Imprint Editorial
Peter Brawn Editor ................ ..I ........ Dave Thomson
Editor-in=Chkt Asdstant MewsEditor
....................... Vivian Tambeau Sheri l-lendry
General Manger.. mice clerk
is the official student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. imprint is a yember of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms and every second Friday during the Spring term. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room’ 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3Gl. E-mail should be addksed to imprint at watservl *Waterloo-edu. Our Fax number is 884-7800. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising.
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Vince Kozma Joanne Sand rin Dave Thomson Staft Liaison ......................................... Anna Done Directors at Large ....................................................... ........................................................ ............................
The Himalayas
special toImprint
First we had the Olympics, then Beach - uh, Reading - Week, and now we have the event of the winter
Applications still being accepted
by K. Pendrith Student Career Advisor Needles Hall. The bottomless pit of administrivia where people go in and never come out. It is here where Career Setices finds its home. Career Services - ugh - who needs the hasde? Who has the time? Who needs help with something as simple as a resume? Career Services holds the answers to these questions and is holding a job fair in the Modem--Languages foyer
Prof. set&v Kumar Wrecfor Himalayan Field Study Program village II Telephone: 74645946
W0 greatpizzas!Onelow price: Always!~Always! I
need em, got em .
term: Winterfest, Winter fiaw ‘92. it runs from Monday, March 2 to Saturday, March 7,a week full of madness and mayhem climaxing on Saturday at the Bomber with the Polar P1unge Nights. ’ There is also a dart toumament and a
Human Eccbgy, Developmentand EnskonmentalIssues.
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on Tuesday, March 3 from lo:30 am to 2:30 pm. Hunting for a summer job or a permanent position is, without question, a most horrible and sometimes daunting task. St+ one: visit Career Services. It’s a university setice that you are entitled to use. How can Career Services help you? Career Services can assist in all aspects of career/job hunting, from beginning to end. This includes, to name a few popular aspects, career choices, resumes, letter writing, interview skills, and job search skills. But wait, there’s more! If you are concerned about what career opportunities are in your field, Career Services can lend a hand. If you prefer to talk to a fellow student about your job search woes, the Student Career Advisor program is for you.
bobbing for pingpang balls in jek~. A student/faculty art show will run
from all mediums will be on display from 10 am to 4 pm in the Great Hall of Campus Centre. All works will be supervised and insured by the Feds. The next big event is the “Band Bash at the Bomber” on Thursday night. Bands and soloists from UW will have 20-40 minutes to perform,
~~[~iFb&i’~~f~~~ Come’out and s;pport your friends who will have the chance to win fabulous prizes. ’ Unfortunately, two of the Winter Thaw -events a’re already filled up (and have waiting lists) but spectators are welcome for both the Ball Hockey Tourney and Over-Night Broomball. Broomball takes place all night on Friday from midnight until 7 am at Columbia Icefield. Ball Hockey will run from 10 am 4 pm on Saturday in a lot close to the parking bombshelter. Also on Saturday is the Poiar Plunge where insane individuals are invited to take the Plunge, namely diving into an ice-filled pool (behind the ‘Shelter) in a bone- and jewelchilling attempt to win fabbo prizes. Anyone surviving the Plunge is then invited to soak in a hot tub on the uatio.
’ For.people who did not have the opportunity, or cash, to travel to Day,tona in Reading Week, this is your chance to show your ultraviolet radiation worshipper friends just how wild and crazy you are.
Swina Residence AcciGiidatioi-d Live on Campus for only
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Student vacancies on Campus during the Spring Term 1992 at the University of St. Jerome’s Men’s Residence. The Residence Cafeteria serves three meals per day, four days a week. 0n Friday, only two meals are provided and there is no meal service during the weekend, however, students do have access to a B8Q and. cooking facilities. Residency includes a study room, a television lounge, a games room, a microwave room and coin-operated laundry facilities. Pop and snack machines are also available. Limited parking is available in the College lot for a f-. Application forms may be obtained from the Directoi of Residence, Steven Sabourin, at the Universiv of St. Jerome’s College, Waterloo, Ontario N213G3, 884-8110, ext. 251 or 237.
Last year’s deficit erased big-time by Iain Anderson Imprint staff
In a time of recessionary restraint, rising tuition, and funding cutbacks, it is a relief to get some good news from the Federation of Students. On Sunday, February 23, vice-president, operations and finance Steve Millard presented Student Council with his Statement of Revenue and Expenditures and Members’ equity, for the
Millard and his staff have managed to turn last years’ deficit of over $200,000, into a quarter of a million dollar surplus. “We have cut costs all around the Federation,” said Millard. “Both bzirs have reduced expenses, our office expenses are down and labour rates are down.” Since being acclaimed into office
last year, Millard has produced a gain of $254,478 for the Federation, compared to a loss of $214,014 for the same period the previous year. One glaring difference in the statement this year is the total Cost of goods sold (liquor, food, and other) which is $214,406 lower than last year. Salaries and wages are also down from $716,871 last year to $619,488 this year. inside the offices of the Federation,
Surprises for council by Dave Thomson rmprint staff Members of the. Federation of Students’ Student Council convened at Federation Hall last Sunday to run through a l&item agenda, with the two items of primary interest being a proposal by two undergraduate students to declare the Student Life Centre and Ontario Federation of Students referenda void, And President John Leddy’s university funding proposal. The proposal concerning the referenda was brought to the Federation of Students’ Board of Directors by Sue Forrest and Paul Done at a meeting shortly before the Student’s Council meeting. The 25-page proposal documents numerous infractions of the Federation’s by-laws and the Ontario Corporations Act that are alleged to have taken place during both the SLC and OFS referenda. Done was the chair of the “No”committee for the OFS referendum. At the Student Council meeting, Leddy briefed members about the “alleged problems with the SK and OFS referenda,” adding that the Federation will be consulting their lawyers about the matter. Until they receive legal advice pertaining to the SLC referenda, said Leddy, ‘the Student Life committees will continue to meet as planned. Ledd>;‘s next item of business was a funding proposal that is to replace Waterloo students’ lobbying voice, since the students voted to withdraw membership from OFS.
A draft proposal by the Ontario Students Funding University Alliance (OUSFA) “to improve the quality of the learning environment in Ontario universities” was distributed to the councillors at the meeting by Leddy. He claimed that the system of income-contingent loan repayments would pay for itself within ten years, based on OiJSFA’s assumptions about interest rates, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and other variables. Leddy asked councillors to look over the proposal and suggest any possible changes at the next meeting. Students can obtain a copy of the OUSFA proposal. at the Federation offices in the Campus Centre. Vice-President, Operations and Finance Steve Millard presented a “Statement of Revenue and Expenditures and Members’ Equity” for the nine months ended February 1,1992. (See separate story.) In her report to council, Vice President, University Affairs Lisa Brice said the Federation is going to be participating in a volunteer-based organization called Peer Assistance Link System (PALS), whereby a “help” telephone line will be set up and monitored by volunteers who will help students troubled with the stress of their *academic studies. The Constitutions of the Armenian Students Association, the Students for Life, and the Waterloo CIub of Classical Games were supposed to be approved, but no one representing any of these organizations came to the meeting. The next meeting of Student’s Council will be at Fed Hall on March 8, at 2 pm.
student government expenses have been cut from $129,205 last year to $106,523 for this year. Helping Millard on the revenue portion of the statement are student fees and bar sales. Both have risen from last year, with student fees going from $519,317 to $550,066, and bar sales increasing from $1,088,258 to $1,196,689. Aside from drastically cutting expenses from last year, Millard has
also managed to stay well within his proposed budget. Initial projections called for a relatively modest surplus of $49377 for the first nine months of the year. When MilIard first took office he vowed to “do everything I can to balance all portions of the budget, especially problem areas like Fed Hall.“So far, it would seem his actions are carrying the weight of his promises.
1 I j 1 j
big Engineers push the =I bus for chamy Lby Gale Cotta SpeciaI to Imprint
Tired of the February blabs? I& ting the hum-drum routine get you, down? Well, fight back - don’t ride a Kitchener-Waterloo Transit bus, PUSH IT!! Come join the 16th Annual Engineering Bti Push for Big Sisters. The engineers have challenged all faculties and the church colleges to see who will bring in the most money in pledges for the KW Big Sisters. The Engineering Bus Push will be held on Saturday, March 14th. A KW Transit bus will be pulled from the University of Waterloo down to Market Square in Kitchener. All
The Big Sisters ak the recipients downtown Kitchener.
money raised through pledges is donated to Big Sisters. Naturally, there wilI be prizes for ihe p-t-icipants. The person who raises the most money in pledges will receive a Hare Mountain Bike from Cycle Path second prize isa $15Ogift certificate from UW Computer Store and a tele hone (value $lOO), third prize isa P 100 gift certificate from 0. W. Spurts, and fourth prize is a telephone (value $100). There will also be a raffle held for all of the . smaller prizes. Big Sisters is an organization which prmmtesthe social, emotional, and physical well-being and development of children, through the establishment of caring relationstips with trained, female, adult volun-
of the largesse
of stirdents
teers. They provide programs that respond to and support the changing needs of children in the community, by offering guidance and supportthrough a one-to-one friendship with a responsible, caring woman and by providing the opportunity for girls and boys to develop their strengths and to enhance their sense of self. In 1991, Big Sisters served a total of 230 children in the community. If you are interested in taking part, pledge sheets can be picked up at the Fed Office (CC 235) or at the Orifice (CPH 1327) as of Thursday, February 27. For further information, call Giselle Cotta or Ernie Abbott at extension 2323.
wilf pull a ma
UW to
Funding proposal asks for income continaencv II-
by Iain Anderson Imprint staff In response to last month’s referendum concerning the University of Waterloo’s pull-out from the Ontario Federation of Students WS), .Federation of Students President John Leddy and Vice-President, University Affairs Lisa Brice have presented their proposal on Ontario university funding. “Ontario University Entitled Alliance” Students Funding (OUSFA), the proposal was formulated in conjuction with other non-OFS universitiw. Leddy and &-ice were
of Waterloo
leaving OFS in order to create a new alliance of Ontario universities to better represent students at the provincial leve1. “We believe that accountability both internally to the university community and externally to the surrounding community is vitally important,” the report says. In “Part I: Accountability”, it recommends implementation of the Smith Report, a government report on Ontario
1991. The relevant portion of the Smith Report calls for compilation of statistics gathered from surveys of undergraduates, graduates, graduate employers; and_ - professors. These
statistics would then be used to help ensure that “missions are being accomplished and priorities balanCd.”
The meat of the OUSFA proposal deals with student aid and accessibility. It recommends the implementation of an ambitious Income Contingent Luan Repayment Plan. Under the plan, students able
to defer
would be aU tuition
fees until completion of their Once undergraduate StUdieS. classified as a full-time member of the Canadian workforce, a fixed percentage of their income (no more than
five per cent) would be applied to the outstanding balance of their loan. This would continue until the loan is paid in fulI with interest. “WE BELIEVE that students bear the direct financial benefit of a post secondary education.. . WE BELIEVE that the costs and expected benefits associated with different educational programs offered at the postsecondary education level (eg. law vs. general arts) should be recognized through differential fees for different programs.” The report would like to see students pay different levels of tuition
based on what program they are in and what their expected income will be upon graduation. Implementation , of this recommendation would be subject to government acceptance of the income contingent loan repayment program. Recognized in the report is the fact that the public sector is already fkr too over-taxed to be able to support any additional increases in funding. The re rt is now awaiting r om WaterIoo’s student approval council. If it should be approved, copies wiII be sent’ to the student governments Of all other, 0ntark3 universities for their consideration and suggestiorw
1 ! y ; i d 0 ! ; ! j ’
4 Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992
Optometry Week
The by Oliver Chcmg, Monika ham, Cheryl LAheren, Christina schropp, Ann Byard, and Debra Curie uw 0ptom-Y This year’s national Vision Awareness Week is from March 1-7, 1992. VAW is run annually by the Canadian Association of Optometrists and provides an excellent opportunity to increase public awareness of vision and eye care, and of optometry’s role as primary eye-care specialists. Thti year’s theme, “There’s No Trick tc Good Vision,” is meant to emphasize the importance of regular eye examinations.
This is the third year of active involvement in VAW actitities for the UW School of Optometry and its students. Organized by the Waterloo Chapter of the Canadian Association of Optometry Students (CA@), the week will be filled with a number of public awareness activities involving the entire optometry student body. To highlight the events of the week, Saturday, March 7 will bring the third annual VAW Wine and Cheese Gala to held at the Waterloo Motor Inn and sponsored by the American Association of Optometry Students. Special guests at this year’s wine and cheese will be students from 1’University de
Montreal’s School of Optometry, and optometrists from the Ontario Association of Optometrists who participated in the UW school’s OAO Mentor program. The evening’s keynote speaker will be Dr. D. Sullins, an important figure in contemporary optometry.
School of Optometry UW’s School of Optometry is located on the north end of campus, directly across from the main campus on the north side of Columbia Street. Every year, 60 students from across Canada enter the four-year Doctor of Optometry program after the completion of a minimum of two years of general science prerequisites. The school has the distinction of being the only school in Canada offering an optometry program instructed in English. LZlniversite de MontreaI offers the only other School of Optometry in Canada, providing instruction in French. The Drogram at UW focuses on both a&de&c principles and clinical
“we me extremely pleasedto be handingout eyeballgumbulls!” High school presentations this year, made to grade 1 1, 12, and OAClevel physics and biology classes, will be expanding beyond the KitchenerWaterloo area to Guelph high schools. The presentations are designed to educate the students about vision and eye care and also provide an opportunity to see some of their theoretical education put into practice in an interesting and informative format.
procedures of the optometric profession. Between the third and fourth years of the program, students have the opportunity to refine their professional skills by participating in summer internships across Canada and around the world. As well as being a teaching and research facility, the School of Optometry offers primary eye care services which include routine refraction, ocutar health, and binocular vision assessment. A broad range of specialty clinics also operate at the school, including ocular health, iow vision, contact lens, binocular vision, pediatrics, electrodiagnostics, and sports vision, as well as a full spectacle dispensar)‘s
An information book will be set up in the UW campus centre on Monday, March 2 and Thursday, March 5 from 9 am to 5 pm. Optomee students will be available to answer questions and discuss vision and eye care. Information on contact lenses, sunglasses, visual display terminals, cataracts, and effects*of diabetes and the eye. This year, we are extremelypleased to be handing out eyeball gumballs! Another information booth will be set up at Fairview Mall on Friday, March 6 from 12 pm to 9:30 pm. UW optometry students and local OAO optometrists will be on hand to increase the public’s awareness of proper vision and eye care and of the professional role of an optometrist. Ln addition to the public information pamphlets and eyeball gumballs, a fundus camera will be on display that takes great pictures of the back.of the human eye. KlNG6 6RlDGEPORT
by Paul Done Imprint staff Spring is rapidly approaching, the time when all young women’s and men’s minds turn to . . . bicycles. Rather than go through another summer with the same old heap, why not check out the ‘92 models from over 25 ‘of leading bike manufacturers? The sixth annual Toronto Bicycle show will be takiig place this Friday through Sunday (Feb 28, 29, Mar 1) in the Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place. This year’s show will feature display?, races, giveaways, and more.
This year at the campus centre and Fairview Mall, we wiI1 be encouraging the public to bring their used spectacles, which can be used by students and forwarded to volunteer organizations such as the Canadian Foundation for World Development to be distributed in the third w&d.
used spectacles can donated to UW’s Optometry.
always School
Thinking green is the theme, and bikes are as green as it gets. They’re environmentally friendly, they’re healthy, and they’re less expensive. That doesn’t mean that you can’t get
be of
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just as covetous and materialistic as you would for a car, though. Manufacturers like Specialized, Miyata, Diamond Back, Concorde, Fisher, and others will be there showing off their latest models. Whether you’re looking to spend a few hundred on a new all-terrain bike or whether you’re looking to drop a few grand on Merlin$ sub-20-lb. titanium mountain wonder bike. Along with the bike displays, there will be mountain and trial bike competitions, bicycle-wear fashion shows, safety and maintenance displays, etc. It should be a smorgasbord for fanatical and casual riders alike. The show will be going on noon - IO pm Friday, 10 am - 10 pfi Saturday, and 10 am - 6 pm Sunday. Admission is $7 for adults, $4.25 for kids and seniors.
Rrn., 1302 Registration
Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992 5
CUSEN brings students together by Jennifer Michol special to Imprint
An interesting new concept called “networking” has recently pervaded the student environmenta movement in Canada. In the past, environ: mental action on campuses across the country has been sporadic and unconnected. Last January, however, Queen’s University hosted a conference to bring together students who were frustrated at the lack of environmental awareness in Canadian “higher education” institutions and the lack of united action among them. It was at this conference, only one year ago, that the Canadian Unified Student Environmental Network or Ehxdiant(e)s canadien (ne) s unifie (e) s pour la defense de I’Environnement) came into being. By networking, activists do not have to choose between action at the national or Iocal level - they can do both. CUSEN seeks to form communication links among existing youth environmental groups across the country. These links unite many diverse voice which continue to work at a local level but together create one strong voice.
Action is becoming the key word in CUSEN and this was a strong focus of the Ontario Regional CUSEN conference held at University of Western Ontario in London from February 7 to 9,1992. Conferences are one of the most rewarding aspects of CUSEN because they give students who have common interests in environmental, development, and social justice issues an opportunity to share ideas, educate themselves, and empower each other. The focus of the tremendously successful conference at UWO was “The Great Lakes: Communicating the Message.” The conference consisted of three intense and busy days of great speakers, workshops, and meetings about CUSEN. All of the speakers emphasized the urgency of the environmental crisis that we face. Pat Potter, who reviews environmental literature for the CBC, emphasized as the other speakers did, that it is not enough to simply change ourselves so that we become conscious of the effect of our actions on the earth. It is crucial that we also become involved in educating others and creating much more widespread change.. One of the issues the Ontario divi-
sion of CUSEN decided to focus on until the next regional conference scheduled for February, 1993, is water pollution in Elmira, Ontario caused primarily by the Uniroyal chemical plant. Elmira, which is increasingly being referred to as “Canada’s Love Canal”, is a 20minute drive upstream from Waterloo. Toxic chemicals being released in Elmira hold a potential danger for water quality there and in the rest of the Kitchener-Water100 region. The CUSEN committee which will concentrate on this issue is going to be located at the University of Waterloo. CUSEN’s most effective means of communication is its national newsletter called Em Liaisons, published three times annually. If you are interested in learning more about CUSEN, this is a good place to start copies of the newsletter are available in the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group office located in the general services complex (8849020). If you are interested in getting involved in the Elmira campaign or would like to get more information about CUSEN, please contact Greg Newton at 8864367, Cheryl Evans at 746-1875, or Jennifer Michol at 7253480.
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Permaculture: way of the future by Cheryl Evans special to Imprint
Are you sick of depending on stores and utility companies for everything that you need? Do you question why you pay so’ much money for ail of these things when you could produce many of them yourself? Do you wish that you could find out how to do these things? Well, I wondered these too and was without answers until two weeks ago when I attended the CUSEN conference. A guest speaker from Australia, named Simon Fell, gave an enlightened speech about a grassroots, hands-on theory that he called Permaculture. The general ideas behind Permaculture were developed by a small group, headed by Bill Bollission in Australia over two decades ago. The name permaculture stands for permanent agriculture, but it is not just about farming. It is about leading a simpler, more productive way of life. Permaculturalists take the human, plant, and animal resources in any given area and integrate them into a .system that promotes self-sufficiency. It is practical, cost-effective, and best of all, it works with natural systems. It takes advantage of countless opportunities that have always open, but have been overlooked. For example, Fe11 himself lives in a house that he designed to function the permaculture way. He has removed all of the lawn and replaced useless grass plants with fruit and nut trees, vegetables, and spices. He also has chickens that assist in spreading around the valuable seeds on the propertyIn his back yard, he has a fish pond that if upslope from the front yard and serves to slowly irrigate it. He uses human and vegetable wastes to provide nutrients in his garden. His home is solar-heated and he lives with four individuals who used to be homelessand are now employed fulltime running the home and gardens. Fell’s work started with his own home and now he is teaching others, in&ding a many farmers in Australia, about multi-crop yields. Au tirat he does is simple and logical, makes economic sense, and produces a bountiful harvest each year of crops and jobs. An impressive feat that other per-
maculturalists have accomplished is agriculture in areas that have been dismissed for far too long as unfarmable; cities. Successful permacuIture projects in Germany have promoted roadside forestry which provide 60 to 80 per cent of municipal incomes in certain areas. Townspeople in the South Bronx, an American inner city, now grow seven per cent of that city’s vegetables and herbs in window boxes, abandoned lots, and roof-top gardens. In a city with high unemployment and poverty, the project provides a welcome 400 jobs and a fresh, local supply of food. A common thread in all of the work is that it gives power back to the little guy’. By providing jobs and survival items, it makes people less dependent on large-scale organizations for their daily survival. Permaculture is for everyone. It adjusts to every situation and every community, even our own. It encourages the economic indepen-
dence of peoples within smail regions, neighbourhoods, and individual households. For ideas on how to become more self-sufficient in our region and in your own home, you can consult Permaculture Two in the Laurier Library. Also, a magazine called ??mnacuZture is published worldwide that shares insightful ideas from permaculturalists across the globe and is available at public interest organizations in the city. So, don’t despair, there is much you can do by yourself to increase your selfsufficiency. The answers are right in front of you, maybe right in your own back yard.
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Opinion: The opinion pages are designed for Imprint staff members or feature contributors to present their views on various issues. The opinions exprewd in columns, comment pieces, and other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Only articles clearly labelled “editorial” and unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
fireside chat by Peter Brown A number of engineering students have complained about a statement that I made two weeks ago in this column about the results of the OFS referendum. In that column, I said, regarding the large percentage of “NO” votes in the engineering faculty, “That’s a familiar pattern here at Waterloo: engineers voting in droves and like sheep.“ First of all, all of you are right. That is an offensive metaphor and I should not have used it to describe engineering students. I was unfair to taunch such a blanketing attack upon the voting patterns of a faculty that is consistently the most participatory in student politics and other extra-curricular activities, especially when I ignore the fact that other faculties, such as arts, consistently show the lowest turnout on campus. However, t must respond to the contention that my negative response stemmed from engineers voting opposite to my point of view on OFS. In this respect, you are partly right, I continue firmly to believe that t’he average student, unsullied by ideology and presented with the arguments of both sides, would have chosen the “Yes” side, simply by force of reason. But I have expressed concern in the past about engineering faculty voting patterns even when t have agreed with their opinions. In the Student Life Building referendum of November, 1990, I campaigned actively for the “NO” side and 83.5 per cent of engineering voters (with 44.7 per cent turnout, the highest OH campus) agreed with me. I stil I expressed concern about such a high proportion of one faculty voting for one option. My concern was piqued by the Engineering Society p&den1 that term stamping EngSoc approval on “Vote No”’ posters for distribution around the engineering buildings the day before the vote, I was also disturbed by the speed with wtMch those posters were replaced on voting days after being torn down by the Chief Returning Officer. In the winter of 1990, John Vellinga and Mark Elliot battled for the position of Federation President for 1990-91. Elliot led, by a small margin, in six of the e!even polls, five of the six largest ones. Vellinga, being president of EngSoc, knew that he could count on support from his faculty but I think that even he was surprised when the ballots were tallied and 84.3 per cent of engineering voters picked him. On the strength of that 407 to 76 landslide, Vellinga won the office by a margin of 105 votes. It is dangerous for me to draw the conclusion from this pattern that engineers tend to be less critical about political choices. Perhaps the nature of the discipline, combined with the restrictive entrance requirements, means that engineering students tend to be more tikeminded than those, for instance, in the arts faculty. Equally, we could hypothesize that the arts faculty’s traditionally low turnout derives from the same cause - more diversity, less consensus. As far as the efficacy of the OFS “No” side’s arguments, I still contend that they are full of holes for any critically thinking person who takes the time to learn about the issues. Saying that OFS throws macaroni is unsubstantiated slander, pure and simple. Blaiming the OFS for a $ I 25 tuition fee increase and waiting until the referendum is over to propose much higher increases in fees is chicanery. Cbosing one resolution about the Gulf War to sbnd for all of what QFS does is simply deceitful. But, hey. Thai’s politics.
UW’s OFS alterrwative is OUSFA ICLRP by Iain Andetson Imprint staff Waterloo themselves vincial lobby of Students
students haGe recently voted out of an extremely powerful progroup - the Ontario Federation (OFS). In a referendum held last month, 22.1 per cent of eligible voters at Waterloo voted 52.7 per cent in favour of pulling out of 01;s. This namow margin translates to a total of 1,780 students making a momentous decision for 15,299 students. To help fill the void created by this resolution, John Leddy and Lisa Brice (Federation President and Vice-President, University Affairs respectively) have drafted a proposal on Ontario University Funding. They plan to use this proposal as a guideline when lobbying the provincial government. Fuliding is just one of many areas upon which OFS lobbies the provincial government. Currently, OFS is the only provincial representation that Ontario university students have. Incumbent Federation President Dave Martin has vowed, along with other universities who have also left OFS, to take over the responsibilities formerly handled by OFS. As is evident by this first proposal on funding the road will not be an easy one. The report is ambitious in its recommenda Lions, but it ti short of the goal of presenting a viable alternative tq the funding policies of OFS. Granted, this is just a draft copy of a 6nal proposal to come, but a great deal of work and revision will need to go into it before it can ever be presented as a finished product. The report has basically two contradictory points that need to be resolved: the Income Contingent L+oan Repayment Han (HXJW) and proposals on where university funding
should come from. The ICW calls for fees to “be accrued until after the individual has completed his/her undergraduate university studies. . . once the individual is classified as a full-time member of the Canadian work-force (ie. post graduate work), he/she begin to pay a fixed percentage of no more than 5 per cent of his/her income.. continue until the . that these payments outstanding loan is re-paid with interest.“ This program sounds like a fine idea ‘but this is where the re$ort lacks some needed research. How long will these loans take to be repaid? What about students who choose not to work in Canada? What about students who get married and choose not to work and stay in the home? The report contains a nice chart mapping a specific case of an graduate who choose an income contingent loan to finance his/her educ$ion. The chart uses the following assumptions: the student has accrued $11,500 in loans at the end of three years of medical school, repayment rate of the loan is four per cent of income, and starting salary is $36,000 a year. According to this example, it would take the student only seven years to repay the loan. This would appear like a safe investment for the government. The report also states that this would eliminate the need for the politically sensitive collection of the three per cent tax on student loans (to guard against bad loans). Upon errors
closer in
however, calculatiion
some are
glaringly apparent. It was assumed that the loans would remain interest-free for the duration of the repayment period when calculating the remaining balance of the loan to be repaid, and salary increases were an average of eight per cent per year. With the recent news of 1.6 per cent infla-
tion and a forecasted 2.2 per cent rise in the Consumer Price Index this year, it seems a bit farfetched to imagine graduating students ’ steppirig into a $36,000 a year job with annual increases of eight per cent. While this might be plausible formidical students, when m&e reasonable numbers are used, quite a different picture emerges. Using an interest rate of eight per cent, total loans of $10,000 ($2,000 a year for four years plus interest), a starting salary of $25,000 and annual increases of four per cent, we can see that it’would take 15 years to repay the loan. The term of repayment skyrockets as the interest or loan principle increases or as the starting SaIary decreases. The idea that this pIan would eliminate any bad loans by being tied into Revenue Canada (repayment of the loan would show up as an additiona income tax line item) strikes me as being naive. Clearly, there will still be situations in which loans will not be repaid and the government will continue to Jose money. These situations need to be dealt with and they aren’t even broached in the report. With regards to funding this plan, the report merely urges “That the Ministry of Colleges and Universities initiate a task to study the following regarding this proposed repayment plan . . . costs of financing the plan during its initial cash short years.” Another single line in the report says ‘Total funding for improved access and student assistance: $50 million.” No mention of how this $50 million is derived can be found anywhere. “The
Ontario’s universities and access to it needs to be enhanced; estimates of the costs of achieving both these objectives range from $300 to $400 million dollars.” This is a pretty vague estimate (not to mention contradictory to the
to page 9a
forum iii
-Fonun: The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all OUT readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters
or other articles on these pages are strictly those of ‘the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint, Campus Cerifre 140. Mail can also be sent via e-mail to imprint~wat~rvl.Wa~~rloo-edu. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 500 pm Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion.. All material is subject to editing. ---
Stats misleading To the editor, There were several inaccuracies and statements made in Bryan Smyth’s and Scott Mintz’s article “Abortion Services No Longer Exist in K-W” that I feel need to be addressed. It was stated that “Planned Parenthood is currently the only community-based organization in K-W that provides complete and unbiased counselling”. It was also stated that the “Right-to-Life offer no constructive solutions to problems of health care and family planning.” It is a very sad irony indeed that the organization that strongly advocates killing unborn babies is portrayed in the article as the constructive organization. The act of destroying a life and seriously harming a mother are deemed constructive. On the other hand all of the other local agencies that have offered encouragement, love, financial aid, as well as providing shelter and counselling for women in problem pregnancies and post aborted women were portrayed as biased and destructive. Being partial to good things is good, not bad. These organizations are partial to life, motherhood and health, They are biased against killing the unborn child. The article in question would have us believe thatthere is strong support for abortion in K-W. It was stated that the”demonstration of about 50 people . . . reassured her (the health minister) that there is significant local support” I would like to point out that the most recent Life Chain on King Street this past fall had over 1,700 people in attendance. I would also like to question the statistic given in the article that from “1976 . . + 1989 figures show that 40 per cent fewer teenage pregnancies,” as a result of Planned Parenthood’s work Having studied this organization, and having found very little success in their statistics and certainly nothing like the statistic quoted, I am curious as to where this statistic came from.
Chris Reitzel 3rd year History
Goodwill Health Plan
up the pre$umed argument of the opponent, and then challenge that position. In this form of argument, it is not difficult to look good when your hypothetical opponent is an idiot. You have managed to completeljr avoid any of the significant arguments for socialized medicine, in your article, except one, You attribute to a “socialist-minded” opponent, the argument that“private or for-profit hospitals will serve only the rich”. I’ve gone over and over your article searching for your response. The closest you come, is in stating that ‘The Salvation Army, The United Way and, Goodwill are far more effective in dealing with the problems of the poor than the government”. Have you talked to people who work for these charities? Go ahead Sandy, suggest to them that they take over for national state social programs, see what they say. Talk to some poor people, or read a book on the subject; when the social safety net comes down, infant mortality goes up, and cases of homelessness, malnutrition, and disease also go up. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to graft the meaning from those stats, Sandy. But while we are on the subject of statistics, chew on these ones for a while. The United States has a decidedly more private, ie. profit driven, medical system than we do here in Canada. They also have a considerably-higher infant mortality r&e. Infant mortality is considered, by the World Health Organization, to be a ‘leading indicator” of a countries health care capability. The US, in this regard, is beginning to resemble a third world country. We, in Canada, still enjoy an overall level of health that, according to most indicators, is vastly superior to that of our southern neighbours. In your article you talk about “evidence.. . not easily passed aside” and yet you have failed to acknowledge the simple fact that with socialized medicine more poor people have more frequent access to health care, that the relationship between income and general health becomes less of a factor for most people. That is the overriding fact dqlivered by historical experience and I defy you to refute that. It doesn’t get any simpler than this, Sandy: with private health care or any approximation of a private system, more poor people die. That’s the bottom iine. I will, thus, stand firm in my “ridiculous egalitarianism”, comfortable in the knowledge that the world is as it was before Sandy sought to make a case for privatized medicine and that “the facts and the care of people” do, in reality, back this argument.
Scott Marratto WPIRG
To the editor, Not long ago, I wrote a feature article on the subject of US intervention in El Salvador. I handed it in to Sandy Atwal, the guy who began an article with the declaration “I am a capitalist”, and presto, my long-winded, leftleaning attack on capitalist imperialism appears in the Imprint, complete with some really coo1 graphics. Oh the irony of it all. This is, after all, student media, where ideas are voiced and challenged freely and without fear bf being censured by popular sentiment or market forces. But when I read Sandy Atwal’s case for privatized health care (Friday, Feb. 21/92), it occurred to me, only briefly, that, perhaps, if the Imprintwere compelled to turn a Drofit, then &ters like Sandy might, at la& feei compelled do at least the slightest modicum of research before they put pen to paper. Let’s start at the beginning. You talk of the price of health care. Two thousand dollars per person, and, as you claim, you, for one, did not use that quantity of service. Now, admittedly, Sandy, I can see that this particular argument was not intended as your crushing blow, but, if we carried this logic through, I could make an equally convincing argument. that we should not maintain roads on the basis that I do not have a car and, therefore, do not use this particular service. But one day Sandy, I might have a car and, one day, you might have a heart attack. Do you follow? Secondly, in classic diatribe format you toss
Not bitter
Forum not 1 the place
of aher its 37th placing in theMM
These are the top five reasons why it’s okay 1 didn’t win in the Federation Elections. Why only five? ‘Cause the white man wouldn’t give me ten! 6. I didn’t want the job anyway. 5. I was offered the Women’s Issues Board Chair. 4. The only Federation I want to be part of is Starfleet. 3. Steve Millard left a funny smell in the office. 2. Asian gangs run the University anyways: 1. I’m going back to hash because I’ve had enough of crack.
Hoi Leung VPOF loser
Thank you, Frank Segleniuks! Your article on page nine of the Feb. 21/92 issue of the Imprint described my own reaction to Peter Brown’s “Fireside Chat” about the OFS referendum extremely well indeed. Newspapers are supposed to publish the facts however more and more we see one sided commentaries being printed everywhere that contain 90 per cent opinion and 10 ‘per cent facts (this is an angrily opinionated estimate). It is one thing to print opinionated letters from people like me outside the newspaper but entirely another when the Editor-in-Chief uses his position to slander (Should I be so harsh?) the Engineers for enthusiastically practising their democratic rights. Please don’t misunderstand me though, the Editorin-Chief like anyone, has every right to freedom of speech. But if I may be so bold to suggest Peter Brown end his “Chats” with: “the opinions are expressed herein are the personal opinions of myself and do not reflect the opinions of this newspaper”. Unless of course absolutely everyone on the Imprint staff agrees with your opinions (and PERHAPS follow you like sheep?). Another thing is all the “half-truths” you spoke of from the “No” campaign. If you found out they were only half true why didn’t you print an expose before the referendum vote, stating the facts which proved them half false? Speaking about facts Peter Brown, your “Fireside Chat” in the Feb. 21 issue says Wilfrid Laurier will decrease first year enrolment by 16 per cent but your article on page 3 says 17 per cent. Is this a typo Mr. Brown, Editor-in-Chief?
LouiseGraham 2A Civil Enginef&g (and proud of it) Ediqor’s note: You ‘ve gut me there The page 3 stop quote5 the more accurate fgure. WLUi jkst-year en4ment for Skptember. 1991 was L645srudents. TEsfall. it wilJ be 1,3?9students, a reduction of 276 students ar 16.8 per cent. Concerning the possibilily that my anicks repres4nt hnpint~ colktive opinion, the mastheads on page six and seven clearly say that allsigned artides in lhpfurum section @Imprint r#ontain opinions qf the authors and not of Imprint asa whole. AQ photo above the column reinforces this fact. Our coverage qf the OFS referendum included an accuun t of the “Yes “side k position, including rheir re@tation of statements about the UFS made b-y the “‘No” side. Nut txacly an expose, admitted&, but any student W/IO cared enough to vote bud the opportunity to avail themselves of did not.
WLU sells out to us.
The WKJ Administration has decided to shut down its televideo course production facility just as demand is growing for distance education and tide&as& distame education courses. The WLU Administration has cited
costs and decreased
revenues -= reasons for shutting down Telecollege Productions. In November 1990, the eight Wilfrid Laurier University employees who work at Telecoliege submitted to the WLU Administration extensive lists of externally-caused, cost-in.fIating problems pertaining to the production of Telecollege courses and suggested conshctive solutions to those problems. We also warned the WLU Administration in November and December 1990 and in July 1991 of what were, in our opinion, serious problems in the management of Telecollege Productions and of the resulting inefficiencies and increased costs for the University. Most of our advice was ignored, especially that concerning the involvement of outside agencies in our productions. Also largely ignored were our suggestions for greater revenue for Telecollege through more effective and extensive marketing of our courses. In July 1991, we also suggested to the Administration that we solicit industry sponsorships of our programs. The WLU Administration has never given the WLU Telecollege staff permission to attempt any of their suggested revenue-generating and fund-raising initiatives on behalf of Telecollege Productions. The WLU Administration, in other words, has never allowed Telecollege Productions to operate as an independent company* The WLU Telecollege staff feel that all of their constructive efforts to reduce costs at Telecollege and their suggestions to increase revenues from Telecollege-produced courses and to find funding for future course have been virtually ignored by the WLU Administration. We are not responsible for the present cost and funding problems at Telecollege Productions. We have suggested reasonabIe, workable solutions to the problems on several occasions, yet we, the staff, are being laid off while the persons who ignored our advice and made inappropriate and costly decisions concerning TelecoIlege Productions remain in their jobs. To our knowledge, these persons have not even been reprimanded by the University for their co&y mistakes. Why are we being punished for other people’s mistakes? In a memo dated February 14, 1992, the University President Dr. John Weir stated that WLW’s draft budget pIan for 1992-93 included measures that explored “ways to make students more effective as independent learners”. What facilitates independent learning more than video-based courses? In addition, Telecollege Productions’ faciIities could be used for the broadcast-quality video taping of seminars, discussions, presentations, lectures, and performances. These tapes would, in many cases, be readily marketable and wouId certainly assist independent learning. We think that the decision to close Telecollege Productions is short-sighted and misguided. We are one of the few operations at WLU that actually produces a product with the potential to generate much revenue and positive publicity for the University.
To the editor,
The WLU TelecoIIqge The Wilfrid Laurier University Administration announced on February 13 that it intends to close Telecollege Productions once the current courses have been completed. The WLU Administration has decided to purchase all of Part-time Studies’ televideo courses rather than produce the televideo courses at WLU. It is probable that most of the purchased courses will have been produced in the United States- We are saddened that the VVLLJ Adminbtrntion
Editor’s note:Ithink w&v all lucky you didn ‘t win - the lust thing WPneedisa YADF who can ‘t count tu Jibe!
‘s suntey
of universities.
To the editor,
the facts. Mary
To the editor,
televideo courses in Canada. Without Telecollege Productions, distance education in Canada will increasingly become American education. TelecolIege Productions is one of the best-known and best-fespe&ed academic endeavours at WLLJ. It is a source of pt prestige and g& pubIicity for the institution, pr&ige that WLU is is great need
haa decided
to discon-
tinue what the University of Waterloo’s Gazette (November 20, 1991) caIlti “the pride of Wilfrid Laurier University’s distance education” program. There are very few producers of broadcast-quuaIity, university level
, ; 1
18 Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992
Practice This is just a quick note to clarify some mars that I have noticed in Imprint. A few terms ago, the Faculty of Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies changed its we. The new name - the Faculty of Applied Health S&nces (AHS) has appeared incorrectly a number of times in ImpInk Imprint has stated that AHS stands for the Applied Health Studiec~ Further, the society office located in BMH is ad&d the AI-IS office (not KLDH office which it was listed as in Imprint). The society office in BMH houses the Kin, Health and RecreationSockty offices. Dance has its own office in East campus Hall. I hope that you take this note into consideration for future Imprints. We would greatly a preciate Imprint properly addressing our E culty.
Michelle Robinsan Recreation Student
Racism radicals To the editor, A system should be judged by its ideals and not by its adherents, according to Kwame Toure. Thus the Black Movement, with ideals such as unity of Black people, recognition of our culture and removal of oppression, should not be equated with the actions of a few radicals. There has been a trend to shun or even attack people involved in interracial L relationships* I have been told “If you cannot handle my own you cannot handle others” and asked ‘Do you not like black women?” !
Ironically,, interracial marriages and *the removal of segregation laws in South Africa are seen as a major step towards freedom. Recently I was asked which side 1:was on in an argument that had many “you’s” and “us”. The questions indicates that in thii “war” the whites are the enemy. Should people’s character be predetermined by the colour of their skin? Propaganda apparel make statements about certain problems that exist. One T-shirt in particular, portrayed a white policeman as a pig with the logo ‘To serve and protect and break a niggers neck/There may be racism in an institution but generalizations can be detrimental and the actions of individuals should not be used to condemn an institution or even a movement. Not all issues concerning people may be attdmted to racism. Is black unemployment due to racism, an increase in unskiIled immigrants or the recession? Mandela’s release speech urged the people not to act as the leaders expected but to go home peacefully. I urge those few tb think about their actions which may add weight to our oppressor’s arguments and our stereotypes. Ian Murray
Abortion means more men To the editor, This letter is in response to Lori Beckstead’s letter of Feb. 21. I do not know Jeff Collard personally, but I know who he is, and I think it’s quite safe to say that he definitely cares for females - and they are not necessarily middle-classed and privileged. I sense in her letter that Ms. Beckstead believes that all prc+li.fe people (she says “oppression advocates’) are Christian. I. would like to point out that abortion is a HUMAN LIFE issue, and not a religious issue. Either “side” cannot be associated with a particular religious persuasion, Maybe something Ms. Beckstead has not realized is that the reproductive choice of humans often results in the destruction of
femaks. It is known that the gross majority of sex-selection abortions are performed on women carrying female fetuses. Talk about ,,Oppressing all classes and races of women!” Picture a future of predominantly males females would be a rare species. I think that oppression of women would be rampant in this kind of world. Can we ignore the possibility of a male-dominated future with the cry that we want more “rights” now? If I am imposing anything on Ms. Beckstead, it is reason, not will. Sarah van den Enden 2N Honours Psy&ology
Naked e choice To the editor, 1 am writing this letter in response to Lori Be&stead’s letter (“Christian fascist”) of February 21. In a few words Lori manages to illustrate our society’s misunderstanding of ethics. Like 50 many others in our society, Luri believes that “everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion.” The popularity of this sentiment is difficult to understand, since it is contradictory. In terms of logic, this statement is false because it is a universal proposition which denies that there is anything universal. On the other hand, if it is itself an opinion, then who become the fascist, making the imposition of opinion supreme? Ms. Beckstead and a surprising number of others suppose that we live in a world of pure subjectivity, a world in which there can be no objective reality and no truth. Only in such a world view can each person’s opinion be equally valid, but, notice, not true. This way of thinking collapses upon itself. The way we think influences the way we act. What happens in the intellectual realm has an effect on the way we see ethics and morals. When one begins with the confused th$king which accepts the notion that there is no objective reality and no truth, chaos will result in the way we perceive ethics. If there is no truth, then there can be no falsity. And if there is no truth or falsity, nothing can be truly or falsely good. And if there is nothing which is truly or falsely good, then there can be no ethics, in any real sense. (In fact, since in a world of pure subjectivity everything is
I reduced to personal will, the possibility for any communication, love, or society is eliminated as well.) It is not a surprise that Lori makes a distinction between “choice advocates” like herself, and “oppression advocates”. Since she doesn’t see the world as having reality outside of herself, every choice is equally valid. Pure choice is put on a pedestal, not because it is good, of course, since good has been disposed of, but because it is the expression of personal will. Any restrictions whatsoever placed on pure choice are seen by her as oppressive. In contrast to the purely subjective view described above, there are some people who discover that there is a reality to the universe which transcends personal opinion. This understanding can and does account for truth and goodness, which provide a foundation for meaningful ethical principles. People with an objective world view are able to make a distinction between a right choice and a wrong choice; one which protects that which is good and one which is harmful to people and society. The people Lori describes as “antichoice” or as “oppression advocates” are simply in favour of making good choices which are in accordance with the nature of the human being. Thus .various societies have seen fit to make laws restricting choice - you may not choose to assault, enslave, or murder other people, for example - and these restrictions on choice are good. Ethical enquiries are indeed difficult. First we must accept that truth and goodness exist. Then it takes humility, experience, and persistence to discover what is truly good for humans. The fact that ethics ismatough subject, however, is no excuse for discarding reason, and leaving in its place naked choice. MartinBruin 3B Philosophy
spurious To the editor, What is often more irritating than an article which uses spurious logic to arrive at an illogical conclusion, is an article which contains statements that are themselves absurd. Hav-
Forum ing graduated from Engineering and worked in the faculty of Engineering I was rather irritated by your analysis of the OFS referendum: ‘It is sad but not surprising that the engineering faculty had the highest turn-out - and the highest percentage of “No” votes. That’s the famililar pattern here at Waterloo; engineers voting in droves and like sheep.” What does the Editor mean by saying that Engineering students “voted like sheep”? I presume that the expression implies that Engineering students based their decision on influence from an external source, as opposed . to the students of other faculties, who, we suppose, voted on the basis of a more sophisticated and correct understanding of the issues involved. I find such an implication absurd, unwarranted, and prejudiced. If you think I’m exaggerating. imagine the New York Ties explaining the results of a hypothetical federal election (say the Editor favours the Republican party) in this manner: “It is somewhat surprising that the black community had the highest percentage of votes - and the highest percentage of Democratic votes. That’s a familiar pattern: Blacks voting in droves and like sheep”. Such a statement would be considered racist and absurd. Yet, without any justification, the editorial accuses Engineers of voting like sheep. When the Engineering faculty has the highest voter turnout, can’t simply compliment the faculty of Engineering on its voter turnout? It is a form of arrogance on the part of the Editor (actually, just plain stupidity) to imply that the Engineering students who are opposed to him on the OFS issue voted like sheep. There is no doubt that the OFS is not considered important by most UW students (Otherwise why the hell would 52.7 per cent of the students vote against it? Were they all sheep meekly following a misinformed John Ledd y?): It seems to me that Imprint is almost looking for more subtle ways to attack the Engineering faculty. Now that the Iron Warrior is considered a very good newspaper (by the way, I don’t see IW saying that Artsies or Mathies vote like sheep), that the Tool is no longer Rigid, etc., etc., can’t compliment the Engineering faculty? If I don’t vote then I am apathetic. If 1do vote then I am voting like a sheep. Give me a break! I think that an apology is owed to the undergraduate Engineering students.
Ishay Friedman Computer Engineering
grad, ‘91
28, 1992
previously mentioned $50 million) obtained by comparisons with the funding of universities in other provinces, comparisons with the publicly funded universities in the United States, and comparisons with funding levels in Ontario’s universities in the early to mid1970s. The report goes on to say that it is the students who will have “to bear a greater part of the funding of this education. This recognition however, will be unacceptable unless the goyernment implements the income contingent loan repayment program recommended in Part II of this proposal.” They want to increase the tuition being paid by students, but this does not get mentioned anywhere in their calculations of the ICLRP. Another point that is raised is one of tiered fees for different programs. “WE BELIEVE that the costs and expected benefits associated with different educational programs offered at the post-secondary education level (eg. law vs. general arts) should be recognized through differential fees for different programs” (emphasis theirs). This is a broad sweep at a very large problem. Leddy admits that “not every engineer is going to take an engineering job,” but he still feels that the differences in expected future earnings has to be reflected in fees. This report makes an honest attempt at addressing the vacuum that OFS used to fill for UW students, but there is still a lot of work ahead. Before Waterloo students get the kind of provincial representation they were promised when they voted to pull out of OFS, the incoming executive is going to have to fully research the issues and come up with concrete proposals to present to the government. Our current executive has apparently invested a great amount of time into a proposal on one facet of student representation. Given the number of inconsistencies and muddle-headed assumptions that the OUSFA report contains, they are proof positive that the task of provincial representation is a job which requires a continuity that is precluded by year-to-year changes of executive. The current proposal is a start. However, stumbling out of the gate often means that the race is already lost.
by Sandy Atwal “Do not do untci others as you would have them do unto you, for YOUtastes may differ.” - Oscar Wilde I’m going to leave the market alone for a bit this week and jump into a topic that’s a favourite of University-types everywhere Marshall McLuhan. Now you’re right, we don’t need another pseudo-Fawcett type frying to make sense out of McLuhan’s quasiphilosophical ramblings, but a few things this week gave me the impression that the typical approach to McLuhan is wrong. The trendy group readings of Understanding Media have missed the point. First, a general oveeew of how l see people approaching McLuhan and what they think he said. For McLuhan, the jump to a society based on television and instantly accessible mass-media is the greatest jump man will make since the invention of the typefaced work with Gutenberg. Gutenberg made man a “linear” animal; thinking in straight lines from A to B to C is how society worked, much like the way you’re reading these lines. Thus the famous “medium is the message” line. Television is going to have two major effects on man said McLuhan. First of all, it’s going to increase your involvement in your surroundings. Whereas text was a cold hard reality that didn’t change, television is constantly changing and bringing the viewer “into the picture” as it were. But it’s the second point, the whole global village thing that I want to address. On Tuesday, Gerald0 was interviewing women who appeared in Bon Jovi videos - rather typical fare. On Wednesday, Michael Bolton won the Grammy for best male vocalist. Now these two seem$gly unrelated events are actually two good argume;rts against McLuhan’s global village. McLuhan thought that because of the age of fibre-optic webs and instantaneous global communication, this
A Dynamic
would devolve the worId into a village men1tality because of the fact that everyone would ! be a button away. For him, this was a good thing because it would mean individuals all over the world getting in touch with other individuals all over the world and what a great big family we all would be. The BoltonKeraldo incidents cited above are saying that what we’re going to have instead is a Global McDonald’s, Southern Los Angeles is going to be the village and the rest of the world (ie. parts with TVs) are going to join the village whether they want to or not. My point being this: the “fault” of this Global McDonald’s existence does NOT reside in McDonald’s itself, not with Michael Bolton, and not even in Geraldo, and this is the mistake most people make. Addressing the people making the crap is addressing the symptom, not the cause. The cause, of course, is blindingly obvious to those willing to see it - Bad Taste. It is the individuals buying McDonald’s, watching Geraldo, and listening to Michael Bolton who you must blame. This, of course, is not something most people want to do because Lo do this would mean that you would be against adults making decisions regarding their own lives. This is not something most people want to do, thus they direct their energies at the easy targets, the aforementioned terrible trio and others of their ilk. To believe that if we just got rid of those “crappy things” (which of course would be to the people with “good taste”) is narrowminded and, it seems, slightly fascist. It should be recognized that Geraldo’s show is extremely popular, as is Bolton and, of course, McDonald’s, We can’t make decisions for other people - that’s one of the ro&h things about a society I guess - but complaining and whining should at least be productive creating and whining. Just bitching about companies’ because they’re big and successful just sounds like jealousy.
Waterloo Town Square
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10 Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992
‘We want the world/ md we want it nowll -TheDoors
Did I missit? The Economist has intoned that history is over. That clash of world-views we in the West have come to expect from progress, the passing of time we could break down into units, interpret and understand. The Revolution, I think, must have passed me by. Was it good? Last summer, Milan Kundera, author of The Unkzmble fighew of Being, speculated in his latest novet 1mmorraliry, that we are witnessing the death of ideology. These days, instead of living in a world of ideas, we live in a world of images. Imagology, he says, has replaced ideology. The power base has shifted. Where once the power resided with the ideologues, it now resides with those who contml the means of information, the media. The revolution will not be broadcast on ‘television. The revolution is television m Some thoughts: A. It is hard to imagine in these days of corporate rock anyone taking seriously a group of suburban young pups, a la The Doors, singing semi-literate, pseudo-poetic songs about the dark side. Even Morrison’s original call for “the world” sounds nothing but youthful exuberance now, and terribly anachronistic. It is a sign of a different time. To take seriously all that late-‘60s posturing, it is necessary first to have believe in it.
B. Kundera’s insight into the shift away from ideology to imagology is significant beause it points out a very fundamental shift in the structure of Western society. It is a shift frond social values to economic ones. The shift may only be able to be articulated by the champions of the L&t, who are arguably the lose= as ideology loses its grip to influence people, but it is being consistently noted. Peaple like Thomas Pynchon (vine&d) or Hunter S. Thompson (Songs of the Doomed) have written intensely about, as Thompson calls it, “the Death of the American Dream.” C. The 1990s is shaping up to be a significant decade. The global economy is “restructuring.” The Canadian constitution is getting rattled about. The Cold War is over and the binary relationship between the superpowers and their respective ideologies is breaking apart People are beginning to talk widely about the power base of gender relationships ; and the need to make society responsive to minorities. And culture, as the creator of the images, is being recognized as the purveyor of all meanings in tiety and, therefore, central to the political process. . D. The culture created by the Reaganauts and’libertarian junkies that emerged out of the 1980s will have disastrous consequences in the years ahead. Some would have us believe that the environmental movement is a self-perpetuating hoax, that the feminist movement is not based on historical injustices but is irrational and (somehow) therefore immoral. Some appeal to the universality of logic and ignore that we live in a flawed and fractured world. Which is to say, images are easily manipulated to serve the ends of the rich and powerful, the consequences of which are not universal at ail. Is this moral? E, Says T. S. Eliot: “Between the Idea and the Reality . . . falls the shadow.” Therefore: Culture belongs to all people, and all people need to participate in it, have access to it.
The cult of the individual, labelled neatly in Tom Wolfe’s influentiztl essay on “the MeDecade,” the 197@ has spun out of control. We are being forced more and more to deal with differences between people, not the commonalities. cotnmunity is being sacrificed for the so-dled freedom of the individual, while all the while North American culture is becoming corporate, cool i and impersonal ,. How ironic. TO conclude: JuneCallwood,Canadianauthorandso&l activist, spoke at Iaurier last fall about the need to build neighbourhoods within our communities, about the need, as she said, for everyone to become “‘Catchers in the Rye,” caring people who make a commitment to sustaining their community before their own self-interests. Callwood quoted Wolden Caufield, the protagonist of J. De Sdinger’s infamous novel Z%e Cut&m in fhe Rye, on the ,subject of taking care of the less fortunate. Surely, she said, this is the type of culture we want to live in. Absolutely. We want the world, and we want it now.
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6.7 million Canadians can’t all be wrong by Dave Fisher and Dave Thouuxm
Approximately 100 people, some from as far away as Chatham, gathered in front of the London Police Headquarters last Saturday to protest Canada% laws against marijuana. London b&store owner Marc Emery, who has earned a reputation for obtaining and soliciting banned records, books and other materials, was responsible for organizing the rally. During his hour-long speech that extolled the societal ahd medical benefits of the substance, undercover police office-m were seen videotaping those in attendance while uniformed police supervised the protest. The rally was held for what Emery termed the “most vilified, ciidmhatd, and hounded minority in this country . . . 4,700,000 adult Canadians have used marijuana, and 1,300,UOO Canadians regularly enjoy the drug * . . 4.7 million Canadians can’t all be wrong, can they?” Despite these numbers, said Emery, users of marijuana are legally considered enemies of the state and aren’t allowed to choose their own lifestyle without
potential damaging legal reprisals. ‘?he War on marijuana lovers is a war on our entire subculture by the anal-retentive, boozing, Christian, police-state, Valiumpopping, limo-driving, suited zombies that .currently run this country,” he.said. Although profanity spotted his speech, there was obvious support for his assertions.
by beer and tobacco companies, whose profits would decrease drastically in the eventuality of legalized cannabis. To support his claims of the benefits of marijuana, he argued that “It’s not a theory. The evidence is there. The government in most cases has done all the studies. They know all this.” Accordingly, he emphasized marijuana’s medicinal properties in the cur-
Mmiuana ‘is. used as an eff&ive treatment to relieve nauseain chemotherapypatients, to helpAIDS patients gain weight,and to help reducethe swelng in the eyesof glaucomapatients= In describing the hypocrisy of current drug laws, he said that ‘I’ve never seen a pot smoker in court for doing any damage, hitting his wife, for date rape, or for any kind of violent crime . . . Youll see boozers, prescrip tion drug addicts, people who are just plain violent - those are people who could use a good take.” Emery believes. that a great deal of the reason for the enforcement of Draconian cannabis legislation _ is a result of pressure applied
ing or relief ot Crohn’s Disease, chemotherapy reactions, glaucoma, and over 30 other illnesses: “Ifsomeone invented ma& juana tomorrow, they would get the Nobel Prize.” Emery laid out a radical, two-part plan that he believes will succeed in decriminalizing marijuana in 24 months. First, engage in ’ diligent seed-planting - ‘Iceep the police run ragged. Plant marijuana seeds everywhere so we have hundreds of thousands of plants.
They11 need 50 helicopters a day, hundreds of extra cops . . . and then they will tell, the politicians this is futile. Rml crime will go up as they chase down the world’s most fascinating and valuable plant.” Secondly, citing the expert lobbying of fundamentalist religious groups, he proposes relentless confrontation of lawyers and judges who prosecute marijuana ‘offenders.‘: “The government has declared a war on you for 25 years --you must take the war back to them. And that means you must picket their law offices and homes. . . it works for the fundamentalists, those idiots. Let’s use their lactic, let’s make the neighbours say ‘Gee, it’s too bad we’ve got a lawyer on the block.“’ When he was done talking, Emery gave out egg salad sandwiches, free copies of High 7ime.s magazine (which is illegal in Canada due to its pro-legalization stance), and copies of a booklet he produced entitled Hw/& Terrorism. lqphatiott artd other mcirijrr~t~~-~kWI litc)mlure at his xtuw.Cig LightsBod.sho/? it]
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Women at UW p� 14 .
& Academia pm 15
.Crossf Ire p-16
Studies The University of Waterloo Woeen’s Centre is organized around the recognition that women generally suffer from both explicit and implicit sexism, and that sexism is very much connected to other forms of oppression such as racism, classism, and heterosexism. Our priorities include: staffing our centre; updating our resources; organizing events; networking with other women’s organizations; and by doing this in a way respectful of differences, to fundamentally empower ourselves, and other women. Our Women’s Centre operate5 as a resource centre, a meeting place and a basis for activism. Our comprehensive resources include periodicals, books, vertical files and community referrals. Resources are available to everyone, whether for school assignments, personal interest or help for a friend. We also offer a safe space for women to meet and talk, relax, or find out more about feminism in general and in our community. We regularly organize events, such as forums, protests, speakers, seminars and celebrations. We operate as a collective, trying to help the women’s movement grow stronger by recognizing our diversity. If you are interested in getting involved, come to one of our regularly scheduled meetings, give us a call, or drop by during office hours. Come explore!
The Women’s Issues Board (WIB) is funded by and responsible to the University of Waterloo Federation of Students (“the FEDS”). The FEDS is our undergraduate student union; its mandate is to provide non-profit services, and, to work as advocates for UW students with respect to all issues affecting student life. The Women’s Issues Board mandate is to focus on areas particularly affecting and of concern for women. Thus WIB focuses on health and safety, the political and academic achievement of female students, and monitoring incidents of sexual assault, harassment and discrimination. In previous years WIB has: presented awareness campaigns about acquaintance rape, eating disorders, violence against women, women on university campuses; sponsored guest speakers; subsidized WEND0 (women’s self defense) courses; and helped organize and sponsor information displays, seminars, speakers, films and celebrations for International Women’s Week (March 8th, every year). We have also been involved in assessing and monitoring safety on campus, in hopes of making the University of Waterloo a safe place for women. If you are interested in becoming involved, or have questions or concerns, feel free to come see us in the Federation of Students office.
Feminism by Dr. Harriet
a woman’s self defense course
March 7th and 8th - 9:30 am - 5 pm $40 for the two day course Register in CC 235 SDonsored bv Women’s Issues Boayd, Federation of Students
WEND0 imprint,
28, 1992
In the last few weeks, the Globv arld Mail and other publications have published letters, columns, and op-ed articles accusing feminists and feminist scholars of the most amazing things. We have been compared, among other things to h’azis and computer viruses, taking over the academy at its core and stifling all free speech. With all this power, you’d think there would be no need for a Women’s Studies Director to write an article telling members of the university community what her discipline is, and encouraging students to try it out, but here I am. First a word about what Women’s Studies ISN’T - it isn’t a uniform, carefully controlled “line” to which students and scholars must adhere. 1 subscribe to an electronic mail network of women’s studies professors and students which fills my mailbox with argument, disagreement, debate, and references to articles and books where more disagreement, argument, and debate may be found. What is all this debate about? Basically, it’s about how women’s experience may best be understood by scholars, trying to make up for centuries of lost time during which such experience wasn’t regarded as “serious”by those who set the parameters of scholarship. Since women’s experience includes achievement as well as oppression and women’s deeds have run the gamut from the heroic to the downright despicable, it is unlikely the practitioners of women’s studies will arrive at some universal “truth” more quickly than scholars in any other discipline. Those who labour in the field of wo&en’s studies do tend to share a broad, common goal (beyond, of course, the sheer delight of discovery, which motivates all scholars) to better understand the impediments which women may have faced in the past and the present and use ‘that knowledge to remove as many of them as possible in the future. One must remember, however, the women, like men, represent diverse cultures, classes, and interest groups, so that this common objective mandates considerable variety of opinion. Students in women’s studies read the writings of contemporary First Nations women and
The Women’s Studies Program at the University of Waterloo offers graduate and undergraduate causes, and, in collaboration with W&id L&ier University, an undergraduate Option and Diploma. The option may be taken in combination with any Geheral or Honours Program at either university. In addition to students enrolled in a conventional Major or Honours program, students in Independent Studies or the General Non-Major Degree at the University of Waterloo may enroll in the Option as part of their degree requirements. The courses which comprise the Women’s Studies Program span the various disciplines and reflect the rapidly growing scholarship focusing on women’s lives, their roles in society, their struggles for equality, and their achievements in the arts, science and literature. Our required courses, Women’s Studies 200 and Women’s Studies 300 may be taken by students enrolled in any program seeking a broad introduction to feminist scholarship and women’s issues. Over 20 course in ten subjects are available for students who wish to explore areas of particular interest to them. The Women’s Studies program sponsors guest speakers and films and maintains a Resource Room in PAS 3022 where material related to Women’s Studies is available.
101 women of colour, as tie11 ai the works of such pioneer feminists as Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Virginia Woolf. We read the writings of members of religious orders and of atheists, of socialists and of those committed to the ideals of laissez faire capitalism. Moreover, one of the most important contribution of women’s studies has been to make sex and gender into subjects for investigation in themselves to problematize men’s as well as women’s experience. The goal of women’s studies is to encourage constant questioning of ideas from the most radical to the taken-forgranted. It’s true that some of the questioning has resuIted in changes of accepted practice. But is it reaIly more of an interference with individual liberty to say “chairperson” than to use language which assumes that all department heads are male or that masculine language categories encompass everyone? ALL of these practices are political, but none is inherently more constraining than the others. It’s a matter for debate, argument and advocacy. In a democratic society such debate is likely to center upon which of two competing agendas is most consistent with the ideals of freedom and equality. When 1 received my BA, I conducted my first job search using newspapers where the job ads were divided into two columns “Help Wanted, Male” and “Help Wanted, Female”. When my mother conducted hers, such advertisements often (and legally) specified that applicants had to be “white”, “Christian”, and “Protestant”, Each change in the rules was hotly contested, and each was labelled a vio1ation of freedom of expression! Women’s studies programs welcome students, both female and male, who are concerned about their roles in a world where relations between the sexes are changing, as well as those with a primarily academic interest in the new scholarship of women and gender. Women’s studies can help students learn to be politically INcorrect knowledgeably and creatively.
An Academadyke? Do you know what an academadyke is? If you are a woman in Woman’s Studies, you probably won’t know. If you are a lesbian at university, you probably will deny it. Lesbophobia (irrational fear of lesbians) is rampant. Often, when I listen to young women in Women’s Studies, I hear them say that whem+hey voice their feminist views in mainstream/menstream classes, they fear they are identified as lesbians. As one woman has said : “I’ve been labelled as the biggest dyke around”. I can only assume that these women understand the word Lesbian to represent the narrow view of our oppressors, That is, that L.esbians are defined simply as women who are sexual with other women. Being a Lesbian with feminist consciousness, means supporting and identifying with women on many different levels, not necessarily sexually. If women only believe what dominator society tells women about Lesbians, women will remain lesbophobic. That’s the same lesbophobia designed by patriarchy to damage all women. That’s oppression and that’s unacceptable. Lesbians are everywhere. Lesbians are organizing to integrate Lesbian Studies into university curriculae. As did the women’s movement of the ’60s and ‘7Os, lesbians in academe (Academadykes) believe our recognition is long overdue. Placing lesbians on the university agenda is to validate and empower women who have been denied our own voices, contributions, herstories, in short, our lives. If the purpose of university is to share universal knowledge then it is the responsibility of universities to dispel distorted assumptions of superiority. This means addressing heterosexism, sexism, racism, ableisim, ageism . . . Lesbian Studies is not a new idea. Margaret Ctuikshank edited Leshiatr Stuc/i~~, which was published in 1982. This particular anthology is as diverse as are lesbians. It includes such essays as “Dykes in Academe” by Paula Bennett, “Black Lesbians in Academia: Visible Invisibility”
by Lynn
by Doris Davenport, ” Lesbian Literature: A Third World Feminist Perspective” by Cherrie Moraga and Barbara Smith, ‘* Sexual Energy in the Classroom” by Jane Gurko, and many more. This book also provides suggestions for Lesbian Studies course outlines. I came across it at the same time as hearing about York University’s one-day conference, “Margins of the Blackboard: Mainstreaming Lesbian Material.” The conference is taking place on Saturday, February 29,1992, and wilI include: Mmie Bruce Pratt as keynote speaker; a panel discussion reflecting experiences of teaching lesbian material at York University; and, workshops that will establish scenarios for mainstreaming. I and another Lesbian have been developing a Lesbian Studies course which we project will be completed and ready to implement by next fall. Watch for active academadykes in your areas! If you are tired of hearing the same old heterosexist content in your courses do something about it. (Heterosexism as defined by Audre Lourde: the belief of the inherent superiority of male/female relations - often improperly labelled as “opposite” sex - and thereby the right to dominance. Heterosexism is brother to racism, sexism and all those other patriarchal ‘isms.) As one professor has pointed out, students have incredible power to affect change; the student uprisings in the ’60s show us that. Write a letter to fhe chair of your department. Let the Director of Woman’s Studies, Harriet Lyons, know that there is a ’ need for an expanded degree program that includes ~ addressing lesbian issues. Put your words in writing. We are powerful! Dare to be an Academadyke!
lovina I
A few years ago I was given a button that identified me as “a woman who reads too much,” a description 1 freely admit describes my love of books. One of my greatest personal discoveries has been the vast quantity of books with a strong focus on female characters, both in fiction and non-fiction. Some are available at your local library or women’s centre, others may be purchased at Tot-otltcl Worzrrn 1%Booksrare, 2%~ Booksql in Hamilton, or ordered through Words Wotih Books in Waterloo.
books ------
The list that follows is a sampling of what is available in genres. If you eniov a Darticular r , author, look for her oth& works. ’
some of the different Mystery:
‘A” i.s.fir Alibi - Sue Grafton Srorrer McTavish - Sarah Dreher Sk iptracr - Antoinette Azolakor Murder i/r thu CoIJccfive - Barbara Wilson The S/take Taruo - Linda Barnes Murder at thr Nighmlood Bar - Katherine Forrest The Mortarchs are F!virlg - Marion Foster DeadPull Hitler - Alison Gordon
Women in Engineering
Bullshit Dimension by Elise Fear A few days ago, I overheard a conversation between three male engineers. They were discussing the current Engineering logo, and decided that the symbol was only temporary. As soon as EngSoc hired a real graphics artist, it would be changed to something more rqresentative of Engineering - like .a naked woman with large breasts. As a woman in engineering, I have to close my ears to comments like this every day. I’m tired of closing my ears. And I’m tired of being quiet. One of the biggest issues in engineering schools is attracting female students. The number of women enrolling in engineering programs has risen over the past few years. About 15 per cent of undergraduate engineering students are female. This number drops off to about half that at the graduate level, and one or two per cent at the faculty level. As a result, female engineering students have very few role models. More attention should be focused on encouraging women to stay in engineering. The reason for the decrease in the number of women in the higher levels of the engineering academic community is the environment, or the “chilly climate”. At the undergraduate level here at Waterloo, the Rigid Tool has been changed to the Tool, and the &diva ride is no longer held. But does improving the environment stop with removing the obvious, blatant symbols of sexism in engineering? Removing a few symbols, although a positive step, is not going to change a lot of attitudes, especially when it was necessary to fight so hard to get them removed. The Enginewsletter was resurrected after a five-year retirement. It’s still not the most gender friendly publication in existence. The Engineering Society doesn’t take responsibility for fresh orientation; this is the first view engineering students get of the faculty, and the first view other students get of engineers. Orientation tends to be an introduction to stereotypical engineering attitudes (as - G&rated by the out-dated Plummer’s Hymn) instead of a positive experience. The fact that the engineering undergraduate community consists of men and women in engineering would make many activities and publications less offensive to engineers and non-engineers. This improvement in the environment at engineering schools would also improve the public image of engineers. By creating a better environment, everybody benefits. Until women can learn in a comfortable environment, problems will remain. And these problems influence the decisions of women to continue their education in the engineering department. After three terms, I’m almost convinced that I won’t want to bother getting a Master’s or PhD. It‘s not the workload, it’s the extra dimension of putting up with a lot of bullshit that makes me angry and tires me out. I’m here because I want the education and I shouldn’t have to fight against an engineering attitude that transforms my views on inequality into an over-reaction. As a woman in engineering. I have to work in an environment that implies my presence is not wanted. I cannot speak for all women in engineering. But I know that I am not alone in my views. It is important to speak up, ask questions and raise awareness, or the climate will never get better and engineering will lose even more valuable people.
El& Fear is in the ASYD elms: she wishes more engineen cared enough to work against xxii-m.
Fiction: SLY qf One- Rita Mae Brown Th Mists qf Avalon - Marion
Non-Fiction:. Zimmer
Fried Green Turn0toe.s ai the Whist/u Stop Cqfp Who Wcr,v That Masked
Wujnan? -
- Fannie Flagg
- Georgia Cotrell AtlW - Pat Mestern Judith- Aritha van Herk Thr Book qf EvtJ - Constance
Science Fiction / Fantasy: The Wallderground - Sally Gearhart Thptidura House - Marion Zirrtmer Bradley Shecpfarmw’.~ Daughter - Elizabeth Moon Moreia - Anne McCaffrey The Blue Sword - Robin McKinIey Motherfines - Susy -McKee Charms Native Tongue - Suzette Haden Elgin Daughter of the Bright Moon - Lynn Abbey
Fmim, Higher, Futiher - Adrianne BIue Are We Winning I%t? - Mariah Burton Nelson a
Out of Bounii!s -
Helen Lenskyj
Fire in the Rain...Singer in the Stoma - Holly Near Born a Woman - ElIen Schwartz Amazons and Military Maids - Julie Wheelwright i%e Dance of Anger - Harriet Goldher Lemer Odd Girls and Twilight Love - Lillian Faderman
Lynn fbylesfreely admits to b&g too much” and has no interzct in b&g
3 wuman who read utherwtie.
28, 1992
Women’s bay Rem!!;
“Only abuut thirteen percent uf tenured and defuse-trackpus~tiunsin Canadian philosophy depament are cure& held by wumen . . . there is compelling evidencethat philusuphy ‘sgender imbalance 15the suurceof bias and partiality in many of its theuretical products and that a btiter representation of wumen wuuld help to rectiJvthese shortcomings . . .
By the year2000 at least27% ofpermanent or probationady faculty in any unit* should be female, and by the year 2010 at least 40% ’ should befemale. ” -
cu rhe Canadiaft
the Committee to Study Hiring Policies Affecting Women, May 1991
Dkagree w
by Sarah Hoffman
by Anne Minas
Women make up a very small proportion of faculty in Canadian philosophy departments. How can we change this? And why should we want to? The above quoted Report to the Canadian Philosophical Association suggests some answers to these questions: Having so few female philosophers professors has resulted in bias and partiality, we are informed, and this must be changed. And affirmative action is the way to do it. If the suggested measures are followed, at least 90 per cent of women who earn PhDs in the next decade will get academic jobs, compared to only about 40 per cent of their male counterparts.
It is a truism of feminism that gender issues in the workplace concern power, whatever else they concern as well. Our heritage has committed us to a tradition of democracy, which usually means rule by the majority. When a majority becomes a coalition, acting in unison in pursuit of its own interest at the expense of those not in the coalition, democracy takes the form of oligarchy (this word originates in the Greek o&a&o, which means rule by the few). Feminists maintain that patriarchies are forms of oligarchy; rule by men at the expense of women. Having annexed the bulk of the desirable positions in society - positions with power, esteem, oppoitunities - men are in a position to form patriarchies; ma16 coalitions to run things by majority rule. Patriarchies are famiriar features of university systems. The paradox is that a significant part of a university’s task is to guide society through education in the truth as best it can perceive that truth. This ‘%-uth”however, quite often assumes patriarchal form, the doctrine that men ought to be in charge of things. One example from my own case: when I first became eligible for a TA, the TA was given to a male student instead. I-Ie and I both had spouses to “support” us, so there was no question of “‘need.” I was deemed the better philosopher, but he received the TA; “male pride” was cited, as an overriding reason. Gender was put above merit, as long as the gender was male and the merit discrepancy tolerable, merit could be considered a secondary consideration. Harvard was committed to turning out good philosophers, .but also had considerable investment in maintaining patriarchy in society. “Target hiring” in universitieshasas its objectivemakirtg more positions available to women at all levels. According to the report to the CPA, we stand at about 13 per cent right now. Studies on Jewish populations have shown that Jews can be accommodated as individuals until their percentage of the population reaches about 10 per cent, then they have a bad time of it until their numbers reach 30 per cent to 40 per cent, making them strong enough to resist anti-Semitic coalitions provided that they have enough internal cohesiveness. This tallies nicely with the CPA recommendation that women faculty be 27 per cent by 2000, and 40 per cent by 2010. The percentage of women right now give male coalitions an opportunity to treat them fairly ruthlessly, if that is what they so wish. Targets are compatiblewith hiring according to quaIification,since qualification is always the final deciding factor among candidates recruited. This is what distinguishes targets from quotas. Quotas mandate relative numbers. Consider what would happen if gender targets did harden into quotas: an employer would not be motivated to put gender over quaIification, for each time he did favor gender A over qualification for a position, he would have to compensate by favoring gender B over qualification for a later position. Letusconsider an even worse possibility; men’eam their PhDs bythe sweat of their brows, women take the route of batting their eyelashes in the right direction at the right time. Thus the candidate pool for faculty appointments is muddied; the women aren’t as qualified as the men, and so proportionate hiring till mean loss of quality. Or will it? I suggest we should think of an influx of women into faculty positions as promoting a more patriarchy-free society. I myself would like some assurance that my living through the Harvard “male pride” TA experience (and many others like it> was not in vain; that somehow women of my generation did something to make things better for our younger counterparts so that they will not suffer so much at the hands of male c&&ions. Concretely, that means that by 2010 (when I will have been retired for 5 years), I would like to see the recommended target of 40 per cent faculty met.
In essence, what is advocated is hiring women because they are women and not hiring men because they aren’t. If this isn’t a case of unfair discrimination, nothing is. Hiring would be done on the basis of sex and not on the basis of ability. This is sexism. It doesn’t matter if it is women that are benefiting and men that are getting discriminated against. It is still sexism and it is still wrong. This kind of hiring practice is precisely what has been subjected to with respect to the low numbers of women in the professorate in the past; women must have been refused jobs because they were women and this was unfair. It was unfair because these women were not being treated as individuals and judged on t-heir own merits. Indeed, this is the correct objection to such situations. Unless we can show that gender actually is related to ability, we cannot justify sexism in hiring. Well, this is what the Report attempts to do. Of the low number of female professors in philosophy, we are told that “bias and partiality in many of its theore tical products” has been the result. But the “compelling evidence” for this is neither documented nor presented, This is sloppy and unconvincing. I have two observations. First, gender is a highly suspect category to be using in such a context. There are so many factors which contribute to a person’s intellectual capacities and perspective that singling out gender is ridiculous. (I a,m reminded of attempts to link intelligence with such categories as race or gender.) Second, if gender is a source of bias for men why won’t itbe for women? We all live in the same world. The search for truth may not always be easy, given the misinformation we are exposed to. But all of us, women and men, have the ability to go beyond this. The Report has assumed men can’t. This is, at least, a highly controversia1 assumption. It is very weak support for the unfair treatment of men advocated.
Statistics contained in the Report in fact indicate that there has been no discrimination against women in hiring for academic positions in philosophy in the last decade. And they provide no evidence that there ever has been. We have to look for other reasons why women hold so few of these positions. The report shows us - there are a lot more men interested in careers in philosophy than women. This may well be something people would like to change, but there are far larger forces at work here than the decisions of hiring committees. A policy of discrimination against male job candidates will do little or nothing to change this situation. It is disturbing to see such an unjust and wrongheaded course being recommended, especially by people who are supposed to be getting paid to think.
I Imprint,
28, 1992
Anne Minas kas tuughrfeminism tect
her against the forces uf pa~riorchy.
at Wfor
she keeps a chimera in heroflce top-
lie following WU.Ypresented us part of a panel on ” Voices
qfA4kd-y Wumen: Traditional Roles - Present Jssuey “al the Identifying
the Issues Conference Centru.
October 29, 1989. Cam-
bridge Multicultural by Teri Saunders
Today I came as a Black woman to add my voice. I want to share with you my insight about racism as I represent the so-called visible-minority person on this panel. I have had a need to put my experience as a Black woman into a historical context. Today I will not focus on the 6,000 years of positive Black African history. Instead my focus is the Canadian denial. I found a book called Slave and Cihen written by Frank Tannenbum. Here is what I learnt: “Slavery was always dependent on an innate belief in superiority and inferiority.” With slavery there was always a status or caste system, by law and naturally. At first slavery had no identification with race, until Black slaves came to America. That’s when slavery was degraded to become a moral and biological inferiority. There was bias in favor of keeping the Black person in servitude, in contrast to other slave systems. I found it difficult to get material about slavery in Canada. Thanks to James Walker, a professor at the University of Waterloo, who gave me a pleasant little document he wrote. His work supports the facts. Those facts are true for Canada as well with one difference - the colour line was held by attitudes and violence rather than law.
to export
. Sdl today, in dealing with the system, we people of colour are often dismissed, ignored, or denied rights - to education, equality, training opportunities, employment and housing - and our children are denied the rights to human feelings, praise and many things kids need. Every second woman of colour I’ve spoken with has a similar story to tell. This ten-n two more children were removed from French learning. If a parent should choose to speak about this injustice, she is branded a trouble-maker and it follows that the rest of that child’s schooling is shadowed by this one incident. It is especially painful for the child. One feels handicapped to offer protection. A few words from one principal to another and a regime of bigoted behaviour follows even to a new school. We are required to verbally tip-toe around the issue if we expect to be listened to. In Canada and especially in the K-W region, this is the norm because our policies are still only in writing. Some children are overworked; they are killing themselves accommodating to avoid being battered, but it makes no difference. It’s a kind of psychological burnout. It is important that one validate the child’s experience, so that it is not used in some negative way against that child by someone in the system. It’s my opinion that the global system of colonization, racism and genocide reflects the ideals we support in our hearts, despite the many well written documents we have acquired over the last 20 years, here in Canada.
Unaware, ambivalent or both by Kim Creed The proposed Constitutional changes have many implications for all Canadians. It is every citizen’s right to voice an opinion on the proposed changes, Despite the efforts of the government to educate its people about the issues there are still many who remain unaware, ambivalent or both. The National Action Committee (NAC) and its sister affiliation, Ontario Women’s Action Coalition (OWAC), have been hard at work these past months. They have organized meetings for women, at the national and provincial levels respectively, to discuss how these changes may potentially affect them. I had the opportunity to participate in two of these discussion organized by OWAC and led by coordinating committee member, Janet Miller. Members of the K-W community shared some concerns regarding these proposals. Some areas of concern included property rights, senate reform, Section Three which discusses the elimination of overlapping services, and the section regarding Council of the Federation. Briefly, if the Charter was amended to include property rights there could be potential problems obtaining a restraining order for an abusive husband. The call for an elected, effective and equitable Senate sounds promising, but would first require the gender distribution in society be reflected in the Senate. Thirdly, women are feeling uneasy about eliminating overlapping services: would this mean that the different levels of government would no longer be responsible to contribute to the same issues? An important service, for example women’s shelters, may face further shortages in funding. Many women attending these discussion groups were also gravely concerned about the establishment of a Council of the Federation. This proposes to be a body which is appointed - not elected - and would have sweeping powers, Will this body include a sufficient representation of women? Perhaps this Council is another bureaucracy we don’t need.
.Day Rag
Concerns like these were compiled by NAC and taken to the Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada. The outcome of these conferences will be recorded by NAC, and distributed to individuals who attended a discussion and requested a copy. For those who wish to find out more about the changes contact: Harold Brown, Clerk, Select Committee ‘on Ontario in Confederation, Room 1521, Whitney Block, Toronto, Ontario, M7A lA2. Thank you to all those members of NAC, OWAC and participants of the discussions who all worked hard to make sure that wotien’s voices are heard in these conferences.
1 want to quote from This Bridgp Called My Buck, a book written by radical women of colour: “Apartheid continues to bleed South Africa.” This is the global extreme. At home, we Canadians still strive to export the problem. But behind the lily white myths about the underground railroad; our local pride about the great work we’ve done for refugees, Native people die. In South Africa police shoot seven-year-olds leaving school, while locally Rupurts’ jaw is wired together. Still people say it doesn’t happen here. It is interesting to me that both South Africa and this region were settled by the same divisions of humanity Europeans. Their history clearly shows what we may expect. The fact that Canada had slavery from 1628 to 1864 is no myth. Our silence repeats for us because if we are not an active part of the solution then we are part of the problem. We Canadians are least comfortable with issues that demand our personal commitment; none the less, we must break the silence in our communities. In closing, I want to leave you with this quote from Audre Lourde: “No woman is responsible for altering the psyche of her oppressor even when that psyche is embodied in another woman.” Ten’ Suundem is a Black woman in the srrugglle: ‘I Olaf working hard to act against my own internalized oppresiun, and chuusing not to be silent. ‘*
We are women we feel We arej&-one peKent strung and more Women suppurt wumen Celebrate women We are urle peuple. We women share a common wurld a commun twatment Our realig too @en hidden - buried under Layem &undiGuning - under cloaks of class and co/our Against ouz&ves our qves are also cuvered Agahst our internalized hurts. against our rich di$erences We wumen stand on uppusite side.y @fences societies provide Between us male backlash. violence-s, ru& of power, dependencies Fear wedged heen us to batt4r our wumans spitit We are cunditiuned to suppress our unger That we are all important - women - wefeel Women support women. Ceiebrate wumen Women cannot fail - we must succeed Become conscious, encuurage notions of trust and Generosit?, among women. Join hands We’re a team. Ceiebrate wumen Teri Saunders
In celebration of hmm&mJ Women’s Day I and in recognition of 500 YW~S 04 ~&stance UW Women’s C&we and CFRU FM present
Lenore Keeshig-Tobias
Thursday, March 5th at 7230 pm Reception to follow Davis Cmtre Room 1350, University of Waterloo
Noon ; 2 pm
Day Rag
“I a workshop by T&i Saunders focusing on how to bring about change
5 Pm. - 7 Pm
WOMEN AND THE MEDIA, Davis Centre 1302, UW -- fiirn “Killing Us Softly” and a discussion led by Kelly Stadelbauer of Media Watch
9:30 - 4:30 pm
INFORMAT II inrbrmatil
2 pm
Hall, VW and women s groups; various t-shints available
_ fiN!R, Da? Centre 1304, UW and a drscusston *he proposed rape law URAGE, Eby Room, Kitchener Public Library /@and “Empowermenr, followed by poetry readir w 1
self-help information Library Auditorium to their past, present & future
counselor Mar& m Hare
i9pm I 1 am
WORKSHOPS, Charles Street Senior Centre, Kitchener - 10 am - How Women are Portrayed in the Media, I.7 am - Women and Accessibility - I pm - Wumeti’s Spirituality= The Goddess, Native SpirifuaDfy, Feminist Theology WOMEN’S DANCE,. Royal Canadian Legion, 48 Ontario Street Kitchener - Women’s Coffeehouse at same location, 6 pm - 9 pm
ART SHOW & COFFEEHOUSE, Lincoln Housing Co-op, 155 Lincoln Road, Waterloo
1 pm - 2 pm
M/D MARCH & RALLY - a walk in celebraficqn of women; everyOne welcome -= meet at Rink in the Park, Waferloo; conclude af Speaker’s Corner in Kitchener
7:30 - 9:30 pm
“A MOST REMARKABLE WOMAN’, Elora Public Library, Elora - a one-woman drama on the emancipafion of women-- written and performed by Susan Lyons
February 28, N92
2nd - Monday Night: + Dart Tournament - sign up that night - prizes for winners . Bartenders Race - 8;OO p.m. Bomber vs Wilfs Fed Hall vs Turret Feds vs WLU Student Union Challenge open to any team of 5 - promises to be lots of fun and excitement! l Other crazy games and events
3rd - Tuesday Night:
Wednesday, March 4,1992
I l ‘r ‘) a-
* Alternative music night
4th - Wednesday Night: l
Campus Canada Giveaway night at Rock & Roll night
Also, movie pmser, CUU Nitllorbh hockey tickets, CCAA Bosketbsll Championshbstickets and Cam pus Canad Wet a Ufe” T-EhirtS
5th - Thursday ,Night: l l
Music Showcase sponsored Women’s Week.
Applications amnowbeingaccepted for the FEDERATION OFSTUDENTS Executive Board& &mice Co-ordimators
by International
7th - Saturday Night: l
EVENING: The Bombshelter during Rock N’ Roll Nite
Band Bash at the Bomber 5 bands have been chosen from 13 entries. These, bands are HOT! See them now for free!! Starts at 800 p.m., get there early for a good seat because we’re expecting a major line up.
6th - Fridav Night: l
Campus Centre, 9-4
1992- 1993
POLAR PLUNGE - plunge into the icy r prizes then warm up in a hot tub, These activities and more on the Bombshelter Patio. It’s the last outdoor party of the term. Don’t miss it!! Get there
The p&ions arc open to any full member of the Federation of Students and quaA@ for a stipend, the amount to be detmincd by the Students’ Council. (Last Term Up To $3OO/tcrm)
-\.DartTourney - March 1h ial %e lT?elcome! +*%ND DON’T FORGET,++
March 12tb, 19% to: Dave Martin President-Elect Federation of Students Room 235, Campus Centrc
-St. P&My’s Day Wekend is less than a month away!!
Union Executive
Nominations Open March 2 to March 13,1992 (FWm available AL 120) PCXX’IONSAVAL4E3LE:President ; Vice-President ; Secretary ; Treasurer - Elections till be held March 25 and 26,1992
For rmre info contact
Laurie at ext. 2322
. :‘:
Privileged Co-opt Groups .
by Pad Done
Last November, a proposal was put forward to change the name of the Federation of Students Women’s Issues Board to “Gender issues Board.” While 1 initially supported this proposal, I’d like to briefly explain why I spoke against the proposal, and chose to vote against it. First and foremost, I support an eventual change of .name and focus for the Women’s Issue Board; long term change is best achieved through co-operative and inclusive processes. Women and men must work together in order to overcome the institutionalized sexism and patriarchy which exists throughout society. There is, unfortunately, a tendency for the privileged to co-opt groups of oppressed individuals worKmg toward change once they are admitted. No matter how valid and sincere their attempts to work constructively may be, the agenda becomes diluted and refocused as traditional hierarchies reassert themselves. In order to preempt and counteract this tendency, processes of education and empowerment must be pursued to the fullest possible extent amongst women, before the inclusion can begin. Impulses toward passivity and silence in the presence of men have to be unlearned. Solidarity of purpose - if not . of methodsand specifics - must be built. Strength to resist being divided and conquered must be built.
Men calling themselvesfeminist.
Inhered by Dave Thomson
The question of whether men should call themselves feminist has generated substantial debate among women’s and men’s groups, with many preferring the term “profeminist”. The Toronto men’s group that initiated the White Ribbon campaign, for one, is a group that prefers the latter term. The inherent danger in men calling themselves feminists lies in a fear that popular culture will interpret this as men validating the women’s movement. Thus, where male feminists disagree with certain tenets of feminist thought, there is the danger the media wiI1 latch onto the partial acceptance of feminist thoughts by men, and promote them as the upper limit of feminism. The answer to this auestion of male feminists also hinges a great deal on ho& one defines a feminist. I would like to suggest that it means more than simply a belief in the cause, but also implies action supportive of the cause. Whether it is working behind the scenes on a protest march, or being the lone soul to stand up in class to confront the professor about sexist remarks or the harm of gender-neutral language, some practical application of the theories is needed. After all, feminism is much more than theorizing about the patriarchy - it’s goal is equality, which means elimination of that patriarchy. If one can agree on this admittedly broad definition of feminism, and that men actually can be feminists, we must ask ourselves what type of feminist action men should engage in. Should they, like some men’s groups, focus solely on “redefini&’ our masculinity or is something more needed? Is initiation of men-only campaigns useful, overreaching what is required, or not reaching far
28, 1992
The civil rights movement of the ’60s is as clear and precise an example as can be drawn. Time and time again, the effectiveness of groups which admitted whites before the processes of education and agenda-getting were fulfilled was diluted Blacks began to distrust these groups as they were co-opted, and they lost their effectiveness and credibility. We must learn this lesson well. It should be everyone’s long-term goal to overcome sexist societal dysfunctions in a fashion which includes men. If men - us - wish to work on issues related to the struggle for women’s rights, we should be working amongst ourselves, increasing ayareness and fighting negative socialization. When we finally near that “post-feminist” nirvana, we can reevaluate, restructure, and integrate women’s and men’s groups. This can be achieved without the subjugation of either gender. The questiontve should be asking: 7s the time right?” Who should answer this? The women on the front-lines of the struggle. This time, having asked that question, the &nswer was “no.” That answer must be respected. We will eventually have a “Gender Issues Board” on our campus, but that’s a step which will require forethought, education, and care. Paul Done is a film student and fmmer ujImprint
dangtir There are some limits that must be imposed. During the annual ‘“Take Back the Night” march, for example, men are barred from participating in the march itself, but encouraged to play a supportive role by providing daycare. Men have a habit of attempting - often with success - to dominate conversations and situations, be it by brute force or just by talking louder than the rest. It’s possible that men’s discussion groups could cause men to be more introspective, but I’m not sure about the role they can play within the feminist movement itself. Perhaps this is a result of the manner in which I was introduced to feminism - through female feminists. How in the cosmos are we supposed to aid the feminist cause if we don’t talk to them? Sure, anyone who interacts in the slightest way with society knows that most women are afraid of the many ways in which male violence is directed towards them. They are afraid of getting attacked on the way home, or by their boyfriends. They don’t really like getting harassed at work or leered at it bars because of the way they dress. Most men know this. There exists much more subtle remnants of the patriarchy, though, that we can’t really address or correct unless we talk to feminist women and know what they are. I someh,ow doubt that male-only discussion groups can fully discover this. Such groups do serve a purpose in a similar manner that women-only discussion groups do; that purpose being to elicit more honesty and frankness. Men obviously shouId avoid leadership roles within the women’s movement, but there is no reason why they cannot comprehend feminism and play a supportive role. Equality isn’t a weird concept, although it is somewhat utopian. It is a goal that would greatly benefit both sexes and therefore, I think, both should be involved in the , process. Dave Thomson quence usualry
Day Rag .
is an athe:& and a feministP and us a ccmseupsets pecrple with his rambiingx
1 by She&h
Over the past few months, there has been some negative commentary surfacing with regards to keeping the name Women’s Issues Board as is. Initially, the idea/ proposal to change the name to Gender Issue Board came from a few people who seemed to feel that men’s voices were not heard well enough here on campus. But once this issue was tabled at the November public meeting, there seemed to be a strong consensus against this proposition and as a result, the decision was made to keep the name the same but add a new commission, one that would address female/male relations on campus. Why the negative commentary you might ask? Well, 1 thi.t$ it is because some men feel that we have shortchanged them, that we are not giving them the same “equal” treatment in addressing male issues, as well as not giving them a means to work together with women in ending sexism and anti-feminism. I couId argue forever against this claim and the rationale behind this negative commentary. However, my space is limited so 1 will summarize my view with these points: First of all, WIB has estabIished a Gender Relations Commission co-ordinated by a female and a male. They are presently involved with: researching academic literature on gender relations, giving a workshop on,Acquaintance Rape and discussing the implications for the new Rape Shield Law, and organizing a male speaker for April who will discuss Patriarchy and Sexism on Campus. WIB does realize the need for improving gender relations, and has attempted to do this by changing its’ structure from within. However, post-feminism has not arrived, so let us not disguise nor cover up the need to address issues that continue to marginalize female students, (sexual harassment, sexual assault, body image, eating disorders, fearing to walk alone at night) as gender relations issues, These are women’s issues; issues that actually benefit men systemically. If men want to help fight sexism and anti-feminism, WIB welcomes your comments and views. (There are also two mens groups on campus.) So, although I am presently against changing “Women’s Issues” to “Gender Issues,” I do hope that one day, this can happen. ’
- - ~
Perfect Cadence by Trevor
Babies are born every day. Although it is a commonplace occurrence, the birthing process is always a miracle. We don’t often value the fact that each of us was brought into life by a woman in travail. With regards to conception, the role of the man is of equal importance. However, it is the woman who suffers the agonies of labur and delivery; and the surgery and slow recovery that follow childbirth. As I recently stood at the bedside holding my wife’s hand, t could not help the feelings of awe and admiration I had for her as she endured such intense pain to bring our tiny girl into being. I must say that I felt awkward, if not guilty in saying, ‘There, there; everything’s alright,” when in fact I have not even a fraction of her pain to my credit. She is truly the bravest woman I know, and I will live the remainder of my life with a deep gratitude and respect for any woman involved with motherhood. Eleven-day-old happy and healthy
Cadence and her mother Puuia ure both
Day Rag
Mytho-Poetic Men’s Group
Men working to end patriarchy “Men Wurking to End Sexism & Patriarchy “is a men-oniy grulupstatied this term by a graup of men from UTIRG. Following is the mission statement fur ‘Men ‘s Ntztwurk for Change, ” which this group has CIstrung philosophical link with.
The University of Waterloo Men’s Myths-Poetic Group c?onsists of a weeMy gathering of men concerned with the creation of rihtal space.
In a society dominated by men, a patriarchal society, men have di9proportionate economic, political, and social power over women But the very things that give us power exact a price. We are not born patriarchs. The process that leads us to accept the current norms of masculinity and the domination of some men over others, leaves us all brutalized, limited and angry. We usually do not acknowledge our isolation, fear, frustration, and alienation. Women, children, the planet, and ourselves, suffer the consequences. We are men committed to working against sexism and patriarchy, in support of freedom of sexual orientation, and deeply opposed to the many forms of violence in our world. Wesupport those social movements that challenge us to rethink our lives as men and re-evaluate our society: these include the feminist women’s movement, the gay iiberation movement, anti-racist struggles, native peoples, the peace, ecology, and trade union movements. We see our actions as part of a struggle against the many forces, institutions, and structures that limit the potential of aLl human beings. The equality of women is a critical step in the creation of a society that embodies human liberation. For us, political action touches all aspects of life: from our actions at home and in the streets, in school, at work, in relationships, and in the institutions of local and national decision-making. The changes we want in society as a whole are changes we strive to make in ourselves. Our goal is to reach out to other’men, to invite them to join us to create a society in which men no longer dominate women, in which all humans can reclaim their full potential, and in which men will celebrate our passion, our strength, and our capacity to nurture, tolove, and be loved. Our goal is to provide a public and collective voice of men in suppoti of women’s liberalion. Our goal is to contribute to changing the lives of men, women, and children and the state of our planet. Met1 Working to End ~&sn~ & ~iWimch~ meet rvety kivtd~V tit 7 p-t it1fhe C~ftnjJu~~ik-
It is difficult*for “civilized” men, in this society at least, to treat the space that distinguishes them from their fellow men with the respect that it requires - particularly difficult with this culture, I wouid say, because of the extent to which we are commodified and objectSed in our daily relations with one another. Not until that space is acknowledged, not as a barrier, but as something free of barriers, can men of serious intent find the opportunity to make real, fundamental connections - to each other, to themselves, and to that which creates the possibility for such processes and relations at all.
tre;afor myp
infwntat~vn. cottfactDaq*l
Noryak (It WHRG
An American Italicm Eatery
All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti
Includes: SAcid or Soup and Bread
What can be found in this space? Lmguage - that is, music, and the spoken word. most importantly, there are the stories produced by the spoken word which can have P e most notable impact: the allegory, the myth, the poem, and the persod account. It is through the story that much of the work of the mytho-poetic group is achieved, as it tip i&o the current that feeds the male sp&it. The possibilities for what can happen in this space are thus limitless; and such possibilities can have simiily limitless effects in the personal and social realms outside of the group.
The traditions which inspire and inform the group come from such sources as Carl Jung, Robert Bly, Rumi, and Joseph Campbell - writers who acknowledge the pwer of the myth and poetry in thought and action. The group also takes advantages of such ancient practices as meditation, breathing and stretching exercises, to optimize blood circulation and clarity of thinking, and the talking circle, which allows for a maxinium of personal expression. The group, however, remains open to new possibilities, as long as ritual space and mutual respect stay at the forefront. The group HWEJL~Wedrterdqv nights at.8 pm in Campus
Centrp 110.
‘bay Rag
Theseare dangerous days. . .
Hysteria, by Gretchen
bitchiness, uptightness, madness
When Sinead O’Connor made her first album 7%~ Liorl and the Cohru, a lot of music critics said that she had an incredible voice, but that she sounded too angry. Even the title of the album was a problem for some people. They claimed that it was too aggressive and ‘tough’. She could have titled it The Fuzz-v Bvararld the Fh& Butmy, choosing instead animals that are more commonly associated with young ladies. Incidentally, these are also among the two most frequentiy chosen tattoo designs by a great number of today’s young ladies. Yet O’Connor stuck with the title she chose and decided as well not to keep silent about things that made her angry. O’Connor has been criticized a great deal since she became famous, If it isn’t her lack of hair, it’s her clothes, her posture, her political opinions, or her angry singing style. If you ask me, O’Connor has got a hell of a lot to be pissed about and what better way to express it than what she is extremely good at: singing, or wailing, if you like. Yes, Sinead O’Connor wails. She wails about issues which rightfully piss her off, so why shouldn’t she sound angry? Would these critics prefer a Julie Andrews’ rendition of “Jerusalem” 3 wonder? Should Sinead O’Connor sing sweet melodies and never raise her voice above a whisper when clearly she is angered by the state of the world? Absolutely not. My first response to people who badmouth O’Connor and other women like her is, “Yeah, what’s your point?“. TO which the most common response is something like, “Uh, urn, oh,ah.. l ” Exactly. This person has definitely just stated the obvious, but that is not what the underlying tone of their criticism was all about. When statements regarding a woman’s anger are made, instead of addressing her anger directly, they downplay her anger or ignore it altogether. It’s fine for thousands of individual males to parade on stage and scream unti1 they’re red in the face about all kinds of issues positive and negative, but as soon as a woman does so, she’s seen as “just too damn angry.” Like other forms of sexism, there must be a reason for this imbalance. 1 discovered one reason through the’ writings of Marilyn Frye. In her book The faiitics qf Ruaii~*: I%suys in Fumik/ Themy, Frye sees women’s anger as a threat to the patriarchy. Anger involves an implicit questioning about reality. When one is a member of the oftenunquestioned phallocracy, any challenge to your position is seen as an immediate threat. Anger is a challenge, and women’s anger is a challenge to the patriarchy. Our anger is a statement that we don’t like how we are being treated, and it is also a threat to the dominant mode of reality. By using the word threat, I don’t mean in a physical or otherwise direct attack on another person. I mean a de-centering or deciphering of the very structure of the patriarchy. This deciphering may be conscious or subconscious, noticeable or unnoticeable. Whatever the intent, any resistance to androcentrism is an attack on the stat-us quo. As Frye points out, anger often stems from the belief that we are somehow being wronged and that we possess the concept or idea of what is right. When a woman resists overt sexist behaviour or covert misogyny, she is usually viewed as a threat, someone to be silenced or put back into place. That she is a threat is not acknowledged, but this is in fact the reality of the situation. A woman angered is a woman wronged, and a woman who has an idea of what it would be like to be treated “right.” Since our anger is seen as a threat, one of the most common ways to avoid or erase this threat is to simply ignore what we say, or discredit our thoughts by otherwise not addressing our rage. Many attempts are made to dk miss our anger as “hysteria,” “bitchiness,” “uptightness,““madness” or any number of other terms used
off SO
28, 1992
to ignore or exclude our fury. Instead of directing the discussion (if there is one) back to the maddening issue at hand, the usual first response by a woman is to try and defend her character, her person. Instead of discussing why she is angry about walking home alone at night, her efforts to explain her anger are sent in another direction. She often feels the need to justify the accusation that she is a bitch or a nag or a man-hating-lesbian-feminist-screwball. TO which I would advise her to reply, iet ISnut chmlgethesub-
ject shall we.? Eke other areas of inequality,
anger is not
addressed in the same way as men’s anger. Often times men are asked why they are angry, or could they please explain their rage. Male anger is not discarded as irrational, One never hears comments like, “Oh, stop being so testitular,” or “Man, are you ever bastardy today.” Yet this is the same ‘sort of verbal discreditation that occurs all the time with women. From the moment pink terry-cloth blanket is placed on our little newborn bodies, girls are told don ‘t gel arr,qy durr ‘1 swear, dm ‘t CGIUSPa disturimncu. It’s alright for our incubating neighbours in blue to scream for their supper, but for a sweet little girl to do so is seen as almost a genetic defect on her part.
While some advice concerning when to keep quiet is helpful and positive, there are times when it can be not only harmful but deadly. Keeping silent about oppression only allows it to continue unnoticed. In order for our streets to be safer, our wombs to be free, and our anger to receive proper uptake, we can no longer remain quiet. A11 women must make their rage heard in whatever manner they see as appropriate. Not every woman can bellow her rage at the world like Sinead O’Connor. There are numerous ways to show our unhappiness with the world, and not all of them involve screaming and yelling or even wailing for that matter. So the the next time you hear O’Connor sing “These are dangerous days/ To say what you feel is to dig your own grave,” remember, she’s not just rhyming for the sake of it, she’s speaking her anger, and she’s attacking what she sees as wrong. So to anyone who says that O’Connor is too angry, 1% simply say “wailing is better ammunition that bullets any day, and if you think that’s corny, what’s your point?”
Gretchen Zimmemtan is a first-yeir masters studeflt in philosophy: shp has a tattoo of Ncfedti over her lej breast.
Not a feminist, but. l
by Stacey Lobin
Hold on to your hats, cowboys and cowgirls, I am an angry feminist. YessireeJ am a feminist, I am spittin’ mad, and I’m goin’ to tell ya why. First, however, I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself. I am not a hairy-legged dog-faced b&h-queen. I’m a fab babe, I occasionally wear makeup and skirts, and I shave my legs every summer (if I need to or not). My pits, I shave more often (they get itchy, you know}. I am not a rabid, man-hating dyke. I’m more-or-less heterosexual, and I like several men (heck, I even love some of them), like my dad, my fabbo boyfriend, and my several male friends. The only men I hate are the ones who try to tell me what I, as a woman, am supposed to be; like priests, politicians and professors - especially those who can’t use the feminine pronoun when describing any professional activity, e.g. “. . _the doctor sticks his speculum up her cunt.” I am not a shrill, screaming psycho-bitch. I am usually mild-mannered, attend only the occasional protest march or memorial service, and do not constantly correct or badger people if they accidentally say “chairman” or “manhole.” I sound like a nice, reasonable, well-behaved modem woman, don’t I? I seem to have very little to complain about . . . what could I possibly be angry for, then? Read on, those of you who have gotten this far. I’m angry because I cannot walk where I want, when I want, without having to look over my shoulder every 30 seconds to see if I’m being fol1owed. I’m angry because legislators think it is within their power to tell me what I can do with my own body, when I know full well the consequences of my own actions. I’m angry because I’m not sure if I wilI be guaranteed an equal position with my peers in my future profession, without having to ask if I’m being paid the same as my male coworkers, and without being penalized for taking time
off to tend to a family. I’m angry because I want my sister and my little cousins and ~VPQJwoman to have the same advantages that I have, and even more, without them being discriminated against because of their sex (or race) . . . and I’m not sure that they will enjoy those advantages. I’m angry because women are constantly humiliated in our courts of law. If a woman is raped or harassed, it must be because she in some way provoked it or asked for it, right? I mean, are women credible? Are they to be believed? Or are they just immoral, vengeful bitches? Should men be the judges? And I am especiuh’y angry because most of the women I know refuse to label themselves feminists, when they believe in the same things that I do (and even when they believe in totally different things, too) because they are afraid of that word. I get angry every time I hear the phrase “I’m no feminist, but . . .” because firstly, it’s bad grammar, and second1y, these non-feminists believe that “we’re all equal now, so why should anyone complain?” Ask any woman who lives in the real world (and not the “pretend” world of high-school or university) and shell set you straight. “Equal? Pffft.” Well let me tell you something. babes - and this goes for men too, who can’t figure out why some women are so angry. Women are not equal in this society. Women do nut enjoy the same rights and ’ privileges as male people in this society. Women today must continue the hard work that countless feminists have , already done, to maintain our present rights and to fight for new ones. While women still only earn up to 69 cents to every dollar that men earn; while women still are afraid of going : out alone at night; while women still have to be the punching bags for their angry mates; while women stiIl are not taken seriously as thinking human bein@, we are not equal. My only wish is to see the day when we are. I
Staceybbin is an nth-year English stident who wants tu ,wear$3hnet and nut have to explain why.
by J. Kent Irritability, emotional mood swings, headaches and/ or depression, food cravings, fluid retention, nervous tension, tenderness of the breasts, weight gain, anxiety, allergies, fainting, cramps, sore throat, backache, and hostility. All women suffer some or all of these symptoms from time to time in the days preceding the onset of menses. The symptoms, more than 150 of them, can be mild or absolutely debilitating. All in all, very reai for the women experiencing such symptoms. Much is still unknown about PreMenstrual Tension - it is often times referred to as PreMenstrual Syndrome - since it was first reported and named in 1929 by a gynecologist. Even after much investment of time and money there is very little agreed upon about PMT, its causes and possible treatments. The suspected causes range from nutreduced vitamin B4 uptake, ritional deficiencies, chemicals running from the delinquent messenger pituitary gland, fluctuating blood sugar, hormonal imbalances, to even a misunderstood uterus. Diagnosis is even more difficult because many physicians do not acknowledge PMT as even existing as a health problem. Once
by Jacqueline
van bar
Historically and traditionally, our foremothers used cotton to absorb their menstrual flows each month. However, their cotton was usually in the form of old rags bedsheets or baby diapers torn into strips and folded-to fit and likely pinned into place. Once disposable menstrual products became available in the 193Os, most women were happy to make the switch. A reverse trend began in 1978 with the reintroduction of cotton for menstrual wear by Jeannine Parvarti, with the publishing of HIGH& - a book on herbology. She included instructions for making a pad specifically for menstruation. Since the pad consisted of an outer pocket, into which a Pbld e d piece of cloth was inserted, the design represented a step forward from the “rags” of our foremothers. In North America today, this pad remains as the one most commonly available, al though not necessarily the most popular due to it’s belted fastening method. More recently, cottage-based industries in Canada are offering innovative cotton pad designs that use wings and velcro as more modern fastening methods. These pads offer a modern and convenient alternative to disposable sanitary products. However, womyn may initially be leery of considering the use of cotton pads for two reasons. Firstly, cotton pads are often considered as old-fashioned and going backwards in time - advocating the “rags fl of our ancestors. Secondly, cotton pads must be laundered and consequently are not as convenient as disposables. These hesitancies are addressed by the reasons why womyn switch to cotton menstrual pads. Health issues are cited as perhaps the biggest reason for switching to cotton sanitary pads. When disposable sanitary products initially appeared in the 193Os, they were relatively pure consisting of only cotton and paper. However, over the years, synthetic fibers, chemicals, deodorants, perfumes, and plastics have been added to sanitary products. The overall goal of manufacturers seems to be to make the thinnest pad, with the best wings, offering the driest protection - all of which must be unseen by others. Dioxin, a by-product of chlorine-bleached pulp
convinced that the patient has PMT, the treatment can include prescribed diuretics, special diets, or pain-relieving medications. Many women have found relief from participating in support groups that allow for candid and supportive dialogue on the stresses and mysteries of PMT.
i It requires some patience and a knack for details to assess PMT truly. As of yet, there is no specific medical nor psychological test to confirm PMT. A woman must chart her symptoms for at least two consecutive cycles before PMT can be discerned and evaluated. Charting requires a woman to make decisions about whether the symptoms are recurring, present during pre-menstruation and absent during post-menstruation.
used to make pads white, may leech out into womyn’s bodies. Toxic Shock Syndrome, caused primarily by tampon misuse, is still very much alive and rampant in North America - disabling and killing womyn. Cotton-pad use also often initiates from concern for the environment. Cotton is reusable and biodegradable. Using cotton pads saves the trees required to make disposable products, as well as the packaging for their marketing. Many disposable pads and tampons also contain plastic. With reusable cotton pads, less space is used at the landfill site. Many students may be prompted to switch to cotton pads for financial reasons. Some womyn actually make their own pads, in much the same way as our foremothers have done, in order to save money. An average of $120 per year ($10 per month) is spent by womyn on disposable products. While an initial purchase of cotton pads and accessories would cost half this amount, these will last for several years, depending on wear and care. Extended overseas travel is another reason why womyn are switching to cotton pads. In some countries, disposable sanitary products may be difficult to obtain or totally unavailable. Garbage disposal systems in some countries may not be equipped to handle used sanitary products. Reusable cotton pads then become a necessity, rather than an alternative. In summary, cotton sanitary pads should be considered as a step forward for both the well-being of womyn’s health and the health of the planet. Today’s cotton pads are well-designed specifically for menstrual use, and offer a comfortable and innovative alternative in a variety of designs, sizes, fabrics, and colors to address the entire range of menstrual flows and comfort needs. Further information may be obtained from: Jacqueline van Laar, BIS Green Mother Company, B-190 Allen Street East, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 1Kl ‘. (519) 5764623 Jacqueline van Lam credits her thesis on eco-jeminism / midw$ey /feminism / womyn h health /wum,vn and housing .for giving birth to her cotton-pad livelicrood
Day Rag
PMT has been divided into four separate subgroups other than being categorized as mild, moderate, and severe. The groupings are: PMT-A, PMT-C, PMT-H, and PMT-D. PMT-A is subtitled anxiety, PMT-C is carbohydrate craving and intolerance, PMT-H is hyper-hydration or water retention, and PMT-D is depression. A woman may have more severe symptoms in one of these subgroups and mild symptoms in another in concert with each other in pre-menses days. Hormonal therapy,, though once popular, is not the only nor even the best way to treat PMT. Once a woman is considered to be PMT, she has a wide variety of choices that will enable her to treat herself. It has been found that vitamin B6 and Vitamin E eases fatigue, breast swelling and headaches. Vitamin B6 can be consumed as a supplement, but it is found in food sources such as salmon, brown rice, carrots, corn, nuts and soyabegns. It is important to note that cooking vegetables destroys I36 Vitamin E depletes vitamin C, therefore vitamin C intake should be increased. Vitamin A is helpful for women experiencing PMT as it is believed to retard viruses and infections. Several minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc when combined in specific doses help reduce the sevekity of many of the sympttims. Many women are greatly relieved when they begin a program that combines these vitamins and minerals with Evening Primrose Oil. This oil is expensive and should be taken under some supervision from a reliable medical practitioner. Some women claim that the symptoms of PMT are completely elevated after a few months of taking Evening Primrose Oil. j Diet, exercise and stress management play a vital role in the control of PMT. Exercise does not have to be a marathon but perhaps a 15iminute walk at lunch time three times a week, a swim twice a week, and a badminton game or an hour of cross country skiing every week. Stress makes any symptoms we have worse. To reduce stress may mean setting some time aside for yourself, time that can be spent listening to the Joe Trio or Loreena McKennitt, time spent in a hot tub. Other than through exercise, stress can be managed through the discipline of yoga, relaxation therapy and support groups. Having orgasms can be therapeutic, as often times the congested and heavy feeling in the pelvic region associated with PMT czn be reduced. There are a litany of things that should be avoided once a woman has been considered PMT-prone. Tranquilizers and anti-depressants do nothing but mask the symptoms and confuse the real cause of the woman’s depression and tension. Diuretics and other drugs too many to list here, become dangerous because they deplete the bodies minerals and often times increase the symptoms’ severity. Smoking is a stimulant and interrupts calcium absorption. To have a hysterectomy is a fallacious cure; many women have experienced an increase in PMT after this surgery. More than anything attitude can be a boon for PMTprone women. PMT is not a disease. PMT is a part of a natural and regular function of the female body. Once the woman changes her mind set from thinking that she is trapped by her cycle, plagued by symptoms and suffers the horrors of mood swings to responsibly researching, charting and categorizing her cycle, she is on her way to wellness. PMT can be managed, and relief maintained for long periods of time. There are some good resources ava.ilable at the Women’s Centre (Campus Centre 217). Be sure to go in and ask for some information. On Wednesday March 4th, there will be a workshop and film presentation on PMS in Davis Centre 1302, noon through 2 pm. This workshop will cover issues such as: a self-help approach, PMS as it affects our lives and relationships, how to cope when others don’t support you, how to chart andcategorize PMS, setting up and sticking to diet and exercise, and an open forum to discuss individual problems. Plan to attend! J Kent Esa creutive vivaciuus, sensuous archival and will be conducting the PIUS workshop on Ma&
student, 4th
Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992
ice Guelph Gryp/ions steal seriesjkom Warriors at the Icejklds One could see as well that Guelph hadn’t fqrgotten hoiv to clutch, grab, or do anything to impede the Warriors progress while staying out of the penalty-box. According to one observant spectator at the game, “their (Guelph’s) idea of defence is grabbing onto another player’s stick.”
For the second consecutive year, the hockey Warriors have faced the Guelph Gryphons in the second round of the OUAA West playoffs. Last year, after losing the first game 31, the Warriors roared back with 4-O and 12-O wins to take the series. This year, things were looking to turn out in a similar manner. The Warriors lost the first game o,f the series 2-1, and then came back in Guelph with a 4-2 victory for themselves. But that is where the similarity ends. In game three, the Warriors faltered and bowed out of the playoffs with a 6-3 loss. Guelph moves on to contest the 0UA.A West title against the Wid Laurier Golden Hawks, who swept the Western Mustangs last weekend. Game one of that series took place
in Guelph
However, the Warriors did manage to get their chances, but a problem that had been plaguing the Warriors all season cropped up again; they couldn’t finish on their scoring opportunities. Fortunately, in the first period, neither could the Gryphs. The period ended with goose eggs on the scoreboard and a shot clock that looked like a lopsided football score in favour of the Warriors.
Game two in Guelph saw much of the same style of play; the Warriors trying to play hockey, and the Gryphons trying to stop them. Things were looking bad for the Warriors early when Guelph score six minutes into the game, but the Warriors power-play came to the rescue with another first-teamer Gory Keenan putting it by the stubborn Gryphon goalie. As in the first game, the Gryphons scored in the first two minutes of the second period to give them the lead, but the Warriors persisted and capitalized with three and a half minutes left in the period. In the third period, both teams had their chances to take the lead ,but it was the Warriors that did on Steve Woods’ second of the game. The
last night
Waterloo’s loss comes as a shock to many Warrior fans, but all signs showed that Waterloo would have great difficulty handling the Gryphs ‘this year. In the two meetings of the teams duting the regular season, Guelph dominated and came away with two wins (the second was to end the Warriors’ then 12-game winning streak).
Injuries suffered in the last two games of the regular season had weakened the Warriors enough to give the Gryphons the slight enough edge to pull the series out of the hat. That and a surprisingly hot Guelph goalie were too much for the Warriors
whenoutpltzy’bzg d0ee.n‘t equal winning!
have a cow, man!
to overcome and repeat as OUAA West champions. If shots on net and control of the puck were enough to win games, the Warriors would have swept the series and be looking forward to squashing Laurier, but unfortuna&ly in hockey, it’s goals that win games.
Photo by CD Coulas
Game one at the Icefields saw the Warriors dominate the play. The Warriors pelted Guelph goalie Jeff Wilson with shots from all angle, but the stubby goalie was up to the task as was the Gryphon defence, who manage to keep the traffic in front of the net minimal.
The Gryphons found their scoring - touch two minutes into the second, and later in the frame on the powerplay. The discouraged Warriors tried gallantly to find the marker, but failed in their-attempts. It wasn’t until 16:46 of the third period that first-team CXJAA West all-star Dave Lorentz found the marker, to pull Waterloo to within one. Too little, too late, the Gryphs took game one.
up, ,Chuck?? by CD Coulas
Imprintsuorts “Chuck has resigned from our Department,” said Director of Athletics Wally Delahey on Feb. 21 about assistant Warrior football coach Chuck McMann, “so that he will be able to accept an assistant coaching position with the Calgary Stampeders.” McMann has been working parttime with the Stampeders at their training camp for the past two years and as full-time assistant coach of the Warriors under head coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight for the past four. He was offered a full-time job by the Stampeders and painfully decided to accept. “It was a difficult decision for me,” reported McMann. “I’ve enjoyed my position here at Waterloo. III miss my fellow workers and Ill miss the players. However, I look -upon this position as an opportunity to expand my coaching experience and since such offers don’t come along very often, 1 thought that I had better accept this one.” McMann’s ultimate goal is to return to the University level of football as a head coach and sees this job with the Stampeders as a “stepping stone to get in as a head coach (at the university level) .” He prefers university
them to get into school, and in some - the proverbial “big b&her” figure. 1 In his four years at the university, the big brother has been coach and friends to many players. “I think I’m closest to the linebackers,” said the lo-year CFL wide receiver, “Denoit Droin, Andy Allen, Jeff Lake, I’ve dealt with those players a lot on a personal level . . . I’m going to miss those gUyS.” A couple of Other memories that McMann will carry with him to Calgary are, “making the playoffs for the first time” and “the first time we beat Laurier,” two 1989 achievements that stand out in his mind, and every Warrior fan% as well. McMann learned a lot from being acting head coach of the Warriors during the 1988 season when he took over from Knight, who had suffered a heart attack after a Warrior preseason game. “Chuck did a great job the year that he filled in for me both in his coaching and in his handling so many administrative duties,” said Knight. “It was quite a baptism to university coaching. Chuck made an outstanding contribution to the football program at LJW. He’s an outstanding coach with a good football mind. He is respected and like by the players. Hell be hard to replace.” Knight’s sentiments are carried by anyone who has known McMann and has seen him coach. Imprint sports and the shrdent population are sad to see him go, but wish him luck with the Stampeders and with his goal of being a head coach at a university. cases, to stay in school”
the stability of the job and because he enjoys the implications of teaching a student athlete. “I think you get more involved with the individual than you do at the pro level,” explained McMann. “Here at the university, you have to help
Warriors then proceeded to ward off the Gryphon offense and add an empty-netter to salt the victory. “Guelph didn’t finish their chances, and we did,” head coach Don McKee said about game two. This was combined with superb netminding by OUAA West second-team all-star Steve Udvari. This combination buoyed Waterloo’s hopes going into the deciding third game. There was an air of excitement in the deep freeze we call the Columbia Icefields on Monday as the Warriors stepped to the ice. The intensity from the first two game carried over into the third game, and got stronger as the game progressed, thanks to a lenient referee. Play was going Waterloo’s way again, but quality scoring opportunities were hard to come by. When they did occur, Wilson was equal to the task. The Gryphons scored first as Eric Ross put one in off the inside of the post by a screened Udvari. Waterloo caught a couple of breaks when a Warrior blatantly tripped a Guelph player, but was not called, and Guelph received a penalty for another infraction a minute later. Cory Keenan’s blast from the point pin-balled into the net. After another Guelph penalty, the teams went into the dressing room tied at one and the Warriors carrying a power-play into the second. The power-play paid off again 44 seconds into the second when Bill Whistle took a Darren Snyder pass and directed it in. Shortly thereafter, Guelph capitalized on their own power-play, and thelearns were notted at two. As the period progressed, play became more chippy, with more strums after the whistle. Referee Bob Beatty didn’t feel that is was necessary to hand out any penalties, so the strums persisted, With the period winding down, and Guelph pressing, captain Rod Thacker (in what turned out to be his last game of his university career) stole the puck and set the dangerous Troy Stephens in on a break-away. Stephens, Waterloo’s leading scorer in
take, deking strap.
the goalie out of his jock-
*continued to page 28.
2 6 Imprint, Friday,
28, 1992
. WWO r Bask&all
Time to get it together THE - -WILSON
by Paul Done Imprint staff
The Warriors are hoping that the time against the Western Mustangs will prove to be lucky as they trek down the 4OI for their OUAA West quarter-final match to be played at 2 pm, Saturday February 24. In the last two weeks, Waterloo has lost twice to the Mustangs, first by a margin of 90-75 in the PAC, and then by 88-78 in bndon last Saturday to close out their regular season. third
sparkplug Mike Duarte (ankle injury) and with OUAA West leading scorer AIex Urosevic hobbling around on a sore foot, the Warriors were unable to hold on to a 45-41 half-time lead, Western came out blitzing during the second half, turning the four-point deficit into a two-point lead halfway through the period. A three-minute drought by the Wdrriors allowed the Mustangs to build their lead to eight points with eight minutes to go. The ihraniors got no closer. Without
Telf&d and Dave I$nch continued their solid play hitting for 15 and 13 points respectively. Alex Urosevic limped to 12 points, on 6-of-15 shooting. The Warriors were undone by poor three-point shootin& hitting only 3-of-14 from downtown, and a dozen turnovers.
1 Bmck11l-31 l
Urusmichobbling 8 Windsor(l-13)
1 4 We&m [9-S] It had already been resolved earlier on in the week that the Mustangs and Warriors would be playing in the quarter-final; this game was merely to resolve home-court advantage. By dint of their earlier loss, Waterloo had to win by at least 16 in order to secure home c&t. CIearly, they didn’t.
5 Waterloo(7-j) L
7 lawier (3-11) for Graduation & Formals STUDENT SPECIAL Any tuxedo or tails ONLY
.Ka6d’s own collection of Canterbury Foimal
Wear with an extensive in-store inventory, offering the latest styles-and a large selection of co-ordinating accessories.
Shopat Ka6eljf0rser+ice anddue~thuthas mabe Kz6el’s u sture of distinction since IgZO.
3 Mdbstw [9-S]
2 Laurentian110-5)
.Allgames will behosted. byteamof higherrank Imprint apopts will publish a Wilson Cup Final Four Preview in two weeks. Graphic It’s an odd situation
to be playing the same team three times in three weeks, one which Coach Don McCrae understands: “There won’t be any surprises at this point - it’s just going to come down to grinding
fuU week that Urosevic
by Rich Nichol
has had to rest
his foot.
“Going into the playoffs, you need something positive to build upon, and if Mike and Alex are healthy, that it out; to execution,” will be a big boost,” said McCrae, looking into his crystal ball. , Having graduated their entire * When asked for his fearless prostarting five, the CIAU champion gnostication for the ,upcoming Mustangs were picked to finish lower plays :.*s,McCrae said that Brock is the than fourth place. By solid execution best team coming into the playoffs. and unselfish team play, they have The Badgers have come out of an exemplified the notion of a team early-season funk, and are currently being greater than the sum of its parts., ranked number-one in the nation. ‘last year’s second-line players With home-court advantage, they11 acquired winningattitudesand habits be tough to beat. Should the Warriors from practicing against winners,” said defeat the Mustangs, their next date McCrae, ‘These guys know the would be in St. Catharines, against way.*’ Brock (unless Windsor walks on
and the Laurier Golden Hawks go to Guelph to play the Gryphons in other west division quarter-final action tomorrow. Two weeks from now, Uw’s PAC will host the Wilson Cup OUAA finals with the top-two west division teams joining the winners of the east and central divisions in a final-four tournament. The winner of the west division is guaranteed a ClAU berth, but the other finalist also has a good chance of wild-card ticket to the national final-eight tournament. The
of Students
arranged fan buses for Saturday’s quarter-final at Western: Tickets cost $4 (game ticket not incIuded) and the buses will be leaving from the Math and Computer loading dock at noon. Tickets can be bought in the Fed
Badgers).. * McMaster Marauders in Hamilton The Lakehead Voyageurs vlslt the aficesc 235
water and beats the
iable. Sporadic injuries have com3 plicated the frequent line-up juggling 3 that the coaching staff has been forced i to do by inconsistent play. If there’s ; one thing that Waterloo can buikl i upon, it’s the return of Duarteand the
**************************MC******* * -’
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1. Brock .. ... .... .... .... .... .... .. ..... .... .... ... ..... ... .... .... ...~3-2 ; s 2. Guelph .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... ....*.*......*.*.. 2-1 * g 3. Concordia ,......~.............“............................,.... 3-I 3: 2 4. Laurentian .. ...L........................“........................ 5-I z ++ 5. McMaster ..I..*...............*~........*...............*..,..... 7-1 * z 6. Toronto . .....1.“....3...............““..........~~............... 11-l ; 2 7. Western . ... .... ... ..... ..I....“................................. 12-l z $ 8. Ottawa I.........................................”................ 15-l $ 9. Waterloo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20-I * 10. York . .... .... ....~............~...............**.*............... 25-I g 11. Carleton .. ...~.............I...............................“.. 50-I $ 12. Queen’s . ... ..~......I”...................................... 100-I * 13. Lakehead . .... ... .... .... .... .....~........................ 500-l *s 14. Bishop’s .... ... ...-l.......l.-...-.-------11------.--.---501-l 2 15. Windsor . ...*........*~*....................*..***.......* 1000-1 * 16. Laurier ..,.*.*..*.....*,~...............,.*.* 1.0x10(21)-1 *
** *sic*********************************
‘,Imprint, kay,
February 28, 1992 27
Athena Basketball
Turnaround season comes (to an end by CD Coulas Imprint sports The Athenas played their last game of the regular season last Saturday (Feb. 22) against first place Western. Thirty minutes before the game had started, head coach Denise Dignard had found out that the M&aster Marauders had defeated the Windsor lancers 584, meaning that the Athenas had to beat the nationally top-ten ranked Western Mustangs to qualify for post-season
play. Miracles
were not in the happening this day however, as the Mustangs trampled the Athenas 72-37. Going into the game, coach Dignard had told her players to play
for the Mustangs by getting the players to play within themeIves, and try to control the tempoofthe~ewithbaU~ sion It became iqpamnt early in the game that the Mustangs were throwingaloopinDignard’spbn.The Mustangs pressured the Athenas defensively, much like the McMaster Marauders did in defeating the Athenas two weeks ago, only adding strong physical play to the plan as well, The youthful and undersized Athenas crumbled under the pressure of the aggressive Mustangs&iving the ball away a total of 27 times, and shooting a less than respectable 28 per cent from twepoint range.
the game as if it were their last, to give it their alL They had nothing to lose playing against a team that had only lost one game all season. As it turned out, it was their last game of the year, but not for lack of effort Dignard and her players knew what they were up against before they laced up the hightops. “Whether it was from an experience point of view, b,r: a conditioning point of view,” said Dignard about her Western foes, the Athenas would be in tough to comp&e. To point out the of the Mustangs, five experience UWO players were playing the last game of their five-year careers, and three of them made it to the OWIAA west alLstar te%In. Dignard wanted to counkr this
Campus Ret
of scoring
Brenda Kraemer and Leigh Ann Erickson, holding Kraemer to only two points, and Erickson to four. The one player for the Athenas that shone amidst the adversity, was the fiery Kathy Wordham Wordham notched 14 points for the Athenas including 12 points on four treys within ten rninutw. This flurry from Wordham early in the first half managed to keep the Athenas close, but not for long. The Mustang players caught up to our secret weapon and shut her down to only two more points in the game. In the end, the Athenas were outplayed at almost every position. The Mustangs managed an incredible 50 per cent shooting from two-point range on 60 shots, ietting five Mustang players to get into double digits for scoring. One of the players for the ‘Stangs was fifth-year vet Debbie Kraemer, sister to the Athenas’ Laurie and Brenda Kraemer. Talent reigns in the Kraemer family as both Debbie and Brenda made it to the OWLS all-star team. + Brenda Kraemer is the only Athena to make it to this years all-star team. Most people, and apparently most
opposing coaches (they’re the 0neS that vote for the all-star team) agree that Brenda Kraemer is the best player on the teau~
Brenda and her teamma teswillbe watching the playoff this year ins&d ofpiwticipa~butifaIlgoesweli, l-t?m%hin~%s thiSJQf.%l%squedwill \ailttie players are eli@bie to play next ; year. Kraemer and Erickson will both i be going into their fifth and final year if they decide to come back to the
team Kraemer has already reported 1that she will return, but we’ll have to wait and see what the verdict is on Erickson The team members meet i individually with the coaching staff in a few weeks to discuss the season and what the player’s plans are for next season.
l continued
to page 28+
“KELLY’S” Qoolmldr Rawhg 1 ? 2:30-3:30 pm
CPR 3W-02 22 PoohId. Rowing 2 30-3’30 pm Pookldr nowrng 12330-l 50 pm
24 Pmoldda Rowing 2:30.3,30pm
Last week of
Campus Rae
2 5 ceckc v.bll Taurnay 6:30- 11:30 pm
Holidays are over, but the next five weeks will fly by, I hope! C-R programs al1 started up again this past Sunday. It’s downhill from here, folks, so keep your heads about you and take time out for you and some activity.
the equipment centre in the PAC. Special mentions should be made
to the ‘Hupsing Devils” who were undefeated going into the final week of play as well as the “Diggers”,
“OHM Rangers”, ‘Too Short” and the “Fallopian Tube Swim Team: who were 3-l-O going into the final week’s ’ Thanks to all those who have participated over the course of the term
such topics
as how to
if you’re
out and for the athlete, how to pre-
pare for competition by altering your diet. Come out March 3 at noon. All students and staff welcome! Stay tuned for more seminars happening this month. Men’s Competitive
by Blair Krauter Another
of men’s
volleyball has quickly come to an end. Thirty-four squads have battled it out for top position over the last five weeks with now only the playoffs
to decide the winter’s champions. This term’s league has been a great success in both the quality of play and the level of sportsmanship. In response, Campus Recreation has started a new feature to award these
2nd Floor
of the MAYFAIR
9 Boston Tables Dart Boards l
and good luck in the playoffs. Rowing
Club Update
The UW rowing
club attended
takes place this weekend Catharines. For more info Bryan at 746-3494.
Rent Any In-House Tuxedo for 659 King StJUTCHENER
Canadian National Indoor Ergatta and did very well. Heather Holden and Shannon Allen both rowed personal bests and placed third and sixth respectively. The Ontario Provincial Ergatta
The next LIFE PROJECTS workshop is planned and set up March 3 between 12 - 1 pm in Engineering 11515. The seminar will focus on “Nutrition for An Active Lifestyle: and will be presented by Professor Jay Thompson. He. will keep your energy levels high for today’s tifestyle, what it means nut-
+ *
statistics board across from
by Diane Schuldt
Q Nq3ortsbar .
2 Poolrldo AowRg 12:30-f :30 pm
performances with “Team of the Week” honours, The photos of the tinning teams are displayed on the
Life Update
27 0
by Barbara Jo Green Imprint sports
The AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and Area
AIDS COMMITTEE TO HOLD FOCUS GROUPS TO DEVELOP MULTI-YEAR PtiN (ACCKWA) The AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchen&, Waterloo and Area is committed to developing a multi-year plan which reflects theneeds and viewpoints of people living with HIV/AIDS, the families and friends of people living with HIV/AIDS, interested community members and professionals from Waterloo Region. Six focus groups will meet to gather information in March and April 1992, which will assist us with the future activities of ACCKWA. Community input is vital to the success and strength of this process. If you would like to contribute please contact Lorie Fiore at 748-5556.
Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992 -
Fifth at OW’s byCarolyn Ilichardson imprint sports The Athena figure skating competed in OWIAA finals at Western two weeks ago. The two-day competition was- definitely interesting and not without a number of surprises. Initially, the team got off on the wrong foot - literally. The Athenas were struck with two major injuries before the competition even started. It appeared as if Sharleen Hoar and Michelle Hahn would be unable to skate due to ankle injuries. Despite these discouragements# Hoar was able to skate in the precision event and the team put on quite a show. Many skaters achieved their own personal best in the competition. Cheered on by quips from “Wayne’s World,” skaters either maintained or improved their standings from the previous competitions. On Sunday, events began early and the Athenas once again put forth a terrific effort. Unfortunately, the pairs four team had to withdraw due to the injuries. The final precision event, in which 12 skaters perform an intricate pro-
gram, Waterloo skated to an outstanding third place, over top teams Toronto and Queen’s, The team finished a respectable fifth overall, two places up from previous competitions. C&gratuIations are extended to
l cont’d. from page 270
the whole team for their enthusiasm, spirit, and effort. The teamwishes to extend a special many thanks to the coaching staff on C&oIyn, Mson, and Mark who helped us through the year and were always there witi advice and encouragement.
-Tara Rutherford & Valerie Miller - 2nd -Cnrt)lvn
-Rutherford -Michelle
Carolyn Thtxrcsa 1 Senior
A Singles
Open Singles
Last vear. Erickson. said that this season Louid most likely be her last because of the ever-increasing academic workload, especially when she plans on doink &me &aching (h?r chosen profession) on the side. Dignard’s assessment of the season seems to be mostly positive, and as well it should be. After two consecutive 2-12 seasons, the Athenas are walking away from this season with a 6-8 record, the fourth best in the West. lJnfortunateIy, another team also has a 6-8 record, and that team is the McMaster Marauders. Mac beat the
- 5th
- 8th Kho &
Richardson Marwood Ntwts
- 5th - 5th
- 2nd
Marwood - 7th Richardscjn, bfarwood, Garth Mr)ss - 5th Chui & Ntrave - 8th
OSP Quickstep
Senior Similar Pairs Senior Similar Dance
Khcj & Marwood Isolated
- 8th
Two tickets to the CIAU Hockey semi-finals in Toronto on Saturday, March 14. Package includes: 2 ticket to both the semi-final games and 2 return trip ticket on VIA Rail (ticket may be used -for return on Sunday if you wish to stay for final). A
Athenas in both their meetings this season, so they finish in fourth place, putGng Waterloo one place out of the -&Xal playoff spot. This effort bodes well for the future of the team, especially since next year’s team will be almost the same. The players will return next year and will build on this year’s experiences. They will be hungry for a playoff spot after tasting victory this year. Imprint sports wishes to congratulate Denise Dignard and her excellent coaching staff along with their players on a banner year. We will be looking forward to another winning season next year, and maybe a play-off spot.
Rules: to enter the draw for the double-pass, simply put your name and phone number on a piece of paper, along with the name of this years leading scorer for the Warriors and one good reason why we should send you to the CIAU semis. Bring the piece of paper into Imprint at room 140 in the Campus Centre and insert it in the envelope marked “Hockey contest” on the Editors Desk (ask somebody if you can‘t find it). Wait by your phone for a call and your’re on your way!
Athena BasketbaIl This week’s female athlete of the week is Kathy Wordham. Wordham is a third-year mathematics students from Mississauga who is the Athena’s top three-point shooter, leads the team in free throw percentage, shoots 80 per cent from the Iirie, and is the third-highest scorer and rebounder on the team. Last week, Wordham was second in scoring (10) against McMaster, playing solid defence in a tough, physical game which could have qualified the Athenas for playoff action. Their 51-45 loss put them out of playoff contention, taking fifth with a 6-8 record. Saturday saw Kathy hit 4-of-6 three-point attempts, leading the Athenas with 14 points against the first-place Mustangs.
MIKE FXKLERTON Wanior VoUeyball Montreal native Mike Fullerton is this week’s male athlete of the week Fullerton is a fourth-year civil engineering student who returned to the Warriors’ starting lineup in January after breaking his wrist early in the season. Fullerton is being honoured for his play as the Warriors lost a close one, 3-2, to Western in a OUAA West semi-final contest, 9-15,15-U, 12-15, 15-4, 7-15. In a marathon match that lasted two hours and eight minutes, Mike had 19 kills, recordingan 83 per cent kill efficiency. Mike’s offensive effort was backed up by a solid defensive performance, recording seven digs. The Warriors finished third after regular season play with an 8-4 record.
The game featured an embarrassing ending as both benches cleared for a small melee. No suspensions Early in the third, the Warriors fell resulted. into a defensive shell, sending one Now, with the season over, McKee man in to forecheck and keeping four is hard at work to make sure that his team makes it back to the CIAUs. He back. The ploy worked for the first ten minutes of the third as the Warriors has been hard at work all season at held the Gryphons to one shot on recruiting new players to compleUdvari. De Warriors were then ment his stars and replace graduating players like Thacker and Tony Crisp. blessed with a power-play, and had numerous chances to score. Three McKee believes that he has a good times, Wilson was down and out of nucleus of players and that there will the play with a Warrior facing a gap- ’ be no radica1 changes. ing net, but the Warriors *didn’t “Definitely, if Darren Snyder had score. been healthy, we would still be playThe referees seemed intent on ing” McKee said. He believes that evening things up, thaugh, cal!ing this year’s squad was good enough to UW’s Greg Allen for roughing. poor make it to the CIAU final-four if not for injuries. defense allowed Guelph to walk in on goal and score during the four-onAt their peak, the team carried a 12four and the Gryphs added another game winning streak that rivaled last year’s 18 games without a loss (16 &ring their power-play to take a 4-3 wins, 2 ties), finished with over a ,700 lead. This got the Warriors out of their defensive shell. winning percentage, and won two out of -ilie four hurnaments they The Warriors got their chances late, entered. With a relatively young including a two-man power-play for team, the Warriors put together a over a minute. Guelph survived the great season, and are looking forward storm and added an empty netter in to an even better one next year. the last minute.
wont’d. from page 23
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ST. S.
Teenage Fanclub The Opera House, Toronto Monday,
adaptation of a great noveI: while the film may only hint at certain nuances, fans of the book will still be able to appreciate them. Those who haven’t read the book - or heard the albums - may find themselves lost, or bored.
After a short lirst set (only 45 minutes or so), the Fans left the stage briefly and then reappeared for a measly three-song encore: 1. An exuberant pass at “Free Again,” a rare Alex Chilton track (Man, don’t those wacky Scats just love to confound our preconceptions?) 2. A grungy, rolling take on the ballad “Guiding Star.” 3. “Everything Flows,” which began typically enough but took off from there. As Raymond’s soloing became more spectacular, his bandmates grew into their most animated pcrforrnance of the ni&t, with Norman in particular leap&g around the stage. However, the Fans overworked the song until it finally dissolved into a tuneless Puddle of jello; by the time it was over, it could only be identified
by Derek Weiler Imprint staff Teenage Fanclub hereafter referred to as Norman and Raymond (vocals and guitars), Gerry (vocals and bass) and Brendan (drums) made their Canadian concert debut this week in a much-hyped, sold-out Toronto appearance. For those who may not have been paying attention, the live Fanclub experience came with a number of built-in reminders that this was a rock and roll show: 1. Norman’s hexagonal electric blue guitar. 2. Brendan’s bass drum, emblazoned with his name in foot-high letters. multi-coloured disco 3. The spotlights pacing the stage. 4. The teenage girls in the balcony, screaming things like “Sing it baby” ar.d “You’re beautiful.” On the other hand, the band’s stage manner was unassuming diffident even. They were chatty with the audience and generally exuded an unpretentious karma (sorry). They even took the stage offhandedly, chugging into a slow, rumbling version of “Heavy Metal II” (from their first album A Catholic Education). They followed that up by ripping through the debut’s title track, but other&se the set lit was mostly drawn from the latest album, Ban-
by its dental work
N6rmanDsinger/guitarZst/astrologer. wugonesque. Actually, the show pointed out some of that record’s flaws, or at least its perversities. A great, great pop song like ‘Pet Rock” is treated as little more than a throwaway, abandoned almost as soon as it gets going. Meanwhile “Metal Baby,” which has no right to a lifespan of more than a minute and a half, is mercilessly over-
Photo by Claire Flstw worked. As a pleasant surprise, the interbetween Norman and play Raymond’s guitars was even more appealing live than on record. Norman’s low-key, rhythmic shuffle provided the perfect waves for Raymond to skip his high, siren-like leads on. Above all the group was loud and
boisterous, and they played all the s&htIy corny power pop stuff that lends itself to a live show: ‘The Concept,” “Star Sign, ” ‘what You Do to Me.” However, the sheer volume of the band’s attack tended to muffle the subtle pleasures of the songs. In fact, it was rather like seeing a poor film
If I sound a little ambivalent about the show, it’s because - we& I am. Myself, I loved it, but then, I’m already fervently entrenched in the group’s (excuse me) fan base. I have a feeling the unconverted might not have enjoyed the show nearly as much. And while the unconverted probably made up a tiny portion of the audience, a great live show
should be effective all on its own So where does that leave us? Well, I recommend seeing the Fans live, but you’d best listen to their records first. How’s that?
Some Kind Of Wonder Stuff Siouxsie and the Banshees with the Wonder Stuff Cometi
Hall, Torontu
February by Christopher IInprht staff
One of the main questions
around the Concert I-Iall on Tuesday night was why exactly are the Wonder Stuff opening for Siouxsie and the Banshees? Just looking at the ratio of Wonder Stuff T-shirMad torsos
Stuff open up a tour that plays venues which they could sell-out on their own merit? However, after their set, their reasoning berrame app;ulent. Presumably, this was the last time that the Wonder Stuff could do something like that. The Wonder Stuff opened for Siouxsie for the fun of it, and that fun atmosphere was reflected in their
andthelackofanyqualitymaterialin the past seven or eight years. To their credit, Siouxsie and her Banshees entertained their assembled crowd with material taken from their newer releases, PeegFshow,
shirt hypothesis is flawed because were it true then the greatest majority
of cmcert-goers
Photo by Wim van der Lust
were Dustbin,
there to see as.’ every
second person’s back proclaimed men You Fucked Up. But enough siNiness Truth be told, Tuesdafs shoti was a peculiar occurrence. Miles Hunt d the Wonder Sruff had said km October tbt he band would tour in February with Siouxsie and the Banshees because Siouxsie and Budgie are “good people.” Yet, the characters of Siouxsie Sioux and Budge aside, why would the Wonder
on stage in typical prima donna f&&ion a good 40 minutes after the Wonder Stuff finished. Their show was notable for an exceptional light show which unfortunately was made necessary by the geriatric Banshees,
versus the refractory Siouxsie T-shirtwearers, it became blatantly obvious that a large majority of those in attendance were there primarily to see the Wonder Stuff. Admittedly, this T-
emphasis tracks from their latest album Never Lo& Elvis as the Wonder Stuff filled out their show with songs like “Golden Green,” “Circlesqua&’ “Don’t LRt Me Down, Gently,” “Play,” and “Caught in My Shadow.” Siouxsie and the Banshees arrived
The Wonder Stuff played a concise 40-minute set which began with, a trackfromthetifirstalbum, TheEighttegged
ad Su@un. At one point, during “%ek-&oo”~Sioux& converted the Concert Hall into, what one photographic observer called, a giant aerobics class. However, considering
their pedigree, Sioux&e and
it is sad to see what
Joytown” Their set continued producing such gems as “Who wants to ‘be the Dh3co w one of th&r singles which seemed to get lost in
the lull betweemHup and “Circlesqua&’ and “Cartoon Boyfriend,” from their second al@m. The rest of the set was taken up by
their derivative sound. Siouxsie has retained
the Banshees have into - a pseudo-alternative
dance band that dpspite having two percussionists on stage need to use a drum machine in order to achieve
her theatrical mystic; however, her musical 1materiaJ has lost all of its relev*ce.
30 Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992
Talking to W%iseman about poetry Imprintz Is that the most sigr#canIfact abuut you?
Bob: Do
you know
how to play the
piano? The story goes that a certain now prominent and filthy stinking rich Canadian rocker wanted to call his first album, ‘Brian Adams Hasn’t Heard of You Either.” He didn’t, of course, and the rest is history, though some of us now wish he’d remained obscure. (Take your cliches and disappear, hey Bri) The same, hopefully, will never be said of Bob Wiieman. who?, you ask. The keyboard player for Blue Rodeo. Oh. He’s a swell guy, but, he says, if you don’t like him, that’s alright. He doesn’t create stuff with people’s approval in mind. What follows is an interview I did with Bob a couple weeks ago. It’s surfacing now because he’s visitin CKMS 94.5 FM tomorrow ( 8 aturday, Febraury 29) from 10 pm to midnight. It was a cold and sleepy morning the morning we talked, and I have the feeling we skirted around most of the interesting issues without really delving. When’s he going to start delving?‘, I’m sure he asked himself. It was a Rosencrantz and GuiIdenstem type of affair, and you really need to know to begin is that the first fact about Bob Wiseman on the fact sheet provided by his record company is that he can play five C’s on the piano at the same time. So, obviously, the first question was. . .
Imprint: Ym Bob: Can you Imprint: Bob&y
lay 5 C’s?
Bob: Think about it. It’s an old joke of Mozart’s. He made a b&t with somebody that he could play 5 C’s at the same time, and the way he did it was to use his nose.
Imprint: Was
that in ‘;Qmadeus’?
Bob: I never saw the film. It’s just an old joke I’ve heard.
Imprint: A musician k joke.
Bob: Yeah. hnprint: OK,
tire get
guing is there anything you particulanly want to talk about or not talk about? Bob: No. Imprint: We can do anyrhing? Bob: Anything except the history New Guinea.
that anyway.
_- Bob: Well, that’s good, that’s fortunate. We don’t have to worry about that. So, Bob, I said, most people are going to know you as the keyboard player from Blue Rodeo, but he disagreed. He said more and more people were recognizing him from the other stuff he does, like producing other people’s records or putting out three records of his own. But, I said, I’m thinking about the math geeks from the suburbs who know nothing about culture except
McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education ALL
Imprint: I’m not too well read up on
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believes red and the other believes what they see on Mu&Music. And i the Bush-republican dream war on drugs, drag a pesticide on the fields blue - the only thing really miserthen Bo6 understood, said I was able is to change yourself. absolutely right To begin the interploughed by Peruvian peasants. view, and help introduce him to an Needless-to-say, the song is a first essentially ignorant audience, we person narrative about the guilt that Imprint: There seems to be u lot offocus accompanies the sudden realization on Canada on this album (the COW would have to emphasize the conthat misplaced political priorities are nection between him and Canada’s features a painh’ng of Louis Riel). rock’n’country favourites, Blue &king up other people’s lives. Bob: Yeah. There’s some other stuff, Rodeo. Then there’s that song that begins, too. There’s that song about Peru, but “You say my girlfriend’s a slut and my yeah.. . well, actually, I don’t know if cock’s too small to grab . . .” Imprint: U/hat I’m wondering is, that’s true. There’s that reference to since this ti guing out to the whole Gabriel Dumont - is there really university audience. . . Bob: That’s not really about anything, anything else? Bob: Do I want to give them my home really. I mean, no one said that about Imprint: Ti+e i:oveK phone number? my girlfriend or that “my cock’s too Bob: The cover’s by a guy named Jim Imprint: NO, but yuu can g you’d small to grab,” but the idea is that if Logan, who lives in Kamloops. I was like. you know something you know it.. . in YeIlowknife with Blue Rodeo, and I Bob: It’s alright. went into an art gallery just to kill people are freaking out all over the time, and I saw this painting. I thought Imprint: I’m wondering ifvou see what world about words. What are words?, you’re doing now as complimenting you know. They’re just sounds. They I’d use it for a cover, so I wrote him a your work with Blue Rodeo or if it b don’t even exist. People exist, not letter and offered him money. But something completely separate? words. Language is just a . . . you know what? He wrote back and Bob: Everything kind of comsaid if it served native issues he pliments everything but it (this new Oh, Bob! Don’t stop there! That’s wouldn’t take money, but I sent him album) doesn’t have anything to do the $50 million question around money anyways because it’s too gross with Blue Rodeo. I do my stuff English department’s these days. separately. I try to play jazz festivals, Language is a what? What, Bob? like your singing, Bob? No, really, folk festivals. I book gigs on my own. I what?! (“. . . a virus from outer space,” it’s alright, it’s cool. I even read one play with other people around town. I says William S. Burroughs.) reviewer who said, though your singlike playing with people. ing on the last album sucked, the new Imprint: Righz. Bob (can’t): . . . I don’t know if this is one was almost soulful. Now there’s a Bob: I’ve always done this. It’s just I disappointing or enlightening to you, compliment. What gives? haven’t been able to do it as much as but that’s all the song is really about, I’d like to. And 1.d still like to do it knowing in your heart. You know Bob: I took my time with this record. I even more. I’ve been trying to take what you’re doing, or you don’t know do all kinds of things with my voice. I three months off just to tour and whatyou’re doing, and if you know like to sing softly and in ways that are everything, but it’s difficult+ what you’re doing you have a force crazy. And I don’t have a problem Sure, yeah, it’s difficult. Sure, yeah. field around you. What I’m frying to doing the latter. Some people would I imagine. So let’s talk about the say is the things people are freaking find it weird, the things I do-but record now, Bob: “Presented by Lake out over, I’m trying to LVe my life they shouldn’t be buying my Michigan Soda.” It’s a great W, with without being affected by them. I records. . songs, from my reading of it, ranging mean, I don’t think I can change peofrom global topics to regional topics ple. Fighting with people doesn’t But, hey, please do. Please do. to personal topics. The first song is seem to change anything. You just Give Brian Adams a run for his about a American pilot who, as part of have person A and person 8 and one x miUions.
March 14,21,28, April 4 May ~3, SO,June 6,~
Un’Nen~ Shops Plaza, Wat~Im
(5 19)886-0400
by Jlm*t
In the ‘~OS, Sandy Wilson wrote a musical devoted to the spirit of the 20%: The Boy Friend. W&on, who wrote all three components - book, lyrics, and score - wasrit concerned with being what we would call politically correct, and he came up with songs with words like these: “Any girl who’s reached the age of seventeen or thereabout/ Has but one desire in view;/ She knows she has reached the age of needing one to care about/ Nothing else will really do.” However, renowned and sometimes-revered film critic Pauline Kael, discussing the movie that was made of the inusical, mentioned “the charm of simplicity” and “the bittersweet jazz-age gaiety that is foolish and yet
two months. Drama chair Grqenberg has directed and choreographed the version of T71eBoyFriend which will run March 3 through 7 at the Humanities Theatre. David James, Master Electrician for the show, raves about the department’s being in that space again. He says that to a technician, the difference between working in the Theatre of the Arts and working in the HUM is “like the difference between driving a ‘78 Pinto and a ‘92 Ferrari” ‘Aftera&thishashowdthasmng technical side. Costume Head Richard Karhu describes it as “very visual, from the s&..which is spectacular, down to the last detail in wardrobe.” Karhu points out that “you don’t really get a lot from reading the script,” but the play comes alive when it’s physicaIized on-stage.
an ocean. Students came into the produ from a variety of backgrounds, and are finding different benefits in being involved. Roberto Lombardi, who has danced for Steps Inc., Hamilton, place regional shows, and tl.,e m series War of the Worldx, plays Bobby Van Heusen, a “highly energized . , . lady-killer.” Lombardi confesses his attitude towards
thought there was nothing much to it, not a lot of depth. But once you get into aII the stylized humour, then it has a lot more to it. . . . Sometimes it’s hard to get some of the lines out
inherown department, but she notes that the tricky pa]rt is to get a large group of people to repeat those steps in unison. She is enjoying her exposure to “a different aspect of theatre.” Dan Kelley, who has acted with amateur companies such as K-W Little The&e and Elmira Theatre Co., has the part of the French playboy Marcel.
fessional environment and the disciplind Greenberg, who has much directing and chorexperience eographing musicals in the pro-
*continued to page 34
ting of finely polished sounds, with the vocals shining out like a 24-karat diamond in the centre.
by Erik LindaIa Imprint etaff Ever since I attended a lecture on JFK’s assassination last November, I’ve been obsessed. My Christmas break was over taken by thoughts of CIA conspiracies, Grassy Knoll hypotheses, and massive cover-ups. It was in this frame of mind that I came across the new Single Gun Theory album. Single Gun eh? , , . magic bullet . . . Oswald . . . Warren Commission . . . . Could this album present a new slant on the case? I had to investigate. What I found was a well-con&u&d album with ‘more hooks than a tackle box’. The first thing that strikes you is that voice. Anyone who has heard the first single’~romaMiIIiohMiIes”wiI1 notice that the band has used every reverb unit, voice modulator, and overdub technique to create a very clean vocal sotid. Whatthe vocals lack in feeling they make up for in their technical excellence. This level of production is found in all the complex sounds used in the album. The end result is a set-
Unfortunately, SGT uses the same Manchester/funky-drummer drum sound that is everywhere in popular music. The band does manipulate the beats somewhat, but a little variety would be nice. What is done well is the middle ground they’ve achieved between aIter&tive and dance music. Tracks such as “From a MiIlion Miles” and “Surrender,” have instant appeal while still having some substance and possible longevity, This is music tailor-made for a Friday night of trying to please everyone at Fed. Most tracks have been well thought out. “Palaces of Immortal Splendour” begins with the sounds of an ocean port, complete with seagulls and the low horn of a large ship. This horn sound is sampled and used later in the track as the bassline. Also the album contains political messages. ‘Word Written ‘Backwards” starts with a sample from ‘your Desert Shield network, FM 107’ and “Satellite” uses turntable scratches and noise to symbolize the anti uated former Soviet Union.
Li 1 e Stars in My Hands truly represents music for the masses. Like all good entertainment it exists at more than one level. Perhaps somewhere in here is the answer to the IFK case. W&h the complexity and inventiveness of the production, I wouldn’t be surprised.
by Paul Done Imprint staff Some have made the argument that the current rash of hard-boiled black street movies is merely a throwback to the exploitative gangster movies of the early to mid-‘70s (Black
Caesar, Shafi ‘sBig Score, A Man Called Gunn). Sorry, I’d love to taIk about that, but this is just an album review. Rap soundtracks aren’t the most inspiring of propositions. They’re normally composed of a few borderline tracks by notabIe artists, and the rest of the record is filled with the talentleSs and hopeless. While stiIl not a masterpiece, Jutie is a good few cuts above this archetype. The astute selection of Public Enemy producer Hank Shocklee as executive producer would seem to explain the general quality of the tracks. His hand is unseen by appreciated in picking an inspi+g group of artists. Most of the tracks on the LP are new, and feature most of the cream of the current hip-hop scene - from the old-time hardcore of Eric B and Rakim, who provide the title track, to the new-style gangsterism of Naughty by Nature. EPMD foliow up
their excelIent last IP with ‘It’s Going Down,“another slow thumper. In the screeching and dissonant “Shoot ‘Em Up,” Cypress Hill Crew have lived up to Ice Cube’s public praise. Aside from the crap love jams, the songs seem to falI into two categories: the moralizing anti-gangster sermons, and the slice-of-the-street documentaries. Juice Sadly, demonstrates how insincere most “message” rap songs sound. Other than Eric B and Rakim, most of the One crucial difference exists, though, they have recruited a slightly perplexed hmny Wynette to provide lead vocals. That she doesn’t sound out-of-place is testament to the eganger genius of Cauty and
better tracks on the album are the ones in which the pretense Of righteousness is dropped in favour of violence and nastiness. The soundtrack ends on a high note with the Brand New Heavies “People Get Ready” (not The Impressions song), which has a slinky, groove straight out of a 70s bhxploitation flick. NDea Davenport slides in and out of the funky vibe with sublime ease. Could one imagine a country singer, a rapper, a house beat, pedal steel guitar, and an ice cream van mixhg into such a heavenly confection? Only in Mu-Mu land, my friends, a lace worth a visit or three, 111assure
by Paul Done Imprint staff
Stop in today and check out our selectionof obscure, hard to find used vinyl, independent cassettes, soundtracks, and vintage rarities from decadespast, (We also stock CDs, posters, mags, T-shirts etc). 146 King St. W.,Kitchener, open 10 to 10 Mokr-Sat.,
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Plaza, Waterloo
(5 19) 886-0400
Bill Drummond and Jim Cauty are dead-set on world domination. Behind the shroud of The KLF (or The JAMS, or whatever they’re called this week), Cauty and Drummond are practicing a sort of post-modem pop subversion without obvious precedent. They are ringleaders and masterminds of a constantly evolving circus of singers, rappers, and players - much like the role George Clinton served in the context of Parliament/ Funkadelic (friends, forgive me for the comparison). Moreover, they have released the single which finally ended Nirvana’s six-month reign at the top of my personal charts. “Justified & Ancient.” From their initial conception, they have scaled the heights of cultural achievemenf: the greatest being the defendants of a lawsuit by ABBA for infringement, taking copyright medieval conspiracy theory into the top 10, and - most recently - taking C’nW legend Tammy Wynette to the top of the charts on top of a chunky house groove. The KLF have a knack of constantly reinventing themselves, and the work of others. When they were asked to remix The Shop Boys “So Hard,” the new version was so different that The Pet Shop Boys had to rerecord the vocals. Likewise, when “Justified and Ancient” first appeared on White Room, it was a slinky ballad - if a twisted and ironic one. This time out it has changed completely - it’s got the prototypical
KLF beat, the swoup@
all hwtdfiirMu-Mu land), and ends up sounding more like “3AM Eternal” than its original self. There’s Iittie more than a title and a few lines of lyrics in common between the original and this re-mix.
......................*...*.* . ....L..... .. .*.r... ..*..:L*.......-.. ... .. ...........‘...l...L.-..Z.....-.....-...................................-...-...... ....... ...... .. ....... ..-.......-.... sion. In a live context, the cover ‘...‘...-.‘....r:~.-,.f..,..‘~... ;....~...:..:....~.........~.....’...~.’.......................~...~.‘.-.:*:.-.:-:.:.:.: ~~~~~~~~~:..,., works for ~0 Teasow _ ,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.’ ...... ......... *..... ...1.:..&. :.:* ::...:. .I.‘I.........*. ...,*.** I.*.*.+.*. ....>..,...*...* ....**.*... .*. .. *.*.*...,.. .?~.*.....1.........-.....~...-..-..-.....-.......’ .,,.,...*..,.....*........ ‘,......5...,......,...........~...,.~.....~.. shock effect and the two-story stack of ~:i,i,i~~~:~~:~:~~~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~~~ ‘.-..:.-...-::.I.~:...~.‘...~.‘.~.’.~.~* ‘...,-..-.‘...‘.‘.-.............-.....-..-.... ....,.;::::y.: .,....*f,..~ J... .....I.*.............*........ ..k:::j::: . ..*......i,....-........‘.-.‘.....’....-..*. ...::::::: ...5fi:::k:::A:kzfi:z; . ...... ...~..... amps lining both sides of the stage. ,.,.,..,................... i~~:~~~ :::: .*.*,..* ........*.-.+.*i.... ...C .. ..:... ..........+*...............‘.....L........?..’...........’ .......-...............s..................-.........-...-.........-..-..-.........-.....-.....~..:~..~~ ..-,2.. ..............‘.. .,.........*........*...*...............~......I..~.......I...1... _*,. ........................~...~.~...~...~.. “....................,. I.......,*....... ...... .. ...... . Translated on CD however (and par,‘,...2..,‘................,..‘......~..*’~... .*,a...* ..............f..<...a ..........a .......,.. ......*.t......-........-f.. titularly when piped out of my diminutive Fisher Price stereo), gone are both reasons and the punter (Quu:) - ed.) is left with a high school “Battle of the Bands” demo track right in the middle of what really is a superb debut record. by Bernard Keame:~ The diversity of this five-piece Imprint staff Atlanta outfit ranges from funky “Super Fly” stylings reminiscent of Can you imaginei Yet another Curtis Mafield to reckless frenetics band from Georgia. Wait, let’s see. . . bearing the distinct odour of Mmmmn, no. I can’t seem to trace any Fishbone. Strong. melodic vocals mention of REM in the liner notes. It’s matching powerfully-loaded lyrics stiIl OK to give it a good review, isn’t pound out more messages per song it? than my old roommate received from collector’s agencies. Last December, at I&s septic Palace, Follow for Now rocked betWith an album solid from start to ween hard places (a highly finish (bar the PE cover), Follow for anticipated Hard Corps and a revamNow are a band itching for commerped 24-7 Spyz) pumping out a show cial success. If, in this year of the XXIV Exxon couldn’t match. I would Iike to Olympiad, they can chum out say that this a review of their another album of comparable quality brand new album, but the truth is the and content, perhaps the day when debut is last years model. people are looking for their narn- in the liner notes of records will soon be Their show at Lee’s kicked off with realized. If however, they don’t come a surprise cover of PubIic Enemy’s zip with 3 sleeve design less sinister, “She Watch Planet Zero,” a chillingly don’t be surprised if the Olympics fond memory exhumed whiIe peruspower their way through AtIanta in ing the track listing of the album. ‘98, and manning the program booths Then I Iistened to the recorded verare ex-members of Follow for Now. definitely
Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992 33
From Mziuschwitz to the Katskills
The Farce side
by Peter Brown
Imprint staff
Last Friday night saw a rare treat at Kitchener’s Centre in the Square: a hilarious comedy trio and an orchestra that didn’t take itself too seriously. The Royal Canadian Air Farce team of Don Ferguson, Roger Abbott, and LUBA GOY graced the stage as part of the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony pops series.
l l
Help Us ftzunch
the Patio Season!
PATIOPARTYeveryThursday night * heated, licensed patio l draws and give-aways every Thursday from 9:OOp.m. till dosing mcans of beer $235 The Farcesters were more than accompanied by the symphony; the musicians even contributed to some of the humour. From the starting tap on the conductor’s music stand, the cast of the Farce ballooned from 3 to 103. Immediately after the conductor took the stage, his musicians deserted him, only to return wearing strange clothing, blowing plastic horns, jogging, and walking dogs. Zany stuff. This merely set the tone for a night of frivolity which featured the Farce’s familiar political impersonations and take-offs on Canadian culture, with a bit more sexual innuendo than is available in the radio version. The nation’s recent unity travails were a common theme in the performance, with the warning that Were are three things that slow down your constitution - cheese, old age, and Quebec.” The full orchestra also provided the opportunity for a round of Name That Classical Music Tune POpa~Y*
ComeJoin l?he Funll l
BEATTHE RECESSION: Soup and Salad - $3.99 Lunch Buffet - $4.99 Dinner Buffet - $5.99 Sunday Brunch - $8.50 (kids under 5 eat free, 6-lO years
Monday Nights 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. 2 for 1 Dinner Buffet - $6,99 Other gags about performance a the GST hot-line doubling as a sex phone-line, and a spoof of TV Ontario just served as the appetizer for the real stuH: the familiar impersonations of Barbara Frum, Brian Mulroney, Joe
Clark, and Pierre Trudeau. The show ended with rousing chorus of “0 Canada” being sung to the tune of “When Irish Eyes are Smiliq” Altogether,a classical success.
Arts/Class@eds 1
34 Imprint, Friday, February 28, 1992
School’s out Human ’
Edge Series: Mission School Syndrome TV onturio
by Christopher
Here is a Iand that never gave u damn About a brother like me and myself Because they never did I wmn ‘t wit ‘it, butjust that vey minute. It occured to me 7714suckers had authority
I Got tubeMoBey
Chuck D. “Black of Chaos.”
Steel in the Hour
This week, TVOntario’s Human Edge series touches a little closer to home as it airs “Mission School Syndrome.” This documentary, produced by the Northern Native Broadcasting system, offers a eye opening portrait of the religious residential schools set up in the Yukon. After the completion of the Alaskan Highway, the Yukon Territories were opened to the suppused healing hand of missionaries. Anglican,
Steve Millard% Slush Fund 3 . My Boyfriend’s Back wontinued
from page 3@
fessional world, has demanded of his cast. Meanwhile, Jennifer-Jo Latta, in the role of a “very cute and dipsy, childish” English girl named Dulcie, marvels at how the type of energy created by the ensemble has e&ted
the overall result. “It’s like a farce. People take the comedy seriously and then it comes off well.”
Bev Heffner and Mark McGrinder the female and male uny.
Sports card show, Waterloo Inn, 475 King St., N. - Saturday, Feb. 29. 10:00 till 500 p.m., room 182. Bock Tables 743-9039.
FVogrammer to write an inventory database application for IBM PC. DBase or whatever. Andy or Lisa 74 1- IO 10.
Needing renovations done around the house or the apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. at 746-2763. ’
Experienced photqrapher needed. Enthusiastic, spirited and university orientated. Needed for first week in September (5 days). $500. job. Anton (519) 4389792.
Cert&d XIX pfeparers will prepare your income tax return. Excellent rates! Call 57 l-9364 for details.
T;ur Return Processing - by experienced student. 8asic - $20., fast and efficient. Phone GIL 888-7469 or 570-4728.
Experience ‘Qpist: $1 .@I dsp typewritten, $1.25 word processed. Erb & Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
1Fkrat,prokasional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Macintosh computer, laser printer. Suzanne 8863857.
-gi $i!-Y& fg?z-
spaced page reasonable rates. W&nount-Erb Phone 886-7153.
HOUSIWQ AVAIIAUE Sublet - May to August at Columbia Lake Townhouses. Four morns available, clean unit, furnished, parking and laundry facilities available. Rent $250./month negotiable. Call 7255453. ’
Aputmmthr rent (May 92-May 93) ‘3 bedroom - close to UWMILU, $945./per month including all utilities, washer/dryer included. Call (4 16) 502-0960.
derstudies. They have had to attend every rehearsal, learn all the lines, songs, steps, blocking and accents fur seven roles each. ‘Mark and I could do the play right now,” Heffner offers jokingly. McGrinder admits that not being able to focus. on ‘one character has been frustrating - “you feel spread out” but learning so much so fast, cramming on performances has been “an invaluable experience”. While everyone talks about pressure and a tiring rehearsal schedule, there are a lot Vof smiles backstage. “After a night working on a show like that,” says James, “you don’t Want to go out and run your car into a tree or slash your wrists.” The general con-
Give two years of yourself, change a lifetime for a child. Join the Pro-ACT Foster Care Program. People needed to provide full time care and independent living preparation for youth age 16- 18. Also needed, families to provide short term, assessment care for children age 4- 15. E.xtensive training, professional development and a daily rate of $25. provided. Call Sharon Tait at Family and Children’s Services, 5760540.
Are you the daughter of a woman who had breast cancer during your teen years? If so and you are willing to be interviewed please call Ann at 725-5859.
Ad+icm - private - mature couple wanting to adopt an infant. Happy, lively home. Secure, loving relationship. Supportive family and friends. i-tome study completed. Call (416) 607-3513 anytime.
school with. When these children were ret@rned to their families at the end of their education, they were being sent to a place which they were instructed to abhor. The Mission Schools succeeded in producing shldents who couldn’t fit into their native 1ifestyIe when they were returned to their families, as they had spent their formative years in a civilized school environment, and, yet, they could not fit into the white society because their were Indian This school system also robbed the Native population of its parenting skills. The removal of native children from their families subsequently removed the nurturing instincts of native parents. This is a problem, whose ramifications are far-reaching, which will take generations to solve. The saga of the Mission School is the story of ‘honest, caring people doing the best they could do.” However, in doing their good work, these people “struck at the core of (the native) society existence” by taking education away from the native family and causing problems which will take generations to sort out. The question to keep in mind while you watch “Mission SchooI Syndrome” is: was it worth it?
sensus is that The Boy Friend is a good time. “Nothing is there to be a It is a spoof of itself,” explains John Salvini, the actor playing middle-aged Percival Brown, a man who undergo&are-awakening of the senses,” as Salvini puts it, grinning. - ._
conventions of the musicals of the time.“He adds that while it mocks the “sexua1 politics and frivolity” of the ‘2Os, it is also “a tribute to the fun and the energy that were such a big part of the shows.”
‘Cyou don’t have to think,“, says Heffner, and the show “is not political at all.” Lombardi suspects his character is “obnoxious to watch,” but is sure “there’s nothing that would be offensive to anybody,” because “everything’s done very innocently.” McGrinder describes the play as ‘a wonderfully written satire.. . . It sends
EVLRY SUNDAY UWJuggl.ingClubmeetsfrom4to7p.m., Red Activity area of the PAC. Beginners welcome! For more info contact Sean 725 5577 or sdfinura at Idescartes. Laymen’s Evan@.iml Fellowship Sunday evening service. 7:00 p.m. at 163 University Ave., W., Apt, 321. (MSA, west court) All welcome! WIIRY
UW Rec@s - Recycling on campus sach society should be represented, 4-5 3.m. Room 135 for Feb. 24 ; March 9 and March 23 CC1 38. l%e Men’s Action Workgroup meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Campus Centre. For info olease contact WPI RG at 8849020. LVmRY TUISDAY Espesmto Club Lunch. Come experience *heinternational language in action. 12:OO 3.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Modern Languages cafeteria.
Close, &an cheap - 3 bedroom 2 level Phillip Street apartment for summer sublet. Semi-furnished. Call 725-9542 after 4. Summer sublet: one bedroom in 3 bedroom apartment. Close to 2 grocery stores. 15 minute walk to UW. $2OO,/month. Call Josh at 746-1364.
Roman Catholic, and Baptist missionaries opened up schools for native children, It was hoped that these students would, after the completion of their education, become missionaries in their own right and civilize their villages. They hoped that this- education that they provided would help the progress of the indigenous people. However, what these schooI bred were Natives who were ignorant of their own culture, and who, in many cases, were instilled with a hatred of white people. Most children fear the change that ‘primary school brings; however, the Native children of the Mission schools had a real reason to fear this .change. They were removed from their families for the duration of their education. Furthermore their own language was forcibly discouraged, in the hopes of their becoming fluent in English. These changes were supposedly positive changes for the betterment of these native children. The Anglican method of teaching had to discredit the Indian way of life in order to justify their own lifestyle. In essence, they felt it necessary to undo all of the values and traditions that these native children arrived at
Bike Muskoka - Friday/Saturday/Syday starting April. Your breathglvhg vacation Love that bike bus! I%mwerm,
Box 2371, GravenhuM,
Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. in DC 1304. All are nrelcome! Career Resource Centre - evening hours Dwn until 7 p.m. from Jan. 15 to April 1I
If you are considering adoption for your child, I would love to provide a warm, happy family for your newborn. Working with licensed social worker. Please call collect (4 16) 960-8 100.
C&LOW meets in room 104 of theModern Languages building, 9-11 p.m. Gay & Liberation of Waterloo prorhotes qeatthy attitudes towards sexuality. Come lut and meet new friends! ,esbian
-try skis and poles. Reasonable condition and price, Three pairs. Lee 7424067 or 747-9153.
h4SG (Muslim Study Group) - Brown bag orum from l2:30 to 1:30 p.m., CC 135. All
. Tickets for 7%e &v Friend are $6 for students and seniors and $8 for the general public, and can be reserved by calling 888-4556. Although this musical has taken up a great deal of human resources, it is not the final Drama Dept. production this semester. Those hoiours go to Christopher Durang’s two-person comedy hughing Wild, which will be presented March 25-28 in the Theatre of the
are welcome! Baha’i I%ith Information Meetings - yo are invited to attend discussions on issue such as peace, spiritual solution to th economic crisis and equality of wome and men. Phone 884-5907 or visit th Centre at 2-91 King St., N. llVlRY
Ldemdicmal Smialid meet at 7:30 p.m in CC135 to discuss the theory and prac tice of socialism. For more info call 747 1646. Free Esperanto classes - come learn the internatbnal language. Beginners at 7 tc 8:30, intermediate 8:45 to 10:00 p.m. ir MC4044. Texts available at UW Bookstore Call Dan at 885-6584 for more info. Sttxtent Christian Movement meets a 4:OOto5:30inCCllO. Weareanecumeni cal group who concentrate on relating faitt to social justice issues. New member! always welcome! Information: 725-7993 Heather or Bruce.
There will be “Salat-ut-Juma” (Frida! Prayer) organized by MUSLIfb STUDENTS ASSOCIATION from I:30 tc 2:30 p.m. in CC135. All Muslims an welcome! II&a? Faith Information meetings - yet are inviled to attend informal discussion! on issues such as peace and harmony o science and religion. CC 138 at 7:3( p.m. Alcoholics .tionymous weekly meeting! at ,l2:30 p.m. in Health and Safety l3uild ing, meeting room, or call 742-6183.
“Market Basket” - Ankaret Dean - Feb. 22 & 23 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. - $55.00 plus material fee0
Hbalayas: The Sh&nt Volunteer Centre is located in CC206. Information on the following (and &her) volunteer opportunities can be obtained by calling Ext. 2051 or dropping by the office. Regular office hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday l2:OO to 1:OO and Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 11:OO.
Field Study Program - $1~ IOAug. 20. Learning about human ecology and developments and trekking at 816,000 feet. You may earn up to 3 l/2 credits. $4,950. Apply before March 14 to Prof. S. Kumar, Village II or telephone 7466946.
Kitchener-Waterloo Intern&onal
Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl at ext. 2814. Lnoking for good resume experience? How about volunteering at the Sexuality Resource Centre. If interested call Joan at 885- 12 11, ext. 2306 or leave a message at the Fed Office. SUIIUXI~ Camp Counsellors required week of Sunday, August 2 to Friday, August 7, 1992. Contact Andrew at Scout Headquarters (Kitchener) at 742-8325. Also looking for a Program Administrator from May to August.
K-W Friendship Group for Seniors need volunteers to befriend seniors on a one-toone basis, two-three hours weekly. Call 742-6502 for more info. L+~~king for individuals to set up a public relations campaign to promote awareness of the Global Community Centre (third world issues) within the community. Contact Marco at 746-4090. Assist track and field coach with SpOtiS activities for mentally handicapped people. Practices are every Saturday evening 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. ore LOU the daughter of a woman who had breast cancer during your teen years? If So and you are willing to be interviewed please call Ann at 725-5859. -Interested in volunteering in a developing country? Canadian Crossroads Inlernational is recruiting now for placements in 1993. Information nights March 3 at 7130 p.m , Waterloo Public Library, March 11 at 7.30 p.m., Campus Centre, room 110. For more info call Kilmeny 743-8654. _---
ANNOUNCLMLNTS Canada Scholarship cheques for the Winter 1992 term are now available for all first year students in their second term and all upper-year Co-op students. The cheques can be picked up in the Student Awards Office which is temporarily located in the B.F. Goodrich Buildin‘g at 195 Columbia St. W. (across from Fastbreaks). All cheques must be picked up by March 20, 1992. Students are reminded to bring proper identification with them when picking up their cheques.
Computer Science cClub presents the ACM Programming Contest Meeting # 1. A discussion of previous contests and related programming techniques. pared! 7-9 p.m., DC1302.
Be pre-
are requested for the following seats on the University Senate. to be filled by by-elect&n. At least three (3) nominators are required in each case. Two (2) full-time graduate student representatives to Senate (term May 1, 1992 to April 30. 1994). Nominations should be sent to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariat, Needles Hall, room 3060, no later than 3 p.m., Friday, March 6, 1992. An election wilt follow if necessary. Nomination forms and further information are available from the Secretariat, extension 6125.
K-W Canadian Federation of University Women - Used Book Sale in April - TO DONATE BOOKS please call 576-8645, 746-5649,884-2924. Career Resource Centre - Saturday Hours check out information on careers, employers, work/study and educational opportunities. NH 1115 - March 7.
Homer Watson Gsillery - Winter Workshops
Art Gallery Exhibitions 1992 - on display from Feb. 6 10 Mar. 29. “Art Alive Lecture Series” begin Jan. 21 to May 19. Call 579-5860 for more info.
Co~lling Services will be offering the following workshops in the Winter 1992 term: Assertion Training, Bulimia Group, Exam Anxiety Management, Reading & Study Skills, Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Time Management & Procrastination, What To Do When You’re Down and Blue (Depression Management). Register: Counceiling Services, NH 2080, ext. 2655. It has been necessary to change a number of meeting dates in respect of the Engineering Faculty Council and the Assembly. The revised schedule is as follows: Monthly meeting of Council, old date Mar. 16 to March 23 and Apr. 13 changed to April 20. All meetings will be held at 3:30 p.m. in CPH 3385. Spring Travel course to the Middle East April 24 to May 15+ Study the religion and culture of Egypt and Greece. Fee of $2500.00 includes return airfare from Toronto, accommod’ations, and much more, For more info call Prof. Daniel Sahas at ext. 3565 immediately.
“Drawing in the Afternoon” - Jaquie Poole Feb. 11 -Mar. 3 1:30-4 p.m. - $45.00 “Watercoiour in the Afternoon” - Jaquie Pooie - Feb. 13-Mar. 5 1:30-4 p.m, !§45.00 a
to attend an 18 minute video on PSYCLIT, the computerized index in CD-ROM format. Meet at the Information Desk in the Dana PorteiArts Libarary atthe following times: Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 2:ob p.m. ; Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 1 I:00 a.m. Mbnday, March 2 at lo:30 a.m. ; Thursday, March 5 at 2:OO p.m. ; Monday, March 9 at lo:30 a.m. ; Wednesday, oarch 11 at 2:OO p.m. ; Monday, March 16 at 11:OO a.m. ; Thursday, March 19 at 1l:OO a.m. ; Tuesday, March 24 at 2:oO p.m. ; Thursday, April 2 at lo:30 a.m.
- until recently, patrons requesting that a library book be recalled or searched had to check with the User Services Department to determine when the book was available. In response to patron requests, User Services staff are now mailing notices to advise them that books held for them are available. Holds Notices
Noon hour concerts - 12:30 p.m. - all are FREE and take place in the Chapel. Wednesday, Feb. 26 - “Ethnic Canadian Folk Music”. Wednesday, Mar. 11 - “New Music of Carol Ann Weaver”. Wednesday, Mar. 18 - “Meridian Chamber Ensemble”.
Page 2 is
donated by IMPWNT
HOURS effective: Sept. 3 Monday to Thursday 9;30 - 9:00 Friday 9:30 - 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 5:30 Sunday 1:OO T 5:OO
USC wishes to express wishes and regards to UW and WLU students for the upcoming term. Our dub is seeking new members of Ukrainian descent or if you just want to know more about our heritage everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your friends and if more info is needed call Roman Sirskyj (President/‘92 Term) alter 6
at 884-0774,
for Classifieds and Campus tlappenings is Mondays at 5:~ p.m. CC, room 140 .
Sp&& Fling - the 2nd Annual AHS SemiFormal is set for Saturday, March 2 1,1992, Ruby’s Waterloo Inn. Tickets: $35./couple. $20./single. See your class rep for more info. See you there! Le Cede franCais vous invite d une soirke leux de SOCI& suivi d’un vins et fromage. 2oh au Staff room B St. Paul’s College vendredi 6 Mars.
Upcoming Events
Phone Books - can be rolled up and used for firewood, taken home for but-of-town reference or can be recycled. Leave by your white paper recycling box. Phone books WIII only be picked up until Tuesday, March IO, 1992. Baseball Writers’ Bursary - open to college or university students, $500.00 award. 500 to 1,000 words submitted by June I, 1992. Mail entries to: Baseball Writers’ Bursary, c/o Larry Millson, 796. Crawford St., Toronto, Ont., M6G 3K3. The Sexuality Resource Centre - is a trained student volunteer service that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This service is FREE. Call 68512 11, ext. 2306 or leasve a message at ext. 4042. The SRC is located in room 150A, Campus Centre, UW.
MANACCCM~UT A skius training workshop for those who feel that they don’t live up to their potential in examinations because of anxiety. (3 sessions} Begins Tuesday, March 10, 1230 to 230 p.m. Regisrer at Counsetling Services, NH 2080.
CSC: The CSC is having an’ inter-club event with several other MC clubs this Saturday. Come on out to share our victory in soccer, road hockey and trivial pursuit!
A controversial
masterpiece for adult audiences, “The Shunning” - by Manitoba Playwright Patrick Friesen at the Water StreetTheatre, 255 King St., W., Kitchener. Beginning Feb. 28 until March 21 at 8:OO p.m. For tickets and info call 571-0928.
MondryF-2 1992 ACM Programming Contest: an organizational meeting will be held at 7:OO p.m. in AC1302. Previous contests and algorithms for solutions will be discussed.
Complete the Strong Interest Inventory and find out how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. (2 sessions) Tuesday, March 3 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. ; Wednesday, March 11 - 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, March 17 - 4:30 to 530 p.m. ; Monday, March 23 - 12:30 to I:30 p.m.
f upcoming Events - l Winter camping Feb. 28 to March 1 (need organizers) l Kayaking every Sunday in the PAC pool 4 to 6 p.m. (just turn up) * Whitewater Rafting on Ottawa River, weekend starting May 18th. News - Equipment room is open for equipment hire and new memberships: Monday and Thursday4:30to 530 p.m. and Friday 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon. For further details on above events, see our notice board outside the Equipment room, PAC, Blue South, room 20 10. (Tel.: 888-4828).
UW S&o,01 of Architecture - 1992 .- lectures will be held in ES2, room 286 (The Green Room) at 8:00 p.m. For further info contact Ryszard Sliwka (885-l 211, ext. 3079,) Thursday, April 9 - Michael Rotondi: Architect.
Group - 7:30 p.m., ES2, room 173. Topic: “How Do We Develop An Intimate Relationship?” All bisexuals, gays, lesbians, others welcome. Details: 884-4569, Drama De&s production of “The Boyfriend” Sandy Wilson’s valentine to 20’s musical comedies, will run Mar. 3-7 in the Hunianities Theatre. Reservations and further info available at the Humanities Theatre Box Office, 885-4280.
SCM pressnts: “Hell To Pay”, a film showing the impact of 3rd world debt on the people of Bolivia. A Bolivian woman will speak afterwards. All welcome. This event will take place in DC 1302 from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
CSC sponsored talk, all are welcome with tea and doughnuts afterwards! atreach ‘92 - The Career Services Fair. Come by and find out how Career Services can help you get the job you want! Modern Languages Building, from lo:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. v,Mm4 Amntt~ty Intem2tiom.l Group 9 will meet at the Waterloo Public Library. Guest speaker Beth Beth, topic: “Expansion of A.l.‘s Mandate as a result of the 199 1 ICM in Japan”, Every one welcome. For more info please call 579-0326 or 884-1850. New member orientation at 7 p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m. utchenm Blood Donor Clinic - Mennonite Brethren Church - 19 Ottawa St., N., Kite hener (across from Stedel bauer Motors) 1:30 to 8:00 p.m.
The Conumnity That Humankind
of Baha’u’llah: “Proof Can Live Together as
One Global Family” - lecture with discussion to follow, everyone welcome, DC 1350, 8:00 p.m.
UW Fine MS Film Society presents European Show. “Marlene”, 94 minutes. All shows at UW’s East Campus Hall, room 1219 at 7:oO p.m.
- .-
Society for Technical Communiation meeting, room 178 Hagey Hall at7:OO p.m. IBM Editor Ann Stillman discusses the intricacies of editing for technical writers.
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