Gender Issues chair likes his job by Bernard Kearney Imprint staff
What's in a name? A lot when you're talking about the Gender Issues Board and your name happens to be Sean McCu tcheon. Assuming the role of chairperson for one of the most sensitive board positions our Fed Executive has to offer requires a demeanourboth benevolentand even-tempered. Sean McCutcheon takes on the position in the wake of last term's controversial name change fmm the Women's Issues Board to its present classification as the Gender Issues Board, and unbeknownsttohirnself, may be facing a different kind of controversy. There are some eople on campus who strong& object to having a man chair the Gender Issues Board. Considering that this is the inaugural term for the Gender Issuesposition, acomprehensive definition, of what the board hopes to represent, is nothing short of ambiguous. "That is more or less what the job is to me this summer, clearly defining the more broad components," McCutcheon asserts. He goes on to say, "the
way I see it, I'm going to be doing a lot of foundationalwork,if you will, research and development. I really see a lot of groups and clubs on campus, and I want to bridge some gaps there; tap inta the different pools of knowledge." A four month posting, McCutcheonconsiders the job to be a bit of a tease; "you just get into it, get really excited by it, and then it's over. But, I'm hoping to have one really good event, and then maybe plan a second for the fall." Asked what he meant by "event," heremarks "wel1,I'mlooking at a one man play entitled 'I Can't Understand Women.' From whatI'veread,theactorplaysabout fourteen typical male stances. It's apparently very entertaining,while informational.Ithas been in Guelph, witha lot of good reviews. The only thingis he's from out west and won't be touring the East, until September. Qutside of that, I'm not sure. I'm working pretty closely with SocialIssues [Board], because there is a lot of overlap there." The current coordinator for the Women's Centre, Tamrny Speers, however is not pleased with the choice of aman tocontrol the board. "Perhaps I'm still thinking in terms of the Women's Issues Board, but, I think that the problem is that when it comes a time when they
have to define it again, they have the vice-president [Sharon Flood], of facilitation. "I like to be inturned to a man, which is not the by just talking to me and under- volved" he professes, "I'm repurpose of the board, or I would standing who I was as a person, she ally into receiving ideas. If I get felt that Iwas moresuited for Social the time, I'd really like to do say, feminists and pro-feminist men," she says, adding that "you Issues. With my background inEn- some travelling to other camhave to compare it to something vironrnental Resource Studies, I puses, like Guelph and like a race relations board and you have very holistic,multi-disciplined Lakehead, [schools who have get white people in charge of it. education,so they're right."He con- similarprograms] anddocument How muchcana white person iden- tinues, "I also showed a very strong it all. It's an ongoing issue. "In society, we have seen tify with a person of colour and interest in the Gender Issues, betheir experience? How much can cause of the challenge, and beaus? that there is no clear-cut answer. I just want to be open Sean r e h e to a and receptive. I will post woman's experience?" my office hours, and if I find after a couple of To date, weeks, no one is coming McCutcheon around, then I'll talk to himself has not [VPUA] Sharon [Flood] personally enand see what we can do countered any about it." objection to the Although the job fact that he description is unclear, it holds the chair. is not restricted to just McCutcheon safety and women. It is was given the about men and women, positionof Genevery student on camder Issues chair pus. McCutcheon and on the recomtherest of the Fed Execumendation of tive feel that it would be Rose Bilicic, a photo by Bernard Kearney great to have two veovle former Boardof in charge of a sensitive Issue. * . Internal Liaison chairperson and in a sense, it is new. They [the Fed chair th; board. Right now, he just plans to VilIage don, who herself was un- Executive] said OK, go ahead and able to offer the time commitment try it because they felt that it was listen and document, and of necessary to chair the board. too importantaposition tojust leave course make recommendations "Actually, I was given Social open." based on that. "Come talk tome," he urges. McCutcheonperceiveshis role Issues first," says McCutcheon. "When I sat down and talked with on the Gender Issues Board as one So go talk to him.
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IMPRINT 888-4048 Friday, May 21,1993 Volume 16, Number 2
Inside news
New 1,3-5
Ottawa mobbed by thousands, new Fed GM gets down to business, GIB headed by a male, UW prof gets award
Gender Issues issue warms up, more nasty UW staff, happy advice
Imprint exclusive
interview James Downey
with prez
Quebec teams stay in OUAA, just barely, Campus Ret update
Bootsauce parties, Rheostatics get royal, Alexander Graham bell comes to UW, Pavement, Stompin’ Tom CDs reviewed
Editorial Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Features Editor Science Editor
Board Ken Bryson Bernard Kearney Jeff Warner vacant Peter Brown vacant vacant vacant
Staff Advertising/Production
Laurie Tigert-Dumas
Production Assistant
vacant Vivian Tambeau vacant vacant
Proof Readers
Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Staff liaison Directors-at-Large
Dave Thomson vacant Jeff Warner vacant Sandy Atwal Bernard Kearney
Greg Bisch, Dawn Brenner, Paul Cocker, Tim Doran, DeAnn Durer, Jennifer Epps, Federation of Students, Dave Fisher, Sue Forrest, Bruce Fraser, Helen Hewitt, Jack Lefcourt, Stacey Lobin, Emily MacNaughton, Rich Nichol, Mike Parkinson, Elizabeth Rayson, Frank Segleniuks, Todd Sieling, John Straube, UW News Bureau, Wim Van der Lugt, Chris Waters, Derek Weiler, Terry Woo is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Imprint
Community Newspaper Association (UCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint resBTves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800.Electronic mail should be addressed
by Todd special
Sieling to Imprint
When the leaders have a problem, who do they turn to? In the case of UWs Federation of Students, help comes in the person of their newly appointed general manager, Bob Sproule. So “who is Bob Sproule?” people ask, and what winding road brings him to sit in his new chair? Sproule sits well in that chair, as he is no outsider to the workings of a university campus. After achieving his MBAat Carlton University, where he sat on the student council, he returned to his native Alberta to work as a part-time instructor at the University of Calgary. Ten years later, in I 988, Sproule took on the responsibilities of that university’s student union business administrator, a position similar to his new job here at Waterloo. It was during that time that he met and befriended former Fed GM Fred Kelly, who passed away last year. After some hard thinking, Bob followed what he calls his “masochistic desire” to be involved with university life and applied for that position. Already Sproule has proven himself to the new Feds. President Catherine Coleman has full confidence in Bob’s ability, saying that “his background is invaluable to us... he is very much in tune with the students and student needs.” She added that
operating withoutaGMforpart of last year the former Feds had their duties expanded beyond the usual sphere, but handled it well. Sproule in turn recognizes the importance of the Feds as “an integrated component of the Campus Cen-
Canada, an apathetic nation? One hundred thousand people gathered Saturday on Parliament Hill to issue a resounding ‘no’ to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In a rare coalition, labour unions, environmentalists,and social justice activists united in a sixhour march and rally. Canada was regionally represented, from the Yukon to Winnipeg to Windsor to Ottawa to Montreal to Halifax. Though over half the protestors were from labour unions, Greenpeace, Amnesty lnternational, National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC), the Native Council of Canada, Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG), pro-choice groups, church groups, gay & lesbian rights activists, and national organizations for daycare also attended. The minimalist mainstream coverage of Canada’s largest protest to date leads to questions of whether they intend to describe or prescribe Canadians as apathetic. The K-W RecordISoutham News described the focus of the protest as uniting against Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and his government. The Globe & Mail characterized fabour activist speakers as rhetoric-spewing anti-Tory’s,
and hypothesized
protestors were more interested in opposing Rae’s NDP government. The Toronto Star portrayed the protestors as primarily concerned with the jobless and those living off social assistance.
r is learned to future Fed executives, and 1 challenges that they
experience with the man with the the work from his friend, Fred Kelly, that he will continue. It is a philosophy that approaches the Campus Centre as the place that makes time spent on campus more than the pursuit of a degree or a job, an experience of life in its various facets. To “build community on the campus,” Sproule believes that student government is necessary, and that the Feds as representatives of the student body “need to be key players.” Moving toward this idea of what a true Campus Centre should
100,000 by Sue Forrest special to Imprint
GM helps
of Students plun
Bob Sproule Photo
be is consistent with the way the Student Coordinated Plan is shaping the campus, and with what is happening it many schools acro& Canada. As the general manager, Sproule’s job is to simplify the relation between the universityadministration and studentgovernment This involves working through programs and providing consistency from the students’ side in long-term projects, as Fed executive changes annually. Sproule’s position gives him a chance
Only the Toronto Sun emphasized the emerging force of Canadian coalitions, quoting Mohamad Alsadi, Ottawa and District Labor Council president, who “predicted the marriage of labor, social and environmental movements will become a force to be reckoned with.” Mainstream media coverage sparked outrage in many who attended the rally. University of Guelph student Craig Benjamin felt this coverage “lays to rest the idea that
bY Todd Si”“‘g
to keep Sprouie busy, the task of
I ne you spend at university a;a student
will give you an experience you will never garner in any other phase of your life.” To make the most of that, Sproule says that participation in student leadership is important. can be as simple as shucking the voting apathy that plagues many universities, or even coming to see him about student life at UW, as his door and mind are open. UW, meet Bob Sproule; Bob Sproule, meet the University of Waterloo.
mainstream media politics is populist,” though the protest itself “reflected a real convergence of social interests and contemporary social
movements.” The free trade debate in Canada has instigated the creation of two formidable groups, the Council of Canadians and more recently, the Action Canada Network (ACN). These non-partisan, anti-Free Trade Agreement (anti-FTA) and antiNAFTA groups are certainly an un-
easy alliance in the eyes of federal government. The Council of Canadians is a national non-partisan group numbering over 22,000 individual members. It was formed to protest the I989 Free Trade Agreement, and is continuing to fight NAFTA. ACN is a coalition representing IO million Canadians. Member organizations include the Canadian
to page
Coordinated Plan ke.eps rolling by Jefjr Imprint
Warner stc@
Wonder what your $ IO coordinated plan fee does? Authorized by a campus-wide referendum in January 1992, the fee goes towards a fund to “improve the quality of student life.” There are three main divisions for the money: the future Student Life Centre, a new Physical Recreation Facility, and a campuswide endowment fund. The Physical Recreation Facility is currently ahead of schedule, with construction already begun beside the Columbia Icefield. Originally slated to open in the fall of 1994, it is expected to now be completed months earlier, in January of next year. The Student Life Centre is
still on schedule, and aground-breaking ceremony should take place this coming September. The endowment fund is open to suggestions from all recognized UW student groups for non-academic projects. A I6 student committee determines the feasibility of funding each suggestion. The submissions are considered with priorities placed on campus safety, accessibility on campus, lounge and study space, and renovations for the Campus Centre. Of the 4 I projects submitted to the committee last term, 23 were selected, and a combined total of $39,999.99 spent The majority of the approved projects concerned “student life” on campus, including funds for various student groups and
organizations. Accessibility for students with disabilities -- including the installation of an automatic door at Hagey Hall -- was the second largest area of spending. $I I,000 was spent to improve safety around campus, chiefly at the colleges and villages. This summer the fund has allocated $30,000 for student life projects, and the committee is Iookingfor recommendations. Ali groups wishing to submit a proposal must do so by 4:30 p.m. June 18th. Guidelines and forms Can be picked up at the Fed office, the turnkey desk, and most student associations and societies, or from John Leddy’s ofFice at CC 2 19, ext 5330.
NAFTA continued
Friday, May 2 1, I993
not 3
Union of Public Employees, the Canadian Federation of Students, the Assembly of First Nations, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, OXFAM Canada, the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice, Rural Dignity of Canada, the Public Service Alliance and the National Farmers Union. The protest revitalized UW student Mike Parkinson; “it was wonderful to see such a disparate group of individuals rally for the future of our nation.” Parkinson made the earlymorning trek to Ottawa “to let the powers that be know there are fundamental flaws in this agreement that are not being addressed by this government, despite serious reservations raised by the other two nations.” The protest was organized by the Action Canada Network, with the Canadian Labour Congress footing the bill for over 500 buses and trains to Ottawa. Bob White, president of the Canadian Labour Congress opened the rally with rousing words of altering this country’s agenda to benefit the people, rather than the profit mongers. Tony Clarke of the Action Canada Network, Judy Rebick of NAC, and Ron George of the Assembly of First Nations also
spoke. Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians relayed support from groups in the USA, Mexico and South America. The rally was precipitated by antiNAFTA events across Canada. Action Canada sponsored two caravans that travelled from the east and west coasts, speaking with groups and collecting comments and signatures. The caravan stopped in Kitchener May 12 for a rally at Speaker’s Corner. About 80 people attended the event, listening to the words of Judy Rebick and Tony Clarke. Rebick, stepping down as head of NAC in June, joked that this “was her farewell tour.” Other area events included a community speak at the Waterloo Region Food Bank, and a debate between a member of the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice and the Tory member of parliament for Cambridge. Reflecting on the rally after a few days, UW studentjennifer Michol considered that “if democracy really exists in Canada the government should answer the hard questions raised about their policies and the effect on Canada. If the media took people’s voices seriously they would continue to ask these questions in the upcoming Conservative leadership convention and federal election.”
Graduating Students I HEADNORTH for HOT DEALS ON NEW MAZDATRUCKS AND CARS By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda before you graduate. If you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a tail or stop by our showroom for details on this exclusive offer for graduates.
News in brief from
UW News
UW science students for new equipment
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The University of Waterloo Heritage Resources Centre has announced a new certificate program in environmental assessment. The program is designed to provide an understanding of the basic ideas, practices and challenges of environmental assessment for planners and staff in government, the private sectors, and any citizens involved in or affected by environmental assessment. Topics covered include the development of environmental assessment in Canada, the strengths and weaknesses of the environmental assessment process, and science and environmental assessment.
Wiegand Canadian
help pay
Science students at the University of Waterloo have made voluntary contributions to buy new laboratoryequipment. In the second year of operation, contributions to the Waterloo Science Endowment Fund totalled an estimated $ I60,OOO. The voluntary student contribution is $50 a term. About $70,000 was made available for spending this year, the rest going to the endowment. ‘The extraordinary action by the undergraduates of this faculty in creating WatSEF sends to the public and our governments a message of great importance -the quality of science education at Waterloo will be maintained,” says John Thompson, dean of the Faculty of Science. The department of biology purchased a biological monitoring system and a Nikon binocular, and a phasecontrast microscope, among other pieces of equipment. In the physics department, I9 digital function generator/amplifiers were bought, among other items. The earth science department bought two binocular microscope heads, one conductivity/temperature meter and compression testing equipment. The chemistry department bought three analytical balances and two digital voltmetqs. Part of the faculty of science, the school of optometry purchased a Humphrey visual field analyzer, a lensometer and a clinical phoropter. The endowment fund is governed by a 1%member board of directors, IO ofwhom are-students. It provides teaching resources and lab equipment, and supports educational student projects.
New environmental certificate offered
Award looks excellence
The Wiegand Award for Canadian Excellence now applies to a largei audience. The award is presented annually to a candidate selected by a panel of judges, based on “outstanding work which advances society’s interaction with technology.” Nominees must be graduates of the University of Waterloo who are Canadian residents to age 45. Applicants or nominators are invited to tell the committee what field or activity they deem to be worthy. “It could range from an invention, critique or uncovering a need, all the way to a work of art such as a play, poetry, prose or performance.” Nominations sent to Uw’s Centre for Society, Technology and Values must arrive by Sept. I5 this year. UW faculty members are not eligible for nomination.
UW engineers sponsored a happy high school last Friday on the Columbia playing fields.
by Terry Iron
Ry by Jeff Imprint
Warner staff
The Ontario minister of Education and Training, David Cooke, has introduced legislation to make Ryerson a “polytechnic universiv.” The legislation has already had its first reading in the provincial government, and it is expected to pass during this sitting, which ends in June. The legislation is not likely to have any immediate day-to-day effect on Ryerson. Students there currently pay university-level fees, have the same services as any other university, and can receive degrees, dependant upon their program. Of the 33 programs Ryerson offers, 30 already grant de-
Woo/ Wnrrinr
grees to the graduating class. The other three programs will not immediately be able to grant degrees, and any post-graduate programs will have to evaluated individually. However, Ryerson President Terence Grier called the initiative a historic milestone for Ryerson, and communications officer Bruce Piercey calls it “a recognition of what we’re doing al ready.” The most important change, Piercey claimed, was in the potential funding. Once Ryerson gets a research mandate, they expect to receive upwards of $ IO million in grants over the next six years. Ryerson will also have its government funding calculated with the university grant formula.
by Jason
Sack Relations Commissioner Federation of Students
The Board of Communications of the Federation of Students is in the process of putting into place several new programs which would allow greater communication between the Federation Executive, Federation Board Chairs and the student body at large. We have decided to use a regular submission in the new FEDBACK section of Imprint to profile various aspects of the operations of the Federation of Students. FEDBACK will spotlight aspects of Fed operations which benefit the reudents, such as the Safety Van service, the Landlord and Tenant Office, P.A.L.S. (Peer Assistance Link), the Student Volunteer Centre, S.P.E.C. (Student Part-Time Employment Centre), the Women’s Centre, as well as other Federation of Students’ businesses. FEDBACK was created to better inform the students of what offerings are available through the Feds of Students. In compliance with the new Fed administration’s mandate to increase awareness of what the Federation of Students is ail about, we are also in the process of getting a generic e-mail account on the University of Waterloo Internet system, so that we can better address students’ concerns. The postings will list upcoming events, meetings, seminars, and will also spotlight the various services of the Federation of Students on this campus. All of these postings will appear in the”UW.General” newsgroup, and questions can be directed to the Media Relations Commissioner of the Board of Communications via e-mail. Also, as the University of Waterloo’s UWlnfo campus-wide computer system (CWIS) is developed, the Federation of Students will also be adding information files which can be accessed through UWinfo from any networked terminal on-campus at UW. Stay tuned to FEDBACK for upcoming developments and more Federation of Students updates!
Friday, May 2 I, 1993, Imprint
debates, arguments, and polite discussions.. . .
Washing by John
to Imprint
Pugvvash, a student club dedicated to the discussion and exploration of ethical and social issues relating to science and its technological implications, is looking for new members. New and returning members are encouraged to come out and see what Pugwash is up to. They meet Thursdays at 430 in the Campus Centre. The last two terms were filled with fun and interesting events, meetings, discussions, and conferences. The coming term promises to be equally successful. ideas for this term include a trip to a conference, a BBQ, and a discussion night on a yet-to-be-determined topic. One of last term’s most exciting events was athree-day trip to a Pugwash
USA conference at Middlebury College, Vermont. A van load of energetic Pugwashers journeyed to the weekend conference and met other enthusiastic delegates from schools such as Penn State, Boston U, Harvard, McGill, MIT, and Virginia Polytech to discuss “Challenges of Global Interdependence”. Pugwash also co-sponsored a joint event on the global economy in the new world order. Econom& presented controversial views on the direction of the economy and suggested changes and improvement. A spirited debate and question period followed. Dr. Daryl Pullman of the Society, Technology, and Values program was our guest speaker at a sit-down discussion of the ethics of science and technology. The wide-ranging discussion carried on over an impromptu Pugwash supper at Gyros.
UW profs from
UW News
Want You
Prof. Sawas Chamberlain of the University of Waterloo is one of two Canadian university researchers to receive a national award valued at $50,000 for information technology. Sawas and Prof. Adel Sedra of the University of Toronto have received the I993 Information Technology Association of CanadalNaturat Sciences and Engineering Research Council Award honoring their original contributions. “Every computer user who appreciates the tremendous speed of their computations owes a debt of thanks to the research of Chamberlain,” ITAC says in a news release. A member of UW’s electrical and computer engineering department since 1969, Cham-
win award patents, Chamberlain is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and received an NCRfeltowship. Sedra, chair of U of T’s electrical engineering department, has made major contributions in communications systems. His work on the theory and design of electronic filters has advanced the field of signal processing. His software package for filter design is in use in more than 30 countries and universities, while his book Microelectronics Circuits is the standing teaching text in I50 universities,
berlain, 52, has gained recognition for his fundamental work on semi-conductor devices and large-scale integrated circuits - the backbone of the modern computer era. “He h& also successfulty applied his research to commercial ventures,” lTAC says. “His pioneering work on charged couple device (CCD) image sensors formed the basis for the launch of DALSA Inc., (a UW-spinoff company) which manufactures sensors for applications in photography, astronomy and computer vision. Recently DALSA announced the construction of the largest integrated circuit in the world - a 26 million pixel CCD able to capture an image so large that a wall of IO0 TV sets would be needed to display the picture+” The holder of more than a dozen
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A regional conference held at McMaster entitled “Virtual Reality: Are We for Real?” was the result of months of organization, fund-raising, and promotion by Waterloo Student Pugwash as a co-sponsor. This conference examined some of the issues related to the immense benefits and dangers jnherent with this emerging technology. Last month Pugwash organised an evening of discussion which brought together three leaders of local government involved in making and implementing recycling policies. The speakers highlighted the monetary, social, and environmental costs to recycling as well as the more obvious benefits. The question-and-answer period which followed brought up many more interesting facets to this topical and important issue.
The awards won by Chamberlain and Sedra each offer $25,000 in salary and $25,000 in research grants over a two-year period.
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The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterfoo community to present their views on various issues through tetters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.
There is more than one irony to be found within Canada Customs’ recent seizure of books bound for Canadian bookstores. What Customs claims to have done is made a “routine check,” implying that, of all the book shipments rolling into Canada, they chose one at random, deciding to investigate the titles within. However, a simple note of where the shipment originated casts doubt upon this “routine.” The books were being shipped by one Inland Publishing, a Connecticut company with a history of shipping for gay and lesbian book stores. Besides that, this particular shipment was not destined for W.H. Smith’s or Coles. No, they were headed to such fine alternative bookstores as WordsWorth Books and Provident Bookstore, both of Waterloo. It seems then, that not only was the shipment targeted because of where it came from, but also because of where it was going. fine, you say, Customs has the right to screen book imports to protect us from obscenityand such. Well, that’s a crock. There are more important things for government officials to be doing than protecting us from books imports. This, of course, is where the irony begins - there are much more objectionable books being published in Canada than the likes of the ones seized. For instance, both The Story of 0, which has been available here for two decades, and the Utne Reader, a commonly available compilation of alternative press pieces, were held in this latest Customs reading fest. Each of these publications pale in comparison to a recent book written by a U of T prof on the Jewish-Catholic-Mason conspiracy which rules the world. Professor O’Driscoll, quoting Mein Kampff in his introduction, merely paints over his antiSemitism with a far-fetched conspiracy theory, hoping his inclusion of two other large organizations will draw away from his paranoid criticism of Jews. Now this is a book that should be looked at by government officials, if indeed they cannot stop themselves from protecting us. But then again, this is not the only area where we must be protected, nor is it the only example of anti-Semitism permeating our city. Above and beyond the fact that O’Driscoll held his book launch at the Waterloo Hotel (sponsored by Brick Breweries no less), the white supremacist group Heritage Front was in town last week, helping us understand the plight facing the white race. Now these guys should be kept away from us. Not only do they give the standard antiimmigrant “‘they’re stealing our jobs” crap but they sit around watching Hitler’s speeches and claim not to be Nazis. Well, protect me please. If it is legal and right for Canada Customs to keep gay and lesbian, or any alternative books out of Canada in order to protect us, where is the RCMP protecting us from the likes of Heritage Front hate mongers and loony univer-
sity professors? The irony is that here in Canada it is legal for Ernst Zundel to propagate hate, and fur police forces to hold internal hearings over white officers shooting minorities, but still we must be protected from books, and only im-
. ported ones. Come on now; if we are going to police our state and protect our citizens from all the
bad things which could possibly offend us, then let’s do it right. Let’s have mandatory cards for all inter city travel, let’s have police on the corners guarding against jay walkers being run down, let’s all have personal credit cards to monitor all the bad things we buy, let’s make recreational drugs illegal, let’s all watch the same government TV station and outlaw all forms of print communication! Perhaps then will we be properly protected from all those evil, nasty, puerile things out there beyond our current control. Oh...give me a break, give me my Utne Reader.
Friday, May 2 I, I993
/ know
all there
is to know,
I recently met the new chairperson for the Gender Issues Board. If you weren’t around campus last term, then chances are you’re probably not aware that the name of the Women’s Issues Board has been changed to the Gender Issues Board. Not without heated debate mind you. A comprehensive definition of the responsibilities of this new chair has yet to be clearly delineated; undoubtedly, natural evolution and time will tell all. Anyway, at present, the mandate, excuse me, the persondate of this new chair is to strive toward a working definition in combination with assessing various social needs on campus. As you can imagine, this is a very sensitive position for any student to undertake, one that requires a personality and attitude richly abundant in open-mindedness, acute perception, and level-headedness. Well, I’m pleased to say that from what I can tell, our new chairperson certainly seems to espouse these virtues. There is a valid concern among many students that this new board will marginalize women’s issues, in favour of other social issues. This would then undermine all the valuable efforts that have been made in creating a conscious awareness on campus. Our new chairperson strongly advocates that this is not to be the case, While the new Gender Issues Board will also be examining safety and men’s issues, any sound mind would realize that women’s issues is undoubtedly meritorious of inexhaustible attention. This is not going to change. . Our new chairperson confesses that since the position is only offered a term at a time, there is really very little that can be accomplished. At the same time, we must realize that there are
really no clear cut solutions, right or wrong answers. With this in mind, our chairperson wants to use the position to procure suggestions, feedback, and opinions. This will be achieved by visiting other campuses to witness programs in effect, contacting all clubs and groups on campus to solicit viewpoints, and leaving the door wide open to allow students easy access. At the end of the day, all will be documented. Documented and tendered as a suggestive starting point from which other equally capable chairpersons can begin. By the way, did I mention that our Gender Issues Board chairperson has a penis? Sean McCutcheon is one highly sensitive cat. And if you don’t believe me, just check out the snany snapshot of him on the front cover. Look at his smile, his neatly trimmed beard. I mean, he looks so sensitive that he should have a clip-on ponytail in the back Even the blossoming tree behind him looks criminal in comparison. He’s so sensitive he probably talks to his coffee to cool it down. There are some people on campus up in arms over the fact that a man is heading the Gender Issues Board. Now without simply playing devil’s advocate, what’s the big problem? Am I missing the point entirely? Is it not the GENDER issues Board? As Sean himself points out, he perceives his role merely as a muse for the student world to avail upon. He wants anyone and everyone to come directly to him with bags full of suggestion, gripes, quandaries, whatever. He simply plans to act as a sponge, document it all and offer it up to the next board as a working model. He’s not trying to change the fucking world nor does he plan to surreptitiously champion the patriarchal cause, Give him a break
What really pisses me off, and I mean, really pisses me off, is that these self same gripe toads haven’t even bothered their arse to meet the guy, He’s been in the position for well over a week, and his office isn’t that hard to find. Add to this a little reality check NO ONE ELSE APPLIED FOR THE POSITION. It’s not like he was competing with a world of women all desperate to take on the role of Gender Issues chairperson. It was either Sean or no one. So how productive would our Gender Issues Board be if this anon wasn’t at the helm? The point of the matter is that Sean McCutcheon is a man who in my humble estimation will do an excellent job as the Gender Issues chairperson. In all my conversations with various people and groups on campus, there does however appear to be one thing upon which all can agree. Perhaps it might be sensible to have both a man and a woman
the board.
position means that the money alotted for the chair gets split down the middle SO/SO. Sean is not in it for the money (anyone who was would probably be disappointed payday anyway), and it’s not like he’s sitting in his little cupboard of an offrice chanting “The power is mine, all mine”. He wholeheartedly supports the concept of co-c hai ring, commenting that it would certainly help to create a better balance. So if there are still any lame-ass tear-jerks out there who are still upset that there is a man in charge of the Gender Issues Board, stop whining and do something about it. Submit your application to Sharon Flood.
Imprint welcomes
letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or form, and include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L mail should be addressed to imprint @ watsetvl
Chemistry stores not nice To the editor= I am writing to express my agreement with Steve Ryder and his opinions of the staff at Needles Hall. I too have encountered long lines, and more distrubing, rude and ignorant staff. Being a co-op student, I have my share of horror stories about this building, including, but not necessarily limited to; a missed interview due to a “clerical error”, a two hour wait for the “Want Ads” during the spring term last year, and a nonexistent co-op placement that I didn’t realize until I had lost 4 weeks of second rounds. Perhaps the University of Waterloo would not rank so highly on Maclean’s famous (or is it infamous?) survey if there was a new category of “average time spent in line in administraion building per student.” However, these experiences pale by comparison to the routine hassle of having to deal at least twice per week with the administration in the chemistry stores. This woman constantly harrases, badgers, and insults the students who deal with her. My co-students and I have often debated how she acquired this job, and why in this age of financial restraint, someone more friendly and personable can not be found to fill her position. Andrew Steuter 2B Applied Chemistry
What the Fed? To the editor: Here I sit, quietly simmering away. Is there anything the Feds can do RIGHT? I began my day planning on writing a letter about O.U.S.A.; the student organization the Feds h
1’11 tell you one thing right now: I don’t believe in being gracious. I don’t believe in thanking men for noticing women’s issues. I also have trouble with fairness and equality. I’m a bit cranky, therefore, about the Federation of Students new Gender Issues Board, created to replace the Women’s Issues Board. If this notion seems okay to you, then you probably shouldn’t read this. Go do your homework. I voted against the creation of the GIB at the Fed’s annual general meeting because I truly believe that the inclusion of men, in an organization that is overwhelmingly centred on the safety and status of women on campus, and by giving men an equal share of power in such an organization, serves to dilute the effect of feminists’ involvement on campus and also to undermine their control of the work they have already done. I don’t think anyone is ready for a “gender” issues board. temme explain. I want to make one thing perfectly clear -women’s safety and status are feminist issues; these are issues that women have been dealing with for hundreds of years. They didn’t become “gender” issues until men decided they wanted to be involved... and f really resent the fact that many of the men I know won’t call themselves feminists, because it...denies their manliness, or some stupid reason, I don’t know. To rename feminist issues *‘gender” issues smacks of political correctness, and only denies the true focus of the movement -- women. And immediately women’s control over their own movement slips away. Depend on it. This isn’t supposed to be about men being misunderstood, about men having broken souls and needing to be more involved in “gender” issues to absolve or heal themselves; it’s about
belong to which wants to increase our tuition fees by 30%. I wondered how many students, like myself, were in school this term because this is the last term where we can receive OSAP grants. I wondered how many of my friends were still unemployed for the entire summer. I wondered what the fuckm student government was lobbying the provincial government to increase my fees instead of working out a better system of student assistance instead of lobbying to make education accessible to dthose who deserve to be here and not only the rich. Why is my student government saying my student council supports O.U.S.A. -was ANYONE besides the student councillors asked? I wondered why my student government is shov& O.U.S.A. down our throats like the feds are shoving N.A.F.T.A. down our throats. What are they trying to hide from us? But no, I cannot just write a letter about O.U.S.A. I must question why, we, the student body are not being told what is really going in that Fed office. The Student Life Building - the fact the Campus Centre will virtually be shut down for one year because of renovations. The fact we only hear rumours and the Feds, consistently, avoid dealing with the issues the students are discussing. And now I hear they have hired a man for the position of the Gender Issues Board - formerly the Women’s Issues Board. What am I to expect from this new executive? Especially when they make a move like this - almost as if to taunt the Womyn’s Centre and other groups which opposed the name and structure changes. The purpose of the board is to empower women, to _encourane women to get involved in student government and what have they done? How could any man supportive of the feminist movement apply to a position which was so vehemently opposed by the vast majority of feminists and profeminist men on campus? Today was probably the worst day I have had as Women’s Centre co-coordinator - I was told our centre may be reduced by 100 square feet when the new Student Life building opens and told a man is now in charge of the Gender Issues Board. I sit here wondering and waiting to be told “move out of the Women’s Centre, we need it for more video games,” waiting to be told “shut up Tammy - women already have equality.” When will the Feds start to think and listen?
Modern by Bruce
less, typed and double-spaced brevity. The editor reserves sexual orientation. Opinions 3Gl.
Our fax number
I will deal with crll your oppressors at that time, and I will save the lame and gather the OU~CQS~ - Zephaniah The function of the prophets, such as Zephaniah was to provide a critique of society, and call the people back from their hurtful ways of being. Often the strongest criticism was against kings and religious leaders, and the inevitable consequence of such challenges to the power structures was persecution, exile, and death (and they say religion shouldn’t be poiitical). The question I often ask myself is who are the prophets today, and what is their message? I think it is wrong to make a prophet into some sort of superperson, who is on a higher level than you or I. The stories of Moses show him to be very human: meek, often timid, and not a very good public speaker. I believe that anyone is capable of fulfilling the role of a prophet So what is this role? I mentioned earlier that older=day prophets critiqued society. The criticisms usually centred around how society took care of its weaker members such as the poor, widows and orphans, and those with physical disabilities. People today are in some respects unchanged from the past. The most common response to societal critiques is still to silence it, or to distort the message or the message- giver. In places like Guatemala, the primary method of silencing is torture followed by death. On Feb. 24 of this year, a prominent union leader, Carlos Gomez, was riding on a public bus. The bus was stopped by heavily armed masked men who singled him out and shot him. He had video and film footage of survivors of a massive military terror campaign in which 440 villages were destroyed and tens of thousands of civil-
ers Against Drunk Driving being headed by a man (true!). My point: women’s issues involve men too, but they are still women’s issues. 1think it only fair that women remain in control of them (but of course you’ve realized by now that my notion of “fairness” is entirely subjective). Men and women working together in perfect harmony on women’s issues (for the issues outlined in the Federation’s Gender Issues Board bylaws pretty much address women-specific issues) is a nice idea, in a feminist utopia, but I don’t know if it can be done. What’s more important - the safety and status of women, or the education of men? I’ll plump for safety of women every time.
up Mister
Hewitt to Imprint
In the May 7 Imprint, a student, Mr. Ryder, returning after a few years absence, expresses irritation and disappointment at rude treatment he received from staff members as he endured the tedium of registration. He is not wrong - workers here can be grumpy, peremptory, and rigid , and students have no exemption from these behaviours either. Tickedoffness more and more characterizes our attitudes and dominates our inter= actions as Ontarions experience anxiety about our own and other people’s survival/prosperity, about changes not within our control, about the reliability of our perceptionslreatities. This anomie, which the generally ebullient 80s had occasionally but not effectively suggested
with predictions of economic, social, and environmental doomsdays, derives now perhaps from the disjunction of expectations and experience and results in the ‘*inhuman behaviour” Mr. Ryder quite rightly deplores . But give them a smile Mr. Ryder; they are pretty nice people with sometimes repetitive jobs and without all the tenure you suppose. My experience has been somewhat different - over IO years, the people in part time studies, English, and Women’s Studies have remained consistently friendly, helpful, courteous, good-humoured. Mr. Ryder is correct in noting that our treatment of others is a choice we make. Herewith,
is 884-7800.
in the
ians were killed in the 70’s and 80’s. The survivors are still hiding, and still being hunted. So that’s Guatemala. . . What about Canada? How do we silence people who try to point out societat evils? Such people are not killed or thrown in jail. More often it seems that this is not necessary, because the public gets lulled into a forum of apathy in which only my direct problems are my concern. Everything gets put in tidy boxes which can be dealt with. For example, last term a referendum was held on whether pull out of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). One aspect of the campaign disturbed me. CFS was criticized for taking stances on political issues because they are NOT STUDENT ISSUES. One of the stands attacked was one in which CFS told the Canadian government: “We oppose you giving aid money to the government of Guatemala who is using it to wage a war on its indigenous peoples.” About 415ths of the UW student population didn’t vote (didn’t care?), but the motion went through. The vote by the students of Waierloo, in essence has said that our student representatives should not speak out against moral outrages and genocide. This is not our problem. We should only be concerned with the money or lack thereof given to our institutions of higher tearning. These institutions were once founded on higher principals, but oh welt, money is a higher principal now. So now that we have silenced out direct representatives to the Canadian government, who will we silence next? The extremist religious fanatics who write for this column? There’s no need to silence us, we have already been discredited by the action of speaking out.
The views expressed in this column ure those
ofthe uuthorunddo
not necessarily represent those
of every member of the UW Student Christian Movement or those of lmpfint’s staf or ediioriul
and the GIB
WOMEN, it’s about what men do to women, for god’s sake. It’s not about men learning to live with themselves, it’s about men learning to live with women. The education of men with regard to women’s issues has always been a part of the feminist agenda; I find it insulting that some men claim the area of men’s education as their own special little discovery (e.g., the White Ribbon Campaign,MenAgainstViolenceAgainstWomen) and it makes me hopping mad that many men, and these two groups in particular, think they can clean up these problems without any involvement from women! Can you believe it? It’s like the NAACP being governed by whites. It’s like Moth-
by H&n special
or in electronic
the right to refuse
in the
of optimism
ism that has made this country whatever it is, a meiosis of Mr. Ryder’s observation on the necessity of making choices:
Although I gladly accept the offers of help from men who want to become involved in feminist issues, I think that these same men should realize that it’s okay for women to cal t the shots for once. It’s okay for women to be in control of their own issues. And although I can’t do anything now about the GIB, I think at Ieast there could be cochairs, one male and one female. I mean, it would only be politic, and it would only be completely fair (“fair”, of course, being open SOyour interpretation).
Ryder D.M. CARPE’S MAYPHORISMS I. Opportunity usually disguises itself as hard work. 2. Success is self-inflicted. 3. You’ve got a right to criticize when you’ve got a heart to help. 4. The quality of your thinking goes a long way in determining the quality of your life. 5. Maybe you’re majoring in the minors. 6. Do the right things right, if you can figure out what the right things are. 7. You start to live when you can live outside yourself. 8. If it’s to be, it’s up to me Caveat: When everythjng is coming your way, check to see which lane you’re in. This compendium of esoteric wisdom is brought to you by Deep us u Puddle, Inc., maker of ProAct.
I, 1993, Imprint
Prez by Ken Imprint
Imprint: Would you see that as facilitating your role here at UW?
Brg,mm Sta
Downey: It will help to somebody like myself who comes from an arts background, having had an introduction to these other faculties and their interests. Both universities have strong histories and commitments to being relevant and current. Its not to say that every program at the university has to lead to job preparation for the students; I don’t mean that, but both universities have a strong sense of sewice to the community.
In late April, Imprint had the opportunity to interview Uvv’s new president, James Downey. Downey was selected to replace Doug Wright in November of last year and is the former president of the University of New Brunswick (UNB) and former cochair of the Corporate-Higher Education Forum, a committee of business and university leaders. He is a scholar of English literature. Here’s what he had to say: Imdnt: What differences do you see bekeen UNB and UW and how do you see them affecting the way you perform your duties? Downey: The setting of this campus is exquisite, I think it is a beautiful campus, a beautiful setting for a university. It feels spacious, to me, coming from UNB because the buildings are closer together there, it’s more congested. Here you’ve got the luxury of green makes for My university, my a different feel. Having said that, these obvious differences, there are many similarities. UNB is best known for its engineering, its forestry, its applied sciences programs, just as this institution is known for its applied programs in engineering, computer sciences, and math.
the university,
of residence, who have a better feel for the rhythm and schedule of activities that happen through the year. Imprint: Given your past experience working with the business world, especially with the CorporateHigher Education forum, what is your view of the role of business within the university? Downey: I think a lot of progress has been made in the last decade in bringing business and universities somewhat closer together, and that’s been done without causing any compromise to the independence of the university. I think that clearly the support of business for what we do is important, as a source of funds for research , important as a source of supportthrough corporate giving, campaigns etc. It clearly is important in a university that has the largest co-op program in the world. - It is not the business of business to run the universities, and nothing I have seen in my own relations suggests they want to do that We have, however, and it is important to consider, that other groups in society have interests too and we must be-mindful of those as well. I don’t think we’ve tried nearly as hard to establish good relations with labour as we have with business. As a long term goal 1think universities should be interested in the ways that they can be of help to labour and maybe a reciprocal relationship can grow there the way it has with business. Universities have to be both serv-
Imprint: You mentioned in our last intemiew (see Imprint Nov. 271 92) that you are interested in being accessible and having close contact with the students here; how do you foresee yourself fulfilling that role! Downey: 1 think the toughest part of it is going to be to ensure that that sort of thing gets scheduled. I shall do ail I can, my level best, to schedule events that involve desk. students. So much that happens in student affairs, of necessity, runs on short term planning, because students have to do things more quickly because they simply don’t have the time. Because of that situation, I find it’s important to work through people like the associate provost for student affairs and the director
Welcome Back Students!
and everything
progress. I would hope that it will be said of us that we are among the best in the country, the continent, which people are saying of us. I will expect that our emphasis will have shifted by then from some programs and activities that are popular and important to others that may be embryonic now. photos by Ken Bryson I hope that we will have found one or two major ants of the society and critics of that frontiers that we can lay claim to the society. We are different, in that sense, way we did to co-op, the way we did to from community colleges, the public correspondence programs across the school system, or any other agency in country. society+ Ours is a more long term, If it is still said of us, as I hope and more systematic, more thorough role of analysis and objective evaluation. If think it may, that UW is one of the most adventurous, exciting, and intelthat means being critical of business or lectually challenging institutions in the government or labour then we must country, the continent, and, indeed, do it. the world, then I will have achieved enough for me. Imprint: Do you think that through making more inroads into society, into labour, business etc., you’ll be able to Imprint: What, then, are your immediate plans for the next few months to draw more funding and take some of the weight off of students? make yourself more a part of the university? Downey: I think that should not be our first objective, but that should be Downey: Right now everyone around part of it. Clearly, if people are your here is a bit pre-occupied with the financial exigencies that our province is friends and value what you do they are much more likely to provide you with trying to confront, but I will continue funds than if they are suspicious or just my process of getting out and about in the university. It will be an ongoing ignorant of what you do. But we should set out not just to seek funds, process; I don’t intend to do it for a but also to provide services and to short time and then stop. listen to and be aware of what their I look forward to that, to getting to know the people and issues better. interests, their needs are. Having them supportive of our cause may at least be I’m delighted to have arrived at this beneficial to us. time of year, when things are a little more leisurely...and when people have a little more time to chat. Imprint: What do you think UW will be-like ten years from now, presuming you are still the president? So if you’d like to take Dr. Downey up on his desire to get to know the Downey: It need not be a lot larger students here at UW, I’m sure he’d be than it is now; I don’t think the idea of up for the chat. His office is Needles doubling enrollment is necessarily Hall 305 I. Have fun!
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Campus Centre, room 235 Fed Infoline - 886-FEDS Ei El
,, fed annotMice#nentssmmmhr events ‘.
LOOM’VG TO GET MWOLVED? The Social Issues Board and the Gender Issues Board are looking for Commissioners to help organize events and speakers regarding topics of safety, aids awareness, sexual harrassment...etc. Come to the Fed Office and leave a message with Stephen Du Social Co-Chair or Sean McCutcheon Genders Chair. Thursday, May 27 GARY PRIIMICH BAND - 1230 matinee Saturday, June 5 Rock n’Roll Reunion fea Wing THE RAZORBACKS Rock n’ Roll Nite is EVERY Wednesday!! (from Austin, Texas)
-._.. ..-
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to your
lnforrnation about campus comfnunlty services
all calls are strictly confidential
6pm to 12am
7 days a week
888-4860 A service
of your
of Students
OUAA admits Qu6becteams for hockey Compromise by Peter Inzpfint
will see West and East divisions
Br0K.m spmts
The Ontario University Athletic Association’s scheduling committee has its work cut out for it now, following a surprise decision by the OUAA’s Legislative Council to grant playing privileges in hockey to the three Qukbec teams for 1993-94. As recently as March 1993, the men’s conference had closed the door on the prospect ofthe McGill Redmen, the Concordia Stingers, and le Universite du Qubbec a Trois Rivieres Les Patriotes participating in hockey this fall, citing the prohibitive cost and time required to travel to Quebec. But at last week’s OUAA annual general meeting hosted by Brock University in St. Catharines, the I3 schools participating in hockey reached an alternative compromise after plenty of political wrangling. A four-division alignment, replacing the two-division system used last season, will mean that the teams in the West division -- the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University, the University of Western Ontario, and the University of Windsor -- will nst have to play any of the Quebec teams in the regular season. “We are happy with the new alignment,” UW’s athletic director Wally Delahey said. The schedule format deals with UW’s concerns abouttransportation costs and time away from class, he says. “We’ll be able to get more students out to games playing Western and Laurier twice at home instead of just once,” Delahey said. At the heated meeting on Tuesday, May I I, representatives from York and Brock objected to universities, such as Guelph and Western, voting in favour of granting playing privileges to Quebec schools while supporting a schedule formula that would force other schools to incur the costs of travelling to Quebec to play. Guelph and Western were both strong proponents of Qukbec’s inclusion, but would have to play Quhbec schools much less than teams in the
not play each other in regular
Mid west
Ottawa Gee-Gem
Ryerson Rams
Laurentian voyageurs
York Yeomen
Brock Badgers
eastern side of the conference. Western, like Waterloo, would not have to play Qubbec teams in the regular season. “If you vote for it, you play them and you pay for it,” said York’s delegation. As a gesture of good faith, Guelph agreed to take York’s place in the Mideast division and allow York to move into the Midwest division, where travelling would be less. Most of the schools agreed that popularity of university hockey depends on developing regional rivalries. Eventually, the motion to grant playing privileges was passed by its required two-thirds majority: 9-4. UW, Laurier, Windsor, and Brock voted against the motion. During the scheduling discussion that followed the vote, Brock asked Western to switch divisions, since the West does not play the East, and Western was the only school in the West
who voted in favour of Quebec’s inclusion. Western’s Datwin Semotiuk declined, saying that every team should share the financial burden of playing Qubbec teams. The Midwest division will house Ryerson Polytechnical University, Laurentian University, York University, and Brock University. The University of Toronto, the University of Cuelph, Royal Military College, and Queen’s University will play in the Mideast division, while the East division will contain the University of Ottawa and the three Quebec schools. Waterloo will play two homeand-away pairs against the other teams in the West division, one home-andaway pair against the Midwest division, and a single game against each of the Mideast division teams for a total of 24 games, up from 22 last season. The Midwest plays a home-and-
Concardia Stingers
in four
as above.
away series against itself, home-andaway versus both the West and Mideast divisions, and single games versus the East division, totalling 26 games. The Mideast’s schedule is symmetrical to the Midwest’s and the East’s to the West’s. Playoffs will be similiar to what was done this past year. The team finishing first in each division will receive a first-round bye; the second and third-place teams will play a suddendeath semi-final game and the winner will advance to a best-of-three division final against the first-place team. The four division winners will play in a final-four tournament to determine the two participants in the CIAU’s Nationals final-four tournament. According to Delahey, UW and WI-U are putting in a joint bid for next spring’s OUAA final four, to be played at the City of Waterloo’s 3,500-seat arena, scheduled to open in mid-July 1993.
How much the Quebec teams would Pay for participating in 1993-94 was not finalized. In 1992-93, each team payed $I -60 per kilometre in travel expenses and a $2,500 participation fee. Last December, the OUAA had sought increases to $I .80 and $2,700 respectively as a condition for granting privileges. McGill’s representative at the AGM made it clear that no universities in Quhbec were planning to establish varsity programs that would allow an all-Qubbecois division in the foreseeable future. Last year, the OUAA conference contained west and east divisions. The west division contained Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier, Western, Guelph, Brock, Windsor, Laurentian, and RMC. The three Quebec schools joined Ottawa, Toronto, Queen’s, York, and Ryerson in the east.
Campus Ret is back in full swing for spring ‘93 by DeAnn Durrer Campus Recreation With the spring term upon us, I hope that everyone is settled and enjoying classes. Once again, Campus Recreation has an exciting line-up of events for the summer. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to pick up a Campus Ret Pick it Up Brochure and check out the upcoming tournaments and other events. ! League and instructional registration showed a great turnout in the first two weeks of classes and programs are underway. There is still space available in many of the programs including some fitness classes, CPR courses, St John First Aid, and swimming. Please Note: Due to demand, a new Cardio Step Class was added for Tuesdays and Thursdays, I :30 - 2:30 p.m. New: A new Bike Maintenance Course was also added forJuly 7 and I4 from 7100 - IO:00 p.m. in MC 1050. Learn how to perform general mainte-
to ensure safety and to maximize cycling enjoyment. Course content includes general operation components of the bike, spring tune-ups, emergency road repairs, purchasing a new bike, essential tools required, and training tips. For more information or to register for any of these programs, visit the Athletic office in PAC 2039 from 9:00 a.m. to noon and I :OO to 3:00 p.m.
3 on 3 Half Court nament
Get ready and plan to participate in the Men’s and Women’s 3-on-3 Halfcourt Basketball Tournament. There are two levels of play: A & B. At least four games will be played by all teams. Teams must have a minimum of four players (three on court, one substitute). There are a limited number of spots available -- so register early! The cost is $25.00 per team. The final entry date is Friday, May 28 at I :OO p.m. in PAC 2039. The Captain Scheduling
Meeting is Tuesday, June I at 4:45 p.m. in the PAC room 100 I. The preliminary rounds are Monday, june 7 from 5:30 - IO:30 pm in the main gym with finals taking place Flonday, June I4 at 5:30 - IO:30 in the main gym.
Take Part in K-W’s Bike to Work Week
2nd Annual
Bike to Work week is set for May 29 - June 6. Events during the week include: Tours, Ziggy’s Hidden Valley Road Race and Manulife Ride for Heart For more information, call the KW Cycling Committee at Waterloo City Hall 885-1550 or Kitchener City Hall 74 I-2300.
Cycle? ” it’s fast
” it’s - it’s ” it’s community - it’s
recession proof healthier good for business ecologically
and the
- cyclists should wear an approved helmet that fits snugly and has ventilation. ” wear brightly coloured clothes. - avoid loose clothing or gear that can get caught in spokes or sprockets. I all traffic laws and rules apply to bicycles and should be obeyed by cyclists. - cyclists should ride to the right and signal clearly when turning.
Weather Mndsurfers
I. Check all elements of the weather, lot just the wind. 2. Avoid thunderstorms, they can lroduce lightening and hail. 3. Sail with a buddy. 4. Watch those wind shifts.
7. Join a club. 8. Wear an approved Personal Floatation Device9. Stay close to shore in strong winds. IO. Know your personal limit -- SURF safe!
Fighting Bootsauce
The Dervishes
The Born bshelter May 14, 1993
by Paul special
Cocker to Imprint
If you weren’t at the Bomber last Friday, then chances are you had a lousy evening. All the festive energies that night were coming from that small pub inside the Campus Centre as hardcore and casual party-goers alike were preparing to groove with K-W’s veryown The Dervishes and Montreal’s Bootsauce. It was a night of both bombastic fanfare and unrelenting excitement. Many people had probably already seen the opening band at local clubs, SuchasTheVolcanoandPoptheCator, or this past March as winners in the Bombshelter’s UW Battle of the Bands contest. And many might’ve seen them on television several weeks back as the band winner’s of the YTV Achievement Award (an award the Barenaked Ladies won last year), so anticipation was high. The Dervishes started things off hard and heavy by playing “Funky Messjah.” Like an unorthodox anthem, the driving vibes from this song forced bodies to rise and feet to get down on the dance floor. Revealing a clique of collective influences, their fused harmony charmed the diverse crowd. The fierce, funk-jazz hybrids of “Here and Now” and their conclusive “Too Uptight” were more quasi-tribal discharges these mystics had to offer. Guitarist Josh “Bashu” had riffs shifting from a series of wucka-wucka cat-
for scatches to deft, squealing grinds; bassist John Williams stabbed his four-string to produce riveting, concussive basslines while drummerJon Bulman-Flemming kept the backbeat boiling with percussive filigrees; Chris Giesbrecht rewed his fingers across his keyboard and Ian Ring wailed on his sax, both of them maintaining a swinging, skintighttreble. As instrumentalists alone, the Dervishes were runningwith all engines fired. Nevertheless, madman Mike Yantzi was requisite in providing the vocals and flailing the rubber-legged strut. After a brief intermission, Bootsauce marched on stage. Thanks to the boogiewoogie groove provided earlier by the Dervishes, the headliners had little trouble getting the masses to fill the dance floor. Bootsauce is a band that doesn’t really rock Some on album, but when they’re live, they can turn the most timid introverts into dance-crazed lunatics. With that said, the floor turned from moshpit to bosh-pit. Bootsauce’s rich, uncutfunknourished the power-hungry patrons into what seemed (and felt) like a push-andshove groove-fert Their musical riptides werefueled byapplausethatfaded into jams and found their way back into songs again. The show’s features were “Scratching the Whole”, “Play With Me” (which was justly dedicated to The
Rheostats Rheostatics
Dervishes), and “Masterstroke” (all from their debut The Brown Album) and “Love Monkey ##9”, *bRollercoaster’s Child”, and “Hold Tight” from their sophmore release, f3ulI. Besides playing their usual songs with a rousing, ear-pounding clarity, the rockers also played gullible classics such as Carl Douglas’s epic “Kung-Fu Fighting” (the dedication to Brandon Lee being uncalled for, however) and spiced their encore with the Beastie Boys’ “Fight For Your Right (to Party).”
in cinema
Princess Cinema Saturday, May I5
by Ken Imp-W
Bryson Stag
Having tired of the bar/club scene across southern Ontario, the Rheostatics came to town last Saturday and played one of Waterloo’s least played venues, the Princess Cinema; predictability is not one of the Rheostat&’ strong points. What came of the night’s two shows (six and nine) was an atmosphere of rehearsal with performance strength music. Though the crowd was thin for the first set (the one I went to), the guys from Etobicoke held the eveningtogetherwith their oft-orchestrated oft-power driven electric tunes. Decked out in Canadian plaid and t-shirts, the band strove to impress yet remained relaxed under the weight of an attentive, sober audience. We listened to the radio via Dave Bidini’s pocket radio, meditated to Dave Clark’s musings on the yin yung of early evening concerts, voted on o cc$pella versus full band, learned of the wild and bizarre wildlife in habiting our province, and shared our names (at least those under I8 did, and their parents Vern and Sharon). The “up-close, intimate” atmos-
. ..and some
guys from
phere was, at times, used to improvise: such tunes as “SL Petersburg/Leninwere expanded, and grad” “Arachnophobia” created. Beyond the fun, however, were moments of dense sound, floating melodies, and heavy climaxes, holding the slight audience
captive and entertained. Opening for the Rheostatics was local musician Paul Macleod, who, while not joining the band on stage as he did for their last gig in KW, put on a solid acoustic set to warm the audience. MacLeod’s energy derived from
It’s doubtful that there was a better party going on anywhere outside of the Born ber last Friday; at the very least there couldn’t have been any better music being played. Having The Dervishes and Bootsauce together on that one night was as complemetary a pairing as one could ask. For all you Dervish fans, be prepared to go to The Volcano on June 4 for their CD release party. Bootsauce fans, be prepared for their third album release sometime in August.
v&i=& his tenor voice which frequently reached high above his guitar to intensify his sound. Add to that forthright lyrics and solid guitar playing, and you have an act definitely worthy of attention. As for the Rheostatics, while the first show of the evening was bizarre and spontaneous, I don’t imagine the mood to have been much different for the second, sold out, show. Perhaps the audience then was less inhibited to join in the fun up on stage. Perhaps they were expecting of the unexpected -- the uninhibited, particularly peculiar focus of the Rheostatics. Beyond the band’s volunteered feelings of being misplaced, playing in a cinema between a projection booth and a screen, the evening was successful because of their ability to shape the situation into an amusing one, and not only for themselves. Besides, they were the best concert film I’ve ever been to.
Chris Waters,
When vou’re down and ou&
Ween On Me
When not playing Mozart, Tom Hulce in his spare with a musical concept he calls Ween.
the evening of May 5, I 993. I’ll not bore you with the whys or wherefores, suffice to say, both the bus and train stations were definitely locked upgood and tight at 2:30 in the morning, and downtown TO is not home to some of the friendliest wandering souls, Focusing on the more upbeat moments of that fateful evening is, perhaps, less
Ween Lee’s hloce, Toronto May 5th 1993
by Bernard Keamey Imprint stan 1’11not soon forget
the events on
painful for both you and I. In town to support and champion their latest cacophonous effort, GUUW, Ween treated the crowded patrons of Lee’s Palace to an evening of dischord, comedy, rhyme, and well, I guess, yes.. For those of you not * even music. wary of the ways of the Ween, let’s have a weetle lesson. Based out of New Jersey, Ween, visually look and act like understudies for They Might Be Giants. Musically, they have been enjoying minor college success with the single “Push th’ Little Daisies,” a song they purportedly refuse to play live anymore. Aurally they sound like anything from a fart to David Bowie (a David Bowie that sounds better than David Bowie, I might add) back to a fart again. In numbers they are three. Ween and weener are human, while weenest is a comprehensive backing tape machine feeding the humans an array of fanciful digitized samples. The Classic Rock Y95er in you will be pleased to know that both members of the band are also in a ten man Pink Floyd cover band named Echoes. Cooooool. Opening for headWeen act, was the very mellow Basehead. Minor stage technicalities at the start, didn’t prevent this band from grasping a groovinatinggroove, but unfortunately, the groove grew wearisome and Easehead failed to shift tempo accordingly. Over all, I did enjoy them though. Wecn performed a rather lengthy set, The show was definitely delightful, and never approached the perilous edge of self-indulgence. They did, however, perform “Pushin’ Up the Daisies” after all, but unfortunately, in stfaightforward clichb rock style -- at the encore. Oh yeah, and, I’ll also not forget that beer costs over 4 bucks at Lee’s
11Columbia Medicine 145 Columbia
Sports Centre St., W., Unit 9
(at Phillip - opposite Good Life Club)
7252640 SPRAINS
sccut cub
The Caneron House, Toronto May IS, 1993
by Chtis special
Waters to Imprint
Vancouver’s cub arrived in Toronto to celebrate its first anniversary as a band with a performance at Queen Street West’s Cameron House. Opening for another B.C. band, The Smugglers, cub used this auspicious occasion to release Hot Dog Day -- the allgirl trio’s second 7-inch vinyl-only single release on Vancouver’s Mint Records label. With a propensity towards penning 2-minute bubblegum anthems about pets, motels and other teenage kicks, cub’s retro-pop is extremely radio-friendly. Since the release of its debut single, Pep, cub has become the critical darling of campus radio stations nationwide. But cub’s songs aren’t all fun and games, at times there is a disturbing core lurking beneath the band’s candy coating. Pep’s “The Day We Met” is a bleak tale of male-on-female violence. The song plays upon the cliched expression: “you kill me”; yet in this case, that line is not akin to “you make me laugh”, rather it is meant quite literally. However, neither the music nor the vocals betrays that there is anything but blissful frolic occuring. It is only upon biting down that one discovers the sourness in cub’s sweetness. This evening’s performance was a mixture of cub-pop, new and old, blended with covers of the Beach Boys’ “Surfer Girl” and the Beat Happening’s “Cast A Shadow”. The band even trotted out an old Joan Jett number for those who arrived expecting a “riot grrrl” show. Pep songs, “Chico”, which was changed to “Nice” in honour of the band’s replacement drummer, and “Go Fish”, with its infectiously babbled chorus of “Ooo-la-la ooo-ee-cha-cha / Ooo-la-la oha-cha-cha!” stoked the cub scouts at this would-be jamboree. But the set’s standout was a new song, “Hello Kitty”, which will appear on Julep, a compilation produced by Ol-
] Jonathan
elMocmnbo, Toronto May 7 1993
by Derek Imprint
;(POP. I I \
We&r staff
In reviewing Jonathan Richman’s Toronto show last week, I’d like to establish a few important points right away insetad of beginning with some contrived preamble. I, This was the third time I’ve seen Jonathan Richman. 2. Of those three times, I found this one to be the least impressive and least charming. 3. Although the elMocambo books quite a few decent bands, it’s a pretty crappy place to see a show. 4. I enjoyed myself about as much as possible, given those caveats-- which is to say, mildly. First, the venue: the elMo is a long, thin hall with the stage placed squarely in the middle, not at one end. As a result, very little of the floor space is actually in front of the stage. And what space WCIS there was marked “Reserved.” In the past this setup has hampered my enjoyment of such fine acts as Robyn Hitchcockand the Feelies, and it did it again with Jojo. As for Jojo, he offered the usual solo acoustic format, as he did at the
ympia, Washington’s YO-YO Records. On this night, the Cameron’s small backroom was filled by a large and diverse crowd, who were all bemused by the serendipity of cub’s performante. cub’s Barbie doll folklore had stolen the night away from the Smugglers before that band had set foot near the stage.
/ little
* therapy covered by OHlP’*
the elMa
Bombshelter last fall. And he is undeniably facile with an acoustic guitar: the only person I’ve seen who can rival
him is Alex Chilton. His materia1 was the usual span of his career, from the very early (“Pablo Picasso”) to brand-new songs. Since he‘s had such a long and reasonably prolific career, it’s impossible for him to play all the crowd’s favourites in one night, but he did get to a good number of them, including “Double Chocolate Malted” and “Egyptian Reggae.” (Couldn’t help wishing for “Ice Cream Man” and “Vincent Van Gogh”, though.) Brand-new material included the hilarious “Vampire Girls,” in which Jojo admits to a weakness for goth bunnies: “it’s not the mascara, it’s not the black dress-- it’s the scary look in the eyes, I guess/There should be asupportgroup or something. Too much of his material, though, succumbed to Jojo’s schtick-- the usual “wouldn’t it be great if we were all children again and could just run on the beach with the sand in our toes” etc. etc. He has always been like this, of course, but he seemed to.go particularly overboard this time. The great “Give Paris One More Chance” was one of the few songs to which his performance actually added, instead of distracted
I couldn’t
that he would play just one song all the way through, without stoppingto blather or do his little dance. Maybe I was just in a bad mood or something.
4-5 by Elizabeth Rayson special to Imprint
by Dave Xmprint
Eased in Montreal, Me, Mom & Morgentaler enjoys a loyal following which guarantees them sizeable and extremely enthusiastic audiences wherever they go -- and it’s easy to see why. Their performances are consistently entertaining, delivered with a sense of humour and playfulness that affirms their superiority to all those pretentious, too-cool-(or Pure?)-to-enjoythemselves bands, many of which seem determined to subject audiences to insipid performances on a near-regular basis. According to the members of Me, Mom & Morgentaler, their latest release, Shiva Space Machine, is “the sonic archive of the month long isolation of Me, Mom & Morgentaler.” And what an archive! Without exception, the songs are characteristic of the band: spirited, lively, danceable. Side one’s favourites, (I reviewed the cassette), include “I Still Love You Eve”and”Everybody’s Got AIDS”. Both these tracks showcase the strength of vocalist Kim Bingham’s voice, blended with the slightly-but-delightfully rough vocals of Gus Coriandoli. A distinctive aspect of Me, Mom & Morgentaler’s music is its ability combine our two official national languages (French and English, in case anyone has forgotten) easily and naturally, both between songs and within them. For example, I sing merrily along with “Heloise” (written by Matthew Lipscombe and performed by Coriandoli) without knowing quite what the words of the song mean. But then, I do that with a lot of songs ... Though I prefer side one, Shiw Space Machine’s flipside is no less impressive when it comes to MM&M’s sheer energy and versatility. “Your Friend,” another Lipscombe piece performed by Coriandofi, is an offbeat approach to the common theme of many pop tunes: unrequited love. “Invasion of the Corporate Cockroaches From Planet Widdley”, meanwhile, is a short rapinspired track that, in keeping with the band’s philosophy, doesn’t take itself too seriously. And “Open Up For Your Demon,” a slower-paced number with jazzy melody, ably demonstrates the band’sversatility while maintainingtheir typically playful attitude. Despite their refusal to take themselves too seriously, MM&M’s music isn’t mere fluff or devoid of any social relevance. Far from it. In fact, many of the songs deal with social issues, notably “Oh Well” which addresses racial prejudice (“If you should pinch my skin/ You could change its colourl I’ll wake up to the day I’ll be just like any other . . .“). Even more powerful is the band’s attack on the ignorance and apathy that accompanies the AIDS issue. “Everybody’s Got AIDS”demands that we recognize Al DS as everybody’s problem and that overcoming it requires everybody’s combined efforts. Overall, Shiva Space Machine is guaranteed to provide you with enjoyment, mostly because it reflects the exuberance and enthusiasm that characterize Me, Mom, & Morgentaler’s live performances. So, if youget the chance, you MUST go see them live! Until then, give yourself a taste of what you’re missing and get a copy of Shivo Space Matiine.
For all the inkspilled on the sludge, er, “grunge” scene, the genre hasn’t exactly produced what you’d consider an abundance of stand-out releases. That’s because most of its material is devoid of any imagination, melody, subtlety or genuine excitement. Longafterthis retro-Sabbath thing blows away and dies however, we’ll still be listening to Pavement, a band that -- if it weren’t for that all-embracingrubbish-heap labelled”alternative”, and the band’s own lustrous anonymity -- possess all the above qualities by the truck-load and shouldn’t even be associated with grunge in the first place. Pavement are, after all, first and foremost a pop band.-Albeit a slightly
By Frank Seglenieks Imprint Staff I was all excited a few weeks back when I heard that my personal hero Stompin’ Tom Connors was coming out with a new album. Imagine my disappointment when the album arrived here in our office and I recognized most of the song tides; this “new” album was merely a compilation of previously recorded material. Considering his less than sparkling Believe in Your Country released last year, I was hoping that he again may rise to the high standard he set on Fiddle und Song, his first album released after the dark days of his self imposed exile from the Canadian Music scene. Not to say that KIC (Keep it Can+ dion) with Stompin’ Tom isn’t a good album, it contains a good selection of his songs, big hits like “The Hockey Song” and “To It and At It”, as well as some better, lesser known songs such as “Song of the Irish Moss” or “The Coal Boat Song”. As well, there isn’t a lot of overlap from his first modern greatest hits collection A Proud Conedim, so perhaps this can be considered Volume 2 of a greatest hits package. I have to give the album a 3 out of 5 (needless to say a compilation of his best would get a five) as it certainly isn’t as good as A Proud Canadian. Real fans should have most of these songs, however I guess if you need more of the Stompin’ Tom Phenomenon this is a good way to flesh out your collection without shelling out for 6 or 7 new disks.
5:: : :.:’ ::;:i. .v. :/ ..,. .c 2.; . ...‘~
Ffshet staff
unrefined one in the tradition of the Velvet Underground’s Loaded. Their latest release, Westing (6y musket and sextant), isn’t a new effort as such but rather the long-awaited, now-legendary earlier recordings that’ve been nearly impossible to obtain for the past year. All the pre-Slanted and Enchanted recordings are included here, meaning you can now own the %y Trc~ks, Demolition Plot j-7, Perfect Sound Forever, and Summer Babe EP’s and 7inchers all on one affordable disc. And with odd-ball rareties likewise included, Westing makes for a thoroughly remarkable one-shot compilation of Pavement’s tremendous early catalogue and evolutionary development from duo to full five-piece band. I could go on od infinitum gushing over every song in detail but I’ll refrain, suffice to mention the collection’s breath-taking unity. As expected, the
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songs are low-fi, inventive and quirky, and all feature Pavement’s signature buzzing guitar-lines and out-of-kilter vocal harmonies. Buy this album now (I can’t be any less emphatic than that), along with theirdebutalbumSlantedandEndranted, as well as the post-Slanted EP’s Trigger Cut and Wutery, Domestic, if you haven’t already don& so. They’re all wonderfully playful, eminently hummable, and with nary a throwaway song amongst them. Once you’ve gotten comfortable with the idea that Pavement are here to -y, you’ll be prepared for the greatness that’s sure to follow.
3 by Ken Imprint
Bfyson Staff
Now, you might ask why I’m even bothering to review a CD single, but this is no ordinary single; this is one of those rare musical moments wherein a great band gets back to their roots, releasing a B-side with a twist. What sets this roots quest apart from other recent forages into nostalgia land, such as Sinead’s Am I Not Your Girl?, is R.E.M.‘s full-blown embrace of their musical ancestry. So what is this astounding B-side? Well, think about it-- if the A-side is “The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite,” what else could it be but “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”? Yes, it’s true, R.E.M. has dug up the old tune from our and their childhood campfires and rescued it from the clutches of the Nylons. While you might think that “The Lion Sleeps Tonight’* is beyond redemption, and an R.E.M. version would sound as flaky as the Nylons singing, say, “Swan Swan H,” you’d be wrong. R.E.M. man-
ages to overcome kitsch and perform what could be the most authentic version of the song released in the last decade. From the lilting “a-wim-a-way’* to the bouncy trombone solo, R.E.M. comes through with a convincing cover of an old-time fave. As for the A-side “The Sidewinder
Sleeps Tonite,” they. had to put that on there just so they could spell “tonight” two different ways on the same CD.
3 by Derek Weiler Imprint staff There doesn’t seem to be anything distinctive or original about Gumball. Much of their new album could easily be mistaken for Teenage Fanclub’s debut or Sonic Youth’s latest. The sound is that generic brand of sludge-pop that everyone’s flirting with these days. The songs come off like holdovers from the days of classic rock, packed with the catchiest of hooks but not a great deal of thought. In short, there’s little to particularly recommend Super Tasty. On the other hand.... For one thing, it sounds terrific. Megahot producer Butch Vig gives the band his patented treatment, with grand results. He pushes the vocals way up front, and somehow gets the rawgrunge of the music so sleek and streamlined that it’s the next best thing to bubblegum, The presence of j. Mascis on a couple songs (he’s a pal of Gumball frontman Don Fleming) is all but inaudible in the context of the groupgestolt. For another thing, it’s great summertime music. “Accelerator,” “Here It Comes Again” and “Black Payback” were all made for car stereos, or at least for barbecue-side ghetto blasters. And to broaden Gumball’s tinge a bit, there’s the power ballad “Marilyn” (break out the lighters) and a whackedout punkanthem called “New Upsetters Theme” (which I suspect has little to do with that old reggae group). For all that, though, there’s still no getting away from Gumball’s profound lack of substance. Despite the occasional clever hook or funny line (like “I got a hell of a message from it hell today, it said ‘A weak dog shames its master”‘), there’s nothing that makes Super Tasty indispendable. It’s just, well, super tasty. Like Kurt Cobain’s, Don Fleming’s songs are catchy and arresting, but have little lasting impact--fleeting, if keen, pleasures.
1 “
Friday, May 2 I, 1993
Aunt Betty’s Rhubarb Pies presents The Tempest
by Dazvn BTWttWr special
Jeff Sweeey had an Aunt Betty who hated rhubarb pies, spent a lot of time in her housecoat, and died before the company was formed. That company, a stanling young children’s theatre troupe named in her honour, is known collectively as Aunt Betty’s Rhubarb Pies. They might just as well have named themselves Aunt Betty’s Rhu-bard Pies however, as t recently
& Salads
1 I 1
& Salads
And if you’re like me and have trouble following The Tempest without havingto constantly use forbidden Planet as a reference point, then you’ll find this production especially rewarding. I still have trouble following the plotlines, but at least with Aunt Betty’s you’ve now got the services of a hipwiggiling, jive-talking rapper named Rave Flave to help make some sense. I’ll admit it here and now. I was pretty skeptical about the whole thing. But I’d be lying if I didn’t mention that
Reach out, ._ and touch m-m,YAU,
to Have
Your Love Child Theatre of the Arts (UW Modern Languages Building) May 26-28
by Bernard Keameg Imprint s taf For some, summertime may mean that the livin’ is easy. The fish may be jumpin’ and the cotton (or tobacco) is high, but damn, that stuff needs to be picked and that’s what summer jobs are all about you pigdog SIAVE! Now get picking. For others (usually the dillweeds with parental-units far too liberal with their CIBC card), summertime may present
’ I 1
found out after catching their rambunctious interpretation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest at the K-W Little Theatre a few Saturday’s ago. !n Aunt Betty’s lively neo-version, life-sized puppets are the stars of the performance. With a motive of presenting lively theatre to children of all ages, these puppets .amuse, educate, and (best-of-all) charm their way into the hearts of everybody who loves a truly entertaining spectacle or cried for a month when jim Henson died.
Reach out someone.
the perfect opportunity to expand cultural horizons; travel to strange and wonderful lands to tantalize the-palate with unpronouncable delicacies. But not for me. On no sirreee! U h uh. Well, of course, I don’t mind, I mean, I’m above this sort of thing. It’s just that it’s hard to type with my scarred, calloused tar-stained fingers. Oh, wouldn’t it just be great if we could somehow marry the two? Work and travel? Sighhhhhh. David Cheoros, Kerry Garnier, Lindsay Price, and Mark McGrinder seem to be doing what I can only dream of. The four have mounted a theatrical production of Linda Carson’s Aiexanclef Graham Bell, I Want to Have your Lovechild, with the express intention of touring it across Canada (and, oh yeah, Indianapolis too), taking in all the fringe
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I damned-near laughed my guts out. You might too. Their next performance is at the King Value Centre, in the downtown K-town core, on Saturday June the 19th as part of Arts Fest Do yourself a favour and see this show. The puppets are amazing. Bring a kid along if you’re too shy to see it for yourself, but you must get out of your housecoat, slippers, shower-cap, whatever, and see The Tempest as it’s meant to be seen.
Vancouver, B.C. The “international” toirr kicks off next Wednesday with three performances here at UW’s very own Theatre of the Arts. Since the play only runs about fiky minutes or so, the troupe will be presenting a short companion piece entitled The Sex Life of Snuils, a work by Australian playwright, john Mulligan. After all, they have to somehow justify charging us ten bucks since there’s no nudity. Mark McGrinder, one of the terminally personable actors assures us that The Sex Life ofSnails is a sparkling comedy, one that examines the high costs of high infidelity. On Alexander Graham Bell. . . Mark comments, “it’s very episodic, kind of like film, in that it is very fast paced in scene to scene movement. It is light fare, entertaining, but I wouldn’t say that it is trivial or fluff. It still has something to say about communication and miscommunication in the nineties, especially with regards to technology and its ability to get in the way of peoples ability to relate.‘* He goes on to say that the play also involves telephones, revealing a side of phone sex not shown on latenite TV. “You know when you see these beautiful women on the commmercials and you always figure that it’s just not someone who fits the image? Well, we look at things like phone sex and tele-marketing. Although the play kind of mocks the whole act of phone soliciting, it also somehow gives a minorly sympathetic view of the person who is after all, just doing her job.” Commenting on the travelling aspect of the production, McGrinder says “since we are only travelling with four people, we don’t have a crew. We’re our own crew, so we do the poster runs, all the production work. The set will have to be minimal, for travel purposes, so don’t expect any chandeliers or rotating stages.” Lindsay Price, a co-actor pipes in “but we do have crashing dishes though!” To many UW students, director David Cheoros may be better recognized as the man responsible for last term’s immensly successful production of Unidentified Human Remains and the Noture of Love. David has since graduated from here, only to be accepted into the prestigious M.F.A. directing program at the University of Victoria. From what I understand, there is only one student accepted each year. “We’re all really excited about the opportunity to travel, professes McGrinder, “as well as the touring the various festivals.” When asked what he thinks about the plays themselves, he comments, “well, it’s really nice to do something light. My last few productions have been rather heavy.” Akxcmder Graham Bell I Wunt to l-fcwe Your Love Child opens on May 26, running night/y at 8, until the 28th. Tickers ore $ I 0 for hard working students, $ I2 for slackers. First FF, students to show up sporting celular phones willget 0 B+ in any course of their choosing.
Friday, May2 I, 1993, Imprint
Anagramsfor UzareTuzandZut by Jennifer Epps Imprint sta#
Life: A Memoir, Tobias Wolff sees through the eyes of a child but from the vantage point of a wise old man. He relates anecdotes with the most profound understanding; every fleeting psychological nuance is there, as in Baldwin. Robert Getchell’s
l&Z Directed by George Sluizer Playing
atthe Princess Cinema
tonight through Sunduy
Armin Mueller-Stahl’s face is delightfully expressive and leathery, yet we don’t see enough of it in Utz, despite fact he has the title role. Baron von Utz commits a political crime by hoarding rare porcelain figures in a little flat in Communist Prague. Since no-one is supposed to own more than their peers, this soft-spoken man’s passion offends the authorities; the state museum officials knock his treasures around carelessly when they come to monitor the milliondollar collection. Sluizer’s exploration of secretive obsession was terrifically devastating in his Dutch version of The Vanishing, but in this film, he crawls right inside the coffin and stays there. He has internalized his hero’s obsessiveness, and, collecting his favourite miniscule moments, believes he can make a movie by putting them together. Viewers are shut out of this atmosphere: Sluizer keeps cutting away before we get what it is he wants us to see. Occasionally, one of Sluizer’s pieces catches the light and we’re mesmerized: there’s a fabulous idyll between a girl and her goose, for instance. Brenda Fricker and Paul Scofield are also fiercely watchable whether they have lines or not, and the surprises that start building at the end of the film, as American businessman Marius Fischer (Peter Riegert) uncovers the mystery of Utz’s life, make us rather glad we stuck it out Ultimately, however, the film’s gentleness is no match for its Old World snobbishness. We’re meant to look down on the ruffians who have no respect for art.
This Boy’s Life Directed by Michoe/ Caton-jones In his fabulously
1989 This Boy’s
screenplay adaptation is so sloppy he must have merely skimmed the book, transcribing sections at random without a thought to how they began or ended. He and Caton-Jones preserve the scene where Toby’s step-father, Dwight (Robert DeNiro), takes the teen’s paper-route money and buys an ugly, undesired dog, but they overlook the fact that animal-loving Toby (Leonardo DiCaprio) flew into a frenzy and beat the creature. We see that Dwight forced Toby to spend evenings shelling chestnuts, but we are not informed that Dwight then left the product of all this labour to rot in the attic--together with a beaver that he deliberately ran over. All this oversight results in whitewashing. Toby’s hardships become entertaining--the Dickensian horror of being a powerless child is completely gone. Director Caton-Jones is afraid of Wolff s fearless observations of adult cruelty and abuse of power; he speeds through Toby’s ordeal saying “Don’t look.” Similarly, Dwight is diminished. Though DeNiro tries to delve into the sludge of his role, the film keeps telling us that he’s
just a big kid, and that the other
way superior. We can’t figure out why Caroline, Toby’s mother (Ellen Barkin). endures Dwight: the filmmakers invent a sex scene in which he brutally sodomizes her on their Honeymoon (clearlyaviolation ofthe boy’s eyeview), yet don’t bother to mention the times Dwight forbad Caroline at knife-point against leaving. The most glaring omission is Toby’s anger. Wolff’s book is about a mother and boy in deep dysfunction long before tyrant Dwight’s entrance, but DiCaprio’s cherubic face never allows us to believe in Toby’s delinquency. His years-long identity crisis comes off as superficial, external. And Caton-Jones doesn’t have a clue what to do with Jonah Blechman’s brazen performance as Toby’s effeminate friend.
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SCHOLARSHIPS I Applications are now being accepted for the following awards. The application deadline is June 25 unless otherwise stated. Detailed information on these and other awards can be found in Chapter 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar. Applications are available from the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall. Faculty of Engineering J-P. Bickell Bursary, available to all chemical engineering students. Deadline:May 31 J993. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship, available to ali engineering students. Deadline: September. 30, 1993. Keith Carr Memorial Award, available to 3A or 4A chemical engineering students. Deadline: May 31, 1993. A.C. Neilsen Company of Canada Ltd. Bursary, available to 1 B computer engineering students. Deadline: May 31, 1993. Shell Canada Ltd. Award, available to 3rd or 4th year engineering students. Deadline: September 30. 1993. Suncor Bursaries, available to all chemical and mechanical engineering students. Deadline: May 31, 1993. Faculty of Mathematics AC Neilson Company of Canada Ltd. Bursary, available to 1B Computer science students. Deadline: May 31, 1993. Shell Canada, available to 3rd or 4th year computer science students. Deadline: September 30, 1993. Sun Life of Canada Award, available to 28 actuarial science students. Faculty of Science J.P. Bickell Bursary, available to earth science students. Deadline: May 31, 1993. Bilogy Club Bursary, available to all biology students. Deadline: May 31, 1993. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship, available to 26 earth science Stud8ntS. Faculty of Arts Arts Student Union Award, available to all undergraduate Arts students who are actively involved in University Student Affairs with a minimum overall average of 70%. Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Mark Forster Memorial Award, available to 3rd and 4th year kinesiology students, Deadline: January 1994. Ron May Memorial Award, available to 3rd or 4th year recreation students. Deadline: October 15, 1993.
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& announc ---- __-Faculty-of Erivironmefital Stu&l%s Marcel Peguegnat Scholarship, available to 3rd year regular or 3B co-op planning students. All Faculties Tom York Memorial Award, requires submission of an essay of approximately2,500 words to St. Paul’s
Nominations are requested for the following seat on the University Senate, to be filled by by-election. At least three (3) nominators are required in each case: One (1) graduate student representative to Senate, term to April 30,1995. Nominations should be sent to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariat, Needles Hall 3060, no later than 3 p.m. Wed. May 26,1993. An election will follow if necessary. Nomination forms and info from the Secretariat. extension 6125. the Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo offers confidential peer counsellina. Call 884-GLOW for information, birection, or jusi to talk. Career Hesource Centre - tvenlng Hours: Open every Wednesday till 7:00 p.m.. Research: employers, careers, work/study abroad or educatibnal op Dortunities.
Canada Employyment Centre for Students - Open House May 3lst, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. at 207 King Street West, Kitchener. Call 744-8151 for information four the Sights; earn academic credit. 1ravel/ study program in Germany, Belgium and the new Czech Republic. The trip begins Friday, Aug. 13 and ends Monday, Aug. 30. Call Continuing Education, 888-4002 for further information. smoking photo contest local winners for 1993 are Marg Werden, Jean McMahon, Helen Straus 8 Tom Yurkiw. World No Tobacco Day takes place on May 31 to encourage awareness of the need for a tobacco-free society & to encourage tobacco users to quit for at least 24 hours i t COUNSELLING SERVICES SPRING WORKSHOPS
United College.
Monday, May 31: introduction to self assessment, $z30 - 430 yrn. uesday, &ne 1: job search I, 9:30 - IO:00 a.m.; job search 11,1O:OO - It:30 a.m.; interview skills, 3:30 - 4:30 P.M.
MONDAYS UPSTAGE is beginning a series of informal play readings for the spring term. One and all invited, Monday, May 10 at 7:OO p.m. , Campus Centre, room 135. MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS “There is nothing worse than a student with a camera.” Come and see what WATfilm is all about. Meetings at 7:30 p.m. in CC1 38A, or call Phil at 7256401- . TUESDAYS GLLOW Discussion Group: an open discussion . All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other supportive people welcome. UW Modern Languages, room 104, 7:30 p.m. Call 884-4569 for information. bagel Brunch, hosted by the Waterloo Jewish Students Association, from 1 I :30 to 1:30 in CC1 10. Universtiy Choir rehersal, Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:OO p.m. For info calt Music Dept at 885-0220, x226. WEDNESDAYS UW House of Debates meets every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in Phys 313. We debate everything from the muppets to the war in Bosnia. Everyone welcome, especially novices. For more detail contact lrit at 725-8890 or Eugene at 725-5970. kItefIrers of Waterloo, Unite! Come out to the Columbia Fields to fly stunters, rokakkus, indian fighters and even single line deltas. Every windy Wednesday from II:00 a.m. onwards, weather permitting. For info call 884-2157. -
Perfection on Paper - Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 8863857.
Venture Capitalist will provide seed money to students who are developing promising software programs. For further information call (416) 3667758 or write with proposal and resume to “Ceyx ProperIi& Ltd., 701 King St. W. Suite #403, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2W7.”
Mexico-US-Canada : Recent grad with mo,torhome seeks travel mates. You decide where! Reasonably priced. Call Eric (607) 723-1403.
$40.00 cash! I All students are invited to oarticioate in a Hemodynamic Response Study. It ohly takes a few hours, -is here on-campus, and there is no exercising required! Help fuither science and call Caroline now at 885-1211, ext. 6786. 2 Bedroom apartments available immediately. Near University campus 10 Austin Drive (Waterloo). Call Bill: 886-2123 (super}.
i’o register for these workshops, call ext. 2655, NH 2080. All workshops in NH1020 unless otherwise stated. Tuesday, May 25: resume writing, 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.: letter writing, t2:30 - I:30 p.m.; re-
Infertility among Canadian men is rising. As a result many young couples could be denied the chance to have children. If you are a male between 18 and 30 years of age, have humanitarian instincts, and would consider being a sperm donor, write us, or phone weekdays between 2:00 and 400 p.m. for further information. All inquiries are held in strictest confidence. Suitable expense reimbursement for successful candidates is guaranteed.
- 12:30 p.m:;;esume critiquing, 2:30 - 4;30 p.m. Thursday, May 27: introduction to career planning and job search, l1:30a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; information intenriew, 12:30 - I :3O p.m.
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