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deadline March 28 - available to 38 Civil tng.



Sign-up sheetsand workshop preparation handouts available in Career Services, NH 1002, the week prior to workshop. Classes

held in NHlO20. -. Planning for a Career - 1 hour - the foundation upon which alI job search activities are based. Wed., Mar. 6 - 6:OO to 700 pITI. w search - 1 hour - a look at creative and traditional methods of finding jobs. Mon., Mar. 18 -11:30 to 12130 p.m. Summa Jobs - 1 hour - learn how to discover the array of summer jobs available. Mon., Mar. 4 - 3130 to 4130 p+m. Informational Intiews/Networking hour - enhance your proficiency. Mar. 6 - 7:OO to 8:oO p.m.

-1 Wed.,

Resume Whiting - 1 hour - techniques for writing an effective chronological, modified resume. Tues., Mar. 5 -1 I:30 to 12:3O ; Thurs., Mar. 14 -12:30 to 1:3O p.m. Letter WrMng - 1 hour - letters can be an important key to getting your job. Tues., Mar. 5 -12:30 to I:30 ; Thurs., Mar. 14_1130 to 2:30. htiw Skills I - 1 hour - tips on how to prepare effectively for job interviews. Wed., Mar. 13 - 6:00 to 7:OO p.m. I.&rview Skilla II - 1 hour - “hands-on” session where you can practice answering questions usually asked in interviews. Wed., Mar. 13 - 7:00 to 8:OO p.m. interview Skills IlI - 2 hours - practice selling your skills. Mon., Mar. 11 - 1230 to 2130 p.m.

FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award - deadline Feb. 28 - available to undergraduate students who are actively involved in University Student Affairs with a minimum overall average of 70% James C. McKegney Memorial Aw&d deadline Feb. 28 - available to upper year Arls with outstanding performance and/or extra-curricular activities in the Hispanic Area - one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in Spanish America Studies. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Electrohome 75 Anniversary Scholarship -deadline March 28 -available to 3B Computer Science.

Information about other awards and bursaries is available from the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.



students eligile for 2A and 3A renewals of Canada Scholarships are advised that the cheques are nowavailabfe. A list of eligible students is posted in the Student Awards Office and cheques may also be picked up there.



Areneededtoassisttwo blind students with library searches, reading and essay writing. If anyone would like to volunteer to help these students, please contact Rosemary Ambrose, Services for Persons . -

&q~ti - offers a safe, fully screened introduction service to people interested in shared accommodation. Homeshare is a program sponsored by the Social Planning Council, Region of Waterloo, and the Ministry of Housing, for details calI 578” 9894. The Social Justice Action Group bets regularly throughout the term to coordinate educational ever ?nd civil disobedience actions rar + 0 rt speakers and leafletting to l+ \, . Past actions &MX campaign, have included +‘c e NATO out r’ * ,I~an actions and ongoing sr” Q+ .dlth the Innu, Christmas ,s action, and a continual Anti-War focus on non-violent resistance to militarism.---_-For details, call 884-3465. . manned &thd--Waterloo Region is looking for mature, caring women and ‘men to volunteer with our ageficy as counsellers. We are a community-based prochoice agency whose focus is on family planning and sexuality issues, Call 7439360. K-W &WCXHXWS - is a new women’s social group to meet other newcomers. Call 747-1658 -first Wed. of month at Rink in the Park. I ’Tutolls Wanted each term to assist with Conversational and Wriien English. Contact Sheryl Kennedy, International Student Office, NH 2080. Campus Mess Kit - environmentally friin. dly alternative to disposable dishes and cutlery. It will hold an entire meal and comes complete with quality stainless steel utensils. This is an effort by Food Services and WPIRG. Kits witI be available through all Food Services outlets. Any customer

Sunny&de II&e is looking for evening and weekend receptionists. Week days MRY MONDAY Asserting Yd in the Job Interview -2 between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on l/2 hours - expressing yourself more suc- weekends between 8:30 a.m. and 700 W~myn’s Graup - Womyn will answer the cessfully. Tues., Mar. 12 - 3:30 to 6:OO p.m, These pmitions will give people a phone Monday nights - call 884~GLOW. p.m. chance to both work with seniors and meet Also, rather than regular meetings on the public. If interested contact Chris Thursdays, drop by the GLLOW office 27 for the Job Search i Saturday, Cameron, 893-8482, ext. 303. Mondays from 7-10 to browse the library, - “hand&on” workshop for I talk to other womyn, or just hang out. graduating students. IO:30 to 12:30 - Studimt Volunt~~ Centre refers UW ; determining your interests and strengths, students and staff, who are interested in I4 ARTS debates in HH139 at 3130 p.m. All and defining important aspects of the job, volunteering, to organizations on campa Arts students welcome. For info call ext. 12:30 to 1:OO - bring your lunch. 1:00 to and within the K-W Community. Open 3687,3548 or 3046. 2:45 -researching occupations in the Car- Mondays and Thursdays 1l:OO a.m. to eer Resource Centre. 3:OO to 5:00 -selling I:00 p.m. your qualifications in a resume and MRY TumsDAY interview. Vohmteems needed to gather information ’ on local MISSING PERSONS and P.O.E.T.S. Pub 8:30 - 1:OO a.m., CPH Student a Advisors UNSOLVED HOMICIDES as part of a -1337. Musicians bring your instruments. Office hours begin week of Jan. 7 ; for National Campaign. More information Everyone is welcome - licensed. information on times and locations, inquire available in#the Student Volunteer Centre, in NH1001 or phone 888-4047. CC15OA, ext. 2051 (Monday and Waterloo Public Interest Research Group Thursday 11 a.m, -1 p.m.) holds its Board of Directors meetings from Environmental c4:30 to. 6:30 p.m. in DC 1331. All Thurs., Mar. 7, 1:30 to 2:30, NH102O. members we I&me! SCHOLAR8HIP NUTICBS Extend& Hwxs - we are open from 8:3Or a.m. to 7:OO p.m. every Thursday. Our resources include information on various d FACULTY OF educational -’ ENGINEERING occupations, employers, opportunities, work/study abroad, and m Chevron Canada Ltd. Scholarship - more. deadline March 28 - available to 36 Winter term. Saturday Hoturrl - take advantage of spe- l hours to research John Deere Ltd. Scholarship - deadline cial Saturday March 28 -available to 36 Mechanical employers, occupations, educational Eng. opportunities, work/study abroad and more. March 9 - 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Charles E. DeLeuw Transportation I Scholarship -deadline Feb. 28 - available to 4B Civil Eng. -Special Application. Dow Chemical Canada Scholarship UCTURI8 available to 3B Chemical Eng. Gandalf Data Limited Award - deadline Feb. 28 - available to l B and above, Elect., Free I&ures presented by WLU and Sys. De., or Comp, Eng. University of Waterloo every Monday at Murata-Erie North America Inc. Award - noon at the Main Branch of the Kitchener deadline March 28 -available to38 Electri- Public Library. January 14 to April 8 cal & Computer Eng. excluding Easter. Winter topics are: Ready Mixed Concrete Assoc. of Ontario February 18 - A retrospect of the oral hisAward -deadline March, 28 - available to tory program at KPL 38 Civil Eng. February 25 - ,Artificial intelligence Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary - March 4 - The past, present, and future of available to 4th yr. Civil Eng. church music Shell Canada Ltd. Award - deadline March March 11 - Perspectives on Lester B. 1 - available to 3rd or 4th year. Pearson Jack Wiseman Award - available to 3rd or March 18 - Endangered spaces: Yukon , 4th yr. Civil Eng. students whose work term national parks repod has been graded as outstanding March 26 - Frw Trade after one year and must focus on Construction or Project April 8 - Natu@ alternatives to a lawn Management. Deadline: March 1. MS. Yolles & Partners Ltd. Scholarship -



using Campus mess Kit and Lug-a-Mug will tie entitled to a free refill of a regular beverage at all Food Services cash operations. Offer will expire March 30, 1991. student Career Advisors for Winter term. You can benefit by receiving training in all areas of career counselling. Volunteers are needed 3-5 hours/week. Applications available in Needles Hail. If your Club or studeht society wishes to book the Campus Centre Great Hall, please call the Turnkey Desk. We are always open to your suggestions, critiques and comments. West Humber Collegiate Institute - High School Reunion on May 4, 1991 - Afternoon Open House and Evening Gala. For more info contact the school at 394-6835 or Fax at 374-3852. Open House - Centre for Professioni Wriiing - February 21 from 1:OO to 4:30 p.m. Hagey Hall, 175. Technical Writing, Usability Testing, Training, Research, All welcome!! Un&q@u+te IIUU%S available starting Janaury 16. If you are a registered, oncampus, full-time undergraduate student thistermandareexpectingaGradeReport from the Fall 1990 term, you may pick it up at the registrar’s office beginning January 16 (Grade reports for St. Jerome’s and Renison registrants will be available at the colleges.) Grade reports for part-time students will be mailed, as well as for co-op students on a workterm. ID card identification will be required for tho$e grade reports that are picked up. Studies and Engineering students can get their grade reports in their departments. CIass of ‘91 Grad Gift Raffle. Win a trip for two to the Dominican Republic, a CD portable stereo, a 1991 Schwinn Woodlands t

Spanish Club has weekly meetings at 3:30 in ML245A and a mailbox in ML245A. Women’s Centre - holds meetings at 7 p.m. in room 217 at 3:30 p.m. (The Women’s Centre). All are welcome! House of Debates - argues vehemently about anything and everything in Physics 313 at 5:30 p.m. New members always welcome! C&l Sandy 884-5910 or P&l 746-2361 for info. GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds coffeehouses from 9- 11 p.m. in room 1~ of the Modern The GLLoW Languages Building. phoneline is staffed weekdays 7-10 p-m., providing information and peer counselling. Message at other times: call 884-. GLOW. . J+nm’s Ewqplicd Fellowship Bible Study. DC1304 at .7:30 pm. Alt are whOme. f%r more information, CalI 8845712.

Iiiends is a school volunteer program where a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need: male and female volunteers. Call 742-4380. Co- 1Rd be a part of the Caribbean Stu‘dent Association (GSA) every Thursday starting Jan. 17 in CC138. Lots of interesting events are scheduled for this term. See you there! 1991 British Universities Summer Schools Program - Birmingham, London or Oxford - registration before March 31, 1991. For further info and application forms may be obtained from: Awards Division, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KlP 5Nl. (613) 5631236. HAVE YOU registered for your new Ontario Heatth Card?? After Jan. 1, 1991, you’ll beasked to present your new Ontario ‘Health Card for health services in Ontario. For further info about registering, please call your local Ministry of Health Office. Canac&n Federation of University Women - KW - Donations needed for main fundraising event of books for our 27th Annual Used Book Sale. To donate call our pickup committee at 884-4866, 576-8645, 884-0633 or 885-4247. 0ffl& - W-loo’s literary periodical. Now accepting submissions. Use Offline drop-box in the Fed Office, CC. Call 7251 7973 for more info. Sprins Action is the annual student and faculty concert presented by the University of Waterloo Dance Dept. The performance will be at the Humanities Theatre Match 16

wontinued to page 27a

Feminist Diseusgion Group. Meets every welcome. We can provide instruments. Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. at Global Community Centre in Waterloo. The Student Christians Movement meets Topic and group vary vi&@ so’that all to discuss issues of injustice. The SCM is women are welcome anytime. For more an ecumenical group that challenges peapie to live out their faith in action. For more information eti. 3457 or 578-3456. information call Gennie at 576-0504 or FASS Writem Meetings - come be a part of Dave at 884-l 177, the crew who wriie that crazy yearly show, Everyone welcome (we mean it). 730 p.m. GUDW Vdle#all nights are back: at 7-9 MC5158. p.m. Call 884-GLOW for details. c Amnesty ~ternatio~I - write for Human Great Films of France brought to you by Rights at 7:30 in CC1 35. Everyone UW Film Society. Please refertothe weekly welcome! calendar for details. Play co! - beginners and players are invited to free play at Matthews Hall, room 1040, 7:30 p.m. Call ext. 4428. All Year Round! Studen~Society meets at 5 to 7 p.m. Everyone welcome (non-majors too!) Check bulletin. boards in ML for location. Slavic

The E@sh Society meets at 4:30 p.m. in H.H.262. For more info call ext. 2339. New members are always welcome!


Concerned about the government debt, national unity and Canada’s role in international politics? If so, the P.C. Youth Association at UW wants you! Come to Fed Halt Lounge at 5:30 p.m. or cali Paul at 725-5417.

mountain bike and many other prizes. Get your tickets for only $3.60 or 2 ior $5.00 at Sci Sot., Math Sot or Eng, Sot.




Do you think you have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Weekly meetings open to the public held in the Health & Safety Building Meeting RoomL (ask receptionist} on Fridays at 12:30 pm. or call 742-6183. C&ese C&i&an Fellowship meetings every Friday at 7:UO pm. at WLU seminary building, room 201. Contact Mike Liu at 747-4065 for sides.


u burce Centre Extended Hours 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Our resources include information on various occupations, employers, educational opportunities, work/study abroad, and more. Jazz Choir - come out and join the fun from 2% - 3:45 at Siegfried Hall (near St. JeroTe’s College). No atiditions. For more info catI Chery, 746-5236. Woqmt’s Group- - this term rather than Thursday meetings we will have Monday night drop-in in the GLLOW office. See “Mondays” for details. WATSFIC - the Waterloo Science Fiction Club, is holding meetings at 6:30. Come out and meet other fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comics, Wargames, or Roleplaying games. Check in the Clubs Room (CC21 5) for further details. ?&@s! The Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel presents a weekly Bagel Brunch every Thursday from 1 I:30 am. to I:30 pm. in the Campus Centre - Check with Turnkeys for the room number.

II1 l



Writes’ Workshop: 2-4 p.m. in Psych. Lounge (PAS Building). Poetry, short # I stories, scripts, novels, etc. Bring pencils, copies, and an open, critical mind. Looking for a friendly environment to have both intellectual discussions and fun? Join ourweekly discussions at 7:30 p.m., Campus Centre room 138. Association for Baha’i Studies. All welcome! MRv


L;lymen’s Ewmgdid Fellowship g/ening service. 7:00 pm. at 163 University Ave. W. (MSA), apt 321. All are welcome. For more information, cal1.884-57 12. FASS Writers Meetings - those writers are at it again, and they want Help write the shows that millions raved about. 7130 p.m. MC Everyone

crazy YOU. have 5158.


Univmity Chapel Worship Service, Kef- H fer Memdrial Chapel, Waterloo Lutheran Sen$nary - II:00 a.m. - an opportunity for l all campus people and others to participate in a regular Sunday worship serJain the Warriors Band! Practice every vice of Word and Sacrament. Information: Thursday at 5:30 pm.in thePAC, room Chaplain Graham E. Morley, Chaplains , 2012 (Blue North). New and old members Office, MC 4002, ext. 3622. _ I

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Jantzi wins Arts & Colleges:,Brooks takes ES

Leddy and Brice take by &by Imprint

Ho and Peter Brown staff

John Leddy found support from across all of the faculties this Tuesday and Wednesday as he won the posk tion of President of the Federation of Students for 1991/92 over. three other candidates. With a commanding 1,136 votes of a total of 2,584 cast, Leddy won the top job on the strength of 44 per cent of the total popular vote, compared to 27.7 per cent for runner-up Brian Jantzi. Jantzi won the Renison/St. Jerome’s and Arts polls by 58.9 and 46.6 per cent respectively, while Sean Brooks took the Environmental Studies poll with 33.5 per cent. Leddy was victorious in Optometry/AHS, Science, Math, Engineering, and the Co-op mailout. He topped out in these last two polls, with 48.0 and 54.6 per cent respectively. Ted Timer garnered 14.1 per cent of the tDt.d v&e, and Brooks had 12 per cent. “I’m glad for the opportunity,” Leddy said. “The executive should work together this year, work as a team. My goal is to see the Federation become more student and less executive oriented.” He feels that the student body working together with the Federation will help to accomplish more, and that student feedback is important to the decision-making pmces. “I’d like to bring some fun back to the Federation office. Right now, it isn’t fun,” Leddy said. He also expressed concern for improving relations with Imprint. ZRddy feets that he has acquired the necessar)r communication and problem solving skills to do the job

by Paul Dune Imprint staff An hour-and-a-half before the turn of Valentine’s day, Lisa Brice proved to be a political juggernaut for the position of Vice-President, University Affairs. just as it was a don, Kim Speers, that took the position last year, Brice, a don, won the job this year. In her opinion, the fact that she represented a perspective from outside the current administration, contributed to her success. Unlike last year, where the Vellinga/Speers/ Tudor election ticket fell short of a complete success, the team of Brice, John Leddy, and Steven Millard (acclaimed to the position of VicePresident, Operations and Finance) swept the three executive positions. As the results were announced, a great roar went up in the Bomber, and both Brice and Leddy were swarmed by dozens of friends and admirers. After departing to make some phone &Us, she and Leddy returned to celebrate their victories. Though she didn’t gain a majority of the popular vote, Brice’s 44.1 per cent far outdistanced the 27.4 per cent gained by Bernie Herold, and the 26.1 per cent of ballots cast for Jeff Homby.

Brice and leddy whoop it up as CR0 Scott Murray holds back the crowd with shield and truncheon. 1 Photo by Dave Thomson

wish them the bestof luck John’s got experience and I hope Steve’s

from his position as Head Don in Wage One. Jantzi was gracious in the loss. “Leddy and Brice will do a good job. I

Murray passes


to page 50


Red son, St. Jeraner

1 Srooks

9 I 6.0

89 --I-


While there wew several complaints registered against some candidates during the course of the Federation of Students’ election, in generaL Chief Returning Officer Scott Murray felt that this year’s election went more smoothly than last year’s. He credited this to “cooperative candidates,” who should “all be commended for their behaviour.” Murray felt that a key to a clean election was ensuring that the lines of communication were kept open between the election committee and the candidates. Since the committee was “open and accessible” to the candidates, he felt that many problems were prevented before they, occurred. One problem area during the elec-

tion was the fact that there was an acclamation for the position of Vice President,. Operations and Finance. The current set of election By-Laws don’t really account for this eventuality. He will recommend to the ByLaw Committee that the policy be clarified to remove the ambiguity, perhaps through a ratification vote. Other recommendations that the Election Committee & make will be with regard to poster rules, though Murray would give no specifics in this regard. Ironically enough, poster rules


an issue

last year;


President-Elect John Vellinga and defeated Presidential candidate Mark Elliott commented upon the need for revised poster rules. Along with the kudos for the candidates, Murray felt that the Election Committee of Simon Ross, Sue McKee, and Patrick Wong deserved credit for their hard work

Brice was ahead in most polls; in the St. Jeromes/Renison and the Arts faculty polls, Bernie Herold gained a majority of the popular vote, while the Math and the Co-op polls swung in favour of leff Hornby. A.fter coli&ting her thoughts and completing her ademic term, Brice will move into CC235 and tie over the position jrom incumbent Kim Speers. .

rplete Electil m ResuH






by Paul Dane Imprint staff

Though Bernie Herold decided not to attend the raucous festivities at the Bombshelter, the other unsuccessful candidate, Jeff Homby, commented upon the results. He said that her felt Brice “ran a good campaign” and that she “would do a good job.” Thcbugh he was exempt from the brunt of the fines, he understood the concerns that were expressed about

the poster rules in the election ByLaws. As a member of the Policies Review Committee, he had an opportunity to examine this specific policy, and he “saw no way to rectify the policy.“,His future plans are to comeplete his degree, work for a year, then attend LAW school. Her experience as a don in Village Two, Brice feels, helped her develop essential interpersonal skills Further, she feels that she will be able tb use these to increase communication between the Federation and students at large. Also, she feels that it is important to work more closely with Imprint. L&a feels that “fun” is an overlooked aspect of the Federation, and that the Feds should take a greater role in building positive spirit on campus. Strangely enough, the popular vote garnered by Brice was onIy two votes, or one-tenth of a per cent, different from that of her running mate, John Leddy. The 1134 votes cast for Brice, as stated above, were good for 44.1 per cent of the tota1, whereas, the 1136 votes cast for Leddy worked out to 44.0 per cent of the popular vote. The overall voter turnout was only’ 17.1 per cent, down over five per cent from last year.


Leddy ___~



86 1






Science x

27 1 10.4










) 13.4
























Spui led

t- Total















I 44.1



I I Spoiled

“1 i



, 1 Voters



I .











4 Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991

OFS reacts to funding announcement ,

fmn the Studem




Ontario students and professors reacted with disappointment to Feb ruary 11’s university funding announcement, and called on the government to develop a long-term strategy f0r universities. In a joint statement, the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) and the Ontario Confederation of University -‘Faculty ASSOCiatiOnS (OCUFA) said sti+ategies for rebuilding the university system were urgently needed. “We’ve been telling this govemment that we need new directions to

reduce tuition, restructure student aid, deal with faculty shortages, and implement employment equity,” said OFS Chairperson Tim Jackson. “Instead, we get a huge tuition fee increase and no plans to deal with long-term problems.” Jackson s;zid Ontario will remain in ninth place among Canadian provinces in perstudent funding. ‘The funding announced today will result in dramatic cutbacks in a system that has already been cut well into the bone,” said OCLFA president Bill Graham. “We need to start today figuring out how well provide proper funding in coming years, or

Feds announce grant increases bm

the Ministry

of CoIkgesi



Ontario’s UtiOns Will



receive a 7.3 per cent increase in operating grants in 199192, Colleges and Universities Minister Richard Allen announced on February 11 in Ottawa.

‘?Vith the large deficit we face, the government finds itself in a dticult economic position during this recession,” said Dr. Allen. “However, we remain committed to the god of building a solid foundation that will lead to the renewal of our p&secondary system.” The funding increase includes pr* visions for cost escalation and enrollment growth at colleges and universities. Additional support for py equity will bring operational grant increases to postsecondary institutions up to at least eight per cent for 1991-92. Earlier in the day, Ontario Treasurer Floyd Laughren said, “the


government’s objective in deciding on the levels of transfer funding has been to balance our social concerns and responsibilities with the requirements of prudent management of the province’s finances.” The funding includes a $1327 miIlion ina-eask to universities and a $56.7 million increase to colleges of applied arts and technology. Total operating grant allocations to colleges and universities will exceed $2.78 billion in 1991-92. ‘We are aware that this funding may only be adequate to permit the maintenance of current service levels and this may result in difficult service reatignments,” said Laughren. “I know our transfer partners will understand the economic constraints Ontario is facing and do their best to manage within their allocatims.” The minister said the Ontario CouncilofUniversitytiwiIlprovide advice on the distribution of these funds to universities, and all individual institutions will be informed of their allocation within the next few weeks.

we can start printing up the ‘closed’ signs.” Graham noted that Monday’s announcement made no mention of the impending critical fxulty shortages. Jackson said the announced eight per cent tuition fee hike would further restrict access to education. “In these times of recession, it’s already much harder for low-income people to get into universities; to hit them with another tuition fee increase is to slam the door in their faces.” Jackson noted the fee hike was ’ clearly contrary to the NDP’s policy of freezing tuition to provide greater access to education. OFS and OCUFA said @e universities would have required a nine per cent funding increase just to keep pace with last year, given inflation and increased enrollment. Ontario universities also require at least $400

visible minorities, people with dii abilities, and native people,” said Graham. ‘That can’t happen unless universities are publicly funded and properly managed.” Jackson said underfunding of education during a recession was shortsighted. ‘We, as a society, need educated people and research capabilities to solve the recession. It makes more sense now than ever to invest in universities.” OCUFA and OFS said they would press the government to consult with university sector groups to develop long-term answers to problems such as public funding educational equity, student support, faculty shortage, employment equity, and university governance. OCUEA represents 12,000 teaching staff across Ontario, while OFS counts over 200,000 university studenti as members.

million extra over four years to recover from a decade of underfunding. Jackson and Graham noted some examples of the immediate funding crisis. The University of Toronto has already planned the loss of 155 fulltime professors in the next five years. If underfunding continues, the situation could be worse. Student eruollment continues meanwhile to increase. Programs designed to foster diversity and support university participation from under-represented groups are being eliminated. The Native Journalism program at the University of Western Ontario was recently cancelled. ‘The university challenge for the 1990s is to open the doors to groups who’ve been shut out such as women,

AUCC+calls for fee action byPHfEBrpwn Imprint ?3ti& While the Council of Ontario Universities is calling for tuition hikes of 40 to 50 per cent, a group rep resenting 89 colleges and universities across Canada has asked the federal government for more help for posfsecondary education The Ass0ciation of Universities and Colleges of &nada (AUCC), in a December 14,199O pre-budget sub mission to Minister of Finance Michael Wilson, has recommended that “the federal government develop a-clear definition of its own role in supporting post-secondary educatiOd’

“Federal action in the area of funding university education has been in direct contrast to the overwhelming support given by the Canadian public,” AUCC P&dent Claude I.+l.lnesse says.

Wilson is expected to release budget in the next few weeks.

his .

According to a ll commissioned by the AUCC an r conducted by the Angus Reid Group from January 16 to 21, 1991, 69 per cenf of the Canah polled iiinlc that university education is “very important” to $Zimda% economic competitiveness and social development. Ninetythree per cent agreed that the federal government should continue to fund post-secondary education; 59 per * cent of these respondents sup orted an increase in the Pederal government’s contribution to the cost of university education, and 33 per cent said it should remain the same. Overall, 88 per cent of the respondents believe it is important for the federal strategy

PorOvernment university

toeducation deve1op


Citing these polls, the AUCC aIs called for funding for university research to be doubled over three years. It also asked that the transfer payments to the provinces for postsecondary education be returned to their levels before the cutbacks that

were announced in the last federal budget These payments are made under the &al&shed Programs Financing (EPF) system, and reform of this system is pending, according to the Ottawa-based group. The AUCC also asked that “student aid be reformed, so rising tuition and other costs do not bar any bright young Canadian from the ranks of the hi@@ qualified innovators and managers the country needs in the era of globalization” Fiiy, the group wged the government to actively encourage the internationalization of Canadian universities. Iajeunesse warns that if the trend of cutbacks to growth of federal transfer payments continues, the federal government will eventually withdraw from this critical area of concern. The Angus Reid survey consisted of telephone interviews conducted among a representative cross-section of 1507 Canadian adults, and is Bccurate within 2.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.


W&v a student movement? J

bY-speers Federation

Don’t missout on the



The cynical adage “you can’t fight city hall” is a complete denial of the rights for which Canadians and people all over the world have fought and ofthe are stiil fighting for. The hist human race is a history 7o social change, an ongoing and inevitable process. It involves the interaction of people, polarization of o@x&n, and the struggle for decision-making power and wealth. If social change is the theory behind historical develop ments, then organization is certainly the practice. In the context of social change, organization means the mobilization of people around issues of mutual concern Organization on mass scales has brought about s0cial revolutions in some count@?& On a smaller scale, organization can force a slum landlord to make repairs in an apartment building. Canada’s social service programs were all put in place through long, hard campaigns by various organizations of working people. Many of the same organizations, and other new ones, continue the political struggle today against government attempts to dismantle or cut back these propams. Organization needs participation, and participation is what converts democracy from a dogmatic buzzword to a tangible right. This is not to say that one’s demands and points of view will necessarily be

adopted through simple participati.on, at Ieast not in the short run. One uickly finds that participation in the iti ecision-making pr0cess often puts one up ‘against extremely powerful forces who do not necessarily represent majority opinions, and who may not wield such power therefore in a functional “participatory democracy.” Without the basic took of organization, individuals in society feel relatively powerless. Powerlessness exacerbates the alienation of the peaple from the rest of society. Many people are already alienated from their jobs because they have little say in the decision-making or control over the product that they produce. This sense of alienation is deeply rooted in North American society, and produces apathy, which is all too often used by members of the student movement as an excuse f0r the lack of active organization and campaign work on campuses. Because apathy is caused by powerlessness, it can be cured when people are given a sense of power, a sense of more control over their lives and events surrounding them. The Ontario and Canadian Federations of Students are two organizations which give power to students. Both groups are participatory democracies, as every policy, bylaw, and action is determined by the membership. took for more information about these organizations in an upcoming issue of IrJIprint.



Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991 5


Playtime for university diplomats by Andrew Dalbyvld Imprint staff

Jay Shmkn

On the weekend of February 1-3, students from WV, W&id Laurier University, and. McMaster met at WLU for the 1991 Laurier-Waterloo Model United Nations (LYVMUN). There were 16 delegations of two or three students each, representing nations of their choice. The stated goal of the United Nations Clubs of these universities “is to promote awareness and understanding of the United Nations as well as to cater a growing student interest in the pageant of international affairs.” Each delegation was responsible for accurately portraying their country’s foreign policy, regardless of their personal opinions. For example, the delegation “representing” Iraq constantly referred to Kuwait as their “19th province.” Friday night was spent at the General Assembly; each delegation made a short statement to the of the world. Some “MtiOnS” delegates even gave a translation of their statement into the native languages. of their respective states such as Spanish, Finnish, French, Russian, and even Arabic, American In the General Assembly, working papers would be submitted by a country, and the Assembly would debate them, and then vote upon them. If passed, they would become a IX&Z&MS. The .members of the LWMUN were using working papers that are presently tabled at the real UN. In the process of debate, states could submit amendments on given

working papem, and these. would then by voted on by each member. During the proceedings, members had to work within the parameters of UN debate, which are markedly different from those of, say, Canadian

Mock U.N. Liechtenstein

delegate hangs delegation.

Parliament A delegation making a statement may yield to the floor for questions, if so desired, but need not answer them. It is a very polite place, most of the time. 4 The first working paper that was submitted was about indigenous

The human cost of war by Paul &ichert

s@aI to Imprint The situation that is presently taking its apparently inexorable course around Kuwait is inflicting damage in a variety of areas. Billions of dollars will be required to replace the missiles and tanks destroyed in battle. Oil refineries are being shattered by bombs. Stock markets around the world are shaky, while national budgets sink deeper into deficit. AI1 of tt& is a horror, but after all, we have a Michael Wilson to rescue the economy, engineers to bring the

Leddy..... l cont’d. from Page 30 experience doesn’t get the better of him” Jantzi had hoped that his work with the Federation and as a Turnkey would have demonstrated his qualifications for the presidential job. Timar, whose highest support of 22.6 per cent came from the Co-op portion of the vote, was optimistic about the elected executive. “John wi.lldoagoodjobandGsaisalsoa great choice,” he said. Timar faiIed to follow the trend of engineering students scoring highly in their own faculty, with only 16.0 per cent of the vote in that faculty. Students seemed to vote in blocks this year, since Leddy’s running mate, Lisa Brice, won the Vice President, University Affairs position by an almost identical percentage of the popdar vote, 44.1. Similarly, Bernie Herold scored 27.4 per cent for the VPUA job, close to Jar&i’s total. The election committee was disappointed with the 17.1 per cent turnout for this election, down significantly from the 21.3 per cent last year. 2,570 students voted this year, out of 15,061 eligible voters. The Environmental Studies poIl showed the highest turnout of 22.1 per cent, while Arts, Math, and the Co-op mailouts tied for the heavyweight apathy title at 15.9.

refineries back on stream, and the spent missiles will certainly be replaced. It is time to look at another aspect of war. The satellites, radar, and infra-red cameras that so competently guide bombs down the ventilation shafts of what are said to be only military establishments are seemingly incapable of conveying to us the devastation of human lives entailed in the destruction of buildings- and roads. But, for example, if a seven-storey hotel in Basra, Iraq, has been completely levelled, and if, as reported by the hotel manager, it was full of people, and if we extend this salient fact to cover all parts of the Gulf under hostilities, the cost in terms of human lives of this war is already immense. When the destruction of Baghdad’s water supply and sewage systems, the resulting likelihood of disease, the contamination of soil and air by the bombing of chemical and biological weapons plants, are added to the 44,000 air sorties conducted by only one party to the conflict, the medical cost in the area is staggering. Here at the university of Waterloo we-will soon have a chance to help. Last week a group of concerned students got together to organize a fundraisiig campaign for medical aid to the Persian Gulf. They call themselves the UW Students Gulf Relief Fund (SGRF). Their intention is to raise funds to donate to an international relief agency for the exclusive purpose of providing med& cd care to those who need it as a resuk of war, following the example already set by the Red Cross / Red Crescent, which managed over the weekend to ship 19 tonnes of medical and surgical supplies through Iran to Iraq. The aid wiII be provided on a nonpartisan basis, emphasizing the humanity of the recipients over their nationality. Preparations are being made to hold a series of fundraising events in the near future. .Watch for further announcements. For further information, call Paul at 743-3504.

populations minorities. practice familiarize numerous order-


and protection of This first paper was good for the delegates to *emselves with procedures and points of .





Photo by J.P. Tedesco

Saturday was committee day: at least one member from each delegation sat on various committees. The committees present were the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and the United Nations Environment Prop-e W-JW. Iluring the morning ECOSOC session, res;lutions on drug abuse and on the transportation of tixic wastes were passed without much debate. After %mch, some heated debate Iraqi delegation begang The

introduced a resolution on the treatment of the Palestinians by the Israeli army. The US and Israel tried to bury the issue by referring it to the Security Council. When that was rejected by the delegates, they, feeling themselves outnumbered, tied to delay the final vote for as long as possible. There are numerous diplomatic mechanisms by which delay can be accomplished, and the US and Israel tried most of them. They were unwittingly aided by the delegate from Liechtenstein, who, in solidarity with the small nations of the world, tried to introduce amendments equating the Israeli occupation of the West Bank to the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. The Iraqis and their allies constantly interrup ted, and demanded that the amendments be passed around in written form. Chaos soon ensued: Israel demanded withdrawal of the motion, Bahrain demanded withdrawal of the amendments, Liechtenstein refused, Finland asked the amendments be written on the blackboard, the US moved for closure, Iraq tried to walk out but the &airman refused permission . . . In the end, the &airman had to adjourn KOSCK half an hour late, without the Pa&inian issue coming to a vote. For people more interested in environmental issues, UNEP was the place to be. The issues discussed ranged from plans for combatting desertification, to human rights and poverty. In each case, the delegate from Iraq was the black sheep, even though he seconded the working paper on human rights in relation to the environment, In UNEP, as with the other committees and the General Assembly, Iraq tried to disrupt any constructive proceedings. Throughout the whole weekend, the var in the Gulf loomed over everyone’s -heads. Due to this, Iraq was isolated in the world community,

Nevertheless, UNEP seemed to be the most efficient committee present. All resolutions were passed, including amendments, perhaps because the students participating very familiar with these issues. The Security Council also met and needless to say, Iraq was the centre of all attention. In the United Nations, there is a process called censure, by which a delegation can be reprimanded by the assemblies for its behaviqur. The delegation is expelled for the day after t:he third censure. Because of their obstructionist tactics, Iraq was censured twice by the Security council. Iraq narrowly missed being expelled because the UK voted against a third censure. The issues being debated in the SC dealt with the Palestinians, Israeli nuclear armaments, and the invasion of Kuwait. Sunday morning dawned with the reconvening of the General Assembly to discuss Antarctica, and a nuclear-free South Asia. However, none of the delegates could agree where South Asia began and end&l. The working paper dealing with preventing the exploitation? of Antarctic resuurces was passed by the MITowest margin (7-6). All helI broke loose on Sunday aftem00n with the convening of the joke session. Invasions, revolutions, hostage-@hgs, annexations, and the like, were the norm for the session. The Secretary-General, Dou@as Downey, closed the session and gave each delegation a certificate for having participated. Everyone present learned a great deal about the inner workings of the UN, and can now better appreciate why the wheels of diplomacy are so hard to turn u anyone has any question regarding the UN Club, feel free to contact Stefan Fritz at 725-2354.


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6 Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991


“I huvefinky diwis!”

Photo by Wim van der Lugt Cover by Stacey Lobin

Imprint is:

Election fines a farce We were perusing the Summary of Fines imposed against the Campaign Funds of the candidates for the positions of Federation of Students’ President, and Vice President University Affairs. As we noted the fine totals of $180 and $140 levied against Bernie Herold and Brian Jar&i, respectively, we began to notice how utterly ludicrous and indefensible are certain segments of the current Fed election By-Laws. With the exception of $40 worth of fines levied against Herold.and $20 against Jantzi, the entire amount of these fines was imposed for the im roper placement of posters. In our system 0 P justice, the general rule is that accused are innocent until proven guilty. Further, circumstantial evidence is generally not sufficient grounds for conviction, This is obviously not the way that the Federation of Students operates in levying their fines. Under generally held principles of justice, unless there is evidence which conclusively indicates that a candidate, or one of’ their helpers, posted the contentious material,

Alcohol can kill To the editor, How


it is that our society needs organizations Iike Alcoholics Anonymous, People to Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (PRIDE), and Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Sedents (BACCHUS), to name only a few. They symbolize the human suffering and destruction left in the wake of alcohol abuse. The problem of alcohol abuse touched my life four years ago. I have witnessed the destruction. I have experienced the pain While what follows is just one story, the real tragedy is how often such stories occur. In 1987, my 20-year-old brother was a first year Ehvironmental Studies student at this university. On the night before he was to return to school from reading week break, he was involved in a single vehicle accident. Authorities said he was thrown from the vehicle and killed instantly. His mutilated body rested in the snow for over two hours before anyone was able to positively identify him That he appareptly did not suffer was little consolation to me because the doors to his future had been prematurely slammed shut. The first police officer at the accident scene sensed no obvious signs of alcohol use by the driver. However, a subsequent breathalyzer test showed that the driver had a blood alcohol level of 0.127 mg / 100 ml, which is about one-and-a-half times the legal limit in Ontario. The driver had missed k large cume in the road and crashed into a tree. In the absence of skid marks, the police surmised

for J there would be no possible justification levying fines. It does not take a mind of great distrust to imagine a scenario whereby an Gnscrupulous candidate, or more likeIy, their over-zealous supporters, could sabotage another candidate’s campaign by collecting and’ then illegally posting, the opponent’s flyers. The injustice of this ceases to be academic when one considers the grounds on which the election committee can disqualify a candidate. Each candidate has a campaign budget of $400, and can receive back from the Federation refunds for 50 per cent of their expenditures, providing they are under budget and garner at least 10 per cent of the popular vote in the election. If they either go over budget by less than $50 or receive less than 10 percent in sup rt, then they get no refunds from the Feds. I?inally, if they are more than $50 over their budget, that is, if their totaI expendbres, including fines, exceed $450, they aredisquaI.ified. The severity of this rule creates an attractive incentive for sabotage. Even if your opponent is under budget by $50, a mere 10 mysthat the driver had made no attempt to stop or otherwise avoid leaving the road, or hitting the tree. He appeared to have simply driven off of the road. In this case, alcohol had impaired the driver’s abiliv to properly operate a motor vehicle, with devastating results. Although the driver was not unhurt, two passengers were killed, and another was seriously injured. After a conviction of impaired driving causing death, a jail term of two years and a five-year driving suspension were imposed on the driver. My brother and his friend received a death sentence. People later questioned the common sense of passengers who would ride with a driver impaired by alcohol. However, the driver had appeared to be functioning normally and did not seem drunk. By all accounts, his driving was not err&c and he did not resemble the stereotypical drunk who cannot walk a straight line or touch his nose with his finger. In fact, the first evidence of alcohol impairment on his ability to drive occurred when he guided his vehicle into the tree. Alcohol’s effects on the ability to perform a complicated task such as driving are subtle. Alcohol, even in smallamounts, impairs one’s reaction and instills feelings of recklessness and invincibility. A person at a party can look normal but still may not be able to safely manoeuvre a motor vehicle. Anyone who drives after consuming alcohol holds the potential to kiII. Almost everyone has heard that drinking and driving is a deadly combination. The statistics speak for themselves. This letter detailing the last painless seconds of my brother’s life was intended to speak for him, a victim. He no longer has a voice. He does not have the chance to reconsider the choices of responsible drinking behaviour. But you do. Please don’t close the doors to your future in one night. * Jody Frederick





hand you ,


The temptation, given the mysterious appearance of posters throughout the Engineering Buildings and Villages,on the day after they were supposed to be torn down, is to become suspicious and accusatory. However, it is just as insupportable to make any accusations, no matter how well-veiled, against opposing candidates, as it is for the fines to have been levied in the first place. Instead it is time to rail against the fan&I Federation Election By-Laws which make this kind of intrigue possible. It is time fbr these By-Laws to k scrapped in favour of a new set which does not contain the potential to reward duplicity and intrigue.

Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Paul Done Adstant Editor . . ..*...*.........*r**..*. Peter Brown News Editor News Assistant ’ vacant I+!atalres, Editor Sandy Atwal Science Editor .. .. ..***.**m..*....**...*.*Phillip Chee Sports Editor Rich Nichol sports Assistant . .. . ...*.**.........*..... Bill Falshaw Arts Editor John Hymers ArtsAssistMt .-. .. . .. .. . .Bernard Kearney PlmtoEditor Joanne Sandrin Photo Assistant .. . .. ..*..**.....Wim van der Lugt . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .***.,.C..**...

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Staff Production Mgr. .......... Laurie Tigert-Dumas Production Asst. .................. Mike Sheppard ............................................................ Rike Burkhardt General Manager.. ............... Vivian Tambeau office Am L ............................. Die Rodrigues Business Asst. ...................... Michael Clifton AdvertiGng F&p ..................... *Scott Hendry Ad A&&ant ................... .Michel-Ann Fraser Proof Reader .......................... Julie Cochrane Graphics Edjtor ......................... Stacey Lubin

Board cif Directors

fb!sident..................................... Trevor Blair Paul Done peter Brown

These are the Daves I know To the editor, Re: “Bourbon

at Fed.”

I would like to know what makes the socalled “press” better than the rest of the student population? All people coming to Fed Hall have to wait in line to have ID checked and to pay cover or gain admission (ticket or guest). This includes students, staff, Faculty members, Fed Executive, and, yes, Imprint staff. People that have their names on the guest list do not have the right to cut up the side of the line in front of their fellow students who are waiting patiently to get in. Guests can make arraggements with BEnt to be let in another door, thus avoiding the line. Another point to be added is that the Door Staff do not have a copy of the guest list. We are there to make sure that entrance policies are enforced. BEnt controls tickets and the guest list. I would also like to suggest to Dave and Katie that, if it is your job to cover the event, should you not show up on time? Further-more, it might be nice if. you learned the names of the band members instead of writing “the guy who did most of the singing” or “‘a guest violinist” Next time the Arts editor should attempt to ensure that his staff deal with the job at hand wead of filling up space by airing their personal biases toward. Fed Hall and its staff. In the future, please either wait in line, or make arrangements, or you will be sent to the end of the line. Dave P. Door staff R&ration


Vice=Pmiderrt ............................... Rul Done Semetaq-TM. ........................ Stacey Lobin Directors at Large.. ................ Joanne Sand&~ ............................................................ Dave Thomson Peter Brown StaffI,iaison .............................. Derek Weiler ..................................................................

Imprint is the official student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint,Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario* N2L 3Gl. Mail can also be sent via e-mail to imprint%vatmath .Waterloo.edu. hprint reserves the right to screen, edit and

refuse advertising. hprint ISSN 0706-7380. 5ubscripti0n

rates available upon request.

Contribution List

Trevor Blair, Gaby Bright, Mark Brzustowski, Gordon Chiy, Andrew Dalby, Jeff Deverill, Jennifer Epps, Lk Farkas, Rob Flynn, Barbara Jo Green, Jon Hagey, Chloe Hartley, Easby Ho, Derik Hawley, Andrew Kinross, Andy Koch, Karina Kraenzle, Craig Netterfield, Craig Nickerson, Frank Seglenieks, Jay Shorten, Jeff Slater, Kim Speers. Emily Sutherland,

Dave Thomson, Christopher Weiler, Chris Williams.



The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, d=bIe-spxed letters to Imprint, CC 140. Imprint is also accessible through e-&I at imprint@watmath. Be sure to include your phune number with &I1 correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 530 p.m. Monday. The maximum leqth for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces mq be accepted at the editor’s discretion. AI1 material is subject to editing.

Hey Sandy! Suck on this!

Persian Gulf Blood-Baath


7474888 So youWe a bsec, don% blame me

‘%brgetthe rat, call the bmt” **********I**************************

OPEN 24 HOURS ***************Jt*********************

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b-large $6.75 $9.85 Pick-up onby -No Addkms P.s.1. Extra -tkn,qxm~ NSQ V&j Large - 1 Item

He figud he would &ay there tin the wQrldendeclorwouldber~bhearhis story, ‘I&n worked for a qu!& respecbti firm where they tartured women. LastGghtatacoqxnypartyT~wasMcin~aboutGodbeing&adHesaidthatif Jesus were alive today society would clrive HCnsaneandHewouldprobablytrytoKin himse&butsinceHeisMitwdbe inposibleHe said that thy role of the Mw Christ was advert&d to Ebente the de&nqwrtt youth of America even thuugh it’s self image had deteriorated much within the last twenty years of 0@ century. Tom’s ideas were strange, ukleashed like the former expkxbn on Hiroshima.


- 2 Items


8 Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991 *co&d.



ce.n~. Granted some ofthat is ourfault, sincewhoevertuidyou that an ad the size of NetHlcrk’s cost $157.50 was incuRl by a factor uf two. That.figure is for a

Fire alann follies

reVenue by abmu 3AXWper

University of Waterloo.” and ” Imprinf reservs the right to screen, edit, and refuse adverlishg.” lfimprint resaves the right to refuse or edit adverstising, why did they accept the Network ad? We have already seen that its monetary value was negligible. Perhaps Imprint feels a duty to print all ads that it receives payment for? Why should they remve the right to edit or r&se ads? This would seem to imply that the editorial board feeIs that there exist some ads that should not be printed in ItnpinL It made me wonder what the selection criteria were for deciding whatadsshouIdbeprintedand~0nes shouldn’t? Iamneitherdecidedlyfoq~against, In@tt’~ deciskxOo p&t the Network ad. 1 would, however, like to know the selection aite+usedbytheeditorsintheird&ions ab&tpri.ntingm&eriaI.Ifindithardto be&ve that the editors would not realize the outrige that many students might feel, seeiq an ad such as this one printed in their newspaper. I wouIcl also like to know why the editoxdedded to print this parkulm ad.The propHtsity that many students may have to &quent the Network and other such places is not one, in my opinion, that should be encouraged by a paper that seems to be so vocally progressive In other areas. If you would like to be a forum for all points of view, might I suggest that this is not, per+, an ideal way of soliciting diverse opinion? The only advantage thatyou have to printing this advertisement, is making a (relatively) small amount of money - and money, furthermore, that many seem to consider tainted, v. Ha&g3

4B English Lit. Editor’s note.-I? fi~g, you are quite lucky that you are in 4B English Litrrature and not in a dk @line that requires marhemakal intuition, becauseyou managed to overestimateour ad


quatier-p&e & twi&thesize of&ad in &stiun, which actually co+50$78.75. Your major emw wasin thinking thatyou can ~~u~tolrr~ula~~ntuflldspacebysumming the hezgh4 and widths ofeach adandjmultiplying thez two tot&, This merkod inmdwa an error whichgrows exponentially larger asIhe number of adsgrows:




I think

you would agw thut revenue shwld not be a. &t&on by which we c&xi& wh&er or not to run an ad. If it is such a cnkion, wotrld we be mow ju.s@kd in nmnin& the ad if Network ?que&d Q much laigr one? 1 think’not. Just as it has generally

,b49n the majkty


n& of @mint tiaff to ak?w them pssible . edi&al standa8&@ th4 paper, we have t?i&! to maintain that attitude with regard to our udvertfiing. Recently,staff&cidtd nut to pull a Cunadian &fence Depurtmentut$ despitethepossible contentiousnessof the cuntent in Eightc@cent world events. Our basic assumption when exumining ud wpy is the same one we use when we examine editorial cupy; the article will be run, barring complaints or prroblemsfirn board memk, sta$:or readers. when an ad isexamined,our criteria in determining wkher or not to rtln an ad are more related tu the actual contentof the advetikmenr, rather than any judgements we might make about lhe u&r&r.

Someprankstemhadtheirownelection MC

HOW To AVOID THE HIGH COSTOF A SPRINGBREAK . ON VAWION. That’swhy, beforeyour nexttip, you’dbewiseto takeout a

lxc ‘ l-800-668-6262, anduse * your credit card. + ‘-din . f I Or you can buy a BlueCross travelplanwhereyou bank,shop or througha ljlue LrossaemintWhen travellingoutsideCanada, edtraveragent a lot of peopledon’t know how Next time, beforeyou go, to dealwith a medicalemeqency. rememberthe Blue Crosstravel They don’tknow who to call, healthplan.And packsome how to pay for it, whether thqdl peaceof mind. be reimbursed. The worstway to find out what RUJE CROSS you don’t know is by accident. + vJ







Biiiogy. Photo by Wim van der Lugt

TO YOUR HEALTH For annoying allergies: there’s help Allergies are nature’s idea of a bad joke. SGking one-in-six, an allergy is an immune ‘reaction to a foreign substance, giving rise to SymptomS. Although allergies tend to run in families, people can suddenly develop an akgy at almost any age. They may last a lifetime, but symptoms occasionally disappear fgr a brief interlude- AII allergy cannot be cured, but it can be controlled through avoidance of the allergen, and the properuse of medication. A~.I~I@c reactions may be triggered by insect bites and stings; poisonous plants such as @son ivy; certain foods and drugs# and everyday allergens such as animal dander, house dust, and moukls. Rzople tend to be more hrn plants; ie. trees, grasses, and weeds For t?w allergy prone persorG allergens are ~erywhem While many allergies continue throughout the year, some 4 xrdion Canadians have f34scmI allergk; coImonly~toas h*er; at predictable times af the year: those months when one or more of the airlmme pollens becoma alau&u&

One way to gain relief from allergy symptoms is to use an ant&&amine. The block the release of histamine from spe&l cells in the bodywhi& under nod circumstances, help to keep the body free of disease.Because h&&mine is the cause of most allergic symptoms - itching sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes - taking an antihistamine, as directed on the label, can help reduce discomfort, All antihistamines belong to one of two classes: one group works between three to six hours,*the second lasts u to twenty-f&r hours.’ Antihistamines are most effective if taken be Pore exposure to the allergen (in the morning before you go outside), and should also be taken daily throughout your allergy season. Another way to control an allergy is to practice avoidance. During hayfever season, you cm reduce the number of allergens you are exposed to keeping the windows closed and using an air-conditioner. ze find way to find tilief from symptoms is to begin receiving allergy shots. TheyarehelpfulincombattingcertainaUergiesespeciallyairborne You can take many positive steps to control your allergies. iIinprm~iseducation-leammoreaboutalkrgiesandthe zneasuwneededboalleviateauergic~ptoIns*Forfurther~~ contact the Nkgy brQegutian Aam!hth at (41t9244-8585. efMiveactian,~wilIseethatt&eishelpforannoying&erg&

The most By taking







15, 19h


Big wars need big lies l71e author takes@1 responsiibili~ for the opinions expel& in this arricle. Much uf the infumation, hwev~, com@m twobooksof note, Trading With the Evwmy by Charles Higham, and Blowback by Chkstopkr Simpson. byltdaro-ki Imprint staff ItisabigwazBigwarsarehardto SWalIOW, harder anyway than small ones. The people who brought us &is war, therefore, must do a number of things to make it go down more gently, quietly. I You can appreciate the problem: to administer such massive doses of violence - massive indeed as the equivalent of more than 20 Hirmhima bombs have been dropped on Iraq and Baghdad where over 40 percent of the population is under the age of 15 - you have to persuade the homefront of the justness of your cause. George Bush and Brian Mulroney, and their respective public relations bureaucracies, have met with considerable success in their job of selling the war. It is a thankless task, and one that must be performed again and again, the sales pitch repeated until it is believed by even those who fabricated it for external COIIS~IPtiOn. Just like most political propositions, the war is being sold on slogan and style and not on inforrnation, let alone fact. We are told vaguely that everything is going well and according to plan, that the enemy has been dealt “a crippling blow.” We are expected, somehow, to believe that B-52 bombers flying miles above their targets are capable of “surgical strikes,” that the bombing of Iraqi nuclear reactors can be carried out with no danger of releasing radioactive materials. Eve-g proceeds according to plan - the sales pitch was never meant to be clouded by any allusion or reference to fact. It is a big war and big wars need big lies to support them. The packaging in this case is quite simple: Saddam Hussein is another Hitler, a diabolical tyrant whose mad lust for power knows no bounds and whose war machine threatens to snatch the whole Middle East from the loving embrace of the West. In this context, we are reminded solemnly of Chan-tbe&in’s folly. Hussein is the Hitler of today and he must be stopped. Better now than later. A quick glance at the evidence might not support this line, so the evidence is ignored. Consequently the bill of goods for the war option has no disclaimer, a disclaimer that might nullify the big lie should the buyers remember that during Iraq’s nearly decade-long war with Iran the frontlines barely moved - hardly a Hitlerian takeover. But as buyers, we are too often content to believe what is convenient, and the seller is not eager to prod our memories. The selling job successfuily diverts our attention from such trivialities as oil, the multihundred-billion dollar US savings and loan scandal, the recession and the countless other real reasons for this war. Still, the portrayal of Hussein as Hitler, with all the attendant trap pings about “Allied Forces,” ap easement and such, deserve K rther comment. Under closer scrutiny, one parallel becomes quite clear, for just as the West armed Saddam Hussein, paving his way to power, Western corporations armed Adolf Hitler, builqing and supplying his war machine before and after their governments had declared that Hitler must be stopped, In the decade prior to the United l

States’ entry into World War I& American companies like Du Pant/ General Motors - which, throughits German operations built propulsion systems for the Junkers Ju 88 bomber, and armoured trucks and cars for the German army - paid a voluntary payroll tax to finance the Nazi p*. The contributions were arranged by the industrial giant LG. Farben, builders of Auschwitz, a combined rubber factory and death camp. Farben, by 1939 supplying 85% of the Nazi government’s c0mmercia.l and military requirements, was also the beneficiary of a patent for tetraethyl lead, a fuel additive, held exclusively by the RockefelIer’s Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso, later Exxon) along with Du font and General Motors. Tetraethyl lead was the substance without which the Nazi airforce could not fly. During the war, Standard oil arxanged the sale of the compound to the Nazis, shipped oil to Germany through the Canary

These commercial tid offical links with the Nazis continued after the war as Western governments rehabilitated Nazis, many of them SS officers and war criminals to join scientific efforts at home and run intelligence agencies in post-war Europe. The U.S. recruited scientists and managers in the Nazi rocket program, including Walter Domberger, the program’s chief, who set the production &edule whereby 20,000 people interned at the Nordhausen concentration camp were worked to death building. the underground rocket factory which produced until the fmal days of the war. General Reinhard Gehlen, who commanded Nazi q intelligence on the Eastern Front, was recn&d by U.S. Army Intelligence after the war to organize a network of anti-communist spies in the East Block His U.S. sponsors prized Gehlen’s knowledge of the Soviet Union - information gained, as

spies and infiltrators, eventually to be imported inf~ the United States. Durhg the l%Os,the CIA paid for the train@ of Gamal Nasser’s security forces in Egypt by men from the Gehlen organization including Alois Brunner, who, Simpson writes, was ‘Eichmann’s top deportations expert for the entire Reich. He was a skilled administrator who specialized in driving Jews into ghettos, then systematically deporting them to the extermination camps... The Simon Wiesenthal Centre estimates that Brunner is personally responsible for the murder of 128,500 people.” Brunner was tried, in absentia, and sentenced to death by the French ovemment for crimes against a umanity. Gehlen, on the other hand, rose to become head of intelligence for the West German government. One of the Nazi war crimir& given comfort by the U.S. Government after thy war was Klaus Barbie,

‘*Whomostaccuratelyfits the.desctiptiunof the Hitler who must be stopped- oneman in Iraq or the collectionof men who arm this man and countlessothers?” Islands on company ships staffed by Nazis, refuelled Nazi submarines, and built a refinery in Hamburg which supplied 15,000 tons of aviation fuel to the Luftwaffe weekly. Other notable companies included Ford, which, under U.S. head office authorization, built aircraft engines, trucks and cars for the Nazis in occupied France. Swedish-owned SKF made ball bearings in Philadelphia for both sides of the conflict. RCA owned shares in, and profited from, Nazi-run communications networks in South America. The Chase, Morgan and National City Banks all financed Nazi Gen-nany before and during the war, with the Bank of International Settlements (qrganized by the world’s central banks after World War I and a prasor to the World Bank) under the command of its U.S. appointed president making available to the Nazis gold deposited in trust: by the overrun governments of Czechoslovakia, Holland, Belgium and Austria. Some companies were more help- . ful. T&e, for example, the large U.S. International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation In Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham reveals that “after Pearl Harbour, the German army, navy and airforce contracted with ITT for the manufacture of switchboards, telephones, alarm gongs, buoys, air raid warning devices, radar equipment, and thirty thbusand fuses per month for artillery shells used to kill British and American troops, This was to increase to fifty thousand per month by 1944. In addition IZT supplied ingredients for the rocket bombs that fell on London... “Without this supply of crucial materials,” Higham continues, “it would have been impossible for the German airforce to kill American and British troops, for the German army to fight the Allies in Africa, Italy, France and Germany, for England to have been bombed, or for Allied ships to have been attacked at sea.” ITT also built the Nazi’s Focke-Wulf fighter-bombers. The same conclusions can be drawn about the capabilities and designs, however exaggerated, of the world’s current designated Hitler, thanks to the hundreds of companies which profit from the repression and war that their wares make possible. And the same can be said about the Western governments that waged war with one hand and signed export permits with the other.

-. Christopher Simpson writes inBlowback, “from his role in one of the most terrible atrocities of the war: the torture, interrogation, and murder by starvation of some 4 million Soviet prisoners of war” - and were generous with their funding and discretion, allowing Gehlen to recruit dozens of known Nazi war criminals for his organization. One of these men was Franz Six, a favourite of Eichmann and HimmIer, who led roving extermination units on the Eastern front. He was convicted of mass murder by a US. military tribunal, but was released to work for Gehlen after serving only a fraction of his jail sentence. Under the auspices of liberals like George Kennan, other post-war State Department officials and the CIA, thousands of Nazis, many of them known to have participated in crimes against humanity, were employed as


the “Butcher of Lyons.” Used by the Americans to *infiltrate French intelligence and the West German communist party, he was spirited out of Europe to South America in 1950 by the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corp through the Vatican Ratline, a network of facist clerics who secured safe passage to the West for thousands of Eastern European Catholic Nazi collaborators. While in South America, Barbie lent his talents to various training such governments noteworthy men as Roberto D’Aubuisson, the “pathological killer” of El Salvador (in the words of a former U.S. ambassador) and lifetime president of the ARENA now holds the party which presidency. Salvadorean masterminded the D’Aubuisson of San Salvador assassination Archbishop Oscar Romero, helped


organize the country’s death squad and had his efforts labelled by Bishop Rivera y Damas, Romero’s successor, as a “war of extermktion and genocide against a defenseless civilian population.” Death squads in El Salvador have disapped and murdered tens of thousands of peaple in the past decade. U.S. military and economic aid to the Salvadorean dictatorship has amounted to more than $1 million each day for the past decade. A letter released on the weekend of January 13,1991 to radio stations in the capital by two Salvadorean death squads confirmed Rivera y Damas’ observations. The statement, as reported in the January 14, 1991 Globe and Mail,& worth quoting at length and reads: ‘This country’s society is divided into three classes: a superior creative class composed essentially of ~p&alists and large landowners; a FmaIler class that tries to imitate this superior class; and an inferior rustic class that is made up essentially of workers, poor peasants, students and small businessmen. “‘Another group exists that we hold in low regard and consider very small - the dangerous intellectual class that tie5 to contaminate the abovementioned classes. ‘me superior capitalist class in our country is naturally the strongest, and its destiny, without question, is to govern and regulate the inferior classes. And what is more, it has a duty to exploit, dispose of, conquer and even exterminate elements of these inferior classes when the benefits of capitalism require such. “Our adversaries, the subversives and the great inferior mass, must be exterminated, or at least their leaders,” the statement concludes. While his planes bombed Baghdad, George Bush authorized an additional $42 million in military aid to the government of El Salvador. Who most accurately fits the description of the Hitler who must be stopped - one man in Iraq or the collection of men who arm this man and countless others? Close r;tnks around the big lie. Rally around the flag and the forces in the field.


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Water abuse or water reuse? b Liz F&as and Chloe Hartley special to Imprint Canadians take water for granted. We act as if we had unlimited sources of clean water and bottomless receptacles for dirty water. We perceive that the water system operates in a linear fashion. People use water, pollute it, and then dump it while assuming that clean will pour out of their taps water indefinitely. However, the water system actually operates in a cyclical manner. The water we

“Our wutersuurcewill soon be exhausted” dump into the rivers and lakes is part of the water cycle of the pIanet If the water that we dump is polluted, then the water cycle of the If we build over world is polluted. groundwater recharge areas, then the water cycle is interrupted and if our rate of water extraction exceeds the perennial yield of the aquifer, then our water source will soon be exhausted. There was a time when dumping sewage effluent, or discharge, into’ the Grand River had minimal negative effects on the environment and on communities downstream. The natural environment was able to absorb the impact of a few little villages. Fish, weeds, and algae could use the sewage for nutrients. The sheer increase of humans in Southern Ontario and on the planet, and the increase of industries dumping their wastes into rivers have changed this. The ecosystem is no longer able to handle the load; it cannot break down the effluent and chemicals into benign substances beforethey reach the next community. One community’s effluent potentially becomes the next community’s water source. Each section of the river that is

polluted by one factory’s toxic dumping is also polIuted by the factory just upstream. It is evident that water-use practices need to change. Water users need to realize that we must each take responsibility for the effects that our behaviour has on each other. North America has developed into a decadent, materialistic, wasteful society where our own personal actions add up to a huge strain on oui resources and our environment. Our increasing resource consumption and waste production has been accompanied by increasing indifference to our precious water resources. One way to show our responsibility is by adopting a conservational standpoint in our attitudes and practices. Fzh of us can take the conservational step by merely becoming more aware of the water we use and using it with care. Little actions, such as turning off the tap when you brush your teeth, or not flushing when you pee, can significantly reduce your water use. In addition to personal actions, changes in the water-use infrastructure can reform these practices within a community. Some changes to the infrastructure, such as retrofitting and cornposting toilets, simply reduce the volume of water used. Other changes, like implementing water reuse systems, can have a more fundamental impact by restructuring the bounda& of the water cycle. Actual changes in the plumbing of buildings can reinforce our personal efforts. by retrofitting water appliances such as toilets, showers, and taps with water dams, flow-reducing showerheads and faucet fIow restrictors, we can reduce the volume. of water that we use. Some of these implements can be obtained from the Waterloo Public Interest

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Urban House. The use of greywater in the tdilet system p&ides an efficient alternative. Greywater is the waste water that arises from the use of water in sinks, bathtubs,showers Particles such as and washing machines. hair, solid material, excess soap suds and ease, are screened out. The water can be iii rther cleaned by sand and gravel filtration. Rather than the greywater entering the sewage pipes, it is redirected to the toilets. After the greywater has been used in the toilet, it enters the sewage pipe and proceeds to a sewage treatment plant A dramatic tactic for saving water is to dispense with the use of a flush toilet and purchase or build a cornposting toilet. A composting toilet does not employ water to flush and carry away wastes but rather, by way of hedt or biological processes, reduces the material to an unobjectionable form right in the toilet unit itself, An excellent example of a compost@ toilet that is independent of an electrical source is the Clivus Multrum model. In the Clivus Multrum both human waste from the bathroom and organic waste from the kitchen fall into a composter chamber. In the chamber, the materials decompose over a period of two to four years. The vapours of decomposition leave this chamber though a pipe that carries the gases in the same way a conventional toilet is vented. Air ducts run through

has recently been used. Currently, Waterloo is practicing unplanned, indirect potable reuse, since 13 percent of our water comes from the Grand River, whi.ch contains sewage effluent. When potable reuse is planned, waste water is treated to drinking water standards and then pumped into reservoirs and groundwater reserves. This type of indirect potable reuse can help to rehabilitate groundwater reserves. By artScially recharging aquifers, communities hope to regain a safe yield - the water extraction should not exceed the

“A totally pure source of ‘water doesn‘t exist” recharge. This practice serves another important function, In the minds of the water users it is easier to fathom drinking water f&m a reservoir or from the ground than directly from the sewage treatment plant. The absurdity of this is that sometimes water is only held for a couple of hours before it is reused. Some water reuse systems have gone so far as to eliminate this intermediate phase where water is stored for a given time period. This process is known as direct potable water reuse. “A totally pure source of water doesn’t exist,” the supporters of direct potable reuse point out. ‘Tven the best availabIe sources. . . are contaminated from runoff and unplanned indirect reuse. Furthermore, conventional water treatment doesn’t necessarily remove

“A cornposting toilet does not empluy water to flush and curry away wastes but rather, by way of heat or biological processes,reduces the material to an unobjectionable form right in the toilet unit itself: ”

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Research Group (VVFTRG) offices. Changing traditional plumbing practices, such as the water-consuming toilet, can also increase water conservation. “The use of drinking water to move waste materials, as in the conventioM1 toilet, seems almost criminal from an ecological viewpobt,” according to the authors of the Integral

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This new column has been ptwided ta help students with personal computers Check every week for this column. For any other questions do not hesitate tocall (5t9) 746-3284 and ask for Gorcbn.

the mass of decomposing material to promote aeration and allow the circulation of gases within the unit. The large units, such as the Clivus Multrum, rely solely on the natural activity of microorganisms for stabilization of the waste. No sewer hook up, no leach field, and no water supply -line for flushing are

necessary. With the higher population and greater industriahzation of the United States, many comniunities there have polluted or depleted their water sources to the point where conservational measures cannot fill in the gap. Out of necessity, the incentive. to research and develop water reuse programs has increased. The main principle guiding water treatment and disposal techniques was finding the most cost-effective method. This typical economical analysis ignores long-tern and environmental concerns separation and Furthermore, the specialization of water treatment and waste water disposal industries has prevented them from seeing past their nose to recognize the connection between the two industries and their impacts on each other. But nowadays, as the concept of reclaiming water becomes accepted and the waste products become a valuable resource, the distinction between the two industries is beginning to blur. One of the easiest water reuse programs to implement is direct non-potable (nondrinkable) muse. Water output from sewage treatment plants is directly reused for nonpotable purposes. This technique is widely usedinCalifomia,FIorida,Arizona,andTexas where, because of overtaxed and contam&&l water sources, they must now look for







vationally use their water. In the southern states, there are water codes that forbid the use of potable water for landscape irrigation when suitable redaimed water is available. Non-potable water% ti widely reused for watering golf COUIS~S and park, ami in &reywater syskti. The next level of water reuse is mdirect potable reuse. This involves drinking water that

these pollutants, whereas potable reuse technology has barrier safe features that allow for greater degree of control over the product.” Direct potable water reuse relieves our dgpendence on depleting water supplies by providing a continuous, self-sustaining water source. Waterloo could lessen its water supply problems if every citizen resolved to begin living their lives in a more sustainable manner. Regions can take positive action by implementing various water reuse programs. Households can m&e changes in their water use habits by washing cars less frequently, by replacing high water-consuming plants -like grass - with native shrubs and trees, and by retrofitting their water appliances. And you and I can contribute to these efforts by remembering this poignant and lyrical poem:

Arts copy!

rfit’s yelbw LA!3it meiiow rfit’s bmwn Flush it down

Stay tuned for


more ..



































































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Intelligent Humour bY J* Hagey

Ilnprint-&ff According to a classmate’s notes on the lectures of Stanley Fogel, established intelligentsia retains power by “canonizing” certain texts and “ma@r&&g” others. Vogel cites kucault: “Those who control the production of meaning control the production of knowledge,” and those in command of knowledge have power. A theology of literature is then established, revered, and studied in earnest with its various characteristics ‘held up like the Sacraments,” says Fogel. This centralized dogma defines a sei: of aesthetics which posits the white, middle/upper class, heterosexual, European male viewpoint as supreme, while placing all other viewpoints in subservient or marginalized positions. Thus, the canon, and processes of canonizing have been seen as fit targets for criticism by discriminated group. Of the processes left to the author for the purposes Of change, one has been to attack the canon’s code of aesthetics in subversive and perverting ways. An example can be drawn from the movies of the French New Wave filmmakers who undermined established film ideals and aesthetics by using contrary editing and filming techniques, inappropriate subject matter, and taboo images and ideas. By introducing political ideas, the French New Wave, among many other things, completely destroyed the idea of films as pure entertainment. The medium became political. Similar politicizing has been carried out in the field of literature and criticism as well, with varying degrees of success for the different factions not supported by the canon. Among the problems facing authors today is that by expressing themselves only in print they are participating in, hence validating, the very system that was established and now thrives on the concept of the canon. Besides that, not enough people read print today to make any impact beyond those critics and professors who succor their livelihood from the system. They can hardly be expected to kill off their golden goose. The author today must turn to other forms. The quest can be made easier by examining what the academe, in allTheir Hdliness;f& is beneath Them, for here are things tit are not Only not beneath them, but threatening to them, h&r@nalized foti of expression, text genres, must be explored, beside that of the printed page. With the advent of post-structural theory, marginalized texts are now given the same scrutiny that would only normally be given to Milton, Shakespeare, or Eliot. One of the text genres not explored in current mainstream critical studies is the comic strip. bngthought to be good only for amusement on a Sunday afternoon, or at the early morning breakfast nook, their structures have, for the most part, gone unnamed and unappreciated. Comic strips are tools of cultural transmission which are arguably of even more importance most art or literature, fey the key reason

are accessed

by more people


they than the latter.

A discourse of this kind of dialogue is hampered by a lacking vernacular. Treating a comic strip with the nomenclature of either film or Iiterature is preposterous, frustrating and not fair to the any of the three expressions. Elements that are unique to the

comic must be explored before theorizing can begin to have any utility. The comic presents information in two forms: visual and written, The visual incorporates, most usually, a Series of drawings of the activity in the comic. The written involves the “spoken”dialogue, signs or graffiti, sound effects, captions, and the title of the strip (and possibly the instalment as well). The visual structure isdivided into a series of boxes in which the drawings are usually contain@ though not #always. These visual panels serve an important function that generally goes unmentioned. They present a series in which to read the comic. The order and stnwture of the panels create the

suitable enough to use as an example of the post-modem elements within the text. Examine the way in which different structures act on their own and in conjunction with each other. The written portion of the text consists of dialogue balloons, sound effects, captions, and background signs. The pictorial sequence makes use of two different styles, a slightly exaggerated illustrator’s cartoon 1OOk with minima&tic representation. The story-line is simple: the title character3 going to a hardware store to buy something. But it is infused with humour and social commentary, which is at the same time clever and straightforward.

though he is lying the clerk will, “see what I can do,” and in the last panel Nummy Gummy is admonishing a timber wolf to “Hold Still!” while he applies eyeshadow to it. While this conclusion begs comment, the dialogue itself daerves attention. The exchange patterns itself after typical conversation, yet three Odd things happen. The. first is that a hen and eyeshadow are requested from a clerk at a hardware store. The second is the excuse given to the clerk so that he will understand the request. The last is the clerk’s own reaction to the request, that he will see what he can do. That anyone would tq to buy a hen and eyeshadow, let alone at the same place (is I &my

sequence by which they are to be viewed, much like text: left to right and top to bottom. This creates a chronology to the comic and an assumption that each panel leads to the next in some narrative order. The visuals themselves influence the interpretation of the text by the degrees of realism/ nanrealism they tie. Visual presentations are influenced by the many styles of pictorial art which have ever been pduced, as well as their ensuing theories of art. There is also a style of illustration that has arisen from animation that lends itself heavily to the comic form. Having denied this common ground for a discussion of the comic-strip as text, there is no other task left except to explore the possibilities of the relationships within the text with a genuine example. None seems better suited than Chris Williams’ work, known collectively as IntelligentHumaur. Each instalment of the stril&kes a basic fclnn,







which progress in linear form @om left to right, top to bottom. From here, the text takes on interesting qualities which may be modeled better with an examination of one specific text, instead of referring to the generalized. It is, after alI, these generalizations which prop up the canon. The episode entitled, “Nummy Gummy and Rusty the Cat Visit a Hardware Store” is

The first caption informs the reader that there “will be no talking in the first four panels,” and there isn’t. There are lots of signs and sound effects, though. At the end of the fourth panel another caption informs us, “Now they . -will start to talk.” This reference to there being -“no taIking” finds Williams examining the difference between the words printed inside characterstext bauoonsand the other forms of text in the strip. In every panel, the printed word appem to guide the reader from panel to panel, yet it is made explicitly clear that there was to be no talking. Is not Williams talking to us with his ulterior uses of print? By drawing special attention to the use Of print, he chailenges the traditional approach to concepts of dialogue, and its use in comic strips. Once thought to be a cornerstone of any strip, Williams demonstrates the entirely artificial difference between the print by using “no I&@$ and making mention of the fact When the dialogue does begin, it takes on elements

of Dada

(a European

ment of the 192Os), not making sense, but also patterning traditional


of speech.



much fiear itself after



asks to purchase a “hen” and “some eyeshadow” from the clerk in the hardware store. When refused, because hardware stores do not carry such items, Nummy Gummy gives the clerk an excuse to comply with his request, claiming he’s pregnant. Even



there any place that sells both?) is absurd. Absurdity is one of the elements Fogel claims to be a technique for the “subversion of the canon and liberation of the text” because of its self-mocking effect. The absurdity continues in Nummy Gummy’s reason for the request, one that we are informed by a caption is alie. It is this caption which is more interesting to note. This aside, not unlike those found in the high drama of Shakespeare and Shaw, is taken from a television advertising campaign which used the same technique and slogan. This use, in this context, questions, if not deconstructs, this device so valued by the upholders of the canon by trivializing it. The fact that the lie being used by a large man is that he is “preg-

for the pornosexual story a. The final panel leaves an open-ended be, creati,ng more questions than it answer& when Nummy Gummy is found to be sitting on the top of his car trying to apply eyeshadow to a timber wolf, apparently a replacement “that will do” in place of the hen. The obvious question raised is quite simply, ‘why?’ What are the motivations behind the characters’ afztions? The actions themselves are nonsense; so, looking for an intended meaning is futile. More so, looking for any definite meaning overwhelms the reader’s sense of logic to a point where laughter is produced to deal with the stress of the situation. More deeply, the inconclusive conclusion resents the idea that not only do texts not !a ve a single, fixed meaning but thatthe ends of texts do not contain any great statement. Fogel represents this concept of the postmodem critics when he is recorded saying that someone important once said, “the Author is dead,” implying that any intended meaning of the author is irrelevant because the meaning is not independent of the reader’s experiences. Lack of intended meaning is also portrayed VisualIy in panels five, six, and seven when, in the background, Rusty the Cat’s eyes rotate. This action would seem to be unconnected to the strip’s story in any sensible manner, yet it reinforces the idea of artificiality of the construction, and plays with the assumptions made thateverything an author puts in a text is built on, or for, each other facet of the

text. In more traditional forms, if an action occurs within the text, that action has ramifications felt throughout the work Although a text is a work of fiction, created and manipulated by its author, these fictions are often believed to be more real than reality itself. In fact, this is the main device used in the texts touted by the canon as great works of art. Something happens at the beginning of the work, and the rest of the text is devoted to dealing with thisaction. Oedipus Rex is such a

tion. The meaning of one panel relies totally on the last. While this seems obvious, most texts are taught by only showing parts, and that these parts are sufficient to glean meaning from. By only using parts of Intdigent Humour no meaning could possibly be gained. It must be observed as a whole, “the sum of its parts,” to quote my colleague quoting Fogel quoting Nietzsche. Attention to detail is another way in which Williams expresses this quarantine of action. In a strip dealing with a trip to heaven, Go-d is

OI@ usingparts of Intelligent Humour no meaning could possiblybe gained. It must be observedas a whole, ‘the sum of its pam, ’ to quote my collka~ quoting Fogel quoting Nietzsche.” _ “By

case, but so is ‘Three’s Company.” To combat the canon on another level is to fight this idea that actions have their consequences. That actions are complete in themselves is a central line in Williams strip. Characters will die in one text and then reappear in later strips, no questions asked. Far from being continuity errors, these are intentional and backed by other features in the strip’s structure. Moving from panel to’ panel as the reader is shown to do, creates a curious situa-

drawn as the traditional stereotype, a impressive looking man with white hairand beard, and holding a staff, but is wearing a Bon Jovi hat and a T-Shirt with ‘“r M I F,” supposedly an acronym for Thank Me Its Friday.’ Another character comments, ‘Vow! It’s just the way I pictured him!” Both of these jokes exist completely on their own; they do nothing to further the plot Reference to God being “pictured” as expected, decentres the belief of . God’s presence which states He will be as you

imagine Him, as well as an irreverent poke at religion in general. In another strip, Jesus is depicted wearing a shirt with the words “I’m with stupid,” and a hand pointing left. When placed in the context that Christ sits at the right hand of God, the joke is played out The jokes go beyond their one-liner value to add to Wii’ per-. vading critique of contemporary middle-class IGthles.

Other targets include ‘macho’ displays of violence, mindless consumerism, media culture, and the ethics of relationships. In each case, Williams explodes the various assumptions people in our society make everyday. It would seem that he thinks, as do Wittgenstein and Nietzsche according to l%gel, that these assumptions are based on personal perspectives which are good 0nIy in the context of their use and do not contain essential truths. already Using the mentioned methodology, Williams collective text successfully attacks the canon and its supporters in the approach they fear the most, biting satire. Long the tool of author’s interested in disrupting the established order, Williams is in good company with Heller, Swift, Wolfe, Godard, and Bunuel, in utilizing his barbed wit. The one problem remaining is what will he do when he, like the others, is cuckolded into the canon? That remains to be seen and until then readers can liberate themselves and still enjoy a laugh at the establishment’s


. Warriors

Poagless Warriors fall to OUAA West giants minutes. Waterloo recovered to shave the deficit to nine points at the break, 44-35. The second half was a two-man Gryphon floor show with 6’9” centre Brent Bamhart and 5’5”guard Darren Thomas playing the lead roles. Thomas made some key steals and strips, ran down the court, and turned them into layups or assists. 8arnhart was simply dominant in the paint at both ends. He blocked shots and ripped down rebounds defensively, and at the other end turned Thomas’s dishes into “Dunk-you very much”as they say on Sportsline. Barnhart finished the game with a career-high 30 points (he had been averag@g 10.8 points per game, until last weekend).

Warrior Basketball by Rich Nichol



Waterloo’s basketball Warriors are now on a bit of a skid (winless in their last four outings), but the latestloss :ould very well have been the upset If the year. After a 94-71 loss to Zuelph in the Royal City on Saturiay, the Warriors rebounded to take he second-ranked Western Musangs to the brink of destruction. Unfortunately, despite a 38-35 halfime lead; Waterloo ran out of steam n the last five minutes and lost, 83-70. One factor in Waterloo’s recent ;lide may have been the absence of hi&year starting guard Jason Poag. ?oag suffered a serious ankle sprain ust over a week ago and will not return to action until this Wednesday St McMaster. “Rob Baird has played two zxceilent games in the place of Jason Poag” said UW head coach Don &Crae. “Rob has done some tough ;lugging and has gone from limited playing time to a 30-minutes a game starter.” McCrae’s three guard rotation is now two: sophomore Mike Duarte and the junior Baird. With only three games’ left in the regular season for most teams, the playoff matchups are beginning to take form. Guelph and Western are battling it out for division supremacy with identical 10-l records. The pennant winner hosts the OUAA West Final Four Tournament, If Guelph finishes on top, the four teams, their cans, and the medi;r would all have to squeeze into “The House of Cram”. The two teams finishing third and ‘ourth get home court advantage in he division quarter-finals. McMaster s currently in third ’ at 7-4, while 3rock (5-6) is pegged at fifth. akehead (4-6) and Waterloo (4-7) NXI.IPY the last two playoff spots. But

Gritty e@rt cumesup short at Western while the Warriors went on a scoring famine, Guelph turned it into a cakewak, leading by as much as 29 points, 91-62 with two minutes left. Waterloo freshman Sean Van67 Watehoo freshman forward Sean Vankoughnett currently Koughnett (who was a one-man band sits in third place in OU AA West scoring with l&4 points per _,_of his OWII with 25 points) drained two treys in the waning moments but game. He is a strong candidate for CIAU Rookie of the Year. it was too little, too late. The Photo bv Downtown Brown Gryphons romped 94-71. believe it or not, the futile Laurier Golden Hawks have become a sudden threat in the playoff race, and they didn’t have to win to do it. The Windsor Lancers have been disqualified from their first two games for using an ineligible player. Their loss to Brock in the season opener makes no difference in the standings, but their victory over Laurier has been awarded to the latter. So now Laurier, awaiting a weekend twin bilI with Lakehead, is (3-7), leaving Windsor at O-11. In other West division action this past week: Friday night Western defeated Lakehead 78-65; Saturday Western swept the doubleheader winning again 97-73, McMaster

wallop&d Laurier 85-66, and ‘Brock downed Windsor 81-77; Wednesday night Brock upset M&aster 76-73, and Guelph strangled Windsor 97-

up, but they never got close enough to really threaten the Plague. In a way it was like watching as a cat keeps some poor rodent i&ve to torture- it for a tihile. I would have looked away if it wasn’t Western


by Kaoul Duke Jr. Imprint sports

Okay, so the hockey Satan spoiled the hockey Warriors’ chance at an undefeated season. You may rest assured that in the world of volleyball, ev&ything is as it should be, and our beloved Plague thumped the voueyball Mustangs 15-1, 15-9, and 15-11 Wednesday night in the House of Pain. What can you say about the first game? It was pretty much all Warriors, although Waterloo coach Scott Shantz

he felt best in forgotten I know, looked mauling

said after the match


Western had actually played that game. Hey, the man’s more about volleyball than so I’ll take his word for it; like your typical Warrior from where I was sitting.

The other two games went about like the scores indicate. Western kept it close enough to keep the interest

Statistically speaking, the brothers Smith dominated the match (Damn, there’s a switch!), with about a bazillion kills between ‘em: Scoti 28, Steve 18. On the down side, Steve had alot of serving errors; damn net kept jumping into the path of the ball.



The Warriors burst out to a 17-8 bulge before Western called a timeout to regroup. Mustang pivot Pete Vandeboveicamp had two personals in the first six minutes and was forced to spectate. It took the rest of the half for UWO to pull within striking distance, down 24-I 7 at 7: 18, and 38-35 at the break

West Standings


“We played great for three-fifths of the game, then our lack of experience and size allowed Guefph to pull away with it”, summed up UW head coach Don McCrae after the IOSS to the Gryphons.” In the opening minutes, with the two teams going basket for basket, it looked like the game would be a replay of last year’s overtime wler. It was tied at 15-15, seven minutes into it. Then Guelph went on the first of several surges, out-scoring the Warriors 13-6 in a span of three

Black Plague’ embarrasses warrior

Other high scorers in the game for Waterloo were Duarte with 15 points, and last season’s team Rookie of the Year Chris Moore who sank an even 30. Ray Darling, Eric Hammond, and Thomas collected 14 apiece for Guelph. All-Canadian forward Tim Mau topped all rebounders with 12, *while Dave Rosebush led the Warriors with seven. Wednesday night’s barn burner proved the unpredictably strong potential of the Warrior cager crew, despite their recent misfortunes. The 83-70 Mustang victory was not indicative of the game. If you ignored looking at the scoreboard throughout the entire contest, you could have sworn that Western won by only 2-3 points. Yes, it was that close!


to A$&&s:

1 r Western Mustangs 1. Guelph Gryphons 3. McMaster Marauders 4. Brock Badgers 5. Lakehead Nor’Westers 5. Waterloo Warriors 7. Laurier Golden Hawks 8. Windsor Lancers




10 10

1 1

20 20

7 4 5 6 46 47 37

14 10 8 a 6




Western wimps

lose tIhat net.

Next action for the Warriors is this Friday, as in tonight, at 6 pm when the Black Plague closes out the regular season against the h&Master Marauders in the TerrorDome (that’s the PAC to the rest of you). Remember, the Mix Master Menudoshanded the Warriors a regular season loss, so this should shape up to be a serious grudge match; don’t you dare miss it!

Mac Attack The Plague are out for revenge. Tonight-

Feb. 15

8 p.m., PAC Waterloo vs. McMaster

Watedoo veteran middle player Dave Baldis Mustangs a good-bye present.

gives the whiMg Photp by Paul Done



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16 Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991


Warriors’ unbeaten streak sn


Purple Satan proves spoiler Warrior

teristic of our team,” said McKee. Though McKee had often downplayed the importance of the undefeated streak, he touched a sombre chord after the loss. ‘We had a lot of pride with our record of going 17 straight, it’s a credit to guys to go that far,” said McKee. ‘But now it’s over . . . and now it’s a situation of being well prepared for the playoffs.”


by AncIrew Kinms Imprint sports

For 17 games of a 22 game schedule, the ice hockey Warriors were compiling a sensational, dreamlike record - undefeated - and even gaining momentum. But just as they were on the verge of completig their Cinderella season, the Western Mustangs stole the g&is slipper. A fluke goal credited to the Mustangs’ Peter Jeffrey at 12:56 of the third period broke a 4-4 tie, and Western weathered a desperate last minute flurry, to snap the Warriors regular season undefeated streak at 17 games. Jeffrey’s seemingly harmlessshot from the point, while Mike MacKay was serving a five minute crosschecking penalty, which he took retaliating for a vicious slash across the leg missed by the referee, cattghf goaltender Steve Udvari in the chest and when it bounced up, he turned around and the puck fell into the net. ‘1 was surprised to see it go in to be honest. It wasn’t the hardest shot I’ve ever taken,” said Jeffrey. He suggested that perhaps a little bit of lady luck was all the hard working yet struggling Mustangs needed to turn things around, who came to Waterloo with a 141 record in their last six outings. ‘The funny thing is, we got our new shirts today,” said Jeffrey, “and it seems like it was good luck f6r us.” westens starki the sluggisfi Warriors ear!y with two goals from Todd Humphrey and Mike Christensen in the first minute of play. That prompted Warrior coach Don McKee to temporarily pull Udvari in favour of James Organ in an attempt to let Udvari collecthimself and make a fresh start at 5:23. The Warriors regrouped and stormed out in the second period with a quick raIly of their own, engaging a jam packed home ice crowd. Dave brentz connected on a pass from Jeff BaIlantyie through the goal crease, to prove Western goalie Mike James penetrable, and Mike M&Kay added a scorcher from just above the top of the fslceoff circle seconds later. At 3:31, CIark Day gave Waterloo




Dave Tony Darren Clark Jamie Jim Mike Jan John Steve Rod Bil Cory Brad Jeff Ken Steve Gord Par stevc Craig James Hike Steve Mart

Lorenrz Crisp Snyder Day Maki David Mackay Pound Wiliams

Schaefer Thacker Whistle Keenan

their only lead of the game when he slid an abandoned rebound into an open net, while J&es lost track of the puck. Western regained the lead on goals by Gary Luther at 9:27 and Christensen’s second at 13:32, before Darren Snyder scored Waterloo’s only other goal, 12 seconds before the end of the middle frame. In the third, the Mustangs shut down the potent Warrior offence and taILed the one goal they needed to win. Mustang head coach Barry Martinelli said that his team had carefully viewed tapes of the Warriors to figure out what they had to do to win, and played according to plan “I thought we did a really good job in terms of what we wanted to do, to stop their fast break and to put pre ssure on their goaltender.” Waterloo goaltender Udvari wasn’t the only goalie to feel the heat. At one point in the intense match, tempers flared as b result of Warrior Steve Woods’attempts to jam the puck past _

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James. A Mustang defenceman shoved Woods into the Western net on top of James and then everyone else piled on. In support of his fellow lightweight linemate, Tony Crisp took a couple of swipes at the purplejerseyed players and ended up in the penalty box with a ten-minute misconduct, along with a slew of other players from both teams. That sparked some more rou@ stuff toward the end of the period, and the warriors -. disciplined usually appeared to, fall apart at the seams. “We saw some gUys take some penalties tonight that were uncharac7






19 19 15 19 19 19 18 19 16 19 17

L2 17 t3

26 18 17 14

38 35 30 23 17 16 13 13 12 12 12 10 10 10 9 6 7 6 6 5 5 1 0 0 0

5 17 5 2 13 2

9 9 6 7 2 5 3 2 4 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 0 0 0 0

8 10 6 11 7 9 10 6 7 9 7 6 4 3 5 3 4 1 0 0 0


+I+32 t20 +24 +12 t9 +7 +8 t27 +15 +a +21 t7 +20 t7 t25 +2 t4 +0

15 22 12 6 42 24 31 32 2 4 20 12 47 10 26 4 38 4 24

0 6 6 2 2 4 0

t7 +11 WA 0 WA N/A


PJAYER Udvari Organ HcCue


19 17 19 14 12 .9 15


Steve Jumes Hark

the importance of Pound’s presence, who again demonstrated his ability to control the tempo of a game, against MC. kading rookies Dave Lorentz and


Ballantyne Fcddema Richard Costigan Daly uooda Shau Organ Payne Udvari HcCue


the weekend with six points in 17 games, although those statistics belie



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Defencernart Ian Pound led the Warriors with 2 goals and 2 assists. The reliable 4th year player entered

As an. anti-climax to the disap pointing loss on Friday night, the Warriors showed up at the Columbia Icefisld again on Sunday afternoon to trounce the Royal Military College Redmen, 10-3. The first place Warriors now stand at 16-1-2in the OUAA West IX&ion, while Western is in fifth at 9-7-2, and RMC remains fixed in last place at l17-o. Still smarting from the letdown against the Mustangs, the Warriors started slowly against the RMC, although with the Redmen sporting a r?ord almost exactly opposite to that of the Warriors, the outcome was neverin doubt. I The shots-on-goal told the tale in ,,<‘this matchup, Waterloo 52, RMC, ’ ’ 17.

The final between Waterloo and Western featured intercollegiate Warrior Squash squash at its best. In the no. one position, Western’s Michael Khan by’pff llkverill intercollegiate singles reigning Imprintspo~ champion - proved too powerful for the Warriors’ brilliant young freshinin Bruce Ma&on. Marrison won the prestigious Ontario Glove Tourney -at, the No&field Racquet Club - The Waterloo Warrior squash team last weekend, but Khan’s experience wound up an undefeated 1990-91 and unrivalled fitness were telling regular season by winning the silver factors in the match. medal in the OUAA Squash playoffs At no. two, Ron Hurst thrilled the last weekend at the PAC. The perenpacked gallery by winning the fist nial champions, the W&tern Musgame from Scott Nash of Western tangs, made it 13 straight years by before losing a tough battle 3-l. Nash defeating Waterloo in the finals on $ a former OUAA singles champion Saturday afternoon. and member of the Canadian junior On their way to the championship squash team. At no. three, UW’s Jeff match, Western beat York 6-0, while Deverill gave a good account of himbesting’ a much-improved McGill self before going down to Scott squad 5-1 in the semi-finals. Waterloo Stoneburgh’s splendid array of shots. won all of their matches, winning Stoneburgh last week won the Canaover Torcxtto and Queen’s by identidian National Hard Ball title over no. cal scores of 6-O. 10 world-ranked professional Pat M&ill won the third-place playoff Richardson, and is one of Canada’s from Queen’s in a tightly contested best shot-makers. Experts say he match which saw the teams tied three stands a good chance of winning the each. The Redmen won the tiebUS title being held at Yale next reaker on games. Ryerson, McMaster, week Toronto, and York finished fifth through& eighth respectively, while Waterloo had its best chance with Guelph, Laurier, and Trent failed to Tyler Millard at no. four. . ‘Millard make the playoffs. --I. ._ ___..__. ---. -



784:39 287:Ol 80



5 2 19



30 10

2.29 2.09 3.76

---- SAVE% .919 .910 783 I



5 45

RECORD 10-l-2 5-o-a 1-o-o i6-l-2

Darren Snyder also scored two goals each for Waterloo and Jamie Maki, Clark Day, Steve Woods and Ken Feddema supplied the rest. Bob Buchterlonne, Scott Greenfield and Eric Giguere scored for RMC. The Warriors are on the road this weekend to play two of their last three regular season games. They play in Ottawa on Saturday at 890 pm and Trois-Rivieres on Sunday at 2:oO pm. Waterloo finishes its regular season schedule next Friday at 730 m against Brock in St. Catharine~. will play their first fh e Warriors playoff game on Thursday, February 28 at the Columbia Icefield, but must await the outcome of a sudden death playoff two days earlier between the &and 5th place teams in the OUAA West Division.

played a marathon match before losing to LJWO’s James Hewitt (5-9,9-Z, 9-5, 10-8). Tyler, recovering from a bout of pneumonia,played a very courageous match. Tim Holland, no. five for Western, proved too strong for Waterloo’s Mike Zidar, while Western’s no. six Canadian Jon Tredgett - former under-16 champion defeated UW’s Steve Millard in a hard-fought match. In presenting the gold medals and the OUAA pennant, Waterloo head coach Barney Lawrence congratulated the Mustang team, pointing out that UWO, who has for so long dominated Canadian intercollegiate squash, has also won two US Intercollegiate titles. Barney paid special tribute to Western coach Jack Fairs, describing him as the “finest squash coach in North America.” At a post game meeting, the team voted for the two top awards for the 1990-91 season, with captain Jeff Deverill receiving the Most Valuable Player award and manager Bryan AlIen being named Most Improved Player. In next week’s OUAA individual championships at Toronto, Waterloo will be represented by Bruce M&n, Ron Hurst, Jeff Deverill, and Tyler Millard.

Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991 - 17


Athenas swim 85% personal bests

Kenyon and Powell end ‘careers Swimming lly Jeff Shter Imprint sports

Way back in September, close to thirty women came out for the swim team, the twenty most elite and dedicated of this group traveIled to Sudbury last weekend for the seasonending OWIAA championships. The team was ranked sixth in the province going into the fifteen-team competition and that was exactly where they finished. The scoring was closer than some of the opposition’s coaches had anticipated, however. Waterloo earned 299.5 points to Brock’s 325; Toronto won the meet for the eighth year in a row with 709 points. The Athenas’quintet of graduating seniors, which includes Tami L,ee, Michele BIiss, and Joann Aldtidse, were led by Andi Kenyon and Carrie Powell. Kenyon scored points in the breaststrokes, while Powell finalled (top 8) in both the 50 and 100 fly. PoweIl capped her career with an awesome lead-off on Waterloo’s final relay. At the other end of their school careers were seven rookies. Andrea Booth, Jana StehIik, Christine Guerriero, Anna Mena, Natalie Simpson, Andrea Shular, and super fresh Christie Selig form the nucleus of a strong, young team. Booth and Guerriero made significant reIay contributions while Stehlik and Mena both vaulted onto the all time top-ten Lists for Waterloo with best times in the breaststroke races. Selig placed fifth in the 200 free, and sixth in both the 400 free and 200

with big waves fly. She narrowly missed the CIAU qualifying time in the fly. The remaining nine members all scored points in the best team effort seen in years. This year’s point total marked a twenty per cent improvement over last season. Eighty-five per cent of the weekend performances were personal bests; a truly remarkable achievement, and a reflection on the effort contributed by, each of the women throughout the season. Sheryl Slater lowered her own team record in the 400 IM by four seconds. Slater placed sixth in the 800 free, and added an eIeventh in the 200 back

Trish Felszegi was Waterloo’s other finalist with sixth-place finishes in both the 50 and 100 backs. Felszegi’s best swim was h the 100 where she finished eleventh, but only missed the CIAU standard by 0.38 seconds. Kim Boucher inactivity turning

shook off a fall of in three point scor-

ing swims in the 400 and 800 frees, and the 200 fly. Kris Jackshaw and Shawn. Joynt fought personal injury problems throughout the season to return to form in the nick of time. Jackshaw and Joynt swam to ninth-place finishes in the 200 fly and 200 IM respectively. Jackshaw added an eleventh-place finish in the 100 fly. Nicole Amoroso solidified her position as Waterloo’s fastest female swimmer with a tenth-place finish in the 50 free. She added a second swim in the 100. Juanita Diegel placed in the top sixteen in two events, with Nicole Peters earning a single second swim Chris Gibson reserved her point scor+ng contr&utions to the relays* The women travel to Toronto this week-end to cheer on their male counterparts in their provincial championship and attempt to undo in three what a. nights . . . . six months hard work had moulded.

Ice Skiing? Lisa P.-Master On Ice cO’U.hSy Of u’w Nordic

Ski Team

The search for snow by the Nordic Ski Team this week brought them to Midland, where Western hosted the final University Cup Race. Despite questioning whether there would be enough snow on the morning of the race, much to our surprise, the course was mainly well-covered. The course favoured the more experienced skiers, for it was hard, fast, and icy which required the skier to have a great deal of balance. The race was much tighter than normal due to the fast conditions which gave little advantage to the .fitter skiers. There were very few places on the course to gain substantial time over the competition unless an error was made, or if speeding down an icy downhill became too much for the -h racer to handle. True to form, Lisa Patterson came through on top. On a short 5km course Lisa was head and shoulders in front of the rest of the field, winning by a margin of 43 seconds. Julia Norman, continuing to improve, was the second-fastet Athena, pIacing 7th

overall, 1.5 minutes behind Lisa. Fiona Griffiths followed in 9th pIace, with hrlabe Navaleza in 13th, and Eva San-Sol: in 18th. ,The Athenas finished 2nd overall to Queens, whose margin was a measly 1 scoring point. The Athenas seem to be on track for a good placing next week in Sudbury at the OWIAA championships. The Warriors were led, once agam, by their fearless leader, Mark Rab, who placed second overall in the 1Okm race. Unfortunately, fearlessness was not the key to su&ess in this race, as it brought Rab a downhill spill that marred th; otherwise fine perkmance. The fight for the secoid spot on the Warrior team continued to grow with Mike Cooper edging Ken McLeod for 8th place overall by one second, McLeod was 9th. BilI Cameron finished 13th, followed by John Kim l&h, and Dave Richardson


The team travels to Sudbury next weekend for the OUAA/OWLAA championships, AII the skiers are striving to perfom to their potential, which could very well bring several medals back to Waterloo for &h team and individual performances.

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Friday, February 15, 1991


Volleyball Athenas sweep not give up, as they got the serve back and proceeded to take the next four points to take the game, 16-14. The next game took a while to get started as the serve went back and forth six times before the fist point was scored. Waterloo obtained an 8-3 lead through good solid play, but then Western came on strong and the game was tied at 10. Waterloo then ot serious again and took the next f our points, then they toyed with

Athena Volleyball by FrankSegknieks Imprint


The season for the Waterloo Volleyball Athenas ended on a winning note as they went undefeated in their last six games to win their final two matches and end off with a 4-10 record. Last Saturday, the Athenas defeat4 the Windsor Lancers in three games all by the score of 15-11, while this Wednesday, Waterloo took are of Western in three games by scores of 16914,15-12, and 15-6. Now the game on Saturday against the Windsor Lancers was supposed to start at 2 o’clock But I knew somethingwasafootwhenIwaIkedi.nat 1%) and the Athenas were playing against themselves. I then found out that the game had been rescheduled to 3:30 because the Lancer team had gone to ccme$toga Mall to go sliop ’ .Thisisstrange,asIhaveleamed IFomi@iabh3ourcethatthere~

ilUklSh~mallshWindsor. But anyway, when the match start& &e Athenas came out smow amaasiq a 9-O lead-But they then decidedtobenicetothevisi~and allowed them to come back to tie the score 8-8. (No, I don’t know how the Athenas went from 9 to 8, but 1 swear it happenti) Windsor% m0mentum wasthenstoppedcoldwitfrakillby Michelle, V’anvliet and the Athenas went ahead by four points. The teams then exchanged points, but the Lark cers clded the gap to two ints when UW head coach Dena & caIIedalimeIytimeoutwith WaterIcE up 13-H. After the timeout, the Athenas came auf to get back the ball, Katrina Englebrecht put over two great serves and Vanvliet ended the game ona quick set to the middle. To me, the most efftive offensive weapon in this game was southpaw power hitter Sue I3yIsma who seemed to be able to find empty floor a lot during the game-

Deglau && impressed by the play of her team, especially against Windsor and thought that it looks promising for the team next season. My choice for MVP for the season would be Michelle Vanvliet wh&e pIay consistently set the pace for the rest of the team. A good example was during the Western game where she put down a quick hit, made a block and then put over a down ball for the point.

Athenus end seasonon winning note Western and took the game on their fifth game service. The third game started on an ace serve by Robin McKay and this pretty well set the tone for the rest of the game. The Athenas-let Western get up 6-4 and then shut down the Mbtings proceeding to end the season withllstraight in&andtakethe game 15-6. The zal poiniwasona hit by Bylsma which was shanked by a Westem phyer.

. photoby

The Athenas played catch-up most of the second game, but never lost confidence erasing what, at times, was a four-p&t deficit, to tie the gpme at 11. This was due in part to Englelmcht’s sewing and the blocking combination of Carren Hall and Nikki CampbeIL Waterloo then closed out the game on four straight smves by Lisa Fung to win E-11. ~thethirdgame,itwasnicetosee I%$au give the starting line a breather,andgi~somepla ’ gtime to the rest of the team. r he even declined to make any substitutions when Waterloo was down 10-5, as a result of some choppy play, which did&t allow the offence to set up. The Athenas managed to put it tog&&r and again tie-the game at 11. It then took a bit longer, but Waterloo got the next four points to once again come out on top 15-l 1. of notable achievement this game was a run of four serves by Stacey Cook, who also had a few good hits. Wednesday against Westenn, the match consisted of a lot of long rallies which, fortunately, went Waterloo’s way, most of the time. In the first game,‘the teams tested each other out until the score was tied 9-9, when the Mustangs put on a bit of push and got


ahead 14-12. Western then had a &iu”e service, but the Athenas would

l cont’d. from





Only two minutes into the second ‘we plaved a @eat &;bme,” said lwd&Moorebarrelledthroughtraffic McCrae* ‘we were ka% them at foradunkandthenanoth&onasteal the I-d and westem ga some WY mom&s later. That capped off an w to fight back Witi five minutes le& their veteran pIayers e&,&point run and Waterloo led 4& 39 he 16:‘~ mq h&m took over the game. Western played LIVVO timeout helped the hosts knot us much torrghm in *e second half, but never&+&ss, this close game is a it at 48-48. The Mustangs finaIIy took goodsignforus? their first lead of the game at the 12VanKoughnett hit his season minute mark when veteran guard average of 19 points (including three JamesGreendtainedhisfourfhtrey . fromthe~intheopeninghalf) (of &in total) to h@iEght a gameto Iead the way for WaterIoo. Duarte high 31 point night. Unfortunately, and Moore med 13 aPiwe# and Greeti kept hammering from the Moore paced all PlaYem in abounding with 10. Other high scorers for perimeter, and Vandebov&&amp Qve and John Stiefelmeyer continued UWo Were stiefeheY=p Omerod, and Vandebovenkamp with pounding inside, ditching any chance 12,11, and 10 points resp&ively. of a takeover by the Warriors.

The biggest problem for the Athenas all season was playing consis&ntly, but in their last matches they started playing with more confidence which leads to playing better volleyball. If most of the team comes back‘-to play next season, I predict now thatthey will make the playoffs. But as I probably won’t be back next yearthisisaprettysafeprediction.1 wish all the team members good luck in



The shooting accuracy for both sidesfromthree-pointrangewaswell above standard. The Warriors went 5for-11 and Western sank 7 of 12 attem ts. Both sides shot 45 per cent on fieL goals and a dazzling 78 per cent at he line. The Mustangs had an edge in rebounding, 36-28. The Warriors’ four-game skid should end tomorrow (Saturday) went’they host the lowly Windsor Lancers at 2 pm here at the PAC. Then on Wednesday night Waterloo IraveIs to Steeltown to take on the McMaster ~~~o~~le~~~~~y~e fEy$ Saturday (February 23) with a tough home game against Western at the PAC with a 2pm tip-off. That game will be televised on CHCH-TV.

Conquering of Laurier ’ --becomes disaster at Guelph .



by Rob Fiynn Imprint sports

Meet my extendedYfiunily I met them in Asia. They taught ITI a lot. cuso Off8Wd t’f18achallenge. The chanc8 of a Ilfetime. Two years IMng In another culture and an opportunity to help others Improve their lives

It was rewarding.




CUSO needs special people. People who want more than 9 to 5. people wllllng to try something different. They ham skills and exper/8nc8, and can live on a mode&

salary. If you

forester, technical Instructor, community work8r, nurse or bUSin8SS development officer, CUSO probably has a job for you. Join other Canadians working In Asia and other Third World regions. Join CUSO. For further information send r8sum4 to: Janey Your Southey, CUSO, level 3, University Centre, Univ8rsity of Guelph, Guelph, On&, NIG 2Wl - or attend Information meeting on Tuesday, Mb.1 9 at 7 p.m., Eby Room, Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. N.,

KitCh8n8r. are an agriculturalist,


With an eight-game losing streak having been snapped, co*&y of an exciting come-from-behind victory over crosstown rivals, Wilfrid Lauritir GoHen Hawks, the WaterlloQ BasketballAthenaswillbetryingtokeepa new streak from begin&g. ‘The AthenasBnuck astthe Hawks 57-55 on Wednesday, B ebruary 6, but succumbed to the host Euelph Gryphons 64-42, the following Saturday. In doing so, they slipped to a league record of 2-9, good for sixthplace in the ei&t-team OWIU West. The top four teams advance to the championship in St. league Catherin& inMarch. Currently, Western, M&aster, Brock, and lakehead occupy these spots. In Wednesday’s win, the teams took turns setting the pace early on in the first half. The teams were kr@ted up five times during the first half, including a 14all deadlock just past the ten-minute mark Over the next four minutes, Waterloo outscored the Hawks by a 9-4 count to lead by 23-18 at the 5:31 mark, when Waterloo coach Denise Dignard took a timeout. Unfortunately, it was WLU who came out flying cranking up a 17-1 run in a four-minute span Waterloo then knocked in the last four points of the half to leave the half-time score at 3528, for Laurier.

After the Hawks opened the second half with four poi& to extend their lead to 39-28, Waterloo proceeded to play, perhaps, the best ball that this re rter has witnessed from *emLed Wordham $ guar+Xathy and Marionmdez, the Athenas began to cut into the lead. Wurdham and playmaking guard Ting MUrray split eight pointsduring an important 10-2 run that brought the Athenas within striking distance Of the Hayti. Waterloo was within three points at 41-38, with 14:30 left. Over the next ten’m#nutes, Waterloo managed to stay within five points. For a good portion of this time, Laurier was forced to play without their leading scorer, Janice Field, who had picked up her fourth foul earlier On. With 4~23%left, and Waterloo still down by five, 51-46, Fernandez scored the Athenas’ next five points. Her free throw, and couple of twelvefooters, left Waterloo down by only a deuce, 53-51. Wordham then took over for the Athenas, scoring six straight points for a 57-51 Athena lead with just 30 seconds left. Laurier got two points, to leave the final score at 57-55. Wordham, who, along with guard Brenda Kraemer, belongs on the “All Floor Burn Team,” topped the Athena scoring parade with 14 points. Kraemer and Tina Murray had 11 and 10 points, respectively, while Femandez chipped in with eight For Laurier, Janice’s sister, Jennifer, led the way with 14, while Stephanie Packer had 13.

In Guelph on Saturday, the Gryphons jumped all over the Athenas early, pulling to a quick 15-6 lead. Tina Murray scored a couple of buckets for the Athenas to pare the lead down to 15-10 at the lo-minute mark The rest of the half followed a pattern which has become familiar to the Athenas thii year, failing behind by a large margin, 22-13, before a sixpoint burst brought them to within four at the half, 29-25. Another pattern for the Athenas this year has been lengthy scoring droughts. In the second half, the Athenas went six-and-a-half minutes before they got their first hoop. During the same span, the Gryphonshad scored eight points, padding their margin to 12, 37-25. The intensity Waterloo had displayed on Wednesday seemed to be lacking on this day, and some shaky refereeing didn’t help. Waterloo already trailed 44-32 with 9:40 to go, when Guelph went on a 145 run, to leave the score at 5837 with about three minutes to play, en route to a 64-42 final score. Brenda Kraemer was the only Athena to break double figures, with 10 points. Murray and Femandez split 18 points. With the loss to Guelph, Wa&rloo will be hard-pressed to achieve their goal of three victories in their last five games. The Athenas host the lastplace Windsor Lancers on Saturday, February 16, before hitting the road for encounters with M&aster and Western, both of whom are nationally-mnked at present

Athletes of the Week dent from Hamilton, Ontario. As a co-captain and the team’s only setter, Englebrecht has shouldered a deal of responsibility great throughout the season. This week, after a tough loss to Laurier on Wednesday (34, she led the Athenas to victory on Saturday, defeating the Windsor Lancers in three straight sets. Not only did Englebrecht run a strong offence, she also led the team in defensive digs with seven. \ In this, her second season, Englebrecht leads the team in service aces, was an all-star at the Laurier Invitational earlier this season, and continues to bring leadership and. intensity to the team.



The University of Waterloo is pleased to have selected IG&ina Englebrecht as Female Athlete of the Week Last season’s Rookie of the Year, she is a second-year math stu-

- Volleyball

The University .of Waterloo is Oleased to have selected Dave Balodis is Male Athlete of the Week. Balodis, a middle hitter with the Warriors, is a fourth-year economics student In a strong performance for the Wtiors as they defeated Laurie last

Wednesday, Balodis led hi team in stuff blocks and digs, with six and seven respectively. He also had an exception& gamed offensively, registeringa spike efficiency of 92 per cent. Balodis’s intensity on the court should help the Warriors as they head into the playoffs on February 23rd.

Gammas Recreation Doubles Tennis Tournament


Campus Ret by Barbara


Jo Green sports

The week we’ve all been waiting foi since we began this term back in January, reading week is here at last so enjoy yourselves. Doubles



Intermediate Division had 10 teams in the preliminaries on Sun, Jan. 27, and eight of those teams advance+! to single-elimination finals on Feb. 3. Winners of the finals were Len Thoo and Pete Worthing with set scores of 4-3 and 6-3 over Eugene Wang and Ian Guerra. Other semifinalists were Craig Ballantyne and Dan Goresic, and Maurice TuIloch and Glenn Baker. Congrats! In the advanced division, six teams advanced to single-elimination finals Sun, Feb. 3. Winners of the finals were Sam% S&one and Sanjai Malariya with set scores of 6-2 and 7-5 over Wido Westbrock and Graydon Haze&erg. Other semi-finalists included Jonathon Ng and Louie Lau. Upcoming


The International Squash Singles Tournament for men and women will




be held on Sat. Mar. 2,11=6pm (preliminaries) and Sun. Mar. 3,; llam (finals). The tourney will take place in PAC courts 1012-1015 and there will be A, B, and C levels, two matches minimum and the cost for each player is a mere $4. To enter, names must be in on Monday, Feb. 25 in PAC 2039 by lpm. _ The men’s and women’s Broomball Toumam ent will be held March 11-24 during normal C-R Broomball times at the Columbia Icefields. There is a limit of 24 teams consisting of 12 players each, 12 men’s teams and 12


imprint file photo

women’s teams. The fee per team is $17 and all teams must be registered by Mon., Mar. 4 at lpm in PAC 2039. A Mixed Volleyball Tourney is planned for Thurs., Mar. 14 (preliminaries) and Thurs., Mar. 21 (fir&) from 6-llpm in the PAC. The event is limited to 28 teams with nine players each (minimum of three women) at a cost of $17. To enter, teams must be registered by Mar. 8 at lpm in PAC 2039. Have a great holiday an’d stay active!




Drop In anU Say Hello. Thanks to all St’s hem a mood year. l

Warrior Basketball WEST DIVISIH UP Y L

bstcrn Cumlph Hcnaater Brock water loo tikcheud Laur icr Vi t&OX

CEwTEaL faarenth TOtOk0







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Warrior Hockey

Warrior Volleyball

22 12 II 12 4

Warriur basketbal I

6(15-6,Bmckl-15, nclhster (15-1, uiatcr1oa (15-13, 8 Guelph (15-6, Btoek (15-10, Ryetron (B-1, York tw9,



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PIAYEB &tan t!cDonald Jean B~is Stan Davidson Patrick Rand tlikt Haurice Dave Loranrz Dan

Uuterloc & 9th


Hike Fillies Tony Crisp Robert Pago

LEADING JCDRBBS TENI York UQTR Lauricr WTR LQuriQr Wat~l60 Yindsar Guelph Waterloo U9TR


Mcclll QWrl'8 Bywon tRY

' York

1 : 4 4 : 3 OT

A 22

15 16,

25 23

4: 10 39 39 39 36

14 13

25 26

12 16

26 20



36 ?5-

17 15

10 23


5. Waterloo


6. Sherbrooke 7. McMaster 8. Winnipeg 9. Saskatchewan 10. Toronto

l.QO0 1.000 .957 .846 .833

Great Grad Portraits Great Prices


i 10 13

10 7 :

Et Cl



6 4



1 I 1


F 795 612 694 565 556 477

A 595 497 619






11 2





EAST DIVISION TEM Laurent ian Toront 0 ottatia Queen ’ a York Rysrson Carleton

GPW 9 9 8 7 9 4 9 4 8 4 0 2 9 0

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A 371 395 502 524 451 568 723

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Ott atia Guelpir h’lndsor Hestern Mcflast tr


62 Windsor 57 Laurier

45 55

60 Inkchead. S$ Ryerson


77 67

Queen’s Carleton

54 35




63 82 80

Brock Lakehead Laurier

60 71 46


FMay, Athena Warrior


2.72 2.82 3.DO



February 15 volleyball vs M&faster 6pm volleyball vs McMaster squash


Track & field 7:30pm Saturday, Warrior Athena Warrior Warrior pionships W&or

at Eastern

Badminton OU/OW Championships at Ryerson loam Curling OU/OW Championships Laurier 8:30am

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Warrior swimming OUAA Championships at Toronto Athena figure skating Championships at Cuelph Nordic skiing OU/OW Championships at Laurentian Curling OU/OW Championships at Laurier 8: 30am


Athena pionships Nordic pionships

figure skating at Guelph skiing OUfOW at La&entian


Wednesday, February 20 Athena basketball at h&Master 6pm Warrior basketball at M&faster


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1.08 2.29

1. Calgary 2. Alberta 3. Waterloo 4. UQTR 5. Dalhousie 6. Concordia 7. Regina 8. York 9. Laurier 10. McGill

- 1. Lava1 2. Calgary 3. Dalhousie 4. Manitoba

PTS 24 22 18



Men% Hockey


:z 9

: 0

ML 0 2 5 5


CIAU TOP 10 Men’s


Hh’ 12 11 9 B 6

February 8 Rrock (l5-lO,l~-15,~~~~~~~clo Guelph 3 Windsor (15-9,15-7,7-15,15-91 Lakehead 3 wcst.etn (1%9,15-9,14-16,15-13) February 9 Carllrton 3 Pycrson (15-2, 15-3, 15-2) Lakeheed 3 Hef8t em (15-13, 15-10, 15-3, Water100 3 k’indsor (15-11,15-11, 1%Ii)

2 2

[lEARI)I#G GON,‘pEwDRRS GOALTENDER TEAM GA HP Denis Dasblens UQtR 25 72a:aa Strve Udvari Wattrloo 30 784.39 Paul Henzlqucs Toronto 29 638:31 C Lcfcbvrc 125:44 UQTR ?O R Desjarblns Concordia 49 9fa:44

:: 13



Concotufu bock Queen’s kter loo QtJl?M’S RHC Laurentian HeGIll Cttaw RHC

MP 12 13 14 13 14








MM&S raron'to

111 78


liea tern Waterloo

6.6 6.0 4.5 3.0 2.8


0 0

12 10




4 6

10 I 3 2

SQO&!l H


t 7 8 16 16

69 73 59 79 102 161




81 18 84 16 65

16 18 19 19


17.8 13.4 11.9 7.5 ’ 7.1

1 1 2 0 0 0

il 13 la

YOXk HcCll


Vanloon horacek k/imbughnett harte 3aird

T 2


lluee-pointmtage VanKaughnett .471 M0Ore .333 Baird ,333 l-ladtbn” .294 Duarte l 143

M0Qre poag Baird VanKou&ett

L 1

7 7 6 7

Turonto ottuva Bjviron Quem’a


ReumGame Rosebush lhInKc9ughnett

19 19

WEST DWLSXON TEAM GPW Wtatern 11 11 M&laster 10 9 Lakthtad 10 6 Guelph 11 6 Brock 10 4 Lsuricr 10 2


0 107 73






VanKortghriett Moore


UQm Concordir

individual stats (AsofFeb.4,91)



12 10 10 9 6 6 1


6 14

. 15-11, 3 Curlph 13-15, 11-M: 3 Ylndsor 15-8, 15-6) 3 Laurle!r 15-3, 15-81 I 15-*,315-6 Windsor I 3 Lautirr 19-13, 11-15, 15-61 3’ RHC 15-1, 15-21 3 Queen’s 14-16, 15-8, 15-13)






II, 725-9310

Tee hee bee bee beg

Doughboys8 S?Y ~w/ChangeofHeart 7ReBomber Fri., Feb. 8

by Derek We&r Imprint 8taff ‘Well it ain’t ex&ly Woodstock,” said the lead singer of Montreal’s Doughboys at one point during their the concert last Friday at Bombshelter. I guess he was referring to the mass of sweat-soaked, slam-

mingbodiesthatfilledthedanceflmr and threatened to spilI onto the stage. Woodstock it wasn’t but it was actually something pretty similar: a concert where the crowd’s energy and spirit seemed just as important as that of the band. It started off with Toronto’s own Change of Heart, who really should have been headliners in their own right. Spacious, loos4imbed songs, punctuated by the ring of diminutive Ian Blurton’s geetar, were the rule of the day. They mostly plowed through songs from their latest LP Soapbox.

I-b&l@¶~we#Wk~ finesttunetheyever~)arlldthe set-closer, a cover a8 the IX&s’ classic ‘Tired of Wakin’ Up Tii.” Ahhhh yes. The Doup;hboys have cranked out

well, but they still seem like-little more than a retread of that by now well-known Minneapolis sound (Replacement& and Soul Asylum, that is, not Prince and the Time). Like, the’, they were something else indeed. As they took the stage and struck up “Countdown” (one of the high&hts of their new Lp Happy Accidents) the crowd’s reaction was

throughout the show. Thus, if most bands fail into either the ‘live band” or “studio ‘band” category, the Qoughboys beIong firmly in the former camp. Songs which seem overly hmih when heard on a stereo benefit intensely from the immediacy of a live setting (or somethinglikqthat).Andsomehowbeing inthemiddleofthatsweatymesso’ flesh, and receiving the obligatory

Hdycow,it)savandedugtorigintil! Photo by Wlm van der Lugt

elbowortwointhegut,wasasmucha covers: they rounded out the show part of the Canadian experience as with two Jr. Gone Wilds, one Mols - I mean as the music itself. hzmcks, and finalIy (causing a All in dl, a fine show. The heavenly glow to descend upon Doughlw~areabandthat must be those in the- know) the Vapors’ seen five for best nzsults. Not the least , magnificent long-lost gem ‘Turning of reasons for this is their seIection af Japanese? Ahhhhhhh yes.

+J” . . c but I digress.

by Craig NickImprint staff

Tonight (Friday) and tomorrow night at 830 pm will be your last chances to catch the UW production of HoldA4e, in the Theatre of the Arts, Modem Languages. The play is being diiected by Joel Greenberg, whose credits include Little Shop ojNamm, Schuulyurd Games, and Twe@h Night. Hold Me is a review of looselyconnected skits and anecdotes by Jules Fieffer, a.lI of which are presented at lightning speed. Even if you’re not fan&r with Fe&r, you have probably encountered his work sometime during your life. I immediately recognized the stits ‘Werewolf,“ “J3irth Control,” and ‘The Fixative Woman”from.. . somewhere, though I could not co~ect them with Feiffer. It was kind of Iike when I watched that Cole Porter tribute on Much Music and they played ‘“You’re The Tops” and I exclaimed “Oh Yeah, that’s who he

Fe&r specializes inthattypeofhumourinwhichsmall incidents serve as metaphors for large philosophical questions - or maybe the other way around. He is mostIy concerned with person-to-person reIationshilx and how we deal, or do not deal, ivith them The skits examine chiIdhd, so&I politics, sex, and laundry in neurotic detail. Though some skits have a d&&e, the production as a whole has a very positive tone. This brand df humor sort of reminds me of Woody Allen, only warmer and fuzzier. A cast of seven perform all the skits, whizzing from one part to the next without missing a beat You quickly get the sense that they are working as a team and they are able to play off one another with ease. Everything bppens rapidly, but remarbbly smoothly. The stage is design4 Iike the set from Luff%t, with sliding windows and gag dooe from which the action leaps from place to place. This show must have been heII to Ii@t as it moves with the actors, framing the action. Some uf the best parts incIude Darlene Spencer as a decidedly my dancer who DANCES to CELEB-

RATE the ticking of her BIOLOGICALCLOCKandChrisReidasaman who sptiak3 entirely in CIiches.

TheIinkthatGestheshowtogether is pKwid& in the character d-&rmrdX4e seems to be this shows’

everyman, or “I Guy,” amund whom the action revolves. Bernard is an unassuming Walter Mitty-type who seems uncertain of himself and his place in relation to everyOne else. Mike Clussich is weII cast in the role and, like the rest of the cast, is able to strike an effective baIance between believabiIity and w, Even though many of the situations are absurd, as in the skit where a father sends his five-year old son out into the world with a check for ten thousand dollars and 8 one way ticket to Miami, they are never overplayed. The humor could have been ruined by a more obvious Saturday Night Live style of yuk-yuking. The skit23 all fit together thematically and the transitions are so smooth that you never lose sight of the production as a whole. I would recommend this show to anyone who might be looking for some upbeat entertainment to relieve post exam depressioit’s cheaper thanamovie.ImustaIsomentionthat the sound was unbelievably great, and the sound man deserts a reallyhuge raise and thunderous applause.


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Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991 23


Pablo Picasso.



was n-everCaNedan asshole been a century of disintegration; a century characterized by our ability to blow up the entire planet. And this is merely on the geopolitical front. He must have had all this in mind 1 and more when he wrote:

by John Hymen

Imprint staff Continued

from last week.

“the cubism of Picasso is somethIf Picas&s paintings were arrived ing very significant and deeply movat from a Bergsonian approach and 1 ing. In Picasso’s pictures we feel the b&eve that they were , then it can be real pain of the world’s coming apart, said once and for all that Picasso was layer by layer, the world’s crystallizanot a “seer” in the mystic sense Of the tion, the atomization of the world’s world. Bergson believed that the flesh, the rending of all the veils. After Be@ that we intuit is available for Picasso, who in his painting aqrbmly to see. According to Herfelt the movement of the cosmic man Hauscheer, writing in the “I% wind. there ran be no return to the tionary of Philosophy” : old expression-forms of art.” ‘!Intuitive knowledge is not limited This is v&lid reading of Picasso, and to the favored few, is not a private, one that I share. Picasso’s view of’ purely solipstic affair; but is a general Being as previously explained, was property o$ alI thinking minds. that we need every perspective in Bergson’s conception of intuition order to apprehend it. You have represents a fusion of scientific objecapprehended Being when you have tivity and artistic directness.” apprehended every possible perspective. His method of exploring There could be a chance that we this philosophy, cubism, is tailor have been reading far too much into made for expressing alienation and Picasso’s works, but the fact is that pain In showing the various perspecPicasso was highly interested in tives, Picasso arranges his forms in aesthetics. He often took part in disways calculated to express pain. Look cussions on the subject and many of at ‘Cuemica” (Pictured two weeks these involved the mathematician/ back). geometrist Princet. This does not prove that Picasso knew what he was “Guemica” is composed according doing but it does point out that he to the cubist ideals (though it is not was trying to form a coherent vision strictly speaking a cubist painting) : no of reality through aesthetics. perspective for the painting as a whole, subjects cut apart, and so on. Plato’s view df artists was commenIn this fashion, Picasso gets to the ted on above, but a contemporary of essentialistic root of Being. But he also Picasso took Plato’s views one step expresses incredible pain in this further, and actually claimed that work The work commemorates a Picasso would be Plato’s kind of painSpanish town that Hitler’s Nazis ter. Huntley Carter wrote in 1911: blitzkrieged during that count$s “Plato, who was a great artist and civil war. The mother’s pain (left side) lover of art, did not turn artist out is immense, though her form is harbecause he Was a Philistine, but realistic. dV masterfullv because he thought their form of art e&esses the pain of the horse, ar& wassuperkial, ‘photographic’ we order to avoid being inconvenienced should call it now. There was no by children. We masturbate. We can Cold War; and he was about to live shop at home! The list is endless. through the Cuban Missile Crisis. Trulyf- the Twentieth Century has Picasso’s paintings portray this

alienation wih their disjointed forms. There is no law in cubism that states the forms must be disjointed; just that they are not bound to be connected according to reality. together Picasso’s exaggerated rupturing of reality thus cl&rly points out the modem condition. Picasso, regardless of what style he painted in, was concerned with representing Being as non-essentialistic. He sought the forms behind the visible reality and tried to paint what he could intuit. This led him to cubism, in which he did not merely ascribe geometric forms to reality, but instead took reality, and rearranged it in an order not dictated by its appearance, but arranged by his intuitive sense. This led him to Bergson, who maintained that we could only know a subject itself through our intuition; the intellect alone was insufficient because it did not take into account what it could not sense.

From this fairly definite idea of Being, Picasso set about capturing the essence of the twentieth century experience. In doing so, his painful constructions and dire forms fully chronicle an individualistic society that has lost contact with nature, neighbors, and God Picasso’s aintinas point out the failings 0 P our m&&&stic society. The pGn in them is hard to deny, and their ugliness often overwhelming. But & artist merely paints what he sees, and ’

+++p-; .ll*Tc\% A


forms, thhs, do more than just exhibit his metaphysics; they become ideal for portraits of pain. Yet. painis but one iU of the modem condition. We also have to suffer through incredible alienation This alienation is an alienation frQm God: witness our materialistic society. This alienation & an alienation from nature: witness our pathetic environment whose miraculous survival is a testimony to God Himself. We, in our modem society, have constructed a world in which the individual is supreme. We should read books while flying on air planes, s the movie The Accidental Tourist instructs us, in order to avoid conversations. We have Walkmans in order to keep our music to ourselves. We practice birth control and abortion in

(Art Institute

basso rooted his paintings in reaIity. It is just because we have trouble



of Chicago)

understanding his canvases that we have such a problem with him


rhnnP l

the horror of the dying soldier at the bottom of the work Yet, both have disjointed forms. That this work is painted in black and white also adds to the sense of pain and death. Roll0 May, Iike Berdyayev, also moums the f&t that mankind has lost his comfortable relation with nature and with God. In his book “Love and Will”, May explains that he sees in Picasso’s art a possible salvation: Picasso’s “insight into the schizoid character of our modem world is seen in the fragmented bulls and tom villagers in ‘Guemica’, or in the dis- _ torted portraits with mislocated eyes and ears.“Picasso’s insight is a protection “from the dehumanizing effects. of technology”because it becomes an expose of the twentieth century experience by means of confrontation. Picasso, in May’s view, faces the world and paints the horrors he sees. Picasso’s



Picasso cubed inward mastery of the ’ profound meaning of the object expressed, so 1 that the expression was merely the ! ‘copy of a copy’. The fact is, Plato was : looking for a different form of art, and 1 that fonn’was Picasso’s art of essentials.” Picasso, according to Carter, would i not have been banished from the Republic because he painted what was at the soul of objects, their Being. This is highly speculative, and a little off-base. I fear that Carter has got his . reasoning a little wrong - Plato did . not . ban the artists because tiey were baring realists, but because he feared the passions they arose would upset the state. In Plato’s own words: “his the creations are poor things by artist’s the standards of truth and reality, and his appeal is not to the highest part of the soul, but to one which is equally inferior.” No, Picasso arouses too much emotion to be Plato’s kind of artist. But Carter raises a good point; Picasso does paint an”‘art of essentials”. And Plato would hardly find the same problems in Picasso’s works as he did in the realist paintings, but that really is moot. So far, we have talked about Picasso in relation to the cubists, to Van Gogh, to Bergson, to Kant, and to Plato. Now, it is time to synthesize all of this into a coherent package that attempts to explain this apparently artist/ complex incredibly philosopher. To do this, I shall calI upon NicoIas Berdyayev. Berdyayev# the Russian mystic and intellectual saw in Picasso a summary of the Twentieth Century. Writing in 1962, Berdyayev had time to ruminate over two world wars, the Russian Revolution, the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and the

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24 Imprint, Friday, February15, 199l


Wolfe u p In smolce The Bonfire of the Vanities Di?lxted by Bnhn De Palma by JEPPS imprint staff


Films don’t have to mimic the books that they’re based on, but they do need to have an internal logic of their own. Brian De Palma’s movie version of the famous Tom Wolfe novel The Bmjire of the tinitim is so 5tmseless it’s baffling. It is as if the Elmmakers took their brains out and set them aside. Or their &uts, pe’haps* Part of the problem may have been that De Palma either didn’t care about the project, or didn’t have control. Ihe studio had intended to ask Adrian Lyne to direct, which indicates they didn’t want to hire anyone too risky. You wouldn’t know BanJire was a De Palma movie if you hadn’t seen the credits; there’s a little 5nematic style, but nothing like the outrageous (and wonderful) selfconsciousness of De Fklma movies like Came, Body Lh& &u@ce, and Bmsed to Kill, or parts of I71e Untuuchabla and Casualties of War. The speed is completely different as well, De Palma usually takes forever to do anything - it’s a distancing effect, you’re aware of the camera and the trickery. Here the pace is so frenetic, events don’t sink in, they barely even take place. Most amazing of all, now that he’s making a comedy, and a biting satire at that, De PaIma’s wicked, cheeky humour has deserted him The fiIm is notably unfunny, because the posturing is empty, toneless. Efforts at wit fall flat. At the same time, De Palma’s ability to create 1harrowing images isn’t even tapped - and this is a comic piece with a lot of scary potential’ The core of the book is a series of little vanities people engage in at the behest of their egos. Wolfe gets into details of behaviour so minute that he implicateS everyone: ‘The left ankle

was resting on top of the rightknee, as if they were such studs, they couldn’t have crossed their’ legs any farther if they wanted to;” ‘Kramer and Andrutti were of the new generation, in which the terms biceps, deltoids, lati’ssima dume, and pectmzlis mjm were better known than the names of the major planets; N “for the first time, i.nteUigence had become socially correct for girls.” Meanwhile, race and class are big issues. Everyone in the novel mentions nationality when referring to other people. The group you belong to is ail-important. Yet Wolfe suggests that group association is a crutch, a cover to hide the fact that we act alone,-that we are most concerned with number one. The .movie ignores all of this. De Palma and his cinematographer, Vladimir Zsigmond, made the wrong de&@ in fitting the camera with a wide angIe lens and shooting from low positions. It dehumanizes the characters, so that we can feel safely removed. They’re Larger than life, unreal, and we needn’t include ourselves with such mutants. Michael Cristoffer’s adaptation slices the over 600-page novel to normal movie Length, which is reasonable, since Wolfe can be very repetitive, but in the process Cristoffer seems to have abandoned aII concept of meaning. He switches events and characters for no apparent reason except some sort of cutesiness or attention-grabbing. Gistoffer’s script posits the journalist Peter Fallow as the narrator, and there’s a framing device which focuses on the novel he has just written (the jacket of which fooks Like the hard-cover design of the real BonJire @ the Yanz’tie~) FaIIow attends the book launching, which is a gigaritic, posh event, in an extremely ineb riateci condition. This novel is the story we’re about to see. In the original, FaIIow was a British expiate drowning in booze, and a very sordid character. Every morning he’d wake up with a hangover and try to avoid looking into the darkness of what had happened the night before;

LLYo~Jre so-vain, you probably specters of sexual depravity flickered in the recesses of his mind. De Palma allows him to be an object of mirth, a lovable drunk He makes him AmericanWorse, he casts Bruce Willis as the shallow FaIlow. Willis acts with one eye on the camera, and doesn’t even make tipsy. Wolfe stitched point-of-view at intervals throughout the novel; Fallow would have a chapter, then Sherman McCoy, the upper echelon WASP bond salesman whose accidental foray into New York’s east side leads to chaos. Then Lawrence Kramer, prosecuting attorney, would take centre stage. In this way, we got a chance to know the most intimate thoughts- of several different characters, and their views of one another. This technique also made the rot seem more pervasive. De Palma, however, lets Fallow be protagonist even though it’s Sherman’s life that’s at stake, and then fails to use his narrator when it might be advantageous, He has cast Tom Hanks as Sherman, and though Hanks can do

and useless”


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great things if he knows what’s needed (as he did in Big and Punchline) he seems to have been directed to be weak and pi&I throughout. We never get an inkling of his snobbishness, or at his ego puffery from being a ‘Master of the Universe” at Pierce and PiPrce. Saul Rubinek is Kramer; and, inexplicably, is no longer a vain muscle-flexing dissatisfied middle class toiler. His purpose seems to be to hang around and do double takes. He’s comic relief, not a character at aIL Sherman’s troubles start when he lies to his wife. He betrays her by having an affair with Maria, a blond bombshell (Melanie Griff3h) who is the epitome of lustful appetites. She’s voracious about sex, money, materiaI possessions, even art Griffith’s performance is the most solid in the film, because she oozes greed and is concerned only with self-preservation, but also because ultimately, she’s a typically campy De Palma sex object. De PaIma poked fun at conventions, especially movie conventions, in his earliest work, and this meant he actually exaggerated the objectifieation of women sometimes. A Hitchcockfan, he also tended to make women victims. (Obviously, Carrie’s a victim who strikes back) Maria is still hyperbolically sexy, but she is her own person. On the way home from the airport, Sherman takes a wrong turn, and unwittingly plunges himself and Maria into a section of the city he has never seen, and scarcely knew existed; the slums. They both

think this movie% about yaW immediately panic. When Sherman sees a tire in the road, he stops his expensive car and gets out, only to be ap roached by two black youths o fr wing assistance. He is scared and makes a run for it, and Maria, in the driver’s seat, is in such a hurry to get him and herself out of there, she backs into one of the interlopers. But she doesn’t stay to check The rest of the story is a consequence of that decision Sherman and Maria discuss reporting the incident to the police, but she’s sure they’ll get into more difficulty that way. She convinces Sherman that the noise could have been anything, and that the boy was probably unhurt Soon, however, Fallow, desperate, indebted, and about to be fired, hears about the hit-and-run and splatters it all over the front page of his tabloid, hiMing up the facts to make it more sensational. Sadly enough, the teen ends up in hospital, comatose, (he didn’t get proper treatment right away) but the fuss rnade by everyone, from black activist leagues to the district attorney’s office, is entirely selfserving, and Sherman becomes their scapegoat. He is brought up on charges, tried in the press, picketed at his Park Avenue home, abandoned by his wife, let go from his extremely high-paying job, and generally turned inside-out. De Palma and Cristoffer really screw things up trying to play it safe. They actually change the nature of the ending and they make everyone an amoral monster (except the judge who tries Sherman’s case). There’s no ambiguity over whether or not the two adolescents did just want to help Sherman, it’s clearly a threat. The script now even vilifies the injured bpy’s mother, allowing her to be bought off. Wolfe was more perceptive about the ways in which people are unethical, about the mounting effect of tiny fibs, perks stolen from employers, comers cut, information leaked, and even a lawyers’ “Favour Bank” reminiscent of the impenetrable system in Kafka% T?ze Ttiul; but he also allowed his characters to be real people, to feel guilt and uncertainty. The book has several moving scenes between Sherman and his sixyear old daughter, with Sherman becoming more and more convinced that his world and hers (pure and hopeful) are irreconcilable. His wife is also a sympathetic character on the page, whereas Kim Cattrall plays her as fake and shallow. By removing the many references to race in Wolfe’s text, viewers will miss the tension, the feeling that everyone in the Naked City (where Wolfe lives) is afraid of everyone else. This wasn’t written to justify white paranoia, but to make fun of it, by exposing the determination of Irish, Italians, Jews, Brits, Hispanics, Afro-, Americans, and WASPS to cling td their categories, to persist in think@ of themselves as part of a pack even in

an’age when bigotry is “unfashionable.” Morgan Freeman is the judge who brings it all together, and I agree with Spike Lee that changing the judge from a Jew to a black is a clear attempt to take the heat off, to avoid controversy, while at the same time making an outright justification for the white guy’s actions. With Wolfe’s attention to detail, there’s no way we can look at Sherman’s lifestyle and think he’s an innocent victim, but Zsigmnond’s camera relishes the McCoy household luxury. There’s more. Freeman actually delivers a climatic speech scolding the courtroom crowd, and telling them to go home and be decent people like their grandparents. He walks around in front of the bench, and the court, boisterous shortly before, is now hushed. Not onIy is this ridiculous, and the kind of tacky breach of courtroom decorum that crops up in movies too often, but it flat out contradicts Wolfe’s stance. The

“but judge fir yersev’ judge in the book considers making a speech to the mob, then ducks behind a door at the last minute. The movie actually expects us to sit and listen to this benevolent authority figure. Wolfe had Kramer’s thoughts reveal the sinisterness of benevolent authority: “the power of the govemment over the freedom of its subjects. . . the poet has never sung of that ecstasy, or even dreamed of it, and no prosecutor, no judge, no cop, no income tax auditor will ever enlighten him, for we dare not even mention it to one another, do we?and yet wef~Z it and we know it every time they look at us with those eyes that beg for mercy. . . fl For that matter, who ever said our grandparents were decent? Racism was unhesitatingly accepted a few generations ago, class consciousness was a fact of life. CaIifomian psychologist John Bradshaw has a theory that everyone is responsible, but no-one is to blame. Wolfe goes to great lengths to show that a large number of people are each responsible in small ways for the general distrust and greed, but at the same time, that the city-wide confusion over Sherman is a result of a hysterical need to blame someone. De Palma’s f&n somehow manages to reverse those distinctions: a few people are to blame, and we can laugh at them, lean away in disgust, secure in our belief that the movie isn’t about you or me. I’m afraid that Wolfe’s cynicism is rooted in idealism, while the filmmakers’ attitude is more like indifference, and may stem from hatred - of the audience.

by Trevor Blair Imprint staff Basking in the glow of a new dawn, The Dream Academy stand with heads lowered, posing on the cover of their new TP, A LX&erentKind of Weather.A few years back a proj&yt called Remembrance Days made its whimper amidst the din of pop-rock and was largely ignored. “It sounds like they’re trying to copy their first album,” said one disillusioned &l, wandering aimlessly through snowy akpvays, flowers in her hair. “How could they let us down like this?” wondered one teary-eyed lad, just returned from war. In its defense, Remembrance Duys contained the gems ‘%verybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime” and “Power To Believe,” songs which, despite the tiresomeness of the rest of the LP, to this day prevent me from selling my copy. Their first, self-titled album contained the minor hits “Life In A Northern Town” and “bve Parade,” but their promise was evident on “Bound To Be” and “The World,” where the Academy sounded unlike anything eIse on earth. The promise was broken by Remembmnce L@v, and is reaffumed by this, their third LP. It really is the same sticky earcandy from half a decade ago, but the return of ex-Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmore at the production helm might explain the elusive sense of “freshn=” that permeates the work

After a week of consideration, I can hum practicaIly aII of weathefs songs, and each successive listen seems to bring out something new. Their cover of Lennon’s ‘Xove” is far less offensive than the majority of recent atrocities evoked in His name. Perusing the track listing for some “standout” songs, I’m having a hard time choosing. Actually, there’s a couple of songs which, if you blended their titles, you’d have “AngeI of Mercy which could’ve been -I%” classic. No particular moment of A Diffewnt Kind Of Weather transcends their spotted, past glories. The entire platter is, however, their most consistentiy good-to-great album so far. The cassette sleeve has some nice pasteltinted photos, unreadable song lyrics, and the proclamation “Religion, Revolution and Railways.” Hunh??? Who Cares. Not entirely genuine; beautiful nonetheless.

Jazz on CD by Sweet


The last record is a penultimate gum baby, utilizing several key Imprint


?he history of wck and roll, nobodjqot more ufa bum q than the “Iin all

PU?‘Vom of bubblegum IN@. Ait tight, go ahead, be snobs, just like you were in the&&s. But ifvou’qping to listen to Tatking Haads, you might as

For starters, Daniel Ash has turned in a fine sticky single with his ‘This bv&‘from ~album, &mhgL&rr. There is only one mix, unnamed, but it suitably dis lays the Go&/Sloth slant for bubb Pegum. TL-~ to imagine

to do 1910 Fmit@m

with honey, and you pi-e. You might

WeIlknow that thq cite bubblegum a~ one oftheir biggw influences and used co. h ‘*I*23 Red

oh hw

on Fe

fight” on tiw NUT rhyma set TV abbe. the beat of rock, that generutty mas infuntite of musics despite what anybody says, wdd seem to be un inmlabit@. ” 7 Lmte~ Bafim And, just as it wa an inevitability that rock produced bubblegum, so it is that today’s genres spawn theirs.

oxygen, cover4

might g& the also get a

The next *tree isfromthose three suave guys who try and share- the same name, but are usually called 3T. There is,nothing profound to say “Oakland Stroke” comes in three mixes, each a fine rendition of rap ab0ut thesf! singles, they are the of a consurna bubblegum, done better than any of ultimate excrement h& contempor&a could ever * socieQ bent On conslmQ3 before hope There is even a swell bonus, a M* ‘Nuff saidt let” eat


From the big bands of the thirties, there emerged one figure who was to be influential in more stages of jazz evolution than anyone else. Even then, he stood apart from his contemporaries, using big bands like small, intimate @oups. He was not only an influential player, stylist, and teacher (Thelonius Monk, Charles Mingus, Randy Weston and Cecil Taylor, to name but a few, have alI perpetuated ElIington’s spirit) but he was one wicked composer, penning an incredible number of standards. His personal credo It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing’. has become synonymous with entire genre of jazz. He was born Edward Kennedy Ellington, but most know him simply as the Duke. While he came to prominence leading his own big band in the twenties and thirties, instead of examinin g recordings from those periods, a look at an important performance of his recorded at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1956 will reveal his lasting impact on jazz. 0-n this recotd Duke’s sound is tight and unique, the same as it always had been. This performance not only marked a renewal of Ellington’s popularity (it was his highest selling record), but reveals the vast panorama of resources that the next generation of musicians could draw on to make their new sounds. The CBS release is simply titled Ellington acNaopo~. It has five cuts that capture the spontaneous nature of Iive jazz, but also demonstrate the exciting tension that can exist between player and listener. The hd contains such notables as Johnny Hodges, James Woode# Clark Teq, Paul Gonsales, and Harry Camey, demonstrating Duke’s abiity to assemble top quality bands throughout his career. while the opening number is great (with “Cat” Johnson’s atmospheric trumpet), the gem of the disk is “Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue,“previousIy only released on opposite sides of a record. The song is over fourteen minutes long, and shows how innovative and central Duke is to the evolution of jazz. Originally written in 1937, the composition still moves today. The crowd is audibly moved during an incredible twenty-seven chorus solo by Gonsales; not only is Duke voicing his support, but the cheers and squeals from the audience become frenzied shouts and whistles, creating the kind of pandemotium more at home at a rock concert than a jazzfest This solo provides an archetype of the driven jazz musician, possessed by emotional intensity in his improvisation, while fired by a remorseless ing rhythm section, The entire album reveals a rapport created by a who fifteen-piece band that is difficult for quartets and trios to achieve. R ese eIements are what the innovators of be-bop were most conscious of preserving when they were developing their style, one that took over from the big 6ands in the evolution of jazz. More on that next week. A word used this week should be discussed, ‘standards.’ This indicates a piece of music that has survived long after its origi.naIly intended life. Popular music abounds with them, often calling them ‘classics’ or ‘goIden oIdies.’ This kind of thing also exists in the jazz world, when a particularly emotive piece is played by many bands, each a different interpretation of the same piece. Unlike pop music, where faithfulness to the original is often prized, in jazz, more times than not, the standard is given a completely different treatment by those who play it. John Coltrane recorded “My Favorite Things” (from the Sound of Music) on several different occasions, each time rendering the song completely different from the time before.



- Saturday

redone a bubble classic, “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka DCDI Bikini” in a style that was the bubble sound of the eighties; pre-hb house. Just to make sure you can’t miss the fact that its true blue bubble, it i executively produced (who the fuel needs an exemrtive producer?) b: Andrew Lloyd Webber, a legeti bubble by h h& 0~ right. The; also do a fine “Clap Yo Hands Stomi Yo Feer which, youguessed it&s nt more substance than baby dw-doc

- 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. ; Sunday

- 12 noon

to 8 p.m.

26 Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991

Record Reviews


by Christopher Illpint staff

by Paul Done ~Ixtprint staff While the A-side of this latest release from the reigning kings of high-calorie rock’n’roll may nominally be ‘Taken by Surprise,” the sweet treat on Poison Idea’s newest single is certainly their rendition of the Go-Gos ‘We Got the Beat” - a gem from the days when Belinda Carlisle was a rockin’ fatty herself. Considering the size of the group, one might well wonder if ‘Beat” should have been replaced by “Beef,” since ‘We Got the Beef” is at least as relevant to their Weltanschauung. Particularly since, on this, out;ng. Poison Idea have replaced the tiny guitar player who was on their last tour, with another hulking monster. We might thus rechristen the Tubby I’riumvirate, the “Fleshy Foursome” (excluding skinny bassman, Myrtle). this is the line-up which recorded their last IP (which has seemingly been pressed in unobtainium), and it’s a keeper.


Doubt is the second album by England’s Jesus Jones. It follows closely on the heels of last years’ highly successful debut Liquidizer. As an album, Doubt picks up right where Liquidizer left off, by carrying the same high intensity and thick groove guitar elements throughout the whole album. However it also shows the range of the band’s intensity. This intensity presents itself not only as sheer volume level (which it has such a sufficient amount of to warrant a warning that “this album contains extreme sounds which could damage musical equipeent when played at high volume’?; but also in the incessant energy with which the songs are performed. Though kooky cover versions have been one to death, Poisofi Idea’s cover of “We Got the Beat” is a longtime encore favourite, whose original recording actually dates from a few years ago, and has been re-recorded b

for this single, their debut vinyl ior Sub Pop, home of the Northwest’s rockingest groups. A seven inch single may seem like a sna’ck, but this protein-filled blast is a meal and more!

by Derek

Despite the variety of sounds, is still a rock record; guitars drums dominate, with the horns strings used mostly to accent and some additional musicality.

The composition of Washington DC’s Senator FIux is a bit weird, to put it lightly. Take veteran punk singer/guitarist Jeff Turner (3, Gray Matter), team him up with avant garde writer/poet David Levine, and add a musical backing that includes saxophone, organ, oboe, horns, and strings: Voila, you’ve got Senator Flux.


Yes, another tribute album honouring the forgottell heroes of a forgotten war - this time the Rolling Stones. Inevitable, really, what with the huge success of the Soup Dragons’ cover of “I’m Free.” You could probably put together a fantastic “tribute to the Stones” from the batch of already-existing cover versions. There’s the Sisters of Merapocalyptic cy’s wonderfully “Gimme Shelter,” the rogues celtified “Hanky Tonk Women,” Tom Jones’ schlocky shmear of “Satisfaction,” Laibach’s six versions of “Sympathy for the Devil,” and the aforementioned “I’m Free.” Among others. But nah. Imaginary Records guy Alan lhffy thought it best to commission fourteen brand-new covers. I dunno what it is, but Duffy never seems to have much luck with getting those old creative juices a$owin’ with the bands he lines up for these tribute album things. Like past tributes to the Byrds and the Velvets, this LP is chock full o’ lame, uninspired performances* There are fourteen songs on this album, and they fall into a few different categories. The first grouping is the”safe”one: bands who are content

The singles thus far from this offering have been the tracks “Real, Real, Real,” “Right Here, Right Now,” and most recently “International Bright Young Thing”+ ‘The album itself contains eleven tracks; most of which could be made into singles. With musical marketing and remixing being what it is, a high profit big business, we will not have to see any new Jesus Jones releases until next year. Hopefully this will not be the case. Do&r is a fine, fine album. It gets better with every listening and should stand high atop of the Year’s Best Albums lists.

Beatles, but the rest is rather hard to pigeonhole, due to the myriad of influences,

by Andy Koch Imprint staff

Imprint staff

Mike Edwards is once again the main compos:ition force, both musically and ‘lyrically, as well as being in his estimation, the band’s’ finest skateboarder. The liner notes claim that “the songs on this album are primarily about doubt, hope, optimism and enjoying everything around you.“Subsequently the songs on the album are, oddly enough, about these self &same things. Actually the songs were all inspired by both legal and pirate radio stations which broadcast to the London (England that is) area.

So what is the end result? Well, “Grey-Eyed Athena” comes off sounding like a sort of post-punk -v-




The interesting music and we& written lyrics make for an enjoyabIe outing, though the quality dips toward the end, especialIy on the long and tedious cover of George Harrison’s “All Too Much.” Still, the strong tracks like “Great Sloth Heart”, “United States of Amnesia ” and “Grey-Eyed Athena” make this album worth a serious liiten or two. Also joining of Heart Peter Guelph.

of note: Senator Flux will be the Doughboys and Change for a show on February 22 at Clark Hall, University of





Valentine’sDay to take a fairly well-known Stones song and simply run through it, offering no insight of their own. Into tiis file go the Shop Assistants”%spectable,” The Prudes’ “Sympathy for the D&l,” the Thunderbyrds”‘l9th Nervous Breakdown,” and 3 Imaginary Boys’ ‘The Last Time.”

So, the winners emerge. These are the Family Cat (doing ‘Rocks Off”), The Waltones (with a surprisingly good”As Tears Go By”), and Death of Samantha (covering “Salt of the Earth,” a little-known gem from Beggars Bmquet.)

Another category would be the deconstructions: InspiraI Carpets disembowel “Gimme Shelter,” the Membranes put “Angie” on the rack, slnd What?Noise render ‘Undercover of the Night” unrecognizable. While you have to admire their adventuresomeness, these acts actually fare little better than the “safe” ones. The whacked-out versions of Stones songs aren’t really better, they’re just different. In fact, they’re not nearly as powerful or effective as the originals. They just make ya long to hear Mick ‘n’ Keef.

These renditions come off as completely original. Yet, they sacrifice none of the qualities that made the songs great in the first place. Well worth hearing, but not worth buying a whole import LP for.

by Sandy Atwal Imprintstaff


It kind of makes you wonder why I’d be reviewing the Nettwerk sound sampler CD. You’ll never see it in the stores, and unless you write to Nettwerk, lie, and say you really want it to review, you never will see it It’s actually a coy marketing pl6y to get people to review eleven of their artists in one review. Fine. I’m going to review it anyway so I get a free extended mix of “Dysfunctional ReIationship.” Hey, don’t reprimand


this and and add


Most frightening pt rwne~ couples have for each other. 1. ,Spoogeybear 2. Fudgebottoms 3. ooozy . 4. Piledriver 5. Spunkypoo ,

roro me about my lack of artistic integrity. At least I’m telling you the truth ins&ad, of giving you some lip service about how great Nettwerk&. Just by looking at this disc, you realize the real meaning of the word eclectic. Any disc that has Lava Hay, Consolidated, Sarah M&&an and Hilt (a Skinny Puppy offshoot band) is eclectic with a capital E. Unfortunately, most of the stuff on here is crap. I don’t like Lava Hay, I don’t Iike MC 900-Foot Jesus and DJ Zero, but the album does have, as mentioned, an extended mix of Con“Dysfunctional solidated’s Relationship.” The liner notes, which give an insightful and in-depth profile of these up-and-coming artists, are made up of some pretty typical mealymouthed ass-kissing. like this one about Moev - “Always original and unpredictable, Moev have created and evolved a distinctive, eclectic sound that has found a spot on the alternative dancefloors and radio stations in both North America and Europe.”




Sound samplers come out every once in a while, and they’re an attempt to please everyone at once. The company knows that at least one track will interest someone, so they get their name spread around via the title. The converSation is supposed to go something like this: . .




You - “I just heard (fill in the blank) on the new NETTWERK sound sampler, and it was great!” Your Friend - “Nettwerk? What’s ‘ that? You - “Oh, it’s this hip alternative label based in Vancouver! It gets all the latest acts!” Your Friend - “Nettwerk, eh? I think

1% start





label!“ ,.*....,.*..............~-~..~~D~

So if you or for less CD single, promotional in a store, there.

ever see this thing for fret, than just the Consolidated pick it up* But this is only a copy, .so if you do see it it’s not supposed to be

Arts / Class@eds H


Making a Liszt & checkhg it twice Philip Thomson, Music Room 57 Young Sun., Feb. 10



exceeded the capacity of most people, me included. Unfortunately the intermission was called at the beginning of the fifth movement, “rater Noster.” The most beautiful section of the work. Thomson however, made u for the interruption. The K‘nal movement was played with enough intent to force people to keep up their concentration. Thomson managed to overcome the exhaustion of paying attention for about an hour-and-a-half. As people scurried around trying to fix the squeak, phoning piano tune?s, spraying wd40. The audience was aIlotted a break, A time to recollect. The piece has a characteristic switching between simple, ambient, melodious sections, and overwhelming, fast, complicated sections. This can overwhelm the senses very quickly.

by Derek Hawley

Imprint staff

A squeaky but brilliant performance . L. Franz Liszt is not easy to listen to. It requires concentration, and is full of emotional ups and downs. It is also more exciting than Viennese Classicism. The “Harmonies poetiques et religieuses” is a fine example of Liszt’s composition style, and of early romantic music in general. Philip Thomson’s performance was remarkable. Despite the technical difficulty bf a squeaky pedal. The continual sqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak of the pedal, forced Thomson to call an intermission. Some people in the audience had

People did not go though the usual intermission conversation. Only a few people got out of their seats. And most of them got up to go for a smoke. Everyone seemed to have a glazed look on their face.

thought thit it had been someone overcome by the music, but that is going a bit far. The intermission was a bit of relief, Thomson had @anned to play without pause. But

Imprint, Friday, February 15, 1991 27

The second part of the performance, as superior to the first. Thomson, seemed more content without the interruption of the intrusive squeak.

all ten movements that would have


Bombshelter Something.

Canadian Authors Assoc. - holds meetings of every month at the Kitchener Public Library. Mon., Mar. 4 - Margaret Springer children’s author. Mon., Apr. 1 - Janice Kulyk Keefer Mon., May 6 - Lee Bryant Mon., June 3 - Lorraine Williams For more info contact Lenore Latta 8241225 ; Susan Gibbons 744-0900 ; Dale G. Parsons 742- 1495. TATJ. mount that a part-time training program in Art Therapy will begin in April 1991, Classes will be held on two q Saturdays each month and 3 weeks in the summer. Call (416) 924-6221 or write to Toronto Art Therapy Institute, 216 St. Clair Ave., West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1 R2.


UWArt Gallery and The Friends of the Library invite you to the opening of an exhibition entitled “Virgil Burnett”, 1960- 1990, A Retrospective. Feb. 14 to March 24. Presentation starts at 49 p.m. in the Modern , Languages Building. Both the tIean of Students, Mr. ES. Lucy, and myself are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Mark Murdoch as my successor, effective April 1, 1991. Mark graduated from the University of Guelph in 1986 with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree in Hotel and Food Administration. The director’s office is located in the central commissary (G.S.C. building} and Mark may be reached at ext. 2704. .R.W. Mudie

are I

organically grown beef hamburgers and hotdogs will be served on buns produced from organically grown wheat in the Campus Centre only at the Wild Duck Cafe. “Skin on” french fries from organically grown potatoes cooked in low cholesterol

Gary’e Moving - residential, small or large jobs, in town or out-of-town, students 15% off. 746-7 160.

Needing renovations done around the house or the apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or after 6:OO p.m, at 746-2763, Computer typesetting - “Professional” We compose manuscripts, reports, proposals, theses, resumes and anything else on paper. Complex formulas, *tables, graphs our specialty. Your choice’of type styles including numerous special text effects, any size. Report covers range from clear acetate to pressboard; Cerlox binding atso available. Competitive rates and free doorto-door pickup and delivery. Call us anytime at 725~5134. Can Scan Publications.

HELP WAwnD It’s that time of year. IMPRINT is looking for an Editor-In-Chief beginning April I, 1991 to March 31, 1992. If you are interested and feel you qualify, please call Paul or Vivian for more details at ext. 233 1 or 8884048.

playing with Money - is an exhibit at the Museum of Archive of Games (Burt Mathews Hall). Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sun. 2 p.m. to5 p.m.; Fridayfrom 1 p.m.to3 p.m. with late hours of 6 p.m. to 9 p,m. on Wednesday. There is NO admission charge. The exhibit runs until April 28. %4cmdit Rendez-Vous” I it’s the 1st Annual KIN Semi-formal! March 23, 1991 at Ruby’s, Waterloo Inn, Tickets $20,1 single, $35./couple. Everyone invited! See your class rep for more info. See you there!!

Waterlw Blood Donor Clinic, First United Church, King & William Streets. From I:30 p.m. until 8::OO p.m.

UW Fine Arts Film Society presents -Great Films of France - screenings in Uw’s East Campus Hall, 1219 at 7:00 p.m. “Cop Au Vin”( Poulet au vinaigre) 110 minutes.

Math Sot. & Sci Sot Reading Weekend Skiing Trip - Friday, Feb. 22 to Sun. Feb. 24. Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid, site of the 1980 and 1992 Winter Olympics. See Society for details.


shortening will also be available. (from Food Services).

ALL announcements donated by llImRIm.

Bar & Grill - matinee - Mike

Hold Me - is playing at the Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the UW Theatre Centre, Hagey Hall and the Drama Department, 888-4556 at $7.00/$5.00 for students/seniors.


the first Monday

Tmds C Opportunities in the 90’s. Presented in cooperation with the Kitchener Small Business Self Help Centre, - 7:30 p.m. Register at Information Desk or call 743-0271. KPL Main.

Fundraiser for Sunbeam Residential Development Centre will be held at Chicopee Ski Resort from 8:30 a.m. to IO:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to help in the area of registration/information or dmr prizes should contact the Student Volunteer Centre in CC15OA or cat1 ext. 2051.

l cont’d. from page 20

Wanted - Pexformers of all types - show your stuff! St. Paul’s College presents ‘Black Forest Coffeehouse’ - March 8 & 9. Contact: Richard Bodini 884-2171; Susan Hahn 884-5361 ; Michelle Jones 8848362.

Crossroads from I:30 p.m, Admission $l.OO/person. Members are free. Call 748-1914 for further info.

Hoid Me - is playing at the Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are available at the UW Theatre CenHall and the Drama be, Hagey Department, 888-4556 at $7.00/$5.00 for students/seniors. -


at 8:OO p.m, and March 17 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the Humanities Box Off ice, 885-4280.

Ski & Snow Days - at Doon Heritage

KItchener-Waterloo Little Theatre - “The Crucible” - 8 p.m. at the Victoria Park Pavilion, Kitchener. Also on Sat., Feb. 16 - 8 p.m. ; Sun., Feb. 17 - 230 p.m. matinee. Admission: $9. for adults, $7. for seniors/students. Tickets available at Centre in the Square Box Office, Val’s Video, KWLT Members, at the door.

Hard working, energetic people to work in Southern and Northern Ontario planting trees. Potential earnings up to $7503:;jo500 per week. Please call (416) 756-

1985 Camaro - V6, automatic, ower steering, power brakes, T-bar roof, AM/FM cassette, spare wide rims, 85,000 highway miles - will certify. Only $5,750. or best offer. Call evenings 658-5918.

school jacket - excellent condition, burgundy, 92/COMP SCI, size 46, 25” arm length - $250.00. Call Lorenzo (416) 561-2480.

Editor fm twice-weekly newspaper. Skills necessary include: ability to motivate volunteer staff, strong writing and editing, and deadline computer literacy punctuality. Portfolio and resume must be received by Feb. 27, 3100 p.m. Send to: Business Manager, Excalibur, 4700 Keele St., Downsview, Ontario. M3J 1 P3. College Pro painter and foreman positions

available this summer in the Waterloo area.


Experienced painters preferred but not necessarv. Call Mark at 725-5306. Summar jobs - Springtime Garden Centres Ltd. i& hiring ‘retaT salespersons. No experience necessary. Enthusiasm essential. information and applications available at room 1115, Needles Hall.

Typing & Word Processing. Reasonable rates, Erb and Westmount. Call 7433342.

Word Processing? - look no further! Fast, reliable, accurate service. rates. Call Betty 886-6361.

Mrs. SAD: Sorry about screwing up the Vdinner, 1 will make it up make it up to you. Love your Super Hero. Training in Art Therapy - The Toronto Art Therapy Institute offers a two year training program in Art Therapy which grants a diploma. Individuals interested in a Masters degree pr ram, offered in cooperation with 7 esley College should contact our office at (416) 924-6221. Student workshops: January 5,26 - February 23 - March 30 - April 27, 1991 I


Experienced typi& will take care of all your typing needs. Fast efficient service. Westmount-Erb area. Phone 886-7 153. Fast, prof&onal word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, speiling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857. High quality, low prices. Experienced word processor available. Laser printing for only $lZO/dsp. Call 725-5550. Word Pmcessw - fast, accurate and letter quality. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports, etc. Pick-up and delivery airanged. Cal I Diane 576- 1284. - reasonable rates. Fast reliable and accurate service. University ’ area. Call 747-0852.

To My Dave in room 303, I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day! Rach xoxo Need help for your pregnant girlfriend? Birthright offers confidential helpforboth of you. Free pregnancy tests. Call 5793990.

Lo8T silver chain - left in locker in men’s changeroom at PAC 3 weeks ago. REWARD! Dave 747- 1734. Girlfriend will kill me!!

Word processing


DEADLINE for Classifieds


living - townhouse condominium available May 1 - August 31, 1991.4 bedrooms, garage, patio, built-invat, near Zehrs Plaza. $750/month. Call 747-5780. Comfortable

Sumnwk sublet - May - August - house Wellington near King+ 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, veranda, driveway. $390.00 includes utilities. 744-7309.

& Page 2

Announcements is Mondays-5 p.m, l

must be prepaid


28 knprint,

Friday, February 15, 1991




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