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Contribution List Iain Anderson, Thomas Andrews, Bxyce Amist, Kenton Augerman, Rike Burklurdt, Alec Campbell, Hayden Carrant, Phillip Chee, Paul Condon, Kenneth Chu, Anna Done, Paul Done, Jeff thery, Jennifer Epps, CheryI Evans, Dave Fisher, Barbara Jo Gteen, David Jackson, Robin KalWeisch Vincent Kozma, Gerry Labban, Stacey kbin, Jennifer Michol, Rich Nlchol, Mkhaer Quigley, Chris Reitzel, Randy Rhodes, Frank Seglenieks, Regina Schuald, Brenda Timmins, Mychelle Themann, Laura Thomson, Vie Tray&, Walter Wweitner, Jeff Warner, and Derek Weiler (Lance Manion)
is the official student newspaper at the University cf Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Pubfications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms and every second Friday during the Spring term. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontarto. NZL 3Gl. E-mail should be addressed to imprint at watservl .Waterloo-edu. Our Fax nurriber is 884-7800. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380.
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Referenda appeals heard. by BOG committee by lain Anderson IInprint staff Last Tuesday afternoon, in the cozy confines of the upper rooms in Needles Hall, undergraduate students Paul Done and Sue Forrest approached the final legal body at the University of Waterloo in their quest to have the OFS and student life referenda declared invalid. They believe the Federation of Students broke several of their bylaws while running the two referenda and feel these were serious enough breaches of law to merit both referenda being nullified. They presented to the executive of the Board of Governors their 60-page report outlining what they believe to be flagrant disregard for Federation bylaws and due process, What followed was a 40-minute discussion by Don+, Forrest, Federation of Students President John Leddy, Associate Provost for Student Affairs Peter Hopkins, and several members of the Board of Governors Executive Committee, The discussion was filled with widespread confusion about the BOG’S role in the conflict. Also in doubt was the connection between
Sigma Chi students spot for a charity trampolener. The fraternity raised over $2,000. for Ansetma House last Saturday. Photo by Peter Brown by Jeff Warner Imprint staff On Saturday, March 21,32 members of the local chapter of the Sigma Ch Fraternity held a “trampoline-a&on” to raise money for the Anselm; House, a shelter for battered women. Going from 8 am to 8 pm, thq managed to raise over $2000 in donations from students and surroundin) residents. Sean Cunningham, the chapter president, said that they chose the tram, poline for their fund-raiser because it was “off the wall” and fun, so the, would receive more attention and thus more support. In the past, they havi held bingos, but they found the smoky atmosphere hard to put up with, anC: “running around with people yelling at you isn’t much fun.” Sigma Chi chose Anselma House because it was a small charity and thee could “see where the money went,” With larger charities, said Gun’. ningham, most of your donation goes into administrative costs. Anselma House, he said, was ecstatic with their results and pro. fessionalism. He has already begun the process of planning for next year and is aiming for a higher goal of donations. “Hopefully”, Cunningham continued, “this will continue on into the fuhze and will help to dispel the ‘Animal House’ image of fraternities.”
the Federation of Students and the University of Waterloo. When faced with debating the issue, the Board started looking deep into itself to determine just what its position in the affair should be. After some discussion including a passionate speech by Graduate president Association Students Nelson Joannette, on the autonomy of student organizations on campus - it was decided that the board should not become embroiled in studentmpolitics. “They are just our money managers, They collect our fees for us,” said Leddy afterward. “I would be very offended if they interfered with any decision made by the Joannette concurred Federation.” with a statement that the BOG should essentially, “for lack of a, better word, rubber stamp”any decisions made by student governments. “At the very least, this should serve as a warning that students are paying attention and are willing to fight for what they believe in,” Forrest said when asked about the effectiveness of the meeting. “It is frustrating to not have our concerns answered by either the Feds or the (BOG) Executive Committee. Who at UW is going
to take responsibility for process? The Feds own lawyer agreed that many bylaws had been broken - we don’t understand how infractions of can simply be this magnitude ignored.” “The letter of the by-law might not have been followed, but the Federation went over and above the spirit of the law,” Leddy said during the debate. “We brought these concerns forward because we care about UW,” Forrest said. “It is obvious that any student who chose to challenge paying the (Student Life Centre) fee could pla& the future of the SLC in serious jeopardy. We thought it better to correct this situation now, rather than when the actual pit is dug and we owe money to the bank.” Though Done’s and Forrest’s appeal was neither officially supported nor dismissed by the BoG executive committee, it will probably be discussed further at the April 7 Board of Governors meetig, in connection with approval of fee statement changes.
Board of Governors set to approve fees by &I.&I Anderson Imprint staff Beginning this year, University of Waterloo students will be facing higher tuition costs and a new group of fees. At an executive meeting of the university’s Board of Governors, several resolutions affecting the cost of attending Waterloo were passed. It is expected they will be ratified at the full meeting next month. Tuition fees for undergraduates and graduates will rise by seven per cent. Fees are being raised to bring them in line with the maximum amount universities can charge students without affecting the tinding Waterloo will receive from the Ontario Government. Also rising will be residence fees (6.6 per cent), work report marking -fees (8.3 per cent), and the co-op fee (1.9 per cent). The increases are all cost-driven and should not reflect an increase in revenue for the school. Utilities, supplies and on going main-
tenance were cited as reasons. Also ratified at the meeting were several new student fees and changes to existing ones. They were proposed by John Leddy, president of the Federation of Students. The Federation will be turning the refundable Fed membership fee of $23.70 into a compulsory one. Students are currently entitled to a refund of this fee if they so desire. Approximately 250 students per term ask for a return of this fee, amounting to a loss of about $6,000 for the Federation, according to Leddy. The strongest voice of opposition from the board concerning this change came from John Bergsma, He continually prodded Leddy to explain his reasons for removing this “safeguard in the system.” After several minutes of debate, Bergsma revealed that he was the one responsible for making the fee refundable during his tenure as Federation president in 1969/1970.
A nei fee that all Waterloo students will begin paying is a $10 endowment fund fee similar to the one already in place within engineering. This fund will be in place for a maximum of seven terms. It will be used to address current student needs and help secure financing for the new student life facilities that were accepted by Waterloo students in a referendum in February. The board also ratified a new $25 fee that students will begin paying as soon as the student centre opens. It will be collected for a maximum of 25 years or until the facilities is paid for. This fee will be fully indexed to the consumer price index. Some concern was raised that the school and current student body were binding future Waterloo students into too many fees they will have no say in. Some debate ensued, but alI fees and increases proposed were accepted by the board.
Next week’s Imprint, April 3, is the LAST issue of the . winter
ads and letters to the editor
is Monday
zit 5
p.m. I
4 Imprint, Friday, March 27, 1992
The Iranian Student Ass&ation celebrated their New Year w’lth a cultural exhibition this week at the Davis Centre. Pictured above is a friendly tour guide explaining the unique process of frame making. Photo by Wim van der Lugt
sdciology, recreation and -leisure studies, peace and conflict studies, social development studies, studies in sexuality, marriage and the family, and psychology. According to UW’s letter of intent, the centre would be set up to address
three main questions: first, what are the causes of conflict and violence in families and against women?; second, what determines whether conflict leads to violence or non-violent resolution?; and third, how can society prevent violent outcomes and encourage non-violent resolution? As w&the centre would work with community organizations and
largely based on an already proposed Waterloo Centre for the Study of Families and Relationships. “It is a unique advantage of the present proposal that Waterloo has ‘a group of senior researchers whose individual interests already centre on the family, and who have joined together to propose close collaboration,” the letter of intent says. The group of researchers includes , Drs. Alan Cheyne, john Holmes, Shelley Hymel, l%ldy- Ross, MichaeI Ross, Ken Rubin and Mark Zanna. Ottawa is expected to announce the three centrei selected for funding on April 1.
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from UW News
Graduating engineering students at the University of Waterloo have Dledaed more than $60,000 to their ‘A&Mater in this year’s ‘Plumme&’ Pledge” campaign. The three-year pledge, beginning April 1993, was made despite uncertain job prospects for many students due to graduate this spring. A total of 170 students out of 533 potential donors participated, not counting those heading for graduate school. The Plummers’ Pledge is a key cqmponent of the student-initiated
by Imprint
and germs.
The Federation of Students held its Annual General Meeting in the Campus Centre Great fIal1 a little more than two weeks ago, on March 12. The relatively low-key and uncontroversial meeting was the last major task that president John Leddy’s administration had to complete to round out their year. Perennial student apathy resulted in a turnout of just 54 registered voters, including proxy
quorum required to hold the meeting by only four. A motion to make the Federation
. . membership fee non-refundable was passed after heated discussion. Vicepresident, operations and finance Steve Millard said that the fee will cost the Federation $6,000 in refunded fees this year, plus administrative costs of 253 students asking for their fees back. He also said that all other universities in Canada have compulsory and non-refundable fees.
raised by voting mem-
bers centred around the idea that a refundable fee is nearly the only sanction students have to show dis-
pleasure with their elected leaders. Others suggested that less people might get their refunds if the Federa-
meeting planned
The Heritage Resources Centre at the University of Waterloo is planning to hold an “Ontario Town Hall Meeting”on the environment, development and society. Organizers say the aim of the five-day conference from April 28 to Mav 2 is to “bring people in Ontario together to discuss how well we are doing in addressing environmental, economic and social concerns and what needs to be done.” Among the “activities and concerns” that prompted the conference are: land-use conflicts and the work of the Sewell Commission; the impending report on environmental assessment in Ontario; the Toronto and Great bkes waterfront and Crombie Commission reports; the new Ontario heritage policy and its implementation; “green space,” wildlife, natural heritage, and pollution; and the presence and absence of linkages among environment, economy and society in Ontario. The conference will “stress comprehensive approaches to the various aspects of environment, economy, society, natural and human heritage” and their inter-relations and integrations. hventors
for innovation
Got a bright idea for a new product or service? Call the Canadian lndustrial Innovation Centre/Waterloo. The centre, a not-for-profit agency associated with UW, will hold a workshop for inventors and entrepreneurs March 28 at the Waterloo Inn, from 9 am to 5 pm.
will learn how to protect their ideas, license them, market financing and development assistance. As well, the offers networking opportunities with some of Canada’s
them and find crucial
workshop innovators
and industry
Phil Mundy,
of the Canadian Posture and Seating Centre, will
address. The UW graduate is the winner of the 1991 Achievement Award from the Canadian Council of Pro-
the keynote
Young Engineer fessional Engineers.
for product
A year later, the time display on the VCR at home still flashes 12:OO. Or the small business owner checks the phone book for a number already stored in the computer. Those are just two examples of a common problem - hard-tounderstand instructions for new products. The solution is at a University oi Waterloo conference May 14-16, sponsored by the Centre for Professional Writing. The centre, based at UW, will look at electronic solutions to complex product instructions, an area called “online documentation.” It can mean a short message saying a photocopier is “out of toner”or a training tutorial on a product. The conference, partially entitled “Online Documentation Issues and M&o&,” is aimed at technical writers, programmers, educators, cons&ants, software engineers/developers, editors and quality manage=.
Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation, which this year allocated $60,000 for laboratory equipment, computer upgrades and student projects.
by Dave Thomson
tion did a better job.
Cvrrently, the fee must be paid at registration but can be refunded if the Denise Lacchin, chief organizer for student goes to the Federation office the 1992 Plummers’ Pledge, says the during the first three weeks of classes. overall student participation rate of The voters also passed a 95-tent increase in the fee as of September 1, , 32 percentin impressive in light of 1992, which closely approximates the four per cent rise in 1991’s consumer price index. The fee is $23.70 right now. Both the 95”cent increase in the Federation fee and the motion to make the fee compulsory have to be approved at the upcoming Board of Governors meeting on April 7, which all students are allowed to attend. Tuesday’s Board of Governor’s meeting executive committee featured debate on this topic (see related story). A motion presented by Glen Rutland, chief returning officer of the Federation elections, would create an Elections and Referenda Committee under Federation bylaws. This motion was tabled to the next general meeting, since the Board of Directors had already decided to hire a student to look examine the consistency of Fed bylaws and policies. Paul Dune and Sue Forrest, two students leading appeals of the two referenda this winter, presented evidence that the proposed change contradicts in several instances existing bylaws and policies. A further motion was presented to amend the referenda bylaw so that Students’ Council could appoint a chief returning officer instead of the Board of Directors. This was defeated. The
for the year ending
April 30,1992, compared to a $300,000 deficit for the previous fiscal year. Vice-president, university affairs Lisa Brice listed the conducting of . date rape campaigns on campus as one of her main accomplishments this year. President John L.eddy cited the two referenda and the work done in developing the student coordinated plan as the fulfillment of his platform A motion to remove the International Students Board from the Federation’s structure was defeated. It had been tabled from the November 26, 1991 general meeting. This board has not been active for a number of terms, but those who voted against the motion argued that the structure should be left in place in case there is in interest in the future to revive it. Other bylaw changes reflected the hiring of a full-time special events coordinator whose role had not yet been properly accounted for in the bylaws. The four available
Board of Direc-
also filled. The remaining three positions automatically go to the incoming executive, Dave Martin, Sue Crack, and Brent McDermott.
27, 1992
the present economic downturn and the ensuing impact on engineering employment.
‘%Ve knew it was going to be tough for pledges this term,” Lacchin savs. “I’i ready satisfied &ith the turn&t that we had considering the employment situation for this year’s graduating class.” She compared this year’s pledge with the $96,000 raised in the inaugural Plummers’ Pledge in 1989. ‘They were in better economic conditions than we are and still we came pretty close.”
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reports of their activities this year, VPOF Millard tabled a budget which projected a conservative surplus of about $100,000
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General meeting specifics
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The opinion pages are designed for Imprint staff members or feature to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in cotumns, comment pieces, and other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Only articles clearly labelled “editorial” and unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
fireside chat by Peter Brown Thank you, Nelson Joannette. Here I sit, early Thursday morning, grasping for a topic for this week’s column, and along comes the president of the Graduate Student Association. According to one of our valued news writers who attended a f3oard of Governors executive committee meeting on Tuesday, Joannette made a comparison at that meeting between ~ Imprint’s supposed harassment of the GSA in the summer of 1990 and the referenda 1 appeals being pursued by two University of Waterloo students. His connection? Paul Done, who happened to be the editor of Imprint at the time in the former case and one of the two complainants in the latter. My connection? Both situations - the Grad House fiasco and this winter’s referenda feature eager student politicians who are ignorant of or deliberately ignore due process. The difference? Leddy was merely ignorant of the Federation of Students’ bylaws; Joannette clearly flouted those of the GSA. (I was news editor and the primary writer on that issue Iwo years ago, so it is near to my heart. ) While Leddy has admitted that the referenda and election bylaws were violated during the conducting of bofh referenda, he defends himself and the Federation by saying that the spirit of the bylaws have been followed. To a great extent they have. Last fall, during the student life ad hoc committee stage, Leddy . and associate provost, student affairs Peter Hopkins invested a lot of time and effort into developing and implementing a consultative process that included the opinions of a wide spectrum of concerned groups on campus. However, the SLC referendum’s profile on campus and relatively low turn-out (69 per cent) show that the substitution of an informational campaign for a polar yes/no campaign da’mages both the quality and quantity of the voting. Thus, this tactic bears no connection to the spirit of a democratic referendum. In an informational campaign, undecided students have much less opportunity to hear dissent and critical examination of the proposal. Any dissent was left to Imprint, which wasthen accused of nitpicking and not looking at true “student interests.” In the case of the OFS referendum, John Leddy began the “No” side of the campaign last winter when he ran for president and the Federation has been clearly anti-OFS ever since. Combine this with a mail-out that contains the Federation of Students as a contact for the “No” side, and you can see how the “spirit” of impartiality has been violated. In complete contrast to Leddy’s admittance of rule-breaking, stands Joannette. If there is a student presently on campus who is completely familiar with abuses of process, it is he. Joannette acted with arrogance, as though with impunity, two summers ago when the GSA was planning renovations to the upper floor of the Grad House. He usurped the authority of the GSA’s House Committee and t-louse Liaison Officer {a full-time staff member who resigned during the controversy) to make decisions concerning structural changes to the Grad House. Then, to his own Board of Directors, Joannette deliberately misrepresented the estimated cost of adding three tiny off ices to the building, ignoring clear evidence that staff in the Univer-, sity’s plant operations department had an estimate three times his. During the BOG executive’s discussion of Paul Done and Sue Forrest’s appeal on Tuesday, Joannette reportedly asked Done and Forrest sarcastically where they had studied law. Such arrogance. One thing is certain: Joannette’s training in manipulation and evasion has been a two-year-long experiment at the expense of grad students. In an ideal world, the BOG should be just a ‘Vu bber stamp” with regard to student issues, as Joannette said in that meeting. But with Leddy
and Joannette
as the BOG’S role mod-
els of student leadership, that body ought to look closely at the credibility of current student actions during the April 7 meeting of the entire BOG, especially when the University will be the mortgage-holder for the student life project.
WhyJight to imposechoices? Yay! The ’90s. The decade of everything good and politically correct. The Wall is down, South Africa voted to continue reforms, and the Cold War is over. Some even believe that women are now on par with men. What with all the movers and shakers of the ’70s wave of feminism writing self-help and pop psychology books, one could easily get this impression. . I am of the opposite opinion and believe that we’re entering a third wave of feminism. This will mean further changes and change often frightens people. Two things appear evident, if the mass media and this country’s student press are any indication. (And don’t underestimate the power of the mass media - how many of us daiIy hear someone append the word “not” to the end of their sentences, simply as a result of Waynek World?) There is an increase in the attention given to women’s issues in the mass media; they jump at the chance to televise or print anything related to women’s movement. As for the student press in Canada, I don’t think any of the larger papers neglected to print special supplements in recognition of International Women’s Day. On campuses in general, there is a heightened importance placed on dubious orientation week activities, date rape, etc. Peciple who regard such actions and the issue in general as nonsense do one of two things: ignore it or express why they are of their opinion Last week, for example, a firstyear student by the name of Alison Horton wrote an opinion piece (“The Pros and Cons of Radical Feminism”) attacking Gretchen Zimmerman
for a lecture
she gave in one of
Alison’s classes, and for a piece Gretchen had written in the International Women’s Week supplement. At the end of her personal attack, Alison stated that she hoped Gretchen will come to understand that radical feminists like her are
the womqn’s movement more than It should be noted, Alison, that a few short years before you arrived here, Gretchen and other radical feminists succeeded in having the Miss Oktoberfest Pageant removed from this campus. Hopefully we can agree that beauty pageants are not something that a selfdeclared feminist like yourself would support, and would not like to see on campus. Gretchen started her Master’s degree about the same time you entered your first year. This isn’t to say that her academic standing hufing
validates her beliefs, but given her experience and successes with her chosen approach to feminism, I think it is arrogant to suggest that your’s is better. After all, isn’t feminism partly about fighting for and having choices, as
opposed to the patriarchal notion of imposing them? Next in the feminist vein, 1want to deal with Imprint’s newest column, Feminist Frameworks. Given the violently-worded and poorly thought-out response by two of this week’s letter-writers, I think it is necessary to further explain the column’s purpose, and perhaps even feminism. First, a bit about the reality that the column is premised on. The written and unwritten laws that run our society have been set down almost exclusively by men. When they are changed to incorporate the concerns of women,
it usually
is done
by men,
to the
extent that they can grasp what women are telling them. Society is still very much patriarchal, and all feminists are trying to change this. There are still many oddities to life that we don’t bother to question. Take the construction industry. Ask yourself why more women aren’t in it. The probable answer: because they don’t have the physical strength of men. So what? No one has the physical strength to move a house either, but we find ways of doing it. The task is
broken down into smaller parts, to make to job feasible. The separate steps that must be taken to move a house, however, are set out with the assumption that men arc doing so. Similarly, the tools they use are made for meq., literally. There’s no reason that the scaffolding, lumber, and other tools and materials couldn’t be downsized or made more efficient to accommodate women, other than the maledominated industry feels threatened and doesn’t want to. I recently had a conversation with a woman (hello, Cordelia) who said this is exactly what they have done in Japan, since the average Japanese man isn’t as physically large or strong as North American men. Successes for the women’s movement are not measured solely in terms of whether they manage to break into what has traditionally been a man’s position and be a role model, like Bondar. Thinking beyond that, it is to be called a success if women can do this without having to it in the patriarchal framework by resembling or becoming “one of the boys.” For the most part, FhGtist
Frmmworks proceeds from the assumption that readers know feminism deals with issues other than rape and abortion. These latter two women’s issues have come to be largely accepted as valid, but they weren’t at one point in time. Quebec women, for example, couldn’t even vote until 1940. The point, then, is that although two of the topics the column has dealt with so far (ie, Roberta Bondar and price discrimination) may seem trivial at first glance, they are microscopic examples that are indicative of larger
structural problems within society. A last note: feminism does not invoIve hating men. It involves a hatred of many men’s attitudes.
Dave Thomson
llli!lu\7 A
--P--P turn, were right- and lawfully elected by the people living in those constituencies. Therefore, a city’s, a place’s or a street’s name
Bondar should be proud In last week’s Feminist Frameworks, Gretchen Zimmerman criticizes Roberta Bondar’s recent exploits in space from both a social and feminist viewpoint. We address her article from these angles also. Socially, Gretchen makes known her displeasure that “while they (Bondar, NASA, etc.. . J are busy as space-beavers, gnawing away at the frontiers of the heavens, millions upon millions of earthlings are having a hard time mastering the sometimes difficult, yet all too natural task of putting food on their plates , . .” But Gretchen suggests no alternatives; instead, she wishes to disband NASA “until something is done here on earth (to eliminate violence, poverty, degradation).” We wonder how Gretchen suggests we feed, clothe, and house ail these engineem, scientists, and technologists, not to forget those that rely on their research and spin-off industries.
The fact is NASA (“and the like”) DO make significant contributions to the social fabric of our society. It is science that has developed better irrigation methods, made medical advances (MRI, vaccinations, laser surgery), and improved the general standard of living. It is POLITICS that keeps these suggest
from becoming
that Gretchen
universal. confusing
We the
From a feminist perspective Zimmermyn asserts that Bondar is not a feminist, writing “any shades of feminism have been erroneously attached to her (Bondar).” Gretchen further says that what Bondar is “in fact, is ‘one of the boys’ . . . one of the spaceboys”. We wonder if Gretchen .hasn’t considered the obvious: Bondar represents one part of a TEAM; the reason Bondar acts similar to the men on the shuttle mission is that she is a member of that team. A team responsible
for billions
upon billions
or by the will of the federal govem-
be pushed
by a
ment. Thus, the renaming is by no way a sign of immaturity, but rather a symbol to the peopie that they have re-acquired their right to
To the editor,
change minority
of dollars
worth of equipment and thousands of hours of experimental research. Life in space is no party. Strict rules and procedures must be followed to ensure both the success of the experiments and the safety of the crew. Sorry there was no room for creative expression Perhaps Gretchen and her radical feminist cohorts are upset that Bondar chooses to not expose her breasts to the world while the
cameras are rolling an action seemingly worthy of their support and recognition. Zimmerman struggles with the question of why she is ‘so damned angry at what was suppo’sed to be a ‘triumph for Canadian women”‘. We suggest it is because Bondar, a woman, has found a constructive way to break down the walls of patriarchal domination. Instead of kicking men in the crotch, instead of telling them to ‘keep their hands off the womb, instead of whining and complaining About the price of pink razors, Bondar has followed her life’s dream to fruition - irrespective of her gender. Shouldn’t this be a laurel for the women’s movement? Isn’t this something to be proud of?
choose freely. It is quite distressing ignorance by a position
to read of such an who, in her position,
should more carefully weigh her words. One cannot eliminate history, but one can tQ to correct the wrongdoings of one’s predecessors and press forward. This is all that is going on in Germany right now - nothing more, and nothing less. I guess the lesson we can extract from this
is: “Cobbler,
stick to your last”
Bode Richter Depiartmznt of FIX&I
Little girls and boys To the editor, Bouquet coincidence
to Alison Horton: Could it be that our names are spelled the
same AND that we agree on the feminist issue? Brickbat to Gretchen Zimmerman: Stop wasting space! Do you write illogical, unfounded articles for fun or torture? In your article of March 20, you basically state that Roberta Bondar’s career in space is worthless. While the experiments she assisted in carrying out may not save the masses on earth, undoubtedly had great *eY significance to NASA, the crew, and to Bondar. Is not the goal of “Equal Rights” to allow every woman to pursue whatever interest she chooses? Is Bondar responsible, to the extent of devoting her life’s work, for the well-being of earthlings? I don’t think so. Every man (in the generic) would hope that his or her work will better the future of the world in some small way. I’m sure Roberta Bondar is no dif-
ferent. And, of course, you have entirely missed the impact a Canadian woman in space will have on the future. For many little boys, an astronaut is something to revere, and to dream of being. As a role model, Bondar is the manifestation and confirmation of the hope and dream that we ALL can fly to the stars. Little girls will see that dreams are attainable, and learn that any career can be theirs. Lit-tie boys will learn &at women too can be heroes, worthy of respect, and worthy of eq,ualityl And perhaps when they become men, they will remember women like Roberta Bondar, female achievers in any field, and stay the hand of violence, or silence the voice of
degradation. Alison Feniak Biology
Ian Dunn, Honours Chris
Physics Honours eysiti
Market. van cancelled To ‘the editor,
Re. Sylvia Matzkowski’s
view on current name changes in former East Germany, published March 11,1992, in Rob Maddox’s article “Ich bin ein Professor.” Linking
name changes in Germany and
of the Nazis
seems to be a rather twisted view on reality. Contrary to Adolph Hitler’s regime, the
current German government has virtually no power over name changes that occur on a municipal or regional level. Ail the name changes councils
must be approval by municipal or regional parliaments which, in
An open letter to the Federation of Students: I am writing this letter to voice my dis.pleasure with the Eeds for the cancellation of the Fed bus to the Waterloo Farmers Market. I understand that it was cancelled this fall, when I was on co-op. When I got back I was upset to find that this service had been cut, presumably due to budget cuts because it couldn’t be due to a lack of demand. From what I recall from last summer, there was usually a good number of people waiting for the van If the reason was monetary, I suggest that you charge us a minimal amount for
I also know that women are angry and fi-usthat their freedom is restricted by the setting of the sun in the evening. The freedom to go anywhere, do anything. I am angry that the females I care for have this restriction trated
I do not believe in patriarchy. I think the best future of humankind lies somewhere between
Mark Melville 3A Mathematics
Steve Millard. Federgtbn vice-president, opmtimts and~nance, mpfids: I would Iiketu thank Markfor taking the time to txprvss his conc~m in sume action his student, body undertmk andgiving us the opportunity to constructively reply. with regards to your displeasure, you were not alone. I apologize Jar not adequately publicizing the suspension of the Fatmer ‘s Market Run which actual/y took place in mid-July of last war. lassuw yuu that the decr’sioa WQSnut made >n any haphazard way, rather it was decided with the j&wing infurmatiun in mind: - Markti Van &vice: $&MI unnud/[v - 92/92 Safw Service: $36,W - 91/K? Sufw VQPIBudget: $3O.lXXI - W/W Actual $4&ooO. $18,W over budgPt Also. results fmm CI survqv dune in June showed that 50 per cent of users were grad students whik on& 3Oper cent were undewtids (20 per cent fiends or unknown). Since Gradr dun ‘t pay FedfecLJ: this research dimted us to the Grad Student Assuci~tiurt (GSA) in the seurch for fiuancial support. Unforrunatelv, their budget‘ing procedure had atretx!v been cumpieted and no finds were available. The Furmer’s Market rnunagernuflt WQS upprxxxhed and presented with the fllct that the Safey Van had delivered over 2.W customers to thy markti itt thr iast yeut-. Again, d quest wus m& Aguin, no-.fut1d.s wire available. A user fuu wus a/s-u researched. The problum with this’ .sa:olutiun wax thr *fact that it would c*huyy our hsumrtcu cutegov to Tayi service which would have a drastic @2ct uti our prrrn iu FKY.
But, I will not let the values thrust on me by society go unnoticed any longer. I will strive for change in myself and others. I will try to do what I can to make the world an equal place for females and males. I do not blame any female for wondering if I’m going to assault her, how can I? If I was to lay the blame, I would have to shoulder most of it myself, for me and the males of this world and worlds gone by. It causes me great sorrow to feel that “look” from a female, or the “non-look,” where I don’t seem to even exist, but you and I know well the reason why I am seemingly ignored. I am sad that I am viewed as a threat, but I
some of the reasons why. I wish
things were
but they
are not. But
know this, I will do what I can to make this campus and this world a place where you, whoever you are, can look into my eyes and not be afraid,
J=oCoapei 3A ERS
Co-op atrocity The hypocrisy
Male works for change To the editor, 1 am a male, my name or what I look like does not really matter, I could be any number of thousands of men that walk on university campuses each day and night By day I am a norm&tudent who laughs and smiles and who s”ooks at the other students I pass by in the day. I do not Scare and I do not feel guilty looking
at any-
But, when the night comes I am not viewed as a lighthearted male, I am view differently. I am transformed from a friendly student into a potential attacker. I am viewed as a threat to any female I meet on the path. Ill never forget the look of fear of a female rapist. I can always feel the tension and anxiety of a female student as I walk behind her on the way home from night class, her shoulders tighten and she walks faster. It’s like a cold dagger that pierces my heart and soul and leaves me feeling empty inside. It scares me, because I know that is the look that my girlfriend or my female friends are forced to give when they are walking alone at night. Every time, I want to come up to her, whoever
and patriarchy.
I was raised into this patriarchaI world, and to a certain extent, have become one of its perpetrators. Values and morals of this maledominated society have been force-fed into my brain, most of them unscrutinized by
To the editor,
who is walking alone, late at night, as she takes a quick glance at me to see if I am a potential
To the editor,
to the practices
each ride. I, personally, would be glad to pay one or two dollars for a ride out there. With this revenue ($14-$28 ech way) I am sure the Feds could afford to run the van, perhaps with a nominal profit.. I would appreciate some form of reply, maybe in the Imprint.
anyone one.
and English
Germany is democratic
Sorum: The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typ& double-spaced letters to Imprint,Campus &-~tre 14. Mai1 can A33 be sent via e-mail to imprint*watservI.Wa~rioo-edu. 8e sure to Include your phone number with ail correspondence. The-deadline for submitting letters is 500 pm Monday. The maximum length for ea/ch entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing.
she is and say. “It’s alright, I am not a
rapist, I would never, ever do anything like that to anyone.” But, I know my reputation has preceded
me, my reputation as a male. This reputation is, by no means unfounded - sadly it is just the opposite.
of the bureaucracy
is at it
again. When will the Co-operative Education Department maintain a consistent policy for more than a few nanoseconds? My situation is simple. I am a first year engineering student from Alberta. Early in coop seminars, the first year engineers were told to find their own co-op “placement,” due to the abysmal economic situation, by the administration. joining the multitudes of first year engineers trying their hands at the department’s suggestion of “Effective Networking” I mailed out twenty eight applications to engineering firms in Alberta. I also went through the normal co-op procedures.
Throughout first rounds, I received only one interview for which I was wholly unqualified. Furthermore, it turned out that the interview was for a different job than I had applied to. Since that had been my only interview, I was not permitted to scratch the interview off my ranking form, and the co-op advisors forced me to rank that job number one. To my complete surprise I received the job when first round placements were posted. Meanwhile I had been offered two engineering jobs in Aberta.
begins. I informed the that I wanted to take one of the Alberta jobs. Their response, in complete contradiction to what had been propounded by the administration a month earlier, was to “strongly recommend” that I program
the atrocity
take the co-op placement OR fail my workterm by starting the job that I had found through “Effective Networking.” I will not go into details about the bureaucratic, provincewide “goose chase” I was forced to embark upon involving Administrators, Advisors, CCF ordinators to settle a situation which had quite a sifn le solution Contact the employer. As one &a ’ 1 kick in the head, the department flatly refused to divulge the phone number of my own potential employer. On a final optimistic note, students (in the fall) can look folward to an increase of 4% in co-op fees so
they can look for their own job through F&ctive Networking find one and fail the work term. But there’s no problem with the co-op system, now that they no longer e>cist for the first 300first year engineers who will not be pIaced at a& The $2,400 invested in co-op education - working hard for you. Name withheld
by mpwst.
8 Imprint,Friday, March27, 1992
Forum Food ignored
Women hatincr - women?
To the editor,
To the editor, By way of clarification to Alison Horton, regarding her letter to the editor. of 20 March, 1992, here are three things that I do not understand: 1. Why did you not point out in your letter that I was the one who guest lectured your class? Perhaps because I know a littIe more about feminist theory than you do, considering I was the one asked to teach the class that day and not you. b) If you didn’t like what I said, why didn’t you raise your hand in class? 2. Where did you get the idea that 1 was “neglecting the fundamental differences between the sexes ?O Wearing similar clothing does not instantly erase the presence of ones genitals as you might have one believe I said. 3. Where did you get your definition of radical feminism? Out of the ‘patriarchal dictionary’ no doubt. Feminists of all political shapes and sizes will never get anywhere4f we continue to denigrate each other by defining women working for change in such a negative way. There are also three things that I understand quite well which you faiI to comprehend: 1. I did not say or even imply that you yourself or any woman for that matter is an idiot for “shaving wearing make-up, of perfume.” I merely attempted to point out that the extremes to which femininity is daily enforced and reinforced upon women is detrimen-
tal as far as equaIity between
the sexes goes.
2. Your wantig to call me a ‘bitch’ when I refuse to go through a door that I did not ask to be held open for me when I was perfectly capable of doing so myself, is about as antiferninist a statement as anyone could make. 3. The only person hurting the feminist movement are individuals such as yourself,
who not only strike out at other women without thinking, but who also don’t allow other women their own process of feminist epistemology. In future, Miss Horton, I hope that you wiIl refrain from slandering another woman in pubic as you have attempted to do in your letter to the editor. I received a number of compliments about my lecture in your class on
In your March 20, I992 issue of the Imprint you released a news story on the Public Issues Board Easter Food Drive. Is this story actually newsworthy by Imprint standards? I know that the Imprint is responsive to student issues and that a food drive is a noble cause. In fact I myself helped organize a food drive on Campus a couple of weeks ago. The food drive I helped organize was sponsored by the Sigma Chi Fraternity. The Brothers and friends managed to raise over nine hundred dollars in non-perishable goods by canvassing door to door. My reasoning for writing this letter is not to advertise our event. My reason is to note that drop boxes have been on campus for two weeks. Unfortunately, the press release we sent for the March 6th issue of Imprintwas not considered newsworthy. The hprint was asked if they could print the press release in the March 13 issue, however, I was informed they had lost the press release. The result was two short interviews with an Imprintreporter which were considered not newsworthy. I am glad to see the Imprint has covered the Public Issues Board Food Drive. Fur those who did leave food in the Sigma Chi drop boxes on Campus, the food will be donated to the Public Issues Board Food Drive. The Brothers of the Sigma Chi Fraternity would like to thank those people who helped make our food drive a success. We would also like to extend our best wishes to the Public Issues Board on their food drive.
Michael Houston Chairman of the Executive Sl
Editor’s nuie: Imust apulugizefu~news ufyuur .fmd drivp nut making it into Iqtit In firring the news stxtiun, thenz at+e always studies which get l@ out. but I should have squeezed sume others to get yours into the March I3 issue. since yuur main event was the next day. By Maxh 20, it had lost sume of its cuw4ncy. We recently published photos promuting the Engineeting Bus Push and in this &sue we havea phuto of Sigma Chi’s Trampolene-athun fur Anselma Huuse, su 1 hope that allstudentgroups planning chatitabie&nctions wilt continue tu /et us know. But we can’t always get things in!
thank you and your respective
ot all of our fields are on the ground. You could be leading a team of top fli&t technicians
combat readiness. if you’re an ensneering or science graduate, here are challenging careers open in &e Canadian Armed Forces now And degree subsidy programs are available for tomorrow’s graduates. installations
staffs for the
World Bank disagrees
growth means slow growth, as lt its human cost wilI be livs blighted by a poverty that would otherwise have been mitigated.” He advocates that the worId bank and the IMF, should encourage more rapid economic growth through foreign investment and increased yet manageable debt, manifested in “dirty,” but inexpensive, polluting industries that third world counties can afford. These are primary industries of scale, such as coffee and sugar plantations or min.&, that rely on inexpensive domestic natural resources for production, and export most of their goods to the world market. Canada is a prime example. Devaluing the currency makes these products more competitive, and exports bring in hard, non-rapid inflationary currency, such as US dollars or Dutchemarks, which can be used to buy high quality foreign goods and technology to increase production quality and efficiency. Governments are then urged to use their IMF loans to develop infrastructure and education, to help industry operate, and to encourage local business to develop. An investment in clean industry is initially too expensive for most third world countries, and based on very little net manufacturing, their environmental benefits are only marginal. Relatively stable primary industry and a supportive government generate jobs, secondary and tertiary industries, and tax dollars to help develop the rest of the country, albeit most importantly, relate a sense of re!ative economic stability to the world, encouraging further foreign investment. As both the economy and the standard of living grow, a more educated population begin to value and demand a cleaner environtechnology rises, increasing competition, ‘hence quality, while reducing costs. it also increases the status quo for this technology for developing countries - and increasesthe rate as to which new, better, technology is developed. This describes basic economic forces of supply and demand. Summers leads to the amiable conclusion that “environmental policy involves tradeoffs, and should seek a baIance between the costs and benefits.” The market economy,
long term planning.
solution to the of third world countries, a subject Mr. Fraser attacks so vehementlySummers addresses the environmentalists naive assertion that clean economic growth should be universal, irregardless of a nati&% wealth.
environmentalist pressure, should be able to solve the environmental problems if created, where as the common proposal to return to a primitive paradise, is a denial, as Rousseau asse*, as opposed to a resolution of our present soci~nvironmental crisis Proper financial management of third world debts, and western debt/GNP ratios that Mr. Fraser mentions are obvious concerns, yet in light of certain failures such as Bolivia, one must look to the successes of such proposals, as exhibited in South Korea, Zimbabwe and my others. It remains, albeit controvetsial a proposal weIl worth noting.
Summers rightly states that “the greatest misery in the third world’is poverty”and the associated starvation Thus “if cIean
3A Archlttxtua
To the editor, In direct opposition to Bnxe Fraser’s March 20th article “Global Debt Hurts Poor,” Lawrence Summers, the chief economist at
To the editor,
ment and keeping
Rob ‘Dewey” Dewar Warrior Basketball Busin-
Dewey says thanks PIease aIlow me to take this opportunity
flawless assistance that I have received. throughout this basketball season. The number of people to thank is exceedingly long, but Ill dare to list them below. Please tell me if I omit you. - Minor officials at the scoring table, including Naismith and Wilson Cup, hostesses, parking attendants. - Lisa TieicheI and the people who ran concessions and food services. - Loretta BresoIin and her faithful trainers. - Wally Delahey for all his assistance and directions throughout the year. - Paul Condon and Dena Deglau with press releases, ticket supervision, post and program contribution - Ken Moody plus family and students for admissions and gymnasium control - The Imprint sports staff for providing pregame hype and post-game reporting - Chuck McMann for his video assistance - Judy McCrae for fielding all the other thiX-p - Bill Cook and his staff, Sharon, John, Alice and Scott for toteroom, dressing room, and hostess assistance - Ingrid, Theresa and Jennifer in the office, for all the administrative details they contributed - The Warrior Band, the Warrior and Cheerleaders - The Warrior Basketball team and coaching staff for providing quality basketball and excitement during every game - Freddie So for allowing the torch to be passed on - And especially all the fans and alumni who support the Warriors and make everyone else’s jobs worth doing A special thank you to Don McCrae for allowing me the opportunity to work with a class organization. Good luck on the greens, coach!
Feb. 3, and about my article in the Imprint. Your response was the only one that was pro-
mpted out of wty.
yet polemical
debt and pollution
We offer many officer positions for men and women in engineering and selected science disciplines in several fields of military employment. Start with an attractive salary, fringe benefits and a secure future. The Canadian Armed Forces.It’s a serious job. This is a serious offer. Check us out.
Imprint, Friday, March 27, 1992 9
South African reflects on violence : by Hayden
?he following, written by a Suuth Afn’can white, is a pmspecrive on the present situution in Suuth Afica. Perhaps the crux of our present problems is the violence generated by the extremes in our society. The extreme left is represented mainly by the Pan African Congress, and the extreme right by one political party, the Conservative Party, and several radical Afrikaner organisations of which the most powerful is the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement). Both extreme left and extreme right are committed to violence to gain their ends, and neither is at all concerned as to who suffers as a result of such violence. The manpower of the police force is almost totally involved in preventing and/or breaking up violent outbursts of whatever kind, and are finding the task well-nigh impossible. As a conse@ence the policing of urban areas has been drastically reduced and the crime rate has soared to a frightening level, virtually all crimes containing an element of violence. Murder, rape and violent assault are no longer exceptional crimes; theft or robbery not containing one or more of those elements is now quite exceptional. I heard a politician from Nambia speaking on the radio the other day, and he made the remark that the crime rate in Nambia had plummeted, largely because the lawenforcement agencies were usually of the same ethnic group as the criminals, and the stamping out of crime was no longer viewed as Black on White, or White on Black, which is our problem. You can, therefore, visualise the vicious circle - vicious in every sense - that is generally felt is being actively perpetuated in South Africa: a riot, explosion or whatever occurs; police move in to t=ljte action (or - as has happened many times - are castigated for rrvtmoving in fast enough,; howls of protest erupt from the perpetrators, often for the sole benefit of the overseas media; criminals move into the areas from which additional
police are drawn to cope with the riots; outraged houseowners complain bitterly about the damage done to their persons and property and demand action from the Government; the picture is painted of a country in total disarray, and overseas investors move hurriedly away; the South African economy plunges, causing untold hardship to the huge majority of the populace - except of course, to the politicians, who are very well-off, and some of whom are only too happy to see the status quo maintained and indeed worsened, while they await their opportunity to move in and seize power from an exhausted country. Perhaps you think I am exaggerating. We live in a very quiet northern suburban area, not a kilometre from the police station. Not only would I not walk in the streets after dark, I will not sit on our patio or in the house with the doors unlocked unless the radio alarm button we have been forced to acquire is readily to hand. We automatically lock our car doors as soon as we are inside the car. We have spent several thousands of Rands installing a sophisticated radio alarm system. In adjoining and wealthier suburbs, razor barbed wire tops nearly every wall or fence, and electrified security gates bar entry to most homes. One has to identify one’s self even to friends by means of an intercom system between the entrance gate and the house before gaining admission. Lil carries the radio-alarm button with her whenever she leaves the house, as well as “mace” (a gas deterrent). And the funny thing is that this situation really got under way after February the 2nd 1990, when F. W. de Klerk announced the end of apartheid. Another “funny” thing is that we have, financially speaking, never been worse off than we are now: yet some 90 per cent of the population are worse off than we are. Things have been bad to very bad for some years now, but on the 2nd of February 2990, it seemed as though we stepped on to a slide of ice, and we are going downhill faster by the day with virtually nothing in view to give us a hope for a reasonably early end to the recession.
Here’s a statistic I compiled myself from the Government Gazette Legal Notices: approximately 400 people lose their houses to their creditors each week. Tomorrow it could be my neighbour, the next day it could be me. And the solution is so simple: total eradication of the violence, with full co-operation from ail politicians without thought of perSOMI gain. I suppose that’s really the funniest thought of all. A lot of hope is being placed in the Codesa Conference. (Constitution for a Democratic South Africa). Even at this level, however, political capital is being sought by various parties and enough “non-negotiable” principles postulated to make one wonder if agreement will ever be reached. The impression we in South Africa have is that most people abroad are not aware that there are 15 political parties involved in Codesa; that there are approximately 14 nations (br tribes, depending on how one views them) including English- and Afrikaans-speaking Whites, numerous Blacks, of which the largest is by far the Zulu nation, Coloureds and Asiatics; that most of these nations have their own language; and that there are features sacred to one nation which are of no consequence to another, such as religious tribal traditions and even the SZulu king - a major source of dispute at the outset of the conference. It is not, as the world at large seems to believe, a simple matter of the minority of whites handing the country over the the majority of blacks. Those of you familiar with South Africa would realise the unlikelihood of the Zulu nation happily submitting to the rule of their arch-rivals, the Xhosas, or vice versa. Some form of federation seems the only feasible solution, but it will have to accommodate the AWB and the PAC, let alone the various factions strewn between them. What then, of the “New South Africa”? If you really want to see an apartheid-free South Africa at work, look no further than at its sportspersons. For some years now there has been free and friendly participation by all races in virtually all sports; and the only cause of friction has been intervention bv the
politicians. In other fields, whether there is peace and goodwill or animosity between ethnic groups is a matter of circumstance and personality. My partner and I recently invited the staff of one of our clients to drinks and darts in our office. The guest were four Whites, one Black, two Coloureds and one Indian. We had a great evening. But I would hate to bathe at Durban or Camps Bay beaches (for example) where literally hundreds of thousands of Blacks and Coloureds have moved in lock, stock and barrel, and eat, drink, sleep and perform all other boclilv functions on the beach with total abandon &nd no regard for Municipal Police. These are, however, problems which will eventually be resolved. How we get on with one another is in the final analysis going to depend on the politicians and the extent to which they can derive personal benefit from a good or bad relationship between the constituent groups of the New South Africa. (Do you get the impression that politicians are not my favourite people?) I cannot believe that any person of any creed, colour, race or religion positively desires anything other than a general state of tranquillity in the country; unless, of course, that person sees a personal benefit in the avoidance or destruction of such tranquil&y. Nobody enjoys a crime-wave, violence, fear or penury, and if these evils can be excised from our land, we all could only benefit even the politicians. 1 sound negative - I am certainly not happy. But I must believe that all will come right, for to believe otherwise would be to endanger my very sanity. In this I am encouraged by the fact that the key parties are now talking to one another on an official basis, and also by the support this country is now gradually winning from the rest of the world. Believe me, that factor is absolutely critical. And when violence is contained, and the economy bounds upwards again, I shall positively smile!
University Shop Plaza by Sandy Atwal Some rewording. I don’t know what feminists believe in. (I have never fancied myself one.) I hear some 2f them criticize affirmative action programs as insulting and simply proffering handouts, but I know some women {and men) who call themselves feminists and supportaffirmative sction programs as undoing the injustice of history. It seems as though their tenacity is matched only by their lack of common ground. I don’t really know what Marxists believe in. (I thought I used to because I fancied myself one back in grade 13. (but I grew out of that.)) That’s not surprising in itself, but what I Find really confusing is that most Marxists don’t know what “they” believe in. That is to iay, I could ask an avowed Marxist for some basic tenets of his-philosophy, and I could turn around and find a Marxist who would swear on Lenin’s grave that Mamist numberone didn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. 1 think what my (and their) confusion stems from is a question of dogmatism and fulfilling that end. Now I don’t mean to be insulting to feminists and Marxists, I myself am hardly one to criticize others for pushing their beliefs, (as I have u$ten been told) but I think that when you firmly believe something to be right, just good for society, or whatever, there’s a much bigger than problem than just deciding what is best for others (a rather mountainous problem in and of itself). 1 think that the problem is that the means that the dogmatics are using are usually in conflict in the short term, for that end. The further good of society, the final end, is propped up as the shield behInd which any position can supposedly be defended. Those who attack the means are accused of disagreeing with the end. Whether or not I agree with fern&m has nothing to do with my opinion on alfirmative actioa”If I happen IO ‘be disagreeing with
some feminists at the time, then that’s a shame, but you can’t simply say, “You dis agree with the means I am using, therefore you disagree with the end that I sqt’ it is furthering.” There is no for/against dichotomy. The problem with any “ism” iI that it sets up a they/us situation which can be fun for arguments, but doesn’t really help whatever it is you’re arguing for. The most interesting aspect of this problem is that this is a universal problem. If I’m arguing with someone about a subject I rrcl& care about and I realize that I’ve talked my way into a comer, ie. I’ve been caught in a serious contradiction and it’s obvious, what do I do? I’ll recognize the other person’s point, and thank them for enlightening me. Bullshit! I’ll start attacking them (withoul being mean) or Ill just pretend that they’re making superficial comments, or whatever, but I s&e as hell won’t admit I’m wrong. In fact I know absolutely nobody who does. Ask yourself this question. When you’re arguing with someone who you disagree with, how many of you openly-admit you’re wrong. Liars. My point being this. Hard-faced dogmatism leads to paranoia. People who don’t recognize objections to their position aren’t doing anybody any good. I think searching out objections to your position - I mean going out of your way to find objections is the responsibility of anyone who believes anything. If you’re wrong you’re at least wiser than those who wave the banner of X-ism. Keeping a stockade of witty retorts against those who uestion what you do indicts you far worse tx an anything you could do to your opposition. As I promised, a rewording. A paranoid isn’t someone who has all the facts, it’s someone who chooses their OWI-I facts.
Paranoia welcomes s&missions from tk unive&y community that use the means oj applied philusuphy to achieve the end uf questioning mainstream dogma.
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10 Imprint, Fridw, March 27,‘1992
.FEMINIST FRAMEWORKS Humour or Hostility by Brenda
Humor is often gender-specific, not only that men and women find different things funny, but that humour can be a tool for aggression and even oppression on the job. Hostility, masked by humour, has the desired effect of further silencing women. Television has played a disturbing part in setting rules for gender-related humour. On “The Newlywed Game“, the answers were often degrading and directed at the women in their traditional roies. “I Dream of Jeanie” was damaging to women’s image because it portrayed a captive woman, wearing seductive clothing, who adored the man she called “master.“ “The Honeymooners“ was another pop ular sitcom that horrified me as a child. Ralph was a loud, aggressive husband who threatened to send his unhappy Alice “to the moon” with his FIST on every prograin. Ralph got all the laughs and Alice just got older. It was during an episode of.“The Honeymooners“ that I had my first maniage-shy thoughts. “The Patty Duke Show” hit home with Good Girt vs. Bad Girl conflict with the Bad Girl learning a moralistic lesson to conform. “Bewitchtid” is the story of a lovely, powerful, and talented woman who agreed to put aside all her potential to become the everyday housewife of an ad man. “The Dick Van Dyke Show” had a similar premise. The woman in the show gave up dancing to be the wife of a comedy writer. He got all the laughs while she played the serious and colourless wife. Even “bssie” involved a female dog playing the part of a male dog. Did Pa and the and boys on ‘*Bonanza“ need competent intelligent women on the show? The occasiona/ woman was portrayed as golddigging, tragic, or dishonest, “My Three
Sons“ didn’t even need a female part except as an occasional intrusion. “Father Knows Best“ was a joke title in my childhood home. The Good Girl image is a product developed by advertising, the media, the church and parents. Good Girls are controllable and didn’t buck the comfortable and
Another traditional form of women’s humour is the self-deprecating joke, standard fare in the 1950s and 1960s (remember Phyllis Diller?). This kind of humour is often an act of hostility turned inward in order to not jeopardize men or make the audience feel threatened. Acceptable female humour allows women to make fun of themselves, , and children because nsible for others. This is
funny: “I pointed to the senior vice president and announced ‘Bill likes the way I do his shirts.“’ Anybody who can come up with such a quick and perfect response hardly needs to justify her position. Being the respondent or audience of humour as a girl, and later as a woman, is equivalent to spending your childhood watching from a window as other children played. When girls are discouraged from being funny, it limits their participation in the worId and inhibits growth. . In many families, when the women of three generations are together, there is loud laughing, shrieking, side-splitting humour that makes your face ache after an hour. These women are funny. They tell old stories over and over. They do the voices, the body language and provide the setting of jokes, incidents and their history. Nothing is sacred in the kitchen of a funny woman. The atmosphere changes when they sit down to eat with men. The humour is suppressed, and lost until later when they gather in the kitchen for more. Good Girls don’t swear, sweat, or satirize. It is alright for girls/women to have accomplishments, but it is not alright for them to be funnier than men. As Gilda Radner ofien said “It’s always something!“ Erica Jong has been quoted as saying that “if men know what women laughed about, they would never sleep with us!“
same as dexcriblsive or unattrac-
able more community. This kind of humour is sometimes uncomfortable for men because it challenges authority and refuses to take many aspects of male authority seriously. This is very different to the type of humour in traditionally male television shows where someone must be on the receiving end of every joke. Roseanne doesn’t even try to achieve perfection: “If it’s five o’clock and the kids are still alive - hey, I’ve done my job.“
an think on her feet can have an intimidating effect on men. Oscar Wilde wrote, “Nothing spoils a romance so much as a sense of humour in the woman - or the want of it in a man.“ Some jokes are unfairly associated with the sex of the speaker. When anchorwoman Connie Chung was asked a fairly insensitive question by a new co-worker about the relationship between her position as an Asian-American woman and her rapid rise in the field, her response was brilliant and
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Economy restructured or destroyed? dest to arrange. You are competing with thousands of other university students, not to mention the many on break from college
by Walter Wagnleithner Imprint staff at large As some of you students
going through interviews may already realize, the job market is not a busy one. There are few students who can enjoy the luxury of having numerous coop offers to choose from. In fact, by now (probably the end of first rounds) you might be worried about the prospects for summer employment. Let me tell you, your worries
are not unfounded. Summer employment
by Phi&p
is probably
the har-
courses. And, if you are somewhat familiar with the placement ratios of the last couple terms, you know the situation is not getting any better, at least not quickly. But,there is supposed to be some form of silver lining around this very grey cloud. If you are one of the 16 per cent of Canadians who listen to and believe in the governing PCs, you might feel that our economy is merely restructuring itself. As such, the current suffering is just the dark tun-
by the City and noticed
the disap-
pearance of the names of those villages. The Humber River is of some historical 1 learned to write my first letter in Grade importance too: it was once part of a great porTwo, The envelope was add=sed: tage system used by Huron tribes before the 3-Thirty Third Street first French explorers constructed Fort Touille Apt. 101 on the lakeshore. Doubtless, the United States Longbranch Toronto 14, Ontario army passed by this way: the attack on Fort The name Longbranch is what strike me as York off in the distance and the looting of the town for which the Yankees got their House significant when I remembr this instance (besides the fact that this was before postal painted white, courtesy of His Royal Majesty’s cqdes were used reguiarly !). Longbranch was Painters. a little village on the edge of Lake Ontario The essence of something is not merely in incorporated in 1884. It sat just east of the its identity. There is always a history, a mouth of Etobicoke Creek and would be biography, so to speak, that gives one a truer understanding of something, whether a pereventually bordered by the vii&e of Alderwood to the north and New Toronto to the son, a concept, or even something prosaic as east. These three villages, and a fourth, the neighbourhood that one lives in. And Mimico, lasted into the latter half of twentieth without that understanding we risk losing the material sources for creatively solving this century as distinct neighbourhoods, Indeed, when the regional municipality of modern crisis we find ourselves in. How can you bring face-to-face democracy Metropolitan Toronto was created in the midto the citizen, to the neighbourhood, without 1950s, these villages still maintained their autonomy and were not immediately having some knowledge of how it emerged; confederated into absorbed into the Borough of Etobicoke, an how neighbourhoods of cities, urban landscape that sprawls from Lake councils and into confederations Ontario to Steeles Avenue, nestled behveen from the bottom up in o~/~ositjo~7 to states Etobicoke Creek and the Humber River. I was from the top down, be they constituted struck by the feeling of loss - not nostalgia or federally or absolutely; and how all this has sentiment - that touched me when I glanced historically lost its meaning in the contemover a recently-published
map of the City of
becomes a reality? What do they do if they db not have the ability to close the educational gap between the old and the new occupations? Both are legitimate questions
nel we must travel through before we can step into the sunlight as members of a prosperous society. You may just have a point. North Americans are fooling themselves if they think they can continue to rely on the large manufacturers for our well-being. Competition from abroad (particularly Japan) started causing problems over a decade ago. Now, many of those past enemies are partners with some of North America’s most powerful multinationals. Accordingly, we
which show just how difficult it till be to find places for the many people who will not have the educational background needed to succeed in a economy less dependent on the manufacturing sector. So, which of these two
ideas makes more sense? Well, the first is definitely more appealing. As students, we want to feel as though our
to supply
hard work (and the steep tuition fees) are going to be worth the struggle: as our reward, we want to stroll out of university with a more than high chance of getting a job. And a restructured economy means new oppor-
fewer jobs as the work load is shifted throughout the world. We are going to be forced to concentrate on developing specialized industries which will concentrate on fewer things. Here in Canada, we may develop our communications and information industries
tunities. However,
it may mean we need even A four-year degree may do nothing more than get us a polite nod and, ‘Well, isn’t that special,” We may be forced to complete graduate studies just to get interviews. This prospect does not make a new economy seem quite so pleasant Worrying about future employment will only get worse, The closer you get to graduation the more you will have to think about finding a niche for your&f. Hopefully, our economy is being restructured - not destroyed. more education.
more fully, This sounds exciting. In reality, others may also have a point when feeling this might prove to be nothing more than a pipe dream. It is too easy to say we will simply have new industries pick up the slack where others falter. Even if we can do that, we will still have to compete in an increasingly more competitive global economy. And, such restrucbing takes more tie than we seem to have. People are losing their jobs now - not years from now. What do they do until the new economy
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Science, Technology, Exercise your eves! from UW News Bureau You’ve heard of exercising your body for improved health. But few people realize that the human eye is a muscle thatcan need exercise to stay sharp. A team of scientists at the University of Waterloo is investigating ways in which people with myopia (near-sightedness) can improve their vision, specifically through exercising their eyes. The team is concentrating on this exercise method hoping it may lessen the need for “invasive” techniques such as surgery in helping those with myopia, says Dr. George Woo, a professor of optometry at the University of Waterloo. Woo says that it has been fairly common to attemDt to correct severe mvonia with surgery, but ‘&at there are possibli &de effects with this Drocedwe and this has spurred the search’for other treatments. Woo’s team includes Dr. Winston Yang, an ophthalmologist, Julie Quant and Joseph Cho, currently in Hong Kong continuing his studies. Yang is an eye surgeon who is studying the effects of eye surgery on patients in Toronto hospitals. Woo has &en investigating myopia and its causes for many years. One of his related studies in the mid498Us involved people who work on video display terminals (VDTs). He explains that myopia is an inability of the eye to focus accurately on objects that are far away, or, a visual defect in which images are focused in front of instead of on the retina, so that objects are seen clearly only when close to the eve. Whatcauses myopia? Woo says theories of what causes this common condition are conmany, rwim3 from environmental ditions to simtlle hereditv. Bv “envirotiental” is meant &ae everyd& conditions under which the eyes must L&on, particularly in the workr&ce if an individ&l works in situations’which can induce eve strain. Myopia is quite common i’n the Far East, &ar&-t~ at a v&y young age, he notes. Thus any studies that can lead to improving this widesDread condition has imnortant health implicsitions for whole groups’ of people. As well, there are significant implications for people everywhere who rely on maintaining healthy, accurate eyesight for their jobs, such 3s airline pilots. For many people, developing shortsightedness, and with it the need for corrective eyeglasses, seems to develop in the teens. But Woo says there may be ways to forestall that unwelcome development. ‘Our research leads us to believe that-there may be ways of improving the focussing aility of the eye through exercising the eye muscle. There have been some encouraging results in our trials,” he says, The methods involve so-called accommodation training. This, simply, is exercising the eye muscle and teaching the eye to relax he accommodation so that the image it is trying is brought into focus. It’s a bit like exercising other parts of your tiy, such as jogging for a healthier heart. If you exercise your eye muscle, it can perform its precise functions better for longer periods Df time. In controlled studies, the UW scientists used training devices to enhance the accommodationabilities of myopic individuals. One study included 12 sqhool children aged six to 12 years. After an initial assessment and test~ng, subjects were monitored every three months for a period of nine months. Results showed that those receiving the accommodaion training had an improvement in unaided &ual acuity, and thatthose with i&ally poor accommodation also showed substantial mprovement after undergoixq training.
Toxic Waste Alert: why
by Jennifer
specialto Imprint
and Cheryl
?W!!IRGand CUSEN are
Imagine living in a town where your water supply is “unfit for human consumption.” You have to make weekly trips to the firehall to pick up a supply of bottled drinking water for your family. Your regional government advises you to travel 15 miles to a nearby city every time you want to shower or bathe. People are moving out of the town because of severe allergies and illnesses and a heavy odour resembling burned metal often permeates the air you breathe day in and day out Does this sound like a frightening excerpt from a book describing eco-doom or ecological Armageddon? Well, although it may be difficult to believe, these living conditions have become very real considerations for the residents of Elmira, Ontario. Elmira, with a population of approximately 7,500 people, is located just twenty minutes north of Kitchener-Waterloo in the midst of prime southwestern Ontario farmland. At first glance, the town appears to be a tranquil, small community, an ideal place to live. Elmira is a picturesque town and common sight of Mennonite families passing through on horse and buggy emphasizes Elmira’s connection to a history of simple, rural living. However, as you walk from the downtown area toward the eastern edge of the town, that image of Elmira is drastically transformed to one of a modem, industrialized town. Smokestacks become visible over the rooftops of houses and the industrial sites of Uniroyal Chemical Ltd., Vknicolor Chemical Ltd., Nutrite Inc., and Sulco Canada Colours Ltd. are a few of the companies which comp&e what John Jackson of Great Lakes United refers to as a “miniature chemical valley.“ Elmira’s Uniroyal plant, which manufactures chemicals used in the production of pesticidesand rubber, has been fingered as one of the main culprits in the contamination of Wa’s water supply. Uniroyal has left a legacy of decades of chemical production and waste disposal which have resulted in severe pollution. Solid waste from the manufacture of the chemicals 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, which were used to make Agent Orange during the Vietnam War in the late 1960s and 197Os, was disposed of in pits which formed lagoons on the property. These toxic substances were left to ooze into the soil and the aquifer beneath the town. (An aquifer is a permeable rock laye_r within the earth’s crust and acts as a reservoir for groundwater). In 1981, traces of these chemicals were discovered in wells around the Uniroyal site which were constructed to monitor contamination in the aquifer. Throughout the 198Os, environmental concerns continued to grow about Uniroyal’s effluent levels and the spread of contamination in the aquifer. Concern was expressed that the contamination could spread to the Grand River which flows into Lake Erie. In 1984, the Ministry of the Environment issued a control order to Uniroyal to improve their waste management practices. In response to this, Uniroyal began a two-year toxic waste clean-up of the site which resulted in the excavation of 1,691 drums of toxic waste which had been buried in the past. Vamicolor is another company which has contributed significantly to the contamination of Elmira because of its reckless handling of toxic wastes. Vamicolor billed itself as a “solvent recycler.” However, in February, 1990, an employee of the company blew the whistle on the company’s practice of simply dumping chemical solvents directly into sewers which feed the Canagagigue Creek Severe pollution of the Canagagigue Creek had been suspected for many years. This creek flows through Uniroyal property and feeds into the Grand River, ultimately emptying into Lake Erie. Fishing and swimming in the creek have been avoided by Elmira residents for years because of contamination concerns. In 1963, farmers complained about
testing of the municipal wells conducted by the Ministry of Environment (MOE). It was at this time that two of the wells, which supply most of Elmira’s drinking water, were closbd dnwn __ __-_
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trations of NDMA (N-Nitrosodimethylamine). The presence of NDMA, a known carcinogen, has been linked to Uniroyal’s manufacture of chemicals. Under the Ontario Ministry of Labour’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (Ontario Regulation 654/86), NDMA is classified as “a known toxic agent for which exposure values have not been established and to which ANY
wastedepositedin upen 1pit sandlemons 4-w I
Putting out fire with gasoline the death of cattle owing to drinking water from the creek and loss of crops from seepage of chemicals from the Uniroyal site. In November, 1989, the public’s fear of severe contamination was substantiated by
exposure is to be avoided.” In addition to NDMA, Uniroyal and the MOE have identified over 200 known chemicals and 20 unknown chemicals that are presently in the water they are discharging. Before the closure of the wells, most Elmira residents had accepted environmental degradation as a trade-off for the economic stability created by industrial development. However, some citizens were outraged bv the poisoning of their water supply anvd decided that the pollution had become unacceptable. They felt it had become necessary tb take action. A citizen’s group had formed in August of 1989 in Elmira to oppose the construction of an incinerator on Uniroyal property. This called Assuring Protection for ITOUPt
Science NEWS IN BRIEF Success stories in preventing
water pollution
Keeping the water clean is on all our minds these days, but how successfu1 are we? The Water Network, based at the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environmental Studies, is hosting a one-day symposium March 31 on “Water Pollution Prevention - Some Success Stories.” It wili be held at the Waterloo Inn, from 9 am to 4:30 pm. Prof. Marie Sanderson, director of the network, says the news media tend to focus on culprits in the water pollution story - industries, municipalities and farmers. “Not so well known are the success stories in the war against pollution in the Grand River region as well as the Great Lakes basin as a whoIe,” she says. The Great Lakes are cleaner today than in the 196Os, as a result of extensive sewage treatment and a shift toward recycling of wastes and reducing toxic discharges. Among industrial and municipal experts presenting success stories are Jack Hull, Region of Waterloo; Ray Funnell, City of Guelph; and Dr. Grace Wever, Council of Great Lakes Industries, Rochester, NY. Waterloo’ -North MPP Elizabeth Witmer will chair the morning session. UW engineering
profs conduct
for local company
Researchers in the engineering faculty are doing over $1.5 million worth of contract work for Automation Tooling Systems Inc. Two research teams from mechanical engineering and systems design engineering are part of a recently announced five-year, $9.4-million project at the Kitchener company. A total of $4.7 miIlion is provided by the Ontario Technology Fund. The project will study the construction of automated assemblymachines used by the electronic manufacturing industry for handling placing and automatically soldering surface mount comyonenls onto rinted circuit boards. Profs. Hugh Martin an B Paul Niessen, of mechanical enmeering, will receive $713,000 for research on soldering technology and bonding. In systems design engineering Profs. Andrew Wong, Helen Shen and Mohamed Kamel will receive $slO,OOO for research on vision technology. All three belong to the department’s Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence group.
and the Envbonpmentm 1 Is our drinking water safe? focusing on water pollution in Elmira, Ontarib Tomorrow’s (APT) Environment, decided to shift its focus to water quality concerns when the severity of water pollution was revealed in November. APT adopted the goals of “attempting to ensure a safe and healthy environment for those who live, work, and raise families in Elmira and Woohvich Township, They are actively concerned with finding ways to reduce waste and the levels of pollution in the air, the water and soil” (APT Environment Mission Statement). APT began holding public meetings soon after the closure of the wells to raise awareness about water contamination and to gain support from the com-
Elmira/Uniroyal committee on our campus so that in the fall we will be able to jump right into action. We have been established as a Workgroup with the Waterloo Public Interest Research
APT also began to do intensive research on Uniroyal’s past, studying the many technical reports written by environmental consultants which had been hired by Uniroyal over the last 10 years. Through self-education, many APT members, who previously had no formal science or engineering education, developed an excellent understanding of the technical aspects of the problem. As a result, Uniroyal and the MOE have
issue. 3) We could possibly wide boycott of Uniroyal Uniroyal
a nation-
(although given that intermediate not end
could do research projects on be useful to APT and to the situation (lack of time for research is a big barrier for APT because all of their members are volunteers). APT would also lie to establish permanent
subjects that would
carbon tetrachloride, strontium, tricnloroethyl, 3, 4, 5 tetrachlorophenol, chlorophenol, butyl benzylphthalate, vanadium, ethylbezene, 2, 3, 5, 6 tctrachlorophenol, toluene, iron, chloride, p.entachlorophenol,
had issued two control orders to Uniroyal which demanded that they clean up the Elmira aquifer and prevent further damage to the environment by the company. Because Uniroyal appealed the orders, APT was thrust into @al entanglements consisting of two sets of environmental assessment hearings. APT gained legal party standing at both sets of
Elmira is “Canada!s Love Canal”
nichel, 2, 3, 4, 6-tetrachlorophenol 2.6 - dichlorophenol, bb (2-ethylhexyl) phttalate, zinc
hearings despite financial restrictions on the volunteer group. The first hearings concluded in December, 1990 and the MOE made a decision outside the second set of hearings in November, 1991 to approve Uniroyal’s plan to pump, treat, and
4) Students
the community. By 1990, the MOE
products this may present some difficulties
met with APT to critically question clean-up proposals. APT has also voiced concerns about present production and waste disposal practices of Uniroyal. In APT’s opinion, the MOE has been lenient with Uniroyal at the expense of the health of the ecosystem and
the Canagagigue Creek. APT, however, is appalled that both Uniroyal and the MOE consider this program acceptable as a “clean-up” method. There are 83 known contaminants in the groundwater being pumped from the aquifer and treated. Of these contaminants, 25 exceed the province’s limits for these substances, but the MOE has approved the discharging of the water despite this knowledge. APT feels that discharging these levels of chemicals is very irresponsible, since this is spreading the relatively contained pollution in the aquifer throughout the Grand River Watershed. One of APT’s biggest accomplishments has been to obtain a greater degree of public input on decisions affecting the community which were formerly made behind closed doors. There is, however, still a great need for more - ‘action upon public concerns and the development of a comprehensive remediation plan to sufficiently clean-up the water supply and the damage that has been done to the environment. Pat Potter, who reviews environmental literature for the CBC and is a very prominent environmental activist in Ontario, referred to Elmira as “Canada’s Love Canal” when she spoke at the Ontario CUSEN (Canadian Unified Student Environmental Network) conference. This conference was held February 7-9,1992 at the University of Western Ontario. Many other we&respected Canadian environmental groups are also outraged at the situation m Elmira. Potter ignited a lot of enthusiasm among the conference participants about the Elmira issue. As a result, the Ontario regional divi-
and are in the process
us so far: 1) Encourage CUSEN members in cities/ towns across the province to put pressure on their members of parliament to make the issue a topic of discussion at Queen’s Park. 2) Ask CUSEN members to give press releases to their local media to try and bring more provincial and national attention to this
establishing links with the Federation of Students Environmental Commission. Early in March, we spoke with Elmira APT members who are very excited about the many ways CUSEN could help them. Here are some of the things that they have suggested to
The 25 chemicals in Weated’ water being discharged by Uniroyal Chemical Ltd. into the Canagugigue Creek and’ Grand River which exceed levels the MOE has deemed safe. Calculations by Uniroyal’s own consultants indicate that 11 of these chemicals above Ontario guiddines after dilution in the creek and prior to entering the water system. sion of CUSEN has decided to. focus on what is happening in Elmira for the upcoming year. The Elmira/Uniroyal struggle is an approp riate issue for CUSEN because it has international implications. Uniroyal is contributing to pollution in the Great Lakes via the Grand River and Elmira is a case example of severe industrial pollution. If Elmira can’t be cleaned up, what hope is there for more widespread environmental clean ups? Uniroyal is also very much under American control Uniroyal’s activities in Elmira seem to be a good example of a US company exploiting and mismanaging Canada’s resources and using our land and water as an industrial waste sink After deciding that this would be CUSEN’s
“Ontario issue” for the next year at least, the task which followed was to find a home for a committee ‘Ihe
to spearhead place
an Elmira campaign.
to locate
seemed to be Waterloo imity to Elmira.
of its prox-
Why should we as residents of KitchenerWaterloo be especially concerned about the pollution in Elmira? We are located downstream from Elmira along the Grand
River and the K-W area is going to rely increasingly on the Grand River as a water source with the completion of the Mannheirn water project. Evidence of the effects of Elmira’s pollution on the rest of the Grand River is beginning to surface. Six days after pumping and treating of water began at Uniroyal in January, 1992, NDMA was detected downstream at Ohsweken at a level more than 10 times considered safe. Earlier tests also detected NDMA at Brantford and Cayuga and residents at Six Nations reserve are into their seventh week without drinkable tap water because of the contamination (K-W Record, Friday March 20,1992, p* Al). Quite a lot has been done since the CUSEN conference to make the Elmira campaign a reality. Three University of Waterloo delegates who attended the conference have been trying to recruit more people on campus to help with the campaign. Our efforts have been fairly successful and the group has expanded to approximately 10 people. Since there is such a short amount of time remaining in the school term (and final exams are fast approaching), we decided to set reaIistic goals for the end of the term. We are going to do as much as possible to by the foundation for an
liaison with our group by means of creating a position on their co-ordinating committee for one of our members. Individuals can take action on any of the four suggestions listed above and we hope to launch well-organized campaigns on these issues in the fall. We hope that our group will be able to continue to work over the summer in developing ideas and strategies for the campaign.
Uniroyul exampleof American exploition of Ciznadu If anyone wants to get more information on the issue, to give us suggestions for action, or if you would like to join/assist our Workgroup, please contact us. Members of our group can be contacted by calling WPIRG at (519)-885-1211 ext. 2578 or (519)-8849020. We will also be having an information booth in the Campus Centre on March 31 from 9:30-4:30 pm to raise awareness about the Elmira issue - please stop by and talk to US! A great source of general information on Elmira’s water contamination is an article in the March/April, 1991 Harrowsmith magazine by Bruce Headlam entitled “Nor Any Drop to Drink.” (A lot of the facts in this article were obtained from that source).
The CBC program
?i%e Nature of Things
with David Suzuki also ran a feature on Elmira which aired February 51992 - there might be reruns or a public release of the video soon. Elmira, Ontario is just one of the many communities in Canada that is suffering from water contamination Chemical pollutants from numerous sources enter our waterways every day. It is essential that people educate themselves about water quality issues in their communities. Too often we just t&e water quality for granted until a serious threat
We hope that CUSEN and our WPIRG Workgroup, will be able to provide a lot of assistance for APT Environment in Elmira, By using our network’s resources and communication links, it is hoped that increased national attention will be brought to the issue of water contamination in Elmira. It will only be through increased public awareness and pressure from people throughout tie Grand River Watershed and across Ontario and Canada, that the Ministry of the Environment wiIl be made responsible for accurately monitoring the situation, and that Uniroyal will have to execute a truly effehve clean-up.
Rites of the unborn the decision
of local abortionist
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Somehave cheered this decision; s&@:&$‘U it represents a gross lack of an essent@@@*~ service in_-- our- community. IMferenc&f@$$,q+ .
will always
exist, we suppof$&
when things degenerate into g@@diess name-calling, it is time to set th@&cord ‘._ ‘2.?I.’ straight on a few things. Apparently, some students feel t&&relife
respond to it.-fie best way we can t.&& of.+ to state a few facts regarding the nah&# Of *&
.,::jj?$__ ?&i
re tuna or egg salad for lunch,
genocide unless w then? How can a d actor treat a &ease unless he or she has had it first? Yet somehow, the exact-- same armlrr -----,--lent is supposed to make sense when applied to abortion. It’s not the Same, pro-abortionists cry, it’s just not the same, But the fact is, yes it is. ?‘he pro-abortion movement is packed F- ,.i;fh,,.,1,;-~~~P;"~en~~andoutri ghtdecepFan we often hear to just&
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it’s J&W .. ,. -‘y$:’ :>.{:
y .. ;@ ii&i+ tiot seen- an-abortion performed. To the proponents of the arpment that men.p&&res of the mutilated bodies which safe, legal abotions are better than shadowy ‘.j: ;are tie- &-a-math of the procedure are disback-alley procedures done under questionC; .play&:@+entioned, most discussion on the able conditions, we propose the following: ‘,:: .sfme e*..Stop right there, pro-abortionists both are still fatal to the unborn child, who has ‘. q.T Sg~~pictures are sick, obscene, &gradno choice in the matter either way. Were we to ,: .T’ and pornographic. So they are. They do legah= drug-pushing, we could ensure that ; ./. refle.e &th of abortion, after all, clean needles were always used, &at pushers .:I: :. TO t&we of US who have witnessed the ,;:. horror ,rtf abortion, who have gone to cli.nics 2,.:1Y. and pi&e4 the discarded severed heads and ‘,..’ 2::‘” liml% &My recognizable as human from “I.r: duwp$&s, who have met and talked with .’ w@@& clearly traumatized by their abortion (_~$@ience(s), the humanity of the baby and ,:+? of abortion will be indelibly ,y:‘.(‘:t’ ..:.,.:.; ..’ . ...I-@@onsequences .* We have :..‘...g;:::.. -@$@nted on our consciousness. .’ \.P.!.‘ . ; ..$... : ;:: ,...,Y’“‘.@$&the truth and we have been appalled by :,..(.Y .:. L$?@ .we have seen. Any reasonable human :.’ be% would be. -’ “8.) .:c;.,.’,.6;:.* .. ,_..,. x, of the most emotional arguments pro:_r ‘_ ‘....i ....:.: .q$&$$+sts use is the old adage of “what ,,:I>.,>‘$$&$,#~ape or incest? Should a woman be for’.,.:.:,,:< L.._., ~:~‘,.%S.‘. :. &h+ pa-p 9 mfcuyngnpv tn +pm in these -’ ~“‘ca%@” No one denies that rape and incest i we _<< :.Pi.. horriile, violent and degrading crimes. One’s <:. .,.:’/ j&e-&rk reaction is to immediately say, “of woman should be forced to deliver i j.;.; ‘I, :. CQI.I&$,~O ” 5.:. . :.,&e &&l of her abuser!” Let us forget for a ‘?c .._ that less than one-hundredth of one <. ,:. 1 ..:‘ .mor&#t : of abortions are performed for this k L...i’. >’1 ‘per,& ,$p’
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itself is ridiculo&.
P;et thi labels
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.$%s, while related to the issue, is not the 1;.:.I,:>$,._.: . .:..:.:‘. Certainly this particular fully documen&; .;i; ~j$q?$3+~’ m m Statistics Canada) is never ...:,:. ‘.<:;.:$@+j@oned by pro-abortionists. Would we .: _..:. :y’ <<:~.$&&&& the matter differently if it was stated ‘,A ’...* Y>. @iintly? What if we said, “no child of rape ‘0..,.$., ll&Gl ..&+I..>‘$ I+:‘L. I .> tight to 1’we.” This changes the complexthough, to understand how such a questiti ,,,!’ ,.;.:I. can even be asked. How much more obvic$g ,,-., :I::: ; does it have to become that we are try@@$ :“‘~$: protect the rights of otherwise defew Y unborn babies?I The fact that OUT tax. $%HI$ ,:_.<..
. , ,>
_ value of the life of the child t.h& tieated. What a gruesome paradox ted with the introduction of abortion @y’s judicia1 system - that an inn* l% (the child) be punished for his or
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Wade) that u-m DaDEi were not nnq#n using exactIy the same criteria as they &I in 1857. Ironically, the Roe vs. Wade d&on ;rv by a margin of 7-2. SerendipQ .
In aAther letter to Itn~rink a students ” ge&x! adoption as a “loving solution” -“’ if? was cakd a “filthy intellectual” and told to ‘teep his hands off the wombs of women? Incredibly, he 6s accused of violence in his phiiosophyj If we cart cut ~IWOI@I the emotional rhetoric and sophistical axguments, we may be able to discern the real
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fromtheCriminalCodeofCanadawashailed by pm-abcmticmis~
abortions and the exploitation of women were pekceived ‘to’ be a thing of the past. To anyoie who really believes &at, we u&e you to read an article entitled ‘me Butcher of
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WoGen 4& nOC+ ffam “abm&m ll+!athed’ PcI&bcWbn b& a mwmh& .pf@&&*.‘~ syn&qme those who dispute this, but they would have a hard
thousands) of members of Women Explokd By Abortion, Abortion Aftermath Canada, Open Arms, and similar support groups of this. This is another instance where pro-
for the crime of the rape - not the rapist, but against the inno-
_.-:%b &we who claim there are no positive :-psych~caI benefits, I urge them to contact @te K4$M%ight-To-Life organization and ask to tiw+tideotape which interviews children of mpe (who are glad to be alive) and their ,v (who are glad of their decision). Rape Is a bestial offense. But sometimes the atrocity uf the crime and the emotional turmoil it ignites:mn belie the beneficent creation it may &e&There is already one beleaguered vich *r rape. Why m&e it two? %a&t, Fascist, Anti-Gay, Born-Again SigdsCo Away!‘% a common chant heard at demonstrations where pro and anti&WXW~~~S
mwt.. It is quite indicative
of the
maturity of the pro-aboriion position. There is little one can do against such determined, single-minded ignorance. Where life and death is concerned, though, we have to by.
4, lTf$. ‘a needed to Oversee the design and . placement of Federation advertisements on the FED PAGE. For info call Jim ext. 2340 or Dave ext. 6338 or drop by the Fed Office,
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Saturday, March 28 Q-107 Morning Zoo with Brother Jake & he Champ 8 p.m., $2.00 c( non-wrishable food item (Easter Food Irive> at the door.
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A service of your Federation of Students
SHDNERAMA ‘92 Student Co-ordinator and volunteers needed for this huge fundraising event to be held in September 1992. Apply now at the Fed Office, CC235.
PALSisu phone-in listening a& referrals services based on the concept of students helping students, Volunteers will have information about oncampus as well as offxumpcls services and will be able to direct students to available services which best suit their needs. ’ For more information call Lisa, ext. 3780.
WatPub ~-
Co=ordinators Needed for the following areas: TORONTO; OTTAWA, MONTREAL, CALGARY, SARNIA, LONDON. The positions are for the Spring term to organize U of W pubs outside of Waterloo. Interestedstudents contact Rose or Steve at the Fed Office ASAP.
March 27
The Rhinos
E5ombshelter Bar & Grill 8:oO pm
March 27
Eddie Kirkland
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March 28
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TODAY! FREE! Noon matinee with Eddie Kirkland WIN a neon sign and other great prizes Thursday, Apriil 2 BEAT the RocKn’RolI night line-up - WIN VIP passes at the ‘Shelter CELEBRNE the end of the term on April 3 with Mike Something! EXAMS are coming coffee is ONLY 25 l **~.~~..****+~*~.~****~.............,**r.~’
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March 29
Kids in the Hall Tl
. . .‘+ . I-. ..:.f ..
The Greek to become defensive co-ordinator by Paul Condon LJW Athletics
by Paul Condon U-W Athletics
Tom Kieswetter, an assistant coach of the basketball Warriors for the past two years, has been named to replace Don McCrae as head coach of the team, Director of Athletics WaIly Delahey announced this week. In addition to his basketball coaching, Kieswetter will be the League Manager in the UW Campus Recreation program. This job will entail the organization and operation of many competitive. leagues that operate for the enjoyment of UW students who are not competing at the interuniversity level. One of his first responsibilities as the head coach at LJW will be to attend the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union championship. to be held in Halifax,’ Nova Scotia this weekend. While in Halifax, Tom will attend the meetings of the National Association of Basketball Coaches of Canada. “The Warriors are left in good hands,” said McCrae, UW’s Coordinator of Interuniversity Athletics, who will be assuming other responsibilities within the UW Athletic Department. ‘Tom knows the game and he knows about the preparation and commitment required to produce at the interuniversity level. He developed a tremendous number of interuniversity basketball players while teaching and coaching at St. Jerome’s He has the respect of coaches across Canada.” Kieswetter began his association with the University of Waterloo back in 1968 when he enrolled in kinesiology. For the next five years, he was a valuable member of the Warrior basketball team. In his first year with the team, he was named rookie of the year. In the four succeeding years, he was twice named to the OUAA allstar team (1970 and 1972). Kieswetter was the captain of the Warriors for two years during that time. In 1972, Kieswetter was selected to the Canadian National Team and gained playing experience with the team during tours of the United States, Mexico and Europe. He graduated in 3973 with a BSc in honours kinesiology. He continued his education and qualified as a high school teacher. His teaching career has seen him employed in Brantford, Ontario, a year at Lutherwood in Waterloo, and for the past 16 years he has worked for the Waterloo Separate SchooI Board, teaching and coaching, first at St. Jerome’s High School in Kitchener and then at Resurrection Catholic Secondary School also in Kitchener. Kieswetter began his coaching car-
Chris Triantafilou, an assistant coach with the Waterloo Warrior football team since 1987, was named this week to replace Chuck McMann as the team’s defensive coordinator. McMann is leaving Waterloo to take a position with the- Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League. “We’re familiar with Chris’ outstanding work ethic and we know that hell do an excellent job in his new position with the football team,” director of athletics Wally Delahey said in announcing the appointment, which will take effect on May 1. Last season, TriantafiIou was responsible for the defensive secondary of the Warriors, one of the best units in the country. Four players from the secondary were selected to the OUAA all-star team in the fall 1991 season. Since 1988, two of his players, Richard Chen and Larry Vaughn, reached all-Canadian status. In addition to his coaching tasks, he worked as an assistant to the athletic department’s facility manager. While he will no longer have responsibilities in this area, he will be taking on other jobs in athletics: coordinating the UW Athlete of the Week program, staging of the department’s awards banquet, coordinating the department’s audio-visual equipment, and assisting in the supervision of the men’s interuniversity council. Triantafilou played university foot-
Tom Kieswetter. Phdo courtesy
UW Athletics
eer while still studying at the Univerof Waterloo. During his sity co-operative workterm in 1970-71, he directed the St. Jerome’s junior team to the city championship. Following his teaching-coaching positions, first in Brantford and then at Lutherwood, Tom returned to St. Jerome’s as its head basketball coach in 1976. Over the next 12 years he had a record of 380 wins and 140 losses for an outstanding winning percentage of 73 per cent. During that time he directed his teams to three championships in the Waterloo Regional competitions, three Western Ontario Regiunal Championships, and the All-Ontario Championship in 1987. In his effort to obtain the best possible competition for his teams, he regularly participated in tournaments across Ontario, across Canada and into the United States. He coached the Ontario Provincial team in the mid-1980s and he coached the Twin City Titans in the early 1980s. + For the past two years, Kieswetter has divided his time between his teaching responsibilities at Resurrection SeCoryhry School and his coaching at the University of Waterloo. Kieswetter’s playing career did not end when he graduated from the University of Waterloo. Following graduation and while pursuing his teaching career, Tom played for teams located in Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph, London, and Toronto. While playing for these teams, he was a member of four Provincial championship teams, a national finalist, and one national championship team (Toronto Estonia 1976-77).
Thirty-first Annual Athletic Awards Banquet and Dance
TONIGHT!!! FedaHall
Athletes $12.00
5 pm
Photo courtesy
UW Athletics
ball at Wilfrid Iaurier University from 1979 to 1984, under the coaching of UW’s present head coach Dave “T&y” Knight. He played defensive back and was a member of the special teams squad, specializing in kick-off and punt returns. While playing for Laurier, he was a member of two OUAA championship teams. He graduated in 1984 with a bachelor of arts degree and a double major sociology and physical education. “He has done an outstanding job in
Thanks to all those teams, players, and referees for m&ng this term a great one for basketball intermurals!
by Barbara Jo Green Imprint
The final countdown is on! it won’t be long before summer will be upon us and we can shelve those books for another four months. Campus Ret programs and leagues are winding down and results are coming in. Women’s Competitive VolleybaU Another end has come to the women’s competitive volleyball league of Campus Rec. Finals were held last Tuesday evening. In league A, the Spikers and the Volley Vixens played in the final match. The Spikers defeated the VV’s and were awarded the champs for the A league. In league B, the Bumpsters and Bodie Glove competed for top position. After a tiebreaking third game, Bodie Glove, undefeated all term, were victorious. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists who made it to Tuesday night’s games. Thanks to all the women who participated in the league this term. Tammy Webster (RIG) wishes to thank all the refs, Derek, Greg, Keith, Jodi, Andrew, Duane, Jody, Greg, Michael, An& Bob, Charles, Sue, John, Susy, Steve and Judy. Thanks, guys & gals! Pick up your pay cheques April 3, after 3 pm.
Women’s Basketball by Laura Thomson
Sunday, March 22 marked the season finale of the Women’s Basketball league. This season was full of excitement and a few surprises. The Battling B’s, X-Terminators and Shooters led the league in points, while the legendary Renison Rockettes, Foil and Eyesores struggled to round out the seven team league. Sunday saw the defending champions, Shooters face the Battling B’s first appearance at a women’s final in four terms, so needless to say, expectations were running high. The game ended in a 29-18 decision with the Shooters being once again victorious. High scorers for the Shooters included Maureen McDonald with 13 points and Sue Penison with 10. High scorers for the Battling B’s were Alison Childs with H) points and Robin Haraden with four points. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the captains and players for another great season. This is my last term as women’s basketball convener and player. BroomballToumey
6 pm
Tickets may be purchased from PAC Receptionist
Triantafilou gained his high school playing experience at Parkdale Collegiate Institute in Toronto. He played for the city championship in 1975-76. He was also a member of the Parkdale team which won the city basketball championship in 197576. From 1976 to 1978, he played for the Junior Argonauts of the Northern Football Conference, coached by former Warrior football star and member of UW’s athletic Hall of Fame Dick Aldridge. Triantafilou was a first-team all-star defensive back whiie playing for the Junior Argos.
Campus Recreation
Basketbd playoff Stats: A:- Eclectic Hogsmen 68, Has Beens 48 Men’s
the last four years as our assistant defensive coordinator,” said Knight. “He’s an excellent teacher. He’s a dedicated person. He’s great at communicating with the players. He’s a hard worker and he knows what it takes to win championships, Chris is also an excellent recruiter. He’ll be a great asset td our program and to the athletic department.” Following graduation from WLU, Triantafilou worked as an assistant adult director at the A. R. Kaufman YMCA in Kitchener and in 1986-87 he worked as an assistant director at the Lang’s Farm Community Centre in Cambridge. In his first year as an assistant coach with the Warriors, Triantafilou worked as the receiver coach under then-head coach Bob McKillop. Triantafilou suggested moving star receiver Richard Chen to a defensive back position and Chen earned allCanadian status at that position in
Bl; Palace Guards
56,P.E. 51
B2: Frgos 52, Blue Pineapples
Last weekend,
held its
B3: Spanked Penguins 34, Euchretypths 39, B4: Gunn Guys 30, ShuffIe Demons 23 85: Flying Phalecs 47, Etg y9e? 33 C 1: Final APV 37, CZ: West 5, Renison C-men
by Gerry Labban, convener
ment at Columbii Icefield. A good turnout of 13 teams broomed their way through the threeday, doubledidnation tourney with the JERBS CO&~J out with the gold on Sunday . t: % e JERBS, led by top scorers Walt
Neubland and Brett Proctor, were clearly the dominant force throughout the tournament, winning by scores of 9-0,17-O, and 6-O in their first three games. Special mention goes to goalie Glen McPherson who did not allow a goal in all five of JERBS’ victories. Congratulations also goes to the Endangered Species, the feisty runner-up team that kept the scores between the JERBS close, losing 1-O early in the tournament an 3-O in the final. Another special mention to the Lubicants and the Specialty Oils team hailing from St. Jerome’s College. They battled their way through four games in a row, including two in a row in overtime before succumbing to Endangered Species in the semifinals.
Thanks to all that made the toumament run as smoothly
as it did and to
all the participants who played. Thank you to Gerry Labban, Aaron Broome and all of the referees of the broomball tourney. You did a great job! Thanks also to Chris up at CIF for helping to keep the tournament on schedule. titers Club update Whitewater Rafting Trip! The titers Club is having a rafting trip on Saturday, May 16 on the Ottawa River with OWL Rafting. This is the opening weekend, which means high water. Yea! Cost is $09 pl usGST,AU~hques are due by April 10. Contact Andrew Mylly, 725-4528, or leave a message at the Outers Club room, PAC 2010, phone 888-4828. Party! Outers Club’s end of term party, is Saturday, Mar. 28,8 pm at 10 Mulberry Lane.
Three strings broken,; harsh words spoken . Circle C Bombsheher
March 24 by Paul Done Imprint staff It wasn’t perfect. Technical problems plagued the show from the outset: there were three, three, three broken guitar strings; on-stage bickering between lead singer Tom Anselmi and guitar player Chris Thorvaldson made the air thick with tension; Anselmi’s sore throat left him squirting antiseptic into his mouth. Circle C gathered up the fragments and rocked through a hour’s worth of material, split roughly equally between stuff from their eponymous debut and newer unrecorded material. The broken string even created a bit of history as Thor-
valdson re-strung his guitar with one dating from the days when he and Anselmi were in Slow, the riotstarting rock monsters whose legacy is one unobtainable mini-W, Aguimt the Glass. Despite all the problems, Circle C at least managed to communicate some part of their brilliant and disjointed approach to the writing and playing of that lumbering beast known as rock.
Where their album was made more complex by arrangements which included instruments such as kora, charango, a horn section, and organ, the songs were stripped to their rock ‘n’ roll bones live. Despite expectations to the contrary, the complex dynamics of their songs were maintained on stage. The songs twisted and turned, following blind alleys and diversionary paths to nowhere, returning restating original themes. Anselmi, singing from behind a wall of hair, would alternately mumble, then scream his way through lyrics of desperation
and loneliness.
The set opened with some of quieter moments from Cir& C “?I’ and “RSVP,” and the mood set early on - no between song ter or song introductions -
the like was
just music and the occasional apology for the evening’s lack of polish, The levee of control broke on occasion and Circle C would cut loose for an
adrenaline-charged rush through “epiphone song” or “State to State,” for example. For the most part, though, the aesthetic was one of awkward self-revelation. It was fitting that the show closed with the shimmering “Odette,” the best song from cirde c. Mutterings were heard that “they have no stage presence or “they don? play to the audience.” So what? They
stood there and played music. What else is expected or required? There’s nothing punishably wrong with lame attempts to “communicate with the audience” or droning stage patter, but the music is the proof of the pudding. Perhaps part of the problem is the basic tone of Circle C’s magic. Their uptempo numbers are fine, but
haunting introspection is Anselmi’s domain. Songs about isolation, bitterness, and numbing depression don’t lend themselves to bouncy banter. These are pointless asides. This was a fine band playing on a mediocre night, and that’s infinitely more worthwhile than a mediocre band on a great night. Bootsauce or King Apparatus’ best show will never
be a match
for Circle C’s worst because the former are pointless and boring while the latter is superb. They were off-form. I won’t defend that. They’re also Canada’s best band. I will defend that. The fragile moments when the magic overcame the mayhem were transcendent and precious. One would have been enough; there were more.
Sweet and Sour Bootsauce
18 Imprint, Friday, March 27, 1992
Judy Bats fight crime in TO JudyBats with Paleface L&s Palace, Tomnto Monday, February 23
nonetheless ‘insfits at every opportunity that pot is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The JudyBats, however, were stufiendous. I first saw them about a year ago when they opened for John Wesley Harding. Perhaps because they were an opening act and didn’t feel they could spread their wings, they turned in a mildly entertaining but unspectacular show. This time, though, they were the headlining act, and they took wonderful flight.
by Lance Manion Imprint
The “three bands for the price of none” free showcase at Lee’s Palace last Monday didn’t quite shape up as hoped. For one thing, Eye & I, an up and coming funk-influenced outfit that was scheduled to appear, didn’t show up. For another, Paleface - act number two - was a disappointment
The live performance
to say the least, Paleface is a troubadour in the mold of early Dylan, armed with an acoustic guitar (“no-nukes” sticker and all) and one of those silly har-
monica rig-ups. What with his raw, howled vocals and his anti-pop soneting leanings, he seemed deliberately dticult to listen to (shades of Da&e1 Johnston). However, the real problem was that one, the songs weren’t very good, and two, the guy had nothing compelling to say. What was meant as incisive social commentary (a query on the “drug laws up here;” an account of a run-in with a hotel clerk) came off as moronic. Ultimately, Paleface resembled no-one so much as those obviously brain-damaged types (you all know at least one) who
drove home
just how good the songs really are. For example “Is Anything,” which seems too hackneyed and obvious on record, seems made to be an overthe-top, tongue-in-cheek set closer. And the ‘Bats were also better able to bring out the subtleties of a song like “Lullaby - Weren’t We Wild,” which sounded even more powerful and poignant on-stage. They drew extensively two albums - last ye&s
4+orn their Natiw Son
and the current L~WII in the Shacks FKhm the &tell& Dishes Grow - but
also previewed a new song, “Go.” And of course; the two great covers they’ve recorded (the Kinks”‘Anima1 Farm” and the 13th Floor Elevators’ “She fives in a Time of Her Own”) were highIights of the set. While each of the bandmembers (first row: two guitarists, bassist, singer; back row: female keyboardist,
(Ride to UW a;ailable) (behind
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are a superstitbus
and cowardly lot. . .A
drummer) contributed to the stage prese,nce in his/her own way, it was dominated by vocalist Jeff Heiskell. Heiskell was the perfect Southern fop, placidly folding his arms in front of his waist
dlessly into the mic, or coyly requesting bird noises from the keyboard&. There were other, similar St@ulations, like his stage patter or his slightly self-satisfied smile. But it was all just onthe right side of the line between charming and precious. The biggest distin&uishing feature between this show and the one I saw
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se undo were UI nf
Only halfway indeed, for Matit&% Carroll’s first L&type release s+e rhe Jim Carroll Band’s disappointink. 1983 record: I Write Your Name. H$: bird rock album Name was the fin& mpact in the rapid decline of the ‘rock version” of Carroll; his debut CMzofic Boy was hailed for it’s mcompromising fusion of street poetics and pure rhythmic propulsion, and his next, 82% Dry Dreams tiasn’t half as inspired - flat, with &roll drowning in the mix. Jim’s Humble origins date back to he infamous Basketball Diaries, writ;en in the ’60s when he was between he ages of 12 and 15. This chronicle Df unforgettable tripped-out passages IS, three decades later, both a nuisance of notoriety and a cash cow where the film ri&ts net the author a !;teady $25,000 (per annum as long as
they’re optioned]. The fans, in the past, have cried for a sequel. As both Afantis and Saturday’s reading
Phato by Chris Waters
last year was a new sense of&n. It was there in “Convalescing in Spain/
with the very entertaining drunken idiot who made the dancefloor his
which they interrupted for a brief scent of teen spirit, and especially in the encore. After “cars” (yes, the Gary Numan song, complete with . synchronized moves from guitarist and bassist) they whipped through a completely hamfisted tune called “I Wanna Fuck Your Hair,” with at least two bandmembers performing from
own, relentlessly hitting on the two young women who dared to venture onto it. Apparently, he began to blame his lack of success on the band, because he began kicking the monitors, moving one of them five feet. Fortunately, though, Lee’s staff was
atop the speakers. All in all, nothing short of revelatory. (The JudyBats also get bonus points for successfully competing
on hand, as a burly young fellow quickly appeared, moved the monitor to its original position, and disappeared,
leaving the drunk to do it again. Verily, we L!~L/ see three acts that night.
The Mantis Mantras
SERVICE FOR ALL ACURA AUTOMOBlLES “YOW cars home away from home”
has evolved
poetic voice
the natural and 04
The apprez at the elm0 F pieces, a ha p-muc I
don‘t take away my Canadian passport for saying that). The selections in questions are by Tom Jones, a gospel choir, and Boozoo Chavis. The Tom Jones song ‘Its Not Unusual” reminds me of a great scene during the movie where the main characters try to shoot chickens inside somebody’s mansion; it’s only two minutes long, but I usually rewind a few times to increase the pleasure. The song by the gospel choir is entitled “CanZ Nobody Do Me Eke Jesus” and again comes from a great scene in the movie, while Boozoo Chavis is a zydeco artist whose ‘Zydeco Heehaw” ends off the soundtrack where the movie ends, in the backwaters of Louisiana.
4-5 by Frank Se@tieks Imprint
most soundtracks
and com-
pilations, the soundtrack to the recen. Canadian movie released tly Highway 61 spans many different musical styles and, like the movie%, takes us from the Northern Ontario wilderness to the swamps Jf Louisiana. To understand the soundtrack, a bit about the movie itself - it follows the adventures of a barber from a small
Apart from the great music, another great thing about this soundtrack is tht, Iike the soundtrack to Bruce McDonald’s Roadkill, there are spoken word extracts from the movie included between the songs.
town in Northern Ontario who gets conned into driving a woman to New
to bury
Orleans strapped
her brother who is to the top of his car in a cof-
The only difference is that this time the spoken word segments aren’t labelled as separate songs; this means the songs actualIy end about 30
fin. So basically, it’s a road movie and the music continues on that theme, mostly being the kind of music that
tries to make those long drives on the highway seem shorter. Nash the Slash starts out the album with “Into the Land of the Fire,” which chronicles the typical Canadian view of America; he also performed movie.
and wrote the score to the Next, Rita Chiarelli sings a of Bob Dylan’s “Highway 61
Herd it through the grapevine. Revisited,“a topical song to the movie
as we learn that Dylan grew up in a small town just off of Highway 41. This cover also features Toronto guitarist Cohn Linden.
The ubiquitous Bourbon Tabernacle Choir next have “Put Your Head On,” a song I am sure most people who care will have heard before. The
The Weddoes have produced a testament to both Gedge’s lyrical genius (l would kill for his rhyming dictionary) and the band’s ability to create music that, while still showcasing their characteristically abrasive rock, manages to broaden The Weddoes’ horizons. The songs are, well, slow. Well, no that’s not true, but they are slower The classic Wedding Present bridge usually takes the listener into amp-burn-out land, but by and large thEhl;;ngs are pleasantly, (gulp)
by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff Fucking Brilliant. After the miserable implosion of The Smiths, the disenfranchised youth of Britain (at least partly) took The Wedding Present as their new martyrs of choice, as the new voice of their frustrated desires and never-tobe-fulfilled dreams. Singles like “Brassneck” and “Kennedy” endeared David Gedge and the boys to
a nation (despite common ground) the Smiths fans Morrissey/Marr
their lack of much and at least helped forget about the separation if not
There’s no real hit single on the album. “Dalliance” is great, but if that was released as a, single, the same logic would require the Weddoes to do so with “Niagara” (which was actually on the “Dalliance” b-side), “Corduroy, ” “Dandare,” and three or four other tracks.
Some of the highlights
does have been consistent in their unpredictability. The 1987 album
The album doesn’t drown in a sea of feedback and Peter Solowka, the seems to have band’s guitarist, moved
away from
tie “Aaarrgghh-
school of my-hands-are-on-fire!” guitar playing. But even more surprising than this is that despite the lack of thrashabilly, this is still one completely
From the opening ‘Dalliance” (the album’s
chords of first single)
being good
songs, just not
McDonald’s previous film release, the Razorbacks put forth a great rockabilly effort with “My Way Or The Highway,“which has also been made
seconds before they the CD pIayer tells you. Okay, this may only be of concern to DJs, but it does really make my Life a lot harder. Overall, its a great soundtrack
to a
songs seem more like filler material. The real story of the second side are that the the best songs are the
great movie, so I recommend everybody buys the soundtrack sees the movie at the Princess
that an! next
(I hope
about a family breakup. “Corduroy” and its predecessor on the album are both wonderful, wonderful creations.
Sings Ged9;e on Cordurov: “III make you laugh/ when you see this photograph/ it’s not from that day/ I threw all those away.” (I know that doesn’t sound like much, but buy the album and you’ll see what I mean.) The album creaies an air of despondency (and I mean that in a good way) without having to fill in the gaps with long guitar meanderings. There’s no lack of feedback craziness; a few songs are connected with rather lengthy lines of feedback, but it’s an embellishment and the band seems to recognize that. There are some long songs, but you don’t notice
it (unlike the nine-plus minutes “Take Me” from Bizarro).
I’ve worn out a pair of Duracells listening to this on my walkman. You should
A warm embrace (“The Planetarium
we will receive” Scene,” a song
about Heaven). Musically, The
3 by Kenton Augerman Imprint staff
The Ocean Blue are a quartet from Hershey, Pennsylvania. Their 1989 self-titled debut album contained three prominent tracks - ‘Between Something and Nothing,” “Drifting, Falling,” and ‘The Office of a Busy Man” - and was promising enough to land them a supporting role on The Mighty Lemon Drops’ North American tour. The band’s current release, Cprulmn (which means”sky blue”), is essentially a vehicle enabIing songwriter David Schelzel to escape the realities of daily life through his dreams. In some cases, Schelzel’s search for sanctuary is obvious: “Americans Dreaming/ Of England in the rain,/ Of Swiss alps in snow,/ Of tiny German towns,/ Of ruins at dusk in Rome” (“Questions of Travel”). In others, it’s more ambiguous: “A better place we go to/ Without a trace we will leave/ A new face we will see/
thing Echo
are Some-
hard to label. 1989’s “Between
Vlstupi IrJohrra P&a, while
unsuccessful commercially, at least showed the bands willingness to experiment. (Even now this trend continues as the band makes 1992 the Year of the Wedding. The band is promising to release one 12-inch a month for this entire year.) Continuing in this vein, we have Swmortstem This record is actually a year old, released last year but only available recently domestically. Before one even lets the CD door close there’s the promise of something wonderful. The album was produced by Seattle noiseking Steve Albini, of Big Black fame. I, for one, welcomed this union. After hearing the Albini-produced version of “Brassneck” and the f&ntastic b-side “Don’t Talk - Just Kiss,“one can just imagine the flood of fuzz to come.
of them
very memorable. As they did on Roadkill,
a video format promo for Highway 41 featuring actors from the movie. Also on side two, Tav Falco, Acid Test, and the Jellyfishbabies make appearances, but most of these
include the
bridges on “Dandare” which build up to an absolutely unbearable climax. The guitars wail away as Gedge sings
completely get over it. Throughout their career, The Wed-
next three songs span the musical genres of dance to folky blues, with all
& The Bunnymen and Cemkearr’s “Marigold” is similar to that song. Some of Cerul~au is serene and has a calming effect, while the rest is faster paced. In general, the band’s sound defies attempts to classify it as “alternative,” but these attempts are proceeding nonetheless. “Ballerina Out of Control” is Ceruleut~‘s best track and is in heavy rotation on many American video channels. CFNY plays ‘Mercury” vir-
tually every afternoon, and deservedly so. The main shortcomings of Cerulean are that it’s difficult for the listener to share in Schelzel’s need to leave everything behind and that it isn’t a big enough departure from
1989’s debut to warrant acclaim. The final prognosis
is better great.
than average
fresh, new
is that Cetwleun but far from
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20 Imprint, Fric&
March 27; 1992
mer has left the band, supposedly for good. (Thus only three members left. The Iast time a band member left, the band broke up for six years, but came back with the invigorating Zke I&l Cw*~
by Sandy Atwal xmprint staff Wire aren’t my favourite band by any means, but I’ve got a fair sample of their music and “It’s definitely among the most interesting punk/ pop I’ve heard. So even though I didn’t wait with bated breath for their new album, it’s still a disappointment to see them sucked into the toilet of bad industrial music like so much toilet paper. At the best of times, having a band that you like fall prey to the dangers of mediocrity is disheartening even if you can ignore it because they’ve produced some fine music in the past. Even worse when the mediocrity is the current trend of the minute and a band with a fair amount of talent has forsaken a rather proud history and possibly fucked up their careers. Thus the story of Wire’s new album 734 First L.&&K Actually, they’re not Wire anymore, but Wir. The W being represented by a sideways 3 because Robert Gotobed, the band’s drum-
of heavy guitars, a real drum beat (with real drums), and a driving base line, the album falls within the band’s traditional parameters. Comprised of a blend of blues and country, with a splash of rockabilly, the album comes with no surprises. With the iuccess of their remake of the Johnny Cash classic “Ring of Fire,” the band has included two new covers.
by Vincent
I&print staff
If ever there is a band that earns the right to wear tattoos, it is Social Dis-
tortion. They aren’t one of those groups who act/look like a bunch of fifth graders jumping around a playground, covered in Lick’em Tattoos, waiting for a hit of ritalin so their parents can take’m away. Social Distortion invblves such things as leather jackets, dark sunglasses, white T-shirts, long drags on short cigarettes, vintage Cadillacs, chrome, police records and speeding on a hot summer day with the top down (in a “hoV car). eyIIL.he- band’s latest release SwzewhereB&tqn Heaven and Hell is now on the shelves. With a distinctive base
came out in 1954, “King of Fools” was released four years later. If one does not read the f&e print, it is impossible to distinguish between them and a Social Distortion original. I can’t compare them to the oiiginals due to a lack of resources, but can say they easily hold their own on the album. The attitude in Mike Ness’ lyrics is pretty consistent. The emotions in the songs are almost as thick as the Brylcreem in their hair. They center on such things as broken hearts, going to jail, and generally not fitting into society - not that they want to. Social Distortion is the epitome of the American Cruisers from the 50’s: it is no surprise that their songs include “Bye Bye Baby,” ‘This Time Darlii’,” “99 To Life,” and “Born to Lose,” While lacking any one track that jumps out at you like “Story Of My
Life”did on the last one and “Ring of Fire” before that, many of the tracks merit placement on any Summer Driving Tape that you might make. These songs readily pop into your head when you are forced to carry on a conversation with someone you would rather kick in the knee. They are also good to listen to when you get off of the phone at 4 am with someone you wish would crawl back under their stone, so you could step on it. In particular, “Cold Feelings,” “Born to Lose” (complete with a David Wilcox intro), “Bad Luck,” and “Bye Bye Baby.“ If you ever get in the mood to kick a crushed can as you walk down a back ally, or pick a fight with some guy (or girl) twice your size, then this album is for you. If you want something to listen to as you drive standard down
the highway (automatic cars are aimed, not driven) at 120, with the top down (or the roof open), this is for you.
It’s a summer album with an attitude. It lacks funk, techno beats, dreamy psychedelic lyrics, soft philosophical messages, and world issues. Somewhere Between Heaven and He// is a solid album well worth your money, so long as you earned it.
with a big infusion of guitars (Four! Four guitarists, a drummer, and the singer comprise Curve! Sonic Youth eat your heart out!), while ‘Wish You Dead” besides being my personal fave, sounds suspiciously like Sinead when she’s listenabIe/rocks out, which has not been lately * . . there’s no picture of this “Toni” on the record; 1 wonder if she has any hair. “Ice That Melts the Tips” is another standout track, and it’s “cleaner than sunshine” but suffers from the usual
and recorded
with the English-based before embarking MSG.
Convincing was Schenker’s
six albums
on his own project,
to join MSG
best decision
to date.
McAuley’s by Rich Nichol Imprint staff This
is actually
the band
Impact the eighth
Records album
name MSG. The acronym originally stood for The Michael Schenker Group, named after its originator and lead guitarist. combined
contact the
ago in 1986, Schenker talents with Irish
Robin McAuley, and now MSG is translated as the McAuley Schenker Group. Makes sense. Schenker’s biggest attribute is the creation of international mega-band the Scorpions. At the age of, 15, Schenker met Klaus Meine and initiated the Scorpions. Together they built its foundation w&h the debut LP bnewme Cm. The two were also vocalist
Housing Office, Village ‘One . phone (519) 884-0544
vocals on the latest Curve
&qpleganger. For all those unknowing whether a doppleganger is a species of fish, a variety of Lithuanian cheese or a little flange on a rarburetor, the Collins English Dictionary defines it as “a ghostly duplicate of a living person.” Curve, then, does an excellent job doppleganging: “Split into Fractions” has Toni sounding Iike 01’ Katie Bush
the band
Three albums
Breathy and angelic and honeyed and ethereal and sugary - all are adjectives to describe Toni Halliday’s
able to snag Michael’s brother Rudolf who is now the band’s superstar axeman. A few years later, Michael left
by Paul Kowalski Imprint staff
musical apprenticeship in the London area included recordings with Raw Deal, Grand Prix, and GMT, and tours with Iron Maiden md Europe. In his first five years with MSG, McAuley has opened up for Def Leppard, Rush, and White-
McAuley and Schenker’s Impact Records debut has a bolder, more solid sound than their two previous releases fbjiit 7lming and Save Your+fi me il-h&-.,.~~ alternates between promising ballad% sure to please even the mainstream listiner, ad gritty3 hard rock vamps that are pr~~& but do not have the s+ s&We of b&name metal acts.
Ironically, the absence of Gotobed has pretty much sig-nalled the rise of shit in this band. He’s basically been replaced with a drum machine a la Doktor Avalanche. The soul of the band, the soul of Rock ‘n’ Roll no less, the drums, have been replaced with wires and silicone chips. The result, not SurprisingIy, being a rather bland mix of tired old beats over a distorted repetitive voice that m&es you really want to kill the bastard who overproduced this piece of crapola. Wire were Whatever you may hard not to hear Dash”, and later drum Buzz” and and not think, hey
good, dammit! think of punk, it’s “12XU” or “Dotsingles like “Ear“Kidney Bingos”
these guy’s don’t suck. (Which in my book means they’re in the top five per cent of
what’s out there.} Well that’s all gone. And in it’s stead lies a digital nightmare. Technology gone awry and wreaking havoc on a band that have done so much better. Well all I can say is have fun you limey bastards because no one listening to this record is going to.
baked shoegazer song title syndrome; they’ll soon be as far gone as Ride. Yes, Curve are founding members of that scene that celebrated itself, the shoegazers, known for their Madame Toussaud-like stage antics. But it’s okay, they’re one of the best, and getting better. This is the best record, as a whole, that I’ve heard in the three months of this year, better even than Right Said Fred, or the new Bongwa ter. This is Curve’s first LP, being preceded by the usual slew of singles, notably the Fr-UZLWEl? That one didn’t overly impress me, and it was with trepidation that I listened to &I/&g~~g~r, primed to dismiss-it as boring shite like the Cranes or Levitation. But no! It has dominated my airplay on my Walkman, and less importantly, is storming the UK charts. The
second single “Fait Accompli”
the indie chart the week after its release and has a firm hold on North American college radio - after being produced by Flood, can you expect anything but success?
So readers, the take-home message is to go out and buy this record if you liked the Primitives, My Bloody or Sinead when she sings loud. Other brilliant tunes are the heavy metal ‘Think and Act” and “Clipped”, with “Lilies Dying” being a nice job of a ballad, in a Curvesense. Valentine,
of this
release are its keen cover of dismembered barbie dolls, and the merciful total lack of influence to Big Star. The ballads ‘Vhat Happens To Me”, ‘This Night Is Going To Last Forever”, “When I’m Gone”, and “Never Ending Nightmare” bring out the charismatic melodies of McAuley and the intricate background harmonies supplied by McCauley, Rocky Newton (no relation to and producer Kevin Wayne), Beamish. Schenker pours on the gravy with some soft guitar work and you have some possible hits. “We Believe In Love” is like an anthem, a refreshing change from the rest of the album, and Schenker picks up the pace as it progresses with the aid of James Kottak on the skins and Jeff Pilson on bass. “Eve” and “Paradise” also have some im, pressively, heavy riffs. Also displaying razor-sharp guitar work is “Crazy.” And the storyline $ definitely original. A, psychopath is out for revenge on his father for bringing him up wrong,when both are
“This Broken He&,” “Invincible,” s9nd ‘Lonely Nights” are not very inventive and somewhat halfhearted.
MSG is Scorpion-esque
recommended fans only.
Arts .
Village People
Imprint, Friday, March 27, 1992
Better Dead The Grateful Copps Coliwum,
Dead Hamikon
20 and 21
by lain Anderson Chevron
Last Friday and Saturday, the quiet citizens of Hamilton were treated to a wine-drinking, dope-smoking, aciddropping, granola-crunching, sandalWt%XiIl&
talented local bands endeavouring to change that stereotype. Their names are Aftermath and Integration by Parts, and they will once again bring their travelling circus of music to Village One’s Great Hall on Friday, April 3 at 7 pm. Both bands contain mostly math students from this very institution and are out to erase the abovementioned image held by the rest of the world. Aftermath is Jason Leonard (3B computer science), Collin Roberts (4A math teaching), and Chris Strand (3N environmental studies),
Integration by Parts is Jeff Druery (3A math teaching), Mike Flynn (3B science ‘teaching), Judy Koeller (4A math teaching) and Cory Skinner (4A math teaching). Integration by Parts will open the show with a highly charged set of a. capella fun. Aftermath with deliver a heapin’ helpin’ of progressive rock, with an original or two for posterity. This is going to be a great evening of music, so get out there and soak it up. One night only, two bands for three bucks.
bead-stringing, crystal-rubbing camp-out, pe3ce, love, and harmony experience. The Grateful Dead tour rolled into town, complete with their legions of loyal, poor, hungry Deadheads trailing around from show to show, The two parking lots in front of the virginally unadulterated Copps Colliseum looked like a scene straight out of Woodstock. VW vans were parked at alI angles, tents were up, and everyone was dressed in psychedelic tyedied clothes and long, flowing skirts. The police remained a polite distance around the perimeter of the commune and seemed content to turn a blind eye to whatever was happening on the inside as long as it stayed inside. Occasiotilly, two of them would wander into the depths and walk around with mischievous grins on, perhaps realizing the paranoia they were causing the people caught in the throes of an acid tip. Most of the people following the Dead around are far too young to know anything about the scene in the ‘HIS, but that does not stop them from feeling right at home in a decade they were originally conceived in. To make money for food, tickets to the show and other excesses, bagels are baked, shirts are made, necklaces are displayed, crystals are mined, and
Passtiwdaobieonthekfthartdside. even drawings made by a Deadhead in prison are peddled. If money cannot be raised, people walk around with signs begging for “a miracle” (someone giving them a ticket to the show). Later on there was actually a show, which was three hours of typical Dead. Everyone in the audience sing-
Photo by lain Andersm
ing and swaying
along, barefooted in the aisles, people tripping during the 20-minute drum solo, etc., but the real reason to see the Dead could be found outside the
CoIisetun in the alternate reality create@ by Deadheads lost in some quantum time bend.
22 Imprint, Friday, March 27, 1992
Lush with Babes In Toyland Opera House, Tumnto March 20,1992
gazing anymore? Sure, bands like Lush don’t come across as the Manic Street Preachers, thank God, and nor should they. Anything different
by Dave Fisher Imprint staff It all seems a rather sad irony. On the same evening that Lush - a genuinely contemporary band were playing Toronto, most of that city’s music press concentrated their gaze on a tiring arch-capitalist nostalgia act (drugged-out folkie spacesludge, my friend calls it} that was playing down the QEW. The Lush show was announced as sold-out, but those in attendance could be forgiven for thinking other. Outside, ticii%ilders without ::zry ID were being turned away as though their money was worth&S. It’s understood that alcohol and rock go hand-in-@ove, but all the same, it’s still bullshit. At it’s finest, rock music has always been an expression of youth but witnessing this it comes as ho surprise that tomorrow’s rock audiences - minors by definition are forever being weaned on pathetic washed-up myths when they’re forever denied access to the real thing. Nevertheless, once the preferred quantities of said booze began to take their desired effect, a reai rock and roll show began, commencing with Babes In Toyland, a straight-ahead allfemale power trio from Minneapolis. That’s about as good a biographical
would be a deceit. Lph aim to stake out a celestial territory that is, well, lush. Fronted by scarlet-maned Iead vocalist I~Siki Berenyi on guitar and fellow
guitarist/backing vocalist Emma Anderson, they produce gorgeous hooks and harmonies punctuated incisively by the maIe rhythm section of Chris Acland and Steve Rippon. If their latest album $wuky has been criticised for failure of creative expan-
carmmis * - ** _ A -acmw -fun.. . meyVe about too much fun more d’sappo’ntin8 than a band who sketch of the bd that can be offered falI short of exalted expectation, then here, save their apparent fondness for nothing is quite as appreciated as a Kim Gordon. Playing a very tight and energetic set (unfortunately burband who exceed it, Without quesdened by inadequate li&ting and tion, Lush were every bit the psywretched sound), Babes In Toyland chedelic experience that Deadheads will doubtless attract a following with ceaselessly remind one another of more solid touring, how great it used to be, (aka thegood It is here that some of us would like old &y,s according to legend, ie. to extend our gratitude to the before they were born). With a naysayers who had presumed that pulsating l@t show and shimmering Lush were going to suck If nothing is sound to match, the effect of Lush’s
. r3er&rmance *
was a stimulating
Whenever Lush do receive ink, protocol seems to indicate that mention must always be made of the Cocteau Twins, My Bloody Valentine, and shoe-gazing so let’s dispense with all of them. They’re more exciting than the Cocteaus, less innovative and more refined than the Valentines, and does anybody really care about shoe-
sion, is’s still no worse than their brilliant debut Gala. Indeed, both albums were grandly presented in concert with particular highlights being “Sweetness and Light,” “Scarlet,” and ‘Ieaves Me Cold” from the debut, and “Ocean” and ‘Monochrome” from the latter. Whereas on album some of these songs s&er from a sameness in tempo, in performance they were beautifully
and reflected
band’s growing maturity and poise. Combine this dreamy sound with. swirling lights and you’ve a recipe for, dare I say it, love. Which leaves us in a curious dilemma: if any of this can translate to a lost audience, perhaps Lush can live off the avails of two great albums, selfcreate a really shallow myth, be creatively bankrupt, get fat and play hockey
arenas for the next 30 years. let’s hope not.
On second thought,
Audience lt$
.LaUghing- Wild 747-5657
$ :31 lIiliHBI! P :::
Laughing Wild lileutre of the Arts March
by Stacey Lobin Imprint staff
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Laughing wild, the last University of Waterloo drama department production for the term, is a boisterous
gallop through
the lives of two peo-
ple, both gentle (kind c$), quiet (sort 09, and timid (definitely not) and an exploration of how they cope with everyday life. It is a very contemporary view of life and loneliness in the big city, a person’s tensions and angsts, a person’s grip on reality. ‘The Woman” (she needs no name - there are only two people in the play) is weak-willed and neurotic, a woman who has spent most of her adult life in and out of mental institutions, but who has an uncanny
Karen kicks
in Laughing
Wild. Photo by CD Coulas
grip on the things she sees around
her; the tiny, insignificant details of her surroundings add up into one continuous (if erratic) tapestry that constitute her private reality. Her monologue includes diatribes on all the things that bother her or upset her; she uses the audience as an aux-
“just breathe. out.”
iliaxy therapist to explain her woes. She complains about Iosing control at the supermarket when the man in frontof her takes too long in chaosing his tuna; she wonders why taxi drive always have to be psychos; she wonders just why Sally Jessy Raphael thinks she’s such hot shit anyway; she wonders why she wasn’t noticed by Andy Warhol and made into the next Edie Sedgewick+ despite her maniacal party laugh (or perhaps because of it). Karen Morton deftly and expertly leads the audience through the woman’s hopes and fears, her joys and frustdons, and leaves the audience with an exercise to
up her heels their common . . in and out.,
bond . in and
helpful, breathing
he resop
to calm himself
to simple down
“iust in . . . and out . . . in and
Andy and Edie Craig Mason cont&ues the first act with an hilarious and revealing monologue; a walk-through of his selfaffirmation process, suspiciously resembling a cheesy late-night infomercial, which gradually degenerates and leaves him ranting mainly about a woman in the supermarket who knocked him over the head for no apparent reason while he was examining the tuna, and then ran off screaming. He constantly wills himself to think positively and to see everything in a positive light,‘ from the woman in th& supermarket to established religion to New Age philosophies. He’s kind of an excitable man, and his riodic selfaffirmations become 5”ess and less
The second act is a full-out romp through the (&ally) interconnect& lives of these two people, with yucka-minute dream sequences of the supermarket, the Sally Jessy Raphael Show, and New Age chanting in the park The previous chaos slowly sorts itself into some order, and arranges into a comfortable, soothing parallel, with both characters finding at last, a separate but symbiotic peace. laughing Wild runs tonight and tomorrow night at the Theatre of the Arts, Modem Languages Building, at 8 pm. Tickets are $6 for students and seniors and $8 fat others. For more information or group reservations, call 8884556. Go and see it - it’s sure to leave you (groan) laughing wild
Imprint,Friday, March 27, 1992 2.3
Kids in the (Hagey) Hall
Billed as a night of “The Best of” the five member troupe will perform a series of their irreverent sketches. Tickets are available at the Hagey Hall box office. Don’t miss these untouchables of Canadian comedy.
On Sunday, March 30,1992, the Hagey Hall Humanities Theatre will be saturated with laughter when CBCAiBO teIevision sensation, The Kids in the Hall perform two shows.
Damn the poll tax! Full speed ahead! Battle of Trafalgar TV-Untmk’s
Edge Series 1,lO pm
by Regina Schuald Imprint staff
On March 31, it is timely that one should be reminded of the “Battle of Trafalgar” which took place two years ago in London, Great Britain. The infamous “Battle of Trafalgar” recapitulates the bitter memory of the demonstration initially peaceful against the outrageously unfair poll tax policy of the Tory government which turned into a riot. This installment of the Human Edge series shows the other side of the coin. By using illegally shot amateur taken by material, filmmakers, which, contrary to the version,” displays the “Official brutality of the actions of the police. Sources estimate that between 200,000 and 300,000 people showed up. at the demonstration. These peo-
Monday Nights 4 p,m. ‘til closing All YOU Can Eat Spaghetti Choice of Soup or Salad
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pie were deeply annoyed and frustrated about the poll tax which forces every owner of a house (no matter ifit is a palace or a shack) to pay a certain amount of money for each member of that household. Needless to say, this was extremely unfair policy unpopular among British people, who were already threatened by recession and unemployment. The anger of the citizens manifested itself in a huge demonstration, formed by people from all over the country, in London’s Trafalgar Square. The massive crowd was described by eye-witnesses as peaceful and the atmosphere was “almost like a carnival.” Peaceful, that is, until police intervention. All of a sudden, after being brutally forced by the police to stand up, people who sat down to block the road became aggressive. The peaceful demonstration turned into a terrible riot with Bobbies using their riot shields to beat up people, mounted divisions of police officers threatening people with their horses, and people who therefore had no recourse but to run for their lives. This illegal footage shows exactly how violently and brutally the police
behaved, mostly for no reason. This evidence runs contrary to the official version, which talked about the ;hocking and brutal behaviour of the demonstrators with disgust. The program set up the common contrast of official version versus unofficial version. I found that “Battle of Trafalgar” wa_s quite convincing, although I was very critical of it in the beginning. It certainly seems pretty easy to blame the police for everything. There’s a particular psychology of mass demonstrations which is hard to understand. The police might be scared of the masses of people showing up, as there are usually hooligans who just partake in demonstrations to beat up people and therefore cause violence and misunderstandings. I think that it is fair to have a look at both sides because the police have a difficult job. But, this tape obviously reveals that there was basically no aggression from the demonstrators’ side - the violence was started by the police. Being German temporarily living in Canada, I wonder when either of these nations will ever take tb the street to demonstrate about their own unfair taxation systems!
27, 1992
Bitter like tears, sweet like smiles LifP is Sweet bY J-
throughout exploding
Pkay@ at the fincess through March 31.
expands, running the film rather than in a pattern of gags. We find very few movies in any genre with such a combination of dark awareness and loving acceptance, because Leigh has the rare skill of an equilibrist. Every character is full of bull: they manipulate each other, they lie to the.mselves, they tell dumb jokes, they indulge in childish behaviour, and they can’t handle their emotions. But Leigh doesn’t make their perversions seem evil, a la Peter Greenaway; nor does he use the characters’ inglorious sides to gross us out, as the Coen brothers would. Instead, we laugh, recoil, and admire all at once. Leigh’s working methods involve lengthy rehearsal periods and improvisation by the cast. This results in amazingly complex characterizations and dialogue that is ultraflows
Directed by Mike Leigh
Cinema now
The work of British writer/director Mike Leigh may be a well-kept secret, but it has not gone unrecognized. Since making his first movie in 1971, Leigh has been hondured with prizes at the Chicago, Berlin, and Venice film festivals and, last year, the US National Society of Film Critics awarded his comedy Life is Sweet its best picture award. Leigh deserves all he can get; Lij.5 z$Sweet showcases a delicate, polished aesthetic and a remarkably humane attitude. We don’t see many comedies with this kind of rhythm - the humour
Life% a
pretty sweet fruit.
You’d think high had hired non-professionals to play themselves, rather than highly-trained British actors carefully formulating characters. Nothing is romanticized in this portrait of a working-class English family and their friends; it’s beautifully dishrbing. Alison Steadman plays Wendy, a housewife and mother who works part-time in a clothing store for toddlers. This woman, a cousin to the inhabitants of Corunation Smet, lives in a row of suburban town houses with her husband Andy (Jim Broad21-year-old twin bent) and daughters She has settled into this existence, extolling her “love handles,” refusing to acquire a cat, declaring “I’ve never been for a walk in my life!“Yet she diligently dusts the ballet trophies on her shelves; in odd, solitary moments she starts swaying her hips and rolling her arms; and once a week she teaches a dancer&e class to children. realistic.
Not valid with any on new releases
Similarly, Andy works at a loathsome restaurant but dreams of running his own place. This is what enables his reprobate drinking buddy, Patsy (Stephen Rea), to sell him a beat-up old hot dog canteen. One of Andy’s daughters, Natalie (Claire Skinner), seems to have her life together - she helps out around the house, has a steady job as a plumber, and is sating for a trip to the States - but she disappears to unknown companions and undisclosed activities. And
his other daughter, Nicola Horrocks), is completely screwed-up. She bathes for long periods twice a day, forgets to brush her hair, hurls political epithets at everyone, and loa$ around the house trying to decide how to save the world. Disarmingly, while her sister and parents are at work, Nicola receiies secret visits from an aloof (Jane
There might be a little bit of dog manure on my shoes, and you won’t like that.” Hmmm. Pretty weird. Sometimes these characters are very annoying, but that is all part of Leigh’s plan. Our feelings about them oscillate like our feelings about people we actually know oscillate. Wendy is often obnoxiously cute speaking to adults, shell say “Where’s your little coat?“, “Here’s your little purse, ” “bok at his little face” - and her smug giggle at her own jokes (passive-aggressively at others’ expense) soon becomes unbearable. Nicola is deeply troubled but we don’t necessarily identify with her; when her boyfriend complains that he wants to treat her like a real person, we know what he means (though he is far from a sensitive man). In this very ordinary world, a climactic triumph consists of a quiet
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an&omits into a bag. Thii is a view of suburbia that exposes more idiosyncracies than Ed&d Sbxwrhands, but less garishly. Leigh doesn’t make the peculiarities jump out at you You just keep furrowing your brow, thinking “that’s pretty weird.” Natalie and Nicoia do not get along in one golden exchange, Nicola queries, “What do you know about paranoia?” and her sibling retorts, “Not as much as you, obviously.” Meanwhile, Timothy Spall portrays the chunky Aubrey, another friend of the family, as a rather inscrutable type who has sudden lusts, a penchant for financial folly, and a bizarre decorating sense. (At his new gourmet French restaurant, he hangs a wild-cat’s head on the wall and displays an aquarium of petrified fish.) Aubrey drinks himself silly, and Wendy, trying to sober him up, mutters a line that could only have been improvised: “Look, you’re bending down now, you’re going to be sick.
conversation in which two people come close to sharing a piece of truth about themselves. That’s all. Andy’s canteen remains parked in the driveway, Nicola’s anorexia may or may not be cured. And yet, this is an emotionally affecting film. Wendy suddenly finds herself yelling at Nicola, “We don’t hate you. We love you, right? Stupid girl.” Even the way Andy casually glances through a copy of Penthouse is poignant especially when coupled with Andy md Wendy’s intimate but sexless bedtime snuggle. Rachel Portman’s gentle music fits ’ Leigh’s tone perfectly and Dick Pope’s cinematography manages to be comic without cheapening the characters. There is much that is unattractive about these ‘little” people, yet Leigh carries us through that and beyond. The contributions of the cast, encouraged by Leigh’s methodology, create such a believable slice of reality that Wendy, Andy, Natalie, Nicola, and even Aubrey become family, There’s nothing sugary about L#% is sweet, but it is definitely a treat.
Imprint, Friday, March 27, 1992 25
Oh, Sonnydxby, Imp:
Khar do yotr guys ken apartbm your own stug?
They play on the album. Lemmy sings all through the middle section - the slow section - of “Hold Tight” and the verse right after it. The guitar solo on that song is done by W&o. It’s Mike Howe who’s singing really high on ‘Touching Cloth.”
Basically, we all listen to dif;ferent things. There are certain things, though, that we all like: Prince, Michael Jackson, Peter Gabriel’s Pizsu’on, Madonna, AC/DC. Sons of Freedom are my favourite Canadian band; they’re devastating.
rfvou weren’t in a band what would ,vou be doing?
Oh, I don’t know. The only thing that I’d maybe want to do is in film. Editing and directing, I’d love to do that. As it is, Pere and I cut all of our own videos. In the past, I’ve had all kinds of stupid jobs. I worked as a scooter courier in Paris for a few years, and I was a proof reader for a translation company. I’ve been in bands since I was 16 or 17, and I don’t think I could get a “regular” job; I need something that messes me up*
Motorhead) and Mike Howe (Metal Church) in Bullk liner by Kenton Augerman Imprint staff
Prior to the Bootsauce concert at The Twist on March 19, guitarist Sonny Greenwich, Jr. graciously consented to be interviewed. This is what transpired:
Judging b-v th4 fact that you g-u~ys ure pluying tie :VPulucr in Turontol for Afive c0nsecturivP nights (March 25-29) it wuuld stem that pur pupulu~‘@ is at an all-time high. HOW do you account. for this:) I think it’s because we have a new album out. The be’s Palace dates just sort of came up, they were just sort of offered to us. We haven’t played in Toronto for quite a long time, and it’s nice to play in a small club where people can actually see you and hear things rather than being somewhere (larger) where the sound is awful.
Because we were under pressure to bring 7’hr Brown A/bum in under budget, we were stiffer than we would like to have been. We tried to make sure everything was right on the beat, Instead of doing that this time, we did what.frlt good.
We all have our own personal beliefs, but as a band, we’re not activists. We’re not preaching anything; we’re not the preaching type. If you want to listen to the message in “Love Monkey #9,” then that’s fine. It’s a pretty basic message, it’s not anything new or outrageous. If you don’t want to listen to the message, then just listen to the tune. The tune’s kind of fun anyway; it’s catchy, it’s stupid. “Payment Time” on Thr Bm~?rr Album is about aboriginal rights, but because we didn’t make a video for it, people didn’t catch the message as easily. Because we made a blaringly obvious video for “Love Monkey # 9,” the song has taken on a bigger head than it really requires, Rock music is not brain surgery.
I think that it’s going to be “Big, Bad & Groovy.” We’ve started the video, but it’s in the very raw stages of production at this point, so I have no idea if it’s actually going to happen.
The bnnd hay changed drummemsincr The Brown Album, going with .Iuhnn_v Frappe over Robbie Kuzenel. Why the change?
of the Alan
Fan club.
How did all of this materialize? Had these guys heurd the hand and want to record with yuu?
No. Our manager, Steve (Ship), knows Motorhead, and while we were recording in Warren, Rhode Island, they came through on the “Operation Rock N’ Roll” tour. They had a day off and we were having -a giant studio party, so we invited Motorhead, Metal Church, and Dangerous Toys over. They came, they played, they split.
photo by Joanne San&in Sonny:
seaboard Washington.
We’ve never really had a drummer who was part of the band. The band is actually the four of us (sonny, guitarist Pere Fume, bassist Baculis, and lead vocalist Drew Ling). We do all of the writing.
is the oldest
Yes, a drum machine and computers. But we haven’t been using the drum machine recently. We’ve been using octopads, playing sampled sounds, drum sounds from anywhere. But you’re actually physically playing with your hands, so it isn’t as stiff and it feels like a real drummer. And Johnny did all of the real drums on Bull.
It was raining and it was cold, so it was awful in terms of weather. On the last day, I was so pissed off that there was no sun that I went into the ocean anyway. Plus, it’s not really my scene. But once I said to myself, “alright, you’re in Arrimul Hou.w,~’ it was okay, it was fun. Once I said, “Okay, it’s Florida, it’s Spring Break, what the fuck? Let’s have a riot,” it ended up being a good time.
Iskund Recurds recenti) signed the bund for US distributiun. Dues this mean that your videus will uppar on M7?v? & mvouhave a sizub/eJo/lowing itI the US? Have yuu toured there? We’ve already had our videos on MTV. Just about every one has managed to get played at least a couple of times. Our US following isn’t sizable, but there are pockets, mostly
Ian Astbury saw us play once at The Apocalypse Club in Toronto. He really liked us, and he said, “if I can ever help you guys out, I’ll do it.” We never really expected to get anything out of it - then, out of the blue, they’re on the phone saying, “okay guys, let’s go.”
A homage to the classic suspense films of the past. *Kafka’ mnfwms that Steven Soderbergh is one of our most exciting young filmmakers. Jeremy Irons deserves another Oscar for his performance!” -Jeff Craig, SIXTY SECOND PREW’W
We played Dublin, Belfast, Edinburgh, London, and Manchester, largely performing songs from Thr Brown A/burn, which just came out over there. We also played a couple of tunes from Bull. We were received very well; I was really surprised. The Cult’s audience is starting to move towards the heavy side, so I was surprised that they liked us as much as they did. The Cult guys are great guys. Billy (Duffy) keeps to himself more than Ian does, but they definitely treated us very well. Imp:
WIy do vuu guys thank Lemm+v Kilmister and Phil
28th ANNUAL USED BOOK SALE of the Canadian Federation of University Women Friday, April 3: noon-9 p.m. Sat., April 4: 9 a.m.-l p.m. First United Church King & William Streets WATERLOO
cities that see Much Music: Minneapolis, Detroit, and Buffalo, for example. We’ve toured ail down the west coast and down the eastern
‘A Wildly Imaginative Thriller!”
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Funny and visually stun?iing! There can be no doubt about Steven Soderbergh’s explosive talent.” -8rook
Jeremy Irons IS triump ant as the quintessence of all that is Kafkaesque.” -Judtth
spelling, corrections available. Macintosh computer, laser printer. Suzanne 8863057.
Trx toturns prepared by experienced Masters of Accounting students, Only $20.00. Call Bill or Dan at 747-2325 or leave message. Needing xwwvations done around the house or the apartment? Large or small jobs? D & D Renovations can help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:00 a.m. to 8130 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. at 746-2763.
Experienced Typist$1 .OO doublespaced page - fast, efficient service, reasonable rates. Westmount-Erb area. Phone 886-7153. Laser Wordprochg - reports, theses, $1.25/page double spaced. R&urn&, tables, equations, graphics. Premium papers, Cerlox binding. 10 years experience. 886-948 1,
GRE - June & Odober exams! Classes forming now! Call for schedules! FREE diagnostic test. Kaplan Educational Centre, 438-0142.
Ap+~~ce (ceflified) - I can often repair washers, dryers, fridge, stove or microwaves for under $88.00 total. Ramrod Appliance 888-7830. Silk wedding arrangements or other occasions. See samples already made. I Good savings! Call 886-0452 from 9 a.m. ’ to 9 p.. References available. September MCAT! FREE diagnostic test. Early-bird classes start in July - call collect for schedules. Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Centre 438-O 142.
Experience Typist: $1 .OO dsp typewritten, $1.25 word processed. Erb & Westmount area. Cal I 743-3342. Fast, professional University Grad
Beallyoucanbe. JointheTURNKEYteam for the Spring term. If you are interested and will be a student at UW this Spring, please attend an informational meeting on Monday, March 30 at 3:00 p.m. in CC1 10. Applications will be handed out ONLY at this meeting, so please attend. Campus Rep - wanted to promote end of year blowout to Cancun and Daytona. Hourly wage and/or commission. Travel free! Call 1-800-265-1799. ont reg #2X5458.
Summer sublet - 256 Phillip townhouses. 2 bedrooms, 6 appliances, parking, 2 minutes from UW. $260./month negotiable. 747-0195. Free &ax&g service - immaculate 5 bedroom bungalow May-August. Quiet. Landlords maintain lawns and flowers. $145.00 each. 886-2726.
Tax R&m Processing - by experienced student. 8asic - $20., fast and efficient. Phone GIL 888-7469 or 570-4728.
Lake. This clean unit is one of the closest to UW (Unit 2). To complete the 4 bedroom lake side summer experience, the unit comes complete with a 8BQ for a mere $189./month negotiable. You can experience Columbia Lake for the summer Aprilish to Aug. 30 - by calling 7466648.
3 bedroom house, furnished, close to campus, grocery, laundry, alcohol, bus. Ceiling fans, basketball court, barbeque. Price negotiable. 725-54 17. Very cheap summer sublet in Toronto. 3 bedrooms, 5 appliances, fully furnished, utilities included. 10 minutes from Subway. $1 , 1&I./month. 747-O 195.
Townhouse/condo - furnished, dishwasher, washer/dryer, 3 bedroom and basement, family room, built-in-vat, garage, near Zehrs, bus route. $800./month negotiable. Bluevale area. May 1 to Aug. 31, 1992. Call 747-5780 or (416) 335 9665. Shareaspacious bungalow with one other, sublet May-August, 20 minute walk to UW. $250./month. Phone 741-0429. 2 large rooms available in 3 bedroom townhouse. Convenient location, near both universities, hardy plaza, outdoor pool. $200./month negotiable. Call Sue 885-27 13.,
to Toronto? - clean, furnished’ room at Bathurst-St. Clair subway, Share with other non-smoking students. Cable. $300.00. Call (416) 783-9663.
Sept. ‘9%Aug. ‘93 - 4 bedroom house, suitable for 5, fireplace, quiet location, old Lakeshore area, Waterloo. $1,325./ month. 884-4632 or 888-7377. Luxury accomodation - for 5 nonsmokers. Fall ‘92 to Spring ‘93. Close to UW, parking. $280./month. Call 885-1086 before 10 p.m. Summer ‘92 = share a beautifully furnished two bedroom apartment with a mature SIUdent. Includes utilities, stereo, stocked kitchen, balcony, laundry. $250./month or negotiable. Call 743-8041. Three bedroonrs for sublet from May 1 to August 31/92. Downtown Toronto, Harbord and Spadina area, large rooms, washer/dryer, non-smoker. $370./month including utilities. Kirsten (416) 844-9996 or Sarah (416) 929-6488. Leave message. Graduating? Moving to Toronto? One bedroom apartment for rent, top floor of Victorian house, near the Beaches, five minute walk to subway and shopping. $625./month. (416) 699-1081.
5 bedroom - 3 bath, 2b minute walk to UW. $1,500, plus utilities. Upper Beechwood area. 747-1514.
One to five bedrooms, partly furnished, 2 full bathrooms, spacious kitchen, clean, 3 years old, close to University, two months free cable, $165./month including water. Call 725-77 10.
Sept. ‘92 to Aug. ‘93 - 5 bedroom house, uptown Waterloo area, lots of parking, closetoallamenities. $1,35O./month. 745 0792 or 888-7377.
2 to 4 rooms in a furnished townhouse, summer sublet, clean, parking. $200. to :.5;/month. Must see! 746-5001
Ladies softball players - “A” calibre only. Needed for 1992 season. Especially pitchers and catchers. Phone 621- 1200, 62 I-0649 or 576-6786. D. Lynch - you’re too beautiful to be pilloried andvillified in the pages of this rag. And you truly DO have the best hair on the team. Love and kisses. After finals party/relax at Daytona Beach’s TEXAN/701 South. Seven nights hotel only $100, deluxe motorcoach package from $200. For reservations please call (4 16) 545-4214. Adoption - a wonderful choice. Happily married, professional couple could offer your baby a life filled with love, laughter, security, exciting opportunities and quality education. Call collect (4 16) 482-6279. Home study approved.
Zenith TV - 20” has colour sentry. Also brown box cable converter. $60.00 for TV, $75.00 for both. Phone 885-4 186. Rote1 R82OA amp - ultra-clean sound, hand-matched componer’ Q ‘litat direct input for CD, gold-pi- b%dntacts. This amp is the finest r $ &er_ unit made. 2 c years old. barr * J, still under warranty. Koss Dyr + adphones included. Call 744-5 105, Gave message.
word processing by (English). Grammar,
Cool tow&ouse for Summer sublet situated in the rolling hills of Columbia
Summer sublet - 1 bedroom in 3 bed room basement apartment. $150./month. Near grocery stores. IO minute walk to UW. For more info call Jos& 746-1764.
Summer sublet - bachelor or onebedroom apartment for quiet, female student. Less than $500./month. Call Julie at 747-0495.
(519) 837-9211 (519) 668-0072 .;
(416) 946-8711 (519)
(604) 322-5021
(613) 739-9634 (416) 896-0276 (416) 68713414
(604) 522-7273
Assembly. The revised schedule is as follows: Monthly meeting of Council, old date Apr. 13 changed to April 20. The meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. in CPH
For further info on the above contact Georgina Green 743-0271, ext. 254.
at 884-0774. UW UDRARV MNm
The Student Volunteer C;entre @locatea In CC206. Information on the following (and other) volunteer opportunities can be obtained by calling Ext. 2051 or dropping by the office. Regular office hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:OO to 1:OO and Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 to 11:OO. lntemational
wishes to express wishes and regards to UW and WLU students for the upcoming term. Our club is seeking new members of Ukrainian descent or if you just want to know more about our heritage everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your friends and if more info is needed call Roman Sirskyj (President/‘92 Term) after 6
volunteers to assist international students with conversational English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl at ext. 2814. Looking
Spring Travel course to the Middle East April 24 to May 15. Study the religion and culture of Egypt and Greece. Fee of $2500.00 includes return airfare from Toronto, accommodations, and much more, For more infocall Prof. Daniel Sahas at ext. 3565 immediately.
for good resume experience?
How about volunteering at the Sexuality Resource Centre. If interested call Joan at 885- 12 11, ext. 2306 or leave a message at the Fed Office. Summer Camp Counsellors required week of Sunday, August 2 to Friday, August 7, 1992. Contact Andrew at Scout
Headquarters (Kitchener) at 742-8325. Also looking for a Program Administrator from May to August. K-W Friendship Group for Seniors need volunteers to befriend seniors on a one-toone basis, two-three hours weekly. Call 742-6502 for more info.
Looking for
individuals to set up a public relations campaign to promote awareness of the Global Community Centre {third world issues) within the community. Contact Marco at 746-4090.
Baseball Writers’ Bursary - open to college or university students, $500.00 award. 500 to 1,000 words submitted by June 1,1992. Mail entries to: Baseball Writers’ Bursary, c/o Larry Millson, 796 Crawford St., Toronto, Ont., M6G 3K3.
the daughter of a woman who had breast cancer during your teen years? If so and you are willing to be interviewed please call Ann at 725-5859. YOU
Students needed to research and gather information from large local corporations that have United Way campaigns. March/ April project. Call Jane Fleming at 7491801. L&XUV buddy volunteers required -a man in his 50’s who is in the ear 1’ stages of Alzheimer’s would like a vollqer to walk with him and to providr % .dnce with A@ transportation to apfl$$ . nis home. A man in his ear’ G J who is visually impaired wo* .’ p * , d volunteer to accom-
pany him CC, .#g walks once or twice a week. Please call Lee Lovoat 741-2228for more Info and other opportunities Kitchener Parks & Rec.
University of Guelph presents “Signs of Spring”. an April Craft Show on April 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1992. The show wilt be in the
University Centrefrom 1Oa.m. to9 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday.For more info call Susan Smith 8244120, ext. 2896,
Recycling Committee is looking for people or businesses who reuse materials. A booklet is being put together to outline where people can take unwanted, but useable, items in the Region and give them a new life. Please contact Susan Sauve at 886-23 10, ext. 238 for
Waterloo Citizens’
DONATE BOOKS please call 576-8645, 746-5649,884-2924. Gallery Art Exhibitions 1992 -on display from Feb. 6 to Mar, 29. “Art Alive Lecture Series” begin Jan. 21 to May 19. Call 579-5860 for more info. Kitchener-Waterko
&u.nselli~~~ Services will be offering the following workshops in the Winter 1992 term: Assertion Training, Bulimia Group, Exam Anxiety Management, Reading & Study Skills, Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Time Management &, Procrastination, What To Do When You’re Down and Blue (Depression Management). Register: Councelling Services, NH 2080, ext. 2655.
It ham been necess,ary to change a number of meeting dates in respect of the Engineering Faculty Council and the
Campus Centre, UW. &I exhibition - of works by fourth year Honours students of the University of Waterloo Fine ARs Department - March 26
to May 3, 1992. Rotary Gallery, 101 King
In The Hall” - at the Humanities ‘in Ergonomics has been establish&d to Theatre at 7:00 p.m. and 9:OO p.m. with tic- promote ergonomic awareness in students and other iriterested individuals. All are kets on sale at the Humanities Theatre box welcome to attend a free informal evening office. For further info call Emmanuel Pat- program - room 1302, Davis Computer terson 888-4042, ext. 2358. Centre, UW. For more info call Peter I L Reeves at 725-6897 or Heather
St., N., Kitchener, 579-5860. The library & Gallery, 20 Grand Avenue N., Cambridge, (519) 621-0460 upcor,ling events: April 23- 16- Edward Burtynsky Breaking Ground exhibition of 47 colour prints ; May 7 at 7:30 p.m. - meet the Artist wi!h Edward Burtynsky.
K-W Chamber Orchestra presen& Donald at 888-4697 clarinetist Helen Russell at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 22 Willow Street in Waterloo Showtime: “Dad’s In Waterloo at 8:00 pm. For more info call _ Humanities Theatre at 8:00 p.m. 744-3828.
available at the Box office (747-8765)
Friday, March 27 - 12 noon - Summer on Stage - 12 noon. Presenter Alex
Mustakas. Sunday, March 29 - Grand River Brass Quintet - 2:30 p.m.. Come and enjoy! Monday, Ma& 30 - “Ideas & &I&” - 12 noon. I% Swani Vethamany-Globus, UW Department of Biology. “My life as a women scientist in Canada” Wednesday, April 1 - “Aboriginal SelfGovernment: What Does It Mean?” - 7:3O p.m. Moderator: Victor Krahn.
884- 1850.
prldrydm3 Directing Class presents “An Evening of One Act-Plays”. LR Cercle Francais vous invite g une The Happy Journey by Thornton Wilder and Courtship by Horton Foote. April 1 and tion qui suivra deux pieces d’Agatha tie p&sent&s par la classe de frarqis p.m., HH180. Admission is 208, sous la direction de Katherine Black. tes pieces seront joties le vendredi 3 avril:
Juggling Club meets from 4 to 7 p.m., Red Activity area of the PAC. Beginners Icome! For more info contact Sean 725ymen’s Evan@bl Fellowship Sunday vening senrice. 7:00 p.m. at 163 UniverW., Apt. 321. (MSA, west court)
effective: Sept. 3
Group 9 will
Whitewater Rafting on Ottawa
The Drama Department
River on Saturday, May 16 (pay Andrew by April 10, telephone 725-4589) + Kayaking every Sunday PAC Pool 4 to 6 p.m. l next weeking Monday, March 23 5:30 CC 138a, News - Equipment room is open for equipment hire and memberships: Monday and Thursday 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Friday 11:OO a.m. to 12 noon. For details on above events, see our notice board outside the Equipment room, PAC, Blue South, room 2010. (Tel.: 8884828).
Monday to Thursday 9:30 - 9:00 Friday 9:30 - 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 5:30 Sunday 1:OO - 5:00
Group - 7130 p.m., w,AprHp ES2, room 173. Topic: “AIDS and Closeness with Friends and Lovers”. Details: UW Fine Arts Film Society - European 884-4569. Show 2 - UW’s East Campus Hall, room 1219. “Scalpel, Please”. 114 minutes.
Spring Concert Schedule Friday, March 27 - 8:00 p.m. at UW Humanities Theatre, UW Concert Band and UW Stage Band. Tickets available from Eleanor Dueck in the Music Office, Conrad Grebel 8850220, ext. 226 or at the door.
the UW Theatre Centre (885-4280).
i p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen St., Waterloo. Information: 623* 3207.
Upcoming Events - l Party Saturday, March 28 l Cycling Extraveganza Sunday,
March 29
K-W Area M.E. is a support group for i chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, their family and friends. Meeting is from 7-9
UW School of Architecture - 1992 - lectures will be held in ES2, room 286 (The Green Room) at 8:00 p.m. For further In^fo contact Ryszard Sliwka (885-1211, ext. 3079) Thursday, April 9 - Michael Rotondi: Architect. .h OUTER8
more info. K-W Canadian Federation of University Women - Used Book Sale in April - TO
Take time out to attend an 18 minute video on PSYCLIT, the computerized index in CD-ROM format. Meet at the Information Desk in the Dana Porter Arts Libarary at the following time: Thursday, April 2 at IO:30 a.m.
Upcoming Eve
The sexuality Resource Centre - is, a trained student volunteer service that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This service is FREE. Call 88512 11, ext. 2306 or leasve a message at ext. 4042. The SIX is located in room 154OA,
Assisttrack and field coach with sports activities for mentally handicapped people. Practices are every Saturday evening 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Are
Eiolds Notices - until recently, patrons requesting that a library book be recalled or searched had to check with the User Se&es Department to determine when the book was available. In response to patron requests, User Services staff are now mailing notices to advise them that books held for them are available.
agels! Come to the Jewish Student’s Organization weekly Bagel Brunch at 11:30-1:30p.m.inCC110.Food,folksand fun! For more info call the JSA Hotline at 1746-1107 !
~&XV&S - Recycling on campus IUW each so&ety should be r&presented, 4-5
p.m. Room 135 for Feb. 24 ; March 9 and March 23 CC138. The Men’s Action Workgroup meets at 7:OO p.m. in the Campus Centre. For info please contact WPIRG at 884-9020. IEVERY TURSDAY
bperanto Club Lunch. Come experience le international language in action. 12:OO
bymen’s Evan@bl Fellowship Bible Study. 7!30 p.m. in DC 1304. All are welcome!
Cuecr &source Centre - evening hours open until 7 p.m. from Jan. 15 to April i. GLUIW meds in room 104 of the Modern Languages building, 9-l 1 pm, Gay & Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo promotes healthy attitudes towards sexuality. Come out and meet new friends! MSG (Muslim Study Group) - Brown bag forum from 12:30 to I:30 p.m., CC 135. All are welcome!
Free Esperanto classes - come learn the
international language. Beginners at 7 to 8:30, intermediate 8:45 to 1O:OO p.m. in MC4044. Texts available at UW Bookstore. Call Dan at 8856584 for more info. Chris&n Movement meets al 4:OOto5;30inCC110. Weareanecumenical group who concentrate on relating faith to social justice issues. New members always welcome! Information: 725-7993, Heather or Bruce.
Shabbat! Come to the Jewish Studenrs Organization weekly Shabbat Dinner al 6:30 p.m. For more info calt the JSP Hotline sit 746- 1107.
Baha’i Faith Information Meetings - you There will be “Salat-ul-Juma” ‘(Frida) are invited to attend discussions on issues organized by MUSLIN such as peace, spiritual solu!ion to the ’ Prayer) STUOENTS ASSOCIATION from I:30 tc economic crisis and equality of women 2:30 p.m. ifI GC735. All Muslims an and men. Phone 884-5907 or visit the welcome! Centre at 2-91 King St., N.
lihmatid f3ocidbts meet at 730 p.m. in CC135 to discuss the theory and prac-
Alcoholics Anonymous weekly meetings at 12:30 p.m. in Health and Safety Building, meeting room, or call 742-6183.
386SX 16 MHz
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386DX 25MHr
tib -.--~~-_ _-._... _. - . . . 1
FLOPPY STND 3.5” 1.44Mb ORIVE OPTNL 5.25” 1.2Mb _ .__-__---- - . .--. _ -. . .
42 Mb 16 msec 2 serial II0 parallel ________-_ -I..-_ __.-_.__._ .1 __-.------VGA Colour VIDEO . 640 x 480 HARD
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VGA COtOUR-W/ADAPTER [512K) 1024 x 768 - ._. .- -. - - -- ^. --
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