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IMPRINT goes desktop!

That’s right . . . the University of Waterloo’s student newspaper has made the great leap out of the publishing dark ages by ditching its typesetter in favour of IBM 486s and Pagemaker. Since we are learning as we go along, you may find some glitches in this issue and some changes in format in the weeks to come, but don’t worry - we’ll be experts soon. Volunteers interested in writing news, arts, sports, or features; taking photos; or gaining valuable computer layout skills can come down to Campus Centre room I40 next Wednesday and Thursday (Sept. 9 & 10) between I2 noon and 4 pm. All volunteer positions marked vacant on page 7 are up for grabs at our first staff meeting of the term on Friday, Sept. I I at I 2:30 p.m. Our next issue is Friday, Sept. 18. After that, we publish every Friday of the fall term until December 3, 1992. .



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September 4,1992

Are ,vou Fresh? Then vuu’re...

‘I Single and Sexy ‘I by Bernard Keamey I m p r i n t staff Ah, Frosh Week. Thousands of mindless drones herded about campus, kept amused through voluntary enslavement. It is a valuable c h a n c e f o r p o w e r - h u n g r y o m n i s c i e n t upper-year students to achieve some semblance of vengeance for their first-year humiliation. W i t h a l c o h o l s e r v i n g as the main food staple (tempered only by the many outdoor BBQs), Frosh W e e k is all about participation and introduction, (toboth the institution and each other). Sounds Iike fun? Froshweekisalsoaboutregistration, line-ups, English Language Proficiency Examinations, human car washes and sex. Issues that is. SitigZe and S e x y i s o n e - h o u r play that examines sexual attitudes in the ’90s. Written as a collective work, the play features an energetic cast of five UW drama students who combine humour, wit, and verve to candidly address some important i s s u e s including sexual harassment, date r a p e , h o m o p h o b i a , a n d STD’s

(sexually transmitted diseases). Established four years ago as an effort to replace a dull lecture format, Single Sexy proved not o n l y a greatsuccess,butadefinitehighlight of Frosh Week events. Sponsored primarily by the Health and Safety department at UW and directed by drama department member Darlene Spencer, the collective drama seeks to comprehensively address many socially difficult problems, utilizing entertainment as the primary vehicle of cornmunica tion. Everyone enjoys a g o o d l a u g h . SingeandSexyisabout laughing. Single and Sexy is also a b o u t t h i n k i n g . Oooh, s c a r y . W h e n questioned about the process of collective play-writing, S p e n c e r r e s p o n d s , “ t o the creative process of writing, each person carries different experiences and viewpoints? A l t h o u g h Single and Sexy, as a concept, has been around for four years, thanks to its collective style, each year an entirely new show is introduced. “To p r e v e n t t h e s h o w f r o m becoming stale,” adds assistant

director Tara Kallwitz, “we decided not to cast returning actors (Alanna Mclean and Mark McGrinder) in the same roles.” If you are a first-year student and actively participating in the m y r i a d o f F r o s h e v e n t s , Single and Sexy has been scheduled in sometime during your undoubtedly hectic week. If however, you are lucky enough not to be part of the myriad of Frosh events, take this article as a s t r o n g r e c o m m e n d a t i o n that you schedule in a showing of Single and Sexy sometime during your undoubtedly hectic week. Spencer warns that given the play’s popular history, it would be wise to get to the Theatre of the Arts (in the Modern Languages Building) early.. Shows run daily as follows: M o n . S e p t . 7 - 2 pm Tues. Sept 8 - 3 pm WedSept 9-llam&Zpm Thurs. Sept 10 - 11 am & 2 pm Fri. Sept 11 - 11 am & 2 pm As an added incentive to see the show, inside sources have revealed that not only is the show completely FREE, but included with eachprogram,atabsolutely noextra charge will be one FREE (zm.wd?) CONDOM. Whatta deal.

Shinerama -- not just washing cars by Peter Brown

Imprint staff It’s a tradition of community service that has accompanied Orientation Week for man years, but this year,Shinerama w’lJf e a t u r e a new twist -- a green one. Instead o f a l l o f t h e thousands of first-year students coursing through the streets next Saturday (September 12) to wash cars to raise money for cystic fibrosis research, many will be helping to beautify parts in the Region of Waterloo. “We want to affect the city as a whole,” says Erick Homier, codirector of UW’s car-washing efforts. “Kitchener-Waterloo is already overflowing with students from U W and Wilfrid Laurier University on Shinerama day. “ Hornier says that the splitting of fresh e q u a l l y b e t w e e n t h e t w o j o b s reflects UW’s increased desire to improve relations with the surroundin community. U W frosh have been split by faculty between the S p i r i t Day and Green Day activities. The Engineering, Arts, Science, and Environmental Studies faculties, along with Renisonand St. Jerome’s Colleges and the accounting p r o ram, will handle the Green Day w o r & , while students in Villa e I and II, the Mathematics and App fl‘ed Health Sciences faculties, and St. Paul’s College will handle the traditional car-washing and windshield-shining. UW and WLU will split Kitchener-Waterloo between them, efforts do not so that car-washin o v e r l a p . T h e l i n e o Bd i v i s i o n i s the H i g h w a y 86/7/8 e x p r e s s w a y , w i t h UW claiming the areas outside it (to the east and south) and WLU taking the portions inside (to the northwest). The Green workers will be cleaning up parks and planting trees in 15 locations across K-W, 12 in Kitchener and 3 in Waterloo, including



willinstallapathwayforthevisually efforts raised $73,009 in 1990, second impaired and-for wheelchair access. in Canada to only the University of The Regiofi of Waterloo will provide W e s t e r n Ontariq. T h a t year, the sup lies, ’ . -u@m%s and colleges nationzwidi fhlrt ’ eenlocationsacrossthe rals&i’$678,464. Mooney raised from ’ Kitchener-Waterlo &rea will see Shineramti vents is donated to the car-washing and windshieldCanadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. shining. Bingeman Park and. Therafflewillbeabigattraction Fairview Park Mall will feature full for students and others alike. The first car-washing, while students will e is a IBM 386 computer system only p o l i s h windshields at Pioneer r rom the UW Computer Store and the Sports World. The Sears second rize is a trip for two to AutomotiveCentreatFairview Mall Montrea P, sponsored by Marlin Travel, has donated free Armor-All for the VIA R a i l , and the Ritz-Carleton Hotel in Montreal. occasion. Despite raising only $43,000 First-year students have all been sent books containing 15 raffle last year, Shinerama o anizers h o p e t o b r i n g i n $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 oFr c y s t i c tickets and students can obtain more fibrosis research this year. books from the Federation of Students “$15,000 is usually brought office in Campus Centre room 235. U to 60 per cent of the 3,CKHI in by a raffle,” says Homier. “Last year’s mail strike made that amount UW frosK will participate, Homier impossible.” UW’s Shinerama e&mates. l

by Sue Forrest and Geoff Hill Imprint staff

New Student Fee

S p r i n g t e r m saw undergraduate students begin paying a new student levy of $10 per term toward the Student Endowment Fund. This fee w i l l b e c o l l e c t e d f o r seven consecutive terms, increasing to $25 per term when the student life centre is c o m p l e t e d . S t u d e n t l i f e c e n t r e construction is estimated at $6.6 million; the physical recreation addition i s e s t i m a t e d a t $ 2 . 9 m i l l i o n . T h e f e e w a s a p p r o v e d b y a referendum held in February 1992.

Presidential Search

U n i v e r s i t y P r e s i d e n t D o u g W r i g h t w i l l s t e p down i n J u l y 1993, The search committee will consult with university administrators and deans, local mayors, directors of education, as well as seek the opinions of senior business leaders. A tentative list of candidates was anticipated for mid-July and his successor is to be decided by the end of the calendar year.

Leddy Hired by UW

J o h n L e d d y , l a s t y e a r ’ s pr;?sident of the Federation of Students, has been hired for a one-year contract position as Project Coordinator for the Student Coordinated Plan, Leddy reports to a board consisting of s t u d e n t s a n d a d m i n i s t r a t o r s , i n c l u d i n g c u r r e n t Fed president Dave Martin and chaired by associate provost for student affairs Peter Hopkins. Some had wondered about possible conflict of interest in the hiring of Leddy, as he still held the elected position of Fed president and had co-directed every aspect of the project except the actual hiring.

Feds Keep OFS Funding

I n a referendum h e a r l y F e b r u a r y , undergiaduate students voted to w i t h d r a w f r o m the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS). W e had previously been paying $1.50 per student to OFS, a y e a r l y f e e o f approximately $45,000. The n e w executive decided to not reduce Fed fees by $1.50 per student but rather to p o o l t h i s m o n e y , t h o u g h Fed prez Martin assured Imprint this money would not fall into the operating budget. At any F @ General Meeting, the next being in October 1992, any student can put forth a motion to reduce the Fed fee.

hour shift. Turnkeys realized these are probable violations of Ontario Employment Standards Act and the Ontario Labour C o d e , p r o m p t i n g administration to set up two committees to look into situation. Associate provost for student affairs Peter Hopkins in conjunction w i t h p e r s o n n e l h o p e s t o i m p l e m e n t c h a n g e s b y the fall term.

Feds Ponder CFS Withdrawal

S t u d e n t s ’ C o u n c i l h a s voted to hold a referendum o n c o n t i n u i n g m e m b e r s h i p i n the Canadian Federation of Students. UW students currently pay $2 per term to belong to CFS, receiving such benefits as dental coverage. UW Feds initiated withdrawal after attending the May general meeting as they were disappointed with their current focus and the fee increase from$2 to$3. Fed vice-president,operations and Einance Brent McDermott commented that if wevote to withdraw, the $3 fee will be allocated to undetermined special projects.

Feds Lobbv Province -

Uw Feds and fout other non-OFS schools met with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and the Council of Ontario Universities. Fed president Dave Martin noted “We were meeting to discuss our commonperspective.Noconcreteproposals weremade.“Theschools wanted to discuss a possible income contingency plan for dealing with student loans, a plan that would link the repayment of students loans to students’ ability to pay after they have graduated. CFS has since released an alternative proposal for government funding.


More than 1,000 people congregated in Waterloo Park o n July 18 to protest the criminalization of women’s breasts. Six women were arrested and charged with committing an indecent act; Waterloo Regional police acknowledged not having enough officers present to arrest all women who went top-free. Four other people were arrested f o r o b s t r u c t i n g j u s t i c e , i n c l u d i n g o n e t o p - f r e e m a n demanding to be charged the same as the women. The poster for the protest had originally been banned by the Federation’s Students’ Council; the Fed Board of Directors reversed the decision after hearing an argument that the Feds has a significant history of supporting/ advertising civil disobedience actions. The protest was organized by the UW Women’s Centre and the WPXRG M e n ’ s G r o u p .

Bondaae at UW

Once again,%tentionhasbeen drawn to material some deem offensive, widely available on newsgroups subscribed to by LML Many of the graphicsandartic~incontention~~ay~d~~ticbehaviour. Martin Van N i e r o p , UW’s i n f o r m a t i o n a n d p u b l i c a f f a i r s d i r e c t o r , acknowledged “The material is very offensive, violent, and degrading


Conservation Area, the Hespeler Mill Pond, and the Beaver and Strasburg Creeks, as well as various small parkettes. At the Dutton Drive Adult Recreation Centre, students

Summer(y) News

toward women.”

The end of an era? Or the beginning of an error? The Dana Porter arts library says goodbye to its card catalogues, meantng longer line-ups photo by Graham Tomlinson at the state-of-the-art WATCAT terminals.

In May 1991, W W released

a “Report of the Advisory

Committee on Network News” stating that UW will accept all newsgroups and that the content is not the s c h o o l s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y . P r o j e c t P , a j o i n t O n t a r i o P r o v i n c i a l Police and Metropolitan Police anti-pornography squad, is currently investigating computer porn.


Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992


News in Brief

Top-less twutestur update

Staying Abreast by Sue Forrest Imprint staff T o p - f r e e w o m e n again drew national attention as the summer heated up and protests culminated i n m o r e a r r e s t s . Actions in Guelph and Waterloo saw eight women charged with committing an indecent act, one woman’s case has b e e n d i s m i s s e d , o n e is in appeal, and six other are p e n d i n g t r i a l i n December. Terry-Lee D’Aaran was charged with committing an indecent act after sunbathing topfree in Kitchener’s Victoria Park in June. Late in August, assistant crown attorney Denise Dwyer elected to dismiss the charges, reasoning that D’Aaran had been

sunbathing top-free in a fairly secluded area of the Park. She added that in contrast to the six*women arrested in Waterloo, D’Aaran had n o t b e e n l o o k i n g t o d r a w attention t o herself. D’Aaran was annoyed at not being permitted to state her case, but reported being advised by counsel to “not look a gift horse in the mouth.” T w o d a y s f o l l o w i n g the dismissal, D’Aaran elected to sunbathe top-free i n the same park, She was not approached by police. Five women were charged with committing an indecent act for being top-free d u r i n g the “Walk-abreast” p r o t e s t i n W a t e r l o o P a r k . T h e i r trial i s s e t f o r mid-December i n a K i t c h e n e r c o u r t . A teen-aged female charged with the same

from UW News Bureau

offense will be tried as a young offender, f o l l o w i n g t h e t r i a l o f h e r co-protestors. C l a y t o n R u b y h a s agreed to act as counsel for the five women, as well as at least one of the w o m e n charged with obstructing justice for protesting another woman’s arrest. Ruby is well known as an advocate in Canadian civil liberties cases, includin anti-war protestors he defende if on grounds of freedom of speech. Gwen Jacob, the Guelph woman charged with committing an indecent act for g o i n g top-free l a s t s u m m e r , i s c o n t i n u i n g t o fight her conviction. She lost the initial appeal in June and is appealing to the next level, the Ontario Court of Appeals. The case will not come up for at least six months to a year. Jacob is apprehensive about the financial costs; this appeal level will likely run between five and ten thousand dollars. She has been financing her court challenges through a defense fund, most of w h i c h has already been spent.

Health & Safety News Flash Have you had your shots lately? If not, contact the Health and Safety Office for information and d a t e s o n o b t a i n i n g v a c c i n e s f o r TetanusandDyptheria(T.D.),and/ or Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR).TBtestingcanalsobedone. Those travelling out of the country may need a boost of immune g l o b u l i n , If you need any’ktthet v&dnations than those mentioned: above, contact the immunization clinic at the Health Services Dept, 850 King St. W., Kitchener, Ontario. (747-7357). For information about the student s u p p l e m e n t a r y i n s u r ance plan or any other queries, iust call ext. 3541 or&sit the-Health in d Safety building.

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student, grad win housing research awards A U n i v e r s i t y o f Waterloo planning student and a former student have received scholarships from the Canadian Mortgage and H o u s i n g C o r p . t o s t u d y h o u s i n g i s s u e s . Cheryl AM Miller, a UW master’s student in the school of urban and regional planning, and Nicholas Dobbing, a graduate of the planning school, were awarded $14,154 each by the federal h o u s i n g a g e n c y . D o b b i n g i s a planner at the City of Kitchener. M i l l e r i s w o r k i n g on a degree in regional planning and r e s o u r c e d e v e l o p m e n t , w h i l e D o b b i n g i s e m b a r k i n g on a master of landscape architecture at the University of Guelph. They were selected by a committee of housing and planning experts representing various levels of government, as well as the a c a d e m i c , b u s i n e s s a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l c o m m u n i t i e s . UW


UW optometry school saves CNIB Northern Ontario tour A substitute E y e V a n i s b a c k o n t h e r o a d i n N o r t h e r n Ontario, thanks to the Optometry School at the University of Waterloo. The Ontario Medical Mobile Eye Care Unit, a service offered by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, came to a dead halt in early June after a fire destroyed the original Eye Van. To the rescue came the optometry school’s trailer, which is in full service during the fall and winter. The trailer was lent to the C N I B f o r the summer s o t h a t v i t a l e y e c a r e s e r v i c e s c a n b e p r o v i d e d t o p e o p l e l i v i n g in the n o r t h . UW researchers investigate mine tailings A U n i v e r s i t y of Waterloo research team i s c o n d u c t i n g w o r k aimed at reducing the flow of waste water generated by northern mines into rivers and streams. L e d b y P r o f . T o m E d w a r d s , o f UW’s earth sciences department, the team also is made up of graduate students Jeffrey Whidden and John Gibson. The work combines environmental science and engineering. They are i n v e s t i g a t i n g m e a s u r e s t o e n a b l e m i n e s t o s t o r e all waste water - which may contain heavy metals - in tailings ponds. The idea is to improve existing ponds or design new ones from which all the water will evaporate. Evaporation in the North often exceeds precipitation, posing a a problem for researchers who must design a tailings p o n d i n which water volume equals the evaporation rate. That’s t o g u a r d a g a i n s t t h e p o n d o v e r f l o w i n g o r d r y i n g up and leave ’ behind contaminants. _ Heritage group at LJW win grants to map Long Point The Heritage P,,ources Centre at the University of Waterloo has received a $50,000 grant from the Royal Canadian Geographic Society to create an environmental atlas of the Long Point biosphere. The two-year project, which has received funding from the federal Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, is b e i n g l e d b y P r o f . G o r d o n N e l s o n , a UW g e o g r a p h e r , a n d i n cludes faculty and graduate students from UW and the U n i v e r sity of Western Ontario. The atlas will comprise maps and text depicting the chief concerns and issues facing the inhabitants in the area, as well as the planning and managing of the biosphere. Also, the information will be stored in a computer data base. The Long Point area is noted for its ecological diversity, with some 700 recorded species of vascular plants - 90 of them considered rare in Ontario. It is a major staging ground for migrating waterfowl and small birds.

Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992



Feds looking for new ombudsperson by Derek Weiler and Peter Brown Imprint staff

O’Donnell says. The assistant position, formerly held by Fran Wdowczyk, came o p e n 1astJanuaryand was n o t advertised until July. A graduate of the University of Guelph, O’Donnell took the o m b u d s erson position in May, 1991. B ePore that, she worked as the Federation of Students’ academic researcher. The fact that she will continue to sit on many of the same committees as she did a s ombudsperson will help ease the transition. O’Donnell feels thatboth the position of ombudsperson and its conflict resolution goals are not advertisedenoughbytheuniversity faculties, which are more likely to explain the formal procedures of dealing with a grievance to a student, than the informal ones, such as the ombudsperson. “This tendency increases formal ap eals,” O ’ D o n n e l l s a y s . “About 8s er cent of appeals are handled in Pormally, but even more could be.”

Fifteen months after taking t h e p o s t o f o m b u d s p e r s o n , Leanne O’Donnell will be applying her problem-solving skills to the residence administration. O’Donnell will start as assistant to residence warden Ron Eydt next Tuesday, September 8. Replacing her is Tina Heffeman, who will act as interim ombudsperson for six weeks until a permanent replacement is found. She says that she will be workin a lot with the Tutors and Dons oBthe Villa es in her new job, especially with # rosh Week upon the university. One of her new challenges will be to review the residences’ policies and procedures in light of the current social climate which did not exist when those documents were drafted years ago. “The policies have to be updated to deal with alcohol awareness, homophobia, and AIDS awareness, among other things,”

But she is optimistic about the increased profile of the position that should come with the university’s new student appeals policy. In serious student appeal cases, where expulsion or probation are possible. outcomes, the ombudsperson must be present during the student’s appeal meetings. O’Donne&aysthatshemay s o m e day be interested in a newly created e t h i c a l behaviour/ human rights coordinator within the university administration, Heffernan, who has c o m p l e t e d s t u d i e s i n s o c i o l o , has experience in ‘student me Fiation from her involvement with the L a n d l o r d a n d Tenant Information Office and plans to apply for the permanentombudspersonposition. The skills necessary for the ombudsperson include experience in counselling, knowledge of university policies, research skills, and oral and written communication skills, according to Federation of Students general manager Fred Kelly. ,

Library reduces hours , a.m. - 10 p.m.; Saturday, I1 a.m.

- 10 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. - 11 p-mm; (Davis Centre) Monday to Thurs-

The University of Waterloo library will be closing earlier as a result of a planned six per cent cutback in campus expenditures over three years. The move comes in response to the Ontario government’s recession-driven decision to cap the growth in university operating grants to one per cent this year and to two per cent in each of the next two years.

A review of library hours and patron use sparked the plan to reduce hours in the Davis Cenh and Dana Porter locations, After midnight hours prior to exam periods and late evening hours most da softheweekwillbescaledback, ef1ective Sept. 1. “We are facing a modest reduction of service hours and a rearrangement of hours during the examination period,” sa s university librarian Murray Bh e p h e r d . “We are confronted with a percentage cut in our overall expenses like other department across campus.” Even with the reduction, S h e p h e r d s a y s t h e l i b r a r y w i l l be o e n 107 hours a week - “Still one oP the longest hours of service in Ontario.” T h e l i b r a r y w i l l c o n t i n u e to be open seven days a week. Opening hours: (Dana Porter) Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. - 11 p.m.; Friday, 8


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from UW News Bureau

“We’ll be working closely with Leanne,” Kelly comments on O’Donnell’s job change. “We work

day, 8 a.m. -midnight; Friday, 8 a.m. - 11 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.; Sunday, 11 a.m. - midnight.

PfW 2036

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Forum Fireside Chat by Peter Brown “Look at the person on your left Now, look at the person on your tight Only one ofyou will graduate from this university - and probow all of you will have your creativity, individua&.y, and curio&y sucked from you. And idealism? What’s thrl?!” - an orient&ion speech you’re not likely to hear in the neur future.

Of course, the above is a satirical caricature of an address I heard during ml fresh week here -- and you are very likely tc hear a similar one. But wait.. . let me tell the story about the best orientation week ‘ydressing down” speech, delivered to me b) some sergeant-major-like math professor about, oh, seven years ago. I sat with a few hundred of ml partners in scholastic endeavour in MC 2065 or 2064 ( y o u k n o w , o n e o f t h o s e h u g e lecture barns) for an orientation session for co-op math, my major of the moment A stern man at the front lectern had the unsavoury but crucial task of presenting us giddy, cocky, idealistic fresh with hard, cold reality, with the world as it really was. “For most of your lives, you’ve all been at or near the tops of your classes,” he said. “Well, you aren’t anymore. Here, you are just average. If you had gone to another university, for another mathematics program, you might still be exceptional. But here, you are not Everyone in thi+ room.is an Ontario scholar. You have all accomplished enough toget you into mathematics at the University of Waterloo; you can’t rest on those Iaurels.” I can see the positive intent behind his comments -- with university enrolments shrinking yearly, that intent is become increasingly relevant You cannot simply be satisfied with getting into university, or even i n t o a p r o g r a m f o r w h i c h a 90 per cent average is a prerequisite. Except for t h e exceptional among us, university is a hell 01 a l o t o f w o r k - - a complacent attitude wil soon land you in the failure column, However, his comments reflect the ideology of performance and competition that, while permeating postsecondaq education in general, underlies and informs the actions and standards of the Universiq of Waterloo more than most. The tendrils ol the private sector are enmeshed in the culture of UW, both through our co. operative education program and through research funding from high-technology firms, Economic forces, such as reduced government commitments to postsecondary education, will only serve to strengthen the bond between the ivory tower and financial pragmatism. But this bond does not come without its ideological baggage, including notions of success which demand quantification, productivity, efficiency. The goal of the university +comes, under these strictures, the delivery to society and industry of a competent employee on a cost-effective basis -- that is, basically the same goals of a factory that s t a m p s o u t wingnuts. If that’s not a picture of a university education that you relish, then act against that tendency. Take electives in as many of U W s six faculties as the Registrar’s Oficg will let you. Always askquestions and demanc that your professors put as much effort intc teaching you as they do into their research AboveaH, do notallowthis institution to manufacture an industrial marionette OUI of a bright, young person fresh out of high school.

The ;- big high school It has become’somewhat of a tradition a t I m p r i n t and other student newspa ers to produce, as their first issue for the fa K term, something we call “The Frosh Issue.” In frosh issues, we and other kind p e o l e a c r o s s c a m p u s try.20 i m p a r t w i s d o m w e K ave accumulattid o v e r o u r ears at this institution. Having been here1our years, I find that the tradition is becoming tiring, but this space needs filling, and you can see by the masthead that few peo le are around to fill it. F i r s t l y , remem ii er that this is a big high school, in every respect. And if you are in math, science, or engineering, this will become even more apparent. If you people (to borrow from Ross Perot) want to pass, you have to write down what the professor says, do the repetitive problems for four years, and try not to figure out where your area of discipline fits in or affects other parts of the world. Engineers are es ecially confined in this respect. I have a i!r iend who recently graduated from that program, and he understandably expressed anger at that faculty for limiting the number of electives he could take over the course of his stay (I think the number was six). I met him in a third-year environmental studies class, that he finally was admitted to after much wrangling and arguing with administrative types at engineering. It’s unfortunate that engineers are rarely allowed or encouraged to challenge themselves intellwally w i t h c o u r s e s o u t s i d e of the engineering faculty, but then again, it’s understandable, The more narrow an “education,” the better the “educated.” Everyone else in various arts, English, and other non-technical coursesbest stay there if they wish to obtain a well-rounded education. What do I mean by “wellrounded”? Well, to define by contrast, let me say that engineering isn’t going to teach you about third-world poverty, feminism, or why B o b R a e ’ s g o v e r n m e n t i s n ’ t m u c h differentthan Pe terson’s. I’mnotsayingthatengineersarestupid o r that one is stupid to enter engineering; 1 simply believe t&t more of an education - an arrav of courses from different faculties shoildbe incorporated into what is essentially a job-training program, and a very good one at that. Conversely, a degree in some nontechnical programs such a fiie arts is much

less likely to guarantee the holder a job. A lot of these programs also leave 40 or 50 per cent df thestudent’screditsin the”elective ‘status, allowing one to receive, say, a joint-honours, double major, or a ma’or and a minor. Returning to tA e h i g h s c h o o l t h e m e d UW is a big behemoth of a high school. Everything is, well, bigger: classes, c l a s s r o o m s , e s s a y s , e x a m s , eople, and so on. If you can put up with the Pirst year of two of the XXXX 101 courses with hundreds of students in them, it begins to get better. By fourth year, most classes have no more than 20 people in them and actually stimulate the brain through discussions and the ability to question the professor. Meanwhile, you can raduate from XXXX 101 without: even L owing the professor’s name, remembering her only as a speck at the front of the class. While people in job-training (technical) iled courses h a v e a s u b s t a n t i a l w o r k l o a d u p o n t h e m , wifi l a b s , uizzes and so Porth, m o s t o t h e r s t u d e n t s f i n 1 they have less w o r k than in high school. People in olitical science, E n g l i s h , e n v i r o n m e n t a l stu Bi e s , g e o g r a p h y , etc learn first and foremost how to chum out dozens of pages of essays in the least time possible, and still receive a decent mark. For example, I picked a topic, researched it, and wrote a &page p a p e r f o r a course earlier this ear in between 20 and 24 hours. I don’tconsi Jer myself a genius by any stretch of the ima ‘nation, but I received an A-minus for that !r ittle effort. This held true for other people in the class as well. And, stories like this may seem incredulous right now, but will become standard fare in a year or two, Why, you ask, is this? Because, as aforementioned, this is a high school. Whatever standard that exists for quality of w o r k r a n g e s f r o m l o w t o non-existent. Our p r o f e s s o r s h o u l d h a v e h a n d e d those e s s a s right back and told us to rewrite them for Je next w e e k . But uritenured professors cannot afford to fail an abnormally high portion of the class even i f students should be failed, and tenured professors rarely become such b y g o i n g a g a i n s t t h e f l o w . M o r e students, bigger classes, more money, more profit.

The big barn

Now, the rest of this piece is probably of interest to both new and returning students.

It is not so much a legend, but more an unhappy legacy. The legacy is that of Federation Hall, trumpeted often as N o r t h America’s largest student-run bar.

Fed Hall o ned in 1985, and was a sometime in 1988 or early great success unti r 1989, at which point its assistAnt manager, Dave Playfair became manager of the Bombshelter. Ironically, the Bombshelter had been doing poorly until that point, but b u s i n e s s quite picked up after that. Fed Hall has steadily lost huge amounts of money since then, although I think they broke even last year (dependin on which accounting methods one uses). 8 buck McMullen is still the manager, and was the manager when Playfair left. People will continue tocomplainabout Fed Hall on a regular basis both in these pages and in private, and no o n e w i l l b e f i r e d o r even reprimanded. Why? Well, I’ve been trying to find out for a while now, but haven’t been given anything remotely resembling a satisfaclory answer. If you ask why something hasn’t been done to make Fed Hall a profit-oriented b u s i n e s s , ou will run into the following r h e t o r i c : 1 r a lot of new bars have opened up in town and are taking our business (ohhh, nasty stuff, that competitiveness thing); 21 it’s so bi that a lot of people have to be here, or else k ey’ll leave (uh . . .); 31 the deejays have to play dance music because it’s that sort of a bar (but -); 41 it’s not because Playfair left it’s just ‘cause the “novelty” of Fed Hall wore off (wonder when the novelty of the Bombshelter will wear off and drive students off campus . . .) In order to, I suppose, improve the novelty, the Feds spent approximately $30,000 on a laser light system and smoke machine for that dancing feelin and a couple, grand on p o o l t a b l e s , s h u f f l e t o a r d , etc to create “The Locker Room”, a sports-oriented section of Fed Hall. And, while all this money is being sucked into a stagnant and vacuous Fed Hall, the Bombshelter apparently has to fight for authorizationand money to implement small projects costing a few hundred dollars. Yes, the Bombshelter that has kept the Federation we all of Students, the student overnment ay over 20 dollars to ea ct t e r m , f r o m g o i n g r? ankrupt. This subject has been, and will continue to be, a constant source of disagreement and conflict among students and decision-makers and it is my hope that

theFedswillactintheinterestsofUWstudents instead of in those of its full-time employees. Dave Thomson

Letters to the -Editor . IMPmNT

The University of Waterloo Student Nkwmatxr

Editor’s note: the following letter appeared in the July 24 edition of /tiprint. me two letters which follow amired rir response to R during August

Camera sad To the editor, What the hell were “walk a breast” promoters thinking of? I went to their silly little demonstration with my camera, hoping to get some nice shots of tits, my camera didn’t even c l i c k o n c e . I g u e s s G w e n ’ s s u p porters are all fat and /or ugly and this is the o n l y w a y they can get men to l o o k at them. Nice try - too bad they only attracted hoards o f o n l o o k e r s l i k e myself. PS - To the guys with the video camera - can I get myself a copy of the tape in case I missed a nice set? Kevin Wherry 4A Planning

Please apologize, Kevin To Kevin wherry, RE: Your letter to the editor of the Imprint published July 24,1992 - “Camera Sad” In response to the above-mentioned letter, we, your fellow students at the School of Urban and Regional Planning (undersigned herein), feel we should make you aware of our position. Though we do not deny you your right to an opinion, or to express that opinion, we find your comments inappropriate. Your words were as insulting to Ms. Jacob’s women supporters as to women everywhere, and an embarrassment to the student community at SURI? But, more importantly, your behaviour could cotititute 8xual harass-merit. In its documentation, the University of Waterloo clearly states that sexual harassment can include behaviour such as “derogatory or degrading remarks directed toward members of one gender - usually women”. If proven in a court of law, sexual harassment is considered illegal under the Human Rights Code. That is why we are not taking your commentslightly,andareurgingyoutoapologize to all concerned. Also note that, as a result of your actions, a formal motion is being prepared for the School of Urban and Regional Planning to officially recognize the University’s policies on sex-ual harassment. Finally, be advised that, if your comments were meant to be funny, none of the undersigned thought they were, Brad Bain Karen Beazly Anne-M&e Bouthilette Margaret Burnett Charline Cormier Angela Coulas Tina Colleen D’agostino Peter Genzinger Bev Hindle Noel Hulsman Cathy Maid Steve May Kevin Maya11 Kerrianne Melick Jamie Olmstead Grant Osboume Craig Paskin Tracey Pillon Neely Law Pamela Sopp Leann Wagner Scott Zavaros

Kevin says: l I apologize To the editor, I am writing you and the Imprint’s readers t h i s letter t o a p o l o g i z e f o r m y improper and deplorable remarks published in the forum section on July 24. Although I do not support the cause that Gwen Jacobs (sic.) and her followers are

fighting for, the way I ridiculed and attacked their efforts was uncalled for and undoubtedly immature. Had I even reflected on my comments for a minute I would have submitted a letter detailing how I believe that a woman’s breasts are a sexual region and that Gwen Jacobs (sic.), if s u c c e s s f u l , will have taken all of the advances made in sexual harrassment and assault and quashed them. So, I apologise to you and your readers, and especially to those who I directly insulted - the women w h o bared their breasts that d a y . T h e i r campaign has been nothing but clean and proper, although they may be breaking a law or two, they most certainly did not deserve m y i d i o t ’ s c o m m e n t s . I Kevin Wherry 4A Planning

Things to think about: A top-ten list To the editor,

Many of the problems ou encounter this year will have little to Bo with actual studies. Here is a top ten list written at three o’clock in the morning in Greg’sbasement of the “Good, The Bad and The Ugly” of difficulties you may encounter. Simply put, here are some things that may piss you off. 10. You move intoa house and find that in a week, it is difficult to walk across the living room floor without stepping on a plat of moldv spaghetti. 9 . ’ 6le”e is something you can only davdream aii out because other DeotAe vou a& living with feel it is neces&y ‘to- ilay music at four thirty in the morning. 8. You have aljsolutely no idei why you are at university other thk the fact that ;ou don’t want to l&e at home and Iyou heard that beers w e r e c h e a p . 7. You feel that you should be studying, but there isa housemeeting todecide whethex or not so get “Pa TV” with your cable. 6. You keep t Lik ’ ing that your deodorant doesn’t work because all of the people you sit To the editor, down beside in class move away from you. 5. It seems as though the six dollars you I recently checked out some art pho- saved up during the summer will not last tography books from the Dana Porter library. through the first semester. After I had taken them home, I discovered, to 4. PeoDle ask vou what vou take at school my dismay and disgust, that several of @e and then z&k whai you are ioing to do with it. photographs had been cut out with a razor (Example: “I’m taking medieval flower blade. This was not an act of censorship as a r r a n g i n g . ” there were more explicit and erotic scenes in 3. You can’t read. 2. You came to university with the goal of the collection, Rather, this defacement was a criminal act committed by some individual becoming a stud and it seems no one around, (whether staff, faculty, student or other “pa- you sees that .you have made that peenality tron” of the library) who has no respect for change. 1. You get a cold, eat poisoned chicken other’s rights or property. The library offers a wohderful service and nearly die, and have trouble locating a - providing equal and easy access to a wide pair of socks to wear that can’t go to class ori variety of services. To have some of it sense- their own. Some of the Droblems vou encounter at lessly destroyed in order to satisfy one person’s greed is reprehensible. To the Univer- school will not s’tike you & this humorous they may actuafiy prevent you from sity community -- I offer both my regret that and having a’ suc&ssful ye& it school: Here is a I you will have to go elsewhere to view,these question: Is there on campus, somewhere, a photographs and my hope that there-will be a place where people can go to discuss their peer-motivated crackdown on such vandal- problems with other students. Is --there a ism. To the vandal - I suggest that in the student support oup? If there isn’t then thee future you visit a poster shop and stay out of should be one. I rn ow I could use one. Think libraries. about it.

Nothing but literary vandalism

Karin L. Trgovacl Electrical and Computer Engineering

Greg Samuel WLU

The Fed exec says Hi!! - ’ Welcome toFall’92at UW! We thought we would write you a quick-update to let you know wbt’s new since last winter and to give your something to read in the lineups! The Federation of Students has introduced yet another service to make your lives a little bit easier! The Student Part-time Employment Centre (SPEC) will be open Frosh Week and the first week of classes in Campus Centre room 135 from 1 p.m. to 5 pm. and in CC 206 for the rest of the term. In this centre, you wi.lI find information about all part-time jobs available for students on campus. Federation Hall and the Bombshelter have each had improvements over the summer. The Bombshelter now has an even bigger and better patio and an official beach volleyball court. Fed Hall h a s a n i m p r e s s i v e cedar ‘Back Porch and two official beach volleyball courts. Be sure to check them out! Once again, we will be offering the Free Before 9 p.m. concert series. Watch for concerts such as Kim Mitchell, 54:40, The Big Bad & Groovy Tour, Thomas Trio & The Red Albino to name only a few. A campus-wide safety audit will be administered this term through the Women’s Safety Grant. We have hired a co-op student to help with the coordination of this project

Canada’s only independent student-owned and operated music store, downstairs in the Campus Centre, and check out the selection of CDs and cassettes. And now for the political update! Subsequent to our recent withdrawal from the Ontario Federation of Students, we started to work on developing our government representation The results have been very exciting. Waterloo, along with the University of Toronto, Brock, and Wilfrid Laurier have begun to link together an the Ontario organization called Undergraduate Students Academic Council (OUSAC) and represents 75,000 Ontario undergraduates. The current main focus is funding and accessibility to postsecondary education and we are committing t o effective improvements to the system. We will present a new funding proposal to Student Council at the beginning of October. Student Council has called _ a referendum concerning our mehbership in the Canadian Federation of Students. Voting will occur in next February along with the Fed elections for 19934 These issues concern you -- get informed. If you have any questions or concerns, please, come up to the Fed Office in Campus Centre room 235 or call 888-4042.

by volunteering some of your time, answering questionnaires or coming out to a public forum. Music Source (formerly the Record Store) has a fresher, more vibrant look with a wider variety and new releases. Drop by

Dave Martin, President Sue Crack, Vice-President, .University Affairs Brent McDermott, Vice-President, Operations and Finance

and we will support

need your help. Please show your

888-4dic8 Friday, September 4, 1992 Volume 14, Number 8

Editorial Board EdItor-in-chief . . . . . . . . . . . P e t e r Browr Asslstaht Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . vacan News Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 vacan News Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vacan Arts Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vacan Arts Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vacant Sports Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vacant Sports Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . vacan Photo Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vacan’ Photo Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . v a c a n l Features Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v a c a n l Science Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vacant

staff ‘reduction Mgr . . . . Laurie Tigert-Dumas koduction Assistant.. . . . . . . . . vacant ienoral Mgr . . , . . . . Vivian Tambeau Mice Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . Sheri Hendry rdvertising Rep.. . . . . . . . . Scott Hendry kdvertlsing Assistant . . . . . . . . . vacant Woof Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vacani . l



Board of Directors Veaident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandy Aiwal b-President. . . . . . . . . . Peter Brown &me&q-Treasurer. . . Wim van der Lugt birectom at large . . . . . . . Vince Kozma . . ...** J o a n n e Sander . ..**.* D a v e T h o m s o r 5taff Liaison . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anna Done l

Contribution List Sandy Atwal, Kenton Augerman, Michael Bryson, Phillip Chee, Paul Done, Dave F i s h e r , S u e F o r r e s t , G e o f f “w&e f o u n d your name’ Hill, International Student OfFice, Bernard Keamey, Stacey Lobin, Craig Netterfield, Rfch Nichol, Jason Sack, Joanne qandrin, FrankSeglenieks, DaveThomson, Graham Tomlinson, UW News Bureau, C h r i s W a t e r s , a n d D e r e k Weiler.

Imprint is the official student news@pef of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Mailshould be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, W a t e r l o o , Ontario, N2L 3 G I. Ueztronk muil should be addressed to imprint@watserv I .uwaterloo.ca. Our fax number is 884-7800. Imprint reserves the r&k to screen, edit, and r&se advertising. lmpkint ISSN 0706-7380s

Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to&e e d i t o r a n d l o n g e r c o m m e n t pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictlythos4 of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

Letters to the Editor

I m p r i n t welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of thecommunity* Lettersshould be5OOwords or less, typed and double-spaied or in electronic form, ind have the author’s n*e, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editi n g f o r b r e v i t y . T h e e d i t o r resenes the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatoq on the basis of gender, race, ret&ion. or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed in the forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint.


Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992

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All across Canada, University Newspapers are printing their first papers of the fall term f o r t h e i n c o m i n g froshlings. S o m e o f the articles in them are informative p i e c e s , a i d s t o g e t t i n g a r o u n d p a r t i c u l a r u n i v e r s i t y c a m p u s e s , w h e r e to eat, where to watch movies, where to drink and more pragmatic bureacra tic information. Others are more direct ( a n d u s u a l l y m o r e c y n i c a l ) p i e c e s o n w h a t t o r e a l l y e x p e c t f r o m U n i v e r sity. This piece will be one of the latter. By far, the most prevailing attitude in the university sphere, both in terms of the social aspects (movies, music, books...) as well as in the university courses themselves is a desire to be alternative - make that Alternative. An example to illustrate. The recent Lollapalooza festival was named by some as an Alternative Woodstock (an interesting oxymoron in itself). The bands were Alternative, the music was Alternative. However most of the bands on stage, such as the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Soundgarden and Ministry are selling hundreds of thousands if not millions of records. This obviously raises the question Alternative to what? The idea that the music played by these bands is somehow above the top forty toilet is also pretty silly. Ministry, for example, are a very shitty band playing as repetetive and mundane music as any Mariah C a r e y o r N e w K i d s o n the Mock. In the classroom, the Alternative trend is also towards similar bullshit. Deconstruction being first among equals. This literary theory which is supported by its adherents as a useful technique in breaking down and thus analyzing texts is in fact a rather remarkable self-defeating concept. If, as deconstruction holds as one o f its beliefs, all texts and theories are basically divorced from any actual reality and any meaning can be derived from them, then hopefully the deconstructionists would at least be honest enough to apply this theory to their own ideas thus (one can only wish) disappearing into the vacuum of their own inanity. Deconstruction, however does not apply its own laws to itself or to its bedfellows - feminism, marxism and relativism. Due to some odd self-congr&ulatory desire, deconstruction is the hottest thing in english programs now - the literary equivalent of Nirvana if you will. It is, of course, shit (Deconstruction, that is, not Nirvana - well...). This is not the case in all situations, University will in all likelihood introduce high school students to ideas that secondary schools are too anal retentive to try and discuss. Ninety nine percent of the Mainstream is shit, but ninety tie percent of the Alternative is likewise ka ka. Remembering this is not an easy thing to do, but will stop you from becoming a total moron. It won’t save you completely because university is as good at souldestroying as any other institution. It may not turn you into a complete vegetable, but by the time your reach fourth year, you’ll probably beInsane or writing incomprehensible columns for the campus paper. -


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Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992 A9

Forum Self-he,& can be a valuable tool when lcioking_for

work term jubs

Co-op concerns: and what you can do about them by Jason Sack special to Imprint An article I submitted in the February 21,1992 issue of Imprint (entitled “How you can help coop”) aroused some attention from the co-operative education department here at UW. I still maintain that “networking” will be the key to the survival of co-operative education and that responsibility rests withus s t u d e n t s t o o p e n l y p r o m o t e co-operative education wherever possible. I would like to further delve into some of the issues and concerns surrounding the co-operative education system in the hopes of stimulating a dialogue between the Department of Co-0perative Education and this forum, Imprint. It is my hope that students and co-ordinators can work together to form a more interactive system of evaluating, upgrading and maint a i n i n g o u r p r o g r a m s a t UW as the leading edge in Canadian education. Concern #1: Does a university education successfully prepare a student for the work world? Discussion: I would say no, a universityeducationonitsowndoes not successfully prepare students for the work world. In fact, part of the problem that I see with the present co-operative education system is that themain mission or thrust of universities as institutions is still to produce scholars, not employees, and yet employers still maintain the fallacy that a university education is excellent preparation for the work world. Many of us came t o u n i v e r sity because in high school guidance counsellors spoon-fed us the belief that a university education ensured us a good career. Perhaps as little as ten years ago, that may have been the case, but today a student needs so much more; hence the premise that co-op education began under -a mix of theory and practical experience. I would argue that, in gene r a l , a college d e g r e e i s m o r e effective in preparing someone for a specific occupation than a university degree and that perhaps the liberal educations of yesteryear are not sufficient to help Canada remain

competitive today. And, in a time when Canada’s competitiveness as a ’ n a t i o n isbeing challenged, I think it is imperative that universities reexamine the type of education that they provide and the utility of the students who emerge from its institutions. While co-operative educat i o n a t U W d o e s s e r v e as a s t r o n g mortar for what a student will need to adapt into the post-university “working world,” I do not feel the university is making a sufficient enough effort to bridge with the corporate world so that the student can be more useful to his/her emp l o y e r t h r o u g h o u t t h e “coop experience”. T h i s i s a n a r e a w h e r e p e r haps universities could learn from community colleges in setting their curriculums. Concern #2 : What are specific areas that our co-op education system could improve? Riscussim: In co-op arts programs, all students are required to take Computer Science 100, an introductory computer course in Apple Macintosh systems and software. While this serves as a good basis for students, an even stronger basis wouldbe tohaveanadditionalComputer Science course (unlike thecurrent CS 102 course that deals with programming) that teaches accepted office-standard software programs like WordPerfect 5.1, Lotus l-2-3, and Harvard Graphics, and even some MS-DOS for personal computers. I understand that the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences offers a course in personal computing and applications, Ret 209, but this course is limited to recreation majors only. The majority of arts students are not going to be using programming in Pascal or Turing or Cob01 (from CS 102) or C or Fortran in our jobs, but few of us will be able to work in an office environment without the most basic knowledge of word processing. The majority of u s a r e m o r e c o n c e r n e d w i t h leaming word processing, spreadsheetingpresentationgraphits, and desktop pubiishing techniques that give us a leading edge in the office over most employees. I can safely say that in my life I will never have call to write programs in computer languages,

only to use application software! CS 102, with its emphasis on programming, is a wasted course as far as applicability in the workplace is concerned, for probably 99 per cent of all arts students! ’ By making a new PC-based computer science course available, we as co-op students can gain marketable skills as we go through nearly five years of interviews and w h e n w e b e g i n t h e q u e s t f o r a fulltime job. Not everyone enjoysworking with computers, but few stud e n t s w o u l d a r g u e w i t h t h e reahty that experience and computer knowledge are definite assets in the search for e m p l o y m e n t b o t h i n t h e coop program and beyond. And, at least if an accredited course were available those who are interested could take the course and add to their list of marketable skills. The reality is that almost no one who intends to get an entrylevel position after university will be able to avoid computers in the workplace. Even our present engineering programs lack the inclusion of the most basic software applications in lieu of programming theories and languages. With the _ speed that the computer industry is changing, is this a practical direction for the university to take? I think not, especially when you cons i d e r h o w d e p e n d e n t o n computeraided design (CAD) the technical occupations in engineering have become. In fact, many engineers need word processing skills and management accounting skills in their careers after university anyways. T h e u n i v e r s i t y administrationmay respond that the onus is on the student to obtain those necessary skills but I don’t believe that is a reasonable, logical assumption to make for a co-operative university whosereputationisstakedsohighly on the perception of both quality and practicality in its programs and its w o r k p l a c e m e n t s ! The “old school” universities (Queen’s University, University of Western Ontario, and University of Toronto) are still turning &t graduates who do not possess any of the practical skills and experience that our graduates are coming out of university with, and this is where the University of Waterloo is, in my opinion (and in the opinion

of industry and the corporate world) far above the competition. I feel sorry for many of my friends from other universities who d o n o t share in the co-operative experience that I have had the opportunitytodo;manyofthemhadsummer jobs like working for landscaping companies, tree planting, student painting, or similar “honest work” that is generally good for the pocketbook but will probably not lead to a career move. If these courses in practical education were made part of our c u r r i c u l u m , w e w o u l d a l l b e more employable and more valuable to our coop partner companies and o r anizations; we could save them at Keastsomeofthetrainingexpenses involved in the most basic office practices. Having computer skills might make it easier for students who do not get placed through regular interviews to find work at home if they had some tangible skills that they could take to the local perscrlnel agency where computer office

skills are in demand in temporary placementsandshort-termcontracts year-round. Cuncm # 3: Co-op jobs are disappearing due to economic slowdowns and budget restraints in many large companies and government departments and placement rates are lower than they have been before. What is being done to alleviate this problem? Discussion: This is an area of great concern to me as it should be to all cwp s t u d e n t s . W e p a y h i g h tuition fees for the privilege of being in a co-operative education program and for good reason: we pay the fees because we believe in the value of the program. Most students do not object to paying the extra fees if they know there is a good chance that they will be placed in a worthwhile job during their work terms. However, the recession has affected a lot of our past employers very strongly and hindered the viability of our co-op program. continued to page All

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Imprint, Friday, September 4,1992


Waterloo Jewish Students Association Q


G,ENERAL MEETING q (Yep, it’s time again)

W Thursday, Sept. 17,1992 Chemistry 2, Room 170 5:30 p.m. We are going to have a great semester, you should be part of it!


0 and P # 35: Sunday by Phillip Chee There are more Canada geese than there are people on this beach. Ah, Hazel? I am near my family home, sitting at the foot of a half-kilometre strip of park land that lines both banks of t h e E t o b i c o k e C r e e k , a welcome respite from the thoughtless utopia that is suburbia, Fittingly, the beach on the shore of Lake Ontario is more of an afterthought, as if someone decided to dump some dirt on the lawn by the water’s edge. An early maming fog hovered above the water, the cool wind pushing it ashore, only to melt away over the grass. The coal-fired generating station, L a k e v i e w , e m e r g e s f r o m behind a vapour curtain. it is an ironic monument to a different age of p r o g r e s s . A p a i n f u l e p o c h t h a t p r o m i s e d m u c h b u t s e e m s more intent on leaving more scars in need of healing. A cannon sits perched on a concrete block on my right, pointing its impotent muzzle at some vague ghost. The memory of a wispy enemy, reaching back to the days of Bonaparte, grasps the imagination. Might a Yankee clipper have threatened to land upon the fair shore of this sleepy village by the lake. My spirit confronts a stark unconsciousness. The beach has not changed much since the times I used to climb trees, scrape knees, and had no thought to the future beyond tomorrow. The geese have taken definitive positions offshore, floating and bobbing like toys in a tub full of apples. Carefully, they bide their timed when the people will eventually leave, though it may not be for a while. How like an ageless beach, I figure, with trees keeping time by their girth, and the cars by their model year. The water sparkles, wave caps glinting like precious stones, immemorial as’the sea. The geese drift away and the seagulls stake their plot of sand. But now the dog-people arrive and the toddlers too. We used to brag that we could see the lights on the US side of the lake in the evening. We were confusing them with the ones shining from our television sets. A part cir .rrle will always belong here, I gather some sand into a plastic bag for a friend. She collects beach sand from various places. But you will not have walked across this one, I replied. That’s okay, you’ll have, she said. I follow the young girl as she walks past, one that I mistook for a dogperson. She has a rabbit on a leash. The back of her T-shirt announces for all to see: AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING. We live in interesting times.

Marie Curtis Park, you remember Hur&ane

CITYOF ij:5 .


City Of Waterloo Traffic By-law 83-l 9 The City of Waterloo Traff ic and Parking By-law does not allow overnight parking on City streets. PART V - Parking and Stopping Restrictions states that “unless otherwise permitted in this by-law, no person shall at any time, park a vehicle on any highway between the hours of 2130 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.” The City of Waterloo Traffic and Parking By-law also restricts parking on all City streets for no longer than three (3) consecutive hours. Streets located in the downtown core of Waterloo have either a one or two hour parking restriction, and are posted as such. Signage advertising these restrictions are located along ’ the main streets upon entering the City of Waterloo. The City appreciates your co-operation in the corni pliance of these by-laws. Ronald C. Keelin$

City Clerk

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Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992



Co-op self-help couldn’t hurt during recession continued from page A9 Most of the employers that are still w i t h t h e p r o g r a m are located in t h e O t t a w a National Capital Region or in the greater Toronto region. I spoke with one co-ordinator, o f f e r i n g a l i s t o f s u g g e s t i o n s o f companies to approach as c o - o p p a r t n e r s f r o m m y h o m e t o w n ( L o n d o n ) a n d m u c h t o m y dismay, the co-ordinator told me that “most students preferred to go to Toronto or the Ottawa region to work.” Personally, I am not terribly impressed by going to either of these regions, but I accept that that is where the majority of jobs are located. And I believe that after our conversation, this coordinator came to realize that students today are m o r e w i l l i n g t o m o v e t o smaller cities than perhaps they were five years ago. To me, it seems to make more sense to have people closer to the university in cities that are not as expensive as either Ottawa o r Toronto unless the student already lives in those cities. I know my first work term in Ottawa was a n e x p e n s i v e f o u r m o n t h s , w i t h relocation expenses, long-distance phone bills, high rent, expensive utility bills, and buying a co-op wardrobe, after which there was not much money left (and what little was left ended up circulating in the economy of Hull, Quebtx)! he rely too heavily on jobs in those two major urban centres (Ottawa and Toronto) and we need to expand our co-op network into other cities in Ontario so that all our eggs are not in two baskets. The economic climate is such now that students cannot afford to be as picky about their co-op jobs as perhaps they were 5 years ago in this program w h e n , s o I a m t o l d , the j o b s o u t w e i g h e d t h e available students. Most s t u d e n t s w o u l d p r o b a b l y like to w o r k in their home cities and I m y s e l f was very distraught in the fall term when I discovered that there were no iobs in the Want Ads

I would like to see the Department of Co-Operative Education devise a system whereby students can help stimulate the process of acquiring new employers in their home cities by dropping off a promotional/marketing type newsletter or package (with contact numbers at fie university) at the human resource offices of companies that we are familiar with, thereby generating our own leads for potential jobs in our home cities. Why do all of our jobs have to be with head offices in Ottawa o r T o r o n t o ? T h e r e a r e many firms and government departments that have regional offices that could perhaps use a co-op student even more so than the head offices and these smaller offices might have the budget to hire an extra student. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to pursue these options. If we do not start marketing co-operative education aggressively, there won’t be much of a p r o g r a m left. Perhaps it is time to invest in a marketing campaign through trade journals and business publications across Ontario, in much the same way that American co-op universities do. Perhaps it is time to promote a media campaign to headline co-op partner companies and the students that are working with them in local newspapers and give our employers some “kudos” for helping us out. The list of companies that I had given to the co-ordinator contained names of many multinational firms and government departments that did have regional offices in my home city, and if a cc~op promo package had been available I would have gladly distributed the materials over the two days of walking and driving that it would have takenme to each and every business on my list, My point is that co-ordinators need to allow students to take a more active role in the co-op program. Like I have said in my previous article, “co-ordinators are few and students are many.” If we work together towards generating new leads we can keep the prog r a m intact and successful, as well as cost-

Every student should be offered the chance to speak to a potential employer and solicit new leads for our co-ordinators. Most of us know at least one person in a company who is in a managemerit position and deals with hiring personnel and perhaps, one whisper in that person’s ear could lead to one or more co-op jobs. If students adopt a proactive approach to co-operative education and if everyone were to put in an extra effort to stimulate new leads the results would be to everyone’s benefit giving us more jobs to choose from rather t h a n e v e r y o n e c h o o s i n g from the same small list of jobs, and restoring the balance of letting the students being in c o n t r o l o f t h e i r p l a c e ments rather than being at the mercy of the employers. A student does not have even have to try a create a new job for his/her own faculty - he or she can try simply to create a new job f o r a n o t h e r W a t e r l o o s t u d e n t ! F o r example, English students doing technical writing at a software firm could try to get UW electrical

engineers or computer science majors into their companies and vice-versa. All it takes is to drop an extra business card from your coordinator into your employer’s hands - just as a reminder that Waterloo co-op is there with an excellent employee pool of bright, eager students with a desire to work in many diverse fields! Co-operative education is an investment in all our futures and that investment needs to be protected just like any other investment. I believe students must play an ‘active role in the co-operative education program at UW; perhaps we need to see energetic students working for the department as student co-ordinators specifically towards generating new leads on jobs with new companies. Right now, UW students are relying too heavily on co-ordinators to find new jobs; while the co-ordinators are invaluable to the p r o g r a m , w e the s t u d e n t s a r e t h e o n e s w h o have the vested interest and investment in the success of the program, not the co-ordinators.

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ALR .,* .,. .- .I, .. When tt Comes To Bicycles Talk To Ziggy Marturetokl With Over 20 Years Of European 6 Canedtan Racing Experience


8 Sf’OfiT

BY Ziclr,Y

5 L TO


Aamuzing ACCPAC”



Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992

&osh Features

September on UW campus

Compiled by Sue Forrest, Imprint SM




7 All concerts ure

-- Marty Putz at Fed Hall -- Athena Soccer, 2pm

-- Registration in PAC -- Fro& Parade, Pep Rally and President’s Address to welcome frost-year students, 12:30pm on PAC patio

-- Lectures Begin -- Late registration fees begin f o r undergrads

- Registration in PAC =- ELPE (English Language Proficiency Exam) in PAC -- UW Services Fair in CC -- Scufme at Fed Hall =- Open House at Imprint, noon to 4 pm

-= PAC Locker Registration =- K-W Bus Pass Sale in CC == MuZhew Sweet at the Bombshelter -- Warrior soccer, 5pm


-- Registration in PAC -- K-W Bus Pass Sale in CC - The Hopping PengGm at Fed Hal! -- Open House at Imprint, noonto4pin







-- UW closed for Labour Day =- “Parents Welcome” in CC






=- FED Clubs Fair in CC -- Campus Ret Instructional Registration in PAC

== Registration in PAC -- King Apparutus with Mike Something at the Bombshelter, 5-9pm

- FED Services Fair in CC - Campus Ret Instructional and League Registration =- Kim Mitchell on campus -= Meryn C&U, Humanities

=- Imprint publishes -- FED Business Fair in CC -- K-W Bus Pass sale in CC

19 -- 54.N at Fed Hall -- Warrior rugby, lpm -- W a r r i o r f o o t b a l l , 2 p m



-- Resumes due for returning co-op students






Work Reports due


Big, Bad & Groovy Tour

(Bcwtsuuce, suns of



Art Bergman, Pure) at Fed Hall BisRop & Masse at the Bombshelter, noon Freedom,

20 -- Athena soccer, Ipm -- Warrior soccer, 3pm



W ”


26 -- Warrior rugby, lpm -- Warrior football, 2pm



-- Co-op Job Applications due -- Imaginus Poster Sale in CC

Imaginus Poster Sale in CC

-- Resumes due for new co-op students -- OSAP application deadline -- Imaginus Poster Sale in CC

cc -I PAC --

Imprint p u b l i s h e s Co+p Want Ads available Last day for Text Book Refunds at UW Bookstore “Course Add” deadline for all faculties “Course Drop” deadline for ES and Engineering Mike Something at the Bombshelter, noon

C a m p u s Centre Physical Activities



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Frosh Features

Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992


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to speak on




Thursday, September 24th, 1992 3:OO pm Modern Languages Theatre everyone welcomed Reception heldfor ataccounting 5:oO students pm, only University Club

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Al 4

Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992

Frush Features

Hit the dirt!

Don’t lose that bike! by Paul Done Imprint staff

either removed them and lock them t o t h e frame with your U-lock, or get a sturdy cable lock (like a Kryptocable) and wind it through your wheels. 3) If you have a quick-releaseseat and seatpost, then take it with you, 4)Don’t lock your bike in the same spot every day: move it around so that a potential thief can’t case it for too long. 5) Make sure that your bike frame has been engraved with your driver’s license number and put one of those “operation identification” stickers on it.

Let’s face it, bike theft is a major problem on our campus. If you absolutely don’t want your bike stolen, the leave it at home. A determined thief will ususally be able to break most locks, however, the more difficult you make the task, the less inclined the thief will ne to take your bike. There are a number of steps that one can take in order to protect against theft. The following is a list compiled from interviews with Sgt. Wayne Shortt of the UW police, with representatives of bike groups, and from personal practice.

-. 76 real race: who will puke first?


by Paul Done Imprint staff

choose to use those knobby tires for their intended purpose, this is a list of a few of my favorite riding spots. l

It’s extremely odd that, while the majority of new bicycles 4d are mountain bikes, very few of them are ridden off-road, and only a tiny number are raced off-road. The pursuit of trails and mud has led me to most corners of the region, and should you


riding is that these are areas which have a high degree of public useage. Respect the surroundings and other trail users Only ride on existing trails, and don’t exceed the speed which will allow you to safely bring the bike

to a halt should you encounter hikers or other bikes. If you don’t already have a helmet, get one, mine has saved my dome more than once. Be sure to take along any tools you might require, as getting stuck in the bush with a broken bike is no fun. Also, make sure you have at least one large water bottle, to ’ avoid dehydration.

“Vahe-Plus” MEAL PLAN The University of Waterloo, Department of E’ood Services, offers an exclusive program to help you budget your fmd dollars and meet your demanding schedule. l


The.VALUE PLUS meal plan utilizes a “credit cars’ to electronically decrease your prepaid balance every time you use your card at Food Sewice Facilities, from September 1, 1992 through August 31,1993. Cards can be purchased in $50.00 denominations. When a student purchases $300.00 or more they save the 7% GST and 8% PST.




When a student purchases $500.00 or more, a f&er 5% cash value will be added to your cards. Total Potential Savings = 20%.


A pilot project to examine the possible installation of bike lockers is currently being undertaken by EngSoc. The prototype bike locker (on display at Carl Pollock Hall) provides lockable and far more theft-proof bicycle storage. An added advantage of this type of system is that it’s far more weather-proof.

1) Use a U-lock and place a plumber’s T around the joint with the locking mechanism. Without a plumber’s T, even the best U-locks can be broken when a length of pipe is placed i around the end and used to lever it open. I 12) If you have quick-release wheels, then

When a student purchases $700.00 or more, a further 10% cash value will be added to your cards. Total Potential Savings = 25%.

VALUE PLUS meal plans can be purchased iq person or by mail at: University of Waterloo Department of Food Services South Campus Hall, Room 228F Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 or call (519) 885-1211 ext. 3198 or 2751


Laurel Creek Conservation Area-This area is the closest to campus, with a convenient trail running from the back side of the UW golf course across to the lake/pond. Once you’re in the park, just follow the signs for the cross-country ski trails, then shred. Since this is a high-usearea, extra care and attentiveness for pedestrians, d o g s , etc is necessary. Hidden Valley -ZAxlatecl near Fairview Mall, Hidden Valley is a small, but challenging, ridingareawithacoupleoffast,rockysections and some tricky technical sections. HOW to get there: Turn left at Wilson Rd. and then turn left at Goodrich Dr. There’s an area to park where Goodrich Dr. splits into Hidden Valley Rd.

Erb St. Hydra Cut --This is a recent discovery for me, and it’s a blast to ride with a couple of steep climbs up the side of a ravine, and some very fast downhills in an agreement forest. This area is the muddiest place I’ve been to, so be prepared to look like the swamp thing. HOW lo get there: Go out Erb St. toward St, _. Agatha and turn left on the gravel road - running alongside the landfill. FoIlow the ,road until it turns into a trail, and nead toward the hydrq l i n e s , t h e n explore! The Crown -- While I’m not sure what the official name for this place is, located behind the McDonalds in the eastbound lanes of the 401, there’s miles of gravel road and single track through agreement forest. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of hills, but the trails are sweet. How to get fhere: If you’re going by car, come off the 401 at Townline Rd., and turn north. Take the first right (Ellis Rd.). Turn right at the first stop sign, on the left, just past the bridge over the 401 is a parking lot adjacent to the trails, Chicopee Ski Hill -= You get what you pay for when you ride a ski hill. Sure it hurt during the climb, but the white knuckle ride backdown is a scream. There’s also a few fun service roads on the back side of the hill. How to.get there: Follow Old King Street out to River Rd. and turn left. The ski hill is on your right.

Bike learnin’ Payment: Cash - Cheqpe - VISA

Aspartofthisfall%CampusRecreation schedule, a pair of worthwhile bike courses wiUbeoffered.Atwo-weekseminaronbicycle repair will be held on October 15 and 22, while a separate weekly course will offer instruction on bicycle safety skills. The former will offer instruction on bike tune-up and repair, along with emergency roadside repair. Further, the course will give tips on winterizing your bike and things to look for when purchasing a new bicycle. The course on bicycle skills was developed by the Canadian Cycling association and combines classroom sessions and~w~thon-bikeinsau~un.-redhniques


Printed on Recycled Paper

covered include traffic skills, emergency manoeuvers, equipment selection and UPkeeP. Registration forbothcourses will take place at the PAC, gym 3. September 17,5pm.

The Federation of Students ~OZ& Eke to tielcome Fred and returning students to the U&ersity+ We nGsh you all the 6est of luck in the up-coming term!

GET TO KNOW YOUR FEDERATION SERVICES! Safety Van Program l Sexuality Resource Centre . Sdoops l The Music Source

. The Campus Shop l The Graphix Factory l Used Book Store


check the back of your new Student Handbook for more information about these services and your friendly Federation of Stud&k l




Campus Centre 15OA 8851211 ext.2306

(1-Mm OurfwMyhOUSr odm?A-a4vwtnb+n~ot smhudvllw0 r ~ Hammmpos?sdmhm&tw


STUDENT COUNCILMEEllNG Sunday, Sept. 13 - 2:00 p,m, in the Fed Hall Boardroom .

Saturday, sept, 12 + Commts brought to you by * Wednesdays - Rock & Roll Ni * Back Porch Patio at

%a a multitube of other campus de actiuies!

VOLUNTEERS WELCOME! inquire at the F&d Office CC235


Al6 Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992



Yuur wide to transportation on and off cumws

Travellin’ around -- and out of town travel time, get to know:

by Sue Forrest Imprint staff Sometimes getting off campus can feel like the difference between life in a bell jar and rediscoverin a b r o a d e r w o r l d v i e w . T o tae uninitiated (read, first-year students living in residence) how to leave campus and get elsewhere can be a daunting task, Designed to minimize your frustration and your

Airways Transit 866-2121 A COII$ van running between UW and Pearson International Airport, five times each weekday. Twentyfour hour door-twdoor service is also available. Bike Trails Thereisama postedintheCampus Centre deta’&I ’ g several bike routes,

Claim your F R E E @j/#~% “SURVIVAL KIT” with the coupon H . tram vour

from view read page

8 to 80 km.For an in-depth of several other bike trails, Paul Done’s perspective on AI4..

Fed Bus 888-4042 A very cheap ride on a school bus running between UW and Toronto (Islington & Bloor). Leaves WW Friday afternoon, r e t u r n i n g Sunday evening. Special occasions (and a demand for service) sometimes

For-Sale Board Located in the Campus Centre, this board has various and sundry articles for sale, often including

Wide Selection of Writing Instruments at Back-To-School Prices.


up to . J’

airline tickets. 741-2600 Gray Coach The main bus line running west of Toronto. There are several other l i n e s i n c l u d i n g Funtrek a n d Greyhound, thou all these lines arrive/depart 8” rom the Bus Terminal on Charles Street in downtown Kitchener. Some buses destined for Toronto, Hamilton, and the downtown terminal stop on campus; tickets for these buses can be purchased at Marlin Travel in South Campus Hall. Voyageur Colonial services east of Toronto, connections can be made at the Bay Street Terminal in downtown Toronto. 741-2525 Kitchener Transit The public transit system (bus only) for Kitchener-Waterloo. Service runs approximately 4:00 am through midnight, with reduced hours Sundays and holidays. Adult fare is $1.25 per ride; student term passes are on sale in the Campus Centre on September l&15 and 18. The main route (#7) runs through campus on both sides of Ring Road. There is a transit system map posted in the C a m p u s Centre, along with schedules for each route. If these have run dry, the Turnkey Desk keeps a copy for ou to peruse. Mostroutesradiate Yram thecharles Street Bus Terminal in downtown Kitchener, whereout-of-town buses also congregate. Marlin Travel 888-4054 A chain of travel bureaus, with an outlet on campus. They do the regular travel bureau business, as well as selling Gray Coach and Via Rail tickets. Located in South Campus Hall, and open regular business hours.

Steno Chairs I h9

Binder Sheets \ 1

prompt Fed buses to Hamilton and Ottawa. Tickets can be purchased inCampusCentreRoom235during business hours. You’ll need your student card, and be sure to buy early. A service rovided by the Federation of Stu 1 ents.

Ride B o a r d Located in) the Campus Centre, features a map each of Ontario and North America, with slots for people to offer, and ask for rides.


Safety Van A safe (and fr&) ride home within a predetermined radius of UW. Departs from the Campus Centre every 40 minutes, from 620 pm until l:OOameveryday. Womenaregiven first priority. A service provided by the Federation of Students.

Scientific Caliulatio~ with Grcmhics

Turnkey Desk 888-4434 Not designed to travel by itself, the TK desk is well-stocked with howto-leave info, Located in the Campus Centre and operational 24 hours every day, it can also be a*lifesaver when you’re planning a trip at 2:oO am. Besides the info contained in this article, the TK desk general1 has schedules for: Amtra E (American rail); GO System (bus and rail serving Toronto, Guelph, Oshawa, Barrie); as well as inner city schedules for Toronto, Markham, M i s s i s s a u g a , a n d Ottawa-Carleton.



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lamps I In tn




The Off ice Centre)


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885-449 1 9:30-6:OO Mon.-Wed. Thurs. & Fri. 9:30-9:OO 9:30-6:OO saturdcw

Travel Cuts aaw400 A chain of studentariented travel bureaus owned and operated by the Canadian Federation of Students, of which UWis amember. They specialize in traditional student travel destinations, and a lot of info on charter flights. You can purchase your International Student Card here and pick up info onhostelEnginCanadaandabroad. They are located in the University Plaza adjacent to UW. VIA Rail I-800-361 -1235 C a n a d a ’ s own(ly) n a t i o n a l passenger rail corn any. They offer a limited number0 Phalf price tickets if purchased a minimum of five days in advance of departure date. Also a studenk d i s c o u n t o f 10 per cent (show your student card), though not available with other discounts. Terminal islocated onVictoriaStreet in Kitchener, just a few blocks north of King Street. .

Volume 15, Number8







September 4, 1992


1992-93 should be a b&ner war for varsity teams

Waterloo sports: a tradition of excellence by Peter Brown Imprint sports W h e t h e r y o u ’ r e a r r i v i n g at the University of Waterloo for the first time or returning for another year, you’re in for a great year in Warrior and Athena sports. After only three decades, Uw’s athletic department has established a tradition of excellence in varsity, competitive, and recreational athletics. And you can participate in this excellence, either by playing campus recreation sports yourself or cheering on our varsity teams. Our varsity program has sported a number of successful teams t h r o u g h o u t t h e u n i v e r s i t y ’ s history, The Warrior football team finished in second-place in the Ontario University Athletic Association (0UAA) West last year, and both our men’s volleyball and h o c k e y t e a m s have e n j o y e d g r e a t s u c c e s s in r e c e n t y e a r s . In order to not leave out any of the 16 Warrior and 15 Athena teams, I encourage you to find out a bit more about them by reading the articles on pages A20-21. Also, a schedule for the first meetingsof the year for all the teams is to the right. First-year students are encouraged to use this information and try out for their favourite sport. Who knows - you might be on the next Waterloo championship team! For those of us who won’t make the team&e nextbest thingis supporting your varsity teams by attending as m a n y g a m e s a s p o s s i -

ble. By using your season ticket and attending home games of the Warriors and A t h e n a s , y o u a r e s u p p o r t ing our varsity teams and getting to see some pretty exciting sporting events. S o c o m e o u t a n d g e t c a u g h t up in the Warrior/Athena fever. Your season ticket is required to get into Warrior football, basketball, hockey, and vollqyball; all other regular season varsity games are free! What if you are not varsity sports material, and you want to compete in one or more of your sports? Not to worry. UW has competitive and recreational leagues to suit any level of athlete, from begin= ner to expert. The main idea is having fun’while maintaining a level of competitiveness. Grababunchofyourfriends together, form a team for your sport, and come to the captains’ meeting (schedule on page A26). If you can’t find a team to join, come to the captains’ meeting anyway, and chancesare you will find a team that needs you. For those sports enthusiasts who feel that they would l&e to writeaboutthesporttheyarewalching, Imprint Sports wants you. Photographers and reporters can come to rmrn 140 in the Campus Centre. No experience is necessary - we can train you in what you need to know. Finally, on behalf of Imprint Sports, I would like to welcome all first-year students to Waterloo and encourage you to take full advantage of your great sports program.

Meetitig Information . Activity . Foot ball , Soccer (M) SOCCW (b&Freshmen Rugby



Sat. Aug. 22 Wed. Aug. 26


Location noun

PAC Locker Room PAC 1001 Columbia Fietd Columbia FieId #l PAC 1001


Tues. Sept.8 Wed. Sept 9

500 pm 5:UO pm 5:oo pm 4:00 p m

Squash (M) Rowing (M,W) Tennis (W) Tennis (M) Field Hockey

Wed. Sept 16 Mon. sept 14 Mon. Sept 14 Mon. sept 14 Thurs. Sept 10

6:00 4:30 4:3U 5:OO 4:30

pm pm pm pm pm

Soccer (W) Wed. Sept 9 Cross Country(M,W)Mon. Sept 14 Indoor Track (M,W) Mon. Sept 14 Volleyball (W) Tues. s8pt 15 Basketball (W) Tues. Sept 15

6:30 8130 930 5:00 6:00

pm PAC 1001 pm PAC 1001 pm PAC 1001 pm PAC 1001 pm PAC 1001

Badminton (M,W) Tues. Sept 15 lee Hockey Mon. Sept 14 Swimming (M,W) Tues. Sept 15 Basketball (M) Mon. Sept 14 Volleyball (M) Mon. sept 14

7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:oo pm

Figure Skating (W) Wed. Sept 16 Squash (W) Wed. Sept 16 Nordic Skiing (M,W)Thurs Sept 17 Curling (M,W) Mon. Sept 21

fWS. Sept.

Co-odinatcm of lntenmiversiry




Tuffy Knight Ron Cooper Ron Cooper Glen Harper Doug Painter

Silvestri Don McLean PAC 2045 TBA Wloo Tennis Club Martin Johnson PAC 1001 Judy McCrae 1001

MC 4040


Bruce Rodriques Brent McFarlane Brent McFarlane Rena Deglau Denise Dignard

6:30 pm

Blue Activity Area PAC 1001 PAC 1001 . MC 4#4@ MC 4@4a

Jeff White Don McKee TBA Tom Kieswetter Scott Shantz

TOO pm 5:OO pm 7:30 pm 6:30 pm


Carolyn McNeice Chico SiIvestri Lisa Patterson Bill Tschirhart

530 pm

Athletics: Women Men

Judy McCme ml Mmae

1001 1001 1001 1001

PAC f?oorn 2046,885-l 211, I33663 PAC Room 2049,8851211,fxt 3088

PAC site of sports card show on Monday from UW News Bureau A sports card show and sports memorabilia auction will be held Sept. 7, Labour Day, at the University of Waterloo to aid the Kitchener-Waterloo and area United Way campaign. This second annual event, which is expected to attract several thousand people, is sponsored by Raytheon Canada Ltd. and the University of Waterloo. It will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at UW’s Physical’ Activities Complex. More than 30 sports card dealers from throughout the area and beyond will have tables set up to sell the popular collectors cards and other related products, said event organizers Madhu Athavale of Raytheon and Phil Caskanette of u-w. Among sports “celebrities” taking part in the day will be fotmer NHLers Gary Dornhoefer and “Leapin’ Lou” Fontinato; Summer Olympics boxing brorve medalist Chris Jotin and his boxer brother, Greg; Steve Rice of the Edmonton Oilers and previously with the

Kitchener Rangers; and Jim Reid, former Ottawa Rough Rider and WLU football player. As well, there will be about 100 items, including donated autographed hockey sticks, bastiballs and team jerseys, to be auctioned and offered as door prizes. The aucw tion begins at 3:30 p.m. with Domhoefer the guest auctioneer. Auction items include hockey sticks autographed by WayneGretzky,EricLindros,Frank Peiterangelo, Guy LaFleur, Steve Rice and the entire Buffalo Sabres team. There’s an autographed baseball by Juan Guzmanof the Toronto Blue Jays and a Wendell Clark TCP ronto Maple Leafs autographed game jersey. Someone donated a Toronto Maple Leafs-Detroit Red Wings game program from Nov. I, 1971 with all the game statistics written in. Admission to the show is $3 for adults; $2 for ages 11 to 17; children, free. A s o u v e n i r a u c t i o n catalogue will be given out with adult

admissions. Free parking will be

available at UW’s lots 0 and C; enter the P h y s i c a l A c t i v i t i e s C o m plex b y the south entrances.

Chris (left) and Greg Johnson, Kitchener’s famous boxers, wifl be appearing at the Physical photo courtesy of United Way Activities Complex on Monday, September 7,


Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992 sports

1992 Waterloo Warrior football preview

Could this be a Vanier Cup

by Rich Nichol General Manager Waterloo Wa&or Football It is hard to believe that just over four years ago, the University of Waterloo Warrior football team was still looking for its first win in 33 starts, a record of futility that

stretched over a span of nearly five years. Now as we enter the 1992 season, the Warriors have established themselves as a consistent powerhouse in the tough OUAA conferenceofCIAUfootball. In 1991, they posted their most successful season ever with a record of 5-2,

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Waterloo linemen ready for the snap at the Warrior football 1992 training camp. Over 105 players photo by Dave Fisher reported to camp on August 22 to vie for a spot on the team. finishing second in the eight-team we lost a player to an injury, we Waterloo’s 1992 roster reOUAAconference. Inarecentpress often had to look over the full squad turns virtually intact with only two conference to officially kick off the to see how we could rearrange our starting players graduated: season, the CIAU announced that personnel to fill the spot. It looks placekicker Peter Tchir and fullback in the pre-season rankings the Wa- like this year, if we have an injury, Orville kkford. Here are some preterloo Warriors are ranked eighth we’ll reload the position and not season scouting reports: in the nation. have to regroup. We have a lot Training camp opened on more depth.” OFFENCE: Saturday, August 22 with 67 veterHowever, despite the extra ans and 39 freshman reporting. This muscle and quantity of players, RUNNING BACKS: was the largest turnout of players in Knight remains cautiously optimisLast season, OUAA firstDave ‘Tuffy” Knight’s five-year tentic. team all-star running back Tom coach. “We’ll have a better team Chartier once again exceeded the ‘I ure as head “It’s the biggest team since but I don’t know if we’ll win more 1,ooO yard mark in rushing, becomI’ve been here,” said Knight on games. We play in a very dough, ing the only player in conference opening day. “It’s also the most competitve league where every history to do so in back-to-back seaI experienced. In past years, when game is a real struggle.” sons. ehartier will return this sea-

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Imprint, Friday, September 4,1992



year for gridiron Warriors? son for his fifth and final year of eligibility. With the graduation of Orville Beckford, hometown product Rob Patai should move to a starting role at the fullback position. As a backup for Beckford and as Waterloo’s short yardage specialist last season, Patai collected two majors on just six carries, averaging six yards per run. Also competing for starting roles are veteran Mike Son, sophomores Steve Dean and M a u r i c e W i i s o n , a l o n g w i t h freshmenMikeMallota.ndGerryDisanto.

Shuh Award as UW Football Lineman of the Year as voted by his teammates. Solidifying the line will be third-year tackle Mark Parsons and sophomore ‘Justin Shoniker. Strong backups include Ken Rogers, Mike Bulger along with highly touted rookies AlexLichacz, AliNabizadeh and Stephen Szimanski. Now entering his fifth and final year of eligibility, Greg Daughton is explosive off the line and will most likely move to the tight end position. Others vying for. the spot include Paul Duncan, Kevin Pugh, and Chris Martin.

OFFENSIVE LINE: The offensive line has been an i n s t r u m e n t a l p a r t o f C h a r t i e r ’ s success. Veterans Terry Cantwell and Mark Williams along with s o p h o m o r e F a m L o n e w e r e a l l honoured with OUAA all-star select i o n s i n 1991. Cantwell has started every game in his first three years. Williams is a consistently strong centre who offers excellent passprotection. Lone captured the Doug

QUARTERBACKS: &hind the line, southpaw q u a r t e r b a c k S t e v e Bennet r e t u r n s after two solid years as the starting pivot, When he’s not running the option, Bennet can switch to his accurate arm or can scramble well from the pocket. Well-qualified backups include second-year QB Kevin Danschinko and freshmen Patrick Gorman and Robert Mann.

RECEIVERS: A m o n g Bennet’s tar ets on the aerial attack will be s Kotback Gord Fawcett. Waterloo’s mostconsistent receiver, Fawcett has great hands and ame-breaking ability. He led all if arriors in reception yarda e in 1991 with 240 yards on 14 cat &es for a per-catch average of

17.1 yards, including three touchdowns. Montreal native Adrain Theme, one of the most highly recruited receivers in recent years, will probably get the nod at split end in this, kus rookie year with the Warriors. Veteran Kent Willmore will enter his fourth season at


Others competing for these ositions include veterans Jodie &hnarr, Dave Ciardullo, and Ryan Dolby, along with first-year prospectsMarkSwietek,ColinAlie,Sean Dickenson, and Michael Lawrie.

continued on page A22

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Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992 SlPorts

Women’s varsity preview

Athena cagers and rowers likely to impress by Graham Tomlinson Imprint sports The University of Waterloo’s varsity program boasts 15 women’s teams, all using the nickname Athenas. Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, prudent warfare, and womanly art, extolling thecharacteristics of learning, good judgment, and the mastery of athletic skills. These are qualities that all of our female athletes hope to display - as they compete this season. Wearing the traditional black and gold, the Athenas play in the Ontario Women’s Interuniversity Athletic Association, a member of the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union, the governing body for university sports in the nation. Here is a brief outlook on each of this year’s Athena squads: ATHENA BADMINTON Head Coach: Jeff White Season: Ott to Fob An Athena badminton squad, composed mostly of rookies, finished a disappointing ninthplace in their division last season. Jeff White returns as coach and hopes for more success for a team led by Marcy Macvicar and last year’s MVP Hau Lee. ATHENA BASKETBALl Head Coach: Denise Dignard -Season: Ott to Mar The team finished witha 6-8 record last year, good enough for a fifth-place finish in the OWIAA West division. Highlights of the

1991-92 campaign included a four game winning streak and an Xmprint coach of the year award for coach Denise Dignard. Brenda Kraemer, last year’s MVP and an OWIAA all-star, and Kathy Woordham are both back on the roster. Shannon VanKoughnettand former club players Kim Stusyk, Kristina Williams and Erica Smith add young talent to the lineup and promise to make 1992-93 an exciting season for Athena basketball. ATHENA CROSS-COUNTRY Head Coach: Brent McFarlane Season: Sep to Nov Lisa Laffrati is gone, but last year’s MVP and OWIAA all-star Marci Aitken returns tp lead the Athena cross-country team. Coach Brent McFarlane also loses Kelly McHaleandLindaHacheytograduation, but stiIl hopes to improve on last year’s fourth-place finish. ATHENA CURLlNG Head Coach: Bill Tschkhart Season: Nov to Feb Bill Tschirhart returns to coach a veteran team with four returning curlers. Skip Margaret Corey should provide the leadership to improve on last season’s sixth-place finish. ATHENA FJELD HOCKEY Head Coach: Judy McCrae Season: Sep to Nov This team finished eighth in the OWIAA with a 4-5-4 record last season, and will have its work cut out for it in ‘92. Gone are MVP, OWIAA first-team all-star, and UW female athlete of the year Annette

Koehler, along with Caitlin McGregor,Kyli&coggan,and Janet McPherson. What remains is a versatile group of rookies and veterans, led by Leanne Dietrich, Montse Sanzsole, Linda Mowat, and Carol Ferguson. ATHENA flGURE SKATING Head Coach: Carolyn M&eke Season: Nov to Feb A good veteranteamretums to help coaches Carolyn McNeice and Alison Hughes surpass last year’s fifth-place finish. Waterloo hosts the OWIAA finals in February, 1993. ATHENA NORDIC SKIING Head Coach: Lisa Patterson MVS Julia Norman, Eva Sanz-Sole and Robyn Wheeldon return to help coach Lisa Patterson improve on last year’s seventh-place f?nish at the OWIAA finals. ATHENA INDOOR HOCKEY Head Coach: Judy McCrae Season: Jan to Mar The team that finished fifth in the OWIAA will have it’s work cut out for it. Gone are MVP and UW female. athlete of the year Annette Koehler,along withcaitlin McGregor and Kylie Scoggan. However, coach Judy McCrae will certainly assemble a competitive group from the field hockey carry-overs. ATHENA ROWING Head Coach: Don McLean Season: Sep to Ott This fall will be the third season for Athena Rowing. An expanded regatta schedule will see

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the team travel to races in the UnintedStates.TheProgramrnehas shown steady improvementfrom 1990, when it was in ninth place with only 2 points, to a seventh place finish last year with total accumulated points of 32. As well, the team had several crews win at invitational regattas. This summer’s recruitment of experienced athletes combined with a high return rate for last year’s rowers should move Athena Rowing to a fifth place or betterstandingattheOWIAAchampionship. ATHENA SOCCER Head Coach: Bruce Rodrlques Season: Sep to Nov Returnees Kelly Campbell, Anita Toogood and Kerry Jameson should lead the Athenas to improve on last season’s eighth-place finish. Captain Sheri MacDonald will be missed, but coach Bruce Rodriques has hopes for some rookies, including goaltender Nicole Whyte. ATHENASQUASH Head Coach: Chico Sllvestri I Season: Nov to Feb The team could muster only a fifth-place finish in ‘91. Several second year players join Christine Anderson and DianeGrady to form a more experienced and promising team in ‘92. ATHENA SWIMMING Head Coach: Brian Cartlldge Season: Nov to Mar New coach Brian Cartlidge brings expertise to an Athena swim team coming off a strong fourth-

place finish. The outlook is bright with Melissa Williams, Christie Selig and Trish Felszegi all returning after travelling to the CIAU championships last season. ATHENA TENNIS ,Head Coach: Sandy Macovik Season: Sep to Ott A good number of players are expected back for their second year of play for UW, including team MVP and OUAA champion, Carloine Culik. She dominated all competition and ended the year undefeated. ATHENA TRACK & FIELD Head Coach: Brent McFarlane Season: Dee to Mar After finishing sixth in the league and twelfth in the Canadian championships last season, Brent McFarlane must feel good about a team that is still improving. ATHENA VOLLEY0ALL Head Coach: Dena Deglau Season: Ott to Mar MVP and OWIAA all-star Suzanne Bylsma and rookie of the year Linda Ezerailis led the volleyball Athenas to a fifth-place OWlAA finish, only one win short of a playoff berth. Katrina Englebrecht severed her achilles tendon last January and will be missed at least for the start of this season. Still, improvement is anticipated from a maturing team that has players returning for their fourth year for the first time in as niany fears.


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Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992

A21 I


Men’s varsitv preview

Warri0.r bask&ball bouncing back by G r a h a m T o m l i n s o n Imprint sports The University of Waterloo men’sinteruniversity teams (known by the nickname Warriors) core pete in the Ontario University Athletic Association ( O U A A ) , a member of the Canadian Interuniversity Athletics Union (CIAU), There are 16 Warrior teams wearing the Waterloo colours of black and gold. The Warrior volleyball team is also known as “The Black Plague,” symbolizing their habit of infecting the opposition’s hopes with their stonewall defence and deceptive offence. Here is a brief outlook on each team: WARRIOR BADMlNTON Head coach: Jeff White Season: Ott to Feb The team finished in sixthplace each of the last two seasons but with a veteran roster, including Ken Akai and MVP Clifford Tao, coach Jeff White expects a better season in ‘42. WARRIOR BASKETBALL Head coach: Tom Kieswetter Season: Ott to Mar The Warrior cagers failed to meet expectations in 1991-92, finishing fifth in the powerful OUAA West. Despite a solid core of talent, the Warriors never found the necessary consistency. With a new coach and an infusion of new talent, watch for the 3992-93 version of the Warrior hoopsters to be running, gunning, high-octane fools. WARRIOR CROSSXXIJNTRY H&d coach: Brent McFarlane Season: Sep to Nov Jason Gregoire returns to. lead the team, running times in the 31-minute range over ten kilometres. Dan Blosdale, last season’s MVP, is training on his own bec a u s e o f a w o r k t e r m , b u t he may still compete with the varsity squad. Last year’s rookie of the year Jeff Luyt also returns. WARRIOR CURLING Head coach: 8511 Tschirhart Season: Nov to Feb Coach Bill Tschirhart foresees improvement from last year’s eighth-place finish in the OUAA West division as four of last year’s

curlers return, including skip Brent Charpentier. Waterloo hosts the OUAA championship bonspiel at the Brantford Country Club. WARRIOR FOOTBALL Head coach: Dave “Tuffy” Knight Season: Sep to Nov The Warrior football team enjoyed its best season in sch001 history last year, finishing in second-place in the OUAA with a 5-2 record. All-star tailback Tom Chartier returns for a fifth-year to lead the team offensively. Chartier became the first rpning back in OUAA history to run for over ‘1,000 yards in two consecutive seasons. One of the best defenms in the nation was lead by linebacker Jeff Lake and an outstanding secondary.

steady improvement from 1990, when it was in ninth place with only two points, to an eighth-place finish last year with total accumulated points of 32. As well, the team hadseveral crews win at invitational regattas. This summer’s recruitment of experienced athletes combined with a high return rate for last year’s

rowers should move Waterloo rowing to a fifth place or better standing at the OUAA championship. WARRIOR RUGBY Head coach: Glen Harper Season: Sep to Nov Coach Harper hopes to rebound and reinstate this perennial

OUAA powerhpuse. They finished fiith in division one last year due to a rash of injuries, but returnees Derek Featherstone, Josh Windsor, EdsonCastilho, Anthony Beaty and Adam Frolic promise to make ‘92 a year of fear for Warrior opposition.

continued to page A23

WARRIOR GOLF Head coach: Doug Painter Season: Sep to Ott Although the golf Warriors dropped from second to sixth place l a s t s e a s o n , w i t h t h r e e o f the five places on this year’s team secured by Matt Kwiecien,CraigMo0re, and Craig Kobinson, improvement is anticipated. WARRIOR HOCKEY Head coach: Don McKee Season: Ott to Mar After leading the OUAA West division foi most of the reguliar season, the hockey Warriors fiiished second and bowed out to the m u c h - i m p r o v e d Guelph Gryphons in the first round of the playoffs. Injuries plagued the side late in the year. M V P D a r r e n S n y d e r , thirdyear gdaltder StGeUdvari and sharp-shooting forward Dave Lorentz seek t o continue the winning Warrior hockey tradition. WARRIOR NORDIC SKIING Head coach: Lisa Patterson Led by Rick Roos and MVS John Kim, the nordicers ranked tenth in the OUAA last year. WARRIOR ROWING Head coach: ‘Don McLean Season: Sep to Ott This fall will be the third season for Warrior rowing. An expanded regatta schedule will see the team travel toraces in the United States. The program has shown





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Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992 svorts

Warrior football ready to soar even higher cnntinued

from page Al9

DEFENCE: E v e n m o r e notable was the Warrior defensive unit which ranked among the top three in Canada in least points against and interceptions throughout the 1991 campaign. Their stallwart efforts

’ were recognized last October when the team moved into the CIAU’s top-ten ranking for the first time in the history of the UW football programI DEFENSIVE LINE. . . The Steel Curtain returns intact with nose tackle Ross DePalma, and defensive ends Brad

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LINEBACKERS: The rest of the defence will once again be anchored by veteran linebackers Jeff Lake, Andy Allen, and Benoit Drouin. L a k e i s W a t e r loo’s field general, calling the defensive fronts and. coverages. The 1991 OUAA first-team all-star led all linebackers in tackles last season. With his intensity and determination, he could turn the final year of his CIALJ football career into an All-Canadian year. Drouin is a lightning quick playerwhohasgreatinstincttoread and react to the offence well. An extremely tremendous acquisition for the Warrior defence, Allen is intensity personified. Among the



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Suday 12-4



Harris and John Shoniker. Last season, DePalma moved to the noSe tacklepositioninthe Warriors’Stee Curtain, replacing graduated AllCanadian Mike Lane. Using his fine technique and exemplary mental toughness, DePalma had no problem filling those big shoes. Harris puts his tremendous size and reach to great use, sporting great mobility and range. Shoniker more than proved his net worth in his freshman year. Aveiaging over seven tackles per game in 1991, he was voted co-winner of the UW Football Rookie of the Y e a r A w a r d . Solidifying the DL will be second-year players Sean Hogan, SeanRennie,andPaulSerafini. They will join freshmen Kevin Towers, Jeff Farrell, and Mike Lape~y.

160 University Ave., W (University Shops Plaza) WATERLOO

players fighting for the fourth spot in the starting linebacking corps are veterans Adrian F&-Gerald, Rob Fawcett, Jason Green, and Troy ‘Davis. Rookie hopefuls include Ron Schippling, R y a n K i r k , Rick Shea, Andy Cianikakis, Philipe Talbot, and Scott Reeve. DEFENSIVE BACKS: One of the nation’s superior s e c o n d a r y u n i t s i s spearheaded by safety S t e v e F u t y e r a n d c o r n e r b a c k Gory Delaney, who led the nation w i t h s i x i n t e r c e p t i o n s last season. Futyer was rightfully honoured with an CKJAA first-team all-star selection in 1991 for his uncanny quickness and instinct. After being voted UW F o o t b a l l ’ R o o k i e o f t h e Year in 1990, Delaney followed up with an even more outstanding sophomore season. He led the nation in interceptions with six, but s h o c k i n g l y , theOUAA coachesonly voted him to the second all-star team. This CIAU calibre player off e r s top&notch pass-coverage. Second-year player Kirk Witter has been the most outstanding DB to start at the other c o r n e r b a c k p o s i t i o n . Safety PiLefebvre is one of the hardest and most explosive hitters in the OUAA among defensive backs. The young, energetic Taly Williams sports tremendous athleticism and high-octane speed. With Taly Williams p~~edbyinjuriesinrecentweeks, Torberne Williams will be Waterloo’s premier rover at the start of the 1992 campaign.

Veterans Kevin McNichoI, Colin Roy, Justin Robertson, ‘Jeff Almeida, Craig Adair, Tony Garl.and, Dave Schmidt, and Chris Cudmure make up a strong support cast, along with freshmen lames Channer, Todd Groves, Ryan Haines, Mike Johnston, Derek K a l v e r d a , C h r i s t i a n Lorenz, Mark Salmoni, J e f f S h i a u , J e f f S p r a g g o n , and John Zianis. SPECIAL TEAMS: Waterloo’s special teams unit is also ranked among the best in the CIAU. Punter Mike Raynard finished second in Canada in punting average and was voted to the OUAA second all-star team. Raynard, a former NCAA Division 2 All-American punter at Edinborough PA, finished second in the CIAU in punting average last season. Punt and kick-return thoro u g h b r e d M i k e S o n a m a s s e d 443 all-purpose yards (good for second on the team), averaging over 10 yards per carry. As a solid backup for running back Tom Chartier, Son rushed 10 times for 86 yards (8.6 y a r d s p e r c a r r y ) i n c l u d i n g a n 119 y a r d t o u c h d o w n r u n i n a 44-l w i n over York. With the graduation of W a terloo’s all-time leading scorer Peter Tchir, there is a big gap to fii at place-kicker. Former WLU backup place kicker Rick Gunther is fighting for the spot along with rookie prospects Adrian Galvan, Sean King, and Steve Mum.

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Imprint, Friday, September 4,1992 Sports



8 I





Welcome 1992 Fresh 1

16 ~~?,%Y~~?&i%&~~,cw 17 “$$$$~$~,;’ 5 00-6 00 pm (Aquatbcs & Interest exceptDancel 740~8:oQpm (Racquets1 bplmth lOO?Uctolt Meainp

Warrior varsity preview continued from page A21

WARRIOR TENNIS Head coach: Martin Johnson Season: Sep to Ott Richard Straka secured his s e c o n d individual OUAA title in as many years. Coach Johnson’s team was ranked sixth in the league at the end of the year and will be hard pressed to find another player of Straka’s calibre.

WARRIOR SOCCER Head coach: Ron Cooper Season: Sep to Nov T h e l o s s o f veterans makes this a rebuilding year for Warrior soccer. The team is looking for someone to step forward and replace last year’s goaltender Dan Sicoli. Mark Blake and ShawnTaggart return off good years and hope to better last year’s third-place finish.

WARRIOR TRACK & FIELD Head coach: Brent McFarlane Season: Dee to Mar While team MVP Pat Kirkham will be missed, rookie sensation Jeff Miller comes back for his second year after vaulting to the Canadian championships last season. In the quest to better last year’s 12th-place finish at the Canadian championships, the coaches have adopted a n e w t r a i n i n g p r o gram.

WARRIOR SQUASH Head coach: Chico Silvestri Season: Nov to Feb Despite finishing fifth in the league, when it came to crunch time the squash Warriors showed they had the mettle to compete with the best, finishing second to the dominant Mustangs in the OUAA championships. WARRIOR SWiMMING Head coach: Brian CartIldge Season: Nov to Mar Brian Cartlidge returns as Warrior swim coach, a position he held in the mid seventies. “Athletes under Brian’s coaching have consistently placed in the medals and have frequently recorded personal bests in these competitions.“, says a W V Athletics release. Although last year the team earned fourth place in the OUAA championships and just missed a top-ten ranking, placing eleventh overall in the CIAW championships, there is no reason to expect any drop-off this year as Rich Blakelock, Ian Hunt and Mark Yip will be welcomed back.

WARRIOR VOLLEYBALL Head coach: Scott Shantz Season: Ott to Mar TheBlackPlaguelostamarathan match to Western in the semifinals but finished third in the CIAU last year. The team looses Ian Heynen, Brian Shin, William Zabjek and Dave Balodis from last year’s squad and left-handed centre and OUAA all-star Shawn Smith is a medical question mark at present. Still, a formidable core of quick athletic talent remains for Scott Schantz including Jeff S tover, red-shirt freshman Eric Butcher, and former highjumper Karl Zabjek.

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imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992


Alternatives celebrates twentieth anniversary by Michael Bryson Imprint staff

analyze the h i s t o r y o f t h e concerns and try to get at the underlying causes of the problems rather than So the summer wasn’t so hot. concentrating on the symptoms, So you’re thinking maybe this global which is what most news reports warming thing has been blown out do.” of proportion, the environmental Not that Akrnafives takes crisis is some sort of political itself too seriously. Past issues have conspiracy set up by Environmental included articles detailing Studies profs to squeeze research e v e r y t h i n g f r o m t h e s u b l i m e t o t h e money out of a desperately decaying absurd. An article i n V o l u m e 1 8 . 3 capitalist e c o n o m y . talks about Mad Cow Disease, an Wrong. Truly, we’re in a lot ailment which first struck beef cattle of trouble, and it’s only going to get in England in 1986 as a result of . w o r s e u n l e s s w e a l l d o s o m e t h i n g reprocessed animal proteins (that’s about it. So if you want to know ground up sheep, etc.) being added m o r e - a n d w h y w o u l d n ’ t y o u ? --( to the cattle’s diet. In the same walk over to the Environmental v o l u m e t h e r e ’ s a n a r t i c l e o n h e m p S t u d i e s b u i l d i n g ( r o o m 107D) and use, which some people use to get look up Alter&&, a magazine that high and other people want to use concentrates on society, technology to make rope or to fuel their cars. a n d t h e e n v i r o n m e n t and theoptions The magazine also ran a we have to get out of our current r e p o r t o n the “Tubehead” campaign crisis. (Vol. 17.2), organized a British Altema&%es has been around Columbia magazine called for the past 20 years. 0riginally Adbusters. The campaign aimed to based at Trent University in run television ads that tried to get Peterborough, the magazine has people torecognize their addiction charted environmentalism f r o m i t s to television and the mall-based, roots in the rising New Left California-dreaming consumer movement of the 196Os, t h r o u g h i t s culture. And a report on Urban decline and subsequent rebirth in Yuppies (Vol. l&3), which told how the R e p u b l i c a n 1980s. Alternatives’ the yuppie attraction for wild current 20th anniversary issue flowers for their gardens was devastating (with more than i r o n y ) features articles on the history of the the flowers’ natural habitat. movement and articles suggesting The magazine also includes thatthefateoftheplanetisintricately connected t o t h e t o p - d o w n p o l i t i c a l short humourous environmental news notes, which are often written systems that determine how we use by student volunteers or students of and abuse our natural resources. “We talk about important ERS375A,acourseinenvironmental environmental topics in a way most journalism taught by Al&natives of the mainstream Canadian media editor, Dr. Robert Gibson. There are a number of opportunities for don’t or can’t,” says Mary Pickering, student volunteers at the magazine. Alternatives’ associate editor. “We

Students interested in gaining experience with journalism, computer graphics, or photography are welcome to drop by and present samples of their work. Theinterdisciplinarynature of Alternatives also makes the magazineanimportantresearch tool for students in many faculties. The magazine continually attempts to define the links between various aspects of our lives in an attempt to centre all h u m a n k n o w l e d g e a n d activities in the context of concern for and respect of the environment. Alternatives is kept on file at Dana Porter library and back copies are available from the office in ERS (888-4545). The current issue contains a complete index of the past 20 yearsof Altematives’articles. So what has 20 years of environmentalism done for us? Not enough, according to Gibson. In his current editorial, he writes that “we have good reason to be more profoundly worried today than we w e r e i n 1971. The lobal environment . . . is still taf ing a b e a t i n g . T h e l i n k s b e t w e e n socialjustice and environmental wellbeingarerarely recognized. Wehave just started to consider our relation with nature and our place in the world, and our ex e r i m e n t s w i t h fundamentally d i f Pe r e n t o b j e c t i v e s and institutions remain tentative and primitive. The need for a better critical understanding and f o r m o r e hopeful options has not diminished.” What needed doing 20 ears ago, still needs to be Jone. Alternatives g o e s b e y o n d e x p l a i n i n the problems and to take on the tas E of offering some solutions.

WPIRG battles the New World Order by Greg Slawson Awoke this morning to the &awing sounds of an over-consumptive New World Order. Parched, afraid to d r i n k t h e w a t e r . Frustrated by the growing unemployment and social corrosion. T i r e d o f h e a r i n g p u pet politicians promise a future tK e y are unprep a r e d t o p r o v i d e . Argh! R e c o g n i z e any of these feelings? These could be s ptomsof a g r e a t e r p r o b l e m d e e p y” y entrenched in our socio-economic structure. Seek a solution today and volunteer at the Waterloo Public Interest R e search Group (WPIRG). I n v o l v e m e n t i n WPIRG can range from a couple of hours a week to a couple of da a w e e k . W P I R G is an excellent p r” ace to learn skills, express yourself creatively, and work together with likeminded people. G e t i n v o l v e d i n o n e of the ;~g~~gggyyf;;;e+; ing Sexism and Patriarchy; Latin A m e r i c a n S o l i d a r i ; and others. Express your socia7 and environmental concerns over the airwaves, join the radio show producing Eiectric Green. Interested in the potential of drama as a popular education t o o l ? J o i n t h e W P I R G P o p Theatre Workgroup. If none of these strike your fancy, meet other participants and start your own WPIRG Workgroup. Get involved in the management, become a board member. WPIRG’s board of directors consists of seven students and two com-

munitv m e m b e r s . ‘Interested in social change, strapped for time, but still want to be involved? Volunteer at our resource centre and reception d e s k . Unsure about exactly what y o u w o u l d l i k e t o d o ? Contact the “let’s sit down and chat o v e r a cup of not-at-the-expense-of-landlessexploited-workers Bridgehead coffee with volunteer coordinator Daryl N o v a k . Get Informed! Educateyourself about current social and environmental issues at our Resource Centre. We have a diverse selection of magazines: Adbusters, Z Mugazine, This Magazine, Our Times, Animals Agenda, Women and Environments. Heard of any of these mags? Come on in and check them out! The Resource Centre also carries a wide selection of over 1,600 social j u s t i c e and e n v i r o n m e n t a l b o o k s . Audio tapes and files are also available. R e s e a r c h i n g i n t h e interest o f t h e ublic is an inte al part of WPIR 0. Researchers an r writers are needed to work on Imprint articles, news releases and research projects. Thinking of doing a paper relating tosocialofenvironmentalconcerns? Ourresearchforcreditprogramwill put your hard work to use. Come in and ask for details. hn r o v e y o u r readin’ and writin’ s k i lP s a n d contact research co-ordinator Linda Vieregge today! WPIRGis your organization, so get involved in it. By educating o u r s e l v e s a n d o t h e r s about s o c i a l continued on page A25

TRANSIT PASSES Are available for $128.00 for 3 Months To get a pass you need:

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Passes are available as well from the Fed Off ice in CC235 from September I-18 between 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. provided you already have a Kitchener Transit Photo. This service is brought to you by: Your Federation of Students

This Service is brought to you by: Your Federation of Students

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Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992



Landlord / Tenant Information Of&e can be resource

Learn your rights as a tenant

What a r e y o u r rights? With the new schopl year here many students will find themselves renting. Here is just a small list of things you should watch for. Leases Here are some particulars to keep i n m i n d w h e n signing a lease: - Read it over and make sure you understand all the clauses - Have any landlord promises put in the lease, and have them initial any amendments. Key money and deposits Many times, “key money” is d i s g u i s e d a s a charge for furniture, draperies, and other accessories w h i c h are already in the unit. Ontario’s rent review legislation makes it illegal for landlords, tenants, or any person on their behalf to collect or attempt to collect key money. The only deposit a landlord can leg a l l y demand is a sum equal t o o r less than the amount of last month’s rent. The landlord must pay the tenant six percent per annum on this deposit. Legal Rent Before you move in, ask around to see how much other people are paying in your building or previous tenants have paid. Call Rent Review at 579-5790 to see if the unit is registered and what the legal rent is. Postdated Cheques Tenants d o n o t h a v e t o g i v e the l a n d l o r d p o s t d a t e d c h e q u e s . A

day of t h e t e n a n c y i n t h e c a s e o f a weekly agreement. Caution: this section gets a great d e a l of misinterpretation. For example, if J sign a lease for the time span being September 1, 1992 to August 31, 1993 and J wish not to continue after August 31,1993, I must give written notice 60 days prior to August 31,1993. It doesn’t mean that I can give 60 days notice anytime during the stated time frame and expect to be free from the lease. Remember, your lease is a legally binding contract. Find out your rights and responsibilities before signing.

person may do this out of their own will for the sake of convenience. Attention: if you have no lease, postdated cheques could be understood as an agreement to a fixed term. This might be in opposition to your wish to have a monthly tenancy. Privacy

Tenants have the right to privacy in their unit. The landlord cannot enter without tenant’s permission, only by giving written notice 24 hours in advance. This is made null in emergencies or after notice or termination of the tenancy has been given. In this case, the landlord has the right to show the unit to possible renters within reasonable hours.

Your lease is a legally binding contract. Find out I

your rights and respoizsi-

bilitiei before sighzg. ~~~~ Termination by the tenant A lease or other tenancy agreement cannot be broken by either the landlord or tenant without cause. The only exception to this is that the tenant may terminate a tenancy agreement after giving appropriate notice 60 days before the end of a fixed term agreement (usually a lease), a periodic (month to month) or 28 days before the last


Repairs and maintenance The landlord i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r “ p r o v i d i n g a n d maintaining the premises in a good state of repair.” The landlord must adhere to all municipal health, safety and property standards. Tenants are responsible for repairing any damage caused by “willful or negligent conduct” by them or their guests and for the ordinary cleanliness of the premises unless the tenancy agreement titates that the landlord cleans the premises.

continued from pap A24 and environmental issues, we begin to act, challenging those things that limit respect, justice, and equal opportunity being extended to all p’e;ple. Wo&ing ggether provides e s s e n t i a l s u p p o r t , r e f l e c t i o n , experience, and creativity to address complex p r o b l e m s ( w h i l e h a v i n g a good time and meeting interesting and unpretentious people too!). One thing for sure -- no matter how you come in contact with WPIRG, you’re sure to remember


WPIRG is a student-directed research-, education-, and actionoriented organization. Your WPIRG office and resource centre is in the Gerreral Services Complex, room 125. It’s open 5 pm tb 8 -pm on Monday (call ahead) and 9 a m t o 5 pm Tuesday through Friday. WPIRG’s funding is derived t h r o u g h a r e f u n d a b l e l e v y o n fulftime undergraduate students of $3.28 per term. Funding supports the activitiesof workgroups (including events), the maintenance of an,

City of Waterloo Neighbours Program

+Jeighbours” is a proactive City of Waterloo program that puts the City’s Property Standards Officer on campus every Friday during the fall and winter semesters. Working out of the Legal Resource Office in the C a m p u s C e n t r e , Paul Felhaber can provide information and advice on numerous topics such as how to get repairs done in your room or apartment.

If you have any hesitationsit is better to come by the Legal Resource / Landlord and Tenant Information Office in the Campus Centre 206, and see what we can do for you. Are you interested in knowing more about law and how a legal resource office operates? How about becoming a voluatt r and gaining valuable experier e and

This certificate entitles its owner to a:


attboffice of:’

Dr. John L. Bureau

A few things in which the bylaws address are: - units in Kitchener-Waterloo must have a heating systemcapable of keeping an air temperature of 21 C (70 F). Remember, this is for winter! - e v e r y p r o p e r t y m u s t b e kept free of vermin

Working together provides essential support

knowledge? Nopreviousexperience is necessary. Sign up in Campus Centre 206. We also have an answering machine to answer your calls 24 hours a day, 888-4634.

Roommates Try to get everyone to sign the lease t o l e s s e n f u t u r e p r o b l e m s with roommates as to living arrangements, rental amounts, and s o o n . Don’t f o r g e t t h a t t h e s c h o o l y e a r c a n be very long and communication prior to the year might save problems.

Chiropractk AssocIateS


100 RG!#lna Street, S., #250 Waterloo, Ontario

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office and resource centre, and employing two full-time staff people. Come visit your Waterloo Public Interest Research Group today or give us a call at 8854211 ext. 2578.


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Imprint, Friday, September 4, 1992

Fresh Features

International students find resource in NH


&@‘& W E S T


Fantastic Student Savings! Lifetime warranty on allfritons Frames in Maple, Birch & Pine

9 posters and prints l reading lamps l soapstone sculptures l Mexican pottery l 200 fabrics for covers & cushions 49 King Street, North WATERLOO (one block south of Bridgeport on King Stat, N.)


Come to the foElowing CIE#C branches for all your stuaeni”banking needs:

by International Students Office

ForfirstyearstudentsatW, the fall term marks the beginning of a new phase in their lives, one that’s exciting and scarey at the same time. It means a new lifestyle whether they still live at home and commute to campus. It means greater demands academically: crammed schedules; tight deadlines; more work thancan be done in the time available, a barrage of new concepts and information to ponder, discuss and assimilate. . Social relationships undergo transformations. Leaving the familiar groups of associates in high school means getting a new perspective on who you are, trying out new social behaviors, spreading your wings. Now, imagine an incoming student who is also coming to a different country with a different social structure, language and educational system. These are the additional challenges facing our international students when they arrive at UW this fall. In many cases, new international students know no one else on the campus when they arrive. In some cases they’re on very tight budgets because of the elevated cost of tuition (five to six times what Canadians pay). Air fare home is expensive and they don’t expect to get back to visit family and friends more than once or twice during their stay here. For some, they’ll be studying in English for the first time. UW is fortunate in having about 900 international students (Winter ‘9’1 f i g u r e s f o r b o t h grads


Centre against sexism from the UW Women’s Centre _’

University of Waterloo Campus Centre Building Waterloo, Ontario M&y fo Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


9:OO a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Telephone: 884-4760

Columbia and Phillip 175 CcAumbia St. W., Waterloo, Ontario Monday to Friday 9:OO a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Telephone: 746-l 108

Student Loans received by 3:00 p.m. will be credited to your CIBC account by 9:OO a.m. the following day.. GUARANTEED!

and undergrads) from about 60 take part in a program or simply to c o u n t r i e s . T h e u n d e r g r a d s a r e 3 . 4 meet the International Student Adp e r c e n t o f o u r total undergraduate visor, Sheryl Kennedy. Any personal student population. Having inter- issue can be discussed privately with national students (and visiting Linda Kellar, the International Student Counsellor. scholars, who are frequently older Canadian students are welmen a n d w o m e n w h o h o l d u n i v e r come to come to the IS0 as well. sity positions in their own countries of the programs rely heavand are here for academic upgrad- Several ing) enriches us a great deal, both in ily on volunteers to make them work. English tutors are one examthe classroom and lab, and on a ple. personal basis. These are students, in an The exchange goes both faculty, who are interested in spenclways. We see ourselves as Canadi- ing one or two hours a week talking ans through others’ eyes - our with an international student, prostrengths, our customs, our idiosyn- viding her or him with the o portucrasies. Through our visitors, we nity (which often is not easiPy come experience a microcosm of another by) to converse in English with a culture and a different way of be- Canadian on a variety of topics and ing. get feedback about using the lanOne office on campus which guage. At the be inning of term, is designed to facilitate the interaction of our international visitors with new internationa ? students need the campus and the community is help finding their wa to various the International Student Office places on campus an2 int the city, how things operate (ISO), part of Counselling Services understanding (e.g., getting a phone and a bank in NeedIes Hall. ccount), and generally getting International studentscan go afilled in on how we do thin s . S t u there for help with temporary ac- d e n t s w h o c a n be “first bud fi ies” to commodation when they first j ar- new intema tional students are very rive on campus, with short term appreciated. financial assistance if an emergency Anyone interested in he1 comes up, or with getting a visa if ing out is invited to see us at the I & they plan to visit the US. Some stu- on the second floor of Needles Hall, dents want an opportunity to meet w i t h i n C o u n s e l l i n g S e r v i c e s . O f f i c e and speak with Canadians and they hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to join programs that make that link. 49 p . m . F r i d a y . English conversation classes are held every Friday afternoon in students are the IS0 Orientation to the campus invited International to visit us anytime and we and-the c i t y g o e s o n i n f o r m a l l y a l l particularly extend an invitation to year and there is a formal session for theOrientationforTntemationalStuall n e w international students in t h e !p?y$?g.g”~~~ first week of the fall term. The Is0 invites international video, visitors from various camstudents to drop in with any quesus offices, handouts and useful intions or concerns they may have, to Pormation about life at Waterloo.

The University of Waterloo Women’s Centre” is organized aroulid the recognition that women generaIl suffer from both explicit andimp ricitsexism,andthat s e x i s m is very much connected with other forms of oppression such as racism, classism, and heterosexism. Our priorities include: staffing our centre, updating our resources; organizing events; networking with other women’s organizations; and by doing this in a way respectful of differences, to

fundamentally empower ourselves, and other women. Our Women’s Centre operates as a resource centre, a meeting place, and as ‘a basis for activism. Our comprehensive resources include periodicals, books, vertical files and community referrals. Resources are available to everyone, whether for school assignments, personal interest or help for a friend. We also offer a safe space for women to meet and talk, relax, or find out more about feminism in general and in our community. We

regularly organize events, such as forums, rotists, speakers, seminars and celet rations. We 0 rate as a collective, t r y i n g t o it?e l p t h e w o m e n ’ s movement grow stronger by recognizing our diversity. If you are interested in tting involved, come to one 0 $our regular1 scheduled m&in l ve us a ca fl (x3457), or drop cr y uring office hours (Campus Centre 217). Come explore! 7’he Philosophy of the Women’s Cen tre:

(1) we believe that institutionalized discrimination against women exists in our society. (2) We advocate equal opportunit for women in all aspects of 1’ Y e. (3) We recognize that, in order to be able to support women in fulfilling their potential, it is necessary to work against discrimination. Thus, we demand our ri t to reproductive choice, and t8”e right to live without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, colour, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, age, or physical ability. (4) We value the strength and power which can be realized through recognizing our diversities and working together collectively. (5) Our immediate objectives include: (a) to foster a supportive environment conducive to women empowerin themselves and other women; an3 (b) to increase social awareness of discrimination issues bypubliceducationandnon-violent

action; and (c) to provide a resource centre for interested members of our community.

voLumHRs Leisure Buddy Service needs volunteers 14 and ,older to provide support to people with disabilities who may require assistance to participate in leisure activities in the community. Call Lee Lovo at 74 l-2228 for more information.

mends is a school volunteer program where a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need for male and female volunteers. Call Kiichener - 744-7645 or Cambridge - 740-3375 please! International Studenta

Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational English. If *you are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl Kennedy at ext. 2814.

Transit Airporter will drop off and pick up passengers at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the University Avenue


Kiosk effective JULY 2, 1992. Mm-k helpers needed! - Big Sisters Agency requires University students to tutor elementary school kids having academic difficulties. Orientation/training on Tuesday, September 22, 1992 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. To register call 743-5206 ASAP!

The sexuaiity Resource Centre - is a trained student volunteer service that offers information, support and referrals to those


need. This service is FREE. Call 885 1211, ext. 2306 or leas% a message at ext. 4042. The SRC is located in room 15OA,

Campus Centre, UW. Educatim t a l k s - these talks will be videotaped. Tapes will be available in iate October in the Career Resource Centre, NH II 15. Applications due December 1 l/ 92. University of Toronto - Oct. 14 from 9:3@ lo:30 in NH 3001 ; Brock Universb - Oct. 14from 10:30-l 1:30 in NH 3001 ; Nipissing University - Oct. 14 from 2:30-3:30 in NH 30001 ; University of Ottawa -Oct. 14 from 3:30-4:30 in NH 3001 ; University of Windsor - Oct. 15 from 9:30- 1 ti30 in NH 3001 ; University ol Western Ontario - Oct. 15 from 10:30-11’130 in NH 3001 ; York University - Oct. 15 from 11:30-l 2:30 in NH 3001, Lakehead University - Oct. 15 from 2:30-3:30 in NH 3001 ; Queen University -act, 15 from 3:30-4:30 in NH 3001. FREE public lectures preser&d by WLU and UW will be held every Monday at noon’ at KPL to Dec. 6. This Fall’s topics are: Sept. 14 - The Pre-Referendum Countdown - John Redekop of WLU. Sept. 21 - Canada in the Global Marketplace - Hugh Munro of WLU. Sept. 28 - Why Are The Evangelical Churches Growing - Rod Sawatsky of Conrad Grebel College. K-W Att Gallery - 101 Queen Street, N., Kitchener - 579-5860. Art Alive Lectures begin Sept. 15 to Dec. 15 - call for details. Exhibits of sculptures, photography, fashion shows, art classes, water colour classes all coming up. Call the above number for more information.

mu la62 WORKsHoPs C-l&g cervices will be offering the following workshops - Assertion Trairiing, Bulima Group, Exam Anxiety Management, Exam Preparation, Exploring Your Persot-~di Type, Interest Assessment, Reading & Study Skills, Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Time Managefnmt & Procr&nation. Register by calling Counselling Serv@s, NH 2080 oroafJ~z656.

- S-&q Inter& Inventory - discover how your interests relate to spcific vocational opportunities. Monday, Sept. 21 - 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. ;Tuesday, Sept. 29 - 4:30 to 530 p.m. ; Wednesday, Oct. 7 - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Thursday, Sept. 24 - 3:30 to 4:36 p.m. : Tuesday, Oct. 6 - II:30 to 12:30 p.m. Register at C;ounselling Services, NH 2080,

STUDY SKIMS WORKSHO&ading a Study Skills - take advantage of individual counselling and workshops in study skills in the classroom - notetaking, effective listening, class preparation, effective study techniques, including time management, textbook reading, concentration and effective exam writing skills. (4 consecutive sessions). Tuesday, Sept. 29 - 9:30 to 1 I:30 a.m. ; Tuesday, Sept. 29 - 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, Sept. 29 -6:30 to 8:30 p.m. ; Wednesday, Sept. 30 - I:30 to 3:30 p.m. ; Friday, Oct. 2 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Register by calling Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call extension 2655. Time Manage-t & Procrastination - fOr students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. (4 consecutive sessions). Wednesday, Sept. 30 - 9:30 to 11:30 a,m. Register by calling Counselling Services, NH 2080, ext. 2655. SCHOLARSHIP WOTlCR$ The application deadline will be October

30, 1992 unless otherwise stated. (* means there is a Special Application which can be obtained from the Student Awards Office). The ~following awards are currently available: ALL FACULTlES

*Bobby Bauer Memorial Award - deadline - September 25, 1992. *Don Hayes Award - deadline - January 15, 1993.

*Mike Moser Bursary - deadline - November 30, 1992. “Federa$on of Student’s (UW) Bursary students active in campus student organizations - deadline - September 30, 1992.

Tom York Memorial Award - essay, approximately 2,500 words, interested candidates should submit essay to St. Paul’s United College. FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award - deadline October 30, 1992.



I.O.D.E. - Applied Ecology Award - available to all 4th year students - deadline September 25,1992. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACUWY


Andersen Consulting Scholarship - available to 38 Math *Bell Canada Computer Science Awards available to all 38 or 3rd year - regular deadline - Oct. 9, 1992. BP Canada Bursary - deadline - September 30,1992. Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 38 Computer Science. EMCO Bursary - available to Upper Year Computer Science - deadline - September 27,1992. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF SCIENCE

BP Canada 8ursary - deadline - September 25, 1992, Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship - available to 2nd year or 28 Earth Science. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science, see department. Ontario Rubber Group/Rubber Chemistry Division, CIC Award - available to all 38 deadline - September 25, 1992. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. FACULi’Y


Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology deadline - January 8, 1993. Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology deadline - October 16, 1992. *Ron May Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Recreation - deadline October 16, 1992. FOR APPLICATION FORMS and further information Please contact the Student Awards Off&e, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.

IMPRINT is having OPEN H O U S E dn Sept. 9 & 10, room CC140 born 12 noon to 4 .p.m. each day.

Andersen Consutting Scholarship - avail- * able to 38 Engineering. *Bell Canada Engineering and Computer Science Awards - available to all 38 deadline - October 9, 1992. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries - available to all Chemical. BP Canada Bursary - deadline - September 30, 1992. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship - available to 35 Engineering students. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 3B. John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 3B Mechanical - deadline November 27, 1992. *Charles Deleuw Scholarship - available to all 36 Civil. Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship - available to all 38 Chemical. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award - available to all 38 Chemical. EMCO Bursary - available to Upper Year Mechanical and Electrical - deadline ‘September 30, 1992. Gandalf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering IB and above. Noreen Energy Computer Science, Chemical and Geological Engineering Award - available to Geological and Chemical year two or above. Ontario Hydro Electrical Award - available to 2B Electrical. Ontario Rubber Group/Rubber Chemistry Division, CIC Award - available to all 3B deadline - September 25, 1992. Marcel Peguegnat Scholarship - available SaRWcIIS ’ to 38 Civil. Water Resource Management. Ready Mixed Concrete Association of Quality ties: laser printed, proOntario Scholarhip - available to 38 Civil. fessionally prepared, 5 years experience. Shell Canada Ltd. Award - available to 3rd 7 a,m. to IO p.m., 741-1154. _ or 4th year - deadline - September 25, 1992. I f you need massage’ therapy for

First STAFF MEETING will be Friday, Sept. fl-comeon




Partners Limited Scholarshjp

- available to 38 Civil. FACULTY


Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available

to Srd year Planning, preference to female applicants.

hoadachcs,l o w



etresc, p a i n

and tension relief, sciatica, whiplash, athletic injuries, tendonitis or arthritis - call Birgit Stall’s Massage Therapy Clinic at 747-9091, at King and University Avenue. (please check your Health Benefit Plan for coverage).

tre at 10:00 a.m.

-,-a GLLQW


Disrussion Grout w i l l s h a r e

experiences on: “What Do i Want In My Relationships With Other People”. All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and others welcome. UW, Environmental Studies; Bldg. 2, room 173, 7:30 p.m.

Anmesty International Group 9 will meet at the Waterloo Public Library. New member orientation at 7:OO p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m. Topic: Campaign on Indigenous People in the Ay.>ricas.” Everyone welcome. For more info call Al at 743-4487 or Marijke at 893- 1449. The Human& of the K-W Cambridge Guelph area are meeting at 7:30 p.m. at 136 Allen St. (c/o Moore). Guest speaker is distinguished Canadian humanist Dr. Wendell Watters, McMaster University. For more info call 893-1449 in Kitchener or 824-6577 in Guelph. Everyone welcome.

Chinese Christian Fellowship - trip to the Farmers Market. Come on out and explore a local tradition. Meet at the Campus Cen-

Chinese cfiristipn Fellowship - 590 p.m. new student reception. An evening of food, drama and song. Come out and find out more about the CCF, The event will be in DC 1301.

GLLOW lXscumion

Group will share experiences on: “Coming Out”. All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and others welcome. WW, Environmental Studies Bldg 2, room 173 at 7:30 p.m. ~,&ptmhul6 Waterloo Blood Donor Clinic - First United

Church, King & William Streets from 1:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Chinese Christian Fellowship - picnic at Elora Gorge. A day of games, song, food and fellowship. Please meet at the Campus Centre at 9:00 a.m.

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RIM WANTRP CO~~UW b UWO (London) - needs a Fzt-tinae fitxwes trainer required in a local health club. Fitness experience a, must. Call 744-7700 for more info. Part-time weekend counsellors wanted. Workrng with developmeixalty challenged

adults assisting with personal care and facilitating community integration. $9.14 per hour. Own transportation essential. Reply to Elmira & District Association For Community Living, Greg Buchard, 24


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trolux, Rainbow, Filter Queen, Tri-Star Compact, Kenmore, etc. Excellent prices starting at $35.00. Come to view between 9 ‘a.m. and 12 noon at 17 Schneider Avenue, Kitchener or call 742-4490.








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