Uhh. . uugsy to the pink and white tent please see page 16 for review of Sounds of Summer
A Leslie Spitter . wi* the loudest ,. lungs in the land.
Hey Jeramef That's a microphone, not a beer-
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VOLUNTRRRS UW hosts Canada Day 1991 on July 1, Students, staff and faculty are needed to help organize Uw’s Canada Day activities. Celebrate Canada’s birthday on campus with members of the K-W community. For information call Marlene Mites, ext. 3276 or Mark Heinemann 888-6040. Volunteer Tutors needed to provide one to one tutoring for aduits and youth who want to improve their reading, writing and basic math skills. If interested, please call Core Literacy 743-6090. GIXXII Cece - Environmental conference, based on sustainable campuses, needs volunteers for organization, accommodations, fundraising, etc. m w Centre - Investigate how you can use and enhance your skills - be part of several projects currently in progress. 0ff?ce Hare: Monday I:30 to 3:OCl p.m. ; Tuesday, 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. ; Wednesday 9:30 to 11130 a.m. ; Thursday 12:00 to 3:OO p.m. ; Friday 12:OO to 1:00 &Zemti in volunteer opportunities, call ext. 2051 or drop by CC 150A. rutors wanted each term to assist with hnversational and Written English. Conact Sheryl Kennedy, International Student Mice, NH208.0.
-4 -anadimAu~Aseoc.
- holds meetings he first Monday of every month at the (itchener Public Library. ‘or more info contact Lenore Latta 8241225; Susan Gibbons744-0900; DaleG. Qrsons 742- 1495. Xganically ~NDWII beef hamburgers and lotdogs will be setved on buns produced rom organically grown wheat in the Cam)us Centre only at the Wild Duck Cafe. Skin on” french fries from organically lrown potatoes cooked in low cholesterol shortening wilt also be available. (from hod Services). ~XI Herstage Crossroads opens for ummer season on Sunday, May 5 from O:OO+m. to 4:30 p.m. This is a non-profit museum. For info contact Marcia J. Shoreed at 748- 1914 or Wendy Connell at 48-1914. Dominion Day” on Monday, July 1, 991.
me Heritage Resources Centre aI the Jniversity of Waterloo is offering 4 oneueek summer programmes ?or children rge 8 to 12. A combination of educational lnd physical activities focuses on local his3ric and natural themes. The 4 themes this ummer are: Exploring the Grand - July 2 to 5 -cost $5. !. Niagara Escarpment - July 8 to 12 :ost $95. I. Niagara Escarpment - July 15 to 19 :ost $95. 4. Long Point Camp Out - Aug. 12 to 16 :ost $140. :or further information, @ease contact the -leritage Resources Centre, University of Naterloo at 885- 12 11, ext. 3066. 3rowing up: The Undiscovered Generaion and Our Future. The’ Couchiching nstitute on Public Affairs 60th Conference it Geneva Park, Ontario, August 8-I I, 1991, will examine the soci81, economic lnd educational influences affecting youth May. Scholarships and student discounts tre available. For information, contact loulh Committee Chairperson at (416) !66-7757. Museum & Archhe of Games - UW “Traditional Games You Can Make and &n PIay”. Beginning May 14 to August 18, 1991. Hours -Tuesday 10-l and 2-5, &dnesday 2-5 and 6-9, Thursday 2-5, Sunday 2-5. Closed Mondays, Fridays snd Saturdays. i6qpmMuseum“The Wine Cellar” lpened from May 1 to October 31 from 10 1.m. to 6 p,m. Admission is free. For info ontact Lynne Paquette at 8851857.
........ ::j.: ..
2 is donated
Health & Safety Department - Summer Hours - The Health & Safety Dept. will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday during the months of May, June, July and August.
I.&&r to get your 12:30
Writing - 1 hour - an important key your job, learn how to use them to advantage. Thursday, July 1l to 1:30 p.m.
Assating Yourself in the Job Interview Want to rid your office or study shelf of those Canadian, US or foreign calendars? The Career Resource Centre occasionally has difficulty getting and keeping some calendars ; your donation could fill a gap. Please send any recent calendars to: Career Resource Centre, Needles Hall, room 1115. Off-Campus Housing Office - hours of operation - ldcated bn the roof of the Village I Complex is open from 8:30 a.m. IO 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday starting June 17 through to August 30, 1991. On weekends from 1O:OOa.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays, June 22 to August 24, 1991, inclusive. When the office is closed accommodation lists may be obtained from the Turnkey Desk at CC or the Security Off ice. UW offers Visitors Attractions - a travetling exhibit from the Canadian Museum of Nature entitled “From Crystals to Gems” at Uw’s Biology-Earth Sciences Museum June .I 1 to August 6. Biology 1 Building rmms 370 and 371 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Weekend hours from June 15, to July 14 are Saturday and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. Admission is free.
2 l/2 hours - expressing yourself more successfully and overcoming personal difficulties. Prerequisite - Interview Skills I and reviewing handout. Wednesday, July 10 - 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. room NH3001. SUMMRR )K)CIRS FOR KPL UBMRY Monday - Thursday IO:00 a.m. to 8:30 . ; Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:OO p.m . gzrday 9:OO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ; Sunday 1 closed at all locations.
DEADLINE for Classifieds & Page 2 Announcements is Mondays-5 p.m. l
must be prepaid
publishes every two weeks during Spring/ Sumer term, but we still need YOUR help to write articles, take photos, and put the paper together!
VACANCIES Lots of positions yet to be filled! Come on down to CC140 and volunteer. STAFF MEETINGS are Friday of the week of publication at 12130 p.m. - All are welcome!!
New Business ClasGfied Rate for Students and Non-Students $10.00 for 20 words, and. 2541per word
At-tenth AspiringWriti - Pickup useful insights into the craft of writing, To make an appointment please call 743-0271, ext. 254. KPL Main,
svu0mwrsocFc~ws IN TnR PALL
Career services will conduct workshops to assist the 1992 graduating students to prepare for their job search and graduate interviews. Sign-up sheets will be available in NH 1001 the week prior to the workshop. ALL CLASSES IN NH1020 unless stated otherwise. Flanning for a Career - 1 hour - the foundation upon which all job search activities are based. Tuesday, July 9 11:30 a.m. to 12:3O p.m.
Job Search - 1 hour - a look at creative and traditional methods of finding jobs, with an emphasis on the hidden job market of unadvertised positions. Tuesday, July 16 -1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
News Update from the Ttiey
What’s coming up through the Turnkey Desk this week? There is a kite contest during the Canada Day events up at Columbia Lake. You can fry your hand at building the best flyer or the most decorated or outrageous flying paper product. Take part in all the other great Canada Day events sponsorpA hy the Canada Day
Committee. Come out Tuesday, July 2 to watch the feature movie The Blues Brothers, with Red Balloon as the short. Come early and get a good seat; set-up starts at about 9 pm. Is your group plating a special event or having a regular meeting somewhere that you want people to know about? Tell us about your event and we can tell those people that call asking us such questions as who is having a bridge tournament, what
WPIRG is talking about this week when the Society for Creativ Anachronism’s meeting is, where thy Science Daze Orientation for new students and parents is at, or why you should take a world music elective.
EIec&icGreen- WPIRG RadioShowairsat 11:30 a.m. on CKWR 98.7 FM (97.7 cable). Electric Green examines environmental and social iustice issues and includes Eco-calend& and Green Tips.
Amne8ty Intematior& will be meeting a 7:30 p.m. in CC1 10. Come on out and writt for Freedom! New members an welcome.
Just send us a piece of paper wit the who, what, when, where, and wh information about your event and w can tell people. If you want more pet ple there, keep us informed and w will keep the people coming.
hading Employers - 1 hour - how to locate information about employers :3 prepare for job selection and interview. Monday, July 8 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. lnfcirmational Inte-etwmking - 1 hour - finding out abaut jobs and discovering job openings. Tuesday, July 9 - 12:30 to I:30 p.m. Resume Writing - 1 hour - techniques for wriiing an effective resume. Prerequisite -reading resume-writing handout. Thursday, July 11 -11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
bw Sidle II - 1 hour - “hands-on” session where you can practice answering questions usually asked in interviews. Prerequisite - lntenriew Skills I and reviewing handout. Wednesday, July 3 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. bskills‘ III - 2 hours - practice selling your skills. Wednesday, July 17 2:30 to 4:3O p.m. Inte&ew~I1 hour-tipson howto prepare effectively for a job interview. Wednesday, July 3 - f1:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
by lMPlUNT*
en’s Evangelical Fellowship evening Nice. 7:00 p.m. at 163 University Ave. . (MSA), apt. 321. All are welcome. For ore information, call 884-57 12.
SABageIBruachfrom 11:3Oto 1:30in#e Campus Centre, room 110. (except holidays - May 20 and July 1) Come nosh with us!
RH@@ hbthgs - 4 p.m., CC138x3 recycling concerns you, come out and share your ideas. Or, if you can volunteer some time, caII Patti Cook at ext. 3245.
R&c Green - WPIRG Radio Show rebroadcasts at 5:oO p.m. on CKMS 94.5 FM (95.5 cable). Electric Gree? examines environmental and social justice issues and includes Eco-calendar and Green Tips.
GLLOWCoffeehouse-9to 11 p.m. iI ML104 for informal discussion in a gay positive atmosphere. Newcomers wel come. Call the GLLOW phoneline E 884-GLOW for information and corn munity events.
MRY hymen’s Evangelid Felowship Bible Study. DC1304 at 7:30 p.m, All are welcome. For more information, call 8845712.
Muslim Stude& Association: there will b ‘Salat-ul-Juma’ (Friday prayer) from 1:31 to 2:30 p.m. in CC room 135. All Muslim are welcome.
According to Dr. Helen Culdicott, each &k#ofthespaceshuttie destroys one-quatimof onepment oftheozone layer. @a!y/ August
‘Males should be sup&r lmmse women don’t have the so-m& to provide order in sock& I’m glad Iin not married to
one.” -
1991 Utne Reader)
Dave Gonin in October predecessor).
2,147O issue of The chev-
run (Imprint’s
residence donates 6lihkets to- charity
Co-on --
by Lizal&
This Friday, the Waterloo Cooperative Residence Inc. (WCRI) will donate appro>cimalely 600 WOOI blankets to 13 area social service organizations. The donation comes after a recent WCRI Board of Di.rectorsc?ecision to discontinue the Linen and blanket service prev+&y offered to the student resiclen~ Loss than 30 per cent of the residents were taking advantage of the service. For the co-op to at least break eveq it was necessary for about 40 per cent to use the service, said
James IQ&Z&~,
of WCFU.
The Board originally thought of selling the blankets until the idea to give them away was put forward, said ~ulczcki, and-the idea became very PqJ* ” ‘We had no idea of the monetary value of the blankets. However, the value is far greater for people to have blank&,” he said. KuIczcki sent letters to 30 groups in the Kitchener, Waterloo, and Guelph area that provide shelter or actmodation to vtious individuab and 13 of these responded to the WCRI’s offer. Gerta Frank of Pioneer Youth Ser-
vices was amazed by the offer,
mitially, I couldn’t believe it. I hat to read the letter twice. The children have blankets, but not their own, SI this will be nice for them,” she said
The organizations
kets include Pioneer Youth Services, St. Monica House, Ray of Hope, Kitchener House Residential Centre, Lutherwood, Holiday Ranch Group Home, Mar&c Place, ArguJ Residence, and KW YMCA, Salvation
b)c, An&ma
Homewood Sanitaria House, and ROOF.
WCRI houses 1,000 students from the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in 12 buildings near the universities
Vandals wreck mmmrial T4iikingactimMly: UW Cem#cmtminthetomwnd,Mto right= Lisa Chapman, IDoraFlaherty, ocktte Pinho. BackgrowKk Andrew Spemkay, and Sham Hethem.
Photo by CD. Cwlas
by CD Co&s Imprint staff Five energetic Enviromental and Resource Studies students have started their own corhposting program at the Minota Hagey residence in the south-western comer of campus. Lisa Chapman, Lora Flaherty, Odette Piio, Andrew Spezewkay, and Shawn Hetherington started the program on May 22 as part of the WATGREEN initiative announced by UW President Doug Wright last year. Barclay Recycling donated the four cornposters that they are using earlier
this year. The students hope that the cornposting continues after their departure, and eventually spreads to other residences It is not only enviromentally friendly, the students say, but Snancially feasible for the University because of the increasing costs of wa&z disposal. The fertiIizer produced from these cornposters will be used on the campus grounds and flower beds. UW Waste Management Coordinator Patty Cook and regional cornposting coordinator Steve Gombos were also on hand to view the setup of the students.
Radio-active by James Sap
& The Electric
There is a way to reduce green house gases, acid rain, and radio-active waste, alt at the same time. It’s very easy, everyone can do it, and it takes just a moment to do. It’s called turning off your lights when you are notusing them. On campus, there are many lights. There are also many students on campus. All of these students tend to use these lights. Some of these students are actually looking at these lights and doing projects on them These students are us. Our group, the electricity group, is looking at electricity use on campus as part of the “WATGREEN: Greening the Campus” in&tive. For the past few terms we have been focusing on electricity use in the Environmental Studies buildings. The university uses a lot of elech-icity. Last year, it used $3 million worth. Where does this electricity come from? Well, this electricity comes places called generating stations which use things like coal, oil, radio-active material, and flooded native land to make electricity. This electricity is put through big wires .
It seems that vandalism has no conscience, Denise Angove of Health and Safety says that the staff there are “very distress& at the latest act of vandalism which occurred on the building’s premises last Thuday. Vandals destroyed the sundial that stood in the garden behind the complex in honour of a former Registered Nurse at Health and Safety. Angove says the monument, erected in 1985 in memory of Mary Patricia Barlow Simpson, had been vandalized on seven4 pretious occasions, The top of the sundial, which had already been replaced following an earlie; act of van&m,
An Bet of sub-morons Photo by C.D. Coulas went missing‘sometime after April exams this year. The monument had been bolted to the ground following the April incident, but vandals still managed to break the upper half of the sundial from its ba&
which alI connect together and then make the@ way to smaller wires, which eventually go onto campus and into ail the buildings. There, it is used to light lights and make photocopies, coffee, and stuff like that. We found that the more lights lit and the more photocopies and coffee made, the more coal, oil, radio-active material, and flooded native land is needed to create the electricity used by these things. We also found that people have a great deal of influence on how much electricity is used. From our researe on the Environmenti Studies buildings, we learned that almost 65 per cent of all the electricity used in these buikiings was consumed by appliances and l&ldin~ with a little over half of that being used by lighting. These are things with on/off switches. If everybody remembered to turn these thin@ off when they weren’t using them, then a lot of potentially wasted energy, and money, could be saved and less coal, oil, radio-active material, and flooded native land’woulcl be needed. Lighting makes up a large proportion of the total electricity used on campus. Lighting is also something that is used by everyone, and
something that is within the control of everyone. Using lights only when they are needed would save the university energy and money. Saving enemy and money in this manner is a good idea because a main function of the university is to illuminate students, not buildings. Reducing the amount of electricity used by lightif-bg can be achieved in many ways. There are all sorts of high-tech devices that can be used to do this. But to install them on the scale that the university would need would be very expensive. We think that there is a less expensive way of reducing electricity consumption on campus. If people become more aware of the electricity that is used on campus, of the costs (economic, and environmental) of producing this electricity, and things that they can do to reduce consumption (the simplest and a highly effective one being, turning off lights), then we can get the same effect as these hightech devices without the expense. The wise use of elect+ity on campus should be an important goal for the university as it continues its initiative to green itself. And the reaching of this goal is, in no small part, dependent on the actions of the people who are at the university.
A plaque, still standing behind the remnant5 of concrete testifies that the monument was erected, “In memory of her love, courage and spirit. From her colleagues, friends and family.” Angove says the monument will not be replaced.
New courses by Teraa Kennedy lmprlnt staff University of Waterloo Senate unanimously approved a proposal for a joint WL,U/UW Graduate Program in Geography at a meeting June 17. With a combined f&u&y of 40, the program prorniw to be one of the largest graduate programs in Canada Along with the Master of Arts degree already offered at both UW and WLU, the joint fxqpm will akw both universities to offer a Master of Environmental Studies degreeforthefirsttime.Theprogramwillalso enable WLU to offer a Doctor of Philosophy, a degree already available from UW. By pooIing the resources of individual departments, joint graduate programs offer greater potential for achievement in research,
better integrated continuity
course offerings, and greater
and flexibility
in graduate
Until the proposal receives approval from the Ontario Council for Graduate Studies (OCGS), both Departments will continue to operate their existing programs. A joint WLU/UW graduate program in History is currently being developed.
4 Imprint, Friday, June 28, 1991
Friendly QF Fed Update by Lisa Brice Vi~-&&knt,
We’ve decided to use this edition of the Friendly Fed Update to let you know about the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) conference which John Leddy and I attend last week at Queen’s University in Kingston. Besides the usual issues which come up, such as weighted voting (larger institutions having more votes than smaller ones) and congruency (OFS becoming a branch of the Canadian Federation of Students), we also spent a lot of time working with the executive from Queen’s on a motion which would address the issue of underfunding. We proposed that the OFS strike a task force involved
in postsecondary institutions to address the issue of underfunding. This group would include the Council of Ontario Universities (COU), the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association (OCUFA), the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, as well as the OFS. The job of this task force would be to negotiate a viable solution to the immediate underfunding crisis. We also felt that, in order to participate in
cooperative efforts with other stakeholders in postsecondary institutions, we must temporarily amend OFS’ zero tuition policy, while retaining the long term goal of zero tuition. We felt that this must be done as both the provincial and federal governments have enormous debts and deficits which constrain their capacity for increased contribution to postsecondary institutions and also because numerous recent funding proposals have all recognized the political and practical necessity of some increase contribution.
in the level of student
We also looked at this issue from UW’s point of view; it is our feeling that students are deeply concerned with the underfunding crisis and wish to see something done about it immediately. We worked on this idea throughout the conference with Queen’s, Brock, McMaster, Western, and a representative from U of T (who was very interested in working with us, although U of T are not members of OFS). We presented four motions regarding the task force to the Policy Review and Development Committee and all of them passed. However, only three motions were
Landlord/Tenant from the Water100 Region Community
Affairs Legal Services
QUeStiOll: I haverecentlygiven a Notice of Terminationfor my upclrtment sincelam kuving the KitctZener- Waterlou area Ihada one-year ieaseandlhave thepruper@duy
brought to Closing Plenary and they were also written in a different order than we had presented in committee. We are also concerned because our motion was not addressed until the final eight minutes of Closing Plenary. These factors may have contributed to the defeat of our motions. , As I mentioned earlier, we feel, as UW representatives, that the main concern of our campus is the underfunding issue. This is why we devoted most of our time to the motions regarding the sting of a task force. We are deeply concerned about the motions’ defeat, but will continue to work with the aforementioned interested schools with regards to this issue. During our election campaign, we were asked many questions about the direction or focus of OFS. We feel that the organization must put more emphasis on the underfunding crisis. We are now looking for student input concerning this issue. As members, Waterloo students contribute approximately $42,000 yearly to this organization - that’s $3 each. You as students are paying for a voice, so we would like to hear your comments or input. Feel free to drop by the Fed office (CC 235), write us a letter, or call John (x2378) or myself (x3780) to discuss this matter. Also, please sign a petition concerning underfunding in the Fed office.
notice prior to the end ufmy Iease to advise the landlord that I was not intending to stay on and sign a new lease. I have Q roommate who is helping me with the rent and he wishes to stay in the prembes aJlier I leave. I have told the lundiord
abuut his wish to stay un and live in the apartment, but the landlurdsuys he has to apply to lease the premises. why does he have to do this since he has been living here for srjc months? Answer:
Your roommate would not have to sign an Application to Lease if the landlord had acknowledged him as a tenant over the time period that he has been living in your premises. If the landlord has accepted rent from him and has given rent receipts in both of your names, he can point to these documents or actions as acknowledgement of a tenancy existing between your roommate and the landlord. If your roommate has signed some occupation or lease agreement with the 1andIord for the past six months acknowledging that he is a tenant, he can remain in the premises as a month to month tenant without signing an Application to Lease. If your roommate only paid rent to you and you dealt solely with the landlord, i.e. with the payment of rent and requesting repairs, there probably is no existing landlord and tenant relationship between your landlord and your roommate. Without evidence of an acknowledgement of a tenancy with your roommate, the landlord would be in position to indicate that the roommate would be a trespasser after you vacated the premises. The landlord would claim that your roommate’s status presently is based on your consent to allow him to stay in your apartment and once you leave the premises, the roommate’s licence to possess the portion of the premises is expired. Therefore, your roommate may have to negotiate and convince the landlord to allow him to rent the premises by proving that he can afford to rent the apartment and that his past conduct living in the apartment is evidence of his recognition of proper tenant obligations under the Landlord and Tenant Act. If you can assist your roommate by convincing the landlord that he would be a good tenant, most landlords would oniy be glad enough to rent an apartment to a potentially good tenant. Question: I have been living in this apartmentfor the last threeyears and for the last twcz years, I haven ‘t s@ed a lease since I was given &al advice that I didn I have to s&n a one-year lease a@er my original lease aspired. rfina/ly have_finishedsch& and Inow have a job in Toronto. lam notgoing to commute and thus I want to givea NoticeofTemination to end my tenancy. My landlord is a numberedcornpany with an add= in Toronto. Igive my rent to a supenhtendent who liver in one af the units in the apur~ment. a0 I have to mail or deliver my Notice of Terminakbn tu Toronto? Answer:
Since you a& a month-to-month tenant, you must give 60 days written l[f you pay your rent on the first day of each month, your termination date will be the last day of the preceding month. Your Notice of Termination must be at least 60 days in duration and the date must be the day before the next rental payment is due after the 60&y time period mentioned above. You do not have to serve a Notice of Termination on the address in Toronto since your question states that there is a superintendent who lives in the apartment. You can serve a Notice of Termination by delivering it to the superintendent. Since the superintendent is the agent of the landlord, service of the Notice of Termination on the superintendent is adequate service under the Landlord and Tenant Act, Also, you have the option of mailing the Notice of Termination. to Toronto, but you must remember that you must count three days for mailing of documentation under the Landlord and Tenant Act. If you had to mail the Notice of Termination to Toronto, you would have to give 63 days notice. In any event, we do not recommend that tenants wait for the last day before serving a Notice of Termination since it is easy to make a mistake and forget for one or two days to serve the Notice and thus create a situation in which you may have to pay an extra month for faiIure to give a proper Notice of Termination within the time period required under the Landlord and Tenant Act. notice to the landlord.
On the night of April 29, 1991, a typhoon at the speed of 235 kilometres per hour (147 miles per hour) accompanied by a 6 metre (19 foot) high tidal wave hit the southeast part of Bangladesh. The typhoon left as many as 10 million people homeless and 150,000 dead. Shortages of food, drinking water, drugs, and shelter might kill more people than the typhoon itself.
The resources of the government of Bangladesh is quite limited to cope withjhis situation. We urge everyone to come forward to help these affected people. The Bengali community in the Waterloo region has set up the Bangladesh Aid Fund, Waterloo Region. This fund will be forwarded to the affected people through the appropriate welfare organization. We will select the organization that will ensure that 100 per cent of the money is spent in the affected areas for iongterm benefits. Those who want to contribute can make your’cheques payable to the Bangladesh Aid Fund and mail them to the following address or contact the following persons by phone.
Contact by Telephone: Samiul Hasan: 746-5691 Ken De: 884-8329 Mailing
ST. S., 5794721
Samiul Hasan 219-104 Seagram Dr. Waterloo, ON N2L 3B8
Question: L,astyearmy landlordmiveda largerentincn?aseand thisyeur he has raised it again 5.4 per cent. with my Iimited income, I clin going to have to consider moving to a cheuper apurtment. I wanted to give the Notice uf Termination to my landlord last week but ldon ‘t have a place tago to as @yet. Is/give my Nutice of Termination can I change my mind and stay in the premises if f cannot Jind a cheaper place.? Answer: If you serve a proper Notice of Termination upon the landlord or sign an Agreement to Terminate with the landlord, you cannot change your mind and stay in the premises unless the landlord consents to allow you to enter into a new tenancy agreement. That is one reason why we advise tenants not to give a Notice of Termination or sign an Agreement to Terminate unless it is certain that you have an alternative accommodation to go to. Landlords can move without notice to tenants to regain possession, if tenants fati to move out pursuant to a proper Notice of Termination or an Agreement to Terminate between the landlord and the tenant. The problem is that landlords will rely on a proper Notice of Termination given by the tenant and re-rent the premises, and if the landlord cannot rent the premises to the new tenant the landlord may be sued for damages for failure to give vacant possession on the agreed date for the new tenant to occupy the premises. In all likelihood, the landlord would also sue the tenant who is given a Notice to Terminate and who has failed to comply with the said Notice by leaving the premises. Although the vacancy tite has risen slightIy due to the recession in our area, we urge caution to tenants to only give Notices to Terminate when they have alternative accommodation to go to since tenants cannot be certain that accommodation will appear to allow tenants to move out.
Imprint, Friday, June 28, 1991 5
First woman one of new deans
Campus by Jennifer McCormick Women’s Issues Board
U-W PROPERTY (owned by the university)
The UW security department has released its campus update for the first five months of 1991, and several items are of particular interest to the University community. The report is a summary of all oncampus incidents reported to security. Although more incidents may have occurred on the UW campus, security is only aware of officially reported incidents and cannot be responsible for those that go unreported,
Bicycling is always popular in the spring, but even more so this year. Bicycle theft on campus has nearly tripled in the first five months of 1991, 1s compared to the same period in 1990. Last year’s figu?e was 22, while the 1991 figure peaked at 61 reported stolen bikes, an increase of nearly 300 per cent. Director of Security Al Mackenzie speculates two possible reasons for this sharp increase: the impact of the dragging recession and the earlier summer-like weather we have been experiencing. Whatever the reason, students should be taking extra care when leaving bicycles unattended on campus. The security department has reason to believe that whole bikes and bike parts are being “stolen to order,” with Raleigh bikes being the most heavily targeted model. Always lock your bike (even for very short periods of times), make sure to lock it securely to the bike racks, and use a lock of appropriate value to the value of your bike. The best locks are the U-shaped, graphite ones, which run around $40. The message on campus is: “Lock it. or Lose it!” is RunnZng Wild!
All of you have seen UW’s official tow truck service, Speedy, towing up a storm in the last few months, and the stats are now in to prove it. Security has towed an incredible 1,596 vehicles in the first five months of 1991, and shows no signs of easing up as long as drivers insist on parking illegally on campus. The tow truck fleet patrols the campus on a 24-hour basis, focusing primarily on all service areas accessing buildings on campus. These areas must remain clear at all times in the event of an emergency, security says, since it is by these routes that any emergency vehicles access the buildings., When the alternative is a $40 to $50 towing fee, shelling out 50 or 75 cents at the coin-operated lots doesn’t seem so bad.
& Disorderly’s
28 1
Theft: Break and Enter & Theft:
of forced or unauthorized
entry with items missing) 25 25
Theft of Fire Extinguishers: Mifbchief/Damage:
to buildings
or property)
Theft of wallets: (taken mainly from unlocked/unattended rooms and backpacks)
areas: unlocked
Theft of License Plates: (mainly at night from Village and Columbia
Bike Theft Skyrockets
from WV NEWS Bureau
The number of drunk and disorderly behaviour incidents occurring on uw’s campus so far in 1991 is half of last year’s rate. In the first five months of 1990,89 incidents were dealt with, compared to 39 reported cases this year. These incidents usually involve problems originating in the residences, the campus pubs, or Columbia Lake Townhouses. several possible There are explanations for this sharp decline: the influx of younger students into university who are under 19, the effectiveness of the alcohol aware-
residence 9
Lake Townhouses)
from Autos:
(tapes, CD’s, and other expensive forced entry) Mischief
items removed
either with or witho:
to Autos:
(damage while parked on campus: slashed tires, broken windows, aerials, mirrors, wipers and scratches made by other individuals) Bicycle Theft: (locked and unlocked;
61 entire bikes missing
as well as specific parts)
Professors Brian Hendiey and Patricia Rowe have been appointed Deans of UW’s Faculty of Arts and Graduate Studies, respectively, effective July 1. chairs @te Hendley, who philosophy department and has been a UW faculty member since 1966, succeeds Prof. Robin Banks to head arts, Hendley was Associate Dean of Special Programs in the 197Os, and has chaired the department since 1984. A specialist in the philosophy of education, he is author of Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Educators, published
as “individlral
human abilities.” She’s now a leading figure in UW’s industrial psychology I section and has written on such topics as employment interviews, job &isfaction, and the use of psychological tests in hiring. Some of her research has involved motivation and job satisIaction for cooperative education students; she gave a paper on aspects of that work at a recent World Conference on Cooperative Education. She serves on the editorial board of the bumal of Co-operative Education and chaired the faculty salary committee at UW this year. The new deans were appointed by UW’s Board of Governors on the recommendation of President Dr. Douglas Wright after a review by search committees made up of faculty, students, and other interest groups* Earlier this year, the board approved the appointment also effective July 1 of Prof. Bob Norman, who will become Dean of Applied Health Sciences. He takes over from Prof. Ron Marteniuk.
sexuaIAssad~ 2 (assaults of a sexual nature; the majority on record have been touching or grabbing incidents, but not excluding rape. One suspect could very well be ‘responsible for a great number of rep&ted incidents.) Acts:
in 1986. Among its themes is the “need to connect the subject matter of the curriculum to life,” as articulated in a 1916 address by Alfred Lord Whitehead, a pioneer of educational philosophy. Educated at Marquette and Yale, Hendley was a visiting scholar at the University of London Institute of Education in 1975-76. He has held Fulbright and Woodrow Wilson fellowships as well as various research and travel grants. His other academic interests include medieval and religious philosophy. Rowe, the new dean of Graduate Studies, will take over from Prof. Jim Gardner. A member of the Department of Psychology, she become the
Physical Assaults: 6 (while on campus,“with majority resulting form alcohol use and party related activity at Fed Hall, Bombshelter, or residences)
first woman to hold a full deanship at UW. She was acting Dean of Arts from December 1973 to April 1974. A graduate of Toronto, Dalhousie, and McGill, she came to UW in 1%3, and at that time cited her research
TaAeXd ._I. ‘:.
(flashing,, exposing one’s private parts, commonly committed in daylight hours and by the same individual. Common areas include parking lot C, Bauer Road, Minota Hagey Residence path area, and the Dana Porter librq.) Obscene or Harassing
Phone Calh
Noise Complaints:
(after 1 Ipm, usually at Columbia Lake Townhouses Apartments, and involving loud stereos or parties) Medical Emqenti (request for ambulance; Fields)
or Married
mainly sports related at PAC or Columbia .*
FalseMAlarmS: (mainly in the Villages)
(actual arrests under the Criminal theft, indecent acts, etc.) Chaqes
Code of Canada, including
(charges laid by arrest or summons, including those under the Liquor License Act, the Highway Traffc Act, or Trespass to Property Act,) Vehicles
(on UW grounds) FMing
Safety Tips: 1. ALWAYS lock up your bike, even ‘or short periods, and use a good lock f you value your bike. 1. NEVER leave your knapsack unat:ended if it contains any valuables [wallets, calcu!ators, walkmen, etc.) I. ALWAYS lock YOU vehicle when arking on campus and never leave ness and “Drink Responsibly” programs on campus, the recession, and the increase of UW students visiting off campus bars, such as Don Cherry’s and The Twist. A close look at these statistics indicates that UW’s campus is a relatively safe community, comparable to any community of similar size. The figures for physical and sexual assaults are remarkably low, but these are only ones that have been reported
to security.
Remember: security can only assist with on-campus crimes when they are reported directly to an officer. It is
my valuables in view inside. k if they can’t see it, they tempted to steal it. 4. NEVER park in service campus and ALWAYS use operated lots unless you get of be@
they’re gonna get ya!”
SandwiChS + Soups + S&&j Remem won’t be 140 29
areas or the coin a kick ou
University Ave., W,, Waterloo King St., E., Kitchener
7254934 7494978
or later
nine out of 10 sexual assaults go unreported. If you or someone you know is involved in any type of incident that you feel warrants the involvement of the police, please call, because it is only with your help that the police can take proper action.
: i i i I. .. .. l
T;hiTsecun-tyupdute is meant tu
inJbrm everyone on campus of criminal uctivity being repned. The security depurrment and the Women’s ISSUB Board hopes that this regular monthly column will ulluw evepne to take prrvent&vu action.
AN’YS;ZESANDWICH Present this coupon before ordering. Nut valid in i conjunction with any other offer, Good only at i participating SchlolzsK\/s* Restuurunts in i Canada only.
Offer Good Thru July 13, 1991 . ~~**~~~~***~~....*..*~.......*...*.~..,..~..........*~~~9~+******~
0 pinion
Opinion: The opinion pages are designed’for Imprint staff members or feature contributors to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Only articles clearly labelled “editorial” and unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint flitorial board.
fireside chat by Peter
Jack Lefcourt’s cartoons have been appearing in Imprint for longer than I have been at this university (don’t ask . . .). For me, their most enduring and fascinating quality has always been their ability to, in the words of Letterman to Schaefer, “cxystalize my thoughts exactly.” No less with this week’s, to my immediate right. On the eve of Canada Day, I thought, why not write a comment about the dire state of bational unity one year after Meech’s failure (only on6 year? &ems more like a lifetime to me.)? Then Jack’s cartoon arrived. There it was in black and white. Like a Thanksgiving Day sermon, the message was unmist&able and strangely appealing: how can all of these people be complaining when they live in just about the best country for quality of life in the world? Now, that’s a stumper. The most disap pointing part of the whole thing is the complete rigidity of opinion on both tides of the debate. This past year has seemed more lilre decades, decades spent Iistening to every political and media celebrity dig themselves d r into their opinionated foxholes. T e Globe and Mail’s William Thor4 is stilI busying himself painting Meech’s opponents as froth-mouthed bigots and the Prime Minister as the white knight, slighted by the maiden he sought only to save. Quebecois politicians Robert Bourassa, Lucien and Jacques Par&au main. theBouchard, same uncompromising position as g rheld last summer, and Preston Manning h&beenable to capitalize on the antiQue& MckIash and our bigotry in general. The Big Chin hails last year’s broken down riegotiations as a lost opportunity - certainly It was, but he seems to go farther to posit that mh an opportunity is-just the wh&n of fate’ md will come wain about the time of HaIley’s Zomet’s retuk And everyone agree w& With one exceptiori. Manning and his Reform Party boast that they could bring the xmntry to the brink of unity, resolution, and LU th&e other warm and-fuzzv words. of :ourse, his party’s excIusionaxy’ philosophy In both Quebec and immigration may reduce is party’s appeal. . . somswhat. Everyone in the media and politics seems neady to jump dn each other’s backs and cerainI+ not ba& down from their very rational 1piIGons. So get to the point,right? Here’s my point: I love this counfry - not n some hawkish, patriotic way so that I would ly to Iraq and torch civilians for our, but mosiy other people’s, economic interests. I love his country in that way that you love your street, your neighbourhood, or your town: it s familiar and comfortable, and I an? picture nyself wanting to live permanently in knother country. Of course, comfort breeds complacency, mt not if you include others in your personal MorId order. No matter how comfortable you re, there is always someone who is deprived )f the resources necessary to sustain life, lever mind comfort That’swhyIliketothinkofCanadaDayasa hanksgiving. Sing ‘0 Canada,” salute the lag, or enjoy fireworks.. . but don’t stop being hankful
that you
in this relative
wradise. But remember: part of being thankul is sharing your harvest with others. The lltemative is disaster for this world. Long live a united Canada.
Drugs: some legal, some not Is it just me, or is tie world in a chronic state ’ of worsening stupidity? A very apathetic collection of stupidity, at that. I wrote the above tie about 9 pm on Wednesday. Now it’s 1:30 am and we have just returned from the Bombshelter. The process of writing these opinion piecs is quite a long and intricate process, The first drug to talk about, obviously, is alcohol, We have a whole . industry established on the (valid) ampon that people wanf to consume vast quantities of alcohoi. We have beer and Iiquor stores, brew-yourown shops, and untold numbers of licensed establishments to provide the stuff. The first thing you’re asked when you walk in a bar or
Editmi.al Board
restaurant is n~ouId you like something to &+I&?” When put in this perspective, it is ludicrous to observe how regulated and established the consumption of alcohol is. People are served until they can no longer physically manage to get their wallet out of their purse or pocket, and then they are kicked out. Then they become violent and start fights or vandaIize things on the way home. Alcohol is also related to most crimes and innumerabIe deaths. Yet we are constantly told not to go to work whiIe drunk, not to drink and drive, not to drink too much too often, and so on. Still, with all the negative effects of consumption of this drug, society as a whole stiIl
mw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8884048 Imprintis
Produtb MQr. ...... .-Laurie Tiger+Dumas Productron As& ................. Mike Sheppard ........................................ Dio Rodrigues Gene@ J((l~ ................ Vivian Tambeau officeAs8L vacant Business Asst. ................................... vacant ................ W....tesli e Grove Ad Assistant. ........................... Sandra 8yers .......................... Lizabeth Pifstl PfodRe8der .........................................
newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by h@t Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Impint is a memtxr of ,the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms and every second Friday during the Spring term. Mail should be addressed to imprint, Campus Gentre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3Gf. E-mail should be addressed to imprint at watservl .Waterloo-edu. Impht reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. hpxbt
to page 7.
Board of Directors ......... ..S............” ........... Trevor Blair President .......................... Peter Brown vice-Pm8ident secrstar)Fltea “. .................... ..Fau I Done Dm at kge .............. Joanne Sandrin Dave Thomson ............................. Derek Wei ler St8ffLi8b .“.
........................ Joanne Sandrin PhobEdtaf Photo As8ist8nt ......................... Tammy Lee
Friday, June 28,1991
Ed&f-h-Chid .......................... Peter Brown Assistant Editor ......... “. ....... Dave Thomson Ndmr Editor vacant Schce Edii vacant Sports Editor Rich Nichol Aits Edi .. ..HI.............” .......... Derek Wei ter .
sanctions the use of it. Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or heroin, yet it is simply grossly overtaxed and becoming more of a taboo, It causes untold deaths every year, but governments are frightened at the thought of making it illegal. These fundamentil contradictions in our attitudes toward legal drugs now leads me into a discussion of the illegal ones. So4Ied “soft drugs” such as marijuana and hash are ilIegaI, yet are’ far less harmful than the aforementioned ones. Cannabis products are not physically addictive. They do not cause 99 per cent of the um to become violent and commit crimes.
. ..Y..
Contribution List
the official student
ISSN 0706-7380.‘
Subscription rates available upon request.
Sandy Atwal, Lisa Brice, Trevor Blair, C.D. Co&s, PhiIlip Chee, Paul Done, Derek Hawley, John Hymers, Bene Kearney, Teresa Kennedy, Jennifer McCormick, Jim McAuliffe, Jay Shorten, Christopher Waters, Derek Weiler @rice Manion), Earl’me Axe” Wheeler (J. Logan MiIlar).
by Lizabeth Pirstl and Dave Thomson Photos by Dave Thomson Cover
Ibum: The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint, Campus
Death acontinued from page @ people are too relaxed to bother picking a fight or to vandalize something. The drug doesn’t make them want to beat others up, steal stuff, or commit any kind of crime. I have no idea why people have such a negative image of these drugs. If they were legalized, the government could make a mint by taxing them. The underground drug trade in the United States is estimakcl (conservatively) to be about $200 billion a year. Can you imagine the potential for government taxation? As well, they could disband most narcotics squads and save unimaginable court expenses incurred by prosecuting ysers. Did I mention that dope is also an environmentally f?iendly product? The weed can replace the forestry industry, for Christ’s sake. Per acre, it produces four times as much pulp and paper products as forests. And you can get two crops per year, instead of one every 50 or 60. Before it was illegal, it was even used to produce clothes. Honest. Too bad the police have dried up southwestern Ontario. Brilliant. Stoned
a is thm anybudyout there??
Can weassumethat the luck of letten to the editur indicates that we?+edoing such a great job that no une has any cumplaints? We didn j think so.
chrome “frosting” of the grilIwork collapse. Slivers of steel penetrate the tree to-a depth of
four centimetres or more. 2/10 of a sccand - The hood crumplesas it rises, smashing into the windshield. Spinning rear wheels leave the ground. The fenders come into con&t with the tree, forcing the rear parts out over the front doors. The heavy structural members of the car begin to act as a brake on the terrific forward momentum of the two-and-a-half ton car. But the driver‘s body continues to move forward at the vehicle’s original speed (at 20 times normal force of gravity, his body weighs 1,450 kibgrams.). His legs, ramrod straight, snap at the knee joints.
B/l0 of a second - The driver’s
body is
now’ off the seat, torso upright, broken knees pressing against the dashboard. The plastic and steel frame of the steering wheel beg@ to bend under his terrible death grip. His head is now near the sun visor, his chest above the
steering column. 4/10 of a second - The car’s front 60 centimetres have been demolished, but the rear end is still travelling at an estimated speed of 55) kph. The driver’s body is still travelling.90 kph. The half-ton motor block crunches into the tree. The rear end of the car, like a bucking horse, rises high enough to scrape bark off low branches. 5/10ofa second - The driver’s fear-frozen hands bend the steering column into an almostvertical pos&ion The force of gravity impales him on the steering shaft. Jagged steel punctures lung and intercostal arteries. 6/10 of a second - The driver’s feet are ripped from his tightly laced shoes. The brake pedal shears off at the floor boards. The chassis bends in the middle, shearing body bolts. The windshield.
by Sandy
Recently, two gun control bills made the headlines in the United States and Canada. In the United St.&es the Brady Bii (named after the man who became a vegetable after the John Hinckley Jr. assassination attempt on Reagan) wanted a seven-day clearance for people applying for hand guns. of course, the NRA still managed to get lobbyists fighting tooth and nail to stop thii bill. Eventually it P?==l* In Canada, Justice Minister Kim Campbell from BC introduced a watered-down gun control legislation after her first attempt faiIed last year. People on the left and right of the political see-saw are pretty easy to tell apart onan issue such as this. 0n the right, individuals such as NRA members (including George Bush) are all for no legislation (except maybe stopping black people from owning guns). The right to bear arms is, after all, in the constitution, and any government legislation is an encroachment on civil libeties. And of course, there is the idiotic “guns don’t kill people - people kill people” argument. On the other hand, the left will argue that guns are responsible for the United States being the murder capital of the world, England doesn’t have any guns and look how few people die there, etc., etc. And, there is the more logical rebuttal that guns do kill people because technology has ‘built into it d sociological use and no technology * inert. However, the primary element of the left’s
driver’s head smashes into the The rear of the car begins its
at the editor’s
arguments concerning gun control is that guns are used only to encroach on other people’s civil liberties. A gun has one primary purpose: guns are made and used for the express purposeof killing others. Thus, if we are reaIly interested in protecting liberty and personal freedom, this is best done by controlling who has guns, since a gun is a tool for killing and wounding and thus (obviously) stopping Someone from exercising his liberty. (As it is my liberty not to use a gender-neutral adverb). At first this may seem like a form of censorship. Since when did the quashing of an idea help that idea? Likewise, how will the government stopping me from exercising my freedom promote freedom. I think that this may be a clear instance of how stopping someone from being free is obviously a good thing. It would not be in the best interest of the world to let Charles Manson loose with an army, so we stop him from doing that. We don’t let individuals do anything they want, we prevent them (and this is JS Mill’s only allowance for any government action) from acting in such a way as to do harm to others. In order to do this we create things such as gun control legislation. Row this only works if we believe that having a government is useful because people are
not smart enough to live together without each other. However, if we believe that a positive goal is to live without an organization, a “big brother” to help us along, we must start by giving responsibility to people. We cannot shield them forever if we believe in freedom. And legislation, no matter what excuse we give, i&shielding. kiJhg
downward fa,ll, spinning wheels digging into the ground. 7/10 of a second - The entire, writhing body of the car is forced out of shape. Hinges open. In one last convul-
sion, the seat rams forward, pinning the driver against the cruel steel of the steering shaft.
Blood leaps from his mouth, shock has frozen
his heart.,He is now dead. Time elapsed: seven-tenths of a second. Please don’t drink and drive.
The Friend
byPhmp Chee
or maybe spring was set to replay its timeless script; I’m not certain But we saw birds in the woodlot, my friend and I. And we heard them, playfully, cheerfully, whimsically flitting between the stately sugar maple and majestic oak She had read my philosophical writings and so, I wanted her to get a sense of the things that awoke my imagination. She had especially sought the “well” which I had poetically described, but alas, as I feared, we could not find it. I guided our walk to as many natural objects as I could. But, I wanted to avoid merely listing the trees, animals, and snow, like material possessions. I wanted to share the wonder of a prickly hawthorn, the chorus of sparrows, or the way in which the receding whiteness reveals frozen berries. Yet, in the woods only with another person can you have the question, “Why do the leaves turn red?“, answered, discussed, and reflected upon; or a prophetic interpretation of Shelley’s Frankenstein explained by the hindsight of scientism; or the paradoxical use of words: as data and metaphor. In this way, on a rosy-eared February afternoon, you wonder if the relationship between persons must be grounded in an ecological context. Does it complete the community, the
Party Pack i 1Ii Student I 5 LARGE 15” Pizza’s I and 24 cans Coca-Cola Classic
Maybe it was the warm weather,
of humanitas;
be accepted
Before you leave for 0ttawa, Grand Bend, or wherever this long weekend takes you, Bacchus Waterloo would like you to take a couple minutes to consider what happens when a car &welling at 90 kilometres-perhour crashes into a solid, immovable tree: l/l0 of a wccmd - The front bumper and
Ron BIakey Ikderation Baqhw
can-also be sent via e-mail to jmprint@watservl.Waterloo+du. Be with all correspondence. Tlie deadline for The maximum length for each entry is 400
To UW students,
tear, doors
Remember: this is YOUR forum. Use it!
14. fail
sure to include your phone number submitting letters is 5:OO ‘pm Monday. words, although longer pieces may material is subject to editing.
for is this not ecology?
Solitude is what results when community is bracketed. In this, the “other” affords to the reflective primacy of “self,” practical experience. The beauty of a singular spider, precariously tight-roped, is meaningfully experienced alone, but shared, evokes empathy (thanks, Emily!) It is all too easy to lose the intimacy with nature grasped by solitude, with spoken words, but a subtle glance restores the dreamy imagination of being seven again.
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1 Large Gino’s Deluxe (pepperoni, green peppers, onions, bacon) l I Large Gino’s Vegetarian
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Plus Applicable
Tax + Valid only
II m I
at this location
Large 5 I cheese)
Not valid with any other
Offer Expires July 14, 1991
(fresh: I
B Imprint, Friday, June 28, 1991
Political poet ponders parties by Jay Shorten apeaialto Imprint Canada is undergoing a shift in politial allegiances. People are turn@g away from the Conservatives and moving in all directions: some to the Liberals, some to the NDP, and some to the Reform Party. But what does this mean in terms of the next election? Political pundits moan: ‘There’s going to be a minority government!” The Reform Party boasts: ‘We’re going to win at least 40 seats in the next election!” And Lucien Bouchard practices becoming the new voice of Quebec in the mirror. But are they all talking through their hats? -
Conservatives? We don’t have proportional repres&M&ion in this country. just because the Reform Party is at 16 per cent does not mean they will win 16 per cent (47) of the seats. The only way to put meaning into these figures is to translate them into seats. This would be easy if they 1,000 people in each riding but no one ever polls that many people. And the national figures are not very useful, because people vote differently in each region. Fortunately, CiJlup provided a breakdown of the results by region. I took these figures and calculated on a riding-by-riding basis what the results might have been if an election had been held on the dav they took the survey. The results a& It a pre-
Of course, these is no way oE knowdictionofwhatwillhappen~the ing the answer to these questions next election. They are just a supposiunless an election is called -which #ion of what might have ned. &esn’t seem likely. Then, how do So don’t be startled if I spetl?= of this hey make such &ii? They look # “erection” in the present or past tenh. ?he figures of the bst polls .I*4es! Unfortunately, these numbers are .. b My method was this: 1. Par each region, I determiraed ,r ’ ’ euselessSqwhatti45percentc# support the ’ whkhpartiehadseenadmpIntheir iiF people survey& bJerals and tiy 15 per cent tdre suppart from the last electiti and
calculated how big the drop was. 2. I then redistributed the drop among the parties which had gained support 3, Then I plugged in these figures for each riding assuming that similar things were happening in all the dings in each region. For example, let’s say that in the province of Mrtnitoba, 40% voted PC, 300%~ NIX’, 2oo10 Liberal, and 10% reform in the last election. The latest polJ gave the results 3O??&PC, 30% NDP, 26% l&era and 14% Reform. ln Jeannette-Rankin riding the results were: 60% PC, 20% NIX, 15% Liberal, and 5% Reform. Parties that lost support: the PCs. Forty per cent minus 30% equals 10%. Ten% of 40% is 25%. Therefore, the PCs lost 10% voter support in absolute figures, but 25% fewer people said they would vote PC. Parties that gained support: Liberals and Reform. The Liberals gained 6% in absolute support, and Reform 4% in absolute support. But the total absolute change was 10%. Therefore, the Lberals ’ ed 60% of the change (6% of 6&r is 10%) . and Reform 40%. How does this apply to the Jeannette-Rankin riding? The PCs lost 25% of$reirsupport. This means they lost 1596 (one&u&b of 60%) absolutely, and are left with 45% sup port. The NDP had no we, and arestiUat20%.TheL&$&@ed 60% of t+e drange - the&&e, they
9% ,ovedl,
and mw’have
21%. Refm gained 40% of the change; theiefore, they g2hbd 6% overall, and now have lt%. Sqifanelectionhadbeencalled, the results 11gJeanne&+nkin riding -would have been: PC 45%, L&era& 21%, NDP zl3%, and RefQrm 11%. I am not a political scientist, so 1 do not know if1 am justified inassuming similarthingswillhappenineachriding in the region. I also ignored the incumbency factor because I was not sure how to calculate it. I also (arbitrarily) decided that if the winning party came within 2.5% of the second-m&t party, then the riding could have gone the other way. As a result, I came up with four sets of figures, depending on which way the uncertain ridings fell. The first set favours the PCs, the second set the Liberals, the third set the NDP, and the fourth set the Reformers/BQ. (The fifth number in the poll represents “other.“)
You may ask, “What? How can the Tories retain all those seats?” The answer is the NW, which plays a spoiling role for the Liberals. At its weakest, the large support for it enables many of- the PGs to retain their seats and even perhaps to make some gains (Burin-St. George, NF; Dartmouth, NS; Hi&borough, PE) from the Liberals. However, at its strongest, the NDP can win seats from not only the Liberals (Halifax), but from the PCsas well (St. John’s E, NF; Halifax W; St. John, NB). With seats in three provinces, the NDP makes the breakthrough in Atlantic Canada it has been waiting for. The Liberals ayz not that badly off: they retain at best 19 seats (a dtop of only one) and at worst 16 (a drop of four). Reform is insigni&ant.
If you faded Grade One art and four@ you got red crayon in
Manitoba too, don’t worry, because hdafkito~itlsogoesLiberaltothetune of tOiBrlise*.~mPk~~ seats (Chd and Winnipeg Trulscona) andgains one (DauphinSWan River) kom the PCs Th+ ReformPartype&apsseesit&&MP ever elected outside ti Alberta in PRAIRIES Best,..
or perhaps
sees a
narrow defeat to the Liberals. In Saskatchew~ the NDP reigns supreme, except fog a seat in Rqi#~ -(itnd maybe one in Swift Current) that Liberal, Al E t=taawthePCstoi love-feast of R&M, except fez &me 7.’‘puri2 seats isr hontort which
elect NDP.
: j
Science Book Review
Eco-anarchist The Philosophy of Social Ecology by Murray Bookchin Black Rose Books, 198 page $14.95
For many Marxists, the social breakdown of modem society can be located temporally in the emergence of the capitalist -enterprise. From the French Revolution in 1789 to the dawn of the modem European nation-state circa 1848, revolutions have tended to be violent and messy affairs. They have also often resulted in the abrogation by the forces of reaction of the freedoms the lower classes wrestled from the bourgeoisie. The Romantic movement of the nineteenth century, correctly sensing the OveMrhelming madness gf reactionaries, scientists, and industrialists, mistakenly opted for a return to an already spiritually-deprived theology. But what these two related periods have in common was an astonishing diversity of intellectual thought,* the culmination of bourgeo@ enli~tenmenUhis+ kgs the ques-: %&,“lklthae~~s the”p&tcle:of hun&n rsJ lI has it biought us any closer to a better world? Obviously, the answer is an arguable no, for there is much poverty, corruption, and misery in the west and in the Third World legacies of colonialism, a legacy that only fully blossomed as the new nation states asserted themselves with a vainglorious nationalism. I thii it is quite valid to suggest that something happened to humanity, personified as an emerging European consciousness, after the Fitst World War that could be described as cultural suicide. The post-Second World War era of consumption has been merely an anesthetic layered over a humanity that is now beginning to encompass the rest of the world, a humanity that failed to kill itself on the first try. (I’m not being facetious when I say this since there are anthropologists, evolutionists, and ecologists who have seriously wondered whether all species have a limited life span and will eventually become extinct.) And as symptomatic of a recuperating patient, Murray Bookchin would add, “9 is not surprising to find that the very notion of coherent thinking is being seriously corroded by patchwork eclecticism and ideological faddism”
+ . . Z’rit not being Bookchin, a social ecologist who proudly wears the label of “eco-anarchist,” strongly believes that social breakdown has often been accompanied by an overall intellectual fragmentation that is mirrored in our daily lives. He laments the fact that the ecological consciousness that he pioneered has not been successful in changing much of anything. In his 1980 anthology of essays, Toward and Ecologica Socety, he wrote optimistically that the ’80s seemed prepared to put his ideas into concrete action. Unfortunately, this has not come to pass, and as late as 1988 he was engaging in critical mudslinging with what he perceived as the racist and fascist adherents of the Deep Ecology movement, notably Dave Foreman, the founder of Earth First!. He also worries that “any muscularity of thought or evidence of knowledge is either ignored as too ‘heavy’ or condemned as intellectually linear’ and disputatious. We are witnessing the emergence of a mentally lazy readership that is almost startled - when it isn’t ‘turned off’ (to use the electronic jargon of our time) - by serious and demanding nought.” To remedy this, Bookchin has published a coUe&on of three “Essays on Dialectical Naturalism,” as subtitled in his most recent book, The Philosophy of social Eco@‘y~ (Four, if you count the introduction, “A Philosophical Naturalism,” in which he outlines his arguments. in the introduction, he defines what he believes nature actually is. He argues that the current critique of the evils of our society and the environmental crisis is more often a kneejerk reaction to “conventional reason.”
28, 1991
analyses eco- ethics
We are told that by attacking a narrow definition of reason and needlessly denigrating rational thinking itself, we overlook the value of other forms of reason, namely dialectical reason, that had its,highest elaboration in the works of nineteenth century philosopher, Georg HegeL Bookchin, here also, adds a caveat, reminding us of the shortcomings of the Hegelian system, namely the idealism that pervades Phenomenology of Spirit, verging on theology. It is important to remember that both of the 20th century’s totalitar& ideologies, Nazism and Leninist-Marxism, were based on philosophies that misused dialectic reasoning.
evolution could we hope to ground this philosophy in an ecological context, Bookchin says. To that end, he expands upon the concept of natural evoIution and delivers it from the trap of mechanistic thinking that obscures its potential for rational understanding of the natural world. For example, he describes what he defines as “participatory evolution.” As species become more complex, the relations they form within an eco-community become more stable and lead to an expanding degree of freedom, choice, and self-directiveness in nature and allows life to participate in its own evolution. Thus, Homo sapiens could be considered one species that has attained such a
Bookchin argues that only an ecologicallybased dialectic, a dialectical naturalism, allows for, among other things, the development of the “whatshduld-be” from the potentialities of the “what-is.” The “what-is,” he explains, is that which conventional reason defines as what is real. ‘Ethics,” he adds, “is not merely a matter of personal taste and values, it is factually anchored in the world itself as an objective standard of self-realization. Whether a society is ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ moral or immoral, for example, can be objectively determined by whether it has fulfi.Ued its potentialities for a rational and moral society.” The theoretical bases for Bookchin’s ecological ethics are explored in the first essay, ‘Toward a Philosophy of Nature.” He Criticizing academic St&S out by philosophers for not comprehending, or worse, misinterpreting the growth of the environmental and social science literature exemplified by Gregory Bateson, Arthur Koestler, Fritjof Capra, Carolyn Merchant, and Theodore Roszak He emphasizes that we should go beyond a simplistic critique of mechanism versus organicism that stops at Descartes and should evaluate the implications of the Kantian turn in epistemology. We should remember that the Presocrat&. gave nature a moral dimension “irrespective of human purposes” that is not “teleological” as the post-Kantians would have us believe. In his critique of systems theory, Bookchin develops the idea that substance is not merely matter in motion but that matter has an inherent “sensibilit”that allows for the “directive development of nature toward complexity,” which is not a “self-vitiating” /an vital that reduces it to merely “purpose” or “goaL” Nature, he concludes, has a self-evolving “grain” with an implied ethics; ‘Mutualism, freedom, and subjectivity are not strictly human values or concerns. They appear, however germinally, in larger cosmic or organic processes that require no Aristotelian God to motivate, no Hegelian Spirit to vitalize them.” What this means is that our very definition of matter must go beyond the limits that conventional reason places on it, to acknowledge what dialectical reason show us about it, namely, that matter has a latent property for self~organization. The second essay, ‘Freedom and Necessity in Nature,” (originally published in AZternatives, the UW Faculty of Environmental Studies journal), begins by describing how a dualism set between man and nature leads to two positions: either man must submit with religious piety to the “natural laws” of nature or defiantly conquer nature by technology or rational innovation. Bookchin, as he has repeatedly written in a number of earlier works, says the latter attitude at times “entails the subjugation of human by human in a shared project to ultimately liberate’ all of humanity from the compulsion of ‘natural necessity.“’ But only with the theoretical foundation of
degree of complexity, for he reminds us that “mind” does not develop suddenly from a non-human ancestor, but has its own Mh~ti
The last essay, ‘Thinking Ecologically,” reviews much of what he has previously written; bear in mind that all the essays with the exception of the introduction were published in different journals. However, this is the strongest piece in the collection. To wit, he brilliantly &mantles Fritjof Cap ra’s 13re Turning RM, showing us why a systems theory riddled with ha&bak~d Taoist metaphors obtites an underlyin%
“spiritual mechanism;” shows how biocentric acolytes, when ignoring social and political reasons for environmental crises, turn out to be misanthropes willing to let Third World societies succumb to “natural laws” and likewise preserving “nature” for middle-class whites; and minimally guides us to an understanding of how to mediate humanity from its development out of biology to society and toward a third, freer nature that reco@izes these two roots, but is also “imbued with an ecological philosophy and sensibility.” Bookchin’s rhetorical writing style seems heavy, and has often been criticized as such, but it is not if you do not belong to the tuned out, “mentally lazy reademhip.” (The constraints of his philosophy have already been examined for example, by Robyn Eckersley in the journal Environmental Ethics, two years ago.) But sadly, he is one of the few remaining social critics with any semblance of a sharp witted edge. The persuasiveness of his arguments bring together scholarship and the liberatory stances of freedom, equality, and brotherhood. His solutions are not utopian, but the pathway down an alternative actualization of human freedom and creatitity that fosters a world that c&n be meaningful$or those who seek meaning and a flu “end’*.f$ b-‘,m&& I%- J&G’,: totalitarian reductionism of final causality. In essence, the development of “an ethics that is rooted in the objectivity of the potential, not in co mmandments of a deity or in the eternality of a supra mundane and transcendental ‘reality? A book review of this length is inadequate to completely examine the breadth and fecundity -of Bookchin’s philosophy. Suffice it to say, as a mode of criticism, he shows us how to handle the tools necessary to deal with the daunting challenges ahead. Much of contemporary criticism could use his vigour to buttress for instance, the inane fragmentation of the New World Order or the regressive and reactionary parochialism of the Refomr party*
The Leadersin Quality OutdoorEquipment& Clothing
28, 1991
Morocco, a land of sea coast and desert, is a popular, inexpensive vacation retreat for Europeans, and even some North Americans. You can experience a tour of the desert, a ride on a camel, and il you are lucky, a taste of distinctive North African hospitality. Most visitors fmd the Moroccan people to be appreciating and friendly hosts to tourists. Unfortunately, as is all too common, there is a dark side to Morocco, a much darker side, Amnesty International is gravely concerned with human rights abuses in Morocco and in the Western Sahara, which isunderMoroccan control. Though Morocco has signed various international treaties protecting citizens’ human rights, reports continue to come in describing the holding of political prisoners of conscience; torture; detention without trial, famiIy contact, or legal representation; and cruel degrading and inhuman punishment. The University of Waterloo-based group of Amnesty International (Group 118) has recently been assigned a dossier concerning “disappearances” in the Western Sahara. The Western Sahara was under Spanish colbnial rule until the Iate 1970s. Facing a constant attack from Saharawi independence forces led by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Sag& el Hamra and Rio de Ore (Polisario Front) and also facing internal instability due to France’s loosening grip, Spain was prethe Western Sahara w to offer autonomy. The present king of bordering Morocco, I-I&an II, refused to acknowIedge selfdetermination for the Saharawi and brought his case to the International Court of Justice. The result was a United Nations report which favoured a referendum to allow the Saharawi to exercise their right to self-determination. Unfortunately, this was to be but an academic exercise, as before it became a resolution, the Green March took place. The “Green March” was a government organized influx of 350,000 unarmed Moroccans into
Sahara* “naiIs pulled out, cigarette burns. -. pulled out his genitals which left him impotent . . .” However, I do not think the sensational is necessary to capture your attention or pique your sympathies. The simple fact that they are prevented from leading their lives, knowing their families, and learning, should be enough Torture horrifies our senses and therefore, we can attempt to filter it out. However, the concept of being treated unfairly cuts to the quick, we know it, we have ail felt it even if not on the scale that the disappeared do. Though group 118 is working on a number of individuals’ behalf, there are two cases in particular I would like to hi&Ii&t. These cases,are very close to us and readily touch home. They are, like most of you reading this article, students.
the Western Sahara on Nov. 61975. Spain then ceded the Western Sahara and it has been under Moroccan control ever since. The Polisario Front stiI1 is in armed struggle, though now against a different opponent. Reports of- “disappearances” of Saharawi began soon after the “Green March” and continue to the present day. Amnesty International has long petitioned the Moroccan government about the disap pearances, but with limited success. Amnesty International views as “disappeared” those reportedly arrested by the military or the security forces and whose detention is not acknowledged by the government, Students and educated Saharawi in particular have been targeted, but the disap peared of the Western Sahara come from all walks-of liie and age groups. Most appear to be held due to a belief that they, or relatives, oppose Moroccan rule or support the PoIisario Front. In contrast to most countries where disap pearances have occurred, widespread reports persist that the Moroccan disappeared, some held since 1975, are stiIl alive. It has been an ongoing &rug&e of Amnesty International to get the government to acknowledge the detainees and ensure them a fair trial or arrange their immediate release. Within Morocco, the disappearances are shrouded in secrecy as even the Moroccan human rights groups avoid the topic. Throughout the years since 1975, some of the disappeared have been released. It is through their testimonies that the cruel and inhuman conditions of their detention are known and why the belief that many stilI live p&&s. It is difficult for an everyday Canadian to appreciate the horrors of torture. Thankfully, it is beyond our understanding. However, the removaI of one’s civil liberties and human rights is much more cognitively accessible. Often, one must experience to appreciate, and everyone has experienced unfair denial. This is our closest analogue to a prisoner of conscience. I could go on and on about the particulars of the reported tortures of the
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One&y in March of 1976, Azzaz, then 22, was summoned to see the teachers of his secondary school in Agadir. When he arrived at the meeting, he was seized by the “poke judiciare.” Others arrested with him and since released d&scribed a severe and tortuous detainment. Azzaz has not been seen or heard from since, though in 1982 he was reportedly still alive. Fiieen years now he has been detained and denied his life and studies, fifteen years of possible torture without rep rieve, and stiIl no response from his government pe&ining to his whereabouts, a of arrest, or trial. ould Mohamed ould Ayad l
Khader was studying to become a teacher at the time of his arrest in March, 1976, He was arrested at the Teachers’ Training Co&e in Agadir. His brother tdo was arrested from the Inezgone Lycee (high school) in the same month. Neither has been heard from since. All three of these students are rumoured to have been held at Agdz from 1977 to 1982 and then moved to an unnamed southern jail where, as recently as 1983, they were reportedly still alive. Our group is working on behalf of these students and other Saharawiwho have disap including children and entire peared, families. But it is on behalf of these students that we ask the students of Waterloo to respond, by writing to the Moroccan Ambassador to Canada. It takes little time and no commitment - just write a letter or clip out the one below and put in A.L’s mailbox located in the hallway with the housing boards in the CC.
Salem ould IAZW
More about Amnesty What is Amnesty International? Amnesty International is impartial. It does not support or oppose any government or politicd system. Nor does it necessarily sup port or oppose the views of the prisoners whose rights it seeks to protect. It is concerned solely with the protection of the human rights involved in each case, regardless of the ideology of the government or the belief3 of the victims. Amnesty International focuses on prisoners. It seeks the release of prisoners of conscience. These are people detained anywhere for their beliefs, colour, sex, ethnic origin, language, or religion, who have not used or advocated violence. It works for fair and prompt trials for all politicd prisoners and on behalf; of such people detained without charge or trial. It opposes the death penalty and torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of all prisoners without reservation. Group 118 meets every Wednesday in room 135at 7 p.m. in the campus Centre. AU are welcome and irivited. Our meetings are rather hfmrd and are based on information sharing, wcwking on cases, and planning events. I would like to share why I take part in and support Amnesty International. Like many of you, I have become frustrated and discouraged with a world where so much pain and suffering persists and is often iIl.StitUtiOMliZd.
Knowing that intervention in another country’s affairs and culture leads only to disaster, I have reconciled myself to attempting to aid and give support to those who are txying to 0veKome the suffering in their countries from within. When such a brave soul is oppressed for expressing her/his beliefs, Amnesty International interferes simply by petitioning his/her oppressors to respect their fundamental human rights. At times, to our incredible satisfaction, it even works. Come to a meeting if only to observe and find out more. We would be glad to help you help someone out there who is in dire need of a friend.
.. i f i ’ i
His Excellency Maati Jorio, Ambassador Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco 38 Range Road ottawa,ontario KlN 8J4 l
i . .. . :
June, 1991
Your Excellency,
l . . . l .
i . b . i : l
UW Student Health Cards
Post Office . Sports Orthotics
1 I i c .. . +. .. . Ir. . :. .. .. *. . . l
I am writing you in concern for the disappearances of three students from your territory in the Western Sahara. In March 1976, Mohamed Salem ould Abba ould D’khil, who was attending secondary school in Agadir, was taken into custody. In the same month, Khader ould Mohamed ould Ayad, who was studying at the Teachers’ Training College in Agadir and his younger brother, Ahmed-Salek, were also arrested. None of these students have been seen or heard from since they “disappeared,” although they were reportedly moved from Agdz to an unnamed southern jail in 1982. As a Canadian student at the University of Waterloo, I am gravely concerned about these disappearances in your country. These students are being deprived of their tights to Life, liberty, and security of person These rights are proclaimed in the United NationsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights. I respectfuRy remind you of your own proclaimed commitment to the safeguarding human rights, and request your efforts to seek the release of these three students who have never been offkiaIIy tried or arrested. Thank you for your time and help in this important matter. Yours Sincerely -_
: : I
/ II I I ,
. .
. T-HE FED .PAGE’ page is produced
by the Federation
of Students’ Board of Communications
Women’s Issues Board presents:
University of Waterloo
SAFElY AUDIT July 7, at-7 p.m. requires approx. 2 hours of your time sweycampus to compile suggestionlistabout “How safety can be improved at the Universityof Waterloo.” l all interested individualsplease call Carmel or Kim at the Women’sIssuesBoardat x6305 or drop by the Fed Office at CC235. l
Also open Saturdays from 1I:30 a.m, ‘till 1 alma
zSummerat the Bomber
For more information, contact Pat Forte, Chair, Board of Academic Affairs, at ext. 6299.
The following services and events are sponsored by the Federation of Students, tlniversBy of Waterloo, for the benefit of Federation fee-paying members. For more information, please call 88&4042 or drop by the Campus Centre, room 235. BUSINESSES
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Information Line
. 8861FEDS
Why pay more ...!? On-campus prices... irresistable! Bombshelter paraphrenalia (Caps, rock’n’ roll 9 Ts “faithful patron” T’s and boxers) a&able continually. , . Stay tuned..Karaoke is retuming...soon A Rock ‘n‘RollNight specialeditionSaturday,July 6, this year. The region’s funniest Volleyball Tourney returns July 5 and 26 - LOTSA LAII@S & PRIZES! Thursday nights..something specialwill happen to you... T?‘zestudent pub business...confusing? Drop by anytime for clarification. Doors are always open.
ha@ and tqpansion
The future of the NHL TheLindK?s~
Alas, the 1990-W National Hockey &ague season is now officially over,
lfter last weekend’s ind no-one
he highly-touted indros,
ime) a Quebec Lindrtis
no. 1 draft pick Eric
temporarily the
world are still in limbo over his future Gns. Will he stay with the Nordi-
Hamilton had their arena built already, and Tim Horton’s (one of the main owners of a possible Hamilton NHL team) profited $700 million last year. But NHL President John Ziegler
boy face will be duking
lues? Probably not. A trade to mother NHL team in exchange for a ti&-&ude of players seems the safesf pess. But a de&ion to go into the World
as other centermen. He could go into the comer tith two dozen eggs in his pkets and come back out with not one of them broken.
a true all-around hockey superstar. He is a fairly good fighter though. 1 can’t wait to see Lindros when he plays with the big boys. That pretty
(as of press
second half of their franchise fee.
I will truly be surprised if hdros gets over 100 points in the NHL next season. He is sort of a Breti Hull without the blood, sweat, and tears of
draft in Buffalo,
is more exhausted
massive size, tindros is too timid to dig in the corners for the puckas often
it qut against
the iron fists of Basil McCrae, Bob ProberQdarty &IcSorIey, agd j+ve Manson sbCin,erioughV I- 4 ‘: ’
or play in Europe
be a big mistake
3e’s guaranteed
\JBA, and
for instance. He
No matter where Lindros ends up he will definitely help improve the hapless Quebec Nor&-
cpes using either his talents
in the
later he ended up back in the league playing
‘or the Cleveland
at $3-
nillion-per-year. The safest bet for Lindros, a 6’4” 220 lbs. center, is to demand a trade to
inother WlL
team in the well-established He wants
I can’t blame him for not wanung to llay in Quebec. Here is an tiglophone hockey star who grew
lp in Ontario
The Expansion
xesses the English language, be it on igns or by tongue. Gotta be looking orward to those French-only interiews and French-only conunercialsD indros has not ruled out a career in )uebec though; he just wants to see what team will give him the ‘most
noney. seen Lindros play a of times and, personally, I
Yet, I have
:an’t see what all the hoopla isabout.
hink he is a bit of a floater. He circles n front of the opposing team’s net uaiting for the pass and then whacks t in, getting all the glory. Despite his
. . . wait a minute the same thing
had trou-
ble with? Hamilton will eventually get an NHL franchise, by expansion or, more likely, another team moves in. But dc&t you think that an expansion team should be awarded to a city and fans that deserve it? Over 15,000 peoseason
team, and almost
I’m still steamed at the NHL’s selection of Tampa over Hamilton. As a near-Hamilton native, I’rnay be partially biased but there are hockey enthusiasts all over the great white north who agree that Hamilton should have been awarded an NHL
franchise. Ottawa is still playing eeny-meany-miney-moe over the sight of their clamn arena, and Tampa is now (as of press time) 11 days late with the
by Rich lwchol
Could the NBA’s Chicago Bulls be a dynasty
$100 down-payments tickets game
up the intensity that they put forth in the 1991 strong possibility. For the past five years, the Bulls have been on
year, come &voff y?i~s;~&a
cities get the teams. (By the way, there are 14 American team GMs to Canada’s 7.) The general managers would rather ha+e hockey in the US
would be lefr \I ... was no mat&$@ Detroit piston Howev@q
(where its popularity ranks 40th in a recent American Press Poll behind figure skating swimming, and hi& school football). But hey! Hockey did manage to finish ahead of rodeo (42nd), PGA golf (43rd), and squash
Bulls would fall aP&@ & .to the semi&&&
lil& t “:
(114th). Owoo! And of ail the places in the US to build an arena - Florida? I can’t wait to see one of those Tampa Bay Light-ning games. The officials will have to stop the game every five minutes anad have the players circle the ice to get rid of the fog. But hopefully, for Hamiltonian’s
sakes, Biff and Muffy
and who was selected that
or his
bqpining power. There will be Lindms or another superstar playing up front along with Joe Sakic and the newly signed Valeri Kamensky of the So,viet Union. Add Mats Sundin, Owen Nolan, Mikhail Tatarinov and
Ron Tugnuti and you have a possible contender for the Adams Division c~y)tvrt, It should be an interesting Gason coming up.
is in his best
0 a team in a province
held at Copps Colliseum was sold out. But the NHL general managers, in their divine wisdom, decide which
of the NBA’s
that Hamilton
efused to play for his drafted team mcl ended up playing in Italy. But he ioon realized his salary and commer-
5al endorsement
pa’s money problem
eagues? Cleveland Cavaliers
had problems
fee, so they weren’t
here. I am no Einstein, but isn’t Tam-
an umpteen-million
ple purchased
for Lindros.
lollar per year contract with &atever team he plays for, but is he guaranteed a long-lasting future in )ne of these financially unstable Take Danny
said that Hamilton ting the franchise
$45 million
Dr. Tongue his Bull posse take NBA
will get sick of
keesters off of 9eir yachts or out of their beachside condos and all the way over to the arena. Then the low attendance figures will maybe put a dose of fresh oxygen into the brains of the NHL dragging
their corporate
GMs that ousted Hamilton’s
One of which was most definitely the fragile# Canadian-dependent, Buffalo
Sabres. Oh well, so much dom.
for divine
underdogs. The Bulls conquered the Wers in eliminated the 49ers and went on to beat the Bills walloped the Bruins and the North Stars bumped
NHL Rich Nichd sports Editor
Monarchs: contenders in the NFL?
The men’s competitive hockey league got off to an interesting start in May, with the Leafs forfeiting the first league game. Since then, the league has been running a few problems.
with only
The Slough Sharks, captained by Lyle Whyte, are tearing up league 1, scoring
28 goals in just four games. In
league two, the Blade Runners, captained by Jeff Wadsworth, are on top with 18 goals in four games. Regular league play ends on Thui=sdav.J’ iulv r--J 4. Please remember that all captains must attend the playoff meeting on Friday, July 5. See you there!
The two most popular leagues this term have been volleyball and slopitch. Enth~iasm has been high and fun a major component of the games. BroombalI, ball-hockey, andInnertube wate lo have also been running Smoo r ly with only a few quirks. Slo-pitch
are reminded
that the last game teams are respons-
ible for the return of the equipment bags to the equipment center in the PAC. The new schedules for inner tube waterpolo have been available since June 14. Teams who have not picked
them up can do so in PAC 2039 to avoid any further defaults.
BroombalI players are reminded to wear clean soled shoes on the ice.’ Street shoes track in dirt and can ruin the ice surface. Games will be cancelled if this rule is not obeyed. CSA helmets are mandatory for both broomball and ball hockey. Anyone caught without a helmet will not be allowed to play. Remember, these leagues are for fun, so easy on the body contact and rough play. That’s all. Have fun and enjoy the rest of the term!
Tare Ax@, national champion and instructor of the Kendo club, wiIl be representing Canada in the World Kendo Championships on Sunday, June 30 at V&r&y Arena, Toronto. Dave Mori and Susan Choi will also compete in the Goodwill Kernto Finals on June 28. Many other members from the club will be helping out during the weekend as voluteers. Tickets a& still avaiIaHe. Contact Dave or Taro at 746-5346.
June 28,
We Recvcle
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Lack of financing & competitiveness stab fencing club’s bid for varsity status by Lizabeth
UW’s fencing club’s recent attempt to take action towards attaining varsity status met with dismal results. Vijay Prasad, the recreational club’s coach since January, recently met with the,u.n.iversity’s recreation program and varsity sports co-ordinators to discuss the possibility of competition at the varsity level. Prasad said the club’s purpose is recreational, but that there are a number of fencexs who wish to pursue the sport at a cqmpetitive level. Men’s varsity co-ordinator Don McCrae said that she issue of fencing ti a varsity sport has come at time when varsity sports are “trying to hold their heads above water.” Financially they must maintain the status quo, he mid. Water polo, synchronized swimming and alpine skiing have recently been dropped as vamity sports at UW. There were two main concerns with the club’s potential, said McCrae. One was whether there are enough members to field a full team for each event (foil, sabre, and epe). The other wti whether the skill and experience of the fencers could warrant varsity status. Prasad said he feels some members would show good results competing against other
varsity fencers. ‘Most university fencer5 are just a major concern from administrations’s standpoint is that they want to see more development w&hin the club before allowing the members to fence at the varsity level. ‘1 think they want to see people competing of their own accord mext year in circuits other than varsity and getting results and going from there,” Prasad added. Sally Kemp, co-ordinator of the campus recreation program, said she was concerned that right now there isn’t really a team. “We just can’t start up ad hoc teams as they arrive on our doorstep. No one has seen them function as a team yet, only as a club,” said
Kemp. She added that they must first be able to field a full and functioning team for a few years.
John Kasunic, club president for the spring term said he feels that it is because of the lack of a varsity team that the club has only a few developed fencers There are a lot of good fencers at the school that would probably enjoy varsity but don’t join the club because it’s not competitive enough,”
Prasad-said for now he plans to pick up the training in preparation for local competitions in the fall He wants to make sure he kee in contact with students on work terms an 8” will help them find clubs to fence with while they are away from university.
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The other glass teat tilted camerawork, fantasy
to a hostile
CBS’ guillotine.
Yet if we dismiss k&vision as a whole entity, the artists trying to break new ground don? stand a chance. Television has such an abysmal reputation scornful looks praise a worthy
that we’re
when we do try to effort. We hesitate to even talk about our television watching experiences: when we confess to tuning in, we use qualifiers like’at the end of the day 1 just need to veg out,” or we confess our guilt in hrases like “I just can’t help myse 9 ” or “I get @ued to the couch.” Statements such as “I only watch 9s” or “I don’t own a TV” are wrought out like badges of honour. If we do appreciate a particular series, we express our enjoyment with embarrassed smiles and sidelong ;kt~~ces.
It would
be anathema
to think TV matter3 to us at all. Gnpathy for Oedipus Rex or Jane lyre - or Charles Foster Kane - is a ;ign of sensitivity and refinement, but dentification with Hope Steadman )r Captain Furillo is evidence of pilibility and weak will. myone
and ideas.
also has its own advantages.
A film or play has to tell a fuller tale; an individual television episode can enjoy the elements of short story construction and subject matter. And in literature, the craft of the short story is recognized for being just as difficult as that of the nove1. Usually series extend over far too many seasons: Z%e Cody Show quickly became a smug-fest, Designing Women lost its opinionated edge, Cheers stopped surprising us, and at the end Famiiy Ti4s had degenerated to the point where a shot of Michael J. Fox bending over was supposed to
(which is what happened to Twin &&s and China Beach) or they move them all over the schedule map until fans lose track. Pauline Kael wrote about motion picture executives in Reding, but her insight holds true for TV as well. She reasoned that because it is their job to predict what kinds of entertainment will be successful in the marketplace, when execs are faced with something new and different, they don’t want to have their whole judgment history proved wrong. They don’t want a Twin Peaks to succeed. This expl&s the bizarre scheduling patterns inflicted upon risky TV ventures. Afte? all, The Cosby Show has never had to switch to another spot, though viewers would probably follow it. Kael implies that jealousy and resentment underlie what are allegedly marketing decisions, since “the artist, who, by definition, cares about something besides money . . . denigrates he only talent that the entrepreneur has.” And so “the middleman in the movie world is probably more filled with hatred for the artists he traffics in than the middleman in any other area” (except television). Brandon Tart&off has publicly admitted the state of network television. Holed up in a hospital bed without the comforts of cable, he 6nally discovered what he and his peers had been dishing out to viewers ail along. He has since quit NBC and on July 7 will leave to head Paramount Pictures. The execs, despite their pigheadedness, cannot help but be sensitive to public opinion. Tartikoff is iust one mogul who is well aware of the efforts of Viewers for Quality relevision (VQT), among others. VQT is a grassroots organization begun by a Virginia housewife to combat viewer powerlessness. VQT was instrumental in saving Designing Women and Cagney and Lucy from
and dream to express
The couldn’t make bmce of Am q ia. but they didn’t have to. The shorter format of sit-corns and
Television progmmming executives (aptly characterized as sinister villah on the vanished MLLX Heiadmm) actually sabotage series that do have decent ratings. They transfer these
get a laugh.
Can we expect the boardroom power-brokers to respect television’s capabilities when we can barely even bring ourselves to utter the t-word? The networks are losing their audiences to cable and video en masse; surely we could convince them to take a few more chances, since they have so little to lose at this stage. But a lot of us have abdicated from the arena. Where were all those ‘7
only watch PBS”ers three years ago when each of the main networks experimented with a new hati-h&r form @led “dra-medr? Don’t those set-less people mind that they missed out on me &zys and Nigh&s of Molly Lbdd, I7ze Slap Maxwell Story, and Fmnk $ Place? The TV-teetotallers are as responsible as the couch potatoes who watch anything that flickers for the shoddiness that clogs our airwaves, If TV sucks, we need to take a deep breath and ask ourselves why. We need to r&ognize television’s strengths. It has limitations, such as the iixed number of episodes/per season, and the precise 30 or 61F minute durations with pre-set breaks for commercials. (There is no excuse for commercials,
except that they pay
for a free service. England posits the ads before and after each program rather than during if only America could be so discreet) But the system’s requirements are not necessarily handicaps or intrusions. Iambic pentameter and haiku both had strict stipulations, within which poets revelled and excelled+
Television programs have smaller budgets than feature films;which restricts resources. At the same time, it also m’eans they have less at stake and thus more leeway. The more dirninutive screen doesn’t necessarily tie cinematographers’ hands, either. It
just means they use a different visual vocabulary; the close-up, for instance, is more freyucnt, and carries more’ information, than on the big screen. Actors can be subtler and more precise and writers can be more verbal because of the predominance of close shots in TV. Meanwhile, thimmmething’s directors
cast mem-
be+ exploited composition, movement within the frame, dissolves, subliminal editing roving and
American television (and Canadian, which, by and large, follows the US example) ,has such warped definitions of success that execs snatch series off the air if they fail to become instant hits, while encouraging popular shows to outlast endlessly ridiculous cast changes and contrived story lines. (How long can a male housekeeper and his femalk boss, both heterosexual, both in love with each other, live in the same house in repressed platonic bliss?) Again, England already has the solution; series don’t have to go on forever. They can end, naturally, organically. It is because of this that I have reconciled myself to the death of thirq’Something. Moreover, in the past year, (the show’s’ fourth) writers brought the characters’ lives to satisfying climaxes. Now, after Gary’s demise, Ellen’s marriage, Melissa’s professional break-through, Elliot’s career change, and Michael and Hope’s near-split, it actually feels as if thi~~mething has won, despite its cancellation. Through artistry and integrity, its makers Used televison’s singular talent, the ‘ability to tell a story over an extended period, to triumph.
WA*SW explored a great many facets of war and human experience, maturing over the years; Cigney and Lacty showed
us two women
Working, loving battling breakdowns and alcoholism - and in a close equivalent of real time. When series television is at its best, characters
and develop
eyes. Nothing else gives us quite same insight; film and theatre budgets and p&ing time preclude it, while literature rarely follows the characters to such le&ths and cannot, in any case, be&fit from the input of a&ors going through their own life changes. So here is something that TV, &il, old, depraved TV, d&s
that is both worthwl?ile
and uni-
que. Norman
Lear has described the Brandons and their ilk as “the people who . ..liketothinkthey think for America.“As Canadians, we are outside the big Nielsen family, but we can prove we do our own thinking by pro&ting, praising, and CaStiIljj our viewers’ votes. Above all, we can remain critical but hopeful about television as an institution of value. boardroom
New ala -
by t?erik
n -
sped to Imprint Upstage
with the Creative
Arts Board of the
Federation of Students, annual summer play.
is staging its
Upstage is UW’s student theatre company. This year’s production is My Darling Judith by Canadian playwright Norm Foster. UW student Jennifer Montieth is makingherDirectorialdebutwitht.he show. The cast and crew, made up of UW students and Alumni, features veteran actors Dave Till and Heather Gurd as David and Judith Stafford. The play recounts a weekend in the country where David, attempts to get Karl, played by Keith *n, to attempt to seduce Judith, thereby allowing him to get a divorce to marry his mistress Anna, played by Karen Morten.
and 13, each night at 8 pm. Tickefs are The play will be performed in the Theatre of the Arts in the Modem languages building on July 9,10,12,
available at the Humanities box office for a cost of $5 for UW students and $7 for others.
Imprint, Friday, June 28,1991
The. sun, sets on- Soapd.ish * nei is a superior
- he tiib his
by J=iferEpps Imprint staff The best part of Soapdish is in the middle, because at the beginning there’s too much yelling and at the end there’s so much left undone. But after the exposition and before the climax, we actually get to enjoy performers having fun: sally Field as Celeste Talbert, the prima donna of daytime soaps; Kevin Kline as her spumed co-star and rejected offscreen lover; and Robert Downey Jr. and Cathy Moriarty as scheming upstarts.
There’s a glorious, hammy physic&y at work here, and it’s a riot. Steiger’s cinematography Ueli achieves for a while what 77re &@re ofrhe Kmitim aimed for and missed: a dizzy, busy, hallucinatory chaos. The colours are hype&up neon and everyone is rushing around madly, with winged feet. Kline has more comedic agility than ever and Dow-
to emqe. Field has delightful throwaways from screenwriters Robert Harling and Andrew Bergman; she snaps at autograph hounds “Do you mind? I’m having a life here/and wheri they, undaunted, tell her they love her, she gushes “I love you.” Each of the soap stars hungers for publicity, issuing press statements like “it is important for me as a woman, as an actress, and as a personality.”
A great deal of the humour cbmes from the way the actors read the dialogueandfillinthegaps,totf,point
the film starts coasting
on audience goodwill. We keep expecting more; we’re laughing at the movie which director Michael Hoffman
to make.
Supdish promises a par&y of the unbelievable plots rampant on daytime serials but it promises them behind-the-scenes, it promises a farce based on the hypothesis
tabloids were appointment back, and the vacuum; the
if the
true?” The terrible disis that the script pulls actors are stranded in a thin story-line is stun-
ning in its incompleteness.
Field is neurotic, but no villainess, and her contract seems more to blame for her actions than she is; the hostility of her young, pretty relation (Elizabeth Shue) is unfounded. Meanwhile, we’re trying to @ure out Whoupi Goldberg’s character, a she’s the sanest screenwriter; employee of Tke Sun A/SO Us, yet we’re never sure why she is so loyal to Celeste. Carrie Fisher has a walk-on that’s not even a cameo; we’re left wondering where she went. Carry Marshall has the most enjoyable small role, a smooth but crass network head. (‘This is the toughest decision I’ve ever had to make,” he says, “but I get paid $2 million.“) Ultimately,
and the two
writers don’t know how to fill up the space, There are too few complications and too many time-wasting double ties, grimaces, shouts, and door slams. The f&nmakers bail out after about 90 minutes and hurriedly roll credits, but not before we have watched them literally run out of ideas, Perhaps they were saving their . energy so it could be continued tumomw.
Audience shafted .by Robin Ho&3 Robin Hood: Prince of Thiwes L&ad by Kevin Reynoi&
Kobin Hood is a thief. The subtitle of the tiovie admits as much. So
where is the internal struggle, the personal demons, that ought to be when ever the question “does the ends justify the means?” is present? Costner breezes through his role without any self-doubt, without any cjuestions, any struggle This angle of crir;ninal thought ought to have been fleshed out in order to give us a picture of just who Robin Hood present
The Robin Hood story is positively pregnant with ideas. Set in England’s later medieval period when the crusades were raging and her barons running wild, the notion of a Robin Hood was a bastion of sanity and goodwill; a noble who fleeced his own kind for the benefit of the underChSS.
A necessary fiction, if you will, that gave the peasants some hope, and thus obviously stabilized society to some extent, it mattered little to anyone that the mythology that sprouted up had - at best - a very tenuous connection to the actual proto-Robin Hood figure, an amalgamation of various 13th century hired thugs that were helpful to the poor in the same manner as Al Capone was with immigrant Italians in Chicago.
might have been.
Robin Hood’s characterization is alone in being problematic. Azeem a Moorish character played byMorgan Freeman., is a new addition to the myth and could be a valuable one under a different pen. But in Robi? Hood: Mnceo~ievmagtin he is muddled - he is a wise-cracking buddy who in no way advances the plot or helps us to understand Robin Hood. Freeman does a great job to keep Azeem from getting totally annohis lines tend toward the epigram and Oscar Wilde wrote the script - not. not
Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood focuses on the Robin Hood of the popular ballads that were the rage of the 13th century and have sutived to this day, indelibly etched in 20th century minds by Rocket Robin Hood. And as Rock& Robin Hmd was slavish to the mythology, adding Wee sherrif Pm just not sure, but I think Robin went thataway” nothing (except, of course, the space says Maid Metyn (Cadell). setting and horrible animation) to its Photo by Dave Thomson viewer’s understanding of Robin would have been desirable. As for his to helping the peasants, to saving the Hood the man, so goeth Robin Hood: Stacey Keach impersonation kingdom for King Richard, to doing it Ence of Thieves. throughout the rest of the movie, that for the love of Maid Marian, Robin’s seemed to be a product of poor reasons mn the whole gamut. Robin Hood, in director screenwriting. This confused screenwriting could Reynolds’s hands, becomes a cliche, Robin Hood’s motivation, in this not help but throw off the best of an archetype, a cardboard hero; anymovie, seems to be to avenge his actors, and Costner is a good actor. thing in short, but a man. Costner father’s murder after his father, a But he unfortunately wears the illness sleep-walks through his performance baron, refused to take part in a baron’s of the whole production on his manas the title character, failing ever to revolt that the Sheriff of Nottingham tel. Not only does the writing provide maintain a decent English accent or to was trying to ferment against King a confused picture of his motivation, add that spark that fueled his acting Richard the Lion Hearted. but it totally fails to give us a view of tour de force in Dance.s with Wolves. FiLial- devotion can be a strong Robin Hood. He does notdevelop on motivator, especially in the movies screen: we are merely given a characHis hilure in speech was made But Costner’s Robin Hood quickly ter, and that character is the simple drops all mention of his father, and man’ that we all knew as a kid. The painfully obvious by the supporting cast,all of whom mastered some the director’s only pretense to this noble Robin Hood, the good Robin devotion is the occasional and oh-soHood, the simple Robin Hood, the English accent or another (though, of Robin Hood who stole from the rich touching cutting to close-ups of the course, 13th century England would and gave to the poor. But what of the father’s medallion thatRobin sports. neither have had a consistent accent No: Robin’s motivation for his banman himself? Nobody exists as an nor even lartguage - the ruling class, archetype; people have thoughts, ditry switches almost as often as did including the Sheriff of Nottingham, doubts, internal demons. But not George Bush’s during Operation spoke Norman French). A consistent Bushkrieg. From avenging his father, Costner’s Robin Hood. speech pattern from the characters
However, Alan Rickman (who playedtheevilGermaninDie~~&) shines as the Shea of Nottingham. He seems to have realized his character was a cartoon and acts accordingly. He oozes evil out every pore and paints the Sheti as the ultimate slimeball. If Costner had played Robin Hood simiIarly as a cartoon figure, then the movie would have been salvageable, perhaps even quite good. He wouldn’t have had to develop his character. But Costner, through the script-writers, tries to invent a deep, reflective Robin who returns home from the crusades like they were Viet Narn (a valid comparison that the movie hints at) and in the process of being a New Age guy, forgets to relate his true humanity to the audience. Verily, director Reynolds gives us a boring movie with beautiful scenery and good cinematography. Robin Hood is there in name only, an icon who remains tra@cally undeveloped (not just underdeveloped) and utterly confused about why he does as he does. Miss it.
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16 Imprint, Friday, June 28, 1991
Parliament now.in session korge
and the parwent Fur&ad&c Concert Hall, Tor0nto
June 22
my Dave Fisher lnlplint staff
The Saturday performance of George Clinton’s two-night stand went off with infinitely less hassle than the previous evening’s show. Apparently, Friday was marred by four of George’s ensemble being mceremoniously held up at Canada Customs, whilst members of the derivative Toronto backup Alix Anthony Band were hastily recruited as replacements. A daunting task at the best of times, the bedragglement merely got underway at 12:40 am and concluded at three o’clock Saturday morning.
It was apparent that old scores hadn’t been settled as the following evening’s patrons were compensated in kind, with one of the most lascivious pat-downs-in-triplicate body searches in recent memory. Worse, Alix Anthony and Co. were still in the band, looking terrified, at times char-
with Manifesto
Who loves ya baby.. . mingly lost, and frighteningly out of their depth. Nevertheless, camouflaged as they were by an enormous M-piece band, the damage was
2%~ Opera Howe, Tommo Tuesday, June 25
imprintstaff In touring their newly-released Friendly Fuic~m LP, Consolidated have refined and focused the LP, shedding the slow or spoken-word material in Eavour of a concentrated 45-minute burst of high-adrenaline. About the only pieces of early lterial which re -ned in the- r set we re “America p Iber One” and most
groups who appropriate hiphop stylisms, Consol&ted are aware of their ludicrous situation, and lampoon their geeky
Photo by Paul Done
discussion, “now we know what’s ruining rap - whiteguyslike you. . . and us.” Adam Sherburne, lead singer for Consolidated, admitted the format of the new show is more specifically rock’n’roll than in the past- The group
As they
said to a
would-be rapper (identified as ICE) who grabbed the mike during the
In fact, this was I’ve seen in a
while. That the Concert&l1
was at only
What saves the show from mindless rock spectacle is their use of video images to augment and even replace their presence on stage, For example, during ‘Typical Male,” the anti-phallic thrust of the songs was augmented by quick-cut video of male masturbation and phallic military footage. A bit heavy-handed perhaps, but also the @y way to project in as stimulus-charged a setiing as a concert
mercifully ohe of the
situation of wanting to entertain versus the effort to inform. Of course, the natural flow of a tight, rockin’ show precludes the transfer of useful information from performer to audience.
Photo by Dave Fisher
finds themselves
‘Unity of Oppressionn was, in par& accompanied by gruesome images of
in the dichotomous
June 23.
by Bernard Kearney
1can think of a worse way to spend Spend it like a hazy Saturday afternoon, couped up in the confines of the &us-
a lazy Sunday afternoon.
&WV1 0 .BUCKS! Offer expires Take Columbia Turn
to Erbsvitie
right at flashing
trophobic Waterloo Memorial Arena. To do a comprehensive review ‘of Saturday’s events would be both impossible and futile, as there was no way I would stay camped out in the hockey rink to watch a collection of bands I consider mediocre to pathetic. The only way Saturday would have been weirder is if Holly Cole had not cancelled. It should be mentioned that the Saddletramps did well, combatting the technical inadequacy of the environment and proving to be most popular
of the day.
animal slaughterhouses and experimentation. In fact, the theme of vegetarianism was one of the prime themes of the night Consolidated gave part of their merchandising table space to an animal rights group* The open mike back-chat session which ended the concert demonstrated the depressing reality of democracy. After having been
assaulted with information intensity,
the trivial
of major raised
included 1) the tact that minors had to sit in the balcony (a situation over which the-band had no control), 2) the fact that the show, of moderate volume, was too bud, and 3) that “it’s not easy to be a vegetarian.” &at Beat Manifesto, the headline
drenched weekend saturated in music, sweat, and fun-filled entertainment for the whole family kicked off Friday night Lucky 7, with their mishmash of creole/zydeco/r&b, ilthough energetic, were unable to do much in transforming the “street stand” into its self-lauded street dance. But aaah, then God created Sunday. There was ne’er a cloud in sight
soundsofsummer~al warerloo Fkzrk, ~tdoo Friday, June 21 to Sunday,
half-capacity pvas maeed a shame, but this is rather an afterthought. The propulsive groove of the music demanded that the crowd (a blend of
say, if you were one of the 4OO-odd sardines, chances are you’d like to forget that part of the weekend anyway. What had hoped to be a sun-
Beer, in copious amounts, came directly from Molsons to your throat, thanks to a grateful ixnay on the middleman. Toting blankets, hack-i-sacks, frisbees, and coolers, literally thousands migrated to the Bandshell area to lie out, relax and listen to the sounds of slumber. ’ First to grace the 12’ by 12’area of limelight were the Phantoms. Sounding like David Lee Roth trying to look
like Jim Morrison (the skinny days) doing Bowie covers, this Torontobased band Jooked more out of place than a power drill at an Amish barn raising. With lyrics and diatribes meant to shock the masses, the only thing shocking was that they weren’t booed off the stage long before their set was over. Thmkfuily, after that pretentious tripe, the only way was up. Unfortunately, definitive crowd pleasers like the Leslie Spit Treeo, and Thomas Trio and the Red AJbino, didn’t induce
a mass dancethon,
as most
the devoted cult and the curious) indulge start to finish in a non-stop three-and-a-half hour ~rgia~tk funk marathon. I The tenacious 51-year-old Clinton is a master ringleader as clown, with his goofy gap-toothed countenance, dishevelled rainbow wig, magicmarker f&hioned bedsheet pon@o cape, purple and black striped spandex pants,-and bright yellow wrestling boots. His image as a spaced-out poor man’s Randy “Macho Man” Savage belies the shamanistic fervour of the music. Much has been made of Clinton’s influences Uames Brown, Hendrix, Sly Stone) and his unabashed flaunting of them, but at the very least he deserves equal recognition as an expansionistic and stylistic bridge to such far-reaching performers as Talking Heads, Prince, Public Enemy, Living Colour, Fishbone, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and many more. His live performances prove as much. At a time when it’s easy to &de into cynicism about ’60s and ’70s revivalist LuLu’s also-rans, it may seem easy to heap scorn on the likes of Clinton. But unlike most has&ens in the midst of mid-life crises, Clinton is a genuine living legend whose music remains stu~ing. fresh and vital.
act, were remarkably boring considering the near-ecstatic response they got. After a couple of songs, their entire show faded into monotony. The only entertainment value of the show was provided by their sawn-off troll of a dancer. Though some witnesses swear that he did seem to play the conga drums during one song, he generally just jumped and flounced across the stage like one of the seven dwarves on particularly vivid X trip. Consoiidated continue to confront the difficulties and questions involved in being a self-aware rock group. Their methods are rife with contradiction, but at least they are open to questioning Friend& Fmcis~ might have eased up the pressure a little, but in the concert setting Consolidated
still rock bells.
people were content to lie down and fry in the searing heat It wasn’t until late into Terrance Sirnien’s set that it seemed socially acceptable to boogaloo. The headlining act, Bootsauce were simply anticlimactic. At this stage, an hour late, the effects of the tong day were becoming blatantly evident, and although Bootsauce do have a certain amount of commercial success, the throngs of sunstroked bodies assembled around the stage couldn’t keep up with the impotent hype surrounding the Montreal outfit. It was a little presumptuous and self-indulgent to have the announcer plead with the crowd to cheer them back on the stage for an encore. I rank the acts of the day in this order. Tied for the blue ribbon,
Terrance Simien & the Mallet Playboys and Thomas Trio & the Red Albino. Second goes to Meryn Cadell with her original, often humourous performance art, and running a close third was the fabulously talented Sounds of Summer stage and sound crew. A pleasant but odd note was the apparent absence of beefy security parading through tne grounds and milling scornfully around the beer tent. Thankfully the day seemed to be incident-free, giving credence CO the maturity level of all those in attendance.
edy, 2nu’s
Even the
not have any lasting
The music and to complement the suffer from the same lyrics. After the come off as simplistic The title track
by Derek W&r Imprint staff Down in the States, there is a film making the rounds called A Mtz~@r @ Lkgres, documenting the state of US college radio. While we’re not likely to see the flick anytime soon in Canada, the soundtrack album has received widespread distribution here.
To be sure, college
to offer in the way of song-writing and soul, Within the limitations of its subject, this soundtrack album offers an excellent overview of the current
scene, and suggests
scene is seem
believe. While the aim of the album is to be fresh and current, there are. a few
nods to legend. L&e the
dedication to dead Minuteman D&on, and the opening cut by his former band-mates, in their incamation as fIREHOSE. Former Husker
Du-de Grant Hart also turns up with his latest project Nova Mob. The great one, Alex Chilton, turns in an ace track. And a little-known cult band, Miracle Legion, do a soft-edged cover of an even less-known cult classic, Mission of Burma’s “Academy
Fight Song.” Guitar is clearly the weapon of choice among these bands. However, most of the bands.manage to imbue a familiar form (driving, midtempo guitar songs) with vibrant, exciting song-writing. Groups like Eleventh Dream Day, Giant Sand and Yo La Tengo (who sound much like the Feelies on their contribution) show that you can work within w&worn contexts without sounding tired. what’s particularly impressive about this project is the abundance of little-known songs by well-known artists. The Pixies (“Where is my Mind”) and the Lemonheads (“Stove”) offer cuts aIready on their
The only jarring
note is the inclu-
one can’t help Ionging
songs by fIREHOSE
Matterof mm
is as comprehensive
and satisfying
a collection of regional American bands as can be expected from a single volume.
Grant’s people
sound. Her new album, Hear? in A+@&, is a step in the direction of the easy Estenin& softrocksound that isrelaxing and comfortable, almost as if she was
in your
friends over dinner. b&e album that
citizen @II purchase,
It’s just another your everyday
listen to in the
car and when that fateful day arrives
for that generic
is that
lose their
us, sound
15 of today’s
top roCk@p
bands and artists have combined
ces to put together a new LP ‘Tame Youme~ of exclusively animal: oriented
songs to benefit People for
the Ethical
(PETA), one of the largest animal rights grtyaps in the world with over
350,000 members.
Grant fans, (for those of you who wish to inquire
about memberships, it is located at Sunny Pines Retirement Villa). We
don’t think that we would ever buy this tape kvm if it wasn’t our &ready.
Raw Youth, Indigo
Girls with
But now that we do, we can use it to fall asleep by. If you like soft rock or mellow dinner music, then you will be pleased to hear Amy Grant tie next time you step on to an elevator, or are put on hold. VVhiie she breaks away from her rebgious roots, that
Michael Stipe (REM), Nena Hagen, and the Pretenders. Relatively new faces which appear in the collaboration are Fetchin’
doesn’t mean she’s given up her pre-
Exene Cervenka.
Bones, the Goosebumps
Sass Jordan), Jane Wiedlin, Aleka’s Attic (featuring River Phoenix), and Although
the purpose
of thealbum
is praised, and several of the songs are rediscovered
some of the vitriol and
edginess which propelled their best work Though M~I/! doesn’t consistently manage to recapture that okl Gang magic, there are moments -
great, having to listen to 14 tracks on virtually the same topic becomes
somewhat could
to this
in one @ing.
collectors pondering
item. The about
such an obviously ject got major distribution.
Better waysto spendCanada than stayingin Waterloo 5. On probation
4. In an iron lung
3. Stage diving at Stompin’ Tom’s Massey, Show 2. Preparing 4th of July celebratiqns in 1. Undergoing optional root canal work anesthetic of us who worked on this project see an inherent link between animal and human rights.” His contribution,
their reunion tour sold an underwear-only benefit PETA.
“Don’t Be Part of It,‘% another upbeat ditty, sure to please the UK dance
Proceeds from the port PETA’s extensive
kd lang’s “Damned Old Dog” is her worst slow song in years, and the acid-h&e version of Nena Eiagen’s “Dort’t Kill The Animals” has Morris
cept is really catching mer, country mega-star released an anthology hits on the topic of
over in his finicky
is fairly
jovial, ‘Wess
The Beasts
Arid, Children” Incidently, the GoGOS have been cloing sqme interesting promotions as of late. Dutig
and this
exclusively ceedsgoing
at his to the
star-studded Greenpeace last year. Yet, despite the star cast, this album redundant.
’ Barbara .Brendemuehl & Assoc. Rq$terd
Among the list of celebrities are the B-52%, Howard Jones, Belinda Carlisly (The Go-G&), Chris& Hynde & Jeff Beck, Erkre & Ike Lotich, kd
of the material will as samples in dance album. may be worth
of Animals
‘and melodic voice is easily forgettable but may appeal to an older
or any Amy
has any because ik
Michael Stipe’s vocal with the Indigo Girls on “Ill Give You My
it’s a very good tape to fall
asleep by. Her comfortable
a couple lines, but soon you know the whole routine. But unlike good com-
by Rich Nichol rIRIpriI3t staff
it’s not
might like her sound, extraordinary. The
but it’s nothing music doesn’t although
the forest? By breaking away from her religious roots, Amy Grant seems to be attempting to branch out to a wider audience with her new
forgotten bands who would have fit right in, Iike the Replacements, or the aforementioned Feelies. But the quality of the groups present is
the record also gives the a chance to hear
converted unreleased
Does anyone truly hear a tree fafl in
as fast as the rest
sion of a Schooly D song. One of the major criticisms of college radio has been its tokenistic attention to rap, and the inclusion of a token rap song, so obviously out of place (and not even a very good one!) only exacerbates that perception.
albums, but most of the other bands turn in rarities. Besides being a wellrounded overview for the WI-
It’s yuppie
and Pauline Gay
produce an album that is interesting to listen to, a few times. Unfortunately
than once. First you remember
disappear missed.
rather quickly. It’s like listening to a comedy album or a radio play more
wheri it falls under the car seat it will
by Pa&e rmetstaff
the rest of the tracks tle or no attention.
2nU combines modern jazz with electronic effects and taking voice to
the laid-back
radio has its
limitations, and will always have its fair share of detractors. However, A Mutter of Dwees showcases many Ametican “college bands” with much
has only received
by Jim McAr&ffe
I doubt anyone release
in its
Massage Therapists
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28, 1991
c ,I?-0 s B f i r e
I like that idea; great albums are albums in which you discover something you never heard before after Iistening to the album hundreds of times. But two questions are begged here: will anyone listen to the La’s a hundred times, and are Maver’s lyrics all that commendable? In answer to the former: probably not. After a few spins, the La’s simple tunes start to blend together; after a few more, they lose all self-identity. With the exception of a few songs notably “Timeless Melody” and “Looking Glass” - they all sound the same, or at least, fail to pull that trigger in your mind which says /IQ+, IhurLs
by Sandy Atwal
“Son of a Gun. ” No, you’re more likely I
There is a real danger of putting your weakest song as the first track or an aIbum. With only one chance tc
make a first impression, The La’: (shitty name, good band) throw this chance away on a badly written tune without much of a melody. Fortunately, the I& make tap for this on the rest of the album with a soft sound that relies more on strong vocals and guitar playing ability than production values. For better or worse, The La’s debut album runs against the current wave of music coming from Madchester. The La’s are nof conducting an experiment wah-wah
in Mamm4 Organ and bar &pulation*
Acoustic-electricguti and tight vocals may seem like a sparse foundation, but the sour& does fill up the room. On songs like ‘mere She Goes” and “Doledrum,” The La’s bring out the best in themselves invoking the spirits of Michael Stipe and Mick
my Christopher l.uprintstaff In concert,
Jagger u wi4 pardon? 1 ed. ) to help them along. As strange a combination a&at may sound, it works quite weII to pruvidk a bIuesy backdiop to a mpdem sounding album. The weakest aspect of this record, however is that it’s ail too easy to spot the influences. I don’t want to unnecessarily ~Iagtheseguys, but this bee their debut album, they could justbe trying to cash in on REM’s current p0puIarit.y - moving away fr
vocally if the Georgia Peaches weren’t RoIIing Stone magazine’s current flavour of the month. But this is as promising a debut as one is likely to find. Smooth, but not so smooth ihat it sticks to the roof of your mouth. We&written, but not so w&written that you can’t undemtand it (most of the time). And very, very, very welI sung. (Note: The author desires no congratuIations on his deft avoidance of
The La’s are a lot like that tov vou really wanted out of the-- ‘&ars Catalogue for Chri+mas in 1975: you pined away for it, became excited when you got it, but shortly forgot all about it. Yes, that’s the La’s in short: fun but ephemeral.
The La’s’ song-writing format is simple: short songs revolving around o&hook with a-very d&&t vocal delivery. Their pop style masks often dire lvrics, and thus to caII them”fun” is, w&II, almost an act of ignorance. But you don’t really notice the words -_ partly because Maver’s - thick -_-- of LA___ brogue - and all that’s left to the listeneris the tune. A few engagements with the &isc begin to hint at Maver’s message, but it never jumps out at you.
to merely think hey, that > thu La > and put a Rolling Stones disc in the deck.
Secondly, Maver’s lyrics are, like the music, rather straightfonvard and simple. Songs about alienation, love, death, debt; in short, ground that has been well-travelled and explored much better. ‘“Timeless Melody” almost makes the album worth owning a tune so perfect that it could have beenivritten by the Chills. But it was released as a single and thus shouldn’t really be an incentive. On the other hand, “Looking Glass” was never a single and it too is brilliant. Psychedelic, long, and involved, it is everything that the tesf of the album is not. A decent aIbum with two great songs is an investment worth making.
Taking its cue from 1988’s Spike, Costello’s latest Mighty Like A Rose once again vies to inject a liberal dose
of venom
the Cure used to per-
ln the eighties, hopscotch proved by choice; albums as diverse as Almost Blue, lmpen.til Bedroom, Goodbye Cruel World and King of America kept a huge mainstream audience at bay. The superb recent compilation Girls GirLv Girls, replete with track listing and liner notes by the bard himself, helps organize the erratic volumes. As Billy Bragg has pointed out, Costello should be selling out stadiums alongside Springsteen to be Elvis’ poison
‘arm a song called ‘IForever.” This ‘ong was always the ultimate sact of
Robert Smith’s self-indulgence, llways appearing within the set list mrehearsed, showcasing the band’s cnack for improvised innovation. 4nyways, one of the bootlegged verions of this song has Robert bemoanng the lyric: “Listening to voices roices saying nothing. It’s all been
into slick pop culture.
said before.”
This pithy phrase sums
up EMF and their first album Schubert
By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, w& can put you into a new Mazda before YOU graduate. If you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this exclusive offer for graduates.
The singles from the album, “I Believe” and “Unbelievable,” are fine examples of the instant club hit. “Children,” the third single, has been released, but has yet to capture the wheels of steel with the same success of the eariier two singles. Beside lacking any connection to-the beliefmotif, the new single also lacks the elements which make those two club tracks good. The amazing thing about EMF is the producers who they have attracted to remix their singles. JC Foetus offers a rough and tumble, bass for your face mix of “I Believe” which sounds more like a Foetus song then a sugary EMF ditty. Whereas the “Unbelievable” release contains five mix-downs of that track by the latest up-and-coming house DJs of New York and London.
The rest of Schubert De&? is saccharine pop. It sounds fine and tastes good but too much of it will most assuredly give you a tummy ache. The singles are those bits of candy
floss which you will inevitably
end up
greedily licking off of your fingertips however, you will and cuticles; ultimately realize that your carnival snack is merely spun sugar and that you just paid too much money for the family size.
Rme, though not one of Elvis’ most cohesive projects, is packed with good songs, gems, the occasional throwaway, and undisputed classics. “The Other Side Of Summer” is even mare radio friendly than “Veronica,” floating by like a cool breeze, lyrical barbs barely laying the groundwork for sudden realization of stagnant poverty and helplessness. Following the tested blueprint of ‘Veronica” and McCartney’s “My Brave Face” (and even XX’s “Mayor Of Simpleton”), “Summer”is another bid for stardom. Collaboration with McCartney yields another jewel in “So Like Candy,” a bittersweet love song, rivalling past triumphs like “Alison” and “Shipbuilding.” At the already infamous Kingswood show, “Candy” was the showstopper, segueing as it did into “I Want You” from B/&And
Ch&olule. “Hurry Down Doomsday (The Bugs Are Taking Over)” is a discordant chunk of fuselage, as if “. . , This fi melodrama.
and Her Rival” are superb slices of craftmanship signalling that, while perhaps Rusv follows a little too closely in Spike’s footsteps, it, like ’84s Punch Ttle Clock, seems on
Most songs in this package merit Bizarre” special mention: “Harpies
the whole a mighty glories, punctuated merits of its own.
and “Tokyo
Warning” of sci-
had collided in the train-tunnel
and “Georgie
shadow of past by undeniable
28, 1991
19 -1
Pine has taken the performance aspect, the necessarily improvisational aspect to further heights. I necessarily improvisational MY because Pine’s music is here in the present.
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff
‘*ln this generution, to accompiish anything of substance (let alone urr) Is a remarkable feat fur several reasons. Fimt and foremust, the %t’s just have . fin ’ *conception hambeen bastardized to such a dqee, that seriousness ~5treated as an HIV Mars&
I reviewed Courtney Pine’s last album, fie K&on’s Tale, about a year and a half ago, and it remains one of the two albums I have given the coveted five stars to. Perhaps the most sensible comparison for Britain’s pre-eminent jazz artist is the one Pine feels most closely associated to - John Coltrane. As Pine puts it, “the Love Supreme album helped me to understand that every phrase must function within the individual song and also the overall conception. ” And music as a means, as a process, remains Courtney Pine’s obsession and the foundation of his musical triumphs. His last album was a collection of mostly covers. Pine was on a musical journey - exploring the roots of jazz and delving into its African origins. within the realms of our drums is a logical extension of that journey. On this, a musical journal with which Pine lets us see exactly where he is at,
Needing renovations done around the house or the apartment? Large or smash jobs? D & 0 Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:OO a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or after 6:OO p.m. at 746-2763.
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Pine is interested in jazz as a whole, and he sees himself as part of a process. The liner notes by DeIfeayo Marsalis wax eloquent about how “Gandhi and King refused to disregard the accomplishments of their ingenious predecessors for personal elevation.” One may find this introduction a little too personal for “just” an album, but the speed and accuracy with which Pine executes his vision is n’o less personal, and no less stunning as the comparisons it inspires. The album, all 5O-plus minutes of it, was recorded in two days(!) in January of 1990, but ‘ryas only released this year. Chronologically, the album is not that far from ne Vision > Tale but in terms of how f&r this artist has come in developing his personal style, learning from the past and as a test of how this student is coming along in his homework, it only shows how Courtney Pirre has and is contributing to jazz as a major 20th century artist and how he deserves comparison to only the best.
by Lance Manion Imprint staff Not so long ago, cover albums weren’t a compZeteZy artistically bankrupt venture. Fine artists like Nick Cave and Yo La Tengo had already
TheCenbeforContactLensResearchwill be conducting various contact lens studies throughout the year. All faculty, staff, and students and their friends, relatives, and acquaintances are welcofne as potiontial participants. If you are a contact lens wearer, previous wearer, or have never worn lenses please contact the CCLR at ext. 4742 or 888-4742 for further information. Upon completion of your involvement you will either receive complimentary lenses or financial remuneration.
Tenement Year or “Waiting for Mary’ on 1990’s Cloudlund. LK9rldr in Cdision is a collection ol good songs, all given that special Dave Thomas vocal treatment thal can save any song. Yes: I am damning this album with faint praise. “Good’% not what Pere Ubu is all about - they are supposed to be “brilliant.”
by John Hymers Imprint staff Pere Ubu ventures even further in. the world of pop music with this, their third release as Pere Ubu, Mk. II. Back in their early days the band was anything but poppy. They were experimental, non-compromising brilliant; in short, they defined the term “cult heroes.” Then they took a hiatus, and came back in 1988 strongly in the pop direction. Now we are confronted with a band who still experiment, but their tinkering is strictly within the acceptable bounds of pop music. They are writing shorter songs with choruses, guitar hooks, and hum-able tunes. But whereas normally this kind of music flows smoothly, Pere Ubu’s songs are full of unexpected sounds: everything from noise to sudden guitar bridges to counter-rhythm. The element of the unexpected makes wOrf& in Collision jarring and challenging. But still, the album is a bit of a disappointment. Sure, the album is a direct challenge to the pop format, but it contains no challenge for a Pere Ubu fan. It is, quite simply, a safe album. Their comeback album of 1980 (The Tenement Ywr) was a work of genius because it took the best elements of Pere Ubu Mk I and blended it with pop. Neither element was more prevalent, and thus the album wiIl always be one of my favorites. Yet, wOr/h in Collision fails to strike such a balance. And on top of that, it doesn’t put forth one great song, like “We Have the Technology” on nr
by Trevor
ImprintStaff Spurred on by the recent success of a “DJ only” remix of “Opportunity” from the widely admired LP Some Friendly, The Manchester tunesters The Charlatans have decided to salute their summer pocketbooks with this surprisingly good four-song dance platter. A new song, “Qver Rising” leads things off; the band obviously making a push for critical acclaim beyond their LP. Strangely, both of the other two songs seem more likely choices for the pole position: “Way Up There” for its gorgeousness, or “Happen To Die” for its percussive mandate. Then again, this reviewer is pestered by a melange of suspicion and uncertainty, and I find myself tottering between the realms of new! material and . . . out-takes? Without the “Opportunities 3” album tie-in, the Over Rising EP would have been a gamble for these flower-adorned media darlings. With the re-mix / incitement to dance riot, the boys once again stave off the backlash and manage, just barely now, to make it all work. -
Very.2 bedroom unit, 15 min’ute walk, close 6 all amenities. 1 year lease $575OO/month -Sept. ‘91 to Aug. ‘92. Call 7258686 or 742- 1239.
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James Bay II - the megaproject of the century. A film entitled “The Land of our Children” will be followed by a ‘letterwriting workshop, including a presentation on letter writing skills and approaches, and a chance to write to officials in Quebec and the northern United States. Bring pens, paper and stamps! 7:30 p.m. at the University of Waterloo, upstairs at the Graduate House. For more info call WPfRG at 885 121 I, ext. 2578.
En#ishTutor - editor, typist available. Call Jim 742-4847. Please leave message. Reasonable rates.
$20.00 Cash - students in first or second year between 18 and 25 years old are invited to participate in a Cardiovascular Reactivity study. NO exercising required! Call Louise at 885-l 21 I, ext. 6786.
demonstrated their song-writing ability, before recording whole albums dominated by versions of their obscure favourites. Then along came bands like the Lemonheads and Dinosaur Jr. Both those bands can actually write decent songs, but the songs they choose to cover are - wel, even better. Mike Nesmith’s “Different Drum” is the best tune the Lemonheads have recorded since well, since “L&a. ” Now we have an album by a collective called The Squirrels Group, featuring a whole slew of eclectic covers, including soqs by Jonathan Richman, Gilbert O’Sullivan, the Beatles, and Wayne Fontana & the Mindbenders. Now, this is clearly not to be taken seriously, and in fact the Squirrels set themselves up as a novelty. act a la Mojo Nixon. So what’s the last album you heard by a novelty act that holds up to repeated listening? What appeal there is to this record lies in ow knowledge of the originals. Their squalid take on “Vincent Van Gogh” will only elicit a chuckle from those who have heard Jonathan Richrnan’s original. Same goes for the cheesy Gilbert O’Sullivan pop tune “Get Down.” The band does “reinvent” the songs, but only in the crudest, most obvious way. Take their massacre of thatweepy soul baIlad “Lean on Me.” They rip it up and scream it out loud, and then throw in these lyrics: “Lines fall on my face and hands / Lines fall on my face and hands / I’m in the middle - without any plans / I’m a boy and I’m a man.” It just makes me yearn to go listen to the original, with Alice Cooper screaming that he’s “Eighteen,” and he doesn’t know what he wants (man). Sure, it’s all worth a laugh the first time you hear it, but the whole venture is so lacking in substance or thought, or even (though I hate to use this word) talent that it doesn’t merit even a second listen*
Puny at THE TURRET! Every Thursday night at W.L.U. - doors open at 8 p.m. - nb cover charge for UW students. Fly ti Winnipeg July 19th: one way air ticket for female. 725-6039. ahpringle - Happy x0.pringle.j
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Joseph S&&der Ham Museum - 10th anniversary - three-day international symposium entitled Continuity and Change: The Pennsylvania German Folk Culture in Transition. From July 4 to 7th, the Pennsylvania roots of Waterloo Region will be re-examined by specialists from Germany, Pennsylvania and Ontario. For info call 742-7752.
K-W Area ME is a support group for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers, their family and friends. 7 to 9 p.m. aI the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Street, Waterloo. Information: 623-3207 (answering machine)
City of Waaerloo Informal Public Meeting to consider a discussion paper reviewing the effectiveness of the current zoning applicable to both the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University campuses. Council Chamber, 3rd floor, Waterloo Cii Centre, 100 Regina Street South, 9100 p.m.
Mom11 Natbe
ceremony in remembrance of July I< 1990 attack by SQ on Mohawk barricades at Kahnesatake. 4:30 p.m. at Speaker’s Corner, Kitchener with paramedic from Kahnesatake. Contact Jack Smith 8948707.