The Uw Campus Ret Sailing Club has now begun its season. Call president Mike Kern at 747-2176 to find out more.
VoLUNTmMRS The Student Volunteer Centre is located in CC206. Information on the following (and other) volunteer opportunities can be obtained by calling Ext. 2051 or dropping by the office. Regular off ice hours: Monday & Wednesday IO:30 to 12:30 and Friday 1200 to 1:OO. Core Uteraq - volunteer tutors needed to provide one-to-one tutoring for adults and youth who want to improve their reading, writing and basic math skills. Call 7436090. Green Ctice - Environmental conference to be held this November, requires volunteers for organization, fundraising, accommodations. MacGw Fublh School - students needed that are interested in helping with Grade 7 and 8 French classes. M for Persons with Disabilities Office - persons needed to assist students with disabilities with reading, library work and note-taking. Girl Guidee - assistant needed Tuesday evenings 6-8 p.m. to work with girls aged 9- 11. No previous guiding experience necessary. CedarbraePublicSchml-workin aschool setting, Grades K - 6. Friends is a school. volunteer program where a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need: male and female volunteers 18 years of age and over. Call 742-4380 to book .an interview. Inolcing for good resume experience? How about volunteering at the Sexuality Resource Centre. If interested call Joan at 885- 12 11, ext. 2306 or leave a message at the Fed Office. PIa~ed Parentlwod needs volunteers to sell buttons at Oktoberfest Oct. 11 to Oct. 19. Volunteers will get in free but must commit to sell for 2 to 3 hours, 7-l 0 p.m. If interested call Linda at 696-3206 after 6 p.m. Vdunm Fair ‘91 - presented by the Volunteer Action Centre - held Oct. 18 and 19 at Fairview Park Mall, Lots of opportunities with over 40 volunteer agencies. .
clowns, face painters, mimes, jugglers, etc. needed for Volunteer Fair. Minimum 2 hours time on Saturday, Oct. 19. Call 886-
Xerox 5080 Copier - black and white reductions, enlargements 45% up to 200%, 3 feet wide by any manageable length. Electronic edit. Introductory Sale 5O@ per square foot (half price} until October 18. ES Graphics Lab, ES II, r6om 277. JoIn the Conspiracy of Hope! Get involved with Amnesty International Group 118. Weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. in CC135. Edmtion tal,I~~ - come and meet reoresentatives from the Faculties of Edudation. They will be highlighting admission requirements and answering questions. University of Toronto, Wed., Oct. 16 at 9:30 to 10:30 NH3001 ; University of Western Ont. Thurs., Oct. 17 at 9:30 to IO:30 DC 1302.
1 Renifmn College is now accepting from residence apflications undergraduate students for the winter 1992 term. For further infornation, please call 884-4400. Would myone who is interested in assisting students with disabilities for the Fall Term 1991, with reading, library assistance, note-taking, please contact Jane Farley at Services for Persons with Disabilities Office, NH2051, ext. -5082. Look forward to hearing from you! Art Galery Kitchener/Waterloo Exhibitions on view - “The Human Form” Aug. 11 to Dec. 29 ; “Walter Bachinski” -Sept. 12 to Oct. 27 ; “Fred J. Pitts” - Oct. 3 to Oct. 27 ; “Michaet Boss” - Oct. 3 1to Jan.
5/92 ; “Expressions
Seagram Mm - “The Wine Cellar” opened from May I to October 31 from IO a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission is free. For info contact Lynne Paquette at 8851857. ~n&msne&dfor the R.O.O.F. Library Program - books, magazines, art supplies, paper, and shelves are needed for our front line counselting service for youth. If YOU would like to donate some items please call Elaine 743-6090 or Gerrard 742-2788.
Fellowship evening
service. 163 University Ave., W. (MSA), apt. 321 at 7:OO p.m. All are welcome. For
NOONHOUR LECTURES Fall l!wl Speakers am invited from the UW or WLU to give infomal lectures at the KPL Main Branch. Oct. 21 - Canada/Quebec: Prospects for the Future, Dr. Srian Tanguag, WLU, Dept. of Political Science. O& 28 - Balancing Needs and Resources for the Cii of Kitchener, Tom McKay. NoONHCWRBOOKREVEWS
Oqt. 17 - 12: 15 - Heather Roberston. Oct. 24 - 12: 15 - Roy bonisteel. Oct. 31- q2: 15 - Veronica Ross.
The &ace & Conflict Studies department is hosting an exhibition of African art, “Africa: Art of the Poeple” in the dining room from September 17 until October 29, 1991. Free admission - for info call 8850220, ext. 265.
Adult Ead&ment Lecture & lunch series. Cost is $tO,‘per session (inc!uding lunch), $6.00 for lecture alone, or $50. fcr the series. The series will be held in the Great Hall beginning at lo:30 a.m. Register at the first session. ock 21 - “Rediscovering China - Bert Lobe”. Oct. 28 - “The Arms Trade and M i Iitarism in the Third World - Ernie Regehr”. Nov. 4 - “The Middle East: Hopes and Fears in the Holy Land - Tom Yoder Neufeld”. Nov. 11 - “The Soviet &ion: Interpreting the Current Crisis - Leonard Friesen”. FALL CONCERTS All events are FREE and take place in the
Chapet at 12:30 p.m.. Wd, 0ct. 23 - Music from Renaissance to Contemporary Wed., Nov. 6 - 19th Century Virtuosic Piano Music Wed., Nov. 27 - 20th Century Avant Garde Piano Music %CHOi.ARSHlP
The application deadline will be October 31, 1991, unless otherwise stated. The following awards are currently available: (* means there is a Special Application which can be obtained from the Student Awards Off ice.)
ALL FACULTIES *Don Hayes Award - Deadline: January 11, 1992. *Mike Moser Bursary - Deadtine: November 30, 1991.
Lam’61 EvangelhI Fellowship Bib% Stidy. DCI304- at 7:30 p.m. All are wey;me. For more information, call 884-
Free Es~antc~ classes - come learn the international language, Beginners meet from 790 o.m. to 8:30 o.m. and gdvanced students f;om 8:45 P.&I. to 1O:OOp.m. in MC4062. The text is “Teach Yourself
Esperanto” by Cresswell and Hartley. No registration is necessary.
Tore information, call 884-57 12. MONDAY
TkSt~dent Christian Movement (SCM) meets regularly at 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. We are an ecumemical group of students, interested in integrating faith and social justice. New members welcome! For more infocalt p.m. to 10 p.m weekdays (information and Sheilagh at 725-8047 or Bruce at 725-
Jw Recycles Meeting from 4-5 p.m., CC GLLUW - (Gay and Lesbian Liberetlon of I38A. Students involved in recycling come Waterloo) Coffeehouse - informal discussion and meeting. 9 to 11 p.m. in ML 104. ind out what’s happening on Campus. Our phoneline 864-GLOW operates 7 RVDRY Tu8SDAY Espera~~ti Club Lunch: Come experience the international language in action. 12:OO p.m. to 1:OO p.m. in the Modern Committee upstairs at the Grad House at 12 noon. Last meeting is Dec. 5. Ali women graduate students encouraged to participate in planning events and acting on university committees. -UW mve Conservatives meet to
HOLIDAY HOURS The library wilt be closed at all locations: Monday, Sept. 2 - Labour Day. NEwHoc . effective: Sept. 3 Monday to Thursday 9:3O - 9:OO ;‘ Friday 9130 - 530 ; Saturday 9:00 - 530 ; Sunday 1:UO - 500 (effective Sept. 8) LJlunmslTY
Languages Efeteria. GSA Women’s tssues
17” - Nov. 3 to Dec. 15
; “The White Line: Canadian Engravings” -Nov. 7 to Dec. 22.
Lipid Clix& - a nutrition seminar on healthy eating to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels is being held for students at Health and Safety, room 127 on Wed., Oct. 23 from 12:30 to 1:20 p.m. Please pre-register at Info Desk at Health and Safety or call ext. 2424 - bring your lunch.
The Commmity Opportunities Development Association and the Kitchener Small Business SelfHelp Office is seekiing the services of two volunteers. The services of a graphic artist and desktop publisher are required to assist with the revision of a 50 page booktel with the prominent credit in the publication for their work. Contact Wes Worsfold at 740-9694 or Terry Smye at 741-2604.
discuss activities.
world New
events members
and are
organize always
welcome! Meetings are at 530 p.m. in MC,
peer counselling),
Resource Centre - open till 7 p.m.
mry Thursday from Sept. 12 to Nov. 28. Research employers, Occupations and
more. U&xl Church Campus Ministry prayers, bible study and discuSsion in Wesley Chapel, St. Paui’s College at 8:30 a.m.. All are welcome.
Tom York Memorial Award -essay approx. : 2nd year Actuarial Science). 2,500 words, interested candidates should submit essay to- St. Paul’s United FACULTY OF SCIENCE College. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship - (available to 2nd year or 2B FACULTY OF ARTS Earth Science). Arts Student Union Award - Deadline: David M. Forget Memorial Award in GeolOctober 31, 1991ogy - (available to 2A Earth Science, see department). FACUWY OF ENGINEERING Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - (available Anderson Consu tting Scholarship - (avai Ito 3B Earth Science/Water ResOurCe able to 4A Engineering) - Deadline: Mgt.). October 11,1991. ‘Bell Canada Engineering and Computer FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH Science Awards - (available to all 38) SCIENCES Deadline: October 11, 1991. Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursar& - (avail(available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiotogy) able to all Chemical). Deadline: January IO, 1992. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship Scholarship - (available to 36 (available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology) 6 Engineering students). Deadline: October 15, 1991. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. *Ron May Memorial Award - (available to Scholarship - (available to all 36) 3rd or 4th year Recreation) - Deadline: John Deere Limited Scholarship - (availOctober 15, f 991. able to all 38 Mechanical) - Deadline: November 29, 1991. T;or applIution forms and further informa‘Charles Deleuw Scholarship - (available tion please contact the Student Awards to all 3B Civil). Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall. Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship - (avaitable to 3B Chemicat). CARIIR DIIVILOPMRRT Randy Duxbury Memoriat Award - (avaitPRomAMs1001 able to all 38 Chemical). Gandalf Data Limited Award - (available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Strong Interest Inventory - discover how Engineering 1B and above). Murata Erie North America, Ltd. Award your interests relate to specific vocational (available to all 3B Computer). opportunities. Noreen Energy Computer Science, Tuesday, Oct. 15 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. RegisChemical and Geological Engineering ter at Counselling Services, NH 2080. Award - (available to Geological and Chemical year 2 or above). Myers-BType Indicator - discover Ontario Hydro Electrical Award - (available how your personal strengths relate to your to 28 Electrical). preferred ways of working. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - (available Tuesday, Oct. 15 - 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. to 38 Civil, Water Resource Mgt.). Register at Counsetling Services, NH Ready Mixed Concrete Association of 2080. Ontario Scholarship - (available to 3B Civil). MS. Yotles& Partners Limited Schotarship CARRDR PLARWIWO & JOB - (available to 38 Civil).
OF ENVIRONMJWTAL STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memoriial Award - (avail-
able to 3rd year Planning, preference to female applicants). Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - (available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt.) FACUTLY OF MATHEMATICS Anderson Consulting Scholarship - (available to 4A Math - Deadline: October 11, 1991.
*Bell Canada. Computer Science Awards (available to ait 36 or 3rd year) Regular Deadline: October 11, 1991. Etectrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - (available to 38 Computer Science). Sun Life of Canada Award - (available to
handouts available in Career Services, NH 1001, the week prior to workshop. ALL WORKSHOPS are held at NH, room 1020. planning For A Career - 1 hour - the foundation upon which all job search activities -. are based. Thursday, Oct. 24 - 6100 to 7:00 p.m. ; hlov.
13 - 3.30
TIKle 8qllI k “Salat-lJlJuma” ( fbyef) from I:30 to 230 p.m. in 135. All Muslims are welcome.
cover the array of summer jobs available. Tuesday, Nov. 19 - 1 I:30 to 12:30 p.m. Owrrreas Jobs - 1 hour - discover ways and meansof finding jobs overseas. Tuesday, Nov. 5 - 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. R#ltprchins Employers - 1 hour - how to locate information about employers to prepare for jobs setection and interviews. Wednesday, Oct. 31 - I:30 to 2:30 p.m. y-0-l
~t-+wp-m - utilize strategres to obtain information. Thursday, Oct. 24 - 7:OO to 8:OO p.m. ; Wednesday, Nov. 13 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. mume Writing - 1 hour - techniques for writing an effective resume. Monday, Oct. 7 - f 2:30 to I:30 p.m. ; Monday, Oct. 21 - lo:30 to 1 I:30 a.m. ; Thursday, Oct. 31 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. ; Wednesday, Nov. 6 - 7:00 to 8100 p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 12 - t1:30 to 12:30 p.m. ; Monday, Nov. t8 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
- 2 hour - bring your
own resume for analysis by the group. Prerequisite: Resume Writing. Thursday, Oct. 17 - IO:30 to 12:30 p.m. ;
Wednesday, Oct. 23 - 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ; Monday, Oct. 28 - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. ; Friday, Nov. 8 - lf:30 to 1:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 12 - 690 to 8:OO p.m. ; Thursday, Nov. 21 - 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ; Monday, Nov. 25 - 3:30 to 530 p.m. Letter Writing - 1 hour - learn how to use letters to your advantage. Monday, Oct. 7 - 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. ; Monday, Oct. 21 - 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. ; Thursday, Oct. 31 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. ; Wednesday, Nov. 6 - 8;OO to 9:OO p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 12 - 12:30 to I:30 p.m. ; Monday, Nov. 18 - 4:30 to 530 p.m. Interview Slcills I - 1 hour - how to prepare effectively for a job interview.
Tuesday, Oct. 15 - 2:3O to3:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 5 - 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ; Monday, Nov. 11 - 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Sign-up sheets and workshop preparation
chineee CtiGan Fellowship meets at 7 p.m. in the Wilfrid Laurier Seminary Building. Join us for uplifting singing, investigative Bible studies and thought-provoking speakers. All are welcome.
Job Search - 1 hour - a look at creative and traditional methods of finding jobs. Tuesday, Oct. 22 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. ; Wednesday, Nov. 13 - lo:30 to 1I:30 a.m.
Summer Jobs - 1 hour - learn how to dis-
Interview SkiUs II - 1 hour - “Hands-on” session where you can practice answering questions asked at intervtews. Prerequlsite: Interview Skills I and reviewing handout. Tuesday, Oct. 15 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. ; TUES day, NOV. 5 - 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. ; Monday, NOV. 11 - 6:00 to 7:OO p.m. hMCw
- 2 hourc
- practice
selling your skills. Tuesday, Oct. 15 - 4:30 to6:30 p.m. ; Monday, NOV. 11 - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ; Tuesday, NOV. 26 - 2:30 to 4:4O p.m.
*continued to page 39
-. II
AM.* groups
$2.8M - less congestion
restored year’s decision.
by Peter Brown and UW News Bureau “Ah.” is back. Last Wednesday, Dr. Johnny Wang, Associate Provost (ComputInformation Systems) ing and announced that “(n)ewsgroups that are currently not supported will be reinstated as soon as possible.“These computer newsgroups include the “alt.” hierarchy, cancelled in April, 1990 by Wong because of budgetary restrictions. “After reviewing .the report of the Advisory Committee on Network News, and the comments that I’ve received, I am proceeding in accordance with the recommendations of that committee,” Wong said. This Advisory Committee was formed after a controversial debate over the reasons for the “alt.” group’s CancelIation. Some claimed that complaints about such explicit groups as “” prompted last
by Teresa Kennedy, Peter Brown, tid UW News Bureau
The Committee’s report, in May, 1991, recommehded
released that “it is
important that the University of Waterloo consult its user community when decisions must be made about the use of resources which are committed to E-mail and news.” It went on to say that the Committee sees “no need for a Committee, even of one, to monitor the contents of items, noting that the current daily volume of approximately 11 megabyte arriving at the University makes such monitoring impractical. Wong also announced Wednesday that Roger Watt of the Department of Computing Services (ext,’ 2491; emaik rwwatt at wat-servl.uWaterloo@ “has been appointed as a liaison person with respect to complaints related to the contents of electronic mail messages and news articles. ”
Fight the power and sexual harassment,
These issues are openly discussed in a group along and This past weekend, 1 along with 19 with many other concerns intimate stories. other women, experienced a -sensaFor those not able to make it, you tion that we never had before . . . empowerment. Yes, and to prove it, have another chance in November. we all have a lo-by-10 inch slab of Sessions will be held November 2-3 from 9 am to 5 pm. The student cost is wood chopped in half by our own $40.00 (regular $60.00), and trust me. hammerfists. . . it is worth every cent. If interested, Today, I think we are all walking of with our shoulders back and our please contact the Federation heads up high as a result of the setf- Students office. If you feel you may be interested in following up this basic confidence we now feel. This is in course witi and intermediate course, thanks to WEN-DO. WEN-DO stands for the way of please contact the Women’s Issues Board. women; a women’s selfdefense charitable organization whose objecI highly recommend taking WENtive it is to educate women in self- DO. It will turn you from a defensedefense. They teach techniques less victim into a woman aware of her ranging from verbal to physical self- environment and knowledgeable of defense. They also tell you the facts the many choices and techniques about family violence, sexual assault available to her. by Shelagh Bury Women’s Issues Board
UW President Douglas Wright announced the university’s purchase of a new building at the board of governors meeting October 1.
OFS... later, dude by Dave Thomson
The Federation of Students have decided to postpone the referendum on whether or not Waterloo will pull out of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) until February 11 and 12, 1992, from the previously planned dates of November 26 and 27 of this year. The Federation executive received approval for the change in dates from 14 of the 26 Student Councillors by telephone last Wednesday, October 9. They sent a letter to OFS Chairperson Laurie Kingston informing her of the change, citing fiscal reasons: “the costs of sending campaiagn material and ballots to our co-op students is between $3,000 and $4,000.” The Feds will also kiIl two birds with one stone, since February 1 I and 12 are the dates of the election of the Federationi executive. Fed President John Leddy hopes to have the Ontario
Funding AIliance (OUSFA) proposal completed by then “and we will have a specific alternative to offer UW stud&s.” OUSFA is an alternative lobby group formed by the student federations of Brock, Queen’s, and Waterloo, ail three of whom have spoken out against the OFS’ coecentration on so-called non-student issues.
Fight the epidemic by Robin Kalbfleisch special to Imprint
Women and AIDS and the issues surrounding the epidemic was the topic of discussion last Sunday afternoon at a lecture given by American singer-songwriter Holly Near. The event was part of AIDS Awareness Week, which was recognized kor the first time as a national event. Across Canada, the week of October 6-13 was set aside to promote a variety of programs and events designed to encourage education and awareness about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Holly Near, 42, has recorded 15 albums on her own Iabel, Redwood Records, and continues a stage, film, and television career that began over 20 years ago, Fiercely dedicated to the protection of human rights and the promotion of world peace and understanding. Near has been actively involved in a wide variety of. political and social movements, including the fight against AIDS. Near began Sunday’s lecture by offering
at the
challenges that we face as we deal with the reality of a crisis that is as big and as misunderstood as AIDS. According to Near, the key to understanding the issues surrounding AIDS is the ability to be highly
sensitized to diversity. Clearly, AIDS is a disease which cannot be defined on the basis of age, sex, clasS, or sexual preference. In order to move forward in the fight against this disease, we must get rid of the notion that it affects the gay men’s community only. As well, we have to realize that there are a number of economic and social factors which have contributed to the spread of the disease. Fur example,
AiDS is presently
number one cause of death for poor women of colour in New York City. Because these women cannot afford to take time off work, or pay a babysitter to watch their children, they rarely visit the doctor. By the time they
actually seek medical attention it is usually too late. Worse yet, doctors often do not think to test women for AIDS, as many symptoms of the disease may be attributed to other more common medical problems. Therefore, to develop the most effective AIDS prevention and awareness programs, policy makers need to look at the whole picture. Presently, the problem is that these programs are developed based on a white, middle-class perspective of the disease. As a result, many groups, such as prostitutes and drug abusers, are falling through the cracks. Holly Near remains optimistic, however, that there is a lot that can be done, particularly at the coinmunity level, to raise awareness about AIDS and to provide those necessary services that are not readily available. In New York City for example, members of a senior citizens group make meals, do grocery shopping and laundry and look after pets for people with AIDS. In conclusion, Near urged the audience to be persistent. After working for nearly 25 years for a variety of advocacies and coalitions, she
remains a firm believer in the the power of the human race to rise to the occasion. Given the serious nature of the AIDS crisis, let’s hope that we can live up to the rhallenge.
Purchase df the former “‘B.F. Goodrich” buiiding, located at 195 Columbia Street is effective November 1, but BFG wilI continue to use about a quarter of the building’s space for <another two years. The 36,50Osquare-foot building, with just over two acres of property, contains offices, laboratories and warehouse space. AIan George, UW’s Vice-President Academic and Provost, said no decision has been made yet on which departments will move into the building. Space is at a premium, he said, as several departments currently have to use portable buildings. “We are severely congested on campus,” George said. “The university has a number of portables and we have a steady stream of requests for additional ones.” The building cost $2.8 million, paid for out of the university’s $5.&million capital fund. George said it was far cheaper to purchase a building needing few renovations than to construct a new one. John Leddy, UW Federation of Skdents President, refused to vote in favour of the purchase at the University’s Building and Properties Committee meeting because he suspects the space wilI be used as administrative, rather than teaching space.
“I believe that there are other more important priorities that are directly student related,“Leddy said. “I do noI deny that administrative space is congested, but at this teaching; institution, student space, like classrooms, should be given a higher priority, I just hope that if we ever build a student centre here on campus, there will be the same sort of dollars available from the administration.” Other news from last wkek$ board of governors meeting includes UW’s burgeoning enroIlment, 5 per cent higher this fall than projected. The science faculty must absorb the largest jump at 30 per cent, while both arts and environmental stuares were up 9 per cent. At the B~G,~Associate Provost Alan George described predicting first-year enrollment as an imprecise science, saying that such factors as diverse as Waterloo’s improving and the economic reputation downturn can easily skew the numhers of first-year students from what was expected. When deciding how many students they want, programs musl try to estimate the “take rate,” George said. This rate is the percentage of applicants who will accept Waterloo’s invitation over those of other institutions.
Esperanza by Katha Cove-Shannon SpeciaI to Imprint In El Salvadoi, community organizations are the life support systems for the majority of the people. Community organizations, such as women’s groups, trade unions, afid church groups offer the El Salvadoran people basic necessities as well as security. They offer support for the people, and a chance to work together to better their lives. Yet, any &Ii&ion with a communiv organization could mean death. For the past 11 years, the govemment of El Salvador - a military dictatorship - has been waging war against the people of El Salvador. Especially since 1989, ‘the popular movement - a term used to collectively describe community organizations - has been a main target for the government’s army and death squads. Anyone trying to improve the standard of living of the people - for example, a women’s group trying to get taxes lower on food since children are already malnourished - will face being put on a death list. The popular movement has become a refuge for those people
by the govem-
merit. The -in organized faction against which the government is fighting is the Farabundo Marti National L&eration Front (FMLN) which was organized in response to the dictatorship. Through the yea-, they have secured land in northern El Salvador. The ongoing war has devastated the entire country economically and environmentally. Recently, however, the people of El Salvador have been given real hope. On September 25,1991, the govemmerit
and political agreement with the FMLN in which the armed forces will be reduced in number and purged of human rights violators. F6ILN combatants will be permitted to enter a new d&an
police force, and a band
reform will be instituted. A National Committee for the Consolidation 01 Peace (COPAY), made up of FMLN, government, and popular movemenl representatives, will oversee the implementation of the accord. The war, however, is still ongoing. A ceasefire negotiation between the Salvadoran government and the FMLN started on October 12, but the death threats and disappearances continue in the meantime. Although real hope for peace is more apparent now than it has been for the 11 years of war, there is a fair distance to go before the Salvadoran people can ‘safely start rebuilding their lives. An organization in Canada, called Esperanza (which means “hope” in Spanish), works in affiliation with the popular movements in El Salvador. Esperanza provides moral, material, and economic support to community-based organizations, providing aid for community projects decided upon and organized by communities in El Salvador. Esperanza has set up an Urgent Action letterwriting network, placing fax machines in several places in El Salvador. This means that information of injustices can be immediately sent to Canada so that Canadians can respond quickly with faxes and letters to the Salvadoran and Canadian governments asking that these injustices be stopped. Esperanza also organizes tours in which Canadians can go to El Salvador and meet with members of the popular movement. Salvadorans are also brought to Canada to speak .and meet with community organizations here in Canada. This provides an opportunity for greater understanding between our two countries. If you are interested in jo&g EspeEinZa Or if you just want to learn more about what is happ&g h a
Salvador, come to the meeting on October 16 at 7 pm in Campus Centre MA. For more information, call MMCO at the Global Community Centre, 746-4090.
11 1991
Reform’s ibknnhg draws prgtestors
Week working for social justice in this year’s “Green Week” activities. We hope that our “Green Week” itinerary will challenge all of us to more deeply examine the ways in which the choices we make in our personal and political lives often have complex and far-reaching environmental consequences. The goal of this year’s “Green Week“ is to address environmental issues from various perspectives. WPIRG plans to include contributions from members of the University and Waterloo-area communities and, at the same time, to educate and encourage action in the name of ecological sanity within the same broad milieu. WPIRG’s “Leaf Turning Days” will include speakers, audio-visual presentations, displays, and panel discussions. The planning of “Not Another Green Week” is currently under way, however, and with one month remaining there is much that needs to be done. The involvement of students in planning is an essential step toward achieving our goals There will be a meeting for anyone who is interested in being involved in “Green Week” preparations on Wednesday, October 16, at 4:30 pm, in room 138A of the Campus Centre. If you would like to participate in the planning and implementation of “Not Another Green Week,” please feel free to contact Scott Marratto at the WPIRG office, ext. 2578 or 8849020.
by Scott Marratto WPIRG
byBryan Smyth special to Imprint On October 2, a small group of people, mainly UW students, protes:ed outside Kitchener Memorial Auditorium where Preston Manning, leader of the Reform Party of Canada, was scheduled to speak. The crowd was concerned that the attention directed at the Reform Party recently was failing to suppIy an accurate picture of how this party would behave were it to form a government. “Canadians are only ge&g half the story,” said protestor Scott Minz; “It sounds fine to calI for a balanced budget, but talk is cheap. If they really intend to fight the deficit by closing hospitals, slashing UK while increasing unemployment through public service layoffs, then they ought to just say so/ According to their handbook of pdicies and principles, the Reform Party would not support universal social programs nor universal childcare. They would back out of providing Unemployment Insurance, and make transfer payments for health care unconditional so that these may be used for other projects (deficit reduction, for example). Also, they call for the sacking of thousands of civil servants. “No working Canadian is drawn to the Reform Party’s fiscal program,” Andrew Cowan told a group entering the Auditorium. “If the Tories tried to sell those policies, they’d be even more despised than they already are. No, the appeal of Reform lies elsewhere.” At the time of its founding in 1987, the chief concerns of the Reform Party were Senate reform, regional economics, and to a lesser extent, language policy. The Meech Lake Accord (MLA) was signed that same year, with the “distinct society” clause virtually unnoticed. The only worry was about the ‘balkaniz+tion” of Canad;.
It was not until the Supreme Court struck down Quebec’s Bill 101, leading to a resusence of large-scale nationalist sentiment on the streets of ’ Qubec - which led in turn to Premier Bourassa invoking the “notwithstanding” clause to pass Bill 178 - that the public debate around the MLA changed. A hysterical reaction swept English Canada, as “distinct society” came ‘to mean the oppression of anglophones. Only then did fringe parties like the Reform Party and the Confederation of Regions Party (OR) begin to grow considerably. “The Reform Party today is thoroughly tainted with anti-Quebec bigotry,” Mintz said. ‘They owe their rise to the widespread belief that the problem with the Tories is that they are soft on Quebec.” The protesters drew links between the Reform Party’s position on Quebec and their other controversial policies, those regarding immigration and multiculturalism. “Nationalism in English Canada has made Quebec-bashing a respectable racism. This opens the door for more virulent policies,” according to Cowan. Not too long ago, the Reform Party was openly calling for an end to ‘Third World” immigration. This has been toned down to opposition to any immigration policy that would
PRESTO! photo by Joanne Sandrin “radically or suddenly alter the ethnic makeup of Canada.” Since the Reform Party’s “new of Canada treats even model” Quebec as a “special interest group,” it is not surprising that they oppose all government support for multicultural programs. Groups can freely promote their ethnicity, their policies read, but the Reform Party stands for the “integration of immigrants to Canada into the mainstream of Canadian life.” Hyphenated Canadianism is opposed as a federal policy, but according to many of those attending’ Manning’s speech, it is an opposed “Why these practice. can’t immigrants understand that we want them to be Canadians, plain and simple. Don’t they see the problems they’re causing?“, in the words of one Reformer. The protestors also criticized the Reform Party’s policies for their
Seven days of focusing; on issues pertaining to the environment makes one week, and so if you are saying to yourself, “not another green beck!“, you would be absolutely right. UW’S second annual “Not Another Green Week” is fast approaching, Starting November 11, the clubs and societies of UW will kick off this year’s “Not Another Green Week” with presentations and displays. From Wednesday, November 13 to November 16, the Saturday, Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) will host a series of presentations on campus, local, and global issues related to water, forests, and waste management. energy, WPIRG”’ “Leaf Turning Days” will focus on the ways in which issues r&ted to ecology are connected with a broad range of other issues that arise in contemporary society. The coincidence of social injustice and environmental degradation is not a chance occurrence, but rather they must be seen as part of a general social malaise that threatens the future of life on our planet. It is precisely with the intent of shedding light on this interconnectedness of issues, and the resultant need for an integrated analysis and action, that WPIRG is seeking to involve the voices of native peoples, women, young people, and those effects on the gains achieved by the woman’s movement and the gay rights movement. They recognize the family as “the very foundation of organized society,” and not only do they oppose day-care, but also explicitly call upon the family to make up the difference if they get the chance to slash social services. “Their programs wouId rely upon a stable family-unit,” says M&z, “which has always required massive propaganda campaigns, as well as assaults on the rights of women to live independent lives, and assaults on the rights of lesbians and gay men to live and love otlenlv.” Though this‘ proiest was small, it involved a diverse group of people who see that the Reform Party has atready pulled Canadian politics to the right by defining certain issues. “None of the other parties will challenge them,” Cowan and Mintz agreed, “and that’s why we’re here tonight.“
sits in Waterloo by Jay Shorten special to Imprint Do you. think you could run the country better than Brian Mulroney? Are you a better orator than Jean Chretien? Are your ideas fresher than Audrey Mclaughlin’s? Are you more mysterious than Preston Manning? Do you have more charisma than Lucien Bouchard? In other words, are you politically frustrated because all your friends want to do is watch Roseanne? You have two options: a) watch Roseanne, or b) participate in the UW Model Parliament. Option b is much more exciting. The Model Parliament is a simulation of the House of Commons, in which students representing the political parties produce, present, and debate bills with their peers. Possible topics for this year include: parliamentary reform, multiculturalism/bilingualism, free trade with Mexitio, Aboriginal affairs, ecological issues, and foreign aid. Question Period, scandals, and various floor-crossings keep members of Model Parliament on their toes. Lunch provides a pleasant break between the morning and afternoon sessions. Governor-General, As His Worship Brian Turnbull will open and close the Model Parliament with the Throne Speech and Royal Assent. Various local dignitaries will make their appearance as Senators. The Model Parliament takes place at the Davis Centre (room 1351) on Friday, October 18 (6 to 9 pm). The $10 fee for participation pays for lgzw.etand a Model Parliament . Interested people should either contact Jay Shorten at 746-2627 or I&in Schnarr at 886-5503, or leave a message at the UW Political Science Students’ Association Office (Hagey Hall room 345).
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Imprint, Friday, October 11, 1991 i
Friendly Fed Update As of September 1991, Uw students found themselves paying an extra three per cent administrative tax on their Canada Student Loans. What this means is that if you get a $5,000 loan, you have to pay $150 up front in order to receive it.
It’s difficult to understand how a student in need of a loan would be able to pay $150 to get it. That same student would then be paying interest on a $5,150 loan. About half of the students in Canada depend on the Canada Shtdent Loans program to help pay for their education. The number of students receiving aid should serve as indication of our financial status. This tax forces students to incur an even greater debt load.
The Written*Word by Sharon Malloch qkial to Imprint
WHAT CAN YOU Do? - sign the petition in the Campus Centre next week. 1s quality in documentation defin- sign up in the Fed Office to take able? Are there formulas to create or the bus leaving the Campus Centre assure it? These and many other next Thursday at 11:OO am to Queen’s questions were addressed by the Park to participate in a protest on world’s leading documentation National Students Day., specialists at The First Conference on - visit the Fed Office, CC 235 for On Quality in Documentation. more information. October 3 and 4, 118 experts from PS - Our football Warriors play Canada, Britain, Australia, and the Western next Saturday, October 19 at United States convened at University Western. Remember, it’s Western’s of Waterloo’s Davis Centre to explore Homecoming - wouldn’t it be nice . factors affecting documentation to see more fans in lederhosen than in quaw? purple? Bus tickets are $7.00 and Nine speakers presented practical game tickets are $5,00. Return Saturand relevant information to technical day evening for Oktoberfest celebeditors, publication writers, rations and the Jays Game at both Fed managers, academics, engineers, and Hall and the Bombshelter. software developers. Session topics PPS - Don’t forget that the Feds included: “Using Colour to Improve are presenting Tom Cochrane on Information Presentation,” ‘Plain October 24 at Fed Hail. Language and the Law,” “Improving Documentation With Hands-On Pro-
Extend foreign debt relief? by Kim Fawcett spf!ciaI to Imprint
Imagine living in a country where the unemployment rate is 50 per cent. Most people cannot afford all the food they need to survive. Health services, amongst others, are cut regularly, and some hospitals don’t even have medicines. Education is increasingly, if not already, inaccessible. Imagine this and you imagine much of the third world, the topic of last Tuesday’s lecture on “Canada’s Role in the International Community.” The third partaf a series sponsored - by the Global Community Centre and the Kitchener Public Library, the evening invoIved a panel discussion fol1owed by a question period. On the panel were Adilia Aviles, Denis Howlett, Jerome Quigley, Allan Culham, and moderator Lucia Harrison. The overall aims were to educate people about third world debt, to dispel common myths, and ultimately to promote action amongst Canadians. The third world country described earlier is none other than Nicaragua, the home of Adilia Aviles. Her aim in speaking was to emphasize the fact that many third world “assistance” programs accomplish just the opposite. From her position as a leader in the Women’s Secretariat of the Federation of Cattle Workers, a union, she drew practical examples of how such measures as the forced privatization of state farms are increasing unemployment, eroding the standard of living, and actually undermining the economy. Addressing specifw issues, such as structural adjustment, she claimed ” they always hurt the poor countries and
Howlett further pointed out that the Canadian government is one of the strongest supporters of these programs. What we need lo do, he claimed, is place more emphasis on giving third world nations the money they need to develop, and put less on forcing repayment in ways resulting in the very destruction of those same countries. “What is really needed is for the Canadian government to extend further debt relief,” he said. We are n’o longer at a point where the third world is merely behind us - we are at a point where they are actually deteriorating.
Allan Culham, from the policy branch of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), was more supportive of governmental programs. However, he stated, it remains for many governments and international organizations to realize one fundamental truth, “the problem
is that many of these indebted countries are merely insolvent.” They will not be able to repay their debts and, therefore, we ought to strive for debt cancellation. This would cost developed nations such as Canada very little, but would place third world countries in a very good position for economic recovery. Other reforms would also be necessary, of preferably of a type course “empowering people at the lowest levels, allowing them more control of their own economic and political systems.”
ing. ’
The First Conference on Quality in Documentation was sponsored by the Centre for Professional Writing. Located in Hagey Hall, the Centre is a complete documentation facility, performing research into written and
Campus cross-current by D. Campbell Imprint staff It is a well-known fact that our University is the center of the known Universe but that doesn’t mean that nothing happens elsewhere. SO in an effort to combat this ignorance, we at Imprint proudly present a listing of some of the important even& in the world around us: At the U. of Guelph, October 24 to 26 - A conference on Canadian Unity featuring some fairly big names including: Jean Beliard, the former French ambassador to Canada; William Montour, the Chief of the Six Nations Council; Pierre Fortin, a member of the Belanger-Campeau Commission. At Wilfrid Laurier: October 10 - A concert of chamber music featuring Paul Pulford as co-ordinator at 8 pm. Admission is free for all students and physically challenged people, $6.00 for Adults and $3.00 for Seniors. October 16 - A lecture discussing aid to the Third World by George Silberbauer, a social anthropologist, at 8 pm, John Aird Centre recital hall* October 17 - Music At voon, a free concert, beginning at noon in the John Aird Centre recital hall will feature the Meridian Ensemble.
A Healthy Career Choice! .
It seems, from the points made by most of the speakers, that Canada and other countries must reconsider their third world “aid” programs. They too often hurt the people they are sup posed to help. In terms of third world debt, many countries are being trapped in a vicious circle trying to repay. Debt cancellation may be the best, or only, solution It is time to accept that third world debt is more than an issue of money - it is a human issue.
oral communication, language, and advanced communications rechnology. The Centre offers consulting and contracting services to the Ontario business community, regularly holding seminars, workshops and courses on business, professional, and technical writing. In addition to the nine full-time and tkee part-time staff members at the Centre for Professional Writing Dr. Paul Beam, associate professor in . the Deparbnent of English, is the centre Chairman. Beam describes the confe;knce focus as “having a preoccupation with u&g language and text to heIp people learn, and deal with computer technology on a dayThe humanitarian to-day basis.” aspect was an important part of the conference. Due to the great success of The First Conference on Quality in Documentation, the University of Waterloo can anticipate a similar event in the spring of next year.
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the poor people.” David Howlett represented the Ecumenical Council for Economic Justice, an organization striving for research, political action, and education on global justice issues. One of his main points was that the structural adjustment programs mentioned by Mrs. Aviles “have been imposed in a cruel and unjust mahner.” The purpose is to force payment of debts with too little regard for human consequence.
and ‘Tiers to blem Solving” Quality in Document Design.” The conference keynote speaker was Dr. Patricia Wiight from Cambridge University. Wright is a member of the scientific staff of the Medical Research Council and has been working at the Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge, England for over 20 years. Her session entitled “Quality: An Excellent Idea?” contemplated the dark side of usability test&g. Wright suggested that there may be no universal solvent in language to guarantee quality. Rather, the future of usability may that documentation require specialists tackle individual probiems and situations through on-site test-
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Opinion: The opinion pages are designed for Imprint staff members or feature contkbutors to present their views on various iss‘ues. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Only articles clearly labelled “editorial” and unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
fireside chat >y Peter Brown Half a percentage point. Doesn’t sound like much, does it? That’s low much the NDP provincial government 7as cut from the operating grants for the proAnte’s colleges and universities. The 0.5 per cent chopped off of 7.3 per cent ncrease announced for this year translates Into $13 million, $9.1 million of that from Jniversities. The University of Waterloo’s increase was to be 6.55 per cent; now it is 6.05. 4Vhat does this mean in cash? According to the UW Gazette, this will cost UW $672,pOO, throwing the university’s operating budget into ?I $300JIOO projected deficit for 1991-92. The timing of this announcement by provinciat Treasurer Floyd Laughren is difficult for it just spent $2.8 million of its the University $5.8 million capital budget on purchasing the 5. F. Goodrich building at Phillip and Columbia Streets. This brings to mind two thoughts. One, what kind of priority does the University place on the quality of education for undergraduates when it is spending this kind of money in a period of such radical fiscal restraint? UW’s first-year enrollment was five per cent over expected figures this fall. So, first-year classes are five per cent more crowded than they were supposed to be, than they were last year. Of course, the University does not have any control of how many students accept offers to attend this institution, but this fact does not help the undergrads who must deal with tess personal attention, more multiple-choice and other bulk methods of testing, and a general deterioration of the quality of their learning. The other thought that the cuts bring to mind is the back-pedalling being done by the New Democratic government. This provincial government was handed a majority mandate to make changes where it saw fit and it now seems to be backing away from that power, almost cowering at the consequences 01 incurring a deficit. The thing that the N DP is forgetting is that, in the 199Os, economic growth will not be generated by building factories or pumping money into existing industries. Such growth will only come with innovation, the kind that is driven by knowledge and technology. AZ much as we artsies hereat UW hate to admit it, it is our engineering and computer science brothers, and all of those studying technological and applied science fields, who wil generate economic growth in the future. What the NDP is doing is as misguided a$ the federal government’s squeezing of i& transfer payments to the provinces fol postsecondary education. Economic conservatives argue that deficit spending is borrowing from the future to whoop it up tod?y, mortgaging our grandchildren, so to speak. I would argue that exactly the opposite i: true where funding for postsecondary education is concerned. If we blindly cut programs ir search of the “balanced budget,” we run the risk of gutting investments in the future just for the sake of fiscal black ink. What is the point of having a balancec budget today if our society will not bE educated, our economy will be just a trading post for raw materials, and our low level o technological competitiveness will force us tc abandon the social programs that give uh some semblance of humanity? Whew. Nothing better than a good rant.
A devastat.hg . ,dearth -in our dear domain
The failure of the Meech Lake Accord has provided Canadians an historic opportunity to impact some influence on their future. This future can proceed to a liberatory society, able to meet the most basic needs of its people in a manner that is humane, yet respects the natural environment, or it can regress back to a smoke-and-mirror reformation of the status quo (read: Joe Clark’s constitutional reform proposals): it can allow citizens the chance to participate in the decision-making process that affects their local communities, their unique ecological and geographical regions, and ultimately, the collective consciousness rightly known as Canada, or it can maintain the hierarchical, antiquated, bureaucraticallycentralized nation-state, a sham representative parliamentary democracy described by George Woodcock as five-year fascism. By decreeing that aU Canadians from all walks of life have the chance to participate in the reformation of the constitution, albeit with no prospect of fundamental institutional change, Brian Mulroney has exchanged his gambling dice and closed boardroom for a carrot-on-a-stick and a wobbly roadshow cart, selling firewater, “magic bullet” pills, and other constitutional elixirs. Although I highly doubt the efficacy of my proposals, mainly because the ability of the individual in Western democracies to contribute constructive discourse on matters political, civil, and social has been eroded by the claims of self-appointed experts, bureaucratic elites, and our fallaciously-termed
ted representatives,” I suggest that each and every one of us should become involved in this constitutional crisis. If you think you’ve been worn down by “Meech this,” “Meech that,” and want no part of it, you only help to play into the hands of the current crop of powerbrokers.
The chilling aspect of this whole dilemma is the fact that the general populace, (that’s you and me and almost everyone you know) is a marginalized voice at best and a disinterested, apathetic, or plain ignorant weather vane at . worst. Only those with the connections, financial resources, and means to catch the ear of government have got their shit together. Whether they be laudable groups such as the Assembly of First Nations and the National Advisory Committee on the Status of Women - both of which barely manage to get the politicians and bureaucrats to acknowledge their concerns - or, the reactionary right led by the Refo,rm Party and the distinctly different Quebec sovereigntists, all final decisions that affect the individual will be retained by the executives of government. The first step towards a radical political revolution will be to return -the ultimate decision-making ability to the people. We can no longer justify the ineffectual mediation of those numbskulls we vote into parliament. Beyond that, I have no master plan, for that would be antithetical to the aims of popular sovereignty and freedom. Except this: the need for a confederal administration to implement the decisions of the general populace. The structure of power must be reversed; no longer can we take orders from above but that it should come from below. Everyone with a vision, or inmost instances myopic views, wants a stake in the New Canada. But I’m afraid we’ll never achieve a truly
if the
.............Emily Sutherland
addressed lo im
have in place now does not radically change. This presupposes an educated and wellinformed populace, one which our current educational system produces a dearth of, to use an ill-tasting economiktic metaphor. phillip
Imprint is:
Ret, Jan Norveson, k.ich Nichol, Pauline O&of, Doug Painter, Awey Peters, Melissa Pet&f, Petrus, Shea&h Pope, Michal Quigley, Victoria Seay, Frank Seglenieks, Jay Shorten and Bryan Smyth.
forum. L *i
Forum: The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present fheir views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your &wd, double-spaced letters to Imprint, Campus Centre 14, Mai1 can also be sent via e-mail to imprint@watservI.Waterloo-edu. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 5:00 pm Monday. The maximum -len@h for each entrv is 400 . -words, although longer pieces IIUY be accepted at the editor’s discreion. All material is subject to editing.
OFS wastes money!
Waterloo campus. The fideration of Students’ external commission should be setting up information tables in prominent campus locations and distributing post cards in classrooms to get students involved in the OFS campaign. Last weekend an OFS campaign committee meeting was held, no one from Waterloo attended. If the Feds want to have an impact on the OFS campaign and lobby strategy L&a or the external affairs commissioner should be attending these meetings. * In addition the OFS is more than willing to help students’ councils with awareness activities. They will assist in organizing an OSAP clinic or participate in an underfunding symposium. Waterloo has rareIy taken advantage of these opportunities On October 17 the OFS is hosting an underfunding rally at Queen’s Park. Many university student councils are renting busses so that interested students may attend. Why not use some of the $8,000 and make sure the University of Waterloo is represented at the Eilly. I also find it difficult to hear Lisa express, frustration about the June general meeting. While no one leaves the meetings completely satisfied (such is democracy), I don’t believe that the Feds gave it a fair chance. The Waterloo deIegates chose not to attend (or attended sporadically) important workshops such as ‘“The Funding of Ontario’s PostSecondary Institutions,” “‘An update on activities in the provincial legislature affecting post secondary education” and “the issue of facuIty renewal and why it affects students.” In addition the &ls chose to leave early and missed hearing the Minister of Colleges and Universities address the meeting and participate in a question and answer session. If some one gives the OFS a fair chance and is not satisfied I completely respect their right to say so but, I don’t believe the Federation of Students’ executive has done that. Previous Federation of Students’ executives who got involved with OFS and utilized the campaign
To the editor, In her letter (Imprint, October 4) Federation of Students’ Vice-President, Lisa Brice demonstrates thatshe really does not understand the Ontario Federation of Students. L&a suggests that it is appropriate to spend $8,000 on a fall referendum because “some simple accounting would show that the students will actually be saving money by making that decision in the fall.” This is simply incorrect. The OFS by-laws clearly state that membership starts and ends at June 30 each year therefore, if Waterloo undergraduate students chose to leave the OFS we would still have to pay fees until June 1992 whether the referendum is held in November or February. This is the same clause thatallowed us to become full memhens of the Canadian Federation of Students in November 1990 but meant that we did not have to start paying fees until June 1991. Thus once the facts are straight %ome simple accounting” shows &at it would be a complete waste to spend $8,000 in November for something we can get for next to nothing in February. Lisa also makes some general statements about the OFS. As someone who has been actively involved with the OFS for over three years I feel a few comments must be made. The OFS is only as strong as its members, it is the responsibility of the individual students’ councils to run the campaigns organized by the OFS. Waterloo has traditionally not petiormed well in this area. Right now campuses across the province are participating in a post-card campaign addressing the Rae gavemment’s lack of attention to university underfunding. I have not seen any sign of this campaign on the
materials found the organization to be a valuable resource. Why not spend the next couple of months participating in the OFS campaigns and rallies, participating in the campaigns committee and other committees, holdinp; an underfunding symposium and prepa&g properly for the January General Meeting. The refkrendum could then be held in Fe& ruary and every one will have given the OFS a. fair shake. All I am asking is for the Federation of Students to I) Get the facts straight, 2) Give the OFS a fair chance, and 3) Not to spend $8,000 this fall on something we get for nothingin February. g
rect supporters of the cause under question. Dave Thomson wants to show the world that he is on the vanguard of politically correctness by denouncing his patriarchal heritage. Like all zealots of ideology, he sees the world in black and white and feels justified in dismissing these who recognize that there is grey in the world - even in the world of -feminism. While patriarchy can benefit from the criticism it has received, it does society ill to treat every utterance of feminist rhetoric as sacrosanct. Perhaps “religious types”would not be such a negative appellation had the Christians, Jews, Moslems, etc., not done the same to their own cherished ideals. As for the “threatened males” it is ironic that male ego is appealed to in order to shame disagreeable men into agreement with feminist rhetoric. I was under the impression that the nineties type of politically correct Male was supposed to be vulnerable. Ah, the nineties challenge: to be vulnerable, but never threatened; to disagree, but never disagreeable.
Tim Jackson 4B Accounting
Edit& note: Tim Jackson is a former chairperson of the Ontario Federation of Students.
PC dies
M. J. Saltovaara Arts Grad 1990
To the editor,
Mr. ?homun
Dave Thomson thinks that ail politically incorrect men are either threatened males or religious types thatought to be ignored. Why, Dave? Why malign religious types? Did not r&gious zeal teach you artsy, intellectual, and politically correct types how to preach? How to deny an individual’s right to think for him or herself is an ancient art of polemics which preachers, politicians, teachers, pro-lifers, prwhoicers, feminists, politically coTect persons, media types, etc., all use in order to sway people to a particular of view. If someone has a differing point of view, &at person is maligned by well-meaning and cert&ly cor-
Sony to come wm
as being ‘@xuchy, “Mr. Salovaara, but opiniun pietm do gmemlly advocate one view, As a former member of Imprint SUI you have pw pugated your own views on the environment, demouacy, andeven vio/&e against women in a similar manner (q, “Yes, this comment piece is a bit One-sided and wactiunav . . . ” - Sept. 22, 1989)). And @eing a feminist wns me the label of being politicalty-comt, so be it
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Radical feminism has promoted ideas that sometimes deny basic feminine nature: radical birth control, delaying families as long as possible, dressing like men and being aggressive like men. I think that postfeminism is a gentler feminism, a kind of feminism that lets us really be proud to be female and everything that means pride in our bodies and emotions. Where radical feminism gave us confidence, post-feminism gives us pride. Post-feminism is the realization of both men and women that there isn’t anything wrong with taking time off from careers through time-sharing and parental leave so that both parents can share in day-to-day parenting - and both parents should! There isn’t anything wrong with wanting a career and a family so long as we are happy and respect the next person’s decision;, so many women stick their noses up at friends who opt to take time off to raise famiIies! Most men today are post-feminists. They don’t even think twice about whether we are equaI; they simply accept us as part of society. You are a feminist Alison, and you aren’t the onIy one who finds the word feminism j.ntimidating. Hopefully now you won’t find it as intimidating,
To the Editor, 1 am writing in response to Alison Feniak’s “I am not a Feminist”Ietter in last week’s issue. I would like to say “way to go!” to Alison - it’s really important that non-radical women start to speak up about sexism in a way that is nonoffending and nice to read. I would, however, like to say that you are a feminist, Alison! I realize that the word “feminist” is intimidating to a lot of people women just as much as men. However, think about it Alison, what does feminism mean and what has it brought us as women? There are degrees of feminism of course; radical feminists are the most visible and probably what everyone doesn’t want to be accused of being. I am not a radical feminist. I agree that changing “manhole” to “personhole” is silly and a waste of time and I cringe when the Lmprint prints womyn instead of woman simply because womyn brings up images of hairy, screaming, sometimes unreasonable radical feminists who want nothing to do with men and consider feminism a way to be ‘better” than men instead of a movement to achieve equality radical feminists take the idea too far. However, I do value what radical feminists have brought us: equality in the workplace, the right to vote, equality in education and society, heightened awareness of the problems of rape and pornography, and confidence in ourselves as people and equal members of societv. mey were attempting to attack the very base Df a male-dominated society and revolutionize it to create a society where equality of both sexes is accepted. Except for a few dull-headed rednecks I think that they got their message through to ;ociety. Look at what they have achieved - as a woman from a small northern town I now have options’to the old tradition of staying home, basically uneducated, and pumping out baby after baby. However, I really think that the feminist movement is evolving and that it’s time to move on from “radical man-hating” feminism to a movement called post-feminism. Most men consider women equal today. Most men respect women as a different but equal part of our society and there isn’t a big need for the revolutionary movement that radical feminists are stiIl trying to perpetuate.
Lba Murray 3N Biology
Team not club To the editor, This letter is intended as a clarification of the status of the University of Waterloo Rugby Club with respect to the article “Rugby Warriors Tour the East Coast” (Imprint, Sep tember 20,1991). It has been incorrectly presumed that the Rugby Varsity program and the Rugby Club program are one and the same when in fact they are not. The varsity side is the responsibility of the Athletic Department and as such, follows alI policies and regulations put forth by that department. The Rugby Club’s East Coast Tour was a club event, ahd not a tour by the University of Waterloo’s Varsity Rugby Team.
mug MiIburn President Utivesity
’ of Waterloo
Rugby Fmtball
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff From a television commercial: Two disgustingly middle-class
snot-nosed kids argue over what they’re going to be, what Ninja turtles, blah bl& blah. Their mother listens, flipsmiling at the innocence of youth. SuddenIy a picture of a poor Bolivian @(I think it was “Maria”) stares up from a page of the magazine. of course the point is made about the gap between the rich first world and the poor third world countries, and so on. Two points. First of all, is this kind of crap okay? A recent article in i?%eGlobe andMail discussed whether the “Send money or this child will die” campaign really works. The answer was yes and no. Although since the 1984-85 famine World Vision et al. has made over $200 million dolIars a year, the message and the visual stimulation has had to become more and more intense. People will become and have become more and more jaded to the pictures of starving children with bloated stomachs and “flies in eyes.” Does it work? People send in money steadily, even though most of them can’t remember to which organization. Exploitation works. Ads with little or no emotional appeal don’t get much response, and those trying to generate money have to use what works. But more to the point, do we really have to send in money? Is sending cash donations at all the most efficient way to solve the apparent problem of millions of starving people. Is it necessary? No. WhiIe piles of food bulge open the doors of storage bins around the world waiting to rot, people send in their five dollar donation& It doesn’t really seem to make any sense for people to even bother when the solution is simply to get governments to send the goods to the people in need. When farmers are paid not to produce, the short-term solution is readily at hand. The food can easily be shipped and air-lifted to the people in need. If world governments are really committed to helping those in need, there are simple ways to get the food to where it is needed. of course the argument is raised that if we do this, then the people in need will end up expecting this food regularly and wilI either “forget” or simply not want to become selfsufficient. Obviously this argument is extremely insulting to the people who are getting the food. To expect that they wiII become lazy after receiving food is rather offensive. Most of these people are victims of unjust policies enacted by governments in the middle of civil war. This may stop food from getting through, but hardly leads to forgetting how to provide food for oneself. Of course, delivering fmd is only a short-term remedy. For real be made, governme& have to stop using innocent people as pawns in their political games and allow the natural needs and desires of their people to be realized. If we want to help, then.reaIistic seals must be set akrd rtialistic means have to be put in plate.
they want from Chri&mas: ping through a magazine,
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save but still suffer
Students by Jean-Jacques
Thii month, several hundred thousand individuals of varied ages will start, or continue, their studies at Canada’s universities, colleges, and technical schools. For many, the venture will be costly. Most must accept Canada Student Loans or one of several provincial equivalents to finance their courses. Unfortunately, those financial packages often become substitutes for welfare and unemployment benefits in a society plagued by recession and unemployment. Many students, especially older ones with families to support, leave their studies with a degree but no adequate employment. Thus, they acquire a massive debt burden with no foreseeable prospect of repaying it. For those who qualify, interest relief, a more recent government mechanism to appease debtors, allows for three-month grace periods. This time span commences immediately after the initial six-month exemption duration following an official end to the student’s course. When interest relief is no longer feasible, former students often re-enter study programs only for loans to help support their families. Hence, their long-term debt intensifies. Many often retain a minimum “full-time student” status rather than face the dilemma of making loan payments which can reach hundreds of dollars per month. The Canada Student Loan program does not face the realities of today’s population, for whom “education” and training do not have an age or economic barrier. Furthermore, the government fails to recognize pragmatic and devastating effects of student loans for many recipients. I speak as an authority on the matter as I accumulated a $35,000 obligation to the Canadian government I am unable to repay it! However, I do possess an advantage over most loan recipients, having first-hand experience administering these loans. When they were introduced in the early 196OsJ processed many CSL applications as a loan officer with the Bank of Montreal. In the program’s early days, there was no regulated mans test. Therefore, many “poor little rich kids” took their maximum per annum allowance of $1,000 and used it to purchase a
650 WOOdlawn
car or go on lavish holidays. Previous to my university studies, my practical profession took me all over the world, mostly in refugee and disaster relief work. In 1983, at 40 years of age, I entered a BA program at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia. Married with three young children and a wife with considerable medical problems, I raced through eight consecutive semesters, emerging with a first-class honours degree. As I had spent about 15 years outside Canada, despite being a Canadian citizen, I was ineligible for provincial grants or bans. Therefore, I supplemented student loan advances with bursaries, scholarships, and several part-time jobs amounting to 25 hours a week This was no “vacation work,” but employment while undertaking an abovenormal course load of 18-20 class hours per week. Alas, I have painfully learned via my own endeavours and similar experiences of friends that neither the academic world nor general society genuinely respect success by underdog achievers. The real world of a single mother or seasoned career of a mature student with children are more a threat to the academic professor who scorns practical experience. To the prospective employer, practical experience, advancing age, and intelletial knowledge are not a profitable combination Nor are they a political advantage for the prospective employer’s authority image. Nonetheless, in 1986 we left Vancouver for my studies in Israel, and the London Scho1~1 of Economics in England to earn a PhD degree. My hope upqn completion was to acquire an adequate-paying pOsition to support my family. During this three-year period another $12,000wasaddedtoourloanburden,Un.fortunately, when Y finished the degree in 1989, there was no grlarantee of a job in Europe, Canada, the L’nited States, or elsewhere, Regardless, I returned to Vancouver, partly because I wanted to work out arrangements regarding my student loans. Initially, I received interest relief because I was unemployed. After several months of existing on BC’s draconian welfare system, I registered for three insignificant undergraduate courses merely to get some
aid from British Columbia’s Student Loan Program to help support my family. I also tried to secure a partial loan remission being operated by the BC government. However, initially turned down for spending three years in England and receiving s0me assistance via Ontario, I immediately sought legal advice. Upon that tounsel, I wrote directly to the government minister for higher education in BC only to receive another indifferent and pompous letter of rejection. During the summer of 1990, realizing no adequate employment in Canada was on the horizon, I received money from a British source to finance our return to Europe. Over a previous two-year period, I had applied for nearly 500 positions worldwide. The only positive developments came with temporary work on the Kurdish refugee problem in Northern Iraq, and a UK employment department program that will help me start up a smalI printing business. Technically, I am still eligible for interest relief because I have such a low income for a five-member family. However, despite my keeping a post office address in Vancouver, I am not officially eligible because my residency is not in Canada. Thus, in November 1990 I wrote detailed correspondence to 0ttawa and Victoria informing them that student loan burdens constitute 80 per cent of my financial obligations. In short, if I was not given the respect and consideration of a partial loan remission, I would be forced to file for a legal bankruptcy. The contents and urgency of my letter were essentially ignored. A response I did receive, blindly informing me of my legal responsibility to repay a.lI loans, came four months after my initial letter of November, 1990. Thus, I started. bankruptcy pr0ceedings through a trustee in Vancouver under the laws of British Columbia. My creditors quickly reSponded by hying to pressure my through debt collection M-Party agencies. Again, I fortunately possess an advantage that most students who owe loans do not have. Before I worked with the Bank of Montreal, I was a bad- debt collector with Canada’s largest finance 0 - u~y. I understand collection psycholog)l, Lnuw how these characters
operate, and fully comprehend the domestic and international legal parameters of credit and collections. When a couple of collection agencies 6x1: tacted me here in the UK, I mereIy filed a corn plaint with the appropriate British licensing agency and registered a harassment charge with the local police. After that action, my family received no further annoyance. My story of loan burden is not unusual. However, the method I use to alleviate the predicament probably is. Yet I stress that government agencies must be made aware of the realities faced by people who take out these loans. Practically, they are merely another form of welfare benefits, except that one has to legally repay them. In these times of high unemployment, poor economic perfonnance, age prejudice in hiring and sex discrimination, there is no guarantee of any single mother or older student with a family securing adequate employment when they finish their studies. Most student loan bad debts involvie this group of people. If someone takes but a leap to pursue studies, does poorly, or drops out for irresponsible reasons, he or she should be liable to repay that money. However, when one diligently pursues and achieves a goal, often while fulfilling stressful family responsibilities, he or she should be recognized for achieving that objective. Such reward could be to@ remission of the amount owed or a tax credit of comparable value. If you are able to repay student loans, naturdly make every effort to do so. However, if this debt is destroying you, your marriage or your family, do not hesitate to use all legal apparatus tcGGtigate pressure. Apply for bankruptcy if necessary, and when enough people do so, perhaps loan authorities and politicians will wake up to the ’ practical problems of financing higher education and t-raining throughout Canada
Jean-Jmqtm Mamtc7nt received his &4 at Simon Fraser Univemi@, his MA at Helms Universirty ofJmsulem, and hk MPtil and PhD ut the Lundon Sc?wol of Economics. He cwwntly resifik3 in J-mrley, @fold, UK
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10 Imprint, Friday, October 11, 1991
Pugwash by Shealagh
While I have long been interested in the issues of science, technology, and stiety, I have not been involved with Canadian Student Pugwash before. My only association with Pugwash is rather tenuous, and it is to the village of Pugwash in Nova Scotia, at that. Nonetheless, I have a Pugwash story to tell that illustrates what I see to be my role on the National Rdund Table on the Environment and the Economy. My boyfriend’s father and grandmother were born in Pugwash, NS. Colin cl+iis to be related,as I’m sure does everyone in Pugwash, to Cyrus Eaton, the philanthropist who funded the first Pugwash meetings back in 1957. Colin remembers being taken to Pugwash as a very little kid. What he remembers about the visit is being terrified of the dock that led to his grandfather’s boat. The dock had huge gaps between the boards and he could look down through these gaps and see the water far, far below. When Colin was taken back to Pugwash years later, everything had changed, or at least had seemed to. The dock was a dock of ordin;ary construction, with no great gaps to swallow a child down into the sea, There was nothing terrifying about it at all. I’m sure we all have had similar experiences of being taken back to places that held particular rein over our imaginations when we were younger only to discover the power gone tvlth the time passed. What I think is important about this story, and about other similar experiences, is the importance of perspective. The dock didn’t change - Colin did. And yet his interpretation of the dock as terrifying is no less real, or less important, for having been the impression of a child. In discussing the National Round TabIe on the Environment and the Economy and my role in this organization, I like to emphasize the idea of perspective. I rather imagine that the Round Table will be relieved to hear that I have come, just recently in fact, to the same conclusion that prompted them to invite youth members to several committees in the first place. As a youth, my view of the world
is fun! differs markedly from that of the-older members of the committee, something that I really didn’t believe at first. I believe now that the perspective of youth is the perspective of urgency and of questioning. Urgeticy - “Are we there yet?” - and questioning - “How do we get there?” and ‘Where are we going?” or perhaps more often, ‘Where are we being taken?” Back in 1969, ecologist Eugene Odum argued for the need of new forms of govemment to address the integration of human processes within ecological processes. “Governments are so fragmented and lacking in systems analysis capabilities that there is no effective mechanism whereby negative feedback signals can be received and acted on before there is a serious overshoot,” Odum said. “Society needs to and must find as quickly as possible a way to deal with the landscape as a whole so that manipulative skills (that is, technology) will not run too far ahead of our understanding of the impact of change.”
Round table prucessnew
to Canadiansystem The response that both Pugwash and the National Round Table have adopted is that of multidisciplinary consultation. By bringing together people of different backgrounds, expertise, and experience, and ultimately perspectives, we hope that new solutions will be advanced to the extremely complicated issues facing us today. Round tables are relatively new institutions in the Canadian political system. Traditionally, people with similar concerns, subh as trade associations or student organizations, come together to discuss how their interests can be furthered. In the round table process, it is the people with concerns traditionally thought to be competing that come together to discuss how the interests of society can be furthered.
In a sense, round tables are microcosms of society. Their membership is drawn from the political levels of government, the corporate sector, academic and research institutes, the scientific community, and a variety of public interest and professional groups. And of course, youth.
Shealagh Pope has just wnpleted a 12month term as youth representative to the Waste Reduction Commiflee of the National Round Table on the Economy and the Envirunment. The Round Table acts as a direct advisory budy to the F?ime Minister> ofice.
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AIDS Prevention Courtesy of M7aterloo Regional Health Unit AIDS Program and Uw Sexuality Resource Centre
Oral sex on a woman Again, a few people have gotten the AIDS virus from oral sex. Do not
You may call it a safe, a rubber or a condom. You probably already know it can prevent pregnancy. But a condom can also help protect you from AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The condom acts as a barrier. It covers the penis so that sperm does not get inside your partrier’s body. The condom also stops you and your partner from passing germs to each &her. To Drotect each other from sexuallv transhtted diseases, use latex co;doms for oral, anal and vaginaI sex. geth&&nlycahycondo~s plackkk;hen yoti~~plart to u
Choose a latex condom to protect your health. Do not use ‘natural’ lambskin condoms because they do not protect you against AIDS and some other diseases.
?here we no risk groups, just risk activities. These tik activities can affat anyone - women are no exception, Without a condom xx is a big risk.
Tallring be penis before$&ming.
Yom?,. wit@ $ermicide Ghh,&s foa&, :&earn or j$$1; &Q h+j&@t AIL@, .&her ,a&&@~ 3i&$&&t@ disea$@ ,#nd, .‘&nancyi “spg,$icides 491 *r& I$ames,<;of some spermici*s &e Delfen an$@nko. Be sure the p@.~~...~~~~::~~.~. orZ$& micide.“They can be bought in a drug store. Oral sex on a man A few people have gotten the AIDS virus from oral sex. Do not get semen in your mouth. For both partners to be safe, a man should put on an unlubricated latex condom before he puts his. penis in his partner’s
How is HIV transmitted? HIV is passed directly from one person to another via blood, semen or vaginal fluids. The virus can be transmitted from an infected mother to the child either during pregnancy or during birth - about l/3 of the babies born to HIV mothers will be infected.
Bringing up the subject of safer sex can be hard. Think about what you -want to say ahead of time. Choose a time to talk before that first intimate moment. Remember, starting to talk is the hardest part. Once you’ve both agreed to practice safer sex do something positive and fun - buy different brands - plan a special day when you can experiment. If your partner doesn’t agree, then just say NO to sex unless it’s SAFER SEX. How To Use a Condom 0pen the package carefully. Put it on right. Start the condom rolled up at the head of the hard penis. Pinch the air out of the tip to leave room for sperm - air bubbles
Your Partner
If you have had sex before, you or your partner could have a sexually ‘transmitted disease from a previous sex partner tithout knowing it. Use latex condoms to protect yourself and your partner. It’s better to be safe than sorry. The time to decide touse a condom is before you have sex. Now that you know that condoms are important, you can choose to make condoms an exciting part of your sex life. Better yet, decide with your partner.
Women have beenaffected by both HIV and AIDS since the beginning although it has only been recentIy that we have been acknowledged to be at risk. We generally protect ourselves against pregnancy, but the pill and other contraceptives wilI not protect us against HIV - only safer sex .. .
Safer Sex
Where to go for more information:
Here are Q list of sew.11 activities and their risk.
Sexuality outh, va - ’ - Solo 72 ut 21% g semen. k as%b f cants) ++ Receiviti oral se;with er (condo t I
and Services:
Health and Safety, UW
Resource cede,
- Campus Centre, Room 150A - 885-1211, ext.2306 - information and referrals about birth control, sexually transmitted diseases, planned and unplanned pregnancy, sexuality, and more Planned Parenthood, Waterloo
a late
Resion - 119 King St. W., Kitchener -
AIDS: ACCKWA (AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener-Waterloo & Area) - 741-8300 - information about AIDS; suppo>rt for HIV-positive people and PWA (persons with AIDS)
- Vag&l oral sex with/without a latex barrier, outside of menstruation - Fisting/getting fisted with latex glove Low Risk - Vaginal oral sex without latex barrier during menstruation - Giving a blow job and swallowing semen - Intercourse (vaginal or anal) with a latex condom - Fisting/getting fisted without a latex condom
Sexual Assault:
High Risk - Intercourse (vaginal or anal) without a latex condom - Sharing sex toys (without using latex condoms or cleaning with bleach/hot soapy water
women &AIDS But don’t use it regularly, nonoxynol: 9 can irritate the skin. , Never re-use a condom. It’s okay to keep condoms in your wallet for an evening but not longer. Body heat damages the condoms over time.
Things To Remember - Tallc to your partner about you play safer, - Always use latex condoms, tal dams, gloves. - Always use water based ricants. - Alcohol and drugs affect ability to make smarter, decisions. - Practise safer sex with alI partners.
how den-
- 850King
St. W. (across from K-W Hospital) - no appointment necessary - testing done Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4 to 6 pm - sqvice is free and confidential
your safer your
- 741-3825
Your undergraduate degree will get you started.
just condom sense Pra~safersex
How to Use Them
Imprint, Friday, October 11, 1991 11
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12 Imprint, Friday, October 1’1, 1991
JT?!!!!RG PresentsTheSacredEarth by D. Campbell Rcdrigues Imprint staff
“the Norm”. These special individuals are few and far between and I am proud to say that I have met one. His name is Courtney Milne and he is a man with a mission. He has spanned the globe accompanied at times with only his determination, conviction and beliefs in an incomprehensibly huge task He wanted to photograph as many of the world’s “Sacred” or “Holy” places as possible. Sixty-one thousand,
Fifteen years ago, I watched as my parents got together to decide where the “big vacation” for that year would be. I saw them pull out a map of Ontario and start naming off possibilities. The “world” for them was however far they could get in the car in the time thev had.
not show through in his work. True, he did not get to every “Sacred Place” or cover every religion there is, but I sensed his regret that he could not. He is currently touring Cariada presenting his work in the form of a continuous dual-projector show accompanied with appropriate music from both yesterday and today. The show was excellent and even at $8.00 for admission, well over 200 people of all ages attended. His book which
nothing to do with ?k Norm” Kfteen years later, I watch them pull out a map of the globe and decide first which continent they wish to visit this time. We are a little better off but not by much. The world is a much more accessible place these days. A world of opport&ity awaits the lucky few who take the big step and decide that they really want to-break-out of the “same old rut”’ that has trapped them for so long and so they travel. In the days of old, people never travelled. It was rare for Joe Peatit to ever leave the immediate vicinity of
Temple of Athena, Ddht, Greece his/her home. More than rare, it was incalculably dangerous and there were no maps. Nowadays, it is simply a matter of travel insurance and Blue Cross, However, there exists in this
fine society of ours, a steady supply of people who require a quality that has everything to do with an exploration of some kind or other and which has nothing to do with the concept called
Stattons of the Cross Copacaba~ eight-hundred exposures later, he managed to get quite a few for his book called ‘The Sacred Earth.” This book was the result of not only many years of his life but also a burning need within the man to record what these places are with a fiair that few could boast of. Through his chosen medium, Courtney Milne succeeds in showing the viewer each “Sacred Place” through the eyes of a Believer. His pictures show the eggs of the RainbowSerpent exactly as an Aborigine would see them. What would only be some falling water at Angel Falls is transformed into the Voice of the Inca Gods and the pillars at Callanish are, without a doubt, a
We know what a busy _c tjme it IS torcBevervboav during the first tew weeks ot term. We want to thank you for your patience and understanding during the September rush.. Come into Kinko’s now and receivea I
Miiia. was selling for $60.00 (plus GST) sold a considerable number of copies. The show was narrated live by the ‘author whose rapport with the audience was so complete it was almost tangible. His comments and remarks did much to improve the quality of the show with in an almost magical way that is hard to put into words. But that is the man for you, a very rare breed. The show that I attended was dedicated to a nameless girl who carried packs that weighed over 150 pounds up an ice-covered mountainside barefoot for better traction for only $1 (Canadian) a day. He wouldn’t let himself forget the special
Offer good for one 8.5x1 1 Canon Colour Laser Copy. Special handling will require an additional fee. Offer expires October 31, 1991
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dome of ttie Rock Mosque, Jerusalem, tsraet. .’ . .
major focal-point of the powers of the Earth Mother when seen through this man’s lens. Although he does have one specific religion, that prevents him in no way at all from looking through the eyes of every Muslim, Jew, Druid, Buddhist etc. that he comes across, If he is prejudiced in any way, it does
efforts of even the least recognized member of his teamThe show has left Ontario and cont&es its cross-Canada journey but both the book and an accompanying guide are available at regular bookstores. “This is a planet that deserves our reverence,” Milne said.
Imprint, Friday, October 1I, 1991 1%
YBF storms by Caroline Guiquis special to Imprint
Youth Building the Future (YBF) is an international network of youth of different backgrounds, working toward increasing global communication, cooperation, understanding and awareness. Along with those fundamental goals, it is concerned with such global issues as the preservation of the Earth’s environment, human and cultural rights, a human-centred economic order, world peace, the responsible use of science and technology in society, an honest and impartial global media, and others. Three Waterloo students attended the fifth annual YBF International conference in Oslo, Norway this summer, which had a specific theme of Human Rights with subcategories of cultural, children’s, and environmental rights. The three students were Marion Black (Spanish, Latin American Studies), Caroline Guirguis (MA - Economics), and Andrew Pape (Systems Designs Eng., Int’l Studies). Well so far, you have’ heard Andrew and Marion describe some of the details of the conference; the agenda, the workshops, the agreements, the disputes. But what about the social relationships, commitments, and friendships that were made. Until you are made aware of the camaraderie of the conference along with the specifics - you can’t really get a sense of the total atmosphere in Oslo. So, it is my job to try and bring to life the incredible intimacy 119 delegates from 39 countries shared for one week this summer. The Norwegian organizers (being a fairly social lot) understood the importance of cutting loose, of relaxing and letting everyone get to know each other. With this in mind, they began the tedious and timeconsuming task of arranging the social calendar for the conference. First on the agenda was a group scavenger hunt. All the delegates were separated into groups of 20 or more and sent into the woods of Oslo. Now this may not sound terribly interesting to some, but it certainly broke the ice for by the end of the afternoon, not only had you spent the day collecting information with these people, but you also (as a group) participated in cherry stone spitting, milk can tosses, horse-shoe throwing things you hadn’t anticipated would be part of an international youth con: ference on human rights. Keeping more in line with the conference theme, a cultural evening was planned for mid-week. This involved
Eye on Freeport from lJW News Bureau
The University of Waterloo’s Optometry senior students are to run a new vision centre at Freeport Hospital in Kitchener in co-operation with the chronic care institution. Twice per month, predominantly elderly patients can have their eye care needs looked-after by senior student interns, supervised ‘by a school optometrist and a practising ophthalmologist in the specially designed facilities. ‘The students gain experience and skill in dealing with chronic-care and elderly patients,” said Dr. Rodger Pace, Director of the shool’s optometry clinic. ‘We have a real commitment to the provision of are to the elderly.” Pace said Canada’s health care system will have to be ready in the future with an aging population. “We think
it’s very important to students well-trained in blems of the elderly.” I%r more information Rodger Pace at 8851211,
have our vision procontact Dr. ext.6320
delegates performing short (often funny) representations of their countries. And as the beer continued to flow the performances seemed to get more and more outrageous. In fact, for most- of the delegates the e+ening ended with a plunge (not always voluntary}
into Lake Sognsvann.
The next day (for those
overindulged) excursions.
was an afternoon of There were organized
sight-trips through Oslo to satisfy one for you, but I am afraid I joined the ranks of those resting up for the afternoon BBQ and boat cruise through the famous Oslo Fjords. Definitely one of the social highlights, as everyone relaxed, danced and sang to
a medley of popular Bob MF+V songs, performed by a local band.
Although all the planned +~r*ial events were all but over (a farewell party remained) - the bonds of friendship had already been sealed. In fact many delegates (myself included) continued their travels with other members of the con-
ference. So it seems that from a group of strangers with a common interest rzrne a group of friends sharing a ,,-nuine connection!For more information on how you can be part of YBF, there will be a meeting on Monday, October 23, 1991 at 12:30 pm in CC 138. We hope to see you there.
(A CwMXQ!!!
Technology and wealth means quality of life half of the picture, an expensive oversight, the cost of which all of us have to bear.” According to UW’s Institute for Risk Research, nations should not only take a careful look at all the risks involved when new technology is being put in place, they must also measure those risks accurately against the benefits the technology can bring, to find the extent to which the benefits offset the risks. “Unfortunately, policy makers often react to hazards that worry people rather than those that will kill them and on occasion, this has led to the expenditure of vast amounts of money with little gain. Thus some programs have taken funds away from alternatives that would be far more beneficial in the long run,” the IRR researchers claim. Some of the most dramatic cases include recent public scares over PC&, asbestos, Alar, radiation, trichloroethylene and other substances that, though they are cause for concern, need not involve high level risk to humans.
from UW News Bureau It has become highly popular of late to support without question arguments that favour energy conservation, the environment, and other “green” concerns. While this is highly laudable, some people pursue them to the point that they are suspicious of 20th century technology in virtually any form. Now a fresh argument on behalf of technological change and innovation has come out of the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Risk Research; it is in the form of a new book that closely links technological and change with health expectations measures social well-being. The book, entitled Managing Risk in the Public Znteresz, argues that technology is a key contributor to the wealth of many nations the world over and that it also has done much to improve dramatically the health and life span expectations of their citizens. Therefore, any evaluation of technologies and associated risks must include a consideration of their positive benefits. MRF’I is a 24%page academic paperback, co-authored by three senior scientists: Niels Lind, a University of Waterloo engineering professor; Jatin Nathwani, an engineer at Ontario Hydro heavily involved in policy making ad Ernest Siddall, a member of the National Academy of Engineering. What the three have found is that without exception, as nations have progressed into the modem industrial and post-industrial eras, there has been an accompanying increase not only in life expectancy but in the general well-being of the citizens. In short, wealth is health; or, the best way to improve health and lengthen life spans is to make it possible for more people to enjoy a higher standard of living. It is not just a matter of reducing risks or improving medical care, MFPI insists; it has more to do with improvements in nutrition, housing (less crowding and more protection from the cold), safer drinking water, and other such factors. Even during the early years of the industrial revolution in Britain, the IRR researchers say, when workers were thought to have suffered severe exploitation at the hands of factory owners, they still managed to derive enormous health benefits from technological change. “In every country we have looked at this has happened,” says Nathwani. “We have looked at a reasonable cross-section of the global population and there have been no exceptions; nowhere did we find declining trends in the expectation of life. Today, even in industrialized countries, there is an increase
of three or four months to the life-span expectancy of the average citizen every year. In some countries, still in the pre-industrial stages, the improvement is even more dramatic because they are beginning to enjoy the benefits that technology and wealth create.” Lind, Nathwani, and Siddall have come to their conclusions after looking at statistics that date back many years - to 1871 in Germany and 1831 in Canada. They have come up with tables showing that increases in gross national product in a country can produce enormous increases in life expectancy and overall wellbeing. “These studies show that it is high time we started to look at technological change from a insists Prof. John Shornew perspective,” treed, director of the Institute for Risk
Research. “Because we so often focus exclusively on every conceivable risk we tend to make the wrong decisions whenever we
move ahead with a new technology, whether it is a power plant, pipeline, or plastics technology. When we do this we look at only
For a better response to such problems the authors call for a “unified rationale” in assessing risk-s, such a rationale to include not only examining the risk involved in connection with anygivene innovation, but also accurately measuring it against the possibility that the innovation would make a significant contribution the wealth of a society and ccjnsequently, to the life and health expectations of its citizens.
Bricks that grow in the briny sea by David ciktesy
Heller of Canadian
Science News
A ~dzholi~ scientist has joined researchers from Columbia and Germany to develop a building material that grows underwater. Pieter Sijpkes, an associate professor of architecture at McGill University in Montreal, is developing a system that uses the natural build-up of calcium and other deposits in the ocean to create durable and inexpensive building materials, such as bricks, pipes and roofing tiles. For centuries the owners of sea-going vessels have had to deal with the problem of barnacles, mussels, and other tiny ocean dwellers fixing themselves to boat hulls. But Wolf Hilbertz, a German architect living in Ireland, decided to look at the problem as a solution. Now FIilbertz, Sijpkes and Jorge Zapp, a mechanical engineer in Colombia, South America, are refining the process of using underwater calcification to grow building materials. The researchers build shapes out of wire mesh, submerge them, and send a lowvoltage current through the wire. The voltage and amperage required vary, depending on conditions, but Sijpkes says that as a rule of thumb a kilogram of material requires about a kilowatt-hour of electricity to produce. The current attracts calcium and magnesium, minerals abundant in sea water, which coat the wire mesh. After about three to four months, the minerals cover the mesh with a veneer up to 12 milhmetres thick. At this stage, the coated mesh is fragile. Sijpkes says they once lost a whole experiment to the battering of waves from a storm at sea. However, during phase two the structure develops a rock-like hardness. In phase two, the biological phase, the electricity is eliminated and the mineral-coated
form is left alone to the natural workings of ocean life. Algae are attracted to the minerals, and they in turn attract shell&bearing invertebrates that attach themselves to the structure, such as mussels, clams, barnacles, coral and tubeworms. After about one year, this creates a concrete-like material that Sijpkes says is as solid as medium strength concrete. Sijpkes likens the process to farming, since “growing time depends on many factors, such as biological activity in the area, salt content of the water, acidity, and water currents in the area.” In fact, the process is so variable that there doesn’t appear to be any one perfect formula for growth: following exactly the same prc+ cess twice will sometimes produce two different results. Sometimes marine life will grow on one section of the mesh and ignore another for no apparent reason. The researchers have tried the technique in many parts of the world, but so far the waters off Cotombia have produced the best results. The overall effect is much like “growing an artificial reef,” Sijpkes says. Indeed, there are plans to use the process to regenerate dying reefs in Jamaica, and Sijpkes sees this as a potentially major application of the research. The death of reefs isa problem in many parts of the world, where they are an essential part of marine ecology and hence of the fishing industry. The overall effect of the shells and shapes attached to the marine material can be quite beautiful, says sijpkes. He has heard that at least one artist used the process to create a sea-sculpture. Other potential applications of the technology dre in underwater construction of bridges and piers, or in the reclamation of land from the sea. Hilbertz even envisions using windmills or solar cells to generate electricity for massive mesh structures that would buiId’ an island where once there were just a few rocks.
primarily, the researchers hope to see their technology put to use building such products as bricks, pipes, and other durable and hexpensive materials. Sijpkes SZIYSthat fight now his mam concern is to produce smaller building materials with consistent results. He believes the first practical application of the project should be to create roofing tiles that can be used in place of the asbestos-concrete &tire currently used in many developing countries. Some researchers have suggested using the process to create large building components, even entire houses. However, while larger pieces are feasible to grow, most developing nations don’t have the equipment necessary to transport them out of the water once they are finished, Sijpkes says. The researchers would like to be able to build enclosed structures, such as septic tanks. However, they first must find a method of dealing with gases that build up as a result of the growth process, since these would become trapped in an enclosed structure and halt the growth of marine life. Sijpkes says sea concrete could not compete economically in first world’ countries like Canada, where building materials such as concrete, shingles, and lumber are plentiful. But he believes his marine material can offer a reasonable alternative to the more expensive, dangerous and scarce materials now being used in the many developing countries within easy reach of a coast, such as most of the Caribbean countries. The research in Columbia is being sponsored by Labor Habitat, a non-profit institution in South America involved in housing research and development, and the United Nations Development Program.
WATS to’ first 100 in before 9 p.m.
- No-ise! /
The Football f& Warriors
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l flElDHOCKEY~ AthenaTournament at York - IO am.
l THANKS6lVlN6 l ~MBSMIElb rpen
UP W-Jr ’ atiw knife, w day of the turkey draws near!
. ‘.
DAYl No classes
15. “Taul3cYf
“Canadian u3sda\/’
4oaEfb *f$y;; 3:oO p,m+
l DoMDsHE~ 4lAsKETDAu* 4ENNlW K-0 Singing Machine from 12 to 4 p.m.
wamr5 at York Exhibition 0 p.m.
l ~uEYluul+ +DA8KElDAlL~ octoberfest buch Athenas at Lou&r Mibition 6 p.m.
Athena at . conestoga Exhibition b p,m,
botball lmnarnent ot the 6ornbshelter
‘Mxriors at Brcck 9:oO p.m. 44MXEn~
wafTiors vswstem I:00 p.m.
l HOCKEb wa~at\Mndsur 7:30 pm
300 p.m.
Eddie Kirkland &The Mkzm-iorsvs LcJuria
Defence finally finds perfection Wam’ors mtend win streak to three games with romp over Mac Narrior
even the more remarkable by the rain and gusting winds. Waterloo’s dominance of the kicking game taught McMaster the meaning of the words “field position” as UW stuffed the visitors deep in their own end t&e and again. Midway through the first quarter, Mac’s punter went down on one knee to allow a safety just to push Waterloo back to their own 35,
by P&er Brown iqxint sports The Waterloo Warrior football :eam’s happy rampage through the fleshy middle of the OUAA confere&e continued last Saturday at Seagram Stadium as they shut down the McMaster and shut out Marauders 27-O. This win combined with the University of Toronto Varsity Blues’ 18-O loss to the WiIfrid Laurier Golden Hawks puts Waterloo in sole position of third place in the OUAA with a 3-1 record. Toronto dropped out of the top-ten rankings, but national Waterloo did not appear there, despite having a better win-loss record than the tenth-ranked Manitoba Bisons (Z-2) and a better points for/ against differential than ninth-ranked Mount Allison ($95 versus $57). In other OUAA action, the Western Mustangs kept pace 4th Lauder’s perfect 4-O record bY trouncing the Windsor lancers (l-3)) Waterloo’s unfortunate opponent at SeaJ3rarn Stadium tomorrow. The GuelPh
Tehir needs8 points to becomeail-time UWfCitball scorer Gryphons thrashed perennial punching bag York Yeomen 45-3 at Esther “give ‘em a” Shiner Stadium last Thursday night. But back to Seagram Stadium. “I thought this win was very impressive,” said Dave “Tuffy” Knight, head coach of the Warriors. ‘We played a great game mistakewise because it rained and we didn’t nave any turnovers.” Knight also
Another big play, a Steve Bennet 30-yard pass to Gord Fawcett, helped to set up a second Tchir field goal to end the opening quarter, this one from 37 yards out.
his way up the field for a first-down
pointed out that UW’S defence held Laurier running back D’Augustino, previously averaging almost 200 yards per game, to 37 yards rushing. Mac gained only 142 total yards, taking 32 carries to get 84 yards of that on the ground. Mar&derQB A&no was 5-7 for 70 yards and no interceptions, making one wonder why they didn’t pass a bit more. I That probably had something to do with Waterloo’s defensive secondary, .which couected nine interceptions in the first three games. The defence and special teams shared the spotlight in this game. With the, shutout, the defence has now allowed only 29 points in four league games, second in the nation to St. Mary’s 25 points in the Atlantic conference. Waterloo’s kicking game provided the first two points in a gusting, rainy beginning. All-star placekicker Peter Tchir’s opening kickoff bounced
up JL
Ice Warriors The UW Warrior hockey team started their entry into 1991-92 university hockey play on a positive note last week-end by winning the inaugural tournament of season, the Western Invitational hockey tournament. The Warriors went into the tourney as the favourite to win the whole shebang and didn’t come back to disappointed fans, defeating the York Yeomen
could Organ
shutout. The Warriors first game ended high-scoring affair against the Yeomen,on Saturday. With the score tallied, Waterloo scorers
as a York final pre-
through the endzone for a sir@. That’s right - an 85-yard kickoff . Then, to end Waterloo’s first possession, Mike Raynard, whose 42.1 yardper-punt average leads the nation, booted a 71-varder that was conceded by the *Marauder punt returner. I
. big plays, but were stalled in Mac territory early on. A 23-yard run by fullback OrviIle Be&ford set up a 45yard field goal by T&r, the longest in the OUAA this season. It was made .
and finishes off the season at Western and home to Laurier, the two divisional powerhouses, one of whom will have a loss after this weekend - they meet each other.
Waterloohas allowed 8points in last threegames The fifth-year Tchir finished the game needing only eight points to pass Mike I&pow (1976-79) as the all-time leading scorer in UW football history. Waterloo’s offence provided some
start off on Hghkkate
SteveSchaefevand Cmy Keenanwere tournament all-sstaus
Varsity Blues’ team off the scoreboard in the championship game. Five Warrior marksmen, Tony Mike Chilatroni, Steve Crisp, Schaefer, Tyler Ertel, and Jamie Hartenett each found the back of the net to produce more than enough offence for a solid victory. For their effort, Schaefer and Cory Keenan were honoured by being selected to the tournament all-star team These victories strengthen the idea that WaterIoo wiIl once again, be among the best in OUAA. UW ranked third in the country
1O-8 to get t0 the final so they
crush Toronto 5-O. James touched perfection with the
of Mac.
on T.O. and York to win Western toume-v
vailed 10-8. Troy Stevens collected the hat-trick, while Steve Schaefer potted two of his own. Lone goal scorers were : Tyler Ertel, John Williams, Jamie Hartnett, Jeff Schneider, and Greg Allen.
27-O squishing
Photo by Wade Thomas
Warrior Hockey 3y CD CouIas
in Waterbu’s
Waterloo finally struck big with 1:36 remaining in the half. Tom Chartier coIlected 3 of his 199 yards (29 carries) on a jump over the middle for the major. The convert made the score an even 20-O at the half. Bennet added a 2-yard run on a sweep left led by tight end Jason Prickett in the fourth quarter for the final score. Waterloo plays Windsor tomorrow
Last week, head coach Don McKee said he was going to promote better defensive play by the team. Between the first and second games must have been the time that the promotion caught on because it was a chargedup Warrior tkam that kept the Toronto
at the conclu-
sion of the ‘9U-‘91 season, and looked to solidify this position by getting off to a fast start.
wuntinued to page 2,I+ Warriors
now. Photo by C.D. Coulas
Second team play suspended for season The extra-curricular activities of the Warrior rugby team this fall have landed it in hot water. After an enthusiastic beer-up during a roadtrip to Queen’s University two weeks ago, Athletics reached an agreement with the coaches of the team to suspend the traditionaI second-team competition. The “seconds,” as they are commonly known, will stiII practice with the varsity first team and provide alternates for games, but WilI not actually play a separate game against the seconds from other universities. UsuaIIv, a seconds exhibition game follows the varsity game. ‘we reached this agreement with the coaches to alfow the coaches and the team to focus and concentrate on the varsity commitments of the rugby team,” said Don McCrae, head of men’s interuniversity athIetics. ‘This is a probationary sanction that we are taking toward the team until the end of the season. During the off-season, athletics will get together with the team, club, and coaching staff to analyze the philosophy and direction of the team.” McCrae admitted that the decision was in response to a party *at followed games against the Queen’s Golden Gaels in Kingston on September 28, but he said that this incident was “the culmination of a number of issues.” NO cost savings wiIl be realized by the cutback, McCrae said. ‘The league (OUAA) recognizes 19 players as eIigible for the varsity
During the off-son, the teamsphilosophy and direction of the team will be analyzed Some members of the team were angered with the timing of the decision, which was announced to the team by the coa&es during a practice on Thursday, October 3, two days before the team was to play a crucial road game at McMaster. Other were confused by the connection between excessive partying and the second team. ’ ‘The seconds are not a ‘party’ team,“tid anunidentified team member. “They are a developmental squad. If athletics wants us to cut down on the partying, then they can force us to do that. But cutting the second team just hurts the varsity team.” The second team games alIow borderline players to improve by playing in exhibition games instead of just in practice, this team member said. “Rugby isn’t Iike football in that you can’t just substitute your junior players in at will late in the game. You only get two subs, so game time is limited for juniors,” he continued. The rugby varsity squad finishes off its season home to Guelph tomorrow and at Western the following Saturday.
Warrior hockey *cc&d.
page 2W
pionship Sabbath.
The team hopes that the momentum from the victory will carry into the traditional Oktoberfest week-end tournament co-hosted by UW and WLU. The games will be held at the Columbia Icefield and Waterloo Arena. The tournament will extend from Friday, Oct. 11 to Sunday, Oct. 13. Things look hopeful that the Warriors will engaging in cham-
The Oktoberfest meet will mark the end to the hockey pre-season for the Warriors who begin league pIay with a game in Windsor on Oct. 19. The Warriors first regular season home game wiII be on Friday, Ott 25 as the Yeomen come in hopes of reconciling their losing ways to the Waterloo,.
Athenas hit Toronto Athena
by Claudia Campana lmgrint sports The haterloo Women’s Tennis Team travelIed to the bright lights, big city of Toronto last weekend to face Queen’s and the University of Toronto in what proved to be an exciting but somewhat disappointing weekend for the Athenas. Both Queen’s and Toronto possess strong and tough tennis teams, and Waterloo struggled against the more powerful forces, but was forced to settle with two losses of 8-1. But Waterloo’s “great hope” came through in the form of Carolina Culik, the number-one-ranked singles player in the league. Carolina won both her singles matches to put Waterloo on the board and to safely solidify her reign at the top of the
11, 1991
by Sian @mings Imprint sports
In the second half, Mac again outscored Waterloo, but Waterloo managed some offence of their own. Center Mike Rourke intercepted an errant Mac pass, and galloped for the goal line. Rourke blazed past a couple of defenders before he was even- 1 tually hauled down by a Mac back row player five metres from the Marauder goal line. Replacement winger Mike Barre (rhymes with Charro) also provided entertaining offence when he received the ball.
In Hamilton last weekend, the McMaster Marauders pummelled the Rugby Warriors en route to a 30-9 victory, in a game reminiscent of the recent England versus Italy World Cup mismatch. The Warriors turned in a IackIustre effort to fall to Mac for the second time this season. The win gives Mac a 3-2 record and Waterloo drops to 2-3. In other OUAA division 1 rugby action, Queen’s maintained their perfect record (5-O) with a 16-6 win over Western (3-2) and Guelph (2-3) pounded York 24-O.
Although they ran well, the Waterloo backs were unable to maintain possession of the ball once they had gone into contact. The forwards also started rambling when Waterloo’s Amie look-alike (Palmer not Schwarzeneggar) Sandro Bassanese powered through the Mac forwards. He presented the ba.ll well, but no support followed, an d Mac regained possession. In the bat k row Adam Frolic covered scrapp Y ball well for Waterloo.
Theyfell a few yaqk short of a try Waterloo
has dug themselves
a big hole. They must defeat Guelph and Western and count on Mac to lose both of its remaining gmbs in order to make the playoffs, since they would lose a tie-breaker with Mac based on head-to-head competition. In the tight OUAA, they must retain control of their own .destiny by winning. In four games this season, the Warriors have still not scored a psychologically crucial try. Mac has the largest field in the OUAA, but they never needed to use it last Saturday when they scored up the middle at will. Earlier in the week, the Athletic Department informed the Rugby Warriors that the junior varsity program would be cancelIed for the rest of the season, because of off-field performance of the team. On Sagday, the Warriors left their minds with the junior varsity team at home. Earlier in the season, Mac narrowly defeated Waterloo in Waterloo. Waterloo has been constantly improving in the intervening weeks, and after a close game agahst Queen’s, the Warriors were hoping to solidify a playoff berth with a win. Unfortunately, they fell a few yards short of a try. In the first half, the Waterloo forwards could not control possession of the loose ball. Waterloo won their scrumsP but were unable to secure second phase ball, because they did not play well as a team. The pack failed to use their strengths of speed, conditioning, and teamwork. The Waterloo backs had trouble adjusting to a new lineup after fly half Brian “Where am I?” Anderson left the game with a concussion. Derek Feather&one played his usual dependabIe game at strum half, providing ‘the backs with good passes when Waterloo won the ball. Waterloo had the wind in the first haIf, but they did not use the strong wind to its full tactical advantage. Mac struck hard and early. The referee aw+rded Mac a strum about ten metres from Waterloo’s goal line. Mac won the put in, and spun the ball out to the backs. The centres ran a switch, and crashed through to touch the ball
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down between the posts. Mac scored again in the first half, and entered the second half with a comfortable lead.
Rugby ’ i
individual standings. Due to her tremendous efforts, Carolina. is euaranteed a snot in the individual “tils schedule; for in November. The tennis Athenas travel to Lcmdon in two weeks to face the ‘Stangs and Guelph in the final tournament of the season.
Rugby Warriors- thwarted Warrior
game. We’ve agreed to let 25 players go to road games.” In rugby, 15 players are on the field at a time, with two substitutions allowed.
by Peter Brown Imprint sports
597 King Street, North
has a rowing team??
gold, one silver and three bronze medals were reaped at the eight-km head race on Sunday.
Rowing byu
From the immortal tongue of varsity rower Cindy Mann: “Wouldn’t you Be to h a fly on the wd of some the other universities to hear what hey would have to say about Waterloo fhis ye&” Without a doubt, h he boat houses of the University of Toronto, Western, Trent and other Ontario rowing powers, mass astonishment and panic is gripping the opposing crew members. Five am marked the beginning of a taxing yet fruitful weekend road tip. The first challenge was ‘Toronto Island for the U of T Sprints: an intense and draining 1,200-metre battle for supremacy among the strongest crews in the province. Two golds and a silver were the welldeserved rewards for the underdogs of the regatta. Ottawa’s Head of the Rideau Regatta proved a profit_ able and exhilarating culmination to the weekend’s rowing events. Three
women’s lightweight doubli non Allan and Anne Kuewst ved themselves to be pi rowers in their first regatta Sunday by snatching a gold.
The men’s doubles team, stroked by Arne Storjohann with Peter KaIhok in the bow, received two gold medals this weekend. Held in the sweaty hands of the lightweight men’s four with cox are a gold and a silver me&J. Apollo Tang as ‘coxf called two excellent races to steer Scott0rr as stroke, Ivan D’Costa, Bryan CoMe*& and Chris Fleck to an impressive wctory in Toronto and a well-deserved second in Ottawa.
An outstanding race was rowed by the men’s novice coxed four, as Gillian McDowell led Buck Strome, Chris FOG, Joe Troop and Jon Olsen to a third place finish. Also finis&g third on Sunday were the women’s double, Lena Gomes and Anneli woods, as well as the Men’s lightweight double, Brad Pearman
Many a team cried themselvesto sleep. , . Tracey Ehl, the cox of the women’s four, steered her crew to capture a gold in mya and a close second in the adrenalm+harged sPht h Toronto. Stroke of the coxed four is Heather . .. Holden, _v. with Jena Cameron 1.. ln three Seat,JanIne Uosterveld in TVYO and Cindy Mann in bow. The
and Norm
Let us assure you that many cried themselves to sleepon dayand Sunday night with a and apprehensionof their encounter with the Waterloo I Team,
I,, ’
OU DON’T N A YELLOW lBRl z.:a:: ..:.:5.. .:$&:>, TO ml
Birdie lovers beware
The team
off for
another race. Photo by Paul Hong
Varsity Badminton One Way
Return ’ \
E $laeS $1709 $999 $1669 1 I - \-
University of Waterloo Catholic Community Mass Schedule (Fall & Winter Term) Siegfried Hall-St. Jerome’s College:
5:OOp.m. - Saturday 9:30 a.m. - Sunday l 11:30 a.m. - Sunday l 7:00 p.m. - Sunday l 12:30 a+m. - Noontime Monday to Friday (weekday masses in Notre Dame Chapel) l l
Soccer Athenas still looking for first win
‘by J. Henderson Imprint sports . Over the weekend, the varsity badminton team competed in their first tournament at the University of Western Ontario in London. Despite being plagued with injuries and illness, the sevenwoman, eight-man team managed to hold their own. The Athenas, led by second-year kinesiology student a&l returning player Marcie MacVicar, tied for fourth, while Warriors, led by engineering student fourth-year Oanh Ho, placed third. The women’s team welcomes four rookies who used this weekend to valuable tournament gain experience. The men’s team is primarily composed of seasoned players. Under the coaching of graduating student and former member of the Ontario Junior team Jeff White, the team should easily be able to better these first tournament results. The team will play in twcj more tournaments this term, one at M&laster on October 26-27 and one at Wilfrid Laurier on November 16 17, as weU as one next term before attending the ouAA/owIAA Championship at Queen’s in FebIzlilFy
Athena Soccer by Claudia CampaM Imprint qmrb It has been one tough season for the Waterloo Women’s Soccer team. Things began with promise but injuries have soured the hope for a spectacular showing this year. In spite of the odds, the Athenas are enthusiastic and determined tofinish the year on a winning note. L&t week began with Waterloo - travelling to St. Catharine’s to face the Brock Badgers, a usually weak opponent. Waterloo controlled the entire game, but unfortunately had more than a bit of trouble in making their
Note: Holiday Weekends/other times Masses are at 9:30 and IL30 a.m. Sacraments: l Counselling l
(any kind)
Rite of Christian Irhtiation
Campus Ministry Invdvement . Etc., etc. l
tither Jeremiah J. Cullinane, D. b’!in. 122 Classroom Building. SJC - Td: 8X4-81
123 Men’s
efforts shown in the form of some goals in the net. Brock, oq the other hand, connected on about the only chance they had, and took the game 1-O. A tough loss. Saturday saw the Athenas host Western (boo, hiss) on the Columbia greenspace on a mild but very windy day. The Athenas held their own until the ‘Stangs connected, making it 1-O. The weather deteriorated as fast as the Athena defense and Western took the game by a final score of $0. Sunday dawned colder and brighter as the Athenas faced off against Guelphl in what promised to be an evenly matched game. The Athenas played an excellent match, despite the fact that four of the regular starters were on the sidelines because of injuries. Veteran midfielder Sheri MacDonald in particular put in an outstanding effort, both against Guelph and Western. The only goal of the game was a true heart-breaker; a floater shot from 35 yards out that just cruised over the head of int.erim goalkeeper Anna Hoogendoom, winning the game for Guelph by a score of 1-O. The Athenas have a week off until
10, ext. 281 SJC-Tel: 725-8 126
Great Desserts + CAFEC‘ RE?TAUfMNT=l?&lUfT.N. wiEWXl l
mighty McMaster Marauders on the Columbia playing grounds. Skip that class that you don’t want to be in anyway and come out and get some fresh air into your lungs by supporting the Athenas on Wednesday, October 16 at 3 pm.
Loss and tie dampen team’sspirits
A long, lost weekend Warrior
- by COOS Buxmeister
Laurier golfer I on top
Warrior The Warriors crossed the midway point of their season this weekend and remain in the upper half of the standings, despite a loss and tie. On Saturday, under a veil of controversy, the Warriors suffered a 2-O defeat to the McMaster Ugrauders. On Sunday, the Warrior squad again sustained a stinging call and had to settle for a draw with the Windsor lancers. Saturday saw the Warriors trucking off to Steeltown to face McMaster. The grim weather was a telltale sign of things to come. The Warriors opened strong and took charge of their foes early. At around the tenminute mark, the Warriors pressed. Dave Presta connected off the volley and launched a cruise missile of a shot into the top right comer from 25 yards out, stunning the Mac side! But the “stunningness” had just begun. The Warriors were in celebration when the referee dropped the real bomb. The linesman claimed to have spotted a Warrior in an offside position prior to the shot. The goal was disallowed! With the air out of the tires, the Warriors slumped. Mac responded with a goal off a free kick. deep in Warrior territory. Before the final whistle, the Marauders added a clincher, and the Warriors had suffered their first loss of the season. On Sunday, injuries and sickness, the inability to finish, and questionable officiating combined themselves to water down the Warrior lustre. The Wanior squad had to settle for a draw against a weak Windsor side. Waterloo struck early. Neil Daniel flicked on a corner kick which the Lancer keeper tipped against the crossbar and onto the foot of Mark Gianopolous. His blast bulged the twine and the Warriors took the lead, or so they thought. An excited linesman claimed that the ball had struck the upper bar, and was therefore out of bounds (ie nada gola). The cuxse of the flag-happy official had struck again for the second time in two days! Hard lines, fellas.
by Doug Painter tlpeca to Imprint The Warrior golf team finished o the 1991 season by coming in sixth c eleven competing schools this pa! weekend at the OUAA than pionships hosted by Brock Univel sity . Waterloo’s top golfer was thirc year veteran Craig Moore with a tot; of 160 (80, 80) which was goo enough for tenth best individui score overall.
49manscorefur Ftiday up 2Opts.
A Warrior
and a Lancer
for control
In the second half, the Warriors failed to capitalize on a penalty shot and another opportunity came UP short. However, strong play and good looks by rookies Alex ‘5amux-i” Adachi, Steve ‘%in ‘0’ onions” Binoris, and “Kenny,” filling in for the injured starters, was a delight to see.
of the ball in Sunday%
The Thanksping break will give the bruised and battered Warrior side a welcomed chance to recuperate. The Warriors are poised to capture the OUAA crown, and could g-uarantee themselves some post-season play with some wins in their final four games against South Division rivals.
Single - $2,311.00 ; Double - $2,150.00 Interconnecting Room - $2,248.00 ’ The fees include twenty-one meals a week, full maid. service, obvious social benefits as well as close proximity to the academic areas of the campus. Application forms may be obtained from the Housing Office, Village 1, or: Director of Housing, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl.
Village 1 single rooms are now Please inquire at Housing Office, of local 3705.
renting Village
1992 for the spring term. 1 or phone 884-0544
Anyone wishing to reside in townhouses for the Winter or Spring Terms 1992 can obtain an application from the Housing Office, Village 1.
Two very competitive rounds wer played at- the bkout Point Go Course in Fonthill in less than idei weather., The varsity team was i good position after the first rount standing in fourth place only fiv shots from the leading Winds< squad. However, the LJW team ha . great difficulty coping with the stead rain in the final round. Waterloo combined four-man score for Frida was 20 shots higher than the precec ing day’s total. The University of ‘We! tern Ontario came from sixth spc after the fust round to tie for first wit Guelph. Western was awarded th 1991 Championship as the fi& man scores, which usually do not coun were used to break the tie. There was also a very close con game at Cotumbta Field. petition for the low individual Scot Jason Spence from Laurier defende his title from last year by winning Photo by Wade Thomas with shall two-hole PlaYOff Edwards of Western. Both player shot 150 for a two-round total. On the weekend of October 19, the Other members of the UW Teal Warriors are at home versus Western and their scores: M+ Kwiecien on Saturday at 1 pm. On Sunday, at 167 (82, 85); Craig Robinson - 16 the home field, “Stadia Columbia” at (79,86); Jamie Peden - 164 (77,87 1 pm, the Warriors meet arch-rivals and Shawn Brown - 1713 (90,881. Wilfrid Latier Golden Hawks. The team hopes to travel t Come out for some barbeque action! tiehurst, North Carolina in the spy The Warriors will be serving Mustang ing for some golf practice and corn and Hawk meat! Well-don~ only. p&ition with lime&an schools.
VILLAGE DON APPLICATION October 31,, 1991 Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student Villages for the Spring Term 1992 should obtain an application form at the Housing Office in Village 1, or from either Village Office, and must submit it to the Warden of Residences, Housing Office, Village 1, prior to the:
END dF OCTOBER, Applications received cannot be considered Spring Term 1992.
after October 31, 1991 for appointment for the
24 Imprint, Friday, October 11, 1991
Campus Ret rolls Ion Campus
Ret Advisory
by Jane Varley
Thirty-seven members for the second Campus
turned out Recreation Advisory Council meeting on October 2 in the Village 1 Great Hall. The meeting started with the “Human Knot” to help get the members acquainted. Reports were given for each of the five committees that CRAC operates: Protest and Conduct Board, Sponsorship, Athletic Advisory Board, Intramural Conference Committee, and Special Events. The Special Events Committee is planning an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament on Homecoming weekend, November 9 and 10. Watch for details!!
Representatives from the Student Centre Committee attended the meeting. Focus groups were formed from the CRAC members to help the “needs” subcommittee with their needs assessment for the Student Centre. Statistics for Campus Ret were presented by Sally Kemp, Coordinator of Campus Recreation This term has been busy overall with many leagues and instructional programs filled to capacity. The next CRAC meeting wiIl be held Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 5 pm in the Vl Great Hall. All are welcome to attend. Ball Hockey
two weeks of the season, none of the 36 teams in the league have defaulted a game. None of the players have received a major penalty, and there have been no serious injuries.
The names of some of the new teams are just as creative: Children of the Cornea, Boyz Without Hoods, the Old Jersey Devils (hmmm), and the Wet Spots.
Most of the teams will play their third game this week, however all games next week have been cancelled. A full set of games will resume the week after that. It looks like a GREAT season!
Speaking ofthe Wet Spots, they just happen to be the Team of the Week, Doug Lee led the attack with *four goals and an assist as the Wet Spots crushed this other team (I’ll save them the embarrassment) 11-O.
Men’s Its Hockey by Walt Neubrand
by S. Adam
YES, Campus Ret BALL HOCKEY -is back!! The league seems to be running very smoothly so far. II-I the first
This season’s ice hockey has brought back some of the old regulars _ and some new teams. Among the old are WOAP, Mechscalibur, Demon Hedgetrimmers, and Beaver Feaver.
score (2nd in league in goals for), it ought to be interesting. These teams face off on October 15 at 11 pm at Columbia Icefield. Swim Better, byGesaMahnke adapted hm nessL&ter
U of California
Swimming is an excellent workout, but many s wimmers or would-be swimmers find it unduly tiring. The solution to this may sirhply be to improve your technique. Here are a few helpful hints that may encourage you to continue this sport rather than avoid it. lletterB&hixtg--Itisim
when doing the crawl, to exh ar e compfetely into the water before you turn your head to breath again Jf ITou don’t do this, you will be breath lg more often than necessary an hence, become tired more quickly. emember also to maintain your head at your hairline at the water level. To inhale, turn your head just far enough to breathe, rather than lifting your whole head out of the water.
Kicking - It is very important to use your large thigh muscles when kicking. Just remember to kick from the hips, not the knees.
-For his extraordinary agility and precisionf Lee is awarded a combination snow blower / fishing rod which can be picked up from Sandford in the office. Lee is joined in first place in scoring by John Pagola of Don’t Have a SOB with four points also. A Iarge number of players have three goals. The game of the week will be two undefeated teams: Banged vs. Bruins. Considering Bang has a tight defence and the Bruins seem to know how to
-D.A.C Cli;aranCcw[~Mr~zltCl in CCOpof*tWivvtlt~:
BIhlG.EMANPAilK THELODGE . ‘1380VictoriaStreet
Body Position - Some experts compare a swimmer to a hydroplane. If you want to move more efficiently through the water, your body must ride+@. In other words, don’t 1:: your feet and legs sag below wat+r level, rather keep them on the same level as your shoulders. .> IQhsher Course - If you find you are not getting the most out of ,your swim, even though you might have learned how to swim years ago, it might be a good idea to ask a qualified instructor for advice. They .can watch your strokes and probably give you some helpful hints to make your swims less straining. See you in the pool!
Lyne Mirbn,
Team points have based on 2 points
been calculated far winning an Inter-divisional game and 3 points far winning an Interlock (Crossover b game. East Division teams
ast neckend,
neadthethek'est, &Master division, but ursuit indsor.
by teams
continues to is in close Western and
RESULTS 2, 1991 3 Carleton
lctober !ucen'a 'oronto
: 5, 199; 2
3 :
October 6, 1991 FllcMaster 4 Guell;h
1 0 3
Trent Waterloo Kindsor ?icMawtcr
c 0 1 2
october York
2 loo
3 Brock D STANDINGS EAST DIVISION GP W L T P A PTS York 5 5 u 0 24 110 Toronto 6 41122 4 9 Queen's 7 3 3 117 8 3 Cdrleton 6 3 3 0 1213 6 Trent 6 1 5 0 220 2 Rycrsnn 4 0 4 0 132 0
GP W 8 5 8 5 7 4 8 5 8 2 9171
Western Windsor ier
Guelph Brock Water100
L T F A PTS 1 2 22 10 12 2 1 18 7 11 0 3 12 7 11 3 0 16 13 10 2 4 a. 8 8 516 3 71
TEAH Wcstcrn Queen's Guclph Poronto
RESULTSAND STANDINGS WK1 WK2 WK3 TOTAL 16 13 19 32 9 17 :3 39 13 + ~3 31 1' G" 12 30
7 16 2 1
Katerioc Xlndsor Laurxer
16 10 1 2
i 71 5 -I
28 16 2’ 71 ?
Gue1ph Laurentian Toronto Waterloo Laurentian Toronto
awarded games in
points for default of the withdrawal of Trcnt while West Division teams obtain 3 additional paints for a defaulted Interlock match. RESULTS October 2. 1991 Guelph 2 Western 0 Toronto . 1 York 0 October 4, 1991 Laurentian 0 Carleton 0 October
Guelph Waterloo Mc,Yaster
lrock Jindscr Jctober Lark Zarlercn iiestern Zuelph
Carletcn Joanna
Laurentian Iv3 Queen's, 7% -. I Guelphl Came&m, Queen'3 Ivs >llcGilil Carleton 2x, Saurentianl Eapos ita, Guelph (vs Waterloo,
2x, LIZ Queen's, Susan
Laurentian, El 1 iot, ."icGill
HcHanter Guelph
(v3 Western,
Carleton) Lee Grieco-Savoy,
Csrleton, Sandra
Warrack, w'aterloo IVS Guelph, Western 1 Julie SUdd3, Carleton (vs ::I) WEEK
7 1
Waterloo McGill Queen's Guelph
0 I 0 1 0
Western Queen's
0 0
SOCCER- EAST 9. 1991 Ryerson ;?
October 4:OOpn
October 4:30pm October
11 -
10:30am l:oo pm 3:30 pm
Waterloo York
10, 1991
900 871 11
10 6 3 10 4 2 944 925
125 015 2 16 1 10 4 6 : 4 3 5
A 2 1 5 6 8 7 II
PTS 20 17 16.5 14 13.5 11.5 8.5
9 37
7' 5
Toronto York
vs VS
Yestarn Brock Trcnt Yatcrloo York
RMC Trsnt
T 0 0
A 29 53
0D D
7g 42 14
124 54 63
10 a 6
25 141
5 4 3
0 0 112 10 al 2 0 101
10 25 42
5 5 5
5 4
3 5
3 1 1 2
r York
Waterloo Queen36
45 1B
Laur ier uatar loo
Laurlntian Lauricr
2 0
1 1. Queen'9 1 Weetern 2 2 -~~;floO 3 Laurie1
0 1 0 1 1
Laurentian Uindnor
3 0
Windsor *Mastat 6 Guelgh western
Carleton Brock Ryarson
1 0 0
York Toronto HcHastsr Vindsar
6213 6222
Wlndaor Western
4 7
2 6
0 0
0 171
Lauriez watarioo Toronto Guelph
4 4
4 3
0 1
0 0
HcMaater Windsor York
4 4
I 1
4 4
3 3
L 0
3 4
0 l-l
0 D
145 124
61 83
86 55
79 99
NO YDS Raynard/Wloo 32 1337 Frank YagaslWastern 16 634 Pally GablrrlQueIgh 19 657 Ray Hartina/McHastetl9 639 Pat O'Leary/Imurier 33 1095
Andy Cerchini/Laur Tom Chartler/Vloo
C 16 19
3 '. 2 5
5 5
109 109
72 36 36 30 30
l l
Caroline Culik is UW’s Female Athlete of the Peter Tchir is UW’s Male Athlete of the Week. Week Caroline is currently completing her Ma+ Peter, a f&ye= veteran w&h the team is completters in Computer _Science follotig -TJn” ing his Mafhematics Degree. ‘, .,_ : dergraduate studies at the University of, Sc&h L. 5 Peter is being hcwwured for his contrikkon of a ciuolina. single, two .cpnverts and three field goals towlling As the Athena’s number one seed, Caroline has 12 of 27 @tits, as the Warriors defeated theprovided a great strength of the team. She is as yet &Master Mauradws 27-O on Saturday. Peter% 45 undefeated in O.W.I.A.A, competition, either in I yar#fieldg& sets the record as the longest in the singles or <doubles’ in which she is paired with ;,,.‘:: (),U’&A. && seam;, and his performaqce this Manju Sekhri. Having already met opponents I I ye&end has lefty-hjm tight points away from from York, Wi.ndscw,WLU, M&fast&, Toronto brdqing h&e &u-pods record as the all-time and Queens, Caroline might well remain leading scorer in Waterloo football history. undefeated this season, as she is favoured to win The Wariors host the University of Windsor the O.W.I.A.A. title. Lanceis at Seagram Stadium on Saturday, October 12, at 2:oO p.m.
LO 2 44 1
2 92 3 78 1 60
AVE 42.0 39.6 35.0 33.6 3342
LK 71 53 58 45 58
TD 89:: ..
57 55 75 16
11.9 9.2
57 102 50 36 29
LI.2 34.0 16.6 12.0 9.6
1 1 -
6 fl
Hcl4astcr Taronto
8.4 4:
Pueen's Vater1oo Brock
: 8 c
B-4 0-4
:. ‘y 4-b O-E
;' 4 2 4 4 i
You may start in May, September, or January I on-a fuil-tim;e or.@+tin*ie basis. . _ . .* -MORE &ORMATIOti? McGill; University Department of Chartered Accountancy (514) 398-4448 _” I_(514).~9&6154,.Fax . . ._ _ ~edp~th~~~~djBulfdin$, Rook 211 ’ ’ 3461 McTavish Street i.a. Montrbal, Qu&m H3A 1YI
49 38 43 LR
57 75 50 36 29
20-4 20-14 16-B
2-4 l-5 2-10
You can, if you have an undergraduate degree in any discipline.
Peter Tchir-Warrior Football
9 7
Caroline Culik - Athena Tennis
WATERLOO ,T~A~X~I :.:. j
Athletes of the Week
45 13
KICKOFFRITURRS NO YDS AVE TD LR Troy Rolmes/W~ndsor13 240 10.4 - 41 Sean Dennl~on/Hac 6 194 32.3 1 95
FG 6 4
Corey Delaney/W100 I Fred Crossmn/Lour 3 Rick bugal/lindror 3 Jason Rosettanl/Wlo0 3 Pat Cello/Western 3
41 150 32 165
Tll 12 -
44 39
THE LEADERS SCQRI nc Tia Tihdale/Western 9. Anaataakisftaur Frank Jaqas/Western
Shorten/Tot TP .Faul Sal Natale/Yark
Frank Harof/Cuelph 32 350 10.9 Dave Irwfn/cuclph 21 293 13.9 Stefan Ptasaek/Laur i4 243 17.3 3zcnt StuckeiLaur 12 216 18.0 Tytone Willlan&Wes 10 202 20.2
F 1
5 1 1 1
319 5.9
Stefhn Ptasxek/Laur 21 Brian Zomer/Totanto 16 Tray HoJmes/WIndtior11 Hike Son/Waterloo. 13
699 1l.E
ATT Cone YD3 PCTIRT 102 55 907 53.9 5
98 86
YDS AVE! TD 652 6.4 390 6.8
10 Bill Kubasltaur 8 69. John LeClair/Wcst 74 40 735 54.1 2 4 94. Rob KltchindCue 77 12 539 54.5 I 2 636 Anthany/Alf~&/Hw64 31 331 46.4 3 2 59. 6 2 50, TP Ually @bler/Gua 82 44 516 53.6
TOP GOALSCORERS Guals Name 8 Claire Thurgur, Toronto 6 Sherry Field, York Marilyn Trachsler, Queen's 6 mchello Colaca, Toronto 4 4 Nicaie Colaco, Toronto 4 Carolyn Quinton. Tordnto 4 Elizabeth Stamp, McGill
GOALTENDERS SHUT-OUTS +ina Farrar, Toronto tv3 Western tiaterloo, Guelph, York, McGill, CdrletanI (t's Michelle Capperauld, York w erloo, Western, Guelph 2x, Carleton, Queen'sT
0 2
Toronto Laurier CaXleton
TEAM Tcrcntc York Queen's FlcGill Laurentian GUC lph Waterlco Western Carleton
3 3
Cue lph water 100 York
5 3
Western HeMaster
RUSHING ND Tim TindaJe/Weatern 53 12 Tom.Chartier/wlaa 102 6 Tony D'Ayostino/Yac 57 0 Andy Cacchini/Laur J4 0 l4. Bockelman/Tor 55
16 16 24 24 JO 24 13
1 2 1 1 0 10 6, 1991
Trent Queen's TOXORtO
2 5
11-13 10-14 7-17 6-10
Miles is a
Hunka Hunkta Burning Stufl The Wonder Stuff with The Milltown Brothers
by Christopher hpint staff
wont’d. from page 10 The Wonder Stuff are touring in of the aforementioned Never bved EIvis album and consequently these first three songs of the night, md the majority of the band’s set were taken from that album. Keeping with the Elvis motif, the stage was bespangled with a golden bust of Elvis and a Tennessee licence-plate embossed I Elvis.. These items were never pointed out as having any import, or even as being significant, they merely just stood as visible reminders of the Elvis tie-in and theme of the tour. 3upport
BONDing with the crowd This first half of the evening connued with a few oldies thrown into be mixture in the form of “Golden ;reen” and “Cartoon Boyfriend.” hese songs were treated to lively, Id well-crafted performances which lowed how well new-comer Paul lifforci fills the shoes of 2%e &zs.s hing Rob Jones. From old material, ie Wonder Stuff changed gears and isplayed a brand new number ‘Me, Ily Mom, My Dad and My Brother” which sufficiently pleased the crowd nough to keep them a-jumping to nd fro despite their ignorance of the umber. Miles dedicated “Welcome to the Iheap Seats” to absent friends, lamely Spirit of the West, whose tour brought them to this very stage last tight “Cheap Seats” is the song on me latest album which features Linda dcrae of SOTW on accordion. For ti number, Martin “Fiddly” Bell put .own his fiddle, put aside his manolin, shunned his piano, and picked .p an accordion to fill-in quite adeuately. In fact, Bell’s musical provess is second only to Miles’ stage
presence as the dominant force of the Wonder Stuff’s live performance. Everyone at Fed Hall, regardless of how they perceived the show as an entity, or Miles as a personality, will attest to the sheer musical ability and verve of Mr. Bell. The conclusion of this first part of the Wonder Stuff’s set came with an energetic version of “Size of a Cow,” a megaphone-rant version of “Donation,” and with Miles momentary wearing his heart on his sleeve by playing “Maybe.” Curiously, the brooding sentiments of “Donation” which were intensified by Mites’ lyric dropping of a Consolidated line, “Looking at a world of alienation with no explanation” from “Brutal Equation,” were simultaneously juxtaposed as being comparable and yet contrasting to the the questioning indecisiveness of ‘Maybe.” There seemed to be a natural division in the show after “Maybe.” Suddenly, the band, more appropriately Miles, realized that their were in the home stretch and picked up a breakneck lambada pace for the remainder of the set. The band chugged through last year’s sole release “Circlesquare” the way Sinatra powers through “New York, New York” -- al+hough Miles did remember all of the words. New song “Here Comes Everyone” followed directly upon the heels of .!‘Circlesquare” and “Wish You Were Here” ensued in a like manner. Miles played the role of a speedcrazed Drill Sergeant bellowing ‘?-Iup” in double time, egging the band on for their snow-balling finale, as ‘Radio Ass Kiss,” “Unbearable,” and “Trenches” brought an end to their set. These songs were offered as a hint of the band’s back catalogue, but were an inferior palliative for those fans who had hoped to catch “It’s Yet Money (I’m After},” “Don’t Let Me Down Gently,” or any of the other chestnuts from the Wonder Stuff’s short but notable career. The encore occurred mere moments after the set had finished. The band regrouped and performed ‘Mission. Drive” before Miles grabbed the megaphone and began the band’s swan song “Goodnight Through.” The curtain came down amongst a sea of smoke and sweaty bodies, and a wail of sirens. As with most well-executed concerts, the prime enjoyment belongs to
the band’s fans, and Fed Hall’s Wonder Stuff concert is no exception to this rule. From some, the band may have gained some new respect, from others, they may have lost some res-
to eat
by Christopher Imprint staff
the capacity
the venue saying: “The Wonder Stuff? . . , weU I suppose they were alright” and that, he would also be quick to point out is “what you pay (him) for.”
Photo by Joanne Sandrin
Spinal Tap stuff too much. We try to make it Merent, it should be interesting.
Sometime in the chaos of tl-i setup and soundchecks of Fed Hall for the Wonder Stuff show, I had the opportunity to talk to Malt Treece who is the guitarist for the band. Considering their piphg-hot Fed Hall dinners where about to be served, I made the interview extremely brief so as not to taint his opinion of the beauty that is Fed Hall Potato Weggies. . .
Malcolm: Especially, in the UK they really jump in with. new bands and build them up which is OK but then you have got to let them find their feet for when they get slapped down hprint: Are you still gaing’ r~~ord
companies upset by being too bmtally honest about your opinions? Malcolm: Well we have got a lot of fiends now. When wesigned to &‘ydor. wegot siped worldwide so a lot of companies just inherited the band. We still are keepingcontrolufwhat weaRdoing .. 1 Imprint: So you ‘re not showing up at HWs evepwhew?
the tour wearing on you?
Imprint:Any chance of hooking up with Spirit of the West during this tour at all?
down over the last year
now. We filmed different things with live shows, atid with Spin’r of the West, and toads of stuff. It is hard to not make it too much rock-u-men*, too much Spinal Tap-ish, but, unfortunately, being in a band, it is kind of like that’s what we do, well not the
Jones) left anyway. I suppose growing up in public was our main problem. Imprint: There dejnitively seems to be
a tendency to sign bands andget them a lot of exposure very quickly recently.
Malt: I think we more wear ourselves out to be honest. This is the longest North American tour we have done usually we are only over here for a week or two.
Malcolm: We are doing a long form video (Welcome to the Cheap &a@ and it’ on that and it will see the light of day sometime next year. Itll also be on the related EP which ties in with the video. Imprint: Is thefilm ciuse to com+tiun? MaIc&n: It is still going on now as there are still bits to be done. Stuff has
Photo by Joanne Sandrin
Words of Wonder
collaboration .with them, “Will the Circle Be Unbroken, ‘I will be releasti?
is the band.
Malt: Well, it’s a conflicting tour isn’t it? They are about a week behind us. I don’t quite know where they are in relation to where we are today. Imprint: Do you know when your
pect, but for the most part, their onehour
crowd assembled inside Federation Hall. From Miles’ outlook, the show was a success as very few people left
is the Man. Photo by Joanne Sandrin
Imprint:l?Gs might
be more
It real/y seemed that a lot of
the material
which appeared on Hup
came out of the disillusionment you
(QS Q bund) f~lr
fisa situation?
Where they
sf a ques- are limiting the tootal number of avail-
t&for Miles, but are people &.&tied by the new tamer Wonder St@? Malcolm: Well, I think we have learned a few things and matured, although, I don’t want to use that word. I mean a lot of things piss you off, dealing with .people and the things you have to deal with, but soon yoti realize that you have got to deal with it.
Malcolm: Oh no, we draw the line at certain things like in-stores and shit, we just don’t do that kind of crap. Imprint: Are yuu uwure of the
Q&T 8 T.-egged
Malcolm: Yeah, weII we were kind of sick ofplaying the@nt album to cetiain points. We did Hup and it was kind of a strange time. We were doing a lot of live work, there was a lot of battling going o,n, and, after that, Bob (Rob
able visas for artists wunting to piay in the US,~ Malcolm: Ii’s appalling, isn’t it. The other side of that is that the American bands aren’t limited for going into the UK The UK is totally open to all bands, so it’s only one way isn’t it. And with that I halted the interview as I heard the chuck bell ringing. Even I, in my sinus-congested situation, could smell the delightful aroma of weggies and I have to admit that I was green with envy. According
to Miles.
band will
be back sometime around February for either a club tour, or there is the possibility of their touring as support
for Sioux.&
and the Banshees. This
tour will also tie-in with the release of
their film Welcome to the Cheap &atis. Catch them if you can. .
11, 1991
CLOSURE! have to shove a lot of manure before you come up with a rose.” If you happen to be climbing the up the north face of the Eiger mountain (Oh, I’m sorry, I think I meant the staircase at -the Princess) sometime in the next week and your nose is assaulted by a waft of some indescribably pungent odour, do not mistake it for the freshly baked Nanaimo bars. What you are ingesting nasally is emitting from one of the canisters containing
The British Animation The British Animation pn’ncess Cinema by Bernard
I believe that Jamie Farr, sporting one his many multi-coloured floral frocks in his role as Corporal Maxwell Klinger, once coined the phrase ~YOU
I have always been the first to line up for these compilation films (ie amjmation or advertising) but I am becoming increasingly cynical as to the merit of hashing through padding and fiIler to unearth substance. I am not saying that they are all awful, I just think that the invasion could have been whittled down from a triggerhappy artillery of 105 minutes to a focused troop of twenty. (Insert appropriate adage regarding quantity and quality).
to agree that Aardmann Animation) was not only state of the art, but a video I wanted to watch time and again. Uhhmmmm, WAKE UP! !! This is 1991. I was hoping that animation projects in Britain have not become so stagnant that 1986’s state of the art is representative of what’s happening today.
sit through not one, not two but three sets of these commercials, think to yourself, would I pay $3.75 to watch cartoons? Pee Wee’s Playhouse, sure. A group of dolphins swimming in synchro to a Brian Eno soundtrack, not so much.
. .
Part of the attracion in animation is the ability to see artifice emulate reality. Nothing causes an upword curl on a tight lip like watching clay capture subtle nuances in human behavior. By far, sumeof the Aardman contributions form the basis of the quality I speak of. Nick Park’s “Creature Comforts,” last year’s Academy Award nominee, justifiably headlines this animation festival. I had a 2” X 4” beam across my face for the entire five minutes watching various zoo animals espouse the virtues and problems inherent in a Iife of incarceration. In the case of “Creature Comforts,” the interviews are merely spontaneous conversations with immigrantfriends. The animification (the opposite of personification?) came M atter. Another Aardman productior worthy of mention is Peter Lord’s “Going Equipped” - an interview with a habitual criminal charting his felonious life. While your eyes are “Krazy-glue”-d to the screen, keep in
My favourite
Milltown Brothers The Wonder
supporting Stuff
Federation Hall October 5, 1991
by Christopher Imprint staff
The Milltown Brothers came to warm up Fed Hall for the Wonder Stuff by playing all of their favouriie songs. The band hails from England and features the Nelson brothers, not Ricky’s sons the vegetarian twins, but Matt and Simon. These brothers along with childhood friends James, Nian, and Barney, formed the band in 1988. The band’s set contained a wealth of new material, as well as a selection off of their debut Slinky. Their live set kicked off just as their album does: with “Apple Green.” Incidentally, “Apple Green” was Matt’s favourite song, but then again every song they played was Matt’s favourite. Their set also included the favourites, “Which Way Should I Jump,” “Nationality,” and, “Sally Anne.” These songs quickly became crowd favourites as they
photo by Joanne Sandrin were well-received and actually occasioned some of the Fed Hall crowd to dance. What comes across within the MilItown Brothers’ live performance is the dilemma of how to utilize the keyboards in a new and unique fashion It seems that Barney James, the keyboard&, could become an integral part of the band’s sound if they figured out what that sound would be. His work came across best when he treated his keyboard as a percussion instrument; however, his sound was at times the Manchester sound of Clint Boon et al., which is what he is trying to avoid. By trying so stringently to avoid a particular sound, he avoids having any definitive sound. Milltown Brothers were everything you could hope for in an opening band. Their music is up-beat and makes it infectious which immediately accessible. They performed a tight, punchy set, which was enlivened by the fact that the band was happy simply to be performing in North Amefica. As well, they gained exposure in front of a capacity crowd who may be interested in checking them out the next time that they return by which time this band may have progreSSed into being a solid headlining act.
Let us also discuss the integratron of commercials in a festival meant to celebrate animation. Don’t they have an entirely different compilation to exhibit that genre? Or are they merely there to say “Look what we can do, look what we can do?” As you
For oneners -
sure, I was the first
Kina d Pain ninz that the aforementioned vocal racks are taken from real life cowersations. Let US discuss some of the manure (of which even Aardman Animations are partly responsible for). In 1986,
In the end, the proliferation of weeds choke off the roses in this garden of animation.‘To put it bluntly the invasion of British animation to our shores was about as exciting as watchkg the UN dismantle Iraq’s “Big Gun.”
For and The Ghust Of Cain
also tokens from No fist
The wicked
(“Better Than Them” and ‘love Songs,” respectively) but of the 16 tracks the bulk are from Impurity, Thunder And Consolation, or the white Coats EP (incl. on the l?wnder
by Trwor Blair Imprint staff New Model Army’s “small yet fiercely dedicated” following can rejoice; after eleven years and five albums the Army finally release a live project. Long considered one of the few live “experiences” left, NMA have pepered their catalogue with the odd ::‘ve track or bootlegged bootleg EP and while some of these dispatches have hinted at the sweat and smoke, they are but mere glimpses - even the Space single of last summer was a bland affair, tom from the broader context of this double-album, 75minute concert. Recorded during theImpurity tour, Raw Meh& Mm is a pastiche of four shows: two from the early-mid British rtion of the tour, the other two IT oxq the latter portion in Germany. As to be expected, Raw is a document of their recent history; sure there’s ‘zlb. Ed,” and “Smalltown England” from &eir indie-smash Vengeance;
The material from hpurily is unquestionably better: as one scholar put it: “Whirlwind,” “Innocence,” and “Lurhstapp” all leap from their redundant mire to frolic about on Raw. In terms of adrenaline, “Get Me Out” is performance at its most potent with vocalist Justin Sullivan screamin’: “So you want to dance?. . .. Alright then, dance to his!”
l l . . . I . . . . .
. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. l l
. l
l .
There are quite a few surprises; “Archway Towers,” terminally lost track from Thunder, finally finds a home. And the song that began Z&mder finishes everything off: The World” Sure the chorus is pretty plain, “I love the world, I love the world, I love etc.” but as always, if not their lyrics, it’s their hearts that are in the right piace.
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A few petty gripes: ‘me Charge” doesn’t, er, charge quite as much as it could, “Brave New World” is nowhere to be heard and do we really need another live version of “White Coats’? Redundancy remains NMA’s chief foe. Don’t expect excessive guitar or drum solos; Raw is a straight-forward set consisting largely of their most popular work. It could’ve been a bestof album, I guess, but they’re so much less personal than live shows, aren’t they?
to Friday
10 a.m. - 7 p.m. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(opposite Waterloo Town Square) 104 King Street, S. WATERLOO, Ontario (lower level) 884-5636
byErikI.indala special to Imprint At the start of an academic term, I naturally want to stock up on angstridden electronic music to relieve studying stress. So it was with enthusiasm that I picked up Cyberalctif’s newest release Tmebme Pi&n Cyberaktif is a petside-line project for Cevin Key of Skinny Puppy. Cevin uses the band to create music on his own without the restrictions of being in a band. But this is what makes this album so disappointing. Aggro electronic music must pre gress with new technology and sounds in order to stay current and interesting. Cyberaktif’s sounds and songs have little new to offer. AU the ektronics used are from the mid’80s and the drum patterns used are too simple and monotonous. Key has regressed to the old Skinny Puppy sound, complete with vocals so distorted they’re unintelligible. The
: i : :
Photo by CD. Co&s
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viewto a kill album even utilizes the now outdated technique of straight sampling film without treating or dialogue manipulating them. The track “Paradiessiets” and the single “Nothing Stays” have definite dance floor appeal, and would certainly fit on any ’80s album. These songs demonstrate the frustration one feels with this album. With a little innovation and newer technology Cyberaktif could have something here. Ironically, the liner notes proclaim: “Long l&e the new flesh.” Certainly there have been many new and exciting electronic bands to burst on the scene recently, including DHI and Waterloo’s own Digit. Unfortunately, Cyberaktif isn’t one of these bands.
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by Lance Manlon Imprint staff 1991: In the age of VCRs and declining TV viewership, the hacks will fl& Hollywood like rats from the Titanic. They will accept jobs teaching night classes in creative writing, or ghostwriting Vanilla Ice autobiographies, or perhaps even as A&R men for decrepit record companies. So it is that the era of High Concept expands into the alternative music arena. Memo: “A cross between the mock cabaret of early Bowie (say, the Hunky Daly petiod)
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trial music. Sure to have massive crossover appeal as well as prestige factor. Lead to be played by Chris Connelly ok tht: Revolting Cocks.” Ex, 1 say, excremental, son. (Shitty, that is.)
Imprint, Friday, October 11, 1991 29
Record Reviews
but a&o bring me to my only criticism of the group. Whenever I hear Floyd’s Dark Side of theMoon, I’m always wishing that the lead mike was given to that gifted woman (can’t remember her name and am too lazy to look it up) for just a little bit longer. Similarly, when I hear a band like Webb, I yearn to hear Deanna’s voice in full-force OccasionaIly, in addition to the current predominantly back-up role. That criticism aside, WEBB are definitely worth a listen. If you want to catch their live act, they11 be pIaying at the Wild Rose in Stratford tonight and tomorrow night, at Wilfrid Laurier on Oct. 18 and 19, and at the University of Guelph on Oct.
that Webb will be one of those that achieve notable recognition. The first clue I had was when I listened to it, and didn’t want to shut it off after a few songs. Another indicator is the warp speed at which the band went from forming to winning studio time, to producing a CD (they formed in January of this year, and I’m a counle months delinquent
neversay never
by Dave Thomson Imprint staff The Kitchener-WaterlooCambridge area has spawned a large number of bands over the years; many of them come and go, while a few manage to get their “15 minutes of fame.” I have a pretty good hunch
in reviewing the CD). The trio &at comprise WEBB are Pete Webb (lead vocals, guitar Bi songwriter), Deanna Knight (vocals and Trevor Teed & percussion), (drums & v0caI.s). Much more than competent, the three bring consider-
~ll=conceived devices by Regjna SchwaId
ipec.iaI to Imprint . . - keep tryin ’ and keep pushin : no a matier what the odds are. . . Bob Marley,~the big father of re ael &id these words to two of the Wai7 ers members before his early death in 1981. q$0 the Wailers Band kept tryin’ and p&&n’ and “it’s taken about 10 years for people to take us seriously as the Wail.ers Band without Bob. The music for me is very magical and I think was worth me wait,” says junior Marvin Well, I would never doubt that music is magical for the Wailers Band, but this album is not magical at all. Though they rehearsed for almost four months, six days a week, and though 10 of the 12 songs are played live at the studio, their album is definitely lacking the magic touch. The songs aqe nice but not inventive, new or vivid. Mujestic Warriors is relaxing to listen to it; however, there is nothing really going on in these songs which are pretty much the same all the time. Unfortunately, the album comes across as being pretty boring!
who replaces Jamie Stewart. Other changes in The Cult’s sound result from the use of piano, organ, and female background singers. Benmont Tenth’s piano intro on “U” is nothing short of beautiful as it serves to set up the guitar explosion that follows. ‘*Heart Of Soul” and “Sweet Salvation” also begin as ballads but gradually increase in tempo and vohrne. These two songs have the potential to further the commercial success already created by the first single and video, “Wild Hearted Son*”
The Cult’s fifth studio album, Ceremony, can be summed up by the phrase found on its inner sleeve: ‘Earth, Soul, Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Lyricist Ian Astbury comes across as an extremely hip Ralph Waldo Emerson or Henry David Thoreau as he stresses the need to form a spiritual bond with the earth. Two lines from the eight-minute opus “White” best exemplify this: ‘We have forgotten our spiritual nature,” and “Wilderness we must embrace you once more.” Musically, Ceremany is as heavy as The Cult’s last release, Sonic Tiple, although there are several riffs that evoke fond memories of 1987’s Elect’c. Billy III@ remains a guitar maestro, and he branches out acoustically on the tracks “Heart Of Soul,” “Indian,” “Sweet Salvation,” and “White.” The rhythm section has a funkier feel to it, probably due to the addition of bassist Charley Drayton,
goldfinger ceremony is a good album, and is wmth listening to in the short term. In alI likelihood, however, it won’t receive tiny prolonged recognition, nor will it be acclaimed as one of the , Year’s best efforts.
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in Her Majesty’s secretsewice belonging to the old reggae tradition and the one thing which is really good about the album is that The Wailers Band try to avoid most of the hi-tech stuff as they go back to their roots, The only exception to this is the band’s remake of Marley’s classic “Could You Be Loved” which contains some rap parts. I am not sure if Bob Marley would like this version as it is overdone and pretty embarrassingly tries to be hip. It must be really hard for the Wailers Band to go on while standing in the shadow of big Bob Marley. The band members are technically and absolutely
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is brilliantly produced; album however, there is something missing: new ideas and vividness. You could be loved, Wailers Band, if you had the real kick which is necessary to make good reggae.
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11, 1991
3-5 by Paul Done cmprint staff There‘s a certain admiration that one has to express toward Consolidated in their single-minded pursuit of a diverse and radical agenda. As a selfdescribed ‘liberal, feminist, vegetarian, new wave group,” Consolidated manage to confront a spectrum of issues such as homophobia, racism, feminism, animal rights, and wrap them up into a face-smacking musical package. If anything Friendly Fascism diversifies the range of issues tackled by Adam Sherbume, Mark Pistel# and Philip Steir in comparison to iast year’s The Myth of Rock. In many ways this has robbed them of the directness and thrust of their first LP. Sherbume though, blames the intensity reduction on the pressures of meeting Ybureaucratic nxord company deadlines.” The change in sound isn’t such a tragedy. In a pragmatic sense, it means that the group has made inroads toward some kind of greater corporate success. “Unity of Oppression” has become a pcditkally correct staple - one whose sentiments are simple enough for even Erica Ehm to &rasp. Strangely, it seems that they have dficuIties putting the themes of vegetarianism and feminism to music. Instead, ‘The Sexual Politics of Meat,” “Meat Kills,” and “Your Body Belongs to The State” are readings and transaiptions of various vegetarian and feminist literatures.
Xnterestin~ but a mite too easy, perhaps. Why not simpIy expand the liner notes to include the written material3 Fiimdiy Fmch includes a handful of white hip-hop stompers in ‘Brutal FkpdiOIl#” “Typical Male,” and “Stoned.” The album’s most pro-
j&n Russibwith love pulsive track is”Music Has N&Meanin&” one of the highlights of their live shows. A crease of a smile (or smirk)
occasionally crosses their f&es “College Radio” is a wonderful little piece of parc~Iy - “College Radio you would never lie to me and turn out to be a top forty station that’s been bought by the major labels,” And it’s all done in a deliberately bad college guitar rock style. F&dly Fmcim will mostly be noted for the ubiquitous “Unity of Oppression,” which was even sam~14 by the Wonder Fluff during Saturday night’s show at Fed Hall. The album can he considered a success, but only in a limited sense. Compared to the lofty go& that COnsOfidated set for themselves, it is something of a failure.
byPaulDone Imprint staff When released over two years ago, the Sons of Freedoms’ eponymous debut LP found a place alongside Slow and BTO at the pinnacle of fullboreCanadianrock.Thoughitwasn’t
consistently massive, certain tracks “Criminal” and ‘Mona Lisa,” most obviously - piggybacked classic hard rock melodicism to the muscular post-punk funk of the Gang of Fcnlr. The Sons, while making prodigal for a long stretch due to contractual wrangling, have returned with a follow-up album which is better in every respect than their first. The only arrow which could be slung at Gump is that it is disappointingly short less than 40 minutes including ~KJ versions of ‘Dream Girl.” Magically, the Sons of Freedom rock harder, more melodically, and with a greater stylistic range than before. The opening track “You’re No Good” sums up all that is great and grand about the LP, it rocks out in magnificent style, with an ascending chorus which is surely a stroke of divine inspiration. “Call Me” is a catchy pop marvel, demonstrating the Sons of Freedom’s newfound ability to mine and purify nuggets of classic pop ore. Then again, fat old losers like the Smithereens write songs like this, too - in their dreams! The album’s most searing moment is “USA Long Distance,” which they have been using to open their concerts. Though it mines the usual vein of anti-U5 sentiment with clips of TV voices, it’s injected with enough snading intensity to shed the lumpen weight of Cliche. Though his grating whine of a voice is well-suited to the overall bite of the sound, lead singer James Jerome Kingston’s tired retread persona is hard to take. With on-stage drug references, and themes of addiction and seKmmoU-io>n festering throughout the IT, he seems be making a play for rclw credibility. Why not spike yourself on stage, too? That would be cool, wouldn’t it? Ach, despite Kingston, Gwnpis fierce. The sinewy grooves and metallic guitars produce a brew of rare potency. The Sons of Freedom have issued a rock statement of undeniable stridency and power.
Imprint, Friday, October 11, 1991 31
Kecord Kevm~s Time I Get to Arizona” which takes PE’s politics into the realm of the specific - “Neither party is mine / not the jackass or the elephant.” The song has the same kind of narrative structure as “Black SteeI in the Hour of Chaos” in which Chuck and the Sl’s posse up in the cause of righteousness. In this case, the cause is Arizona’s non-recognition of Martin Luther King’s birthday as a state holiday “I’m waitin’ for. the date / For the man who demands respect / ‘Cause he was great.”
. subject to classification by Paul Done
The most important band on the planet. For this, their fourth LP album, Public Enemy have shifted their musical focus away from the sprawling hour-plus opuses of Fear uf a Black Planet ad It Takes a Nation of Millions to Htdd Us Buck toward a tighter structure. While their previous two albums sometimes seemed to be going in many directions at once, Apocalypse 91 is fiercely singleminded in intent. Significantly, and without explanation, the Bomb Squad - Hank Shocklee et al. - are no longer twiddling the dials and writing the songs. The new production team is led by Stuart Robertz and Cerwin Depper, who get songwriting credit on all the new aIbum tracks.
a-5 fresh start in a simpler direction for tha PE, but frankly, I’d rather have the Bomb Squad back. The rhythms, whiIe adequately tough, don’t have the same steamhammer impact of old. One need only listen to “One More for the Rebel,” from the Bomb Squad-produced Son of Bazerk album to hear a beat. After a slow start, Apocalypse 91 reaches full speed during “Night Train” and doesn’t slacken until .the end. The album’s tracking does leave something to be desired, as”Get the F-- Outta Dodge,“a b-side from last year, and the Anthrax collaboration of “Bring Tha Noize” are tacked on at the end, and sound more like afterthoughts than part of the alburn. Sister Souljah, the newest member of the posse, doesn’t really havk the prominence expected - considering the flurry of press releases which accompanied her arrival On the other hand, Flavor Flav has finally (in my eyes at least) justified his place in the group.
licensedtu kill Despite the fact that the Bomb Squad get executive production credit, the album has a far less complex (daresay challenging?) sound *n we’ve come to expect. The songs are simpler, lacking the crushing sample density characteristic of the Bomb Squad. Were one charitable, it &uld be suggested that Apoculypse 91 is a
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With lead rapping on three tracks, he is more prominent than ever vime Emla Imprint staff before. Further, the three songs which he does: “I Don’t Wanna Be Called Your Nigger,““More News At What’s in a name? Luckily not 11,” and “A Letter to the New York much. You see, If Carter was really an Post” are as strong as Chuck’s unstoppable sex machine, there would be no time to put out 101 Dammaterial. The latter two continue PE’s anti-press barrage. “I Don’t Wanna Be ~ nations. Seeing that there was enough Called” is easily Flav’s best song ever, time to put it out, however, goes to swiping at blacks and whiles alike show self-proclaimed egos don’t hold who use the term. much water. However, please note, Other than the usual general fistCarter is far from impotent. pumping jams, Apocalypse 91 has a Imagine, Pop Will Eat Itself getting half-dozen of Chuck D’s strongest together with Stiff Little Fingers. That lyrics to date. “1 Million Bottlebags” is is the closest way I can describe how an attack on the malt liquor industry Carter sounds Iike. A guitar-driven in the US which targets the black popsoulid which embraces a wide range ulation. This isn’t mere paranoia, I of keyboards and sampling. Their have personal experience trying to lyrics deserve a couple of paragraphs track down 4Q-uz bottles of Olde to themselves. The way which the English 800 Malt Liquor in Buffalo album was recorded gives it a very and being told by a white suburban live feel, minus the shoe falls of live beer store clerk”Sony, we don’t carry recordings. that’s an inner city drinlc” The tracks on 101 Darnnations are a that here
far cxy from The focal track on ApocarYpse 91 seems to be the incendiary “By the
is t$pical today.
They a& not about boy meets girl only to break up and miss her tilI he
Considering that Apocubpx ‘91. . . The Enemy Strikes Black has only been inhabiting the CD player for three days, it’s hard to fully digest what’s on offer. On these first listens, it sounds excellent. There have been some changes - positive and negative - itll take a while to evaluate
the net result is an increase
or decrease. why no rating? For something this important, you should all listen to it yourselves and make your own
decisions. gets another one. Nowhere is then any talk of changing the world for the better and saving the whales. Rathe Carter rhymes us some stories. Nice simple ones that describe aspects o our culture we would rather forge1 Make no mistake, there is some pre aching going on here. The Sampling that goes on is fa: beyond your average cut ‘n’ paste style that everyone and their sister does today. Carter assembles an aud ible collage of catch phrases and ha! them work with the song. “Every timr a church bell rings another angel getz its wings” is a song about a cold ant desperate suicide. Yet this song’s con text is a far cry from the context it wa: used inha WondPrficlLife. 101 Damnutiuns is a collection of contem porary nursery rhymes. In a fun anti sarcastic way, Carter tells us storie that go on all around us but onI) appear as five-line stories on the lasl page of the paper. They use “AWOP BOPALOOBOPALOPBAMBOOM!” to describe a father beating his child. The first single is “Sheriff Fatman,” an overplayed song that is well worth the listen. It’s fast; catchy and tallts loads about organized crime and drugs, The social commentary is there if ypu want to listen to it, but it’s not a must to enjoy the music. Jim Bob
and Fruit Bat (otherwise known as Carter q . .) have a lot to teI.l us about ourselves and don’t bore us in process. If you got the bucks pick Carter The Unstoppable , Machine and you won’t be down!
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Everythingb a-O.K.
by Jennifer
Come and play in the Theatre of the Arts only from Ckt 22 to 26. Department instructor and mas-
; Those who have graced the UW t Drama Department corridors in the Elast few months will have noticed that framed photos and posters from past productions have been adorning the walls in increasing quantities. At the same time, publicity for the 1991-92 theatre season is all over campus. The department is making a special effort to celebrate and promote the talent and energy of its students. And with good reason. The first show of the season is tirtities, a comedy written a decade and a half ago by Jack Heifner. It follows three female friends from their bubbly, optimistic highschool days (when they were popular disapcheerleaders), to the pointments of their lives as adults. Director Joel Greenberg, also Chair of the Drama department, explains that “the play reflects their individual vanities and egos,” An advantage of the script, says Greenberg, is that, for two of the three acts, “the actors are completely at home with the ages” of the characters. Vanilies endured close to five years off-Broadway, but it runs
directing the second offering, a modem staging of Shakespeare’s Romeo and h&t which has been specially adapted by professor William Chadwick. Greenberg explains that when mounting
Next term, members of both an introductory and advanced directing class will most likely be staging oneacters and other studio productions, but the big show after Christmas will
be the Sandy Wilson musical, 7%~ Boyfiend. Greenberg, who has done much work in professional musical theatre, will be directing and choreo8raPhing this romp through a
“dense” classic, it is necessary to rethink it, to show audiences what personal meaning the play has for the director. Spencer has characterized the Montagues and Capulets as feuding Mafia families, and has kept in mind the desirability of reaching the high school audiences which will be attending matinees. Performances for the general public will be given Nov. 20 through 23. A gripping new season. . Onlv five days after Romeo und Juliet iloses, D&e Cheoros’ senior directing project, Sexual perversity in Chicago, will open in the Hagey Hall studio room 180. This simultaneously comic and serious theatre piece, by American playwright David , by mb,,, clifton Mamet, was loosely adapted several Imprint staff years ago into the movie About Las? Night, starring Demi Moore and Rob No, you uncultured ingrates, not Lowe. It playi Nov. 27 to 29. r; Raffi
1920’~ girl..’ *finishing school. He chose it because “it’s silly, very high energy,“and “a fabulous actor’s musiCal.” Although skilled dancers and singers can highlight the play, Greenberg says, it is at the same time a vehicle to accommodate the abilities of aH kinds of performers. Also, “it’s nice to do a show once in a while that’s just fun.” This spectacle will take place March 3 through 7. Christopher Durang’s Laughing wild is a two-character comedy about the difficulty of surviving in a contemporary urban setting. Greenberg describes it as an “angry satire” which draws “humour out of desperation.” It will be -acted, directed, and produced by senior students Karen Morton and Craig Mason, finishing off the theatre line-up with performances March 25 through 28+
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20th anniversary.
Gates of Time” was said to illustrate the gates of time through which all
her Ensemble), and Rkbkrt Silverman (on faculty at UBC, winner of the Grand Prix du I?isque from the Liszt
must pass in life. From the very start, it seems as if each section of instruments is a single species of
ord that can be are not raised
Maestro n’s anniversary after 20 years of conducting the K-W
- Amateur
this to the maturing
n life, in which one’s to “come together.”
life can b
Thurs. i Fri. Nights - Mak Oancers Saturday Nights - Live Bands
Saturday Night we have live bands!!
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to R?/V
C tions by an array ofmusical
this ad on band night & pay NO cover. Street,
throughout the rather lengthy and extremely lively compo+ition. Parker won the evening’s first standing ova-
stars, to
the tremendous finale performance from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony (opus 125 in d: Presto) which included the Menno Shger~ and Kitchener Waterloo philharmonic Choir. Gary Kulesha conducted his own stirring composition which had been specially written to celebrate Maestro
the Leningrad Conser%ory). was followed by Beethoven’s Concerto
U of T,
MusBaerg with the
(also of K-W, now working Opera Company), and “a soloist with
forming with the Canadian Company this season).
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Mystery from:
Lichti (who studied at WLU, and the Nordwestdeutsche ikakademie) and Thoedore
ber?) from Rossini’s ‘The Barber of Seville” (in which Baerg will be per-
Guatemala Thailand Indonesia and more
more for Violin, Violoncello and Piano, opus 56: Allegro, performed,respectively, by Moshe Hammer (formerly of K-W now leading the svmDhonv. xr&deus’ Ensemble from T&onto), Denis Brett (winner of two Juno’s for Best Classical Recording by a Chamlively
treal. The complement of the programme was made up of vocal performances by Schellenberg, Joanne Kolomyjec (“one of the/most soughtafter sopranos in the country as well as internationalls/‘), mezzo Catherine Robbin (highly acclaimed for her recent recording of Mahler with the K-W Symphony), baritones Daniel
WATERLOO 5 19e747-1176
The night’s third standing ovation erupted at the conclusion of the finale. Every performer and player easily deserved it too, but clearly this ringing and lasting applause was for Maestro
as he
appears to be however, he would not take it without sharing the glory with those who had Performed with him.
Africa +
After the applause bd coaxed him out of the wings the third or fourth time, visibly moved, Armenian approached the host’s microphone
and said simply, ‘Thank you with all my heart. This was so touching.” Then he left the stage. 94 King
20 years of indisputubk
cess and accomplishment
(5 19) 746-073 7
such humility
Call l-800-387-1799
and emotion
in his field, is indica-
live of a rare dignity, a dignity worthy of the celebration its contribution to our city’s (even, our country’s) art was given.
. r .--1
imhnt. Friday, October 11, 1991 33
Book Kewewis
Immigration assimilation M. G. V’kaanji
No New Lund M&Land and Stewart 208 pages, $16.95
by Julia Farquhar speck1 to Imprint Maybe you didn’t notice 69 Rosecliffe Park Drive the last time you passed through Don Mills. And maybe Honest Ed’s didn’t strike you as a “block-wide carnival that’s also a store,” a “centre of attraction whose energy never ends,” or a “dazzle and sparkle that’s seen as far away as Asia and Africa in the bosoms of bourgeois homes where they dream of foreign goods and emigration” the last time you shrmbled past those garish lights after an evening at Pauper’s, Maybe you need to take a tour through that “world class city” Torontonians call home, with a newcomer to this country as your guide. You’d be amazed at what you’d learn. M. G. Vassanji’s NO New Land is an eloquent, emotional account of one
doing, both creates an intricate
man’s struggle to assimilate himself and his family into a new country’s new culture. The novel, Vassanji’s second, opens in the living room of the Nurdin and Zera Lalani, fairly recent immigrants from Dar es Salaam. We soon learns that the family’s assimilation is not yet complete, and that all is not well. Teenaged Fatima has been denied entry into pharmacy at the University of Toronto, her chosen ticket ,to ride away from 69 Rosecliffe Park Drive. More importantly, and more central to the novel, Nurdin, Fatima’s father and Vassanji’s protagonist, has been accused of attacking a girl. than provihing Rather any immediate details about the alleged attack, Vassanji chooses instead to go back in time, to “begin at a different place.”Waxing both philosophical comedic (and essentially and wallpapering his thesis onto the page), the author reminds the reader that, “(w)e are but creatures of our origins, and however stalwartly we march forward, paving new roads, seeking new worlds, the ghosts from our pasts stand not far behind and are not easily shaken off.” However much he tries to march forward as a proud new Canadian, Nurdin Lalani slides hopelessly backward, bur-
dened at all times by the guilt his dead father still somehow manages to heap upon him. Although Vassanji’s technique of tearing the story’s wrapping away a sliver at a time becomes both frustrating and infuriating, it is during his painstaking process of building a background that Vassanji reveals himself as a master at his craft. He develops detailed histories for each of his central characters, and, in so
line and offers the uninitiated African scholar a brief understanding of how Tanzania won independence from its British colonisers, and of what life after independence meant for the East Indians living there. Vassar+ is an absolutely masterful writer who, with his subtie shifts between third and first person pronouns, leaves me convinced that Nurdin Lalani lives and broods deep inside the author himself. Curiously, however, Vassanji treats Nurdin with both compassion and contempt; you don’t know whether you ought to laugh at Nurdin or cry with him. For example, Nurdin believes that he has started a slippery slide to hell after he eats part of a hotdog; he has always believed that eating a pig makes one a pig, a symbol of gluttony and lust at their finest. Because he is already prancing along the primrose path of moral degradation, Nurdin finds it easier to drink his first beer and attend his first peepshow. All the while, however, he feels guilty and ashamed, believing he has somehow begun to rot. An initial reaction of amusement and compassion soon gives way to frustration at Nurdin’s constant ‘self-blaming; amidst this frustration comes the realization of
just how difficult it will be for NurdiI ever to assimilate into his new SUI roundinZl;s.‘ Also brilliant is Vassanji’s technj que of matching the tone of his wrii ing with the tone of the story. The fin part of the book, which discusse both the mass exodus of East Indian from Dar and the smaller-scab exodus of the LaIani family, read quickly, so quickly that you have tl struggle to keep up with its fast-pace< intensity. You cannot hold bacl feelings of frustration, despair, an< rage during the Lalanis’ attempt tc enter Britain: “At London airport nor ma1 eyes wo.uld have seen, at the em of a long queue, a somewhat dowd! couple with puffed faces and twc children practically asleep on their feet. What the immigration officers saw, apparently, was a pack of skilled and rehearsed actors from the formel colonies out to steal jobs from hardworking English men and women.” Although at times it slows almosl to a halt, Nu New Lund is a powerful and complex novel, simultaneously tragic, comedic, and ironic. In all, the novel offers a fantastic introduction to life as a new Canadian; anyone even remotely interested in the issues and obstacles immigrants face wiIl find it a fascinating, worthwhile read.
Davieshits the Spirits Murther
& WaIking
interesting. One sequence, a stream of consciousness narrative by Gil’s father and grandparents, isr shockingly unconvincing. There are other problems with the book as well, not the least of which is its thematic incoherence. A Cain and Abel motif is used fairly consistently for the first third of the novel, then dropped and picked up again just as the book ends. The same goes for the usual half-baked psychology Davies indulges in, this time about the woman inside the man (not female attributes, a separate personality). And when Davies does directly develop his theme, it is with such an air of Big Statement that one feels it ought to be printed in red ink: “Every man ‘s j&h? is the heqjgh t,
by Robertson Davies McClelland & Stewart 357 pages, price $27.95 by Derek Weller Imprint !3taff
Murzher & Walking Spirits, the new novel by Robertson Davies (perhaps the most widely-respected name in Canadian literature), offers many of the familiar e1ements of Davies’ best work. It’s all here: a huge cast of characters, a sweeping scope, a keen perception of modem life based on an awareness of history, and a strong Disappointingly moral purpose. though, it all adds up to a surprisingly muddled and ineffective book. The beginning at least, is full of simply crackerjack: apromise, dultery, murder and a haunting of sorts, all in the first two pages. The narrator Connor Gilmartin (“Gil”), entertainment editor of a fittitious Toronto daily - surprises his wife and his star film critic in bed. The surprised writer conks Gil on the head with his walking-stick, and accidentally kills him. However, Gil’s spirit remains in the room, to view the resultant hand-wringing with a wry sneer. The novel’s opening is an instantly arresting whirlwind, but it is deceptive. Thp situation Davies establishes, Gil’s narration, even Gil’s very character, are all secondary to the main action of the book. That action centres on an enigmatic, spectral film festival that Gil’s spirit attends. Somehow, the powers that be have contrived to present to Gil the lives of his recent ancestors - beginning in the late 1700s and continuing up to his own father - in the form of motion pictures, with quick cuts, slow dissolves, split screens, and all the other modem tricks of the trade. Thus, the content of the films actually makes up most of the book, and Murthvr & Walking Spirits reveals itself to be a thinlydisguised historical novel. From post-Revolution America to 18th-century Wale to colonial Canada, Davies attempts to recreate a whole series of settings, and populate them with convincing characters. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he does not. For example, the section which deals with a family of British Loyalists
However, too much of the historical material is merely bring. The novel is never less than readable after all, Davies has been writing prose for a while and pretty much has it down by now - but readable does not always mean compelling. or even
fleetig a fiercely pro-independence New York City is spellbinding and vivid. Also harrowing is the description of a nightmarish marriage in 1800s Canada, between a sternly proud architect/buirder and his shrewish, frigid wife.
..wherever and however he meets it. If he has the courage to face the dragon. or destiny, or whatever it may be, and whether he wins orfalh in the battle, it’s the hem-Jght.” wow. Perhaps the greatest problem with the book, though is Gil’s inadequacy
as narrator. Gil is only a real presence at the story’s beginning and its end the frame to the film festival. Otherwise, he fades into the background, offering occasional sardonic commentary on what he sees. Rarely dm Gil come aEve as narrator, for even ‘I when he does get in his witty asides, such passages are not tinified by any cohesive sense of Gil’s character. He is simply too weak a character to support the burden of effective narration. Since, by its very intent, Murther & Walking Spirits is disjointed in the first place, Davies’ lack of narrative vision is a crippling flaw. (Oh, and the ending is stilted and perfunctory, too.) Ultimately, while MuHher & Walking Spi& is as readable as you wouId expect from Robertson Davies, and while it would seem to share many of the attributes of Davies’ body of work as a whole, it falls far, far short of the standard set by his previous novels. All the familiar and poweiful ideas are there, but something has gone wrong with their application.
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34 Imprint, Friday, October 11, 1991
Book Reviews
You give me fever the dream of the ’80s; war, isolation, h short: Mr. Ballard was born in insensitivity, and a collapsing ecology 1930, in China, and spent hi youth in are its landscapes, a terrain populated a WW II prison camp. His internment by countless messiahs, visionaries, is generally regarded as the madmen. The title story depicts an laboratory where young Ballard% idealist street-fighter (Ryan) in warimaginary powers were his only torn Beruit. Ryan dreams of a ceaseliberation from the fences of the camp fire, a day when war will be replaced and the parameters of (his) reality. by Trevor BIa.3 by an eternal peace. He eventually His literary history dates back to ‘56 Imprint staff of sorts, where his first short story was ’ learns Beruit is a-laboratory where the first world keeps arid eye published in Nav Worlds magazine. War Fever indeed. Published in on “the virus of war. . . . Not a physical 1990, J. G. Ballard’s latest work, a Since then, Ballard’s output has virus, but a psychological one even short story collection, didn’t see light varied from pulpish sci-fi (The tiwmore dangerous that smallpox.” The ned World, me Wind Ftvm Nowhere, of day on these shores until summer UN become puppetmasters in an The Dmught) to thti surreal sexuality ‘91 - for a post-war fever audience. elaborate game: “We set off the of mgh Rise, Crush!, and The Atrocity Critical accolades spill freely from Exhibition& (note: San Francisco bombs . + + supply all the weapons ... the heavens on Ballard now thanks to print up the propaganda material. . . his Booker nomination and subsepublisher / hip-cats Re/Seurch xecenfake the atrocity photographs, so that quent mainstream sanctification via tly released a revised, expanded, the rival groups betray each other and illustrated edition of Exhibition comSteven Spielberg - both genninatchange sides. It sounds like a grim ing from his 1985 success Empire OJ plete with authors annotations, makvemion of musical chairs, and in a E?w Sun. Like Dr. Mallory in his last ing it the only widely available ediway it is.” Subject to this sort of fever, tion of the work since a “horrified” book The Day Of Creation, Ballard Politically Correct idealism boils over Nelson Doubleday decided to shred hasn’t so much journeyed to the - symptom no. 1. waters of the mainstream as he has the entire press run back in 1970,) Beyond the second story, war plays envisioned them in his mind and in Recent revival of interest in more” of a metaphorical function in doing so caused them to appear. Ballard’s singular talent has inspired the collection: sexwar in ‘bve In A re-issue after re-issue and his works Remember, of Creation (1987) and Colder Climate;” envirowar in Empire of The Sun: they weren’t his are to be found in the literature sec“Dream Cargoes;” and of course most recent novels, they were merely tionas well as the s&k His is imaginachills and flashpoints of madness the ones he wmtedown most recently; tive jlction - the greatest language abound throughout. “The Secret Hi+ known to man, and the pinnacle of Ballard often insists Empire is one of human communication. tory of World War 3,” which also surhis earliest work Co.nfusing? faced as part of the “expanded” Maybe. Insane? Perhaps. War Fever is borne essentially from Exhibition, reveals a narrator that is “the only person to know that (WW III) ever occux~ed.” ne “news” it would seem, becomes ‘lost in the torrent of medical reports (covering) l l Reagan’s recovery from a cold.” Ballard% symbolic language obsesses l One in ten women are repeatedly abused, the majority in over the perceptions by which reality front of their children. Waterloo Regional Police answer a is understood and ultimately manipulated. Similar to -the ‘%rus” domestic call involving violence between mates every three notion of war in the story preceding, and a half hours. “Secret History” sugg&s a nation * vaccinated by the media, l Mary’s Place, the UWCA women’s residence provided safe, Escapism lies on the far side of’ insanity’s mirror, and so postmodem supportive shelter to 440 women and children last year. It games abound; ‘The Object Of The costs $34. per day for a bed, meals, and supportive counJ. G. Baltard War Fmer Collins
bid YOUKnow.
selling. Low indome residents can only afford a small portion of this cost. 1. Much more must be done, but we need YOUR help. Be a local hero. Please give the United iNayb . ’
Attack” is constructed as a fxxensic diary, “Answ&s To A Questionnaire”
is just that, and ‘The Index’%, welI, an index: *‘A - Avignon, birthplaw of HRH, 9-13; childhood holidays, 27; research at Pasteur Institute of OphthalmoIogy, 101; attempts to restore anti-Papacy, 420-35 . . . 2 Zielinski, Bronislaw, suggests autobiography to HRH, 742; commissioned to prepare index, 748;
War babies warns of suppression threats, 752; disappears, 76 1.” Many have described Ballard’s work as haunting and the selections in War Fever are no exception. ‘The Man Who Walked On The Moon” is the tale of “Commander” Scranton, a self-described astronaut who at first resembles a typical con-man, hustling naive tourists’ money for photographs with him. The closer we get to Scranton, the more we realize he real!’ is an astmnaut, not that he’s been in outer space 2 he is trapped in a sort of perceptual inner space. Mimicking the involvement of the reader, our narrator becomes engrossed in this “‘astronaut,” ultimately assuming his identity, continuing a journey in a void deeper than the heavens. More harrowing perhaps is the tale of ‘The Air Disaster” where an ambitious photographer trivels up a mountainside in &apulco to search for the remains of a recent plane crash. Further and further up the mountain he. questions villagers who know less and less English. StilI, they understand the importance of the
plane and insist it’s near the top. The photographer waves his bank wad around, encouraging the natives to understand how important it is that he find “many bodies , . . cadavers, everywhere . . .” I won’t spoil things by telling you exactly how the villagers have, and continue to, misunderstand him A fact to be repeated ad nauseam concerns Ballard’s short story “Why I Want To Fuck Ronald Reagan,” from Exhibit&. In the story Ballard predicts Reagan’s presidency. First published in 1967, the tale remains a bizzare testament to ‘his persistence of vision. Though ffir Fever remains fiction now, who knows what elemental strain of vegetation may yet, through the propulsion of its own ~ magical substance, leap into the realm of reality. As Malcolm Bradbury states: “(Ballard) has a remarkable gift for filling the empty, deprived spaces of modern life with the invisible cities and wonder world of the imagination.” His firstshort story collection in almost ten years, War Fever documents a Ballard potent, giving birth to new realities.
HIP HAPS HI PHAP If you need a pledge form or more information, call Karen Hicks at ext. 3760, or send an e-mail message to UNWAY@WATDCS.
bYMAnger witness Protection
Hoo ha! Bolt the doors! Lock the windows! Just in time for Oktoberfest, fitchener-Waterloo’s annual
salute to the “return to sender” bodily digestive function, Hip Happenings is back This return of the most gratuitous part of Imprint was even prophesied by Nostradamus himself. It was a busy week on campus last
week, so things
are a little quiet this week Nonetheless you could divert some of your Crack money toward attending one or more of these events. On Sunday night, blues legend Buddy Guy rolls into Pop The Gator
St., Kitchener)
for a night of
guitar frenzy. On Tuesday, the ‘Kinkster’ - Kinky Friedman {minus
his Texas Jewboys) plays at the Circus Room (King St., Kitchener). Michelle Shocked will be at the Opera House on Thursday, October 17, (Queen St., Toronto) for a night of hairy-legged fun. On the same night, the sweaty formulaic dance troupe known as C&C Music Factory will be lip-synching (whoops! that’s p/uying live) at Brampton’s Superstars.
c Karaoke lots of fun & prizes!
If you’re living in the past, and if you think that punk rock is more than the flaying of a long-dead horse, you might want to check out The Exploited tonight (Friday, Oct. 11) at the Opera House. Having trouble sleeping? Guitarist Michad Hedges is sure to bore you into a stupor Sunday night at the Bathurst St. Theatre, Toronto. Tn one
Wednesday to Saturday 8 p,rn, - 2 a.m. 400 King Street, W,, KITCHENER,Ontario
Cade4 who has taken the term “annoying” and put her name on it, is opening for the ki+ass combo known as Change of Heart (Wednesday, October 16) at the Trasheteria, Guelph. Plan to arrive late. bills in eons, Meryn
l cont’d. from page 2. Aserting Youmelf in the Job Interview - 2 l/2 hours - express yourself successfully and overcome personal difficulties. Prerequisite: Interview Skills I and reviewing handout. Wednesday, Oct. 9 - 3:30 to 6:00 pm. ; Thursday, Nov. 7 - 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Both dates at NH 3001.
LSAT/GMAT/MCAT/GRE - if you have to take one of these tests, take Kaplan first. Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Centre (519) 438-0142.
Women at Work: Overcoming Barrim - 1 f/2 hours - informally sharing ideas. Wednesday, Oct. 9 - 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
RU.S.H. Resume Service - one look, you’ll say: “It’s so good, I’d hire myself.” For professional job search a&stance: 7473527.
SATURDAY WORKSHOPS Come for the day and bring a bag lunch. Saturday, Oct. 19 - lo:30 to 12:OO - Planning for a Career, Principles of Job Search ; 12:30 to 1:30 - Resume Writing ; I :30 to 230 - letter Writing ; 2:45 to 3:45 - Interview Skills I ; 3:45 to 4:45 - lnvterview Skills It.
&sum- - student special - $25.00 and 20 copies. 746-25 IO. Needing renovations done around the house or the apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or after 6:OO p*m. at 746-2763.
*aring for tie Job Search - Saturday, Oct. 26 - “Hands-on” workshop for graduating students. 10:00 to 12:30 - Determining your interests and strengths, and defining important aspects of the job ; 12130 to 1:OO - bring your lunch ; 1:OO to 2:45 - .Researching occupations in the Career Resource Centre ; 3:00 to 5:00 - Selling your qualifications in a resume and interview.
Fast, p&essio~I word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne. 886-3857. Voi& local Coaching - professional singer is opening a studio in K-W for beginning to advanced students. Call Anne-Marie Donovan 570-3362.
Graduating Studenta Interviews - NOV. 11 to Dec. 6, 1991 and Jan. 13 to’Feb. 7, 1992. Graduate 2 Newspaper distributed Nov.
‘fLpi Plus-word processing of essays, reports, letters, resumes, etc. Laser printer, copying available. Excellent service and rates. Call 725-2733, 9 a.m. to 9 pm.
ltesmme centre - NH1115 - 042. 26 at 11:OQ to 3:OO p.m. Ask about guided ~andeveninghous. Additional ~~IIVI - Inquire in Career Services, NH 1001, I 115 or phone 888of Education Tatks - Oct. 16 and
MBA Day - Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 9:OO to 1200 noon at the Davis Centre Foyer.
Honda CBX550 Sportsbike. Fast and nimble! Reliable, good condition - wit\ certify. Make an offer! Call Atan 747-0727,
soft Qpe word pro&sing: fast, friendly service on high resolution laser printer. Resumes, essays, French, work reports iricluding graphs, math, formulas. Some corrections. Albert and Bearinger area.
1984 Honda Civic: 3 door, 5-speed, great gas mileage, good student car, fabulous condition. Certified $3,700 obo. Need money - must sell!
Desperately seelring the guy who is rriissing a red baseball cap. A THOUSAND PARDONS! Tried to find you but like Cinderella, you vanished. Begging that the tail isn’t ritually sacrificed! 725-2070.
QU~~II size waterbed - $50.00 obo., 1 small bookshelf - $15.00, food processor and many more household jtems. Call 747-4791 and leave message.
The Toronto Art Therapy Institute and the Institute for Arts and Human Development at the Lesley College Graduate School in Cambridge Mass. have completed arrangements for a co-operative program of studies leading to a masters degree in expressive arts therapies. Students and graduates of the Toronto Art Therapy Institute 2 year diploma, are eligible to apply to the Lesley College Masters degree program in the Expressive Art Therapies where their graduate - level training at the Toronto Art Therapy Institute will be given credit as part of the Lesley Masters program. To complete their Masters degree, students spend two summers at Lesley College for 2 five week periods. If you would like to receive further information about this joint effort, please contact our office and a staff person will be pleased to talk to you. 216 St. Clair Ave., West. Tel.: (416) 924-6221.
FU~OIUJ or Box/Spring and mattress for sate. Price at $145, Delivery available. Call 416-796-6695 (collect). -
Travel Company wants student reps. Organize a trip and travel for free to Quebec, Daytona, Mexico, Jamaica, Bahamas. Call l-800-263-5604. NOUSlNO
km for rent, next door to UW, 16’ x 20’ bedroom with own bathroom. Negotiable. 725-9326.
Classified Ad Deadline is Mondays at 5:00 p.m. 9 they must be prepaid l
tit&n set with 4 chairs and 1 leaf (light oak in colour), two 2-tier endtables. $80.00 for everything or best offer individually. Call after 6:00 p.m. 742-4558.
1 HP Calculator - REWARD OFFERED call lngrid 570-4337.
LJW Jackets - leather, melton, terrylene $25.00 to $125.00. ONE TIME SALE! Call for more info 740-3330 (9-5 p.m.)
Distmsed by a possible pregnancy? Birthright offers free pregnancy tests and practical help. Call 579-3990.
35 snug experience: typing and word processing - reasonable rates. Erb & Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
CAM& Culeer Week - “Start to Finish”, Nov. 4 to 8 ; “Shadow for a Day” Draw, Friday, Nov. 8.
LSAT, GMAT, GRE Preparation Courses. A unique approach used successfully by thousands of students since 1979. Call I800-387-55 19.
To the GOOD SAMARITAN who turned my keys in at the Bombshelter 3 days ago: thanks a lot buddy, hope you enjoy the keychain!
UW Black leather jacket - just like new, removable insulation, size 42 - $200.00. Call Bill at 749-2987.
isers Food & Restaurant8-
Appliances/Electronics Hosanna Software Microway PC Factory Three T’s Info. Sy&rns
l l l l
Auto Dealers/Services Waterloo
+ Provident
Cob blestone Gallery Princess Cinema
Arts/Entertainment l
Aladdin Restaurant East Side Mario’s Full Circle Foods Gino’s Pizza Little Caesar’s Pizza Schlotzky’s
l l
North Mazda BdcstQms Bookstore
Laundry Setvice Martin & Rays Laundry Caf4 Night Spots Ouffers Pago’s L.ounge The Coronet The Twist Waterloo’s Network
Campus Groups & Services
l l
Federation of Students l St. Jeromes Catholic Community l Village 1 l Uw Housing Administration Cities of KitchenedWaterloo l Kitchener Transit Clothing/Accessories l Adventure Guide 4 O.A.C. Liquidators l Keleher’s Saddlery l Mayan Crafts l Patterson Saddlery l Shoes 22 Warehouse l Surrender Dorothy l
K-W Sisters Annual Artfest - ads craft show and sale. Oct. 13 from noon to 5 Big
Admission Market. I
$2.50 at Kitchener
Just Before the RevoluUkrainian Student’s Club General Meeting is at 5:30 in the Campus Centre, room 113. New members always welcome! If you can’t make it call Mike at 578-6684. ChildCare Advisory Committee 1 w&Id
to provide
hear from the comcommittee cari best ildren. Ludlow Hall
Off Campus Education School
Abel Griving
Olke l
Office Centre
Dr. Disc
ReWC?ati0n Erbsville Kartway K-W Oktoberfest Spwts Clothing &
l l
Copying & Mail Supplies Kinko’s Copying 6 Topley Copy Gentre
Travel Cuts
Taxi Taxi
Employment Corps
Flowers l
Julie’s Flowers
& Gifts
+ Works
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The ExecuCite comes with either a 16MHz or 20MHz processor, and is available with 20, 40, or 6OMb Hard Disk. RAM is upgradeable to 4Mb. Its dazzling display is a backlit LCD VGA - one of the best available.
in class, in the library, in bed, in I
The other half of this deadly duo is the B&We BUBBLE JET PRINTER from CANON*. This little beauty won’t fit In your pocket either, but it slips right in the old knapsack with your NOTEBOOK. It’s as light as a feather (4.6 Ibs) and is also fully portahle (with its own optional battery pack). And you won’t believe the quality.- Using revolutionary ink-jet technology the Bubble Jet produces 300 dpi output that rivals that of laser printers costing hundreds of dollars more.
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