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Take Back the Night:
Yes Means Yes, No Means No Lisa Unrau speck\ to
R-d was a busy thoroughfare last Sunday, September
20 for the 10th Annual Terry Fox Run.
hfv acronvm has more vowels than VOW acronvm:
OUSA, OFS &.OSAP By Iain Anderson Imprint stuff
In a referendum held last February, Waterloo students voted 53.8 per cent in favour of leaving the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) in order to join a bold new v e n t u r e i n s t u d e n t p r o v i n c i a l representa tion. The result has been the formation of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA). Federation president Dave Martin and vice-president, university affairs Sue Crack have been working with their counterparts from Wilfred Laurier University, University of Western Ontario, U n i v e r s i t y o f T o r o n t o , Brock Univ e r s i t y , a n d Queen’s University to realize the dream of former UW Federation president John Leddy. The results thus far have been positive, according to Martin and Crack. OUSA has been devoting its’ energies towards dealing with thecurrent f u n d i n g p r o b l e m f a c i n g undergraduate students inOntario. “We hope to see our efforts
reflected in the upcoming spring to the current OSAP structures are provincial budget,” says Martin. intended to realize these goals. The focus of OUSA’s funding Martin and Crack hope to have proposals revolve around revampa finalized draft of the OUSA p r o ing the Ontario Student Assistance posals sometime in mid-October. Program (OSAP) with a bold new Once they have a document, i t w i l l loan repayment program. Under the be presented at a Student Council n e w p l a n , student l o a n s w o u l d b e meeting where it will be debated by repaid on an “Income Contingent” all attending students and then basis, depending on the salary bevoted upon by the Council. ing earned by the student upon All students are welcome at graduation. -the meeting and areencouraged to If a student meets certain miniparticipate in the debate. If the promum requirements, their governII posals are accepted by the particiment loan would not have to be pating s c h o o l s , the next step.is to paid back while attending school. take it to the provincial Ministry of Instead, payments would only beColleges and Universities. The next gin when they are classified as a scheduled Student Council meetfull-time member of the Canadian ing is on Monday, October 5 at Fedworkforce. A fixed percentage of eration Hall. g their salary would then be set aside Once it establishes and reaches for the loan until the outstanding its goals of increased accessibility balance is repaid. to post-secondary education in OnOUSA’s mission&a tement says tario, the group will focus on acthey “are committed tq i m p r o v i n g countability and building stronger the accessibility to and the accountties between the provincial governa b i l i t y o f post-secondary education ment, Ontario universities, and the inOntario.” Their plans for changes * p r i v a t e s e c t o r .
Five hundred women ga thered last weekina”TakeBack theNight” march to demonstrate their right to safety and independence. The annual event, which t o o k placeinvariouscitiesacrossCanada on Thursday, September 17, was organized to protest and create an awareness of violence against women. Male supporters were invited to join the group at Speaker’s Corner and the coffee house which followed. The March was relatively peaceful a n d g o o d -humouredthe participants were united and confi-
were present. The increasingly tangible potential for violence as well as the removal of the ‘rape shield’ clause contributed to the numbers of supporters. A y o u n g w o m a n n a m e d Darcy spoke about her experience of violence on the street as the march concluded at Speaker’s Corner. The coffe h o u s e afterward featured an acappella set by Pat Skinner, songs by women’s group Akosha, as well as several other speakers and musicians. The fact that the event was w e l l attended by men and women gave attendees hope -- though one speaker did admit that a few decades ago she didn’t believe that there
“Fear shouldn ‘t be anyone’s primary motivator ” l
dent as they walked f r o m W a t e r l o o P a r k t o d o w n t o w n Kitchener. A few bewildered and sceptical bystanders watched from doorways as the procession chanted #Women unite -- take back the n i g h t , ” and “Whatever we wear, where ever we go, yes means yes and no means no.” Still others honked their approval as they drove past. Police escorts were present throughout. Slogans chanted and on placards focused on women’s sovereignty over their bodies and the right to travel freely without fear of attack. “Put rapists on trial, NOT VI;CTIMS,” read one sign.. Though young students made up the majority, a substantial number of women from different age groups and social situations
would still be a need for these demo n s t r a t i o n s i n t h e ’90s. Taking back the night s e e m s a formidable task - when in our lives can we remember the night being safe for women? Or, for. I.that fact the &Y? ’ The statementput forth b y t h i s event is an acknowledgement that this norm is not acceptable. Fear s h o u l d n ’ t b e a n y o n e ’ s p r i m a r y motivator, nor should it be outrageous for a woman to walk unaccompanied at night (hence the significance of the exclusive nature of the march). P e r h a p s n o one expects safety to materialize in our lifetime, but the goal being expressed-zero tolerance of violence- is being recognized as sane and reasonable.
Academics to be honoured at Convocation ence.
Innovators in computer science, theology, music, chemistry and kinesiology are the five honourary degree recipients at the University of Waterloo’s fall convocation. Also during the Oct. 24 ceremonies, UW will award the title of “Professor Emeritus” to two faculty members, who have retired from the university. In addition, another retired professor will be named an “Honourary Member of the University.” The five honourary degree recipients this fall are: - Dr. Alfred Aho - Doctor of Mathematics - is assistant vicepresident, information sciences and t e c h n o l o g i e s r e s e a r c h , a t Bellcore, M o r r i s t o w n , NJ. H e w i l l g i v e t h e convocation address (2 p.m.) to graduating classes in engineering, environmental studies, independent studies, mathematics and sci
A former professor as well as co-author of six fundamental kxts and reference books in computer s c i e n c e , Aho has laid the groundwork for designing languages and constructing efficient compilers for them. Indeed, every computer science graduate is said to be familiar with his work. - Prof. Douglas Hall - Doctor o f L a w s - is a member of the facu l t y o f r e l i g i o u s s t u d i e s at McGill U n i v e r s i t y i n Montreal. H e w i l l d e liver the convocation address (10 a.m.) to graduating classes in appli& health sciences and arts. The founding principal of St. Paul’s United College (a UW affilil ate) is considered Canada’s most distinguished English-speaking theologian, as well ‘as an intemationally recognizeci authority m rel i g i o u s s t u d i e s a n d t h e o l o g y . H e is also seen as an early advocate for responsible u s e o f e n v i r o n m e n t a l resources.
- Prof. Victor Martens - Dottor of Laws - is a member of the faculty of music at Wilfrid Laurier University. In a teaching career spanning nearly three decades, he is rated as one of the best vocal coaches in the world. ’ Over the years, he has COAducted t h e L a u r i e r S i n g e r s i n numerousconcertsand on tours across Canada. In 1978, he formed the crititally acclaimed Victor Martens Singers, one of only four professional choral groups in the country.
Mwtens is ruted as me of the best vocal coaches in the world - P r o f . G o r d o n S t o n e - Docvtor of Science - holds the Robert A. Welch Foundation Chair in Chemistry at Baylor University in Texas. Before his retirement two years ago,
h e w a s a p r o f e s s o r o f c h e m i s t r y at ‘the University of Bristol in England. Widely known as one of the world’s most distinguished inorganic chemists, Stone is the author of more than 600 publications. A great number of his PhD graduates now occupy university chairs and other senior positions. -Prof. )ZaroldWhiting-Doctor of Science - is an honourary professor of psychology at the University of York in England. Prior to h i s r e t i r e m e n t t h r e e y e a r s a g o , he was a professor in the faculty of human movement sciences at the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Whiting is a renowned researcher in the psychomotor area of k i n e s i o l o g y , t h e science of human movqment. An experimental psychologist in human brain-behaviour, h e i s h i g h l y r e g a r d e d f o r h i s leadership in developing the academic discipline of k i n e s i o l o g y .
At fall convocation, the titles of Professor Emeritus in recognition o f w o r t h y t e a c h i n g and research s e r v i c e wilI b e g i v e n t o P r o f . L e n Certler, now retired from UW’s School of Urban and Regional Planning, and to Prof. Hiremaglur Kesavan, retied from Uw’s department of systems design engineering. In addition, Prof. Wallace (Wally) McLaughlin, long- time dean of engineering and former c h a i r o f t h e c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n g department, will be named an Honourary Member of the university for outstanding service to UW. H e retired last spring, capping 31 years of service. Holders of the Professor Emeritus designation and the Honourary University Member designation are granted continued acces!3 to uniters i t y f a c i l i t i e s a n d s e r v i c e s , s u c h as the library, invitations to convocation and listing in the university calendar.
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
Federation Report Card l
by Kierun Green Imprint stuff
In February, 1992, the University of Waterloo undergraduate population engaged in its annual exercise in democracy, electing three new individuals to serve in the Federation of Students. Campaigns rolled into high gear, banners were unfurled, and most importantly, promises were made. Now as we enter a new fall term, bidding a wistful adieu to summer, it seems a good time to look back at those promises made so long ago, and see just how much has been accomplished in the past four months since the high command officially changed. Dave Martin was elected President of the Federation of Students. Foremost if! his campaign platform was the eashg of financial burdens facing students ‘through a restructuring of the Ontario Student Assistance Program @SAP); a promise also made by Vice President, University Affairs, Sue Crack. More specifically, Martin and Crack proposed a system whereby students could repay their loans at a rate relative to their post-graduate incomes. (See related article “ F u n d i n g P r o p o s a l s . . .” i n I m p r i n t -- Sept 18/92).
Currently, even as you read this article, the Feds are hard at work putting this plan into dotion. A second platform of Dave Martin was a promise to improve the co-operative education system. He vowed to strengthen weak links between co-op and the Federation of Students. Acting on this promise, the Fed executive attended co-op meetings over the summer. In addition, starting this fall, co-op has been given some space and a mailbox in the Federation office so that they will have a permanent base from which to work. Other changes that the Feds are pushing for include the implementation of a co-ordinator evaluation system and the creation of a manual for employers to help make clear what is expected of them. Finally, Martin promised the establishment of a Student PartTime Employment Centre, which you may now find in Campus Centre room 206. Brent McDermott was elected vice-president, operations and’ finance. First in McDermott’s campaign was the proper use of deficit spending. He believes that proper deficit spending involves the improvement of what you already have, to make it more viable. However, excellent deficit spending by the previous Federa-
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write us here in
tion executive has meant that this year’s Feds have had to do very little actual deficit spending. In fact, the previous administration man-
which they could hand out promotional material, answer questions and generally make students aware of who they are and what they have
p r i n t . Last, but certainly not least, there is Sue Crack, Vice President University Affairs. Many of her
Imprint file’ photo
The friendly and accessible three. aged to leave behind a $50,000 surplus, due in part to the effective improvement of such operations as Federation Hall. This surplus, in addition to a good summer, meant that this year’s Feds did not run into a deficit until the very end of the spring term, much later than usual. The arrival of the fall term with its influx of students has quickly erased that deficit. During the summer, the Feds used their money sparingly and to its best effect. A new patio and new lighting equipment were added to Fed Hall to further increase its appeal. It should be noted as well that the Feds insured at least part of the construction jobs at Fed Hall were given to students. As well, money was spent on radio advertisements to generate more summer business at Fed Hall and the Bombshelter, and to promote the University in general. The University of Waterloo is perhaps the first university in Ontario to utilize radio for promotion. McDermott also vowed to promote and increase the visibility of Federation services like the Graphix Factory. Over the summer, a contest was held to come up with a new and better name for the Federation music store, the winner being, as you see it now, the Music Source. Another effort to promote Fed services and clubs was Fed Fair. During the first week, the various clubs and services were given booths in the Campus Centre from
to offer. The Feds have been making the effort to appear at games and events, and they have booked a steady supply of bands and concerts at both Fed Hall and the Bombshelter. In the future, the Feds intend to go after the staff to get course material printed at the Graphix Factory, and to encourage more student businesses by moving the services in the Campus Centre basement into the, as of yet, unbuilt Student Life Building. A third goal announced by McDermott was the improvement of relations and interaction between Faculties. To achieve this, the Feds have targeted the Faculty Pub Nights. Previously, each faculty got two Pub Nights, one at Fed Hall and one at the Bombshelter. Now, that number has been reduced to one; to get a second, a faculty must collaborate with another faculty. An increase in recycling depots was on McDermott’s@mpaign agenda and work was b\8 n with Patty Cook of Watgr&n.+ enfortunately, other business ‘has forced the recycling plan to be put on the Fed backburner. Also promised was a monthly financial report to be published in Imprint. McDermott now admits, however, that he underestimated the true immensity of this task, as well as the inherently slow nature of university bureaucracy. Bills often cannot b e p r o c e s s e d w i t h i n o n e month’s time. As a result, no financial reports will appear here in Km-
campaign platforms involved student financing, coinciding with the platforms of Dave Martin, and thus havealreadybeenmentionedin this ar title. Sue’s main pla tform, apart from the aforementioned, was the improvementofon-campussafety. She promised more lighting en route to the Columbia townhouses, as well as crosswalks on both Philip and Columbia Streets. The Feds have met with officials downtown, as this is under regional jurisdiction, and will be drafting a proposal for presentation to the city. Many other safety-enhancing programs have already been instituted around the campus, however. With grant money from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, the first emergency phone has been ifistalled along the Bauer Path, with more phones to come. A new women’s safety pamphlet has been published, and. Uw’s first two bicycle police officers havebecome a rpgular sight on campus. Also in the works is a proposal to urn the Women’s Safety Committee into a regular standing committee. Associate provost, student affairs Peter Hopkins, has pledged his support. AU in all, our Federation executive seem to have put in an incredible amount of work. Besides being accessible and friendly, they are also willing to take the time to answer the questions and concerns of the student body.
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Imprint, Friday, September 25,1992
Let’s make t# deal by Angela Mulholltmd imprint staff
Remember when you read this on your fee statement at the beginning of the semester and thought it was a program to train people to stop tripping and falling along the pathways of this university? Alas, it was not. It is the first of the seven $lOJXJdeductionstobeseenoneach and every full-time students’ f&e statement over the next two years. Each $10.00 will go to finance the Co-ordinated Plan to Improve the Quality of Student Life at UW. At the end of those two years the fee goes up to $25.00, in an effort to ensure that students who will s t i l l be here and will benefit most from the Plan will be the ones paying the larger chunk of the costs. The Plan encompasses three phases: a new Student Centre that will complement the Campus Centre in providing additional lounge and study space (opening Fall ‘94), a new Physical Recreation Facility {also opening Fall ‘94) to relieve some of the burden on the overcrowded PAC, and finally the Endowment Fund for Student Life Projects. The $10.00 fee this September has gone towards building this fund. “Student Life Projects” are defined as non-academic project ideas s u b m i t t e d b y a n y r e c o g n i z e d student organization (as determined by the criteria set by the Federation of, ,Students), that will benefit as many UW students as possible. First consideration is given- to projects
that will address one or more of the following four priorities: improvement of safety on campus, improvement of accessibility on campus, the renovation of the current campus centre, and the improvement of current lounge and study spaces. Project ideas are presented before the 16-member endowment fund committee, which determines its suitability and feasibility. Groups initiating these projects are required to provide a detailed budget and an implementation timeline to the committee. They are also responsible for +e project’s success and must present a report the following term to keep the committee abreast of their progress. This past summer, the committee received o v e r 3 0 p r o p o s a l s , o f which 17 were approved. Among t h o s e approved are: -- the purchase of $10,000 worth of weightlifting and exercise machines (submitted by the Men’s
I 5
Whatever the subject, we keep you informed. .
InterUniversity Council). - $5,000 worth of renovations to the Arts Student Union lounge and coffee shop. - new Cheerleading uniforms at a cost of $2,000. - 150 feet of lighting leading to the Women’s Residence of Renison College (submitted by the Women’s Issues Board). A number of these projects are already underway: the weight equipment has been purchased but not delivered. The rest of the projects are expected to be cqmpleted by this summer. The endowment fund c o m m i t tee is now making a call for new project proposals for the Fall semester. The deadline for such p r o posals is October 6,1992 at 4:30 p.m. Submission forms and corresponding guidelines can be picked up in C.C. Room #219 (across from the Graphix Factory) or call 885-1211 ext.5330.
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
United Way 5 Campaign Trail by Renee Ceorrgrrcapoulos I m p r i n t stfl
What has been the highlight of your first week?
by Phil Caskanette special to Im#Wint
-; i :
The annual Kitchener-Waterloo and area United Way campaign is now underway with a goal of $3.7 million dollars. The goal is up substantially from last year, reflecting the anticipated demands on the 48 member agencies Many of the agencies are feeling the brunt of economic conditions in the area. More and more people are turning to the agencies for emergency food supplies as their unemployment insurance runs out, and no prospects of employment can be found. The financial stress causes more hardship, in some cases leading to alcohol abuse, and crime. The counselling agencies are overwhelmed with requests for assistance. At ihe same time, the smaller working population means fewer United Way donors, making it difficult to maintain services. It is expected that plant closures in 1993 will add 1,500 people to the unemployment lines and eliminate over $75,ooO in donations to the United Way. What does all this have to do with the University of Waterloo? Well, UW participates in the United Way campaign. Faculty, staff, and students all contribute to the campaign; faculty, staff (both union and non-union), graduate students, and retired employees pledge donations to the United Way through direct canvassing. Undergraduate students help with fundraisers. Heading the United Way camf paign on campus are faculty co-
chair Jim Van Evra of the philoso-
phy department and staff co-chair Phil Caskanette of internal audit, Pat Roberts of personnel is Employee Campaign Director. The rest of the UW United Way Committee consists of Area Coordinators, each responsible for campaign coordination in their faculty or academic support area. The UW campaign goal is set at $150,000, a substantial increase from last year’s total of $123,099. The employee portion of the campaign is expected to raise $140,000 (up from $117,566 in 1992) and achieve a 38 per cent participation rate (from 26.5 per cent in 1991). Participation rat& have been relatively low in the past, and the campaign committee felt it was time UW sent a clear mesSage to the K-W community. The committee needs 500 new donors to pledge $4.50 a month ($1 a week), or whatever they can afford, to show that we care about the less fortunate people inour community. The UW conuni ttee also hopes to raise $10,000 through Grad student pledges and fundraisers sponsored by the Federation of Students and other groups. The Sports Card Convention held at the PAC on Labour Day sponsored by Raytheon Canada and UW has already contributed $3,584 towards the goal. Undergraduates are invited to make direct pledges if they are financially able. Pledge forms are available from Vesna Djokich (3B Math) who i s working with the UW United WayCommitteeastheCampaign Assistant. If anyone has questions, they can contact Vesna at ext. 2493, or call any member of the committee.
Waving my 8:30 Economics class cancelied for this week. Jodi - 2N Science
by Cubriel Zichermann Visiting mom and dad just became a little more expensive. Gray Coach has eliminated its ticket selling agencies, and has opted instead for a multi-million dollar computerized system to sell tickets on the bus and at terminals. What does it mean? For those of you who haven’t already found out, Marlin Travel is no longer able to offer the special student fare of $13.45 for trips to Toronto from the UW campus. Although Gray Coach Lines Inc. has been in a state of financial reorganization since earlier thls year, Agency Manager Tiina Vallik has made it clear that the decision to eliminate the agencies, and subscquently the discounts, was made prior to the company’s financial
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Glad to be away from home Scott Olson 1A Math
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Wo great pizzas! One low price. Alwavs! b. Always!
Seeing someone that I know. Irene Koops 58 Arts
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woes. 8 +. . This is no reflection upon the excellent service which Marlin (Travel] has provided . . **I, said Vallik when asked to elaborate on the rationale behind the decision. Unfortunately, fares from Ki tchener/ Waterloo to Toron to are now $15.60 (a 15 per cent increase) ant’ way and $31.20 return with a 10 pt’r cent discount for seniors and a 50 per cent discount for children; students on the other hand, remain paying the full price. For those of you who travel often, Gray Coach has ma& available at the Kitchener terminal or on the bus, a book of 10 tickets which upill offer you a 15 per cent discount. Or, if you commute, you can buy a unlimited pass from Toronto to Kitchener/Waterloo for only $322.00 a month. l3y the way, they
take credit cards ( e v e n the Mastercard with the cute picture of The Dana Porter Library on it!) There is another, more economical al tema tive for the cash-conscious UW student though: the Fed Bus Leaving Math and Computer building loading dock at 1:30 and 4%) p.m. on Fridays and returning Sunday at 7130 p.m. to/from Islington Station, the bus is $9.00 one way and $17.00 return. You can purchase your tickets from the Federation of Students Office in Campus Centre r o o m 235, and you can be sure that your money is gping to a worthy Fed cause. For more information on Gray Coach ratesand schedules,call their new automated ticketing service toll free at 1-800-248-9000 and sleep easier knowing that we still have airline student standby.
“Only alternative’* getspower boost by Owe Thomsoti Imprint staff
Yes folks, that’s right. Waterloo does have a campus radio station. If you haven’t heard of it before, or haven’t ever heard it, the station’s recent 250-watt power boost should change that, Billing itself as wWaterloo’s only alternative,” CKMS-FM has been broadcasting at 94.5 FM (and 95.5 on cable) for nearly 15 years now, but it has been doing so with only 50 watts of power. The low trwmitting power has given the station an infamous reputation as being very difficult to pick up, even within the confines of Waterloo. Now armed with a 250-watt transmitter and a new frequency of 100.3 FM since early September, CKMS has been coming through loud and clear throughout the twin
cities. The station is also still broadcasting on 94.5 FM, but will shut thatfrquencydownonCkt&er 15 ofthisyeartocommemorateits15th anniversary on the air. “Itwasworththe$Z5,0,“said CKMS tech&al coordinator Bill Wharrie. “Our main concern was to provide reliable service to the local twin city ccmmunity.” He said the wmbinationofanewfrequencyand greater power has done this and mr#e,withEstenersphoningin~m &dph, and cxcasioru4ly Guelph Although the station has been difficult to get in the past, Wharrie encourages people to give it another try, at 100.3 on your FM dial. He also mentioned that fans of Bobby Wiseman mightwanttotune Shakespeare,
when the ex-Blue Rodeon will be playing live from the station’s recording studio.
Imprint, Friday, September
Private businesses likeh to oDerate in Studeat Centre
Feds and admin. may combine services Over the course of the summer andcontinuingintothefall, theFederation of Students and the University of Waterloo administration have discussed agreements concerning the Student CeMre. As of yet, few final decisions have been reached, but all parties involved feel that progress is being made. An agreement, or at least a decision on what services will be offered in the Student Centre, has to be reached by the end of October. The main topic of discussion has been about who should operate services in the Centre: the Federation, the University, or even privately-owned commercial services. All parties agree that the main o b j e c t i v e i s i m p r o v i n g s e r v i c e s and meeting needs for students, while maintaining a cooperative relations h i p between the F e d s ’ a n d U n i v e r sity’s businesses. *‘We want to co-exist in a noncompetitive and co-operative manner like we do now,” says associate provost, student affairs Peter Hopkins. Yet, during these ongoing meetings, there have been concerns about what each g r o u p d e s i r e s . In fact, the initial meetings were des c r i b e d a s h a v i n g a t o n e o f suspieion, Discussions concerning “joint ventures” in which theFeds and the University would amalgamate their services soon followed, but both
partiesrecognizedpossibleconflicts betweentheirrespectivebusinesses. The Feds are concerned that the duplication o f b u s i n e s s e s ( s u c h as the Campus Shop/Gift Shop, Graphix Factory/Graphic Services) would lead to the loss of these sources of income. ‘The Feds will not give up any of their businesses at this point,” says Fed president Dave Martin. Both parties deny that the Univer-
“We want tu co-exist in a non-competitive and co-uperutive manner, ‘I sity is interested in a cash grab, despite speculation. Martinsays that the p o s t office may become a University responsibility. Other bones of contention include the proposed convenience store or drug counter and the bookstore. While the Feds are marginally interested in operating the convenience s t o r e , t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n feels that the University would be a more suitable choice. Both sides are giving leeway in this discussion and a switching of services (post office, games room) remains a possibility. On the proposed components list for the Student Centre, there is no mention of a bookstore, The administration has raised the possi-
bility of moving their bookstore from its present location in South Campus Hall into the Student Centre. This is still under discussion, but it is clear that the financial responsibility on the shoulders of the University. As it is, there may not be the space available for the bookstore. More conflicts involve the duplication and competition of food services. The popularity of Scoops, a Federation business, may be heightened by a possible expansion or relocation. This does not bode well for the University’s food services department, which is interested in expanding its service all over campus with the new SmartCard. The negative competitive passibilities are endless, but all parties intend to reach an amicable agreement.
The University’s food services department may be creating more c o n t r o v e r s y b y m a k i n g initial contacts with commercial food chains such as Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken. While these discussions are apparently in the preliminary stages and do not necessarily deal with the Student Centre, these overtures may hinder future negotiations. Ultimately, the University Will decide whether or not to allow private businesses on campus, but the Federation of Students would rather not have any in the Student Centre. This should only become an issue between the Federation and the University if LJW’s food service de-
partment wishes to place private businesses in the Centre. One thing is for sure: whoever operates the services in the Student Centre will generate income that will pay for the operation of the facility. “It isclear that wehave tocome up with some money,” Hopkins says, from the businesses and services to ensure the Student Centre’s upkeep. All of the committees involved in these discussions have had a student majority. The management board of the Student Centre will also have a student majority. Tentatively, this board will consist of one student, three representatives from the Federation, and three University administrators with a separate non-partisan facility manager. The board’s responsibilities will also extend to tie Campus Cenbe. Many original plans for the location of services have changed since the committees began meeting last winter. The health and
wellness clinic, initially intended for t h e S t u d e n t C e n t r e , w i l l m o r e than likely be located in the CC. As well, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce may become the CC’s only basement tenant. Student-directed project chairp e r s o n J o h n teddy h a d stated that the 8,ooO square feet (out of 23,500 total) allocated to social recreation is guaranteed, regardless of which facility will eventually house meeting and club rooms. The number one priority is student space, acc o r d i n g t o Leddy a n d H o p k i n s . As mentioned previously, agreements have to be reached by the end o f O c t o b e r i n o r d e r t o remain o n schedule. The meetings, which are open to all, will continue until then and it remains to be seen if a totally amicable deal will result. The University administration, the Federation, and most importantly the shldent body will have to deal with the ramifications of this agreement.
rWHY MESS AROUND Get Fit In Canadays Top Club!
News in’ Brief Research funding at UW increases by 11 per cent R e s e a r c h e r s a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f W a t e r l o o a r e faring f a i r l y w e l l d e s p i t e r e c e s s i o n a r y t i m e s research money experienced double-digit growth in the past year. Final figures show that total research funding during 1991-92 jumped to $59,64O,NKl from $53,666,000 t h e p r e v i o u s y e a r - an 11.1 per cent increase. S p e c i f i c a l l y , r e s e a r c h g r a n t s a m o u n t e d t o $35,489,UO0, r e s e a r c h c o n t r a c t s $16,884,000, software sales and royalties $1,973,000, and “other” r e s e a r c h i n c o m e $5,294,000. The last category includes revenue from research seminars and publications. w Film society’s season includes Dietrich tribute A 13-part European series and tribute to Marlene Dietrich highlights the upcoming sixth season of t h e U n i v e r s i t y of W a t e r l o o ’ s F i n e A r t s F i l m S o c i e t y . The s e r i e s f e a t u r e s f i l m s b y d i r e c t o r s f r o m W e s t e r n a n d E a s t e r n E u r o p e , f o c u s i n g o n t h e G e r m a n cinema, says Prof. Jan Uhde. Films are shown in the original version with English subtitles. The season begins Sept. 24 with the film German D r e a m s , a b o u t “ i l l u s i o n s a n d I d i s i l l u s i o n m e n t ” o f p e o p l e w h o lived b e h i n d t h e B e r l i n W a l l . On Oct. 1, the society will “pay homage” to actress Marlene Dietrich, who died last spring, with the film “Marlene.” It was directed by German actor Maximilian Schell who starred with Dietrich in Stanley Kramer’s “The Judgment at Nuremberg.” The society is open to “all film enthusiasts, inside and outside the UW campus,” Uhde says. Films presented are “rarely shown in Canadian commercial theatres.” Since January 1988, the society has organized 25 film series featuring more than 150 feature and short f i l m s a n d h a d g u e s t s i n c l u d i n g d i r e c t o r s and f i l m m a k e r s . A d m i s s i o n t o t h e s c r e e n i n g s is $2.50 f o r m e m b e r s ; $4 for non-members. Memberships are $4.50; $3 for students. The films are shown Thursdays at 7 p.m. at UW’s East &mpus Hall Auditorium (Room 1219).
Two UW graduate students win scholat&ips The University of Waterloo Graduate Student Association has p r e s e n t e d s c h o l a r s h i p s funded by Zehrs Markets sales receipts - to two outstanding graduate students. Andrew Maclean, a master’s student in civil engineering, andJackie Rehkopf, a PhD student in civil engineering, have each received $500 Graduate Student Scholarships to help with their multi-disciplinary research Maclean’s research involves constructing a computer-controlled, multi-view microscope to play a key role in identifying the mechanical causes of spina bifida - one of the most common and severely debilitateg of human birth defects. Rehkopf’s research seeks to reduce human injuries by improving the design of energy-absorbing foams used in automobile i n t e r i o r s , football helmets and gymnastic matting. Eventually, her work will improve protective sports gear, as well as boosting safety for drivers. The Graduate Student Association collects the Zehrs sales tapes dram donors across the university community and obtains cash credits under a special program with Z&us Markets.
Male or female, if you want to lose weight, or tone-up, we are the only people to see. Conveniently close to the University. Staffed by university physical education graduates that have been professionatlytrained toguarantee you look your very best. For the most in facilities, the best equipment in the world, and professional one-on-one service, try us.
STUDENT v’oM. SPECIAL . ,ti:s’oN $99 THE G O O D
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Imprint, Friday,
September 251992
They say that, in the United States, any little boy can grow up to be president of COUCS~, the chances of such success i n crease exponentially if one happens to have a t e n - f i g u r e bank account H. Ross Perot has reentered the U.S. presidential race. And he is serious, as guys like him usually are. He’s gone to the extent of “quietly spending $16 million to get his name on the ballot in all 50 states,” according to The Globe and Mail. As “Undecided”continuesto run neckand-neckwith RepublicanGeorge Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton in opinion polls for November’s election, it somehow has dawned on Perot that he can cleave out a following from a fickle electorate. Heck, only a few short months ago, Perot personified undecided -- he found a way to appeal to the frustrations of a broad range of Americans. The economy is easy to fix, both parties are full of crooks, and we sure as heck shouldn’t have been dealing arms to Iraqis in the first place. Millions of Americans admired the honesty that allowed Perot to say “I don’t know” i f h e didn’t Perot looked to be at least a spoiler and at most the next president of the United States. Then, it seemed; he figured that he didn’t want to be just a spoiler he wanted to be president Principle was obviously not a reason that he had mn in the fmt place; at the first signs of pressure, the first dips in the polls, he cut his losses and ran. . A heavenly host of political analysts conjectured at the time that Perot was dropping out so that he could run again in I996 with a much h&her chance of success This seemed like a &~r plausible analysis. In four yean, th6 *‘unknown cornrnodiqr fktor, that would have lost him this election anyway, woutd no longer exist And if &rsh wins this fall, Perot; would have anotheffourprurofrtatusquotorailagain~ The perfect ingredierrts for a &ck victory. Many people were disillusioned with the billionaire when he dropped out, but who knows how four years could impe h i s r e p u t a t i o n ? For a C a n a d i a n e x a m * PierreTrudeauwas&toroughlyviliiedwhen he left office ten ye&~ ago. Now, M&n’s has to go into a second printing when Trudeau wants to say something about the Charlottetown Agreement 1 Thus we come to the question at hand: can this comeback principle work in I9921 I doubt it. The memories of bemyal by ardent Perot supporters may be too much for even this charismatic figure to overcome. If there is one thing Americans don’t like in this life, and it is feeling thatthey are being taken advantage of or laughed at And this act by Perot smacks of someone going on a power&p, as though he was so cemin of winning &at he could enter the~ceatanarbiMytimeofhisdKlwing* 1pdlc&a~~-*iYt.plsrot wPb!i@Qmtf$~** ~~,~~*~~$jii’@*~ I, ww&-&ti zti ~, -. * ::- .’ of course, I also
would be leading in the do I know?
&ax Bush
pofls by now. What
Chomsky, turnkeys and the like Perhaps one of the most respected i&llectuals in the United States is a man by the name of Noam Chomsb, He is respected as an intellectual of almost g&like stature on two fronts. He became a professor of linguistics at h&IT at the ripe old age of 27, and is considered by his peers to have laid the groundwork for much of the current study in this field. On t h e s e c o n d a n d p e r h a p s m o r e crucial front, he is a devastating critic of the American government’s foreign policy. No senior government official wiU debate with him in public, and the mainstream press ignore him and his books almost entirely. I’ve seen him on television only once, and that was Dotrahue of all shows. Even then, he was beamed in via satellite to a big screen in the studio for the show’s pretaping and subsequent editing. An accomplished author, he writes books at a rate faster than most of us read t h e m . As a c r i t i c o f A m e r i c a n g o v e r n m e n t actions in general, he is extremely effective, but is praised only in alternative press such as Z Magazine and Rolling Stone. He has sacrificed a great deal in order to bring to the. attention of whoever will listen the various injustices he perceives. Similarly, Ray Banner of The New York Times was silenced a number of years ago when he contradicted the U.S. State Department’s version of what was happening in one of the many Latin American countries the U.S. has invaded. ATE Times i g n o r e d t h e i r o w n man-in-thefield’s version of events, opting for the politically and financially safer government line. Closer to home, employees of the turnkey desk whoWhered to question -.whethertheti&ty-asarrempmw&j&@. g&&&&/or&&& Jz&ourcodes,~Lvebdthes~W&i Of %ezn thio* a neti set of suppo8edly improved and just policies.
the word bizarre because common sense : woulqi dictate that someone with ti terms experience will be able to carry out her or his duties more efficiently and effectively with theincreased experience. _ Never mind that some of those students weeded out by the imposition of a six-tam limit might have been counting on those jobs this term in order that they be able to eat; the ham-fist has come crashing down. Naturally, it is no longer the pram to automatically hire back turnkeys each term they return - they have to re-apply. The theory is that everyone should be on an In practice, it is easier for the administration to not r&ire people they don’t want working there, regardless of their job performance. Those turnkeys who were silent, you will note, still have their jobs, The noisy ones are known and, I suspect, are prone to receiving “graveyard” shifts, or the bare m i n i m u m o f s h i f t s a v a i l a b l e . Thorns in a system are to be trimmed, not tolerated. M-t of us recognize that silence is generally what propels one upward in the world, but few attempt to challenge this unwritten dictum. Chomsky, some turnkeys, and the like will continue to speak out while others passively sit on the sidelines willing to step on their heads, after they are resoundingly beaten down. Students in the’7Os were pissed off when the university successfully tried to gain control of the Campus Centre. (That% right, folks. The CC was built and paid for with student money, and now owned anB operated by the university. Although Fed Hall is not yet paid for with our student fees, the u.n&rsity will l&&se assume ownership.) ‘I -IlhAq&B~~m ! &ueqg&&g wealready-bw thedveI3j will= t h i s b u i l d i n g s t u d e n t s p a y f o r , tl: y viitzurr of it
Aside from substantially reducing the wages of turnkeys, the university has adopted a bizarre policy of employing turnkeys for a maximum of six terms. I use
being cm university
long will it be before they control it? I’m told that senior university administration has already invited merchants to set up shop in this yet-to-be-bGlt building.
jurisdiction of the seudo student government we have: to ook out for student’s interests, and tofight for them? Shouldn’t this be tie
I hope future
WV students will be
m o t i v a t e d t o attempt to keep student control of this building and not be deterred
by the aforementioned unwritten dictum. Confronting others with obvious hypocrisies doesn’t mrily get you “far in life/ as the sayins goes, but it’s a helluva lot of funtowatchthemtrytoprotecttheii privileges with logic grounded solidly as a ladder in warm shit. Dave lbrnsan
You are cordiaily invited to attend
IMPRINT Staff Meetings
Free to be sad To the editor, In the September fourth edition of Imprint, a letter was published in response to another letter entitled “Camera sad”. The response was in the form of a polite threat, forcing the author of “Camera sad” to apologize for his views by implying that severe action is being taken on behalf of his letter. Perhaps I’m oldfashioned, but that sounds suspiciously like someone is trying to suppress a person’s right to free speech. Although 1 don’t defend Kevin Wherry’s means of getting across his point, I appreciate that he had something to say, right or no, nobody has the justification to ‘urge’ him to apologize for his opinions. It should be known that there exist people, like myself, who find topless demonstrations derogatory, but I certainly won’t request an apology on behalf of demonstrators. , Liam C o r e
He ain’t my brother To the editor,
On Friday afternoon, a friend from the Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo (GLLOW) approached me at the Student Christian Movement (SCM) table. I was there as a representative if the group during “clubs’ day.” He asked me if I had read the latest Imprint, in which SCM’s name was associated with “Brother Jim”, a preacher from the United States. As I hadn’t, I answered “no” and proceeded to get my hands on a copy* 1 read the article and at first just laughed it off, but after a bit of reflection I began to feel angered. I have realized in my two years at the University that not many students know much about, or have even heard of the Student Christian Movement, and I’m concerned that some students may get the wrong impression by seeing our name in conjunction with a preacher who condemns everyone from homosexuals to smokers, and considers university students to b e a high risk group in terms of “going to hell”. As the secretary of the Waterloo chapter of the SCM, I would like it to be made known that I am strongly opposed to the message of “Brother Jim” as reported in the Imprint. Anyone who has attended SCM meetings or events in the past, has come into contact with our Imprint articles and talks on the radio, or has any sort of relationship to our members, caneasily judge for themselves that the spirit of our group and our “message” is in tota! contradiction to the spirit and “message” of “Brother Jim” a.k.a. Jim GiUes. I only wish this preacher did contact me, for I think it would have been quite the conversation/ confrontation. It is difficult to have compassion for people who carry with them such malicious intent with a ‘neurotic gleam in their eye’. But mayl~ “Brother Jim’s” outragkousness only brings to our awareness, and is indicative of, the condition of many, many people in this ‘age of anxiety’ - a world in which the modem day idols are material gain, marketable success, individual security and power over others. If we are sensitive we can see the evils of this modem world which divides itself for war on the basis of religion, class, sex, colour, creed and flag. I speak for myself when I say that maybe “Brother Jim” is merely the most vu&p&en and outrageous example of a large and complex world problem. _ The Student Christian Movement is an Ecumenical, world-wide, student-run movement made up of Christians and nonChristians, who attempt to work within communities to bring about a more just,
compassionate, and peacehI existence for all. I believe that the message of Shalom is integral to the Good News, or Gospel of Jesus Christ. The SCM has attempted to be a witness to that message on Canadian universities for over seventy years. The LJ, of W, chapter continues that tradition this year. Please look for our events and future Imprint articles. If you are interested in learning more about the Student Christian Movement, contact Ken, Bruce, or Heather at 725-7993, Ken Craig, UW Student Chrisdan Movement
Feminist high horse . To the editor,
In regard to the review of A League of their Own which appeared in the September us,1992 Imprint. To Jennifer EFps, . Please get off your high feminist horse. As you are a writer for the Imprint, and no doubt aspire to literary greatness, I would have expected you to produce a more objective and professional comp’osition. Instead you have let your own personal biases distortlyour writing. I don’t get mad at A Leqpx of h+r Oeun, as you suggest, for “trivializing its subject and wasting its theme”, because its subject and theme are not the denigration and maltreatment of women. Director Penny Marshall portrays a realistic world where men degrade women and don’t take them seriously, and where black women are excluded from most areas of life. These were realities inJ%$3-America, not is&s to be taken up by solne over zealous 1990’s feminist.,, Perhaps <n your tiny little world you see things through your feminist coloured glasses, but the rest of us would rather enjoy A league of tkir Owa as one of the better pieces of entertaining film in the last year. . AK Clark 4th year History
Editor’s bhte: Imprint,’ like urosf o t?rer ne~u~pupers, s~llows and encorr rages (314 r Arts section to contain non-objective criticistn. We strive fur 0bjectivr presen-
tution in our Newsm section.
Privileged little world ’
To the Editor,
Now that Phillip Che, a campus spokesman for ‘PP’(Politica1 Perplexity) has laid out his confusion in the glossary form (Imprint, 18 September) it’s possible to offer him some advice. Like all PPers, Phillip takes a stand squarely in ‘opposition to capitalism and to Marxism. He borrows from classical Marxism the idea that the capitalist state cannot be reformed. Only a radical new society can liberate humankind. The dilemma for PPers arises when they ponder the means to this end. For the crux of their anti-Marxism is the claim that the working class “no longer exists as s conscious class jn the strug le for social change.” SO it seems that tae only social powers strong enough to carry out such a transformation are big capitalists, religions, and states. Yet these are the very problem. Inevitably, then, PPers trade revolutionary activity for d e s p a i r , r e a l i t y d e n i a l , and-Phillip’s
speciality-just a lot of “talking about it”. .Fortunately, this perspective is wrong as a matter of fact. While its size has declined somewhat in certain ‘advanced’ countries, on a global scale the industrial working class is larger than ever and
con@ues to grow: in Turkey, Egypt, Brazil, South Korea, Xndia, Taiwan, Philippines, Pakistan, Argentina, Thailand, Singapore, China, Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia,...for example. Moreover, production has grown several times faster than employment, placing sti31 a greater economic power in the hands of the industrial proletariat. In claiming that these workers are not. class-conscious, Phillip emphasizes his grossly parochial world-view. Again, while there were retreats in certain ‘advanced’ countries, the 1980’s saw the emergence and growth of new pobticized labour movements in what was formerly the periphery of the global system: from Solidamosc in Poland, to thekVorkers’ Party in l3razi1, to the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South Korean labour movement+ With powerful strikes these organizations have demonstrated that those with the power to grind the system to a still have enormous revolutionary potential. If PPers like Phillip would look past the narrow confines of their privileged little world, they could overcome their pessimistic confusion. For despite them, the international working class cannot be denied-and Marxism is more relevant than ever. Bryan Smith :
IS. uw
Animals must die . To the editor,
Upon reading Noel E-iulsmsln’s article concerning cruelty free shopping (Sep tember 18,1992), 1 noticed a misconception that he, as well as .many other people, xern to have. In the artic!e, he stated “, . . use of ccl and tissue cultu:es and computer modelling have completely rt>nd& obsolete any of the economic or safety “justifications” so often used to rationalize animal experimentation . . .‘I . Unfortunately, we are no where near being able to turf all animal research and rely on cell and tissue culture systems to replace it. Cell and tissue culture systems are very useful tools that are being experimented with but arc not yet able to totally replace animal systems. These methods need to be tested in conjunction with live animal systems until cell and tissue culture systems can be accurately validated. 1 realize that some methodologies can be cruel (LDSO, Draize Test) but until other methods for assessing toxicity are developed and tested, these animal tests will need to be continued. Although there are constant advances in scientific technology, there may never be a time in which we can cease all animal testing. Certain embryological studies, mutagenicity studies and drug metabolism studies may be impossible to conduct accurately without the use of whole animal studies. Whole animal studies can prove very important in predjcting the actions of cktain compounds when they are exposed to humans and other animals. Not conducting sufficient types and numbers of animal tests with regards to some chemicals GUI have disastrous consequences (thalidomide disaster to the 1960’s in which pregnant women took thalidomide as a sedative which resulted in babies being born with limb abnormalities.) I understand the overall point of your article and 1 feel for you. I really do. I don’t think that animals should have to suffer SO that I can use a shampoo that doesn’t make my eyes sting or use an oven cleaner that isn’t hard on my skin. But, on the other hand, I also feel that certain types of research is very important. Maybe, someday, we will be able to assess the toxicity of chemicals without having to make any animals suffer. And maybe, will be able to assess the long term effects of certain manmade products without having to use a single animal, But, it is important to realize that we have not yet reached that point and it may be a long time until we do. Patrki~ Goegun Biology 4A
Imprint, Friday, Sep&mber 25,1992
The UW Student Newspaper
888-4048 Friday, September 25, 1992 Volume 14, Number 10
Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Peter Brown Assistant Editor Sue Forrest News Editor Ken Bryson News Assistant lain Anderson Arts Editor Sandy Atwal Arts Assistant Vacant Sports Editor Vacant Sports Assistant Vacant Photo Editor Scott Deveber Photo Assistant ~enea wrgscopoulos Features Editor Jerry Han Science Editor Tom Kozio
Staff Production Manager Laurie Tigert-Dumas Production Assistant Vacant General Manager Vivian Tam beau Office Clerk Sheri Hendry Advertising Rep. Scott Hendry Adverts.ing A s s i s t a n t V a c a n t Proof Readers Denise Haffner lsabelle White
Board of Directors President Sandy Atwal Vice President Peter Brown Secretaryflreasurer Vacant Staff Liaison Anna Done D i r e c t o r s - a t - L a r g e Vince Karma’ Dave Thomson
Contribution List Trevor Blair, Scott Carson, Phil Caskanette, Phillip Chee, Cheryl Costello, Clayton Coulas, Mekssa Doherty, Anna Done, Paul Done, DeAnn Durrer, Dave Fisher, Kieran Green, Geoff Hill, Bernard Kearney, Jack Lefcourt, Matt Lefevre, Erik Lindala, Stacey lobin, Jeff Millar, Angela Mulholland, Rich Nichol, Minh Nguyen, Jill O’Hagan, Pauline Olthoff, Keith Peck, Jason Pither, Cynthia Renkema, Phil Robinson, Dave Thomson,BrendaTimmins, GrahamTomiinson, Steve Topper, Lisa Unrau, UW News Bureau, Mark Wood, Gabriel Zichermann
Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on variius issuesthrough letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the major@ opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
Letters ,to the Editor tmprlnt
welcomes letters to the editor from students and ali members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have theauthor’sname,signature,addtessandp~ne number for verifMion. All material is subj8ct to editiflg for brevity. The editor rese1v88 the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are iuc@d to be li~llaus or discrimSnatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or s8xual orientation. opinions express8d in the forum don Bf8 tho88 of the individual authors and not Of tmprlnt. tmprlnt is the official student nsweDpaQer Of the U n i v e r s i t y o f W a t e r l o o . It i s a n e d i t o r i a l l y Mqmdent newspaper published by Imprint P~bliwiom, Wat8rlo0, a cclrporation without sharecapital.fmprintisamemberofths~~~ Community Newspap8r Assoc&tion (UCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during th8 fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint rWWN?S the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. hnprint ISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed to ImpriM, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 8&+78t)o.Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@ watsenrl .uwaterloo.ca.
Imprint, Friday, S e p t e m b e r 2 5 , 1992
Slick, hard-core images .I The ideal of perfect feminine beauty, as offered to us by advertising agencies, is not *only harmful, but dangerous for a variety of reasons. First, by giving women a projected image to strive for, the advertisers are telling girls and young women that they are unacceptable as is. This ideal plays a part in hacki n g away what confidence can be b u i l t b y a woman in a world built around the iqportance o f m e n . The advertisedfemale idea also sets all wumen up for failure befure they even begin. It is not possible to do away with imperfect bone structures, pores and skin imperfections, miscellaneous flaws and incidental hair growth. A life built on pursuing superficial perfection, as presented in international advertising, would be a disappointing journey. The paragon is unattainable, even for the models who appear in the ads. The advertisers are in the midst of a vicious battle for more of the cosmetic market. Women are used as expendable footsoldiers in the war. Everywhere there is pressure to spend more of our already reduced paycheques on products that pay enormous dividends to those ‘who exploit us. These untruths serve only the advertiser. In the bargain, the advertiser and agency conspire to warp the perception of reality. As a result, children diet and eating disorders have become more common. Dissecting the body of a woman in advertising encourages women to think of themselves in pieces; flawed, insignificant, and unconnected pieces. The expression “divide and conquer” cdmes to mind when I see ads that show women as itemized parts. Dissecting women into perfectly airbrushed, professionally lit parts is harmful because it reinforces women as objects to be moulded and crafted into something more acceptable. Women are perpetuated as accessories for men, and therefore not as important, or interesting, as men. Margaret Trudeau and Mila
Mulroney were often described as “accessories” in print by male journalists, but not Dennis Thatcher. The ads are slick, hard-core, manipulative, high-pressure images; nothing is presented by accident. It is profitable to advertisers and agencies to keep the “Cinderella syndrome” alive. Some ads assure us that if we buy their product repeatedly, Prince Charming will arrive and loneliness will end. Buying products will not solve problems for women. It is necessary to recognize emotionally manipulative ads for what they are. Advertisers want to keep alive the illusion that we can only “acquire” a man by seducing him with our new-and-Qmproved appearance. We often see and hear that our exterior is our most important asset. This is a horrendous lie to project to young women in order to increase the profit margin of the already wealthy and powerful. Dissection of female body parts in advert i s i n g has the tendency t o desensitize people with uncomfortable social consequences. When the needs of women get trivialized in advertising, their feelings, potential, and importance gets trivialized as well. In this way, the entire woman is presented as an insignificant and unimportant secondary person and reinforces that her opinions and efforts are also without value. In this way her right to personhood is in jeopardy, the quality of her future and her earning potential is compromised. Advertising that trivializes women’s needs also d,amages the potential for compassion, dialogue and meaningful change. Advertising that shows women as emptyheaded but firm, thin, erotic, provocative, sensual, sultry, aloof, and blonde prolongs the process toward equality for women. Equalitycanbe legislated, printed, anddistributed, but it cannot happen until men think artd feel equality for women. The less actively we call the advertisers on their lies, the greater and more easily desensitising are the lies that follow. This is why we must pay attention to advertising, and respond accordingly.
In search of lost meanina -_--
by PhiUip Chee The angst-ridden time I spent, deciding whether to buy a book, surprised me. Normally, if I want a book, I’ll buy it. But I already had the complete collection of Proust’s major work. So why did I want another set of volumes? I guess the design of this newly republished hard cover caught my eye. It was beautiful. However, there were a number of things that held me back from plopping down $22 for a single volume. I would have to buy five of them to have the whole work, now accurately translates as In Search of Lost Time, figuratively A la recherche du tenzps perdu. Why should I succumb to an obvious money-making scheme by the publisher, I asked myself. At $22 they probably aren’t going to sell too many copies of a book most readers wouldn’t evenconsider picking up -- it’s half a million words! My Penguin paperbacks sold as three volumes at $17 each. Five for $22 is a ransom at any wage. (Lucky for me only the thirst two volumes of the new series sat on the shelf.) So, what. did I ultimately appeal to since I b o u g h t the b o o k s ? I r e a l i z e d h o w much I loved books just for the aesthetic quality of them. Not because this particular work was valuable per se, rare, or costly, did I want them. No, it was because of the beauty of its wholeness in my hands. It was like a work of art. Admittedly, this doesn’t seem like a good reason. And granted, the craftsmanship used in producing this bookis almost negligible inasmuch as modern printing techniques go. (The creative control that is available in desktop publishing, I don’t have the space to argue here, but it is an interesting topic for discussion.)
Most assuredly this book was massproduced, assembly-lined, and anonymously packaged commodity, To some, my purchase may look like a mindless, consumptive act. A bourgeois conceit. Yet I think of it as an act of communion with Reason and Mind. A rediscovery of meaning in a world that has lost its meaning. A human world that no longer senses its own place in the Nature of Things. Such a distasteful image isn’t Nature as a collection of Things. This is a reflection of our instrumental rationalism that denies the subjectivity of nature and reduces it to a mere “natural resource,” Since the Industrial Revolution, the devolution of Reason into mere rationalism has helped capitalist expansion emerge from western ,Europe and complete its colonization of human nature* Not only human nature in the Third World, but also within the developed world. With the full emergence of the State, its bureaucracies, and erstwhile in tension wit absolute monarchs and their armies, an insidious domestication of humanity has expanded to domesticate nature itself. And with modem science, a method of achieving this enterprise was complete. The nuclear armamentorium and the recombinant DNA bacteria are but the symbols of modern rationalism. Like M., I search longingly for lost time. Time lost as history closed off by a history of domination and hierarchy. Time lost so that its recovery might let the true natural history of the world begin anew. The remembrance of Proust is that highest mimesis of mind and nature are called art. An organic wholeness of speculative thought that imparts meaning to the human condition. All this for $22.
IMPRINT Publications Ltd. Annual General Meeting % Friday, October 2, 1992 12:30 p.m. in cc140 As a non-profit corporation, IMPRINT is required to follow Corporate Law and have a General Meeting annually. At this meeting, the financial statements are presented and the new Board of Directors voted in. If you are an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo and have paid your IMPRINT fee, you are a member of the corporation and are entitled to full voting privileges at this meeting. Also, you can take this opportunity to meet the incoming board of directors and present staff, while learning about, the workings of IMPRINT. You may even decide to get involved! (We hope!)
THE LARGEST ATHLETIC SUPPORTER IN TOWN, W e’re the biggest athletic supporter in town. That’s why teams, jocks and other sports fans join us every day to check out the ac$on on the big screen or on one of several T.V.s which are fed live action from around the world via satellite. (The only @xe where you truly can watch several games at once without someone complaining.) And if you feel like another kind of live action, there’s shuffleboard, very cold beverages, and a great menu to feed from. Fresh popcorn and sports info are free.
University Ave. 8864490
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
Forum _
Millar mourns ma&v mavhem... _
Satellite dish can terrify by Jeff Ml/h=
“Religion is the
of the masses.” -- K. Marx
We know better, don’t we? More and reaI opiate of the masses. The newest addition to my humble abode is a satellite system. .The sheer number of stations available is staggering - too many to monitor at once, in any case. Believe me: I’ve tried. It’s incredible what you’ll do instead of sleep when you have in excess of 300 channels to watch. I have seen unbelievable acts of media piracy come three o’clock in the morning. more, television is the
Last month, WWOR New Jersy featured an extended run of Shock D.J. Howard Stern’s television talk show. T believe Stern’s s h o w t o b e the m o s t o u t r a g e o u s a n d funniest talk show on cable, simply because of Stem’s irreverence and lack of concern for what he calls “the fucking Nielsens. I mean, who are these people? I don’t want a family who made The Beverly HilIbiZlies a No. 1 show for two seasons to even Iuok at my show. It’s pearls before fucking pigs, man.” On one recent show, Stem had as guests fitness guru Richard Simmons and two former chubbies who had lost a bazillion pounds on Simmons’ Deal-a-Meal program. Throughout the interview (most of which was dominated by Simmons’ obsequious yammering), Stern jiv& Comish game hens, bags of chips, and six-packs of beer onto a fishing pole, and dangled them before the guests’ faces. Too cool* Another consistently entertaitig feature of Satellite television is overseas reception. BBC2 often comes in late at night, as does NHK Tokyo. Seeing popular American sitcoms dubbed into otper languages is a sobering experience. Hogan’s Heroes in Japanese is a contender for Be&Formerly-HighlyRated-American-Sitcom-that-Loses-Something-in the-Dubbing. A show about a Nazi prison camp being so popular in a country that still hunts whales is somehow ominous. Hogan-sari’s Weroes, though, cannot compare with a recent viewing experience.
town, John Travolta-like, in a house totally sealed by plastic. Watch for a cameo midseason by Adam Ant.
Talkin ‘bout Next G-G-Generation
writing campaign that will follow the series’ demise.
Tuesday Key West (Fox, 9-10 P.M., Premiers Oct. 27). Fisher Stevens plays nebbish Jersyite who, after winning a lottery, moves to Florida to fulfil his dream of being a Hemmingwayesque newspaper correspondent. Wait a minute - don’t reporters dream of winning a lottery so they can avoid spending the rest of their lives filing copy? Stevens’ trials include misadventures with the zany natives: a wise Rastafarian (T.C. Carson) and a sweet prostitute (Jennifer Tilly). It’s so crazy, it just might work!
Sfa~ Trek: Deep Space Nine is an official go. Fox will broadcast the new series beginning in January. The series, a sort of Nf~t Generation-noir, is intended to replace Star Trek: The Next Getzerution, due to be cancelled in May. Colm Meaney (Transporter Chief O’Brien) will be the only TNG regular to make the jump to the new series. Said Meaney at a recent Trek convention “It’ll be taking place about the same time as Next Generation, but it will be darker. More scum and filth, and a lot more aliens.”
Things to do when not watching TV Read the Canterbury Tales. It’s the only accredited work of Middle English in which Q guy gets a red-hof poker jammed up his ass! Lots 0’ fun.
Next Week More on the Woody and Mia scandal, plus folklore about David Letterman’s impending jump from the sinking NBC ship.
Industry insiders agree that the canThe Hat Squad (CBS, cellation of 7’K is timely, and plan not to be 8-9 P.M.).’ Proof positive that once-talented swayed by the inevitable obsessive letterproducer Stephen J. Cannel is the victim of a wager gone sour. Three orphans (Billy Warlock, Nestor Sorrano, and Don Michael Paul) live with a bullet-headed cop who moulds the three into an elite crime-fighting squad who wear snap-brim fedut+as. I read this in Enkr#~2ainment Weekly, so it must be true. ,~
Thursday R h y t h m &Blues (NBC, 8:30-9 P.M.) A black radio station in Detroit hires a zany D.J. over the phone, only to discover he’s white ! That sound you hear is Malcolm X spinning in his grave. Friday What Happened? (NBC, 85%9 P.M.) When Bad Things Happen to Big objects...... Ken Howard hosts yet another reality show, this time to pick apart the causes and effects of large-scale disasters. They may wem d-49 iam efixid. descrit&g k “What happen+ to NBC after this show premiered.” . c Saturday Cozhgtun Cross (ABC, 84 P.M.) Be&y Hills 90220 transplanted to -fourteenth century England. “Forsooth, Sir James - I have espied the most bodacious babe who ev’r donned chain mail swimming in yon moat.” I bet this becomes a cult hit for ABC, if only because of Ione Skye (daughter of former Boomtown Rat and ‘60’s rocker Donovan) and her,quirky brand of dramedy acting.
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Cosby was the top-rated show in South Africa for four seasons Thinking I could glean some insight into the psyche of South Africa’s media moguls, I tuned to a station that comes to North America, via Telstar, from’ Pretoria South Africa. Instead of coverage of riots and political, racial, and ethnic unrest, I got The Cushy Show dubbed in Afrikaans. This was extremely disturbing for me. Apparently, Co&y was the top-rated show in Soulh Africa for four seasons. Anything for a buck, eh Bill? I cannot help but wonder what Edison or Marconi or Bell would think of all this. “What Man h&h wrought” takes on a whole new meaning when you watch Leave if to Beaver in Spanish.
Picks for the New Season Monday
b e Nuti ~osure
( C B S , 10-11 P-M-).
Cicely’s newest resident will be the Bubble M a n , played by A n t h o n y E d w a r d s ( T o p G u n , Revenge of thehlerds). A hyperalIe@ refugee frommorepoIIuted climates, he willlivenear
Woups! (Fox, 10:30-11 Sunday P.M. Premiers Sept. 27) An accidental nuclear holocaust destroys everything on the face of God’s Green Earth, sparing a valley and six people who start their own society in this barren and unforgiving, yet cute, wasteland. The first episode: Gill&m forgets to light the signal fire, and the Skipper blows his top! Fox picked up Woops! after NBC rejected the pilot. Considering some of the shows NBC liked, this is bad karma. How long will the show last? A three-hour tour seems about ‘ght*
Other Ruminations Anyone wanting tapes of the muchballyhooed animated series Ren 6 Stimpy may be able to get them from your’s t.ruIy later on this fall. My first letter to Comedy Central proposing Canadian Distribution Rights and a not inconsiderable stipend for myself has yet to be answered. Barring any RCMP entanglements, I hope to show the series onTuesday evenings at anas yet undeci&d Venue* SaY tuned*
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FAX; ( 5 1 9 ) 578-0933
FREE parking at rear (off Charles Street)
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
Prof struggles with -anti-Semitism by Sue Forrest lmprlnt stu# Walking along King Street in Kitchener a few weeks back, Jeffrey Shallit was shocked to discover a poster in a store window promoting a speech denying the Holocaust. A s s u m i n g t h e o w n e r of European Sound Imports was ignorant of the speakers’ anti-Semitic politics, Shallit approached Michael Rothe, s t o r e o w n e r a n d s p e e c h s p o n s o r . Rothe was adamant that David Irving -the featured speaker -- would speak only about Germany. Shallit challenged Rothe, stating that the poster itself said Irving would tspeak on the Holocaust. At this point Rothe w a n t e d n o f u r t h e r d i a l o g u e . Shallit i n f o r m e d Rothe that he would be picketing the store, and he did. Jeffrey Shallit is an associate professor of computer science at UW. Both the door and walls of his office sport posters from Banned Books Week 1992: “Censorship: Old Sins in New World.” An adamant advocate of free speech, Shallit belonged to the American Civil Liberties Union and is seeking to join the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.
german and wonder about them that is my own problem. This is not about Germanbashing...1 think that stereotyping people because they have a german accent and calling them a Nazi is exactly as bad as this guy Rothe. is doing. It is just another form of racism - not acceptable.”
Free speech and Irving Shallit had heard of Irving before sighting the poster. He had followed discussions of “revisionist history” posted to on the UW news groups, in which several people had wished to discuss Irving and his views. Shallit has since spent a lot of time in the library researching Irving, Shallit discovered Irving was charged with libel and forced to pay 40,000 pounds in damages for the contents of one of his first books, published in 1971. Reports of the case revealed: “Irving knew that it was libel, knew the statements were false but deliberately calculated that he w o u l d m a k e more m o n e y b e c a u s e o f i t s o u t r a g e o u s c o n clusions and the money would easily pay for the cost of any libel judgement.”
which prohibited anyone from howingly producing information they knew to be false. Ernst Zundel won his appeal by arguing that his constitutional right to freedom of speech had beendenied. Zundel hadbeenprosecuted for producing pamphlets which denied that the holocaust had actually ocurred. S e v e r a l groups are now lobbying the government to press charges of promoting hatred against Zundel. Imprint: “Do you agree with the Supreme Court decision that supported that Ernst Zundels constitutional rights had been abridged?” Shallit: “1 think that Mr. Zundel is a contemptible little man and I despise him and everything he stands for but he does have the right to speak, and coming from the U.S. (myself) which has a very strong tradition of free speech I feel that like the false news law and the hate law are n o t g o o d ideas because they could be applied to lots of things which would not normally be considered hatred and the result m i g h t b e a b a d o n e . ” The provincial government has received complaints about Rothe’s posters, and
A U.S. citizen and a Canadian landed i m m i g r a n t , Shallit grew up in a Philadelphia c o m m u n i t y a b o u t one-third Jewish. He was raised Episcopalian; his father is Jewish. Both his parents were in World War II, though n e i t h e r o f t h e m s a w a c t i o n i n E u r o p e . Shallit has lived in Kitchener for three years, just a few blocks from the postered windows of European Sound Imports.
Protests in Kitchener Shallit: When I saw that [the posters] . . . I felt like suddenly Kitchener had been ruined for me. I had this illusion of Kitchener being a happy, multi-cultural city all living in relative harmony. . . to see this in a store, to think this guy hates Jews, this guy would have hated my father only for the reason he is Jewish . +. now when I hear people s p e a k i n g G e r m a n , o r I g o i n t o a G e r man store 1 wonder are they anti-Semitic too, do they subscribe to these beliefs? Now clearly the majority of Germans don’t . . . the only thing that made me feel better about it was when the R e c o r d announced this little rally outside of the store and we had everybody come, and not just Jews . . . there were lots of Germans, there were Poles, there were people from all ethnic groups. That made me feel a lot better - to think that this just really truly is a small minority. The majority of people in Kitchener don’t feel this way.” Imprint: “What was the response of onlookers to protests outside European Sound Imports?“ Shallit: “ T h e m a j o r i t y of them were supportive. Somepeople were extremely hostile. One person yelled at me ‘you Jews are the cause of all evil in the world’ - she had something to do with the store. The same woman said earlier that I should be in a concentration camp.’ A young man who started off by saying *you are misguided’ . . . we got to talking and he acknowledged that he thought the holocaust was greatly exaggerated.” Imprint: “Other than at the protest, have you experienced any backlash for standing up and opposing someone elses comments?” Shallit: “I had no harassing phone calls. The only sort of down side was a co-worker of German descent who expressed to me concerns about how this will affect germans. I think this is a legitimate worry. She said for example that her husband had been called a Nazi because he asked someb o d y t o m o v e t h e i r c a r f r o m i n f r o n t of his driveway, I absolutely condemn that as strongly as possible. This is not about German-bashing, this is about a small group of people, in particular this one guy on King Street who is anti-Semitic and is not afraid to put it in his window and this is not an indictmenton thewholeGermancommunity.When I said earlier I look at people who speak
Shalli t: “Irving is dangerous for two reasons. He appears respectable - for example you can dial i n t o the (LJW) l i b r a r y computer and find that the library has 13 books by Irving so the average person thinks ‘aha, he’s written 13 books, they’re at the library of the University of Waterloo, he must really have something to say, and not just be idle chatter . . . [and secondly] he has been speaking to large crowds of neo-Nazi’s in G e r m a n y i n which h e e n c o u r a g e s t h e m , f o r example he s a y s y o u r n u m b e r s w i l l d o u b l e and double in the next few years.” Shallit emphatically states “I don’t want to prevent him [Irving] from speaking. . s his right to speak should not be denied,” though he adds “Irving is not a historian. . . he is actually a rather vicious an&Semite. . . he comes to stir up hatred against Jews.” Shallit: “The right to speak means that in public forums, he can not be denied the right to speak, for example if he goes to Speaker’s Comer the police can’t come and drag him off to jail for what he says; it doesn’t mean that a private individual is obligated to provide a forum for ML Irving” Irving is scheduled to speak at a hotel in Milton later thissfqll. Since Michael Roethe is paying for Irving’s transportation from England, Irving will also make an appearance at Rothe’s Kitchener store. Shallik “Freedom of speech works both ways: Mr. Irving has the right to speak and I have the right to stand in front of the store that’s sponsoring the talk and say I object to Mr. Irving’s views”
Constitutional Lies Late in August, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down our “false news” law
requests to prosecute Rothe for spreading hate propaganda. Shallit is not interested in banning the posters, and stated that “he wouldn’t be happy if that were the tactic used”; Shallit also does not support Zundcl being prosecuted under the hate laws. Imprint: "In what ways do you feel Zundel should b e required to take responsibility for what he publishes, for what he says?” “He could be tried for Shallit: libel. . . if he incites people to riot. . +but one of the principles of a free society is that unpleasant opinions, even lies, need to be tolera t e d . . . so by picketing I’m not trying to keep the guy out/shut him up, I’m trying to say I know it’s a lie. I have documentation that he lied and I’m trying to educate people about the motives or goals these people have. For example, Irving doesn’t say ‘I hate Jews’ but all you have to do is read some of the things he says to see that’s what is behind it.” Shallit: “reasonable people who k n o w n o t h i n g a b o u t t h e s t o r y w i l l b e convinced by the truth”
Neo-Nazi- Network? Imprint: ‘Do you see any links between people like Irving and Zundel, and the politics of Germany in the 493Os?” Shallit: “I’m not a historian so I can‘t answer that with any authority. Yes’ certainly there are similarities. Let m e j u s t talk about what Rothe has up in his store w i n d o w : Rothe has put up some anti-semitic propaganda due to a guy named Eustis Mullen who is one of the most vicious anti-Semites on the face of the earth. Mullen among other things has said ihat the polio virus is a secret
plot by Jews to kill off Christians. This is right out of the mouth of Julius Strycker who edited this anti-Semitic magazine...in the ’30s. It is unbelievable stereotyping, race hatred, Jews are behind all ideological ills, the monetary crisis, exactly the same theme.” Imprint: “Do you see Irving, Mullen, Zundel, and supporters like Rothe as part of any larger movement?” Shallit: “Certainly part of a larger movement. Absolutely no question about it. I have been told, and I have no way to verify this . . . Rothe h a s a m a i l i n g l i s t o f several hundred neo-Nazis. If you look at the kind of literature he sells there is definitely a network of people. Zundel was at the store just two weeks ago, apparently half an hour after I left the protest Zundel came out of the store. So we have links with Zundel, Irving, Rothe, he has this stuff from Mullen, he sells t h e L e u c h t e r r e p o r t . A l l t h e s e g u y s are definitely connected by more than just their shared views. There is some sort of organization going on here. I feel absolutely sure of it.” Imprint: “It seems to be that these people aren’t denying that Jews died in concentration camps, they’re denying the magnitude. They seem to be going towards whether or not this was usual warfare or particularly venomous warfare against Jews. What do you see the point of this being?.” Shalli t: “Well it’s pretty insidious and clever, 1 think, and it’s something they’ve been doing for a while. The idea is to plant doubt about the basically uniformly accepted account that approximately six million Jews died in concentration camps, and there was a concerted plan, a direct plan to g a s them to death and to remove Jews from Europe. Now all you need to do if someone has a little bit of difficulty accepting that -- as for example I imagine a lot of ethnic Germans do..it must be a terrible thing for people of German descent to think that their countrymen could be responsible for such a thing -all you have to do is say it wasn’t really 6, see this historian says 5.1, this historian says 3.2, so it wasn’t really 6. Now you have a seed of doubt planted. The goal for them is to sow these seeds of doubt amongst people who don’t want to believe it, don’t know much about it, and then once they’ve done that it’s like the creationists, suddenly it’s legitimate to discuss it. Equal time, let them have their point of view. The point is the evidence is so completely overwhelming that millions of people were gassed to death that no one could possibly give this other point of view any credibility.“.
Antidote is Free Ardent in his defense of the right to free speech, Shallit loosely quoted Hume: “would the earth really be poor if any particular person were shut up and silenced. . yes. I agree with that with my mind if not always with my heart,” Shallit also commented on a more practical apprpoach to preserving rational disccurse. l
. Shallit: “The only antidote is education of all kinds: encouraging people to read, encouraging people (to go to school, encouraging people to go to college, encouraging people to meet people of o t h e r races, read the newspaper, understand articles, it’s self-servingbecauser’manuniversityprofessor but I think that’s really the goal.” Not a m e m b e r o f a n y o r g a n i z a t i o n which is focusing on this issue, Shallit was recentlycontactedbytheRaceRelationsCommittee of Kitchener and has agreed to help organize an evening to commemorate victims of the Holocaust on November 14, the same evening Irving is scheduled to speak in Milton. He stresses the importance of such a parallel event -epitomizing the politic ShalIit prefers, to educate rather than denigrate. Shallit expects local, provincial and national government speakers, ats WA a3 Holocaust survivors, and members of different faiths to speak at the event.’ He commented that it “evolved out of the protest -trying to make some positive statement”.
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Purple Satan vunquished bv the rugbv black and aold
Warriors maul Western in season debut by Keith Peck imprint sports
The demons that kept Water100 try-less in league play last year were banished early as the rugby Warriors scored three consecutive tries on their way to a 17-7 victory over Western to open the season
wuter100 17, Western 7 last S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 9 a t C o lumbia Field.. Tomorrow, Saturday, September 26, will see the eager Warriors team face the reputedly large Toronto Varsity Blue Meanies, who were thrashed by an impressive McMaster Marauder squad 41-5 to open their season. Kickoff will be at 1 p.m. on the Columbia Field pitch, just north across Columbia Street from the Vl residences. The Warriors also have a rare Wednesday night game this coming week on the evening of September 30. Any hardy individuals who make the trip to see the game should be aware that kick-off is at the University of Guelph under the lights at 8 p.m. The 15 members selected to play for the varsity team against Western last Saturday consisted of the eight forwards: loose-head prop John Maddigan, hooker Dean Percy, tight-head prop Sand;0 Bassanese, second-row Kirk Schutz and Michael Temi, openside flanker Keith Peck, blind-side flanker Rick Schnurr, and numbereight (C) Greg Laycock. The seven backs were strum-half Derek Featherstone, fly-half Edson Castilho, inside-centre Steve Keith, outside-centre Simon Lewis, leftw i n g e r S t e l i o s N i k o l a k a k i s , rightwinger Josh Windsor, and full-back Brian Anderson. Team captain Greg Laycock took the coin toss and chose to have Waterloo begin play by kicking off i n t o the headwinds. It w a s a g u t s y call, as it lead to the Warriors playing the first half facing numerous high and long Western kicks for field position, but it also meant that W a t e r l o o w o u l d g e t t o set the t o n e ofthegamebyha<tigthefirststrong hit of the day as Western received
A Warrior forward scoops the ball from a serum and gets ready to bang some Preppie skulls. photo by Peter Brown the kickoff. Having the wind at their back, the Purple Satan tried to keep the W a r r i o r ” t e a m u n d e r #essure b y launching up-and-under kicks to the Waterloo backs. Anderson, Nikolakakis, and Windsor played steady to catch all the high punts. Warrior support in numbers al-
Warrior support in numbers allowed the backs tu burst ahead lowed the backs to burst ahead and counter attack the kicks by taking the ball up the spacious wings of the .mgby pitch. A Western foul gave the Warrior kicker Edson Castilho the first scoring chance of the game with a penalty kick about 35 metres out and slightly off centre from the posts. Castilho’s kick was a bit strong and pushed wide of the goal. The averted Waterloo score woke up the Western teamand they moved the ball down the field in a series of kicks. The Warrior forwards once again came back to secure the ball, with Castiho and
Waterloo Warriors vs. TorontoVarsity Blues This Saturday September 26, 1 p.m. Columbia Field, Waterloo
Anderson making defensive kicks from inside their own 2%metre line that always went safelj+gut of play to p&Gent Western counker at&k I w i l l b r i e f l y m e n t i o n line-outs for those who may be new to th& game. A line-out forms at the spot along the sideline where the ball crosses out of play. When a team either kicks or carries the ball into “touch,” theopposite team gets the advantage of throwing theballbackintotheline o u t , t h e exception to the rule being that if a team l@ks the ball into t o u c h f r o m t h e m a r k o f a pena@, they wili retain the advantage to return the ball into play. The teams usually f o r m into two parallel lines a me&e apart and between f o r w a r d p l a y e r s . A t l e a s t two players of each team must be on their lines up to a maximum of seven. (The team throwing in the ball gets to decide.) A quick line-out m a y a l s o be taken immediately to catch another team off guard so it is important to form the line-out quickly if the other team has possession for the throw-in. In this w e e k ’ s g a m e , t h e lineout plays were very<loppy and not wortig p r o p e r l y f o r e i t h e r t e a m . The desire to win seemed to s h o w more in the Warrior forwards as they came up with the bouncing ball much more frequently than did Western. As time in the first half progress& the speed and playing skills that had been drilled into the Waterloo team through hard practice began to show. Since Waterloo perennially has a relatively smaller sized g r o u p o f f o r w a r d s , t h e l o o s e forwards, especially Rick Schnurr and Greg hycock, w e r e r e s p o n s i ble for closing down the potentially dangerous back row plays from the strum that a physically large teams like Western can employ. Well into the half, Waterloo
controlled a strum from midfield and the ball was passed quicklyout to, Fq$@ip.~~~ ;h$-& up the wing. Heb a c k i n s i d e t o Keit r Peck who had chased in quick support from the strum. The attack was momentarily stopped inside the Western 22metre line when the second phase play got the ball to Sandro Bassanese, who rambled ahead until forced out of bounds two metres short of the try-line. The poor play selection of the opposition then became evident as Western called for a shortened twoman line-out, and then threw the ball in short. (Trust me, this is not a safe play near a goal line.) Mike
Terni intercepted the throw and crashed forward to score Waterloo’s first try of the new season, and opened up the scoring at 5-O. Castilho’s attempted conversion from near the sideline and into the wind just missed. T h e W a r r i o r s s e t up t o r e c e i v e Western’s dropkick fromcentre but asunnybreakcausednormallysurehanded John Maddigan to loose sight of the kick he had called for. The Waterloo pack quickly grabbed up the loose ball that was then passed out through the backs to once again attack the Western wings. The drive continued to swing rapidly from one sideline to the other, until a Western penalty for diving on top of a Warrior-controlled ruck g a v e a n o t h e r c h a n c e f o r a penalty goal. This time, the ball was about 30 metres out and to the right. Castilho’s kick soared high and had plentyofdistance,butitwasjudged to have bent wide around the right post. The half ended with the Warriors retaining their 5-O lead. Well-rested and eager to s h o w their abilities in the second half, the Waterloo backs charged into the Western players looking for Warrior support to pass to. The backs often found themselvesstill upright and beyond their fallen tacklers so they kept running, with Western needing a second or third man to stop the hard-to-slow-down Warriors. Relentless pressure soon found the play inside the Western 22. A hard tackle off the back of a ruck by Keith Peck took the strum-half to ground. Derek Featherstone scooped up the loose ball, ran past a defender and then squeezed into the end zone between two other would-be tackleT to score the Warriors’ second try. Castilho missed the convtiion to leave the score at W a t e r l o o 1 0 , W&em 0.
continued to page 20
One of the few lineouts that the ‘Stmgs had the better of.
photo by Peter Brown
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992 sports
Ch+artier can set record versus. Stangs
UW aets rough win over worst team
by Peter Brown imprint spor2s
This youngOUAA footballseason has provided more than a few surprises. First off, who would have thought that the York University Yeomen could play defence? Well, they did, despite losing to the Waterloo Warriors 26-11 at Seagram Stadium last Saturday. Waterloo evened its record at l-1 while dropping York to O-2.
Watedtm 26, York 11
Even more surprising, the University of Western Ontario Mustangs, who visit here tomorrow, have dropped two consecutive games with their32-24 h o m e o p e n e r loss to the Wilfrid Laurier University Golden Hawks (2-O). The Hawks have solidified their number-one national ranking with the win, while the ‘Stangs are O-2 for the first time since 1975; the last season in which they lost two games was 1984. In Hamilton, the McMaster University Marauders (2-O) upset the University of Guelph Gryphons (l-1) 17-11, while the University of Toronto Varsity Blu+ (2-O) travelled down the 401 to blank the listless Lancers of the University of Windsor (O-2) 37-O. The Marauders and we Blues are ranked sixth and eighth respec-
photd by Peter Brown
Tom Chartier (25) sees daylight an’d nimbly picks his way through the secondary. in Waterloo’s win over York last Saturday. tively in the CIAU’s football topten, while the Gryphons and the Warriors are tied for tenth; the
Mustangs have dropped from the charts. But don’t think that Warrior
head coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight is as tickled as the rest of us about Western’s fall from grace. “They will be an angry foe tball team on Saturday,” Knight says. “Being O-2 is not going to sit very well with them. But they are still a difficult team to defence because they can mix the run and the pass so well.” Knight acknowledges that this year’s version of the ‘Stangs is not the dominant team of the past, but he cautions that they are still a good football team, good enough to win tomorrow if the Warriors continue their inconsistent offensiveperformante. Against York last Saturday, inconsistency plagued the Warrior offence. Quarterback Steve Bennet completed only 4 of his 16 pass attempts, for 55 yards. I “It seems that we’ll run two
good plays and then run two bad ones,” says Knight. “We’re not a big-play kind of team. With our offence, we have to be consistent to score. We haven’t been able to put together too many IO or 12-play drives so far this se&on.” The good news was that Waterloo’s running game finally got on track, with tailback Tom Chartier rushing 21 times for 134 yards and one score. T h e o t h e r Warrior touchdown was a 23-yard scamper by Bennet. Place-kicker Rick Gunther led the team in scoring with three field goals, two converts, and one rouge. Rookie wideowt Adrian Thorne led the scant receiving ledger with two catches for 31 yards. Wide receiver Kent Willmore and Chartier caught one each, for 26 and minus2 yards respectively.
continued to page 19
OUAA FOOTBALL Waterloo Watiiors vs.
Western Mustangs This Saturday pxn,
September 26,2 Waterloo’s relentless pass-rush neutralized the York Q8s.
photo by Peter Brown
Seagram Stadium, Waterloo
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
Imprint sports: pick your favourite sport and cover it. Don’t worry about experience: we’ll provide on the job training!!
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In celebrattion of ail teams who defeat the W0stwn Mustange in any nprt nc
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Imprint, Friday,
25, 1992
Road triv to Western, Windsor next on agenda
Soccer men split opening week by Jason Pither and Mcltt Lefevre
Fifteen minutes into the game, veteran Warrior defenceman Marc Blake left the game with a pulled hamstring. Not long after, the A busy 12-game season began Hawks chalked up a 1-O lead, manlast week for the Waterloo Warrior aging to squeak the ball through an soccer team on Tuesday, Septemotherwise solid veteran deber 15, with a l-1 tie against - fence. the University of Guelph By half-time, the WaGrvDhons. terloo squad was ready to ’ ‘The Waterloo squad Sean show what it is capable of. held the edge throughout Dominating from the rethe game, but was unable to start, the Warriors grounded add to Sean Taggart’s goal the Hawks. With the action to break the l-l stalemate. in_ the War-1 On Wednesday, Sep- opponents’ -- .-end, .e rior keeper Martin Ennis had tember 16, theannualrookie a long wait to touch the ball. party took place, where the Then, mastering the veterans wreaked havoc on play along the left sideline, the hands of a large continEverton Barnes and Matt Golden Hawks in a classic rivalry gent of first-year players match-up. As expected, it was a Lefevre worked brilliantly to finally OnSaturday,September 19,the cross the ball in front of the Laurier Brock Badgers were the hosts for a physical game, led by Taggart, rather disappointing 2-O loss for the whose efforts resulted in many a net, where Russ Snow +vas flawless in the finish. Warriors. Nothing seemed to come grounded Hawk. together for the more talented Waterloo side. But, come Sunday, September 20, a revived squad emerged. Hoards of fans witnessed the Warriors taking on the Wilfrid Lsurier
Tuggurt ‘s efforts resulted in many a grounded Hawk.
With 15minutesremaining, the Warriors capped the victory. With a superb build-up initiated by Paul Knafelc, the team finished off the Hawks. Neil Daniels threaded a cross through a bewildered Laurier defence, finding Jason Pither, who cracked a marvellous volley into the mesh. The Warriors held on for a
sweet 2-l victory. After the game, the Laurier assistant coach was quoted as saying, “You kicked us right off the field.” This weekend, the Warriors take a road trip, first to the University of Western Ontario in London on Saturday, September 26 and then to the University of Windsor on Sunday, September 27.
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Athena tennis team has mixed success by Cheryl Agina
imprint s p o r t s The University of Waterloo’s Athena varsity tennis team travelled to Kingston to compete against Queen’s and McMaster Universities on Saturday, September 19. While the sunshine beamed down onto the courts at Kingston Tennis Club, the teams battled to the bitter end; each player was exhausted after two singleg and two doubles matches. The Athenas were victorious in three of their games against
McMaster University -- one singles and two doubles matches. Margo Metcalfe, who is in first year at UW, defeated her opponent 6-3,6-3.
&z&f u@d.: 3
Kern partnering with Kati Afkhami for a 6-4,4-6,7-6 winning score, and Cheryl Agina and Margo Metcalfe eventually won their match 2-6,6-4, 6-3 after a slow beginning. Finally, .therq were two other gruellingmatchestigainst McMaster in which UW played very well but ms defeated: Kaki Afkhami struggled against her opponent 6-4,2-6, 6-7, having won the first set, and in the doubles, Renee Kasta partnered with Janet Tseng to achieve a similar score of &4,4-6,+6 reflecting the long tiring n&h.
s&we n$kted the. . *
The doubles matches, which both went to three sets, was Kristine
Varsity ro-und-up by Dena Degiau U W Athletics
on Sunday.
The Athena field hockey team will begin league competition this
%&day at theCuelph Invitational. me Athenas will meet Guelph at 10 a.m. and York at 3 PA..
The Athena and Warrior cross country teams competed last weekend at the 18th annual Western Invitational, a 14team meet attended by several NCAA Division I schools. I The top Athena to finish the 5,000-met&race was Sepanta Dori, finishing 34th out of 112 competitors and registering as the 13th Canadian to cross the %inish line. Jason Gregoire was the Warriors’ top finisher in the men’s 10,000m race, placing ninth from a field of 129 in a time of 32:16. Both teams will compete once again this weekend, the Athenas at Queen’s University;ad the Warriors at Wilfrid Laurier. The Athena soccer team registered a scoreless tie against the Brock Badgers last Saturday, before los-
ing 2-O to national finalist Laurier Lady Hawks. The team heads to Western on Saturday and Windsor
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992 svorts
Campus Recreation starts anew by DeAnn Durrer imprint sports
Here we are, back into the swing of things in fall 1992, which promises to be another exciting term in Campus Recreation. Last week saw league and instructional registration. For those of you who endured the long lines in the gym, it is good to see you’ve picked it up! You’ll be sure to fiid the programs this term fun and rewarding. There are still spaces in the following Campus Recreation instructional programs: Scuba, learn to swim programs, NLS recertification, training swim, some fitness classes, fitness instructors class, various CPR classes, St. John First Aid, weight training, social dance, and skating. Register in PAC room 2039 with the receptionist between 9 a.m. and noon and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call ext.
The first Campus Recreation Advisory Council (CRAC) meeting was held on Monday, September 21. The council will be busy discussing current issues in C-R. All meetings are open and anyone who is interested is welcome. The next meeting is Qctober 21 at 4:45 pm. Call Sally Kemp (ext.3533) for more information. Plan to attend! Interested ineaming a little extra money? Winter 1993 and Spring 1993 applications and job descriptions for C-R student assistants are now available from the PAC receptionist. Application deadline is Friday, &tober 16, PAC room 2039. Get involved! New Club in C-R The juggling club is now officially part of the C-R program. The club meets on Wednesdaysbetween 5 and 7p.m. at the Blue Activity Area at the PAC. Call Marcus Stemberg at 725-6269 for more information.
Badminton’s easy and exciting! After work or on the weekend, make it part of your game plan!
Upcoming C-R Events - Men’s Slo-pitch Tournament is taking place thii weekend (September26&27). Come on out and cheer! - Next weekend (October 3 & 4), the Mixed Slo-pitch Tournament is taking place. Sign up your team at the Athletic Office (PAC 2 0 3 9 ) . - Capfains’ meetings for volleyball, ball hockey, floor hockey, Co-ret innertube water polo and mixed slo-pi tch tournament are taking place next week. Check the C-R b r o c h u r e centrefold for times and locations. - Referee classroom and court clinics for volleyball, ball hockey and floor hockey will take place next week as well. Check the C-K brochure centrefold for times and locations. D o n ’ t forget:
prefer to set your own pace, check out the weight room, courts or pool, Hours are listed on the back cover of the C-R brochure. Stay Informed! Watch for the C-R calendar for October, It is coming out next week. Fit tip of the week Active living is a way of incorporating activities that you like into your everyday lifestyle. If you are thinking of maintaining an active lifestyle, here are some tips to help you stay motivated: - Make haste slowly -‘progress gradually at a pace that feel comfortable to you. - Be active with others - invite a friend or family member to join you. - Be good to yourself - allow sufficient time to fir&h relaxed and refreshed.
-The PAC has begun its normal building hours (September 21- Noyqnkr,29)+ If you
Until next week, stay active!
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992 I
Football team gets by York, waits for Western Continued from page 15 Despite the r e l a t i v e l y l o w output of the offence (only 238 net yards) and i t s inconsiste&y, there was a big piece of good news as well: the dearth of Waterloo mistakes: only one fumble and no interceptions. In week one against Toronto, if you recall, Waterloo turned the ball over eight time. The tale of the game was again W a t e r l o o ’ s defence, which limited Y o r k t o 2 1 8 y a r d s i n t o t a l offence. The secondary held the opposition’s completion percentage to below 50 per cent for the second consecutive week. And again, defensive backs Kirk Witter and Torberne Williams each snared an interception. This defensive performance came without the services of veteran Warrior linebacker Andy A l l e n , w h o served a one-game suspension f o r a n o b j e c t i o n a b l e c o n duct penalty at th” end of an exhibition game against the Carleton University Ravens in Ottawa. A UW athletics department appeal of the suspension had allowed Allen to play in the season opener versus the University of Toronto, but the OUAA enforced the suspension for last Saurday’s game. Waterloo’s secondary continued to be dominating against the Yeomen, with starting pivot Parry Apostolopoulos completing 7-19 for 79 yards and Marcello Lio, who came in for some middle relief, finishing 7-13 for 76 yards. Both QBs threw an interception. As usual, wide receiver P. J. Edgeworth was the Yeomen’s go-to man, snaring six passes for 74 yards and returning one kickoff for 31 yards. Tailback Neil Denton rushed 17 times for 73 yards and York‘s only touchdown. Waterloo led by a scant 6-4
0’ s t a t s
Waterloo - - W a r r i o r tailback Tom Char-tier leads the OUAA in rushing after two games, with 220 yards on 4 I carries. He requires only IO8 yards to become the CNJAA’s leading career rusher, a unique distinction that would go along nicely with his two I ,OOO-yard seasons. -Western Mustang Tim Tindale is close behind Chartier this year, with 195 yards on 40 rushes.
--Warrior punter Mike Raynard leads the OUAA in his specialty, with a 39.3-yard average on his I8 punts.
-- Warrior defensive backs Torberne Williams and Kirk Witter each have two interceptions this year, which puts them in a fourway tie for the OUAA !,ead, along with Dan Tosello of Wilfrid Laurier and McMaster’s Sean Dennison.
but opened the game up with two Gunther field goals in the first eight minutes of the third quarter, from 15 and 27 yards out. Torbeme Williams’ interception on York’s next possession gave Waterloo the ball deep in Yeoman territory. Bennet scored shortly thereafter on a 22-yard sweep, aided b y a b r i l l i a n t Chartier b l o c k . T h i s made the score 18-3 going into the final frame. Waterloo finally iced the g a m e just over four minutes into the fourth quarter wi tha Chartier six-yard run. This followed shortly after another York turnover.
’ inkheir I who/e lives!!
Western -- Warrior kick returner M i k e Son is third in the OUAA in kick-off returns with a 27.0-yard per-return average. He had a 60-yard return versus York. -- The Mustangs have the second leading quarterback and receiver in the QUAA. Veteran John LeClair is 3869 for 473 yards, three touchdowns, and one interception. Wide receiver Nigel Levy h a s n i n e r e c e p t i o n s f o r I82 yards.
score at the haif,
Write for /mprr’nf Sports: M/t do more befom 9 amm 7iiursday~ than mosl
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
rRugby Warriors have tough schedule this week and the rookie continued to play in the game. (Lewis later went to the hospital where he received seven stitches.) The Warrior backs then exacted some revenge by demonstrating to Western how the plays were meant to be run. Another Western penalty gave kicker Cast&o his fourth scoring opportunity. He missed again and Western touched the ball down to get a drop-kick at their 22. The Waterloo forwards caught and set up to move the ball to.
continued from page 14 From the Western kickoff, the Warriors began another drive as every player-was hungry to make outstanding plays while Western played hard defensively to keep the score of the game close. In a rare mix up between the centres, Simon Lewis was taken down hard by a purple demon and was slow to get up. Excellent work by the rugby training staff bandaged up a large cut on Lewis’ chin
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Featherstone, who relayed the ball out to the backs. The play moved across to the far sideline and a series of line-outs. A Western miscue gave the Warriors the chance for a strum. This time, centre Steve Keith dummied a pass to Lewis and accelerated through the Western defense near the 22. Lewis then veered hard right and beat the chasing defense to score the Warrior’s third try in the comer. Castilho finally made good on this, the most difficult kicking opportunity, to show the potential he has in his magic boots, and made the score 17-O. (The team will be hoping that Castilho will redeem himself by showing some extraordinary kicking in future games.) What happened next was the cause of a large amount of lecturing to the Waterloo team from forward coach Derek Humphreys. Mental lapses led to a series of poor Waterloo plays that resulted in the Warriorsbeing pushed todefendthesurging Western team, Two consecutive penalties brought Western into range to kick a penalty goal, but their effort into the wind fell short across the frpnt of the post. The Warriors cleared the zone with a strong punt and exchanged a few kicks, until Western got a second wind and charged up the wing. The Waterloo backs stopped the break short of the goal but the Western forwards beat their Warrior counterparts to support the play. Theball was thenswung wide to the opposite wing and driven over the line to score against the
outnumbered defenders, Western converted the try and brought the score to where it remained for the end of play at Waterloo 17, Western 7. In the second game, those playerswhowerereadyassubstitutions to varsity players in case of injury and the majority of players not named to the varsity team got an opportunity for some hands-on experience and the chance to also show their skill.
The junior varsity team was handled a humbling 21-3 luss.
Unfortunately the Western drawing population showed. (Must be their football team cuts.) Our Warrior junior varsity team was handed a humbling 21-3 loss to the Western seconds. The lone bright spot for Waterloo in the second game came as Ashley Richards made a long penalty kick to keep the score close at the half at 7-3 for Western. After the games, head coach Glenn Harper was ‘disappointed with the collapses that took place Late in the Warriors’ games. He hoped that stronger conditioning in the third week of practice will correct this problem Harper also felt that, if the Waterloo varsity team had executed correctly on penalties and had not let up, they could have potentially shut out the preseason favourites for the group 30-O.
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TheCiv oftitchgnerDepartment of Parks and Recreation would like to thank the University of Waterloo “Rosh” students who participated in last Saturday’s “Green Spirit” program. Approximately 300 students helped improve our urban environment, by donating their time to community projects inBreithauptPark, Lynn Valley Park,Steckle Woods, andKaufmanParkThestudentsworkedwithParksDepart0 rnent staff cm rplarMg, &an-up, fencir&and c~rnrriunity
PEER ASSISTANCE LINKS .PROGRAM The PALS program is a list*ening and referral service for UW students. Hours of operation will be from 7pm-12am Sunday-Thursday nights. Volunteers will be trained in listening techniques by various professionals from the UW commu#ty and
will receive a certifkate of tFaintng.
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
HIKING BOOTS SANDALS . O.W. SPORTS carries a complete selection of mens
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Students Always Welcotie!! P.S. - visit O.W. SPORTS for the largest selection of quality ski jackets in the area - Descente, Far West, Spyder, North Face, Schneider, Asics and more! TICKETS: for Warren Miller’s ski movie “Steeper and Deeper”, Oct. 20/92 at Centre In The Square P
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SEPANTI DORI Athena Cross Country
TOM CHARTIER Warrior Football
Sepanti Dori of the Athena Cross Country team is the University of Waterloo’s female athlete of the week. She is being honoured for her performance in the-Western Invitational, a 14-team international meet attended by several National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I American schools. ’ Dori, a second-year accounting student, finished 34th out of a field of 112 competitors. She was the 13th Canadian to cross the finish line in the 5,000-metw went.
TomChartier of the Warrior football team is the University of Wa terloo’s male athlete of the week. Chartier, a fifth-year kinesiology graduate completing a minor in management studies, rushed for 134 yards on 21 carries, as the Warriors defeated the York University Yeomen 26-11 on Saturday. His performance, which included a touchdown, brings him 109 yards away from being the OUAA all-time leading rusher, a record befitting this former All-Canadianand OUAA Most Valuable Player. The Warriors will host the University of Western Ontario Mustangs tom,orrow, Saturday, September 26 at Seagram Stadium.
The c&s country team next competes in the Queen’s Open this Saturday, September 26.
University Shop Plaza
160 University Avenue, W .
theApple, S@ht886-2060 of Waterloo
valid only at this location l not valid with any other offer plus applicable sales tax
Varsity Scoreb.oard FIELU HOcKEY
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2
bufier McMaster Toronto Waterloo
Guelph Western Windsor York
07937 06633 050 6 1 1 32 24 1 1 31 35 0 2 42 52 0 21384 0 23375
4 4 4 2 2 0 0 0
SCORES Sept. 19 Waterloo 26 York McMaster 17 Guelph Toronto 37 Windsor 32 Western Laufier
I1 11 0 24
Laurentian Toronto Carleton Queen’s York Ryerson Trent
3 3 2 2 2 3 1
Laurier Windsor Brock Guelph Waterloo McMaster Western
3 1 1 0 1 0 0 GP
4 3 2 4 3 3 3
0 1 1 0 1 2 1 W
1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 1
0 1 0 2 0 1 0
6 4 3 3 1 2 0
0 2 1 3 3 9 1
6 3 2 2 2 1 0
1 1 0 3 1 2 1
9 3 3 2 3 0 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
Send Div.
1 1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1
( ( ( ( I I L
17 41 12 8 5 7
<7 5 8 12 41 17
Waterloo Guelph McMaster York RMC Cafleton
Queen’s Carleton Laurentian McGill Trent York Toronto Guelph Waterloo Western
7 a 5 20 13 3
A Pts
5 2 0 3 4 4 4
5 4 4 3 3 2 1
Queen’s Waterloo Western York Brock M&aster Toronto
10 7 6 4 4 3 1
4 7 1 3 10 4 6
20 14 12 8 8 *ti 2
1 0 0 . 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
UBC Thunderbirds LAURENTIAN VOYAGEURS Dalhousie Tigers McGill Redmen Victoria Vikings UQTR Patriotes UNB Red Shirts Alberta Golden Bears WINDSORLANCERS Concordia Stingers
3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0
I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Queen’s Laurentian Queen’s Carleton Laurentian 20 McGill Queen’s
1 0 4 1 1 2 1
1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
2 2 0 0 16 2 2 0 0 10 2 1 0 1 $10 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 2uo202O
2 1 4 4 6
McMaster Lmrier Western Guelph Waterloo Brock Windsor
3 3 0 0 6 2 4 2 0 2 5 4 2 2 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 2 5 4 201102 2 0 1 1 0 4 2 0 0 2 2 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PtS 18 18 9 6 3 0
Western 20 Toronto York Guelph Laurier M&aster
Queen’s Carleton Brock Waterloo Windsor
1:oO pm 1:OO pm 1:OO pm 1:oO pm 300 pm
at at at at at
Brock York McMaster Guelph Trent
Sept. 23 Trent 26 Bfock Guelph Queen’s Toronto York 27 Toronto Brock McMaster Ryerson
Sept. 23 Toronto 25 Western Western 26 Guelph
1100 pm
Sept. 26 Waterloo vs Guelph 10:00 am Waterloo vs York 3:00 pm FOOTBALL
Sept. 26 Western at Waterloo 2:OO
GOLF Sept. 25 Waterloo Invitational .lO:OO am at Conestogo Golf Club Pts ROWING Athem & Wonibr
Sept. 26 Head of Trent - @en
8%) am
RUGBY Sept. 26 Toronto
at Waterloo l:OOpm SOCCER
Ryefson Ryerson Trent Guelph yy$
Sept. 26 Carleton Laufier Queen’s Western RMC
at Carleton 4:ot at Windsor l:o( at Laurier l:o( at Trent 1:cM at Carleton l:o( at Laurentian 2:Ot at Trent 12:0( a t Laurief 1:01 at Western l:o( at Laurentian 2:CM
FE&u H O C K E Y - W E S T
Athena & Warrior
12 8 6 3 0 2 4 4 4 2 2
lo:00 am
CROSS COUNTRY Athena &t Watiw
Sept.16 Toronto 19 Queen’s York McMaster
Sept. 23 Guelph Invitational at Cutten Club
Sept. 26 Brock and Western at York lo:00 am McMaster at Queen’s lo:30 am
A Pts
Toronto York Queen’s Carleton Trent York
7:OO pm 200 pm 2:oO pm
at at at vs
Guelph 6:OO p m Toronto 1:30 pm York 4%) pm York 1230 pm at Guelph
Sept. 25 McMaster at Toronto 26 Laufier at Guelph Windsor at York
3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
M&ill Carleton Tfent M&ill Trent Trent Laurentian
Sept. 26 Toronto 0pen
1 2 7 0 0 0 0 0
1. 2. 3. 4,
Western Toronto McMaster Waterloo Laurier
Sept.15 G u e l p h 1 Waterloo 16 T o r o n t o 3 R y e r s o n 1 9 Brock 2 Waterloo Laufier 2 Western Laurentian 1 Toronto M&aster 0 GueIph Queen’s 2 Ryerson York 1 Trent 2 0 W a t e r l o o 2 hurier Brock 1 Guelph Laurentian 4 Ryerson Queen’s 1 Toronto Carleton 3 York Windsor 0 McMaster
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
M&laster Toronto Brock bock Waterloo
4 6 6 4 4
Western Queen’s Toronto Brock Laurier Trent
17 12 41 23 16 50
1 1 0 0 5 0 3 1 1 0 0 16 13 11 0 0 2 3 2 0 1 0 1 02023 1 0 1 0 13 16 1 0 1 0 3 5 0
Carleton RMC York Brock Laurier Trent
Sept. 1 9 York Western Queen’s Waterloo Queen’s
Waterloo M&laster Guelph Queen’s Toronto Western
TENfflS REsufn
I . iAURlER GOLDEN HAWKS 2. UBC Thunderbirds 3. St. Mary’s Huskies 4. Bishop’s Gaiters 5. Manitoba Bisons 6. TORONTO BLUES 7. Calgary Dinosaurs 8 . MCMASTRRMAMUDERS 9. Acadia Axemen 10. WATERLOO WARRIORS 10. GUELPH GRYPHONS
First Div.
0 0 0
‘1 0 Cl 2 1 0 0 1
Sept.26 Waterloo at Western 1~00 pm 27 Waterloo at Windsor 1:OOpm TENNIS AZk!f?U
Sept. 24 Laufier
at Waterloo 9:OO
Sept. 26 Toronto
at Waterloo 9:00 am
Sept. 26 Brock Guelph Waterloo Sept. 27 Brock McMaster
at at at at at
Windsor Jaurier Wgtem Laurier , Western
1Oa pm 1:00 pm 1:OO pm 3:OO p m 300 pm
Sept. 26 York, Windsor at 26 Quefm’s, Windsor at York, McMaster at
Western Western Toronto
Manifest Destiny .
Saturday, September 19
by Dave Fisher lmprlnt stuff
This past Saturday’s 54-40 performance was the best Fed Hall show I’ve seen since last spring’s unforgettable marquee featuring Quebec’s Voivod. Unlike the shocking and woeful lack of support found at that time, however, this show was packed. But then 54-40’s from V a n c o u v e r - not la belle p r o v i n c e - and I don’t believe any of them are cyberpunk revolutionaries. Perhaps it’s a political thing. Or rather that 54-40 are
simply one of Canada’s best bands. In the face of an audience that looked disarmingly like excited Melrose Place extras at a Danny Ro’malotti gig, (minus the cigarette l i g h t e r s ) , 54-40’s performance was all the more remarkable and, indeed, of sufficient force to both secure their acclaim and justify their popularity. Despite my reservations about 54-40’s position in the pantheon of Canadian v i d e o - r o c k , (where they’ve arguably furnished most of their popularity from), there can be no denying the band’s strong sense of melody and rhythm, nor their fans wild enthusiasm. Accordingly, 54-40 paced their performance well by playing their familiar tunes -“Baby Ran”,
photo by Dave Fisher
“Miss You, ” “I Go Blind,” “One Gun,” “One Day In Your Life,” etc., ew a l m o s t f r o m t h e b e g i n n i n g a n d throughout their generous and tight set. In this fashion, both neophytes and fans were treated to an impressive string of hits without ever getting bored. Not that leader Neil Osborne, (no relation to Ozzy), should ever permit them the chance. fellow Along with Vancouverite Art Bergman, Osbomeisoneofthemostenigmatic of contemporary Canadian rock stars. His nonchalant, sarcastic, and cynicalveneerhasalwaysendeared him to some and put off others.You can include me in the former, nevertheless the Osborne one receives in concert is surprisingly congenial, charming, and inoffensive. One suspects it might have something to do with the soothing effect of an avalanche of burning
incense emitting from the band’s keyboards. Regardless, 54-40’s disposition is a pleasant one. After employing their hits for the main performance, 54-40 defied.predictability and played an inspired encore. Or so was dutifully sniffed out by crack Imprint scoophound Lance Manion. Since I was one of many, by that t i m e , o r d e r i n g b e e r s , b u m m i n g cigarettes andgentiaily scoping the tennis crowd* I missed their covers of the Vaseline’s “Molly’s Lips” (no relation to the Beachcombers’ theme) and Patti Smith’s “Ghost Dance.” In any case, the evidence appears to confirm 54-40’s status as one of the most intelligent and tasteful bands Canada possesses. Alas, an intelligence, taste, and audience capacity Fed Hall could only do with a little more o f and Voivod might someday dream about.
What else did you expect? “That’s a Man” and ‘This is a Rock Song” with the usual exuberance a familiarbandcanelicitwithsomany familiar songs. Things moved quickly along witha few kicksatbandslike “Cowb o y J u n k i e s ” a n d t h e n tie lack o f WLU audience enthusiasm. Everybody was really into it as we came around to “Easy to Tame,” “I’m a Wild Party,” and “Patio Lanterns” as a testimonial to the numerous Kim Mitchell concerts witnessed over the years. Finally at about 22:30, after energetic renditions of “Ready, Willing and Able” and “Go for a Soda,” the concert came to a close but not before the standard encore which consisted solely of “Rock and Roll Duty.”
Kim Mitchell Mark Wood F e d Hall Thursday, September 17 by Scott Carson hprht Staff
Kim Mitchell, in the middle of a Canadian university campus tour, is entertaining the same way he has been for years. Classics were the order of the day at Fed Hall as : %IitcheIl fans got the show everybody is used to and havenow come to expect from an old standby. The opening act, Mark W o o d , featured the talents of what could be the worlds first Hqavy Metal violinist. Mark Wood is obviously a Lfry talented musician with accomplishments ranging from composing CBS’ 1992 Olympic sound score to inventing the six and nine-string, fretted, double-necked electric vialilih. So what is the Juilliardtrained virtuoso doing degrading his art to the level of Metal? Unknown. The crowd didn’t seem to know either. His &osen material was mostly original and unknown with the ex-
ception of “Purple Haze” by Jimi Hendrix and “Revolution” by the Beatles, b o t h o f w h i c h g o t a f a i r l y good response. Otherwise they failed to get the crowd rewed up for the headline. As soon as they were done you could hear “We want Kim” chanted b r i e f l y , a n d t h e n silence. Kim Mitchell took the stage at about 11:UO to the u p r o a r i o u s adu-
lation of the many assembled Metal Heads. The concert was basically a ‘ b e s t o f ’ s o r t of deal, with samples of his most popular tunes, but weighted toward his last album. The stage presence of this well- travelled band was far superior to their opening act, as proved by the unsolicited audience participation. They opened the show with high energy performances of songs such as
This performance looked as thoughit was done a thousand times only changing the words to fit the audience they happened t o be playing to. Perhaps Kim is a little old (no doubt his music is) to give an authentic and innovative show every
time. Still, it was a standard K i m Mitchell concert and all Kim Mitchell fans should be satisfied with the same old rehashed material.
Imprint, ‘Friday, September 25,1992
The Written Word is a Lie .
P u b l i c Image Limited with Chainsaw Kittens Cofimt Hall S e p t e m b e r 17,1992 by Sandy Atwal /mpfint urt5
I feared for my Me. Just one of those days I suppose when you really, really think the end of the world is nigh, when all the signs are there, you think that the human race has just used up all of its time on earth and we’re just about to get sucked up into a mammoth vomitous hole which we’ve dug for ourselves in all our inanity and insanity. A Thursday with a concert lined u p j u s t l i k e a n y o t h e r T h u r s day with a concert lined up and so I get allhyped (because if you don’t you don’t (usually) enjoy the concert), well as hyped as I can because I’m going to see Johnny Rotten (I refuse to play his little game and call him Lydon) and PiL with all of their great songs like “Rise”, “This is not a Love Song”, “Disappointed” and of “Public Image”. Great, I thhk. T h e p r o b l e m s s t a r t w i t h a rum o w ( a s t h e y a l l t o o o f t e n do) that Public Image is going on first, before the opening band. Well fine, that’s great, get home a little early and not have to see some shitty o p e n i n g b a n d , a n d p e r h a p s fiid o u t whv they’re going on first via some I
offhand c o m m e n t , w h a t e v e r . So, the rumour is quashed and the c’pening band comes on first to boos. Just remember this, they were being b o o e d . (A short but very important side note. I was sitting in the balc o n y a n d j u s t i n f r o n t o f me to the right was, to put it politely, a geek. Too short polyester pants had tucked into them a plaid shirt worn by a black framed glasses-wearing polite as hell geek. He carried with him a notepad and pen and sat quite unassumingly back straight, feet together. Anyway, as I was saying, the opening band came on to roars of boos. . .) And I mean ROARS. Nothing quite so demoralizing I would guess. But the thing is and this just doesn’t make any sense, the band was great. This is without a doubt the best opening band I have ever seen. I knew nothing about them, and for a band to win over a whole crowd, let alone an individual is s o m e t h i n g . B y t h e t h i r d s o n g , the crowd was yelling, cheering and crowd surfing and simply blown away. The band themselves weresimply great. Perfectly mixed, and playing upon the hardcore alternative r i f f w i t h m o r e thanalittleBuzzcocks thrown in. In fact their only musical plagiarism of the night was stealing the bassline f o r “ B o r e d o m ” f o r o n e of their songs. The only overtly Alternative aspect o f t h e i r s h o w w a s the repeated line “I’m dead now” in one of the songs+ . * -m. Just.* asking for*a that teen angst identitication, really.
So here’s the first fucked up thing about the show. The band came on to boos and left to cheers. Let me repeat that. THE BAND C A M E O N T O B O O S A N D LEFT TO CHEERS!!!! That kind of shit just isn’t supposed to happen. (Now, remember the geek I mentioned earlier. Well. As soon as the opening band came on, he basically leaped to his feet started whooping and yelling and screaming and basically acting like a (dare I say it} concert goer. Let me repeat that. HE WAS WHOOPING AND YELLlNG AND SCREAMING. Aaaaaaaaxrgghhhh!!! This makesno sense!!!! I could’ve sworn he was basically an alien from another galaxy studying the concert like some extraterrestrial cultural ambassador. That was the only explanation I couid think of.)
photo by Dave Fisher
Fine, so PiL come on. Just as a sort of social/musical critique. It seems odd that I have never seen
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
Skydiggers: The Frank Interview By Frank Seglenieks Imprint Stuff
Courtesy of FM Magazine on CKMS-FM. Imprint: So is this part of a tour or are you just playing selected dates. Andy Maize: We are starting to gear up to tour again, we’re going out with Blue Rodeo starting next tuesday the 15th. We’ll be out with them for about 4 weeks across Canada. I: Are you touring with the same line up that recorded the album. AM: All except for Steve Pitkin taking over for Wayne Stokes on the drums. Steve made his fortune and then retired from the band. I: When you guys are travelling in your van, what kind of music is generally playing on the stereo? Ronny VonJohnny: A bit of Motown today, Emyloo Harris, we listened to a little bit of the Boss’s Lucky Town, basically whatever is around. I: Do you find the crowds are any different or you get a different reaction in different parts of Canada. Josh Finlayson: Its more different areas then anything else, we’ve only ever had people slam dancing to us in Saskatchewan. AM: We are lucky to meet people across the country and we find that they aren’t that different all across the country, there are subtle differences but generally the same. RVJ: Politicians like to drive wedges where they don’t exist. AM: 1 thinkontario considers itself the centre of the universe sometimes, particularly sou thcrnontario. Its nice to get to other parts of the country, its refreshing and the air is certainly cleaner. I: Are you getting a lot of radio support for this album? AM: Yes, well I think more than we know, across the country it’s been pretty good, but other than CFNY in Toronto I don’t think any of the other commercial radio stations are
playing it. So we don’t really hear it that much, but in other parts of the country I think its getting pretty good support. I: Do you guys prefer playing live over recording in the studio? JF: There just different, I don’t think there’s a preference, I think we would like to do more recording, we haven’t done enough to feel that we’re good enough not to do it. I think we would just like to continue doing both. I: Do you ever go out and see other bands around Toronto. RVJ: Occasionally when there is time, but right now we’re so busy we never have the time. Of course, this is a good way to see a band like Monkey Trial tonight, so we have to come here to see a Toronto band. I= A lot of different band members had writ-
Jonathan Richman T h e Bombshelter September 28,1992 by Paul Done Imprint staff The last FreeB49 concert of this term will be a fitting climax to the series as the legendary Jonathan Richman brings his guitar and his Dodge Veg-o-matic into the Bombshelter on Monday, September 28. Since he first began driving people out of bars in his native Cambridge, Mass. in about 1970, Jonathan Richman has pursued hismusicalaestheticwithanad.mirablesinglemindedness and doggedness. Taking his cue from the bareness and innocence of th”e Velvet Underground% third LP, Jonathan has fashioned an oeuvre of records which defined
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ing ? AM: We’ll keep doing it, but that’s an ongoing process, we’re always writing new material. JF: We’re often go and do demos, whether its for an actual recording doesn’t matter. The only we will get better at it is to do more of it. We haven’t done nearly as much recording compared to the amount of live performances we have done. I: Last time you were here you talking about the Men Against Violence Campaign, any progress on that? AM: We did a benefit in Maryhill last April, and the first walk has been completed which was Windsor to Toronto, and there is another walk planned for next spring, Toronto to Ottawa I believe. We are still in touch with the people who do that, after all that is the root of all evil.
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ing credits on this album, do you try to write them together and I noticed Peter has a lot of songs on it? Peter Cash: We do it a bunch of different ways, for this record that’s the way it came out. AM: Which is the same as the first record, Pete writes songs on his own and brings them into the band, or Josh and I will write a song or sometimes we’ll just be rehearsing and a song will come out of that. There’? just no one way that we do it. I: There was a longish break between your first two albums, do think you’ll get the next one out a bit faster? AM: We hope not, that was not a planned sabbatical, our first record company ran into trouble, so we were trying to get ourselves out of that deal and into another one. I: After this tour any plans for more record-
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pop minimalism before punk was even a devious thought in the brain of Malcolm McLaren. Early on in his career, Jonathan tackled the difficulties of the transition to adulthood i n s o n g s like “Girl Friend” (“spelled g-i-r-l fr-e-n”), “She Cracked,” and “Astral Plain-” As his career progressed, Richman regressed in to charmingly childlike paeans -with titles like “Double Chocolate Malted,” “The Beach” a’nd “Rockin’ Ice Cream Van.” Along withal1 the winsome ditties, Jonathan’s unadorned approach to songwriting produced gems such as “That Summer Feeling” (“it’s gonna haunt you the rest of your life”}. ln reference to Jonathan, a critic once said that the whale face of the ’70s would have been changed had Jonathan’s first LP been released when it was recorded in 19712 instead of five years later when everyone
had suffered through a half-decade of crappy art-rock. The critic was probably indulging in a little bit of hyperbole, but the lingering impact of his early recordings is undeniable. Members of the original Modern Lovers became members of New Wave stalwarts such as The Talking Heads and The Cars. As fashion and style have changed, Richman has soldiered on, releasing records whichfollowonlythedictatesofhiscreativity. From 1984’s JonnGan Sings!, possibly his finest recent LP, to Jonathan Goes Country, an illadvised romp in a New England meets Nashville stylee, to last year’s Huuing a P&y With ]om~tllar~ Richman, Richman has spent the ’80s and ’90s solidifying his reputation as a lovable wingnut. 1 t’s sure to be a shin-dig when Jona than makes his merry way into the Bombshelter, ‘cause when he dances, he dances with his hips and legs.
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
You’ll Body Surf to Anything 20th Reading Festival by Hamy Shnlder The Euro Assussin
“There are T-Shirt Policegoing around the ground baking for crap T-shirts, expelling all people with Manchester United gear.“- John Peel. “Ifeel like Ozzy at Cal Iam 1 .“--Redd Kross l e a d s i n g e r . “Hey, what2 with the fire over there? You guys down with the Klan or something?“--Chuck D The Reading Festival is an annual event held on the last summer long weekend in the Berkshire town
halfway between London and Oxford, It’s a great way to end off a European trip, especially if you mind these helpful hints. D o n ’ t b o t h e r b u y i n g a weekendpassunlessyouabsolutelymust see the bands on Friday. Friday’s lineup was rather week, with only the Wonderstuff, PJ Harvey, and the Charlatans mildly interesting. Saturday’s bands were much better and Sunday was awesome (though I wasn’t around), if not totally muddy. Do bring obscure rock band clothing. A Toronto opening band (e.g. The Satanatras) would probably gain respec t because few would
have heard of them. If not, a Rollins or Ned’s shirt would do nicely. .
Fuck Woodstock Uo Wear your oldest pair of Dots -- they’re only going to get muddy anyway. Anyone losing one boot (this happened) could go to
the Dot exchange held outside the main concert area. Do try to get to the other tents as well. The session tent featured cool up and coming bands, as well as groups that could have made the main stage, if not for numbers (e.g. BAD II, Suede). The comedy tent was cool and was a great alternative to The Farm. Do bring your sense of humour. The 39,999 other people will be just as cold/wet/high as you will be. Do bring your wallet. You’ll be able to eat almost anything while there, but free enterprise is alive
and well in post-Thatcher England (El.50 for a corn on the cob). Everyone at the Festival seemed t o b e e n j o y i n g t h e m s e l v e s , regardless of the amount of Ecstasy b e i n g d o n e . O n l y the Manic’s fans were disappointed as the band skipped the autograph session. This was due to a flying bass injuring a bouncer and the band beat a hasty retreat. Expect to pay 20 quid per day, which is a bargoon for all the bands available. You’re sure to have a cool time, provided the riot squad doesn’t show up again. . .
Continued from page 25 contributions to this decade.) On the other hand, I’ve seen Morrissey once and a half, B.A.D. II twice, and now PiL. Later on this month I’m going to see, no not Husker Du, but Sugar. I’m catching the second wave of the new wave. I’m riding on the coattails of a generation of has beens. I’ve been cheated goddammit! I’ve been fucked o v e r b y a g e n e r a t i o n five years younger than me. The same finicky bastards who never knew who Bob Mould was, and who were singing to the lyrics of Mr. Robot0 are now buying old KillingJoke records pretending they liked them all along! Fuck You!!! You sons of bitches! You robbed me!!!!!. Anyway. . . S o the b a n d c o m e s o n a n d i m mediately launch into the cacophonic sonic assault of. . . KASHMIR. (I’m going insane.) This was sam Johnny, and when they had finished, Rotten came out to loud thunderous applause, blah, blah, blah. 0. k. Now here’s some musical trivia to annoy your friends with. PiL were on the label Virgin, but when Virgin was sucked up by E.M.I., about thirty bands on the former label were dropped, includi n g PiL. (E.M.1 o n N e v e r M i n d t h e Bollocks is some cool punk rant against the label for some reason or another). Now Johnny mentions this in concert, but basically states that PiL left E.M.I. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. (There, I’ve gone insane). He’s in rock’n’roll, dammit. He’s supposed to lie. It was truly a rock’n’roll experience. There were people crowd surfing AND GIVING DIRECTIONSSOTHEY W O U L D N ’ T G E T THROWN OUT. Even when they did get “thrown out’ They were sent to the side of t h e s t a g e w h e r e theywalkedtothebackofthecrowd and returned to the goddamn pit. There were geeks yelling and screaming. Johnny was telling people n o t t o s p i t . T h e p e o p l e w e a r i n g the PiL t-shirts could’ve just as easily been wearing U2 t-shirts or R a i d e r J a c k e t s o r p o l o shirts. Fuck man don’t you understand this is it, the final goddamn war between us ;Ind them. And THEY’RE WXNNING!!!!!!! Man, you just don’t get it. Everything is just complete, utter, total, absolute, unadulterated, unrestrained, unconditional, pure, un-
equivocal, SHIT!!!!! I’m quite mad: But the shoti w a s q u i t e g o o d .
The Blues Now Come In Compact Dim -~
New Revttbluti6mS by Trevorl3luir Impfint stufl
Lou Reed is riding a crest of critical acclaim. The ZVW York LP Of ‘89, his collaboration withJohn Cale, Songs Fur Drella in ‘90, and 1992’s Magic And Loss are three of the best albums of his solo carreer. Befzoeen Thought and Expression, a three CD/ cassette retrospective of his career stops just short of the above projects and excludes all of his work with the seminal Velvet Underground, (although both “Sweet Jane” and “Heroin” make live apperarances). To put it succinctly, the above work is prerequisite to this box. Sharing its name with a recent book uf Reed’s selected lyrics and writings, Befweetz Thought and Expression encompasses an enormous amount of artistic ground. Between his first, underproduced, self-titled solo LP to the flawed Mistrial of 1986, 45 representative tracks have been chosen - by Reed himself who also shares credit with Bob Ludwig in supervising the remastering, producing, as Reed says, “sound. . .at all times superior to the originals.” Toronto music critic Rob Bowman contributes a superb 20,ooO word booklet to accompany the set, for which Reed gave several hours of interview time. The essay takes us from Lou’s early highschoolsongwritingsuccesses,astint in journalism, the VU, and then, 17 albums of: flirtation with mass
acceptance (“Walk On The Wild Side”) and stubborn alienation (Metal Machine Music.) A sole and strange shortcoming of the package isitsunimaginativegraphiccontent: one “rare” photo of Lou with bad hair and a football T-shirt (37), and album cover reproductions. A cue could certainly have been taken *from the superb “velvet edition” of Songsfrom Drella, chock-full of rare VU/Factory shots. The first disc is hampered by the same problem that led to the omission of Lou’s most recent works; heavily conceptual content thatdorzsn’treadilyofferafew “hits” to pluck off for complilation. The troublesome album h question is the 1973 masterpiece Berlin, a bleak audio-novel chronicling the lives of agroupofjunkiesbottomingout.ln
trying to do Expression justice, the compilers have included six tracks, over a half an hour of music which only serves to disservice Berlin and rupture the pace of the compilation. Instead of attempting a condensed version of the work, the finale “Sad Song” alone would have sufficiently hinted at Berlin’s majesty, while freeing up some space for outtakes and rarities, an element Expression, as a whole, is lacking. The “hits” are here however, both “Walk On The Wild Side” and “Satellite of Love,” the dassic “Sweet Jane’* (live), and the excruciating “Kill Your Sons.” Also, two songs originally performed by the Velvets, but which saw their first official studio release on Lou Reed are
by Derek Weiler lmprlnt st-
. .
‘It’s a pretty safe bet that when a band splits up, you cart expect one or two solo careers to test the waters within a year or so. So when Gal&e 500 - the best Velvets-influen& droning guitar band on the planet - split up last year, fans could console themselves with anticipation of future splinter projects+ Rhythm section Damon &~kowski and Naomi Yang are rumoured to be preparing an album for ShimmyDisc Records, but Dean Wareham - singer, guitarist, and (most likely, although all tunes werecredited tothefullband)songwriter - has gotten the jump on the sweepstakes with a new all-star band and a major label. 1 Luna2is made up of Wareham,’ Justin Harwood (former bassist for the Chills) and Stanley Demeski
(drummer for the now-defunct Feelies). Wareham has described Lumpark as the album Galaxie 500 couldn’t have made, 7’his is quite possibly true, but by the time the last song ends it’s hard to say whether that’s a good or bad thing.
In the first place it must be tioted that”Anesth~ia”(w~~tumedup in a shorter version on a Wareham solo EPearlier thii year) is probably the best single of 1992. It has all the elements of classic Galaxie 500: simpie and melancholy lyrics, classic chords, and guitar solos that actually makesms. It’s also imbued with a musical v&our, a cotidence, that was lacking in War&am’s old crol-lies. While the whole album is quite fine, there are other standouts as well. “Time to Quit” belies Wareham’s claim by sounding ex-
actly like a great Galaxie 500 tune. In contrast, the urbane “I Want Everything”betraysastrongLloydCo~e influence, of &. thingsLyrically, Wareham is obviously preoccupied withhis former band’s acritionio& breakup. There are linesandsongtitleseve~herethat seem to allude to it: ‘Time to Quit;”
“Goodbye “; “You know I tried to please you;” “You made me feel so
guilty.” Granted, they could all just aseasily beabout relationship problems, but how many ways can you interpret a line like “Maybe I’m as bad.... as the on& I hate”?
inch&d; both “Ocean” and “I Can’t Stand It” are superbly remastered, yet ultimately inferior to the nowavailable Velvet versions (released on VU, a 1985 collectionof outtakes). The second disc/chapter fares far better with a few surprisingly strong oddities: “Downtown Dirt” (an early version of “Dirt”) and “Here Comes The Bride” from the same concert that resulted in the essential double live album Take No Prisoners. Twootherhighpointsareasplendid live version of “Heroin” with Don Cherry on trumpet, and the masterpiece “Street Hassle.” I cannot begin to suggest how much whining you would now be reading had the powers that be omitted or tampered with this H-minute triumph of literate rock. On Songs for Drella, Reed has Andy Warhol remind him I’ . . . the songs with the dirty words, make sure you record them that way.” “Street Hassle” remains true to this ideal. From the grimy orchestral i n t r o t o Bruce Springsteen’s quiet, eloquent narration, “Hassle” exemplifies rock’s potential to manifest bitterness and reality with a scope assumedly exclusive to literature. An unnecessary minute and a half of Metal Machine Music, is itself descendant from John Gale’s “The Loop,” .providing inspiration for both the industrial noise merchants of the late ‘7Us, and the sugary cacaphony of recent British pop. More indicativeof Lou’s importance than testament to it, MMM quickly gives way to The Bells where spontaneous lyrics and beautiful horn arrangement combine into a transcendance akin to the Velvet’s finest moments. The final installment of Lou’s Expression is similarly rewarding, drawing excellent material from the underrated L e g e n d a r y Hearts (featuring the same line up as on
Even while he’s at his most vicious, though, Wareham sounds mellower than ever. His vocals never approach the h&h keening tone that distinguished his best work with Gal&e, and the guitarsolo ratio is also at an all-time low. On Lunapnrk, Wareham emsmore intent on maintaining a steady, consistent pulse than on spreading his considerably talented wings+ As a result, many of the songs, such as “Slash Your Tires,” are much more driving and insistent than the usual Galaxie lethargy. Unfortunately, Harwood’ and Demeskil- who promised great things in view of their previous work- are actually a somewhat disappointing rhythm section. Too often they seem merely competent and polished, content to maintain the rhythm and little else. Personality conflictsaside, the inspired amate&m of Krukowski and Yang would add a much-needed edge to he songs like “Slide.” Of course, it’s unfair to compare Luna2 to Gaiaxie 500. It’s also impossible not to. So: Is Lunqmrk a good album? Certainly; it even approaches greatness. Is it as good as a new Galaxie 500 record would have been? Impossible to say. Wareham has said they could not have made this record. Suffice it to day that if they could have, it would have been even better than it is.
Nezu Ymk,) The Blue Mask, and Nau Semafiuns. A piece of soundtrack work, “Little Sister” from Get Crazy is a gem, far beyond the usual fare Reed contributed in the ’80s (the lame “Hot Hips” from Perfect and “Something Happened” from Permanent Record being just a few of the sub-par pieces.) “The Original Wrapper,” “Video Violence,” and “Voices Of Freedom” are all on the dodgy side in lieu of the overlooked “No Money Down,” “How Do You Speak To An Angel,” and “Billy.” Then again, any fan who has more than a casual knowledge of Reed’s uuvre is bound to have a few personal faves that are excluded. Pleasant surprises come by way of “Tell It To Your Heart,” fromMisfrial, easily one of Lou’s most beautiful ballads, and “Doin’ The Things That We Want T o ” f r o m New Sensafions which exemplifies his love for lush soundscapes. A takeonFrancisScott Key’s “America” is a surprise, the only non-Reed composition in the package. Manyattemptshavebeenmade to compilate Lou’s history in one or two LPs. The tracks included are usually predictable and easy to digest. Between . . . Expression demands more from the listener by wandering down thealleywaysless trodden by the average bohemian fag-smoking hipster. There’s genuine intelligence here, passion, anger, understanding and acceptance. Let’s face it, box &&s aren’t cheap, and while they’re more than an introduction, in Lou’s case, they still pale next to three of his better, entire works. So take Expression or Berlin, The Blue Mask and Nau Sensations, either choice is a substantial investment in money, time and thought. Rewards galore,
As much a souvenir or a curio as a record, The Ss’rrll EP is Urge Overkill’s last indie hurrah before theymoveor\toamajor-labelcareer. It brings together a couple cover versions (including a song by their idol Neil Diamond), both sides of their 1991 Sub Pop Singles Club release, and a couple new tunes. And it’s all grafted onto a beautiful ten-inch slab of marbled white vinyl. The title track shows just what this band can do: tough but melodic guitar rock, played with verve and rhythmic suaveness. Unfortunately, it’s the only tune here that lives up to the standard set by last year’s very fine Supersonic Storybookalbum. The Diamond cover -- “Girl, You’ll Be a Woman Soon” -- is surprisingly lame. “(Now That’s) the Barclords” is rock by numbers, a study in cliched posturing. “Whds This Generation Coming To” - about the death of vinyl -has a bit of a thematic tie-in with the EP’s packaging, but otherwise the rest of the stuff here is pretty dull. A disappointment, to say the least.
by Steve Topper imprint stuff
Sister Machine Gun is a brand n e w o u t f i t p r o d u c e d b y KMFDM’s Sasha K o n i e t z k o . S o n i c a l l y s p e a k i n g , t h i s i s n o t h i n g l i k e KMFDM. However, one would swear it is the 1ongawaitedsecondNinehchNails album, which is presently held up in court, due to Trent Reznor wanting to leave TVT Records for a bigger label. In the meantime, Sister Machine Gun make an excellent, harder substitute. The title track, Sins OJthe Flesh opens the nine song disk, with no fade in or intro, but a fast, hard i n d u s t r i a l s o u n d . V o c a l s are filled with frustration and anger, which accompanies the music perfectly. This is something which many groups of this type fail to achieve; Cat Rapes Dog and Skinny Puppy do not seem to match vocals with instrumentation.
by Phil Robinson Imprint 8tuff
Fusioiz had to be one of the greatest musical failures of the Seventies. It didn’t have the power or the anger of rock and roll, and it didn’t have the complexities of jazz. Fusion was almost&ways self-indulgent crap, and ultimately boring. But in the Nineties, fusion needn’t fail into the same trap. Forget the rock and roll aspect altogether. Instead, combine jazz with b o t h t h e sQunds o f a r t n o i s e b a n d s (Massacre, Fred Frith, et& and the contemporary
(Einsturzende Nuebauten, etc). Let’s Be Generous is a collaboration of four CMP performers featuring Joachim Kuhn on piano and k e y b o a r d s , M a r k N a u s e e f o n per-
The lyrics, though undistorted, are usually easy to understand, but can be garbled at times, s e e m i n g l y mumbled by Chris Randall, the lead. v o c a l i s t . R e g a r d l e s s , t h e w o r d s aie essentially uncreative and extremely simplistic. In a noisy bar or concert, however, one does nof demand any complicated insight, so the music passes on its own. The lyrics just add atmosphere. One track that does sound lyrically profound is Not My God, which is full of the love/ hate of a confused man such as, “You’re not my god/ But I will follow you/I’ll do anything for you/But I’ll find what I do believe/You’re not my god.” The rest of the song is just as paradoxically pissed off. SMG managed to do a great job at cloning Nine Inch Nails’ style, w h i l e a d d i n g t h e i r o w n angst and frustration. The presence of KMFDM’s Sasha is definitely unapparent, since nothing on the album even remoteZy resembles KMFDM. The album, on the whole, m o v e s very fast and does n o t have any real stalls. One annoyance is the line in the song I@, which repeats several times, “I gave you everything.” I must make note that it is also repeated several times in T e r r i b l e L i e by Nine Inch Nails. Come on, guys!!
A bright light in the realm d fdksy, u & n 00~1, rhe Leslie Spit Treea shines through o n BDok d ~sjection.
Donceable and deep, this Me duo’s pceticpopitoutdtheordinary...ond thot’sexactlywhwetheywantbbet.
AltematilEdy speaking, there’s no alternativebthsSonicYa#hexperience. An udknt album.
lnnovatiw is an underslsrkment t h i s e c l e c t i c congtin and sour.
Hwn&ngar#wstyle$rockandrcA for he ‘9Os, Swet combines pure mdodieswithcu&griffsMldrhytkms.
This multi-blenbd mcm creutes a unique Killer beats and q M o n a & d lyrics am b p e & y of instrunwnbl magic, innow what these British bqs ars all & w t . iimsaund8dfuscinating~. lhesehPtkl~Kmclm.
for of sound
written all the material on this disc except for two tracks genned by deceased saxophonist Eric Dolphy. Both tracks h&e been radically r& worth by the four, with the l%I Dolphy tune “The Prophet” being a highlight of this disc. These four play lotidly, with most pieces being drivenby Kuhn’s gritty and distorted electronic keyboards. Kuhn’s free jazz influence is evident everywhere on the disc, especially on the improvised piece “Ava!nt Garage”; .with its Charles Mingus-inspired cacophony. only on “Bintang” does Kuhn play a quiet piano, accented with bell and metal p l a t e s o u n d s c o u r t e s y o f Nauseef’s drumkit, and it comes off sounding like a tribute to Cecil Taylor. The last track, “Kissing the Feet,” is a fitting end to a wonderful
disc. Although short in duration,
this track manages to propel itself to the edge of jazz, teeter there, and nearly self-destruct, a31 the while admiring the noise of Einsturzende Nuebautkn below. Wonderful.
. . ’
Whotdoywgetwhenyouputxxne twisbd rockers on bur for 18 years? A put cdkch d classic t u e s .
Imprint, Friday, September 25,1992
Arts/Record Reviews
by Rich Nichol Metal
lifers on the right. Near the right, slightly aged, and looking like a combination of ’70s Hell’s Angels
Lemmy Kilmister, Mot&head has
-4 by Trevor Blair I m p r i n t s t u f f
JurllyUl 1 Jll’1 cva~dliUd13
are amphibious, durable and hold fast to your feet. v
First taster front 1 the newly rccessitated Bob MouJd comes by way of the ChangesJ$?a snarling slice of distortion-coa$ed melody. After thedemise$f Husker Du, the Nirvana of the ‘8% (and without the airplay,) Mould .ieturned with the acoustic-based Workbotik, and later the oddly stifling B/n& S!IL’L’!S of Kain. Sugar’s tti& other members seem less technical than his solo album companions yet more in tune with Mould’s sonic ideology, effectively ascending from the mire of session musicians* into the exalted domain of the bandmember.
And here’s news that will set the average Mot&head follower’s pacemakerintooverdrive: umpteen albums into its discography, Mot&head has stooped to it’s lowest, recording and releasing . + a ballad. Mot&head? A ballad? Definite signs of Armageddon. The song, entitled “I Ain’t No Nice Guy,” is a community effort with C&y sharing the lead with Lemmy, while GunsN’ RosesaxemanSlashgrinds out the solos. Axel’s sidekick plays additional guitar on the blues track “You Better Run.” l
Part way through the recording of March UK Die, Mot&head lost drummer Philthy Taylor. Swedish recruit Mikkey Dee, formerly of King Diamond and Don Dokken, joined the band to finish off the album by playing the skins on “Hellraiser.” temmy was very impressed with the result, so Dee may stay with them permanently. Pick up this CD and kick it at full volume.
RumourhasitthatMouldmade Fr&om EP. The other half of Husker no money off of his two solo al- Du was first to rise after the fall with bums, released on Virgin records. his acoustic 2542 EP, an occasionIn an issue of option from last year, ally brilliant album Intolerunce and he claimed he would’ve done better then a flawed “concept-like” album for himself by pressing the CDS up with his new band Nova Mob. himself and selling them at gigs out of the back of his van. If 1 were a nasty man I’d sugSugar finds itself represented gest that Shoor Yaw Way To Freedom in the U.K. by Creation, home of My is Hart’s hindsight of his much Bloody Valentine, Momus,and T h e ballyhooed heroinaddiction which, Jazz Butcher. While in the U.S.A., depending who you talk to, was Ryko handles his affairs. Ryko has either responsible for, or manifest just released the H~@less EP, iden tiof, the diss@ution of Du. I am not a cal to Changes except for the title nasty man, and -more importantly, % track. ~ Freedom is a pure rush, in the vein of Changes is classic noizepop, the best from Pompeii. “Children in reminiscent of the .Husker’s the Street” is also a gem, acoustic, swansong Wnr&ulrse Sorrgs 1711d Sto- . chiming, beautiful and someho.w vim One can only hope CO/J/NV Blue #unlike anything he’s done before. is a similar return to form. The rest Throughout the. .EP though, Hart’s .of the EI? is also essen Gal; the blitz of. voice seems a little low in the mix 3%eedle Hits E” arid the brooding IStrange, considering its one of the “Try Again” b o t h s o u n d like N&k- most eioc&ive v&p around, . [look-era songs performed by Husker ‘&. fie &lo “mix ‘of-. “If 1 &nlt Both Moul&and Hart could be Change Your Mind” is the poppiest accused of trying to escape thething Mould’s done since “Turn It shadow of their previous band, tryAround from Warehouse.” A “Friing to carve a niche uniquely their day I’m In Love” far ‘Lhe hardcore o&r\. Since the ascent of Nirvana crowd. Don’t tell thbm I said th&+ last year, perhaps they’ve figured +anQing i&ground at the top they never will or shouldn’t bother. of the U.K. independent charts fi>r ” Both Sugar and Nova Mob are about a month now, the Cl~ar~gti EP standing fine on their own right is indispensible for Husker and now, poised to do anything, each Mould fans alike. subscribing to a lushious, noisy texGrant Hart’s similarly erratic solo ture of pop that’s music to more career stems gearing up for a come- ears now than when they indented back with the S/lout Your Way To it.
ond being a more atmospheric track, mostly due to collaborator David Sylvian’s ghostly vocal warblings. To give the divergent styles more credibility, Sakamoto employs the talents of a whole slew of artists. Super D.J. Dimitry of Dee--Litelends a hand with the dance, Youssou N’Dour with the traditional and Ingrid Chavey with the atmospheric by Erik f&dab tracks, among others. imprint 83-s The track “Song Lines,” which sounds like a soundtrack of some future film, has a great aesthetic feel For the uninitiated, a short and a sentimental melody that background on Ryu&i Sakamoto is makes the track really shine and in order, As a membq of the Yellow Magic &chestra, he #ieved Eim- stand out. In fact, it is the more melodic and. tridition$ songs that itedfameamongtheartsy&tinthat prove to be %kamo.to’s forte. It is turbulent decade knotin as the ’70s. Throughout the ’80s; Sakamotuhas here @at Ryuichihits hia stride and .mostly Collaborated witi.@her artthe txacks sound effortlessly produced. ’ ists, most notably David Sylvian, It’s when he&&is harid ‘at forme&mtmanofJaw. $&am&o vocai, jazz, and dance styles that also cewrute the soundback ti the Hear&?& falters. AU &&tracks are film 7% Gz& Emmtii f#w&hhe corn@ on mmpu ter, &nd though earned an Oscar. @wre’s nothing ~tzinsicl~ wrong So yhat’a Saka&to go* f0r us in the ‘9@, you ask. .W&, &%&eut with that, the jazz track would be is his chance to dab& in my ‘+asrly improved wi* a real drummer to lend the sung that human differ-t inusic styles and’ ‘genres. element 4zssential to goodjazz. The two tracks titled “Heartbeat” The song “Rap the World” is a (the second with the subtitle “rerap songas seen through theeyes of kning t.6 the worn@“) illtitrate his divergent tastes. ‘T’h& first beat is a a foreigner, All the correct ekmmts dance-oriented track with the sec- are there, but it lacks that indeter-
78’KlNQ ST. N. WATERLOO 725~0896 MomSet I-14 pm
that a lot of bands encounter. One of their first LP’s Ace of Spu&, particularily its title track, was a little too successful for them. It beca.meMotiirhead’s signature tune and they have not been able to release. an album as intense since. Their latest effort March or me could come close though. Perhaps not as impressive as Mot&head’s previous release 192 6, but equally as powerful, the new LP has 11 tracks including two cuts which were put on the Hellraiser 3: Hell On Earth soundtrack. One of them, “Hellraiser,” is a cover of an Ozzy Osboume song from his latest effort No More Tears. Lemmy cowrote the tune. Also, Mot&head does a gritty, double-fisted cover of Ted Nugent’s “Cat Scratch Fever.” The standout track on the album is the full-throttle banger “Jack The Ripper,” laced with some pretty mean guitar solos by both Wurzel and Zijiim. Other true rockers include “Name In Vain,” “Stand,” a n d “Too Good To Be True.”
minate and unforgettable feel that only an artist who is really part of that music scene can lend, despite the contributions of D. J. Dimitri. Almost as comic relief, Sakamoto attempts to sing in his broken English on two of the tracks. Sounding like some drunken Japanese businessman crooning torch songs at a Karaoke bar (hey, watcjt it -- hay not be a Japanese busimssman, but that bit about crooning drunkenly a# a Karaok bar strikes a bit foe close LO homti -- en.), Sakamoto causes horrifying flashbacks of Yoko Ono’s “singing” styli. With such heavy influence9 from his collaborators, Rpichi couldn’t resist the temptation to.lewe his -kby singing. - For many David Sylvian fans Heartbeat is worth buying simply for&etwuexcellenttracksheivrites and @&ms the lyrics on, that are unavailable anyhere else. bpite the albums’ shortcomings, one must rqect Sakamoto’s ambition. Few artists,would have thz guts to tackle 50 many different q-1s and 9 te meld theea Ata a-
coherent work. Perhaps in the future he should choose fewer genres and take the time to use full insttumen&&ion to bring the songs to life.
Arts/Record Reviews
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
The fact that this wasn’t a dismal failure
is testament alone to the band’s songwriting
My favourite band? 1 suppose it shouldn’t be, My favourite band is supposed to be some obscure art-rock group that have put out maybe one album and a million and a half EPs. Well, sorry but The Wedding Present not only put out consistently good albums, but also fantastic singles. To update, the Wedding Present have been releasing A single a month for 1992, the year of Wedding as it were. Each 45 consists of a brand new song on the A-side and a cover o n t h e B - s i d e . S o f a r , a l t h o u g h m o s t of them have been outstanding, they’ve received less than favourable reviews in the British dailies. (Why I even mention them is beyond me. S u c h t r e n d o f the m i n u t e p a p e r s r a r e l y s t i c k with any band after it’s run out of its allotted time and there’s a new flavour on the market+ Well at any rate, Hit Parade is a collection of the first six singles and the first six Bsides. Another compilation will be released in December or January of next year documenting the next six. (Well, next three I suppose.)
skill. Many, in fact most, bands don’t put out good albums in years let along the ten or eleven months it might take them to put out a single. On the other hand, out of the six singles. Four of them are superb, and the other two aren’t terrible at least. Perhaps the b e s t o f theF a l l w o u l d b e “Go-Go Dancer” and “Silver Shorts”. Unfortunately, lead singer David Gedge still hasn’t gotten off his “I broke up with my girlfriend” kick. He still seems to be lament&g a relations h i p i n e v e r y s*gle. T h i s isn’t n e c c e s a r i l y a b a d t h i n g . The whole unrequited love thing works as well in rock as it does in any other medium, and Gedge seems to not only put a strange, quirky twist on every song, but also can still pinpoint all-too-true incidents with precise accuracy. The band, of c o u r s e , s o u n d s g r e a t . A l t h o u g h S e a s m o n s t e r s w a s a fantastic album, this doesn’t simply duplicate that sound. There’s less structure (and I mean that in a good way) and the songs seem more natural and have more of ia flow to ,them. Only the fifth single “Come Play with Me” has a n y o f t h e s t r u c t u r e f o u n d o n t h e i r previous album, There’s the slow beginning which seems to fade or at least build little or not momentum, and the BAM the power chords are released and a sonic assault is launched. As great as the singles themselves are, the B-sides are irreplaceable. Their version of Catie and Cane is straightforward, pretty
fully and discusses her relationships more openly and shows a more feminine side. Her songs don’t all sound the same there is a visible effort on her part to create variety in her music-she can go from pop to really classy romantic love songs to jazz and her emotions a l s o v a r y . S h e h a s n e v e r b e e n ‘ i n the same
category 5s most female singers because she’s always been different and r e v o l u t i o n a r y a n d eager to try new things and she writes her own songs. Unlike Madonna however, she. sheds her skin with grace and class. Lennox does not shock for the publicity, she ‘d rather reform.
by Sandy Atwtal imprint sto ff
by Puuiine OitJloff lmpfint staff It’s been such a long time since I’ve fallen in love at first sound with a tape that I’ve almost forgotten the feeling of joy and excitement that g o e s a l o n g w i t h i t . I ’ m s u r e y o u know what I mean, the feeling of not wanting the music to end and constantly thinking about the songs. Well, one album in particular captured my heart and attention and the name of it is Diva by Annie Lennox. If you didn’t already know she was part of a dynamic duo called the Eurythmics with Dave Stewart but the band split up in 1989 and the two went their seperate ways. The Eurythmics had some big hits like “Here comes the rain again” and “Would I lie to you” and their success was largely due to the teamwork of Lennox and Stewart. Since the breakup, Dave Stewart has been producing other bands and even started a band of his own but his solo work can not match the success of the Eurythmics. That’s why I admit I was a little skeptical about an Annie Lennox solo release and its margin for success. I mean if Dave Stewart hadn’t done w e l l o n h i s o w n w h y s h o u l d A n n i e Lennox? Well, I was proved wrong. Lennox is not only as good as the Eurythmics, I’d even go out on a limb and say she’s better-she’s stronger, more dramatic and at t i m e s , melancholy and reflective. Left without the influence of Dave Stewart shereleasesmoreemotionsand writes more passionately than ever. Strong vocals help deliver poetic lines like “....everything I possess given with tenderness wrapped in a r i b b o n o f g l a s s . . . ” in a s o n g called “Cold”. Lennox has always been criticized for her cynacism a n d b i t t e r n e s s b u t w i t h t h i s a l b u m s~seemsto~elheremotionsmorefo~
plain but interesting for fans. Also included is Neil Young’s “Cry No Tears”, a favourite of the Glaswegian band Teenage Fanclub. T h e m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g , i f n o t t h e b e s t Bside is the cover of “Falling”, from the Twin Peaks show. A near-complete revamping is offered and a very powerful one at that. The contrast between Julee Cruise and Gedge is reason enough to take a listen to this collection. Whereas the soft caressing vocals of Cruise slowly lull you into a falsesense of security, Gedge just moans and groans making sure that you feel the same pain he’s singing about. The rest of the B-sides are eclectic and bizarre. The Monkees’ “Pleasant Valley Sunday” being perhaps the most well known. My two favourite B-sides are by two bands I’ve never heard of. The tracks by Altered images and Close Lobsters are just phenomenal pop. I feel my education’s been lacking just because of these two tracks. r: x4 I do love the Wedding Presen t. Love love love. And here are twelve good reasons why this band from Leeds continues to produce great albums seven years after their conception. Few bands can actually question any of the canons of popular music, but the Wedding Present has done just that. At first the s i n g l e w a s the epitome of the three minute pop song. Later, the single became a predictable marketing ploy (as it is now) and finally with the Wedding Present the single is just a tool for cynics to push the rest of the music world over the cliff into oblivion. Long live the Weddoes.
Obviously I think this album is worth.. getting no matter how you get it. I highly recommend it- not just because I’m a big AnnieLennoxfan butbecauseit’sreallygood thinking music and it’s different and different is good. Fall in love for yourself.
UNIVERSITY NIGHT Thursday,- October 15 230 p.m. - 1:OO a.m.
141 Marsland Drive, Waterloo (519) 886-7730 (519) 88643EER Ticket Office Hours are: Monday through Friday 9:OO a.m. - 12:OO noon I:00 p.m. - 5~10 p.m. (Closed Wednesday)
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
A r t s
Several Seas:ons in He.11 Monster in a Box Directed by Nick Broomfield by Sandy Atwul imprht stuff T o w a t c h S p a l d i n g G r a y perform is to watch a unique artist completely reinvpnt a common medium and surpass all the labels the press try to apply to him. More than a master storyteller or social critic, Spalding Gray is a real two dimensional person. On a flat screen, he is more alive than most performers can hope to be. His previous film Swimming to Cambodia was an exercise in professional observation. That film recounts Gray’s experiences while filming The Killing Fields. Basically a film adaptation of a one-man play, Spaulding’s performances have the u n n e r v i n g effect of a ) m a k i n g y o u w a t c h a r e c o r d i n g o f a man’s face for an hour and a half and b) actually enjoying it. Gray represents a t r i u m p h o f f o r m o v e r f a c t . F o r PXample, I can’t really tell you what Swimming to Cambodia i s about - I would be doing Gray’s act, but it doesn’t matter what, specifically, he’s talking about. Gray’s ability to weave a complex, orchestrated story and present it like a spontaneous m o n o !% ue is his strength.
And this strength is nowhere presented more strongly than in Gray’s new film Monster in a Box. The monster is the novel Gray has been working on for the past four years, entitled impossible Vacation a behemoth at over 1900 pages. Monster in a Box recounts the obstacles Gray had to overcome in order to get the job finished. In some ways, the movie is a travelogue. G r a y m o v e s f r o m MacDowell, the N e w E n g l a n d writer’sretreat,i he stays in a lodge named “Bates’ House”, to Los Angeles where he is incessently badgered by L.A. types trying to cash in on his post Cambodia f a m e . H e g l o b e t r o t s f r o m Nit%ragua toMoscow encountering v&ious obstacles which prevent him
l l
.I hope yudre nut me
from completing his book. Throughout the movie, Gray p o i n t s o u t the p h y s i c a l p a g e w h e r e he was at in the monster at the time of a certain incident. As a r e s u l t o f his discussion, the audience realizes that book itself is au tobiogrqphical.
Student Rates Available
Call between 830 a.m. to 7:00 for m o r e information 30 OTTAWA ST, S.
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indudlng gla#
a mounting Silver,
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.dhmmda&-up tMo%~ Tarkay, Takata Talbot, Anderson I Man* Matisse Brandenburg
Black -Li-ght,! , F a m o u s People P l a y e r s S e p t e m b e r 22,1992 -‘Humanities Theatre
220 King Strut. IV., Unit J
up to 24” x 36”
help but be completely caught up in his characterization of people and events. Hispresentation,asmentioned, rests primarily on his ability to present a narrative stream that seems like it’s a spontaneousmono-
TEL.: (519) 57~9599 FAX: (519) 5704118
Metal Frames 1
logue, yet which is also a highly Theyaretruetohis heartand true to organized and intricate tale. Gray’s his mind. story loops back and forth upon Theactualmediumoffilmdoes itself, leaving loose ends, returning seem, at first, somewhat odd for and tying them up and leaving the this type of a monologue. If it were audience generally amazed at his many other artists, and audio reorganizational capabilities. cording would suffice, but Gray ThetopicsofGray’slittlemonomakes ample use of the technology logues m o v e f r o m u n i v e r s a l t r u t h s provided him. to useless trivia to everyday whinHjs use of the camera, of lighting and complaining. Energetic is ing of music and of the backgrounds not the word. i s extremely s u b t l e . T h e b a c k d r o p One of Gray’s most alluring behind him fades slowly into a grey qualities is the simple fact that he is area and finally black, but by the a r e m a r k a b l y likeable character. In time the audience notices this, they addition to his humour, he also,has I are more caught up in the black a knack for describing individuals humour of Gray than the backas stereotypes, making them come ground. to life under his vitriolic tongue. Laurie Anderson does a From obnoxious LA. types to suprisingly good job of providing the film with a soundtrack. Rather than some artsy synthesized production a la home of the brave, the music here is quite “conventional” and serves only to subtly underline Gray’s speech. l As a film, Gray redefines the medium with very broad and simple brush strokes. While Hollywood silly Russians to himself, his sarcaspumps out sequel after sequel t o tic scalpel digs deep into the meantired old plots, it misses those indiing of life and the world around us viduals in the United States of without any untoward pop psycholAmerica who possess the skill, ogy or pathetically simple assumpknowledge and insight to provide tions. T h e r e i s n o t h i n g p a t r o n i z i n g true entertainment and n o t a little or insulting about his observations. enlightment.
of those artists who’s afraid
to makz some money.
impossible Vucation is abovt a character (basically Gray) who is trying to take a vacation but is prevented from doing so for various reasons, including the suicide of his mother. (An event paralleled in Spalding Gray’s real life). The movie, then, becomes a story of a man not b&g able to write a book called Impossible Vacation because ofvariousinteruptionsaboutaman not able to take a vacation because of frarious interuptions. Hmmm. Gray’s narrative style is so incredibly varied and eclectic that it is almost impossible to describe. He moves from suicidal lows to ecstatic highs with such energy, both verbal and physical that the audience can’t
HOUR$= Mon.- to VW. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 10aqb9p;m. Srrturday 10 a.m.-530 pm.
u&m specials until Sat., Oct. V/92
national symbols like a huge purple by k,d. lang and Roy Orbison. The moose and albeaver with electric issueis unity: the Canadian flag has blue teeth lip-synch the words. the voice of Orbison; the Quebec Some of the best scenes are the simflag, lang’s. “Colours in the Dark”, by bubel White plystaged ones which allow the which is really a song touting the hpfht stuff colours and the m u s i c t o .take the troupe, is sung both in French and front seat, for example “Aquarium”, English. Possibly, just possibly, it may a fish scene with the haunting mujust before the intermission, be worth gohg to see the Famous sic of Camille SainSaens, and a there was a short scene featuring People Players .solely to hear the looney version of the Mad Hatter’s thy voice of “Joe Clark” emanating music of k.d. lang, Camille Saint- TeaPartywiththeManhattanTransfrom an enormous octopus. I setSaens, R o d Stewart, the Manhattan f e r ’ s s o n g “Java Jive”. tled back into my seat, hoping for T r a n s f e r , Stompin’ T o m C o n n o r s , The Mad Hatter scene is one of some good political satire, parody Andre Gagnon and others put te a set of seven Alice in Wonderland at the very least. But no, basically gether in the same show. scenes, and this set is typical of the “Joe” is p u s h i n g F a m o u s People I went because, like a lot of show as a whole in its unevenness. Players paraphernalia, available in others, I saw the fifteen-minutepreAll seven are set to Manhattan the lobby. I was very disappointed. At the end of the show, Diane view this summer at the CNE, and Transfer songs, and some, like “Java was intrigued by the concept of Jive”, are fun and visually appeal- Dupuy, founder and artistic direcblack light theatre. The stage is ing. Others, like “Operator“, are tor of the troupe, announced that completely dark, as is the rest of the simply not appropriate to theAlice the show will feature puppets of theatre, and theplayersaredressed theme. In this scene, Alice8 using a political charac@rs - during the i n b l a c k . “ B l a c k light”, ultraviolet, flamingo with lengthy neck as a show’s Toronto run, October 19 to November 14. However, the audiwhich is invisible tohhuman eye, microphone &he only connection I ence here already paid $17 each illuminates the hrge fluorescent could see to tie story) sings “Op($13, students and seniors) to see marionettes and other props used erator, won’t you please get me J* todotheshow. Thecoloursbecome sus on the line?“ At the conclusion ~FamousPeoplePlayers,nosmall vivid, even garish against the black of the piece, my date turned to me sum. I think it’s unreasmable to expect~pletodishoutthatmuch background. amd said “Huh?“. I cancurred. asewndtime,andlwisht@eyhad The publicity pc&ers,for the The troupe derives its name included some of their pol.itSan show proclaim that the Famous f r o m t h e tiize cel+ity puppets PeopIePlayersare”Masim&Black us&d in some of its scenes. someof puppets in their roadshow. The Famous People Players LightThea&!“. Th&kuwey these work, and some don’t:, One ahowhaspotential. ButtheFamous has its good, even excelIent mothat does is whereL&e~~+outraPeople Players troupe is itself a merits. The tmupe is at is best geously43rii&d and seated at a; tiestationof potential: fifteen whenusingvery largemarionettes, grand piano, “plays” __I _ the aapiece human-size or larger. They lend ?Joogie woogie” blnMltsizKl bugs, . oftheeighteenPlayersarementally themselveswellb~mediurnsince well, bwgie. ShmtIy thereafter, a handicapped. Part of Dupufs vision is to someday JxCld a theatre they allow greater%sual detail and Gordon Lightfoot puppet &rums accessible to all people with physimore dignified.movement than the his way through a medley where cal and mental handicaps. If you’re smaller puppets, which tend to aphokey ghosts and raindrops sway and bounce in &background. The g&g to be inToronto during their pear cartoonish and. flap and f l o p run at the CNE’s Queen Elizabeth about. Each scene is geared tq a scene is brightened only by a tooTheatire and you32 interested in the separate musical piece, and as such brief cameo by an Anne Murray black light concept or musical theat h e r e i s n o s i n g l e u n i f y i n g p l o t or marionette. tie, go. If you’d like to make a (taxthemeto the show. It starts off with The Famous People Players are, deductible) donation to the Famous “0 Canada 2”, a modernized ver- however, also willing to take on People Players, send it to 45 Lisgar serious issues. In “Crying”, two s i o n of the anthem, complete with S t r e e t , T o r o n t o , O n t a r i o , M6J 3T3. flags lip-synch the words to the duet wailing electric guitars, where big
Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
New Bones for the Old Ceremony Good Bones by Margaref Atwood Coach House Press, 153 pages by stacey Lddn imprint stuff When Margaret Atwood is good, she’s very my good; when she is bad, she is horrid, So when a new work by Atwood comes drifting on the tide of shifting papers across my desk, it is with a mixture ofdelightandtrepidationthatIpick it up. Good Bones is a brand new collection of short stories, vignettes, anecdotes, scribblings, and whathave-youthatisnotmeant (itseems) to be either coherent or profound. Don’t bother Looking for any deep meaning or anything, because it just ain’t there. (Unless you’re a woman, of course. Then you’d find buckets of stuff to mull over.) Let me tell you something right now: Good Bones is a very politically c o r r e c t , f e m i n i s t y , eco-sympathetic new-age k i n d o f t h i n g . If y o u c a n ’ t stand any of this stuff, then don”t read it-it’ll only make you spit. On theotherhand,GoodBonesisapurely amusing, well-crafted and wellwritten Sunday afternoon read . . .
so even if you’re a bone-headed, chanting/drumming, styrofoamusing pig, you might still want to give it a try (I tv to use as many paper coji?e cups as possible -- do I qucdify? - ed.). “There was once a poor girl, asbeautifulasshe was good, who lived with her wicked stepmother in a house in the forest . . .” Pull out your politically-correct checklist and see how this one simple phrase stacks up. “There was once” is a hilarious dissection of the common fairy-tale introd u c t i o n , , i n a dialogue between an irritable story-teller and a querulous listener. This &liciously ironic piece is a high point in the collection. Good -~ Bones ~ is also an exercise in
changing one’s perspective, if anything else. “The Little Red Hen Tells
All” is the p a r t i c u l a r l y b i t t e r f i r s t person narrative on the “Will you help me plant this wheat?” story, and her ensuing dilemma. “There’s no peace a n y m o r e a n d all because
The Student Message Centre ‘es j I Personal Phone Number Codes are Now Available
of that goddamn Loaf of bread,” she tells us. In another shift of perspective, Gertrude, Queen of Denmark tells a plausible tale that perfectly explains why Hamlet was off the beam. “Gertrude Talks Back” is the shocking (and perfectly reasonable) re-interpretation of who killed Hamlet’s father and why. And in “Unpopular Gals,” the fairy- tale archetypes of the ugly sister, the wicked witch, dnd the evil s t e p m o t h e r get to air their grievances and explain h o w t h e y” ’ v e b e e n grievously misrepresented all these years. The weakest vignettes in the collection are the flitty “green” p i e c e s : A t w o o d rhapsodizes about p u r e , uqadulterated vistas on t h e
one hand, and on the other she presentspolluteddystopiasthatwill o c c u r v e r y soon if w e d o n ’ t w a t c h out, so smarten up, kiddies. You get the distinct feeling that Atwood got very cosy with a bottle of Bardeaux while writing this. . . but it was probably just toxins in the water. Lastly, I’d like to mention the “death” works, which are mostly okay, but also mostly forgettable. Except one: “Poppies: Three Variations” in which Atwood takes the famous stanza from “In Flanders Fields” (the poppies blow, between the crosses, row on row . . .) and uses each word from the stanza, in order and in context, in three separate stories. It’s pretty neato, and it should be a standard exercise for any w r i t e r . Good Bones has its low points, some very high points, and some stuff in between,.but it’s an enjoyable book overall. If you like Margaret Atwood, you’ll like this collection. The best thing about it, especially if you consider Atwood a duty-read, is that each p i e c e i s s o short that you can easily read one every commercial break. Now beat a quick path to the bookstore before they’re plumb cleaned out.
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Imprint, Friday, September 25, 1992
Things Aren’t Quite The Same The Velvet Underground Handbook M . C . Kosfek Black S p r i n g P r e s s 2 2 1 p a g e s
MC. Kostek, president of the Velvet Underground Appreciation Society has unleashed The Velvet Underground Handbook. Heclaims the book will provide “hours of pleasure for every V.U. fan,” and will be of interest even to the casual fan. After 32 pages o f i n t r o d u c t i o n and excellently detailed band history, it plunges into a 189-page archival catalogue of discographies (official and unofficial), song lists, related books, related records, articles, television appearances, filmography, a listing of bands that have covered V.U. material, and even a curious essay suggesting “new and improved” track sequences to program into your CD player! TheV.U.remainoneofthemost influential bands of all time. In Czecholslovakia, people were imprisioned in the ’60s for playing VU songs or for having a tape or printed lyrics, such was the importance of the VU’s second album
White Light White Heat as a “galvanizing example of freedom of expression.” (ExC z e c h president Vaclav Have1 recently presented VU frontman Lou Reed with hand-cop: ied volume of these “subversive” lyrics.) T date, therz are four tribitte a l bums in their h o n our, and their songs continue to feature in th42 set lists of a plethora of bands: Rs .E.M., The Jesus and Mary chain, David Bowie, the ht
endlessly grows. Today Reed, John Gale, even Maureen Tucker continue to release solo works to great
Miserere loves Company
acclaim. A p a r t from perhaps Reed though, t h e y rem a i n ignored by t h e masses, idolized by the few. Truly the dilemma of the cult g*Despite the fact that the vu s e l l m 0 r e records todav than the’ absolutely negligible amount they did during the brief five years they w e r e tom gether, the Velvet Underground remain, well, underground. And so, the OZSWZ~ fan will have
very little if no use for this book. I, a minor fanatic, got exactly one and a half hours of enjoyment out of it. It is an excellent piece of work, albeit for a very specific (lunatic) audience. After digesting aU the delightful historical tidbits, from their @eterminedly anti-‘6Us peace, love, flower-power stance to their rejection of Brian Epstein, manager of The Beatles, one is left to marvel at the rare photos and dream, dream, dream about owning the near impossible to find bootlegs, magazines etc. The casual fan is not going to scour the earth for this material. The fanatic might, but will undoubtedly find a mere fraction of it, and will then be destined to wander the earth tired and e m p t y . M o r e i n t e r esting perhaps would be an encyclopedic coliection of all know articles, as weli as a mail-order service for rare audio and video. Copyright laws prevent this of course, so we are left with a do-it-yourself guide to a wonderful yet ever-growing VU. museum. If Kostek has all the stuff he’s listed here, you might want to visit him at 5721 SE Laguna Avenue, Stuart Florida, U.S.A. and rob him blind.
Oedipus Wrecks that are as relevant today as they we d u r i n g
Aquila Productions brings a fresh production, based on a new translation, of Sophocles’ Ajax, to the Theatre of the Arts at the University of Waterloo. Aquila, based iri London, En land, is embarking on their fifth l?! orth American tour this fall, According the press release, A]ax is “a passionate story of betrayal, revenge, and divided loyalt i e s . . . a n d i s u n i q u e amongst Greek drama for itsstrikingly lu6d ex I* ration of human behaviour. & Lis rarely performed Sophoclean masterpiece explore uruversal themes
the 5 t h C e n t u r y B C ;
the brut&y Of wq, t)le pursuit of Uenqs of reextellence, the co jection, and the con 7 ‘ct between personal honour and the will of MhOkity.”
The Waterloo appearance of Aquiia Productions is made possible by the departments of Classical Studies, Drama, English and the Facul of Arts at the University of Water‘r00, and the Classics Department at Wilfrid Laurier Universi Tickets ($5 for students, $10 for ot x ers) are available at the Humanities Theatre BCNC Office, and the perforrnance will take place 0ct&er 6th and 7th, at the Theatre of the Arts, Modem Languages build&, University of Waterloo. l
An t3ening with Fumerkt (Feminist-Humourist~ / KATE
CIJNTON Sunday;Qcbber4,1999at7:30p.m. TheatreOfTheArts University of Wataloo, WLaterlcm
by Melissa Doherty special to ImprintIf you aren’t aware of the University of Waterloo’s art scene, you probably don’t know that we are privileged to have three galleries which offer an exciting agenda of exhibitions under new curator Joe Wyatt. The Modem Tanguages Building holds the U of W Art Gallery, an intimate semi-circular space which is currently presenting the work of famous French Expressionist
Georges Rouault , entitled ‘Miserere’, unti 0ctober 2 5 t h . The Department of Fine Arts Gallery and ARTSPACE are both located in East Campus HalI, on Phillip St. The interestingly painted exterior wall will help you to find the entrance. Everyone is welcome to wander through the halls of Fine Arts and to check out the student’s artwork on the walls as well as both galleries. ARTSPACE, the largest of the three galleries, is located at the opposite end of the long hallway in
Fine Ar& Until October l2th, this gallery is host to the paintings of national artist, Eleanor Bond of Winnipeg a se&s entitled ’ Social Cent&. If you don’t visit her work here oncampus, you willhave to go t o the N a t i o n a l G a l l e r y i n O t t a w a , or to the Stedilijk Museum in Amsterdam to do so. Pick up an Art Gallery Bulletin fromModemLanguagestofindout more -mation about upcoming shows, or drop into Fine Arts at Eastcampus Hall.
nacETs:$13.00(studcnts);$15.00(others) IndudesGsT~
ON SALEAT: Un’Nersity of Vhterloo Humanities Iheatre Box Office.+*.+. *+.**.. .*. ~. ~*.* (519) 885-4480 Provident Ebolstwe in V&erlm . . . . . . . ..t..*..l...... (519) 746487Q The Women’s Bookstop (Hamitton) . . . . . *. * . . . . . . (416) 595-2970 l
PHONE ORDERS;- (519) 885-4280 Note: This is Kate’s only appeamnce in Ontario this fall. ?2KM#EDBY::ULOWANDBRKK-
Hot, -Hot, Hot
Cadel t Cardigan Meryn Cadell Human ities Thea tre S e p t . 17,X%2 by Cynthia Renkema Imprint 5ta#
She came - She sang - S h e b a b b l e d - S h e b u b b l e d - She acted - S h e improvised - She Impressed. M e r y n C a d e l l ’ s c o n c e r t o f S e p t e m b e r 17th, w a s o n t h e w h o l e dazzling ; to be specific she herself was the gem of the whole evening. She sang with great wit (standing up on a chair) and with a style appealing to the ear and humouring for thespirit. Her presentation of words and flux invoice range were i n s u c h a b u n d a n c e t h a t t h e y c o u l d s e n d m i n d a n d e m o t i o n w h i r l i n g in a buzzing, dizzy high. Needful to sa#y, M e r y n C a d e l l w a s n o t a l o n e o n s t a g e . At times she was attended by a medley of vocals and instruments; Andy on drums and vocals, John on guitar and I-leather at the keyboard, also providing occasional vocals. In my opinion however, Cadell at this particular time and performance, would have beenbetter to perform solo since more often than not her associates, Andy, John and Heather, did not add to the glitz of the performance. Of course with some practise . . . but yes (!) that is another story; this was the time for performance and we should expect the performe r s t o b e w e l l rehearsed and “in tune” with each other. Cadell performed a great run d o w n o f s e v e r a l f a m i l i a r s o n g s , a n d o f t h o s e some w i t h n e w t w i s t s a n d i m p r o v i s a t i o n s a n d t h e n s o m e e n t i r e l y new to the best part of the audience. Cadell started out with “standing at the e d g e o f t h e w o r l d ” a n d “ w a n t i n g s o m e o n e t o make (her] a difference”, followed by such common songs as “Bumble Bee”, “Flight Attendant”, “I’ve Been Redeemed”, “Inventory” and “Barbie”. F o r me, C a d e l l i s m y barb&doll c o m e alive. T h o u g h the real Mattel B a r b i e n e v e r d r e s s e d f o r the alternative black stage of life, Cadell does possess the angelic barbie-blond hair. And for another fact my barbie never baby sat an Imprint alumnus named John Hymers. Furthermore, I never dreamt that my barbie-doll would sing and dance and make super comical remarks capable of tickling soul and moving mind. Neither can I account for Cadell’s bizarre, sometimes outrageous yet deep words and lyrics that touch on some of life’s realities. “So don’t throw your barbie-dolls in the ocean - there are more important things for them to do”!?*
Imprint Arts
The Hot Tamales The Grad Huuse S e p t . l&l992 by Scott Carson imprint Staff
The Grad I-Iouse was home last friday to a small crowd of blues enthusiasts as the Hot Tamales put on a performance that would have been on par with anything coming out of the Mississippi Delta. A collection of songs from the best of blties artists was energetically delivered to all those lucky enough to attend. T h e b a n d ( c o n s i s t i n g o f Katrina M a u g h a m - v o c a l s , S h a w n Kellermanguitar, Ron Kellerman-keyboards, Al Richardson-bass, and Murray Campbell-drums) has played the Grad House many times and always wowed all present with energy fused fantastic vocal withanearperfectly synchronimd handEachofth te three sets began instrumentals which were guaranteed to groove of there you could mersed o n s u c h Won’t Move’, Daddy’ and Mess With My odd remake of Man’, with t h e like ‘Knock on songs Wood’. T h e b l u e s w e n t o n t o t h e w e e h o u r s of t h e m o r n i n g i n a s e e m i n g l y endless flow of classics done in a way rarely heard on the UW C a m p u s . Legendary tunes permeated the air as this talented group of musicians committed themselves t o a n o t h e r much appreciated performance. If you enjoy the blues, be sure to search these folks out and help keep their music alive. Its been said that “by the year two thousand and six, the m u s i c k n o w n t o d a y a s ‘ t h e b l u e s ’ , w i l l exist only in the classified record section of your local public library”. s-w-
Trying to stay healthy means staying incontrol. Know when to say no, and know when to use Imprint Arts. More people trust the quality of Imprint Arts than any other brand-it gives you the widest selection to help you meet your needs. Imprint Arts
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Sim Vii Week
Jostens has been chosen as the official photographer for the following faculties this semester. & ROOMS for photos to be announced.
Sept. -21 to 28 Sept. 22,23,24 - Sept. 29 to Oct. 6
Earth Sciences
’ her 92193 Grads
Oct. 13,14 & 15 Oct. 15 & 16 Oct.15&16 to be announced
ASAP at EngJSoc.Office In front of C & D Shop from 11 a,m. to 2 p.m. Student Lounge, 2nd floor In ASU Office , 3rd floor lounge 1 st floor lounge 1 st floor lounge to be announced
VOLUNTEERS Service needsvolunteers 14 and older to provide support to people with disabilities who may require assistance to participate in leisure activities in the community. Call Lee Love at 741-2228 for more information. Friends ti a school volunteer program where a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship to build the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need for male and female volunteers. Call Kitchener- 7447645 or Cambridge- 740-3375 please! International Students Office seeks volunteers to assist internationa+ stud8nts with conversational English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Shetyf Kennedy at ext. 2814. Urgently Needed - volunteers to transcribe text to tape for students with low vision. Bilingual, training and equipment will be provided. Taping can be done at home or on campus. if interested contact Rose padacr at Needles Hall, room 2051 or phone ext. 5231. Uw Career Fair ‘92 - Your chance to get to know various employers and make contacts. For more information call ext. 4047 or drop by NH 1001. Cancer Awareness group welcomes all students to its first meeting of the year in CC 138, Sept. 23 at 5:30 p.m. Let’s spread awareness and have fun in the process! Literacy Program needs volunteers lo work with special education students one-to-one. 1 to 2 hrs/twice a week from Sept. to June 1. Great opportunity for students who want to go into Teacher’s College. Call 885-0800. l6th Waterloo Brownies need leaders and helpers. Call Candice at 7472102. ’ United Way needs phone-a-then volunteers in Septmbr. Call Amelia at 7452531.
kAmuc Buddy
ANNOUNCEMENTS Airwapo wit- Airporter will drop off and pick up passengers at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the University Avenue Kiosk effective JULY 2, 1992. Aids Awareness Week 1992- Octob8r 4-l 1. Red ribbons available in banks across Waterloo Region. Call 748-5556 for more information. The Sexuality Resource C;entre - is a trained student vofunter service that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This service is FREE. Call 885-l 211, ext. 2306 or leave a message at ext. 4042. The SRC is located in room 150A, Campus Cantre, UW. ~ucation t&lks -these talkswn be videotaped. Tapes will be available in late October in the Career Resource Centre, NH 1115. Applications due Deeember 1 t/92. University of Toronto - Oct. 14 from 9:301 O:30 in NH 3001; &ock Universityhct. 14 from l&30-11:30 in NH 3001 ; Nip&sing University - Oct. 14 from 2:303%) in NH 3001 ; University of Ottawa Oct. 14 from 3:30-4:30 in NH 3001 ; University of Windsor-@. 15 from 9:3Olo:30 in NH 3UOl; University of Western Ontario-Oct. 15from tCl:30~11:3Oin NH 3001 ; York Univen&y - Oct. 15 from 11:30-12:3O in NH 3001 ; Lakehead University - Oct. 15 from 2:30-3:30 in NH 3001 ; Queen University - Oct. 15 from 3:30-4:30 in NH 3001. m priblic feetures presented by WLU and UW will be heid every Monday at noon at KPL to Dec. 6. This Falf’s topics are: Sept 26- Why Are The Evangelical Churches Growing? Oct. 5 -What to Expect From This Year’s U.S. Election Oct. 26- Ontario’s Best Kept Consumer SeClW Art Gallery- 101 Queen Str8d N., Kitchener- 5794860. Art Alive Lectures b8gin Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. call for details. Exhibitsof sculptures, photography, fash-
ion show&, art classes, water colour classes all coming up. Call the above number for more information. bettare sefies at Seagram Museum- Sept 15 to Nov. 3. For more information contact Anthony Horton at 885-I 857. FWLive Theatre- 9 Princess Sf., Waterloo+ 886-0660. Workshops begin Oct.7 1992 to Feb.24, 1993. For more information phone the above number. Homer Watson Gallery- 1754 Old Milt Rd. Kitchener. Gallery hours: Tues. to Sun. 12 to 4:30, Thurs. 12 to 8 p.m. Call 748-4377 for lecture times and classes. FALL 1992 WORKSHOP C%mumelling services wlf be offering the following workshops - Assertion Training, Bulima Group, Exam Anxiety Management, Exam Preparation, Exploring Your Personality Type, Interest Assessment, Reading & Study Skills, Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Time Management & Procrastination. Register by calling Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call ext. 2655. CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Tuesday, Sept. 29 - 4:30 to 530 p.m.;Wednesday, Oct. 7 - 3:30 to 430 p.m. Myem-Brig@ Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your pr8ferr8d ways of working, Tuesday, Oct. 6 - 11:3O to 12:30 p.m. Register at Counselling Services, NH 2080. STUDY SKILLS WORKSHOPS e R vantage #of individual counselling and workshops in study skills in the classroom - notetaking, effective listening, class preparation, effective study techniques, including time management, textboth reading, knc8ntration and effective exam writing skill. (4 consecutive sessions). Tuesday, Sept. 29 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 29 - I:30 to 3:30 p.m* ; Tuesday, Sept. 29 - @3O.to 8:3$p-m.; Wednesday, Sept. 30 - l:3O to 330 p.m.; Friday, Oct. 2 - 9:30 to 1 I:30 a.m. Register by calling Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call extension 2655. _ ‘Ipme Management & tiocrastrnation - for students who phcrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. (4 consecutive sessions): Wednesday, Sept. 30 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. .* Register by calling C&nselfing Services, NH 2080, ext. 2655: =~ SCHOLARSHIP
I he appllcatioh deadltne.wrll b8 October 30, 1992 unless otherwise stated. (?n8ans there is a Special Application whic4 can b8 obtained fmrn the Student Awards Office). The following awards are currently avaffabfe: . ALL FACULIIES ’ * &by Bauer Memorial Award - &actline - S8ptember 25,1992. *Don Hayes Award - deadline -January 15, 1993. *Mike Moser Bursary - deadline - November 30,1992. “federation bf Stud8nt”s (Uw) Bursary students active in campus student wganizations - d8adiine - Svtember: 30, 1992. Tom York Memoflai Award - essay, ap proximately 2,500 words, interested tindid&es should submit es&y to St. Paul’s Unit8d CO!@8. FACULTY OF ARTS Arts
Union Award - deadline
October 30,1992* FACULTY OF ENGlNEERlNG Anderson Consulting Scholarship c available to 3B Engineeririg.
l BeH Canada Engineering and Computer Science Awards - available to all 38 deadline - October 9, 1992. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries - available to all Chemical. BP Canada Bursary - deadline - September 30, 1992. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship - available to 36 Engineering students. Chevron Canada Resoures Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 3B. John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 38 Mechanical - deadline November 27,1992. ‘Charles Deleuw Scholarship - avaiiabfe to all 36 Civil. Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship - available to all 38 Chemical. EMCO Bursary - available to Upper Year Mechanical and Electrical - deadline September 30, 1992. Gandaif Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering 1 B and above, Noreen Energy Computer Science Chemical and Geological Engineering Award - available to Geolog-ical and Chemical y+ar two or above.’ Ontario Hydra Electrial A&d -available o 2B Electrical. Ontario Rubber Group/Rubber chemistry Division, CtC Award - available to all 3B - deadline - September 25, f992. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Civil, Water Resource Management. Ready Mixed Concrete Association of Ontario Scholarship - available to 3rd or 4th year- deadline - September25,1992. MS. Yolles % Partners Limited Scholarship - available to 3B Civil. FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning, preference to female applicants. : f.0.D.E. - Applied Ecology Award - ahifable to all 4th year students - deadline September 25,1992. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATHEhrtATlCS Andersen Consulting Scholarship - available to 38 Math. l B8l I Canada Computer Science Awards - available to all 3B or 3rd year - regular - deadline - Oct. 9, 1992. BP Canada Bursary - deadline - September30,1992. ” Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholar= ship - available to 38 Computer Science. EMCO Bursary - available to Upper Year Computer Science - deadline - September 27,1992. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF SClENCE BP Canada Bursary - deadline - September 25,1992. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Schiarship - available to 2nd yar or 2B Earth Science. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science, see department. Ontario Rubber Group/Rubber Chemistry Division, CfC Award - available to all 3B - deadline - Septemb8r Z&1992. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to38 Earth Science/Water Resource M@* FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesioiogy deadQne - January 8, 1993. Andrea Fraser Memorial Schoiarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology deadline - October 16,1992. ‘Ron May Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Recreation - deadline October 16,1992. FOR APPLlCATlON FORMSandfurther information please ccMact the Student Awards office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. CAREER PLANNING & J-06 SEARCH INFORMATION SESSIONS & WORKSHOPS
tion Session, 8:DD to 9:00 p.m. Sign up sheets and handouts avaIlable !n Wednesday 11 - Job Search f InformaNH1001 the week prior to presentation tion Session, 2:3D to 3:00 p.m.. Job date. ALL classes take place in NH1020 Search II Workshop 3:00 to 4:3D p.m. Unless Stated OtherWiSe. rcomNH1115. SEPTEMSER: Thursday 12 - Resume Critiquing WorkMonday 28 - Resume Writing Informashop, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monay 16 - Networking Workshop, IO:30 tion Session, 6:00 to 7100 and 7:00 to to 11:30 a.m.. Resume Critiquing Work8:DO p.m. shop, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 29 - Resume Writing InformaTuesday 17 - Intro to 0vers8as Jobs tion Sesion, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Information Session, 1030 to 11:30 a.m.. 12:30 to I:30 p.m. Resume Critiquing C.V. Guidelines Information Session, Workshop, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m; 12:30 to 130 p.m. OCTOBER: Wednesday 18 - Resume ‘writing InforThursday 1 - Researching Employers I mation Session, lo:30 to ll:30 a.m.. LetterWriting Information Session, 11:30 information Session, 6:00 to 7:OO p.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Researching Occupations room NH1 115, lntenriew Skills II WorkWorkshop, 2:30 to 3:36 p,m. shop, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday 23 - Summer Jobs Information Saturday3 - R8Sum8 Writing fnformation Session, 3:30 to 4130 p.m. Session,1 0:OO to 1f:OO a.m. and 11 :OO to12:OO p.m.lntetview Skills I Information UW LIBRARY CAMPUS Session, 12130 to I:45 p.m. ,Resume/ EVENTS ACM Cheeks, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Monday 5 - Resume Critiquing WorkMeet at the lnformatron Desk for all the shop, 5:00 to 790 p.m. below events. Tuesday 6 - Intro to Career Planning & Monday, September 21: Job Search, 11:3d to 12:30 p.m. , Infor* Tours of the Dana Porter nd Davis mation lntefview Workshop, 12130 to I:30 Libraries - lo:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. p.m. + Library Information Session for GraduWednesday 7 - R8sume Writing Informaate Students - Dana Porter Library at tion Session, 5.XKI to 6:OO p.m. and 6:00 lo:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. l Learn how to use WATCAT the LiThursday 8 -~ ‘Intro to Self Assessment brary’s online catatogue - Dana Porter Workshop, 12130 to1 :30 p.m. Library at 230 p.m. Tuesday 13 - Resume Writing Informal Learn how to use WATCAT the Lition Session, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and 2:30 brary’s online catal+ue - Davis Centre to 3:30 p.m. Library at lo:30 a.m. Wednesday 14 - Interview Skills I InforTuesday, September 22: mation Session, 1130 to 12:30 p.m. and tntenriew Skills tl Workshop, 1230 to l Tours of the Dana Porter and Davis I:30 p.m. Libraries at 10130 a.m. and 1%) p.m. Thursday 15 - Resume Critiquing Workl Library Information Session for Gradushop, II:30 to 1330 p.m. ate Students - Davis. Centre Library at Friday 16 - Interview Skills IH Workshap. 2:30 p.m. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. l team how to use WATCAT the LiSaturday 17 - Career Planning/Job Search fnformation Session, ID:30 to brary’s online catabgue - Dana Porter 12:OO p.m. Library at l&O am. Saturday 17 - Resum8,m Jnforrna- . Wednesday, September 23: tion Session, 12:3O to tisrrp.6. and 1:30’ * Tours of the Dm Porter and Davis to 2:30 p.m. interview Skills 1Information Libraries - IO:30 a.m. and I:30 p.m. Session, 2:45 to 4:DO p.m. l Library information Sesion for GraduTuesday 20 - Job Search 1 information ate Students - Dana Porter Library at Session, 9:30 to 1O:OO a.m. Room NH I:30 p.m. 115 , Job Search II Workshop, 10:00 to l library Information Sesion for Gradu1130 a.m. ate Students - Da& Centre Library at W e d n e s d a y 2 1 - Resume Critiquing 2:30 p.m, Workshop, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Intro to * Learn how to use WATCAT the LiOverseas Jobs Information Session, 4:3D brary’s online catalogue - Davis Centre to 5:30 p.m. . Library at I:30 p.m. Thursday 22 - Resume Writing informaThursday, September 24: tion Session, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 4130 * Tours of the Dana Porter an Davis to 5:30 p.m. Libraries at lo:30 and I’~30 p.m, Monday 26 - Researching Occupations + Library Information Sesion for GraduWorkshop, 1:3D to 2:30 pm. Resume ate Students - Dana Porter Library at Writing lnformlation Session, 430 to 530 230 p.m. p.m. and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. + Introduction to Searching on CD-ROM Tuesday 27 - interview Skills f fnforma- Davis Centre Library at 2:30 p.m. tion Session, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and Interview Skills II Workshop, 4:30 to5:30 p.m. W e d n e s d a y 2 8 - R8Sum8 Critiquing .Workshop, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. and C.V, Guidelines Info Session, 5:00 6:00 p.m. Thursday 29 - N&working VWorkshop, 5:00 to 6:OO p.m. * :-’ . . . Saturday 31 - Preptiring for the Job Search Workshop, 1O:OO - 5~00 pm. 1 NOVEMBER ; : Monday 2 - Re’seatihing Employ8rs I fnformation Session, 1:3D to 2:oO p.m. Room NH 1 f 15 ,Res8arehing Employ 8~s tl Workshop, 2:00 to 3:OO p.m. TU8sday 3 - ~SUI~I~ Ctik@‘Ig workshop, 1:30 twmo p.m. We&esday 4 - Intro to Care8r Planning & Job Search, 5:OO to 6:OO p.m. fnformation i&n&w Work&o& 6:OO to 7:OO p.m. Thursday 5 - Resume Writing Information Session, 2:3Q. to 3:30 p.m. Letter Writing Information Session, 3:3D to 4:30 p.m. Friday6 - Summer Jobs Information S8sII sion, IO:30 to 11%) a.m. Monday 9 - Interview Skills I Information Session, 12:30 to I:30 p.m.. lntenhew Skills II Workshop, 1:3O to 2:30 p.m.. II lntenriew Skills II I Workshop, 2:30 to 430 p.m. Tuesday 10 - intro to Self Asessment Workshop, 3:30 to 430 p.m. room 1030. Resume Writing information Session, II Ill 790 to 890 p.mI. Letter Writing Informa-
-,I[- Deadline .- for classified ads.and announcements is c Monday at
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