- - 31
Vol. 14 no. 11
*d-tration Nnmber NP6453 Kitchener, Ontario
VOLUwTw~R8 The St&ent Volunteer Centre is located in CC206 (Landlord and Tenant Info. Office). H Information on the following (and other} volunteer opportunities can be obtained by calling Ext. 205 1 or dropping by the office. Regular office hours: Monday & Wednesday IO:30 to 12~30 and Friday 12:OO !O 1:oo. .Cozo Literacy - volunteer tutors needed to’ provide one-to-one tutoring for adults and youth who want to improve their reading, writing and basic math skills. Call 7436090. Green Cm - Environmental conference to be held this November, requires volunteers for organization, fundraising, , Xcommodations. w fox Persons with Disabilities Office - persons needed to assist students rNith disabilitie$ with redding, library work and note-taking. Girl G&+xI - assistant needed Tuesday evenings 6-8 p.m. to work with girls aged 9-l 1. No previous guiding experience 7ecessaly. ccdrrbrat.1 School - work ifi a school set- * :ing, Grades K - 6. CanadbCandxSociety is holding ashort ~<intation session for anyone who wants D learn more about the agency. Oct. 2 at 7:OO p.m. at WaterlooTown Square Office, unit 401 - of more info by calling 886El888 Fiiards Is a school volunt@r program Hlhere a child is paired with a volunteer, e’stablishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need: male and female volunteers 18 years of age and over. A rep from FRlENDS will be available. Friday, Sept. 27 at CC1 10 from 1:OOto 4:00 p.m, Call 742-4380 to book an interview. Be a Career Fair Volunteer. For more info call Cardann, ext. 4047 or drop by Career Services (NH 1001). Ltmklq km good resume ex@eriice? How about volunteering at the Sexuality Resource Centre. If interested call Joan a 8850 12 11, ext. 2306 or leave a message at the Fed Office.
AHUWWCRYINT8 wn cdl6tge is now accepting applications from residence undergraduate students for the winter 1992 term. For further infomation, piease call 88414400. Would anyone who is interested in assisting students with disabilities for the Fall Term 1991, with reading, library as&bnce,* note-taking, please contact Jane Fariey at Services for Persons with Dis&/I&s Office, NH2051, ext. 5082. Look forward to hearing from you! . Kitchener/Waterloo Art Gatery Exhibitions on View - “The Human Form” Aug. 11 to Dec. 29 ; “Walter 8achinski” Sept. 12 to Oh. 27 ; “Fred J. Pitts” - Oct. 3 to Oct. 27 ; “Michael Boss” - Oct. 3 1 to Jan. 5192 ;‘“Expressions 17” - Nov. 3 to Dec. 15 ; “The White Line: Canadian Wood Engravings” -Nov. 7 to Dec. 22. Sugram Mm - “The Wine Cellar” opened from May 1 to October 3 1 from 19 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free. For info contact lynne Paqqette at 685- 1857.
aorutionsneedd for& R.&IF. Library Program - books, magazines, aR supplies, paper, an.d shelves are needed for our front iine counselling senrice for youth. If you would like to donate some items please call Elaine 743-6090 or Gerrard 742-2700. The UW Campus Ret Sailing Club has now begun its season. Call president Mike Kern at 747-2176 to find out more. World Ve@aian Day - Sept 30 - lots of food, booths, videos. At the Campus Centre from 9:30 a.m. to 5:OO p.m. Fne hchtlr - Sept. 30 - in Humanities Theatre at 8:00 p.m. Lecturer Jim Mason. author of Animal Factories
. HOLIDAYHOURS 1, The lib&y wil I be closed at all locations: Monday, Sept. 2 - Labour Day. NEW HOURS effective: Sept. 3 Monday to Thursday 9:30 - 9:OO ; Friday 9:30 - 5:30 ; Saturday 9:OO - 5:30 ; Sunday i :OO - 5:00 (effective Sept. 8)
Intenutianal thbt - 7:30 pm. - Speaker: Richard MacBride, Global Community Centre. Register at ‘Info Desk or call 7437502.
*Charles Deleuw Scholarship - (available BP Canada Bursary - Deadline: Septemto all 38 Civil). _ ber30,1991. TOURS cc Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship - (availElectrohome 75th Anniversary ScholarDANA PCMR LtmRARY able to 38 Chemical). ,ship - (available to 38 Computer A mvts cmmm LImMmY Randy Duxburv Memorial Award - (availScience). able tb all 38 dhemical). Emco Bkarv - (available to User Year EMCO Bursary - (available to Upper Year &mputer S&et&) - Deadline: GeptemM-,-a ’ ’ Mechanical and Electriil) - Deadline: beI 30,1991. . September 30, 199 1. *duantum Information Resources Ltd. fibrilry w Workshop - 50 minutes Gandalf Data Limited Award - (available to Awards - (available to 2A Computer Meet at the Information Desk. ‘History Electrical, System Design or Computer 1 Science) - Deadline: September 30, la30 a.m. OPL; English 12:30 p.m. OPL : Engineering f B and above). 1991. Environmental Studies 2:30 p.m. QPL. Murata Erie North America, Ltd. Award Shell Canada Ltd. Award - (available to 3rd (available to all 38 Coniputer). or 4th year Coinputer Science) - Deadline: *’ Learn how to use computerized indexes and abstracts. DCL at 11:30 a.m. Norcen Energy Computer Science, September 30, 1991. Chemical and Geological Engineering Sun Life of Canada Award - (available to Award - (available to Geological and 2nd year Actuarial Science). Chemical year 2 or above). Ontario H\idro Electrical Award - (availam -,-1 FACULTY OF SCIENCE to 28 EleCtripall Ontario Rubber Group/Rubber Chemistry ’ 8P Canada Bursary - Deadline: SeptemLearn how to use computerized indexes & ber 27, 1991. I Division, CIC Award - (available to all 38) abstractq. DPL at 11:30 a.m. - OCL Chevron Canada Rewurces Ltd. Deadline: September 27, 199 1. Scholarship - (available to 2nd year or 28’ (%ORef wv’ be offered at 1230 porn. Marcel l%oueanat Schdarshio - (available Earth Science). to 36 Civil, Water Resource I&t:). David M. Forget Memorial +ward in GeolReady- Mixed Concrete Association of ogy - (available to 2A Earth Science, see Ontario Scholarship - (avadable to 38 m how to use computerized indeies department).’ Civil). and abstracts. Introduction to Medline Ontario Rubber Group/Rubber Chemistry Shell Canada Ltd. Award - (available to 3rd 2:30 p.m. at DCL. PAIS at 2:30 p.m. at Division, CIC Award - (available toall 38) or 4th year) - Deadline: September 30, DPL. Deadline: September 27, 1991. 1991. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - (available MS. Yolles& Partners Limited Scholarship crlby,m4 . to 36 Earth, Science/Water Resource - (availabl’e to 38 Civil}. ’ Mgt.). Learn how to use computerized indexes FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL and abstracts. PolTox at 11:30 a.m., DCL STUDIES l+r appm forms and further informaCanadian Business and Current Affairs at Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - (availtion please contact the Studeht Awards 1:30 p.m. at OPL. able to 3rd year Planning, preference to -I Office, 2nd Floor, Needbs Halt. female applicants),. . I.O.D.E. - Applied Ecology Award - (available to all 4th year students). - Deadline: September 2711991. * Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - (available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt.) . ..-w...
S&&@ a Small Business - 7:15 pm+ Register in person or call 743-7502.
The ti & Conflict Studies department is hosting an exhibition of African art, “Africa: Art of the Poeple” in the dining room from September 17 until October 29, 1991. Free admission - for info call 885 0220, ext. 265.
AdultEnrichmart Lecture & lunch series. Cost is $10. per session (including Iunch), $6.00 for lecture alone, or $50. for the s&s. The seriis will be h&d in the Great Hall beginning at f0:30a.m. Registerat the first session. Sept. 30 - “TheCollapse of Communism in Eastern Europe - Werner Packult”. Oct.71 “A New South Africa? - Ron Math ies!; I OCL 21 - “Rediscovering China - Bert FACULTY OF Lobs”. SCIENCES 0~~28 - “The Arms Trade and Militarism in I Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship the Third World - Ernie Regehr”. ’ (available to 3rd or 4tQ year Kinesidogy) Nov. 4 - “The Middle East: Hopes and Deadline: January 1$ 1@92. Fears irt the Holy Land - Tom Yoder Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship Neufeld”. (available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology) -. Nov. 11 - “The Soviet Union: Interpreting Deadline: October 15, 1991. the Current Crisis - Leonard Friesen”. *Ron May Memorial Award - (available to 3rd or 4th year Recreatiofi - Deadline: FALL CONCERTS . October 15,1991. All events are FREE and take place in the Chapel at ‘1230 p.m,. FACU’IXY OFMATHEMATICS -’ wed., oet 9 - Outrageous Virtuosity of Anderson Consulting Scholarship - (availthe Baroque able to 4A Math - Deadline: October It, Wd, Oct. 23 - Musk from Renaissance 1991, to Contemporary *Bell Canada COmwter Science Awards Wed., Nov. 6 - 19th Century Virtuosic Piano Music Wed., NOV. 27 - 20th Century Avant Garde Piano Music
THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS! Drop in to our office by Monday ni@htsat 5100 p.m. and all pur faculty news and info will be APPLIED HEALTHput into this section of YOUR newspaper!
The applicati deadline will be October 31, 1991, unless otherwise stated. The following awards are currently available: (* means there is a Special Application which can be obtained from the Student Awards Off ice.) ALL FACULTIES *Bobby Bauw Memorial Award -Deadline: September 23, 1,991. *Don Hayes Award - Deadline: January 11, 1992. *Mike Moser Bursary - Deadline: NovemI ber 30,1991. *Federation of Students’ (UW} Bursary Students active in campus student orgailizations. Deadline: September 30, 1991. Tom York Memorial Award - essay approc.. 2,500 words, interested candidates shqukl submit essay to St. Paul’s United cOlk?ge. , FACULTY OF ARTS A@ Student Union Award - Deadline: October 31, 1991.
-‘a Ewmgdkal Fellowship evening service. 163 UniversitytiAve., W. (MSA), apt. 321 at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome, For more information, call 884-57 12. MRY
Espapnbo Club Lunch: Come experience the international language in action. 1200 p.m. to 1:OO p.m. in the Modem Languages cafeteria.
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Anderson Consutting Schotarship - {available to 4A Engineering) - Deadline: October 11,1991. *Bell Canada Engineering and Computer GSA WOIXM&S Issues Committee Science Awards - (available to all 38) upstairsattheGradHouseat12noonLast Deadline: October 11,.1991. meeting is Dee 5. All women graduate J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursar& - (availstudents encouraged to participate in able to all Chemical). planning events and acting on university BP Canada Bursary - Deadline: Septem- I committees. ber 30. 1991. Canadian HosDital Enaineering Scxiety’s Scholarship ’(available - ato %3 LIW N Conservatives meet to Engineering students). discuss world events and organize Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. &vii@. New members are always Scholarship - (available to all 38) welcome! Meetings are at 5:30 p.m. in MC, John Deere Limited Scholarship - (availrc0m 4060. able to all 3B Mechanical) - Deadline: November 29,199 1.
Errc b@m0 classes - ctie learn thy international language. Beginners mee from 7:OO p.m. to 830 p.m. and advancec students from 8:45 p,m. to 1000 p.m. ir MC4062. The text is “Teach Yourset Esperanto” by Cressu@l and Hartley. NC registration is necessary.
Uyme& Evan@i&l Fellowship Bible Study. *DC1304 at 7:30 p.m. All are \Nekorne, For more information, tail 8845?12. GLLOW - (Gay and Lmian Liberation of Waterloo) Coffeehouse - informal discussion and meeting. 9 to 11 p.m. in ML 104. Our phoneline 884-GLOW operates 7 p.m. to 10 p.m waekda@ (information and peer cou nselling) .
Chinese Chris& Fellowship meets at i p.m. in the Wilfrid Laurier Seminary Build ing. Join us for uplifting singing, investiga tive Bible ‘studies and thought-provokin{ speakers. All are welcome.
Career Rmcmce Centre - open till 7 p.m. every Thursday from Sept. 12 to Nqv. 28. Research employers+ occupations a?d more.
unittd Chrnrh Campus Ministry prayers, bible study and discussion in Wesley Chapel St. Paul’s College at&30 a.m.. All are welcome.
Tha will be “Salat-ul-Juma” (Frida Prayer) from 1:3O to 2:30 p.m. in CC roan 135. Ali Muslims are welcome.
PAGE 2 is donated by IMPm
First Dhaset‘o take ten years
by Teresa Kennedy Imprint staff Student safety, environmental protection, and University finances are some of the issues addressed by a new master plan for the development of University of Waterloo lands. The plan, expected to be approved at the UW Board of Governors meeting October 1, stresses long-term planning as afforded by the inherent longevity of our institution. ‘The Master Plan is intended to guide
next cent&y.”
A series of implementation reports will translate the master pIan into specific projects. Plans for the first phase of implementation, to stretch over a loyear period include: - Development of the south campus bookstore. While the bookstore needs to be expanded, plans include provisions for facilities to encourage private investment and increase University revenue. The report lists Parking Lots R and N as choice locations for the bookstore. - Construction,~f a Campus Centre in the empty space north of Math and Computer and south of BC Matthews Hall. The centre would become a
“major hub” of daily University life. According to the report, “a clear need still exists for a centre which acts as a casual and formal meeting place as well as an eating, recreational and athletic facility for the University population.” The report recommends encouraging UW’s Federation of Students to prepare a new proposal for a campus centre building “within the revised Plan.”
of the Master
- Construction of an Engineering and Earth Sciences building on land currently designated as Parking Lot Bl.
- The addition of a wing on the north side of Hagey Hall to accommodate the AccouG&g school. - Implementation of the first stages of north campus development. Environmental audits, detailed planning, municipal approvals, and road and sewer work must be completed before any construction the north campus.
can begin on
“Development of the north campus will be in the form of urban, mixed use neighbourhoods centered on a large environmehtal reserve.” Plans for the north campus include structures for research activity,
institutional activities, housing, and a hotel. According to the report, UW would spend $6.6 million over ten years to servitie the first area of land developed, while receiving $12.9 million in revenue. UW would keep ownership of the land through rental and lease arrangements to ensure a continuous
of revenue.
The report recommends the cieation of a University Development Corporation to oversee long-term prOpex?y management. It envisions the University as an “international leader” in environmental management and land stewardship. Environmental objectives for north campus development involve conserving water and protecting Laurel Creek from pollutants; creating landscapes “foi permaculture,” described as “market gardens, allotment gardens, nurseries, orchards and woocl10ts;” and designing energy-efficient transit systems and buildings. The north campus would become “a prototype of comprehensive environmental planning,“combining parks and recreational areas with wild areas to accommodate environmental research. The report emphasizes merging the nahual setting with man-made structures. to
create a distinct image for the Univer-
poses to encourage
sit by keeping city transit fees to a minimum. Parking fees would be increased to help subsidize a UW shuttle bus service and the construc-
Among other environmental considerations of the plan are the creation of a natural preserve along Laurel Creek, the practice of environmentally sound landscape maintenance,
the development of environmental research facilities, and the construction of’bikeways and walkways linking the campus to downtown Kitchener-Waterloo and to the Consemation Area. The plan stresses discouraging “deDendence on the automobile.” and outlines designs for safer pedestrian routes on campus. ‘Preference should
be given
corridor enclosed pr&&
to exterior
routings or partially arcades, since these best
both environmental
and outside surveillance.”
Routes on
the cmpus which have been identified as unsafe would be improved by widening
and pro-
viding lighting along walkways adjacent buildings. The plan
and pro-
Last Monday, September 23, the Women’s Issues Board held the first of a series of acquaintance. rape seminary at the Village Kesidences. This .mual series is held to raise awarene~ of date rape and acquaintance rape on campus, since this crime occurs on all campuses, including Waterloo’s,
One of the main focuses this term is to discuss how gender socialization -elates to acquaintance rape. WIB acklowledges that the stereotypes and nyths about men and women are ngrained
in us since birth. It is time to
question the portrayal
of men and
Nomen in books, television,
T;or example, while men are out slaying dragons in storybooks or :limbing trees in the wild, women are ocked away in castles or performing notherly duties. Even cliches, such as he “Rule of Thumb,” for example, is
derived from “days of olde” when a nan could legally beat his wife as
with two of his works,
by Dave Campbell Imprint staff Ray Dirks. A name you might not know now but will know later. This is the story ‘uf a man who represents everything that every young artist wants to be. He is a Canadian by nationality, but that is as far as it goes. He may be Caucasian on the outside, but make no mistakes, the man on the inside is African. He is inspired and sure of himself. He likes what he has done so far and, more importantly, he
and “Proud
Photo by Scott Deveber
likes wheie his work is going. It’s going right across Canada and it probably won’t stop there. Conrad Grebel College is just one stopping point on this tour and it gives students at Waterloo an opportunity to be witnesses to a tremendous undertaking. Kay Kirks is a man with a mission. When you think of Africa, do you think of starving children, or do yoti‘think of a culture rich in art? Chances are, through no fault of your own, you think of famine. With
a!1 the news media coverage over the last few years, it’s hard not to. People like Ray Dirks want to change that. As a means to this end, organizations like “Partnership Africa
are sponsoring
ple like Ray Dirks and are promoting tours like this one. Dirks hasseen firsthand the regular people of Africa by living there and says that he sees the people of Africa with an “open mind but optimistic and sympathetic heart.” This shows through clearly in his work. To show the “dignity and
tion of new parking
hours street parking and parking lots near key structures - including all of the proposed new buildings - are proposed as ways of accommorjating parking needs. The master pIan evolved out of ongoing consultation and discussion 1 with University staff and students, the 1 city of Waterloo, the Regiona Municipality of Waterloo, and thr community. Although its approval i! expected within the next few days construction will not be completec for several decades. All p&je& outlined in the plan are subject tc Change.
ibility needs
The plan emphasizes flex to accommodate changing Of the unive&y. hiVt?rSit)
finances will be key in determine the rate of progression.
Date rape topic *.of seminars by Khnberly creed women’sIseuesBovd
Ray Pitjcs Ethiopia.
use of pubIic tran-
long’as the object used was no wide than his thumb. Stu$ents are encouraged to con sider and question whew their. per ceptions of men and women corn! from and what they are. The an tation
A second main focus of the presen tation stresses that communication and clarification is important. Dating partners are encouraged to talk abou limits and feelings; to clarify mixec signafs and to hear and say NO. Intox
icated or sober, individuals an always held responsible for theil actions. If the answer is no to sex, the1 the discussion has ended. Overall, the co-presenters felt tha the first seminar was well received Thanks to all who participated and tc all who contributed to the discussion. See your
is the main goal of this artist.
sion is free.
painted. In this way, he is able to capture an astonishingly emotional element in their faces that so many artists
never know. Any artist who says that Africa is “the part of the world I love more than anywhere else,” and who has been told that he “can see through the eyes of Africans” by an African, must be doing something right. Every artist who believes
and who is able to transfer that conviction onto canvas is especially worthwhile to see. My advice is to view the art and, if possible, to speak with the man; neither will be soon forgotten. The
Don for more
tion regarding
pride” of the people through a “cornbination of realism and abstract.“This Being more than an observer, Dirks believes in getting to know the subjects of his work by photographing them wherever they are and then talking to them, eating with them and then getting their permission to be
the con& cf eratiol
that myths contribute to acq&ntancr rape. Students are urged to conside that “No means No,” that an: individual has the right to decide tr say no to having sex at any time, an4 that nof all men are potential rapist5
runs through Grebel
October 29 a College and admis- 1
It’s A Bay! That’s right, it’s 7 Ibs., 5 oz, of Mike Brown (Imprint Editor ‘88-‘89) progeny born at 8115 a.m. Thursday. Congrats to out to Mike and Kelly from all rugrats at Imprint. (count on Mike to leave something ‘till Thursday a.m.!) * q,L2: * J-j.r;i-* -J-J VJ
Friday, September 27, 1991
Waste Reduction Week/91
lake back the Lnight march
REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. The R’s have become buzzwords for nvironmentally-sound waste mangement and will be the main focus of Vaste Reduction Week which runs ‘om September 29 to October 6,
If you are interested in finding out exactly what happens to all those empty pop cans and juice bottles that seem to always overflow recycling bins around the campus, public tours of the new Materials Recycling Centre on Erb Street will be available daily at 2 pm, Monday to Friday. Groups of greater than 10 are asked to call 7252011 to make tour arranjzements.
information to the public as to how individuals can contribute something every day to achieve waste reduction goals. Waste reduction is at the heart of the waste management issue. The University of Waterloo has maintained an ongoing waste reduction campaign for several years through its Waste Management Department. This department has concentrated its efforts on reducing the amount of garbage thatis thrown out by offices around the campus. It has been involved in locating blue boxes and desk top recyclers in the University’s offices, as *well as providing information regarding the 3R’s. 4
and Sue Carter
In her address at Speaker’s Corner, Rev. Rogers denoinced the patriarchal structures that institute Sexism and violence against women, calling for colIective z&ion;
“Violence and fear are so common in our culture that we have learned to live with it as though it were the ~tural way of livi&’ said Rev. Darlene Rogers at last Thursday night’s Take-Back the Night rally & downtown Kitchener. “Women like us everywhere are having to sacrifice freedom for security,” she continued. dkaMal
not solelya women’sissue...” In the Kitchener-Waterloo march, organized by the K-W Sexual Assault Support Centre, about 600 women gathered together in an active renunciation of harassment, assault, rape, anti femicide. The march ended at Speaker’s Corner in downtown Kitchener, where all members of the K-W community had been invited to assemble. It was followed by a concert given by the Bird Sisters at the Chur& of the Good Shepherd. In 1988, approximately 1,000 women marched in 12 cities in Ontario - this year, over 3,000 women tuned out for the first-ever march in the town of O*ville, their anger and frustrations piqued by recent assaults and murders in that region
Exdent Man is here to WI you IMPRINT is printed on 100% recyctd
paper. Nm,gxdmthanddogood. bm Waste Reduction Week, formerly Public displays will be set up in’ ci tied Recycling Week is part of an Faiiew Park Mall in Kitchener, from September 30 to October 2, and at al tempt by the Ontario government tC) achieve a reduction in the amount Conestoga Mali in Waterloo on d f garbage that enters our Iandfill sites October 3. Regional staff will be on hand to provide a variety of 3R’s very year. According to the Ontario inlormation. p”ublic Interest Research Group, Theprovincialgovemrnenthas set c &ax-i0 produces the greatest a waste reduction goal of 25 per cent al,nount of solid waste per &pita than by 1992 and the &gion of Waterloo anywhere else in the world. has set a further target of 36 per cent Locally, the importance of Reduce, by. 1994. Waste Reduction Week is RReuse, and then Recycle, is being progeared toward increasing public nnoted by the Region of Waterloo awareness of waste management tl hrough a number of activities during Vaste Reduction week. problems in Ontario. It will Frovide
byKamRichardmn l+ecial to Imprint
me so commonin air
“Sexual violence is not soielv a women’s issue,” she said. “It isjan ssue that screams out to be addressed by all the power structures in our society - the political, the academic, th& religious,* the judicial, the medical, scientific, and the economic systems and structures.” In keeping with tradition, this year’s Take Back the Night March took place on the third Thursday of September (Sept. 19). The march is celebrated internationally; it began in Germany in 1978 where 3,000 women participated in a protest against rape and other violence against women. Marches soon followed in France, Canada, and the United States. Take Back the Night celebrates the one night of the “year when women can walkqnd work together in mutual protection and in affirmation of their rights to violence-free lives. Jhe march is a constructive mesins of protest and fosters a se&e of solidarity in the movement against violence against women.
At IBlkJ you’ll be encouragedto pursue your goals, tobmaknew~undand~crpateyourm~
“I worked on a team developinga ct.xmlmicati& sohpackage to allow difknt ma&ins on the plant floor to communicafewith e&l other. During the development I travelledto an IBM locatiun in Raleigh,North Chxhatoleamaboutanewpr0duct that works witi our package.At IBM, Ihavetheapportunitytutakeon responsibilityand km a lot? iIl&lna Hsu’
Yhaliaisonbetw~themaketkg qandthepeoplewhodoarQerpro0 essing.I &we lots of n3ponsi&ilityon my desk.-ellsuhg-custamer&Mm Ialsohaveth&eedomtousemyinitiativeand~dec&msDIEmyo~espe&Uyifi~sinthecustomet’s~ interest.” f4Ed?m.Amocr Wi(yiridI4Wdi?FUii
At IBM, the futu& iS yours.
i IBM and OS/2 are
JBM Canada IAL .;.ti-
... trade-marks and SAA is a trade-mark of International Business Machines Coiporatikp’ IE3k-lCanada Ltd., a related company, is a registered user. r *s+lL_.
.NaturoPathv and vegitirianlism Dart of healthv ’ world view * by Tammy Speers special to Imprint Prescriptions, prescriptions, and more prescriptions. This is the way society has told us to heal our body’s
ailments. Natural remedies, like those pres$bed by naturopaths, have typically been seen as a frivolous method in approaching a cure. I was a sceptic to the methods used by naturopaths - like most of society, winter
an uninformed sceptic. Last however, after fighting a
chronic cold, which had lasted three months, I was prepared to try anything. Two doctors, on separate occasions, had prescribed the same drug which had not improved my situation in the least. I went with hesitation to my first naturopath appointment as I had no idea what to exper$ This hesitation quickly disappeared. The naturopath I went to actually listened to my problems, He wanted to know what was wrong with all of me - not just if my &le@n was yellow di green! He did bring me * back to good he&h and has kept me there since February, Monday, September 30 is International Vegetarian Day. The Campus Centre great hall will have information displays on subjects perto taining naturopathic
As well as- dealing with typical ailments, naturopathy naturaIly helps those with psychological problems such as exam anxiety, grief, depression, hyperactivity, break-ups of relationships, and insomnia. Personally, homoeopathy has cured all of my menstrual cramps, something the Pill and Midol could not accomplish. Visits to a naturopath are covered 80 per cent (up to $500 a year) by the extended health benefits of the S&Udent Insurance Plan. Take advantage of having a naturopath at our university. Come out on-Monday to the CC a)nd bring your questions to Dr. Meissner.
Write for
c>c. 140
by Walter Wagnleithner Imprint staff University of Waterloo students have a new interim Sexual HarassLinda Kellar,
ment Counsellor, whose appointment announced. The
was recently selection was
extensive consultarecommendation of the Associate Provost for Student Affairs,” according to Vice-President, Provost Alan Academic and George. Kellar has previous experience which should serve her well in her
tion and upon
Meissner, naturopathfis a harmless and gentle but very powerful method of curing
ailments. Y But what exactly is naturopathy? It is an integrated approach to natural which involves: health care homoeopathy, Chinese medicine (acupuncture and eastern Chinese herbs), stress and lifestyle management techniques, nutrition, softmanipulation, tissue and joint western botanical medicine, and hydrotherapy. A sickness can be cured by only one aspect of naturopathy - for instance,
-her to women’s issues, CounselIing, and the Employee Assistance Pro-
assault, rnaniage
University grafn* During addressed
a short discussion, Kellar what she feels is the major stumbling block for Sexual Harassment Counsellors. Along with other citizens in so-y, university students need to become more aware of the issues involved in sexual harassment before they can effectively deal with the problem Perhaps most important, victims must come to grips with unjustified guilt feelings while perpetrators need to realize why their a&Ions were wrong. Although Kelbr feels that lack of awareness is still a p.robIem, she does
Inmducing Unix Tutor, the self&pacedway to learn Unix commands, VI text editor, Common Short-cuts, -andmore using your PC. Features practical simulations. Get familiar with Unix in hours. Special offer for students this month: *$69.90 (our retail price $109.90) To order or for more information, call 41688M943 or fax 41632111773. Hosma Software
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solely by homoeopathy.
Linda Kdlar
new position: “her long-standing service ~IJ Counselling Services”
27, 1991 5
Interim SHC appointed
WHERE? According
A Healthy Career Choice!
harmlessand gentle but verypuwerfil
believe it is growing For those wanting counsehg, Linda K&r. can be found in the.
vegetarianism, like medicine. Dr. Juleck
Meisner, a local naturopath, wiIl be there to answer your questions regarding his profession. Improving the health of individuals through natural means demonstrates a respect for the earth similar to the beliefs of vegetarians. As we become more aware of .ouf fragile ecological problems we are learning to understand what-we do to our planet. Similarly, naturopathy allows us to become more aware of what we do with our bodies in times of sickness and to respect how we solve our sickness. By building our own immune system and through nurturing what we already have, we are demonstrating that we respect what we are putting in our bodies. From an ecological- perspective, less chemical interventiori in turn creates a lower chemical production, which means there is less interference with nature.
AT JACK DANIEL’S DISTILLERY, we are blessed with an unusual cave and special ironfree water. Not many distillers have a stream of cavespring water that’s’ flowing just outside their door. But that’s what we possess right here in Jack Daniel’s I Hollow. And we’ve used it to make ’ our Tennessee Whiskey since &&ii,*I 1866. Just watching this old stream meander along is a nice wray to pass idle moments. Discovering how it flavours Jack Daniel’s, we believe, is the nicest moment of all.
is not the hokey promake
it out ~CI be. A
pre-med degree must be finished before a four-year program at one of three naturopathic colleges is completed. Toronto, Oregon, and SeattIe are homes to the three colleges in North America.
If you’dlikeabookletaboutJack Daniel’s Whiskey,writeusharein Lyr!chburg,Tennessee, 37352U.S.A.
.__._. -- .
Opinion: The opinion pages are designed for Imprint staff members or feature contributors to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Only articles clearly labelled “editorial” and unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
fireside chat by Peter Brown Isn’t life in the ’90s grand? Politica decisions and choices, from right here on tht University of Waterloo campus right up tit 401 to Ot@wa, are being made with consultal tion and in an incIusive and forthright man ner. In Utopia we are not, but I like to thinl! that such a place lies just a few kilometret closer now than this time last year. September, 1990 was not a pleasant time tc be a Canadian. Cracks in national unity haC grown into huge fissures after the failure OJ Meech Lake, and we hzrd just enjoyed beat@ up on a bunch of natives with our army. The fall of 1990 held unpleasant surprise
for University of Waterloo undergmduati ti well as we were dragged through an illconsidered and shoddily-run student lS building referendum, which resembled Meech Lake, ironkally enough. Butthis~it’sa~~lenewballgame-the maclotos~ of the nation and the mic= rocogm of the university. The fec&aI gownunent’s just-released constitutionA packageis~em~elof~~~~yco~co~ siltation. “Quebec’s distinctiveness and Canada’s linghtk duality” will be fecogn.ized&originalpeopleswillbeinvi~ed to participate in the debate! and a “Can&” clause wiU codify, just about qq r@httlGnkkg.mtirnent we hold. ,. Thisnewageofc~~tio~wouldeven~u so far as to have a body, called the Council oi the Federation, composed of representatives Irom the federal, provincial, and territorial levels that would determine shared-cast proqams and national standards. Of course, getting everyone to agree that Quebec is a titinct society, even though the statement would be placed elsewwhere in our archives, zould prove difficult. But all in all, this seems to be a positive dealing, no deterpolicy - ito background mining of our collective fate by teri white pys. Of course, this constitutional proposal would have to be approved by the House of Commons and provincial legislatures which are dominated by lok and lots of white guys. But that’s not the point. A lot of us regular Canadians will have been able to give our Ipinions about the different elements of the m&age. Whether this opinion is worth a jang is another question altogether. Now, back to UW. The Federation of students wants to go tti the people, in this case he undergraduates, on the topic of a student ife centre. And they, along with Associate ?rovost, Student Affairs Peter Hopkins, have ;et up an apparently consultative process to sather student opinion before deciding whether to even hold a referendum on the ,opic. *But unlike at the national level, our conMuency here at UW is relatively small. It is mssible to Plumb the depths of Dublic oDition, to find’out what a si&ficant ‘proporti’on If undergrads think, and [his makes y&r paricipation in this process all the more imporant. Another advantage that an electorate and :ommunity of this size has over federal )olitics is that one can come much closer to a ull spectrum of representation in decisionnaking bodies. The Student Life Committee s not dominated by any single interest group lnd any concrete proposal for an actual buildng must be approved by a referendum, a sysem that is’unIikely at the federal Irvel. Though cynicism is easy whether discussng federal politics, rem&n ber that YOU can kave a role in the decision-making-on this ‘ampus, at Ieast where the spend&g of S~Jlent money is concerned. Don’t waste that ight. Get involved in the debate over the stulent life cent-re and OFS membership this all.
; Imprint is:
Threatened males & god-fearin’ ’ moralists 4,.
Yikes! . . . don’t look now, but here’s my $02 on Gwen Jacobs. No, just kidding. That issue has had too much exposure (ohhhh, the bad puns you come up with at 2 am). Besides, there’s no hope in hell of changing the minds of all thpse god-fearin’ moralists and ce&in anti-equality philosophers on campus (hello there, Gary). But I will discuss it to the extent that it serves to provide an example for my position in’ the following discussion. The issue reminds me of a conversation I had recently with a woman, that was about feminism in a general sense. She raised a point 1 hadn’t thought about before, in a different type of context: “How far are we supposed to go? Where do we draw the line (between purposeful and seemingly petty issues affecting women) Y Personally, I suppose the reason that I’m so wrapped up in feminism is that many males are responsible for institutionalizing inequzility and, as a member of that gender, I feel an obligation to at least try to change attitudes and do what I can to advance the movement. As well, my personality doesn’t lend itself to oppression. I’ve never really given a great deal of thought to drawing a line. But I don’t know if there should be, or if there even exists a line to be drawn. It’s an individual decision. Everyone has the freedu’m to pursue any issue to whatever extent they wish, or even totally ignore it. 1 admire Gwen for challenging the status quo And it wrms so ahviaus that I wonder why no one did this ‘before. Everyone’s wrapped up in affirmative act-ion, genderneutral language and renaming manhdes when all of a sudden a University of Guelph student - who happens to be a woman -
takes off her shirt and single-handedly generates an issue. Right out of nowhere. It’s great! The mass media is so predictable. But if Gwen did not have the incredible courage that she has, people wouldn’t be giving the issue any thought whatsoever. What I’m saying is that the lines slowly get erased and redrawn, advancing forward. At this point in time, it appears society is willing to consider the issue. Sure, there11 be a lot of letters from religious types and males who feel threatened, but they should be ignored. Some judge is eventually going to have to make a decision about it, and any decision has t? be better than having no issue to decide. I suppose that individuals in society will decide when the line has moved far enough fomard, and eventually the idea of fighting for women’s rights may become obsolete and equality will be taken for granted. It’s a nice thought, although not bloody likely to happen during my lifetime (and my birth certificate’s expiry date is a long way off). We in the university community are extremely isolated from the real world and the attitudes held by those who make and affect critical decisions in the real world. But for the time being, that other world that “free and democratic” society - cannot guarantee that women’s freedoms won’t be restricted because of the many barriers erected by men by virtue of their greater physical strength and the historical and systemic oppression that has resulted. . So women, and men, challenge the bullshit surroundm~ yau. It a protessc~r, for exdmyle, says something that offends you, speak up. Silence, in this issue, mt’ans acceptance. Silence changes nothing. Dave Thomson
preskht ................................... Trevor Blair Vice-Preskknt ......................... Peter Brown Secretary-Trea s. ...................... ..PauI Done Lhctoni at Law,. ......................Joanne Sandrin
Imprint reserves refuse advertising.
^ .-
, L
spacek, ‘lammy Speers, Duke Thrnley, MikeTjepkema, UW Kenclo Club, Walter Wqnleithner, Derek Weiler, fhris Wiltiams.
&rum: The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint, Campus Cerdtre 140. Mail can also be sent via e-mail to imprint@watserv 1.Watt=rloo-edu. Be _,. _ sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline’ for submitting letters is 500 pm Monday. The maximum length for ea& entry is 400 words, although’ longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing.
rum The good
Whether or not society should allow the display of female breasts is a question for social moralists; Maybe we should, however, que$tion why it developed that females covered theirbreasts, masking strong sexual signals, then proceeded to reinforce their shape with brassieres and tight clothing. P.
m n
I have been following the breast issue with keen interest (K Creed, Aug. 30; V. Haag, Sept. 13; P. Kirkland, Sept+ 20). Some consideration of the evolutionary history of the breast may be useful. For instance IC Creed is appalled that our society condemns the naked breast in public; her reasoning being that the breast was “intended for the feeding of infants.” While no one may dispute this physiological role, one might’ question whether other factors have influenced the development of the human female breast. Comparing breasts, one finds that other primates provide an abundant milks:&% without developing clearly * hemispherical breast swellings (D. Morris, The Naked Ape). In fact, it has been suggested that the design of the human breast actually hinders efficient suckling; take a ,look at the teat of a baby’s bottle. How, then, could evolutionary selective forces support such a
development? the female breast as a seconstructure provides appealing answers. Physic$o&ally, the presence of erectile tissues npports this view. Not only the nipples, but bre&t size increases. dramatically dqring sexual intercourse. It has’ been sugges&Q,y D. .Morris, an emine& zoologist that h$mispherical breasts z&y have served a,,sextial mimicry tinction for early human *hey the transfei from p&erior to frohtil se-1 inwe was made. Thus, breasts may btik mimicked the x~tund buttocks v+hich”.earl$man had been atttacted Considering
is correct
in asserting
that humans
shouldn’t be mere sexual objects, but humans are sexual creatures.
To the editor,
Michael Leach Biochemistry
. In so doing, the normal candidate ballot maiJ our can also include the referendum material and can eliminate the need for a separate mail out this fail. this request is still Of course, overshadowed by the question of whether we really need this vote at all. We make lots of noise regzding low University funding but often end up using the money we have for impractical or unrepresentative ideas. Stay with OFS, leave OFS; I really don’t care anymore. Let’s just stop wasting the money we so desperately need.
lkn5ckcunnin&ham 4AMathematics
the bad
M l
and the ugly
To the editor, During my first year on campus in 1987-88, there was a referendum asking whether or not Uw should join the Canadian Federation of Students. After a year’s leave of absence, I returned to campus in 1989-90 only to be faced with a referendum on the same issue. Last year, I was asked to vote on a Student Life Building. Now, this year, I will soon be asked to vote on whether or not UW should pull out of the Ontario Federation of Students. ‘Has it becomea perwniai eyent th& tie UW ,&deration of Students / must hbld a refe&tdum on so+ i,ssue which, given @e amow of v&r turn o$, is of iriterest to-h?ss than half) of pti student population? .“.,
1 fj&&y&
Q q-&&:&h
a.” Tim j&Impr&-Setit
son (Safety vs. the RefFr&da,’ 20). .In &s leper, Mr. J&&s& makes a very reasmble request tit the seasonai vote, if it tideed> must .be held, should be set in Fe&. mu-y when normal Fed elections take place.
the editor,
I am troubled with some peopIe’s perceptions of how the human body, male or female, should bp regarded. My crisis arises from the fact that my appreciation for what I consider to be a beautiful female body is seen by others as objecCfying and degrading ‘women (or should I use ‘women’ here). In reality I am showing veneration (ie. to regard .or treat with reverence - for those whg ,do not k,now the eQg@h language and thought :,I shotid use ‘~omyn’ ,earli& ‘for< God’s.,blessed ti@rk or mbre. likely ‘the result. of4n ‘extrem’e:,amount of pers4mal atter&@n .p an~care.‘-; e + . mm’ I “meet a& i&ligerit, w&-educated f: woin.an.1 resgect,and &p@e @r G&-given intelligence or tKe pe*veraGe it took to‘ acquire, a specific level of education I may:, evenbe (dare I say it?] crowd by her advanced intellectual nature.
Why then am I sup&d to feel guilty when I respect, admire, and maybe even be aroused by not the mind but the physique. This physical adoration does not mean I automatically think of a woman with a nice assembly as a set of tits and an ass; in actuaI fact the opposite is true. I immediately look for ways to meet the girl in the hopes that she has gifted faculties and, in that case, that she will want to or I am able to initiate the beginnings of a relationship (this does not mean physical although if she and I become mutually attracted I would never rule out the possibility of advancing a relationship from the intellectual stage to the intelleaal and hysical stage). I? er physical beauty may have been the instrument that originally drew my attention in this case but that does not always have to be the case. I could be originally drawn to her by an intelligent comment in class or any other such show of mental aptitude which would of course bring on the same reaction as a nice body. ’ This reaction is not degrading #by any means and I imagine that more women than just the ones I associate with react in a similar manner to men that have a pleasing structure. There definitely is not anything wicked about this natural response but what is truly malevolent is the attempt of some obtuse folk to convince us that physical admiration is .vulgar and somehow demeaning. Anyone that can only respect a person for their mind is missing out on a decent and fun part of life and should seriously seek counselling to help expand their frontiers. The human body can be one of the most beautiful tfiings in natu,re and to stop oneself from+noticing any shapely design, just sci yoti are not called sexist by some’ one-dimensional human who probably is Jacking in the physical departm&t an$-vay Esnot only ludicrqgs but Uqjust. 4s for the girls tiho toil painstaki@y or are simply blessed with a,resplendent figure 1can ,. onlv tip laud. ; I Rick Be Ln I
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8 Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991
Canadian identity? Ask the vampires
To the editor, On behalf of the Shinerama executive, we would Iike to thank the 1,500 frosh who woke up bright and early Saturday, September 7 to shine for cystic fibrosis. $45,000 was raised on this day. This is a huge sum of money that wiIl, through this charity, hopefuIly go a long way in the fighyo find a cure for this deadly-disease. This is anaccomplishment that all of UW should be proud of. Besides the energetic fresh, this whole event could not have happened without the dedicated work of a small army of volunteers who came from student groups representing aII areas of UW. Thanks to them and to the Shiners - you people should feel proud to know that it was you who made this day hap pen!
of Students
Coat check blues
by Brian Orend It is politically correct to argue, for the sake of unity, that Canada possesses a natio&I identity. However, like most things stamped with the PC label, this assertion is dubious when appraised &ically. Indeed, one can go so far as to maintain that it is impossible to arrive at a true conception of Canadian identity. The first rationale supporting this claim is rooted in the Scottish philosopher David Hume’s unique account of personal identity. According to Hume, whenever one reflects upon the nature of oneself, one can discern only sensations and perceptions of oneself and not oneself directly. If one extrapolates this Humean analysis from personaI to national identity‘ one can acknowledge that one cannot know the invariabIe essence of a country but only perceptions of it. And if one cannot know this essence, then there are no grounds for claiming that there is one.
W&zt musqiwrudesin identityb disguise?
To the editor, Last Thursday, I attended and participated in the Barenaked Ladies concert at Federation HaII. The show was stupendous, the evening was not. Having been at Waterloo for more than three years, I had always found Fed Eiall to be satisfactory in the past. The complaint that I have to mike has to do with the coat check For a full capacity crowd, the coat check was not opened. This may sound trivial, but to anyone who rode a motorcycle, the task of carting a helmet and a leather jacket about the place was not needed. I hope in the future that “Canada’s largest student-run pub” could keep the students in mind to a greater degree. Sometimes I really wonder where my Fed Hal1 fees truly go. A. Boucher
The second fact thaiadds credence to the thesis that there is no Canadian identity deals with the criteria that something has t0 fulfill for it to have an identity. It is often said that identity impIies the ownership of scissors and glue. As scissors, identity bids earlier’stages of existence to the later ones, making a person/ country a relatively unchanged entity over time. Here is where the difficulty arises. For, neither Canada nor any .other nation can claim that it has remained constant over the centuries. Consider just a few instances: the ethnic majority in Canada used to be Aboriginal, then French, theti English, and today there isn’t one; economic life in Canada was once primariIy ruraI and agricultural, pre-
* sently it is urban and industrial; and Canada was formerly an oligarchic cdony, both as -New France and as British North America, today it is an independent and democratic state. These radical transformations dictate that Canada does not fulfiI1 the second critefion and thus there is no such thing as a Canadian identity. The disc&ery that there is no innate Canadian essence provokes one to inquire into the nature of what currently masquerades in identity’s guise. The cliches that are usuaIIy trotted out - bilingualism, social programs, middIe-power status, and the cultural mosaic - are little more than that. This is not to say that these concepts do not describe genuine attributes of Canada but rather that it is an exaggeration to Iabel any of them as constituting our identity. Philosophically, they just aren’t up to snuff. The truth of the matter seems to be that these, traditional concepts arise not from identity but from ideology. The difference being that these notions did not blossom naturally out of a magical Canadian SOUI but were deIiberately fabricated by pubIic policy choices and were subsequentIy mythologized by the media and the people as a whole. To illustrate, reflect on the genesis tid development of WA Rail, the CBC, medicare, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The lack of a Canadian identity might be upsetting to some. However, what if Canada actually possessed thii well-defined identity that self-pro&&ned patriots so desperately seek? It seems quite plausible that such an event would be disastrous. For, if Canada had an identity, then it would have to remain faithful to it. The range of policy alternative would be correspondingIy.confinecI within the rigid borders of this identity - anything outside this holy realm would be denounce as “unCanadian.” Hence, the freedom to adopt new
and perhaps progressive sensibilities would be curtailed. The closing of the identity would close the Canadian mind. Lest anyone consider these possibilities idle speculation, ponder life under McCarthyism in the America of the 1950s. Therefore, the Iack of a Canadian identity is actually a liberating reality that aIIows for perpetual self-creation and national renewaI in the tradition of Nietzsche’s Superman. Perhaps a slightly crude analogy that summarizes this argument is that of Canadians being vampire people. Like vampires, who are themselve invisible in mirrors while their clothes appear, Canada dresses itself up in a variety of ornaments - a cIoak of tolerance, a cummerbund of social programs, a vest of democracy - but the core is hollow and empty. Also, similar to vampires who can change into wolves, bats, and other creatures of the night, the lack of identity affords Canqda the ability to transform itself in ways that it vaIues. So, if the time arises when the existing myths are no longer relevant, like now, the need is not to lament the death of a nation but to harness the creative energies required for the birth of a new one.
Imprint Staff Meetings are held every I F?iday at 12:30. Campus Centre, room 140 All are welcome!
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Meet Employers Explore Career Opportunities Wednesday, October’ 2, 1991 1O:OOam - 4:00 pm PAC - Main Gym
Transiti0.n by Phillip
I have left the preserved setting of the Biology Woodlot near Columbia Me. It may be sometime before I return to it; if at all. The reflections I have made I have made with sincere apprehension. It is not just a romantic longing for a return to some Arcadian paradise. Nor did I intend to diminish the harsh reality of natural relationships among the various plant and animal members. However, if I’ve striven to present a view of nature that is too idyllic for some, if nothing else, it reminds us of what’s at stake. Human beings I feel, are creatures that tend to symbblize, abstract and modify their surroundings at some pointin their biological and social development. Culture in the broadest me&g. Hence, one of the most fundamental aspects of such activity has been myth-making storytelling, and even modern literature. (I am mindful of the current fascination among critics and students of literature and philosophy toward post-modernism and the process of deconstruction; the content of much of the zicrimonious debates aside, is this not an example of how human beings of one particular culture are struggling to still come to terms with their contextual surroundings, which is all but shattered?) ClassicalIy, this provided limits to the use of environmental resources. Nonetheless, the trap of natural fallacy can be difficult to transcend. When Darwin returned from his sojourn in the Galpagos and published his journals, he sometimes described nature as brutal and violent, or interdependent and complementary. The Victorians saw in the former description a justification for continuing the removal of humanity from nature. But a paradox emerges: What is natural is not necessarily human; what is human is perhaps natural. Yet, why shouldn’t we think that it might be the inverse: what is human is perhaps not natural; what is natural is necessarily human? For is it right that human violence be institutionalized into war? I find it absurd that I must defend a negative answer; it is an affront to a rational humanity. It becomes one more strand ‘wound tighter into the Go&in knot that still haunts us. So how do we ethically limit our impact upon the natural world? How.can we deny those who have never enjoyed the pleaswes (vices?) of modem consumerism their natural (moral?) right to attain what has always been a dream? For better or worse, we have taken a journey from nature to culture. In the transitory interval between these two points, will we be able to find a milieu that encompasses both so that tie do not end up in a one-dimensional fragment of reality? A world where growth and development leave behind a simplified, homogeneous system in time and space where a complex, diversified ecological community once existed in wise tradition and place? Hopefully in the coming weeks, I will attempt td come to terms with my own journey.
A Iot of items try to get into the Blue Box Revue, but we are a tight knit group. A top notch recycling performance depends on having on/y this cast of characters in the box. Our program of characterswitl grow, but right now, we are very selective about our membership. Help us make the Blue Box performance perfect. Get to know our cast members and their roles,and makesure they are the.only items that get into.your Btue Box.
THE BLUE BOX CASTOF CHARACTERS Old Corrugated Cardboard Must be flattened, bundled and tied into a maximum size of 75cm X 75cm X 20cm (30” X 30” X 8”) and placed beside your Blue Box. Used brown paper grocery bags can be tied in also.
Newspapers Bundle or bag newspapers and inserts, then place them on top or beside the Blue Box. To prevent a litter problem, please do not put newspapers in loose. Sorry, no magazines. -
Bell Canada Telephone Books Place tklephone books on top of your Blue Box or in with bagged newspapers.
Metal Food and Beverage Cans Rinse food and beverage cans, and place loose in your Blue Box,.
Glass Jars and Bottles Rinse containers and place loose in the Blue Box. Remember to remove all lids from bottles and jars. (Metal lids are recyclable, so put them in the box too.) by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff
letters, with ’ pictures of weeping widows, parents, children etc. as the story warrants. (Just as an aside, even beyond the cover, I - perhaps coldheartedly simply wondered why police were treated like this by the media, whereas when an Asian gang member or someone from Jane and Finch is kilIed, there’s a small story between an ad for Superfitness and The Brick, and the body is drained and thrown in a ditch, or shipped back to its country of origin. It doesn’t seem unrealistic to expect the deaths of all people to warrant the same amount of respect.)
I suppose that if I even want to mention the Toronto Sun, I should justify myself. No I don’t read it, no I don’t like it. There. The cover of the Toronto Sun this Tuesday was a prime example of two of the most disgustingly hypocritical aspects of the news media and the society it reflects (or, in the case of the Sun, claims to r,eflect). The large coIour photo displayed a coffin with a Canadian flag draped over it, solemn police officers carrying it. How the Toronto Sun can possibly use a death to sell advertising is not even near‘the realm of the defensible, . but there it was. Like three-year-old Kayla and all the countless missing people, the Sun willingly and gladly sells death as fawning millions pick up their daily rag. There
a diEhence
reporting death and seI1i.q death. To report a death is to use facts and display a certain amount of tact. To sell death is to put COP KILLING in large
-But there’s even more hypocrisy when you think about the media’s two-faced treatment of police. Duting a strike or other moments of tension, the police are portrayed ‘as the bulldogs ‘of the government, and criticized at every turn. Headline and cuver photo for Monday. Policeman shot in a gang war. Headline and cover photo for Tuesday. It is pretty sickening when you think about it. .
Large Plastic Soft Drink Containers Remember that the 2 litre plastic soft drink container is the only plastic our Blue Box prbgram can take. Caps are not recyclable.
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10 Imprint, Friday; September 27, 1991
/ At the expense of by Ground
podiums and say: ‘but I’ve got the answers that you need! I’m the man to lead you into the future!” And, indeed, it is in this way that politic@ns are much like religious figures. For, they too idealize the future - though with them, with reIigious propagandizers, theirs is not a foreseeable future; they mythologize and fittionalize a future beyond even death: the after-life. Religion has historically fed off people’s obsession with tomorrow and beyond. They have both fuelled this obsession and then used it, used the ensuing frenzy, as a way of jus~g their own presence within the world, justifying their position in the hierarchy of society, They will manipulate minds and wave ‘righteous fingers because they hatie found the “correct” formula for marketing the after-life; theirs is a monopoly on death. (Oh, how Marxist of me to say that!) And we-&people have eaten it all up. Accepted these empty promises as our ticket into some blessed nether world, as our means of salvation. And like the politicians, religious sorts have bullied their ways into positions of prominence within the societal picme by giving free passage to a ‘Ibetter tomorrow.” I think of someone like Hitler at this point: a tyrannical political figure to be sure, but at the same time, he was also very much a quasireligious figure for the German people. His was a promise of a “thousand-year reign” for the people, a powerful and intoxicating dream of absolute prominence within the world, a dominant position throughout the future of his Aryan race. And the Germans became drunk on his words. Many have asked: how could it happen? Six million Jews? A I boorish figure like AdoIf Hitler given absolute authority over a cultured and literate race of people? Hbw could the Germans n& have said anything about his tyrbnny? They knew of his intentions in Me Kantpf. They watched blindly as his Gestapo went on witch hunts. How could all of this been allowed to happen? Could it be the promise’of a powerfuf future (th+ would only Iast 12 years)
“‘One must be receptive, receptive to the image atthemomentita~pea~: ifrherebeaphihuphy . . . it must appear and reappear . . . in total adhewnce to an isolated image. . . ” - Gaston Bachelard,
The Poetics of Space. theme in the rhetoric
There is a common
e renowned
for idealiz-
owe a lot of these per-
and now perhaps? “A better tomorrow,” perbps? The point here is that we have been obsessed by tomorrow for too long. We are afraid of it; we live for it, we kill for it, we die for it, we are warped by it. The future controls and consumes our thoughts, it manipulates our perceptions, and, most importantly, it absolves us of our responsibilities in the here and now. And this is indeed the crisis. For if we were to believe that the painful and vile legacy left by the Nazi regime has been dissolved, we should re-analyze the situation. Everyday we ’ allow ourselves either a blind.adherence or a passive acceptance or a multitude of absolving excuses why we cannot do anything about criminal leadership around the world, an ever-increasing social instability, environmental decay, massive famine and poverty, genocide on a grand scale (just like Nazi Germany). They all happen, and we witness the affects of these travesties on our local news every night Yet, as we turn off the televisions, put down the newspapers, we can#dismiss the issues from our minds as if they were mere by-products of the here and now, and, in that way, not worthy of our serious or immediate considerations: the politicians promise a “better tomorrow;” religion promises a GardenJike after-life! We have that to look forward to! Our children will h&e it better! We are more blind th&~ ever before. The irony is that we predicate so much of our own lives on ensuring, on hoping, that our children will have it better in the future, yet, it seems quite clear that 40 or 50 years from now, eople won’t be thanking their forefathers Por the wonderful world diat they live in. They will either be writhing in some nuclear muck or else they will-be questioning why people back then allowed so much pain, such lunacy, such delusion to have existed. They wiU wonder how we could have let these travesties go unchecked for so- long a time. Indeed, these are the same questions that we ask about the Germans of World War II. Have we not yet learned from the Nazi legacy of silence and indifference.
And with our eyes firmly focused on the future - the today, the here and now, is lost, blurred .amidst endless yards of political rhetoric and religious promise. The here and how, ironically, does not even exist for us. The here and now, that which should rnem the most, cannot even be seen, nor accepted, nor allowed to be. The future stares down upon us like some malevolent ideal / ‘demon that has turned against it’s creator, that has forced its influence over those who have sought to fabricate it. The future is both the ideal and the nemesis, the goal and the distraction. And it is the threat to the here and now that stands above all other so-called “evils”in our society. We allow it to wash over us, to cleanse us, to relieve us of our responsibilities in the now. Yet, I say this as merely a message to those wh6 have not yet gotten the point about the delusions of futuristic discourse. For many, the future already is”just a dream” - perhaps for the homeless of any given society, perhaps for the children who walk into grade schools with high-powered artillery, perhaps for the rapists, the *thieves, the murderers, the suicidal (and those who aspire to be such) If nothing else, the total of their collective message is that the future is not real. It is only a gift for the privileged few, the “socially acceptable.” Though, for the former, the future has no meaning, and their activities in the here and now only seem to further reinforce this point Indeed, theirs is a perverse way of speaking. Yet, one must remember that they have several millennia of idealistic discourse to attack, historical delusion to dvercome, religious and political promise to un-write. A big job - they may need some constructive suggestions as to how to be more effective with their message. How should they market themselves? What’s their next move to . become mainstream? Let’s get a game plan on this. . .
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Friday, September 27, 1991
Canada’s I culture police strike again The above; stippet comes from an dian material quotas - the darling of article regarding Bryan Adams’ latest “Save Our Culture” advocates is now - record being &qualified as Canaofficially a foreigner. ’ ‘According to Cl&T rwhtions, dian content because English pro- I When most people think of ducer Robert (Mutt) .IJUJ~ co-wrote which dictate which sonlqs radio stutions government meddling in the arts, the album’s songs. This &spite the may count toward me&&g their Cunakenzied of - Nazi bookdiuh cuntent commitme%, a sung is fact that Adams is a Canadian who burnings imr&diateIy vomit forth, Canadian ifit meets certain~criteria,. . . sings and co-writes his own work, follow& by the sm<g thought “At (l71e CRTC quotas) limit the amount of often us&i by the CRTC as an e-m‘least ye Canadians are safe.” Granairpla): . . . (a) sung will receive on FM pk of what Canadian artists should ted, Nazis and their ilk enforce the i radio in Canada, since the CRK aspire to. what this means is that that nastiest, most blatant examples of uiiuws stations to phy songs thclt ure not wonderful appendage of our Free thought control imaginabIe, but then Cunudiun content a maximum uf 18 Society, the CRTC, bs decreed that again they represent totalitarianism, times a week. ” - The Globe and Mail, radio stations will not be able to play and censorship is pretty much expecAdams’ songs as part of their Canz~Sept. 13,199i ted as part of the package. Af@r all, one would hardly expect Adolph Hitler to set up a sensitive, new-age dictatorship. You get what you pay for. Though in many ways the complete opposite of aforementioned dictatorships, soft and wimpy Canada, with little or no tiadition of tenacious revolts against governmental paper’ 150 University Averme West, Waterloo NZL 3E4 746-2679 gods, is the perfect breeding ground (Don ctwy Plaza) I . for a subtle, creeping brand of represWaterloo’s newest cop sho invites yoti to view the pnzxnises. , sion that is slimy second cousin to * AlI/!Lf4ervi& Xerox ranting dictators like Stalin.~ I * Canon Colour Copier Now, n&t people tend to argue jt DesI&opI%blishin~. I ’ that the preservation of Canadian culture is a noble cause and that the rules should be bent a little to accommodate this end. mese same people . will also agree that governmental ;f control of the media sounds an awful lot like censorship and should be avoided. A contradition?, play it, while still @ing me enough Think of Canadian content laws leeway to claim that they’re,not tramobjktively; I ‘decide to set up a radio pling upon my rights. station with my own money because I Yes, but it’s for a g& cause, many want to accommodate some listening would say. Irrelevant. It & generally group ignored by other stations. agreed upon that to justify the means by the nobility of the endssucks rocks NOW, no one wilI dispute that the stat&n is mine, and that I have the tight - sort of like syggdng We solve the ta.de&de what will be broadcast and population problem by A-bombing what will not, Fine. The only problem population centres. Our society is is that when I go to get my license, the based on the general assumption that CRTC tells me that I have to play a such reasoning is idiotic and unaccertain amount of Canadian music ceptable, raising the obvious quesand limit the foreign music I want to tion as to what is more important: a play or risk having my rightto broadcornerstone of our democratic, humanistic tradition, or Canadian cast reqoked. Wonderful. They are telling me what to play, and w&n to content? by I! Spacek
Tbpley Copy Centre
“saveour Culture”
rev& B~JWZ Adams citizenship!
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Also, the reasoning behind Canadian content laws is that people will be so used to listening to Canadian music that they will eventually accept it and want more. A silly assumption, really. While that may happen on a smaIl scale, an artificial market can only survive if it is ‘continually propped up, or else it will collapse+ For every Tragically Hip or Bryan Adams, there are a thousand disposable bands of questionable talent who are given airplay only because of their nationality, who are forgotten by the listener a second after their song is over. Bad, unmpular performers will, remain bad ;;nd unp6pular whether stations are forced to play tliem or not; the only element of the question which changes is exposuke. Instead of “Big Dogs’ who?” it’s “Those ‘Big Do& really stink, don’t they?” . The working assumption behind Canadian content laws is that Canadian artists are as good as their _ foreign competitors. If this is the case, then-why le’gislate exposure? Surely
- Waxing - Eiectrolysis
‘La lunatic,jknzied flash-in-the-pan...”
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it wiI1 be a matter of time before someone discovers them on their own? People can be manipulated into liking something, but that usually results in a lunatic, frenzied flash-in-the-pan succew. that everyone gets tired of after a while. This is the absolute antithesis of Canadian contint objectives, which strive to create a healthy, self-sushiring industry with stable, bankable stars. A Canadian version of the New Kids would give lots of money to the Canadian music industry, but when the craze dies down, the situation would be unchanged from before. Which ret&ns us to poor Bryan Adams. It’s ironic that the CRTC’s golden boy is being tarred and feathered by Defenders of Our Culture. In the end;it seems, they’re just another bunch of bureaucrats, more concerned with sticking to regdations than with results. This tea-time Gestapo is uniquely Canadian
suit of a questionable goal. Instead of trying to make Canadkn music more competitive, they strive to eliminate the competition, stepping on a lot of innocent toes in the process.
Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991 13
Navs f f
i+ I should be able to expect out of
Youth building the future
by Ma&m Black special to Imprint Youth Building the Future (YBF) is an international network of youth of different backgrounds working toward increasing global _ communication, cooperation, understanding, and awareness. Along with those fundamental goals, it is concerned with such global issues as the preservation of the Earth’s environment, human ‘- (especially children) and cultural rights, a human centred economic order, world peace, the responsible use of science and technology in society, an honest and impartial global media, and others. # Three Waterloo students attended the fifth annual YBF International conference in Oslo, Norway this summer, which had a specific theme of Human Rights with sub-categories of cultural, children’s and environmental rights. The students were Marion Black (Spanish, Latin American Studies), Caroline Guirguis (MA - Economics), and Andrew Pape (Systems Design Eng., Int.
attended by over 100 people from 38 countries around the world. One of the workshops I. participated in at the Youth Building the Future (YBF) conference, in Oslo this summer was, ‘IIs the protection of cultural traditions a threat to equality between the sexes?“This was no cozy fireside chat; indeed, it was a vibrant, frustrating and divided discussion. The countries represented were Bangladesh, Norway, Zaire, Austria, Nicaragua, Mauritius, Sweden, and of course, Canada. As a white, Canadian female, 1I enjoy many privileges - namely right!3 and freedoms that are entrenchedin our constitution - that women in other counties may not have.
Lecldy. issues challenge from Federation
of Students
students are being asked to donate to the Food Bank of Waterloo Region’s 1st Annual Food Drive that will run from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4. “We realize that students themselves often live on a diet of I&aft Dinner and peanut butter,” said Federation of Students president John Leddy, “but if it is at all possible to make any donation, it would be more than appreciated by the hundreds of people who find themselves using Food Bank-supported agencies for food assistance.” Leddy wants to -promote a challenge between all faculties to see which one can bring in the most food (measured by weight). Convenient food drop-offs will be set up outside each faculty society office and at the Turnkey Desk. Furthermore, UW is UW
involved in a university challenge with arch-riva1 Wilfrid Laurier University. The winning school will be the one
that brings
fad per student. What is especialIy
in the most
needed? Peanut beans, fruit, vegetables, soup, meat, fish, and stews; powdered milk; macaroni and cheese; pasta; rice; and cereals.
Is it only my Canadian background of relative affluence that allows me to say that women are equal to men in human stature and that only cultural traditions upholding this view are acceptable? Gus’ mother and sisters serve the men their food, eating their own separately and afterward; yef, his compassion for them is obvious.
life all that a man can, keeping in mind our intrinsic differences. But do I? And what about other Canadian women, those who are poor, Islamic, native, darker-skinned, Francophone, developmentally challenged? We agreed on one thing: that cultural traditions should be preserThe .fact that Ravind of Mauritius ved as long as basic human rights are sees cause for female circumcision not violated. Ftie. But what “basic” revolts me. Yet, he maintains that he means to me and what it means to ’ only has respect for women and does Gus of Zaire is drastically different. notsee them as anything less in status
, ! ‘. 100‘k what . you save when you thriavel
than men. It still revolts me. We of the developed nations admittedly pointed out our covetousnessof what often appears to be more unified family units in the developing nations; divorce and custody suits are anything but enviable. Personally, I conclude that many traditions are a threat to. equality between the sexes. Yet, I crave a society that willingly p-motes equality with a variety of healthy cultural practices. So for now, I guard my status as a woman in Can&la cultural
albeit precarious,
often theatrical
Our first general meeting will bc October 2 at 12:30 pm in Campus Centre room 138. Interested? Then please attend! on Wednesday,
14 Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991 News
Costa Rica gets help from Canucks by Angela Heeds special to Imprint Rural Costa Rican communities are joining forces with Youth Challenge International to raise needed funds and materials for sustainable community development. Two UW students are participating in this grassroots development project, organized and run by youth, in Costa Rica this December. Out of over 600 applicants, 50 young Canadians were selected to work alongside Costa Rican, Guyanese and Australian youth with local Costa Ricans for three months in community service, research, and medical projects. The selection, process was rigourous but fun. After submitting a t long paper applicatioW we were
exhausting and inspiring. It’s amazing how hiking aI day and night with heavy packs on your back and sometimes on your knees and sometimes 30 feet in the air on an unstable balance beam can make the rest of life look easy. The weekend was an experience in itself. Deprived of regular sleep and food, the group of participants bonded together to learn about trust and teamwork.
We arrived
Youth Challenge
stjk, spei”n#ctiecker, thesaurus,.m II merge, . !%EKfews
at &
oBce of with no idea where
we were going or what we would
doing. AiI we knew to have a medical
that we had before
food. The weekend
349 $ 4 99 t
4 UNDERTABLE DRAWER.. 22 ..........<........ 1 PRINTER STAND......
s 49
99 ACCOspiece lll#kbp organizer
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........$54' DiEEk $124" %H f& ONE EIQHTIN S 9 TREASURE $ 9 . , a,.. .. 3v MOUNTAIN 38 CL g9 RED S INDOW,.... $87 B&RON..,I.‘.. w 0 @RAIMATtCK CHARTS$ Iv . . 69 ’ 3-b TOGO .. .. 4g +r SOFTKEY 9 PC QlOBf $ i(ft!!lt SOFTWARE. w V4.0 . .... .,, , 49
that followed
Whether repairing fishing nets or building bridges across . jungle &~ms, this trip should be a learning experienm. PAPERMATE PENIlZPK
to bring
going and were not allowed
In rosta Rica, we wiU have to be prepared to use those valuable lessors in the face of more adversity. Some of the projects we will be doing include building a bridge over a fastrunning river, trekking through the rain forest to remote, often inaccessable villages to work with volunteer Surgeons in isolated rural communities in pre and post-operative care for cataract surgery patients, installing clean water systems, and giving primary health care education. This trip wilI no doubt offer an invaluable opportunity to understand and experience the harsh realities of life in the impoverished areas of Costa Rica and make a contribution toward thanging them. One of our most important challenges will be waiting for us when we return in March, 1992. That is to share with people in our commutities what we have leampd in a
#lO ENVELOPE$ 99 100 CTN . .. . . . . .. . . .. .
DEXXA MOUSE...... . $ 15 LB PAPER,..,,. .... ,e 3
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way that will inspirational.
be educational
Our current challenge is to raise $3,000 each through fundraising to contribute to this proiect. The youth participants in other countries and the communities in Costa Rica are also fundraising according to their capabilities. For instance, the Guyana participants will raise $100 U.S. each. Considering that Guyana is the poorest country in South America, their efforts are really inspiring! Youth Challenge International will run similar projects next year. To qualify you must be able to swim 50 me&s and speak English. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Youth
Soho Street, Toronto, 414-971-9846.
M5T 126 or Cal1
For more information about this project call Angela Heeds at 416824~ 4535 or Andrew Pape at 884-1444.
by Sandy Ahwd Imprint staff
15. (I) Evety individual is equal b&ore and under the law and has the right zo the equalprotectiun and equal benq% ofthe law without discrimination and in patiicular, without dkriminatiun based on race. national or ethnic urigin, colour, n&g&, sex, age or mental or physical disa Wy.
But even on the fantasy level of “equality,” this clearly works against the notion of both the freedom of individuals and against a level playing field. There have been and always will be people who abuse their positions of power to stop others from achieving their legitimate aspirations (for example, MargaretThatcher).
claim to be followers of that faith cannot agree upon. But feminists are among the groups who are the most ardent in their sup port of affirmative action groups. One rebuttal by feminists who support affirmative action pr.ograms is-outlined in the book ‘1Feminist Organizing for Change” by *o
It is one thing to state that the “rights” of minorities and other individuals have been infringed upon, and this is obviously something that needs correction, but to believe that there is some kind of necessity to have
McPhail. The argument
is put forth that “One reactions to (affirmative action) programs has been to label them ‘discriminatory’ against men or against
of the most widespread
whites. This reaction, although apparently a defense of individualism, reflects a resistance
(2) S&se&n (I) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its objexI the amelioration of conditiuns of disahantaged individuals or groups including thuse that are dikudvuntagexf because of race, nutiunal or ethnic or&in, culour, re&ion. sex, age, or mental or physical disability.
to the redistribution of power and opportunity, and an assumption on the part of the dominant group of their inherent rights to those privileges. Thus men ussume that they have a tight to allshe well-pciying jobs, and that uflmative actiun program that limit their acctxs by sharing it with others Js a form ofdiscn’mination. These assumptions rest on a denial of, or perhaps an ignorance about, the systematic inequality in distribution of resources ;and power, and on a rather naive faith in a system of. meritocracy.” (It&s mine.) There are two problems with this argument. First is its failure to recognize thatthere
These two sections of the Constitutik Act 1982 at first glance seem to be rather benign. However subsection (2), which be-e effective on April 17,1985, is actually designed to help the enactment of affirmative action programs. Thus, although carved in constitutionaf stone, Section 15 contains two parts to it which act in direct opposition to each other and to a decidedly negative end.
are two types of redistributim
dam&&tl on the *tory
Battling sex&m l
to the minorities
that they claim to
benefit. Under the cause of equality, programs are legislated because of underrepresentation of minorities in businesses. The belief is that some kind of institutionalized programs should be enacted so as to bring about a level playing field. But this policy is one that in itself that both is an attack on the natural liberties of individuals and a failure to bring about the ends that it claims to support. Quotas in businesses atid universities cannot hope to bring about a change in the prejudicial attitudes of individuals. But in trying to do so, they deal a severe blow to any notion of fairness. To counteract an attitude that uses race and sex as a method of Wg employees, these programs q and invoke a set of policies and procedures that themselves use sex and race as a hiring practice. A prime example of the contradictory nature of this policy can be found in the hiring policies of the Ontario College of Arts, which has determinti through some twisted reasoning that it is going to counteract past discrimination by not hiring any malesas part of their faculty until the ratio of men td,
women is one to one. To deny a person a pc+ tion at an organization because of his sex is ’ discrimination. Affirmative action is not racial discrimination, but more simply, discrimination against anlone, anyone who isn ‘ablack, a , femde, or whatever minority is supposedly underrepresented. The OCA is simply a victim of misinf~rmation that many other organizations succumb to- The goal of these programs is to somehow tip the scales in favour of women, blacks, or any minority that has been unjustly dealt with in the past, so‘that they can enjoy the same
advantages that “typical” enjoyed in the past.
males have
with sea&m and n&m l
basis of race or gender. Very clearly, if redistribution is brought about by removing segregation laws or dismantling apartheid legislation, a redistribution will occur now that laws have been removed and a basis for fairness has been established. How the minority affected now movesinto positions of pOwer will be determined by their abi&.
Although defenders of political correctness do not like to think so, affirmative action programs are by definition racist, sexist, and insulting
There isa fun-
difference between redistribution basis of doing away with di+ laws and redistribution on the
by affirmative
requires, as mentioned, the same type of discrimination that is supposedly being done away with. But to believe that injustice
can be countered with injustice, and that race can be eliminated as a method of discrimination by introducing hew people on the basis of race is
minorities in positions of power to equalize the abuse by evil white males is in itself prejudiciaL Women and blacks are no more needed in positions of power than ‘white
males are. This is hardly
One mative ple are others.
theoretical assumption made by a&action programs is that innocent peato be made to pay for the wrongs of The assumption is that since white
males have traditionally held positions of power and other minorities have been excluded, then people @day should somehow compensate new generations of women and blacks for that treatment. But this is as illogical a belief as any that can be imagined.
a defense
of white
It seems almost redundant concept of affirmative action
to discuss
as to be mekingless. But discussing feminism is a somewhat dangerous task It is almost impossibIe to put forth any belief or tenet of
At the same time, there is some undprlying that more women, blacks, and others are required in positions that white
by men and women claiming to be feminists themselves. Feminism seems to be a term, like
that would not be quickly or Libertarianism,
every South Afbn government position simply because there are more black people in that country; This flies in the face of the fact
that most blacks in Sou+ Africa have no education to sp+43f. C%@Dusly, there are
dant to mention feminists without defining one’s terms since it has become so large a term
reasoning that every organization should have a population cross-section that directly conelates to the race and sex population of the world. This type of reasoning would like to see all of the white people thrown out of
without mentioning feminists. And, it seems almost redun-
The past Can hardly be-cha%ed no matter who suffers today as martyrs. If there is a change that is to be brought about, then it must be dane without ramming through legislation based on misinformation
males have traditionally
is a crashing nonstated that if men &ion laws, ‘Thus have the right to all well-paying j&s.” Obviously this does not follow since many men who oppose these iaws do so on sound rational bases rather t+an any desire to keep all of these positions for themSelveS. But there is still some type of perverse
rights. If legislation of such a radical nature as affirmative .action is even being proposed, then this obviously illustrates that there is a problem with the regulations that burden that pathdar system. Affirmative action is the dying gasp of an organization burdened by I&s that restrict access by minorities.
Thusmen assume that they haveQright t&l1
The second problem sequitur in which it is oppose these affirmative (they) assume that they
liberties and rights ‘eiipyed by the whites which @ the result “ of the situation of the blacks, but simply to use race in the opposite ‘manner of which it is be&g-&d now, makes no sense. This is another form of racism which
does not utilize any’ form-of
reason to make
decisions. Being white in South Africa is not synonymous with evil exploitation, and similarly being black does not assume one’s
natura1 abUy
to run a government.
action programs
effect of affirmative is the fact that they insult aU
the deepest that
to help.
Imprint, Friday, September 27, 191 . ~, ” -. (and. reason) woutd require, according to 1their abilities. On the other hand, if the affirmative action program simply “encourages” hi+g of minorities, then there is another problem to
message sent ouit is that minorities arekilures and the system .must accommodate them by giving them jobs, rather than these minorities
the initiative
by standing
up, show-
ing the injustice, fighting it for themselves, defending their liberties and showing their individuality. Affirmative action flies in the face of leaders such as Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Gandhi. It lumps minorities
into one group and says, “there’s
be dealt with. An examination of this problem can be seen here at the University of Waterloo. Under the Hiring Procedures for Faculty Appointments, the policy states that “Where ti man and a woman are perceived to be equally suitable, for the position, preference will be given to the underrepresented gender, particularly departments with a severe male/ female imbalance.” Obviously, where the problem lies is in the phrase “equally suitable for the position.” This asks for a basically impossible situation. Problems will arise if individuals feel that they have been abused by the affirmative action program whether they are a minority or not. Some of the problems of affirmative action have been pointed out in this article. There are even more questions of whether or not women, for example, are indeed underrepresented in Canadian universities. This has been denied recently by professors and warrants further examination. There is no denial that minorities are excluded by many organizations, but the met$od of correcting this must deal with prejudices inherent in the indiviguals, rather than using impotent legislation that enforce racist policies.
no way yolk
could get this job on your own, so we’lI make it so that they have to give you this job.“A far more effective way to counteract prejudice is for minorities to make the injustice visible. Making unfair hiring practices public is a far more effective and a far less discriminatory method of counteracting the problem. Rosa Parks had no affirmative action laws behind her, yet the Alabama bus strikes were a successful move by a minority using their own initiative to evoke change. But minorities are not the only groups affected by these programs. If there is a system of quotas, where a certain number of positions musi be filled by a minority, then any organization which is affected by these quotas must lose out on any white male which is more qualified than the minority being forced into the position. In effect, employers are being forced to hire people simply because of their colour or race, and not, as the market
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WarWms ‘kick. b&t
- Waterloo tiedfor third in OUAA Wmt However,
Warriors defensive back Williams broke the with Waterloo’s second interceptiO~‘putting the Warriors in great field position with just over two Torbeme stalemate
The.Waterloo Warriors camk of age Friday as they played to a 33-7 ping of the Guelph Gryphons in of the homeltown crowd and HCH TV cameras.
minutes left in the half. Three plays and 54 yards la&, a Gord Fawcett reception in the endzone and a Peter Tchir convert increased the Waterloo lead to eight. From then on, it was all
the day for Waterloo USH.” -
And rush they did. 284 239 on the ground, 61
the OUAA’s secondset the tone for the 2-minute mark of the sprinted up the mid54
yards of his 155
game. Chartier finished a couple of plays later by
added another point
The half ended with Waterloo holding the eight-point lead an< taking the momentum into the dressing room. It was a charged up Warrior team that returned to the field as was demonstrated by their downfield coverage on Raynards punts. Seen as a weak point in the Warrior defence in the first game of the season -against Toronto, the Warrior punt
rushers limited *the Guelph returners to a measly net yards of two on five punt returns. The second half of the game belonged to Waterloo. The defenders kept Guelph pinned in their own zone through most of the half. The one t&e that Guelph managed to weasle their way out of their own end. of the field, they gave tie ball back to the Wtiors on downs, at the Warrior
line. Thank-you
this point inthe game, and up to
lays one on Guelph QB Wally Gabkr and puts him down for the CMI~. Photo by Joanne Sandrin
very much.
Waterloo Warriors vs McMaster Marauders Saturday, October 5, 1991 Seagram Stadium 2:00 p.m. TO
Watch outl Whit-wvin
An unfortunaIe aside to Waterloo’s super defence is that it may have cost
the Guelph quarterback Wally Gabler the rest of the season. On the third-
down play that got the Wtiors the ball back, linebacker Benoit Drouin penetrated the Guelph back-field and laid a hit on Gabler from the side just as he released the ball. As the Warrior defence celebrated the fact that they had stop the Guelph drive, it became apparent that Gabler was not moving. Gabler was taken off the field on a stretcher and, to add insult to injury, was charged for intentional grounding on the play. He is not expected to return this season Gabler’s
absence will pose a major
to the pass-happy offensive style of the Gryphons. In the first
problem game
of the season,
Char-tier-21 carries-155 yards
pleted 23 out of 41 attempted passes for 287 yards (all single-game highs this season in the OUAA) against the
0 carribs-
0,61 yards
As the defence continued to hem the Grythons in their own zone, the offence continued to score, and score, 1 and score again. After
for a 48-
yard touchdoti, Jason R0settan.i gathered his league-leading third interception of the season (he’s tied wid-r Waterloo’s Corey Delaney) and returned
it for a- major,
Raynard-7 punts, 313 yards and 45 yard average ’ ‘hffy took his team into the conCrete jungle of North York yesterday
(Sept. 26) to play the lowly York University Yeomen. Check out next week’s issue of Imprint for scores and m stories.
and Peter
Tchir hit for the longest field goal in the OUAA (43 yard;), to help put a total of 33 points on the board for the tsd guys-
One of the keys of this game was an element that the Warriors have been getting on a regular basis now. It was
the big defensive play. Each of the. four Waterloo interceptions came when the Gryphons were either in the Waterloo end of the field, or within 10 yards I of being in the Waterloo end of the field. Despite giving up 258 net yards to the’Guelph passing game, Waterloo came up with the big plays that turned great Guelph offensive drives away without scoring points. Another stabilizing factor to the ’ Warrior game, is the emergence of the offence. It is utterly amazing that in a Canadian football game with three downs, that an offence can be almost e&rely
photo by Joanne Sandrin
primarily with one rusher (that being Chartier). The net result however, is a very impressive point total on the scorebrd. This is attributed to Chartier’s sheer talent and coach Tuffy Knight’s ability to build a team around this talent. .
Eeelcs! Is that a mouse?! Photo by Joanne Sandrin
; ;.* 3
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Ath.enaTennis Field hockey -athome,8am - home w, T.O.,200 meld Hockey wa;rrigr soccer i-WI@& 10 am - at windam, 3 pm
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OUM golf championship -atBrock,gam Hockey home vs Broc&7:30
careerFair inPAcIIU&h~ XXTSIYl!badsMw at lo:oo - 4:00 ml ’ Athenasoccer - at Brock, 4 pm Hockey - home ~8. Ryerson, 7:30 RockNRogat Bomber 759~,pool~ F*
Board of Comm6nications
lithmasoccer CLUB DAYS Soccer - at home em -home-. WesMrn, 1. Wtiors VS. QverSOt3lC!ti~ ~atI%d pm Windsor, lpm clubs on -pus. TaUBo~atBomber C’fieckametic mait the CEwrnpus lkcbmas vs. Guelph, mm Athena volleybau schedule for 3Pm -taumneyatMac awzqnnatchw * fromlO-4to check them ti ’ BBJXIGTHE NOISE . FRIDAYIKUHT FRBNZIE -faceSt FBd .3btball- 2:00 pm Home vs. JMb, at8eagr~ Mikesome&
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TOregister and/or get more informution, come on up to the Fed Office in the Campus Centre, room
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Computer show in the Campus Centre -lob’ mkNR&l atBomber , Come see what’s madetheBomber one of the top 3 =Pm.P* in Canada1 - campus Msg. ‘90 QR UotoFbdfor 75e ‘za, pool & .’ darttour~, goodtunes.
GetyourfMefed handbookincc235 mmoke-m matinee at Bomber spirit of tie WBst atFbdHall Computer Show lOamto4pm IXLOC
22 Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991
tie two
the Athena
(literally), cards were handed out, and the Athenas came away with a O0 tie where they had expected a win. The Athenas’ next opponent was a highly skilled University of Toronto team which was used to playing on artificial turf and were thus thrown off ,balance by the erratic performance of the ball as it bounced over the grass. Midway through the first half, Toronto scored a questionable goal, putting them in the lead. Later, the Athenas were awarded a penalty’ stroke. Linda Mowat sped the ball past the Toronto go&e, making it a tie
field hockey
It was Saturday. It was cold. We were playing Western, and our moms were watching. Yes, September 2122, 1991 was declared ‘Moms’ Weekend” by the Athena field hockey team. The Athenas, remembering too well their loss to Guelph on Wednesday, were pbying smart against the ‘Stangs. Communication was good and enthusiasm high, but Western (perhaps taking a clue from their team’ name) rode roughshod over Waterloo’s finesse, making it a highly physical match. Push came to shove \
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1991 i,
Take Columbia to Erbsville Turn right at flashing amber.
the defen;ler. Photo by Joanne Sandrin goalie Lynne Warrack was named female athlete of the week for her perforrnance. The Athenas hope to maintain their momentum as they face Guelph and York on Saturday (at Guelph) and Toronto at home on Sunday at 2 Pm.
Least Saturday was 1lot your typical day on the golf course for the Waterloo Cross Couney team. A field of 14 scho,o- :from Canada and the US coiverge on London’s rhames Valley Golf 1<&se for-the 17th Annual’ Western !nvitational Cross Country Running Meet. In one of the toughest meets of the season, the Athenas placed sixth overall - second among Canadian 1 teamswith the Warriors finishinga strong 11th overall. The Athenas were led by veteran Marci Aitken in the 19th position, ’ with a time of 18:59 for the 5 km course. Nancy Calder (33rd), Victoria Seay (42nd), rookie Sepanta Dorri (5Oth), and veteran Margaret Barnes (58th) also scored for Waterloo, combining their efforts to edge Western 205 to 209. Queen’s was the top Canadian. school with 172 points. Facing stiff competition from the Americans, less than a minute separated the five Athena runners. In the field of 131 ‘racers, other Athena finishers were: Kelly McHale, making her first appearance after leg surgery to finish 85th, sprinter Marina Jones came in 92nd, Julia Norman (9&h), and Linda Hachey (105th), On the men’s side, the Warriors workbd as a team for much of the 10 km course. Jason Gregoire, in his first season with the tearp, was the first to
Cheered on by the Athenas and their “wave,” Ken Griffin was next, in 79th place, followed by Dan Bolsdale (Hst), Jeff Luyt (98th), Andrew Welbum (lOlst), Mark Des Lauriers (109th), and Scott MacDonald. The Warriors and Athena wrapped up the day in high spirit, with their annual ‘Obstacle Mile” race. Kelly McHake, in a stunntig display, successfully defended her title, while
WoidPeti 20 containsthepowerfulword processingfeaturesMacintoshuserswantmost. Geate md fomat text boxeswith 36 differeti border options. agea dMer for fomu&ng columns,tabs, mar&u and more. l AllltilbiU~and~~ l
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Dan Blosdale cleaned up in the men’s race. Even trainer Tanya and manager Lorrie took part, while a contingent from the Warrior track team performed their relay version of the event. After their successful weekend, the ‘team is looking forward to next Saturday’s meet at Queen’s University, where thev will be adine; head-tohead agai&t the top&hgols in the province. Keep an eye on our Athenas as they begin their battle for a berth on the CiAU Championship podeum.
finish, with a time of 35:02, to put him in 55th.
Jynne Warrack, female atMete of the week, made several game-sating stops to lead the Athena soccer team to a scoreless tie against Western and a2-2tie witha tough U of T
Putitinyour Maciibshandhold mb mouse.
Offer expires
Athenas eyeing CIAU’s
Thurs. & Fri. Nigtlts
Nights - Wet T-Shirt Night Vkclrqsday Nights - Amateur
(12) pulls
game l-1. right side from freshman Tiffany The Athenas entered the second Kanitz into the circle. Forward Eike Wind managd to direct the ball into 1’ half ready to play. Despite their efforts, Toronto was awarded a . the .net, making the score 2-2. per&y stroke, which put them into Amazingly, this was the final score. the lead once again. Waterloo refused Waterloo had tied U of T, a team to die. With four minutes left?0 go in which had trounced the Athenas 5-O’ the game, a ball crossed over from the just a short week before. Athena
by Victoria Seay Imprint sports
Math ROOm
6 Compuler Sldg
Ext 1000
4636 am
week, axz.bd
.21 times for 155 yards and 2 touch football downsin Waterloo’s 33-7 drubbing of Guelph. He led the team into night.
at York
Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991 23
I 5TCliil?nnis anyone?? ..
by Claudia Campana Imprint sports Summer is officially over, but . the m tennis season has just begun, and the Waterloo women’s tennis team started it off with a weekend tournament here in Waterloo against Wilhid Laurier and McMaster.
However, Coach Mace* WAS not disappointed. The season’s just started and hopes are high for the tennis Athenas to improve their game, as
individuals and as a team, and tc make the final four in November. The Athenas are home this weekend playing host to Windsor ad York.
The 1991 women’s team consists of seven players. Returning from last year are Jennifer ,IUriquin, Manju Sekhri and Renee Kasta. New to the team are Cheryl Agina and Yolanda Lewczuk, both freshwomen, secondyear Teresa-Ann Kindree, and grad student Carolina culik.
The throyu-in &ways wreaks havoc.
coach Sandy Macovik is impressed with the quality of this year’s team, and expects to have a much better year than last season.
Photo by Peter Brown
She partkdarly taltits of Carolina
emphasized the Culik, who is not
only winning high praise but a lot of games! Carolina, who is completing her second year of a master’s degree in computer science, spent four years in South Carolina on a tennis scholarship, -and is using skills ?.tquired down . south to . anchor the - *. ._ Waterloo squad. Uetmitely a woman to watch for in the Athlete of the Week cokunn. Enough
Attentively awaiting the me.
Photo by Alex Tom
Waterloo met Laurier late last week in the season opener, but it may have been a bit too early for the LadyHawks, as they were no match for the superior power of the Athenas. Waterloo took the day 8 games to 1. (Technical note: Each game won translates into one point. For non-mathies, myself included, this means UW,has 8 points, Laurier l!) On Saturday, the Athenas met more strin@nt.,opposition but with less satisfactory results. M&aster won the day 7 games to 2.
Losing Waterloo’s only point getter, didn’t help their cause. Photo by Scott Deveber
Ruaaers run Giiigged by Peter Brown Imprint sports The Waterloo Wtior rugby team is reeling after splitting two games this week and losing three key players to injury. They defeated York 9-6 and lost to McMaster 14-6. They have been able to amass a 2-1 record without scoring a single try, and Judgement Day has arrived with the possible loss of Edson Castilho, the provider of Waterloo’s only points in ::I games, 30 points on 10 penalty . Last Saturday at York University in Toronto, the Warriors edged the Yeomen 9-6 in a match that was physically Punishing for both teams. One York player in Particular was warned repeatedly about high tackles, and was finally ejected from the game late in the second half, not before he could injure a War&r player’s shoulder with, yes, another high tackle. York’s rough play handed Waterloo enough penalty chances to generally disrupt the Yeomen’s offensive flow and for CM.lho to boot home nine points, Waterloo’s own lack of offensive momentum was ail too obvious on Wednesday night’s loss to Mac at Columbia Fields. Again, Cast&o provided Waterloo’s only points with two penalty kicks to give Waterloo an early lead 6-4. But the kicker had to leave the game because of injury and the Warriors’hopes ebbed away from there. With Mac ahead 11-6 late in the game, Waterloo’s replacement kicker missed an average Penalty kicked, and Mac later nailed the coffin with a kick of their own for the final 14-6. score. Star strum half Steve Slater and Anthony Beat-tie were two more Warriors down with injuries. The rugby squad has a tough row to hoe to make the playoffs, playing +h r* af its last four games on the road to ~aditionally competitive Queen’s, MCMaster, and Western. Their lone remaining home game is against the Guelph Gryphons.
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Athena soccer gets rolling
Whateverthe . subject, we keep you informed4
by Claudia Campana Imprint sports The soccer Athenas have bounced back from their disappointing start against Windsor and Western with a solid effort against Guelph last Wednesday resulting in a tie game of l1.
Subscribeto The Globe and Mail now at the specialstudent rate of5O%off* ’
In exhibition play, Waterloo met the women of Conestoga College the following day, and despite a slow start, proceeded to blast Conestoga back to its Doon campus with a score of 3-1. Unfortunately, the good fortunq of last week did not carry over to this past Wednesday, September 25. The Athenas met Laurier in their first home game of the season, and hopes were high that Waterloo would display the same kind of prowess shown last week. The Athenas didn’t d&ppoint their loyal fans, as they thoroughly dominated the first half and forced the majority of the play into the Laurier end of the field. An unfortunate hand ball resulted in a Laurier penalty kick, which just past goal keeper Andrea Jalbert, pulling the Lady Hawks ahead 1-O until halftime.
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The second half opetied with a Laurier goal ten minutes into play. The momentum shifted as the Hawks took control and clinched their victory with a third and final goal 35 minutes into the second haIf. Despite the loss, the Atknas put in an intense 90 minutes, with especialIy strong performances from veterans
to, boot
Kerry Jameson, Leanne Wiens and Sheri MacDonald. According to coach Bruce Rodriques, the Athenas wiIl.need to work on their defense,
especially in preparation for their game against a traditionally strong MacMaster team on Saturday, September 28.
UHI:.Gobf invitational I
the ball4 Photo by C.D. Coulas
by Doug hinter Imprint sports The University of Waterloo hosted the 23rd Warrior Invitational Golf Tournament on Sept. 20 at the Conestoga Country Club. Windsor bested eight other universitv teams, with a fair man total ofr 297; Guelph finished second, with Laurier and Waterloo ‘B” tieing for third spot. The Waterloo “A” team was alone in fifth place.
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Best individual score was posted by Trevor Scott of Guelph with an excellent round of 71, under less than ideal weather conditions. Waterloo placed three individuats in the top ten: Matt Kwiecien 74, Jamie Pden - 75, and Scott Clayworth -
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From tryout rounds at Conestoga and University Invitational results, the coaches Doug Painter and Don Livingston have seIected the five team members: Mati Kwiecien, Craig Moore, Shawn Brown, Jamie Peden, and Chg Robinson, with alternate
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75. The other team members rep resenting Waterloo were Craig Moore, Shawn Brown, Craig Robinson, Al Dwyer, Greg Lawrence, and ‘MikeZidar.
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Imprint, Friday, September 27, 199’1 25
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28 squaah(M,W)
29 CPR252-02
With less than 10 minutes remaining Nazir Sicoor buried a loose ball into the GueIph mesh, sealing the victory for the Warrior side. The lowscahng game was however, hardly indicative of Warrior play. Guelph failed to register one decent scoring opportunity throughout the match. Once again, a stifling Warrior defense shut down its foes. Scan “Air” Taggart dominated the defensive skies, repeatedly heading the ball out of harm’s way, while Mark Blake, Greg Pappas, and Paul Knafelc stunted any Guelph ground assault.
ISJFA 150-02 Saiety Pxecaut. Alternative WS I S XI 6:30-8:30
Carlos Burmeister, and Alex Ada& (cdming out of the trenches) wreaked upon the bewildered haVOC Gryphons, who were begging to Victory was in the air Saturday at touch the ball. All this occurred while Guelph’s Alumni Stadium, &s the and Soccer Warriors reduced last season’s * Neil Daniel, Mark Gianopolous, Russell Snow launched a search-andOUAA Champs and CIAU Finalists destroy on the listless Guelph to ‘%oot jam.” The pumped-up defence. Warrior squad dished out a 1-O defeat to the Guelph Gryphons.
by Carlos Bqrmeister Imprint sport3
‘3 0 1
The Sicoor,
midfield company Nazir Dave Presta, Jason Pither,
Thenext battle beginsSaturday In all, it was a superb team effort a patient bench, and even in the stands, where it was evident that there were more ’ Waterloo supporters than the hometown Gryphons could muster.
withsupport from
The next battle begins on Saturday, Sept. 28 at 1 pm at “Stadia Columbia” Field, where the Warriors lock horns with the Ryerson Rams. Come out for some free, fun, fantastic soccer action!
‘SA meeting last week of the month
w’s. / VCR%
The way of the.sword by UW Kendo Club Kendo, the Way of the Sword, is a popular Japanese sport. It was once a method of training for the Samurai,
in his division. The Kendo Club is structured to provide instructional lessons for all those who are interested in learning Kendo. Beginners are taught the basics of Kendo, and by the end of each term, they will have acquired enough skills to participate in advanted training. I&inner lessons are offered each term. The cost of memw
bership is $20$er term. The club will provide the protective equipment. The only other expense wit1 be the purchase of the bamboo stick (about $35). Everyone from aU disciplines is welcome! A demonstration will be held on Monday, September 30 outside the Campus Centre at 11:30 am. Come out and watch!
&ail our rental department for details and student rates
or RENT to OWN
the Canadian Kendo champion, began in 1987. The aim of the club is to promote Kendo and Japanese culture. and is currently
@ No Finance
Live kendooutside cc lk30 aml. on Sept. 30
you deal
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&3 No obligation to buy - EVER - JZI One hour processing on most applications. @Top brand names like Sony, RCA, Zenith, Technics, Denon, Electrohome and Panasonic. @Minimum rerital term with option to buy only twelve months. mrand new product in boxes.
Presently, the club has over 20 advanced members, most of whom received their training under Ariga Sensei, and approximately 25 begin ners. The UW Kendo Club has been very successful in many competitions throughout North America. The club is consistently in the top three positions. Ariga Sensei was a member of the Canadian Kendo team in the 8th WorId Championship, held in June with over 30 countries participating. Team Canada came third in the tournament. Two other members of the club also represented Canada in the Goodwill Kendo tournament. One member, David Mori, took first place
only with us.
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27, 1991
The ulti.Wate sport by Erik Lindala special to Imprint
When a ball dreams, it dreams of being a frisbee. It is people’s fanaticism with flying discs that has @en birth to one of the most exciting team sports, Ultimate. Qtiickly becoming the trendy sport of the ‘~OS,
Ultimate is currently riding a crest of unprecedented popularity. Ultimate (so named because it’s the ultimate form of anti- avity) uniquely combines elemen E of football, soccer, and basketball, in one fastpaced game. The frisbee used is larger than most are accustomed to, weighing in at 165 grams. Its larger size and weight make the disc less prone to being
blown around. The playing field is a 50 by SOmetre rectangle with two ZO-metre endzones. There are seven players per team, usually made up of both men and women. The object of the game is to pass the disc from player to player down the field until it is caught in the endzone, and a point is scored. Running with the frisbee is not
Adventuri ~~&&le
allowed. Rather, the player must stop and establish a pivot foot. The player with the disc is named the dischandler, and throws a pass to his/her teammates. The opposing team must attempt to knock down or intercept the pass to gain possession of the disc, Once a point is scored; the teams trade ends and play begins again. No physical contact may occur between players, nor may the disc be knocked out of a player’s hand, A half-time occurs when a team reaches eight points, The game ends when one of the teams reaches 15 points. Ultimate’s appeal lies in many factors. The game-is very gracefuiwith leaping one-handed dives, fieldlength passes, and arcink passes. The action is non-stop, with the games’ momentum changing instantly with every turnover.
September is stock renewal time at Adventure Guide. We invite you to visit our special events and fake advantage of our ongoing specials. New products are arriving daily so come on in. to say hello and look around!!
The use of ,a frisbee also adds another element to the game. The disc produces it’s own lift, and isn’t limited to a ball’s two-dimensional motion. In the hands of a good dischandler, the disc can be made to curve, dive, arc, and sail, unlike a ball. Ultimate is an inexpensive game,
. whose ness.
only requirement
is good fit-
Unlike most games, the players in Ultimate, referee their own game. Once a violation occurs, the player who is violated makes the calI. Some may think this would make the game unfair or very slow, but the most integral part of the sport is the spirit of the game. Players simply want to * play, and won’t let petty calls slow hoti the action. The spbrtsmanship that permeates the game also allows team captains to make mutually agreed-upon changes to the rules.
Thegamesriiuled that of many 1 major-kaee spurts Started as a one-time game in 1968, Ultimate has grown onto the world stage. Last July in Toronto, 68 teams from Finland, Japan, Costa Rica, the US, and many more countries competed in the week long World Ultimate Club Championships. The event brought together some of the finest frisbee players in the world. The quality of play and excitement level of the games rivaled that of many major-league sports. The Toronto Ultimate League exploded from eight teams to twenty this past year. Because the game is easy to learn and is inexpensive to play, it is a welcome alternative to other sports. The team I started on this year was named SPIN. Made up exclusively of new players to the game, it took a while for us to congeal as a team, but we are looking for big things in the ‘92 season. People who play Ultimate frisbee are fanatical about the sport Their eyes light up at the menlion of the
Receive a $95.00 Fleece garment FREE!! When you pay our regular price for any instock men’s or women’s GORE-TEX TM garment. (Banff Clearwaters not included). l
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word “fisbee,“and are willing to play under almost any weather condition. Once you witness your pass perfectly arcing into the hands of a teammate in the endzone, the fanaticism erupts. Keep an eye out for UItimate games being organized in your area. Undqubtedly a pick-up game will be played at UVV before the first snowfall. But what +ould a player do during the long winter before another season? How about battery-heated discs and outfitting the team in snowshoes and . . .
18, 1991 Lauritr 3 western Waterloo :991 Guelph September 20, YoLk 13 Trent September 21, 1991 Toronto : QueCn’E York Car leton CUE?lPh 2 Brock Mc.Yaster 2 Western September
2 1 0 0
0 1 1
Trent h’lndsor 2 Lauricr Ryerpon September 22, 1991 Toronto
Queen ( 3
WESTDIVISION TEAM GP HciQster 3 Windsor 3 Guelph 3 Laurier 1 h'ebtcrn
Brock Waterloo
EAST DIVISXON TEAM GP W York Toronto Queen" 8 Trcnt
Carleton Rytrwn
22 2
t 2
STAgDINGS W 3 2 1 2
L 0 Q Q 2
T 0 1 2 0
PTS 6 z 4
: 1
0 0
0 0
Field Hockey
a 0
UFCOHI%C GAMES TOP GOAL SCORERS Goals Samantha Hcilcns, York Anna Cornachic, M&laster Philonena Nevin, York Celia Fires, Toronto Christine Stoneman, Western Julie Verbeck, Hestern Anna Parratta, York Karen 3eosup, Queen's
Ceptember 18'. 1992 Gue1ph 1 September 19, 1991 ~CGilI 2 September 21, 1991 Western
Toronto T0ronr.o York Laurent iYcGill McGill
3 2 3 ian
TEAMS GP MCGllI 5 Queen'E ;. Toronto LaurentIan
Katerloo western
Guelph Queen's Carleton LaurentIan Carleton
i : 1 u PTS
: i
i :
: 1
; 3 3
02 0
: 2
Giaterlco Guelph York
32 1
1 1
1 0
Western Carleton
Cl 0
TOP GOAL SCORERS Name Goals Marilyn Traehrler, Queen’s ?lary Jean Phelan, ItlcGlll Elizabeth Stamp, McGill Sarah Chapman, Queen's Claire Thurgur, Toronto teanne Bouffard, Laurentian Megan McCusker, McGill
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Mc>$xter Sepkember 28, 1991 @ Guelph taurler West.ern 10:OOam Katcrloa vs 12:30pm Waterloo vs 3:oapm Cue 1ph me 1ph September 29, 1991 Toronto
“Monday Nights” ,
HCGill Queen's Carletor McGill
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Septcmbcr 28, 1991 12:OCipm Waterloo 1: 0upm Brock 1: OOpm k'indsor September 29, 1991 1: oopm Western 3:00pm Brock
Wterloo Gut 1ph
September 28, 1991 Q Qwen's 9:OOam ,Laurentian vs 10;30an Carleton V3 2:OOpm Laurrntlan VO 3:30pm Queen's VS
Guelph York
Guelph, at last New Model Army 7he Tiwshetenb~ September 22,199l
by Sandy Atwal kpI4.ni: staff
‘;Qcmss theflatlands we came out of towhere special . . . ” - “Lust for ?owei And they went to nowhere special - Guelph, Ontario. But Justin Sulivan and New Model Army surused the mediocrity of their urroundings and delivered a loud md frenetic sample of the 12 long rears that they have spent struggling o be heard. They must have felt tidly out of place here at She enovated mousehole called the rrasheteria. Even in Toronto, the argest venue they played was the )pera House, whereas in their native England they’ve played in front of rowds as large as 30,000. The rrasheteti held not many more than 100 when NMA took the stage at 11 pm.
“Guelph, at last,” said frontman Justin Sullivan and wasted no time hu&ng the band and audience into “Whirlwin@.” Immediately, NMA set the program for the evening, loud
times and did their best to promote whatever stage antics were going on. Sullivan was joking and friendly for
Iivan asked him “Are you supposed to be protecting us from them, or them from us? That’s okay if they kill
songs with a rejuvenated soul. It was extremely pleasing, but perhaps not all that surprising thh songs from their last album gained completely new energy on stage. “Whirlwind” a good song - became great when performed in front of a live audience. Sullivan throttled the microphone and glared at the audience while smashing out the lyrics. The’energy flowed from the instruments into the crowd. The fans hopped themselves into a frenzy, making sure that we all left with some sweat that wasn’t our OWII.
The show was loud, which wasn’t really a problem unto itself, but the loudness was distorted which made for some uncomfortable screeching. The sound of the whole band was well balanced, except for some rather subdued work on keyboards, but the keyboardist showed his real skill on the violin on tracks like “1mpurity”as well as a Gaelic number in the middle , of another song. The band held their own on the minuscule 15foot stage. They lurched over into ‘the crowd several
n.m.a. - the lights go out. the whole show (well, friendly), A Trash bouncer stood in front of the‘stige
relatively (Aaack!) and Sul-
themselves, wtherets too many anyway.” Ha ha, The highlight of the show
of US came
with the double shot of “5 1st State of America” (which Sullivan lovingly dedicated to Canada) and “Get Me Out.” The two songs played off each other’s loud loudness and came dangerously close to sending the crowd smashing into each other at a high enough speed so that they would simply become one writhing mass of homogeneous flesh. Well almost. Five songs were from the last albumlmputiq and the rest of the tracks were familiar enough: “Stupid Questions,” ‘Liberal Education,” and ‘TGreen and Gray” all showed up. 0ne noticeable exception was “Whitecoats,” which the band no doubt stayed away from for fear of a stdmpede of said Whitecoats from local universities. With upcoming xenophobic laws from the United States to deny access to new bands, as well as bands thatare not already a success abroad, it could be some time before New Model Army returns, if ever. This raises the po&ibiiity of this having been NMA’s last show in Canada. They probably won’t have the finances to tour Canada alone. If this turns out to be the case, it truly will be a shame. At least here in North America, NMA will have lost the battle against the purveyors of musical sludge that they have fought against so hard for so long.
Thomas’ Transcendentaltunes D:A.?-.~rtn*-
2aint& white wall6 of you? chambr; de lis, persistently flaggelating yourself for missing out on the previous week’s “FREE B-4 9” Fed Hall experience? Stocking up on some much needed beauty sleep before Imnchine vourself mercilesslv into as you pathetically rolled pennies in the hopes of accruing the necessary seven buck to buy that hep Spenser Photos by Dave Thomson Powell “LEnfant” poster (you know, the one where the shirtless greaseball adonis gingerly cradl#*-IZY Ult:rLh L--A--~ UIlL4KtTll Thomas Trio and the Red Albino newboG) at &is WIeek’s Imatius u The Bombshelter Pub Print Sale? Crr+d*mLm. 1 cl 1oQl Go ahead, -_- - - -, ask me where I was on J~yLcLlLucL I /, 12, I Seit&nber 19. Wembley stadium at Live Aid, that’s where I was. by Bernard Keamey > Well...maybe ngt exactly. Ok, so Imprint staff maybe I was really at the Bomber, and mayhe it wasn‘t exactly Live Aid, BUT; by last call, “Shoeless” Jody
dland’s very OWII Thomas Trio and the Red Albino, certainly had evryone in the Howse believing otherwise, The atmosphere’smacked of July ‘85. Comradery aplenty, a little imag&ation found you&elf with an outstretched ton&e hpping at the polluted London mist, swaying mindlessly to the soothing croons of (vour fav and wine) Phil “Don’t C-all tie, Ill” Cpllins. For the money, could vou beat it?
ber, unlike Larry the 25pound lobster, these felons of fun& haven’t been sent back to the Maritimes. In fact, one need look no further than Channel 29 to find the fruits of their labour - a regular rotational slot on Much Muzak. That’s a good thing A somewhat meager turnout last Thursday did little to puncture or deflate the energy and atmosphere of the evening. Kicking.off shotily after ten, TT & the RA, had the crowd quickly off their rumps and stomping on hi dancefloor. D~tided ints 6~0 sets, . r ., , -f&L- -1----hyperlunk was me or03 or me uay as l
they tirelessly
deep into their
recorded c&alogue (the Jam it in I’@ to pull out “Chasin’ the Dragon,” “Carolanne.” Peddling harder than I chuckfed to find this
debut album, big guns like “Cry,” and Steve Bauer, crafty troupe
shamelessly availing of eveq opportunity to let the crowd know of the “Red Albino” , purchasing opportunities. T-Shirts, tapes, steak knives, sait’n pepper shakers - you name it, you could buy it. For those short of funds on the night, fret not, a quick jaunt to He Masticates Viscera, Ml1 find your record library enriched substantialIy. After all remember, this
and band alike. One can only flail so long. before. helplessly spewing rented fluids on the dancefloor. Expect to see this band on Much Music everyday. Expect to hear them on your favourite radio station. Expect to see their album on shelves at record stores everywhere. Hope to see them on campus again.
.Arts Digit with ICE Phil’s Grandson Place September l&1991
‘y J- Cdey pedal to Imprint When
local bands play local bars, can normally be split into wo main categories. Those who are here as supporters, and those who Ire there as critics. When ICE and Xgit came to Phil’s Grandson’s Place, he crowd could definitely be labelled
he crowd
ICE was first on stage. The band consists of only two members, front nan Stephen F. White and guitarist Robin Bailey. White is the main drivng force behind ICE, doing all the titing and composing. Bailey, a competent local musician; is a late addition to ICE, added to aid in the live performances. The lineup as it stands right now has been together less than two weeks. ICE presented two main dilemmas. The first being: How do you write an objective review after hearing only a four-song
set? The second;
you put together
a unified coherent
stage show when you have a twoman band that has been together ten days? More songs and more time together will do nothing but help ICE. Their heavily sampled show opened with the single chosen for CFNY’s Modern Music compact disc, “Strange Attractor.” White seemed uncomfortable on stage, and did little to generate excitement in the moderately filled club. Bailey was most notable for his absence, a credit to his experience in the lrxlal bar scene. Rather than push a rapport that was obviously not yet established between White and himself, he merely played his guitar never once infringing on White’s keyboard crowded side of the stage. Their set flew by, ending on a lessthan-stellar note. In a break from the very competent single Strange Attractor, White finished with a song called “Wirehead” which apparently is a rap song gone electronic. Full of references to the GST and other various political events, both national and intemationa& it simply fell flat. Just as abruptly as the show started it -was over. As time and experience come to ICE, their show will definitely improve. More songs and a more
Friday, September 27, 1991
rough several of After pounding &up. In reality it better described their songs off teir independent the attitude of the titi&ence, - _a which -mm release, Keevill switched gears and ‘seemed distant and removed. Keevill debuted a new song called “All I Can made several attempts to stir the DO.” The song rang cIear with overaudience form their seats, none of tones of earlier Wpeche Mode, not a which were met with any great problem in itself, but certainly not enthusiasm. following in the direction the band The show progressed rapidly with took with “Guardian.” This softening Keevill and Liew providing constant of edge did little to aid the show. motion on stage. Their music, as with Digit’s youth was easily seen, what ICE, is heavily sampled, keeping with the poor placing of speakers that Newkirk busy with the various nullified Liew’s radical routine, and keyboards and programsnecessary the decisiun’not to play their most to keepthe show moving. In a ques- notable song. Time and experience tionable, and surprising decision, will aid in the’development of their Digit did not perform their single potential, as will opening for 808 “Guardian” which had made it to the State in early October (supp~edly the
friendly interaction between Bailey and White can do nothing but add to the livti performance. As it stands now, save the price of admission, buy the independent cassette release, and listen to it in the comforts of your own home. . With an impressive lack of delay between shows Digit took the stage. Shows that rely heavily on sampled material, such as ICE and Digit, normally have massive amounts of downtime as various keyboards are patched in. “Credit should be given to the professionalism shown in keeping the tempo relatively well paced. Digit is made up of Beau Keevill, vocalist, Chris Newkirk, keyboards, and Bryan Liew (aka ‘the Edge”), as a “visual performer.” Liew’s part in Di@t is both fresh and interesting.
This move
was even
of ikt&r~t
the QWRI
by Vince Kmma sped to the Imptit What is SKA? Is it any coincidence that “K” and “A”, King Apparatus’ two initials, make up more than 60 percent of the tiord “SKA”? Is it just another coincidence that the letter ‘5” can stand for such words as splendid, stupep dous, solidifying, soul-reachiig and scrumptious? Any way you look at it, . is it any wonder that King Apparatus makes up a healthy portion of SKA. On Sept. 19, the Twist played host to one of the ’90s hottest Indie bands, King Apparatus. Formed in the late Ws, this winner of CFNY’s Modern Music Search delivers its own taste of Ska. With CFNY playing their music (‘Made For TV” and “Hospital Waiting Room”) and Much Music playing their video (a new one soon to be *
they have spooned
their own
following. Now the issue at hand - the night of Sept. 19. Two ten-minute bursts of pure Ska-ing energy. Well, not really. It was actually over two hours of pure Ska-ing energy. The problem was that they were just too dam good so it went by ~000001~) fast. You should now be asking yourself, how the hell did these boys manage to fill over two hours?-IWell
Photo by Vince Kamta
let me tell you, they did a dandy job enfertaining a rather demanding crowd; We are talking the kind that literally jump up onto the stage and will devour the show ‘unless their savage, raw, animalistic, hunger is qppeased. Well, it is safe to say the crowd left with a big grin. Unlike most bands today, King Apparatus plays for the crowd, not to them. These boys go out of theirway to make sure you are having a good time. Thursday was no exception. Their sets included a great Slca version of ‘Take the Skinheads Bowling” complete with the Skinhead Choir singing chorus. They dedicated other songs to such things as Monika Deol (“the sexiest woman in Toronto”), Mothers, a cure for hangovers,,and The second set necrophiliacs.
Unfortunately at Phil’s, the impact of his high-energy dance routine was lost due tp an engineering screw up
that placed him directly behind two large speakers. Had the stage been set up properly the crowd would have been treated to some of the most dancing impressive industrial around. The never-ending fog coming from the dry ice machine attempted to establish the atmosphere of the
included a version of “‘Blister in the Sun” that’dare I say it, blew away the original (forgive me Femmes). The sets also included; “Made for TV,” “Hospital Waiting-room,” “Buy Our Stuff,” “Gangsters,” “Concrete _Jungle,” “Five Good Reasons,” “Fee1 No Pain,” “Enjoy Yourself,” and in order to appease the Time-Life listeners, a great version of ‘Woolly Bully.” While stilt fresh, the band is very tight, well-coordinated and knows its Ska. The show had no drawback what so eirer. It is only out of a deep fear of becoming adjective man that I don’t go on for several pages describing what a great show it was. Lucky for you all, King Apparatus will be plaving the Bombshelter on Nov. 7. One important fact: You need not know, understand or have any Ska (though some argue we all have some Ska in us) to really enjoy King Apparatus. Skip any classes you may have that Thursday, scrap any plans, worship me - er, I mean - take in the show. So what is King Apparatus? King Apparatus is Ska.
‘0 I
$2.00 OFF
Imrn-Immmwmmm r
more svhhg considering the air e&. They didn’t miss their mark by play it has received at Phil’s during much, but they missed it just the the last few months. same.
The king of Ska King Apparatus The Twis2 Sept. 19,199l
Fishbone’s fie Real/&y of My Sumundings just may be 1991’s Lmdon Calling., white Nomeansno’s “Live and Cuddly” has all the significance of the latest K-Tel compilation. The great songs on ReuZ@ are impossible to ignore. The brutally severe “Sunless Saturday” is relentless in its attack, the infectious “Everyday Sunshine” recalls last year’s gospel triumph of the Montreal Jubilation Choir, and “Junkies pr&yef’ h he&-wench@ both h tune and message. And those are just fifst impressions of a few songs.
by John Hymen Imprint staff The new age of CDs has greatly increased the length of releases, regardless of the format, and if vinyl is still your poison than this means a preponderance 1of ‘double albums. The second half of 1991 has brought us at least two worthy of comment, but not both are necessarily worthy of
l l l
Truly, Fishbone have released one of those incredibly rare albums, one which is dynamic and constantly reinventing itself..From p~dc to Ska to funk to eomel to spoken word, Fishbone “su&essfully’ mine many veins of the pop strata: every spin reveals a new facet, and presents a new challenge. And if you doubt that challenge is. the correct word, checlc outJunkies&yer (sic), or theIf’.‘. Were
I’d series.
And such an album is the kind that becomes a classic because it never bores. The number of songs alone is impressive (18), but so is the amazing consistency, and ,the latter is no mean feat Guitar driven funkMa/
83 Water Street, N. KlTcHENER, Ontario
While I am in the mood to dis, perhaps it is time to briefly touch on why Nomeansno is such a boring band. To do so, alI I need to do is listen to their most recent piece of mastur-
-b&on, Live and Cuddly.
(519) 571-1935
Nomeansno are playing a joke on everybody that nobody seems to get. ALL THEIR SONGS SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME. Now, of course, that is just one man’s opinion, but since I am writing and you are reading that makes mine more important. The band would not know a tune, a hook, if it bit them on their noses; no, they are toobusy refining the legacy left to them by those masters of art rock, ELP. But even ELP wrote “Ram Evil, No. 9”; I can’t say the same for Nomeansno. Grante,d, Nom-no try to hide their art rock pretensions with volume and feedback, but it doesn’t work
. ACCKWA ~roidy . pY&xts:
An Intimate-Evening With
-;HOLLYL.NEAR WithjohnBucchino, pianist
Sunday.,October 6, 1991 HumanitiesTheatre, at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $8DO Call 8854280
Swnsored by Brick Brewing Company
than capable
of psyching
The third track, ‘Ml91 lA1,” ~10~s down the EP’s pace but takes nothing away from -the rest of tie CD. “‘h41911Al” follows in the footsteps of Shriekback’s Oil and Gold album. It has an encompassing atmospheric feel of a thick, warm oil slick moving through the night.
by Vince Kozma special to Imprint
This ingeniousIy titled live I2 showcases what I guess most people seem to like about Nomeansno: volume, heavy bass, heavy guitars, heavy drums, and PC lyrics. Oh, those PC lyrics just touch your soul, don’t they?
Verdict: if you like Nomeansno, you11 love this piece of crap. But keep in mind that there are many other bands that play just as hard and manage to be good, and even great bands such-as the Minutemen on one hand, and the Wedding Present on the other. And both have an angst quotient that rivals Nomeansno, the worlds most boring band. Never forget that boredom is counterrevoIutionary. fj rib;
‘DEDICATED TO SAFE DRIVING FOR OV-ER 15 Ym Individual lessons at reasonable rates‘ Car available for tests $10.00 bonus on first three lessons - for month of October/91
are more
mayhem has never been so much fun; bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers would do well to sit up and take notice of Reality because it is to which they aspire, but to which they fail to reach.
Davis Building, room 1350 Sunday, October 6, 199 1 3:30 p.m. H Admission FREE Call 748-5556 for information
Inc. Not.
DHI, standing for Death and Horror Inc., is a fresh breath of boiling chrome. It only takes seconds to sink in and become a s&d part of you. With the release of their first fourtrack EP, Chemical Land, DHI make their mark on the cyber-punk industrial scene. They join the ranks of fellow Canadians Skinny Puppy along w&h Ministry and KMFDM. The twenty4.nute EP contains two versions of “Chemical Land”and a tune called, “%&case Repetition.” Both have a beat a railway tie driver on a healthy dose of speed and steroids cm&l.n’t. top. All three tracks
DHI is the fruit of three Canadian s Jabour (thank you for not saying loins - ed). Vicar Krause, Graf Orlock and Max S&reck, With names like that, how could they miss? They blend together a fine mix of sampling metal guitars, synths, and power tools to create a flavour that Baski Robbins would not serve. One negative point about “Staircase.” The sohg contains’ a sound which is very close to the ringer on my disposable Canadian Tie Handy Phone. Beware! Seveml times I was forced to put DHI on hold for a dial tone. DHI’s first release is good enough to be made illegal. Look out Skinny Puppy:there is somethin meatier on th< ix&
Imprint, Friday, Wptember 27, 1991 31
“A Girl calied 3-y” hop &at made ‘The
Big Music” to -ttw~ 2+ring $ecIyk ,fuim d “Don’t BangTheDrum~side’onerekck3the power of the batid while overlooking the subtle majesty of tunes like “Girl In The Svving”“Red Army l3lues”and ‘?umpets.” An unfortunate trade 0% but 1 guess the upbeat stuff seIIs better.
by Kenton Augerman Imprint !3taff The Smithereens’ fourth studio LP, BEOW Up,is a disappointment. DOminant are the pathetically juveniIe lyrics Of Pat DiNiziO, who writes primarily about love in its various stages. An example 0f.hi.s ineptness: “You told me baby, you had time -to kill / But then you tossed me out like an overdue bill.” Even more distressing than DiNizio’s forced rhyme is the band’s reluctance to capitahze on the driving Rickenbacker guitar sound thatmade previous efforts worth listening to. With the exception of ‘TeU Me When Did Things Go SO Wrong,” “Girl In Room 12,” and ‘Top Of The Pops,” the focus is on a light&sound that spotlights DiNizio’s voice. This is a mistake because DiNizio is a mediocre singer at best. Grievously out of place in The Smithereens’ catalogue is the pseudoMotown number ‘300 Much hssion.” Its inclusion on Blow Up indicates Ibat the New Jersey quartet has 1ostsight of the formula that made a success of ‘!BIood And Roses” and “Behind The Wail Of Sleep!’ in 1986, “Only A Memory” and “House We Used To Live In” in 1988, and “A Girl Like You” and “Blues Before AndAftef in 1989. The Smithereens are a band dead inthe water at this point in time. They haven’t progressed much since their first L,P was released five yealg ago. Attempts at divers@@ thek sound through songs like ‘Too Much Passion” have failed. Their chance for redemption lies in their Rickenbackers, which must be turned up loud enough to mask Pat DiNiiio’s lyrics,
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff John Oswald has two legs. He can . . _.
Fishman 3 Biues okake, and three songs from Blum. Indeed, there is some beautiful stuff here; “And a Bang on the Rar”and Van Morrison’s “Strange Boat” reach out of the speakers and carry you away. Also,
“A Man Is In Love” is probably the most charming song Scott’s ever written. Purely joyful. It all probably comes together better for newcomers; anyone who
already owns Pagan P&e, T&Is
nwm to roam Side two is a bit of a mess; one song from Room TO RoQm, a tune from ‘85 recorded live in ‘89, an abruptly faded
Sea,.or B1i.m is bound to find 81-90 anti-climactic - unspecial. SimilarIy, 1 co’uldn’t recommend 81-W above
any of those three LPs; bands don’t get to become as precious as The Waterboys by releasing merely adequate kxperiences.
Comewithus,onajoumeyundertheskin. very well lecture Scott with DYLAN in the room, so art triumphed, sort of The ,WaterbOys’ history can be -summed up as a succession of artistic triumphs and financiaI disappointments/The Best of”isa strange hopscotch through their histOry, with a couple of mediOcre rarities thrown in. I’ve bOught best of albums that seem like personable reflections by the artist, &d some thatcome across Iike slapped-together K-Tel packages.
This package walks the line, After refusing to do videos, spendMy
favourite Waterboys’ story goes something like this: After ‘The Whole Of The Moon” failed to ti a huge hit the first time around (‘85), the Boys’ manager was about to “lay into” lead singer Mike Scott for “not playing the game” of record promotion. Psyching himself up outside of Scott’s dqfsing room, said manager bursts into room to *over Scott having an impromputu jam session with an admirer --Bob Dylan. It’s a good story, ‘cause you get a sense bf the strained balance between art and industry. Their manager, or company rep or whatever couldn’t and giving to the University crowd. ‘I A TorOntO jazz musician, Oswald has used his various samplers and sequencers, and made a career out of rearranging hmiliq songs from all genres of music to produce “new” tracks that bear only a slight resemblance to the original product. The result is a sOmetim& disc0dant, sometimes CacophonOus sound, but one which enjoyably plays with your memories. His first outing was hid’self-titled”
album Plunderphonics
in 1988. The
disc took artists as diverse as Michael Jackson to The Beatles to Public
ing trillions on&cording, and &usini to promote their last D”Room To Roam,” ‘The Best Of” sees the boys,
or more specifically
Mike Scott, divid-
ing Waterboys history in half: the ‘layered guitar sound” of their first three LPs, and the ‘live studio" atmosphere of their last two. You could almost refer to side one as the London years and two as the Dublin years; Scott’s move to Ireland represents a major shift in his musical ideolOgy. And whether or,nqt a ‘*New York St&y” is presently in the works, “8140” is an adequate tasting of their nine years. From the opening piano chords of hundreds Of these copies away to r&o stations, libraries,%iends, &c. of course, C&al&s originality was bound to get him in trouble. CBS (ie. Michael Jackson) threqened Oswald with a law@ because of copyright
infringement and forced Oswa to destroy the rest of the discs. Suxprising~y, Oswald’s origin&y also led to interest from a big corporation in a positive way. Elektra, tihich r&entry released Rubiyti, it’s 25th
Oswald to give his treatment to the arti3ts on that disc. The result (so far) is this limited editiOn disc, a sampler of what One guess will be found On an upcoming CD.
k, The Doom, M&II@ and The Cure all combine forces On this CD much to the me effect as the
miginal PYtlnderphonics. This review is incredibly hard to do, because even familiarity with complex sampling techniques and the artists involved can’t prepare you for&e bizarre madness which is a result of OswaId’s method, It’s ~ as though he ahitkmically distills the essence of each artists and puts it through a bIender. The way Oswald uses the five artists on this disc continues to bring
up the question of content over style. Oswald is industriai in the truest sense of the workL He has built a career around sampling, and done a good job of it. His aural piracy poses questions about ma&&s and their place in modern mu& but at the same time, his uct manages to convey a laugha $dle quality to each of the musicians that one fmds it h&d to discuss philosophically the pros and cons 0f digitizers. This disc isn’t for ail listeners, but it is def%teIy required listening for a.U those who beIieve that how somethin@putonarecordisasimpOrtant
as what is put on a record,
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312 Imp”rint, Friday, September 27, 1991
Record Reviews from Mozart’s “Magic Flute” and a piece by EdgaF Meyer called “Winter’s Chill.” If you already li&e classical music, this tape will allow you to hear classics on a uniquely different +&ument. It’s much more effective than my aunt’? record which ieatures opera singers covering Beatles tunes,
by Duke Thor&y SpeciaI to Imprjnt Canada’s most titernationally successful act could very well lose some old fans with their latest studio release Roll the Bones. And gain some new on&. Continuing along a path they’ve followed since Rmnanent Wuves, Rush has stripped away even more of the sequencing and electronics and made it seem, through sheer skiIl, like a progression. Geddy Lee, Alex Lifesori, and Neil Peart continue to make their music more accessible without obviously tipping their hats
to commercialism, and offer no apology to those fans who wish a return to Lee’s vice-grip days. Though the recording process has, to some extent, become instinct to the band, they continue to retain the musical insistence and anger which characterized them since album one. Evidence of this comes on the opentrack “Dreamline,” which es explodes after a short introductory fuse. From the very first bars, it’s obvious the band has never simply requested answers to fundamental existential questions, but demanded them.
Lyrically, pearl has not determind the meaning of life, but offers the notion that we spend our lives ‘Wortdering what our dreams might be worth / Learning that we’re only immbti for a limited time.” Chance, theideathat we oversee our own destiny, and ev‘entual death are recurrent themes on the album. Peart writes, ‘QfeisadiamondyoutumintoduN Waiting for rescue, and I know that you just don’t get it.” No answers perhaps, but there are inevitabilities. The pleasant sur+ises on this album inc1ude.a spoken verse (dare I say Rush’s idea of rap?) on the title track, and a new instrumental. ‘Where’s My Thing?” is a bit repetitive and unfortunately a long way behind 1978s ‘Za Villa Strangiato” in its abilitv to create adefinite mental . pi-e,’ but contains some mlpressive bass and drum work
When first listening to the sound of mandolins, you11 probably immediately think of Christmas. This tape would be perfect to get in the spirit of the Christmas. Listen to it as you bake cookies or set up the tree.
by Rwhe mhof special to the Imprint To add to the list of “who ever would’ve thoughts’% the remarkable musical phenomenon of classical mandolin playing. I’m not kidthere are musician$ playing mandolin to the classical tunes of Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, and Meyer, and moreover, it’s good, realIy &~Calling themselves the Modem Mandolin Quartet, they perform the ‘Nutcracker Suite,” a selection from Vivaldi’s
“Four Seasons,”
It’s you’re noise very enjoy.
also a great tape to study by if like me and need background that isn’t too energetic. It’s just a relaxing tape which I really
I think this classical mandolin tape is fantastic but if you’re not a lover of classical music, I don’t think even the sound of mandolins would change vour mind.
an overture
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Rush’s fate ,following their forthcoming world tour is undecided, as it has been after the completion of every album since Power Windows. The members each have families and &an&l security, and the music breathes with the idea that it’s written for fun, not necessity. In a 1989 interview, Peart told The Toronto Star’s Greg QuiIl of the band’s attitude toward continuation. “We left it openended. We’d reevaluate our feelings about continuing with Rush when we met.at the end of the year. There was notkng looming nothing on the horizon. Such possibilities!” So what happkns now? Will the l!?th release be-the final installment in the biggest Canadian success story? Roll the bones.
Despite a classic JB-type title, the opening track “(So Tied of Standing Still We’ve Got To) Move On” is a lead-footed uptempo num+r. The second track, apparently a collabora-
by Paul Done Imprint staff James Brown was a lot better in jail. Now that he’s out, his recent mediocrity has become unavoidably obvious. First, with his “triumphant” return concert - more accurately described as a fiasco - and now with Lme Overdue, a new LP which stinks of the same aroma of rot ‘and decay surrounding JB. From beginning to end, Luve Overdue sounds more like a James Brown tribute act than like the ‘godfather himself. The distinctive JB quirks and stylisms are bloated to the point of self-parody, while the entire collection seems curiously lacking in intensity.
his wife Adrienne. I certainly hope that their romance is more huitful than their songwriting, because lhis song is grounds for a creative annulment. If the aesthetics cops ever hear it, his cover of Little Willie John’s ‘Teardrops on Your Letter” will be enough to land James in the slam for another extended stay. I have to blame James for the mediocrity of this album - the band is good, containing veteran JB sidemen like St. Clair Pinkney and Sweet Charles Sherrell,r and Joe Collier. James is the producer, the executive producer, and, of course, the focus of the LP - so guilt sits squarely on his shoulders. Much as it hurts me tosay it, this isa complete &ashout. It’s mighty depressing to see greatness laid so low. Hopefully, when they compile the last chapters of James’ career, they wiI1 forget to include this album.
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Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991 33
Book’ Reviews
Don’t eat --
James Joyce from a Marxist tive, or garbled structuralism
Wilderness Tips by Margaret Ahyood
in from France to dilute the student brain yet further. The papers had to be marked by tomorrow. He had\ a
McCfelland & Stewart 247 pages
satisfying fantasy out in the muddy
of laying
them all
street and rqning them over with his car. He would say he’d been in an accident.”
although the ten collected were pubhshed separately over a period of two or three years, there are some unif@ng themes throughout. One of these is ati obsegsion with reinventing one’s identity. The characters are continually changing their names, revising stories from their pasts, questioning others’ per-
ceWions of them.
by Derek Weiler
Imp&& staff
n In the arts, as in sports, we seem to reserve the most awe for brilliance that does not draw attention to itself, that is performed almost in an offhand way. Be it the figure skater, the guitar player, or the landscape painFer, we&&hip the ;tttisan Who Makes It Look Easy. This attitude is usually not applied to such physically unglamorous pursuits as the writing of fiction, but in her new collection IVzX?emess 7ipy, Margaret Atwood does indeed make it look easy. The ten stories that make up the book display such assured characterization, setting and development of therm that it’s easy to take them for granted. The stories are
so dazzlingly
that the
reader doesn’t even notice the care that went into them. Of course, Atwood’s famous wit is one of the book’s most noticeable aspects. There are plenty of the usual droll passages, such as the following: “He was thinking about. . . . the batch of student papers in his briefcase:
However, many of *the stories display wit not so much in terms of diction, but in the situations Atwood sets up. In the title story, for example, a sexual Napoleon tires of seducing one of hiswife’s sisters, and sets his sights on the other one. Working ‘in the short story format, Atwood displays an economy that is absent from many of her novels. Characters and situations are quickly sketched, not painted, but they are no less affecting or believable for that. Many of the stories seem expandable to novel length, but doing so would
Weidenfeld, $29.95
by Michael
345 pgs. I
special to Imprint Back after a seven year hiatus, Milan Kundera has published a new novel, Probably best known in North America-for the film version of ,YJ2e Unbearable Highness of Beirtg, Kundera has returned with a delicate and delightful novet a novel very much of its time. Not that its time, the present, is delicate and delightful. Quite the opposite. The present is paradbxical, as is this beautifully heavy novel with a light touch, Immortality. Translated from the native Czech, Immottulity is Kundera’s first novel since the end of the Cold War and the restructuring of Eastern Europe. For an expatriate living in France-whose last novel studied the intricacies of modern life on both sides of the Iron Curtain before, after, and during 1968’s Prague Spring, these must bi significant events. And they are. But Immortality sets them in. a broader context. This is not a novel about the end of communism, though the effects of the recent changes are @ evidence. This is a novel about Europe(ans), past and present, a continent too old and too &ch ravaged by supposed Great Leaders this century to trust too quickly in another promise of renewal. The novel explores the reiationship between persona%& and environments in intricate detail. This is a novel about a continent and its people stuck in time, not Movements or destiny or the Great Future. The characters, including one named Miian Kundera, are metaphors, imaging life in our uncertain age. &ch character represents a personalitytype whose ahost every action the novel explains% continuaIly evolv-
bdscape of the novel includes acouple - three scenes in Heaven, where Hemingway and Goethe, the 19th century German poet, converse about their respective,losses of power over their image3 on Earth now they are dead. Being dead -for Kundera is apparently a~’ unbearably light as being alive. “Nobody reads me any
more,” “Instead, Goethe,
Hemingway complains. they read about I me;” on the other hand, decides that immortality is as much a joke as his. first life and zaps himself from
The relationship between words and reality, a theme explored in The Unbearable Lights of 3&g, is picked up again in hmorzality. Where the first novel included “A Short Dictionary of Words Misunderstood,” Kundera now expounds his theory of trnagology, the theory that the illusion is more powerful than the reality because the illusion is what people believe. Bernard Bertrand’s father, Bertrand Bertrand, is a big-time politician in France; Bernard is a journalist. Bern&d chooses- his occupation,
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breaking aday from the pat&lineal tradition of politicians of his family because he realizes those who choose the images mke the pobkians. Tly powerlxmhasshifted Ant’ power, after all, is what life is all about. Think globally, act locally, the personal is political a$ we’re all responsible. Deluded, perhaps, and more than a little confused about how to act in unity with the rest of the world’s population, the environment, Histoq, Time and Space (read, Immortality), but SW responsible, Life is a series of power reldtions, or at least eat’s the “image” to believe in these days (Kundera says Imagolo$!$ has replaced Ideology, as both communism ‘and capitalism have proven themselves morally bankrupt). The Gulf War was still Saddam Hussein’s fantasy when Imrn~~&& was written, but the century’s most destructive one-sided massacre appears only to have provided evidence, for Kundeia’s thesis. Ira$s millions fought the “Great Satan”and the coalition forces fought “Another Hitler.” Meanwhile, reality lost once again, along with+ilians in both Iraq and Kuwait. The images of hate prevailed. Immortaiity is President l3ush’s New World Order on a literary level. ,It draws allusions of hbpe out of destruction. However, like the President’s visioe of a new and lasting international peace, Kundera’s vision of immortality is based on his own politics, not universal truth (the situ* tion of very real death and destruction in Yugoslavia is proof enough t)latpeace and renewal will t&emore than American
Siegfried Ha&St. Jerome’s College: l 530 p.m. - Saturday l 9130 a.m. - Su’nday l 11:30 a.m. - Sunday l 7:oO p.m. - Sunday l 12:30 a.& - Noontime Monday to Friday (weekday masses in Notre Dame Chapel)
I’m-gonna live forever 1;s ,-J ing essays: the novel begins by interpreting the conn;ection between the wave of a 60-i& woman to her-young male swimming instructor with her adolesceht self: Some people, the novel explains, are bet& suited to their environments than others, are lu&er. r Though m&t of the “action” (very little happens in any real sense), takes
large pzza and e medium price*
Milan-era Imlntllralily
MEDIUM ~ppERoHl plzzA
Tale. also
characters are brought face to face with this reminder of an earlier day, in the same way they cannot escape their own pasts. But really, it’s not as heavy-handed as it sounds. Indeed, in wilderness -7i’~ Atwood has a tendency not to state her themes but to suggest them. Her preference here for developing believable characters and human confli&s without an obvio’us moral is a welcome departure from works like
That story’s warm ending is almost schmaltzy, or at leasi it sounds so when described. But that, of course, is the beauty of W/&ma np. h & difficult to describe well, but canonly be appreciated as the genius it is when it is read. Atwood has pulled off another literarv gem without even letting us see h&&eat. I
‘Wed with this idea is Atwood’s juxtaposition of the world of the 1950s (when she and her characters are young adults) with, that of the early 1990s (populated in these stories by the middle-aged). Characters may age years in t$e space of a page, pr even a sentence. They seem constantly confused by the conflict between their old versions of themselves and their present ones. The connection between past and present has its metaphoric expression in two stories, “The Bog Man” and “The Age of Lead” Both these stories concern the discovery of a
gro&th for Atwood-in their compassion. In the,past, she has tended to be somewhat cold, sacrificing emotion for irony. MNV fiough, she is able to convincingly Pull off a story like “Hack Wednesday.” In that story set in December, 1989 - a middleaged newspaper columnist finds her heart going out to a beleaguered Manuel Noriega.
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or another
novelist’s sweet despair). His exclusive use of +e pronouns reveals the walls of only one of h& illusions. The novel is a fine work oi art and ‘mat reading, but any attempt to pull definitive truths from its pages will only meet frustration. We have no’ way of knowing how.events are going to turn out, and nothing is new about that!
Room 2172 > Medical Sciences Building 1 King’s College Circle University
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34 Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991
Teddylbpars the Woods by Stephen Sondheim and James Lqine Lkxmi by L&e O’Dell Music Direction by Leslie De;Qth Into
nt WT.TJ Thpntw Audironilm - -
c c
. - - - .
- . . - . . . - .
. - . .
Picnicnic r
the play, which is probably the course Sondheim himself prefers. Like a fairy tale, Zntu the Wum!s wants primarily to tell a story, and ifsomething inore is discovered, well that’s iust all the better.
Arena style staging can be very difficult, even for long-time performers to handle welL However, it is too easy to emnhasize the faults of anv nroductioi On the flip side of thd&eview, there are umpteen more Iaudable
Goodyear who played the Witch Although it seemed sometimes that she WCS only mimicking Bernadette p~~‘performance of thesame role, in the second act, where it
dm hhrgolese and Mark Rowsom (Little Red Riding Hood and Jack). ‘hy not only performed well, but ffiey knew their characters and &~ed them to the hilt. A reviewer can 0nIv apologize for
audience were seated in such a way that their attentions had to be divided or interrupted in order to capture all the action on stage, rather than being able to witness the whole simultaneously. This would not be too major a concern, were it not essential to the pIay that the harmony of individual lives and choices be evident. A further fault connected with the auditorium was the poor acoustics. A good deal of the dialogue was missed now and again, depending on where one was sitting. In a few cases the singing suffered the same defect.
requires, wonderful. Among the actors, each of whom was delightful as their characters, one of the most excellent was Marne
not to mention the puppeteers whose work was one of the play’s most delightful elements. The two shining stats must be San-
in Ontan’ theat&. who has about ten years experience in pe@rmane set design and decoration. is her son and a wstudent.
.&d her Ball, Little Red Riding Hood, and Rapunzel are drawn by a notsowicked witch, a mysterious old man, and the narrator, into an adventure in the wild woods of experience, maturity, and new found. relationships (Jung would have a heydey with this!). The moral is not so simple to discern, but it has something to do with not straying from the safe path, even though that is where you think your fondest dreams will be made real+ Musical Thea&e Iaurier’s production aimed mostly at entertainment than any of the edbcative elements of _ .
_ I
* .
Teddy-boys : Picnic Arch/
A lot of the standard circus acts were there, but mutated into bizarre new forms: the tightrope walker was shot- by the-other pe&+rmcrs to conchd~- hfi d&;.4wo gymnasts performed an e&i& version of the story of Adam and Eve; and the woman
CNE Grandstand until October 2992 I .
‘9 1, /r-
The lights dimmed, leaving or& t&e television sets on a py’; temple set-up_ at- the.- end. . .
death by a Iascivi~us prkSt and executed at bazooka-point . . . or woman performing another (simulated) fellatio, accompanied by the (simulated} masturbtion of the male performers. of you haven’t clued in by now, the
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racker I’ve ever hear middle of the ring. -.-----
hell went
meTS ~gan smashin~~~ether ~~~~ and barrels, fire-breathers spit fire at the audience, and more firecrackers, sparklers, and roman candles went c&f. The show had begun.
or the game of-euchre on a coffin in the middle of the woman’s funeral, &er she had been condemned td
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suicidal Dali meeting Pee-Wee Her-..-man.-_ The band was really good too; they seemed to be trying to have more fun than anyone else. A guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, drummer, and two singers provided good rock ‘n’ roll, a welcome change from the fake calliope music you usually get at the circus. At the end, they invited everyone to dance in the ring as they finished the last of their songs.. . a fun way to end the show. Time to write a conclusion? Fine: it was a great, bizarre, and truly unique
show. If you’re not afraid to try something a little (or a lot), challenging and different, then go. Now. ‘Take your mother. Kill if you must.
U of W Villages I and II
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 Advance Tickets $3.00 All advance sales to benefit the Villages Benefit Semi ‘Formal. Sunbeam Residential Development Centre Ful_lv Licenced Photo I.D. Reauired
36 Imprint, Friday, September 27, 1991 ,‘.. ** .?. I,.,. *
I Happy House ‘I Crowded House, though, surband. Tremendously fun arid also artistically ambitious, the concert was - passed all expectations by turning ina. show that offered everything anyone easily the most roundly entertaining Tuesday;Sept. 24,199l could possibly want. Great on record, show of the summer. this band is even better live. The perRichard Thompson opened the formance was tight and technically show with a stark, brilliant set. Perperfect, but was also unpredictable forming solo with only his acoustic by Derek WeiIer and spontaneous. Above all, it was hprint staff guitar to augment his vocals, good Idean,fin. Thompson quickly won over the This week saw the world’s most crowd and was eventually called back The four Housemates - Neil Finn, unjustly disparaged band, Crowded for an encore, something unusual for Nick Seymour, Paul Hester, and Tim House, do a two-night stand at an opening act. His set showcased Finn (new member, Tim’s brother, Massey Hall. Their Tuesday perfortwo things: his astonishing skill as a f&mer Split, Enz mastermind) mance dispelled any illusions people songwriter, and his marvelous were augmented by a touring 1may hold &at this &a forgettable iop fluency with acoustic guitar. keyboard& The show was constantly careering from one direction to the next, though. The Finn brothers CertifiedShiatsuThpist traded off guitars and keyboards (acupuncture without needles) throughout, and readies would occa&nally strap on guitars and join .relieves acute chronic & stress conditionse the band onstage. Hester would periodically abandon his drumkit to take centre stage, playing a minimal snare-cymbal setup.
Crowded House Mawy Hall, Toronto
Mary Ho,p&y Certified Shiatsu Therapist
They played all the expected songs (ie. the hits) but none were note-fornote reprises
of the studio
There might be a surprise coda to a song or there might be a lengthy jam in the middle of it And there were also plenty of surprises in tern of song selection: a couple new Gigs, quickie instrument& a ‘bad swing” version 6f Geehwin’s “SummerI time/ the juliilant t&e on the old Split * ge>fl “Six M+ths in a Leaky ‘Boat.” ~ . Y What unified all this was the group’s tremendous stage presence. Neil had only to offer an emotive sigh to set hundreds of teenage mouths ascreaming, whilk Tim was happy to’ play the hyped-up Vegas clown. The whole band was all over the stage, happily leaping here and there. These goofy theatrics made for two hours of solid fun. The guys in Crowded House are genuinely funny, and without the “see how clever we are” subtext presented by other jokester bands (did someone say Barenaked Ladies?). To give an accurate sense of such an expansive show, it is perhaps wisest to simply synopsize a few moments: - Tim Finn idly strums the first chord of “Don’t Dream It’s Over” and
the screams
plussed, he hi& the same chord a few
- Richard Thompson strolls onstage to join the band for a couple songs. Before launching into “Sister Madly,” the ban&jams with Thompson for a and Neil exclaims unwhile, abashedly “I cant believe I’m trading licks with Richard Thompson!”
- Shortly before the first of two encores, the audience finally gets up off its asses and crowds the front of the stage. During ‘Better Be Home Soon,” Neil invites couples onstage to dance. Sadly, there are no takers. - Neil plays a tihirnsical solo piano ballad that he claims to have written with his eight-year-old boy. He then wishes his son a happy birthday and waves to him. There were many more such moments, but it is ultimately pointless to list them all. Suffice it to say that this was a concert that covered all the bases and was above all immensely entertaining. It was ample proof that several things: that commercial successful music can still be artistically viable, that Crowded House have much more to offer than their.detractars would have you believe, and they they will be around for quite some time to come.
br Appointment Please Call: 5763315
Fiianrclys @ievous ti$ me sing&g, and we have a ton of new material we’re getting ready to do an album with. We toured this wer with two singe13 from the Stickpeople and K&y Mckod from Lazy’ Gtice and now Laine Van ,Hoo@raten from her 1own hd farneissittinginwithusf~rthesegigs.
Courtesy of FM Magazine Fridays at 4:30 pm otl CKMS Radio bir- J& Waterloo -.T%a
intenkw wm done befoR the Grievous Angel played the ibmmercial Tavern on &&day. September
a real tour or just sele-
Chuck Angus:
We don’t
Being a. University student is , taxing enough! added Dressure of bein- ;* 3 hanJ fin top of Lat. So we’ve been workinp: ever since then doing a lot of song L6
Peter Jellad: Just one, we’ll give a taste of it during the show when we do our cajun songs. Imprint: I noticed you prayed a Stumpin ’ Turn cover on yourJmtalbarm. Did you see him when he touti Canada km yeur?
CA: Yes, he wrote me a 1etter. He said
that we sang it way too fast and got all the words wrong, but other&n he kinda liked it.
Imprint: You do a iut ofbene&s, such us the Save the Rails tour or playing on a picket line in support uf thh w&k&, do roached to do a lot of things
-we do them e don’t feel that m, just raising money :, organization. Our music ‘.:: beloq$$o working class people of ,~,c++&a~ de feel its their music so thev ht to hear it. So, if we go a&l drop-in center in the Blake proj&, that would mean a lot us than playing at the Bam12 a ticket supporting some
T$ ‘?<,%hi;lg 3
So, when you shop at the Office Centre... -...*we pay the tax
_ -.
-We’re doing spotted tours the way we always do, playing three nights. here and three nights there, then taking two or three week3 off before going out again.
CA: It should be out next spring L - on Peter Duffin: All over, Chuck is from Cobalt, Ontario near Kirkland Lake, Stony ‘lain records* Imprint: Have you been doing onyth I’m living in St. Catharines, and the > rest of the band lives in Toronto. 12%. ,, Imprint: WeZZit must be tough fu?yo
363 King Street, N., WATERLOO (King and Columbia St.) . 888-0203 ’ . ”_
CA: We played with him in Mariposa two years ago, but when we went to see him, Molson security threw us out from backstage tier we finished playing. So we had to see him like everybody else, from behind the barricades. He apparently came to our hotel to meet us and talk and hang out, but we were playing and it just never happened.
ted &ta?
: Tim and PeterUe another band caIled blers. I’m a fireman mother _ , .. Imprum. 1 mI* now many albums the Cajun -Ra&lem &&-ye& . ..
. guys go and we had already talked m -t---r --z-A su -- 01 -IT curse _______ -._awur jymq+ we _.----. wenL have I r-- . c w are the fun shows to us, the
ThG stubent’ssinsre:source t
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‘calculators *day planners $I‘paper/notebooks ‘pens/pencils ‘typewrites . . *brief cases Is *desk accessories *binders : *computer supp ties ‘diskettes ‘drafting supplies *art supplies
(15Y0 discount
times before the group breaks into a lovely rendition of the song.
equal to the cost of the taxes availaM with the presentation d valid student Man, Tugs, Wed, Sat 9%) - 6:OD Thurs. Fri 930 - 9XKI
‘. J. Clnnam&s
’ (519)72502e93 I.D. Card)
“Buy one, get the second fur half. price” 140 Univlarsity Am, West, Waterloo, Ontario
;. _.-. ~‘-!ivuZin .I’M!J, Bo gr~1prstiIZ db thefar;‘val I, .. ci?ru$.ff -_ ” ; ~I, PJ3: R&&t came off a pretty bigsummer of- doing festivals; we played * .. Regina, Wmeg, Vaficouver, and Calgary. But we live like kings in the +tt;mmer and die#ke dogs in the winter. We’re going to tour through northern Ontario mining towns in February with Utah Phillips, then through Southern Ontario and out to the Maritimes. But, it all depends on when we can record our new album.
7’4 (
5 I
2 Y
38 tmprint, Friday, :
27, 1991
Chiarelli naoh
me cutlcert Hull, Tomth? September 20,1991
. -
. _ I
a. I . 10. _I .-a>
-*aI ;-
The Blazersare a basic rockand bandrwithbasicguitara
Their rewards for victory are having a video single and a four-song EP produced by industry professionals and distributed by a major record label. In-addition, the winning band also is to be promoted through a series of public relations activities, including the 1991 Juno festivities.
Hit me with your bestshot. John Derringer hosted the night’s extravaganza, while MuchMusic taped it to be aired tonight (Sept. 27). On the card were such acts as The Jeff HeaIey Band, Colin James, Lee Aaron, Glen State (they were also the judges), and of course, the three finalists in the competition. .
The festivities were kicked off by Lee Aaron, performing a couple of songs off her latest aIbum, including one of my favourites, “Some Girls Do.” After a couple of beer commercials, and a few videos, it was time for Western Canada to show their stuff. Enter stage left, The Blazers.
The Comfort of Stmngers Dirrcted by Paul Schraikr
dian film featuring eight <onactresses improvising being stranded in the wilderness. The former is a dark, Britisl-&dian chiller directed W-Epp , by the Amefim Paul Schrader. ImprintM I .’ ne Codlfurt- of stmngm intertwines .two couples in labyrinthine It may be easy to con&e The Com- Venetian by-ways, its only map a foti of Stratigem wih The Company qf macabre script adapted by dramatist Stmngers,but not after you’ve seen Harold Pinter from the novel by Ian them. The latter, released last winter, M&wan. It is often an effect of pinis a gentle, documentary-like, Cana- ter’s precise dialogue to somehcw .
‘.. I’-*-
Toronto’s Concert Hall was the meeting place for three of Canada’s most dynamic regional rock bands. Each was hoping to obtain national recognition, and major prizes at Molson Canadian Rocks Showdown ‘91.
The Blazers were the band representing Western Canada. They hail from Piulot Butte, Saskatchewan. Toronto’s Rita Chiarelli hefd Ontario’s torch, and Rogues GaIIery, from St. Johns, Newfoundland, emerged triumphant in the Quebec/ Eastern Ontario region.
Fire * (that) awayl e&ctIy what they are. They sounded like any typical heavier commercial bd. After another long pause, Cohn James appeared on stage with a steel
the high moment of the event for me. Speaking of stand-outs, next up was vita WeK vita came into the competition ham been the
Female Vocalist”at the Toronto Music awards, and having had one of her songs, “Have You Seen My Shoes,” be featured in the Toronto FestivaI of r;eStival’s award-winning movie Roadkill. With this experience, and her resounding voice (similar to Melissa Ethridge), Rita’s blues-rock songs were a hit, not only with the partisan Toronto crowd but also with the celebrity judges. GIen State entertained while the next band, Rogues Gallery, set up. Rogues Gallery have toured Eastern Canada extensively, and tirrently have their single “It’s too Late” holding the number-one spot on St. John’s radio stations. Of the three bands, Rogues Gallery definitely had the most entertaining stage performance. It was plain to see that this band had been together for a long while, and have done an extensive tour of the bar scene. In the end, it was a teary-eyed Rita Chiarelli that stood on the stage for a second time to receive the award from Derringer. With the awards ceremonies over, Jeff HeaIey bid a fond adieu to the
that paid
nothing to get in K olsons bought each of the $15 tickets), by performing a couple of his ~wn songs that made him famous.
sound predzed, but in this film, Fate is a r~ognized central $a+ Eate is involyed ipaursecrets angi our psyches, and in how we both reveal and conceal our inner selves. Schrader wrote Tam’ &&r and RngingBull, and he has directed such films as Ihe Collar and patty Hearst.
and mesmizrking
CM-E c-
REYTAUfiANT3$ --4. OffIce
fT. N. m
picture, but it is less opaque and less of an exercise in art for art’s sake. Schrader’s film is set in the present, but because it’s a meditation on dep. ravity, it has roots in the haunting tradition of privileged figures like CaIigula, the Marquis de Sade, and Bluebeard ‘(who was actually a sexmurderer of young boys). It doesn’t feel torn from today’s headlines. At the beginning of the film, a British couple, Mary (Natasha evasions. Then Robert, an enigmatic Italian (Christopher WaIken), approaches them in an alley and sweet-talks them into accompanying him to a bar; later he invites them home, where they meet Caroline (Helen Mirren), his peculiar wife. Neither Mary nor Colin can put a Richardson) ’ and Colin &pert Everett), have returned to Venice to try to rekindle the passion they felt there a few years before. They are still tender and caring .but they aren’t having sex and their conversations are strained - with tjfpi&l Pinter finger on what’s wrong with their hosts, but a number of oddities give them the heebie-jeebies: the baroque storv of Robert’s childhood: his fascistic iemarks; Caroline’s blend of misogyny, romanticism, and voyeurism; and the photo of Cohn on Robert’s desk
ness of a Peter Greenaway
Back- fo-School Special!!* * Notebook
CF .170 l ZOmegHD l 31/2MHr
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-PACKAGE PRICE:. i mNOW $1,395.00.
5.1 . . . $i99.00
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Now can you hear the ocean? However,* Mary and Colin also experience renewed sexual energy after meeting this odd pair. It is to Schrader’s credit (and that of production designer Gianni Quaranta, cinematographer Dante Spinotti, and David Lynch composer Angelo Badalamenti) that we see Robert cast his. I spell on the British tourists wrthout cinematic .overstateqent or self-conscious devices. Also important are the skills of the watchable four stars; they don’t make Pinter’s
lines “Pinteresque”, and they convey all that hypnotic mystery as straightforwardly as possible. The Comfort of Strange isn’t extraorclinarily profound, but it is intelligent and proficient, and spectacularly sinister.. It’s a slick, psychological creepshow. . Playing at the hhcess 27-29.
Cinema Sept.
Travel Company wants student reps. Organize a trip and travel for free to Quebec, Daflona, Mexico, Jamaica, 8ahamas. Calt l-800-263-5604.
S8RVIC8S LSAT/GMAT/MCAT/GRE - if you have to take one of these tests, take Kaplan first. Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Centre (519) 438-0142.
35 years experience: typing and word processing - reasonable rates. Erb & Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
RU.S.H. Resume Service - one look, you’ll say: “It’s so good, I’d hire myself.” For professional job search assistance: 747-3527.
Soft m word processing: fast, friendly servi&*on high‘ resolution laser printer. Resumes, essays, French, work reports including graphs, math, formulas. Some corrections. Albert and Bearinger area. 747-3555.
Resumes - student special - $25.00 and 20 copies. 746-25 10. Needing renovations done around the house or the apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m, or after 6:00 p.m. at 746-2763.
. Mary's I’&ing/Wordprocessing Service - fast and accurate service provided, Word-processing at a reasonable cost, work orders ready on the date specified, rush work 4 no problem! Term papers, resumes, reports, letters, essays, documents. Please call 576-6957: ’
Word Processing Service - specializing in’ longer essays and theses, also work reports, resumes, French language, HlLP WAWTIb some corrections/editing. Wordperfectl Page-maker. Parkdale Plaza area. For professionally finished papers at comPart-time telemarketers - for discount petitive rates, call Karen at 746-0392. long distance service to Guelph. Flexible call hours. 742-6053. Fact, professional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, Free Spring Break trips - promote and spelling, corrections available. Laser organize- our Spring Break tours. All printer. Suzanne. 886-3857, materials furnished. Good pay and fun. Call Campus Marketing at l-800-423Ne~m-T&nology presents Advanced 5264. NLP Communications. Humour- Personal clown workshop. Phone 894Subjects required - $20.00 cash. 9315. . Students iw first or second year, betwvn the ages of 18 and 25, are invited to ParSlash long distance charges t6 Guelph. ticipate in a Cardiovascular Reactivity .35& per call - no time limit - ho monthly or Study. No exercis’ing required. Call Carsetup fees. CaH 742-6053. oline at885-1211, ext. 6786. ’
Upcaming Meeting with Joshua Daniel. Hear a forthright .Christian message at 7:15 p.m. in Davis Centre 1302. Hosted by Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship International. Gospel
FASS Theatm Company orgtanizational meeting: come out to meet the FASS committee and find out how you can be part of the 30th Anniversary FASS production. We’re holding a partyin DC1301 from 8:00 p.m. to 1:OO a.m. Everyone welcome!
Waste Reduction Week -The Region will be sponsoring information booths at fairview Mall, Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 and at Conestoga Mall, Oct. 3 as part of the province-wide Waste Reduction Week. Tours of Recycling Centres and landfill sites are available at 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Groups of IO or more may arrange tours by phoning 725-201 I. Qur Jim UW, 664-
Global Community Centre invites you to participate in our series on Third World Debt at the KPL at 7:3Q p.m. This Sc%sion, “Debt Crisis and Repayment” is the second of three. To register call 743-
7502 or 746-4090.
1982 Datsun 200SX .- fuel iqectior 1, cruise control, power steering, powc :r windows, power mirrors, sunroof, voic e chip, $900. Call 746-093 1. SONY DS/DD - 3 l/2” discs (guaran Iteed). Only $15. each (4/$5O.). Campu S pick-up or delivery. 888-7022.
J&&al student seeks undergrad student volunteers to explore research question, how do gou take care of your health? Call 747- 1381. Drummer & Vocalist /Guitarist looking for serious musicians (lead guitar, bass, keys; male or female) to form band. R.E.M. Pikes, HIP,. Hothouse Flowers, Grapes, T.P.O.H., and Monty Python. Call Duke 747-2551.
15% off residence fees for requesting double room, A4- 114 at -Waterloo Co-op Residence (Sept.-Dec.)! Call Penny, 725-7051, BEFORE submitting application.
1990 UW Navy leather jacket - wor once, removable insulation, size 46 $250. Save yourself some coin. Ca Andrew at 885-3603. Futons or Box/Spring and mattress fc sale. Price at $145. Delivery available Call 416-796-6695 (collect).
B.M. - Thaa for six unbelievable months! Not a dull moment yet. All the love my heart can give - Fantus.
New condo needs one person’- bed, fully equipped kitchen, 2 baths, price includes utilities, September paid. $305./month.
H’S %boy!! - the members of the Sigma Chi Fraternity would like to congratulate our sweetheart, Theresa Cockburn, and brother Jim Wheat, on the birth of their first baby boy, Quinn Anthony.
LSAT, GMAT, GRE Preparation Courses. A unique approach used successfully by thousands of students since 1979. Call l-800-387-55 19.
, Lost Sept. 18: ladies black wallet wit1 sentimental value. REWARD! 836 7254.
Hild a konderful summer? you are back ?to school and worried about a possiblti pregnancy. For a free pregnancv test call Birthright. Atl calls confidential - 5793990. I
Kit&a S& with 4 chairs and 1 1ea.f(light oak in colour), two 2-tier endtables. Call after 6:00 p.m. 742-4558.
Cartli~~mular Reactivity Study - all students who have participated, please call Caroline at 885 1211 ext. 6786 ASAP to arrange your second or third retest session. Mucho gracias.
Garage tith hydro and pit. Good foi storage or working on your car. Neal WLU. Phone 746-4679.
- .IMPRINT Classified Ad Deadline I is Mondays at 5.90 p.m. , l they must be prepaid l
Events ,WB,-?--2
Informative Lecture - Where Does Meat Come From?? - Speaker Mason will speak at 8:00 p.m. at Humanities Theatre. For info call 2476.
Siigeni(M/F) are wanted for music oroject-in stbdio. You can choose: pop ;ock or soft -dance rap. Call Mark 570-3 183. Tell your friends!
Student desks (10) for sale - good clea condition, some new, 4 dressers. $60.0 to $125.00. 746-6438 anytime. W E DELIVER.
I’m interested in starting a workshop for &ngwriters/performers. My objective is to estabiish a forum in which material can ideas shared and be tried out, collaborations may be formed. If interested, contact Jack at 747-2317, or leave a message.
Kitchener Blood Donor Clinic - St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 317 Franklin St., N., from 1:30 p.m. until 8;OO p.m.
Appliances/Electronics l l l
Career Fair’91 - Physical Activities Complex - Main Gym from. 10:00 a.m. to I 4:OU p.m. -,-a WPIIIG presents the film “The Land of our Children”. A’ Cree from the couircil will be present to lead a discussion following the film at 9:20 p-m, at the Princess Cinema. Czech@lms-. . , Just Before the Revolution - (UW Fine Arts Film Society) - at 7:00 p.m. in. UW’s East Campus Hall, room 1219. “The Doomed Berhof Farmstead”, 98 minutes.
l l l l
The Waterloo County (Civitan) Wheeling Squares 10th Birthday Bash at the 404 Rotary Adult Centre, 510 Dutton Drive, Wate&o from 8-l 1 p.m. Everyone welcome. For more info call 742-6369 or 885-5652. \ IMPRINT AGM Meeting - 12130 p.m. Campus Cenlre, room 140 (Imprint Office). If yau are an,undergraduate student at UW and have paid your Imprint fee, you are entitled to attend and vote at this meeting. Finances and election of Board of Directors will take place.
Laundry Service
l l
Pogo’s Lounge The Coronet The Twist + Waterloo’s )tetwork Abel Driving School Eagle Driving School University of Toronto
l l
Off ice Supplies
Career Services Federation of Students St. Jeromes catholic Community
.4 Office l Office Centre
Copy Centre
Larry’s Hair Design/Sunsatlons Voila Hair Salon
Dr. Disc
Record Stores Recreation
Erbsville Kartway K-W Oktoberfest
l l
Copying & Mail Supplies l
Kitchener Transit R49gion of Waterloo Adventure Guide Mayan Crafts Patterson Saddlery Surrender Dorothy
Clothing 6 Equipment
Braun’s Bicycle . l Gus Maue Sports 9 tiggy’s Cycle 6 Sport l
Flowers & Gifts
Food 81 Restaurants Aladdin Restaurant *A&W . l East Side Mario’s l Fult Circle Foods * Gino’s Pizza l King Kong Subs l Little Caesar’s Pkza + Schlotzky’s l 7. J. Cinnamons
Off Campus Education
Clothing/AccessoriesAccessories l
l l
Cities of Kitchener/Waterloo l
& Rays Laundry
Night Spots
Campus Groups & S&vices l
Gallery North
Health & Fitness
Auf0 Dealers/Services
Arts/Entertainment qCCKWA Cbbbtestone
Amnesty Intcrnstional Group 9 wilt meet at the Waterloo Public Library. New member orientation at 7100 p.m. Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Everywone welcomb. For more info 579-0326 or 884- 1850.
Future Shop Hosanna S&ware Microway PC Factory Steve’s TV three T’s Info. Systems UW Computer Store
+ Space
Self Storage!
Taxi Waterloo
Taxi video
. Jumbo Video Val’s Video
170 UNIVERS1TY. w., WATERLOO UNwERslTY SHOPS PIAZA [II TEL 748-453 43X 746-6673:~