
Page 1

Friday, October 7, 1994

Volume 17, Number 12

CDN. Pub. Mail Product Sales Agreement No. 554677



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Campus Centre, Room 140 llnivcrsity of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3G1


888-4048 Friday


7, 1994

Volume 17. Number 12

Axworthy drops the axe by Scott Wahl

$500-million a year on Canada Student Loans and over $6 billion in tan transfers and cash he federal government is under Fstnblished Programs Filooking at major changcs nancing. a complcn agreement in thcfundingofpost~sec- negotiated with the provinces in andaryeducatianwhichwill have 1977. It is thc cash payments. worthabout $2.6 billion. that arc an enormuus impact on students. Human Resources Minister now in questton. I n thc paper. Axworthy Lloyd Axworthy's long-dclayed social-secunty rewew, released clanm that thc cash portion o f

Imprlnt s t a f f


1996-97. "Fcdcnl transfers to provinces for social assistance and post-secondary cducstton i n 19Yh-97 and beyond must return to no more than the lcvel in 199394." the discussion paper states. At the same lime. the d<xument sets out continued acccss~bility toeducation as essential to a strong cconomy.


C n v r r photo b y Ktcran Grcen

Editorial Board Editor in chief Sandy Atwal Assistant Editor Jeff Warner News Editor lames Ru~sell News Assistant Kieran Green Ans Ed~tur Pat Msrlihirn Arts Assistant G r q Krafchick Spun? Edltor 'CJ. Hehe Spora Assistant Mark Moiisan Features Editor vacant Science Editor vacant Photo k d ~ l o r Patti Lenaid Photo Assistant Scott Wahl

Staff . d v d s ~ ~ ~ 1.auric u & ~ Tipen-thnm ~ oifice Assistant Mmca Willis Gencral Manager Vivian Tambeau ilvc~tiruy~ s r i s ~ Ari m Katz Proofreaders David Bvuer Andrea Schmidt D~stribuuon Jeff Zavltz HISfriend

replace direct funding through the prov~nceswlth better loans and bursaries to sbdents. This

willmcanestabltshinganewsyst a n o f education lo& the i s -

"Our challenge is to build a learning system, that will make Canadian workers the best trained, best educated in the world. "

post-secondary education by

Board of Directors President Henther Kobinson Vice I'rciidcnt Nnialic Onuska Sccreaturyihc~surcr JcffZav~tl U~rators-at-Largc Jawic Bcnnct Pat Mcrtihvn

Contribution List Chris Aldwonb, spacey llarr. D!avi,t naucr, Rat Hrcnnan, Pctcr Brown, Cheryl Costello, Philip Drmscy. Ihvc Ftsher. Atcnandcr Ilnvriant, Orcg Hood-Morris,Scott Jsffreys, Derrick Jewlal. Amcesha Joshi. Helen Kitbride, Jack Leicourt, Jsn M c C o n n ~ k , CIILT McKay. Michacl M c h y , Kim Murer. Dave Neal. Pete Neabitt, Juhanna Nrufeld. Ciacg Ncckcmon. Jay Nolan, Sameh Rchan, Scott Reid. Chris Rohinron, Kathlcen Ryan. Danicllc Ryval, Andrcr Schm~dt,Richard Itchl~k,I.isa-MsricStr\,ens, DcanncSzurlak. Rob Vickers Imprint is the offftciai student newspaper of the Unwersity of Watcrlao. It is an editondly independent newspaper puhlirhed by lmprinr Publications,Walerlao, a corporation wilhuut share uagilal. Imprint is a mmkr of thc Ontxio Community Newspaper as^

rnclvuon(OCNA.)hprintispublishedevery mday during thc fall and wmter tcrmr md wrry second Friday during the spring lcim. Imprint reserve Ule right e sucnr, edit and refuse advcrtaing.ImprinllSSN 07tX1-7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Cdny u C c n m . Rvucs%140. Umirrnity orWoisr too, Wavrloo, Ontario. NZL 3GI. Our fax number is 884-7800.Etrclronie mall should he =ddrcrscd to imprin(@warservt .uwaartoo.ca. 1mprint:'lheVoiceufReasan.

Responds by James Russell Imprint staff


heofficial response isout. The Un~vcrsttyo f Watcr loo's rcsponse to the Ontario Councd on Untverslty Affairs(0CUA) dacwncnt hasbeen released. The OCUA document "Sustaining Qualtty I" Changing Times: Funding 0nta"o's Unt-

versities"wasrel~sedsometime ago andimmcdiately came under fireforthrcatcning theautonomy o f Ontario unwnitics. The document implied that univcni$ics needcd to bc morc accountable for the money they receive from the Government (some4 billion dollarsannually) and thatthis accountabiitty could come in the form of increased govcrnmcnt control avcr enrollment and curriculum. Now, the official response had been rclcascd, after much consulting between various offices on campus. The rcaponsc hns been endorsed hy t h p Prerident of the university, the Fedcrattan of Studcnlr, the Faculty

andSwffassociatians,theGraduate Student Association and St.

employment. Thc social policy discussion paper, entltled "Improving Social Sucurity in Canada," l w k s a1 an overhaul ofthe entire smial securitysystem, includingwclfareand uncmploymcnt spending, which accounts for $38.7 billion in frderal spending. Old age pcnsions and health care will he dcalt wtth


nwment ofwhich will bc tiedto /ndividuals' future income. "Spendmg could shifi from support to institutions via the provinces to cxpandd loans for indiwduais. Thts would ensure on-going support for indiv~duals to fitran& t i i n education." the paper states. "These loans would be repayable only after a student federal transfers, if the existing enters the workforce. At that arraneement remained in dace. point, a repayment schedule would be based on the borrower's ability to repay, given hcs or her mwme lcvcl." Serforpost-secondaryeducat~on The provinces have primary through tar equivalents. responsibili~forpost-seconda~ One malor obiectwe i n reeducation, but Onawa accounts viewing its support ofpost-secfor about half o f thc $16 billion


for people throughout their c a ~

rerrs to help them find and keep

Jcromc's collegc. However, Hugh Cioebelle, F'rcstdcnt of the Graduate Student's arsac~ution(GSA) added a personal letter to the response, harshly criticizing the original document. He callcd ihc study "completely inadcquatr" and added that i t had "fundamental flaws." "How can one propose changes to the gouernmcnt's funding of universittcs without discussing the impact on tultion ratcs'!" asks Gocbcllc. The R page rrsponsr was equally crttical, i f morc diplomatlc. Thcresponsestartsoutby agreeing that the province i s going to undergo "finanaal distress" in the fumre but quickly adds "We do not concurwllh the conclusion tlwt OCUA seems to draw, which is that the curicnt funding mechanlsrn i s falslly flawed." Regrets were expressed that OCUA did not rccoeniec whnt

modcrn society." I n fact. i t was stated that universitm in Oncontinued on page 4

Thedncumcnt wlll hesuhject to public hearin~sby the Parlia-


Human Rcsourccs Dcvclopment. BS well as consultation seminars across the country and MP's con-

tactwithconstih~entr.Thisw~llbe followed by formal negotiations

with the provinccr leading to Icg-


islation, probably npnt year. "This is the beeinnine o f imporlanl changes tu Cnnada's social securily system." Anworthy said in a ncws rclcase Wcdnesday. "This papcr offers chotces for major rcforms to a system no longcr in tune with a quickly changingwortd. There will bediffcrent opmons on the mprovcnnwts to be made, but there is solid consensus that change is needed. We have the apportuntty



"More Canadians need opnortuntties for trainine and edu-

the papcr states. "Ourcl~atleogeistohuildateaming system that will make Cana-



Leaders and Achievers honored by James Russell Imprint staff


nTuesday. Octoher4. thc Tenth Annual Board o f Gururnors' StudentLeadcrs and Achtevers D~nnerwas held. 1-he guest list was impressive, with Board of Govenors members. Universioiaffioialsand

eveningwcretheerccptional stu-

dents. There wcrr several fa%xs cons~deredheforc thcsc students wcrechoren. Someofthe factors wcre p u b l m t m , awards, and of course, lhigh marks. Each faculty had some of thclr exceptional students attend. There werealsoguestshmCampus Recreation, and the Church colleges.

the~res~~cntsofstu~entsocieties all attn~dinp. However, thc focus o f thc


mnity to meet the leaders of tomorrow!

Society a n d Heather M a r y Holden, Canadian university i n d o o r r o w i n g champion, 2 outstanding students.



continued from page 3


"In the past two ycars alone, morc than 7% has been taken h m gov-

that thc government may decide to lnslst that somc moncy currently tario have adapted bcucr than "ow cmmcnl-gcncratedrcvmucs."AIso, allocated to rcscarch bc dcvotcd instcad to teaching, in an effort to the documcnt pointed out thal exour famircligiuua ~ n s t i t u t ~ oorn ~ isting resourccv can only he fu~hercxpnndenmlrnent."Astrnng ller! The response to the aulonomy strctchedsu thinly. "Simply adrnlt- economy dependsnutjust on soundI Issue was not d i m 1 IIISICJ~, prusc tingmarestudcntsmay doinjust~cc undergraduate cducat~on,but also to thc students thcmsrlvrs and the on hlgh-quality graduateeducation was given to the past practice o f and rcscarch." independence. "What lhas bccn province as a whole." Somc financial hcncfits lo thc The response eoncludcr achieved in higher education m Ontario is the result o f an cnlight- provincc were mentioned, with the strongly, stating thal thc currcnl cncd partnership bctwocn govern- documcnl slatmg that more than systcm has worked very well in the l00companics havethciroriginstn p:at, and thcy f d it should con. ment anrl ~mlvcrs~l~es," F~nancialisaurs were not d w the univcrstty and that this was dt- linuelo be used."Counctl has...tilted cussed at leneth. Ilowevcr. such a rcctlv mlatcd lo the fact that r e the whccl lowardsafundinemccha-

Pascal Lectures bring geneticist to Waterloo


sponsors 1OK walk for AIDS h y Patti Lenard Imprlnt Statf

to wait. As well, very few oftherc drugs are covered by hcdth plans, from the UW News Bureau a1 !he Unwerslty o f Waterloo Oct, wronmcnt and i s a mcmbcr o f thc and payment for treatment must, 11-12. Ilumao Fertilicattoi~and Ombryolhere was a feeling o f im therefore, come from thc patients' Britjrh biologist and gr Prof. Kobcrt Berry, o f the ge- ogy Authority. T m e n s e own ~ackets. net~c~stw~thakeen~nterest netics deoartment at Univcrsitv IlcisalsaaFcllowafthe Insti1 pride an These treatbehalfofthe kaments can cost coa-honkers as over $1000 a and the European Lcological Fed- they welcomed month. emtion. thc walkcrs intu The goal far 'Theme o f the lcctures i s Victoria Park. the day was I n total, they S40.000. Albihller; with Berry spcaking on wslcomcd over thuugh the the cth~csufrcproduclivc Lchnol- 400 o f them. walkers r w e d 7h1s past $35,657, there olsnvironmental ugy (act 11, n p.m.)and action (act thc cthics 12,8 Sunday marked uasafeelingof p.m.). thc annual satlsfactionand Uothpublic lecturesarc hcldat from the UW News Bureau "Walk for achlevcmcnt the Theatre of the Arts in the ModAds", organthroughout the escarch wthin thc Univcr tems'annual salesarc in theareaoi crn Languages building. ,zed by park. In fact. "Throughout his acadcmlc ACCKWA. the s ~ t yof Walcrluo'r Depart 68.5 million and have grown by an durratluns ale entofCiv~lEnginccring's average ulabout 20 per cent annu- carccr. I'rof. B e r n has soueht to A~dsCommittce stdl coming in o f Cambndre. and organizers - . Ktkhcner. WBbelleve that thcy will reach terloo and Area. Can~br!dgc;~nt. . On hand to lend Calilbmia, New York Slalc. An- related lo the place occupied by thelr goal humans in nature," said Joan Thc firm's succcrr i s the rcsult zonaand Alberla. within the next support werethe two weeks. local band Riehnrd Simmons, eat your Two-thirds o f its business is Hadlcy, chau of the Pascal Lecoutsldc Canada, most o f it in thc turcs comrnitlcc. Among the Swacked, and hcart nut! Thc lechlrcs are named aRer highways are prepared automati- United States. Currently there are walkers were SCVCCBI RUCS1 cally fur federal, slate and provin- contracts for work i n China, Viet- BlaiscPascda hth-ccnlurv French speakers. several University o f Wateilw stu~131.and muntc~palgovernments Pcrhap~thc mu31poignant uf dents. Thc wurm-up before thc nam, Ghana ns well ns the Caribthough the use o f "Road Tester" bean. these was Wavne Rush. a 3 l vear- walkwasledby ateamof 13 fitness vehrclesthat can sense, record and instructors from lhe us~versily; Oneuftltewmpany'sstrengths analysc data while moving at 100 i s that it strives to keep at the Ibrc- 1"s. hcadcd by 'Todd Karges, the AdThc Pascal Lechlrcs onChriskilometen an hour. ministrative CoordinatorofFihless front in both hardware, such as veThc rcscarch at U W was hicles, and software. I t has also tianily and thc University arc fiandAngelaGambaasa,the lnsmcservcd to increase the energy ofthe nanced by lar-deduclibledonations headed by Prof. Kalph Haas, with spawnedanolhcrenterp~se-ITX, crowd, already prepared to com- tional Coordinator. thecompany beinglaunchcdn~1978 alsolocatedincamhndge. ITXpro- frnm individualrandorganizations, plete the 10-kilometre walk. The teani then participated in based on the PhD theses o f Matt vidcr underground scrvlces - supplcmentcd by royallies from H I V is the wrus that causes the walk and then raised energy publishid lecturer. b r a n , who is now president, and evaluating water and sewer lines. throughoutthe walkers by cheenng AIDS. Acouired Immune Defiandclapping ror the duration ofthe I 0 kilometres. Unlil next year, ACCKWA is always lookingforvolunteers,peoo f yet, thcrc is no cure. Northwestern College of Chiropractic I n his speech. Rush indicated ple who want to help keep the h o p that thesc experimental drugs are o f finding a cure for AIDS alive. 11 now ampsng applrlMnr lor I& nut three atmng d u a not readily available. Same arc not This is a disease that will not k (Apnl 1995, Ieptmbr~1995. Jmuuy 1996) available lor over 10 vcars. AIDS conquered unless all are willing to patients oflen do not hkve this long work togcthcr.




Gentlemen, start y o u r engines!


Imprint, Friday, October 7, 1994


AIDS Awareness Week 1994 SubsCancr abuse and HIV: the connection

How t o urr condoms correctly:

HOWto use a condom:

I . Avoid drug uac. H d p to stop using drugs is available. Call the Waterloo Rcyion Alcohol and Dnlg Assesrmebt Sclvtce at 579-3350.

1. Urc latcxcondams,naturalmembrane wndomswill not protect yuo

1. Buy latex

2. Itissafcrtousc your ownneedlc. They can be bought at a drug siorc, and ihcrc arc nccdlc exchangc progmms opcraling in the area. Call ACCKWA at 570-3687 ibr morc mfomatiun. 3. If you hare lo h a r e a nccdlc, make surc you clean it properly. Rinsc and cmpty thc needle and syringc3 tirncs with water. r e p 1 5 times with bleach and then 3 more times with water.

4. Parents: tell your children what to do if ihcy find a nccdlc. Do not touch it Tell an adult whcm i t is mmudntciy (HIVdiesquieklyouts d e ofthe burly, so thc chances of contracting i t lromadiscardcd ncedlc arc "cry low. howcvcr, nccdles cart st~llcany othcr gcrms, includiilg llcpatitir R.) I'dlikcanHIV tcst! W h a t a r c m y oplions? Thc only way to know for ~ u r c ~fyouhavaHIVisto haveaspecilic blood test. You can he tcstcd by your famlly doclor, or receive a licc and confidential tcst at the Community Health Department. In Watcrloo. that'sL)9Regma St. South, mend floor. 883-2251, Monday to Friday, R:30 a m . - 4 3 0 p.m. In Cambridge, it's luciltcd at 150 Main St sccond floor. Tucsdays, 3:OO - 5:OU p.m. For anonymous tsrting, c d l ACCKWAd 570-3hR7,orthc Waterloo Regional Communily Health Dept. at 883-225 I .

You can't get AIDS from...

c o n d o m end check expiry date o n box. Open the packagecarefully

fmm dlscasc. 2.Chcsk the cxpily date. 3. Use only water-soluble lubricants such as K-Y Jelly. Never use oil-based lubricants, thcy cat holes iolalcx. This meamno vasrlme,no baby 011 and no hand Intion. 4 . U x each condom only once. 2. Put the condom on 5. Do not storc condom5 in wann erect pen& or sex places, this ineludesyourwallet for toy. P i the tip any length of time. of the condom lo remove the air and 6. Furvag~nalsen,us~ngspcmictdal to leave room for f m wdl greatly mcreasc the cfthe sperm. fectivencss. 7. Pract~ceputling oncon until vau arc comfonablc wlth it.


Unroll thecond o m right d o w n

4. U s e s water-baaed

to the base o f the e l e l penis or sex


lubricant (KY jelly or Muko). DO NOT used oilbased lubricant (such as pttrolsurn

jelly). lhis will break the condom.

ARE YOU HAVING SEX IN THE DARK? Some say ignorance is bliss. When it comes to sex, ignorance is far from bliss. It's just plain dangerous.

If you want to do the smart thing, get out of the dark. Find out how HIV/AIDS and other STDs are transmitted.

Use condoms. Not occasionally, not u s u a l l y , but always. Talk. Talk to your p a r t n e r . Your friends.

Your doctor.

publicto!lcts,livingurwurkingwitl~ somcunc with AIDS, drinkmg fountains, tcars, swcal, salivn, mecling, shaking hands. doorknnhs, going to the denlist, mosquito~,donating blood, ealing in a restaurant, swimming pools, hug&!% ' !

You can get AIDS from...

If you're embarrassed about buying condoms, remember that after you've bought them once it will be much easier. Being embarrassed is a small price to pay for your health. If you know someone with HlV infection or A I D S , reach out to them and break the silence. No more fear. No more ignorance.

63 Ontario For more information call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline: 1-800-668-2437

l o avoid tearing

5. After the man c u m , hold the base of the mn-

d o m firmly a n d pull out the

while it is still hard, avoid

+Iring *perm.

u s e -doma only once. ~




IMPRINT Publications Ltd.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Friday, October 14,1994 12:30 p.m. at CC140 All registered University of Waterloo students who have paid the IMPRINT membership fee are invited to attend. The finances of the corporation will bediscussed and the Board of Directors will be voted in.


Laurier Apartment Blues by Kitran Green

tlon Acl works to ensure that there is sufficient housing forthecommunity hymonitoring the amount ofhousing spamvaken up by ed tape has Laurier Housing all private groups like univcn~ttesand prcvcntwrapped up. ing them fiom takmg up t w much. In Februaw 1994. Wilfrid Laurier In order to take an apartment butldmg Univenity purchasc~asmallapartn~entbuild- and designate it as a university residence for ing at 2OY Kegina Street. Their intention, to a spccific group of indwiduals, applicvtlons create a new residence for married shrdents. must bemade for cxcrnplion from lheseacts. Whcn thc unlvcrsity first bought the "Wcdid not get those, we wcrcunawarr building, it was found that it did not meet we needed thcm." stated Bclimger. university standards for residences. The tire Belanger . says . that the proper applicaprotection tions have systems. now bccn s m o k e suhrnltted, alarms etc. and Laurrrr is now i~waitmg rulings from thc relcvant government ollices.

Imprint staff



ined and approved hy the fire manhall. According to M ~ k eRclangsr of the Lauricr Housing Offlee, rhc apartments are now fully urahie. It was rliscovercd, however, that one thing had been forgotten: the government papenvnrk.

AllaparlmentsaregnvemedbytheLandlord - Tenant Act, the Rcnt Control Act, and the Rental Housing Protection Act. The Landlord - Tcnant Act guarantees ccnain nghts and assigns cemin rcnponsihilitics to holh landlord and tenant. The Rent Control Act prevents landlordi from chareina ences&rent rates. The Rental Housing Protec

- -

not surc what we'll mn inlo, 3ot we're opImisl~c,"comn e n l c d 3eIanger.addng lhat. "the partment may

Rental Housing Pmrection pose the grcatcst prohlcm. ~ o h ~ c ~ o n n iArea c k . Manager for the

in the works. (hrrently there are twelve married cow ples in residence a1 209 Regina. This past Wednesday was the first day thal some of them had heard about this issue. One renident. who asked not 10 br nnmcd, slaled that he bad onlv that rnomina rcceived a notice informing k m ofwhal &s happening

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October 14th. You will find it rewarding. information. please contac your -campus plac:ement ~ffice. For further

Imorint. Fridav. Octobcr 7. 1994



It's that time aaain...

United Way Campaign '94 . =. .. ... ... .... .. ..d i m cconomy. Ycl last year.708 womcnandch& dren sought shelter and protection as opposcd lo 453 i n 1990. 1.044adults rcqumd counseliing for sexualandphysical ahusc. an lncrcasc of 63% aver the last three years. The Food Rank distrihutcd 1,200,000 pounds o f food to our hungry, 40% of whom arc shlidrcn. Almosttwclvethouaalulcallc n looked dcsperalely to the llnlted Way-supported C"sn I.inc for hfesaving hclp.

by Helen Kllbridc special to Imprint


lhe U n ~ l e dWay of KilchcncrWaterlootsanaryanuatlun dedicated to ~mprovmgthequalityof l ~ f co f all people i n Kitchcncr-Watcrlooand Area by raising and invcsling moncy in FCNiccs and programs that hclp mect hun~;~n needs and mpruvc the quality olltfc in our cummun1185. Somc flfly-ftve agenoes receive funding f;om United Way to set up programl designed to help chddren


- .


If ~ O aJ r e 0 mole between 18 and 30 years o f a g e , h a v e h u m a n l r a n a n ~nsttncts.andw o u d c o n s l d e r be ng a s p e r m d o n o r , phone the C.A.R.E. Centreweekdays betweenthe h o u r s o f 9:OO a.m.-1 2:00noon and 2004:00 p.m.. o r write us for further information. All inquiries a r e held in strictest c o n f i d e n c e . ~~






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people were helped to get off thc streets and on the way to P bctter hfu In and the elderly achicve 1993, Y78 K-W pcople a better quality o f life wcrc h c l ~ e back d to work than is possihle without scc how much more he can gel). by llnited Way agencies. help. Thcw~rkofthcagcncicsfalls FircfightersofKitcl~cner-Waterloo The list goes on and on. l i t iuto five catcgunes: children and arccompetlngagainsteachothcrin 1993. more than 8,000 Twin City youth, emergency crws serv~ces. and Area volunteers put i n ovcr distress counselling, health and re700.000 hours of work to help the hubl~tat~on,andcommumtydevelUnited Way agcncies to assist our opment and information. less fortunate friends. That effort The 1994 slogan is The Valuc translates mto 80 ycars ofZ4-hour of Caring, and all the fundraising days in ono ycar. activities going on throughout thc A l l this adds up to generosity months o f October and Novcrnbcr and hesit. We care and we'd likc arc thc work o f a very gcnrroui you tocare too. Yourcollaboration community. UW studonte, faculty would be invaluable. One great andstaffucallpanoflhatcommuw ~,d, to the .A. "ity. nual U W N L U Tug-o-War tradiOnce a yea!., the people o f the ttonally held at Seagram's Stadium K-W Arm dip into thelr pocketsor dunnghalf-limeofthe firstfootball thur payroll packell to give lo the match of the season. This ycar, il Un~tedWay. UW's 1994 Un~ted will bc Walcrloo's home game on Way campaign was launched on Saturday afternoon, Octoher 15. Friday, September 30, and will run WLU's team is made up of to the end o f Octobcr. Moanwhile, determined athletes who take their ovcr 180 W employee volunteers trn~ningforthechallcngc seriously. are fanning out across the campus, bur-pulls, lugs-o-war and assorted UW hasn't yet hit the mark with a pledge cards m hand, to collect challenges, while others arc nettmg similarandcqually dedicatedteam. enough cash and pledges fbr the up lotteries, baking pies, guessing Consequently, we get massacred University commumty to reach its beans 8" a bottle, and a hundred every year. They have thechampi$150,000 targct. onshap and we want to 7hat.s a lot l o mi; in get it from them. So so l ~ l t l etime, bul if why not call the Camcvcryonc in thc campus United Way Office puscommumtymakes at cx1.3840 and ask a cash donation, or Heienwhatit'sallabut. plcdgcs a monthly deAt thc vely least, come duction lromhls orher to thc game and cheer 1995 salary,orsimply for our sde. We need dcvotcs tlme to you! You're part ofthc fundraismg cvcnts. cilr~ngcommunity loo. thcrc's noreason why And feel free to set rhc target can't be upfundmisingactiv~tics rcachedand even surofyuur own. The hunpassed. gry, banered kids and This same scethelonclyoldfolksdriRmria is repeating iting into dcspatr i f wc self acmss the Twin don't pull them back C ~ t ~ cradmannouncs: from the brink may ersareperchrdonplalnever meet vou, but forms high above they'll know that you Kmg Street vowlng and someonc hkc you no1 to come down 1111 msdcthreffnrtandeavc them a chance for a bet%10.000has been doDowney and Ki1bride:ready to pound poverty ter tomonow. nhtrd (11was,and surAs WinrtnnChurchonssed. last wcek, but other ingcnmus devices to raisc ill ~ d"Wcmxkealiving , by what thebravemanwiththc warm woollies has dcctdcd to slay moncy to help the nerdy. we gct. but wc make a life by what We an: told there arc signs of wc give'' opus his platform till Oclobcr 15 to

Programs designed to help children and youth, JJOUIZgadults and the elderly acheive a better quality of life.

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by Greg Hood-Morris Imprint st&


Does Canada r a l l y need another

poltcc forcc?

Application forms may be obtained from the Housing Office, Village 1, or inquire by calling the Housing Office. I'horx 888-4567ext. 3704 or 3705


nMa~shofthisyear there wtsa conference o f formcr puliticians, media personalmes, andvariausmembers of the elite of Canada. who i.01 loecther to trv and decide, among other things, what, i f anything should bc done with Canado's mititaw. To members of the right, (ie. thc mililary luadcn) the outcomc has bum labcllcd a "peacenik agcnda". To thc lcft, it has hcen claimed that thc out...~~. .~ poticc force. WIKII COUI~ quash dissent withm lhis country The reporI on thc C2I conicrcncc highlights what 11consider to bc "common iosccuritics", such us the schisn~between rtch and poor lhc world aver, and thatourarnwd forcesbcconccnlralcd on a ~ dto a U.N. standby furcc, which would only operate wtlhin a pcacckecping a~cnda.Amongoth&thlngs,ilalso suggusta that C<nnds should assist other nalions finiinclally through NGOs tnslead of thc burcaucr;llic


:OILJMBlA L A K l TOWNHOUSl5.S A n y o n e w i s h i n g to reside in the t o w n h o u s e s for the Winter or Spring T e r m 1995 m a y obtain a n application from the Village T w o Office or inquire by calling the Village Two Office. IPlwnc 888 4 5 6 7 , t : x l . 5825).





NO matter what Canada 's peacekeeping role would be with the UN. it must be .remembered that even the best intentions sometimes go astray

Howevur, cncepl for thcse few wcllstiltcdideals,thcrcporttnoslIy focusscs upon thc creation of an army whlch would not focus in "high inlcnsity conflict", not men-







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tioning illall whcthcr il would engag6 in law and medium intensity conflict. Also,nomatlerwhatCanada's peacckceping rolc would bc with the U.N., i t must bc rcmcmbcrcd that even the best intentions a,mrtimca go astray, as with thc U.N.'sforceinlerveninginto Eagh-

a you think you never get a chance to have your say m localpolitics7 Are youconccrned about student housing issues? Do youthink thereshouldbe hettcrlightlngoff-campus?Do you fccl welcome i n the city of Waterloo? Now is the time to put in yourtwoccnlsworth. Munici-

Air Force, it rccommcnds an increase, to 22.000 personnel o f the land-forces. This makes sense, as thcma~oruseol'themil~tvryinmost Canadians' lifetintchasnolbccnin thc Gulf, or Bosnia, bul at Oka, tn Quebec. Indeed, the image uf long linesofm~l~tary carners headingto the rcscrvatiun will be ingraincd on many pcoplcs' memories for a long time. However. nrofcssor ~arriet~ritchlcy,bneofthc stccring committee mcmberspn,tcstcd that thccouncil had lo includean"ald lo thcciv~lpowci',simplybecause ir is a directive oflhc Nalional Dcfcnce act. she admitsll~uugh,lhaltheonly check anainst the militlrv



~ h ~ ~ i ~ i ~ seen. has been used in t h ~ s role quite eKectively. On the fcdcral lcvelthcrcis thc RCMP, which hasjurisdic&~dandB~iluadur~ngthcFoIfW;lr tion within Canada. We also have both provincial and municipal poTheintervention therecouldhardly havcgo~oneundrrthcguiseof"peacc- liceforccs. I t would appear thcn. that thc keeping" securily ofCanada is well covered Withm thc ncw agenda, there i s an idea that a lieht and medium i n tcrms of intcrnd ~ o l i c l n aAs of

American magazine The Notion, couldbcthcsuppressionof "lcrrorists ilnd separatists". Although the C21 confcrcrlce advisesareduction in theNavyand

howovcr, how long we can keep a mllilaly that is engaged solely to the dcfencc o f our country. and not to the policing o f our own minoritics and dissidents.

fice in theCampusCcntre, m.235. Untd October 14, the form can bc remrned to the Fed Office and we will bring i t to thc Clerks' Departmentinthc WalerlooCilyCcntreat 100 Regina St.

make this city better for University o f W-aterloo students. Let's remind them that students help make this c ~ t ywhat it is and that wc can delemtine the dircctinn m whlsh this a t y is going. Plcase stay tuned for more information about the candidates. Happenings in the Fed office


Municipal elections are Our chance tojfind out how Waterloo really feels

~~alelcct~onsaicuponus,where you can vote for city councillurs,amayor,andschool board tlustees. This isourchanceto find out how Waterloo r d y ferlsaboutsNdcntissucs. POW ing stations will be srl up on carnpusforthcNovumbcr 14th ~lcctlon. Canadian citizcns who are 18 years o f age and older and have been living in Waterloo between Scptembcr 5 and October 14 are rligllilc vols. You n u s bc r;nn merated inordurlovote. Th$smc..ns that your name i s registered on a voters' list. To gct enumcratcd, you can pick op a form at thr turnkey dcsk or the Federation of Studem Of-

. .

"the conr~acnceor parhanlent." Why this need o f mothcrc~vildcfcnccfomc? Existing alrcady in this country are three levels o f

or not you h a w been enumerdted, give u call to thc Clerks' Departmen1 at 886- 1550 and lhey'li be ahle to lell you. Don't panic if you don't get a chancc to be enumerotrd. Youron &IIrotpby soingta the poll on election day (November 14) and signing an affidavit. I t is important to r e a l m that the more students thal vote, the more localpohtrcmn~wilt examine and consider what they can do to

this week mclude the hiring of an Academic Researcher, Adam Lce 'Ihis position had been vacant for thc last k w y c m so we arc thrilled to fi-


job. TheOfticeofStudent Issues is still look~ngfor people of all shapes, sizes, and colours to be on a "Celebrate Dwersity" poster. I f you are mterestcdgivc Knrncnllul rrt.6305. Also, keep an cyr ope11 for thc nc.u Town c r i e r who

rill hc an-

pcaring tbrougl~outcampusinforming titudsnts ilboul Federalion of Studentsaclirilles.

Ilaveagrcallongw~ckendand be surc to get rested up for Oktoberfesl!




Imprint, Friday, October 7, 1994

I Swinging for charity


Join the Imprint News team! Imprint is now looking for students interested in writing, layout, photography, and reporting. If you are interested in any of these areas, come on down to CC 140 and join the sharpest news squad on campus. No experience is necessary, we can train you to use the latest computer software and hardware so you'll have an edge in the fast paced world of journalism.







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Llrr opuuurr qr LJte people. tlte u e v h tiJ objecl s h o u l d be Lo keep t h a t q h l : and loere d left to rite l o decrde u ~ h c t h e r w c s h o u l dh a u c g o w m n t

The forum pagesallow mcmbcrs ofthc University olWatcrloo commun~lytopresent their vicwson various issues lhrough lctlers to the editor and longer comment picces. Theopinions exprcsscd i n columns, commcnt Wcccs, lettcrs and othrrarticles are strictlv those ofthc authors, not o f l m p r i n t . Only atlielcs which are clearly labclled "editorial" and are uns~gnedrepresent thc majority ap~nionof the I m p r i n t editorial board.



- Thomas Jeerson Sandy Atwal's


he wcck heforc last, Iranlcd against

T i w,trton Barn's winning ufthc Demo-


nominil lon,

cr,ltic Party prefcriing lo sce his win a s n sign ofu weakncssin dcmocracy rather than a rcturn to some anti-whm, grass-mots nwmncnt. (Prahhakhar Ragdc I ment~unsin:ileltcrtotlircd~torthisuerk that Barry has aligned Ihimsclfwith the politically 1 susplclous N a t m o f Islam, furthcr dcmonstnting that n a r y is cliitching at political straws to save hi<career.) Barry. ofcourse. isn't the only enomplc I of rhc intcnsc wcaknesscs in thc political qystcm that so anany pcoplchdd insuch high esteem. 'I'h~smonth's issue oSI'hc i+onomiri rcrcals u similar problem, lhis time in South ' Africa. According to thc artrclc "Thc gravy tram," thc exaggemtcd bcnefitr ofoffice enjoyed by pcoplc like F.W. Dc Klcrk and Pik Uotha wcre not ident~fiedand removed as they should lhnvc hccn, hut havc simply hccn passed on to the new generation of South African politicians, namely NelsonMandela and thc ANC. During thc Inst fcw days o f KW. dc Klerk'sorcsidencv. ..he mstitutrdanumberol salary hikesrecommendedby aspecial committee that was headed by judge David Melamet. Thc resulf'l M r dc Klerk, whilc hc was prcnidcnt. enrned 393.00 rand (approximalely $ I 11,965) a year. President Mandela now rcccivcs784.350 rand-S221,462a year. Although somc, sucll as ANC hackhcnchcr Tony Yegcm, have charged that this typeofcriticism comcspr~marilyfnlmwhitc


jouniillistsandpoliticians,oncnfthcharshest critics is Archbishop Dcsrnund Tutu who. along with thc South African Council of Churches, considers the continualion of the Mclamet .iala!ies an mIic;mon that thc old order is perpcluating itself. Similar scntirncnts wcic cchocd by IhcCongress ofSouth AfricanTmdeUnions, ns wcll as ANC members Ticwrr M;macl and Jay h'aidoo. The Econu,nul suggcstr n rathcr amiatcr link behvecn the ANC and de Klerk'r wvcrnmcnt. Although de Klerk sct up the Mclnmet commi$tec, i t was the A X that acccptcd thcm. The insmuallon i s that the ANC was "bought oal" to sornc dcgrcc - in return for a ridc on the gravy train. senior ministcrsfmmdc Klerk'sgovcrnmentwould bc ensured contmucd comfort Pik Holha's salary (470,4110rmd) as acahinet minister i s augmented by a 180.000 rand a ycar pension as well 8s n 560,000rand 1;wliee lump sum. The future will tell whether or not South Africa - a vanguard in the political arena i n so many nthcrways - will hc the first counhy to start such "radical" reforms as culling MPs'




Regardless of such hlgh hopes, is lhis what thc world was exoectine?One would bc naive to expect such a radical change in power to come without some compromiscs.



aspoliticsislargelyamatterofcompromises. hut surely. there must come a time when one takes a look at the chaiccs onc must make. with a clear knowledge o f one's pnnciplcs. and h a w thc courage to say "No." Does Mandela lack this courage? It'r hard to say so, knowing the years he spent in prison, but it'snot inconceivable. Powcrcorrupts, and so on. A democratically clcctec pcrson is still aperson, with largely the Sam' follies and failings as the rest ofus. lnhcrenl in the consaltdatlon of somuchpower in onc position is the risk that thosc fadines will show rhemselvcs, and more often than not. rhosefaillngsdorhow,atldouronlychoiceir to elect someone clse four yean later.

- wifhJila/rum The Erorrnmi~t

rhe Parking Lot speaks ast wcck's imprint, as I ' m surc you remember, contained fiw scalhin~ J l c t t c r s from pcoplc who wcic olbded by ourcatioonabouttheguyw~ththo do ("But Honey! Love is SUPPOSED to ~l!"). WC apologzed to tbosc who wcrc 'cnded,andslandby thatapalogy. Nevrr:Icss, I bcheve that those letters did an ust~cclo us and to thc strip. Clearly nonc of thr four writers took y timc to cansdcr that hchind the groquc image of the man with thc dildo ght lic u llltlc w m y . Thcir eyes saw the age, thejr pcns slartcd moving, and the ultwasagcncrous hclpingohonscquilur

again u l thc cartoon. Is lhc wutnan being hamcd? Is thcre any indimtion that shc appreciaaa -- or even tolerates - her boyfncnd's attcmpl lo "show hfs love" wlth thc dildo'! She threw h m uutufthcapartment in htsundcnrcarand lockcd the duor, forcrying out loud! Where's thc masochism? Whcm is the malt dominstlon?

ager.~o subsri~zrle/or bumour?" (Kcvm Miller) It's not Kevin, It never has bcm. 'lhe d~sgustingsexualimilgcry is lhcrc tucruate tensior~,andag~oldcomedicdcv~ce~ Ilerc's how it works: thc hawing u f tllc dildu sl~ocksandrlirmaysil~r resdcr(arter al1,il'r a horrific-looking dwice!). and this unexpected reactton throws thc readcr off-balancc so that the blow of the i r m y is more devsstnting. This is in theory. ofcourse. I n thc real wurid, thcrc is actually a large number o f peoplc who lust givc up on thc cu~nicas suet, as they sce thc dildo, missmg the irony altogether. You would sccm to be onc o f thcm. You must take my word for i t that thcrc arc pcople out lhcrc who did gct thc irony and apprcci:ac 11. Unfortunalely. thcy don't make as big a fuss as the crilics do. "foddrcsrinpMr.Ahual:] Doyou have thegutstoprint[myktter/? "(KevinMillcr) Yes, he does. That's bccause he's y goodeditor. Hc'swiilingtotakechanceson controversial submissions, and back thcm up when the whole world sccms to hate him fcv doing so. That's why the Imprint is interesting, and nnl just somc stapanl. tenid ccssoool o f noliticsl correctness. I

"Why w c d d sturim~s/>el cumJurrohlr cuniriburing to n publicofion /ha/ indicam lhotusinga chairnow onsomeone ;s o wuy u/ shoring love/or them?" (Pat Aplevich) Well, Pat, you managcd to swthc iruny. but you missed its comic implications. You ; q a ( C ~ ~ i i t ~ l ~ y ~ l i ~ l ~ ~ ~ ( s ~ ~ hsac, a s "thc a bcartoon u s ~ vise actually saying that using auunships,""malsdurnination,"ilnd"de- a chainsaw on wmeone is apretty lousy way toexprcss lovc. That's why the girl threw the ~msnirationof women"), and come rclfguy out of the apartment. Clearly she didn't hteous indignation. Thcse people obviappreciate his misguided attempt to show sly belleve that thcy'rc fighting somc affection! Now look at the expression on the :at battlc againsl the rorccs of social evil. ell,they9rewrong. Weareneithcrcvil nor guy's face. Does hc look smug. or violent, or crazy? No! He looks confused! 7hat.s bck. I n fact, we agree wholeheatledly that ,lence isbad,andthntcondoningviolence cause his relationship is down the tubes and hc doesn't understand why. The guy is mald abusc is bad. sdjus~cd.Ile has got a pretty screwed-up The readcr is undoubtedly asking how altitude about love. This has led him to bean reconcile thcse opinions with our carlievcthatthe useofachainsaw d~ldoisagood ,n from two wccks ago. Thc answcr IS nple: the cartoon docs not recommend waytoshow love. Well,ha's wrong. Andjust knee or abuse in any fonn. Thc lcttor bccause wc dcpicted this anihlde i n a characiters misinterprekd and misrepresented ter o f our com~cdoesn't mean that we agrcc : cartoon fur half their lchers, then pro- withi~,orthinkthatitisacccptableaihealthy. I f you want safe, convcnliunal, and time. :dcd to criticize us on thc basis of those "Lripned:] Kevi?, Millcr - a w i c c o/ w e d reprcscn!slions for the othcr haln 1 sanitized humour, read Cathy or Marmadukc ll illustrate my point with thc fallowing or Peanuts. Flip past Thc Parking Lot is Full, reo.~on" I take back what Isaid before. K e v m or, by all means, fed f r w to critei7.e it. But otatians from l a a wuck's imprint: You reem to have a well-dcvcloped sense you should +ow that thc humour of "The "Wmnen ore NOT mmochisric ond in Parking Lot tsFull"is subtlc,andoitcn h~des at m n y atterall. behmd confusing oroffensive images. If you edo/mnlrdoiomlnulion, "(JennieOmson) Icansidcr that statement to bc ahso- wanttocdicweit fairly,yau'regoingtohave lo take some time to try to understand i t clyanduncquivocally true, Jennie. What rant to know is why you think, bascd on before you write. "Since when is di,rysring sexual imr cartoon, that we don't know this. Look

Letters to the Editor or articles wh~charc judgcd to bc l~bellousor discriminatoly on the basis ofgender, race, religmn or sexual oricntatior. Opinions cxprcsscd arc those ofthe individuals and not o f ~

parking L~~ #5 To the Edilor, It I rcassurin~to sce that the chte community o f thu Univcrslty o f Waturluo has clot cvdved our of 11s primitive Victorian mindsct. Thc furorcrc.~tcdby rhcrcccnt " T l x Porkmg 1.01 i s r u l l w m l c i.; pn,ofof tlms. Adm~ltcdly,thc humour may not hnvc been to evetyonc's taste, howcver I secm to recall from my swnmfr days a cofnic hy the same authors th.lt dcpictd a dcprarcd psych~palhkdlkng shddmn. Thc caption rcad "how nnt l a hccome a monk: kill more kids." To my knowlcdgc nobody complained. Aftcr all, murdcr is just good clcan

door.mdthisguy isjust lookingfor an cxplanalion. Ihnncstly Ice1 that thls Interpretationofthccartoonis harmlcss I'crhaps Sandy, or the creators of "Thc Parking Lot is Full", madc a mistakein printing the cartoon, hot

and possess a keen interest in the issues you attempted to discuss in last weeks paper. Ialso acknowledgethat we haw hodmanydiscusslons pertamng to the lop<cs o i acadcmic frccdom and freedom of thepress,andlhntyourposltionhas

readeneouldmaked~eirownjudgemcnts regarding its fbrm ;and content. I recogntrc that you d ~ dincludc information as lo whcn and whcrc thc arliclc was published, thus enabling people to access i t at their discretion. However. to makc



- Joson Kinp 3NERS

t h c r n ~ s t u k c w a r f o r g c l l i n ~ t h v l ~ c o -alwvysheenwellrearonedandwetl.iuchastrnngqllatltatlvel~~dgement

ple arequick to invoke the spint of polltical correctness even when

argued. For this reason. you will understandmydisappointniei~twith

~p p~

ofan article, knowing hllwell that few ifanypcoplc whnareignorant

Last, least, lost


less CBrt""".

Parking Lot


have two separate crrtmsms First of all, to label the o t k sivc 'comic' that sppearcd in FommonScptemher23.a'work'1sto overstate its lmportanccascultural cnticrrm ur mlire. Whxle i t i s rahd to supportthedestrefora conttnued lwcly dcbate on Issues o f social

To tlw Editor, Ihnvcjust rcad thc four (count

fun. tiowevcr,~fasexualclcn~cntis 'cm four) lctters dcscrihing thcir uttcr d~aguslof thc "Thc I'arking Lot is Full" cartoon in the Srpt. 23nl issuc. I olsn noticcd that the authors o f lhe letters were ather two men and two women or three mcnandoncwoman (Ididn't know thc scx o f "Pat.") Ifind it mlcrcsting that there i s cquid i f not more concern fur lhc wclfwc ofwomen nmnng the male populat~on.Thank you. Meat Wood i s concerned that womcn who ;are currently in abusive relationships will see painful (no pun intcndcd) mrrnwirs in the cartoon. I'vcgot news forallofyou. Abuswe rebtmnships ~nvolveeither mentd abuse or women who do not lock lhcir abuscn out of the To Ilw Editor, Whcn Ilirst saw " Ihc Parking houseiapanmcnt. The cartoon was mcant to be funny and I'll bet i t Lot is I'ull" in thc Scptcmhcr 23rd wouidn't have been taken as badly tssuc ofthclmprint, Ilaughcdand if it was u woman bvngmg on thc tl~entl~oughf"Wcll.atlcaslthi~ wtll door mstcad o f a man. May 1 also fillup Atwill'r lcucrspagc."Ididn't rcmmd you all t l i d some rclatlonrealize that by laughing. Iwas parships involve n lot more painful or tlccpatmg i n the "dchumaniziltion unusual practices than the one in of womcn" and encouraging "thc thc carloon, Just one m a l l mcsrelaxation of mh~b!l$onsagamst sage: Lighten tip! Ithwght i t was ritpc." Jecr,lthougl~lthat i t wa,jual scartoor, thatl~adovcrblownscrual funny "VCrtOncS. Sincc I was dialurbcd tu find thnt my laughter had proved rhat I was amuscd hy what onc cancspuudcnt cdlcd the duodlmgs of maladlusted grade nincs, I cramincd the cartoon again nnd tricd to dctcrminc why I found it humorous. TOthe Editor, Thc first thing Inutlccd is lhst Sandy, Sandy. Sandy. Can we thcrc i s nu indicatton that therc is a talk?Ihadafcwcur~cernswilhyour woman on the olhcrs~dcofthc door column (I%nzLinc) inlaawcck's - i t could easily bc a man, or possiImprint. As editor o f our univcrbly s chihuahua. Hut thal's prob>ity student press you arc wlulinely ably an imlcvantpoint,asphyaical required to mount the proverbial abuse directed against males or small me~nbrrsu f thc rat famlly 1s slippery slopc of debating thc primacy or mornl st.nndards vs. frccstdl wrnng~ doinofspeeeh.Thisisshal\yground What made thc cartoon funny for me is that this guy stmply docs althebestafli~nesandnssoch.1 am wont to givc pcaplc extreme k c notgctit. llc'scomplclcly cluclcss. way when judging haw lhcy have Hc can't understand why his sigtravcncd 11. Obviously lhcrc is no n~ficant(and prcsutnably morc intelligont) other has lockcd him out, andhe's t~yingtocxplainhimselfI found that thc image o f the toy! r l we must do wcnpon~whatcvcrwasexsggcrated k ~ ~ pthe~notianthxt all wc can to ensurc that our freeenough ihat Icouldn'ttakc theposdomasiournalisls~ndsocialeritics ~ i h z t iot f~its use rerinosty The p o i a is that this 1s not rcmains as unfcttercd as posslhlc, some guy who feels that physical such that differenccof opinlan not abuac is okay. but rather a pcnon he allowed to suffice as justification o f ccnsurc. who is confused about some of the As 1 know you pcmonslly, I less lradit~onalmeans ofsexual cxcan say with conviction that you p r c s s m ~His partner has emilawtake your job at Imprint seriously ercd hidherself by locklng thc


thar apathy to engage in n huge 'whinc-fcst.' Am I the onlv one to he confused hy this hypocrisy? Either weall rcmovcthcpick~ les from our collective posteriors and toleriltc ,morbid humour or wc lc;m ahnut consistcncy. Is that too much lo cnpcct from such im intcllcctunl milicu as ours''

Parking Lot

Parking Lot #8

a i m at the unwersq" about the

!mporlance of free speech and I m its on such freed on^ is lncongmous wtth your carlm remarks. In F i r q Line. you stated that "thc pnmary objcctwc forlmprint as a wholc, and for the Fotum sectlon especially. is to provtde an outlct for student voices", and "to cause debate". Unfortunately. In choostng to nui this insensilivr 'com~c'you have missed the poinl. The 'comic' was neither suppon~ n nor g critlclslng its subjcct matter. A 'stucienl voice' needs to say something if i t is to be worthy u f csusmg drhate. 'The lack of substance i n this immature doodle makesyourcho~ceof~t,asavehicle forcampus discussion ofthe timlls nffmcdom of speech, an inapproprlatconc, This isakin to you gracing thc cover o f I m p r i n t with a photocopy oiyour pustcrior oslens~blyto 'push the tlmits ofdcccncy inthe nameofma~nlainingjournalistt~purity'.Sorry, butwhere there i s no issuc being discussed, freedom of sprcch is a poorly crcctcd 'straw mm' Next, Iwrite toraisc my scvcrc obyxtwn lo yuur hdviog takcu nle completely out o f contcnt in order to draw baseless parallels betwecn this ofl'enstw 'comic' and my arti. CIY Monrlw Wirhi,r. ( I m p r i n t , N o ~ "ember 26Lh. IYY3.) I am lhighly

offendedbyyourasserlionthatthcrc exists evcn a shred o f similarity betwccn tltese two submissions. 'To begm wtth, I am shockcd tho1you would extrapolate from an arliclc that contained 94 singular pronouns and personal references to accuse me o f insinuating that all men may desire to rape women. I nevcr sad any such lhing, and 10 imply that1 did is blalantjournalistic irresponsibility and qultc pussihly lihclous. Secondly, i t wasquitcobvious that my aniclcwas intended to provokc discussiun of this issues il addressed. I n thisrcgard itwasquitc successful. .Won.r~erWiihin was a difficult, inlrnspectivc look at my potential to beanabusivepcrsan ih a n abusive society, To discuss sn issue hy attrmptlng to lwntc oned t ",,,I, ;,, i,,>t,l;c~tb"s i s in ",> way the samc thing as exercising 'irccdom of spccch' by making a mnckcry o f sexual violence. I feel that i t was unwisc to attack my work w~thoutaddrcrring it incontuxt, referencing it specifically, or icpnnung i t so that your

so knowlcdgahle i s lo onrairly tarnish my tnamc. A s editor ofnurcampus paper you haw an obvious dcsm to 'sttr the pot'. I cnmmcnd it. Howcver. you also havean obligation to both your rcadcn and your contributurs lo respect the power of your porntton If you want dehstc, hnng u s issues.Tacal1yourpuhlication "fa comlc that trwal!sed gtatu~tous sexual violcncc, 'ancrercise in frce speech' 1s shamchl and log~cally

To tbr Editor,

Iwouldlikclojuxtaparc.will~out furlhcr cnnlment, twoquotes or ahout equal lcngth concerning Marion Uinrry's rcccnt wm in lhc Drmorrulic p n m q for msynr of Washington, DC.. From Sandy Atwol's W r m g 1.inem~ o l u m nill thc Imprint, Sep~ leniher23, 1994: "What the fuck is going on hcrc'! Thia man i s an admitlcd drug addict and a power freak, and yet these addle-hramrd unsound.Toco~~~parcthis~~rofound cretins in Washington think he ~nsens~tlv~ly w~tl~anarl~cleofminewould make a good mayor. At this that appeared i n these pages alluost mint. thc nvcnne citizen wlll lrv , " a full ycar ago without cvcn i e k r and defend the idea o f democracy encing it. ~sethicallyquest~anable. as i f somchow a group ofcsh drivers and people eng~gcdin the lofty - Je~fZavitz pursuit [otl doing 'odd-jobs' we quoliticd to makc decisions ovcr ,Sm+ Awul rerpond.~: o t h e.r ~ .c ~ ~ llivcs: e ' s theirown Iiucr, of course. Mine, 1 don't think SO. My inrop,ctotio!~of yaw The situation is clcar thcsepcoplc


"work" was drawn /?om

rhr r&r-

rrcf<!ckingmorons.Anyhlamcthst falls on a politician must fall nn the

pcople who vntcd h m or her m,and [on] the political system which alu o l other imprrulivrs odd~e.s.smg lows such fnnl~shness." the reoder. ihese sug,qfifisllhuryou From Marlin Walker's "Thc were exirupolalmy from ihr spe- USA this w e e p column i n the o j i c ro the ~ e n r r n l . Guardian Weekly, Septemhcr 25.

Fwrher. the eirhi letters re-


Fmully, u.\/ur wynnlir,g,vuar "rwrk." s u r d y M r Zuvir;,yw niur

Orbital is #I To the Editor, I just thought 1 would congratulatc you on publsshmg Greg Knifulick'r glowing review of Orbital's latest album ... "Snivil~salion." Iwas very happy to see a revnew o f a great, yetunapprcciafed, group such as Orbital. Greg's comments regarding the mainstream perception of techno wcrc right on. 1 would be soooo pleased to


can political comeback since Hoston's Mayor Curlcy ran a sucressfill 1947 re-eleclion campaign from hisprisoncell. Barry's triumphwas bused largclyonhisahilitylomnhilize and rcgisler for the votmg roles more than-10,000 o f the and the young fmm the c~ty's Southeast ghettoes. Vowing to be the mayorof'the last,thelcasl, and the lost'. Barry put togethcr u formid;,ble political machinc o f thc city's blackchuichcs. the Naliunuflslam militants, and a host of campatgn workcrs form the city's homeless ~heltcrr.A vote of defiance against what is seen asa whitepower strucbre, Mr. Barry'svictory wasalsoa gcouine popular response i n thc black community to this theme of rcdempliun througli pet~itenceand suffering:'

spccl~lto Imprint Evcrything went wrong Lhcs morning. 1 ,ckcdmyselfoutofmy room, forgot tobring to class thc assignment 1warkcdon half the nlaht. and finally couldn't get the shower to work, so wcnt &I with shampoo in my tanglcd hair. Evcryone has days like that. Somcpcople react by raying. "Ishouldn't have gotten out of bed today, or Ishould havc consullcd mv horoscooe or biorhvthms: , . Ishould have consulted the stars." Others pul a nalc un thcu door, "Do not d~sturb I'm a walk~ng dlsastrr today." Some go to hcallli services looking for a doctor's note to crcusr them from lheu exams and life in gcncial. A l l thlx sounds a bx, or pcrhaps very prunitivc. I t means that you lhmk that your Idc is rulcd by puwcrs uutmlc 01' you. Tlval you ihsvc nacantrol. That romcthingelsr. or somconc else, is contmllmg you. You ray this youraclf whm you tell your timends, "This ir not my day!" I 1 i s not yourday. I t is somuonc else's day, and that is why you trlppcd over ihc array olclutbcs atid texts ou your flour, couldn't gct thc shampooout and cvc~iiuallyunded up in a major quarrcl w ~ t h your bcst lnend Would i t bc puss~blcto turn the picture around? C:ouldyou not startagan'! Are you ~~otcap~blci,ftilkingthroSfens~ve, imakmga countcr-movc? Could you tnul lind a fcw minutes in a ulsnt iurrlrl, eycs closed. p a t Snr s split sccond, to put yoursclf mto the b~ggcrp~clure in which Gad ha lnadc you lo bc an integral part'! Paul wrotc about this agca ago, and hc would rcpcat 11lor all lhosc wtto,cven today, look to tl~clrstars. h ~ x l i y t l i ~ nand s lhoroscopes. and who try to dclurmine thew so callcd good days and bad days - III slwn, makmg thcn~sclvcrslaws o f things that are their gods.

You pay spccial attention to cettilin days, monlhs, scasons, and years. Iam worricd about you! Can 11be that all my work far you has bccn for nothing? Now that ycru know God, or should Iu y , nuw that God knows you, howwit that youturnbacktothoseweak and ptltful rultng spirits'! Why do you want to become their slaves all aver again? (Galatiam 4)

thing which clings (leech-like)-then of lhat thing which clings WE fashioned a chewed lump (of flesh); thcn WE made out o f that chewed lump bones (skeleton) and ciothcd the boneswith (intact) flesh;thcn WEcaused h m to grow and come into heing and attain the definitive (human) form. Blcssed be A L L A H (GOD) The Brst to crcate!" translation o f rhc meaning o f the Qur'anic verses [23:12-141 Islam and Modern Science

Takc your fate in your own hands by rccornrnending younclf for a moment into the hand o f God for whom "all days are the same." Take courage. free yoursclf from stars and whatever binds you. I t is amponant lhat we take the mitiiltive to disciplm our minds, bodics, and spirtls so that we bccome authentic indiv~luals,functioning under our own control. Wc must choose whereto dudy and wherc to worship. and to educate i,ursrlves in our search for mmthekginningofhmhdGODmt truth. Wemust strive tounderstandourplace Prophcts lo convey HIS REVFLA I" the world. and our aawer to choosc our TlON and to invitctothc path ofTRUE ownpathw;iys and beourownsclvcs. Wcarc PEACE and OREDIENCE to ONF. TRUF. what wc choosc to bc, no1 what lalsc gods GO1) This i s Islam. This mcssagecnnvcycd lead u s to behrve. to successivcgcncrations ofhumans througl, So k t ' s slart apaln. Evcrything went diffcrenr Prophcrs, all inviting humankind to wrong thn mornmg. 1 lucked mysclfoulof the samc path. my room, ibrgol to brmg to ~.lasrthc nss8gnIlnwruerall theearlierrnessagcs orrcvmen1 I worked on halflhc nighl, :and finally clatlons from (301) were d~stodcdhy people couldn't gct thc showcr to work, so went out of later generations. As a rcsult, purc revelawith skmmpuo i n my tangled ham tion liom GOD was polluted wtlh myths. After !my lirst class was o w Itruatcd superstitions, idol wonhlp, and irrational n ~ y i c l f t o ~ ~ ~ ~ c c a n d a m u f l i n a n d a ; ~ t to outs~de ph~losopbicalidcologics. Human hirloryisa enjoy the bcautbful wcathcr. As Imud~tsted chrontcle ofhumiin'a dnlt bctwccn hght and Ibr a lew m~nutcs1 maltzed just what a wondcrtul carthGodcrcntcd and how blcsscd darkness, but C O D oul o f HIS Abundant Love fur humankind has not forsakcn us. WOBK to be given the cltance to be pail u l i t . When hurnmkmd was in the depths of Idccldcd to &kc that chancc and lo do Inv the Dark Ages. COD sent HIS final Mcsscnger, Prophct Muhammad ( m y pcnce and blessings of GOD bc upon Him) lo redeem insly luvr cad, uthcr as ncighbours and to humanity. The revelation to Prophct lwc togcther in a communily spirit. Istarted Muhammad, The Qur'an, rcprcscnts the ulmy day again, on a much beuer note.




timate and permanent source of gu~danccfor humankind. The foregoing research into the eorrclalion between the Qur'an and Modem Sctence has yisldedastonish~ngresults.Inshort, there is perfect agreeknt between the statements in the Qur'an reported over 1400 years ago, and present day scientific fads It thcn becomes clearto all that the Messenger who came with rhese facts brought to us the knowledge from GOD. The Qur'an mentions precise mechanisms and dcscribes clearly-defined stages in human reproduction. without providmg a single statement marred by inaccuracy. Everything i n thc Qur'an i s cxplaincd in simple terms which .are easily understandable to humans and in strlcl accordance wilh what was to be discovered mttch later on! I n a video-taped lecture that was hcld at University of Toronto few years ago, threc Kon-Muslim Professors of Anatomy talkcd (aflcr many ycars of careful stud~es)about Embryology i n the Qur'an. These Professors were Dr. M. Johnson (the Chair o f thc Anatomy Ucpt., Mcmorcal Callegc, Philadelphia), Dr. T. Penaud (the Chair o f thc Anatomy Dept.. 11. of Manmbs), and Dr. K. Moore (the Associiltc 1)can o f Basic Scicnccs, F;icully ofMedicine, 11.o f Toronlo). The Non-Musl~mProfessors admitted that the scquunt~aiorder and the precisely defined dcscriptmn o f the vanous stages of human dcvclopmcnt, ment~onedin thc ()ur'an,areinlLllngrccmcnt w~lhcontemporary embryological obsrrvalionr.


Silmeh E. Rchim is 8 P h D canddatc tin Electrical and Computcr Engineering. For a FREE copy of the Qur'un or for more information vboul Islam, plcasc c.all Khaled Sharaf at (5 19)72S-4283 or send an cmail to ksharaf @vlsl. uwaterloo. ca.


Imprint, Friday, October 7,1994


A Modest Proposal 1998? "Rcfugec claimants, visitors, forcign criminals andpcoplc who entcr Canada illcgallyshouldnotenjoythesamehumanrights ~rotectionasCanadians.RcformLcaderPrcnton Manning said Thursday. Withoul charter pratcction, refugcc claimants. visitors, anyoncordercddeponed and anyone who entered Canada illegally could bc strippcd o f their nghl to a f a r hearing and their righl to appeal negative immigration decision to the courts. They could be arbltrvrily detained or imprisoned and summsrilv kicked out of thc cnuntrv wlthoul recourse."

tember 23. "Make Chaner apply to rwdcnts only: Manning")

Drcscnt you with Mr. Mann's

nib on&

step ensurmg simple second-class citizen privileges. which all people who holdrlghts as oulllned ln the charter should follow.

dogs. we must show human passlon and ptty for


marc, any leash must bc bctwccn two and four metres in length, so that the illegal immierant is able to roam comfonablv alone the sidewalk, but not into thc strect. Secondly,all illegal immigrantsmurtbe responsible for grooming their own hair, so long as they haw cvolved enbugh to hold onto a comb. Thirdly, all illegal visitors must hc rcsponsible for cleaning any mcremmt they leave in the park. Sincc thc illcgal visitors have a m s and finrcrs. bc taueht " . thcvshould , " to hold a shovel if lhcy can't alrcady. Finnllv. l c d irnmmrantc shall hc -~ ,. a l l i l ~n forhidden from visitingsny exislingrelatives who cuncntly hold charter-bcaring sums in Canada. Relatives arc sometimes tempted to aive illegal visitorsthc charter status cnloyed ~~

or years now, I h a w bccn hcanng rumows about how great thc engineering program hcrc at Waterloo is. From Frosh Week tn4B, as the terns rolkdon, this sccmed l o be a recumng theme which was incscapablc. We work more, we drink more, and wc makc morc (mancy, that is).



Thissclfpcrccptinnisattimesenhanccd by thc facl thilt upon introducine vourself as an

~~~-~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

. , - ..





hm;ties. Sometimes the" will w e n nrovide

ing together as good Canadian c/tiz& We must remember that there u a distinction between illeeal immierant and our nets.

confuse the rights each should enjoy. If any member o f soc~etyhas any ques-

illegalentr.mls,andallowthcmcerta~np~vi- tionsabout the new proposal, please refer to


leees while stavine in Canada. Firstly, illegal immigrants shall not be kcpt in cages, for enclosed captivity i s to be




All things not rosy in Engineering


and aaahs. Inillally thcse reactions are casily misintcrprctcdashavingbcen awe inspired, but cvcntually one corrcclly Innslalcs them into a disdainful display of disgust. Quite nahlrvlly some of our follow studcnts never get over Iher ms t i n c t i ~ c r c v u l ~ i o ntowards cngincem, while cenalnengiocenwlllforever wallow in thcir own sclfwonh. However, in spite o f all our accomplishments (for crample. thecarom --

Aldous Huxlev's Brave New World.

- T.J.Behe

graduatecoursesnffereddriringa tcrm.Now let'ssuppose youwcreastudentdoinggraduatc shldies in one of thc cnginccnng departments, and were looking to fill a standard courseload of two courses, for example. I t would therefore seem logical to affera rangc nfcauneslochwsc ~rom,suitablytimctabled lo enable you the studcnt to pick fnm a rcasonahle mixturc o f cnursenosrihilities W e t

though this department can 't be bothered to

ticulardepartment. which s1m11remm un,ran,e,, Herc.you haveachoice ~WC~O~IYIWOCOU~S~S,

both o f which arc offered 31 llx mmc.,,it . so vcw ,~~ can only take onc any~~

initiative to ensure any grad courses arc offered. "

ing, and shclter, onc must bc careful not to

As chatter bearing mcmbers o f society,



considered cruel and inhumane. Further-


- (Kirchener-WaferlooRecord, Friday, Sep-


believe i t should. Becoming a grad student hasn't helped either. No, i t has simply opened up a wholc new world of nonsensical goings on here in the realm of the Tool. Take for instance, thc scheduling o f

jury, both courses are taught out ofdepartment. which spesksvolumcsre~ gar~lilingthisdepnrtmcnt's commirtment to students. Itjosl scems as though this department can't bc bothercd to murtcr up the initiative to ensure any grad co~lrsesare offered.

. of professors on scbatical. Or perhaps, the best guess o f all, is simply that it has somethingto do with engineermg at Waterloo.

-Derrick Jewlal

Take me back to dear old Blighty by Roy Nichol Leeds Comapondent


w;a in search of EnglanJ, which I knew ahout nor first hand hut from well-writlcn chhJren's hooks, f r o r a few BBC programmer on Channel I V 2nd frwn the word of mouth nf over two decade^. Iknew thnt'l'he Koyal Family waslosing ropcctability and that ar n nauion, the I:K was no longcr a world puwcr. Consder, however the other impressions that I had iahm~lEngland: i t had been lhc crntrc u f Ulr world in the days -~ oi empire; surely an air of uaslncs id hnger still: there wouldalsohe In,ndon. one of the great ~iries;thrre would he C;trnbridge andOxlord. thr scholarly centres of first-class Wc~temeducntton: there would k thc rolling loodscope. green from lhr infamous climate. patterned w l l h hedgerow\ and rmn;wullranddut~ led withsheep,and cosily placed in it, $5 q ~ ~ i l illa l l age wirh warm light cornmg from the Iwely mdwelcomi n g local puh, which would he lull wilh cheery local characters. My pre-imprcshion ofthc E n g h h war that they were polite, well-cducatrd, cheery ilnd ritilisrd. What Great Expectataons! On the one hand. an exchange lo Fogland wnsa wily ruscc.lnothercountry. On the other, it was a way lo lake a hreak from Waterloo for a yeor and still keep studying. With this innocent but efficient plan in mind I set off lor Leeds at the end of Scptemher 1093. At the 'Intro Week' for international

of the great non-capital clties in Buropt and drew acolnparison wilh Sevillc. Icnrolled in a coursecalled Geography of the IJK. Lookingaround the lecturctheatnIdidn't feeluur ufplace. With a bit of imagination 1was still i n Waterloo. Ihefirstlhing that theprofessor told us war that economically and wcially, Bnlain was in decay. A l l of those indicators such as unemploy8nc1&, i n l l a t m and crime rater nu1 Britain inanerafivelii.ht. Istuck to my impreasirms and kept on searching for "merrie olde England." Shopping for dinnec at 'Safeways' I lurned pale a1 the qixht o f the prices. Fuud was as much a i double the cost i n Canada. In Canadayou caneat like a king lor very liltle money. but not i n England. Unc pound sterling was worthlwodollara, but the Canad m equwalent of only half as much. As Clive lames wrotc,"inAusaalia there had been chunks of meat: in Englilnd lhere were sct aps." Ipressed on to the book shop to look l o r some course tent. Book iltops i n England are great places. I stilyrd for a few huucs browsing the shelves which were almast free of pulp pnpcrhiicks with titles like


Watching "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and having long talks with my sensible flatmate from Nottingham helped me to see that the English themselves are aware of some of these difficulties and quirks


Relentless.Therewasnoneedtospendmasses o f money an textbooks. The British universities reach i n such a way that one rarely need?sirmething as specific as a tenlhoak. There are one or two lecture hcrurr per week. Thc rent is lefl lo the rtudent.There i r no spoon-fedlearning. You have lo wnlr an exam wonh IW% of the course mark. But one isn't meant to know evrlvlhine.iusttarcadthe~naiorworkswhich

Gmst cxpcctations, bleak houses.

topic i n yourfulonal. and go to lectures togel the benefit of the spokcn word. No labs or other easy marks. Iwas frightenedat this way of learningat fint.thcn reallsed thebenefitsonceigotused toit. 1 felt confident andconversant with the

Lad. University.

photos h y Roy N x o l

We had hadouriirsttasfeoftheabrasive. rude and unpleasant type of local. Courageously Ikept my search up for "meme olde Bnglaid." Isay courageouily because it was becoming increasingly dilficult m find. When youare inanew placeitisunwise and unfair to make rash judgements. Now having spent almost a year in k c d r and having encountered that menlalily many times, my impression had slowly lallered. direction. Would Ifind the England that Iwas looking Taking a break from the professor's direction, 1war par! o I a group lo find our own for'! Only in retmspecl can I realise that my directiondownlownonaSaturday~eslrrra rosy impression of England war about 200 wcre b w y withlocals doing theirshopping. I years out of dale. 'That next wwk, trying to anticipatd a lovely day visiting markets keep an open mind, Ikepl my eyes u p far wlnch were l u l l of things that don't reach pramwhcclsondhmd rnureshocklngthinga. Rcbrllious youths had fluorescent hatr Canads, all amongst lhe "cheery locals." and wrings, nose ringa, lip rings, eyebrow I n the crowd a young couple wilh twu children ploughcd by us.When a young i ~ d y rmcs. navel rims and ~rohahlvother*. And in our group took offence at having her fool run over by their pwm, Lllr father of the family showed her what he thought. He had the wurua U u l a linlLeu 1'C cauuusda~uwd ing. Actually there in rarely any insulation h ~ neck. s I l c l o l d horlofuckoff,unndtlieuldcr of his children, a b u l age seven, took his either: on the colder mornmg Icould see my father's lead and also told her to fuck o f f 1 breath while still in bed. On the way to class each morning. I war shocked and hitter as was my friend.



Imprint, Friday, October 7,1994

Watching Four Weddings and u Funeral and having long talks with my practical flat-mate from Notlingham helped me i n see that the Engltsh themselves .are aware of some of there difficulties and auirks. Of course must oeonle in hg1sn.l a , d l aywr u41h inc .i I .ad thal t h man ~ u ith tne t ~ l t w around his neck was a git. The majority aren't like him. 1 made an effort to concentrale on the positive points of being in Engllmd. The Sunday paper is a gnnd tradition. After some weeks1 was hooked. It's just as well that they arepblishedonly on Sundays because i t takes about a week to read them. Iwouldsny lhnt Sunday is a more relaxing day in England than ir is in Canada. Sunday rhop-

. .


"Your cars home sway from home"

Flat Rate Long Distance 3.54 per call

pingeristsbutnottotheconsumerdriven extent as in Canada. Leeds Univerritv is a dace fill1

acqoainlances. Professors are relaxed and approachable; many said hello to me by name i n the slreet. The number o f intrrnational sludentsat 1.eeds isastonishine -even

Hetween: Guelph. Cambridge, Kitchener-Waterloo

Talk as long as you like! .


Uiscounl UioNitrg h c 651-0380 . .. -~ ~

wide reputation. %is is Britain: an incredible mix of different people. The English, the Scots and the Welsh are alreadv fromdifferent worldsthem-


Canada House, T r i r f i l l g i l r Square, London began to notice the smashed glass all over the pavement. Imust have hrcnotfmy rocker natohiwcrccn it before. I later learned that the glass wa* ;I mixture of pin1 glasm. windshield glass and storefront glass. The uniquely British inclination for drunken or otherwise unprovc~krdviolence was showing itself. For a Canadian. Briltsh slums have to he %en to he believed. Histnricnlly. Leeds is known for woolens and textiles. The fi~ctones ;md ihcwurkzrs have leftthemnark. The oily is s charred monument lo Hntadsindustrial yesterday*.Thc factories are gone. but the aldcr buildings arc still black wlth coal smoke, and the workers' houses built with the aim of housing n* tnany people aspossihle i n a m a l l space - are c~ammedin, back lo hack. There arc no iawns and no trees. There is little for the poorer people to do in Leeds, and that will soon hc the problem ofevery Bnt. Icame originally from Glasgow, which until about twenty-five years ago was probahly wonc than

Merseyside that are so dangerous thal the police havc refused lo go thcre. Then a friend from Waterloo, alw on the Exchance. - , waa mueecd at knife paint. H r had only three poundson him. Inever felt theurge to come bnck to Canadn early beaesr uftherr had experiences, hul 1 stuncd to have doubts about my imorcsrion of Encland. to sav the "U

revisinn. I wrotc to Her Majesty The Oueen for advice. Mavbc I wrote just to he ahlc tu ray that Ihad writan. I t was an odd move: oeoole

tnquiring but aiso bcing a pest. Anyway, by an 18th century act. the British momrch may nnt make comment on such issura. This was Leed~.Glasgowslumsheldtheship a shame. because Ididn't want to yard navies and foundry-workers w i l e to a politician for fear of gctof Clydenide. Butpeoplecareabout ling the party line. By the way, Glasgaw hecause there is some- Cnnndians, She is alsoyourQueen. thing to presewe'l'herc isBritah's When She is at home the Lnirm fourth oldest universcty and the Jack flies at Buckingham Palace. works ofMackintosh. among other LONDON S W I A I A A . things. Now there is an annllal j a r l After one more unfortunate festival ilnrl somc attractive pubs, incident. I was approaching modham and restaurants. The worst ern England with too many preconslums are gone. Glasgow was Eu- ceptions. Burglars made their way rope's cuilural city i n 1990. My intoourhouse. Iwasathome. They impics~ionis that few care i n the ran away whenthcy discoveredthis, same way about Leeds. Thelandlordmadethecailand some I n Iccturrs, the professor time later two cheery West Yorkmoved on to the social geography shire poticcmen showed up. So of Brimin. 1 learned lhat the gap cheery. i n fact, that they took the hetwern the poor and the wealthy whole business very lightly, as i t 11 had never been so large as now. I were a routine occurrence in the learnedabout the Brixton race riots neighhourhood. Of course, i t was. i n the early 1980s. 1 lcilrnrd about I kept a spare crickel bat at theexplicitly racistBritishNational hand. After that I only witnessed burglaries and didn't cnpencnce Party whowere running for council scats in Towcr Hamlets i n East End ulcnl.

Africa, es, and you realire that Britainhaioneofeverybody on the planct. I.undon has one of everything. Hamods will pmcwe anythine. Thev wll rcll vou an elcpo.,n,

,, )$,*,!\<

I 1 1 I1

R,l.t1:4 . u n c : : n ~ r\ .I III - \ e ncn: h h n.? ):I c?3.h<J Brlt.\rl shores. Icouldspeak without huving to worry about the reaction of my audience or of having to worry about whom Imightoffendinmaking a point. This allows one to get to the heart of an iswe with less hurden - vital for every student and professor. The tattooed git wasjust showing what hethougbt -abnsive though it was. He wasn't worrying about his audience. The British are resistan1 to change i n any aspect orltfe. They are, forerumple, reluctant Gumpca m Some announce their pride at never having been across the English Chnnncl. There people probably also think that the Second World Was is still being fought. Ihope that the British will remain refreshingly less materialistic than Canadians. Same of these older characteristics still remain. if by the skin of their teeth. I n Leeds, local women addressed me as "love" and local men addressed me as "mate." But tradition is ever so sluwly being gnawed away. The country must be ap-

als or the vastness of empire. During the Easter holiday Ivisitcd wiih B fnend i n Seville. I vaguely remembered what that Unwemityofficial hadtoldusatthe beginning of the ycar. There were plenty of other British people i n Spainat 1hattime.They were, howolr~allGc auuul ~r cilc, ",> ever. the CostaddSol. tanningtheirpale skms and drinking pints, so Ididn't havc a chance lo confer wilh Ulcm on this. But Iregret to inform you thnlredsjustcmnotcomparewilh





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Warriors need big win over Guelph after suffering late-game loss to Mac by 'T.J. Behe I m p r i n t Sports

The W ~ l r r l o oWarriors spent the fin1 28 minutesofthe second halfdominating divisimrival McMastar. Unfortunately, it was the remaining two minutes that had them see lheir impressive comehack turn into a dmppoiming drlrat, as the Marauders heat the Warriors 23-19.


Aftercoming oulofthedrcssingroum iltthc halfheing down 16-3, thc Warrms donrinstcd thcMcMartcr aquadand scored I h unanswcrcd points in the third and fourth quaner. But lhr viclury slippedimm Walerloo'sgraspwilhah~ut twaminuteslefl. whenthe Wa~orshadthehallonMcMasler's seven yard h e , and quanerhack Steve Bennen threw an untlmelv interceotiun. The Marauders were able to capitaliz hy marching the ball lhelengthollhefield.i07 yards,andscoringthedeciding 1uushduwn. Watrrluu coach 'l'uffy Knight says the loss puts h e Warriors in a mu$l-win situatton. "We have topulloneoutonSaturday."saidKnight."The loss really put us in the thick of things. Thcrr are now four learns with two wins, and otlly two are g o i q im tu lhe playuffs." The Warriors are now at 2-2, and has them tied for third in thc OUAA, bchind Western and Laurier. "Macmade some incredible plays111thelast twominutes,

Silver and Bronze for

combined with the hcredible catches Mac made, the loss kinda crept up on us." With Waterloo tied with Gualph, a win against the Oryphons would firm up a sole p o t in third place. "It's going to he a defensive struggle," added Knight."They haveiourkcy players back from injury,and are definitely going to be mare thrrvling than they were against U of T." Gueiph lost their l i n t g a m c a f U ~ season r IuTurunto, but were awarded a 1.0 victory hec.~use the Blues u a d an ineligible player. and thus forfeited the game. "Mallott ncedr to have a g o d game." said Knight who was disappoinled hecause his starnlnning back had only II rushes. "He's going to play a major jpart in the Gurlph game: Mailott gained 91 yards against the Marauders, and remains third in (he OUAA in tmai nnhine vards with 318. -, The Warrion find themselves behind the Western Murtangs and Laurier Golden Hawks. an Westem maintained its hold an the number one ranking in the CIAO with the defeat nver Laurier. Steve Bennett threw for 178 yards. completing 17 of 28 passes.Though the QR pasned for twotouchdowns, he had three passes picked off, including the cn~cinlfourth quarter gaff. The crowd of 1.100 ftins was divided equally between MncMaster and Waterloo, as several loyal Warrior fans made the jaunt tu Hamilton ior the @me. The Warriors-Gryphon match-ltp i q slated for 2 p.m. in Guclph,asihe Wilrramcnpecf alilrgecrowdtotakeinlhe key divisional match-up. ~



pass. M c M a s t e r defeated Waterloo 23-19.


Swimmers begin seiitson with success in weekend biathlon race vs. U of T Rookie Lori Arnau swam to a 2nd dace finish in the

hy Jay Nolan sprcisl t o t h e Imprint

Two Atheoarowing pairs teams went down ta the

U.S toshowtheAmencanswhentherealtalentcanbe found in the scullmg world I n thc womcn'a doubles catcgoty, Meegan Campbell and Kate Pow brought hame a srlver m d a l from the Head of the Obo Regatla, hald in P~tlsburgh Pemsylvma ovw the weekend. The attong w R d place~hornngwasfollawed by a bmnzemedd plaung lot Waterloo's CatAcrinc Doerksm and Julte Stewart Mosturuverslbesfromthccas1emU.S.sentcnwp. as well as a numbcr of cdy club crows Waterla, alss sent tIvQ news of Warrior fom. includingalighnu~j&fcammadc up ofMike Krrppi, Cobn MoDougdi, Mack McLaughan, a d YaaTw. T k open fours qu@ bad Sam h, GLw Ja~vbgan, Aris Suh and AJ, delmwng with Nync Hu aa ~IX wxawain. B41h t w s msted wmpetidye


Warrior and Athenn swimmen made their presence felt at the 3rd Annual Biarhalon mest on I'riday. Theevent saw the Warriors take on both Broek and the University of Toronto. M I n the Ironman category, Greg Stump, -nvor Denslcdt and James Ryms fin-


ishcd the 5km run and 8Wm swim in 4th. 10th mind 13th respectively. Onihr women's 4 r . (hen w e s o n ~threeaomeofTerer.: M a d , Candace Rulka and Sara Ssnchez conquered a slick m d sloppy coune,crossing thefinishline2nd. 10th and 16th respccbvrly. In the short course. which included a IOOOm run and a dual swim meet versus U ofT.. Deanna Hlywka got the hall roll in^ hv. .la cine 3rd i n the run and winnine, .the 50m backslmke. Secondvearrenration TatianaSabadus was9thafter her ~~





The Warriors lived up lo personal expectations an Fri day, as they dominated the field in [he 1OtNm run. Jason cull, on a broken foot, B y a n Narntandin and ban

Huntwere2nd,3rdand4threspectivrly,whiletheirteammales went on to take 7 of the top 10 plac,es. At the w o l . the Warrior dominance continued. The

Bmck ~adgkdrkppedoutoftheirownswimmeet selling up duel belween the Wamors and t h Blues. ~ Captain Brian Roughley placed 4th i n the 200m freestyle,aracein whichEdFurs finished~econdascant2tenths of a accund behind the winner. Chris "Neutral Man" Nagy found fifth gear and mared lo first place in the l0Om individual medley, out-touching a lllucb! i huwJrclh. u l d x'rund Rwkte Hcsg~r"the HdI" I;m yare $rtcran lm Hunt 311 lr could h m i l c in the hotlr m t a 4 c J SOnl hrza%l\trole Adrian ~ e n d e s a n d ~ l K k xi m olowed thmuehthc lOOm II) I,, i u i i h 3rd and 41h Whdc Uqan Normandtn proved he a n r u m u ~ ) l l w ~ d anyttmcan)uherrrs h e w a m bulh 11edlr)'s I i t t t s h ~ n g i t h ~ n 3


UlS 2wtu.

John Harland, Dave Chassc and Chris P d i n had solid swims as well. Watcrlw Swimming is at Guelph lo h k e on the Gryphons w d Laurier Golden Hawks on Wednesday.

Please call for

Please, just play our national game by Mark orris Imprint sports


Likemostotherkids thatgrew up in Cmada. Iplayed hockey. On grass, ice, streets, gravel, you name it. 1played on all surfaces. It's our unofficial 'national game.' you can'l avoid it. Hockey players range from the five-year-olds. (though they spend mochof thcirtir~ielyineonthcice). . . up lhrough the xmi-pro and pro players. to the fathers and grandfathcrr rhst rtill play pick up on the wcrkcndi.

Shut down by a man who doesn'thaveanideo whathockeyis ahout. Make no mistake about it. Hockey is culture.



;and thr d c r m to plny it ag;iin and

muchmoney ownerscanmakeat it. You know that when you're talking about money. the major networks would like nothing more than to see the players hit the ice again. Think about all the revenue that'l'SN and Global are losing, not lo olention all lhcrevenur they just lorlwith thecancelationofthe haaeball season. Try to imagine all the last minute scrambling they're having to do to account for the lack of content to f i l l thcir shows. night after night. W i t h no Hockey Night i n Canada, Dan Chcrry's imightful wisdom i v Ihsl fmthcenlire winar. And llien thcrc lhcrc a x the

313 sl-vln

m r r c watcnrn




U of W Athletes of the Week Ualc Yinlay

- Warrior Rughy

Filllay had anooralmdingweekofcompetition forthe Wtrriurs an they ddeated Lwnrr 28-3 on Wcdncsday and Llrock 30-IX on Saturday. Dale recorded a try nn Wednesday, and 2 try's itgainst the Brock Badgers in a hallle lor first place, both teams lied at 3-1 prior to the Contest. Finlay is a thml year Geography qtudent who also brings ?rent leadership to the Waninrs. He has heen a member or the Ontario Pmvnncial under ninelrenteam and the 1992 CanvdianNationalUnder I 9 team. 'l'hc Warriwr wdl plny Rrnckunce again on Friday October 7th in St. Catharine\. Game trmc is scheduled for 3 p.m.

Meegm C m ~ p h c l l ,K a t h r y n Pow - Athcna R o w i n g McGinnis Fmnt Ilow BarandGrill andtheUnivcrsity d W n v r k x ,

are p l e a d to itnnwncc that Meegan Ca~nphellard Kate Pow are this week's Female Athletes ulthe Week. Campbeli and Pow placed second in the Women's Heavy Double racr at the Head o i the Ohio Rcgami it, Pittsburgh last wcckend. The patr rccurded a pclrmal bcst timc o i 18:S4 uvcr o 2.5 inile course. competing aga~nstclewr iron, hoth Cattada and the N o d i e m United both sktes.Thir isanuu~standing~chievemcntinansvr~ilthatizqui~rs experience and technical akill. Pow i s a first year athlete r.\,rr~nllyin llcr rmand ycar of Biology. Cd~~b~IIi~I~nLl?arorundycarnlhlcle:~n yrarrludrnl.culrrntl~ d~eci~nd in Rccrcillwn i h c p a r have hem rowing wgethrr lor rhrcc y c m at high who01 club lcvrlr prior to their participation at Wnteiloo. 'lbs~i~winglc;n~~willcompctconOctobrr Rthat the WestemOpen in London, Onlario.





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Imprint, Friday, October 7,1994

Hockey season is here: let the fullcontact, bone-grinding games begin! .len M e C o r m i c k I m p r i n t Sports

Oktoherfest tournament. As James Organ pursues a profcssmnal careerin hockev.lhe#l eoaltendme titlestill

The 1944-45 Warrior lhockcy t ~ m ni s eager lo test thelr commitment to success in the 19940ktobcrfcs1lnvitationol ~nurnilment for the starting role. scheduled for Thanksgiving weekend. The defencc looks solid, and should be Hcad ('onch Oon McKcc and h ~ staff r the rcason for thc succcssfill Wsrrlnt scason. lnclil<llngl)ilve('rcssman. Mlkc Hcshop.and 'Ihc coaching rtaffiserc~ted ahout the cxcclnew arxistmlt coach R r i x Crewman have lcnt phys~calhhapc lhcy lhave ~namlatncd J U G ccornpleted twc wecks o f trn>nmgcamp ovcr the summer. whcrc pkbvcrs dcmonstrvlcd us an~tudcthat "Mark CarditfistlyinglikePaul Coffey," wlnnlnp i n the Y C Y 5 season is thc only acmid Coach Bnshon. ccpmhlc orlrcomc. Fifiy-four pl;tyers showcd up for tmin~i~ecanipand 14 days ofhardwork havcseen Il~enlcmhcrsculin hall: C'uach McKccaunis Ethler and ban Henry tu rim to 25 phyers hy the cnd o f thc



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thatthirdyearplayertlarryY~ung will return to play for the WaniDale Jutken wjll not bt y i n i n g thc Warriors thtr season. Waterloo wlllthcn nioveon to Wsstern. Wsstcrn Mtchlgan and Notrc Damc. Fans can calch the scason opcner lonbght i n London, as the Warriors takc an thc Mustangs.

One of the few moves not really admired in O U M - hitting from behinfi.K e e p the aticka down, boys, and kick somc butt.

Rec News: A walk for Aids and softball

Stereo Speakers and




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the vutcrilrcs vit their Iws. IJp front. thc Warriors are looking for aumu luughncss and scoring punch. Cressmnn will be challenged to find combinations to incressc rhc o r r t n s m productivily ofthc fawards. N ~ n ereturning forwards should help tl~ecausewitltairlerld of new faces. Jeff Soldici from Owen Sound Junfor H, Matt St Germain from the OHL's Peterborough Pctes and Aaron Kinnig frum Kingstun rhouldpiavidethc Warriors wlth the jun~orexperience nccded to compete in the OIJAA. Coach McKee is optimistic

ors, as both kllkr Chambers and

To All!!

- -

Chad Palmer from London


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By K a t h l e e n Ryan

would like lo volunteerarparticipatc. youarc

Yprcial tu l r n p r i n t

encouraged to attend the nenl game on Sunday. October 16 from 130 to 3pm inCiym 3 at the PAC. For more information leave a message for Dianne at ~6340. A fcw spaces arc I c f in some Campus

On Sunday, October 2, over 500 peaplc pnrl~c~pated in the AIDS Comm~lleeofCcmbridge, Kltchcncr-Waterloo and Arch's (ACCKWA's) second atu~ualI O h Walk for AIDS at Victoria Park. Over $35,t1111) (double last ycnr'r told) was raised to support local programs for puoplc lwing with HIV and AIDS. Among the participants werc 15 UW CampusRec fitness instruclor~ who l i d the walkers in a lifteen mmule mass warm-up bcforc the walk, loosening up the crowd's muscles. SLO-PITCH CUNVENOI<'S REPORT by Jcff Gagnon Last weeknd, thiColumhia ball ficlds werc lhc piacc tu see excitmg slu-pmh action. Nine teams "led ior thc covsted coiccrcatlonol mcn's slo-pitch champiunah~p. Ultimalcly, i t was thc Mcn d l l c r n p . Icd by John Davis. u,ho won thc douhlc cliniination

13-4. 'I'helr opponent in the championship was the Al's (4 wins, I loss), coachcd by Brm, Casagrande. The AL's btrugglcd in their previous game with the Men o f llemp, losing 13-4; howevcr, they put up a good battle i n thc linal. Thc Men o f liemp won a woll-plsycdgamc 5-2, making sevcral excellent dcfcnsivc plays. Arc you intcrcrtcd in trying a new sport'! Aspilrt afthe Rcc Pals program, wheelchair rugby gamesare hcldcvery two wccks at the PAC. In wheelchairs, players must pass a ball rrom person to penon and try to whccl pastagoal line withoutbeingblocked. Ifyou

Rec instructional classes. F~tncssbuffs #nay bc intercstcd i s thc weight training courx heginningSarurday.Octot>cr15atYam. Somc daccs nm still nvailablc in thc rkatinl:-. mugram, which includes lcarn-to-skate classcss, powcrskatingandfigurc;;kaling.Avaluable c o u r c i n Sports Injury P~cvenlionand C a x hrgins on Monday, October 17 at5:30pm in the Columbia lccficld Meelmg Room. As wcll, the St. John First Aid course cummcncing on Tucsday, Oclobcr 18 al6pm still has space left. Torrg~alcrfurany of thc%courrcs gnlc, the Athleltc Oflice, PAC 2031. For more information on fees and course descmtions.. consult y w r Campus Rcl:reiition hmchurc. Ifyouarc inlcrcslcd in participating in a


by lhe tinahnlry date :mil enjoy taurnarncnl play! Choose from m i m J vollcyboll (reg~stratiun deadline: 0ctoh:r 12), mcn's and worncn's 3 on 3 half cou~tbasketball idead~ line: October 17), or m<:n's and women's tennis singles (deadline. October 18). A l l registrations arc due by Ipm on the dcadlinc day i n PAC 2039. Fmally, if you urc mtrreacu in eamlng money d u r i n ~ the winter nrspring terms as a Student Program Ca-ordinalor, you must apply by Friday, October 14th. Pickup an applicatmnform inPAC:2039Havea happy Thanksgiving and stay active!

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1SEATonthe Student Services Advisory Committee (SSAC) to review student services suported by Ancillary fees and\or v to Ste~hen tuition related fees. *PLEASE a ~ ~inl writina Codr~ngton,Pres~dent,~ederat~dr; df studentcat ~ ~ 2or i 5 e-ma~lfedpres@watservl lfyou have any questions, please call Stephen at 888-4567, ext 2478 2 SEATS on Un~vers~ty Senate 1 Math Representatwe. 1 Student-At-Large Nom~nat~on forms are ava~lablefrom the Sewetclr~atsxt 6125. NH room 3060






Imprint, Friday, October 7,1994

Warrior rugby moves to 4-0 by Mark Morrison Imprint sports The Rugby Warriors endured a b u y week last week, with games on Wednesday andthenonSaturday. The result wa* a four point. double win. fur both the varsity and junior varsity teams. The first tu ldll to the Warrion were the Hawks from just down the street. The home opener for Wotcrloo fell on a rainy Wednerdity. ideal for the hard. ball in hand.

the hard way. The varsity Waniors found

t t : n l t n . I II I themen1 8 t n ets old. Prop f o w a d Dale Finlay tuokapass lrorn wingfowardMackenzielaims, afterlaims rolledoffa maul, and went over for five paints. Jason Pither addcdtwopoinlson the convert. Pither took the score up three more withapenalty kick righton the 18 minute mark and added another penalty 10 minuter later. On the lollowing kickoff, some &ruling passing bclwcen fullback B r i m Anderson and wingcr Josh Windsor set up captain Anthony Beaty for the icurc. The one minute scoring flourish look the Warriors into half time up 20-0. Walerluu look advantage of a penalty, oftw a Laaricr high tackle. running a sct penally play that rent

Imagine hurling down a thundering, trecherous. boulder-infested waterfall when at any moment you could flip over and smash your face on a large stone. Not this ohap, who is Lnown as "disappeartyDave Hannameief. Here. Dave perfects kayak diving at the Elora gorge last Saturday.

Bc.11) .,LCI TU:~.,W.,IIJIQ 211th~ 'lhe P~thcr;unveil lnude thc move worlh seven. Laurier gottheironly pmntsof the game, three of them, on a penalty kick. halfway thmughthe second half. Waterloo hishedout the scor~ n with g a rolling maul that rookie number 8 Nathan Rowhuttom converted for a try. Unconvrrled , the 5COIt finished 34-3 i n hvour of the Warriors. me Junior vanity game producrd less scoring. hut was dominated hy the Werrion who held Lnurirr scoreless for the full 70 minutes. Hooker Steve Humphreys, playing in his first junior varsity p n e , ,made his prrscnu: fell c;lrly with ;I strong tackle and then ;I blocked Lick. Prup Mike Lippen w;lr :,hie t h rcoop i8p the I h \ e hidl and score the major. Sonic quick passing hy the hack- off a icruin, g,:lre thc I V Warriors their second try at the handi of winger Joel D i m k q ~ K o u k i r wing forward JP Rosevear poancedonaspoiled ball off the back of the Lauracr xiurn. 11131 COLIII~C~ for the thmi u l lllc Watcrloo lnes. Fly halfStevcGunlacreiickcd twu of a posstblc three runverls. adding four points to thc try Lally. nuking the h i 1 19-0. in favour of the IV Warrior>. Thc Rugby Warrior> will finish their srawn against the same 1l;lwks. Sal. Oct. 27. ovcr at the Laurirr 'puslagc atamp'. Nothing would be sweeter than lo use our fricnds down fhr street as the fioal stetping scone tu vault us lo lhc OUAA playotls. me second game of the week was;lgainaltl~ehighly IoulrdBnrck Badgers. Fahlcd lo bea 'big' team. J;I)


n c e I for 4 i t . t x l r nwst ~ l t w t ~ n ~ t p l u~g d ~ r m Ihr; \\mmrs rase l d the uicauon al~~.putl~n~36p~i~lL~.~~lll and put five tries and a penalty k f o r e the h a 1 whistle. over, as opposed to Brock's Ulree Wingcr Gary Au opened the tries and a penalty. scoring forlhe Warriors, taking the Veteran prop Ian Prydegot the hall over after the ball war spun out to him off the back of a Warrior crucial first scorc oifapenalty play that rrsultcd i n a maul and then a sctum. The missed convert left the heads up mn tu the blind side. scorc at li\.e. Pryde's fellow prop, andathlete of A B r w k penalty bruughlthem the weck. Dale Finlay. took credit to within two. 5-3. Butthat was all forthe second try. A ramble by the the hotnecrowdwouldhavctochecr Warrior fonvards inside the Badger about on this day. 22 metre line prduced a push over Playing theoppositewing from the line 2nd five points. Au, Joel Doheny took the hall over Jason Pithrr continually got in thccom~xforthe blackandgold. goodpressurefromhisfellow backs alter some good passing in the i~iterser~dingamulliplc kicks lothe hacks, taking the score to 10-3. Brock hacks. One pressure kick Jeff Naylor, playing rcsulted i n Pither himselfsquining uncharactcrisucly in the centres. luusr and going w e r for thr score. shrwwJthalheciln score from there The Badger tcnnr huehi had. tuo. ~iiatchingthe Warriors.-scol-ing Ancr rime good work by flythree tries io the first half. Kicking half Stsue Gnoilncrc and cemw made the difkrrnce as W l c r l o o Shwc Peorson to gct the hall w t . crmvnlrdtwnofrheirl~c.:t~~Ur~xkc kaylnr was d i B , t l r ~a m Runcme. nuking ihr srnrc ;at half 17-15 ininp d r w u the sirlclinr. Re hruhr in favour of the Warriors. lackles.iticluding a football slyle The rccond h i i l f w a ~dl W i l t r i ~ 'n~llLull-1 1 1 two tincklrrs at w c r . om. sccing Biirck scorc a hinglc The try :mil convrrsirm nitair thp three point penally. On the Warrior r o r e 17-?. side, wmgcr Stclios I\ikc,kuli~kii~r. Lair i o n w Jay Urn ht,wed ~o;deawlhergmdchasew :I kick. midway through thc second half. aftrr swnr good hall i i ~ w c ~ n c ~ ~ t lhrough the backs. That e f h i s:iw the ball squwt up intlr I l i a hnnds. two murr pumtr. 24-1. which he proceeded to run ovcr lor Kuukic John Craig got n taste a b c m r ill the corner. < f t h rartic,~~. pl:nyingw>llrrwing ill Ualc R n l q saxed this sccond the scrond half. Some rxcellent on theday on a run t h a t s ~ r t r with d wurk and sapprm hy huoket Stew Hirmphrcyr gill 111,. h:dl out. ;alluwa yet play r m n ~ ~ C ~ U L T I IC:~M I U ~ ~ :) 'fizz'. The ball wasrucked well by ~ n Cr;ug g lo go rwrr icr the score. Waterloo i n second phase and spun Both Ihc Varsity a n d J V w r r L out, openmg up a gap that I'inl;,y orstake on the Hadgcrs fruln Rmck was able lo go through and count againthisafIcmoon.slartingat 1:30 the ~najur.The boot of Pither conillthe Columhia I k l d s . F o l l ~ ~ w i nthe g win of a wcrk trihulrd a penalty and one convert, making thefinal30-20,in lavnurof ago, a win today will lock up first your Warriors. place,atriptotheOUAA finalsand The JV Waniors had one of promution back into first dvision

Women's field hockey keeps m on winning tll2ll[lS;M o n d a y & T u e s d a y 9-6

W e d n e s d a y to F r ~ d a y9-9 Saturday 9-5

C a m l Fereuson

CASH paid for used

en1 from the team yeen i n the firat feel or a dalnp, polyrr. halt Ynrk wasnllowedtodominaie terkilt.justan. the play. Consequentiy. due to the

sports equipment


- Hockey - Ski - Exercise - S k o t& ~AND




1 -1 1

battering the Yeowomen defence.


mon,ing of field hockey ot~,er ~~~~~d~~ fc,r the scored.orIievervi talent the York timesplayers, in fact. they The final score was adisappointing 5-0 Alhenas. Lnnipon Stadium in Tomnm Later in theday. Waterloo met f i e m a nlini-tournment for the OWIAA, ~ ~was t to Carelton.AlthnughC;lrcltondidnot ~ ~ l ~ ,,la the yyoik yeowomcn fit henre.they hadnpponunities. Halftime conversation indicated that Carleton Ravens. York, fielding a traditionally W"erloo take control of the game. an* Play at their uwll W e . strong team, plnyrd hard from the opening whistlr. ~ a l thelr . anvc W'~=d"o r - s n l n d of for was by Emantheir spark, snd Carellull was lclt a 5 4 loss. G d s were scored with hackeyfrom the ~ t hp,,,tonl~y ~ ~ ~ , by Linda Mowat (2). Benice was yclrk denied ~ ~ n opponun g Wlllcnse. Carol Stark and Lea but W ~ I ~ K conststently , Dietrich. launched offensives of their own:



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Imprint, Friday, October 7,1994

Waterloo needs a new mascot - that's you! by Richard Stehllk

special to lmpdnt Arc you neturally boring, keep

enough td have pr&dly slrulledm;


stuff all over thc OUAA as thc Waterloo Warrior(ourmascot), but other thrngs h a w come up, and ~ l a s I. t is lime lo pass the shicid La

Who? Wc nced a guy about

5'8" to 6'2" (un~farmrcslrictions)

answanng the 5 W.s and H'

Introducine Subwav's New


Knows, maybeeven thechcerleade n will let you travel in theirentaurage. Why'! First off, you do not get

that hopctiilly has natural si7e or works out. The biggcr, thc bcucr, but 1 wasn't hurc by any stretch, so don't unde&&teihis one. l'hcsnndalsareaboulasize 13,so anythmg up to that IS okay. You h a w to be sclf-confident, enthusiastic, and at least il little nuts. You wll represent the school, so common sense is amust. IfDino. the vnnoymg tiuelph "Superfan" invkcs fun o f you. lhrowma him an unpinned hand grenade may bcngood idea,butnotawiscdea i f you catch my drift. What'? What do you mean? Wc nccd s Watcrloa Warrior? You get a helmct, but a m and lcgr are cnposcd. When'! Football season is now; basketball scason starts in January (Nasmyth tourney is i n Mid-November) and hockey swns soon. Basically you dccide what games you wnnt to do, but the more you do, the bcttrr the rcspotIsesandthe more lhc teams wll likc you. Last year, I did homc a1111 aw;,y for the n:l.;kelL Richard Stehlie i s moving on. ball Warnors, hut 11's your ttmc and yuur commltmm(. pad, buttrustme, it'sstdl worth11 When'! A l l crvrr thc O l l A A Ifyou put n lnt mto i t you will get You will officially bc a pan ofthc thrcc times as much fun back, Warerloo Warrior Uond,soyoucan I~rankly.il'sjustahellofalotoffur~ lo do. You want concrete reasons? trawl with then1 or ask the team if you c a q o w t h them inalwd. Who Ilowabouttliisone-rcsume. Suund

silly?-try this on forsize: ~fyou're into acting, what better place to showcasc your talrntsthan i n front afacrowd: how about futurcteachers show "our ernolavcn youdon'trn;ndbein>n ion1


ofpcop:e;anyjnb-wouldn't you likr toprove you'vegot character and beat out the dull stiffsforthathigh-competition jobY Not onany cmployers would bypass this

entm-ca~cularrlct!vityinan interview, Also, Ican't tell you how great it's bcen to meet a l l the uthletcs, eoacha;, and fans, I would


How? Call Jennifer McCornuck at Athletics, ext. 5823 and tcll lhcr that yuu'rc interested. We will pick the ,new W a ~ ~ i o i oof u tthose that inquire. but everyonc has a legit shot at it. O l h e ~ i l s I'vc ~ : done sonlc nromotions as well. so deals arc alrandy in place on the must part. The fun is guarantccd, so all you lhavc La do is call. The Bnsketball Wnnium arc looking for sotneonc alr~adyfor the varsity pictures, so don't put thcb off too long. llere's your chance to gel involved!

Tug-of-war monsters I needed University Shops Plaza, WATERLOO



The domination has to end! For the past few years, Waterloo has gotten their butts smoked in the annual Wilfrid Laurier-Waterloo tug-ofwar held during half-time of pur homecoming football game. It seems the Warriors need some size, strength and a little determination, something they have lacked in the past few years (actually, all we need is strcngth.) Apparently, Laurier loads up with football guys who have yanked the entire Waterloo team to the other end zone. The United Way of Kitchener and Waterloo is presenting the annual match to help raise enough money to reach its $150,000 university target. We're talking strong people for a strong cause, so get out in the middle at halftime and break the losing streak.

Warrior X-C team ties for first in OUAA hy P h i l i p Demsey

special to Imprint In last weckcnd's Quccn's Invitational race, Wunivr Cross-country showed well on the course that will later host tho OUAA finnll Thc learn, <parked hy threerunrlrrs m tho tap sin, ticd for fin1 with the University ofOltawn. Jason Grcgoire, Waterloo's top athlete at the Queen's Invitational, placed xcond despite the ihcl lhc had twisled his anklc prior to the race^ The tie was brukcn, as Watcrluo was displaced to second, on widerteam totals. Team mcmbcrsPaul Godkin,

Jason <;regoire. Jeff Irwin, 'Phil Joicc, Brett Kilty. Daren Kaoux, Paul Sudlow, and Chris Watson all ran strong races, three of them setting personal hcsls


The Watcrloo Opcn, at the Columbia Golf Course, runsSoturday Oclober 15thwith thewomen sianing at 11 a m .and thc men lo follow. A l l Warrior-Athena wpponen and distance fans are welcome to attend.



OWMA WELD HOCKEY SCORING LLlOERS P b y ~ Dana Andem" Ilrcl,elC*rpu,!lcr Wmdy Iohnstnne k ~ k Moore y Tamara Ilolc Dnrlrnr Collins Tribl! Hell IalleCrmnwd Atex E r u o h l i l l

0 5


Windaor tiuclph



card Percy

73 73


2 2

McM*.,~~ 2 PY


12 1" 9


I"d,">d""l. Bill Srrgiir






'lorunlo mlrrllr Writer" Brak

Smrnnlll York Toionto Yurk western

7 7 7



.ream, Burger King Tow Wmd%3"ll. 'I~mnto

7 6

Lam irrlrrr!







0 149


Indii.idua1' Hill *.?prX'ir myan Mlnugm 51vr Iibnsa Pnvl Poxrr


315 318 319

,v,nn-r 7L nur&w Kingl",,, 7a


W#mircir Tornnlu





Wsstcrn loron,<,



MiMlrter Waldee yuwr,





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*,brill Gold"" Rears (h)




2 i


4 5 h





p r w i n rankin); ~ in p l n m t h r ~ . )


bHC 'Thunderbirds lli Slbc~hr~*k~Ycrtr.lOr(21 1 AORFNllANVOVACFUKS(4) A1hrrl.1 Colrien &,in0 ) U R K K UALZLIS ( 5 ) TOROXTO III.UFS(b) Sf. Mary's H>,ri,w(8) St. Rinrn Xdrirr X~Men(71 iMh"u,Ic 1ixar. i N I 1 MCMASTERhtARAUDERS(NR)

Tnrwln uueeni

McMa9r.r Waf?rloo mull Oil.r.1


("IIAA trrm.rapit.,i,ij I. W I N W K IANCBHS 2 WESTERN MUSl'+NGS 1. hM:#liH d l n l w > 4. Mnniloba Bison5 5. W I T L R I I I I WARRIORS 6. TORONTOVARSIlY BLUE

AL M & d l OcI li, Cailetun









10:00 a m 1200pm 1.3 pn,.



W O p.nl.

Brmk RMC Curlpli

Ocl 12: Guelph

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firsem Opn


Oktoberfest Tournament schedule

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On II.

2 0


Imprint Sports. Low in fat, high in fibre, and just a hint of vegetable-based ink. All in all, the right thing to do and a tasty way to do it.

I'll buy that for a dollar New Music Night

dcnws diurns and hts deep-

The tlnmil~heltcr

throated rhnutis~nging. Whde dcfin~telynot fbr the faint of heart. Shallow m c o puwcrful pan of the Sonic Unyon catalogue, providing one end o f thc hunlcorc to ecrlc gultar spectrum that is contained in the SU roster. Stan arc w r y ncarly the uppusttc entrcmc. Coming o f f hke a bunch o f twcnly somcthlnps whu've llstcncd TO e lot o f Pink Fluyd ( I mean lhal i n a good way) S~anarc hcsvdy tntn sculplmg soundscaper with their guitars. a pcrlect p x t a p o s ~ l ~ oton Shallow. W ~ l h o u ta doubt, Trialan Pstonlc remain thc most dcvcloped o l the Sonic llnyon hands. Although their llvc show docsn't sound quitc as pristtnr as the brilltantly prodoced P e w s : i h e suund~ irr,/ irwlun (riionic, silngs ruch us "black psabbath psong," "lhc oight~narc returns," "25 cents." "?sometimes" and "screamin' beamm"'nre still grcnt songs tiom a great band. Trlstan Psionic managc a pcif k t hlcnd o f straight ahead rawk wmth catchy mclndics and pop hooks that stay in the bratn long aficr thc songs ale ovci. So ended thc tirst nlght. A weck latcr. Gorp kicked o f f thr second day o f thc New

Tuesday. September 27lh, Tuc<day. October 4th


or all cuncclncd with tlie ~ c c n cin southern On-


tarlo. IYY4 has so far been thc ycar o f the Unyon Whole Windsor rnmves the Tea Party flog o f f thwr MonisoniZcppclin parade to the deltght of fools everywhcre. Sandy Mclntosh has created a truly admirahlc and indspcndrnt sccne with his band Tr~stanFsiimc and h ~ labcl s Sonc Unyan. T h e university W ~ Switness t o o sample o l this lahel wtth two ncw music nights at the Hombshciter, each ncght spurtilie thrcc o f Sonic Unyw's Iinds. l'hcsc two ntghts dcmonstraled that Sotnc IJnyon has managed to milmum hoth a hlgh level afqual~ t yand a wide variety o f music for their label Thc first Tuesday started with the trlo Shallow, probably Sonxc Unyoln's lhardcst-sout~d~ng band. Led by dmmmcrileiid s~ngerTony Jacomc, Shallow's round i s largely deilncd by Jacome's thun-

Music Night. Goip have no doubt h e m described as "unusual" or "eclectic" but what they really are i s "incrrdAdy kicked up." I'm prclty surc that thc lead singer (who cvcntually stripped down lo hls underwear) dndn't smg any actual words (not cnglish ones anyway) but rather grunted and growlcd and squealed h ~ sway through a set of. well Igucrr you could call them "songs." Wclrd. Srnmn,thrr, formerly Sponge, come across like a rougher Tiistan Psionic, a bll less serious, as was evident by thcir covers o f "Matelial Csrl." and a re-write "1' the perennial "S~monin thc land of Chalk IJrawmgs." Trcbir Charger's sct was an cxcrcisc in having a good time. Like Tristan Psiontc thc n ~ g h t bcfim. Treble Charger seemed to prow that lherc is a link between pnwiding the audience with a good time nnd having a good tlmc yourscll. As thcir songs started, meandered aimlessly and then suddenly fell back togethcr, the hand climbed each other jumped around and had fun which IS, alter all, the object of rock's'roll. Both nights were a display of enthusiasm that the label us a whole s h o ~ l dbe proud of.

Corn: Irecoenizethat rnvsticalair


Charge of the Treble Brigade

,y Michael McKay pecirllolmprint


rcblc Charger, hcadlinerr for the second New Music Night this past Tucslay, have becn gslhcrings some peed i n the southcrn Ontario nusic ~ i r w i l . Despite having to changc heir namc from NC-17, this Toonto-hascd four piece haven'l nst any steam. Bcforc their show, Imprint lad a chancc to talk with drumncr Morris Palter about the land's namc change, thc offer rum Sony and thc f u n m of TE11e Charger. )n Changing their namc:


"WP w , ,. r r r thrcsrcncd tn . hc .. rod hy no< yrwl ordinary Cnli

Shallow: Screaminglam.

ornia hair fanner band that was aIIedNC-17, and youcan quote ne on that They had the name rcgircrcd i n thc U S . ro wc wouldn't



havc been ablc to do shows there. So fuck it, wc changed. One lnagiazine noted i t as the biggest namu changc since Rub Wiseman changed his name to Prince." On

Major Labels:

"We were offered a deal with Sony, but decide to rum i t down. For right now, we can do all the groundwork on our own. If wc werc signed to a major labcl, wo could get into debt really quick. Our Lady Peace and the Phi. losophei Kings were offered the deal at the same time as wc were. We just arcn't rcady right now. But Sony is still really good about it. . .it was a total business situation, so we're still friends with Sony, nothing's bitter." On . Videos: ~~

"On October 2 n d and ZJrd, we will be i n the smdw shouting "Tenth Grade Love." 11's being directed by Stevcn Scott (director o f the Waltons and the


Ghandarvas) I t should bo on air during mid Novembor."

"AS far as gcttmg our album, just gct i t anyway you can. Tape i t off a friend, I'm all for that shit. After all, a fan's a fan. nghl'l" O n the Future: "Wo're not in any hurry. . .cvcntually, every band must sign to a label. We're not trying to become a wmmercial band, we would rather first get somc strect crcdibiliw.

showing up, not just people looking for something to do. Horrefully . . the video release w ~ l oncn l aome doors. Dlrectlv in rhp 61111n~. we're dtmm a Hen-

cfit Kids Help Phone show or Thursday w i t h the Waltons Bender, and Change of Heart a the Phoenix." /

Imorint. Fridav. October 7. 1994


Punishment as business

Humdinger ,y Scott Jeffreys ,pedal tolmprint

,y an acousttc guitar and a who played a conga drum and a couplc o f ;plash cymbals. This instmmentation proiidcd a bare sound that showcased Cole's abulous singing vmce while at the same imc, bringing out the pure power of her ;ongwnt,ng. Colc's songs brought an audlence in rlontrcal to a standing ovation during a ~'ounlmgCrows concert, probably one of he few times a thinl-bill act has done so. On her dchul CD, hurbinger, she has rptcd to present her songs fully-produced, ncluding slrings, samples and even a nllk crate. Whllc i t may have bcen better o take that hare sound to CD. thc album is t i l l musically impressive, wilh stand-out racks like "Hcthlchem." "Dear Gortnrde," ~ n d"Gardcn o f Edcn" f l ~14 tracks on harbinger varies, with on$s about growing up, religion, and acism. In ao interview last weck, Paula :ole:speroussionisl. Enc Gcbow, sad hc hinks she will do well and should be iccessiblc lo an alternative crowd. Gebow, who IcA ks lob at a nnnt rhoa m San :rancisco to play for Cole abouia month !go, replaced his friend Jay 8cIlerosc, vho performed on the album. Aner playng with her for a month, he thinks Paula :ok is "a tremendoussidge2' who will


her slow record sales so fur Whtle hlmay be true, there is a hlg posabihiy that thm album could be wellrecetved bv the maln-stream rnuslc a d -


Ihr Opera Houre Monday, October 3

definite-singlematerial in songs "1 A m So Ordinary" and "Bethlehem". Shc has ulrcady been acknowledged as a great lalent by Peter Gabriel, who she most reccntly sang backup for at Woodstock II. Still, the best way to hcar Paula Cole

I i s to go see her perform. Gebow and guitarist Gerry -Leonard ,provide a solld backup that serves to complimenl Cole's soothing voice, which wtll definilelymake you want to listen closely.


rev up this crowd, and 11became a question of waiting for the next band. Secondly, four video screcns splashed out mages which seemed great, considering people nccdcd someth~ngto do, as they weren't listening to the music. Unfomnately, thc video was of lhemselvcs singing, with the odd porno shot thrown i n for good measure. There was nowhere to run so e v w o n c was subiected to what was to come next... open mike n~ghl. Rnally, after thcy finished their set, they graced us wilh their... intellect i n a candid discussion with the crowd. That is when my hunch was confirmed. Thcsc egu-manlacs werc too much for even the most conceited of peopie. Thcv sncnt a half hour after

o band has rcccivcd more controveny at the I m p r i n t than San Francisco's Conrolidalcd. a band known for its gcindmg guitar and hard-core lyrics about world issucsSo, it's off to the O p m Ilouse in Toronto to see what the stir was all about. Afler an hour and a half o f hcoring thc most selfrighteous act in all my hfe, I'm happy I managed tn escape Toronto without buming my ticket stuh in shcer 3gpny. I'll only mention a fcw o f the rcasons why my ma1 consumption llnfortsattitude towards Consolinately thcy knew !nothing dated arc so Ftrong. about the subiecta, and seemed First, the crowd was as wisc as those who car llallost irom the very start The lowcen applcs from needle audiencc rcmaincd motionshop owners. less and found i t difficult to D~scusstonwas pointless as gruuve to the numerous unthcy replird to every question with the big "ncnt qucrtion. appealing songs. Thc boys AsP.C.asyoupX gave it a whirl with such plense." Howcver, lf a quesrimes from their rccent rclcasc, Burinm of tion about thcmsclves came up, thry werc Punirhnzmi with the tltle track as well as all to eager to givc thew insight on how "Today Is M y B~rlhday."hut Icouldn't buy c u d thcy thought they were into it; ncithcr d ~ d the crowd for that matBasically an unintclltecnt hand using tcr. Even "Rurjric Acid." likely the only world issues to sound smart. Sony boys, i t doesn't work. acceplable song of thc cucnmg, couldn't


No, Actually She Really Did ...Honest Thcir music is pretty catchy but the style begins l o bc sllghtly repetitious hg Andrea Schmidt ancr oh, thrcc songs. Imprint Slalf 'Their talented sixman group cluttered u plrvrlll cunfusion, l c l m c thc atagc wllh three just clarify that She Stole guitar players taking turns smgmg, one of M y Uccr 1s thc namc ol'lhc Vancouver-hasccl h : m l lhal two dnmmcrs, and s playcd at the Unmbcr last Sawr- pvamst playing on a day mghl, concluding thcu tour w r y slrmge looking acres Canad;,. orgadpiano. The night startcd off with a Lead singer lukewarm rcccpt~onfor op~.ning 'Tom had a sljght band the Uamaol Prophcts who country sound about really wcrcn't too cncitmg but hls vuicc. For cxlra who put on a fairly sohd performrun, me~nberso f thc ance. l o be h i r . Ionly caught the Uarslool Prophets last Scw songs of t i w r show. jumped an stage She Stolc M y Rcer's Grateful halhvay through &he show and thcir lead I k a d sound evcntualiy gat the Gwham crowd lwirlmg and spinning lo singer sumc o f i h c u groovier songs. plnycd some enthusiastic harrnuniclr Thcy played mostly originals, largcly imm kii illburn Sporh accompaniment. Another highlight was when OJT,he Guurdruil (great album). local band Fat Cats' (another band Thar title track IS probably the lo see ifyuu're a Dead Hcsd) lead finnest song that they play. Chatting with onc of thc sing- singer Dcanna was coaxed o n crs Ch:!d, Iaskcd straight offobout stage to sing backup for a Gratet h r u unusual band namc. Thz ful Dcad song. Shc Slolc M y Beer nutshell version o f t h r story was ended thc show with "Kocking I n thal s u m girl aclurlly did stcal Ihe Free World" and mvmng evcryone in the remaining audlencc theu beer. I had lo leave il at that and I sumchow bclieved that there l o p " them on smge ibr lhelr end wasn't loo much more timt 1 of tour party. It was a really dmnkcn night nccdcd to know. She Stole My Rrcr Bombrheirur Pub Saturd;8y, Ocl 1st


WATERLOO a n y w h e r e anylime a ~ r ~ os ef rlv i c e


*for people or parcels *fast c o u r t e o u s s e r v i c e

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] I


for everyone involved; no one go1 their bcer stolen, as far nn I know but I did get a green wool sweater stolett ( i f you find it I ' d rcally ilke 11 back). If you'rc a Dcad Pan. gct htgh and come out to scc thesc guys when thuy'rc back i n town. She Stolc My Beer has a new album coming out around Christmas and will be around again in two or thrcc months.

Broke My Heart Change o f Heart wi The Killjoys

2 New UK Imports Every Week $ Lots of

...-.tkitive/lnclie. Music

PLUS Posters, T-shirts & Chapeaux


cally talented band from Timminr, Ontario playcd some great tunes that rehy Danielle R y r a l flected their special to I m p r i n l hdcnl to wrllc good songs hen the bouncer at with intcrcsttho Uombshcllcr ~ n g chord walked up to m e and changes and asked if I was hcrc to see Change of Henrl or the Klllpys, I ~tarted melodics Unfortunately to think does it mittcr or is this they seem lost thc usual procedure Tor any on m thc surge of campus eunccns? Whcn I rcbands coming turncd a blank look hc enthusinsout o f or walttcally responded that the Killjoys lowing in the were, "really rockin'!", and that Seattle scene. set the tone for the rest o f the They have the night. potential to The fccling of thank God it's play great muFriday was uvcrwhclmingly sic but they prcscnt at thc Bornbshcllcr Fnhaven't yet day night and a lot o f very tired found thcir students relaxed smund the bar. o w n uniquc Aner a great sct from the Killjoys sound. This the crowd was totally pumped to prcvents them see Change o f Hcan but followfrom altractlng ing a mcdiocrc firs1 song the an attentive crowd lost their interest and was iludicscc that lcss lhvn cmhusiaslic for mast of i s sick o f the the rest of thc set. Scattle grungc Erccpt for an exclusive rcsccnc but stdl quest for "There You Go.'' when wants to hear thc less than devoted fans acN8'EO' m..ir ollyEotouf o f t h o i r c i u i r s t o donee. slightly when they played the The audic:rice seemed to thc crowd war pretty doale for sense that the members of the slawcr and more melodic song thc rest o f thc evening. Maybe band would la ke their tirne to "Molher" Considering that this thc. "rockin' tunes" from the warm up to the Irmm since no one Canadian band was discovered Killjoys just wore us out ... Featuring their ncw CU, got up to dance ""ti1 the third lasfby CFNY's New Music Search, up they were sorely disappointing. song! The cla,p.metcr (Turnmysuckle) the very musi-



Imprint, Friday, October 7, 1994


Take me out to the ball game The Scout Direcred by Michoel R~lchir

by Rob Viekers and Cheryl Costello I m p r i n t Staff


lie director o f such comedy classics

aa Fleteh and T h o Bad News

Bears, Michael Ritchic, brmgs us another hard-luck casc in The Scout. Albert Brooks stan as A l Pcmolo, a down on his luck bossball scout for the Ncw York Yankees. Brooks has formerly been featured in Private Benjamin and Unfaithfully Yours, stretchmg his actmg ability once again with co-star Brendan Frasct (as Stcvc Nebraska), teen idol star ol' Encino Man, School Ties, and morc recently, the rock and roll farce Airheads. 'Thc storylinc is pretty basic. Thc Yankccs send Percalo to look for new up-and-commg players in Mexfco arter hc fmrls up thc last potential pmhing prospect, hoptng he'll never darken their doorhley again Fortunately lirl. Pucolo, he stumbles across the best pltchcr he's ever soen, playmg for a Mcxican team that can hardly pronounce his namc. Steve Nebraska he-

Percola as a sumgate father. The scout, howwcr, is thinking only o f lhis next paycheck and job security. As time goes on, the two dcvclop a bond that should endure past thc final crcdits (ti Steve docsn't flin out first). So now, Pcrcolo is in trouble. From the Yankee management's pvint ofvicw, their new rcouting prospect doesn't seem to be playme with a full deck (atier a violent oulburst wtth the press). and they want to make aure their irwlti-million dollar investment doesn't start chasing butterflies i n the outfield. They t e l l Percolo thal bcfoic lhc Yankecs w i l l sign Nebraska he has l a have a psychiatr~slexammc him and givc

tally stable. Percolo IooLs up Doctor H: Aaron (the psychiatrist, not the jook) ln thc yellow pages and rushes Nebraska uvrr tu her oflice, huping tu get hsr to write the letter that wall bcgin Ncbnska's million dollar career. l'he doctor, o f course, insists on examining him and discovers, alter giving Nebraska about 5 Rorschach tcsts, that he is hiding snmething from his past dccp in his sub-consc~ous.She helleves that 11 would be unethical for her to ray Nabraska i s completely sane if he really isn't. Percolo and Dr. Aaron work out a dcal slating that if shc agrccs to wrltc thc letter, Nebraska will promise to come i n for wuckly therapy sessions in her office. Finally the tlmc comer fbr Nebraska

cess or docs he choke? We'll leave that up 10 you I n find out h r yourselt Lf you're interested in going lo scc The Scout, we don't want

The Scout seems to he one of those films lhat you can't really hate because there isn't rcally that much to dislike. It's

C O ~ C E

Percolo's salvation. Nebraska has psychological problems, due to an abscnlce father ~n hts youth. and thx causes h m to turn to

s c e n e s .

violcncc. This film doesn't really have much o f a plot. I t seems thal the writers wanted to try and makc this movic more credible by adding the "psychological pmblem" nnple, hut this just didn't work. I t just made 11 seem cheezy. Nothing could make lhis film an academy award wmner. but i t is a fun piece of fluff. in general, the movie was a bare htl that may go into extra innings at the bx office. After all, what elsc are all thc bnaeball fans going watch'! They don't rerun old double-headers.


x s calm mother Chen Shuiuan. A strone

'v4 4

hy Johanna Neufeld specialtorrnprint


et in neijing, this Chincsc film gives an honest .aecounl o f one extended family's struggle to survive thc turbulent 1950's and 60's. Staning with The Rectification Movement, then the Great L.cilp Forward, the changing mand.ates finally result i n Mao Zcdong's Cultural ~ c v " l u l i o n Threatening to destroy them, the family becomes cxtrenlely cautious i n order to survivc. The story evolves arounrl a small boy, his parcnw, ,srsrul ,dunln. unrlsh, drld d grandmother. Tlelou experiences so much in his young lifc, yct his family rcmnms the ~trungcstguiding influence. Playcd by Chcn Xiaoman. Ticlnu i s adorable and a lot of fun to watch. He canies the tilm w ~ l h hlr

thcv frcauentlv mthcrs

the kite, they are being tossed, caught, and torn apan by the winds of rcvolutiun. The director's aucntion to dctad IS seen In the slmple furnishings and the quotidian touches. The rooms are inviting, n rcfugc from thc outside world, Shot i n very dark, earthy toncr. thc vibrant rcd o f thc socialist banners and rcarvcs, as wcll as thc blue kites are a striking contrast. Musically, thc film is quite limitcd with only one .selection. A child's song sung by Ttetou gives a hauntIng and at thc samc time whimsical tone lo the chanpiny scenes. Very simple in naturc, i t taikrahout crows and their place in the lives o f thc pcoplc. view of socialWith such a nccative " ism snd those who enforced it, it's not aulprisillgilmr tnwl> rhs dircrtol and his film are bmned in Chrna. The cnuntry's polmcal dogma stays rooted in the past, with no xmmcdmte slgn of change. Wc du see hope in the eyes of the peoplc, but rt's as fragile as a ktle.





Imprint, Friday. Oclober7.1994

Just Enough of Me, Way Too Much ofYou All t b e Trouble i n thc World P.1 O'Koarke Random llousc 340 pp., $28.00

Whorm m d Ilo1,inluys iu Hell. Thcse arc all pan travclngucs, part personal rctlcctions an what's wmng with thc world ~n gcncrai. and p o l l t m specifici>lly. All the Troublc in rhe lYorid is a much morc gcneial look thnn O'Roorkc's done Iry Sandy Atwul hcforc. H I S glok trotting tokes him from Imprintstaff kmgliidcsh lo Frcmont, California, to Son many ways. P.J. O'Rwrke cim hc lmiilm lo Pcm, then back tn hi.; Alma Mnter a w n as a friendlier. thinner, and leas in Ohio and finally to Vietnam. nccrhic Rush L ~ m h u g h .tlis polilicvl Each country provirlcs a hackdrop for viewr, whilc not q u m as pro-Ucpubl~can thu further analysis o f some glohal pmhas Limhaugh, arc as anti-hig-governrnunt, l c l n l l i s first target is overpopulatlon, and wbilc O'Kuorke doesn'l dispute that thcre ant,-special ~ntcrestand anti-environmcntnl as Lmhaugh's hut. as far as Iknow. n lot c:w hc such n thing ;ar too ,many people, he less pcoplc hntc h m . miiinlillns thitl this smply is not the cass This is mainly hecmlsc O'Rourkc's now. writmgr nre funnier than Lmbaugh's TV To illustrate h ~ spomt, he cnmparcs hvu m a s with muchlv show. O'Rourke is a humorist first and a - . thc samc .nonula. roclal critic second, so poople fccl less lion densty: Rangladesh and Fremont, CaliL thrcatcncd hy h i m fornia, and examines the differences and Thcy shouldn't. sin~il~rili~s. O'Rourkc doesn't dispute thal this is A s Ail /lw Trual>lc in thc World d m onstriitcs. O'Rourkc knows what hc's talkan unfair compmson in many ways, but jng u h w t and I l i a attacks on fash~ooahlc part , f h s r k ~ lils in dcmonrtnting that thC ~ssueso f thc day such :is mult~cultural~sm. lacuna is not ;agreat as one mighl expect. ~wcrpopulal~un, O'Kourke displays a fondness for sfaand ccologic;d dlsastcr arc right on the munsy. tistics and rcscarch i n his new bnak. nor tic k~iowst l ~ cargumenla from holh that he hasn't always hnckcd up hts opinsides, he's doac h15 homework, m d hls wnr, now hc's lpmviding stetist~csthal so barbed criljc~srncmtnins just the right ohv~ouslydemonstrate the fact thal hc's amount o f ironic nsldcs and mtincal quips rtghl, that i t sccms strictly out of a meanto rc;>lly put tlw other side itnder. ~plritcddesm to hurl people that pcoplc wouldn't pay hccd to his wews. H I S ncwcrt work is similzr to Itis carI n thc case of overpopulation, wc find llcr books. Gwc W w o (%unw, ~ v r l i o m e n t



(surprise. surpmc) the Bangladcshi government. One o f the waysin which the government continues to kccp Rangladcsh In poverty is tiniicd support of n fibre (primarily

key to Hangladcrh's succcss, so much so that in 1906 the world consumed thrcc



hecn dropping sinco plastics

when pelrochemicals from

evcr. jute prlces fact thal you, dear don't know what . . . jotc i s (wt>m at Wuuld you buyausedideolagy frornthismlnn? ml:time, it was as nonular as cotton and flax) should be reason enough for velopment etc, and a histor~cidprrspecus to realize that this stuffjust isn't irnportlve and make it funny. tant any mnrc. Unfonunatcly, it's usually funny in a Don't try telling that to the Bangla- bittersweet way. \Yhcnever major blundeshi government. When the prtce that ders are camm~ttedhy a governmcnt or jutc comm.anded on the government fell some do-gooding agency, it's funny, hut helow the cost o f growlng jute, one would in a rcal scnse, peaple arc heing hurl. Pcoexpect the grorvcrs to stop growing it. Afple arc starving, living tn poveny and ofter all, if you try and sell snmething for lcss ten dying. than it costs you to makc 11, you will quickly O'Raurke doesn't prctrnd to know the dic. answers to any of ihc questions he raises. Thc Uangladcshi government, one o f At hcst. he clarifies the questions. H o w thc poorest govcrnnlcnts tn the world, dcever, as a general stupgeslion, and the pomt cidcd to subsidize jule Flowers nnd jute underly~ngall of the chapters. O'Kourke product m;mufaclurers. As was inevitable. suggests that thc answcr to many of lhcse Hangladesh's former foreign exchange problems is to get rich. carner bccamc a dram on the economy. He doesn't maan this flippantly. Hls This insanilv. howhcllcf in the free-market, and how capltalever, was nut hrnltcd to Jute in Ihc 1990-91 firism (dcmonstrahly) gocr hand i n hand with cnl ycar, governmentowned companies i n i t ' s a point [hat he Bangladesh were given makes, and makes wcll thrcc and a qu;lrIcr hilthroughout the book. l ~ o ntaka frec ofchargc, It's nossiblc that evcn and cvcn then couldn't O'Rourkr docsn'l remake a profit. I n total. alize -hat important mvmmnt-wncd b w k he has writlnr. He compantcs lost 612 milhas brought works lhkc lion U.S. dollars I f the jute exalnpl~ Ronald H a i l ~ s ' s E m can be extrapolated lo Scam anl Apocalypse Not by Ben Bolch and other i n d u s t r i c ~ , the Harold Lyons l u a governmcnl simply wider audlense than docsn't know what the thcy might otherwise hell it's doing. Such cxamples receive, and has givcn



meything, let'sget rich!


( w I I~~ I T quoted G nt tangU3, I know)

lviirn Simsn

shound i n O'Rourke'r book He hns the & ~ l i t y to take his personal experience (he interviewed thc Bangladeshi Minister of jute). statistics fram thc Organization for Economic Co-operation and De-

wiUdleld from him. behind the humour, lies a sertuus look at very largc issoes, and O'Rourkc has contributed no1 incons~derablyto thc dc-• bate surrounding them.

many hrue




Imprint, Friday, October 7,1994

First Romero, and now this?!? Thc Massacre a t El Mozotc by Murk Dunner Vantagc Rooks, 1994, 304 pgs, $16 (soR covcr. non-fiction) hy Jeff Warner

Imprint Stall


n Dcccrnbcr, 1981, El Salvador's army conducted a massivc anti-gucmlla operation in the department of M o r a i n , near thc Honduran border. At the timc, Morazdn conlamcd some of the fiercest fighting in the then three-ycar old war, and thc military was dcspcrttc to put 3 dcnt in gucrrillil a ~ t i w l y . Accounts o f what happened during "Oocralion Rescue" in the villaee of El

s number of civilians may h a w bcen injured because guerrillas stayed with the pcuplc. Guerillas and thc fcw survivors tcll of cold blaodcd massacres of ncarly cight hundred innocent. noliticallv nculrill CI-

old. Danncr's book is a feat of investigatwe prnalnsm. Sifting through hundreds of official documcnts, rcports, and personal accounts, hc compiled a damning account o f wanton brutalilv in thc Salvadoran military and willful complacency in the Kcngan administration. While thc general theories may not he "ncw" -- El Salvador's civil war is legendary for ia barbarity, and thc Reagan administration's aid t o rcprcssivc govcrluncnts is cqually

infamous -- thc lcvcl of dctsil :and tho meticulousness that Danner brought lo an incidcnl almost thirtecn years old and largely forgotten is incrcdiblc. With a very clear and easy to read style, Dilnner dcpicts not only the incident ttsclf but the entire mcntality and buildup that led to El Mozate. Unlike My Lai, which rcceived large scale press covcragc and had massivc repercussmu for thc US mrlltary, thc slaughter i n El Mozalc was a direct consequcncc of the American dir e c t e d Salvadoran military policles, not of individuals "crossing the line," and yet it had little repercussion. Thc barbarilv of both sides of the conflict. the lack of distinction hctween combatant and "on-combatant, the difficulty of fighting in rural, mountainous jungle areas, and thc mind-sct of various Salvadoran cammandcrs all played a ~



role, and Dmum cardully and dispaasionatcly cxamincs each aspect. Thc book's journalistic lack of r m u ~ lion is especially striking in Danner's reconstruction a f the massacre itself. Without any hypubulc or political ovcrloncs, he simply describcs the must plausible course of events, drawing hcavily from thc Argentine Team of Forensic Anthropologisa' 1992 Archacological Rcpart and thc 1992 Salvadoran Commission on the Truth. Both groups had gonc to El M O ~ toC determine what happencd, and

separately con-

cluded that a massacrc of hundreds o f pensants had occurred, that no batlls uf any sort had happened, and that the killings were cold blooded murder. The main body of thc book focuses on political and military realities of El Salvador, and whilc the American influence is clcar, Danner's declaration that "the story of El Mazate -- how it camc to happen und how it came to be denied -- [is]

n central parablc to the Cold Waf' doesn't hccome explicit until the appcndws. Unlike many hislaricalljournalistic buoks relating rcccnt cvcnls, The M m o cre ar El Moiorc includes the cntlrc content of virtually cvery document refcrrcd to in the main body o f t h e text. With the benefit of time and the Freedom of Information Act, D a ~ e wan r able to include the memos, high-level cables. and official documents from thc U.S. ambasmdor lo El Salvador, tcxts from congrcssional hearings conccrning El Salvador. thc Archaeoloe~calRcoort o f the

of El Mozotc. Thosc documcnts show beyond doubt that the American government deliberately did not try lo learn what had happened for fear of uprctting the congressional he=lngs that wcrc happening at the time, and thus p p a r d i s i n g military aid to thc country. The American ambassador and military advisors kncw abuses wcrc occurring, and whilc purporting to protest them. did not inlericrc in order to allow El Salvador to continue to fight the M a n i L gaerillns. Thc U S . dld not want to lose another Central Amcncan slatc in thc Cold War. and fuslcred the atmusphere in whmh El Mowle occured. It happened, they Jeliberatcly looked away, and then claimed ignorance. Toe Cold War is ovcr, as i s ~ l h ecivil war in El Salvador. Dannei's book, howevcr, is sl!ll imporl;mt for its lersonr on Amcricnn impcrislism, its historical account of the horror of El Morotc, and the sheer thnroughncss of his journalism.


Campus Caur~Pla

:30a.m. t o 11:OO p m

%r Ya #e n t




- Prizes (hats, t-shirts, etc.)

Sign-up at the Bomber1 f





Irnprinl, Fnday,October 7,1994 .-

Once Smeared, Twice Removed Sloan

l k Imprint lnterwcw


1111 Sloatt passing through Kitchcner a couplc ofwecks ago, I m p r i n t was g r x c d with thc

Ynu're not playing the Halifax Pup Expluriun? Yuu didn't play laat ycar cither. Whal's the dcal, is thcre some b i g rrasun? Didn't they givc you an invitc? Oh no, we wcrc mvitcd huth times to play. but last ycar and the samc with tills ycar we wen: tour, and just logmtically wc couldn'l !ct hack in timc. We wcw going to play bcc:nisc the Meat I'uppcl~ just canccllcd - thcy were supposed to play and they canccllcd so what wc were gomg to do was go hack -- the organmcis wcrc gomg lo pay fbr us to tly In just for the show then lhtch us back lo whercver wc wcru supposcd to bc on tour -- but unfurtu~natelyI~ t i m 'think l wc can makc i t There's a hhow we wcrc gomg tu try and hml out of 11) Sudbuly but I dun't think wc can. Wc'd nlrcady a d up the tour bcfure we knew whcn the Pop Explosion was going to bc. Our tours are uwnlly planned and set up months i n advmec. Nothing againat Sudhury, hut we really wunlcd to plny thc festwal. I stdl reallv w ~ we h could b r -


cause merybudy we know's goiog to be thcrc. T c l l us a littlc about your r c r o r d lvhel Murderecord.r. I s that eperaled by the whuk hand or just a couple of you? Basically thc four d u b own i t bccausc it's funded by Sloim, ~t conm out of our money, Andrew IWCS ill Toronto, SO he's nut :a ~ovulvedin $1 as Chris and I and P;\lrirk iiuc Not to sur~udoboox~our.but I fecl likc Chns and 1 prohahly do thc most work on it. Pibtri~kdocs a 101 too. so it's basically tlic thrce o f us ; ~ s d C o l i n MacKcnric -- lhc's thc man:lgur of Jsle -hc hclps us out a lot too when we're on the mad away or not i ~ r ~ u n tAnd l . albo my girlfriend Lisa -- when wc're away and uhen Colin's ;)way. whicil lhu is right lnow at the hame timc wu'rc gum -- she hclps us out. It's prclty i8mrlar. So far you serm tube just a regional label. A l l your releases -- Eric's Trip, Sluan, Thrush Hermit, Hardship Post what dsc? A l Tuck, S u p c r f r i c n d ~ ,H i p Club



Hieht, they're all Maritime acts. Do you have auyplans to expand your roster to include acts front outside o f the Maritimcr'! We don't hnvc any plans to, just becauac wc thmk thcrc's still so many good hands down thcrc tlrat wc'd likc to put out. When ynu get o n e o f there hands. what's the c x u r u t i v r dccision as to whether your going to rclrasc their sluff on Murdcrccurclr'! Docs i t have te be a unanimous decision between PII of you o r do you bash the bands relative merits out between you? Do you ever light about it'! No, so f i r wc lhavcn't had to. Evcryt h m that's comc alonu hat we'vc had to

drcidc on lhas been pretty well unanlmuus...

umm. Ithmk, Idunno. Supcrfncndz... yeah, no, cverything'r bccn prctty much u n a n

m o m I'vc bccn haonv with evervthine we've put out, I'III p m t y plcased. Il'r got to be weird having your own record label h u t at the same time being o b l i gated lo u cucttract with ansthcr record company. What's the deal? With Cieffen, bssically, i f y o u want to do some special kmd of rcleases you just go up and ask them, and it goes thmugh r cuuplc of pcoplc and u s i d l y it's no problem. What i f i t bccomes s problem? So far i t hasn't

CKDIJ is amazing. Iguess wu should start talking n littlc about your new record. O n your first releaee. Smeared. vou sort o f cot mirtagged as a grunge band... Ycnli, nght. Canada's Seattle and a l l thilt. I t was just lazy pidgconlioling. O t h e r s saw you as, typically. Sonic Youth and My Rlnndy Valcntinc diseiplcs. Thcre were 01%viausly some of those elements there, but I always fancied Slum as a pup band w i t h s hard edge i n the f a d i o n of. say. a band like Teenage Panclub. Vnur ""W


going to rclcarc a ~ ~ ~ l elmed. ~ k i ~ ~ X ~~m w e~d hasn't ~ , ~ thrown me for a single early next ycar thruogh Murloop o r anydcr, just for surncthing to do. Sumcthmg thing, hut you have surprised some fans along lhc lines o f the rplil~singlewc re- and critics by veering away front the leased with E i c ' s 'Trip, whcrc we covcrcd harder alvmcnts of your first record and cach other's songs... moving toward :In almost Beatlesquq Beach Boys, or evcn early-Who type of a That was "Snwthcr" ... sound. Right. Yeah. 1 seem te remember thelast time you What was your motivation'! Was i t played i n the area, at the University of Waterlooovcr a year ago, that you opcned stufl you were listening to, was i t a conscious attempt to lay OR the noise, or your show with that number. what? Is that right, did wc really? I h c r c was a a m of consc~ousdeciston Oh yeah, 1 rcmembcr i t was su cool, to make i t sound Inore lean and sparre, as oprning yourshow, in front ofabout2000 people, and starting-oll with a song that jusl about no-one knew. Yeah, we're real big fans of Eric's Trip. Have you hcard the new album yet'? and I really like the Reatlcs. Andrew and Nu, it's not supposed to be out for a Patnsk likc thc Rolling Stoncs. I t wasn't an attempt to go retnr or anything though, it couple o f weeks y e t was more an attempt to appropriate certain it's really great. That song ended u p on theDCXRari- recordtng styles. I t doesn't cornr dl retro at all. ria album. I t was actually onc o f the Thanks, we a.pprcciatc that, because hetter n u m b e n on that alb&. Thanks. Wc hkc to do that sort o f rtuff that was a really big wony for me recordm g it. That's anothcr easy tag -- "Slutan's and thcy (&fin) are prclty casy about it. Wc got to iclrilsc T w i w Removed on vinyl gone retro." 'Tell us what it's like excuse the on Murder, so that's prctty cool. expression being n big I3.h in 2 wuall H o w d i d you distribute your r e pond. Do you feel as though you know a leases'? lot of people i n Halifax and that everyone Anything vinyl and CDn too -- that we deal to all the indepcndcnt stores knows you? Well, we walk in front o f places hke throughout Canada, we deal with l h r m dltho llhisry and k ~ d sare always groanmg rcct or wc use Cargo. How do you dislribute the rest of things like "Uhhh Sloaaaan, yahh, yalih. Whoonou 11's Sloaraan." yuur CDs? So are they giving you a hard time o r Anything that goes into major stores are they trying h b bc nice to you? gets dlstnbutcd by MCA. Somc of them No, they're g~vingus a hard tune. uscd to bc through MCA and Cargo they I s i t because you left town and b c had samc kind of deal togethcr -- bul now we just go dimctly tlmugh MCA because came successful? h t really, thcy just like shuwing off we're alrcady cnnnected with them already through D M . Thcy're like a total hands- i n front of thex hends. It's just kids. In off thing. We lust glve them stuff and thcy uctuul~ty,we're n:ally well reccwed back d w i b u t c to Sam's and I I M V , and all the home. So you get iul:o all the shows for free? other smaller starcs we dcal wtth ourselves. W c l l I try l o pay, unlsss it's a What's thc campus radio station in Murderecords gig o f course. Halifax. CKDU, like? I n your new single ''Coax Me," you 11's great, ii's been really supporfive. I give a dig at C ~ m o l i d a t e dfans. Sandy actually worked thew fur about four years, doing shows and stuff. Any band that's i n A t w d just did an interview with Adam Sherburne of Consolidated about two f3alifax. it's almost unusual that thcy don't get tnvolved i n the statton, everybody does hours ago Oh so. 1)~dhe oak or say anything? srutt there Well. Sandv slvlv " " mentioned that bc How important has C K U U been to the developu~cntof the r w a l l e d Halifax was going to relc Sloan tonight and he aqked Adam whnt hc thought of You. lee".? Oh wow, wha1.d he sa);.? Prctty crucial. They're thc only staHe saidthe band wasokay hut that he tion to play indrpcndrnt bands o w the couldn't stand their fms. n - ~ tt r n or twdvc vcars that c.lme out of That's they 're








Imprint, Friday, October 7, 1994

When vou have to have the best...


Go for a Caddy T h e Cadillac Tramps oppmnng (11 Phil's Bur and Gn'N

Wednesday, Oct I2


enturmg forth froni that hotbcd of punk and skatcr-thrash that is Call fornia's O r a n g c County, the Odillac Tramps arc currently on a Nanh ..\mcrican tour lo promote their third alhim. l r '3Allrighf F w from bring :I sarcast ~ cslatcment. Orangc County does accm to hrccd a ccr-



W a t e v c r the case, It has to be said that fans 0fS.D. will likely enjoy thc sounds of the Cadillac Tramps, if they hnven't heard them alrcady. Thcir sound i s an intcnse c o l l u s m of all things loud and fun. from greasy rockahilly to blaring p u ~ k blasts and even a little funk and soul. Complimenting this music is a sacio-political commentary on the world around us, "Whcn 1 go to write a song," Gabby explitins, "I don't sit down and say, 'Thts is going to be polltml,' hut I writc about things I feel." Judging by songs like the angty "No Reason" and the new album's lille track (a

b'o r n o "Hev...cuolfishevelens huheuvs?" coast. and seek e , ( a k a now t o build a Cubby). fun base somcwhcrc cast of thcrc. "Any"It's mostly thc press thal lumps us body in their right mind would want their together." hc comments. "And that's re- music to be heard by cveryhody" guitarist ally hccausc of simply where wc'rc from. Johnny Wickersham comments. Tickets are but a mcre $6 SO show UD Wc're not twins , ., to sound like S D..If vou close "our evcs. there's nothme simllvr and thrash alone" with the rest of thc hoppmg kids. about thu two sounds at all." ~~.....a...a.lalalaI#alaIa*aIaaalaII~allllallll~ (i a




.-. m 9








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Uecause of its catchiness though,

that takc a littlc more time to get into. The second tmck and smglr "Crush W i t h Eyeliner" is as catchy us the tirrt. and fcshms the dcadpan voice of Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore. "Star hO" features the electric sound o f REM lhal seems to rcally tit into

Ditchmg the acoustic sound a pretty good change for RkM, as is dlc-

cn M O N I ~sounds like

pushed the directmn of music m new horizons ; 11's imprcss~vc how seriously that thcy takc l h u role Howcvcr, expecting lo hear an clcctrlc alhum spawned p r e malure nollons of REM takmg 11 to the ltmit, which is not the case on M o n l r r , This is not enough to warrant the album a failure; this is l i r from the truth, as Mm,nsrw brings v i k l characteristics to REM that strengthen their p s i lion in the musical circlcs.

havc been a great idea 1s fr~ghtfull~ n lacklusIre packagc that has dcpletcd the high cxpectationr placcd on i t months and months i n advancc. Instead, the electric guildr is stripped down to mainly reverb

Losing somc of the rcvsrb of somc of the others helps in this care. "Strange Currencies" is a dcfinitc bright spot on this album that tones down and givcs i t that " E v c r y h o d ~ Hurts" feel "Tongue" is another track that slows the tcmpo of the album. which lulls a bit too long. Then tracks like "Bang and Blame." " 1 Took Your Name," and "Circus Envy" all intensify the guitar rcvcrb o f previous tracks, which

that are mediocrc

lensivc hack catalogue o f incredible material, it's hard to outdo what can ncver be outdone. Monsler was a nice try though.

Imprintshff D~nosvurJr i s anothcr underratcd talent in the world o f college rock. Over Itme. and through some mysterious arranging multtlalented musician J. M a w s has become the sole member. Far all intcnts and purposes I. Mascns 8% Dinosaur Jr. This is plain to sec this timc around as the liner notes credit M a s a s with all the guitar, vocals, keyboard and drummtng, Asde from some hclp on bass, i t seems thnt this is indeed a onc man band. Thc bonafidc success o f D i nosaur ir's last album, Where You Bren hangs ominously over Withour A So!rnd. Fortunately this docs not pose much o f a problem and thc new takes o f f Thc where the last one icfi catchy "Feel The Pain" i s a thtnly veiled of Where You ~ ~ ~i t works, ~ , w hby thishand ~ t i s not bigger remains a mystery to me. Not uncommon i n a Marcis song, . . ~ The~ Pain" ~gives l a big

nodtowardthcinflucnccsofSonic Youth by way o f some strange guitar ming.While Wilhour A Sound is not as rcleilsr as elthcr past efforts


You Rrun, i t certainly does retain thc ahility to stand on its own. I t is a f~ne, ult h o u g h sornctimes spotty, piecc of work. The dist i n c 1 1v e voice of J. M a r c i s fils w c l l alongside both the sonic guitar altacks and the intricate guitar l i n k cring. And yet, his crcaky voice does grow liicsome at times. Thc album tends to get murky at points and a few times loses it's dircction altogCfher. When it falters, Mascis m;,nagcr lo quickly bring it back on track. J. Mascir wallows through a lew overbcartng songs, must nrvtably "Outts Hand;' but many gems abound, like the quirky "1 Don't Think So". The gultar meand~xingof .yjetOut of hi.;" itsu. perbly and is fondly rerniniscenl


debut album bring forth a wall of sound thnt delivcrs their humanc messages with a hard, intmac, riff-rooled dynamic sound. llaving songs runntng an average or lhree minulcs, thts album clocks in at

good, hut thuother half seems to me-

Green Mind o

Taking thc seventies-revival that the Beastie Hoys helped instigatc on^. slcp furthci. Luscious Jackson are back wdhatull length follow up to their indiu-hit "In Search of Manny." Surpnslngly, it's only ukcn that short amount of time for the band to tighten up their sound and progrcss musically. This album has a much smoother sound than the prcvious EP release, no doubt due in some part to the addition of Kate Schellenbach and Vivian Trimblc. The original songwriting duo of

Jackson"), but tracks likc "Dccp Shag" and "Surpnse" demonslrate the crucial difference the new band members make. If there's a single hcrc, it's the powerful "Strongman" where thc band's funk-infected groove meets up perfcelly w i t h J i l l Cunniffs luscious vocals. At the same time, the lyrics arm7 quite as inane as some of the tracks from their EP "It tnkcs a stmng m a n to stmd by a strong woman '' Although on tracks iikc "Angel" thc music seems like a complete throw-hack lo the thcme from "Shaft; and it's t r ~ c(hat Luscious Jackson aren't all that original, it's all still a hell o i u lot of fun.

sistently similar, almost on the point of bcing bland,

Are you ready fnr a meswge ofhcll and hopc from the hood in

throughout the album, songs likc "My American Prayer" (which is one o f the longer tracks at 5 min26s) allow lhe band 10 bc a bit more imaginative with their instrumentinion. and thc track "Dying o f Thirst" with overtones throughout reveals glimpses o f creativity. W i t h lyrics likc,

L.A.7 Arc you prepared to listen to a sound harrhcr than Rage Aeainsl the Machine? I f so the s e l f ~ t i t l c d debut album by

"Technuiugicol supcrsfare buiil on the meuns ofhuru" and, "Dying of fhirrt. I om mom r k m u mafhrmulicoleqrrarton. Inmmore

Downsat is ibr you. Uownset is a four piece band with lcad vocals by 'Ihc messen-

lhun o shcmicul comhinotion." and tracks called "Anger" and "Takc 'em Out" Downsct attempt

ger' Rey Anthony Oropeza giving you the latest sound of thc L.A. strcct delivered in a rap with a heavy strumming irom the bass of James Morris. Previously

to cxprc!is thc situation of gmwing up in gangland Los Angeles. Though not having thc musical divcrstty in thcir songs, this young group has the potenllal of dcvcluping into one of the boner 'rage' b:mds of the '90s.

3 byAleuandwHavrlant speeiallolrnprlnt

known as Social Justice to the underground, Dawnsct in their

hy Sandy Atwal

lmprintslaff into the abyss of rcmlnes, the Pet Shop

"two" versions o f "Absolutely Fabulous," are i n fact both remixed by the team d R d o and

Boys have released anolher album of alternate versions of their songs.

Rob D and all the other credits lu that track are identical. it's basically j u ~ tone song broken lnta


of Neil Young's "Like A H u r r cane." The frenzy o f activity in songs like "Grab It"manage to

twclve tracks, therc are hvo vcrsions o f the vapid "Absolutely Fabulous." two verstons of "I wouldn'l. normally do this kind o f thing" and three versions of"Yesteiday, when Iwas mad." Add to this the fact that the

eountcrhalnncc thc slower more Thc first Ukm (egotistically mcllow numbers like "Seemed released just aRer their first alLike Thc Thing To Do" q u ~ t e bum) was a slightly ~ a t c h yaffair, but the brilliant ~ i ~ and ~ nicely. ~ h n lkl l l i ~ far fmm being thc mrny radm friendly. A few ofthe songs by the band have shown that Thc do stiff had. Even so. WirhiihoulA Pet Shop Boys remain one of thc S o u n d s still bctter than average. few bands who rclease remixes it's,iust that Dinosaur Jr is a much worth collecling. band than what Di.sm 2, however, is a major, misstep. Although there are they show here.

twn parts, and you've gut a bit of a rip ofl'. Finally, throw in the fact that some have ~ o i~these~ remixes ~ ~ a!-h ready been released, and aren't got a bll u l a rip off Themyou've


really any breaks in the tracks. Rnally, none of the verslons on this C D arc bctter than the originals. For DJs and PSB purists only.



Imprint, Friday, October 7 , 1994 Eticnnc, but not as pop sounding although there i s a pop quality to a couple o f the tracks. The hypnotic vocals sound similar to Opus Ill. and the drcamv lcchnu by Dave Neal sounds makes SGT souhd comspecultolmprint parable to several other bands like thc Orb, but with lyrics. Tho re^ Australta's Singlc Gun Thcnry cording iruorporates sarnplcs has produccd a nifc disc w ~ t h from d i k r c n t areas of the world flow^, Riwr o/My Soul. This cd is as band members explain thcy thc long awaited sccond album travelled throughuut Turkey, lhfrom SGT with their first album diu, Europc and Southcast Asia being released in 1987, and some colldcting sounds o f street m w singlc work in ciaas and 1~19: ! / . A ? ~ h c wr r x s .S'w< I,, t i , tur 1n.r cJ ir ,/,nJ, 3 , .

SIII.I# l".3,,

\~,.IIJ U,CJ? r.'.<8,~.:,11"" \(I I w \ h:.a r.,,:\,,c::<? 1.1


k ,r.,pz ,,I-!,.

\%,I;\I l I J w , ~

tnar ~ a v onto Can& d i m radw, but lor the most pirrt SGT has remained h r l y unknown on the Canadian markct. Wllh a North American tour planned wlth this album, this mlease marks the band's real debut onto the intarnational r n u w scrnc. Singlc Gun Theory consists of three mcnibcrs Pctc Camac, Kath Powcr and Jacqui Hunt. For thc most pan thu muslc 1s computer generated, wlth samplcd suundacapcs and gucat musicms piaylng instrumcots like lhe d o . labla. v d m ctc. What docs SGT sound Itkc') Wcll, actually a cumbmauon dgruups coma lo mind. Firstly thcy arc similar to Sam


By Ellen McKay SpCialtoImprint

Marisa Montc, an interniltionally renowned Brazilian recording star, has produccd yet another highly mqmasive album with Hose and Chnrcoul. Shc has been in the m w c business for 20 ycars and is considered ''a BrazilIan phcnomcnon." Monte sings lnostly in her S.,(:IC LVI~!, natlvc Portuguese, bul swjlches ?.t 8 :.,It Ckraslly over lo English ibr some o r ri..~" sc, r AS 3 the lyrtcs. Not understandmg thc .C.,,"C! I L,.,, language is no barrier to cnjoyIhu: p ~ q b? ~ ihg 1111s album as its fast beat and x,, S I , ~ , L , > , ! ! ~ upbeat lonc are guaranteed to ,I1 h.t please. As well, Monte's beautiOl1111. 2 ful vmcr and wide vocal range lr3;k i.:. 1rd.i arc very impressive. t u o "i~. 1, Backed b y highly talentcd the song that Brazilian samba and comhio muyou arc likely to hear on the ru- sicvans and a host o f hackup singdio; 111s more upbeat and radm ers. Montc has produced a wonfriendly with track three "the rca dcrlul and diverse album. From rhc haunting 2nd beautiful of core e x p c r w c i ' perhaps also making i t to radm Tracks sin and melody of "Scque o Seco" to the clcven are the slow songs on the skillful blending o f instiumental cd w t h thc remaining snngr lit- and vocal accompaniment which ling somewhere in between. 'l'hc seem to cffortlcssly come tomcshmg o f sampled tidbits, corn- @her in "Esta Meladie," a11 of puler gencratcd beats and the thc songs have distinct styles that vocals is cngmrrred adeptly on make this a truly unqur album this album and adds lo the overall "Pale Dluc Eyes," the only sung finc produclron o f this cd. Ccr- dunc cnlircly i n English. IS a talc tauly il i s the lyrics o f Iilcqui of a woman who bas bcc~tdisup~ o m l c dbv her lover durinr them Hunt w h ~ hmakca this cd suprnor to other productions which relalionship and i s a nice surprw uc tiam purciy computer sources tn lhc mtddle of thc album. and lack o human edge. M a i m Monte is a w l y 11.ented smger who transcends the language harrier to produce a truly mumorablc album. Rose and C / ~ u r n ~ oi sI dcomrcl her most ' ' I l r ~ z ..a,#'xlhu~n!CI , ~ . . lN C \'.:c rs rce n:.m ut tiur H i 3 , . 1 , 1 ~ t . srnsation in the future.

Upon fin1 examination, One sccmcd nothing more than a collection o f pcoplc that werc just too attached to k t that great (oh. don't we all remember i t so fondly) 80's pop-synth 'let's go to a tcen-danec' scenc alone.But. aflcr furthcr [psycho] analysis my rather hasty verdicl of"Golly, this 1s not very good" falls flat on it's fact. Oh, if only hfc could bc so s~mplc!! It's astounding the amuunt of diriercnt irlflusnccs onc gruup (hcy wow, that's sort of a play on the name of thc group-was that a pun??) could h a w in only eleven tracks. Thcir last songMMidiRun" could casily hc mistaken for anything by Entgnva. I t is mellow, electronic instrumental that sounds lake onc o f those cvcr-sotrendy 'Sounds o f Lhc Amazon' lapcs. But, this isn't ncccssarily a had thing. The son* is quilt good however it seems i n odd compuny when conridcrmg thc other 10 tracks. Thc only connectmg strand


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like heat and latcr adds that distinct high Dencche Mode svnthc~, s m r and drum machinc anid 80's combo. "Always" is very much the same with it's Marc Almondcsque vocals. "Darkness" 1s another mellow dance instrumental and "AmenT' has a distinct rave sccnc brat to it that is quite catchy. But, dcar reader lct's be frank with each other. If you a) think that mixcrs, samplers and elcctronic instnunents arc for cheats, bjburncd all o f your 80's synthbeat singles in effigy or c) can't listcn lo FM 108 for more than 5 minutes without smashing in your cranium i n with thc ncarcst 2x4 thcn rhos C.D. may not be for you. Howcver, all things said and donc, i f you are not avcrsc to Dcpcchc Mode and "dance music" you could do worse than to buy this C.D. h e n thuugh it's intlucnccs seem a little jumbled, taken fur it's own mcrm tho end producl works and you can't hclo toonisv your loot to it. On a pcrsonal rating scalc I'd give i t a $9-meaning that if Icould find this C.D. for $9 I ' d probably buy it!!

- .~




by Craig Nickerson Imprinl~tafr




Thc kcy descriptton for this soundtrack i s "haunting." The soundtrack for W i m Wenders haunting new film is crammed to the rafters wlth a m talent. Fmt, IskethcUntil the End o f the World soundtrack, you have your cool and haunting Nick Cave who sings the title track and "Cassiel's Song:" my favourite tracks. Then you have "Stay," a hauntmg crowd pleaser brought to you by that crecpy hipstcr Brian Eno and that hippy crccp Rono. U2 also appear with Johnny Cash for a rendition o f "The Wanderer" wh~chis ironic yet haunting and, unfortunately, kind o l shitly. Things pick up, however, with The Rouse of L o w and thcir haunting and soulful "Call Me." Also, Janc Sibery lcnds her haunting, angelic, vmce to the whole effort. Finally. Laurent Pcligand's haunting musical scorc caps off the album. I f thc Campus Cenlrc is anc o f your haunts, and you find that yuu arc delighted when they play The Mission Soundlrack fur thc huodrcd millionth timc, then vnu mnght also like this album. Overall. I'd haw to ray that 1 found the soundtrack for Faraway, So Close! to be...haunting.

AND A 'I ( P O P I \


C O F F E E . TEA)!


- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L 2




Imprint,Friday, October7,1994

Rotten all those ycan ago. As far 3s lyrics go. the album Lk/intre/y Mo.vbr rangcs from l h r hcanlclt "Slidc Creat~oa Away" to lhe sort o f Ilsppy-Mondayesque fun o f "Supersonic" by Greg K r a l c h i c k or "Shakcmakcr." Want crampies'? Ilow's "lkmow o q i r l c n l l d Imprint Stan El,~o/She',srnm Alkii S r h r " for "Thc most hyped hand oul o f inspixd stupidily'! Right up lhcre with. "Iw u ~ /"r e IucWimd 11,t.y Britain since Sucdc" sccms to hc xn.nr o r you" fbr my moncy. Ah the calchphrasc surrounding thc ;h songwtitcr, Noel is a born masu n l w s h ~ n gy f Oasis upon Norlh Amcrica. With some ihc knccter o f thc pop hook, capable of putting in a g u m r r i f f hcre, a l c r k rcactiun lo this is lo look on dub~ousl~ arms , fuldrd wmlh sorl drum heat lhcri., and ;I vocal hsrof, " p r o w i t to mc, you owrmoay someplace c l x , i n j u t lhc rnght scqucncc lhxl lcoves us wllh Ihypcd pmduct o i thc l3r~t1sh lablo,d prrrsl"kiod TI,C,, or SUIIIC ire.11 tunes caursc lhcrc's thc E n g l i s h After 'S;pcrsunic," thc album afliclunador, who lh.111cvcrytlling docs slur1 to sllp inlo a bit of monotony, as even w l t h pop from l l l ~ g l t t ya, boss, almusl hook rriaslcry, v.mcty I S u l t i ~rrugardlcsa of what i t actually ~ntnlclynccded tu really c a r q llus avundi hkc. album fur clevcn ivhulc songs. What inallcrs i n thc cod 1s Tius iccllng is only tcmpurary that tlrn is a good, and evcn an lhowcver, as "Slidc Away" appcoir often grcal Ll' illat descrvcs thc by Scott Heid as thc grcnt song ncedcd tn bc the allc~ilionit's gclllng. special to I m p r i n t sccond last track, wilh its end. N o d and 1.1am Gsliaghcr arc lcssly echoing CIIOTUI the nuclcus o f this qulntcl from that onc Following i n thc fwtstcps of Manchesler. Iwu o f t h c most arrosings along wlth to the end, and gant and cocksurc pcoplc to ihlt the must sensmve lyrics of t l ~ i b c Stonc Roses, Sucdc, and rclhu Uritrsh prvir i n a lung tmu; alhum. ThL. closing track "Marccntly Blur, Oasis has crcatcd a media k n 7 y i n the U.K., lncludlads who lhavc dcclarrd t h c ~ r111- ricd With Ch~ldrcn"tinally inlruduccs rhc acoustic aide o f this ing a strctch of sold-out live gigs termon to b w r a l l y hi. lhc [next and an cvcr-growing list of hotels Bea1lr.s. Surc thlr 1s u h n o r i w ~ r . band, ;,nd rnorcover rcmiirciug Ihc olhc iccllng that i s so cv~dcnl: they're banned from. but at tlrnes you can aclually heBursting onto lhc sccnc with Ii',,,', ll,,, 5t>llC,,,~,,t, ,vmtly TIIERE IS ENORMOIJS POa numbcr of li.l'.'s earlier i n thc b e r i ~ o s c thcy m i N d e l ' i r ~ ~ t e l y . T E N T I A L H I K E lr1ltish;mlcan y c x . Oasis hasn'l really had a w~tltuulany lhopc of a maybc, do. push thcn~sclvcsi n ncw music;d signdicmt cnough piccc of prodThc surily i s thcrc nght 01'1 directlaos, O w s m y wcll live up uct on which to bc judgcd. Until lhu kit, wlth thc dc;d scricv~sst;rluto ;,t I c w i sumc n l the iuny gcrals mcnl from Liam that hc's a, ''Rock now. rhcy want to rcech. For a first idhim, this uozos cuntidencc and Th~sis ccnanly not a bad and Roll Stitr." The giul;irr rlng record, bul c o n s l d c n ~ ~lhc g band's ;I sort of, "Tilcrc'.: plcnty morc lorly claims. it's not really that w h m that camc from. fans!" attigood. Before thc alhum was cvcn ludc about 81. I i t l ~ e yarc lo be lhc n 14c:;itics F l e l ~ ~ . the Brilish muslc nrcss wit, ...m.. . . . .i .l ~ c n ~ l ~ ~ s ~ s t l ~,c i r rclcnscd. was p l l l l i n ~Oasis past ihe Stone with only lhc hrill~nncco f Rubbet, Roscs and thc Smiths, and saying L c n n m and 11,~. s n ~ . c r ~hnh ~n n l i w Soul to look i o r w u d to.

worked record. Still, listenmg to Lhfirzrfrly Mnyhe, onc can't help but fcel like this has all been donc hefore. Wlth thc enccprion o f "Digsy's I)mr'' (which steals not onlv klr hooki, but achlal lyrlcs from the Wonclcr Stulra "Thc Sirc O f A Cow") I ' m not quiw able lo put my finger on what each o f these aimgs smmd k, and llval'b the cntire pmblcm with il. This album doesn't sound cxactly Ilks it rtps o f f uthcr songs, bul you r t i l l come =wily with that






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history o f British pop music. hut whereas Blur upcnly paycd hornage to past musical greats. Oasis been vocalist L i a m Gallaphcr, fccl mon: like grave-rubbers fleewhich i s parlicularly ironic, con- ing i n the night. sidcring Ltam's guitzrist brother The mosl ridiuulou lhmg I've heard y d about Oasis, is that thcy Nocl writcs dl thc lyrics and the w i l l bc the band la spearhcad the rt~usic. If i t wcrcn't for Nod, thc uther band memhers would be sellnew Brilish ~nvasinn. Ncvurtltelcr.;, O a s l s has ing chrescburgcrs for a living. Far all their arrogmcc and slatcd ralhcr maltcr-of~facllythal hype, even the band thetnsclvcs Amcriw will bc thctrs. I t has bccn suggested that their gumr suggcsl that all thul really mallers oricnlcd somd w i l l milkc il rnuch is thc music. A n d ironically enough, that is whcre Definireiy easier fc'r them to w m ovcr the Muyhe rcally begins to lurc inter- North Arncrtcan publ~c.hul Ilhmk that's just laugl~ahle. est for mc. Ccrtalnly the upencr, "Rock The s~mplcreason thal Oasis will not appcd la Norll, Amcn'n' ~ u l Scar" l hss o grcat chorus can audiences is Linm Gallagher's and c;stchy g~bitar work, but the perfectly stupid lyrics and slolco vocals. N o r t h Amcriean rockers rnclody u i "Shakcmakcr" (makc m c h u h 1 lhc hand's songwrit~ng don't hku lo hcnr Urittsh singcr's accents, and just lhkc all lhc Brittalents. "Slide Away" i s aclunlly & good, and "Clgarctlu's & ~ s hhands o f thc last 10 ycars. Oasis w e a r their n i i t i o n a l i l y Alcohol" is not withoul its charms. proudly on thcir \rrc:ds; a guarMost imprcssivc o f all. "Married antced dcath in Nurlh A m u r i c ~ ' ? W i t h Childrcn" is a bcautlful, Eddie Veddcr-Axl Rose-fill In strmocd-down. simole oiece., nur,, . titularly striking at theend ofwhat your choice here inspired music milrkct. Ifeel is a somewhat hcavv, over-

. . .

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I me blmv ars Fall 19% deadlines tor


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Wafellooi holds a w e h k 'Cam~na (Xit -SoclalSdem.H~manilles,Malhwnatlcs ~ l s u s s l o n~raup.at7:m'p.m. in M ~ ~ D I . infarmatlon pleas; contact The Clty of Waterlm. Volunteer Servlces s l 579GLLOWNight 9:W pm HH378. Evwpte

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