation with Lesley College should contact our office at (416) 924-6221. Student workshops: January 526 - February 23 - March 30 - April 27, 1991.
Need help for your pregnant girlfriend? Birthright omrsconfidential helpforboth‘bf you. Free pregnancy tests. Call 5793990.
children’s author. Mon., Apr. 1 - Janice Kulyk Keefer Mon., May 6 - Lee Bryant Mon., June 3 - Lorraine Williams For more info contact Lenore Lath 8241225 ; Susan Gibbons 744-0900 ; Dale G. Parsons 742- 1495.
Happy Birthday Mirilla! (a/k/a Fraggle). Have we mentioned how incredibly sexy you’re looking at ZO?! With love from Barb, Stacey, Kelly, McNaughton, Andrea,, Dar, Susan and Nat.
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