
Page 1





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Monda - Wednesday 10:0&m - 6:OOpm Thursday - Friday 10:OOam - 8:OOpm Saturda tO:OOam - 5:ii Opm


IMPRINT Campus Centre, Room University of Waterloo Waterloo,




3G I


UW planning

Friday, January 7,1994 Volume 16, Number 21 ISSN

by Ken hnpdnt



Ancilliary fee, new 9 11 line, Safety van update, OHIP cancellation and Manulife feels philanthropic


s- ii

A bunch of stupid people whine about dumb things

features Prague!




12 - 14

What a country! country.

We love this



Microchip technology on the rise getting better all the time

16 - 23


Hockey double-header this weekend, pg. 16. OUAA West preview



Blur, Blind Melon suck Lemons, Iron Maiden, Jesus Lizard, Blue Rodeo and a bunch of other stupid crap.

EditoriaI\Boara Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assitant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Ken 8ryson vacant vacant vacant


Bryson stafi

Students at the University of will soon see their fee statements include brand new fees

covering existing student sewices, running up to as much as $ IO0 per term. Having studied the idea for over six months, UW will collect the fees to regain moneys spent on student services which are deemed ancillary to the, ,university’s primary mandate of education and research. Such non-academic services as campus recreation, the english language proficiency program, career services, and counselling services are some services likely to be charged back to students through the new fee. Although planning for the ancillary fee has not yet reached the Board of Governors, the “ancillary fee committee,” made up of Federation president Catherine Coleman, Graduate Student Association (GSA) president Duncan Phillips and various representatives of UW administration, has studied possible options and will present their report to the Board within the next months. While Coleman expresses reservations over the creation of the new fee, she has resigned herself to their inevitability. “We [the students] don’t have much choice,*’ she says, adding that

she joined the committee in order to be part of the decision making process. “If we didn’t [join the committee] then the decision would be made without us.”

vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant

General Advertising


Laurie Tiger-t-Dumas



Proof Reader


. tors Board ofDlrec President Vice President

Secretary/Treasurer Directors-at-Large

Sandy Atwal Natalie Onuska Gillian O’Hagan Cheryl Costello



Chris Aldworth, Greg Andruszczenko, Sandy Atwal, Tammy Bender, Carole Brown, Peter Brown, Jeff Chard, Catherine Coleman, Cheryl Costello, Ken Craig, Claudia Ecsedi, Kieran Green, Peter Hoflich, Tasha Lackman, Sharon Little, Jack tefcourt, Daryl Novak, Dudley Novak, Pat Merlihan, Terry Moore, Nicholas Mew, Angela Mulholland, Craig Nickerson, Rich Nichol, Gillian O’Hagan, Kat Piro, Jennifer A. Pure, Jeff Rasmussen, Chris Robinson, Khaled Sharaf , Donna Stechey, Trevor Stewart, Lisa Unrau, Jane Varley, Jeff Warner, Derek Weiler, Bob Whitton, Radomir (Brad) Zak. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. .lt is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without sharecapital.Imprint isamemberof theontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@watsetvl .uwaterloo.ca.

vided by the university, the committee follows the philosophy that if an activity is not required to deliver essential academic service, then the costs should normally be recovered from studenu. The fee will affect both full and part-time undergraduate and graduate students on campus, and will be set annually based on expenses reported from the last fiscal year. Part-time students will pay thirty per cent of the full fee, which will be phased in over three years. Regarding her participation in the ancillary fee committee, Coleman feels that she and graduate student president Phillips are being heard by the university representatives, citing both counselling services and student awards administration as examples of where they have argued against new fees. While student involvement in the committee has been limited until now, an advisory committee will be struck in the next few months to be comprised of half students and half university officials. This committee will consult the student body and advise the ancillary cornmittee on any proposed changes. For now, both Coleman and Phillips are working to gain input from other students, planning to bring up the issue at various levels of student government and with other student leaders. Only Phillips has met with resistance so far from other students. Student senator and GSA board

member Gamal Ahmed charged Phillips at a December GSA board meeting with not consulting the board or executive before joining the ancillary fee committee. Phillips, however, disputes Ahmed’s charges, stating that he brought up the issue to the GSA on at least two occasions since last May.

Ancillary by Ken Imprint

The ancillary fee committee will be presenting its report to the Board of Governor executive committee in time for the April Board of Governors meeting. Implementation of the new fees will take place in the fall term of 1994. It remains to be seen, however, just what form the fees will take and which services will be charged for.


Bnpon staff

Although only two Ontario universities have implemented ancillary fees to the extent that UW plans to, those being the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and the University of Toronto (UT), every university has some degree of ancillary fees. Much like other universities, we here at UW already pay for such “non-academic” services as co-op education cost, athletics, our health insurance plans. Both UWO and UT, however, have begun a precedent setting process by which universities will start to look for extra funding through such student services fees, While UW students are looking at a $ IO0 per term increase in ancillary fees, both UWO and UT charge and extra $I 50 to $200 per term. Queen’s university is also looking at fees of around $200. And the trend will likely continue across the province as the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) is recommending to their member universities that this form of funding be pursued. In a January

in Ontario

report, COU recommended “that all institutions consider &l available opportunities for the reduction of net subsidies to student services,” of which ancillary fees is a main portion.


to the report,


tario universities subsidize student services up to I5 per cent of tuition levels and could theoretically charge over $42 million to students to increase funds. One university, however, has not taken to ancillary fees the way UWO, UT and UW have. The University of Guelph last year signed an agreement with their student governments that no new ancillary fees would be implemented for five years without a referendum to consult students passing the

fee. The Ministry of Education has also set down only certain instances in which ancillary fees can be charged to students, based mostly on whether the service is tuition related. Only non-academic services may be charged to students, including such fees as coop administration, student activities, athletic fees, and costs of transcripts and graduation, among others. Watch for more on ancillary fees at UW in the next issue of Imprint.

Fall 1993 - All the news that we saw fitto print


vacant Vivian Tambeau

Deciding which student services can be charged back to students and which should be pro-


Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant

new student fees for fall

by Claudia Ecsedi Tummy Bender special to Imprint

rankings for faculty with PhDs and student services, and was within the top five in I3 of the 22 categories present.

und L

Oh what a term it has been! Here’s the low down on some of goodies that happened from September to December.


7-l 0


October -_


1993 mm.

arises at Federation


of IStudents

nual general meetinn. as the Gen Issues Board is disputed and by-law I1 iE -Bmam&wl After last May’s controve appointment of a m&e as chair of the board, it was agreed upon that there should be two co-chairs to head the Gender Issues Board instead of one single chair. The majority voted that both males and females should be represented on the board. P-




(need we say more! )



November 12, I993 a statement is released by the University of New Brunswick on the controversial opinion of date rape by Professor Matin Yaqzan, a math and. statistics professor at UN& Yaqzan was suspended from teaching at the university for expressing comments in the university newspaper that date rape is an acceptable release of male sexual tension. Other comments made by Yaqzan include that young men require frequent sexual intercourse b) age I7 or 18, and that “promiscuou: girls” who are raped should demanc monetary compensation, not express moral outrage. (See related story on page 7.)





October 26, I993 Liberal leader Jean Chretien defeated Progressive Conservative leader Kim Campbell by a crushing landslide to become Canada’s 19th Prime Minister. The Conservatives, Canada’s ruling party for the past nine years are humiliated, and reduced to only 2 seats in the House of Commons. Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell fails to win her own seat. The Bloc Quebecois take al-



at the destruction

of the Conservative


most all of Quebec’s seats to become the official opposition, destroying the Conservatives’ official party status. The Reform paw also makes

magazine’s ranking of Canadian universities in the comprehensive universities category. Ranking was based on in-depth analysis of academic, financial, and

a strong






Parliament’s seats in Western Canada. The NDP were relegated to a mere I2 members. November 8, 1993 UW falls to second place overall behind Simon Fraser University in Maclean%






grade of frosh,

class sizes, operating budget, and library rem sources. UW placed first in its category in proportion of students who graduate, student awards, and repu-. tation.

UW also received second place

November 16, 1993 UW receives a visit from a 380 year old tree stump from Clayoquot Sound in British Columbia. The Western Canadz Wilderness Committee went on 2 cross-Canada tour bringing the stump to major cities and universities in the country






efforts to save Clayoquot Sound from further clear-cuttini. “I . The destruction of Clayoquo, Sound has been a bqeat subject o debate since April of 1993, when the NDP government of B.C. allowed the clear-cutting of its trees to continue





januaty 7, 1994

Ontario plannhg to cancel OHIP coverage for foreign students by Kierun Green Imprint stuff The Ontario Ministry of Health is trying to save money, at the expense of international students. In order to meet Social Contract cost cutting requirements, the Ontario Ministry’of Health has devised a plan to cancel the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) coverage for all non-permanent residents in Ontario, Nonpermanent residents are foreign citizens living in Canada on a temporary basis, a category which includes international students.

5 Princhs

The Ministry of Health is taking advantage of the fact that the Canada Health Act does not legally oblige provm inces to cover norKanadians. Presently, five provinces do not provide health coverage to non-permanent residents. Ontario student organisations, however, believe that the plan may not be the answer, economically or socially. Emechete Onuoha, Ontario chairperson for the Canadian Federation of Students, believes that the cost of getting alternative health coverage would deter international students from less

affluent nations from enrolling tario institutions.

tional Graduate Student Committee at UW, the NDP plan could force international students already studying in Canada to drop out and return home. Lopez-Ortiz sees broad ramifications for Canada should the plan be implemented. He believes that the different viewpoints and new ideas that international student bring would be lost “Having international studen& in

8 New UK Imports Every . Week 8 Lots of Alternative/Indie. Music PLUS Posters, T-Shirts & Chapeaux


Canada is good for Canada. It is for the benefit of Canada, it enriches Canadian education,” argues

moneythan international swdens bring in.” It is unsure when the Ministry of Health will publicly announce the plan, but it is expected that the announcement will come in early January. The Executive Director of the Health Insurance Division of the ministry, Marsha Barnes, promised at a meeting with CFS-0 and international students on December 20 that ample warning will be provided before the announcement is made. Barnes also promised to recommend to the deputy minister of health that consultations be held with CFS-0 and international students before the plan is finalised. ‘We look forward to further consultations with you (CFS-0 and international students) in the new year,” Barnes said.

mated four million dollars. Onuoha argues that the economic benefits brought by international students far out-

“International students are a drop in the bucket as br as the government is concerned,” stated Onuoha. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that four million dollars is less

ne improves campus safety

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HOURS: Mon. to Sat. 12 noon-9 p.m. (7 p.m. on Mon.) Sunday - closed

in On-



The University of Waterloo’s telephone services inaugurated a new service last month designed to cut down on emergency response times. The “Private 9 I I” Bell Canada - service is featured on all university extension numbers, located in offices and public areas.. ‘When a caller reports an emerw gency by dialing 9 I I, the UW police will know immediately where the call originates,” said Joan Wiley, manager of telephone services. “This knowledge is vital to save on emergency response times.” The UW police will then be able to direct the emergency response units

We Make You Spoiled For Charbroiled!

-ambulance, fire department, Waterloo regional police - to the exact locatiOn on the university campus. It works this way: when someone dials 91 I, an alarm will ring in a computer in the UW police office, locating the call’s origin as well as indicating whether any cornbustible or hazardous materials are stored in the vicinity. The new service is the first one to be installed at a university in Bell Canada territory, Wiley said, adding that in the future it can be used by any company or any institution which is also equipped with a

private switchboard. Earlier last year, in another service improvement, UW’s telephone services added a safety feature to all pay telephones on campus. A single button key was installed for direct access to the UW police at no cost to users. In other words, callers do not have to deposit a coin to reach the campus police at 888-49 I I. Also, Bell Ontario Public Communications Services replaced all pay telephones on the UW campus with new Millennium sets, featuring visual and voice prompts.

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14% Tuition increase near by Tasha

Itnprint lo&


stqff forward

to paying more for

university education in the near future. Over the past four years there have been very high tuition increases, and the proposed 14% tuition increase for the next two years proposed by the NDP is no exception. “This is not just another tuition fee incrcse... it comes at a time when there are no jobs, no part time jobs and no (government) grants,” according to Liberal Paq critic for colleges and universities Dalton McGuinty. “This tuition increase would have grave accumulative impacts, restricting many from a higher education.” Ideally, tuition should increase at the same rate as inflation, but over the past four years inflation has been two or three per cent a year, and tuition has been increasing by about 7%. “Post-secondary education is going out of reach for most working people and their families. When the government responds to a funding crisis by raising tuition fees, it only serves the interests ofthe wealthy,” said David Rapaport, Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) vice president and Ministry of Education employee, Since the NDP has been in office tuition has already increased by 22%. This may be acceptable if students were

by Catherine


receiving more for their higher tuitions, but in the opinion of Linda Kernohan, president of OPSEU Local 365 representing Trent University, students are receiving less but paying more. “It is unfair to keep laying universities’ financial problems on the backs of students,” commented McCuinty, although he was not specific as to exactly how much of tuition students should pay. Presently students in Ontario are paying for about 22% of the cost of their education, which is quite low according to McGuinty. “We are not rulling out the possibility that tuition fees are the way to go,‘* said a Liberal source. However, first the efficiency of the use of the money should be analysed and universities should attempt to do more with less. According to Lib&al sources it will soon be increasingly difficult for many to find jobs because of their lack of training, and there will be a lack of skilled workers. “Experts tell us that this country is going to have to compete on the basis of brain power... our greatest resource is not found beneath our feet.. but between our ears,” said McGui nty. The decision to hike tuition fees will most likely be finalized by the Provincial government on January 2 I.


For those of you willing to brave the cold temperatures this month, Fed Hall and the Bombshelter feature The Dervishes with guests Gypsy Soul, Hemmingway Corner, Lowest of the Low, Rawlins Cross with guest Scott Deneau, and The Odds with Rhymes with Orange. All tickets $6. Check with the Fed ofice for details. The Student Directed Endowment Fund has $40 000 this term for projects that improve safety, accessibility, or quality of student life on campus. Your $ IO/term for the past five terms is being used to build up this endowment fund. Anyone may make a request for funding; a call for submissions will follow shortly. All undergrads shouldknow that

the university is considering charging a new fee to students to cover the costs of non-academic services such as Safety, Athletics, Financial Aid Administration, Health and Safety, and Personal Counselling @ease see a half-page letter to students in this issue.) The undergraduate fee would be approximately $96 per term. If students pay for most or all of a service, then students should govern how that service will operate. For example, if students pay the costs associated with intramural athletics then the choices about that department should be made by students. All opinions and questions about this topic are welcome and I am always happy to answer questions. I am available in the Federation of Students office in the Campus Centre.

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Spe*ed read needed indeed

L. W, Foster seminars special to Imprint Anyone who has to meet deadlines at school, in business, or in the professions knows the dillemaof trying to gather and process information as quickly as possible in order to be successful in achieving better grades, getting that crucial contract, or making critical decisions for the welfare of others. As we all know, there is a constant flow of information from many sources that must be read, comprehended and prioritized for action. In this Age of Information, reading is an important part of any occupation. This is why we need to develop new ways of coping with and digesting information which comes to us through high-speed technology and telecommunications. An excellent way to manage this task is to learn the skill of speed reading.The average peson reads between I50 to 250 words per minute with 40 to 60 per cent comprehension. Imagine reading at an average speed of 1000 words per minute with 75 to 80 per cent comprehension. Most people, however, are capable of attaining words per minute rates of 1500 to 2000 with the same, or better, rate of comprehension. How does a person learn to do this? Like everything else, it takes instruction, a little time, and practice to achieve the best results. Larry Foster of LW. Foster Seminars in Kitchener is the expert when it comes to understanding how people learn to read. A teacher with the Waterloo Countr)r Board of Education for the past 20 years, Larry saw a need for developing a program which would improve the reading skills of busy people. Larry realized that much of the time we spend reading can be shotiened if we first understand the basic obstacles to reading faster. As children, we are taught to read aloud, and then to “read aloud silently.” This is called subvocalization, and we waste time saying the world

silently to ourselves. This distracts and impedes the flow of information. Our mind wanders to another thought process. We miss words or the meanings of those words and go back to re-read the material. This breaks the rhythm of reading and our comprehension of the material. In other words, we hll into the habit of “regression.” With these facts in mind, Larry developed the speed reading program “Mastering the Age of Information.” Thirteen years ago, he began teaching this program to university students, business people and professionals with excellent results. Now, to help manage time-more effectivelytw. Foster Seminars offers a two-hour seminar with a


five-week home instruction cassette package which allows people to learn this skill at their own pace. As Larry says, the skill of speed reading does not come as quckly as today’s information. Initially, learning to speed read requires some effort and a determination to practice. In time, however, it becomes an unconscious habit and the payoffs are worthwhile in saved time, memory improvement and increased comprehension. Seminars in speed reading are being given in Januaty at the University of Waterloo and the University of Western Ontario. If you are interested in registering for a two-hour course, contact the Federation of Students.

NEW 1994 HOURS: to Saturday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday noon - 5 p.m.




McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education


january 7, I994

The City of Waterloo and our community welcome you to-Waterloo! Living away from home can be an exciting experience. A new community means new friends, new places to go and no parental supervision! No supervision sometimes leads to: loud parties - parking on lawns and boulevards - a build-up of garbage and junk where it doesn’t belong. The City has by-laws which regulate or prohibit these matters and they are enforced on a consistent basis. As you may be new to our community, we want you to be aware of these by-laws before you find yourself in conflict with your new community. The City of WatertooTraffic By-law #83-i 9 does not allow overnight parking on City streets between 2:30 a.m and 6:00 a.m. This by-law also restricts parking on all City streets to a maximum of three consecutive hours unless signed for a shorter duration. Signage advertising these parking restrictions is located on the main streets entering the City of Waterloo. YOU have chosen our universities because they are well respected and they chose YOU because you have a lot to offerm It is your responsibility to keep your university and our City .proud of its students.




friday, january 7, I994

N anulife pledges WC 0 000 to students fmm UWNws


He praised Manulife’s generous students in their efforts to be benevolent Manulife’s involvement is even more welcome as the company has offices around the world, making it possible to provide a “mentor” relationship to assist many CWS participants for such things as finding accommodation and support, said program director David John, associate dean of arts. The idea of students leaving the comfort of home and campus to do service work abroad is not a new one, but the idea of the university officially recognizing those students with scholarships and academic credit is, said Brian Hendley, UW’s dean of arts. “Part of a liberal education should be an awareness of, training for and practice in community service. The time had come to evolve our co-op system away from the ‘normal’ job market into the social service dimen-

gift to support

Manulife Financial has pledged $100,000 to support the University of Waterloo’s Community and World Service (CWS) Co-op program in which students spend avoluntary unpaid work term with a social service organization. The Manulife donation to Campaign Waterloo amounts to $20,000 annually for five years with interest from the fund being used for program scholarships. This is to support the students who aregiving their time and efforts for no pay duringafour-month workterm. The innovative CWS project allows six to eight arts co-op students to assist non-profit agencies locally and abroad. As examples, the program launched last year has involved students working with African refugees in Cairo; at a Russian orphanage helping mentally handicapped children; an Ontario residential treatment centre for adults with emotional and physical handicaps; and at a local church. The Manulife Financial Community and World Service Scholarship Fund will pay the tuition fees for the next academic term to the students who volunteer to provide this valuable service at home and abroad, said UW president James Downey.


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The program has six “pioneers” who received no scholarship money and agreed to let their stories be told, John said. They are: Brent Faber &ho had work terms with the Mennonite Central Committee launching Habitat for Humanity in Edmonton to build and renovate houses

Julia Farguhar with terms with MATCH International Centre, a feminist, non-profit international development agency, in Ottawa; and now employed






and Regional Conflict


Angela Heeds who worked volunteer


in Costa Rica with International.

Dorothy Mennonite

as a Youth

Isaac who assisted the in St. Paul,

Relief Foundation

Minnesota, Rhonda Mathews who spent four months in Mali, West Africa with the Gospel Missionary Union. Lisa Schmidt who worked as program developer for seniors with the Wilmot Centre Missionary Church. David john and Brian Hendley



potential in the Manulife in encouraging others to

contribution follow suit with support to allow more students to take part, as well as the potential for the program expanding to include students from other UW facul-


Your ticket to the .,Safety Van

HAPPY HOUR MENU Available 4-6 p.m. at the BAR ONLY

sion,” he said.

for the homeless; and “l-lands Across a building project in the 8orders,” Tijuana, Mexico.


bg Camle Brown Special to Imprint It has occured to the drivers of the safety van that there are several students who do not understand how to use the safety van service. It would seem that many have had to rely on word of mouth to understand it in the


An Armxicckhlicm


As a result, this article has been’ to clearly explain how to use the van, as well as to address some of




Gymnastics background with excellent communications skills and the ability to relate to children of all ages is required. Day, evening and weekend classes on a part-time basis, ~.




During office hours: to Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

the concerns regarding the service. In order to get the safety van, one must go to the Campus Centre (CC). The service begins at 545 p.m. It runs every 45 minutes until I :00 a.m. Each run alternates between Keatsway or Sunnydale (see map below) meaning the van will initially head in either offhese two directions. Those who live in the Uptown area will most likely be dropped ofl in the middle of a run. If you are female, you may request a priority pass at the turnkey desk. There are I4 priority passes per run. If male, you should periodically check with the turnkeys on how many priority passes are left. This will indicate the number of available seats on the van for the next run. Occasionally, there may be a map at the desk so females can place an “X” for where they live. It 1s recommended that everyone remain the Great Hall of the CC five minutes before a run so that they may hear the driver announce his/her departure. When this announcement has been made, all pasengers should follow the driver through the exit closest to the turnkey desk which leads to ring road. The driver wil check that every one has marked the map while collecting the passes. At this point, the male passengers should give their destina-


The mfety


is there

for your


A driver will request the destinations of all the passengers throughout a run if he/she is not using a map. It is best to simply give the nearest intersection to your destination when responding. This is where you will be dropped off unless time permits the driver to bring you closer. This is more likely to occur during the weekend when the van is not as busy - males should note this since they are more likely to receive a ride. If a driver fails to make a stop, do not hesistate to speak out for occaisionally s/he may forget or fail to hear your request. Likewise, do not be afraid to ask a driver to bring you closer to 7our home if it would appear there are few passengers to be dropped off. Males should keep in mind that they are welcome to make use of the service, but that females and injured persons will be given priority. The threat to a female’s safety greatly outweighs

that of a male’s during the nighttime. Both males and females should keep in mind that the van can be used for a safe ride home, whether they are returning from a night clas or the Bombshelter. Yet part of receiving a safe ride home is the absence of harrassment. Therefore, those who plan to take the van when returning from a campus bar should monitor their behaviour when doing so. A drunk or uncontrollable passenger who poses a danger to others can be refused a ride or asked to get off. Input on this issue would be appreciated in order to decise measures which meet the concerns of all students. At the same time, everyone is reminded thatthey may contribute their complaints or compliments to the safety van sugestion box found at the turnkey desk (it’s the pink shoebox.) Happy riding!


friday, january 7, 1994

iron Warrior in big trouble. v


Journalism option at UW Unrau to Imprint

Fred Harris, Conestoga College’s chair of applied arts. Students enrolled in the option will be required to take Introduction to Computer Usage,, Critical Thinking, and The Uses and Abuses of Statistics, and to choose two from various courses in Political Science, Sociology, Economics, and Canadian Studies. The courses at Conestoga College will deal mainly with the technical elements of jour= nalism - research .

Beginning in September 1995, the UWIConestoga College Print Journalism Option will be available to Waterloo undergrads in a major program. It will “meld the academic programs of the university with the practical components of the college,” according to UW president James Downey. Accepting only I5 applicants in its first year, the proOption hoped to ~~pL?ZYJZ~ gram will enable students to obtain both their degree production. The option and a journalism diploma in also includes a one four rather month practical than five years (or five rather than six workterm, applyingthe newly acquired skills at a newspaper in the area. years for an honoun program). Aimed at first year students in Co-operation between Universivarious majors (maths and sciences as ties and Colleges in Ontario is a trend with many positive implications for well as humanities), the option seeks to education, and does not burden either foster what Arnold Ages, the UW director, calls “educated journalists.” of the insitutions with extra cost Delibemtions began in 1990 beSaid Downey, “We hope the optween the UW faculty headed by Peter tion will serve as a model for future coWoolstencroft and Gary Griffin and operation between UW and Conestoga the Conestoga College Journalism Print College.” Option advisory committee, chaired by the KW Record’s Joe Sinasac. An academic board of 8 members Conestoga College also offers ESL will administer the option with repretraining for Uw’s international stusentatives from both schools. Arnold dents, and other joint ventures are being considered. Ages, will be on the board as well as

journalists I1


Feds join business consortium by Jeff

Imprint bg Lisa special


Warner stqg

General Manager. All positions are a one year,]uly I to June 30 term, and elections will be held during annual general meetings each June. The executive director will be based at UW for the present, due to UW’s proximity to Toronto. The annual member fee will go directly towards this salary and office expenses. Interest in the CCBC is national, with ten student unions the “founding members”: UBC, Alberta, Manitoba, Western, WLU, Brock, Queen’s, Dalhousie, McGill, and UW. Other student universities are also interested, said Federation vice president, operations and finance, George Van Nooten, even though information about the CCBC has only been spread by word of mouth. “[A] couple of schools have called me and asked what it’s abou&*’ added Coleman, and noted that a national ad in the Globe and m should help stir more interest

Last month the UW Federation of Students approved spending $ 7,824 for membership in the Canadian Campus Business Consortium (CCBC), a ten-university business organisation. Designed to reduce student union business costs, the CCBC will negotiate contracts with suppliers and then offer member student unions that group rate. There is no obligation to use a CCBC contract, and student unions are free to pursue unilateral contracts. The initial concept, according to Catherine Coleman, Federation president, was developed informally by student union general managers and past executives. It has since gained a large amount of interest from various universities, and been defined to suit the interests and needs of prospective member student unions. One of the most important decisions, according to Coleman, was deciding the structure of the CCBC: numerous universities, including UW, were afmid of a Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)-style organisation with both political and business interests. The CCBC is designed to be strictly business-oriented, and deliberately avoids the CFS model. In its present structure, a still-tobe-chosen executive director will make business contacts and negotiate contracts under the supervision of six directors. The directors, three students and ttrree student union general managers, were chosen in November and include Bob Sproule, the UW Fed’s


Each member union will have the option of accepting the CCBC negotiated prices and contracts. Coleman claims that this means, in pa- that student unions will no longer need to “piggy-back” on university administrations’ contacts to get cheaper prices. The unions, however, may have to “wait out” their current contracts before’renegotiating better ones through the CCBC. Nonetheless, the Feds are expecting that the CCBC will provide some almost immediate returns. By working through the organization, they hope to raise the gross revenue from national advertising in student handbooks from $ 0.20 a book to $ 5.00 a book -- a 2500% increase. As ye& the CFS has not reacted to the CCBC, which in part competes with its business activities. Seven of the ten universities currently involved are former CFS members. s

Yaqzan Imprint


The Association of the University of New Brunswick Teachers and the University of New Brunswick administration have confirmed the early retirement of Martin Yaqzan. The early retirement was an option available to him under the terms of the collective agreement between the Association and the university. The terms of any available re-


retires tirement are confidential, and both the university and Yaqzan have agreed that they will make no further comment. Yaqzan was the mathematics and statistics professor at UNB who came under fire for a date rape article that many people found offensive. Yaqzan had suggested that “promiscuous girls” demand monetary compensation for unwanted sexual experiences.




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Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community’to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters’, and other articles in these pages are strictly those cf the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.





here is a funny cartoon the Feds like to have in their offices - that of a Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) dinosaur copulating with (or buggering - it’s unclear) an Ontario federation of Students dinosaur. This is funny to the Ontario Undergraduate Student AHiance (OUSA) friendly Feds. What is more funny however, and what the Feds fail to notice, is-the Iittte OUSA dinosaur, so little you can hardly see it. But if you look you will notice that the OFS dinosaur is actually standing on the tale of the OUSA dinosaur. The Feds interpretation of this comic must be something like CFS and OFS are involved in some kind of incestuous relationship. However, with the new OUSA twist, we find that OUSA is failing to break free of it’s predecessor dino parents. And why is OUSA failing in its mandate, failing to break free? Simply because it is too small and too unorganized a dinosaur to make it. When OUSA first hit the student political scene in I992 they were hailed as the new, realistic minded student group. They tackled one issue, funding, and made concessions to the government and universities to get what they wanted. Needless to say, after a year and a half, things are pretty much the same. And now OUSA has their new proposal out ‘In the public interest,” in which they list off more policies they wish to be implemented and more government/university policies they want changed. One of those university policies they particularly don’t like, is ancillary fees - thei come flat out against ancil Iary fees, claiming that if the government would make the funding increases OUSA recommends, then ancillary fees won’t be necessary. They also claim that ancillary fees are simply a back door way to raise tuition, which is true. However, what is interesting in OUSA’s new report, is that they are demanding things, they are not starting their discussion with the government at a point where they have already conceded much of what they have to bargain with, as they did regarding tuition fees. This is interesting because the very reason the members of OUSA left OFS is because OFS was too demanding and unrealistic in their demands on government and universities. Now it seems that OUSA has realized the value of those qualities. Which makes it even more distressing when we see our own Fed president, Catherine Coleman, not following the OUSAlOFS example of hard bargaining, choosing instead to join up with UW to discuss the possibilities of ancillary fees here.

While she would argue that the war is already lost to ancillary fees and that we might as well win a few battles, more could be gained by standing adamantly against new ancillary fees and demanding a broad based, student oriented approach to tackling the problem. While UT and UWO have succumbed to their administrations and accepted new fees, UW could follow the example set by the University of Cuelph, where the students have control over when and how much ancillary fees they will pay, at least for now. With the fine example of UG just down highway 7, I find it distressing that Coleman was all too willing to come to the bargaining table. She should have held out, bolstered the support of I5 000 undergrads and demanded that something more inclusive be organized than a committee with IXVO students on it Unfortunately, in a time when OUSA is warming up the idea of making demands, the student government of a founding OUSA school isn’t.

OpenYourWalletsUWF Y our tuition fees are about to head skyward very soon - followed by a trip to the moon.

The new money you will be shelling out ‘will be going to pay for existing services (surprise!) such as athletics, health and safety, personal counselling, and career counselling (and don’t expect improvements either, just maintenance). Why, you might ask, these particular services? Is it because there is something special about them - perhaps they have only a small impact on few students and therefore, should be paid for separately - or maybe students have too many fringe benefits and it’s not fair that taxpayers subsidize these privileges? Or, after looking a little closer, maybe it’s really because these services are the only ones that fall outside current provincial regulations restricting ancillary fees. Of course, if it wasn’t for those damn regulations this university administration would charge you more for evevhing - welcome to Ontario’s new pay-as-go-if-you-got-it post-secondary education system. Students will be proud to learn that Canada’s number one university and industry’s darling, the innovative University of Waterloo, is at the forefrunt of this transformation in educational fees. h February I992, the Executive Heads of the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) -that in I993 also called for a 50% tuition hike received and reviewed a preliminary report which identified revenie opportunities over which the Ministry of Colleges and Universities ‘has not to date attempted intervention or regulation’. One of those revenue opportunities involved attributing costs to any services not supported by grants from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and ‘removing’ them from operating budgets - if the province doesn’t pay for it, the universities certainly won’t, so hey maybe students should. So in order to help universities (and COU) determine how much students could potentially be hit for, a survey was sent to the institutions. A committee chaired by UWs Bob Truman examined the results and came up with a number of recommendations:

- Revenue opportunities for institutions should not just be restricted to student ancillary fees but should include: fees for non-student users (Faculty, staff, broader community); reduction in service levels (like help with OSAP isn’t bad enough); advertising revenues, sales of services, etc. However, the university should consult widely. - Should an institution want to introduce ancillary fees, it should be in the form of ‘omnibus’ fees, but be careful because ‘accountability requirements...might be expected or imposed by its governing body, its student body, or by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’. - Revenue Canada should be encouraged to allow the fee as a tax deduction (as it wouldn’t be under current regulations although if it was a legitimate tuition increase it would be a tax deduction). - Because some institutions did not attribute enough expenses to services that students would end up paying for, workshops would be conducted on ‘indirect/overhead cost allocation’ - finally, unless an institution has ‘futly explored and exploited the opportunities’ identified in the report it should reftiin from introducing any other kind of ‘gray-area’ ancillary fee (e.g. scholarship fee) because it may have the ‘effect of incrwed attention to and regulation by the Ministry (of Colleges and Universities]’ - in other words, you might screw things up for everybody else. Another demonstration of UW’s dedication to the introduction of this new fee structure to Ontario came even before the I993 COU report appeared. Peter Hopkin, Associate Provost of Student Services, prepard a report, UW Student Affairs fhm.iul P/m 1992~1997, that not only included almost all of the same recommedations as the ‘93 COU report but he had already estimated how much money could be grabbed back from students. ‘The amount found in your [Hopkins] document’* in the ‘order of $3 million per year** might be recoverabte from students at the University of Waterloo’* through an omnibus fee ‘of $ I 00 per term per full-time student’* (*quotes from a Feb’93 confidential memo from Bob Truman to Peter Hopkins and obtained by

IMPRINT). Even though Peter Hopkins knew his report would, in all likelyhood, precipitatethe implementation of a compulsory ancillary fee, he began to talk with then Federation of Students president Dave Martin, about striking a ‘ancillary fee committee’. Although Mr. Hopkins claims he is only acting as a resource on this committee since its inception last March, it seems apparent that he, and by extension the university, have always intended to ‘recover’ the $3 million from students.

Now why do you suppose current Federapresident Catherine Coleman and her predecesor have been and are involved in the fee ancillary committee when the provincial student organization the Federation of Students was instrumental in establishing, OUSA (the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance), has emphatically stated in their most recent position paper that ancillary fees are just ‘tuition hikes by another name’ and should be abolished? The university said they would ‘consult widely’. The Federation of Students assert that students should have meaningftil input and that every university meeting should be open and all information public (taken from the OUSA position paper). Students wouldn’t have heard any thing.about the ancillary fee untit after the committee had made its recommedations, except the board of the GSA intervened - as soon as the GSA president began reporting to his board they demaned he apply the brakes. Why didn’t the Feds initiate forums and surveys 8 months ago when information first became available? At the University of Guelph, the student government got a commitment from the university that they would not increase or introduce new fees unless a student referendum was held. At UW, the student government talks out of both sides of its mouth and tegitimizes a charade where tion of Students







Students have been mislead and betrayed again. Happy New Year!








/ Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be XKl words or less, typed and &x&de-spaced or in electronic , form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification. Names may be withheld from publication upon request. All material is subject ~ to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or ar$cles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. j Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. ’ Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic ~ mail should be addressed to imprint@watservl .uwaterloo.ca.

Nancy apologises To the editor= I would like to say a few things regarding the memorial service held for the Montreal Massacre, on December 4, last month. I have discussed what happened at that service with many people and I want to say that the tension in the room took away completely from the reason we were all gathered together and I do not deny contributing greatly to that tension. I do not regret anything that I stated during my actual speech. is my opinion hat men should be equally as welcome to speak at such a service as womyn. But that does not make my opinion more “right” than that of others who were present I understand the wish on the part of certain womyn that no men speak at this memorial. Their belief that it is a time for men to listen is completely valid and understandable. I did feet, however, that to approach Karen Zvanitajs, the sole organiser of the service, the day before it occurred was not fair. Karen made a decision to invite men to speak and she was made to feel she had not done enough for womyn. Had the wish that men not speak been voiced earlier, certainly something could have been arranged daifferently and had the womyn who did not wish men to speak involved themselves in the organization of the service, they could have ensured that men were not asked to speak to avoid it becoming the issue that it did. It is my opinion that we, as womyn, cannot expect not to be discriminated against because of our gender when we choose to discriminate based on gender.’ But, having spoken to a male friend of mine very recently and as a result of certain events which occurred over the Christmas holidays, I have realised now that I was way out of line when I made my final analogy at the end of all the speeches. I know that there will be many people shocked or disappointed aboutwhat I will now say but it is for my own peace of m ind and heart. The analogy I made at the very end of the service involving Marc Lepine and the womyn who did not wish men to speak at the service. I sought only to make an analogy concerning gender discrimination (which was completely ludicrous and extremely insulting to begin with - nothing compares to Lepine’s act) and, in doing so, I implied that the wish of these womyn that men not speak was equally as violent, equally as motivated by hatred, and equally as intolerable as Marc Lepine’s brutal act This was inaccurate, unfair, insensitive and unacceptable. It was unjust. I was wrong. I cannot blame the womyn who left the room as I spoke these final words. To Allison, Trisha and Tammy and to all the womyn (and men) who were offended by what I said, I wish to say I am sorry. Please forgive me. I was wrong.




4th year,



Metanhvsical To the editor= I am writing to critique your December 3 Metaphysical Education coiumn. In your first pawmph you use the phrase “beyond physically impossible” which should exist solely in unrefined colloquy; it has no place in your column.


Phr;ises such as “beyond physically impossible” (and other similarly regrettable locutions of yours) satisfy the semiliterate’s need for “adverbial lapel grabbing.” You know, I mean it’s like really totally redundant because it like completely repeats itselfway beyond what is literally necessary, you know what I mean? Adverbial lapel grabbing demonstrates a lack of confidence in one’s command of English and disrespect for the reader who apparently requires excessive modification to understand things. Second Daragraph, You misunderstand the appeal of movies, books, etc. We become interested in fictional characters and events because (in some sense) they can exist. If they cannot exist in our world, they can exist in some different world (perhaps just in the world of our mind.) The common thread in Skywalker, Mork, etc. is not how unlikely they are, but how much like us they are and how sympathetic we can become to their odd situations. Their strangely governed universes are somehow governed, and thus comprehensi ble. Third Pawraph. You misrepresent suspension of disbelief. Suspension of disbelief describes the willing participation of the audience in the narrative, entering into an altered state. The difficult task lies with the author who must entice the audience into suspending disbelief through the mastery of his/her c&t. We suspend disbelief not merely because we enjoy indulging someone else’s fantasy about impossible events (as you argue), but because the author has enabled us to appreciate the nearness of some events that may be (in some sense) impossible. This can never be “nagging” (as you described it) if it is to be successful. Fifth paragraph.The Santa myth exists in children who are in reality, l-low can it be intended that the fantasy exists outside reality? Are you talking about a disembodied fantasy or a fantasy in a parallel universe called Fantasyland! Also, do yu really believe that parents tell kids abut Santa so that “years down the road{the kids}realize the distinction between fiction and reality...and always taking things literally...“? Is this supposed to be funny? It is not Is it supposed to help your arguement? It does not Sixth DaragaDh, One could Writ a lenght about the dangers in using irony. Should we take Hitler as ironic n proposing th e insane “final solution.” Swift chose his subjects and venues with care.. Seventh DawaDh. You ask, “Would people really believe someone, today, who advocated eating aborted fetuses in order to solve the abortion problem?” What is the abortion problem which you refer? The solution you formulate implies that the problem is that we need a method of disposing of aborted fetuses. What other problem would eating them solve? YOU rest your argument on this incoherent hypothetical question! You attempt to juxtapose your qrestion with the myth of Santa, but you failed to show a parallelyour attempt was unfortunate and crude. Apparently, you wish to establish a correlation between parents retelling the myth of Santa and someone advocating an outlandish solution to a social problem. Asinine! Or are youbeing ironic? Part of the problem with yur thinking(if the first six paragraphs are any indication of what yu

are trying to say)is that you have equated two entirely different literary entities, suspension fo disbelief and irony. One describes a state of an audience, the

does not exist, again because of a lack of evidence contradicting God’s existence. Therefore, I am notreligious and I am not atheist. I am agnostic. Marie Palmer Hectricol EngineeFing

There’s logs in them forests To the editor=

other is dramatic device employed by the author. Also in the seventh paragraph you imply that when and audience thinks some piece of art is trash it is because the audience has taken it litrally. Think about it Eight paragraph. It is not”the duty” of the patron to consider irony, .and doing so does not vindicate all art.


You write “don’t

complain about things being incredibly immature of insensitive...” Why not? I find those excellent reasons to complain. To conclude, I’de like to consider the purpose of your piece. I sense that it was writter to justify the publication of a tasteless cartton. The general tone is an attempt to hain credibility by discussing’grand theme.” It fails. Mishandled, sublety and irony allow the author (you) to be vague about ideas that are unclear in his\her (your) mind. Employ such divices when you have something meaningful or otherwise appropreate, say why. If you think you should publish studetb cartoons even if they are crap because editing the cartoonist might hinder his \her creation is inadequate for publication even when you are conviced taht it is, best to pretend you are above defending your editorial decisions. Don’t suggest an audience is stupid because it finds a cartoon offensive.



Agnostics tenable

Orest Lytwyn made several interesting counter-arguments to my earlier letter about logging in Clayoquot Sound. One point Orest missed: new trees have been and are still being planted for future fogging. I want to indicate that I too am opposed to the kind of clear-cut that was perpetrated in the past. But, as anyone who bothers to obtain Facts of the agreement that the present British Columbia government signed with MACBLO will realize that there have been significant changes. Some people will argue that there is no clear-cut logging in Clayoquot Sound; some will argue that any logging there is wrong. Meanwhile, back in the forest... One of my points previously was that this newspaper and others should present both sides of the story by publishing the views of the BC Minister of Natural Resources and maybe the basic points ofthe agreement ButImprint is not interested in scholarly journalism. ‘. In two separate issues of Imprint, I have read statements from speeches by protesters that are either naive or outright lies. For example, one young lady stated that MACBLO is not interested in the cedar trees that grow in Clayoquot Well then, what does she think they are shipping to Japan? Why would a logging company throw away valuable, huge, oldgrowth cedar trees just to get at pulpwood? In contrast, another propogandist said that cedar is used for pulpwood! Cedar is not used for pulpwood; cedar is used in the construction of houses. Most houses in BC are built of wood with stucco plastered on top, not bricks. Orest Lytwyn states that the BC government is the biggest shareholder. (This kind of limited statement is called propoganda.) Yes, it is the biggest single shareholder--it owns 5% of the shares. (I do not own any.) If we want to know the facts of any issue, we have to examine all of the information. That is what scholars are supposed to do before coming to a conclusion. Unfortunately, attendance at a university and acquisition of a degree does not guarantee scholarship--nor intelligent conclusions. Read the facts, not the propopnda; go look for yourself, do not rely on the media and the protesters. Then, make a knowledgeable conclusion.

To the editor:

john 1 am writing in response to Craig Nickerson’s response to Kevin McGowan’s letter. In his response, Nickerson states that “,., agnosticism is untenable. You will either follow the tenants of a given religion, or you won’t” I fully agree that one either practices a religion or does not However, this does not imply that I, as an agnostic, am truly an atheist because I do not have faith

in God.

I choose


be religious

because the available evidence does not prove that there really is a God. Thus, I cannot be sure that one really exists. I also cannot be sure that a God


alt.Homolka can’t be censored To the editor7 I created the USENET newsgroup ohfon.karla-homolka six or seven months ago.This weekseveral universities banned it because it contained articles which violate the publication ban surrounding

Karla Homolka’s trial. I’d like to make a few comments about USENET, the newsgroup, and the futility of trying to ban newsgroups. If you post an article to a USENET newgroup it travels to every other computer around the world that carries that group. Potentially, some I2 million peple could read the article, and any of them could post their own article in response. There are over 5000 USENET newsgroups. USENET uses the “Internet” to transmit these articles from computer to computer. The Internet is a bunch of connections between computers owned by different people, mostly universities. A friend of mine owns one of those computers--it’s your typical home computer, a 486. Using his machine we sent a “newsgroup” message out across the network, causing most of the other Internet computers to create&FAN.k&homolkd instead of something less controversial like ok TAUC karlshomolka. I think that as women gain more selfconfidence they will become as violent as men are. So even though I am appalled at what Karla Homolka did (and I know what she did), in the midst of this evil I see a sign of something good: women are becoming less submissive, more confident and more capable. Karla liomolka proves that women can abuse their freedom in the same terrifying ways that men can, but in this way, she’s a sign of growing equality. For most of its life, ahfamkorlahomolka carried the same unfounded rumours that have circulated everywhere, But recently American newspapers like the Washington Post have been breaking the publication ban, and Americans who readahfon.ka~~homol&a have been using the group to relay these stories into Canada word for word. So some universities bsanned it. Banning it was silly. The Americans who are sending the information in through okfon.korlo-homolka will simply post it to a different newsgroup--there are over 5000 to choose from. Or people will resort to using electronic “mailing lists” to transmit the newsgroup privately. Universities cannot be expected to censor USENET. There is no way they could monitor the content of 5000 different newsgroups to see what I2 million different people are saying. If someone posted something illegal on a telephone pole, you would not hold the City of Toronto responsible. Similarly, if someone posts something to a newsgroup, they should be held responsible for it, and not the thousands of people whose computers provide the electronic telephone poles people paste things to. Unfortunately, information technology has away of blurring national boundaries, The people violating Canadian law in this case are sitting in their living rooms in America.

justin Wells jwd/s@mpu~watstuf.uw~rfoo.ca

If you sent us a letter and it wasn’t printed, chances are you didn’t sign it - letters must be signed and include a phone

number for verification

friday, january 7, 1994





friday, january 7, I994


No more myopia To the editor: This is a letter I’m requesting you to print (in part anyway) as a warning to students planning to purchase contacts through the University of Waterloo Contact Lens Clinic, particularly to those who are close to graduation. I have a lesson in customer relations for optometry students interested in having their own practice one day: Treat your customers with respect and you will have repeat business. Unfortunately, they don’t teach by example at the UW Contact Lens Clinic. I have spent the last four months dealing with condescending clinicians and fluctuating prices, and so far, the only thing I can see clearly with my new contacts is the mistake I made in going to the Clinic. My sorry saga follows... In July, I was fitted for a new pair of contacts, but between finishing my thesis and the Clinic closing for two weeks, I was unable to pick them up until September -- a slight problem -- as I had since moved to London and started an 8:30 to 5 job. The Clinic’s latest appointment is 4:00 (no Saturdays), so every appointment requires a two hour break from work. At my first fitting, I couldn’t see very well our of my right eye with my new contact. Unfortunately, there were no clinicians around at the time as it was after 5; I went back two weeks later, and my sight was decidedly worse. A student (the clinicians had again vanished) offered me a higher prescription, but it made no difference, so I left the contact at the clinic. On my next visit, I was asked to pay for the l&s I hadn’t taken (I didn’t). Another student told me that my eyes had “just changed, we don’t know why.” This seemed a little strange. After all, my prescription hasn’t changed much in six years. A very helpful student eventually explained what the clinician I had finally cornered referred to as “physically, a minor change.” Perhaps from where she sat. All I knew was that I had just put my Mastercard past its limit for blurry vision. According to the clinician I finally snagged, I now need a more expensive pair of contacts to see clearly. But I am no longer eligible for the student rate, nor am I permitted a refund for the useless contacts (“manufacturer’s policy”). I

pointed out that I should have been given the other contacts when I was first fitted. The answer? “Not necessarily.” I commented that I couldn’t see very well with my new contacts, and she replied, “Oh come on, what can’t you see!” in her finest who-are-you-trying-to-kid tone. When I asked about a refund, as the contacts weren’t much good to me, and the reply was *‘if you grow out of a pair of jeans within two months of buying them, you don’t expect a refund.” Having not grown an inch since 1982, this comparison bewildered me. However, it occurs to me that if I ordered a pair of jeans, and when they arrived, I was 20 pounds heavier, I might just be crazy enough to SEND THEM BACK. Finally, after a heartfelt story about the financial woes of the Clinic, the clinician offered to put the price of my contacts towards the new ones (“at the Clinic’s loss” and “against policy”) -- without the student rate and including several more time-consuming visits. I now wear my contacts only when I don’t have to see very far (ie. not very often}. To add a little salt to the wound, I found a tear in one of the contacts a few weeks ago. One ofthe students told me that all I had to pay for the replacement lens ($ I l-50). I asked for the contact to be sent to me (a standard procedure elsewhere), and was told, “fittings are policy with new lenses.” What I wasn’t told was that this fitting (which other clinics do not require) would cost me $34.50 ($ IO more than if I were still a student) for a total price of $46.00 -- more than half of the original price of the contacts. Many of the problems I encountered could easily be solved if it were standard policy to dispense a fee list, including refund policies, to potential patients (and optometry students). When I suggested this at the Clinic, a clinician implied through her attitude that the Clinic is somehow exempt from practising reasonable customer relations. I have researched contact lens clinics around London, and discovered that most have better refund policies, guarantees, and service. And you don’t have to spend half a day sitting in the optometry chair. If you are considering guying contacts, do better research than I did. The price might seem better at the Clinic, and the students are helpful, but if you don’t have time for two hour appointments or the patience and cash to deal with any problems you encounter, GO ELSEWHERE. 1 wish 1 had. M.L.

Evcrns, BA ‘90, MA, ‘93

Driving? In A Hurry?

“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, All praise is due to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment, You alone do we worship, and You alone do we turn for help, Guide us to the straight path, the path of those You have blessed, not the path of those who have been condemned, nor the path of those who have gone astray.” [translation of the meaning of the Qur’an I : I-7)

The Essex&e of the $ur’an by Khaled


These seven verses form a complete chapter by themselves and are recited by Muslims in their prayers at least f 7 times a day. Prayer is the heart of Religion and Faith. But how shall we pray? What words shall convey the yearnings of our miserable ignorant hearts to the Knower of all? The Qur’an teaches us a Prayer that sums up our faith, our hope and our inspiration in things that matter. We think in devotion of Allah’s name and praise Him for His creation and His Cherishing care. We call to mind the realities, seen and unseen. We offer Him worship and ask His guidance. We know the straight from the crobked path by the light of His grace that illuminates the righteous. By universal consent, these verses are rightly placed at the beginning of the Qur’an as summing up, in marvelously terse and comprehensive words, man’s relation to Allah in contemplation and prayer. It teaches us the perfect prayer. For if we pray right, it means that we have true knowledge of Allah, His attributes, of His relations to us and His creations. Though Allah needs no praise, for He is above all praise, the prayer is primarily for our own benefit as it develops love, hope and fear towards Allah the One True God. Since it is the gist of the I 13 chapters of the Qur’an, this chapter is called the Essence of the Book (Qur’an). The fundamental articles of faith; oneness of God, His attributes, life in the Hereafter and absolute submission to Him alone in every action are briefed in the seven verses which make up this Opening chapter. The Opening chapter also combines the peak of objectives, namely the worship of Allah

alone, and the most honorable of means, which is seeking Allah’s aid in fulfilling this duty. In addition, it includes the best supplication, namely asking the guidance to the straight path. According to the Qur’an, guidance to the straight Way comes in two steps. First, finding this straight Way which is the ultimate Truth. Second, keeping oneself in this straight Way by following the Truth. The question that might arise now is what is that Way and where is that Truth? The answer is explained in the last verse. That is the Way of the favored and blessed ones who know the Truth and act upon it, not that of the condemned who rebel and discard God’s commands despite their knowledge of the Truth, nor that of the astray ones who deviate because they lack in reaching the Truth. The Opening chapter ends with grouping the mankind into those three categories among which only the first one is the successful and the rest are losers. The characteristics of the successful group are listed in another Qur’anic verse which reads “Whosoever obeys Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad), they are in the company of those whom Allah has blessed, of the Prophets (who teach the Truth), the Sincere (lovers ofTruth), the martyrs, and the Righteous (who do good): How beautiful is their Company” [4:69]. For a copy of The Qur’an or for more information about Islam, please call (5 19) 725 4283 or send an e-mail to ksharaf@vlsi.uwaterloo.ca. The Qur’on Speaks is presented by the UW Muslim Study Group. Someh E Rehan is u PhD candidate in electrid and computer engineering. The views expressed in this column ore those ofthe author and do not necessarily represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Muslim Study Group.

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In the deep by Ken


“No longer in contact with the cfeated world or with himself; he lives in the world of collective obsessions. In such a war/d man’s life is no longer even a seasonal cycle. It’s Q linear fright into nothingness, u fright from redity anffim God, without purpose and without o&&e, except to keep moving, to keep from having to face reality.” - Thomas Merton III our part of the world, winter seems like an ideal season to set apart a special time in out day for self-reflection, and with tha& a fuller understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. Like the land we walk upon and many of its creatures, winter calls us to slow down our lives and partake in a different kind of growth than we are used to experiencing. I refer of course to the spiritual nurturing of our inner being. But when we look at our own lives we find so many things that call our attention away from profound introspection. Television show, phone calls, shopping trips and countless other “important” activities stake their claims on our precious schedules, and the funny thing about it is that we allow this to happen to us. When










neglect our inner growthwe may turn to a critque of our mode of production, or the effects of the technological age on human society, or any other insightful sociological analysis. I believe though, that the root of our spiritual malaise lies in a profound fear of ourselves and the

of winter

human condition, which, to put it bluntly, is just too scary to come face to face with. Many psychologists and philosophers alike call our times “the age of anxiety”. Looking into the daily behaviour of too many North Arnericans, it is not difficult to conclude that we are part of a corporate neuroticism. Our response of flight behaviour is evident in our need to keep ourselves amused. Not only professional sports and classic raock stations, but even politics and religion are used as distractions in our modern world, keeping us from experiencing the core of our own reality. The industries of pornography and liquor are two of the greatest exploiters of our need to consume so as not to fall into the despair of nothingness. It is clear that we must take it upon ourselves to begin an inner revolution, a revolt against all the things in our lives that hols us captive and take us away from ourselves. Such a revolution takes much courage of course, but it is always the courageous individuals in a given society who point the way for us and show us a possible path for the liberation that we are all in need of. If we listen closely, we can hear the deep cold of winter calling us, as it does the land and its inhabitants, to slow ourselves down and take the time




own spiritual









The views expressed in this column are those of the author clnd do not necessarily represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Student Christian Movement.


friday, january 7, I994

my life, happen

12) I spend a lot of time fantasizing about a perfect relationship with cute’strangers I wi II never talk to.

2) Trying tant


13) During a stage in my life, I bit off more than I could chew and as a result I will swallow and gasp for . air the rest of my days.

to be funny is more to me than working

3) I believe that one will be ok without

day everything my help.

14) I procrastinate 4) I mistake friendship able level of familiar 5) I am


a comfort safety. I 5) I fear the future of my being.


6) I rely upon self.


7) I think thing.




of my future


in the very

8) I try to juggle once.


9) I do not



me some




fast enough

at 18) My life changes too do not need it to.


IO) I cannot confront my faults ai faults, but quirks that I will one day magically rid myself of. I I) Even though I know with my life, I make change it.


16) I have a fear that one day I will fuck up my life irretreivably. My fear is that that day has already come. I 7) My life does not change in areas I need it to.

what’s wrong no effort to


in areas


19) Occupations that should only be idle time-wasting evolve into obsessions preventing me from accomplishing anything useful. 20)

I spend lists.





a tolumnbpCraig*ifkmm A louse paraphrase of Anthony Flew’s Falsification Challenge

Much has been made of the whole “Generation X”, “Slacker” thing. With the release of Richard Linklater’s new film “Dazed and Confused,” rt seems that the label is here to stay. But more importantly than the label is the actual peo le it describes. I’ve been t I! inking, and I’m pretty sure I’ve got it down. Take a look at the statements below, and if you agree with more than half, you’re definitely a Slacker. I) Instead oftrying to improve I, sit idly by and let things to me.




Many theists, and also agnostics, will argue that, as the existence of god cannot be disproved, we have no grounds on which we can claim that tiere is no god. Of course, the reason that god’s non-existence cannot be proved is because it is virtually impossible to prove the non-existence of anything if we are not willing to stipulate what would have to be the case for an assertion to be false. Generally, meaningful assertions about the world are falsifiable. Not only do we stipulate what would have to be the case for a meaningful assertion to be true, we also stipulate what would have to be the case for a meaningful assertion to be false. If I claimed that leprechauns now live in Ireland I am making an assertion that there are wee, green clad, elves and that thq can be found in IrelandJf we found leprechauns in Ireland, we would know that my assertion was true. We know that if we could find no leprechauns in Ireland then my assertion would be false. However, if we failed to find even one leprechaun would that prove that my assertion was false? That would depend on what I meant by my assertion ‘about leprechauns. If I were to write a column expressing the view that there are no leprechauns, I doubt that I should encounter, much opposition. In fact, I would most likely be ridiculed for stating the bloody obvious. However I cannot really prove that there are no leprechauns. I have never seen one but I have never seen Ireland either, yet I am sure Ireland exists. There is no empirical evidence which would support the existence of leprechauns but all that proves is that leprechauns are elusive critters. Actually, I could argue that there is quite a bit of evidence in favour of the existence of leprechauns. Rainbows are really caused by leprechauns. It just so happens that they only choose to

cause them when light is refracted through water droplets. They do not wish to draw attention to themselves so they let us believe that rainbows have perfectly natural causes. We know thatthey do not wish to draw attention to themselves and that they are elusive .because one has never been found. Prove me wrong. You couldn’t prove me wrong because my assertion about leprechauns isn’t really much of an assertion anymore. I have qualified my original claim that leprechauns live in Ireland to the point where it does not much differ from the assertion that there are no leprechauns at all. Nobody can see these leprechauns because they are aaively avoiding detection. They leave no clue or trace’of their existence because they are very clever. They have strange magical powers which cause events which seem to have perfectly natural explanations. Nothing could disprove my claim because I have structured my argument in such a way as to make it completely unfalsifiable. There is no imaginable circumstance in which my qualified assertion could possibly be false because I have structured my assertion to agree with whatever circumstances that might turn out to be the case. However, this is no longer a true assertion, only meaningtess noise. It has died, what Flew terms, the death of a thousand qualifications. Many theistic assertions seem to be of this sort. The claim that god loves us would seem to be accepted by the theist regardless of what were to happen. If the theist survives some freak accident, he will take this as proof that god is looking out for him though he will not accept the accident itself as proof that god is out to get him. The theist will praise merciful god if his sick child sumives an illness and praise merciful god if the child dies. What possible circumstance or evidence will the theist accept as proof that god does not love them or does not exist?

To the Undergraduate and Graduate Students of UW, a note about ancillary fees: We are writing to solicit your input on an important matter that concerns all students. When considering student fees, one tends to think only of tuition fees. Currently, the Ministry of Education and Training @MET) also permits universities to charge compulsory fees to cover nonacademic services, called “non-tuition-related compulsory ancillary fees.” These services at UW include, among others, Athletics, Health and Safety, Student Financial Aid Administration, and Personal and Career Counselling. A report to the Council of Ontario Universities has listed the above and other areas as non-academic services for which fees may be charged. Ontario universities have used different approaches to this issue: the University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario have implemented ancillary fees without discussions with students; Queen’s University implemented a Compulsory Student Assistance Levy, but allocated some of the money to areas selected by students; the University of Guelph signed an agreement with its student bodies that states that no new ancillary fees, or increases that exceed the rate of inflation, will be made unless approved by referendum. At the University of Waterloo, the Presidents of the Federatibn of Students and the Graduate Student Association met with university administrators last term to address this issue. A Student Services Advisory Committee (SSAC) will be struck to review non-academic services covered by any fee. The committee will be responsible for reviewing the services with an eye to changing or eliminating a service if the paying users are dissatisfied with the it; discussing issues such as the relative levels $ all-pay versus user-pay fee collection systems for the services; and soliciting input from studefits. According to the university’s analysis, the potential student fee is on the order of $200.00 per student per year. Forums will be held during the Winter Term to inform and receive input from students. What are you willing to pay ? What do you consider to be important elements of your university education? These fees will be charged to you. Please share your thoughts and participate. Catherine Coleman

Duncan Phillips

President, Federation of Students

President, Graduate Student Association



M. Piro Staff

Kafka. Cold War. Playwright President “Bohemians”. Cheap prices. Great architecture. Everyone whogoes to Europe these days has been to Prague. Those who haven’t been, plan to go. For years the Iron Curtain kept this city welihidden under a mantel of represssion and fear as well as soot and pollution. Only the latter have remained as a reminder of Communist days. Now, four years after the Velvet Revolution which rid Czechoslovakia of totalitarian rule, capitalism has taken over. Four McDonald’s have sprung up in a city of about the size of Metro Toronto. Four years ago children and adults alike could only dream of hamburgers, bananas, denim and coca cola. Today stores are well stocked with products from the West. There are VCRs, soft white toilet paper rolls, colourful packages of cereal, coffee, and chocolate, as well as toys, A whole bunch shoes of all sizes, and baby strollers. of course, most of these products are still extremely expensive for the average Czech who earns about ten crowns an hour whereas a pair of shoes may cost six hundred crowns. At

Whereas four years ago, people could only dream about visiting the West, today stores are packed with coca cola, bubble gum. In Prague there are now four McDonald’s

least things are available. Dreams have become reality. Only four years ago, going to Prague would have been rather undesirable. Tourists had to exchange set amounts of their hard currency for valueless crowns each day. No one spoke English, The atmosphere was depressing. Law and order were achieved by severe state control and police power. There were cameras at street comers and bugs in the telephone. Moreover, workers who were guaranteed their jobs did nothing to make a guest .feel welcome. Hotel guests had to count on being treated rudely. Hot water, even in a good hotel was luxury. Few wesern tourists ventured behind the Iron Curtain. Today, many of the old problems are still there. Waitresses are not accustomed to having to earn their tips. Construction workers dawdle and mke coffee breaks as soon as they get to their work sites. However, many people. especially the newly established private

entrepreneurs have realized that the the guest is king and not vice versa, and that without the actual tourist there would be no tourist industry. For tourists this is probably one of the best times to visit Prague. Many aspects of the communist way of life are still visible, though they are slowly

of statue.

Photos by Jan and

disappearing. It is interesting to visit a clothing store where instead of browsing, a saleslady behind a counter brings out merchandise from the back. Often, empty restaurants refuse entry to natives. Waiters are hoping to fill their establishments with foreigners who have dollars or marks. The old way of life is giving way to inflation and economic chaos despite premier Vaclav Klaus’ efforts to make the transition from state-run to private enterprise as painless as possible. There are problems and adversaries at every corner. The old communist elite, after years of exploitation and fraud, has become wealthy. Now, these people are the only ones who can actually invest any money, and thus reap the benefits of capitalism. Workers are having a much harder time. Their IO0 % social benefits are being cut and prices soar. Many are complaining that they liked the old ways better. They are forgetting one important thing: they are free. Before the revolution of 1989, it would have been impossible for any Czech to travel. Now, they go around Europe by the busload. Tours must have been the first capitalist venture in Czechoslovakia. Anyone who owned a car bigger than a Skoda (the Czech version of the mass produced East German Ttabant), began d&ring tuurs. Czechs packed their sleeping bags, food supplies, camping stoves+ and cameras and went off to Western Eurpoe on a tour. In the summer, hotels were not booked. People spent their nights on

the bus driving, and slept on the beaches of Italy and France during the day. Occassionally the bus would stop at public rest rooms, where people “washed”. Traveling like this may sound primitive, but in this way, most everyone could finally see the West with their own eyes. Free! And generally things are improving. Prague has doubled its number of restaurants and streetside cafes. Signs ,are being translated into English, and there are cheap, private rooms offered everywhere. Almost every family living in Prague and its vicinity who can afford to rent out a room does so to improve the family income. English is becoming more widely spoken. A knowledge of German can also be helpful to a visitor, because Czechs had to learn German under Austrio-Hungarian rule and during the German occupation in the 1940s. Even today, some elements of German are part of the Czech tongue. Russian can also come in handy in Prague, because it was the second language of all Czechs during the Communist years. Today the city swarms with English teachers. Even students from the UK, Canada and the USare going to Prague to teach. Kat Piro There are few qualified Czechs who know English, and everyone, from Russian teachers, to entrepreneurs, now need to learn English. A dictionary might still be helpful. With the political situation stabilizing, tourists have begun to pour into Prague Afterall, with the exchange

Most of Prague’s



rate of about 23 crowns per Canadian dollar, rooms can cost as little as $5 per




in hats,


skirts and ponchos have made Prague their new Berlin or Paris. Prague is the epitomy of freedom now that the Wall has come down, and of history and beauty. Being home of philosopher

Franz Kafka helps its image. Beer is ties during the Old Regime. cheap, food is cheap, entertainment is Across the river is the new town plenty, {and often in English), dance with the national theater, with gatlerclubs have sprung up, and in the restauies, and squares. In the cenml market rants you can eat hearty traditional square there is the famous clocktower Czech dumplings, pancakes and baked with a Glockenspiel every hour. There goods. are small roads that lead to beautiful Prague could arguably be called gothic and roccocco churches. There more beautiful than Vienna. Wherever is afso the old Jewish Quarter with a you look from Castle Hill which oversynagogue, a museum and the cemlooks the Vltava valley, you see etery, where tombstones are piled on clocktowers, church steeples and shintop of each other and paths are worn gled red roof-tops. Of course there is thin by visitor’s footsteps. A visit here the occassional communist manifesto should not be missed but it is not of socialist realist architecture, the exactly peaceful and quiet here. For palace of culture or the Ketzhaus, which peace and quiet, take the metro out to are modern structures that do not Vyshehrad and take a walk in the exactly improve the oldest part of harmonic skyline. Prague.Vysehrad is Even a highrise is a small island of being planned. ancient thatched If you see a bunch of Czechs lined Hopefully it will be roof houses, an imup in front of the public rest banished into the pressive gothic carooms somewhere in the south suburbs so as not thedral and a cemof France, you can be sure that to obstruct Prague’s etery where comold European charposers Smetana acter. and Dvorak rest If one were to make a list of There is also a breathtaking view of famous Prague places it would take the river with an overview of Prague, pages and pages. There is of course the its bridges and rooftops. Charles’ Bridge which is an old bridge To this day Prague bears the held together by mortar mixed with marks from the Soviet invasion of egg shells and is adorned with saint 1968. Some buidings which were never stautues. It spans the Vltava and can refurbished in the communist years of only be crossed on foot. These days, shortage still bear gunshot wounds. In the only time to see the Bridge empty Wenceslas Square+ the place of the of crowds and memporabilia vendors most famous rallies of 1989, a small is early in the morning. island of flowery is covered with canIn 1990, President Vaclav Have1 dles and photographs commemoratestablished his office in Prague Castle, ing those who died fighting for freea splendid set of buildings overlooking dom. The most famous Czech to die the Vltava River and the rest of Prague. this way was Jan Palach. In 1968, when Russian tanks were rolling through the This has always been the seat of Czech government It is in a way a forcress streets killing civilans and the governcity, with a cathedral and even peasant ment was kidnapped to Moscow were it was forced to give up its policy of reform. The rest ofthe world looked on as Jan Palach Poured gasoline on himself and lit a match in protest of the tanks and of Western passivity. The televison footage of his death went around the world. No one dared dinterfere at a time when the Soviet Empire appeared to be at its mightiest. Politically, Prague has become quiet, especially since Slovakia split from the Czechoslovak union in January 1993. The Czech looks like it did a hundred years ago. Republic continues its struggle to become a democratic houses within its gates. The Golden and bir society. The noise of a differRoad leads along these houses over many steps into the lower town. Here ent sort of crowd has taken over from dissidents and political protestors. the artists hang out in coffeehouses. Tourists now form the crowds in Mozart’s house can be visited, and the Prague. Judging by the city’s great Wall of Peace, the John Lennon inrepetoire of historic sights and beautispired wall of graffitti, which was whiteful landscape, they have come to stay. washed painstakingly by the authori-


friday, jariurary

All you need about Czech by

to know history

Kczt M. i’iro

at the centre of a continent. T-G. Masaryk, the president of that republic, is revered to this day for having created the Czech democratic tradition. Prague lies in the centre of Europe. SandThe Munich Agreement of 1938 ended all wiched between Austria, Germnay, Poland and democracy. Hitler not only kept the previously the Soviet Union. For centuries this strategic annexed Sudetenland, but he also invavded the place and its surcountry and made it rounding townships part of his Nazi were the battleReich. Almost three ground of clashing hundred thousand Jews were killed imperial interests. along with gypsies and other politically incorrect citizens. The concentration camp at Theresienstadt, about an hour north of Prague, was the were wanted by Hungary, Russia, and gatehringghetto for Poland. For this reathe ]ews. Here, in a son, Czech history is town designed for a filled with occupafew thousand, as many as twenty people lived in one apartment. Today these same houses defeated by the Habsburgs of Ausare being lived in. tria at the Battle of Only the roadsigns the White Mountain that take you to the and incorporated war monuments reinto the Austriomind people that this is not an ordiHungarian Empire. German became the nary town. There is official language and a small museum and duringvisiting hours Czech was kept alive The old Gate to the Charle’s Bridge in the summer peole only by the peasants of the countryside. To this day there are German can even see the gas chambers. elements in the Czech language. After the war, the socialist element of the country had garnerd enough support to win the After the first world war, the Czechs and the I946 elections. (Most likely by fraud). Two years Slovaks gained their independence. For a short period of time between I9 I8 and 1938, Czecholater, Klement Gottwald declared CzechoslovaSlovakia was a free democratic country which kia to be a communist country and all opposition parties were outlawed. Politician Jan Masaryk was became the most industrialized nation in- Eastern bushed out of a window in Prague. The- 1950s Europe. Prague was referred to as the golden city

Imprint stafl

resembled the Stalin years. There were repression and labour camps, interragtions and political prisoners, as well as close economic ties to the USSR. The economy became dominated by the unworkable five yearplan, and private shops and industries were taken over by the authorities. Their owners and their children, branded as Burgoisie were persecuted. Only children offarmers and workers could hope to attend university, join the Party or lead lives that didn’t involve lineups for butter, bread, and coffee. In 1968, Prague came into the spotlight of the western world for a short while. Under Alexander Dubcek (who after President Have1 may be the most famous Czech), Czechoslovakia went through a thawing of harsh repression. The time became called the Prague Spring. I ndependent publishing houses began printing reactionary material. The economy became less strivtly state-run. But the Soviet Union didn’t like it. The world looked on in horror as Soviet tanks occupied the country in August of 1968. With the Invasion came the return of hard-line Soviet style communism. A wave of exiles left Prague including m,any of its authors. Milan Kundera, who wrote”The UnbearHousefronts from the last able Lightness of Being” went to Paris, while Josef Skvorecky now lives in Toronto. Another famous exile is filmmaker Milos Forman (director of “Amadeus”). However, one famous Czech stayed behind and even refused to emigrate when the authorities gave him the choice of either leaving or going to prison. He chose prison. Now he is president * . of the state.

7, 1994



Vaclav Have1 was a playwright and poet who initiated the Human Rights Charter of 1977, for whose publication many Czech intellectuals were imorisoned. ’ But communism could not last forever. The country was bankupt and desperate in 1989, when East Germany opened the Berlin Wall. Communism crumbled. Czechoslovakia considers itself lucky that its transition to democracy was almost bloodless. They call the Revolution that swept President Husak and his comrades out of power the Vlevet Revolution. Inspired by the flight of thousands of Germans who fled to the West German Embassy in Prague, November I989 saw peacuful demonstrations throughout the Socialist Republic of Czechoslovakia. The capital civ became the stage for mass rallies where people chanted slogans and waved flags. After a few were broken up by police force, the governmept had to relinquish power to the popular Citizens’ Forum, led by Havel. In I990 Have1 became Czechoslovakia’s first democratically elected president since Masaryk. But because this is largely a figure-head rare in Czechoslovakia, he could do nothing to prevent the country form splitting into two in 1993. Slovaks, throughouttheir history had been affiliated with some other peoples, most recently the Czechs. A popular referendum decided that century. the Slovaks preferred their own country. On January first, 1993, Czechoslovakia became Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Slovakia’s new capital is Bratislava. Slovaks now have their independence, but many wonder whether they are better off. The Czech Republic is the more foreward part of the country, but the future will be difficult for both, on their winding, and twisting road to democracy.

Federation of Students University of Waterloo

ELECTION Nomination

PROCLAMATION papers will be available

for the following


President Vice-President of Operations and-Finance Vice-President of University Affairs Members of Students’ Council and University of Waterloo Senate Nomination period, Presidential, Qudents’ Council candidates:



Open: Friday, January 7,1994 Close: Friday, January 14,1994 Notice to Presidential & Vice-Presidential Candidates from “Procedures Governing Elections and By-Elections” “The Election Committee shall estublish a mail-out to all off- term students ?f the Presidential, Vice-presidential, Senate and cu-up sealsforfuc&ies which only have one GO-op representative, ballots including, if desired by the candidates, a statement will be in the form of one typewritten 8 I/ .7”~ I I ..pageimay beduuble-sided) andmust be submittedforduplication w later than Ihe closing day of nominations; fur Senate Elections, Q brief statement (100 words Taximum) anaYor a personal resume not exceeding ?ne single-spaced typewritten page in length may be submitted. The required number of copies will be dupiicuted by the Electiort Commilfee and will be completed wirhinJlve wurking days of the close of nomina.ions. At a time and place set by the Election Committee. each candidate nust suppIy a minimum of two persons envelopes for the mail-


?ut.” All submitted


must be camera-ready.

Students’ Council Seats to be elected are as follows: 1 A.H.S. Regular ................................................................... 1 A.H.S. Co-op (both) ........................................................... Arts Regular ...................................................................... 4 1 Arts Co-op ......................................................................... Engineering ...................................................................... 3 E.S. Regular ...................................................................... 2 1 E.S. Co-op (both streams) ................................................. Independent Studies .......................................................... 1 Math Regular ..................................................................... 1



The following undergraduate seatson the University of Waterloo Senate are up for election: Applied Health Studies, Studies,


Arts, Environmental and one At-Large

(term May 1,1994 to April 30,1996).

By-Election for Engineering (term Mayl, 1994 to 2 Math Co-op ........................................................................ April 30,1995).

1 Optometry .......................................................................... Science Regular ................................................................. 2 1 Science Co-op (both streams) ............................................ Renison College .................................................................. 1 1 St. Jeromes ........................................................................... ‘b

Terms Of Offlce: May

1, 1994 to April

30, 1995




All candidates must be full members of the Corporation, ie., they must be registered undergraduate students who have paid their Federation fees. Nomination papers are available in the Federation Office located in room 235 of the Campus Centre.

Nomination forms are available from January 4 to 14, 1994 in the Secretariat, Needles Hall, room 3060 and the Federatiuon of Students Office, Campus Centre, room 235. Nominations must be returned by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 14,1994. Elections will coincide with the annual Federation of Students’ elections (February 15th and 16th). ALL



15 &



In two November issues, we ran our annual Readers’ Survey. Here is a hopefully acurate cross section of the responses we received.


if i wanted international

- more controversial - your news section

news is shit

forum - I keep all the old issues so that I can look up the original articles which provoke the same crowd of Imprint watchdogs to fill three pages with impassioned rantings. It just doesn’tget much better than this. n re religious columns: interesting to read but I totally disagree with their views I the Village Atheist rules - it’s about time often depends on the article great variation in week to week quality - atheist = idiot, Religion = idiot - the Village Atheist is by far my favourite - good job - letters to and from the editor great during controversies I seems to be more like an Agony Aunt column for people to have a good bitch about things, esp. feminism - how about an agnostic column to round things out? - I usually don’t agree but enjoy different opinions - less letter writing back and forth in edit. section - why don’t these people just get together, ie Jeff Z and Ken C? - sometimes annoyed at derogatory comments made at


i’d get a real paper. Keep it out

of Imprint - I like it that you cover news from other universities - more international news and research pieces on different countries - I prefer coverage of items which aren’t in other media, or the same things with a different perspective - more facts and background, less sound bites n try to keep opinion out of the News section - keep the concentration on campus and other university events - far too left wing for my tastes - more international news and topics about education in Canada - I think you have limited the section to too little space - the Clayoquot rubbish is too often vulgar editorialising under the guise of news - usually very unsupported editorializing - more worldly news needed n reasonably unbiased - good coverage of news relating to universities and university


- columns are good for promoting discussions - Religion and Faith is a funny joke, Qur’an Speaks is an unfunny joke - I have absolutely no faith in Bryson and do no&all think he


- 1 have no qualms with the quality but i would like MORE national and international news coverage - a school newspaper . . should report school and local news


represents me, my generation, my concerns or anything I remotely care about - I recently read a copy of The Cord and it wasn’t half as good as Imprint - editor should not rebut a reader’s letter immediately below


arts - great reviews of concerts and records. More film reviews, or even new video releases

- could do more “capsule“ minireviews to keep record companies and students happy - don’t usually listen to these bands but I can read about mainstream groups in the mainstream media. - get rid of the record reviews! - more mainstream stuff needed, list movies playing locatly, more movie reviews - give arts more pages, occasionally colour would be nice - it would be nice to recognize some of the bands in the record reviews - Mr. Atwal takes some getting used to. Too much ego can be hard to swallow but it is entertaining otherwise, reviews are often bland. n would like more coverage of things going on in KW, ie. movies, plays, fairs, etc, shows - excellent, you cover all the bases (as per student life) - how about a K-W movie listing n too many dammed different headline fonts. - reviews biases appear evident, as well as a bit of ari ego trip n nobody ever likes the movies, and the records reviewed are not ones I or ANYBODY I know would be interested in. - sometimes annoyed at derogatory comments aimed at engineers - a little more eclectic choice of music would be nice. - your concert reviews are biased and are often incorrect on the song/album titles or other

sports - let’s see some trampoliningand more ping pong coverage, Really! - sports section is way way too long - too much coverage - more pro sports - Nicholas Mew is great - don’t bother with the photos for Athletes of the week - I think you should have profiles of players- it would make the teams more personal, encourage more people to come out. I athlete of the week great idea n more emphasis on low-profile sports

- I think there is too much sports, I think more recreation articles, ie local hiking, canoeing, nature, skiing, sailing should be added in. - broaden on the sports covered - seem to be the same swimming, football c need one more staff to edit lower profile sports articles - I enjoy the team previews that detail strengths and weaknesses - I do not follow sports but have heard this section is well done - I think the writers are knowledgable about the sports and team -well done, I like the CIAU Stats

- love the hockey news cover the smaller sports more (soccer, rugby, rowing) - more pro sports

biography info - make the record reviews more fun to read. I wont’ buy an album because it “evokes memories of every blopsie ethereal sounding artist blah blah “. Taken too serious n used to be much cooler n some interesting stuff but it looks like shit, Much better last year - music coverage seems limited. What about top 40, classicaj - I think you do a good job covering a wide review of interests - I Ii ke reading concert and movie reviews - more book reviews, more movie reviews - OK, but again too left wing and too narrow a band of topics

photos/graphics - try to get pictures that aren’t so dark; they make my hands black - captions are often quite amusing - some photos are too alternative in style - because is the best of them, exposing the obscurity of life - I like irreverent pop-culture “samples” - gives it that cool -a-** .

M I V tee1

has made a comeback n more comics please - generally lacking on the witty and vulgar humour front n need more comics to cheer people up - I only wish there were more than three per paper - Lefcourt for PM - slightly rude - Because and Parkinglot is Full don’t seem to have redeeming values


comments - continue to expand role of alternative coverage - put campus events in a more noticeable format - more arts, more regular columns - what about making extracts from other university newspapers - lighter spirited - the persecuted editor complaining about how UW hates him doesn’t do it for me personally - enough sodium pentothal till Atwal tells us what his problem really is, I read what he writes and often respect him highly, he’s iust too fulf of himseff updates from the Feds outtining what they’ve done week, after all they are acting for and accountable to the students - more columns other than religion - some of the writers seem selfish - self centred ie making comments to other that the reader does not know -make me think, piss me off, get Atwal to write more -- he’s nutty I

comix - Lefcourt and Robinson are great! The Parkinglot is empty - Parking Lot - I don’t mind graphic or cartoon violence if it is funny or poignant, but this is just stupid - Parkinglot is good - a huge improvement from last year - what the heck? apparently LSD

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Microchip leaps and

technology making boundsat UWVLSllab

asking the computer to map out what job each component is to do and where the interconnections are to be made. The model must be formulated in such a way that the “search space” is as small as possible. “Automating the design of such devices means a manufacturer will be able to get new products into production much more quickly,“Gebotys says, “and further it means that a designer should be able to thoroughly explore a great variety of different options, in the course of working out a chip’s architecture. This should be a great boon to the smaller manufacturer.” Because Canada’s high-tech industries are usually much smaller in scale than their counterparts in the United States or other larger countries, many Canadian manufacturers have not previously been able to

will do this and at very low cost, using Technology Research Centre (ITRC), these optimization techniques applied a centre of excellence supported by to VLSI technology called 46PGA the Ontario provincial government, field programmable gate array.” and by Microelectronic Devices, CirHigh-tech microchips help cars get (Gates are the openings inmicrochip cuits and Systems for Ultra Large moremiles pergallon, guide airplanes in components through which the curScale Integration, another centre of and out of busy airports and even promrent passes.) excellence, supported by the federal ise to make the picture phone much more affordable in the future. VLSI technology, until now congovernment. She is also collaborating The downside is that this technolfined for the most pat-t to very large very closely with researchers at the companies, promises to become more ogy is still very expensive, in part UniversityofTorontowhereshecomopen to smaller and medium-sized 1 because it is so complex. Skilled engipleted her bachelor’s and master’s neers can spend a great many hours businesses. They may not be able to degrees. may use it to “optimize” the flow of afford large teams of VLSI engineers, designing a tiny silicon chip, into which Gebotys’ research lab consists df __ vehicles through our streets (autohundreds ofthousands of;nicroscopic but they can afford CAD tools. a high performance computer and matic regulation of traffic lights). The Gebotys says optimization is alelectronic devicesare to be imbedded. some sophisticated, state-of-the-art problem with respect to designing a ready bringing about significant The ideal solution is to improve CAD software. Among her recent microchip is somewhat similar excomputer-aided design (CAD), so alt changes in the design market. FPGA (I 992) accomplishments is a book on cept that instead of regulating a flow chips have been on the market for the engineers have to do is specify CAD for VLSI: Optimal VLSI Archiof cars you regulate an electric curwhat they want a chip to do, leaving the last five years but newer ones, tectural Synthesis: Area, Performance rent flowing through all the tiny desuch as those she is targeting the it to a computer to automatically plan and Testability. vices in the chip. the layout; that is, build into the CAD optimization tools for, are. of much She feels is it very important that Currently, Gebotys is applying her higher density and faster. She sees software, mathematical her undergraduate students get some expertise to the design principles that designers can many other future uses for the techexperience with CAD tools and has of a VLSI chip that could nology, noting that telephone circount on togovern the synrevised the undergraduate course she cuitry is one promising area. She thesis of a chip’s architecteaches with this in mind. “Using CAD ture. The computer can meets regularly with Bell-Northern is not something you can learn from a aided design, ing System; Research engineers who are very even test the design _COrnputer textbook; you have to have hands-on - wiih_ Litton _ Canada Ltd. make sure it works z and interested in her work. experience,” she insists, “so I teach it “Suppose you are FPGA technology ought to prove further, it can control the by having teams of students work on becoming a&/e to have relevant to all phases of communicaproduction of thechip. Processing radar signals design projects. The teams compete at an airpoq” she extions, she predicts. As well, the autoThe research of against each other; each tries to come plains. “The VLSI chip that motive industry is interested since Catherine Cebotys, a proup with the best design. They learn . a_. L __ does this has to be able fessor in UW’s electrical newer cars have sophisticated chips the methods and they get experience to identify the tracks on board that receive signals from and computer engineering with CAD tools and with the design made by incoming or devarious parts of the vehicle and procprocess.” department, involves new patting aircraft, and the ess them to smooth out the ride or levels of CAD sophisticaShe has also developed a new topographyoftheground minimize fuel consumption. tion. Its promise is more graduate CAD course which involves around the airport over The research is being supported applying optimization techniques to complex chips that do more make much use of leading-edge VLSI which the radar is sweeping. There is by the federal government’s Natural and do it much faster, and that can be actual engineering problems. “Thus I technology. The cost of developing a a lot of data coming in and a lot of Sciences and Engineering Research can say that my research has very produced at much lower cost. Her new chip, for relatively small marfiltering or ‘processing’ to be done. Council (NSERC), the Information research promises to help make “very much helped my teaching,” Gebotys kets, can be prohibitive. Automating You can’t achieve the results you concludes. large scale integration (VLSI)” techwant withan off-the-shelf chip so you the design should alleviate such a nology more easily affordable for problem. have to design one. The problem is to SPORTS INJURIES modest-sized companies in the fuTENDINITIS BURSITIS transform what you want the chip to An alternative is for Canadian ture. VLSI is the integration of very manufacturers to base their new do into a design that will work accularge numbers of devices on a single rately and fast. Without automation products on the use of slower, less chip. dense chips. But if they go that way, it would take forever to work through Typically, a VLSI chip’s job is to such a problem.” they can expect great difficulty in the take in large amounts of data, filter it Another area of current research future when they try to compete (make additions, subtractions, etc.) 145 Columbia St., W., Unit 9 with products coming onto the marinvolves video signal processing, in and output the results . . . ali to be (at Phillip - opposite Good Life Club) ket from Japan, the U.S., and elsecollaboration with Motorola. The obdone very quickly. To achieve this the 725-2640 jective is a chip that would make it where,Thus Gebotys’work may help designer traditionally had to deter* therapy covered by OHIP * assure the business future of a number possible for someone to sit at a commine what devices should be on the Canadian puter terminal in Canada and talk to chip, how they should be interconBACK PAIN SPRAINS STRAINS manufacturers, and their employees. someone in, for example, Japan . . . nected, and the fastest path for the and at the same time have a picture of Gebotys bases her research on a electrical current to take as it passes the person in Japan appear on the branch of the mathematical sciences through the chip. known as “optimization” which has screen, while the Canadian’s picture The designer comes up with an simultaneously appears on the screen sometimes been called “mathematiarchitecture that involves more than of the Japanese computer. cal programming.” It has to. do with one major component. The design “This would involve &hat is called maximizing (or minimizing) functions task may thus involve arranging for a that are subject to specific conditions ‘real-time’ transmission of computer chip to partition its work among data,” Gebotys says. “To do it, one or constraints. It can utilize “integer these components, and do so programming” techniques (IP modneeds special-purpose, high-speed optimally. Component No. I will do chips that will compress data in the els) as contrasted with linear proone part of the work, pass it alongto form of video signals at the transmisgramming. component No. 2 and, when that sion end, then decompress it at the Optimization is already helping us component is finished, send it to receiving end. The promise is that we help solve a variety of complex probcomponent No. 3. Using CAD in the lems. For example, traffic engineers may come up with a microchip that creation of a new VLSI chip involves

by Bob Whitton UW News Bureau






are -

computers design and build high speed and density microchips

Columbia Medicine

Be An Active Twenty years ago, students established the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) to provide them with a vehicle to inform, challenge, and take action on issues adversely affecting people and the environment. Students organize events and explore issues using theatre, mdio, seminars, conferences, displays, and workshops, both on and off campus, in which faculty, students, and community members are encouraged to take Pam There are many ways to get involved: working at the front desk; searching outgrant funding and writing proposals; updating our information


guides; arranging for speakers; choosing new resources for our Ii brary; writing articles; putting our newsletter together; or, involvement in an issueoriented WPIRG working group. Lack of previous organizational experience is no barrier. Through WPI RG, you can share ideas and skills with others and gain the practical experience you need to be effective in working for your convictions and community. WPIRG “working groups” are formed by participants who share common concerns and the need to explore, define, and express their concerns through research, education, and action. Some of the working groups for this term: Adbusters (the Media Lit-

eracy working group); Electric Green (radio show); Enviro Band (a band really}; Environmental/Social justice Film/Video working group; Pesticide Action; PIRG in Print (produce a bimonthly calendar of community events); Recycle Cycles (collecting old bikes and refurbishing them); Save Clayoquot Sound; Saving Our Future (foreign aid & development issues); Sustainable Communities (urban design, community economic development); Whitewash (hazards of chlorine bleaching). A Volunteer Organizing Meeting (50 minutes in length) will be held Thursday, January 13th at 6:00 pm in room I 35 I of the Davis Centre. For more information call 8884882.

Sports Centre


hit ya, Guelph?

Winning hockey is Ice Warriors’ New Year’s resolution by Nicholas Mew Impt+tlt sports






at U, of Toronto Tri-meet Saturday,



Waterloo Invitational Warrior




8,2 p.m.

versus Windsor Lancers Sunday,


9,2 p.m.

versus Western Mustangs (both games at Columbia Icefield)






at Lakehead Nor’westers Saturday,



at Lakehead Nor’westers Wednesday,



at Brock Badgers Saturday,


15, 2 p.m.

versus Windsor Lancers (HOME








at Lakehead Nor’westers Saturday,



at Lakehead Nor’westers Wednesday,



at Brock Badgers Saturday,


15,2 p.m.

versus Windsor Lancers (HOME







Just who are these guys, anyway? That was the question that everyone was asking as the new and improved Waterloo Warriors skated into Guelph for the New Year’s Invitational tournament, hosted by the Gryphons from. December 3 I to January 2, and managed to make it to the championship game. Due to the holidays, work, and personal reasons, the Warriors had to face their opponents with a shortened lineup. This

who had not been given much ice time got to play on a regular line, and these players, who are mainly rookies, showed that they deserve to play every game for the rest of the season. UW met the York Yeomen in the first game on December 3 I, and the Waterloosidewasonlyabletoscrounge up t 4 .players to dress for the game, while the other teams in the tourney played with the allowed 20. ,Every Warrior present was guaranteed ma_ _ I .. * tl . jor Ice-time by this turn ot altars. Thirty seconds into the game, assistant captain Greg “Attitude” Allen put one past the York goalie, and’ the Warriors didn’t look back from that point on. By the end of the first, Waterloo led 3-0, eventually winning thegame 5-2. The Warriors lost another player during the course of the game, as starting goaltender Nathan Cressman was forced to leave with a concussion early in the third period, thanks to a heavy collision in the crease with a York forward who wag charging the net. Cressman recovered sufficiently to be the backupgoalie in the remainingtournament games. Two Waterloo forwards, Greg Allen and Jason “Swervyn” Mervyn, had three points each in the game, Mervyn’s on one goal and two assists, while Allen scored the first two Waterloo goals and assisted on the final twine-bulger, which was a shorthanded goal by Mervyn. Allen also played in an exhibition



8,8 p.m.

(at PAC main gym)


8,6 p.m.

versus Brock Badgers (at PAC main gym) 14,


at Brock Invitational Varsity


Sat., Sun. January

15, 16

at Western West Sectional Thompson







TracE 15

at York Classic

Brown sports

Tonight in Thunder Bay, the Waterloo Warrior basketball team embarks on a crucial season for UWs illustrious basketball program. How is this year different from any other? Alex Urosevic is in his fifth and final year of eligibility, while Sean VanKoughnett is in his fourth, and with his success with Canada’s national program - there are no guarantees that he will return for a fifth season. Warrior fans have enjoyed the offensive talents of these two all-stars for the last two seasons (three, in VanKoughnett’s case). In both years, this pair have been near the top of the heap in OUAA West scoring, but Waterloo has not finished higher than fifth in their eight-team division, The clock, you might say, is ticking. Tom Balfe doesn’t mind presiding over the changing of the guard, if his performance at a Western Mustangl

Fri., Sat. January

_.:_ ? . . O

:,..:.,:,. ‘.‘.Yj

: ,;.

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Swervin’ Jason Mervyn had three points against round of the Guelph Gryphon tournament.

York in the first Imprint

game in Guelph on December I7 with the OUAA select team, as they took on the Team Canada juniors. The University league, which is much better hockey than most people realize, played these future NHLers and beatthem4-3. Allen, UW’s only representative, shone during this game, tallying one goal and adding two assists. Back at the Guelph tournament, it can be said that the entire team played with a cohesion and unity not yet seen this season, and the dressing room was more relaxed than ever before. This enabled several outstanding rookies the chance to play with the big boys, and the rookies stole the show. Peter “8-ball” Skopec, was assigned a check-and-intercept role, and he spent the entire tourney frustrating opposition forwards and stealing the puck. Aside from anticipating plays and breakingupenemyattacks,Skopecalsothrew

file photo

his wiry frame around, being quite effective in this role. Head coach Don McKee was partitularly impressed with Skopec. “He did everything we wanted him to, and he surprised us with how well he played,” McKee said. Associate coach Dave Cressman was more reserved in hisiomments about Skopec, saying 9 that “he fulfilled his role.” It must be kept in mind, however, that it is easier to get -Eric Lindros to play for the Nordiques than it is to get a compliment from Cressman. The second game for the Warriors was against the host Gryphons, who were favoured to win in their home rink. The winner of this game was destined to play in the championship game, and an over-confident Guelph told Western, who had defeated Alberta earlier in the day in the other semi-final, to pack their away

Waterloo 4 Guelph 3


to page



up slack

at UWO

Warrior hoops home opener next weekend; season preview on page 18 by Peter Imprint

Volleyball January

Waterloo 2


versus Brock Badgers


jerseys because Guelph would be wcaring their home whites in the final game. Waterloo ruined Guelph’s plans, however, by winning a one-goal whitekn uckler. The rag-tag fugitive fleet of Waterloo relied on defensive play, extremely strong netminding by James Organ, and timely power-play goafs, to stun the Guelph side, 4-3. Organ received the player-of-thegame award for Waterloo, as he turned on the force-field around the net and sent the rubber bouncing away, despite a determined Gryphon attack. The newly-formed line of Dean *‘Dynamo” MaiDonald, Steve “Heart and Soul” Smith, and Chris “Crash” Kraemer took part in three of the four goals, with each man getting a goal. Kraemer and MacDonald also had assists during the game. The final game, against Western on January 2, saw Coach McKee pull a few surprises out his deep bag of tricks, as reinforcements Drew Rees and John Williams were added to the rost&. Both players were ineligible to play prior to January I, as they were not registered as full-time Waterloo students, but as both are registered in fulltime studies for the winter term, they became eligible as soon as the New Year began. This enabled coach McKee to ice I9 players for the final game, and both men proved their worth throughout the match. Williams, a hockey Warrior for the past four years, scored the only goal of the first period, a shorthanded poke past the Western goalie, after receiving a perfect pass from Brian “Hammerin”’ Henry. The purple preppies from London managed to tie the game in the second period as Waterloo forward Dean MacDonald was serving time for roughing, and the score remained this way until early in the’third when Waterloo scored another shorthanded goal. Organ fired a long pass to Steve Smith, who sent the puck on to Chris Kraemer. Kraemer made no mistake,

western 3,

York 2

at York Invitational Wednesday,


hosted tournament last week is any indication. Switched to the post to back up incumbent Mark Hopkins, Balfe led the team with 45 points and 20 rebounds in two games, including 27 points in a championship game loss to the ‘Stangs on December 30. Sans Sean, the Warriors upset the nationally eighth-ranked University of Prince Edward Island Panthers in the first round, on December 29. (VanKoughnett was in Europe playing for the national squad.) Balfe and Chris Moore, who were named to the tournament all-star team, scored I8 and I5 points and added I2 and I3 rebounds respectively in the 7770 win over UPEI. Moore played 35 minutes. Hopkins also found double figures with IO points. Platooning at guard, Mike Duarte and Alex Urosevic scored I2 and I I pdints. B. 1. York added 7 points in his 32 minutes. The Mustang’s 77-64 win the next - day saw last year’s OUAA West scor-

ing champ Mike Lynch lead UWO with I6 points, followed by four teammates in double figures. Balfe hit 6 I per cent ( I I -of- 18) from the field, but the Warriors shot only 35 per cent as a team. Afterthis weekend’s doubleheader at Lakehead, the team plays next Wednesday night, January 12, at Brock Waterloo’s home opener is one week from tomorrow, Saturday, January I5 versus the Windsor Lancers at 2 p.m. The Athenas also play at Lakehead and Brock and host the Lancettes at I2 p.m. on Jan. 15. See page 18 for a 1994 OUAA west preview.

Fifth-year forward Chris Moore (middle) leads the Warriors into a new campaign Imprint file tonight in T’under Bay.




friday, january 7, I994



Fall 1993 term in review

Those by Peter Imprint

Brouh sports

The fall term brought a mixed bag of results for the University of Waterloo’s varsity teams. For football, soccer, and rugby, it was a season of missed opportunities and frustration. The Warrior football team finished 3-4 and out of the OUAA playoffs despite having one of the best offensive seasons in the team’s history. After starting cailback Mike Son suffered a season-ending injury in the first game of the year, fullback Mike Mallet stepped up as the offensive workhorse, finishing second in Canada in rushing and earning a second-team All-Canadian award. Mallet finished strong, topping 200 yards in each of the last two games. Perhaps even more surprising was UW’s success through the air. Quarterback Steve Bennet matured into a solid pocket passer, an aspect of his game he had never looked comfortable with before. OUAA coaches were impressed by Waterloo’s I993 squad, despite the team’s win-loss record, and named I I Warriors to the conference’s two allstar teams, more players than any other Ontario university. Centre Mark Williams, defensiv(e tackle John Shoniker, cornerback Gory Delaney, and safety Torberne Williams joined Mallot on thefirstteam. Williams also garnered a second-team all-Canadian award. Therugby Warriorsstarted the season by remembering 25 years of rugby at the University of Waterloo, but then had a season they would prefer to forget.


were The lone highlight was a mid-season win over the eventual OUAA champions, the Queen’s Golden Gaels. In Kingston, the Warriors came from behind with a last-minute try to beat the Gaels I9- 17. But this was the team’s only victory, and its I-6 record put it in the basement of the first division, meaning that it will be relegated to the second division for the 1994 season, trading places with the second-division-winning Carleton Ravens. Waterloo hopes that history can repeat itself; the last time the Warriors were sent down to division It, in 1988, they bounced back with 7-O record and a playoff upset over the McMaster Marauders. Both UW soccer teams had tough seasons, finishing in the basements of their respective divisions. The Warriors bolted out of the gate in September with a tie against the Guelph Gryphons and wins over the Brock Badgers and Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks, but collected only two ties in their remaining seven games. The Athenas had a dismal showing, failing to win a single game and going O-9-3. This team’s only real highlight was goalkeeper Nicole Wight’s athlete of the week award midway through the season.


ships. The Athena field hockey team completed the outdoor portion of their season a fourth-place finish in the OWIAA field hockey playoffs. Waterloo lost I-O in the final minute of the bronze medal game to the Western Mustangs after beating the Cuelph Gryphons 3-2 on penalty kicks and losing 3-O to the York Yeomen in the semi-final. Centre midfielder Kathy Reilly earned a spot on the conference’s atlstar team. Waterloo also competes in indoor field hockey this winter.

already strong team carrying Boyko and Andrew Wahbe.

water sports, the teams represented the University well during the fall. The Warrior swimmers, consisting of veterans and promising rookies, participated in several meets and tourneys, and had a strong showing in all of them. Rookies Ed Furs and Chris Nagy proved to be strong additions to an






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defeated three of their four opponents, losing a close battle with Ferris State. Rookie Tereza Mace1 and seasoned veteran Jen Reatty provided some thrilling races during the first-haJf of the season. Christmas training camp was held by the Warriors and Athenas in Florida, December 26 to 30.


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The varsity rowing teams ‘had fine seasons in 1993. The Athenas finished in the top three in three of their four events, coming away with a second-place showing in the heavy double and third in both the heavy single and the light double. The Warrior rowers had two third-place finishes, in the heavy single and light double. Still considering

r I

Especially notable was the team’s trip to Wayne State in Detroit, where Ian Hunt and Ed Furs won several events, giving Waterloo six wins out of I I chances. The Athena water-women had a similarly strong showing in Detroit,

Sarah Brown and Jason Gregoire led the Athena and Warrior cross country teams to fifth and seventhplace finishes respectively in the provincial finals. Gregoire finished I Ith in his race, while Brown crossed the line in 15th place.

Waterloo Varsity tennis was a bright spot this fall for Waterloo sports. Richard Stmka won his third OUAA singles tide in four years, and completed the sweep by winning the doubles title with teammate Peter Tseng. In OWIAA tennis, Katie Afkhami finished fourth in the singles champion-


0 Cash 1 Ack



0 VISA I ReceiDt

di ON

q MC



friday, january 7, 1994

Draw, Pardner! The battle for supremacy in the nation’s division, the Wild, Wild OUAA West, begins tonight by Peter Brown anti Rich NichoZ


Imprint sports

Ii Peter Schmidt G 12 Reid Beckett G/F 14 Blake Gage G/F 15 Brendan Noonan G 20 Jonathan Dingle G 21 Michael Boydell G/F 22 Hugh Bell G 23 Michael Lynch F 33 Brad Campbell FIG 34 Jason Meskis F 44 John Vermeeren C 45 Marty Harris C 55 Bruce Young C Head coach: Craig Boydell

Ahh, the OUAA West baskeball else can a fourth-place team can win it all and go to the division. Where Nationals?


else could the fifth kick

and sixth-place teams probably butt in any other division? Where



To prepare you for the roller coaster that awaits, here’s Imprint’s patented season preview, in order of last season’s regular season finish:

MCMASTER MARAUDERS 1992-93 record: 12-2 (I st) The Marauders burst out of the gate last season, winning their first ten games and eventually clinching the OUAA West regular-season pennant with a 12-2 record. Despite being upset by a fiesty Western squad in the West semi-finals at Copps Coliseum, McMaster still went to the nationals as a wildcard because oftheirstrong league play and season-long national ranking. In Halifax, Mac lost to St. Francis Xavier in the national championship game. McMaster is the perennial favorite in the West once again this season. They led the league in rebounding due mostly to division giant Jack Vander Pol (6’8”, 250 Ibs.) who enters his final year of eligibility. Considered one of the nation’s premier post players, Vander Pol was honoured as a first-team AllCanadian in 1992-93, finishing fourth in West division scoring (I 8.6 points per game) and capturing the rebounding

title (I 4.9 rpg). Third-year player Shawn Francis anchors the forward unit. Sophomore Thomas Newton returns after a oneyear absence and should battle for the other starting forward position with junior Paul Maga. On reserve are veteran Lance Postma and lanky rookie Jeremy Storry. McMaster’s perimeter attack will not be as strong this season as Zownir has graduated along with shooting guards Derek Howard and Shawn Francis. The scoring gap will be filled in by junior Marc Sontrop along with freshmen hopefuls Keegan Johnson and Titus Channer. G G c G G G G/F G F F C F F F

2 4 I 2 5 1 4 4 5 1 1 3 3

WATERLOO WARRIORS 1992-93 record: 6-8 (5th) Centre will be central this year, At 6’9”, Mark Hopkins is the largest man on the team and preq mobile at the same time, a natural choice for the starting post spot After recruiting for depth at forward, Kieswetter had the luxury of moving Tom Balfe to the back-up centre position. Despite fiaving the physical skills and the intensity, Balfe would seem, at 6’6”, to have too much of a height disadvantage to make up for. But Balfe has performed well in the post in preseason, scoring45 points in two games at Western in late December. VanKoughnett has played with the Canadian national team throughout


04 Marc Sontrop 05 KeeganJohnson 31 Andrew Middleton 32 Titus Channer 33 Andrew Peters 35 James Giroiatietto 42 Shawn Francis 43 Ron Kovip-vc 44 Paul Maga 45 Cesare Piccini 52 Jack Vander Pal 53 Lance Post ma 54 Jeremy Stony 55 Thomas Newton Head coach: Joe Raso

6’1” 6'3" 6’3” 5'10" 6'1" 6’2” 6'2" 6'6" 6’3” 6’3” 6’9” 6'7" 6'9"

6'1" 6'2" 6'6" 6'2" 6'0" 5’10” 6’4” 6'3" 6’3” 6'4" 6'8" 6'6" 6'8" 6'6"

3 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 3 5 3 I 2

GUELPH GRYPHONS 1992-93 record: I O-4 (2nd) With the most potent offence in the OUAA West at 86.5 points per game, Guelphsfinished second in the division at I O-4. After an 85-47 drubbing of Windsor in the quarter-finals, the Gryphs’ hopes of a’ fourth straight trip to Halifax were thwarted by defending national champions Brock, 6864. Of course, the biggest change for this team will be the graduation of rebounding monster Tim Mau and the always-surly Tim Barnhardt Fifth-year player Chris O’Rourke

These eight teams are all shooting for the Final Four tournament at Hamilton’s Copps Coliseum on March 5 and 6. last year’s final saw Andre Baptiste (above) and the Guelph Gryphons lose to the Brock Badgers in the semi-final. The Western Mustangs beat the Badgers foi the crown. Imprint file photo should lead the team from the guard position, alongside Richie Wesolowski. And as long as fashion king Tim Dar@ patrols the sidelines distracting opposing coaches, the Gryphons should be there. 00 0 10 11 21 22

Paul Eldridge Rudy Nelson Steve Krajcarski Chris O’Rourke Chris Kopichanski Rich Wesolowski

6’8” 5'6" G/F 6’5” G 5'10" G 6’1” G 6’2” 23 Brian Moore G 6'0" 24 Kris Vander Veer F 6'6" 32 Chris Baldauf F 6’5” 33 Robert Henry F 6’7” 34 Shawn Wilson F 6’7” 42 Erik Otto F 6’4” 44 Randy Mahoney G 6’2” 45 Jeff Erskine F 6’8” Head coach: Tim Darling BROCK 1992-93



BADGERS record:94

1 1 2 5 1 3 4 2 3 4 3 1 3 1


(This season’s Brock roster could not be manufactured in time for timely deadlines,






UP.) I4 Kris Oiauson 21 Dave McKay 22 Gord Wood


6'0" 6'4" 6’8”


6’3” 5’11” 6’lp” 6'0" 6’8” 6'3" 6’7” 6'7" 6'3" 6’7”

2 6 3 2 5 5 4 2 4 3

WESTERN MUSTANGS 1992-93 record: 8-6 (4th)

The I99 I-92 national champions finished league play in third at 9-5 and sported the best defence holding the opposition to 69.7 points per game. Gord “the corn-eback kid” Wood is gone, but a solid collection of guards and forwards should keep the Badgers in contention in ‘94. With Alien McDougall as Wally and Dave Picton as he Beave, Brock has one of the strong est backcourts in the conference. If Brian Bleich returns, he can only improve.


23 Jason Tatti 24 Pat Sullivan 31 Dave Picton 32 Jeff Lucyk 33 Brian Bleich 34 Allen MacDougali 51 Joe Dekker 52 Pat Palmieri 54 Mike Pullar 55 Jamie Huebert Head coach: Ken Murray

2 3 6

Last year’s OUAA West champions won’t surprise too many teams this year -- they’ve earned their reputation as a team that can play with anybody. Returning for the Mustangs is potential All-Canadian Mike Lynch, the leading scorer in the conference last year. Lynch averaged 28 points per game at the nationals. Point guard Brendan Noonan, a team leader and outstanding defensive player, and centre John Vermeeren, who had some outstanding clutch performances late in the year are also back for the Mustangs. A more than pleasant surprise in 1992-93, sophomore Blake Gage returns at guard. Rookie sensation from I991 -92 Brad Campbell is also back following major reconstructive surgery to an injured knee last season. With a number of other key young players returning and the addition of five newcomers, this year’s Mustangs should have significantly more depth at every position and greter overall versatility than last year’s squad. It is the most experienced and mature team since Western won the National Championship in I99 I. Only Noonan and lynch remain from that

December, includingacharacter-building rout at the hands of North Carolina. Still, the blackand gold team we’ve seen in preseason so far looks much like the Warriors of the Ia@ three years: scoring in the paint against Laurier and Windsor, stymied inside against

everyone else, and left to rely on the long-range shooting of VanKoughnett, Urosevic, Moore, and the rest. Kieswetter has done agood job in taking a look at the rest of the lineup duringthe exhibition schedule. Though unfortunate, York’s ankle injury allowed McDonaugh and Pocrnic to showcase their point guard skills while Duarte has spotted the inconsistent Urosevic at shooting guard and Jones has challenged Moore for a starting forward spot York will still be one of the best point guards in the division, VanKoughnett wilt be an all-star, and Waterloo will score a couple of big upsets by raining treys all over Western or Mac. But the centre spot will be key to the team’s success. If it does not gel, the Warriors cannot expect any higher than a fifth-place finish again this year. 03 05 10 12 20 24

B.J. York G Mike Duarte G Scott Carroll F Andy Pocrnic G Alex Urosevic G Brian Boulton F 32 Sean McDonaugh G 33 Sean VanKoughnett F 34 Chris Moore F F 42 Jason Clapp 43 Nick Poulimenous G 44 Tom Balfe c 54 Mark Hopkins c 55 Tom Skrban F Head coach: Tom Kieswetter

5'9" 6'2" 6'3" 6'1" 6'3" 6'4" 6'3" 6'7" 6'6" 6’4” 6'2" 6'6" 6'9" 6’6”

2 4 1 2 5 1 4 4 5 I 1

3 3 1

LAKEHEAD NOR’WESTERS 1992-93 record: 4-8 (5th) It’s appropriate that the Nor’westers and the Warriors finished tied in last season standings. Both teams are on the cusp of competitiveness. They manage an upset over McMaster or Guelph, and yet always seem to find


a way to lose to Windsor or Laurier. This year’s Lakehead should be lead, of course, by fourth-year guard Peter Brown, who can run the offence, shoot the outside shot, and penetrate when he needs to. (The latest Lakehead roster could not be produced by deadline. This roster has been extrapolated from last seaso&.) IO Peter Brown 11 Eric Schultz 21 Gory Keeler 22 Kareem Rodriguez 23 Craig Law 24 Chuck Brown 25 Steve Riddle 31 Brian Norland 32 Paul Andrews 33 Brian Tees 34 Murray Smith 42 David Pineau 44 Cam Becher 54 Chris Grace 55 Noah Van Sickle Head coach: Lou Pero


5'6" 6'0" 5'9" 6’3” 6'7" 6'1" 6’5” 6'4" 6'6" 6’6” 6'5" 6'2" 6'6" 6’8” 6’5”

4' 2 3 2 3 2 5 4 2 4 2 5 2 5 2

WINDSOR LANCERS 1992-93 record: 4-10 (7th) The Lancers recruited the biggest player to enter the OUAA West in seven years. Windsor native Jodyloyce (6’9”, 250 Ibs.) joins former Riverside High School teammates Steve Carey and jamie Pepper. Another possible fresman standout will be 6’3” forward Steve Anderson, a product of provincially renowned Runnymede Collegiate in Toronto.

Still, it will be tough for the Lancers to challenge Lakehead and Waterloo for this season’s six-team playoffs. The Lancers finished off the exhibition campaign with a training camp in Florida. 10 Dale Harris 14 Jeff Nekkers 20 Matt McMillan 22 Krim tacey 30 Steve Carey . 32 Jamie Pepper 34 Jason Kaul 40 Steve Anderson 42 Mark Baggio 44 Patrick Osbtorne 50 Mark Koppeser 52 Kurtis McGeachy 55 Jody Joyce Head coach: Mike Havey


5'8" 6’5” 6'2" 6'0" 6’3” 6'0' 6’6” 6’3” 6’5” 6’2” 6’5” W' 6’9”

1 2 5 1 3 4 2 3 4 3 1 3 1

LAURtER GOLDEN HAWKS 1992-93 record: I - I3 (8th) The Hawks have little chance of climbing out of the basement in 1994, but the future looks bright, what with I I of I2 rosters spots occupied by first or second-year players, including a mind-boggling SEVEN rookies. Anchoring the team is fourth-year forward Shawn Roach, who could be an OUAA West all-star if he had a supporting cast Roach and sophomore shooting guard Peter Kratz shone at last November’s Naismith Tournament here at Waterloo; Kratz has the smoothest shot east of VanKoughnett. IO 14 20 24 30 32 34

David Bart Tolly Henderson Daniel Pace David Chasson Phillip Stouffer Ricardo Mledeiros Brian Fret;!


6'4" 6'0" 6’2” 5’9” 5’11” 5’10” 6'6"


Jay Spencer


6’7,, 2


6'6" 6'6" 6'6" 6'0"

42 44 50 55

Darren Bibby Michael Wasyliw Shawn Roach Peter Kratz Head coach: Gary Jeffries

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1


Council Meeting.

Mike scmthing matinee 12 noon AND

for lineup

THE HEADSTONES8 Guest 8 p.m.



1Ukranian Students’ 111 11 W~~CCW?W kd Club (USC) Membership


Pick your Van!. 5:45 Sunnydale to Keatsway 6:30 Keatsway to Sunnydale 7:15 Sunnvdale to Keatsway Keatsway to Sunnydale

9:00 Sunnydale to Keatsway 9:45 Keatsway to Sunnydale


ONLY A LOON/E 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

Minutes posted outside Fed Office-CC235



Movie Call 888-4090


All runs leave from the Campus Centre. Seating is limited to 14 people, and women will be given first priority. We leave approximately every forty-five minutes f&n 5:45pm-1 :OOpm. seven days a week.

IO:30 Sunnydale to Keatsway 11:30 Keatsway to Sunnydale 12115 Sunnydale to Keatsway 1:OO Keatsway to Sunnydale


friendly service by your Federation

of Studentr& El -

VOLUNTEERS WANTED .a. for Students Advising Co-op (SAC). Contact

Board of Academic

Affairs, ext. 2340 or drop by Fed Office.


leaker for Student Council needed. If you know Robert’s Rules, please come to the Fed Office and ask for Sharon, There is one leeting a month which takes pluce on a Sunday. Rate of pay is $30.00each meeting,


‘ANTED: 2-D, black and white artwork for “HESAYS,,,SHE SAYS.I#“, a play about acqudntance rape and violence in relationships, MM/T to Creative Arts Board, Fed Office, CC 235 with name & phone number. Originals will be returned to. artist. DEADLINE: lursduy,January 13 at 4:30 p.m. AVVESOM GlFTto the artist whose work is chosen, plus...you get your name and work in print!!! .









HANDBOOKS are available at the Fed Office, Campus Centre, room 335.

Daily at 6pm. Wed. to Sat. call 888-4090 far lineup


THE TERMlNATOFl - Fistful of Dolars Alien Jabberwocky Taxi Driver 9 Full Metal Jacket Blade Runner . DIE HARD Blazing Saddles Maior League Dune Outlar~I 0 Mad Mw Pale Rider 0 FIRST 8L000 . ‘Cocktail Roadhouse - Hot Shots





























friday, january 7, I994



Warrior Challenge. The challenge is this - Bring 3,000 fans to the first Warrior home game of the regular season !! The inaugural Warrior Challenge comes in the form of a double-header on Saturday, January I5 against Windsor. The Warrior game starts at 2:OO p.m., and the Athenas play at 12100 p-m. Through the pre-season the I994 UW Warrior squad has proved to be an exciting team with great potential to make waves in the national rankings. From B. J. York taking a charge, to Sean Van Koughnett’s dazzling moves to the basket., there will be a lot to cheer about when the Warriors take to the court. The Athenas will bring you out of your seats with tremendous hard working defense, and sweet drives to the hoop. OK fine, so I want 3,000 fans. Why should YOU no? Well besides going to see great basketI, aid that mushy it& about seeing your rsmates and friends strut their stuff on hardlad, you can leave the PAC with a lot more than



HALF-contest. At the half, three numbers selected, and if any of those numbers match the number in your program, you shoot for prizes. You are given 30 secondsto make a lay-up, a free throw, a three-pointer, and a shot from half. Prizes will be awarded for each shot made, and a grand prize of $2,500 (from the KW office of the Prudential Assurance Company) will be given to any winner that can make all 4 shots. I wish I were eligible. (Be sure to read next weeks IMPRlNTfor news of possible prizes for floors, houses, or quads who bring the most fans. At the time of writing, the prizes were still being negotiated.) So come one, come all! Oh, one last thing. As a fan you have only one job to do. CHEER YOUR ASSES OFF!! You’ll realize the game is a lot more fun and believe it or not, the players get pumped from . v .playe harder and -. . some serious noise. And for you self-conscious


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to page







friday, january 7, 1993

CRec ace


om pm

(FAC 2045. Sehedulmp (PAC 2045:

on cvurt 3i


MtQ. .

are dus

Ret pm {Gym




by Jane Campus

Varley Recreation

Happy New Year and welcome back! It is time once again to wear off that extra turkey so why not get active with Campus Ret? There have been a few changes to the phone numbers atthe PAC and Columbia Icefield, as well as a new voice mail system. To reach the University, now please dial 888-4567 if you know the

extension of the person/department you wish to reach and 885- I2 I I if you need operator assistante. Please note the following changes to the Athletic Department phone numbers (dial 8889 4567 to direct dial all of these): PAC equipment centre: ext. 5822, not ext. 4850 New North Campus Facility: 5522 Squash Court Bookings: 582 I, not 888-4848 (8: I5 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. only) Athletic Information Line: 5820, not 888-4848

Now For... L.W. Foster Seminars



offered EITHER of the following TWO DAYS

TUESDAY, JANUARY 25,1994 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26,1994 TIME: 7 to 9 p.m. PLACE: MC 4064

Doubles Tennis Tournament Finat Entry Date Mon. Feb, 28

(9:00 a.m. - 8: I5 a.m.) Columbia lcefield Office (Sill Kern): 5820, not 4866 Loretta Breslin Athletic Therapist 5824, not 4777 Dena Deglau, Promotions Assistant, Women’s Volleyball Coach: 5823, not 4832 Equipment Centre Staff-. Sharon Naumann, Ass? Facilities Manager: 5822, not 4850 Scott Calder, Equipment Centre, PAC, 5822


SPEW6 OPPORWRRY To Students, FacuMy and Staff Enrull

Alice Clarke, Joe Cascagnette If you are looking for a part-time job, Campus Ret needs instructors for tennis, squash, skating, and cross-country skiing as well as referees. Visit PAC 2039 ASAP to apply. Check out the January calendar for important meeting and registratibn dates. PICK UP a Campus Recreation brochure to find out how you can become involved or call ext. 6340 for more info.

-F & DRAGON PALACE @., 0 4a0 Happy New Year!! A k375 Weber Street, Waterloo l

(Zeller “s Plaza)





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BUSINESS HOURS: Monday to Thursday & Sunday 11:30 a.m. - 1O:OOp.m. Friday & Saturday II:30 a.m. - 11 :OOp.m.



friday, january 7, I994


Squash tourney hits PAC! by Brcui




On Saturday and Sunday, January 24 and 25, there will be an exciting squash tournament taking place in the PAC from I I a.m. to 6 p.m. Top of the line tennis racquets will be provided for all players that enter this fabulous event. So leave your racquets at home and try your skills against other competitors with the best of equipment All of the participants will also receive a free T-shirt and there will be draw prizes available, such as a top of continued




types who need to see someone else &ng nuts before you have the nerve to cheer, justtake’a lookat mewhooping it up. So don’t forget - Sat. January 15th at 200 pm in the PAC



Nordic successful

by Trevor Stewart Xntprint sports the line racquet, sweatshirts, headbands, sport bags, grips, and much more. While many students were relaxThere will be three levels of play ing during the Christmas break, UW available to maximize the competition: nordic skiers packed up early and left beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The cost is only $ IO per person and . for ski camp held from December 28 to January 2. The camp was once again everyone is guaranteed at least two held at Duntroon, near Collingwood, games. where the OUAA races will be held in The final entry date is Tuesday, February. January I8 at I p.m., PAC 2039. Skiers arrived in Duntroon findThe captain’s melting will be held ing plenty of snow and excellent trail the following Thursday, january 20, at conditions. This was a relief to many of 4:45 p.m. in PAC 1001. the veteran skiers who remembered Make sure you plan to attend if that the previous Christmas camp had you want to participate. So, get your just meagre pickings of snow. entries in as soon as possible -- the With the natural elements estabnumber of entries is limited! lished, head coach Dennis Paradine organized an excellent camp. Realizing Bring: yoursolf,afriend, yourvoice, that everyone had a good level of fita lo&e (and yes 1 know I already ness from fall training, Paradine conmentioned your friend) centrated on technique work. I will make myself available for Many rookie skiers were at the post-game autographs ofcourse. camp replacing the large amount of See You There. veteran skiers who graduated last year. Seeing the large percentage of first year The Warrior, skiers, Paradine established positive goal-setting for all team members, both long and short-term. The most beneficial being the possibility of bringing a pennant back to /

skiers have a Christmas camp Waterloo in three or four years. On the trails, Paradine, along with his brother Steve and assistant coach Don McKinnon, worked on both the classical technique and the faster skating technique with all of the skiers. Technique sessions consisted of critical evaluation during the day and video analysis in the evening. Many skiers took advantage of the full moon in the evening skies and also went for a night ski. Other evening activities included waxing clinics, cards, hanging out in the sauna and preparing skis for the following day. An inter-team classical technique time trial was held on December 3 I to be used in selecting the final team. Paradine established that everyone use the same wax to make it more of an endurance race on the IZ-km race course. The women’s team looks strong with rookie skiers Joanne Murray, Sara Ednie, Tracey Curry and Corona Fontana. Several other women skiers were unable to make it to the camp, but their performance is expected to make the team even stronger throughout the season. Grad student Dennis Paradine lead

the men’s race followed by rookie Brad Frenette. Veterans Brent Curry, Gary Plum and Chris Buchanen are on track to having good seasons as well as rookie Kevin Thomson. Norman O’Reilly and Trevor Stewart are also fighting for a spot on the team followed by Alan Ritchie, Scott Vizniowski and Rob Graham. With a few skiers missing from the men’s side as well, the men’s team should also have good results at the interuniversity races. The evening following the time trail, rookie skiers had an optional race. Technique was the main factor in this free style event due to governing restrictions. The race was highly successful and allowed everyone to get to know each other better and allow other skiers to see what they had. Frenette and O’Reilly began with a great move, but Thomson won the race unanimously after he skied much further than anyone else. Awards, donated by veteran skiers, were given to the top finishers in each category. The team is now preparing for the upcoming races by having early morning practices at Chicopee. Future interuniversity races will be held in Orangeville, Duntroon, Ottawa and Midland.

Pucksters juggle line-up run to the playoffs by Nicholas Mew xrnpdnt sports Tomorrow and Sunday see the new-look Waterloo hockey Warriors start the second half of their season against Windsor and Western, in two crucial divisional match-ups. Saturday sees the Lancers come to town, and Waterloo hopes to keep Windsor in the OUAA West division basement- A win in this important 200 p.m. game will give Waterloo a threepoint cushion over the border-boys. On Sunday, the Western Mustangs are the opponent-du-jour in a 2~00 p.m.gameat the Columbia Icefields. Western is still undefeated this season, but the Waterloo Ice-Men hope to break this trend. judging by the new squad of players that make up the Warriors this term, Western will be in for a tough game whenever they face the black and gold. No team in the OUAA has made as many roster changes as the Warriors have this season, with approximately I I roster positions changing since the Warrior’s first game. Recent departures include Barry Young, Mark Ferrier, and Bill Whistle. Whistle graduated after the fall term,





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5:30 pm


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and will be playing some professional hockey in the Colonial Hockey League before he returns to school to pursue a graduate degree. joining the Ice-Men for the remainder of this season’s campaign are John Williams, Drew Rees, and Geoff Rawson. A former Waterloo Siskin, Williams played the last four seasons for the Warriors and will be returning for one more term of shinny. Williams’ puckhandling abilities and hockey sense will add a new dimension to the Warrior’s attack. Rees, also a former Siskin, played one hard-nosed season for the Warriors, and his ability to body men off the puck will open up the ice for the rest of the Warriors. The status of Geoff Rawson is less sure, however, due to the unpredictable nature of injuries. Rawson was injured in Waterloo’s pre-season Oktoberfest tournament, doing some damage to an arm. Initially,itwasthoughtthat Rawson would be out of action for three weeks, but this prognosis proved to be somewhat short of the mark, as Rawson has missed the first four months of the season. The inability to play has frustrated

shines 16

as he headed to the net with determination, and forced it into the mesh. Before the halfway mark of the final period, Western scored two goals less than 30 seconds apart, as Waterloo coughed up the puck on some defensive lapses and poor clearing attNT?ptS* While the Warriors continued to press throughout the game, forcing Western pad-prop Richard Gallace to make some outstanding saves, it wasn’t enough, as Western shut the door and held on for the win. The man with the heart and soul for the Warriors, Smith, was chosen as Waterloo’s MVP, and throughout the three games, he spent every minute earning this accolade.


Rawson greatly all season, and he longs to get back on the ice to contribute to the team. However, the arm has not been healing as quickly as was initially hoped, and Rawson’s status will be determined this week. Due :o injuries and school commitments, tSe status of two other players is also unknown, and only time will tell if the Warriors will lose two more players, or if head coach Don McKee will be allowed the luxury of more players on the roster than he needs for the games. The departure of Whistle and Ferrier, coupled with the arrival of Rees, Williams, and Rawson will see the line combinations juggled by Coach McKee. A strong possibility is a Steve Smith / Chris Kraemer / Dean MacDonald line, as this line played outstanding hockey during the New Year’s tournament in Guelph. The speed of each player complements that of the others, and the passing zlbility of Smith will enable Kraemer and MacDonald to put a lot more points on the board. However, the coach always has the final say, and his new line combinations will be a secret right up until the game begins tomorrow at 2100 p.m.

at U. of Goo

Aside from providing goals and assists, Smith centred what is arguably Waterloo’s fastest-skating line, and also spent agreat deal of time forechecking and keepingthe opposition unbalanced. Smith’s play also garnered the hockey Warriors’ athlete of the week nomination. The unranked Warriors surprised everyone at the tournament, and everyone had their own opinions concerning the reasons for this sudden tumabout McKee attributed the success to the five practices he held shortly after Christmas and just prior to the tourney. The






due to the rest and relaxation had by the players over the holidays. Kraemer felt it was the return of aggressive hockey to the Warriors, while

defenceman Henry summed it up with one word - *‘consistency”. Defender Mark Cardiff, known for his toughness on the ice and wit off the ice, felt that the change for’the better was due to the fact that the Warriors played their style of game. “We’re not a fancy hockey club,” Cardiff stated, and he went on to explain that by sticking to the basics and not trying to play like prima-donnas, the Warriors could win a lot more games this season. Cardiff then hastened to add that the r&l reason for the success was trainers Erin Weiss and Mary Kalamaris, who bandage the Warriors up and get them ready to play each game, as well as provide the physical therapy and ice after the games. Said CardiE “‘We’ve got the best looking trainers in the league!”



Dec. 2 Toronto 3, Concordia Guelph Laurier McGill Toronto Laurentianat 4 Guelph Western Jan. 4 Ryerson 5 Western 6 Guelph

Waterloo Guelph Brock Laurier Windsor


at at at at at at

York UQTR York Western Ottawa Brock Ryerson Brock Windsor Laurentian Laurier Toronto

at at at at at

East Division

York Queen’s Laurentian Toronto Ryerson UUAA

Mayer OUAA


Fclr West


Laurier Western Waterloo Windsor

11 9 11 10

Mid West


Laurentian Brock York Ryerson

12 11 11 12

Mid Eat

GPW 11 10 13 14

Guelph Toronto RMC Queen’s Far Eim



9 8

1 0

1 1











19 17 10 8






6 5 4 2

6 6 7 8

0 0 0 2

49 56 43 52

47 39 54 80

12 10 8 6

T 1 2 0 0

F 46 33 38 41


6 3 2 2

L 4 5 11 12

34 57 84 70

PCs 13 8 4 4

LT 2 0

F 47

A 21

P&s 14

1 2 1

44 41

24 30

14 13





GPW 9 7

McGill UQTR Ottawa Concordia




10 9

6 6

3 3

64 55

36 28

5 5 6 6 6 M? 6 6 6 6 6


4 2 2 2 0 MW 6 5 2 2


ll3 4 8 3 7 9 4 4 9 12 4 4 6 16 4 6 3 18 0 MLCW CL TP 0 18 4 12





4 4 6

IO 8 2

14 14 18

4 4 0


Wed Division Team G A K

Geoff White McMasterlS Darren Ettles McMaster20 Steve DunlopMcMasterl9 Matt Reed Waterloo17 B. Kussner Western 19 JudePopp McMaster20 Steve Ray Windsor 21 Rene Holt Waterloo15 Trevor Scott Guelph 16 Chris Jeffrey Brock 21




2100 7 85 4 76 6 91 6 100 4 73 2 70

19 31 36 6 7 37 25

121 123 116 103 113 114 97

6.7 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.0 5.7 4.6

4 60


69 4.6

2 51 15 4 74 8

-67 4.2 86 4.1


Nov. 23 Toronto 3 York (15-12,8-15,15-7,15-10) Toronto 3 Queen’s (15-9,15-10,15-10) 24 Brock 3 Laurier (15-4,15-11,15-l 1) Waterloo 3 McMaster (15-7,6-15,15-12,10-15,15-13) Windsor 3 Western (1511,15-9,15-5) 26 Lakehead 3 Western {15-11,15-6,15-l 1) 27 Lakehead 3 Western (15-12,11-15,10-15,15-S, Windsor 3 Guelph (16-14,15-4,15-6) OWlAA West Division

Windsor Lakehead Wes te.m Brock Guelph Waterloo McMaster Laurier East Division

Ottawa Toronto York Queen’s Ryerson Carleton





John Spoltore Ian Richardson Jar-he Caruso Chris C&xge Ben Davis Todd W&xl D. Macoretta Dave Matsos Guy Boucher R. Stephenson Steve Rucchin Jason Mervyn Steve Woods Dan Haylow Rob Radobenko Aaron Nagy Brian Grieve Ken Rowbotham Ryan Merritt Cosmo Clarke Brad Haelzle R. J. Ellis

Laurier Ryerson Ryerson Lauder York Guelph Brock Western McGill Windsor Western Waterloo Waterloo Guelph York Western Western Western Laurier Brock Guelph RMC

1 0 0

6 8

5 5







8 6

2 0

5 5 5 5





Nov. 24 26 27 28

2 10-15) 0

22 16 17 14 6

5 7 13 6 14

14 10 10 8 4

4 6




10 4

19 18

4 0




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10 10 8 5 3 10

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7 5 10 7 7 1 6 5 5 8 3 3 8





Dec. 3 York OUAA West Division

McMaster Western








10 9 11 13 14 6 8 9 11 6 9 9 15 9

20 19 19 18 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


10 7 12 12 7





1 1

1 3

54 48 28 27




25 18 15








Brock Guelph Windsor Western

65 78 62 77


Waterloo Laurier Waterloo McMaster


53 41 44 52


GP 2

W 2

L 0

PF 131

PA 70

Pts 4

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 0

0 0 0 2 1

65 78 78 145 52

53 41 52 150 78

2 2 2 2 0
















Pfo yer

Nancy Gyurcsik, Windsor Nancy Schuster, Brock Karen Gittings, Guelph Michelle Vesprini, UWO Shelley Vanderbeld, MCM Sharon Kruis, Brock Michelle Scott, Windsor Susan Kruis, Waterloo Wendy Langley, Windsor Carla Vesprini, McMaster Casey Winegard, UWO RMC


Jan, 7 Waterloo 8 Waterloo Windsor 12 Guelph Watedoo McMaster

at at at at at at

Lakehead Lakehead Brock Western Brock Windsor

8:30 p.m.

900 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

890 p.m. 8~00 p.m. 8:30 p.m.


16 16

4 7


10 10

9 Ottawa Western Windsor Concordia 11 McGill 13 Brwk Ryerson York


Jan. 11 Toronto Carleton

at Ryerson at Ottawa

8:OO p.m. 8:30 p.m.


Jan. 7 McGill RMC 8 Windsor Concordia

at at at at

UQTR York Waterloo Guelph

7:30 730 200 7:3O

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.



16 13 7 10 9 12



West Division

Windsor Brock Guelph Western Waterloo McMaster Laurier Lakehead


23 24 11 8 6 ‘5


GP 2

Pts. 21.5

1 1 1 1 1 2

21.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 13.0 12.5



1 1 1

12.0 11.0 11.0


Jan. 7 Waterloo 8 Windsor Guelph Waterloo 9 Brock 12 McMaster 13 Waterloo


15 11 10 9 12 8



MP MW 5 4 5 4

Queen’s HOCKEY

Western McMaster Waterloo Ryerson Toronto Ottawa York Guelph




at at at at at at at

Lakehead Brock Western Lakehead Laurier Windsor Brock

6:30 p.m. 400 p.m. 7~00 p.m. 7:OO p.m. 2100 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 pm.

at Brock at UQTR at Waterloo at Laurier at Toronto at Ottawa a$ Guelph at Western at Toronto

7:30 pm. 2:00 p.m.

2~00 p.m. 2:UO p.m. 4:00 p.m. 230 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7130 p.m.


Jan. 12 Brock Western /NDOOR

Jan. 8 First Chance

at Waterloo at Guelph

8:OO p.m. 890 p.m.



at Toronto 2:OO p.m.


Jan. 11 Toronto Carleton

at Ryerson at Ottawa

6~00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.


Jan. 12 Brock Western flUDOOR

at Waterloo at Guelph

6:00 p.m. 6100 p.m.


Jan. 8 First Chance Qualifier

at Toronto 200 p.m.

"Fuck Blur with



at the Opera House December 2, I993

by Greg Imprint

Hood-Mods stqff

So speaketh Damon Albarn, leader of an ex-baggy British band called Blur, who strode into the Opera House in support of their newest album,Modern Life is Rubbish. This new album, surely a milestone in the mod revivalist movement of British alternative, is influenced equally by the Who and the Jam, with just a smattering of Bowie, the Sex Pistols, and the old Blur thrown in. The album is a masterpiece. With it, Blur has every right to be the swaggering cocky bastards which they’ve always wanted to be. From suicidal young upstarts at their Toronto debut, two years ago, Blur has polished up their act, and created a masterful show, with the right amount of raw energy and refined musicianship. The show starts late, at about twelve midnight, and those of US squished by volition into the metal barricade at the front, are privileged to see Damon, Alex, Graham and Dave amble through the dark, to their respective instruments. Quietly at first, not sure wether it is the background music, or wether it is actually Blur, Damon begins the quiet piano intro to the Intermission, half-way through the record. Plink-plink-plink; the lights come just as Graham starts doing his staccato guitar offset to Damon’s piano, and Alex and Dave chime in on bass and drums. It’s not so quiet now, as Damon starts jumping like a puppet behind his keyboard, and Graham is trying furiously to convince the audience that Doctor Strange is not dead, but grinning in evil ecstacy upon the stage. More furiously the music does continue, faster and faster like a mad Cossack dance. Alex, with the perennial cigarette dangling from his lips goes to the couch (yes, the couch) and jumps up and down on it in retarded joy, before expiring in a crumpled heap upon the cushions. Still playing of course, but dead to all else. The music is now a frenzy, no semblance of tune, with Graham and Damon trying to outdo each other as to who can jump higher. Suddenly Graham throws his

Rootin' Blue Rodeo Humanities


December 2, I993

by Chris Imprint

Aldworth staff

Hot off their opening slot for Simon and Garfunkel at the Skydome, Blue Rodeo returned to what they do best, entertaining their fans in the intimacy of a small venue. Blue Rodeo, actually any band, seem to put on a better show in a bar where vast quantities of liquid are being consumed. Poor venue choice aside, Blue Rodeo aimed to please and put on a magnificent show. This show was more mellow than


guitar high in the air. It hangs suspended for at least a minute, circling, in feedback agony, while Dave pounds furiously on his drums. Slowly, reverently, the guitar crashes to the stage, and suddenly, too suddenly, all is quiet. The guitar, silenced, but miraculously still alive. And with the end of that song

“The Smashing Pumpkins Albarn, Dee 211993

songs with influences hanging in the riffs, such as a Mr. Ray Davies, who obviously lurks behind “Sunday Sunday”. The Opera House isagoodvenue to see a band, because of its smallness. It was at one time literally an opera hall, where acts of high drama were often performed. This is quite a suitable venue

can kiss my fucking

comes the death of the old Blur, the manic Blur, where Damon leaps around the stage in his goonish St Virius’s dance that sometimes had him hanging literally off the rafters. The Blur that was simply on stage for exhortation and exhilaration. The new Blur is a different band entirely. Musical, playing



to see Blur, because every time they come to it (this is their second Ope.ra House gig), it is definitely a moment of high drama. Damon is one of us. Our generation, the Ridalin years, raised on T.V., and cans of Coke. He is crazy, trying to battle his inner demons out right there

on stage. And we understand implicitly that the man who sings the nice little songs on Modem Life is Rubbish is not the same tortured, pathetic man who is now displayed before us. The songs are played with a ferocity that is only partially existent on Leisure, and almost wholly absent on Modem Life is Rubbish. Dave bashes the drums with Moonish abandon, and Alex stands on the edge, laughing, loving the atmosphere, and grooving to it ail. Blur played much of their new album,Modern Life is Rubbish, and some of Leisure. Also they played their between-al bum single, called “Popscene”, a frenetic piece of rock and roll mayhem set in a frantic 414 beat. Gone were the horns, and backup singers, and the strings fromModern Life is Rubbish. All that was left were the bare songs, hung naked like skeletons for all to peruse. Pure primal screams emitting from the throat of Mr. Albarn. The barrage of Blur continued for over an hour, until finally the inner demons were all but exorcised from the soul of Damon. Then they left the stage for the minute before the encore. this is where Blur shocked the crowd. Instead of rippjng into a hit like “Bang”, which was never played, they instead slowed down the tempo, and gave us a sing along song that was popular in the British Music Hall in the last century called”Daisy Bell”. Raved up: bfcourse, like only Blur can rave a song up (check out their version of Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May” on the Ruby Tmx compilation), but nonetheless “Daisy Bell”. It was a fantastic time, and made us all feel a little nostalgic for that time long past. But then they finished the show with the solid rocking “Advert”, during which Damon, drenched in sweat, ended the concert by screaming over and over again “Say Something Else!” Well worthy of a mention is the opening band, the Drop Nineteens, a pleasant surprise instead of the usually forgettable roster of opening bands. The Drop Nineteens are a very young band out of Boston, who are fast becoming CFNY’s newest darlings. Their sound is alternative, .with a female/ male duet fronting a hard rocking band very much in the Mercury Rev style. That is to say, they rock with brains. Never an Evan Dando shall one find with the Drop Nineteens. ’

for Blue Rodeo any other previous show that I have witnessed by Blue Rodeo. The lack of crowd surfing and moshing will attest to that. The mellow mood was mostly due to the new material that is found on Five Days In july. Now don’t read mellow and think that the show was boring. Blue Rodeo is not one to be boring even in their mellowest moments. Both Greg Keelor and Jim Cuddy were in top form and managed to rockand roll as well as lull the crowd with their lush slower numbers. ‘Couches and lamp stands dotted the stage and spoke volumes for the intimacy of the concert setting. Banter was exchanged between the band and the crowd. The happy birthday well wishing to Jim Cuddy was fine but,

come on, the singing of “Happy Birthday” by the crowd was a little much. It’s best left up to Jim and Greg. The set list left nothing to be desired except maybe the omission of ‘&Try’*, but hey, if that’s the only Blue Rodeo song you recognize then you’re pretty sad. Many new tunes from Five Days were included in the package for the night. The pseudo-title track “5 Days in May” as well as “Hasn’t Hit Me Yet” and “Bad Timing” translated well to the live setting. Two major highlights included the overwhelming crowd pleaser “Lost Together” and the trippy and drawn out jam of “Diamond Mine” which came complete with disco bails radiating spots of light everywhere. It was psychedelic enough to make one

crave smoking a big fatty. Too bad this country doesn’t allow such harmless activities in public. What else can you say about such a great band. Blue Rodeo always put on a great show and this night was no exception. The new music was up to par and in most cases surpassed their previous musical efforts. The old standby tunes like “Heart Like Mine” and “Rose &toured Glasses” were great to hear once again and were enjoyed by all in attendance as most could






or trying to sing along. A lengthy set and solid performance by Blue Rodeo did not disappoint the sold out crowd and everyone went away feeling happy.


friday, january 7, I994

Rotten Melons Blind




by Chris Imprint

17, I993

Aldworth sta

Ah yes, Blind Melon the band that is just 2s well known for pissing on crowds as they are for their hit single “No Rain”. By now I’m sure everyone on the planet has seen the video of the cute little girl dancing around in a bumble bee suit that accompanies this catchy song. If it wasn’t for this one song I’m sure that the turn out of grunge kids and wanna be hippies at Lulu’s would not have approached near the size that it was on this cold December night. Long hair, plaid, Dot Martins and tie dyed Grateful Dead shirts were the preferred uniform for those in attendance. The crowd looked almost too young for this licensed event (older brother and sister’s I.D. seemed to prove successful at the door for all the underagers). Judging by the amount of retro-clothing, fans of 60’s music --the kind that are a definite influence on Blind Melon- were in abundance. It is kind of funny that the crowd was so young since most were just a gleam in daddy’s eye during this music era. While waiting for Blind Melon to take the stage a distinctive smell of burned grass (the kind you smoke, not mow) wafted over the tightly packed crowd. Crowd surfing and stage diving were the order of the night. It seemed more people were into self sacrifice than listening to the music The mosh pit moved and swayed and bodies were tossed like rag dolls into the air. This frenzy continued as Blind Melon took the stage. In a live setting, lead yelper, Shannon Hoon has a vocal style similar to nails been scraped down a chalk board. It’s amazing what studio technology can do for the human voice because their album is not half bad. Throughout the entire show Hoon’s vocals grated on you, almost to the point of wanting to go up on stage and strangle him to make him stop. Unfortunately for the paying public, Shannon couldn’t hold a

Strange Days Ahead Strange Days Phil’s Grandson’s Place December 16, i 993

by Matt Worth special



to 3mpfint

Days on the verge


by M, Perlihan

the Canadian music gods the Hip. Strange Days is on the verge of making it big so checkthem out next time they venture to a bar near YOU.

Overall it was a good night of music from a mediocre band that has received far too much media attention. And by the way, no one in the audience took an unexpected shower courtesy of Shannon Hoon.

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late they have really developed their own sound. New tunes like “1 Dream” and “Manifest Destiny” are definite crowd pleasers and lend themselves more to a hard Neil Young sound than





Shannon and the boys rocked Phil’s during the exam period, but I’m sure most of you were into the books and missed this great show. Despite the unusually smaller turnout for Strange Days, they delivered a kick ass show featuring both old and new songs. Older songs were taken from their debut CD fife ain’t Easy and tape Live from the Dungeon. These guys are quality performers and deserve to be witnessed live. No review could ever do this band justice so I’m not even gonna try. Strange Days is currently in the studio working on a new album and are hoping to get some back up help from some of the members of The Tea Party and Blue Rodeo’s Jim Cuddy in the process.. Look for it to be due out around the end of February or beginning of March. The band has been called a Tragically Hip clone but as of

note to save his soul and was badly out of tune. Surprisingly poor vocals did not doom the show as the musicianship of the rest of the band and Hoon’s wild stage antics made up it and atlowed for enjoyable night of entertainment. Aside from the shit poor voice of Shannon (he kind of gives me hope as a rock star) the rest of the band played remarkably well. A number of times the band got so intense that the lead vocals were an annoyance rather than a benefit Blind Melon ripped through material from their self tilted debut that thrilled the capacity crowd. “Soak The Sin”, “Change”, “Seed To A Tree” and their new single “Tones Of Home” were energy packed and full of life. A couple of Zeppelin tunes were also attempted and slaughtered (that’s being kind)* The only reason you could tell that they were Zeppelin covers were from the tough to distinguish introductions. “mumb/e,mumble .......led Zeppelin ........mumble, mumble”. Yes, Blind Melon did play their gigantic hit “No Rain”. In a live setting it turned out to be an incredible song, far better than the one you hear everyday on the radio. This is what you pay for when you go to see a conceh Blind Melon played around with it and made it even better. Shannon and company added to the song a spectacular slowed down intro before breaking into the song as you know it. It was the definite highlight of the night as both band and singer meshed beautifully. There was also some fun crowd interaction as Shannon stopped singing to allow the crowd to sing the chorus. It’s too bad the rest of the show lacked this cohe-

i Glasses





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ianuaw 7, 1994 ,




Dkf,enders Bon Jovi Copps Coliseum, Lkmnber 7, I 993

kg Jeff Rasmussen spedat to Xmprint I can’t remember the last time Bon Jovi came to southern Ontario. Needless to say I wasn’t going to miss them when they came around again. I knew that a major league band like Bon Jovi would put on a hiih energy performance, comp&e with an amazing light show and fireworks display. I wasn’t disappointed. A Canadian band called Wild T and the Spirit opened the show. Wild T is quite an amazing guitar player who

tries a little to much to be like Jimi Hendrix for my liking. He plays behind his back, with his teeth, even while standing on his head. The only thing he didn’t do was set fire to his guitar and hump the speakers for feedback However, with his talent, I’m sure we will hear a lot from Wild T in the future. After T’s short forty-five minute set, the audience was greeted with the Dr. Who theme. I felt like being at a hockey game. The opening song was “I Believe”, one of my favourites from the year-old Keep tie F&/I album. This was followed by the Slippery When Wet anthem duos of ‘Wild in the Streets”, and “Shotthrough the Heart”. These power-packed songs set the high energy level for the entire evening with

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of the -Faith Jon running around the stage like a track star. Jon gave the crowd a workout better than an aerobics session like he promised he would. Before





incase you don’t already


Sambora’s solo songs made it into the set for that evening’s performance. Jon Bon Jovi, and Sambora hammed it up on s&e for most of the evening, with Sambora getting the faithful crowd to applaud Jon’s performance at the end


by now, our scanner

Roses”, Jon and the boys covered the Elvis classic, “Can’t Help Falling in Love”. This was met with a wild chorus of cheers. The power ballad “Bed of Roses” was met with a wave of lighters held high swaying to the rhythm. A standard guitar solo by Richie Sambora followed. While not a poor musician, he was definitely no Wild T orJimi Hendrix This led into a rousing performance of the title track from their most recent al bumKeep the Faith. Surprisingly, two of Jon Bon Jovi’s solo songs were performed by the group. The group played these with as much feeling as if they were their own songs. Unfortunately, none of Richie

crowd screaming for an encore, the band came back on for a solid four song encore set along with another Sambora solo, this one acoustic. This started with an amazing acoustic cover of “Help” by the Beatles, that would

is broken.

of the encore showing there were no ill feelings between the two band-mates. During a rollicking rendition of “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead”, the band slipped into a cover of the Stones’ classic “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”. This led into a powerful performance of “Bad Medicine”, one of Bon Jovi’s more enthusiastic songs. The highlight of the night was a high-rolling cover of “shout”. This song alone was worth the price of a ticket. It had the crowd shouting enthusiastically along with the band. Jon strutted about the stage coaxing the most applause possible from their eager fans. After about ten minutes of the

have had John cheering for more. This led into another acoustic song, this one being “Dead or Alive”. The crowd gladly sang along to this classic. This was followed by an excellent version of “Blood on Blood” a song I hadn’t heard for years. The band ended with “Livin’ on a Prayer’*, a visually spectacular song with sparks falling from the ceiling and lights almost blinding in their intensity through the smoke. This was definitely a first class performance with Jon and the boys using all the tools of the trade to give a great show. Some people may question Bon Jovi’s talent, but this twerrtyone song, two hour plus performance definitely sets them apart as one of the better performing acts in the world.

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friday, january 7, 1994


CFNY’s Acoustic Christmas with Bob Snider, Noah and Brendan (from hHead), Meryn Cadell, Sarah McLachlan, VanCreeganr, Waltons, and Skydiggers

or two?

seasonal tunes. Many people may argue that Christmas has become a complete commercial venture. CFNY made no attempt to subscribe to any of this season’s more marketable feature, besides the fact that two morning show hosts were dressed up like jolly old St Nick. The radio station was milking every last penny out of Toronto concert goers by trying to jump on the now faded un-

reason several bands chose amplify their instrumeres. If you think that the line up of musicians sounds familiar, CFNY used the same cast of characters minus Sarah McLachlan for their at the Palladium Edgefest 1993 summer festival. CFNY have masDecember 7, I993 tered the 3R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle. However gloomy the evening was, there by Greg Andmszaenko and were several surprising highlights that kept the Donna Stechey audience glued to the carpeted floor. Ipqwint frequent fliers Meryn Cadell, who does not celebrate Christmas, deliveredJoyous seasonal stoHumble and Fred are CFNY ries. Noah and Brendan served cookies 102. I FM morning show hosts. Humto the crowd after their set. The ble and Fred dressed up like Santa VanCreegans, who are bass and percusClaus on December 7th at the Pallasion brothers from the Barenaked tadium. Santa Claus brought Etch-Adies called up their Barenaked pals and Sketches for all good little boys and the Ladies performed the only Christgirls in the audience. The children mas song of the evening, an awe inspiring were overjoyed with Humble and version of We Three Kings. These few Fred’s generosity. But once the music bright moments however, were not began to play, all the children began enough to rescue the Acoustic Christto cry when they realized that they mas from becoming darker than a had paid for a huge lump of coal. Bauhaus concert. Most people understand that if While getting ready to leave the you are running a station in hopes of venue, I was approached by a record making money, you give your listencompany rep who noticed my photo ers the music they want to hear. The pass. He asked my opinion of the show music they paid for. CFNY broke and I told him just what I’ve written here. their promise to listeners. The selfHe agreed strongly. proclaimed “leading edge” of music As I turned and left the door his promised to present several Canavoice bellowed “Merry Christmas and a dian musicians in an acoustic concert Happy New Year!” How strange that of Christmas music. CFNY did hold this was the first time I had heard those fast on presenting young Canadian words all night. talent, but failed completely in the If you were fan of CFNY’s all night area of acoustic Christmas music. dance party with Deadly Headly Jones, Last time I checked, the Waltons’ you will be disappointed to hear he has “Living Room”and Sarah McLachlan’s resigned from his I2 year position. “Into the Fire” were not, and 1 susHeadly’s resignation backs the many rupect will never be Christmas favourmours that “The Leading Edge” is conphoto by Greg Andrusczenko Smile, Marla West! ires, just as electric guitars are not sidering a major overhaul in hopes of commonly classified as acoustic instr ‘uments. plugged bandwagon. All of those with whom I regaining : its balance. Lets wait to see if 102. I FM The Waltons announced at the begi nning of spoke felt cheated out of their had earned money. in Toron tto hands us another lump of coal. Will their set that they were truly the CZnches With the exception of hHead, the acts slotthat be c lne lumps or two? who stole Christmas and refused to Play any ted for An Acoustic Christmas usually perform in an unplugged fashion anyway and for some odd



Gillian and Steven were largely responsible for the writing of “ Republic, *‘ that big hit New Order album of the summer. Now, for all intents and purposes, The Other Two sound exactly like New Order, except for the fact that Gillian is singing instead of Bernard, It’s kind of neat, actually, hearing a New Order type song with female vocals. The single, “ Selfish, ” is a very catchy song, Unfortunately, the four ( yes, four > other versions of it on the C.D. tend to push it a bit just like their former band, the Other Two have elected to put mega-mixes of the single as the B-sides, instead of giving us Do the names Gillian Gilbert and another sample of songs. You can only Steven Morris ring a bell ! Here’s a hint play the same song a couple of different : they are members of a band that ways before it starts to get boring, toured this summer. Not sure ? Here’s folks. another: they come from the premiere Regardless, I do recommend this country that breeds great music. Still single. ! would go as far as to say it’s a not sure ? Here’s your final hint : their *’ must buy ” for any New Order fan. former colleagues are Bernard Sumner and Peter Hook If you still don’t know - These two often underestimated people provided the backbone of New who I’m talking about, I’ll assume your Order all these years. They deserve to a Y 9S listener. be listened .to now. And the song is Yes, The Other Two is a spinoff very good. band of l ’ New Order.” _


Their full length album, *’ The Other Two and You, ” ( cute ) is due out soon. So with Gillian and Steve doing this and Bernard and ex-Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr recordingtheir new album asEIec&onic,it may be time for New Order fans to be sad that the band is no longer currently together, yet optimistic of the future. We can now bask in the talent of the Other Two and continue to be enthralled by Electronic. Besides, I’m sure New Order will get together in about three years and record another album and embark on another tour. In the meantime, enjoy this new perspective.

FIRM” @jOIN THE Get Fit In Canada’s Top Club!

Pat MerZihan Imprint stc#

Five Days mjuly is utterly the best to date album of Blue Rodeo’s previous four releases. Through a 5 day jam session on Greg Keelor’s farm&e Days 111&r)was conceived highlighting a toned down country-rock sound that has made Blue Rodeo popular all over Canada in the IO plus years they have been together. Blue Rodeo is credited with real creative courage on this new album, and have gotten out of the rut of mixing rocking songs with ballads and the all too familiar vocal harmonies that seemed to be present in the previous releases. This album has stuck to a theme of lost loves, and moving on in relationships, and each song contributes to this overall message. Those 5 days in July were well spent as Blue Rodeo’s selfproduced acoustic album shows emotional raw energy in every song. Blue Rodeo fans will no doubt enjoy this more tranquil side to the Iand, and new fans will definitely be mpressed with this latest effort. Theversatility of Blue Rodeo shines

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Disappointment after a good single is nothing new. We all have heard a great song, look forward to the

through on this album with new band member Kim Deschamps who incorporates the pedal and lap steel, mandolin, and banjo giving the band their twangy, home-cookin’ kind of sound. Anne Bourne plays cello on “‘What Is This Love” giving the song that mysterious, eerie kind of feeling, and “English Bay”. Sarah Mclachlan joins the line-up using her haunting vocals in “What Is This Love”, “Dark Angel”, and “Know Where You Go” & “Tell Me Your Dream”. There are enough recognizable elements to the album that will keep fans happy, and intice new fans to pickup their previous releases. “Bad Timing” is one of those patented Jim Cuddy tunes that has the same affect as onions and is like “Try” from their debut al bum Outskirts. “Cynthia”, and “Photograph” highlight the famous Cuddy-Keelor harmonies that carry the more upbeat songs for the al bum. Rodney CrowelI’s classic, “Till I Gain Control Again” is covered displaying Blue Rodeo’s forte for country-rock. The ballads on the album are by far my favourite with “Dark Angel”, “What Is This Love”, and “Tell Me Your Dream”. All songs are pet= formed with such emotion that give the album an honest, spiritual kind of feeling that really sticks to you. Those who like the electric rock side to Blue Rodeo will be pleased to know they are planning to release a new rock album by next summer. In the mean time Five Days In July was worth the time, and is worth the money.



by Sanciy Atwal Imprint sta

album, and are disappointed to see that the band only had one idea, but Onyx are a special case. The rousing **Slam” was a pretty good single. A sort of “We Will Rock You” for south central L.A. The album, unfortunately, is much, much, much more of the same. The songs are closer to “We Will Shoot You in the Face” I suppose, but it’s the same self-indulgent anthems about how tough they are that gets so boring so quickly. Posing is fine. I am scared of Ice Cube because of his songs, but Onyx come off like bald bufoons. They are also very bad spellers. On the whole, a piece of shit.

by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff last year’s tier Ip from Jesus Lizard was disappointing to say the least. Seeing as they were one of Touch and Go’s most successful bands, listening to the album, it wasn’t hard to ask why. With little more than industrial style guitar riffs, phlanger mutated vocals , it was only the inspired (though distorted and slightly limited in scope) lyrics that saved them from total drudgeryTheir split single with Nirvana no doubt skyrocketed their sales, but that was just a song from Liar. Their new

disc arrived, then, with little interest from, me, but what a surprise. An all live EP, it includes no tracks from Liar, and instead delivers a brilliant six-track sample of their live performance, with all the energy (if necessarily diluted) and more melody necessary to help the band gain an audience instead of turning them away with their discordant brashness. t used to thin kthat the whole “you gotta see them live to really apprecieate tiem” line was bullshit I mean, if they can’t put out anything decent on album, why bother going to see the band. I can thankfully say that the Jesus Lizard have proven me wrong. This is the music that should be topping the charts instead of Zeppelin inspired Pearl Jam bullshit. This is honest imagination, and this is honest energy.



k’s a bite




thrown at you with no pretension. If they languish in obscurity forever it will be a loss to their potential audience. The Jesus Lizard themselves can rest knowing that they’ve done their best.

friday, january 7, 1994 b.

3-5 by Jeff Imprint

Chard stqff

This disk features the three songs left off of the domestic version of ‘* Show, ” plus a funb intro and an extra tune. The cleverly named “ Sideshow “ contains the songs “ Fascination Street, ** ” The Walk, ” ‘* Let’s Co to Bed ” and

“Just like l-leaven. “ Whythey put”Just like Heaven ‘* on both “ Show ” and ” Sideshow “ I don’t know, but I guess that they just like the bloody song a lot ( and so do I. ) It’s nice to hear these songs in live format, particularity “ The Walk, “ which is heavily sampled on the original album version. On *’ Sideshow, ” however, everything is played absolutely live- from the keyboard to the bass guitar to the drums. And it sounds great. ” Fascination Street “ sounds much better live than its original CD version. To hear the Cure create their amazing guitar sounds outside of a studio context is great. They are fabulous musicians. .‘* Let’s Go to Bed *‘ is 0-K. That’s enough about that one. As I mentioned earlier, there is an introduction on this CD. It’s the same

going back to the firstalbum (“Sanctuav”) up to the most recent ones (“Fear of the Dark”). Bruce Dickinson is still doing the “Scream for me (fill-in-theblank)” thing, so what’s going to make this album different from other live I Maiden projects? Nothing, really. This is the year that Maiden parts with its lead singer, and it was a big deal in England where Iron Maiden is Queen with a live guy ’ doing the singing. For us North Ameriby Peter Hiiiich cans, the British metal thing is far beImprint staff yond trite, Dungeons and Dragons being that and worse, Red Sonja and Iron Maiden has released their Conan movies no longer being made, third live album of 1993, but they have etc. I understand that Dio wants to made this one look cheap and give it a release a new album too. But where plain cover so that people would think does Maiden come in? For anyone who that it was a bootleg. wants to sell calendars? . - No new poses for Eddie the Head They used to represent a type of on the cover, no hidden satanic symheavy metal that had a kind of musicianbols, no big glossy calour pictures of ship that went beyond head banging Bruce Dickinson leaning up against the stupidity. Their first albums had good stage monitors, Steve Harris feeling up musical progressions, middle albums his big bass, Nicko McBrain sweating all had strong chords, later albums went over the drums, etc. A clever ruse, but backto a more epic prdgressive sound, we’re not fooled. Just a song or two then more metal pop, chording, scream-


3-5 by Nicholas Mew Imprint staff The only reason I chose to review this was the cover photo. While rummaging through the ‘To be reviewed’ file I saw the picture, liked the name of the band, and thought that maybe, just maybe, I might like it Usually if it’s left behind by everybody else because they don’t like it, then I do. Welt, I took it home, listened to it, and you know what? I Ii ke it! Damn the Machine can be favourably compared to Metallica, but with a few differences. Generally, the songs are shorter, the vocals and much better, the guitars

aren’t as -harsh or discbrdaht, and tie overall feel is much smoother. Still, the music is just as dark and moody, and the musicians are as technically adept as Metallica, but without the sense that the music is about to fall apartas the musicians lose control. There is no speed for the sake of speed here. This is not to say that I think this band is better than Metallica, although they have potential. There is no *‘Enter Sandman” or “One” with Damn the Machine, but there are some great cuts nonetheless. “The Mission”, “Fall of Order”, and ‘+Corporate Reign” are all outstanding tracks that really show off Damn the Machine’s capabilities, and,

one the Cure used before coming out of the dressing room on their “ Wish ” world tour last year. For time considerations they left this introduction off of “ Show, “ and this puzzles me, because it really takes awiy from the continuity of the music. On “ Sideshow, ” as the intro begins to finish and meld with their opening song, the music fades out at the best part, since the opener isn’t included on this disk But on “ Show, “ where the opening song is included and the intro isn’t, the music fades up out of nowhere. Follow me ?! It’s kind of weird, but what can you do besides buy the more expensive import version of “ Show “ which has both the intro and the opening song. “ Sideshow “ is cool, but only as a supplement to “ Show. “ I wouldn’t recommend it unless you already have the main live disk

ing, and now they’re the ultimate stupid stadium headbangergroup, the selffulfilling prophecy of a band with a long history and lots of great songs that stopped being innovative for too long that it became the thing that it once rebelled against. Same old story for any band with a career of more than IO years, and this is it for Maiden it seems. Give the masses more of the same kind of cake that they’ve always eaten. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Buy this CD if your life doesn’t have enough Iron Maiden, but as with any live album, this one’s for fans only. If you’re looking for something new, this isn’t where you’ll find it What you will find is a career retrospective: Bruce Dickinson at least sounding more natural singing the old Paul Dianno songs of the first 2 al bums, the obligatory “Number of the Beast”, plus a smattering of the “best” songs from recent Maiden albums (i.e. since “Somewhere in Time”) that most old fans probably didn’t bother with.

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not surprisingi,y, they open the cassette as the first three tracks. They try to hook you fast, and with me they succeeded. There are flaws to this work, however, lest you think I’m getting a bit too perky for a 3.5 rating. Sometimes it seems as though the band go through musical transitions simply for the sake ofgoingthrough transitions and appearing like musical geniuses. Well, it doesn’t work. Every song has sudden loud/ quiet, heavy/ soft, sycopated/ straight -changes, and they get to be tiresome and predictable. Once Damn the Machine realize that they don’t have to show off on every song they’ll get a lot better, See for yourself.

l***** The‘hericunGraffiti'




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friday, january 7, I994 half of 3rd Bass, Prime Minister Pete Nice (whether this split is permanent or not, I don’t know) and gansta rapper Daddy RichJust tc~Dust is a melange of thumping beats, intelligent samples, and as complicated a production roster as anything found on mature efforts such

by Sandy Imprint

Atwal staff

Although not cornpletely unique in this respect, 3rd Bass have the * distinct honour of releasing three albums (including a

Cactus Al bum”, and their subsequent remix “Cactus Revisited” both debunked the white guys can’t rap myth: a lesson reinforced by their last endeavour “Derelicts of Dialect”. The current state of these white hip hop sensations is this release by one

not so much a song as a story, read by John Cale with minimal backing from the band.) In “The Sleeper”, the song is barely noticeable in the background, but has an eerie effect when slices of it do sneak


Imprint stqfy

It takes a lot of guts to write a line like “‘cause I’ve lost all faith/in the human race/Or is it just another bad day?” but it’s partly a testament to Kingmaker that they can pull it off. Sort of a cross between The Wonder Stuff and err.. The Wonder Stuff, Kingmaker aren’t a great band, but let’s just remember that the Stuffies

4-5 Fat Merlihan Imprint stuff T




r1 r

We Queen,

The funky opener “Rat Bastard” is the album’s highpoint. The cadence with which Daddy Rich delivers his bad-ass lines ride a brilliant rhythm section and show these collaboration to be easily more than the some of its parts. Another def jam. aren’t all bad. Similarily, a band that can sing songs about your bride getting killed in a car crash on her way to her wedding, or a transvestite anarchist can’t be all that bad either.

bg srutdy

days. In I99 I they reinvented themselves as the acoustic-based Lovemongers recording ted Zepplin’s “Battle of Evermore” for the SngIes soundtrack, a 4 song EP, and Rock The House Live! featuring Heart classics. Having friends like Soundgarden, Pearl jam, and Alice In Chains got Ann and Nancy Wilson together once again as Heart, and now Desire W&s On cranks out tunes of chicks that really know how to rock.There’s a wide spectrum of music on this album, from basic acoustic guitars to the full hard rock “Black on Black II” is very sound. reminiscent of “Barracuda” from

is a heartfelt desire To douse the who city in petrol But I’d probably set camp And the matches be damp

through the years. The legend Jmi Hendrix still is inspirational and emerged from Seattle, and Heart still continues to produce hit after hit from a city renown for it’s raw, unleashed energy of grunge-rock. In a career that stretches back to the mid-70’s, Heart still pumps out kick ass tunes that are still reminiscent to their Dreombout Annie and Little Queen

interesting. This hope is most brightly fueled by the openingtrack“Playground Brutality.” Easily the best song on the album (which is a bit of a downer since the rest of the record never lives up to the first thing you hear) there are no forced rhymes or failed attempts to be wiq which ‘$ague the rest of the album. Kingmaker are another example of how influential The Smiths were to British indie-pop. Unfortunately, Kingmaker are also an example of how much better The Smiths were.

even down to the guitar riffs, as well as the power and energy in which it is sung. “Back to Avalon” is another patented Heart folk tune where the strumming and picking is .only Heart The electric guitars get a work out in “Rage” as it plunges into the Wilson’s feelings and expression of the LA. riots. Bob Dylan’s “Ring Them Bells” from Oh Mercy! is covered featuring lead singer Layne Staley, guest vocal by Alice In Chains. The title track is a celebration of the group’s renewed commitment to rock, and they do it so well.



One problem most North Americans (but not I) have with British music lies in the lyrics. I’d have to say that to a lot of Yanks and Canucks who have no ties at all to the UK, many of the phrases and references made by British bands are obscure and confusing So, when a British band comes along that minimizes this lyrical problem and provides the listener with some great music, full of delicious hooks, solid guitar work, and strong pop sensibilities, one would would expect the North American audience to latch on. Why then has Deacon Blue remained so unheard in the new world? Their latest release, Whatever you soy, say nothing, has plenty to appeal to seasoned followers and new fans alike. “Fall So Freely Down” is reminiscent of the Spin Doctors, while other tracks seem to lean towards the revival sound of the late sixties and seventies, popularised of late by bands that have no clue whatsoever. The most appealing cuts here are definitely “Your Town”, “Bethlehem”, and “Peace & Jobs & Freedom”, all of which see Deacon Blue begin to apply a harder edge to their music, like putting the guitar to the grindstone. It’s still melodic-pop with airy vocals and harmonies, but it’s good nonetheless.

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Sort of a limerick for people who can’t even be proper fuck-ups. The ghost of Morrissey is obviously haunting lead singer Loz’ bedroom. Their music is a little too overproduced, a little too smooth, but Kingmaker could make it. The potential is undoubtedly there, and that in itself is





Jan. 113



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Jan. 17

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NOTE: This grad photo session is for all 1994 graduating students.

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anuary 7, 1994




IMPRINT’S Greg Hood-Morris imprint Anglophile rior Stone Roses

and Peddler Product

of lnfe-

I. Blur- Modern Life is Rubbish 2. Boo RadleysGiant Steps 3. StereotabTransient Random Noise Bursts 4. SlowdiveSouvlaki 5. The AuteursNew Wave 6, Verve- A Storm in Heaven 7. ChapterhouseBlood Music 8. New Fast Automatic DaffodilsBody Exit Mind 9. UnrestPerfect Teeth IO. CranberriesEverybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?

Craig Haynes Steven



I. MorrisseyBeethoven was Deaf 2. Depeche ModeSongs of Faith Devotion 3. James- Laid 4. His Boy Elroy- SIT 5. Depeche ModeSongs of Faith Devotion Live

6. Wild StrawberriesLife Sized 7. New OrderRepublic 8. Suede- S/T 9. WonderstuffConstruction for Modern Idiot IO. Pogues- Waiting for Herb Hawey -Grand


Bryson Poobah

I. Jane SiberryWhen I Was a Boy... 2. Bobby WisemanCity of Wood 3. Leonard CohenThe Future 4. Daniel LanoisFor the Beauty of Wynona 5. PrimusPurk Soda 4. BjorkDebut 7. The BreedersLast Splash 8. Tom WaitsThe Black Rider 9. Sarah McLachlanFumbling Towards Ec’stacy IO. U2- Zooropa



Cheryl Costello Top Ten Babe

Gillian O’Hagan Top Ten Babe

I. Pearl Jam- Vs 2. Rage Against the Machine 3. Red Kross- Phaseshifter 4. RevolverCold Water Flat 5. Sugar- Life Before Sugar- Copperblue 6. Frank Black- S/T 7. AdorableAgainst Perfection 8. Blur- Modern Life is Rubbish 9. Stone Temple Pilots- Plush IO. The BreedersLast Splash

I. SugarXopper Blue 2. Dinosaur Jr.- Where You Been? 3. PJ HarveyFour Track Demos 4. RadioheadPablo Honey 5. BreedersLast Splash 6. Frank Black- S/T 7. Stone Temple Pilots- Core 8. Smashing PumpkinsSiamese Dream 9. AdorableAgainst Perfection IO. Rage Against the MachineS/T

Rich Nichol -Classic Rock

Peter Turning


I. Tragically Hip- Fully Completely 2. AerosmithGet a Grip 3. Rage Against the MachineS/T 4. Qzzy OsbourneLive and Loud 5. Def LeppardRetroactive 6. Blue RodeoFive Days in July 7. Eric ClaptonUnplugged 8. Rush- Counterparts 9. Peter GabrielUs IO. Sting- Ten Summoners Tales

Hoflich Japanese

I. Smashing PumpkinsSiamese Dream 2. Soul StormDarkness Visible 3. SepulturaChaos AD. 4. GenitorturersI20 Days of Genitorture 5. Monster MagnetSuper Judge 6. Rage Against the MachineS/T 7. Shonen Knife- Let’s Knife 8. Fugazi- In on the Killtaker 9. MindfunkDropped IO. BiohazardUrban Disciple

Sandy Atwal The original Paranoid and fucking nightmare, punk

M‘tJSIC...MUSIC...MUSIC Join Us...Everyone Welcumel! Auditions start Jan. 4, 1994 Rehearsals start the first week of classes

ENSEMBLES: Chapel Choir: Mondays & Wednesdays, 3:30 - 500 p.m,, Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Audition required. Sign up at Music Office, room 153, CGC,

ChamberChoir:Tuesdays&Thursdays,3:30-5:00p.m.,C~nrad Grebel College, room 151. Auditon required. Sign up at Music Office, room 153, CGC University Choir: Tuesdays, 7 - 9:30 p,m., Conrad Grebel College, room 156, First rehearsal Tuesday, January 4,1994. Audition required. Sign up at Music Office, room 153, CGC. Stage Band: Mondays, 7 - 9 p.m., Conrad Grebel College, room 156. Firstrehearsal January 17,1994, Audition required. Sign up at Music Office, room 153, CGC.

Call Conrad Grebel College Music Office 885-0220.ext. 226 for more information. NOTE:

for musical reasons, admission to any ensemble is at the discretion

Credit is available 116,

for participation



should be used


of the director.

any ensemble.,.register for music to ensembles. A new term.

All numbers apply each consecutive

MUSIC ENSEMBLE PROGRAMME Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo with the Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students



I. Boo RadleysGiant Steps 2. MomusTimelord 3. Sugar- Beaster 4. The Wedding PresentPeel Sessions 5. Bob Dylan- World Gone Wrong 6. Fugazi- In on the kill taker 7. The Fall- The Infotainment Scan 8. SuperchunkOn the Mouth 9. Da Lench Mob- Guerillas in tha Mist IO. Bailter Space- Robot World I I. Ice Cube- Lethal Injection 12. Pet Shop Boys- Very 13. Tom WaitsThe Black Rider John Hymers ex-arts type

Jeff Chard Steven Patrick



I. The CranesForever ’ 2. Depeche Modesongs of Faith and Devotion 3. Suede- S/T 4. Morrissey8eethoven Was Deaf 5. The Cure- Show 6. New OrderRepublic 7, The WonderstuffConstruction for the Modern Idiot 8. Midnight Oil- Earth, Sun and Moon 9. Big CountryThe Buffalo Skinners IO. Pearl Jam- VS Greg CKMS

Krafchick junkie

I Boo RadleysGiant Steps 2. Bjork- Debut 3. DodgyThe Dodgy Album 4. Suede- S/T 5. Verve- A Storm in Heaven 6. P.J. HarveyRid of Me 7. RevolverCold Water Flat 8. The CranesForever 9. The Cocteau TwinsFour Calendar Cafe IO. Kate Bush- The Red Shoes l

I. MomusTimelord 2. St. Etienne- So Tough 3, taila K- open Sesame 4. The The- dusk 5. Pet Shop Boys- Go West 6. The Wedding PresentJohn Peel Sessions I9871 1990 7. Mamman33 Revolutions Per Minute 8. Elvis Costello and the Brodsky Quartet- The Juliet Letters 9. The love InterestBedazzled IO. Leonard CohenThe Future

Chris Aldworth -Sensitive Pony-Tail be different

Man, who



I. Soul AsylumGrave Dancer’s Union 2. Tea Party- Splendor Soils 3. HeadstonesPicture of Health 4. Paul WesterbergI4 Songs 5. Lenny Kravitz- Are You Gonna Gonna Go My Way


friday, january 7, I994


TOP Greg Andruszcenko You know what they say, funny last name... I. Buffalo Tom- Big Red Letter Day 2. U2- Zooropa 3. De La Soul- Buhloone Mindstate 4. DoughboysCrush 5. Smashing PumpkinsSiamese Dreams 4. Lowest of the Low- Hailucigenia 7. Sugar- Beaster 8. Redd Kross- Phaseshifter 9. hHeadFireman IO. Sonic YouthYouth Against Fascism Lisa Sutton Sister of Mercy I. Sugar- Beaster 2. CranberriesEverybody Else is Doing it, so Why Can’t We? 3. P.j. Harvey- Four Track Demos 4. Swell- Well 5. CranesForever 6. BreedersLast Splash 7. Cure- Show 8, jane SiberryWhen I Was a Boy 9. Catherine WheelChrome

is lmprint

I. Blue rodeoFive Days in July Cole Trio- Don’t Smoke in Bed 3. Ice Cube- The Predator 4. Sugar- Beaster 5. Spirit of the WestFaithlift 4. Frank Sinatra- Duets 7. DoughboysCrush 8. CranberriesEverybody Else is Doing it, so Why Can’t We? 9, The Wedding PresentHit Parade Two IO. Moxy FruvousBargainville

2. Holly

. Frank Seglenieks Can-con’s best friend 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Uische Beatha- Mystic of the Baja VariousNo Alternative Spirit of the WestFaithlift The The- Dusk Sarah McLachlin Jonathan. Richman Rankin Family- North Country

Dava McKay Literary giant I. AdorableAgainst Perfection 2. CranberriesEverybody Else Has Long Titles, so Why Can’t We?

3 5



6. Neil YoungUnplugged 7. Blue Rodeo- 5 Days in July 8. Sarah McLachlinFumbling Towards Ecstasy 9. Dinosaur Jr.- Where You Been? IO. King ApparatusMarbles I I, SkydiggersJust Over This Mountain

Peter Brown Grandaddy of all that




3. Dead Can DanceInto the Labyrinth 4. Catherine WheelChrome 5. UkraniansThe Smiths E.P. 6. SlowdiveSouvlaki 7. Even As We Speak- Feral Pop Frenzy 8. St Etienne- So Tough 9. SwallowBlow IO- The AuteursNew Wave Dave Fisher who is too old to be listening

to Fugazi

I, Fuga% In On Kill Taker Bats- Silverbeet 3. SuperchunkOn the Mouth 4. PavementWatery domestic E.P. 5. Boo RadleysGiant Steps 6. The 3D’s- Hellzapoppin’ 7. Mercury Rev- Boces 8. Bailter Space- Robot World 9. Th Faith Healers IO. Dinosaur Jr.- Where You Been?

2. The

Derek Weiler The alternative (singles) +

Blue Box and weeklygarbagecollectioncanbe a hxze if we all work together.Chqckout the basicsSOthat you haveproblem-freecolIection.


Pat Merlihan Morrissey arse-licker


I. Soul AsylumGravedigger’s Union RodeoFive Days in July 3. Tragically Hip- Fully Completely 4. The Tea Party- S/T 5. Neil YoungUnplugged 6. Ozzy OsbourneLive and Loud 7. The HeadstonesPicture of Health 8. Sarah McLachlinFumbling Towards Ecstasy 9. Rush- Counterparts IO. SkydiggersJust Over the Mountain

2. Blue

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


to alternative

I. Archers of loaf- “Web in Front” 2. The Bats- “Courage” 3. Bettie Serveert“Tom Boy” 4. The Breeders“Cannonball” 5. Cypress hill- “Insane in the Brain” 6. Dinosaur Jr.- *‘Start Choppin” 7. Maria McKee“I’m Gonna Soothe You” 8. Madder Rose- “Swim” 9. Mercury Rev- “Something for joey” IO. Liz Phair- “Never Said”

Rob Vickers Only one guy, MEN!



he rocks


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If you have any questi 1s pleasecall 886-2320,


Pearl Jam- Vs All- Breaking Things Bad ReligionRecipe for Hate Fugazi- In on the Killtaker Stone Temple Pilots- Plush Smashing PumpkinsSiamese Dream Redd KrossPhaseshifter 8. Buffalo Tom- Big Red Letter Day 9. TerrorvisionFormaldehyde IO. NomeansnoMama

Nutieroussmall hags. garbagecanit bag. .


than 3

shouldhe placed

in a regular







7, 1994

I Man on the Moon An Afiair with the Moon by David Gilmour Random l-louse trade paperback 20 I pages, $18.50

by Derek Weiler special to imprint With his third novel, Toronto novelist (and TV arts critic) David Gilmour is still cataloguing the obsessions that shape and deform peoples’ lives. Like Gilmour’s 1991 book How Boys See Girls, An Affair with the Moon recounts a rocky relationship between two Toronto natives-- the small but painful rejections, the tongings for understanding. But not only does the new novel fail to add anything of substance to concerns already set forth in How Boys See Girls, it is not even as well-executed in terms of tone, setting and character. So An Affiir with the Moon is unquestionably a fun read, but it is also disappointingly slight and forgettable. The narrator is Christian Blackwood, a sardonic and bitter highschool supply teacher, who recalls his adult relationship with teenage friend Harrow Winncup. Winncup’s petty teenage cruelties continue to haunt Christian twenty years later, and his narrative becomes an account of two friends who are never able to really connect. Christian’s gaze on Harrow is also a vaguely homoerotic one, although the uncharacteristically circumspect Gilmour chooses to leave that hint firmly in the background, never really

developing it. This reluctance to develop things fully also cripples the event that is (thematically and literally) at the center of the novel: Harrow’s apparent drunken shooting of his friend Pascal Charleville. The entire book hinges on this action: the first half builds up to it, while the second examines its consequences. The shooting itself, though, seems underwritten, treated almost as a throwaway; this leaves a void at the center from which An Afuir with the Moon cannot recover. There are also other problems with, the novel that become especially apparent when it is compared to the much more effective How Boys See Girls. While thit book expertly captured both the ambience of Toronto in the summertime and the obsession of a lonely and miserable but likeable man, An Aftbir with Moon fails to do either. The use of setting becomes a mere rote naming of street names, while the narrator Christian too often seems merely petulant and unpleasant (In an ironic twist, though, Christian does not tailspin as other Gilmour characters have. Instead, he is upwardly mobile, becoming a Toronto media figure not unlike Gilmour himself.) Perhaps the saving grace of An Affbir with the Moon is Gilmour’s fluid, readable prose, much of which is bitterly funny. The book is a breezy read without overly pandering to the reader+ and Cilmour clearly possesses a wry intelligence. One can only hope he comes to challenge himself more with his future novels, instead of merely stretching his creative arms, as be seems to be doing here.

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to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarshipavailable to all 3A. John Deere Limited Scholarship- available to all 3B Mechanical. Deadline: March 28, 1994. Deican Scholarshipavailable to 48 Forms available in Student Awards OfCivil. Deadline: February 28, 1994. fice, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award- available toall 3B Chemical. Deadline: FebruALL FACULTIES ary 28,1994. $5000 scholarships are being offered Gandalf Data Limited Award- available to undergrads to study at another Canato Electrical, System Design or Compudian university in their second official ter Engineering 18 and above. language (French or English). Candipeadline:February 28, 1994. dates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, currently enrolled in MicrosoftTechnical Scholarshlp- availthe2ndor3rdyearoftheirfirstundergrad * able to 2nd or 3rd year Computer or program. Students must have sufficient Electrical Engineering. Deadline: Januability in their second language to purary 21,1994. sue studies in that language. ApplicaNorcen Energy Award- available to Geotion deadline is January 31, 1994. For logical and Chemical year two or above. more info and applications, contact the Marcel Pequegnat ScholarshipavailStudent Awards Off ice. able to 3B Civil- Water Resource ManDatatei Scholars Foundation, Applicaagement students. tions are now being accepted for the Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary Datatel Scholars Foundation. The awards have a value of up to $1,500 . available to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursaries- available to all Chemieach and are available to full-time or cai or Mechanical. part-time students in any discipline. Applications will be evaluated based on Faculty of Environmental academic merit, personal motivation, Studies external activities including employment and extracurricular activities and on letRobert Haworth Scholarshipcompleters of recommendation. Application tion of 3rd year in an honours program in deadline is February 11, 1994. lnterresource management related to Park ested students should contact the StuPlanning and Management, Recreation, dent Awards Office for more info. Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31,1994 Marcel Pequegnat ScholarshipaveilApp.lications for the following schotarable to 3rdyear Environment & Resource ships are being accepted during the Studies, Planning, Water Resource ManWinter term. Refer to Section 4 of the agement. Deadline: May 31, 1994. Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Unless otherwise stated applicaFaculty of Mathematics tion deadline is January 31,1994. AppliAnderson Consulting Schoiarshipcation forms are available in the Student available to 38 Math. Deadline: March Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. 28,1994. ALL FACULTIES Eiectrohome 75th Anniversary SchoiDoreen Brisbin Award - available to arship- available to 38 Computer Scithird year female students in an Honours ence. Deadline: March 28, 1994. program in which women are currently Microsoft Technical Scholarship-availunder represented. Deadline: April 30, able to 2nd or 3rd year Co-op Computer 1994. Science and Co-op Applied Math. DeadDon Hayes Award - available to all tine: January 21, 1994. based on extra-curricular involvement. Noreen Energy Award- available to Mike Moser Memorial Award - availComputer Science year two or above. able to ail 3rd or 4th year based on extraSun Life of Canada Award- available to curricular involvement. Deadline: Janu2nd year Actuarial Science. ary 14,1994


Qcholarship & No+icek I

On Oct. 29, UWO Board of Governors rejected the proposal to close the Graduate School of Journalism. Application deadline for academic year staring May 1994 has been extended until December 15, 1993. Music Dept. of Conrad Grebel College is offering Music and Culture in Vienna, 3 weekcredit course in Austria from May 8 - 27, 1994, Registration is .limited to 25. For info, contact Bill Maust at 8850220 ext. 253. The Ernest C. Manninq Awards Foundation will continue in 1394 its program of saluting Canadian Innovation through Presentation of cash awards to Canaha’s outstanding innovators. Nominations of innovatiie Canadians are being sought from coast to coast. $100,000 Principal Award, $25,000 Award of Dis-tinction, and two $5,000 Innovation Awards. Competition closes on February 11, f994. Nomination pamphlets may be obtained from: The Manning Awards, 3900, 421 - 7 Avenue S. W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4K9. Waterloo Wellington Myalgic EncephalomyelitisAssoc. inviteschronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, their family and friends to meetings: Tuesdays, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 29, Apr. 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 1994,7 9 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Sts., Waterloo. For info, call 623-3207. Mike Moser Memorial Awards. Desenring third and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply. Apply with resume and two letters of reference by January 15, 1994 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. Students who are experiencing financial need are invite to apply to the Professional Women’s Association Award of Merit. This award is open to upper year, regular, full or part-time students in any faculty who have faced or are facing particular challenges such as being a soled support parent or other responsibilities, disabilities, illness or personal trauma. Please apply using a University of Waterloo Undergraduate Bursary aplication, available in the Student Awards Office and attach a covering letter indicating your eligibility for this award by Jan&G 31,1994. - ’ The Barrier Free Working Group of Kitchener-Waterloo reminds vou...PLEASE LET US GO...CLEAR THE slow!! Womyn’s Centre Meetings every Thursday 5pm. Everyone Welcome! UW Ski Club- Sian UD for Ski Trips at PAC 2039 by Wednesdays before trip. Call Michelle & Laura-725-7675, or Kevin 725-7059.Check .-- ___out ~~trio deals. UW Ski Club-Meeting for new & existing members January 70 at 5pm in MC 2066. The Outers Club organizational meeting on Wednesday Jan.1 2 at 6pm in MC 2066.Activi.ties such as snowshoeing,xcountry skiing, and winter camping are planned.lnfo:Karsten,ext.3497, kaverbeu@neumann. Ukranfan Students Club-Membership Rush,Get lnvolved,Have Fun,Join USC! Events and trips are being planned now. All welcome, meeting January 1 1 & 18 in AL 206 at 6pm. Interested call Martin 725-5246 Glow Discussion Group-All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays and other supp&tive people welcome. ML 104 at 7:30pm. Details call 8844569 Conrad Greb&i Noon Hour Concerts Free. NEW ART QUARTET:Beth Ann DeSousa, piano, Terry Kroetsch, piano, Carol Baumann, percussion, Dave Compion,percussion

on Thursday, Janu-

ary20,1994 at 12:30pm. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Caribbean Student’s Assoc. presents “De Outlaws” in our welcome back party at Quinn’s, corner of Water & Charles St. Kitchener, on January 15,1994. Call Leon 725-9565 for details.

FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorlai Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: January 14, 1994. Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship -available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Michael Geilner Memorial Scholarship - available to all 3rd year Regular Health Studies and Kinesiology. Deadline: 1 March 15, 1994. Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1994. Ron May Memorial Award - availabe to 3rd or 4th year Recreation. Deadline: October 14, 1994. RAWCO Award - available to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year Recreation students. Deadline: January 24, 1994.

FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award - available to all Arts students. James C. McKegney Memorial Award m available to upper year Arts students with outstanding performance and/or extra-curricular activities in-the Hispanic Area - one in Peninsular Spanish St;rdies and one in Spanish America Studies. Deadline: February 28, 1994


Faculty of Science

Marcel Pequegnat Scholarshipavailable to 30 Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. Microsoft Technicai Scholarship- avaiiable to 2nd or 3rd year Co-op Physics. Deadline: January 2 1,1994.

I Volunteers Rk


Volunteer performers needed for WomynFest, March,1 994, to share their talents in celebration of International Women’s Day. Comedians, musicians, dancers, etc.,novice or professional are .welcome to apply. Performers should send notice of their interest and a description of their performance to: Waterloo Regional I.W.D. Committee c/o Kathryn Cowan, K-W Access-Ability Waterloo Town Square, 75 King St.S. Waterloo, Ontario on or before January 3t/94. For more information contact: Dona-745-0819 (day), Emily-576-0391 (eve.), Wendy-888-7350 (eve.) The Weeieendimin Native Resource Centre requires transportation and childcare vdlunteers for t‘he participants of a creativity workshop focusing on Aboriginal experience. The workshop will begin in January of 1994, and run

Valuable career experience! Volunteer as a Student Career Advisor and learn to counsel other students on career related issues. Priceless benefits! Applications and info available in Career Services, NH 1001.

Sign up sheets & handouts available in NH 1001 the week prior to presentation date. All sessions & Workshops in room Monday,JanlO:Resume Critiquing,1 0:30-l 2:30;lntro to Career Planning/Job Search, 5:00-6:0O;lnforrnation Interview, 6:00-7:O0. Tuesday,Jan.l 1: Resume Writing,1 1:3012:30;Letter Writing, 12:30-l :30. Wednesday, Jan 12: Interview Skills I,1 2:30-l .30. Thursda) Jan.1 3: Interview Skills ll,2:304:30. Friday,J; 14: Networking, 10130-l 1:30 Monday,. 117:lnterview Skills I,1 1:3012130: Xro to Self Assessment,5:006:00,NH 1030. Tuesday, Jan.18: Job Search t,9:3010:OO; Job Search II, 10:00-l I:30, NH 1115. Wednesday, Jan.19: ResumeCritiquing, I 1:30-l :30. Thursday, Jan.20: Resume Writing, 12130-l :30; Letter Writing,1 :30-2:3O. Friday, Jan.21 : Researching Occupations,l0:30-11:30. Monday, Jan.31 : Resume Writing,fi:OO6:OO; Letter Writing, 6:00-7:OO. Tuesday, Feb.1 : Interview Skills I, 6;007:OO. Thursdav. Feb.3: Resume Critiquing:3:30-5:30.

September-Lester St. Immaculate ,3 bdrm and 4 or 5 bdrm units. Free cleaning service, non-smoking environment, year lease. $250-320 ea. plus utilities. 886-2726. -.-~ ~~ Five bdrm house near King & tJ%&: sity. $2301month each plus utilities. Lease till Aug.94. Parking, laundry, cable. 746-4679 eveninas. Furnished house for rent. Beechwood area. Available from late January. Cali ext.4091 or 885-2726

Bicycle: 1993 Cannondale SM 300,21 speed, Red Wide Body Frame. Purchased in Sept. 93 ($800) Mint Condition. Asking $575. (9 month full warranty) Call Kent 884-7519

Honours .UW graduate can process all types of papers. Laser Printer, Spell Check, Grammar Corrections1 Pick up and delivery! Clark 749-4082. Why pay more for less?

Free, Free, Free- Someone left a sofa & mattress in my house. if you want either call 578-8728.


Strong interest Inventory-discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Monday Jan. 10, 3:30-4:30,. Tuesday Jan. 18, 3:304:30,Wednesday Jan 26, I I :3012:30.Each workshop two sessions long. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator-discover how yocr personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Thursday Jan.13,3:304:30, Tuesday Jan 25, I1 :30-12:30. Each workshop twu sessions long. Reading & Study Skills-discover effective study techniques. Tuesday Jan 25 9:30-l I:30 or 6:00 -8:O0. Thursday Jan 27, I:3093:30, Friday Jan. 28, 9:301 1:3O.Four consecutive sessions. Time Management & Procrastinationfor students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. Wednesday Jan.26, 9:30-l 1:30.Four consecutive sessions. Stress Management Through Reiaxation Training-instruction and practice in progressive muscle rc.:axation, deep breathing,concentration/meditation habitsAssessment and modification of thinking habits. Tuesday, Jan 25 2:004:OO. Three consecutive sessions. Exam Anxiety Management Workshopskills training for those who feel they don’t live up to their potential in examinations due to anxiety. Wednesday Jan 26,9:3011:30. Three consecutive sessions. lo Register: Counselling Sewices, NH 2080 or call ext.2655

Male mature enviro student wishes to meet pleasant female who likes folk music, cafes, foreign films, x-country skiing, skating or enlightening conversation. Call G&y at S&5389-





Anderson Consulting Schoiarshipavailable to 38. Deadline:March 28,1994 J,P,Bickeil Foundation Bursariesavailable to ail Chemical Students. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship-available to ail. Deadline: October 14,1994 Canadian Ssiety for Civil Engineering Award+vailable to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award- available

Jane at 570-0960. Volunteer required to assist a blind man by readiig newspapers etc., and( light exercises being for walks). Please call 745-6763 and ask for Ken. Two Event Co-ordinators needed to de- I veiop a new fundraising event frlr Kids Help Phone in Watt; Iv: fi ,I:: r *tons 76. due January 17;fax to (41 I :2 I Call Leila Hurley (416) 92 f tails

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