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‘1 MPRIN”’

The UW Student Newspaper Campus Centre, Room 140 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl


888-4048 Friday March 3, 1995 Vdume 17, Number 29 ISSN

UW student victim of assault


by James


Russell staff




by Scott


Editorial Board Editor in chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Features Editor Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant Proofreaders

Sandy Atwal Jeff Warner James Russell Tasha La&man Pat Merlihan Greg Krafchick Natalie Gillis Patti Lenard Meg Gordon Jodi Caxbert Steve Boyd Jeff Robertson Ruth Ambros Carole Theriault

Staff Advertisin@xluction Office Assistant






Laurie Tiger&Dumas

Marea Willis Vivian Tambeau At-i Katz Jet‘f Zavitz Mystery Guy

Board of Directors President Vice President SecrcatarylTreasurer I)irectors-at-large

t could have been worse. Karen Downie’s broken arm will heal, and she is expected to fully regain sight in her left eye. But then again, it could have been a lot worse. On Saturday, February 18, Downie, a fourth year Political Science student at UW, and her boyfriend Tally Henderson, a fourth year Phys. Ed. student at Laurier, ran out of Henderson’s apartment on High Street in Kitchener to break up a fight. This was accomplished without any problems, but Downie saw people looking into Henderson’s apartment. She spoke to them and they replied, ‘&we know you had nothing to do with it, but the call’s already been made.” To ensure that there would be no more violence, the police were called and asked to do a drive-by. Downie was told that they were “too busy.” Despite the police not coming, there were no signs of any further trouble. “We thought evcrything was ok,” said Downie, more aware than anyone of just how wrong she was. About an hour after the initial disturbance, there was a knock at the door. When Henderson answered it, 5 men charged in, grabbing Henderson and forcing him into a bedroom

Pat Merlihan Chris Aldworth .Jodi Carbert Jamie Bennet

Contribution List

Imprint is the offficial student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an cditorially indcpcndent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member ol‘ the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA.) Imprint is published cvcry Friday during the Fall and winter terms and cvcry second Friday during the spring term. Imprint rcscrvcs the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 117067380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Ccntre, Koorn 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G 1. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@watserv 1 .uwaterloo.ca. Imprint: The Voice of Treason.

where three of them physically assault them with a baseball The other two stayed near the door

proceeded to him, one of bat. accomplices to the apart-

Downie ran into the bedroom to protect her boyfriend. “I thought I was Wonder Woman at the time,” she says in retrospect. She heard one of the as-

ment, where one ofthem smashed beer bottles with a baseball bat, according to witness Allison Ellenor, a friend of the victims who was present.

sailants saying “You’re gonna die, boy,” and jumped on top of Henderson who was on the floor. She looked up to see a man with a baseball bat looming over

her. He said “this is death,” recalls Downie, before he hit her in the face with a baseball bat, breaking bones in, her face both above and below her left cyc, and opcning a gash that took six stitches to close. “I could have been dead if they hit me an inch over,” states Downic. They clontinucd to beat her, breaking her arm and inflicting numerous minor injuries. Ellenor called the police and the thugs fled, leaving a grucsome sccnc: behind. Ellenor remembers finding Downie on her knees ore Henderson’s futon, “blood streaming,” before Downie flopped face down, crying “I can’t move my arm.” “She [Downie] had blood all over her face. She was screaming,” says Ellenor. Downie spent four days in KW Hospital. She might need reconstructive surgery on her right eye, and her vision, though expected to recover, is still “very blurry.” Downic is bitter about her injuries, belcause of the effect they are having on her life. The mother of a three ;year old son, Downie remarks, “Ii can’t take care of my kid.” lier damaged vision is also affecting her schoolwork. “I can’t read and I’m supposed to graduate this year,” she says. continued

on page 7

Students may face jail due to Co-op negligence


Athena Squash Team, David Bauer, Kevin Blake, Peter Brown, Stephanie Bush, Kelli Byers, Heather Calder, Couckuyt & the Parking Lot guys, Scott Draper, Muhammed Elrabaa, Jennifer Epps, Adam Evans, Dave Fisher, Mary Ellen Foster, Sharon Griffen, Jason Gropp, Rebecca Higgins, Amberlee Howl&t, Brad Huges, Robert Jackson, Jack Lefcowrt, David Lynch, Betina Mayer, Scott Morton, Kimberly Moser, Joanne Murray, Scott Myer, Johanna Neufeld, Craig Kickerson. Pete Nowak, Christina O’Leary, Avvey Peters, Alan Robertson, Daniel Shipp, Craig Smallbone, Annick Strcicher, Cathy Tang, Patricia Wo01c0tt


by Jeff Imprint


Warner staff

our Co-op students face imprisonment due to Co-op’s negligence. The Honours Applied Studies students are currently in Hong Kong, where they have worked illegally since January. Penalties for working without a visa could involve any combination of fines, two years’ imprisonment, deportation, or a ban from entering Hong Kong in the future. The students, three ofwhom are in the International Trade Specialization, all work for the same company, Universal Electronics. They received the co-op placement last October, and arrived in Hong Kong two months ago on tourist visas, In a February 27 letter to Keith Kenning, Director of Co-Operative Education, and David Drewc, Senior Officer Academic Affairs for the Federation of Students, they claimed that they were told by

their employer to only apply for a work visa after the Chinese New Year, long after they had begun working. Hong Kong prohibits any work, paid or otherwise, by foreigners without obtaining the proper visa in advance. All four are currently applying for work visas, a process that can take between four and six weeks. The outcome is not ccrtain, and they could be penalized or expelled for working before getting their visa. Co-op Education has had a work placement in Hong Kong for over three years, according to Peter Woolstencroft, the Associate Dean of Arts, “without a situation” of this ever occurring. At press time, he was unable to provide specific information on what went wrong. “They [the students] were


to obtain


[on how

work visas] . . . what happened to those instructions is not known to us.” He denied that he was blaming the students. Drewe was quick to single

out Co-op for blame, however. “Co-op dropped the ball,” he commented, referring to the lack of work visas for the students. It would be fine if Co-op had told the students that they had to make all of the arraingements thcmselves, he continued, but Co-op implied that it would look after the papenvork, and yet did not. The Fed executive will be meeting today, Friday, and Drewe wants see if either the executive or Students’ Council will make an official statcmcnt condemning Co-op for its handling of the matter. “Basically there’s not much we can do for these students [now],” Drewe said, adding that his main concern will be to “make sure this doesn’t ever happen again.” Kenning refused to comment on the matter, and Woolstencroft repeatedly noted the lack of information. “I feel very much uninformed about a number of items,” he corn-

mented, adding that the only information he had was in the letter the students sent to Drewe and Kenning, So far Woolstencroft has had no contact with the Canadian Consulate in Hong Kong, the British Consul in Ottawa, Immigration officials in Hong Kong, or the students’ families. He noted that Kenning wrote a letter to the students Wednesday to “try to get a better understanding” of the situation. “My position is that we had a relationship [with Hong Kong] that was not problematic. Somcthing clearly has happened. What happened and why it happcncd is not clear at a11 [as ofj the fn-st of March,” Woolstcncroft cant inucd. “My basic situation is ‘what situation arc they in?’ My first concern is with the students and what’s gIoing to happen to them.” That is exactly whal I~C S~Udents are eager to find out. Jason Reeve, me of the four students in Hong Kong, told Imprint that continued on page 6


Friday, March 3, 1995



leaps cyberspace

by Adam Imprint


the Intcrnct. At a recent university newspaper conference, hosted byImprint, Niall Wallace of Guelph’s student newspaper spoke about the ease of putting theirnewspapcron-line. The Untavion, which has been on the

Gvans staff


mprint staff have decided to put the weekly edition of 1JW’s student newspaper un the World Wide Web for access through the Internet and campus comnuter networks. As of ihis issue, Imprint is now

campuses around the country to allow university newspapers a national scope on country-wide issues. Currently there are four Canadian universities that are known to have all or part of their student newspaper on the web: The Peak Simon Fraser University, The Ontarion - Univer-

U Wfs student newspaper is on the World Wide Web for access through the Internet and campus computer networks. As of this issue, Imprint is on-line.


The World Wide Web is a collection of documents hosted by various corporations, organizations, and individuals on the Internet to provide infortnation to users around the world. This information is provided in the form of text, pictures, video, and sound, which are usually linked to other documents that provide similar and pertinent information from somewhere else in the virtual world. Unlike other methods of navigating the information highway, the World Wide Web provides an easy, point-and-click way to access Ii terally millions of pages of information in truly spellbinding fashion. In fact, since its general release in June of 1993, Mosaic and other World Wide Web browsers have become the most popular way to find and distribute information on

Internet for about 2 months now, has had readers from the U.S., Germany, and Australia, as well as from all across Canada. It also includes such interesting features as soundclips fromrecord andvideo reviews, and an option to e-maii a letter to the editor. Wallace urged all those in attendance to consider opening their papers to the world by putting them on the web, promoting both the university and the newspaper. Hc also discussed how it would be easier to access news stories on

~i;e~~~$~i;$~~ Newfoundland, and Imprint. With luck, Imprint will go on-line on Fridays as the paper version hits the campus. Having the paper on-line will allow students, alumni, potcntial applicants, and co-op students working in other cities (who have access to the Internet) to keep up to date wi th issues and events

on-campus. The address for the Imprint’s on-line issue is: “http:// watservl .uwaterloo.ca!-imprint” or under “student organizations” on the University of Waterloo’s World-Wide Web home page at: “http://www.uwaterloo.ca” If you h[ave any questions or comments about the World-Wide Web version of Imprint, please e,-mai 1 them to imprint@wal serv 1 .uwa tcrIoo.ca, or call Imprint at 888-4048.


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Exploring new horizons by Amberlee Howlett Sharon Griffin special to Imprint


wo hundred and eighty-six Student Alumni Association (SAA) and Student Foundation (SF) delegates from 30 colleges and universities across the middle-atlantic area were extremely impressed with our school when they visited here this past weekend for a conference on”ExploringNew Horizons”. “Congratulations to Waterloo for a job well done! I am so glad to see you so spirited and close-knit. You are a true example for all attenders,” stated an American delegate when evaluating the conference.


$2.4 million addition

hypnotic state. Many eagerly anticipated visiting the UW campus the next morning. Eight o’clock in the morning came too early for many. Peter Hopkins, Associate Provost of Student Affairs, welcomed the detegates to our school. Following a variety of sessions held in the Math and Computers building and the Davis Centre, some of the visitors decided to tour the campus, many wanted to purchase UW souvenirs, and the others headed toward Fed Hall for lunch. The round-table group discussions that followed lunch were a great learning opportunity for all! Following dinner later that night, Roger Downer, Vice President of University Relations ex-


and close-knit.

Every year, each district hosts a conference, and UW had thcpleasure of hosting this year’s District II conference, which has only been held in Canada once before. Jeff Stransky and other UW SAA membcrs began planning for this conference 16 months ago. The SAA is a group of undergraduate students whose mandate is to link present, past, and future students. Our more popular activities here at UW include the final exam survival kits that many first and second year students receive from their parents, and Home Coming festivities among others. The conference festivities kicked off on Friday, February 24, when delegates from Ontario, PcnnSylvania, New York, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Washington D.C. registered at the Valhalla Inn in Kitchener. Delegatcs enjoyed an Oktoberfest dinncr and later that night, Mike Mandel put the delegates into an


pressed his sincere welcome to the delegates. Karen Garossino, a past UW student and Olympic skater at the ‘88 Olympics, was the keynote speaker for the evening. Her address was extremely inspirational and encouraging for everyone. Our visitors had a great time at Fed Hall Saturday night. Before leaving the next morning, delegates were encouraged to hand in their evaluation of the conference. Everyone was impressed with UW and their stay in Kitchener. One delegate expressed her gratitude by stating “1 am amazed with the Waterloo SAA! They truly went out of their way to make sure we all had a great time .. . and we did! Thanks a lot!” We would like to express our thanks to all of the delegates and to everyone who helpedmake thisconference at UW such a success. For any inquiries about SAA, please call 886-4626 or visit South Campus Hall, room 227.

by Annick Streicher Imprint staff


Friday, March 3, 1995

Optometry underway

square feet, and renovations are going to be done throughout the existing structure. The new space and renovations are badly needed, as developments in Optometry in the twenty years since the building opened have brought about new techniques for both diagnosis and therapy, and the school requires more space to accommodate these new requirements adequately. The major funding for the

the private sector, and from the Ontario Association of Optometry and the College of Optometrists of Ontario. The Optometry building contains the Centre for Contact Lens Research, the largest centre of its kind in North America, and the Sight Enhancement Equipment Pool/Assessment Centre. They will both be moveid to the new addition, taking up the Imajority of the space.

peeches were made, shovels dug in, pictures were taken and champagne corks popped Wednesday in honour ofthe expansion at the University of Waterloo School of Optometry. The addition, which will cost $2.4 million, is necessary due to the lack of research laboratory space and is expected to be completed in January, k’ .<.,I;&>.Q.;“ I&Y., ..:.: 1996. At least, that’s what Dr. Jacob Sivak hopes. Sivak is the Director at the School of Optometry, and was one of the key speakers at the March 1 ground-breaking ceremony. The shovels were put to work by Sivak, Dr. James Downey, the President of University of Waterloo, Mohammed Hamoodi, the Constituency Assistant to Waterloo MP Andrew Telegdi, and Rich and powerful men trying to ignore the fact that hA;lw MPP I.llilU 17nm-w~ u”“yvl, llLl 1 for Kitchener-Wilmot. They casuproject comes from the Canada/ ally leaned against their tools, bravOntario Infrastructure Works proing a raging blizzard while posing gram’s contribution of $1.85 Ailfor pictures. lion, as well as the university’s own The second and third floors of fund-raising. the Optometry building are being Additional funds have also expanded by approximately 17,000 come from various companies in

photo by Annick

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Friday, March 3, 1995

Hong Kong co-op students lack visas


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continued from page 3 “basically w&c in an illegal si tuation right now, bccausc wc’rc working without a visa, and we’re going to keep rcncwing our passport under the auspices of tourists, when in fact we’re working... for that we may be deported.” As mernbers of the Commonwealth, Canadians are allowed to stay without visas in Hong Kong for up to three months at a time. They must leave the country for at least a day at the end of that period before reentering. According to a clerk at the Bri tish Consulate in Toronto, ali paperwork must be completed before foreign workers can cntcr the colony. “Obviously they weren’t given the correct information” if they expected to apply for a work visa once there, the clerk continued. “I’m (surprised they haven’t shipped them back to C:ulada.” The employerprovided the students with the standard paperwork, according to Sylvia Doulaverakis, one of the students, “Rut that hasn’t been good enough” this time, she said. The students pointed to the approaching transfer of the colony to China as the cause for much stricter enforccmcnt of the rules. However, despite the students not having the proper paperwork, “our Co-op did nothing about it.” Another student, Pamela Charbonncau agrees. “I’m rather unimpressed with [Co-op’s handling of] the itmmgmtion hctm-,” she commcntc~l. “The sc11001 had absolutely no idea of‘ the rcquircmerits,” “Ucfore we came. our C’CIordinator, Margaret G rose h, knew nothing, told us to get in contlict with the employer, clcctera, and it was less than two weeks bcforc [leaving], [and] we still hadn’t received plane tickets, anything.” Since arriving, the only contact they have had with the school, Charbonneau continued, was a faxed request for a job description to help next term’s posting. No one checked that they had received visas, or cvcn arrived safely. “They’re basically saying ‘here, I’ll send your resume to someone’ and then you’re on your own,” but if they arc caught, it stays on their record, not Co-op’s. Charbonncau said that it would be fine if she had gone to Hong Kong on her 0~11, but she had trusted Coop to help her out. Currently, both the Federation of Students and the Co-op department arc looking for mnrc information, and ways to help the students. In the meantime, the students are continuing to work while they await the outcome of their visa applications.



Friday, March 3, 1995


National Junkmail Return Dav by Cathy Tang special to Imprint In Canada over 13 billion pieces of unaddressed junkmail are distributed every year. Nearly 30% (3.9 billion) is delivered by Canada Post which makes it the largest single corporate distributer ofunaddressed junkmail in Canada. Although the Canada Post charter explicitly allows for the right of citizens to refuse delivery of unwanted mail, Canada Post has chosen to exempt junkmail. However, even some of Canada Post’s large corporate customers, among them Canadian Tire and Shopper’s Drugmart, have requested that Canada Post acknowledge the right of individuals to refuse delivery of junkmail. The private sector responded long ago with many local and national privately-owned distributors of junkmail skipping over the homes of people who do not want it. Our local Liberal M-P., Andrew Telegdi, has introduced private member’s Bill C27S which would compel Canada Post to devise a system to prevent delivery of: any direct mail advertising; or any mailing of printed matter that is not addressed to a particular individual; or any mail addressed to “house-


holder”, “boxholder”, “occupant” or “resident, to any addressee who notifies Canada Post. If you would like to support this bill, collect some of your Canada Post deliveredjunkmail and send it to each of the following government officials with a highlighted message that reads “SUPPORT BILL C278”, on the third annual NATIONAL JUNKMAIL RETURN DAY, Friday March 10, 1995. Minister 0j’PubEic Works and Governmen f Services David Dingwall MP Rm 607 Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa, ON KlA OA6 Depuv Prime Minister & Minister for the Environment Sheila Copps MP Rm 5 11 S Centre Block House of Commons Ottawa, ON KlA OA6 Prime Minister Jean Chretien Rm 309 S Centre Block House of Commons Ottawa, ON KlA OA6 To be sure that your postagefree mail reaches the above people,


by Christine O’Leary and Betina Mayer Students Advising Co-op partZof6

dents they were order

These answers are to questions left by students in the Dear Co-op box, which is located in Needles Hall on the Students Advising Co-op board.

Q. What is cuntinuous placement? A. Continuous placement is also know as second rounds. It is a modified version of first rounds for stu‘dents who were not matched to jobs in first rounds, These students apply for jobs like before, but now Co-op coordinators also send resumes to employers on behalf of students, based on a skills and interest form which every student fills out. Job postings continue until the end of the semester, or until all

A. There are three stages to the first round. In the first stage, students apply to job postings. This stage lasts five to seven days. The interview period is the next stage. Depending on the volume of students and jobs, this stage lasts approximately two weeks. Employers usually visit the campus on a particular day to interview students, or, if this is not possible, conduct telephone interviews. The final stage is referred to by many as the ranking stage. Students find out from the employers who interview them whether they have been offered a job, been ranked, or not ranked. A student can accept an offer of employment, or go through the ranking process to try and get matched to a job he or she was ranked for. Q. What is ranking? A. Ranking is the process by which you indicate your choices of employment. An employer offers employment to students they prefer to hire, which r1len appl;ars on the student’s ranking form as the phrase If a person who is “ job offer.” offered a job does not rank the job as a first choice, then other students I lave a chance to get the job through :L’ computer matching process. Stu-

also rank the jobs for which have had interviews with and ranked by the employer in of preference.

do nzt provide a return address on the outside of your envelope. Take a little time to promote this day and write a letter to your local Assert your dismay newspaper. with Canada Post and encourage others to take part in the remail day. Post notices regarding the particulars of the protest day on public notice boards throughout the city.



WPIRG 1995 Annual General Meeting (for the purpose of electing the Board of Directors,.considering constitutional amendments, and reporting on the activities of the previous fiscal year) at the Weaver’s Arms, Waterloo Cooperative Residences Inc., 268 Phillip St., Waterloo on Monday, 13 March 1995. At 5:30pm a dinner will be served ($2 tickets available in the office) and AGM business and elections will commence at 6:30pm. Proposed constitutional amendments are available in the office. To vote, you must have paid your membership fee. l

Nominations for the Board of Directors open at 9am 27 February 1995 and close at 5pm on March 6, 1995. All paid members qualify. Pick up a nomination form at the WPIRG office.


box students are placed. At this stage, the goal is to get students placed as soon as possible in jobs they would like. If a student is offered a job by an employer, in most cases the student is expected to accept the position. Q. Can 1 upply to Intermediate and Seniorjobs ifl’m on/y a Junior? A. You canapply to anyjobposted. If you feel you have the skills and abilities that the employer is looking for, or even if the job really interests you, then apply for it. However, some postings may specie that Junior or Intermediate students will not be accepted.

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Friday, March 3, 1995


See the Feds new offices Awey Internal

Peters, Affairs

Sr. Officer

The moving of the Fed Office has finally taken place! Many thanks to those students who strained their muscles to help us with furniture and files. Drop by and have a look at the spiffy new Fed Office (entrance where the Wild Duck Cafe used to be). We’re a little disorganized, and there’s lots still to be unpacked, but drop by for a look nonetheless. Speaking of new offices, WC need bodies to fill three of them next year. The Feds are now hiri~~g three Senior Officers to work with the new Executive. These are paid positions, part-time for a full year beginning May 1, 1995. The jobs up for grabs are:

All 10 of the top 10 companies in the Fortune 100 choose Sybase. Talk about being in good company. Sybasc is the world’s fastest-growing client/server software company. WC offer a very exciting workplace for talented, hardworking people who want to bc part of our incredible growth and sLIccess.

Sybase will interview at the University of Waterloo Friday, Mar<h 10th for:

Softwake Engineers, Products Group Contact CZo-op Education & Career Services for details. For more information on Sybase, see our ad on page 100 of jol;l Choices, Scirncc~ and E@neeriuky. Sybase is an equal opportunity employer.

Senior Officer Academic Affairs - dealing with academic, quality of education, co-op and funding type issues

Be in good company. Interview with Sybase.

Senior Officer - working with groups, doing soring creative

Internal Affairs on-campus student publicity, and sponendeavours

Senior Officer Student Issues - working on non-academic education issues: human .rights, gender and public issues More complete job descriptions may be picked up from the Fed Office, or you can call the current

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Senior Officers for more inforrnation about the jobs at 888-4042. Applications can be made in the form of a resurne with an accompanying cover letter and should be dropped off at the Fed Office before March 24, 1995 at 4:30 p.m. Other things of note in the near future; the students of the Social Work 322 class are presenting a half-day seminar dealing with violence. Several workshops will take place on Friday March 10th in the Great Hall of Rcnison College from 8:00 a.m. until 12:OO p.m. The topics for the morning arc: VJOLENCE: JNG PROBLEM?


Keynote Speaker: Hon. Judge Cohn Westman “The effects of T.V. violence on children” -- Dr. Judy Van Evra “Violence on Campus” -- Matt Erickson “Adolescent Dating” -- Darlene Patterson “Violence a,gainst Women” -Caroline White “Elder Abuse’* -- Dr. Jennifer Jackson Registration for the workshops is free; you can sign up at: the Turnkey Desk or the Fed Office in the Campus Centre, and at the main office in the Founder’s Building of Renison College. Re.freshments will be served. This promises to be a very informative event.


UW UW News





University of Waterloo student team will defend UW’s title as the world champions of the annual Association for Machinery computer (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest this week. The Association for Computer Machinery contest, considered the most prestigious in the programming field, will take place Wcdncsday (March 1) in Nashville, Tcnn., where the UW team will face opponents from universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Duke and Cal tee h. ,Members of the 1995

,::* f i

from Engineering special to Imprint





Pushy I3

hc Enginccl-ing studcntsf’rom the University of Waterloo will bc holding their 19th Annual Bus Push on March 18, 1995. As tradition would have it, the bus will be hauled for its 6.8 km journey by approximatcly one hundred students, driven by a highspirited desire to help the KW Big Sisters organization. The push will begin at 10130 a.m. on the university grounds, travel wcstward to King Street along University Avenuc whcrc it will turn south, and finish its trip in the Markct Square in Kitchencr. This year’s goal is to raise $5,000 for the Big Sisters organization, which helps many of the corn-



Friday, March 3, 1945


team, the only Canadian university entry this year, are: Zygo Blaxell, 2 1, second-year mathematics; Philip Chong, 23, fourth-year computer engineering; and Nikita Borisov, 17, first-year mathematics. from (Blaxell is Vernon, Ont., Chong, from Toronto, and Moscow-born Borisov, now from Ottawa, Ont.) The three-member team captured the EastCentral Regionals in November 1994, narrowly edging out UW’s other and more experienced entry in order to advance to the finals. The team solved

send one team. The UW team, coached by computer scientist Jo Ebergen and Ian Goldberg, a member of last year’s championship team, has been training in preparation for the finals since Januayy. The students participated each week in mock programming contests which simulated the rules and conditions they will fact during the finals. Blaxell and the other team members acknowledge there is added pressure to repeat UW’s victory, but Goldberg said cxpectations for the team to automatically repeat are unfair because the members are completely different as compared to last year. Yet Goldberg said he would like to see the team return with a new trophy because “the old trophy is getting dirty.”

seven of eight programming problems in 767 minutes compared with their counterparts who solved the same number of problems, but in 859 minutes. Case Western Reserve

Last year, UW’S tam tookflrst in the regionals, narrowly beating

University from third. Normally, ers advance to cording to the each university



the top two finishthe finals, but acrules of the finals is only allowed to

Engineers munity’s children through its programs and organization of voluntccrs. The money to be raised by this event will go directly towrds the dcvclopmcnt of the self-esteem and confidence of Little Sisters through the form

of workshops and caseworker support. Claire Anderson, Vice-prcsident of the Engineering Society, put the goal of the event into “We are extremely cxpespcctivc.

cited abuou the goal of this year’s Bus Push as it’s expected to have a long-lasting effect on the way these girls cope in a world that places so many unreasonable and often contradictory expectations on its childrcn.” Engineering students will be canvassing in the community for pledges until March 17th. Pledges can also be made by calling the Engineering Society Office at 88% 4762. Everyone interested in participating is invited to obtain a pledge form by contatting the office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Prizes to be awarded to top canvassers include a Raleigh Discovery Mountain Bike and several gift certificates from local businesses.

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Friday, March 3, 1995

Campus Centre openS(sort by Daniel Shipp Campus Centre

few weeks. The creative seating arrangements in the Great Hail over the past few weeks were a result of an



f you thought you might actually graduate before seeing the new Campus Centre addition from the inside, it is time you checked it out. That’sright, it’sopen (barely)! On Monday, Ellis-Don turned over the new addition to the university, making it ready for your inspection and most importantly, your use. The FED Campus Shop, Copy Plus and Used Bookstore were the first to open Monday in the new addition, However, the Variety Store, Post Office, Campus Cove billiards and games room, pharmacy, physio-therapist and the Market Place restaurant still need a

addition of)

the arrival of brand new chairs, sofas and tables. Unfortunately, during this transition one of the most expensive and irreplaceable

That’s right, it’s open (barely)! On Monday, Ellis-Don turned over the new addition to the uniwwity, making it ready for your inspection, und must importan tZy,your use. inventory count of the 25 years of furniture this building has accumulated. Most of it has since been moved into the new rooms of the addition, while the Great Hall awaits

1 by March

board room chairs was stolen from the Great Hall. The chair is navy blue with tan frame and worth about 200 bucks. The second floor is fully ac-

cessible and operational featuring a 24 hour reading room, two study/ lounge spaces, one lounge style meeting room that seats 12, two board rooms for 10 and a large council style board room seating 28. The second floor also hosts an 1152 sq. ft. empty room. Originally slated to be a reserve reading library, this room is now unassigned and available for future student service related operations. Some possibilities for consideration include the International Students Office, CKMS Radio, WPIRG, Disability Services, MHYWICICRAC Athletits and the Office of Student Affairs. If any other campus organizations would be interested in this

Budget may cause worry to students



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space, they should prepare a proposal addressed to the Student Centre Management Board (SCMB) and deliver it to the Campus Centre Manager at the Turnkey Desk no later than Friday, March 17, at 4:OOpm. The proposal should outline use and need for space, building and traffic enhancement, quantity and quality of service to students, ability to cover maintenance costs and any other factors considered important. To celebrate the end of this long and tiresome construction process, the SCMB would like to officially recognize and thank all of the hard working people who have been involved with this project and the helpful Student Centre patrons who have stuck with us. To do this we would like to present to all students, faculty and staffa grand opening week of celebrations between March 27-3 1. Such an occasion may serve to highlight all of the new and enhanced services available to you as well as provide a bit of stress releasing fun. Keep and eye out for upcoming posters and promos for this event. In the meantime enjoy the Ccntre. You paid, it was built, so ya better come!

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ederal Finance Minister Paul Martin’s budget plan was greeted with mixed reactions on last Tuesday. Martin’s ideas include price hikes on gas, a raise in corporate talcs, and the cxpectcJ lay-offs of 45,000 civil servants. The budget may bo intcrpretcd anywhcrc from wisely aggressive to possibly destructive. Stephen Codrington, Prcsidcnt of the Federation of Stud&s, rcspccts some of Martin’s efforts to repair the economy, saying, “it’s going to bring some hope as far as getting the deficit in check.” Codrington worries, however, about stude:nts having to compete for funding with health care advocates. Codrington expressed his anxiety by stating, “if education suffers, the country suffers.” University of Waterloo Economics professor Larry Smith approves of Martin’s plan. “In the long run, I believe it’s good [for students], because in the long run it’s good for the economy.... It will stop the interest rate from growing.... It’s aboutliberatingourselves from interest rates.“Smith acknowledged, however, that the budget’s short ten-n effects may be adverse, for both students and the country. The Canadian public has received Paul Martin’s news with mingled sighs of disappointment and relief. Undoubtedly, the proposed plan will significantly change the face of Canada’s economy.


Human rights abuses continue

by Craig Smallbone spechl to Imprint

Thirycarmarksthc2Othannivcrsary of the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. Perhaps genocide is a term too often used these days, but by any standards genocide has happened in East Timor.

On Dcccrnbcr 7, 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor, a small island 500 kilomctrcs north ofAustral i;l, and has occupied it ever since. In that period Amnesty lntcmational put the cost of the Indonesian occupation at 2 10,000 deaths out of a 1975 population of 650,000. The Jndoncsian govcrnmcnt has used barbaric politics in an attempt to destroy the peopic of East Timor, including mass killing sprees, star-_____I_ vation, torture, rape, and i’orccd

of November 1991 was the first time that Western journalists were there to record the event. Over 250 peaceful demonstrators were indiscriminately gunned down by the Indonesian security forces. For a short time East Timor became an international issue. However, Western governments seemed to be satisfied with the Indonesian coverup, and trade actually increased. The people of East Timor, however, have not been prepared to accept their extermination and their courage should inspire us all. In November last year, 29 Ciraph~ manupulatlon by M-1 Katz East Timorese brokcncvcryprovision in theUnited students staged a sit-in at the US Nations’ Charter and has dcficd no Embassy in the Indonesian capital, fess than ten United Nations sancJakarta, while President Clinton was attending the Asia Pacific Economic tioning resolutions calling on it to Confcrcnce. The students presented withdraw from East Timor. The record of Wcstcrn governments has a petition to the embassy calling for contrasted sharply with the image the USA to use its influence to end they have tried to prcscnt on virtuthe suffering of the East Timorese. ally cvcry other international huThe 29 protesters sought political man rights issue. asylum in Portugal, but 60 other It has only been through the students who were arrested before they reached the Embassy are missing, feared dead. White politicians have ignored the genocidc, ordinary people



HEILTHV mlllcs‘


fromexploitingTirnoreseoi1, while the East Tinioresc starved. The Canadian government is not innocent, as Indonesia is Canada’s largest trading partner in Southeast Asia. The same governments that were prepared to go to war against Saddam Hussein were not prepared, in almost parallel circumstances, to stop a rapacious invader that has

Forty percent of all reported infertilty is now male in origin. As a result, many young couples could be denied the chance to have children without access to donor insemination. If you are a male between 18 and 30 years of age, have humanitarian instincts, and would consider being a sperm donor, phone the C.A.R.E. Centre weekdays between the hoursof WI0 a.m.-l 2:00 noon and 2:004:00 p.m., or write us for further information. Ail inquiries are held in strictest confidence. Suitable expense reimbursement didates is guaranteed.


amazing bravery of the people of East Timor and the pcrscverancc of a small number of activists that this hypocrisy has been revealed. Countless massacres have occurred in East Timor, but the Dili massacre


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national community that they have set up support groups. All over the world these groups have strived to putEastTimor, and human rights in generat, on the agenda of their governments. This has led to the United Nations leading all-inclusive talks on East Timor later this year. In Canada, the East Timor Alert Network (ETAN) has played a key role in making East Timor an issue of public discussion and forcing the Canadian government to address the issue. However, it needs our support to be effective and to continue to work for the people of East Timor. For this purpose First Among Equals, a Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) working group, is holding an International Coffeehouse to raise funds for ETAN and to increase public awareness about East Timor. It takes place on Monday, March 6, at 7pm at the Weaver’s Arms, 268 Phillip Street. Entertainment is provided by Abe ho Aloz who play music from East Timor, Eko Ghemma who spccialise in Latin American rhythms, and there will also be folk dancing from Ecuador. It is only by international support that the genocide can be stopped. For more information on the coffeehouse or about the work of ETAN please contact me at 7258188.

prepared to stop the invasion of East Timor,..


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with any print order Expires: Mar. 3 l/95

The same governments that went to war against


while the govcrnmcnts of the West have choscn to ignore this human tragedy. In fact the role of Western governments needs to bc high I ightcd, because without their connivance and complicity the genocide would have never happened. The military equipment of the USA and Britain have been vital to the lndoncsian killing machine. The Austral ian govcrnmcnt has blood on its hands from the billions it has made



Friday, March 3, 1995




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Craig Nickerson’s

Firing Line % It takes a special type of person to work in customer service jobs. Such an ubbermenctz must have nerves of steeI and the forbearance of Job. This is because many of the customers that one wiIl have tb deal with are unreasoning and unreasonable assholes. Whoever came up with the expression “The customer is always right” deserves several good slaps upside the head. In a sense, the customer is always right in that he is paying for whatever service the company offers, and thus is entitled to the best service that the company has to offer. In another, more important sense, there are many customcrs who display crude, unthinking bchaviour of the sort generally exhibited by the lower primates. These infuriating pains in the ass arc unworthy of engaging in a simple, mutually bcnefi&al customer service transaction. ?‘wo years ago, before I was eligible for O.S.A.P., I was forced to work part-time at a prominent fast-food joint in order to supplement my summer income, It was thcrc that 1 learned to feel cantctnpt for my -f4ow man. After a few weeks of iutcracting with drunken shithcads piling in after the bars Ict out in search of cheap food and a place to vanddizc, I kcgan to miss my old factory job. Thcrc, the only thing I had to interact with was a spot wclcling machine, infinitely prcfcrablc to dcaIing with other pcopic, cvcn though it did spit out red hot sparks all over me. You may think that I am cxagger;lting, but as God is my witness, a customer scrvicc job can really shake your faith in humanity. The truly frightening thing is that many of the worst people that I had to deal with wcrc other univcrsity students. It is really sad when some of the “best” and “brightest” in Canada secrn incapable of using a toilet. A strange but true thing that I learned upon cleaning the bathrooms after them. Asidc from vandalism and barbaric bchaviour, the person employed in customer service must put up with some really stupid questions and complaints. The worst being along the lines of “why do you do this, this, and this as opposed to that, that, and that” or “why is this so expensive?” Do these people really bcl&e that the guy standing in front of them wearing the goofy hat and uniform is the same guy who implements company policy and sets prices? Do they think that after he finishes his shift serving up french fries he retires to a board-room in order to discuss the prospects for the next quarter with the shareholders? While it’s true that many companies have stupid policies and ridiculous prices, complaining to the guy behind the counter is not going to get you far. If it’s any consolation, it is unlikely that the guy behind the counter receives any benefit from outrageous prices. Nine times out of ten he’s getting minimum wage. I bring aII of this up because I was recently at a prominent fast food joint and the guy in front of me was screaming at the girl behind the counter because his food was taking too long. She was not responsible for making his order -just for taking it - but he was behaving as if she had done him personal harm. I sympathized with her and wanted to strangle him. After working in customer service 1 now try to keep my cod when receiving slow

or 1~s than



ice. 1 may bitch under my breath, I may take my business elsewhere, but I try to remain rational and civiIizcd. Unfortunately, the rest of the people out there are still jerks.


The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Imprint is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G 1,

Black hour


n yet another example of media scnsationalism last week, the “news” show T/ze FzjVz E.s~e aired a story about a prison response team’s reaction to a riot last April at P4W, the Prison for Women, in Kingston, Ontario. Clips of a videotape were broadcast which showed cell extractiuns and strippings of severaf inmates performed by an emergency response team called in from the nearby Kingston Pcnitcntiary. The rest of the piece was made up of objections to the Correctional Service of Canada’s decision to use a male extraction team in a female prison. The objections came from representatives of the Elizabeth Fry Society, the Citizcn’s Advisory Committee, and a lawyer, all of whose roles are to advocate prisoners’ rights. Only one person spoke on behalf of Corrections, a member of the investigative team that wrote the official riot report. Although she is currently a warden at the prison, she did not hold this position in April when the riot occured. The biggest concern the organizations had with the Service was that female inmates were stripped in the presence of a male riot squad, despite having been shackIed and rendered defcnceless; at this point, female staff could have easily stepped in. This procedure was clearly one that removed all the women’s dignity and self-respect, a humiIiation not deserved by anyone, be they criminals or saints. This is obviously a valid point, and the dehumanization of their wards is not something that the CSC rullshes. However, it is at times’ unavoidabIe in extenuating circumstances. At times where the danger of physical abuse can be replaced by a little loss of dignity, it is ccrtajnly warranted. In this respect, the media has been irresponsible in its reporting, clearly slanting the story in favour

steel in ofchaos of the inmates. Is it not the media’s duty to present the whole story without stirring scandal and tumult? The riot at the prison had actuaIly begun four days before the riot squad had been called in. It was instigated by a (failed) preplanned breakout attempt on the prisoners’ part, which ended in one staff member being surrounded by inmates and narrowly avoid-

The media has been unrespolzsible in its reporting. Is not its role to present the whole, unbiased story? ing a stabbing by a pair of scissors. Another officer was stabbed several times in the arm, back, and breast area by an inmate brandishing a syringe, while others had urine and feces thrown at them. Consequently, the entire prison was put under a lock-down for four days, during which the staff was continually subjected to death threats, and forced to deal with the inmates as professionally and unemotionally as possible. Beyond this, the entire prison population (roughly 120 women) was also subjected to the constant yelling and threats

of violence


not exactly

a friendly

environment. After trying to deai with the situation in less drastic ways, the emergency response team was called in due to the presence of weapons in the women’s cells. Because it is economically infeasible for P4W to maintain


a female response team, a (male) ERT from Kingston Penitentiary was ordered. Their onlyjob was to remove the inmates from their cells, get rid of all the weapons hidden either in the cells or on the women (hence the need for the stripping), and to put the inmates back in the cells. This is what they did. Furthermore, the riot team had two priorities in doing their job: first, that no staff were harmed, and secondly that no inmates are harmed. They succeeded in both, Despite the women’s loss ofdignity, NOBODY WAS HURT! Would those objecting to the Service’s decision to carry on with the use of the ERT for the stripping have preferred the use of female staff! This was a possibility faced by the prison heads. The very reai threat, however, of staff choosing to vent some fmstrations on the inmates if put in a position of power - such as the stripping allowed had to be considered. Had the Service allowed such a possibility, and had any staff seen it through, the CSC would be in a much tighter spot than it is now. Do they let the women be stripped by men and let them lose a little dignity, or do they let the female staff do the job, and risk a lawsuit later on? Seen in this light, how could Corrections have made any other decision than the one it did? Out of context, sure, those men were meceaaaan. But when you’re dealing with four days of rioting, weapons, death threats, injured staff, and some of the most violent female inmates in the country, I don’t think there were too many other alternatives. Kudos to the Correctional Services of Canada. In future. 1 suggest that our national news teams focus more on properly informing the public rather than agitating an emotional response.



Letters to the Editor


Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community, Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. Letter received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.

Feds give bad name to Feds To the Editor, In an age where universities are trying to promote an image of academic excellence and responsibility, your interview with two of our future Fed executive members, Rose Bilicic and Mike Suska, showed that the public perception of universities as merely ‘party places’ might not be that wrong. These two future V.P.s arc not off to a good start with their comments in the Feb. 1‘Iimprint. Asked what they wcrc going to do now that they won, Rose replied “I’m going to drink a11 night and then I’m going to have sex,” and Mike’s rcsponsc was “I’m gonnagct fuckin’ drunk, then I don’t know.” What I know is the poor example thcsc two set with their cotnmcnts. What they do in their private lives is their own business, but they need to recognize that they have been clcctcd into paid positions ofauthority, and with that authority comes an cxpcctation of acting responsibly. In an age of student alcoholism, date rape, violence rclatcd to alcohol, and AIDS, their comments were not responsible. Don’t publicly promote activities that have destroyed 1ivcs. To Rose and Mi kc: I’m certain that you are capable of doing the jobs you wcrc clectcd for. Now smarten up in what you say in public: You rcprcsent the University of Waterloo now. Try not to make us look had. - Brcndu Hachey 4B Envimnnaental


Me Jane, you Steve To the Editor, This is in response to the article titled ‘Codrington’s Spin on Accountability’ which appeared in Imprint on Friday, February 24. I’d like to focus your attention to the beginning portion of the article which states “‘Managemen By Walking Around,’ a concept Turn Peterson (?) presents to help managers stay in touch with their s&.&j First uf all, we dun ‘t manage students, we workfor them.” MBWA is a concept that rcccived a lot of attention during the recent Fed elections. Unfortunately, the coverage falsely represented the real meaning of MBWA, as did the February 24 article, This concept is derived from the #1 managerial problem, which is managers who arc out of touch with people and customers. Tom Peters, the co-author of /n Search fir Exculfenre and A Pussion,ftir Excellence: The Lea&v-ship DiJtirence, says that “being in touch means tangible, visceral ways of being informed.” The parallel that should be drawn here is between students and customers. Ifwe apply MBWA to the Fcdcration of Students, it dots not imply that WC “manage students” by

any means. Students serving students, that’s what the Feds are all about. MBWA is meant to serve people. It means listening to them, being in touch with them. For example, in a service industry, it means getting in the customer’s shoes and finding out what problems they have with your service. If your service is not being used, why isn’t it? Do students use the Fed Hotline? Do they even know that one exists? It means inviting the customers to come to the premises and present a history of the organization’s culture (Fed Open House - last term), developing joint problem-solving teams with customers (open forums of discussion with local MPs - last term). It’s a building of commitment and a sense of teamwork. Isn’t that what the Feds are all about? There are MBWA principles that arc currently being used by the Feds, whether they know it or not. Howcvcr, thcrc is always room for improvement. How arc your elected executivc members supposed to rcpresent you if they don’t even know what you arc discussing within your own council meetings? 1 don’t mean taking 3 days out of the week and walking around campus, chatting it up with everyone you make eye contact with. Yes, that would be impractical. I mean making the time to attend a few faculty, village and church college council meetings. This way, you can see first hand what issues are being dealt with within these groups. It means adding a couple of hours to your 60 hour week. It means being accountable. It means serving the students. That’s all. I’d like to close with another quote from Peters’ book. “MBWA: the technology of the obvious. It is being in touch, with customers, suppliers, your pcoplc. It facilitates innovation, and makes possible the teaching of values to every member of an organization. Listening, facilitating, and teaching and reinforcing values. What is this except leadership? Thus MBWA is the technology of leadership. We well subsequently argue that leading (a school, a small business or a Fortune 100 company) is primarily paying attention,.... All this can be accomplished only through means that are visible, tangible,” -June Puk President-elect, Federation of Students

Coffee Break Blues To the Editor, Next time you sit down with your favourite blend of coffee, think about where it comes from: the most popular brands in the supermarket come from the work of thousands of labourcrs in South America. Next, you should think about who is getting most of the money in return for your coffee; in most cases instead of the labourcrs, it’s large North American coffee companies. The reason for this is not lack of economic sense on the part ofthe

by Couckuyt, Green, Lippert, Nesbitt, Spacek

Missing Info To the Editor, Last week I wrote an article for Imprint entitled “What am I Eating?” It discussed using caution in supporting a food system that relies heavily on chemical food additives. The article did not intend to examine all aspects of the food industry in detail, but to act as a springboard for people to become interested in issues which involve their health. Unfortunately, some of the information on how people could get more involved with the food system, and make better informed decisions in their food purchases was omitted, Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to provide a list of references you can use to get more information. Try contacting: Agriculture Canada Health and Welfare Canada (Health Protection Branch) . Environment Canada Canadian Organic Growers Inc. (Ottawa) Pollutions Probe (or their book, Additive Alert by author Randee Holmes) Brewster Kneen’s book, From Land To MC&I l l




“You shotmy dog! Why did you shootmy dog?” South American countries. They realize that they need to diversify theirproducts in order to gain greater returns for their labour. The problem is that they need money to finance the changes, and it is hard to save money when you can barely afford to feed your family. This predicament was forced by the imperialistic countries of many of our ancestors. When the southern countries were made into colonies of more powerful nations, they were forced to grow crops to satisfy the consumers in the rich countries while the needs of the colonies became secondary. Although most countries have achieved political independence, the market forces pushed upon them years ago still push today. However, the way to help is not by refusing to drink coffee, but rather to support organisations such as Bridgehead, who attempt to give coffee growers a fair price. They buy their coffee from democratically run organizations of small coffee producers. The higher prices paid give the growers an opportunity to invest their earnings in food, education, basic health care, and diversification of crops, Bridgehead coffee is currently not available in supermarkets. However, if you ask your local store manager for it and others do the same, we can show them that there is sufficient demand to carry the product. Bridgehead coffee and other products are available at the Global Community Centre in Waterloo and at most food Co-ops. Remember, even the finest coffee loses its flavour if the price paid was human suffering. -



Codrington not accountable To the Editor, I feel compelled to respond to Stephen Codrington’s “spin on accountability” (Imprint, Feb. 24). Stephen Codrington is in no position to speak about accountability, considering the way he has foregone his own obligation of accountability to all UW students. Mr. Codrington claims “we don’t manage students, we work for them.” Further, he urges the Imprin tto “take inventory ofwhose side we are on.” It is a shame that Stephen failed to recite these mantras during the debate about the $25 Student Centre fee. As many people know, the fee will be refunded in full to students who paid it in the Fall 1994 term. The reasoning was that these students paid at a time when both facilities were not open, so they should not have been charged the fee in the first place. However, students that paid the fee this term have not and probably will not receive a refund, despite the fact that both buildings are still not open. I’d like to ask Mr. Codrington why he wasn’t working for the students who were (are) blatantly getting ripped off. Whose side areyou jugon, Stephen ? No nmre “rough tice.” It’s time for you to practice what you preach.

- Sean Denomey 4B Math, CSBnfo


Also, try talking to your local grocers. Ask them where their oranges came from, where their free range eggs are kept, or why they don’t carry organically grown produce. As consumers we wield something called purchasing power. We can force retailers to sell the food products that we want by not purchasing those we feel uncertain about. Then we can proceed to tell them what we will buy. They have to listen to you. If they don’t, they go out of business. -

Scott Meyer

Keep up the Rant To the Ed,itor, Kudors to Dave Lynch on his new “Ranit.” Finally, someone has gathered up enough nerve to deal with the issues that concern us most. His scathing condemnation of Imprint’s religious columns was nothing short ofbreath-takingly enlightening. One can only hope that in the future, we will be anointed with his thoughts on such scarcely debated topics as The Womyn’s Day Rag, the December 6th Ceremony, student apathy and even perhaps (gasp!) the deficit. Here’s hoping his column never contemplates originality! - Marc ,Risdale 4B Mech anieal Engineering



[ Translation of the meaning verse 9: 128 ] The


by Muhammad


Friday, March 3, 1995

of the Qur’anic



The following is a sermon delivered by prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to about 124,000 muslims during his last pilgrimage to Mecca. He died the following year, and this sermon became one of his most famous sermons. 1 hope the readers will see why. “0 People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY. “0 People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners, Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to lake usury (interest), therefore all interest obligations shall henceforth be waived, “Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so



beware of following him in small things. “0 PeoplL: it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, BUT THEY ALSO HAVE RIGHTS OVERYOU. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and closed in KINDNESS. DO TRE,4T YOUR WOMEN WELL AND BE KIND TO THEM for they are your PARTNERS and committed HELPERS. And it is your right that they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit adultery. L‘O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers , fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in charity. Perform pilgrimage if you can afford to. You know that EVERY MUSLIM IS THE BROTHER OF ANOTHER MUSLIM. YOU ARE ALL EQUAL. NOBODY HAS SUPERIORITYOVEROTHER EXCEPT BY PIETY AND GOOD ACTION. Remember, one day you WILL APPEAR BEFORE Allah and ANSWER for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. “0 People, NO PROPHET OR APOSTLE WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILLBE BORN. Reason well, therefore, 0 People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me TWO things, the QUR’AN and my EXAMPLE, and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shal1 pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness 0 Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people.”


by David


Before I go into my grievances with the language classes, let me first point out why languages are so important. First, they can help you later in life, regardless of your faculty. Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and French are all going to become extremely important as North America extends its relationships further west, south, and east. Pcopie here complain that our Oriental population doesn’t speak English. Well, their English is a lot better than my Mandarin or Japanese. And frankly, if they work harder and know more languages than we do, they deserve the jobs they are so often accused of “stealing.” It is a shame that UW does not have a strong and well funded modem languages department. More ofour ever-shrinking budget should be given to this part of the ailing Arts faculty, as languages will soon be just as important as any other skill a person might have.. . Last term I took a couple of language courses here at UW, and while I did learn something, I could have learned much more. Both courses were taught in roughly the same manner. Grammar exercises were assigned and later taken up in class, short compositions were written, an oral lab was held each week, and so on. On the surface, this seems a sensible and efficient way to learn or enhance one’sknowledge of a foreign language. However, both courses asked very little of the student and often made poor use of precious class time. When grammar exercises are assigned, they are habitually taken up in class. This is fine, as long as there is a need for this. Often exercises are easily understood by the entire



class. Mistakes are made, but they too arc often self-evident and, given the correct answer, the student can easily identify why the mistake was made and learn from it. Of course, not all of these exercises arc easy to understand. But why not post or distribute the answers to the exercises? The students could check for themselves that their answers are correct. To ask this is not unreasonable. Students can raise problems as they arise. More importantly,, valuable class time would not be wasted taking up exercises that cvctyone already understands. Naturally, the professor has to use some discretion. People do not learn at exactly the same rate. But at least this way, the pact: of learning would adjust better to the students in each class, rather than the students adjusting to the course’s excessively slow or fast pace. The class time gained from this could be used in a number of ways -- to cover more material, to write supplementary compositions, or to have more oral practice and dixcussions. Speaking the language, and speaking it as spontaneously as possible, is the most important goal. In my oral labs, we were often asked to preparc short answers to discussion questions before class. Regurgitating answers to prepareId exercises does not improve a person’s fluency. Any idiot can read out a prepared statement - even I can do that. These labs should be used for spontaneous discussion -no preparation, except for some key vocabulary or ideas where necessary. While reading, writing, and a strong grammatical base are important, more of an effort could be made to ensure that our language programs produce more fluent students.




Lunch Time WorkshoPs “Anti Racism” Workshop WPIRG

“Common Struggles” Workshop

11:30-1:30 Davis Centre Room 130-l

“Women’s Equity-Why” “Ontario Women”

to explore economic policies that effectwomen globally- Global Community Centre 11:30-I:30 Davis Centre Room 1301



Film “Out’

and discussion about discrimination issues Ontario Women’s Directorate Mary Helen Spence II:30


Davis Centre Room 1301


Niaht Time WorkshoDs ‘Chinese


and Shiatsu”

Talkand Hands-on Workshop 7:00 p.m. - IO:00 p.m. Modem Languages room 105

*u c --*r 4 4

+ *

u 4

Open House COMETo THE WQmyn’s Wine and Cheese w 9 MYN% too - 4:oo Campus Centre Room 238 CENTREm “LES BELLES SOEURS” SEEOUR NEW by Michael Tremblay Centre



by Darlene


Wo myn’s

and Discussion NFB film on gay and lesbian youth in Canada 11:30- I:30 Davis Centre Room 33Gl


12:oo Campus Centre Room 238 This event is ONLY



“Feminist Prof Night” 790 pm. Needles Hall Room 3001 -Sat 8:00 p.m. Humanities Theatre $10 general public/$8 students Wed


and The Politics

Hope” Lecture by Sandra Butler 7130 p.m. Siegfried Hall, St. Jeromes ($5

- $10


sale) I


by Scott Morton special to Imprint cading Week has come and gone and now it’s tirnc- to ret back to the reality of R papers due, labs to finish and fast approaching exams! The memory of fhosc care-free days spent tanning on the beach, effortlessly gliding down those powdery slopes or happily swingin, (T the hammer in ‘12;ashingtotq Pcnnsylvaniq may be the only thing that can sustain you until fhc end of April. For twenty brave students from Waterloo and Wilfrid Lauricr Univcrsitics, the memory ofthoso hammx-swinging, staple-gunning, trench-digging days will last long after most have forgotten their more conventional Spring Break travels. Thcsc students chose to seek out a new way to spend their break and to boldly go to Washington, Pennsylvania, with Habitat for Humanity. They took part in the Collegiate Challenge, an annual event whcrc students from around the world can participate in the buildingofa home for Habitat. This year there were 4800 volunteers for the Collegiate Challenge across North America with 104 Host Affiliate sites. Habitat for Humanity is an international, non-profit organization which strives to eliminate poverty housing. Founded in 1976, the success of Habitat’s efforts is reflected in its phenomenal growth since its inception. Today the organization works’ in forty countries, with

projects around the world. The pace ofwork is furious! An international goal of 12,000 to 15,000 building projects this year means a Habitat house will be dedicated every 56 minutes. In September of this year, Habitat will commemorate the completion of40,OOO homes world wide. The students at Waterloo and Lauricr arc proud to bc part of this amazing work, A campus chapter was cstablishcd at Waterloo four years ago and in that short time the students involved have rcachcd out to the Waterloo community and other communities in many ways. Projects have included renovating

A hand up, not a hand-out the Oasis drop-in centre in downtown Kitchener, and a dcconstruction project in Phillipsburg, in which old building materials were salvaged to be recycled. During the fall, students do yard work for donations in Waterloo ncighbourhoods. An annual bcnefit concert is held at the Heuther Hotel, an event which literally ROCKS the house! Work on actual build sites includes last summer’s work in Guelph as well as acting as media guides at the highly publicized Jimmy Carter Work Project in Bridgeport. The fall term included

a weekend build in Cleveland, Ohio. Now that the hammers have cooled off from the UW Chapter’s latest endeavour in Washington, it’s rewarding for new Habitatcrs to rcfleet back on the important work they’ve accomplishcd during this once in a lift time experience. The 20 students from Waterloo and Laurier left on Student housing Sunday morning with cars packed, a mission in mind and a will to hetp in our hearts. The mission was to give a week of our time and energy to help construct a house for a single mother. It also included painting and cleaning at the Washington City Mission, a shelter for men with alcohol problems as well as women and children in need. We had all done some reading on the goals of Habitat and of the Collegiate Challenge, in particular “to gain greater awareness of the need for decent and affordable housing and to deepen commitment to social action.” In the course of the week, these issues would acquire a human face for us, and the goals of Habitat would be put into action and become part of our lives. As we all soon learned, the work of Habitat runs much deeper than building a house for someone else. There were many lessons to learn from the experience of home building that were not immediately apparent. Watching the house take shape was almost magical. It soon developed from a mere skeleton of pine studs into a structure with rooms and walls. WC could see that everynailandcveryshcetofdrywall brought it closer to completion. The importance and cffcctivencss of teamwork also became obvious to us. WC worked side by side with volunteers from the community and soon found that even though they were seasoned pros and WC cvere only beginners, everyone’s task was equally important to the l~ousc. Even the dirtier jobs wcrc‘ rcwarding. Digging trenches for the water lines to the house, which left us covered in mud from head to toe, gave us a feeling of great satisfaction. Thanks to our humbIc efforts the family now had access to a necessity that so many of us in the developed world take for granted: running water. We found that mutual muddiness forms a strong bond of friendship between people and gives you that Victoria Principal complexion to boot! Bruce Barton once made a statement which I believe applies perfectly to our experience. He said, “sometimes


& the gang



all they’re



I Gonsidcr


tremendous consequences come from little things.. I am tempted to think there are no little things.” I think I can safely say that everyone on the trip would agree. In addition to the lessons we

at its best! learned, we returned from Washington with many new friends, both among the group and in the community itself. In our group, a sense of co-operation and cohesion quickly developed. This was especially good, since the 20 of us had to sleep in the same room all week on the floor. We made meals together, sang together and worked together. Each day, a member of the group shared an inspirational “thought for the day” to keep everyone focused and motivated. Now that we’ve returned, a long lasting flurry of email activity can be expected. Generosity was served up in heapin’ helpings from the residents of Washington. Dave Voigt, the coordinator of the local chapter of Habitat, made contacts for us in

Habitat 3 work is much deeper than building a house for someone else Washington and provided patient guidance at the building site. The Fairhill Manor Christian Church was home for the week, and mattresses were donated from the Washington City Mission to facilitatc a great night’s sleep. The Mission also provided hot breakfasts. On-site showers and laundry facilitics were provided by generous neighbours. We were invited to a dinner with the Fairhill Manor youth group, a driving force behind the fund raising efforts for the house. At the Pittsburgh vs. Quebec hockey game WC attended at the Civic Arena, we found ourselves in the middle of 17,13 1 hungry Penguin fans! After the game, we had the opportunity to be ambassadors for Canada. To our pleasant surprise, the Pittsburgh fans proved to be extremely warm and friendly and we traded the signs which we had displayed


the game. Also

exchanged were the Canada pins which we generously offered to anyone who crossed our paths. The most important friendships we made were with those for whom we had come. We got to know the

single mom, Debbie, by name and she came to help us work on the site. She came to our banquet on the final night of our stay, along with some of the volunteers who had worked with us. We also got to know the men at the City Mission, as they shared their stories with us. The lessons we learned and the friendships we made on the trip were invaluable and indelible. Above all, however, we gained a new understanding of what Habitat for Humanity is all about. Firstly, we came to see those whom we helped as real people, with feelings’, stories to tell and goals in life. We came to see ourselves as a part of their own process of improving their lives. True to the philosophy of Habitat, we gave them a hand up, not a handout. We helped improve a home at the Mi ssion and provide a home for Debbie and her child. We saw that these people did not expect something for nothing, but were willing to work to ameliorate their lives. The men at the Mission demonstrated it through their work at the paper and steel recycling operations run by the mission, which help to cover its expenses. Debbie’s commitment was evident INhen she helped us at the site. As with ali Habitat homeowners, she is rcquircd to perform 501) hours of “sweat equity” volunteer work with Habitat - to help ‘pay’ fcrr the house. Secondly, we lcamcd the recipe for Habitat fiar I Iumanity’s incrcdible success. Bring many people of various backgrounds, agesand skill lcvcls together, add committnont to a common purpose and the key ingredient of love. Let them work together for 8 short time and allow them to bond and learn from each other. This rccipc yields valuable lessons, strong friendships and a new house. This house is more than just a structure to provide shelter, however; it is a home, a place to stand. As Archimedes said, “give me a place tin stand and I can move the earth,” We hope that our efforts have helped Debbie gain for herself a place where she and her family can do just ‘that. If you’re interested in the rewarding challenge d Habitat for Humanity, become part of that flurry of e-mail activity and contact Heather at hlcalder@artspas or Gary at gwpluim@ahsor 894-6289.

that the University Campus should include an ecology garden.” The Garden Committee has been planning a new extension for the past three years, ave you ever walked in between the which will be slightly larger (200 by 50 feet) Environmental Studies and Modern than the existing garden. It will represent a Languages buildings? If you have, Northern Ontario landscape vm have nrobablv-d seen a what J---r-and is just the beginning of the looks like a wild growth along master plan to see ES I and II the side of the Environmental surrounded with natural landStudies I building. scapmg . This array of plants is not Why is the R.S.D. Ecojust an arbitrary wild growth, logical Garden so important and but a 150 by 50 foot Ecology why are these ES professors Garden that was carefully inspired to expand it? planned by Lawrence Lamb and A closer look at the man Cathy Dunster to accurately repthat it was made for provides resent a Northern Ontario praithe answer. Mr. Rich captured rie. Robert Starbird Domey Ecolthe essence of Mr.Dorney in ogy Garden was created in comhis memorial speech on July memoration of Mr. Domey, an 29, 1987 (four days after Mr. Environmental Studies ProfesDorney ‘s death). Mr. Rich comsor who, according to his friend mented that “above all we reand colleague George Rich, “piomember Bob as a man - a neered the application of envibrilliant mind - a warm heart ronmental science to planning - a quiet, puckish sense of in Ontario andcanada, andprobhumour and generosity that was ably in North America.” unbounded.” Mr. Lamb says it is “the _ Robert Dorney studied best memorial” for Mr. Domey, The spirit stone and who was so involved in naturalat the University of Wisconsin its symbols izing Canadian landscape with r-present aspectsof and received all of his degrees heritage ecosystems. The DorneyYs lift I there, including his PhD in wildlife management in 1959. Friends of the Garden, a group He later went on to teach at Wisconsin’s of students, academics and professionals who Green Bay campus. Then he moved to Latin are working to enrich UW’s landscape, stated America and worked as a science advisor on that “the garden is a fulfilment of Bob’s hope by Jodi


Carbert staff




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the way of the future and that “the next renewable natural resources for the Pan American Union for three years before he episode for resource rnanagement will not came to the School of Urban and Regional emphasize preservation and conservation, but Planning at UW in 1967. instead will emphasize rehabilitation.” He immediately became a popular Now the University of Waterloo also has speaker in the region on environmental topa special collection on Mr. Domey’s life its. Some of the many different organizaworks available through the rare books room. tions that he was involved with were: the The textual and visual rnaterial is a collection Canadian Wildlife Scxiety, the Ecological of his work and information that he had Society ofAmerica coIlected over the and the Canadian years. It is arInstitute of Planranged in eight se“the next episode for ners. As a founding ries: Biographical member of the Waand Personal; Meterloo Region’s morial Projects; InEcological and Enterests and Activivironmental Advities (Education and sory Committee Career); Pub1 ication: The ProfesDorncy was the major force behind sional Practice of detecting environEnvironmental mentally sensitive Management; Pubareas that needed to lications: Articles, be included in the Reviews, Papers, committee’s plans. etc.; Audio Visual: Ecoplans Ltd. 4,500 slides, 20 enwas the first envivelopes of photoronmental consulting firm in Waterloo and in graphs, 2 videocassette, 4 sound tape reels; 6 all of Canada. It was responsible for various Maps and Plans; 14 Framed Items and Realia. ecological planning and design contracts for Jaakson, a planner himself, stated that public and private companies. Today it con“the record shows, on the whole, that the tinues to operate under the direction of livability of human settlements and the state Cameron Kitchen. of the environment appears to be deterioratAs the Gazette stated in its September 9, ing. . ..the ultimate goal of planning is the 1987 issue, “his lectures, grants, consulting achievement of livable human settlements in projects and articles drew less public attena healthy biosphere. And predictions seem to tion than a simple demonstration in front of point to a worsening situation.” However, his Amos Avenue house.” At 124 Amos he feels that “we may be moving away from, Ave., Waterloo, people can still go by today instead of toward, this goal.” He also specuand see the “mini-forest” that Domey planted in the front yard when they moved there in 1967. This ecosystem which is approximately I/ 100 of an acre in size, was carefully planned. One of his students, Mr. Higgs, visited this “miniforest” and wrote an article for Resturafion & Mimqewent ,V~~PS 11:2, Winter 1993, entitled “Life in Restoration: Robert Starbird Dorney 1928-1987.” He observed that “the garden provided a dense visual barrier between the house and the street, functioned as a snow fence for the driveway, shaded the house in the summer, and harboured more than a hundred species of native plants, several of them endangered or threatened in Southern Ontario.” “Domey was keenly interested in restoration of prairie ecosystems,” said Higgs. Domey reconstructed his very own prairie in front of a small cottage near Wiarton on land that had “been badly overgrazed.” “We remember Bob as a man - a brilhant mind He USed the back of the cota warm heart - a quiet, puckish sense of humour tage as an experimental and generosity that was unbounded.” patchwork ofplots to test his ideas-out. “His intention,” wroteHiggs, “was lates that “future generations may live to face the dire repercussions of our failure to accept to develop and promote techniques for the this simple principle,” economical restoration of large pieces of Hopefully Jaakson’s speculations will landscape. . . . Domey’s interest was always to not become facts. As long as The R.Smove beyond the small-scale projects of the Dorney Ecology Garden flourishes and his backyard gardener.” However, “larger scale vast wealth of knowedge about natural projects would happen only when he was landscaping is passed on to titure generacertain that they would work well.” tions, his dream of ecological urban planning Higgs said Domey was a pioneer in his will become a larger reality. field. He believed that natural gardening was

resource management will not emphasize preservation and conservatioyt, but instead will emphasize rehabilitatiout.”

- ____ -~











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I$ SPORT Van Koughnett



31 in home


Warriors redy for shoobontat Copps~

by Peter Imprint

Brown sports

ean Van Koughnett added an exclamation point to the fifth and final chapter of his re-


markable career last Saturday PAC, but he and the Warriors that they can write a couple tences more at the OUAA championship tournament that tonight at Hamilton’s Copps

at the hope senWest starts Coli-

seum. In his final home game, Van Koughnett exploded for 24 points in the first half en route to a game-high 31 as Waterloo (8-6) beat the Guelph Gryphons (12-2) 68-65 to close out their regular-season schedule. Tonight at 6 p-m., the Warriors will tackle the Lakehead Nor’westers at Hamilton’s Copps Coliseum in an OUAA West quarterfinal game. If they win, the Warriors advance to play first-place Guelph on Saturday at 2 p.m. Tonight’s 8 p.m. quarterfinal pits the third-place Brock Badgers against sixth-place Western Mustangs, the winner to play the second-place McMaster Marauders at 12 p.m. Saturday. Copps hosts the championship game on Sunday at 2 p.m. “The past five years have been kind of up and down,” Van Koughnett reflected after Saturday’s game. “We’ve had some talented teams and not come through. “This game really meant a to me individually and to the whole

team, especially against Guclph since they beat us here last year. That was probably the hardest loss to take out of all the losses in my career here.” Guelph scored an upset at the PAC last season as they eliminated Waterloo from the playoffs in the quarterfinal round. Last Saturday, Waterloo led for much of the game before a pair of free throws from Guelph’s Cam Nekkers tied the game at 6 l-61 with 350 to play. After spending much of the second half on the bench in foul trouble, rookie guard Mano Watsa subbed back into the game and immediately sparked the Warrior rally. Collecting a turnover, Watsa fed Mark Hopkins for a dunk that put Waterloo up to stay. The rookie grabbed another steal seconds later and scored easily to make it 65-61* He also added a pair of free throws to help clinch the victory. In the first half, Van Koughnett provided plenty of evidence for why UW head coach Tom Kieswetter and his predecessor Don McCrae mention him in the same breath as Mike Moser and Peter Savitch. He literally took the game by the throat, registering 24 of Waterloo’s 38 points. On two consecutive Guelph possessions, he tore down the defensive rebound, led the fast break to the offensive end, and scored himself. This was on


top of his trademark deadly outside shooting. “We had a few intcrcsting moments, but we played as a team and to be successful, we have to play that way,” Kieswetter said. “[Guelph] made some adjustments to their dcfence and paid a lot more attention to Sean,” hc said. Kieswettcr isn’t worried about the team being too pumped for tonight after such an emotional victory. “We want to ride this one for a while. We want to keep this fresh in our minds, in terms of the amount of effort it took. It was almost hcroic, some of the effort that we put forth. WC want to keep this in mind and practice this way because this is the standard by which we have to play, the standard by which we measure ourselves now. If anything, we want to get more intense and execute better.” Van Koughnett accumulated 3 1 points and 8 rebounds, subbing offthe court for only a minute or so. Hopkins and Watsa had 15 and 9 points respectively. For Guelph, Rob Henry and Nekkers had 20 and 14 points respectively. The usually potent guard Alex Brainis managed only nine points on 3-of- 13 shooting. The Nor’westers will have revenge on their minds tonight, since Waterloo swept them on the opening weekend of the regular season back in January.

Pucksters lose finals, wrap up season by Kimberly Moser Imprint sports


Ithough their season may be over, memories of the 1994% hockey season will Jingcr in the minds of the Warriors and their fans forever. One week after their electrifying double overtime win to climinate Lauricr, Waterloo was knocked out of the playoffs by Western in a best of three division final. The Mustangs took the first game 6-3 in London and then won the scrics Sunday afternoon 3- 1 in Waterloo. It’s a hard way to end any season, but it’s especially hard this year as Waterloo will lose many of its key players. OUAA All-stars Geoff Schncirier and John Wynne will be moving on, as will sparkplugs Greg Allen and Dean MacDonald. Along with them is scoring machine Jason Mcrvyn. Wynnc and Allen were the backbone of Waterloo’s successful program. Wynnc led by example through his classy style of hockey while Allen’s inspirational play motivated Waterloo every time. Schneider

was a constant


horse on dcfcnsc, always there when Waterloo needed him most. MacDonald’s powerful speed and intensity sparked the Warriors every time he stepped on the ice.

Mervyn, a quiet leader in his own right, led the team in scoring two years in a row and was a consistent player all year. But, it isn’t all bad news for the Warriors. Although fi II ing the spots of these great veterans wi II be hard, the rookies this year showed g-cat promise. Goalie Joe Harris had an cxceptional year in net for the Warriors as he kept them close in every game. His leadership nor;t year will be key as Waterloo cntcrs a rebuilding season. Dcfenscman Chad Palmer lad all rookies with his great skill and desire to win. His lcadcrship on a much depleted defense will be vital for the Warriors’ s~~ccess next year. The always flamboyant Jeff Goldic was another key rookie. He was a constant offensive threat no matter where he was on the ice. Although he didn’t have quite the season he would have liked to have had, Matt St. Gcrmain looked awesome out there as he racked up some good numbers in his Grst year. In one weekend alone the guy had five points! His powerful style of hockey was also an asset to the Warriors

this year.

Another rookie to watch out for is Aaron Kenncy. Although he saw limited action this year, you just know he’s going to be a supcrstar. WC’S got that quiet leadership

and style that every team needs. With a 13 -9-2 record, these Warriors can be proud of their efforts this season. “J thought overall we have to be very proud of our guys,” said head coach Don M&cc after Sunday’s loss. “They weren’t ranked all year long and they continued to work hard to stay with the teams in the top IO.” “We lost a lot of key players,” said rookie Matt St. Germain thinking about next season. “Geoff Schneider, John Wynne, Greg Allen: they’ve been here for four years and rcWarriors get in a few last digs in the season showstopper. ally made the team what it is. We have a lot of young guys middle of it. But, make no mistake upon their returns to the lineup. If coming in next year. So, hopefully when he steps out on the ice he both can stay healthy next year, they will be incredible assets to we’ll be able to get along without means business and when crunch those guys.” time hits, he’s the guy you want out Waterloo. A huge congratulations goes If the efforts of the returning there. players from this year are any indiKraemcr is probably the most out to all the Warriors this season. Every one of them played their cation, you riced not worry about skilled of the four, His desire to win and dedication to the team are endhearts out trying to make this scathe Warriors next season. Icss. Put into a leadership role next son the best. Left-winger Chris Kracmer, John Wynnc, GeoffSchneider, ccntrcs Geoff Rawson and Steve year, Kraemer will no doubt excel like he always seems to be able to Greg Allrm, Dean MacDonald and Smith, and dcftinsemcn Mrlrk CarJason Mervyn deserve thanks for diff will be the veteran leaders on . do. their great contributions to Warrior this young team next season. Smith and Cardiff saw limited action due to injuries this season hockey. They are truly the epitome Rawson is the wildman. If of what university is all about. but both made dramatic impacts there’s trouble, he’s usually in the


Black by Patti Imprint



are now


to the national


UW track kicks ass By Kevin Blake special to Imprint


his put weekend the varsity track and field team travcllcd to the University ofToronto for their “last chance qua16 ers.” Although this meet is not rocognizcd as one of the high calibrc meets of the season, the Waterloo squads set the pace with six CIAU qua1 i fyi ng performances. After scvcral frustrating and confoundingraccscarlicr in the scason, the “Deadly Duo” of Alicia Stcclc and Jill Bennett ran ncarpcrfcct 6Om hurdles races, shattcring their season personal bests (PB). I‘imcs of8.98 and 8.99 seconds for Alicia and Jill, rcspcctivcly, wcrc enough to Ilnish one-two in the race and qualify for the ClAU’s to bc held in Winnipeg, March 10 and 11. CIAU vctcran Jason “Jaguar” Grcgoirc qualified for the CIAU’s in the Men’s 1500m with a dramatic “Ricky Wattcrs-like” dive across the finish lint. His time of‘ 3:X).63 W;IS 0.0 1 second f’astcr than CIAU standard and 0.07 second f&tcr than the American second piacc f‘inishcr. Sarah Diallabaugh shattered the ClAU standard for the Women’s 1500m by nearly ten seconds with il time of il:33.02. This pcrformancc makes Sarah first in the country and a strong favouritc for Athena gold at OWIAA’s and CIAU’s. Veteran T.J. McKcnzic qualified for the men’s I OOOm with the second fastest time in the coun-

try of 2:27.08, two seconds faster than the CIAU standard. Jeff Miller tied his indoor PI3 and the country’s best performance this year with a height of 5.00m in the men’s pole vault. This CIAU qualifying vault makes Jeff a favourite for gold at the OUAA’s and Cl AU’s. Judith “Johnnic LaRue” LeRoy contributed another PB for the Athena’s with a strong second place finish in the Women’s 1500m. She narrowly missed the CIAU standard with a time of 4:43.X The Warrior squad added six more PB’s to bring the meet total to 13. Varsity Football cornerback Todias Cocker ran a PB of 7.56 seconds in his ClAU standard attempt at the born. Rookie Brett “Boo Boo Kitty” Kilty showed his potential with a PB of 2 min. and 3.45 see. in the men’s 1OOOm. Vetcran Jim Mylet, recovering from back problems incurred last season, also ran a PB in the Men’s 100Om with a time of 2:35.29. Three Warrior sprinters PB’d in the Men’s 300m. Sprinter Chris hstic, varsity football wide-out Tulu “Stealth” Makonncn and rookie Kevin Ramchandcr ran times ot‘36.67,36.96, and 39.20 seconds rcspcctivcly. Chris and Tulu finishcd a fourth and fifth in the race. The meet was an exciting “last chance” opportunity for athletes to qualify for OUIOWIAA’s and CIAU’s. 3 1 mcmbcrs of the Varsity Track and Field team head to the St. Dc~mis Center at the Univcrsity of Windsor todayfor the OUAA and Os71AA Champs.


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Lenard sports

he Waterloo Warriors Vollcyball team cannot claim the title of best in Ontario, despite what their season record indicates. Last Thursday, the team lost to the Toronto Blues in the OUAA Division Finals with a match score of 3-2. Except for being a blow to the ego, the loss is not detrimental for the Warriors. As a reward for placing first in their division, the Waterloo Warriors claimed a spot in the CIAO championships. The Division finals determined only seeding for the competition. Because of their loss, Waterloo is going into the championships in seventh place. Toronto will be going in sixth. The game was typical of the Warrior style of play. They came on strong, winning the first two sets with scores of 155 and 17-6. As the third set began, the audience may have been thinking that it was simply a formality. Seasoned fans knew better than to be so confident. Anyone following the Warrior volleyball team knows that they have often induced panic in their fans as they fall behind for a brief period of time. The procedure gencrally foliows the same pattern. The


Friday, March 3, 1995

Plague team takes an early and almost unconquerable lead. Head coach Ed Price calls a time-out and calls fur focus, Often, the first pep talk doesn’t work, and a second time-out is called. By then, the fans have begun to feel the tension, and they can see their tension reflected in Price’s tense face. The second time-out is more successful; the team comes together, and puts the ball away as many times as is required to secure the win. Unfortunately, this did not workagainst Toronto. Toronto took

cured out set, they lost the final as well, with a score of 13- 15. Perhaps fatigue attacked the team near the end. After all, the team is not often forced into playing five sets. In many si tuations, the team wins in three or four sets. Perhaps the lack of fans that support them so strongly threw them off. Or perhaps it was an example of the inconsistency that has been plaguing the team all season, something that Price lhas been concentrating on improving. Nevertheless, the team will bc competing in the CIAU championship finals at Laurentian.

in theirflrst game to secure a spot in the semi-finals J the third set easily with a score of 615. Throughout the fourth set, the Warriors appeared to have regained their composure enough to win and come away as division champs. However, they couldn’t put it together, and lost the fourth set as well, with a set score of 12-15. Again during the fifth set, the team appeared strong and confident. Yet, after a long and drawn


ing and in terms of placement upon entrance to the competitian- The majority of teams that will be competing in the tournament are currently nationally ranked, and have beaten WaterIoo this season. This does not change the fact that Price believes the team to be stronger than their ranking shows. A win against the Alberta team will secure: the team a spot in the semis, a current goal. However, this is the first time in four years that the te:am has made it to the national finals. This is an accomplishmcnt that is worth being proud of, regardless ofthe outcome.

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Squashing into 4th ZZEYIIZ;Z~~~ .

by Joanne Murray special to Imprint


t wasn’t a race for the agoraphobic, as approximately 1600 carbo-loaded nordic skiers jostled for space at the start area. For some, the race began before the gun went off, through the struggle to edge up closer to the ranked elite skiers who were spread over several rows across the wide start line. All of a sudden, the pre-race jitters gave way to a mighty adrenaline rush as the race began. Skiers took off at a break-neck speed for 25kr-n and 5&m freestyle races in the 1995 Gatincau 55 on the balmy first Sunday of reading week. Or rather, those fottunatc souls who weaseled their way to the start banner skied off, while the rest of the skiers 30 rows back started the first pathetic shuffles that were to last for the next seven kilomctres. Double-pol ing like there was no tomorrow, the majority ofthc racers spent the first part of the race fighting to manoeuvre around slower skiers while side-stepping around many fallen bodies. When the tabulations were in, Waterloo’s nordic ski team earned many impressive results and times. Dave Climie continued his impressivc season by earning an incredible second place finish overall in the 25km race in a time of one hour, 2 1 minutes. As the lone female representative of the team, Joanne Murray skied a respectable 1:49, earning a fifth place spot in the women under 25 category. The rest of our hardy Warriors

braved the 5Okm distame, with three of the men placing in the top- 100. In approximate times, Steve Daniels completed the course in 2 hours, 45 minutes, Brent Curry followed at 2:48, and Brad Frenette came in at 2:50. Norm O’Reilly followed at three hours, and Kevin Thomson was close at his heels being just six minutes back. Randy Fagan and Al Ritchie also had good finishes in the 50km freestyle, while Luigi D’Agnillo competed in the 25km classical race. The start to this successful



Waterloo an inscription on the trophy kept at Carleton, and each skier received a sweatshirt for his efforts. The rest of us, who tried desperately not to embarrass the team of Chris Norris, Ritchie, and D’ Agnillo, placed last by a long shot and were given a pink toque. While all these festivities and ’ reading week went on, our coach Don MacKinnon was keeping close to home in preparation for the imminent birth of his fourth child. Congratulations are extended to Steph and Don on the arrival of their fourth daughter!

old chap!


Friday, March 3, 1995


efore reading week, the Athena Squash Team headed out to Queen’s University for the OWIAA Team Championships. Only the top four teams in Ontario make it to the fmals, so it was quite exciting to be there. Although it was a tough squeeze “We made it!” “Making it to the finals was one of our goals this season. We have a lot of talent on the team; it has been agrcat rebuilding year and we look forward to squashing our way to the finals next season!“commented Honee Hoculik, the assistant squash coach. The Athenas met Queen’s in the first round. Queen’s holds the top Ontario players at all 6 positions on their team. They came in 1st place hands down. Mac lost to Queen’s as well to land in 2nd place. Waterloo and Western battled it out for 3rd. The two teams (Waterloo and Western) played close matches. In 5th position, Crystal Flabiano, a returning co-op/tennis player, dazzled her opponent with strategic shots and a killer serve. However, Western won 3- I. Kelly “CHUCK” Norris demanded a competitive edge off her opponent with her ag-

gressive squash talent; however, Western held their ground and won the last few points in the match. Rachelle Thompson, playing 3rd for Waterloo, had her opponent in a grid lock as they battled back and forth but Western held the key for the winning position. Look out next year, she’ll be back with a vengeance. Susan Jones, a veteran 2nd position team player, demonstrated her experience, patience, and determination as she overpowered her Western opponent to win the match. Honee Hoculik, in number one position for her final year on the team, did not fair was well as Jones. Her ankle took itls toll in the second game and Western took advantage to win 3-1. The Athena’s look forward to next year and h#ave already made some goals for the summer term when a number of co-op players return. A special thanks to Clive Porter for his coaching over the past couple of months . “You’re a great inspiration, Clive, Thankyou!” (Huck and Jones.) A special note: Congratulations to Honee Hoculik, Susan Jones, and Kelly Norrils. They all competed in the Greg Moore Memorial Squash Tournament at Northficld in February. Hlonee Hoculik won the B finals, congrats!

weekend was the golden relay performance by the team of Daniels, O’Reilly, Curry, and Climie at the Polar Bear Relay Races hosted by and held at Carleton University on February 17. Each skier sprinted four laps of a 500m course outside Carleton’s physical activities building. Our winning team has earned

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Friday, March 3, 1995

C,lC: by Kimberly Moser Imprint sports


o matter what the outcome of the division finals for the ice Warriors, one thing remains certain: Chris Kraemer is a true hero whose story deserves to be told. Chris’s tale begins two summcr’s ago. The Elimra native was working at a local tool and dye shop when there was a machine malfunction. The press hc was working on came down on his left hand, amputating his index finger and severely crushing the knuckle of his middle finger and thumb. Obviously, the accident came as a complete surprise to Chris. But since that tragic day, and through the five or six operations he has had since, he’s learned to deal with many difficulties that are a result of the accident. “I still have a lot of problems,” says Chris. “I can’t extend my middle finger back. When the press came down, it crushed my knuckle such that it doesn’t articulate very well anymore because it’s bone across bone.” Although his hand is not what it used to be, Chris has never allowed himself to think of it as a handicap. He has continued to work hard so that he can play hockey at


A ~regulzir the same level he always had. “It was a really rough season for me last year,” says Chris as he describes his first season with the injury. “I was fmstrated in what I couldn’t do any more as far as stick handling, but I learned to compensate in the way I do things.” Despite the injury last season, Chris NTas a key member of the Warriors success. Hockey wasn’t the only area that had to be adjusted in Chris’ life because of the accident. Everyday life became much different for Chris as he had to learn to deal with people’s reactions, people’s quqtions, and even more importantly their stares. “It’s kinda weird,” said Chris as he explained how people have reacted to him since the accident. “Most people don’t notice it at first. A lot of people just look at it and stare, others just come out and ask what happened. I don’t really mind explaining what happened; its been two years now and I’m not sclfconscious about it. Its something I cant really help.” “I get more annoyed when pcople I see on a daily or weekly basis ask me how my hand is everytime 1 see them! To me, that isn’t nccessary, that’s just people not using their head!” When most people would have

given up hockey altogether and felt sorry for themselves, Chris went on. H& retumcd to the Warriors that fall and practised with the team even though he was still in bandages from the various operations. “I think at the time of the accident, I had a lot of aspirations to continue my career, be it in Europe or in the minor leagues somewhere. I was never really thinking about a career in the NHL, but I had put so much time into hockey that I thought I’d at least make some money at it for a year or so.” “It alljust happened so fast and I’ve been involved in hockey so long that I don’t think I could have just set hockey aside and put it out of my life.” Chris says it was the support of his teammates and head coach Don McKee that made him not quit hockey but fight to keep it up. “Obviously I wasn’t what I used to be, but he (McKee) gave me a regular spot on the team. Tf he wouldn’t have given me that, I would never have had the confidence to continue with hockey.” With the support of his teammates and McKee, Chris did continue his hockey career and was able to make it through one of the toughest times in his life very successfully. “It’s taken me a long time to

Superman know what my limitations are and aren’t with my hand. There’s a lot of things that 1 used to be able to do that 1 can’t do anymore. So, instead, I try other things.” “I think other people think about my hand more than I do, and I don’t really think about it other than when people say something about it.” “1 don’t even think my teammates really think about it

anymore. Before, when I first started off, I’d miss a shot or bobble a pass and people wouldn’t really say much because they thought it was because of my hand. Now, people don’t really think about it as a handicap because they just don’t think about it!” AlthoughChris has triumphed, his story should never be forgotten. He is a real live hero and an inspiration to us all.

Rowers revel by Patricia Woolcott special to Imprint

had by the Rowing Club in warm weather and under sunny skies. A special mention also goes to Al, hough the road to Florida who rode the hog at a local Florida was both long and winding, watering hole and got inducted into theUW Rowing Club finally the “Hog Hall of Heaven!” met their West Palm Beach destinaUp and coming Rowing Club tion on spring break. ..’ :::%,ii,r:,..’ eventi include. B “Tryathalon” on Contrary to popu!grlb;e3~~~~.~~~~~:~~ A&&h 10;ti@ $$@7:3O pm, folRowing Club did &ot be&~~~~~&~i’ luw&lby a freeiparkyat the 13omber; journey on Fe&&y 17.” ‘The r&d 8n apen club tier;titig on March 13 to Florida cotiti&md months ago at $:OOprn in PAC 2045; an with hours of h$&h~scd tind-rais+ Ergoxnetrti. ~Clbnic March 16 at ing. An Energy;-fB8 Dance Pa@ tit.‘ 5:3Opm ia &e: PAC warm up room, Fed Hall and”j%fi\ E;rgathon at the. and a dub Fun Run Saturday, April Campus Centre %re just two &the; I st. : .,. ” many events held. In “tOttrn~ent news, vollcyWhile in Floridti;tht: :Ra\ving ball enthtGa&S can get ready for a Club stayed two days in the Florida mixed volleyball, tournament to take Keys. ff&@cing before moving on to plac@ at thePAC tijn gym March the.west Psl.mBea&i Rdwing Club X4 &k# 16 from Spin to 11:3Opm. in.west P&‘lti Bea&: :iThcrc, ~QxvTLSITIS: xx&red are manteed to ing Club members embarked on a play abinimum ofthreeg;lmes, not strict training regimen. Members including playoffs. Teams &ill conwere on the water every day, rowsist of ninlz players, three of which ing in fours (four-man boats, with must be women. There are spots one oar each), quads (four-man for twenty teams in total at a cost of boats with two oars each),and sin$25 per team. Entries for the volgles (one-man boats with two oars>. leyball tournament must be submitNovice members also received ted to the PAC 2039 by March 7 at some coaching from coaches at the lpm. A special captain’s schedulWest Palm Beach Rowing Club. ing meeting will be held March 9 at All in all, a fantastic time was 4:45pm in PAC 1001.


Athletesof theWeek Alicia Field

Steele - AthenaTrack


Alicia is a third year Kinesiology student and team captain for the Athenas. Last weekend at the University of Toronto Invitational, Alicia not only won the 6Om hurdle event, but she also met the CIAU qualifying standard in that event. Alicia’sperformancemarks the second time in as many years that she has qualified to compete at the National level. Alicia will represent Waterloo in Manitoba on the weekend of March 10 and 11. Sean Van Basketball


- Warrior

Sean is completing his Masters ofApplied Environmental Studies this year and was outstanding in his final home league game as a Warrior. Waterloo defeated Guelph 68-65 with Sean contributing 31 points, 8 rebounds and an excellent defensive performance, holding Guelph’s best shooter to only 3 points. Sean was a member of both the Canadian Junior National team and the World Student Games team. He is also a four time OUAA All-star, and fourth year Captain with the Warriors.






war&& Tom BaIfelWaterloo 14 42 74 116 Craig LawlLakehead 14 39 74 113

OVAA BASKETBALL RESULTS Feb. 22: Guelph 89 Laurier M&laster 08 Waterloo ;: Feb. 25: Waterloo 68 Guelph 65 Brock 70 McMaster 65 Windsor 94 Laurier 87 East Divisional Semi-finals: Feb. 25: Ryerson 101 Laurentian 91 Feb. 26: Toronto 101 Ottawa 80 OUAA BASKETBALL F 1NAL STANDINGS GWL F West Guelp h 14 12 2 1149 McMaster 14 11 3 1276 Brock 14 9 5 1132 Waterloo 14 8 6 1123 Lakehead 14 6 8 1065 Western 14 5 9 1049 Windsor 14 3 11 1116 taurier 14 2 12 1070 East Toronto Laurentian Ryerson Ottawa York Carleton Queen’s

A Pts 950 24 1032 22 1103 18 1119 16 1151 12 1111 10 1241 6 1273 4

A Pts GWL F 12 9 3 930 833 18 12 9 3 1023 824 18 12 7 5 973 922 14 12 6 6 847 859 12 12 6 6 768 806 12 12 5 7 822 870 10 12 0 12 758 1007 0

OUAA BASKETBALL Leadim Scorers West FGFGA FT FTA Clint HoltzlBrock 146 234 70 104 Patrick Osborne/Wi 115 245 80 112 VanKoughnetUUW 103 216 47 62 Titus ChannerlMac 114 213 57 74 Peter Brown/Lake. 91 191 52 63

Avg. 25.9 23.3 21.0 20.9 19.6

East FGFGA FT FTA Avg. Alex Beason/Rver. 109 221 93 135 26.7 Brad HannlLa&en. 83 172 54 61 21.O Taffe Charles/Car. 86 188 64 91 19.8 David Reid/Ottawa 82 176 55 66 19.8 Carl Swantee/Tor. 75 188 21 34 16.3 Leading Rebounders West GP OF DF TR Avg. Clint HoltzBrock 14 60 113 173 12.4


0 W/AA BASKETBALL CHAMPiONSHIP Final Standings: 1, Laurentian 2. Toronto 3. Western 4. Queen's 5. York

6. Lakehead Results: Quarterfinals: Feb. 24: Queen’s 69 Lakehead Laurentian 68 McMaster Tororlto 73 E3rock Western 69 York Feb. 25: Consolation Semi-Finals: Lakehead 74 McMaster York 58 Brock Championship Semi-Finals: Toronto 80 Western Laurentian 54 Queen’s Feb. 26: First Place: Laurentian 64 Toronto Third Place: Western 74 Queen’s Fifth Place: York 77 Lakehead Tournament All-stars: Justine Ellison, Toronto Jaylene Morrison, Queen’s Angela Nobes, Western Dianne Norman, Laurentian Laurie Pinkley, Toronto MVP: Sue Stewart, Laurentian OWIAA All-Stars: West Division: Donna Foreman, Lakehead Sue Kruls, Waterloo Tammy Naughton, Brock Angela Nobas, Western Wendy Nutt, Brock Georgia Risnita, Windsor Allison Smith, Lakehead Lisa Thomaidis, McMaster Carla Vesprini, McMaster Michelle Vesprini, Western MVP: Michelle Vesprini, Western Rookie; Georgia Risnita, Windsor

66 44 44 63 70 57 66 41 60 60 64

East Jason DresslerITor Clarence Porter/Ott. Shawn SwordsUn. Taffe CharleslCarl. Scott Belascflor.

GP 12 12 12 12 12

OF 57 33 38 38 41

DF 68 71 59 58 54

8.3 8.1

7-R Avg. 125 10.4 104 8.7 97 8.1 96 8.0 95 7.9

OUAA HOCKEY RESULTS Feb. 21: Sudden Death Sectional Semi-finals: McGill 3 Concordia 1 York 5 Laurentian 3 Queen’s Toronto 5 4(0-u Laurier Waterloo 6 5wI Far West Division Final: Feb. 23: Western 6 Waterloo Feb. 26: Western 3 Waterloo (Western wins series 2-O) Mid West Division Final: Feb. 24: Brock 9 York Feb. 26: 6 Brock York Feb. 27: York siries Brock (York wins 2-l) Mid East Division Final: Feb. 23: Guelph 7 Toronto Feb. 25: Guelph 3 Toronto (Guelph wins series 2-O) Far East Division Feb. 23: McGill 2 Feb. 25: UQTR 6 Feb. 26: UQTR (UQTR wins “,,ries


0 3 3

3 1

Final: UQTR McGill


McGill 2-1)


Coach: Bob Delaney, Western Coaches’ Award of Merit: Lisa Thomaidis, McMaster East Division: Cathy Amara, Queen’s Justine Ellisoni, Toronto Stella lghorewo, Ottawa Karen Jackson, York Laurel Johnson, Toronto Joy McNichol, Laurentian Jaylene Morrison, Queen’s Dianne Norman, Laurentian Laurie Pinkney, Toronto Susan Stewart, Laurentian MVP: Dianne Norman, Laurentian Rookie: Shelley Dewar, Laurentian Coach: Bill Pangos, York Coaches’ Award of Merit: Dianne Norma,n, Laurentian EVEN-S

Guelph Toronto York Toronto UQTR Waterloo McGill

2 3 3 3 3 3 4

32 32 32 23 1 4 - 5 145

OUAA HOCKEY PLAYOFF LEADING GOALTEnDERS Mayer Tin GP MinGA Mike Edwards Br. 1 60:00 uwo 2 120:oo 4 Sean Basilio George Dourian Gue. 2 120:00 4

5 5 5 5 5 5

Avg 0.00 2:oo 2:OO

OUAA VOLLEYBALL RESULTS Feb. 23: OlJAA Final: Toronto 3 Waterloo 2 (5-15, 16-17,1596,15-l& 15-13)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IO.

WESTERN MUSTANGS (6) Manitoba Bisons (7) Moncton Aigles B!eus (IO) GUELPH GRYPHONS (9) Dalhousie Tigers (5) BROCK BADGERS (8) Regina Cougars (4)

Mar. 5: West Division Final Mar. 4 East Division Final: Ryerson at ToFonto


UWlAA INDOOR HOCKEY CHA MPlONSHiPS at Western: Mar. 3: Toronto vs Western 7:00 p.m. Mar. 4: 8~00 a.m. Western vs Queen’s Waterloo vs Toronto 9:00 a.m. vs York IO:00 a.m. Guelph II :OO a.m. Queen’s vs Trent 12:OO p.m. Waterloo vs Western Toronto vs Guelph 1:00 p.m. Trent vs York 2:OO p.m. vs Waterloo 3~00 p.m. Queen’s Western vs York 4:00 p.m. 5:OO p.m. Trent vs Guelph Mar. 5: 8:00 a.m. Waterloo vs Trent

CIAU VOLLEYBALL TOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized, previous ranking in parentheses) 1. Manitoba Bisons (1) 2. Alberta Golden Bears (2) 3. Lava! Rouge et Or (3) 4. Dathousie Tigers (4) 5, Winnipeg Wesmen (5) 6. Saskatchewan Huskies (6) 7. UBC Thunderbirds (7) 8. Victoria Vikings (8) 9. Calgary Dinosaurs (9) IO. Sherbrooke Vert et Or (I 0)

CiAU SWllWMlIVG TOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized, previous ranking in parentheses) 7. Calgary Dinosaurs (1) 2. TORONTO BLUES (4) 3. MCMASTER MARAUDERS (2) 4. Lava1 Rouge et Or (3) 5. Alberta Golden Bears (5) 6. Let h bridge Pronghorns (N R) 7. UBC Thunderbirds (8) 8. McGill Redmen (10) 9. lAURENTIAN VOYAGEURS (NR) 10. Sherbrooke Verl et Or (NR)


2:00 p.m. 290 p.m.

HOCKEY OUAA Final Four at Waterloo Recreational Complex (Mutual Group Arena) Mar. 4: Guelph vs UQTR Western vs York Mar. 5: OUAA Finat

2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 2:OO p.m.

lNl?OOR TRACK AND FIELD Mar. 3 & 4: OUAA Finals at Windsor VOLLEYBALL CIAU Championships at Laurentian:


OUAA HOCKEY PLAYOFF SCORlNG LEADERS Team GP G A TP my&Y Tim Welsh Toronto 3 24 6 Jason Mervyn Waterloo 3 1 5 6 Guy Boucher McGill 4 42 6


Todd Wetzel Jamie Coon Ben Davis Scott McKinley Jean Roberge John Wynne Albert Les

Mar. 3: 1:00pm. Alberta(2) vs Waterloo(7) Dalhousie(4) vs Saskatchewan(5) 3:wl p.m. Lava1(3) vs Toronto(3) 690 p.m. Manitoba(1) vs Laurentian(8) 8:00p.m. Mar. 4: Consolation Semi-finals 1:OO & 3:00 p.m. Championship Semis: 6:00 & 8:00 p.m. Mar. 5: Consolation Final 11 :OO a.m. Championship Final 5:00 p.m.


BASKETBALL OUAA West Championship at Copps Coliseum, Hamilton: Mar. 3: Lakehead vs Waterloo 6:00 p.m. 8:OO p.m. Western vs Brock Mar. 4: UWO/Sr. vs McMaster 12:OO p.m. LakeJUW vs Guelph 2:OO p.m.

CIAU BASKETBALL TOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized, previous ranking in parentheses) 1. Brandon Bobcats (1) 2. Alberta Golden Bears (3) 3. Victoria Vikings (4) 4. MCMASTER MARAUDERS (2) 5. Concordia Stingers (5) 6. GUELPH GRYPHONS (6) 7. TORONTO BLUES (9) 8. Manitoba Bisons (IO) 9. Winnipeg Wesmen (7) IO. RYERSON RAMS (NR) C/AU HOCKEY TOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized, previous ranking in parentheses) 1. Acadia Axemen (1) 2. Calgary Dinosaurs (2) 3. UQTR LES PATRIOTES (3) Guelph Toronto York Western York Queen’s Trent Guelph York

vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs

Queen’s Trent Queen’s Guelph Waterloo Toronto Western Waterloo Toronto

900 a.m. IO:00 a.m. ii:00 a.m. 12:OO p.m. I:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4~00 p.m. 500 p.m.

INDOOR TRACK AND FlELD Mar. 3-4: OWIAA Championships at Windsor



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Your Funeral

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The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion wl The Sadies & Suckerpunch Fric&, P+huat-y, 24th The Opera House by Brad Imprint

Hughes staff


Ivis is everywhere. Mojo Nixon is right. Eight hundrcd plcascd concert-goers witncsscd the rebirth of The King last Friday at The Opera House.

The 131~1~s Explosion was cxactly that. It was ;i violent eruption ol‘blues f&cd with a punk attitude. It’s amazing how they can sound like yesterday but not come off as dated. They make the pcrfcct subtle changes to bring blues music into the prcscnt. They started offwith some scIcctions tllat wcrc almost straight blues rockers. Gradually they built the energy and the crowd started to really get caught up in the music. Thcrc wcrcn’t many breaks butwccn songs as the band strived to keep up the manic pact. Then they lurched into some tunes from last year’s al bum QTLIII~C’. This album saw the band meld a lot of noise to the blues sound.




Le Grarz~e

The Hlues Explosion is a three piece band that uses two guitars instead of a bass. This two prong4 attack provides some great noise. When the band wants to rock though, their riff’s fly through the air like darts. Guitarist Judah Bauer was cxccptional. Hc plays with trcmcndous intensity. He and Spencer mesh togcthcr as well live as they do recorded. Baucr also doubles as the harmonica player. During “Dang” hc made the harmonica absolutely scream. Russell Simins


keeps the pace on drums for the group. Hc is a fury. The kit he uses is the YN-IX one his father bought him in order to learn how to play. It’s very minimal with just a snare, a tom, a bass drum, and a couple of cymbals, yet he makes it sound better than anyone with a huge kit. Hc was given several opportunities to shine with some solos and he didn’t disappoint. The star of the show, however, was Jon Spcnccr himself. He shook, rattled, and rolled all over the stage.

He has a mesmerizing prcscncc on stage and the audience was always in his thrall. He becomes completely consumed by the music and lets it take him over. Spencer spares no energy-he grunts his lyrics with everything he has. The climax of the night was a medley of “Bellbottoms” and “Flavor.” The slick riffs of “Bellbottoms” sent the crowd into a complete frenzy. It was here that Spencer dropped his instrument and put on a show with the thcramin.

The theramin is a box with some dials and a couple of antennas poking out of it. I have no idea how it works but it produces some cool electronic pitches. During the medley Spencer milked the theramin for all it was worth. The band almost topped this performance with a scorching rendition of “Sweat” during the cncore. Alter the encore the crowd briskly made its way to the exits. The band snuck back on stage for some jamming for the roughly 300 or so who took their time leaving. The show was the best ten bucks anybody could have ever spent. The opening band, Suckerpunch, owed a lot to The I3lues Explosion’s brand of music. They’re (3 band from Toronto who play an updated version of rockabilly which is reminiscent of The Cramps. They put a lot of “umph” into their playing. ‘I‘h~ lead singer also featured i lot of Elvisian moves. The Sadics provided the lowlight for the night. They were a lull between the two storms that booker&d their performance. They played with little energy and appeared very wooden up on stage. The majority of their songs were moody instrumentals which didn’t energize the crowd at all. It didn’t help that The Blues Explosion opened with an instrumental that blew Thle Sadies off the stage. The Sadies would have been better staying off the stage on this evening, while the other two bands put on marvcllously, energetic shows.

Rappers aren' neroes Chuck D Corr b’0i’LI110~1tIuil Monday, February 27

by Pete Nowak special

to Imprint

ocicty is a nightmare for black pcoplc and Public Enemy’s Chuck D is the voice that scrvcs as its narration. Without control over their culture, society will remain a nightmare for blacks. And it is the false perception by blacks that they have control over their culture that helps foster the nightmare, said Chuck D in a speech at the University of Toronto last Monday, “We’ve got to rebuild our community because we don’t have one,” he told an audicncc of about 500 blacks and whites. ‘“Ninety percent of black entertainers have nonblack accountants. If rap is to educate people about black culture, blacks must have 100 percent control of the industry,” he said. The Prophet of Rage was in full effect when speaking on the subject of black culture. But for the most part, Chuck kept things laid

back and infi)rn;al. He kept the audience laughing with his constant poking at stcrcotypcs through his impressions of- “scluare” L+%itc people and black “gangstas.” Chuck contributes to Black History Month every year by do-


sent. “Jail culture, drug culture and gun cufture ain’t fly,” he said. “‘l‘hcrc is nothing fuckin’ fly about &d.” Chuck feels these three aspects arc not rcprescntative ofblack culture because black people have no control over them. Black peopledonotrun thejails

out as Chuck

Canada for over five years because of Flavor Flav’s legal troubles in both countries, and subsequent banning from Canada. Chu& said that the speech was the very most he could do for his fans here. The casual atmosphere in the room was disrupted by Chuck whenever the topic turned to gangsta rappers and the “culture” they try to repre-

Chuck. “You have to think about what you say and what you do.” Chuck said that black rappers are constantly under the spotlight of the media, whic;h is looking for them to slip up so it c& exploit the negativity of the situation. “You can do everything right but the minute you slip, you’re O.J.” hc said. Chuck believes that rappers must be on their best behaviour all

of the time because tlL, a public magnifyihg glass. feels


the nnlv

“Intelligence will save your ass no matter where you’re at,” he said. “It’s what teaches you what will and won’t kill you.” Chuck is tired of black people being seen as nothing more than entertainers and athletes. He encourages black youths to go to college so they can become doctors and lawyers. 1 “Rappers aren’t q

v to partly agree with the Rhyme Animal, but many would also consider Chuck D as someone to be looked up to.




IMPRINT,Friday,March3, 1995

FJiiiQbdiaty, to me Sue Johanson The Imprint htewiew by James Russell Imprint staff


ou may know her as “Sex with Sue” but Sue Johanson is a walking sexual guide to anything you need to know about the subject. She visited Federation Hall this past Tuesday to answer questions about sex, and Imprint had the opportunity to speak with

females have. The myths that males have is that you, YOU ?ire responsible to bring your partner to a cataclysmic orgasm every time you have sex. And her myth is that if she doesn’t have an orgasm, than there’s something wrong with her and she is frigid. Myths: nice girls don’t touch their genitals, nice girls don’t look


I guess the question is, how do you get into a life dealing with sex? (llrrq$s) Way back in 1969, I had a daughter bring a friend of hers home, who thought she was pregnant. She couldn’t go to her own mum, and I tried to find help for her and it was just awful. And this was ‘69. Abortion was i I legal in Canada. Birth control - t/~pill - could only bc used to regulate a menstrual cycle. We were not allowed to use the pill for birth control as such. That didn’t come ‘til’70, ‘7 I. So, Sex with Sue?!? I decided we’re gonna open at their genitals. Myths: nice girls a birth control clinic for kids in a do not tell their partner what they high school. And we did. would like. They don’t say to him, Where was that? “You know, I’d really love it if In Don Mills Collegiate in you’d do this. Touch me here.” North York. First one in North And females say they feel cheap America and nobody ever complained. And then I realized that all doing that, they feel sleazy. Again, these kids are having sex [and] nice girls are supposed to sweet and haven’t got a clue what they’re doinnocent, pure and unindoctrinatcd. ing. So I thought I’d better start I mean, that’s stupid. That’s just teaching sex. After that 1 started another one of these tense, stupid doing professional development things that women do. You fell in days, conferences, leadership, that love, it was pre-destined, God dickind of thing. And that hit the tated that that’s who you were gomedia, which led to the Sunday ing to love forever and ever, Amen. night sex show on the radio, which And that’s garbage. led to a television show and then led What do you think of the to books. So there WC goviews of the Pope and from the I know you deal with health Catholic church itself. That was not Catholicism in considerations. Do you also deal with other considerations such as the beginning. That was Catholithe best way to have sex, what’s cism about the time of Thomas the most pleasurable way? Aquinas. So we’re looking at about I spend a lot of time talking 735,4.D. I think that in this day and about myths, and totally unrealistic age, to deny people access to cffective birth control... Now, you’ll expectations that males have and

Strive Thrive

by Sunil Imprint


Solanki staff

his week I had the pleasure of speaking with Madame Quattorzc, the vocalist of Thrive. A great outfit from Toronto, they mix atmospheric goth with throbbing electronics to give a sound unlike anything you’ve heard bcfore. How about a rundown on the band’s history; how long have you been together? Thrive has been around since 1992, but Deane (keyboard/machinery guy) and I worked together for a number of years before that. Is it hard touring as a duet? Well actually we’ve got a drummer on tour with us and a DAT deck...Hopefully when we start playing bigger venues we’ll


notice how the Pope has come around. This last summer, he said and this is the first time ever - that condoms could be used, and it was okay to use condoms for prevention of unplanned pregnancies and disease, emphasis on disease. Now that’s the first time ever that’s come out. He is forced (it’s not voluntary, believe me). How do I feel about the Pope’s stand on abortion? I really have a problem with any group of men (and the Catholic church is ALL men, there arc no women). The Vatican is the only state in the world, country in the world where there are no women and no children. So you really can’t expect to get balanced thought from there, from men who’ve never been married and who supposedly have never had intercourse. I rather doubt that. Although I really don’t like abortion, nonetheless, a person has a right to make a decision. Not me, I have no right to impose on anybody. You can’t interact with everyone in the audience on a one on one basis, so what sort of general tips do you have? What I would be saying is to have self concept, self esteem. Feel good enough about yourself. To say, “Hey woah, wait a minute, I’m scared, I’m really scared. What are we going to do about birth control? What are we going to do about disease? I don’t want to get a reputation. I have the idea that virginity is important to me, I don’t want to have sex till I get married. You’ve oat a reputation on this campus as Eeing vast, loose, and easy, and I don’t want that reputation.” Do you ever fmd yourself staying in touch with the younger generation, watching stuff like Beverly Hilk 9021 U? Now is Bevrrl?/ Hills 90210 a good indicator of what teenage life is like today? And when was the last time you saw females on campus walking around with not a hair out of place‘? And lipstick on. Gorgeous.


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ally annoy me for that! You mentioned the Cocteau Twins, what other bands are you influenced by? Ministry! I really love Ministry! I’m really impressed by the way they write. I like Nine Inch Nails too, though his new stuff doesn’t seem so well written. I do really like “Closer” though, it’s very sexual... I ingest a lot of different styles of music from regular rock and roll to Kate Bush etherial...lf it’s good I like it! I really like old Heart and even Whitney Houston! So what can we expect from the show next week? I don’t know, I’ve never seen one of our shows! (laughs) Some We

really set up the atmosphere for what we do... Thrive are currently working on a full-length studio album and are appearing at the Volcano on March 9th. Be there and be amazed!




get some more people in... 0.K I’ve got to nlake the comparison of Thrive to Curve. Oh! (iazdg/@ I was waiting for that! I guess a lot of people do compare us to them and I don’t know why. I saw their show once and she (Toni Halliday) spent the whole night staring at her shoes. I wasn’t impressed! Sometimes it sounds like their vocals and melodies are fighting with each other... Yeah, I find you use your voice as an instrument that goes along with the music rather than going over top of it. That’s exactly how I write. the song to me is an entity, not music and vocals... How important are the lyrics to you, sometimes they get lost in all the electronics and the reverb. Well that’s why we print them. I’ve always felt gyped when people don’t print their lyrics ‘cause 1 want to sing along...Cocteau Twins re-






Friday, March 3, 1995


I pity the fooI! Nobody’s Fool directed by Robert Be~~ton playing at Frederick Mall


verbal insults at Sully. Though they still play cards together, the men wage a humorous battle of trying to outdo the Qther,

Melanie Griffith is Toby, Carl’s neby Johanna Neufeld Imprint staff


after walking hirty years away from his family, an older n&r do well tries to make amends with his son and now grandson. Though he has spent most ofhis life in the small town of North Bath in New York state, his simple yet optimistic approach to living continues to help him through the many difficulties he faces. Paul Newman plays Donald Sullivan, better known as Sully. Believing in hard work and helping others, even though he doesn’t have much himself, he has an easygoing dcmeanour that grows on people. Taking everything in his stride, he rarely gets upset despite his frequent runins with his boss and the lclcal police+ While trying to relate to his own children, he too has to deal with the memories of his own father. Jessica Tandy is Mrs. Beryl, Sully’s downstairs landlady and former grade eight teacher. I&spite his failings, she still believes and hopes that he will one day change his ways. She greatly values their friendship, which annoys her bank manager son. A tired and drawn performance on Tandy’s part, the role was one of her last. The picture is dedicated to her memory. Bruce Willis plays Carl Roebuck, who runs a local construction business and is SulIy’s boss. The town philanderer, he

glectedwife. Fed up with being cheated on and constantly lied to, she throws him out. As she and Sully dream about leaving reality, Toby sees the truth in his wisdom, and decides her fate. The film is an adaptation of Richard Russo’s novel, and most ofthe footage was shot in scvcral towns throughoutNew York state. A chilly atmosphere is created by the winter photography. Dull overcast skies, with dark trees and buildings, sttongly emphasize the crisp coldness of the snow. North Bath’s industrial nature is shown by the tiny ins&rick homes, chainlink fences, Some forgotten and and old factories. neglected Victorian homes are also part of the landscape. A few colours are found in the neon and Christmas lights, as well as Mrs. Bcryl’s living room. The rich, dark wood panclling and banisters, lit by soEt yellow lights and antique wallpaper, create the only warm and inviting place in the entire movie. The COZY tick of a clock is often heard. The London Metropolitan and Philharmonic Orchestras provide most of the film’s music, which is arranged by Howard Shore. The beautifil sounds of an Irish flute or whistle are often heard, while selections from numerous artists such as Mel Tillis and Sammy Cahn are aIso included. Concentrating on the relationships of the men and the bonds they share, Nobody’s Fool also struggles with their at-





The Official Sexually Correct Dictionary and Dating Guide Henry Beard and Chris~~~&r Cerf Random House of Canada $14.00,239pgs by Pat Imprint


Merlihan staff

inally, a guidebook that not only provides for some humourous insight into the mating rituals of men and women, but one that outright mocks the sensitive issues around sex. It’s all bollocks! But once you get past that, this “guidebook pretty hilarious. The first thing that quickly notice is the inc bias towards women, or the incredible bias agains It’s not about “male bas though. The malt authors can attest to that, not to mention the degree of sarcasm that is rampant throughout. If i t were any slogan that is most representative of the W’s, it would have to be “Men are pigs.” So with that in mind, this supposed oflcial dictionary takes its slap at men, which will be satisfying for feminists, but still give men a wee bit of dignity in that the sarcasm is literally dripping from the pages. So what’s it about? Basically, definitions that cover everything from the beginning flirts with your potential prospect, to being the significant other. The definitions aren’t exactly in the Oxford tradition, but generally rely on quotes from none other than Ms. magazine, Esquire, numerous feminist mags, and a slew of other “reliable” sources. It’s-not surprising, then, that a man is defined

as a “potential rapist,” a penis as a “dildo substitute,” and a fiancee as a “premarital slave.” However, these are only some of the mildly humourous observances, Complimenting thcsc definitions arc comic etchings and pictures that are used as great examples to clarify any misconceptions. The picture of U.N. secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali with “potential rapist” attached to it definitely clarifies the definition that “all living males who have reached the age of puberty” are potential rapists. The pictures of Hillary Clinton as

ing being “womon” of course] to “wimyn,” “womyn,” “wofem,” “womban, ” “wombmoon,” and a slew of others. All could be equally offensive if taken the wrong way, I suppose, but in a collection with equally silly definitions, one can’t be too irate. Is this the attitude ofthe nineties though? Have sex and dating got to the point where abstinence is the only reliable method of not landing yourself in court with rape allegations against you? This book would suggest that’s the case. So if you’re between relationships and on the prowl, this will give you something to think about. If you’re kneedeep in one already, brushing up on your vocab will at least better your chances at keeping the one you love.

Science Society Election Executive 1995-96 March 15,1995 Nomination forms available at the Science Society Office (ESC-349) for the positions of :


EXPERIENCE Cwrent~y Liter&y



UM his North American Tour giving orgasms to th4wndr






07, 1095 14,1005







0:OO P.M.


President, 1995-96 Vice-President, 1995-96 Secretary/Treasurer, 1995-96 Vice-President Co-op, Fall 1995 Deadline for nomination submissions is March 6,1995,3:30pm, For more information contact Sue Kramer at ext. 2325.


IMPRINT, Friday,March3,1995


Rhinos into Volcano The Rhinos CD Release Party at the Volcmo Saturday February, 25 by Jodi Imprint

Carbert staff

fyour idea ofcxcitcmcnt is fighting your way to a table of vcggics and dip, while a herd of people crowd inside one room making smal I talk and sipping their cclcbrrltional drinks, then go home and cry on your big pillow if you mlsscd out on the prcconccrt cd release party. Howcvcr if you happened to think that you had something bcttcr to do at another club on Saturday night, chances arc, you were wrong. The Rhinos have already toured Canada twelve times and they are getting ready for number thirteen. This time around Danny Michel and Mike Blanchard, who share lead vocals and guitar, won’t have to worry about sharing the bass parts anymore. They have a new member to the band Syd (Ryan) Hovinga who is now their official bass player. Even though Danny admits that “Syd isn’t a bass player either,” he does a damn great job. Rob Saturday was the first time I heard the Rhinos play. Danny’s vocals rcmindcd MC of Martin Ticlli’s from the Rhcostatics. Which rcmindcd me of the first time I heard the Rhcostatics and T thought of David Bowie. However, after Iistcning to both of these bands and their recordings I can see how they can not be slotted into one catagoty, and that cvcn though Bowie may have influcnccd their work he is not a seminal influence. For example, Mike writes many lyrics and he likes Shoncn Knife. Stcvc who likes the Smiths has begun to COwrilc sonic lyrics as well. The largest contrast to Danny, who is a sclI‘-taught musician, is Rob Carli, who was playing sax on Saturday. Hc is a classically trained musicain and writes most of the Rhinos’ music. He played the woodwinds and piano on Flying as


wcil as doing the string arrangements and backgroutld vocals. Rob has played with the Toronto and Moscow symphonies and is playing for Dudley Moore this Saturday at Centre in the Square. With every group member bringing their different influences and talents into the band they end up creating - interesting music to-


out phallic



gcthcr that sounds great and highly entertaining. Danny, the charismatic focal point ofthe band, was the first Rhino to appear on stage. Doused in thick red light singing “Fantastic,“Danny captivated the full house with his warm “buck naked emotions.” His stage presence is so hypnotic that it demands attention. There is a special communication that takes place between the Rhinos and their audience through Danny’s subtle body language and facial cxprcssions. It is his positive cncrgy and cnthusiasm which makes the front of the stage the only place to bc at their concerts. These guys are definitciy a band that has to be seen I ivc. The sound quality was excellent, the songs were solid and the technique seemed so fresh that it was like

Dafly LuncbeottBuffet 11:3Oanr~2:3Ope Twsdayto Suturduy

witnessing the creation of these songs and not just the mere rcgurgitation of exhausted notes from memory. During their performance Elaine Sccord from the band Squirm, and Paul McLeod from the opening band Six Months, joined the Rhinos on stage to sing back up vocals on a really great song off ofF&ing entitled “The God and Girl.” Even though Danny feels that the Rhinos “take a laid back approach to an audience” so as not to intimidate them, they are in no way a band that is in the background of music today. Since their first cd release in 93, entitled Fz’shl’ng in theFmmtai~t ~fY~tlth they have been gaining a faithful following all over Canada. Their video release off ofthat album “A Fantastic Place To Be” became a regular on MuchMusic’s RSVP and the single went to number 17 as far across Canada as Vancouver. The two upcoming single rcleases off ofFlying are: “Throw Me Away” a slow stripped to the bones of emotion song and “Flying” a fast upbeat inspirational one. In concert both of these songs were very well received and many people were singing along, even though today was most likely the first day they have heard these songs. The Rhinos seemed to have a great time and seemed to feed off of the energy from the crowd. They are a great band to see live and I suggest going to see them on their 199.5 tour, not just because next year you may not be able to see them preforming in such an intimate setting, but just because they arc a wonderfill band that are fantastic to see.


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Friday, March 3, 1995

UP,UP and awati

Over 300 Stuffed Animals Corsages & Boutonrriers Graduatton Gifts + 8alloons

Poor Super Man by Brad Fraser Canadian Stage Company 26 Berkeley St., Toronto Until March 25, 1995

to hop between the cool, deliberately artificial, rapid-fire banter meant to blanket their pain and the sudden desperation with which they stagger around with their hearts on their sleeves. As David, Staines in-

by Jennifer Epps special to Imprint



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na BradFraserplay, a heterosexual couple behaving like they’re madly in love tells you there’s trouble ahead. In a Brad Fraser play, a straight guy declaring himself unintcrested in men lets you know he’s in for a lewd awakening. Several years after Unidentified Human Rem&m and the True Nuture elf Love, Fraser has penned Poor &per Mun, and much of it is his usual territory: nudity, simulated sex, drug-taking, night-clubbing, bi-sexuality, loneliness, urban alienation. Heuses the metaphor of the comic book Superman (particularly the issue where he was killed off) to sures that the show holds its centre, explore myths about male invulnerand that the ripples instigated by ability, love, and friendship. David’s yearnings matter to us. David (Kent Staines) is the proJason Cadieux is convincing as the tagonist, a painter who goes back to young straight with a crush on an waiting tables when he feels creaolder gay man; Julie A, Stewart tively blocked. He gets a job at a brings littlc distinguishing strokes small restaurant run by Violet and of colour to what might otherwise Matt, the happily marrieds. It’s not be a bland wronged-wife role. And long, of course, before signs start to Peterson and Cormack create a appear that Matt is not quite fulsense of the life around David, and filled in his relationship, and that he the difficulties his friends find in is becoming increasingly fascinated surviving day-to-day. with David. Cast and director also seem at Meanwhile, David’s roommate home with the cinematic style of Shannon (Christopher Peterson) is Fraser’s script. Scenes and locaa transsexual who yearns for the big sex^----L:..L.-c clXlarlgG --- -uptJIdaL1uI1, UUL i s seriouslv ill, not to mention iaun;ed bv t--he E3~---&ost nf-~ his/he> -__- ~~-~ former lover. The fifth character. Krvla (:Lynne Cormack), 1kops by David’s pad 3n a regular basis to ;bring him up-to-date 43n the lacklustre love1life of the 90’s cos1mopolitan woman. Fraser couldn’t i-get Poor super Mm produced in a Canahian theatrc and fi- Aghast! Unidentified human remains of Roy nal Iy took it to the Ensemble Theatre inCincinnati last year. Its premiere tions bleed into one another, so that there was touch and go for awhile, actors exploring one emotion in since city officials wanted to supone context walk three paces into a press the play and almost convinced slightly different light and are inthe theatre’s board to do so. Howstantly in another emotional state. It’s very deft of them--of everyever, the vice squad’s presence on body, designers included. opening night sent ticket sales soarSteve Lucas’ geometric, stateing, and the play went on to sucof-the-art set helps to blend these cessful stagings in Edinburgh, Lonseparate acting areas while its sheen don, and Edmonton. The producand slipperiness underscore the tion currently at the Canadian Stage Company



is dirc;r;tc;d

by thcatre


eran Derek Goldby and was originally presented at the Manitoba Thea&e Centre. The quintet Goldby has assemblcd work together tightly and seamlessly, each of them managing



of drifting


out an anchor. Precariousness is the subtext when a huge platform in the middle of the stage slants so obtrusively. Goldby understands how to point up Fraser’s fragments of dialogue, and our attention is expertly

steered around obstacles and towards important sights, creating such magic moments as when two naked men thrashing around in bed seem to be instantly replaced by a wife waking up in a cold sweat. Fraser described this technique in Tlze Financial Post as “my shattered video of secing, which is the voice of many people of my generation growing up on TV and MTV.” It is vital to Fraser that he be current and topical. He told eye “I was in London recently and those people aren’t directors. They’re taxidermists! No one is doing anything about right now.. .” He wants to bring his own generation into the theatre. Unfortunately, that’s his flaw. Fraser’s glib, urbane characters are modem cousins of Oscar Wilde and Noel Coward’s fictions, and they share a hidden sexual bonfire with Tennessee Williams’ figures, but they’re not memorable. Violet and Matt, the naive restaurateurs, are purposely drawn as pxt ofthe mass. Yet even the more eccentric Kryla, Shannon, and David are scarcely vivid or unique. Fraser has too perfectly represented his generation; the people he writes don’t breathe, they’re too general. The way their self-conscious repartee dissolves into soul-baring is awfully formulaic. Then there are all those pop culture references. They severely limit the play. What’s Poor Sqwr M&s shelf life going to be? An easy laugh of recognition now does not artistic longevity make And speaking of didactic, the Superman metaphor smacks too much of a writer’s metaphor. Fraser is fond of hanging his scripts on a concept (witness the serial killerand the answcring machine messages in Remains) and this time it’s the comic book: Lucas’ rectangular screens Orbison! flash captions thatreveal characters’ thoughts when their lines claim something else--words like “life,” “art,” “love, ” “loneliness” are bandied about. Obviously, the line Fraser treads between wit or profundity and sermonizing is very frayed indeed. Now, in order to provoke questions as to how good it really is, Poor Super Man has to be above average, and it is. The script whizzes



nadian Stage production and sharp. It’s just that ence is transitory. You der the issues afterwards; them on the theatre floor ticket stub.


the (7s

is polished the experidon’t ponyou leave with your

by Greg Imprint

by Brad Imprint

Hughes staff

This band, from jolly 01’ London England, can be categorized as one of those dime-a-dozen punk bands. They are earnest in their punk intentions but fail to deliver much mcmorablc music. The production gives the band a thick, full sound. In particular the nice heavy bass isn’t overwhelming to the listener. The vocals are very deep in the mix. While the lyrics arc audible they arc barely intelligible. They are complete throwaways. The guitars are right in your face. Sometimes that works , and sometimes it doesn’t. On a standout track like “Blown Away” the guitars are the hook in this tremendous sonic assault. This song just sounds huge. I repeated this track several times each time I listened to the album. However none of the other seven songs comes off like this one. On the rest of the songs the

by Jason Imprint

Gropp staff

Swans have been in existence since the early eighties, but this record is their first one on Invisible It adds a certain diversity to the pounding “industrial” thrash that has been the lifeblood of the label, characterized by such bands as Pigfacc and Evil Mothers. The sound of this album may bc different, but it contains many of the same ingredients as other Invisible efforts. The leader of Swans, Michael Gira, contributed to the latest Pigfacc album. And Martin Atkins,ofPigface/PIL/Killing Joke fame, and Bill Ricflin, of Ministry andThe Revolting Cocks, lend their musical edge to this work. That all said, Swans have succeeded in coming UD with an album

guitars just fail to catch my ear. The trouble is that the band is relying on the guitar parts to be the effect that grabs the listener. Some songs do get salvaged by their quick beats such as 73lah Blah Blah”and”Skin Deep.” The other songs slip by without much notice. It sounds as if the band just loses its concentration for most of the album. Their intensity comes and goes. Now ifthc band can’t pay attention to the whole album the listener is less likely to do so. This is the biggest problem. The record clocks in under 25 minutes yet I had to consciously pay attention to the music or my mind would just wander. The group’s playing is capable but no member of the band stands out as a master musician. This really hurts the group as they can’t recoup their losses with some magnificent instrument work. The final song, “Raise Your Glass,” does recapture your attention with its great beat and a slick chorus melody. You’ll find yourself humming this tune after the album is done but it’s a case of too little too late.

worthy of recognition. With sixteen songs, and a length of somewhere around an hour, it has plenty of time to create the atmosphere it desires. This atmosphere is a desolate one, leaving the listener feeling “happily” empty. The songs arc characterized by muffled, tranceI ike drumming and slow vocals that are closer to chants than anything else. “She Lives” and “Blood Promise” sound like Nick Cave on depressants ( ???) and “In,” the opening track, creates an aura of a lifeless wasteland, perfect for those who wish to enter. This description tends to make the album sound excessively depressing, but it isn’t. When I played this album for a friend (who I must give credit to, or she will kill me,) she said


it was the



album that “you would listen to if didn’t want to sleep, but knew it was time to go to bed.” It may groan more than it grinds, but it is never dull. Perfect. I always have trouble getting to sleep.

sound far better than Steve Albini ever did. His huge, sonic sort of style is set against the Cave-like atmospherics, and the combination is claustrophobic in many places, but totally enthralling. It opens, like Rid of Me, with the title track, which turns out to be a similarly minded tale of obsession. Steeped in bluesy guitar licks and slightly distorted vocals, Polly’s willing to go to the ends of the earth “I’ve lain with thedevil/cursed God above.” Hammond organ comes in midway through, lending a furthur dcsolatc tone to the work. “Meet Za Monsta” and “Long Snake Moan” show the Flood influence most prominently. The former uses gutbucket drums and grunting riffs that complement the quiet nature of the following “Working For the Man .” This song, like the single “Down By the Water,” propels itself on maracca backbeats, while Polly seemingly whispers in our collective ears to chilling effect. “Send His Love to Me” is almost Spanish flamenco in sound, with weird synthy effects thrown in for good measure. “C’mon Billy” is simple and acoustic, with Polly

Krafchick staff

Polly Jean Harvey is screwed up. No question. She shuts herself up in her hometown in the foggy English countryside, talking to no one of what’s on her mind, preferring instead to play Scrabble with her brother or take care of her garden. She’s staying away from doing many interviews this time around, because she can’t handle the drain it pIaces on her psyche. And she NEVER lets us in on what her lyrics mean. But ultimately it matters little, since this mind is producing one of the best bodies of work of any artist this decade, a reputation that only grows more with To Bring You My Love. Apparently not content with letting her sound grow stale, Polly has completely revamped her style andmood. This time heavy makeup, a satin dress, and soft red and green on the cover complement a quiet, burning, extrcmcly intcnsc collcction of songs. The big guitars and thrashy sound are all but gone; there’s no cracking single like “Sheela-Na-Gig” or “50 ft. Queenie” in here. W%at we get instead is her most cohesive and whole album to date, one song compelling the listener to hear the next through its entire length. Many influences are gathered together and put through the Polly Harvey treatment. The usual Stones and Dylan feeling is there, but now it’s tempered by her take on Nick Cave and Curve. The latter is de& nitely attributable to production by Flood, who turns out to suit Polly’s

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x by Jeff





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I don’t know exactly what Van Halen meant by “balance” when they titled their latest foray into generic rock. Balancing bad anthems with bad love ballads, maybe.

Balancing their new, “serious” look with the same power chords of their pre-sammy


The lineup has0 changed lately, and neither has the sound. Van Halen still wails away with a solid wall of noise, Sammy’s vocals are still a poor second to Eddy’s guitar riffs and Michael and Alex’s beats and riffs are still slightly catchy (although a poor outing even for them). This is basitally a rehash ofFor Udawfuf Cur-

pleading to her lover to stay for her, as well as her child; it’s obviously not a personal experience for her, but her voice and delivery make this irrelevant. Ah that voice. It’s as heartfelt as it has ever been here, rightfully given central place in the mix much of the time. Though as always the words are cryptic (“Teclo your day, will send me to my grave.” Hmm...) thcycryout urgcncy,and the themes ofspiritual crisis and crushing hcartache come through dcspitc the specifics of the situation. From yells and screams on the mercilessly punishing “Long Snake Moan,” to the seduction of “Working For the Man,” to the low groan of “1 Think I’m a Mother” Ms. Harvey’s voice is a conduit of pain and often of uniquely female introspection. This album may alienate a lot of people, being a harrowing trip for much of the time. Yet it seems Polly’s world can be no other way, and for our part we can only watch as she moves on to some other equally brilliant pIateau of thought. Polly Harvey is screwed up,..and the world’s a better place for it.

rzalk’no~~~&e, the album that gave Pepsi and the world “Right Here, Right Now.” But unfortunately the band continued a trend begun right after EW: they’ve lost the sex, drugs, andfilPz that made them great. Sure, they’ve put out some great tunes since then, but nothing like they did when the Hormone Himself, David Lee Roth, was their frontman. The closest thing to a half decent song is “The Seventh Seal,” which is a far cry from being either original or good. ‘*The Seventh Seal” is serious. With lyrics like “Lord don’t let me drown, drown, drown/ in mother earth’s soul, yet” and “broken now I can’t help but feel/ someone cracked the scvcnth seal,” what the song is serious ahout is a bit hard to figure. There isn’t a single song about just plain fucking, or getting high, or any of the things that Van Halen used to do really well. Instead there are lots of shitty ballads and introspective navel gazing. They seem to be operating on the principle of sticking to what you know, except they lorgot what they didbest:,have fun. This album isn’t fun; it’s Serious. And with nothing new to offer, forgetting the best part of their chemistry was a big mistake.


Friday, March 3, 1995

by Dave Fisher special to Imprint As whacked-out an inspiration as I’ve heard in months, The 7’1~~‘s suprcmo-suprcmo nutcasc Matt Johnson seems to have hit writer’s block and decided to rclcasc the awfully titled Hun&l, Plrr&,rj, a tribute album comprised exclusively of songs penned by the late country music genius Hank Williams. First off, I should mention that T’m in no way a fan ofThc The; 1 am, howcvcr, a big fan ofWilliams, so the whole prospect ofJohnson’s tribute scared me. As loathe as 1 am to admit it, rhc package isn’t nearly as tcrriblc as I’d initially cxpcctcd. I’vcalwaysfcltthat(othcrthan the occasionai charitable cause)

thcrc arc only two rcusons that songs by other artists should cvcr be covcrud: to rcscuc great sorlgs fi-om obscurity (such as, say, Primal Scream’s cover of Koky Elrikson’s “Slip Inside This House”), or to expand upon a comparatively wcllknown sor~g and crcatc something cntircly fresh (like Jimi Hcndrix’s version of Bob Dylan’s “All Along the Watchtower”). ‘1‘0 his crcdi t, Johnson has done a bit of both with the Williams catalog. Naturally, a lot of Williams’ songs have become American standards, but Johnson (a Brit) has choscn material that’s a good mix of both obvious (“Hanky Tonkin’,““I Saw the Light,” “Your Cheatin’ Heart,” etc.) and lesser known (.“If You’11 Bc A Baby To Me,” “I Can’t Escape From You,” etc.). Even bcttcr, Johnson steered clear of even attempting to duplicate the songs as they were originally recorded. On the downside, all the Hank Williams lyrics in the world aren’t

ARTS going to save the exercise from sounding like anything but The The songs when they’re given The The arrangements, which is, I suppose, great if you’re a Matt Johnson junkie. As mentioned, I’m not. Nevertheless, having heard countless covers of Hank Williams material by countless artists that suffered terribly in comparison (only heroin-casualty Lowell George’s cover of “Lonesome Whistle” comes anywhere close to the power of the original), I can say that Hunkl; funky doesn’t fare any worse than most. As much as the intent of all this is admirable, the song selection good and the execution surprisingly strong, the bottom line is that (much as he likes to identify otherwise) Matt Johnson is no Hank Williams. thnhy Panhy, then, is only recommended to The The fans and the exceedingly curious. As an additional warning, the liner notes promise that Hunky furrky “is the first in an occasi’onal scrics of albums celebrating the great singer/songwriters,” so get ready for Matt Johnson’s grave excavation of Robert Johnson in the not-too-distant future.

Matt Johnson: Hank Williams or Hank Kingsley

by Alan special

Robertson to Imprint

Backin 1993,acouplcofthings occurred to Toronto’s Change of Heart that left many wondering if they would carry on. First, drummer GIenn Milchem left to join Blue Rodeo, then percussionist Mike Armstrong Ieft to join King Cobb Steelie, and fmally bassist Rob ‘Taylor decided to call it quits. While this turn ofcvents would havespelledtheendformanybands, this was not the case for guitarist and founding Change of Heart member Ian Blurton. He forged ahead by recruiting John Borra, John Richardson and Bernard Maiezza and went on to record the latest album in the Change of Heart

by Robert Jackson special to Imprint

Country hunk Clint Black sports his fifth album, One E&otion, with ten tunes new tunes. Eversmiling, Clint’s writing skills have matured since ‘89, without losing a great country sound. His popularity is highly due to his ability to write or co-write his music, not to mention sentiments about his being one of the gentlemen in new country music. The first single from the album is “Untanglin’ My Mind,” which

discography, Tummysuckle. Recorded at Chemical Sound, Tumvnysuckie moves away from the environmental themes prevalent on the band’s last album SntiEe, and deals with loss in its themes. Those expecting the cellos, horns and heavy percussion found on Smik will be disappointed. In their plaice is a heavier Change of Heart sound filled with a great deal of guitar overdubs. The songs are generally shorter and more in your face than those found on previous releases, the 18 minute finale “Mardi Gras Rringdown” being the exception whcrc the band gets back to experimenting. While still in search of a major record label deal which Ian Blurton says dloesn’t really matter, Tummysuckle will at the very least continue to expand the already strong show of support which Change of Heart receive throughout the country. Clint co-wrote with country legend Merle Haggard. With a cryin’ steel guitaradding a true touch to Black’s heart-rending lyrics, this is what country music is about. “One Emotion” is a thoughtprovoking song of life and love, followed up by “A Change Tn The Air,” both songs that definitely sound better when drunk. The last selection, a ballad entitled You Made Me Feel,” is a tribute to his new wife, Lisa Hartman, which tells a story of the good things that happen when a lonely man finds a good woman. This1 is the type of CD I just love to take in the car (if I had one) and drive, and no need to fast-forward, it’s just forty-five minutes of good music and great lyrics.


Scholarship & Notices i

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.



Doreen Brisbin Award - available to third year Regular or 36 Co-op female students in an Honours program in which women are currently under-represented. Deadline: March 31, 1995. Douglas T. Wright Award - available to all who have participated in an international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: October 13, 1995. Douglas T. Wright Experience in Japan Award - available to all who participated in a work p!acement in Japan. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: October 13. 1995.




Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 3B. Deadline: March 31,1995. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries - available to all Chemical students. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship -available to 3B. Deadline: March 31, 1995. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all. Deadline: October 13, 1995. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award - available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Studentstocontact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Deadline: March 31, 1995. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship-availabletoall3A. Deadline: March 31, 1995. John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 36 Mechanical. Deadline: March 31, 1995. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Civil -Water Resource Management students. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary available to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursaries -available to all Chemical or Mechanical.



Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an l-lonours program in Resource Management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Management. Deadline: May 31, 1995.



Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 38 Math. Deadline: March 31, 1995. Electrohome75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 35 Computer Science. Deidiine: March 31, 1995. -


Canadian Mental Health Association Waterioo Regional Branch. Friends, a service of CMHA, needs volunteers: to support children in one to one relationships, assist children in developing self-esteem and social skills. A child meets with their volunteer weekly during school time to do social activities. Urgently needed in schools throughout Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge and area. Call 744-7645. Foreign TranslationRegistry. The Intemational Student Office receives inquiriesfrom time to time requiring the assistance of individuals who can speak, write and translate a particular language. If you are interested in providing this service, please contact Darlene Ryan, ext. 2814. ValuableCareer Experience! Volunteeras a Student Career Advisor and learn to counsel other students on career related issues. Priceless benefits! Applications available in the Career Resource Centre, NH 1115.

Volunteers needed to help with Wtnterfest ‘95. Assistance is needed with marketing and promotions, decorating, ball hockey tournament, events and prizes and more! For more info call Lynne Sosnowski at the Fed. of Students. CC. room 235, ext. 4042. Be A Bia Brother It’s Fun! it’s Easv! Call us todag 579-3150. office Assistants are currently being recruited by the City of Waterloo Volunteer Service to work in an off ice with such duties as answering the telephone, taking messages, assisting the public. Computer skills are an asset. The volunteer must be willing to give a one year commitment. For’ more info call 579-17 96. K-W Canada Day is looking for a Chairperson, Co-ordinatorsand Assistants to help in a variety of areas including: operations, security, concessions, volunteer coordinator, fundraising, entertainment and activities. I

MONDAY Interested in Outdoor activites? Join the Outers Club, which offers weekly activites, and equiptment rentals {at reasonable rates). Weekly meetings at 7:00 p.m. in ES1 350. For more information contact Fabrice at ext. 4655. Students For Life, a pro-life group, meets every week at 2:30p.m. in Environmental Studies Rm 350. Speak up for the silent!

TUESDAY Waterloo Christian Fellowship, a nondenominationalchristiangroup, holdslarge group meetings from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. in Engineering 2, Room 1303A. There is singing, guest speakers, Bible studies and fellowship. For more information, contact wcf @watservl . All are welcome.

WEDNESDAY The University of Waterloo Young Liberals meet for discussion everyotherwednesday (first meeting on January 11) at 4:OO in the SJC student Union lounge next to the Coffee Shop, All are welcome. FYI call Suzana at 744-6817. GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds a Coming Out Discussion Group at 7:30 pm in ML 104. Call 884-4569 for information and a list of upcoming topics. AmnestylnternationalGroup 118(University of Waterloo Group) meets at 7;OO p.m. every week in AL202. Amnesty International is dedicated to helping Prisoners of Consciencearound the world. All Are Welcome.




Come to St. Paul’s College tonight and tommorow for our 23rd Annual BLACK FOREST COFFEEHOUSE. Grab a couch and relax to the sounds of some of KW’s finest performers. Starts 8:00 p.m. Admission for Feds $3/night, $5/weekend pass, Non-Feds !@I/night, $fYweekend pass.




Vision Awareness Week - March 5 11. Theme: Vision and Literacy. To promote this students from UW School of Optometry will be giving presentations at local schools and manning information booths at local malls. -






The following are deadlines for Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Competitions in the University Graduate Office. Further information and documentation are available from the University Graduate mice or from the Department Scholarship Coordinator. Eariier department deadlines are applicable. Please note as well that many other scholarships have agency deadlines in the Winter Term 1995. Information is available in the University Undergraduate Office, Needles Hall, Room 3021: Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation - Unrestricted discipline. Due March 24, 1995. Sir John A. MacDonald Graduate Fellowship in Canadian History - Canadian historv discioline. Due March 4. 1995.

Womyn’s Centre Collective meetings 1230 in Womvn’s Centre Room. Room 1506. International Women’s Week organizational meetinqs weekly at 1:30 until March 1. Womyn’s?,entre doom 15OB. Interfaith &own-Baa Lunch Forum M&C 1056. 12130 p.m. - 130 p-mChristians Preachina Christ - Gospel Meeting 7:00 p.m. to 600 p.m. El 1052. Come and listen. All Welcome! “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

THURSDAY Ukranian Students Club welcomes everyone to experience Ukranian culture and Heritage. We meet in ,MC 3001 (Math Lounge) at 5:45 p.m. Call Martin Kuchirka at 747-DO-IT for more information. Jewish Students Association - Sage1 Brunches are held from 11:30 - I:30 in EL1 06. Come out and meet everyone!

FRIDAY Salat-ulJumuaa (Friday prayer) in M&C 2035. 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

ClassesandWorkshops at Homer Watson House and Gallery, 1754 Old Mill Rd. Kitchener, Ontario, N2P lH7. To register please pay class fee by mail or in person. Drawing in the Afternoon. Watercolour in the Afternoon. Printing with Woodblocks. Basic Design. Introduction to Painting with Actylcs. Introduction to Painting with Watercolours. Garden Sculpture. For more information call 748-4377. If you wish,to volunteer with Campus Mediation please contact 885-l 211 extension 2306. MembersofThe Engineering Facuity Council for 1995: It is anticipated that the Engineering Faculty Council will meet on the following dates: March 20, April 17, May 29, June 26, September 18, October 16, November 20, December Il. All meetings will be held at 3:30 p.m. in CPH 3385. UWGermanClub. Staytunedforupcoming events! For further information call Uta Evers at ext. 6052 or check the bulletin boards by the German Department in ML. Live Radio Concerts on CKMS are Saturdays at IO:00 p.m. Mar. 4 - Merrill Misker; Mar.11 -MalibuStacey;Mar.18-Quiverleg, Paul MacLeod, 6 Months, The TOEFL Preperation Course begins April 4. Classes are held every Tuesday

JOB SEARCH WORKSHOPS Friday, March 3: 10:30-12:OO, NH1020 lntenriew Skills I. Monday, March 6: 2:30-3:30, NH1030 Intro to Self Assessment. Tuesday, March 7: 1:30-3:30, NH1020 Resume Critiquing. Wednesday, March 8: 1:30-230, NH1 115 - Researching Occupations. 2:30-3130, NH1 020 - Information Interview. Thursday, March 9: 9:30-l 0:30, NH1 020 Letter Writing. Friday, March 10: f0:30-1230, Interview Skills II.

NH1 020 -

Monday, March 13: 5:00-7:00, NH1 020 -

Resume Critiquing Wednesday, March 15: l:3O-2:30, NH1 020, Networking. 2:30-4:30, NH1 020/t 115 -Job Search.

COUNSELLING SERVICES I Career Development Program Strong interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Each workshop is 2 sessions long. Tuesday, March 14: 4:30 to 5:30 Monday, March 20: 1130 to 1230 Wednesday, March 22: l1:30 to 12:30. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Wednesday, March 15: 3:30 to 4:30 Tuesday, March 21: 1230 to 1:30. Register at Counselling Services, Needles Hall, room 2080.

SUNDAY Worship inthe Chapel of St. Bede Renison College University of Waterloo. Sundays at IO:30 a.m. beginning Sunday January 8, 1995. “Radio Arab Carlo” on CKMS 100.3 FM. Tune in every Sunday at 4:30 p.m. or better yet call us during the program, and tell your host Firas Johnny Abed Rabbo what you would like to hear. “Arabic music is what we do.”

in Outing: The Shattered”. 7:3O p.m. in ML 104. All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays and other supportive people welcome. Details: 8844569.




Le Cercle Francais of UW invites you to enjoy a special gourmet meal at 7100 p.m. at Janet Lynn’s Bistro, one of the area’s finest restaurants. The cost is $27.00 per person including taxes and gratuity. Menu options include Atlantic Salmon, Grilled Lamb Loin, Quail and Shrimp. For further information and tosign up, call Chris McGrath at 725-9 173, or rherese Sabaryn at x6857. UW Slavic Studies Society - We will be having a book sale in the lobby of ML from IO:00 - 4:OO. Great deals on areat books. Come .-- and -----ch&k it out. T

Campus Recreation Spring & Fall jobs needed: 1) S95 8 F95 League Convenors & Referees-in-chief 2) F95 Student Program Co-ordinators. Deadline Wednesday, March 8/95. Apply at PAC 2039. Typing Services. Done fast and easy!! Letters, Resumes, Term Papers, General Correspondence. LASER PRINTER. Call Kathy-884-81 49 (eveningsjweekends).

Waxing and Electrolysis. In the privacy of my home, close the university, high-tech equiptment, reasonable prices, certified electrologist. 747-5827. RAMROD APPLIANCE - Appliance, microwave and refrigeration repairs at reasonable rates. $15 service call. 10% students discount. 888-7830.


J.P. Bickell Foundation 8ursaries -available to upper year Earth Sciences. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Ge ology - available to 2A Earth Science. Deadline: March 31, 1995. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Earth Science/Water Resource Management. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Science Society Bursaty - available to all.

and Wednesday from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. for 10 weeks. Contact the International Student Office ext. 2814 for more information. 1995 Student Handbook Editor needed. This position will run for both Winter and Spring’95 terms, ideally but not necessarily staffed by the same individual. For more info call Lynne Sosnowski, Fed. of Students. CC235. ext. 4042.

Resume Writing. 10:30-l 1:30, NH1020 -


Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship available to al! 3rd year Regular Health Studies and Kinesiology. Deadline: March 15, 1995. Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an Honours program in Resource Management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1995.


Scholarship @ Notices A

Run your own business, gain valuable business experience while building your resume. Earn up to $10,000 (25 jobs). High demand product, irrigation sales and installation. The ideal opportunity: vehicle required. Call Student Sprinklers at I-800-265-7691 , Bartender/Waiter/Waitress required for new gay bar in downtown Kitchener, leave message. 746-8350

3t4+5+6+7 bedroom houses available for rent, reasonable rates, laundry, parkina, vear leases. Call James 747-0683 or-w&k 884-9000. Available September 95 - 5 bedroom house. 1 year lease, Lakeshore location. garage, fireplace, quiet neighbourhood, 1295.OO/month. 888-7377 Tired ofDumps?! Glendene Crescent. 5 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, cleaning service. September; Year lease. $295.00 each plus utilities. 886-2726. Summer 95 - 5 bedroom house available in charming uptown Waterloo area. Parking for 4, $6OO/month. 888-7377. 5 Bedroom House - Gas heated, incl. washer/dryer, large driveway and backyard, close to all amenities, recently renovated, cheap bills, 1 vr lease. Startino May - call 884-5277.’ Available September 95 - 5 bedroom house. Great uptown Waterloo location.

1 vear lease 1295.OOlmonth


mer 95 hegotiable if needed. 888-7377. 2 Bedroom apartment available March l/Aoril l/Mav 1. Close to Universities. Cal! 888-6927. Ask for Rick.

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