................................... Peter Brown Editor ............................ Dave Thomson
Edits-in=Chiei Assistant
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ohneral Manager.. ....................... Vivian Tambeau OffiUBCkk ....................................... Sheri Hendry AdvertisingRep Ad Ad&ant
Arts Editor .......................................... C MS Waters . Arts Assistanl ........................... ..F........ Ken Bryson Photo Editor ... .. .... ..... ..**......“...*... Joanne Sandrin Photo Assistant ...... ..... ...... ..... ...Wim van der Lugt
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Proof Reader . .. ... .. ..... ..... ..... ....... .....“.......... vacant
Board cif Directors
l *.......................*........,.***......
Sm Editor ........................ ..” ..... Clayton Coulas Sports Assistant .................. ..*.................t ...vacant
President ............................................ Sandy Atwal Vice-President ................................... Peter Brotiri secretary-Trea
s. ..................... .Wim van der Lugt Vince Kozma Joanne Sandrin Dave Thomson Staff Liaison .... ...*.*...**...... ... .. ...... ...... ..*Anna Done
Directors at Large
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is the official student newspaper at the University d Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint ’ Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms and every second Friday during the Spring term. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Cmipus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3G1. E-mail should be addressed to imprint at watservl .Waterloo-edu. Our Fax number is 884-7800. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380.
Boyce Arnist, lain Anderson., Rebecca Barry, Michael Brysm, Phillip Chee, PauI Done, Jeff Epst&, Dave Fisher, Sue Forrest, Simon Foote, Barbara Jo Green, Michelle HIahn, Brenda Lee, Erik LindaIa, &cey L&in, Kevin McDonald, Jeff Bihar, Rich Nichol, J?auline O&of, Michal Quigley, Frank Segleniecks, Betty Sparks, MychelIe Themann, UW News Bureau, Fiona Van der La@, Jeff Warner, and Derek Weiler.
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Fed Board ratifies referenda
Campus Day ‘92 Hundreds of high school students and their families are expected on campus for Campus Day ‘92, Tuesday, March 17, the University of Waterloo’s 20th annual open house designed to give visitors a taste of university life. The day’s events include special lectures and presentations in each faculty, tours of campus, and a student life fair in the Campus Centre featuring student clubs, services, and the Federation of Students. Remember the first time you set foot on campus? Help make a good impression of UW for our visitors. Here’s a complete schedule of events on Campus Day: Student Life Fair - Campus Centre Great Hall - 11 am to 2 pm - clubs - pubs - model of Student tie Building - Irish Group Jig (12:30 to 1 pm) Information Sessions hosted by each faculty - 9 am to 12 pm Applied Health Sciences 7 Burt Matthews Hall Arts - Hagey Hall Engineering - Carl Pollock Hall Environmental Studies - ES 1’ Mathematics - Math & Computer , Science - Biology 1 Financing Your Education Sessions - Davis Centre 1302 12% to 1 pm 195 to 2 pm Mini Music :Recital - Davis Centre Great Hall - 11:45 am to 12:30 pm UW Stage Band UW Chamber Choir Science Spectacular - Biology 1 2711:30 to 2:30 pm Campus Tours - from Davis Centre Great Hall - 9 am to 2:30 pm Green Beer - Bombshelter - 12 pm to ???
On March 8, the Federation of Students voted unanimously to approve the results of two recent referenda, one regarding the University of Waterloo’s membership in the OFS and the other on the Student Life Centre. The ratifications, based on the advice of the Federation’s lawyer, were in response to a 28-page complaint The complaint had been filed with the Board of Directors by Sue Forrest and Paul Done, the former chairman of the “Yes” co&it&e for the OFS debate. Citing numerous by-law infractions, the complaint requested that the results of both referenda be declared invalid and their r&Its nullified. The Fed office consulted with their lawyer, Gary Flaxbard, to see if there was a legal case for the annuhent of the re&s. In a letter to Federation President John Leddy, Flaxbard said that, while there were numerous breaches of Fed by-laws, the “spirit” of those bylaws had been kept, and that the outcome had not been affected by those transgressions. Flaxbard concluded that therefore the results could stand. If the issue were to be decided by a court, a judge “might” have ruled against the referendums, Flaxbard. continued, if he or she had suspected that there . had been an attempt by the Feds to taint either the information that had
just ckbsses Picture it: September 1992, you’re soing to classes, doing labs, you know - the school thing - but you want ~omfthing more. You want to get involved. Well, there are lots of opportunities to get involved in student groups here at the University of Waterloo, and I’d like to tell you about my favourite way: the UW Student Alumni Association (SAA). We are a bunch of students who come from all different faculties and years, working together to encourage campus spirit and provide a link between past students (alumni), present students, and future students (that’s you!) at the University of Waterloo. Whether it is acting as ambassadors for guests of the University by attending and organizing receptions or conducting
in awesome events such as Homecoming or Canada Day, or running
See page
4 for students’
around with our favourite fum alumni mascot Pounce de Lion, w; are always energetic and always hav ing fun. Being involved in the SAA also gives you a chance to meet othe students froni SAAs across the coun try and in the United States. This pas September, four UW SAA’ers surfec on down to an international con ference at UCLA! Just last month, wt hosted a Canadian SAA conference here at Waterloo and had delegates come from as far away as Halifax tc c&cuss issues, share ideas, and pa* with fellow Canadian students. Make the most of university. Academics but extracurricular really make your stay sity of Waterloo!
your time a are important activities wil at the Univer
Mundy Smith. a fourth-veur math business andstutiktics major, voiunteer? for the Student Alumni Association.
on Campus
Imprint file photo
been available or the results of the referendums. There had been enough violations to declare the referendums invalid, though the lawyer did not think that -it was n&sary to do so. “The letter of the law was not followed” in some instances, bddy told Imprint, but he maintains that this was the result of poorly written by-laws. The Board of Directors, he added, has decided to review all the by-laws and’ policies of the Federal tikn. 1
Done and Forrest, however, are not pleased with this decision. The Feds’ “clear admittance of by-law violakm,” according to Done, only
They pointed to a statement by Federation Vice-President, Operations and Finance Steve MilIard in the March 4 Fed Board of Directors meeting that ‘We (the Federation) lucked out that anything we didn’t do (in the referenda) didn’t make it look like we were trying to screw about with the system.“The Feds, Done and Forrest charge, are more concerned with appearance than with following their own guidelines. Moreover, they point out that the Federation admi& that it follows a “consensus” decision-making format r&her than thee own set procedures, because, according to Leddy in the March 4 meeting “If you get Roberts Rules crazy and by-law crazy, you lose sight of trying to accomplish things.” Done and Forrest consider this to be a cavalier attitude and hold that by-laws are too important to simply be brushed over for expediency. Because both referendum results -will affect student fee payments, the University’s Board of Governors still has to ratify any changes to be made. Done and Forrest have already initiated the process to appeal to the board and hope to have the decision by the Board of Directors to uphold the referendums negated.
*.Native &women express culture
University isn’t by Mandy Smith 3pecial to Imprint
highlights the problems. They have chose, said Forrest, to “sweep their behaviour under the carpet, rather than courageously take responsibility by addressing concerns presented by Fed members.”
by Jeff Warner Imprint staff
by Iaii
“Native Woman, you are the hope of all your mothers.” So began a talk last Thursday on First Nations Women, held in conjunction with International Women’5 Week The event was designed to present a forum for views not normally presented o? acknowledged in society today. An interesting aspect of the whole evening was the relaxed nature in which the discussion took place. There was no limit placed on the amount of time for each speaker and children had free reign on the lecture hall, roaming about wherever they pleased. This is perhaps indicative of the priorities in Native culture and how starkly contrasted they are to NUl-th American maGisCream culture. Featured speakers were Verna Johnston, an energetic 83-year-old great-great grandmother from Cape Croker on the Bruce Peninsula, and
Lenore Keeshig-Tobias, a story teller, taining the audience with a traditional writer and cultural activist, also from Native story. Cape Croker. Moderating the even“There is a relationship between women and water and this can unite ing was Carleen Elliot. Johnston treated the audience to a us all,” Keeshig-Tobias said. She selection of poems she has written spoke at length on this connection. “Water is the blood of Mother Earth over the past 70 yeais, as well as colorful stories and i.hghtfUl which surrounds us for nine months thoughts on Native women. A major in the womb.” then& prevailing through ail of ihe “There is a lot to be learned from women, aunts, sisters, daughters,” works was her love of Native culture she said. “Women are the first story and heritage. tellers.” “Self-government will help us to put something of ourselves in the She explained how stories are a way of teaching and that it is up to the schools,” Johnston said. “Herbal remedies, heritage. Something to women to teach the next generation about their heritage and culture. take into society when they leave the reserve.” She believes that the programs instigated in the past by CanaBoth women come from Cape dian Governments do not fit into , Croker where a recent water tower Native culture. has been erected, much to the dismay “We need to go back to Mother of the Native residents. It is somewhat Earth . . . she is no longer pure.” appropriate that this symbol of the Speaking after Johlw.toti was dkhxtegratio~ of Native culture is ZRnore Keeshig-Tobias, an intense connected to water. story teller with firm beliefs on what the role of Native women should be. Keeshig-Tobias finished her talk by She spoke on her views of Native saying, “The water tower is a desecrawomen today and finished by entertion to the beauty God created.” V
4 Imprint, Friday, March 13, 1992
Confessions of a congious.
by Brenda Lee special to Imprint
to the Little did 1 how that during my first few weeks of classes I would still be wandering around with the campus map clutched in my hands. It would take a full two weeks before I was comfortable with my new surroundings and tossed the ma . During my K‘rst year, I chose to live at the Waterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. (WCRI) and that really helped. Okay, III admit, I didn’t know what living in a co-operative residence actually entailed. Initially I was attracted because of its proximity to the University. This changed quickly, living in one of the residences called North. It instilled within me a feeling of being in one big happy family. Living at WCRI really helped me adjust to university life. My floor was a mix of guys and girls, fresh and upper-year students, which students
I was really looking forward to Campus Day, since the University of Waterloo was my first choice. The bus-loads of Waterloo-curious arrived on campus in the morning. I was keen on checking out the science labs, hoping to see some mad professor conducting a weird experiment or something; after all, I had never been in a real lab before. I wasn’t disappointed. The anticipation of actually being able to work with all those tubes and beakers was only increased. By now, the group from my high school had all split up, each person following the tour of his or her choice. I was wandering across campus, with map in hand, feeling quite self-
It was
that I was a newcomer-
meant that’ someone knew the answers to my questions, especially when it came to things like calculus. Another great thing at WCIU is that everyone is responsible to keep the place running. Everyone gets to particip&e in chores, which are called “fags”. Every member of the co-op pitches in with fags and this lowers the costs of operations. The savings are passed on down to the membeti in lower occupancy rates. I realized that I’m not just merely a cog in the massive machinery of the co-op but that I have a voice too. Everyone has voting rights when it comes to decisions about the running of the co-op. I feel pride when doing my fags that I am doing my part in maintaining the building of which I am a part owner. This gives me a sense of community in being a member of WCRI.
Lee is a third-year
scie~~ce student.
by Jeff Epstein speciaI to Imprint Visitors to the University of Waterloo are of many types. Since the university is more than just an academic institution, it follows that not only students would be interested in seeing what goes on around campus. For my very first campus ’ tour, I had an audience of 40 middleaged insurance salesmen. I knew I was in for a challenge. The first thing you are told to do when giving a tour is to know your audience. That way, you will be able to tailor the tour to meet-the interests of your group. It is safe to say that on most tours, you can skip the libraries and the registrar’s office. I met up with my group as they came out of a meeting in the Math and Computer building. At first, I thought that this collection of non-students would be most thankful for a tour of the campus pubs, but then I realized that for most of them, it was their first
visit to Waterloo and they were genuinely interested in what goes on here. From that experience, I learned that a lot does go on at Waterloo, besides exams and lab reports. Waterloo boasts a truly unique Games Museum in Burt Matthews Mall, a hi-tech Robotics lab in the Davis Centre (which as a building is an attraction in itself), a display of prehistoric plant and wildlife in the science complex, and many other features. I also learned that people look forward to tours not only for what they will see, but for what they will learn from the tour guide about what life is really like at Waterloo. From that first tour, I realized that a tour guide will only be successful if he or she tells the stories you do not normally expect to hear. When you are on a campus tour, ask your guide about the VW Beetle in Modern Languages, the sunken library floor, the Waterloo “BEER’ tower, the Big Tent, Canada Day
Recreation is the key by Michelle Hahn special to Imprint
lan Ctoskell, CGA, Senior Vice-President, Ontario, Barclays Bink of Canada Jennnctte Wiltsc. CGA, Secretary-Treasurer, Euro Brokers Canada Ltd. Danny Wong, CGA, Business Consultant, Danny, Thomas & Associates Inc.
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Coming to a new university can be an exciting experience as one enters into a new world of adulthood. But, first year also brings with it sleepless nights haunted by nightmares of being buried alive under a sea of textbooks - never to surface again. Not to mention the inundation of assignment after assignment from profs who truly believe their course is the only ‘one offered on campus. Yes, university is a lot of work, and yes, there are plenty of stressful times, but there is a place to go to get away from it all and to even have a little fun - no, a lot of fun. Most people think the University of Waterloo is a brain factory for engineering computer, and co-op
students. Not true. Any student needs to balance academic life with healthy activity and the University of Waterloo, through its Campus Recreation program, offers a veritable treasure of activities for the mind, body and soul. The program has something for everyone. A extensive list of activities are offered that range from fitness classes to hockey to the martial arts. Students can join together in league play or take the solo route in a array of racquet sports and fitness classes. The campus recreation racquet programs begin with squash courses offered for players of all capabilities. Courts can be booked on a daily basis for the avid squash fanatic or for the player who is just starting out. But it doesn’t end there. Tennis instruction
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is also available on three different levels of difficulty. Need someone to play with? Just sign up on the partners board in the Physical Activities Complex to find a fellow squash, racquetball, tennis, or badminton enthusiast. For those fitness buffs, the program includes a variety of classes that incorporate a warm-up, work-out and cool-down. Students can improve cardiovascular fitness, increase muscle tone and joint flexibility, or just have some fun, in lowimpact, high-impact, stretch and strength, or aqua fitness classes. Water-lovers can come to the pool and discover the challenges of scuba diving or take advantage of the many levels of the Learn to Swim programs. Advanced swimming awards are also taught, including Bronze, Bronze Cross and the National Life Guard courses. A vast array of special interest programs are offered for the individual who strives to learn a little something new. Dance classes, figure skating, cross-country skiing, and Tai Chi, to name a few, will satisfy any hunger for a new and exciting skill. Campus_ recreation provides something a little different with its student-run clubs. Individuals who share the same interests can come together to socialize, improve their skills, learn new skills and meet their recreational and competitive needs. Clubs to choose from include the Outers, Sky Diving, Table Tennis, Fencing, Ski and the Equestrian Clubs. For the student who enjoys team play, the recreation program has several facilities for competitive or corecreational sports. Students can organize their own teams for hockey, basketball, volleyball, broomball, soccer, even innertube waterpolo. Tournament play is also offered in areas tennis, squash and including volleyball. There are also a variety of job opportunities available with Campus Recreation. Gain valuable experience while earning some extra money by becoming a student assistant, convener, referee-in-chief, referee, pool staff, or instructor. Campus recrea lion provides sports and leisure opportunities for students of all interests and talents. A step into the Campus Recreation program definitely provides a much needed escape from the stresses and strains of campus life. Campus Ret will take you in a new direction towards active living and better health. Michelle Hahn. a fuunh -year p&icd science student, is president the the WU?Pl45Vl’sIntewiivmily Council in athletics.
Imprint, Friday, March 13, 1992 5
‘tour guide
Women’s groups of every stripe gathered at Queen’s Park in Toronto last Friday for International Women9s Day .
fireworks, Waterloo’s football team. He or she might not know about all these things, but I guarantee that your guide will have plenty more unique stories to tell. I first became a tour guide because I was already a Waterloo ambassador with the Student Alumni Association. I kept giving tours because I take pride in my school, and because people such as yourself, the Campus Day visitor, have a right to know the truth about what goes on around here. So the next time you are on a tour and the guide asks if you have any questions, I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to really learn something. On behalf of the UW Student Alumni Association, I hope you enjoy your visit to Waterloo, and plan on coming back for more.
Columbus arrival to be
Photo by Angela Heeds
Tohelpyoufill out your incometgx return
Extendedhours \
from UW News B-au
A University of Waterloo travel/ study program to Italy, Spain and Portugal will commemorate the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ first tians-Atlantic voyage. Called “Columbus and the Atlantic World Since 1492,” the program will run from August 9 to 30 and is sponsored by the UMi Department of History with the cooperation of Teaching Resources and Continuing Education. It will offer participants “the opportunity to learn .about the world of Columbus and the explorers of the late 15th and early 16th centuries and the impact of exploration on the New World.” The program consists of lectures and seminars conducted by Prof. Michael Craton of UW’s Department of History and guest lecturers, supplemented by sightseeing in selected historic sites and meetings with local officials. Craton’s principal areas of research and publishing include Caribbean history and in particular the influence of Europe on that region. He has written a comprehensive work on the voyages of Columbus and was a consultant for the recent PBS television seties “Columbus and the Age of Discovery.” L Sightseeing and tours will include Nice, France; Genoa, Italy; Monaco/ Monte Carlo; Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante, Elche Granada, Malaga, Cad& Seville (including a visit to the World’s Fair), Txujillo, Ada, Segovia and Madrid in Spain; and Lisbon, Portugal. Participants can take the program as a UW credit course (History 3972) and special permission may be granted to allow a subsequent 0.5 credit course to be taken as part of the travel/&dy program. Tuition for the credit registration is about $199 for each 0.5 credit. The prqqram price is $3,695, which includes air fare. from Toronto via British Airways, accommodation, breakfasts and 15 dinners, all transfers and ground transportation, lectures, seminars and sightseeing. For further information, call UW Continuing. Education, (519) 88% 4002.
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Opinion: contributors
The opinion to present
pages are designed for Imprint their views on various issues.
staff members
or feature
The opinions ..these pages are
expressed in columns, comment piece?, and other articles on strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Only articles clearly Iabelled “editorial” and unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
fireside chat by Peter Brown “That any sane nation, having observed that you could provide for the supply of bread by giving bakers a pecuniary interest in baking for you, should go on to give a surgeon a pecuniary interest in cutting off your leg, is enough to make one despair of political humanity. . . . Scandalized voices murmur that . * I operations are necessary. They may be. It may also be necessary to hang a man or pull down a house. But we take good care not to make the hangman and the housebreaker the judges of that. If we did, no man’s neck would be safe and no house stable.“ - George Bernard S haw, preface of The Lbctor~dlilmmn, asquoted in March’s TheAth-
tic Month!l?. On this page, Sandy Atwal responds to a letter writer who took issue with Atwal’s arguments that a private health care system is preferable to a public one. Atwal. argues that health care should be privatized because it is a commodity, just like cars, stereos, clothing, or haircuts, and that the most efficient way to distribute commodities in society is the free market, His measurement of how efficiently a commodity is distributed is its economic price. If the price of health care, normalized to population, is cheaper under a private system than under a public system, then the private system is the better one by definition. I argue that health care is more than a commodity and that a private system interferes with the implicit, ethical trust that exists between doctor and patient, between the medical profession and society. The macroeconomic end purpose of a free market is to distribute goods in an efficient manner, but the microeconomic purpose of a free market for the individual producer of a product or service is to maximizb profit for him br herself. This means, first of all, trying to produce the good or provide the se&i& ai the lowest possible cost and, secondly, charging the highest amount for it that the market will allow. It is in this way that profit is maximized. If health care is merely a commodity, as Atwal claims, then the end goal of health care providers is, or should be, to provide medical services with the cheapest possible cost while charging the most possible for them. Since the acceptable price of medical treatment has a reasonable ceiling and the costs of providing the treatment a lower limit, doctors in a profitbased system would be encouraged to do what businesses do every day: try to sell as many units of the product as possible. Thus, if doctors have a profit interest in their patients’ treatment and must counsel patients about what type and amount of treatment is necessary, it is in the doctors’ economic interests to prescribe the most expensive type and maximum amount of treatment. A common marketing technique in business today is to convince the consumer that they have a need or problem, one that had never occurred to them before, and explain how a product can satisfy that need or solve that problem. This profit motive would cornpete dangerously with the ethics of doctors and would ensure that the wealthier members of society receive the best health care.
In an age of soaring one’s interests, except health care system, techniques of modern IJvoman’s, neck would
health costs, is it in anythose profiting from the for’ doctors to use the business? No man’s, or be safe.
Too flawed to ignore by Sandy Atwal When people attack my arguments, there is usually some semblance of reason in their position. They will see things differently as I do, and I (usually) respect that. We agree to disagree. Rarely do I receive an attack such as that of Scott Mar&to’s two weeks ago (“Goodwill Health Plan”} - an argument which attacks me as vigorously as my arguments. I usually choose to pass over on this when it happens, but his arguments were too flawed for me to ignore. First we have the Mr. MarrattoS “road” argument where I think Scott simply misunderstood what I was saying. My position was that I paid for a service with X amount of dollars. I did not receive X amount of services. Therfore I would no longer like to pay for this thing that I am not getting. In your analogy, you miss several points. First of all, if it is in fact true that you never use roads (ie. you do not drive, get rides, take the
interested in furthering your position than looking into what I said. You accuse me of setting up a straw man to attack and of missing all the “important” arguments. Now if in fact there are more important arguments, I failed to see them in your letter. In fact, the two “arguments” you brought up were ones I had originally addressed; yet, you say 1was attacking a straw man. Many of the complaints yap had with my argument were clearly outlined on the second page where I point out the findings of a study that shows the inverse relationship between the amount (American) government spends on health care and the services provided. Perhaps I needed to simplify the organization of my article further. There is also the question of Goodwill and the Salvation Army. Now Scott, here I challenge you to do a little questioning for yourself. Ask Goodwill whether they think the government has heIped or hurt the poor
bus, ride your
and underprivileged
bike, or use services
require the road such as the police, ambulances, pizza delivery etc.), then in fact, no, you should not pay for it, but I’m betting you do use roads. Secondly, I’m not talking about insurance here; obviously, paying into a plan which you may use is a sensible position and ndt one I attacked. I’m talking about the per capita expense of health expenditures by the government. That is to say, money that I have paid for via taxes for health services, tangible items, but did not receive. This is the difference. It does no good to say that you received more than the basic coverage you paid for since this simply means that other people were paying for it - a far more serious charge. ThereisalsothequestionoftheresearchI
have done. Now Scott, the irony of ironies is actually that while I cited two sources, and still have the others I used, you accuse me of having done no research. Your attack does nothing to criticize my position. You simply do not know what I have or have not done, thus should not talk about it. You seem more
people in this country.
Ask GoodwiII if the government works half as hard as they do to solve Canada’s social pro blems. Ask people in a soup kitchen if.they think the government of Canada has done a lot for them. I do not wish to be insulting, but it
seems somewhat naive of you to suggest that the Canadian government is interested in helping poor people. Finally, Scott, there is the counterpoint that you bring up that the United States supposedly has the world’s highest infant mortality rates. I looked into these facts and realized that you are quite mistaken. The white population of the United States has had among the lowest infant mortality rate in the world at least since 1950. The black pop ulation’s is higher, mainly as a result of more evident drug abuse. Now before you attack me for being a racist, I realize that I am not looking into the causes of this drug problem, but that statisticaIIy, it irppears to be the result of the higher infant mortality rate. If you find this statement, or any in this article questionable, I would be happy to share my sources with you. I have no problem with sharing my research and knowIedge with other Iessinformed people. More than anything else, I am simply surprised by your position. I would have imagined that research such as that which you did for your El Salvador article would successfully wean you off a dependence on other people telling you what to do. Alas, this is not the case.
Exams are coming! Exams are coming! But it’s not too late to come down to CC140 to volunteer-for
We especially need News writers for the rest of the term.
&~IUTK The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, dauble-spa& letters to Imprint, Campus Centre l&.‘MaiJ can also be sent vi;l e-mail to imy~nt*watservl.Waterioo-edu. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 5:OO pm Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. Al1 material is subject to editing.
Opinion choice?
To the editor, Concerning Luri Beckstead’s letter titled “Christian Fascist” published Feb. 21. There are two points of interest that need to be addressed; those being opinion and choice. Ms. Beckstead makes a point of presenting what, to her, are fallacious arguments in Mr. Collard’s letter. In do doing, she calls him a Fascist because he apparently imposes his opinion upon every other human being. Is this not in itself an opinion? How does her opinion differ in weight to his? Is there a point to all of this? Yes, as we shall see. Ms. Beckstead states the proposition “Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion”. It is understood that when she refers to opinions she does so in terms of “equaliw, in the sense that no one opinion is more right or wrong than any other one. If this is the case (seeing as how opinion implies lack of proof), then her chastisement of Mr. Collard’s letter is unwarranted by her own standards. Therefore, in calling Mr. CoIlard names, it is contrary to the realm of opinion to state that someone “is definitely” this or that. AS for opinions in general, imagine a world with five billion uneducated opinions equalIy weighted. How. can anything get accomplished? Some would answer %y majority of course’. Yet, does it not seem WRONG that in any given country something life wife abuse is permitted, even if so because of majority? lf the majority of certain similar opinions is what is the measure of practice, then it seems that what works for one country, may not work ,for other countries, in the same respect. Is it then possible to use the words ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ at all? . . . or can we say that morality is simply equated with ‘majority rule’? If this is so, something must be done, for although the majority may favour society as a whole today, what is to stop the opinions ,of the majority from changing? What if the majority of Canadians change their opinions so that mandatory euthanasia is to be instituted at the age of 50 in order to save our economy? Where’s the glory in that? If morality can be reduced to the subjective level, then there can be no Right and Wrong. All things being equal, two people in the same circumstance are both subject to the same Right and Wrong, if in the same respect. But, if no morality exists, then it is difficult to understand why “choice advtites” fee1 so strongly against people who try to make it known that “choice ’ can be dangerous, Would this not be dismissed as foolish? In order for humans to live together in htiony, choice has to be somewhat limited, for surely one can choose to drive on the wrong side of the street, btit what of the consequences? Is it then just my opinion to think that what happened in Nazi Germany was wrong? If there is belief in opinion, then if follows that Hitler had the right to choose what was right for him. Choice is the second point of interest whicfi should be addressed. It is well noted that this issue is a delicate one, for we, ,a~ hum km, can all make choices. This is proper to humanity. But, if everyone is entitled to their own opinion, then there can be good choices or bad choices. Why make such a statement? lkcause, logically’ speaking, “Everyone is entitled . . .” is a universal statement (hence everyone) while 0 inions are particular (singular). It is inva %ld for a universal to be predicated from a particular. If someone then states the given proposition, they in turn, deny the existence of Truth. If there is not Truth, there is no False, which means there is no Truly or Falsely good; thus n~inorality. In the absence of morality, choices are neither good nor bad, and therefore choice in itself is reduced to random selection. This defeats the purpose of having choice at all. So why should choice be kept in check? It is evident from experience, that the power of choice cannot help but be noticed. Choice involves much more than a random selection of options. Choice affects everyone. It is because of this that choice, in the realm of possibility, can be dangerous. Ms. Beckstead tends to reduce people such as myself, to the position of “oppression advocates”. This is
not the case. The purpose here is not to revoke choice as a whole, for to do so would leave us all non-human. Instead, choice should not be taken lightly. What is done today is not easily forgotten tomorrow. It appears that peoplq (who seem to feel. threatened by such thoughts) are caught up in the power of having choice in itself rather than using choice to attain a common greater good. This response is written, not to call anyone a Fascist (or any other name), but to encourage people to use reason, with which we are so endowed, to help solve our problems. It is understood that many will disagree with such means but that cannot stop this writer’s search for Truth, not for my own personal benefit, but for the benefit of all humanity. Together, Truth can be found. It is for this reason Ms. Beckstead, that I ask you to hold out your hand, not so as to be slapped, but that as a family we can all work toward, and achieve the same final end.
these utterings. The articles in your paper present many valid opinions, fears, and angers held by both women and men. It is a credit to be printing them. But, nothing is accomplished towards promoting the equality they _ request when it is the meaningless, unnecessary, sexist comments which are left lingering in our minds. If anything, anger will be heightened. Tanya Loewen WLU student Editor’s note: Tk italicized descriptions at the end of the IWD articles were provided b-v each author; we did not write them. 771~ were intended to allow the authors latitude to desctibr themselves For a discussion of the rcusons for the title ‘lnternuiiunal Women ‘s Day Rug, ” pieuse see “The Reasons for the Rag” in the March 6 Imprint.
Who’s going to teach the parents?
Paul Zamora phiiosophy 3B
Imwessed. but sh6cked w
To the editorc Has the Imprint become a sexist paper? DO the editors lie having columns and articles dealing with the discrimination of females that exists? What happened to impartiality? In the March 6 issue of Imprint the first Feminist Frameworks column appeared. I have a lot of .problems with this that I feel should be announced; but before I start, I would like to say that I am a male and I do my part to stop discrimination against women because it is the right and moral thing to do. My problems with the column occurs mainly not with the content of the past column, but the concept of the column. 1find it hard to determine what it is to be a feminist. Does it mean you are for women’s rights and equality or does it mean you have to pick apart every piece of society, how ever small, and call it discrimination? If it is the former, then I myself fall under the category of a feminist. But if it is the latter, I have a serious problem in having respect for that kind of person. Not because they are female, but because they are so angry inside that they search for things to rebel against. Although there is discrimination in everything and everywhere, as an educated university society, we should realize that nothing happens overnight! What we as educated people should do is teach the uneducated children what equality truly is. That pink does not mean girl and blue does not mean boy. That is to say, that your anger should not be pointed at the adult society! The adult society (over 15) havp aIready.grown up in a world of discrimination. Now, I am not saying stop protesting about everyday issues, I am just saying that the’ solution to discrimination does not lie in getting a certain percentage of females in science or engineering nor is it in quota hiring or any other rules for acquiring femaIes in a male dominated organization. The way to stop discrimination is to teach the children of tomorrow what it is to be a person, regardless of sex. These future leaders will grow up knowing that they can do anything and the only way for this to happen is to have the people of today realize that it will take generations to get equality and that short term solutions may only hinder the greater and more important outcome!
To the editor, As a female university student, I’ve been more than mildly inter&d in the “International Women’s Week” which is presently underway. I’m a Laurier student, and I picked up a copy.of the Imprint (February 28,1992) while I was visiting this week I was quite happy to see that the UW paper has also set a large portion of this week’s edition dealing with this topic and I proceeded eagerly to read it. I was shocked at a nuinber of things, howev.er, in the display. Expecting a number of very supp,ortive headlines, instead the boId print of ‘Inte*tional Women’s Day I&g” stared up at me. I would like to think that this could have been a typo, originally meaning to print “Day Rage,” but reading on, I found several things which led me to believea it was not; I feel that these headlines and the next sub je I will speal; of are a few of the ways people use to blatantly display their discrimination of women, by mocking women’s biological parts and functions. Reading many of the articles, I was very impressed with the journalism and was interested in many subjects I’ve never seen addressed so openly in a school paper, ie. “Men calling themselves feminists,” by Dave Thomson. Had articles been left as they were, I would have set down the newspaper feeling happily more informed. However, there were several small, italicized phrases added to the bottom of each articfe *which I found very stinging and insensitive. I assume, being italicized, that they were not additions made by the authors themselves. If they were, I believe everyone has a right to portray their characters the way that they wish to be seen,. but my opinion remains the same. Is it really necessary for readers to know that the journalist of “Hysteria, bitchiness, uptightness, madness” ‘has a tattoo qf Nefertitti on her left breast?” And does it truly shed light on the article agreeing for more female staff at UW to know that its author ‘lreeps a chimera (a monster with a lion’s head, goat’s body, and serpents tail) in her office to protect her against the forces of F’atriarchy?” Her opponent, meanwhile, ismerely described as a Philosphy Masters student ‘noping to contiue’on to more.” Although both arguments are equally valid, and present reasonable concerns, this ad&d statement paints a radical picture of the feminist which takes away from the credibility of her opinions, Further, perhaps I ainassuming that J. Kent is a female because she discussed in her tile and seminar the subject of PMS (of which I don’t believe any male, without actu&Ily having experienced menstruation themselves an absurd thought - can speak accurately). However, female or male, is it necessary to describe a speaker as “sensuous?” Does a sex appeal attract a larger audience for a PMS workshop? I am very curious as to the intent behind
Rob HagIey 2B Phy3ics
I spell tomatoe, you spell tomato To the editor,
be c&e6 Yugoslavia, it should be pointed out that the only homeland the war is being waged in is the homeland of the Croatians. There has not been any fighting in Serbia. All the fighting has taken place on Croatian territory, instigated by the Serbs. It must also be noted that the UN Observers have reported that most of the cease fires have been broken by the Serbs. As the past editor of the CRO-WAT Chronicle (published by the Croatian Students Association at WV), I can add a few more stories about graffiti on CRO-WAT posters, sabotage of other Croatian students’ vehicles, as well as death threats and obscene phone calls I have received. If there is any student at UW who has sornething against Croatians, please make yourself known so that we can take care of your problem (and perhaps get you to stop airing your beefs about Croatia& by vandalizing university property). On a lighter note, I think that it is time people learn to spell Croatia and Croatian correctly. Croatia is spelled C-R-O-A-T-I-A. People from Croatia a;e Croatians, spelled the sake as the previous word plus the letter ‘N’. Just as Canadians are not Canadions, and Americans are not Americans, Croatians are not Croations, Anton P. Milardovic 2nd year, Religious Studies Editor’s note: ‘C’roution ’ was probuh~v a tvpugraphic error on the letter-wn’ter lv part: ‘croatian ’ wus spekd correctlv three other tilnes in the ker.
Submit to wisdom To the editor, I am writing in response to Travis Capener’s letter of March 6th. In his letter Travis wrote, “In my opinion, we can’t argue for or against the existence of higher morality because it has no physical form.” This is a curious opinion, since our debate involves ideas which are themselves without physical form. Upon closer reflection we find that these humans do know of the existence of various things without physical form; human reason and abstract ideas, for example. We haye science, including moral science, because we can think in the abstract and discover principles, which we can know despite their lack of physicaI form. It is not the case that, as Travis asserts, “we can only believe.” Travis’ moral scepticism seems to be based on an extremely shaky foundation. From Trgvis’ position it would seem that every philosophy which holds that we can know truth is false, while those which claim that we can not know truth are true. This moral scepticism is contradictory. I agree with Travis when he suggests that it i? good for people to have the freedom to express their beliefs. This, however, does not mean that each .person’s beliefs are equally true. As far as I’m concerned, a person who thinks that all stop signs are blue should be allowed to express this opinion. But it does not follow that this individual’s opinion is as true as that of a person who thinks that stop signs are red. The opinions can not both be true; this would vi&ate the law of noncon&diction Freedom of expression is good because it brings various opinions into the open, allowing us to analyze them, and ultimately, to discover the truth. Travis asks, “Who is to say whose version of reality is right and whose is wrong?” Who has the best understanding of the one reality? The answer is: those persons who subordinate themselves to wisdom, who can see the order and unity in the universe, who understand things inierms of fundamental principles, and can therefore give exphnations which are internally consistent and which do not contradict each other. It is possible to bring our subjective opinions into alignment-with objective truth. By gaining a proper understanding (not just cullectbg
- _
- - _ -
I would like to add a few items to the article ‘Gave war in the homeland” which appeared in the March 6 issue of the Imprint.
nature, it is possible for us to discover which choices and actions are good for persons and society and which are not.
First of all, the title is misleading. According to what has been happening in tihat used to
MartinBruin 3B philosophy
v - 7
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t i I / t ; i i 1
FEh/llNlST I FRAMEViKIRKS Reprcxh3i~
8 Imprint, Friday, March 13, 1992
freedom essential for empowerment performed locally. But as we should all know bu now. pro-life groups have holinded.evey
by Michael Bryson Kmprint staff
culture, and this played downfall. A recent feature article Globe and Mail pointed among you@, poor, black
“All you need is love.”
- The Beatles Not that he didn’t deserve what he got, but centred in a culture that pr&d, even trumpeted, his wessiveness, the M&e Tyson
than access to abormake this demand boldly, clearly, and .visibly, we can take the first step toward reproductive freedom for all women - health care that is not simply safe and effective, but through its enhancement of individual autonomy, empowering. Nothing less will do if we aim to co&o1 our bodies, and our lives. w Spanks is Qmember of thetbCh&e ActionMtwork.
To them, despite the charge of rape (he had not yet been convicted), Tyson was a hero, a cultural ,icon. He was a black man who had taken cm the white system on his own teks
type of status a more homogeneous American hero, read white-suburban boy (‘Vanilla Ice?), could have achieved. He was a marginaltied figure, outside the dominant
‘7Jpon coming across a mugger’s victim, one sociologist said to the other, The man who did this needs our help.“’ Does Twn? Yes, But hell have to get it in prison.
Toronto hospital: “Every day w five cases of women who come III ppfusely. We know they’ve had an but we have to help them. . . By law, pitals are not allowed to perform a . but we complete the operation sqme abortionist has operated on them.“ Here in W&e&x Region, we walk dangerously close to this twisted past But it’s not because nothing ever changed. It is a myth that there has never been access to safe abortion services in our area. In the last ten WI’S, no fewer than seven &K&XS have provided many abortions. Until just a few years ago, the vast majority of abortions were still
Not e+tly your average Esquire reader, Tyson could never have hoped to achieve the
He just put thought into action, that’s all. It’s not hard to see where he got the idea to &eat his favourite pin-up as an object for sex, a
know what illegal abo
and won, was stiIl winning and would never lose? Tyscln showed that it could be done. That blacks could succeed. And Don King, boxing flamboyant promtiter and Tyson’s mger, marketed Tyson that way: the street kid makes gmq In this way, Tyson was placed both apart from the dominant culture and centred in it (a part of it)+ He was split, living a paradox. For Tyson to succeed, it was necessary for him to play to the dominant culture’s need for spectacle, for blood and guts aggression, inside the ring and passive ci@ty outside of it. But Tyson’s life outside the ring was far from passive or civil. A street kid to the end, he fought and divorced Robin Givens, a middleclass black who expected more. (The piece in 7%e Globe says Tyson’s case underlines the fact that the real divider in American today is not race but, class.) Trying to succeed, moving against the grain of the dominant culture, Tyson was bound to fail. He needed either to give up boxing or give up his misogyny and aggressive ghetto mentality. Unable to do either, the culture pounced when he finally and with finality stepped one too matiy times over the line that separates the .dominant centre from the powerless mar@i. The culture made the choice for him;.+toOk boxing away (though Donald Trump would offer him 9 chance to box/buy his way out, speaking of dominant centres). But don’t g&e for him too much. Or at all if you don’t want The correci choice was to give up his misogyny. As the joke goes:
story surely carries as much tragedy as pathos. Yes, he’s a pathetic, self-admitted predatory misogynist, but is his machismo really any more damaging than #he patriarchal iconography that’s produced by the North American cultural machinery daily?
ess and misinformation
on Tyson in 7&e to his popularity American males.
in the
first place. Our media is with that image/idea. And
overwhelmed what’s a “pin-up,” anyway? . The word is “woman.” So, without removing any responsibility from Tyson for his actions, I’d like to use his case to explore a couple socio-cultural issues. Sensitive politic~lly-correct people everywhere may struggle with the idea of Tyson as a tragichero, playing witlessly into his own downfall. The only victim here, they might say, is the vWn-t of Tyson’s brutal rape, after all. And they would probably be right. But folIow this road with me for just a minute. .Tyson, for all his success, could never have achieved the social recognition of even, say, Dan Quayle. Or Calvin Klein, Or David Letterman. How could he? He was black. He grew up h the ghetio. He once boasted his job was to knock another man’s nose into his brain. He began his youth mugging old ladies and ended it the heavy-weight champion of the worl& the youngest in the history of box4%
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10 Imprint, Friday, Mar& 13, 1992
Forum and it would be futile to discern “ripped off” the most.
L+etterscontinued ...
Insurance tain the “minimum wage economy” on that kind of money. People shpiy won’t work for 50 cents, or a dollar an hour, or at least enough of them won’t. The next stage, obviously, is for the company to raise the wage to such an amount so the company can still supply the products and service that it was supplying before the minimum wage was eliminated. The fear here is that this new level of wages won’t be the same as was received before the minimum wage was eliminated. I’m willing to admit that this almost certainly will be the case. If the company is paying you six dollars an hour, and that happens to be the minimum wage, your wage will probably drop if minimum wage laws are dropped. Makes sense. The next question will be who will set the new wage. The answer is, of course our old friend the market. What you get paid will. be determined by how badly people want the product that your boss is producing. Even with jobs like McDonald’s, the above rules apply. Among the people who w-ill benefit from eliminating minimum wage laws three groups of people; consumers, producers, and workers - obviously three rather important groups of people. The laws hurt producers who would normally’ go into business but can’t since they can’t afford to pay people the minimum wage required by law. This would include very small private and family businesses. This reduces the amount of competition and product variety available to the consumer, thus hurting him or her. Finally, we have the worker who would get the jobs at these industries if they were around. Obviously, this applies almost exclusively to small businesses, but why should they be excluded from the market? It basically comes down to this: there’s no reason to hurt some people for the good of others, not even if this is “most” people. We can’t justify hu-g some people by a law (not even employers) by saying that other people will benefit from it.
by Sandy Atwal ‘The people who do most harm are the people who try to do most good.. . Charity creates a multitude of sins.” - Oscar Wilde I would say most people support Brian Mulroney’s ideas. That is to say, past rather banal questions of personality the govemment structure he is a part of and supports is still held up as a key to having a caring (welfare) society. The most important question we have to ask, however, is whether the price we pay both in money and in our liberty is worth what we’re getting from the government who we give up these rights to. The problem is, it seem like the answer is “yes”. However I’m going to take one example (minimum wage laws) and show that while we’re getting the “benefit” of ensured wages that we need from the government, we’re also hurting a fair number of people in the process. I’m doing this mainly to show that something which we take as an accepted practice is, when looked at closely, quite difficult to defend if we’re going to take the idea of individual rights seriously. I’m also doing this to piss people off I supposeMinimum wage laws are supposed to give those who would earn a wage toward the bottom of the scale (students, the unskilled, etc.) with a guaranteed minimum income amount so they can pump it back into the economy and not be a drain in terms of welfare. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the interest of the person earning the wage, since furthering their interests are only done if it furthers the government’s interests (or what the government says is the “common good”). The argument is that if we didn’t have a minimum wage, wages would drop considerably. Let’s get one thing straight. There’s a limit to how low it can drop. Although there are probably a few people in this country that would work for a dollar an hour, there aren’t enouerh people (even in a recession) to sus-.
who gets
M. Ptolemy 4N Ecmtomics
Foreign Feuds not for Canada
To the editor,
In response to LX+ Beckstead’s article in the March 6th edition of Imprint regarding price discrimination based on gender where She stated “it costs a woman more simply to exist in this society,” I would like to propose that although price discrimination most certainly exists it is not clear which sex benefits the most. T&e the case of auto insurance for example. I recall myself and a female tiend both getting our driver’s licence at the same time. We were both occasional drivers on similar family type vehicles, but when we compared insurance premiums I was paying close to $400 while she was paying only $50 per year. It takes a lot of pink razors to make up for the difference. I understand that since then insurance companies have, brought rates closer together but that there still exists considerable differences for premiums between males ad females under the age of 25. The excuse insurance companies use to defend this blatant sexual discrimination is that males are statistically riskier drivers to insure. This, I’m sure, is true; but since when were statistics acceptable grounds for discrimination? Auto insurance premiums should be judged according to the ski11 of each driver, “not according to which type of genitals the client has.” One difference is that in Lori’s first two examples she would be allowed to purchase the male version of the product which is a near perfect substitute (only the manufacturer would have you think otherwise!) whereas I cannot buy the female version of auto insurance. I am not trying to prove that the marketplace is instead more expensive for men, that I don’t know, rather I am only suggesting that price discrimination exists in many directions
To the editor,
Just who is this stupid vandal that is going around writing racist crap? On February 11 th, I was having a class in room 350 in Environmental Studies 1 when I noticed chalk marks on a conservation map of Ontario. The marks circled certain cities and labelled them as “Too many Croats live here.” When the prof went to the lectern, he stopped in puzzlement, since someone had written something with chalk on there too. I was surprised at all this idiocy. I figured this was just as stupid as the Croatian politician in Mississauga that was quoted to say “he wouldn’t want to live next to a Serbian.“I want these feuds to stay out of Canada and to stay out of my campus. I enjoy and support ethnic and cultural diversity but I do not support wars. By the way, lam neither Croatian or Serbian, so I neither want to be threatened for writing this letter.
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If democracy is the political power of the common people, how can we go about achieving that end? The socialist critique of capitalism is quite vigorous but flawed as a means to a more open society because it does not address the fundamental question of political power for the masses. The First International, the worldwide brotherhood of socialists that included Marx, and whom now gained political con&o1 of it, made a grave mistake when it kicked out its amuchist section, led by the Russian intellectual, M&hail Bakunin (18144876) in 1872. Without the anarchist critique of the St&e, Marxism could not avoid the pitfalls of statecraft. The following is an excerpt .of a hypothetical interview with Bakunin and some thoughts on anarchism and the crisis
tion. The and Chinese States protected y building their own because it themselv was the threat of a global US military machine that scared them. Imprint: Ym The US dnopped two hydrogen bombs an Japan during the Secand Wurti War. The threat ~Jnucieur Armageddon had receded
somauhat in the light of the events in Emtern Eumpe. But the fear and anxiety pen&s. albeit internalized now. 1
Fhhnin: Two world wars. The utter scale of your century’s barbarism disturbs me. Mind you, ours was not any better. There wouldn’t have been a 20th century had 8% marck and L,ouis Napoleon had those nuclear
Soviet invasion of Afghunistan, war, the Fuikand Islandr skirmis
have developed other than state corporate ones. Without knowing that history, one would have a very weak foundation to engage in’s critique of the State ap aratus. Imprint: Anarchism is deP ned in current dic-
liticul theory thut individual absolute and that all guvemevil. Indeed, cupitulism and would be abolished and tary cuuperUion. I guess you at that is a very shallow dejnition. us u common term of rtferenw
Imprint: Some uf your critics would claim thut human beings are not pred@osed to cooperation. 7his I belime is a modem sensibility picked up fim the writings of Hobh and Locke. The eariy ~pitulists, through ugmss misrepresentation uf the phiiosophy of individualism, used both wnzerS togood @s in justtfiing cupitulism. That is, thq seized upon the notions uf individual human gr& and the mxessi~ of State pmtetiun of individual intenzsts tu create a surprisingly cuherent tiunomic philosophy. what they ignuwd though is thefuct that human beings are sociul beings.
As social beings. collective socitil activity cunnut be determined by mourse toexplanations of tnnute greed - or even cooperation. However I get the impression that the whole issue rwulves around one’s conceptiun of human nature. You, 1 think, take Q positive view uf human nature: a faith in people’s ability to conceive of u universal brrotherhood the ‘w&k@” uf the three pillars of the French Revulutiun. ?Ttat this sense uf
state tu maintain order. in the tights of others ifthwe will be any human rights l@ to tread upon once chaos rules the social world Or that i huw people huckstering nxeived id&s might tend to believe. In fat ‘that is the rheturic of the right, the nzactionun’ps and the apolog&s of capitalism. Survival of the ruthlm, not just thejttat. Bakunin: Let us get one thing clear. Those are very crude criticisms that State propagandists have instilled in many people. What has been forgotten or suppressed - es-y since universal access to education is only a very recent phenomenon, just oirer a centmy old by your time - is the iich history of the many social organizations human beings
not as developed in mine, was the pervasiveness of technology. In your time, technology and the capitalist construction model have created a state infrashucture that acculturates people into becoming compliant to authority. The global division of labour that your prescriptive techniques have created also produces the need for managerial control of all facets of work, traffic flow, shopping for goods, and the like. You have created a controlled society that depends heavily on the State fm regulation and bureaucracies that are increasingly centralized. This need not be the case. A cooperative society is still attainable in your time but its prospects become dimmer the longer you put it off:
and p&&al
ends -
of individuals. Imprint: Let us turn to the questiun then, of what an open suciq is. lXe poet W Ii. Auden
said that democracy should nut be considered any one political structure and that we must “u&pt ourxejves tu an open society or perish. “In qther words, we must now &in to shifi our view
PoliticalAnarchism Bakunin: Yes, yes of course, When you say that the people rule, who do they rule but other people? A small minority will always rule over a hrge majority. That is still tyranny to me, not democracy. It is tyrannical because it subjugates the spontaneity of locally lived. social life to an unflinching social order. Instead of a varied, communal street life of festivafs and friendly solidarity in our neighbourhoods we get the concrete violence of your so-called urban cities and the narcissistic and flattened cultural life of your suburbs. Bak&n: Anarchism is not a constricting straight jacket of immoral human action but the liberation of the human spirit. It is merely the theoretical principle of human cooperation. Imprint: I.vt ‘r it all too uto~iun? Bakunin: You haven’t understood me, have you? Let me be explicit: Anarchism means self-governpent. Self-responsibility. Ai freedom expands, it behooves US to become more aware of those around us, ensuring the collective survival of all. only within this context can you have true individual freedom. But the biggest mistake of critics - who are extraordinarily misinformed - is that they assume we anarchists presume that a peaceful society will emerge when the state is destroyed. It is not that simple. It will require hard work, not reductionistic rhetoric as we just discussed, Anarchism, with all its talk about spontaneity and lived experience, should be considered more as a developmental theory, a holistic theory that only sketches how a society should develop and form, using words like spontaneity as concepts, not rigid prescriptions. We are not in the business of prescribing utopias like * some cheap drug.
Bakunin: Well then, you must raise your vision a little higher. Don’t be taken in by those who claim legitimacy for the State. You must remember that you are living as neighbours to one of the most repressive States in human history. The horror of it all is that its repressive tendencies have been cloaked beneath the robe of h/i&Justice and a debased conception of democracy. Granted, the US is also the most likely place to find freedom. But this freedom is seriously circumscribed, conforming to a very narrow definition of individual freedom. The freedom to do as you please within your own little world to you heart’s content. This was made explicitly clear by Alexis de Tocqueville in his book, On &~OCKJ~V. Imprint: Yes, Charles Ta+v/or, a profvssur q f political science at McGill Universip in tha country aplained it .suceinct[v in his A4as.s~ L.ecture, ‘The Malaise of Muderwit)? ” on our public radio, th p C%C recent& I’ll paruphrasr Taylor: TUcqueville pointed out that this uscenduncy ef the individual does lead to a loss of @edurn. Ve?y f2w people would participate ii1 self-government, preferring the hedunistic pleasures of their ptivate lives instead and nr long as the government pruvides the means for the pursuit of happiness and lets evevunuget an equal share of it. everylhing is Mickq Mouse. T&s condition leads to what T~queville calls ‘koj *’ despukw or in cuntmporury language, j+ndIy, fascism. The good oi’ davs of Terrur and Tvranrty will be replaced by a mild and paterialistic government throwing an eletiun from time to time just to give it a patina qf demucruc+v.
rint for the future society but can only point to a number of possibilities. As I haGi stated earlier, this will depend on the desires and specific conditions of the society as needs see fit. In other words it sets up the cultural arena for meeting peoples needs in a just and rational way. This doesn’t mean you have the freedom td harm others since society would acknowledge that as an irrational act and take collective steps to mitigate it. Imprint: It .su~mf,v so simple.
Bakunin: Look at it this way. An anarchist is a radical democrat, a heretic opposed to the present State religion: today it is corporate capitalism and the free market. What kind of free and democratic society would allow the suppression of informed dissent as has happened in the US? Only a society that was not free. A society that is governed by what Tocqueville calls an “immense Ftelary power” can remove people’s political liberty, stripping the citizens of the ability to control his or her own destiny and society’s in common with others. I can give you an example. In 1919, the US government created the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This was the period of Woodrow Wilson’s Red Scare; the Western blockade of the Soviet Union; the failed attempt to overthrow the Bolsheviks with a Western backed counter-revolution; and the repression of left-leaning unions and radical parties within the US. The “Palmer raids”during the 1920s by the US national political police, euphemistically -called the FBI, virtually eliminated any appreciable leftist dissent in that country until the late 1960s.
J3akunin: Ah, my boy. Spare me your sarcasm. If the seeds of change are to be planted, they will need vision and hope, not naive optimism. Granted we may never satisfy the wish for perfect interpersonal relationships between individuals - some people will just never get along because of their personalities, jealousies, hang-ups, Marx and I for one but that shouldn’t stop us from working towards a more cooperative society in general.
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~~c~ow~~A~rdab~e Quality systtims Bakunin: I’m curious. What is the intellectual climate today with regards to contemporary anarchism? Imprint: There is a pww. hlr Nuvth Atnc.ricu there nw catkast thrw fiwwfbt voim: Noam Chumsky, M~rrrav &ok&in. nrd &yqc Woodcock. But +~oungei intelltx~tuul.~ art? needed to continue the slrugg/e; Chumsky is 63. %&chin will be 71 this year und Woodluck. just turned 80. The Montrrcrl-bu.s!Jd juurnal Our Generation, w&r the editucvh@ qf Dimitn’os Roussopouios, wou/LJ t7~ a good place Ifur UFI aspiring anarrthist intulie~~tual to sturt. Foruxump/e, Bookchin has w&e/t at Iengh about CUP feder&.sm artd ir.s historic p/utUe in opposition io ‘the centralized State. He has de&bud how in it,s cw7ttrrie.s lung histun! generations qf humanip haw used it to counterbalance and equu@ lor~g history qf statism. Confederalism is cuntempurcrq~ anamhi.s& :I &x2*the ensemble qf ~L~Jce~rtralizutiu~~, patiicipatov democracy, iocaikm, .sei@.@iencv, intrrdepcndence, and moral and civic education. Con federalism loses ull meaning 1s we do nut see that the Nation State.s t3f Canada and the US have used pmvincial and state governments to give us the illusion qf %cal control’: He suggesti we must renew .s&aloGunizatiun around the municipalit-v, the most authentic realm of human political action. Face-toT face democrucv is eusiJ_vuttainublta and not some utopian dream. Bakunin: Have they been successful in engaging public discourse? Imprint: Almost n@p’bie. I think many conremporary unarchistx still Iuuk to the princip/e.s ,vou outlined in Statism and Anarchy However, your formulatiuns were nut always well thought nut, .wmtiimes quite vague, which may explain why it husn ‘t caught on in thepublic consciousness. Bakunin: You must remember that the theory of anarchism cannot prescribe a bluep-
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Wador Basketball
Brock trounces. Warriors -
Swimming team finishes season at Cl’s
Maybe the fact that the water pump blew on my car when I was in St. Cathmines should have been taken as an omen. I didn’t see it that way at the timewaiting at the Radman, hoping 1 wouldn’t be late for Waterloo’s OUAA West semi-final against the Brock Badgers. In retrospect, perhaps it might have been better had I spent the entire afternoon at the garage. Naaah. Even though the Warriors got mauled, it was better to be there than to be cowering in a Golden Griddle Iike some kind of laurier fan. Quite simply, Brock did everything better than did Waterloo during the course of the 99-59 drubbing. They shot better, they piayed better defence, they out-rebounded the Warriors, they committed fewer turnovers, they had more team assists, and they committed fewer personal fouls. Brock established why they deserve to be rank6d as the #l team in the nation - they were the best last week Statistics faiI in describing the play of Brian Bleich and Gord Wood, the nation’s most potent 1-2 post combination. As Don McCrae put it, “they were beautiful to watch.. . U&SS you were pulling for Waterloo.” BIeich (34) and Wood (25) combined for 59 points, on 2O-of-23 field goal shooting and 19-for-21 on free throws. They combined for ten thunderous dunks, 14 rebounds, and intimidated Waterloo into countless missed layups and putbacks. Along with the performance of their behemoths, Brock got stellar bench play from Pat Sullivan and Mike “Finger” ,PuIIar. Sullivan and FuIIar shot 5-of-8 from three-point Iand, and contributed to the stifling defence which took the Warriors out
Balk? the boot
by Irvin McDonald Imprint sports
“It ainY kiddin@
Photo by CD. Coulas
of offensive synch. The fad that Dave &ton, Brock’s all-star point guard, had an off game was unimportant. The Warriors were never reaIIy in the game, faIIing behind 15-6 after five minutes. The difference remained at about 10 points for much
. . ahh,
fifth fowl.
Photo by Peter Brown
of the rest of the half, before a 13-4 Brock surge in the Iast four minutes widened the gap to 20 (54-34) at the haIf. That could easily be.seen as the turning point, taking the steam out of both the team and their fans. A couple of quick Warrior baskets narrowed the margin somewhat before the roof fell in. Brock turned the defensive screws a even tighter, allowing only two Warrior points (on free throws) during a six-minutes span With 13 minutes left on the clock, the gap had widened to 71-41, and there was little left to do but wait for the final buzzer to end the pain. During the second half, Brock limited the Warriors to 25 pointi on 6-c&22 shooting (27 per cent). Three Warriors hit double figures in the losing cause, led by Sean VanKoughnett with 21 points, most of which came on solo forays once Waterloo’s offensive patterns had broken down. OUAA West leading +corer Alex Urosevic was limited to 12 points but managed to dish off for eight assists. Dave Lynch had a soIid game contributing 13 points off the bench, Where the Watiors fell short was horn the paint, hitting just 9-of23 - which gets even uglier when you subtract VanKoughnett’s pOf-6 from the total. Unfortunately for the Warriors, Mike Duarte couldn’t complete the comeback from his ankle injury; h& few minutes on the court were high on the courage scale, but without hi4 quickness, he couldn’t contribute at: either end. it was a drubbing, but the future looks bright for Waterloo, who will be returning the buk of their line-up next year. They carried themselvm with class and maturity throughout a difficult and trying afternoon. Look for a season-end wrapup in next week’s paper.
Last weekend, the University of Waterloo men’s and women’s swimming teams competed at the CIAU championships at the university of Montreal. After three days of very fast s&g and tough competition, the Waterloo teams came out with some impressive results. The men’s team just n&d the top-ten ranking placing 11th overall while the .women’s team had to compete against more teams and ended up 14th overall. Two of the Warriors swam fast enough to make the consolation finals in their event, the second set of eight swimmers in each event. RaIf Gunther, a German exchange student in his first year at Waterloo, lowered his school record in the 100 butterfly to 56.57 seconds and finished seventh in cotisolations, fifteenth overall. Swimming in his first and Iast year with Waterloo, Gunther has made a lasting impression by setting three school records (one individual, two relays) and making the top-ten all-time list in six more events (four individual, two relays). Rookie Rich Blakelock swimming in his first CIAU national meet swam to a personaI best time in the 200 breaststroke and he also finished seventh in consoIations, fifteenth
Placing well for the Athenas was team veteran Sheryl Slater who finished third in consolation finals of the longest event the 800 free. Slater also swam very well on the relays, with a top-ten all-time swim leading off the Pby-200 free relay. This was Sbter’s third CIAU meet in four years and hopefully she will return next year for her fifth and final year of eligibility as her experience and leadership will be very helpful. The rest of ‘*he women swam below their times from OWIAA finals, but they gained some valuable experience; all of them were swimming in their first national meet of any kind. Butterflyer Christie SeIig is on work term in Ottawa so training for her was very difficult. Next year she will be in Waterloo leading up to the big meets of the season so she will have higher expectations. Back-stroker and third-year swimmer Trish Felszegi has come a long way in her time at Waterloo. With relatively little experience coming into university, she will most definitely be swimming faster again next year. Breast-stroke school record-holder Melissa Williams was also competing in her first national meet. She did not lower her records, but just like her teammates she gained valuable experience and is also looking for-
Themenfinished 11th while the women endedup 16th overall overal. BIakeIock has improved considerably this year and is looking forward to improving more next year and making an attempt at break&g the breaststroke schooI records. ? The other individual swimmer&r Waterloo, Ian Hunt, w&s plagued By some equipment problems in &is specialty, the 100,metre butterfly, ti he did not gamer a second swim. But the remainder of the weekend for Hunt was very good - he moved up on the 50 and 100 free top-ten lists and swam some very fast relay spIits. The relay teams for WaterIoo were very fast, on Friday tight they finished seventh overall in the 4-by200 free, missing the school record by under a second. On Saturday, the 4by-100 free relay was swum with the Warriors placing 1 lth and again missing the school record se this year by a second. On Sunday, the men placed ninth in the 4-by-100 medIey and missed the longest standing of the team records by just over a second. Team -2ptain Mike Cash, who swam only on relays, finished off his long and successful university swimming career with three fantastic swims on all the relays. His last swim, anchoring the medley relay, was a great way to go out as it was the most impressive swim of the weekend and his career.
ward to next season. There were two very exciting swims on Saturday nights finals by some almo@$ertain Canadian Olympic team $ members. Guylaine CIoutier ,@ the home-team University ‘%# Montreal set a new Canadian dersity record in the 200 breast-stro& Cloutier, who also won the 100 breasi and won a silver in the 200 individual medley, then went on to win the female swimmer of the meet.
Turlough O’Hare from the University of British Columbia started off the finaIs session in grand style by destroying the Canadian university and national record by five seconds in the longest event the 1,500 free. Later, he was third in&e 100 free and won the 200 and 400 frees. He was named male swimmer of the meet for these accomplishments. The University of Toronto pulled off an amazing double by winning both the men’s and women’s championship. This is the sixth consecutive win for their women and the first time since 1988 for the men. Waterloo’s first-year head coach Reema Abdo (and U of T alumnus) was very happy
with the results and is
very excited about the possibilities for next year’s teams. With six of the seven qualifiers possibly returning next year the results for the teams should improve.
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Beans Wanted
The Public Issues Board needs volunteers to join the environment commission. Keen out on the campus energy conservation campaign or the Provincial environmental competition! f?x more Green Bean information call Sara at the Public IssuesBoard, ext. 6299 or drop by the PIB office in Fed Oflice, CC235
Art Studento!!
Arts Student Union eleCtions vote for the Exsutive of. 1992/93 on Marc.h 25 and 26. Polling will take,place in Arts Lecture Hal!, between 9 a,m, and 4 p.m,
Co=ordihator Needed
SHlNEI?AMA 1992 Accepting applications at Fed office, CC235
CAMPUS SHOP 4 lucky winners and their guests can beat the lineup on both days. NAME: ID l
; irii off your ballot at the Bombshelter from Satur- ’ .’ day, March 14 to Tuesday,March 17. Come by the Shelter anytime Wednesday or Thursday to see if you’ve won. GOOD LUCK! Remember to join the ESSocietyon March 17 for the. _.: St. Pat’sDay Festivities .:,: . . at the .’
Friday, March
13, 1992
Track and Field
Great -showing at Provincials by Simon Fmte Imprint sports Last weekend at the Ontario university championships, the Waterloo track and field team showed what dedication and hard work can do. “We did it!,” beamed head coach Brent McFarlane. “Thirty-two personal bests, sixth place in OWIAA and OUAA placings, and our team truly gave a team effort. Everyone contributed to our success. We came together as a team and the team performances reflect that.” Both the men’s and women’s teams moved from an eighth-place finish in 1491 and doubled the previous year’s point totals. Leading the way was the women’s 4-by-200-metre relay team of Melissa Hulford, Jane Taite, Tiffany Kanitz, and Marina Jones which won a silver medal in a team best time of 1:45.38. The men’s 4-by-200-metre team of Steve Walker, Pat Kirkham, Simon Foote, and Gerald Kirk won a bronze medal in a team best time of 1:30.8. In the the 4-by-400-metre relay, women’s team of Hulford, Taite, Kanitz, and Jones broke a ten-year-
old varsity record with an impressive ~10ckhg of 4:02.78, giving them fourth place and a CLAU qualifying standard. AlI three teams will be attending the CIAU Championships in Winnipeg this weekend. Meanwhile, the men’s 4-by-400m team of Walker, Brent Forrest, Kirkham and Jason Nyman finished a respectable fifth with a time of 3:27.4. Rounding out the relays, the men’s 4team of I Jason by-400-metre Gregoire, T. J. MacKenzie, Dave Hill, and Kregg Fordyce ran 8:24.42. In the field events, rookie polevault sensation Jeff Miller tied another decade-old varsity record with a jump of 4.60 metres, giving him fourth place overall. This was also a personal best for him and a Canadian qualifying standard which should send him to Winnipeg. In the men’s high jump, Karl Zabjek cleared 1.93m and in the women’s lung jump Julie Jackson jumped 3.75m despite painful shin splints which have plagued fier all season. In the sprint events, Hulford finished seventh in the women’s 60m, tying her varsity record set last week with a clocking of 8.00. Sue Cadarette ran a personal best time of 8.24 and Kanitz ran 8.27. In the men’s
of Waterloo
60m, Foote, Kirk and Walker all advanced to the semi-finals with hand times of 6.8,7.1 and 7.1 respectively. Both Foote and Kirk narrowly missed making the final in a run& and ended up finishing seventh and eighth. In the women’s 60m hurdles, Taite ran a personal best and CIAU qualifying standard of 9.07 finishing in fourth place while Alicia Steele ran a personal best of 9.48. In the men’s 6Om hurdles, Forrest finished in fourth place with a big persona best of 8.69 while Shawn Schultz ran a personal best of 9.06. In the women’s 300m, Jones and Hulford finished in fifth and seventh place with personal best times of 41.71 and 42.34 respectively, while Kanitz ran 43.35 and Cadarette ran 44.15. On the men’s side, Walker ran a personal best of 36.17 while Yuri Quintana ran a 38.89. In the men’s 600m, MacKenzie finished in fifth place with a persunal best of L23.83 and Dave Hill finished eighth with a personal best of 1:24.37. Meanwhile, team captain Pat Kirkham had an unfortunate incident where he was knocked down ih the 600m final, but he got back up and finished the race back in the pack. He will be back for CIAUS this weekend
Tiffany Kantz on her leg of the 4 x 2OOm relay. The team of Kanitz, Melissa Hulford, Jane Taite and Marina Jones took the silver at the event. Imprint file photo
coaching staff ,” notes McFarlane, “and conseauentlv it is virtuallv J &possible ’ to ‘outscore these powerhouses. Also, Queen’s has a full time coaching staff and they have finished fifth, but only three points
Captain Kirkham fill but couldget up tofinish back in the pack
The Arts in March 1992 & BOOK ILLUSTRATION EXHIBITION 1 March 9 to 27 - Fine ArtS’ Gallery, East Campus Hall PRINTS
FULL SWING Tt7e Annual Student and Faculty Dance Concert March 14 at 8:00 p.m. ; March 15 at 2:30 p.m. Humanities ,Theatre ’ MERIDIAN CHAMBER ENSEMBLE March 18 at 12:30 p.m. Conrad Grebel College Chapel Handel’s Oratorio - SAMSON University Choir March PI at 8:00 p,m. Humanities Theatre
looking for revenge. In the distance events, Jason Gregoire ran the 3,OOOm in 9:25.62 and the 1,500m in 4: 11.42. Hill ran a personal best of 2138.5 in the f,OWm and Linda Hachey ran the 1,500m in 5: 18,57.
Over the last two weekends, 53 best have been team personal achieved with 28 of those being achieved in the sprint events. “On limited facilities and no track, our UW athletes should be commended,” commented coach McFarlane. A few comments were also heard from other universities that wondered how our team could do so well without the necessary facilities. “Windsor, York, Western and Toronto all have indoor tracks and excellent facilities with a full time
& CHAPEL CHOIR CONCERT March 22 at 8100 p.m+ St. John’s Lutheran Church, Waterloo WILD - A Dangerous Comedy by Christopher Durang March 25 to 28 at 890 p.m. Theatre of the Arts (contams mature subject matter)
& sportsbar + i
UNDER THE GUN Third Year Fine Arts Exhibition
+ Snooker
2nd Floor of lhe MAYFAlR HOTEL
+ Boston
March 26 to April It5 Opening March 26, 4:OO - 500 p.m. Modern Languages Gallety PUBLIC TROUT FISHING Honours Fourth Year Graduation Exhibitlon March 26 to May 3 - TV Art GatlerJ Opening March 26, 8~00 - IO:00 pm. UW BAND
March 27 at 8:OO p+m+ Humanities Theatre
Athena All-Star
Bylsma powered the all-star team.
her way onto
Photo by CD. Coulas
by Frank Seglenieks Imprint sports
ahead of our men’s team, so we did extremely well and succeeded to our potential.” So far this year, the team has achieved 87 personal bests and six individuals and three relay teams have qualified for the CIAU championships in Winnipeg. In thanking the team this year, McFarlane had this to say, “I’d like to thank each team member for their contribution. Also Don McCrae (Men3 Athletic Coordinator) for working with me to maximize our resources (financial and facilities) and being patient with our relatively new staff. He’s given us the opportunity to grow and to succeed.” The entire team would also Iike to thank our manager/trainers, Melissa and Rhonda, for all their time and effort in keeping us healthy d and cheering us O~I. Xz
So as the Canadian University track and field championships unfold, Winnipeg better be ready, because the Waterloo contingent is pumped and they know what it means, right team!!
Expiry Date: March W/92
Southpaw power-hitter Sue Bylsma &as a b&part of the improvement of the Athena volleybafi team this season, and recentli she was honoured for her achieiements by being named to the OWIAA West Division all-star team. This season was Bylsma’s second with the Athenas’ after transferring from Redeemer College and throughout the season sheised her offer&e power and defensive prowess to dazzle the fans and take points off the opposition. Bylsma, a Kingston native, finished the season with an average of exactly 3.0 kills per game, good enough for ninth place in all of Ontario, the only top-ten finishing for the Athenas. “Her defense improved as the season went on,” said head coach Dena Deglau. As a result, “she could use her defense to back up her offense and become a more threatening power.“Her play is also helped by a long reach and 29-inch vertical. Co>gratulations go out to Sue and we look forward to seeing her and the rest of the Athenas nexT year when they go after the OWIAA title. With none of the team graduating, next year’s team should play some exciting volleyball. Be sure to watch Imprintnext year for all the details.
Hope today .and aII the super&itions that go along with it . didn’t keep you hiding in your closet. After a& it’s only one day, what can happen? On second thought, don’t answer that! UW hosted a Ontario Fitness Council Certification clinic last weekend and a few of the C-ret instructors participated and received or updated their qualifications. Peaple who registered in January to take the Fitness Instructors Course are presently finishing up the course requirements by completing their teaching practicuums. The “Nutrition for Active Living” seminar organized as part of the LIFE project had an excellent turnout last week The participation and positive feedback from the seminar has
&guard tion
experience persOMd,
and administrae Spt?@flCdy
here at LJW in this case, know the liabilities and consequences that follow such serious accidents. It is mock situations such as this that stimulate people involved in all types of recreational activities to take a step backand consider the benefits of pr& vention training and up-dating qualifications of staff. A special thanks to Garreth Mac& Donald, Coordinator of Aquatics, who organized this unique and very efttem as well asbeneficial staff training session. UW lifeguards ‘participated in Elmira last weekend and placed first in the B’division. tongrats! And best of luck to the two teams, Waterloo Guard Sharks and Rescue 4 who are heading toQueen’s this weekend to compete in the Ontario University Lifeguard Competition. The competition usually consists of lo-15 University teams taking part in five different events over the-t&o-day affair. The Volleyball Tourrreydeadline is I todav, March 13, at 1 pm. Submit entrkk to PAC r&eptio*n.ist. in PAC 2039. The fee is $20&m which must consist of a minimum of six players. 1’1 pm both evenings in the PAC main $Bpj. . ..’ :I *- A BioombaJl Clinic open to anyone interested in learning-the basic rules and regulations of broomball. The clinic will be held at CIF on Thursday, March 19, 6-9 pm. For . more details, see Sanford Carabin in PAC 2040 or call ext. 3532. Fw those people who just can’t get enough of this place, keepyour eyes ‘and ears open for a Men’s and Women’s three-on-three Halfcourt Basketball Tournament to be held next tear in Jute. Campus Ret is still looking for recruits for the spring and fall terms of this’year. If you are interested in a position, please fill out an application ASAP in PAC 2039 and leave it with the receptionist. Conveners are needed in the spring term for hockey, ball hockey and basketball. Refs, refin-chiefs and conveners are needed for the fall term.
March13, 1992 17
.Athletes of ‘the.Week
Carrpus Rec. initiated the preparation of a similar seminar to ‘be organized in future terms. AlsO, last’ Friday, March 6, a Mock Coroner’s Inquest was ,held in regards to the death of Jane Doe at the UW pool on Feb. 30,1992 Dr. Ed Stxnga presided. The family doctor, Dr. ‘Lenore Cox; was able to testify on behalf of Jme’s medical history. Dr. @airKrautertooktimeoutofhisbusy schedule at the morgue tote&y that the cause of death was indeed drowning. The witnesses testified and recounted the events of&e accident and the performance of the life guards on duty. The jury recommended seven items to be implemented at the pool in order to. prevent a similar accident in the future. This mock’ inquiry was both a learning experience for those individuals who participated and. those who observed. People with
‘a second-year
student, is UW’s female athlete of th& Week Dietrich, last season’s rookie of the year, has continud to develop her scoring touch this season, as evidenced by her performan= at the CNVIAA Championship this weekend. Dietrich scored four goals in three games, demonstrating her versatility by scoring from field lay, carner play, and a penalty stroke. Dietrich was also recognized this weekend as one of the best in Ontario as she w& named to te OWIAA allstar team. The Athenas completed their indoor season fifth place
First-year student JeB Mil.ler ii UWs male athlete of the week Mie; took fourth place in the pole vaui competition this weekend at tha OUAA trackand field championship Miller’s mark of 4.60 metres qua&c him for CIAU competition and tiec the UW record held by formel national team member Rob Town Miller comes to Waterloo with s great deal of experience, most recen tly as a member of the 1991 PanAn junior team that travelled to Jamaica He willbe travelling to Winnipeg ti weekend to compete in the nationals, going into the competition ranked fifthinCanada
I1 I
LOO We had joy, we had fun, we had seasms in the sun. Saturday7s loss to Brock marked the end of an era; it was Don M&me’s last game as head coach of the Warriors. Photo by CD. Codas
Royal Robbins
For further information contact the Housing Office, Village One or phone (519) 884-0544
8 AA
13, 1992
Wilson Cup Preview Scouting reports on all the teams,players and match- ups bv Rich Nichol &print sports The road to the CIAU’s in Halifax goes through Waterloo. The Wilson Cup, Ontario’s interuniversity basketball championships, will take place this Saturday and Sunday at the University of Waterloo. Originally, the four-team event was to take place at Copps Colliseum in Hamilton, but booking problems forced a change of venues. Accordingly, Waterloo was picked as the next best round-ball facility, “I wish Waterloo was in this,” said UW head coach Don McCrae. “It would have been a natural stepping stone to the nationals and a great way for this team to finish the year. However that was not to be.” The Warriors were eliminated from the playoffs last Saturday by the topranked Brock Badgers in a rout, 9959. Currently, the winners of the West Central Section, and Division, Lawrence Section Ottawa/St. advance to the nationals, regardless of their fate at the Wilson Cup final. Some discussion has been put forward to allow the three CIAU berths to be awarded to the three best teams in Ontario, not necessarily the section champions. The Laurentian Voyageurs, champions of the Central Division, and Concordia, winner of the Ottawa/St. Lawrence crown, will be participants, along with the UBC Thunderbirds from the Central/West Conference and the Winnipeg Wesmen from the Great Plains Conference. The Atlantic Conference champion and the OUAA West Division champion will be determined this weekend and will also head to Halifax. Then, two wildcard selections will round out the eight-team nationals tournament. Getting back to the Wilson Cup coverage, what started as a l6-team sudden-death playoff format two weeks ago has now been narrowed down to four semi-finalists. In the first semi-final tilt on Saturday at noon, Concordia will battle with Laurentian for the OUAA East Division championship. Immediately following that game, the West Division championship will take place with the pennant-winning Brock Badgers up against the division runner-up, Guelph Gryphons. The winners will advance to the Wilson Cup championship Sunday at 3 pm, while the other two teams will play in the consolation game at 12:30. As it stands now, the West Division is stronger, with Brock as the favorite and Guelph pegged as a close runner-up. The East has not won a Wilson Cup in six years. The Wilson Trophy, first presented in 1908 by Harold Wilson of Toronto, last left the East in 1984-85 after York won it.
Recent Wilson Cup Champions:
Year 1979-80 1980-M 2981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92
Champion York York York Waterloo York York Waterloo McM&er Western Western Guelph Westem ?
MVP David Coulthard Pdul Jones David Coulthard Dave Bums En20 Spagnuolo John Christensen Randy Norris Craig Muir John Stiefeheyer John Stiefeheyer Tim Mau Dave Ormerod
3 York (S-61
-_.-.--- - ., -I
lammti808u-89 1
(wins a#iea Z-l]
Season record: 11-3 Division standing: 2nd CIAU ranking: Tied for 2nd
Brock is considered the favorite in the tournament, being the numberone-ranked teamqin the nation. The Badgers are currently on a nine-game winning streak and are at the peak of their game. Lagt weekend, the St. Catharines crew had their best outing of the year, annihilating the Waterloo Warriors 99-59 at home. Ken Murray took OUAA West of the year honours, coach spearheading a marked improvement that took the Badgers from a dismal 6-8 season in 1991 to a pennant winning 1 l-3 dominance this year. The Badgers sport the most potent offence in the West Division with 86.4 points per game, while holding the opposition to the second lowest totals (75.1 ppg). They developed into the highest scoring team from inside last season and continue that trend with a vengeance in 1992. Brock is led by OUAA West firstteam all-stars Gord Wood and Brian Bleich, along with West Division rookie of the year Dave Picton. Wood received the E. C. LeBel Plaque as the top vote-getter in the all-star balloting. Previously shallow at @ard, the Badgers have strengthened the perimeter with the recruitment of 6’3” hometown product Allen MacDougall and 6’1” Dave Picton. Both are dangerous from three-point range and play well in a 2-3 zone defence. They will join aggressive senior swingman Rob DeMott who is always dangerous on the drive. The criticism with Brock during the pre-season was that they are only five men deep. Over the last three months, Murray has been able to bridge that problem with the improvement of guards Pat Sullivan and Mike Pullar. The Badgers only flaw may be that they remain vulnerable to foul pioblems and injury. No. Name 14 Glen Tone 22 Gord Wood 24 Pat SulIivan 31 Dave Picton 32 Rob DeMott 33 Brian Bleich 34 Allen MacDougaII 51 Joe Dekker 52 St&h Koumoutseas 53 Kevin Stevenson 54 Mike PulIar 55 Jamie Huebert
After the Gryphons were awarded back-to-back silver medals at the nationals in the past two years, they will get one last chance to transform from bridesmaid to bride before the rebuilding years arrive. Two-time allCanadian Tim Mau is finishing his senior year and showed his wizardry at the power forward position with a fourth OUAA West first-team all-star selection. Six-foot, eight-inch low-post king Eric Hammond rejoined the team after Christmas for his fifth and final year of eligibility. Although he has not had the scoring numbers of previous years, Hammond has been instrumental in the team’s defensive success because of his stellar shot -blocking and rebounding abilities. The Gryphons finished the season averaging only 72.5 points against per game, the best in the conference. This season, head coach Tim Darling introduced a perimeter attack to the big-man game that the team has become accustomed to over the past four years. Despite losing the talents of back court duo Ray Darling and Darren Thomas to graduation, those spots filled adequately by highlytouted freshman Rich Weslowski and junior Humphrey Hill, both of whom are dangerous snipers at the trifecta. Also, third-year guard Chris O’Roarke is the team’s clutch trey shooter and is often called upon to put the icing on the cake. Whether or not the Gryphons have jelled as a team remains to be seen. But rumour has it that their second half comeback win over McMaster last Saturday was outstanding and, if they can keep the momentum, there could be an upset in the making. Pos. C c G F G G c G G F F F G F
Ht. Yr, 6’8” 5 6’8” 1 5’10” 3 6’8” 4 6’0” 3 5’10” 3 6’Y 4 6’2” 1 6’2” 1 6’5“ 1 6’6” 1 6’5” 5 6’2” 2 63” 2
Ht. Yr. 5’11” 3 6’8” 4 5’11” 4 6’1” 1 6’3” 4 6%” 1 6’3” 1 6’7” 2 6’5” 3 6’8” 5
No. Name 00 Eric Hammond 1 Mark Tonizzov 3 Humphrey Hill 5 Tim Mau 10 Terry Upshaw 11 Chris OXourke 21 Brent Barnhart 22 Rich Weslowski 23 Randy Mahoney 24 Themis Mantzaridis 25 Rory Steele 32 Shawn Taras 33 Mark Holland 42 Floyd Cobran
44 Eric Grizzle
55 Harry Freelink Chris Baldauf Chris Williams
6’6” 6’5” 6’3”
1 1 1
I’&I. G F G c G/F F G F F F
Head coach: Ken Murray Assistant coaches: Brian BiIl Iiddell
Toronto82-70 14 Quesn’s@-”
PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Sat., Nov. 30: Laurentian 85 at Concordia
PREVIOUS Brock Wed., Guelph 8575atMEETINGS: Feb. at Cuelph Brock 5: 79 75 Sat., Feb. 15: Season record: 1 l-3 Division standing: 1st CIAU ranking: 1st
Mulligan, Head coach: Tim Darling
e Season record: 14- 1 Division standing: 1 st CLAU ranking: 10th
Head coach: John Dore Assistant coach: Harvey
108 Season m&d: 10-5 Section standing: 2nd CLAU ranking: NR
The Stingers would have steamrolled to an undefeated season in the Ottawa/St. Lawrence Section if it wasn’t for a 78-72 loss to the Bishop’s Gaiters in the second last week of play. Deservingly, Concordia skipper John Dore was named the section’s coach of the year. Concordia could possibly be equal in strength to GueIph. Although the Stingers played a relatively easier schedule than the Western teams, they proved themselves a force to be reckoned with when they walloped the Ottawa GeeGees 134-93 in the second game of their section championship sweep. This Montreal team has the best margin of victory in the entire OUAA conference, winning by an average of over 21 points over their 15 games. As a result of tremendous consistency, Concordia has remained in the CIAU top 10 for most of the season. The PAC here at Waterloo should be familiar territory for the Stingers. They finished fourth here at the prestigious Naismith Classic last NovemberConcordia enters the tournament with some very cohesive athletes. Their high-octane offence is paced by dynamic sophomore sensation Dexter John, who finished first in the balloting to the section all-star team. He matches up well with small forward Ernie R&a, also named to the first-team. Robert Ferguson and Emerson Thomas made the section’s second all-star team. Seven of the eleven players on the roster are listed as guards, hinting at a strong perimeter attack with the occasional drive for those high percentage shots. Concordia lacked an inside game in recent years because of height. But the recruitment of freshmen pivots Frederick Arsenault (6’8”) and Eric Corej (4’5”) should help alleviate the problem. No. Name 4 Jeremy Smyk 5 Raphael .Tyrrell 12 Rob Lavoie 14 Ernie Rosa 15 Eric Corej 20 Dexter John 22 Dino Perin 23 Patrick Sullivan 30 Kevin Forman 32 Robert Ferguson 33 Frederic Arsenault
pas. G G G F c G c G
Ht. Yr. 5’9” 1 5’9” 4 6’1” 2 63” 5 6’5” 1 5’10” 2 6’8” 5 5’11” 4
6’2” 6’8”
3 1
.4lthough they are the shortest in the tournament, the team Voyageurs should not be taken lightly because of their mammoth scoring punch. At the nationals last year, Laurentian gave Western quite a scare in the opening round of the CIAU’s by bursting out of the gate for a 25-6 lead before succumbing to the eventual national champions ovt’r the course of 40 minutes. The Voyageurs were unable to retain their 1991 Central Section pennant with a repeat this year. But the Sudbury squad got its revenge over the new pennant holders, the Toronto Varsity Blues, by beating them in a best-of-three series two games to one. commanded by Laurentian, seventh-year head coach Peter Campbell, has one of the widest ranges of attack in the province which is hard to defend because of the team’s unpredictability. If they can get on a role, the Voyageurs are hard to fight back against. The off ence is led by OUAA career scoring champion Norm Hahn outside and fifth-year forwards John Campbell and Chris Fischer under the glass. Hann, a fourth-year guard who averages 27.1 points per game, was selected to the OUAA Central Section first all-star team, while his brother Brad was named to the second-team along with Campbell. When fatigue has set in on Campbell and Fischer, battling for rebounds with the giants of the league, post men Duane Rivard (6’5”) and Brad Austin (6’6”) have performed great relief roles over the 1991-92 campaign. The key to the Voyageurs chances of upsetting the favorites will be whether or not they can overcome one main hurdle - their mismatch in size.
No. Name 12 Brad Hahn 14 Dave Games 15 John Campbell 21 Norm Hahn 22 Tom McKibbon 23 Brad Rollo 24 Mike Short 32 Chris Fischer 33 Dwayne Rivard x Greg Sandblom 35 Walter Johnson 44 Brad Austin
2 G F G G F C C c F F c
* N‘z SHb. 5’9” 6’4” 6’1” 6’0” 6’5” 67” 6’5” 6’4” 6’6” 6’5” 6’6”
Head coach: Peter Campbell Assistant coach: Angelo Muzzuchin
5 5 4 1 4 2 2 4 3 4 1
Sata TsMad Love
actually, that’s not true. They are Mad Love (formerly the Celtic Gales, and not, as was reported on the BEnt’s promotional material, the Celtic Gals, just if you were wondering who they were).
by Michael Bryson Imprint staff “spinning in circles so small/ they thought they’d seen it all/ but they had no place for a girl who’d seen the ocean” - Michelle Shocked
Mad Love likes folk music. Especially if it’s Irish. Audrey plays a bodhran, the round hand-held drum you always see Native Canadians banging outside constitutional conferences, though which Audrey says was developed at the same time independently in Ireland. The bodhran, says Audrey, became a symbol of Irish nationaIism after it was repeatedly banned under the penal laws, a period, she says, that lasted in Ireland off and on for 600 years.
Perched on the edge of one of the dulling light blue chairs ifi an all but empty Campus Centre, Sara Craig looks happy. The show, only her band’s second gig outside the Toronto market (the other was at a high school in Brampton), has been a success. She smiles at a few of the B,ombsheiter’s exiting patrons who come up to offer their conwhich she graciously gratulations, accepts. It’s only minutes after her scorching second encore, an obvious crowd pleaser, which saw the band repeat “Bombarde Me,” an original, and filled the dance floor. She’s still wearing her purple spandex, Ieather bdots, black mini-skirt and tank-top. She says she wants to be compared’ to somebody real. Imprint: Whtw stwrdc~ 1 start.? Rohcti Pimr?
Sara: Sure. I like his earlier stuff. Imprint: AFI.WNW ek? Sara: Jim Morrison. But it’s International Women’s Week, so we settle on Chrissie Hyde, Patti Smith, and Kate Bush, which suits me fine bticause I’ve already begun to imagine myself beginning this review with a reference to Led Zeppelin: “Been waiting for a Plant and Page reunion ? Been wondering what’s up with Bonhom’s kid? Been hoping there’s life after the boxed set? Well, stop your frettin’ ‘cause now there’s Sara Craig! And she can squeeze a lemon, too!” But enough phallogocentrism. Imprint: H~MVabout hc~irl~c~ornllcrr~~~ltn Prrr &watmY Sara: (flinches) If you like.
Darkness Imprint:
at one’s
Do ,VOU have a/ly othw g(gs
you’d like IU prontot~?
Sara: Well week.
be in Austin,
Texas, next
+w cmss coritimmd four, fk,,imkg here al the &w&r? Sara: (laughs) No. But well be back later in the month to open for Peter Frampton at the Phoenix (formerly the Diamond) in Toronto March 16, and March 28 at Ultrasound on Queen. And you can look for a neM; video from us - ‘Bike’ -. on Much Music on March 17. And then I get the correct spellings of the members of her band, tell her I missed the feature that accompanied her photo on the cover of NOW
, magazine a couple weeks ago, she compliments me on my shirt and disappears back into the ‘Shelter and that en&ma that is the world of rock and roll. When’s my next mid-term? The concert review: It was good, danceable, ‘and fun. The rhythm section (Tim White on bass, Gary Orm on drums) was particularly notable. Craig’s voice was excellent. And flexible enough to ‘cover an alternately teas&g and tearing set-ending version of the Clash’s “Should I Stay Or Should 1 Go?” At one point. 1 was reminded of a Sarah McLachlan stint at the Bomber
Photo by Ken Bryson couple years back, but the comparison somehow .doesn’t seem apt. McLachlin’s much more, how do you say, soothing, though I’ve no doubt Craig could provide that sort of inspiration if that’s what she realIy wanted to do. Besides, who would ever think to compare Sarah McLxhIan to Jim Morrison? Copies of Sara Craig’s self-titled debut El? are availabIe at the record store in the Campus Centre.
The opening Wanda, derstoop, Beardsell
Linda and Audrey VanScott Rogers and Al are madly in love. No,
She also sings with her two sisters, though Wanda was unfortunately sick for Mad Love’s Bombshelter appearance, their first under their new name. Al plays a mandolin and guitar; Scott guitar and banjo. They, too, like Sara Craig, have’ upcoming gigs they’d like to promote: March 27 at the Cameron, March 12 at the Phoenix, both in Toronto. And music they’d like to push (see the record reviews for a report on Mad Love’s upcoming independent cassetle release, Knockin ’ ihe Myth) . As for the concert, they, too, like Sara Craig, were good. And much appreciated by’all but the most anal elkments of the crowd, of which there were a few and a few is many too much. The Vanderstoop sisters provided lovely lilting harmonies, amusing banter and smiles. It was the type of music that brought the past and present together in an instant, evoking cultural connections to a larger tradition of folk music at the same time as celebrating the moment and ‘the pleasure of the act of being alive. Excellent.
James, it was really nothmg d James The Upra
by Paul Done Imprint staff
James would be hard-pressed to make up for the seven years that (a small number of) their fans have been waiting for their first Canadian appearance, but their ecstatic show Sunday night at The Opera House made the memory of the wait dimmer. In front of a sweaty and adoring packed house, James ran through 90minutes plus of their rapturous pop. Most of the crowd were probably riding the wave of sound which began with “Come Home” and has projected James to darling-status to
the sensitive youth movement who still fee1 bitter over the break-up of The Smiths. Led by the slight, moptopped Tim Booth, James throw together bits and pieces of paisleypop, vegetarian non-violence, and boundless good feeling. This mishmash is played on top of a stomping Manchester beat with big guitars, and hey presto, youth madness. I
though, the rest of the set was from the post-“Come Home”era. That was no doubt to the satisfaction of the crowd of CFNY groupies brought out by the promised hip and cool goings on. Though James’ route to pop success has consisted of filing the quirky edges off their sound, they seemed to rediscover their oddness in concert. Songs which were straightforward (to mindless) on record were recast in an unexpected, less linear form. The dronish masses seemed oblivious to it alL They were content to hurl items of clothing onto the stage
Hopes that they might summarize the first six years of their career were raised early, with an intense rendering of “Johnny Yen” to open the set. That was the only backward glance,
song as though it were their last.. . not last ever, just the last of the night. The strobe lights would flash, Booth would begin to flail like a demon, and the band would produce anotherBIG EN./4!VG. While the big endings didn’t become annoying, the use of strobe lights (particularly during “God 0nly Knows”) was nigh-on sensory overload.
ket) and reach toward Booth as though he were a messianic preA proclamation of vegsence. etarianism got the biggest cheer of the ilight (a vegetarian from Manchester? - just like Morrissey). J-es quickly established a high level of fervour and played every
evening’s bigger disappointments was “Sit Down,” which plodded on stolidly without getting anywhere. Their most recent single, “Born of Frustration” sounded much better live than it had at first listen. The set ended with a rousing version of “How Was it for YOU?” which still sounds like warm rain on a sunny day to me. The encores were rather anticlimactic, preceded as they were by a drone-like crowd sing-along (and sit down, bien sur) of “Sit Down” (they’ve obviously heard the live version). “Come Home,” the show’s obligatory closer, was muffled and cvnfused,
“You Can’t.Tell How Much Suffering (On a Face That’s Always Smiling)” continued the visual assault, while providing one of the evening’s musical highlights. One of the
It rauldn’r
of James’ ecstatic arrival in Canada. James satisfied the converted, rotked harder than they had any right to, and shed forever the stigma of “the band that should have been.” Even a bitter fogey with a bad case of “I liked them first” was forced to smile, twirl, and think of flowers and love.
13, 1992
Homage to Catatonia probably even now, days later, cannot comprehend the massive sensory experience which they were confronted with. Given the unconventional nature of My Bloody Valentine in general and of their latest album Loveless in particular, the crowd did not know what to expect right up until the band took th& #aEe at I&z45 after a tech+ al delay., Yet from. the onset My Bloody Valentine proceeded to produce an abrasive and confrontational set which was, at times, intensely difficult, always mind-numbingly narcotic, and extremely brilliant. The band’s sparse stage set-up boasted numerous Fender guitars, and even more numerous guitar effects pedals. However, important as these devices were, they were merely secondary to the strobe klieg light that ruled the back of the stage. This light made itself at home verily rip ping the retinas out of the crowd’s eyeballs. Thrown into this assaultive lighting setting was a sonic sound system which sent ripples of shock waves out into the audience visibly stunning them. The only thing which kept this from being atruly sadistic event was the lack of punishment givetr to the yokels whose pathetic attempts at crowd-surfing were the only downside to the show. Everytime I
My Bloody Valentine with Hhead rile opera HUUS~ Toronto March 9,1992 by Chxistopher Imprint staff
Feedback blusting in my earn’ makes me so high . * . - Joey Ramone My Bloody Valentine have become the ubiquitous influence for most of the new music coming out of the United Kingdom at the present moment. They seemingly have replaced the need to mention the Velvet Underground and MC5 as influential, as they are in many ways a modem, updated version of these acts. This archetypical aspect of the band had many fans and musical buffs alike waiting in passionate expectation for the band’s debut Toronto performance. However, th% period of expectation might have lead people to be disappointed at the performance of this four-person outfit as the assembIed masses who witnessed My Bloody Valentine’s first Toronto those angel-headed appearance, hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of tight, to cop a Ginsbergian point of reference,
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by Christopher Imprintstaff
570-9593 570-9118
Considering all of the turmoil that led up to the release of this year’s Phoenix literary journal, it seemed almost predestined that there was a severe weather advisory in effect threatening the very occurrence of the book launch.
The editors, Shirley Moore and Tamara Knezic, must have thought that even Mother Nature wanted to halt the production of their collectiow however, the snow dumped on some other town, the Fed Hall staff stayed on, .a crowd of listene= turned up, and poetry abounded under the glaring spotlight on Fed’s dancefloor.
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I think that writers txvywhere are aspects of each other, aspecrs of a function that has been evolved by society. Doris Lessing
2 for 1
Photo saw one of these asinine individuals climb over the backs of fellow crowd members, I wished that, they would be catapulted above the crowd, soaring high above the Opera House, not unlike those who had’ reached the “age” in L..~gun’s Run, only to be shot with a laser exploding in a fleshy puff of their own ignorance: The band’s set focused upon the rnateiial takeri from LoveI63s but, suprisingly, did not ignore the band’s first album, 1988’s Isn’t Anything. Ear&r songs like ‘7 Can See It (But I Can’t l&f It)” and “Feed Me With Your Kisd’fit right into the night’s montage of Lovdm tracks.
Greg Cook, UW’s writer-inresidence who has breathed life into his position, started the evening off with some of his own work and then sat down to see how some of the work which he supervised has matured into publishable form. A wide variety of published authors read prose and poetry both from the collection as well as unpublished verses. This year’s poetry reading is the tit in my mind
However, song selection quickly becameirrelevant as the live versions of My Bloody,Valentine’s material differed greatly from the’ studio renperings of same, In a live setting, the band substituted their songs’subtlety fdr sheer volume. When the band did attempt to rein in their sound to. endeavor. to duplicate the quieter, layered nuances of “When You Sleep” or the radio-attractive “Soon,” they were unsqccessfu~, merely because of the absence of the sheer volume that meddled so efficiently with ,every other song.. This absence made these attempts seem
to include a defense of poetry in amongst the prose and verse. Jim McAuliffe gave the evening a political motif when he read his heartfelt defense of poetry which proclaimed, among other things, that Phoerz& “is my football team . . . my overfunded beerhall.‘! McAuliffe. then pulled the evening back into its set course of ‘poems for poetry’s sake.
MCC Benefit Coffee House Cunrad Grebel CoUege Friday, March 20,8 pm
by Km Bryson Imprint
Just in time for vernal equinox 1992, the Conrad Grebel College Peace Society is presenting an environmental benefit coffee house, of sorts. The Friday, March 20 concert is in benefitbf the Mennonite Central Committee’s (MCC) new summer project in Kitchener-Waterloo. MCC SALT-E will be a household of university-aged persons who will work with groups such as the Grand Conservation Authority, River WPIRG, and various local Mennonite congregations and youth groups to improve environmental conditions in. the region. SALT, which stands for Serving And Learning Together, is a MCC program with projects across Canada and internationally. SALT-Environ-
by Dave
lackluster. My Bloody Valentine’s debut performance left a giddy, punch-drunk Toronto audience dragging themselves through the sprinkled streets at dawn looking for an angry fix. These assembled were people who had heard the mennaids’singing, and who did not care that they did not sing to them because at some unspecific point between their ears beginning~to bleed and their becoming ,hysterically blind, ‘they realized that what they were experiencing was dne’ of the most truly, brillant moments of their otherwise mun: dane lives.
Phenix is a monument to the work of a handful of individuals who desired to keep the idea of a literary jouma1 alive on this campus. If you missed this kick-off soiree, do not despair, you can get a copy of the take-home version of the Phoen~ Poetry Reading (Ages 5-500, l-? Players) at the Feds Office or at the Bookstore for only one dollar.
ment will commence in May 1992 and be the only such project in Kw. The coffee house will be held in the Lower Lounge/Cafeteria of Conrad Crebel College and will present a variety of musical groups. Local coffee house veterans Akasha, an allwoman a Capella group, will perform with a new selection of songs fresh from their two-month hiatus. Andean musicians Huellas will also perform their popular latin grooves. The rock and blues Bovine Houserockers, various folk performers, such as John Wiebe and John Marshman, and many others will round out the evening. Over all, you can look for a complete evening of musical fun and festivities, while providing a helping hand to this summer’s environmental SALTers. The coffee house starts at 8 pm and runs until around midnight; the admission will be a mere four beneficial dollars. v
TWIS-T -ll-86-77~3i’ .. _’ / 341MARSLAWO DR’IVEWATfRldO
3-5 by Michael Bryson imprint staff
by Erik Lindala Imprint staff Different types of music have various effects on people. Classical music involves the listener in an electronic emotional way, while music appeals more to the Senses. What is certain about electronic music is that it is unique. Unlike acoustic instruments, there is no benchmark or standard for comparison in electronic music. It exists simply as waveforms or a binary code until electronic equipment converts it into something we can hear. Because no piece of hi4 is perfect and all colour the sound slightly, electronic music recreates itself on every stereo it is played. This is what makes the music unique and very personal. The critical listener is drawn in by electronic music as he/she listens for some nuance that hasn’t been noticed before. This gives the music an intoxicating effect, because it forces the listener to concentrate and focus in on the music. It is this element of electronic music that Psychic TV tries to explore and exploit in their compilation Ulrrahouse. Subtitled “the LA. Connection” Ultra&se is a collection of
Audrey Vanderstoop, head sister and dominant player in the Torontobased folk-rock band Mad Love (formerly 11 songs and artists from the west coast that could be pigeonholed as
“acid house.” This term is unfortunate because it brings up bad memories
of being at the Twist danc-
ing to a monotonous
drum machine
for three hours.
Fortunately Ultvahouse isn’t like that. True, songs mix right into the next and one loses track of which song is on, but each artist has a slightly different style and sound. It is a credit to Psychic TV’s ears that they have been able to assemble 11 distinct artists who aren’t out of place with each other. Most tracks deal with psychedelics and their hypnotic effects. “Groove on” by Love in Life begins with the sample “Rychodelics are stimulators of ideas and’ feelings” and h a way sums up the CD. Tracks such q “Day in The Life” are very visual and are
best experienced on good hifi late at night, when priority can be paid to the aural senses. “BonE” by Adam & Eve is closest to your stereotypical house record, but thankfully isn’t too longwinded. Many songs dispense with ordinary drum machines and us more interesting sounds for rhythm tracks. “DO ME” by Glen Meadmore provides comic relief with lines like “Why don’t you come and do me RIGHT NOW?“. As a whole the CD has an unfortunate cold, clinical feel. Some songs are hard to get into and seem uninviting. This may be due to the CD format itself. A record would prove to be warme? and would have a more open sound. Much has been’written about the pros and cons of CD and vinyl but the best analogy I have heard is that CD is like a movie shot on videotape and vinyl is like a niovie shot on film The videotape wouId have better resolution and brighter colours, but I’d rather watch the film’ version because it’ would be more $mospheric and less fatiguing. Ui’truhouse falls short of what it planned to achieve. To me it seems like an attempt to 1egitimizP the acidhouse genre as a vital art form. Most tracks are certainly interesting. but I don’t predict the CD to get regular rotation on my stereo. Perhaps this music needs the effects of drugs to be fully appreciated, which to ‘me ‘indicates that it isn’t great music in itself, but is more like a soundtrack to a trip.
3m-5 by Pauline Olthof Imprint staff You know those obscure and confusing classes where you walk out of and say to yourself, “I know that was deep, but I just don’t get it?‘” Well that’s how I felt after listening to the dreamy sounds of Mazzy Star and their album She Hangs Brighrly. J knew there. was something different and interesting about the ,,music but I couldn’t figure out what it was. I listened to the album countless times before I came to the conclusion that .I haven’t quite figured it all out, but I do know one thing: I like it. It’s a little bit country, a little bit folky, and slightly bluesy all rolled into one, accompanied by vdcals as sweet as honey to create a sound that’s as dreamy and sweet as the taste of an apple cherry fIaky or the feeling of a warm bed on a cold night. I just get the impression that the sound of this band is unique and that it is very different from other bands but I don’t know why. The biggest criticism I have abou# their sound is that they don’t display much variety, a fact that makes them both predictable and consistent. Their lyrical content is not strong, but that doesn’t ‘matter with this band .because it’s their overall sound that’s so appealing. The listener becomes so entranced and mesmerized by the music that the lyrics almost don’t matter. It’s the aura of their unique sound that makes this such a great tape. It’s not so much that this band is musically
easily forgotten strong presence. put a spell on you reach for that far
but they’re
because of their It’s almost as if they so that you want to away Mazzy Star.
says her
band’s audience is made up mostly of science nerds and math g&s. They work all day stuck behind some godawful computer, and when they go out they want to connect with something real, she says. Like her band. And, if what she says about her audience isn’t true, the part about Mad Love being real certainly is. Mad Love is a band with a connection to its culture. Rooted in a Celtic tradition that reaches back centuries, it frequently finds itself paired with blues and rock bands - like last Friday’s gig at the Bombshelter with San3 Craig - a context in which it is equally comfortable. The band draws on all its influences, examining musically how culture comes to define us and how we come to define culture.
this ain’t no Spirit of the West Knockin’ the A~@/J attempts to reach the audience Spirit of the West so recently abandofied inits fruitless search for mega-stardom and Much Music airplay. It is a warm album, full of rich, genuine emotion for both the lyrical content and the music itself. One song, “Rose on Briar” explores the connection between mother and daughter in the same way Neil Young’s “Old Man” discusses father; son relationships: “old man take a look at my life/ I’m a lot like you.”
“Rose on Briar,” says Audrey Vanderstoop, interviewed after Mad Love’s Bombshelter show, is about how women grow up and learn to define themselves in their own terms, not the terms provided for them (mother, lover, daughter) by the culture they are born into. But don’t think that Mad Love is a particularly political band, because they really just want to sing and make peopIe happy. If they can also get people to consider their cultura] context along the way, well then . . . so be it.
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Stop in today and check out our selection01obscure, hard to find used vinyl, independent cassettes. soundtracks, and vintage rarities from decades past. (We atso stock CDs, posters, mags, T-shirts etc). 146 King St. W.,Kitchener, open 10 to 10 MomSat*,
1992 23
Twinkle,twinkle‘Big Star place alongside, among others, LRU Reed’s &&PI, Van Morrison’s htd Weeks, Nick Drake’s fink Moon, and the first Modem L,ovezs’ LP. It is brilliant in every conceivable way. By the time Live was recorded for New York’s wLI[R, Chris Bell had left
Gurls” opens the album, and loses none of G’s fragile perfection in the transfer from the studio to the stage. He turns the vocal reins over to Johy Stephens for “Way Out West,” in a rare moment of group democracy.
by Paul Done Imprint staff From beginning career was riddled
Star of light
Star of wonder
to end, Big Star’s with bitter irony.
it was record&, the group had long since dissolved, and original member Chris Bell had died in; car accident.
Of the three releases from Rykodisc, Big Star Live is the truest representation of their original form. While the desolation and bitterness which would characterize their later work creeps to the surface during the interview v9-n POP innocence of the still a
nightmarish lens of emotional despair and substance abuse. The LPs have been patched together out of tracks recorded over the cour$e of three or four years.
Formed out of a stew of Memphis combos by former Box Top teen-star Alex Chilton and local hero Chris Bell, Big Star were a light which burned brightly, albeit only for a few moments. Their music was a throwback to the harmonies and power pop of the Kinks and the Beatles, filtered through the magical grounds of Memphian culture. Either by dint of fortuitous timing or marketing genius, Rykodisc has released three Big Star-related CDs, iust in time to coincide with a iesureence in critical interest in their work:Two of the recordings have never been officially released before, while the other is as close to a definitive issue of Third (Sister Luvers) as weke likely to see. Combined with Big Beat’s reissue of #! Remrd/Radia City a few years ago, this just about closes the books on the discography of Big Star. to these records, Listening alongside records by other unnoticed giants from the same period (Nick Drake, The Stooges, Jonathan Rchman), one realizes how different the seventies might have been. Had they become stars, in contrast to the debauched excesses of Genesis or
77~ Co+smos is easily the gem
If nothing else, / Am 77~ CO.WIOS will force a fair amount of revision upon the conventional critical thought surrounding Big Star. The 12 songs of the L.P reveal Chris Bell to be a major talent - at least on a par with Chilton, who was always regarded as the main force. With so little biographical information about the five years between Big Star and his death, Be11 has always been regarded as a cipher. I atn thr C~smo.s addresses both aspects of this void, Musically, it coIlects all the completed material from this time period (alongwithafewaltematetakes).The packaging is just as compelling as the music, featuring nine pages of biography and photos from his elder brother David. Bell runs that stylistic gamut from the tranquil and introspective “Speed of Sound” to the flat-out rocking “I Got Kinda bst.” Throughout the album, his affection for The Beatles Lennon in particular shines through. Occasional embellishments of organ and marimba, are mixed into the sparse arrangements of guitar/ bass/drums. Unlike Chilton’s golden pipes, Bell’s voice is not the most supple instrument, yet it conveys an earnestness and unending yearning. While the rockers leaven the mix, Bell is at his best on the confessional ballads where he se&s to strip himself down to the emotional bone. “Better Save You&f” delves into the depths of his dep~ion: “I know your mind/ it’s very nice/ it’s suicide/ I’ve tried it twice.” From this pit of desolation, Bell can also scale the heights of wonderment and joy. “Iook Up” and “Speed of Sound” burst with a religious feeling not indigenous to rock ‘n’ roII. By themselves, “You and Your Sister” and ‘Though I Know She ties” iustifv the entire mottled historv of
supplant the definitive studio ,versions, nor do they lack merit of their own. The acoustic set, in particular ‘Motel Blues,” makes Big Star Live an indispensable document. 712ird has been released in a few different formats since it was recorded, but none have been complete or ordered correctly. Instead, the various companies who have released the record have seemed intent on fulfilling every death fetishist in the audience - one even went so far as to end the album with “Hoiocaust” and “Kangaroo,” two of the album’s most desolate songs.
‘cbntinued to page
. l
Yes (yes, I could see. but Gwesis, aaah. ml so much - ed.), rock ‘n’ roll would haye been exciting, direct, and worthwhile again. But, they didn’t. And rock ‘n’ roll wasn’t. Not until punk came along and drove the hinosaurs toward Gxtinction.
. During the middle of the set, following an odd interview with WLJR deejay Jim Cameron, Chilton numbers performs four acoustic which constitute the highlight of the disc. Chilton sounds *ked and exposed, and .a gh&tly despair haunts the material. L&gets closer to the edge of madness than all but a handful of artists have dared. A cover of Loudon Wainwright’s “Motel Blues” conveys more loneliness -and weariness than possible from a 22year old. He snaps out of this moment of personal revelation with the band’s re-arrival on stage. Looking at it now, Chilton was a pretty s@xial 22-year old. Asa 14, he relatively uncomprehending was at the top of the charts - lipsynching “The Letter” before the s&am&g hordes on Hdlabaloo and
Amwicu~ Bu&stand. He abandoned his role as the shaggy-haired, gruffvoiced lead singer of the Box Tops a couple of years later and bep a downward personal spiral - one untold artistic which paid dividends. Considering that he was betterknownbrhisblu~yedsoulsingin~ Chilton demonstrates that his voice is truly pro@m. Thirteen” is sung sweetly and softly, with the fake British accent which sounds so quaint in contrast to his drawled song inh=os. With the band back on stage, Big Star reverts into rokk band mode, chugging through five more tracks from their LPs. “Daisy Glaze” isthe sole sidetrip into weirdness, sound-
on an UItra-rar87” 1978.
single ?@leased in
have been recognized’& an important work and Chris Bell would have @en his place in the coterie of major artists. In time, iCosmos will take its
Record Reviews
Z4 Imprint, Friday, March 13, 1992
3-5 by Derek Weiler
Imprint staff
by Peter Brown Impht staff
Primal Scream avatar Bobby Gillespie spends the first three quarters of his new EP consolidating his image as acolyte and archivist to rock’s human relics. He then finishes the record with a-ten-minute dance throb that comes off as a peevish insistence that he hasn’t forgotten about “modem” music either. All things considered, Gillespie seems better off when he’s looking into the past. The record begins with “Movin’ On Up,” the excellent gospel-tinged boogie already familiar to fans of the Screamadeiica album. After that, Gillespie further stickies his fingers with two mood pieces, “Stone My Soul” and “Carry Me Home,” that time warp us back to Memphis in the early 70s. “Stone My Soul” offers a restrained epiphany, with Gillespie’s guileless
vocals backed well by piano and slide guitar. However, the song makes all
of its points early on, and thus goes on about twice as long as it needs to. “Carry Me Home” (written by Dennis Wilson) is more effective, building to almost unbearable peaks of druggy paranoia. And
finally , there
is “Scream-
adelica” (not included on the album of the same name) - a marathon roller disco juggernaut. It sounds smoother and less annoying than some of the group’s similar pieces (ie. “Dqri’t Fight It Feel It’? but in the end it’s not much more interesting. And it offers further proof that Gillespie is at his best when he’s at his least innova-
It’s about time Bootsauce released an entirely new offering considering the diarrhea of re-mixes of “Scratching the Wbole”and other tracks from their first LJ?, 77x Bmwn Alhum, with which we were inundated. That being said, was it worth the wait? Not really. Not for the album anyway; this is definitely a band that thrives on its live sound - something about going -into the studio makes Bootsauce sound like they’re performing on the Tonight Show. Luckily, Waterloo fans won’t have to limit their indulgence to this LP - Bootsauce slithers into The Twist next week, on Thursday, March 19.
Bootsauce fare and the rest of the album goes wandering from there. Ever wonder what this song is about? Well, I subjected myself to the liner notes and lyrics so that you won’t have to. It’s about testing products on animals: “They only wanted to test their reason/ infect their patients with drugs gone wrong/ That baby lotion and hairspray lady/ is blood stained baby you’ve got it all wrong.” With a quick glance at the other song’s lyrics, you realize that these guys have spent so much time honing their sound to appeal to Red Hots fans that they simply had to cut back on Song-writing. The bright spot of the LP is “Whatcha Need” where the band tries to escape the shackles of the sound on which they thrive. Conversely, the most tiresome tracks are the ones in which they embrace that Red Hots sound earnestly: ‘Touching Cloth,” “Hold Tight,” and “Dogpound.” The main innovation on this LP is’ Bootsauce’s shift from their heavier childhood and toward dance music. In “Big, Bad and Groovy,” they go so far as to include a C and C Music Facory-esque female vocalist wailing in the distance. Synthesized horns find their way into such songs as
But back to the record. With this release,. the Montreal band. has cemented its position as Canada’s ,Red Hot Chili Peppers or Faith No More. U&tunately, there’s not
:much original
funky growling
?il winners week
bass, v&
he requisite
of Bam&
- and Bull
just doesn’t have the poppy hooks’ :k that their first album sported. ::.!C+: “Love Monkey #9”, the first single , in heavy rotation, is pretty typical
Child,” a reworking Players’ “bve Rollercoaster*” “The Whole of You” and ‘Bad Diyer” continue this dance of the Ohio
Bull even includes a shameful stab ‘at eclecticism ‘called ‘The 13th Psalm,” a thick molasses of samples 1 and synthesizers. All in all, more of the same. And that’s, what so disappointing in a second album.
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Imprint, Friday, March 13, 1992 25
Arts Curious George
and Amin in the yeHow hat Come Good Rain The Factory Theatre, Toronto March 7, 1992 by Rebecca Barry special to the Imprint Khitlk about it j?imd,s, qwcid~v those uf you who are lucky enough co have been spared the luxury qfgrowing up in countries where no one should. - George Seremba George Seremba has been working on his play COYYWGood Rain since the fall of 1989. His one-man show is a powerful re-telling of his life in Uganda from his childhood until his
22nd year. There is a custom in George Bwanika’s family that a story will be told after the day’s work has been completed. George wilI soon be old enough to tell his story. His tale begins with a legend told by his mother. The legend is about a young girl, Nsibigwire, who is shunned by her stepmother and left half buried in the middle of a deep forest to die. She sings of her plight in the hopes that someone will hear and save her. This legend is central to Seremba’s play as the haunting song becomes an enchanting realization of hope and struggle for survival. Consequently, &me Good Rain parallels the legend of Nsibigwire. The play continues to follow
George’s life through boarding school where he begins to come in contact with the political structure of his country. It is while he is in school that Obote overthrows the monarchy in his native province of Buganda. Through his teacher, George realizes that all Ugandans are equal and that a coup divides a people who are essentially the same. From this point, the story becomes one of the struggle of one man, namely George, to survive. Come Good Rain is not a play about the plight of blacks, or of their oppression, rather it is a depiction of perwhich illustrate sonal events universals within humanity: Seremba’s narrative depicts his naivete regarding the politics of his nation. When George is enrolled in
university, Idi Amin overthrows Obote. George and his schoolmates are ecstatic that this “noble savage” will save Uganda from further oppression. However, after 90 days of power, “the honeymoon is over” and Amin’s reign of terror begins. George realizes that one leader is no better than the next. Ironically, Come Good Rain becomes apolitical. George’s actions do not support any political party or stance; his actions simply work on a personal level attempting to save the lives of his acquaintances. These peaceful, yet rebellious actions of George, lead him to be pursued by the military. When George is being beaten, the audience is not made to pity George. Rather, the
Help US L3zunchthe Putio Season! PATlO PARTY every Thursday night + heated, lidensed patic
treacly, humanist tale about :‘,* intelligence-enhancement and what it does to a young boy’s life. This time, though, the intelligenceenhancement uses Virtual Reality, a Greg Baer-like alternate universe created solely by computers resembling really boss computer games. Before long, Job’s intelligence surpasses even Angelo’s The evil Shop injects Job with aggressiveness drugs, and Job soon has difficulty dis* <> tinguishing be-&&@&&&@
by Jeffrey L, Milk special to Imprint
!&&ixm fjtvc d$ai iqixi#ki@PL 771~Lawr-lmowe- Man features dazzling special effects and mindwarping 3-D computer animation. This window-dressing would look a lot better, however, if it were actually dressing a window instead of twisting in the void created by the utter lack of plot, character, and dialogue. Don’t get me wrong: I like great FX as much as the next fella, but I’d appreciate a little story, please, if that wouldn’t be too much to ask from a big-budget Hollywood movie! Even the title is a lie. The movie is being advertised as “Stephen Kine;‘s similarity between the movie and the Stephen King short story of the same name is that the major characters of each happen to mow lawns for a living.
Let’s do mulch The Lmwmower Mm directed bv Brett Leonard
audience sympathizes with his captors because they too are naive and do not recognize the repercussions of their actions. The audience is saddened seeing these misled men who, George points out, are Africans like George’s non-violent himself. approach is summed up in his quoting novelist Chinua Achebe: “We do not wish to hurt anybody, but if anybody wishes to hurt us may he break his neck” Overall, George Seremba’s acting is emotional and strong. He successfully dramatizes characters with honesty and humour. Come Good Ruin is a well written and st-raightforward play in which George finally tells his own legend with a compelling voice.
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ted by the audience’s loud snores. Jeff Fahey plays saccharine-sweet village simpleton and lawn-cutter Job Smith. That’s Job, as in Old Testament Job, who, at times, felt abandoned by his God, and was tempted by Satan many, many times. I-Immm. Pierce Brosnan takes on the role of Dr. Angelo, morality-stricken Mad Scien-: tist and general Good Guy Fighting the Military Industrial Complex. Jeeez Lou-me.
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teed in ways he never dreamed passible. This movie is the worst sort of tripe: flash without substance, and exploitative of the general population’s ignorance. Complete garbage.
- ,154
98 King Stereet, WATERLOO
@Utie Gmkza* happens on the idea of using Job as a test-subject. Can you see where this is headed? The story most closely resembles Daniel Keyes’ Flowers, for Algernoft, a
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1.3. 1992
Everybody must get ,stoned High Society: Legal and Illegal Drugs in Canada Neil Boyd Key Porter Books
by Dave Thomson Imprint staff ‘We are a country of drug-takers.. . We drink our morning coffee, a little kick-start for the morning rush hour. We light our cigarettes, the relaxing complement to our stimulants. And, later in the day, we drink a little or a lot of alcohol.” The drugs Boyd talks about in the preceding paragraph are, of course, legal in Canada. The patterns of use and legality of various stimulants and depressants vary, relative to your location on planet Earth. The origins of our legal and illegal drug habits are explained and explored by Boyd in this well-researched and informative book on the Canadian dependency. One of the most obvious themes of this book though, is the hypocrisy or seemingly illogical classification of legal or illegal drugs. Although he gives the subject a fairly even-handed treatment, alcohol and tobacco appear to be two of his favourite targets, devoting an entire chapter to each and referring them throughout the book when making relative comparisons. He states “It is the most toxic of mind-active drugs, and yet most Western cultures have mad6 alcohol their drug of choice,“and that “Withdrawal from chronic alcoholism is typically more dangerous and more severe than withdrawal from any other drug.” There are three stages to including alcohol withdrawal, abdominal cramps, hallucinations, grt1rrd rllal seizures, severe agitation, disorientation, high temperature, and
rapid heartbeat. Some even die as a result. It is a drug that almost everyone in society has to learn how to use or “just say no,” unless you have a religious belief that prohibits it. Yet no warnings are printed on beer bottles and lifestyle advertising is still permitted to encourage its consumption: “In the language of our culture, beer, wine and spirits are ‘beverages’, not ‘drugs’.” Entire chapters are devoted to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, stimulants, opiates and a rather revealing look at @e medical profession- While more and more books are entering the market that provide true information about such drugs (as opposed to “Just Say No” campaigns), few deal extensively with our doctor’s predisposition to legally dispense a huge variety of mind-altering drugs. Why the predisposition? “Discomfort and distress are no natural or longer considered necessary, and a chemical ‘solution’ is less expensive and socially demanding than treating the social and political problems that underlie the discomfort and distress.” So when citizens want drugs, they tell their doctor they’re not feeling well and get a prescription, which makes illegal drugs legal in some cases. The companies that make the d,mgs will only profit from increased reliance on their drugs, by our society. His conclusion echoes that of many Canadians: “There is an irony in our policies of control: we place costly criminal prohibitions on drugs that are less dangerous to us and we permit the promotion of drugs that are killing us.” However, as any good writer does, he provides solutions. Acknowledging the risks, he suggests a “careful of the government’s realignment” policies on psychoactive drugs.
Alcohol: Put warnings, about the risk of alcohol abuse on each can or bottle, and increase the rate of its taxation. Murijua~a: Decriminaliz$ion of the drug, but prohibition on advertising and public consumption of the plant. Like cigarettes, marijuana cigarettes would be accompanied with a warning and a taxation rate designed to account for its individual and social costs.
other opiatw
“. . .
require a combination of medical prescription and some tolerance of the recreational use and distribution of opiates.” Cocaine: The number of users and addicts would likely increase in the eventuality that its most potent form were legal. However, consumption of the least potent form of cocaine -the c0ca leaf - could be encouraged by taxation policies that would hit the
crystalline form the hardest. . Canadians have to rid their minds of the rhetoric and focus on the reality, and the future. “The task is to dismantle the costly and violent criminal apparatus that we have built around drug use and distribution, mindful that our overriding concern should be public health, not the selfinterested morality of Western industrial culture.”
Stars we are +mntinued to page 23e Since its bootleg release in England in 1978, Third has acquired an underground status without equal. Alan McGee, founder of Cryation records, gives every new artist that he signs a copy of the record. Two tracks from Third formed the centrepieces of 1t ‘II End in Tfarx, the first This Mortal Coil IP. With the help of producer Jim Dickinson and Alex Chilton, Rykodisc has assembled a near-definitive version of Third. It opens up with “Kizza Me” and ‘Thank You Friends,” then closes with ‘“Take Care.” These three tracks bring light to the beginning and the end of the record. Time and time again, Chilton’s lyrics mention “eyes” - the defining lyrical theme of the album. Buried between the bookends of light are .some of the mo<t harrowing and desperate moments committed to bpe. While “Kangaroo” ostensibly traces a first meeting (, first saw you/ you had on blue jeans/ you eyes couldn’t hide/ any thing”), the feedback and mellotron crescendos tihich surround the strummed guitar lend the song a nightmare quality.
Along with the 14 songs which make up the body of the record, five extra tracks have been added onto the end. A cover of The Kinks’ ‘Xl the End of The Day” is the straightest thing on the record. The haunted “Dream Lover” and ‘Thvns,” usually included with the LP, have been separated. Chilton sounds like a man lost, stumbling and slurring his way through nightmare visions and spectres. Amid the gentle sway of “Nighttime,” he begins to repeat I hate it here/ get me out of here. He finally abandons the fake English accent and precise diction which characterized #I Record and Radio
The songs on 7%irddonZ behave in any conventional manner: some fizzle to a halt after two minutes, others have no clear verse/chorus structure, still others twist and mutate far from their starting points. The songs seem haphazard at first listen, but a twisted logic shows through the apparent chaos. Big Star should be noted as the first American group to record a cover version of a Velvet Underground
song. UnIike the austere coolness of VU’s “Femme Fatale,” Big Star’s is romantic and intimate. In the midst of the wreckage is “Jesus Christ,” a seemingly straightforward Christmas carol. The last three songs of the the album, “Nightime,” “Blue Moon,” and “Take Care” are eight of the most sublime minutes ever recorded. The tension between the lush arrangements of oboe and strinis and the rawness of Chilton’s voice is thrihg. Along with Live and Cosmos, Third documents a special time and place, and a singular group of artists. That crucial moment has passed, and time and tragedy have taken their tolls. This music has survived for two decades by word of mouth, whispered rumour, and tenth-generation bootlegged tapes. All the tihile, Alex ChiIton has roamed the land feeding off his rock legend persona to crowds 01 devotees hoping for a glimpse of the Big Star magic. These three records echo through the emptiness, proving that there’s more to Big Star than halfforgotten memories and tiresome maem mimics.
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change a lifetime for a child. Join the Pro-ACT Foster Care Program. People needed to provide full time care and independent living preparation for youth age 16- 18. AlSo needed, families to provide short term, assessment care for children age 4- 15. Extensive training, professronai development and a daily rate of $25. provided. Call Sharon Tait at Family and Children’s Services, 5760540.
- a wonderful choice. Happily married, professional couple could offer your baby a ‘life filled with Ibve, laughter, security, exciting opportunities and quality education. Call collect (4 16) 482-6279. Home study approved.
EVERY SUNDAY UW Juggling Club meets from 4 to 7 p.m., Red Activity area of the PAC. Beginners welcome! For more info contact Sean 725 5577 or sdfinura at descartes. LaFen’s Evangelical Fellowship Sunday evening service. 7:00 p.m. at 163 University Ave., W., Apt. 321. (MSA, west court) All welcome!
CJW -es - Recycling on campus each society should be represented, 4-5 p.m. Room 135 for Feb. 24 ; March 9 and March 23 CC 138. The Men’s Action Workgroup meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Campus Centre. For info please contact WPIRG at 884-9020.
Experience Typist: $1.00 dsp typewritten, $1.25 word processed. area. Call 743-3342.
Erb & Westmount
Fast, professionai
word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Macintosh compute+, laser printer. Suzanne 8863857.
$1 .OO double-
3 rmfns - summer sublet (May to August) furnished, laundry, parking, quiet, near King and University. Rent negotiable, call 747-5052. large single room on Dawson Street. Share with three. May 1 till August 31. $165.00 pius utilities. Lee 747-9153,
spaced page - fast, efficient service, reasonable rates. Westmount-Erb area. Phone 886-7 153.
Esperanto Club Lunch. Come experience L
the international language in action. 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 pm. in the Modern Languages cafeteria.
MRY Bike Muskoka - Friday/Saturday/Sunday starting April. Your breathgiving vacation. Love thtit bike bus! Perseverance, Box 2371, Gravenhurst, Oiit. POC 1GO.
Laymen’s Evangeli Fellowship Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. in DC 1304. All are wetcome!
are welcome! Baha’i Faith Information Meetings - yoi are invited to attend discussions on issue: such as peace, spiritual solution to the economic crisis and equality of womer and men. Phone 884-5907 or visit thg Centre at 2-91 King St., N. RVBRY THURSDAY socialists meet at 7:30 p.m in CC135 to discuss the theory and prac, tice of socialism. For more info call 747. 1646.
Free E~peranto classes - come learn tht international language. Beginners at 7 tc 8:30, intermediate 8:45 to 10:00 p.m. ir MC4044. Textsavailable at UW Bookstore Call Dan at 885-6584 for more info.
Student C&i&an
Movement meets a 4:OOto5:30in CC1 10. Weareanecumeni. cal group who concentrate on relating faitt; to social justice issues New member! always welcome! Information: 725-7993 Heather or Bruce.
T~~Iv will Prayer) STUDENTS 2:30 p.m. welcome!
be %alat-ul-Juma” (Frida) organized by MUSLlk ASSOCIATION from 1:30 tc in X135. All Muslims arf
Career Resource Centre - evening houz open until 7 p.m. from Jan. 15 to April 1.
GLLOW meets in room 104 of the Modern Languages building, 9-11 p.m- Gay & Tree planting - pay 9@-11~ per seedling. Camp cost $18.00-$20.00. Start date: May 1, 1992. Quest Reforestation Inc. (705) 74 l-4704.
Sublet- May
FOUND to August,
to five
rooms, separate leases, partly furnished, &an, parking, laundry facilities, etc. Close t9 UW. Rent $165./month negotiable. Cat1 725-7710.
Mm’s gold watch found outside DC Library January 31/92. Call to identify, Richard 893-8940.
Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo promotes healthy attitudes towards sexuality, Come out and meet new friends!
MSG (Muslim Study Group) - Brown bag forum from 12:30 to I:30 p.m., CC 135. AH
at 12:30 p.m. in Health and Safety Build ing, meeting room, or call 742-6183.
VQLUW8IR8 The Student Volunteer Centre is located in CC206. Information on the following (and other) volunteer opportunities can be obtained by calling Ext. 2051 or drcqping by the office. Regular office hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:OO to I:00 and Tuesday & Thursday 9:OO to 11:OO, IXWIW~OMI Students Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational, English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact She@ at ext. 2814. Looking for good resume experience? How about volunteering at the Sexuality Resource Centre. If interested call Joan at 885- 12 11, ext. 2306 or leave a message at the Fed Office. . Summer Camp Counsellors required week of Sunday, August 2 to Friday, August 7, 1992. Contact Andrew at Scout Headquarters (Kitchener) at 742-8325. Also looking for a Program Administrator from May to August. K-W Friendship Group for Seniors need volunteers to befriend seniors on a one-toone basis, two-three hours weekly. Call 742-6502 for more info. &king for indivtduals to set up a public relations campaign to promote awareness of the Global Community Centre (third world issues) within the communtty. Contact Marco at 746-4090. ASS& track and field coach with sports activities for mentally handicapped people. Practices are every Saturday evening 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Are you the daughter of a woman who had breast cancer during your teen years’? If so and you are willing to be interviewed please call Ann at 725-5859. Interested in volunteering in a developing Canadian Crossroads lnternationat is recruiting now for placements in 1993. Information night is March 11 at f:30 p.m., Campus Centre, room 1 IO. For more info call Kilmeny 743-8654.
TheUWCancerGroupwillmeet~inCC135 March 16th at 5130 p.m. Any new members are welcome to brainstorm with us regarding possible upcoming events. Volunteer for our April fundraiser! Students needed to research and gather information from large local corporations that have United Way campaigns. March/ April project. Call Jane Fleming at 7491801. Leisure buddy volunteers required - a man in his 50’s who is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s would like a volunteer to walk with him and to provide assistance with tWqmhtton to and from his home, A man in his early 40’s who is visually impaired would like a volunteer to accompany him during walks once or twice a week. Please call Lee Lovo at 74 l-2228 for more info and other opportunities with Kitchener Parks & Rec. Student Career Advisors and a Program Publicist for Fall 1992. Students interested in learning career planning and job search techniques, and helping other students should March 16/92. apply by Applications in NH 1004.
Kit&ems-Watdm Art Gallery Exhibitions 1992 - on display from Feb. 6 to, Mar. 29. “Art Alive Lecture Series” begin Jan. 21 to May 19. Call 579-5860 for more info. Cou&in~ Setiwill be offering the following workshops in the Winter 1992 term: Assertion Training, Bulimia Group, Exam Anxiety Management, Reading & Study Skills, Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Time Management & Procrastination, What To Do When You’re Down and Blue (Depression Management). Register: Councelling Services, NH
2080, ext. 2655.
K-W Canadian Federation of University Women - Used Book Sale in April - TO
Spring Travel course to the Middle East April 24 to May 15. Study the religion and culture of Egypt and Greece. Fee of $2500.00 includes return airfare from Toronto, accommodations, and much more. For more info call Prof. Daniel Sahas at ext. 3565 immediately. Spring ming - the 2nd Annual AHS SemiFormal is set for Saturday, March 2 1, 1992, Ruby’s Waterloo Inn. Tickets: $35./couple, $20./single. See your class rep for more info. See you there! Theatresports -Is hilarious comedy invented on the spot by performers, based on audience suggestions. Judges score each scene, and are bombarded by audience with “boo-bricks.” See Upcoming Events for details. Baseball Writers’ Bursary - open to college or university students, $500.00 award. 500 to 1,OOOwordssubmitted by June 1,7992. Mail entries to: Baseball Writers’ Bursary, c/o Larry Millson, 796 Crawford St., Toronto, Ont., M6G 3K3.
KITCMISIR upcoming
Extraveganza followed by party, Saturday, Mar. 28 l Kayaking every Sunday - PAC pool 4 to 6 p.m. l Whitewafer Rafting on Ottawa River, weekend starting May
KWRS effective: Sept. 3 Monday to Thursday 9:30 - 900
18th. News - Equipment room is open for equipment hire and memberships: Monday and Thursday 4:30 to 530 p.m. and Friday 1I:00 a.m. to 12 noon. For details on above events, see our notice board outside the Equipment room, PAC, Blue South, room 2010. (Tel.: 888-
Friday 9:30 - 5:30
wishes to express wishes and regards to UW and WLU students for the upcoming term; Our club is seeking new members of Ukrainian descent or if you just want to knowmore about our heritage everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your friends and if more info is needed call Roman Sirskyj (President/‘92Term) after6 at 884-0774.
Saturday $00 - 5:30 Sunday 1:OO - 5:00
-Noon hour concerts - 12:30 p.m. - all are FREE and take place in the Chapel. 1Wednesday, Mar. 18 - “Meridian Chamber Ensemble”. Spring Concert Schedule Saturday, March 21 - “University Choir & University Orchestral Ensemble”.Humanities Theatre at 8:00 p.m., UW. Sunday, March 22 - 8:00 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church iv Waterloo,a choral concert presenting UW Chamber Choir and Conrad Grebel Chapel Choir. Friday. March 27 - 8:OO p.m. at UW Humanities Th atre, UW Corlcerl Band and UW Stage 93and. Ttckets available from Eleanor Dueck in the MUSIC Office, Conrad Grebel 8850220, ext. 226 or at the door.
Take time out to attend an 18 minute video on PSYCLIT, the computerized index in CD-ROM format. Meet at the Information Desk in the Dana Porter Arts Libaraty at the following times: Monday, March 16 at 11:OO a-in. ; Thursday, March 19 at 1I:00 a.m. ; Tuesday, March 24 at 2:00 p.m. ; Thursday, April 2 at IO:30 a.m. Holds Notices - until recently, patrons requesting that a library book be recalled or searched had to check with the User ’ Services Department to determine when the book was available. In response to patron requests, User Sewices staff are now mailing notices to advise them that books held for them are available.
DEADLINE for Classifieds and Campus Happenings is Mondays at 500 p.m. cc, room 140
The Sexuality Resource Centre - is a trained student volunteersenrice that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This setvice is FREE. Call 865121 I, ext. 2306 or leasve a message atext. 4042. The SRC is located in room 1540A, Campus Centre, UW. An exhibition - of works by fourth year Honours students of the University of Waterloo Fine Arts Department - March 26 to May 3, 1992. You are invited to meet the artists at a reception on March 26 at 8:00 p.m. Cash bar provided. Rotary Gallery, 101 King St., N., Kitchener, 579-5860, The Library & Gallery, 20 Grand Avenue N., Cambridge, (519) 621-0460 upcoming events: March 15 at 2:30 p.m. - Sunday Concert with Brad McEwen ; March 26 at 7:00 p.m. - Cambridge Arts Forum with Peter Ross ; April 23- 16 - Edward Burtynsky Breaking Ground exhibition of 47 colour prints ; May 7 at 7:30 p.m. - meet the Artist with Edward Burtynsky. EXAM PRRPARATION WORKSHOPS This 1 session workshop will aid students in preparing for and writing exams. Wednesday, March 18 - 1:30 10 3:30 p.m. ‘; Thursday, March 19 - 1:30 to 3:30 ; Tuesday, March 24 - 6:30 to 8130 p.m. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080 or ext.
2655. lNTERLST
Complete the Strong Interest Inventory and find out how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Tuesday, March 17 - 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. ; Monday, March 23 - 12:30 to I:30 p.m. CXPU)RINQ PERSONALITY
Complete the Myers-B riggs Type indicator and discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Wednesday, March 18 - 3:30 to 430 p.m. Register at Counselling Services, NH 2080.
DONATE BOOKS please call 576-8645,
3079.) April 9 - Michael
Philosophy Colloquium - Lothar Schafer Philosphy Department Universitat Hamburg, Germany. “Bacon’s Project Should It Be Given Up?” HH334, 3:30 p.m. Mmday,MaEhld
Film”: video screening. Everything you never wanted to know about human exploitation of animals. CC room 110, 7;30 p.m. Waterloo-Wellington Alliance For Animals. “Promoting Compassionate Living” 654-3872 or 7251462.
The Student Christian Movement and the Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo present “Eilert Frerichs”. PAS 3005 at BOO p.m.
TII~ Yale Russian Chorus presents a concert of sacred and cecular music from Russia, Latvia, the Ukraine and other Soviet republics. 8:00 p.m. at the Conrad Grebel Chapel. Tickets $5.00 students, $8.00 adults available at the door.
Twin City Cycling Committee upcoming meeting - Topic: Engineering/Planning for Bicycles from 7 to IO p.m. Abraham Erb Room, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street, S.
Computer science Club presents ACM Programming Contest #2, 7-9 p.m. in MC4061 (for sure!) Final algoritimms discussion before the preliminary contest on March 21. Lots of fresh doughnuts and tea for all! Everyone welcome!
EANoW (the Environmental Advisory Network of Waterloo) is an interdisciplinary, non-profit organization dealing with enviromental issues by providing information, education and consulting services to community groups. Annual meeting at 8 p.m. DC 1302. All welcome!
UW Cancer Group will meet in Cc 135 at 530 p.m. Any new members are welcome to brainstorm with us regarding possible upcooming events. Volunteer for our April fundraiser!
Waterloo Blood Donor Clinic - First United Church, King & Wiliiam Sts., from I:30 to I 8:00 p.m.
Discussion Group - 7:30 p.m. ES2, room 173. Topic: “How Do We MainGLLOW
lJW School of Architecture - 1992 - lecGreen Room) at 8:00 p,m. For further info contact Ryszard Sliwka (885-1211, ext. Thursday, Architect.
UW Stage Band will be piesenting a brief concert‘in the Great Hall of the Davis Centre on Campus Day, 1I:45 a.m. until 12: 10 noon, The UW Chamber Choir will likewise present a brief concert, same day, same location, 1210 until t2:30 p.m.
Hellenic (Greek) Student Association presents a winter bash at Ruby’s Other Greek Student Associations across Ontario attending. Ouzo shots - the works - don’t miss the fun! Baha’ullah’s Global Vision - Baha’is believe that humanity isnow coming of age and will attain a peaceful global society. There will be a talk about Baha’u’llah’s life and His positive outlook on the future of humanity, 7:3O p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, 185 King Street, S., Waterloo.
’ I 1 1 1
746-5649,884-2924. Himalayas: Field Study Program -July IOAug. 20. Learning about human ecology and developments and trekking at 816,000 feet. You may earn up to 3 l/2 credits. $4,950. Apply before March t4 to Prof. S. Kumar, Village II or telephone 746 6946.
It has been necessary to change a number of meeting dates in respect of the Engineering Faculty Council and the Assembly, The revised schedule is as follows: Monthly meeting of Council, old date Mar. 16 to March 23 and Apr. 13 changed td April 20. All meetings will be held at 3:30 p.m. in CPH 3385.
ANNOUNCEMENT8 -Canada Scholarship cheques for the Winter 1992 term are now available for all first year students in their second term and all upper-year Co-op students. The cheques can be picked up in the Student Awards Office which is temporarily located in the E3.F.Goodrich Building at 195 Columbia St. W. (across from Fastbreaks). All cheques must be picked up by March 20, 1992. Students are reminded to bring proper identification with them when picking up their cheques.
tain Intimacy Over a Period of Time?” All bisexuals, gays, lesbians and others welcome. Details: 884-4569.
Frog presents “Foreign Film Festival”. 7:OO i, p.m. in Poets Pub - Carl Pollock Hall, sponsored by EngSoc. I I 1
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