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The UW Student Newspaper Campus Centre, Room 140 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl


888-4048 Friday March 10, 1995 Volume 17, Number 30


ISSN 07067380

Student’s Council says no to ‘adult sophisticates’ by James Russell Imprint staff




by Chris


Editorial Board Editor in chief Assistant Edi tar News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Features Editor .Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant Proofreaders

Sandy Atwai Jeff Warner James Russell Tasha Lackman Pat Merl i han Greg Krafchick Natalie Gillis Patti hnard Meg Gordon Jodi Carbert Steve Boyd Jeff Robertson Ruth Arnbros Carole Theriault

Staff Advertising/Productio~ Office Assistant

General Advertising

Manager Assistant





’ La&ie’Tigert-Durnas

Marea Willis Vivian Tambeau Ari Katz Jeff Zavitz Working Stiff

‘fter much debate, Students’ Council has voted on a motion concerning the selling #adult sophisticates” (pornography) and “debit cards for phone sex” in the Variety store/ Post Office in the new Student Centre. The answer is “No.” Student Council is the group of 26 students from all faculties and the Colleges that the Federation of Students reports to. It can tell the Executive (President, VPOF and VPUA) what to do, and can veto any decision made by the Executive. There were also motions made concerning the sale of cigarettes and lottery tickets. Both of these items will be sold in the store. However, the controversy lies with the motion on the items related to sex. Eleven of the twelve council members present voted in favour of the motion. The motion was “that the Federation of Students do not $1 adult sophisticates or I( $EGt. q&&s tir phone sex in the Variety and Post.” Councillor Richard Farmer was the only one present who did

Pat Merli han Chris Aldworth Jodi Carbert Jainie Bennet vacant

Contribution List Emily Arrowsmith, Athena Feild Hockey Team, Dan Bajor, Claus Bermeister, Peter Brown, Kelli Byers, Heather Calder, Stephen Codrington, Reg de Cessares, Raquel David, 13retlt Eichfuss, Kregg Fordyce, Anna Forster, Jason Gropp, Stacey Harris, Rebecca Higgins, Brad Hughes, Rebekah Johnston, Michael Jones, Alan Kelly, Laureen Latumas, Dave Lynch, Ellen McKay, Tricia Mumby, Norman 0’ Reilly, Awey Peters, Edward Richards, Kara Richardson, Alan Robertson, S.A.C., Silver Lake Roundtable, Sunil Solanki, Annick Streicher, Paula Thiessen, TRACE, UW News Bureau, Leslie Warren, Patricia Woolcott, Playboy. I reprint is the offficial student newspaper ofthe University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capibl. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA.) Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed toImprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, UniversityofWaterIoo, Waterloo,Onbrio,N2L 3421. Our fax number is 8847800. Electronic mai I should be addressed to imprintawatserv 1 .uwaterloo.ca. An on-line version of Imprint is also available on the World Wide Web at: http:llwatservl .uwaterloo.ca/-imprint IMPRINT: THE VOICE OF REASON

Julie Cole, who made the motion, disagrees. “I think women are misrepresented in pornography, I think women a r e


it’s de-

have no problem

harmful,” he says, adding that the decision should be made on an economic basis. “Pcoplc want to buy it. They [the producers] would not make so much money out of it if they didn’t.”

Forster, a member of the Women’s Centre Collective, supports the motion. “I think that’s good. Pornography is not about sex, it is about violence,” she says, calling pornographic maga“terrible, even if they’re not violent.” Farmer thinks the “harmful” argument is invalid in this situation. “We [the Federation of Students] sell alcohol. We sell cigarettes. Both, as far as I’m concerned, are far more harmful than pornograp hy .” He also takes issue with the “degrading” argument. “I

don’t see why you should stop selling something that people want to buy just because some people think it degrades them. Our bookstore sellsMein KUM~J‘ and that degrades Jews. Are we not supposed to sell that?” Christine Dewhurst, VicePresidlent Operations and Finance, is responsible for ovcrseeing the Feds’ businesses. She couldn’t be at the Council meeting due to a family medical emergency, but agrees with Counr:il’s decision. She thinks that if the store stocked pornography, there would be a great potential to “alienate those groups that we are trying to make feel comfortable here.” And as for the dccision being made on a moral basis rather than economic, Dewhurst says “Our mandate is

to serve students, not to make money.” Karin Zvanitajs, Senior Officer of Student Issues, threatened to resign if the motion was not passed. However, she now admits that such a stance may have been a little severe. “I just have a tendency to get a little dramatic,” she says. Nonethecontinued on page 8

Fed vision for the futureintheworks

Board of Directors President Vice President Secreataryflreasurer Directors-at-Large

not vote in favour of the motion. He abstained from the vote. “I thought it was something the Manager should decide, not Council, because it’s a busi-

by Jeff Imprint


Warner staff

he result is more than just two or three dozen pages; it’s avision for the University’s future. At least that is what David Drewe would like to think of the result of last weekend’s student working groups. Over a dozen students met on March 4 and 5 at the request of the Feds to develop a submission to the President’s Committee on Institutional Planning. That committee was struck last spring by the University President to report to the Senate Long Range Planning Committee, and to write a “Draft Plan” for the University. The problem, according to the Feds, is that the President’s Committee had no “accountable” student input; all of its members, students or otherwise, were appointed by James Downey, President of the University, and were not necessarily responsible to students at large. Especially contentious for Stephencodrington, President of the Feds, was an article in the July 27, 1994 Gazette that implied the

Feds had nominated the undergraduate reprcscntativc to the Prcsident’s Commit&. While the student, Rose. Bilicic, will be a mcmber of the Fed executive starting in May, the Feds were not consulted about student representation, and had no say in Bilicic’s appointment. “We were insulted,” Codrington remarked, adding that he is still looking for a published clarifi-

result “is going to be a kick-ass report.” The report will be submitted to Students’ Council this Sunday, March 12, and is a compilation of strengths, weaknesses, “opportunities,” and threats to each of the areas examined by the President’s Committee. These areas covervirtually every aspct of the campus, from “Quality of Life,” “Governance, ““Undergraduate

Left out of the loop by the Administratiout, the Feds prepare

to blow them away

with a i6kick-ass )) report cation in the Gazette. “It’s not a matter ofbeing dissatisfied with the student involved,” he continued. “But [she] is not accountable to us,” only to the people who appointed her. “Fine, people make mistakes. Say you made it and move on.” Because they had no official representation

on the committee,

the Feds convened a group of students last weekend to develop a series of recommendations to submit to it. The weekend was “excellent,” according to Codrington, and the

Teaching and Learning,” and “Co-operative Education” to “Deployment of Computer Technology.” “I think it [the report] is going to blow them away,” Codrington mused, noting the relevance of specific recommendations the weekend produced. One example was a recommendation that any student representative on a governing body automatically get both an e-mail account and voice mail, reducing or eliminating the need

for redlundant paper memos and twice-daily mail service. David Drewe, the Senior Officer of Academic Affairs, was also quite impressed with how the weekend went: “very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very well.“He added that despite the wide range of experience between the students, consensus was reached on most issues. “There were periods where we just got

~~~~$?Y~~~~~~~~ and recommendations flowed naturally from some of the criticisms the students had of existing structures and polities. Jim Kalbleisch, Vice President, Academic-Provost, for the University, welcomed the Fed initiative. He noted that the President’s Committee is open to sublmissions from everyone on campus. “This [the committee] is a group in which people are appointed as individuals, not as representatives of a group,” and th,us welcomes comments from anyone. The final report will be submitted once approved by Students’ Council.




Friday, March 10,199s

How Silver from the Silver Lake Roundtable special to Imprint


Creek and Silver Lake. Thirdly, the environmental assessment will be used to determine ways to improve or enhance the natural environment of the Lake and the upstream area toward University Avenue West. The final purpose behind this cnvironmental assessment study is to determine what the Lake should end


ilver Lake, in Waterloo Park, and Laurel Creek which flows through the Park, have both been found to be suffering from environmental problems caked by land developments upstream, as well as bv vears of nerrlect. In o;der to cornbit this ccrncd citizens of the Wa terloo Region have come together tr1 form the Silver Lake Roundtable. organization has decided to co duct a Silver Lake Class Environmental Assessment study. There arc several purposes to this study. First, the existing water outkt structure at the south end of Silver Lake needs to bc rcdcsigned. This structure is located whcrc the water exits the Lake to go underground through Uptown Waterloo. The water rccmcrgcs bcsidc Waterloo City Hall on Regina Street. Ifthis structurc were to be rcdcsigned, then the water could fIow out of the Lake more efficiently and subsequently, flooding during rainstorms and thaws could be avoided in the futurc. A second purpose of this asscssmcnt is to determine ways to improve the water quality in Laurel

vited to attend these workshops to present any ideas they might have. Organizations who wish to become involved may include those interested in the environment, recreation, community heritage, water quality, business or flood control. The first of these workshops will be held on Saturday March 25, 1995, at the Waterloo City Centre located at 100 Regina Street South. The purpose of this first meeting is to gain as much cohmunity input as possible concerning the health ,2nd future of the waterwa;s in Waterloo Park. Each consecutive Workshop will build on the groundwork laid by the preceding Workshop. The theme of this first workshop will be “Developing a Vision and Options For The-Future of Silver Lake and Laurel Creek”. For more information regarding this workshop or to confumyourattendence, pleasecall Diana Buik at 747-8755, or fax 747-8792, by March 17. You can also call the twenty-four hour “Opinion Line” at 747-8772 if you have any comments or ideas regarding the Silver LakclLaurcl Creek issue, or any other City of Waterloo issue, and your comments will be forwarded to the proper department.

m -

A decision then needs to be made about the final state of the Lake. In other words, should it be left as a lake or bccomc a stream or wetland to properly meet the above objectives? Coming up this year there will be three “Silver Lake Community Workshops”, because the Roundtable is interested in public input and opinion regarding the future of the Lake. Representatives from other organizations are in-



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Hong Kong Co-op students await visas

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here is little they can do, but they’re trying. That’s the message the Co-op department is giving out, a week after hearing of the plight of four UW co-op students in Hong Kong. The four students are working illegally while they await the outcome of their applications for work visas. If their applications fail, they could be deported, fined, or even imprisoned. Currently, the Co-op department is still trying to figure out what went wrong. In the past, students applied for visas upon arrival, and evidently had no problems.

could obtain the necessary documentation upon arrivaI in Hong Kong. This information came from Margaret Grosch, Co-op’s International Placement Officer, as told to her by Mr. Chan, the General Manager of the Hong Kong electronics firm that is currently employing the students. Co-op never checked this information, and it has since proved to be false. Co-op claims that since previous students sent to Hong Kong had no problems, they are not to blame. The students dispute this also, saying that their problems are not due to laws changing with the impending reunification with China, but with the laws being more stricly

“the arrangements for securing work visas *were clearly explained to the students prior to leaving for Hong Kong.” However, the students’ employer told them to wait until after the Chinese New Year to apply, which the students did. When they did apply for their visas, they were informed ofthe penaIities they faced for working the previous two months. The students sent a letter to David Drewe, Senior Officer of Academic Affairs for the Federation of Students, and to Keith Kenning, the Co-op Program Administrator outlining their predicament early last week. Both Drewe and Kenning have subsequently been in contact with the students. The Co-op department has also been in contact with the students’ employer, Universal Electronics. Bruce Lumsden, Director of Co-op, in a letter to Imprint stated that “the arrangements for securing work visas were clearly explained to the students prior to leaving for Hong Kong.” However, the four students dispute this. They say that all that they were told by Co-op was that they

enforced. TGs implies that previuos students had no difficulties, not because Co-op provided them with correct infcbrmation, but because beuraucrats in Hong Kong were more lax. “There has been no official change in Hlong Kong immigration policy. The difficulties that we arc experiencing are a result of stricter enforcement ofexistingrules,“says a letter from the four to Co-op. They continue to say “regardless of the abscence ofpast students’ difficulties, the issue at hand is that we were in violation of Hong Kong law upon our first day of employment. The purpose of our correspondance is to ensure that the next group of students obtain, with full assistance and cooperation of the university, a contract and the necessary documentation to work legally in their placements Prior departure. In the future, this may involve the Co-op Department researching the various laws and the procedures that apply to students when working abroad.”

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IMPRIINT NEWS Nisado? LLo dices en serio? i Mierda!


High schools to get 40,000 computers a vear by Rebecca Higgins Imprint staff

ten years in various announcements. So the question is, will they ever get to that 1O-to- I ratio?” Another feature ofthe proposed plan involves the opportunity for students to access world-widecomputer networks. Existing classrooms as well as newly built schools will bc provided with networking facilities “as soon as possible”, according to the Backgroundcr. The support for teachers will allow school boards to spend money on repairs and educational software. One interesting aspect of the Backgrounder details the devclopmcnt of partnerships between schools and local businesses, an act that will likely change the face of education permanently. Asked if the move would constitute the “selling-out” of the schools and industrialize the concept of education, Wagner seemed unconcerned. “I don’t think that’s a selling out, I think it’s a very positive step to say we’re all in this together. In recent years businesses have said to school boards and to universities that education has to start providing graduates who are knowledgeable in today’s society to and able to use information technology,” he said. About the introduction of this element of the plan, Wagner leaves room for doubt, noting, “It’s a fairly open-ended statement from the Ministry of Education.” The Backgrounder and the accompanying news release mention that the first partnership is already in place, between several boards and IBM Canada. The news release is based on the findings ofthe Royal Commission on Learning. Wagner approvesofthcCommission’s work to date and is especially impressed with the group’s acknowledgement of education for students who will be graduating “in the next century.” Undeniably, Canadian cducation is changing as it becomes more data-oriented and focussed on computer knowledge. The children, perhaps even siblings of currentlystudying university students will be affected in the years to come if the proposed plan is implemented. The alterations in education have been slow to arrive in comparison to the massive new wave of technology in the home. As Rick Wagner says, “We live in a world filled with information technology. And a lot of students have more at home in that regard than we do in the classroom.”


chools across Ontario are about to become more tech nology-friendly, according a rcccnt Backgroundcr from the Ministry of Education and Training. New adjustments include the proposed implementation of a lUto-l ratio between students and computers, involving the purchase of 40,000 new computers every year. Also, curriculum-based softwart will be more readily available, as will support for teachers.


“That’s a noble objective. The government has used that IO-toI ratio fur at least the last ten years iz2 various announcements. So the question is, wiGl they ever get to that IO-to1 ratio?” Rick Wagner, computer consultant for the Waterloo Region Separate School Board; hesitates to embrace the new policies just yet. “Until we see exactly what the government’s going to do with support for their announcement, I tend be a little bit cautious as to what it will mean for schools,” he says. But Wagner believes that if the plans arc followed through with, the result will be positive. “If they do come through with everything that’s in the backgrounder and the press release that it’s based on, things should improve the amount of technology available for our students’ use .” About the improved studentsto-machines ratio, Wagner remains skeptical, saying, “That’s a noble objective. The government hasuscd that 1O-to- 1 ratio for at least the last



Living with

and dying dignity

vend Robinson has recently been in the press due to his support of the late Sue Rodriguez, and his attendance at her death, Rodriguez was dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease, a nervedegenarative disease that had completely incapacitated her. She appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada for the right to a doctorassisted suicide and was denied. However, she defied this ruling and with the help of an anonymous doctor, ended her life peacefully on February 12, 1994. Robinson, a long-time supporter, was present. Now, he’s coming to speak at UW. The lecture is titled “Living and Dying with Dignity.” Robinson has a long history of dealing with highly sensitive issues that many MP’s avoid. He has been named an Honourary Dirctor of’both the British Columbia and the Ottawa Civil Liberties Associations, and an Honourary Board Member for Lawyers Against Apart heid (Robinson got his law degree from




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by James Russell Imprint staff



Friday, March l&1995





Friday, March 10, 1995

PODS and PODlings



by Tricia Mumby and Dan Bajor special to Imprint

rewarding. The PODS program swings into action during orientation week. While that may seem in the dishe PALS Off-Campus Dons tance now, keep in mind that sumprogram is now gearing up mer and th.e spring co-op term are for its second year “in busifast approaching, and you may be ness,” and seeking cager volunleaving the city. teers! NOW is the time to volunteer 0z ‘.).‘\ ‘,.‘2.’ The transition from high . ,,., :. for the Federation of Students : . school to university can be diffi&;4 fortheFal1 1995,asaPALSOffcult, and this is particularly true Campus Don. for first year students living offApplications and position decampus. This is why the PODS scriptions are available at the program was initiated for the Turnkey Desk, and at the new first time last fall. Federation of Students office in The goal of PODS of to asroom 110 ofthe Campus Centre. sist students during this crucj i al Applications are due by Friday time. PODS must be matulre, -_A _ March 31 at 4:3Opm, so ACT reliable, approachable, and T1’his picture j -ust says it all. NOW! Aa knowledgeableabout both the camThe time involved in being a pus, and the city. PODS are cxcelPOD is sometimes considerable, If you would like more inforlent rcsourccs, good friends, and at but the experience and gratification mation, Julie Cole would be happy the very least, a friendly face around that one receives from helping a to provide that, either at extension campus. student in a position that you prob3780, at her office in room 110 of PODS are trained in the areas ably once found yourself in is very the CC, or at fedvpua@watserv 1.


Toronto Montessori Institute is now accepting applications for the 1995- lYY6 Teacher-Training Course. This course leads to a Diploma to teach 3 to 6 and 6 to 12 year olds, applying Montessori educational theory and methodology. Prerequisite: Undergraduate Degree. Course duration: August 1, 1995 - June 28, 1996. Enrolmcnt is limited. For further information, plcasc call Pam Debho, Registrar, at (905) 889-6882. Course is accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE). TORONTO

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of communication, listening skills, crisis intervention and peer mediation. PODS are expected to keep in regular contact with their “Podlings,” attend the training session, and also attend regular POD group meetings.




fur students travellina to:

by Awey Peters Officer Internal

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The rainy season in Waterloo is just around the comer, but before wintcr leaves us the FEDS are taking one more kick at the cold. WINTERFEST-the biggest party of the winter takes place at the Bombshelter this weekend. (Those of you who have experienced SUMMERFEST at Fed Hall wilt understand what we mean.)

Greyhound offers students the best value year round. Take it easy, take the Greyhound.


-Senior Affairs

Ix: F c

There’s lots to do during end’s Chill Challenge, on Saturday afternoon:

this weekespecially check out

the chill the Bobsled Obstacle Race Course outside BMH, the Snow Flag Foot-

This weekend: Bobsled race, Flag Football and Ball hoekey ball Tourney on the Vi1 lage Green, and the Ball Hockey Tournament

in Parking

Lot “M”.

Tf indoor sports are more your style, be sure to hit the Bombshelter (Bob’s home away from home) both Friday and Saturday night. S 1 at the door gets you two game tickets to try your hand at any of the following: air hockey, pool, darts, “chuck the skin,” hoops challenge, and a hockey target shoot. There will even bc a Tent set up for those of you who, like me, miss the outdoor ambience of the Bomber Patio. Look ahead this weekend

to Spring; come and Kill the Chill.


In memoriarn: Prof. Peter Petri UW News

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he funeral was held Tuesday (March 7) for Woldemar (Pe ter) Petri, acknowledged as the oldest professor teaching at a Canadian university. He died Friday at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. He was 88. An adjunct professor in civil engineering at the University of Waterloo, Petri was a civil engineer, renowned structural engineer and inventor. Born in Moscow in July 1906, Petri came to Canada in 1953 and after retiring from his consulting firm at age 7 1, turned to teaching at UW. In recent years, he taught one class a week to master’s and PhD students. Among his famous designs were overhead sign supports for multi-lane highways, the first aluminum welded bridge (over the Grand River near Breslau), aluminum crane booms, truck bod-

ies and trailers, ship loaders and unloaders, and transportable bridges for the U.S. Marine Corps. Before moving to Canada, he worked in


aircraft and jets. He was the holder of many patents and in recognition of his accomplishments was listed in Who’s Whlo in Technology. He received an hionorary doctor of engineering degree from UW in 1989. “Whlen I’m teaching young people, I forget how old I am,” he said in a 1993 interview for a newspaper articlepublished intemationally. He voluntarily underwent IQ tests every two years to reassure himself and university officials that he still had what it took to teach. His goal was to keep teaching until age 90 but he broke his hip in a fall this winter and was admitted to the hospital. Petri, who lived in Cambridge, was

Peter Petri: young at heart the aircraft design and manufacturing industry, making significant contributions in the design of dirigibles, all-metal and large-scale

predcc by Margaret,


wife of almost 50 years, in 1979. They had no children. The funeral was held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Barthel Funeral Home, 566 Queenston Rd., Cambridge.



Campus left over to worry about saving the planet. It seems we are doomed to a deteriorating economy, community, and environment. When we complain about these problems we are told this is the price WC must pay to create jobs and a healthy economy. In the midst of all the doom and gloom, many people are beginning to take back control of their communities. They see that local environmental and economic problems can be traced to economic decisions made outside the community. They realize thata healthy economy and environment are not mutually exclusive andmust become the goal ofeconomic development. And they know no one is better suited to understand the environmental and economic needs of their community than themselves. Throughout Ontario, various community members have begun initiatives that create jobs and help repair damaged ecosystems. These initiatives follow the approach of sustainable community economic development (SCED). SCED is about developing our communities from within by becoming self-sufficient through selfreliance. Economic decisions are made by community members and are based on meetingpeople’s needs and promoting environmental sustainability. Future columns will explain how to do SCED and give examples from the people who are doing

Our communities are in rough economic shape. Small businesses are going under, while large multi-national companies move capital and jobs to areas where they can maximize profit and undercut local producerswithcheaperconsumerproduct pricing. As businesses shut down and move to Mexico and other lowwage high-repression countries, more of our friends and family are without work. Those with jobs often face wage cutbacks. Thatmeans many of us are struggling to just meet our basic needs. Greater numbers of people in our communities are becomingimpoverishcd. As well, our governments seem to ignore the wishes of the people who elect them. We ask for jobs and healthy communities and we get economic policies that result in higher unemployment, lower wages, and the slow destruction of social services. We end up losing community control for the sake of global competition. As our communities and our economy decline, our environment is steadily deteriorating. Global climate change, the depletion of the ozone layer, and species extinction are just some of themany problems facing all citizens of the world. Here in Ontario, we pollute the lakes that supply our drinking water with industrial waste, We put toxic chemicals on the food we eat. We dump garbage and other waste on our precious agricultural land. And in our cities we breathe air full of smog. Put simply, the ecosystems we rely on are increasingly compromiscd. Back in the 1980s when the economy appeared healthy, people had lots of energy to try to stop the destruction of our planet. But times have changed. The tough economic realities of the 1990s mean we must spenda lot more time making ends meet. For most people that meanslittle time is

;t 1%.

WPIRG’s 1995 Annual General Meeting (to vote on constitutional amendments and other business) at the Weaver’s Arms, Waterloo Cooperative Residences Inc., 268 Phillip St., Waterloo on Monday, 13 March 1995. At 5:30pmadinner will be served ($2 tickets available in the office) and ACM business and elections will commence at 6:30pm. Proposed constitutional amendments are available in the office. To vote, you’re membership must be paid-up.

“PA ss 33 vour courses L

by Stacey Harris special to Imprint


he end of term is coming and chances are you may bc feeling a little stressed and a littie worried about final exams or finding the time to finish all those end of term reports and assignments. Well, if you are searching for advice to help you finish off the term smoothly, why not stop in and see a PASS volunteer counsclior. Pass (Peer Academic Support Scrvicc) is a peer support service offered by the Federation of Students which provides infomlation to help students who are experiencing difficulty with study skills and learning class information. This service does not provide

one-to-one tutoring on course matcrial, but examines learning stratcgies and provides support and referral services to other campus programs. Volunteers can provide study skills information on a variety of areas such as time management, learning and remembering, notetaking, and preparing for exams. Volunteers can also provide important information on how to go about researching academic decisions such as adding or dropping courses. PASS volunteers can be found in room 150A (a temporary location) in the Campus Ccntre and are available on Mondays 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Tuesdays 1 to 3 p.m., and on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Friday, March 10,1995

Question No, because after viewing pornographic literature, men tend to view their girlfriends/wives as less atractive. -Sam Howell, 1B Arts Yes, they shouldn’t restrict anyone from their own interests. -Priya Math-CS


1st year

Yes, certain students rcquire alternative forms of entertainment. -Edward Richards, 2nd year, Arts No, I don’t think it should be available on campus. -Marlene Sutton, 3rd year Political Science

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Friday, March 10, 1995


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continued h-m page 2 less, she fully supports the motion. “I think it [stocking pornography] goes agains’t the climate that we’re trying to promote.” John Jiongerius, the Manager of the Variety and Post Store, brought the issue to Council. “It’s not one person’s decision,” he said. If the students own it, why not let them decide?” 1 As far as the decision being moral or economical, Jongerius believes that there must be a separation of business and morals, saying that he personally agreed with the decision,but that “as a manager, I probably would have put everything in.” Jongerius says he could have had any magazine “shrink wrapped” in plastic, to prevent people leafing through them in the store. He also says that thie debit cards for phone sex lines were potentially very profitable. The ca.rds are sold for $100, and as time is used up by the owner talking to a sex line, the money is deducted. The allure is that they offer complete anonymity. Evidently, the:y have been test-marketed in the United States with tremendous results. For their inclusion in the store, there would be no initial investment costs, and the Feds would receive 20% of all sales. “It’s tough operating a politically correct variety store,” Jongerius says. Farmer is also dissatisfied with the decision to allow lottery tickets and cigarettes, saying that the Feds are plannin,g on selling them, but them planning to have education campaigns. “I thought that was just ludicrous,” says Farmer. “You’re allowed to smoke and we’re going to take the profit from that and tell you not to smoke.” He also says “I think there is a far greater chance of someone going to the Bomber and having six or eight beers and date rape being involved after, rather than a couple going to convenience store, buying a Playboy and the guy going home and raping his girlfriend because he just saw a Playboy.” He counters any argument of exploitation, saying “Playmate of the month makes $20,000 U.S., Playmate of the year, I think, gets $100,000 and Penthouse pays more than that, so I know the women involved aren’t exploited.” Steve Codrington, President of the Federaltion of Students, says “we are considering image,” when asked about the decision. He is glad students are talking about this and stresses th.at he doesn’t want to trivialize the issue, but from a business point of view, it is just one product amongst many. “We don’t sell Pepsi either, [and] that’s not a big deal .”




he Working Group on Continuing Education (WCE) has begun its task of analyzing the University’s activities in distance education, professional development and upgrading courses, non-credit activity, and special part-time programs. Our mandate involves consulting extensively with faculty, staff, students, and others involved in, or affected by, continuing education in creating our vision for these programs for the next decade. As a precursor to our required SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), we held a visioning session for our working group which uncovered our thoughts and ideas on the issues, interest groups, and visions for continuing education for the next 5-Z 0 years. Our session leader asked us to respond to the following questions: I. What issues are most important with respect to continuing/distance education over the next 10 years? 2. What interest groups are affected by these issues? How will they behave? How will their interests be satisfied’! 3. What are the key characteristics of continuing/distance education 10 years from now? Following are our responses to these questions. 1. Issues: - Accessibility to the university’s resources for distance and continuing education students - Adaptability to new needs of students (i.e., international opportunities, professional development, job re-training, etc.) - Financial considerations regarding adequate compensation to faculty members, academic units, and university as a whole in addition to government attitudes = Effective use of educational technologies, including experimentation - Organization of programs, including degree of centralization - Quality of programs, including an effective feedback system that ensures program maintenance - Availability of resources such as computer labs in continuing education - Status and image attached to faculty involvement in continuing/distance education courses - Cooperation with and competition from other delivery agencies We highlighted accessibility, financial considerations, educational technologies, and status issues as the primary ones conceming UW’s Continuing Education programs during the next decade. 2. Interest Groups: - Students: increasingly discriminating, particulary professionals: also includes those legislated to upgrade skills (i.e., optometrists), other groups (i.e., cultural group managers, engineers), and alumni - Faculty: concerned with compensation (status and financial) - Support Staff: working conditions as “front line troops” an issue - University Community: reputation of institution a prime concern

Friday, March 10, 1995



Education from TRACE special to Imprint


- Academic Units: concerned with allocation of resources - Outside Organizations: cooperative and competitive-where do we fit? - Government: Possible source of

on Continuing Summary Report cation issues: 1. They may demand more 2. They may withdraw completely 3. They may remain neutral and apathetic Ways we can satisfy their in-

Our mandate involves consulting extensively with faculty, stafJ students, and others in creating our vision for these programs for the next decade. funds if we could gain access - University Management: fmanciat return and reputation are key issues Members of these groups may behave in three different ways in response to future Continuing Edu-

terests include the following characteristics: 1. Have flexible programs 2. Solve financial considerations 3. Integrate the Continuing/Distance Education program into the University as a whole

4. Focus on individual needs and wants 3. Visions: - Full integration of the Continuing/Distance Education programs to increase accessibility and status - Adaptable and flexible programs that provide education on demand and learner-based courses - Innovative educational technologies to allow adaptability and fiexibility - Collaborative relationship with our varied student pool - Commitment from faculty, university administration, support staff, and government to support growth in Continuing/Distance Education programs In our opinion, commitment to the programs is essential at all levels. WCE plans to meet with various interest groups such as the Distance Education staff, distance education students, and distance edu-

cation instructors to collect their thoughts on the program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. However, comments from the whole university community are welcome. What do you think about our current analysis of UW’s Continuing/Distance Education programs? What’s right? What are we missing? Please direct your comments to any of the committee members listed below: Computer Science: Don Cowan dcowan@csg TRACE: Donna Ellis deellis@watserv I Garry Griffin griffin@watarts Distance & Continuing Education: Maureen Jones mjones@corrl Li brat-y: Mike Ridley mridleyalibrary Optometry: Jake Sivak jsivak@sciborg Rcnison College: Leah Valian

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Computer From Students Advising Co-op part3of6



Friday, March 10, 1995

ere’s a riddle: bankers re fer to me as an ATM, auto makers use me to control anti-lock braking systems, and at the University of Waterloo, I have recently entered the hallowed halls of the co-op department. The pcopie there call mc ACCESS. What am I? ‘The answer is, the new Co-op on-line ACCESS system. The idea for an on-line access system originated back in 1988. At that time, the co-op department considered the on-line access system to be part of a much larger project. At the end of 1989, a design document for the larger project was produced. This document outlined the computing needs of the co-op department for the upcoming years. It included a full rcplaccmcnt of the department’s hardware and software systems. On the hardware side, the TBM mainframe running VMICMS would be abandoned in f&our of a UNIX platform. On the software side, a new information system would be crc-

ACCESS comes to Chop

ated. This system would be a combination of both new and existing software. It would provide details on such things as students’ academic and work term histories, the jobs to which they’ve applied, record employer information such as contact names, current and previous job requirements, job posting and interview dates. This information system would serve as the data engine for other software systems, such as the intcrvicw scheduling systern, the offer system, an on-line access system for students, and other systcms for coordinators and other Co-op employees. In 1989 and 1990 the information system and most of the other systems were developcd. At the beginning of 199 1, this initial version was rclcascd intcmally and tested within the co-op department. At this point, a thorough evaluation of the system took place. Bugs were found and enhancements suggested. Unfortunately, version one of the svstcm had some unexpected pro bLms, including data &m-up-

tion and a number of logical errors. As a result of these shortcomings, a second version was produced. As the second version approachcd completion late in 1992, the co-op department considered changing the placement process. Some members of the co-op de-

At the end of 1993, co-op made a final decision not to proceed with continuous placement. As a result, some of the software developments designed for continous placement were no longer needed. Others were incorporated into the current noncontinuous system. The end rcsuit of continuous placement was a one year delay in the systems development process. By the beginning of 1994, the information system was complete. Other

The on-line system allows students to view job postings, cheek

job offers, and to perform custom queries. partment wanted to do away with ranking forms and to rely on a continuous placement process to match students withemployers. The co-op department spent a full year investigating continuous placemerit. Throughout 1993, students and employers were told to expect continuous pIacement and the newly develoDed information system was I mod&d accordingly.

were also complete. this out of the way,

With co-op

began working ontheon-

line access system for students. System requirements were drawn up by the co-op department and given to an internal data processing group in the MC building. Dave Thomas of the co-op department served as co-op’s link to this data processing group. He was responsible for overseeing personnel and evaluating the project at various stages of its development. In total, the project involved the efforts of about a dozen employees including programmers, network technicians and the input of a few co-op students. It was originally expected that the student on-line system would take four to five months to complete. Unfortunately, it ended up taking a full ten months to get the job done. The main reasons for the delay included security considerations, the creation ofapproximately 6000 student accounts, and the need

to learn a new programming language. The on-line system allows students to view job postings, check interview schedules and job offers and to perf;Drm custom queries. As with all large software packages, there are still a few bugs in the system. However it is anticipated that these errors will be eliminated in theupcomingmonths. Additional features amd program enhancements will also be added in the future. Eventually, co-opwould like to reach the point where students can apply to jobs directly on-line without having to fill drop boxes withprinted copies oftheirresumes. If you’ve already given the system a whirl, then Dave Thomas wants to hear from you! The current system is only a work in progress. It will continue to expand and improve over the upcoming years. If you have any ideas for improving the system, let Dave Thomas or Students Advising Coop know what you think. Let us know what you like and what you don’t like, what features should be added and what features should be changed. For more information on how to use the on-line system, there is a pamphlet available in the Career Kesource Centre, as well as a posting on UWInfo and on the co-op department’s home page in Mosaic. Dave Thomas can be reached through e-mail at dthomas@nh 1adm. You can contact SAC by e-mail at sac@undergrad.mathor leave comments in the Dear Co-op box on the wail beside the pit in Needles Hall.

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CC Art show

he last week in March has been designated to herald in the new and improved hub of student life, the Campus Centrc, which, for approximately 19 months has been the “hubbub” of student life. AIthough the cacophony of drills, saws and jackhammers has barely subsided, the com-


It wiZl give artists the opportunity not only to display and sell their wurk, but also to have their art considered fur . permanent display in the Campus Centre mittcc in charge of opening ceremonies has already begun to plan the festivities. Among the week-long activities will be a juricd art show that will give artists the opportunity not only to display and sell their work, but also to have their art considered for permanent display in the Campus Ccntre. Aside from the pastel action gum&s that accent the old furniture in the Great Wall, there has been a dearth of artwork exhibited *

in the Campus Centre. Despite the fact that students are paying for the construction and maintenance of the new Campus Centre, they have participated relatively little in its actual architectural design and construction. More recently, however, students have had a hand in furniture selection and layout and have generated ideas for specific room USC. The upcoming juried art show will allow for students’ direct input (in terms of art submissions and jury decisions) into the aesthetics of the interior of their Campus Centre. Students, alumni, faculty and staff are invited to submit original artwork-paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, batiksfor viewing from March 27 to March 3 1 in the new multipurpose room. (That’s the room with the wooden swivel doors in the north side of the Great Hall.) At the beginning of the exhibition, a jury will select pieces to be permanently displayed in the Campus Centre. Artists of these works will receive an honorarium. In addition, the Campus Centre will pay for the selected pieces to be framed and mounted. During the week, students and visitors to the Campus Centre will be able to view the exhibition and purchase any pieces artists have chosen to sell. If you are interested in submitting your artwork to the exhibition, or if you have any suggestions, please contact Paula Thiessen at 579-4635,MaurecnRaat884-0807orTifhny Placins at 888-4567, ext. 6283. The deadline for submissions is March 22. Artwork need not be framed for submission. The jury will not be considering any sculptures. Depending on the show’s total number of submissions, the number of submissions per artist may have to be limited.


by Rebecca Higgins Imprint staff n October 1994, Queen’s Park sent universities a memo regarding the recom mendations of the Task Force on Wniversity Accountability. The task force was formed to discuss accountability issues, and previously the force outlined recommendations to be implemented by universities. Federal Minister of Education and Training David Cooke sent the October memo to strongly encourage the return of written reports that would describe how the task force’s recommendations were being dealt with. By February, the University of Waterloo had completed and returned the requested report. A divided chart listed the proposals,


UW News



and displays. UW’s six faculties will hold special activities and tours: Applied Health Sciences activities are based at B.C. Matthews Hall; Arts at Hagey Hall of the Humanities; Engineering at Carl Pollock Hall; Environmental Studies at the Environment Studies 1 building; Mathematics at the Mathematics and Computer building; and Science at the Biolugy 1 building. Information on the Independ-


igh school students will have achance next Tuesday (March 14) to preview ampus life, academic programs and services at the University of Waterloo. The 23rd annual Campus Day is expected to attract several thousand students, along with their friends and family, said Steve Little, director of the secondary school liaison office, He added that last year about 3,800 students, friends and parents attended Campus Day. “We hope that their experience on Campus Day will increase their interest in attending Waterloo,” Little said. “Our main objectives are to provide information for our visitors and answer their questions, as well as to acquaint them with some of the people involved with our programs and services.” This will be an information-packed event for university-bound students. Most activities begin around 9 a.m. and continue until about 4 p.m., involving faculty, staff and students from nearly every department and student service area across the campus. It’s also a day for high school students to bring their parents along for information programs, covering such topics as co-operative education, health and safety, coutlselling, residence life, inter-university sportsandcampus recreation programs, financial aid and student life. The concourse of South Campus Hall (SCH), near UW’s University Avenue entrance, will be the focal point for the day’s events. Walking tours will start at the SCH concourse, where there will be information

The 23rd annual Campus Day is expected to attract several thousand students, along with their friends and family. About 3,800 attended last year. cnt Studies program is available at the Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology (PAS) building, Room 1055. The four UW church collcgcs are also involved in the big day, offering tours and special visitor events at Conrad Grebel College, Renison College, University of St. Jerome’s College and St. Paul’s United College.


Aaministration doesn’t discuss accountability A

23rd annual campus day


by Paula Thiessen special to Imprint


Friday, March 10, 1995

and the university’s action to date. Of the forty-seven recommendations, eight were not dealt with at all. Beneath the “Action to Date” heading was a gaping blank space. Many of the requests involved the construction of advisory committees, for issues such as community relations, finances and physical assets. Some of the proposals were answered vaguely, stating that reports will be written and groups will meet “beginning in 1995.” Dates and times were not cited. Admittedly in specific sections the report was extremely concise, as in regarding the issue But of the termination of inactive members. much of the document was left open-ended. Apparently, the Task Force on University Accountability has their work cut out for them.




is hereby



of the




University of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of tbe Province of Ontario to be held on Tuesday, March X,1995 at 7:oO p.m in the Campus Centre Great Hall. The agenda for this meeting is as foUows: Appointment officer’s

of the &ard


of Directors.

1994-95 and Question


Motion pursuant to By-Law 1, Article IV: %e it resolved that the Federation of Students Fee be set at $23.55 per studeat per term effective September 1, 1995.” 4.

Motion i:


to amend By-Law

1, Article

HLA, concerning

Add item 4 to read: The Senior Officers Re-number the rest of I1I.A accordingly.

Full Membership

of the Corporation;

as follows: and





Stephen Codrington President ____-_-__-__-__I__---------- ---_----_______-___------------- -------__--*-_----_-_----_---___---*1__LC________________-----REMEMBER!!! .
























20 AT 4:30 P.M.






Firing Line &


or the past four years, Imprint has published a feature by the women’s centre that usually receives a fair amount of criticism from the university community at large. Each feature usually contains an article on various activities sponsored by the women’s centre, a rant about the role of the media or white males and then there’s usually some other more provocative piece designed strictly for shock effect. The above is a general outline that may not be exactly true every year. This year, however, is no exception and that’s a pity. The problem with all of the previous features is that there is very little if any real communication involved. The articles involve a level of preaching to the converted that would make the most militant Christians cringe. Now don’t get me wrong, I undcrstand the whole idea that this is women’s week, and they should have their own activities to empower themselves and all that. However, this feature is not written just for the fifty-odd women who spend time at the women’s centre. It is published in a newspaper that is distributed all over the university campus, and in the Kitchener-Waterloo area: Thus, some attempt must be made in order to cffcctively communicate the issues and ideas that the women’s centre believes in. Poetry and unimaginative rants about the power of the media do far more harm than good for the women’s centre since they simply reinforce the stereotype ofthe women’s centre as a place where only radical feminists can feel comfortable. It is not easy to spend one’s time perpetually trying to communicate one’s ideas to what appears to be an unthinking and unfeeling world. Trying to explain what one believes in to other people, especially when that view is far outside the accepted mainstream, is akin to banging one’s head against a brick wall. Hey, no one said being a feminist was easy. This difficult job is not made any easier when you present vague epigrams as part of your “philosophy.” For example, in the section cntitlcd “Our Philosophy” in this week’s feature, WC have some ofthe “immediate objectives” of the women’s ccntre. One of these objectives is “To foster a supportive environment condusive (sic) to womyn empowering themselves and other womyn.” What does that mean? As an objective, this is hopelessly vague and open to a ridiculous amount of interpretation. Similarly, the opening line of the women’s centre “philosophy” is that “We believe that institutionalized discrimination against womyn exists in our society.” Well that’s nice, but I could equally argue thai no such “institutionalized discrimination” exists and in fact recent employment equity legislation makes it much, much easier to get a job if you’re a woman or a minority. Last month’s philosophy colloquium by Grant Brown on the poverty of employment equity plicies was a perfect forum for organizations like the women’s ccntre to combat what they see as institutionalized discrimination. They could have sponsored a speaker to debate Brown, but unfortunately no such action was taken. I will, no doubt, be dismissed as another one of those “men” who simply can never understand the struggle of women in our society, etc. etc. So be it. However, the women’s centre should realize that there are many, many men and women who do not either understand or care about what they are doing. If they want to offer a relevant contribution to intelligent discussion on campus and if they wish to foster positive social change then they should start taking their audience into consideration.

The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Imprint is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl.

The’TarantinoBernard0 connection WL? do it wrong, being so nrrrjestical, To uffer it the show of violence Fur it is, as the air blows invulneruble, And our win blows /naIicioz.is nzockery. - Hamlet, William Shakespeare have seen the future of entertainment and it’s Paul Bernard03 Home Videos, Quentin Tarantino has set a pace for violence in entertainment that makes me very nervous about the future. P&p Fictl’or~, Reservoir Dogs and Ntzfurtil Burft Killers are pushing the envelope of violence in thg media and I am discouraged by the response these movies are receiving. The movie that makes me think the most is P&p Fiction. It is a dark cinematographic masterpiece and it has attracted the mass media’s attention. The 10th Annual Comedy Awards Com-

longer than others, some did not laugh at all. I theorize that the more desensitized viewers laughed longer before realizing how macabre the images really are. This leads me to ponder why we are so distraught by real world violence, and yet we have the ability to


and accidental death. I tried to help but I could not. I will never forget how real and how sad it was. Is Tarantino trying to question violence in the media or profit from it‘? Is the anticipated effect the same as the nuclear holocaust films of the 80’s, movies that were instigared to scare us into realizing the potential horror of the cold war? It’s ironic that these films arc now shown as late night filler no~w that nuclear war is not as prevalent a threat. Can the media #do what politicians and lawmakers cannot? Is Tarantino trying to curb our tendency to violence by exposing us to the worst case scenarios‘? I would question this narallel on the basis that The Dav Afier or phallic. hfist

hv 2nv means

1 minv

and watching “physical” ice hockey. Playing hockey makes me feel alive, could the kid in back :at theoretically say the same thing? For several reasons, I doubt it. I cannot judge rthose that laugh at all or none of Pu/p Fiction. I realize that we all must -judge what is acceptable for ourselves. However, as is everything, all decisions are up for negotiations and 1 see myself singing a very different r laughter titular scene that r’cce>ved cxten&e was a piece of brain in one of the hit men’s jerry curls. Not everybody laughed, some people left the theatre I attended. Some laughed


laugh when the same acts are committed on the silver screen. Does Tarantino’s cinematographic wizardry make us lose perspective? I have had the distinct displeasure ofwitnessing a bloody






hit the shelves.



Letters to the Editor Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for veyification. Letter received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.

Codrington is so cool To the Editor, I am writing in response to Sean Denomey’s letter (March 3, 1995. Sean writes, “I’d like to ask Mr. Codrington why he wasn’t working for the students who were (are) blatantly getting ripped off. Whose side are you on, Stephen?” I for one, do not feel and have never felt ripped off by the Feds. There are many services provided that more than compensate for the fee paid. While I may not take advantage of all of them, for example the food bank, I am glad that it is there should I ever need it. Should Sean ever need it, I have no problem having contributed to the fund that provides the service. To imply that the Feds don’t work for students is ridiculous. I point to two prime examples when the Feds saved you a lot more money than 25 bucks. Last year Catherine Coleman significantly reduced the Ancillary Fees which were to be imposed upon us. You don’t see a line in your incidental fees for $200... Thank Catherine. This year Stephen Codrington contributed significantly to the force that stopped Axworthy’s plan to eliminate Federal Transfer Payments to the provinces. Your tuition hasn’t doubled.. . Thank Stephen. I recognize that the decision made in part by Catherine Coleman to charge the fee, and Stephen Codrington’s decision not to fight that earlier choice were difficult. I’m sure the bank does not recognize the imperative of a referendum, they simply want their money. I feel that both Catherine and Stephen acted in the best long-term interest of the students. $25 times every student represents a lot of money that could have eased the debt incurred in the building of the Student Centre, Which in turn means more money for services like the food bank. Be patient Sean, you’ll get the $25. When I get mine I’m giving it back. I’m going to donate it to the Food Bank. 1 hope other students will do this too. Donate your $25 to your favourite Fed service whether it be the Safety Van, PALS phone line, GLLOW or any one of the manyFed services. 3rd

Kelly Foley Year Geography

Twist n’ shout To the Editur, As you may or may not know, on Friday, February 17 the CKGL travelling road show was at the Twist in Waterloo. CKGL had been advertising this event for about two weeks beforehand, stating that the tickets would cost eight dollars in advance and ten at the door. I and a few of my friends were planning on going, so I suggested I would go over to the Twist and pick up the tickets in advance (two bucks is two bucks).

Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the Twist at I O:30 Friday morning and was informed that five tickets would cost me $50. No, I’m not good at math, but the last time I checked 5 times 8 equalled $40, not $50. I would like, now, to inform everyone of the apparent new delinition of “at the door.” According to the Twist all tickets sold on the day of the show are “at the door.” My understanding of the reason for advance tickets is to avoid confusion at the time of the event when there are large crowds to contend with. Apart from a couple of custodians she and I were the only two people in the building; I don’t know how much confusion I was causing her to merit the extra charge. My greatest annoyance at this point was the fact that, had I but known, T could have just as easily bought the tickets Thursday moming. However, a couple more factors in the story top off my annoyance. The Twist closes at 5 o’clock and re-opens at 8. Does this not provide a definite distinction between what is “in advance” and what is “at the door”? Also, the tickets which I had paid $10 for had written right on them “8 dollars.” After returning home and discussing this with some of my friends I made a few phone calls. First, I would like to thank Tracy at the Chamber of Commerce for her advice. Second, I’d like to thank Mike Collins and Vie at CKGL. I told my story to Mike, who was as surprised as I was about the new definition of “at the door.” He said he would make a couple of phone calls and I should either meet him or Vie at the Twist that evening. Vie was waiting for me at the Twist and reimbursed me the $10. The money came from CKGL, not the Twist. In closing I would like to say, “way to go CKGL” for coming through. I’ve always been an avid listener and will continue to be so. As for the Twist, I don’t intend to return anytime soon. - Dave Schuler 4N Kin

Co-op is your friend Tothe Editor, Further to the article on co-op students in Hong Kong (Mar. 3), the facts are that the arrangements for securing work visas were clearly explained to the students prior to leaving for Hong Kbng. Our information on these arrangements is updated every term. The first we were aware of any problem was a week ago. Since then we have communicated directly with the students and the employer to determine the cause of the problem. We are taking steps to insure the well being of the students and that their work term experience is not jeopardized. We did not “drop the ball” nor are we negligent. References of this nature do a great disservice

to our staff,

the faculty

and the students who are engaged in international co-op education. - Bruce Dire&r,

A. Lumsdert CO-crp Education

by Jeff Couckuyt, Pete Nesbitt, and Pat Spacek

Stripped of his powers following the collapse of Ancient Egypt, former Gad of Death Anubis is reduced to begging for Beef Treats.

Women just equal TO the Editor, On the closing day of Jntemational Women’s Week, I’d just like to provide a counterpoint to the pro-feminist events and speeches held over the past few days. It is my firm opinion that modern feminism has gone off-track. Whereas the original intent was to improve the state of women’s affairs, and promote equality, now the primary goal is shifting towards promoting superiority. This is evidenced in the blatant anti-male attitude of the extreme elements of the women’s movement. Ever since elementary school, I have heard girls say “we can do anything you can do, only better!” Only better. 11. They have to stick that in; they can’t be satisfied with equality, they’ve gotta go for the jugular! More recently, we have extremists spouting such statements as “all men are potential rapists.” This definition has no relevance whatsoever, but serves as a manipulative aid to the feminist cause, spreading fear and distrust of males across the land, And when you think about it, since women can (and have) raped as well, all women are also potential rapists. So now we’ve said everybody is capable of doing a certain thing. And so what: that’s human nature, There will always be some violence

in the world,

and pointing

the finger at males is not going to help matters. As well, just look at the current craze to provide a “safe” environment for women. We have safety

patrols to walk them to and from home, draconian rape laws to protect them from anything but the driest form of sexual conduct, as soon as a supervisor touches a woman on the shoulder, she can accuse him of sexual harassment. I think this is going a little overboard. I am all for promoting safety, but should we do it at the cost of isolating ourselves from life? I mean, we could live in a bubble the rest of our lives and be free from risk, but what kind of a life would that be?? Life is full of happiness and disappointment, good things and bad things. Sheltering society from this by making everything “politically correct” does not change the underlying problems, it only has the effect of driving the problems into the underground. So, as we close up the celebrations of International Women’s Week, undoubtedly filled with admonishments to be more politically correct, and give more power to Women, I just think it is always worthy to realize there is another side to the story. -



Please send cash To the Editor, I was slightly surprised to receive a letter in my mail box addressed “to the parents of Tammy Akey” from the University of Waterloo last week. As my parents do not live with me, I opened the envelope - after all it did have my name and was annoyed to find an onitappeal for money (“a contribution

of $150 or more”). As a graduating student, the letter blabbered on about how proud my parents must be before it gets to the point. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to celebrate by generously offering the University financial support? What a load of crap! Hello there, haven’t I been paying tuition, among endless other fees every semester? What the hell was that money for? So you could continually hound me for more money after I’ve graduated too? I assume it was partially spent on writing and mailing this letter, and thousands more like it. Although the letter was addressed officially to my parents, “Parents in Partnership” wasted its time, money, and paper (and oh great, I apparently have a phone call coming too!) sending this to me. Even if it had reached my parents, I am many,manythousands of dollars in debt because my parents have been completely unable to contribute to my education. How would they be able to contribute to the future of the University? I suggest that this income-generating strategy be revised. The administration at the UW has signed my OSAP documents for the past few years, so someone there must know my family would be highly unlikely to send a couple of hundred dollars to the University ‘&as a special way to celebrate the accomplishments of [their] child.” This is a blatant waste of UW’s financial resources. The money spent on creating, generating, and mailing these letters, plus the telemarketing followup, could be much better spent on numerous things, including putting students to work in more promising and challenging ways. Then perhaps in turn, we will be more inclined to remember our dear Alma Mater in the future when we have the resources and a desire for that warm fuzzy feeling that helping others gives. Tanmy Akey 4th yr Anthrop&gy


That CFS

darn rally

To the Editor, On January 25 1995, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) held a cross-Canada rally to voice students’ discontent with Lloyd Axworthy’s cuts to social programmes, in this case, specifically cuts that would affect students by raising our tuition by cutting transfer payments to provincial govemments. If you want more specific technical details, I’m sure back issues of Imprint have them. This supposed nation-wide ciass walkout was not supported by every campus. I would like to say that Waterloo’s lack of participation in the rally (a decision made by our Feds) was a good idea. I am on a work term in Ottawa, and I was lucky(?) enough to duck out at lunch to visit Parliament Hill for the supposed student rally. The reason I say “supposed” is that the issue most pressing to students (rising tuition) seemed to take a back

continued on page 14




Friday, March 10, 1995

“At%&?!” Yes, many of you, my fellow arts students, may have had this derisive call levelled at you by some moron from one of the Engineering, Science, or Math faculties. Fortunately for us, ES and Ret students are farther down in the pecking order... Arts students don’t get any respect. But how can we expect to? When WC take a math course, all the really nasty stuff is removed so our poor, numerically challengedminds won’t get confused. Economics courses are often filtered to get rid of all that, ahem, irrelevant mathcrnatics. There’s this stereotypical perception that while Engineers think Plato was something they played with as a child, WC break out in a cold sweat at the thought of the slope of a line. Obviously, neither is true (for the most part). However, the very idea that literacy and numcracy are not, to use a math torn-t, mutually exclusive, seems completely foreign to those in charge ofboth the Arts and Math faculties. We artsies should be thrown a few numbers once in a while. Inflated marks do not help our quest for rcspeciability either. My classmates almost look ill when they hear that eh average on a test was a brutal 70%. I’vt: written more than a few midterms where the average was 75%, 80% or even higher. If the average is that high, how hard can it possibly be? While this is great for egos, making tests more challenging would bc far more helpful. First, the general level of learning would be elevated. Second, more material would be covered. Third, the students would bc separated more

appropriately by ability. Consequently, better students will no longer be penalizedin Coop, where currently their slightly higher averages mean little to employers when so many students already have A- or better averages. And if desired (though hopefully not), these precious averages could be saved by bell curves to maintain the egos and the outside world’s perception of the student body. The crux of the problem is that we often get a free ride in the Arts faculty. If you don’t do the reading, it’s covered in class. And what ofall this reading we claim to be bogged down with? Why don’t they throw us something challenging, instead of forcing us to Read & Regurgitate hundreds of pages? Assuming we can read, why don’t the professors take the material and extend its boundaries, instead of telling us what we just read? Why don’t they (gasp!) make us think instead? I’m sorry, but if a student doesn’t do the reading, then it’s the student’s fault if hc or she is completely lost in following the lecture. Period. Thr: reading should be a background used to understand more complex material to be taught in the lecture, and not vioe versa. Yes, complex material should be reviewed by the professor. However, rarely is every topic in a course complex enough to warrant such a review. Now you say, if the classes are a waste of time, why do you bother going‘? Participation marks. No, there’s no typo. We actually have participation marks. This is a fabulous way of making people show up. Apart from lan-













guage classes where they are justified, participation marks brilliantly cover up the professor’s incompetence, the course’s lack of material, or both. I had a course last term where they would sometimes quiz you on occasion at the end of a lecture to see if you were present. I had another course where you were expelled from the course if you missed more than two classes. Perhaps if the lectures were valuable, these draconian measures would not need to be taken. We don’t have three or more hours a week to massage the ego of the professor. If we miss lectures and subsequently fail or do poorly, that’s our fault, not the professor’s. In fact it would be nice if lecture attendance really was a requisite for higher achievement. Unfortunately, it is not. At this point in our education careers, I think we can be trusted to decide for ourselves whether or not lectures are useful. All that I’m asking is that the faculty treat us with a littie more respect and make us learn -- not just regurgitate. I may be wrong, but the ability to think and analyze seems more important than the ability to memorize endless definitions. My God, even an Enginccr could do that!

continued from page 13 seat to other issues. Now I understand that Carleton University (the main student body at the rally) has a strong left-wing slant, but I do not see why a rally organized by students to present student views and student complaints should be used as a platform by the Communist and Sociallist parties of Canada to spread their views and beliefs. I do not see why a student rally against tuition hikes needs placards denouncing the “rich elite” of this country, and I do not see why a student rally needs a guest speaker who says we must defend the common worker from the government and the monopolies Those are very lovely sentiments, but this was neither the time nor the place. Why should my discontent with rising tuition be tied to political propaganda? Let’s call a spade a spade, shall we? Another aspect of this rally that continues to boggle me is the organizers’ attacks on big business, especially Canadian banks. Now, maybe I’m a li<ttle slow, but how the hell does the fact that the Royal Bank made or lost money last year (it made money) affect my tuition? Directly, it doesn’t. So why did the student rally march to the Royal Bank head office to protest the fact that it made money? Now, I can s’ee why Socialists and unhappy Public Servants would have a problem with banks making record profits, but students? I could care less what the bank does, so long as it keeps cashing my chequcs. Some of you may think that my beliefs jaded my views of this, event. That may be so, but I doubt it. I think anyone would have been less than impressed by the way this rally was run. If the organizers had at least stuck to the topic of tuition increases, and concentrated on that issue without babbling on about the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, I think a lot more could have been accomplished.

12exp $5.99 24exp $8.99 36exp $11.99


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Canada’s Wi(dlife Managemenf Police: Hev, there3 no more cod, ki[t the seals!

by Leslie Warren special to Imprint “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Mahatma Ghandi n February third the Canadian govern rnent admitted that the northern cod have been fished to commercial cxtinction. According to Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society “Atlantic Canada is now locked into a permanent pov-





just been told they’ll bc poor for the rest of their lives: those cod stocks arc not coming back in their lifctimcs.”

promised Paul Watson, “ I was there the last time this happened. Every Tom, Dick and Harry from the villages was downthere trying to club seals and not doing it right and ending up skinning them alive.” The Government of Canada failed Canadians by not protecting fish populations from Canadian and foreign overfishing activities. Now unemployed fishermen are being given a scapegoat (the seals) and the means to vent their frustrations (the slaughter) to distract them from venting on the real culprit - the Canadian Government and its mismanagement of the Fisheries.

1949 000 harp seal pups and 8,000 baby

announced the opcning of a “recreational” seal hunt. kginning March 15, 194,000 harp seal pups, plus 8,000 baby grcy and hood seals will be slaughtcrcd. According to an article entitled “Canada Rcvivcs Seal Massacre” in the March I995 issue of Anil& i+q3i~~ put out by a nonprofit organization in Shushan, NY: “Scalers won’t have to leave shore to club, shoot and hack baby seals and their mothers this year. For the first time since 1982, there is no ice in the Gulf of St.Lawrcncc, forcing harp seals and hooded seals ashore to whelp.” Whelping usually takes place on the ice floes. Every year around late February the mother seals come to shore to give birth to their babies (whelp), they then stay with them for approximately 18 days to nurture and feed them. After 18 days the mothers go off to feed on their own, leaving their babies on shore until they return. It is at this time that the hunt will begin, while the baby seals are left alone. They will be easy to slaughter, because their mothers will bc gone and the babies will still be too young to defend themselves. The mothers will return to find their babies being killed, and if they interfere, which they will, they too will be killed. This year, Canadian Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin is also encouraging the general public to kill seals. The Minister has decided that non-experienced hunters will be allowed to kill seal pups. “It’s going to be bloody,”

and are not in competition for any commercial fish species. With no scientific backing they have been encouraging the hunt because thcrc is “an imbalance perceived between the amount of fish eaten by seals and the amount that may be taken by fishermen.” Sure there is an imbalance: the fishermen take all the cod. According to the Animal People article: “The expanded seal hunt follows the recommendation of a study group on the status ofthe codfishcry, appointed by

Chinese medicine market. The seal penises will be dried and powdered and packaged as an oral remedy for male impotence for markets in Asia. Anne Doncaster from the Inter-, national Wildlife Coalition says that these are ‘*the same markets responsible for the illegal traffic of critically endangered tigers and rhinos.” Even more disturbing, is that, according toAnimal People, these aphrodisiacs are “sold at the notorious child-brothels of so called “sex-port” centrcs catering to the beliefs, strong in Asia, that sex with very young partners can restore youth; that sex with children avoids AIDS; and that men of enhanced virility sire sons.” Statistics listed in the Animul Pcopk article from The United Nations Children’s Fund reported on December 15 were that “as many as half a million children are exploited in sex-ports .*. Thailand and the Philippines have an estimated 100,000 child-prostitutes apiece. At least eight other Southeast Asian nations are also deeply involved.” To pacify the general public, who may

The Government blames seals for the decliine in j&h, despite the established scientific fact that Harp and Hood

~$~~~~~hre~: ~~~~I~~~fF~$‘~ 7

and are not in competition for any commercial fish

ment practices that were “contrary to the

oceans by enforcing international conservation law, has developed an alternative industry to sealing. They have discovered a market in Europe for “seal wool” made from harp seal pup hairs they shed when they molt, a material ideal for insulated filler for bed comforters and sleeping bags, The seals can be brushed to obtain the hairs, and the seals love it! This non-lethal, cruelty-free form of sealing could provide hundreds ofJobs without harming seal pups. This approach is certainly more productive than a govemment-subsidized bounty hunt. The Sea Shepherd does not understand why the government will not back an idea that saves seals, creates jobs and is revenue and publicity positive for Canada. Natural Habitat Wildlife Adventures with the support of the International Fund for Animals have also implemented a constructive program to generate revenue while keeping the seals alive. They had organised a simple trip to eastern Canada to generate tourist dollars and a healthy appreciation and

oceanographers, a chemist, a professor of commerce, and a professor of psychology.” Even though this study

f{~~a~~~~~~~~‘~~~ the crash of the cod industry were: for-

The Government of Canada the cruel and bloody images

not warm to the idea of killing seals just for theii penises, and to avoid widespread condemnation, the whole seal carcasses will be sold to China, enabling the Government to deny that the seals are *being killed just for their genitals. However the genitals alone fetch up to $130 per set on the current retail market, while the pelt, the meat and the oil of a seal go for about $20. The primary markets for the seal meat are mink and fox tir farms. Very little seal meat goes to human consumption - of the 200,000 seal that are killed, Atlantic Canadians only buy 6,000 “flipper pies” every year. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a group created to help protect the worlds


thai they had no scicntific backing. In order to cncourage the killing of seal pups, which was banned in 1985 due to public outrage at the cruelty of the slaughter, the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans has posted a $.2O per pound bounty for all seal flippers landed. This presents the illusion that the seals are being killed for meat. However, the real objective of the hunt is to obtain seal penises for the

is gambling that of the Canadian

the public seal hunt

has forgotten prior to 1984.


respect for our Canadian wildlife. Their idea was to bring people bearings “cameras not clubs .” However the Government of Canada is gambling that the public has forgotten about the cruel and bloody images of the Canadian seal hunt prior to 1984. Please, prove the Canadian Government wrong. Voice your opposition to this cruel slaughter and let people know what the government is doing. Write letters of protest to: Mr. Brian Tobin Mitiister of Fisheries and Oceans I 200 Kent Street Ottawa, Ontario KlA OE6

Taking our bodies BACK by Anna Forster special to Imprint


his is International Womyn’s Week, centred around Inter national Womyn’s Day, March 8. It is an opportunity for womyn every where to celebrate the joy of being female. Unfortunately, womyn in the western world have been continually prevented from loving themselves for what they are and who they are. I’m talking about the media and how its images of womyn are degrading, insulting and repressive. Womyn in the media are always portrayed as happy, successful, beautiful, and sexually desirable BECAUSE they are thin. Because media images are inescapable to people living within society, womyn buy this myth. It is not the weakness bf womyn that creates this unnatural desire to be thin, but the utter pervasiveness and subtlety of advertising. For a womin to break free from the myth, she must

constantly recognize media images for what they are, reject them, and reaffirtn herself. In a society where womyn are

devalued in every area of life, this can be excruciatingly difficult. Not buying into media images creates a situation where womyn are ostracited in all aspects of their everyday life. The things we (i.e., rich

white males) value are the very things that imprison womyn: thinness, beauty and success. The natural state of womyn is not thin. At puberty, boys lose fat and girls gain fat, so that womyn can eventually bear and nurture children. Thus womyn’s constant struggle to lose weight is eventually futile because their bodies aren’t normally bone racks. They cannot, by the very essence of their femaleness, attain the rewards society defines as valuable. The time has come to REJECT these images and REJECT these societal “rewards” and REJECT repression. As womyn, we have the power to unite and fight back. The task of creating a healthy, diverse image of womyn is difficult BUT WE CAN DO IT. It’s time to accept our bodies because they ARE beautiful as they are. We can take our power back and fight for change actively. BE WOMYN. We are wholly capable of creating strength in our unity, diversity and togetherness.

by Rebekah Johnston special to Imprint



all she can affo

Women & Social Spending Cuts by Kara special

Wchardson to Imprint

into believing that cuts 10 social programs x-e necessary and deGrable. After years of‘Crmservative gov~mrnent policy in Canada, this rhetoric is nothing new. However, the Liberal government was elected due to Canadian disgust with Tory policy and due to Liberal claims that job creation, rather than the deficit and social spending cuts, would be their priority. Evidently, they have changed their minds. Lloyd Axworthy’s cuts to social spending deal with Canada’s economic problems in a way that is unfair to many Canadians. However, these cuts will have particularly adverse effects on Canadian women. A gendered analysis of the social spending cuts is important for a number of reasons. Historically and presently, systemic barriers have diminished women’s access to capital, wages, education and training. The majority of low-income workers and people living in poverty in Canada are women. Many of these women are single parents, which makes the poverty of many of Canada’s children directly related to the poverty of women. 58% of single mothers live in poverty. For single mothers under 25, that rate is 85%. A sexual division of labour,

whereby women are responsible for housework and childcare, is still prevalent. Itrestricts women’s participation in the workforce and often influenbes them to do part-time work, which is low-paid and without benefits. As a result, women workers have more difficulty qualifying for U.I. and receive less benefits; in both dollar amounts and duration. The work done by the programs that will be cut, which

unfair tax system. 44% of government revenues are paid from personal income taxes, and only 8% ,from corporate income taxes. In 1950, corporations paid 29% of the government’s revenues. Can;& s corporate interest rates are the lowest in the G-7 countries, and personal income taxes are the second highest in the G-7 countries. In 1992,93 000 profit making corporations paid no taxes at all. On the other hand, women must pay taxes on the child support payments they recelve.

include care of children and the elderly, will once agaiq be expected of women. Women fill the gap created by social programs that were fought for by Canadians and have become central to making Canada a more equitable society. The dominant message in the media, a message supported by both business and government, is that Canadians “have had it too good for too long” and that our social programs are no longer economically viable. In fact, Canada ranks only twelfth out of seventeen industrialized counties on spending programs as a percentage of GDP. Despite the fact that social spending contributed to a very small percentage of the present debt, decreases in social spending are seen as the remedy to our economic problems. Rather than focusing on government spending on social programs, the government should focus on an

Women are cut off from the decision making process of the Liberal government. The lack of an analysis that includes gender as a factor is related to the fact that only three of the 28 members of the Finance Committee are women and to the fact that women’s groups are underfunded and branded as marginal or “special interest.” The Feminist movement played an important role in the creation of Canada’s social programs. It is also involved in fighting the current cutbacks. Despite the fact that women ’ have more access to well-paying jobs than they have had in the past, all women will be adversely affected by social spending cuts. A society that relies on women to fill the gaps created by a lack of social programs is not a society committed to women’s equality . Social programs are the way in which we, as a society, make up for inequalities which are the result of our present economic system. In a society that expects the poor to pay for a debt created by and for the rich, there can be no such thing as “equality” for women or for anyone else.

I do not





a here

\ \


/-’ p/

A failure to comprehe’ d “norm#%el-&viour. the logic behind starv ng. Letting the r skin i fall off. I / Say. I / Not understanding why human is no enough. ./ Insane. To care. We are not serious bnymorle. About love: I have broken my teeth On your inability to save me, No matter how insistently I gnaw away at your chains. Insane. To be mad with caring. Mad. With breaking bread and bills and lives... Mad as a more desirable Say. From



Not to understand

Women’s WeekEvents by Raquel David special to the Imprint


arch 6th was the official start date of International Women’s Week but many women’s organizations in Toronto, K-W and the surrounding area got an early start with rallies, marches, fests and fairs. The Womyn’s Centre launched International Women’s Week with a lunch time “anti-racism” workshop put on by WPIRG. People who attended discussed issues such as power that comes from privilege and making the necessary links between racism and other forms of oppression such as disablism and sexism. Monday night was the Chinese Medicine and Shiat-su talk and “hands on” workshop. The event was well attended and drew a diverse crowd of women from both the student population and the community. The night began with meditating, stretching and learning techniques that people can do on themselves to relieve stress induced ailments, and then a discussion about the philosophy and practice of Chinese Medicine. The evening ended with women practising what they learned from the Shiat-su demonstrations. I

On Wednesday, March Sth, International Women’s Day, the Womyn’s Centre had an Open House with wine & cheese to celebrate the opening of our new space. Everybody who did not get a chance to visit during that time is welcome to drop by to take a look at our resources. Other events of the week were a viewing and riicrilccinn


the traditional “Feminist Prof Night” , and the play “Les Belles Soeurs” directed by Darlene Spencer. Fabled Cloth was also in the Campus Centre, selling Indonesian batik as a fundraiser for the Womyn’s Centre.

Throughout the week we have displayed a clothesline made up of t-shirts that women around campus have created. After we have displayed the t-shirts here, we are going to send a few to the University of Rochester for their Clothesline Project. The Clothesline will be a visual display of shirts with graphic messages and illustrations that have been designed by female survivors of violence, their families and their friends. They have invited several campuses around the U.S. and Canada to participate. If you are interested in creating a t-shirt for this project please come to the Womyn’s Centre. We have paints and t-shirts. Tonight, Friday March 10th Sandra Butler, who is currently affiliated with the Institute for Feminist Training and the author of&n@racy uf Silence: The Trauma of Incest and Canem in Two Voices, will be speaking. The lecture, which is being held at Siegfried Hall at 7:30pm, is entitled “Feminism and the Politics of Hope” and it will be about the struggles and celebrations of activism and how to maintain a balance in one’s life. This event is being put on by various organizations in the K-W community and the Social Issues Board and Womyn’s Centre here at UW. 1


OH NO, IT’S ONE OF THOSE DARN FEMZNZSTS AGAIN! by Emily Arrowsmith special to Imprint


am so tired of listening to people complain about feminists because their view of feminism seems to be so narrow minded. From my observations, most of their assumptions about feminism and women are untrue. I’d just like to clarify a few things for those who are unaware, confused, or simply dimwitted. 1) Being a feminist does not mean you hate men. 2) Feminists do not think all women’s problems will be solved if all men were castrated. 3) Feminists do not gather at the Women’s Centre to gossip about men. They plan and organize events that will help eliminate discrimination against women through education and awareness. 4) Feminists are not simply exaggerating the issues. Problems do exist and denying the problem will not make it go away. 5) The Impotent was not, and never will be funny - enough said. 6) Just because you’ve never raped someone does not mean you don’t have to take any responsibility in trying to get rid of the inequality and injustice that exists in our society. It is everyone’s responsibility. A chick is 7) Women are not babes or chicks. A babe is an infant. a bird that lives in a barnyard. Obviously, a woman is neither of these two things. 8) All women are unique and each woman has her own specific talents. These talents may include making souffle or designing buildings, and each is equally as valuable 110 matter what the income is. 9) Don’t touch me probably means Don’t touch me. Personal translations of these words are unnecessary. 10) Women who wish to celebrate their womanhood are not freaks of nature and should not be treated as if they are. Being a woman is wonderful and women have every right to celebrate.



Gryphs down U’W, win west crown by Peter Imprint

Brown sports


he magic has to run out some timeUnable to bring enough of the PAC’s ghosts along to Copps Coliseum with them, the Warriors’ season, along with the careers of Sean Van Koughnctt and Tom Balfe, ended in numbing fashion last Saturday. For the second year in a row, the Guelph Gryphons ended UW’s playoff hopes with an overwhelming 76-55 win in an OUAA West semi-final game. The Warriors won their first playoffgame in three years on Friday night, 67-55 uver Lakehead, and trailed by only four, 30-26, at half-time on Saturday. That was before the Guelph juggernaut picked up steam and blew Waterloo out of the building. Van Koughnett, cold in Friday’s game, had amassed 13 points in the opening frame against Guelph. Less than a minute into the


by Patti Imprint


tinard sports

atcrloo’s Black Plague entered the national championships with a seventh place ranking, and improved to an impressive fifth by the end of the toumamcnt. The CIAU volleyball championships were held at Laurentian last weekend, and the Warriors put in a sensational effort, ending the season on a high note. It is true that coach Ed Price was looking for a win against Alberta, and a spot in the semi-finals. However, the #2 seeded Alberta Golden Bears proved to be a significantly stronger team, particularly in terms of blocking techniques. The Warriors lost in three sets, with scores of 11-Q 3-15, and 10-15. The Warriors did, however, put up a good fight, particularly inthe first and third matches, showing both their overall talent and the improvements that they’ve made during the year. Despite being the only match that the Warriors lost throughout the tournament, the game ended on a spirited note as Pete Denison (#2) was named Waterloo player of the game. The Plague then moved onto the consolation finals, where the team had a chance to avenge their previous loss to the Toronto Blues. The week before the tournament, Toronto defeated Waterloo in the Division finals, and thus earned the provincial title. As a result, Waterloo entered the tournament in seventh place, and Toronto entered one place higher, in sixth. Howcvcr, both teams earned

second half, he nailed another basket. He did not score again, and the Warriors were outscored 46-29 in that disastrous second half, Guelph went on to capture the division crown by dominating the McMastcr Marauders 76-52 on Sunday. With that win, the Gryphs earn a spot in next weekend’s CIAU championships in Halifax. McMaster, ranked near the top of Canadian teams all year long, awaits the results of this weekend’s playoffs across Canada to see whether they will score one of two wildcard spots into the eight-team tournament. Van Koughnett was quick to accept the lion’s share of the blame for the team’s second-halfcollapse, but credited the Gryphs as well. “Those things happen,” Van Koughnett said. “They hit their shots and we didn’t. I think we still played pretty smart. “When we’re struggling, I start to think, I’ve got to get my game in gear, get a defensive board, not try

to force things, and pick it up a notch. Sometimes that backfires and I force it. That’s the responsibility that I’ve got to take.” The Gryphs just put together that most elusive quality of a champion: consistency. They didn’t always play excellent basketball, but they never played poorly. And they could turn in on and off at will. Small consolation for the Warriors came with Van Koughnett and Balfe being named to the OUAA west all-star teams. Van Koughnett was named to the first team, along with Brock’s Clint Holtz, McMaster’s Titus Channer, the Windsor Lancer’s Patrick Osborne, and Guelph’s Rob Henry.Balfe was tied for the final position on the second team with Peter Brown from Lakehead. Also on the second squad was Guelph’s Paul Eldrige, McMaster’s Shawn Francis, Western’s Mike Milne, and Lakehead’s Craig Law. Rookie of the year was Cohn Jones from Guelph.


by Kregg Fordyce special to Imprint



Look, it’s Pete spiking his way to being player of the game. photo by Patti Lend



off the fast




Miller leads UW track to 6th at provincials

the right to play in the CIAU championships by virtue of the fact that they placed first in their respective divisions, Toronto with 10 wins and two losses, and Waterloo with 1 I wins and one loss. This time, Waterloo won the match in five sets, with scores of 15-10, 12-15, 13-15,15-5,and 15-8. Inthismatch, Shawn Smith was named the Waterloo player of the game. As weI1, Smith was named Second Team All-Canadian at Saturday’s awards banquet. In their fmal match-up of the tournament, the Warriors defeated nationally ranked sixth placed Saskatchewan in five sets, with scores of 15-8, 5-15, 15-10, 13-15, and 15-10. This win earned Waterloo the consolation title and ensured the Warriors an increase in their ranking position.



ur UW Track and Field Team competed at the Ontario Finals in Windsor last weekend to end the season. The meet started with a bit of a surprise. The Warrior and Athena 4X800m squads were set to do some major damage on the field, having alrcadyqualifiedunderCIAUstandards and maintaining high rankings all season. However, neither team produced especially good results. The Athenas’ squad placed sixth, and the Warrior’s ended Up in fifth. The 4X200m race was a different story. The Athenas’ team took an impressive 3rd place. The Warrior 2X200m race was tough, as the guys had some poor exchanges and did not meet the CIAU standard. This was also the case in the 4X400m relay, where again the Warrior squad came just a second from qualifying for CIAU’s this weekend. The Athena 4X400m team ran strongly too, but again did not reach their potential in the race. The 6Om qualifying heats on Friday night were also well run. Jill Bennett and Alicia Steele placed 13th and 14th respectively, Steele running a personal best of 8.23 seconds. Val Lingard also ran a good race finishing off in 16th. The Warriors were led by rookie sensation Tulu Makonen, who finished the 60m in 9th. Makoncn personal bested twice in the competition, with 7.26 seconds in the qualifiers and 7.23 seconds in the semis. The women’s 6Om hurdleevent

found two of UW’s finest, veteran Alicia Steele and rookie Jill Bennett, with excellent performances in the qualifiers. Steele personal bested and ran the third fastest time in the meet at 8.96 seconds. However, both hit hurdles in the finals, and Bennet finishedin 5thposition with SteeIe in 6th. Both will be going on to the CIAU’s in Manitoba this weekend. The 300m races found the Athenas with strong performances from April Harper and Alison Campbell-Rogers. For the Warriors, Tulu Makonen led the squad again with a best run of 37.01 seconds. Rookie Brian Horgan and Chris Bastie followed up with persona bests of 37.58 and 36.62 respectively. The 1OOOm metre event was led by impressive performances from Sarah Dillabaugh and T.J. McKenzie, who both took bronze medals in their events. Judith LeRoy placed 7th overall. In the 1500m, SarahDillabaugh again came through with the silver. Judith LcRoy placed fifth, qualified for CIAU’s, and ran a personal best time of 4.40.78. The Warrior team was represented by Paul Sudlow, who ran a strong race in an extremely competitive field, placing a respectable 12th overall. The 3OOOm found Jason Gregoire in 4th. Gregoire is a triple qualifier for the CIAU championships as well as the defending bronze medalist. Another notable performance in the 3000m came from Paul Godkin, who ran a personal best in the race.

In the field events the Warriors and Athenas again went to work. In the long jump and triple jump was rookiejumper Julie Franchetto, who jumped well, but not quite to her potential. The Warriors were rcpresented by rookies Jason Simpson and Fred Hazelton, and football Star MikeMallot in thelongjump. They placed 11 th, 12th and 13th respectively. The Warrior triple jump found Fred Hazelton jumping for Waterloo. Hazelton just missed a personal best jump. In the shotput both Paul Serafini and Rick Shea gave strong performances, placing 8th and 12th respectively. The most exciting event of the day was the poIe vault. Waterloo’s Jeff Miller took to the sky, coming down with the gold and an indoor personal best jump of 5. IO metres. MilZerisrankcd#l goingintoCIAU competition this weekend. The competition overall was stiff, but Waterloo held its own. As the strongest team in Ontario without facilities, a full program, or full time coach[ing staff, our athletes have some,thing to be very proud of. The tealm would like to extend its appreciation to the coaching staff and dedicated trainers. Finally, head coach Brent McFarlane adds that the UW Crosscountry Running Team is now Iooking for interested athletes to try out. Since training and competition start in September, it is best to start training now. For more informationm, contact Brent McFarlane at 8842074, or John Swarbick at 7430036.

WINTERFEST Monday March 13, 1445 Grad house (upper fluor) 7Pm all welcome!

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Friday, March IO,1995

Things that make you gofunf by Norman O’Reilly special to Imprint


When you want, what you want, you want


Come on in and try our 3Z3UU3i ~~.U~~~, with Monterey Jack Cheese, BBQ Sauce and Sauteed Onions.

! Also Available L



- Zesty Fries


hc University of Waterloo’s Nordic Ski Team spent last weekend testing their endurance, Saturday the team travelled to Barrie to compete in the prestigious Tour of Hardwood 30 km ski race. The race is well known around Ontario and had over 250 competitors this year. OLJAA all-star Brad Frenette led the Warriors with an 18th place finish, followed by Norm O’Reilly and Kevin Thomson, both of whom cracked the top 40, winning a silver pin. Brian Northan had a good race and picked up a bronze pin for hisefforts. Al Ritchie and Luigi D’ Agnillo also completed the challenging race. Joanne Murray, the only Athena to race at Hardwood, captured a silver medal in the 15 km race. On Sunday, the Warriors carried on a tradition and competed in their 2nd annual Funftathlon. ‘Funf means five in German. The event is a 50 km endurance challenge consisting of swimming, running, classical skiing, cycling, and skate skiing. On this past snowy sunday afternoon, nine Warriors completed the hellish event. Defending champion Norman O’Reilly bested the course record by five minutes and retained his


title. His powerful cycling and skate skiing pushed him past veteran Warrior Brent Curry. Curry used his brilliant running to power himself to an early lead, posted an impressive time and easily took home the silver medal. Team Captain Gary Pluim rounded out his graduating season with an impressive race and the bronze. Pluim posted the day’s 2nd fastest bike, and passed a fading Brad Funftathatlon? Frenette late in the race. Frenette, who led out of the swim, finished just ahead of Kevin Thomson for 4th. Thomson used a powerful classic ski and some innovative technology to finish a solid 5th. A ‘bonked’ BrianNorthan held off Al Ritchie, our team’s distance freestyle specialist, to finish in 6th. Two of the most impressive performances ofthe day were by rookie Luigi D’Agnillo and coach Don MacKinnon, both of whom lack an experienced swimming background. D’Agnillo demonstrated his endurance with a strong skate ski finish to nudge out Coach MacKinnon. Coach MacKinnon, who prepared for the race by chang-

Funftastic! ing diapers for his newborn daughter, demo.nstrated great courage and willpower to his team by completing his first race of the year with a smile. All of the Warriors who finished deserve credit and praise for completing the event in which three of the nine finishers were carried from the finish. Strangely enough, most of the competitors and many of the Athenas have expressed their desire to Ichallenge the course again next year. Many thanks to our race dircctor, Cameron Frenette, and his crew of volunteers led by Becky McKay and video specialist Scott Curry.

UW3 most exciting team? by Claus Bermeister special to Imprint

ing minutes test.

of the hard fought


n February 18th, six rookies, two recruits, and WarSale Ends:

March 26195

Chase united for a tourn the Scarborough Soccer

lost a disappointing

day with l- 1 ties against both George Brown and “The Coconut College,” a respectable record for a young, quality team. Outstanding goalkeeping was


1-O in the clos-


The Warriors



objective a reality, as the team competes at Brock on March 25th.

Field hockev wraps it up Imprint


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he Athena field hockey team placed fourth overall in the OWIAA Championships at Western last weekend. In the first game against Queen’s, Waterloo took control, winning with a score of 3- 1mGoal scorers were Rachelle Brohman, Carolyn Stark and Linda Mowat. Although defeated 5-2, the team made a valiant effort against York University. The Athenas dominated the second half, finishing with goals from Rachelle and Carolyn. Although Western hosted this weekend, their home base and fans



VCR & 2 h/h@ (weekdays) $1 VCR & 3 Movies


were not enough

to beat Waterloo.

The Athenas stole the show with a 4-l win. Again, goal scorer’s were Rachelle Brohman with 2, and Carolyn Stark and Linda Mowat. The game against U of T was one full of intensity, speed and

d sweat. Some of Waterloo’s best hockey came through even though a 6-1 loss was the result. Carolyn Stark scored the lone goal. Onto the last, yet most important game of the weekend: Waterloo and Guelph have been rivals throughout the season and this game determined the bronze medal winners. Due to the bizarre makeup of the tournament (resulting from the ranking tournament), Waterloo had to beat Guelph by 4 goals. The Athenas were raring to go!! Pressing for goals, however, left the Gryphons with many scoring opportunities. Despite an amazing effort by all, in particular kickingback Carolyn Stark, Waterloo lost 4-2, with goals from Rachelle Brohman and Bemice Willemse. Overall, the team ended up in fourth place. Special recognition goes to defensemen Sara Creighton and Kathy Reilly, who helped relieve the pressure on Athena goalie

Yolanda Lewczuk, who played tremendously all weekend. Team bonding in Trinidad proved to be highly beneficial, as was displayed this weekend. We would like to thank veterans Linda Mowat and Kathy Reilly who will be graduating this term. Linda dedicated five years to the team alnd will be greatly missed. Kathy committed four years of her University career to the team and is going on to teacher’s college. We wish them both good luck in the future and hope they will rctum as fans and future Alumni competitors. Thanks to our trainers Shivaun Wilson and Kim Clark for looking after all our injuries. We can’t forget our coaching staff, head cheese Sharon Creelman, and assistant cheesles Jen Anderson and Lea Dietrich. We all know we will miss those 69 am practices. Sharonyou can sleep in; no more 4:30 am commutes..... until September.




Friday, March 10, 1995

Wholelottajugglin’goin’on by Patricia Woolcott special to Imprint

juggling skills from the ground up, including balls, clubs, rings, devil sticks, diablos, balancing, unicycling, and much more. Everyone is welcome, pros and absolute beginners alike. The cost for participating is $5 per term. Contact Jason Alleman (Busker Jay) at 725-6254 for more information. TOURNAMENT NEWS: More tricks will be certain to be played out at the PAC Main Gym with the men’s and women’s 3 on 3 basketball tournament. The tournament wil1 consist of two levels of play A and B. Teams will consist of four players each (3 on court and 1 substitute). The playing fee is set at $25 per team. To sign up for the tournament, pick up a registration form at PAC 2039 by March 14 at 1:OO pm. There is a limit of only 20 teams, so be sure to get your entries in as soon as possible. The tournament captain’s meeting is set for Thursday, March 16 at 4:15 pm in the Columbia Ice Field Meeting room. Tournament dates include Sunday, March 19 from 3:30-l 1:30 pm, Monday, March 20 and Wednesday March 22 from 8:00-l 1:30 pm at the PAC Main Gym. See you at the hoop! Last but not least, spring is almost here, and days filled wth fun and frolic in the summer sun are soon on the horizon. Canoeing has always been a fantastic activityfor passing away fair weather days. A canoe clinic will be held at the PAC pool on Saturday, March 11, from 9:00 am to noon. The clinic features basic canoeing skills, safe entry and exit, and fundamental paddling skills. The cost is $10 and sign up may be completed in the PAC room 2039.






(ayaking I- IO pm



1 pm

Sessions PAC Pool

ear Ye! Hear Ye! Come hither kings and queens of Waterloo: court is coming to session and UW’s juggling club is providing the entertainment. On Saturday, March 11, from 1O:OO am to 1O:OO pm, UW’s Juggling Club is proud to host its 3rd Annual Juggling Extravaganza. jokers andjesters will be working their magic and creating smiles at the Campus Centre. Club passing, devil stick, ring, diablo, and ball passing are just a few ofthe tricks planned. The PAC Small Gym should also be worth checking out if participating is more your game than spectating. There will be workshops on unicycling, animal balloons, and, of course, juggling, throughout the day. Games of unicycle hockey and unicycle basketball will also be featured, so drop on by! Finally, a free public stage show is scheduled to take place at 7:00 pm in the Red Cafeteria. Excitement, amazement, and awe are headlining, so be sure to come out and participate in the fun. Busking fests (‘juggling street shows) are fast becoming an entertainment phenomenon across North America. Several cities in Ontario now featurejuggling festivals as a source of summer tourist revenue. Why travel far and wide to see magic in the making when we have it in our own backyards? Aside from the juggling festival taking place this weekend, the Juggling Club holds regular sessions from 5:45 - 7: 15 pm in the PAC Blue Activity area. The club teaches

Athletesof the Week Sarah





Sarah had an outstanding weekend of competition at the OWIAA Champs, winning two medals and qualifying for CIAU competition in two of her four events. Sarah took the silver in the 15OOm and the bronze in the 1000m. Heading to the National Championships next weekend, she is ranked second and third respectively in the country. Sarah ran two personal best times in her leg of both the 4x800m and 4x400m events.

Jeff Miller

- Warrior



Jeff is a fourth year Engineering student and a former CJAU medalist in pole vaulting. At the OUAA Championship last weekend, Jeff won the gold medal in the pole vault, jumping an indoor personal best height of 5.1Om. Heading into this season’s National Championships next weekend, Jeff is ranked first in the country and is therefore favoured to win the gold. Jeff is currently preparing to compete in the 1996 Olympics.



a Attwnas

Warriors Guy Boucher Todd WetzeI Owen Lessard Brad Haeizle

ftl!iMJAA OUAA BASKETBALL West Division at Copps

Quarter-finals: Mar. 3: Waterloo Brock Semi-finals: Mar. 4: Guelph McMaster Final: Mar. 5: Guelph



Lakehead Western

55 69

76 95

Waterloo Brock

55 54










UUAA Final Four at Waterloo Recreational Complex Semi-finals: Mar. 4: Guelph 3 UQTR 1 Western 7 York 2 Final: Mar. 5: 4(20T) Western 5 Guelph OUAA HOCKEY PLAYOFF SCOtWVG LEADEM Team GP G A fP Western 4 43 7 York 5 34 7 York 5 25 7 York 5 25 7 Toronto 3 24 6 Waterloo 3 1 5 6

Player Perry Pappas Ben Davis Jeremy Crane Paul Pachis Tim Welstr Jason Mervyn

4 4 4

42 33 24



6 6 6 6



Player Sean Basilio UWO 4 253126 10 2137 George Dourian Gue. 4 253:26 10 2:37 2 12o:oo 4 2.49 Mike Edwards Br.


67 89

East Division Mar. 4: Toronto


McGill Guelph Western Guelph

CIAU VOLLEYBALL CiiAMPlONSHiPS at Laurentian University Mar. 3: Quarter-finals: Alberta 3 Waterloo 0 (15~11,1513,15910) Lava1 Toronto 0 (15-9, 15-1, 135-r2) Saskatch. 2 Dalhousie I3 (15-17, 15-9, 15-12, 14-16, 17-15) Manitoba 3 Laurentian 0 (15-2, 15-8, 15-11) Mar. 4: Consolation semi-finals: Waterloo 3 Toronto (15-10, 12-15, 13-15,15-5, 15-q2 Saskatch. 3 Laurentian 0 (15-3, 15-5, 15-5) Champions hip semi-finals: Lava1 Alberta 0 (15-12,15-l: 15-9) Dal housie 1 Manitoba 3’ (15-13, f5-IO, 12-15, 15-3) Mar. 5: Seventh Place: Laurentian 1 Toronto (15-10.


Fifth Place: Waterloo 3 (15-8, 5-l 5,15-l@ Third Place: Dal housie 3 (12-15, 15-6, 15-7, Championship:


Saskatch. 13-l 5,15-l Alberta 9-15, 15-10)

2 0) 2

Manitoba 3 Lava1 (15-10, H-15, 14-16, 15-8, l5-l$ ClAU S WIMMIEIG CHAMPIONSHIPS at Lava/ University, Mar. 3-5 Team Standings: Team Points Calgary 610 Toronto 535 Lava1 366 McMaster 319 244 Lethbridge Alberta 208 UBC I87 174 Laurentian 142 Sherbrooke UNB I26 OUAA TRACK AND FlELD CHAMPloNSiflPS at University of Windsor, Mar. 3-4 Team Standings: Team Points 172 Windsor 121 Western Toronto 102 York Queen’s :; Waterloo 36 Lakehead 25 Laurentian 10 RMC 4 Guelph 2 CIAU TRACK AND FlELD TOP TEN (0UAA teams capitalized) 1. Manitoba Bisons 2. WINDSOR LANCERS 3. TORONTO VARSITY BLUES 4. WESTERN MUSTANGS 5. Sherbrooke Vert et Or 6. Calgary Dinosaurs 7. UBC Thunderbirds 8. McGill Redmen

9. Saskatchewan Huskies 10. WATERLOO WARRIORS


C/AU BASKETBALL TOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized, previous ranking in parentheses) 1. Brandon Bobcats (1) 2. Victoria Vikings (3) 3. GUELPH GRYPHONS (6) 4. Alberta Golden Bears (2) 5. Concordia Stingers (5) 6. MCMASTER MARAUDERS (4) 7. TORONTO BLUES (7) 8. Winnipeg Wesmen (9) 9. RYERSON RAMS (10) 10. Dalhousie Tigers (NR) ClAU HOCKEY TOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized, previous ranking in parentheses) 1. Calgary Dinosaurs (2) 2. WESTERN MUSTANGS (4) 3. Moncton Aigles Bleus (6) 4. GUELPH GRYPHONS (7) 5. Acadia Axemen (1) 6. Manitoba Bisons (5) 7. UQTR LES PATRIOT= (3) 8. Dalhousie Tigers (8) 9. Regina Cougars (I 0) IO. BROCK BADGERS (9)

6. 7. 8. 9. IO.





Lethbridge Pronghorns (NR) UBC Thunderbirds (8) McGill Redmen (10) LAURENTIAN VOYAGEURS Sherbrooke Vert et Or {NR)

Mar. 11: OUAA Final: Guelph at


2:oo p.m.

HOCKEY University Cup CIAU Champions hips Mar. IO: Semi-finals at Calgary vs Moncton vs Mar. 12: Championship at Maple Leaf

Varsity Arena: Guelph 4100 p.m. Western 8:OO p.m. Game Gardens

7:00 p.m.

INDOOR TRACK AND FIELD Mar. 10 & 11: CtAU Finals at Manitoba

CiAU SWIMMING TOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized, previous ranking in parentheses) 1. Calgary Dinosaurs (1) 2. TORONTO BLUES (4) 3. MCMASTER MARAUDERS (2) 4. Lava1 Rouge et Or (3) 5.



OUAA West Basketball All-stars First Team Clint Holtz, Brock Sean Van Koughnett, Waterloo Titus Charmer, McMaster Patrick Osborne, Windsor Rob Henry, Guelph MVP: Clint Holtr, Brock Second Team: Tom Balfe, Waterloo Paul Eldridge, G ueiph Shawn Francis, McMaster Mike Milne, Western Peter Brown, Lakehead Craig Law, Lakehead guzhof

the Year: Tim Darling,

Rookie of the Year: Colin Jones, Guelph

Deaf,dumbandblitid and can \,. : act too ::, ::I still win out. That’s not to say that the orchestration possesses the same power as The Who. Obviously it doesn’t, but still, as Pete Townshend special to Ilrnprint ‘.I’,-’ “‘.:i,1:;. I,, ,:.:3,&a .. kidl@cQmes has pointed out, this is probably the deaf, dumb, blind ._. _, *’ :$. Qi..“~“‘~ndm~~.::ZS’snever reallyrevealed first stage musical with drums : t should be Mentioned straight $it.‘s aTiti DrumQ$kartype thing, throughout. These drums provide a off that I possess a~ ,aversion to ‘13;:$a ~~%4~ave -thti~@’ the pop psy-. : rhythm and pacing that deftly moves hype so cynical and paranoid t-fiat “~h&$&‘ts:To~y then &comes the whole enterprise forward. it pretty well borders on hatre& .Uri-‘:...,_:explVltcd se@&lljr by his wicked The technical merits are equally less you’ve been living in a cave for “‘Ud@jEmie (iii i.~ very delicate effective, sllowing the narrative to the past six months, you’re no dq@$, little $etie. of suggested “Fiddle ~ rnp~@ at a sort of accelerating Keith “. Moon pace. ,IQ the aforementioned aware as to the new stage production about, fiddle about” p$ophilia) of The Who’s Tommr; which opened and in a host of @ber,measures by ‘Qt.erture” ‘scene, fir instance, the at Toronto’s Elgin Thea&e last week,’ his’ thuggish Cousin Kevin. whole effect is that af an experiTommy becomes a Piriball WizI suppose it should also be men: menu1 film or, god forbid, a rock tioned that the people responsible for * ‘ard, gruws up, smashes a mirror, video, Unfortunately, sometimes the production, Honest Ed Mirvish s is miraculously cured, returns 6 the narrative becomes a bit of a and son David, were also the finanhis dysfunctional family, and life. slave to the special effects, such as ciets behind the production of Miss go&on. (The Messianic aspects the Pinball Machine/Bucking Stiigon, another over-exposed musifound in.. !he film are t~@lly Bronco thing that looked like nothcal that turned out to be so lame and played $wn.heE.) “‘. ‘:: ing less than a sorry cross between insipid that I fondly recall thea+-:‘: ,, 1 : Okay, so thenarrafiv’&conWvb%“&wboy and Siarlite Exgocrs actually swearing out loud dxqvoiuted and perhaps 3 little too p??XS . ing a performance that unarguably symbolic; Nevertheless, there As far as the acting and singing deserved it. Gutter-level pomposity ,‘I were things that impressed me, is concerned,’ it’s all perfectly effiwith shit songs, Miss Saigon aspired such as the fact that tl& perform;.. ‘-cient, which@ .to say it’s hard to to high art and failed miserably, ;~lce was dQ?c in “real tie’.‘&at muck tipmaterial that’s really simGiven all that and the, fact fhat.,-:,I’~~l~~~~~~. @‘origjpal album “VW ple in the &st place. Tyley Ross in I’ve been a big Whe Ean @m way’i;T::i‘ sion. Fo~instance;:,~~l’introduc-.,~~~,,~~e letid r&:.of Tommy is perhaps back, I can say that I was q&e pre- ::-.il::,. tpq ,ssggi.:: ihe alI%&~mental weaker thad’hoped, but forgivably “‘Q&&&;‘P’has no dialogue but pared to hate Tommy in a respect that so (he just can’t pull off a good few others could. To my dismay; the serves to estal$isk $$,$&+ari+e -English accent yet). all-Canadian production is actually time fr~~e;l:‘..~~.““‘Walker off to In the end, the production’s :,,.;’ ~ . war, T&&!$s pretty decent. ,.“‘;:1::::. ..l”,z& ~qncepti~~n, et+ -strengths are in the songs themAs a narrative, Totitiy, kas ‘&I;’ ‘%&ore selves. WithMiss Saigon, the sheer ii :::..:..:: the fir@itie (“Mr. W&er ways made for &pretty goo&‘~~~~#&$:~: dl&V&:.qorne l$me, E& : ynbQmidiocy ofthenarrative could’ve been comparatively’~ #ofi for the Who <:~~~‘, child -&~~~;~~$&M &w<~~i;ii~,‘m**)‘~~ lost in the event of some memoradelivered:& such, a lot of inforrock album. Which is to say,,the lofty ble songs, but there weren’t any to “r&k .. opera” narr&tie speak of so all the audience was left .A.. .,,<hti’ $~~~~:, .‘::..:.mation is revealed, l$& film, visubeen “one oz total +@&jqj$,. so” &~“‘“‘““’ ally .. $6. through editing during with were the marvellous technical best sd$&~%6$ .,~ener~;~~rt9.-~~~~..i,,, whi&&$ccomp@iing musical wizardries and set changes. T’.e ignore thg tale an41~~joy.:;he:-ro~~~~l”‘: lei~otif~~~:intro~~ced.,Most of Who’s Tornm), has all that in spades Ken RusgJJ’s sun&l film.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~ save, -a few too, but goes a lot further by offer:,;j,s:...:p..I ‘&grt cr~~~~~tT~~~~~~~~~~~othe mid-T& fared no better; coning some really memorable, tightly versely, it made the narrative ‘.:“. ‘Clook wards the end bhich have ‘&en constructed songs. If it all seems :.::~,~. .:aI::..: :‘:: :~&$~~~~:$@&$& the just plain stupid. :-:;‘I,,,,. perhaps a bit too embarrassing, ,..1U( ...:. ;>u.3>.I,“‘j’:‘.:‘:,,.,? <.p original Who The stage p@$&ti~n o$&&&er @bum flawlessly, so fans who maybe you’d do best to take your k$@,@&,,.,a~~urn well can enjoy hand clarifies c@~ a l&t#$the st&$ mother or go incognito. As far as these musical Broadof a young boy (Torn&p: Walker&:.,:;, .$$ musical passages while conway extravagandas usually go, you who witnesses his father%illing hi~-~~~~~~~~~~~~g on:.:..the rather nebulous . . st~@i~&:“i~~t ‘worst, good songs could do a hell of a lot worse. mother’s lover after WW2. Mr. and

The Who’s Tommy : : 1 Mr&‘“Walkcr then brainwash directed by Des McAnuff .::.;:;:;Ii.i’;Tommy’~~toa~~rtofSgt. $chu!tz” y;Ou Playing at the Elgin T&@z”” esque %4x.. saw @&tlg, : ,r;,,be;ard nothing, ,iou know nothby Mchael Jones. ‘: .< ,:i’;...:*,.>a irig” mind-set so trtimatising that







is killing

Cranes Cranes w/ Idaho Lee k Palace, Toronto Friday, March 3

to life when the lights dimmed for the Cranes entrance. After a few minutes of haunting violin music and the required buildup of stage smoke, the band took the stage and by Tim Lemieux launched into “Shining Road,” the Imprint staff first song on Loved. , The most striking feature of r-he appealing thing about the Cranes is the way in which gothic bands is their creation singer Allison Shaw’s child-like of a larger than life image. voice contrasts with the heavy guiThe music is sweeping and epic. tars and strings, to create a dark and Unfortunately the trend in most eerie atmosphere. music today is to celebrate the more Performing live, there was the mundane aspects of life (everything possibility that she would be from grange to “Cigarettes and Aldrowned out. This did not happen cohol.“) though. During quieter songs like Not so with the Cranes, who “Cloudless” and “Far Away,” first gained widespread attention Allison’s delicate vocals heId the opening for The Cure on their North audience spellbound, and at other American tour a few times she would step years ago. Last Friback and let the music day they played a dominate. soldout show at Lee’s The band played the Palace in support of had Allisorr best of Loved and the their new album previous albums ForLoved. Crying Out everandWingsofc/oy. Opening the Two of the more memorable songs show were Idaho, one of a batch of Ameriwere “Paris and can bands who’ve had Rome” and “Adrift” the “new which began quietly depressives” label at= and built up to thuntached to them. How can I describe dering crescendos. Also very good Well, let me see... was “Lillies,” which had Allison them? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. . .oh, sorry, I crying out like a lost child “where dozed off thinking about it. Imagam I?” against a background of ine a shoegazing Pearl Jam. A few crashing guitars and drums. songs were OK, with slow After two encores, the show Catherine Wheel-like guitars, howended with “Adoration,” dedicated by Allison to her brother Jim for his ever after forty minutes it became birthday. It was a very good perextremely monotonous. Every song formance, with the only problem sounded exactly the same. being thevenue itself. Lee’s Palace The many technical problems (such as a bass guitar that died in the is very cramped, with many pillars and a low ceiling. A more spacious middle ofthe set) didn’t help either. The crowd quickly became very place like the O&a House would have improved the atmosphere and restless and a few shouts of “go away!” were heard. In Idaho’s sound quality, but that’s a minor complaint. defence, they did the best they could It, was a very good show by in front an audience that had paid to see someone else. one of the more fascinating and innova,tive bands today. The crowd quickly came back



like a lost child



of young




up on his offer

to feel him.


ARTS Soeurs


Les Belles Soeurs Wednesday March 8 tu Saturday March I I Humanities Theature by Greg Imprint

K&chick staff

sisters, who has just won a lottery that gave her this paraphenalia. In essence though, this just gives the scriptwriter a chance to put the characters together to interact with one another, building toward a climax

of misunderstanding and animosity. With such a script, it is critical to gather some fine actors to filZ the parts, with all of their characterizations and complex emotions. This was where the play really excelled, as the cast almost without exception played the roles with the depth that they necessarily had to have. The makeup work to age young twenty-something faces to hardened fortysomething smoking housewives was very convincing. Many actors may pose as middle age or older, but spoil it with youthful gestures and exuberance. With

these women it was easy to forget their real age, and for this they should be commended. At the same time however, the director should have guided them as to their accents. Either you ALL do them, or NO ONE does them and you allow for a suspension of disbelief. With this show a couple of people did passable accents, a couple others did quite badly, and still others used none at all. This was simply unprofessional, and distracting as well. The use of spotlights on characters during various long speeches was effective...when the subject matter was interesting of course. On several occasions, such as the dialogue between the old women, it really wasn’t, and furthurmore a subplot of the way overused teen pregancy, though maybe poignant in the author’s time, just seemed stilted and contrived. Where the play excel led was in the discussion of the women’s day to day existance. Many parts were spoken in unison, giving them an everywoman quality, and a paticular sequence dealing with the joys of church bingo was quite hilarious. Sure it may seem mundane to others, but it’s the concern of these women in their Catholic churchled, nuclear family environment, and the spectator is drawn into this effectively. So it’s good fun, not without its flaws, but overall you leave the theatre richer for the experience. A good way to celebrate women’s week, one can imagine.

Shooting rub >erbands .at the s ars Elastica w/Rusty and Rebecca West The Uperu House, Toronto Thursday, March 2nd by Greg Imprint


Krafchick staff

f nothing else, last Thursday’s Elastica show at the Opera House was an exercise in celebrity spotting. The crowd was all abuzz with various sightings (Anyhowtown’s Daphne Diamont, a member of Swervedriver), but most of all it was the appearance of none other than Slowdive’s Rachel Goswell that made heads turn. Would the average music fan be able to spot this? Not likely, but this being Elastica’s first appearance in Toronto, coming before the release of their debut album, it was a heavily Anglophile gathering to say the least. You had gothmakeup, all sorts of dyed hair, body piercing everywhere, and nary a plaid shirt in sight. A guy was selling one of the most laughably Brit-leaning fanzines I’ve ever seen (Suede are gods - FACT!) All of this added up to a crowd that were singing along to songs that haven ‘t even been releasedyet, domestically or otherwise. A crowd, in short, that were very revved to see Elastica. Lucky for us, the band seemed equally as charged. By the second song “Line Up,” they had the fans in their hands. OK. so they didn’t leap about the stage quite as hard as

Friday, March l&l995



ndaunted by an enormous task like the showcasing of Mucbettr, UW Drama this term is cranking shows out left, right and centre. The latest of these is the Canadian written comedyLes Belles Soeurs, a play dealing with the lives of lower middle class women of the late 60’s in Montreal. It’s a meat and potatoes kind of story, dealing with real people in real situations while foregoing with any flowery symbolism or ‘whatever, which completely suits the blue-collar nature of the characters. In fact, it is the personalities in the show that shoulder the entire weight of the storytelling, since they each tell a different side of life as a woman in that time and place. You have the four Belles Socurs, all quite outspoken, with one being the black sheep outcast for daring to live a less-than-typical lifestyle (ie not marrying and having a mess of kids.) There’s the snobby matron who feels above this rabble, the tough as nails poverty striken wife, the martyr complex woman caring for her feeble 93 year old mother in law, the old church ladies, and so forth. This group is gathered together for the show to paste stamps unto game cards for one of the


we might have expected from a “New Wave of New Wave” band, but they made up for this by coming off as the coolest people on the planet for the forty-five minutes they played. Lead singer Justine Frischmann was of course the focus, but the three other members exhibited their own sorts of stage presence. Donna had the ever-socliche cigarette hooked into her guitar strings, and bopped and whoa-ohed most coyly to Justine’s lead. Bassist Annie gave the occasional smile through her “If Keith Richards was female and played bass” sort of presence. Drummer Justin embodied the manic energy of the music with his full-body approach to his skins. And as for Justine, besides being drop-dead gorgeous (I just had to say it,) she led the group without being overbearing, often sharing the focus between her and Donna. “Cheers!” Ms. was Frieshmann’s catchphrase following the music, and we could only salute her back as the band nailed song after song. Like “Line Up,” both “Stutter” and “Connection” set the crowd off, but surprisingly substantial numbers of spectators went just as nuts for B-sides like “Annie, ” “Rock n’ Roll,” and especially the closer “Vaseline.” It was a quick and clipped sort of show, and exactly the opposite of any sort of shoegazcr ethic -- which is what we really expected. They appear to warm to their audience instead of

sneering at them, a practice that has habitually haunted Oasis. With such an ethic a North American audience is going to be more receptive. If they maintain that friendly air, combined with a bit of rock star posing, the future may indeed be bright for Elastica, what with punk in vogue and all. A Halifax band named Rebecca West was the first act ofthe evening, and they showcased a fine ability for assimilation of styles into a whole. To my ears they sounded quite like Magnapop, but with elements of the Throwing Muses, Sugar, and, not unexpectedly, Sloan thrown in. The last song managed to &se Stereolab andMBV together, creating something that was nothing short of breathtaking. An indie album on Cinnamon Toast is due out in May, and with fantastic live shows like this they deserve to be the east coast’s next big hype. Rusty, however, deserve to be relegated to the ethers of nowhere. Their take on Pearl 3am and Soul Asylum (and a pretty shitty one at that) were totally at odds with the musical tastes in the room, and one wonders if the promoter had rocks in their head when they booked this group. The band knew they were playing a tough room, and their showy efforts at getting the pcrformance going only made them seem more pathetic. As Justine and Donna would say “Rock n’ Roll is dead, ooowah!”

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Friday, March 10, 1995

w/ Grasshopper, Sarsipious ’ The Flea, and Choke To Start The Vokanu



for the

as a gargantuan by Brad Imprint

Hughes staff

mer’s skills. It was the perfect background to the killer &tar work. The guitar was alternately used .l as a.cleavcr and a bulldozer in their songs.% They can cut with riffs like ,those in “Allcge$T and “Scrape” or they can ptough through the crowd with songs like “‘Blew.” They mixed and matched .thesc various techniqu& effectively to keep from boring the listener. The~vocals on all the songs didnTt.,..waste



Too many Peter Cooks spoil the broth


time between

bad, in fact they were incredibly good. It’s just that you can only put your ears to the grindstone -Ear,

calist’just chose to grunt the lyrics. His intense manner provided a com-

It was just unfortunate that Unsanc was the fourth band on stage on this night. Most of the ’ audience had started filtering out at the start of their set: You have to give them credit though. They

Dudley Moore w/ KW Symphony The Centre in tCte Square Saturday, March 4

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Plan hitiativs

by Jodi Imprint

Carbert staff


ost of us know

Dudley Moore best for his comical role as a rich alcoholic in the movie Arthur with Liza Minelli, or recall his performance in Six Weeb with Mary Tyler Moore. However, Dudley also has tremendous musical talent. He became a choirboy at the age of five and by the time Moore was ten he was studying the violin. At age eleven he was awarded a Junior Exhibition Scholarship at the Guiidhall School of Music and Drama in London, England. By the time he was eighteen he had been awarded a scholarship at Magdalen College, Oxford University, where he earned a B.A. Degree in Music and a B. Mus. in Music Composition. Moore then went on to join a London jazz band called the Vie Lewis Orchestra which eventually toured the U.S. He left the band in New York to play at a jazz club called The Duplex, in Greenwich Village. He was offered a record deal by Atlantic, while he wasplaying there but he yearned to return home to England. When he arrived back home he wrote everything from Pepsodent commercials to ballets for the first five years in order to keep afloat. The doors started to open for him when he was asked to participate in a collection of satirical skits and musical parodies, Bq~nd the Fringe. It became a huge Tony Award-winning Broadway hit. After this, Moore started makThe Music of ing jazz albums. DUL&J Moore became the biggest selling jazz album of 1965 in England. He also composed and scored the music for motion pictures. His latest release is entitled Songs Without Words. It is a collection of instrumental ballads. Moore collaborated with Saxo-

phonist Kenny G. on two pieces and has added some music from& Weeks to his original compositions. On Saturday evening however the program consisted, for the most part, of piopular works such as: the Piano Concerto No. 21, K467 in C Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Rkapsody in Blue by George Gershwin and one that Moore is known for: Bolero by Maurice Ravel. The conductor for the evening was KU’S Music Director Chosei Komatsu. A native of Japan, he made his highly acclaimed Japanese debut with the Tokyo Philharmonic in 1990. On Saturday, there were fifity-two KWS till-time musicians and nine extramusicians for the evening. The Symphony was excellent and Moore’s talent was captivating, although the attnosphere was a little too quiet and too formal. lt was a relief when Moore changed from his formal black tailed overcoat into his burgundy crushed velvet jacket. Suddenly Moore addressed us and smiled. To many audience members, the parody of Shubert’s work depended on the audience knowing the original. Most of the time only a few people laughed; many watched the symphony members to know when to laugh, most others just watched Moore. When he started raising his eyebrows (staring at us with wonder because we weren’t laughing at his absurdities, and mleshing songs by combining the equivalent of a Mozart piece with -Happy Birthday,) people startedL to loosen their ties. Tine musical parodies provided a sense of balance to the evening’s entertainment and allowed Moore to exhibit his talent as a comedian and musician. The Centre In The Square is a beautiful building and provided a wonderful atmosphere for the night’s


I strongly

suggest to anybody interested in the K’W Symphony, one of only 17 full-season, professional orchestras in Canada, that you attend one of their ;performances.


No Gumdiz



Friday, March 10, 1995


Empre of e Son Sons of Freedom Econoline Crush Grim Skunk



Phil’s by Jason Imprint






Gropp staff


hat a great evening of music; one that won’t be soon forgotten. Montreal’s Grim Skunk, who kicked off the cvcning, is a truly amazing band that deserves more public attention. At first glance, they looked like the second coming of Rancid, but tlxir music reveals them to be somcthing diffcrcnt. They know where their best assets lay. The frontman plays keyboards, and plays fhcm well. blis playing sounded like a speedy rendition of Vincent Price’s grcatcst hits. When this is npplicd to a ska-like sound, it products marvelous results. The drum kit was covcrcd with flcur-de-lis and marijuana leaves (intcrcsting combination), and added a tinge of humour to the group’s live performance. quite

Four of the five band members share the vocal duties, which adds to the diversity of the music. Not to be missed. After a brief intermission, Vancouver’s Econolinc Crush took the stage. The Phil’s crowd, unfortunately, had not yet become too involved in the show, much to the disappointment of the band. They seem to thrive on crowd excitement, and the crowd did not seem too ecstatic (why do I notice this too frequently at K-W shows?) Nonetheless, they did not let the crowd stop them, and put on an intense performance. The highI ights wcrc “T.D.M.,” their most recognizable song, and “Pssychc,” a Killing Joke cover. These two tracks prove a couple of things: first, they feed off what they feel the: crowd will cI1joy and, second, they arc into the music they enjoy more than their own music. This lack of ego-inflation has to be admired. It took a while for the crowd to get into the Sons of Freedom, but that may bc representative of something. The Sons have been away for a while, and it took time for pcoplu to warm up to them again.

Surprisingly, the set opened with “The Criminal,” a song off their self-titled 1988 album. The set was mixed with songs off all three Sons releases. One drawback to this was the fact that their new album, 72x, has been released only recently, and the listening public has not had time to warm up to it yet. That said, the performance was spirited and energetic. Highlights were probably the bouncing “Super Cool Wagon” and “Call Me?” a song of the band’s second release, GWlp. A trouble light was hung above JimNewton, thegroup’slcad singer, which cast a sense of life over the stage area. Dcfinitcly a nice touch. By the middle of the set, the first three rows were bopping to the music, and making up for the lack of enthusiasm displayed by the majority ofthe crowd (which included me, I shall not deny.) AII in all, the Sons put on an cnjoyabtc show that shouldnot have been missed. The crowd that showed up was treated to three bands that love playing music, and play it welt, They know where the true spirit of music lies.





His lips



Upwhere hebelongs SPRMGSPECIALS Jot Cocker iwu.w~ Hull

Tuesday, by Jodi Imprint




Carbert staff

ombinc Jot Cocker, the lcgcndary classic rock howler, and Keb MO, the frcshcst blues talent around, with a till1 house of admiring fans at Massey Hall and you’re in for a good time. It’s Cocker’s warm pcrsonality which makes him at once charrning and cndcaring. His ability to communicate with the audicncc through his music is amazing. His talent demanded our total attention. For most of the pcoptc at Massey Hall, this performance was an introduction to Kcb MO. At the end of his hour long performance, many fans stood up and gave him a standing ovation. Amidst the darkness and cheers Joe Cocker appeared in a black shiI-t and pants with a tan jacket. Accompanying him was his band which consisted of a piano player, keyboard&, who doubled on saxophone, a bassist, lead guitarist, drummer, and two backup singers. The whole wardrobe scheme was black and white which seemed quite formal. The reason the floor was packed and the audience was so enthusiastic is because Joe is good. If you ask people who have seen him in concert before, there is an excellent chance that they will say that he was fantastic. Tuesday night was no exception. Joe and the band belted out great rock classics like “The Letter” and “Summer In The City,” yet the songs that went over the best were his ballads. The audience immediately

burst into applause at the beginning 0f”Up Whcrc WC Relong,” a song from the motion picture An Uflkcr und A Cc&man, howcvcr I preferrcd Jcnnifcr Warncs vocals to his back-up singer% “You Arc So Beautiful To Me” is another one of his timeless ballads that captivated the audience. When Joe sang it hc was a little wet eyed, and so was the audience. Many pcoplc arc moved when they hear these two songs on tape or radio. However, when Joo Cocker is a few scats away and hc is right there in front of you revealing his soul it is a special expericncc. Other songs from his new relcase Have A Little Faifh were played on Tuesday; however, they were not as well received as his older, more well established songs. One exception was the title track, which is again another ballad. Of course no Joe Cocker concert would be complete without his rendition of the Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s song, “With A Little Help From My Friends,” and Joe did not disappoint us. The lights were dim as the piano rang out the first few notes. Then there were cheers and then it grew quiet as the piano plinked a few bars. The crowd’s anticipation grew and they responded with even more applause and whistling. Then the crowd hushed to a silence as Joe began. There was a four song encore after this, but many fans would have been content even if the concert had ended there, andsome left during the encore to try and beat the after concert traffic jams that were inevitable. The group of musicians on tour with him is very talented. He is a great performer, which time has proven: he’s still around and going strong.

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:support of his third solo &eel into Toronto’s Opera @‘i,@ those who only know t :pr@o-indus trialists Minis.$&g : 1:i::: : Cocks, mostly because I &tnti cloaked himself in the





Yeah, nowadays 1 do. It&& j:. cHi& so abnormti for so 1o$g’: & n$ to be the case where I’d write them: ::,,’1’:@$$ twisted logic at the time I “O.K., I’ve got an album, ie+gq,“‘;: 1, ,,%bught: ,_~,,, “Well, if I do this, I’ll be Now 1 like to sit and reach diff&~~t-; .:::,$: &~gpy for the rest of my life.” In aspectsof the song, different quA~+.~:‘. r&ospect it was like, “Oh man, ties of the song, because, like.t$&@~~ &%A-e crazy!” ‘cause itjust wasn’t in hard edged Indust@@ l&tids, during the late seventies they put earlier, I like to write on a pita&‘@ I, like that, it just ended up being do you feel as thp@yy@%@IfOt 8 out some amazing records... what do I want? Do 1 want to gb@t& +ly.unhappy and didn’t work, So you’re a fan of their stuff? reputation tbatprcccedsyati $$ the studio with a song and just&v? I imagine there’ll be a big has nathing’# rXs w~~lf$(&&#~~~ 1 was a fan of their first two bass, drums, guitar, vocals, or’& 1 sical apprua& today~“tirxd‘. $I& 1: albums, yeah, 1 think they were want the program of the music and you’re rtunstant[yfighting t,ti$&:,“:~~ ; fantastic records. After that 1 lost sample’? I have to decide boy, to percept&s? .... 1’:: I j 1 ’ .r ; I; ’: ’. ”. &erest. But it seemed a shame to present the song. So 1 usually &te Yeah, I’m con&&y, doing 11!.$$t it die because they were great it, take it to a couple of people.li&” that, it’s realty quite .difkxlt. T’vc? : i; ..$&yers and we thought, wouldn’t it Chris Bruce or William Tucker atnd now made three solo r~cor&... ‘& :‘:“’ see what they think, you know, : ‘be interesting to try something new sum up. my first .twa albtiti s II- the..“. with the same players and a new what kind ofapproachand, y’know, middle. a@um; $;did ($%eizaba~i&’ .’ vocalist. So they wrote a bunch of just sit there for a couple of months new music, and I had nothing to do Jhm&i+&&y) ~~~~~f~xy this, I don’t and see what develops. In the case realty We at. @+:. me one before with that. Once the music was writofShf$wveck, we went into tXle stuthat, my first (w‘hljl0~h Baychild), ten, 1 listened to it and reviewed it. dio, the band all congregated and I liked. ButI think&is new one has At the time I was on a roll with my we rehearsed the material for a all thebostelem~~~s,plaSmnre. It’s own lyric writing, so I wrote seven week. Andeventhen things changed been a real s&u&e to try ;urd win or eight songs ad.1 just hammered a lot. The song “The Early Nighters” an audience or t4m people around them out. That:‘was my style from changed, the song “Swimming” and it’s not, like I’m embarrassed the producer, Stcvc Albini, and the changed an awfU1 lot. That was a about; what ,P’&E~ Qone in the past, studio with these backing tracks difficult one because what 1 had rrn tetijlyproud-af if ;ind 1 still like and 1 just put my little signature on was a really pretty 43imosl :. it, bvt i’ve,jusQrown and changed. top of them and that was that. We Beatlesque pop song wri@tin in tl$$ I i’ike.-it; ~LO $‘$ history. played, 1think, five times live in. the key of ‘e’ and 1 didn’t realfy,wa@ &i). _.,J?v&.pa&that early on you UK and then that was the end of record a Beatlesque song ia the key:<::;: wee in& in sfuff like Throbbing that, it didn’t go a~~&rther than of ‘e’. What are we going to d@&{ GriMe, Can. and4 David Bowie... that. Well, lets make it as noisy and $g&& X%efl I&& xn my early ‘teens You told Upticrn magazine as we possibly can. Yeah, ~Q&f::i 1 s,t;irt&l lj.istehig Jo Can, Bowie that the focus of Sh&wreck is keep the pretty melody and it wo%,f! atid Ca@#n ]i3L&&art. WC had a about your life falling apart and real well, w&have a really ,j+&I; really gr@atn&O thaw called the warking your way back up. Can dirge but all t$&.hto$#nes and;:’ &$.;‘ir .:..:.,:,i: .I ‘, ’ John &eJ ..Show and in the midyou elaborate a bit on this? harmonies are stilf$l@r+ Th+&@,$~ seveflticsreatly Iatea~night, he was A lot ofbad things happened to tally comes into a s$nse:$@$$6@$:$ on &omtetita midnight and 1would me over the past few years, and my I think, y’know, I like’to haVe:‘&$i.i , ,.: ii&en to it, Xike everyone does, unlife is no different than anyone else, with the materia1. It really amti$id..‘. me to turn a really pretty pop song: ’ der the sheets, and I was turned on really. 1 think a lot of bad things ‘BUY 1 SLICE & POP GET-- it’s like having a Beach Boys seem to happen to people in their to so much music then. The funny 1 2ND SLICE FREE twenties. The shit I went through thing is that even to this day I still song -- going through a distortion TU ESDAY ONLY was above and beyond all, I mean, box. It’s kind of fun. I carry those records around with me l Pickup ONLY A I went through a lot, but 1 don’t How old is most of the matewith my Walkman, bands like Can 1 + tixes really want to taJk. about that. I rial? Is some of it fairly old or is it Expires --Mar. 17195 1 and Captain Beefheart are things 1 all written in a specific time listen to almost on a daily basis... arrived at a point where I couldn’t frame? just tried and tested records that go down.an@@heT, and Ii just got I started writing it in early 1992 i’ve always loved. With Bowie I my shit. $6@thi+i~ &:.syy$t .fj,rci=,a really appreciate the fact that aldruga~di~~?~~~~~~~~~ialg!:somie~~ll:,i +@&o$inued writing right up until 1 ITEM though he was a pop musician, at one ~~&~.~~$&&3@i@ $$~$.~~~&, -:~~~3%@$~,&~~~ 1 Mon., Tues., & Wed. : :.;:.i::: ‘~;..‘:.:’I .. :: _‘,< So .i I was writing it for ~~j]~;:~$&$~ &ip.*ar$,; J&g\ jt wasn’t like a case one point in his career -- and still to Pickup ONLY ‘. I,. :vs..J‘5.6‘.‘Z /~Pd:~~~:~~~ten~~~~~~;j:l. :::,,,.: : lift ~~~~b.T~~~f macho ~~~,tu~l~~~~~ i,,::uF ‘4fi6~~~~~~~“$;:~~~, and doing I a certain dcgrce -- he was very + taxes I ad that was a silly &j-+$$‘~~~~~:$~~ :: ~~~:r:a~~~~;h~~~;!i~~~~‘t jn a hurry experimental within that framework m ExDires: Mar. 17/95 and I like that, because I love a good last year, 1 started r&~@& $!i$@-: ‘.$@‘&$:re~grd @;v;r.~~~~~t $isurely wreck at the &gjnn&i $f$$$~~ f&c i 1:$,$J&$ if’:$h&(f J::$@j$,.@$ ‘it, and melody, but 1 also love the experi&:‘&$$ mental aspect. and once T had done th& { @+#$ #& i:i G,\&&.&@‘$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ and toured with Willi& R&f&~f$,~i’~j~i, Prying into your past, what .._..I::::.s:,~..I.:)i::.$:I:i’” ;z .I:. 5 ITEMS a few we!kc;,. then ca6$ .;~$&$&~@,#$?~~: became of Murder Inc.? >,$.p’.‘:‘: & ‘.;:.:g;y:,:.:$, Pickup & Delivery Initially what had happened gotajobandjuststarted~~~~~~~~~r:~:~ I + taxes was that I was friends with the guys myself back into society q@%;@$ :::i$ 1 Expires: Mar. 17195 from Killing Joke, and their band found that, God, I’m na$-@,?~~&&~,~~‘~ I j:::,,9’j:5.?,’I thinking all so,rts of t~r;gslil!~::;I~~~iii~~~,~ split up... ..: ‘.::;,;iT, ;:T‘;,.I.,:,.::: ._ ii:&$~~: Jaz Coleman (Killing Juke abnormal -- but s jmg]$ ::&&&& <‘.... ::>. J:’ ,” ‘6j,“‘.$ ..p,., ,::tr,.d.%?-w ?;i:;3.+.s..::. cut myself off from .,~~~~;t~:r:ii~~~~~~~: frontman) mentioned recently ,, I:..:,.: ,..,:.:.i:...x d:?. . $yJ4.?.;:.:” 160 University Ave. W then 1 worked my ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that Martin Atkins ~ornzerdrum,,‘.<;,,,$xg::$ >:.:; .$i:‘~:‘:. (Next to U of W) again, 1’ feel like a p&g${ $&@&.C;~ ;i,l merfur PiL and Murder Inc.) was * .,$ ::...L;,;.,::I: 3:;;:?.$ ?::!,n:.; .‘.~f.$Z ,.,.>:<..‘. :: trying to steal tbq band from him, being again and 1 like. ,~~~~xii,~~:~~~~~~:~~.~~ or something ta &at’&fect. What’s your “PPr;“~~~,:~~~~~~. 615 Davenport songwriting? Do you $qi:,ffkt +j$+.~~~‘::: Well, y%&&$ 8 don’t really (Northfield & cape these sorts of thiti@yoii’j&t > you presently living in the States? know nor ewe Wl&at.titi ins and outs mentioned, or is songwriting a 1 live in Chicago. were. As fti&Il&o%;1’don’t think How long have you been livprocess..,of coming to grips with the guys were getting along very ing there? well, and it’s nobody’s fault, tiey>--, ~~$#~i~~$? I’ve lived in Chicago pretty just weren’t. I was asked, well, tie.: 1.:.I K -“‘.1?:‘s not an escape, but it’s cer-

I yricalfi @s there and musically it’s your choice to choose. We11 that’s .an extreme example... but people like my brother who’s four years oIder than me and iritg th;in& like U2 and has a real pe&&iriati taste in music, he recognizes it and really enjoys it, Best

of luck on the tour.







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Friday, March 10, 1995


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My Education: A Book of Dreams by William S. Burro@~ Viking

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“Ffw years, I wondered why dreams are so uften dull when rekated, and this morning I jind the answer, which is very simple - like most answers, you have alwuys known it: NC con text. . .like a stuffed animal set on th jloor of a bank. ”



Cafe & Billiards)

by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff


t is an unfortunate fact that W Seward Burroughs has reached a pi his career that he can now pretty muclwrite whatever he wants, and someone, somewhere will publish it. Tn fact, that someone will probably be some prestigious publisher like Viking or Random House, and he will no doubt get a nice fat royalty cheek, and will not have to bother with the usual grind of touring and interviewing. Such is the sad case with Burroughs’ new book, MV Educai tion, which is a hastil y cobble, d-together collection of not very interesting dreams. For a writer who has WSB: The original dirty old man. made his career on the drug-infested world of talking assholes and psyDreams are interesting to the Burroughs is becoming a less chotic doctors, Burroughs’ dream dreamer. My dreams mean someand less relevant writer and a barely relevant personality. His mind is state is a remarkably boring and thing to me, and your dreams, no (more than likely) still a fertile place plain place to visit. doubt, mean something to you, dear reader. Burroughs’ dreams probto visit, but only when we are proThe idea of sneaking into Burroughs’ subconscious is a tanably mean something to him, but to vided with that all-important contalizing prospect to be sure. The publish them in a book is an exertext. It would be too much to expect brain behind Nuked Lunch and cise in self-importance that the litsome sotit of structure, to be sure, Queer is no doubt an interesting erary world can do without. however the reader has to be reand frightening place. At least, one Burroughs himself recognizes warded in some way for investing a would think so, Unfortunately there the problem with trying to relate few hours into Burroughs’ writing. isn’t much here that’s interesting dreams: no context. Unfortunately, As it is, Wurroughs seems to think and the only frightening thing about having recognized the dilemma, that every shit he takes and every alt of this is what a frightfully borBurroughs does nothing to allevistory abalut one of his cats should ing read all of this makes. ate the matter. There remains no be amazingly interesting to everyAll the things which make context for his dreams. The people one since he is Bill Burroughs. This Burroughs’ writing interesting - the and places are ephemeral; no real is simply not the case. surreal insect world whichstrangely plot is developed and the characters It would be a sad cliche for Burroughs to sink (as he seems to echoes our own existence, the wry remain cardboard cutouts. Having sense of humour which underlies a dream about wal king down a street be doing) into the world of hack writing in the last few years of his his darkest musings, and the everin Tangiers is no doubt infinitely life. present threat of drug overdoses are fascinating if you’re the person doing the walking, but for a reader If he wants to be remembered all missing from My Education. who is looking for something to as a goold writer, he needs to start What we do get is a preoccupation paying a little more attention to help relate this experience to the with flying, a string of names that what he writes and what he signs reader’s own world, it is infinitely are never associated with people, his name to. and a lot of non sequiturs. frustrating.

I Smell I Smell Esther Williams by Mark Leyner Vintage Books, 197 pg. by Ellen Imprint


McKay staff

ell, usually book reviews are fairly long and tell you about the plot, characters, merits of the book and SO on and so forth. Unfortunately, I can’t do that with this book. f Smell Esther Williams is a collection of anecdotes ranging anywhere from merely a page long to around thirty. Its topics cover...


well, they jump all over the place. Everything from one of the deceased members of the Rolling Stones to a couple discussing whether one of them ran over a couple of Tai Chi students is covered. I often had no idea what was going on. The actual section in the book called “I Smell Esther Williams” is the longest one in the book, but no mention

of Esther


made in it. The section cohesion, it just keeps arc lnd from topic, to topic, a p ot, but never finishing Ok, there are a few inc dents here and there.

is ever

has no jumping starting it. amusing Unfortu-

nately they are completely overshadowed by the fact everything in the book sounds likes it been plucked out of a bunch of different stories and summarily just slapped down randomly on different pages. Other than an amazing amount of variety, this book realiy doesn’t have much going for it. Leyner appears to have publishcd other books and is successful, so II guess there’s a market for his kind,ofbooks somewhere. However, unless you’re into reading books that have no topic whatsoever, yiou can skip 1 Smell Esther Williams.



Here’sa sto‘y,about a shit& II owe,..

Friday, March 10, 1995

mad okhd!,

The Brady Bunch Movie directed by Betty Thomas by Michael Doran special to Imprint

The Madness of King George directed by Nicholas Hytner pIaying at Waterloo


here is a new trend in Hollywood today to make old TV series’ into motion pictures. There is a certain appeal to nostalgia when people hear old names mentioned again like The Fugitive, Beverly Hillbillies, and The Little Rascals . The latest of this trend is The Brady Btinch Movie. It is a sarcastic look at one of America’s most popular and most syndicated sitcoms. The film is a witty juxtaposition, placing the 1960’s family and their residence right in the middle of the fast paced technologically progrcssivc 1990’s. Values clash as the picture perfect Bradys go head to head with today’s trendy values. Greg doesn’t understand when he is being car-jacked on the way to school. After introducing himscl f and his sister to the carjacker, he dismisses the cvcnt as a rendez-vous with a confused teenager. Marsha has the school lesbian chasing after her along with the guys. Jan’s guidance counscllor is none other than MTV’s cross-dressing Ru-Paul, who would be more interested in Jan’s problems if they related to teen pregnancy or suicidal tendencles. The plot of the film is that of a typical sitcom. The family must raise money to save

by Johanna Neufeld Imprint staf!f tricken by a mysterious illness in 1788, King George III of England is quickly labeled mad. With his dithering doctors searching for a diagnosis and a cure, he swiftly succumbs to his affliction. As the country’s political parties vie for control, the ambitious Prince of Wales also casts his eye on the throne. Fighting for his sanity, and trying to prove his sound mind, he struggles to regain command of both himself and his crown. Nigel Hawthorne gives a wonderful pcrforrnance as the misunderstood and ridiculed sovereign. A sympathetic yet humorous portrayal, he is tormented not only by himself, but by others. Good natured and possessing an earthy side, he delights in his nickname of Fanner George. The Prime Minister, Mr. Pitt, does his best to keep up appearances and tries to quash the rumours, but parliament grows increasingly restless. At times, George and his household resemble the Spanish royal family in Francisco Goya’s satirical portrait, The Family of Charles IV. Rupert Everett is George, Prince of Wales and along with his brother Fred, they attempt to seize power from their ailing father. Foppishly dressed in gaudy outfits and teased hair, their tedious manner adds to the comic


’ Carole


low in saturated


the house. No one ever gets stressed by the idea of having to raise $20,000 in less than one week. They pull together just as any perpetually happy sitcom family would. Unfortunately Mr. Brady is only able to come up with the same rejected retro design for his architectural clients. It is then up to the Brady children to raise the money in the “Search for the Stars” contest. Look for guest appearances from the original cast members, Ru Paul, and three of the original members of the Monkeys as well as the Partridge Family’s magic bus.


atmosphere created by the silly and corpulent physicians. Displaying insolent and childish behaviour, the princes often take after the offspring in Shakespeare’s King Lear. As equerry to the king, Rupert Graves plays the dashing Captain Robert Greville. The actor is also known for his appearances inA Room With A ViewandMuurice. Amanda Donohoe from L-A. Law is Lady Pembrook, who does her duties in the name of the queen. Shot in England, numerous locations were chosen to give the film an austere yet sumptuous look, which was also created by usingcontrasting warmandcoldphotographic images. Pictures of fields, castles, and the surrounding countryside are shot in warm tones, while interior shots are often bathed in an icy darkness. Much attention has been spent on the costumes and sets, which emphasize bright, bold colours. Beautiful gowns made of rich silk, brocade, and lace adorn the jewellery laden women, and their we11 coi fed wigs are usually topped by enormous hats. The men are also finely dressed with silk breeches, coats, and regalia. An interpretation ofAlan Bennett’s same titled play, the film’s soundtrack is adapted by George Fenton. Many of the musical selections are taken from the period, which lend themselves we11 to the picture. TheMadnessofki’ngGeorgeisathoughtful and interesting depiction of this wronged man. Victimized by the ignorance of his time and the lies of his position, his supposed delusions are not entirely internal. --

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Look whattherookie did by Jeff special

Zimbinsky to Imprint


here don’t seem to be many concerns for rising stars like Zumpano these days, according to drummer and figure-head Jason Zumpano. With only an indie cassette to their name, they were quickly snapped up by trendy indie label, Subpop. It seems that Subpop has been in the midst of diversifying their roster of the “Seattle Sound’bands with new fresh sounding ones, unlike Zumpano in certain ways. Zumpano may be fresh sounding now, only because their sound is easily 30 years old with Partridge Family, and The Turtles chalking up some of their influences. How did it all happen though? Jason recalls first meeting singer/guitarist Carl Newman when “I called him a mod, we got into a fight, and the next week we started jamming together.” Filling out the rest of the band is guitaristkeyboardist



from Glee,

and Scream Niemann on bass, who was coerced out of a cover band he was fronting. So that’s the band. The music, on the other hand, is comprable to the Barenaked Ladies or Moxy Fruvous in that cheesy quirky Canadian way. Although, these comparisons are

really stretching what Zumpano is about, Jason claims that “we’re not a novelty band like those others.” Novelty or not, their first video capitalizes on the ultimate in cheese with their karaoke take on “Wraparound Shades.” On the cover of Jimmy Webb’s “Rosencrantz Boulevard” a cool sounding harpsichord really brings out the retro tendencies of Zumpano. (The suits kind of do that to.) But that’s exactly what Zumpano is aiming to do; take a blast at the past and exploit CHEESE. Look What The Rookie Did is their first offering, produced by none other than ousted Grapes of Wrath tyrant Kevin Kant. Other than producing some Grapes songs, this is his first major project producing. The relationship with Zurnpano formulated with somebody’s girlfriend being friends with Kane’s wife. Other than that, Jason relented to comment on Kane’s sordid affair with his former band mates. Anyways, Zumpano isn’t expectingLook What The Rookie Did to be popular, but Jason comments that “my parents like it a lot, and so do Mike’s parents.” Being popular isn’t important for the band, and “if we opened up for Moist I hope we would be hated by all of them” comments retro cheese monger Jason Zumpano.






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Econoline The Imprint by Jason Imprint

Friday, March 10, 1995

Crush Inferviw

Gropp staff


efore their performance at Phil’s last Wednesday, I had a chance to sit and chat with Trcvor, lead singer for Econoline Crush, whose popularity has grown since Imprint last talked to them in September. You’ve almost finished this tour (with Sons of Freedom and Grim Skunk.) How’s it going, and how arc you being received? It’s been great. We’ve been selling out, and Sons are doing really well. We’re really surprised with how many people are coming to see us, and wc’rc plcascd with the rcsponsc. You played with Metallica last summer. Has that performance made you become more recognixa ble? I think it did in Vancouver. There has always been a crowd that follows music and recognized us, but I think a more mainstream audience started to take notice. In Vancouvcr, ! think it really helped us. Vancouver has always been strong musically. It’s geographitally isolated, and do you think

this isolation comes through in the music produced there? I don’t think so. There’s so much variety there. For us, we have two members from Manitoba and two from Alberta, so we’re spread out geographically. You recently signed to EMI Records. How has that relationship been going so far? It’s been going really well. WC like the way the record turned out. We got to pick our own producer and video director, we got to choose our cover art, so it’s been pretty amazing. I’m interested in your connection with Rhys Fulber (of Front Line Asscmbiy/Delerium fame.) Your style and his are quite different. How has that worked out? When Tom Ferris (formerly of Mocv) left the band in its early dcvclopmcnt, we wanted to work with another programmer. We didn’t feel we were capable of programming at the level we wanted, and it’s good to have that extra input. We’ve become friends with Rhys. He’s really cool. He had more input on “Affliction” (the new al bum) than on “Purge” (the band’ s first EP.) You can notice the difference. Yeah, he’s seen us live, we’re friends, and he knows what we’re


all about. It’s the coolest thing to have someone like that in the studio with you. It made for an easier time. Have you been getting noticed outside of Canada? 1 think we have, industry-wise. As far as the general public outside of Canada, no we really haven’t. I think our record company said they’ve sent some stuff to Australia, but I don’t know how that’s doing. This record’s kind of the beginning of the Econoline project for EM I. ThePuqe thing was kind of we made it, they put it out. This is really the first album for EM1 at the head of Econolinc. Is the video form important to the band’s philosophy? It’s kinda weird. T like videos, I’m a big fan of them, but I think sometimes it messes with the way people perceive the music originally. They see the video, and it gives them a different idea of what the band’s about. I think you have to be careful, Our videos are basically live things, with all kinds of people jumpini around and things. We try to stay away from the storyline video. Do you consider yourselves a live band or a studio band? I think we’re more of a live band than a studio band. But we do like



his death


the studio. You get the NinelnchNails/ Ministry comparisons a lot. I see more in it that that. If you use programming, you’re going to get lumped into that category. 1 think there’s more of a human clement in our band. What’s the songwriting process for you? Does the music come first or the words? The music comes first. I take it, rearrange it and put lyics to it. What are your feelings on the new album versus Purge? I think this is more of an

by Greg Imprint

Econoline Crushalbum. We’revety happy with the whole process. The fact that you can get the CD for $10 when it first comes out, we wanted things like that. We’re really happy with the way EMI has done it. Any final comments? We’re happy to be able to make a record that everyone’s happy with, to be able to eek out a living. We just want to be able to make music and hope people get it. As far as this tour goes, it’s been a blast. I hope everything goes well for Sons of Freedom and Grim Skunk, because it’s just been great.

Krafchick staff

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by Edward Richards Imprint staff

by Brad Imprint

Hughes staff

Mike Watt spent many years as the bassist for the prominent underground bands The Minutemen and flREHOSE. On this album he cashes in all his markers with the various alternative celebrities he’s met or inspired throughout his career. The musician list is a practical Who’s Who of alternative music with artists such as Frank Black, Eddie Vedder, Evan Dando, J Mascis, and Adrock. The album fittingly kicks off with “Big Train” which is an obvious reference to the size of this project. It also places Mike Watt as its engineer. While the train may lose control on a couple of rough turns, Watt is an able driver. Watt manages to mix celebrities with session players very well. On most songs the group used actually sounds like a band instead of a collection of individuals. This makes the album surprisingly cohcsivc. This is also helped by Watt’s grouping of tracks on the album so that it doesn’t end up sounding like some crappy compilation. “Big Train” is the first single to be released, and it is followed by several songs that are radio friendly. Not surprisingly thcplaycrs on these songs are populated by those who have a lot of pop in their music. “Against the 70’s” features Vedder’s trademark vocals to grab the listener with the song’s great vocal melody. The next track, “Drove Up From Pedro,” shows off the session players Watt has asscmbled. This song really sticks in your head. The next couple of tracks “Piss-Bottle Man” and “Chinese Firedri 11,” starring Evan Dando and Frank Black respectively, are quite

hummable as well. From this point Watt starts to indulge himself. Once again he sticks to his friends’ strengths by employing artists who are slightly less mainstream like Pat Smear, Sonic Youth, and Mark Lanegan. Unfortunately it’s here that the train starts to run away. While there are some solid tunes, the most memorable are the ones that don’t work. “Sexual Military Dynamics” isn’t anything that Henry Rollins hasn’t done before and it isn’t one of his better written songs. The cover of Sonic Youth’s “Tuff Gnarl” featuring, you guessed it, Thurston Moore, Lee Ranaldo, and Steve Shelley from that band doesn’t expand on the original at all. Flea really shines with some great lead bass on the funky “ETicket Ride” but the song is grounded by Mike D’s weak vocals. The train finally comes offthe tracks with the cover of George Clinton’s “Maggot Brain.” It establishes J Mascis as one of the finest guitarists around, but do we really need twelve minutes of soloing? There are some great moments on this part of the album though. The jazzy “Sidemouse Advice” is infectious and Flea’s trumpet playing is outstanding. The big highlight though is the phone message left by Kathleen Hanna that appears on “Heartbeat.” While her spiel is done a little tongue-in-cheek, there is as much truth as there is humour in it. She really upstages all the big celebrities. Even with all the stars on this album, Mike Watt shines brightest. He is the writer of 14 of the 17 songs. Most ofall his bass provides the ‘Tugboat’ to guide this oil tanker around. He lays back and lets everybody show off, but underneath it’s his simple but melodic bass lines that hold the songs together. He has made a solid collection of tunes with broad-based appeal.

I don’t really know how to start this off because I can’t afford to miss a beat on this review. I guess I should just drop the truth - The Roots is not a hip hop crew or a jazz group, it’s a concept - a whole style of its own. Know what I mean? Let me try to explain where I’m coming from. First off, I must admit that I really could not have fathomed in my wildest imaginations what to have expected when I pressed play. I feel obliged to give props to the man who enlightened me ( I’m sorry if I sound like 1 am full of sh*t, but I have to tell it like it is), what 1 mean is, if it wasn’t for the knowledge of my boy Kirk Whitter (Ra), my life would presently be void of a serious dimension of music. He warned mc and tried to case me into the sound of The Roots, and when I say ease, I mean that you can’t really take a full swig of its funky juice all at once - you need to take little sips. So I poured a little of the album into my stereo glass, and let the flavour trickle down my throat. I guess I should have mixed it with something, tried to dilute it with water or something, because the vapours damn near finished me. To this day, my memory gets kind of cloudy when I try to think back, but I’m pretty sure it was the track “Proceed” that I heard first. When I finally came to, I remembered how the shocking, almost overwhelming sound of pure, live in-

struments had caressed my eardrums. What did I say? Live? Yes kids, yes. Live bass guitar, harp, organ, trumpet, piano, and drums. To make it simple and plain, The Roots came offwith da’ bomb, y ‘al I. Da ’ Bomb. From the introduction through to the last track, this record is so dope it’s sick. I don’t know how this Philly-based crew thought we were ready for crazy stuff I ike this . “Distortion of Static” hooks you and takes you somewhere else with its mad laughter and deep, dark battle rap. “Lazy Afternoon” is just that - a lazy jaunt along a soul covered path of jazz and funk. “Swept Away” is like, well, it’s fresh like a hand-picked apple. “The Lesson Pt. 1” is classic beat-box with a twist (you have to experience this one.) Then there’s “The

Unlocking.” This track will take you to another level with its story of the mystical powers of a magical whore. Everything in between is a complicated mixture of assorted confusion; somewhere between non-fiction and fantasy. What else can I say? The Roots are comin’ off cosmic. It’s like this; picture a weeping willow tree with its crooked trunk and eerie, almost sinister branches. Then get down bclow the surface and find its gnarly roots - the ones that penetrate into the very soul of the earth - and you can begin to visualize the complexity of Do YOU Wmt Mow?!!!??! This album was dipped into a dark, bubbling cauldron of enchanted brew, and it came out gold. Ra, I owe you something scrious.




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by Sunil Imprint

ies are back. Just check out any retro-night at a club and you’ll know that this isn’t just some fanciful muse of a mad Imprint writer. So it seems fitting that one of the biggest new-wave artists of the past are back on the scene. Remember “Don’t You Want Me?” Well, the Human League have returned with an album whose likes hasn’t been seen since the heady days of our youth. Just like the days of the old vinyl, there are only nine songs;

Solanki staff

Pounding drum machine, slick keyboards and those oh-so-sweet pastel suits. Yes, the other night on the telly I caught a rerun of Miami Vice. Believe it or not, but the eight-


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feeling, lyrics like “who’s screwing who, who’s schmoozin who, who’s fooling who...” clear it up. Over the past few albums, through Crawl With Me, Sexual

by James Russell Imprint staH “There are no absolutes to human misery. Things can get worse.” So starts Art Bergmann’s latest offering, WhatFreshHeZZ Is This? Never exactly a happy camper, Art certainly isn’t getting better, at least not at this point in his career. Despite the new album and impending tour, Art is more than i little-bitter about his recent divorce. The divorce theme runs throughout the album, but is centred in Contract, the fastest, screechiest song on the album, and probably the best candidate for a single. Lyrics such as “I dig my own my grave for you, be a total slave for you,” start to hint at what Art is going through, but in case you weren’t clear on what he’s

by Chris Imprint

Aldworth staff

Swallow Records, the newest of the indie labels to pop up in Southern Ontario, has put out a four song taster. The Kitchener-Waterloo label showcases four Golden Triangle artists with their first 7” vinyl release. With the recent resurgence in vinyl as a recording medium, Swallow Records is doing their part in the “keep vinyl alive” crusade. The 7” has been released on limited edition yellow vinyl and only 500 arc being printed. A must-have for collectors. Jlw fledgling hbel showcases four of their promismg new acts with a compilation that includes a wide spectrum of music encompassing folk, rock, psychedelic and “alternative” music. Not a small accomplishment for a four song 7”. Tracks by Shannon Lyon, The

Roulette, and the ill-fated self-titled album, Art has experimented with many styles, doing grunge before it was called grunge, some sort-of countryish stuff, and a few tries at pop such as the last single “Faith-

none of this 17-track digital crap.. . Stepping out of a time machine and landing in the middle of 1982 is the best way to describe this vintage feast for the senses. Fat, arpeggiated, monophonic synths swirl and envelop the listener. Without doubt, the album’s best track is the extremely danceable “These are the Days,” sure to be a hit in all the Hi-Energy clubs. Lyrically it’s somewhat paradoxical because it preaches giving up the past and living in the present. This flies in the face of the entire record and its ancient sound. “Houseful of Nothing” is a bit of a departure with its angry (yet always poppy) theme of regret, and whines of chances nottaken. Themajorproblem (aside from most songs having completely trivial lyrics) is the poor vocal performance by Phillip Oakley. In some places he makes even old OMD sound good, (Trust me, this is NOT desirable). Don’t buy this album expecting to hear anything that you couldn’t have heard in some form fifteen years ago. However, if you just can’t get the synth-pop bug out of your system, then this fix should keep you going for some time.

lessly Yours.” This album reflects all of these quite well, but I have to admit many of the songs fall short of his earlier works. Nonetheless, there are several outstanding tracks. “Buried Alive” is really nice. “Contract” is an excellent song, as good as any of the great songs he’s done before. “Dive” is a great song, with a haunting melody that will stick in your head all day. However, the best song on the album is undoubtedly “S top the time.” Dreamy, with cymbals clashing discreetly in the background and a muted bass drumkeeping the quarter notes, Art’s gravelly voice sings a sweet lullaby. He croons out the chorus, “I wish for just five minutes you’d be on my side,” over and over. I put this track on repeat on my CD player and fall asleep to it all the time. All in all, a good album. Though some songs are below par, others like “Contract” and “Stop the Time”make it worth the money.

The Mighty Fishermen, compilation with the weird and Longfcllows and Strange Days wonderful “Cats Feet.” Going for a make this an eclectic but worthheavier and less derivative sound, while musical gathering. Strange Days are no longer the Label boss Shannon Lyon Tragically Hip wannabe’s of old. opens the compilation with a live The five members have rid thembasement recording of the country selves of the traditional rock and folk number “Monumental Disasroll sound for something a little ter.” Plunking away on acoustic different. Odd guitar tunings and guitar, the low4 sound has a sort of some wacky playing make “Cats grassroots appeal. It’s a simple Feet” sounds like an undiscovered affair made complete by Lyon’s theme song to some 50’s cop show. quavering and sometimes twangy It’s different, and in the long run vocals. that may be the just the key to Fellow K-W musicians The success for these K-town stalwarts. Longfellows fight their way through Cambridge natives The Mighty “Let Me In” in straight ahead bar Fisherman put forth a psychedelic rock band fashion. Easily one of wash of guitars and dreamy vocals The Longfellows’ most catchy and in their Swallow Records debut. memorable songs, it is unfortunate “Plastoscene” is a swirling guitar that this seems to be their swan oriented song that manages to hold song. Rumours have been cona great deal in common with much firmed that the band+has broken up ~ ~ and will be playing one final show before splintering into new projects. indication of what this five piece “Let Me In” is a lively rocker that has to offer, The Mighty Fishermen come highly recommended. really grabs you, but it seems to have come a little too late. Overall, an eclectic and enterStrange Days offer up the most taining batch of music, and a fine introduction to Swallow Records. experimental sounding song on this


Friday, March 10, 1995




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by Alan special


Friday, March HI,1995

Robertson to Imprint

by Sunil Imprint

Don’t let the title of the new Manhattan Transfer Tunin ‘fool you. This is just another, in what is hopefully the last, of the series of ‘Duets’ albums. Cheryl Bentync, Janis Siegel, Tim Hauser and Alan Paul share some of the lead vocals on Tonin’ but for the most part these talented harmonizers have reduced themselves to the roll of a back-up quartet of Doo-Woppcrs. The bulk of the singing here is handled by guest vocalists including Frankie Valli, Bette Midler, Smokey Robinson and James Taylor. They try their best but aren’t successful in saving an album full of 60’s covers that sounds more like the second coming of The Big Chill soundtrack. There is one bright spot here with Phil Collins and Tim Hauser joining forces to cover the 1966 Motown classic “Too Busy Thinking About My Baby.” To be fair to the Manhattan Transfer, they do get a couple of chancei to shine. The tracks “Along Came Mary” and the beautiful “God Only Knows” allow the band to bring out their true taients. Unfortunately those same talents are wasted on the rest of this album.

by Brad Imrpint

Hughes Staff

First The Spoons reform and now this: a band that tries to bring back the heydays of 80’s music. Thrill Squad used to be called Go Four 3. They made some minor rumblings on the Canadian charts last decade. This album is, I guess, kind of a comeback for them. “Comeback from what?” you might ask. I think the answer is the planet these guys have been on since the 80’s ended. This band sounds like they’ve never heard anything that has come out since that decade. For example, in the opening song “Heart of Tears” the guitar during the verses is a complete rip-off of Platinum Blonde’s “Standing in the Dark” while the guitar lines during the chorus are straight out of Big Country’s “In a Big Country.” I’m really disappointed that a band cannot at least incorporate something from today’s music into what they used to play. Considering what they used to play didn’t exactly set the charts ablazin’ I have to wonder what they

think they have to offer. If their music couldn’t sell back when their genre was popular how are they going to sell now? Their music wasn’t very good then and it surely isn’t now. It’s standard guitar, bass, and drums. They try and hide it behind Roxanne Heichert’s voice by placing the vocals up front in the production. While she might have a decent voice, she isn’t any more interesting than the music, This choice of placing the focus on Heichert’s voice also displays the weakness of the lyrics. Nothing stands out as particularly poetic. Most times the lyrics fall into cliche. You can even see it in the song titles such as “Now or and Rain” and Never, ” “Love “Someone to Believe In.” The only song that kind of caught me as good was “Sick and Tired of It.” This song really broke down after several listenings though. This album just serves as a reminder that regurgitating the sounds of the past without applying something from the present is going to end in disaster. The only bright side for the Thrill Squad is that they can open for The Spoons on their next tour.


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Solanki staff

For those of you who know, ‘I’m sure you’re already snickering. And for those poor unfortunates who don’t know, allow me to fill you in on the phenomenon that is Traci Lords. Traci came onto the “scene” in the mid-eighties in Los a star



numerous cheesy Sci-Fi/Horror Bmovies that bombed and mostly got her nowhere (except for Cry Baby and M&me Place. ) And now she’s been unleashed on the music world. This new album isn’t half-bad. I had expected . .-. d complete rubbish and instead was quite impressed. Groovy, rave-inspired tracks with heavy beats, analog riffs and sophisticated hi-hat lines make it all a satisfying experience. Behind the electronics are Mike Edwards (vocalist and main musician of Jesus Jones) and Bab-



ents” brought her exposure and fame. In case YOU haven’t clued in yet, Miss Lords was a PORNSTAR! She made hundreds of movies and was the first actress of the genre to command the then unheard sum of $10,000 a “performance.” However her career was cut short when her studio (and unfortunately the government) found out that she was under 18 at the time when most of her flimxx were made. They were banned and lifted from shelves. After making a few farewell movies, Traci retired. (Don’t ask how I know all this. Just Don’t!). Anyways, she went on to make

Run yourown business, gain valuable business experience while building your resume. Earn up to $10,000 (25 jobs). High demand product, irrigationsalesand installation. The idealopportunity: vehicle required. Call Student Sprinklersat l-800-265-7691, Marketing Position Available. Phalanx Marketing Inc. hasanimmediateopeningforamotivatedindtidualwith a desire for success. Phone or Fax 747-9533. software Capital Available. Seed capital available for promising new software package(s). Fax resume and brief description of business plan to CharieswtiCapital (416) 5CM-CM55. Earn Up To $2,000.00 weekly, will train in a clean safe environment. Talkto us first before you decide, physical contact not permitted. Call Ralph or Ron at 744-6367. Editor - 1n - Chief needed for Imprint, UWs student newspaper, for the 1995-96 year. A&editor-in-chief, you would be responsible for seeing thatthe paper is printed and distributed on time. You would have to be able to coordinateandsustainalargevotunteerbaseandwritefor all sections of the newspaper: news, sports, arts, fonrm, and features, You would also require intimate familiarity with ISM-compatiblecomputers, Windows, WordPerfect 5.1, and PageMaker 5.0. This full time salaried position is a one year contract from April 1,1995 to March 31, l~.Thejobrequiresanaverageof37.5hwrsperweek, but will be much moreduring peaktimesof the year. Also, most of the hours are concentrated between Monday morning and Thursday at nmn. Submit a letter- of application, resume, and samples of writing to Vtv~an Tambeau, CampusCentre 140, University of Waterlooby March 17,1995 at 12:00 noon.

3+4+5&7 bedroom houses available for rent, reasonable rates, laundry, parking, year leases. Call James 747-0683orwork88+9000. Available September 95 - 5 bedroom house. 1 year lease, Lakeshoretocation. garage,fireplace,quietneghbourhood, 1295001month. 888-7377 Tired of Dumps?! Glendene Crescent. 5 bedroom, 2 bath, hundry,cleaningservice. SeptembecYearlease. $295.00 each plus utilities. 886-2726. Swnmer 95 - 5 bedroom house a&able in charming

listenable. However, the inclusion of Traci seems to Ibe a marketing ploy. Anyone could have been doing vocals and it wouldn’t really matter. However with Traci at the helm and on the cover, it’s sure to sell more,. She sings in the cliched, breathy style that so many female artists seem to prefer nowadays. Very fitting indeed for one who made an artform of heavy breathing.. . But in the end we all know that though her music isn’t bad, her movies a:re better.. .

uptown Waterlooarea. Parkingfor4, wmonth. 8887377. 5 Bedroom House - Gas heated, incl. washer/dryer, large driveway and backyard, close to all amenities, recently renovated, cheap bills, 1 yr lease. Starting May -call 884-5277. Available September 95 - 5 bedroom house. Great uptown Waterloo location. 1 year lease 1295.OO/month summer95 negotiable if needed, W-7377. 2 Bedrmm apartment available March 1/April 1/May 1. Close to Universities. Call 888-6927. Ask for Rick.

Typing Services. Done fast and easy!! Letters, Resumes, Term Papers, General Correspondence. IASER PRINTER. Call Kathy-884-8149 (eveningslweekends).

Waxing and Electrolysis. In the privacy of my home, close the university, high-tech equiptment, reasonable prices, certified electrologist. 747-5827. Cash Back! Get yourtax return prepared, electronically filed and in your hands fast. Student discounts and on campusappointmentsavaitile. CaNHughMacLarenat -13%.

Be A Big Sister Volunteer “New Short Term Match Program” Big Sisters is pleased to introduce our new Short-TerrnMatchProc(ramdesignedtotakeplacewithin your academic year September - May. For further informationaboutourelartytrainingcallNOW! 743-5206.

White silk dress, size 8, knee length, double breasted. E>densives~~bear~orkonshoul~rsandfrwlt. Call Sueat3010.


Scholarship & Notices iI

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendarforfurthercritetia.Applicationforms are available in the Student Awards office, 2nd Floor. Needles Hall.

ALLFACUl?ibS: Doreen Brisbin Award - available to third yearRegularor3BCo-opfemalestudentsin an Honours program in which women are currently under-represented. Deadline: March 31,1995. Douglas T. Wright Award - available to all who have participated inan international work placement. Students to appty upon return to fulCtime study at UW. Deadline: October 13, 1995. Douglas T. Wright Experience in Japan Award -available to all who participated in a work placement in Japan. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: Cktober 13,1995.

FACULTvOFAPPLlED HEALTH SCIENCES: Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship availabletoall3rdyearRegularHealthStudies and Kinesiotogy. Deadline: March 15, 1995. Robert Haworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an Honours program in Resource Management related to Park Planningand Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31,1995.



AndersenConsuttingScholarship-available to 38. Deadline: March 31,1995. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries -available to all Chemical students. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship-available to 38. Deadline: March 31,1995. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all. Deadline: October 13,1995. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award-avaiIabletoallCivilandMechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Deadline: March 31,1995. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship- available to all 3A. Deadline: March 31, t 995. John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 38 Mechanical. Deadline: March 31,1995. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline: May 31,1995, Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Civil - Water Resource Management students. Deadline; May 31,1995. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary available to4th year Civil. SuncorBursaries-availabletoalIChemical or Mechanical.

FACULTYOF ENVIRONMENTALSTUDIES: Robert HaworthScholarship-completion of 3rd year in an Honours program in Resource Management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31,1995. Marcel Pequegnat- Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Management. Deadline: May 31,1995.

FACULTYOFMATHEMATICS: ConsuttingScholarship-available to 3B Math. Deadline: March 31,1995. Electrohome75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 38 Computer Science. Deadline: March 31.1995. Anckrsen



J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries-available to upper year Earth Sciences. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science. Deadline:



SC. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship-availableto3rdyearChemistry. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Earth Science/Water Resource Management. Deadline: May 31,1995. Science Society Bursaty -available to all.


VoIun+a’LIrs Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Regional Branch. Friends, a service of CMHA, needsvolunteers: tosupportchildren in one to one relationships, assist children in developing self-esteem and social skills. A child meets withtheirvolunteerweeklyduring school time to do social activities. Urgently needed in schools throughout KitchenerWaterloo, Cambridge and area. Call 74-4 7645. Foreign TranslationRegistry. The Intemational Student Office receives inquiries from time to time requiring the assistance of individuals who can speak, write and translate a particular language. If you are interested in providing this service, please contact Darlene Ryan, ext. 2814. ValuableCareer Experience! Volunteer as a Student Career Advisor and leamtocounsel other students on career related issues. Priceless benefits! Applications available in theCareerResourceCentre,NHlll!% Volunteers needed to help with Winterfest ‘95. Assistance is needed with marketing and promotions, decorating, bal hockey tournament, eventsand prizesand more! For more info call Lynne Sosnowski at the Fed. of Students, CC, room 235, ext. 4042. Be A Big Brother It’s Fun! It’s Easy1 Call us today. 579-3150. Office Assistants are currently being recruited by the City of Waterloo Volunteer Service to work in an office with such duties as answering the telephone, taking messages, assisting the public. Computer skills areanasset.Thevolunteermustbewillingto give a one year commitment. For more info call579-11%. K-W Canada Day is looking for a Chairperson, Co-ordinators and Assistants to help in avarietyofareasincluding:operations,security, concessions, volunteer coordinator, fundraising, entertainment and activities, The SHADOW (Student Hosts and Designates of Waterloo) Program helps intemational shrdents adjust to life in Canada. The programmatchesnewintemationalstudents withaUniversityofWater!oostuden~whohas been at the university for at least one year. Students interested in volunteering for the Spring and Fall term can filloutan application form at the international Student Off ice. For more information contact Darlene Ryan, extension 2814. K-W Host Family Program. The International Student Office (ISO) has a Host Family Program, designed to helpinternational studentsleamsomethingofthecultureofCanada by spending time with a Canadian family. Drop by the International Student Off ice, NH


Scholarship @ Notices iI

208Otosignup,orabrochurecanbesentto you bycalling Darlene Ryan,extension2814. Englishtutorsareneededtotutorinteman students on at one-to-one basis in oral and written English. This is a one term commitment. lfyou haveagood working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable, and would like to volunteer register at the International Students Office, NH 2080, or call Darlene Ryan, extension 2814 for more information. Attention Business UW Students. The time and location of your final exam is incorrect on the University of Waterloo final exam schedule. It will in fact be held April 10th at 6:30 p.m. at WLU. DukeStreetClinic. Allservicesarefreeand confidential. Staffed bypublichealth nurses. HIV (AIDS) testing, Hepatitis B vaccine, condoms, drug info, safersex info, referrals. Drop in between 4:OO and 7:00 p.m. every Thursday at ACCKWA, 123 Duke Street East, Kitchener. Food Security Week. Plan to attend the manyeventsbeing heldthroughotiWate&o Region from March28 to April 7. “Film Night” March 28at 7:15 in Kitchener Public Library. “information Night”2:30 -4:30p.m. or7:OO9:OO p.m. at Community Health and Social Services,99ReginaStreet, Room%% “Community Forum: Putting an End to Hunger: A Forum on Food Security in Waterloo Region” April 6 from 8:30 - 4:30 Community Health andSocialServices, 99 ReginaStreet, Room 508. “PublicDisplays” keepyoureyesopen for public displays in Kitchener, Watertoo and Cambridae on Saturdav April 1st. Calling All Residents - Recycle Your Old BellTelephone Books! The Region of Watertoo’s Waste Reduction Office would like to remind area residents that Bell Canada telephone books continue to be recyclable in the Blue Box Program. Residents with Blue Boxes are asked to set their old telephone booksoutatthecurb, bagged or bundledwith newspaper and placed beside or on top Of theirBlue5ox. Formoreinformationconract the Waste Reduction Offiie at 883-5118. The lODE Gladys Raiter Bursary Provinvial Chapter of Ontario IODE. A Bursary for one year of full time post-graduate study in Canada. Awarded annually on the basis of academic standing and financial need. Approximate value of $3,500.00. Deadline for receipt of application is April 15,1995. Application forms are available by writing: Ptovinvial Chapter of Ontario IODE, 1070 Main Street West 2B, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 1B4. lnforrnation is also available from the Graduate office or by calling (905) 522-

CounsellingServices Strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Each workshop is 2 sessions long. Tuesday, March 14: 4:30 to 5:30 Monday, March 20: 11:30 to 1230 Wednesday, March 22: 11:30 to 12:30.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferredwaysofworking. Wednesday, March 15: 3:30 to 4:30 Tuesday, March 21: 12:30 to 1:30. Register at Counselling Services, Needles Hall, room2080.

Thefollovvingaredeadlinesfor Postgraduate and P&docto~ Competitions in thellniverSityGraduateOfXce. Furtherinformationand documentationareavailablefromtheUniversity Graduate Office or from the Department ScholarshipCoordinator. Earl&department deadlines are applicable. Please note as wellthatrnanyotherscholarshipshaveagertcy deadlines in the WinterTerm 1995. InfotmationisavaiIabteintheUniversity Undergraduate Office. Needles Hall. Room 3021, Canada Mortgage & HousingCorporation - Unrestricted discipline. Due March 24, 1995.

MONDAY Interested in Outdoor activites? Join the Outers Club, which offers weekly activites, and equiptment rentals (at reasonable rates). Weekly meetings at 7:OO p.m. in ES1 350. For more information contact Fabrice at ext. 46!35 Students For Life, a pro-life group, meets every week at 2:Np.m. in Environmental Studies Rm 350. Speak UDfor the silent!

TUESDAY Waterloo Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational Christian group, holds large group meetings from 5:OO - 6:30 p.m. in Engineering 2, Room 1303A. There is singing, guest speakers, Bible studies and fellowship. For more information, contact wcf @watservl . All are welcome.

WEDNESDAY The University of WaterlooYoung Liberals meetfordiscussioneveryotherWednesday (first meeting on January 11) at 4:OO in the SJCstudent Union loungenexttothe Coffee Shop. All are welcome. FYI call Suzana at 7444817.

GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds a Coming Out Discussion Group at 7130 pm in ML 104. Call 884-4569 for information and a list of upcoming topics. AmnestylnternationalGroupi 18(University of Waterloo Group) meets at 7:oO p.m. everyweekinAL202. Amnesty lntemational is dediated to helping Prisoners of Consciencearound the world.-All Are Welcome. Womyn’s CentreCollective meetiNs 1230 in Womyn’s Centre Room. Room i506. International Women’s Week organizational meetings weekly at 1:30until March 1. Womvn’s Centre Room 150B. Interfaith Brown-Bag Lunch Forum M&C 1056. 12:30 o-m. - 1130 o-m. ChristiansPnzachingChtist-GospelMeeting 7:ClOp.m. to 8:OO p.m. El 1052. Come and listen. All Welcome! “While we were yet sinners. Christ died for us.” Romans 58

THURSDAY Ukranian StqdentsClub welcomes everyonetoexperienceUkraniancuRureandHeritage. We meet in MC 3OOt (Math Lounge) at5:45p.m.CallMartin Kuchirkaat747-DOITfor more information. Jewish Students Association - Bagel Brunches are held from 11130 - I:30 in ELI 06. Come out and meet everyone!

FRIDAY Saturday,



The University of Waterloo Juggling Club is hosting it’s third Annual Juggling Festival from 1O:OOa.m. to IO:00 p.m. in thecampus Centre and Small Gym of the PAC. During the day we will be having workshops and competitions using all manner of juggling props. The evening will be ended with a public show in the Red Cafeteria of Village I.




Science Spectacular. Please join us in Bl 271 at3:30foralightheartedlookatscience. Phun with Fysics, a guided tour of the eye, Wally the Earth worm and chemistry reactions ate waiting to be discovered. This is a dress rehearsal for Campus Day.




GLLOW DISCUSSIONGROUI?. “Dealing Wiih Crushes and Infatuation”. 7:30 p.m. in ML 104. All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays and othersupportive people welcome. Details: 884-4569.




Movie Night- presented by the Students for Life. Learn the science of human life in the

womb. 7%) p.m. in EL room 105. Evervone welcorne! ’ &od Donor Clinic - First United Church, King and Williams streets. 1:30 p.m. - 8:OO p.m. Positive lndentification required. For information call 744-6198. Areteana Trio - 20th Century Chamber Music. Lauried Glencross, flute, Brenda Muller, cello, Beth Hanson, piano at Conrad Grebel College. For information call 8850220 extension 226.




“Jesus inchristianityand Islam”. Speaker: Dr. Jamal Badawi, Director of Islamic Information Foundation, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 8:OO p.m. in DC 1351. Selections from the work of Alanis Obomsawin. “Mother of Many Children”, “Richard




a Diary



Metis Child” and “Poundmaker’s Lodge: A Healing Place” will be shown in DC room 1302 from 7:OO to 9:OO p.m. UW Film Society Taiwan Festival - “The 8oys From Fengkui” will be shown at 7100 p.m. in UW East Campus Hall room 1219. For more information call 885-l 211 extension 2442.

Sajat-ul=Jumuaa (Friday prayer} in M&C 2035. 12:30 D-m. - 1 :OOp.m.

SUNDAY Worship inthechapelof St. Bede Renison College University of Waterloo. Sundays at

10:3Q a.m. beginning Sunday January 8, 1995. “Radio Arab Carlo” on CKMS 100.3 FM. Tune in every Sunday at 4:30 p.m. or better yet call us during the program, and tell your host Firas Johnny Abed Rabbo what you would like to hear. “Arabic mus[c is what we do.” F

Classes andWorkshops at Homer Watson House and Gallery, 1754 Old Mill Rd. Kitchener, Ontario, N2P 1H7. To register please pay class fee by mail or in person. Drawing in the Afternoon. Water&our in the Afternoon. Printing with Woodblocks. Basic Design. introduction to Painting with Acrylics. Introduction to Painting with Watercolours. Garden Sculpture. For more information call 748-4377. lfyou wish tovolunteerwithCampusMediation please contact885-1211 extension 2306. MembersofThe Engineering FacuttyCouncilforl995: It isanticipatedthatthe Engineering Faculty Council will meet on the following dates: March20, April 17, May29, June26, September 18, October 16, November 20, December 11. All meetings will be held at 3:30 p.m. in CPH 3385. UW GermanClub. Stay tuned for upcoming events! Forfurther informationcall Uta Evers at ext. 6052 or check the bulletin boards by the German Department in ML. Live Radio Concerts on CKMS are Saturdays at 1O:OOp.m. Mar. 11 - Malibu Stacey; Mar.l&Quiverieg,PaulMacLeod,6Months. TheTOEFlPreperationCoursebeginsApriI 4. Classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:OO - 430 p.m. for 10 weeks. Contact the International Student Office ext. 2814 for more information. 1995 Student Handbook Editor needed. This position will run for both Winter and Spring ‘95 terms, ideally but not necessarily staffed by thesameindividual. For more info call Lynne Sosnowski, Fed. of Students, CC235, ext. 4042. The Engineering Students will be holding their 19th Annual Bus Push on March 18th, 1995. Everyone interested in participating is invited to pbtain a pledge calling 888-4762. Prizes to be awarded. Art Show for Campus Centre Opening. March 27th to 31st. Students and NonStudents may submit artwork. Deadline is March 22. Selected works will be permanently displayed in Campus Centre. Contact Paulaat579-4635, Volunteers needed to assist with the opening ceremony activities for the new Student CentrebetweenMrch27thand3lst. Anyone interested can conractTiffany at theTurnkey Desk or extension 6283. Canadian Federationof UniversityWomen will be holding a Used Book Sale on Friday, Match31stfrom 12:OOp.m.to9:OOp.m.,and Saturday April 1st from 9:OO a.m. to 1:OO p.m. at Hiltiard Hall, First UnitedChurch, King and William streets, Waterloo. A special Children’s Book Section and sale of Special Books wilt be held on Friday at 2:00 p.m.

JOB SEARCH WORKSHOPS Friday, March 10: 10:3O-1230, NH1020 Interview Skills II. Monday, March 13: 5:OO-7:OQ NH1020 ResumeCritiquing Wednesday, March 15: 1:3&2:30, NH1 020,

Networking. 2:304:30, NH1 0200 115 -Job Search.











170 UNIVERSITY AVE. W. 5 1Q-746-4565 FAX 5 19-746-6673

878 YONGE STREET 416-920-2577 FAX 416-920-0749

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