Photo by Joanne Sandrin
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Students elect Coleman, Flood, Van Nooten, vote “No” to CFS by Angelu
by Kiefun Green Imprint stuff
Wednesday night, Catherine Coleman, Sharon Flood, and George Van Nooten became the Federation of Students executive for the year 1993-1994. Each of the winners won by a sizeable margin: Coleman gained 31.7 per cent of the vote, Flood gained 37 per cent, and Van Nooten received 34.2 per cent of electoral support. The winners were announced at the Bombshelter shortly after 11:OO p.m. along with the results of the Canadian Federation of Students referendum. Flood was not present at the announcement, as she was on a geography field trip in Texas, In an interview with Imprint, Federation president-elect Coleman expressed surprise at her victory and was unable to pinpoint the secret of the success of her campaign. Van Nooten, elected as the new vice-president, operations and finance, was also surprised at his own win but suggested the fact that he is well known by many students was probably an important factor in his victory. Since the two shared a poiitical ticket, they were happy with the results of their campaign. They also stated that they believed that they would work well with new vicepresident, university affairs Sharon Flood, as she “comes across as very level-headed and had a lot to offer.” Asked of her opinion of the CFS referendum result that UW withdraw from the organization, Coleman expressed decided sa tisfaction.
and Van Nooten
“As one of nine people to be present at the CFS Annual General Meeting earlier in the year, I was able to see what the organization does and does not do. I think that this school is sufficiently large that we can do a lot on our own,” she said. Van Nooten was not as convinced, claiming that he was “very tom” on the issue and “couldn’t come to any conclusion”. Coleman believes that the new Federation’s first challenge will be the possibility of a lawsuit filed against them by the CFS over the discrepancies incurred during the referendum. She then wants to have the opportunity to get together with the other members of OUSA, “to be sure that what we put in place is actually good for students.” The two spoke of the problem of competition and fragmentation between the faculties as an important issue for them. While they ad-
at the Bomb.
photo by Natalie Onuska
mit that some change has been occurring in recent years, they are adamant that the solution begins at Orientation, in reminding students that one faculty is not superior to another. “While it is important to recognize the differences between us, what supersedes that is the common denominator that we are all students.” The new executive hope to continue the good work of this year’s Federation of Students and are excited about the developments in the planning of the new Student Centre. They also hope that students will come forward with their ideas and express themselves about plans for the coming year. Finally, they would like to publicly thank all those who supported them, not only by voting, but throughout their respective campaigns.
15 1
36 1
47 I
68 _lm__ 80
19 II
125 1 137 1 131
The students have spoken, and they have said goodbye to Canadian Federation of Students. The announcement was made Wednesday evening to a cheering Bombshelter crowd. In the final tally, 71.6 per cent of voters opted to terminate Waterloo’s membership in CFS. The total turnout was 3,033 voters, 20 er cent of those eligible to vote, o P which 2,171 voted no and 793 voted yes, with 69 ballots being spoiled. The Faculty of Optometry came out the strongest against CFS with 86.4 per cent of their vote going to the no side. Optometry also had the strongest voter turnout. Environmental Studies showed the most support for CFS with 42.37 per cent for and 54.52 against. The worst voter turnout came from St. Jerome’s and Renison Colleges where only 13.9 per cent of those eligible voted. vs. The referendum results were greeted with great emotionbythe . members of the “No” committee present in the Bombshelter. Glenn Rutland and Davyd Funk embraced each other, smiling broadly. “We’re very, very ha py./ they stated. “It‘s nice to see ita tthe students were able to see through it all.” They said that the results have given t&m and the Federation of Students “a clear mandate.” Things were not so happy in the camp of the ex-“Yes” committee, however. “I’m strongly disappointed, and if there was a stronger word for disap ointed I’d use it,” said former chair rr ammy Speers. Commenting on the statistical results, she stated, “We estimated that we had a 20-25 per cent core of voters. So obviously everyone who wasn’t a core voted no.” -
71.6per cent Prno” 26.1 per cent
27 133
21 124
27 1
a 49
135 1 319 1 278 1
[StJeromes I#
1 IS I#
38 113
Optometry #’
Science #
by Ken
Bryson Analysis
Now that referendum of how I voted.
is fatefully
over, I can honestly
say that I am
37 _ 80 145 1 136’
36 1 116 167 I 109
1 378 1 462
[Arta I#I#l#
[Engin-ringlCo-op an
lationnow,having left CFS, M&in offered this optimistic item: the new chair of CFS, Carl Gillis, has stated ontherecordhiswillincesstowork with non-member universities. President-elect Catherine Coleman agreed with her predecessors, stating the need now to work with other universities in “joint ventures.” When questioned about the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance’s role in future plans, she replied that OUSA is not a perfect organization, but it has a lot to offer. She said that the need now is to “get an accurate picture of OUSA out to the students,” to better inform students about OUSA. Waterloo and its Feds now face the task of building a new voice and a new place for us in the student poIiti&l scene of Canada.
Yes? No? Not!
~ZlYover%~ reigns to the new executive. For those
cent Yspoiled”
“It is the most une ual, unfair referendum/election tI at I have ever been involved with in my life,” she said, adding that as the “Yes” committee had dissolved as of Sunday night, any appeals of the referendum will thus come from the CFS directly. Outgoing Fed president Dave Martin and VPUA Sue Crack, though, were pleased with the outcome. They too saw the referendum as providing a clear mandate from the student population. Martin was careful to point out that there are still “several more steps” before Waterloo is officially out of CFS, but the hardest obstacle has now been overcome. Asked what the Feds plans are now, Crack responded saying that Waterloo must now ‘build bridges totheother universities.” Martin commented that there is a lot of work for them to do
482 1
377 1019
Total #
Arts Lecture Hall w onfronted with the choi between “Yes” and “No” CFS. I refused to vote “No” simply because that is what the Federation of Students, in all their procedural majesty, wanted me to do. Not only were the Feds itching for the mandate to further involve themselves, and our money, in OUSA, but they controlled the entire mechanism governing the election. To quote Tammy Spears, “did [the “Yes” side] have a chance before [they] began?” I say no. The referendum policy which governed the campaign was, in effect,
up specifically
for this referendum.
the OFS referen-
dum of last year, then CR0 Glenn Rutland made amendments to the Policy with the knowledge that the CFS would likely come to referendum one year later; perhaps he even knew he would be on the “No” committee of that referendum. continued to pg. 5
Imprint Friday, February
4 Resirtations,
News and allepations...
dis ualiikations,
Referendum plagued by “Policy” violations by Ken
Despite the simple “Yes/No” questionof the recently decided CFS referendum, the days immediately preceding the vote were decidedly not simple for Chief Returning Officer (CRO} Andreas Kurvits. Complaints were levied, appeals made, the “Yes” committee resigned, was disqualified, and formally called for CR0 Kurvits’ resignation, while the “No” committee campaigned right to the end. The disqualification of the “Yes” centred around the placement of two advertisements in Emprint and the Iron Warrior, which Kurvits ruled to be in contradiction of referendumpolicy. Whilethe”Yes”committee firmly denied that the ads were official campaign material, referendum policy states that all campaign material must be printed through the same printing agency and be delivered by the Referen-
dum committee. The CR0 ruled that the ads were placed in contravention of these &cies. Of the dis&alification ex“Yes“ committee member Sue Forrestsaid”howcanyoudisqualify that which does not exist?” referring to the “Yes” committee’s resignation at 7 p.m. on Sunday, February 7. Forrest also noted that they werenotnotifieduntilCROKurvits announced the disqualification at the Math building referendum forum on February 8, nor have they been officially notified since. Their letter of resignation read: “We have decided to disband as we have no faith in the impartiality of the Referendum Committee.” The letter also stated that they wished to be “consulted as individuals” as to any further public references to the “Yes” committee. At a meeting Sunday regarding the debated ads, CR0 Kurvits attempted to establish whether the “Yes” committee was involved in placement of the ads, which would,
I Get inside the issues
News in briefs l
write Impriizt news
he felt, cause them to be campaign material. “The way I see it,” he said/if [the ads were placed by a member of the ‘yes’ side], I would consider that campaigning.” In response to the CRO’s questioning, Forrest replied: “In the last week I have done favours for student unions which have paid for ads in these papers.” The CR0 later confirmed with Imprint editor-in-chief Peter Brown that Forrest had placed the ad for theYorkFederationofStudentsand based his disqualification partly on that. He did not contact the Iron Warrior. Kurvits also cited Referendum Policy in holding “Yes” committee chair Speers liable for the campaign violations made by Forrest. Section B.2.z. of the Policy states that Committees shall be held responsible for campaign violations made by campaign workers, however occurring. - For their Dart. the “Yes” committee held a&he Sunday meeting that the ads were not campaign materials and that the chair of the committee cannot legally be held responsible for the actions of other individuals or autonomous corporations outside of herself. “I firmly stand that these &VO ads . . . are not campaign material,” said Forrest. “They were not produced or solicited by Tammy [Speers] as chair . . . this isn’t campaign material. ” Regarding the liability of the chair for actions not taken by her, Forrest attacked the ambiguity of the policy. “So you [Kurvits] are meaning [the chair is responsible for] all actions whether or not you under-
At the time of their resignation, the “Yes” committee also called for the resignation of CR0 Kurvits citing their lack of confidence in his “ability to guarantee a fair vote.” They accused him of showing a “clear bias” in the performance of his duties, specifically in allowing “no” committee members to “inform the Yes’ committee of his decisions and to represent him in discussions regarding ‘Yes’ committee appeals.” Kurvits also allegedly informed “Yes” committee members “in confidence’ that he had dis-
outline any changes he sees necessary for the referendum policy. During the campaign Kurvits consistently mentioned that he was working with the policy as it was given to him, deferring criticism from himself to the policy. While the “No” side saw no real problems withthe Policy, which has been amended since the OFS referendum of 1992, the ex-“Yes” side saw grave problems with the entire structure of the referendum, “The rules are set out to be fair to both sides,” said “No” chair Davyd Funk on Wednesday, adding that “we [the “No” committee] violated some rules and we were fined and so were they [the “Yes” committee]. The ex-“Yes” side, however, see a much deeper problem than the violation of rules: they believe the Feds should not be so deeply involved in referendum campaigns. “The Feds made the by-laws, the Feds interpret the by-laws, the Feds are on the ‘No’ side, did we have a chance before we began?” asked ex-“Yes” chair Speers on Wednesday afternoon. “If we want to educate the students and allow them to make an intelligent choice them we should clearly nbt allow the executive to hold a stance on the issues,’ she said.
cussed interpretations of the bylaws with “No” committee members. CR0 Kurvits had stated throughout the campaign that he had imparted his duties in a completely non-biased manner. He was particularly adamant about this at the Math forum on Monday. “I have followed the rules and procedures governing referenda to the best of my ability as have the people on my committee and in my opinion everyone on my committee and myself have acted in one hundred per cent parity and without bias,” Kurvits told Imprint on Tuesday. Kurvits also mentioned that he will be writing a report for presentation at an upcoming Students Council Meeting in which he will
While the final level of appeal for referendum complaints is the Federation board of directors of which Dave Martin, Sue Crack and Glenn Rutland, all “No” supporters, are members, both Martin and Rutland have indicated that if an appeal were to reach that level they would step down to allow the appeal to be heard fairly. “No” committee member Glenn Rutland also noted on Wednesday that the board of directors has not taken an official stance on the referendum as has students’ council.
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Friday, February
Imprint 12, 1993
A modest ceremonv:
Ground broken for north campus athletic facility by Muya Harris special t0 Imprint
at ground-breaking
on Tuesday
photo by Maya
Architects chosen for UW Student Life Center by Todd Siding speciul to Imprint
Last Tuesday, the UW Board of Governors ratified the recommendations of five committees and subcommittees to employ the Toronto architectural firms of Cravits Ortved Architects Inc., and Carruthers Shaw and Partners to design the Student Life Center (SLC). The decision comes after some three months of screening 72 proposals submitted by firms from across Canada. The final decision was made after five of these companies had been interviewed, made presentations of previous work (reflecting experience with similar projects), and submitted design models.
John Leddy, Student Life Plan coordinator, was quick to point out that only the architectural firms, not the final design, have been chosen.
not yet been chosen Over the next six to eight months, committee representatives will discuss with the architectural firms the proposed design and make refmements. Each of the design proposals, which are now the property of the
On Tuesday, February 9, a hyped crowd of three photographers and two construction workers were the sole witnesses to a ground-breaking ceremony, in honour of the construction of the North Campus Athletic Facility. The building will be an extension on the south side of the Present Columbia Icefield. The foci1 point of the building will be a 94-by-120foot gym which can accommodate two 50-bv-84-foot cross courts or one reguiation 50-by-94”foot basketball court. j The court will be specifically
university, cost UW five thousand dollars each, and according to Federation president Dave Martin is money “extremely well spent.” The cost of each design to the competingcompanieswasbetween$lO,OOO and $15,000, excluding labour.
Personcd Sufety Device
Blasting Shriek and Bright Light
Even when added to the costs of soliciting proposals and adrnini&ration, the $25,000 spent by UW comes well within the $50,000 allocated for this phase of the project.
convenient pocket size runs on 2 AA batteries
Both Leddy and Martin are intimately involved with the SLC project, and both are enthusiastic and confident with the progress thus far. Especially now, both indicated, since the SLC is one step closer to reality.
When activated it continues to emit shriek and light until YOU deactivate!!
shipping, SPOIL YOUR BALLOT AND BE TRUE continuedfrompg-3 (includes handling charges
Couple that with the fact that CR0 Andreas Kurvits admitted to the “Yes” side that he consulted known “No” supporter VPUA Sue Crack for interpretations of the by-laws, leads me to believe that he was not concerned with remaining impartial. Needless to say, if the CR0 consults an opinionated individual for advice, that advice will be biased. Could not Kurvits consult VPOF Brent McDermott, who had remained officially impartial throughout the campaign? Does he not understand the by-laws? So why did I not vote “Yes” then, if 1dislike the Feds so much? The “Yes” committee had been given the referendum policy to work with and failed to do so properly. Without arguing the ethics of illegal campaigning, the “Yes” committee should have had more of an awareness of their actions which lead to their disqualification. Rather than admitting the questionable nature of the ads placed in Imprint and the Iron Warrior, they chose to deny any direct involvement with the ads that “Yes” committee member Sue Forrest designed and placed, and CFS official Marcella Monroe solicited from other schools. These ads were hardly the autonomous actions of individual student unions: they were planned by CFS campaign workers and implemented by “Yes” committee members. Had the “Yes” committee devoted more of their energies into publicly disputing misrepresentations of the “No” committee, and had the class of CFS Chair Kelly Lamrock, who gracefully argued for the CFS at the Math forum, then perhaps they might have swayed the student population to vote their way. As it stands, the referendum was a farcical affair and I am proud to not have supported either side. Maybe the CFS will take the Feds to court (for which they have a decent case), or maybe the Feds will get off scotfree and continue their childish -- maybe I’il be PM someday and have real power -- ways. In which case, it is up to us to spoil our ballots in defense of fair play and ethical politics.
for use by co-ed and intermural sports, instead of the varsity teams. According to Dan Parent, the University architect, the facility will also provide a 1,600~square-foot exercise studio, a varsity football dressing room, coaches’ offices, shared meeting room, physical therapy facilities, the required washrooms, shower facilities and dressing rooms. The construction cost will be approximately $3,756,313 which includes a $100,000 contingency allowance. Movement of many of the offices and dressing rooms to the new facility will also free up much needed space in the PAC.
and taxes) SEND SHIPPING
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RecreationLeadershi@ from Word
Bureau people
This exciting,,intensiveone yearprogramis a11 play
“Beyond the Spelling Bee or Word Games Revisited” is the current exhibit at the University of Waterloo’s Museum and Archive of Games. On display are more than 50 games from the 19th and 20th century that challenge a player’s command of the alphabet in both English and French. Some of the games are based upon the venerable anagram game, relying upon the skill to manipulate letters. Others are versions of the familiar crossword puzzle or the popular Scrabble. Included are board, coffee table, and pencil and paper games as well as contemporary electronic and computer games. Much of the exhibit, which runs through April 16, features “hands-on” opportunities for visitors to play the games. The museum in B.C. Matthews Hall is in its 21st year and is the only one of its kind in the world, specializing in the collection of games from all time periods and cultures. The current collection totals about 5,000 games and game-related objects. It is managed by UW’s recreation and leisure studies deparhnent h the faculty of applied health sciences. It is open Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Wednesdays, noon to 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Thursdays, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. There is no charge for admission but donations to the collection fund are encouraged.
youneedfor a rewardingcareerin recreation. Ourinstructorsarealltopqualityindustryprofessionalsandthe extensivefieldpracticecomponent ensuresyou’ll learncurrentskills right onthejob. Applications are now being accepted for September.
For admission requirements or firrfber infomution,
please call Susan Goodman, (416) 675-3111 ext 4212.
Imprint Friday, February
Biosphere2 survives first year home alone in desert by Murk Fmwell special to Imprint
An ambitous experiment being conducted in the Arizona desert has had my interest since it begari in September of 1991. Unfortunately, “Biosphere 2” has had to live down a reputation of being eccentric and amateurish. A recent article in “Whole Earth Review” (Winter ‘92), however, has rekindled my enthusiasm and convinced me of its value. Biosphere 2 is a gorgeous glass structure that spans the area of over two-and-a-half football fields. Inside this huge glass cathedral are miniature microcosms of some of the Earth’s primary habitats, There is a savanna, desert, farm, rainforest, and even a seven meter-deep coral sea with a built-in wave generator.
Birds build their nests upon a towering concrete mountain that rises above the jungle while lizards and monkeys scurry amongst its trees. Most significantly, the structure is virtually airtight so that its 3,800 plant species, eight human inhabitants, and various animals are isolated from the world outside. Nothing goes in or out of Bio2 except sunlight, electricity, and communications. The eight human Biospherians have already completed 16 of their 24month term inside. Their chief tasks to date have been to hone their horticultural skills in a serious battle to keep their energy upI and, secondly, to account for the migration and transformation of every compound inside as they are constantly being moved by the miniecosystem.
The four women and four,men inside each have an area the size of a tennis court with which to grow food. This has turned out to be just barely sufficientbecause of destructive funguses, mildew, and insects which reduce their crops. One biospherian has dropped from 205 to 156 pounds. The low caloric intake is made more of a curse when one considers that these people do not
record by far.” They hope to get leakage down to one percent a year once repairs are possible. A space shuttle, by comparison, leaks 300 percentayearandanewskyscraper leaks 1,000 per cent a day. Thus, the conditions in Bio2 are ideal for anyone interested in atmospheric studies. . The most closely watched gas in the dome is C02. The inhabitants
how to utilizgevery scrap of sunlight that falls. They have also had to re-allocate many plants so that the weak ones will get more light. They are constantly increasing their food yields. Bio2 is the most enclosed environment ever and is a boon to those who claim, “you are what you eat.” Its inhabitants know exactly how much of each foodstuff is entering their body and even know what created the very air that they breath. Blood samples’ from one Biospherian proved shocking at first; revealing a quantity of an illegal pesticide. The reason: his lack of calorieshad caused his body to burn up its fat reserves and release any toxins that had been stored therein for many years. The Bionauts claim to be a case study of the “low calory, high nutrient” diet which more and more nutritionists are claiming to be the secret of longevity. The engineers who built the structure boast of creating the most airtight structure ever. It leaks five to ten percent of its air a year, “a
breath an air with high CO2 levels that range from 1,000 to 3,800 partsper-million. We in Waterloo, on the other hand, breath about 350 ppm C02. Again for comparison, a skyscraper may have as high as 2,000 ppm C02, so the Biospherians are not at too greata risk. The reason for the high levels is lack of photosynthesis. With every cloud that passes over Bio2, enough shade is created to register a change of CO2 levels. As light is decreased, plants are less photosynthetic and therefore eat up less C02. This last year has been witness to very low sunlight levels and this has made the biospherians have to do some atmospheric engineering for the sake of some of their CO2sensitive organisms. Whattheyhad to do was create an artificial springtime by increasing the temperature and ‘rainfall’ of an otherwise dormant savanna area. Soon enough, the area was blooming many C02-eating flowering plants. This state was then prolonged for as long as necessary by pruning the plants and prolong-
Scholarships for graduate studies towards a Master’s Degree Program in housing FOR THE 1993-1994
Individual scholarships of up to $14,154 each for graduate studies in housing are awarded by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to candidates of demonstrated ability and high academic promise. Scholarship winners are chosen competitively by a national committee representing business, universities and government. These awards may be used for studies in such disciplines as engineering, environment, business and public tidminlstration, social and behavioural science, architecture, economics, law, planning and history, A Guideline and Application form may be obtained from your university office responsible for graduate studies or student awards. Or write to: Administrator, Scholarship Program Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 700 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario KIA OP7 Your request for a form must reach Ottawa by March 9,1993. In turn, your application for the 1993-1994 academic year must be sent to CMHC by your university no later than April 8,1993.
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ing the budding process. Bio2 hopes to yield some useful data on how CO2 is globally stored when not in a gaseous state. It is actually the fate of oxygen which has created the most scientific curiosity inside the dome. It is disappearing slowly. This matches a theory which claims Earth’s oxygen is also disappearing. As one Biospherian wrote, “I am surprised that thegeneralpublicall overtheworldisnot clamoring to know how fast we are using up the oxygen”. It is speculated that the missing oxygen may be found in the soil and in carbonates formed by micro organisms. However, even if this is true for Bio2, it may not hold for Earth. All of this speculation has prompted people to be more interested in global oxygen levels which have been previously ignored. Oxygen levels deserve the same attention that CO2 levelshave received since the 1950s. Come September 1993, the inhabitants of Bio2 will finish their stint amid some press coverage. I can see this at tention being enthusiastic with a good dose of cynicism. Some people take offence to Biosphere 2’s origins. It was conceived not by a university faculty but rather by the whim of a Texas billionaire. Like his brothers, Ed Bass was bred in an Ivy League tradition. Instead of following them to Wall Street, however, he pursued further studies and experiences few others can ever know. He is not a flamboyant adventurer but a quiet man of whom one WWF big-wig said, “is at his best around a campfire in the Himalayas.“ The fact that only one of the people he had chosen to live in Bio2 is a scientist of any repute, or that Bass charges hordes of tourists $10.00 to walk on the Bio2 site do not disgrace the project in my mind. Some of the vehement attacks on Bass’s character haire even been recanted by those who dislike him. Compared to space exploration, Bio2 is a practical land-based project of much more value. Space researchers will probably use Bio2’s discoveries whenever space colonization becomes more of a reality. Until then, Bio2’s creators hope that the structure will last for a 100 years which means many more life-support experiments can be conducted there. Already there has been some new ideas created for soil-based air and water regeneration. These kinds of discoveries can help the inhabitants of a suburb as well as the inhabitants of a Mars colony. Practicality aside, a pioneer of the foot-powered aircraft, Paul MacCready, said it best when he said, “A project’s value is whether it provokes the human mind or not”. Judging by its popularity amongst certain publications, shortwave
ticket status for those ‘electronic cafes’, Biosphere 2 seems to be provoking many minds.
Frkiay, February
Imprint 12.1993
U. Guelph students protest OSAP cutbacks with banner, petition by lvutulie Onusku imprint staff Last Tuesday, University of Guelph students raised a 20-by-50-foot banner reading, “Our Students Are Poor, Stop the Cuts” in protest of the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) government cutbacks. The slogan twists the “OSAP” acronym. In addition, a 100-foot long paper containing over 1,000 student signatures and messages to MIT Derek Fletcher and Premier Bob Rae was unrolled. The banner covered four-and-a-half stories of the on-campus University Centre and also bore Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), Ontario Federation of Students (OFS), and Central Student’s Association (CSA) lettering, as well as the Graduate Student’s logo. “One of the things that we have found
when organizing this campaign is that CFS tion seven per cent, we screamed. Next year and OFS do all the research for us, we use they raised tuition seven per cent; we them as resources and have found them ~~~ screamed. This year they’re raising tuimti*.. helpful,” commented W6n5ltion seven per cent; we’re still Robinson, president of CSA. 4% screaming. This 21-per-cent inctt A well-attended rally *,,& crease translates to six Or seven ?A was held at noon where CSA hundred dollars extra a vice president external John year,” said Robinson. As of Boyd, vice president exterSeptember 1993, OSAP will nal graduate student’s asno longer provide post secsociation Rick Smith, chair ondary students withgrants. of CFS Kelly Lamrock, chair T-shirts were sold at the of OFS Ken Craft ant demonstration for ten dollars Robertson spoke on behalf of ‘*Q each and buttons were given if * students, addressing Virginia away for free: both items dis-ltasNc9 Wilson, representative of MPl?Derek played the insignia of a cow spotted Fletcher. Meanwhile, Fletcher was in Toronto with a two dollar bill. A slogan that read for a pre-budget meeting with Rae and pro“Students are not cash cows, stop the cuts,” vincial treasurer Floyd Laughren. circled the emblem. “The NDP got elected, they raised tuiThe University of Guelph will be hosting
the OFS conference in three weeks and have made tentative plans to hang the banner up once more for the coming occasion.
UW mourns beloved English Prof. by Stacey Lobin Imprint staff
On Wednesday, February 10 a memorial service for Dr. Ken Ledbetter, a professor with the UW English department, was held in the Theat-re of the Arts. Friends, family, students and colleagues filled the theatre to capacity to remember a very beloved and respected man. The speakers included not only colleagues and friends but also past students. They all spoke of his compassion, wit, zest for life and enormous respect for his students. Ledbetter had been a member of UW’s faculty since 1966 and was instrumental in
setting up the Writing Clinic’in 1977, the oftice which administers the English Language Proficiency Exam. As a novelist and short story writer, Dr.Ledbetter specialized in modern American literature. His two novels, TmMany Blackbirds andNof Enough WomeqreflecthisAmerican mid-west roots and his love of southern writers, especially William Faulkner. He was also well known in the Kitchener-Waterloo area for his ‘Dining Out’ column which appeared weekly in the K-W Record for almost five years. Ledbetter was the recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award in 1983, and taught up until last term despite his illness. He was well known to UW students of all faculties in
his capacity as teacher of English 109 for many years, and also for his signature overalls. His unorthodox methods made him a popular and respected professor. His commitment and devotion to his students and his determination to bring his love of the English language into his classes was clearly evident by all who were privileged to be taught by him. Many of the Imprint staff were among these privileged students, and we would like to extend our sympathy to his family; his wife Sally and his children. Donations in memory of Ken Ledbetter can be made to the Writer in Residence program at the University of Waterloo.
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Imprint Friday, February
Clatwith 1
Jeffrey L. M ‘ilkKf
The referendum is over. What news? The Waterloo elictorate has confirmed for me a suspicion that I have held for some time. The Canadian Federation of Students actively and proudly pursues what many consider an impractical and unsound tuition policy (zero tuition fees); seems to ignore educational issues in favour of policies denouncing U.N. resolutions, national trade policies, and government funding for Central American countries; denies large student bodies a voice proportional to their fiscal contributions; and, finally, spent hundreds ‘of thousands of dollars more than it made last year alone. UW’s continued membership in such an organization is not in its own best interest. The resounding “No” given the CFS brings to mind the heady days of October, when the Charlottetown Accord was unceremoniously given-the boot by the Canadian electorate. Ironically, similarities between the two referenda only begin with the final “No” outcome of both. The “Yes” sides in both the Charlottetown and the CFS referenda used scare tactics and warnings of dire consequences if the plebescite went to the negative. The country will disintegrate. Waterloo wiil be a lonely voice in the wilderness without federal representation and, more importantly, without access to some bitchin’ discounts. Take your pick. As the campaign escalated, each side flung accusations of unfair treatment. The “Yes” side complained that they were not being treated fairly by Chief Returning Officer Andreas Kurvits, while both sides ’ alleged violations of referendum rules by the other side. Early Monday, the Referendum Committee disqualified the “Yes” committee from the Referendum for myriad violations of the “Procedures Governing Referenda,” the b+iolations encompassing improper printing and distribution of campaign materials, publishing a newspaper ad that was considered campaign material, and exceeding by approximately 140 per cent the spending limits set by the Referendum Committee. The “No” side also received several slaps on the wrist from the CRO, one concerning the improper posting of a banner, another concerning inaccurate information contiined in a poster. The CR0 ordered the “No” committee to redesign the posters. Monday’s disqualification, however, did not put to an end the increasingly dirty tactics typiving this referendum fight individuals were seen Monday plastering “Vote Yes” posters all over campus, which posters were just as quickly ripped down by appointees of the CRO. While neither side of the referendum will emerge unsullied, it is clear that, in the end summation, the “Yes” committee’s :ontinual contravention of referendum procedures may have been the sole reason many students voted “No.” Indeed, at Monday’s forum, a student rose and thanked the “Yes” committee for making up his mind to vote “No”. The blatant violations of procedure and overall poor sportsmanship shown by the “Yes” committee is unworthy of the support It received from CFS National Chairperson Kelly Lamrock, whose impressive speaking abilities and unswerving devotion to his cause are the antithesis of the dubious tactics by which the “Yes” committee decided to conduct their campaign. With Mr. Lamrock at the helm of the “Yes” committee, the outcome of the referendum may have been Far different In any event, members of the former “Yes” committee will, no doubt, be extremely upset by the outcome of the referendum. Ultimately, the blame lies squarely on their own shoulders.
Hip hop not covered in arts To
I am a UW student who is quite disappointed with Imprint’s record reviews. I’ll admit I have only been at this institution for two and some years, and I only read probably every other publication of the University of Waterloo student newspaper. Yet I fiid a lack of representation in your music review column, especially of the hip-hop/rap genre. I understand that there is a definite college sound that consists predominantly of alternative and modern rock, but I believe that hi@-hop is part of thqt college sound, and it is present here at UW. And I am not talking about~emainstreamSirMix=a-lot/KrisKross wack. 1 find your staff ignorant to hip-hop other than Ice Cube and Public Enemy. There is more to the scene than these artists who played the Loliapaiooza tour or opened for the Sisters of Mercy. How can you criticize Public Enemy and not Boogie Down Productions? I sincerely hope it is just a matter of music ignorance and not racial ignorance. Nuff props to Ice Cube and Geoff Hill who reviewed the album, The Predatm.
a huge injustice to all of the other people involved in the CFS debate. Why wasn’t the letter from Randy Boissonneauit, President of the University of Alberta Students’ Union given the same treatment as the letter from York University? I realize that the Imprint does have a left-leaning bias, but did you honestly think that UW students would not notice the blatant favouritism given to the pro-CFS side? How naive do you think we are? I could take pages talking about Ms. Chai’s obvious paranoia about OUSA. Her statement, ” . . . a vote for CFS is a vote against OUSA’s misrepresentation” clearly indicatees that she neither understands OUSA’s mandate nor the role it plays with Ontario universities. The CFS vote was not a choice between the two organizations and Ms. Chai’s insistence that it was, only served to confuse voters. However, that is a whole issue in itself. In the future, I would hope that if letters are received by the Imprint, they will be given equal treatment. Xf they are advertisements, please make clear that that is what they are. If Michele Chai’s letter was indeed an ad, I think that the students at York University should question why their student fees are being thrown away fighting other schools’ referendum battles. Karin
CFS coverage biased by letter To
I am writing in response to the CFS coverage in last week’s copy of the Imprint (Feb. 5). I realize that by the time this letter is published, the students of the University of Waterloo will have already made their decision on whether or not to stay in the CFS. However, one of your articles annoyed me so much that I felt that 1 had to write in to voice my concerns. I had a huge problem with the letter on p. 21 written by Michele Chai of York University. I am assuming that it was a letter because it was not listed on p. 35 as one of your advertisers. As a letter to UW students, it should have been printed in the Forum section of the newspaper. By highlighting it on p. 21 with special typeface, you are committing
Editor’s note: MS, Chai’s letter wus an advertisement, one that was not listed in our normal list of advertisers on the classified page. Imprint apologizes for this oversight. Although the text within the ad dues not include the word “advertisement,” it does include the statement, ‘This message has been brought to yuu by the York Federation of Studmfs, proud members of the Canadian Federutiun of Students. ” Secondly, your contention that Imprint has “a left-leaning bias” or is “pro-CFS” has simply no basis in fact. Our columnists and opinion writers subscribe to a variety of ideologies. Further, 1 have written three columns on OUSA’s finding proposal since its release lastfall; all three have been in favour of it and opposed to the zero tuitiun fee policy ofCFS/OFS. Ironically, this week sees the beginning of a regular column called “Polarized Wwhich expresses economic and social opinion situated decidedly right of centre. The authors’ motivations, they told me, grew from that same perception that Imprint is a lef-wing paper. As always, I can stress anly this: that #he “bias” ofa volunteer newspaper is afunction of ifs volunteers. We accept and publish opinion ofany political slunt.
beautiful but best buried To the
I would like to voice my opinion on the article written by Sheena McGrath, titled “Keeping abreast of the issues,” printed in Imprint on January 29,1993. I think some women are taking the issue of human rights too far. The human body is a beautiful thing and to bare too much is indecent. We have been brought up in a society where men have been allowed to go shirtless and where women have been taught to cover up. Because of this covering, women’s breasts have become a sexually stimulating item, since they are not always visible to the public eye, I think that women who want to bare their breasts in public are looking for attention and media coverage. If they want to advocate for equal rights, there are other ways to do it. If any woman has dignity, she would not run bare-chested in full view of the public. Are there really that many women around who are very upset because they can’t flash their breasts in the summertime? If ail women were allowed to romp around topless, then it would indeed lead to sexual harrassment and other forms of harassment that we as a society are trying to put an end to. As far as destroying the beauty myth by baring ourbreasts, do you not feel that uncovering would only increase the longing and need to look better, since more than your face would be exposed for all to see? It is true that most of us do not, by any means, look like the women in beer ads, but most women would want to look like them if they were to expose all. We should be proud of who we are; we are women, and we should be proud of ourselves, our accomplishments, and our bodies, no matter what shape, coiour, or form they are in. Are we advocating so that we can bare our breasts, or are we fighting for equality? Nume
by -quest
It’s not too late to volunteer
Professor preaches To
Gretchen grumbles To
Lynn Bauman’s interesting letter in the last (29 January 93) Imprint countering feminist ‘attacks’ on language contained some misconceptions that I would like to try and clear up. Although I haven’t had the good fortune to have Ms. Bauman in one of my classes (I mean this sincerely; she seems the best sort of student - passionate, articulate, and concerned), I am an English professor whose students might find as embarassed about English as Ms. Bauman fiids some of her professors. One of my classes contains a component on gender and language, along with a component on a woman’s language (an artificqil one) called Laadun, and I have occasionally encouraged shouting matches over language reform. On to the misconceptions. Some of them are quite trivial. In one pasage, for instance, Ms. Bauman appears to suggest that English devolved from Latin. Since she is a classics student as well as an English student, she probably doesn’t believe this. (Nor should she. English and Latin are distant cousins, and slightly incestuous ones - Old English having dallied with one of Latin’s children, Norman French, to beget hundreds of Modem English words - but Latin is several removes from the direct lineage of English.) Still, this confusion indicates that it is worth being careful about language. Which brings us to some of the more serious misconceptions in Ms. Bauman’s letter. As with most critics of language reform, Ms. Bauman points quickly to apparent absurdities like &story, ignoring reasonable and valuable changes, like the increasingly common worker over workman, or the disppearance of stigmatizing words like wc~~tl or lady before upscale professions (doctor, dentist, lawyer), or the long-gone necessity for women to wear their marital status in their social titles (Miss and Mrs. used to be all there were), or the fading away of the suffix ess (authoress, manageress, patroness, ...). or dozens more notable improvements. By pretending that feminist language reform is nothing but a hysterical hunt for syllables like man and son and his, Ms. Bauman fosters (and perhaps believes) the very serious misconception that language has nothing to do with thought or culture. Language has mmything to do with thought and culture. It is the central vehicle of both. And our culture has a long history of, at best, roping off women as unequal and largely powerless partners. At worst, its is a history of flat-out oppression. It would be incredible if English didn’t reflect this history. And, since language is the central vehicle of culture, reflection is only half the story. It would be equally incredible if English didn’t help perpetuate this traditon. We are in the process of cleaning up some of the grosser inequities of this unpleasant tradition. Why shouldn’t we also try to clean up its role in one of the primary tools we use to think with, and pass along our values with, and express our feelings to other people with? By the way, herstory is a deliberately provocative word. No one with any knowledge of English seriously believes that history is a conjuction of his and story (in fact, both history and story descend from esforie, one of the litter of words resulting from the affair etween Old English and Norman French). But by the punning inherent in herstory, feminists have succinctly pointed to the fact that the recorded history of our culture is almost entirely a history of males. In Canadian history texts one still reads of “pioneers and their wives”, as if the women just came along for the ride, all the bravery and fortitude belonging to their husbands. The word will probably be with us for a while, and when it has outlived its usefulness, it will very likely die a quick and painless death. Some of us hope the same is true for many other words, which reflect and perpetuate nasty elements of 0uT history. I’mnot embarrassed by English. I’m proud of it. I
Qn Friday January 29th I was at the AHS Faculty meeting to show my support for the Dance program at UW. The turnout was incredible and the organizers of the “Save Dance” campaign should be applauded for the amount of attention and the high visibility the issue now has. I hope this momentum gains strength over the next few weeks because the February 15th meeting of the UW Senate is the mdst important of the entire campaign. The Senate meeting is important because UW’s political and budgetary structure is decentralized with individual deptirtments on the bottom of the pymrnid and the Senate/ Board of Governors at the top. The departments are given a set amount of money and power to manage themselves and, as the Dean of AHS said on Friday, departments fight for more control of their money during “good times” but are often too quick to pass their problems up to the Senate during ‘%ad times”. Over the past few years the university has been in “bad times” but the AHS Faculty has been trying to sofve its own budgetary problems,withouttheSenate,bycuttingback and downsizing and hoping to make it to the “good times” ahead. This year they faced a choice, keep cutting and risk curing the disease by killing the patient; or send a message to the Senate saying, fl We’ve done everything we can without compromising the faculty, we have no choice but to pass this on to you.” Any economist, accountant, or business person looking at the AHS Faculty’s financial statements (they were shown at the meeting) would agree that continuing with the Dance program, without help from a”parent”, would jeopardize the entire AHS Faculty. Dance
just like to be a little prouder.
Sincerely, Randy Harris
Lynn Bauman: You claim in your article of Jan 29 that “to quibble over the (sic) language is to reduce our method of communication to nothing more than garbage.” While your article itself is full of such quibble, the English language itself is not what feminists are “quibbling” about. Feminists are criticizing the sexism that our language describes, instills and perpetuates. It is not petty or silly or a sign of insecurity to argue that sexism exists within our language. To criticize sexism, or racism for that matter, in our language is just as vital and important as criticizing other more direct examples of such violations. Like you, I am a woman, but unlike you, I am not in the least comfortable with or happy about the fact that our society has been “based on a patariarachal Unfortunately our society is value system.” still based onsuch a system, hence the need to analyse and reclaim language. All quibbling aside, what do you mean by “changing the internal philosophy of society”? You don’t mean to say, do you, that language is external to society? Our society is built on a highly specific, rigid and structured system of language, as you should know from being an English student. This structure was made by men and for men, to be used to describe, analyse and codify their reality, including the reality of women. Since women had very little or no say in the creation of the language we use, women’s/wom@ reality has been and continues to benegated, deleted and ignored. Hint: this is not a good thing! Having to rewrite words in an essay and hearing new words used by a professor is not nitpicking; it is surviving in a male-centred, male-dominated world. ‘One’ should refrain from picking on womyn whd are only trying to make the world a better place for all women, linguistically or otherwise. Gretchen MA phi!
Fight shifts To
for dance to Senate
Ilnprint Friday, February
is minor
to the
Senate and trivial at the Provincial govemment level, (its only 0.3% of uw’s $200 Million budget) but is far from trivial to AHS (its 30% of the Dance department’s budget). The
AI-IS Faculty members, which include the people who built the dance program, understand the importance and the visibility of Dance, but they also understand that in order to increase the chances of saving the program they have to vote to eliminate it at their level. Voting to eliminate it is the only way to put the issue to a larger body capable of saving the Dance program, namely the Senate. To the organizers of the campaign I say, keep gaining momentum, send letters to all UW senators, members of the Board of Governors, Jim Downey (president-designate), newspapers, and try to get on Canada AM or the National. Get as much support as possible out to the February 15th meeting of the Senate. Stress the fact that our economy (slowly but surely) is improving, the Ontario government will (probably] turn over in two years, and that this is very much a “temporary” funding problem that needs a longterm approach, not a short-term beheading. When looking for support, look to the university at large, but also look to the Dean and Faculty of AI-IS. They know how the politics and budgets work at UW and I’m sure they’ll be more than willing to work together to save Dance at Waterloo. Keep the momentum rolling, the most important battleofthewarisonFebruary15thattheSenate. Phi/l
White 3B Systems
Mental editor,
In light of the recent study that showed that 81% of women in Colleges and Universities have experience sexual, physical or mental abuse in a dating situation in the past 12 months, let me clarify to you an example of psychological abuse. I know some people will think mental abuse is not a big deal. There was this guy who used to live in the basement of this ratty student apartment that I lived in last year. He was always drunk, he was always trying to touch me when he talked to me and he was always asking me to go out. I made it very clear that I did not want to date him. But he still would every week knock on my door to talk to me - at midnight! One time when I did not answer the door because I was in bed, I heard him outside my window trying to figure out if I was in there or not. I was so fed up with him not taking NO for an answer, it really upset me. It doesn’t even help when you mention that you have a boyfriend, they think that you are some slut that wears down and sleep with them if they only badger you enough. I don’t mind goin out to the movies with people and being L *ends, but why do some people have to be so predatory about sex? What is even worse in my life is the harassment I get from a guy I knew from high school. Twice a year, with no reason or waming, he would call me up and yell at me for not dating him. He has been doing this for the last five years! At first I tried to politely explain to him my feelings, since I did not want to hurt his. But he kept phoning me. I got so angry I would scream at him and fully explain to him what he has been doing to me and how I hate it. He would scream back at me and tell me that he knows that I love him, why can’t I admit it? I would tell him that line that if he was the last guy on earth1 wouldn’t date him. He then acted like a baby and said on the phone “nya, nya, I’m not listening to you, I know you love me”, humming loudly while I tried to answer back! Yes, this guy is sick. So what am I supposed to do about it? Get a restraining order? Ya, right, if he wants to rape or kill me he will ignore the order and kill me. He has mentioned in the past that he wants to kill everybody in high school that had ever given him a (perceived) slight. High school was five years ago. He wears army clothes and drawsviolent cartoons. You know why I am scared. I ignore him now, I refuse to talk to him. But he stiI1 send me weird Christmas cards with weird sentences written on them that make no sense at all. I get really upset and scared every time. I am a strong person, I should have the right to run my own life, but why can’t I get this guy to stop harassing me? Ange/a 5-year
Kite Geogruphy
,IMPRINT The UW Student Newspaper
888-4048 Friday, February 12, 1993 Volume 15, Number 26
Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor
Peter Brown Sandy Atwal Ken Bryson Natalie Onuska Bernard Keamey John Maxted vacant vacant Renee Georgacopoulos vacant
Craig Nickerson
Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Office Clerk Advertising Assistant Proof Readers
common To the
Laurie Tiger+Dumas Cheryl Costello Vivian Tambeau
vacant Jill CYHagan Phil Robinson Denise Haff ner lsabelle Schade
Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Staff Liaison Directors-at-Large
Jeffrey 1. Millar Peter Brown
Dave Thomson Ken Bryson Sandy Atwal Bernard Keamey Jeff Warner
Contribution List Anthony Cho, Stan Cook, Scott Deveber, Anna Done, Dave Fisher, Jennifer Epps, lngrid Exner, Mark Forwell, Kieran Green, Maya Harris, fain Grant, Greg Hood-Morriss, Michael Kaufman, Jack Lefcourt, Sharon Little, Stacey Lobin, John Maxted, Maureen McDonald, Jeffrey L. Millar, Rich Nichol, Kat M. Piro, Lewis Poplak, Dave Richardson, lsabelle Schade, Frank Seglenieks,Todd Sieling, Kelly Slough, Dave Thomson, Mark Xuereb
Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in CdumnS, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Onty articles which are clearly labelled ‘editoriai” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
Letters to the Editor Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reSBNBS the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed in the forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontwio Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edi, and refuse adverlising. Imprint ISSN 070697380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@watservl
Imprint Friday, February
12, 1993
DevehDment wilk harm southern trading partner
NAFTA is no good for Mexico, either by Marc special
So you’ve heard about the disastrous potential of the NAnA for Canada. Not only have you read about it, you’ve experienced four years of free trade with the US yourself. You know the NAFTA is an extension of the permanent job losses, declining social and environmental standards, and threat to democracy that the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has been. But what about Mexico? If we really care for people throughout the world, shouldn’t we be willing to give up a degree of comfort if it means that Mexicans will start to enjoy some of the benefits of economic growth? If only! The majority of Mexicans will not benefit from free trade with the rest of North America -e at least not under the NAFTA. Mexico’s “comparative advantage” is its low wages and sparingly enforced environmental regulations and social standards. This will encourage more corporations to locate in Mexico, for sure, but this is not the type of job creation that Mexico needs. As soon as Mexico tries to make its corporations clean up their messes, pay decent wages, or pay taxes to support health care and other social programs, the corporations will pick up and move to the next country willing to offer lower standards, be that Chile, Brazil, or Guatemala. Mexicans need only look at the booming maquihdoras for a look at the type of jobs freer trade will bring them. The
Wild Facts about the Maquiladoras
Over half a million Mexicans are employed in the 2,000 factories that line the Mexican-US border. These factories have come to be known as the maguilnd~ras, a Spanish word which, loosely translated, means “to submit something to the action of a machine” (Meeker-Lowry, ~25). The idea for locating these factories in Mexico originated during World War II, when American factories were experiencing a labour shortage because of the draft. An agreement was set up to allow American companies to relocate across the border and employ Mexican workers, as long as all inputs to and all finished goods from the factories were American, ensuring that Mexican industry would not be-flooded with cheap manufactured goods. The number of factories and workers employed in the maquiZaduras boomed in the 198Os, when Mexico was forced to increase its exports dramatically to make enough foreign exchange to pay back its debt (more on debt later). In the indiscriminate drive to boost exports, maintenance of decent wages and working conditions became secondary priorities in the maquiladwas. It is difficult for we as Canadians to comprehend the abysmal conditions of the inhabitants of this area, so here are a few wild and shocking facts to help us: *the average hourly wage in the maquiladoras is $.51/hour, down from $1.38 in 1982; *about 70,000 people in Juarez, just across the border from el Paso, Texas, live with no public sewer or water service; *the National Toxics Campaign Fund identified solvents in one canal near Matamoros exceeding Mexican and US safety standards by 2,300 times; *diseases such as hepatitis, encephalitis, and numerous kinds of deformed births are increasingly being tied to the toxins mothers are exposed to in the rivers and air (MeekerLowry, pp.26-27). The living conditions of the workers in the region are of no concern to the corporations operating there. What attracts corporations there is the low operating costs that are concomitant with low wages and an absence of taxation and regulation. No, there won’t be a flood of high-tech jobs there, so Canadians
need not worry
that. But to pretend that Mexico will benefit from freer trade while ignoring the low operating costs that attract corporations there is deceptive.
Perfect Dictatorship
need a brief explanation of Mexico’s debt and the means by which it has been forced to pay Why, if what I’ve just said is true, did it back. Like many other Third World counMexicans elect a government that supports tries, Mexico did a lot of borrowing in the free trade? And why haven’t they risen up 197Os, when multinational banks, who were looking to make a return on all the capital and voiced their opposition to the NAFTA? The answer to the first question has to do they had in their coffers, discovered that loanwith the nature of the Mexican political sysing to governments provided the safest guartem, which none but the most cynical could antee of repayment. (On the history of why label a democracy. the banks needed to loan their money and The second has more to do with a system how they pushed Third World governments to take loans, see Jackie Ruddock, Dance ofthe of political repression that has no doubt existed for a long time but which has intensified Millions, Anthony Simpson, The Money Lendin recent years of economic austerity. ers, or S.C. Gwynne, Advenhms in the Loan Mexico is officially a democracy, but not Trade.) too many people would seriously argue that The flurry of loans also coincided with the government is representative of its conthe optimistic notion that the Third World stituency. would eventually grow to the level of prosperityoftheWestifweonlygavethemenough The party currently in power, the Institumoney tional Revolutionary Party buildtheinfr: (PRI) (how’s structure necthat for an essary to atoxymoron!), tract foreign has been in corporations. government Howsince the estabever, this optilishment of demism colmocracy in lapsed in the Mexico 1929. 1980s when Since then, the West the PRI has hid jacked up inbehind a facade terest rates as of ballot boxes high as 20 per and polling stacent, making tions while the debts of keeping itself in most Third power through World counvarious forms tries unbearof electoral able. Mexico fraud, promptwas the first ing one obcountry to server, famous start the “debt Peruvian crisis” when it writer Mario defaulted on Varga Llosa, to its interest label Mexico payments in “the perfect 1982. The cridictatorship.” The last sis brought the national elecfinancial extion in 1988, perts of the Inwhich brought ternational current PresiMonetary dent Carlos Fund (EMF) to I Mexico to adSalinas de vise them how Gortari to to structure power, was renounced intertheir economy nationally by so that interest numerous inpayments ternational could be election monimade. The sotoring agencies lution was a for its widespread fraud. Structural AdSo the simple justment ProMexSco’s 58 cents per hour labourers cannot expect answer is that gram (SAP), a to gain improvements in their wages and working Mexicans did typical&&oafter the North American free Trade less to elect a conditions _ lution to the pro-free trade *greementm debt problems illustration courtesy of Ten Days for World Development of a Third government than did Canadians. World country. A facet of Mexico not often heard of in The typical components of a SAP (and the media is its record of human rights abuses. Mexico wii no excep-tion) are: President Salinas established a N<tional Hu*devaluation of national currency; man Rights Commission in June 1990, coinci*raising of interest rates; ’ dentally jtist four days before meeting with *cuts in government spending; *deregulation and privatization of industry; US President George Bush to discuss the pro*rem&al of barriers to imports; posed NAFTA accbrds. *encouragement of increased production for The Commission was in response to a growing international concern over Mexico’s export. killing 6f peasant leaders over land conflicts, The avowed rationale behind SAPS is that a country must earn more foreign extorture of prison detainees, labour rights change to pay its debts by exporting more. abuse, judicial system corruption, and virtual police and military impunity (ICCHRLA p.3). And by reducing unnecessary govemment intervention such as minimum wages Evidently the Mexican government does not look well upon citizens who speak out and environmeqtal and social standards, against the employment practices of large countries can attract the foreign corporations corporations, electoral fraud, or forced evacuwho are capable of producing goods for export on a tiass scali at& from their land. S&li wonder that Sound familiar? It’s not a coincidence. Mexicans haven’t staged a mass uprising * The IMP’s economic prescription for repayagainst the NAFTA. ing debts to multina6onal b&&s sounds iemirkably similar to the program we Canadians are constantly told we have to accept in Debt and SAPS order to remain “competitive.” The question we have to ask ourselves is: To understand a bit about why the Mexiwho is benefitting from globaIization? The can government feels obliged to repress its own citizens in order to produce more, we workers of Mexico are being told they must The
Xuereb imprint
accept lower standards of living the same way we, in a supposedly “developed” country are. The answer is that the ever dwindling number of people who control the largest multinational corporations and banks in the world are benefitting. They are playing the workers of eachcountry off against each other in a game they can never lose.
NAFTA and the Institutionalization of SAPS That the NAFTA is part of a plan to make SAPS and the economic philosophy they represent permanent for all of the knericas is no secret. John Negroponte, the US Ambassador to Mexico made that intention explicit in a confidential memo to the US State Department in April 1991: “The FTA can be seen as an instrument to promote, consolidate, and guarantee continued policies of economic reform in Mexico beyond the Salinas administration.” (quoted in CCPA, p.99) In other words, by making Mexico (and Canada and the US) sign the NAFTA, future democratically-elected governments will be prevented from pursuing “interventionist” policies (like legislated minimum wages, enforced environmental standards, national industrial policies, etc.) that the public may demand. Should any future government want to implement economic policies that venture away from the economic philosophy represented by SAPS and the NAFTA, it would have to suffer the consequences of abrogating the agreement first. In addition, the US has made no secret of their intention to extend the NAJ?lYA to the rest of the Americas. On June 27,1990, President Bush announced his Enterprise for the Americas Initiative (EAI), which outlined his plan to extend the free trade zone to the rest of the Americas and possibly some South East Asian countries. The key to new countries entering into the NAFTA, however, is their demonstration of sound economic performance - in other words, they must successfully implement SAPS before qualifying for accession. A recent publication by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives underscores the injustice of the NAFTA’s provisions: “The arrogance of this exchange. . . reveals the true agenda of the EAI: the recolonization of Latin America as a source of cheap labour, raw materials and markets for US corporations.” (CCPA p.101).
-Reclaim the Nation Evidently, free trade as we are experiencing it in the Americas involves much more than a gradual lowering of tariffs in the name of efficiency, as the corporations would have us believe. “Globalization” and “competition” mean that workers around the globe must compete with each other to satisfy the demands of mobile corporations. Mexico isn’t going to benefit from the NAFTA: they have more to lose than Canadians or Americans. The real winners, unless the people of all three of our countries stand up and reclaim our nations, will be the few owners of the large corporations who dominate this continental market. sources: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). VV?zich Wayfir the Americas: Analysis oft~hiAF7YAPmpusalsand th&zpactonCanada. Ottawa, November 1992. Inter-Church Committee for Human Rights in Latin America (ICCHRLA). 2992 Annual Rqwtf on the Human Rights Situation in Mexico. Toronto, January 1992. Story, Dale. The Mexican Ruling Party: Stabifify and Authority. New York: Praeger, 1986. Meeker-Lowry, Susan. “Maquiladoras: A Preview of Free Trade.” Z-Magazine 5:lO (&tober 1992) pp.25-30.
Forum Dearadation
--Fed To
I am extremely angered and offended by theunnecessarydegradationof women which took place at Fed Hall on Froday night during the legs contest. I am disgusted at the finalists involved, those organizing the event for not intervening and those people in the audience who chose to encourage such behaviour. To the women who bared more than their legs: have you no self-respect or pride? How do you ever expect anyone to trest you with any respect when you degrade yourselves in such a manner? To those running the event: have you not the common sense to prevent the legs contest from progressing to the point that it did? By not putting a stop to the contest, you could be accused of encouraging harrassment and degradation of women. I am embarrassed to be associated with a university that promotes this type of behaviour. Fed Hall is not a strip club. It should be an atmosphere where patrons feel comfortable and are able to enjoy themselves. Many could not do that on Friday evening. Many women and men were angered by your poor judgement. To those who were jeering and yelling: perhaps you should think about what it was you were cheering for and consider the implications of the behaviour you were encouraging. Perhaps you should think about how it would feel to be seen not as a person with a personality, intelligence and feelings; but instead, to be judged on merely your physical appearance and just how much skin you’re willing to show. Perhaps you should take a minute and think next time before you yell, “Take it all off!” Sue
jen Green Special Events Assistunt Federation of Students
Offence not taken To
Re: “Remains to be seen” (Imprint, Friday 5 February) As the director of GLLOW, I wish to clarify the position of this organization with respect to the ad campaign for “Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love”. Contrary to what Ms. Epps’ article might suggest, GLLOW as an organization has no complaint with the term “controversial lifestyles”. If individual GLLOW membershave telephoned complaints to the Drama Department, they have done so without my knowledge and speak only for themselves and not for the organization as a whole.
3A Recreation
Apology same To
Break Warm-up at Fed Hall. The planning of the event was directed at providing a contest that would be entertaining yet tactful. Some precautions that were taken were to have the contestants anonymou$, as well as 6 provide sufficient coverage of the body with exception to the legs. However, as the contest progressed, some contestants took it upon themselves to be provocative in response to the audience. I would like to apologize both to the other contestants who may have felt the contest was unfair, and to anyone present who took offense to the contest. If any other such event is to be planned for the future, we will ensure that a similar occurrence will be avoided.
Chris Chin Director, Gay of Wuterloo
& Lesbiun
I would like to comment on the fact that some students were offended by the legs contest that was held during last week’s Spring
Friday, February
Imprint 12,1993
The bail is in men’s court by Michuel
When I was in grade six, and we were all trying to fipre out the basics of sex, a friend explained the difference between “fucking” and “raping.” In the latter, he said, you tie the girl to a tree. I laughed at the time, as if it were all a joke. A year or two later, when all the guys were preoccupied with getting to “first base” -- that is, a serious kiss -- another friend told me about erogenous zones. The back of a girl’s neck, for example, was like an Aladdin’s lamp to conjure up a girl’s desire. If rubbed enough, the girl would melt tider your fingers. I wore out many a neck in the months that followed. The two stories shock me now: one is simply hideous while the other is simply silly. Both stories, though, have much in common. These tidbits of advice shared the assumption that sex was something boys or men got. We might get it by force, or we might get it by smooth moves, but in the end, the issue was about OUT pleasure and our desire. The one thing that was incomprehensible to me in grade six was that males could force themselves on females by something less than bondage to a tree. After all, the girls we knew at the time were not only taller than us; they certainly were not going to be pushed around. Little did I know’that within a few years a certain male prerogative would begin to assert itself. We would have power, power to get what we wanted by persuasion (“I love you more than life itself,” or perhaps the more pedestrian “Aw, come one, it’ll be fun”), hard luck stories (“I’ll die of blue balls if we don’t”), manipulation (“What the hell, let’s just have one more drink”), or for some guys, if all else failed, sheer physical force. Suchthingspoisonrelationshipsbetween women and men. Even if you’re the gentlest guy in the world, the woman you’re interested in probably has some experiences of coercion, manipulation, sexist put-downs, or assault. What’s happened to her will affect any relationship she enters into. What’s more, sex becomes a game, a contest of wills. Rather than communicating our feelings and desires and knowing we’fi be respected for what we want or don’t want, both men and women circle around, hint, and try to guess what the other person is thinking.
Thegreatestharmofallisdonetowomen. Study after study in the United States and Canada suggest that between 20 and 30 per cent of university-aged women are survivors of sexual assault. Many others feel the potential of assault and join the 50 per cent of Canadian women who are fearful to walk to the comer store at night, although an even greater danger is from someone they know. Perhaps what is most surprising about all this is that it hurts men too. Men who harass or coerce or rape don’t do so because men are naturally bad or predatory beasts. It’s because of the ways thatwe’ve learned to be men. We’ve learned that to be real men means to assert our power and control, although not usually though physical force. It also means shutting down our capacity to feel what others feel, an indispensable quality if you’re interested in meeting your own needs without regard for others. And so let’s not waste energy debating statistics. Whether it’s 10 per cent or 30 per cent of women who have been sexually assaulted, we’ve got a terrible problem on our hands. Let’s not waste energy countering that women are not always angels. Of course they’re not, but men are not regularly beaten or raped by women. Let’s not waste time with needless charges about “male bashers” or “they’re saying we’re all guilty until we prove ourselves innocent.” No one says all men are rapists or batterers. The ball is in the men’s court. We can protest and counter-charge until we’re blue in the face, but that won’t make the problem go away. Better that we rise to the occasion and listen carefully to the voices of women, voices that have been buried far too long. Better we urge our student councils and administrations to adopt clear codes of conduct about sexual harassment and dating behaviour. Better that we encourage educational programsonourcampuses. Betterthatwelookat the ways that our own attitudes and behaviour might contribute to the problem, whether we know it or not. And better that we learn to challenge the men around us to change and to do it now. Michael Kaufman is the national director the White Ribbon Campaign.
Who are Christians anyhow? by
The ongoing process in many people’s lives is the defining of who they truly are. From birth to old age, many people search for the true meaning of life and their own existence. In doing so, many adopt certain religions as a way of explaining their own Christianity, for many in the existence. Western World, is this explanation and, in turn, becomes a way of life. But what exactly is Christianity, and more importantly, who are Christians? Today, some Christians do not accept other faiths, and others simply do not attempt to understand or see the value in them. How can one say that they are truly strong in their faith if they cannot be open and understanding to others? Can they not see that perhaps by viewing others, their own faith can be enriched? Can such nonaccepting people truly be Christians? Also, can we be Christians solely because of our belief in Christ? Sadly, some believe this to be true. Certainly, we have all encountered thosewhoclaimtobegoodChristians, yet do not demonstrate the love that is supposed to be a vital part of Christianity . The patience, generosity, kindness, humility, and unselfishness that should be a large part of this love are often eclipsed, if not totally disguised. Many of us may be quite aware of those 24-hour Christians who may only demonstrate such love one day a week. Are these people truly Christian? Why is it that fellowship and charity do not extend beyond certain congega-
Private universities
tions? Some Christians today are hypocritical. Surely we all know a few people who have been actively involved in the church and its activities, yet are deaf to the needs of others in their community. Are such piople Christian? Some, it seems, believe that God acts in a vacuum or that he exists only in a box, so they confine him to live only within the four walls of the church. These same people hold great judgement over those who do not go to church as regularly as others. They don’t seem to realize that, even though the church is God’s house, he can exist and even be worshipped elsewhere. Many Christians today may be very strong in their faith, yet feel too confined by the church’s expectations, so their attendance there declines. Often the line between the church’s expectations and those of God is blurred. So the question remains: can you still be Christian and not always attend church? To be Christian means more than just having faith in Christ. It embodies love, patience, generosity, kindness, humility, unselfishness, and finally, a true understanding and acceptance of our neighbour. If you possess all of these qualities, perhaps then you are more justified in calling yourself a Christian,
This is the first installment 0 f FOLA RIZED, a column that will examine contempofary issues from a viewpoint not usually covered in Imprint The subject matter is mostly political and provides alternative solutions for problems faced by Canadians. It is not in tended to provide a comprehensive plan or in-depth coverage of the topics in question, but to initiate thought and discussion on the subject of change. The aufhors are 38 applied physics students. It is commonly believed in this country that solutions to problems lie in better government funding rather than personal initiative. Clearly if Canada hopes to become a strong and successful country, we need to encourage both education and initiative among citizens and not discourage it in a stifling economic environment. For the first time in many years, alternative solutions are being sought for the problems of student poverty and quality of education. Here now, is a plan to reduce government intervention, and allow students the freedom to support themselves. Removing all taxation from students - income tax, sales tax even duty - would go a long way to giving themselves the freedom to pursue a dynamic education. This would decrease the dependence of universities on government handouts and at the same time put more money directly
The views expressed in this column are those of the author and do nof necessarily represent those of euery~beroftheUWSt~~fChristianMavement or those ofImprint’s staffor editorial board.
in Canada?
into the hands of those who use them. Further bureaucracy would be eliminated when the department for $80 per month student income tax deductions is canned. The losses to the government would not be significant. Students are inherently poor sources of revenue because they earn very little. Coincidentally, they also have very little to spend. Less taxation also encourages initiative and entrepreneurship in youth who will be rewarded for their efforts outside of school. This applies not only to personal initiative but also to co-op, education. It may also encourage people to go back to school on their own accord and eliminate some retraining costs. With a better educated work force, even Canada might be able to compete in the global marketplace. Of course, such a privilege cannot be lightly given or one can imagine many abuses. Therefore, it must be regulated but in such a manner to make it simple and non-restrictive. The solution is simple, make the requirement that all courses in the full course load be: passed. This condition is weak enough to make taking easy subjects unattractive as the benefits of a good education are obvious but it would also prevent students from neglecting their studies in favour of tax free employment. In the long run, our universities will be better funded, our administration streamlined, and our students better educatedbothacademicallyandeconomically. M
CCAC Houseof straw:howallegedabuseat by
to imprint
One month ago, at the conclusion of a sixmonth investigation and marked by the release of a report on the state of affairs at the Carleton University School of Architecture in Ottawa, letters containing allegations of professional misconduct were drafted and sent to an accused five of the school’s faculty members, At the release of the report, a spate of sensational articles hit the national press. The Globe and MuiI’s headline cried “Architecture students abused, report says” and The Ottawa Citizen hailed “Carleton to investigate 5 teachers.” Being an architecture student, the word “abused” in The Globe and Muil headline particularly peaked my interest Allegations of abuse of one’s peers are an object of concern. More importantly the allegations, the report, and the press received by them have ramifications for all Canadian university students, particularly students at Waterloo. The University of Waterloo is one of only ten universities in Canada which has an architecture school, and one of only three in Ontario. The report which generated the press was released to the public at a press conference on Tuesday, December 22, 1992 and was titled the ‘Final Report of the Architecture Review Committee’. The Architecture Review Committee (ARC) was established in July, 1992 after complaints aboutthe school were received by Carleton University president R. H. Farquar from students of the School of Architecture. The committee included a Carleton University psychologist and Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at its chair, a biologist, and a retired Carleton professor, a social worker. Over a six-month period, the committee interviewed 92 people, including a number of students, former students, graduates, faculty members, staff members, a representative of another Ontario school of architecture and a representative of the professional body of Ontario architects, the Ontario Architects’ Association. The outcome of the committee’s investigations were, as well as the aforementioned report, letters tabling allegations of misconduct sent to five faculty members. Important to note before consideringthe natures of the allegations closely, are the allegations’ credibility. Of a total 92 people interviewed by the Architecture Review Committee, 47 were subsequently asked permission to disclose their statements in the letters of allegation. Thirtyeight of those asked gave their permission to have their statements of complaint and names included in the letters. Thirty-one of these 38 were students. The natures of the allegations were wideranging. “The bulk of the complaints had to do with bullying, sexual innuendo, sexist comments, sexual imagery applied to critiquing studio projects, a couple of instances of gross profanity, some verbal abuse, some unfair grading practice, some insensitivity to ethnic diversity, some biased hiring procedure -- and some inactive tolerance of this activity,” The Globe and Mui/ quoted Farq uar as saying. The ARC reporz was divided into two main sections. The first was a description of the present conditions and nature of the Carleton School of Architecture in an introduction called ‘The Assets of the School of Architecture* and its follow-up chapter, ‘Implications of These Unique Characteristics’. The second part of the rep&t listed the committee’s 30 recommendations based upon its description of what it called the ‘Socio-Psychological Environment’ of the school. The very title of the second part of the report immediately suggests that a unique environment prevails in the School of Architecture. This unique environment mst be described for one to understand the
of the allegations of misconduct The Carleton School of Architecture is a professional school. Schools of architecture are professional schools, like Schools of Medicine, Optometry, Accounting or Faculties of Engineering. Do professional schools have different agendas to other university departments? jeanne Kay, recentty appointed dean of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environmental Studies, summed up the special agenda of an architecture
to humanistic and artistic traditions.” The core of an architectural program is the studio design course which Haldenby calls “a practical experience where students work on design projects individually and collectively.” This is a description given of the Waterloo School, but quite well describes a similar reality at Carleton. The report cites nine hours per week of scheduled studio work for each student, but goes on to say that students, “commonly spend up to
From a students’ experience, design studio is a setting in which the student is made aware of and sensitive to the rigours, issues and realities of designing buildings in his/her society. UW’s architecture design studio (above) is located in the Environmental Studies II building. photo by Anthony Cho school as being, “to have people designing buildings that meet the standards of the profession, to put it crassly, buildings that aren’t going to fall down.” She also stressed that a professional school’s necessary aspiration to a body of professional standards is, “no justification for treating human beings without dignity and respect” Rick Haldenby, director of UW’s School of Architecture, sees Carleton as a school with a slightly different agenda to the one cited above. He calls Carleton, “a school with an intellectual and creative mission, almost a rewriting of architectural theory that they are, at least in their own minds, undertaking.” The Carleton School of Architecture differs from other professional schools in that, as the report has i& “the heart of the program lies closer
80 or more hours each week in the studio.” At Waterloo, the studios are two large concrete floored, white-walled rooms in the orange-brick Environmental Studies II building on ring-road across from Laurel Lake. Supplementing the design course at Waterloo are a variety of technical courses (building science), courses in structural engineering, landscape design, architectural computer applications, and cultural his-
tory. The use of a design studios as the quintessential element of an architectural school pedagogy is almost universal, butwhat is design studio? Design studio at the University of Watertoo affords students the opportunity to design buildings of all types, and usually several introductory design projects that do not involve the design of buildings at all.
‘The teaching of design does not begin from a dogma, but exposes students to a range of theoretical positions and of approaches to the creative process of design,” according to a brochure entitled “Co-op Architecture” available to high school students interested in entering architecture From a students’ experience, design studio is a setting in which the student is made aware of and sensitive to the rigours, issues and realities of designing buildings in his/her society. How is student work graded in a design studio? Design projects at the Waterloo School of Architecture are always graded by a team of people. A finished design project consists of drawings and models which represent the object or objects, designed, The projects are presented by the student to a panel of critics at what is called a ‘crit’. At Waterloo, the panels are usually composed of at least three members. Of the three, one is an instructor from the student’s design studio, the others may be practising architem, artists, engineers, graduates of the school, senior students or other members of the school’s faculty. The final assigning of the grade takes place in the student’s absence and behind closed doors. All the student’s instructors are present, a group of about three of four, one or more of whom will have been at the student’s ‘crit’. Grades for all the projects are assigned in one sitting so as to afford the instructors a comparative basefrom which to grade. Are there, or can there be, fixed and objective criteria for the grading of a student’s design project? One ofthe complaints received by Farquar was of unfair grading practices. Recommendation 6 of the ARC report states that, ‘All student evaluations for grade will be based on explicit written criteria handed to students at the outset as a part of the course or project outline.” “The value of the ‘crit’ has been questioned time and time again,” Haldenby says. “We (Waterloo School of Architecture) have tried alternate models. In looking at design work questions of objectivity always come up, yet to imagine that objectivity even exists is to a degree absurd.” Having expressed a belief in the inappropriateness of objectivity in the grading of student design work, Haldenby adds that, ‘*Waterloo has tried by and large to handle the problem in a discursive means, that is there is never an individual professor passing a grade alone, at least three individuals must concur on the mark after reviewing all the work” Waterloo’s grading system is one of subjectivity tempered by discourse and team grading. With some familiarity of the set-up of an architecture school, one may now ask, “what exactly happened at Carleton and why?” Any answer to the question should be looked at in light of the fact that the Carleton scenario at this point consists only of allegations. One should properly ask, “what exactly is alleged to have happened at Carleton?” I stated that the ARC Report’s second pa- “Report and Recommendations: Socio-Psychological Environment” alluded to an ‘unique environment’ prevailing in the school of architecture. To that should be added the reminder that while the pedagogical structures of architecture schools, Carleton and Waterloo included, are universally similar, the unique environment documented in the report is Carleton’s and something quite apart from the environment at the Waterloo school. The ARC report describes an environment in which overworked and tired professors occupy an intellectual and physical space in close proximity to equally overworked and tired students. Furthermore, professors and students are said to socialize together as evidenced by their calling each other by their first names. “This,” says the report of the social t)‘pe of interaction between student and professor, “generates the requirement of faculty tutors that
Carleton’s architecture schoolaffectsUW. they maintain sufficient professional distance from students to be able to evaluate them objectively.” According to the report, a design studio class is split up into groups of about 12 or I 8, each served for the duration of the year by a faculty member called a studio tutor. The report condones this practice as one of great privilege for an undergraduate student in that it so closely resembles an apprenticeship model of instruction. Haldenby illustrates his belief in the pitfalls of this type of setup when he says of Waterloo that, “if the class is broken into sections this is only temporarily, not for a whole year, to accommodate the perception that not al1 design staff are the same.” The policy at Waterloo seems to be that students should be exposed in equal measure, theoretically at least, to all their studio ‘faculty. In an environment of. close and lengthy contact between students and profeisors, an atypical amount of stress is exerted on the relationship of authority. “Faculty must not blur the lines between themselves and students,” the ARC Report cautioned; “for they cannot be pals with those whose work they will eventually have to evaluate.” Comments cited in the report that were allegedly made by faculty to students are unarguably inappropriate to the professor/student relationship. Statements to female students like, “Don’t mix babies and architecture,” or to a student whose father had just died, “Oh. Did your father die again?” are easily the stuff of scandal and dismissl als. Other alleged remarks to students like, . dumb “You jock” or “You’re boring” or “You’re going to fail” while not unlike comments frequently passed among peers, are evidence of a relationship of authority gone awry. “We reckon that the breakdown in professional relationships in the school is, in part, responsible for the use of sexist and sexual language in the learning environment when this 0CCurs*” says the Report As a combatant of the recurrence of this type of breakdown’ the ARC report’s 2 1st retommendation suggests that the school, “Organize discussions dedicated to the exploration of questions of relationship between the philosophical stance which guides program priorities and the philosophy which guides personal interactions.‘* Recommendation 8 states even more firmly that, “The sin qua non of the continuation of the School of Architecture be the immediate adoption, in an explicit action by the Architecture Faculty Board, of the Code of Conduct governing faculty, staff, and students at Carleton Univerl sity.” How is the student/professor relationship regulated in the Waterloo School of Architecture where students are also in close personal contact with design faculty? Haldenby says that, as director, he tries to meet with students throughout the term to monitor the situation and thus systematically keeps in close contact with what is happening in the studios. As well, the method of ‘team grading’ lessens emphasis on individual relationships between a student and a particular instructor. Studio populations are also not split up or assigned single instructors for long periods of time. Finally, by belonging in the fullest sense to a faculty, in this case the Faculty of Environmental Studies, the School of Architecture is governed by the same rules and policies as the rest of the facut,$y. This was notthe case at Carleton’s School of Architecture which reported to the Faculty of
Engineering on financial matters, but directly to the vice-president of the university on academic and policy issues. Haldenby asserts his belief that an architecture school should not seek full bureaucratic independence when he says,“Mygeneral feeling is that schools of architecture do not do themselves any favours when they claim special status . . . schools do best for themselves when they participate most fully in the university and regulate themselves by the same regulations.” One of the regulatory devices Dean Kay hopes to install for the entire Environmental Studies Faculty is, “something like a two-hour workshop that all incoming students would attend -- to explore, discuss and learn about issues regarding human rights.” To that effect, Kay has struck an ad hoc human rights committee to examine issues of professional conduct and sexual harassment. She says that neither the committee nor the planned educational approach to issues of misconduct, human rights and harassment - “students are a group that need to be educated. Are students really aware of their rights?” - are as a direct result of the Carleton report, but rather an employment of current and good practice. The alleged events at Carleton raise severa1 important and universally applicable conterns. Each of these issues could be explored in an article of its own. The first is
Haldenby says he tries to meet with students throughout the term to monitor the situutiun and keep in close contuct with what is happening in the studios. l
gent demands on its individual participants, What justifies the stringency of demands needed to keep so demanding a school healthy? This question embodies the vulnerability of an architecture school. The importance of atchitecture is measured on a cultural barometer. If a society does not place emphasis on the practice of architecture beyond the now simplistic demand that buildings stand, then why would it go to so much effort to sustain a school of architecture. In this scenario, as suggested by Rick Haldenby’s reminder that 3 in IO architecture schools have been considered ‘ill’, one sees that an architecture school has not only to ensure the upkeep of its professionalism, but also its profession!
Floating above all these issues is the strangely hard-to-maintain truism thatJeanne Kay is now attempting to enforce in the Faculty of Environmental Studies; namely that, “everyone is treated with respect and dignity.” This is the bottom line for the evaluation of any academic conduct. One only hopes that the publicity Carleton received regarding the alleged misconduct of five of its faculty does not contribute to the forces that would just as soon see architecture schools closed for other reasons.
Lewis Pop/ok is u third-year architecture student ut the University of Watedoi.
theissueofstudent rights and howastudent may choose to deal with what he/she feels is an infringement
his/her rights. The second is the always prickly issue of sexual harassment and how instances of it, for it cannot be made to disappear like a magician’s white rabbit, are properly dealt with. The third issue is the one of pedagogy in professional schools. This is the question of how a professional school, especially a school of architecture, can achieve an intensity of teaming within an extraordinary pedagogical structure without sacrificing, ironically enough, professionalism. The fourth issue is one which extends beyond the realm of university and into the world at large. This is one of public perception of firstly, education and what its content and methods should be and secondly, architecture as a profession and its role in our society. In a sense, both universities and their schools of architecture, not only have to deal with their task at hand - broadly put, to educate and enlighten - but have also the task of ensuring their survival in an environment which is sometimes hostile to their existence. Schools of Architecture in Canada have been placed under the microscope of administrative budget slashers for reasons other than those governing the recent scrutiny of Carleton. Haldenby mentions the threatened closure of the University of Toronto’s School of Architecture because the university’s administration considered the school ‘*unproductive and ungovernable.” Haldenby also says that UBC’s School has been investigated as well. Add Carleton to the Iist and, “That’s three out of ten - a high proportion.” The ARC report went to such great lengths to describe and understand the school of architecture not solely to extract allegations against a small group of faculty. It is evident that the ARC scrutinized the entire environment of the school because it is one which while offering greater educational gains than the ordinary undergraduate department., also makes more strinl
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Smith totxsall-stur vote, Shantz Coach of the Year
Black Plague at home for West semi-finals by Rich Imprint
lvichol spotis
Playoff fever has hit the Black Plague Warrior volleyball team onceagain. Waterloo’s dynasty team clinched second place in the tough OUAA West division with a convincing, yet rocky, 3-1 victory over the Cuelph Gryphons this past Wednesday at home 15-6,13-15,158, 15-m
The win gives Waterloo homecourt advantage for the division semi-finals which will take place this Tuesday night (February 16) at 8:OO p-m. The outcome of tonight’s matches will determine the Warriors’ first opponent of the post-season (either the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks or the Western Mustangs). Waterloo had the upper hand on either possible playoff opponent this past season. The Warriors defeated Laurier in both matches (3-2 at WLU and 3-O here at the PAC). Also, Waterloo defea ted Western in London 3-2 and finish off the regular season campaign against the Mustangs at home tonight (Friday) at 8 p.m. The Warriors improve their league win-loss record to 8-3, while Guelph, currently in a rebuilding phase, falls to l-10. Sweetening the Plague’s victory was the announcement of the OUAA West division all-star team. Third-year Waterloo setter Shawn Smith was named to the team for the second straight year, leading all vote-getters. This assures Smith of strong consideration for the AllCanadian all-star second-team. He was joined by McMaster setter Andreas Schirm, McMaster middle hitter Jude Popp, and power hitters Jim Shantz (Western), Sinisha Dordevic (Laurier), and Trevor Scott (Guelph). Dordevic was also named Rookie of the Year.
L OUAA West division scoring leader Jon Tenthorey another ball in Waterloo’s 3-l win over the Guelph PAC last Wednesday night. Waterloo head coach Scott Shantz deservingly took OUAA West Coach of the Year honours.
vaporizes Gryphons
at the
photo by Sharon Liile
Despite losing three starters (William Zabjek, Ian Heynen, and Brian Shin) to graduation, Shantz
Win over Guelph puts ice Warriors back in race for first by Peter Brown lmprintsports
The script for a close finish in the hockey OUAA West is being performed without a flaw. The 12-5-3 Waterloo Warrior hockey team dumped the divisionleading Guelph Gryphons 6-3 at Columbia Icefield last Sunday afternoon. This came just three days after the 14-4-l Gryphs made another fruitless trip to this fair berg, losing 3-2 Thursday night at the bubble to the 14-5-O Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. With two weekends left in the regular season, two points separate these three teams. Waterloo travels to Windsor on Sunday afternoon (February 14) and finishes up at home against the four&place Western Mustangs next Friday, February 19 at 7:30 p.m. Troy Stephens led the Warrior offence on Sunday with two goals and a pair of assists, earning male
athlete of the week honours. Goaltender James Organ, shaky in a tie versus McGill the previous weekend, regained his early season form, allowing only one goal in the last two ueriods. The game was scoreless until UW’s Cory Keenan bulged the twine on a power-play slap shot from the middle of the blueline 13 minutes in. His opposite number, Gryph Dave Thomas, tied the match just a couple of minutes later and teammate Mike Allen put Guelph ahead with a power-pliy marke;of his own a couple of minutes after that. A spate of Guelph penalties gave Waterloo opportunities by the bushel and Stephens had the team’s second power-play goal of the game
in the second, Waterloo had a brief two-man advantage which they could not capitalize on. Waterloo finally exploded offensively when Steve Schaefer and Dean McDonald scored 59 seconds apart midway through the second period. Then, after Guelph’s Eric Ross cut the lead to one with a powerplay marker two minutes into the third, Waterloo struck again. Jamie Hartnett and Stephens each scored, this time 51 seconds apart. The top six teams in the OUAA West make the playoffs. The top two teams get a first-round bye, while numbers three and four will host numbers six and five respec tively in a pair of playoff matches on Tuesday, February 23. The semifinals will begin on Thursday, Feb-
56 seconds
left in the first
frame to tieHad Waterloo taken full advantage of all of their chances, this game would not have been as close is it was. Late in the first and early
The OUAA West winner joins the champions of the OUAA East, CWUAA, and AUAA divisions at the Nationals on March 19 and 20 at Maple Leaf Gardens.
kept the Warrior volleyball juggernautincontentionfora 12thstraight playoff appearance. Inhis first three years at the helm, Shantz steered the Plague to two bronze medal finishes at the national championships. “The Coach of the Year Award is usually a reflection of a team’s performance,” said Shantz, redirecting the credit to his players. “Our team came up big in a lot of matches this season and overachieved at times.” Getting back to Wednesday night’s contest, Smith took player of the match honours with his pinpoint setting accuracy and he also led the team defensively with 12 digs. He also collected nine points on five dumps and four stuffs. Rene Holt topped all scorers with 16 points, registering 13 kills and three stuffs. After resting up during game one, OUAA Westscoring leader Jon Tenthorey finished the final three sets with 12 points on 11 kills and an ace. The third-year right side hitter was given honourable mention in the all-star balloting. The Warriors kicked off the match in game one with a monster dumpbySmith,followedbyablocking and slamming spree by rookie sensation Pete Denison. Drowning in sloppy passing, Guelph took a timeout at 8-5, but to no avail. Waterloo stormed ahead to ice the opener 15-6. Waterloo’s attack had a temporary breakdown in game two as the team fell behind 11-5. Shantz substituted Tenthorey in for his first appearance of the evening. A bad call against the Warriors got Tenthorey’s blood boiling and on the very next play, he vaporized a Smith serve straight down onto the Guelph court. The mighty Plague rallied to narrow the deficit to 14-12 but, after denying Guelph game point four
times, they lost 15-13. Game three was all Waterloo. With Holt and team captain Mike Fullerton peppering the Guelph backcourt in the early going, the Warriors built a 6-4 lead before the visitors called their first timeout. The break did not stop the momenturn and despite another Gryphon timeout at 10-4, Waterloo clinched the set 15-8. Mammoth middle hitter Eric Butcher entered the Warrior lineup in game four and began digging up a storm. Guelph elected to begin barking at the officials, which gave them a temporary 7-4 lead. A Waterloo timeout rectified the problem. Tenthorey came out of the huddie and cranked a howitzer into the face of Gryphon substitute Colin Lowring. He then backed it up by stuffing Guelph main weapon Trevor Scott to knot the game at seven apiece. With the momentum in the Warriors’ favour and Smith’s marksmanlike setting, the black and gold stormed ahead to clinch the match 15-10. Coach Shantz had mixed reviews about the win. “Since second place was almost wrapped up for us, the guys came into the match with a lazy attitude and work ethic,” he said. “Our back row wasn’t as intense as it usually is and we were lucky to get away with it. But we pulled up our socks to win it in game four.” As the Warriors finish off the regular season campaign at home Friday against Western and prepare for the divisional semi-finals at the PAC on Tuesday, one thing is certain. With the parity in the league this year, the playoffs will be one exciting roller-coaster ride. Don’t miss it. Let’s keep the Warrior volleyball playoff tradition alive; fill the Waterloo stands in a sea of black t-shirts once again.
Figure skating OWIAA fi’nals at.UW This weekend, February 13 and 14, the University of Waterloo Athena varsity figure skating team will host the OWIAA finals at Columbia Icefield. On Friday, January 29, the Athenas travelled to Kingston for Queen’s University’s annual invitational. The top five teams at the competition, including Waterloo, Toronto, Queen’s, Guelph, and Western, are all very closely matched, with relatively few points separating each placing. The Athenas competed very well in the dance events and were
solo dance - Nancy Ford, fourth; senior similar - Tamara Staple and Richardson, second; and OSP, second. Many of thefreestyleprograms were also performed well: senior A - Lesley Neave, first; senior I3 Kathleen Kaarsberg, third; senior similar pairs - Carolyn Chui and Neave, fourth; pairs, fourth. As well, the precision team performed extremely well with a solid second-place finish. The entire team should be proud of their efforts and should be commended for their team spirit and support, The skaters now have their sights set on the CNVIAA finals starting tomorrow at the Icefield.
by Carolyn Richudson Imptint spotis
placings. Some of these results were: intermediate similar dance - Mary Reastock and Carolyn Moss, second; variation - Michelle Kho and Carolyn Richardson, third; senior
Carolyn McNeice are working very hard with the skaters so this year’s final should see some toughcompetitionand some great skating. Come out and watch!!
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&ffg$gigFg~~g txqnotions__._._ all-_---. weekJ -- --_.---.-- _(jn-house --1
Imprint Friday, February
12, 1993
B-ball men
Relay teams miss nationals by a fraction by Brent Forrest and Simon Foote Imprint sports
straight by Annu
Done sports
The Warrior basketball team’s winning streak came to a disappointing conclusion this past week with two losses on the road. The first was last Saturday when the team travelled to Hamilton to play the numberthree CIAU-ranked McMaster Marauders. Waterloo worried them in the first half, at one point leading by 14 points, but couldn’t maintain the lead and lost the game 80-74. McMaster is now ll0, leading the CIAU West. The second defeat was at Guelph where the Warriors took on the Guelph Gryphons, currently ranked fourth in the CIAU and second in the OUAA West. A Waterloo took an led the Warriors eartv lead in the first Sean VanKoughnett ten ‘minutes of the Wednesday night with 22 points. photo by lain Grant first half, but their defense fell apart under attack from pace with the Gryphons, pushing Guelph’s Tim Mau, and the Warrithrough their defense to post a 14-9 ors were defeated 83-62. Waterloo lead eight and a half minutes into is currently tied for fourth in the play. The Gryphon’s tied it up at 18 OUAA West with Western. two minutes later. Guelph played a In Wednesday night’s game against Guelph, the Warriors kept continued to page 18
Last Friday, the Warrior and Athena track teams made the normally short trek to London for the annual Western Invitational, but somehow it turned into a threehour tour. Aside from the lack of warmup for some of our athletes, the team did exceptionally well, overall, given the heavy training schedule which the athletes are completing inpreparationforthethreebigmeets of the year. The first of these meets is at Cornell tomorrow where our Warriors and Athenas will pit themselves against some of the top American schools. In two weeks from now, the Ontario Championships will be held at York, where the Waterloo contingent will try and improve their Ontario rankings from last year. As well, this will provide one last chance at attaining the Canadian standards so they can compete at Skydome the following week. At Western, the Purple Satan did their best to piss off our athletes with their decisions to change rules at will. This was further exemplified by the poor disposition of Westem’s coach Bob Vigors who at one point yelled at our female 4-by-20s metre team, “If you can’t play by my rules, ** don’t come to my fucking meet.” But I guess, one had to be a mind reader to determine the rules, so maybe that’s why some of the rules weren’t followed. Under these conditions, our athletes still managed to Tun another 25 personal bests. On the women’s side, the 4-by200m team of Jane Taite, Tiffany Kanitz, Alicia Steele, and April
Harper ran a personal best of L48.9 and just missed qualifying for the Canadians by a mere two-tenths of a second. The distance runners also entered a 4-by-200m team, and they put forth a valiant effort. In the 1,5OOm, Judith LeRoy, Victoria Seay, and Sarah Brown finished second, third, and fourth respectively with LEROY and Seay recording PBS. April tirper also put forth a great effort with PBS in both the 6Om and 3OOm. On the men’s side, the 4-by20Om team of Simon Foote, Chris Bastie, Brent Forrest, and Trevor Francis came very close to the Canadian standard, but a couple of mistakes in baton exchanges left them one second short. Rookie sensation Francis also hadanoutstandingruninthe30Om, after an ankle injury to veteran Foote moved him into the fast section. He then went out hard and surprised himself and the rest of the field by finishing a strong third in a personal best time of 36.7 seconds. High-jumper Karl Zabjek continued on in his winning ways by winning the high jump easily over a very inferior field. Themostsensational,orshould we say insane, performance of the meet had to go to rookie distance sensation Jonathan Cressman who
ran the l,OOOm, 1,500m and 3,OOOm all within a four-hour period. He recorded PBS in both the 1,500m and 1,OOOm and finished second and third respectively in those events. On Sunday, a four-mancontingent travelled to the O’I’FA relays at York for the specific task of making the Canadian Standard in the &by400m relay. The team of Foote, Forrest, Kregg Fordyce, and T. J. MacKenzie had no idea of the level of competition which was to be present. Various Olympic athletes could be seen roaming around the in-door facility including Canadian 4OOm runner Mark Graham who just happened to be running against our team. Luckily, the team brought along Taite who was able to provide the necessary psychological support which was necessary for the team to get the results that they did. In a valiant effort, the team missed the standard of 1:2554 by a minuscule three-tenths of a second (X5.82). But they were rewarded for their effort with a silver medal finishing behind the team consisting of the Olympians. With the help of some specific training this week, the team has stated that they will qualify at Cornell this weekend.
Athletes of the week
TROY STEPHENS Warrior Hockey
The University of Waterloo has chosen Christine Anderson as female athlete of the week. Anderson is a second-year captain in her final year with the team as she completes her PhD in statistics. Last weekend at the OWIAA individual championship, she won the A-consolation championship, defeating Jody Melville from Queen’s 3-1. En route to her victory, Anderson lost to Stephanie Richardson of Queen’s l-3 in the opening match, but bounced back to defeat Andtea Baptiste of Westem 3-2. As a result of her efforts and achievements during the weekend, she was selected to the five-member OWIAA all-star team.
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The University of Waterloo has chosen Troy Stephens, a secondyear sociology student, as male athlete of the week. Stephens netted two goals and recorded two assists in the Warrior’s 63 victory over the Guelph Gryphons last Sunday. He has lead the Warriors in scoring from the start of the season, having accumulated 44 points in 18 league games. This places him in third place in OUAA scoring. Stephens also had an outstanding game on paper, recording a plus/minus of plus-four for the game. The Warriors, now 12-5-3, wiIl play in Windsor on Sunday, Feb. 14 and finish up against the Western Mustangs on Fridav, Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. *
* therapy covered by OHIP *
Imprint l&l993
Friday, February
Cellar-dwellers Muc disuppoint UW 42-35
Athena hoopsters out of playoff picture terloo squad to tie the game with 11 minutes remaining. Things began to look better as Waterloo post player Lori Kraemer came off the bench to spark the Athenas with tough defence and solid rebounding. Full-court pressure applied by both Brenda Kraemer andJanice Awad forced Mac to cough up the ball numerous times but the Athena’s were unable to pull ahead. With twu minutes to go Waterloo, trailed by six but were once again cursed with the inability to put the ball in the hoop. Two free throws by McMaster’s Leslie Buckley extended their lead to eight. Trying to spring outside shooter Kathy
by Maureen McDonald Imprint sports
Going into last Saturday’s game at McMaster, there was still a slight chance for the Athena basketball team to achieve their goal of making the playoffs. Unfortunately, the Athenas came out cold and were unable to clinch a victory. A locked bathroom door set the stage for the Athenas reoccurring difficulties at the offensive end of the court. The lady Marauders of Mac, the basement dwellers of the West division, played a tenacious game, defeating the Athenas by a score of 4235. The first half was a low-scoring, defensive struggle resulting in a 240 Senior Athena guard 8renda Kraemer drives on a *PI 1 1 r r, aI 13 leaa ror me Ivlarauaers1 Gryph in Wednesday night’s 60-52 loss to Guelph. Wordhamf theAthenasfiafter 20 minutes of play. nally got the three-pointer Photo bY ‘ain Grant they were looking for to After the half the defensive battle continued. close within five. Athenas came out of the locker room A string of 12 points, six from Needing to stop the clock, the hoping to end their offensive woes the free-throw line, allowed the WaAthenas fouled Mac, sending them but for the first four minutes the
Badminton Warriors robbed of bronze medal by Kelly lmpfint
Slough sports
The Waterloo Warrior badminton team travelled to the frigid University of Ottawa this weekend to compete in the OUAA Championships. The other teams participating were Western, University of Toronto, and York. The Warriors’ fourth-place finish in regular season play meant that they faced first-place Western in the first round of the playoffs. The Warriors dropped the first twodoublesmatches,puttingthemselves in a very tough position going into singles action, needing to win three of the four singles matches just to force a tie-breaker. Dan McIver started the ball rolling, winning a close three-game match in the number-three posi-
tion. Rookie Dan Frank, playing number-one against nationallyranked Kyle Hunter of Western, pulled out another close three-game match. Kelly Slough, playing the number-four spot, also managed a victory, forcing a tie-breaking match between the number-five players. The depth of the Western team showed here, as their number-five player, former national champion Pete Wilson, defeated Nick Hoh, sending Western on to the finals. The Warriors were left to battle with York for the bronze. Neville Stringer and Dan McIver played an excellent doubles match, defeating the tough York number one team in three games. In singles play, both Frank and Stringer won their matches, In Stringer’s match, York was forced
the offensive
to the charity stripe. The McMaster shooter sank both shots to stretch their lead once again. With time running out, Waterloo was unable to bring it any closer. Advantage McMaster. In a losing effort for the Athenas, senior guards Brenda Kraemer and KathiWordham were
each scor-
ing 12 points. The Athenas have three games remaining in their season. Their last home game is tomorrow (Saturday, February 13) against local rivals Wiifrid Laurier. The game starts at 290 D.m. . -
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to substitute their fifth place player due to injury of their number two player, According to the written rules of OUAA badminton, this should have caused York to default the tiebreaking match. Instead, after considerable debate in which coaches all agreed to the rules as they were written, York was inexplicably allowed to substitute their sixth player for the tiebreaking match. The Warriors, playing under protest, were not able to pull out the tie-breaker. The protest will be heard at the next meeting of the governing body of the OUAA. Until then, the Warriors will have to accept a fourthplace finish. This is still a respectable improvement from last year’s sixth-place fiishand the entire team is eligible to return next year,
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Stilla chancefor v-ballwomen by Frank Imprint
Seglenieks staff
I wish I could tell you one way or the other if the volleyball Athenas will see post season play next week. Unfortunateiy, it is still in contention. Basically, the results of the last day of matches wiI.l have to come through before the final standings are decided. This shows the parity of the teams in the Western division of the OWIAA this year. Waterloo certainly improved on its chances and definitely looked like a playoff
team this Wednesday,
hardly breaking a sweat while disposing of the visiting Guelph Gryphons three games straight, 153, 15-10, and 15-8. The first game was a walk-over
with the Athenas taking charge and never looking back to take the opener 15-10. Guelph was not able to handle the sharp Waterloo squad in the second game although they made it a bit closer only losing 1510. In the third game, things looked promising from the start with middle hitter Michelle VanVliet responsible for Waterloo winning the first three rallies of the game. It didn’t get any easier for Guelph when Waterloo’s other middle hitter Carren Hall was on the front row as she helped in amassing a 7-2 lead. Up to this point, the Gryphons were unable to put up any kind of block against the hardhitting Athenas, however, our side got a bit disorganized here and allowecithescoretobecomeevenat8.
Atthiscrucialpointofthegame, Waterloo won two hard-fought rallies on their way toward taking the next seven straight points and sent the Gryphons back on the bus for Highway 7. After the game, coach Dena Deglau seemed very pleased her team calling it “the best execution” she had seen her team accomplish in a match this year. As well as the crucial win, Waterloo’s three-game victory will mean that they would finish ahead of Guelph if the two teams tie in the standings.
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tonight’s game against the divisionleading Western Mustangs. The game starts at 6:OO in the PAC, so come out and see these two hungry teams face off.
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Imprint Friday, February
OWIAA individual squashfinals held at PAC
Anderson wins consolation, by Stan Imprint
the first game, Anderson showed stellar defensive ability, coupled with good offensive shots and won the game 9-6. Richardson rebounded and showed her squash experience, to win thenext three games. this placed Anderson in the consolation side of the draw, and her Sunday morning opponent would be Andrea Baptiste from Western, her perennial rival. Against Baptiste, she came out hitting the ball with confidence and power. The fir@ game was 9-O for Anderson. The pair duelled for nearly an hour, with Baptiste winning games two and three, before the momentum shifted back to Anderson, who won the fourth. In the fifth and deciding game, Baptiste went ahead 5-2 when Anderson’s fitness level allowed her to play patiently and error-free to win the game 9-6 and the match3-2. This placed Anderson in the consolation championship game to be played an hour later.
Cook sports
This past weekend, Waterloo hosted the OWIAA individual squash championships at the PAC. Participants came from Western, McMaster, Toronto, Ryerson, Queen’s, and Waterloo. Five Athenas participated in the tournament, four in the “B” draw and one in the “A” draw. The top five players in the “A” draw became the all-stars of the league. Playing in the “A” draw, Christine Anderson was seeded sixth and hoped to secure a place in the all-star lineup. In the first round, Anderson defeated Stephanie Dobro from Western, 3-O. She used her power game to keep her opponent off balance and forced numerous errors. In the second round, Anderson faced a much tougher opponent, the number-three seed from Queen’s, Stephanie Richardson. In
Diane is ready. ThereMichael and Sandy very ready. Clans ia more than ready...
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6 Princess
Heather McLeod opened the tournament with an impressive 3-O victory over Sara Creighton from Ryerson. McLeod did not allow her opponent to earn a single point in the match. In the second round, McLeod faced Erin Moran from Western. It was important for McLeod to play error-free squash, as her opponent had a sizeable height advantage and could “get” to any loose ball. f
9-6 and the match 3-2. McLeod played excellent length and used the walls to her advantage to defeat Moran 3-O. McLeod then moved on to the “B” semi-final against number-one seed Gen Soler from Western. In that match, Soler’s experience and shot-making proved too much for the Athena, as she lost O-3. Susanjones began with a tough match against Sarah Brown, losing O-3. This moved Jones down into the “B” consolation draw, where she met Jodi Dickstein. Jones used her excellent defensive skill to easily defeat Dickstein by a 3-O score. With this victory, Jones earned a berth in the “B” consolation semifinal against fellow Athena, Marielle Baer, on Sunday morning. In this match, both players played well, with the match featuring good
pm. 8852950
by Duve Imprint
Richudson sporrS
T., Ottawa, and Western. The racing course was short and fast. Skiers with good technique traversed the hard-packed lightning quick snow with minimal effort. The short distance of the race made it a perfect sprint course to warmup for the OUAA finals held later in
--c----------II---c x1LziEkv,,,‘1 I I1FREEE~RAGE~I Fairview
I \
solation side 01 the draw, Baer then met Sara Creighton from Ryerson. She used aggressive shot-making and outstanding defensive skills to crush her opponent 3-O in 20 minutes. This placed her in the “B” consola tion semi-final against fellow teammate Susan Jones. Although Baer played well throughout the match, Jones proved too strong for her, as she lost O-3. Going into this tournament, the Athenas were not projected to win any branch of the tournament. All five women gained valuable experience and surpassed all expectations. This tournament also provided some excellent competitive squash for the Athenas to help them to prepare for the team championships, to be held this weekend at the University of Toronto.
Nordic ski team just warming up in, Midland Midland was the site of last Sundays skating technique race for the nordic ski team. Waterloo competed against Queen’s, McMaster, Laurentian, Carlton, Guelph, U. of
;(POPe I
defense on both sides. Jones came out the victor with a hard-fought 3OWh. In the “B” consolation final, Jones met Donna Mitchell from UWO. In this match, long rallies and excellent “gets” produced an entertaining and very competitive match-up, Jones emerged victorious with an impressive 3-O win. Marielle Braer met Tracy gritnell in the first round, easily defeating her, 3-0, with consistent good length. In the second round she met Gen Soler from Western, who proved to be loo ex-
Anderson %fmess level allowed her to play patiently
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In the final, she met Jody Melville from Queen’s, who had defeated her one year previously in the same tournament. After losing the first game, Anderson collected her nerves and used a combination of power and touch to defeat Melville 3-l. This win earned Anderson a berth on the all-star team, a fitting reward in her graduating year. The other all-stars came from the top four positions in the Championship “A” draw. All of these women played in the semi-finals, &d thus decided the top four positions. The &mber afour plaver was Donna Goktsugu from Mac, who lost 3-l to the eventual number three, Stephanie Richardson from Queen’s, The championship game was an allQueen’s affair, withcarolyn Russell defeating CarolAnn Radgers 3-O. In the “B” draw, Alicia Lok started the tournament with an impressive 3-O win over Kim Richards from Ryerson. In her second round, she met a tough opponent from Queen’s, SarahBrown. Lokvolleyed the ball and kept her opponent in the deep comers on the defensive. After a competitive40 minutes, Lok prevailed 3-1. This placed her in the “B” semi-final match on Sunday morning against Mac’s Gayle Dumin. In this match, Lok came out focussed and ready to run. After an impressive first game victory, Lok succumbed to the experience and consistency of Dumin, losing l-3.
all-star berth
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February. Besides two large hills at the start, the racing trail was also relatively flat. You know that you’ve beenskiingafewhillycourseswhen a trail having the vertical relief of an adjacent downhill run is referred to as relatively flat. Frostbitten Dennis Paradine (who skied a cold 40-kilometre race the previous day) finished 21st out of70competitorsintheseniormens lO-kilometre event. Ken Macleod was 17 seconds back in 24th position followed by Brent Curry in 30th position. Other team finishes included Gary Pluim (42nd), Steve Paradine (48th), Dave Richardson (55th), and Rob Milbume (58th). Lisa Patterson finished a respectable eighth of 42 skiers in the senior womens five-kilometre event. Julia Normanglided into 12th position followed by Tanya Moore, Jackie Martin, and Linda Lee. Overall team results weren’t up by departure time. The team is starting to reduce their tiaining in order to peak for the three races in the Ontario University finals held on February 2021. Waterloo will fare well against southesn0ntari.o universities and will be stiff competition for the snow-blessed northern universities like Laurentian and Carleton who have excellent training sites.
the way
by Jammy (Convener)
All is well. Within the first ten minutes of the season, we had a player who tore some ligaments! Hopefully that is the worse thing that will happen. The season is going well. No defaults yet except for one game, not a match. Ya-hoo. Let’s keep it up, guys. No games during reading week. Playoffs begin March 9. Be there!! Broomball by Radomir (Brud) Imprint sports
Kendo, which in Japanese means “the way of the sword,” is one of the ancient martial arts that utilizes a sword for its training. It has evolved from a 2,000year-old tradition in an attempt to minimize the injuries swordsman were frequently exposed to during combat, giving them a chance for applying the principles of form, timing, combative mind and reflexes in a safer practice manner. Kendo has evolved over hundreds of years in its own way into a different and distinct sport. It is not tobemistaken for traditional sword fighting as many spectators, including myself, initially may assume. Instead of using a real broad sword, a bamboo sword or “Shinai” is being utilized in a similar manner. Treating this dummy sword as
a real one, students may safely experience the taste of a mortal combat without injury. For greater protection, there are other features incorporated for one’s personal safety, such as the face and head guard, heavy upper robe, protective miff, chest and waist protector, and a divided skirt bottom as is apparent from adjacent photographs. For a series of movements or “Kata”, forms of expressing principles, and individual practice of strikes, a “Bokken”, one side sharpened sword is employed. In the more advanced stages of training, a smaller sword is used in combination with the “Shinai”, TherankinginKendoisinsome ways similar to other martial arts, except that no belts are worn. A beginner student startsoff his training as tenth KYU, progressing all the way down to first KYU, which
would end l-l, but the Jerbs were able to restore their one-goal lead with under a minute to go, thanks to some nifty passing and hard work in front of the Yoyoma net. In the second half, Yoyoma did all they could to try to bring the score even. Their push on offence allowed the Jerbs several great scoring chances including a pair of two-onnothingbreakaways, but Yoyoma’s goalie stymied all th’e Jerbs’ efforts to increase their lead. It seemed that the Jerbs defence was going to allow them to coast to victory, but two high-sticking penalties gave Yoyoma a man advantage for the last five minutes.
by AIannu Convener
Basketball Bullock
So far in the 1993 women’scompetitive basketball league, a close race for first is in the works. Currently, four teams are tied for first, with the only distinguishing factor being the points scored by for each team. The V-ball Flygirls have an outstanding lead in this category with 95 points for; second are the Little Sammy Fatburgers with 80 points for; third is the Eyesores with 53; and last is the Leftovers with 47 points for. Keep coming out, and good luck for the rest of the season!
However, Yoyoma was not able to break through the defence and bulge the twine to send the game into overtime and the Jerbs defended their broomball title with a 2-l vie tory.
Still accepting applications for the fall, 1993 term for student assistants, referees-in-chief, and assistant referees-in-chief. Apply ASAP in the campus recreation off ice, PAC
Thanks to all the people and teams involved for a fun and exciting tournament.
by Dave Jonegu und Todd Quinn It was a very competitive tournament for the nine teams entered. After a spirited three division round robin, the teams were ranked and put into the playoff draw. The number-one ranked Jerbs advanced to the final but only after they survived a late attack by Wicked Storm. It was a close 2-1 victory that held only because of solid defence and goaltending. In the other semi-final, a lack of offence by the Wolverines led to a 20 victory and a berth in the final for a speedy and crafty Yoyoma team. The final did not disappoint. Although the Jerbs jumped out to an early 1-O lead, Yoyoma stormed back minutes later with a nice lead pass and a chip shot over the rather stingy Jerbs goaltender. The first half looked like it
VALID February 8 - 28,1993 Present this coupon with valid student ID at the Talisman ticket booth and receive one complimentary lift ticket when a second liftticket of equal or greater value is purchased. This coupon cannot be combined with any other promotion and its resale is strictly prohibited. Regular lifl prices $15. midweek and $29. weekends and holidays.
Mac, Guelph beat Warriors continued
from page 16
very physical first half, gathering five fouls before Waterloo’s first foul occurring with only nine minutes left in the first half. Disaster struck the Warriors when Waterloo’s top scorer Alex Wrosevic, currently ranked second in the OUAA West, was injured and, except for a brief appearance in the second half, was retired from the game. Waterloo felI behind by nine points with just under four minutes left in the half, but were able to bring it to within one point witha shot from treyland from Dave Lynch, followed by a rim-rattling jam from Mark Hopkins. Guelph took advantage of the remaining 56 seconds to add another four points to their score leaving the court at half time ahead of Waterloo 43-38. The first three minutes of the second half saw Waterloo maintain their tight defer-we and pull to within two points. A trey from Guelph’s Wesolowski started sevenminutesof Gryphondomination which saw the hosts take over the paint and outscore Waterloo 17-
2, with the score standing
at 61-44 at the halfway point. Waterloo couldn’t get any closer than within 12 points in the remainder of the game, and at the final buzzer the score was 83-62. High scorer for the Warriors was Sean VanKoughnett with 22 points. 8. J. York was next in line with 9 points, followed closely by Chris Moore with 8 points. Dave Lynch contributed 7 points, *Tom BaIfeadded 6 points. Mark Hopkins was on the board with 4 points and Alex Urosevic and Mike Leitcheach had 3 points. Saturday’s game against McMaster saw Waterloostartstrong posting a 28-14 lead with seven minutes left in the half. But breaks in Waterloo’s defence allowed the Marauders to score 10 points in the last two minutes of the first half, pulling them to within 5before leaving the court at half-time with a score of 37-32. McMaster tied up the score at 44 points just over three minutes into the second half, and then took the lead minutes later. Waterloo fought back to tie it up again at 53
of the sword
would be the equivalent of a brown belt in Karate. First-degree KYU is then followed by first DAN which increases all the way to the ultimate goal of tenth DAN. University of Waterloo Kendo Club offers classes on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday nights every week this term. Students are taught various techniques and strikes by qualified instructors. At the present time, one can progress at the Waterloo Kendo Club up to third DAN. For higher ranks, one must be tested by a council of seven qualified judges. There is a number of tournaments Club members compete in every year. For information regarding class times and location, consult the Campus Recreation “Pick it up” booklet. Men’s
Imprint 12, 1993
Friday, February
but were unable to turn conversions into baskets and trailed just behind the Marauders. In the last minute of the game, down by four points, Waterloo sent Mac to the charity stripe five times where the Marauders added seven points to their score. Despite a trey from 8. J. York and a giant slam from Bruce VanLoon in the last seconds of the game, Waterloo just ran out of time and the Marauders won 80-74; Urosevic was the game scoring leader, showing the Marauders that there was just no snowing the Snowman, putting a huge 35 points onto the board, 20 of those in the first half. VanKoughnettadded 17points and ripped down 7rebounds. Chris Moore contributed 8 points and 8 rebounds. B. J. York and Tom Balfe each had 4 points, and Dave Lynch, Bruce VanLoon and Mark Hopkins each had 2 points. The Warriors’ next game is at home in the PAC tomorrow at 2 p.m.,where we can all cheer them on to defeat Laurier’s Golden Hawks.
ny Movie-Any Night-T ax Incl.” “All You Can Watch Weekend” with VCR
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VCR & 2 Movies (weekdays) VCR & 3 Movies (per night on weekends)
Student Hassle smmtions Accrpkd 0 a.m. till 12 midnight 886-5811
.72King St., N., WATEFZ
I 1
8$ Varsity. Scoreboard War&s
Wcst Division
Guelph Laurier Waterloo Western Laurentian Windsor Brock RMC East Division Toronto Ottawa UQ+T’R McGill Concordia Queen’s York Ryerson
19 14 19 34 20 12
4 5 5
19 18 18 19
7 6 5 0
1 108 63 29 0 129 62 28 3 141 82 27 2 98 73 24 4 90 100 18 1 78 113 13 2 81 77 12 0 31 184 0 T F APts 0 94 56 30 0 84 49 26 4 95 61 24 3 92 73 21 2 77 86 18 3 60 79 15 2 82 86 12 1 56 148 3
8 11 11 19 GPW L 19 15 4 18 13 5 18 10 4 19 9 7 19 8 9 18 6 9 18 5 11 20 1 18
Laurentian Queen’s 106 Ottawa 69 Feb. 9 Toronto 96 10 McMaster at Waterloo at Western at
Carleton Toronto York Ryerson Laurier Guelph Brock
OUM 8ASmTBALL SCORING West DMsh7 Team FG FGA FT Michael Lynch Western 91 190 31 Alex uroatvic Waterloo 80 166 37 Brian Bleich Brock 81 139 52 Jack Vanderpol McMaster76 166 46 R Wesolowsti Guelph 60 117 54
67 980 63 75
LEdDERS flA AVG 48 22.0 21.8 50 21.6 64 19.8 68 60 19.1
Queen’s Laurier Western UQTR McGill Ottawa. Queen’s Concordia 7 Waterloo UQTR Toronto McGill 11 Laurier Guelph
9 3 10 4 9 5 7 6 6 4 2 6 at at
RMC Guelph Concordia Toronto Western York Laurentian Windsor Guelph York Ottawa Windsor Toronto Western
0 2 2 1 3 2 3 4 3 2 0 2
McMaster Waterloo Laurier Western Windsor Brock Guelph
1 32 13 20 3 25 18 14 4 24 20 12 5 23 18 10 7 15 25 8 7 16 25 6 9 13 29 2 MLGW GL TP 0 36 5 24 3 30 12 18 6 20 23 12 9 16 28 6 12 2 36 0 1
York Queen’s Toronto Laurentian Ryerson
11 10 10 10 31 10 10 MP
12 12 12 12 12
10 7 6 5 4 3 1 MW 12 9 6 3 0
Team Laurier Laurier
Troy Stephens Waterloo Rob Arabski Chris George Pete DeEIoer Steve Glugosh John Wynne
GP 18 19 18 19 19 15 19 20 18
G 19 19 16 20 27 18 14 9 15
A 40 29 28 21 11 18 21 2S 18
TP 59 48 44 41 38 36 35 34 33
Guelph Laurier Windsor Western Waterloo Waterloo
JawnMemyn Mike Dahle Brad Haelzle
Waterloo 20 15 18
Laurier Guelph
33 33
17 13 17 9
20 24
McMaster Guelph Brock Western Waterloo Lakehead Windsor Laurier
10 10 10 7 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 4 10 2 10 1
782 748 688 746 735 738 866 821
20 14 12 10 10 8 4 2
East Division
11 8 9 8 9 8 9
9 5 5 4 4 3 1
2 3 4 4 5 5 8
938 653 696 662 706 666 683
807 601 685 705 812 662 732
18 10 10 8 8 6 2
Laurentian Ottawa York Queen’s Ryerson Toronto Carleton
0 3 4 5 5 6 8 9
841 886 761 805 754 663 757 657
Feb. 3 Western McMaster Waterloo 5 Guelph Ryerson Carleton
Ottawa 6 Brock McMaster Windsor Guelph
88 77 88 87 92 86 83 91 80 81 70
Laurier Brock Windsor Lakehead Queen’s York
Laurentian Laurier Waterloo Western L;lkehead
67 72 78 72 87 68 79 72 74 77 53
East Divjdon
Laurentian Toronto Queen’s York Ryerson Ottawa Carleton
9 8 8 6 4 4 2 2 W 11 6 5 4 2 1 1
2763 595 2630 465 3569 568 4617 525 7471 516 8565 722 8506564 9466 632 L F A 0828 476 1466338 3499442 5475 545 6360 506 7396 494 8437660
18 16 16 12 ‘8 8 4 4 Prs 22 12 10 8 4 2 2
Feb- 3 McMaster 3 Brock (15-9,15-4,1416,15-5) Waterloo 3 Windsor (E-9,15-&, E-11) Laurier 3 Western (15-11,1416,13-15,15-12,15-13) York 3 Toronto (1614,15-13,15-11) 5 Toronto 3 Laurentian (15-13,15-l, 12-15,15-11) York 3 Laurentian (15-6,15-3,15-7) 9 Queen’s 3 Ryerson (1593,15-3,15-8) 10 Brock at Western Guelph at Waterloo Laurier at McMaster
41 87 63 71 77 82 60 54 at at at at
Waterloo Laurier McMaster Ryerson York Ottawa Guelph Carleton Queen’s Ottawa Toronto Laurier Guelph Brock
38 35 49 54 64 43 32 46 58 47
11 10 11 10 11 12 10 11 GP 11 7 8 9 8 8 9
Western Lakehead Windsor Brock Waterloo Laurier McMaster Guelph
Etwt Division
Flayer John Spoltore Mark McCreary
Feb. 3 Windsor Western 4 Brock 5 Queen’s Carleton Laurentian Lakehead 6 Laurentian Toronto York 9 Ryerson 10 McMaster Waterloo 11 Western
Feb. 3 4 5 6
0 0 2 0 1 0 0
NAME TEAM POsmON shama smith Waterhm &tti% Andreas Schirm McMaster Setter Jude Popp M&laster Middle Hitter Jim Shantz Western Outside Hitter Sinisha Dordevic hurler Outside Hitter Trevor Scott Guelph Outside Hitter (Honourable mentions to Jon Tenthoreg, Waterloo; Chris Borden, Laurier; Fergus McLaren, &Master; and Steve Ray of Windsor] Rookie of the year: Sin&ha Dordevic, Laurler Coach of the par Scott 8hant2, Watch
OWIAA Divish
Western Lakehead Brock Guelph Windsor McMaster Waterloo Laurier
12 12 11 13 13 13 12 12
9 3 30 14 18 9 3 31 14 18 8 3 26 17 16 6 7 21 29 12 6 7 29 24 12 5 8 21 29 10 5 7 23 29 10 1 11 10 35 2 East DiviEion MP MW MLGW GL TP York 7 7 0 21 1 14 roronto 8 5 3 17 12 10 Queen’s 9 4 5 14 21 8 Carleton 7 4 3 14 12 8 Ottawa 7 3 4 12 13 6 Ryerson 8 0 8 5 24 0 RESULTS Feb. 2 Carleton 3 Queen’s 0 (E-13, E-10,15-5) 3 York 3 Toronto 0 (15-6,15-6,15-B) Brock 3 McMaster (15911,15-5,155) Windsor 3 Waterloo 0 (154,154, X-11) 4 Ottawa 3 Queen’s (15-4, 15-12,15-q
York 13 Lauren. RMC 14 RMC York McGill 15 UQTR
at at at at at at at at at vs
Western Queen’s McGill Brock Windsor Brock Guelph Queen’s Ottawa Concordia
7:30 7:30 7:30 7130 230 7130 2~00 2~00 2:30 9
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
Feb. 12 Guelph at Windsor at 13 East division Lauren. at Toronto at 16 West division 4 at 1,3 at 2
Brock Laurier semi-finals York Queen’s semi-finals
6:00 p.m. 800 p.m. 4:OO p.m. 730 p.m. 8:OO p.m.
Feb. 12 Ottawa Windsor 13 Brock Guelph Toronto QWdS
York Windsor
at at at at
Queen’s 6~00 p.m. Lakehead 8:3O p.m. McMaster2:OO p.m.
Western 2:00 p.m. at Laurentian2:OO p.m.
at Carleton at Ryerson at Lakehead
8:OO p.m. 8:00 p.m. &:30 p.m.
5 Lakehead 3 Guelph (15-9,15910,159) 6 Lakehead 3 Guelph (15-9,15-lo,&-15,153) at Western 10 Brock Guelph at Waterloo Laurier at McMaster OWlAA
Feb. 6 Individual championships A-flight 1. Carolyne Russell, Queen’s 2. Carole Ann Rodgers, Queen’s 3. Stephanie Richardson, Queen’s A-flight consolation 1. Christine Anderson, Waterloo OWlAA
Feb. 6 Pool A York 5 Western 2 York 7 Waterloo 3 Waterloo 3 Western 1 Pool B Toronto 4 Laurentian 1 Toronto 6 Guelph 3 Toronto 5 Queen’s 1 Guelph 3 Laurentian 2 Guelph 5 Queens 3 Laurentian 1 Queen’s 1 Feb. 7 Semi-finals York 7 Guelph 1 Toronto 9 Waterloo 2 5th plc. Laurentian 1 Western 0 3rd plc. Waterloo 4 Guelph 0 1st plc. York 6 Toronto 1 Standings: Order of finish: York, Toronto, Waterloo, Guelph, Laurentian, Western, Queen’s.
Feb. 12 Windsor Lakehead Carleton Ottawa 13 Lakehead Carleton Ottawa Carleton 14 Ottawa Queen’s
at at at at at at at at at at
Laurier Brock York Toronto Brock Ryerson York Toronto Toronto York
6:00 p.m. 890 p.m. 690 p.m. 790 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 11:OO a.m. 2:OO p.m. 4:OO p.m. 11:OO a.m. 2:oO p.m.
BASKETBALL Feb, 12 Windsor Ottawa Brock Windsor Guelph Toronto York Queen’s
at at at at at at at at
Lakehead Queen’s McMaster Lakehead Western Lauren. Ryerson Carleton
6:30 p.m. 6:OO p.m. Q:OO p.m. 6130 p.m. ZOO p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:CKI p.m. 2:00 p.m.
How ‘bout u B.J. for the B.K.
T&A at the T of A Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love UW The&e of the Arts, Moderlz Languages Building Until February 13 by Annu
N. Lobin Imprint
On Tuesday night we had the honour and privilege of attending the final dress rehearsal for the play Unide+%d Human Remains and the True Nature of Love, presented by the UW Drama Department. The play, written by Brad Fraser, a Canadian playwright, is a blend of modern sensibilities and age old conflicts with a distinct Canadian flair. The characters struggle with their identities, their sexualities, and their relationships to each other. The characters are diverse, and their interactions explore the full ranges of hate, love, anger and happiness, David Cheoros, an undergrad student in the Drama Department, is directing the play as his thesis. Cheoros directs the play with particular sensitivity to the dynamics of human relationships with nothing held back; black humour and sizzling sexuality taking the forefront. The play touches on the darker side of real life, not glossing over issues such as prostitution, drug abuse, promiscuity, AIDS, physical abuse, homosexuality and loneliness. This play is not for the weakstomached or addle-minded. The cast, consisting of four men and four women, weaves a tapestry of intertwining refation-
is in position...
Words In Their Own Words featuring Guy Clark, Joe Ely, Michelle Shocked, and Allen Touissaint The Phoenix Concert The&e, Toronto Tuesday, February 9
ships, exploring and playing with the neuroses, desires and fears of one another. Michael Albert is outstanding in his role as David- the failed actor-now waiter with an insatiable sex drive, and makes the role of David so infinitely appealing and personable that he draws genuine pathos from the audience in his tribulations. As a single gay man going on thirty, David is tom by his several wants and needs: his unconditional love for his boozy, destructive, and straight friend Bernie (Mark McCrinder), his need to play it safe in an unsafe world, and the growing emptiness in his life which is void of companionship and security. “I don’t need another friend,” he says to Kane, “I need a lover.” Another notable performance comes from Bernard Keamey in the role of Kane, an impressionable and endearing seventeen-year old, des-
photo by Dave Thomson
perately seeking an older role model. The relationship between this ingenue and the cynical David is the most compelling of all in the play, leaving the audience alternately laughing and squirming in their seats. This pairing takes precedence over all the others, it seems, and the awkward and uneasy game of love played between them is achingly bittersweet. The most curious female character is that of Benita, well played by Karri North, a clairvoyant siren who spins a web of intrigue, exploring sado-masochism as a means of gainful employment. Benita acts as the chorus to the tragedy, existing both within and separate from the events of the play. But, mostly she gavottes around in various stages of undress, modelling Frederick’s of Hollywood’s finest. Kimwun Perehinec as Candy, David’s roommate, is a neurotic
get in the wav fl
by Peter Brown Imprint staff A strange concert indeed. What was billed as four performers performing songs and talking about their own songwriting processes ended up being 50 per cent of that. Yes, they did perform. But, no, they were not terribly forthcoming in the self-reflection category. Considering that these four had been touring together for two weeks and that some of them (Clark and Ely in particular) had participated in these round-table concerts before, this was a remarkably stilted affair. In this concert format, piloted at New York’s The Bottom Line, the performers
are accompanied
by a
host who introduces the participants and asks them questions that, the* retically, link the songs. Tuesday night’s clumsy host, CFNY’s Don ISems, was armed with abominably stupid questions and a poorly-
thirty-year old in search of true love and /or a husband. Her desperation for intimacy leads her to Robert (Roger Sumner), a man that Candy has to convince herself that she loves, and herfear of intimacy leads her to have an affair with Jerri (Lesley Dowey), a lesbian that Candy meets at the gym. Candy is a constant reminder of one’s own uncertainty and insecurity; a woman who can’t bear to be alone, but also can’t seem to find the right partner. Unfortunately, thoughperhaps intentionally, Candy becomes a stereotype of the neurotic, driven woman whose self obsession is evident in her eating disorder. In the role of Bernie, Mark McCrinder plays a character who, in the beginning, seems the most simple to decipher; a young man married too young with a taste for beer andinfidelity. McGrinder gives us a portrait of a person detached from moral obligations; self-pitying and aloof. McGrinder’s competence and success in the role is evident by the way the audience reacts to the conclusion of events - with little shock or compassion. Unidentifid Human Remains and the True Nature of Love plays at the Theatre of the Arts in the Modern Languages building this evening and tomorrow night, at 8:oO pm. Tickets are $6 for students and seniors, and $8 for adults; this play contains nudity, violence, coarse language and controversial lifestyles, so we don’t recommend it as a family night out, but then again, we don’t know what your family is like.
Clark, “Is the& anregionofthe United States, other than New Orleans, that has a distinct musical sound?”
cage?“, Clark said tentatively, clearly knowing that he was doing Berns a favour. Bailing himself out, Clark unplugged his guitar and stood to walk behind stage and get a differ-
were, for the most part, discontinuous solo songs performed in sequence. There was little interaction between the four, except for Joe Ely, who honestly tried to accompanyeachof theother
ent guitar,
just as Bems
to ask
him another question. Later, when Bems tried to wrap up the show with a ‘%0x of questions” which contained 47 queries, Clark asked for “number 48,” much to the delight of the sympathizing
about less. Bems’ never table
And as an exercise in learning songwriting, this was useAll four of them answered questions as though they had participated in such a round before. None of them told us
anything that wasn’t already in their press clippings, except for the occasional gem extracted with the effort of wisdom teeth. All right, enough griping. The high point of the evening was definitely New Orleans legend Allen Toussaint, who treated us to brilliant piano work accompanied by charming and soulful vocals. He seemed equally comfortable walking through one of his more disposable pop tunes or laying down a hot blues lick. Michelle Shocked ran through a predictable collection of her wellknown songs, but co-operated with Berns more than the others, relating her reasons for concentrating on fiddle tunes and the music of blackfaced minstrelsy on her latest LP Arkansas Traveller. Clark and Ely seemed the most comfortable together of the four of them, probably because of their roots in country music. Ely was the more personable and accessible of the pair, joining in with whoever was performing, while Clark sat back and brooded, his mood obviously worsened by the wisecracking host. A great evening of music, but not exactly what was expected.
Imprint Friday, February
12, 1993
Keep the Faith Th Faith Healers Lee’s Pulace, Toronto February 8,1993
They’ve been hailed as one-chord-wonders, but make no mistake, England’s Th Faith Healers are anything but one-trick-ponies. Making their Canadian debut at a Lee’s Palace food-bank benefit, (the best deal of the year since the price of admission was a mere can of non-perishable food), Th Faith Healers delivered a performance that, although admittedly short in duration, was long on talent, enthusiasm and outstanding material. As a basic four-piece, (guitar, bass, drums and vocalist), Th Faith Healers are a model of simplicity. Deceptively so, however, since they’ve su’ch an uncanny ability to fuse ambitious ‘shoe-gazing’ experimentation (saris sampling or overdubs) with slraight-ahead minimalist punk energy, that the resulting creation is so singularly gorgeous it’s astounding. On the surface, their formula seems very unsophisticated; take a simple rhythmic melody, lay it on top of a driving backbeat, and repeat it over and over and over. While none of this is completely original, (the Sons of Freedom, for instance), Th Faith Healers approach is remarkably unique and capable of devastating entrancement. None of this seemed lost on Monday’s audience which - with the exception of a few inspired headbangers - for the most part silently faced the music like a pile of dazed glue-sniffers. The unsuspecting, alas, were either clearly confounded or clearly amazed. (By the music at the very least, although lead
the lido shuffle
singer Roxanne Stephen’s striking beauty and sultry kittenish purr were no less mesmerising.). Th Faith Healers, for their part, took all of the audience’s response in great stride and humour. One belligerent patron, for example, having just crawled out from the shallow end of the gene pool was allowed to hold the floor to drunkenly castigate others and wildly honk his bicycle-less bicycle horn. Only in d venue
photo by Dave Fisher
as perversely intimate as Lee’s can such spontaneous interuptions memorably captivate both audience and performers alike. And Th Faith Healers reaZZy looked like they were enjoying themselves. Despite Roxanne’s bout with a brutally sore throat, (she expended no small measure of her performancerubbingherneckandsluggi.ngEvian
water in a. fruitless effort to soothe it), her childlike banter, dancing, and all-around exuberance was highly contagious. “We’ve just been to see your Niagara Falls” she innocently mentioned like she’d just been given the keys to the car for the first time. Respectfully, the rest of the band looked as though they were having just as good a time. The actual musical content of the show followed quite closely the material from their brilliant debut album Lido, which isn’t so surprising really since most of that was likewise recorded live off the studio floor in single or double takes. As with Li&, they opened their performance with “This Time”, following with much of the rest of the album, the best being “Love Song”, “A Word of Advice”, “Don’t Jones Me”, and “Reptile Smile”. By the time they got to Lid& epic “Spin l/2”, the end of the show was a foregone conclusion. Roxanne’s voice had, by that time, been completely strafed. Bandleader Tom Cullinan, trying to cope with the vocal chores as best he could, was given the mercy rule and dutifully compensated in kind by slurping beer and amplifying his slashing guitar. Bassist Ben Hopkin and drummer Joe Dilworth, meanwhile, kept the whole gig going with a tremendous driving rhythm and beat, (courtesy one of the most sparse drum kits I’ve ever seen). In the end, the show seemed too short. But nobody was complaining and Roxanne’s condition made the whole thing an obvious formality. Best of all, nonetheless, they’d given a taste. Now we’ll just have to wait ‘til next time.
r It’s a Rich Rich Nichol, Imprint Arts’ Metal muse will be reliving his puberty at Stages on the 18th. Find out if his voice broke in next week’s Imprint.
MIN.-FRI.loamtol9pm* SAl.9:30amto 10pm@SUN,NOON to6pm* 146KINGSI W, 9
TELEPHONE 743-8315
Onwednesdaynight the dance department was busy putting the finishing touches on this year’s student and faculty concert-Fast Forward. The show consists of pieces choreographed by faculty and students. The dances vary greatly in style, and range from ethnic, to classic, to comedic, to modem. This exciting show for dance enthusiastswiUbeatt.heHumanities Theatie March 6 at 8~00 pm and March 7 at 2%) pm. Tickets are $8.00 for adults and $6.00 for students\seniors.
Cascade of Stars
“Battle of the Bands BombeP
at the
by Bernard Keamey imprint fluff
Would somebody please tell me why is it that everytime I bring a Bombshelter glass to my lips I am confronted with the taste of Cascade before beer. (Check out this segue) Speaking of the Bombshelter, March 18 marks the kick off date to this year’s Winterfest. Setting the wheels in motion for this explosion of good cheer is the second annual “Battle of the Bands at the Bomber” (pretty catchy name don’t you think?). This week, Dave McDougall and Mamy Thomson took a few minutes out of my busy
schedule to talk about the musical event. For a brief minute, I began to question their credibility when the following question (Who won last year?) was answered: Urn. . . they changed their name at the last minute. Yeah, it was Child Something. . . Problem Children? . . . Forward Children?!. . . . Yeah, that was it! Forward Children. Thankfully, my concerns were suitably dismissed as the two proceeded to comprehensively address the 5 Ws with an energy that intimated their interest in the project may indeed be genuineWH0 Any student on campus. And you don’t need to have an overall average of at least 75. It can be a solo effort or collaboration. The main focus is to obviously highlight our own campus’ musical talent, so there is a minimum requirement of 60% UW content. The other forty can be stacked. WHAT I said 40% of your band can be stacked stars. WHERE: Where do you think? But you can send your 5-10 minute demo tapes to Dave at the Fed Office. Just make sure it’s in by March 8th. WHEN: March 8.4 o’clock. as Ren would say. . . Chooo Eeeeediot! WHY: Because you never know if Waterloo is home to the next Northern Pikes.
Imprint 12,1993
Got a Band ?? . Want to Play at the Bombshelter?
* .udg3keBmk
We’re looking for solo’s, duo’s and bands to play in the:
WINTERFEST Battle of the Bands at the Bomber on Thursday March 18th I
l l l
6 acts will be chosen from submissions to perform and the prizes seem worth the trouble. Winners are looking at a free gig showI case in the Bomber, with perhaps a little coin to throw toward a shoddy studio. Drummers will all be sharing the same drum kit which will be provided by our Freindly Feds, but each kit can be personalized with bells and whistles. Think beer, Cascade, friends and a good time, and more Cascade.
at least 60% of your musicians must .be UW students _ each performer has 20-30 minutes on stage auditions by demo tape 5-10 minutes dur’ation tapes to be submitted to Fed Ofke by March &he 4:OOpm
MAJOR PRIZES FOR WINNERS For more information
contact Dave McDougall at 888-4042
dr CC235
4-5 by Phil imprint
1Imprint Arts Contest First ten people in the office Monday morning get to volunteer for the rest of the term.
McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education
GMAT Preparatory Course Review test materials & learn varims ways toperfornt better on this test. Course is 23 hours I Saturdays I9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fee $325 includes texts and materials.
GMAT Preparation course dates: Feb, 20,27, Mar.
An Americcm~taUxn
SWhti Brunch Special I Febmcay.:, 14 1993
Robinson stuff
Boukman Eksperyans’ Kalfou Dmjere is easily one of the most exciting releases since . . . well, the last time I used this cliche. But this time, I mean it! Boukman Eksperyans is a l@piece Haitian band (see Ophn magazine number 46 for an interview) that combines Vodou and rara(indigenous) rhythms, with Caribbean and Westem pop influences, to create multilayered political songs that are also very danceable. Additionally, the accompanying booklet gives a good historical account of both the indigenous and Vodou roots that drive the band. Unlike most Western music, Boukman Eksperyans’ music is deeply rooted in political protest. The name Boukman is taken from a 1791 Vodou ceremony that united African and native Indian spirits, and is the foundation for the rich, historically informed music of the band. Radicalism has its price, though; in Haiti&e band has been threatened with death, and finds it difficult to play within the country. “Bay Bondye Glwa” begins simply enough, with traditional Vodou percussion and guitar defining the space for Daniel Beaubrun’s voice. Keyboards fill in the background, with the rest of the band joining in on vocals late in the song”Tande M Tande,” a rousing mix of percussion and vocals, speaks of the coming revolution. “Jou Nou Revolte” continues the theme of revolution in a highly danceable mix, The song focuses on Ginen, an African home, a spiritual realm where Vodou deities live, and a general state of spiritual development. One of the album’s highlights is ‘iNanm Nan Boutey,” a seven-minute song of protest against those who control others and force them to live by foreign cultural standards. Written by Theodore and Manze Beaubrun, and featuring alternating male and female voices, the song is built on strong percussion and layered drum tracks. “Zanset Nou Yo” is both a history lesson, and a reclamation of the band’s Congo roots. I could go on and on about every song, but you should have got the point by now. KuIfou Darrjere is a great release. Don’t pass this up just because it’s sung in creole; the album’s power transcends language. The title track, “Kalfou Danjere” speaks of dangerous crossroads, an image not surprisingly foundinAmericanbluesmusic.Like authentic blues music, &&man Eksperyans’ music speaks of strong cultural and spiritual ties to Africa, and the strength of history all to often ignored or vilified in the westem press.
by Greg Hood-Morriss special to imprint
How many ways can I spell the word contrived? Well, with Paul McCartney’s new album, O_fic The Ground, there are many. Twelve to be exact. Twelve songs, each one with enough pop in it to flood the w 0 r 1 d :..: .~ ,,.,: I, : ‘$g&.z.y with svr-
thisis best thing
past 28 years. This is perhaps why the album is slow moving, and predictable. However, it’s a nice record. It sounds lovely, and lush. It is swe&. It is friendly. It makes your mouth say “Aaaah”. Almost like the taste of a cup of McDonald’s cola. My grandfather thought it was nice. What is nice, in the gospel according to McCartney? Nice is the widespread use of synthesizers on an album. If The Beatles wanted to make a new sound, they’d have to impro,_ vise it, as
the that
P a U 1 McCartney has ever made, as the press package likes to claim. Not a comparison, none at all, between Paul present and Paul past. But I do like Paul McCartney. He seems an amiable enough man, and how could anybody slag off the guy who wrote “Hey Jude,” “Let it Be,” and “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”? How can you slag off a guy who was part of the one group that most changed the face of pop music? And, he’s just such a nice guy. You know, he’s the sentimental Beatle. The cute Beatle. The Beatle with the prettiest voice. However, he’s definitely not the witty Beatle, the scathing Beatle, or even the Beatle who is particular articulate. But he’s a chum. Off the Ground is full of Paul, and Paul is full of it. For one thing, no matter how much Paul tries to capture the spirit of his writing heyday, it ends up sounding like a cheap imitation of XTC, who frankly imitates the spirit and quirky pop sensibility of The Beatles. Paul’s politics must be questioned. There is no doubt that he is honestly into the hot issue of animal rights, I mean, look at the big cheques he’s giving PETA. However, does he have to write such cornball political lyrics as “I saw a rabbit with its eyes full of tears / The lab that owned her had / Been doing it for years.” He seems to be choking on his own platitudes, and these lyrics just rhyme off that sweet Macca tongue, and set your toes a-tappin’ to the catchy melodies, and lovely singing. In short, Paul’s message is lost.
ily. If you thought The Beatles were a bit too heavy, if you thought the Wing’s Rockestra was the greatest thing ever to happen, if you loved “Press to Play” and “Flowers in the Dirt,” if you thought “Ebony and Ivory” and “Say, Say SayN were the best union of races since the creation of the UN., then you’ll rave over Ofthe Ground. There are some neato songs: pop-rockers, like “Biker Like an Icon” (Paulie must have been very proud to think up that one), which sound neat and fresh, if you’re about three years old, and have never heard of the Rolling Stones or The Beatles. And there’s even some attempts at, dare I say it, psychedelia, created of course, on a Moog synthesizer. Listen to these 1967 lyrics “At the centre of a love vibration/ People caring for the world/ Helping each other out” Maybe Paul has been listening to the Guess
or something.
they deep and meaningful? they tear up your eyes? I think
Aren’t Don’t
It is a sorry thing to say, but back when- Paul was fab, each album he helped make was cohesive and strove to be innovative and more far-reaching than the last. I’m not quite sure what Paul is trying to say with this album. Maybe he’s trying to tell us that he’s still alive somewhere.Thenagain,ma$enot. Well, Beatlemtiacs. Chalk the album Ofthe Ground in your books as an assured clue that Paul McCartney, the cute Beatle, the pal, is actually dead, once and for all.
Friday, February
Imprint 12,1993
Hungry for cinematic snack?
Czech, please!!
by Kut special
M. ta
Piro Imprint
Czechoslovakia is no more. Media call the country’s peaceful split into Slovakia and the Czech Republic the Velvet Divorce, playing on the name of the bloodless revolution that occurred in 1989 and swept away40 years of Communist totalitarianism. Though the population of both countries is little more than 15 million, an amazing number of people have been scattered around the globe, since 1948, by escaping or, in a few lucky cases, by being booted out by the old bureaucratic regime. And while Kitchener-Waterloo is mainly known for its large German many Czechs and population, Slovaks have ended up here as well. One such immigrant is Jan Uhde, professor of film studies at theuniversity of Waterloo. Hecame to Canada during the Prague Spring in 1968, when Russian tanks invaded Prague, and received his
doctorate through the German department here. If you’ve ever been to East Campus Hall (a very remote comer of this campus),you’veprobably seen him pushing a film projector through the halls or engaging himself for the UW Fine Arts Film Society. Last week that society proudly reached its fifth anniversary. Their mandate is still, as it was in February 1988, “to show a wide variety of quality pictures to everybody who loves film.“Theorganizationisnoncommercial, so basically you won’t catch them showing anything you could see anywhere else. The films are received through the foreign embassies of such countries as Bulgaria, Poland, Switzerland, or even China. Many of the showings are international premiers, but Uhde says that it is becoming more and more difficult to get films. “Embassies are turning to VH!$” he says regretfully, “and they are spending less money on cul-
ture. “
However,anotherpopularpart of the society is dedicated to organizing discussions with famous film personalities. In the past, these have included Gerald Pratley, the founder and director of the Ontario Film Institute and Istvan Szabo, Academy Award-winning director ,of the Polish film “Mephisto”. (Sorry, Spielberg won’t be coming.) Oddly, the most popular films have been the Czech films that reappear year after year on the society’s program. The first films were shown in 1989, a few months before the Velvet Revolution occurred. Though it was never difficult to get “government-approved” films from the Czechoslovak embassy, the aftermath of the revolution was very exciting. “At last we could get access to thevaultfilmsthathadbeenbanned for years and other under the surface material,” says Uhde. Now Czech film is going through the difficult stage of ad-
justing to a life without government subsidies on the open market. There are less films made each year, but Uhde calls this westernization simply “more normal.” The disintegration of the country will probably not have much effect on the industry either, since most Czechoslovak filmshadbeenpredominantlyczech anyway* The film shown last night was, believe it or not, a Czech film. Silmt Pain was made in 1991, by Martin Holy, and as many others, it deals with the Communist past. When I asked Uhde about his present relations to the Czech Republic, he said that he had gone back a few times since the revolution and has even been a guest lecturer at Bmo University. As to how he feels about the new freedom of his past countrymen, he simply smiles and says “It is very, very nice.” Meanwhile, in Canada, on the UW campus, he, and the society continue to promote rare and valu1
Recycled Mhwl Games The Vanishing Directed by George Sluizer by John Imprint
Maxted staff
Yes, I’m afraid that’s what it is all about. Another mind games movie, An analytical psychologist’s fantasy. Another psycho-emotional thriller I probably wouldn’t have
Barney, being the slow type that he is (the guy even chloroforms himself once while sneezing), screws up the first few times. But, he likes this-- he gets to record heart rates and feel the threshold excitation. Finally, he gets his man, I mean woman (or being non-sexist-womyn). This woman happens to be Diane Shaver, played by Sandra Bullock (“Love Potion W’), who, at
happened to his girlfriend through the printed media (newspaper) and shows up on his doorstep one day. After Jeff beats the snot out of the guy, Barney uses Jeff’s psychological obsession to take him north to a cabift where Jeff is to have the same experiences that Diane did. This concept, to Barney, is the only way that Jeff will be able to find out what happened to Diane. From here on, it becomes a recycled “Cape Fear”: go north to a remote area, bad guy psycho-
King”), shows us his mentally screwed state in a variety of ways. This middle aged person has an obsession with ‘overcoming heart palpitations.’ Ever since he leapt off a roof when he was a young lad, Barney has been fascinated with the feelings you receive just before you do something extraordinary and irrational. While knowing he can overcome these feelings before he does something ‘good’, Barney often wonders if he would be able to overcome the thumping of his heart before he committed a Bad’ act. Thus, E3amey tries his hand at abduction (not killing-Barney doesn’t perceive that is very bad).
the time, is also the girlfriend of Jeff Harriman, played by Kiefer Sutherland (“A Few Good Men”). Finally, we fall upon a plotline- summed up best by Barney, “I don’t need a gun to force you to follow me, I have your obsession.” While struggling to find out how his lover disappeared at a gas bar, Jeff comes to realize (over the period of 3 years) the awesome truth in Barney’s statement. Once Jeff meets Rita, played by Nancy Travis (“Chaplin”) and consequently obtains a new lover, he is motivated enough to overcome his obsession. Barney discovers Jeff’s obsession to do with finding out what
for the bizzaie fact father, &hey, that she thinks he’s carrying on an extra-marital affair. The difference between the two movies occurs when Rita shows up, with help from Barney’s daughter (who thinks Rita is Barney’s extra-marital affair), to rescue Jeff from his buried-alivestate. Don’t get me wrong, the movie was not a brutal movie. Had it been any slower, I may have detested it, but it progressed just quick enough to keep my interest. The main problem with it was that it was a recycled idea; unoriginal. I left the movie thinking of “Cape Fear.” Oh well, life is recycled anyhow, isn’t . it?
able films. Starting next week, there will be three Canadian films from Quebec of the ’60s and ’70s and, for the late spring, Polish or Turkish films are being planned. The film to be shown next Thursday was directed by Gilles Carle in 1965. In The Merry World of tiopold Z., Leopold, in the midst of the winter’s worst blizzard “manages to perform the mundane miracle of pleasing everyone, including himself. Everything manages to fall neatly into place for this dedicated procrastinator”. (Don’t we all wish . . .1 All viewings are Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in the East Campus Hall (across from the Co-op Residences on Philip Street). Admission is $3.00 for members and $4.50 for alI others. Membershipscanbepurchased for $5.00 at the door ($ 3.50 for students). All films have subtitles, so there’s really nothing to hold any film enthusiast back. Information can be obtained at 885-1211, ext. 3709 or 2442.
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Imprint Friday, February
Arts / Concert Reviews
Riend’s lackey runs amuck The Architecture Of Doom TVOntario 9:OOp.m.Wednesday February 17,1993 by Dave Imprint
Fisher staff
On this coming Wednesday, (February 17th at 9:00p.m.), TV&tario will be screening the Canadian television premiere of Swedish documentary-maker Peter Cohen’s widely acclaimed Architekfur Des Untergangs (The Architecture of Doom). Narrated by accomplished German film actor Bruno Ganz, (The American Friend, wings Of Desire), Cohen’s feature-length documentary explores the profound relationship of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi cult of beauty and the most significant historical upheaval of this century. The principal theme of7Yze AYchitecfure of Doom holds that Nazism’s dynamic was fueled not by real political motives but rather by an aesthetic value. Hitler’s entire driving ambition, Cohen contends, was “to beautify the world through violence”. In hindsight, we can now see that the inherent ironies of Nazism’s bizarre ideology propelled Germany’s destruction; Gotterdammerung,
evidence suggests, was merely the concluding chapter in Hitler’s epic of self-prescribed fate. Hitler believed that for a new Germany to arise, it was implicit that she could only be mightier and more beautiful than ever before if art was the fundament of the new civilization. To this end, the Nazi aesthetic value transcended not merely cultural life but all life in the Third Reich. Fundamentally designing and re-creating Germany from an artistic foundation, Hitler’s models were the Athens, Sparta and Rome of Antiquity; “If we can create a synthesis of the three”, Hitler remarked, ” our state will never perish”. I Paradoxically, Hitler saw doom as art’s highest form of expression. T h e Austrian Corporal’s two ideas, thus, could scarcely be more at loggerheads. That so many millions had to share in Der Fuhrer’s psychotic dream then, is without a Frisbee doubt modern history’s darkest nightmare. Cohen gives tremendo us insight into this savage dilem I na by exploring Hitler’s artistic idc asasa youth. The single most sign .i.ficant
his stinging anti-Semitism, the cult of Nordic legacy, the myth of the pure Aryan race, and the fantastic
and decisive event in Hitler’s ideoCohen logical upbringing, hypothesizes, appears to be his ex-
with der Fiihrer. perience in watching Wagner’s opera Rienzi as a boy. Cohen’s fascinating examination of that opera’s themes and storyline prove to foreshadow to a stunning degree of accuracy Hitler’s eventual path and penultimate fate. Hitler, of course, was an artist in his own right - albeit a banal failure with delusions of grandeur -fromaveryearlyage.Hissupremo, numero-uno idol was not a painter, (that dubious honour would probably be Franz von Stuck’s who is largely ignored in this documentary), but rather the German opera master Richard Wagner, whose opera’s would sweep young Adolf’s imagination and move him deeply+ From Wagner, Hitler borrowed
’ illusions. Wagner was the artist and politician consolidated as one; “Whoever would understand Nazism”, Hitler insisted, “must first know Wagner”. It was this belief in the Nordic myththat absorbedNazism’sdream of creating, through purity and sacrifice, a more beautiful Germany. Their gospel told of a world about to collapse and the source of this threat they steadfastly believed to be the Jew. As such, they took it upon themselves to cleanse the world by any means necessary. By it’s very implication, The Architecture ~Doom’s examination of Hitler’s obsession with “The Final Solution” raises some very disturbing questions about the ideology and/or reality of any supposed Utopia. Like the beauw of art, any such idealized world ~- be faced without the probcannot 1 lems of discipline, purity, and 1 sacrifice being met head on. For Hitler, that sad consequence fell upon the Jews and undesirables, 1 (mentally and physically chal1 lenged, etc.); “Mass-murder was the ultimate consequence of the Nazi
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Gas chambers were beauty-cult... the instruments with which to beautify the world.” The irony of Hitler’s twisted ideology and schemes toward the Jews is further explored by Cohen’s fixating on the turning point of the Second World War. Having permitted Antiquated theories to influence his war strategy - ‘*a hypermodern war with ancient war objectives” Cohen remarks - Hitler hit the wall at Stalinmad in late 1941. With the t &I-& point obvious to all, Hitler-&oved from his initial war objet tive, (world domination), to a secondary war objective that was to be given the Nazi’s highest priority:annihilationoftheJew. It was sensed by the Nazi’s that as the war became more futile, this extermination was to be more vigourously pursued. As Cohen nerceives. it was a fascinating irony that as much as Hitler believed the Jew to be sub-human vermin, he needed to invalidate their existence because of what he suspected might be their racial superiority: “Because the Jew had preserved his own racial purity, he was the Aryan’s fiercest rival for world domination.” InHitler’s wild imagination, his war against the Jews was a fight to the death: “To wage war without fighting this primary enemy was unthinkable for Hitler.” Hitler’sentire 3oliticalendeavour, hence, possessed no real relation to politics. His enemies weren’t ideological but aes thetic. In Hitler’s world-view, however, art and politics were inseperable. Building his case clearly and concisely then, The Architecture Of I&m allows Peter Cohen to add an interesting chapter to the most compelling event of our century. * d;r planet is still reeli;rg from the effects of Nazism’s history and ideology every day. As such, there remains a lot to be told and reanalysed. This certainly isn’t the fiial word, but The Architecture OfDoom is nevertheless overpowering food for a lot more thought.
“Ez-Wk ,,Cegendary Institution”
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Kitchener-Waterloo and area Big Sisters requirefemalevolunteerstodeveloponeon one relationships with girls (4-l 6 yrs) and boys (4-l 1 yrs). If you are a’craing person and can give three hours a week to a child then we need you. Call 7435206. One year commithent required. Energeticand enthuslasticvolunteers are needed to assist individuals who have a disability on a one-to-one basis, in their pursit of leisure activities. Please call Lee at 741-2228 for more info.
ANNOUNCEMENTS 25th Anniversary celebrations for present and former staff and students of Centennial Public School in Waterloo will take place May 14 & 15, 1993. For further details contact 885-5043. CHOICE-AID Network: Pregnant? We’ve been there. If you would like to talk to a non-judgemental student who kept her child, chose adoption or abortion, please leave your numberforthe Network-Coordinator, Women’s Center, ext. 3457. (Anonymity guaranteed). The African-Canadian Experience. Many Rivers To Cross coming to the Homer Watson House and Gallerv February l28. For more info call 7484377. Pals-Need to talk? We’re here to listen. All catls confidential. Open 7 days a week 6 p.m. - midnight. Call us at 8884860. Amnesty InternationalCjroupS will meef at the materloo Public Library at 7:30 p.m. New members orientation at 7 p.m. Topic: Human Rights in Kenya. All welcome. For more info call: 743-4487. heart to Heart. Bring your valentine to an evening of the music of romance, featuring Distinction, a female vocal ensemble and Showtime, a male chorus. In Humanities Theatre Sat. Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. Tickets: $12.50 per person. TW-snbkrree n to nseli ng sen/ ces A fee of $10 to a\t pelons dho fail td arrive for their scheduled counselling appointment. No charge to those who call in advancetocancel or reschedule. 24 hours notice appreciated. g barman . 1ICKBIS $;~u eacn on sale February 8-l 2 in the ASU off ice. Held at the Wateiloo Inn on Saturday March 20.
Datatel Scholarship Foundation. Applications now being accepted. Value up to $1500 each, available to ful I-time or parttime students in any discipline. Deadline is Feb. 18, 1993. Contact Brenda in the Student Awards Office for more info. ‘Conrad Grebel College has an “tvents of the Week” extension. UW students can dial (519) 885-0220 ext. 460 for listinq of event&n a given week. fiease do not reshelve penodrcals thaf you use in the library. Journals are being accounted for in a study concerning the use of library materials inside and outside the libr&y. Thank-you. sigma Chi I-raternity will be Collecting used clothing to be sent to Jamaica. Collection boxes in Campus Centre effective Monday February 22. Scuba 131vmg InformatIon Session for persons with physical disabilities. March 21, 1993 from 3:30 - 7:00 p.m. at Breithaupt Centre, 350 Margaret Ave, Kitchener. For more info call 741-2226. Images of Women and War: 1he Myth f St. George and St. Martha with thOe Dragon. Tuesday March 16 at 10 a.m. Jean A. Chalmers Award for creatWy in dance. Deadline for nominations March 1,1993. Contact (416) 969-7434.
The Outers Club meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Campus Centre 138 to announce hikes, canoe trips, parties, etc.
Bagel Brunch hosted by the Waterloo Jewish Students Association from I 1:3d - 1:30omCC 110.
Lesbian Discussion Group. CC 110 at 7:30 p.m. New topic every week - movies- stories - show & tell. ‘Dykes’, Lesbians, gay women, all other interested women welcome. Call women’s centre for more info. Career Hesource Centre - evening hours:until 7:OO p.m. Research employers, careers, work/study abroad or educational opportunities. The Progressive Conservatrve Campus club me& every other Wednesday at 6 p.m. in Modem Languages 212 to discuss loolitical issues. New members welcohe. Next meeting January 27th. Rock Climbing dIscussion group rn e 138A at 5:30 p.m. Amnesty International meets at /:36 p.m. in CC 135. Everyone is welcome to
I M’L 245A at 4:30 p.m. for great Spanish culture and conversation. m Science klctlon and Hole Play ing club meetings 6:45 in MC 1056.
All Workshops are held in Needles Hall 1020. Register in Counselling Services, NH 1020. Reading and Study Skills - for those who wish to improve their study skills. Monday February 22: 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday February 23: 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 630 - 8:30 p.m.
Film Society, 7:00 p.m. in UW’s East Campus Hall Room1219. January 21: The Lion of Flanders. International Socialists meet at 7:36 p.m. in the Campus Centre for socialist discussion and practice. E 1 I he Croatian Student Assovites you to attend our general meetings at 5:OO in Ml 104.
Career Development Programs: Strong Interest inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Myers-Bdggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working.
Time Management and Procrastination- for students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. Exam Anxiety Management Workshop for those who don’t feel that they tive up to their potential in exams because of anxiety. Tuesday February 23 , 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Career Resource Centre - 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Check out employer, career, work/ study abroad, educational info. NH 1115 Jan 23 & March 6.
Valentine’ Day
BHG - I can’t wait until Sunday to show you around some more. (I still haven’t found out yourfavourite colour.) Here’s to the future and all that you mean to me.! tove you so much, now more than ever. HS Hey Valentine! Now Splendido’s and open curtains have become stuffing, wings and bananas too! Here’s to lots more snuggles’n’cudd les and punchbuggies! xoxo Princess. Sometimes it snows in June. Sometimes 1meet someone like you who rocks my world. Thanks for the laughter. Karen. The beaver brushes his teeth by the light of the moon. Happy reading week, Gladys. Happy Valentine’s Day too! Gladys - I promise I won’t forget about you ever, not even when I’m a hundred. Love, laughter, friendship always, Gladys. Hi Wendy. I love sheep. Happy V.D. Slack. Clemantine: I’ve enjoyed getting to be such good ‘friends”. Do you want to read “Doon’sbury tonight? I love you. Madrosky. C.K. You scored big with me at the hockey games. Keep on winking! KO C.G. To the security guy: I needed some time to clear my thoughts. I too hated the times we fought. But with this experience I really grew. I want us to be friends. Can we start new? Tripple Ripple. David Crane - Loved your French Maid outfit!! See you in the morning for crepes! C.W. Z&&h - Truly, madly, deeply, deliciously, juicily. Goatface - happy belated b’day. Happy Evil Day! C.W. #Il. To my sexy-D (D.A.R) I love you now, forever and always. Happy Valentine’s Day!! Love your honeybunz (S.D.P) “P” is for Pookiet That’11always be good enough for me! Here’s to this weekend and that dreaded imminent 2-year mark. A.M. Editor Brown- the way you type, the way you clickand drag...we invite a motion for lowwe! Rich Pickle; Metal fans Iike to bang heads! Two lovey dovey words for my dearest spoogy bottom; ‘Axe1 Grease’. To My Burning Burning Hunk ‘0 Luwvt I’m waiting to create a grease fire--bring the Mazola baby. Love your Lovemuffin. Ken- We’d like to get into your news briefs1 Bernard-how ‘bout a b.j. for the 6.K. - I’m your backstage man, if ya know what I mean! Teddy - The thing I love most about you is your hairy monster. Happy Valentine’s Day, freak! Love Tex. Stacey L: My fave Duranie. Craig never had it so good. His loss, the rest of the male species gain. Alleluia, it’s raining men. Happy Valentine’s Day - a fellow Groupie of the BB kind. Sandy A; Hey Shithead, how about a Sandy Sandwich. Butter or Mayo? Still shopping at the Big V? You need a prescription from Doctor Feelgood. Cancer: Forecast for the rest of 1993: Your torrid affair with a campus pseudo-celebrity Scorpio will rage unabated, Your attraction to power will prove to be a difficulty when he becomes a deadbeat in April, but ,his newly acquired Rooster Boy costume will fill in nicely.
4 4 4 I q 4 4 4 4 4 b m I 4 4
4 4 I 1 v 1 w
seats still available for all 6 games March 18-20. Cali 745-6006 and leave a message for info on this 3rd annual road trip. I Money for software venture - “Venture Capitalist will provide seed money to students who ate develpping promising software programs. For further information call (416) 366-7758 or write with proposal and resume to: Ceyx Properties Ltd., 701 King St. W, Suite #403, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2W7. Editing service: Improve the quality of your essays before submission. No changes, no charge. Quality word processing also available. Reasonable rates with pick-up and delivery. Phone Craig 669-3391. knows what employers want. Processed on laser printer. Phone Clark at 273-7970.Onechancetomakeagood first impression.
Roland: I’m so glad you found me. Looking forward to many more nights by the fireplace. I love you. Tooki. Dearest ChrIstine and Sarah. Happy belated birthdays. I feel like scum. Forgive me! Luv you all!! Isa. Join the Madness11 March Madness 1993 awaits our arrival at Wake Forest Universitv. Winston-Salem N.C. Good
Spring Break ‘93. Earn free trips and cash! Openings available for campus reps to promote trips to Daytona Beach. Guaranteed best price policy for easy sale. Sell Howard Johnson’s site of Much Music’sfreeconcettsandgiveawavs. Call l-800-667-3378. ’ Daytona Beach Spring Break. Party In Daytona at the #l spring break destination and hotel. Howard Johnson’s Party Complex is this year’s site of Much Music. Best price guarantee so call for more info or to book at l-800-667-3378. Visa and AMEX phone orders accepted. txt s$% stunt envelopes at nome in ,,:“,,a& time. $2/envelope! Send a self-addressed stamped envelope for free details to SSA, Box 514, Station J, Toronto, Ontario, M4J 422. Canaaa Llte - A growing, vibrant, tinancially secure company has a rewarding, challenging and lucrative opportunity for you as a sales representative. Interviewing Feb. 15-26. To ensure an appointment
LamarcheC.L.U.,c/oCanadaLife,2201180 Columbia St. W., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3L3.
Summer Sublet - Cheap! I’ll pay utilities. 10 minute walk to school. Call lsabelle 885-6674. houses for Sale-Walk to UW. $83,900 2 bedroom Condo plus finished walkout basement. $104,900- 3 bedroom semidetached plus finished recroom. $139,900- 5 student lodging house on Columbia. Call Jacqueline Costello 8869000 or 747-3571. Royal LePage Rest Estate Services.
Friday February Association Democracy:
for Baha’i Studies Open House. 7 p.m. Campus The Final Solution? Monday February
Grand River Water quality Monitoring Program - Student Congress Day 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Arts Lecture liall. Tuesday Perfection on paper. Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections/same day service available. Laser printer. Suzanne 886-3857. UWV?uate aDIe IO proceti all types of papers. Laser printer, spell checkand grammarcorrections included. Free pickup and delivery. Phone Clark at 273-7970. Why pay more for less?
WANTED Mattel Hot Wheels cars with redline tires. 1967 to 1977. Pay I to 5 dollars for cars in excellent condition, Garry - 653-0680.
GLLOW- Discussion Group: Dealing with Bisexuality. Ail lesbians, bisexuals gays and other supportive people welcome. UofW Modem Languages room 104 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
Blood Donor Clinic - First United Church, 8100 p.m.
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