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The Student Volunteer Centre is located in CC206. Information on the following (and other) volunteer opportunities can be obtained by calling Ext. 2051 or dropping by the office. Regular office hours: Monday & Friday 12:OOto 1:OO and Tuesday, & Thursday 0:OO to 11:OO. Friends is a school votunteer program where a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need: male and female volunteers 18 years of age and over. Call 742-4380 to book an interview. bking for good resume experience? How about volunteering at the Setiality Resource Centre. If interested call Joan at 885- 12 11, ext. 2306 or leave a message at the Fed Office. United Way - increase leadership skitls and gain self-confidence at next Int’l Training in Communication meeting. Tuesday, January 21, 7:00 p.m. More info call 8938930. K-W Friendship Group for Seniors need volunters to befriend seniors on a one-toone basis, two-three hours weekly. Call 742-6502 for more info.
Big Sisters need volunteers to staff its children’s clothing store, Stuffy’s. Call 7435206 (Big Sisters) or Stuffy’s (741-0805). The Catholic Youth Organization requires volunteers for P.A. days, farm program, bingo, conferences, Lobsterfest , leadership training, day camp. Call Mel Barrie at 744-7001. AwwoUWcmMmTs Start Gallery presents Christine Dotzerl and Debbie Johnson in “Porphyria Unbound”, January IO to 26, 1992. \
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Cwnselling services will be offering the following workshops in the Winter 1992 term: Assertion Training, Bulimia Group, Exam Anxiety Management, Reading & Study Skills, Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Time Management & Procrastination, What To Do When You’re Down and Blue (Depression Management). Register: Councelling Services, NH 2080, ext. 2655.
Watson Gallery - Winter 1992 Workshops - phone 748-4377 to register: “Drawing in the Afternoon” - Jaquie Poole Jan. 14-Feb. 4 1:30-4 p.m. - $45.00 “Watercotour in the Afternoon” - Jaquie Poole - Jan.lG-Feb. 6 1:30-4 p.m. $45.00 “Random Weave Basket” - Melinda Mayhalt - Sun. Jan. 26 9:30-4 p.m. $30.00 plus material fee Homer
Uw Schwl of Aichitecture - 1992 - lectures will be hetd in ES2, room 286 (The Green Room) at 8:00 p.m. For further info contact Ryszard Sliwka (885- 1211, ext. 3079.) Friday, Jan. 17 - Mark Pauline: Artist ; Thursday, Feb. 6 - Dan Hanganu: Architect ; Thursday, Feb. 13 - Michael Sorkin: Critic ; Thursday, April 9 - Michael Rqtondi: Architect.
K-W L&tle Thea& presents: “Third and Oak: The Laundromat” - January 17, 18, 24 & 25. All shows are in The Studio, 9 Princess St., E., Waterloo. $5.00 at the door. Call 886-0660. Adult concert - Canadian singer/ songwriier Heather Bishop with Sherry Shute, Saturday, Jan. 25 at 8 p.m. Zion United Church, 32 Weber St, W., Kitchener. Ticket info 746-2872 or 74l0475.
Noon hour concerts - 12:30 p.m. - ail are FREE and take place in the Chapel. Wednesday, Feb. 12 - “Music of Baroque Women Composers”. Wednesday, Feb. 26 7 “Ethnic Canadian Folk Music”. Wednesday, Mar. 11 - “New Music of Carol Ann Weaver”, Wednesday, Mar. 18 - “Meridian Chamber Ensemble”.
The Hague of Canadian Poets announces “The Fifth National Poetry Contest. Prizes of $1 ,OOO., $750., and $500. will be awarded. Deadline is Jan. 3 I, 1992. For rules call (416) 363-5047.
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strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Monday, Jan. 20 - 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, Jan. 28 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Register: CounseHing Services, NH2080. Myers-BType Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Monday, Jan. 27 - 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080.
Friday, Jan. 17 - I2:30 a.m. - Davis Centre -
“Library Workshop on How to use Chemical Abstracts”. Meet at Info. Desk. Monday, Jan. 20 - 9:30 a.m. - Davis Centre - “Learn How to Use Computerized Indexes & Abstracts. Poltox and Life Sciences Collection”. Meet at Info. Desk. 1:30 p.m. - Dana Porter - “PsycLIT and Sociofile”. Meet at Info. Desk. Tuesday, Jan. 21- 12:30 p.m. - Davis Centre - “Learn How to use Computerized Indexes & Abstracts, MathSci”. I:30 p.m, - Dana Porter - “Envirol Energy line”. Meet at the Info Desk. Wednesday, Jan. 22 - 2:30 p.m. - Dana Porter - “Learn How to use Computerized Index & Abstracts”. Meet at Info Desk. 230 p.a - Dana Porter - “Compact Disclosure/Canadian Business and Current Affairs/Database of Accounting Research”. 2~30 p.m. - Davis Centre - “Science Citation Index”. 5:30 p.m. - Davis Centre - “Compendex Plus”. Thursday, Jan. 23 - IO:30 a.m. - Dana Parter - “Learn How to Use Computerized Indexes & Abstracts, Philosopher’s Ondex”. 430 p.m. - Davis Centre - “Medline” Meet at the Info Desk for all of the above.
Those wtro wish to improve Iheir study skills can take advantage of individual counselling and workshops in the following topics: a) study skills in the classroom, such as notetaking, effective listening, and class preparation; b) effective study techniques, including time management, textbook reading, and concentration and; c) effective exam writing skills. (4 consecutive sessions). Tuesday, Jan. 21 - 9:30 to 1I:30 a.m. or 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. ; Wednesday, Jan. 22 1:30 to3:30 p.m. ; Thursday, Jan. 23 - 9:30 to 11:30a+m. or 1:30to3:30 p.m. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080, ext. 2655.
m students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. (4 consecutive sesions). Wednesday, Jan. 22 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Register: Counselting Services, NH 2080, ext. 2655.
* Waterloo
RecreationBowling Lanes
Night Spots ..:T
2;;.’ $;‘$:
Waterloo’s Network ..,....‘$. i ‘c+: :F..’..:Ij I::::+$$ Opticians :.$upv3$ Optical Photography Jostens Record stores Dr. Disc
Taxi l
Video Stores + Esprit Video l Jumbo Video l Val’s Video
UW Je Club meets from 4 to 7 p.m., Red Activity area of the PAC. Beginners welcome! For more info contact Sean 7255577 or sdfinura at descartes. EVERY MONDAY UW each p.m. Feb.
Rscvcles - Recvclina on camous sodiety should Ibe represented, 4-5 Room 135 for Jan. 27 and Feb. 24 ; IO, March 9 and March 23 CC138.
Espanti Club Lunch. Come experience the international language in action. 12:OO p.m. to 1:OO p.m. in the Modern Languages cafeteria. WRRY
Career m Centre - evening hours open until 7 p.m. from Jan. 15 to April 1.
Faze era& classes - come learn the international language. Beginners at 7 to 8:30, intermediate 8:45 to 1O:OO p.m. in MC4044. Texts available at UW Bookstore, Call Dan at 885-6584 for more info.
Student C&&n Movement meets at 4:00 to 5130in CC1 10. We are an ecumenical group who concentrate on relating faith to social justice issues. New members always welcome! Information: 725-7993, Heather or Bruce.
LR C&e Francais vous invite g une soi& - rencontre et informations. Film & 19h suivi d’un vins et fromages au staff room a St. Paul’s College. Vendredi 17 Janvier. UW Philcmophy Colloquium - Prof. Bernard Suits - “Knowledge and Utopia”. HH
RVRRY CRIDAY There will be “Salat-ul-Juma” (Friday Prayer) orQanized by MUSLIM sTljDim3 I~SS~CIATI~I;I from i :30 t0 2:30 o.m. in CC135. All Muslims are welcoine!
ssions for $72.00. skfinuca at descartes.
Celebration of World Reiigion Day. Sponsored by Federation of Students and Association for Baha’i Studiesat8:OO p.m., lnternatid St3ddists meet at 7:30 p.m. in CC135 to discuss the theory and practice of socialism. For more info call 7471646.
Page 2 is by IMPRINT
*::ga&&& ?P affol&: :.,;..,.:p 9 Gino’s Pizza l Koala by’s Restaurant l Little Caesar’s Pizza l Schlotzky’s
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effective: Sept. 3 Monday to Thursday 9:30 - 9:00 Friday 9:30 - 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 5:30 Sunday 1:OO - 5;OO
.,; .:w?;:~$p
develop one-on-one relationships with girls (aged 4-16) and boys (aged 4-I l), 3 hours a week. One year commitment required. Training begins Monday, Feb. 3, 1992. Call 743-5206.
Career Resource Centre - Saturday Hours check out information on careers, employers, work/study and educational opportunities. NH 1115 - Jan. 18, Jan. 25 and March 7.
Sisters requires female volunteers to
K-W Chamber Music Society, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo, 886-1673 - JANUARY CONCERTS: at 8:OO p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 - Canadian Chamber Ensemble Saturday, Jan, 25 - Michael Lewin Sunday, Jan. 26 - Baroque Concert Wednesday, Jan. 29 - Joyce RedekiopFink
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Kitchener-Waterlw Art Gallery Exhibitions 1992 - on display from Feb. 6 to Mar. 29. “Art Alive Lecture Series” begin Jan. 21 to May 19. Call 579-5860 for more info.
Career Resource Centre Tours - team how to research occupations, educational apportunities, employers and more. NH 1115 - Jan. 17/10:30.
Ap~iansxWElectronics . Microway l PC Factory l Steve’s TV Waterloo North Mazda Campus Groups & Services m Federation of Students l Jewish Student Association * Registrar Office * TRACE
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nuurs: vvea. ana rrlQays IU-4 p.m. (call in advance) ; Saturdays and Sundays l-5 p.m. 22 King Street S., Suite 402, Waterloo, 886-4139.
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Inform yourselj’about the Co-ordinatedStudent Directed Plan on Improving .theQuality of StudentLife at UW
starts The Student Centre Ad Hoc Committee, based on your input, has developed a three-point plan to meet the non-academic needs of UW students. The information used to determine student needs was initially gathered by interviewing small random groups of students from across campus. Based on the results of these interviews, a needs survey was developed and distributed to on campus students and off campus co-op students. Close to 2,000 students responded to the survey. the results formed the-bask for the following coordinated plan. The first part of the plan would be the establishment of, an Endowment Fund. A portion of this fund would be used to address immediate student needs (such as improved safety and accessibility), while the rest would be deposited into an account from which the interest would be used for on-going student projects. The second part is a major capital project, A New Student Centre, which will add 33,000 gross square feet of student space near the Campus Centre. Some retail operations existing in the Campus Centre could be moved into the new building and free up space for renovation. These renovations would be undertaken to turn the basement of the Campus Centre in club spaces (offices and meeting rooms). The new student centre will allow for new joint retail ventures to provide better service to students, The third part addresses the need for Additional Phyhal Recreational Spacm The University has plans to build a new $15million change facility and two new playing fields on the North Campus. The physical recreational needs of students could be incorporated into this project on the North Campus with the addition of multi-purpose recreational spaces to this proposed plan.
was the New Student ordinated Plan Developed?
spring ‘91 The Federation of Students, the Graduate Student Association, and UW’s administration developed a new process to assess undergraduate, graduate and co-op student needs. This led to the creation of an ad hoc committee to determine whether a new project could be developed to meet these student needs. This project would have to be affordabIe and involve students in the decision-making process. Fall 91- A broadly based ad hoc student centre committee of over 30 individuals met six times. This committee was further broken down into the following sub-committees: needs, menu, and finance.
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Based on the information gathered from numerous student focus groups, an extensive needs survey Was designed, with 7,000 of these surveys being distributed to on-campus students and off-campus co-op students (grads and undergrads) + Of these, 1,987 were returned and a co-ordinated plan to improve the quality of student life at UW was developed. Based on the fact that 70 per cent were in favour of the concept of a new student centre and coordinated plan, the ad hoc committee unanimously recommended that a three-point proposal go ttf th; form students in the referendum. Both the Federation of Students Council and the Graduate Student Association approved the referendum question, process, qnd dates. The administration is supportive of the co-ordinated plan.
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Ottawa’s proposal to be debated by Jeff Warner special to Imprint On Monday, January 20, the Federation of Students’ Public Issues Board will be presenting Jean Char&, the federal Minister of the Environment, at 79 pm in the Theatre of the Arts. Charest will put forth and explain the federal government’s new constitutional proposal. Along with him will be Liberal Member of Parliament Eugene Whalen, Minister of Agticulture, and an as yet unnamed NDP Member of Provincial Parliament. Following the presentation, a panel
of three University of Waterloo political science professors will ask questions of the ministers. If time permits, the floor will be opened up for the audience to ask questions also. The Federation of Students is presenting this as part of their “unity theme.” According to‘ Fed President John Leddy, a large amount of the unity conflict arises from a lack of understanding between English an% French Canada. Hopefully, he says, forums such as this will help increase understanding between them. Tickets are available through the Humanities Theatre box office in Hagey Hall.
-Scott Comor (cent@ is the winner of a $500 1gift certifica& tir the UW hkstom ad gift stm in a Lipt&s Canada contest held by Go Pizza, the Village I Grill and the Village II subhop, Mark Murdo& (Jdt), director of food services, presents the certificate to Scott as Laurie Time of Lipton’s looks on. Photo ~~rtesv Central photo
17 1992
Eritis sicut Deus, scientes bonum et malum
BCampus Question?? I3 Is $ Question: What’s the best bird course you’ve ever taken, and why?
6 &
of the re&-ions
by Michael Clifton Imprint staff Between this weekend and the end of February, those interested can be treated to five events celebrating the diversity of religious outlook, in order to promote a “better understanding.” One is an oncampus inter-religious dialogue. The other four events are sessions in a series of presentations entitled, “Towards Greater Understanding” sponsored by First United Church of Waterloo, at King and William Streets.
films, because all we did was watl movies. Gretchen Zimmerman
Pat Forte 4N Psychology
in ati interview a -with Toronto’s Bishop United Church, then interfaith organization ex-religion instructor
few years ago Brown sf the
heading up an in that city, the expressed his
concern that education aboutreligion tended to emphasize tolerance rather
any classes, and I studied for the final exam. John hddy
year when I took it. Pudding
than understanding between varying sects and creeds. UW is notable, in that most of its religious studies staff are wellinformed about more than their own creeds, and the program itself is headed up by one of Canada’s prominent writers on inter-religious dialogue.
one nig
that people live by.” Implicitly one’s comprehension of significant human needs and the various ways we utilize religious concepts and practices to resolve them should also become enlarged. The series begins 7:30 pm, Sunday, January 19, with professor Mohamed Elmasry, representing the Sunni Muslim sect, and another speaker representing Shi’ite Muslims. Sunday, January 26, concludes the initial presentation on Islam with a “audio-
Religious representatives return by Dan Wolf special to Imprint
Last year, UW’s Baha’i community sponsored a forum that attempted to represent the diversity of creeds extant on campus. The programme included Representatives from the Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and the Baha’i themseives. This year’s dialogue takes place Monday, January 20, at 8 pm in DC 1302. (See article accompanying this one.) .
Music 100 - University Choir. You don’t have to read music, just show up; no test, no essay . . ,* Brian Jantzi XN Arts
Music 125, because ‘C&or for our field Brown. Gee Stathis 1B Arts
we went
to thye
trip andsawMe!l
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For more
Representatives from the Committee for Greater Understanding at First United Church explain that the purpose of their series, which will deal specifically with non-Christian religions, “is to achieve greater appreciation for and understanding
visual overview,” and a discussion period with a professor of religious studies. February’s first presentation, on the l&h, will bring in two members from Beth Jacob Synangogue to discuss the beliefs, practices, and religious experiences of Jews. On the 23rd the meeting will take place at the synagogue with a speech by Rabbi Levi on the significance of symbols used in the Jewish places of worship.
The United Nations has decIared January 20 “World Religion Day.” This year, the Federation of Students and the Association for Baha’i Studies are marking this occasion with an interfaith forum, as they did last year. Last year’s forum attracted local television coverage. Seventy-five people participated, with representation from five faiths: Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, and the Baha’i Faith. The teachings of each of these faiths on humanity’s oneness was detailed by each representative. It became clear, as the evening progressed, that the concept of
‘brotherhood” is common to all faiths. This year the event will follow the same format: presentations with discussions to follow. The event will be chaired by the Federation of Students. Interfaith Forum ‘92 focuses on the founders of each faith. This is done in the spirit of understanding and dialogue which lies at the heart of the United Nations resolution creating a world religion day. Everyone is encouraged to participate. If you are a member of any of the campus’ religious associations interested in peace issues of just want to expand your horizons, the interfaith forum will prove worthwhile. Don’t miss it.
t Imprint,
Pugwash meeting
by Daryl Bender special to Imprint Pugwash is a student organization that fosters broad and balanced discussions of the social and ethical .implications of science and technology. As a non-partisan educational Canadian Student association, multidisPugwash encourages ciplinary exchange aimed at promoting the responsible use of science in society. What are the repercussions of modern medical advances in the field of reproduction technology? Can you substantiate a personal decision to work for a company that makes military machinery? Even if your job is solely clerical? Waterloo Pugwash plans to hold bi-weekly meetings where a different topic will be debated at each meeting. The goal of the club is to see a very diverse group of people from the entire University community share opinions and concerns. Choose to challenge your ideas on an issue and attend our meetings. The first meeting of the term will be held Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 7:3O pm in the Campus Centre (check with the Turnkey Desk for the room number). The topic of discussion will be the ethics of space exploration while people starve. Are governments wrong to be spending billions of dollars on space exploration, even if it is only fact-finding with no military involvement; while there are homeless and hungry people all over the world.
Planning alumni raise bucks from UW News Bureau UW planning alumni based in the Toronto area raised $10,000 for the University of Waterloo School of Urban and Regional Planning. The money was raised at a fundraising dinner attended by more than 700 UW planning alumni. Some of the money will be used for the school’s “planner in residence” position, currently held by former Liberal cabinet minister John Sweeney. The school is also working on launching several new initiatives discussed at a recent conference of the Pragma Council, which is a UW development initiative that brings together a variety of academics and professionals interested in urban and regional planning issues. The plans include establishing two gold medals for excellence to be given to an undergraduate and graduate student; inviting Pragma members to give lectures on campus; setting up a program to place planning students with a variety of community-based professionals involved in planning so they can observe and learn; and soliciting research topics from “real life”instances experienced by Pragma members. There will also be an attempt to set up an indepth meeting with the SewelI Commission that is studying the reform of development and planning in Ontario. Prof. John Horton, vice-chairman of the council, said the group makes it possible for valuable exchanges to take place between academics and experts in the community who deal with planning issues.
from UW News
Friday, January 17, 1992 5
Bureau United
Way campaign
over the top
The University of Waterloo’s United Way campaign went over the top with donations of $120,000 - a 40-per-cent increase over last year. The target was $100,000, which was “very ambitious,” said Alan George, vice-president, academic and provost. UW increased its participation rate by 5.4 per cent to 26.1 per cent, which exceeded the goal of 25 per cent, said Phil Caskanette, who co-chaired the on-campus campaign. “We set an aggressive target and went well above that,” he added. “It’s a good message to send to the community in these difficult times,” George said. University
task force includes
LJW member
The Ontario government has established a new task force to explore ways for universities to improve their accountability before the public. The Task Force on University Accountability will study how universities can better account for the goals they set as well as the public money they spend in achieving those goals. An interim report is due to be released by June 1992. One of the 12 members of the task force is Martin Van Nierop, director of information and public affairs at the University of Waterloo. The task force was launched on November 28,199l by Richard Allen, Minister of Colleges and Universities. Specifically, it will examine what’s being done in the area of accountability, look at how successful methods could be expanded across the university system and recommend methods to assure the public that universities are wisely using public funds.
and Work
titles added to UW Library
A grant of $2,422 will allow the University of Waterloo Library to buy a collection of 74 titles on the topic of Women and Work. The award from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is one of three made in this year‘s competition for funds. The others included a $9,000 grant to the Bertram R Davis “Robert Southey” coqection and $6,000 to the historical American planning collection. The latest grant allows the purchase of mainly contemporary British and European imprints including autobiographical accounts and commentaries on women in the workplace. National
sports safety award
to Pat Bishop
Prof. Patrick Bishop’s work in helping to prevent sports-related injuries are being recognized with an award from the Canadian Sports Spine and Head Injuries Research Centre. Bishop, who chairs the University of Waterloo’s kinesiology department, has won the Canadian Sports Safety Award for “dedication in preventing catastrophic sports-related injuries and for his invaluable contributions to sports safety in Canada.‘! The award acknowledges Bishop’s biomechanical studies on reducing serious head and neck injuries in sport and for his active participation and leadership in establishing national and international standards on sports protective equipment, particularly for hockey helmets and face masks. It is only the fourth time that the award has been given, said Prof. Bob Norman, dean of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. Other winners were Dr. Tom Pashby, an ophthalmologist; Jack Cooper, founder of sporting goods manufacturer Cooper of Canada; and the National Hockey League’s Mike Bossey. UW psychologist
receives professional
The Ontario Psychological Foundation has presented the Contribution to Knowledge Award to Prof. Donald Meichenbaum, a University of Waterloo psychologist. The foundation hands out awards each year to individuals and institutions who have made “an extraordinary contribution in promoting understanding or fostering well-being” in society. Meichenbaum is the author of Cognitive Behavior Modification, among other works. He is considered Canada’s leading researcher and theoretician in the area of chnical psychology. In a survey of North American clinicians, he was voted one of the 10 most influential psychotherapists of the century. Meichenbaum has been credited with “reinstating mind into behavioral psychology, with enormous benefits to understanding people and their probiems.”
Jan. 14,15
Jan. 16,17 Jan. 22
Jan. 22
Engineering c Jan. 21 Jan. 14-23 , (Masters/ PhD’s) other Any
ASAP at:Scjence Lounge A.S.U. Office KLDH Society Office (on window) 9 KLDH Society Office (on window) . Engineering Sot:. Office
, See photographer ASAP in
graduating student or if missed YQU your faculties time or need a RETAKE.
9100 a.m.
This is the photo of J;outhat will be used for your class composite and yearbook. Please make every effort to attend.
I”” I
Steve Robinson Claude Marcotte
‘r ;: *r
Opinion: The opinion pages are designed for Imprint staff members or feature contributors to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. and unsigned represent the majority Only articles clearly labelled “editorial” opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
ClipWSave! Limited edition Pete Brown photo! This issue only!
fireside chat by Peter Brown The first casualty of war is truth - by a long hot, since if you look a bit deeper, you’ll find iat truth dies long before war starts. This fact is especially poignant this week as debates surface one year after the fact about whether bombing Iran back a century or two vas a justified act. Well, of course it was. The Iraqis were doing hings to Kuwait that hadn’t been done to anylne since the Khmer Rouge or Nazi Germany. qight?? Well, right? CBC aired a story this week that told of a {oung woman, claiming to be an escapee ‘ram Kuwait after the Iraqi invasion, who tes:ified in front of a committee of the US ConJress as an eyewitness to Iraqi atrocities. nvading Iraqi soldiers, she said, had come nto the maternity ward of a Kuwaiti hospital 3nd removed premature babies from their ncubators, leaving the freezing infants to die 3n the floor. This was done so that they could ‘emove the incubators to advance the Iraqi tiar effort, presumably by facilitating the mrification of enriched uranium. This young woman was obviously of Middle Eastern heritage,’ judging from her facial features and skin colour, but curiously had no predictable accent at all; she had clearly been taught to speak English in a western-style school or environment. She was atso quite convincing when it came tocrying -to be honest, she had mefooled as the footage of her testimony was shown at the beginning of the story. The reporter’s voice-over, however, soon told of how the members of the committee, the media, and the people of the alliance nations had all been hoodwinked by this unobtrusive As the CBC reporter young woman. uncovered, it turned out that this woman was actually not who she claimed to be - a recent escapee from Kuwait. Not only was she a fraud, she happened to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. The father, the ambassador himself, of course expressed bewilderment at these charges; he claimed that the committee knew precisely who this woman was. The chair of ihe committee disagreed, saying that he had no idea of the true identity of the woman “at the 1 time.“ Just this single act of disinformation - lies always come in ones, don’t they? - raises enormous questions about just how solid our grounds for action were last January. It was this kind of propaganda that swung public opinion here in Canada, as in the US and Europe, toward an expedient, military solution. Certainly Hussein was a madman with nearnuclear capability and of course he had to be stopped by some outside force. But how is i that an armed force capable of treating Iraq’: finest like toys could not find a way to remove Iraqi troops from Kuwait that did not involw shattering Iraq’s infrastructure and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the suf, fering of millions more? One thing is relatively clear: the members o that committee and the media were one of twc things, collusive or negligent, perhaps both Those of us who, after the Gulf War, continue to trust in the competence and honesty o politicians and corporate media deserve thf fate of the Iraqi citizen.
Prodigal Scab relives hell scab (tt) 4. Derogatory. support replaws
A pmsort who refuses to esp. one who
a rrade union b actiuns, a person who is on slrike.
- Collins tion)
I have just returned from a work term in Ottawa, At the end of my second week in the City of Light, I: - discovered my apartment had been sub-let to someone else - was the subject of a half-assed mugging attempt - was hit by a cab - discussed the relative virtues of separatism with several Hull Law Enforcement Officers. None of these events, however, can compare to the honour bestowed upon me by picketing PSAC members on a so-fine Thursday morning in early September. I had neared the end of the ten-to-twentyminute ordeal known as “crossing the picket lines,” when a large, mouth-breathing PSAC union member targeted me for harassment. Brandishing his bullhorn, he yelled “Scab Alert!“, upon which the pickets immediately set upon me. It was then that 1 committed my first error in judgment: I attempted to reason with a striking civil servant. Unfortunately, patience and-an even temper are two qualities I lack. Among the hurling of both insults and bodily fluids, someone was pushed to the ground. And there was crying and gnashing of teeth befitting the best European football player. The police arrived, tears were shed, and words were had. Thinking my labour relation headaches had abated for the time being, I arrived at work the next AM to find a memo informing me that the picketing members of PSAC at my particular building had named yours truly “Scab of the Week” for my heroic actions on the picket lines the day before. I was honoured. When MI% legislated the strike to a screeching halt, relations between picketers and those who chose to work during the strike were not exactly cordial. Words were exchanged, as were threats of bodily harm on several occasions, over what picketers viewed as disloyalty, and non-picketers viewed as mob-induced lunacy. Darryl Bean, president of PSAC, has done his country-boy damedest to perpetuate these feelings of animosity by ordering summary fines levied on PSAC members who worked during the strike. Those who pit-
keted are encouraged to shun those who worked, and ours of clerical and data-entry slowdowns fly like Parliament Hill pigeons all over the public sector. The animosity between co-workers serves only to further hobble an already grievously wasteful and fiscally irresponsible bureaucracy. I should not, however, paint all federal civil servants with the same broad strokes of condemnation. Many are good, hard-working people in a very tough spot. They cannot do the work they must because of office and federal politics, petty power-games, and rampant suspicion and paranoia. The continual bullshit Ieads inevitably to frustration and frayed tempers. The federal civil service is, if nothing else, a (ahem) chalIenging work environment. Any and all co-op students considering a job with the federal government: caveat emptor. Your work term can be rewarding and successful, if you know with what, and with whom, you are dealing. Leisure Rules: 1. Don’t buck the system. There is nothing in the universe that can make a civil servant do something he or she does not want to do. Trust me on this one. 2. Appear interested. Even if your job often involves meaningless busywork, smile while you’re doing it, 3. Be a keener. Even though nobody else in the office shows up until noon, do your best to be at work in the morning sometime. This impresses managers a great deal. 4. When you use a Q-tip, just go around the outside of the ear. Don’t poke it right into the canal. 5. No matter how great your temptation to kick someone’s ass for irresponsible spending unfair work practises, wasteful allocation of resources, or whatever, iesist it. Save it for your evaluation. There is little, if anything a supervisor can do to remedy these matters in any sort of post-haste fashion. Their hands are tied by PSAC on matters of day-to-day work @ractises. I cannot say I enjoyed my work term in Ottawa. Given the circumstances, I don’t know who would have. Yet, I am told that it is possible to enjoy yourself in Ottawa; yea, even to have a rewarding and fulfilling work term. I’m sure that’s true: but, all things conhave been in sidered, I’d rather Philadelphia.
L. Milk
Imprint Editorial
EEditor-in-Chief .a.*.*..... ..... ....... 3”.*...*...-Peter Brown Dave Thomson rssistant Editor l . ,.
. . . . .
. . . , .
. . . . . . .
. . . . .
. .
................... Peter Brown .......... Wim van der Lugt ........... ..Joann e San&in Dave Thomson ....... Anna Done
7380. Tmprint ISSN 0 Subscrirstion rate&available upon request.
hrg victims of campus Chris Kennedy, vincmt Kozrm M&e TrumzeUo,Icff Wmr, vanderLu@ -
HER. IdArk
D&k Weikr, Fit&
forum Nation-wide nagging To the editor, Canadians are wimps and whiners. People. blame Brian Mulroney and Bob Rae for all our problems and never take a look at themselves. For example, many Canadians head off to the doctors’ office every time they get an ache or a sniffle and drug addicts head across the border to numerous resorts which call themselves hospitals. And then they wonder why taxes are so high. This is not to say that the American system is better but at least when they’re paying out of their own pocket they wait until they’re really sick before they go to the physician. Doctors and pharmacists aren’t without blame either. You have doctors double billing, pharmacists billing for dead patients and then these two groups have the nerve to blame the government for cuts to hospital funding. The same idea holds for free trade& People say “Mulroney’s giving the country away.” Hardly. You are, every time you head across the border for that great deal. Sure it’s more expensive here but imagine if you earned as little as the average American and had to pay for all your health care and so on. Not such a deal anymore is it? A prime example of the typical Canadian mentality is the Toronto Sun. Who says there is no such thing as a right wing socialist? They constantly slam Bob Rae for his left wing NDP policies and then run numerous articles supporting unions and unemployment insurance programs. All this while unions keep driving their saIaries up above what the market can bear and people take tiacations on”Pogey” for half of each year. Bob Rae and Brian Mulroney may not be doing the best job (I didn’t vote for them and I never would) but I don’t think that many of you could do a better job. The people you
have to govern want to have their pie and eat it too. They decide to keep it, eat it when your back is turned and then complain that it cost too much. The Toronto Sun recently published an issue with a letter on the front for people to fill out and send to Bob Rae suggeshng- solutions for the deficit. Maybe Canadians should realize that changes in a country start with the people, not with the government. People have to realize that we have a great system here and that we1 lose it if we take advantage of it. &is warkenti 3A Chemical
Tasteless titillation To the Editor, I am glad to see that Christopher McLaughlin (letter to the editor, Jan. 10) agrees that baring breasts in public is tasteless and inappropriate for both sexes. And I applaud the fact that he refrains from going shirtless. Bravo, Mr. McLaughlin! I am quite aware that it is a grave injustice that men can legally go shirtless and women cannot. This must be corrected so that men and women are treated equally before the law. But I have serious concerns about the way Ms. Jacob is trying to correct it. As the law now states, women are required by law to dress politely and appropriately whereas men can dress rudely and tastelessly. The response of someone concerned both with p&serving: equality and etiquette to this woulh be to t@ aid gkt men to keep their shirts on in public. Polite men would set the example by always wearing a shirt. Lovers and spouses could use the famous methods of modifying their partner’s behaviour (“Dear, you’re embarrassing me because you’re not
3orum; The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present iheir views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint,Campus ccntre 14. Mail can LIISO he sq~t via e-mail to imprint*watsavI .Waterloo-edu. Be sure to mclude your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 5:00 pm Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing. --P wearing a shirt.“) Bystanders could make a scene when shirtIessmen walk by (EWWWW, GROSS! A shirtless man!) People could agitate for an amendment to the law which would levy the same penalties for men as for women. Equality would be established, decorum would be preserved, and people who yearned to display their chests would go to the beach. (Or they would reject Western culture and mores, move to Bali, and then wholeheartedly adopt all the other aspects of Balian civilization so as not to be culturally imperialistic.) But Ms. Jacob is trying to fight injustice with vulgarity. Unfortunately, vulgarity does not breed justice, but further vulgarity. Her actions do not say “I fight for justice and equality”, but “I have a right to do what I want and too bad for you if you find it offensive!” Although this selfish attitude is standard in California with all the other barbarisms of its culture, I must warn Ms. Jacob that in civilized Canada such behaviour is not acceptable, even for Californian visitors. I find it disquieting thatMs. Jacob chose to descend to the level of the brutes instead of trying to show people how to ascend to the level of the angels. Jay Shorten 4N Russian
Sno’ prob
IMPl!‘UNT Needs volunteers! There has to be people out there who love FREE pizza and want to write news stories and love doing layout work.
Are we dreaming?
To the editor, Many thanks to all of the good Samaritans who helped the staff at East Campus Hall get out of the parking lots during Tuesday’s snowstorm. Without your strong arms and shovels, we would have been stuck until spring The staff of F&n&I
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We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd! *
Forum Imprint’s Belgium Bureau Chief tells us why
17, 1992
Spread of fascism not limited to Europe by John Hymers Erstwhile Imprint
ballooning? The EC itself, for one thing. It is no secret that Europeans can be rather nationalistic - think of France, Germany, or any other country for that matter. If even a fraction of the populatibn is militantly nationalistic, how do you imagine a Europe with no national borders is going to feel to them? Practically, the Community means that a Greek will be able to work in France - imagine that man slaughtering the French tongue! Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of France’s fascist National Front, ought to be as sad about that possibility as he should be happy for his chances in future elections.
I could not have possibly picked a better year to be studying in Europe. Perhaps living in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) or Yugoslvia would have been a mite more exiting than staid Belgium, but the European view of events within - and without - the Community (as Europeans love to call their new and ill-founded pax) holds a lot of interest. The break up of the FSU and the war in Yugoslavia have a lot in common with one more understandably under-reported news item: the rise of Fascism in the Community. Reports of said event sprung up directly following the electoral gains made by the Vlaams Bloc in Belgium, but with the novelty news needs, this’string of stories got deepsixed. Essentially, the Fascist Vlaams Bloc, and right-wine, is too soft an epithet, made gains unpreced&ted in Europe since the ma&age of Hider and Fcanco: please allow me the privilege of hyperbole. They won two seats in the Belgian parliament and carried the city of Antwerpen by a plurality. Now, the situation is perchance not as dangerous as I fear it is; the Belgians, in a fit of sheer dementia, also elected an anarchist who has served a prison term for large-scale fraud and who was in jail on other charges during the vote itself. It seems that the election of the VB and of the anarchist Van Roosems might merely have been a protest against the re-elected government. But let us suppose that the rise of the VI3 was commensurate with a rise of Fascism. What situations woufd prompt such a -2.
Belgrade. The traditional bug-bears of fascism are very much alive in the New World Odour. The same nationalism that essentially ignites fascism is also behind the Yugoslavian conflict, as has been so diligently reported by the press. The Croats and the Serbs basically hate each other, and it is interesting that the Serbs, in carrying out their unjust bloodshed, continue to cry out “fascist Croat” with every round that they spend. The charge of selling out to Hitler in WWII will never escape the Croats, it seems. And why should it? I applaud the Serbians for fighting their
Severalprominentfascists wereamong the arrestedsoccerfans Belgium and France are not the only nations with viable fascist parties; in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden, extreme right-wing parties all have made gains in recent elections. (Ironically, Sweden’s rightist anti-immigration party is named the New Democratic Party.) Beside the impending fait accomplis of the Community, traditional fears also fuel fascism: anti-Semitism and racism. November saw 500 Germans arrested in Brusselsfollowing a soccer riot - the target of the insanity was Belgium’s largest black community, mostly Moroccan. Several prominent fascists were among the arrested soccer fans. And late December saw bomb attacks on Jews in
grandfathers’ war; it’s the nationalist thing to do. The FSU is undergoing a larger nationalistic crisis, at least in geographical terms. The Soviet Union was composed of too many large blocs of nationalities, and now the FSU is going to have to settle its squabbles without endangering the whole world with its potentially unstable - and therefore unstable nuclear arsenal. Right now Georgia is hearing cannon fire, and Azerbaijan is fighting its Armenian population. Russian troops were pulled out of Azerbaijan by Yeltsin late in December. The very rough sketches I drew of the FSU and Yugoslavia are perhaps sophomoric and
of no interest to people who follow the news, but as examples they corroborate the European rise of xenophobia. Such a climate fosters fascism. But getting back to Belgium, the elections created quite a shock in Leuven, my town: nobody expected such a showing. On the eve of the elections, VI3 bully boys were out soliciting voles in Leuven with baseball bats, and tearing down election materials of other parties, though the latter seems to be a Belgian tradition. Now, nobody I know voted for the VB, and Leuven is a university town, therefore supposedly intellectual. Where did these thugs come from? Perhaps from the militant Flemish student union, the Young VB in Canadian terms, for they do have a strong presehce on campus. Is this going to be the ambience of the new Europe? University students praising the new fascist order? Belgian’s king is reportedly dying - he is in very bad health none the less. The present government is an even weaker minority government - than last time. Politically, Belgium is a powder keg, not even taking into account the bitter internal struggle between the Flemish and their fellow country men, the French speaking Walloons who have a fascist party of their very own, incidentally. But conclusions cannot be drawn here; that’s what 1992 is for. And do not ever forget that the son of Social Credit is on the rise in Alberta, lest we get too smug. P’s: a past member of the KKK in the White House? Nah, David Duke11 never get elected so why even worry. . . .
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Forum Plus ca change.
Imprint, Friday, January 17, 1992 9
Alumnus calls for master of technology by Stephen
When I pre-registered for my first term of applied chemistry back in 1974, I selected an engineering course as an elective, but when I received my schedule, it wasn’t there. Thus, almost from day one, something told me that engineers were different. This initial impression was reinforced during my undergraduate studies when I observed that most engineers took their non-technical electives from a small set specifically oriented to engineers and the mechanical department that, in deference to the University’s convention, numbered their courses from 1 to about 35. But what was most noticeable about the engineers was the way they identified with their discipline above their faculty, and with their faculty above the University, whereas most other students had their priorities in a different order. I didn’t give this matter much thought after graduation until two years of employment with one of Australia’s largest consulting engineering practices and a partlyoverlapping and continuing engagement with the engineering-dominated Civil Aviation Authority gave me some more exposure to the engineering profession. Personal observations of character traits, while interesting and arguably valid, are not easily defended when challenged. Research I conducted into the boards of directors of Australia’s 50 largest companies, comparing the numbers of directors with certain qualifications to the numbers in the community with comparable qualifications, gave some interesting results. People with law, accounting, economics, commerce, and business administration qualifications dominate these boards of directors, while those with engineering qualifications are significantly underrepresented. Only those with science degrees and arts degrees are less well-represented. Could it be that a business culture that is obsessed with off-balance sheet joint ventures, leveraged buy-outs, tax minimization, asset stripping, preferential share rights issues - and takeovers, takeovers, takeovers neither understands nor is interested in research and development, exploration, or designing, manufacturing, and selling products? Could it be that these games of financial juggling and paper shuffling which were perfected, in this country at least, during the ’80s - the decade of the takeover maniac required the capabilities of lawyers, accountants, and the others rather than that of engineers or scientists? While this might ring a cordant note with many in the engineering profession, this can’t quite be the whole story. Business has not filled its boardrooms with lawyers, beancounters, and financiers to direct a planned program of financial juggling; businesses have embarked on such courses because they were understood by boardrooms instilled with such accounting alchemy but ignorant of technology. The executive directors among this group include quite a number of engineers, although many are there as managing directors (the equivalent of president), chief executive officers and general or divisional managers. Only two executive directors have a technical portfolio. It would appear that most of the engineers in the boardrooms are not, in fact, engineers, but managers who once obtained an engineering degree and who have not succeeded, or perhaps not even tried, to convince the board that the company needs a director of exploration, engineering, research and development, or of information processing. Examining the background of the nonexecutive directors provides a more revealing insight. At least 15 partners or former partners of CA firms, nine of law firms, and four of stockbroking firms are among these 254 non-executive directors. One solitary annua1 report listed the qualifications of a director as a former partner of a consulting engineering firm. Just one. From what I understand of CA and law firms, senior partners function as the focal point for all the firms’ services for a major
client and partially as a result, the relationship between the firm and client is a long-term one. While consulting engineering is primarily project-oriented, what’s to prevent consulting engineering practices from developing the same sort of relationships with their clients? The consulting engineering practice I used to work for had an approach to marketing and client relations I understand to be typical. Not only was this practice organized by discipline, the marketing, when it was done, was only ever of the specialty of the person doing the marketing. This firm missed out on considerable work because this work used disciplines different to that of the engineer who had a current project with the client, This philosophy brought back my recollection of my fellow students who were enrolled in engineering as I described in the introduction to this piece. So I contacted the University and obtained a copy of the current undergraduate calendar. The changes were remarkable: new computer centre, new programs, new courses, and so on, but some of the insularity I had observed 15 years ago remains. Looking at the academic pages, I noticed that the mechanical engineering department had come to terms with using three-digit course numbers with the first digit indicating the year in which the course in normally taken. But at the same time, chemical engineering had opted out! Turning to the subjects themselves, I used the subject of statistics as a litmus test. A total of 20 separate introductory statistics subjects are listed in the calendar, and only six of them are offered by the statistics department. Why is it necessary for the respective departments to offer Chem Eng 022, Civ Eng 224, Mech Eng 202, M Sci 251, and Sy De 214? It might be a minor detail that the transcripts will list these courSe numbers instead of something like Stat 220, but it is of major significance that these undergraduates will have less contact with those in other disciplines than might otherwise be the case. I should point out that at least nine other departments offer their own statistics courses and many departments outside of computer science offer course in computing - perhaps the interdepartmental budget transfers are a factor and perhaps its good for the egos of academics outside of these two departments who can teach these courses - but only engineering, to my knowledge, offers its own “non-technical electives.” While these electives are ostensibly offered to ensure conflict-free scheduling, they have the effect of further isolafing engineering students from students in other faculties. In about 1975, an article appeared in the Chevron, Imprint’s predecessor, accusing science students of being narrow-minded. I maintain now as I thought then that since most science and mathematics students take
electives in the faculty of arts, while most of the arts students take their electives within their faculty; thus, science and mathematics students have a more broad education than those from the southern end of the campus. That being said, the subjects offered within the faculty of arts are far broader in scope than those of any other faculty, But returning to the subject of narrow-mindedness, what can be said of engineering students whose core sub-
& 24
This show is part of the “Best Route To Enlertainment” series with the participation of i
jects, while being a rigorous academic study of applied science that does not lose sight of the vocational applications, are inherently narrow in scope and who are discouraged from taking their electives from the broad cross-section offered elsewhere in the University? Following my research into the backgrounds of Australia’s major company directors, I raised the bias observed with a recruitment consultant who worked at the board level. His advice for those with a technical background was succinct: “Get an MBA.” I was subsequently discussing this very issue with an Australian academic who suggested that while MBAs were fine for those with technical background.s, for those who had spent their undergraduate years studying such subjects as commerce, economics, or accounting, a broadly-based master of technology degree would be more appropriate. While 1 must be careful drawing too close a parallel between Australia and Canada despite their large land masses (much of that being inhospitabIe), small and concentrated populations, former statuses as British colonies, affluent populations, and educated, liberal English-speaking societies - I call upon the Board of Governors of UW to consider such a degree. However, if the rivalries between faculties, and between departments within faculties, matches that of their undergraduate students, the University has what Australians call “Buckley’s chance” of getting this idea off the ground.
. 10
17, 1992
$1000.00 ,:iz,, 4nswer ten easy questions. Fill in the answer card and ballot below. Drop it off at any Food iervices outlet before 4:00 p.m. on January 24,1992. You will be eligible lo win the GRAND ~500.00 gift certificate fom the University of Waterloo Booksto=. lampus Mess Kit .*
PRIZE, a lucky contestants will win a
by Michael
“Wealth and power cannot exist if other people do not die, if people do not suffer in powerlessness and poverty and h&out dignity. . . . We say that the First World, the wealthy countries, cover up the greatest scan-; da1 in this world, which is the world itself. The existence of two-thirds of humankind dying in poverty is covered up.” - Jon Sobrino, a jesuit priest from El Salvador quoted in &@umers, January 1992
Answer these questions. Fill in your answers below.
I) The current waste tipping fee for garbage on campus is: a) $52 per tonne. b) $78 per tonne. c) $86 per tonne. d) $105 per tonne. !) I can help reduce waste on campus by using a refillable coffee cup (Lug-a-mugs) Mess Kit: a) True. b) False.
and Campus
5) When recycling my CLEAR GLASS containers in one of the bins provided on campus, I must remove: (Check all that apply) 8) The cap. I b) smws. c) Napkins and other matter. d) “Ihe label. 5) Which kinds of paper may not be placed in FINE PAPER recycling bins: (Check all that apply) a) Newspapers b) ColouEd paper c) White paper with colounzd ink. d) Fax paper. e) Envelopes with plastic windows. t) Paper or envelopes with adhesive labels. g) White paper with black ink. 5) What percentage of meals serwed by Food Services are served on reusable dishes: (China) a) L43ssthan 40%. b) 40% to 70%. c) over 70%+ d) 100% 6) Fad Services provides over three million meals per year on campus. How many napkins a= used per year: a) 3,050,ooO b) 5,623,000 c) 8,3 I O,ooO d) 10,850,000
“Bob is to Doritos what elevators are to music.” - television commercial for Doritos chips, 1991 One of the most powerful movies I’ve ever seen is Rwwquattsi.Made up simply of short clips of film shot around the world of people working, with background music scored by Philip Glass, the film provides a kaleidoscopic view of the world in the late-twentieth cenAnd a stunning picture of tv* synchronicity.
Two images have stuck with me from that film. The first was a huge open-pit gold mine in Brazil that was being mined not by machines but thousands upon thousands of men. It looked like the Klondike, except the men were dark skinned, and there was no snow. Just tonnes and tonnes of mud. And sweat. The second image represented the North American segment and consisted on clips of television commercials. Where the Brazilian gold miners had stood out for their majestic beauty, their primal spirit and determination, the glitz of commercials for beer, make-up, or
next year’s 4x4 made North Americans look impishly silly and revoltingly self-obsessed. Undoubtedly, that was the intended effect. Is it true? Without talking about international conspiracies, of capitalists principally, the United States government mainly, I believe it is possible to agree that it is the nature of our media give us positive images of ourselves, all the while silencing the struggles of the Third World, at home and abroad. What is even worse, when these problems are brought to light, is the attempt to centre them in terms of western ideals of civilization and progress. Says Kevin Phillips, author of 7’5e hlitics of Rich and Poor: “The forces of the late twentieth century have required double-entry bookkeeping: new wealth in profusion for the bright, the bold, the educated and the politically favoured; economic carnage among the less fortunate. In short, the United States of the 1980s.” The gap between the richest and poorest US citizens is now greater than at any time since the Census Bureau began collecting such data in 1947. The poorest 20 per cent of the US population receive 3.8 per cent of the national income; the richest 20 per cent get 46.1 per cent (Source: S~j~umers, Jan. 1992, pw Which isn’t something you’d probably think about while you were trying to figure out what the hell that Doritos commercial was hying to get at. Bob is to Doritus what elevators are to music. Huh? Yes, we’re so selfironic these days, we can’t put a finger on reality. We have no idea what we mean, what we hant, or where we’re going. But we’re not about to get self-reflective about the state of the world, either. At least, our media aren’t. Unless we make them,
7) I could help reduce waste on campus by taking only as many napkins as I need! a) True. b) False. 8) How many trees are required to make one tonne of paper? a) 5 b) 10 c) 17 4
9) By using a refillable mug on campus for coffee, tea, or pop, at Food Sewices outlets, I can receive a discount of? a) 5 cents b) 10 cents
c)l5cents d) 20 cents
by phillip
IO) Which kinds of boxes are recyclable thlougb the campus CORRUGATED campus (Check all that apply.) a) Waxed comrgated. b) Box board (cereal boxes) c) Pizza boxes. (crusts and paper revved)
bin on
d) Wet corrugated cardboard e) Dry corrugated cardboard + TGs contest is co-sponsored by the Department of Food Services and the Coordinator of Waste Management, Contestants will be required to answer al least eight of the ten questions correctly to win a prize. The first comet entry, randomly selected from all those received, will be the grand prize winner. The next fifty correct entries will win a Campus Mess Kit or Lug-a-mug, at the contestants choosing, No substitutions allowed. No cash value. The correct answers wll be published the week of January 27,1992. A list of winners will be available fron the Department of Food Services on January 27,1992. ----
University Department I Place an X on your answer. I 1
of Waterloo of food Services
I 1 DropOffY our completed ballot at any Food Services Outlet.
5)ABCD 6)ABCD 7)A B 8)A B c
9)ABC 10) A B C D
I l-
PHONE: -----
A year has passed in all its wondrous seasons since my first Qikos and Phenomenology reflection. Over that time, many thoughts and perceptions have shaped my outlook to nature and society. I have confronted a wealth of phenomena, both natural and cultural, trying to make sense of it all. I have learned, too. I have felt what can’t clearly be felt amidst the cultural baggage of the age we live in, but only rudimentarily, the wonder that our ancient, pre-literate minds and souls might have known intuitively. The natural world is alive, creative, and lifeaffirming, Trying to convey that essential being within us has been one df the most invigorating experiences one can pursue. Too many of us rarely commune with the elements, the birds, the squirrels, the plants, and the trees. We seek shelter from wind, rain, and snow, and now the sun as our ozone hole gapes evermore. And I have relearned that gift that nature has given humanity. Our essential being, our distinctness as a species, is not the commandment of any supernatural deity. The world was not made for us. In the depth of my soul (I have no satisfactory way of describing the process that an individual goes through to create their own personal selfhood from the ideas and things of their culture; and it has no theological significance) I firmly believe in humanity’s emergence from the natural world. 6ut we are not the teleological conclusion of this natural striving for greater selfreflexiveness, merely the fortuitous bearers of nature’s memory. It’s mirror. It’s self-aware creative force. And language is our innate tool.
This is an important insight. When reflecting upon the ecological crisis (at the risk of being called an alarmist, let me say that this CriSiS includes not only humanity’s relationship with nature but humanity’s relationship within what Murray Bookchin describes as “second nature,” namely society), it is al! too easy to condemn humanity as a cancer in the most flippant, antihuman, misanthropic, indeed racist manner imaginable. Human beings as locusts deserving of extermination. Human beings as lemmings rushing over the edge in pursuit of happiness while ignoring life and liberty. But worse, human beings as if all human beings were equally culpable, ignoring the fact that certain people exploit the majority of other people, corporations exploit the consumer, nation-states exploit other nation-states. And it is all too easy to fall victim to a Counter-Enlightenment pessimism, a kneejerk cynicism, or a spiritual quietism that is nurtured by “overdosing,” to use the jargon of our hedonistic culture, on scenic mountains and old-growth forests. To be whole, a rounded personality, the ecological holism of a natural being in the evolutionary development of society within nature, that has become our urgent project. Never has memory been more important to our generation’s needs. As in Brian Fawceti’s Cambodia: A book for people who jnd relevisi~n loo slow, the eradication of memory and, concomitantly, imagination means that the forces of evil will have prevailed. Human freedom will no longer be irk our vocabulary, ironically returning us, but not quite, to a preliterate sensibility of tribal culture. Tribal culture had no need of the word since they were living it; we will no doubt risk forgetting what it was as we enter the Brave New World (Order).
Student Volunteer Centre YOU wish to gain work experience to write on your resume, meet new friends, help out in the community, or just fill in some spare time, volunteering is the answer. The main reason people do not volunteer is because they were never asked. So, consider yourself asked. Set a good example by getting involved and ask a friend to join you. On average, a person gives 2-3 hours per week of their time. A sampling of on-campus opportunities follows: - Help at blood donor clinics on campus, organized through the Red Cross Society. - Canada is celebrating its 125th birthday this year and you can help plan the event. Anyone interested in fundraising, opening./ publicity, ceremonies, children’s closing activities including facepainting, concessions, or celebrity slo-pitch, please contact Dave in your Friendly Fed Office (CC 235). - Office of Services for the Disabled. Anyone interested in assisting a student with a disability should contact Rose or Florence in. NH 2051. - Student Volunteers are needed to help with the Summer Job Fair being held Tuesday, January 21. Contact Kate in the Career Resource Centre, NH 1115, Ext. 4055. - Winterfest is a winter carnival to be held at the end of February. Specific events are in the planning stages. I~ts of volunteers are needed - see Dave in Your Friendly Fed Office (CC 235). - The Student Alumni Association (SCI-I 227) needs volunteers to help with their fundraising events (chocolate rose campaign for Valentine’s Day and Used Book Sale) and an upcoming Conference at the beginning of February. If you would prefer a voIunteer opportunity off campus, check these
from UW News
A national standard to assess health and safety risks has been developed for the Canadian Standards Association, drawing on expertise from the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Risk Research. After five years of study, the risk analysis requirements and guidelines were prepared recently for the CSA and approved by the Standards Council of Canada. They map out complex techniques to determine numerous kinds of risks to human health and safety. “We now have a standard in Canada that we can assess any risk analysis by,” says Prof. Niels Lind, chairman of the CSA working group on risk analysis and member of UW’s IRR Four other IRR members also participated. “The areas we are targeting are technological risks, environmental hazards, agricultural chemicals and in genera1 risks of all kinds to life and health,” he explains. AIso considered are risks from natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and so on. No matter if it’s tornadoes, radioactive wastes or smoking, the standard is aimed at ‘making it easier to compare the risk so the public and government can make informed choices about how to spend scarce resources. “What we have developed is a new and more consistent way of managing the expenditures for extending life and good health,” he says. “This is important because one dollar out of every seven we produce goes to health and safety management. And out of that dollar, our indications are that 95 cents is wasted.” That startling estimate is based on documented studies of the US federal budget, evaluating the worth of risk management options for health and safety: removing asbestos from classroom ceilings, ripping up a highway after a chemical spill, seat belt legislation or cancer screening, among others.
out: - Central Ontario Developmental Riding Program urgently needs volunteers for bingo, horse and rider program and office responsibilities. Beechwood Manor requires volunteers to assist the elderly with entertainment, manicures, and Saturday afternoon teas. - Ontario March of Dimes requires volunteers to help psychiatrically disabled individuals with Grafts, horticulture and outings. - Volunteer with Kitchener Parks and Recreation.. . be a leisure buddy! Buddies provide support to persons of all ages with a disability, who may require assistance to participate in leisure activities throughout the community. Training provided. People also needed to help with sledge hocSaturday key program on mornings. - The-K-W Crusaders Swim Team requires volunteers to assist coaches for a competition-oriented swim team for the mentally handicapped. Coaches and volunteers are involved in stroke correction on a one-to-one basis. - Special Olympics needs people interested in helping mentaUy challenged individuals bowl on Saturday afternoons at Victoria Bowlerama. - For those interested in teaching or working with children, there are many placements in daycares and schools. * The Student Volunteer Centre, a smke of q Your Federation of Students, is located in CC 206. Winter term office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 120 noon -1 pm and Tuesday, Thursday 9 - 11 am. Elaine and Vema can give you additional info on the above. (and other!) opportunities.
New computers for ES from
UW News
Students are gaining sophisticated hardware and software for architectural design and map-drawing, among other uses, in the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environmental Studies. The new computing facilities, made available by Apple Canada Inc. and Digital Equipment Corporation of Canada Ltd., will be unveiled Thursday, Jan. 23, in Environmental Studies 2, room 173. The Apple Design and Modeling Centre and the Magellan Project benefit students and faculty in architecture, environment and resource studies, geography, and urban and regional planning, says Prof. Doug Dudycha, ES associate dean for computing. “In the past, we have been doing some of the same kind of work on %Ider equipment, but we didn’t have the number of machines that we really needed to handle a large class size,” he says. The Apple centre is mainly aimed at computer applications in architecture. ‘“Ikle major purpose is to use the equipment in computer-aideddesign such as modelling and threedimensional views of buildings,” Dudycha says. students First-year architecture take their introductory computing course at the centre, with half of it focusing on CAD applications and
remainder on non-pphic such as spreadsheets and data bases.
architectural modelling and design, computer cartography, geographic information systems, remote sensing and simulation modelling.
The MageIlan Project, supported by Digital Equipment Corp., features a network of DEC ULTRIX servers and workstations, enhancing work in
The Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre will train BSc students or graduates in the field of Radiation Therapy commencing September 1992 Become part of a dynamic team of Health Care Professionals in Cancer Management. One of the most advanced areas of treatment where your professional development becomes a priority. PROGRAM
@General Bachelor of Science Credits l 24 Month Program
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Health and safety part of risk research
Fed Servicesspotlight --
HOW do YOU spell experience? HOW about VOLUNTEER? Whether
“The options included everything we do to make sure we don’t have accidents or we don’t get sick,” Lind says.
plan with other options ing life and property.
for preserv-
“It’s a majo! development to have a national standard for how such options should be analyzed and judged. Risk analysis is a new profession and until now everybody could do their own thing.”
“There is an increasing tendency in society to ask the officials, ‘How much is this going to cost and how many life years in good health will it bring someone,” Lind says. “This is the right kind of question to ask, for example when comparing health care options.”
Risk analysis can be applied to the case of a fire chief seeking a new station in a growing end of -town. Analysts would consider the expected benefits and costs, comparini the
After analyzing the risk, he adds, it might be found that the money would be better spent on screening for cancer in the population or persuading teenagers n&t to smoke.’
VILLAGE DON APPLICATION January 31 9 1992 Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student .Villages for the academic year 1992193 should obtain an application form at the Housing Office in Village 1, or from either Village Office, and must submit it to the Warden of Residences, Housing Office, Village 1, prior to the:
Applications received after January 31, 1992 cannot be considered for appointment for the Fall/Winter Term 1992/1993. ’
the Byrds the Cars Eric Clapton the Clash Eddie Cochran Alice Cooper Elvis Costello Cream Crosby Stills Nash C.C.R.. Deep Purple the DOORS Dire Straits Doobie Brothers Bob Dylan the Eagles Dave Edmunds Electric Light Orchestra EmersonLake and Palmer Eurythmics the Faces Fleetwood Mac Foghat Foreigner Peter Frampton Peter Gabriel J. Geils Band the Guess Who Genesis Humble Pie the Pretenders Billy Idol Joe Jackson.I Jethro Tull as the Joan Jett Elton Jq W-m L Kinks KISS Alvin & &pelin Little Feat Shhvrd Manfred 1 Mc&tney John I Steve Miller Moody1 Mothers Mottthe Ho Tom Petty Robert fl IPrince Procol Harul Lou deed REO SD Roxv Music Todd 1 Bob* Seeqer w Paul Springsteen Squeezm Rod Stewart styx Years After Thin L1 Thorogood Toto Pete - Toinshend Triumph Uriah Heep UB40 U2 Van Halen Stevie Ray Vaughan the Who Yes Neil Young Frank
Zappa and many many many more ! ! !
Health and welfare helps team
Elderly vision topic of research from
UW News
University of Waterloo researchers, funded by Health and Welfare Canada, are searching for ways to improve the lives of senior citizens with vision problems. “Serious vision problems afflict large numbers of older people,” says Dr. David Elliott, “and this is an exploding population. During the next 40 years, the over-55 population will increase by 180 per cent and the over-80 population will almost triple.” The principal UW researchers are Drs. Aftab Patla, a kinesiology professor in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, and Elliott and John Flanagan, with the School of Optometry. Patla specializes in mobility studies; Elliott and Flanagan are specialists in low-vision research. Also involved are students Shirley Rietdyk and Sandy Spaulding from AI-IS, and Jawad Minhas and Mark Mallet, optometry; and Dr. Graham Strong an optometry professor and director of the Centre for Sight Enhancement. . The researchers are working with two groups of senior volunteer subjects, each with 20 members. One group has people whose vision is normal while those in the other group are partially sighted or legally blind. Except for vision differences, members of both groups are equal in terms of their health. Those in the vision-problem group suffer from macular degeneration characterized by deterioration of the retina at the back of the eye, Each undergoes a detailed vision test. “We examine each to determine how he or, she is affected by glare; we also test contrast sensitivity, depth perception and the subjects’ ability to assess how quickly objects are moving towards them,” Elliott says. “Recent research has shown the conventional eye chart, which vision testers have been using for years, does not necessarily show how people actually ske roads, curbs, people’s faces, or objects of low contrast,” he adds. “First, we ask them just to walk back nd forth across the lab; it is so simple one ( uld do it with one’s eyes closed,” says Patla. “ len we have them take a step down, as they 7v uld if they were stepping off a curb; anothc, test
A Kitchener senior (Elob Whitton, writer) is seen with Bat glare tester, a device that enables researchers researchersto determine the impact of glare on vision in studies Photo by Chris Hughes, UW photographer undemay at the University of Waterloo. underway has them stepping from onto an uneven surface.” bright and dim lighting another test they tilt their put the stimulus system
the smooth lab floor They also walk in conditions while in head back slightly to at a disadvantage.
Subjects are asked to negotiate obstacles and seek alternate foot placement very quickly. These studies provide answers to quest-ions such as: “If given a choice, where would tions you place your feet?”
Reflective markers are strapped along subjects’ legs and also on their heads. They are filmed as they go through the tests. A computer reads out the changing positions of the markers, analyses them and produces a readout of data relating to the mobility of each participant. The computer takes note, for example, as to how often and for how long subjects look down as they move along an uneven path or negotiate obstacles. In another test, subjects wear liquid-crystal eyeglasses that can be changed from clear to opaque at the press of a switch. The researchers even have a maze through which subjects are challenged to find their way. The researchers take great care to make sure the participants are safe. The obstacles they are asked to negotiate are made of soft foam so there can be no pain, even if a subject should strike one. Research assistants go with them every step of the way, ready to catch or support anyone who momentarily loses hisor her balance. Among the findings are that people with vision handicaps are”very hesitant when they are unsure of a surface,“Patla says. “Normally sighted people simply walk right ahead; those with vision problems are more apt to come to a full stop, then feel their way along. They shuffle; they move very slowly. They also have real problems when we place small, lowcontrast obstacles in their way.” The researchers seek a better understanding of the problems elderly low-visioned people live with and how best to permit them to remain as mobile and independent as possible. “Right now, nobody understands these problems, and so little gets done,” Patla says. “We need better rehabilitation strategies. We also need better training for rehabilitation workers.” The UW researchers believe there must be many ways to improve conditions. For example, simply painting a white stip at the edge of each step makes a darkened staircase much more negotiable for someone with poor eyesight. “Things simply will not change until our understanding improves,” Flanagan says. “But one might well ask: Why not design a littie extra capacity into public buildings and other places so seniors, particularly those with serious vision problems, can make better use of them?’ It would enable them to get , much more out of life.”
: ’ 1 : 1 -
1 4 i ’ : i ! 1 t ‘r : i :
UW’S, optometry helps ~visionimpaired1 from UW News Bureau
University of Waterloo researchers at the School of Optometry are working on better assistive devices to improve the life of vision impaired people. UW expects to receive a share of a IO-year funding commitment worth $1.5 million annudy from the Ontario Ministry of Health, The university is a member of the new Rehabilitation Technology and Development consortium. ‘“The emphasis is very much consumerdriven,” says Dr. Graham Strong, director of the school’s Centre for Sight Enhancement. “A core team of researchers meets with consumer and service groups to find out what kinds of devices they are anxious to have developed or improved and what kinds ol safety issues exist” the team of vision Strong supervis= researchers involved in the consortium - the first of its kind in Ontario mandated to advance assistive device technology and develop better products. Further support will come from industry and service orgMi&OnS.
For example, Strong is conducting research on an auto-focus telescope system for people with visual impairments. “It is really a retrofit of infra-red auto-focus camera techndlogy to a spectacle-mounted telescope.” He explains that ordinary spectacle telescopes are being used more and more by vision impaired people. Focusing images,
’ cope have some secondary disability that may frustrate them in trying to focus it manually or they may have to use both hands to perform a task” So the auto-focus feature being explored will enable them to take advantage of the spectacle telescope. The laterally mounted telescppe will also have safety and cos-
the small number of potetitial usersmeans that thesedeviceswe often overlookedby business however, can prove di&ult for many IIS~XS. “It allows people to look at or better see images at a distance, an intermediate distance or fairly close - there’s a Mr range of focus with a telescope,” Strong says. WnfortunateIyj close to 30 per cent of the people who might benefit from such a teles-
A prototype autofocus spectacle telescope should be ready within two years. Funding of W,OO to $70,000 a year is expected from the consortium, -and researchers are working closely with Ocutech Ltd of Chapel Hill, North CaroIha
Another project is at the Universrty of Western Ontario, where researchers are expIorine; a text referencing system for people requirini Braille or speech output from a computer. “It wiII help people use the information from a computer with an adapted output in the same way that a sighted person might use text information,” Strong says. “They will have the ability to highlight text, make footnotes and observations, and go quickly from one section to another.” About 90 per cent of people with visual impairments have residual vision, he notes, adding that it is uncommon to encounter complete blindness, even among those legally Mind. Strong also says many devices to help vision impaired people could he developed with the assistance of engineering professors and senior students. !‘Such work tends to be overlooked by industry because of the small number
of potenti
In keeping with the school’s vision research, UW from its early days has tried to make the campus accessibIe to people with disabities. Wheelchair ramps, for instance, have existed for more than 20 years at the university.
: I
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff
McDonalds - maligned misanthropic light, call into question the research ot the environmentalists and their real motives, The March 1991 issue of the magazine Libeq had an article on some of these issues. It illustrated some of the ideas that have been blown out of proportion and presented them in a slightly more reasonable light. It showed how the much-talked-about hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica is actually a thinning of the ozone layer and is by no means a recent discovery. It is over 35 years old and has been known to scientists since 1956. It is a regular phenomena, occurring every spring. !t lasts a few weeks and then goes away. It became a topic of popular discussion (always a reliable source of information) during 1983 during which it got worse until 1987. It was at this time &hat the CFC thesis was first proposed, and although CFCs are still being dispersed into the atmosphere, the seasonal thinning of the ozone layer has L stabilized. Btit there is an even bigger problem with the CFC theory.
If we can measure
the deple-
tion of the ozone layer in terms of its most significant function - filtering the amount of ultra-violet-B radiation that reaches the earth, then again the environmentalists have it wrong. At the same time that NASA satellites were reporting a depletion of the ozone layer,
or misundefstood
the actual amount of UV-B reaching the ea:tih was decreasing. Over eight locations in the United States, the average decrease was 0.71 per cent. Even if these eight different locations (some of which we& recording decreases of as much as 1.1 per cent) are not indicative of the entire earth, there is still no evidence that UV-B radiation is increasing.
The recent rise in world temperatures is also cited as “proof” that the greenhouse effect is a real problem today. However, scientists are now hypothesizing that we are just now escaping what is knom as the ‘Little Ice Age” which lasted from the 15th to 19th century. Jean Grove’s book of the same title examines archaeological records and histori-
“Wb havetu oflZ+rup scaryscenarios, muke simplified dramatic statements, und make lit& mention of any doubti we may have.” Furthermore, research at the National Science Foundation has discovered that Antarctic plankton was not significantly harmed by ultraviolet light. According to the program manager for polar biology Penny Penhale, there was no pronounced effect from ultraviolet radiation.
cal documents which show just how little we know about the Mtural history of the world. However, environmentalists are quick to jump to the conclusion that simply because we are recording the highest temperatures in the last 150 years, this is somehow indicative of the general world trends.
Photo by Clayton Coulas
But such statements ot inaccuracy tram scientists are not totally unheard of. Many scientists, such as E 0. Wilson, estimate that there are close to 100 million species on the planet However this is only an estimate. Scientists have been able to catalogue only 1.4 million species - less than 2 per cent of what they argue is the total. Thus, while the debate rages on over the number of species being wiped out, and the rate of depletion of the ozone layer, the actual figures present don’t support the belief that the end is nigh. There is no doubt that only careful management will allow us to continue using the earth as we wish and there is no doubt that pollution is a problem in some areas, but the solutions to these problems are before us if we choose to use them. Lfthe eco-activists want to convince the whole world to change its consuming habits then there should be some facts to back up the emotions. Instead of doing this, however, environmentalists have taken to harassing corporations in the most attention-starved ways possible. McDonald’s has become a favourite target and unnecessary. McDor~~kYs, cuntrary to the money-hungry-exploiter image it garners from Greenpeace types has actually made inroads in recycling programs. Currently, the foam packaging that some McDonald’s still use for packaging sandwiches in are pro-
;:.f; ..a
duced without creating CFCs. Also, the paper packaging that the environmentalists want McDonald’s to package its food in requires a plastic coating that stops it from being recycled at all. Of course, all of this is in reaction to the belief that fast-food packaging is responsible for most of the garbage in landfill sites.
investigations of Landfill sites reveal that fast food packaging (including foam) accounts for less than onetenth of one per cent. McDonald’s has also worked with Amoco Chemicals on other recycling projects. In early 1991, the ~0 planned to team up and collect and compress the foam clamshells being used and transport them to be used as feedstock in petroleum refineries. However, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) left its normally sensible environmental position to call for an end to the clamshell altogether. Thus, McDonald’s now uses the nonrecyclable plastic wrap and paper ring which in addition to being wasted is also much messier.
Lf all of this seems hard to swallow that shouldn’t come as a surprise. We have been taught for some time now that large cor-
porations work mainly so that they can pollute the environment and that they are ilosed svstems which don’t adhere tb the needs oi the consumer. As a result, we are asked to rely on the government for more rules and regulations and thus more restrictions on our liberty. We are not taught the ability of the consumer to affect the producer in much more ways. Organizations like productive McDonald’s exist only because they are providing a service to the consumer. As soon as the consumer changes his or her mind, the company has the choice of either giving the consumer what they want to going out of business. Eco-activists and Greenpeace members do not have to represent the individual. Simply donating $25 dollars doesn’t automatically mean that you’re part of the solution. Keeping informed of the situation as it exists and not as it is presented is more difficult than reading what’s available, but in the long run this will provide the best solution to any environmental problems we are facing. The eco-paranoia is a symptom of a much larger problem we are facing. It’s as though we need someone to tell us what the rightway
to live and to act is. We don’t want to offend
anybody so the next bandwagon along, we all hop on because
that comes
after all if everybody’s doing it, it must be right. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Environmentalism, like Vegetarianism and Feminism (as my philosophy advisor said) is a “warm fuzzy.” To act in support of a warm fuzzy is to act in a way that we believe is morally commendable, regardless of what it is exactly that we’re doing. We imagine that we’re supporting someone or something that’s been wrong
done by and thus we relieve ourselves of responsibility.
of the
Making Technology
donations to whatever foundation, or we can find out for ourselves how our decisions are affecting the environment and who the real polluters
motives of all the parties involved can we really say we are participating in any interesting sense.
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Student Dire&xl Ccxxdinated Get More Information. , I next meeting will be held Jan. 20 at 4~30 in the Fed Office. tnew volunteers welcome). . . on the agenda, I international Women’s Week - Mar& 1st to 8th. l Constitutiona Proposed amendments by Ontario Women’: Action Coalition available. l WENDO is back - resistrations are being taken for the upcomin sessions. For further info contact Wl at ext. 4305. l T-shirts and sweatshirt orders International Women’s Week are al being taken now, cost is $12. and $24., drop by WIB for more info.
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Where Can 1 Hear Mare About the Co-ordinated Plan? Studentrepresentativesfrom theAd Hoc Committeewill be in the following locatiortslallday) to answer any questionsyou might have duringthe week of January ZOth,1992. INFORMATIONBOOTH#l Mon.,Jan. 20: Carl PollockHall Tues.,Jan. 21: Math & ComputerBuilding(coffee shop)
Wed., Jan. 22: Arts Lecture Hall Thurs., Jan. 23: Biology 1 (outsidethe CoffeeShop) Fri.,Jan. 24:
EnvironmentalStudies1 (outsidethe Coffee Shop)
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TRACK& FIELD* Waterloo at
Athenas vs Carleton 6:OO p.m. 401lNMu~ Athenas vs Lakehead 6:CUlp.m. Wmiors at McMaster
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Warriors Warrior
Warriors victorious in OT
Four out of eight ain’t bad
by Paul Done Imprint staff “Don’t count us out. Sure they’re ranked third in the country but I think we should beat Brock tonight.” Warrior basketball coach Don McCrae.
It was a shootout from beginning to end, and when the smoke cleared, the Warriors had knocked off the third-ranked Brock nationally Badgers 102-98, in overtime. In doing
by Rich Nichol
The University of Waterloo’s powerhouse team of the ’80s is back in true form. The Black Plague
so they upped their record to 2-l and grabbed a share of top spot in the OUAA West, whose parity is demonstrated by the fact after only three games, it has no undefeated teams left. Led by the mad bombing of Alex Urosevic, who burned the Badgers for a game-high 39 points, and the clutch play of Sean VanKoughnett who contributed 24, the Warriors thrilled the paltry crowd of 500 or so who turned out Wednesday night. It’s pretty sad, it was as exciting a game as one is likely to see, and the paltry crowd in attendance did their best to make the PAC noisy - but, hey they need some help! Laurier steps into the PAC for whi,pping Saturday at 2 pm. Come out and watch the Warriors choke the purple chickens. The game never felt out of reach, even when Waterloo built up their big leads. It could be argued that the Warriors should get three victories for this one, since they blew a lopoint first-half lead to leave the score tied 46-46 at the half, and they frittered away a 14-point second half lead which led to a 92-92 full-time deadlock Led by Sean VanKoughnett who played great D and hit the glass like a rebounding fool, the Warriors sucked it up in overtime, and outscored the Badgers 10-6 in the final period to get the win. Both teams shot the lights out, and though final stats were unavailable at press time, the fact that the teams combined for 29 three-pointers in one game, should tip you off to the nahtre of this game. Without a doubt, Urosevic was the star of the game, hitting seven treys - at least four of them falling away with defenders
Le belle province held host to the hockey Warriors last weekend, as our boys prepared to engage in hockey battle with McGill and Concordia, two teams in the middle of the pack in the OUAA East. And as any great first-place team should do with average teams, the Warriors scored
fourth-ranked Winnipeg in an exciting bronze medal match 3-l (15-7, 15-11, 7-15, 15-5). The Plaguesters finished ahead of CIAU no. 6 ranked British Columbia and no. 7 ranked Montreal but were ignored in this week’s top-ten list. Warrior head coach Scott Shank, who led the team to back-to-back national bronze medal finishes over the past two years, was extremely
Air Vankoughnett Photo by C.D. CouIas hanging off him. One got the feeling that Alex could be launching them from St. Jacobs and still find nothing but net. There were good performances up and down the Warrior bench, as rookie pivot Mark Hopkins played a bunch of tough minutes while Telford languished on the bench after fouling out midway through the second half. Mike Duarte came off the bench to make some key steals and grab an important offensive rebound down
sweet -
the stretch. Tom Balfe hit four clutch free throws in overtime to push the Wanior lead to eight points and ice the game. On the other side, Brock got hot three-point shooting from rookie guards Dave Picton with 19 points, and AIlen MacDougall, who led Brock with 26. Brock got their normal powerful performances from big men Brian Bleich and Gord Wood,
*continued to page 19
the East
play had to improve a notch or two before they could seriously challenge to be the best team in the country, that brought about this final gelling of the
team. Well gel they did. From fourth-line
to starting
The games produced some interesting results. Not only did the victories extend the team’s winning streak to 10 and expand the buffer between them and second-place Laurier to six points in the OUAA West standings, but the games showed the teams defence along with the offence have come of age. After a couple of humbling defeats in
wins, 4-O and 5-1
Manitoban hosts that Ontario could also be considered the volleyball province of Canada by defeating thirdranked Manitoba 3-1 (15-0, 15-0, 15-0,15-O) to win the gold. Fourth-year player Ian Heynen showed thathe is adjusting well to his new position on the right side by becoming an authority on offence. He hammered 68 kills and 3 service aces
Becomethe Voiceof the Wumbrd
team sparkled, cashing in on their scoring opportunities and shutting the door when called upon to defend their own zone. Something else came out of the games that aIso is interesting. It seems apparent that 12 men on the ice is too much for the Warriors to handle. It was while at least one man was off the ice that the Warriors excelled. Even when it was one of their own players that was accounting for the odd-man situation, the Warriors took advantage of the offensive mentality of their opponents and exploited their lapse of defensive
two very convincing respectively.
gave a spectacular at the prestigious 13th
short end of a very entertaining battle %l with games scores of 1597,15-11, 7-15, and 15-5. McMaster went on to prove to the
The Warrior Basketball team is looking for an announcer for home games starting the 19921993 season. Those interested should phone Freddie So at 725-3248.
Warriors Imprint
performance annual Winnipeg Invitational Tournament this past weekend. Up against some of the highest calibre in the nation including five ranked teams, Waterloo finished fourth out of eight entries, losing to
Warrior Hockey
by CD Coulas
A lot
the Christmas holidays, head coach short-handed goals in a season, but Don McKee and his assistant coaches our boys accomplished this sum in got the practice time that they so their last two games. much desired. It was most likely this Their first game, on Saturdayr was hard practice time, along with the 1 against McGill. Captain Rod Thacker realization of the players that their scored the only -goal of the first
happy with the results. “After two consecutive weeks of have competition, we topten matured into an intense defensive team that can compete consistently with all teams in the country? By taking at least one game from every opponent including juggernauts M&laster and Winnipeg, the Warriors proved that they are a serious andidate for a CIAU wildcard berth heading into the second half of the regular season campaign. In pool play, the Warriors finished second by conquering sixth-ranked British Columbia 3-2 (15-l 1,15-13,315,12-15,17-15) and Regina 3-l (1511, 15-5, 10-15, 15-lo), while losing only one match to fourth-ranked
Winnipeg nament
period, and the only goal that the Warriors would need to win. Then, in the second, Dave Lorentz scored Waterloo’s first short-handed goal while Greg Allen was sitting off for slashing. The Warriors’ power-play added another goal in the third with Cory Keenan finishing off the play. Steve Richard rounded out the scoring with exactly five minutes left in the game. McGill out-shot the Warriors 3324, but Steve Udvari, UW’s male athlete of the week, stood on his head, and wouldn’t have let a fly get by him. Waterloo’s odd-man play was impressive in the game, but it was during the game against Concordia that they really showed their stuff. Tony Crisp started things off for the Warriors with a power-play goal in the first minutes of the game, followed
3-O (15-6, E-3,15-2).
Then in the semi-finals, Waterloo lost a gutsy battle with eventual tour-
by John Williams in the second. Steve Schaefer then got Waterloo’s second short-handed goal of the weekend, unassisted, to finish the scoring in the
*continued to page 19+
(15-5, 7-15, 15-6, 15-6). Manitoba knocked off Great Plains Conference rival Winnipeg 3-O (l5-10,15-12,157) in the other semi-final bout. Relegated to the bronze medal match, Waterloo met up with the strong host team Winnipeg once againbut unfortunately fell at the
while building 13 stuff blocks for 84 points plus 33 digs in five matches to lead the Waxriom. Stalwart middle hitter William Zabjek had one of his most tenacious defensive performances to date, collecting 82points (31 of which were stuff blocks) and a team high 35 digs. Fellow quick hitter Dave Eakxlis, the team’s most experienced player in his fifth year, scored 44 points on 29 kills, 11 stuffs, and four aces, along with 32 digs. The setting expertise of sophomore setter Shawn Smith was inshumental in the Warrior’s success.
Smith scored 32 kills in five matches which is an unusually high attacking number for a setter and that was tops for his position in the toumam ent. He executed a very controlled and deceptive offence and played excellent defence collecting 29 digs. Rotating power hitters Mike Fullerton, Jeff Stover, and Brian Shin also had a solid weekend with 32,24, and 21 points respectively. Jon Tenthorey, Perry Strauss, Jack Krmpotic and Mike Service performed excellent relief roles for the starters in this highly competitive tournament. The Plague returned to regular season play last night (Thursday) when they travelled to St. Catharines for an 8 pm match with the Brock Badgers. Scores were unavailable at press time. Waterloo’s next home match will be this Wednesday night at 8 pm against the Guelph Gryphons. The Warriors won their previous encounter 3-1 b;akk in November.
Warrior Basketball
I-1 in Thunder Bay l cont’d. from
page I@ who combined for 40 points. There were a few negatives for the Warriors, who lost control of the game and failed to execute their offence during the last eight minutes as the Badgers oukcored the
an 82-68
deficit into a 92-all tie. Likewise, they failed to use their third perimeter player, choosing instead to lean upon the stellar play of Urosevic and Van-
Kougbnett. What they corrected was their tendency to be sluggish out of the dressing room, as they put on an 8-O burst at the start of the second half. Likewise, they showed bursts of solid defence against the Badgers, who have a posse of offensive weapons. Giving a blow-by-blow of regulation is unfeasible, so instead, we’ll fast-forward to ‘OT. Both teams seemed tight at the outset with missed shok and turnovers being the norm. Brock opened up scoring at
3:lO with a Brian Bleich dunk as a result of some sloppy Warrior defence on an inbounds play.
with 16.4 togo. A pair of late
hoops by Rob Demott were meaningless and merely made the mar@ 102-98. The Warriors avenged a
drubbing they received at the hands of Brock during the Laurier Golden Hawk classic, held before Christmas.
On Friday January 10, Waterloo treEed north to Thunder Bay for a weekend pair of games against the Lakehead Nor’westers, Just as they had last year, the Warriors split the weekend series - losing the first, then bouncing back to take the second. Poor shooting marred a weekend in which the Warriors showed flashed of solid defence, and protected the bail well - committing a total of 0nIy 14 turnovers in the two games. The entire reason for Friday night’s 77-68 loss can be blamed on team shooting. Waterloo shot 35 per cent from three-point land, and a horrible
Urosevic led three Warriors in double-figures ‘with 21, points. VanKoughn~ and Moore had 15 apiece, while Dave Lynch had nine. The Warriors got solid rebounding work from Moore with nine, Koughnett with seven, and
with seven. Waterloo bore out coach McCrae’s statement that the Warriors respond well to the shock of a loss, applying themselves
didn’t Saturday’s contest, they used suffocating second-half defence to shut down the Nor’Westers and escape with a tight fivepoint victory, 59-54. Waterloo jumped out to an early ILpoint lead, 25-14. The scrappy Lakehead squad inched back and held a narrow 34-32 lead at the break. The second half was a nail-biter, as neither team could put on enough of a burst to finish the other. The Nor’Westers still held a tiny twopoint lead with three minutes to go. A bucket by Mike Duarte, clutch free throws in the last minute, and solid D allowed Waterloo to escape with the win. ) Perhaps it was the icy northern weather which turned the Warrior shooters’ hands into stone whatever
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find the range on Saturday, They were 9-of-26 on field goals and 6-of-20 from three-point either. land.
shooting was improved, as they hit on 23-of-29 freebies. Urosevic led Warrior scorers again with 16, Duarte and Telford got a dozen each, while VanKoughnett had an off night, getting only four points. Waterloo
W’s / VCR’s
,, .
has passed the first test of.
whether or not they will compete with the favorites in the OUAA West. With effort and intensity from the entire squad Iike they got Wednesday night, they should give anyone in the league all that they can handle. Tomorrow, 2 pm, the PAC. Be there to watch the Warriors crush the purple and gold.
Warrior Hockey l cont’d. from page 18. second. In the third, came Waterloo’: third short-handed goal, by Crisp, his second goal of the game. The CVarriors finished their scorin? appropriately enough on the power, play, with Pat Daly getting credit f?l the goal. Concordia’: Lne goal came in tht second, yes, on the power-play. Thiz day, it was the Warrior’s offence thai shone, plastering Concordia’s goali Robert Desjardins with 42 shots
to his most
of the evening. Photo by CD Coulas
had a chance to tie the game
immediately but a wide-open Mark Hopkins was turned the wrong way and missed a Mike Duarte pass which would have given him an easy hoop. up
got the easy game-tying
hoop following a quick change of possession. After a series which saw Waterloo find a couple of extra notches of defensive intensity, Sean VarKoughnett took the ball hard to the hoop and dropped in a finger roll for a 96-94 Warrior lead with 2:00 left. After the teams traded missed hoops, Chris Moore stepped in front of Bleich to steal the ball. He then fouled Wood out of the game on a drive with 1:09 to play. Though he missed both tosses, VanKoughnett flat-out stole the rebound from three Badgers and passed it out to Rob Baird, who was fouled and hit both free throws: 98-94 Wtiors, 56.8 seconds left. Dave Picton drove into a forest of Warriors and had his shot slapped away to Tom Balfe, who recovered the ball and was fouled. With the Warriors up 100-94, AIlen MacDougall missed a three and Balfe was fouled grabbing the defensive board. Two more free throws and it’s 102-94
34 per cent from inside the arc. The most telling stat was that, in a ninepoint loss, Waterloo missed twelve free throws, hitting on only 13-of-25 (52 per cent). The first half was close all the way, with an early one-point Waterloo lead being turned into a five-point deficit at the six-minute mark. From that point on, Urosevic put on one of his patented
hot streaks, hitting
13 of his
17 first-half points during the last six minutes, to lead a 24-18 Waterloo outburst which left the Warriors up 42-41 at the half. AI wasn’t the only Warrior on a first-half tear, as VanKoughnett poured in 14 first-haIf points of his &
ng bag Royal Military College come: o town on Saturday for a game ai 7:30 pm. At the same time tin Sunday, Nindsor arrives for a rematch of the irst game of the season in which the Narriots
on. Well come, and find out.
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dail WZB gem hot, leading Wehead to a 62-52 lead with ten minutes left. Waterloo COuldn’t narrow the gap by any si@fimt ri.ng$he
call our for details
tially be able to see this awesomc icoring machine as perennial punch.
Warriors 10st their late momentum somewhere in the dressing room. They could only muster ten points during the first ten minutes of the mend half. At the, Same time, N~r’W~kr
4 MOb OF 14’
while the defence allowed only 25 tc death Udvari. Fortunately, Warrior fans will
own. &,
DAILY: 9:30 to 9:00 ; SATURDAY:
950 to 6:OO
n /m=
17, 1992
Athenas battle injury to finish fourth by Frank S@nieks Imprint
and guest viewer Chris Kennedy epecial to Imprint In
tournament hosted by in the PAC last weekend,
the Athenas started well on Saturday winning both games. However, Sunday being a traditional day of rest, and the team being very traditionalist in their ways, they were defeated in both of their playoff games on Sunday to finish fourth in the tournament with a 2-2 record. The Athenas put out a strong effort on both days playing against some strong competition and having to recover from the loss of starting setter Katrina Englebrecht on Saturday. The team from McMaster finished first in the tournament, with the Waterloo Roes finishing in second.
GoldenHawks take a dive the first set of round-robin matches on Saturday, Waterloo was up against University Avenue rivals the Wilfrid Iaurier Golden Hawks. In their earlier meeting this season, the Athenas beat the Hawks in three straight games and history repeated itself with Waterloo coming out on top again in three games by scores of 16-14, 15-11, and 15-13. In
Waterloo’s second game was against the Brock Badgers, who were looking to avenge the loss they suffered at the hands of the Athenas in
regular season play two months But again, the historic precedent
ago. was followed, and the Badgers once again went down to defeat in four games by scores of 1512,10-15,15-13, and 158. The most notable event of this match was the loss of three-year veteran setter Katrina Englebrecht due to the dreaded but all to common ankle injury.,She could not play the rest of the tournament and is most likely out for the rest of the season.
The first day of round robin play ended with Waterloo finishing first in pool
around taking the next eight points on some powerful hitting which never allowed Waterloo back into the game. A loss Iike that is hard to come back from, although in the third game the Athenas did have a good start going up 8-4; again, they were not able to capitalize on that good start, allowing
Laurier. In the other pool, McMaster was first, the Waterloo Roos were second, and Guelph was third.
The first game of Sunday involved the third-place finishers from the day before, Laurier and Guelph. The
Gryphons took the match over Laurier in four games to finish in fifth place. In the first game of the semi-finals, Waterloo faced the second place
the Badgers to again tie the game and then win it. The final score was 15-9, although this game and the others in the match were closer than the score would suggest- Brock was obviously a well-practised team which was able to execute their plays with great precision, although Waterloo could play better at times, that old problem of a lack of consistency hurt them once agam.
finisher of Pool B, the Waterloo Roos. The .Waterloo Roos are a senior women’s A-team made up of former varsity players from various universities, including some from Waterloo. As a result, they have lots of experience and are quite a good team, good enough to defeat the Athenas 31 in games. In the first game, the Roes took an
solid defence
Athenas came back to tie the game at nine and then take a one point lead. The quality of play was quite high in this game including some good spikes and recoveries by both teams,
In the final game, the Roos took the strong McMaster side to five games, but as in their match the day before,
The Roos managed to take back the lead at 12- 11 and then after a
the Marauders won the match and as a result finished first in the touma-
Waterloo time out took the next three points to win 15-N. The next game never really saw Waterloo get into the game as the Roos showed what experience can do, defeating the Athenas by a score of 15-4. The third game was the closest of
ment with the Roos taking second place. The scores in the final match were 15-13, 10-15, 12-15, 15-8, and
the match with both team exchanging leads until the score was knotted at six after which Waterloo got some momentum and were able to keep it through a time out as they went up 11-6. A double substitution by the Roos seemed to work as they managed to close the Waterloo lead to 1 point at 13-12. Then, after no less than seven side outs, Waterloo took a point to take a 14-12 lead but the Roos got the serve back on a big spike. Waterloo got a bit lucky on the next play as they got a fluff hit off the net to fall on the Roes side, but the ensuing serve was too long. Waterloo
got the serve back on a good block and after a long rallv took the last point needed to
wiri. i Some Waterloo
excellent serving by allowed them to take an
A power
spike1 Photo by Wade Thomas
early 4-2 lead in the fourth game, but the Athenas would not get many more this game as the Roos came back to take the lead and never gave it
back, taking the match 15-5. This was a game in which they did have to fight for every point, but things just weren’t going Waterloo’s way. Overall for this match, the Roos played a consistently showing good defense
and solid hitting
not using
anything fancy, it was what was needed to win, but not all that exciting to watch. In the third-place
game of the tournament, the Athena; again faced off against the Brock Badgers who had earlier lost to the strong team from
McMaster in the other semi-final game. The Badgers got up 10-7 in the first game with some quick sets and good
setting although Waterloo was able to counteract this with good defence and good hitting. The Athenas tied the game at 12 before the Badge-rs took the next three points, the last one on a well executed quick set typical of Brock’s play throughout the game. More solid defence by Waterloo in the second game allowed them to take the lead 7-3, Brock then threatened, closing to score to 7-6 before Waterloo utilized the quick set themselves padding their lead to 1 l7, Brock then turned the game
15-2. The tournament MVP was Colleen the McMaster Cupid0 from Marauders, the tournament all-stars included Cupido’s teammate Tara Burrows as well as Waterloo power hitter Sue Bylsma and middle hitter Michelle VanVliet. Maria Purdon of the Roos and Tanya Stephens of Brock rounded out the all-star selections. Coach Dena Deglau said that she was “really pleased” with her team’s performance especially as they only had one week of practice to prepare for the tournament, she was especialIy impressed with the teams “solid defence” and sees them as being in a “good position for the rest of the season.” The Athenas next games will be against some familiar teams with one tonight
against the Brock Badgers
St. Cam&es, and on the following Wednesday they will host the visiting Iaurier Golden Hawks in the PAC at 6 pm, so don’t you dare miss it.
Track and Field
Warriors and Athenas on track
by Victoria Seay Imprint sports
The 1992 indoor track and field season was launched with the York University Invitational that saw University teams and track clubs from across the province gather for some head-to-head competition. Twenty-five athletes from Waterloo took part with some promising results, including five personal bests and a dozen top-six finishes. In the sprints, hurdlers Jane Taite and Alicia Steele finished fifth and sixth in the 60-metre hurdle final, posting times of 9.40 and 9.69 respec-
his event against some stiff competition. (The winner went on to attempt a new Canadian Indoor record.) Miller also competed the previous night at the prestigious Hamilton Spectator Indoor Games. After a long day of competition that saw many athletes compete in multiple races, the Warriors and Athenas drew together a few relay teams to round out the dav’s events. And if ,early season results are any indication, there m’ay be some strong relay teams
tively. Warrior Mike I&h sped to a personal best time of 7.49 in the 60m while teammate Mark Charlebois ran his own personal best of 7.68. In the women’s
6Om, Tiffany
3:35.2 and 8:13, respectively.
The Warrior 4x400m “B” team finished in a time of i:37.2. The Athenas also competed in all three relay events, with the 4xSOOm team mmsinu
thh With their first meet of the year ehind them, the team is preparing for the upcoming OUAA/ O%VIAA Championships t the start of March. The upcoming meets at U of T (this weekend) and
WilI be a change
welcome from the
area or the snow-covered roads of Waterloo Park. Keep your eye on the Warricws and Athenas - several may be on their way to the CTAU
in the women’s race. Teammate Frank Cafaro ran to a personal best in the same event, posting a 38.0. Other topfive finishes include Nancy Calder taking fourth in the 600m (1:43.3), Marci Aitken in the 3000m (fifth in 10:53) and Victoria Seay in the 1OOOm (3:14.8). Linda Hachey ran a strong race in the 15OOrn to establish a new perbest of 5:15. All four
Athletes of the Week
in this year’s
men’s 4x200m team placed fourth overall in a time of 1:33.9, while the 4x400m and 4x800m teams nailed down couple of second place finishes in times of
E .,.. .I
Kirkham crossed the line in in 36.7 seconds while Jones finished in 43.3
were members of last fall’s crosscountry running team. Pole vaulter Jeff MilIer leaped to a height of 4.25 m to claim sixth spot in
to compete
posted a PB of 8.14 seconds. On the oval, Pat Kirkham and Marina Jones nabbed a pair of fifth place finishes in the 300m event.
to ~er-come
Photo by Wade Thomas
L.eah-Ann Erickson is UW’s female of the week Erickson, originally from Kitchener, is a fourthyear arts major and co-captain of the Athena team. She made a significant conhibution this weekend as the Athenas played back-to-back games against Lakehead, one of the top four teams in the province. Although the Athenas lost both contests, L&I ANI led the Athenas in both scoring and reboundi with 18 and 8 respectively the first ni#lt, and 12 points and 6 rebounds the second night Lmh Ann also put in an excellent defensive performance, effectively shutting down Lakehead’s post players. athlete
Steve Udvari is UW’s choice for male athlete of the week Udvari is a second-year psychology student whc plays goalie for the Warriors. He played back to back games thir weekend, Saturday at McGill, and Sunday at Concordia, allowing a total of one goal. The Warriors won both contests, 4-O and 5-1 respectively. Steve was outstanding in net, stop ping 33 shots against McGill and 25 against Concordia as the Warriors extended their winning streak to 10 &am=The Warriors host two games th.iz weekend, RMC on Saturday, and Windsor on Sunday. Both games will be played at Columbia Icefield, beginning at 230 pm.
Imprint, Friday, January
sports Swimming
Swimming in Florida by Kevin McDonald !3pdal to Imprint
While most people were off relaxing at home for the Christmas holidays, the Warrior and Athena swim teams were working hard on their annual Florida training camp, which included three-a-day workouts plus extra dryland training. Among the enjoyable things the teams encountered in Florida were the very infrequent practices off, ESPN, grease fires, MTV, and the complete dismantling of the Orlando Magic by the mighty Miami Heat. On New Year’s Eve day, the teams participated in the annual Ed Kennedy Memorial Meet. The Warriors and Athenas turned in many good swims, including a winning three-bylOO-metre back relay by the men in its division of NCAA Division II schools, NAIA schools (both from the United States), and Canadian schools. During a delay in the meet, the Americans used the opportunity to prove that the US is the most classless nation in the world by urging all of the Canadians to join in a “Go USA” chant. This along with listening to some drivel from an Olympic diver reinforced why people all over the world hate Americans. Another competition for the team while in Fort Lauderdale was the Ocean Mile Swim. Team veteran Sheryl Slater won the senior (third overall women’s division women}, and Christie Selig won the sophomore women’s division (fifth overall women). Men’s team cocaptain Mike Cash won the senior men’s division (fourth overall). The teams are now prepared to tatkle the main part of their meet schedule, which will conclude with
the Ontario university championship meet in mid-February. This will include a meet every weekend leading up to the “Ontarios,” as they are called. With a couple more weeks of hard training before tapering off, these meets will be very important, as they will give an indication of how far everyone has progressed. The firsttwo meets of the new year for these teams were a couple of dual meets Iast weekend. On Friday night, the teGms made the long trek to Hamilton to face off against the McMaster Marauders and the taurentian Voyageurs. Both men’s
At the
af an exhausting
key swimmers on work terms) for a meet with the Western Mustangs. Also competing at the meet were the Laurier Golden Hawks and the Ryerson Rams. Again several excellent swims were turned in by all team members, who gained some good racing experience. Despite this, both teams came out on the short end of the score, with the men losing 133-69 and the women 144-63. The scores of the meet did not give a true indication of how the team did as the lineup of events was geared toward individual swims as opposed to trying to win the meet.
The Waterloo Warrior and Athena curling teams packed their brooms, tucked their draw weights into their back pockets, and headed south to Windsor for the start of the OUAA and OWIAA curling seasons. The event consisted of five pressurepacked games over a two-day span starting January 11. The Warrior team of skip Brent Charpentier, vice Mike McCutcheon, second Shannon Alpaugh, lead Darryl Button, and fifth Mike Hawkins were hoping to turn around a disappointing exhibition season en route to a provincial championship. Meanwhile, the Athenas, directed by skip Margaret Corey, vice Jodi Kerr, second Kim Bradley, lead Karyn Issler, and fifth Andrea Ewanchuk, were itching to build on their exhibition success. Both teams are coached by Bill Tschirhart. In Windsor, the Warriors came out firing on all cylinders in game one versus the host $ncers. Charpentier was unconscious in a 9-4 victory. The Lancers played the gracious host to the Athenas, getting Waterloo off to a flying start. Game two saw the Warriors come
All the fitness classes got underway this week along with the Special Interest and Aquatic programs. The majority of the cl,asses filled up quickly on registration day and to those individuals who enrolled in the programs, way to go for taking the first step toward Active Living here on campus!
1 stuffing envelopes from home. For FREE i details send a self-stamped, self-addressed 1 envelope to: 1r AQQ ENTERPRISES BOX 144, Stn. C’
j !I i i !I I
Open to peopte 19 years of age & over The UW Curling Club still has some openings in-its Sunday and Tuesday night leagues for this term. To enter individually or as a team, please call Richard Schmidt at 725 3152. A course on the basics of cross country skiing starts on Sunday, Jan. 19 at noon. Should there be no snow, blizzard conditions, or extremely cold, class will be cancelled. If in doubt call the Equipment Center at 888-4850.
Step into your ski boots byGesaMahnke Did you know that cross-country skiing is the king of aerobic exercises? It gives all the benefits of running without any of its bad effects. Instead of pounding your feet on a hard surface, you glide along smoothly. In addition, you use your arms a lot more to help move your body. A minimum of 15 minutes of crosscountry skiing is recommended to any of you ski buffs. So, get into the winter spirit and get out on those trails.
the Huether
MASTER (Belmont
and Glasgow
EYE EXAMINATIONS gD&igner Frames ‘Thinner Lens Vnvisible l3ifocals l Illusion of No Lenses l Sun Glasses
Reservations at 886-2900
Limited Lanes Amihble
C-R administra-
tion and the participants. If you are interested in representing your faculty/residence/association, you are invited to the next CRAC meeting on Tues, Jan. 21 at 5:Ol pm in MC 2065.
Rock and Bowl takes place on Saturday nights from 1O:OOp.m. IO 12 midnight anh includes rock music, low lighting, weekly prizes, etc.
The first Campus Recreation Advisory Council meeting was held on Jan, 7 and the following areas were not represented: St. Jerome’s, St. Paul’s, V2 South, V2 West, Columbia St. Twhs., Engineering, Math, Science, Kin/Health, Ret, ESS, Optometry, Alumni Assoc., Grad Students, Feds, Faculty Assoc., Staff Assoc., Student Assoc., and the Executive. CRAC is made up of repntatives throughout the UW unity. This council acts as an ry body to C-R staff, helps 5ii establish policies for C-R, makes recommendations regarding C-R programs and ensures there is communication
I 1 I 4 ’
by Barbara Jo Green Imprint sports Dates to note: - Co-Ret Broomball starts today at CIF Co-Ret Innertube Waterpolo begins on Sunday, Jan 19 Fitness Instructors start their workout today at 5:30 pm NLS participants can dive into their first class tonight at 6 pm - Squash and Tennis Instructional programs begin this coming week.
Again the relay teams performed well, pulling out some tough victories and some close second-place finishes. Coach Reema Abdo was pleased with all performance, especially since the back-to-back meets simulate what will occur at the Ontarios. This coming weekend, both teams travel to St. Catharines for a meet at Brock University, while next weekend they will be at Wilfrid Laurier on both Friday night and Saturday morning for another set of back-to-back meets,
back down to earth as the Western Mustangs tramlpled them. The Athenas were caught off-guard by the Lady Mustangs, losing in an extra. end. The game was summed by Mike McCutheon. After discovering his excuse was invalid, he was overheard saying “I guess we really do suck then.“It was short-lived as both teams came back by defeating Guelph. Game four saw Waterloo battle rival Wilfrid Laurier. While the Athenas were up to the challenge, the Warriors fell short by one. The Warriors were able to bounce back to defeat Brock in their final game while the Athenas were turned away. Add them all up and you get three wins and two losses for both teams, a success for the men and a slight disappointment for the women. These records leave Waterloo at or near the top heading to the second half of competition in Toronto on January 24-25. Waterloo will face the likes of Toronto, McMaster, Laurentian, Trent, Queen’s, and RMC in the final battle before the war. The top six teams will fight it out on the weekend of February 15 in the Guelph War. You can be sure Charpentier’s rink won’t let it slide away this year while Corey will be hungry for wins as the season continues.
,--‘-““““““‘---------‘-----“--------------------------, I I I I L I I
Photo by Wade Thomas and women’s teams put in a good allaround effort, with all team members putting in fantastic individual performantes. All relay teams swam very well, pulling out some victories against the more powerful Mac teams. This bodes well for Ontarios as relays count for double points. Specifically, outstanding swims were turned in by Trish Felszegi, Sheryl Slater, Ralf Gunther, Mark Yip, and Ian Hunt, who are all approaching the tough CIAU qualifying standards. Then on Saturday morning the full swim team showed gp (minus some
and Roll
by Brent Chpentier Imprint sport!4
17, 1992
:1 Details Glasses in Store
2& Contact for 1 -! Lenses: Expires: Jan. 3 l/92 1
l FREEADTUSTMENTS ! ,mlm-mmm,,m~~~ - m--m mm--m,maI
Top 10
4 3 4
1 0 0
3 3 ‘4
Blshop’a Carleton McGill
383 167 279 .215 308
312 169 303 230 380
13 12
8 6
5 6
0 0
911 57
Laurentian Brxk RMC
12 A3
42 2
a9 11
01 0
57 44 17
8 I
4 4 2 2 2
; 4
Toronto Ryerson ,QIl~BR’S
D 2 2
3 -5 540 309 243 387
3111 44; !(I3 33? 4;2-
8 2 4 4 4
2 2.; 2
1, 2. 3.
Alberta Golden kars IQTR DATRfcwEs Reqfns Cduqars heidia Axemen WATmLm UmRloRS up01 Panthers
:: 6.
rcnast~ vlater Wlndr
2 f
; 20
:: Lava1
OX 10 11
.I ’
1: 0
159 131 156 141
9 3 11 3 i
i4 2
3 2 3 2 4 II 1 ; 0 4 0 2 2 5 1
YOXk Cancordla McGill Wlndsor Laurent ian RMC Laurent lan Ouecn’s Concordia
5 12 Q 8 5
TP RESULTS January 8. 1992 3rock 3 \iinr!s. :17-15,17-16,16-11)
York Rueen's Laurentian Ryezsbn WEST DIVISION
‘F PTS 9 H
Brack LdU ier
Rob Arabskl Stcphane Crolcau Serge Brst on Dan Haylou ma Haelzle Klke Dahlt Rod Anthony Hark WCreaXy Eric G1:ard Steve DeGursa Benoit Gossel in 5.31 ren znydder 3eIf nascarin Jean Eergeran Troy Stephens Kevin Preckelton Mike Gllllea Mike Plstt Krlc A039 Greg Van Sickle
Guelph WTR UQTR GU@lph Gwlph LAW Ier Ylndsor Laux ier UQTR Guelph UOTA
lndsor akehead rock ualph aterloo aurler cstern
7 6
5 4 4 4 3 1 0
; 6 8 6
January B I-CIC it
ML : s 4 3
‘13 17 12 15 17 11 6 4
6 12 10 13 15 10 21 18
PTS 14 10 8 P a 6 2 0
Br ock western I4cHaster
111 80 ‘I4
Lakehead Brock Guelph Laur Laurenltr I
concordla 101
York TottMtO Waterloo Bishop’s
80 102 74 91 B8 59 96
Uindaoz Law ler Guelph Queen’5 Carleton WcGlll
75 67 68 74 65 78
Mcnaster WtZttrn
19 79
Ylndsor Ottawa
81 56 54
Lakehesd WA11
waterlao Lauxier western
14 13 13
12 9 9
2 ‘3 3
0 1 1
8Q 7 53
12 9 9
22 ;:
22 22 21 21 21 :T
1: 8
McGill Waterloo Western
19 28 16
48O:OO 626:59 ml:19
2.37 2.68 2.6%
Laur icr
7.23 6.09 5.85 4.56 4.56 4.13 4.00
Tar onta York QUCtn’8 TarOntO Laurentian wmn 1 s Laurentian
+ KItfS
:; 10 9 1;
25 25 24 24
Patrick Jeansan Sttve udvarI Wtllle nltchell benis Dcsbiens Rick Pracey
7 16 9
Windsor UQTR Waterloo Quaen's Gut lph Ottawa Guelph Toronto
Barry Tepllcky KI kc Chaloupka Bryan Kussntr Jon Tenthorey James Sc~weyer Dave Bs1Iey Peter Preocanln Trevor Scott
:: 12 IO
uttawa York cancotdia Queen’ s Ryerson
22 16
J? 31 19 28
tiarc Dunn Adrian Adore BX ic scof leld nark Habash Kurtis van wellcgham Ron O'Hare Phi 1 Rthberq
uam Toronto
A 20 18 12 16 13 18 8 15 11 12 12 13 14 9 3 11 12 17
G 12 13 17
122 :
mock Laur ier Ryerson RKC
western Ldutler waterlob York Western Guolph Windsor Tom-do Mater loo
153 152 127 131
i 2
UQTI? l%r snto YQLk Guelph )I::Gill IILlea:: ’ UQTR
154 I55 127 153 138
PTS : 4
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‘rJcrz2bbcr 3
57 ;‘:
P1’S 11
:; 5 2
Gord Allen Alex
wood/Brock f4acDougall/B UrassvWwat
Brian Blslch/Bra Sham
PER G&M 6.25 5.50 5.27 4.86 4.79 4.30 4.13 4.06
mlaster uester n Wattrloo Guelph W1lld30r
KcKasteK Guelph LEADXNG SCORERS FTA FG WA FT 17 13 13 11 15
University Shop Plaza
29 :: 25 29
7 13 5
14 11
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Canadian conspiracy Skydiggers with Strange Days and Paul MacLeod
did very well, capping off his halfhour set with “Green Shoes,” on which he was joined by Skydiggers’ lead singer Andy Maize.
Federation Hall January
by Kenton Augerman Imprint staff Winter term ‘92 was ushered in on a rockin’ note Friday, January 10, as Toronto-based band Skydiggers checked into Fed Hall for a one-off performance. supporting the Skydiggers on this night were the best local talents that KitchenerWaterloo has to offer: Strange Days and Paul Macleod. An opening slot at Fed is exactly what MacLeod needed at this point in his career, as it afforded him a chance to play six of his original compositions (he also did a medley consisting of Echo & The Bunnymen’s . “Ocean Rain” and the Rheostatics’ “Saskatchewan”) after breaking his balls around town doing covers for the past year or so. He welcomed the opportunity to play to an intelligent audience, whom he thought would best appreciate his efforts. Reaction to MacLeod was mixed, as the first several rows of people responded enthusiastically, while the rest of the onlookers seemed befuddled by the fact that he’s primarily a solo acoustic performer and not a voluminous power outfit. All in all, he
s~talk --
Strange Days, too, turned in a strong night’s work. In the past, they’ve been dismissed as a Tragically Hip clone band, but if this outing is any indication, they’ve matured and outgrown that label. They’ve been bolstered by the addition of new songs (“Josephine” was particularly noteworthy) and a new drummer, Jeff Cowell. Whereas Strange Days’ old drummer was merely going through the motions many nights, Cowell, in only his third gig ever with the band, appeared fresh and eager. Perhaps it was him who finaIly convinced the others that it’s possible to be powerful without being excessively loud and distorted. As always, Strange Days were led by the raspy vocals and hard acoustic strumming of frontman Shannon Lyon and the impressive electric guitar work of Paul Martin. By the time the Skydiggers took the stage at 11:20 pm, the crowd had been thoroughly warmed-up, The headliners kicked dff their 85-minute set with “We Don’t Talk Much Anymore,” “At 24,” and “Maybe It’s Just Not Good Enough” - three reminders of the excellence of their debut release. These tracks were folIowed by “Swamp Boogie” and ‘Just Before The Rain,” which when coupled with
Photo by Dave Thomson
Good vibrations “Not A Penny More,” foreshadow the brilliance to come in May, when their follow-up effort hits the stores. It’s my observation that the Skydiggers are
moving away from the “folk rock” niche that they’ve been slotted into and are heading in a somewhat heavier direction.
Little fluffy clouds
by Kenton Augerman Imprint staff
Andy: We haven’t been doing many live dates lately, so there hasn’t been much cause to get him involved. Imprint: At-pour Iivpshows, do*vouJnd the same fart base coming out over and
over aguin. or do you recognize newcomers?
Prior to the Skydiggers’ concert at Federation Hall on January 10, the band graciously consented to be interviewed. This is what transpired:
Wayne: Both of those. Andy: We do have a loyal following, but every time there are new people. We’ve always counted on friends to bring out new friends. Imprint: W%at>the band4songwriting process?&es sumebudy write the music
What> been going on since vow debut album was relemed two -vearx ago? Imprint:
and someone else the lyrics? Or do you hammer things out tugether?
Wayne: We’ve been on the road for the better part of a year-and-a-half. Peter: We’ve also spent some time with our families. Andy: We’ve been touring alot, and we’ve been rehearsing for the last couple of months. Josh and I played a couple of benefits right before Christmas. I got engaged to my girlfriend, Andrea, in Vancouver over the holidays. Imprint: In sound check. yuu played
It’s different. Sometimes will bring in words and music and it’s all ready to go, we just put instruments to it. Other times, there’ll be snippets of things and well goof around on it. Other times, we just jam and it ends up being a song. Imprint: What are you currently listening toby other a&M Do YOU like anysomeone
thing you hear on the ra&u?
Andy: We’ve recorded ten or twelve new songs at a friend’s place. He has a l&rack recording studio in his
Andy: The radio station I listen to plays Perry Como. Ronny: We’re pretty introverted right now, so we haven’t heard much of what other people are doing. Somebody played a couple of songs by Nir-
when will this stu$be available tu the public?
just listened to a classic Stones tape in the van on the way here. Imprint: Andy and Wayne, you pZay
three new songs. Hmeyou new material?
Wayne: WYImprint:
It should Layis
Familiar to anyone who has seen the band before were the unique gesticulatiob of Andy Maize, the harmony between Maize and Peter Cash, the deft guitar playing of Josh Finlayson, and the rhythmic precision of bassist Ronny Von Johnny and drummer Wayne Stokes. Familiar too were the cover songs they performed - George Jones’ “Slow Bumin’ Fire,” and two that made the dancefloor come alive: “Blue Moon Of Kentucky” and “Mystery Train.” A new twist in the Skydiggers’ repertoire came during the finale, “Monday Moming.“Maize explained to the audience that he’d never purchased his own underwear in his life and, in a move aimed at Toronto mayor June Rowlands, proceeded to show everyone a. white pair that his mother had bought him. The band did a three-song encore consisting of “Leslie,” the Johnny Cash-popularized “Wreck Of The Old 97,“and “80 Odd Hours.” The latter was written on a bus out west by Peter Cash and recorded during the same sessions that produced the material for Skydiggem, but was not included on the album. It may, however, find its way onto a charity compilation benefitting the Heart & Stroke Foundation. All told, Paul MacLeod, Strange Days, and the Skydiggers combined for three-and-a-half hours of solid entertainment. The future of Canadian music seems secure for years to come.
be in stores Melville
sweet sensations
road hockey in the Barenaked Ladies’ videofor “Lovers in a Dangervlus Time. ” Was it by gigging around Toronto that they hooked up with you?
Angels, Rheostutics) occasionally joins the band on stage to play pedal steel guitar. Why isn ‘t he here tonight?
Photo by Dave Thomson
Wavne: No. Thev toured out east with
US for two weeks. That’s how we first met them. Imprint: Whal ~JKVA think qfthedeci-
sbn to ban them from events’ in Toronto?
Wayne: It’s Feat publicity (for them). Andy: They’ll continue to play in the city. ItS just making everyone look silly. Imprint: I knuw that the bundsupporrs
Men Walking Against Male Viulence, and that a .furrdraisitlg IreneJt scheduled last month in Turonto got cancelled Not cancelled just Andy: postponed. It was to be held in a church in the east end, which was a venue people weren’t familiar with. Moreover, I think the ticket price was too high. We just decided that we’re not doing this to break even, we want to do it to make money for the cause. Well do it ancbther time when it makes more sense. We still very much support the cause. hprint: who else was involved? Andy: The Leslie Spit Tree-o and Andrew Cash. The walks were organized by a fellow named Ken Hancock. Imprint: IJyou gqs weren ‘1 in a band.
what would you be doing? Peter;
Wayne: I’d own a hardware store in northern Ontario. Maybe a Canadian Tire. Rosy: I’d probably be a printer. I used to be a printer. Andy: Josh would be a department store Santa Claws all year ‘round. I don’t know what I’d be.
24 Imprint, Friday, January’1 7, 1992 \
Sweepin’ up the house Ned’s Atomic
The Sp~ctmm. Turorm January by Christopher Imprint staff
12,1991 Waters
BE SILENT CONSME DIE At least that is what the backdrop behind the stage at the Spectrum proclaimed. In conduct akii to the protagonist in cult movie They LiVc Ned’s Atomic Dustbin attempt, although less desperately, although less desperateIy then said protagonist, to point out the potential With evils of popular culture. songtitles like “Kill Your Television,” “Your Complex,” and- “Less Than Useful,” Ned’s singer Jonn strives to point out the anesthetized lifestyle which is offered by the opiate of leisure. In the song lyrics for “Selfish,” he advises the listener to “stop yawning, start yearning, and wake up.” Well, let’s put that into perspective. Ned’s are a pop band. They might be a pop band with a message . + - but, ultimately they are a pop band.
Obviously Jonn (in case you are wondering Ned’s eschew the use of their surnames) is not about to be appointed poet laureate, or even the con-
One Rooms
and Columbia Lake Townhouses for the Academic Year
1992193 students who are not currently in the now submit applications for Village -esidence for the term which commences on Septem3er 8,1992. Applications will be accepted up to the Lot:ey deadline of February 3, 1992.
Photo by Dave Fisher
Jillages may
4pplications for the Columbia Lake Townhouses arc available at the Housing Office. Applications will bE accepted up to the Lottery deadline of February 3
1992. NOTE: only upper year students are eligible to apply fo
science of a nation for that matter, nor even does he desire to be so canonized. The band is merely another in a long line of post-punk bands who ply the well-mined v&n of misunderstood youth cultural angst. Notably, however, Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, with lyrics like “do you want me to smile? / Ill try,” work the mine exceptional well in a mostly original fashion with the energy necessary to add urgency to their concerns and prevent them from becoming hackneyed or laughable. third Toronto The band’s began exactly where appearance their last regional show, as support for Jesus Jones last fall, ended with their song, an epic of teenage angst, “What Gives My Son?” However, instead of acquiescing to the fatherly command of “get off that stage,” Ned’s stood firm with resolve and delivered an energetic set full of new material interspersed with old standards. Once again they proved not only their mettle, but proved that there was some truth to the claim made on their early, and ever present, tee-shirts which proclaim that “if you missed (insert Ned’s Atomic Dustbin logo here) then you fucked up!”
what; however, you still get the sense that Ned’s are holding themselves in .check as they never stray from duplicating what they have committed to vinyl. While I be the first to admit that most band’s improvisation borders on the masturbatory (Primus springs to mind , . . pardon the pun), yet one must wonder why a obviously talented band like Ned’s does not add some originality into their tried and true material. It seems that spontaneity is the one lacking component in Ned’s mixture for success. As a final note, you11 be happy to know that the most recent addition to the Ned’s-wear line of concert apparel was a lovely long sleeved tee, done in black with it’s applique in a complementary, but ever so subtle, brassy-gold. The motif of this shirt was the ubiquitous “Kill Your Television,” and it retailed for a mere S38. What was that about BE SfLENT. CONSU4E~ DIE. ? Oh irony of ironies.
Ned’s shouId be applauded for, besides their unmistakable talent and youthful and zealous approach to their music, their commitment to touring. Finally, here is a British band who are trying to make themselves something by actually performing. They aren’t carving 4 R&4 L into their arm in front of the ever watchful eyes of the music press cameras to prove their legitimacy {a la Manic Street Preachers), they are, to use the rock ‘n’ roll cliche, paying their dws. Taking a page out of the Fall’s history, Ned’s have proven themseive$ to be an extremely prolific band who have in their short history released a great number of EP releases as well as their acclaimed debut album God Fudder. On top of these releases, Sunday’s show introduced a number of new songs to the hyperkinetic, allages capacity crowd. Ned’s Atomic Dustbin seem to be concocting a surefire recipe for success in that they are a volatile performing band, who seem to have no shortage of material or creativity. Constant touring has honed Ned’s into a musical force. These relentless performances have loosened the rigid posing antics of the band some-
Photo by Dave Fisher
the Townhouses. For further information please contact the Housh ’ Office, Village One or phone (519) 884-0544.
Rock, Comedy, .and Dancing Andre-Philippe
Appearing Thursday,
January 23 and January 24 8Pm
by Christopher Imprint staff
Australian Day Celebrations SATURDAY, JANUARY 25/92 Tradition Folk Music by Australian entertainer l l l
Special Aussie Buffet Crocodile Oundee Look-a-like Door Prizes
Peter Shaw
Starting Feb 2,1992 open on Sundays 4-9 p.m.
at the Centre In the Square Friday,
“If Johnny Carson calls, it’s for me.“ That’s what I kept telling people on Wednesday morning as I waited for Andre-Philippe Gagnon to call. What are you to expect when “the man of a thousand voices” is about to phone? Crank calIs from George Bush? Bryan Adams calling to tel1 you that “he’ll see you in January?” Obscene phone calls from Mila Mulroney? Yet, when the appointed hour came, and Gagnon called, I heard no “do you have Dan Quayle in a can?” No “I’m home. . . so let’s start waking’ up the neighbours” and, thankfully, I did not have to endure any of Mila’s lude suggestions. Instead I picked up the phone to hear the unassuming, and uncharacteristically composed, voice of Andre-Philippe Gagnon. Gagnon was calling from his home office in Montreal, and first and foremost on his mind was the upcoming installment of his Rock Corn* (which was a relief to me because what else would we taIk about if not his new impressionist extravaganza). His exhibition rolls into town next weekend for two lively shows at the
Centre in the Square. His show, a rock ‘n’ roll comedy which places him in the role of various characters from North American popular culture, has been reworked to include a whole collection of new impersonations. Working in close collaboration with, his close friend and main writer, Stephane Laporte, a person he refers to as “a pop culture junkie,” Gagnon has updated and restructured his show to keep it fresh and topical. Revision is not a foreign concept to Gtignon’s show as the stiow actually exists in many different forms and versions. Certain scenes are consistent
thoughout the show’s run regarriless of where it is being presented; however, since every province has it own unique regionalism and subsequent differing cultural points of reference, certain segments of the show change to better suit the city and province where it is being presented. Rock Comedy is a medley of singing comedy, and, even, dancing. Gagnon delighted in discribing the show’s opening number which has him performing a dance entitled the
This dance features “Canadiana.” choreography which has him taking three steps forward, and then six steps back, and so on. In many ways his description of this number serve as an example of his meaningful comedy. Gagnon has no intention of being preachy or overtly political. He fancies himself primarily an entertainer. However, underlying his comedy there is a subtle didactism. In his own -lighthearted fashion, Gagnon attempts to give people something to think about after they have finished laughing at his antics. Gagnon is proving himself to be a outstanding entertainer. In the short years since his performance of “We Are the World” on the Tonight Show in 1985, Gagnon has been on countless national tours, he has released an album of musical comedy entitled L’intqrale, and, most notably, he appeared on the same stage as The Chairman of the Board himself, Frank Sinatra, in Gstaad, Switzerland. Don’t miss this chance to see not only Andre-Philippe Gagnon but also to hear all of your favourite pefformers, and least favourite politicians. Just remember to buckle your seatbeat before he takes you on his travelogue of popular culture,. . Oh ya, I almost forgot, in case you are wondering, Andre-PhiIippe does not make it a habit of impersonating fich Little although he could he do the impression if he wanted to do SO. I know because I asked.
A Pbxxxge h Time’s greatest
drums and the like. Gerrard’s voice has a haunting quality that cuts to the bone of the listener and forces them to either love it, or hate it. She sings mostly traditional hymns and chants to a sparser backup track. Perhaps the biggest bonus of this besides some older compilation, tracks being released in the digital domain, is that the lyrics are published. DCD have long since had some most of the most poetic lyrics in popular music, on occasion they even rival, dare I say it, Morrissey, and some shining examples are on this disc. On the brilliantly titled “In the Kingdom of the Blind the One-Eyed
4-5 by Erik L+indaIa Imprint staff Popular music is becoming harder With many bands to categorize. using, or even stealing/sampling, elements of other music genres, one can’t describe a band in a few words. One band that has defied description since their inception in 1984 is Dead Can Dance. DCD have been succombining Gregorian cessfully chants, ancient hymns and world music long before the likes of Enigma have made it trendy. A large part of DCD’s success is their faithfulness to the original source, while at the same time making the music their own.
A Passug~ in Time compiles 16 tracks from various releases of the duo of Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry (isn’t he on Beverly Hills 90210?). The first thing that strikes
the listener is that there seems to be two distinct types of DCD songs. Perry sings about spirituality and its loss in the world to a larger than life backdrop of sampled organs, kettle
fault is
that it includes too many songs from their most recent Aion release (italso ercluda materi@%om thcirfirstalhum - ec(). The more inspired songs from earlier albums somewhat contrast those from Aion and illustrate that perhaps DCD have begun to repeat themselves and have exhausted sources of new sounds and music. The two previously unreleased tracks sound somewhat contrived and rushed with “Spirit” having immediate appeal but lacks staying poi4er. Even though tIhe compilation is a collection of songs from a seven-year period, the album sounds like a complete work with few songs sounding out of place, showing how consistent the band has been. This album also provides Dead can Dance themselves an opportunity to take “a momentary stillness” and examine where they’ve been and drive them forward to continue to create inspired music. A Passage in Time is essential listening recommended to all with broad musical tastes and open minds.
are Kings,” the following lyrics are found: “For time has imprisoned us in the order of our years / in the discipline of our ways / And in the passing of a momentary stillness / we can view our chaos in motion / and the subsequent collision of fools.” Some may see this as being too pretentious and self-important, but with their majestic music DCD is somehow able to pull it off. Okay, so rehashing your Iast album is a lazy and cheap way to release a new single, but, when the mine you repeatedly dip into is this whirling and swirlingly fine as this one, I say recycle on!
3m5 by Paul Done Imprint staff
“epiphone song” is typical of the album - it starts out with dead ringer Street whiskey-soaked boogie, but the double-tracked vocals, and complex, twisting song structure take it to another level. The layered instrumentation and tangled structures leave many songs teetering on the brink of cacophony. They never do, though - the melodic core of the record is strong enough to hold the whole thing together. At times, lead singer Tom Anselmi’s voice has an uncanny resemblance to Alex Chilton’s wistful moments. The mournful and rending “odette” could have been lifted straight off Big Star’s third album. When things slow down, there’s a sense of pain and loss expressed despite the near-indecipherable lyrics. It’s rumoured that this album cost Ceffen Records $500K to record. That may be an exaggeration, but the attention to detail and clarity of the sound - despite the complexity of the instrumental layering - indicates that this wasn’t thrown together on a four-track in someone’s garage. This is an album which doesn’t reveal its secrets all at once. Unlike the pablum of fIavour-of-the-month Teenage Fan Club, whose riffs and two-part harmonies sound like the Starz and Peter Frampton, Circle C’s music is dense and offers rewards long beyond the initial pop thrill. Ambitious in conception, and flawless in execution Cim/e C is to be treasured. Without losing their rock ‘n’ roll heart, they have crafted an album which is complex, textured, and unique. It11 be a little difficult to of welltrack down because documented record company hassles, but it’s worth any record store odyssey.
“Judge Fudge” opens with a wonderful KLF-esque swoop and swish, complete with Hawaiian guitar and strings, then quickly turns into a rehash of “Holiday,” from pill, Thn’lls, and Be&&es. Now, luckily enough, “Holiday” was just about my favorite song from that album, so I’m a bit predisposed toward this slab. Alongside the two mixes of ‘Judge Fudge” is ‘Tokoloshe Man” - the Happy Mondays’ contribution to Elektra’s Rubiyuf collection, and is drawn from the catalog of John Kongos, who aIso wrote “Step On.“A fine song, a fine addition to your life, and a b&ter way of obtaining it than buying the whole 2-O nightmare which was Rubiyat.
by Lance Manion Imprint staff
If anything, though, the songwriting has a little catching up to do in order to measure up to the performance. “Wow” in particular suffers from the Nirvana pick a riffbrxi rtot it into the gl-UEAIId school of songwriting. But this is after all only a debut release. Once the band develops their songwriting a little more, they may actually be an act to watch for. Until then, they better enioy their glory now, befdre everyone starts accusing them of ripping off Badfinger or something.
A likable four-track EP from Scotland’s other newest hitmakers. The closing song “God Bless Les Paul”says it all; actually, the ti?/esays it all. Guitar grunge everywhere, and while this may not exactly be groundbreaking anymore, Captain America infuse it with an irrepressible sense of fun. The disc is also notable because it contains considerably more propulsion, if not quite as much subtlety, than the various vapor trails streaking across the airwaves.
Exiks on MM
by Paul Done Imprint staff
Since you’re reading this review and, presumably, you’re not repulsed by reading about acts more esoteric than Brian Adams and Tom Cochrane, you might be interested in knowing that these guys used to be a band called Slow. The legend surrounding Slow is mostly based upon the fact that they managed to start a fair approximation of a riot while opening (and consequently closing) the Canadian lndependent Music Pavilion at Expo ‘F6 in Vancouver. But all that standard bio information is meaningless, really. There’s very little resemblance between Slow’s Paleolithic instrument beating and Circle C’s layered, challenging brew. While Cim!e C is bui1t upon rock ‘n’ roll foundations, its varied song structures and distinctly unrock touches - like the use of Kora place this a couple and Charango of steps to the left of a conventional rawk album. As with most bands, it’s not too difficult to spot Circle C’s reference points: Exile-period Stones, and Big Star circa S&r Lovers. Rather than settling for mere imitation, Circle C work wonders with the basic stylisms.
‘ZOYo OFF all used records Tuesday Evenings
Record Revkw,s
January17, 1992 When the tape was destroyed in a bizarre wine-making accident, I cried for several days and started listening
my sad musical state until when week the latest release by John Flansburgh and John Linnel glided across the
to the Smiths. The singles which I had loved so much where about &-bard to find as my former roommate. s.o was
The atbum is called i&KscelZune~us T. Many of the tracks look familiar as it
4-5 by Vincent Koznta Imprint staff My first recognized
taste of They
Might Be Giants was when a former roommate of mine (who shall remain nameless, but his name does rhyme with dick) played “Don’t Let’s Start.” It was a great Little ditty, one of those “I’ve heard this before but never knew who sang it” songs. From that point on my interest in They Might Be Giants grew geometrically. This “friend” of mine had both albums (at that time there where only two) as well as a great collection of singles by the group. I learned not to question where he “obtained” his wide selection of music but I do have my suspicions. I recorded these singles onto
is a collection
of singles, B sides and ‘The Farruxls PolI4’ (suitable for Ziga Zaga Ziga Zaga . . .), the all to0 real “Kiss Me, Son Of God,” “Mr Klaw,” the rock ‘n’roll manifestation of”(She Was A) Hotel Detective,” Lt; Anne Moore appears as her self in the role of always topical Venus love slave “For Science,” “Birds Fly” into my windshield, and “Don’t Let’s Start”. Prior to this collection much of the material was somewhat hard to obtain if you had any respect for others. A couple songs could be found on one of the three albums; 7ky Might Be Giants, Lincoln, and Flood. Another option you had was to call the They Might Be Giants Dial-ASong Service at (718) 3876962. Song/track 13 on the album points out that “Another child is born in India every time you call this numNotable tracks include;
ber.” On their first album, the Johns also pointed out that the call is free when you call from work. The album is definitely worth purchasing if you have a taste for their
peculiar Promethean Atypical outlook on the world. Every track has merit and its own creative edge. Its a fun album that even a low-life scammer could (and has) enjoy( On any scale, this album breaks the springs.
a tape for my future listening pleasure. That tape made bus trips to Toronto and the odd class enjoyable. - fans are once again turning to Ozzy, this time not for his stage antics, but for his increasingly inventive songwriting and singing talents.
the talents of keyboard%
Sinclair. The soothing
acoustic guitar
hit ‘Mama,
and co-writer Z&k Wylde are performed on “Mr. Tinkertrain,”
“I Don’t Want To Change The World”,
If the record sales and sold-out promoting his latest album No A4orp Tears are any indication of its success, Ozzy Osboume is definitely back on his feet and has taken a turn for the better. No More Ears becomes the ninth LP in Ozzy’s meritorious discography. After mixed reviews over his previous two outings, NO Rest Fur concerts
5 by Rich Nichol Imprint staff
ful for over 15 years now. With bats and chickens no longer a part of his diet - as a matter of fact he is currently a spokesman for several anima1 humane societies around the world
is the best Ozzy ballad since “You Can’t Kill Rock ‘n’ Roll” from the 1982 albumDiary UfAMadmun. Both cuts are currently in the top-ten singles charts in Canada. That accomplishment is a first for the singer/ songwriter.
But the album isn’t aI1 sugar and spice. Heavy guitar vamps by lead
“SIN,” hie
and “AVH.”
The earth-rumbling
Stomp”and“Deske”are truly~0
of the highlights
on this 11-track set. Time” and “Road To
experimentation melodic
Ozzy’s slower,
eight years since “What’s The World” (covered by The Smiths) and rather than succumbing to desperate, hamfisted, gestures, James are fighting to preserve their integrity in the face of success.
4 by Trevor Blair Imprint staff
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Gold Mother, James’ album of last year, gek a new lease on life thanks to the extraordinary UK chart success of “Sit Down.” Originally released two years ago, “Sit Down” was a moderate hit. Last March, alI hell broke loose when a re-issued “Sit Down” went to number-two on their national charts. And so, Gold Mol/zer is stripped of one song (“Creschendo”) tarted up with “Sit Down” and ‘Lose ControI,” (another post-Mother single,) and the whole package re-issued as Jumes. Now, “Creschendo” is six minutes of sheer beauty; swirling, weightless, sublime. It’s not a song that would sell 200,000
i : I
singles, slightly
If you’ve already surrendered to the charms of Gold Mother, the “Sit Down EP” also features an incredible live version of the title track, as well as their rendition of The Velvet Underground’s “Sunday Morning” - one of the pinnacles on those Velvet tribute collections of last year. Listen
at the end and you11 realize these guys have a little something extra going for them.
annoyingly popular “Unskinny Bop.” And let’s not forget that countryflavored orchestration, “Poor Boy Blues,” a crowd favorite, along with “Fallen Angel.” Between every song Bret Michaels’ dry authoritative voice cracks the odd joke to put the fun back into live
recordings. AIso included are highoctane full-throttle solos by guitarist C. C. Deville and drummer
Rikki Roc-
kett. Poison even squeezed in four new studio tracks, which were recorded shortly after the release of F/e& and Blood. Covering a wide range of styles, Poison goes from the neckbreakin “No More Luokii’ Back” and “S 2 Tell Me Why,“ to the funky “Souls On Fire”and finishing off with “Only Time Will Tell.” The latter was written by Michaels at a time when drinking habits nearly shut down his liver and how his ‘Angel of Mercy’
pulled him through. So, pending the reaction to their next album of new material, it looks like Poison could be a front-runner among the ’90s’ hard-rock progressionisk. gest a deliriously carefree group that has learned to enjoy the pnxess of what they do, rather than dwell upon
the rewards. No embarrassing “Sit Down” rehashes here. “Sound’s” pitter-patter drums begin to flare and swell as the whole thing starts to sway
-.extraordinary, . I *. something that _ turned -u-us casual listener into a fxt. ‘lrade-
(Campus Court)
: I x
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Irvine (California), this anthology takes you through Poison’s vast array of hits. Poison has always been known for its honest, straight-to-the-heart lyrics and song themes, brought forward with good old-fashioned American hard rock. Probably their two most
hugely successful Just a few of the live tracks include “I Want Action,” “Talk Dirty To Me,” “Nothin’ But A Good Time,” “Your
shows.” Recorded on their recent North American tour with Slaughter at concerts in Miami, Orlando, Tampa, and
tracks have been a monumental inspiration for teens struggling through adoIescence and, in return,
album was the title track “No More Tears,“a seven-minute ditty about the dangers of splitting up. It features a symphonic piano interlude and
$1.00 off ANY sandwich
greatest hits packages before, but few
have promised to deliver a true ?ive’ recording. Poison singer/songwriter Bret Michaels explains. “I can go to sleep knowing that ours is a true live album. There are no overdubs, no sweetenings. Nothing to ruin the raw edge of our live
rebounded with this remarkable effort. The first single spawned from the
Difirent Is Better!
Ever since the release of their debut album bok What 7;he Cai Drugged In in 1986, Poison has been able to do nothing wrong. And now, with worldwide album sales exceeding 13 million copies, three consecutive multi-platinum albums, and eight top-15 singles, we welcome the release of Poison’s 20-track double LP live greatest hits compilation, Swallow This Live. Many bands have released live
the norm, are the classic ballads “Something To Believe In” and “Every Rose Has Its Thorn.” Both
7&e wicked and Just Say Ozzy, the for-
clamant, yet somehow melodic, voice of Ozzy Osbourne has been admired by the hard rock faithThe
by Rich Nichol Imprint staff
of& aside, Jama is still essential listening. Rarely do you hear a band sounding so confident - it’s been
horizon, ‘92 promises a new album from James, the first fruits coming by way of the UK imported “Sound” EI? Both “Sound”and
“All My Sons” sug-
me, when the chorus goes “Mahwah-whoooo!” youU want to sing I along.
77ie Go-Betweens
The Greatest of All Times by Paul Done Imprint staff I’ve said it before and 111 say it again: The Go-Betweens were the most wonderful pop group in the world. During their decade-plus together, they crafted an oeuvre of unmatched artistry and beauty. Together, Grant Ma&nnan and Robert Forster defined new standards for songwriting which was both sublime and direct. , When they broke up on the turn of the decade, there was so much about demise which seemed their unresolved, unexplained. No real rationale was ever offered, other than the fact that there no longer seemed to be any reason to work together. As with any break-up, rumours of ill will abounded.
that he liked our music. Robert Vickers (formerly of the Go-Betweens) is playing bass for him, and so we got a phone call asking us to open the tour. It’s seven weeks around the world and we get to see each other, play our songs with just two acoustic guitars, talk about what we’re going to do in the future, meet a lot of friends, do a lot of shopping;.” Since n&her has played live outside of their immediate environs in the past couple of years, their set represented the first opportunity for most to see them performing material from their solo albums - Forster’s magnificent Danger in the PUSI, and MacLennan’s Watershed. Along with Watershed, MacLennan also collaborated with Steven Kilbey of the Church on their eponymous Jack Frost Ll? ForsterS only work
Wmrshed has a wide-open sound which more resembled The GoBetweens’ last IP 16 Lover> Lane, than did Forster’s album. ‘That’s one of the things that Bobby and I talk about a lot - that one of the big differences between us is in the production values we enjoy. I was looking for that big clean sound. Next time, I would like the sound to be bigger even, as big as it couId be, but dirty this time, not clean,” The othe Lp which MacLennan released was Jack Frost an unlikely collaboration with fellow Aussie Steve Kilbey: “The work with Steve was interesting because it allowed us to try things - lyrically - that neither of us might have normally done.”
The division of labour within T’he Go-Betweens was usually pretty clear: there were Robert’s songs and there were Grant’s songs. Grant shed some light on Jatik Frost‘s collaborative process: “When two people push together, it’s inevitable that one person will take over at a certain point and will run with it. That’s a partnership, that’s the way it works. There’s no such thing as democracy: it doesn’t exist politically, and it doesn’t exist artistically.”
thing us democracy:it doesn‘t exist politically and it doesn’texist
Next Week: Their careers as film auteurs! Reminisces about their Canadian tours! Their six years as hostages in England! and more!
and Robert
the shy boys since his album has been the recording of “Tower of Song” one of the highlights from the Leonard Cohen tribute, iin Your Fan. enough, fellow tnterestingly Aussie Nick Cave .also chose to record “Tower of Song” for the compilation. “I haven’t been in the studio since the album. . +wait.. . that sounds like it’s false - the Leonard Cohen song! I recorded my version about four months before Nick recorded his * . v I’ve heard his version and I don’t really care that there are two versions on the album.”
The legion of new Go-Betweens fans won over by the brilliant 19781990 compilation released on Polygram records were faced with the rather grim realization that they may never have the chance to see the magnificence which was The GoBetweens. All that tragedy has passed, though. First there were the great solo LB from each of them, plus other collaborations and such, then came a seven-week tour opening for Lloyd Cole. It seems that Grant MacLennan and Robert Forster have even discussed working together under the name of The Go-Betweens - but not yet. Before their Toronto gig, Imprint had the chance to chat with Robert and Grant to discuss the tour, the break-up, their solo records, their plans, etc. This is part one of that chat. Robert and Grant are an odd couple - Robert the tall, gaunt one with the disposition of a slightly odd English professor. His words come out slowly, with a laconic delivery which stretches the last syllable out into eternity. Grant, like his songs, is more direct and voluble. As with any
The Nick Cave connection continues with Robert’s solo work. Dunger in the Past was recorded with the close, collaboration of former Cave sideman Mick Harvey. “Well MickS an old friend and I’ve always enjoyed his work. He lives in Berlin, and I didn’t reaily &now many musicians when I was first living in Germany. That fact that he’s a multi-
pair of great friends, there is a telepathy between them, often fhishing the other’s sentences. The first topic to be discussed was the tour - an unlikely proposition considering the fact that Forster lives in Germany and MacLennan has returned to Australia to live in Sydney. Robert: “Well, we met Lloyd in New Yorka few yearsago, and he said
instrumentalist and could play guitar, bass, and keyboards, made the recording of the album much easier.” With two albums released in six months, Grant MacLennan has been busier than his former partner. ‘Though they were released six months apart, I recorded them at the same time, so that seemed very hectic.“,
Despite the fact that three of their albums, Libeq Be//e arid The Blmk Diamond Express, TaMah, and 16 Loverk Lane, were released domestically, it’s probably safe to say that many Go-Betvveens fans were introduced to the group through their splendid I978- I990 compilation - which deftly mixed their betterknown material with obscure gems. What’s most interesting is that the band themselves selected the material. Grant: ‘That was a wonderful experience . . . we did it in two places a hotel in Munich and Frankfurt ...I remember saying to Robert 711 choose your songs and you can choose mine’ - and that’s the way we did it. We got a publishing list of all the songs we’d written and we worked from that because there were about 30 songs that we’d forgotten about,”
prospect of Robert and I working together again. Perhaps at the end of 1992, well get together and do something.”
Massage Therapy
Newsflash:Go-Betweensto reform! Of course, the most important question of all for all Go-Bekeens fans k whether or not they wiI1 be reforming. Despite Robert’s protestations to the contrary, Grant left the door open: “What happens in most situations when divorce happens is that people don’t talk to each other. They divide up the house, someone takes the sofa, someone takes the dog, or whatever. What happened with Bobby and I is that we always kept in contact, although we live a long way from each other.” “I never really considered doing a tour with Robert, but here we are, going around th e world again, and we’ve had a great time doing it. Our<! record companies are, of c&se (a’ sidewys glance UCthe PoEygram rep in attendance) very interested in the,
The Extended Health Care Plan covers massage,with MD referral. DAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
Catherine Ackert-Caputo: Beechwood Centre (Zehr’s Plaza) Erb at Fischer-Hallman
28 Imprint, Friday, January 17 1992
Oliver StoneIs
The doors of deception JFK by Michael Bryson Imprint staff “In America we have the house of lies. . . Mr. Casey, Mr. McFarlane, Mr. North . . . “Why? because he (Casey) had a dream, he had a dream that one day there’d be an organization more powerful than the CIA, more secretive than the NSC. “I say that organization exists. “It’s called the National Postal SerViCF.
“If they’d handled the Iran-Contra affair nothing would have gone wrong. They never would have got the missiles; we never would have got the money. “And the whole time there’s Ron: ‘I know nothing.’ Whoop! Oh, no, Pinnochio. You11 be a real man real soon.” - Robin Williams When Philip Roth published T/w ~U~U-J 0~’ in 1985, Harold Bloom wrote in The Nc+~ Yurk Timrs Br~uk Rti~i~~ that Roth’s novel was “of that disturbing eminence: obscenely outrageous and yet brilliantly reflective of a paranoid reality that has become universal.” The same can be said of Oliver Stone’s JFK. disturbing, eminent, JFK is obscene, outrageous, brilliant, reflective, paranoid, real, and, sadly, universal. Where Roth takes his perennial protagonist Nathan Zuckerman to Czechoslovakia to recover Yiddish short stories lost under the Nazi occupation, Stone takes his audience back over the events leading up to the assassination of American president John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963. In Roth’s Czechoslovakia, the authorities are paranoid Zuckerman will upset the balance of power by helping to release freedom of expression. They belabor to him the
6 Convenient
relationship between artists and society, art and economics. The tieedom Zuckerman represents and, more dangerous, the freedom represented in his characters - is unacceptable to their narrow system of thought, and they throw him out of the country. In Stone’s America, the military industrial complex has whipped up a disparate conspiracy between Lyndon Johnson, the pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, the Dallas police force, organized crime, and various rightwing mercenaries to kill Kennedy and protect their various commercial and ideological interests. As in Czechoslovakia, the institutions resist change by reacting with violence. As Donald Sutherland’s character says at one point in the film, you have to ask yourself: “Who stands to gain (from the Kennedy assassination)? and who has the power to cover it up?’ And there was a cover up. Even 7%~ Toronto Sub Peter Worthington, while calling JFK an “essentially. . . corrupt movie that will probably persuade a lot of people that . . * Kennedy was a victim of a madein-America assassination plot,” says there was - and is - a cover up. “There are so many contradictions, inexplicable actions and lapses in the real assassination, that the case reeks of lies, intrigue, cover-up, deception.” Worthington says “a less-biased, more-objective director would have produced a more convincing movie.” But Worthington’s selection of the facts is no more objective than Stone’s. More convincing of what? Worthintion associates being convincing with reaching a different conclusion. There was a cover up, he says, but not a conspiracy. Either way, it is obvious that something is wrong with the Warren Report, the official explanation of Kennedy’s assassination. Oliver Stone makes sure this point is not missed. The Warren Report endorsed the
I’m crushing
. . Mr. President
one-man, one-gun theory and confirmed for popular historians the belief that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. It is the one-gun theory that is central to the cover up/conspiracy. Jim Garrison, the New, Orleans District Attorney played by Kevin Costner in the fiIm, dug up mountains of assorted information about Oswald and his connections, information that makes it next to impossible to believe that Oswald was a lonely man looking for attention and infamy by killing the president of the United States. Says Garrison in an interview published in The TOrorzto Star: (on the shooting of Oswald that made any further investigation impossible) “. _ . in hindsight, (I was) very uninformed. I hate to say it, but I was aimost pleased. I couldn’t help feeling that Oswald was the killer. I had been convinced of that by the way the news was developing, the way it had been orchestrated . . . I felt this guy got
is a Flathead.
his justice . . . the old code of the west. ‘I felt a gut reaction of ‘they got him.’ Later on when ksaw clearly that
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JFK begins with a quotation about the sin of silence, the silence Stone is attempting to address. That he has made such a thought-provoking as well as entertaining film is very much to his credit. See it,
ComDellina and an’noyin5 -
What follows is comparable to a top-10 list for 1991 releases. They are listed in no particular order except for the fop three films. The leading inspiration/deterrent to the feminist movement, Madonna, released Truth or Dare, a documentary-style film shot during her last tour. Whether its material was sincere or fabricated, it was one of the most entertaining and indicative films of the year, and Madonna sti,l.l remains the reigning pop culture enigma (with Ax1 Rose a close second). Questions of integrity are irrelevant when discussing an Oliver Stone movie. Z%e Doors was yet another
vein that when Harry Met Sally . . . closed the ’80s (got that?). A quiet and sincere movie, it’s the perfect story of paranoia and big city romance. Sincerity was also one of the winning attributes of Alan Parker’s The Commitments. This story of a soul band in Dublin also spawned a hit record which Rolling Stone said contained “faithful, energetic renderings of Memphis’ and Motown’s greatest hits.” For lovers of art films (ie. the ones that leave a pool of drool in your popcorn and a sensation in your head like youtre been listening to an electric pencil sharpener for 90 minutes) Barton Fink is ideal. To borrow from Soundgarden, it can best be described as “louder than live.” This Coen brother collaboration is both compelling and annoying, like Jesse Ventura. Sure to dominate the technical categories of this year’s &cars, Terminatur 2: hdgrpem Day is a shot of pure adrenaline, containing some of the best special effects in the history of film. Oddly enough, it was Linda Hamilton’s role that was more diverse and intebal than Amie’s, and still Arnie gets all the hype {there’s no one else on the movie poster) and the jet plane valued at over $10 million as payment. Anthony Hopkins plays a similarly cerebral nemesis in Silence uf the Lambs. His brilliant, monotonous, psychotic performance virtually stole the movie from its true star, Jodie Foster. A film that best embodies the spirit of 1991 isLa Femme Nikita, a fascinating French thriller with a feminist slant (though less heavy-handed than T?wlma & Louise). Nikita is the strong woman of the Nineties, characterized more by her inner strength and smarts than the physical aptitudes of Linda Hamilton’s character in 72 The best f&n of 1991 was JFK. The success of JFK is directly attributable to its director, Oliver Stone, one of the best directors of the past decade. Here he has created som,e of the most comp&ng, spellbinding sequences
byMikeTruscello #e&l to Imprint When film historians review 1991 years from now it is surely tobecome known as the Year of Androgyny. Men wept, women toted big guns, women pumped iron, and, again, men wept. Hollywood noted the success of &e#y Woman and Ghost from the previous year and decided to cater to a yet untapped female market that had been dormant during the “Body Count” ’80s. Women had more starring roles, and in the supporting roles they became more vocal with more substantial parts. In spite of this influx of movies featuring female leads, the top grossers of 1991 were Eminator2, Robin Hood, and Silence ofthe Lambs. It could be argued that the females in these movies (especial1y Linda Hamilton and Jodie Foster) were the true draws (as opposed to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Anthony Hopkins}. But based on precedence this seems unlikely, and this may be the biggest injustice of the year. So what about Thelma & Louise? It was out-grossed by City Slickem, a male-bonding movie. Is Julia Roberts Dying Young? And Demi Moore seems to be following her husband’s career choices with films like The Butcher’s Wife and &thing But T,u-
in Stone’s
would be a travesty if Val Kilmer were overlooked at this year’s Oscars for his portrayal of Jim Morrison+ Just as 7?ze Doom chroniiles the ‘~OS,Frankie & Johnnie is an excellent introduction to the ‘9Os, in the same
sion JFK is definitely the most intriguing riveting film of the year. In 1991, on film, femininity was truly reborn, in both good (ALUFemme Nikita) and bad (melma & L&he) presentations.
Imprint, Friday, Janaury 17, 1992 29
Big chill in the Grand- Canyon by Derek WeiIer Imprint staff early accounts, Grand would seem to promise much. The time is nigh for a film that features an interlocking cast of characters playing out the dramas of their lives against the backdrop of modern-day Los Angeles. A film dealing thoughtfully with crime, race relations, marriage and parenthood. Entei film-maker Lawrence Kasdan, The Great Trivializer. Grand Canyon begins with Mac, a yuppie immigration lawyer, taking a shortcut home from a Lakers game and having his car break down in The Bad Part of Town. Some armed homeboys start hassling him, and just when things are getting ugly, a heroic black tow-truck driver shows up to save Mac’s neck. Thus do the lives of Mac and Simon (the truck driver) become intertwined. Throughout the film, Kasdan examines the daily trials of Mac and the people around him. There’s Claire, Mac’s wife, who finds an abandoned baby and wants to keep it. There’s Simon’s sister and her children, one of whom is a teenage gangmember. There’s Mac’s friend Davis, a successful producer of action flicks who gets shot in the leg for his Rolex. And there are Mac’s coworkers: Dee (who he has a brief indiscretion with) and Jane (who he sets up with Simon). It’s all held together by a plot that is tenuous at best, arbitrary and stupid at worst. Shocking events come out of nowhere, and this does not give an impression of realism so much as one of gratuitous sensationalism. There is little sense of thought or control By
for the Man
behind the story. The “Grand Canyon” motif the national landmark as representative of both man’s violent society and his ultimate insignificance - that would seek to unify the film is half-baked, to say the least. Ultimately, Grand Caqml &too unconvincing, too.. _jarringly ineffecWe, to be compelling. And the basic problems with the story are worsened by other factors. The most glaring flaws are the witIess dialogue and the lazy characterizafew and far between.
The Thinking Heart ed. by George Gait Quay
For every Nut
Wanted On the Vqvage, there were ten thousand ‘poems about winter. Slowly you discovered Leonard Cohen, Brian Fawcett, and Robertson
251 pages, $18.95
Davies. In an attempt to awaken Canadians to the talent that lies within their bor-
de&, Quarry
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff
I wonder about many things. In this age of technology we live in, much confuses me, but the thing I wonder about the most is why we read only bad Canadian literature in highschool. Back then, Canadian meant boring. It meant stories about Manitoba farms and the search for identity. It meant stories about the arctic and harsh climates which we
suffered Canadian
through literature
enough meant
ourselves. horrible
sessions of reading out loud passages of the Stone Angel with a teacher who thought Hagar Shipley was the greatest character to hit the page since Stephen Daedalus. It took some time to finally hit the good stuff and the good works were
Press continues its Best Canadian Essays collection. When I first picked up the tome, I was at the same time glad and sad that I only recognized a few of the authors. Glad that the good authors weren’t all used up, and sad that I was venturing into .new tetiitory. I knew that there was a good enough chance I would venture into it and realize that it was crap. Fortunately the authors have been chosen for their writing and whatever it may be called, it is (for better or worse) Canadian.
tion. Steve Martin’s Davis character vacillates unbelievably, and Mac him-
Guilty whitepeople Step
self careers through his actions without benefit of any sense of motivation. Boys.” Here, Salutin Canadian government
accuses the of creating a discernible ministry of propaganda, in which Peter Mansbridge and his effervescent spouse Wendy correspondent” “national-affairs Mesley are the chief ministers. By breaking down the ill-fated MeechWeek and the media’s treatment of it, Salutin presents a convincing case for a government conspiracy which is a11 the more effective (as he points out) because nobody knows it’s going
What that means is that you11 get some essays like Cl+rk Blaise’s ‘The Border
As Fiction,”
a bad
Topley Copy Centre 150 University
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Resume Sewice Let us prepare your resume professionallly of do it yourself using our Macintosh or IBM computers.
Despite the various topics presented, there is a common element in at least some of the stories. It is a morbid preoccupation with death within these pages, from Peter Behrens’ story about his father’s death to Dalton Camp’s expose on “The Plot to Kill Canada,” a rather timely motif weaves its way through all of these writers. Not surprisingly, FrenchCanadian relations seems to be the main topic of discussion, thus pre- ’ senting a rather tense juxtaposition which one hopes will not reveal itself as prophetic. But this colIection does not seem designed to solicit one type of response. That is to say, editor George Galt does not seem to have chosen these essays for one purpose or another. True, “The Plot to Kill Canada” does itself present the potential Ioss of French Canada as a major tragedy, but for every conservative essay such as that, we have Margaret Atwood’s attack on both the old boys network and extreme feminism. So, George Gait’s purpose (if there was one at all) seems to have been more noble than simply soliciting a
==Y - none of them are - but it has that stereotypical preoccupatiofi with a) The Americans, and b) defining what it is to be a Canadian. However, there are some excellent “modem” essays in this collection such as Rick Salutin’s ‘Brian and the
Also, most of the acting is sub-par. The usually strong Kevin Kline is surprisingly wooden as Mac, while Mary McDonnell as Claire and MarvLouise Parker as Dee over-emo;e ridiculouslv. Even the actors who turn in ’ decent performances (actually, perhpas the singular form would ‘Gel more appropriate, since only Danny Glover as Simon leaps to mind) cannot do much with the idiotic pronouncements given them
by the script -- lines which have ‘insight” flashing subliminally on the screen but which come off as ridiculously banal. (About the only thing right with Grand Canyon is Kasdan’s talented cinematography, particularly the mesmerizing credit sequence. But good shooting can’t save a bad movie.) It’s also worth noting that for a film that purports to look intelligently at crime and race relations, Grand Canyon sports some disturbing undercurrents. First of all, most of the movie’s criminaLls and deviants are ethnic. Second, there are scenes with Roberto, Mac’s white bread 15-yearold son, comforting homesick children at summer camp (read: good kid) contrasted with the gangland exploits of Otis, Simon’s homeboy nephew (read: bad kid). Third, the visceral opening confrontation between Mac and the street toughs is handled in such a way so as not to seriously consider racial crime, but rather to exploit the audience’s fear of it. The same could be said for most of Grand Canyun -- it does not deal with the issues thoughtfully, but rather shallowly and exploitatively. For all the random arbitrary violence throughout the film, for all the uses of the police helicopter motif (it’s as hamfisted as it sounds), in the end none of the major characters has been real!v touched by the violence around them that Kasdan pretends to examine unflinchingly. The ending features everyone gathering round the rim of the Grand Canyon, while the camera pans slowly over the awesome rock formations. A too-late attempt to give the film a feel-good tone, it’s only the final cop-out in a movie full of them.
The UW Distinguished Teacher Awards b To nominate instructor,
Resources and Continuing Education (TRACE) MC 4055, ext. 3132 Nomination
February 7, 1992
authority. He has presented the reader with some intriguing ided, that are not good simply by their virtue of being Canadian, but simply among the best of a country that has more to offer than snow and wheat fields.
your outstanding
30 Imprint, Friday, January 17, 1992
Haunted . Hamlet
Wifid Luurier University 7lleutre Auditorium
by your
Friday, January 17 and Saturday, January l&l992 8Pm by Stacey Lobin Imprint staff
Hamlet, the most venerable of Shakespeare’s tragedies, is this year’s for Theatre major presentation Laurier, a group composed of faculty, staff, alumni, and students within Wilfrid Laurier University. Theatre Laurier plans to present a “traditional,” yet modest, personal, and accessible interpretation of a very :heavy-weight and heavy-handed Play*
The play is directed by Dr. L&ie O’Dell, an English professor at WLU, and stars Kate Hennig, a guest artist and professional actor, as Hamlet. Immediately, this play is worth seeing; the casting of a female in a male lead role (whiIe not totally uncharted territory) will add an interesting twist to traditional interpretations of the Play.
Hamlet Prince of Thebes Why, if you’ve seen it before, should you want to go and see another Hamlet? If you like or even love the play, it is almost necessary to see as many productions as you can, for one may always learn something new from different interpretations. The different perspective of each director affords an opportunity to learn something new about the play, something that never may have occurred to the viewer before. Be ,-they dry, flavourless, BBC lowbudget television productions; dark, gloomy post-modern interpretations; or glamorous, lavish movies, each Hamlet has something worthwhile to offer its audience,
ODell’s intention in casting a woman in the role is to challenge the traditional concepts of gender; gender reversal questions the nature of gender and its function in society. Also, ODell cast the actual role of Hamlet as a much younger figure than usual - a teenager in fact which may lend further credence to Hamlet’s impetuous and confusing behaviour. Tickets may be obtained for the three performances at the Purple and Gold Store at King St. and University Ave. (7252993), or at the WLUSU Info Centre in the Student Union Buil * WLU. Tickets are $10.00 for adults, Y 8.00 for students and seniors. For more information, please call 8841970 (x2882).
4:30 ]Mll*
- 6:OO
20, 1992,
Rocm CPI-I 3388
OR Contact:
but cuddly
I have had the worst recurring nightmare that I feel I must share with you. It all began back in midDecember when a certain beer company began advertising Bryti Adams comeback concert tour. You know the commerciat. The one that boasts: “After countless encores at Wembley . . . After having the number one album in every single country on the face of the earth . . . after bringing home the bacon and frying it up in the pan,” and ends with Bryan’s face (acne scars cleverly concealed under ten pounds of pancake make-up) filling up the television screen as he screams something to the effect that he’ll see us soon because he’s coming home in January. Personally, I see this as more than a mere factual statement. It is a threat. Bryan Adam’s must be stopped. The CRTC had the right idea when they began distancing Bryan from Canada. To the naked eye, one that cuts like a knife (and feels so right right, mind you) right through to the truth of the matter, it is clearly evident that Bryan Adams has sold his soul to the devil. Why else would David Duke have adopted “Everything i Do” as his theme song? January 19 brings us strange bedfellows in the form of Ozzy and Naughty by Nature. The Wiz plays his rescheduled concert at the International Centre in Toronto. Look for a free sample of Johnson’s and Johnson’s Baby Shampoo at the door. Whereas Naughty by Nature play locally at the Twist. Members of the Native Tongues posse, Black Sheep open this bill. Cbser to the end of this month (Thursday, January 30 in fact) brings
the Holly Cole Trio to the Humanities Theatre. Get your tickets early SO as not to be disappointed. On this selfsame night Oxford, England’s Swervedriver drive into Lee’s Palace. These dredlocked lads will dazzle and delight you . . . if you decide to brave the dreaded 40 1. The latest in living legends hitting the concert trail in order to show the youngin’s~just who is responsibIe for the music which they listen to and thinkis”ohsooriginal,“Al~Chiltbn, plays the Horseshoe Tavam in Toronto on Monday, February 3. Tickets are available at fine establishments everywhere. If Peter Buck shows up for Alex
Chilton,(pieareendurethisinaneseque - the author) then he will probably stick around for Robyn Hitchcock and the Egypt&m on the following Monday, February 10 at the El Mocambo. See this show and find out
ihat the c0nce:f-t reviewers for Spin, Rolling Stone, and NME have been raving about. A Reading Week Highlight will undoubtably be Primal Scream and their community of creativity, consisting of DJ’s, friends, and fellow musicians, to Toronto’s RPM on Tuesday, February 18. Don ‘t Fight It, Fee! It indeed. UW Fine Arts students, Christine Dotzert and Debbie Johnson, opened their show “Porphyria Unbound” at the Start Gallery in Waterloo. The show runs until January 26. Call 8864139 for more details. Until next time.. . think upon these thine, and remember what I said about BrYalX Forewarned * forearmed (forearm to the lam: that is!!). Photo by Wim van der Lugt
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