Vol. 14 No. 17
Friday, November 8,1991
The Student Volunteer Centre is located in CC206. Information on the following (and other) volunteer opportunities can be obtained by calling Ext. 2051 OF dropping by the office. Regular office hours: Monday & Wednesday IO:30 to 12:30 and Friday 1200 to 1:OO. Core Literacy - volunteer tutors needed to provide one-to-one tutoring for adults and youth who want to improve their reading, writing and basic math skills. Call 7436090. Green Conference - Environmental conference to be held this November, requires volunteers for organization, fundraising, accommodations, MacGregor public School - students needed that are interested in helping with Grade 7 and 8 French classes. %xvices for Persons with Disabilities Office - persons needed to assist students with disabilities with reading, library work and note-taking. Girl Guides - assistant needed Tuesday evenings 6-8 p.m, to work with girls aged 9-11. No previous guiding experience necessary. Cedarbrae Rtblic School -work in a school setting, Grades K - 6. Friends is a school volunteer program where a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need: male and female volunteers 18 years of age and over. Call 742-4380 to book an interview.
Looking for good resume experience? How about volunteering at the Sexuality Resource Centre. If interested call Joan at 885- 12 11, ext. 2306 or leave a message at the Fed Office. The Community Opportunities Development Association and the Kitchener Small Business Self Help Office is seeking the services of two volunteers. The services of a graphic artist and desktop publisher are required to assist with the revision of a 50 page booklet with the prominent credit in the publication for their work. Contact Wes Worsfold at 740-9694 or Terry Smye at 74 l-2604. DC .#e need Quebec?” If this is your area of interest, the FEDS need immediate help with a speech contest (organized by the Public Issues Board for National Unity) To sign up please calt Jodi at 725-7408. Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity on campus. If so, consider working for Plenty Canada. Plenty Canada has been working in Latin America, Asia, Africa and in North America. For more info call (613) 278-2215 or Plenty Canada, c/o Heather Phaneuf, RR 3, Lanark, Ontario, KOG lK0,
MBA Day ‘91 - meet reps from Canadian (& some US) schools. Pick up information/ application packages. Sponsored by Career Services. Admission is free. Fknison College is now accepting applications from residence undergraduate students for the winter 1992 term. for further infomation, please call 884-4400. Would anyone who is interested in assisting students with disabilities for the Fall Term 1991, with reading, library assistance, note-taking, please contact Jane Farley at Services for Persons with Disabilities Office, NH2051, ext. 5082 Look forward to hearing from you!
Art Galery KitchenerD’Vaterloo Exhibitions on View - “The Human Form” Aug. 11 to Dec. 29 ; “Walter Bachinski” -Sept. 12 to Oct. 27 ; “Fred J. Pitts” - Oct. 3 to Oct. 27 ; “Michael Boss” - Oct. 3 1 to Jan. 5/92 ; “Expressions 17” - Nov. 3 to Dec. 15 ; “The White Line: Canadian Wood Engravings” -Nov. 7 tc Dec. 22. DonationsneededfortheR.O.0.F. Library Program - books, magazines, art supplies, paper, and shelves are needed for our front line counselling sertiice for youth. If you would like to donate some items please call Elaine 743-6090 or Gerrard 742-2788. Herpes HELP Group of KW is a confidential support group of people with herpes. The group offers current medical informaiton, emotional supper? and informal
social outings. l-or informaiton Planned Parenthood at 743-646 1.
WIG Fall Film and Video Services, Women’s issues Committee, GSA. Nov. 7 - “Fight Back: Emergency Selfdefence for Women” Nov. 21 - “Image and Self-Projection” This series Is upstairs at the Grad House from 5 to 7:00 p.m. (brown bag option}. No admission fee: all welcome! ‘I’he UW Campus Ret Sailing Club has now begun its season. Call president Mike I<ern at 747-2176 to find out more. Join the Conspiracy of Hope! Get involved with Amnesty International Group 118. VVeekly meeting at 7:30 p.m. in CC135
1991 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. Special applications are available at the Student Awards Office.
hformational Interviewing/Networking - 1 hour - utilize strategies to obtain information. Wednesday, Nov. 13 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m, The application deadline will be October 31, 1991, unless otherwise stated. The following awards are currently available: (’ means there is a Special Application which can be obtained from the student Awards Off ice.)
HOURS effective: Sept. 3 Monday to Thursday 9:30 - 9:OO ; Friday 9:30 - 530 ; Saturday 9:OO - 5:30 ; Sunday I :OO - 5:00 (effective Sept. 8) UlnVERSlTY NOONHOUR LECTURES Fail 199I S~&~I=S are invited from the UW or WLU to give infomal lectures at the KFI Main Branch. Nov. 11 - Adolescents and Authority, Dr. D. Amoroso, WU Dept. of Psychotogy Nov. 18 - Understanding and Tolerance for Other Religions, Dr. K. Koppedrayer, WLU, Dept. of Religion and Culture Nov. 25 - What’s Happening in the Technology Triangle, Dr. B. Fournier, VVLU School of Business and Economics
‘Don Hayes Award - Deadline: January 11, 1992. *Mike Moser Bursaty - Deadline: November 30, 1991. FACWLTY OF ENGINEERING John Deere Limited Scholarship - (available to all 38 Mechanical) - Deadline: November 29, 1991. OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship (available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesioiogy) Deadline: January IO, 1992.
lbr application forms and further information please contact the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.
Sign-up sheets and workshop preparation
The Peace & Conflict Studies department is hosting an exhibition of African art, “Africa: Art of the Poeple” in the dining room from September 17 until October 29, 1991. Free admission - for info call 8850220, ext. 265.
Adult Enrichment Lecture & lunch series. Cast is $10. per session (including iunch), $6.00 for lecture alone, or $50. for the series. The series will be held in the Great Hall beginningat 10:30a.m. Registeratthe first session. Nov. II- “The Soviet Union: Interpreting the Current Crisis - Leonard Friesen”.
Summer Jobs - 1 hour - learn how to discover the array of summer jobs available, Tuesday, Nov. 19 - 11:30 to 1230 p.m.
handouts available in Career Services, NH 1001, the week prior to workshop. ALL WORKSHOPS are held at NH, room 1020. manning For A Career s 1 hour - the foundation upon which all job search activities are based. Wednesday, Nov. 13 - 3:30 to 4:30 porn.
Job Search - 1 hour - a look at creative and traditional methods of finding jobs. Wednesday, Nov. 13 - IO:30 to 11:30 a.m.
&~me Writing - 1 hour - techniques for writing an effective resume. Wednesday, Nov. 6 - 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 12 - 1 I:30 to 12:30 p.m. ; Monday, Nov. 18 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Resume Critiqw - 2 hour - bring your own resume foianitysis by the group. Prerequisite: Resume Writing. Friday, Nov. 8 - 11:30 to I:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 12 - 6:OO to 8:OO p.m. ; Thursday, Nov. 21 - 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ; Monday, Nov. 25 - 3:30 to 530 p.m. Letter Writing - 1 hour - learn how to use letters to your advantage. Wednesday, Nov. 6 - 8:00 to 9:OO p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 12 - l2:30 to 1:30 p.m. ; Monday, Nov. 18 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Interview Skills I - 1 hour - how to prepare effectively for a job interview. Tuesday, Nov. 5 - 7:OO to 8:OO p.m. ; Monday, Nov. 11 - 500 to 6:OO p.m* Skills II - 1 hour - “Hands-on” session where you can practice answering questions asked at interviews. Prerequisite: Interview Skills I and reviewing handout. Tuesday, Nov. 5 - 8:OO to 9:00 p.m- ; Monday, NOV. 11 - 6:00 to 7:OO p.m.
This 1 session workshop wU aid students in prqdng fm and writing exuns. Tuesday, Nov. 19 - 6:30 to 8:3O p.m. ; Wednesday, Nov. 20 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ; Thursday, Nov. 2l9:30 to 11:30 a.m or 1:30 to 3~30 p.m.
lI@ster:Counse~gServicea,NW2080 or cdextension 2655.
for Classifieds & Page 2 Announcements is Mondays-S p.m. + must be prepaid * PAGE 2 is donated by rMPRlNT
Write for IMPRINT
Intewiew Skills III - 2 hours - practice selling your skills. Monday, Nov. 11 - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. ; Tuesday, Nov. 26 - 2:30 to 4:40 p.m.
Graduating Students Interviews - NOV. 11 to Dec. 6, 1991 and Jan. 13 to Feb. 7, 1992. Graduate 2 Newspaper distributed Nov. 25. Additional Programs - Inquire in Career Services, NHlOOl, 1115 or phone 8884047. Canada Career Week - “Start to Finish”, Nov. 4 to 8 ; “Shadow for a Day” Draw, Friday, Nov. 8.
For students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. (4 consecutive sessions). Monday, Oct. 28 - 9:30 to 1I:30 a.m. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call ext. 2655.
Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 163 University Ave., W. (MSA). apt. 321 at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome. For more information. call 884-57 12.
Strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational appoftunities. Tuesday, Nov. 12 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Register Counselling Servrces, NH 2080.
Myers-Brings Type Inuicator - discover how your persor;al strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Tuesday, Nov. 12 - 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Hegrster af c;ounserrlng Services, NH 2080.
UW Recycles Meeting from 4-5 p.m., CC 138A. Students Involved in recycling come find out what’s happening on Campus -P---P lewish Students Association Bagel Brunchesare held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in CC1 10. Everybody welcome! Bagels, cream cheese, juice for $1.50.
- -.
L 1inch Corns experience the internatronal language HI action. 1200 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in tnc Modem Languages cafeteria. Esperanto
Deserviryr third and fourth year students who have financial need. an examplary academic record, and who have achieved a high ievel of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply for these awards. Application, Lncluding resume and two letters of reference, should be submitted by November 29,
UIV Progressive Conservatives meet lo discuss world events and organize activities. New members are always welcome! Meetings are at 5:30 p.m, In MC, room 4060
GSA Women’s Issues Committee apstairsat the Grad House at 12 noon. Last meeting is Dec. 5. All women graduate students encouraqed to participate in planning events and acting on university committees. me Cercle Franqois meets to play “Trivial Poursuite”, and “Quelques Arpeuts de Pieges” at 7 p.m. at the Grad House (upstairs). Come test your skill and practice your French! EVERY WEDNESb-AY Laymen’s Evangelical Fetlowship Bible Study. DC1 304 at 7:30 p.m. AI! are welcome. For more information, call 8845712. GLLOW - (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) Coffeehouse - informal dlscussion and meeting. 9 to 11 p.m. in ML 104. Our phoneline 884~GLOW operates 7 p.m. to 10 p.m weekdays (information and peer
The Student Christian Movement (SCM] meets regularly at 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. We are an encumemical group of students interested in integrating faith and social justice. New members welcome! For more info call Sheilagh at 7258047 or Bruce al 725-7993. EVERY FRIDAY Chinese Christian
Fellowship meets at .
tive Bible studies and thought-provokin speakers. All are welcome. There
be “Salat-ul-Jurna”
135. All Muslims are welcome!
Career Resource Centre - open tilt 7 p.m. every Tb,ursday from Sept. 12 to Nov. 28. Research employers, occupations and more. FGi%peranto
international language. Beginners meet from 7:00 p.m. to 8130 p.m. and advanced students from 8145 p.m. +o 1O:OO p.m. in MC4062. The text is “Teach Yourself Esperanto” by Cresswell and Hartley. No registration is-necessarv. - 1 United Church Campus Ministry -prayers, bible study and discussion in Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College at 8:30 a.m.. All are welcome.
learn the
Baha’i Faith Information Meetings - All are welcome to attend discussions such as the Lesser Peace and Most Great Peace and any more. CamDus Centre. room 1381 at 7:30 p.m.
Television was never the same...
CFS holds general meeting in Ottawa
!rom UW News Bureau With a flick of a Canadian-made ;witch, a new era in interactive video .lducation in North America is under NdY. Electrohome The $1 -million Zlassroom/Guelph-Waterloo Educaion Link represents a new approach ‘0 both joint study and distance education. The microwave-based system will allow classes to be taught simultaneously in identical elecTonically enhanced classrooms at the Jniversity of Waterloo and the -University of Guelph campuses, 26 cilometres apart. “The Guelph-Waterloo link rep*esents an innovation in Ontario >ostsecondary teaching and intermiversity colIaboration,” says Dr. 3rian Se&al, president of the Univer,ity of Guelph. “It is an example of low new technology can be put to Ise to deliver the curriculum across Joundaries without losing the mmediacy of the classroom situaion.” Dr. Douglas Wright, president of he University of Waterloo, says the ethnology allows students to access he wealth of talent and expertise available at both university cam>uses. “I’d specifically like to thank Elecrohome for its involvcmcnt in proriding the video equipment. What a pleasure it is to work with a local comlany to bring this outstanding project o fruition. It’s all made possible, of our-se, by the grants each university ras received from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities,” he adds. “I’m very pleased to say that the Iniversity of Guelph and the Univer;ity of Waterloo each received a tworear grant of $400,000 from the ninistry to establish a Guelph/ lYaterloo video, audio and data micsowave link,” says James MacKay, director of the ministry’s university *eIations branch. “These two institutions should be Tongratulated for the efforts of co-operation collaboration and Yvhich have made this link a reality. Sharing the teaching and research expertise of faculty members through oint programs in graduate studies Dffers exciting opportunities for students at both campuses while at :he same time demonstrates responsible management of resources.”
by Paul Done Imprint staff Over 200 delegates from the 76 member schools of the Canadian Federation of Students are attending the Fall General Meeting this week (November 4-9) in Ottawa. While the bulk of the meeting is devoted to the business of CFS, there is an air of celebration and selfcongratulation as this meeting marks the tenth anniversary of the organization’s foundation. The University of Waterloo has a three-person delegation attending the conference: Federation of Students’ President John I-eddy, who will be joining proceedings on Thursday; Vice-President University Affairs Lisa Brice; and External Affairs Board Chair Paul Done, who arrived Sunday night.
UW p&dent demonstrated.
on as
Photo by Peter Brown
Graduate students enrolled in joint programs at the universities are the first to use the system. Previously, the 235 students and faculty invotved in the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and the for Guelph- Waterloo Program Graduate Work in Physics travelled back and forth to classes. However, those days are past. “Travelling was not a productive use of time,” says Guelph physics Prof. Jim Hunt, project manager. “Now students can still benefit from the expertise of professors at both universities, with more time available for their research. The aim was to make the distance between the two campuses appear as short as possible.” John Pollock, president and chief executive officer of Electrohome Ltd..
says the Guelph/Waterloo link is a “win-win-win” project for his company. “First, while helping to satisfy some of the aims and objectives that the two universities wish to derive from the project, we’re able to discharge, in part, our mandate to assist universities and colleges in Canada,” he says. “Second, and perhaps selfishly, we employ especially from the University of Waterloo - graduate students in our commercial electronics laboratories. And finally, we have world-class color projection systerns and monitors that I feel should be part of this world-class education link between the two universities. “To these ends, I’m certain all participants will be major benefactors in the months and years to follow,” Pollock adds.
Several issues have dominated discussion at the conference: the current Canadian constitutional crisis, the decline in funding and quality of post-secondary education, the Stewart Smith and Cook-Bennett Governmental reports on postsecondary education, issues of student rights and equality on campuses, and discussion and planning of current and future campaigns. After breakfast, registration, and orientation, the conference began with the Opening Plenary a gathering of all attending institutions. The members ratified the week’s agenda, and then approved the status change of two prospective member institutions, Trent University and North Island College, to full-member status. Five schools were welcomed into the Federation as prospective members: Lethbridge Community College, Augustine University, Northern College, New Brunswick Community College (St. Andrews), and DeVry Institute of Technology (Alberta) - the first private institution to be admitted to the Federation. Much of the business of the
Financial planning concerns CCU by Teresa Kennedy Imprint staff
The recent clawback of funding by the Ontario government has prompted 18 university board chairs across the province to request a meeting with Premier Bob Rae to discuss the importance of long-range financial planning for universities. The Council of Chairmen of Universities, which is affiliated with the Council of Ontario Universities, is still waiting for a response to its letter of October 29, according to COU Director Pat Communications Adams. “We are extremely concerned that our universities, burdened by twelve years of inadequate funding and increases, massive enrollment regulated as to income and pricing are so weakened financially that they
will be unabIe to accomplish their basic mission of teaching and research, let alone move forward on the social equity agenda our members share with government,” the letter stated. It went on: “Ontario continues to occupy ninth place among the provinces in terms of grants per student. We feel the government’s recent inyear reductions to operating grants have unfairly penaIized the university and college sector, which was the
only sector to have experienced a real budget cut.” “This is not a symbolic gesture,” said Michael Garvey, chairman of the
University of Waterloo’s board of governors and one of the 18 signers. Garvey said that the ietter was a direct result of clawbacks last month of $13 million from 1991-92 transfer payments to Ontario universities. Adams says that the council is doing everything possible to make the Premier aware of the urgency of the situation, and that the council is hopeful of a response. The NDP government has also faced heavy criticism in recent weeks from Hans DaigeIer, Liberal Critic of Colleges and Universities. “It is our information that a working group in the Treasury is looking at ways to turn OSAP into a loans-only program, wiping out grants to tens of thousands of students,” Daigeler told the provincial legislature last month. Figures released by the government indicate that $176.4 million dollars in
grants were @ven to 62,579 students in the 1990-91 fiscal year. Daigeler has also criticized the NDP government for cutting $13 million dollars from college and university budgets, refusing to implement any policy that would limit tuition fee increases, eliminating the Ontario Scholar program, and for eliminating programs providing Ontario youth and students with more than 1,000 jobs. Along with tuition fee increases, students have also had to cope with a three-per-cent tax on student loans introduced by the federal government. Daigeler
is concerned
ment policies will discourage all but the wealthy from pursuing higher education and that students will be forced to pay more while benefitting from fewer services and a lower quality classroom experience.
General Meeting involves examining and voting upon the massive number of motions which are put forward by CFS member organizations. This year’s Notice of Motions package contains over 100 motions filling 58 8”~ 11” pages. A few days before the opening of the GM, the National Executive meets to forward recommendations regarding these motions: whether they should be passed, defeated, referred to plenary, or to one of the ten standing committees (Operations Directive, National Education, Student Rights, et cetera) for further discussion. The members of the standing committees are selected from provincial caucuses, large and small institution caucuses, and Constituent Assemblies (Women’s, Francophone, Gay/ Lesbian/Bisexual, Disabled Persons, Art Students, Aboriginal, International Students). The committees examine many of the most important and problematic motions, and then make non-binding amendments and recommendations for the closing plenary sessions.
put jhward These committees met extensively on Tuesday and Wednesday, some meetings lasting from 3 pm to 5 am, with only two recesses - one for supper, and another one out of mercy. Brice sat on the Student Rights Commiltee and Done chaired the National Education Committee; both Waterloo representatives were named to committees through the Ontario Provincial Caucus. These
committees dealt with regarding the three-per-cent student loan administration fee, other changes to student loan programs, underfunding crises, tuition increases, and free trade, among many others. motions
Considering the many differing interpretations of student issues versus non-student issues, and ideological differences, debate was lengthy. Nonetheless, an attitude of cooperation and consensus-building remained intact throughout proceedings. The CFS general meeting wiH continue through tomorrow (Saturday), with many more important issues and meetings on the agenda. Among these are lobby meetings on Parlhmerit Hill, a general session examining the past and future direction of CFS, and the Closing Plenary session during which the motions taken to committees will be discussed and voted upon by the entire membership. A fuller report will appear in next week’s paper. If you have any questions regarding the Conference, feel free to contact &a, John, or Paul in the Fed Office, CC 235, ext. 4042.
8 1991
Waterloo double teams the AMC
by Ed Boume special to Imprint
Surveys tallied, results next week
This past weekend, the University of Waterloo sent two teams to the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) East Central regional programming contest in Indianapolis, Indiana. The contest is held every year with the top two teams progressing to the finals where they compete with the regional winners from Alabama to New Zealand. The teams consist of three members with a maximum of one graduate student per team. Overall, Waterloo placed very well with team two plac4 ing sixth and team one placing ninth in division one. A total of 91 teams participated in two divisions (division two is for schools with no graduate program in computer science), Team one was disappointed that they couldn’t place first or second; however this was a good performance overall from both teams as no other school came close to placing two teams in the top-ten. The winner was Michigan State with the runnerup University of Kentucky. Purdue and Carnegie Mellon, the other technical powerhouses in the division (along with us, naturally!), suffered under the new regulations
by ,Divid A. Campbell Imprint sfaff
Here’s the team: rear, I. to R, Terry VanBelle, Ed Dengler, Dave Front: Ed Bourne, Kevin Greer. Absent: Mer Gay, Brad Bart, Dan Astowian. Photo by Peter Brown Ebbs.
disallowing more than one grad student per team, however Carnegie Mellon still managed a fourth place finish. This is the second time in recent memory that Waterloo has sent a team (a team went 15 years or so ago); fhe last time we also placed sixth. The teams were composed of Terry Van Belle, Dan Astoorian, Ed
Dengler for team one and Kevin Greer, Dave Ebbo, and Brad Bart for team two. The team members were relatively young by the standards of the winning teams, but confident that the top spot would be theirs next year. The team wishes to thank Watcom, whose generous sponsorship allowed us to participate.
UNBELIEVABLE! That is the only way to describe the response thatthe students of this university have shown. The on-campus “Survey On Student Needs” is finished and the results are amazing. For starters, students completed and submitted some 1,400 surveys; about three times as many as expected. This alone shows not only the importance that students place on this issue but also the success of the study that is being undertaken. In addition to the 5,200 surveys that have already been distributed, Janine Sindrey, co-op student and coordinator of the Needs Assessment Program, plans to mail an additional 2,500 surveys to students out on work terms. This should provide an equal
opportunity to every student who wishes to make their views known. Due to the overwhelming response to the six-page survey, tabulating the results will take a tad longer than anticipated. This pushes the agenda back to November 27 for the final results to be tabulated and a proposal for what will most likely be the first of a two-part referendum. The first vote would most likely be to decide whether to upgrade existing facilities or build a new one and would decide on the concept, budget, and contents. The second V&E depends entirely on the outcome 01 the first. Although the final -results are no! yet in (look to next week’s issue for z tally), a rough 70 per cent want somE kind of improvement and appear tc be willing to pay for it. It looks a: though well be growing again.
Fed Service Spotlight Legal Resource/Landlord Information Office
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION The B.Ed. Degree program at Nipissing is a one-yearlimited enr&nent program taught at the primary/junior, junior/intermediate and intermediate/ seniorlevels.
,:;:ji~ Our small classsize .> of approximately35 studentsensurespersonal attention from professors. Qur practiceteachingpolicy allows you to choosethe location of most of your practiceteaching. Optionsoffered during the yearare “Educationof Native Children”, “SecondLanguageTeaching: French” or “Religious Educationin the Roman Catholic Separate Schools.” And we have a generousentrance scholarshipprogram aswell asTeach North Travel Grants. For more infomation contactthe Registrar’sOffice:
and Tenant
The Legal Resource/Landlord and Tenant Information Office is located in Campus Centre Room 206 and its phone number is 888-4634. We deal mainly with Landlord Tenant problems but all legal problems are welcomed. If we can’t answer your question, well try and find the appropriate professional resource who can. Here is a list of some’ of the resources and topics dealt with. - Dial-A-Law - How to get repairs done - ‘Model” repair letters - Sublet forms - Eviction procedures - How to get legal aid - ItS Y (our) Neighbourhood Guide (City of Waterloo) - City of Waterloo’s Property Standafds By-Law
- City of Waterloo guide licensing of lodging houses - Rent increases - Lawyer referrals
to the
Office Hours: Monday: 10:30 am - 4:30 pm Tuesday: 930 am - 3:3O pm Wednesday: 9:30 am - lo:30 am, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Thursday: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 11:30 am, 1:OO pm - 4:00 pm
The City of Waterloo’s Property Standard Officer in the office on Fridays to answer property standard What if you and tenant questions. can’t make the hours? How else can you get your question(s) answered? 1. We have a 24-hour answering machine phone in and we11 get back
From Toronto
December 22 or 23
Return January 03, 04 or 05
to you ASAP. 2. Leave your name and number or the paper stuck on the bulletir board, beside the office door. 3. Direct your written description u your probIem to Dr. Law. Place it il the envelope marked “Dr. Law” 01 the office door. Look for the Dr. LIV column in Imprint for a response. If you are interested in becoming volunteer for the next semester, sign up by leaving your name and numbe in the office. It’s a great way to gail experience.
--.---_ -----_--. _~___ -- __-_--.-----_ !I rl--I
II Brief The University of Waterloo’s radic station, CKMS-FM (94.5), wa: broken into sometime betweerl2 an and 6 am last Sunday morning, bu nothing was stolen. An individual who was not a student, broke a win dow in the back door and let himsel in. Campus security was called wher he was discovered sleeping on th floor later in the morning. He wa arrested for breaking and entering but won’t have to face the charges h front of a court. Paul Heap, the statiol manager, agreed not to press charge if the person paid for damages, to th window, which he did. WPIRG Annual
UniversQ Shops Plaza, Waterloo
(5 19) 886-0400
presents Another
the ‘Crccn’
Seconl WC&
from November 11 to 17. The entir week will be devoted to “social an environmental issues” to raise carr pus awareness on this topic. Thi week’s feature, pages 1 Z-13, is o reIated topics.
8, 1991
Kiss A Pig!
Armenian S.A. by Tomik Yaghoabian special to Imprint
Special to the Imprint by Denise “Spe” Somerville Yes, the moment you’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived: Homecoming ‘91 and Kiss a pig. Basically here’s the scoop on the Pig. You (meaning several thousand) will come to the Big Tent on Friday and Saturday night (that’s tonight, next weekend and tomorrow. For anyone still hungover from Oktoberfest) and have the chance to ultimately humiliate a prominant individual on campus. Vote for your most/least favourite candidate at the Big Tent; whoever has the most votes by midnight wins/loses and has to kiss a pig in front of everyone. Porkering up on Friday at the Naismith Pub and return of the Big Tent we have tasting the bacon on Saturday at Reflections and the return of the Big Tent are John Leddy, Steve Millard, Lisa Brice. But before you ham it up at the Tent, check out the pte-game pub party at the Bombshelter where you can win Molson’s prizes for dressing up in school colours. If you don’t know them, wear every colour you own so you still have a chance to win (and so we can all laugh at you}. After the game (when Waterloo wins), come to the Big Tent where for $5. you will: a) get a free mug that will be yours to cherish for the rest of your natural born life ; b) vote for “Kiss A Pig!” ; c) listen to great music -
10. Meet some of the good-looking men and women who have graduated in previous year (Alumni) that are back to celebrate Homecoming ‘91. 9. Check out the Homecoming ‘91 mug that can be used for environmentally friendly consumption. 8. Re-live your memories of Oktoberfest! 7. A new excuse (other than finishing another mid-term) to celebrate in the Bombshelter during the day (at the pre-game pubs) 6. Impress people with your “pop-a-shot” talents (it’s a basketball game...) 5. Make the Waterloo Homecoming just as spirited as Queen’s and the “other” one. 4. It?1 be a shocker for those of you who think UW has no school spirit. (Try it!) 3. The pig (?) will be there. 2. Experience the Big Tent - A group of 1400 people going crazy at Fed Hali and the adjoining tent should be a definate attraction! 1. Support the Warriors in their victory attempts at the Naismith Tournament.
Get your tickets now - only $5.00 - at the Fed Office or by calling 888-4042 for more information.
“Glider” an Friday ; “One” on Saturday ; d) play in the “Pop a shot” basketball tourney and win great prizes - it’s only 2% a game and all the proceeds go the United Way ; e) con-
It has been over 20 years since the beginning of the Armenian Student Association (ASA) at University of Waterloo. This term the ASA has reassembled with a new executive committee and is in the process of becoming an officia1 Federation of Students club. The club, which held its first meeting last Wednesday, Oct. 30, was formed for the purpose of sharing the Armenian culture. Its next meeting will be held at the Lion Brewery (underneath the Huether Hotel) on Thursday, November 14 at 7 pm. Immediately following our November 14th meeting we will attend the screening of “The Adjuster,” directed by Atom Egoyan. Egoyan ttill be at both the 7 pm and 9:20 pm screenings speaking about his film. CalI Hrad at 743-8654 or Tomik at ext. 3804 if you wish to come to the dinner meeting and/or the movie. This Saturday, November 10, the ASA is organizing trips to the dance at the Cambridge Community Centre. r
The club’s Toronto affiliate is cosponsoring an academic conference on nationalism in the southern Soviet republics entitled “The Disunion of the Soviet Union.“This will take place on Saturday, November 16 at the George Ignatieff Theatre at University of Toronto. Here is a schedule of events at the conference: - Registration 9 - 9:45 am - Opening 9:45 -10 am Session I Conceptual Framework: 10 - 11:45 am (Orest Subtelny, Mark Saroyan) - Session II - Transcaucasia: 1: 15 3:15 pm (Stephen F. Jones, Stephan Astourian, Audrey L Altstadt) - Session III - Central Asia: 3:30 530 pm (Nancy Lubin, William Fierman, Maria Subtelny) For further information, please call Jana Oldfield at (416) 978-3330, fax (416) 978-38 17. Transportation from UW to the conference will be discussed at the dinner meeting. Every one is encouraged to join the ASA. Non-Armenians wishing to learn about Armenian culture and experience Armenian dance, food, and drink are very welcome.
sume large amounts of liquid in your brand new mug that will soon become a family heirloom ; f) find true love (not!). Be there, it’ll be a roll in the mud and a trough full of school spirit(s) .
Campus Centre News Update Welcome to the reincarnation of the Campus Centre News Update. The Turnkeys have been busy, as usual, but this time behind the desk. A new environmental committee has been created, the Greenkeys, to help make the desk more environmentally friendly. Suggestions are always welcome. These are in addition to the committees that you regularly see the results of: special events, public relations, maintenance, training and interviewing (suggestions are always welcome for these too). There is now a spot in the CC for recycling corrugated card board (including clean pizza boxes) as well as the ones for cans, glass and fine white paper. These are located both inside the Great Hall and at the loading docks.
The Turnkey’s stress reduction week is November 11-15, with free events, demonstrations and performances around noon each day. These include massages, folk music, literature reading, relaxation tapes, TaiChi, Yoga, shiatsu, and craniai-sacral. The Waterloo Public Interest Research Group’s “Not Another ‘Green’ Week” will also be taking place that week as well as the Public Issues Board debate on the Canadian Constitution - and don’t forget the municipal elections on Tuesday. Other things to look forward to include a fine arts sale Nov. 18-20, the CUSO Fair Nov 20-23, and the Sexuality Resource Centre’s safe sex fair Nov. 25-26. There are a lot of things behind the Turnkey Desk that you may not real-
ize - but everything there is for the students most things are free, require a student card or a small deposit to borrow. A few of the items that we have are condoms, band aids, aspirin, Defender Personal Alarms, and a bike lock. WPlRG mugs, travel guides, phone directories, comic books, poster paint, scrap paper, housing lists, movie guides, envelopes, crayons, almanacs, course calendars, and free information on EVERYTHING (or at least where to find it), and much much more. Pick up our pamphlet at the desk to find out what ‘much much more’ includes. Remember: always welcome hours.
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Teleadi SIJDDO& theUnlversitv Communitie As a former President of U. of W.‘s Federation of Students, I am aware of the concerns and needs of Students, Faculty and Staff. As a Councillor I have worked for: 1) positive city-university relations 2) improved student housing standards 3) reduction in the cost of passes f6r students 4) improved fire safety regulations 5) utilization of University expertise 6) an “environment first” policy 7) sustainable growth
On Nov regional
12, re-elect
and city councillor
Opinion: The opinion pages are designed for Imprint staff members or feature contributors to present their views on various issues. pieces, and other articles on The opinions expressed in columns, comment these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. the majority Only articles clearly labelled “editorial ” and unsigned represent opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
fireside chat by Peter Brown
The University of Waterloo is a strange place to come home to. For lots of reasons, probably first and foremost because UW is a young university, we have a rather unique homecoming experience. We are not quite as enthusiastic as Queen’s or Western; but then again, we probably don’t exit the weekend with as many complaints and charges laid by nearby residents either. What does youth have to do with our lack of enthusiasm? Well, this university is just getting to the age that successive generations are able to attend here. Homecoming seems to take on added portent at universities where three or four generations of a family would have attended the same institution, or where class reunions of 50 or more years could take place. Of course, that only explains the enthusiasm of the alumni, who usually aren’t the ones who do the bulk of the No, even though we are celebrating. already here and don’t really need to come home to anything, we undergraduates jump into homecoming in greater numbers than alumni - for us, it’s just another excuse to party. And if there’s one thing this campus loves - it’s a dubious excuse to party. Witness, not one, but two Summerfests this past summer and the Bombshelter’s upcoming St. Patrick’s Day warm-up. Not to mention our inherited Oktoberfest. (Long live the Big Tent!) There’s another thing that sets us apart our choice of game. Homecoming has just got to centre around a sports event, doesn’t it? And since basketball is UW’s national sport, it’s only natural that the Naismith tournament would be the centrepiece of the weekend. -
No needfor Remembrance Day Un[v once do we rememhur with proud poppies VM
beating chests: the children In.st
So, my advice to you on this fine homecoming weekend ? Have a ball, go see some basketball, party at the big tent, don’t make your neighbours too pissed off, but most importantly, savour the moment, Because sadly enough, the only time that homecoming will feel this way is when you are here.
The blond spatwwi trarnpkd benwrh the.feet qf nations as childrcw .suwm in w2r.s unwon. The future fwyyt.s
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lives to defend freedom and liberty in& Sut*rtJ de Fn’ntemp.s of 1414. Still we pay tribute to the
by Phillip Chee
Another weird thing about UW is the cooperative education program. Having been in co-op for the better part of my six years at this institution (yes, I did say six), I’ve experienced homecoming from both perspectives: as an on-campus student and as a co-op returning to Waterloo. homecoming returning tor Upon weekend from a workterm a few years back, I found that that elusive quality of coming home, of belonging, came more easily then, than when I was on campus. Oespite the hard, wooden bleachers of the PAC, I felt comfortable with the smell of popcorn and the sound of the PA announcer and the crowd.
I have resolved not to wear a poppy this month. Not because I’m apathetic, jaded, cynical, or disrespectful, though there may be some truth in my deeds that betray my words. No, it is because I am surrounded every day by the legacy of the Great War that I won’t wear one: Modernism, Remembrance Day, gleaned from the memory of countless solemn auditoriums punctuated with giggling fits and shifting restlessness, is to remember, say a prayer, give a thought, or reflect upon those who gave their
survivors of the nineteenth century’s folly; the heroic men and women who braved the Nazi terror; the naive pawns of Mr. New World Order; all will march arm-in-arm upon the tomb of the unknown soldier. But wither the unknown civilian? It has been said that the modern ego was born from the ashes of the Somme. The Victim, humanity, drowned in blood along the Western Front from Verdun to Vimy Ridge to Flanders. The alienation welling from a shattered human solidarity, bereft of morals and manners, haunts our ow-nfm-dcviwk. But there is no echoing irony, No avantgarde now to challenge the materialism, industrialism, and imperialism of our age. Their meanings have changed; eco!ogical devastation looms terrifyingly. The psychological turn from community to a Camusian rebelliousness makes us nothing if not weary. Modris Eksteins says that German spirit of prewar 1914 was one of rebellion against the France-Anglo bourgeois culture of the age. Yet in this there is a frightening paradox; Bolshevism, Fascism, and Nazism were drunk from an emancipatory fountain poisoned by the cult of personality. The stench from Auschwitz dissipates very slowly. I do not need a poppy to remind me of what happened so long ago. That sort of remembrance forgets the broader cultural references that underlie the present. The utopian metropolis of the 1920s stares at me in the financial districts, its nihilism stalking underneath shadows. The reflections I have been making in the past few months will never let me forget.
Ad Assistant . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ....* Mike Tlepkema Proof Reader ..m...jq,*ntr . .. . *.m. . . .. *. Emily Sutherland I,._.. .... .. : : : : . ..‘.. Boar&&
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:: _’,’.:‘ : president ..rr.*r*....~,~*..................... Sandy Atwal . ...~ . .:..._...... yia-presideti :.:.:... . . . ..*..............*.........-.... Peter Brown Secretwy-Treas. ++++umq ~~~~~m~~~~~~ Wlm van der Lugt t%CtOn al ~B~~ji~~;;i.)..........Joanne Sandnn _.,,. ,. . ._ ,:....: . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . ..~-.*~j~.~~.~~. Dave Thomson ..‘... : stotl Liaison ‘..:.‘::.~,: ” “i”il.::“’ .:._.j. Anna Done . . ...-~............~M*H... ‘: :: :: :_::, ....y. .. fi :: .~....‘.A~_ . .1.1.: .. . I.. .::: ,.::. ..: ... ,.. _,_ I’..A. ,:.;..,.F, ... .. .,... :._ _,. ,,... ._.,:,,:..,:.:... :..,_.._ ..,,. ii,._.___._..,,t,_..,., .,. ‘.......:. .: > :._, .+i;.::r. . _: .I :_:.., ;_.:,:_..: :._.;, .:....:..;..,,,...j; hnprinl ts~~~~:~~~~:,~er at the Jntverslty oi W&k&o. it IS ‘an edltorlally Independent new$&er published by Imprint 3ubllcatms, W+&K! .. ...!. a-z+?” without share :apltal lrnp~b:is~~,~~.~:Qntano Comnmty Ne$&BJ@)Wkx&%m’::.f~), imprint >ubkhes ?y~ Friday durmg the w,2#3d Winter erms and.#&y second Frrday dud&g ttpe Spring erm. Mad sW~;~rtd&~.@~~t, Campus kntre, RoC&::~‘6~O,;;.l&-&@~ ~~:.%4terioo. ,,,alerloo, ont~~~~::‘~~li~r,‘::.~kittl~i shou[d oe iddressed I
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t3ehinatii;X&npbell BerryEd Boume M~ChalBryachl ( Medba SUrtlllg). Arch
Vld. Mona van der LugI, Derek Weller Tarrlfk Yaghmblaq cmps - ako Denise ‘Spe” Somer wile
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Fed Hall Rednecks To the editor, After being away for a year, I came back to Federation Hall for its Halloween bash. Unfortunately, little has changed in terms of the Fed Hall welcoming committee and its redneck manners. This “party,” as joyful as it was at times, also had the obligatory exit scene: with one of the bouncers taunting a patron with fisticuffs, because he didn’t like the look that he’d been given. Perhaps, a hug was in order, but that may also have been just as extreme. So, there it was: another example of Chuck McMullen’s brutish bounce staff being completely out of line. I still haven’t been able to disem whether the bouncers are hand-picked for their brawn or are excrutiatingly trained to be assholes, but I have seen plenty of people unfairly vietimized by some of these power-tippers. Here’s a new concept: patrons could be treated with a modicum of dignity and gven the benefit of a doubt; we do keep the damn place in business. Instead, the bouncers initiate an aggressive a&ude toward anyone who don’t follow Fed’s limited etiquette and social behaviour laws. Mr. McMullen, who is a lifer at this university, seems to ride this pirate ship unhindered at the control. No one has been able to touch this guy, not when I: was attending, and not now, when patrons who have been roughhoused go away frustrqted with little recourse, except a venemous missive. Any kind of criticism, no matter how many letters to the paper or complaints against Fed roll right off its manager and the staff incriminated. There is still no accountability to this oversized “gorilla” tactics training centre. Peter Stathis uw AhMus
Too hot! To the editor, Oh Gwen Jacob! What have you done but dealt polite behaviour another blow from which I doubt it can ever recover? Yes, men can go shirtless in public . . . but only at the beach! It has never been “culturally acceptable” for men to go shirtless in public; in fact, a man is thought to be completely lacking in all the graces if he walks around in public (eg., on the streets of Cuelph) without a shirt. In short, it quite rude to do so because it is inuppmpri’ate druss. Of course, it has always been tasteless, in fact indecent, to show one’s chest in public both for men and for women. Even if you have a beautiful chest, it is still improper because it is not considered nice to flaunt things that you have that others don’t have (ie.# gold rings, money, better-developed chest (both sexes}, etc.). What if, you had walked around in your brassiere and panties? Or if one of your male friends had walked around in a T-shirt and jockey shorts? Although it would no longer be indecent, it would still be tasteless because one never walks around in underwear. What, then, is polite, public, casual clothing for those hot days? The answer is simple. For both sexes, it is a shirt, pants (long or short) skirt, and shoes. The clothing must be loose, never tight. The shirt certainly does not have to be dress shirt; a polo shirt or a T-shirt is fine. However, the T-shirt may not be completely white because it would look like underwear. And whether or not a woman chooses to wear a brassiere under the shirt is nobody’s business but her own. Do I hear the cry of “But it’s too hot!“? Unfortunately, part of being civilized is having to put up with discomfort in public. When you get home or to a friend’s house, you may run around naked for all I care (it’s not my business what you wear at home). But if you fake your shirt offin public, don’t expect me to invite you to dinner! Now beach wear, which may only be worn on the beach and never on the street, also can
pages &re designed
to provide
an opportunity
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14.0. M;tll c;ln also be sent via e-mail to imprint”watsen/l.Waterloo-edu.
sure to mclude your phone submitting letters is 500
number Monday.
consist of swimming trunks for men and a one or two-piece bathing suit for women. Women here have not been allowed to expose their breasts, whereas men have recently been allowed to do so. This is clearly unjust, and so I. have no problem with women remedying this injustice by going topless on the beach. They do it in Europe, and no one seems to mind. Women, strike a blow for your right to be equal! Unfortunately, Gwen Jacobs, you have not done this, but instead have struck a blow for the “right” to be equally rude. This is not what society needs. Gwen Jacob, if you go topless at your home or a friend’s home, it is none of my business. And if you go topless at the beach, I will look the other way. But I implore you not to go topless on the street. Civiliz&ion already suffers enough from the curse of inappropriately exposed male breasts. Must you invent a new way of being impolite?
is subject
4N lhssian
Security... where are you?
to editing.
supporters, people go out of their way to have an equal number of men and women in their organizations. I’m sure that a Senate Nomination Committee, now looking for more women nominations would simply ask for more person nominations if they already had an equal number of men and women nominations. It would also be nice if businesses had one price for children, adults, and students. Why should we be discriminated against at the grocery store on senior discount Tuesdays? I wonder if the day will ever come when people get a job, nomination, or award, not because of their sex or race but because they are the best person for it.
stickers, Guelph had a large turnout, and Western had two bus-loads of students at Queen’s Park. If the Feds were committed to Iheir ideas for lower tuition, maybe they would have better informed the students at UW, and maybe even found the time to show up for the protest they supported. Are we going to leave the OFS in favour of a committee of students who don’t actively show support for their own positions and those of the students they represent? I hope that the students who are on campus during the run-up to the Fed elections and referendum are well-informed by both sides of the tuition issue, and understand the positions of their current student representatives, especially the president and VP’s.
Mike Abramczuk 3N Mathematics
Andrew Cowan 28 Appiied Math
To the editor,
To the editor, This letter is directed towards all university administration, particularly Campus Security, the Federation of Students, villagers, and those students Living off-campus.As a person who lives in residence and owns a vehicle, I am forced to pay $52 for four months to legally park my vehicle in designated village lots. On more than one occasion this term, vehicles parked in village lots have been vandalized including my own for the second time in the last two years. I find it appalling that Campus Security regards this situation as natural and a part of university life. Upon reporting my loss, that occurred on a Thursday night, security’s reaction was that it was a “Pub Night” and that vandalism regularly happens on these nights. This vandalism situation is incomprehensible. If security is aware that problems such as this one occur in these lots on a regular basis during these nights why are are they not attempting to control the problem? To the person who damaged my vehicle, I only wish upon you that one day when you own your own vehicle that someone as ignorant as yourself repays the favour.
with aI correspondence. The deadline for The maximum length for each entry is 400 be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All
It would be nice...
Jay Shorten
The forum
readers to present iheir views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint, Campus
How Christ got away with having twelve male disciples, God only knows. A few years back I became troubled at the problems of racial inequality. An incident involving a white police officer and a black driver at-tempting to run over the cop turned into a media bonanza when the cop shot and killed the driver. Newspaper headlines included the term racial discrimination. If I had been in the officer’s position, I believe that I would have done the same regardless of the age, sex, or colour of the driver. This equality thing now has gone too far, In an attempt to be perceived as racial equality supporters, people give special treatment now to visible minorities instead of equal treatment. To be perceived as sexual equality
always welcomes letters to the editor. Please cap them at 400 words, and leave your name, telelphone number, faculty, and ID number.
‘OINO’S PIZZAUniversity Shop Plaza
160 University Avenue, W.
Fed’s noncommittment?
To the editor, It’s good to see that the Feds have put off the referendum on UW’s membership in the OFS until February, now maybe some students will have time to learn a bit about the role the OFS plays in fighting for students’ rights. The Feds have hooked up with a couple of other university student councils who are miffed at the OFS for being concerned with issues that affect students. The basic precis of this group, as I understand it, is to suck up to the administrators, the government, and the private companies in Ontario by offering our money to pay more in tuition fees, while at the same time pursuing an ultimate goal of lowering the amount students must pay for higher education. I think the conflicts in this approach are clear. At the same time as John Leddy and his crew are planning a pull-out of the OFS, the Feds rented a van to take students to a National Students’ Day protest sponsored by the OFS. The main themes of the march from Ryerson to Queen’s Park were the Tories’ three per cent tax on Canada Student Loans and a freeze/reduction in tuition for Ontario universities. Although I applaud the Feds for supporting this action, I wonder at their lacklustre advertising for this protest. All that I saw on campus was the Campus Events board and some posters in the CC Other universities seemed to have much better coordination with respect to this protest. York’s student council made posters and bumper-
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Good points, bad points, and To the editor, Normally it’s a complete waste of time arguing with drunks or religious fanatics, nonetheless I feel compelled to come to the defence of a fellow atheist Last week’s outpouring of venom, no doubt the orchestrated product of the dozen or so people whose organization plasters the campus with posters advertising the imminent return of the late JC, gives the impression that the entire campus believes in some god or other. Not so, there are lots of us with the sense to reject the whole silly business, we just don’t travel in noisy packs the way believers in religion do. Fortunately society has progressed to where we can safely point out the stupidity of religion without being tortured to death in the name of brotherly Iove, otherwise Dave Thomson would be only a pile of cinders by now. It was highly amusing to read the attacks on Mr. Thomson’s supposed lack of logic when the best argument that any of his opponents could come up with for the existence of god(s) was that there was no evidence against it. If 1 tried to publish a scientific theory on that basis my manuscript would be immediately consigned to the trash by any reputable journal. Only in religion does this pass for brilliant argument. One would expect that after several thousand years they would have come up something better. Even this lame argument is instantly refutable. Only an idiot would believe that a world where millions are dying from starvation, war, and disease is the plan of a benevolent, omniscient, omnipotent, etc. deity. To anyone with a shred of inteilectual honesty a quick look at the daily would provide conclusive newspaper evidence against the existence of any god, with the possible exception of Kali the Destroyer. If religion were logical one would expect that there would be general agreement among believers. Instead even different sects of Christianity, supposedly working from the same “holy revelations,” have wildly divergent opinions on everything except the
existence of a god. When one includes nonChristian religions the situation becomes even more ludicrous. Any belief, any behaviour, ,no matter how bizarre, is proclaimed as “God’s will” by some religious group. Of course, to a neutral observer it is obvious that “God’s will” invariably instructs people to do what they were going to do anyway. It’s about time atheists went on the attack against the superstition that still lingers. Reasoned argument is a waste of time since believers in religion have constructed a system of evasions, half-truths, rationalizations, and flat-out lies that couldn’t be demolished by a nuclear explosion. Our best response is to simply laugh in their faces. After all, the whole idea of religion is hilarious to any rationa human being. Maybe in a few more centuries we can laugh it entirely out of existence. The world will then be a much better place to live. Robert Callaghan Chemistry To the editor, In response to your recent article, “Faith vs* Logic,” please accept the following comments. Firstly, as a Christian, I don’t discount logic. In fact, logic was and is a very necessary ’ catalyst to my faith. In other words, it makes more sense logically to believe in an Almighty God than one’s self. Since finite cannot comprehend infinite through logic alone, faith is central to my Christian belief in an infinite God. It is quite impossible to reconcile yourself to an almighty spiritual deity without it. Sadly, the very thing you accuse Christians of doing (in attacking what atheism lacks), you are guilty of yourself. Can you not present your views for not believing in Christ without making Him the object of your demented delusions (the wanted poster).
Some things never change, they mocked Him at the Crucifixion and you mock Him now while crucifying His character in the paper. You champion the case for reason/logic, while matter treating the subject unreasonably. You stated that “if God exists, why doesn’t he come down and show Himself to the masses and demonstrate some super power, then it obviously would be hard to deny his existence.” Not really. Thousands of skeptics saw a man build a boat for 120 years, who prophesied that one day God would close the door of their only hope for salvation. That day came, the flood made them all believers. Granted, God wasn’t visible, but His effect on humanity was. In your limited wisdom, you and others will no doubt discount this story as fantasy, even though the tangible evidence rests on a mountain exactly where the Bible says it is. Logic or opinion? * Thousands of people saw Jesus Christ, who, by His own admission claimed to be a deity. He did supernatural wonders, personal and impersonal in nature, His existence being documented historically, exclusive of the Bible. Obviously, they should all have become believers, after all, this was God doing the impossible in their very midst. It didn’t. It didn’t happen because man though wisdom/logic alone cannot embrace spiritual truth. Faith is a necessary prerequisite. The reason for this is simple. If logic/reason also was required to believe, then only the academically proficient would have opportunity, thereby, making a relationship with God, the Creator of all, elitist and God Himself totally unjust. But God saw fit to give every person on earth “a measure of faith.” Unfortunately, many people choose to fill that faith with false goods like money, knowledge, alcohol, drugs, etc., in an effort to find happiness. Some turn to false religions and some, like the atheists, turn to themselves or more specifically, their ability to reason things out. Since God gave the capacity for faith, He alone can satisfy it.
Because God is all-loving and patient, the atheist is afforded the same opportunity as the rest of humanity to accept Him as your God through Jesus Christ. The choice is still yours, at least tiil your heart stops! Ryan Kuehnel St. Catharines To the editor, Only the weak feel the need to believe in God there should be no further dilemma. G. Zimmerman Graduate Studies,
As interesting as the proGod/no-God debate is, some of the letters are becoming redundant. New letters that cover the same points already presented will not be printed. So please, keep your ideas new and interesting. To the editor, I read your article, “Faith Versus Logic,” with great interest, and wonder where in your article “Logic” comes in to play. Your first mistake is the assumption that all Atheists are logical, and all Theists are illogical. Would you calI Hitler or Stalin logical just because they were Atheists? Would you call
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owner Centre
opinions for the masses last year, he said that he had no doubt that the Qur’an is the word of God. I agree with you, Dave, that it would be hard to deny the existence of the supernatural being if He would come down to earth to show Himself to the masses and demonstrate But what about our some superpower. grandsons; they will not believe us when telling them about this big event. The logical thing is to send messengers, at different periods of time, with miracles and challenges to other human beings. Those who see those miracles and those who cannot meet those challenges have to admit that this power exists! If you didn’t see the miracles, there are challenges to all human beings. None of them has been met, till now. Here are some examples in the Holy Qur’an; ALLAH challenges anyone to write a book like the Qur’an, to create even a fly, to find another one with his proper name ALLAH, and to find any contradiction between his sayings The Qur’an’ and his doings ‘the universe.’
To the editor, In your fiery article “Faith Versus Logic” (Imprint, Oct. 251, you said, “Becoming an atheist is not a simple thing.” It seems to me that, at least for your case, this is the simplest thing to do. Simply, you refused all religions because you are n@ convinced with what they taught you in your childhood. This can easily be extracted from your own words, “. . . Some people who eventually become atheists find that the contradictions between the Bible and real life are great enough to motivate them to question what they have had taught to them since a young age.” Although I agree with you when you said about the Bible, that “. . , it is. . _the source of numerous contradictions concerning what God said, predicted, or believed,” I do not agree that the Bible is the main source of “the word of God.” As a Muslim, I believe that the Qur’an is the main source of “the word of God,” not the Bible. It is impossible not to admit the existence of scientific errors in the Bible although few of the subjects dealt with in it give rise to a confrontation with the data of modern knowledge, On the other hand, the Qur’an contains a multitude of reflections on all kinds of natural phenomena: from astronomy, human reproduction, the earth, to the animal and vegetable kingdoms - not to mention what the Qur’an has to say on the subject of creation. The claim that the Qur’an is the word of God can easily be checked out by examining those mentioned verses as Professor Maurice Bucaille, a French physician, did. After a study which lasted ten years, in his book The Bible, 7he Qurirn. and S&me-- Thr Holy Scriptuws Eyaminud i/z thu Light of Modenr Kflowiedgc he said, “Modern investigations using modern techniques, in the several fields mentioned in the Qur’an, have yielded surprisingly similar results.” He added, “The Qur’an most definitely did not contain a single proposition at variance with the most firmly estabIished modern knowledge, nor did it contain any of the ideas current at the time of the subjects it describes. Furthermore, a larger number of facts are mentioned in the Qur’an which were not discovered until modern times.” I’ll refer you to another scientist from U. of Toronto, Professor Keith Moore; he was the chairman of the department of anatomy. In his textbook 7le Devdopirtg Humail Ch’nical~v Utiented Embyulu~, he added some comparative studies with the Qur’an ti which he stated that the statements referring to human reproduction and development are in complete agreement with the modern knowledge. In his lecture, which was held at U. of Waterloo
Einstein illogical? It is illogical to assume that all people in a certain class can easily be fit into one category. The name for this is Stereotyping. Atheism is as much of a faith as any Theism. It is the faith, without any empirical proof, that no deity exists. A lack of proof for something exists is no argument for its nonexistence. Science greatly depends on faith. For example, at one time scientists had to believe in the existence of atoms, without proof, in order to support their existing knowledge. Today, the belief in particles for which there is no proof is an important part of Physics, and treating infinity as a tangible rather than a concept is a major part of Calculus. As for contradictions, do conflicting opinions in history, economics, psychology, politics, or science make any of these fields any less valid? I will give you all my possessions if you show me any two people with the exact same views of the world. Atheists never look for external causes to explain a crisis? Tell that to the millions of Jews who were killed under Hitler and Stalin. My repeated examples of Hilter and Stalin as Atheists may seem extreme, but that does not stop “logical” Atheists from judging all Theists from the latest hypocrite in the news. Another of your arguments is that if God were Omniscient and Omnipotent, that it would be a contradiction for humans to have free will. If God is Omnipotent, then He has the power to create humans with free will. If God is good would he not tend to avoid totalitarianism (or are you in favour of it?)? You make an error in anthropomorphising God. To stoop to your immature insults of religions found among the article, the reason you probably never heard of Atheism before entering University is your inability to think and find information for yourself (Stupidity: Shit For Brains). Jonathan
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Sameh Rehan
To the editor,
Why an atheist must attack: Atheism is the rejection of the belief in god. That is part of the definition anyway. So an atheist must do away with any argument which says god is likely or proven to exist. The people who say that it is likely or proven that god exists must show that their evidence is compelIing. To be an atheist one must show that their evidence is NOT compelling - Hence to be an atheist one must attack all contrary positions. How to attack: The attack need never be actually carried out - it is necessary only to dispose of arguments for theism for your own sake. While an atheist must feel that Christians, and others, are deluding themselves, there is no need to go about telling them so. I will point out also that atheism need not be defined negatively. So far the definitions I’ve seen are: “belief in NO god,” “REJECTION of god,” and other such thinigs. But atheism can also be positively stated as “Belief in the world” or “belief in life.” It is me to say that theisms are negatively defined as “Belief that there is NOT JUST‘ this world” or “REJECTION of atheism.” It is all a matter of pers ective. A Pso, since it wasn’t touched upon in D. Thomson’s article, I would like to mention a few things atheists think about - an exploration of the faith brought on partly by the res-
8, 199 1 9
ponses of some Christians to D. Thomson’s article: Someone mentioned that without a god there may be no justification of morality. Well - SO what? That is not an argument against the possibility; nor is it an argument in favour of there being a god. Scary as it may be, it IS possible that morality has no basis. And as tough as that may be for humans to cope and live with it may still be true. I find it hard to live with some of the marks I’ve got - but they are still my true marks no matter how much 1 dislike them. Then this silly issue of capitalization: I capitalize “Jesus” because it is a name, “Christ because it is a title, underline Bible because it is the name of a book (also capitalized) - I do not capitalize the words “god” or “atheism” because they are not titles of books, nor are they proper names. Finally, someone has written that you do not require inner strength to doubt. Nothing could be further from the truth: in my view it requires much innerstrength not to run away from death, away from the possibility of an amoral worId, and away from the possibility that life has no meaning - to run away from all these things into the happy dreamworld of religion and the comforting delusion that a some god exists. Justin
TO the editor, Dave Thomson’s “Faith vs. Logic” covers a number of issues. I would like to comment on a few of them. I’m coming from a Christian perspective. First, he appears to make the assumption that virtually every believer has been indoctrinated with their beliefs since early childhood, and only those who have not seriously questioned their faith still honestly hold to it. This is not true. In my experience, the most enthusiastic Christians tend to be what you might call “first generation” (ie. their parents were not believers). Some of the strongest defenders of Christianity, such as C. S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer, and Malcolm Muggeridge, have converted from atheism in their younger years to a belief in God through a process of searching for answers to philosophic questions. I feel quite sure they would say that their 10gk was an important factor in their change of heart. I recommend their books, Many other Christians go through a period or
page lO@
10 Imprint, Friday, November 8, 1991
An asshole like you
from page 9 periods of seriously examining their faith, and come out of the experience with strengthened convictions. Thomson is right in saying that religion helps make sense of the world. With regards to his wondering about what kind of laws an atheistic society would make, I suggest looking at the historical examples. One might consider the Reign of Terror, which developed in France shortly after the goddess of Reason was proclaimed in NotreDame Cathedral and other churches following the French Revolution. Another example would be the Soviet Union under Lenin or Stalin’s atheistic Marxist ideology. Or even more recently, the Marxist government of China. Finally, there is historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ, and his resurrection from the dead. This should be reconciled with anyone’s belief system. No one has to set aside their logic to believe.
Media Surfing
To the editor,
Please allow me to vent my frustrations over the blatant lack of human compassion in the human race. This letter is really addressed to “James” - 1 didn’t hear the nurse say your last name but let’s just assume it was “asshole” anyway. You sat two
Steve Amdt
just like you. Nancy Fade 4A Honours English
Thursday morning (October 24, 1991) outside Dr, McNally’s office (around 1O:OO am) - I was crumpled in agony with a blanket to my head. I know you saw that I was crying. I was not emotionally upset, James - those tears were a natural, unavoidable reaction to the intense pain I was going through. If you stick a needle in your ear every two minutes maybe you could relate. You sat and listened to the nurse tell me that t could go in s soon as Dr. McNally was finished Mth you. You see James, unliie you, I did not have a scheduled appointment. I was there because it was an emergency. That being the case, it was not the doctor’s place to override your scheduled appointment by offering that I see her first. it was your place, James. So after waiting 20 minutes (what seemed like three hours to me), for Dr. McNally to finish with the girl she was seeing, while we waited, when she opened her door, what did you do? You just strolled in to have your appointment and to make me wait yet another half-hour writhing in pain. Because God forbid James, that you should miss that important squash game or that you might have to admit to your buddies, your girlfriend or your prof that you were late because you had committed an act of kindness and human compassion by offering that I see Dr. McNally first. Thank you James for your overwhelming consideration - I just hope that you will never be in the position I was last Thursday at the mercy of others, because you might find that the person two seats away is someone
Road, W., (I/S tile mst’ofGdph
XJELPH. Ontario
by Michael
Culture and the (post-) modem (hu)man gets much play these days. A PC politician would cut funding to Canadian publishers because he believs only ten percent of Canadians read books (Zke GZobe and Mail reported the figure to be closer to 50 per cent), and the ones they do read aren’t any good. Fundamentalists never stop blaming falling morals on Madonna and popular culture’s gallant effort to liberate the nation’s youth. The Kitchmm- Waterloo Record ran an essay on cartoons as the only truly American art form. (Anyone want to make a case for jazz?) The politically correct movement blames all forms of oppression, subjugation, and violence on the power paradigm inherent in western culture and contemporary language. Worn (e/y) n and other disempowered groups claim the right to speak for themselves, form their own equal but different cultures. Reactionaries affirm the status quo, cite tired historical sources (the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution) as the only basis for right and wrong forever into infinity. Where’s the fun in that? From whence comes this desire to reduce people, groups, or events to minimal, understandable units? Play the funky music. Culture is our communion, our common referent. It’s us, our story. We ought not to attack it. It needs nurturing, care, like we do. The liner notes for Julian Cope’s latest LP quote The Resident’s (1978): “Ignorance of your culture is not considered cool.” If you don’t know Gershwin from Jim Morrison, Chuck D from James Brown, do you know who you are? Culture is everywhere, everything. A defining force, it shapes the world as much as reflects it. The advent of electronic media, claimed
media guru Marshall McLuhan, threw society back to pre-history. We became again pretribal, communicating in discontinuous sound bites, moving away from linear logic and the Age of Gutenberg. Umberto Eco has challenged McLuhan’s reductive notion, noting that media have technological and sociological qualities also, but McLuhan’s claim that the way a society communicates affects the way that society functions is sound. This is the Information Age, and an understanding of its proponents and its power is essential. In her book Sewa~ikxtual pOlitks, Toril Moi states: ‘The difference between (the) feminist and the non-feminist is not.. . that the former is political and the latter not, but that the feminist openly declares her politics, whereas the non-feminist may either be unaware of his (sic) own value system or seek to universalize it as ‘non-political.“’ So there’s the centre of the debate on political correctness. Either everything is political, in which case we need to acknowledge our biases and work to resolve our differences, or we’re just a bunch of self-deterministic shits floating on a rock in space. Or there’s a god and the Bible contains Truth (not mutually exclusive). Surely, it is difficult for even the least cynical among us to believe that they’re not being fucked around by some corporate identity. Maureen McTeer recently saIuted Madonna on the CBC for being a positive role model for teenage girls: she’s in charge, she does what she wants, she’s the NEW WOMAN, she’s not manipulated, she manipulates. Why need anyone manipulate anyone? Is it too much to ask to trust one another? Culture, popular or not, is not repugnant. It’s just a little screwy sometimes, like everything else. There’s so much politics and so few
essential truths. it’s the uncritical response to culture that’s the problem. It’s too much power in too few hands. It’s the message, not the medium.
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this one’s for you!! GGGREEN
What is Education for anyway?
by Birch Behmann special to imprint There’s a classroom deep in the bowels of an Environmental Studies building, without windows or fresh air, but alive with the buzz of fluorescent bulbs and overhead fan. The lecturer is explaining our link to the food chain in an endangered aquatic ecosystem to a bunch of sleepy, passive students. There’s another classroom in a similar environment with a similar set of sedated students all sitting individually, row upon row. This time at the mounted lectern is a sociology professor describing the virtues of spontaneous, participatory discussion. She talks. They listen. 3:20. Everyone leaves. What is peculiar about these two scenarios, aside from the fact that they might be close to your own academic experience? These are examples of educational approaches that have been outdated by the practical implications and social importance of the lecture material. In other words, the formation of lecture material or curricula is separate from considerations for an appropriate teaching style. The first thing that I noticed in these classrooms is a basic conflict of means and ends. Second, that there is a lack of experiential learning; only passive reception of potentially engaging course material. What are the roles of student and professor? Knowledge, and vessel to be filled with knowledge? Should these roles continue given a future where we there is no longer a need for Plato’s classical notion of educating youth as soldiers (i. e. trained to take orders) or mass followers (i. e. trained not to challenge authority or the class above). The above scenarios and the widespread student passivity on pressing social and political issues points out the need to make explicit and to re-examine the goals and assumptions of university education, if only to shake teachers and students out of their complacency. And given the current local and global environmental crisis, there is a special need to look at the social and environmental concerns imply for. higher learning and the role of a more participatory education to address those concerns. Let me now reexamine three of our assumptions about modem education: MORE INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE.
As we move into the so-called “Information Age,” there is exponentially-increasing volumes of data available to more and more people. More statistics, more scientific papers, more facts and figures. This information has and will enable us to advance further into a world of high technology and global electronic communication. But on the flip-side, in areas of quantum physics as much as terrestrial ecology, the more models that are theorized and inyestigated and numbers crunched, the more we discover how little we know of the material essence of life. Dr. David Orr, director of environmental studies at Oberlin College and pioneer of the “campus as biosphere” concept, uses the example of Thomas Midgeley Jr.‘s discovery of CFCs in the 1930s. This miraculous chemical has made its way into most North American homes (via the f%dge). Now there is a scientific reckoning that the ozone layer is thinning worldwide, not just in serious absence at the poles. Back then, did Midgeley at all wonder what side effects this chemical might have? What has become an indispensable convenience in every home, has jeopar-
dized our common future home, planet Earth. Similarly, advances in genetic and molecular biology has created new forms of life (maybe pseudo-life] and a start on the human genome project, but has dried up research money for work in systematics and taxonomy (two areas of biology becoming more and more important as more species are lost). In this light, there may something very relevant today about the old Buddhist adage that tells us “we are born knowing everything and as we grow older we become increasingly ignorant.” KNOWlEDGE, FOR KNOWLEDGE’S SAKE. There is the assertion and institutionalized belief that knowledge exists in its own
tion and broader context, but fails to offer the time and process needed to critically examine the impacts and assumptims of a particular job or role in society. The co-op program, as an obvious example, is successful in giving students the confidence that they are studying and participating in the real world and not in an intellectual vacuum. The danger lies in its limiting the vision and impractical desires of students, who are so preoccupied with too many courses per term, next placement, interviews, et cetera, that they have proportionately less time for freethinking and open discussion. It is surely lacking as a built-in part to our formal education.
ciplines. Some may not agree with the “environmentally imperiled planet” scenario. Perhaps looking at the increasing gap social disparities and corporate corruption or disenchanted youth involved in street violence is enough evidence to suggest that some fundamental change is required. I hold that we need to discuss and develop the following four suggestions: ALL FORMS BE FORMALLY
854 G&P and Mails September, 1991 RepOTT an Bu.si/rti~~smagazine ran a feature on predicting the most successful careers of the future. They also pointed to careers on their way out. Near the top - farmer!! How are all of the BScs, LLBs, and PHD’s of the world going to survive without good healthy food produced by knowledgeable farmers? Who will give the future energy to this “society of minds”? And how are all of the pointy-heads going to crank out important documents without knowledgeable foresters, taking care of the trees for the future? This is only one example of how the future society we are defining today in our hallowed institutions of higher learning is leaving simple, humanscale technologies and knowledge bases behind in favour of rigid, high-tech, “theoretical model”-based systems. Basic education of all aspects of living must be respected and encouraged, even if it is just to save the livelihood of academics. TAKE RESPONSIBILlTY FOR YOU KNOW AND PROFESS.
singular context, untouched and unscathed by practical reality. This assumption at its best supports and protects intellectual freedom, but at its worst allows scholars to become elites and untouchables, conducting research without public accountability or ac-cessibility, When students are “given” information or taught a technique without being shown an explicit context of values/assumptims, impacts and applications that are packaged with that piece of knowledge, they will tend to assume that “this is the way it is done in all cases.” Teaching “value-free” material teaches arrogance. With every piece of knowledge comes enormous responsibility for its impacts and moral message, I suppose our modern education is a reflection of our class-structured and politically hierarchical society. Many will argue that a university isn’t the place for politicking and social change - so often, I hear “. . . well that’s a political, mora1 decision, not a professional, academic one/It seems that these individuals fail to acknowledge that all of their work, on and off campus, is rife with value judgments and political statements. Sometimes it is hard to recognize that the established interests are just that - interests, and not absolutes. EDUCATION
Hidden in much of higher Ieaming is the assumption that our education must prepare us for a good job and a role in the sMalled “real world.” This objective certainly gives our pursuit of knowledge a definite appka-
It is our cbmmon experience today that without a post-secondary degree, you are not a very attractive person/prospect to the marketplace. But if you acquire knowledge and an education, then you are recognized by employers as a worthy investment. Students now tend to view course material as deadlines, courses as credits, teachers as conduits, degrees as stepping stones and education as a four to five year break from the real world. Where is the passion and desire for education? As American education critic George Leonard puts it, where is the “ecstasy in learning? Are students challenging their own beliefs with their learning or are they just learning, implicitly, about how are society works, what it wants and - through co-op - what are its access points? I don’t dispute the importance of securing a future and fitting into society; my concern is that universities are serving these needs in the guise of open education and academic inquiry. Students feel like they have been rigorous and open-minded with their courses, when all along they were originally supplied with such limited terms of reference in the course material - that, not for once, did their “radical inquiry” ever step outside our modem, fundamental a& sumptions.
unchallenged assumptions is to the future. There is a desperate need to rethink our personal goals and lifestyles in the context of global survival, to make them transdisciplinary. A future to be considered in all dis-
Knowledge is not acultural or amoral. It is a tool or set of tools that can be used appropriately or inappropriately. Learning is a valueladen process. You are accountable and responsible for the skills and techniques you learn and support and the contributions, in theory and practice, that you make to a knowledge system. David Orr asks: whose responsibility is the Love Canal? Chernobyl? Ozone depletion? Valdez oil spill? He concludes that each of these tragedies was possible because of knowledge created for which no one was ultimately responsible. Therefore students must take greater control over their education if they want to avoid directly and indirectly supporting these kinds of tragedies. MORE OPEN DISCUSSION IN ALL DISCIPLINES.
All courses, from pavement structural design to neuromuscular integration, should dedicate a lecture or several lectures to reflecting on the application, assumptions, and impacts of the course material. In the School of Urban and Regional Planning and the Department of Environment and Resource Studies, there is discussion time set aside, but it is still an extra-curricular activity. GET STUDIES rest).
RID OF (philosophy
ENVIRONMENTAL is next, then the
After I get my BES, though. Having a separate faculty or discipline to learn about the environment and environmental issues is like teaching economics without referring to its human participants. Unfortunately, it is current practice, and it is absolutely misleading. Since every discipline is taught and practiced on this same planet (and not on any other planet), every discipline should have an
Features environmental
Let the discussions begin!! Please come out to David Orr’s lecture on the “Dangers of Education”in the Campus Centreat 11:30 am on Friday, November 15 in the Campus Centre Great Hall and to the, panel discussion, “What is education for?” on Saturday, November 16 at 4:30 pm in Conrad Grebel College’s Great Hall. ’
Dialogue amongst students, faculty, staff, Ind the surrounding community must begin mmediately. Open discussion of the purpose
8, 1991
Not Another GreenFeature
things that the human race doesn’t want to know about itself, and what it does want to know bores the shit out of me.” Bored students and teachers of UW rise up and take control of your learning before you become a cog in someone else’s wheel or a complex-for-nothing sugar crystal on a stale glazed donut rolling to the world’s edge.
just as every
course should take stock of its so&-political context. In this sense our education must be jroadened, balancing the fragmented world riew of disciplines and subdisciplines with he need for wholistic and integrated learnng. To facilitate this process, I strongly sug;est going back (if it was ever the case at Naterlob?) to a common first-year of general courses and then if desired, a move to a specific discipline in later years.
If education. Maybe start by addressing these luestions: Is education, by Plato’s original definition, to protect the ruling class? Is it to >reoccupy students with so much informaion that they have no time to think about or organize for social change? Or is it providing IS the direction to a future of freedom and democracy? Is our education a light on the lark path to self-discovery and ac-tualization? Perhaps what we seek to know is all wrong, anyway. Maybe we are barking up the wrong ree. We need to respect and pursue other ways of knowing. This sentiment is most :le&ly described by Canadian author Timothy Findley in his latest book IPLV& Lftwtrirs: “There are so many fascinating
by Scott Marratto
So what does this have to do with us today? And what has this got to do with “environmental” issues? The conquest of the Americas was the beginning of a “New World Order,” a paradigmatic shift in the course of human his“New tory which, despite George Bush’s World Order,” has remained fundamentally intact. The colonial powers of the world today are still involved in the use of genocide as a political tool in the Americas and throughout the world. We still deny indigenous people the right to their own land and way of life. And we still operate from the imperialist assumption that all creation is little more than an untapped reservoir for potential human desires. As long as we continue to teach our children to accept the contradictions that we ourselves were taught, as long as we fail ta reflect on our history as it really was, and is, then nothing significant can change. Colum-. bus was a very brutal and greedy individual. His achievements benefited a select few while impoverishing and enslaving countless millions of others. In addition, a culture which we now kriow was a relatively peaceful one, a people in harmonious co-existence with their surroundings were robbed of their land and much of their way of life, to make room for environmentally insane growth and development. The fact that governments around the world, including ours, are spending millions of dollars celebrating this event is an abomination. Come and hear the perspectives of our speakers, have an open mind, ask questions, and reach your own conclusions. This panel discussion will take place on Thursday, Nov. 14 from 7 to 10 pm in Davis Centre room 1351.
As you read this,“Not Another ‘Green’ Week” is only several days away. And it is hoped that by now most of you have seen, and carefully examined the array of “Green” posters that have been plastered on bulletin boards around the campus and the KitchenerWaterloo community. The logic behind most of the scheduled events seems immediately apparent: “GreenOntario Water Sysing a City, ” “Southern tems,” et cetera, all seem thematically consistent with the discussion of “environmental” issues that is the underlying raisonde-etre for Not Another “Green” Week’. Our understanding of just what constitutes an “environmental” issue is perhaps confounded a little when one sees a panel on the subject of “500 Years of Resistance: First Nations People” included in the program. The aim of this panel discussion is to critically examine the commonly heId assumption that there is something to be celebrated on the quincentenary of Columbus’ so-called “discovery” of the Americas. When Columbus arrived in the Caribbean there were over 80 million people living on this continent. The arrival of Columbus signified the beginning of the single most brutal period of systematic conquest and genocide ever experienced in human history.
The Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) is also running a Greening Education Panel and a Student Green Test from 12 pm to 3 pm on Wednesday, November 13 in CC 110 and the panel discussion “Students as Agents of Change” from 10 am to 12 pm in the CC Great Hall on the Friday, All of the aforementioned activities are public events in the agenda of the national Canadian Unified Student Environmental Network (CUSEN) Conference and WPIRG’s Not Another Greed Week. Check out the ad boards around the campus for the listing of the other event. Hey everyone, drop out and green in.
Literally millions of innocent people were killed. On the Island of Hispaniola, the first Spanish colonial outpost and now shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the entire indigenous population was wiped out within 30 years. Some historical research suggests that during the first century of colonial activity on this continent, over 200 people a day became victims of this unprecedented brutality.
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; Fri: 9-9 ; Sat. 9-5
HOIVIECOMING pljLL-.()l,jT Plan now to come home to the University of Waterloo for Homecoming ‘91 on November 8,9, and 10. The University is planning a weekend packed with exciting activities. Cheer on the Warriors at Naismith, join in the Fun Run, dance the night away at Reflections, sample the wines of the world, feast with Henry VIII and drop by the Big Tent. Join friends and re-live your Waterloo experience. There’s no place like Waterloo. Come home and catch the spirit.
Friday November 8 SamtolZam The Way We Were: An exhibition of student life at Waterloo Dana Porter Library n’ere there really student sit-ins in the ‘6Os? Is it true that the Library is sinking? When was a pumpkin painted on the observatory? Drop into the Dana Porter Library and have all your questions answered while browsing through our exhibit of student life at Waterloo. Take a self-guided tour of any UW library this weekend; Dana Porter, Davis Centre or University Map & Design. Remember, all alumni are eligible for borrowers’ cards. If you don’t have one, stop by the circulation desk at any library and one will be issued to you. 9amto4pm,6to8pm Varsity Sports Shop Physical Activities Complex (Red North) Welcome alumni! From a small cupboard tuckshop, the Varsity Sports Shop has grown to cater to many sports including squash, swimming, weightlifting, badminton and tennis, Drop by before the games to purchase the limited edition 1991 Naismith t-shirt. For information contact Dawn Burns at 885-1211, ext. 2370. 10amtoSpm Craft Fair Campus Centre Dozens of exhibitors display a wide variety of jewelry, pottery, leather goods, Christmas decorations and more. It’s a shopping extravaganza that you won’t want lo miss. llamto4pm University of Waterloo Art Gallery Modern Languages The very breath of the Americas SO the novelist M. T. Kelly summed up the vital importance of the culture of Canada’s first peoples. But the representation of Native Canadian culture has also sparked controversy; resisting the appropriation of their experience by anthropologists, sociologists, scholars, writers and artists, some Native Canadians affirm bluntly that “native people should tell native stories.” lpmtolam Grad Club Reunion Grad Club The Grad Club opens its doors for a club reunion. Tonight we’re featuring The Bierdo Brothers in concert. Join friends in these familiar surroundings and relax with us. No cover charge. 5to8pm Beef ‘n Beer Bash University Club A repeat performance of our rea1 tiaditional, swell, ever-popular, g&antic bash featuring hot prime rib of beef, assorted bread and rolls, salads and a frosty glass of suds. Served buffet-style for $13/person (not including tax and gratuity). ‘Pm Warriors Band 25th Anniversary Reunion Calling all former members of the notorious, glorious, uproarious Warriors band! We’re meeting at the band office to pick up an instrument and head over to the game, followed by a night on the town . . . but we’re reaIly just warming up for Saturday, Call - hslie Ann McKenzie at 7479349.
and the Warriors
. 7 to 10 pm sigma Chi Alumni Association Homecoming Reception Seagram Museum Lounge Erb and Caroline St., Waterloo The Waterloo Sigma Chi Alumni Association presents its annual Homecoming reception at the Seagram Museum. Come celebrate Sigma Chi’s seventh anniversary with fellow Sigma Chi alumni, undergraduates and guests. Cost is $7 (cash bar). Contact Jeff Thomson at res. 886-3495, (4 16) 677-50513 7:30 to 11 pm Henry VIII Feast Festival Room, South Campus Hall Join us for a historical and hysterical night at our King Henry VIII feast. Creative The Society for Anachronism will provide delightful entertainment while you dine on our hearty fare of meat, vegetables, potatoes, fruit, bread and dessert. Two complimentary drinks of wine or ale will be provided, but, of course, cutlery will not. This promises to be a fabulous, fun-filled evening! Alumni from all faculties and colleges are welcome. Cost is $28, If you haven’t already registered, some tickets may be available at Homecoming Headquarters at the University Club. Presented by UW’s Faculty of Arts. 8Pm Kiwanis Travelogue Humanities Theatre The Twin Cities Kiwanis Club presents a personally narrated film Along the Intercoastal Waterway (Virginia to Key West) with Ken Creed. Tickets are $5/adult and $4/ senior available at the door. For information call Hugo Schwengers at 885-5896. 8pmtolam Naismith Pub & Return of the Big Tent Fvxkration Hall Enjoy two events for the price of one! If you made it to Homecoming ‘89 and ‘90, you probably remember our huge pavilion. The Big Tent is back again this year and it’s annexed to the new Fed Hall. Party in the Tent or the Hall to celebrate the Warrior victory at the Naismith Pub, presented by the Women’s and Men’s Interuniversity Councils. Band to be announced. Tickets are $5 and will sell very fast! To get yours, call the Federation of Students at 888-4042 or WIC & MIC at 885-1211, ext. 3156.
to unseat
St. F.X.
Photo by Joanne Sandrin
11:30 pm to 2 am After Hours Coffee and Jazz House University Club Come back to the University Club to unwind and enjoy some light jazz. Coffee and dessert will be available. lto3am After Hours Dance Bombshelter Having too much fun to call it a night? Come and party at the Bomber! Coffee, pop and munchies will be available. No cover charge.
Saturday November
8:30 am to 1:3O am WATSFIC Regional Gaming Convention (WATCON: A Plague of Garners) Engineering Lecture Hall This regional gaming convention will be held by WATSFIC, {the UW Science Fiction Club) today and tomorrow with role-playing, war gaming, board gaming, miniatures, computer events, presentations and seminars. Prizes or certificates will be awarded at almost all game events. Registration for one day is $10 in advance and $15 at the door, For the weekend, the cost is $16 in advance and $20 at the door. For information contact WATSFIC, Campus Centre, room 215, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3Gl. E-mail: rmgreen at watyew. 9 am to 12 am The Way We Were: An exhibition of student Iife at Waterloo Dana Porter Library Try a self-guided library tour or stop by our exhibit. 9:30 am Warrior Alumni BasketbaII Game and Reception Physical Activities Complex (Main Gym) A family affair with old, new and next generation Athenas and Warriors. D’on’t miss it. RSVP to Don McCrae at (519) 885-1211, ext. 3088. 9:30 am 7th Annual Applied Health Sciences Homecoming 5 km Fun Run Ring Road
On your mark, get set, go! Everyone is welcome. Come out and join the fun at the 7th annual AHS (formerly HKLS) Homecoming 5 km
Fun Run. From the start . , . - 9:30 to 10 am. Pick up your race numbers at registration, BC Matthews Hall foyer. Cost is $4.50 (includes GST). - 10 to lo:15 am. Stretch out those muscles at a pre-run warm-up. - 10: 15 am 5 km around Ring Road. - Not a runner? Cheer on participants at the finish line. Join us at the Cool Down Social for food, refreshments, awards and prizes. - Lots of prizes! Top 3 runners, best times in each category, most outrageous runner costume and participation awards. - Alumni challenge: the Recycled Alumni Sneaker Award is awarded to the facultv or college with the most dlumrii p&ticipating. . * - to the finish line! llamtolpm Toto’s Tourney North Campus Join our individual event, Goofy Golf, (entry fee $2/person), or our team event, Ultimate Frisbee, ($lO/ team of 8, minimum 2 females). Fees are being donated to charity. Final entry date Nov. 1. Captain’s meeting will be held on Nov. 6 at 5 pm. Presented by the Campus Recreation Advisory Council (CRAC). Call Sally Kemp at 885-1211, ext. 3533. 11 am to 3 pm IJW Gift Shop South Campus Hall Welcome alumni and students. The UW Gift Shop is proud to present Pounce, the official alumni mascot. He’s huggable, lovable and available in two sizes. Best of all, 7 per cent of all sales are donated to the Student Alumni Association. Don’t leave campus without Pounce. Call 8851211, ext. 3914 for information. 11:30 am to 2 pm Homecoming Lunch University Club The University Club presents its popular hot and cold buffet featuring soup, salads, pates, cheeses, meats, vegetables, rice, fruit, coffee and dessert. Cost is $&.75/person (not including tax and gratuity). Children eat for half price. Dress is casual. 11:30 am to 2:30 pm SAA Snack Shack Look for the SAA Snack Shack near the Campus Centre. Hot drinks and treats are available. Presented by the Student Alumni Association. 12 to 7 pm Varsity Sports Shop Physical Activities Coniplex (Red North) We’re open again today. Don’t forget to get your Naismith t-shirt. 2to3pm Campus Tour Departs from Homecoming Headquarters at the University Club at 2 pm. Let the Student Alumni Association ambassadors lead you on a tour of your university as it is to&v. 2 pm to 1 am Warriors Band 25th Anniversary Reunion Davis Centre Lounge Our 25th anniversary really gets rolling today. Group photos, souvenirs, memorabilia, a scavenger hunt and dinner are all part of the festivities. Of course, the band, past and present, will be playing at tonight’s Warriors game, followed by a social. Cal L&ie Ann McKenzie at 7479349. 2:30 pm Warrior Hockey Columbia Icefield The Warriors take on University of Ottawa. 3to4pm Campus T%nu Departs from Homecoming Headquarters at the University Club at 3 pm. See how your university is changing on this tout led by the Student Alumni Association ambassadors. 4to6pm Former Village Dons’ Reception Great Hall, Village 1 The reputation of this annual reception speaks for itself as once
again former Village Dons are invited to the Wardens’ Reception. 5to7pm Student Alumni Association Reunion Flamingo Room, South Campus Hall Join us for a new and improved SAA reunion. SAA members -. past, present and future - are invited to have a round on us and enjoy the memories. Introductory remarks and an update on the year’s activities will be given bv Steve Wynen, fall president. 530 pm Conrad Grebel College 1970-75 reunion Conrad Grebel warmly invites all its 1970-75 alumni to a lively Homecoming banquet. Although this crowd is specifically invited, grads from anv Vear are welcome. Join us in the GrGa.t Hall at 5:30 for punch, followed at 7 pm by a banquet featurRosemary Deckerting Grebelite Nixon, who will read from her new book, M~~.sr!~ Cilurlt~~. Listen to after-dinner blues, jazz and country tunes by Carol Ann Weaver and Lyle Friesen, MA ‘74. Finally, boogie the night away at our square dance with Rural Delivery. Tickets are $16/person plus GST, $8/ person plus GST for square dance onlv. 8 to 11:30 pm Wines of the World University Club Visit the Americas, Australia, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and Portugal . . . at every stop along this fascinating whirlwind tour you71 sample the best in wines from each continent. During the tasting, a variety of finger foods will be served. Bring your friends and plan to spend a relaxed evening in these wonderful surroundings. Alumni from all faculties and colleges are welcome. Cost is $28. Those without advance tickets may find some available at Homecoming Headquarters at the University Club. 8pmtolam Reflections VII & Return of the Big Tent Federation Hall This will be a hot night! Once again you11 be enjoying two events in one as the Big Tent is annexed to Federation Hail. “There’s no place like the new Fed Hall” so come on back to this Emerald City for a party that is guaranteed to blow you away! Dance to the fabulous reggae sounds of “One”. Cost is $5 and tickets are going quicklv. To get yours, contact the Federation of Students at 888-4042 or the Office of Alumni-Affairs at 88% 4595. Presented by the Feds and the Student Alumni Association. *Pm Schneider Male Chorus Humanities Theatre “The only serious complaint about the Schneider ensemble is that its local concerts, like fine wine and intelligent movies, happen far too rarely,” says Pauline Durichen, music critic at the K- WRtxwd. Tickets are $7 and available at the door or by calling Peter McGhee at 745-0194.
10 am to 2 pm Sunday Brunch weration Hall Welcome to our annual Homecoming Sunday Brunch presented by the new Fed Hall. Cost for hot anh c&l buffet is $lO/person (includes tax and gratuity). 2:30 to 4 pm St. Paul’s United College Open House All alumni are invited to share some punch and cookies with other St. Paulites at our second annual open house.
like to send or bring for our alumni display would be appreciated. We hope to see you there. For information call Doreen Dodd at 885-1460.
byRich Nichol Impht sports
UW Director T’utzke.
Twenty-four years ago there began an invitational basketball tournament that has, over the years, become one of the most prestigious events in CIAU basketball. The Naismith Classic was the brainchild of former
It was originally named “The TipOff Tournament” but two years later, then Warrior head coach Mike Lavelle suggested changing the name to the Naismith Classic in honour of the inventor of basketball, James Naismith, a native of Almonte,
greatest team sports in North America. That original idea will be reenacted at a ceremony before the Waterloo game Friday night. Also, Canada Post has created a Naismith Classic commemorative stamp and will present a centenial award at the tournament. Here now is a brief look at this year’s Naismith Classic entries:
Ontario. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the sport of basketball. Naismith created the activity as a physical education drill for his students. He nailed a peach basket at each end of the gym and had two teams try to put a ball in their opponents’ basket. Since that day, basketball has progressed to become one of the four BISONS
The Blues are a quick team with a
team in
the East last year, Toronto is paced bJ talented stars, 6’8” All-Canadian forward Rob Wilson and fourth-year dribbling sensation Scott Bleue. in the National Invitational at Toronto, the Blues beat DaIhousie 84-73 and lost to round-robin winners Alberta 78-68.
slow the tempo by bleeding clock.
eleven players on the Concordia CUSter are guards, hinting at a strong perimeter attack with the occasional drive for those high-percenhge shots. The Stingers have a talented cron of spiderv rookies.
the shot
traditionally uses a wide scoring attack and varied shot selections to spread an opposing defence.
Pos. Ht. cl 6’4” - CI-mPl,,
No. Name 10 Keith Vassell 12 Dave Brown 14 Scott Waugh 20 Justin Jones 22 Doug Scotchburn 30 Dave Nackoney 32 John Rasp 34 Mark Craven 40 Harvey Marshman 50 Roy Cousins 52 Doug Carmichael 54 Steve Maslek
b 3-11. G 6T’
F 6’4” F 6’3” F 6’4” P 6’5” F 6’0” P 6’7” F 6’5” I? 6’7” P 6’9”
Head coach: Jerry Hemmings Assistant coaches: Ron McCutcheon Wayne Bennett
No. Name 4 Jeremy Smyth 5 RaphaeI Tyrrell 12 Rob Lavoie 14 Ernie Rosa 15 Eric Corej 20 Dexter John 22 Dino Per-in 23 Patrick Sullivan 30 Kevin Forman 32 Robert Ferguson 33 Frederic Aisenault
Pose Ht. G 5’9” c 5’9” G 6‘1” F 6‘5“ c 6‘5“ G 5‘10” c 6‘8” G 5‘11” G 6’1“ G 6’2” c 6%“
Head coach: John Dore Assistant coach: Harvey
No. Name 4 Eric Bridgeland 10 Alex Ikejiani 11 Zak Hirshman 12 Gregg Filmon 20 Michael Parke 21 Winston Duncan 30 Eric Christianson 32 Dennis Smith 33 Garth Thomson 44 Keon Filewich 55 Warren Nightingale
Head coach: Rick Suffield Assistant coaches: Tony Scott
NOTE: The University of Waterloo evenings on Friday and Saturday.
Friday, 12:00 2:00 6:00 8:00
Novemkr pm pm pm pm
9:30 am Game X WARRIOR ALUMNI GAME 12:OO pm Game 5 Loser Game 1 vs Loser Game 2 200 pm Game 6 Loser Game 3 vs Loser Game 4
(fl Waterloo wins Game 4) OR Winner
Game 3 vs Winner
Game 4
(If Waterloo loses Game 4) 5:00 pm Game 7 Winner 7:00 pm Game 8 Winner
Game 1 vs Winner Game Game 3 vs WATERLOO
(Jf Waterloo wins Game 4) OR Loser Game 3 vs WATERLOO
(i Waterkw imes Game 4) Sunday, November 12 1O:OO am Consolation Championship 12:OO pm Third Place Game 2:00 pm Championship Game
No. Name 12BrianLee 20 Shane Walsh 21 Joe Odhiambo 22 Danny McFarland 25 Aristide Nguilibet 30 Sean Clarke 32 Marion Mathis 33 Richard Bella 35 Guy Mbongo 42 Mark Corrigan 44 Blair White 45 Todd McKiIlop
Pose Ht. G 5’11” G 6’1” G 6’2” G 6’1“ F 6%” F 63” F 6’4” C 6’9” F 6’6“ c 6’2” F 6’5” F 6’4“
Head coach: Steve Konchalski hhmnt coach: Tim Hynes
No. Name 3 Brodie Osome 10 Carl Swantee 12 Cargel Stewart 13 Howard Buckstein 22 Rob Galikowski 31 Linas Balaisis 32 Roland Semprie 33 Rob Wilson 34 Trent Arendse 43 Jason Ciceri 45 Leighton Marshall 50 Scott Bleue Richard Dobson
Pos. Ht. G 5’10“
G 6’4” G 5’6” F 63“ G 6‘1” F 6‘8” G 6’3“ F 6%” F 6’6” . F 6’6” F 6‘5” G 6’4” F 6’0“
Head coach: Kenneth Olynyk Peter coaches: Assistant Domengoni, John Robb, Lorne Johnson WILFRID
will play the final game both
Game 1 Laurier vs St. Francis Xavier Game 2 Western vs Manitoba Game 3 Concordia vs Brandon Game 4 WATERLOO vs Toronto
Pas. Ht. G 6’3” G 6,2,’ F 6’4“ G 6’2” G 6’0” F 6’6” F 6’5” F 6’3“ s 6’6” P 6’6” P 67”
missing from this year’s roster. Veteran point-guard Danny McFarland and sophomore Brian Lee will combine for the team’s backcourt strength. X-men head coach Steve Konchalski will probably stick to his usual game plan: feed the ball inside to Bella or at the high post position and mix in the odd perimeter attack to open up the game, taking pressure off the big men. The Central African Republic trio of Richard Bella, Guy Mbongo, and Aristide Nguilibet should steal the show in the X-men’s games.
F&r Game Admission: $7.00 per person ToumammtTicket: $2O.m per person Alumni Game Ticket: No Chutge Advance Sale Eckets are available in the WWAlumni O@ce, SCH UWSeaso~ Tickets provi& admission to allgames of the Nuismith Busketball Ck&c
The Warriors are a revamped team tier adding transfer Dave Lynch, a marksman from three-point range, Alex Urosevic, also a transfer, and Pat Telford, who returns for his final year of ehgibility after a one-year absence. Telford keeps experience at the pivot spot despite the graduation of Dave Rosebush. Last season’s CIAU rookie of the year Sean VanKoughnett will spearhead the attack for Waterloo along with the offguard wizardy of Alex Urosevic. Both VanKoughnett and Urosevic gained plenty of international experience over the summer VanKoughnett played for the inior National Team and Urosevic for Canada’s Pan-Am Team. This was the best recruiting year in recent Warrior basketball history. Centre Mark Hopkins (6’8”), forward Tom Balfe (6’4”), and guard Jim Toole (6’1”) add tremendous depth to a previously shallow bench. No. Name Pas. Ht. 3 Jim Toole G 6’1“ 5 Mike Duarte G 6’0“ 10 Rob Baird G 5‘11“ 12 Gahan Richardson F 6’4“ 20 Alex Urosevic G 6’3” 23 Mike hitch c 6‘6” 24 Dave Lynch F 6’6” 33 Sean VanKoughnett G 6‘7” 34 Chris Moore F 6’6” 42 Pat TeIford C 6’8” 43 Scott Nielson c 6‘8“ 44 Tom BaIfe F 6’4” 54 Mark Hopkins. C 6‘9” Head coach: Don McCrae Assistant coaches: Tom K&wetter Mike Kiipatrick
The Mustangs won the CIAU championship last ye&r with their high-octane. @ence; . Now conlosing all Western er future ear in the nationals this$@as&$.b.ut they will be no push-o&’ either; Western‘s offence wiII be orchestrated by 6’2“ veteran swingman Glenn Eastland. One of the top rookie prospects in Ontario is 6’9” centre John Bermeeren, a sniper from the wing, in transition, or at the low post. With only two players over 6’5”‘ W&em will have to work harder to command the boards against other team‘s trees.
No. Name 11 Glenn Eastland 12 Steve King 14 Ryan Smith 15 Brendan Noonan 20 Peter Schmidt 21 Jeff Farnell 22 Jeff Neasmith 23 Michael Lynch 32 Brad Campbell 33 Mike Partridge 34 Mark Cassone 35 Mike Yahasz 44 John Bermeeren 45 Dean Braknis Head coach: Craig Boydell Assistant coach: Jim Allen
Pas. Ht. G/F 6’2” F 6’2” G 6‘9” G 5‘11” G 6’1” cl 5’8” F 6’3” F 6’5” G/F 6‘3“ F 6’3“ G/F 6‘3” F 65” c 6’9“ C 6’2”
-loss record has been
Speedster Danny Deep enters his senior year at the shooting guard position, and coupled with veteran forward Steve Duncan, will be the main offensive threat. Deep’s ability to get a shot immediately off the dribble can render even the tightest manto-man defences useless. Duncan meanwhile, is most dangerous on a baseline approach. The addition of freshman Tom Pallin is a tremendous asset to the Golden Hawks. He uses his size and strength well to position for rebounds. No. Name 10 Chris Livingstone 14 Ray Tone 20 Danny Deep 22 Jim Newton 24 Brad Johnson 30 Mario Venditti 32 Adam Bazuk 34 Steve Duncan 40 Alex Thornton 42 Sean Brennan 44 Dave Tricker-e 50 Shawn Roach 55 Tom PaIIin Sam hid10
Verne Hudson Tony Hartsink
Pas. Ht. G 6‘2” G 5’11” G 5‘10” G 6‘2” F 6’2” F 6’5” F 6’4” F 6‘4: F 6’7” F 6’4” F 6’5” F 6’6” I’ 6%” G 5’11” F 6’3” I’ 6’7”
Head coach: Gary Jeffries h&ant coaches: Tom O’Brien Roy Dahl
CHECK OUT the Great Food. + + Nde Winter MenU now available
j?resents “THE TENT” This Homecoming
“Glider” Friday Nite “One” Saturday Nite Wednesday, Nov. 13 “Mike Mandel”
CULTURES REPRESENTED INCLUDE: Korean, Croatian, Asian, Indian, Chinese, Ulmnian, Hellenic. Palestinian, Caribbean, Africax~ Iranian
FEDERATION Tuesday lvovember
Fhc sltimhdon all day for studcats,
. E~perl in Alternative, Dance, Industrialand Techno music
a ‘mM
P’ .
In Store Mondays & Fridays 1:00 - 3:OO Rock g Roll, Metal & Blues Specialist 1st Year at The Record Store
Birthday mugs and “I 19 at the turned T-shirts E3ombshelter” available!
To Quebec! Comeoutandspeukyourmindon the current issue: Yh
Faithful Patrons* . . See Ya -\/ Soon At
In Store Thursdays 390 - 500
for adldta after 4:oopan
Ski Trip ‘. .._ -.-”:::/I
In Store Tuesdays 1:30- 3:30 / Thursdays 1:3O- 3:00
1st Year al Ttte Record store . CKMS FM - Alternative Wednesday Afternoon D.J.
Modem Music and Manchester Scene Specialist 2nd Year at The record Store
HALL 19/1991
11:OOam-7:OOpm 11:0&m-7:Wpm 12:00pm-1:OOpm 4:00 pm-7:OOpm
Food F&r Cultural Exhibits Fashion Show Cukural Showcase
We Need Queiec?”
A speech contest will be held on November 19 at 7:30 p,m. So please sign up at the Fed Office (roam 235) in the Campus Centre if you want to participate or help out.
The Edge Specialist; imparts. Alternative, Blues. Cajun, Zydeco, Modem, Industrial, Progressive Rock 8 Roll, Canadian* . . more. 2nd Year of operations at The Record Store CKWR FM - D.J. Thwclay Atternoons 4:OO- 6:OO Editor/Publisheral AFICIONADA music fanzine Music Reviews - Imports from the Edge - Scenemagazine Rock photographer General mwc &nkie . In Store Monday - Friday 10:OOam- 5:OOpm
Nov. 8.9, IO Q4ASMITI-I CLAS!JCm l 8lG TENT at FED “Glider”
For special events, concertsand Federation information, call the Fedsof r Student Entertainment HOTLINE at 886FECXi SURPRISE SALE in the Campus Shop TODAY - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.!
) z-2 rs ’
“Mike Something”
a :
“Mike Something” Free Matinee 12t04p.m.
4OCKEP Wani0rs vs Ottawa 230 p.m.
l NAlSMITl-i ClA%Ic l 8IG lENT at FED “‘one”
14 dONlBSHElTER~ +ED HAb Math Sac. Nite
St. Paddvs Day Worm-UP 4f0LlEYBA11@ Vkmiors vs Western 8:ClOpm
*HOCKEYa Wmiors
at Ryeiwn
745 p.m.
_ : : *’
8, 1991
Warrior Basketball
Acadia’s treys exploit UW defence but they are very definitive things that have to be done.” McCrae also admonished the team for its reliance on the long ball. “Our offencc is strictly perimeteroriented, and you can’t succeed with that,” he added. Especially when outside specialist Sean VanKoughnett nets only 14 points on 4-of-11 shoot2-of-7 on twoing, including pointers. “We don’t seem to be progressing very far,” said head coach Don McCrae. “In fact, we’ve taken a few steps back.” The Warriors didn’t take long stepping back on Sunday, letting Acadia sprint to a ten-point lead eight minutes into the contest and build a 57-39 lead by halftime. All but nine of Waterloo’s first-half points were provided by Urosevic and VanKoughnett; Pat Telford opened the scoring for UW, but picked up his second and third fouls in a twominute span and did not score for the rest of the half. The team’s other strong inside player, Chris Moore, was shut out in the first-half and he and Telford finished the game with only four points apiece.
the defence
of the Axemen. Photo by CD. Coulas
by Peter Brown Imprint sports It looks like the Warrior basketball team still needs some pre-season tune-ups heading into the Naismitk, tournament, if last Sunday’s 92-80 exhibition loss to the Acadia Axemen is any indication. Led by the three-point shooting of Danny Eveleigh, the Axemen buried the Warriors in this battle of Virtually perimeter artillery.
unchallenged, Eveleigh sank 6-of-8 from treyland to finish with 23 points, while Alex Urosevic led the Warriors with 33 points (7-of-12 on three’s, 5of-6 on two’s). Waterlou’s offensive output was eclipsed by luke-warm defence, a fact not left unnoticed by Warrior head coach Don McCrae. “We are not attending to business,” he said. “We are not looking after the transition game. That’s a sign of a team that’s not attending to business, because those are hard things to do,
Waterloo burst out the gates in the second half, powered by a 17-10 run over the first nine minutes. From there, though, they just could not close the gap, due in large part Lo a spooky streak of bad luck at the charity stripe. The Warriors were loof-18 on free throws as a team in the second half, with Urosevic missing all three of his tries. This came after Waterloo scored an almost perfect >7of-8 on free throws in the first frame. One bright spot for Waterloo was a bench that contributed 21 points led by Dave Lynch with ten and Tom Balfe and Mike Leitch with four apiece. Acadia featured a much more balanced attack with four players in double digits and six scoring eight or more points. The Axemen’s field-goal accuracy told the tale of the game, hitting 27-of-39 from the floor. Waterloo basketball fans w-ill have to savour this weekend’s hoops action as the Warriors will not return to home turf for more than two months. After exhibition trips to York, Laurier, and Western in November; Christmas training camp in Florida; and a season-opening pair of games at Lakehead University; the Warriors host the Brock Badgers in their homeopener on Wednesday, January 15, 1992.
Coach Don McCrae time-out.
R aita Nan Bread Rice Pulao
the players
The notorious, roarious University Warriors Band will their 25th Anniversary
884-5650 ST.
- 743-6060
and rile the fans.
by Chris Jacob special to Imprint
Take Columbia to Erbsvllte Turn right at flashing amber.
Photo by CD. Codas
& 1% ++?O BUCKS! Expires
25 years and going strong
Warriors Band
Alex Urosevic
Photos by C.D. Coulas
glorious, upof Waterloo be celebrating at Homecom-
ing, this Saturday and Sunday, The Band was founded in 1966 (25 years ago, conveniently enough) by Dave Greenberg, in order to get into football games for free (everyone had to pay for home games then). The idea quickIy caught on, and the Band became a fixture at football, basketball, and hockey games (We no longer do hockey games, as our team would be penalized if we played while the puck was in motion - and if you’ve ever licked a flagpole in winter, you11 understand what some instruments are like in a freezing cold arena). The Band also features prominently at other university and community events, like building openings, parades, and most recently the United Way Campaign kick-off. We’re certainly more than just athletic supporters. The band is also known as the Official Band of the Canadian National Basketball teams, in recognition of the support we’ve given them at international tournaments. The fun and festivities start tonighl {Friday), with the Warriors basketball game at 7 pm at the PAC. Be there! The Warriors Band weekend con-tinues tomorrow, with a reception in the Davis Centre fishbowl around 2 pm. There’ll be lots of memorabilia from the last 25 years, souvenirs, and lots more for our members and friends,
old and new.
Of course, well be at the basketball games on Saturday night (7 pm) and on Sunday too. Come on out and cheer along with the lOI)-strong (ternporarily) Band - it’s a weekend not to be missed!
8, 1991
Warrior Football
OUAA Title hopes thwarted by Peter Brown Imprint sports Two weeks ago, the Waterloo Warrior football team trounced the Wilfrid Laurier GoldenHawks to take second place in the OUAA and bump the Hawks out of the ClAU topten.
the bestseusonin schoolhistory Last Saturday, the Hawks returned the favour in a big way, blowing out the Warriors 35-5 at Seagram Stadium to advance to the Yates Cup OUAA cbmpionship and end the best season in school history. Another loo-yard game from firstteam ail-star Tom Chartier (28 rushes for 110 yards) and a solid performance from the black and gold defence was not enough to overcome six Waterloo turnovers.
1 Successful weekend of tennis
The “TSN turning point” came early in the second half as WLU defensive back Tim Bisci stepped in front of a Steve Bennett pass and returned it 80 yards for a score. Waterloo was able to respond with a 49-yard field goal from Tchir, but then Kubas threw a 12-yard touchdown to Ralph Spoltore and Cecchini added a fourth-quarter TD to complete the scoring.
Once behind. the Warriors had to abandon the conservative running game that had allowed the team to break a school record for rushing yardage in the regular season. Bennett was forced to pass, and did not put up impressive numbers: B-of-26 for 59 yards and an interception.
Last week, Imprint learned after press time that Warrior centre Mark Wiis and guard Fam Lone also earned spots on the OUAA all-star second team. Waterloo trailed only Western in first-team selections. Waterloo fans were left scratching their heads after the OUAA announced its all-star teams: punter Mike Raynard and defensive back Gory Delaney were relegated to the second team despite leading the nation in punting average and interceptions respectively.
Like the previous week at Seagram, the team that would ultimately lose drew first blood - Waterloo led 2-O on a pair of singles, after a failed field goal attempt by Peter Tchir and a 62yard Mike Raynard punt. Laurier took the lead for good on a four-yard second-quarter touchdown run by Andy Cecchini, who finished with 127 yards and two TDs on 22 carries. Hawk Spiros Anastaskis added two field goals in the last three minutes of the half to make the halftime score 13-2 for WLU.
Tennis f
At Seagram, Waterloo’s defence allowed only 255 yards and limited quarterback Bill Kubas to 9-of-23 for 86 yards and a touchdown, but three fumbles, an interception, and a scant 155 yards on offence, plus two more fumbles on special teams, sealed the team’s f&e. In short, WLU took advantage of the opportunities Waterloo gave them.
In other post-season news, the Vanier Cup (November 30) won’t be the only CIAU game played at SkyDome this falL The OUAA announced that the ChurchiIl Bowl (November 16), the national semifinal that features the OUAA and OQlFC winners, will also be played in the dome stadium.
Laurier QB Kubas evades a would-be Waterloo tackler.
Photo by Dave Thomson
1 In London, the Western Mustangs won the right to host the conference final with a wild 48-35 win over the University of Toronto Varsity Blues.
Western led 34-1 in the third quarter before the Blues exploded with four sttaight - touchdowns to pull within
How would you like to be at the VanierCup?
by Claudia Campana Imprint sports Two champions are in our midst. If you’ve been keeping up on your tennis, you’d already know that Carolina Culik and Richard Straka captured their respective provincial individual titles la& weeke;d. Culik went undefeated throughout the season and ended up ranked number one in Ontario, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that her place belongs at the top of the standings. Straka won his second singles championship in as many years.
Justanswer the questions below and hand them into CC140 by Friday, November 16 and you could win one of a four pairs we’re giving away.
I. What was UW’s highest national ranking this year? 2. How many rushers, other than Tom Chartier, have rushed for over 1000 yards in a season twice. 3. Where was the Vanier Cup played prior to the Sky-dome?
another 110 yards for AII-Star Tom Chartier.
Pho?o by Joanne Sandrin
the cream of Ontario k crup The pair travelled to McMaster in Hamilton last weekend for the final four tournament of the OWIAA and OUAA tennis championships. Culik was heavily favoured to win the tournament, and promptly set about to do exactly that. On Friday night, Culik battled Lisa Siles of Western in the semi-final, and bested her 6-2, 6-3. Culik met Diana Hatch, also of Western& the final game of tournament, which saw Culik handily defeat Hatch by a score of 646-3, and win the Ontario tennis championship. Straka defeated Peter Marselek of McMaster 6-2,6-3 for his second title in as many years. UnfoxtunateIy, there are no Canadian championships at the present time in tennis, so Culik ends a fantastic season as the all-Ontario women’s champion. She and Straka are this week’s
UW athletes
University of Waterloo Catholic Community Mass Schedule (Fall & Winter Term) Siegfried Hall-St, Jerme’s College: l 5:oO p.m. - Saturday l 9:30 a.m. --Sunday l I1:30 a.m, - Sunday l 7:oO p.m. - SundayI l 12:30 p-m* - Noontime Monday to Friday (weekday masses in Notre Dame Chapel) Note: Holiday
times am.
Masses are at 9:30 and l1:30 Sacraments:
+ Counselling (any kind) 0 Bite of Christian Initiation l Campus Ministry Involvement l Etc., etc. Father Jemniah J. Cullinanc, D.
of the week, and
St-&a earned the additional honour of being OUAA athlete of the week. Congratulations to Carolina and Richard for their excellent individual efforts, and good luck to both of them in their future endeavours.
five points. The ‘Stangs offence couldn’t be corralled for long, however, and they soon added two majors to ice the victory. UWO’s Tyrone Williams caught three touchdown pas&s and Toronto’s Paul Shorten four in the losing effort.
Office: 122 Classroom Weekends/Evenings:
Building. 123 Men’s
SJC - Tel: 8X4W Residence,
10. ext. 281
SK-Tel: 7254126
8, 1991
just seconds short of nationals
Marci Aitken was the first Athena in, nabbing ninth place in the best race of her season. Competing in her fourth OWIAA championship, Aitken went out conservatively, then began moving up in the second loop. But it was in holding off a last minute charge from Western runner Prissy Lockyer that Aitken claimed her ninth-place finish in a time of l&51. This was a full 41 seconds better than at the U of T Invitational on the same course just a few weeks ago. Waterloo’s other All-OWIAA runner, Lisa Iaffradi, in her fifth OWIAA Championship ran an intense race to grab tenth place in 18:53. Laffradi, coming off her first season as a pro triathlete, used this experience to run a mentally tough race. Despite a troubling back problem, she still managed to beat her time from the U of T Invitational by 13 seconds. The other top Athena, Victoria Seay, also ran her best race of the season to claim 13th place in her firstever appearance at the OWIAA Championship race. Seay ran a strong second half to haul down runners from Queens’ and U of T on the wooded trails. She crossed the line in 19:OO to improve 35 seconds over her time from the U of T meet.
by Victoria Seay Imprint sports bst Saturday, the Warrior and Athena Cross-Country Teams competed in their final meet of the season the OUAA/OWIAA Championships, held at Sunnybrook Park in Toronto. Facing bitter winds and stiff competition, it was a day of highs and Iows for the teams. The Athenas, poised for OWMA gold, tumbled to a disappointing fourth-place finish, in a race where mere seconds denied the team a berth to the national championships. Yet two Athenas - Marci Aitken and Lisa Lffradi - cracked the top-ten to be named to the All-OWIAA team, the first ever Athenas to do so. “The women’s five-kilometre race started fast, and quickly became a battle for first place between Maureen McClaren of Western (a former Architecture student here at Waterloo), and Alison Evanoff of Toronto. In a dramatic finish, Evanoff overtook McClaren in the final few hundred metres to claim the OWIAA title in a time of l&O9 to McCIaren’s l&l 1. But the rest of the pack was hot on their heels: in the next minute, 15 more women were to cross the finish line.
But it was not to be the Athenas’ day. Despite improving her time for the course by eight seconds, fourth runner Nancy Calder finished well back in 30th place (19:40), followed by teammate Sepanta Dorri in 33rd (19:52). Other Athenas to be commended are Julia Norman, nordicskier-turned-runner, who improved her time from the U of T Invitational by almost a minute to finish 41st (21:10), and veteran Margaret Barnes who, despite being struck down by illness in the last two weeks, ran a tough race to finish 44th (20:14). Team results saw Queens’ sneak in ahead of U of T, with the Western Mustangs claiming third.
Highs & lows By the time the men’s IO-km race began, the winds had turned bitter and the temperature had dropped, but U of T runner Brendan Matthias had no trouble blazing around the course. Establishing a comfortable lead in the first loop, Matthias literally ran away from the fie1d to capture the OIJAA title by a hefty 63 second margin over McMaster’s Dave
lame. The Warrior men capped their season with another consistent race. Jason Gregoire started out quick, and hung on to lead the men in with a Xst piacefinish in his first OUAA Cl-mmpionship. Despite being cut off in the home stretch, Gregoire finished in a time of 3346to set the Warrior trend: every member of the team improved his time from the U of T Invitational meet. Dan Blosdale, also in his first OUAA race, ran tough in the last 2 km to finish 34th (34:07). Scott McDonald continued his consistent performance this season, edging out three runners at the end to grab 64th (35:30). Mark DesLauriers shone in what was his best race of the year, taking a full three minutes off his time from the U of T meet to move up to 72nd (35:53). Warrior Ken Griffin ran tough to pass two runners in the final sprint. Despite nursing a leg injury for the past two weeks, Griffin’s time of 36:07 put him in 77th position. Rounding out the Warrior contingent were Kevin bmerman and Andrew Weburn, who both put in strong showings to finish 80th (36:15) and 85th (36:54), respectively. Team results saw the U of T men Storm to Victory, placing all seven of
their runners in the top ten. In a close race, Windsor edged Western for the silver medal. The Warriors finished in 11th spot. Thanks have to go out to everyone who helped the Athenas and Warriors this season, including trainer-turned-cheerleader Tanya Moore for more than just keeping us injury-free, and to teammates Kelly, Linda, and Jeff, and all the alumni and fans who braved the Arctic winds to urge us on. Hats off to the guys for the speed-inspiring team socks, and to Marci for the million and one things that she’s done for the team this term especially for those awesome gloves! But above all, kudos to the coaches: to Bruce, for his “Pitcher Motivation Speech” and for his great lungs; to John, for those brutal pool workouts, and for always asking us “how much do you want it?!“; and to Brent (aka “Elvis”) McFarlane - the man who kept us all sane and made us believe in ourselves. Season’s finished. The curtain has fallen. But we’ll be back - Indoor Track begins November 30 at Western. And keep an eye on the HKLS run this Saturday - our Athenas till be the ones starting five minutes late.
One and.One on weekend by CD Coulas Imprint sports
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Columbia Icefields was rumbling on Sunday, November 3 as a vengeful Warriors- team came back from a heartstopping 6-5 loss to the Guelph Gryphons two days earlier to place a 9-2 defeat in the laps of the Laurentian Voyageurs. The one win and one loss on the weekend gives Waterloo a 3-2 winloss record thus far this year, good enough for a share of second place with Windsor, two points behind Guelph (4-l). Last weekend’s games marked the middle two of a six-game home-stand the Warriors have been enjoying. The loss to Guelph puts a damper on head coach Don McKee’s plans of sweeping the home games, but his team has still managed to win the other three games of the stand so far. Both Waterloo and Cuelph had identical 2-l records going into Friday night’s game, and were sharing top spot in the division. All the pressure was on the Warriors to perform well. Coach McKee’s expectations were high, they were at home, and all signs showed that Cuelph was going to be the team to beat in the west. Our boys had faced some adversity early, as Guelph opened the scoring five minutes into the game, and then again on the power play, nine minutes from the start of the affati. Troy. Stephens retaliated one minute . later with a power-play goal of his own. Guelph then proceeded to find the back of the net two more times before the end of the first period After one frame, 4-l for Cuelph. It was a different Waterloo team that came out to play the second period. Waterloo started the period a man up as a Guelph slasher was sitting off a minor penalty incurred near the end of the first frame. Stephens took advantage of the opportunity txesented. and scored hll second bower-play goal’of the game. l%e
by the
power-play carried on into even-man play, as the Warriors dominated the second period. Stephens finished off the natural hat-trick 11 minutes in, and assistant captain Dave Lore& added a goal to his two assists, while the defence shut the door on the Gryphons, not allowing a goal in the
demonstrates his technique
for getting
7 points
2 games. Photo by Wade Thomas period. The teams went to their dressing-rooms after two, with the score dead-locked at four. The Warriors played tough in the third period, but Guelph showed it’s offensive firepower, scoring twice before BiIl Whistle rallied with a goal in the final minute of the game. Too little, too late, but a great effort by the Warriors against one of the best teams in Canada. The Warriors didn’t sulk about the loss to Guelph, but rather got riled to face the Voyageurs on Sunday. Laurentian caught the Warriors by surprise early, scoring only 35 seconds into the game, but the sleep ing Warriors awoke as Jamie Hartnett and Tony Crisp scored to put Waterloo up by one at the end on the first period. Laurentian came back in the second with a goal to tie it up, but the Warriors retaliated with two goal in this period, and four more in the third to salt down the victory. ’ Dave Lorentz had another brilliant game, scoring twice, and assisting on another two, for a total of seven points in the two week-end games. Thii total was one more than Troy Stephens, who settled for only one god and one assist in this game to add to his three goals and an assist in the Guelph game. Darren Snyder raised his teamleading scoring record to 10 with a god and two assists. Other scorers were Tyler Ertel and John Williams.
The Warriors are now aiming for the second-best scenario of the home-stand, and that is winning five of six, but they are going to have to face two very formidable opponents the this weekend, including nationaIly number-one ranked and undefeated UQTR Les Patriotes on Sunday, November 10, one day after playing host to the University of Ottawa, a team with an identical record to Waterloo. Both games are 2:30 pm starts, and you are cordially invited to witness Waterloo’s only game against last year’s CIAU champions, and a much improved Ottawa team. See you there.
IWe Recycle
8, 1991
Warrior Volleyball
Plague wins opener at Laurier by Rich Nichoi Imprint Sports When a volleyball team loses its two greatest power hitters ever, one would think that the offence would go out the door with them. Not in the case of the multi-talented Black Plague volleyball Warriors. In a fierce battle against four teams from the OUAA E&t division, The Plague captured their second straight tournament silver medal in as many starts at the Ryerson Invitational in Toronto last weekend. Then, finally given the opportunity to unleash their attack in league play, the back-to-back national bronze medalists pummelled the Wilfrid I;rurier Golden Hawks 3-1 (15-5,157,11-15, 15-7) to start off the regular season on the road at 1-O. WV 5’11” offside hitting sensation Jon Tenthorey used his 42-inch vertical jump to full advantage and loomed over the Hawk floor like a hungry raven, smashing 18 kills and adding two stuff blocks for 20 points, the highest individual output of the match. He also scraped up six digs on defence. Veteran middle player William Zabjek and sophomore Dower hitter Rene Molt also hit the houble digits with 10 points apiece,
while captain Ian Heynen collected nine. “This was a pretty good start to our season,” said Warrior skipper Scott Shantz. “It’s exciting to see the team win, but even more thrilling just to watch John (Tenthorey) play.” At the Ryerson tournament, Waterloo fell at the short end of a hard-fought two-hour battIe with Toronto 3-1 in the championship match with nail-biting game scores of $3-15, 15-10, 16-17, and 12-15. The Warriors took a dominating 8-O lead in game four and seemed to be poised to force the Blues to a fifth game. But volleyball is a game of momentum. Whoever keeps it the longest, wins. Toronto rallied back for 14 straight .unanswered points to take the gold. “I wasn’t really happy with the results, but we showed great signs of potential,” said Shantz. “We’re still not 100 per cent but we are stronger than last year in many areas.” The Warriors finished first in the round-robin session of the five-team event with three wins and one loss, They defeated Ryerson 2-U and Laurentian 2-1 on Friday night, then conquered York 2-l to take first place and qualify for the gold medal match. The Plaguesters lost to Toronto in their finaI pool match which meant nothing in’the standings.
Sophomore setter Shawn Smith, named MVP in three of the Warriors’ five matches, was named to the tournament all-star team. Early scouting reports have Smith pegged as one of the best setters in the OUAA conference this season. Smith’s main targets were Zabjek and Holt, who combined for 96 points in the tournev.
Team sparkplugs in the tournament, and especially in the gold medal match, were the floor-tracking missiles of Jeff Stover and the scintillating stonewall stuffs of Perry Strauss. Tonight, The Plague makes the long bus trip to Windsor to meet their next victims, the lowly Windsor Lan-
cers, in an 8 o’clock match. Waterloo’s home opener will be on Friday, November 15 at 8 pm against the Western Mustangs. This may be your one and only chance to see a UW varsity team mop the floor with the Preptown Ponies. Wear black and, as usual, bring the noise! Come early; the Athenas play their match at 6 o’clock.
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UW places gold.
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Photo by Wade Thomson
%Tms REDUCTION WEEK Presented by the Turkey Desk
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Folk Singers
Tuesday, Nov. 12 Wednesday, Nov. 13 Thursday, Nov. 14 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 15 11:3O a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
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Councelling Services presents “Shower of Relation” in CC1 10. General Massage Therapy Crania, Sacral, Shiatsu in CC135. Literature Reading with Gregory Cook in CC138.
Don’t Cjet Stressed,Check
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22 Imprint, Friday, November 8, 1991
Athena Basketball
What to look forward to seeing by Claudia Campana Imprint sports Athena basketball is alive and well and currently showing in the PAC. Yes! h’s basketball season again (just look at the Naismith posters) and the Athenas are practicing intensively to prepare themselves for what should be an exciting and competitive season. The Athenas are entering their second year under the leadership of head coach Denise Dignard and assistant Martin Ritsma. Many of last year’s key players have returned, and the addition of three quality rookies should result in a strong and experienced team. Here’s the lowdown on this year’s line-up, courtesy of Cathy Miller. The team’s seniors Sara Bradley, Leah Ann Erickson, and Brenda Kraemer will be the pillars of the team. Sara Bradley, a 5’10” guard, is co-captain and returned in excellent physical condition from the offseason. Her season looked very prohowever, during last mising, weekend’s tournament at Laval, unfortunately Quebec, Bradley
injured her knee and it is feared that she may be out for the rest of the season. Leah Ann Erickson, a 6’0” centre, returns with intensity. Her improved aggressiveness in taking the ball to the hoop wili definitely help her game. This co-captain will lead the team at the forward spot, both offensively and defensively. A St. Mary’s High graduate from Kitchener, Erickson was one of the top scorers and rebounders last season at Waterloo. Brenda Kraemer, a 5’9” guard, is a fourth year veteran and co-captain, who was also an impressive OWL%4 all-star in the 1990-1491 season. Her exceptional work ethic and commitment to improve her game makes her an important role model for her teammates. She is one of the most intense players and operates as the backbone of the Athena’s defence. Having one year of interuniversity competition under their belt, the four returning sophomores will be relied on to take on a more active role this season. They are: Tina Murray, a 5’5” guard, is a Hamilton native who is returning to the Athenas in great shape. After one year at the university level, she has
improved her decision making and School in Walkerton and was a memYork led at halftime by a score of 29maturity as the team’s point guard. her of the OFSAA ‘A’ Championship 22 and in the early second half by 37Murray’s outside shooting ability will Basketball team last season. 24. But Waterloo battled back to beat Susan Kruis, a 6’0” centre, is a contribute to the Athena offense the York squad by a close score of 54graduate from St. John’s College in 51. while her quickness and smarts will Brantford, and helped her team to bolster the Athena defense. While Waterloo had a tough time Julia Passmore, a 5’10” forward, victory at the 1990-1991 OF%4 with the pressure in the first half, returns this season with a great ‘AAA’ Basketball Championship last good team play and the ability to deal attitude and improved confidence. season. ,JJ&~~~~~&i& great Court with the pressure on the full court sew ::$!&f#j‘~~~~~~:~~~ will This will enable her to use her quickresulted in the victory. Top scorers for _..,:: ~~~~~~~~ ~~~a~~~th ness and athletic ability to create ..:$f$$,‘.:+:.“‘. Waterloo were Bradley with 18 points .‘,?+, . ‘.::j:::y...:::; y8:::: “‘:I:.+4i:,::&$.:::..... ..:.:: ,::: offensive opportunities for herse~~~.~~~,~~~~~~~~~~ $&#$@$&P and 6 rebounds and Erickson with 14 ...:..* ,.,..:. ......:. :::::g<::.. ‘.:‘:p:‘:.:* “.‘.& pointsand7 rebounds. and her teammates. This speedy Q&. ‘~:~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~ ,~~~~~. 5.,:,: :,::::.,<,: ....:..::::.~.:.:.:.~.:.~ ..:.~.:‘:.:.:..:, .)’,.; .:..;‘..* . ..... , . . .;;.,: ..:,,.I:.‘:.. minsnativetill be an asset.i+x<.: ,$-f$##&~~,~ ~‘#&#!jj&~~t ~ostsf~~~~~~~?~~~~,ii In the third and final match of the ........ . ..y:$,:.:.:::: Athenas. Waterloo faced “Y::*~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:., :.,: . . . . . . . .:.: ,......::...:.: ::.. I., _ :: ,.....,.,..a * : : : .I. . . . . . *.,. . Laurie R&pel, a 5'1 1" p~~~~~~ ,~~~~~~~~:3i'"';"""""..'.~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~ ..~,,,_,..::: ,i$$$$huntsic College, a very strong Man:>;.:;;. '..X :.v.,:+:,. l
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~~~i~~:~~~~~.~~~eal squadwhowerethe1990Canaoffensive positionclose~~~~,~~~~~~:‘. ~~~:~~.u~~~~,~~~~~an Champions. TheAhenasledat “.:$,:< :::,i$Q:+ +&:. ..$$y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ physicalstren~thandab~,~~~~:~~~-,~~~~~~~
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which will add to the Athefi@:~;~z@~. A@” eks boarded the lt&Qy “~~c~~,i,:,~~~me by 25-22, in a game marked game. With more intensity @& ,:+&r the ten-hour trip to ~va~~~~~~~~~~~~~ back and forth scot-ing. Ktchener native has the potential fog for their first big exhibitions&-&& ~~~l~~;ln the final remaining minutes, .:.::.:.:.:, r.1 :_ ::+:~$&ra Bradley went down with a bad dominate in the forward position ir@ ment of the season. ‘ii! “zii:, ::: :..:. _. . . . . . ..‘.. . the OWlAA West division. After a fitful rest, the Athen# fac$#, !~~Z~~&ee injury, and Ahuntsic took >g: Kathy Wordham, a 5’8” guar& off against the home favs L&al @,: $$$@antage by pulling ahead and winpossesses exemplary intensity i# $-i&y, November 1. Lava1 m&t ha$& “$&@g the game 54-41. TOP scorers practice and in games. She h&$yj:’ >Bought they could put in ,& earl$$$ ‘&&e Bradley with 14 points and demonstrated her capacity to be a L,,+:$&ght,but little did they kn& they’&$& ‘@!@ham with 9 points. catalyst for the Athenas in toug$?:“” be forced to stick around &r over- “%&,“$g:$ch Dignard saw the touma.:..:_ . i.::.: “S~~~~as a successful outing in which situations. Her versatility and greg ,.:‘.::::y::::::!:.: time. The game was ,~~~~~~~, entire court sense will undoubtedly hel$ 311:players could get some on-court 2A.5.5.: :+:+: ..,.,.;, :.:..::+ .,.,P::::‘& the Athenas this season. Wordham 4: 40 mhutes. ~~~~,~~~~~d ...,/_,::...._..... :..4:.....::::.. ..i...::...:.:.:.:.:.:::.:‘::.~. . . time and experience. Sara Bradley, from Mississauga. $ by only tws.~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ injured, won all-star designa,,*.,:.. .f‘+.~.~<.,:,. :. 4..‘.’ ..:x<.. :*. ..y..,j.... *.*...I...*+:.:+ .,j:, ....‘:...’ . The addition of three qualit$ tion play,,~~~de~~~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~i:~~:~~~~~~~~~gr .‘.pg:,::‘.:;:.:.. ...h..:.. . ‘.‘.:.:.: ). >:*:.y -...,:,j:... .. _ .’ ;,,., .::::p::.excellent on-court efforts rookies to the Athenas this seasoii each. ,.i:~~~~:i::~e~~~~:~~~~~: ~~:,,~~:r:ti’~“~~~~~~~lay. It is hoped that she will *.:..:.:.:.:.: .,.,.,.; ,... :..I.. .*...........:.:::::::::: ..... ,,:@..~~*, ...:‘+:+ ..’ A~&#& to mb@, &:j#f$&@@Q,,oint ..,.,,, .&#n promises to add depth to the tear@ to the Athena roster‘.,,,ii,,; ~~~~~~am showedgreatprogress $$ &.$&d the ove&ee Lava1 finally took They are: Nadia Gosgnach, a 6’0” PO&, h&.z;G$‘&e game by a score of 65-60, scoring from last year. The veterans put in the ability to get up and down th&“” their fi.na!,~&ur points in last second strong performances, particularly court quickly. This Oshawa native has .~~e-~~~~~terl~~ shov:ed go.&, ......&.pdley. Erickson, Murray and ,::;>.~.;,:..‘-’ .:: $$. .:;g:&. . ’ :::.:.:j :. .I.:. .:.::.:.:. a good understanding of the game ,5: .;$f”f$S:,::,,~~r~~~~~~~~~~~ .~~~~~~~~ $@aemer, while the younger players and excellent court and this~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~:~~, $&me, .;:~~t&$k on responsibility on the court. ...ye., ,:p:” .\:.,.,. . ,_,,,.,,, ~...:A ‘:.~~;:j:$;gj:‘. combinedwithmoresense, experience w,ilp~~>:.:,, &&g& . $$;:&r @y ‘.~o.*t ;i’h’ f The Athenas will have to work on enable Gosgnach to contribute depth their abiiity to deal with breaking the aggressively keeping in the game. to the Athena roster. on-court pressure and running their Top score= were Tina Murray with Lori Kraemer, a 5’8”guard, is a very offence as a team versus playing as 20 points and Sara Bradley with 15. mature and intense player. She uses Sara also showed exceptional effort individuals. The season looks very her physical strength to full advanpromising for the Athena basketball by netting ten rebounds. tage, and once she fine-tunes her team, and they hope to see you in the The second game of the toumaski&, she will become one of the PAC for their next home game, Wedment matched Waterloo against York dominant rookies. Kraemer is a in a game which demonstrated the nesday, November 27 at 7 pm versus graduate from Sacred Heart High Brock. Athenas’ability to come from behind.
1, :FIERACCEWII~GRM~ ‘.1 .:. :.::_:_. ,: ‘_,..I. .’ .’ . . m..&wd&. ..’‘,,. ;:..:::..:. .. LI_:..:.
Athenas and Warriors crack top-l 0
by Kevin McDonald Imprint sports
I By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you I into a new Mazda before you graduate. If you have a job waiting for you 1upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this w iexclusive offer for graduates.
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Last Friday night, the Waterloo swimming teams travelled to St. Catharines for their inaugural meet of the season, competing in the annual Brock University relay meet. Both the men’s and women’s teams made excellent debuts going head to head with all the teams from Ontario, plus McGill University from Quebec and Niagara University from New York State. The Warriors placed fourth overall, while the Athenas finished in eighth place. The team went into this meet with a new coach, Reema Abdo. Abdo, a former University of Toronto swimmer, won a bronze medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and was the owner of many Canadian national records. Acting as a full-time head coach and aquatic co-ordinator, Abdo has installed a new program and attitude among the swim team and athletic department. “I am very optimistic about the present team and the future of the program,” Abdo said. and excellent team Many were performanceS individual turned in by both teams. The men’s team in particular showed very good depth by placing at least one team in the top eight in every event. Impressive performances were given by two rookies, German native Ralf
=&iji~9 & Northfield
Gunther and Mississauga’s Rich Blakelock. Both men made the school’s all time top-ten list with excellent swims. Blakelock Iead off the breaststroke relay with the seventh time overall in the lOO-metre breast, and Gunther (joining the Warrior international contingent) led off the butterfly relay with the fifth time overall in the lOOm fly. Joining Blakelock on the fourth place breaststroke relay was sophomore Eric Huff and rookie Dave Schneidenman, showing great promise in one of the areas where the Warriors were somewhat weak last year.
Michael Cash with a blistering2&P-metie The best team performance by the men was in the ‘4-by-50-metrefree relay composed of Hong Kong native Mark Yip, Andrew Cartwright, team veteran Scot Whyte, and Gunther, which placed second behind the powerful University of Toronto Varsity Blues. Also swimming well were team captain Michael Cash with a blistering 200-metre anchor leg on the
mixed crescendo relay (two men, two women, 50-50-lOO-200), St Catharines home-town boy Ian Bernudian Jason Krupp, and relay dance man Dave Dineen. Among those Athenas making great first appearances were Erica Belluz and Melissa Williams. Belluz had a fantastic first race on the mixed crescendo relay where she embarrassed several men. Her time would have easily made the Athena all-time top-ten list if it was not for the flying relay takeover start. She also lead off the 4-by-100 free relay with a near top-ten time. Williams lead off the breaststroke relay with a time that made the top ten-list in the 100-m breast (tenth all-time). Joining these two rookies on the individual medley relay was third year swimmer Shawn Joynt, leading this team to a seventh place overall finish. Also swimming well for the Athenas were team co-captain Trish Felszegi leading off the medley relay, and Christie C-Leg. Most of the other women on the team swam in off events, thereby not showing their true team strength. The next meet for the Warriors is the U of T Men’s Invitational in two weeks; for the women it’s the McMaster Women’s Invitational the next day. In the meantime, the teams will themselves entertain with the rejuvenated Alumni meet during Homecoming weekend.
by Gem Mahnke
lMPORTANT DATES: Playoff Meetings: Basketball, Nov. 6, 4:45 pm, CCllO(M), 5 pm, CC135(W) - Volleyball, Nov. 7,5 pm, CC2 10 Hockey, Nov. 11, 4:45pm, cc110 - Ball Hockey, Nov. 18, 4:45 pm, cc110 Other Events: - Mixed volleyball entries due, Nov. 15,l pm, PAC Volleyball Cpt. Meeting, Nov. 19, 5pm, CC110 CRAC final meeting Nov. 20, 5:Ol pm, V1 Great Hall
C.RA,C by Vallery
2) Developing integrated programming - wheelchair basketball for all abilities. 3) Developing a system of leisure buddies. 4) Using the Accessibility Committee to investigate accessibility in C-Ret programs, with people with disabilities sitting on the committee. Other business concluded that student assistant positions are still available for the winter and spring terms and nothing has been started regarding Seagram’s facility replacement. An update will come at the next meeting. A suggestion for a ‘Hot Topic” at the next meeting is the issue of abuse of referees, and referee skill level. Next CRAC meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 20, 5~01 pm, Village 1, Great Hall. This is a recommendations meeting . . . all are welcome.
The third CRAC meeting was held on Wednesday, Oct. 30. A special welcome was offered to Peter Hopkins, Associate Provost, Student AfLairs, and Florence Tomfinson, Coordinator, Services for Disabled Persons. The meeting was well attended by CRAC committee members. The agenda consisted of reports from the Protest and Conduct Board, Athletic Advisory Board, Student L.&/Ad Hoc, Special Events/ and Sponsorship Homecoming, committees. The hot topic for this meeting was the issue of increasing awareness, use, and avaiIabiIity of integrated recreational programs for persons with disabilities 9n campus. Florence Tomfinson led the discussion, which was followed by smaller discussions in focus groups. The ideas created by these focus groups included: 1) Trying to strive toward aI ‘C-Ret programs and facilities being accessible. ’
Men’s Flag Football
by Joe Cascagnette It was a weekend full of pigskin. Men’s Competitive Flag Football finished the league with the playoffs on Oct. 26 and 27. In the B2 division, the champ, Necessary Roughness, glided to an easy victory with a score 34-1 over PMC. In the Bl division the two top finishing teams, The Rebels and Dart’s Bashers, went head to head. The game was played with great intensity by both sides. Finally, after a tight game, The Rebels trotted away with a 21-12 victory. Surprise, surprise. That’s all that needs to be said about the A league. Dawson Dawgs who finished the season at the bottom of the pit, won the championship game over SJC Outlaws by a score of 37-27. Congratulations, guys - it was a great season!
Men’s Ice Hockey
by Walt Neubrand With the final week quickIy approaching, the race for first overall is still wide open. As of November 1, that honour belongs to SIG 5 who are 4-O with 30 GF and 6 GA. They play their final game of the regular season against the Walruses who are a respectable Z-1-1. StiII in the running for first overall are the North Stars, Bruins, Greasy, and Mechscalibur. The game of the week had the winless Hammer and Screw team up against the Bruins, and it wasn’t a bad game. The Bruins won 4-2 in their lowest scoring effort of the season, so for a team that had not won, H&S played a competitive game. Other notable scores had WOAP finally winning in a big way, 9-l. SIG 5 was all over the Math Sot like a bad rash, inning 12-l in the highest scoring game of the year. North 1 also won their firstgame, 2-l. The Player of the Week is Dave Smith (what’s your real name?) of SIG 5 and Joel “Tool” Box of Guys Without Pits. Both scored four goals for their respective teams. Still a tight race for the scoring race with John Pagola (Don’t Have a Sub) and Joel Box (GWP) on top with 11 goals. Daryl Sherman (SIG 5) is right behind them with 10 goals. Tennis Tournie by Campbell
The Waterloo Tennis Club played host to the Campus Recreation singles tennis tournament on October 20 and 27. A strong draw of 20 players came out despite it being a mid-term “cramming” weekend. Single sets of six games were contested in the preliminaries and some exciting matches resulted. The main objective of the day was accompIished with players
The Wolf Manifesto by Ashok
“Wolves, like aI other wiIdlife, have a right to exist in a wild state. This right is in no way rehted to their known value to mankind. Instead, it derives from the right of all living creatures to co-exist with man as part of natural eco-systems.” - Wolf Manifesto was The “Wolf Manifesto” generated from work by the “Wolf Specialist Group” composed of representatives from all countries where wolves still exist. This organization originated from the work of Doug Pimlott, who is responsible for the longest lived wolf research program in Canada. His research, carried to newt and greater heights under the supervision of John Theberge, is one of the few studies that might provide an understanding to allow wolves to survive in the ecosystems that man is changing so rapidly. John Theberge is a professor at the University of Waterloo. He is perhaps the only man in the world to gain a masters degree by howling at the wolves. Why? Theberge and Pifmott discovered in the early ‘6Os, with a loudspeaker in the forest, that wolves were all around (much to Doug Pilmott’s dismay as he ran back to the truck surrounded by howling). So many wolves are killed by hunwith the ters and trappers understanding that wolves kill beavers, deer and moose. Sadly, wolves have been exterminated from most parts of the world. There are only a handful of studies against a vast array of “common enemy” decrees. There is no question that wolves are not a threat to man. How do they effect large mammal ecology, given
the carrying capacity of the land determined by density related disease and available food? The question is too complex and requires research over too large a time frame to provide answers now, but many factors of the balance can be effectively studied given equipment and manpower. “Canadian Wilderness Trips,” a non-profit organization owned and operated by CFS, has pioneered the wolf howl for the sheer wonder of
being surrounded by a pack of wolves calling in response to your mock howls. November could well provide the stage for an Outers Club arranged trii for students to follow the wolf packs. CWT studied the Nahma wolf pack with encouraging howl responses and many signs of the wolves that make the four day hip a success. Hopefully, a combined effort can also contribute a wolf radio collar to the research effort.
making their way into various flights for the finals, according to their skill level. Finals were held on Oct. 27. Mayers were split into four flights, ensuring that players of similar ability played together. Some excellent matches resulted, the closest being in flights B and C. In flight B, Dave Clark defeated Richard Lee (7-6, 64). Andrey Pavelczak, in what could be caI1ed the closest match of the tournament, won over Beverly Wang (4-6, 6-2, 7-5) in C flight. Other winners included Steve Frith over Dean Flett (6-2, 6-2) in A flight, and Rob Be11 squeezing out David Lee (6-4,6-3) in D flight. Overall, the tournament was a success with fun being part of the main component. Congratulations to al1 the winners and thanks to aI1 those who participated.
LeamThroughLife by Shelly LangUe As the end of the term looms ahead of us, many students feel the need to decrease the time spent on extracurricular activities and concentrate on term papers and exams. However, this high-stress time of the term is exactly when students should take a little time out of their schedule to participate in an activity that is enjoyable,
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relaxicg, and stress-relieving. A 30-minute jog a game of squash, a walk around the block, or simply Iistening to your favourite CD can provide a quick study break and allow you to return to your work with renewed energy. The time that you spend refreshing your mind and body would often have been spent procrastinating anyway, so why not make the best use of that time? Stress relief, time management, and physical activity are only part of the “welfness” concept that LIFE (Lifestyle Improvement and Fitness Education) is trying to promote to the sludents and staff of LJW, LEE is a new educational program offered by Campus Ret to integrate physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Each term, various seminars and workshops will take place based on current weliness topics, or suggestions by students and staff. (Please list any idetis or suggestions in the appropriate space on the LIFE information board across from the tote desk in the PAC) According to Fitness Canada, “active living contributes to increased feelings of personal worth, energy, and vitality for living, as well as to maximize our human potential physically, emotionally, and socially.” Let’s all learn to be healthy and happy through LIFE!
8, 1991
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Athletes of the Weeks Nov. 2 - Nov. 8
UQTR PATRIOTES Calgary Dinosaurs CONCORDIA STINGERS CUl3LPH GRYPHONS UPEI Panthers Alberta Golden Bears Regina UNB Red Shirts YORK YEOHM
UBC Thunderhlrds
Oct. 26’1 Nov. 1
KATRINA ENGLEBRECHT Athena Volleyball The University of Waterloo’s female athlete of the week for the week of November 1 is Katrina Englebrecht, a third-year mathematics student. As the Athenas’ captain and primary setter, Katrina’s e-fforts were Lstrur;lental in securing a silver medal at the Queen’s invitational on the weekend of Oct. 28. Her ability to run an effective, varied offence the Athenas remain helped undefeated prior to the Championship game against Concordia University. Katrina was awarded a tournament All-Star for her play.
l-Em:Warrior Football
The University of Waterloo’s male athlete of the week for the week of November 1 is Jeff Lake.
Caroline Culik is the University of Waterloo’s female Athlete of the Week. Caroline, a Waterloo native who did her undergraduate degree at the University of South Carolina, is completing her masters in computer science. Caroline is the Athena’s numberone seed, and has been undefeated the entire season. This past weekend, Caroline took the OWIAA individual championship in straight sets both in the Semi’s and the Final which she won handily 6-1, 6-3. Honourable Mention goes to Figure Skater Carolyn Chiu who won
Jeff, a fourth-year arts student and team captain, is being honored for his outstanhingplay & the Warriors defeated thee *&id Laurier Golden Hawks 34-7 on Saturday, October 28. Jeff recovered one fumble and had two interceptions, one of which included a 53-yard run-back. Jeff received the CHCH-TV Player of the Game Award for his efforts and was named to the OUAA all-star first team last week.
the Gold at the UW Invitational 0pen Singles competition. RICHARD Warrior
in the
Richard Straka is the University of Waterloo’s male Athlete of the Week. Richard, a Waterloo native formerly of WC1 is a second-year economics student. Richard is being honoured for his first place finish in the OUAA Individual Tennis Championship this weekend at Western. This marks the second straight season that Richard has taken the individual title, in only two years of interuniversity competition.
Culik, Diana Hatch, carolyn
Mary 43:
GOLD Carolyn
Waterloo Western Queen’s
Lisa Sales, Western MEDAL MATCH Culik defeated Diana (6-1,6-3)
Fear of- a Shadowyt Planet on a Shadowy Men Planet Phil 1sGrundwn :s Phcr October 30, 1991
by Sandy Atwaf Imprint staff Don Pyle, Reid Diamond and Brian Connelly (aka Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet) have been playing the small club scene since 1985 with their all-instrumental outfit. In that time, they have continued to release seven inch vinyl records contrary to industry standards, kept supporting local Canadian bands and are still playing the places that they phyed seven years ago. But the intimacy of smaller clubs definitely seems to suit the band, as was proven at Phil’s Grandson’s last week. After the opening act, King Cobb Steelie, the Shadowy Men took the stage about eleven, and broke straight into a song from their new lp ‘Dim the Lights, Chill the Ham.” It sort of went like duh-duh duh-nuh-nuhnuh duh-nuh nuh. A lot of their songs went like that. The band was much more energetic and much louder than their vinyl releases suggest. Both Diamond and Connelly hopped around the stage bringing their songs to life.
Thwacking and twanging away while Pyle hammered the drums. The band kept up a frenetic pace for the entire show, which was quite an accomplishment considering how many songs they did. I lost count around thirty. Fortunately, some of this energy was transferred to the crowd as well. At first, very few patrons ventured out to the dance floor, but as the music sIowIy worked it’s wordless magic, more and more people decided to (gasp) lose their oh so nonchalant “let‘s go see Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet and not even dance because that’scfor losers” air and (double gasp) have a good time on the dance floor. Even so, there were still too many people just content to watch. Concerts are not spectator events. While that doesn’t mean walking on people’s heads, some energy has to be put into the show by the audience or else the whole thing doesn’t work.
A few more songs, including a -out-spooky-but-ended-upstarted funnv v&on of “Bela Lugosis
so. There thing that nd what to was devil’s
The event was a performance, and not just a musical show. The band was entertaining as a whole, with lots of humour to keep the crowd laughing and lots of loud, distorted guks and “Hockey Night in Canada” them organ-playing to keep dancing.
was just a bandwasn’t happening. blame? Perhaps no night and I was just . . *
smtsh, abut be that & it may, I Iook forward to having the Shadowy Men back soon where there own brand of intriguing instrumentals will once
again have me hopping like a thing that hops _
audience response, suddenly kick - when the bane TV “Having a
up and down up
cessfully to play the song sitting down, but his spaghetti legs wouldn’t let him sit still and he just had to dance.
’ I believe in long, slow, deep .kisses... Buzzcocks R f? M November 5,1991
one’s mind, expectations ran high. The crowd dressed appropriately,
The new songs were equally masterful. One song in particular had two
by Sandy Atwal
the new album prove me right.
Present, and lyric everyone, since-after all, doG’t we all believe in our mums and our dads? But despite the glorious past of any group, band reunions sort of leave a bad taste in the mouth (and the pocketbook). Frankly I blame The Who and the Stones. If those windmilL
’ I
eIeven, but th&s about the only cLmplaint I have for the show. Knowing ody a handful of Buzzcocks tunes, and knowing that quite a few new songs were going to be played, I was wary of the band’s ability to make that oh so elusive band-to-crowd contact,
r, but not quite stam’ status, the band
it often turn into slagged. From then on, the anticipation that hung in the air was overpowering. Considering about half the crowd was my age, we were all but ten when :he Buzzcocks last played in Toronto. With a decade’s worth of “I Believe” and “What do I Get” to run through in
Buzzcocks. It seemed to be more the case that the band had relearned the
songs and incorporated technique into them. “Noise and “I Don’t Mind” both fresh and alive, and not like “classics.”
years of Annoys” sounded exhumed
no dYoubt
Lots of crowd surfing went on, and the mass of people in front of the stage threatened to congeal: into one mass of flesh ready to consume us al1 In a rolling skinball, but fortunately Lhe manly R I? M. bouncers preven:ed this. The band gave the crowd- , two.a encores. The first one includea oIa “Orgasm Addict” and favorites “Boredom” and after a brief wait, they
returned from
and mix
kicked the audience into puree with “I
Believe.” The chorus to “I Believe” rang out dozens of times from the throats of everyone in the club, long after the band left the stage. Not wasting the crowd‘s time, and giving it their all, the Buzzcocks are ready to take back the Manchester music scene. Shows like this could give reunions a good name.
There should have been only one! by Colin Couchman special to Imprint ‘YIam Connar Muckni of !he Clan Mackd. I was banished frum m-v planet 500 years ago. and I am immartai. ‘* And so the story goes. . . After many postponed release dates and budget overruns, the highly awaited sequel to the cult classic Highlander has come to the big screen. Returning to the helm is director Russell Mulcaly, who’s only recent, notable success is Riwuchet (stir/ un the rebound? - ed). Christopher Iambert is back to reprise the role of hero/immortal Connor MacLeod. Returning as MacLeod’s mentor is Jaun VillaLobes Rameria known in the real world as Sean Cannery. In the original, the two characters were part off a race off immortals living among us common folk. We were given no explanation as to why they where here other than to decapitate the other immortals in order to
receive “the Prize.” It was a mythical film with its own style and superb cast. It should come as no surprise that the film ranks among the greater science fiction works. Mulcaly attempts to recapture the atmosphere and consequential cult standing of the original. In fact, one receives a distinct feeling of deja-vu throughout several scenes. Whiie trying to explain the origin of the immortals (they where banished from the planet Zeist, no less), Mulcaly only spoils the myth. In fact the sequel almost succeeds in making the original a bad movie. Canadian Michael Ironside pIays the villain Colonel Katana whose scariest feature is the cliches he spouts. His job is to replace Chancy Brown’s villain from the original who was decapitated. Of course, this formulaic motion picture would not be complete without a gratuitous love interest. Hence, Virginia Madsen the ecological terrorist. It is now the year 2025 in the saga
and MacLeod is an old man. Somewhere between the original and the sequel he has managed to create a forcefield to repbce the diminished ozone layer around the Earth. Through the appearance of more Zeistians and a well-timed pyrotechnic explosion, he becomes immortal again, ready to fight with sword in hand. The story turns out to be very slow and loaded with more holes than a nice block of Swiss cheese. Some of the more confusing aspects of the film include the varying length of Macleod’s hair as well as the appearance of unexplained swords. Connery plays his role with amusement and why not, he’s getting millions for the film. Aside from his salary, it is hard
to see what the $34
million budget was spent on - it certainly was not writers. Since there is a third installment in the works, perhaps it would be best for Mulcaly to call it Highlander III: The Apology. Wait to see this one on your Viewmaster.
8, 1991
Have you seenyour mother,baby? d
by Sandy Atwal Ylnprint staff
it, he’d do it for free, So someone phoned Don and told him, and Don phoned Steve . . . but it’s a casual thing. Pyle: Before I phoned him, the week after we read the magazine, we kind of talked about this and said, “Well we’re going to Chicago, maybe we should get in touch with him.” Then a week later, we got a fan letter from him. So we decided “Let’s phone him now.“
This week, the exciting finale to the Shadowy Men on a Shadow Planet This week: stupid interview. stupid waiters, and newspapers, Steve Albini.
Why do you think you ire been mm-e succmful whi/e other bands Iike the Dik Van L$kes and Huimlich Maneuver have gone under?
Imp: I though1 il might be because Cargo distributes Sub Pup, and Albini has produced some Sub Pop bands.
Don Pyle: Well, more successful sort of depends on your definition of successful. Reid Diamond: In terms of being able to make a living. we’re making a living basically because of Kids in the Hall. All the other bands that have been around, if they had’ve been doing Kids in the Hall, they’d have been making a living too. A lot of bands split up because they get so frustrated. It might have been a big sort of frustration for us too, playing the same pub that we played seven years ago. Diamond: But we’ve been lucky, too, we’re not a rock band. Because we have to write so much stuff for Kii& in the Hall and we’ve done some other TV and film work so it’s not that we have to rely on the rock club shows. Tmp: Iguess Kids in the Hall is both CI
blessing and a curxe. I mean it Lrhelping youjnancially. but now it seems like it’s tied to your cureerx Diamond: It takes a lot of time, too. It drains a lot of creativity from the band. We have a tough time learning all the new songs, and k?& in the &II seems to always be the priority. When we had day jobs, we were probably less busy than we are now working for the Kids in the Hail because the band is so busy doing tours we work all the time at running the band now and it’s actually busier than when we had jobs and just did it for fun on the weekends.
time and go out to Vancouver and Calgary. Those other bands never really tried to expand places to play that much. I think we were more organized in some ways. Also, a lot of the other bands, their lives weren’t necessarily going in the same direction. So not ail of them were really committed to touring and stuff like that. Pyle: Luckily
we all had lousy
jobs. ,
Yyle: Because we backed out after two years when it was supposed to be four months. Imp: Twu years seems Iike a pretg lollg
for a soundtrack.
Diamond: Yeah, sure does for ody $2,000, whoops, did 1 say $2.ooO? Pyle: I don’t think they heard you say $2.0@.
Imp: So how &ii you end up opening for bands Eke Husker Du and the Jesus and Mary Chain?
Imp: I’ll make sure Ron Mann gets a copy. Is that lVvpical uf how ,VOU‘W been treated by “big business’?
Diamond: incredible
Diamond: Ill tell you a story. Craig McGuiness of the Toronto Star was going to do an article on us, and he phoned me up and said, “Well Reid, I can’t do the article because we had an editorial meeting yesterday and the editor-in-chief of The Star entertainment section said we’re not allowed to talk about independent bands anymore.” So Craig asked why, and the editor said “Because people don’t know about them.“And I said to him, “Well you’ve got a goddamn newspaper, isn’t that what it’s for?” Plus the editor told them that they were no longer allowed to use the word “indie” because -people didn’t know what it meant, except for Indy 500. It’s like you can’t use your newspaper to try and educate people, you just talk about the same thing you want to get the advertising, and A&A Records sees that you’re talking about Bon Jovi and that’s who they’re advertising in the same issue, so why waste your breath talking about things that aren’t making money.
The band has had an amount of good luck The Kids in theHall was luck. Here’s luck: Don didn’t have any drums, Carson at the Rivoli came into his record store and said “Look, I’m entering this Mu&Music contest to win a drum set from Helix, but I need a couple of answers, and if 1 win, Ill split them with you,” and he won. Then he gave them to Don. Don just bought a new set this year, but for years he had a beautiful set of drums. E’yle: The first year I had them, it still had the Helix logo on it with the flaming wings and ‘Fritz” written on it. Diamond: That kind of luck, people phoning us, things have really panned out, in a way that’s getting bigger but still within control. We’ve only really had two runs of bad luck.. . Glass Records, . . Pyle: . . . and Ron b’hM. imp: Working on Comic Book Con-
Pyle: Just as any self-employed person will tell you, when your office is in your home, it’s like “well, I gotta do this” and you spend 18 hours working.
fiden tial?
Diamond: Also, when you talk about the Dik Van Dykes, even though we didn’t start the TV show until a few years ago, we were one of the first bands to actually start leaving the city and going out and playing live. We did tours on $100 and $200 guarantees in ‘86; we’d take our vacation
Pyle: It took up way more time than it was supposed to. Diamond: A year or two years? I forget. Pyle: Two, and he didn’t even put oul name on the video box.
Diamond: Well it was just a lot ok work for a not really very rewarding experience . . . and very little money.
Diamond: anymore.
he didn’t
like us
So the rzdmtair is
doing some sessiuns with Steve Albini. bond: Well this is another example of a stroke of good luck. They asked him in some magazine, well, what do you charge to produce? And he said, “Well if Depeche Mode asked me, I’d charge them a million dollars,” because he doesn’t like them. He said he’d pay to produce the Jesus Lizard, but i&had&y Men asked him to do
Diamond: No, Cargo is sort of a licensing/distributing thing. It’s not really a big record company. It’s just kind of nice because we never have worked with a producer before and well try it. If it works, well use the tapes, if it doesn’t, well we throw out tapes all the time. Pyle: He has a very dtierent perspective from what we do, so I mean it could be something really exciting. But he also’ is very aware of what we’re about.
We‘ll see.
Imp: Lk you still get usked why JJOU dun ‘t have a vocalist? Diamond: Very rarely, actually since we’ve started I’ve had maybe three or four people ask me. I would’ve thought it would be a lot more. Pyle: More when people really didn’t know who we were. Now that people pretty much know who we are, they come not expecting to see a singer. But the songs are structured in such a way that you could never have a singer. We were playing at Queen’s University and of course it would be at that show that someone would ask me that. And he goes “Why don’t you have a singer. 7” It was a waiter, and 1 said “Did you see us tonight? The guitar plays the melodic line all night.” and he goes “Oh, I didn’t really notice that.” So I’m like, “Well where would you put the words?‘, he’s jus like “Well wouldn’t it be better?” I’m just sitting there like “But. . . you . . , I . 1 . Oh, just get me a beer!” ml
Crazy rn - the City Crazy
in the City
The Last Temptation November
by Pauline Olthof Imprint staff Picture the setting - the back room of an intimate Toronto bistro called the Last Temptation, a small and cozy affair for both the band and the audience. Good food and drink, comfortable chairs, and plenty of atmosphere played supporting roles in the overall experience. In this scene, the musicians were the stars of the evening. Members of the band Crazy in the City include Bill Lasovich and Monique Barry, a husband and wife music team who are occasionally joined by a guitarist named Ken. The setting and characters were in perfect coordination and soon the music began. The songs are written by Bill and their lyrical content is extraordinarily realistic but never dull. Dealing with relationships, unemployment, and guilt, he brings a ~efr&shing new
insight to these topics which is brought to light through the voice of Monique. Her sound is sweet and melodic and at the same time strong and firm. The addition of a guitar gives their sound more diversity since they use only a synthesizer and Monique’s voice to create their sound. Because the sound is not marred by loud guitars, obnoxious drums or orchestras, the music comes across clearly and simply, but this is not to say that it is dull. There is much to say about simplicity as it allows the audience to hear the words and music more clearly without being bombarded by excess noise.
Excuse the cliche but Monique and Bill have been making beautiful music together now for over a year. They’re really just starting to get serious about expanding their careers and have made a couple of demo tapes and are starting to play at more clubs around the area. I. think if this band keeps progressing as they have done and continue to play quality music with insightful lyrics, Crazy in the City have a good chance to do well. Go see them if you have the chance, go Crazy in the City.
possibly be their best effort to date. While their previous discography captivated their followers with gutwrenching rhythms and red-raw (often mindless) vocals, this LP brings the musical talents of the fourman heavy metal ‘giant out into the foreground.
MetalliCa MPtullicu Electra
The guitar riffs of lead vocalist James Hetfield seem to have a lot more rhythm and appealing support, while Kirk Hammett’s leads sound as fast and furious as always. The percussion of lars Ulrich has a more fuller sound.
by Rich Nichol Imprint staff and guest head banger Paul Nichol special to Imprint
Improved recording capabilities and production quality aside, M~fulliua has a style that doesn’t match with any of the other four albums. On their debut album Kill ‘Em AI/, Metallica sounded like just
The hard thrashing heavy metal band Metallica recently released a 1 Zt-rack self-titled album which may
They have mined what is arguably his most worthwhile period, 19551967, when he recorded for Gusto, Starday, Mercury, United Artists, and Musicor. Though all the gems aren’t included, there’s enough great stuff on this to make it essential. Despite the fact that Jones does a decent enough job of up tempo material, he’s at his best plumbing the depths of the dark side of the human soul - depression, remorse, and hrmoil. A hard drinker, like his father, George Jones has reached that point of myth; living out the torment of his songs. Most of the material on this album is drawn from before he became known as “No-Show Jones” because of his habit of forgetting about shows in his alcoholic stupor. Nonetheless, songs like “Just One More” have only gained resonance as the years have passed. There’s something a little morbid about all this peeking and prying into a performer’s personal strife. I much prefer Jones’ romantic ballads. “She Thinks I Still Care” is a wonder of denial and sorrow, while ‘The Window Up Above” is among the greatest cheat-in’ and hurtin’ performances ever. Most casual listeners have a difficult time transcending the cliches of country music - cliches which da have some truth to them. George Jones is good enough to transcend them - he makes the most trite sentiments spring to life with unfathomable depths of feeling. George Jones is a song interpreter nonpareil, and possessor of one of the richest, most expressive voices in any form of music. Rhino’s The Best qfis a good compilation, but George’s career deserves much, much more. Did I hear four-CD boxed set anyone?
by Paul Done Imprint staff
Amen to that. There are few sounds as heart-rendingly sad as the voice of George Jones singing a country ballad. Maybe a couple of blues singers, like Billie Holiday or Otis Rush, a couple of soul singers, too; James Carr or Joe Simon. Without sounding racist, George Jones is the greatest white singer I’ve ever heard. Heck, he’s even Elvis Costello’s favorite singer, too. Unfortunately, his 35-year career has seen him move from label to label, recording nuggets of music unparalleled country wherever he goes, yet because of this, no-one has ever been able to put together a definitive collection of his work. While Rhino’s new release isn’t exactly “definitive,” it’s probably the best collection of his work released yet.
another thrash band. Their music took on more of a professional tone on their second LP Ridv The Lighfm ing, slowly transforming into more of a hard rock sound than thrash metal. Muster qfPuppetswasn’t as heavy as the first two projects but it still showed that same pattern of progression. Then on the fourth album . , . And Justice Fur A/Z, Metallica proved beyond any doubt that they weren’t just a thrash metal band. In fact the most popular song on Justice turned out to be a slower song simply titled “One.”
we’re u&Ml never-never land > After listening to the new album a few times, you can appreciate the direction in which Metallica’s music is moving. There are two ballads “The Unforgiven” and “Nothing Else Matters” which are both very impressive songs that have been well written lyrically and musically. The rest of the album consists of patented hard-driving Metallica standards, two of which, “Enter Sandman” and “Struggle Within,” have even raided the singles charts. In a recent interview, drummer and songwriter Lars Ulrich said that they had spent a lot of time working on this album compared to the others. He also said that the band and producers were all very proud of it. Metallica may have made a slight transition over the years, but will stick with what has made them the biggest heavy metal band since Priest and Maiden. Their popularity in Ontario is proven by having to book two appearances in Toronto to promote this spectacular release. Yet, it is sad fact that preppies are now listening to,Metallica to be cool. It’s the “in thing” to do. “Gee Muffy. Let’s take Daddy’s yacht out for a cruise. Don’t forget the caviar and the Metallica tapes, Pooh Bear.” A soothing thought, isn’t it? NUT!!!
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his solo release. The sound is a little different than Red Rider’s - there seems to be a shift toward a more R & B rock sound. His lyrics are realistic but he does not preach; he is merely full of good intentions. He wants to paint a world that is imperfect, but still worth living in despite its faults. by Pauline Olthof Imprint staff If good intentions were the secret to success, Tom Cochrane would be a superstar. His latest release M&, mud tri~ovldis a solo effort and a break away from his band Red Rider. His voice, on his own, and as the lead singer of Red Rider is unmistakably unique. He joined Red Rider in 1972, but it wasn’t until 1986 with their self-titled album that the band achieved any great success. Songs like “The Boy Inside the Man” put the band on the map of Canadian rock and roll and he follbwed the success with the Victory Day album, and it’s most popular - traik “Big League.” With this record of success, it is littie wonder that he is doing well with
Cochrane has been known for his strong lyrical content and this solo effort is no exception. Staying away from specific issues and preaching, he deals with relationships and life and describes the “Mad, mad world” we live in. He seems to be able Lo relate we11 to his audience and speaks to them in a way that is both innovative and refreshing. It’s one of those albums you have to listen to a few times to enjoy, like a good glass of wine. In order to savour the fiavour you have to play it a few times and you’ll probably get drunk with excitement. And do you know what the best part of this release is? It’s by a Canadian music-maker who has stood the test of time and has .L.IL..IA.CU rpm;linpA UUL CI~Pcessful. Let’s see if Tom Cochrane can ride music’s highway intO the future.
RATING GUIDE why mere’s No “Homecoming” Poster?his Year 1. Shane Carmichael insistent photographers. 2. Budget blown on the booking 3. Fear that poster design would page 3 of Imprint. 4. Publishing rights to nude Millard “Stud Puppy” magazine. 5. Gwen Jacobs unavailable for
on exposing
of One and Glider. inadvertently be switched photos photo
already shoot.
with by
3 m by Frank Seglenieks Imprint staff
Record Reviews
8 1991
Before I review this most recent album by the Look People, I would like to say that these guys put on one of the best live shows I have ever seen and that if you ever get an opportunity to see them, don’t pass it up. The only reason I can think of why this band’s live shows aren’t as popular as the Barenaked Ladies is that the Look People haven’t been on CITY-TV’s Speaker’s Corner. In concert no member of the band stands still for more than three seconds, including the drummer and they use a variety of props such as puppets, masks, toys, and anything else within reach. But now back to Boogozm, their wcond full-length album. For this album, the band shows more of the funky Chili Peppers style that it had on its first EP “Stop Making Cheese,” as opposed to its heavier almost punk sound on their second El? “More songs about Hats and Chickens” and their first LP “Small Fish, Big Pond.” Overall, Booguzm is a mixture of songs which work and songs that just
don’t - let me explain. There a’re two things which you can say about most Look People songs: funky and funny. When both of these apply to a song, the song is fantastic; when only one applies, the song is better . than* most . songs you hear today; but when the song scores a zero, it’s one of those you fast-forward over (or maybe skip overifyouhaveaCDplayer). I ca6 confidently say that three songs on this album are fantastic; “Bozo the Killer, ” “Five,” and “Love Bug.” “Bozo” is song about a clown gone bad, “Five” is a song reminiscent of Sesame Street with lyrics such as “How many Jackson’s on the victory tour, How many movies till Rocky sucks,” you get the idea. And “Love Bug”contains every cliche containing the word love. Around half the album is either funky or funny, with songs about TV evangelists, about being indecisive, or about being a lousy lover and a lousy lay. Luckily, only two songs fall into the last category: one about the environment, which is basically a monologue by lead singer Jaymz Bee containing ideas which are getting tiresome, the other about Kentucky Fried Chicken, entitled “In Saunder’s . Fields.” The one song which doesn’t fit is “Low Rider,” a cover of the song by War featuring Nash the Slash on electric violin. This song is obviously geared for the mainstream audience and they even have a video for it. Now I’m not saying its not a good song, its probably the song you
would be most likely to remember upon hearing the album for the first time, its just that if people hear only this song and then pick up the album, they might be surprised with the rest of songs which are more typical of the Look People. The one reason that this album stands out from others is that these guys really don’t take themselves seriously - they put out albums which are fun and from listening to them you can tell that they either haven’t or don’t want to grow up, maybe that’s why I like them so much. I can relate to them as we have the same maturity level.
by Trevor Blair Imprint staff
Laughing Stock? Now let’s see, if I were a music journalist (!) I’d say something daffy like: “It sure is a Laughing Stock.....1111”’Or, If I worked for Polygram Records, I might say: ‘TaIk Talk’s Laughing Stock , . . is anything but!!!!!” (note excessive exclamation marks.) Isn’t it beautiful how the universe divides? IIIIIIII~IIIIII~I~II~II)I~I~II~IIIIIII~IIII~~~~ I 8 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 Imprint I
Really though, caIIing this six-song excursion into atmospheric excess Lcruahina Stock is simply bewildering. Talk Talk’s last album 172~Spirit 4f Eden (also a six-song atmospheric excursion) was a vital, brilliant expression by a band who’d taken pop music to new heights with classics like “Life’s What You Make It” and “It’s A Shame.” Stock features music so undynamic it barely whimpers. Again, strangely, the album cover itself is a skeletal copy of Eden ‘s
vibrant tree of life. Are these guys really paying homage to themselves? “Myrrhman” is a low-key intro to a song that never materializes. “After The Flood” seems to want to go somewhere, but the band’s apparent cor&dence in their “spanity of sound”vision comes off as indecisive. And so a dominating luck of confidence takes hold. Ever get the feeling you’re being served leftovers?
Colouting Contest: colour this comic, submit to CCl40.
PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE WATERLOO by Kenton Augerman Imptit staff
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Raw Youth are a New York sextet who achieved a degree of prominence earlier this year by contributing the title track to Tame Yourw~ the fundraising album for PETA {People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). This song, which preaches against the slaughter of animals for their skins, is also included on H& D&v, the band’s debut release for Giant Records. Its lyrics include the passage “If you are weaker I will eat you / If you are smaller I will defeat you / King of all I see / I will proudly wear your memory.” The lyrics for the other ten songs aren’t as blunt, but are clever and impressive bvcaux of their ambiguity. Lead singer Myoshin Thurman describes the songs as being both “ironic and joyful at the same time.” Raw Youth’s sound combines elements of funk, rock, and folk. Thurman, Angela Gallombardo, and Flair Smithjones form a female vocal triad that totally dominates Hot l?iggio.fS second half. Michael Kolasa’s guitar work is good, but would be even better if he overcame his tendency to play in the background and stepped to the forefront, like he does on “Beautiful Thing” and at the end of “Regretless.” “Put It Down” is the track that cap tures the band at its finest - the three vocalists harmonizing exquisitely, Kolasa breaking through, competent drumming by Eric Michaels, and Adolf Washington III Jr. slapping
I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I
away on the bass like he was a mem1 found C/mh&l~~ to be a musical ber of Living Colour. discovery that had very rewarding Hot Di&itv is a great start for Raw musical charm. Well, maybe not in so Youth. Intelligent songwriting, sound many words, but it is a good album. musicianship, and boundless energy Perk’ lyrics are consistently mesh to make listening worthwhile intelligent and on occasion terrific. and success attainable. The songs wash over the listener and ............................................................................................ ............................. ...................................................... ........................................................................ ......................... ................................. ., ,,:, .......... it is easy to get lost in the ambience ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.i:.:‘~~ .:.:................ :................................. they create. ~~~~~.tEi.~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~.~~~~~~~ .............. .. The album so effectively draws ...................................... :*:..::,:::<:c.. . . ;i;;;:til.lj~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:j ..... .:...:...“‘A:.’‘.I:.: .. your attention it’s easy to over look :.:.:.:.*:.: ... ..‘.‘.‘.‘.‘.......‘.‘... .................................................................... : ............................................................... .................................... :,.::,.:.: ....................... ......................................................................................................................... ._.,.,._ _.,.’ such trivial things as traffic lights until .................................................... ,.,., ............................. . ............................... ........................................................................................................ .................................................................. :.,.,.I 1:: :.:,:*:.:.:,:.:.:.:.:.~,:.:,:.:,:.:.:,:,:,:,:.:.:.:,:.:.: .... ..- ....................................... ................................................. .................................................... .............................................................. ..................................................... ” .:: ......... a honking Honda brings you back .............................................. into the car-dodging-sidewalk-seeking world of reality. Some of the tracks of note include the spiritual “Every Hour Here” and the melodic by Erik Lindala “And Hiding Away.“ Unfortunately many of the tracks Imprint staff sound too similar. Each track seems to Okay, okay. I know what you’re melt into the next, to the point where thinking. Here’s another record you can’t remember how many songs review of a band that no one, except you’ve heard. After a while I’d play the tape not to here a particular song, Imprint staff, has heard of. Well, but to hear some Innocence. The you’re wrong. I hadn’t heard of The Innocence Mission when I picked up work is best treated as a whole album their tape, but I liked the cover art, and not a collection of songs. One can’t help but notice the great and I didn’t have anything better to similarities between this band and Men to so I gave it a chance. With that strong vote of confidence, I put the 10,000 Maniacs. Both have a similar tape into my walkman. sound and appeal to the same What came out was a lush, guitaraudience. Peris and Merchant {of based, atmospheric sound that 10,000) write and sing in a similar immediately brought thoughts of the fashion, and even dress the same. The Innocence Mission is Cocteau Twins, but was more listenmanaged by Peter Asher, the longable (all of this within ten seconds of the album). time Maniacs producer. Even the tape’s inset photo shows Peris riding Reading from the A&M promo sheet, The Innocence Mission is a a bicycle through a cemetery, which is four-piece band out of Lancaster, scene out of the video for 10,000 Maniacs’ “Trouble Me.” 1 don’t want Pennsylvania, and [J’mbr& is their to imply that the Maniacs have second release. Karen Peris (lead grounds for a lawsuit or anything but vocalist) seems to be the major force TM1 needs to find a more distinctive behind the band, writing or coidentity to stand out. writing all the songs, and even directSo what’s the bottom line on ing the artwork. Umhrdla was recorded in a con~~~&4iu? The album captures the band at a r-t&Iively early stap of their verted church in New York which development, and shows great promgives their sound an open airy, feel. ise for their future. Their nevt release The promo sheet goes on to describe TIM as a “truly rewarding musical will almost certainly be an accumplished work, but we have Umhdl~~ discovery” that has “natural charm.” Not letting such drivel affect me, I forto enjoy until then. For once the mulated my own opinion of the band. promo sheet wasn’t that far off.
Afrikaners are the children of God _
Thr Human
Edge, TV Un~wiu
by Christopher Imprint staff
of God 12,lO pm
This week, thr~ Humnrl Edge tackles topic of the South African police force. It examings the manner in which this force is adapting to its new post-apartheid role, its use of Special Constables, and contains some very candid comments from officers themselves which reveal how they have been dehumanized by their job. One of the most curious aspects of the South African Police is that they view themselves as the children of God. They believe, in essence, that they are called by the people, in conjunction with being called by God, to perform their duties which up hold God’s law and God’s order. This unconventional notion of motivation for policing goes far beyond the North American adage of “to serve and protect. ” This belief allows the officers to be overtly righteous in the the commission of their duties, and in their subsequent justification of their methods in performing their duties. the controversial
This documentary focuses upon several officers who have different positions on the police force. Despite their different status, one transcendent theme that exists within the comments of these men - they are all white males; the only females who are given speaking parts are wives of officers - is the inferior and primitive nature of South Africa’s black population. At one point, one officer pontificates upon the inability of black Africans to be in positions of power. He believes that they aren’t suited to rule as they lack the expertise to run a country. His mindset runs congruent with the varied white supremacist attitudes which dominate the American documen-
tary Blood in thu Faw. This documentary was made during a pivotal moment within the Police force’s history. The Police were one of the main stays of apartheid. Now, with the South African government’s re-evaluation and disputed loosening of the restraints of apartheid, the police must also reevaluate their role in this new world order. However, it becomes apparent
thait the apartheid dogma is wellentrenched in the minds of senior police officers; consequently, their acceptance of this change is less than absolute. Among these officers, it is a prevalent attitude that black and white cultures will not mix nor should they. In 1986, the South African police began enlisting black men in the role of special constables. This job essentially robs the black man of his community base as his township will not support his association with the police force regardless of his reasons. These men actually become islands unto themselves because they lack any community support and they function within a system which believes them to be inferior and primitive. Their job only affords them the most basic of training and pays a mere pittance per month considering the risk factors involved in their employment. Rap artist, and voice of a generation, Chuck D developed a logo for his outfit, Public Enemy, which depicts an unarmed black man in a gun sight. He sees this symbol as an apt expression of the plight of being black, especially a male black teen growing up, in America. This symbol can be stunningly transposed onto the black population of South Africa. Within Children of Gud, one officer claims that he feels justified in firing upon unarmed gatherings because the people there “are looking for shit.” He perceives, as does the South African government, any gathering to be potentially dangerous. They must open fire upon these gatherings in order to achieve the “necessary effect,” which is essentially the crowd’s dispersal. If they kill anyone evoking this “necessary effect” then they got their just punishment. Childrm of God depicts the monstrous faith which motivates the South African police force to act as a agent of, or at very least a party to, oppression. It becomes readily apparent that being a member of the South African police force is more than merely being employed. These men envision themselves as agents of God as they enact their warped notions upon their country and justify these same notions by claiming them to be divine in nature. You can witness this stark reality, and see the degree to which these Children elf God believe their own heretical dogma on Tuesday. To cite cliche to suit my own purpose, I would say that it is television worth watching.
a juiced-up version of the climax of the Macross Saga. New artists had taken the forefront. A creative genius named Muzaki worked at the fantasy end of science fiction producing such wonders and delights as Nausicca nrrd thr Vu&v @’ thr H$rd (which was lobotomized into Warriutx qfthe Wind for English-speaking viewers), Tutoru, and Lquta: F~YPPSSin thp Sh.y which was presented for the U of W Film Society last winter. The 12-hour epic of the Macross Saga may be more familiar to us as the third of the Robotech series in North America. The Japanese never created or conceived of these works as export material. That task was left to a few dedicated visionaries and entrepreneurs such as Harmony Gold company. They combined three separate series - the Macross Saga, Southern Cross, and Mospedea - to form the Robotech series. This provided enough half-hour episodes to allow syndication. Toward the end of the ’80s Japanimae shifted toward a preference for Archie comic book characters. However, science fiction themes still existed in its darker forms such as in Akiru, and the AD Police
Japanimae (Japanimation) is a style oriented toward science fiction and adult audiences. It has a very specific style emphasizing details and mature themes. On Friday, November 15 in DC 1302, a showing of some of the best Japanimae will be held. The free event begins at 7 pm, The earliest example of Japanimation, AJPO Bqv, was taken from wanga’-Japanese comic books, and became the first animated sci-fi TV series in 1962. The show’s creator was an animator named Tazuka. Over the next two decades many of his works were dubbed in English and presented as children’s television shows. They included the film Bird q# Prrradise, some ’60s series such as Aqua-Lad and Kimba thr Lion, Astru&ry, and in 1976 Starb/uzecy Sturbluzem foreshadowed the future of Animae. It was a science fiction saga entitled “Battleship Yamato” in Japanese, named after the famous and heroic ship of World War II which sacrificed itself to end allied bombing of Japan. Within these early works, the epic story lines, and characteristic tall slim forms, western features and doe eyes that typify the Japanese style had developed. Other series from the late 1970’s were brought to western audiences, familiar titles may include G-Force, and the Furce Five series of giant mechanized robots: Grandizer, Gi-King, and the Spacecketeres. The collective society of Japan appreciated and admired nothing more than individual heroism of characters such as A&o-Boy, the pilots of the super-robots, and the crew of the Yamato. In 1979 Mobile Suit Gundam appeared. Up until this time Japanese Animation had fallen in to the trap of stereotypical story lines with predictable plots. The Gundam series shattered this conception of animated TV. The protagonist is psychotic, main characters died and villains won in graphically violent confrontations. It went on to become the most popular series in Japanese TV. This series’ popularity and originality showed the public and the animators of Japan the potential of animation. A creative explosion resulted. Exploration extended in every direction, but the theme of epic science fiction proved most perfectly suited to this art form. By 1985,400 studios were cranking out animae. The genre occupied 30 per cent of prime-time Japanese TV and included several feature films such as Rohclt Carnival, which is a science fiction version of Funtasiu,
What’s that noise?! Is it hell freezing over? No, it’s the sound of a 40foot refrigeration trailer rumbling into The Centre in the Square for
World Cup Champiuns
on Ice!
On November 12, 13, and 14, a star-studded cast including Canadian heroine Elizabeth Manley will be gracing the stage at The Centre in the Square to perform an international ice extravaganza. This high-tech show offers skating enthusiasts a chance to see a world class performance in a venue more intimate than the traditional hockey arena. World Cup Champions un Ice
series. Presently for Japan every possibility for animation has been exhaustively explored they’ve seen it all. For us this treasure trove of some of the best science fiction and animation of our time is mostly beyond our reach. It is buried in the film archives of Japan or behind language barriers made worse by severe rarity of translations. If Japanimae sounds like it might appeal to you please come for this rare showing with all films either dubbed in English or subtitled (thanks to the efforts of Mark Tilden). Come early as seating is limited. The film schedule for the evening at DC 1302 on November 15 is: Introduction to 7:OO pm Japanimation by Mark Tilden 7:15 - Multiple Shorts 8:2O - Macross: Do You Remember Love (no mere exerpt from Robotech) 10130 - Perpetual Earth Defence Force #l 11:25 -- Char’s Counter Attack (Grande Finale to the Zeta Gundam Series 1:30 am - AD Police # 1 (graphic violence, mature audience only)
There is a general meeting of the:
Reform Party Campus Club on Tuesday, November 12 at 7 p+m., 138A Campus Centre. If you can not attend but are interested call Don at 747-1658 or Mark at 885-4159.
Sixteen Tons of Ice! brings the rink to the stage using a huge travelling refrigeration unit that can complete the conversion in just 12 hours. That’s a lotta ice. Don Yontz, the technician in charge of this ice magic, explained that skating stars can do everything on this ice surface that they usually do in the arena and that “audiences can expect all the technical skills, all the glitz and glitter that people have come to associate with ice spectaculars on television.” Performing with Canada’s First Lady of Skating is 1980 Olympic gold medalist Robin Cousins. Cousins has enjoyed a successful professional career, winning 12 consecutive world professional titles. He is aIso a noted choreographer and director of shows
8, 1991
To all members of and to all those interested in joining the:
-Manley- fills Centre in the Squarewith
by Anna C. Done Imprint staff
Battle of the Planets
by David deJag and Andrea Sykes with special thanks to Mark Tilden for aid in research
The Children
such as “EIectric Ice.” The show’s line up of international champions and Olympians includes Linda Fratianne, Cindy Landry & Peter Oppegard, Charlie Tickner, Alexandre Fadeev, CharIene Won& I.&a Marie Allen, Scott Williams and Natalie and Wayne Seybold. The entire production has been directed and staged by Minnie Madden and Randy (On Thin Ice) Gardiner. This is an exciting opportunity for both the audience and the performers to be a part of new concept in skating entertainment. Wurld Cul, Champions on Ice promises to be a special evening; - first-class professional skaters performing live theatre on real ice!
Exe tic Y?a ricers Da dy Noun to I:00 am,
Every Saturday Night!! anceusstarting at 9 pm+
30 Imprint, Friday, November 8, 1991
Billy the kid in the Bronx by Derek WeiIer Imprint staff Last winter, the Jonathan Demme film Thr Silutcu qf Ihe Lclrn hs earned a great deal of attention that it didn’t deserve. Didn’t deserve, because while therta were undeniably many compelling aspects of Demme’s movie, they all stc>mrncd j-urn thL> suuty’c jnur~ritii - namely, Thomas Harris’ wonderful pulp-for-the-‘90s novel. Audiences responded to the strength of the story (which would have been present no matter M’ho was filming it), and thus Demme’s incompetence as a filmmaker escaped notice. I sdy all this not to make an untimely swipe at Demme, but rather because the same phenomenon can be observed in Robert Benton’s new film Bi1(~ EW&UILJ. Like the Demme film, Bil!v BU~/I~UIP derives most of its strength from the novel it was adapted from (in this case, E. L Doctorow’s 1989 bestseller). As long as Benton remained reasonably faithful to his source, he was guaranteed a certain level of quality for his movie. Unfortunatelv, like Jonathan Demme, Benton ul&nately adds little to what he started with. Luckily for him, though, he started Gth quite a bit. Tom Stoppard’s screenplay preserves most bf Doctorow’s characters and situations. First, there’s Billy, a dirt-poor 15-yearold from the Bronx who dreams of a life of organized crime. While juggling on the street, Billy gets himself noticed by Dutch Schultz, brutish ringleader of one of New York’s most notorious booze and numbers gangs.
From there, it’s a few short steps to Schultz’s inner circle, and on-the-job training as the Dutchman’s “prodigy.” Billy is soon working with Otto, the aging mathematical genius who controls Schultz’s empire, and two henchmen: the methodical Irving and the slow-witted bruiser Lulu. There’s characters:
two more Bo Weinberg,
are you talking
treacherous right-hand man, and Bo’s girlfriend Drew Preston. The film opens with Bo’s execution, and then the story of Billy’s entrance into the gang is told in flashback. After Bo’s demise, Drew becomes Schultz’s reluctant mall, and also Billy’s love interest. Doctorow’s novel seemed to have been written with the cinema in mind; it was chock full of evocative settings and visceral episodes. Most of these are also present in the film:
important Schultz’s
Nib, I’m lying. I know all too well why I am so sad, in fact, I am down right mad. It seems that during a soiree which was being held at my house this previous Saturday, someone, some people, or some thing. took a Iiking to my bust . . . of Elvis, which they then proceeded to steal. These cretins who call themselves ELF, I prefer to call them homewreckers, contacted me via a letter only a few short days ago. At first I got excited as I thought that ELP was finally answering my fan mail but I had mistakenly misread the lettering which says ELF. I can only fathom that their cute, but pathetic, acronym stands for the Elvis Liberatiun Cant. So, I was sitting around my house, wearing only sack-cloth and ashes, eating nothing but hard, crusty buns, listening to Patsy Cline &tracks, pining for my lost Elvis bust, sure he might have been a hero to most but he was a great companion to me, when close friend Kurtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angel, the vigilantes group who protected the freedom-loving citizens of New York City, came over for herbal tea. He was moved by my mourning but then he reminded me that the best way to mourn is to mobilize*
8864200 -
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Despite still much
these problems, there is that is right about Hi/!], Bcrthgut(j. However, as I said, most of the things that are right would have been right in any adaptation of the source material. Go see it; it’s very enjoyable. It can even be called a good film. Just don’t call it good filmmaking.
Hip Happenings In suuth, 1 know not whv Iam so sad.
Billy’s poverty-washed neighbourhood, Schultz’s decadent nightclub, sudden and unexpected deaths, Schultz’s murderous rages. The development of character is excellent throughout, and the bcting is almost uniformly strong. Particularly good are Dustin Hoffman as Schultz (dullwitted, unfocussed anger) and Nicole Kidman as Drew (enigmatic mixture of despair and self-interest). However, there are a few problems with the film:
1). Bruce Willis as Bo Weinberg. Willis is a talented and charismatic actor, but his style isn’t really suited to the part. Unlike Bo, Willis is nothing if not loud - all bluster and selfpuffery. He doesn’t really put Bo’s sly and subtle charm across. 2). The botching of key scenes. In particular, the opening scene (which introduces the major characters) and the climactic one (which has the opposite effect) seem rushed and carare eless. Both these episodes tremendously important to the film as a whole, but their pathos and effect is lessened by this hurried quality. 3). The lack of development of the story’s secondary elements. Specifically, Billy’s life before and after his year with the Dutch Schultz gang. For alI intents and purposes the film begins and ends with Billy’s involvement with the gang; his time with Schultz is not placed in any sort of context within his life, as it is in the novel. As a resuIt, there’s a sense of emptiness, of purposelessness, about the film. 4). The climax and epilogue of Doctorow’s novel were perfect; a director could not ask for better material to work with. So why does Benton feel the need to alter them, rendering the ending unbelievable and simplifying our perception of Billy’s character? 1 cannot stress this enough: the novel’s ending was /~@cf. Benton and Stoppard’s reworking of it in this way seems like little more than expensive ego-tripping.
Thurs. & Fri. Nights - Male Dancm Saturday Nights - Live 8ands F
Consequently, the ERF was founded on that very day. Much A4& Medllq, a refreshing blend with peppermint and spearmint which is the chosen tea of vigilantes and victims alike, was consumed on that day as we planned on our method to st&e
back. Utilizing the vast resources offered by Imprint Arts, which is louder than a bomb, and by enlisting you our dear reader, together we can make the Elvis Re-liberation Front a living, breathing, and most importantly, a killing reality. Take no prisoners and Viva Las Vigilantes! Here’s how you can help: Places were Elvis is most likely to turn up in the near future. Tonight, Elvis will most likely be in Toronto at the Opera House for the Artists against Rape Benefit. He71 be there early enough to heckle pour,
misunderstood Meryn CadelI but watch for his high-judo kicks to be in full effect for the Lunachicks. There is a slim chance that Elvis will turn up that same night at the Danforth Music Hall to see The Stray Cats but I doubt it. His pompadour hairstyle and sideburns would make him stand out like a sore thumb. . . he’d be spotted in a second. Elvis being the basketball fan that he is will definitely return home for (gag!) Homecoming. Expect him to be at the PAC cheering on Urosevic, VanKoughnett, et al., but expect him to be in disguise. One of his favourites is to assume the persona of Dieter of Sprockets fame; however, his Southern accent usually betrays his cover when he says things like: “Touch my monkey, ma’am.” Further on into November, after Elvis finishes campaigning for his close person friend, Marty Taylor, keep an eye out for Him at the Morrissey Tavern prior to Fiihbone at the Concert Hall on Thursday, November 34. The following night, He may be seated in the taping section as he witnesses Metallica at Maple Leaf Gardens. Elvis-spotters who don’t feel up to the trip into Toronto can take Thurday (November 14) night off and go and see either Atom Egoyan introduce his current work of brilliance, TheAtdjustur, at the Princess (both shows) or watch this week’s tim society offering K+e Death qf Beuutl&l Drvr in East Campus Hali Room 1219. What ever you do, where ever you go, watch for the Elvis bust. He likes Simpson’s Pinball, and walks in the rain. He likes Pina Coladas, he’s not into
@Present this ad on band
1271 Victoria
mght & pay NO cover.
the Imprint if you see him. Elvis, if you are reading this, come back home. Make this year’s Homecoming the best ever. . . I11 hold onto your ticket for the Big Tent. Call soon.
SCRV1CLS slrsh long distance charges to Guelph. ,356 per call - no time limit - no monthly or setup fees. Call 742-6053.
Hey You! Are you in the Cardiovascular Reactivity Study? You know - the study where you get the chance to impress the unimpressable. Please call Caroline at 885- 121 I, ext. 6786 to arrange your 2nd or 3rd retest session.
confident female vocalist. Keyboards a must. R.E.M., Grapes+ T.P.Q.H., Pikes, etc. Call Duke at 747-2551 or Scott at 747-2464.
CUSO (Canadian Action for Third World Development) needs volunteers to help at their Third World Bazaar, Nov. 21, 22, 23. Call 745-05 12.
Sport Phtim - glossy, 8” x IO” framed and SHARP! Hockey, Baseball Jays, Old Yankees. Group shots of retired and current players. Cheap - Dealer inquiries invited+ 741-5175.
tirean? I want to learn to speak Korean am looking for a native speaker. Call 7870071 collect, ask for Fred.
Desire your own business? Network Marketing isthe waveof the ‘90’s. Start now whi+e still on ground floor. Call 747- 1416.
Band seeks serious,
ifyouhaveto take one of these tests, take Kaplan first. Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Centre (519) 438-0142. RU.S.I-L lZhsum& Set-vice - one look, you’ll say: “It’s so good, I’d hire myself.” For professional job search assistance: 7473527.
3 bedroom house - 5 appliances, ret room, patio, windobv blinds, carpeted, bedroom Large clean, ’ Keatsway. $450.00, smaller $350.00.743-7301.
ACCIS m and W/P essays, reports. Call 746-25 10.
Tii of in? Rooms available for Jan.April 1992 in charming older home. Call 57 l-0350,
m renovations done around the house or the apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or after 6:OO p.m. at 746-2763.
Fast, professional
word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne. 886-3857.
Cancun Mexico - #I Spring Break Destination - book before Nov. 15 and SAVE $30.00. For guaranteed best prices call Christine Miller 725-9048. Also availale Daylona Beach and Bahamas.
Free money for College Education
in America. Scholarships and grants guaranteed. Contact: K & G Scholarship Services, BOX 967, Station Q, Toronto, Ont. M4T 2Pl.
35 years experience: typing and word processing - reasonable rates. Erb & Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
201 tutor is needed for the biomechanics and physiotogy aspects of this course. Please call Debbie, 7424701 I
BIack UW leather jacket - excellent conditron - save some big money - price negotiable. Call Bill at 749-2987. 386 personal Computer - IBM PS/2 Model 80-041 - $2,800. Purchased for $8,000. new. Excellent quality. Very well maintained. Call 579-4504.
Kitchen with 4 chairs and 1 leaf {light oak in colour), two 2-tier endtables. $80.00 for everything or best offer individually. Call after 6100 p.m. 742-4558.
OAC Calculus tutor needed immdiately. Contact Meg at 746-8977.
Agree bag with black handles$@s lost with a passport and other person&terns. For
Development) - invites you to purchase colourful and inexpensive gifts from Third World countries at the Campus Centre, Nov. 21, 22, 23. Call 745-05 12 for info.
typing needs. Fast, efficient service. Westmount-Erb area. Phone 886-7 153.
return of passport and other it&$ $500.00 reward. ?25-i914.
-ing - fast, letter quality, accuracy guaranteed. Free pickup and delivery from King/University area, Diane, 576- 1284.
ISAT, GMAT, GRE Preparation Courses. A unique approach used successfully by thousands of students since 1979. Cali l800-387-5519.
Fastt, professional
word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Laser print&. Suzanne 886-3857.
Hellenic Student Assoc. of UW annunces a general body meeting at the Campus Centre room 138from 5 p.m. to7 p.m. Refreshments available. wovmwu
Experienced Typist will take care of all your
Attention Greek students and Faculty. The
Writer Printer, Wordperfect and Excel for $l,OOO.OO. Call Paul at 888-3380 days ; I82 l-8068 evenings.
to the Waterloo Sigma Chi Fraternity’s hockey team for placing second in the Ontario-Quebec province hockey tournament. The Sigma Chi team known as Sig 5 has now extended their season record to 6-l.
CUSO (Canadian Action for Third World
Health Sciences is hosting a Homecoming 5 KM Fun Run at 9:30 a.m. untit 12:OO p.m. It will take place on Ring Road.
Computer - Apple Macintosh Plus - Image
h Spring Break Trips - promote and organize our Spring 8reak tours. All materials furnished. Good pay and fun. Call Campus Marketing l-800-4235264.
Faculty of Appiied
- need money? - substantially reward a few hours of your time. Organize a ski trip(s) ; full backup provided. Cal! collect - Educational Adventures 1 (416) 873-4733.
Nissan - 200 SX-EX, loaded with air, IW, sunroof, digital dash, mag wheels, cnrise, FM/AM stereo cassem. $5,100. certified. Call P&nun at 725-9513.
What if I’m pregnant? Can I continue my University? Birthright cares. For free and confidential help call 579-3990.
CzechFilms-. . . Just Before the Revolution - (UW Fine Arts Film Society) - at7:OO p.m. in Uw’s East Campus Hall, room 1219. “The Death of Beautiful Deer”, 102 minutes.
1983 Ford Escort L. - 4 cylinder, great on gas. Asking $3,000. or best offer. Call Heather at 725-5353 evenings. Sky Dome Hotel Vanier Cup Special - a suite for two people Nov. 29-30, 1991f Valued at $400.00. Best offer calts 8855030.
We Recycle
Free Trade
& Implications for Latin America Lecture: -at KPL (Queen St. N.) at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome.
Club presents “Networking” at 4:30 p.m., DCl304.
Atari user group, KWEST, general meet-
Filmnight held at 8:00 p.m. in the Campus
ing at 7 p.m in MC2009, 2nd floor of the Math and Computer Building. Phone 5793695 for details. Visitors welcome.
Centre, room 110 featuring “The Fall of the Berlin Wall”. There will be refreshments served.
Appliances/Electronics l
Microway PC Factory
& Restaurants
Aladdin Restaurant l East Side Mario’s l Full Circle Foods . Gino’s Pizza l Little Caesar’s Pizza l Schlotzky’s l Vijay’s Restaurant l
Artistic Suppk of Waterloo Arts/Entertainment
Centre In The Square 9 Cobblestone Gallery
l l
Auto Waterloo
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& Services
Bombshelter Federation of Students Turnkey Desk UW Catholic Community UW Housing Administration
l l l l l
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Jane Mitchell Reform Party of Canada Andrew Telegdi
Dr. Disc
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