In the reformed Parliament, the Senate would reflect the equality of the provinces while the House of Commons would be based more on the principle of representation by population. As well, various provinces would be assured a minimum amount of seats in the House of Commons. The proposed Senate would be made up of six elected senators from each province and one from each territory. Additional seats would provide representation for Aboriginal peoples. The reformed Senate’s powers should signifkantiy increase the rote of the elected Senators in me policy process. The proposals recognize that Aboriginal peoples have an inherent rigit! to-self-government and that the Constitution should enable them to develop self-government arrangements and &I We their @ace in the Canadian federation. The proposals recognize &original govlemments asone of the three constitutionally recognized orders of government in Canada. in addition, the proposals provide for a negotiation process between Aboriginal leaders and provincial and federal governments to put this right Into effect. The recognition of the inherent right would not create any new rights to land, nor dilute existing treaty rights. Mow that Canada’s federal, provincial, territorial and Moriginal leaders have reached a cc~~sensus, it is the right of all Canadians& understand the new proposals. Call the toll-free number below to receive an easy-to-read booklet on the new constitutional agreement .or a complete text. It’s your right to know what say, before va’ting on Qctober 26.
Over the past two years, federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal leaders have consulted with thousands of Canadians and concerned groups from coast to coast, These consultations included Royal Commissions, participatory conferences, parliamentary hearings, and hearings in the provinces and territories held by provincial and territorial legislatures. Federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal leaders have agreed unanimously on August 28, 1992 in Charlottetown on a package of constitutional proposals that recognizes the equality of all Canadians and represents all of our interests. The agreement is now before Canadians. The agreement proposes #at the new Constitution would contain a statement of key economic and social objectives shared by all of the governments~in the federation--The objectives include comprehensive, universal, portable, accessible and publicly administered health care, adequate social services and-benefits, high quality primary and secondary education and reasonable access to post-secondw education, collective bargaining rights and a commitment to protecting the environment. The economic policy &jectives to be entrenched would be aimed at strengthening the Canadian economic union; the free movement of persons, goods, services, and capital; ensuring full emptoyment and a reasonable standard of living for all Canadians; ensuring sustainable .and equitable development. Exclusive -provincial jurisdiction would be recognized in the areas of forestry, mining, .tourIsm,-housing, recreation, municipal affairs, cultural matters within the province, and Mour market development and training. 4n addition, to ensure the two I&& of .govemmeti work in -harmony, tie government of Canada commits to negotiating agreements with the provinces in areas such as immigmtion, regional development and telecommunications. Federal-provincial agreements on any subject could be protected ,by the Constitution from unilateral change. The new Canadian Constitution would recognize the distinct nature of Quebec, based on its French language, vniqtie culture and civil law tradition.
Deaf or hearing impaired: 11800-465-7735 (lwTf.m)
Volume 15, Number 14
Friday, October 23,1992 pages397
Issues presented by universi@ and communitv sneakers:
GSA. sponsors Constitution Debate by Ken byson hnprlnt stafl
A snowy Tuesday night, Ott 20, saw over 2OOinterested students and others attend the Graduate Student Association’s (G.S.A.) constitutional forum in the Engineering lecture hall. Also sponsored by the Federation of Students, the evening was organized around four speakers from both university and city communities. Representing the Yes side were Waterloo councillor Susan Forwell and Wilfrid Laurier Universityprofessor Barry Gough. The No side was represented by Anna DiCarlo from the Committee to vote No, and University of Waterloo professor John Moore. With the format of the forum allowing each speaker 10 minutes to profess their views, the Yes faction took the lectern first. For-well outlined her Canada to include three categories of Canadians: the “no response” group, which she termed as “patriotically challenged;” the “average citizen” group, mostly unaware of constitutional issues; and the “vocal minority,” including the likes of the Reform Party and Bloc Qu&&ois, which are taking over the constitutional debate. , Forwell stated her views as thoseofanaverageCanadianturned vocal; she argued that too much attention to the negative details of the deal ignore the fundamental,
positive interests of the accord. A No vote would be a “victory of mistrust, a hollow victory,” she said. Cough then took the podium to stress the importance of the Canada Clause which opens the ac-
Gough also commented on the necessity of passing the accord for economic stability to continue, referring to the economy as the “anchar” of the country. With the Yes arguments pTe-
No side questions accord’s politlcal tights recwd. cord. He argued? that this clause embraces all the things we hold dear toourheartsandthatCanadawould come first before any other interests within Canada, He specifically referred to the distinct society clause for Quebec and thenew aboriginal rightsclause stating that these are “great, giant stridestorecreatetheCanadianfam-
edying gender inequality. On all of these issues, she said, the accord has failed. Alsoconcentratingontheproc essbywhichtheaccordwasreached, she argued against the agreement being reached by 11 first ministers
photo by Ken Brysan
sented,theNosidebegantheiistatements. Anna DiCarlo pr&ented first, stating her viewpoint as one of concern for many issues. She then outlined her problems @th the accord on the basis of retaining political rights for all Canadians, of redressing historical injustices, and rem-
and not by the people, throughconstituent assemblies. “The accord does not recognize Canadians as the sovereigns of the state,” she said. ‘The last to present was John Moore, who asked the audience to consider their identity. He thenproceeded to argue that within the accord, every Canadians political
rights are not the same. -Turning to the nature of the Yes campaign, he stated that it is based on “lots of trust and no logic” and “rhetoric and not fact.” The Yes campaign does not have a monopoly on patriotism, he claimed. Regarding Quebec and Native issues, Moore argued that the distin&society clausegivesQuebecers greater political rights and that the Natives have been promised nothing but “further negotiations.” Duringthequestionperiodfollowing, discussion was pointed t* wards the “spirit of Canadian compromise/ with regards to constitutional reform. Gough agreed with Susan Forwell that the accord cannot be perfectduetothediversityofneeds across the country; he stated that the accord was “constitutional coop: we’re learning on the job.” Moore countered this argument by saying that Canadians should be Canadians before anything else. He stated that the accord should not be about who gets what, rather, about everyone being treated eqUdY* As the forum drew to a close, each of the candidates reiterated their main points to the crowd. The evening was polite, reasoned, and well handled by moderator and G.S.A. president Darren Meister. The opinions expressed, however,remainderintherealmofopinion, with few, if any, convincing ~rgumentslaidout.Theforummay nothavemuchaffectonthevotes of the attendees, yet was still an informative, and important meeting.
thlv 1 of 19 DroDosed woiects reiected:
“Short list” of endowment fund proposals released by Jeff Warner Imprint staff Last week, the endowment fund committee released its “short lid of prospective projects proposed before the October 6 deadline.Nineteensubmissionshadbeen made, in&ding 21 proposals, 19 of which are still being conside+ by thecommittee. The &student committee has $40,000 at its disposal for the fall term. Their decision will be based on four prioriti~: improving campus safety, improving campus accessibility, renovating the Campus Centre, and improving the current lounge and study spaces available. However, virtually all non-academic proposals are being considered. Eachof the student representativesonthecommitteewillbeasked to draft their own pro I funding approximately 12 0p”’ theprojects Anexecutive committee of five students will then compile a single proposal, which would be brought
back to the entire committee to approve. The fmal say rests with the management board for the coordinatedplantoimprovethequalityof student life. Last term, only 1 of 19 roposed projects was overturn etf. The projects cumently being
It a
safety for TAs working late at night andfacilitatetheircontactingco~ spondence stud@&. All of%e Undergraduate Psychology Society, the Math Society, Science Society, and the Fiie Arts Guild soliciti~ for improvements to their respective lounge and office
the apea would
forevermore be known as ‘Place Des Arts’ + ‘I l l
consideredarevaried. Amongthem are proposals from most faculties and/or societies. The Graduate Organization of Students in History has requested nine phones for use by Teaching Assistants. The phones would, according to the proposal, improve
areas. The Math Society also asked for funds to move to desk-top publishing for “MathNews,” while the Science Society wishes to improve their C&D along with their offices and lounge. Athletic and sporting equip-
ment was high on the wish list from the Archery and Fencing Clubs, mainly for safety reasons and to replacewomoutequipment. A propod for new aerobic equipment to augmentoverusedequipmentinthe weight room was filed by the Campus Recreation Advisory Council. Twostudents,throughtheFederation of Students office, placed orders for 730 feet of paved bicycle paths to be laid out on campus. These would mainly be on amas that are already unofficial, dirt, paths, and wouldbemarked “bikes only? The students also asked for six benches to be arraigned in front of the Dana Porter Library so that student could rest in the sun if they so desired. In their proposal, the area would forevermore be known as “Place Des Arts.” Other proposals included: funding for the establishment of a multi-faith university chapel; a stand-up’at Poets, the Engineering Society pub; improvement in the lighting around St. Jerome’s College; and research into improving the day-care facilities on campus.
VOTE! Constitutional Referendum OIT
Monday, Ott 26. VOTE!
Imprint Friday, October 23,1992
Working from both Montreal and Indonesia
Correspondence student gets degree after 11 years UW News Bureau
It’s taken 11 years, but the 1engthyefforthaspaidoffforShirley Lucas-Johnson - she’ll receive her BA at the University of Waterloo’s fall convocation. And she seldom set foot on campus, as she earned the degree entirely through UW’s correspondence program both from her home in Montreal and while workingona project for her Canadian employer in Indonesia. Lucas-Johnson is just one of the 132 correspondence students graduating Saturday (Oct.24) at UW’s 65th convocation held at the Physical Activities Complex. Also at convocation, Dorothy Rozins, of Alliston, Ont., will re-
ceive the James D. Leslie Prize for academic excellence. Named after the founder of the correspondence program - a UW physics professor - the award is worth $500 plus a certificate. “I will finally graduate,” says Lucas-Johnson. “Eleven years after I sat at the dining table and helped my son, who was in his final year at the University of Toronto, and my daughter, who was in her first year at Western, choose courses for the next semester. “To e v e r y t h i n g I s u g g e s t e d , I heard the same response, ‘Get real, Mom. You like that stuff, you take it, f II Not one to refuse a challenge, Lucas-Johnson decided to go to university. During those years of
study,shehadtotakeseveralbreaks because of career demands and other responsibilities. But she didn’t give up. “Never did the school make me feel that I was making a wrong
Wet real mom. You like that stufJ; you tak it” decision and I was always made to feel most welcome by professors and staff alike when1 dropped back in,” she says. “This flexibility is the real
strength of the correspondenceprogramandthisiswhatIstressas1 constantly sing its praises to anyone who will listen.” Proud of her degree, with a major in English, Lucas-Johnson says, “I can’t praise highly enough the incredible support that I received from faculty and staff.” Bruce Lumsden, associate djrector for distance education, says the 132 graduating students have completed at Ieast !50 per cent of their Uw courses by distance education. The oldest graduate is 75 and the youngest 24. “Some of them have done courses elsewhere,” Lumsden says. “This demonstrates the versatility of distance education because you can pick up courses at one educai
tional institution and transfer them to the university where you complete your degree.” Lumsden notes that the average age of correspondence students is 35, generally higher than the oncampus undergraduate population. Students taking the distance education courses live across Canada. UW has one of the largest distance education programs in North America, graduating over 1,800 students since it was established in 1968. The program offers about 300 courses, taught by instructors using mostly audiotapes, printed notes and textbooks. Increasingly, vide&apes,photographicslidesa.nd prints are being employed to enhance learning.
Universtiw of Waterloo kelrrim boost the economw
UW spin-off companies create 2000 jobs UW News Bureau
C&-hundred businesses and
2,045 jobs have been identified in a
first major compilationof “spin-off” companies established as the result of research and instruction at the University of Waterloo. There are many more companies yet to be identified and added to the list, said Ted Cross, associate director of UW’sTechnologyTransfer and Licensing Office and who is responsible for the report. “This is our first confirmed list of spin-off companies and it’s very <much a living list that will be up dated,” he said. More than 200 “potential” UW-related enterprises wpre contacted and of that number, profiles and confirmations on 100 of these were received and are included in the report. UW is “world renowned for blending academic excellence with industrial relevance,” Cross said in the report. “This environment has fostered and encouraged entrepre neurship and led to the creation of these spin-off companies.”
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“University and business leaders have long been saying that Waterlooisahotbedforemergingtechnologiesthatultimatelyhaveapositive impact on 0~ society,” said UW president Douglas Wright. “Now here’s proof that indeed this isoc;curring. “While we are immensely proud of the creation of new employment in this way, no less important and quantitatively more important is the way our students and graduates have bmught tech nology and know-how to existing businesses,” he said. “As a result, thosebusin~aremorecompetitivethroughtechnology,andthisis
the key to our future and economic
The study established profiles of companies linked to W V in three categories: Those closely coupled with technologytransferredfromtheuniversity as a “prime ingredient of their creation or expansion.” Nineteen companies are listed in this category.
The University of Waterloo receives research support of more than $60 million annually + ‘I l l
Companies coupled to a lesser degree but where “an identifiable &ansferofintellectualresouzceshas been significant in their success.II Eighf are in this category. Businesses founded by UW graduates, professors and/or staff without “any identifiable transfer
of specific university technology or resoLlrces*” seventy-threeareinthis category. “There are many more businesses started up because of the education and entrepreneurial culture our graduates and students have, and the economic spinoff is much larger,” Wright said. “The publication of this survey will, we hope, enable us to identify more companiesofwhichwemaybeunaware.” The compilation of the spinoff company list began last spring with the assistance of a UW coop student who researched available alumni records and initiated a prehminarymailsurveytoidentifycandidate companies, Cross said. “Consistent with the fast pace of change that is found within the high technology sector, some of the Waterloo spin-off firms whose names do not appear in this list were found to have merged with or been acquired by other firms with the eventual loss of identity in the continuing enterprise,” he said. “In addition, a few of the companies are less than a year old so this list is, at best, a snapshot of the situation as it existed in the fall of 1992 and will continue to evolve and be formally updated as requkd.” The University of Waterloo re&ives~supportofmorethan $6Omillionannually,primarilyfrom the federal and provixial governments, with lesser amounts from Canadian industry and foundations. society benefits when the reslllts0fthisr4Bear&aretransfe~ generally throughtheemployment ofgraduatesintheprivateandpublit sectors. Some specific tran&rs occur in a “more definable process where technologies are licensed to existing companies or newly crt+ ated spin-off firms,” Cross said. “For years we’ve been made awarethatther2’sanumberofspi.noff companies out there as a result of the University of Waterloo’s technoiogy and environment,” he said. “We hope that this report will be useful and informative to many people on and off campus who are i.nterested in the university% impact”
F&y, October 23,1992
now 100.3 FULL DlnENsloNhL RADIO ENTREPENEU Open minded, motivated in the introduction of a new business oppoanity. Be Your awl B&s l your effort determines your income Recent renovations to the Campus Centre have left .some stkients wondering if they should have ratified the Endowment Fund and Student Life bullding after all. How many green men will it take to flx thls blunder? And has the University ‘missed the deadline for Endowment Fund proposals to fix it? Catch the story on page 3 to find out. photo by Renew Georgacopoutos
Don’t miss UW’s
A total of 1,053 students will graduate during the University o f Waterloo’sBhconvocationonSaturday (C)ct. 24). The convocation ceremonies are held in the Physical Activities Complex at 10 a.m. for 552 graduates in the faculties of applied health sciehces and arts. They are held at 2 p.m. for 501 graduates in the faculties of engineering, science, mathematics and environmental studies, as well as the independent studies program. Some c o n v o c a t i o n h i g h l i g h t s : Honorary degrees will be awarded to Dr. Alfred Aho, assistant vice-president, information sciences and technologies research, Bellcore, Morristown, NJ.; Prof. Douglas Hall, of religious studies at McGill University; Prof. Victor
Imprint f News is fun, free, fast, ferocious, fashionable a n d phantasmagorical
Martens,ofmusicatWilfridLaurier University; Prof. Gordon Stone, of chemistry at Baylor University, Tex.; a n d P r o f . mrold W h i t i n g , o f p s y chology at University of York in England. Hall, the founding principal of St. Paul’s College (a UW affiliate), willdeliver theconvocationaddress at 10 a.m.
1,053 worthy
grads. Aho, a former professor and c o - a u t h o r of influential computer science texts, will give the convocation address at 2 p.m. Many of the graduates at the fall convocation have earned their degrees by correspondence and
part-time studies. Among the 132 graduating correspondence grads is Shirley Lucas-Johnson, formerly of Montreal and now of Toronto, who will receive a degree after perseve~goveranll-yearinterrupted period. (See related story pg 4) Alumni gold medals will be given to two outstanding graduate students at fall convocation. This year. Christiane Pinheiro Lagos, previously at the Universidade de Santa Catarina in Brazil, will receive the gold medal for master’s work in civil engineering. Also, D o u g l a s Kip S o l o m o n , p r e v i o u s l y at the University of Utah, will receive a gold medal for PhD work in earth sciences, The James D. Leslie Prize, awarded each fall for high achievem e n t i n t h e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e program, w i l l b e a w a r d e d t o D o r o t h y Rozins, of Alliston, Grit.
the Imprint suicide news squad - C.C. 340
Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student Villages for the SPRING TERM 1993 should obtain an application form at the Housing Office, and mu& submit it to the Warden of Residences, Housing Off ice, Village 1, prior to the END OF OCTOBER, 1992. Applications received after October 31, 1992 cannot be considered for appointment for the Spring Term 1993.
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Friday, October 23,1992
Former Senator ioins WLU ranks:
W-ilfrid Laurier to install new president WLU news bulletin
Lorna Marsden ,will be installed as president and vice-chancellor of Wilfrid Laurier University at the university’s fall convocation at the Kitchener Auditorium on Sunday, Ott 25. She will also address convocation. John Weir, who retired after l e a d i n g t h e u n i v e r s i t y f o r 10 y e a r s , willbehonouredasprofessoremeritus and about 450 graduands will receive degrees and diplomas at the c e r e m o n y , w h i c h w i l l b e g i n a t 2:Eip.m. The day’s other festivities
will include concerts featuring the WLU Symphony Orchestra and members of the faculty of music, receptions, and a dinner in honour of the new president. Marsden, who took office on August 1, is the fourth president since the university became public in 1972. She will lead this select, smaller university through what will be a pivotal time in it’s own history and, indeed, in the life of all Canadian universities. ” Laurier is poised to become highly competitive in the international world of smaller universities,” Marsden says. ” We aim to make it SO.” “ Laurier offers small classes, personal attention, and excellent
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academics, athletics, and community service. It has fantastic potential.” Born and raised insidney, B.C., Marsden earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Toronto in 1968 and her PhD from Princeton University in 1972. In 1990, she received an honourary doctorate of laws from the University of New Brunswick. A member of faculty at the University of Toronto for 20 years, Marsden was a senior fellow at Massey College for the last 10 years and distinguished herself in several a d m i n i s t r a t i v e p o s i t i o n s . A speciai-
ist in the area of economic sociology, she has written a.number of books and articles, including 77ze Fragile Federation: Social Change in Canadiz, 1979, and with two colleagues, Lives of Their Own, 1991. Appointed to the Senate of Canada in 1984, Marsden r e s i g n e d her seat to assume! the leadership of WLU. In September, she was recognized as Political W o m a n of the Year for 1992 by the Ottawa Business and Professional Women’s Association. She continues to serve on the a d v i s o r y p a n e l o n w o m a n , population,anddevelopmentattheUnited Nations Fund for Population Ac-
tivitiesinNewYork;ont.heresearch council of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research; as founding director of the Child, Youth and F a m i l y P o l i c y R e s e a r c h Centre i n Toronto; and as a member of the Guild Inn Group of the International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Studies. As a senator, Marsden s e r v e d aschairoftheSenateStandingCommittee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, 1 9 8 9 - 9 1 ; s p o n s o r e d a private bill to amend the member of the National Finance Committee, including the study of the financing of post-secondary education.
Sqrieux-de-dieu, screw mon dieu, Scooby Doo! by Ncntulie speck1 to
If you can relate to any of the leisurely activities just mentioned, in even the most remote fashion, SQRIEUX-DE-DIEU is a play not tobe m i s s e d . Youcancatchtheperfonnance tonight and tomorrow night, Frid a y , O c t o b e r 23 and Saturday, October 24 at 8 p . m . i n r o o m 3 0 0 5 o f the PAS building. Tickets are available at the door for $5. Notice should be taken of the factthat,theplaycontainsscenesof nudity and the usuage of language and action that may b e c o n s i d e r e d inappropriate for the traditional and conservative sort. Arrive early. Seating is limited to an audience of approximately 55, which is definitely a positive attribute allowing an intimacy to be born between the audience and actors. Written by the now deceased Canadian Betty Lambert, the play
focuses on the ever present and eternal dilemma of o b t a i n i n g w h a t y o u desire and what to do with it once y o u ’ v e g o t it? As a confidant once asked me, “is this what you really want, or is it just the challenge?” Presented by Upstage Productions, the drama a l s o concentrates on neurotic tendencies, that bewitch individuals and how these aspects weave themselves into “normality.” The q u e s t i o n o f w h a t i s “ n o r mal” is a whole new basket of laundry, be it whether norm means average or a personal opinion of what is couth and acceptable. You de&de. During various pa* of the p l a y , I found myself slipping into the other side of fantastical reality: a nice break, as well as a sure sign of realistic character portrayal. The cast and crew play a wonderful role of bringing you into their world.
Mulroney will quit. . . party! If Mulroney quits.. . all Canadians should vote No!
You’ll have to go through customs to party till 3 a.m,I -
A.J. Oliver - 4N G e o g r a p h y Rob Patai - 4N Kin
Steve Griffith 4A Math
More instability, the recession will c o n t i n u e . . . and eventually Quebet’s s e p e r a t i o n .
The complete devastation of the country!
Quebec will have trouble
with the
Laila Binbrek 1N Arts
Kavin Schnarr 4N Science
Do you ever find yourself indulging in the pleasures of erotica, sexual toys/fantasies, whipped cream, Tai Chi Chuan or a “vex&ble vestigal vestal virgin“? Perhaps you prefer feeding your mother Valium, your husband testicles for supper or Paris Green, crafti!ydisguisedinSaskatoonberry .j= What is Paris Green? It’s chock full of potent arsenic that is toxic enough to exterminate the vermin of your choice, which of course, could be your one and only beloved. Then again, you may be the type to yield to the desires of acheiving an altered state of consciousness, through multiple orgasms or mantra repition while assuming the lotus position.
by Renee Georgucopoulos
Imprint staff
Satunfay, 7 November (IO:00 am - 3::OO pm)
investment may decrease due to perceived instability. Ian ‘Thud’
Murray - 4A Biology
Friday, October 23,1992
1992 WfegandAward:
- + . In *
UW Engineer receives award of excellence UW News Bureuu Morris (Mickey) Milner, a biomedical rehabilitation engineer, will receive the 1992 Wiegand Award for Canadian Excellence. The $2,500 award is given in recognition of loutstanding contributions to humanizing science, technology or engineering” by Canadians or permanent residents, the Wiegand Foundation and Centre f o r Society, Technology and Values at the University of Waterloo said in announcing the winner. Milner, 56, vice-president of research and development at the Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre in Toronto, has dedicated his professional career to improving the quality of life of the physically disabled. He wasnominated for his work on “postural support and seating systems, mobility systems, powered upper-limb prosthetics, and applications of computer-based technology in areas such as communications, functional assessments and education.”
Bruce Allen, Bryan Adams’ manager, spoke to a sparse but snthusiastlc crowd last week at Federation Hall. Though depicting himself as a champion of good, new music In his talk on the state Df the Canadian music Industry, Allen freely admitted that he doesn’t manage new bands anymore because It’s much easier to WI another million units of Adams’ crap. photo by Peter 8rown
titled “Values of Science and Society in (Re-) Habilitation.” Previous recipients of the award, named for Canadian auto-
GRAD PHOTOGRAPHS -We Supply Gown 12 Proofs to Cho
The award was presented to the South African-born and educated engineer on Thursday (Oct. 22) at a public ceremony at the Davis Cadre. Milner then gave a lecture, en-
New groundwater research director
uw News Bureuu The Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, based at the University of Waterloo, has a new director and new facilities. A reception willbe held Oct.23 at 4 p.m. to introduce director Richard Thomas and the new facilities at the B.F. Goodrich Building, n o w o w n e d b y UW, at the e d g e o f the campus at 195 Columbia St. W. M u s i c at the reception will be sup plied by the “Kitchen Water Quintet.” ThoInaswasprevicNlslydirector of the Great L&es Institute at the University of Windsor; director of the Great Lakes Regional Office of the htemational Joint cummb sim in ‘Windsor hm 1984 to 1987; andspqtseveralparsasasmior adentist 2nd research administratar with Envimnment C a n a d a . Hisappvintmenttothecen~, whichisan~tarioCentreof~~llence funded by Thology ontario, was effective Sept. 1. He suem&d Prof., Robert GiUham, the centre’s director for the past five years, who willbecome chair of the UW earth sciences department on Jan. 1. The centre is preparing an exhibit called “Groundwater the Hidden Resource” for UW’s BiologyEarthSciencesMusmm.ItwiUop~ during LJW’s Open Hour on Nov.
14 at which time specially labelled bottles of water will be given to visitors.
m o b i l e t i r e c h e m i s t - tumed-classicist WilliamB. Wiegand (1889-1976), are David Suzuki and Ursula Franklin.
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; i.
Friday, October
Far Side Cat with Peter Brown The World Series I Canadian flag controversy is as amusing as all get 01~5 in light of the decision Canadians will make on Monday. Is it destiny, or just bad timing, that the World Series is preceding the constitutional referendum by a few days? Just as Canadians are striving to identify themselves and reflect their differing realities and aspirations in the Constitution, along comes an event that demands that we measure ourselves by American standards. As has been pointed out so many times in the past, the national pride that we have attached to a Blue Jays World Series berth is illfounded. There are no Canadianborn players on the team and baseball is not a parz of the cultural fabric of this country. Rather, it is a grafted limb, an acquired fascination -- with things American, of course. We have always been insecure in our nationhood and, like an insecure’ adolescent, we have delimited the national character in very simple ways. Originally, the most important thing about Canada was our British heritage. Differences hers would evaporate as soon as Britain need Canadian young men to defend her in war. Over the course of this century, Canada moved from the Anglo-Saxon fold to a more independent position, this time in reaction to the increasing power and influence of the United States. Since we wished to be more independent, like the I4-year-old who takes up smoking because of the rebellious image it evokes, we adopted a different dominant metaphor for ourselves: the not-Americans. We a l l k n o w s o m e o n e w h o has returned from a trip to Europe to tell us with delicious self-satisfaction how much better they were treated when their hosts found out that they were not American, but Canadian. When asked what it is that makes us distinct in the world, most of us would gladly volunteer that we are not American. We’ve got a similiar quality of life, but we just aren’t like them. Of course, you know what the punch-line is. We may not be like them, but, boy, do we want to be! As much as we thank our stars for our social safety nets, we are still inexorably amcted to the grand scale of America. If the Jays can win this thing (as they may have last night after we went to press), a chapter of Canadian history will be written that wiII challenge the place of Paul Henderson’s goal in the national psyche. In fa~f the unwritten subtext of the Canada Clause will have to be rewritten to a c c o m m o d a t e t h i s n e w m)cthology: Canadians will define themselves by whatever acquired mythology suits the beer companies. Our professed reasons for being obsessed with the jays winning it all are like Dur other outward self-definitions. We want XD show that we are better than the Yanks, D wrest the highest honour in professional laseball from the U.S. and have it to ourselves. But the real reasons are all too :lear. We’re tired of being on the ourside. N e want to be one of the boys. It may be impossible to link this back zo why you should vote No in Monday’s meferendum, so I will leave you with one Naming. the Constitution is too-hard to ;hange for us to not be absolutely sure of hat we a r e d o i n g . T h e C h a r l o t t e t o w n dccord does not deserve that much :ertai nty.
Reiterating redundan t rhetoric foIlowingparagraphs,l’llsimply provide fodIcan’tbelieveI’mwritinganotherpiece 3) Whether or not one believes QuGbec about the October 26 non-binding plebiscite. der for those zealous and often irrational, received a fair shake in this accord, it has been i l l o g i c a l y e s - s i d e r s w h o c a n ’ t restrain them- s t a t e d b y t h a t p r o v i n c e ’ s p r e m i e r a n d o t h e r s This makes the third piece in four weeks and selves from writing letters to the editor, no the last before the vote, so I guess this one will that ratification of the accord is only the first matter what little purpose they serve. I was take the form of concluding remarks. step of m a n y t o w a r d s e n s u r i n g distinctiveasked to fill this space, so here goes. Last week, I compared the majority of ness. Therefore, it seems the distinct province y e s - s i d e r s t o b o r n - a g a i n C h r i s t i a n s , insofar Vote no for a unified Canada. Vote yes will continue along its path of self-determinato less individual rights. Hey, I can generate as t h e y h a v e a n u n b r i d l e d r e s e r v e o f b o t h tion ( s o v e r e i g n t y - a s s o c i a t i o n ? ? ) r e g a r d l e s s o f idiotic catch p h r a s e s t o o . S e r i o u s l y t h o u g h , enthusiasm and rhetoric. Then, in a class on what, if anything, is entrenched in the constiMonday, a perfect example of this aura maniI’d like to elaborate on one of the points I was tution. trying to make near the end of last week’s fested i t s e l f i n t h e b o d y o f t h e p e r s o n b e s i d e It is hard to articulate the precise reaopinion piece, which is that all you undem e . H e b e g a n q u o t i n g s o m e international sons why I will vote no on Monday; it is a c r e d i t - r a t i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n , r&.eratin~ standcidecQ@~,@ @$reofdon’t have tq .w t& : :.). . . . combination of many things. yes &gc&~m refemncer*‘tia’ :f ard yes-side rhetoric, and’was SD :&ant Although many of the asterisked if you ~~~~~ve at a concl~~.‘to this. about the importance of voting y @ b &ely poke &e w e l l - i n t e n t i o n e d , I h a v e n o b a s i s The &Amework f o r c&&&ion in the managed t o f o r m c o h e r e n t sex&&&;: : .: whamvm to believe that the legislative endmaSS med@ somemg & $,ju can pretty T h e n o - s i d e r s i n t h i s upper-yea~~~ p r o d u c t ..q e v e n r e m o t e l y r e s e m b l e what litical science class, who appea& to b&‘$&& ‘. much entir&& ignore, sint&#@mdia have a we’re vO&&# on. As for the alterations to the majority, naturally scoffed and laughed about:, : I1&abit of re-$$iting press-?&#&% ad generstructures&~e H o u s e o f C o m m o n s a n d t h e it. men no&&s would m&e a@&& those.. . . a$& towin&,&e goverWW$&%ne. As far as Senate, I7 &ply disagree with them. The : in opposition acted the same. &(,,all like& ’!Meg &eir functio&&&$news” paper, propos&# wte is only a double-E one withit @g+d th#.they do thi& B&s usual there out the,wws I feel it should have. h o o d , t h o s e w h o h a d n ’ t yet made a decision cW% &NJ m&h of a g4 mg, and there’s were not aided by our pointless banter. 1 w8l hot vote yes out of fear the dollar no g@& b& too attentive & what the govwill d-i :We survived Meech Lake’s downI suppose it would be a lot&sier if the emme& 1~~9, is good about &.$&s vote. Refederal g o v e r n m e n t f o l l o w e d the srample o f fall wBh@ut creating even the smallest of membW&&both Chretien’s ~@!&lroney’s blip t i t h e e c o n o m i c c h a r t s , a n d w i l l s u r v i v e o u r F e d e r a t i o n o f S t u d e n t s , whe%$hey conseats are,i$.;:@&&, either h Qu&+‘j: at pE- @non-binding’plebiscite. I’m not comfortducted the second referen&.& &&$$&upid .:. :“h.> dominantly:&ench ridings. Life Building last year without having a ,forable with, in effect, signing a blank cheque Rather, consider the deal on its merits. w i t h M u l r o n e y ’ s n a m e & anyone e l s e ’ s name ma1 y e s o r n o s i d e c a m p a i g n i n g . H o w e v e r , I Here’s some facts that I don’t think either side don’t suppose the real Feds would have a upon it. And whether or not it is “right” to do will dispute and, similarly, you’re more than so, I’m bet&g that a lot of people wiIl vote no chance of winning any noticeable support for welcome to ignore my tired ramblings. simply because of the extreme distrust they their agreement without using our tax money I) A little over half .of the points in the harbour towards him. f o r propaganda. c o n s e n s u s r e p o r t , I b e l i e v e , are marked with The Constitution as it statids is quite a I still find it unbelievable that there are a s t e r i s k s . T h e a s t e r i s k means that the details fine-l~~gdoclument,witheveryo~‘srights Canadian citizens that still have not made up of the agreement are to be worked out at some o f equality already entrenched in it. I don’t their mind, even after having read - and future point in time, by whatever method our wish to make some groups more equal than understood - much of the literature. It’s not leaders determine is appropriate. Are you o t h e r s . G o v e r n m e n t s n e v e r function as we as though new information is being pubsatisfied with giving the go-ahead to the wish they would, but I’m not going to gamble lished each w e e k t h a t i s g o i n g t o c h a n g e o u r that they might imprvze by changing the Mulroney government, given their record? mind. 2) This consensus was ultimately a r rules. The only thing new, for me, are the And finally, t o r e s p o n d i n l i k e t o t h e rived at, like Meech Lake, by ten middle-aged s u r p r i s i n g l y w e l l thought-out and articulate white men. Do you believe they have accureasoning powers used in “Yes” literature opinions of friends. Regardless though, n o t rately taken into consideration the diverse I’ve seen lately, I’ll say: many of us are gaing to change our mind interests of all Canadian citizens? Furtherbecause of it . . . we just somehow turn it more, do you believe that the final dea r o u n d t o j u s t i f y o u r existing o p i n i o n . asterisked version of the agreement will I n r e c o g n i t i o n t h a t v e r y f e w , i f any, closely resemble what we gave the okay to? Duve Thomson will be swayed to vote no by the content of the
now get to work and create the right framework for a unified Canada.” On October 26 I’m voting NO t o t h i s deal and YES to Canada
Why I’m voting NO! To
AI/an T. Laalo Kitchener
It should be clear to most of us, that the ‘Charlottetown Agreement’, cannot b e ratified on October 26,1992. T h e ‘ Y e s ’ side have resorted to threats and fearmongering to ‘Sell’ the agreement and cannot sell the Accord on its’ own merits. This is nationbuilding? This is Statesmanship? Hardly . . The fundamentals of this agreement are: devolution of Federal power to the Provincial level, Recognition of Aboriginal p e o p l e s ’ r i g h t t o s e l f - g o v e r n m e n t , Distinct S o c i e t y s t a t u s f o r Q u e b e c , i n l a w , and Minimum 25% of House of Commons seats for Quebec. Distinct Society status and the minimum 25% House of Commons seats creates, in my opinion, a Province that is first among equals. How can this be allowed in a democracy? Or is democracy just an abstract idea t o o u r leaders. Furthermore, devolution of Federal p o w e r s w i l l n o t s e r v e t o u n i f y C a n a d a , b.ut l e a d t o i n w a r d t h i n k i n g a n d P r o v i n c i a l selfinterest. The idea of Aboriginal s e l f - g o v e r n m e n t i s o n e w h o ’ s t i m e h a s c o m e , b u t please, lets have a little more definition. I don’t know when this Referendum became a question of Canada staying together or breaking apart, but rejection of this deal is just that. It doesn’t mean that Quebec is not wanted by the rest of Canada. On October 27,1992, t h e s u n w i l l rise in the esat and set in the west. Hopefully reasoned h e a d s w i l l p r e v a i l a n d w e can get on with real Constitutional and economic change. Rejecting this deal will tell our political leaders “you’ve failed us, l
No proponents . equal Holocaust deniers? TO the editor, As you know, a local businessman is sponsoring a visit by David Irving, a neoNazi s p e c i a l i z i n g i n H o l o c a u s t d e n i a l . Many p e o p l e i n c l u d i n g m y s e l f have recently protested this. But while it is obvious that Holocaust denial is not historical scholarship, it is less clear why it is dangerous. Its significance lies in the way that it serves to exploit suspicion, cynicism, and anti-Semitism to lubricate acceptance of a gmal r i g h t - w i n g w o r l d v i e w . I n d e n y i n g o r b e l i t t l i n g h i s t o r y ’ s peatest p e r s e c u t i o n , people like Irving clear the field for a racial politic o f i n t o l e r a n c e a n d v i c t i m - b l a m i n g . Narrow conspiracy theories which no longer require evidence confirm all prejudices. No oppression is recognized; in fact, the very concept is subverted. For when Irving ef al rewrite Jewish history they undermine all emancipatory discourses and thereby begin turning the tables on all progressive claims. S i m i l a r l y , in the Canadian constitutional debate of the last few years, denial of the historically demonstrable national oppression of the Queb&ois has served to disorient progressive movements. The Reform Party, for example, does t h i s e x p l i c i t l y : t h e y b l i t h e l y redefine Canada
Imprint Ftirlay, October 23, 1992
The UW Student Newspaper
as a federation of equal provinces - and t h e n w o n d e r a l o u d w h y o n e of t h e m w o u l d want special status. Although history protests that all provinces are not equal, Quebec b e c o m e s fhe p r o b l e m w h e n o v e r two centuries of conquest, linguistic o p p r e s s i o n , b e t r a y a l , a n d d u p l i c i t y are shorn away. But it was the version of Canada put forth by the Reform Party et al that was victorious after the defeat of Meech Lake. It p r o v i d e d a c o n t e x t in w h i c h a t t a c k s o n women, Blacks, unions, and immigrants gained a new respectability. It is therefore crucial to recognize Qubbec’s s t a t u s i s t h e t o u c h s t o n e o f p o l i t i c s in Canada. People like the Reform Party have not been unsuccessful in portraying Quebec as the spoiled brat emiserating the r e s t of Canada. A p o l l reported in the GZube & Mai2 (9 October) showed that 82% of Canadians outside Quebec o p p o s e t h e guarantee of 25% of t h e C o m m o n s f o r Qukbec. This has probably increased since. That such an innocuous provision is generating overwhelming bitterness is frightening. If the political climate in English Canada has grown s o i n t o l e r a n t with respect to Qukbec, then the future l o o k s g r i m f o r o t h e r o p p r e s s e d g r o u p s . If Qubbec is ‘getting too much’, then irnmigrants are getting too much. Sam&sex b e n e f i t s a r e t o o m u c h . Pay equity and access to abortion are too much. And the next time the Black Action Committee p r o t e s t s the c o p s ’ p u t t i n g a d u m d u r n b u l l e t in some kid’s head - well that’s just a bit _ much, isn’t it? For failing to see that the revisionist p o s i t i o n o n Quebec c a n g e n e r a l i z e i n t o a reactionary agenda, progressive forces in Canada have dug ourselves into a hole. Voting Yes is a small part of getting out of it.
888-4048 Friday, October 23, 1992 Volume 15, Number 14
Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Peter Brown Assistant Editor Vacant News Editor Ken Bryson News Assistant Vacant Arts Editor Sandy Atwal Arts Assistant Bernard Keamey Sports Editor Vacarit Sports Assistant Vacant Photo Editor Scott Deveber Photo Assistant Renee Georgacopoulos Features Editor Clint Turcotte Science Editor T o m Koriot
Staff Advertising/Production Laurie Tigert-Dumas Production Assistant Cheryl Costello General M a n a g e r V i v i a n Jambeau Office Clerk Vacant Ad Production Graham Jomlinson Advertising Assistant Jill O’tiagan Proof Readers D e n i s e H a f f n e r Nicote Metcalf Isabel White
Board of Directors P r e s i d e n t J e f f r e y L. Millar Vice President Peter Brown Secretary/Treasurer Dave Thomson Staff Liaison Ken Bryson Directors-at-Large Sandy Atwal Bernard Keamey Jeff Warner
Contribution List
Bryan sfnwa
Marci Aitken, lain Anderson, Trevor Blair, Neil Daniel, Anna Done, De Ann Durrer, Dave fiiher, Eleanor Grant, Vince Kozma, Jack Lefcourt, Stacey Lobin, Rich Nichol, Tara-Ann O’Doherly, Natalie Onuska, Keith Peck, Frank Seglenieks, Harry Shnider, Paut Sudlow, Darka Tchir, Wade Thomas, Dave Thomson, Steve Topper, UW News Bureau, Jeff Warner, Derek Weiler
Student’s Christian Movement looks at sexism by lngfid Exner Student’s Christian Movement
F o r m a n y c e n t u r i e s , over half the population of t h e w o r l d h a s b e e n supressed not simply due to colour, race or religion but r a t h e r g e n d e r . T h e m a j o r i t y o f worn& today are still looked upon as second-class citizens who must accept a secondary role in society. Today, many women still experience powerlessness in their homes, churches, and s o c i e t i e s . W e , as women, have much to fear on the streets, in the work place, on campuses, and in o u r h o m e s . For far too long, the stereotypical images of men as leaders and builders and women only as servants and caregivers has in existed in our society. Currently, many groups are addressing s o m e o f t h e i s s u e s that c o n c e r n w o m e n and perpetuate this image. For the past four years, the United Church of Canada has been involvedintheEcumenicalDecadeofChurches in Solidarity with Women Some of the issues they have discussed during the first four yearsofthisdecadehavebeenthefeminization of poverty and violence towards women. W o m e n i n o u r s o c i e t y make uo the largest percentage of the working poor. In 1987, 59 per cent of Canadian adults living in poverty were women. As a young female about to enter the work force full-time within the next couple of years, I find this statistic extremely alarming. Even though we make up almost
half of Canada’s paid work force, we still only earn 35 p e r cent of the w a g e s . I simply can’t understand the logic b e h i n d t h i s n o r c a n I believe that there is any justification for it. As well as being occupied with the more visible work outside the home, many women remain responsible for the maintenance of the household. Unfortunately, many women do not benefit economically from this added responsibility. I find that such issues involving the feminization of p o v e r t y t o b e extremely discouraging. While at University, I am, for the most p a r t , l o o k e d u p o n a s e q u a l a m o n g m y male peers. Why does this attitude have to change once I enter the work force? On average, women make half as much as men. Why is this so? If a woman demonstrates just as much skill at a job as a man, why s h o u l d she be paid any less? There is little wonder that poverty is often seen as a woma n ’ s i s s u e if we as w o m e n a r e s e e n a s b e i n g half as valuable as a man in the work place. One of the most terrifying issues today is the increasing violence toward women. Those statistics such as a woman being raped every two to five minutes or that of another woman being beaten in her home every one to three minutes incites fear and rage within me. I
other human being. It particularly angers me as a female. Why do I have to fear for myself while walking home at night? Who gives other people the right to even consider violating my rights or me as an individual? Simply l o o k i n g b e y o n d e q u a l i t y , w h a t has happened to the basic right to life and security? The Ecumenical Decade o f C h u r c h e s i n Solidarity With Women will be and are dealing with many more women’s issues thatn j u s t p o v e r t y a n d v i o l e n c e . D u r i n g t h i s decade, women’s perspectives and actions in the work place and struggle for justice, peace and integrity of creation will be stressed. As well, the churches will be encouraged to free themselves from racism, sexism and classism and to take actions in solidarity with women. In keeping with this theme, the Student’s C h r i s t i a n Movement w i l l be s p o n s o r i n g R e v erend Elizabeth Macdonald o n October 28 f o r an i n f o r m a l falk c o n c e r n i n g w o m e n ’ s &ruggle and growing participation in both the church and society.
work, I should be able to emphasize with the people who commit such crimes, but at the same time, I just feel like crying out. 1 really c a n ’ t u n d e r s t a n d w h y s o m e o n e would want t o w i l l i n g l y e x p l o i t , v i c t i m i z e o r violate an-
women in the Church and in society.
know that as a person involved in social
This discussion will be very enjoyable, informative, and eye-opening as the Reverend Elizabeth Macdonald has had t e n years of experience in the broadcasting field and is very concerned with the ever chaq+g role Of
If you have any interest in the areas mentioned above, please feel free to come to this talk at St. Paul’s College.
Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions express&i in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled ‘editorial’ and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
Letters to the Editor Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Lettersshould be 500 wordsor less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor resetves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles whi& are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed in the forum section are those of the lndlvidual authors and not of Impriat.
Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fatl and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring ten-n. Imprlnt resewes the right to screen, edit, and refu~ advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, Univedy of Watedtm, Wateti, Ontario, N2L 361. Our fax number is 884-78OO.Electronic mail should be addressed to imprintePwatserv1
Imprint Friday, October 23,1992
Cana.da: by Eleanor Grant special to Imprint The present constitutional proposal caused me serious misgivings when the premiers announced the basic outline of it early in July. Since then, my decision to vote No has been strengthened the more I have heard and learned about the Charlottetown Accord. I have always favoured “asymmetrical federalism,” that is, a devolution of powers to Quebec while retaining a strong central government for English Canada. This is what the people said they wanted, during both the Spicer Commission hearings in 1991 and the series of weekend gatherings on the constitution in February 1992 (the closest thing to a Constituent Assembly that Canada has ever had). But instead of this, we now have a power grab by the provincial premiers, with a resulting loss of a sense of nationhood for those of us outside Qu&ec. We are left with a patchwork of separate provinces, each too vulnerable to the North-South pull. Mysecondconcemisthatneitherwomen nor ethnicminorities are guaranteed anyrepresent&ion in the new Senate. The function of a Senate is to provide a check against what John Stuart Mill called “the tyranny of the majority.” It is to give under-represented groups and regions a chance to say “that measure you’re proposing would adversely affect us,” so that the majority can rethink its proposed legislation. But all we have accomplished in this constitutional deal is to destroy the principle of representation by population in the House of Commons without giving the Senate enough power to protect the Western and Atlantic provinces, and without giving it any power to protect women and minorities. TheSenatorscanbechosendifferentlyin every province; some provinces may designate three seats for women, some may not; some provinces may have their Senators elected by the people, some may not. Onegets the feeling that this constitution is stuck tol gether with Scotch tape and string ad wouldn’t serve to unite us for long. There is no single vision of the Senate’s purpose and structure. All of this might not have been so bad were it not for the third major objection I see, namely that the process for amending the constitution is too rigid. If we ever want to establishauniformsystemforchoosi.ngSenators, or restore the lower House to representation by population, or make other important changes, it will require the agreement of Parliament and all the provincial legislatures, What are the chances of all the provinces agreeing? Each province will also have a veto over changes to the composition of the Supreme Court (including the provision that three of the nine Justices must be from the civil law bar of Quebec). Combine this with the fact that the federal government will now be obliged to choose Justices from lists supplied bytheprovincesinthefirstp~~,andit~~d evenbecomedangerousunder sQmeunforeseen ciKumstances. I fear that a Yes vote would cause the door to c&k behind us, and we would be trapped with something we cannot change, and have not thought through. I do not subscribe to the noticm that Canada wiU “fall apart” if we faiI to pass this flaweddeal.Ihavemoreccmfidenceinczrnada than that. If “there isn’t any Plan l3,” as Joe Clark would have us believe, then we had bettergetbusyanddevelopone.PlanA-The Charlottetown Accord - is no option at all. I[ think Canada can do much better than this. Founding Peoples Canada, as I see it, is made up offour “founding peoples” - in chronological order: the Aboriginals; the French; the British; and the ethnic minorities. By ethnic minorities I mean the immigrants, and descendants of those immig+s, who came here first from Europe then the Far East, the Middle East, Africa, and to a lesser extent, Latin Ameria
They have played an indispensable part in opening up our country and founding our way of life. In this constitutional proposal, the Aboriginal Canadians and the French Canadians are finally gaining recognition as peoples with their own identity and some powers to run their own affairs. For this I am thankful. But we still have not grasped that British Canadians are also a cohesive people, a distinct society, with a need for some institutions of their own. And we have given GMdians of ethnic minorities no recognized voice and place in government at all. How might these two serious omissions be remedied? The British Canadians would appear to be the dominant founding people in Canada, yet they alone lack a clear sense of ~ti0~1 identity. We in English Canada seem to have
dian people. As for the ethnic minorities, they are a somewhat special case since they aren’t one people and they don’t live in a geographical block. But they are a formidable force in our society and they deserve a recognized place within the government where their voices will be heard and their interests protected. The federal Senate would seem to be a good place to accomplish this. (Though the Senate of course will not be the only place where they will participate in government.) The designation of a number of seats for ethnic minorities may not be a usual function of the Senate in other countries. It would be a new departure on Canada’s part. But was not the creation of Canada itself a new departure? Look at the troubles which many countries are having today in being hospitable to their ethnic minorities! Canada has a chance
l l ::*
so little confidence in ourselves that we think we would fall into the eager arms of Uncle Sam if Quebec did not continue to play her dutiful role of holding us together and providing us with an identity. Iamp~posingthatthisisnot~eobligation of Q&XX, it is our job to do it for ourselves. And to do it we need some strong central institutions for the nine provinces outside of Quhbec. One of these institutions shouId be a Ministry responsible for Culture for Englishspeaking Canada. Culture doesn’t just mean art galleries and symphony orchestras. It alsO means fostering a vibrant popular culture thatcanresistthein cessant barrage of Americzu+fluences. It means feeling gti about who we are as a people. This cannot be left to provincialgovemmen ts,astheCharlottetown Accord proposes. Culture is a function that must be handled in a coherent way throughout English Canada (just as Qu&ec will be handling it in a coherent way for itself). This coherence is necessary to give us a strong sense of ourselves as a people. And culture has implications for many other departments of government, such as telecommunkations~ law and education. The Charlottetown Accord as it now stands provides no way for developing theseneededministriesfortheEnglishCana-
..;a. .
. . -- .
to offer leadership to the world in this field. Fundumetrtuf Chaructetistics of Canada But more fundamental than all of the above points - the Senate, the provincial veto over future change, and the lack of nationhood for English-speaking Canadians - is this: that we have not adequately defined the fundamental characteristics of Canada as a whole. Wearelivinginwhathasbeencalledthe ageoftrib&s~anageinwhich~cgroups reassdng themselves as the most natural and meaningful groupings ofpeople in a wurld which has ‘become too big and c&using.Thistrendisaffectingusgreatlylnour constitution making. IfFrenchCanadaandAboriginalCanada, and eventually British Canada too, are going to want more self-government in futupe to protect their unique heritages, what then makes the whole thing “Canada”? Why not just have three separate countries? What are the things that hold us together as Canadians? Two things that we can identify immediately and without difficulty are a commitmmt to the Charter of Right?3 and Freedoms and a commitment to the integrity of ethnic minorities. To me it is not at all clear that the Charlottetown Accord upholds these com-
mitments. This is because it does not adequately define the term “collective rights” which it has introduced. What are the consequences of “collective rights”? Native women are afraid that the new Aboriginal right to protect “traditions” may over-rule the provision for gender equality in the Charter. And what will happen when authority over immigration is given to Quebec? WiIl this allow her to allow only Francophones if she wishes? And who will see that some portion of the funding available for culture, in both Qu&bec and the rest of Canada, is given to ethnic minorities? These are only a few of the questions we should be feeling uncomfortable about. The fact that such questions can even arise means that this constitution is not g0od enough I’m not a constitutional lawyer, competent to judge whether Charter rights can or cannot be over-ridden by other provisions. All I can say is, if there’s even any doubt about it we’ve got to vote No and go back to the drawing board. It is frequently said by the Yes side that the”intent”wasnottooverrideequalityrights or fairness for minorities, and that we can “fine tune” the Accord as we go on. That would be fine if we always had politicians who are of good wiIl+ But if politicians were always of good will, we wouldn’t necessarily need a constitution at all. (Britain, for example, gets along fairly well without one.) We keep forgetting that a constitution is there to prufecf th people if a tyrant should try to take over. This is its most basic function. If appeal to the constitution fails then the people may have to take up arms. But the constitution is our first line of defense. Would the Charlottetown Accord be adequate protection? If there is any doubt about whether gender equality rights are absolute, or whether doing business in English in Qu&ec will always be permitted, or how mixed marriages and their children will be tolerated in Aboriginal jurisdictions, or whether people can move from one part of Canada to another with full acceptance, or whether there will be a uniform immigration policy, or whether multiculturalism is going to be preserved as a value throughout Canada, we cannot take that chance. Our commitment as Canadians to human rights must bemade unmistakably clear. The door must not be left open to any possibility of male supremacism or ethnic cleansing rearing its head in any jurisdiction in Canada. That’s one of the things that makes us Canada. The idea of collective rights is new to most Canadians, and we need a lot of time to ponder its implications before we rush out and approve it. It would challenge all our basic assumptions about the purpose of the state. Personally I can’t think of a situation in which the rights of ethnic groups -namely to protect language, culture, and traditions should take pnzcedence over individual humanrights. Ethnic groups should not be ekvatd to astatus~~v~ttoa~~n~fo~~~w. It appears to me that the Charlottetown Accord would do just that. It would fundamen tally alter the fabric of Canada as weknow it. The fundamental characteristics of Canada might be changed beyond recognition. T%e True Limits to Ftvedom Up to now we have considered the maximization of individual rights to be the hi&& moral principle. John Stuart Mi& the philosopher pa excellence of liberal democracy, is supposed to have said, “The freedom toswingyourarmendswheretheotherguy’s nose begins.” Our rights are limited only by other persons’ rights. BaGcaIly, if no one else can demonstrate injury we are free to do as we wish, We have developed a system of criminal law to give form to an agreed-upon body of actions which ark considered to vioIate the rights of others. But Canadians, like other democratic people in this age, are begin&q to perreive thatth.erearesomedeficienciesinthksys-
For one thing, it is an adversarial system - a constant process of establishing relative rights between parties. We are tired of litigation. We are tired of the wrangling between the provinces and the federal government. We are fearful of continued stand-offs between Quebec and its Aboriginal p e o p l e s , n o t to speak of the proliferation of ethnic conflicts around the world. More deeply than all that, we are uneasy with the pervasive attitude today that “If nobody complains, it’s okay,” with no sense of underlying morality. We sense that something is wrong with a system which recognizes no reality higher than individual rights. Yet as we have seen, those who are advocating “collective rights” are not providing the remedy that our unease requires; they are only introducing one more, and possibly dangerous, adversarial party to the fray. No, the realities which are beginning to press themselves upon our consciousness today are m u c h grander and m o r e h u m b l i n g than that. They require that we elevate our consciousness of ourselves to a nobler level. No longer is it sufficient for us to say, by means of o u r c o n s t i t u t i o n , “We are free individuals, related to other inhabitants of Canada i n t h e f o l l o w i n g w a y s . ” F o r a b o v e a n d bey o n d o u r h u m a n f r e e d o m s we need t o s t a r t recognizing somebigger perspectives. I would l i k e t o d i s c u s s them under three headings: 1. We are citizens of the world. 2. We are guests o f the earth. 3. We are creatures o f t h e C r e a t o r . These are perspectives which are deeply held in the hearts of Canadians, and I believe they should appear in our self-defining document as “fundamental characteristics of Canada.” Things to which”Canadians arecymmitted.”
We are Citizens the World Who can fail to be humbled by the reports of the hideous suffering in Somalia and other impoverished parts of the world? Canadians may not understand in what way the suffering of others is caused, or contributed to, by us, - yet we feel somehow responsible. We are not sure whether the activities of our
Friday, October
Imprint 23,1992
nd Re IlalO businesses in these countries have been free from injustice. We don’t know whether our own overconsumption of energy and imported foodstuffs has been a contributing f a c t o r t o d r o u g h t and famine. W e j u s t k n o w that somehow it’s all interconnected and that simply sending another boat-load of grain will not exonerate us. People want to be good, but don’t know h o w . W e n e e d t o make it a guiding principle in our fundamental law that we will show the same respect for the human rights and the hosting environment and the necessities of life of inhabitants of other countries as we are o b l i g e d t o show to fellow Canadians. That would be a good start. We we Guests of the Earth The earth, just like the people of the third
We tire Creatures of the Creator Most Canadians, I believe, feel some sadness at the banishment of God from our publit l i f e . W e h a v e r e s i g n e d o u r s e l v e s t o t h i s loss because there is no longer any religious group or body which we feel we can trust to represent His will to us. Religion has become equated with “extremisms’ or a bullying at& tude on the part of some groups. In the interests of personal freedom we have found it n e c e s s a r y to push religion aside. Yetthereareinourmidstmanywiseand deeply spiritual men and women whose steadying and thoughtful and prayerful influence would be extremely helpful to us in thesetimes. Many of themcanbefoundinour A b o r i g i n a l c o m m u n i t i e s a n d a m o n g o u r ethnit m i n o r i t i e s . W e n e e d a way to seek their assistance.
People want &P begood, but d&t how how personal rights are limited not by %ollective rights ‘I but by collective responsibilities. l
world, is not going to appoint a lawyer and confront us in court. It is up to us take the responsibility voluntarily, or we shall surely suffer g r a v e c o n s e q u e n c e s . Our h u m i l i t y b e f o r e o u r h o s t i n g -vir o n m e n t - which was given to us and not made by us - should be expressed as a guiding principle in our fundamental law. The burden of proof must be placed on those w i s h i n g t o t a k e a c t i o n s w h i c h w o u l d significantly alter the environment. The right to manufacture and consume products must be limited by the requirement to include in their price the true environmental cost of their production and disposal. We must have the vision that natural resources should be managed by the highest possible level of government, eventually a world government. Enshrining reverence for the earth in our constitution would lead US to realizations such as these.
I would like to propose a radical idea. I think we should develop a body like a Council of Elders, made up o f A b o r i g i n a l s , s o m e Catholics, some Protestants, and some Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims - men and w o m e n o f a l l great faiths who would confer and serve in an advisory capacity to our government. Membership would be for life. Eventually we might wish to let this body replace the Senate (whose present function, as I mentioned earlier, has become an adversarial one). This is a practical way ‘in which we could begin to acknowledge the Creator and His guidance again, in the fundamental law of o u r people* If we were to take the advice of these E l d e r s - the spiritual Senate - w h a t m i g h t so*me of the consequences be for our life and society? Perhaps we would introduce some r e f o r m s a s s e e i n g t h a t c h i l d r e n receive religious instruction and work participation as a right, stopping the sale of pornography and
the a d v e r t i s i n g of a l c o h o l , s u p p o r t i n g t h o s e who care for the elderly at home, taking better care of farm and land animals, a n d l o w e r i n g the interest rates+ We would discover that we have nothing to fear from religion, but rather that our world would start to become inhabitable again. P e r s o n a l m o r a l i t y w o u l d s o o n follow, without a lot of difficulty, because it is a state natural to the soul. In discussing the fundamental characteristics of Canada we need to acknowledge t h a t p e r s o n a l r i g h t s a r e limited -not b y “ c o l lective rights” but by collective responsibilities. The Charter of Rights needs to be balanced by a Charter of Responsibilities which we accept voluntarily as a people. In it we need to acknowledge our responsibility to other peoples of the world, our responsibility to protect and revere the natural environment and o u r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o c o n d u c t o u r selves in a dignified manner as a society before our Creator. Only a free people can place itself under these obligations with humility. And only a people that does so can hope to discover the true i n n e r m e a n i n g o f f r e e d o m . May we hold this matter of the constitution of Canada earnestly in our prayers. Editor’s Note. Religion and State? Constitutional Utopia. All you need is love, The beauty ofhuman effort should not always be cast out of thegarden; Iugree with some of the spiritual matters discussed here. Implementing them is another mutter. . Astrologers wuuld have us, for the Iast 2000 yews, under the infruenw of rrSe Age of Pisces, compassion and religion. Virgo thin influenced us and thus we entered itrtu a brief respite within u scientific model. Yet, we are now apparently poised on the brink of the next Great Age, Aquarius, which would O&T us greater intuition and selfknowledge. A greater sense of humanity, glubal awurmess, and mule-jemale equality, not b$ore seen in the previous Age of Pisces, shall be experienced by all the people under the stars and planets’ injlumce. Perhps the ’60s generution wus more in tune with this spirifual accession. Perhaps its coming buck, new and improved for the ’90s. .Perh~ps we like our BMW?
Water106 outplays rier in loss by Petet Btown Imprint sports
Who would have bet that Waterloo’ stellar defence would shut d o w n W i l f r i d L a u r i e r ’ s p o t e n t offence.. . and lose? Who would have thought that Waterloo’s back-up quarterback would pass for more yards than the best quarterback in the OUAA? That’s what happened last Saturday, October 17at Seagram Stadium as the dubiously fourthranked Golden Hawks edged the W a r r i o r s 12-9. Hawk linebacker Brian O’Reilly got an early Christmas present in the form of a fumbled option lateral that landed at his feet midway through the third quarter. After overcoming his surprise, he picked it up and rumbled 82 yards for Laurier’s only major. Such good fortune was welcomed by the Laurier sideline, as that was the only way Waterloo was letting them into the endzone. The Warrior’s ferocious pass rush, led by linebacker Jeff Lake, limited the golden-armd B i l l K u b a s , w h o threw most of hxier’s 603 passing yids the week before against the M&aster Marauders, to lo-Of-26 passingfor131yardsKubasisprob ably wondering where he would have been without 72 yards and five catches by Stefan Ptaszek. Speaking of whom,praisemust a l s o b e heapd u p o n t h e s h o u l d e r s of Waterloo’s secondary. Cory Delaney, charged with covering the dangerous Ptaszek, did a great job of controlling the nation’s leading receiver.
Warrior suspended for steroid by Peter Bfown Imprint sports
And this was a Warrior team that would have had a lot of excuses if they had been blown out. Backup pivot Kevin Dan&ink0 was subbing in for injured starter Steve Bennet a n d , o n l y t h e n i g h t b e f o r e thegame,theCIAUhadannounced that fullback Steve Dean had tested positive for an anabolic steroid (see story this page). Instead,theseWarriorsshowed little of the respect the Hawks th0ggl-d came along with a national ranking. “We belong in the same category as those other good teams; Laurier, Western, Guelph, Toronto,” says head coach Dave Knight. “Our main problem this year has been consistency. For six plays, we’ll move the ball and l o o k l i k e worldbeaters, and then wellmakethe big mistake, the big turnover.” . It was an impressive start for
Dans&inko, despite two fumbles. He finished with 134 vards on 8-of14 passing in his f&t university start, with one touchdown and one inter&ption. His E-yard tou_chdowntosstoreceiverKentWiiore in the fourth quarter drew the Warriors within five points. The loss, combined with wins by the Western Mustangs, Guelph Gryphons, and McMaster Marauders; ended Waterloo’s chances for a post-season appearance. UW can ntiwfinishnobetterthanfifthinthe OUAAThetopfourteamsadvance. At Varsity Stadium in Toronto, the Mustangs (42) upset the thirdranked Toronto Varsity Blues 33-15 in the Blues’ f i r s t l o s s a g a i n s t f i v e wins. The Gryphons torched the York Yeomen 25-O at York. The Marauders (3-3) beat the Windsor
conthmd to page 16
The Warriors’ display of character last Saturday in losing to the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks was made even more poignant by the bombshell dro ped by the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union on tf e night before the game, Friday, October 16. Steve Dean, a second-year fullback with the Warriors,
had received a four-year ban from playing university football after testing positive for nadrolene, an anabolic steroid. Dean was selected for a random urine test late in September and was informed of the test results two weeks later. With three-years of varsi eligibility left, it is unlikely that he will play university foottall again He took the dru for two weeks last spring, thinking that it would clear out oBhis system quickly. Later, he discovered from the erson who sold him the steroids that it co’uld remain in ru‘s s stem for six months to a year. Onateam t&tt relies as much on the run as Waterloo does, the fullback position is crucial, and Dean admits that he put too much pressure on himself to excel, He had hoped to beef up from his current 205 pounds to 210 or 215 by using the nadrolene. “We never think anybody on our team is on drugs, but it
only goes to show you can be wrong,” athletics director Wally Delahey said. Delahe said that he believes that a lifetime ban is necessary to cur iT the use of steroids.
fKtwriors score thirg, Athenas sixth
Eregoire ties for first in UW tourney at
b y Mwci Aitken and Puul Spdlow Vufsity competitor3
It was a cold and blustery day on the Waterloo Golf Course. . . a perfect day for the annual University of Waterloo Cross-Country Invitational. The rolling terrain and the mud slicked course provided a challenge for the 180 athletes who competed in the race. TheofficiaIresultsforthemen’s race placed Jason Gregoire and Albert Dell’Apa, of York, in a tie for first place. However, it seems likely from the photo at the finish that Gregoire actually had the lead. His r e s u l t h e l p e d t h e W a r r i o r s t o place third in the team competition. Gregoire’s winning time was 25:OZ. Robin Beynon was Water loo’s second scorer in 26% He placed 1401, having lead the race at the start of the second of four twokilometre l o o p s . JonCressman scored second in 22nd place taking 26:57. Paul Sudlow scored fourth in 38th taki n g 2738 a n d B r e n t C u r r y r o u n d e d up the scoring by placing 48th with a @ne of 28:08. Mike Ready placed sixth on the team in 50th only two positions behind Curry. Darryl Bush was the seventh Warrior to cross the finish line, in 28:4O. The hilly grass course near and around Columbia lake is a possible
Does this look llke a tie? Warrior Jason Gregoire and Albert finish line almost simultaneously. sight for the 1993 OUAA championship as was confirmed by Water loo’s head of athletics Don McCrae at the post-race ceremony. This competition was the last b e f o r e t h i s y e a r ’ s OUAA final, o n October 31 In T o r o n t o , f o r m o s t o f t h e t e a m m e m b e r s . S o m e w i l l com-
Dell’Apa of York University cross the
pete at the Wilfrid -Laurier Invitational this Saturday in order to help decide the last two or three team spots. WaterloocoachJohnSwarbrick w a s d i s a p p o i n t e d w i t h t h i s weekend’soverallteamperformaneand so were many team members, with
photo courtesy of cross
the exception of Gregoire. So, in order to have a truly successful season, it will be necessary for every te& member to perform at his pot e n t i a l . If this happens, the Warriors will certainly surprise some teams and possibly end up qualifyingfortheCanadianchampion.ships
McGill. . Just as coach McFarlane ordered, the sun came out at 1259 to set the women out on their fourk i l o m e t r e c o u r s e . S e p a n t a Dorri led the Waterloo team, finishing in 18th place in a time of 15:32. Five seconds later, rookie Sarah Brown crossed the line in 21st position. Brown has flourished under coach Bruce Jones, and a good performance at the OWIAA championship on0ctober 31 looks promising* Judith kRoy kicked the last 400 metres of the race, passing two Queen’s competitors and finishing 39th in X30. The competition to fill the last two spots on the Waterloo team wiIlbebetweenMissyParent,Cindy Koo, and Diane Babensee, who placed 53rd, 57th, and 59th respectively. Louise Touesnard placed 64th had the best race of her season. Heather St. Amand and Rita Hickey worked together during the race to finish in 67th and 68th respectively. The Athena’s placed seventh among the teams, but were missing a couple of their key runners, and expect to improve on this finish at the OwLAA’s. Thanks go out to coaches McFarlane, Swarbrick, and Jones, the department of athletics, and the volunteers for helping to make the UW Invitational such a success!
Imprint October 23,1992
Mad’s rouzh vlav bzored by referee
Rugby Warriors out of playoff hunt cantered effectively again as strategic kicking from Castilho’s boot brought Waterloo deep into Mac territory again. AblownMarauderline-outgavetheball to the Warriors for a strum and Steve Keith took the balI through the defensive line and could not be taken down until he was a few strides short of the Mac goal line. The close supporting Simon Lewis collected the bail and scrambled the last five metres to score the Waterloo try. Castilho kicked the convert and pushed the score to 10-O over Mac. Ten to nothing over Mac! Wow! Then the Marauders rubbed the sleep from their eyes and came at us with a vengeance. The size and speed among their backs had trampled over or run around other teams, but good tackling and team pursuit on defence kept turning aside the McMaster drives. Defensive kicks for touch discouraged the slower Marauder forwards, so they changed tactics. The Mac forwards started putting boots, k n e e s , fists, and yes, even teeth, t o a n y W a r rior caught amongst them. Rugby is a hard game, but I know I can speak for our whole team when I say that we were not accustomed to the viciousness that became more and more prevailent as the game went on. The failure of the referee to discipline any players for their malicious actions left us frustrated. One eye had to be looking back in case a team member was being given the once over behind the play since the official was blind to what was taking place. Mac took the advantage with their rough play and managed to work the ball into our end zone for a try. They missed on the conversion, but the lead was down to five points. Some renewed determination to beat the Marauders with skill shone threw on the en-
by Keith Peck lmpfint sports
The rugby Warriors’ slide from first to nexttoworstcameaboutthispastweekendas the black and gold team dropped an ugly game 13-36 to the McMaster Marauders. OnSaturday,October24(tomorrow),the Warriors hope to finish the season on a positive note and regain some pride when they travel to the purple confines of Western’s home-coming weekend. The loss to Mac eliminated the possibility the rugby team had of making the postseason. The Marauders had a decided e&e in mass over the Waterloo squad in most,bf the forward and back positions, but nurpierous Waterloo players distinguished themselves with their hard play. D a l e F i n l e y c o n t i n u e d t o p l a y s t r o n g at prop and Ian Pryde filled the vacancy left by “Big” John Maddigan on the other side of the Waterloo front row. Mention also goes to Finley who has been asked to represent Canada on our nationall9 and under team. On with the game report. SpectatorsofthegameinHamiltonmight have thought that there were two totally different teams on the field for the first and second half because of the difference in play exhibited with the change of ends. The Warriors received the kick-off, started strong, and dominated the majority of play with great ball control1 and close support. Swift running cuts by inside-center Steve Keith had the Mac players tripping over each other in pursuit. V/hen he was finally tackled, a number of Marauders came into the maul offside to give the Warriors a penalty. . Edson Castilho made a strong kick through the uprights for a very early 3-O lead. The McMaster kick-off was received and
suing kick-off. Hard defensive pressure kept catching Mac behind the gain line and forced themintomakingballhandlingmistakesuntil they were deep into thier own end. The McMaster backs kicked the ball in an attempt get relief, but the Warriors quickly sent a return kick deeper into the Marauder end and caught the Mac forwards offside. The penalty was kicked by Castilho, and the 13-5 lead gave the Warriors some breathing room. Upon receiving the kick-off, the Warriors were then called for binding around Mike Temi in an offside position. Mac took a long kick at goal, and fell short in the attempt, but theresultingmayhemandlooseplayboun~ their way to create a try. The half ended with Waterloo holding to a slim 13-10 margin. The second half was one long disappointing and futileeffortfor the Warriors+ We came out still hopeing for the upset, but two early, and almost sure chances for penalty goal were missed by Castilho. M&laster then pushed us down the field
with the help of some leveling penalties that foiled ever chance to keep the ball a safe distance from the try-line. The ball was taken wide and found the comer of the Warrior end zone. The difficult position could not be converted from but the tally by the Marauders gave them a 15-13 lead. The Warrior defer&e then showed signs of inconsistency and fell back deep into their own end under Mac pressure. A goal line stand kept the ball from being controlled in the end zone for a try, but an unusual judgement from the referee returned possession of the ball to the Marauders a short five metres from the line. The big Mac pack took the advantage and for stretched the M&aster lead. The conversion was good and the margin was widened to 22-13 for the Marauders. Play continued on a hard level and more rough work saw the Warriors pushed back
continued to page 16
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Imprint Friday, October
Afhenasblow out Badgers
Soccer Warriors split three-game weekend by Nell Daniel Imprint spwts
The Warriors started out quickly when only 15 minutes into the game Jason Pither’s s h o t f r o m outside the 18 was s t o p p e d b y t h e The Warrior soccer team had a goalkeeper. Rookie Matt Lefevre came streaming in from nowhere to tough week as they played three bury the rebound in the Mac net to games in five days. The squad batgive his team a 1-O lead. Before halftled through to collect a win, a tie, and a loss to keep them barely in time, the Warriors increased their playoff contention. They must win lead to 2-C.when Pither headed a both of their remaining games, this c o m e r k i c k past the Mac goalie and upstairs where Norman keeps his w e e k e n d , t o h a v e a chance to admother. vance t o p o s t - s e a s o n p l a y . The week started off The Marauders managed a with Waterloo hosting the goalmidwaythroughtl&econd halfto narrow the lead to Brock Badges on Wednes2-l and then pulled off a miraday, October 14 at Columbia Field where the Warriors cle with a little help from the were eager to avenfze a 2-O r e f e r e e . W i t h l e s s than five loss to t& Badgers e&her in minutes left, a Mac forward the s e a s o n . took a dive inside the WaterIt was an even match loo box and the ref awarded a penalty kick that tied the throughout until the second game at 2-2. half when Warrior Greg Pappas’ free kick from centre found Then, with only a minute reas i t s k i m m e d u n d e r the crossbar teammate Dan Oleskevich on the maining before full-time, a Mafor a f-0 lead. ‘ w i n g , w h o got past his man and rauder s h o t d e e p i n W a t e r l o o ’ s e n d The Warriors looked to be deflected off a Warrior def6nder crossed the ball into the box. Vetheaded toward a n o t h e r w i n u n t i l eran Everton Barnes came streakfive minutes from time when a and ended up in the net, resulting in a disappointing 3-2 l o s s . ing in from the wing and delivered Hawk fullback worked his way The Warriors must win both of a p o w e r f u l header into the back o f upfield and slipped a shot into the the net to make it 1-O for UW. Waterloo net to help the Hawks their games this weekend to still have a chance of making the SomekeysavesbygoalieAbdel escape with a 1-l tie. Mummer thwarted the Brock atplayoffs. The Warriors take on On Sunday, October 18, the Windsor tomorrow (Saturday, Octack and the Warriors hung on for Waterloo team travelled to Hamilthe win. ton to face the McMaster Maraud- tober 24) and Western o n S u n d a y , October25.Bot.hgamesareat3p.m. On Saturday, October 17, the e r s , w h o t h e W a r r i o r s b e a t 1-O e a r at Columbia Field. Waterloo squad headed downUn& lier in the season. versity Avenue to Bechtel Park to face the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks, who were still sulking over the Warriors’2-1 come-from-behind win earlier this season. After a scoreless first half, the Warriors began pouring it on in the second as they led wave after wave of attacks. A Warrior free kick from 25 yards out was taken by rookie Rick Bazzarelo, w h o s e r o c k e t - l i k e shotlefttheLauriergoalieonchance
The Murauders pulled off a miracle with a little help from the rf:
Your Future Awaits. .
by Darka Tchir imprint spsrb
TheOWfAAsoccerplayoffsare only two weeks away and the race is on for playoff contention. Last week, the Athena soccer team inched closer to this goal. Wednesday, October 14 marked Waterloo’s third win of the season. The aggressive Athenas trounced the Brock Badgers 5-O on Columbia Field. The women came out confident. Their offence showed no mercy, with numerous attempts from defensive and offensive positions. In the early minutes of the game, fullback Darka Tchir and midfielder Catherine Hollifield score Waterloo’s first two goals. Just beforetheendofthehalf,midfielder KerryJarnesonpoppedanothergoal in, for a 3-O Waterloo advantage. The Athenas continued to play strongly for the duration. Midfielder Alison Snider and Patti Turnbull capitalized on two more chances, leaving the score at 5-O. Three days later, on Saturday, October 17, the Athenas awoke to a coldandblusterydaytofaceWilfrid L a u r i e r . W a t e r l o o w a s n o t able to h o l d o f f t h e L a d y H a w k s ’ offence and suffered a disappointing 2-0 loss. On Sunday, October 18, the
team knew they had to come togetherand forgetthepreviousday’s mistakes. The Athenas headed to Hamiltontoconfrontthel99lCIAU champions, the McMaster Marauders. The Athenas started off slow and the Marauders were able to capitalize, taking a l-0 lead. This shook up the team and they fought back withdetermination. Before the half ended, UW’s A n n a Hoogendoomreceivedtheballfrom the middle and put it in the back of the net to tie the game l-1. The goal boosted the team’s morale and the final 45 minutes were played w i t h heart. The Mac women were kept on their toes trying towithstandtheAthenas’coun&attack, a n d t h e g a m e e n d e d i n a draw. Rookie goaltending sensation Nicofe Wight played another tremendous game, shutting down the opposition down for the rest of the game. This game added another point to the team’s record. Waterloo showed marked improvement in all aspects of their game. The team is dealing with a few injuries but plantocomeouthardagainstWindsor and Western this weekend. The women play at 1 p.m. at Columbia Field on both Saturday, October 24 and Sunday, October 25.
UW and WLU
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Black Plague kicks off preseason at Brock by Rich Mchol imprint sports
The Black Plague volleyball Warriors kicked off their 1992-93 exhibition schedule by participating in the Brock University InvitationalVolleyballToumament in St. Catharines this past weekend. Waterloo was considered one of the perennial favourites in the eightteamevent,finishingas tournament champions in three of the previous four years. After losing four of its six starters to graduation - power hitters Ian Heynen and Dave Balodis, and middle blockers William Zabjek and Brian Shin - the volleyball Warriors have begun a major rebuilding process, but still remain one of the most dominating forces in the OLJAAcoderence. Despite the gaps in the roster, Waterloo still finished fifth among the strong field of ten teams in attendance. Warrior head coach Scott Shantz,nowenteringhisfourfh year at the helm, elected to try out most of his 1992-93 Black Plague lineup including many of his promising freshman
The biggest surprise for Waterloo was the offensive leadership of third-year power hitter Rene Halt Averaging over ten kills per match, Holt tore down the opposing team’s block with b attack both mcourt and down the line. He received a tournament all-star s&ction for his efforts. Fellow power hitter and team captain Mike Fullerton, the true veteran of the team with four solid years of CIAU volleyball under his belt, also had a very consistent at-
tack throughout the weekend, The team’s status was rather shaky during the off-season when startingsetterandouAAwestfirstteam all-star Shawn Smith became quite sick, losing 30 pounds and a great deal of athletic stamina. Considered by many as the premier setter in Ontario and the essential ingredient of Waterloo’s success, Smith is the life and death of the t e a m . F i g h t i n g b a c k o v e r t h e last few months to regain the weight and energy that he had lost, Smith was able to start in many of the Warrior’s matches this past week-
morning by beating up on the host squad Brock two straight, 15-10 and 15-7, in just 36 minutes. Waterloo also made short work of Laurier, winning 2-O by game scores of 15-12 and 15-10. Ryerson met the same fate losing 2-O (1542 and 1541). Probably the most entertaining match of the two-day event was The Black Plague’s final pool play match against OUAA conference nemesis Toronto. Over the past four years, exhibition and league games between these two teams havebeen volleyball marathons and this bout was no different. After over one hour of play the Varsity Blues edged the Warriors2-1 by game scores of 15=6,14X, and 1512. In the &ampionship quarterfinals the following morning Waterloo met up with a hot Western team and lost in a 40-
6th Annual Queen’s Invitational Volleyball Tournament. For anyone who will be in the area this weekend,WaterloowiUplayagainst Victoria and Queen’s on Friday night at 6% and 8:oO respectively. Then on Saturday, they meet Sherbrooke at 1200 and Brock and
the tournament, The Black Plague
met Brock, Laurier, Ryerson, and Toronto in pool play. Waterloo kicked off the event early Saturday
The Black Plague travels to
Kingston today toparticipatein the
by Tcfrdnn O’Doherty imprint sports
It was a dark morning when the UW crew departed late to St. C&harines for theBrock Invitational Regatta. The long van, ride to St. Kittswasfilledwiththeusualmoming excitement and the eternal question, “Are we there yet?” T h e
UW vans pulledupto the Henley IslandRow-
ing course, the corn=
. . the best
transported doubles in the world
Last but not least was the cornbination of the light and heavy men’sfourstocreateavarsitymen’s heavy eight; it was a learning exlperience and opened the crew’s eyes to the true definition of “fat boys.” Though the wind was blowing C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s one a n d a l l ! and white-caps were forming on thewater,heUW”BulghPeasNext stop will be Western Invitational, tomorrow, Saturday ant” pair of Janine Oosterveld and Giselle Chiasson rowed a strong October 17*
Next week in Imprint: Black Plague player profiles!
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race and came away with a gold in the women’s double event. The heavy m e n ’ s four and the light men’s four both placed third in their final and revealed to the competition that UW will be in the top three at OUAA championships. Theheavywomen’sfourrowed well in the rough water but did not qualify for their final. The lightweight women’s four and heavy men’s double placed sixth overall. Oosterveld also rowed well in her secondevent of the day, women’s single, and placed fourth in her finaI*
@Utie Camhza#
Oosterveld and Chiasson strike gold
to quiver from fear of the BLACKPLAGUE. Personally, I don’t blame them; it is a widely knownfactthattheUWcrewshave state of the art equipment (the SPE-E-D B-0-s-S) an the best transported doubles in the world. end. He was in true form, making most of his sets with pin-point accuracy, and forming a varied and deceptive offence. Backup setter Mike Service, who’s gamehas developed tremendously during the off-season, has been able to take much of the pressure off Smith with some very big minutes on the court for Waterloo. Getting back to the action of
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Friday. October 23,1992
Hoops Athenas get .WeSte.rn silver . by Maureen Marcdonald imprint sports
The varsity Athena Basketball team kicked off their pre-season schedule on a positive note at the Western Invitational Tournament last weekend by capturing silver and coming home with a 2-l record. On Friday night (October 16), the Athenas defeated York University 47-45 in a hard-fought and wenly matched defensive effort. Although it was only the first game of the season for the squad, they worked well together and showed lots of promise. The game was close for all 40 minutes and the score viras 45-40 for Waterloowithtwominutesremaining. York scored a lay-up at the oneminute mark and a three-pointer with33secondsremainingtotiethe game at 45 all. Waterloo pulled out the win with only 11 seconds to go on an outside jump shot by second-year
guardJanice Awad. The scoring for theAthenaswasevenlydi.stributed and the team was 82 per cent from the fme-throw line. The high scorer and player of thegamefortheAthenaswasKathy Wordham with 11 points. Strong rebounding was a key to the win with Brenda Kraemer and Nadia Gosgnach each pulling down six. On Saturday night (October 17), the Athenas met the Western Mustangs in Alumni Hall and fell 71-44 to the traditionally powerful team. The Mustangs came at the WaterloosquadwithfulIcourtpressurebutthe Athenashandleditwell and maintained composure. The score was close for much ofthematchandinthefirsteight minutes of the second half the Athenas outscored the Mustangs 15-8. One of the deciding factors in the game seemed to be Western’s ability to sink three-point shots and they wentually pulled ahead for the win.
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Brenda Kraemer, a fifth-yea kinesiology student, was player of the game for her efforts on offence and on defence. The toumam ent ended on a winning note for the Athenas with the Sunday morning defeat of Guelph Gryphons. The Athenas defeated Guelph 59-33 in a game which saw the Waterloo team neutralize the Guelph penetration and force outside shots. Carrying over the iritensity of Saturdaynight’sgame,theAthenas kept their turnovers down and saw scoring contribution from many players. Awad was selected as player of the game as she led the Waterloo backcourt in a strong attack. Ahighlightoftheweekendwas the fact that every member of the team was able to contribute and gain valuable experience. The team is looking forward to a very busy season and hopes to improve upon last years successful record. You can come out and show your support this weekend when the Athenas play the Laurier l.nvitational.AllgamesareatLaurier and the Athenas play Queen’s on Friday at 8 p.m. and Latieron Sunday at 2 p.m.
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WJbY team finishes at Western
swimmers see * mixed results at Windsor -
The 1992-93 version of the Waterloo varsity swim team travelled south last weekend to Windsor to swim the annual Can-Am IIWitdiOMl.
The team as tough as Oakland University (one of the top NCAA Division II s&c&s) was there as was Wayne State, Brock, Laurier and the hosts, Windsor. Sheryl Slater opened the meet with a superior effort, taking a gold inthemmetrefreeandfoIlowing that up with an equally impressive first in the 200 back over a strong Brock contingent. Rookie Amy Jan& continued the winning ways with the 200 intermediate,100 fly, and 100 free. Former UAU qualifier Gory Powell shows you’re never too old tocomebackwithtopthreefinlshes inthe2OOfree,fOOfree,andlOOfly. Big smiles were given by rookie Janet Duga with exciting finishes in the 100 free. Kara Rice, despite unorthodox turns, turned in an excellent time of li10.68 in the 100 back. Veteran Trish FeIszegi crushed the rest of the field with a :31.26 in the 50 back. Our breaststroke contingent, led by CIAU qualifier Melissa Williams with help from second year swimmer Jen Beat& dominated the women’s breaststroke events. Rookie Diana Dampier showed great promise in all three breaststroke events. Jana Stehlik and Natalie Se&in rounded out the small yet strong women’s side with impressive efforts throughout the day. The men’s side was led by a strong contingent of returning veterans and a promising collection of
rookies. Five-year perma-rookie Jason Krupp showed the way with an impressive second place finish in the men’s 100 fly. Three Waterloo swimmers hJark Gdwin, Brian Roughiey, and Steve Brown-swam personal bests in this event, a good sign this early in the season. Another second place was earned b CIAU qualifieer Ian Hunt intheKy.RookieAndrewWahbe showed speed and promise by swimming a competitive ~26.18 in the same event. Atriooffirstyearmen-Terry Boyko,AlexKim,andKaoruYajima -respond&vithafewgutsyswims oftheirown,incIudingthe100f+eestyle and some impressive relay swims. Rookie Chris Daughney was particularly fast in these same relays. Movingontothesprints,Larry Huang and Alex Havrlantin the 50 breasta.ndNormRobertonandSean Lashmar in the 50 back all showed their competitive prowess with strong efforts. “I think the team as a whole made good progress today from a fundamental point of view with the way the races were finished and the way peopleswamwiththeirheads,” coach Brian Cartlidge said when asked about the team’s performance. “I think with the good mix of old and new swimmers, with the older swimmers providing the necessary leadership, the team will prove to be a dominant one come championships.” “The team is coming along well,” added assistant coach Kris Jackshaw. “Withhardworkinpractiseandsomesmartswimming,this isgoingtobeagoodteam.”
cuntlnued from page 13
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into another goal line stand with very similar results to the first. Again, the ball was awarded irmmctly to the attacking team, andanothertrywasscored.Th+try was converted to put Mac further out front at 29-13. ThedispiritedWarriorsfellvictim to one more questionable refereeing decision and the resulting Mac score turned the once close game into a 36-13 route. The final minutes of the game saw play deteriorate into flagrant vindictive retaliations of foul play that the referee remained oblivious to. Little solace was felt at having received some retribution by taking justice into our own hands in repayinp the Marauder’s foul play with our own. The score left a feeling that consistant ignorance by the official played a major role in de&mining the outcome of the game and took away our last playoff hope for the SeasOn. Fortunately, the second game had a muchbetter official. The junior varsity team lost a very close game 3-5. Ashley Richards scored theWarriorpointsonapenaltykick. The team put out a very strong effort,inspiteof havingthenumber of available players being depleted from having to promote and replace injured starting players.
Warrior football continued from page 12 Lancers (l-5) 40-21. Tomorrow (Saturday, October 24), the Blues can clinch first place in the OUAA with a win at Guelph. If Laurier beats York at Seagram Stadium, they?1 be number two. Toronto and Laurier would then host playoff games next Saturday. The winners of fist-round games advance to the OUAA championship Yates Cup at SkyDome in Toronto on November 7. The Warriors dodged three bullets early as Laurier drove deep into uw territory thrice in the first half, only to come away with singles each time. Waterloo could have maintainedthismomentumand tied the game with at least a field goal as they drove 53 yards to VVLIJ’s 223 yardlineinthefinalminuteofthe half. This drive was key& by a 4% yard option scamper by Mike Son on second-and-inches. But this chance was squandered as the usually conservative Knight calkd a r-e- play to receiver Jodie Schnarr, who was tracked down by WLU defensive end Hugh Lawson for a loss of 19
yards. This forced kicker Rick Guenther to j-ry a field goal from 45 yards out; it was wide to the right. Waterloo looked to regain the momentum early in the second half as Son returned a punt 40 yards to Laurier’s 51-yard line. After runs by Tom Chartier of eight, nine, and thirten yards, Waterloo’s offence lookedlikeanunstoppablemachine (Chartier gained 82 yards on 16 carries).ThencameDanschUo’sfumble of an option lateral and O’Reilly’s momentous return. Warrior punter MkeRaynard was forced to surrender a safety instead of &king a WLU punt E turndeepinWaterlooterrito@his made the score 12-O in favour of WLU. Finally, Waterloo broke -with throughinthefourth thepass.aansb\iitko r etheteam 58yardsonfourplays,culmInating in the major to Willmoe at 412 into the quarter to make the score 12-7. After Laurier surrendered a safetytonaTrowtheolargintothree points, Waterloo threatened late. Danschmko passed 35 yards to AdrianThornetogiveWatrloothe ball at WLU’s4U-yard line with one tickleftontbeclock.Anincomplete deep pass ended the game.
&00 pm
:3Q p.m., CC Greai Hdl
OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSPERSON If you are unsure about which university policy, procedure, or regulation applies to your situation; If you feel that you have been unfairly treded by anyone on campus; If you have a problem that requires someone to help mediate a solution; o r If you feel that any university. policy, procedure, or regulation has been applied unfairly or erroneously,
then contact the Ombuds,person, Campus Cenire 15UC, or 888~4022, x2402 to as&t you with these problems
ALL STUDENTS Any of you are welcome to participate in a two day Design Competition for the NEW- Student Centre
NOVEMBER 3-5 Make your ideas part of the design - drop by CC 219 for more information
Voting for on campus residents will take place in Village I Great Hall I on Monday, Oct. 26/1992 9am-8pm. Off campus residents have their voting location on the back of their notice of enumeration card1
and recehrea FREE â&#x20AC;&#x153;I TuRNED f$iT
Friday, C & & r 23,1992
. _ JZharnpus Recreation DeAnn Durrer imprint sports The leagues are busy getting ready for the upcoming playoffs and. tournaments at present. Here are a few dates to note for the upcoming week: October 27 - Mixed Volleyball Tournament Captain’s Meeting 445 pm PAC 1001 October 29 - C P R 352-03 S t a r t s October 28 - F o o t C a r e C l i n i c 12:30 MC 4040 O c t o b e r 31- Mixed Volleyball Tournament 11:30 - 530 p . m . P A C M a i n G y m
NICOLE WRIGHT Athena Soccer The University of Waterloo has chosen Nicole Wright, a first-year kinesiobgy student, as female athlete of the week. Wright, the Athena soccer team’s goal keeper,wasinstrumentalunceagainthisweek in keeping the Athenas’ playoff hopes alive. Waterloo played to a scoreless tie with M&aster a n d l o s t t o Laurier O-2 in a game thatmighthavebeenbrokenopenhadWr$ht not made several great saves. Overall, she has been very strong for the Athenas, allowing just five goals in eleven games. The Athenasare currently holding fourth place going into their final two games of the SEWA, both at home. The Athenas host Windsor tomorrow ( S a t u r d a y , 0ctober 24) and Western on Sunday, October 25. Both games begin at 1 p.m. at Columbia Field.
Foot Care Cllnlc
JEFF LAKE Warrior Football The University of Waterloo has chosen Jeff Lake as male athlete of week. Lake, a student in sociology, is in his final year at UW. H e is captain and a key member of the Warrior defense. Last weekend against Wilfrid Laurier, he was awarded the Ray Owens Memorial Award as the Warriors’ most valuable player in the game. Lake recorded two quarterback sacks, o n e h u r r y , a n d t e n t a c k l e s in a losing cause; WLU b e a t W a t e r l o o 1 2 - 9 . T h e W a r r i o r s c o m plete their season tomorrow (Saturday, Ott* ber24)inWindsor.Upetigkick-offi.sscheduled for 2 p.m. Honoumble Memtion: JASON GREGOIRE War~lor Cross Country Jason Gregoire placed first out of a field of approximately 70 runners this weekend at t h e U n i v e r s i t y of W a t e r l o o C r o s s C o u n t r y Meet. He finished the &kiIometre course in 25102.
1 l/2 PRICE 1 Stay warm this winter! O.W. Sports has great Schneider ski jackets that are waterproof, windproof and breathable and they are l/2 price until Saturday, October 3 1, 1992. Don’t miss this great buy! “O,\N, SPORTS the ski experts”
theydeservebyattendingtheFootCareClinic on Wednesday, October 28 between 12~30 and 150 p.m. in MC 4040. Take care of your feet - you’ve only got one pair. soccer League Bulletin Nearing the end of the season, the finalists for theend-of-se;lsr>np~yo~~~~ting to become evident. Of the 33 teams that entered, outstanding teams, thus far, include I)ynamo,St. Paul’s College and .W6-W3. These three teams are leading their leagues of A, B and C respectively. Within the leagues of B and C, there are two separate pools of six teams. These pools havebeenledbytheabove-mentioned teams, and by the strong contenders of CEGSA, The FriendlyGiantsandMuz~~Gningafor the B league and GoaIs Galore, Cs Daemons and
Don’t forget: The tennis singles tournament prelimiUctober 25. Catch the action and come on out to this and/or the soccer playoffs and cheer! naries take place Sunday,
Fit Facts: 1. Certain lifestyle habits, such as smoking, poor eating habits, or inactivity, increase your chance of developing chronic health problems.Youcantakechargeofyourhealth and reduce your risks by changing negative lifestyle habits into positive ones. 2. Research shows that moderate enjoyable activities like walking dancins, cycling, and swimming can improve your health and feeling of wellbeing. Pain during or after ~~yalx&wtivity is a sign that you are doing 3. W&n you restrict your food intake with fad diets, your body becomes fuel efficient. It uses up less fat and relies on lean body tissue (muscles) for energy. The end result is an increasedproportionof fatinyour body. 4. People who skip breakfast tend to over-eat later in the day or to snack on highsugar foods by mid-morning.
THE LARGEST ATHLETIC W e’re the biggest athletic supporter in town. That’s why teams, jocks and other sports fans join us every day to check out the action on the big screen or on one of several W.s which are fed live action from around the world via satellite. (The ody placq where you truly cat7 watch several games at once without someone txmplaininig.)
And if you feel like another kind of live action, there’s shuffleboard, very cold beverages, and a great menu to feed from. Fresh popcorn and sports info are free.
SPORTS 220 King Street, E.
32 King Street, S.
Let’s think feet. . . do you ever take your
feet for granted? Give them the treatment
Asyd for the C league. The A league has been dominated by Dynamo, while Intrepid has been f o l l o w i n g c l o s e behind. Playoffs take place this weekend (act* ber2425),0ctober31,andNovemberl. G o o d lucktoallteams.Captains,remembertocheck your standings, and the Playoff Meeting is today (Qctober 23) at 4:45 in CC 135.
east of
160 University Ave. 88645490
R l
Varsity Scoreboard
Western 1 Laurier Queen’s 5 Carleton 15 York .3 Toronto 17 Brock 1 Guelph Windsor McMaster 1 Laurier 2 Waterloo Trent 3 Ryerson 2 Brock 18 Western Guelph 2 Windsor Waterloo 1 McMaster Carleton 3 Ryerson Queen’s 1 York
Toronto Laurier Western Guelph M&aster Waterloo Windsor York
6 6 6 6 ‘6 6 6 6
5 5 4 4 3 2 1 0
1204 8 5 1225 115 2185 98 2 119 96 3155 229 4 80 82 5 88231 6 75 195
10 10 8 8 6 4 2 0
SCORES 0ct. 15 Guelph 25 York 17 Laurier 12 Waterloo 3 3 Toronto Western M&laster 4 0 Windsor
0 9 15 21
WI w2 w3 w4 York 4 3 U-3 7-O 9 - 5 Western 6-l 9 - 5 5 - 2 9-5 Queen’s 10-4 5-2 2-5 6-8 M&faster 3-4 2-5 9-5 9-5 Toronto l-6 4 - 3 8-6 6-8 Waterloo 7 - 7 34 o-7 3 - 1 1 Brock 410 l-13 410 RESULTS
Oct. 1 8 W e s t e r n Western M&laster Queen’s York York OUAA RUGBY STANCHNGS FJm Div. GPW 17 F’APts Queen’s 6 5 1 0’133 21 10
M&laster Cuelph Western Waterloo Toronto
4 6 6 6 6
York Carleton RMC Laurier Brock Trent Oct. 8 9 10
6 6 6 5 6 5
Laurier 10 Guelph 11 Brock 10 McMaster 11 Windsor 10 Waterloo 10 Western 10 Qct.
1 2 4 4 6
6 4 4 2 1 0
0 2 2 3 5 5
0 137 83 0 57 51 OG68 0 69 109 033160
SCORES York 17 Guelph 5 McMaster 2 6 Queen’s 16 Carleton 13 Laurier 17
EustmDiv.GP Laurentian 10 Carleton 10 Toronto 9 Queen’s 10 Trent 10 York 10 Ryerson 1 1 WstmDiv.
5 4 2 2 0
8 8 7 4 3 3 2
4 4 5 3 4 3 1
2 2 2 6 7 7 9
1 2 3 3 4 4 7
14 Trent Guelph Waterloo QWdS Toronto Laurier 1 7 Guelph Carleton Muter Ryerson Waterloo 18 Windsor taurentian Carleton Brock Queen’s McMaster
4 1 1 1 5 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 3 6 3
010648 0162 34 0 89 59 0 84 103 0 49 109 0 8150
Brock Waterloo Toronto Western RMC Brock T
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 5 2 5 2 2 2
10 8 4 4 0
PCS 12 8 8 4 2 0 0 3 13 3 0 7
2 3 21 21 19 11 8 4
21 II 11 10 7 9 7
5 6 5 14 19 24 34 A
11 7 7 12 9 11 19
York M&faster Brock Carleton Ryerson western Brcxk Laurentian Windsor Trent Laurier Guelph
Ryerson Western York Waterloo
16 16 14 8 6 6 4
13 13 12 11 10 9 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2
4 5 6 4 4 5
31-11 29-13 23-19 23-19 19-23 13-29 9-33
M&faster Waterloo Waterloo Toronto Toronto Queen’s
3 2 1 3 3 2
Qct. 24 McMaster at Western 2:00 p.m. Toronto at Guelph 2:00 p.m. York at Laurier 2:OO p.m. RUG0Y
Oct. 24 Brock Carleton M&faster Toronto York
at RMC at Trent at Queen’s at GueIph at Laurier
1:OO p . m . 1 m p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1:OO p . m . 1:OO p . m .
SOCCER Oct. 20 Toronto at Queen’s 600 p.m. 23 Carleton at Trent 790 p . m . 24 Laurier at Brock 1:OO p . m . Queen’s at Laurentianl:OO p.m. Ryerson at York 1:OO p . m . Western at McMaster2:OO p.m. Carleton at Toronto 3:OO p.m. 25 Laurier at Guelph I:00 p . m . Trent at Laurentianl:OO p.m. Windsor at Brock 1:OO p . m . Toronto at York 3:oO p . m . Oct. 21 Ryerson 23 Brock Guelph Lauren. RMC 24 RMC Lauren. Guelph Brock Queen’s
HOCKEY at Laurier 7:30 p.m. at ConcordiaiT30 p.m. at McGill 79 p . m . at York 7:30 p . m . at Toronto 7~30 p.m. at York 2:oo p.m. at Toronto 3:00 p.m. at Concordia4:OO p.m. at McGill 7:00 p.m. at Laurier 7:oo TENNlS
Oct. 24 OUAA Team C h a m p i o n s h i p s & 25 at Richmond tiill W i n t e r T e n n i s Club 7:30 p . m .
Toronto York Carleton Trent Ryerson
9 8 8 8 8 9
McMaster WeStern Laurier Guelph
Windsor Brock
11 9 10 11 10 9 10
7 1137 6 1145 5 1 2 2 5 3 5 0 13 1 7 0 6 1 8 0 3 8 7 4 4 3 0 0
0 1 3 5 4 6 7
Oct. 1 3 T o r o n t o 1 4 Waterloo M&Laster
9 5 1
3 1 3 2 3 3 3
18 1 7 15 11 9 7 3
Ryerson Brock Guelph
6 6 5 24 30 58
Pts 15 13 12 6 2 2
7 3 10 13 7 14 26
19 15 11 10 9 3 3 0 0 0
Toronto York Guelph Queen’s Waterloo McGill Laurentian Carleton Western T r e n t Oct.
10 9 10 11 11 10 11 11 lo 11
10 7 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 3 2 5 4 5 5 5 11
1 3 5 2 2 2 3 4 0
51 2 23 7 17 28 20 12 14 14 8 13.5 8 18 13 11 6 10.5 8 13 10 7 12 9 2 20 8 0 51 0
SCQRES 15 Toronto 3 York 2 1 17 Waterloo 1 Guelph 1 Carleton q 0 McGill 18 Waterloo 0 Western 0 Guelph 1 York 1 Toronto 5 Waterloo 0 Toronto 6 Western 0 Queen’s 0 Carleton 0 McGill 1 Laurentian 0 Carleton 2 Trent OWIAA
Team WKl wK2 wK3WK4 P t s Western 18 14 8 15 55 Q u e e n ’ s 1 8 ’ 13 15 9 55 York 18 8 21 51 McMaster 6 5 1 15 27 Toronto 9 4 9 0 22 Waterloo 3 7 9 0 19 Wiidsor 0 6 9 15 Laurier 0 2 0 3 5 THlS WEEKIN THE OWIAA SOCCER
Oct. 14 Guelph
at Laurie at 17 Brock at M&laster at 18 Western at G u e l p h at
&Master 3:30 p.m. Western 4z3Op.m. Guelph 3:00 p.m. Windsor 1:OO p.m. Brock 1:OO p . m . Windsor 1:OOp.m.
SOCCER - EAST Oct. 13 Ryerson at Toronto 14 Carleton at Queen’s 15 York at Toronto 17 Ryerson at Trent 18 Ryerson at Carleton York at Queen’s
8:00 p.m. 400 p.m. 8:OO p.m. 3:00 p.m. 12:OO p+m. 3:00 p.m.
14 Waterloo at Guelph 500 p.m. 15 Toronto at York 430 p . m . 1 8 ( a t Y o r k - Lamport Stadium) Guelph vs York 11% a.m. Western vs Toronto 3:45 p.mF1El.D HOCKEY - EAST
Oct. 17 McGill vs Carleton lo:30 a.m. 18 Queen’s vs Carleton 9:00 a.m. burentianvs McGill 1030 a.m. Carleton vs Trent 12100 p . m . Queen’s vs Laurentian p.m. Trent vs McGill 3:00 p.m. TENNIS
Oct. 1 7 W a t e r l o o , W e s t e r n a t Y o r k Windsor, Laurier at McMaster Queen‘s at Toronto
The Kids are Alright
Sonic Youth Rock Like Pigs
Hundreds of years ago before the dawn of history, lived an ancient race sonic Youth with Eric’s Trip and Laughing Hyenas me Ccmcerf Hall Thursday, October 15
by SoMy Atwal imprint St*
Considering the vital statistics of the band, the name Sonic Youth may seem like a misnomer. The youngest member of the band, drummer Steve Shelley, is 31 and the oldest, bassist Kim Gordon, is 38. They already have the reputation of guitar gods and they seem to be approaching the age of no reHowever, to anyone who was at their recent Toronto concert at the Concert Hall, it was deafeningly obvious that they are old only in humanyears.Intermsoftheyouthhlness of the sound, their precocious adventuring with distortion and guitar sounds, they are still as fresh as a vacuum-sealed bag of Nabob, The show began with Moncton’s very own Eric’s Trip, who take their name from atrackon the SO& album Lhydrem Nation. Theyseemedtomodelnotonlytheir soundbutal.sotheirlookfromSonic Youth (right down to the female bassist). The band had a bit of a lull in the middle of their set, but the blasting opener as well as the two clo&ngnum~rswerephenomenal. Somewhat like the Sonics in their devotion to noise, Eric’s Trip trulyfulfilledtheirdutyasanopening act - they made a name for themselves, and left the crowd wanting more. With the currept Canadian music scene being typified by the likes of Bootsauce, Sons of Freedom, and (on the more popular side) Bryan Adams, having to see a band like Eric’s Trip in a support slot for an American band is a little disconcerting.Whereareallthepro-
meters &d record company reps. when Eric’s Trip are eeking out an existence? From their performance onThursday, there’snoreasonwhy thisgreatEastOastCan.adianband shouldn’t have as much success as a shit Montreal band. Thesecondopeningactlaughing Hyenas were just as impressive as Eric’s Trip. Hailing from the U.S.A., the most impressive thing about this band was the lead singer’s voice. If in some bizarze accident the lead singer of Pearl Jam and James Hetield of Metallica were to be melded into one human being, this is what that hybrid human being would sound like. Fortunately the band provided a little more originality than PearlJam and alittlemoremelodythanMeta&a.
uf people..
merits. By choosing good opening bands (Laughing Hyenas also accompanied Sonic Youth on their 1990 Go0 tour) the Sonics are proving their de.votion to music in general rather than the big bucks that go along with being famous. At 11:30, Sonic Youth took the stage knowing full well that the crowd was there to pray at the altar of distortion. And pray we did. Aswithalltrulygreatconcerts, the songs performed were more than just the album vemions. Songs like “Drunken Butterfly” and “Sugar Kane” received total reconstruction at the hands of the band. New verses/lyrics were added and the crowd were treated to familiar content in an unfamiliar form. This being said, the band’s sound on
SONIC D E A L - 4 Sonic Youth Fan Club RO. Box 1588 Bluumfield N. J. 07003
Lee Ranal& interview pages 28 - 29 The band owed not a little tip of the hat to the group that they were opening for - of course that’s understandable since it’s hard to avoid the influence of a band like sonic Yo@ll After a few songs it seemed like it was time for a game of “how long can the lead singer keep screaming like he% just eaten some napalm?” The answer turned out to be: quite some time. Laughing Hyenas excited the crowd some more and finished off their set alsofulfilling both requirements for being an openingband. Because Sonic Youth are great musicians, they can do more than just play their instru-
stage was remarkably similar to the album versions for much of the performance. It wasn’t hard to recognize the songs within a few chords, however tiy of the tracks were mutated into new creatures, not all of which were friendly. The band made brilliant use of a limited light system throughout the night. Moments of nirvana (no pun intended) were reached when waves of distorted power chords swept over the crowd and the only lights on the band were the erratic flash of a strobe and swirling kaleidoscopic colours behind them, For what seemed an eternity, the band would build toa climacticcrescendo
photo by Dave Fisher
and then pull themselves and the crowd back to the Concert Hall* All except two of the songs played durin? their 75-minute set -were from Dt The only exce tionswere”Koo?king?rOml !iJBr‘s i2ii%EiT*ZS~iQZ to the Sonic re-mix machine and werewonderfullyupdatedtomatch the (I kinda hate to say it) polished sound that Sonic Youth have adopted for Dir&. But polished is a rather strange word to describe a band whose members alternately beat their guitars with their straps, use drumsticks as makeshift frets and simulate copulation with the bass. Towardtheendoftheset,most of the songs collapsed into an impromptu lesson in guitar torture, extracting wails and cries from their axes. It’s an almost exclusive Sonic Youth trick to be able to combine both fucked-up, loud, aggressive guitars along with some wonderful melodies that put the Sonics head and shoulders above any of the Next Nirvanascurrentlywankingoff into their microphones. Theusualcomplaintsonecoti have at a show like this are that the songs that the band put on the set list are not the songs you or I would’ve put on the set list. Such a bitch has little if any place at a show like this. The songs presented b thebandwereperformedwithsu cii energy and sta e presence that it’s almost impossi% le to fault them for a narrow song selection+ After all, had they tried to do an overview to please everyone, they would’ve pleased no one. That may very well be true for the band’s entire career, and not ju+ tl& night. It’s a cliche in rock to call a band dangerous. Guns ‘N Roses are no more dangerous than my fiend’s retarded dog. Likewise for the brand “experimental.” It’s a term that can be applied to very few bands, but fortunately Sonic Youth is one group where this label can not only be applied, but will stick, because it’s true.
Imprint Friday, October 23,1992
Big Top Spirit Tear the Commercial Down them with Spirit of the West. As usual the subject of the songs came from the real life experiences of the band. T w o o f t h e s o n g s w e r e a b o u t t h e hectic and awkward lifestyle associated with travelling for a long time. There was, what I think’ a love s o n g ( s o m e t i m e s h a r d t o t e l l w i t h them), a political song, one about Pee Wee Herman’s troubles of late called “Bone of Contention” (as Mann explained “We are big fans of Pee W e e H e r m a n and masturbation”), and one he wrote while on his honeymoon in Venice. Most of the other material done for the show came from their latest release Go @mt mixed with the big hits from the earlier alb u m s . ln a change though, they did play the original version of “Political” from the album Labolrr Day. Although I enjoy both versions, it was nice to see the old one in concert again. The only complaint I had with the show was the use of voice echo on some of the songs. This effect may work well with the
Spirit of the West/And Then Some Commercial Tavern, Maryhill O c t o b e r 15,1!392 by hunk Seglenieks imprint staff Last Th*ursday night at the Commercial Tavern in beautiful Maryhill, Spirit of the West played a sold-out show in front of a more than appreciative audience which was certainly more than satisfied with the performance. I have often said that the Commercial Tavern is a great place tosee a band. Well, that perspective has a l w a y s b e e n w h e n there has generally been less than 20 people in attendance. This was not the case last Thursday as the place was packed to capacity and there was b a r e l y r o o m t o m o v e u n t i l t h e t a b l e s i n
Endplanetary degradatiun I l
frontofthestagewereremoved.Thisgavethe c r o w d a l o t m o r e r o o m t o assemble and as resultitstillgetsmyvoteasagreatplacetosee a band. One aho has to wonder why a band which could sell out Fed Hall would choose to play in such a small venue. Perhaps they enjoy the small confines of the tavern or that they knew the fans who came to the show would be into the music. Theband wasasgoodaslhaveeverseen them; both John Mann and Geoffrey Kelley were energetic. Linda h&Rae switched between the accordion and bass, Hugh MacMillan showed his talent on many instruments, and Vice Ditrich was just an animal on the drums. The band seems to have a really
photo by Bernard Kearney goodtimeplayingliveandthisfeelingspilled into the crowd, which was a jostling sea of bodies. During the set, the audience got a taste of what songs the band has been writing lately and how the sound of Spirit of the West is e v o l v i n g . M a n y o f t h e n e w s o n g s w e r e de&
nitely getting away from the Celtic aspect which was the main ingredient of their style when they started out over five years ago. The six new songs which the band presented were all fine songs and although most of them did not have a real folky feel, I still heard something in them which identified
save this * house
newer material, which has a lot of different layers of sound, but when used on songs like “The Old Sod” or “The Crawl,’ which are very vocal-dominant, it makes them sound liketheyareplayinginthebottomofacavem. T h e o p e n i n g b a n d AndThenSome w e r e a pleasant surprise. They had a good folk sound which went well with the headlining act. The appreciative crowd seemed to enjoy what they were doing and I look forward to seeing them again. Overall, a great night of music was witnessed by the crowd and although no mention of upcoming material was made, Kelly ended the last encore by saying that they would see us again after a new album. For me, that moment can’t come too soon.
Speaking with Spirits by Natalie Onusku
special to imprint
V a n c o u v e r ’ s S p i r i t o f t h e West will need “Home for a Rest’ after having radiated such an abundance of contagious energy that caught a n d b l a z e d l i k e w i l d f i r e t h r o u g h the C o m m e r c i a l T a v e r n i n Maryhill, where the band played last Thursday. Referring to live performances, John Mann (singer / s o n g w r i t e r / g u i t a r i s t ) s a y s , “audiences liking us @ves us encouragement. When we first started out, our emotions and e g o s w e r e s o f r a g i l e a n d if’it w e r e n ’ t f o r t h e fact that people liked us, we probably wouldn’t have continued on. I hope pea l e e n j o y t h e m selves -when they get up an 1 g o nuts, that’s the ultimate.” Thursday night’s exuberant full house did just that! For down-to-earth Mann, married witha 19-month-oldsonandexpectinganotherbaby soon, an artist is “someone who is bein creative by following their own desires an fabilities at the same time as trying to explore, rather than re t what has been done already.” This pE ’ osophy accurately mirrors the band’s evolvement with their most recent release, Go Figure. The phrase appealed to Mann when he noticed it on a poster in a Portuguese restaurant. The rest is history. Mann feels, “the last album was a p r i m e breakaway. We’re always reinventing; although, we found it a bit frustrating because we exyctd it to sell more than it did.” He adds, ‘if Geoff and I don’t write for awhile, there’s a piece of me that mourns us not being MiStiC.”
What is creativity?” I ask. “I don’t know how to define it,” Mann s a y s . “ I t ’ s f e d b y e v e r y t h i n and anything c o n v e r s a t i o n , s o u n d s , s m e I!& . . . whatever is inspiring. Creativity is not limited to the arts, it can be found in p a r e n t i n g . 1sff;ts family 0’ life,itcanrnakeitmorep Theycan’tseemtoavo’T unwa&dclassification, “‘Celtic Folkies’ is a term we’ve come to despise, although the Celtic sound is inherent in our music with t$e flute and accordian,” says Mann. It’s evident artistic exploration encomasses the near future of the band with plans Porrecord-writingin January/February. Mann
announces, ‘we want to take the electric thing as far as we can. We missed the harder edge after a t o u r w h e r e w e l e a n e d h e a v i l y o n o u r first three albums.” Musical influences colour a vast spectrum for Mann, ran g from “alternative, rock, @tar, opera, cI? assical, old big band to older azz singers,” I’ tvh at about the rogues?” I question. “ I l i k e T h e P O es less and less; they’re losing their sense oI?d i r e c t i o n . W e w e r e d o i n g w h a t w e a r e d o i n g b e f o r e w e even knew o f them.” The band, formed in 1983, a trio at the time, consisting of John Mann, vocalistiguitarist Jay Knutson, and Geoffrey KeRyFahOaVocahstwho hySflUte,bOdhan, tin whistle. Hu hMcMi din joined later in ‘86 and plays mani! Olin, bass, chapman stick and guitar. Origidly, Spirit of the West was named Evesdrop r, and according to Mann, “we found it r idn’t sa much.” After the band decided on Spirit o rthe West as a title for their first album, they ado ted it as a band name Thus “wehad that veeling to change,” says 0 . Linda McRae, who sings and plays bass, *tar, and accordion, joined in January, ‘89. r ince D.&rich is the newest edition who plays drums and tambourine withincredible fervor. These members have been the “current line up for the past two years,” comments John, h o w e v e r , J a Knutson left before Linda and vince’oin ecr. *’AT e are five incredibly different individuals. We problem solve through disscussion. A t o n e p o i n t , H u g h l e f t for s i x months, after we toured for four-and-a-half months straight. That was the end of our long tOUS. when Hugh CaIlle back, 1 felt &mat' Mann smiles remembering the reunification. When I asked Mann what attitudes he would like to change in society if he could, he r e s p o n d e d w i t h s i n c e r i t y , “I h a v e s o m a n y gay friends - it% horrific to be out with them andsee~~scared.I’dlovefcrrthattochange, l
Saturday, October 31/92
for home hobia not to exist.”
Spirit o Pt h e W e s t ’ s r a w ener mixed with an ex loratory nature reflect tx e essence of John &arm’s own inner spirit. Haflily he tells me, “I think I have a blessed life. o what I love and I really treasure that."
An American ItaWn Eatery
Imprint Friday, October
Kill Mother Fucting L-. _-
Digit age, mediocre industrial ensemble (i.e, Digit) are the dynamic female vocals that contrast exceptionally well with their manly Aryan lung-cleansing social angst. Monday night, however, it took four (I think) songs to end the heated debate as to the sex of the blonde in the back. Yes, there was a female presence. One question I had going into the show was “What do these guys/girls look like?” Would they be tall blonde boys with angular facial features and have a proper posture? Would they wear all black, with studded collars and bullwhips to boot? No! They looked like that guy I worked with this summer in the grocery department of Summerhill Market, (before he cut his hair). Guns ‘N’ Roses beware, there are some new scruffy kids on the block. Not that thev all looked iike that, some of them had shave& -heads, oh wow. Originality is not a strong point of KMFDM‘s live show (they were alive, right?). I could have sworn I heard a power chord version o,f: a) Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll,” b) Toni Basil’s “Micky,” or c) Culture Club “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?” If you missed the show, do not cry, my leettle leibchen, you kan dive to many other groups out in dese world. KMFDM belongs in a klub, on your Blaupunkt, in your face, not on your lederhosen. After the show the lack of poise and delicacy with which these love songs were rendered was deplorable. Admirably so. I bet, KMFDM were pleased with themselves-eveniftheymissedOktoberfest.
KMFDM Fed Hall, wfatmEoa Monday, October 19 by Vincent Kozmu Imprint stuff The first thing I noticed when I arrived at Fed Hall for the KMFDM concert was that, for the life of me, I couldn’t spot even one feathered, Oktoberfest cap. Not one! Yet the group is German - very German, much more German than any of the girlie ziggen Zaggen who put beer on my headen. Seriously now, the show went somethinglikethis... “MyVolkswagen’sfatherpaintsthegrass of my aunt’s hospital!!!” Or at least that’s what I thought he was saying, but that’s not important. All that is important is that KMFDM bit the big one and puked it all over the crowd. And they loved it! Before I deal with KMFDM, something must be said about the opening act Digit. Hereitgoes.. . Blah,blahblahblahblah,blah! Blab blah, *&%%$#I@# blah! And furthermore, Digit’s best performance of the evening was when hunky, husky, hulky front-man Beau (Bridges?) and his poncy jacket was unceremoniously tossed of the stage during the KMFDM set. The first ballad KMFDM performed was “Go Kids Go,” or at least that was the tnost popular rie in the song. It was obviously their favourite &vg: why else would the have played it again later into the night? Second on the play l&was “Sex,,011 the Flag” followed by “Naive.” What a disturbing experience, especially “Naive”! On disc it is a catchy, gotta dance type ditty. Live, it braided my large purple intestine. The one thing that sets KMFDM apart from your aver-
photo by Bernard Keamey
P.S. Hats off to the fine civil servants, especially the ambulance attendants in the short sleeve &.rts for a job well done, To Humpty Dump& tough break
.‘ . 4 , -
Quicksilver Appetite
South Catnws HallSpecial Begins October 21, 1992
U.W. Sweatshirt Special Children & Youths Child Size $10.99 each Youth Size $1 1.99 each
Silver Jewelry Sale”Na” *. Novemb’er 4th to 6th, 1992
Today and tomomorrow, the University of Waterloo’s m Department is presenting ‘Think the Mercury”. This children’s play draws attention to the dangers of industrial pobtim aml environmental problems. Showtimes a& 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. today, and 1 p.m. tomorrow. Tickets are available at the door, or at the UW box office for $4. Call 885-4280 for information or tickets.
by Steve Topper speciul to Imprint
At last, Trent Reznor & Co. have released something new. After three years of touring’ Pigface, and court battles to leave TVT records, an EP has finally arrived. It h a s the strangest format one could
by Peter Brown lmpfint staff
A brief disclaimer: Blue Rodeo i s m y favourite Canadian band of all time. That being said, Lost TOgether is a welcome throwback to thekindoftwangy,gritty,andethereal country pop that made Outskirts and Diamond Mine the rnasterpieces they were. A lucky thing, too. Their last release, Casino, with its two legitimate pop hits and eight boring wanna-bes, seemed to sigilal creative bankruptcy for the Sand. Bob Wiseman, that Hari Kari drtist of the Hammond, has left the
band after recording Last TugethPr, but the ranks of Jim Cuddy, Greg Keelor, and Basil Donovan are joined by former Cowboy Junkie KimDeschampsonpedal-steelguitar and Glenn Milchem replacing MarkFrenchondrumsDeschamps is a welcome addition that reminds one of Blue Rodeo’s country heritage. Like Diamond Mine, this LP ranges across all of the band’s influences,fromtheopeningfiddlenotes of “Fools Like You” to the more cynicti sound of “Restless” and “The Big Push.” T h e y e v e n d r a w attention to the incongruity of a Toronto-based band being so interested in country music with the ever-so-twangy “Western Skies“: “And I’d rather be back in the Rocky Mountains than sitting in some bar on Queen St. . . . Oh, how I miss those western skies.” The album also contains, of course, plenty of Jim Cuddy-sung lonesome, hurt-in’ ballads (what and Joey is bearing a startling r e s e m b l a n c e t o Yoke% b i g brother. I knew Dee Dee (he was my favourite because he did the sound checks) had left the band, so imagine my surprise, when I see that he has actually co-wrote some of the songs on this CD.
by Huffy Shnlder The Media Assussin Twelve years ago, I heard my first Ramones album (Roari fo Ruin), just before the release of Rock ‘N’ Roll High School, the cult film that made the Ramones go from cult group to almost commercially viable. Phil Spector tried his best with End of ihe Century, but it was like David Foster trying to help The Payola$. Anyway, ten years have passed without me really paying much attention to what I once thought of were a most fab four. They’re not aging very well
Yes, indeed, although it wouldn’t have made a difference. It’s still the same three cords and themes that served so well in the late ’70s. Actually, they don’t sing about Vietnam anymore, but you could sing the words to Rock ‘N’ RoZI High School to Touring. Really, and if you don’t believe me, come down to Imprint and try it for yourself. This song actually shows how low they can go as the line “Rockaway Beach, no it’s not far, not far to reach” into the second verse. In other words, its shite in the first degree, so excuse me while I go find some Carbona and relive the good old days with the first four albums.
Blue Rodeo album wouldn’t?), such as “Already Gone” and “Last to Know.” What more is there to say, than if you drank your face off, fell down, and cried yourself to sleep to “Try” and “Hollse of Dreams”’ then you will to these two songs. Perhaps the only weak songs ontheLl?aretheswirlingkeyboardfeaturing songs that try to evoke fond memories of “Floating” and ‘Diamond Mine” - t h e y m u s t b e send-offs to Wiseman. Clearly, they just don’t work - Keelor sounds ludicrous singing lyrics like “You kinda remind of those psychos in a German film, you’re that cool looking weirdo with those voices in his head.” My advice to Keelor the songwriter: forget about Bobby; write songs that reflect the sound you can best achieve now, instead of struggling to write ones that remind your old audience of p a s t o n e s . Y o u ’ l l only have to perform them live with Bobby anyway.
tracks 98 and 99. In addition, the CD comes in an annoying cardboard casing, which folds out to a T-shape. Try fitting that into your CD holder! Listening to this disk fosters extreme confusion. The first full track “Wish” features an extremely fast beat along with Ministry4ke g u i t a r riffs. T h i s a l t e r n a t e s w i t h a softsiren,accompaniedbyfastbeats and vocals, yelled in frustration: ‘I put my faith in god and my trust in you/ now there’s nothing more fucked up I could do.” Whether or not this song is any good is debatable. It has all features needed for m a j o r s l a m m i n g o r h e a d banging, but its actual quality must be decided by the listener. “Last”isdefinitelyagoodtrack, probably because ft sounds a lot like Ministry, which could be considered quite sad, considering Nine Inch Nails is supposed to be original in its sound. Again the lyrics are full of self pity, angst, and d i s g u s t with life: Warn out from giving it up my soul I pissed it all away. . . my lips may promise/ but my heart is a whore.” “Happiness in Slavery” is the only track similar to the Nine Inch Nails of three years ago. Echoes of “Sin” are quite apparent here. It carriesanindustrial,dancybeatand is much tamer sounding than the other tracks, but is actually one of the better ones. The vocals, however, are still on a parallel to the rest of the release. One wonders if Reznor has anything to say besides, “I hate what the world has made of me.“
The hidden bonus tracks are, needless to say, a little off the wall. Track 98 is an old Adam Ant cover, and Track 99 was written with Pigface, and sounds a bit like ‘Head Like a Hole” gone insane, and perhaps played backwards. Whatever. It is a good thing this is only a bonus track. The reason I decided not to rate Broken is simply because I don’t want to give it a shitty mark, since it isn’t all that bad. However, a good mark isn’t necessarily what it des e r v e s , a l t h o u g h m a n y m i g h t think it does. My ambiguity must therefore be reflected. You decide.
by Hurry Shnider The Mediu Assassin
A s s i d e k i c k Asher D continues to do time for importing a massive amount of hemp, raggamuffin personality Daddy Freddy continues to pump out the toast l i k e a S u n beam burnin’ b a g e l s . F r e s h o f f h i s contribution to Beats International, Daddy packs it with 15 fresh ragga cuts guaranteed to reduce any student housing to rubble. The toasting cadence moves just fast enough to render every f o u r t h w o r d d e c i p h e r a b l e (thetirk of any great toaster), but slow e n o u g h t o m a k e e v e r y fatbeatcount. The collaboration list is pretty high, and thebest stuff comes when he works with the Soul Assassins (no relation) and Skatemaster Tate. Crucial cuts like “Murder Style,” “Haul and Pull,” a n d YVhat’s up Freddy” let ya know what time it is and anyone questioning the stylee will get that motherfuclcin’ gun shoved down their throat. Asher is still sadly missed, whose way with the mix would have brought this CD over the top. Daddy Freddy isn’t as commercially successful as Shabba Ranks, but respect is due anyway. ff its good enough for Kingston, Notting Hill and Brixton, it’s good enough for Waterloo.
by Derek Weiler Imprint stuff From the beginnings of their car e e r i n t h e e a r l y 1980s, .R.E.M. w e r e critics’ darlings. When the backlash came, it was in the form of charges that they were resting on the laurels of their appealing janglepop sound. I n recent years, though, they have fearlessly grown with every record, and met with commercial success despite - or perhaps because of -- this. Automaticfor the People represents something of a return to form for R . E . M . , f o l l o w i n g l a s t y e a r ’ s uneven Out uf Time. The “new” R.E.M. sound represents a further progression of last year’s This time out it’s a Phil S p e c t o r i s h “ w a l l o f s o u n d , , - heavy on the organ, bass and strings, with Michael Stipe’s vocals placed s q u a r e l y out front, and Peter Buck’s guitar usually a very small part of the mix. The songs, too, are more uniformly mellow. While Ouf c@me was fairly evenly split betweenballads and
up-tempo numbers, the new record is almost solely made up of slow mood pieces. There are only three “fast songs,, on the w h o l e a l b u m . One, “ I g n o r e l a n d , ”
is political, angry, and also one of thb r e c o r d ’ s l e a s t m e m o r a b l e moments. The other two - “Man in the Moon” and “The Sidewind& Sleeps Tonite” - are happy and superb.
They convey all the instant, shocking joy of “Stand,, or “Sh.iny Happy People,” but happily without the kits& f a c t o r . Other than that, it’s all slower materiai - and for the most part excellent slower material. “Try Not to Breathe,” ” Monty Got a Raw Deal,” and “Find the River’ are all c l a s s i c R . E . M . s o n g s ; t h e y ’ r e emotionalwithoutbeingsappyandslow without being plodding. Their song structures and sound also contain all the R.E.M. hallmarks: muted guitar, accordion, keyboards, heavy yet melodic bass. Some songs represent successful departures from the expected. “Everybody Hurts” sounds like nothing so much as R.E.M. taking on an old Otis Redding ballad. “Star Me Kitten,” with its eerie background hum and Stipe’s cabaretish vocal stylings, doesn’t sound quite like anything the band has done before. And “Nightsw imming” is simply a heartbreaking, gorgeousballad built only on piano, strings and vocals. Whiletheentirebandltasevery right to be proud of the new record, Aufomuticfor the Pmple is also notable for being Michael Stipe’s greatest accomplishment to date. As a
Imprint October 23,1992
singer and lyricist, Stipe is now in top form. His vocals display greater range than ever before, and his w o r d s c a n b e s t r i k i n g l y d i r e c t (as on “Sweetness Follows,” a song about death) or wonderfully oblique (“Man on the Moon,” apparently about Andy Kaufman). T h r o u g h o u t t h e r e c o r d , he c o n s i s t ently shows that he is capable of ironic humour just as much as emotional earnestness. A&m&fir the People is not a perfect record. “Drive” and ‘*Sweetness Fol.lows” occasionally slip into bland dullness and ‘New Orleans InstrumentalNo. 1” is a throwaway not fit for a B-side. (This seems to be theplacetomention’WingedMamma1 Theme,,, a jazzy almost-instrumental that can be found on the Bside of the “Drive” single. That song is the equal of a n y t h i n g o n t h e album and should certainly have been included in lieu of “New Orleans Instrumental No. 1.” Oh well . . .) Despite m i n o r f l a w s , t h o u g h , Automatic f o r the People represents the further growth of R.E.M. and is on the whole another excellent achievement. Unlike Out of Time, it leaves me curious to hear what they will do next.
1 Arts Uber Ales 1
by Sunciy Atwal lmpfint
until thye b r i l l i a n t ArcGelder EP arrived, I was prepared to say yes. However, I know that Raleigh is definitely the best independent release I’ll hear all year. 45 RPMs of melodic yet buzzsaw-like guitars that create three fantastic songs. It seemsrather blunt to compare a Minneapolis band to Husker Du, yet this is undoubtedly the band’s strongest influence/resemblance. T h i s E P c o u l d have easily appeared on Everything Falls Apart or Zen Arcade. While this may seem like an otierstatement, I’m sure anyone
who’s heard this would agree. 1 d o n ’ t m a k e t h e c o m p a r i s o n t o pigeon-hole the band, but to compliment t h e m . T h e i r s t y l e i s o r i g i n a l enough that there’s no worry of being called rip-off artists, but the influence is definitely there. A tip of the hat to Touch and Go. This seems to be a label that really knows what’s going on, or at least has scouts with some taste. Laughing Hyenas, the band that opened for Sonic Youth in their recent Toronto show, are also on this labelandprovidedafantasticshow. Superchunk were also on the label, andtheywereperhapsthefirstband to move on to bigger (and better?) things. Although there are some missteps such as Urge Overkill, these four bands together definitely confirm my belief that Touch and Go is headed for a bright future, and rightly so. As for Jesus Lizard, they seem to fall into what I see as a predictable yet completely incomprehens i b l e paam. O v e r the past c o u p l e of weeks, it’s Jesus Lizard that’s received the big push. They’re the ones headlining a tour, and Arcwelder’s the support act for a few shows. This is similar to m Joshua Tree becoming the big album for UZ, when it seemed like everything else they’d done was far better, Morrissey basically controlling the world, when The Smiths laboured in relative obscurity in North America. It seems as though the less talentedwillinheritt.heearth.Notthat this album’s all that bad, it’s just not that great. The opener “Boilermaker” is worthy of much praise, but it all goes downhill from there. The rest of the songs seem repetitive, dull, uninspiring. Perhaps if the best tracks from this album
w e r e c o l l e c t e d , i t w o u l d have made a great EP, but as it is, it’s just grist for the mill,
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Imprint Fri&y, October 23,1992
by Bernard Keamey
lmprlnt staff
“We’re all like bone machines, X guess. We break down eventually, and we’re replaced by other models. Newer models. Younger models. Bone Machine.. . Sounds like a superhero, doesn’t it? - Tom Waits A s t h e s t o r y g o e s , a man ambled into a small non-descript pub in Co. Kerry, Ireland and, sidling up to an old piano in the comer, proceeded to tinkle away on the i v o r i e s . U p o n h e a r i n g d u l c e t resonance fill the air, the bartender rushed out to promptly put a stop to the creative expression. When pointed out that the man strokin’ the bones was fhe legendary Tom Waits, thebartender swiftly replied “1 don’t give a shit if it was Tom Robinson, no one plays that fucking piano except Keiran Kelleher [the p r o p r i e t o r o f t h e establistient].”
A r t s Until about a weekago, I would assert that cool is to Tom Waits what jolly is to the Green Giant. Then I found out that my own personal Jesus was to grace a television abyssnam&heArsenioHallshow. Forgive me for suffering from a mild case of Clay Feet Syndrome, but to +his disciple’ this is analogous to a Bull’s fan finding out that their favourite player is guilty of a gambling addiction. I am a changed m a n t o d a y , b u t n o t s o m u c h a s to appreciate an excellent album when I hear one. For some, Amie can do no wrong (and as an aside for those who feel this way - did you know that upon finding out that the thief responsible for a relatively minor B & E at Schwarzanneger’s residence had died, he then had the responsibility of recompense transferred to the thief’s wife, rendering the woman and her children relatively homeless) and for me, musically, Tommy can do no wrong. Bar Night on Earfh, tk mostly instrumental soundtrack for the Jarmusch film of the same name, Bow Machine is Waits’ first album of new material since 1987% F r a n k ’ s Wild Yew, It is not hard to figure out what’s been on his mind lately. With track titles like “The Earth Died Screaming,” “Dirt in the Ground,” and “Murder in the Red Barn,” it’s not the kind of record
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Lyrically, Waits’albumsleeves read like a good book of poetry (amtherconundrumperhaps?)md
Bone&him is not exempt. He is a chilling storyteller, with an ability tothreadandweavewordstogether like tartan. “Your spirit don’t leave knowing/ Your face or mine/ And the wind through yourbond isaU that remains,” taken from the song “Dirt in the Ground,” exemplifies his adeptness with a quill. Vocally, well, what the fuck do you think? Collaborating heavily on the a l b u m i s T o m ’ s w i f e w h o s h a r e s in all aspects of the album. Guesting on the album are David Hidalgo of Los Lobos fame (piano and violin on “Whistle Down the Wind”), and would you believe, Keith Richards who co-wrote and performed the only uplifting @me on the album, That Feel,”
you’d want to put on at a baby shower. Nevertheless, BoneMachine is enchanting. Waits is a master of exploring redefinition. He is a love him/hate him artist. D&cord is his rhyme and on this album, recorded and produced in a shed, percussion is the instrument of choice+ Not percussion in the traditional sense, but sound as percussion. “I have a lot of
very strong rhythmic impulses,” he says, ‘%ut this is not my world. I just pick something up and hit it, and if I like the sound, it goes on.” Apparently in corroboration with this statement, Waits created a percussive instrument called the “conundrum” whichresemblesa large iron crucifixwith a host of variousmetal objects hanging off it.
WeareaUbonemachines,high or low maintenance. Few are Teady to admit this, even fewer are willing to talk about it. For now, the Tom Waits bone machine is a top-of-theline, purring Caddy, one that shall be regarded with prestige for years to come. This bone machine would like to think that his visit with Arsenio was meant to contrast the difference between a properly running machine and a lemon.
c Arts Rating Guide
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Probably tastes just like chicken 30
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4 .
There’s too many of us
5 . Remain ng bones can be used to make a tasty wman noodle soup
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by Bernard Keumey liTlpdnt stafir
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They’re not cute, they%? rude. They’re not partic&rily good musicians, simple song construction a.retheorderofoledayXhey’restill notcute,althoughthebassistwears his sister’s clothing at every gig. The F.C. Sbd~ for Foo&& sub, but don’t shy away thinking that the Sukans of Ping F.C. are some one off Superstar-collaborationBand-Aid-type-rip-off-merchants championing a Sav*t&Le9xu&g cause with a cover of Dire Strait% “Mcme~forNothing.“You’dbegiv-
1331 CrestlawnDrive, Unit ‘D’ Phone: t416) 620-1439 m Mimissauga,Ontario, UW 2P9 Toll Free: 1-800465~3
just rip off merchants tackling ixnportant politically charged issues like why you’re stupid - S. T. U. P. I. D. Kid. The Sultans of Ping must be doin~somethingrightbecausethey successfullystormedthe Irish&arts straight tonumber one on their first
the disco/ bumper to bumper,/ Wait a minute,/ where’s me jumper?“). Stupid Kid, the foll0w up, did the same, only faster, ash tounding the Irish press who had simplydismis&thebandas”flash in the pan.” They’re flash all right, and someone has added water to the buming oil. In sound, they’ve been compared to The Fall. Agreed, but I say
nish accolades from the pemickity British Press. The inaugural single entitled “Where’s Me Jumper?” addressed the unsettling,but all too
of the Wedding Present. The beguilingnatureof theSultansof Ping F.C., can be guaged by attending a live performance. Encouraged to
ing them too much credit; they’re
familiar, plight of losing one’s
also 1-k 00 the raspy sherbet vocals
weax8cxcergearandWelEngton bo0ts,Pi@anshavepicmee3&a dance entitled “The Dead Hy,” wherein the entire crowd m niouslylie~their&ksandwildly kicktheairtheybreah. Although the subtley and atmosphere of a live context rarely (never?) tranlates to recording this EPoffersthelisteneratasteofthe ma@C,threeOfthefc)ti~~re-
corded live. The Sultans use your funny bone as an instrument. They have somehowmanagedtodoso~g anomalous in this jaded world of popular music; learn to laugh at themselves.
Imprint Friday, October 23,1992
Lusts of a Moron
How do you find my Sister, mister? * tage, it does not take away from the power of the songs as units unto themselves, but Momus, as a songwriter, is ultimately using the written word as the base for his work. Analyzing the text of the work only adds to enjoyment one receives from this work. Divorcing the words asheusesth~mfromthemusicraises Momus from a simple popular musician to a writer. All the nuances and wit of Nicholas Currie become evident in the proper light.
Lusts of a Moron The Lyrics of Momus lk-k spritlg Press $49.50 . by Sandy Atwd
lmptint stufi
T w o weeks a g o , Imprint writer Trevor Blair printed his interview with English singer/songwriter/ pervert Momus (“Momus tfie Unstoppable Sex Machine”). Although interesting to those few people who know who Mbmus (aka Nicholas Currie) is, there can be no understatingMomus%nportan~as the best lyricist working today. When I say the best, I’m including all of the oldest rock stars noted for their words, including men such as Bob Dylan and Lou Reed. Mu& cianswhohdvegainedfamefortheir witticisms such as Morrissey or even (sigh) Meryn Cadell, pale in comparison to the insight whichMomus brings to the microphone. Overthereleaseofhisalbum in the band The Happy Family, seven soloalbumsandseveralEPs,Momus has shown his ability to write tactfullyandp~foundlyaboutloveand especially sex, and Black Spring Press, praise them have seen fit to compileallofhislyricsintoonebeautif&yboundandprintedbookLusts of It Moran: The Lynks of Momus.
Lusts ofa Moron, however, provides a third service to the fan. Black Springhasseenfittotypesetthe lyrics in as many different fonts as adds to the words, using up to four different sizes and styles to emphasize phrases. The result is an almost musical reading with one’s eyes jumping around the page flowing with the words.
The book is as completely cornprehensive. It starts with Currie’s first band The Happy Family and includes very early EPs andextends allthewayuptohislastsemi-retKP s@ve 7be Wti&wist. All singles and El% in between have been included as well as a handy index.
photo by Trevor Blair
Hell hath no fury I&e an becure Englishman.
The presentation of lyrics in printed form provides two services. Fiitofall,itclar&sallmishearings one may have, the usual benefit of having Lyrics present, thus adding to the potency of the words. In the case of Momus, this is esp&4yusefulsincehisuseofpuns
andintentionalmishearings(suchas thi use of fictional character Henrik Issinger r a t h e r t h a n H e n r y Kissiiger). Secondly, it provides the reader with the experience of divorcing the words from fiecontextof the music. Although this is an artificial advan-
WhetherornotMomuswillever receivethepopularacclaimtomatch the critical acclaim he deserves (ii not always receives) will depend upon a sum of d&rent factors. This bookcanonlyaddimporttheoeuvre of. Currie’s work and draw some much deserved attention to him. Despite his relative obscurity now, hopefully a day will come when this book,andMomuswillactuallymatter toanaudienceworthyof Momus’ criticism.
theApple, I S@bt886-2060 of Waterloo
I (POP l
Imprint Friday, October 23,1992
We22 I could be lying. a
*This article has a nothing to do with by Sundy Atwd hprint stuff
Iwanttoknowwhatthefuckis going on here. Newspapers like the Toronto Star are doing titerviews previews, and in the case of the entertainment section cover stories on bands like Screaming Trees, Sonic Youth and Sugar. What gives? Once relegated to the lowly back pages of fanzines, the bands that proved the most formative for 80s guitar rock are finally getting the press they deserved a decade late. Formed in the early eighties, SonicYouthwereactiveparticipants in the New York art/noise scene. They gained a reputation early on for being noisy, loud and doing unnatural things to their guitars. In 1985 with the release of Bad Moon Rising, Sonic Youth finally found a method of filtering their noise and amp crushing power throughsome less aggressive melodies. Thirteen years later, Sonic
Youth have proven that they have the skill to stay alive and continue building upon their earlier ideas. Although pigeonholed as a loud noise distortion driven guitar monstrosity, albums such as Sister and Daydreum Nation proved that the Sonic3 can harmonize with the best of them, but that doesn’t stop them from being able to rock like pigs: Their latest album Dirty is no exception, Perhaps the2 best album to date (or at least in the running with Dq&arn -Nation) Dirty captures the Sonics at their best, as a bandwithnohistoryforfallinginto a musical rut, and a band that isn’t about to start. The success of Sonic Youth can largely be attributed to their experimental nature. They smash guitars and you never can get smashed guitars to sound the same. All of the recorded material that was played live forces a reevaluation of the band -and their music. A ‘wash of fuzz, feedback, distortion and power chords, Sonic Youth.prove time and time again
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whythey’restillthebestguitarband in America. In some ways, Sonic Youth can be considered one of the first bands to successfully make the altemative/mainstream jump. Their first big commercial success came with Guo, their first release on Geffen. However, for guitarist/vocalist k Ranaldo, it’s par for the course. Imprint had a chance to talk to Lee (who was in Cincinnati) before the show in Toronto last Thursday. As far as the “alternative” / “mainstream” jump, it didn’t seem to fade him. “It% meant a lot of different kinds of changes but we’ve taken it all in stride and welcomed the changes at the time that they hap pen. We get better distribution,better access to finances for videos, a little more financial stability.” And of course there’s a negative side to working for such a big cowration. . . “Therereallyhaven’tbeenany negative sides to it except for the factthatit’salargersituation.You’re selling more records so you move out of a certain kind of obscurity that can be comforting sometimes. But we’ve pretty much got nothing but good things to say about it.” Some of the changes Sonic Youth have gone through include a phase as Video Youth. For their album Goo,“Geffen released a full length video tape of individual videos for every track and snippets of livefootageas well. Ranaldoadmitted that this was a project the band themselves were a part of, “We wanted to do that. It was a chance to give a lot of friends of ours that were filmmakers small budgets to make videos and expose people to other stuff than MTV fare.” Ranaldo also said that the clips of live stage performances at the end of the video (of Ranaldo himself) was actually from a Sonic Youth/Public Enemy concert in Chicago a few years ago. “There’s plans to release some other stuff. We have our own fan club now that we just started in the Kim Gordon - She likes to weat green underwear last year and we release things photo by Dave Fisher i throughthat. We’vejustmadeavailable through the fan club a video give the engineers that we worked Rtido, for this reviewer as tape we did in California, in the with producer credit. In some cases well as several associates, is ever so Mojave desert in 1985. That’s a hisit’s similar here. We gave Butch a slightly higher on the Sonic Youth torical video tape in a way. There’ll little more credit because he was fave songwriting list than Kim or probably be other stuff like that bemore, technically, a producer than Thurston (or the ever-funky Steve). ing released.” other people we’ve worked with in Tracks like “Mote” from GOO as well ’ In addition to the performances the past.” as Ranaldo’s songs on Daydreum Naavailable through their ‘fan club “We’d known about him for a tion stand out as some of the most Sonic Death, Sonic Youth is also long time and never really conpowerful guitars in Sonic Youth’s going to be releasing a concert film netted with him... the guys in Nirrepertoire, yet his voice carries the in theatres later this year entitled vana said he was really fun to work catchiest melodies of all their songs. The Year Punk Broke 1991. “It’s with and he did a good job on that ForthoselookingforagreatRanaldo stuff we filmed last summer when record SO wemet With him shortly track on Diw, the b-side of the we were in Europe and Nirvana after that, liked him, and decided to “looo/” single “Genetic” proves once was with us, &fore their album go ahead and do it.” .againthatRanaldostillcarriessome came out, and we were doing all But what about all the heavy guns into the studio. these summer festivals tid we took doomsayers who would criticize Asked as to why that excellent a filmmaker friend of ours from you for trying to jump on the Nirtrackwasleftonthealbum$ar&do California named Dave Marky vanacashcow?Thereweregoingto responded, “I think betwm all of along and he shot everything in be (and are) plenty of those. us, we couldn’t decide about that Super 8. Gigs, backstage, offstage, “We11 I guess so. We didn’t about the track listing on the altravelling around cities and stuff really care about that - we knew bums. We had wanted to save a and put it together as a movie. It’s why we were doing it and it just bunch of stuff for b-sides and that’s got us in it, and Nirvana and Dine~~t~~rW~tP$‘le~OUgh~” just one of the ones that got desigsaur Jr. Babes in Toyland, the And everything worked out nated as a b-side. I would’ve liked Ramones. It’s basically just a tour o.k? to have seen it on the album, but it documentary.” just didn’t work out.” “Yeah, it went down pretty If there’s any noticeable differmuch the way most of our other Despite Rmaldo’s excellent ence between Dirty and Sonic records went. Butch just kept evesongwriting, he seems to produce Youth’s earlier albums, it may be rything going smoothly. It worked the least amount of material of the attributed to Butch Vig, who (in out really good. We had a lot of three vocalists. precedent-breaking style) was accommon ground between us and “Well lyrically, that’s right. tuaCy used by the Sonics as a prohim. Lots of experience. He’s done Musically we all write all the stuff ducer. For Ranaldo, the fact that a million little bands throughout pretty much. When it came down to Butch Vig was the producer of Nii- _the whole 198% bughing Hyenas dothelyricsthistime,Ijusthadalot vana’s Nepermid was never a conand KiUdozerandDieKreuzen... of other things going on in my life cern or a worry as far as comparijust a whole host of them, most and just didn’t get around to doing sons were concerned. bands that are our friends or at least any. Those ys are definitely more “Wealwaysproducedour own our peers.” prolific in Kt sense.” records in the past and we would
Friday, October
Imprint 23,1992
Nirvana - Sub Pop losers go home So do we have hidden Ranaldo tracks, or stashed away Sonic Youth tracks ready to even the balance? “No, not at all. Not at all. We have very little of that kind of stuff that is really finished songs. I’d like to be writing more lyrics, it’s just like I said, during this last year-long period there was just so much other stuff happening I just was preoccupiedandthoseguyswerejustchurning them out.” I a l s o asked Ranaldo about the art located in their latest CD. For those unfamiliar with the “limited edition” version of IMy, it contains, underneath the actual CD holder,agraphicpiecebyartistMike Kelley, who Ranaldo describes as “Pretty well respected, a fine artist. He’s been the subject of dozens of museum shows”. Difficult to describe in words, most would use the title of the album - d i r t y . W h a t did Geffen think of all of this? “They were a little perplexed by it at first, but they’re pretty accommodating to what we want. They didn’t really give us too much trouble about it. Initially it was a little upsetting to them, but then we came up w i t h t h e c o m p r o m i s e o f , first of all, having it be limited and having it have its own catalogue number so that chain stores and people who would probably be upset by it can order the one that doesn’t have it.” For the PMRC or some other organizationnottocreatesomestink ‘over this is rather surprising. Just a f e w y e a r s a g o , t h e Dead Kennedy’s were effectively destroyed and Jello Biafra bankrupt by Ciger’s Land-
Thumton Moore takes time out for a nit fit
photo by Dave Fisher
scape #20. In six short years, the goes into album art. “It may be true, but ours has a music biz seems to have calmed Parental Advisory sticker on it as down a bit, 2-Live Crew notwithwell. A lot of that has come about . standing. For Sonic Youth to be able due to everything that happened to toincludetheartthattheydidseems Jello, so it’s a different situation. It’s to speak volumes about whether or got a Parental Advisory sticker. It’s notpeoplecareanymoreaboutwhat
not an obscene picture by any means. . .it’s just kinda twisted, but it’s also in a major label release which I guess is an indication on one hand of coming a certain distance. We’re not into censorship, but at this point we’re not opposed
to Mding. It’s just like what’s going on with movies.” All of this seems rather mature. Could it be that there’s actually a Rock ‘n’ Roll band that’s not interestedinjustpissingpeopleoff? Finally I ask Ranaldo the question thatseemstobeoneveryone’smind. Aren’t you guys a little old? How does being ten, fifteen years older than your audience affect your music and what you produce? ‘There’s a certain aspect of distance, and there are other ways in which you’re helping to shape the tastes of ki* that’re coming along. W e s e e m o r e younger ids a t o u r gigs than we ever have before. Certainly it’s due in part to media and NJTVandstufflikethatandtoa certaindegree,it’s youngerkidsthat really make a large part of the concert going audience. We’re just going about with what we do and we feel like we’re pretty in touch with what goes on. Yet there’s other aspects, other things we’re interested in that maybe will take us into other realms where younger kids won’t be following us, and that’s fine too. We’re just going about our work at this point.” And if going about their work meanscrankingoutworksofpower and beauty like Dirty, Duy&twm Nation, Sister, Evol and Brrd Moon Rising, &en they can be called Sonic Youth when they’re sixty-four. Nirvana’s will come and go (and I think t h e y ’ v e g o n e ) butSonicYouthobvi= oudy have the vision and the foresight (as well as the experience) to r o c k l i k e b i g fat pigs after the next b i g t h i n g h a s come and gone.
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Gay White panionship dim-sum & need apply Nights - I’ll
Uniuetslty Worship Service at IO 8.m , Keff er Memorial Chapel, WLU Seminary Building (Albert St. at Seagram UniFASSaC S t u d i o s wriWs meetlngsf 730 p.m., HH 1391 Come join the fun! Beginners, experts and enthusiasts welcome1 Also on Wednesdays. lslamlc Study Circle 3:30 to 5~30 p.m. room 1 IO, Campus Centre. Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 7:OO p.m. In DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 664-5712,
Law School Bound? For information about a complete manual designed to guide you through every step of the law admissions process - Call l-800-567PREP (7737).
Male seeks s a m e f o r cornand long, steamy, sensual szechuan dinners. No nerds - meet at Fung King Fri. be wearing red.
l I!?#
Mondays at 5 p.m.
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Bring your submission fo the I Imprint offia.
CampusCentre140 Ring. Oct. 15, Davis Centre, Women’s W a s h r o o m . Call 885-4761
Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship meets at 4:3O p.m. in MacKlrdy Hall room 201. Enjoy an at-cost supper, followed by a Bible study/discussion. All are weimrnei For more info, contact Chaplain GrahamMorbey at 886-1474. S p a n i s h Club- E v e r y o n e w e l c o m e . Meetings and events. 4p.m. ML 245A Come on out to the Jewish Student’s Assoc.BagelBrunch.CCl3511~0-I:30 UW Juggling Club meets from 5 to 7 p.m. Blue Activity Area of the PAC. Beginners welcome1 For more info call Sean Finucane, ext. 6265 or 884-3473. Brown Bag Forum - a Muslim - Non Muslim discussion. 12%) to I:30 p.m. Campus Centre, room 1 IO. All are welcome1 -
Laymen’s Evangsllcal Fellowship Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 884-5712. BaM FaItt~ - informal presentation on inevitability of universal peace at the Baha’i information Centre, 2-9i King St. N., 730 p.m. or call 884-5907 for more GUOW, the campus Lesbian and Gay Association hosts coffee houses from 9 to I1 p.m. in HH373. These informal gatherings are an opportunity to make friends in a non-threatening atmosphere. Everyone is welcome. WATSFIC-wanttojoinagroupofgruners, sci-fllantasy fans aqd anime junkies? Come to a meeting: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. in MC 1056. PetaoMl Pan Pius + pop = $I .75. II :20 I:30 in front of 61 271 I Sponsored by Science Grad Committee. l
Tha International Socialists meet every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in CC 135 to discuss the-tieoty and practice of socialism. Wrltetsl Weekly meetings are being held 7:oO p.m., HH 334. Bring poetry, prose, whatever for group workshop. Informal discussions about nxkclimb ing, possibly with slides. Every Thursday at 5:3O, Campus Centre room 138.
Friday Muslim Prayer - 1 :oO p.m. to I :45 p.m. (Sept. & Oct.) ; 12:OO p.m. to 12:45 p.m. (Nov. & Dec.). Room 1 IO, Campus Centre. -
EVERY st?YruRDAY Career Resource Centre - hours - II a.m. to 3 p.m. Check out employer, career, work/study abroad and educational in!ormatlon. NH 1115, Sept. 26, Oct. 3 and 31.
A Restaurant
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Delicate morsels of breast of chicken combined with florets of broccoli in a succulent mornay sauce under a thin crepe with cheddar cheese melted over
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iAisum Buddy s8rvic8 n88ds volunteers 14 and older to provide support to people with disabilities who may require assistanc8 to participate in leisure activities in the community. Call lee Love at 741-2228 for more information. Friends is a school volunteer program where adults are matched with children who would benefit from an adult friendship, Children gain confidence through activities with their adult friend. To volunteer call Dorothy Henderson, CMHA office 744-7645. International Students Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl Kennedy at ext. 2814. Utgsntly Nsed4d - volunteers to trans&e t&t to tap8 for students with low vision. Bilingual, training and equipment will be provided. Taping can be done at home oron campus. If interested contact Ros8PadaczatN88dl8sHall,roofn2051 or phone ext. 5231. UW Gamer Fair ‘92 - Your chance to get to know various employers and make contacts. far mor8 information call ext. 4047 or drop by NH 1001. m Program n8eds volunteers to workwithspecialeducationstudentsoneto-one. 1 to2hrs/twiiaweekfromSept. to June 1. GreatoppoRunity for students who Want t0 go into TOaChetS &ll8$#8. Call’865-0800. Y8th Watwloo Brownies need leaders and h8lpers. Calf Candice at 747-2102 MaIs voiuntasrr urgently needed to assist on a tone-t& basis, male individuals who have a disability and are involved in leisure activities. Call L88 at 741-2228 for more info. Student Voluntssr Centm. Volunteering b a great way to explore career opportunities, meet new people, help out in your community. We have a van’ety of pieo8rnentS 8vILiJBM8 to suit your inter&s. Come to CC 206 or call ext. 2051. bokmn&er e forman who is blind.. Goftxwalks2-3tirnes;~week. Please call Ridr at 864-6703
Waterloo Wslllngton Myalgic Enc8phalomyelitis Assoc. invite Chronic fat@ue Syndrom8sufferers to a meeting Tuesday 0ct.27, 7-B p.m. at the Adult Fiecr8ation Cents, King and Allen St. For more info call 623-3207. Airways Transit- Airporter will drop off and pick up passenger at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the University Avenue Kiisk effecbive JULY 2, lBB2. WATfiim -a brand new dub so popular that it has ov8r 50 members in its very first term! Mak8 a video production. Be part of crew or cast. Actors and martial artists needed. Call Phil at 725-6180. The Sexuaii!y Resource Centre - is a trained student volunteer service that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This servic8 is FREE. Call 665-l 211, ext, 2306 or leave a message at ext. 4042. The SRC is located in room 15OA, Campus Centre, UW. FREE public lectures presented by WLU and UW will be held every Monday at noon at KPl to C&c. 6. This Fall’s topics are: 0% 26 - Ontario’s Best Kept Consumer Secrets: Alan Auerbach of WLU. Lactufa series at Seagram MuseumSept 15 to Nov. 3. For more information contact Anthony Horton at 865-1657. K-W IJw lheatm 0 Princess St., Waterloo,8860660.Woqbeginm7 1092to Feb.24,1993. For more information phone the aim8 number. I .Hmer ,:vats#t &dlwy- ‘1754 Old Mill Rd. Kitohener: Gallery hours: Tues. to Sun. 121o4z30, Xhurs. 8p.m. Call 746-4377 for ht.uIB timee and classes. RowlngClub meeting. Mondayoct. 26 - 6100 p.m CCI35. All memb8r’s plea88 attend, interested non-member8 welcome.
Want to know about Jewish Student Events? Call the JSA hotline: 747-t446 Ba!&o&sucoaclIes-w8needyouMonday and Friday nights from 0ct. 16 - Mar. work with kids ages 7-15 yrs. Michelle K-W Youth Basketball 866-6221 Ukrainian Student Club is seeking new members and a: new student council. For more info call Roman Sirskyj 684-0774 after 6. k lllksner Memorial Awards: 1hwd and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and a high level of accomplishment in 8xtra-curricuIar activities are invited to apply for these awards. Application including resume and two letters of reference to be submitted by November 3O,l902 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. Special applications available at the Students Awards ofrlce.
Strong in- Inventory - discover how your in- *t8 to e vocatonai opportunities,Tuesday, October 27 at 1130-l 2:30 p.m.; Thursday, 0ctober 29 at 4:30-5:30 p.m. nrywoSriggs Type indicator - d&over howyourpersonalstmngthsratatetoyour preferred ways of worksng. Thursday, 0ctober 20 at 11:30-12:30 p.m. Register at Counselling Services, NH 2080.
STWW SKcus woFwmws R8ading&studyskills-takeadvantage of indiiual counselling and workshops in study skills in the -room - nOt8takhg, effective listening, dass preparation, effective study techniques, including time management, textbook reading, conc8ntration and efktive exam writing skill. (4 con-8 sessions). Tuesday October 27 - 930 - 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 - 330 p.m. Wednesday Octob8r 28 - 130 - 3%) p.m. Friday Odober 30 - 0:30 - 11130 am. Wedn8sday0ctob8r26-0:30-11:30am: Time Managementand Pmcmstinatiwc For students who pmcmstbate and have trouble oqmizing ti8ir studies. (4 consecutive-) Register by callingCouns8lling Se&es, NH 2080 orcall extension 2sss-
The applic@on deadtine will be October 30,1992unlassoth8rwisestated.~m8ans thereisaSpecialAppliicationwhiicanb8 obtainedfromtheStudentAwards0ffice). The following awards are currently avail& k ALL FACULTIES *Don Hayes Award - deadline - January 15,1BB3. *Mike Moser Sursary - deadlilae - November 3QlB92. Tom York Memorial Award - essay, approximately 2,500 words, interested candidates should submit essay to St. Paul’s united coll8ge. FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award - deadline 0ctober 30,1992. FACULTY OF ENGiNEEfiiNG Andersen Consulting Scholmhip - available to 36 Engineering. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bun&es - available to all Chemical. Canadian Hospital Engineering society’s Scholarship - available to 38 Engineering students. Chevron Canada Resoures Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 38. John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 38 Mechanical - deadline November 27,1992 l charb lbel8u~ Scholarship- available to all 38 Civil. Dow Chernii inc. Spholarship - avaiiable to all 3B ctwmhi. Gandalf DataLimited Award -a$ailable to EIect&al, Sj&e~ .-sign or;Cornputer Engineering 18 8nd above. Norcen Energy Computer Science Chemical and Geological Engineering Award - available So Geological and Chemical year two or above.
Ontario Hydra Eledrial Award-available to 26 Electrical. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available ?o 38 Civil, Water Resource Management. M.S. Yolles & Partners Limited Scholarship - available to 38 Civil. FACULTY OF ENVIRONMEHTAL STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning, preference to female applicants. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rdyear Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATkiEMATiCS Anderson Cdnsulting Scholarship -available to 36 Math. Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 38 Computer Science. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULN OF SCIENCE Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Schlarship - available to 2nd yar or 2B Earth Science. David M: Forget hemorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science, see department. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to38 Earth S&~&Water Resounx w FACUllY OF APPlJED HEALTH SClENCES Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kineaiology deadline - January 8,19B3. FOR APPLiCATlONFORMSandfurIher information pleas8 contact the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.
Sign up sheets and handouts available in NH1001 the week pfior to .pres8ntation date. ALL classes take place in NHlv unless stated otherwise. OCTOBER Monday 26 - Researching 0ccupations Workshop, .1:30 to 230 p.m. R8sume Writing Information Session, 4:30to5:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday 27 - in&view Skills I Information Session, 330 to4:3O p.m. and Interview Skills31 Workshop, 4130 to5:30 p.m. W e d n e s d a y 2 8 - Resume Critiquing Workshop, 230 to 4:30 p.m. and C.V. Guidelines Info Session, 5:OO 6:00 p.m. Thursday 29 - .Networking Workshop, 590 to 6:OO p.m. Saturday 31 - Preparing for the Job Search Worlcshop, 10100 - 5zUO p.m. NOVEMeER Monday 2 - Researching Employers I information Session, 1:30 to 2:UO p.m. Room NH 1115 ,Researching Employers II Wotihop, 2:OO to 3:oO p.m. Tuesdav 3 - Resume Critiquing Workshop, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday 4 - intro& Gamer Planning &Job Search- to 6:W p.m. information Intetiew Workshop, 6:OO to 7:OO p.m. Thursday 5 - Resume Writing Information Session, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Letter Writing Information Session, 330 to 430 p.m. Friday 6-&8mer3ob!3 Information Session, lo:30 to 1130 a.m. Monday 9 - &&n&w Skills I Information Session, t2:30 tp 130 p.m.. ht8r~iew Skills ii Workshop, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.. Intervii3wSkilIslIlWo&shop,2:3Oto4:3O p.m. Tuesday 10 - 3ntro to S&f As8ssment Workshop, 3:30 to 4~30 p.m. mom 1030. Resume Writing Information Session, 7:w) to 8:OO p.m.. btt8r Writing Information Session, &OO lo 9:OO p.m. Wednesday 1 t - 3ob Search 1 Snformation session, 2:30 to 3:OO p.m.: Job Search 11 Work&p 3:OO #o 4%3#n. ti. room NH1 i l%. 7hJreday ?12-,Resume clftiqulngtitishop, 3:30 to 530 p.m. M-16-NetworkingWm, IO:30 to 1130 a.m.. Resume Critiquing Workshop, 2~30 to 4:30 p.m.
Toesday17-IntrotooverserrSJobs InformationSession, t0:30to11:30am.. C.V. Guld8lines Information Session, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m Wednesday 18 - Resume Writing Information Session, 10:30 to 11:3CJ a.m.. Letter Writing information Session, 11 Z30 to 1230 p.m.. R8s8arching Occupations Workshop, 2%) to 3:30 p.m. Monday 23 - Summer Jobs information Session, 3:30 to 4:30-p.m.
Main Library 85 Queen St., N. 74310271.
Sunday October 25: 2:30 p.m. - Black Heritage Games and Songs and Stories Monday October 26: 12 noon - Ontario’s Best Kept Consumer secmts with Profeseor Alan Auerbach. 7:00 p.m. - Medical Ethics with Dr. Christine Harrison. Death and Dying IsSU8s. Tuesday October 27: 7:15 p.m. -R8gistration: Starting a Small Business. Partli. RoyVanSicl&Collins
8amw, Chartered Accountants
!8gal questions, 7:OOp,m. - Religious Pempectives on the Environmental Crisis. Idam and the Environment. Wednesday octob8r 28: 7:OOp.m. - AtI About Family Law. hwyers review the law regarding divome, separation and property rights. 730 p.m. - Can Waterbo Region Compete in the Global Marketplace? Thursday october 20: 12:15 p.m. - Noonhour Book Review. Eric McCom~& introduaes his latest .
UPCOM(NG Friday October 23 Ail &&MI&I are invited to join the Hellenic Students Association for Pub Night with a taste of Greece at Ruby’s, Waterloo Inn. $5 members, $7 nonlmembers. lnasrrwaw m me Arts Ac#ninistration Specialization of the Applied Strdies Co+ program? then plan to attend this informal info session. 7:00 p.m., Hagey Hall 373. Meet with Arts Administration Acivis o Council and students in program. Re7 reshments. Sunday October 25 Temple Shalom of Kitchener’s third annual Jewish Book Fair. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m at 25 Brock Street, KitCh8n8r. (Queen and Highland Road. 578-2575 TuesdayGctobsr2t D8b& b8tw88n University of Waterloo and University of Guelph. “Do we need equity legislation?’ 7%) p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. Free Refreshments Genetics Versus the-Environment. All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other aypoSitiV8 people welcome. u of w, I!nvironmental Studies Building 2, room 173, 7:30 .m.
UI a Post-Heterendum
Bash1 st at the Grad House 8:OO p.m. So hip even Pierre canY say non! wednesdayoctober lrrhtnn Discussion Group. 1st meetin UW Women’s Centre CC 217. 7: !ibp.m. ThUnday0CtOI=29 Htddm Crbma - A film that challen e s the carefully contrived facade treat et b y the Biimedical Animal Research cornmunity. DC 1304. All welcome. 7p.m. Catl &ad 725-1462. UWFin8 Arts kdrn socletv - f:W P.m. East Campus Hall room- 1219. “Va Banque.” Friday October 30 Rlml Sak at First United Church, King an TWilliam St., Waterloo. 3 p.m. 9 a.m. and Saturday Oct. 319 a.m. - 11
__- - - -~-All e-t8 are FREE and take place in the Contgd Grebel CollegeChapel. Wedneeciay, November 4 at 12~30 p.m. Bill Modenbeek, saxophone and Carol Isaac, .piano. Wednesday, Novembr 18 at 12:3CJ p.m. - Elissa Poole, baroque flute and Vivian Sofmnitskaia, harpsichord. LectureandLunchSeries To register call Chris Goertz at Conrad Grebel College, 865-0220, ext. 223. Monday, October 26 - lo:30 a.m. - L8cturer: Jim Reimer, “The Disintegration of Yugoslavia’. Monday, Notimber 2 - I:30 p.m. - l8cturer: Ernie Regehr, ‘Somalia: The Conflicts Behind the titastrophe’. Monday, &lovemb8r 9 - 1030 a.m. - Lecturer: Werner Packull, ‘Problems in the New Germany’. Monday,Nov8mberl6,10:3Oa.m. -Letturer: teonard Friesen, “Life After Gorbachev: Struggle for Change in the former USSR’.
Friday cktomr 30 - bee public tectu by lIm Wilson. Will present ‘chu$ music as varied as the rituals of Tibetan Buddhism to a Kyrie sung by a tundra wolf, to the sounds we hear in the womb before birth.
inviting all students.- 8:00 p.m. South ~oy~~f3;!b3 members with card, $5 .
OUT b Spectrum Photo ~Master’sAutoRefinishing * Fastbreaks Restaurant @ McGinnis Landing N Dynamic Computers le u-w Bookstore N U-W Bookstore e CKMS-FM Ilr Apple Stylist # Data Store le U.W. sports b The Washery k Mavis Theatrical c Julies Flowers b Val’s Video It Little Caesar’s Pizza k Surrender Dorothy rs Y95 k UW Housing Admin. 6 The Twist e Picture Yourself Ir WPIFG c Gino’s Pizza le Schlots~‘s * East West Futon @ Canada Remote Systems * IJWFed of Students . .m4;. *~*;pactoq k&&g+ay ~Comp~e~ I _ * AJ&$ZWl;N-a -~n~~nc~ * .45&t Side .Mario’s .. * Dragon Pala. * Dr. ,K. A. Pap
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