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~ate+x,Park. Several pwpl&spoke* including Greg Carter of the Men's ~ e ? w o & for Change. Carter calked upon men to take responsibilitv for their ~ o u s a land , to recognize that it . is men's actions which often make it unsafe for women to be tcrpfnre. A woman breastfed while s p e e c h were bt+nr: made. A marcharound the park follow~d. where women started to remove theit shirts. Police quiddv moved in and wU~

Rtnree Bcneteau(I)arrested tor W n g her kerrbr,Wen V i r o g (c)organizer,and Terfi-Lee D'hran srrestcd for sunbathing top(ree in Victoria P& nolsc to arrest wonirn tor going top-trw 111 public. '7hcCrin11nal Code, I thmk, has to kccp +w.rl.t.with a chmgmg scwwtv," dq-Iard Hampton. "The particular w u c ol what womvn w c x .~ndto what c*.ctentthcv arecovercd is somet h ~ n gthat I thmk 1s dlttrult tor prhce. t th~nkthcv tind that a ddtrult part td thv Cr~mrnalC t d e to entorce." "One of our concerns 1s that our wzotuian. sc.cual charactrnstlcs have bc*m p l a v 4 into a sense of sexual sanltic~ncc,nic~tlvhv a male cultttre:' wt)nlenrs mn~mented organ~/~it~ons. Bovd o n behalf of which ..... .. .,rllr,~,tul .. . .


_ I

-&~W~arert-the 3


l k u x h the Criniinill Ctdc is ~ i i . i ~ n t ~ ~ ~through ncd thc federal gwcrnment, thc Onbrio ministers twl thev should still kwk at the Is*uC, I'rotc-sts ha\v drawn much media attention. Organimrs of the Waterloo \Vblk-$1-Brwst,UW Women's Centre and the WPIKG Men's Group, rcccw~drcquesk from radw, tv and prmt ~n Vancouver, Edmonton, SasLitoon, Winnipeg, KitchenerWaterloo, Guelph, Hamilton, lortmto, K~ng<ton,Brockville, Montrcdl and Halhx, as well as several ~ntcrn,it~onal .~gcncie%

lop-frw protcsh were also held in Ott.i\va, Guelph, Penticton, BC, and I familton. Four women bared thew clit%t- to a crowd of 6,009 on Parhamtv~tHill hut no arrests were made. I'natcsters In Guelph and Penticton dccl~nedto fe~nc~ve their shirts. In Handton six women removed their shirt* at a protest, replacing them wbn askcd kr hv police. Sundav, a group of Canadian womm including- Gwen Jacob marched a c r w the Niapra Peace Bridgr to New York state and removtd their shirtsafter meeting up with .i contingent of Am(-rican s u p porters. Women are not being characd in New York state for being topfrtr., prwiJed thev are in parks tx This decision follows an appeal won bv "the Group of Seven" - seven women who had been chatknging the law since 1986. Jacob and her supporters marched top-free with the Group of Seven. The six women arrested in Waterloo will appear August 19 in a Kitchener court. At least several ofthe women intend to f@ht charges on the basis of gender discrimination. Thev also expect there will be another rally in support of their action outside the court.

Photos by Dave Fkher

Imprint is:

Staff Production Production

Editor&d Board Editor-iMW

...... ..“.“.“....L...........”


Peter Brown

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Mgr. . . . . - . . . . . . . . . .laude Tiger%Dumas vacant

ha “....*“..*.....I**....*.....*“.*.....

M w,. .... “...” ...-. ..... Vivian Tambeau omceclerkm . ...“................“.....” ....... Sheri Hendry -Mnn...“...........~“.....” ...... =Al Han& AdA- .......... ..L...........” .W...” Mike Tjepkema motReader





U............“...““...............”” ..






I ..“. ...... . ..Emil y Sutherland

Board of Dimctom

is the official student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially ind e p e n d & t newspaper published b y Imprint Publications, Water&, a &oration without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario CornmuMy Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms and every sec&d Friday during the Spring term. Mail should be addressed to Ixnpcint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3G1, E-maii should be addressed to imprint at watservl .Waterioo-edu. Our Fax number is 884-7800. -t mewes the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0%6-7380.

Contribution fist Trevor Blair, Randy Byers, Teena A.M. Carnegie, Phillip Chee, Clayton Codas, Sandra Detmar, Paul Done, Jennifer Epps, Dave Fisher, Nancy Forde, Sue Forrest, Khosrclw Jafarpowr, Bernard Keamev, Janet McCausland, Jeffrey L. Millar, leff Mills, Robin Modler. Rich Nichol, -Frank Segltlnieks, Laura Thornson, Dave Thomson, Steve Topper and Derek “Lancch Manion” W&r.-

Sandy Atwal vkemeaw . . ...“.““...........“wm.....“.. Peter Brown ...l.l...l . . . . . <....Wim van der Lugt --maDhctom at Large . . . ..“.....“............... Vince Kozma . . . ...*.....“.IL..“..~.............................**. Joanne Sandrin .W.................“.....-*....“...............““* Dave Thomson StUWhhfl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“..................... Anna Done “..“.“..“f...nnm.*“.....mn.~.“..”*

8poit8Editof ..~~.............“............” Atts

.............. vacant

Editor .................................. ..I ..... Chris Waters

Photo Editor ..I..........“.....” science

......................... vacant

Editor ............... ...” ......................... vacant

LATE UPCOMING EVENT “So You Have A Job In Ottawa” - a discusslon concerning the city. housing arrangements and soctal life will be held July 28 at 6 pm.. NH 1029 (Employers’ Lounge). All students who will be on workterm !n Ottawa In the Fall, either for the first time or returning, are welcome.


Good Luck: On loams! Police (left) and gawkers atike film the Walk-A-Breast ProtBt Photcis




IUiOBiDO CHUNKY Frosh issue of IMPRINThits the streets on September 4,1992.

news * “1


Co-op funding: C l i p W Save Note: Any surplus (deficit) for a particular year will be used (made up) in the following vear. The reason for a surplus or a d&i& is that it is difficult to predict exact enrollment and dropout rates.

Bondage on UW computers . by Jeff Mills Imprint staff


The nt*xt time WCI wrllk pA WIIWusing cl computct, wu shwld stop and tnkcb a cl~~stlr look. While it is likt+~ that the pt’rson iu working trr plaving Tctris, thw could, in fait. btl pLl rticipants in t hL% f‘wt-growing world of coni pu tt-r pornograpliv cl ml obsccbn itv.

mt’ Fiscal






Student co-op fet;colIected

$437 1,000

Expenses Salaries



to Van Nicrop, tlicrlb outcrving” ‘ld when t h e newsgroups “protessts” wcrc’ t p 4 m n t d . PtbopIc ciaimtld thcllt thtb ban was censorship. The Univtlrsitv’s rtlprbrt was rc>least)d in Mclv, 1991 ~1nJ in October of that vtlnr, all of thtl Canc~~ll~~d n0~~sgroup5 wt’rc rtbstored. If a complaint is lodged with the Univc~rsitv, it will btl dealt with b\p tht* E t h i c s . Committt’t’, the Univcrsitv Computing Ci,mniitt~c, or thtb Lh~lll oi a Facultv. A S of vet, thcrc have b~tln no sompl&ts. M’clS



See co-op 72 people: Reference Manual for details Supplies & Expenses paper,telephone, postage, etc. Equipment, Furnishings & Alterations . including rental and maintenance Travel Expenses T o t a l C o s t a s S e e n B y Co-op Department:

$314,000 ti4,Ooo woo,ooo $3,627,000

Early Rtrtirtlment Costs

Benefit Pro,)r;ran_lme pensions, dental, OHIP, etcc Cost R~overies montlv sp,ent but recovered tram other sources

$1 sB,ooo

Advocates have cift’C1 Scctinn 2b ot


the Charttlr of Kights and Fre&,ms, which states thclt “Evt’rvonc has thtb


Ctj-op Education Expenses:


Of thestb groups, there arc a few that art’ considertbd tlxtremtb clnd/rjr r,bscmtb, md it is thaw groups that are tmbroiltld in controvC’rs\‘. _ T w o wtbtbks ago, a n anonvmous


sourw from UW sent tht* Kitchcner-


[‘Ius: allocated computing cxpwses Plus: allocated space occupancy costs ‘MaI Costs for Co-op Education:

$X,46 210;

Net Surplus (deficit) for the year:


Plus previous net years’ undercharge (cumulative)





Educa lion Surplus (Deficit)


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Work-Term Related Costs:

Academic Delivery Costs (ESTIMATED) : $9,890,000 Year-Round Costs (ESTIMATED) :


These costs come from such areas as having a full staff-load in the Rqjistrar’s office in the summer, having an extra set of exams in August, keeping all buildings open during the summer, and supplying all associated support services such as library services. The figure from the 1987studv was $4.66 million. Using a similar e&mation method as detailed above under Section B but using the the sum of the Administrative and Physical’ Plant figures, the 1995) figures were 1.42 times the 1987 figures. So, the $4.66 milliov figure for Year Round Costs from the 1987 study would translate into costs of $6.62 , million in 1991. Again, it must be ‘noted that this number is a very. rough estimate.

Student Co-op Fee:

Nate: In reality, the co-op fee covers sopewhere between 20 and 25 per cent of the total cost, but it is difficult to determine exactly how much. Therefore, while the studqt co-op fee is calculated to cover 100 per cent of the work-term related costs of the co-op system (Section A}, it turns out that the fee only covers around 21 per cent of the total cost of running thecoop system as seen by UW. The University pays the extra cost entirely out of its own operating budget with no government transfers for the coop system.

$6620,000 $20,972,000




The University has applied to get government funding to cover somr of the costs in Section B and C above, but has of yet been unsuccessful, probably because it has’ always done such a good job in managing thr coop system and keeping a balanced budRet.

Waterloo Rcbcord some exampl.es of what is available frgm the network. T w o p i c t u r e s f r o m the ‘$binaries.pictur~~s.~rotica” nt~wsgroup consisted of half-nudtl womt’n tit4 u p and i i i phi. Onp wets titled “Woman Han~in ” and tht’ other was described as “Girl strung upside ri0w?1 . . . like a baggtbd animal that is hung tt) drv,” . Two stories from the “nlt.srx.bonda gc” nt’wsgroul:, wart’ titled “ A savage md sick becIting with a biilv flub” and “Toi?urtn rlutdoors.” Both storits detailed in graphic fashion the violent brutalization of wumt)n bv men seeking enjoyment and pleasure. “The material is very offfensive, violent, and degrading toward women,” says Martin Van Nierop, UW’s information and public affairs director. “It is extremely regrettable that it is on there.” *T h e U n i v e r s i t y ’ s M a y , 1 9 9 1 “Repurt of the Adbisorv Committee on Network News” s&s that UW will accept all newsgroups and that content is not the school’s responsibilitv. It says that in both sending or recei&g material, “. . , it is thi! user and not the University, who assumes responsibility for its contents.” If an objectionnble item i s l(catcd, t h e report savs, it is the responsibility of the user “, . . to replv directly to the poster, making clear Ithe natuie of the objection.” Previously, in December, 1988, the U n i v e r s i t y c a n c e l l e d a humour ‘newsgroup because of the transmission of racist jokes. In January, 1990, complaints about the “alt.sex.b’ondage”


led to an investiga-

tion. In April, 1990, all “alt.“’ newsgroups were cancelled, even those that were not considered obscene.

f o l l o w i n g fundam~tital fretdums: frctidom of thought, bclirf, opinion and PxprtGtm, including freedom of the press and other media of ctmmunication.” .- Adlvr,catt~s ftx4 t h a t tht> g r o u p s ensure these fretbdoms



allow pc’oplc’ not to p~lrticipatc~, if the\* so choosill. Some ntlwsgroups <lrt’ prc’f~wxi bv disclaimers or warnings.. In fact, thtl storv “A savage ,tnd sick beciting with a billy club” has a warning stating that the storv “. . . contains descriptions of sexual practices sow people might find disturbing to rtbad ‘1 bout.” Prr+c~ P is a joint Ontario Provinc i a l I’c,lic~-M~trt)pc)litnn Toronto Police anti-pornography squ”J which is .looking into thtl subject of computtbr porn. According to its spokesperson, c o m p u t e r p&n fcillv intu the same category as “regular” porn: charges would br laid against those involved in th& distribution’of the porn, not those who purchase or’, + in this caw, access ihe porn. However, this does not mean that the University is at risk of being charged at this time. Despite the fact that the University’s network’ group gives access to the porn, the school is not the distributor of the obscene material. Van Nierop savs that the “. . , responsibility lies . with the originator”and that it is an “uncontrollable system.” When asked how Project P was progressing, an officer stated, “Like anvthing new, it is difficult at the start, but we have our best people working on it.” Working with the Crown Attornev’s office, the officers of Project P Will collect evidence and deal with each case “. . . as it comes along,” That same sentimenpis heard from UW Security. Any complaint received by the Waterloo Regional ,Police will be referred to the campus cops. As of yet, there have been no complaints received. Both the University of Manitoba and Simon Fraser Universit!! have r e m o v e d c e r t a i n obscene news-

@continued to page 4m


4 Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992

.Hot Tamales,. home-grown bands benefit Food Bzink,YCl I

equipment, garnering support from the business community, and raising $3,000 to contribute toward the cost of participation.

by Teena A. M. Carnegie special to Imprint

A group of dedicated UW students are putting together a music festival with a difference.



YCI has organized a wide variety of projects in Costa Rica. Each participant in the program will work on * three projects. The UW students may b e b u i l d i n g a work c e n t r e i n Hojancha, Cuanacaste for a w o m e n ’ s association which has developed a successful small clothing manufacturing business, assisting in rain forest reserve management in Santa Elena, or working with SEE Ititer-

The festival



songwriters who have volunteered their time and talent in an effort to

raise donations for the food bank and Challenge International Youth (YCI)-

Bing & Bob suy, TV7zat k the Costa Rica?”

If we manage to get some summer weather, the performance will take place outside on the lawn behind the Grad House. In the event of rain, the festival will be inside. A barbecue will also be held upstairs on the patio during the festival. Over 20 students have already tiolunteered their time to assist in setting up and running the festival, but more are needed. Those interested in

national by assisting in cataract identification and pre- and post-operative care in the remote villages of theprovince


They could also be irrstalling a roof for a community centre in Buenos sires de Venecia de San Carlos, or conducting water conservation education, planting trees and establishing a sewage system in Bahia BaIlena Puntareans. In conjunction with the individual . projects, the students will provide primary health, hygiene and dental education to the communities they work in.

Brendan McConkey, a physics graduate and lab technician who will begin a masters degree in toxicology in the fall, initiated the fund-raising benefit. McConkey is one of three UW students ‘selected for the YCI Costa Rica Project, a three-month program to take place between November, 1992 to March, 1993. Jennie Christian, first-year environmental studies, and Kristin Marinacci, second-year environmental studies, will also be going to Costa Rica in December as part of the YCI program. YCI is a Canadian based non-profit organization which works with scientific institutes, universities, govemment agencies, and service groups to carry out important community, medical, and environmental projects in developing countries and remote communities around the world. Oriented to the specific needs of each c o m m u n i t y , YCI projects are

A portion of the funds from the music festival will form part of the money Brendan McConkey needs to raise for the Costa Rica project. An equal portion of the funds raised will go to the Food Bank of the Waterloo addition, festival experience; the candidates are Region. In designed to encourage self-help and pushed to their physical and mental organizers are asking individuals to sustainable development. bring a non-perishable food item for Candidates are carefully selected g limits to prepare them for the the Food Bank. A barrel will be challenges they may face. and each must go through an outdoor Once selected, the patticipants ’ located in the Graduate House both selection weekend designed to begin preparing for their project. prior to and during,the festival for evaluate the, candidates’ resourcefulEach. participant is responsible for those who wish to make a contribuness and determination. The procuring supplies and project tion weekends are a tough and gruelling

helping with the festival may call the Grad House (3803) and leave their name and number. Those wishing to perform may sign up at the Grad. House (a%nited number of spaces are available). The line-up of performers promises to be diverse and highly entertaining. Ron and Katrina KelIerman from the infamous Hot Tamales will perform ~ along with original songwriters such as Mary Ann Epp, Paul MacLeod, Jack Cooper, and Lindsay Stewart. Many UW students, incIuding Mark Dubord and Ken * Skene, and other musicians til aEso: perform. The music will range from traditional folk and Celtic to contemporary blends of folk, jazz, and what have you. The festival will take place at the Graduate House, August 6 and 7 starting at 5 pm Tach day. The cost per individual is a mere $3 per night.


a” * .Cultural leadership aim of ‘centre

2-18 hole “Moun tain Style” minigolf layouts l 70 stall gotf driving r range (20 stalls 8flClOS8d) l golf le!3sons & l


( A c r o s s from

J a c o b ’ s Farm


snack bar

from UW News B-au



We rent original IBM New Services Now and Macintosh softAvailable (at excellent prices): ware. Our rentals are 3* Setf&vice Desktop day and weekly, startPublishing ing as low as $2.59. We sell software as * Laser Printing well and we will deduct the rental fee off of the Special Offer:*. puchase price if you laser decide to buy.

1 I


I 1oc



+i prints 1

Ten centres in Canada have been selected to participate in a major three-year project to develop the skills and resources of leaders in the cultural community. The Cultural Leadership Development Project is an initiative of the Centre for Cultural Management at the University of Waterloo. Designed to explore applications of distance education technologies in overcoming barriers to professional

mdevelopment in the cultural field, the Cultural Leadership Development

Project will involve 200 Canadians in the 10 centres in designing and trying out specialized courses to meet their

learning needs. F~IIowing the completion of the project in December 1994, the courses will be available from the University of Waterloo. Funding for the project has been received from the j. W. McConnell Family Foundation, Employment and Ix&igration Canada’s Innovations Program and Imperial Oil Ltd. ‘The University of Waterloo has always been’committed to irinovation. Twenty-five years ago, we. launched our correspondence program which has since become one of the largest and most successful distance education systems in North America,” said president Douglas Wright.

“Now cultural communities across Canada will be better served by bringing together the pioneering work or -the centre tar Uiltural Management, another U’W innova-

tii>n, with emerging opportunities in distance education. Selected to participate in the project are Edmonton, Kitimat/Terrace, Kitchener/Waterloo, St. John’s, Sault Ste. Marie, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Windsor and Winnipgg. Each of these centres has an enthusiastic and committed core of participants prepared to invest many hours in the project. Together they will anticipate the changes needed in bringing audiences and artists together in the future, and then devblop specialized learning materials that will help current and future leaders to bring aboutthose changes. Participants look, forward to the benefits they wiIl realize from close collaboration with others in the same locale, from networking with participants in tie other centres across Canada, and from partnering with educators in course design and distance learning. The Centre for Cultural Management was established at the University of,Waterloo in 1989 to address the critical need for improved cultural leadership in Canada. The centre is committed to working with others in the development of the body of knowledge and the skills needed to not only strengthen the management and gov&nance capacities of staff and boards of cultural organizations, but a l s o

t o




community-based cultural development.

Centre Director WilEam D. Poole’ acknowledged the Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Family Foundation,

founding funder of the centre, for enabling the university to target its efforts toward improving cultural leadership throughout Canada. ‘The Cultural Leadership Development Project wilI make a significant contribution to professional development of people now leading arts and heritage organizations in Canada, and will help to ensure that cultural expression is at the core of our cornmurtities and individual Eves,” PooIe says.

Computer I porn mnt’d from page 3@ groups after receiving complaints. At U of M , D a n i s k a Eskrhav, thtl women’s ccntrc program COordinator, lodged complaints and got the local mtldia involved in bringing the story to the ggentsral public. Without a precedent in this jurisdiction, no one at UW is sure what to expect if sc)n~onP does file d complaint with a Universitv body or with WattAoo Regional Poiic~. “The






the newsgroupsand is distressed that obscenitv is in the system,” Van Nierop says: “It is a c&nplex situation and the school is worritrd about the implications.”


Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992 5

Green Frosh by Janet McCausland Federation of Students

Conrd Grebei C o l l e g e i s positively transformed with renovatims this summer. . Photo by Dave Thomson

from UW News Bureau Family violence studied at UW summer session

The treatment of victims of famiiy violence is being explored in two summer session courses being offered at the University of Waterloo. Both social work courses attract professionals in the field and victims of family violence, as well as undergraduate students, says Prof. Dale Payne, a faculty member at UW-affiliate Renison College. As a special feature, both victims and perpetrators of family violence conduct guest presentations. The courses assess how to prevent domestic violence and how social policies affect family welfare. UW gets $1.4

million for revamping facilities

The University of Waterloo will spend $1.4 million in special funds from the Ontario government on repairing roofs, removing hazardous chemicals, rebuilding bridges and resurfacing roads. The $1,423,900 grant represents UW’s share of $20 million handed to universities under the province’s facilities renewal allocation. University staff now are carrying out projects around the campus, with much of the work expected to be done by September. Among the projects: roof and masonry repairs, including work at South Campus Hall at the entrance of the campus; asbestos removal at Carl Pollock Hall, located in the faculty of engineering; removal of PCBs from transformers in the central plant; replacement of three pedestrian bridges spanning Laurel Creek. St. Paul’s College at UW honors veteran local lawyer

Jack Harper, who has practised law in the Kitchener-Waterloo area since 1948, was honored with a 75th birthday luncheon at St. Paul’s College, affiliated with the University of Waterloo. Harper, now associated with Cowling & Henderson, specialized in corporate, commercial, tax and municipal law throughout his lengthy career. He has been president, director or chair of the board of three local insurance companies. In addition, he has volunteered with - many community service organizations. At present, he chairsthe principal’s advisory committee at St. Paul’s



UW graduate

students receive federal agency funding

The federal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council has awarded annual doctoral fellowships worth $14,436 each to 11 University of Waterloo graduate students. Ten of the award winne3s will continue their studies at UW, while one will take up the fellowship at another university. The federal grants-giving council awarded fellowships’ to 626 doctoral students in total across Canada. The UW winners (and their fields) are: Louis Groarke, philosophy; Robert CopIan, Deborah Fitzpatrick, James Karr, Tara McDonald and Julie Torrance Perks, psychology; Jana Karger, Philippa Spoel and David Wade, English; James Madden, sociology; and Ivan Tomek, French (at Queen’s University). Also two fellowship winners from other universities wiI1 be at UW: Galen Perras, history, tram the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont.; and Paul Rusnock, philosophy, from the University of New Brunswick U W coach t o a t t e n d B a r c e l o n a O l y m p i c G a m e s

The coach of the University of Waterloo’s female field hockey team, Judy McCrae, will be the color commentator on her sport for the CTV coverage of the Olympic Games in Spain. McCrae is also president of Field Hockey Canada, the national governing agency for the sport. As her sport’s representative, she will attend international meetings during the Olympics. At UW, McCrae is the coordinator of women’s athletics in the department of athleticsShe also coaches tie female indoor hockey team during the winter.

Orientation week is a traditional part of the university experience, a time for first-year students to participate in a week of fun-filled events organizqd by their student societies and residences. It allows incoming students the opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and to have fun. Spirit Day is a big part of orientation; its theme is the University of Waterloo working in the community, for the community, while establishing a strong and positive UW image. In the past, Shinerama has accomfished this goal, with Waterloo’s frosh flooding the surrounding area, washing cars and shining windshields to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis research. The 1992 Spirit Day has taken a new direction, and has incorporated an exciting new component to help strengthen and improve UW’s unity. An environmental aspect involving the beautification of parks and conservation sites in the area has been included. This new project has sparked a tremendous amount of interest from university students and the community. Stwlents from engineering, m, science, environmental studies, accounting, and St. Jerome’s and

Renison Colleges will help to improve the appearance of parks. To commemorate student efforts; four two-ton rocks with brass plaques will be situated at different. areas The University of Waterloo and the Federation of Students would like to thank the endowment fund committee for making it possible to obtain these monumental rocks. Whether shining or beautifying the environment, on September 12, 2,500 students will flood K-W and the surrounding area. Working together, the University of Waterloo and the community will help beat Cystic Fibrosis and clean the community. Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic disease, is responsible for taking the lives of more Canadian children than any other genetic disease. One in 25 Canadians carries the gene for CF. In such carriers, the chance of having a CF child is one in four. In recent years, research in the field of this disease has been remarkable in identifying the responsiblegene. Now&e effort is to find a cure, but the struggle is against time. The Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has never been so close, and never needed your help more. Last year, Uw fresh collected $42,685. This year, villages I and 11, the mathematics society, and St. Paul’s College will take to thestreets to shine Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding area to raise UW’s contribution goal of $50,000.

+Fuzzy Monkeys, .

69’ers triumpha,nt ’ by Laura Thomson Men’s -Basketball convemr

The Men’s Basketball League witnessed some explosive action on July 14 and 15 as the best of each division faced off in the final championship games of the season. In A League action, close does not adequately describe the fierce COMpetition the Hungry Heifers faced against the Fuzzy Monkees. In the end, the Fuzzy Monkees prevailed 51-49. Notable Fuzzy Monkees include Andre Schmoll with 14 points and Paul Melaschenko with 12 respectively. High scorers for the Hungry Heifers were Mihir (last name unknown) with 14 points and Farley (last name unknown) with 11. In Bl championship action, 69’ers \KlJL LlcIlllF dnk, qown) and JCCVF Frank Btilme attributed to their team’s squeak by the Mock Chicken Loafs 43-42. This nail-biter saw the Loafs leading most of the second half, only to lose out to the 69’ers in the last minute of play. B2 Basketball sported the

Hoophounds against the What 3A SD. The Hoophounds lambasted the SD’s 65-40. Although SD was defeated, special mention must go* out to Tim iakutney who singlehandedly scored over 20 points for the team. Hoophounds Oscar Rios and Rob Rintjima were pretty amazing th&nselves contributing a combined score of 35 points. The B3 championship game nlaced the Neuman &uls ag&& thk Men They Couldn’t Hang (who by the i way have some excellent women players). In the end, the Men They Couldn’t Hang were victorious, cleaning the Neuman Keuls 51-36. High scorers for the .Men They Couldn’t Hang include Elie Farrah with 20 point and Rennq Holt with 8. Finally in Cl action, the Mci Hip Hoopsters defeated Chug 32-20. Notable


from the



Steve Murray with 15 points. In C2 action, the MC Jammers played off against Victorious. Unfortunately, l?z-L--: -__- was -._-- --L -:- -f v lcxuriuus nor,t-uy- a- ---__ rnaqqn or -II.

MC Jammers won 34-33. (The fan captains as well as Mike Eden anal his support and the live action video ’ refereeing staff for making this camera helped carrv the Jammers to season successful and for tolerating victory). ;jlt of the tirnc changes ovc’r thtr term. Thanks to all of the players and Best of luck in the fall. .-


Opinion: The opinion pages are designed for Imprint staff members or feature contributors to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles on

these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Only articles clearly labelled “editorial” and unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint. editorial board.

Fireside Chat ?y Peter Brown

While sleepy Waterloo was engrossed in a battle of breasts this past week, the greater North American continent wasstill reeling after the surprise withdraw1 of H. Ross Perot from the American presidential race. Although the campaign hopes of Fill Ciinton, the Democratic candidate, seemed to be buoyed by Perot’s move (Clinton rose about 20 points in the polls), there are still four months left for President George Bush to launch a counterattack. As Republicans are fond of pointing out, and as, Democrats wish they wouldn’t, 1988’s Democratic candidate Michaei Dukakis led Bush by as many as-18 points after that year’s convention. Conventional political wisdom in the US instructs us that the party that is having a convention on or about the time that the poll is being taken stands a good chance of leading in that poll. The question now bandied about by knowledgeable pundits and ignorant column Nriters alike is who will appeal more effectively to captain-less Perot supporters. now that their hopes have been dashed. Obviously the American public is getting increasirigly cynical about politicians in general and about the status quo. The question is how this frustration will be expressed. There are two common lines of thrnking. One, that trumpeted by Clinton and his vicepresidential running mate. Al Gore, is that Americans, especially those who have worked 12-hour days just to oet Perot on the ticket in all 50 states ia condltl~~l of candidacy Imposed by.Perot himself )* wrll respond to cynicism about the current administration by registering a protest vote - rushing to the polls and voting Bush out. The assumption underlying this argument is that the American people wrll be able to separate what they don’t like about the Bush administration from their general perceptions of politicians, perceptions which are fed by a cheque-bouncing Congress and House of Representatives. The other main possibiltty, the one that will be counted on by the Republicans as it always is by incumbent parties, is that the American people will respond IQ political cynicism with apathy. With the only candidate that provided any c h a n c e of change - h o w e v e r u n k n o w n or misguided that change could turn out to be - out of the race, many Americans, especially Perot suppotiers, could simply respond -by saying “Screw it - if Perot isn’t running, I don’t care about who gets voted in.” This is the more likely of thetwo possibMies. The enthusiasm and idealism shown by Perot’s grassroots supporters, ihough quidkly gained, will not be easily transferred to either Clinton or Bush. Both remaining candidates are professional politicians, one of the major reasons so many Americans found Perot intriguing. A?d such enthusiasm, when undercut so, is liable to translate into a complete disdain for the electoral process. This election will have the distinction of a pulled-out Perot, but will also be remembered for one of the lowest voter turnouts in the modern history of American elections. And for the fourth cons&utive Republican victory. Of course, the election is still four monYhs away. America c o u l d f i n d o u t a b o u t B u s h ’ s extra-marital affairs by. then. But don’t count on it.


MY reasons for protest

by Nancy Forde a,

Okay, 1 would like Lo make a puint or two (no pun intend&) about this “Bob taboo”

thing. I participated in Waterloo’s protest in support of Gwen Iacob this past wt%ekend. I’d like to explain why 1put tape across my breasts with the word “censorrd” on them.

I was not afraid to be arrested for this gender-biased law because I think it is an unjust lay, but 1 was damned if I was going to have men leer and gawkat me for their sexual

pleasure. I was not there to be objectified by these men. That was not the point of the protest, so I covered my breasts in the hope that I would still get the message of protest across. And I think-l did. Perhaps I should have simply worn the bandaids I had on over my nipples (they have the Cookie Monster and Big l3ird @ them. I mean, if people found that - offensive, they can write toSesame Street). By covering &m ly mv nipples, I might have been able to Jetermine exactlv which part of the breast society. {or the individual officer) deems offensive. Perhaps 1 would still have ’ Zen arrekted, because; hey, men have nipples too. ’ 1 think a lot of ‘people are misinformed about the protests that took place last weekend, Just read Barbara Jackson’s article in Tuesday’s A’- W Rtru~~l titled “Confronting Reality.“,1 think she is not confronting reality herself. She calls the protests unnecessary “shock treatment.” I think not. At the protest last .Friday in Guelph, none of the women removed their shirts because they chose not to, and I think that that protest was very successful. Does Ms. Jackson truIy consider protests believe

of this type unnecessary? Does she that men of the 19th century were So generous toward and concerned with women that they would have, one day while sitting

artjund in their smoky, cigar-infested rooms, decided amongst themselves, “Gee, let’s give women the vute today!” No. Women have had to protest evev step of the way for their freedoms and there is obviously Gill a long way to ~0.

1 am concerned about the uninform-ed peck pie out there, like Ms. Jackson, who are in turn misinforming the pubIic. No ant, I know in support of Gwen Jacob would be ridiculous enough

or stupid enough

to su=est that

breasts are not sexual. I ht?v are. But thev are secondarv sexual organs, &tended oniv to provide lactation to feed offspring. They are not genitalia (ask ani doctor if in doubt). It is ludicrous to suggest that rape will incrdase if women walk around topless. Peo- pie who claim this are admitting that what women wear or what thev do not wear affects whether or not they will be raped. These people arc once again falling into the societal and judicial trap of blaming the victim instead of the rapists. Just like the man who was acquit-

ted of charges of moIesting a three-year-old girl last year in British Columbia. The man claimed that she was being sexually aggressive. The judge sided with him against the chiid. Thejudge blamed the victim. Surely the poor man could not have helped himself if the child is going to sit on his lap and arouse him. This kind of reasoning makes me sick 1 don’t think any of the women who support Jacob are naive enough to presume that no man is going to become aroused at the

sight of a woman’s breast. Hey, a lot of women will be aroused too, The arousal is something we are not asking men to control, only their reaction to the arousal. A man who imposes his arousal on a wornart or child by comq&ting rape is the only one responsible for his

behaviour and the only person to blame. A lot of women are scared that if the topless -law is passed, they will not be able to charge a

man for sexual harassment if he touches their *breasts. That is not true. Of course they can. Ii a man touched my knee, arm, shoulder, or anv other part of my body with sexual intent and-1 did not want him to, I can charge him with se& ual harassment. He need not even touch me. If he verbally harasses me in a Iewd manner, I can cha,rge him with the same. XH) bad Ms. Jackson couldn’t have made this point clear in - her article, Anyway, the real point about any of the protests is that female breasts are not indecent, offensive, or obscene. If the topless law is passed, it won’t matter whether women never choose to exercise this right, only that the stigma of being deemed indecent (of being grouped along with flashers or those who

masturbate in public, in parks,. or in front of children) be taken away from the female body.

I applaud the women who were brave enough to go topless last Saturday and were subsequently arrested. 4 applaud Richard Kneider for including women in his “no shirt, no service”sign at his Stratford rrtstaurant. He is obviously not gender-biased. I question the concern of Cheryl Jeffrey, a stripper at Waterloo’s Network, ahut small children who will be exposed to the sight of women’s bieasts. Children are far more comfortable with the female body than are most adults. If she is so concerned about children, perhaps she codd stop promoting the objectification of women’s bodies by men, or men’s bodies by women, for that matter* I would like my children to live in a world where the human body is appreciated, yes, but also highly respetted and never debased.

I, forum





Sexual regions To the editor, The recent article uune 10) by Sue Forrest regarding the Gwen Jacob affair completely ignored several crucial aspects of the case. In her article, Ms. Forrest would have us believe that. the Canadian legal system is geared soley toward men and that women are accorded less consideration and protection (ep;. “men’s right to not be sex~ally’stimulated in-public is more important than a woman’s right to be topfree”). While the’ law does have different rules for-men and women in some cases, it also accords Ms. Jacob as well as all women certain protections that men do not enjoy. Sexual assault legislation is one such gender-based doublg standard. If a person &costs a woman and touches her brea&s, that person has comtiitted a sexual assault. If that same individual forces him/hers& on a man and touches his,chest without consent, that person has corrimitted common assault at worst. While the individual may have fondled the same regions of both the female and the malt*, thtb attack r)n the femaltt will bc dtlalt with rnortl harshlv since sexual assault is stlrious than wmmon aswAt. Viewed from this perspective, is legal recognition of the sexual nature of the female breast “unfair gender discrimination”, Ms. Fo&st? Fortunately, our court system is not as easily swept away by rhetoric as are some of Ms. Jacob’s supporters. It recognizes that while men ;yld women are EQUAL before the law in terms of opportunity, intelligence and perso~l worth, - hey remain. ar&omically DIFFERENT. This fundamental difference must be taken into account in court decisions. At times, this means having different rules for men and women, as in the cases of sexual assault and paid maternity leave. This also means hiwing ditkent ruks &wut’what conStituttY indt~ctM public c~xposilrtl. Much of the outrage in this matter stems from a perceived inconsistency in the law (ie. that a Aan can walkaround in-public without a shirt but a woman cannot). Q&te simply, the spirt of the law forbids the public disp-lai o f a &son’s sexual regions. Fbr both men and .Lomen, the exposition of pubic regions are forbidden. In addition, the’femaie l%east is a sexual region since it exhibits distinct sexual responsesand plays a role in the procreative prdcess (albeit g p&natal one). Tb reject the hotion that the fekale breast is a sexual region whose exposure should be treated differently than an arm, leg or a male’s chest is also to reject the notion that the unwanted fondling of a female breast constitutes a sexual assault. It is by recognizing the sexual nature of the female breast in BOTH cases of sexual assault and indecent exposure that the law shows itself to be consistent and, in fact, fair. In her article Ms. Forrest states that “there is no law explicitly criminalizing being top-free in a public place . . . yet police have seen fit to interpret unadorned women’s breasts as ‘indecent”‘. She calls this a “seemingly incongnaous interpretation given the unquestionable supremag of the Charter”. These statements are misleading in that they suggest that Ms. Jacob’s conviction cannot be iustified under c&rent legislation, including he Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Simply because Section 174 of the Criminal Code (the section dealing with indecent acts) does not explicitly state that a woman cannot bare her breasts and walk around in public, it does not legalize such behaviour. In fact, like most sections of the Code, what is. and what is not legal depends on how this section has been interpreted in the past (ie. in the form of precedents). Precedent law clearly states that, with the possible exception of sunbathing, a woman’s breasts must be covered in public and Ms. Jacob must have known she was breaking the law when she removed her top. To state that the “police” interpreted bare breasts as “indecent” is an untruth. The courts (in agreement with a large body of public sentiment) have ruled that bare breasts themselves are not indecent, but that their public

Pat 1)oolev 28 Yhysits

Back in the real world To the editor, Re: The walk-a-breast weekend. We sup port all efforts which promote the equality of the sexes. Further, we have, and continue to actively oppose all types of discrimination. However, we do* not believe that this particular issue would benifit women. Let us explain. If the groups of well meaning activists can convince society, and ultimately the courts, that women’s breasts are not a sexual part of the body the precedent would cause a multitude of negative side effects. For example, a male employer commenting on a “nice chest”normally is complimenting a male while insulting a female. But, if a precedent determines that the female breast is nob sexual then a valid complaiitt of sexual harassment may be set aside. Further, unwanted touching of a female breast could be argued to be non-sexual on the basis of the afbrementioned precedent. Such assults could no longer be-prosecuted as sexual ass& unless the &er a&ivites were judged to be sexual interference. Thus; a “victory” on this issue for the women’s movement may be taking two steps backward for one step forward. It would be a great loss for wom<n while a “victtiv” for activists. We fegret that the issues of equality are not cut and dry. Ideally such issues are black and white. But-in the ieal world we must sometimes sacrifice idealism for Dracticalitv. . We respectfully urge t6e well &aning activists to drop this issue if they truly wish to advance the interest of women. MikeDzis



Mark MehUe

3B C. and0 . ’

Politically incorrect To the editor,

At the risk of appearing politically incorrect on the matter, I would like to publicly voice my support for Judge Payne’s decision in the Gwen Jacob case, and my opposition to the



l+mm: The forum pages are designed to provide an opjxrrtunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters or other articltrs on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, double-smced letters to Imprint, Campus ccr!trc 140. M;III can ;rlso be sent via e-mail to imprint@watservl.Waterloo-edu. Be sure tr, mclude your phone number with al1 correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 5:OO pm Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longei pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All matwiJ is subject to editing.

Men against legal breasts display is. Furthermore, the “unquestionable supremacy” of the Charter referred to by Ms. Forrest includes Section 1 which states that certain reasonable limits may beimposed on equality rights. It is this section which has allowed affirmative action programs to be created and differing definitions of what constitutes sexual assault upon a male and a female to exist. Thus, the law under which Ms. Jacob was corivicted is not necessarily unconstitutional as the article’s writer hassuggested. In short, the Gwen Jacob affair deals with the legal status of a very specific part of the female anatomy. The spirit of the law states that no one, male or female, is allowed to display his or her sexual regions in public. The crucial issue .is whether or not the female breast is a sexual region. Supporters of Gwen Jacob cannot haveheir cake and eat it too. If they insist that the sexual nature of the breast is not sufficient to require it to be covered in public, then they must, ipso* facto&z willing to concede that the integrity of the female breast need not be protected by sexual assault legislation, ,which is absurd. Otherwise, the law would require only men to cover all of their sexual regions in public: a cIear-cut case of unfair gender-based discrimination.


Racism ranks

Walk-A-Breast protest, both for its means as well as its motives. My views stem from a number of beliefs. I believe the human race is fundamentally motivated to preserve and propagate itself. I believe the most constructive means (by far) of doing this is the loving, stable, two-parent, heterosexual family. My experience is that this unit tends to make for happy, wellbalanced children. I believe that responses to sexual stimuli are always, to a certain degree, involuntary. Finally, I believe that the failure of a marriage partner to keep his or her sexual relations within the marriage is usually cause for marital breakdown, and is always a de+ tabilizing force on the marriage. From these beliefs I conclude that it is not unreasonable to limit the so-called “rights” of a women to act voluntarily in a way that causes involuntary and unusual sexual stimylation of the men around her (and vice versa). I think that baring female breasts in public constitutes such an act. (Let’s save the general debate about what constitutes “unusual sexual stimulation” for later, shall we?) Obviously for Dine Pettifer’s husband, Gwen Jacob’s influence was one that started an incident in his marriage. Perhaps his actions showed a lack of strength and commitment. Perhaps Ms. Jacob should have been more cqnsiderate. Clothing is a barrier we have set up in society to protect ourselves (a rule to guide the wise and protect the foolish), and it is one of the few still standing. Why would we, as a society, w$h to subject our most successful self-preservation institution to yet another strain by &ally endorsing an act such as Ms. Jacob’s? Contrary to your “Feature”, my opinion is that Judge Payne’s decision * was neither dubious, nor an affront to reason. It was rooted in 10% and profound collective experience with the Emily as a fundamental human institution. Gwen Jacob’s “words of wisdom” are little more than irresponsible and foolish. That student “leaders” and their organizations would support an unquestionably illegal, and genuinely tasteless protest over a cause as dubious as this shows nothing but lack of forsight and absence of judgement on th+ part. That they do not see that such actions promote, rather than reduce,, gender violence, and the abuse of women I generally, is incomprehensible. M o s t students are still single, and perhaps from there stems the inexperience and lack of wisdom that claims that sexual license is harmQ less. Anyone is within their rights to think that Gwen Jacob represents a progressive view. I am within my’rights to protest such irresponsibility towards society, such disrespect for women, and fight it (legally) at every opportunity.


To ihe editor, Feeling, perhaps, that proper debate within the university is inadequate to stifle reforms, and also hoping to use the indignation of a popular “mob” to intimidate the university administration, Dr. Judy Wubnig of PhilosFphy accorded the K-W Record an interview which appeared on July 13th saying, among other things, that black authors should not be taught in high schools, that the employment of women and minorities lowers standards in educational institutions and leads to the collapse of economies, and that employment equity policies are tantamount to Communism. While reading this interview, I fell into a haze of utter disbelief. Flitting past my eyes were the grainy archival footage of the American South in the 50s where beerbellied sheriffs of Dixie towns argue that segregation is natural, and Senator Joe McCarthy interrogating the “Commie subversives” who had infilitrated the highest echelons of power, threatening the “American way of life”. I still find it incomprehensible that a former American, who at least watched the human rights stmggles on TV, has no awareness of the cultural nature of racial antagonism and the urgent need to eliminate it. Equally lamentable is the silence of the rest of the Philsophy faculty, which displays not a single reason why it should be considered a vital engine of ideas rather than a repository for tenures, privefegqd irrelevancies, out of touch with the public, and simply grateful to collect their cheques under the status quo of Anglo-Saxon colonial supreecy. Is this the death of humanism at UW? Indeed, if the reactionary activish of Dr. Wubnig and the fledgling neo-conservative lobby-group to which she belongs continues unchecked, the credibility of academia as a place where serious thinking takes place, a credibility already fragile with the public at large, will crumble within the student body itself. And that will be the end of the University in this country. James Ikxms 4A Hans. English

Tanks Canada


To the editor,

Simon aft

Camera sad To the editor, What. the hell were “walk a breast” promoters thinking of? 1 went to their silly little demonstration with my camera, hoping to get some nice shots of tits, my camera didn’t even click once. I guess Gwen’s supporters are all fat and/of ugly and this is the only way they can get men to look at them. Nice try - too bad they only attracted hoards of onlookers like myself. PS - To the guys with the video camera can I get myself a copy of the tape in case 1 missed a nice set? K e v i n Wherry 4APlanning



On behalf of the K-W Canada Day Council I would like to acknowledge and thank all of the students, staff, and faculty who helped to make Canada’s 125 Birthday a fabulous SXcess. Over 300 people volunteered their time and energy to this July 1st event which brought out our largest crowd ever of approximately 65,000 mpfe. Special thanks goes to: Alison, Dragana, and the EngSoc office; Curtis, Pat, and the MathSoc office; Laura and the SciSoc office; Linda, Catherine, and WPIRG; Sue, Jeff, and the SAA; and last but not least to Jenn and the Turnkeys; all of which did a fabulous job of organizing activities for the public. Finally, I would like to recognize the steering committee: Marlene Miles, Dave McDougall, Dawn Bums, Tibi Clarke, Pat Forte, Nancy Heide; John Homman, Vema Keller, Christine Kenny, Dave Kruis, Mikh&l Lopushanski, Dave Macedon, Martin McCornick, Rob McCeachy, Julie Mulvey, Shawn O’Connor, Paula Pescador, Angus Rogerson, and Brenda St. D@s; all of whom dedicated many hours of hard work to make &sure Canada Day ran smoothly. Thanks for making the, 125th Canada Day the best Canada Day celebration K-W has ever seen. Kate Rushforth

Chaiqxmon K-W Canada Day Ccun~l


F o r u m.

8 Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992

God damn conservatives

riving the government of a chance 10 earn interest on it. Surveys have been done recently that show that, surprise, the average consumer is not reaping immense savings as a result of the tax’s implementation. And, surprise again, the government is making a lot more money from

As the fall of 1992 rapidly approaches, I am reminded of two things, First, it

wili be almost

four years ago that Canadians were asked to elect g Prime Minister. Second, most will also recall that election being won and lost almost solely on the issue of free trade -with the United Stat&. This pre-election period then should include some type of an evaluation of the suc-

cess of Mulronev’s stroke of brilliance. There are no doubt many activists still seething four years later about the thing being signed in the first place who are trying to raise the idea that the FTA mav not have been in Canada’s best interest, bui they are being drowned out by the government’s fabricated news of a constitu tional crisis. When the Canadian news media devote so much attention to a ‘single issue such as the supposed separation crisis, less attention can be paid to other matters, such as Mulroney’s performance over the last eight years, The question 1 am most concerned about is this: what have we gained from free trade? Perhaps an examination of occurences after the 1988 election will provide answers. 1 remember courttless articles and television newscasts dealing ,with the Bank of Canada’s policy on interest rates, where it appeared John Crow was trying to equate the Canuck buck to the American one, come hell or high water. Someone put forth the e x p l a n a t i o n that possibly a secret deal had been struck, whereby our low dollar had to be raised to ensure w; didn’t have too high a hand in the relationship.

And who can forget the GST, accompanied bv the most ostentatious propaganda effort undertaken bv our government, ever. The Goods and S&vices Tax, quickly termed the “Gouge and Screw Tax” by government opposition, was and still is opposed by the majoritv of Canadians. Some smal1 busmess organi&ons have even suggested that &&one should withotd sending in their coll&ted &T until the last minute, thus dep-

it than they originally estimated. Wouldn’t your jaw drop ifit wasdiscovered that the GS?’ is part of a plan to shift more tax burden upon the average worker while cutting the corpdrate tax rate so our transnational ’ corporations can better compete with their transnational corporations? And golly, we’ve sure cleaned house with respect to reducing American tariffs on our products, eh? Why, just a short while back those nutty guys put a 6.5 per cent tariff on some sort of lumber product we ship down there. But well win the appeal, right? And if we don’t, well, the forestry industry only employs about 10 pr cent of Canadians. While professing concern for the current u n e m p l o y m e n t r a t e , o u r fderal g o v e r n m e n t does not attempt to revise the trade agreement, and no one dares suggest Canada give their six-month notice to slow the rate at which we are being fucked around. If we truly were getting a fair shake with this agreement, wouldn’t the Mulruney election machincrv begin generating statistics about this and &her political accomplishments of this. man? If. Those who forget their mistakes are domed to repeat them, sayeth the wise Jelk, Biafra. Everyone who voted for Lyin’ Brian repent now, and the country can be saved! kt we forget, we remember: the tuna thing, the GST, rolling the dice, Mcwh 1 ake, record numbers of Cabinet Ministers resignin% the GST, Sinclair Stevens, Ministers and MPs convicted of DUI, the forced passing of the FTA and GST, our involvement in the Gulf invasion, VIA Rail cutbacks, the GST.... Dave Thomson

B.reast *issue not trivial’ A Lot of people obviously do care for one reason or the other. The amoral majority and blind idiots (often a two-in-one combination) find it necessary to make puMic their disgust, and to advise wayward Gwen that she best focus her energy on other problems men have caused women. Similarly, people like myself wish to publicly support her and try to persuade others of what appears glaringly obvious. It is an unfortunate trend that people fighting for choices outside of mainstream thought art’ increasing being persecuted and ridiculed flrr challenging the “community standard,” a vague term with manv connotations whose interpretation has marked Gwen for life as an enrmv of the state. Ma& seen1 to believe that “she just wanted attent&.” After all, whv else would a worn&n want to take her top off in public, right? I wish 1could rt*duce the issue’s complexity to that level. She wanted to draw attention to the imbdded sexism in the law and its interpretation, perhaps. Did she want a criminal rcbcord? About as much as you or I. That kind of attention sure helps prospects for a summcr job, needed to pav for her lawyers, court transcripts, etc. Sphnding thousands of doll,~rs to challt*nge a discriminatorv law is not the action of one simply seeking &ention. I don’t really cart’ n great deal who supports hor or for what reasons as long as sume thought wds givtwn to the issut$s complexitv, However, to laugh at and blindly criticise wpwnt~ who h,ls a ~4 deal of public sup-. end who has wagered more of her hide OIL this issue than vou art’ likely to at any point of \‘c)ur lift* is th&action of someone sorely nciding trl Ica\jt* the hilust more often. KLu-c-iving n so&l shock in a culture that IWCS conform isnlt alwavs pleasant, but a pcbrt,


static culture is cl dving agree, far worst’.

one and, most would

Dave Thomson

346 King Street, W.

ml you Can Eat! .

From 1100 am, to 200 tarn.



Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992 9

TTze-crime of the USS Vincennes

A tragedy forgotten after five years by Klmsmw

Jafarpour .

July 3,1992 was the fifth anniversary of one of the most horrible tragedies in recent history. Five years ago on that day, an American warship, the USS Vincennes, shot down an Iranian passenger jet with more than 300 people on board. The event was so terrible that even those who committed this act could not annuunce it. From the beginning, many propaganda maneuvres were used in reporting this event to the media. Fanastic lies were made in this regard. According to these reports, two commercial ships, one Liberian and the other Pakistani, had been attacked by Iranian armed boats prior to the event. Having received help messages from the two ships, Vinctlnnes hcad,d for ‘1 suppc)rt cjpcbration whrln it c~~nfrontt~d m Iranian airbus cruising to t a r g e t ihe navy s h i p . Therefore, it had no choice other than defending itself by shooting the plane down, while still in international waters. The scenario seemed to be perfect, and hence it justified the action!

by PhiUip Chee

But no, there was still something missing. It was Goebels’ (Hitler’s propaganda man) dottrine that if you want to tell a lie, make it with the fullest strength so that people will accept it more easily. Now those who convicted Goebels in their courts seem to act no better than him. Based on this doctrine, the courageous operation of the Vincennes crew

“humanity” and “human rights” in the 20th century at all or are these terms, as many others ones, just means in the hands of power to suppress t h e u n w a n t e d regimes, movements, and individuals? The Vincennes tragedy has become a page of history now. Even the bones of 300 men, women, and children will rot away. Now what matters is not investigations to disclose more facts, nor financial compensation for the victims’ families. What really matters is whether the world reacts to this evident crime or keeps silent. Being insensitive to such a great disaster will result in more atrocities of this or another kind. Obviously, the victims of these crimes will be not always be parties from the Third World and it will include even those in the Second World who can something today and nothing tomorrow!

300 killed by U.S. wumhip was appreciated and a medal awarded to its captain bv the US president! Now ‘in its fourth anniversary, ABC reviewed t h i s tlvcnt i n i t s o n e - h o u r newsmagazine program, Rri,@irliJ. Whv an American institution did so is an intereiting feature of the US policies by itself and needs to be discussed separately. However, some explicit facts were revealed there as: - Vincennes was in Iranian watersat the time of the event. - The Iranian airbus was taking off and get-

Business . . U ber Alles

They did it again. Okay, so it was only 10 white males this time. But the method was practically the same. Maybe Ill coin a new word fclr this sort of cynical, political (read: statecraft) manipulation: “meeching.” “Well, honey, looks like them fellas in Ottawa have meeched this country pretty good with that GST thing.” Or, “After we layoff a couple thousand of our employees and transfer their work to Mexico, well get the PR Department to meech the press.” My vision of Canada includes Quebec? Newfoundland? (is irrelevant.) The recent constitutional agreement is no different from the “politicking” of previous eras since the mid-19th century. Capitalism has now become justified by the rhetoric of Iibtrral democracy. Yet, this latest package should now clearly show the lie that is liberal democracy. You can call the state we find ourselves in whatever you like: friendly fascism, 1984, f&s .hcv-icctrru. I’d like to call it Imperial G7 Inc. subsidiary of the Bourgeois Empire and Trading Company. For me, living in an administrative outpost (the municipal corporation euphemistically known as the “city”), watching the wheeling and dealings of these so-called “representative of the people” is quite sickening. They no more represent me than the Bolsheviks did the Russian peasants in 1917. I would not be surprised to learn that the Fathers of Confederation (You still don’t think we live in a patriarchal society?) were less concerned about creating a democratic union than trying to prevent the US from stealing their market and resources within the British North American territories. Being good capitalists, they realized, liktl their counterparts in Europe had already, that the creation of a

ting away from the warship. - There was no Liberian ship in the region and the Pakistani ship had not sent any messages. - There was no attack by Iranian armed boats at all. With all this evidence what can be coneluded about this event and those who

nation-state was a nifty way of consolidating people and natural resources, with the sole intent of making lots of money. The power of such an ideolo&al value system is easy to understand once you cut all the ethical and social fetters that bind the intellect of capita1 to the heart of society Maybe economics and statecraft make a snug fit between the sheets. This combination of power and domination can be an erotic “turn-on” for some, subtlv addictive and ultimately destructive. Is it anv wonder why things haven’t changed much in 125 years?

Parceling out legislative powers to provincial states does not reallv make government closer to the people. It just makes things easier for multinationals. Remember, today’s megacorporations do not respect national boundaries. They simply milk a region for all it’s worth and then trv to pack up and leave as quietly as they can. Unfortunately, it’s often quite messy. Broken familes, domestic’ violence, bitter cynicism, and the slow withering awav of hope for a better life are the consequenck Essentially, the neo-conservative agenda championed bv Reagan, Thatcher, Bush, and Mulroney has-as its goal the dismantling of the welfare state constructed by 1930s social democrats. “The lessons of thtr past were all learned with workers’ blood,” sang Billy Bragg. So was the high standard of living in the West. And they’re going to pay even more before the economic bloodletting is finished. The most recent case? Overfishing of thtr cod stocks, per se, is not the cause of 19,000 Newfoundland fishermen finding they have time on their hands. It is the ideological assumption of global markets, international competition, and national divisions of labour that force fishermen to mine the seas as if looking for gold. The ecological blindness of this world-view also exacerbates the natural dwindle in fish numbers that is a cyclic aspect of any marine ecosystem. This is the bleak portrait of economic imperialism run by the business oligarchy. Community - and to some extent regional - economic autonomy and direct democracy should be mutually tied together. It can be said that neither exist today - which is the tragedy of this century and mocks the- legacy of freedom won by workers and peasants from-the bosses and feudal lords.

brought it into reality? Is it less than state terrorism by those who are condemning this kind of activity day and night? What hapd pened to the medal presented to the navy commander? Most imhortant of all, what was the “world”‘s reaction to these confessions? Is there an alert conscience to care about

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Barcelona ‘92

by Dave Fisher

Imprint sports

He’s left ‘em laying on the canvas in every province and territory in Canada, rang up impressive victories through Europr, the States and Central America, and struck the mtldal podium in Australasi& Assembling one of the mortr impressive strike ratios in recent mt’morv (km defeats in 191

matches), htl’s ncwrthctt~ss

still somewhat of a mvsterv thr)sc in his homt%&. . On the we cd




lYY2 Barcck)n‘l

Olympic Games, all that could quickly change.

lacing As well as Boehm’s significance, Johnson lists his role models as .Muhummad Ali (“my hero . . . I can never read enough about him”), Roberto Alomar (“the perfect sports hero - brilliant, talented, graceful and modest”}, Lennox Lewis (“one of my biggest heroes and a great friend.. . he took me to Vegas with him and sat me down ringside for the Sugar Ray Leonard - Danny Monde t i t l e fight”), and his brother Greg (“my best friend and biggest influence”}.

that’s Saturday, that’s tomorrow, please check local tims, channels, listings, etc., or forever be condemned to bandwawnesque status - our defending Commonwealth champion will be boxing for thr Kitchener that now kncjws better.

A!l it takers these ddvs, one perceives, is a 20/20 Barbara Walters

inttwitw w i t h lrcln Mikkb Tvson or anv Jcrrv Coons cream-puff titlrsh&, and thtb wh& sport g:rts tar-

Alas, it was Greg that got Chris into the ring in the first place. As Chris telts it, “Some guy was bragging to Greg about how good he reckoned his little brother was. (Greg) put the gloves on me, challenged him, got me in the ring and I whupped him. That was about twelve vears ago and I’ve loved it ever since:”

nished. Worse, the averagtl boxing fan is forced to dolts out 40 bucks a shot to stomach big TV screens only to btl led by the now hostage as filthy big-hair managers wring their GLock-

toting hands and so-calkd champs refuse to fight anybody but SO-yearold, 300-pound windbags. Boxing, as SINIIPS //ltr.sirwrc~rl is quick to point out, has got something of a stimv image to ovtlrcomt).



Photo by Dave Fisher hrlthti comes in a town with no real training facilitia. But it’s no surprise

to the middleweight, who answers nll~tt~r-r,f-~~ictCtl\f, “Arnie Boehm”. In addition trj Chris Johnson (Canadian junior-~hanipion ‘86~‘88, Canadian middlewright (75 kg:) champion ‘89‘92, Commonwealth Gold Medal

with mv head” and persuade

him to

Champion Auckland ‘90, World Brclnze medallist S v d n e v ‘91), coach Boehm has trained Co&monweaith and Olympic Super-Heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis, (now professionallv with the British, Euro-



and aj7my to the solar pkkws l

and Commonwealth heavyweight titles), Terry Campbell (Pan-Am Bronze medallist), and current Canadian champs Fitzroy van der Pool (light-welterweight) and Greg Johnson (welterweight and Chris’s brother). Future contenders for the ‘96 Atlanta Games appear to & Scatty Brown and Jason Douglas.

Sadly, ior both Canada and thti Johnson family, Gregcouldn’t qualify for Barcelona. For sc)mtr rather complicated and convoluted requirements, Canada cannot field an entire team. Due to rigid eligibility limitations for the Olympic field - 24 in some weight categories and 32 in others - and tht? fact that both the United States and Cuba, (boxing superpowers), are entitled to field entire teams, Canadian boxers must enter into elimination bouts with the rest of the Americas in order to qualify. Suffice to mention, Greg (the Canadian welterweight champ) did not qualifv, which devastated Chris, who had l&g dreamed that they’d btt in Barcelona together. Needless to say, Chris will be performingasmuch for his brother Greg as for himself.

1 The status of Chris Johnson’s hand is perhaps his only question mark. He’s been getting it treated, for the past few months with ultrasound after having received a slight fracture. _


the Olympics, (a dream he’s harboured since the age of nine), he pac-

ked his bags for Australia and returned home with the bronze medal. He never retuined to Jamestown and he never lost sight of his goal.

Arnie prepares to be terminated. Photo by Dave Fisher

It’s a surprise to most that Kitchener’s reputation as a boxing

“1 was sparring with some big, empty cardboard boxes. Except that 9 one of the boxes didn’t move.” Chances are that Johnson won’t be in the ring matched against a dresserdrawer in Barcelona, nonetheless he’s going to come out bombing. ?‘&-I not holding anything back. I’ve been drear&ng about this ail my life. You’ve .probably heard it all before, but I’m not going there to lose. I hate losing. Besides, my mother’s going to be there and I don’t want to let her down,”

Despite lacking the training facilities one would associate with such a haul of medals, this seemingly rag-tag bunch of fighters has been shaped by Boehm into the most formidable and envied boxing team in the country, accomplishing as much by training in the Regional Waterloo One loss and he’s out. It says here Police gymnasium in downtown that Kitchener’s Chris Johnson will be Frederick Street. Their success is a bringing back a medal. Just be glued testament to the athIetes desire and - to the tube to find out what colour it’s their coach’s inspiration. going to be.

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Jerry says -we’re all Waterwinners Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra

During one of the song breaks, he pondered about what people from &Nrlil.~ll&f Waterloo called themselves, Thursday, July 16 Waterlooians? Watcrlooites? The.n when somebody called out Waterlosers, he said that we should have a higher opinion of ourselves by Frank Seglenieks and that we were at1 Waterwinners to Imprint staff him, One great aspect of the show was the quality of the sound; other times 1 It is appropriate that this, the last have seen Jerry Jerry, his vocals issue of Imprint of the term, should would be buried in the mix. cuntain a review of Jerry Jerry and the ’ However, at the Bombshelter that L;r)ns of Rhvthm Orchestra, as the first night the perfect balance was found ksur of this term had me writing a b e t w e e n t h e h a r d r o c k a n d roli rtlview of this same band, My only grooves coming from his band and complaint in the last review was the the insightful and funny lyrics of his poor mix which left the lyrics unit+ songs. ttilligible; this time the sound was The Sons of Rhythm were, as great and as a result I have no comalways, musically tight very plaints, as I believe it was the best throughout the many differ&t styles three-dollar show anyone could ask of music they have to perform. As for. well, going to see them is often difItight from the start, Jerry Jerry was ferent each time as usually all seven in L”ine form on stage, never standing members can’t accompany Jerry. This still, always walking around or maktime the saxophone player tias left in ing some sort of gestures with his Montreal and the keyboardist made arms or with his face. The concert the long drive to Waterloo. started Gth my two favourite songs The break in between sets lasted bv Jerry Jerry, -“Runaway Lane” and the promised 40 min,utt’s (I can res“Bad Luck at Tuk~~e,” both from his pect someone who is honest about second release H(ri& ~~TYUI/I o/’ I/UJ how long the break will be), although +trr701trr~ The rest of the first set Jerry Jerry didn’t get much of a rest as continued to feature songs from this he spent almost all of the time at the album and his debut release Tlr~&& merchandise desk signing . I/~u/ Dlrr,lk TUU M~u$, with only a few autographs and talking to his fans. songs from his most recent offering The second set was heavy on new Dun i Mind (/'I do. material including my favourits

from the last album, one entitled “No Ass Tatoos in Heaven” where the title speaks for itself, and the other, which was the only real ballad of the night, describing the infatuation of a 15year-old drunk girl towards the drummer of the punk rock band DOA. The crowd was a touch on the small side, but they were certainly enthusiastic, offering him beer and fries, as well as filling the area in front of the stage for much of the concert and there was one guv who never sat down, he even dancid to the music between sets. After’ performing most of the material of his fantastic latest release, he ended off with a IO-minute version of the song “The Drift,” where he sang for the first half and crouched down and looked tike he was i n a trance for the second half, watching the dancers in h-on t of him’ like sameone at the zoo. t After an encore which was not stopped by the house music coming on, Jerry Jerrv ended off a fine evening’9 entertainment with a song which encourages people to stay off of dru@ and the sinful pleasures of Iife and look for something above, with the song “Pushin’ for Jesus.” As before a great show by a great showman, its only a pity more people don’t come out to see a fine Canadian performer, so when he comes around again don’t miss your chance, GO, SEE HIM!

“Pushing to be JesW. Photo by Dave Thomson

Single Digits Digit

Digit’s performance was good, although it was a bit on the short side. They only played about eight songs, all in one’ set. After two LISL+SS bands, OW wiw Id t.xpwt d m o r e Iength~~ pttr~orrj3ance. They had a good stage appearance, with the help of a few go-go dancers and excellent lighting. Their music was precise, fast, and had energy. The vocalist w& a bit demanding at first, saying “If you don’t dance, then you won’t get a good show.” I didn’t think it was appropriate to threaten the paying customer+. However, his cockiness seemed t6 subside after that, seeing many more people on the floor.

Acid Test Modem Exhibition Mm1 liUf1 k/t1 II July IS,1992 by Steve Topper Imprint staff


What else was there to do on a rainy Saturday night? Of course, Fed Hell isn’t exactly the place to have a rave, but where else in K-W could it be held? Publicized as “Rave on the Road,” this sounded like a techno show with cool lights and throbbing, hard dance music. Well . . . Modern Exhibition opened the show. Personally, only two words could describe this group: Depeche Mode. Although they didn’t do any DM covers, one not knowing all of DM’s works would swear Modern Exhibition was copying the group. The difference between the two groups was that ME lacked any energy. Their music was precise, electronic, well-put-together, and wellexecuted. Hbwever, it was boring. Although most songs were around 120 beats per minute, dancing to them would have been a journey into th;e monotonous land of cold, synfh esked garbage. Their one cover, Seel’s “Killer,” was done correctly, but still missed any soul found in the original. These guys need some creativity, and maybe a few doses of caffeine.


looked straight at me. I tell

Toronto-based Acid Test recently appeared on IElectric Circus, and has a record contract. Was it too much to expect something decent? After hear-

ins 40 minutes of boring Depecheimitation, Acid Test was in a great

position to make a positive impression. However, their music was only a small step up from their predecessors, with respect to excitement.

Most of their material was off their independent release, AU?/ i%ot!. In addition, they remixed their single “Guardian” for the show. This was unfortunate, since it was overly done. I t d i d n ’ t even vaguely r e p r e s e n t t h e original until halfway through. It was too garbled to really understand or listen to without tilting your head like yam. a confused puppy. Photo by Steve Topper The really sour note came at the end of the show, when the singer It was kind of funky, slightly hypeI, Digit is a local band, who ended up neglected to introduce the last song as and all sounded the same. headlining this event. They have not signed with a major label, but have 1 such. After the last song, he simply 1 could have sworn they played the released material independently, stated, ‘Well, that’s it,” and walked off S a m e song eight times over. The the stage. which has reached at least as far as crowd seemed to disagree, and got That left everyone with a bad taste Winnipeg. They were also featured onto the dance floor. Perhaps it was in our mouths. You don’t get far with on last year’s CFNY talent search CD. because they had been drinking an attitude like that, especially when This was what m o s t people came to through Modem Exhibition and you haven’t made it out of Southern see, since they were the only real really didn’t care by this point. , Techno Ontario. Keep working on it, boys. band featured.

A m

Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992 13

April <March and’jejuine

No pop szyvy*

was performing with An April March, thus catising undo stress. Stress which March singer/guitarist,

A n A p r i l March with the Boo Radleys (CAN) ’



JulvI by Christphpr Imprint staff




What a great irony to have to travel to big and scary Tcxtrnto to see local talent. But tht%e troubtcd’timcs, sadly, demand such measures. . The b a n d i n q u e s t i o n , A n A p r i l March, formed in 1989 and have since h<Bn hurtling dung to succt~~

Danella Hocevar, working the door prior to their performance had to deal with personally, and professionally. Hurdles overcome, An April March performed. Performed * and succeeded. The four-piece outfit, consisting of three founding members, Danella, Chris Perry on guitar, and Bob Lambkr on bass, and ioincd by new drummer: Derek, plav n music seasoned with a 4AD ped&c’. 4AD being the British record label which placed ambient music, by thtl likes of the Co&au T w i n s , and Dead Can Dance, on the map, not tt) mentim WI the charts. A music which is a pharI%NX~ and such is both the\ GNN and cure of ailments. The ailment in qurstion is comrnonl~ mcrt2 existtVX ns it breeds jeiene banality. But brooding -* aside, jov and solace c~uid nls~ lx found in. An April March’s setlist. Tonight’s show was a fl~r‘~v into thtb oId and the new. It is quite refreshing to hear a band which is a mtlrtl three years into their lifespan r&r to some of their material as “old.” Espt’ciaHy, given independent bands predilection to milk the same set time and t i m e again, while g e t t i n g t i g h t e r a s t h e v g o a l o n g , all-the-whiltb boring their supporters to tears with a lack of originalitv or vervt’. But the “old,”

1992 compilation, and/or can be rotation on CFNY’s major market airwaves. Capitalizing on their recent CFNY Music Search. success, An April March are prcsentlv playing n nufnher of showcase gigs in and around Toronto. This night ww thm heard in medium

Radlevs, sharp En&h

Don’t believe the hype. The stop goes thus: after Nirvana hit it big, all the hugtl record ctlnlpanies panicked with the rt’alization that they could perhaps make sonic money by signing “altt~rnativt~” or “in&” guitar bands. So thtlv dcsperatelv waded into the fray, hoping to repeat the success of Cotwin and CO. Of course’, thtBsc* record WIII~~W

guys have no clue in the first


which is whv thev ail found themselves in a-hidding war over a shit group like Helmet. Nirvana had loud

guitars, Helmet have loud guitars -

hmmm. Anyway, Helmet arc unlik$ to achieve thr s&s, airpla\~, etc. rot Nirvana. While thev certainly ktlpt the Chicago crowd- happilv sLlmr?ling *iway, their wl)rk lacks the pop sc‘nsib&& of Nirvana or “Under the Bridge,” and thus i s doomt~d tt) rPmaiii i n “alttlrnative” bins. It’5 xtuallv prettv .funns: major-lab4 especially “Jade,” from .J Gjtnrl I,ql R&R reps h&e never hlld &I clut~ c f f’ [Mr Girl. 2, md tht! picturtqur what% worthwhiltb and what’s mt, “Wishing For Kain,“meshrd with the ‘but noti’ thvv don’t tin knr~~~~ ~hnt new, .t&ablv “Scarl&t Bliss,” and will se11 AIlVllllWt’. “Stains,” to provide a s4id set. A set which bo&~ wel! for their future. going to fill sonic con+anv’s cofftbrs is An April’ March perform this bc*sidc the point. That -tht*ir wt)rk Saturday evening at the Club MarIxks pop sensibilities is h statement quetr (280 Coxwell, Toronto). Watch 0i fact, nut a comment on its for local dates in the offing. qualitv.

h e a d l i n i n g t h e ct>s~~ environs of t h e Rivoli’s b a c k r o o m . : But, alas, drspitr their recent success, even tcjnight presentcbd the b;and with some hurdles to overcome. First, the band arriv~~l at thinit prxtistx place only to find that the freight elevator was rout-of-order, an q r n t which caused the band to find themselves navigating their e q u i p m e n t down extra-tight stairways, as they slogged their gear down to thtl truck. tonigh t’s s u p p o r t Furthermrwe,

since their inception. Alrcad~ &lasting lc~al r~~dio plav, via CKMS and CKWR, o f broth, their numerous indepndcntlv produced tapes, and Gilrr11 f.q~ &M~ submissions, their ’ band, Toronto’s Boo (‘~IV~~&~U=U Mrsit*.%rrd~ entry, the * their name with a rising song “Scarlett Bliss,” can be found A b a n d *which CFNY ing over their major a m o n g t h e f i n a l i s t s o n t h e station’s

by Lance Manion Imprint staff


was a n n o u n c market airwaves

That said, l-I&-net arc still d r~allv shittv group. Surf, thtrir &ricx have but bwn t0uteLi as “worthwhiltn,”

that’s pretty much irrelevant in a concert setting. And sure, thev rock hard, anJ thev plnv Ioud and th&rt* vtlrv t i g h t a n d f u l l of p a s s i o n . A n d surt’, vou can bcq vour head to them f<>r a and’kid


that vou’r~ having a

In WIN this nlmth, thtbv rt*lvicw~~d thcb !knh~t album bv !&i): son]&irig to thtl tlffpct that “it’s loud and hard and that should Ix ~~nough.” 111 1992, that’s not ~~nough.

wiggy .angl 3 B\illy -. na-med Bragg career, as the concert provided the assembled with a showcase of footnotes from his five albums, and other sundry recordings. However, at the same time, Billy also used this occasion to unveil some notable new editions to his live repertoire. Starting his set with “World Turned Upside



song which

chronicles an ill-fated attempt at agrarian socialism in England back in 1649, Bragg proceeded to proffer more gems than even the Homeshopping Network. Revisited classics included “The Milkman of Human Kindness,““The Myth of Trust,““Levi Stubb’s Tears,” a n d f o l l o w i n g m o n ologue number one - an amusing anecdote which toId of Young



&mr Hail. mawa July 17,1992 by Christopher Imprint staff

begs an obvious question. why was Silly Bragg perfotig here and not in the p&&re (or &I we’re told) venue in North American academia? Pr&ablyti~wekkdk&eda much more coveted concert in the form of “Kitchener’s Hottest Bands”, . however, I digress.



To Porter Hall at Carleton University, came Billy Bragg. Came Wiggy, his trusty squire. -Came Cara .Tivey with her honey voice and pianissimo. Taking full advantage of being in North Ame&a for a pair of concerts in honour of American folks&r Woody Guthrie, Billy Bragg decided I, to fill in the time between these shows

b y perform’mg t w o Canadiac dates. One was outside at the Ontario Place I Forum in Toronto, and the other was ’in Ottawa at Porter Hall. The fact that Porter Hall is about

the size of the Bombshelter,.yet


Having been several months since the release of Bragg’s latest album, Don’t 777 This a t H o m e , t h i s c o n c e r t was not used solely as a promotion vehicle per se. Rather, Bragg’s Ottawa show served as a nice look b&k at his

sand L,ives”‘(from


William’s “other gift,” that being an uncanny knack of matching people with the perfect wallpaper&r heir h o m e s - came “The Saturday - nfiX,u

Watch For. Our Coupon, Every Other Issue of IMPRINT

uuy l

For those who have never seen Bragg, his propensity for storytelling or for soapbox storming should be noted. l3uri.q lulls between songs, ‘Bragg has a tendency either to regail ,eve@one assembled with meanc$ering comic tals of his own or itigined foibles, or to last out with his own we&seasoned political rhetoric. These announced breaks often produce as *much entertainment value as his songs.

Yet aside from fitting more monologues int,o this evening’s show than Pat Sajak was afforded during his blessedly short foray into the world of Late Night Television, Bragg per-

formed his music:. He played alone. He played and was accompanied by Cara Tivey, in duo performances which peaked with their encore of Dorr’t Tiy Thi?; tit Hmne’s “Tank Park

proved to be the dud of the night. I would be amiss n o t t o m e n t i o n this evening’s debut live performance of “Ontario, Quebec, and Me” Being one of Bragg’s finest songs, it was a sheer delight to see it. resurrected * from its B-side obscurity on this night. . It seems that Waterlo0’s loss was Carleton’s gain. Billy Bra= always delightful. in live performance, put together yet another great evening’s entertainment. Too bad, he came Doll f ‘r?l, T’.h . . .) not here.

Salute.” He and Tivey played along with Wiggy on bass. As a trio, they worked best on material taken from Work& Plqvfime, Bragg’s next-to-latest Lp release. These love-gone-wrong songs, namely “The Price 1 Pay,” and “The Short Answer,” stand out am_ong this night’s many highlights. However, their attempt at what can only be described as a progressive rock mood piece, “Cindy of a Thou-

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or lesser value) for I .49c. 1


8 -4

irrllt one couporper purchase LllIll? o n e cuuputr p e r pLr~Ctr.*!~c 1 Ia valtd with other offer Noi &nt urihd with my other otfcv !<c * I v&d o n S u p e r s IV 8 8 v,*lid lr; S u p e r s IV 8 Ofkr ‘“pirer: Aup. 31192 1 Oiler Expires: Aug. 31192 I curer ualla ar ?60 un~vt~ ‘III> AVC* D+lt!r u,?lt(l (It 7 60 LJ! I,. r’rhllyA:‘{ I


WRterlol ’ vvhrntw If I!’ I ~mIIImIuIII--uu--II


start well, great slabs of flesh are stapled


: I.

bv Trevor Blair

1Aprint staff

My name is not important . . . I’m a remix junkv. Thtrrtr, I’vt4mitM it -

only with less feedback and better

musicianship. The first style is by far the more aDwaling of the two. The fast tempo a;lh fun.& drumbeats combine with loud @tars to form an enjoyable sound that can’t be ignored. The redeeming qualities of the slower songs, on the other hand, don’t I readily reveal themselves; it takes effort on the part of the listener to bring them to the surface. ’ There are, of course, instances where fast and slow overlap, most

notably on “Good For My Soul” and the third single, “Almost Gold.” This merging of speeds is carried out effectively. In short, the fast songs on Hun[$s Lkt~d are great and make this album worthy of consideration as one of the year’s finest. The slower ones, however, lose something because of their lack of aggression and thus detract from the product as a whole. Still, Ht.m~~~~s


that’s half’ the prc)blem right? Fr)r somt’ reason the art rlf thr remix has always been a point of particular fascination, a iontl cmbtbr breathing among the ashes. Remixes attempt to make the bad good, thil good ~rt~nt, and the great truly transcendent. I’ve loved manv: Intt~rft~ronk “Ba bv Pain (Again) ,” Drprrhr MU&% “Koutt~ 66 (Casu<rltv Mix),” Echo and The Bunnymen’s “Silver (Tidal Wave),” The Cure’s “Primarv (Red Mix),” Ntrw Model Army’s “Brave New World,” Talk T‘llk, Thtv The, The Sisters - “Temple of Lx~vtr!” Yes, I’ve even embraced those bv Falco and Nena (too ashamed to mention.) The one band that has c&istentlv churned out good rcmixtJs is Thi Stranglers. ,#I 7i&vJ irr(#rl:~ has twrlvtl nlixm. rarh between four and a qunrttlr trj ten and r~ half minutes long. Cdkct~d t~)~t.~th~r, it is nothing short of d gcdsmd.

is very much a

worthwhile i n v e s t m e n t .

together, five of the WC’S art’ working - let’s use them all! Eventuallv, a multi-limbed, multi-ortificeci mo&strcsitv takes form: arms jut out cjf foreheads, themselvc% attached to kneecaps. Suddenly, it leaps from the table. Arms flailing, mouths gibbering, it stotnls out of the> sur&al thcatrtb, leaving rubble in its path. The trail of carndgc Itlads to a recording studio where the huge carcass is found hours later, motionltz+. w a s A succt’ss. ‘I’hc opt?ration “ThtBrt* W~IS no saving thtlm, that’s &I fact - but thtn ftnw tlxtra hours “they” livd <IS The Stranglws, well, that’s mart than some people get in d lift?timt~,” ski somclont5 Now out from the studio comes c~ record companv ext~utive. His eys are moist and he’s smiling. He hold up his hand and in it is a rirt>I to rtbel tape. Applause. Wait! The carcass is grcMning! it’s not dead! In disbelief the exec rushes back in and kicks it till it stops. Now then, I’ve always been mrlre partial to the bands’ klirrc md postfidim~ period - when thev dispensd with all punk prett‘nse, o$ing in&bad for loveable artsv posturings and renjixes - and SO, we have ki*li~tm’?; s u b l i m e “ M i d n i g h t S u m m e r Dream” to start things off. Three mixes from 1984’s .-Ilr~rrl .Siwtptlw, five from ‘86’s IIIYuIuG~~, two from 1990’s underrated 10. Fina,lly, the collections OIlI! rlrlnecessity, a cover of the Kinks’ “All Day And All Of The Night,” which was released during their late-‘80s lull ns 3 “bonus”on the live album.-llll,iro .-If&Ill Q/‘TII~* !Q&. The track listing is a chronological march thrtlu@l their singles with onto exception: lhlrrr?lri#llds “ W a s I t Ymt?” w a s speciallv remixed for inclusion here. Apart from thr* previouslv yentioned “MS Drtlam,” the cream of this creamv crop are: “Skin DLV~,” “Let . I i. ,

< -.’










7 7. 1

!‘A* Denver lhsv,” “Nictb In Nice,” ,~nd “Big In Any-k-a. ” Ttbd Havlon’s nclrn~~ figures prominentlv on thtl rtlstcr of remix credits, so kudtjs to him. A desprratv stab at criticill balance: t h e trrlcks frrjm I!), “ 9 6 Tears” (nncrthcr cover - ? and the Mvsteri$s) and “Swtn4 Sni4 Of Siicc:t’ss” artbn’t yuitta on par with tht, rest of the colltBction, but rvt’n tlxcludin): them and the Kinks song, there’s still almost an hour - the best colItbctcL1 hour of Strartgkrs music anvwherr. So whv suffer the indip& of a radio-constrained three-minute song when its spirit crks out, wants tcb fh for six, st’vc’n, ttn minutes at a tinw? f



RUMOUR MILL RATING G&E “’ - Prospective Live Shows Coming to UW this fall

l 5. Hot Kitchener Band - Strange Days (Village Green; Frosh Week -FREE Show) 4. “Rocktoberfest Haus Party” w/ Kitchener’s own Strange Davs > (Fed Hdl - FREE 849).

Nor is that likely to change. The 1990 masterpiece SlrlrrlltrrGtJ &lls was supposed to .be the record that made Phillips a superstar, but it’s an unfair world and the Chills continued to languish in obscurity. The sad likelihood is that if this group hasn’t hit it big by now they most likely never will. The most we can hope for is another album or two before they inevitably break up out of frustration. In the meantime we have another masterwork, S?jJ &III/J. And while b y D e r e k Weiler the record company’s usual hype that Imprint staff “this is the, one that will break the band” rings a little hollow in light of On “Song for Randy Newman, their reluctance to release ‘the thing etc.,” the most striking and beautiful (WEA pushed back the original s&g on the new Chills album, Marrelease date no l&s than three times) tyn Phillips considers the dilemma of S+j I&&? is still yet another superb trying to be a serious pop star in an <hills lyecord. uncaring world. “People take so Perhaps because of Phillips’ frusmuch, then leave if you lean - you tration with the music business, the have no safe crutch except your own- new record is a little more idiosynconviction . . . . Patrons will not feed crati’c ihan past efforts. There’s a pair you longer than they need to - your of twin 300second knockoffs, “there is all-consuming passion will leave you no harm in trying” and “there is no craving love.” point in trying.” And the title track It’s a particularly apt moment comturns up three times: the first is a ing at this point in Philtips’ career. classic Chills p o p s o n g , t h e subseThe New Zealander has led the Chills quent * versions gradually devolve through countless lineup changes, into an obsessive “soft bomb soft and .%fi 1130rn/> is only their third bomb soft bomb” mantra. album (fourth if you count Kddu.sNonetheless, the album still has its L*U/XJ World, the fine compilation of share of classic Chills material. The their early singles). And while the opening track “The Male Monster Chills have consistentIy made some from the Id” seems Iike a summingof fhe most astonishing and brilliant up of all the Chills’ pop strengths: pop music of the past decade, they Phillips’ airy vocals, the twisting have never achieved anywhere near melodies, the buoyant rhythms. The the recognition they deserve. instrumentation throughout the

4 I5

record is tvpicallv complexand affecting. And ill of PhXips usual lyrical obsessi ens - water, the summertime, absent lovers - are in full effect. However, Sq/i &NII~ isn’t quite as consistent as, say, S~br~trrGc~ tkjlls. Somtr of this can be put down tu Phiilips’intentional eccentricities, but some songs, like “Sanctuary” and “Strange Case,” seem merely weak. and dull. Ofcourse, most of the Chills’ music requires a slow bum anyway, so these tunes may .simply be no exception. And anyway, for every “Sanctuary” there is an instant classic like “DoGble Summer” or “Ocean Ucca n.” “ S o n g for R a n d y N e w m a n etc.” i s S/i fi&~‘s finest moment and the &e that makes sense of the Chills’ career. While in the past Phillips has thanked the isolation of New Zealand for his musical development, he now allies himself with a pop community: that of fringe geniuses like Brian W i l s o n , Syd Barrett, Scott Walker,. Nick Drake and Randy Newman. (He might as well have also includt3d Van Dyke Parks, who contributes an amazing, cinematic string arrangement to “Water Wolves”). c Ultimately, “Song for Randy New-. man etc.” (and all of S@ Borr~h, for that matter) is depressing because it adds up to an admission that the Chills are unlikely to ever escape the fringe that Phillips both celebrates and fears. However, S@ &III/? is also joyous and celebratory in the way it proves once again that “fringe” music is the most worthwhile and memorable around.

,3. Naismith Classic Opening Ceremony - National anthem - performed (in English) bv Strange Days, and (in French) Mike Something. Mike 1Something will also toss the ceremonial opening free throw. (PAC Building, November 13 - Prices TBA). .2. Kitchener’s Hottest Band - Strange Days help us kick dem 01’ e%am blues. (f;ed Hall, November 30 - $8 UW Feds Adv. \ $10 Others & Door.) l

1. Join Canada’s Hottest Band for Twelve Strange Days of Christmas carolling. (Various campus venues, December 8-’ 20 - $25 per’ day/ $159 pkg - Hot Cider incl.) Please note: Dress code in effect. trips compilation Coterie with their equally impressive first full-length release Nd For Ah. Ambitious from the start, these atmospheric amblings cascade to the brink of prHentiotiness at every turn, onlv to be rescuki tim’e and

4 .



spedrl to the Intprint


Picture the Pale Saints with ambition’ and a slightly insane visionary. Too good to be true? Fear not, for L.&t&ion is all this and more. Led by former House of L,over Terry Bickers, L&&&ion follows last year’s greatest

again by &erly disguised stopgaps. We quickly learn why a “Hangnail” can be a work of art with its only just moderated lunges at f r e e d o m threatening to preen headlong into oblivion at any moment. “Arcs of Light and Dew”twist a familiar theme in a myriad of ways on a tunnelvisioned trip to the vacant space above. “Resist” no longer, this

minimalist piece will haunt your mind for days. “Only the human condition could be so out of touch” asserts “Coterie”, a circle of friends barely hanging onto that high horse. If you waste your money on only one curiosity this year, let this be the one.

Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992 15

by Trevbr Blair Imprint staff

bv Bernard Keamer Ir&int staff ’ Eleveq~ Reasons (NOT) to Buy .-lwirh itr II Iltzrittt.

1. - hnnv Kravitz never zr)undLbd so #wd. z - Chrbrus tip from thlb Black Crows.

3. - Mortn Alanna Aaron. ~ .


4. - Strrgeant Peppers Lonely Hearts club ain’t so Ionelv anvnlortt. 5. - 45 Second Bujdy l&h drum s;i~l~ ~lo)=y at thtr tend of “Beforth Your E$WS” 4. - “Learning Tr, Btl” - One &IV to beg btrtttlr rta,gnizcd as the i’artridgc Family Reunion thcnw srwtg. 7. - Album st’rvt’s doubltb dutv dts handy rhvming dictirjnary t’g. i - “Water and Power/ there’s ‘I fish in your a) pants; b) toilet; c) showeri ii - “Way down in lonely street/ the lonely eyes I a) poke; b) bludgeon; c) meet’: 8. - Two out of three band members look like they’re really proud of this album (see accompanying graphic) 9. -More than liberal usage of cliched images iike “Deep in the -garden of love” or”Got to wear the flower” (see also no. 1).

10 - T h i s a l b u m m a k e s you ap’preciate the golden, sound” of silence. - This album is so good, I decided th‘ln LW - 11. h3 give it an 11 out of five.

Imprint Arts gone fishin’ - see you in September

Less than 12 months after IVllir~~ Lighr FtWf Th Mdl Q/’ h/h/j& Neti York-based Swans give us LOW (?/‘L!/i*, the “companion” piece whostb unmistakable similarity is heraldsd by the album cover itself: a variation on the Deryk Thomas’ painting for W/tifla Li&/ in which a forlorn rabbit stands, carrot erect in a technicolour field of green, blue sky behind, red pool of ? beneath its feet The LOW O#‘L# cover: twu rabbits face each other, same, darker field, their heads are aflame, their carrots droop. The landscape explrxlrs in the distance. Despite the ominous development of the cover, Lures ~#Liw provt% to btn the friendlier of the two albumS, almost rivaling 1989’s Bill liisw~llp r o d u c e d Tlr~ Hwttittg WNAL Whereas l44ir~ L&/I/ was a gqantuan affair of twelve five-minute-plus songs, mainlv dominated bv Michael Gira’s voice, IJNP Q/‘t!‘,;# is far mow varied- in form, using, snipp&s of recorded dialogue, samples and cvt~~ a voung child’s narrative vt)ict! on “ldentitv.” Companion Swan Jarboc puts in her mrtif beautiful,performance vet o n “ T h e O t h e r S i d e O f The Wrrrld.” And, as if in response, Gira delivers “Her”startling iri its nakedness, quiet and as wonderful as “Miracle Of Ixlve” from W’/~irc~ I&/U. Like “Miracle,” “Her” suddenly explodes into a glorii~.~s all-encompassing 0cedn% of percussion and repercussion. The title track rumbles altjng, c~sciltating in its repetition and ending -_

abruptly. Instead of a fu I stop, it fad t’s a n d se!c’ms u n d o n e .

Side two opens with “Amnesia,” Gira’s voice sounding far more bright than his usual sombre Contl. In fact, the first time I heard this, I actually checked thcl record to mnktB sure it was Swans. On Swans milior label fr)mv (7%~ Ihtrit~,q I&&T), thp singIt “SaveXI!” was uncharactt$sticaIlv light. Linchorcd bv the deq-’ intonaticln ~1 Gird. Here, iaver and lavcr of dcvas*ta ting percussion seek til ovtlrwhelm the voice, which rtlmains ung\t’ft~teL1 and clear. Also, larbue on “She Cries (For Spider)” sounds t~xtmr~rdinnrv. Lvrical& dynamic ns tfwr, Girt1 . st’tfms in a cvclti of denial, concluding “Everything human’s necessarilv wnrng: (Amnesia.)” Each Swans album has a few trdcks which have an undtlniabtth dcnsitv in their focus; on Hrrntitrg lJi~/~l t’hcv concluded with “God Damn Thlb Sun,” here, each side resolves its&, with a masterpicctx: “The Sound Oi Freedom”and “God LOWS Amcricn.” “And the gnlund tin walk is sacrcbd, and every- object lives/ nnd trvcrv

word we speak, will punish or fl)r+* . . . And the darkest dreams wt’ dreamed, were dreamed bv other m i n d s . ” ( “ T h e S o u n d O f Freed(~m”)

In “C;od ~A)VVYc America ” l;lrbot* providL’s in cclvc’rn of ligh;, sI~)wIv illuniinlting Gira’s insistent, pure ~wratim:

“And Gcx.i

mm srtvc’

dwellir~g on “stumbling blocks that you run into when you’rtb growing up, and how you can stdre vow demons duwn,” according to Christian. “Johnnv’s Got A Mind Of His Own”, the* biographv oi n strclngcbut-true crazed lunatic, fcaturtbs KlSS vt4ist Paul StnnlCv. (CitWt~ Simmons continues with HOL as an cxccuGvc consultant.) Gc4it~n rccrxding artist Fiona also .guests on the album in the riveting single “Spirit of LOW”.

by Rich Nichol Imprint staff

Fiially, House of brds is shifting ’ the mustard-yellow Duster into

fourth gear and mashing down the pedal toward superstar &&us. Why? On their self-titled debut album and on the evolutionary follow-up sid~tmi, buse o f Lords founder and keyboardist Greg Giuffria and vocalist James Christian tried to create a powerful rock sound while still remaining within the boundaries of commercial astheticism. Unfortunately, they had trouble with the latter and enjoyed only mixed success. The band need4 a more


fessional, clear-cut prodbct. So for House of L.&ds’ latest release, the mystically titled Dwwtu &M*~I, they recruited some of the

The standout song on this ten-track set is the charismatic ballad “What’s Frjrcvcr Frlr,“soon to be a Jcfinitc hit. uncharacteristically, HOL has, included another ballad “Inside Yo;” but it lacks in lyrical creativity. The opener “0 Father,” despite a great intro, suffers the same face. But in the final pnduct, the pros outway the cons and this record is a refreshing change from the recent mediocre outputs of bland hard rock wanna-b’s, Giuffria knew! that this album would be different. “There was no rcM)m for dilutirrn on this record; we knew what we wanted and we kept that vision intact for the t*ntire production.”


victim, but onlv thcb murdcrcbr holds realpowcnr.” Cc~mp~rlrl to Gira, most r)thtbr “ruti!+ts”’ intimacy stLtbnnls but &I pretenstb of their own vanity. Cira srrundsas though on thtb brink trf starvation and he’s offering volt his onlv scr,lp. More than anvr~n~ Gir;r strips his subjects, his r~bit~cts oi l)bscssic,n bare, anti thnt is whv htb ,\rn0n): d few hundred million Atm3-icnt~s can rt9~~~L~1: “WV cdmt rlcrltis the st’as wtl’d fill with offill rwcd diqqlst, And I nnv obitlcl industr\ required, wt’ bought, tInslaved, or M’C’ crushed. And now out minds drc’ ilts naked ds thtl paradise wt’ stripkwd, And t)ur reward is our tmfrcrpv, our c)mptiness is our gift.” I n wake of thti L A tlruptiotl, “Am~riccl’s” opning line “All gross Amcricrl, the p o i s o n t’irtbs +M~,” txhocs and haunts.

78 KINQ ST. N. WATERLOO 72S-0886 Mon-Set 114 pm


11 Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992

It’s checkout time for Chekhov Uncle Vanya k.S!iWl September 19, 1992

.strut~~i)tli Until

by Jennifer Epps Imprint staff If vou thrrqht Illirl.r:~Cjl?l~Ji/lill~ was full of whiners, vou ain’t seen nothing vet. Welcome -to l?‘tt& lGrr!\?r, an Anton Chekhov play first produced in Russia in 1897 and currently featured at the Stratford Festival’s Tom Patterson Theatre. The five main characters, to borrow one of Vanva’s terms, do an awful lot of “Ianguish-

against the aged professor Sereb- about personal injustices: workink n&w (outgoing artistic director too hard, having nothing to do, missbavid William),I not only because he ing out, unrequited love, etc. It is Chekhov’s minimalist treatment of these problems that is so engaging. As hc himself has said, these characters are just sitting down to dinner, but their hearts are breaking. Instead of shouting out how devastated they fed, thc>v cornmcnt on the weather. vou can’t hrlp getting absorbed by such a realistic style. Director Joe Dowling makers his Stratford debut tackling this

i rig.”

They’re nlways talking about how empty their lives are, how they’re too idle. Thcv pine awav for pet$~ they can never have, h;ate each other’s c’0nipanv, and philosophize about the end of the world. In the wrong hands, this stuff can be insufferable; witness Woodv Allen’s S~ytpIIIti*I: That’s ivhv Chekhov is all the more ~lccr,mplish~d for being able to pull it off,

Chtbkhov ciircbctrx


criticized a

for c)vc~rdranlati~in~


( ‘ltc*~:1* (hhtrtd, what htl considered a i t ltb r~~r~lcr!\*. Indcb~d, the strtlngth of his writing is that in the midst of the dark&, most st+c)us motnCnts, there’s a ioktl. His people characteristic‘lllv smile through thtbir tears. And it is wrong to pcrc~ivc his work <IS chamber p&t’s about bored nristocrats. He is careful to show that both the dccad~nt and thtl diligent arc unhappv. The fact is thcv are ignoble characters, complex btbings who hurt t?nch other rcpc?;ltcdlv through subth stGsh impulses. Th& l/o b&v-achtl a Iot, but Chekhov knows very wtlll hrlw nnnoving it is. That’s part of his riubjlbct. The titlcb charactt>r of irchb I im.r*cr, plaved in this production by Alan S&c, Ii\ cs in a Inrgtl country house with his mother and voung I~~CCLI, Ianttt Wright and Sidonie Boll rrspectivelv. Ht> harbors great resentments



Quit your bellyachin’ has rnovk%d into? his dead first wife’s honltb, Put alsr) btvaust* hlb h,ls tclktql tht* desirable Yelena (Lucv P e a c o c k )

as his nkbw spouse. Vanyc~ wa3 in love w i t h Y~*l~na vc~rs ago, b u t nevtsr

Marie* hi+ ftbt4ings known, dnd no\\ he WC’S hcbr saddlt*d to a prc~tt~ntiou~ OIJ

mat7 whu is waStin): hc*r vouth. Ycltsna wants til bcB Ioval to htbr husbmd, but 41th finds hLbrsc+ thLb t,lrgct of cl~j~~anet’s irom ntjt c,nl\l L’~ln\q but also ‘1 frittnd cji thtb Llmilv, thib dis;i;ipattsd doctor, Astrr)ir ( WNN~ Bt%st), Mt~clnwhil~~,




succeeds with panache. The show is neither drv nor stagev; it is fluid and intense. The cast makes the pain of their characters real, even at the risk of being tiresome. (That’s what is brave) about a Chekhov play. It’s full of poignant pains-in-the-ass.) These actors know thev have eloqucnt, wittv, insightful dialogue on thvir tnngut>s, and it is obvious h<)Mf much thev savour it, As an ensemble, thtbv are tight, making everv moment prtu-ise and watchable, but it is in their soliloquies and two-person scenes that sonic of these performers really shine. Scnrfe is both acidic and vulnerable &IS the intc~,lligcnt, miserable Vanva; William captures Serebryak&‘s frtalings of frustration and impotence (and miserv). Peacock is one of the mart) exciting members of thtl cast she has a mtlsmtirizing fervour as the graceful, aloof (and miserable) Yelena. Bo11 is wonderfully girlish and ptirkv Lls Sonva; & know her encrgv is merclv a cover for her - gut5s what? - mistbrv. Renowned actress Kate Reid makes the small role as the ancitlnt familv nurse memordbl~, and Brian Tree keeps his head above watt’r pLlving &I mc~n much olclc~r than himself.

Onlv Best and Wright are Itbss than wishtbs Astn~v wr~tld notict /1ot: Although tlotll’ of these) characters believable. Astrov and Chekhov have 50111~’ characttbristics i n c~>rnrnon: are starving:, thtG concerns are sur& rtdt3vant. Wtl’d Iiktb our dClil\l lives ti, both wt‘re doctors with a love for horIX> consumed b\t th(jLlghts (,f social ticultilrt? dntf t~nv~rc~llnlc)n~~l~ism. Hc)wevtlr, while Astrov is perceived iniustic’cb, but most ofu5 ttml to i\ri)rr\

by Sonya

as a man of altruistic good

constantly complains about his job and drinks himself silly. Best wavers in his alIep;iance to this role, being most comfortable when Astrov is arrogant.’ As for Wright, perhaps there is nothing technically wrong with her performance - after all, she is mostly in the shadows and doesn’t get much of a chance. But when she does open her mouth, for some reason, it’s grating. Thertr are a few drawbacks to Dowlin$s choices. The consignment of this show to the Tom Patterson Theatre, formerly the Third Stage, works, he

the characters. Another point is that athough the rule of the day is naturalism, the set and costume design is calculatedly schematic: in the opening act, everyone is dressed in white, and white cloths cover the floor, tables, and chairs. Later, this fabric is peeled back to reveal deep red patterned rugs and upholstery, and the wardrobe changes to bIack. and grey. Symbolic’ this may be, but it shatters the convention of realism. Never mind, though. Nothing is too seriously awry with the Stratford production of Michael Frayn’s translation. It is entertaining on many know


nlcans that the set changes take place in frrjnt of thtbaudiemq and that thev ttlktb forevt*r. On the other hand,

~~~~~~~ tit US & thankful that Ut&

theatre-in-the-round in this intimate

~i/f!r*lr manages !O k Mh Ckver and t?oth accessible and stimulating, pr0fountl.

art’na places us so close to thtl actors we feel we’re watching movie &seups; the &gin): really helps US g;et to








Mclnernev’s aross emecfations , become fearfullv apropos in this the age of AIDS, the%& is skimmed from the line: “Brightness falls from the air.” In the novel’s protagonist’s t~xylaimdion, thiii allusion to “brighttltss falls” is, in my lilind, never fully revealed, perhaps that would defeat the f u n o f self-contextualiz.&ion. However, the intentional, or unintenional, allusion to the literarv Lug&r ‘s left for the reader to con&de.


Brightness Falls Jig’ *wItH7711~\~ Knopf Publishers $29-O&41 6 pages by Christopher Waters Imprint staff The one thing that grasps you as Jav Mclnernev’s latest novel is his mat&tv. Having-long labourtrd under the misnomer of being a member of New York’s literary brat pack, Mclnerney is, to some extent, stepping out of the flash-in-the-pan, literilrv bad boy persona with which he was assigned. Mclnerney’s detractors have oftaccused Mcinernev’s writing of being more fact than fiction. That he wrote novels which were merely a cataloguization of interpersonal relatioriships and events. That mav still be true, after ail Mcinernev’s characters have alwavs mirrored ihe station in life which he has presently attained. Waving graduated from coIlege a while ago, he now writes of wu read

By special arrangement with a chartered we c8n put you Into a new Mazda before you graduate. If you have a job watting for you upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this I exclusive offer for graduates.


people of similar ilk. In fact, in Brighttrw Fir//s, several characters share common bonds with the author. Most remarkable, Mclnerney’s character, Jeti Pierce, is a young successful writer who, get <his, is et%ering into an alliance with Hollywci>d for a movit! deal. Too true to life? Perhaps, but forgivable, in the end. Set in the greed-laden backdrop of late-eighties New York, the years which saw Warhol die, Milken and Boesky rise and fall, Brightness Fails is spawned by that same fertile ground from whence came Oliver Stone’s only decent film, Wall Street, and Bret Easton Ellis’ cause celebre, American Psycho. For those pf the faint of heart, it is dutifully noted here that McInemey’s novel has more in common with the former than the latter. The significance of the novel’s title is explained at the novel’s denouement, almost as distraction. Culled from Ogden Nashe’s “A Litany in Time of Mawe,” a poem which has

“Ang:eIs are bright, though the lrightest fell” is more than an apt assessment of RusseU Galloway, the ising star editor of Corbin, Dem, and lrotagonist of Mdnerncy’s novel, +vho caught up in the “goldfever”.of 1987 Wall Street decides he likes his iiterary products so much, that like Victor Kiam, “he bought the comp a n y . ” However, unlike, Kiam, Galloway is not a millionaire. . Jay Mdnemey’s Brightness FalIs is a modern “Gross Expectations”, minus the pomp but twice the pop. lnto the much lamented age of greed and excess that was the fabric of the North American 1980’s, Mclnemey dropped his two cent+ In this literary version of Altman’s “The Player,” the imperfections of the- publishing world are exposed, but McIne.mev pulls short of any final damning coup de grace, as that lampooning is not his sole intention. Rather, his intent was to chronicle the story of thk Calloways, and their circle of friends. A saga which provides its reader with comedy, tragedy, and everything in between as

it p l u m m e t s t o i t s finak.

A d

ressed ending which sees the szi vivors cleaning up the mess after a great national binge, and carrying on despite their hangovers.


Imprint, Friday, July 24J99217

IIt’s a blunderful world 1 _-. tnto everv more i n s a n e sltuatlons. Harris is played woc>den Iy by Brad Imagine i44rt1 bi~r~~r& K~qyl* K&il Pitt, whose t-urn as a bandit in Thelma written and produced bv David and Louistl t’arnc’d him Cl reputation Crom~berg, a n d yull h a v e t h e as n s o l i d c h a r a c t e r a c t o r , a n d approximate idtq. ,~c~diti~~nallv~~sa drcarn hunkidol scx.

world. After completing a stretch in p r i s o n f o r m a n s l a u g h t e r , Deebs returns hmw t o b e g i n h i s C o o l World work in earnest. One of the only amusing scenes in the movie

involves Deeb’s visit to a cotiic book stortx, with all of the “types” one is apt to find in such a venue. After being propositioned by every

female in the

place, he purchases several hundred dollars’ worth of his own work, and leaves, with the patrons drooling and spmving spittle in their rxcitemtlnt in finding an actual human being they can d a t e t o . Detbbs soon discovers he can no longer create. He has hit a block. In his r Jq-u-tGon, hc begins to f a n t a s i z e dboiit v i s i t i n g C-ad W o r l d . Surtt tlnough, hta soon bq$ns tu make odd visit5 to Cool WortJ, through the n-raj scitlntisl’s “‘rips” i n the barrier betwtxw thtl tnx) worlds.

Luve!” Of course, she is referring to the classic Hoagie Carmichael song by that name. She coos her way through the performance, and indicates to Deebs that she can take care of herself. Holli then takes off in search of a fabled talisman, known as The Power Spike. The Spike is said to convert Doodles into full Noids when touched. C hi l4Md is a confused, scattered, ugly film, with no plot, no character development, wooden acting, and, well, just contrived bizarreness. This last is by fir the most annoying feature of the film. Every scene ends with a bevy of cartoons clubbing, hitting, choppingup and otherwise maiming

their fellow Doodles. Everv scene. I’m serious. Animation bad-& Bakshi (Fritz the Cat) has missed the .target ’ by an elephant’s-width on this one. Byrne’s talent is wasted in a flat, litt~rallv

two-dimensional character,

0s is Pitt’s intense character acting abilitv. BasingerA though, seems tcl havtx found not only her niche, but als;r), at long last, a rclle tc>tallv tirithin htv rangt’ as an nctrtbss. The’script is ‘lbvSllldl, as is the stwv. The soundtrack is an endless &rge of ttschncbpop, df v o l u m e s 42uwssiv~ cviough to btl distracting. The nnimatioti is far inferior to Disncv’s Roger Rabbit, and thtl scc’nt’s c o m b i n i n g I $~~~dlc~ ,lnd Nl)ids ,mflatlv absurd. l.ivc*action md animation, in this film, illi\ nlX)ut as weli aII;C~nkitsnnd S&s. I’hcl t~v~,-dinitlnsional tliftbcts 01 hldt5, ctiriirs, cars Iind {Ither business <It-c& $0 ptntr, thtbv lortk likt* nothing so tnu~*h ‘1s cl~rdbt~llrti cut-t)uh cjf t h e ttp itrld in “‘&x3+up” nqazines 111\’ tlircltl-\ft~,ir-c,ld lltbut-drh)r. tir$$l~c~ur pIa\ with.

A tasty chwz(cake) doodle.



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18 Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992

TWO thumbs up. Twice! by ]ennifer Epps

around, Mayhew’s way). The screenplay, by Edzard and her editor, Oliver Stockman, (who also worked on the sets), has a wonderful idea at its core. Jacobi is both prince and pauper. As Mr. Frederick, he toils over ledgers in the bowels of a 19th century theatre; donning an elegant coat and cravat, he becomes the wealthy Sir John, and is welcomed into the shimmering drawing-rooms of London aristocrats. Raised in abject suffering, he turns a bilious eye toward the gossip, perversions, careless speculation, and false charity of the idle rich. He decides to cheat them for the sake of his peeis, tftose stooping in the streets to salvage needles and dog shit (the latter to sell as fertilizer). It is not long before Mr. Frederick is in danger. of losing h i m s e l f in t h e r o l e o f S i r john. Though Tlr~ kkl has much nlr,m Cphilosophv than plot, its 145 minutes ’ are only a few too many. The opening 54xnes wtravt2 a surprisingly cincnisltic ’ t,ip~str~, and J o h n Patrici<l Hd\fes, R u t h %lcEnerv, Mitch&, lrina Brook, ‘lnd Mari‘l Aitken are among the score of colourful fxcs in both sphcrc)s.

If this Australian film hasnnv faults, thtxv clrc rn~rclv t h a t AIIIW~ is. too much liktl Mother Theresa, and that thtl drcti~nl squrnc~s arc too Eequent. On the other hand, the camera is shockinglv, rcsounding:l\~, intimate with thtl main character. Nina Martincntti photclgraphs her in benutifullv

Imprint staff

hrmvst cl~m+uys, tIlta bathtub


and follows her info thL% bdrorm. And

Floranc~ taktls u s r i g h t inside Mrl rth,l’s conflictt.xi psvchc - WLI can’t t,lkc \‘our tlvt’s r)ff thmcl cy~s.

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Imprint, Friday, July 24, 1992 19

GunsINiyRoses Illusion TOW hits TO. success is the off-stage antics of lead singer and writer Axl Rose. Because

Guns N' Roses

Metallica Faith No More C N E Siidiurn

of the riot at last year’s StLouis gig (sparked by Rose’s attack on a camera-clad fan), he has been charged with umpteen counts of assault and property damage. He ignored the subpoena to appear in court to face trial and went on tour in

August a,1992

by Rich Nichol a;ldSandralktmar

Europe. As soon as Rose set foot back

Imprint staff

Guns N’ Roses, Metallica, and Faith No More are combining forces for the biggest hard rock concert triple bill to venture north of the border in recent years when they appear at CNE Stadium in Toronto on August 8. Whether it will happen is another


The only thing creating more waves than Guns N’ Roses’ recent

in the U.S. he was hauled to jai!. At press t i m e , h e w a s stiH b e h i n d bars and concer& in the New York area weie postponed. This past spring, Guns N’ Roses

2). Other notable singles from the two “Civil War’:, and an intriguing remake of Paul McCartney’s only half-assed

hit “Live And Let Die”. The recent exodus of Izzy Stradlin,


Student Volunteer Centre - YOURS Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12 to 1 p.m.

Volunteer Service for Seniors is looking for drivers (hours flexible) and those interested in visiting older adults. Call Joy (mornings only} at 886-5440.

international Students Office seeks volunteeis to assist international students with conversational English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Cheryl Kennedy at ext. 2814.


Ontario Developmental Aiding United Way needs volunteers to make Program requires volunteers for bingo, off& and horse and rider pr~am,-&l~ -j f@~w~p phpne c a l l s fo[ !p?$raising, Sam~~~nin~~~~~~d~~F;pe do&from Diane at 653-4686. your home. Cali Amelia at 745-253 1. 1 Refqe Host Program of the YMCA is looking for vdunteers (as an individual or part of a group). Contact Sue Mills at 7435201. LeisureBuddy e for a senior male with special needs would like a volunteer to accompany him on the putting green. He also enjoys swimming. The time commitment involved is a minimum of four months for 24 hours a week. For info call Lee at 74 l2228.

Volunteer to tutor (reading, writing, math) young man with developmental handicaps and schizophrenia. Training provided. Call Anne at Core Literacy 443-6090. Ontzio Chicken & Rib Cook-off needs volunteers for security, information, and children’s area during July 23-26. Hours flexible, Call Shane at 747-3700.

into the mainstream and set career record sales.

ne’s “War Pigs”. I n a r e c e n t interview with Baltimore Sun columnist 1. D. Considine, Faith keyboardist Roddy Bottom hinted that most of their live material will be from .4r& D11st. YOn the last record we toured for a really long time with that old stuff; we pretty much beat it into the ground. So for that reason, yeah, we’ll be playing the new stuff.”

concert, old favorites should include “Welcome Ti, The Jungle,““1 Used To made a rare move in the musi.c indusLove Her,” “Sweet Child 0’ Mine,” tryl releasing two albums of new and “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door.” material at the same time, “Use Your illusion I and II”. Both LP’s skyroc- ~ keted into the top five of every album Faith No More toured with Gn’R chart worldwide, spearheaded by the during their European tour. Opening up for such an internationally famous instant popularity of the leader single “You Could Be &line” (the catalyst of headliner gives FNM more exposure the movie solrndtrack of Terminator than they could possibly imagine. No

year okI Australian student who would like to correspond with University students aged between 22-28 years of age. If interested write to: Tom Krasnicki, 169 Waterworks Road, Dynnyrne Tas 7005. Australia.

n a t i o n a l s m a s h single “ E n t e r S a n d man”, and buttery ball& “Nothing Else Matters” and ‘The Unforgiven” expanded Metallica’s listenership

of The R& Thirjg, which included the rap-flavoured “Epic” and a lame yet charismatic cover of Ozzy Osbour-

who wrote a fair chunk of the Guns’

discography over the years, didn’t even create a nanosecond of turbulence for the band before setting out on their European tour. Without Stradlin, Gn’R will still survive, just as long as the scarf-trimmed, spandexclad Rose remains the lead. At the

Pen-Pals wanted - Tom Krasnicki is a 26 VDLUmmRS

This foursome is at the height of its popuhri~ with the success of their recent self-titled album. The inter-

need to worry about promoting the new album, Aqd Dusr d e b u t e d o n t h e Billboard charts two weeks ago in 10th place. Its impact should be just as strong, if not stronger than the release

disc set included “November Rain”,

Joining Gn’R and Faith No More for the North American leg of the tour will be heavv metal giant Metallica.

Their recent concerts in Toronto last fall and in Hamiltr,n this past April both extended beyond the three-hour mark and received rave reviews. Showstoppers in Metallica’s plavlist included “Seek And Destn$‘, “One”, “Creeping Death”, “For W h o m T h e &lls TolI”, “Fade To Black”, and “Sad But True”. The evening’s format has Faith No More opening for the first hour, Metallica with a two-hour set in the middle, and Gn’R finishing off with another two-hour-plus jam. Bring a raincoat.

884-9020. I

if you

would like touselhe Resource Room during the summer. Ali are welcome to come in. browse and sign out books pp--k -...-- - K-W Art Gallery - 101 Queen Street, N.. Kltchener -July 7 to July 30/92 “School for the Visual Arts Program”. Exhibition opening July 30 from 6 to 8 p-m, (continues to Aug. 2) “Come Kid Around” August 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Centre in the Square/Kitchener Pubic Library and Park.


Off-Campus Housing offlce IS localed on the roof ofthe Village icomplex will remain open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday starting June 15 through to August 28. 1992. On weekends office hours wiil be from 10 a.m. to 3:00 pm. on Saturdays, June 20 to August 29, 1992. inclusive. When the office is closed accommodation lists may be obtained either from the Turnkey Desk. CC or from the Security Office.

Airways Transit Airport&r will drop off and pick up passengers at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the university Avenue Kiosk effectrve JULY 2, 1992. school of Accountancy has returned to Hagey HaH as of Friday, July 3. 1992. i&ri@eExpetience Camps - on campus day-camps and off -campus campouts for children ages 8-12. Games, crafts, hikes, swimming, trips and more. Call 885- 1211, ext. 3942 fpr dates and details.

U-&x&g Exhibitions at Homer Watson


House & Gallery - June 25 to August 9: r Jennifer Angus & Mary Ann Hickey “lntefnational Amalgamated Threadbenders Union” ; Carolyn RiddelI - “Mountains The Sexuality Resource Centre - i s a and Muses” ; Judith Eisasser - “Figurative trained stud&t volunteer service that offers Studies” ; Melanie Siegel - “Vessels”. For more info contact Gretchen McCulloch at information. support and referrals to those 740-4377 * in need. This service is FREE. Call 8851211, ext. 2306 or leasve a message at ext. Women’s Studies Resource room is 4042. Jhe SRC is located in room 15OA. located in PAS 3022. Call Mary at ext. 6886 Campus Centre, UW.

Forthcoming Events - White Water Rafting mid-August (after finals). Check at Outers Club or call 886-3165 l See our noticeboard outside the equipment room l Equipment room (PAC Blue South 2010) open Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.



Waterloo Community Garden welcomes you! Gardening opportunities exist at the North Waterloo Community Garden. Tools and seeds provided. For more informatibn contact Grew or Chervl at

for 692/693 Orientation Issue




MONDAY, AUG.UST 31/92 SILRVlCES Translation

Service-Arabic-English. Certified artd experienced in all areas. Specially court interpretations. Call (5 19) 725-3 184 evenings. Renovations - big or small - FREE estimates - call after 6:OO pm. 7462763.


HOUblno AVABLADLE Ottawa, Ottawa Ottawa - large rooms in h..~xuty house: 7 . appliances, parking, express bus route. Use whole house. Clean mature students. $275/month. (613) 825-9759 evenings or (613) 7633784 days.

Ottawa - sublet.(Sept.-Dec.

92) ; ,2 rooms available, newly renovated, fully furnished, parking, laundry, IO minutes to downtown, close to bus route. Please call Karen at (613) 825-5687 or Monica at 746-7297 (local). Don’t procrastinate and lose! Contact Jac-

Fast, professional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Macintosh computer, laser printer. Suzanne 8863057.

Experienced typist - Erb and Westmount area, reasonable rates, typewritten or word processed. Cali 743-3342. HlLP WARTED Accounting se&or student wanted to balance a small business’ books in K-W. Call Catherine between 9-4 at 745-4376. Have a talent? Show it off! Kitchener Downtown Artsfest ‘92 is looking for talen, ted musicians, dancers and visual artists to ljerform August 13-l 5 during this event. Call 744-4921 for more information.

queline Costeilo - Sales Representative Royal LePage Real Estate - 886-9000 or 747-3571, for the following housing: 655 “1” Albert - Immaculate, large 2 storey, 2 bedrooms, convenient access to each university. Gail tosee where a $4,350. investment could land you today! 205-300 Keatsway - executive suite, 1 bedroom plus a den, 2 bathrooms. $119,900. 647 “4” A l b e r t - 3 b e d r o o m s , 2 bathrooms, garage, 20 minute walk to the universities! For rent $750./month plus utilities or for sale $89,900. 4 HickorJiStr&, W. - GR zoning, licensed lodging house, all brick, 2 full baths. $159,900. PRRSDWALS Musicians Contest: up $Z,OOO.OO In prizes to be won August 13, 14 and 15. Show us your talent. The Kitchener Downtown Sidewalk Contest. Call to regis- ter at 744-4921.


I -, Julv 25



- an entertaining. thoughtprovoking play about breast cancer, plays the Grad Club at 8:00 p.m. FREE admission. MY,July

p about the Baha’i perspectives. Baha’i Information Centre, 2-91 Kina Street, N., at UW House of Debates meets at 5:30 p.m. 7:30 P-m. of phone 884-5907. in Physics 313. Come argue with us! B-1 Bntnches: presented by The Novices welcome. Waterloo Jewish Students’ Association. GSA-WIG (Wbmen’s Issues Committee) 11130 a.m. to 1~30 p.m.. in the Campus meets at 11 a.m. upstairs in the Grad Centre* House. All interested women graduate Q&kQuwi0ns - full-time Career Serstudents are welcome. vices Advisors can answer your brief career or job-related questions. Drop in lvIRV mWR=AY anytime between l-4 p.m+, Needles Hatl,



GLLOW Discussion Group will share experiences on: “Homosexuality and Society: Assimilation or Isolation” UW, Environmental Studies, Bldg. 2, room 173, 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. A k‘performance of “Tissue”, a look at living with breas? cancer. Appearing at the Campus Centre, Great Hali, 4:00 p.m.



Theatre in the open air! A series of interrelated scenes tells the story of one women’s struggje with breast cancer. 4~00 p.m. in the Engineering Lecture Hall Amphitheatre. FREE admission.

Athntionwrite!rs and social creatures! room 1029* FASS needs you! So come on out to HH227 at 7 p.m. and help write the script EmRY T H U R S D A Y for next year’s show!

The Hunran Rights Organization Amnesty

international meets at 7:30 p.m. in CC 135. i Everyone welcome!

-,Augwtl2 Wellington Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Assoc. invites K-W Waterloo area





their family and friends to a meeting from 7 to9 p.m. attheAdult Rec. Centre, King and Allen St., Waterloo. Information: 6233207.

Live medy -at the Humanities Building, rOOm 180 at 8.00 . p . m.

M R Y SUNDAY Blue- A%iviG Area of the PAC (outside when weather permits). Everyone is welcome. For more informarion call Sean 725-5577 or sdfinuca(at)descartes.

Baha’i Faith Information meetings - you are invited to #tend informal discussions L

Attmtionwrim and social creatures! FASS n e e d s yaul S o c o m e o n o u t bo HH227 at 7 p.m. and help write the scrip1 for next Year’s show!













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