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IMPRINT I I I The University Of Waterloo Student Newspaper X




The UW Student Newspaper Campus Centre, Room 140 University of Waterloo Waterluu, Ontario, N2L 3Gl

888-4048 Friday May5,1995 Volume 18, Number 1 ISSN 0706-7380

The hall is rented’, the orchestra

First week on the front by Kieran Green Imprint staff




by Dave


Editorial Board Editor in chief Assistant Editor News editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Features Editor Science Editor Photo Edi tar Proofreaders

Business Manager AdvertisingEroduction 4dvertising Assistant


Dave Fisher vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant

Marea Willis

Laurie Tigert-Dumas vacant


Board of Directors President Vice President

SecreataryITreasurer Directors-at-Large

Pat Merlihan Chris Aldworth

Jodi Carbert Jamie Bennet Heather Calder

Contribution List Chris Aldsworth, Sandy Atwat, Hugh Bradly, Kelli Byers, HeGher Calder, Jodi Carbert, Kimberly Creed, K. Dhanani,Natalie Gillis, Kieran Green, Rebecca Higgins, Greg Hood-Morris, Brad Hughes, Gerald Kirk, Greg Krafchick, Jack Lefcourt, Xander LeRoy, Dave Lynch, Lance Manion, Pat Merlihan, Kimberley Moser, Avvey Peters, Jeff Robertson, James Russell, A. Sherali, Annick Streicher, Dave Thomson, Derek Weiler.

eek one for Waterloo’s new Federation of Students Executive. President Jane Pak, Vice President Finance Mike Suska, and Vice President University Affairs Rose Bilicic officially took the reins on Monday, May 1. The trio do not come unprepared, however. In April, the new executive met with outgoing execs Steve Codrington, Julie Cole and Christine Dewhurst for a transitional session. This past week-end, April 28 to May 1, both groups attended the Ontario Transitional Conference, where they met with incoming and outgoing student governments from other schools to learn, network, and share ideas. “We got a lot out bmue wnue of it,” said Suska of the Ontario Conference. Bilicic observed that Waterloo “is at the leading edge” in preparing its incoming student leaders for their jobs, noting that many schools “just throw the new people in without any preparation.” Prepared as they are, and early as the term is, the new execs already face some tough issues. Perhaps foremost for Jane Pak is the Ontario provincial election, a mere month away. Already the Feds are working with


Laurier to prepare a local strategy for the election. Sunday, May 7, the Feds will meet with the other Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) members to discuss the election. Monday, May 8, there is another meeting, this time open to all Ontario post-secondary institutions. The aim is once again to make education an election is-


sue. A budget for the campaign is currently being prepared. The Feds hope to split campaign costs with other schools and local organizations, and possibly even get some corporate sponsors. Pak has stated, however, that both the UW Federation of Students and OUSA will remain non-partisan, supporting no candidates or parties. The issue of OUSA in genera1 is another that the Feds will have to deal with. The recent departure of Queen’s University


ilfrid Laurier Univer sity wants the students charged in the recent Ezra street party to appear at a disciplinary hearing before the end of the month. On April 22,1995 an end of term “party-turned-riot” saw charges laid against, and/or arrests of 18 .WLU students on liquor control offenses, disturbing the peace, and various other vio-

dents who were arrested or charged by Waterloo Regional Police. In part, the letters read, “The behaviour of those students involved has brought the university into disrepute and is prejudicial to the best interests of the university, its student body, its alumni...and all those other citizens who are supporters of this institution.” According to its policy on student conduct, WLU may take disciplinary action against any

tre, Room


of its students

Two students were seriously injured at the street bash, including one woman who was hit by a piece of concrete block, and a man who was run over by a car. WLU President, Lorna Marsden, says the university will mail letters to the 18 Laurier stu-

duct on or off campus. Before any disciplinary action is taken, however, the ten students who were arrested will get a chance to present their case before a panel of the university president, vice-president academic, and other university lead-

of Waterloo,

continued to page 7



140, University

Jane Pak hopes to increase student representation at the administrative level. Through publit dissemination of research, minutes, etc., Pak wants to make it easier for students to participate in Senate meetings and other UW government functions. A big problem facing Mike Suska is the estimated $25,000 deficit bequeathed him by the previous executive. Partly due to last year’s construction, and the subsequent decreased visibility, Fed services did worse

than expected. The biggest problem by far is that perennial money-loser Fed Hall. The last executive had projected a profit from the club, a profit that never materialized. Suska blames the loss on, “unforeseeable circumstances.” He hopes to improve the situation through boosting awareness of Fed Hali, and by having more realistic expectations. Fed Hall is also going to see a change of management. Effective Friday, May 5, current manager Chuck McMullan is quitting his position. Steve Leddy will take his place as interim manager. The Feds are not commenting on the severance package that Chuck will receive. The planned expansion of the I3ombshelter has also been put on hold indefinitely. The expansion into the space formerly occupied by the Wild DuckCafe would have cost around $2OO,ooO. The Feds are expecting improved performance from the other Fed businesses, now that the new Student Life Centre has increased their visibility. Mike Suska’s main goals, apart from the Fed Hall problem, are to improve customer service, emphasizing students as customers, and improving the transparency of Fed finances, making the budget statements more readable

face the music...

Ezra special

from OUSA has had a significant financial impact on the organization. OUSA may have to raise membership fees. The money for this will likely come out of the Federation Special Projects Fund, leaving less for other projects. The Feds wiil probably not know the impact of this until their budget is prepared, due sometime around the end of June.


Imprint is the offficial student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA.) Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus CenWaterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. An on-line version of Imprint is also available on the World Wide Web at: http://watserv 1.uwaterloo.ca/-imprint Electronic mail can be addressed to: imprint@watservI .uwaterloo.ca


Peters to Imprint


for improper


ers. They could face suspension or expulsion from the university, or even the “withholding of grades or transcripts, a prohibition against graduation at the May convocation, or...probation for the balance of [their studies at Laurie&” The eight students charged with liquor offenses will appear before a student disciplinary panel. If they are found guilty of a breach of the Code of Conduct, “an appropriate penalty will be imposed.” Also in connection with the event, Waterloo City Council is considering sending a clean-up bill for $16,700 in damages caused at the party to the WLU Student Union. Student Union President Scott McCormick says that since

the WLUSU did not organize the event, they are not responsible the actions of the students who attended. “As far as I’m concerned, we have no responsibility whatsoever.” Waterloo regional police say they don’t plan to bill anyone for the $14,900 costs in overtime and damages to their cruisers on April 22, 1995. Rose Bilicic, Vice-President University Affairs for the University of Waterloo Federation of with Students disagrees McCormick’s view that the party is not WLUSU’s problem, but does not feel Laurier should foot the bill. She says that UW, WLU and the city should work together to find a solution. Four University of Waterloo students were also charged in the Ezra Street riot.



Friday, May 5,1995


Winter in a nutshelL

News Roundup’95 by Rebecca and Andck

Higgins Streicher

Imprint staff

January 6 The Federation of Students announced that the long-awaited Student Life Centre will not open until March, seven months late. CFS began planning its national strike against funding cuts. January 13 In violation of the 1992 Student Coordinated Plan referendum, the Feds collected $25 from each student in the fall term. The fee was to be collected only after the opening of both the NorthCampus Physical Recreation Facility and the Student Centre, a fact which Imprint claimed the Feds did not adhere to. Fire alarms plagued the Bombshelter, and evacuation procedures were not carried out smoothly, but a staff meeting ensured that Bombshelter staff are refamiliarized with fire policies. While CFS prepared for the Jan. 25 national protest, an endowment fund was created for health research, includingd Alzheimer’ s studies. January 20 On Jan. 13, Dalhousie student Lisa Corra fired random shots with a shotgun before shooting her roommate Nuysa Campbell in the arm and face. Campbell is expected to make a complete recovery, and Corra was immediately arrested. Con-a has a history of psychiatric problems, and apparently shot Campbell because she had let the cat out and it had never returned. Fed President Stephen Codrington consulted legal counsel after Imprint alleged that the Feds were charging students fees, several months before they were allowed to. Also this week, Nobel LaureJohn Polanyi gave the annual Hagey lecture in the Humanities Theatre, while engineers prepared for the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race.

ate Professor

January 27 Three hundred students revolted against the proposed $2.6 billion cut to post-secondary education funding, outside of the Dana Porter Library on January 25. The Feds held a forum to discuss the proposed cuts, just hours after the rally. An improved endowment fund of $900 000 was established although only $60 000 is to be allotted for student projects. February 3 Wilfrid Laurier staged a fight against homophobia starting February 1, after which UW clued in and started a campaign of its own. UW students

vote on member-

ship in the OUSA (Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance) is announced. Polls open February 14.

from work Year, been

Prof. Tanya Korovkin, a political scientist at UW, headed a team in Ecuador interviewing people to find out more about their local histories. The information was used to produce the book “Nuestras Comunidades: Ayer y Hoy (Our Communities: Past and Present).” February 10 UW Board of Governors voted February 7 to increase tuition and co-op fees by 10% as of spring 1995. Some good news: The Student Centre Management Board refunded $25 to all students (the Student Centre fee from last fall). The $23 million/year Canada scholarship program may be terminated in Federal budget cuts. Will $2.00 beer help Fed Hall to make $120 000 by year’s end? Watch out, the Addiction research foundation conducted a survey which showing that an increased number of students are having drinking-related problems (hangovers, vomiting, memory loss, etc.). February 17 The new Federation of Students executive for 1995-96 was announced: President - Jane Pak, Vice President University Affairs Rose Bilicic and Vice-President Operations and Finance - Mike Suska. The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) is now nationally representing 15 universities, while students voted in a referendum to keep OUSA as their provincial voice. There have been 16 reported assaults since January 1994 in the UW/WLU area, causing the Student Community Relations SubCommittee to focus on student safety issues off-campus. February 24 Audits of all university clubs began February 27 after two members of the House of Debates were under investigation by Don Perron, the Lottery Licensing Officer at the City of Waterloo. On February 17, 60 demonstrators gathered in front of the Mexican consulate in Toronto to show concern for Chiapas, Mexico’s poorest state. March 3 Saturday, February 18, Karen Downie and her boyfriend Tally Henderson were physically assaultcd

in Henderson’s

their employer to apply for a visa after the Chinese New despite the fact that they had working previously.

The School of Optometry will receive a $2.4 million addition due to lack of space, to be completed by January 1996. The “new and improved” Campus Centre opened, unveiling new spaces for the Fed Campus Shop, Copy Plus, and the Used Bookstore.

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d East Timor requires intemational support against Indonesia in order to stop genocide.

idea new sale was

March 10 Students’ Council vetoed the of selling pornography in the Variety Store, although the of lottery tickets and cigarettes allowed.

If you qualify for enrollment, you will receive free medication and comprehensive follow-up for the duration of your participation.

HEIXTHV lllllLE~ REllUlRED illlIllEDI~TE1~

A collection of student working groups met to develop a plan for the University’s future. Ontario schools will be receiving more computer equipment. March 17 Former UW student Kevin Erler received thousands of dollars in support from student organizations to fight Li Deng, a professor who failed to credit Erler for his work on a joint project. At St. Paul’s College a crime spree was halted when resident Dave Timm caught Mark Chan in the act of stealing his stereo. Students’ Council spent $15 480, giving money to various student causes and foundations at a meeting that lasted seven hours. March 24 On March 16, Member of Parliament Svend Robinson spoke to a crowd of UW students about euthanasia and the right to die. In a related story, a Netherlands euthanasia study conducted by Prof. Remmelink has proven inconclusive.

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Statistics reveal that fewer people are applying to university, but whether or not tuition fees can be blamed remains questionable. Queen’s University, at a General Meeting where 100 people voted, decided suddenly to withdraw from the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance. March 31 After 20 months, the new Campus Centre was finally completed, and the Feds celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.


by five men one hour after breaking up a fight. Downie received reconstructive surgery on her right eye after she was hit in the head with a baseball bat.


Clinical Research Trial (12 Week Study)

Four co-op students may be after following instructions

Adam Battler and Paul McGraw were arrested in connection with the Feb.18 assault on Karen Downie. in Chiapas, Mexico, civilians continue to struggle for dignity and freedom.

*print packages available ’ *we supply gowns & colours for UW & WLU *personalized, professional service (this







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Profs face dismissal for sexual harassment by Heather Calder Imprint staff


W has taken steps to dismiss two faculty members as the result of sexual harassment charges. One individual has already been notified of dismissal, and proceedings for the dismissal 0; the other faculty member are in place. Both are appealing the decision. Details of the individuals’ alleged actions have not been made public, aside from the statement that sexual harassment was involved. To date, neither individual has been named. Susan Shantz, secretary to President Downey, said Wednesday that the President’s office was not at liberty to comment on the case. UW provost Jim Kalbfleisch noted that, under UW’s tenure policy, the final dismissal hearing is normally “held in public,” and the identity of the individuals will be revealed at that time. No faculty members have been dismissed under UW’s current tenure policy. The last professor fired by this university was Leo Johnson, a member of the history department. Johnson lost his job after he was convicted and imprisoned on child-molestation charges in June, 1983. The unrelated cases are at different stages in the procedures set out by UW Policy 53. According to that policy, “informal resolution” must be attempted to begin the pro-

ceedings. If this is not accomplished, the dean of the individual’s faculty initiates dismissal proceedings. If the individual chooses to contest the charges, the case goes to UW’s Board of Governors. The Board may appoint the President to make

No facul@ members have ever been dismissed under UW’s current tenure policy a decision on the Board’s behalf. President James Downey examined the first case in early January, met with the individual, and decided to dismiss the individual. The individual has moved to appeal the decision. An external adjudicator - usually a law professor from another university - or a panel will be appointed to handle the appeal. According to Shantz, that panel has not yet been selected. According to a report from the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee (AFTC), part of the UW

Faculty Association, the dismissal is complicated by grievances and claims of unfair procedure. AFK representative Dr. Jeff Shallit, of the Computer Science department, comments in his report that “Professor X could not be dismissed for sexual harassment without a hearing by the ethics committee.” T-he kthics committee and faculty grievance committee have not yet investigated the case. The dean who initiated the dismissal, Kalbfleisch, and President Downey maintain that the case will have to be judged by the adjudication panel, making it pointless to take it first to the ethics committee. The second individual has contested the charges, and the case is now before the President on the Board’s behalf. Dr. Ellen Shields of the English department is the AFTC representative in the second case, and feels that the administration is handling the case admirably. The initiating dean and the Vice-President Academic agreed to allow a member of the AFK to be present during the informal resolution stage, although this is not stipulated by Policy 53. Her report states that the AFTC “applauds this move. ..and trusts that the precedent will be followed in any future cases.“The act, she feels, shows that the administration has nothing to fear in having its actions monitored. - with f&s


UW Gazette


Friday, May 5,1995

40vearsofFeds d

by Kieran Green Imprint staff ocumenting forty years of history is a daunting task, and one that is finally over for former Federation of Students researcher Adam Lee. After months of eighteen hour days, Toward the Future - A Brief History of the University of Waterkro Federation of Students is ready to go to press. The work is a chronicling of UW’s student governing body from its inception to the present. The University of Waterloo Federation of Students was born, along with the university itself, in 1955. Since then, the life of the Federation has been filled with anecdotes, adventures, and misadventures. Lee’s work attempts to faithfully document as many of these as possible. Toward the Future describes the rocky early years of the Federation, when the Feds and administration were frequently “at each other’ s throats.” In 1965, for example, President Hagey proposed changing UW’s name to Sir Winston Churchill University. Students rejected the name, and the Federation launched a vigorous and successful campaign to oppose the move. Another interesting anecdote is the “Fat Head Minas Scandal.” In 1967, a Dean by the name of Minas opposed the incorporation of the student government, and sought to eliminate the Feds. He called the Federation “the enemy,” and even sent a student to spy on Federation meetings! The history of the Feds includes some remarkable achievements. In the 1960’s, the Canada Elections Act precluded university students from voting in elections. The Federation fought for and gained students the right to vote. Waterloo became the first school where students had that right. Other universities would soon follow Waterloo’s example. Many more stories were left

out because they could not be properly documented, or simply because there was not enough room. “I could have put in three times as much,” Lee commented. Lee’s history, commissioned in 1994 by past Federation President Steve Codrington, was originally intended to be a simple scrapbook. Lee, hired as a researcher for the Federation of Students, saw a greater potential for the project, and decided to create something more memorable. The work was “tiring, it was strenuous,” remembers Lee. The researcher poured over forty bound volumes of thelmprint and its predecessor, The Chevron. Other material turned up in strange and unexpected places. Pictures of past presidents were found in a garbage bin. One photo of president Andrew Telegdi (now Waterloo MP) was discovered stuck under a table with gum. In an old chocolate box, Lee found private memos dating from 1965. Unfortunately, much material has been lost over the years, thrown out during short-sighted “spring-cleanings.” “The greatest loss is that the Federation has not held on to its history,“laments Lee, who believes that Waterloo is wrong in not employing a full-time researcher. Toward the Future started to come together in February, 1995. The work went through five revisions before reaching its final form. When published, Lee hopes to have it distributed to all campus libraries, to UW Senate members, and to Federation and Student Council staff. Lee believes that the work will help new members of the Fed executive and the Student Council “to understand why they’re here and what their job is.” Adam Lee is quit k to point out that Toward the Future is by no means complete. It is meant to be added on to by future generations, he says, to continue the history of the Federation of Students.






the Feds’


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Friday, May 5,1995

The Partnership Walk: 11 Years of Global Cooperation has already been achieved. One of Canada’s international development agencies is Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC). AKFC is a non-profit development his years Partnership Walk will be held on Sunday May agency which supports projects in Asia and Africa that assist the poor 28ti at the Victoria Park Garegardless of race, religion or pozebo, in Kitchener. Registration will litical persuasion. The Foundation commence at 10:30 am with post focusses on education, primary walk celebrations including facehealth care, rural development, inpainting, refreshments, and prizes at 1:3O pm. In come generation, Kitchener last and the special There are those who enter the world in such problems faced by year, over 700 walkers turned women and chilpoverty that they are deprived of both the out on Walk day dren. Emphasis is means and the motivation to impruve their lut. placed on effective to eniov the fun and kitertainUnless they can be touched wtih the spark management and ment and to learn innovation. In this which ignites the spirit of individuul enterprise more about interway, the Foundaand determinutiun, they will unly sink into national develtion attempts to find opment issues. solutions to develapathy, degrudutiun and despair. It is fur us, Each year the opment problems who are more fortunate, to provide thuf spark. Walk has a common to people theme, and this in many parts of ;he -His Highness the Aga Khan year’s theme is; world. Technolqy That In an indeWurks - Putting People First. overseas. All administrative expendent evaluation of AKFC comDuring the Walk and at the penses are covered by separate conmissioned by the Canadian IntemaWalk sites, participants will get the tributions, so every doZEar donuted tional Development Agency opportunity to learn about some goes directly to the projects in the (CIDA), evaluators had this to say: technologies appropriate for the dedeveloping world. The Foundation’s “stewardskipand veloping world. Some of these techFor many people, any mention utilization of dorm-finds is impecnologies are involved in the proof the “Third World” conjures up c&e” and the programs supported ductionof silk, the keeping ofhealth images of despair, abject poverty by the Partnership Walk “are of records, local water conservation, and hopelessness. These misconunmua~~y high quality in theirplanand biogas fuel plants. For inning, management, mmitoring stance, the introduction of houseand general execution. ” hold biogas fuel plants, whichconCanadians can be justifiably verts the dung of cattle into gas for proud of these development succooking and lighting, is also helpcess stories. By joining in a true ing to conserve the trees and make partnership with the people of the daily life much easier for the local Third World, Canadians are conpeople. tributing to real and lasting Since its modest beginnings change. It provides a dramatic in 1985, the Partnership Walk has conformation of Canadians’ long evolved into one of the most sucstanding support for international cessful events of its kind in cooperation and development. Canada. Now in its 1 l* year, it has On May 28ti, take the first step grown into a national event which ceptions are slowly eroding to give by walking with us, or by sponsortakes place simultaneously in I1 a more promising picture. The peoing a walker. A step that will be felt cities across the country: Victoria, ple of the developing world are on the other side of the world. A Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, exceptionally creative, resilient and step towards lasting improvement Winnipeg, London, Kitchener-Wahard working -- they have to be in in the quality of lives of thousands order to survive. Given the smallest terioo, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal of people. To find out about this and Halifax. opportunity to improve their lives, year’s Partnership Walk or to know The Partnership Walk is an inithey achieve amazing results. The more about the work of the Aga tiative of the Aga Khan Foundation developing world is also a place of Khan Foundation, contact: 1-800Canada (AKFC) which raises pubtremendous potential in whit h much 267-2532, by A Sherali and K. Dhanani special to Imprint




lit awareness about international development issues, as well as raising funds to support projects that assist the disadvantaged in Africa and Asia. Since its inception, the Partnership Walk has grown into a national event that has raised over $ 6.5 million. All funds donated to the Walk are matched by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to support projects

$I::. s

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New technology is too expensive the Third World.

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More than two billion people in Africa and Asia live without electricity. ScienMc American reports in its April issue that their lives could be improved by newly designed wood, charcoal and coal stoves. The new stoves are more Fuel efficient than traditional stoves. But they don’t cost much more since designers have used local materials

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A wolf in sheep’s clothing


Fridav. Mav 5.1995

Death of the Source

After taking Imprint President Pat Merlihan’s beard in a drinking duel, outgoing Federation of Students President Steve Codrington (Zefi) attempted to do the same in a friendly game of strip-squash with former Imprint News Editor James Russell. Codrington’s record against Imprint now stands at an embarrassing 2-0, and he retains the hair on his head as proof, As for Mr. Russell’s payment, well, it was all in the name of charity. In other words, don’t ask.





by Kieran Green Imprint Staff alvin Mason, former manager of the Music Source, pauses for a butt by the Source’s last mortal remains. The Music Source, the Federation of S tudents record store, used to occupy a whole room in the basement of the Campus Centre. Later, when construction began, it migrated to a portable outside the CC. Now, the Music Source is but a small alcove in the Fed convenience store, on the bot-


486/66,4MB 1.44MB 3.5” N.I. monitor, 2x CD Rom,

tom floor of the new Student Life Centre. Over the past week, the CD, cassette and vinyl stocks of the Music Source have been sold off at half price. All that remains are empty racks, seen behind Calvin. One of the primary reasons for the demise of the Music Source is its inability to compete with the nearby HMV store. The Music Source will continue to exist, albeit in a limited fashion. Popular titles and a few soundtracks will be kept in stock in the convenience store. Other items may be specially ordered.

ram, DX4 ready, upgradeable to Pentium Tech., 540MB hard drive, floppy, VLB IDE controller, VLB SVGA 1 MB video, 14” SVGA .28 mini tower case, 101 ENH keyboard, 16 bit sound card, Sony 55E MS DOS 6.22, MS Win 3.11, mouse, speakers, CD family pack.




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with the Feds! We are seeking a couple of creative geniuses for posters, t-shirts and more! Give us a call at ext. 6331 and let us be your creative outlet.



IMPRINT, Friday, May 5,1995

Harris does Newt impersonation...

Tories Target Tenure by Awep Peters special to Imprint he bus tours have begun. Last Friday, the NDP government announced a June 8, 1995 election date for Ontario voters; party leaders Bob Rae, Lynn McLeod, and Mike Harris have hit the campaign trail...hard. At a campaign rally in London on Tuesday, May 2, Progressive Conservative leader, Mike Harris, spoke about eliminating the tenure system at Ontario universities, saying, “I want to reward people for doing a good job today, not for what they did yesterday.” According to Elizabeth Witmer, Waterloo North Tory Incumbent, Harris’ plan is to eliminate $400 million worth of inefficiencies in the province’s post-secondary education systern. She emphasizes that Harris “did not call for the abolishment of tenure...(he wants) to work with the partners at universities and colleges to see where savings can be achieved.” Witmer says the Tories are committed to classroom funding, and to the quality and accessibility of postsecondary education in Ontario. Witmer also felt strongly that tenure was just one item on a list that the Tories will examine with regard to streamlining the post-secondary education system. Others include bureaucracy, improved coordination of programmes, and “fat in the system.” At a rally at Witmer’s campaign headquarters on the morning of May 2, Harris concentrated on tax cuts and reductions in the number of MPPs, without any mention of tenure. Once in London, however, Harris spoke strongly about the need to “cut the fat” from Ontario’s postsecondary education system, saying, “I don’t think tenure makes sense today, and...as Premier, I’m going to indicate that to the universities: that the tenured system, as it exists today, that guarantees a job whether you’re pulling your weight or not...is gone.” The Council of Ontario Uni-


More continued


page 2

and accessible for students. Rose Bilicic is currently concerned with the aftermath of the Ezra Street party incident. She does not agree with Laurier’s view that the behaviour of the students inwived is not the problem of the student governments. She also does not believe that the Laurier Student Union should be billed by Waterloo City Council. Rose’s overall aim for the Fed-

versities (COU) released their longstanding position on the tenure issue in response to Harris’ remarks. According to COU, “Tenure was and is a protection of academic freedom, it allows professors to teach without the fear of government intervention.” COU maintains that tenure is a non-financial benefit, and that no money will be saved in post-secondary education costs by eliminating tenure in Ontario institutions. “If tenure was eliminated it would have to be replaced by a financial

“1 don ‘t think tenure makes sense today, and...as

Premier, I’m going to indicate that to the

universities. ” - Mike Harris benefit in order to maintain our institutional competitiveness.” The detriments, they counter, include the danger of losing talented professors to other provinces or countries that offer the standard international academic security. COU maintains that Ontario’s 7,575 tenured professors enjoy job security that is established in their collective agreements. According to Harris, “Automatic tenure, forever and a day, based on perforrnancefrom5...10...15...yearsago:In my view, it’s something whosetime has come.” Dr. Jim Kalbfleisch, VicePresident Academic and Provost for the University of Waterloo, says he doesn’t think “tenure is wellunderstood by the general pubhc. Professors undergo arigourous five

or six year probationary period, and annual performance reviews.” COU says professors must also possess a doctoral or similar degree, establish an excellent teaching record, and either produce patents or publish scholarly work in refereed journals. While Kalbfleisch admits there are occasional problems during the probationary terms, the individuals in question are simply not granted tenure at the University of Waterloo. He also says that tenure is not a means for professors to keep their jobs at all costs; there are a coupie of instances right now where tenured professors are being proceeded against. What does concern Kalbfleisch are Harris’ proposed cuts to funding and the possibility of tuition hikes. He calls the magnitude of the proposed Tory $400 million elimination in post-secondary education “alarming .” Federation of Students President, Jane Pak, plans to continue president former Steve Codrington’s work with Kalbfleisch to have students sit on tenure and promotion comrnittees. Primarily concerned with improving the quality of teaching at this institution, Pak would like to see students as voting members of those committees. Regarding Harris’ comments about the elimination of tenure, Pak says “Getting rid of tenure to increase the quality of education, if done too quickly, can backfire.” She believes tenure may impede proceedings against professors in issues external to academits, like sexual harassment, but that abolishing tenure “will cause an imbalance (in the post-secondary education system),..doing more damage right away.” Pak and her counterparts at the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance @USA) are planning an extensive VOTE EDUCATION campaign to lobby provincial politicians before the June 8 election. They seek a more accessible postsecondary education system for Ontario students.

Fed fun.., eration of Students is to improve approachability. Bilicic also wants to improve media relations through such measures as providing Imprint with Student Council rninutes. The amount of paper waste on campus is a major concern for Bilicic. She wants to cut down on the number of posters and other forms of waste paper. The Student Information Systems Programming (SISP) is another project Bilicic will be work-

ing on. SISP will help improve services on campus and cut down on problems like long registration line-ups by making more services electronically accessible. One possibility is the issuing of a “super” student card that will allow students to register and pay fees electronically. There is a long year and numerous chahenges ahead of Pak, Suska and Bilicic, UW’s new student leadership. Are they up to the task? We shall see.

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IMPRINT, Friday, May 5, 1995

What Attend an 1NFO MEETING on WPIRG on Thursday, May 11,6pm in the multipurpose room that connects the old Campus Centre Great Hall and the new Student Centre.


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aterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) is a University of Waterloo student funded and directed organization that is working to achieve a just, environmentally-sound, and democratic society by providing resources and training for people who take initiative in addressing any of our community ’ s problems. Generally, we are involved in the investigation of current social and environmental issues of public concern, and in mobilizing the resources of the university andcommunity towards their resolution. WPTRG thus acts as a bridge between students and broader society, providing an opportunity for practical application of academic knowledge. ISSUES

WPIRG is involved with a wide range of issues. Some of the issues people have worked on include: energy conservation, alternative transportation, corporate concentration, food and development, deforestation, patriarchy and competition, alternative economics, pesticide use, women’s rights, racism, native solidarity, tenantsrights, and many others. By not concentrating on just one or two topics, we hope to provide a wider analysis of the issues confronting our communities.

! Satellite TV* Foesball * 17PoolTables 30195 Air Hockey* Video’s ~~~N~,J ! @-day -4 1 l

HOW DO YOU GET INVOLVED? We welcome anyone with an interest in what we do. There are many ways to get involved - from working at the front desk to taking on large projects. Lack of previous organizational experience is no barrier. Through WPIRG, you can share ideas and skills with others and gain the practical experience you need to be effective in working for your

Through WPZRG, you can share ideas and skills with others and gain the practical experience you need to be effective in working fur your convictims. J

Issues are explored using theatre and radio, as well as seminars, conferences, workshops, and other educational events, both on and off campus, in which faculty, students, and community members are encouraged to take part.

iHOURS:WEEKDAYS 11 a.m.to 3 a.m.; WEEKENDS 1 p.m to 3 a.m.l


convictions. You can learn things that are not taught in the classroom, like how to make decisions cooperatively, and how to influence the important political decisions that take place in our society. Some of our volunteer-led ing Groups”:


Community Calendar: a bimonthly compilation of alternative nonprofit events distributed throughout the community. Electric Green: this group produces a weekly half hour radio show on CKMS ( 100.3 FM) focusing on environmental and social justice issues. FEEL (Foundation for the Encouragement of 5thical Living): developing educational campaigns which focuses on animal issues. This group has been seen campaigning against the sport seal hunt, conducting a

survey of students on dissection, and protesting the Garden Bros. Circus. Recycle Cycles: fixing up old discarded bicycles for return to the community on a cost recovery basis. Save Clayoquot Sound: campaigning to end the prac tice of clearcutting of forests-especially of the world’s last temparate old growth forests around Clayoquot Sound, Vancouver Island. Sustainabie Communities: working to establish a Green Cities Initiative program in the &i-city area, play a meaningful role in development of the city’s plan for uptown Waterloo (Project 20071, and mobilize opposition to the proposed new highway between Kitchener and Guelph that will be cutting through class one agricultural l&d ani wetlands. There are other areas to volunteer with: Office Support: orient library users, process mail, sort/catalogue books, handle info requests, call the membership, etc. There is also computer work - desktop publishing, internet surfing, helping with poster and pamphlet production, research, and WPIRG email and uwinfo maintenance. Workshops: assist in developing and facilitating workshops on any or all of the following - consensus building, communication and conflict resolution, effective meetings, history of activism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia. VISIT



If you are intersted in finding out more about WPIRG, call t388-4882, or visit our office (closed Monday and open Tuesday to Friday 9:30am-5pm). We also maintain a lending library which contains resources you probably won’t find elsewhere.


Students by Gerald Kirk, SAC Chairperson and Xander Le Roy, Senior Officer of Academic A&h.


Jeopardy he final is: co-op category erative Education. The answer is: SAC.

Do you know tion is?

have voice in Co-op

1. To ensure that students’ views are represented and that students partake in the decision making process regarding Co-operative Education.


2. To liaise with the Department of Co-operative Education to further communication and co-operation.

what the quesSAC




primary voice for SAC, or Students Advising Co-op, is a commission under the Federation of Students that serves as the primary voice for students with the Department of Co-operaDepartmertt Of tive Education and Career Services of the University of Waterloo. SAC is working to be more accessible to students. Student concerns stemming from past SAC-run surveys ars the focus for SAC this term. At the same time, SAC needs people to get invoIved. The duties and functions of 3. To be responsible for all other SAC, as outlined in the Federation issues relating to Co-operative Eduof Students’ By-Law are: cation.

students with the Co-Operative Education


s your ntlw Federation of Students executives, we would like to welcome you back for a new and exciting term at the University of Waterloo. Your new executives are: Jane Pak, President; Mike Suska, Vice President, Operations & Finance; Rose Bilicic, Vice President, University Affairs. At this time we would like to tell you a bit about our jobs and some objectives for the summer. *



Friday, May 5, 1995

President, Operations andFinances. It is my job to supervise the operations and services that are operated under the Federation of Students. One of our main focuses this year is making students more aware of the great services we have to offer and improving the service provided. Improving service involves

If you feel that our staff can give better service, don ‘t hesitate to speak with the manager or to come by the FED and voice your concern.

My name is Jane Pak and as President of your Federation of Students, it is my responsibility to represent your conterns in matters pertaining to the University Senate, Board of Governors and the University Administration. As a member of the Ontario Undergraduate Student lZt?W OffiCe Alliance @USA), our provincial lobbying group, the main focus right now is the upcoming provincial election. It iscrucial that Post-Secondary Education is providing quality products at the not only a part of this election but best possible price. also, a driving force behind voters The Campus Centre expansion gives our businesses improved proof this election. If you are at all interested in helping out, we’ve got file and our staff is ready to assist many opportunities for you. customers in any way possible. If you feel that our staff can give If you have any questions whatbetter service, don’t hesitate to speak sower, please feel free to drop by with the manager or to come by the the Fed Office or give us a call at new FED office and voice your x4042. The only way we can concern. My name is Mike Suska and I improve our service is through your am very excited about having the feedback. opportunity to serve the students at Hi there, my name is Rose UW through my duties as the Vice

SAC hasn’t always been the effective voice it needs to be, and many students quite legitimately aren’t aware of SAC at all. However, over the past couple of years, SAC has been working hard at changing that image. In order to hear student concems and disseminate information about co-op easier, SAC is using more methods of. com~kEZ’~p CII alit% is doing will appear in every E of the Imprint this sum.

tant to you. The mandate for SAC this term is heavily based on those surveys. As a result of those surveys, the number one focus of SAC will be on the process of communication between students and the coop department. Other important issuesSAC will address include the development and implementation of the co-op fee, the role of on-site coordinator visits and return to campus interviews, educating students about the co-op process, the quality of service provided by co-ordinators and the role of the work report. If any of these issues concern you, or you have ideas of your own, or just want to learn more about coop and get involved, come join the SAC squad. Student’s Advising Co-op is an integral part of the Federation of Students. Acting as a forum for student’s concerns and questions



Read SAC’s


page at / / “,w,‘csc!ub . Ewaterloo ca/ clubs/sac. Check the S’AC board at Needles Hall for things like co-op placement statistics, SAC meeting minutes, and a pretty mug shot of the entire SAC team. For all co-op students who filled out a SAC survey last year, those comments haven’t been forgotten. You have spoken loud and clear on the issues that are impor-

Bilicic and I am your newly elected Vice President of University Affairs. I would like to take this opportunity to fill you in on some of the things that I will be working on during my term of office. Within the university. I sit on several different committees to make sure that the undergraduate voice is heard. This is why it is so important for you to come ifsYOU any cems dealing with student life. Just to give you an idea of; some of the committees that I sit on are personal safety, harassment and discrimination, undergraduate student relations, student affairs, the Presidential Commission on lnstitutional Planning, and the Waterloo City Council. Along with the Office of Student Issues, I am responsible for ensuring that issues such as safety, accessibility. and human rights are addressed. I cannot stress enough, how important it is that I receive your input. Come down to the FED office any time and we’ll chat!

regarding the co-op process, it is here to represent your concerns and present them to the Co-op Department. There is great potential for this group to accomplish much but we need your support as volunteers to make it work. I therefore encourage you to get involved and represent you and your fellow student’s interests on this commission. SAC’s first meeting this term is on Monday, May 8, in the Federation of Students board room, located in the Student Life Centre, from 4:30 to 5:30. All students are welcome to attend, For more information, contact Kirk, SAC Chairperson, by email at sac @ undergrad. math or gjkirk@undergrad.math, or Xander LeRoy, Senior Officer of Academic Affairs by e-mail at fedacad@watserv 1 or by phone at ext. 2340. Gerald


see me h”“” cpn-


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At this time we would like to put a call out for volunteers. From running a campaign to participating in a club to helping out with the Food Bank, there are numerous ways for you to get involved with your Federation of Students. Come down to the new FED office located in Rm 110 by the front entrance to the Campus Centre .






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May 19195

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Forum Welcome to the first Imprint of the Spring term, which also happens to coincide as my first issue as the new Editor-in-Chief. As those of you familiar with the paper under the guidance of last year’s Editor Sandy Atwal will probably surmise from the approach and design of this issue, no radical changes are in store for Imprint. There are some readers out there who may well groan at that little bit of news, but I don’t forsee a need of any drastic change for a variety of reasons. Foremost is the good old “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it “ maxim. Perhaps somebody wit1 read into that and think me some sort of a conservative. I’ve been called worse. More significant, though, is the example set by Sandy; for all his right-wing reputation and confrontational style, never once did he waver from his libertarian ideals. This has proven time and again absolutely vital for the well-being of a good newspaper. There were plenty of times that features and articles went across his desk espousing views (I am sure) totally the contrary of his, but he ran everything he received anyway and did so enthusiastically. In the end, Sandy rightfully restricted any of his ideological proselytizing to his column. As for the rest of the paper, his editorial policy was one of simply publishing EVERYTHING. It’s a policy you can only stand back, respect, and pray continues, because an open forum is the lifeblood of a University student newspaper. Time after time here at Imprint one gets hardened by typically unceasing complaints, perhaps you’ve even mumbled some of them yourselves -- the writers are all selfabsorbed, the paper doesn’t reflect the mainstream, it’s an arts rag, they never cover enough (fir/ in the Hunk), blah, blah, blah. It’s a total cop-out from people who expect everybody else to do the talking for them and it’s tiresome. The bottom line is that Imprint is the voice for ALL students, so my mandate (if I can be so bold as to call it that) is to get as many viewpoints published as is legally permissible. As cynical and suspicious as many people are of these ideals, universities and free presses still remain our best options for the free exchange of ideas. Before I get too sickly preachy, I’d like to extend a quick welcome to all students returning to campus, especially the few who’ll make it a part of their campus life to participate in Imprint and the many others who simply take the time to read us. Either way, everybody’s welcome. We’re located in CC140, so feel free to come down for our open staff meetings at 1230 pm on the Friday of issue, e-mail us at imprint@watervl, or just drop by anytime and ask for me. We’ll set you up and you’ll be kicking ass with A Current Aflair in no time.

The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Imprint is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl+

Modern Urban Living


uring CBS 60 Minutes’ special report on the Oklahoma City bombing, President Clinton emphatically embraced Americans’ Constitutional right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and right to bear arms while promising swift, severe punishment for those responsible for the bombing. As President of the United States, Clinton had to address the public with both authority and concern. During the telecast, he assured his fellow Americans that the American Government was in control of the situation. Control of the situation translates into giving more authority and funding to the FBI for infiltrating suspected paramilitary groups and searching various records, including credit card purchases, hotel registrations, and telephone calls. Cracking down on para-military groups, possibly connected to the bombing, means the FBI has more power to invade the privacy of individuals. Although 1believe that President Clinton wants to protect basic rights and freedoms, on a practical level by granting the FBI greater investigation power he actually limits those rights and freedoms. ironically, both Clinton and the Michigan Militia (presumed to be connected either directly or indirectly to the bombing) use the same disjunctive thinking to persuade the media and the public that the “other” proves to be the enemy of the people. To paraphrase Clinton, he cannot believe that any patriotic American could be capable of such acts. Surely, discovering that American citizens are probably linked to the bombing must make the President uncomfortable to say the least. Inevitably, the media’s repeated coverage of the bomb victims, survivors and wreckage compels us to respond to the crisis with intense emotion. The public and the President alike demand capital punishment for the offenders. Some even demand public hangings. The Oklahoma City bombing, tragic and unfortunate, is not the first of its kind. By naming those responsible for the tragedy unpatriotic Americans, Clinton instantly creates an us-them paradigm. The paradigm permits the Clinton administration to begin closely following the individuals and groups involved in para-military activities... for now. What about later? Will anyone who owns a gun become fair game for the Feds? Furthermore, those who oppose the new authority vested within the FBI becomerhem in the us-rhem paradigm. If you’re not with us, you must be against us. The American Civil Liberties Union should have some interesting comments on this topic in the upcoming months.

Yet while the dust still settles in Oklahoma and Americans mourn their dead, what better instruments does Clinton have at his disposal? He is the supreme

American administrator -- invoking legislation is what he does. The public, rightly outraged and upset, willfully gives up a bit of their freedom in exchange for the justice expected from new rules. The militia group from Michigan counter-claims that the real enemy is the American Government. As proof, they remind us of Waco’s Branch Dividians, the Texas-based cult raided by agencies of the American Government two years ago, According to the militia, the Feds didn’t permit the Waco group to practice their freedom of religion, or right to bear arms, In fact, the Michigan Militiaeven claim that the Clinton Administration itself may have planted the bomb in Oklahoma City. Hence, the showdown between the United States Government and American para-military groups begins, each counting out their ten paces. Still, we wonder, how could anyone bomb innocent babies? Clinton partially blames the way the media trivializes violence, disconnecting viewers from the real and horrifying consequences of pulling a trigger or setting a bomb. The solution that follows, therefore, simply requires showing people the consequences of aggressive behaviour to discourage violence. This cannot be the best answer. If seeing bloody stumps and faces and grieving families were deterrents, then Bosnia, Rwanda, Northern Ireland, and Yokohama would not be happening. Our history books would read more like picnics and peace talks. Regrettably, they do not. Surprisingly, understanding Oklahoma City’s tragedy requires little more than an us-them paradigm. Perhaps part of the price we pay for our modern lifestyle is senseless violence. As the eminent zoolologist Desmond Morris suggests, “We (humanity) are not equipped, like termites, to become willing members of a vast community.” Despite environmental uncertainty, humankind has survived not only because of our big brains, but because of the way we co-operate within our tribes. In the past, survival demanded that we share knowledge and resources, in the context of our tribe. We worked together in a group of individuals who knew each other. When the group became too large, some people left to start a new tribe elsewhere. Early human organization, therefore, was both co-operative and intensely personal. To steal from, or to kill another person from the tribe, broke the code, the

unwritten rule that bound us together and ensured our survival. Now, as has been the case for the last couple thousand years, humans organize in extremely large groups. Morris calls these groups super-tribes. Society, therefore, has become impersonal and we easily lump strangers together into the “them” category. Generally, when someone steals a car or commits a terroristic act, they do not personally know the victims. We have no problem using forms of aggression against strangers. We curse the driver who cuts us off the road. We yell at the store clerk who won’t give us our money back. We want to hang the bastards who bombed the babies in Oklahoma City. Generally, polite society does not permit us to express our emotions, especially anger or sadness. This is especially true for men. Furthermore, as Morris suggests in ‘“The Human Zoo,” animals living in captivity do bizarre things. They mutilate themselves, attack their own offspring, commit murder, develop fetishes and ulcers. Consider how the vast, impersonal and urban society in which we live parallels the captive animal’s situation. Modem living creates an artificial atmosphere for humanity and fosters bizarre behaviour, including senseless violence. The bombing of Oklahoma City is perhaps part of the price humanity pays for modem urban living. In exchange for higher quality and quantity of food, medical care, education, and one family dwellings, we must face the costs of artificial living. We must not forget who we are and how we came to be. We, noble savages, used our big brains to invent, to contemplate, to create and to pursue the life we have achieved to date. All that raw energy, enthusiasm, passion and desire for challenge resides in all of us. The personal bonds of kinship between us, linking us and protecting us from stealing from and murdering each other are null and void in city living. We are vulnerable to each other. All that stands between you and me is the law, an artificially imposed version of the old tribal code. When that fails, all that remains is you against me, us against them. Bill Clinton’s task looms large. As President of the most powerful country on the globe, he must maintain the public’s confidence in his ability to enforce the law and punish those who committed a terrorist act. He must do it with words. He must do it with imagination. He must succeed.


to the Editor

Imprint welcomes

letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. Letter received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.

Evil is Not a Joke To the Editor, I am a proud, full time University of Waterloo Distance Education student. T will complete my first B.A. next month, after only 7 terms. I have just begun working on my second degree, a B.A. with a major in psychology. Having had business to attend/to April 2 1, 1995 in the Distance Education office, while there, I picked up a copy of the April 1, 1995 edition of Imprint, the UW student newspaper. Given that a certain “advertisement” therein, which was apparently srd/l/7nsed to be a joke, thoroughly shocked and horrified me, I wanted to lodge a complaint high enough up in the university that I would, or tnight be, taken seriously. On page M4 of this same edition of Imprint, the students who apparently composed and edited this trash state that complaints lodged to thanwill bc laughed at. One gets the impression that because this newspaper is available in the Distance Education office and because it says that it is the UW student newspaper, it bears the stamp of approval of the university’s governing bodies, I am a Christian, though not a fanatic, and 1 have a normal sense of humour, but there are sotne things about which people with good morals and ethics don’t joke. I enciosed a copy of the specific “advertisement” or announcement that I found offensive, shocking and appalling, among other things. I thought 1was picking up a copy ofnzy university’s (of which Tam very proud and grateful to be a part) newspaper. The advertixcment in question is entitled “At the Cloven Hoof of Satan,” the hoof’ being a reference to a goat, which is acotnmon symbol of Satan. The title is centred between inverted pmtncles in circles, additional well known satanic sytnboli.stn. The ad goes on to suggest -- actuillly, not to suggest, but to mrrrrs~~i murder -- and to warn readers to murder, but nnt to be stupid enough to get caught. Murder is wrong...unless you have a good reason. Murder is great if it is fir profit, for vengeance, or for pleasure. This appears to be the satanic philosophy. This advertisement is even more heinous when one is aware of the fact that every day, many clients or patients -REAL people -- attend psychotherapy in an attempt to heal the devastating damage (sometimes irreversible) that they believe was done to them, usually as children, by satanic cults. If what is said about these cults by ex-members, those involved in helping “survivors, ” and law enforcement personnel is true, cult members, among other things, rape and then kill newborn babies (sometimes after specifically breeding them for that purposej, psychologically abuse, sexually abuse (including rape, penetrating with objects, forced bcstiality, oral and anal sex, etc.) children as young as 4, 5, 6 or whatever tender age strikes their fancy, torture, mutilate and kill animals, and they model unloving, hateful, vengeful, evil behaviour and attitudes. The vast majority of documented cases of Multiple Personality Disorder (M.P.D.), for example, involve very severe childhood sexual abuse, sometimes Satanic Ritualistic Abuse (S.R.A.). 1 understand humour, “freedom of the press.” and “freedom of speech.” but is nothing sacred? Are there no limits’? Had this “advertisement” been in some other paper that didn’t involve me, I probably would have ignored it. However, as a student of U W, I feel that I (anti all other students) am reflected or represented in part by publications of the University of Waterloo, whether official, unofficial, or student productions which are s~ypose@ jocular. Tstrmgly object to the implication, even if it is vague, that I am part of a university or any other organization that implicitly supports the level of depravity, hatefulness, cruelty, mendacity, and other forms of immorality that may be associ-

ated with satanism. Edmund Burke once said, “All it takes for evil to triumph is.for enuugh good people to do nothing.” Neither Satan nor those directly or indirectly under his influences should be given a fonlrn for disseminating his message, not even if it’s labelled “a joke.” Evil is not a joke. Just ask any of its victims. Given one’s constitutional rights in this country, one has the right to embrace the religion of one’s choice, if any; however, no one can legally counsel others to murder. No one can legally “set up” another to be murdered. In the ad, Christians were invited to the satanic meeting -obviously to be “thrown to the lions.” T didn’t find this funny at all. It is my hope, sir, that you agree with or at least that you can understand my objections and that you will consider using your power to cause this kind of trash not to be published in future, either seriously or as a joke. It very much degrades the reputation of the university, and this would be a good reason, if no other were considered valid enough, for suppressing such “jokes.” Thank you very much for your time and for allowing me to express my opinion.

-- Laurie






, by Jeff Couckuyt, Pete Nesbitt, and Pat Spacek

-- Dave

To the Editor,

Editor 3 Note: The previous letter was addressud to UW President Dr. Jumes Downey and simuhnenusly forwarded to Imprint 3 Editor-in-Chief and President.

While deciding on a souvenir of her trip to Disneyworld, Susie considers that, while hats may last a few years, scars can last a lifetime.

To the Editor, We were surprised to see in your March 24 issue nheadlinedcscribing New York City borough or agroup of dissident female monarchs leaving the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance: “Queens leaves OW SA.” Perhaps Mr. Atwnl could take his eyes away from his gun scope long enough to lift the apostrophe placed in the word “it’s,” used incorrectly as a singular possessive in the first sentence of the OUSA article, and drop it into the headline word “Queens” to properly name the Ontario university.

-- Nick Treanor, News reporter, and Jeff Gray, Editor-in-Chief The Queen’s Journal

It Is Easy Being White To tlze Editor, This letter is in response to the March 24, 1995 article “Tt Ain’t Easy Being White.” Apparently, Mr. Flamilton feels that the only thing wrong with our perfect world is that he and his “intelligent, white” buddies are not being hired. He claitns that they are not blaming minority groups, instead,


the Icgislntion



employers to hire minorities. It is his belief that the “best” person is not being hired in order to meet this quota. Unfortunately, it is not a perfect world. The reality is that women and minorities are not even given a chance to show that they can compete in a job. It is a quota system, such as the one Mr. Hamilton outlined, that demands employers to consider minorities. People don’t realize


Disorder in the Food Court


Parting Shot for Sandy

oversensitive student. If this happened, I feel Waterloo would have a black mark on their otherwise pretty clean record. If the professors involved are actually guilty, i.e. they repeatedly and incorrigibly broke even the most conservative harassment guidelines, then yes, I have no problem with James Downey taking whatever action is necessary. But, if they are only guilty of teaching while it is chic to be politically correct, then leave them alone and let them do their job.

that if your name looks foreign on aresume. some&mex it is assumed that you have trouble speaking English. This quota systern ensures that such ingrained prejudices, no matter how small, will be set aside. As for the jobs that require an element of physical strength, I agree that the best person should be chosen; however, if the previous standards are based on Caucasian males {since women never did these types of jobs), how does one know that someone whodoes not meet the height requirement can also do the job? J applied to a job overseas. It was with a North American company. The first interview was with representatives from the Canadian branch. The second interview was with the general manager of the branch overseas, During the second interview, the general manager was continualiy trying to discourage me. Finally, having nothing to lose, I asked him if he was not considering me for the position because I was a woman. His response was, “Yes, I do have a prejudice.” During the hour interview, he was not listening to any of my accomplishments or qualifications. His only observation was that I was a woman. Later, I was asked if it would have been different if a Canadian was interviewing me. In my opinion, it would have been different because they would not have had the pre-conceived ideas that the manager overseas did. Why is it that the Canadian Branch Representatives thought that1 was avery strong candidate, and yet, the other manager thought I was a weak womm‘l

It is hecuune



aside any prejudice and consider eveTone with the right qualifications, regardless of their sex or race. Mr. HarniIton feels that it is due to the quota system that his friends are not being hired. Have they ever asked if i t was because they were white Caucasian males or could it simply be that they were not as qualified as the other candidates? Discrimination has not been fully

eliminated in Canada, but through such programs such as Affirmative Action, employers who would not have previouily donsidered minorities, must & so. I admit that abuseof this system occurs, but to eliminate it now would be detrimental. Hopefully, both Mr. Hamilton and I can eventually live in a perfect world. I, too, would like to see the elimination of this system. However, if discrimination did not exist in our past, we would not need this system so desperately now.

-= Mabel Lui 4B Engineering

Big Black Mark? To the Editur, “I hate Political Correctncss...You can justify all sorts of things if you’re correct and everyone else isn’t. I refer you to Karl Marx, Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler for further information.” - Dr. Irvin Wolkoff, psychiatrist, Toronto Star, March 21, 1995 This is a comment referring to the current cases of two Waterloo professors being charged with sexual harassment, from the Gazette of Wednesday, April 5. Both cases are now in various phases of Waterloo’s dismissal policy, but as 1 understand it, disregarding appeals, the finnl decision rests with our president, James Downey. Now, I have no idea whether the two professors involved are guilty, or have done anything wrong. However, 1 am concerned that in the current politically correct environment, two respected faculty members may lose their jobs and have their lives ruined because of some

We are writing in regard to the new Campus Centre food court. We have one main concern, which is affecting us, as well as many other students. Ever since the Campus Centre opened, we have spent a great deal of time there. In fact, we eat two to three meals a day there. However, one day, when we were waiting for some other friends to arrive to eat lunch, we were doing some homework. The next thing we knew, we were being verbally attacked by a food court employee. She told us - very rudely, that if we were going to do homework, we could not sit there. When we explained the situation to her, she replied - again very rudely, “Well somebody had better get up and get something to eat then.” In addition, this is not an isolated incident, we have seen this employee over the past few days do this to many other students, and her atlitude problem has not changed. We feel that not only was she extremely rude to us, but she had absolutely no right to tell us where we should be sitting. Although we do understand that it was a busy time, there was not a lack of seating, and had there have been, we would have moved to allow someone else to sit. Furthermore, we were just about to eat, as soon as our friends arrived, which was explained to her. In addition, as stated previously, we are very loyal customers, and this level of customer service is not satisfactory. We feel that if the employees of Food Services have a problem with us sitting in the food court, they should be taking it up with the FEDS instead of the students. We, as students of the university, essentially paid in part for the new Campus Centre, and therefore should be allowed to use it at our discretion. The Campus Centre is available to us to provide a relaxed atmosphere and a place to sociahze. The treatment we have received does not support this philosophy, and therefore we feel as though our rights as students, and our financial contribution to the Centre have been infringed upon.

-- Nancy Barber, Kristina Bissel[, Heidi Jeerrs, Jennifer Horton, Saruh McCullough



“So, what faculty


is this guy

in?” “Uh, Accounting,” was the meek reply. Nothing. Some looked ill. Others, just shocked. The staff sat in stunned silence at the prospect of an accounting student writing for their principled, anti-Establishment newspaper. What could possibly be worse? While slightly embellished, this is roughly what happened when my column was being considered by Imprintstaff. And whocould blame them? l’d be worried too. For the most part, accountants deserve their reputation, despite all the effort they put forth to dispel it. But in the profession, and indeed, in the faculty and the student body, there seems to be little difference between the conservative, Establishment reputation of accountants and current reality. Accounting students are becoming “suits,” it seems, without noticing it. It is a steady progression to conservatism and contentment with the status quo.,. Upon admission to the program, the Arts accounting students tend to feel that they are more intelligent than the typical Arts student, by virtue of their higher admission averages. I seriously doubt this claim. Besides, the accounting curriculum is hardly going to win any awards for making its participants think. The Math accounting students on the other hand, feel superior to the “Artsie” accounting students. Although this claim somewhat more justified (let’s face it -

their program is harder), they are blind to the fact that some of those languages, or even obscure, useless arts courses may help the students in ways that equally obscure and useless equations cannot. Obviously, some of this is just good-hatured rivalry. But some of them do believe it. Next, we have the Accounting Students’ Association (ASA). It performs many commendable duties such as organizing FRQSH week and other social events, inviting speakers, and so on. Its most useful function, however, is to get jobs for its members. The members are typically the first ones asked for resumes and noted for this extracurricular activity. Admittedly, the members are elected, and being on the ASA does not guarantee a job. But judging by the number of ASA members who had job interviews or offers betore the Co-op process started last term, it certainly seems to help. All this connection mongering brings to mind the atmosphere of a country club or yacht club. The ASA also puts out the accounting student newspaper, The Wurking Puper. While not important (or read) enough to qualify as propaganda, it certainly is self-congrarulatory. With profiles of firms, professors, and current courses; criticism of the faculty and curriculum is almost non-existent, and hardly substantial when it is present. This would not be

so bad in itself, were it not for the fact that the School of Accountancy does not merit any more self-congratulatory remarks. Such admiring navelgazing is neither healthy nor interestrng. The most troubling evidence of the transition from student to “conformist suit” is in the Co-op system. Connections are preferably made through various avenues (i.e., the ASA) before the job postings are up. Firm information sessions are typically done as “informal” wine and cheese parties, despite the fact that business dress is required in order to attend. And within the Co-op system itself, accounting students are among the best paid of all students. If you know the right people and play the game, you get paid handsomely. Working on Bay Street these past four months has shown me where this conformity leads. In Toronto, from Union Station to the Eaton Centre, there exists an underground complex of shops and restaurants known as the PATH, Most of it lies underneath the steel andglass churches of Bay Street. Here you wilt find the highest number of suits per square meter in the country. This microcosm ofwealth is where the technocrats and others with exorbitant billing rates play. This is where many accounting students aspire to-1 know I did. Here, surrounded by wealth, real world problems take on


servative attitudes. To have us - typitally uniformed students - unwittingly absorbing and later expounding these beliefs is just plain frightening. One of my great hopes is that our generation will not fuck up as badly as our parents’ did. Apart from a few notable exceptions, my co-workers and fellow students have done little to assure me that our generation will not turn out the same. In their defence, I have never met anyone at work that reminded me of Michael Douglas’ sinister Gordon Gel&o from Wall Street. But then again, I was dealing with accountants - not stock and bond traders. Oddly enough, the most heartless attitude came from one of my classmates, and an ASA member at that. While seated in an expensive restaurant in BCE Place in January, we noticed a homeless person looking forlornly at us from outside. Upon seeing this, my classmate said, “I love making fun of bums!” And you thought that Rush Limbaugh was frightening. Presumably, the required ethics components of our program are designed to steer us away from becoming corporate killers who live to liquidate and utter comments like the one quoted above. Unfortunately, these ethics courses are not concerned with what decision is made, but how it is made. In other words, a “rational decision making model” is more im-

of Waterloo

Friday, May $1995

portant when facing ethical dilemmas, rather than, say, moral standards. This approach effectively avoids any meaningful ethical discussions in class. Hence, new ideas and different points of view - which are desperately needed - rarely come to the surface. If we go through university unexposed to these new and different ideas, we will graduate as a group of like-minded and ignorant people. If we are accountants, we will soon be earning a very good living as like-minded and ignorant people who control the government, the civil service, and the private sector. The last time I checked, that fit the definition of the Establishment. Am I blowing things out of proportion? Probably. Granted, a conservative attitude towards our jobs is necessary. The Savings and Loan crisis and Barings Bank have shown us that. But must we rush so quickly to embrace this culture of money and power? All I ask is that we keep track of where we are headed. Perhaps The Picture uf Dorian Gray, and Voltaire’s

The Great Gatsby, Bastards should be

required reading for accounting students. Perhaps community sewice should be a requirement for a degree in accounting, or any other degree for that matter. I don’t know the answer. For the moment, accounting students are not unfeeling conservatives out for a quick buck. I’m just worried that they will be after they graduate, and they won’t even know it.

Federation of Students


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Mav--- - 14th - 2Oth...

Suicide Prevention Week by Annick Streicher Imprint staff withJ.& from the Suicide Prevention Coalition

cide Prevention, or mental health professional, or see the numbers listed in the box to the right.


ndividuals and organizations committed to the prevention of suicide in their own communities have joined together to focus on suicide prevention awareness throughout Ontario. This Suicide Prevention Coalition wants to present a unified message. It aims to educate, encourage community sharing and caring, develop community awareness to change public perception and to increase suicide prevention opportunities. Suicide is not a comfortable topic for most people, therefore it is not widely communicated that there are prevention centres, suicide crisis lines or other helping agencies available. Suicide can be prevented if people are aware of the signs, symptoms, causes and where to go for help if someone is suicidal. The Coalition is encouraging all churches, businesses, agencies, groups, educational facilities, etc. to join with them to promote Suicide Prevention Week, May 14th to 20th, 1995. The theme is: “SUICIDE IS NOT A JOKE; IT IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS.” Suicide can happen to anyone and the friends and families left behind are the real victims. Suicide is one of the top ten leading causes of death, claiming at least 3600 lives each year in Canada. Young or old, rich or poor, suicide knows no boundaries. There is no stereotype. The tragedy of a suicide can have a dangerous ripple effect among family, friends or acquaintances. Fact: 1 in 7 Canadians has seriously considered suicide. Suicidal thoughts, behaviour and attempts are cries for help. Suicide is sometimes seen as the only option when everything else has failed. It is seen as the only way out of an unbearable situation. We need to: Be willina to listen -- Often people communicate their intent to kill themselves before an attempt. Q..fer help or seek hell -- Every community has someone who can help (Canadian Mental Health Association, Distress Centre, Physi-

cian) s--

Learn more

about the warning signs, facts and how your help will aid in removing the barriers and silence surrounding the issue of suicide. It’s OK to talk about suicide, It may be all you need to do. It’s important to listen, to support, to get informed. For more information call your local Crisis Line, Council On Sui-

TO DO! Take suicide seriuusly! What you ii0 may save someone’s life. Do something. - Relax, be calm. - Discuss the issue openly. - Show interest and support. - Be a good listener. - Encourage them to seek family support if possible. - Suggest professional help. - Find the phone numbers of helping agencies. WE CAN HELP SOMEONE WHO IS SUICIDAL BY: LISTENING This might be all we need to do. TALKING ABOUT IT If you think someone is suicidal then talk about it. This gives the opportunity for the person to really think about what they are saying. Many people do not want to end their lives, but they do want to get rid of their problem. ENCOURAGE THE PERSON TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP All of us can give support and caring but the person will need more help than this. STAYING WITH THE PERSON UNTIL HELP IS AVAILABLE This person has come to you and trusts you. If the person will not let someone else come to help them, try to convince the person to go with you for professional help. COLLECTING PHONE NUMBERS OF HELPING AGENCIES If you cannot convince the person to go for professional help then make sure numbers are available to the person. You can only do what the person will let you do. TALKING TO SOMEONE YOURSELF You cannot handle this burden by yourself. FINDING EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND PLACING THEM ON THE BULLETIN BOARD - NOW! If you are thinking about suicide, talk to someone about it. If someone is talking about suicide, listen!

FACT SHEET 1 Suicide is still a word people do not want to talk about. Twentyfive years ago people never wanted to talk about “cancer.” Nobody wanted to say the “C” word. Suicide is that “S” word that nobody wants us to say. 2 SUICIDE PREVENTION IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS because suicide can happen in any family. Suicide has no prejudice. It happens in every social class, in any culture. It does not always happen to “the other person;” it might happen to us. It even happens in families where there is a lot of communication. We must eliminate the stigma and people must know suicide can be prevented if more people are aware.


4 One in seven Canadian has seriously considered suicide. 5 Many productive years of life are lost each year because of suicide. 6 Because of the number of family and friends concerned about each of us, the Canadian Mental Health Association estimated that because of each completed, and attempted suicide, “8% of our Canadian population is affected by suicide.” 7 ‘For every completed suicide, there are on average 100 attempts,” Sharon Barnes, the National President for the Canadian Mental Health Association.

must ask for the

necessary help or they must offer their help. 3 Suicidal thoughts, behaviour attempts are cries for help.


ciation. 9 If someone continually threatens suicide it is important that each time is taken seriously. If a person continually says they want to die then they must be in some kind of pain. They really are asking for, and do need help. 10 ANYONE can become depressed, but because of the stigma still attached to mental health issues, many people with depression do not seek treatment as quickly as they should. Without treatment there is substantial risk of suicide. 11 Suicide

8 “Because of the stigma surrounding suicide, as many as 30% of suicides are not reported,” Sharon Barnes, the National President for the Canadian Mental Health Asso

is the SECOND

ING CAUSE of death young Canadian people.


in our

12 Canada has a HIGHER RATE of suicide than the United States.


fihi Ath.elUtS

Something old, something new, but nothing blue for Warriors in ‘95 by Kimberly Moser Imprint sports

continuing his success through his sophomore year. Van Geel has the talent to be an All-Canadian in the near future. Captains Justin and John Shoniker will help anchor their respective sides of the ball as they return for their fifth and final year. John, another OUAA All-Star and perennial All-Canadian candidate, Gil bring great leadership to this young team. Justin may face more of a challenge than his brother, as only four of the starters from last year’s offensive line return for he ‘95 season. However, Justin’s experience and talents should lead the line through any weak spots. Captain Adrian Thome leads a great core of receivers, one position Waterloo should have no worries about. Thome, an OUAA all-star has the speed and agility to be a threat after any reception. Other receivers to watch for are Brian w arriors borrow a little spring fever at training camp. Gariepy, Colin Alie, and Tulu a consistent but under-used offense weapon what has to be worked on for the fall camp. Makonnen. last season, to break out this year with the There is excitement in the air as the players As well, watch for slot back Rick Shea, departure of All-Canadian Gord Fawcett. ’ anticipate the up-coming season. The annual Which leaves the two positions Coach spring camp marks the begining of new hopes “Tuffy” tiight is most concerned with: runand dreams for these, our Warriors. ning back and quarterback, the cornerstones And with only 127 days until their first of Waterloo’s offensive attack. regular season game, the wait won’t be much ‘*The quarterback is Pat German,” said longer. Knight during the spring camp. ‘6He’s the only guy we have in camp that has run a play in the last two years. And that’s a big concern because it’s difficult to learn our offense.” German will take control of the offense after two years of backing up south-paw Steve Bennet. His leadership skills and maturity will be tested as his success will be essential to the Warrior’s 1995 season. At the running back position, Knight is concerned about the lack of depth Waterloo has at the position. The Warriors have a huge hoIe to fill with the departures of Mike Malott, who signed with the Ottawa Roughriders of the CFL, and graduating tail back Mike Son. Back-ups Jarrett Smith and Greg Chuchman both saw limited action last year with some success. It only seems appropriate that these two players will have the chance to show us what they can do. So there it is! Spring camp is over and both the coaches and veteran players know

hey were the same old drills, on the same old field, with the same coaching staff, but it all seemed new; there was a freshness in the air. Spring training camp had arrived, marking the beginning of the new 1995 Warrior football season, one that many predict will be a rebuilding year for Waterlo0, But not much has really changed since last season’s success. Yes, the Warriors lost nine key veterans due to graduation, but there is still a lot of talent on this team. And looking at the effort the returning players put into last month’s ten day camp, one can only expeci the Warriors to be serious contenders for the Vanier Cup. Captain Tony Garland will lead the defense into the ‘95 season* Garland, an CNJAA All-Star, is a constant threat as he breaks up plays with ferocious hits and devastating tackles. He also has the catching ability to fill the gap left by CIAO interception leader, Cl3 Corey Delaney. Waterloo’s rookie of the year, linebacker Jason Van Gee& should have no problems


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Throwing Muses w/Ass Ponys Upera House, Taronfu Thursday April 20th by Greg Imprint

K&chick staff

uring her visit to CFNY the night of the Muses show, frontwoman eccentric Kristin Hersh spoke of her enthusiam for her band’s new album. She descibed how, on tour for her solo album Hips und Makers, she could not help but lapse into discussing the new Muses project that was already in the can. Turns out she had good reason to talk, for University is an exemplary album, fusing rock and bright pop in a way that was missing from the dark 1993 album Red Heaven. Here, finally, is solid proof that Tanya “Hey Tanya, my band’s on the top of the page! Nyah, nyah, nyah!” Donnel y ’ s departure after 199 1’ s tamborine beat push it forward to would kill for at the moment. The Real Ramona didn’t mean a permanent setback for the band. its terminus...but you probably “Snakeface” breathes hot and heavy know this already. on the back of listeners necks, while Within five seconds the album The real fun comes in the dis“Start” and “No Way in Hell” skip drives this fact home, as “Bright covery that the other thirteen tracks along with odd beats, guitars amYellow Gun” bursts forth in that on the album are equally entertainbling away the whole time. Kristin’s commanding way that makes it the ing. “That’s All You Wanted” litvoice, meanwhile, is almost best single of the year so far (in my opinion anyway). Wah-wahing guierally drips with melody and the otherworldy in an odd way, hitting tars, driving bass and a wicked sort of jangling guitars that Belly a breathy quality that strikes a long




Bo, Belly.

Belly w/Superchunk The Wureh~use,



11, 1995

by Lance Mdon special to Imprint


n this night, a dubious (at least for me) evening’s worth of entertainment

turned pleasant

out to be (at least for me) a surprise. Having caught

Belly two years ago for the Star tour and been suitably horrified (formless performance, terrible sound, stupidly high volume levels), I was leery of another round. This is despite the fact that, for my money, the much- and unfairly- maligned new Belly albumKing kicks

its predecessor’s proverbial ass. Add a venue notorious for poor sound, and 1wasn’t expecting much. This time out, though, Belly delivered the goods with a tight, rocking set that was as high on popsmithery as on juice. Concentrating on the good new songs from King (and the astonishing cries of ?-IO hooks” levelled at said record can only be explained by the assumption that lots of people prefer their melodies telegraphed and glaringly obvious-cos the hooks are there), the band gelled much more solidly than they did last time out. There were other pleasant surprises too. The Warehouse sound was actually quite listenable from my vantage point (i.e. smack in the middle of the floor), and the ridiculous Joan Jett-styled antics of Belly bassist Gail Greenwood were considerably toned down from the previous show. The few great Star tunes (“Feed the Tree,” “Slow Dog”) ended up being show highlights, due to recognition factor if nothing else, though “Now They’ll Sleep” and other recent songs more than pulled their weight too. As for openers Superchunk, they turned in a reasonably solid if unspectacular set, previewing a batch of new songs (they’re slated to record their next album this month)

as well as reprising


Foolish tuneage. Mac and Laura get high points for passionate intensity: at times, they rocked enough to make one forget that the Superchunk sound has by now pretty much become cast in stone, with only some slower tempos to vary the approach.

suffering chord in the listener. This is especially apparent on tracks like the cryptically worded “Teller” and the closer “Fever Few,” with its lingering “Ri-i-i-i-i-ght Now !” chorus. Combining a good variety of instrumentation {cellos, keyboards, guitar effects), this album holds the listener’s attention forcibly through-

Nothing, however, dampens this spirit more than seeing a disappointing live show. Apparently Kristin decided to Throw her Muse to the back comer of the balcony at the Opera House, then sit and study it for the entire ninety minute show. It’s an imposing sort of stare she wields, but it really doesn’t do much for the band’s stage presence. Combine this with David Narcizo and Bernard Georges looking at each other for a large amount of the time, and you have the Muses stage persona...or lack of one. What’s more the sound was bad; Kristin was only clearly audible when she hit big notes, and the keyboardist seemed to be playing into a vacuum on all but one song. To be fair, there were some fme moments, notably “Snakeface” and the closer “Pearl,” with some great building and crashing guitars. In fact a lot of it sounded good, even given the sound problems, it’s just that the energy was lacking. This was one of the last dates on a world tour that’s taken them everywhere, and their drained look might have something to do with this. Whatever the case, buy the album...after all, apparently the Stone Roses play lousy live shows too*

now trark Kent gets stoned. mm is an Oxford three-piece, fronted by an energetic eightteen year-old I named Gaz Coombes. They

1 that makes Blur look like the


set in the crowded, humid environs of Sneaky Dee’s, in


Supergrass Sneaky Dee’s, Turun~o Friday March 31

by Greg Imprint

Hood-Morris stm

hrist ! You’ve never seen a larger collection of skinny spotty boys with sweaters and anoraks accompanied by dour looking girls, with hair like that one from the “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now” cover, all jammed into Sneaky Dee’s to see the first band of the “New Mod” to traverse the pond, and play in our very own T.O. Certainly Supergrass has a bit of a mod flair to their music, traversing the same route as Blur in their homage to all that reads Jam,





ous that this club was THE place to be. Coombes, aided by bassist/ singer Mickey Quinn, and Moonish drummer, Danny Goffey, played his Telecaster for all it was worth (after all, isn’t the Telecaster sound where it’s at in ‘95?) They played fine three minute wonders, such as their latest single “Man Sized Rooster,” along with other songs with names like “Strange Ones,” and “Odd.” Of course, they also played perennial fave “Caught by the Fuzz,” a short pop lecture on the dangers of smoking pot in public. Supergrass has every potential to go far, especially if Coombes and co. gain a little bit of Sartorial elegance, and lose the primordial sideburns. Christ! You look like a mutant Elvis.




Friday, May 5,1995

GrannyGrunt Royal


The Opera

w/ Motorcaster House,

Saturday, by Brad Imprint




Hughes staff


oyal Trux have become too cool for their own good. This fact was painfully apparent during this show as only 150 of Toronto’s cod elite showed up for what turned out to be a great night of music. The band opened strongly with “A Night To Remember” off their latest release Thank YOU. From the audience’s point of view this song’s title was about as inappropriate as it gets. Neil Hagerty, the band’s co-leader, recently lamented that he didn’t want to be a slave to some kind of hipness. I’m afraid that it may be too late. It was clear that a lot of attenders were there to be a part of the ultra-cool scene. Evian The audience was too busy looking hip to actually become a part of the show. There was no transfer of energy between the band and the crowd. Only a handful of people appeared to be actually enjoying the music. The rest just stood there, stared, and added their applause at the end of each song. This might have been expected had the band sucked, but they didn’t. The band devoted a lot of energy to their music. Bass strings

were broken. An amp blew. The drum set needed adjustments after songs. You really couldn’t fault the band on their musical endeavours. Their biggest problem might have been a lack of effort in being visually stimulating. Sometimes while the band was partaking in

-- I wash

my hair

in it.

some spontaneous jamming, the whole group, with the exception of the drummer had their backs turned to the audience. Of course, the band founders Hagerty and Jennifer Herrema have never been concerned about image. Herrema showed up looking as tough as ever. She’s still as skinny as a rail and her dirty blonde mop still hangs in her face. She does make for a decent focus while

watching the group, but you’re afraid that if you look at her too much she might come over and kick your ass. Herrema’s rasp was in fine form on this night managing to both sing and smoke and snap her gum throughout the show. She is the growl to which all others are compared. The rest of the musicians were also playing their best. Hagerty was completely involved with his guitar licks, sometimes forgetting to add his harmonies. Drummer Chris Pyle was outstanding. His solo at the end of the majestic “Shadow of the Wasp” was good reason for the band to turn around and watch. Dave Brown provided a lot of energy on bass. He was swimming in sweat by the end of the show. The show’s setlist was dominated by songs from the band’s latest album, This was a bit of a disappointment to the crowd, who tried calling for older songs like “Junkie Nurse” and “Turn of the Century.” The band ignored them and put on some stunning performances of “Ray 0 Vat,” “ Map of the City,” and “The Sewers of Mars.” At the end, though, the crowd was too busy posing and couldn’t sustain the applause long enough to coax the band out for an encore. Motorcaster drew even less appreciation from the audience. The music sounded tired and the drummer’ s Keith Moon impersonation got old quick. At least they deserved their lack of applause.

N., WATERLOO (across from the Waterloo Theatre)

reservations for your convocation!




Monday, by Greg Imprint


Krafchick staff


f one was to say that Canada is a country devoid of a strong musical identity, then the Netherlands must surely be in a similar state. After all, what bands do you think of when you think of this corner of the world? Well, there is Eettie Serveert, and they’re probably as good a place to start as any. Their show at Lee’s last month consisted of the expected mix of hard rockin’ guitars and the idiosyncratic vocal stylings of Carol Van Dijk. The most entertaining aspect though was guitarist Peter Visser,


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dose of both Palomine and seeming not to favour either one of them. Softer acoustic numbers like “Something So Wild” or “Silent Spring” would have been much appreciated, since the music did have a tendancy at times to wander into the mundane category. On the other hand, “Palomine” gave the show the sensitivity it needed, with its extremely deft lyrical turns. Even better were ripping numbers like “Tomboy” or “Crutches,” and overall the spectator left satisfied. Worth writing home about, though perhaps only a short note. As for Love Battery, they played a set of songs that showed why Sub Pop picked them up. I’d almost have to say that the best part of the show was the half-dozen zealous fans who drove down from Ottawa just to see Love Battery open. “How far away is Ottawa ?!?” their lead asked in disbelief. Yeah,

I 5 King Street,

We are now accepfing

R. Bettie Serveert w/ Love Battery



who proved


The Proclaimers be the most animated memPeter Visser. ber of the band. With an array of about to get the ten effects pedals at his disposal, he especially flanged and wah-wahed and janhair which gled his way through the show with in her face. great skill, while jumping about Their energetically. This in turn seemed





rest of the band going, Carol and the mess of almost invariably hung set consisted

of a liberal

singer that far. Besides this, their exhibition of guitar work was pleasant but pretty forgettable.



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B.B. King and Lulu Friday by Jodi hnprht

with The Sidemen Mel Brown ‘s Rmdhuuse March 3 1, 1995

Carbert staff

f you were at Lulu’s and saw B.B. King with his lovely ucille, then you know that it was”too swell to talk about.” If you missed them... well make sure you see them next time around. With Mel Brown opening up for B.B. it was one endless night of blues that satisfied everyone there. These bands managed to get people that hadn’t been to Lulu’s in years. They also attracted quite a few younger blues fans that had never been to Lulu’s before as well as all the regulars. Mel Brown had the audience in the palm of his hand with classics like “Stormy Monday,” “Mustang Sally ,” “I’m In the Mood,” and


Catherine Cleoman

“Hey Joe” -- as well his own song “I’ll Play the Blues for You.” Even though many people would have came out to see The Sidemen and Mel Brown even if B.B. wasn’t headlining. It was B.B.‘s presence that made a great night into a special night to remember. Leon Warren accompanied B.B. on guitar, Harlem Winfrey on bass, Tony Coldan on drums, James Tony on keys, Melvin Jackson and Walter King on saxophones, and a trumpet and trombone player. Every single musician that was with B.S. was amazing and most of the people were all out dancing or sitting back in admiration. Tt didn’t matter if he played “Let the Good Times Roll ,““S tormy Monday ,” or jammed with his band, B.B. was on fire. B.B is one living legend who isn’t just touring to make a buck, he’s out there to make your night. He’s someone special. He knows how to have a good time and if you see him he won’t let you down.



w/ Letters To Cleo and Made Lee ‘s Palace, Turunh~ Saturday, April 1

by Chris Imprint

Aldworth staff


he beginning of April saw Lee’s Palace play host to a great triple bill, featuring some very talented up and coming acts. In front of a modest crowd Made, Letters To Cleo, and Catherine all vied their respective musical trades to impressive results. Opening the night was Toronto’s very own Made. The quartet started off the evening with a blast of excellent indie rock, that proved


The Tea Party w/ Rusty Stages Thursday, April 6

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IMPRINT, Friday, May $1995

by Chris Imprint

Aldworth staff

espite repeated protests that they don’t, Windsor’s The Tea Party still worship at the alter of Led Zeppelin. Citing the influences of Dead Can Dance and Peter Gabriel on their latest album, their words seem but mere excuses for what my ears tell me--it still sounds like more Zeppelin. Mirroring Jimmy Page and his fascination with middle eastern sounds, The Tea Party’s sophomore offering is full of moody material that seems to hail from a distant land. The decision to draw heavily from the new, more worldly material, created a somber mood for the majority of the evening. While the atmosphere was much more ICNo, subdued than previous Tea Party shows, it did not dampen the group’s performance in the least. The Tea Party managed to crank out the high energy blues rock, intraduced by bands like the

ctr nno in&r l atnr nf to bc= u2 “w-.ab .B.UL”HCL-L V, things to come. This guitar charged act boasting a hard hitting female drummer successfully alternated between candy coated pop and tough waves of guitarrock, Working their instruments for all they were worth, Made left the distinct impression that this is one band to watch out for. Currently receiving some attention fortheircontribution to the Melrose Place soundtrack, LettersTo Cleo was the band most peaple in attendance were there to see. Well known by enthusiasts of the Meirose Place television show for their short video clip at the end of the show, _- the1 crowd was pumped for what was to follow. Riding the current wave of popularity for female lead singers, Letters To Cleo delivered a set of bright, guitar driven pop tunes. Instantly enjoyable, the trio pumped out light hearted tunes through out a set that had the crowd bouncing away. Fronted by the friendly, girlnext-door appeai of Kay Hanley, Letters to Cleo proved that they are not just another pretty face in the world of rock. As well as performing excellent renditions from their self-titled debut, which included the high energy hit “Here & Now,” Kay Hanley and company pounded out a cover of a now defunct, fellow Boston band. Their version of Scruffy the Cat’s “You Dirty Rat,”

showcased a surprising hard, yet delightfully different side to the band. Looking quite at home on stage, Kay was the ever gracious host, asking the crowd what they wanted to hear and stopping to chat with the audience. Despite some mechanical breakdowns that threatened to derail the set, Letters To Cleo put on an entertaining set full of zest and appeal. Third up was Chicago’s Catherine who made the most of their triple guitar attack, churning out a noisy set of effects-laden sound. Drawing mainly from their new album, Surry, Catherine were the consummate noise sculptors. The band worked their way through reverb guitar numbers like “Inch Worm,” “Funny Bunny” and a cover of the Bee Gee’s “Every Christian Lionhearted Man.” Retaining a sense of humour about the audience’s reluctance to crowd the stage, guitarist and vocalist Neil Jendon warned that “We have the plague, so please stay the hell back.” Urging new sounds out of their instruments, the five members worked themselves into a frenzied wash of sound not unlike My Bloody Valentine. Pausing to wipe away the sweat, Jendon seemed pleased with their treatment, joking “these towels smell great...usually they smell like some guy from Pantera’s sweat.” Cranking out splendid versions of “Saint” and t!eir recent radio single “Songs About Girls,” the members of Catherine continued to sweat it up on stage while offering a gracious set of loud stadium rock.

Yardbirds and the John Maya11 Bluesbreakers over twenty five years ago, that the Tea Party have come to be known for. Pulling out more instruments than the Toronto Symphony Or-

often unconventional playing. The band projected a convincing stage presence and the right amount of ambience to connect with the crowd. Between whacked out 1960s hippie numbers like “In This Time” and “Sister Awake,” and a stripped down mini acoustic set, The Tea Party hit the stage with all the subtlety of a flying mallet, cranking up the intensity to a fevered pitch on songs like “Walk With Me” and “Fire In The Head.” Closing off, in an intense fashion, with the crowd favorites “Save Me” and “The River,” The Tea Party left the retro rockers in attendance more than satisfied, and geared up to trudge home to silently stare at their lava lamps. Opening act, Rusty, took that grunge thing an extra step further (or backward?) and were downright raunchy. Toted as one of Canada’s up and coming acts, Rusty played up the role of the angst filled rock stars to Heavy guitars mixed results. and some fine punk inspired material, most notably the catchy radio single “Wake Me,” and the fueled a somewhat fiery “Punk,” overblown and pompous set that predictably seemed to win over many fans from the Tea Party camp.


we don’t




chestra, the trio of players created unique musical soundscapes through the use of their varied collection of exotic instruments and



Friday. Mav 5. 19%


to Ecstasy

Erics Trip The Vulcano April 2 I, 1495 by simon special to

Geoghan Imprint


oncton punk superstars Erics Trip returned to K-Town April 2 1st for the f”lrst time since the release of their debut album Uve Tar-u. That really wasn’t that lung ago, but in the intervening time the band has since given birth to another album, an Ep, a bunch of singles and side-projects, and even bassist Julie Doiron’s new son Ben. So area fans could be forgiven if it’d seemed like a long time. Although Erics Trip likes to evenly temper their sonic fury with an equal amount of moodier introspective slower pieces on record, in performance the shv Quartet comes on File photo of Chris Thompson before almost ur&ersally heavy. Their latest Volcano show was he got all his hair hacked off. no different, being the most going in a similarly mellow direcintense (not to mention the loudest) tion. Far from it, it now appears that show I’ve seen in over a year. There had been suspicions that White is using the solo-route to get that with leader Rick White’s new the introspective side of his personlaid-back solo album Elevator To ality out ofthe way and committing Hell just released that the band was the total heaviosity to the band.

Their latest show certainly demonstrated as much, as it was perhaps their most ferocious local show to date. It’s startling how much power the band has at their disposal and how easily one forgets just how strong Erics Trip is. Guitarist Chris Thompson will pull shredding feedback out of the speakers while Doiron and White hack out ear-bleeding rhythms. Upon all of this are Mark Gaudet’s intricate and explosive drum fills and volleys, giving the feeling that the whole chaoticmess will take flight at any second, and then you’re thrown back down on your ass by another aural assault. It’s an exhilirating effect that few bands anywhere can match. It’s strange for a band that tours rarely and doesn’t particularly relish the spotlight that they come up with the most consistently amazing live shows, but that’s where the band presently sit. They still aren’t selling huge quantities of records, but such has been the word of mouth buzz on the band that you can almost guarantee packed-houses wherever they play, which was definitely the case at the Volcano.

Siouxsitualized Siouxsie and the Banshees w/ Spiritualized The Warehouse, Turonao Wednesday April 26th

0 Rude EmhangeInc. 725-9525

same songs night after night for another world entirely. The motif fifteen years, and not get totally of Spiritualized in concert is Drone, sick of them ? Anyway, Steve the idea in which a chord is played Severin and Co. genuinely seemed throughout the entire concert, and to be enjoying themselves, which whole songs are built around that by Greg Hood-Morris was nice to see. A smile, a wink, basic structure. Thus, could they Imprint staff and a nod for the old goths. Special play an eight minute version of kudos for the keyboard player. Al“Medication, ” “These Blues,” and ednesday, April twentythough no! one of the original Ban“Let it Flow,” and a fifteen minute sixth was, in Pooh speak, shees, hi?,style fit in like the prover.trersion of “Shine a Light,” from a blustery day. It was the bial ro~#J. : 1992’s Laser Guided Melodies. :,?~,,$ ::peg, .j+:y. and &.,certainly kind of day which would have begq,;. &&ne@:&ri@ up $.@&&~muJtiUnlike so many British trance @&y$ent@i tale@&, @$bo$&, .,; ba#&, -$piritualized don’t simply perfectto curl up wil.h.@,@oodbo@G’ ___.. ..:. listening to the B~~tIe~~ oG,ma@e .$prig%t bz@b, a&l tJ%$ sp&ial :]I drone &ir ma;ntra by layering in ;;.;:;;:j $$fi: ,, :j’~$ @k s&$0. a&, t&y simply corneven something nor9 ‘III#O$ A ‘~~~~aboo~~~~~dio~~~~~ good day for cups of Q@ %&%&late, 1 Siouxie herself tried to prbiecf”:‘. IGne &tru&&ts, @haw them in and and warm blankets, and comfy energy, although she was obviously out, so that ‘the a&en+ cannot tell chairs. fatigued, and due to her cold, she whether it’s Jason Pierce*s droning A good day for Siouxie it was h@ a real problem hitting the high guitar, Kate Radley’s droning keynot. Keeping in mind that Ms. n&es, although she dig- that great boards, or Sean Cook’s droning Sioux had a cold, and that she was bass. probably affected by the weathT!m Another thing that sets much as anybody else, she$@y i::i Spiritualized apart from their con:,: did try her hardest to giv+$$@ en-pg$ qert contemporaries, is their long ergy. I guess that it’s just ~~;rfcal~~~:~~\:.:~~~l : i&ding aversion to heavy drums. leader, has hard to do in that cavernous space of the Ban&e&s performance was Pierce, Spiritualized’s the encore, with “Peekaboo” in it. long stated that the drums should be that they call the Warehouse. It was a good thing for her that the concert During this odd hit, the Banshees low in the nix, simply another inwas full of die-hard Banshee fans, starting wiggling and cavorting strument. around so much that you were Although there were plenty of because she wasn’t win@vg any new ones on Wednesday. She’ Fan teIf;lpted to wonder whither they .: :$~opk in the audience entrapped in through most of her Set, althstjrgh;;’ wgpld @tua& b@&ble 9 cq@nu& -!Spi$&alized’s shining aural net, Y&&C& were also plenty of expectant wisely choosing to avoid the &$;i p&&i& :.;:$.y’:: T&‘co&$ert .epdi& with , ::‘, S~~U~~e J~pin~,i*~~~~~~~~~n ‘s which sound dated, such as “Hong Siouxie followers who wanted nothKong Garden.” The Banshees were back and being c&Tied offstage. A ing more than for the stage to be as tight a musical combo as any, quiet and reverent until Siouxie long way from the Banshees debut with a twenty minute long version came on. However, due to the and their musicianship, although of the Lords Prayer, with Sid Viblusteriness of the day outside it still sounded rooted firmly in 1986, was understandable that they would cious on drums. was impeccable. Spiritualized. Another entity be a little miserable. After all, all They played their songs with entirely. Due to the fact that they that black mascara was running, flair, and actually seemed to be and those lovely poofy hairdos were enjoying it. This is actually a constarted early, we wandered in from the rain to the haunting lilt that is matted and drying on the goths’ strtnt source of amazement for this author. How can someone play the “Medication,” and drifted off into heads.

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etween blasts of “Hey Hey My My” and “Rockin’ In The Free World,” at the soundcheck before Crash Vegas’ Kitchener show, Imprint had an opportunity to talk with Michelle McAdorey lead singer for the Toronto based band. Touring in support of their newest creation, the self-produced Aurora, Michelle McAdorey is excited about the new material and the up coming tour that will take them through Canada, the United States and to Europe for the first time.

What kind of response have you been getting from the new album? It’s quite overwhelmingly positive. Very, very positive. We are getting great reviews and a really good response. People seem to really dig it.

Compared to the last two albums, the foIkyRerl&zrth and the hard edged Stone, the new album Aurora seems to be almost trippy. How does it fit in? It is very much like a new beginning in certain ways, It is different in a lot of ways in that it was the ,,&,


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most enjoyable experience we’ve ever had making a record. We had changes in the band and we produced it ourselves and I think, for me, it is the closest I’ve come to realizing what’s in my head. Like emptying it out and actually ‘ah yes, that’s it,’ Were you excited? Yeah, very much. I felt very empowered in this record. Just free and trusting enough, with the atmosphere and the engineer we were working with, to just indulge and explore through vocals and sounds and just directing stuff in a way we hear it. Did self-producing the album help to create this feeling? Well, I think so. I think that if it comes to a point where you know how you want something to sound and you are getting that, why would you want to hiFe a producer and pay him or her a bunch of money to come in and redo it? It doesn’t make sense. We were really pleased with what we were getting and that’s the main thing...that you feel really good. Why are bassist Darren Watson and drummer Ambrose Pottie no longer members of Crash Vegas? Urn, we just decided to part company with them. On Aurmz, both are listed in the credits as playing on a few of the songs. Did they help out on this album? When we started recording, like when we did “Pocahontas” they were still with us. We were going into the studio a couple of times. That was sort of our introduction to Sony. So, they played on a couple of those recordings and those are the first recordings that were supposedly demos. Like, I never know the difference between a demo and a recording. To me you go in and do it. It’s not ‘this is just a rehearsal for when I do it later,’ you know? So that’s when we came to the decision ‘we like what we got here.’ But then, there also came a point whereweknewwewantedachange, just the sort of chemistry of what was happening to go further and what we wanted to do, and so we changed members but we kept a few of the tracks and embellished from there, Your sound has changed somewhat since Red Eurfh. Have the older songs taken on the new feeling? Sure, we like to reinterpret things. I think to go out and play music...1 mean that it’s very important for us. There is a lot of improvisation in stuff that we do and we like to reinvent things because to go out night after night and take old material, you want to re-invent it just to make it interesting. The song is there but it’s fun to play around with stuff. Again, I think of someone like Simone deBeauvoir. I remember reading her biography and here she is this woman considered the mother of feminism and I’m reading







these kind of contradictions and things, and I’m like ‘What?’ That was upsetting but then I realized that you don’t always arrive at the place that you want to be at. It is kind of like a thing that happens gradually. So, that’s sort of how I feel about what I do. I feel probably

Friday, May 5, 1995

the most expressive I’ve ever felt on this record. Not to take anything away from the past records, just that more confidence, having toured more, just more trust, realizing how to find the gap between what I do, what I hear and when I’m in a studio. For me it’s been the practice of doing it more. I don’t really label it as style or whatever. It is just kind of rooted very much in feeling and if I believe it or if it is linked to a strong feeling then it comes out. It’s my only justification for anything. it seems that lately female vocalists have become more and more popular. Do you think that Crash Vegas will benefit from this growing trend? You’re the second person who has asked me that. My feeling is that I don’t like to even enter into that because I think, to me, when things get gender-based you have to get over that. If blonde singers are in right now, or whatever trend

it’s just that the Canadian music scene has changed. It is blossoming I think, which is really nice to see. There is still this sense of self doubt within the industry. We are still not sure whether ‘it’s a little different’ and 1 don’t know. We seem to evaluate ourselves through the eyes of others for some reason as opposed to sticking our neck out to validate something. It’s like it has to come from another means. Hopefully that will change but I don’t know if I can compare them, it’s so different. I mean, they are in one time zone and we have different time zones. The country is so vast yet the population is so much smaller. They work on a single market over there which has never been the case over here. It seems that Canadians always get recognition elsewhere first. Definitely. I can’t remember her name, but there is this really brilliant physicist. She is supposedly quite a radical thinker but re-

is in, I don’t know, I don’t really care. I’m just going to do what I do and all of that stuff...it changes, taste and the public and business is fickle and it moves around and if you try to keep on top of that and wonder, I think you would go insane. I’d like to just be looked at for what we do musically not because I’m female. That may have something to do with certain bits of material but not as an overall view that people see. You have now recorded your second Neil Young song for an album. Is this a trend that will continue? Well again, the first time we did a cover of a Neil Young song was by our choice just because we really liked the song. This time we were asked to participate in a tribute record for charity. It happen to be in aid of the charity set up by Neil Young and his wife so that’s basically why we came across...you know we’re huge Neil fans, and so it was like yeah, great. Before forming Crash Vegas, you spent some time in England trying to get a band together. like? What was it It was great. I

a half years and travelled around and -made lots of different tapes, worked with different people

ally amazing. She was applying for work here at U of T, she’s Canadian, and she was turned away from all these universities. Finally she’s been given this top position at Harvard. Again, it’s like, it doesn’t seem just unique to the music industry. It sort of seems quite common within a sort of state of mind or reticence we have towards anything that might step outside the familiar. We know what is good. We already have this idea of what that is. To me ‘that’s the way it has always been,’ that is more reason for me to go ‘time to change it or time to hear something new.’ Does the album title,Aurora, hold any special significance? Without analyzing it too much, I sort of liked the sound of the word. Thematically, there are a lot of aspects of light and change of light and change of things. Where do you think Crash Vegas fits into the Canadian music scene? I have no idea. That’s for the powers to decide. I try not to-.-definitions, labels, trying to slot, I leave that for other people to do. I change too often. I hate things that get too static, rigid, ‘this is what it is this is where...‘, 1 don’t want to be slotted. The tour is taking the band to Europe for the first time. Are you excited? Oh, yeah completely. We have always gotten a lot if interest from Europe, so I’m excited. The tour is not all laid out yet but I imagine we will try to do Germany, France, England and as far as we can go, as long as we can go. I’d like to go to Italy, I’d like to go to Spain. I just love travelling. That’s

and it was just

the perk about

a really


time in my life. It was fun. A few things sort of happened here and there and I learned a lot. How is the Canadian music scene in comparison? To compare right now...they are completely different animals. That was quite a few years ago and


One last question. Why is your fan club based in San Francisco? Our management company is based there. And I mean, wouldn’t you want to be a member of a fan club in San Francisco? I don’t know either. That’s the only reason it’s there.


IMPRINT, Friday, May 5,1995




for me babe,


kind of stripping we are all familiar with. Atkinson portrays them as lonely and unhappy girls, many of whom hate stripping (or “dancing” as it is politely referred to) but who desperately need money. Sarah and the other dancers cling to each other for

Highways and Dancehalls by Diana Atkinsun Knopf, 234 pages by Rebecca


Imprint staff A

t times,

are all described



in detail, but

Diana Atkinson’s novel surrounds the life of a teenaged strip-

dignity while battling her own loneliness and destroyed self-esteem. In flashbacks the story recalls the ordeal Sarah suffered as a child when she was diagnosed with colitis and nearly died, enduring several operations and years in hospitals with insensitive doctors. The image of strippers in the book is heart-wrenching and a far cry from the talk-show glamour

Miss Silver’s Past by Josef skvoreckj Vintage, $15.00 by Heather


for you


Dancehalls kept drawing me back to it. Told through a series of Sarah’s journal entries, it is fascinating to read. The wording is I sometimes crude but manages to remain eloquent, and the images and metaphors are always perfectly crafted. Sarah is not a stereotypical table dancer she writes and reads to suri “‘i!j!“r I vive. - The book pulled me in : . ! as I mourned Sarah’s sadness and watched as she struggled through show after show. support Although the ending is a little as she secretly wishes to abrupt and confusing, the bulk of be them, and sometimes to be wirk Highways and Dancehalls is real them. The book’s strippers are litand solid, an impressive diary of erally all drug addicts, a fact that I pain and tenacity.

The press kit bills this novel as a “spellbinding political murder mystery.” I am not so sure - the first hundred or so pages of the novel is slow and involved. Be-

Imprint staff iss Silver has a past. That much we know. Any other information about this intriguing woman comes to us via an editor at a government publishing house in socialist Czechoslovakia, madiy in lust, or maybe love, with the personification of everything good and pure and beautiful. We get to ride along with Karl Leden as Lenka Silver grinds his heart into pieces. In the meantime, Leden faces difficult editorial decisions in what Skvoreckj calls “the cabaret of politically correct literary criticism.” Josef Skvoreckf should know of what he writes - he emigrated to Canada after the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, and kept Czech literature alive by smuggling manuscripts into Canada. His company, 68 Publishers, edited, designed and printed books in Canada and distributed them to readers in Czechoslovakia and the world. This novel was printed in the aftermath of the Prague Spring, but a second printing of lUO,ooO copies was confiscated and destroyed in 1969.

came to expect after awhile. Inone scene a stripper spills coke on her fries, and I wasn’t sure whether “coke” meant Coca-Cola or cocaine. Evil is personified in club owners, customers and the doctors of Sarah’s childhood. Some may see Atkinson’s work as anti-male be-


ing in ways becoming cumrades, and mention of artists and writers bein lg discredited is common. Fortunately, we are allowed into the Iaind of Leden, a good comrade for all appearances, but wary of the Marxist science that rules his life. At first he seemed to be too much a stereotype, thinking only about women and his own problems. However, as the novel progresses our narrator seems to learn something - about himself and women. His humourous outlook eventually makes him likeable, and even sympathetic. Realizing that he is “no gentleman. I am an egotist,” Leden ends up alone. The untouchable Miss Silver marries his best friend. About the murder mystery... this one is a bit unorthodox, as Skvoreckf warns us in his preface. The murder comes at the end, and knowing this I found myself searching for the victim, the murderer and the motive. I noticed more details, picked up on several occurrences I might have missed oth-

cause of its age and its translation from Czech it is not the prose you might normally encounter. Skvoreckf has an eye for detail, however, that lets the reader into his tight, careful world. The characters live in constant awareness of the regime, speaking and behav-

erwise, and found myself engrossed near the end of the novel. Skvoreckj manages to teach readers about his native Czechoslovakia, the publishing industry, and relationships. It takes a bit of work, but Miss Silver’s Past is surprisingly good in the end.





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Well, I haven’t .read anything by I.




nqt a .Catholic and don’t practice any tind, of religion at all. There’s some

MargaretA~oodforaboutaye~naw, ,_SD I’ll try fo remt+xx.~ Quesi I really ,. part of my psychology that comes up perceivein a really large yay+ female with stuff that I’m not really sure why. ,:a$ IthinkthatM~~et+..~~~‘s:~me1 guess I use the symbols to reDresent

i&ig ~&t~li~d~preci~~ iii&i her ‘C*fl.things that are going on’ in my ‘iimk.’ I‘ f&l the, same tiay about ‘Joni. ‘. life. There are other symbols that either ““’ .‘$&hell come out of me, or that I’ve heard come . . ... .. . .‘_:.&l,.Zju~ne .. yag& T&r&s

.’:.” ” . dl, y%t% of mtisiic +kd things: tha1 +@Iy :...: &H&IX& the$ftill inti ~tis’c$&gr;iy+..~:

out of’other people. There’s a lot of stuff abopt death in all the songs. I feel

Wielding her guitar, ti share of em&&alz::_’ hang-ups, and Lolitalike beauty, Mary Timony’s Helium is mark f&m passing wind. I lx@ .:i the chance to talk with Mary before Hetium’siE”i@ ever appyF?qcg &‘. 1:. :.::_ “’.:::::.:-:-.: Canada, at Toronto’s El Mocamb, _‘__’ :’ :_:






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like tie were:i$&ling .:_: .,.:. >

a lot of records oqijii ....

something. I$@ I really don’t thin@: .:.E:.. that’s going to @@ppen. So it’s nothing!,” ____” i; - * . ~ that we’d think &bout too soon. Maybe ‘: later in life. ’ When you were a member of Autoclave you recorded with Dischord. I’m wondering what the differences between how Dischord operates and




‘fthetime,$i:.:. I ‘&s$&f it a;ki ..

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I’ ve beetiT&ends w&fi while and we p&yed rnu@#i fT ,* L- - -A,- __ __ d Helium rogerner mu he was reaily great. sense that he joined

.,_._ __ __

doesn’t he also have Polvo going too?

f t

;.i?“ii :.‘:li” write about women’s issues. I.&n’t :L-:v:j find that 100 weird, it’s true. .FzT I 11 - HOW about the Come comparisons that Boston’s rock critics have pinned on you? I think we used to sound more like that. I don’t think Helium these days




in “Pat’sTrick.” Back to your question . .._. 7 though...I’m definitely not a religious .tFY per$$$ut &F..:Y: person. I’m just part of human nature. .@;‘@ #%y ,:; :.j.:::?&IW _’ do you feel about your growth #@&.&J ‘. .,,;:: _.:v.::?_ __ :&s ‘~.&@jp@ from t hePirate Prude EP to &‘$-ii#$‘m. $!!&&jj@q;~&umf ;.@etband is wamybetter *from t l-PPnM4 w;11 : :.,:,. ::. : :., ..,,::,: ,, --thin1 lc the IIPX .:: :: :: _ &&se#es to.$&jw. To ~~~~~~~~.:;:,l~,:~:~ell .. .welf I don’t know F;.!l;:!‘Ff8~~~~:i~~l:‘el:::: .:: . .‘:?.. ::~ :,:: ,..: $&&ly :.a..::.~e~Hf~‘.f&& . ... ...::,‘I of th& .&&#{g&, The;i,‘: ;, ,Nh+‘it will.‘& but it will be (jifferent :.:..:i.:.:::::.,Li.: : ..::~~.: 7: :ontrol is.,:#ad of,@% mo@;‘.‘?‘@J@ this on&&J just have a feeling em’s~&ause of &$t$prsonality, and the ;now,::,:does :~_. &at’ “” MaGJt Q&l&ii5 t way the band is &$ng, and now that we .:i Yfi .3”:: ‘.:Z ..I:. :..: . :. +~__.. :.:...:..:..:... !Ki -.k haye Ash, I think &at he next record is Lh going to change a lot. We’re just a band :..::..::.. :. ..:,.9.’ “.?p.. . ...y..:: -.,v.r::.ll::.::: ::* ~~~~:ft;a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e that isevolving. 1 Iike the record we just ~~~~~~ q.$ @Jp&put out and I don’t like the EP. I’m way &j&&f@+ ~~~&j~~~~~more satisfied. The production is prob... :I::: .(i ably worse than the EP, ilt’s more : crisp and clear. What can we 4!Xped fn Drn you .r live show? I hop z a gr md one. We’ve never ‘ypKi. like My &$ody Valentine be&use we played up ithere before. 1[t varies I a lot. Some nigh ts we ‘re really on, andI other love My Bloody Valentine.” But it just ,* * orA”,nappenea. m1m_.__3 luna nights we’ re re alIy off. We’re de& nitely not like this rock : and g:n.mge In the lyrics throughout the songs, references to birth, death, nature, thing with PI )le dancil ng arou nd or and dirt are made. Do you subscribe anything. It wil 11be OK. [OK? The performant :e wa s incredil 3le. 4. 3 to any kind of faith or philosophy, or

by Brad Imprint

Hughes staff

This album isn’t the cool seductress that Crooked, Ct-tmk& Rain was. You aren’t instantly infatuated with its curvy figure or sexy smirk. This ;iIbum is that bookish girl you should settle down with. Its charms aren’t revealed at first listen; instead it’s an album that will reveal itself over time. Pavement hasalwaysdelivered something different than is expected of them. This was supposed to be the big break out into the mainstream, but as Stephen Malkmus says, “our methods are more terrorist.” The distribution deal with Warneroffers the band’s best availability to the public and they in turn deliver their least immediately accessible album. There is a little

by Brad Imprint

Hughes staff

The whole is rarely the sum of its parts. That’s the lesson learned from listening to Mad Season, With Layne Staley from Alice in Chains, Barrett Martin from The Screaming Trees, and Mike McCready fromPear Jam, the group is being billed as the Seattle supergroup. Unfortunately for them only the latter half of that compound word applies. The album fails tocatch your attention from the get-go. The opening track, “Wake Up,” is titled appropriately and it sets the tone for the rest of the album. The song is slow and soft with Staley’s haunting vocals dominating the music. While it does offer a decent climax towards the end the

laugh when Malkmus howls “We got the money” in “Brinx Job.” The band isn’t afraid of any backlash as their opening line attests: “There is no castration fear.” What’s missing from this album is the pop that kept you bopping along to “Debris Slide” or “Cut Your l-lair.” They instead concentrate on establishing a slow groove akin to “Newark Welder” from CR,Ck?. Most hooks are very subtle. The doubling of the voices at the end of the verses in “Kennel District” is sublime. “Black Out” and “Pueblo” are entrancing. These songs keep it slow but they do not plod as Malkmus has crafted some beautiful melodies. The band has also taken time to experiment with their music. Some songs are very bizarrely structured. “Extradition” starts ot‘f slow then lurches into a mid-song breakdown and collapse before resuming the melody for the end. “Best Friends Arm” never quite gets off the ground but its stammering gives it a certain

song never gets off the ground. The following two tracks, “X-Ray Mind” and “River of Deceit,” are written in a similar vein. The album briefly catches your attention with the hard rocking cho-

rus of “I’m Above” but the rest of the song drags because of the tiresome melody of the verse. On this track Mark Lanegan makes an appearance and it’s a relief from

charm. The bandalsoincludes some lounge music in “Grave Architecture” before the thunder sounds and the jam begins. Not to say this recording is devoid of anything that is flat out catchy. You can’t help but be eventually sucked into the stutter of “Half A Canyon” or repeatedly imbibe on the lyrics to “Rattled By The Rush” or sing along to “AT&T.” Some of this is Pavement’s best pop ever. Yet this is more of a collection that seeks to slowly creep into your head. For the most part the songs don’t seem to worry about grabbing the listener. They seem to know they’ll hook you eventually. This album is laid back. There are a number of times where you think they are really going to start to cook but then the band turns the heat down to a simmer. They follow the fun of “Brinx Job” with the melodrama of “Grounded.” They rock out weirdly with “Serpentine Pad” but then follow it up with a couple of country flavoured tunes, “Motion Suggests” and “Father to a Sister of Thought” which comes complete with steel pedal guitar. It’s not until they combine “AT&T” with “Flux=Rad” and “Fight This Generation” that the grease starts to splatter. The one consistency in this album is the strength of Malkmus’s lyrics. His comparison of suburbs and cemeteries in “Grave Architecture” is wonderful and “AT&T,” his ode to rock star hotel living, also shines. One never knows however if all his words have meaning or if they’re just placed to rhyme but they are fascinating all the same. “Rattled By The Rush” explorts words to make them fit the melody. It’s here where he rhymes candelabra with Barbara and larva. Be sure to take the time to listen carefully. This album is initially frustrating but patience is nicely rewarded. This album will prove to be Pavement’s Exile On Mtiin Street.

Staley’ s drone+ After finally getting off the ground the album then crash lands. “Artificial Red” is a plodding blues send up that is almost painful to listen to. The band just hasn’t polished off its songs. Their ideas are decent enough but the feeling is that they just slapped these songs together instead of trying to perfect them. The one song that sounds completely finished is “Long Gone Day .” It hooks you with some rhythmic bongo playing and then they add some marimba and saxophone. Again Lanegan cameos and it’s nice to hear a larger range of notes from the vocalist. Staley just doesn’t have the pipes to carry the slower, quieter music that this band plays. The only musician who appears to- be try_. ing hard is McCready. He really shines on lead guitar while the others just seem to be going through the motions. File under: Side Project Mistakes.

by Sandy


Imprint staff

Last year, I was fortunate enough to review a copy of Leaming to Walk, a collection of early Boo Radleys singles. In that review, I said that the Boo Radleys had never recorded a bad song, and until Wuke Up! was released, I was right. Instead of sculpting soundscapes out of layers of guitars, or creating melodies out of coats of white noise, Wake Up! is a much simpler, much poppier and much more boring collection of songs that even after several listens fails to catch the avid Boo fan. The record isn’t devoid of. good, even great songs. “Find the Answer Within” is easily the best track on the album, “Mart&#)oom ! It’s Seven O’clock” takes% while to start up, but ends %ih a bang, and the single “Wake Up!” (which heralded the band’s new sound) is fun. Aside from all of th&,..ffie poppy :. sound grows dim quite quickly. Part of the problem is the fact that the guitar and studio effects that the band used to a decent effect have been reduced to simple gimickery. Playing a tape backwards at the end of “Find the Answer Within” becomes tiresome almost immediately.

: A number of reviews of this .,:al~ @eluding the other one on this pa&, and Kim Hughes in NOW) have mourned the loss of the old, loud, tiqisy Boo Radleys. Fair point, espe&$ly as I was a huge fan too, but y$$, gentle reader, should igmm2 @$m all. Wi&ke Up is an album that mak&$ou jump up and down and smile’l&e a mad fool, blending the old’ Bwsr,.’ experimentation with a pop $ayvy that leaves every other E)titish.:;;act in the dust. There’s hor$ !!I There’s glokenspiels ! There’& pearling Beach Boys har.: moniisgalore! Then listen harder, ‘, and $@distorted, rocking guitars of _: my ‘%:qang Suspended”or “Barney I- afld &4,” come through on tracks ,‘T-,&&yIt!s Lulu” or “Find the Ani;s$ef;wj thin.” _,: if’. ?..~A&for the lyrics, a lot of them : ,’ j&n&‘& Martin Carr’s longing to ~,, ‘be’ b&G in London, instead of up ‘:nor&$h Preston where his girlfriend& working. So they’re about hor&&ckness, about “drinking at the Mixer” (referring to the Good Mix& P;ub in Camden, where basicall~$~ery band in London goes) with ‘friends, and lamenting that “it’s DDE good enough by phone.” “Wilder,” Martin

vide Boo fans wi’ti something to ;;>;,:,.“” T%r@uUy, keep their attent&n. This new al‘&ut Laming

Sandy’s statement to Wdk can still

bum puts me to-sleep.


by Chris Imprint

gesture. &Elective Soul is another calculated album guaranteed not to offend but with enough gusto to catch a few ears. The catchy guitar licks will win over the classic rock crowd, but after repeated listens they start to wear thin. This time through, “Gel” replaces last years big hit “Shine,” but overall there is no real change. The lead off single “December”

Aldworth st&

Collective Soul could very well go down in the history books as the biggest nondescript band of the 1990s. Actually, they are not difficult to describe. Quite the contrary, they sound like so much else out there. It’s no wonder that I always confuse them with Live. Heck, they could even be the same band. Once again, bass, drums, guitar, a yawning lead singer and some organ combine into a sprawling rock


off where



and Things Lefi Unsaid left off. This is good if you are a Collective Soul fan, otherwise it’s not so good. Reproducing the sound from your last album sometimes works. Reproducing your entire first album doesn’t, This album can be filed under generic rock and left there.



System” and then A God.” for a bit after this but it gradually builds to a furious pace once again at the close. While it seems this effort is nothing new for punk rock there is something a tad different about The Joykiller’s sound - they employ a piano player, Ronnie King. The piano is usually buried in the production but it creates some great background atmosphere. It makes the bridges in “Babysitter” absolutely spooky. The dreamy mood of “Unconscious” can also be attributed to the keyboard playing.

The rest of the band are less laid back in their playing. Ron Emery lays down some slashing guitar work while drummer Chris Lagerborg rips out some solid beats upon which all the songs are driven. Grisham belts out his lyrics with great passion. Grisham’s lyrics make him seem like some sort of Jekyll & Hyde type frontman. He seems to have some social conscience on some tracks while others are very dark and brooding. He writes about social structure in “Show Me The System” and about suicide in “Seventeen.” “She’s Having Fun” and “Monday” are about getting dumped by his girlfriend. While these are standard fare it’s songs like “Love You More Dead” and “Babysitter” that are scary. The former song is about a guy thinking about killing his girlfriend and the latter is about a babysitter thinking about killing his charges. It shows him to be good at developing different personae in his songs. Epitaph has produced another album typical only in that it is great.

sounds almost promising at first, but halfway through it reverts to the throbbing boredom of every other song, “In A World Of My Own Making” starts out with simple piano instead of the crashing guitar that begins everything else on the album. But sadly it disappears a while into the song, and although the piece ends with the piano again, the effect is lost. I should have known when 1 first picked up A Small Deadly Space that it was going to be awful. I noticed that the lyrics were strangely short, a hint that should have alerted me to the fact that FIGHT does not place emphasis on

words. It wasn’t until later that I read the lyric sheet more carefu1ly as I listened to the CD. I especially love the chorus that goes: “Gets me high/ high/ high/ high,” referring to the thrill of recording. Other terrible lines include “Obsessor! Low Mind/ Confessor! Declined,” belonging to the “song” “Mouthpiece.” A few phrases seem to be referring to the album itself, like “Headaches is all I get” and “Underneath we’re all the same.” FIGHT’s empty co1lection, though, is at least aptly named. Something about it makes me feel horribly claustrophobic.

in 1989 with their selftitled groundbreaker, they’ ve digressed incredibly with Slave To The Grind, and now have reached a new Iow with Subhcrman Race, which ironically describes this pathetic pack of losers. At least on their first album they had a handful of catchy tunes like “Rattlesnake Shake,” “18 And Life,” and especially “I Remember You”boy those were the days. Seems to me that packing ter number one would have pretty smart career fnove for Sebast :ian and the boys, but you have tco at least acknowledge they have g;uts, not to mention no selfrespect. Probably the biggest problem for Skid Row is that they write their

per, and then killing them with their music. But that’s not the only problem. Sebastian Bach (who is no musical genius) has got the shittiest voice which screeches for no apparent reason except to annoy you. This is one singer that should have taken an early retirement years ago, but continues to live out his big hair rock n’ roll fantasies at our expense. Sebastian Bach must DIE!!!!! Lower down on the ladder are the horrendous guitar players Scott Hill and Snake who wretch out the most tired of metal riffs imaginable. It’s bad enough that Bach is screeching his lungs out, but the lame guitar parts, including those oh-so-awe-inspiring solos, are anything but admirable. I really can’t see any of these songs finding themselves on any charts, but the ones that are less offensive to the ears tend to steal

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.. .:.... Dead.” “Show Me The ._. .j;;;;;;; r%$.. Jo@‘&;. .;:;j:;j.$; :._.;.;: ._,. : keeps the listener reeling ,, :::.:; ., :. :,.., :.:., .l, ,:‘. ‘:: ‘..‘: :::. ,_,_ ~:..:~~~e’~u~~i~~eig,.: ._j_i :,:.,-:::i;y.‘i;. you’re hit with “We Got .A,:: ...:_ ‘:: .i:.. .:,:,.:.I...:: ::I;,;@apf.‘.~:y:: ::_,, ...Iy: -$ The album slows down ::;1:: .:. ._ : ,,: ;.._ .._.. “’ ‘.,“’ ‘.. ,.:.: ‘.’ : ::. ,.



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by Brad Imprint


,;:. ,I, ,, ,:,:::









Hughes staff

The brain behind The Joykiller is Jack Grisham, who’s been involved with Southern California punk since 1978. He’s a veteran of the music scene and he knows how to craft a great punk tune. Once again Epitaph has released a quality product. The album opens at a blistering pace with “Love You More

by Rebecca Higgins Imprint staff The fact that someone may actually consider this album music terrifies me. Technically, A Small Deadly Spclce has ten_ songs, but in reality it has about one and a half. Every single track sounds exactly the same as the one before it. The hard, unoriginal noise on this album is loud even when the volume is turned down low. One song

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Skid Row’s


: .:: ‘,


latest contribution

to the shit heap of “heavy metal” is nothing but a vile piece of shit that is nothing less than embarassing. I’m actually offended that this album was ever realeased. But can you really expect anything less of a Bob Rock signed, sealed, and approved masterpiece? Since Skid Row’s appearance

Friday, May 5, 1995






from these songs that putting a couple of words together that make sense, and/or sound decent together is a fairly difficult task. The reason may be that these guys really have nothing to say, It’s apparent that they write songs, to write songs. Their thinking process isn’t anymore than putting words on pa-


the Faith No More,



Joe, Metailica vein of metal. Otherwise this is an excellent example of wasted energy, time, and money. Skid Row should have taken the rumours about their break-up during their touring of Slave To The Grind to heart and packed it in for good. For all our sakes.



Friday, May 5,1995


growled, “Shut up.” The audience silent confusion. Everly.

That definitely


sat in Don

The band ripped into “Zap O’Hell.” Soon by Brad Imprint

by Chris Imprint

AIdworth staff

The drums, two string bass and saxophone line-up of Morphine is not your normal three piece ensemble, but listening to Yes you would be hard pressed to pick out the lack of guitar. The sound that Morphine manages to coax out of this odd paring of instruments is phenomenal. Yes is more aggressive and in your face than last time out, making for a much stronger album. The sax has been turned up and set loose, making it less plodding. At points it even rocks! Throughout the album are hints of 1950’s rock and roll, blues, and what sound like T.V. show theme songs. There is a southern style swagger in the despairing vocals, but for the most part Morphine let the instruments do the talking. The bass, drums and sax do the driving and drive they do. With Morphine it is always time to get in and go cruisin’. Morphine has created a clear winner with Yes.

Hughes staff

the crowd was won over by the band’s cocky demeanour and dark rockabilly sounds. The band oozed cool. The screaming resumed. In the wings Ed Sullivan tapped his toes and snapped his fingers along with the beat.

One cannot review this album without discussing the legend behind the group. Suckerpunch was a hardedge rockabilly band way back in the late 1950’s. They incorporated rockabilly with some surfguitarlines and backed everything up with a good dose of attitude. They were virtually unknown back then until Ed Sullivan mistook guitarist/vocalist Chris Dignan and drummer Sean Dignan for the Everly Brothers. 01’ Ed thought they’d be a great act for his really big shoe and signed them personally. On March 17th, 1960 Suckerpunch was scheduled to open the show. Backstage the band told Ed that they’d start with “Bye Bye Love” and then they’d segue into “Wake Up Little Suzy.” Ed indicated that was a marveilous plan. Soon millions across North America would witness the episode on the Ed Sullivan Show that nobody talks Suckerpunch pose in the Ed Sullivan theatre about. The show opened and Ed came out and ran through the night’s acts. Then He never realized that this wasn’t The Everly with great pride he announced, “..,and now Brothers. It wasn’t until the second song, The Everly Brothers.” The crowd full of “Let’s Get Evil,” when Chris started singing teenage girls reacted by screaming and uriabout putting his hot mouth on your breast nating and doing things that excitable girls that Ed realized something had gone terribly do. The curtain opened and there stood wrong. Suckerpunch. He stormed the stage trying to stop the Chris Dignan sauntered up to the mic show but Suckerpunch kept right on playing. and, with as much sex as anger in his voice, Chris knocked him down with a swipe of his


guitar. He then encouraged the audience to get up on stage. The army of girls responded immediately and like a sea of lemmings rushed forward to climb on the stage. They crowd acted as a shield against CBS security. The cameras kept right on rolling. Due to all the hysterics taking place in the theatre the producers forgot to cut away. The last thing America saw before the station broke the transmission to air ‘duck and cover’ public service announcements was bassist Cindy Beattie kicking Ed Sullivan in the groin repeatedly as the band played their ode to oral sex “Fun With My Tongue,” No one in the business would touch them after this display. Dick Clark cancelled their appearance on American Bandstand fearing the band would encourage inter-racial dancing. Mick Jagger, after having been barred from the Ed Sullivan Show himself, said he was proud to be included in the same category as Suckerpunch. The band just disappeared into the swamps of Southeast America. They were content to play the juke joints and revel in their infamous deed. David Letterman has been quoted as saying he hears their ghosts when the theatre is empty. On I&.&h 17th, 1995, the 35th anniversary of this legendary event, the taping of this show has been released on CD, It has been remastered so it sounds as fresh as today. It’s a great piece of music history. (Actually none of this is true. Suckerpunch is a band from Toronto. But this debut album sounds like that’s what should have happened. It’s just fuckin’ cool.)

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.. __I . ,...,., ” ‘:..‘1’ -The-Orb...: ‘___:., ..I.. .I.. 1: ._... ‘Terrwrvtpt.: _:’: ‘I.Lj._.:.“I;: :: ;....,,:. :,@r&vs L _: .:‘,,:::,._:; I;;. f‘i .;: ;;:;,:;::i::;;:;i:. .. . f+.y ....:.::“:: . .: ” ; ;:;.‘::y’ j.!,:‘.:... ..L.. ., .:. . .,; : i : :

., .,

by Greg Imprint

Krafchick staff

Dr. Alex Paterson, lead mastermind behind The Orb, told U@n magazine last January that “ambient music has been taken over by twats now...lame ambient doodling for seventy pretentious minutes.” Had he said this even three years ago, he would have had a point, as the competition was completely overwhealmed by the man who practically invented the genre. But times change, people change, and bands explore. Since the release of The Orb’s last proper full-length original album UfOrb, ambient techno has done some serious growing. Orbital released its seminalS~zivilisation






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first two albums were about journeying to other worlds, Orbvs Terrarvm is about what you find when you get there. In this case it’s lush steamy jungles, “Oxbow Lakes,” and fairy tale-like people with slugs in their garden; fun for the whole family, I’d say. The latter feature comes courtesy of the seventeen minute “Slug Dub,” which should appeal to fans of “A Huge Ever Growing...” with its light percussion loop stretched over the entire length, and the odd sample of a child’s short story on record. Elsewhere there’s the evocative “Valley,” that give the album its rain forest aura (at least to my ears) as well as the beautiful looped piano of “Oxbow Lakes,” which eventually fades to spacy effects and bubbling percussion. Following this though is the highlight “Montagne D’Or (Der Gute Berg)” that starts all quiet-like, an innocent slide guitar loop lulling us along. Soon enough though endlessly building keyboards kick in, giving way in the end to a huge mass of drum beats that seem to have the knack of throwing your equilibrium off balance (be sure to sit down for this one). It’s quite unlike anything they’ ve done before. Adventures Beyond the Ultruwurld this is not, but. people are usually only be allowed to invent one musical form in their lives anyway. In a good deal of places here Alex Paterson has a point about “ambient doodling” in techno today, but in some others methinks he doth progress too much; after all, it does have to be listenable. It won’t win them new fans, but to those already converted, it will come as something of a relief.




LP. Andrew Weatherall has become the do-mo remix king while still recording under the Sabres of Paradise name. Richard James continues to belt out tons of music as the Aphex Twin or whatever other pseudonym suits him at the time. Auchtechre, Pentatonik, Black Dog, Depth Charge, Underworld...all have been busy carving out their own niches. As for the Orb? In 1993 they released their ridiculously selfindulgent Live album, clocking in at a staggering 220 minutes. The following year they went to the opposite extreme and put out the comparitively short Pomme Fritz, but over its fortyfive or so minutes they really went off the deep end, playing exactly the “lame ambient doodling” Paterson later railed against. It seemed clear before the release of Orbws Terr-apvrn that they needed something to put them back on top, a return to something more structured and tangible, while at the same time blazing the trail further than it’s gone before. So is this to be found on here? Well, almost always. Whereas with their fu-st two albums the Orb constantly found a way to doodle in a mesmerizing way (who else could get away with “The Blue Room?‘) Orbvs Terrurvrrz is not entirely together. “PTateau” drags on rather too long, and after about eight minutes you realize it dosen’t know where it’s going. And “Occidental,” while admittedly different, wanders too close to Pomme Fritz territory for its own good. Either that or it will be regarded as a masterpiece in five years - I can’t tell which. Besides these misgivings, the album is a refreshing return to some sort of form. If the


STEREOS From $21.20/#onth

The final triumvirate in Rhino’s parade of Robyn Hitchcock reissues falls into the “for diehard fans” category. Both 1987’s Invisible Hitchcock and the all-new You & Oblivion are essentially odds ‘n’ sods compilations spanning Hitchcock’s entire career, while the all-acoustic Eye (1990) was originally released on the U.S. indie Twin/Tone, intended as a changeof pace from Hitchcock’s more conventional fare on A&M, his label of the time. Although all three of these records possess considerable charms, they are prob-. ably best suited to their intended audience: those who’ve already embraced the Hitchcock style on his “real” albums. Expansive in mood and approach,lnvisible Hitchcock displays an eclectic range of sounds. It’s appropriately uneven, with some bits perhaps best left undiscovered: “give Me a Spanner, Ralph, ” “A Skull, a Suitcase and a Long Red Bottle of Wine” plod dully, while the alternate take of “My Favorite Buildings” adds nothing to the1 Ofren Dream of Trains version. But there are plenty of bright spots too, most noticeably the acoustic whimsy of “I Got a Message For You” (in which Hitchcock again essays the sort of twisted nursery rhyme that worked so well on “The Bones in the Ground”) and the uncommonly upbeat skipping pop of “All I Wanna Do Is Fall In Love.” And many other songs are not only solid in their own right, but doubly excite by working outside Hitchcock’s usual method, “The Pit of Souls” and “Mr. Deadly” are slow, throbbing mood pieces, based not on guitar jangle but rather steamy keyboard washes. “Point It at Gran” and


by Hugh Bradly special to Imprint

Friday, May 5, 1995


Last year the Hamilton’s Sonic Unyon label released a compilation which this band appeared on. “Out of It” was a 2 minute slice of pop heaven that prompted me to pick up this, their first full-length release. This album features that song and while the band hasn’t yet produced anything better the album is still a treat. By Divine Right are a traditional trio. They see”rh to stick with the “keep it simple, stupid” motto. There is nothing complicated at all about their songs. The group is smart enough to use conventional pop hooks: catchy melodies, strong harmonies, and singable lyrics. The album is a good mix of uptempo pop flavoured songs with an equal dose of slower mood pieces. Their strengths are the pop songs. “Stretch, ” “Down Town,” and obviously “Out of It” are the albums big highlights. Each of these songs are great pieces of ear candy. “Stretch” also features some funny lyrics to keep you listening. The slower songs are also finely crafted. “Microwaves,‘* which is for all intents and purposes an instrumental, catches the listener in its slow groove and won’t let you go till it’s done. “Life of the Party” is a strong album closer. Its lyrics seem simple but their deeper meanings surface after several listens. This is a very promising debut.

“Trash” are uncharacteristically direct shouters, the former aimed at neglect of the elderly and the latter at rock star decadence. Eye, recorded in San Francisco in the late ’80s, stands as a worthy followup !o I Offen Dreum of Trains, Hitchcock’s previous (1984) solo acoustic effort. Though it can’t quite match its predecessor’s breadth, it’s fall of good songs and - unusual in a Hitchcock record - shattering emotion on “Executioner” and “Linctus House.” There’s also a folky instrumental (“Chinese Water Python” > and “Clean Steve,” a clattering speeder that cries out for a full-band treatment. Ironically, You & Oblivion - the only all-new release among Rhino’s reissues -is ” perhaps the most disappointing record of the bunch. Although it’s a rarities collection modelled on hvisible Hitchcock, it has none of that record’s varied and patchwork quality. In fact, You & Oblivion is devoted almost entirely to acoustic or nearly-so work, most of which is clearly low-echelon Hitchcock. There are cool spots like the rousing, funny “Victorian Squid” (which musically foreshadows the great “Flesh #l”) and “Birdshead,” but overall the record has a narcotic effect, and will do little to convince the uninitiated of Hitchcock’s genius. These Rhino reissues (eight in all, spanning Hitchcock’s career through 1987) were curiously well-timed, since they serve to remind us that their subject (who recently left A&M, his U.S. label of the past seven years) ” is a songwriter of rare gifts. Hitchcock’s A&M career spawned solid records (Queen Elvis, Respect) and dull ones (Globe of Frogs, Perspex Island), but on the whole was unable to top his mid-‘80s creative peak, which is best represented by the albums Fegmcmia! and Element uf Light. Hitchcock now seems to have found an unlikely embrace in K Records; though his chronic emotional detachment and Beatiesque songcraft would seem to have little in common with the Beat Happenings of the world, he recently released a new acoustic single on IS. Though he occasionally mutters about retiring and tuming to painting or letters, Hitchcock will presumably continue to produce his singularly eccentric, uniquely British songs; it seems clear, though, that the 1980s will be remembered as his creative peak.

Schdarship @ Notices A

Saturday,WY 6 Renii Calm will be holding its 2nd Annual Garage Sale from 8 a.m. to 12 noon in the Great Hall. Tablespacewillbeavailableforrent-callGeorgeFerris at 8844400, ext. 610. Cornposter distribution boxes available frum 7 a-m, to 5 p.m. at Conestoga Mall, Kitchener Memorial Auditorium, Knob Hill Farms. A food drive is included to contribute to. For rnofe info call 575-4577.

Sunday, TOEFUESUENGLISH - tutoring and editing by experiertced professional. 743-I 987. Culligan drinking water cooler rentals. Student contracts available. Weekly deliveries of Spring and Re verse Osmosis water. Call Brigiie 743-2243.

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles



Douglas T. Wright

Software Capital Available. Seed capital available for promising new software package(s). Fax resume and brief description of business plan to Charleswood Capital (416) 504-0455. Summer Turnkey positions are now available. Applications can be picked up at the Turnkey Desk in the Campus Centre and are due Monday, May 8 at 10 a.m.

Award - available to all who have participated in an international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: October 13, 1995. Douglas T. Wright Experience in Japan Award - available to all who participated in a work placement in Japan. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: October 13, 1995.





Haworth Scholarship - completicn of 3rd year in an Honours progiam in Resource Management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1995.


One to 6 students wanted for clean furnished student residence - includes family room, TV, free washer-dryer, parking, deck, $290.00 each per month. 747-4678. Spacious, clean room in two-bedroom town house. Share with female graduate student, female preferred, non-smoker, cat lover. $200. neg., inclusive.


J.P. Bickeil Foundation to all Chemical students.


S.C. Johnson &Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline: May 31, 1995.

Marcel Pequegnat

Scholarship - available to 38 Civil - Water Resource Management students. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary - available to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursaries - available to all Chemical or Mechanical.

Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an Honours program in Resource Management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Flecreation. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarshipavailable to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Management. Deadline: May 31, 1995.

FACULTY - available

Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Schoiarship - available to all. Deadline; October 13, 1995.

Canadian Society for Civil Engineering


- available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett.

OF SCIENCE: Bursaries

Monday, May 8 A 2-part workshop presented by the Environmental Studies Counsellor from 2 to 330 p.m. and Mon., May I5 from 2-3:30 p.m., ES2 I73. Open to all ES Students, staff and faculty. To register call ext. 3463.


May 10



J.P. Bickeil Foundation

May 7

Sunnyside Home’s 4th Annual Spring Fever 5K Walk and IOK Run. Call 893-8482 for more info.

- available to

upper year Earth Sciences.

S.C. Johnson &Son Ltd. Environmental Schoiarship - available to 3rdyear Chemistry. Deadline: May 31,1995.

Marcel Pequegnat

Scholarship - available to 3B Earth Science/Water Resource Management. Deadline: May 31, 1995. Science Society Bursary - available to all.

for King Rudolph Players production of “Cymbeline’ by Shakespeare. Required: one Shakespeare monologue or Shakespeare sonnet of your choice. Wed., May 10 at 6 p.m. or Fri., May I2 at 6 p.m. (callbacks May 15 at 6 p.m.) HH180. Production Aug. 1O-20 in Waterloo Park. Call 5703257 for info. Monthly meeting of the newly formed Chapter of ttre World Conference on Religion and Peace at 8 p.m. at the Global Community Centre, 89 King St., N., Waterloo. “There is Life After High School” - an evening with Dr, John Tibbits, President of Conestoga College, will answer all questions for success. Resurrection High School, (Lecture Room l), 8 pm., freeadmission. For more info call Barb at 886-0179. The Wting Group on m Qualii of Life for Faculty, Stafi and Students, recently establiihed by the Commission on Institutional Planning, invites interested members of the University community to attend an Open Forum discussion on the quality of life on campus. The Forum is scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to I:30 p.m in the new Student LifeCentre, second floor of the Atrium. For more info contact Dr. Peter Naus at 8848110.



May 13

Auction 1986 Chevrolet


sale at First United Church, King and William Sts.. Waterloo at 12 noon. Day from 8a.m. to 6 p.m. Place unwanted, but usable,-household items-at the end of your driveways clearly marked FREE. Take unclaimed items off the curb by 6 p.m.. For more info call 886-2634.

- 2 door, 4 speed, grey,

Goods Exc&a*

AM/FM stereo, good shape. $400. negotiable. 7473898.

Announcements 7 Members

of The Engineering Faculty Council for 1995: It is anticipated that the Engineering Faculty Council will meet on the following dates: May 29, June 26, September 18, October 16, November 20, December 1I. All meetings will be held at 330 p.m. in CPH 3385. UW SAA isawarding $500 toa full-time UW student for extracunicular involvement. Candidate must be entering 4th year in 1995. Please contact SAA: 888-4626 or Gwen Graper extension 2969. Application deadline: Fridav June 30.1995. Baseball Writers’ &Mary - $150.00 will be awarded by the Toronto chapter of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America. 500 to 1,000 words to be submitted by Sept. 15, 1995. Mail entries to Baseball Writers’ Bursary, c/o Larry Millson, 796 Crawford St., Toronto, Ontario M6G 3K3. For more info call {905) 526-3268. Come Picture Us “In Love with Elora” Photo Contest Entires must be images between April 24,1995 and August I4,1995. Contest closes4:oO p.m. on Monday, August 14, 1995. Entries mn be mailed to Photo Contest, Village of Ebra, P.O. Box 508, Elora, Ontario, NOB 1So or submitted in person to the village of E&a, Ciic Centre, I MacDonald Square, Elora, Ont. For more info call 846-9841. TheCanadsDayCommitteeh;rsafewkeycoo~a~r positions that need b be filled. If you enjoy event planning, working with a team, call Rachel at ext. 6329. WinnersoftheSOFA(Societvoffine~)Raffte~ as follows ... Jim l-l&king,~Mary Rob&son, Mr.

Fastbali players for Womens’ industrial League. Wanted experienced players for “A” division team. Pitchers and all positions. Calf Susan 742-8738 to leave a message. The City of Waterloo Volunteer services is currently recruiting volunteers to assist with summer programs. Fun centres - this is an opportunity for young people I3 and over to assist leaders in providing an interesting program of crafts, drama, music and games t0 children aged 5 to IO

The following are deadlines for Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Competitions in the University Graduate Office. Further information and documentation are available from the University Graduate Office or from the Department Scholarship Coordinator. Earlier department deadlines are applicable. Please note as well that many other scholarships have agency deadlines in the Winter Term 1995. Information is available in the University Undergraduate Office, Needles Hall, Room 3021. National Research Council Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering - physics, mathematics and engineering disciplines. Deadline is Aoril 30. 1995. ClDA Akards for Canadians - unrestricted pline. Deadline is May 19, 1995.



of Waterloo/Graduate Student Association Day Care - unrestricted discipline. Deadline is May 15, 1995.

Townsmd, Dean of Arts Under Grad offices, 8. and D. Johnson, Sue and Rob Bastian, Joe Sousa, Jim P., Laila B., Paula S., Roger Scot, Helen Leach, Tara Winterhalt, Rob Freeman, Ken Ovellette. 1st prize

winner is Howard l-lolst. K-W Chamber MusicSocietv- KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.,W., Waterloo - @36-l673. All shows begin at 8 pm. May 6 - Moshe Hammer: violin ; Marc-Andre Hamelin: ’* piano ; Alexander Baillie: cello. May IO - Janina Fiikowska: piano.

years. There are ten sites throughout Waterloo and you may choose either morning or afternoon. A two week commitment is required. Sports Splash N’Fun - this is an opportunity for those who are 15 or older to assist leaders with all day program of sports, crafts and drama for children aged 7-10. A one week commitment is required. Please call 579-I 196 for more info.

1989 Canadian

Engineering Memorial FoundaScholarship Award for Women; Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Eng Management Sciences Mechanical Engineering, Systems Design: Applications are due in the Engineering Graduate Office by July 10, 1995. CAGS/UMI Distinguished Dissertation Award; Fine Arts, Humanities, Social Science; Applications are due in the Associate Dean of Graduate Office in your Faculty by April 28,1995. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due tobudget reductions, the Eco-Research Program for Research Grants and Doctoral Fellowships has been cancelled. All existing University Research Chairs, Ecosystem Research Grants and Doctoral Fellowships awards up to and including 19%-97 will be honoured. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Deferment of NSERC Posteraduate ScholarshiPs And 1967 Science and Ennineerkg Scholarships. Efkctive immediately, deferment for up to three years of PostgraduateScholarships will be permitted only for the purpose of maternity, child rearing or family responsibilities. This policy cancels and replaces the previous policy which is described in paragraphs $28 and 34 of the booklet Your NSERC Award 1995. This change in policy applies to awards made in the 1995-46 corn petition {the most recent competition). It also applies to NSERC postgraduak or 1967 scholars who are completing a master’s dep. Further information and docu-ment&on is available from the University Graduate Office or from the Deuartment Scholarshio Coordinator. Earlier deDartmentdeAdlinesareapdicabli. Pleasenote as well that many other scholarships have agency deadlines in the Spring -Term 1995. Information isavaiiable in the University Graduate Office, Needles Hall, Room 3021_

tion Graduate

May 18

an End to Hunger: A Forum on Food


in Waterloo


the Coalition for

Food Security (Waterloo Region) is hosting a community meeting from7 to 9 p.m. at the main branch of the KPL. For info call Carole or Cheryl at 883-



The following are deadlines for Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Scholarship Competitions in the University Graduate Off ice:

Thursday, “Putting


Counselling Services


Services will beoffering the following

workshops in the Spring 1995 term: Career Planning, Exam Anxiety Management, Exam Preparation, Exploring Your Personality Type, Guided SelfChange of Alcohol Use, Interest Assessment, Reading & Study Skills, Self-Esteem Enhancement Group, Stress Management Through Relaxation Training, Time Management &Procrastination, What To Do When You’re Down and Blue. Register at Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call ext. 2655. 7b8studyskills~romm8iso~~~

Reading & Study Skills for students who wish to improve

their ability to read, listen, take notes, manage their time, study, and write exams, the following workshops are available. Each session lasts for 4 consecutive weeks. Tuesday, May 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. ; Wednesday, May 17 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ; Thursday, May I8 from 9:30 to


II :30 a.m. Time Management & Procrastination for students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. (4consecutive sessions). Wednesday, May I7 from 9:30 to I I :30 a.m. Register at Srvics, NH 2080 or call ext. 2655.


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Directions: From K-W, take Hwy#401 East, Exit Hwy#24 North, Turn Right on Queen Street Exit, Follow through town to Guelph Ave. {Old #24 N. to Guelph), Turn Left, After Second Rail Crossing, First Building on Left Side, Front Store. (Watch for Signs). From Guelph - Wellington Street (Hwy #24) South to Cambridge, exit LEFT Guelph Ave (Old #24), Watch for signs.

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For Reference:Ad. BLKSTN-95027

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