Friday, October 20, 1995
'Volume 18, Number 14
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The UW Student Newspaper Student
Life Centre,
Room 140
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl 8884048
Friday October 20, 1995 Volume 18, Number 14
Student rep in cloud ofcontroversv
ISSN 07067380
by Sandy Atwal special to Imprint
Cover photo by Annette
Van Cerwen
Editorial Board Editor in Chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Features Editor Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant WWW Page Editor Proofreaders
Dave Fisher Elaine Secord David Drewe Norm Furtado Greg Krafchic k Greg Picken Ryan Pyette Kimherley Moser Natalie Gillis vacant Annette Van Gerwcn vacant Poesy Chen Katy MacKinnon Amberlee Hawlett
mprint has learned that Richard Farmer, an undergraduate student who currently sits on three governing bodies on campus, faces allegations of harassment. Farmer, a fourth year arts student, denies all the allegations made against him by another UW student, who has requested that her identity not be revealed. Farmer currently sits on Students’ Council, the University’s Board of Governors and the UW Senate. Lisa (not her real name) alleges that Farmer harassed her through conversations and via email over a period of several weeks. She the contacted UW police, who in turn approached Farmer and asked him to sign a statement agreeing to end all contact with Lisa. Imprint asked Farmer about the accusation, at which point Farmer stated to Imprint that
UW police did call him and requested that Farmer visit them, Farmer did so, at which time he said he was told by UW police to stop conlacling Lisa. In another conversation with Imprint, Farmer stated that he had sought legal counsel regarding Imprint’s investigation and that his lawyers had told him to stop discussing the issue with Imprint. He refused to discuss the issue with Imprint any Richard further, however this time he denied the allegations. He also threatened Imprint with a libel suit, adding “I probably have deeper pockets than you do.” Imprint contactp,d IJW police about the event, but was informed that such incidents were rarely a matter of public record. Raquel Davidof the UW
at Senate.
Women’s Centre believes that when the campus police have dealt with accusations such as these, the general facts of the case should be made public. She said “In a case like this, where he [Farmer] has the power to affect broad decisions on university policies, names should
be released.” David also added, “If the allegations are true... I don’t want to ha\:c somebody who would do something like that represent anybody on campus.” However, she ;ldded that there is a possibili1.y that even if the allegations arc true, that Farmer might still be able to fulfil the responsibilities of his position. When Imprint spoke to Lisa, she stated that she and Farmer met several yearsago. They communicated often, and helped each other in classes, &d were never anything more than “just friends.” Things started going awry when they both attended a conference in Montreal in the fall of 1993. At this, point Lisa decided that she no longer wanted Farmer as a friend because Farnler W;IS allegedly following her. “That’s when I realized I hated him,” she Continued
to page 4
Staff Business Manager dvertising/Production Advertising Assistant Distribution
Mama Willis Laurie Tigcrt-Durnas Natalie Onuska Pat Merlihan Andrew Henderson
Board of Directors President Vice-President Secretaryflreasurer Directors at Large
Heather Calder David Lynch Alex Havrlant Adam Evans Natalie Gillis
Contribution List Sandy Atwal, Brandon Blant, Nosakhere Boardi, Peter Brown, Claus Burmeister, Aris Caldeira, Heather Calder, Carla Chalmers, Tim Corlis. Scott Draper, Chris Edginton, Jennifer Epps, Mary Ellen Foster, Jason Gregoire, Alexander Havrlant, Ohad Lederer, Dave Lynch, Lance Manion, Heidi Marr, Jennifer McCormick, Ellen McKay, Pat Merlihan, Mark Morrison, Trish Mumby, Johmna Neufeld. Jeff Peeters, Scott Reid, Edward Richards, Jeancttc Robinson, James Russell, Carolyn Stark, Wendy Stewart,Claude Thioret, Derek Weiler, WPIRG and Parking Lot IS ‘-llll. imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term.Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 07067380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Student Lift Centre, Koom 140, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 8847800. An on-line version of Imprint is also available on the World-Wide Web at http://watserv 1 .uwaterloo.cti-imprint/
Tenure ToBe Axed? by Jeanette Robinson special to Imprint
ddressing the Progressive Conservative. Youth Convention last weekend, Education and Training Minister John Snobelen hinted at the end of tenure at Ontario universities. The Tory Blu(eprint For Action report released in 1989 and included in the Common Sense Revolution calls for a 6% increase in tuition, stating the government would still pay seventy-five percent of expenses. Snobelen stated a white paper on principles Iof education would be released sometime next year. The Blueprint also calls for higher increases in professional faculties. Yet again, Snobelen did not discuss that issue.
tinued, “No one should have a lifetime contract.” Coupled with the end of tenure is the introduction of 3.5 billion dollars geared toward information technology in the classroom. The minister promised an end to the bureau-
McWaTor by Norm Imprint
a “lifetime
cratic mess of his ministry, curriculum changes, and better allocation of funds in keeping with the Tory vow to create a better climate for growth in Ontario.
Furtado staff
hree of Ontario’s most technologically advanced universities have joined together to form an Electronic Remote Classroom Network (ERCnet). McMaster University and the Universities of Waterloo and Toronto have joined their Faculties of Engineering via this link to allow graduate students to take courses offered in any of the three institutions. Collectively, these three schools “represent a po werhouse of expertise and facilities second to none in the world,” according to Dr. Michael Charles, Dean of Applied Science and Engineering at Toronto, who spoke at the gathering from his home campus. The gathering here at Waterloo was held in the Video Conference Room in Engineering 2. In attendance were distinguished guests from the three universities,
On the issue of ten-
ure, the Minister was Will this quite clear. “We as a contract?” government cannot cut social assistance to the people of Ontario and then ask them to tolerate a tenured professor on sabbatical.” Amidst the applause he con-
Not a new drink at McDonald’s...
the community
the government. William Wilson of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering emceed the event from here at Waterloo. UW President James Downey and U of T President Robert Prichard were present at
this site along with McMaster President Peter George. who spoke on behalf of all three university presidents from here in Waterloo. “Our universities must move towards more self-reliance,” said George. The McWator technology used is Pit tureTe1, purchased from ADCOM Electronics Ltd. McWator’s price tag was approximately $400 000 and this cost was equally shared between the three universities. “Ontario universities [are] leading the way,” George adde:d. The Mc’Wator system boasts many interesting features with few disadvantages. With fully interactive audio and video, a document camera (electronic overhead) to transmit course notes or other overhead material, integrated VCR and white board, the system shows itself to be very effective in relaying information in a variety of methods. There are twocameras which are used to transmit the data, one of which is located on top of one af the two 35” monitors
and can
trasmit images of the audience in the room. The other is suspended from the ceiling and is pre-programmed for four different positions: the lecturer’s podium, the white board., the two video moniContinued
to page 6
IMPRINT, Friday, October 20, 1995
Councillors and students happy and irate by David Imprint
Drewe staff
ast week Imprint erroneously printed that the Federation of Students had announced no plans I’or soliciting student input on the funding question. In fact, between press deadline and the release of last week’s paper, the Feds held an open forum in EL10 1 to “solicit student input on suggestions and alternatives on funding options,” according to Fed President Jane Pak. IJnfortunately, many student in attendance were quite disappointed with the advertising of the forum, and the forum’s format. According to one concerned student, of the three poster runs the Feds used to advertise the forum, the first two had no relevant information, and the only run which did have information was faxed to the Feds by an offcampus Co-op student who was concerned with the lacklustre publicity the forum had thusfar received. Although approximately fifty people were in attendance, the Federation of Students used a plenary format to control discussion, whereby audience members lined up at microphones to make comments, at which point the panel members could add their perspectives. Not only did this make for many redundant comments, according to Internal Affairs Senior Officer Trish Mumby, but in the eyes of the students it slowed things down unnecessarily. One student who left the forum early after waiting a half hour fur a chance to speak noted that, “if I had stayed another forty-five minutes I might have been
able to speak.” Other students blamed the Federation, rather than the format. “They seem to have great intentions, but I feel like they’re covering their asses,” was a comment made by an engineering student frustrated with the entire funding debacle started by the CASA discussion paper. Publicity for the event was a concern for many. Some attendees were later all but
focus group format, allowing students to discuss their ideas in-depth. This strategy was thrown out after only twenty students were present at the beginning of the forum. One of the Students’ Council representatives for Environmental Studies was present at the forum, and was unhappy with the Federation’s handling of the event. “A lot of important things were said by students, but in the end Xander [LeRoy, Senior Officer Aca-
V was frustrated that I only had five hours notice... I really see this process as a rush job.” calling the Feds hypocrites for doing so little to inform students. “Not enough is being done to get information out beforehand properly so that general students can ask better questions,” one arts student said. Another student went farther, “I really don’t feel that they [the Feds] are qualified to give advice on communicating.. .” after the poor job pubticizing the forum. Even after the forum began, many students were unsure of its goals, with many unsure of the intended difference between discussing the CASA document, and using the CASA document as a basis for discussion. Even after asking for direction in this area, some students remained confused. Originally, the Feds planned to use a
demic Affairs] and Jane [Pak, Fed President] were having a hard time holding the meeting together. I think the whole thing has been mishandled.‘* Pak was more sanguine. “I think we got some good ideas, people seemed interested. I expected more people, but I was very happy with the enthusiasm and level of commitment from the people who were there.” Pak went on to explain she wasn’t expecting a unified voice to be developed after one forum. “We wanted to solicit input because its not enough to just say you’re against something. People had some really valid arguments th?t needed to be voiced. We wanted to provide a forum to solicit those views.” One development to emerge from the
are forum, that the Federation of Students pointed to as a sign of students’ commitment to these issues, was the development: the formation of working groups to produce proposals on funding alternatives. Two groups have been formed to this point; one dealing with modifying CASA’s Graduate Tax proposal to make it acceptable, and the other developing an implementation plan for an income-contingent loan repayment program. Weeks after this funding controversy started, it appears that the Feds are catching up with events. There was less than a halfday’s notice announcing the first working group’s meeting. Only Xander LeRoy and the group’s Chair Peter Roshke attended. When asked if he would call the attendance sparse, LeRoy smiled and said, “yes.” E.S. Councillor Foley was clear in presenting her opinion on the situation. “I was frustrated that I only had five hours notice [for the working group meeting]. I’d be curious to know what the student senators thought of it being scheduled at the same time as a Senate meeting. I really see this process as a rush job.” The rushing didn’t stop there. Another “group” met Tuesday. These groups will put together what Pak and LeRoy refer to as a “skeleton proposal” to present to Council at their meeting on Sunday, These proposals and at least two others [see Wudent proposals,” p.61 will be voted on. Those accepted by Council will be brought to CASA by Pak and LeRoy next week. Neither Pak nor LeRoy believe that the timelines presented are unreasonable.
Controversv Continued
page 3
told Imprint. A friend approached Lisa, claiming that Farmer had also followed her. Lisa stated that she told Farmer to stop following her. Farmer denied to Lisa that he was following her. After the conference, Lisa stopped returning Farmer’s calls, but Farmer continued e-mailing her. Lisa returned his e-mai messages, asking him to stop writing to her, but Farmer persisted, also contacting Lisa’s sis-
10 til 2 See the entire Fall collection of Framesfrom Mossimo & tave $50. on four e eweal purel ase! 60 Frederick Street (at Duke)
sign any agreement. The University of Waterloo’s Board of Governors is the university’s highest governing body, and has the power to levy and enforce penalties and fines and to expel or suspend students on campus. Issues such as the potential dismissal of two university professors on charges of sexual harassment may also come before the Board of Governors. Farmer is no stranger to controversy. Last year, he abstained from a vote banning the sale of pornography in the Fed Variety
“lf the ullegutions are true. . . Z don’t want to have somebody who would do something like that represent anybody on campus. ” - Ruquel David, UW Womens Centre ter via e-mail. According to Lisa, Farmer then came up with a “treaty” in which Farmer outlined what he thought should be the terms of their friendship. At this point Lisa sought outside help. She first contacted then-VPUA Julie Cole who directed Lisa to the UW Ombudsperson, who in turn directed Lisa to the UW police. According to Lisa, the campus police took a statement from her, asking her what Farmer was doing to annoy her, and what course she wanted them to take. Lisa stated that the campus police said they would either present Farmer with a letter or talk to him. The campus police called Lisa back, saying they had talked to Farmer, and asked him to sign a letter agreeing to stop contacting Lisa or any member of her family. Lisa’s statement to Imprint regarding how UW police handled Mr. Farmer contradicts Farmer’s own assertion that UW police simply spoke to him, and did not ask him to
and Post convenience store, saying that “I have no problem with selling softcore pornography, I don’t think that’s harmful.*’ He added that the decision should have been an economic one, “People want to buy it. They [the producers] would not make so much money out of it if they didn’t.” He dismissed arguments that “adult sophisticate” magazines exploit women, saying “Playmate of the month makes $20,000 U.S., Playmate of the Year, I think, gets $100,000 and Penthouse pays more than that, so 1 know the women involved aren’t exploited.” Last year, Farmer also proposed a motion at a Students’ Council meeting to create a “temporary small restriction” on smoking in both Federation Hall and the Bombshelter, until a committee could look into the creation of non-smoking areas for both. The motion was amended to only form a committee to examine the issue. This committee’s report has yet to be released.
Friday, October 20, 1995
Academic Discipline summary 94-95
BUSTED! n Monday the UW Senate ;lccepted the annual report of the University Committee on Student Appeals (UCSA). UCSA is the university’s highest body in matters dealing with student discipline and appeals.
I I1
there u’ere seventythree cz~ses of undcrgraduates punished under the academic discipline policy of the university. By far the most popular offence was chcating, with thirty-three cases involving fiftyfour students being reported. In this category falls: illicit use of textbooks during exams, cloning other students’ work, and using “last year’s posted solution as own work forassignShOW. merit.” One of the area s where problems were reported more often this year than last was in the category of harassment and intimidation. One student who verbally abused staff in the Registrar’s Office was required to submit letters of apology, was issued a formal reprimand, put on probation, and required to completc an “Anger Management” workshop. Another student was suspended for three months and banned from campus for that
period for harassing a student after a warning from UW Police. Slightly disturbing was the description on page eight of the report, where one case was described as follows: “Teaching Assistant whose mentor verbally abusive and unprofessional.” The decision is summarized thusty, “student was assigned to another class and professor.” UCSA Chair Jay Thomson cautioned, however, that often the UCSA received discipline summaries from the faculties in an already abbreviated manner, and that the descriptions don’t always adequately reflect the specifics of the situation. “Sanitized” case descriptions -- with details but names ren l( lved -- are available from the university Secretariat. Students who feel they have been unfairly graded may pursue an appeal, and should contact their Departmental Advisor for advice. Those who believe that special circumstances affected their performance should also seek advice in petitioning for exemptions to normal academic regulations.
The UW Bicycle Centre had its official opening Wednesday. It is located in the basement of the Student Life Centre. President Downey (r’op, left) was on hand rummaging for some new monkey bars and banana seats.
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McWaTor, continued
You-nited by Carla Chalmers special to Imprint
his year’s ‘Hanging On With United Way Youth’ poster campaign was a great success. The tables set up 6-1 the Student Life Centre and Davis Centre did very well collecting donations and selling pasters an behalf of United Way. There were a few posters left over ;Ind the Evian water was delivered a little late for the campaign, so some student societies helped by taking some of the posters and some water off our hands, raising more donations for the United Way.
The grand total fi.~r this year’s poster campaign was $425.00, which will be presented to the United Way. The money will go towards the $160 thousand goal the University of Kterloo has set for this year: You can watch the total go up by checking out the thermometers on buildings around campus. A special thank you goes out to all the volunteers who took time out to staff the t&ies, St.Jerome’s &dent Union, MathSot, Arts Student Union, and the Fed office staff for distributing the extra posters and water. Your help is appreciated!
page 3
tors and a close-up view of the lecturer. The system supports one “live” video signal each way in addition to a “still” graphics signal. One of the selling points of the system as presented at the gathering was its ease of use, The podium harbours the iVue system which uses a touch-sensi tive screen to access and control McW aTor’s features. Another computer system in the podium can be used for running other applications and theseimages can also be transmitted to the remote sites -- an excellent feature for mitking full use of presentation sof’tware. Despite all of these wonders, the system is And that limited to standard TV resolution and there are minor audio and video delays. The available bandwidths for transmission are limited and some of the images are viewable only in a limitcd “window” which may make it difficult for audience members at the back of the room to see. But the system looks promising since it’s flexible enough to allow for calling to any other system on the TSDN network which
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venture in distance education and made allusion to the upcoming cuts in funding that Ontario universities will have to confront. “Our government looks forward to co-operating with you as we face the challenges ahead,” said Witmer, on
neither, behalf of Premier Mike Harris. Terence Young, the Parliamentary Assistant forcolleges and Universities to John Snobelen in the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training added to the praise, saying that the University of Waterloo has, “opened a lot of doors for a lot of people.”
More Proposals
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to speak to their lecturer by using their desktop microphone, mounted on each table. The system and the three universities received commendations and congratulations from Waterloo MPP and Ontario Minister of Labour, Elizabeth Witmer. Witmer stated that McWaTor was a new
by David Imprint
-driven ~nvirotim~n t. Here, you’ll get the frcvdom and <In open, t&hnolob rc's0~1 rcc’s you nw 7 to develop your talents --- and thts rLyr,gnitiun you deserve for your achievements. In addition, FORT! r~t’f~rs a cl,mpletcJ benefits package hWVI.I~ to new graduates, including:
has compatible technology. The system is voice-activated which means that when someone begins speaking, the focus automatically switches to the site at which the speaker is located. Graduate students using the system will be able
Friday, October 20, 1995
Drewe staff
side from the Working Groups the Federation of Students has formed to develop proposals for new models of university funding, some students have developed their own models independently. Of the two plans submitted at press time, one was quite unique in its approach, while the other reads quite similar to a paper the Federation of Students endorsed several years ago under then-President Dave Martin. Paul Skippen and Chris Lowe, Co-op students placed in Toronto call their proposal the “Education Mortgage” model. In the first part of their submission, they attempt to define the primary activities of the University, and to allot responsibility for paying the costs of each. Skippen and Lowe break the University’s mission into the following three categories: teaching, pure research, and applied research. The costs of teaching, they argue, should be borne by students, while the costs of pure and applied research should be borne by govemment and business respectively. The second part of their proposal suggests a new fee policy. According to this notion, students would pay a fixed portion -- Skippen and Lowe suggest 25% as an example -- of the costs of their instruction up front, and receive the rest in the form of government-secured loans. There are a few errors in the paper. Their breakdown of university activities does not take into account the community service portion of a professor’s work, so this cost remains unallocated. They assume that government woufd provide the loans interest-free, “since
the government is not in business to earn a profit.” While this may have been true years ago, today government must itself borrow and pay interest on the money they loan to students. Their approach is new, however. and has merit. It might even be palatable to the politicians and bureaucrats at Queen’s Park. The second proposal was submittedby RichardFarmer, Students’ Council representative for Arts. Farmer’s proposition brings little forward in the realm of new ideas, drawing heavily instead on plans previously put forward by the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (0US.A) and the Mike Harris campaign. Farmer suggests that the development ofan income-contingent loan repayment program (ICR) is the first necessary step. This in turn will give students the financial flexibility necessary to handle the tuition increases Farmer proposes in the second stage of his plan. The tinal stage calls for student representation on all university governance committees to increase to at least one-third. While the reasoning behind Farmer’s proposal is sound, basically it is a vague rehash of proposals already put forward. He alludes to “cost-effective” student aid programs, without any hint of how that would be defined. He writes about tuition rising to “more realistic levels,” without providing any hint of what would be appropriate. These proposals and those put forward by the Working Groups will all be examined by Students’ Council at this Sunday’s meeting. Those approved by Council will be taken to the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations by Jane Ptik and Xander LeRoy next week.
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New by Norm
Imprint staff
wo UW students celebrated the first anniversary of their new business last Saturday in the multi-purpose room of the Student Life Centre. During the event, the founders of 2Health, Kavita Chauhan and Mahim Manchanda launched their first product, the 2Iiealth Pak. The triangular-shaped first-aid kit was designed by Kavita’s brother. Harish Chauhan in collaboration with Theresa Furneri who inspired the pair to create the product. The 2Health Pak is said to be a
unique product. The bag itself is made out of rubber, the result of recycled car tire inner tubes. The rubber exterior waterproofs the kit; an added benefit since the kit is designed to be a wearable accessory. It is discreet since it does not prominently display the words “First Aid” on the exterior. “Function with fashion,” according to Harish Chauhan. The Pak is designed with an adjustable strap that can be used over the shoulder or
IMPRINT, Friday, October 20, 1995
by UW
around the waist like a fanny-pack. The triangle shape symbolizes the three basic principles in Health care:
treat, care. Inside the Pak are the most basic and essential materials for first aid. The first product visible in the Pak, as demonstrated at the event, was a Laerdal mask. The actual Pak to be sold will contain an instant cold pack, which is deemed a more common necessity than the mask. The Laerdal mask is used to protect the person performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and can still be purchased separately, Basic first aid instructions are
embedded within the top flap of the 2Health Pak, a very basic feature often overlooked by other conventional fist aid kits. Kavita and Mahim have been involved with many aspects of the Health care industry. The idea for a rubber container actually came from Kavita’s experiences as a lifeguard. 2Health provides many services such as First Aid and CPR courses, personal health motivation, sports and massage therapy, nutrition awareness, and health products and referrals. More information can be obtainedbycontacting 2HeaIth at 5 19884-4975.
The flamid Davis Centre by Norm
Imprint staff
fire started on the third floor of the Davis Centre on October 5th, 1995 at approximately 1O:OOa.m. The blaze was started by a welder doing work in between the third and forth floors. Sparks from the welding ignited filter material but the flames were confined to within a six-foot area. The Waterloo Fire Department responded to the scene and UW Police arrived to assist in the evacuation of the building, which remained closed until noon that day to allow the smoke to dissipate. The fire alarm did sound and the evacuation of the Davis Centre proceeded in an orderly and prompt fashion, according to Kevin Stewart, Director of Safety. “We were quite satisfied with the way things went,” said Stewart. But messages posted to the uw.general newsgroup describe a different story. Contributors to the newsgroups describe the alarm as ineffective and its sound as a“drilling” noise. One person in the building didn’t know about the fire or the
Radio by Dave
Imprint staff he on-going power struggle at local community radio statio CKWR appears to be heading toward a firm resolution. On September ZOth, on the advice of legal counsel, CKWR members gave notice of request to hold a general station meeting. The board of directors was obligated to hold the meeting to address members’ concerns and given 2 1 days to respond. The members set the meeting date as October 21st. This past week, however, the board of directors cancelled that meeting, so station members are now within rights to hold their own meeting. That meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 2&h, at the new Science Building of Wilfrid Laurier University, in room N 1002. The resolutions drafted on September 20th will be attempted to be
http://wwwJhespectator.com/ego/ ,f
drill-like alarm until he was yelled at. The newsgroup also reports that several people tried to activate the alarm manually but to no avail and that the “FIRE” signs at the junction corridors to the Math and Computers Building were not lit. These lighted signs are designed to prevent other people from entering the burning building via one of these corridors. The newsgroup also contains letters calling for the replacement of the alarms so that they sound “alarming” and not like someone turning on a piece of equipment. The newsgroup messages claim that these fire systems are not installed for safety reasons but to conform with regulations only. It goes on to claim that they are apparently not tested. Stewart concedes that the fire alarm detectors in the immediate area were set to standby mode, a common procedure when construction work, such as welding, is taking place in that area. The alarm did not sound immediately but rather alerted Central Plant Operations which then sounded the alarm after confirming the existence of an actual fire with the welder.
Waterloo passed at that meeting. These include the dissolution of the board and a vote for a new one, a vote for the removal of station President Peter Tilkov, and a restraining order placed on Tilkov preventing him from either entering station premises or operating station equipment. Tilkov told Imprint that the meeting is a “charade” and has “no legal legitimacy.” He concedes, however, that “Canada is a free country and people are free to assemble anywhere.” In order to remove any member of the board or an individual’s membership, CKWR’s bylaws state that the vote must be passed by 2/3 of the membership present at the meeting. The meeting comes after a lengthy dispute between the station membership and board of directors over contentious station proceedure and operating; policy.
Campus by David
Wo... it. ‘In
Friday, October 20, 1995
not a very good answer,
Trucy Winegur 2nd Year Fine Arts
Can you name a student who represents .you on UW Senate?
Drewe and Annette Van Gerwen (photos)
tell ya.”
of Senate.”
Doug Dykstra 1st Year AHS Kinesiulogy
“I don’t Chris Nom’s 2B Civil Engineering
on Senate? Michelle Bowermun 4th YQU~ Science
“What’s her name . ..? The one that was on it last year, the Chinese girl.” Joanne Sitko 3rd Year Kinesiolugy
“Oh my, I have no idea.”
&I don’t
than cash, you can make local and long distance calls with the new QuickChange” Payphone pass. At 2.5 cents call, you can make 40 local calls with the $70 pass or 80 with the $20 pass. The Bell QuickChange Payphone pars works on the yellow cardreader payphones all over campus. Now last call is your caII.
Charles Beauregard 1st Year Computer Science
More convenient
Bell a
I What?” Kajib Chatterjee 1st Year Computer Science
even know
the Senate is.”
Lisu Parsons 1st Year Science/Business
Imprint News This Tuesday the University of Waterloo Villages will present a panel discussion on the Quebec Referendum this coming Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Village One red cafeteria. Organized by Justin Robertson, the panef will feature experts on various topics related to the re.ferendum. From Waterloo’s Political Science Department Professors Sandra Burt and John Wilson will speak. History Professor John Horton will
on Quebec
be speaking. Brian Tanguay of Wilfrid Laurier University and Professor Francois Pare of the University ofGuelph will also be present, The discussion will focus on topics such as Qucbecois nationalism, the role of culture in the campaign, the future of Canada/Quebec after the referendum, and interpretations uf the campaign so far, When asked for comment by Imprint, Professor Burt noted that the participants an the panel have great expertise in this area, and have been analyzing the issues involved
465 Phillip Street,Waterloo 450 Westheights Drive, Kitchener
referendum versity to do so. Wilson is noted for his arguments that there is a distinct political culture in each province, rather than only two. Robertson, a Don in Village One, organized the event because he felt it was an event which required more attention on campus, “I’m surprised there haven’t been more panels like this,” he commented during an interview. He’s very happy with the quality of the panel, noting that the panelists are not only known for their research, but their speaking abilities.
for years. When asked what her sea of contribution to the panel would be, she said that, “I think that No does not mean a return to the status quo. We have to look for new alternatives,” The forum promises to be exciting. Professor Pare, a citizen of Quebec, is a sovereigntist. He will be explaining his reasoning at the forum. Professor Wilson was one of the earliest proponents of the University offering a course in provincial politics back in the early 1470s. Waterloo was the first Uni-
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Imprint News... No really... Imprint News.
Ham Salami
Friday, October 20, 1995
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Double Cheese - 39 .... Double Meat -lb49 ...*3 Slices Bacon-&79LEL’EE’E’??” Dessert Squares .99 Living Flavours OR ............. 1.25 Soft Drinks ..,*.,.....*..***................&75 West End . Everfresh Juices ........................ 2W Potato Chips l .**........**.**.*.......
Friday, October 20, 1995
Waterloo Public Interest Research Group General Services Complex Room 125,8884882
Tragically t a time when the destruction of forests, the depletion of’ fossil fuels, the demise of the family l&-m, the proliieration of toxic chemicals, the pcrsistence of starvation, and the need for economic and environmental sustainability are reaching all-time alarming levels, hemp may make the greatest comeback of this miilenium. The history of hemp is as old as human industry itself. It was an integral part of nearly every culture from Asia to Europe. Hemp can produce one of the strongest, most durable, natural soft fibres on earth and was probably the earliest plant cultivated for textile fibre. Archaeologists found a remnant of hemp cloth in the area of ancient Mesopotamia (currently known as lran and Iraq) which dates back to 8,000 BC. From the time of the Phoenicians to the invention of steam ships, hemp travelled the seven seas as sails, rope, nets, and the caulking between ship’s planks. When compared to cotton, hemp can produce two to three times as much fibrc, can grow in greater extremes, and isn’t a pesticide- intensive crop. The first paper, made by the Chinese around 150 BC, was also composed of hemp. Until I883,7590% of all paper in the world was composed of hemp. Hemp can produce four times as much pulp as wood. Hemp pulp could replace wood pulp to produce chlorine-free paper, and fibreboard for furniture and home construction. In North America, we use as much wood, by weight, as all metals, plastics and portland cement combined. We are losing forests that contain trees hundreds of years old at record rates - the old-growth areas of Clayoquot, Algoma, and Temagami are under constant threat - usually to produce products that
Hemp are in use for as little as a few minutes and at most, fifty years. Harvesting of forests (usually by clearcutting) involves building expensive logging roads, altering forest ecosystems, decreasing biodiveristy, siltiag and polluting waterways, and then tranpotting logs over great distances. However, almost anything made out of a tree could be made out of hemp. Hemp has also been used as medicine throughout the world. Folk remedies and ancient medicines refer to the curative values of the leaves, seeds, and roots. The seed and flowers were recommended for difficult childbirth, convulsions, arthritic joints, rhcumatism, dysentry, and insomnia. Biomass energy is another potential hemp product. Through chemical decomposition, which is also the method of producing fossil fuels, dry, woody herbaceous plants, can be used to produce fuel for automobiles and other uses. Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and fatty acids a healthy human needs. The hemp seed is many times cheaper and its protein potential is more efficiently utilized by the human body than soybean. In times of famine, entire countries have relied on hemp seed to keep from starving. Hemp is second only to soybeans in nutritional value. Hemp is an annual crop and grows to maturity in only 100 days. Hemp could revitalize the Canadian family farm. Farmers growing hemp could immediately receive a return equal to that of corn, but one could imagine small-scale hemp cooperatives across the country, using their own facilities to make paper, plastics, textiles, and animal feed for local consumption, and marketing the surplus internationally .
by Trish Mumby Sr, Officer, Internal Affairs fedintm@watsenr 1 So, you say you’re a student... well, that means that there are some very important things going on in the world of the Federation of Students that affect you. 1) Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is the not-so-annual (Oct. & April) meeting that is held to change by-laws, and present major issues to all students. At this fall’s meetings, there are going to be some major issues brought to the floor. One of these is the restructuring of the Federation of Students. Currently, and in the past, the executive structure of the Feds has been: President, Vice-President Operations and Finance, and VicePresident University Affairs. There has also been various forms of nonexec structure (currently Senior Officers, hut in the past Board Chairs). The proposed change would bring an end to this twotiered structure, and suggests a President, a Vice-President Administration and Finance, a Vice-President Internal Affairs, and Vice-
President Education. In order for these changes to occur, they must be passed at the General Meeting. EVERY FULL-TIME STUDENT HAS A VOTE! ! The AGM will be held: Tuesday &tuber 24th in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Student Life Centre. Come out and vote. This is every students chance to get involved. 2) Student Council Meeting. Student Council Meetings are held once a month. They serve many purposes, including policy change, OUSA & CASA issues, Fed Services & businesses stuff, and many, many more issues are presented to Council. There are a couple of very interesting things on the agenda for this month’s meeting, including funding models. Last week, the Feds hosted a forum on the issue of Post-Secondary Education Funding. Of that forum, the idea of working groups was founded. The two working groups formed are: Income Contingent Loan Re-Payment Plans and Gradate Tax Models. These groups were formed to solidify ideas that UW students have about how to fund PSE. At Sun-
day’s council meeting, they will present their suggestions. From that, Jane Pak., the President ot’ the Feds, and Xander Le Roy, the Sr. Officer of Academic Affairs, will take these suggestions to the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) and present them as “How University of Water-too Students feeI Post-Secondary Education should be funded”. This needs to be done in light of the fact that UW Student Council voted to not support CAS4’s funding model. Another major issue of this council meeting is the Feds Budget. This is your chance to see where your $23.50 is going each term. The budget needs to be approved by the Student Council, so thcrc will be extensive debate and discussion on where and howyOllr money is spent. Well, I hope I’ve sufficiently described what is going on these days within the Federation of Students. These meetings are two of the most important things going on around here. Not just because they have been monopolizing our efforts of late, but more importantly because they affect you. Ifyou have any questions, please drop by.
1 m
CFS occupation by Alison Bing special to Imprint n October 1 I 19% The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) organized a National Student Day, to celebrate being a c.Ludenr. Across Canada students discussed the effects of the Canadian Health and Social Transfer on post-secondary education. In Ontario, students from the UGuelph occupied the offices of Tory MPP Brenda Elliot and the Liberal MP Brenda Chamberlain. Although Ms. Elliot was at Queen’s Park that day, the students peacefully stationed themselves in her front office and expressed their concerns. These comments were passed on to Ms. Elliot by the staff present that day. On the other hand, the atmosphere in Brenda Chamberlain’s office was quite different. Her office had been occupied four times,
I $249
broken into and damaged before that day’s protest. She stated that, “nothing gives students the right to do damage to this office,” and that this type of demonstration was not appropriate. She continued by saying that the government already pays for over 90% of post secondary education expenses. She believes the real issue is whether or not education should be free. Ms. Chamberlain is unsympathetic to abuses to the Ontario Student Aid Program (OSAP) she sees. She is particularly upset with negative discussion
she heard at the pro-
test. She realises these students are not typical. The CFS lists UW as a member although students voted to withdraw in 1992 and has not paid fees. It also should be noted that students involved in this association are already preparing for the next nation wide event in February.
Fri. 918, Sat.
A couple of musings accumulated his past weekend have gotten me cratching my head a little about our ountry’s self-identity. None of my rbservations are in any respect new, in act they’ve become a bit too familiar for ny liking, which is probably why I’m nore than just mildly irritated. On Sunday afternoon I went to see he horses at Woodbine Racetrack in what’s become a bit of an annual ritual ‘or me and my friends at the Rothman’s nternational. The Rothman’s Intemaional is the highlight of a great day of acing - including the illustrious E.P. raylor Stakes and the Highland Stakes, he card establishes Woodbine as the Ilace to be on the North American horse-acing calendar. For those unfamiliar with he track, Woodbine is easily one of the 7nest horse-racing operations anywhere. None of that seems sufficiently nportant enough for the meet’s organiz:rs, however, who have blanketed the *acetrack and all promotions of the race :Isewhere with the catch-phrase, “A world Class Event.” What does that mean - World Class . ..? Okay, so I guess I’ve sot an idea what it means, and perhaps I’m lver-reacting, but I have to wonder why Ne’re always so compelled with how we stack up against others. This reminds me of the Blue Jays victory in the World Series in 1992. It was bad enough that the series spiralled into a limp excuse for some to wave the lag, but much worse was The Tur~ntu %x’s huge front page headline at the series conclusion. Not a simple “WE WIN!” or “JAYS WIN!,” but instead a very pious, desperate and extremely stupid sounding “WORLD CLASS, EH!” That isn’t exactly an exclamation either, it’s posed more like a question, eh. The expression is laced with selfdoubt. It makes us look like an extraordinarily insecure nation with a deep inferiority complex. Never mind Quebec’s identity crisis, the rest of us are forever in need of a Stuart Smalley selfaffirmation. Call it “World Class.” It’d be easy to dismiss these as just Toronto’s self-indulgence and desperate need of acceptance, but less than a day earlier 1 was thinking otherwise... Hockey Night in Cunadti, first period intermission, Coaches Comer. God how I love Don Cherry, but sometimes the most foolish and illogical things spew out of his mouth. On Saturday he was ranting against Russian and European hockey players playing in Canada. This shouldn’t come a: any surprise; he’s been flogging rhat dead horse ad nuuseum for eons. But his hubris - he proudly proclaimed himself both a “racist” and “bigot” - and rationalc - that he’s the protector of young Canadian jobs - demands to be addressed Firstly, Cherry is a pot calling the kettle black. His entire professional onice career - as a minor leaguer, onegame NHLer, and coach for a pair of NHL clubs - was exclusively in the U.S. Secondly, almost any person with any remote connection to local athletics knows of one or more local boys who have done remarkably well for themselves playing ice-hockey overseas. The reason, simply enough, is because Canada is widely recognized as THE hockey superpower. As a gift we offer and share with the rest of the world we don’t go around reminding ourseltles about our hockey prowess, it’s simply an unquestioned part of cur culture. Sadly, it seems our deep rooted insecurity is just as much a part. As unhealthy a; this may be, though, I don’t reckon Don Cherry’s vitriolic isolationism is my hetkr an option.
forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer conment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns,comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Imprint is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint, Student Life Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl.
Making Higher Education Work?
he Canadian Alliance of Student As sociations (CASA) is a national lobby group that purports to represent every student at this schoolJ3y now many students have at least heardabout CASA’s documents: Making Higher Education Work, a discussion paper nn reforming Canada’s universities and colleges and Policies of the CASA. If you have read these documents, you will understand what I mean when I say that it is painful to read documents of such poor quality. The following sentence, for example, was taken from page 11 of the discussion document. “This approach has the attractiveness of nut requiring either university to give up any of its departments, while at the same time it dues not require them to give up departments and even encourage a greater level of specializa tion than currently exists. ” The typo is NOT mine. These documents can be obtained from the Fed office, and the discussion document is on World Wide Web (http:// the watserv 1 .uwaterloo.ca/-fedintrn/ casa2.html). Now consider the order in which the documents were written. The policies were written first, without research or references to back them up. They cover areas such as Education Funding, Student Loans, and Canada Scholarships. Then Mtiking Higher Edncatiorz CVurk wx wr-itten to expand upon the Education Funding sectinn. adding research and references. HOM. tin that research have been unbiased? ,4n ideal process would
involve research before writing policies, rather than afterwards. The Feds stuck another knife in this wound when they attempted to hold a forum on the funding issues. In a canned letter on the topic (various portions of which appeared in the Imprint, on uw.general, in an e-mail to 100 people, and in a notice sent to the Committee of Presidents), Jane Pak stated the Feds’ intention to hold a funding forum. When a concerned student learned that the time slot they had selected was 7 p.m.(night class time) on the first day back after the long
An idealprocess
the three) was faxed to the Feds by Paul Skippen, a student on work term who was concerned that the other signs weren’t adequately informative. Paul Skippen also suggested an altemative structure for the forum. The Feds agreed that splitting the attendees up into smaller focus groups with facilitators was a good idea, This idea was proposed because the purpose of the forum was, by then, to discuss alternative ideas for university funding. Unfortunately, this structure was not followed because only twenty students showed up at the beginning of the forum (although by the time introductory speeches by the panel were over, at least thirty people were there). The format was simple; if you wanted to speak, you raised your number card and waited until it was your turn. The number of attendees grew to 50, and the speaker’s list grew to a length of about 30 minutes. There was no specific direction to the discussion, and no sense of continuity since people were responding to the comments of other students that had been made much earlier. The real shame of the forum is that of the hundreds of students who knew about it, the fifty who caredenough to attend had their time wasted, Despite all the outside help irom interested students (suggested timing. better signs, suggested format, volunteers), the Feds still couldn’t overcome their inability to communicate effectively with students on the CASA funding issue.
involve research before writingpolicies, rather than afierwards. weekend, they suggested that a different day should be chosen (which would also give the Feds ample time to advertise widely in advance of the event). The Feds agreed and made the change. In what appeared to be an unconnected incident, signs for a “PSE Funding Forum” stating “We want to hear what you have to say” were posted across campus. A later sign proclaiming a “University Funding Forum” was posted two days prior to the forum. A third and final sign was posted by the Feds across campus on the day of the forum. Thih sign (whit h was the best and the cheapest 01‘
Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. Letters received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis r>f gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.
MediaServ responds Tu the Editor, This letter is in response to the Imprint article about MediaServ October 17, 19%. MediaServ is a young, dynamic and growing company located right in the center of Manhattan. New York City offers more of everything than every other city: greater opportunities, faster work pace, and exciting sights ail day and night. Therefore MediaServ provides greater responsibility, direct client contact, and higher compensation packages to ail its employees. As with everything, there is also a dark side about living and working in New York: longer working hours, a need for self-initiative, project commitment (clients are very demanding), moderate living conditions, and a higher crime rate. This is not the city to lose your cool. The one thing that makes MediaServ work is communications. We yell and scream but we always try to defuse and solve ail problems. The good outweighs the evil and with some compromises New York City is a fun and exciting place to live, with lots of opportunities to learn andgrow. I have lived in New York City for six years and 1 am still discovering and learning new things every day. The most important thing is: it’s fun, educational and rewarding. They say if you can do business in New York, then you can do business anywhere!
land. This living space is enormous and in the heart of the city (4 short blocks from the Empire State Building) this, and any other issues, 1 made sure to communicate directly to the company. While not perfect, my work term was an amazing experience. Thecompany is small andgrowing. It puts an incredible amount of responsibility on co-ops. It expects, and rewards, results. The reason is simple: McdiaServ hires co-ops hoping to hire them full-time upon graduation to build up the new Toronto office. In my case, however, I am an American citizen, so rather than working in the Toronto office, I wished to be in Manhattan. MediaServ rewarded my hard work and creativity by moving me to Manhattan permanently so that I lean work and help to build the company while I am finishing my degrees. Despite being sad to leave Waterloo, I am happy to be a part of an exciting, growing company. It may make mistakes, but empioyees of MediaServ have experiences, responsibilities, and rewards which cannot be found at any other comPanY.
MediaServ testimonial To the Editor, Though eloquently phrased, the writer of “How I’ve Spent My Autumn Vacation” (Imprint, October 13) uses a little too much artistic license. Many of the issues of the students are totally valid, but most of the statements in the letter are either totally incorrect, based on minimal information, or just plain slallder. Obviously, the students should have talked to the employees of MediaServ before moving their concerns to the public. The company is small and makes mistakes, but it can only change if the problems are communicated effectively. I was hired for the term to do C++ development at MediaServ. My work term was not perfect. Compared to Waterloo, the living space was less than ideal. However you can’t compare the space in Manhattan to Waterloo! Most of the people live in run down, tiny apartments on the fringe of the is-
-Jesse Perla Co-up at MediaServ during summer term; Product Develupment Coordinator, MediuServ
MediaServ not so bad To the Editor,
-Andrea Kallies Chief Executive officer Chairperson of the Board MediaServ
This letter is in response to the piece by Jonathan Evans which appeared in the Imprint last week. Let me make my positionclear. I worked for MediaServ (the company mentioned in the article) for this past summer work-term. I am not writing this to deny or refute any of the points made in the article; in fact, I will say that nothing in there really surprised me. I rather enjoyed my term at MediaServ. The city was great, the job was pretty good, my co-workers were veg nice... all in all, a positive experience. I am almost certainly returning to MediaServ for the upcoming winter term. Just a different perspective... -May
MediaSlurs To the Editor, To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer. .. and Internet access. Having lived with the students who submitted “How I’ve Spent My Autumn Vacation” {Imprint, October 13) and being employed by Media Serv to boot, I feel I am in a good position to respond. Reason should have dictated documenting
their concerns to MediaServ or possibly the Co-op coordinator. Instead, we find that the contributors of the article gave in to the lure of a good flame. While some criticism was surely warranted, it seems that in the heat of the moment only the free dinners were remembered. I would have hoped that the above average pay, PLUS overtime pay, PLUS generous advances on pay, PLUS the fact that MediaServ was spending $2500 (U.S.) a month on the accommodation would have bought the company some goodwill. With regards to the immigration issue, I can tell you MediaServ spend a great deal of time and money ensuring the students were there properly. MediaServ was accused of lying to clients about one of the students’ age and academic status. MediaServ did ensure that someone in authority was aware of the student’s age and status as a student when the student was placed at the client site. The employee with the overtime issue was paid overtime before the original article was written. As well, the overtime arrangement was approved and the student was advised before the student even raised his concerns with his manager. At the time the student was very pleased with the result but stated that he wished he had been given time to raise the issue himself. I also find it interesting that the writer of the article was the one
student who insisted that Thanksgiving was the weekend he did not want to spend in Canada. As well, he has never had to work overtime and was allowed to begin his work day at 10 or 11 a.m. MediaServ’ s philosophy is that there is plenty of overtime for those who wish it. Nobody is forced. As well, employees who finish their tasks early are not required to sit around waiting to punch a clock. There is no doubt MediaServ made mistakes. The accommodation, though expensive, could have been better. One of the students definitely ended up in a tech support position longer than intended. There was ambiguity and a lack of communication, but communication is a two-way street. I believe firmly that each student had one or two unresolved issues and collectively decided to mistrust MediaServ and everything it did. Benjamin Franklin said it best “A little neglect breeds great mischief...for want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost, and for want of a horse the rider was lost.” Perhaps the biggest mistake was to treat the individuals in question as consultants not students. After all, the previous four co-ops had expressed a desire to return and the over twenty full-time employees I have dealt with seemed to understand that while life is tough, the life of a consultant is even tougher. To succeed one must reason clearly, properly weigh the pros and cons of a given situation, clearly document any concerns, and act
maturely whlen things do not go as you want. Our employees are satisfied and accept the bumps along the way because they are challenged, they can geek out over all the latest technology, and they are well rewarded for hard work and success. To the students interviewed and those th,at have only heard of MediaServ through what has been written I ask that you look to yourselves and decide what you would have done. If you believe flaming is appropriate or if you believe work terms are “Autumn Vacations,” good luck. If you believe in hard work, in seeing the big picture, in contributing, to the long-term success of a growing company, sign on. You will not find another employer that will compensate you as well, that has less red tape, or greater challenges. We have been receptive to the issues raised in the previous letter, as a complaint is but an opportunity to evaluate your processes, to learn and to improve. Our approach in this matter has been to provide a WIN-WIN--WIN for all concerned. We have done our best to ensure the co-op students and the co-op program do not. suffer. We hope that more of you than ever know of MediaServ and appreciate us for the fair, successful and dynamic company we are. -iL Canaran President, interactiveXchange lulit@msn.com More
on page
More An uplifting tale Much has been said in the wake of the 0-J. Simpson trial about whether or not having cameras in the courtroom is a good idea. Most recently, The Globe and Muil and The E~rmomist two usually intelligent publications - have come to the defence of this practice. Beyond the issue of the media circus (I’11 get to that), one must ask what is to be gained from televising trials and other legal proceedings. Some have said that watching trials shows the public how the courts work, How educational! This argument is pretty thin. For the average viewer, the majority of the processes will be lost due to the sporadic viewing habits of all but the most transfixed addict. From the viewer’s point of view, televised trials are interrupted by commercials, commentary and the almighty remote control. In addition, the trials most likely to be televised would also be the ones most likely to have anomalies in the processes, as we saw with the O.J. Simpson trial. While there is some educational component, it certainly does not motivate the viewer or, more importantly, compensate for the negative side effects of televising trials. If you want to learn, watch The Learning Channel. Similarly, no significant gains would be made in presenting more information, as any television coverage would be subject to the same censorship and potential publication bans as the other media. More importantly, video does not present any more information, as the focus in a trial is primarily on what is said, rather than on what is done. Artists’ renderings are sufficient as far as visual information is concerned. As for the physical evidence,itcanalwaysbedescribed in great detail. It must be said, however, that the integrity of the proceedings is not jeopardized by television any more than other forms of media, as long as cameras are ultimately subject to the same constraints. If cameras were to be instituted, fines would have to be astronomical, or offences would have to be dealt with the seriousn&s of being in contempt of court. When one of the cameras at the Simpson trial focused too closely on scribblings by one of the teams, Judge Ito fined the network somewhere in the neighbourhood of $1,500. He later temporarily pulled the plug on the cameras altogether. I don’t think he understood the significance of what they had done. Here was a potential breach of confidentiality, and $1,500 was the fine. I would be
surprised if that equaled the crew’s expense allowance for the day. When networks are making millions off the rights to the footage, how do you decide on an appropriate penalty? More trouble than it’s worth, I say. One of the worst effects of television cowrage is that it slows down the legal process. This is simply something we cannot afford. Instead of catering exclusively to the jury, the lawyers cater to the .jury and the wider audience. When mi!Iions are watching and lawyers’ reputations and future fees can skyrocket, the lawyers are going to take as many Iiberties as they are allowed. In the case of the Simpson trial, they were allowed quite a few, and it resulted in the longest sequestered jury in U.S. history. The social effect of sensationalized trials is, of course, still the most prominent worry. However, I won’t be so presumptous as to think that I can add anything intelligent on the philosophical side of the debate. Instead, I refer you to Tom Carson’s column in the October 10th edition of The Village Voice regarding the Simpson trial, where he says, “...since few of us were personally acquainted with the people involved, and our hope of seeing justice done was [fairly abstract]... how else should we have reacted to the case except as a spectacle?’ That pretty much sums it up. If the Bernard0 trial had been televised, can we really expect that we would have behaved much differently? Even I cannot attribute the Simpson obsession to something intrinsically American, though I would like to. Sure, the level of fascination might have been slightly less in the Bernard0 trial due to the gruesome nature and lack of doubt regarding the verdict, but the trivialization process would have occurred just as it did in the Simpson trial. Personally, I think it does the media credit (for once) that the victims and their families in this case are still regarded with some concrete perception by the public. The same certainly cannot be said for the figures in the Simpson trial Fred Goldman’s emotional address after the verdict seemed like the climax to a movie rather than real life pain and suffering. If cameras are ever allo wed into Canadian courtrooms on a regular basis, the one saving grace would be that the Canadian media has shown itselfcapable of restraint. Nevertheless, there is no point in testing the media’s integrity when the gains are so minimal.
Big Apple To the Ed&w, It’s been an interesting weekend for MediaServ’s co-op students; faithful readers of this rag (and I mean that fondly) will remember why. On Friday - the 13th, ironically - I left town for Boston suspecting that I would be fired upon my return and certain that I would quit if I wasn’t fired. (And, in the single most annoying event of the day, I lost my ATM card, but never mind about that.) I have neither walked nor been dismissed. Ah, the power of the press. Never again shall I gripe about Imprint’s ten bucks a term. I’m still upset that our grievances had LO go as far as they did before they were taken seriously. But MediaServ has responded far more reasonably than I expected them to: they have admitted they have some serious problems with their treatment of co-op students, and they are working to correct them all. We have been paid our overtime in full. We are apparently being moved into better jobs and better. (i.e. real) accommodations. We are receiving trips back to Canada (kind of a consolation prize, but hey). We have, most importantly from my point of view, received an apology for our treatment. I still have some serious reservations about the way this company conducts its business, both internally and externally. But they have shown that they are willing to recognize their mistakes and change. I’m not going to make any suggestions this time - you can judge the facts for yourselves but I have to say that my feelings towards MediaServ are significantly warmer than they were a week ago. -Jon Evans de facto unofficiul correspondent
(Editur’s clarijkatinn: the fee for Imprint per term is $4.10, u far greater bargain than the quoted $lO.OO.>
And yet another Tu the Ed&m-, This is my personal response to my roommate Jon Eyans article “How I’ve Been Spending My Autumn Vacation” in last week’s Imprint. Jon’s article certainly brought me 15 minutes of fame on the net. For the past few days, my mail box was flooded with supportive replies, mostly from the people that I don’t even know. Although we did have a difficult time with MediaServ in the past, it was never our intention to start a flame war against the company. We only want to have our issues resolved and
October 20,1995
make sure this doesn’t happen to any other co-ops in the future. The head of the company has been very reasonable and professional about this whole situation. He held private discussions with each one of us where all of our issues and concerns were addressed to our satisfaction. In my case, I will be fully responsible for MediaServ’s 13,000 square feet new office roI1 out project and I will be moving into a more “livable” place as soon as I find one. Like most of the young and fast growing consulting firms, MediaServ has its own share of problems. But honestly , compared to all the other big companies that I have worked for, MediaServ is the only place where I have been given real responsibilities. As long as it is willing and able to resolve its employees’ concerns and issues, I think it is still a pretty cool place to work. -Steven X. Cm 3B Electrical Engineering
keeps going
To the Editor, How I’ve been spending my Friday the 13th weekend (and the days leading up to it),.. or “the MediaServ thingie continued... by one of the other dudes.” I’m writting this as my own personal “follow-up” to the story that my roomate, Jonathan Evans, wrote last week to the Imprint (the article was also posted to numerous UW newsgroups). The days leading up to this past Friday the 13th have been interesting to say the least.. . When the article was first sent out, the four of us (myself, and my roomates Jon, Steve, and Dylan) had never expected the strong reactions nor the rapid circulation of the article. Our situation never seemed all that strange or severe as everyone seemed to take it... (don’t get me wrong - I was definitely not pleased with the situation - but it wasn’t like I needed Prozac or anything). Apparently, within two or three days of the article’s posting, word was out all across WW that MediaServ would be a most vile place to earn your co-op karma. The Co-op department found out and contacted us - sounding quite grim and peeved that we hadn’t gone to them for help first. The Imprint contacted us several times to verify the validity of our statements (they even went so far as to hire a libel lawyer to help identify the sensitive parts of the article). A former co-op student of MediaServ also contacted us to offer support, and to warn us of how damaging the article could be for the company. It was at that point that I realized that we may have started something that was getting way out of control... and way out of line with what I had expected would have happened. It was never our intention to “totally nuke” the company - to me it just seemed like a good avenue to bitch. I had just returned from lunch on Friday when I received a call
from Jon. Our employers had found out about the letter - Co-op told them. We had asked the Co-op department not to contact MediaServ until we informed them ourselves of the article. I suppose they just got a little too antsy with the whole visa issue and couldn’t wait. Needless to say, atthat moment my mind was filled with questions... ‘7s Co-op gonna yank us back to Canada?” “Am I gonna get fired?” “Is immigration gonna come after us?’ “Am 1 going to get thrown in jail? Deported? Forbidden to ever work or enter the U.S. again?” For some reason 1 found the whole situation totally hilarious. Steven my other roommate didn’t.. . to each his own I suppose. Later that afternoon my boss contacted me several times to arrange a meeting (apparently there were some “issues” he wanted to discuss with me). Trying my best to delay the inevitable I informed him (legitimately) on each occasion that I was really busy with work and had no idea when I would be free. When closing time approached I was gently herded into a bar by the VP to meet with the boss. He seemed surprisingly calm about the whole thing. In fact the only indication that I got that he was pissed off was when he told me: “You can understand that we’re very angry with this whole situation.” It was, however, apparent that I wasn’t going to be lynched - quite the opposite actually. My boss knew about the article, and was just getting over the denial stage, I suppose... he was peeved but gave the situation as business-like an approach as he could. He of course emphasized the damage that we had done to the company but expressed a wish to gain back our trust by addressing each of our complaints. My issues included: 1. The uncertainties regarding pay for my hard hours at work (my record day at this company has been from 9:00 am to 2:00 am the next day); 2. The type of work they had me doing; and, 3. The lack of a proper visa which had still not materialized. At this point (Sunday), all of these issues are being addressed to my satisfaction and more shall be done. I will be flying back home to Canada as soon as possible to receive a proper visa (they were ready to fly me out on Saturday... only a day after this had happened). A clearly defined pay structure has no,w been implemented and I am now being taken off a cheezy MIS project and into an advanced multimedia project (geeks like me need this sort of thing). The company recognizes that they grossly mishandled our welcome to the company and seem to be doing their best to correct the situation. In addition to addressing our grievances, they are setting up a proper company wide communications strucLure as well as a protocol for introducing new employees - especially co-op students to avoid this situation in the future. It should be noted that many of the problems were rooted not so much in MediaServ’s desire to exContinued
to page 15
IMPRINT,Fridav, Continued
program, but rather in a lack of communication, horrendous workloads due to client commitments, a lack of resources, and company expansion resulting in little time to deal with administrative issues. For these reasons they were not ready to take us in none of these reasons were valid excuses of course, but they are being addressed now. As they appear to be keeping their end of the bargain, I am writing this article now to keep mine (should they break any of their promises, it has been mutually agreed that we will be free to rage on them once more). Happy with their current actions, I now feel that MediaServ will become an excellent company for future co-op students to seek employment. Students which had or have interviews with MediaServ should have little to fear if they wish to join Medi;iServ (and check out New York). There are a few things that they should keep in mind however. This is where I cast down the little wisdom that I have gained from my co-op experiences. Unlike many co-op students, I have worked for small consulting firms (one company had six people in it including myself). When working with small consulting firms, employees should realize that they plait the Co-op
may be required, if not EXPECTED to work a lot of extra hours. Overtime is generally not paid; instead, bonuses are usually given according to success rather than hours worked. In some cases, consulting firms will contract you out to their clients to make you billable. In those situations it is quite possible that you will never see anyone in your company and you will feel like more of a member of the client’s company than anything else. Finally, the nature of the business requires a certain type of personality which may have to be developed. People in the consulting industry are generally quite aggressive; this aggression may be innate in which case you wy find that the people you work with are aggressive, argumentative, confrontational, and to some degree full of shit, all the time. That’s OK though, because that is what makes these people good at getting business, On the other hand, there are people like me who don’t do hostility and hate arguing. If you are one of these people it may take a while for your skin to thicken or your id to creep outbut letting the id show a little more is good for people like me. While I have managed to get myself out of a bad situation quite nicely, it couldobviously have been handled better on my own part. I suppose we should have told Coop, and MediaServ, and posting to
the Net was a pretty bad call... all of these decisions were made without clarity of thought and I have no excuse - I wasn’t even drunk (unlike my roomate Jon, I have yet to be offered drugs). You have been warned of what may lie ahead should any of you decide to take a job with MediaServ (or any similarly s;tructured company), if you think you can take it, it’ll be a great experience - New York City has some-
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Many times now have I been asked, so just who the hell is John Gait? Well, I’ m not going to tell you, but I will say a little bit about where I’m coming from and a little about what the column is going to deal with, in general. I am what is generally considered a Libertarian. 1 believe in individual rights. 1 believe in free enterprise, I believe in limited gov, ernment. From this, you can probably figure out that 1 do not like Sot:ialism or Communism, censorship or the NDP (though I strongly endorse Svend Robinhon’s efforts tn Icgalize euthanasia). 1 recognize that with individual freedom comes individual responsibility. People should bc free to f’uck up and fuck themselves up without the government interfering. However, the government should not be there as a safety net. Today in Canada, the government pays for most of our mistakes, and so acts in its own best interests when it bans, limits and controls various activities, drugs, etc. If it didn’t have to pay, it could let the people do whatever they wanted, and so it should. Individual freedom and individual (not collective) responsibility. Certainly part of my philosophy is selfishness, a word that we are taught is bad from our most tender years. “Share,” we are told as we try to play with our toys in the communal sandbox in the park. “Don’t be selfish.” Ummm, no. Why not be selfish? Selftshness is just. Everybody keeps what everybody earned, that way everybody has what everybody deserves. Picture this: 1 go to work, I expend my effort, I use my skills
;rtnd my muscles and my brain, and for this effort, I get paid. Now, why should someone who did nothing, expended nothing, have a claim to part of my earnings (earnings being what Iearned!)?The answer is simple: they shouldn’t. Yet this is what those who oppose selfishness endorse, whether they realize it or not. If you oppose selfishness, what you are saying is that I should work and then willingly give away part of my earnings to those that did it earrz them. Another part of the selfishness is thinking that 1 should be able to do what I want (call me crazy). I am pretty much all grown up, I think I should be able to decide for myself what I want to read. see on TV and in the theatre, smoke, etc. I do not need the government taxing me to pay people to sit around and decide what 1 can and can’t see. Hell, if pornography turns people into rapists, then why hasn’t every man on the porno squad al Canada Customs been convicted of rape? Anyway, this column is going to be about all of this. When I come across issues in the news that deal somehow with any of the topics mentioned here, I will probably write about them. Or, if there are points of economic and political philosophy that I feel need addressing, I will address them here, because I frequently meet people who think
October 20,1995
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thing for everyone. It is still the intention of MediaServ to hire about seven Co-ops, so keep that in
Our mistake
mind. And finally, the four of us
To the Editor,
will give the company as much feedback as we can to ensure that you don’t get dragged through the same crap we did. Good luck in interviews. -Kenley Sun 3A Systems Design
to page 17
THE COMPANYWatcom has the spirit of young small company, but with Watcom’s partnership with Powersoft Corporation, along with Powersoft’s recent merger with Sybase Inc., Watcom now has the resources of a large multi-national company. Watcom’s mission is to deliver the industry’s best application development technologies for the broadest range of PC environments. With a rapid growth rate, and a multi-million dollar investment in R&D, Watcom provides a rare opportunity to play a highly visible and rewarding role as a software developer. L’S.L.I” WATCOM-THE CAREER - At Watcom software developers at all .) ’ : ~,i.‘::.:. levels are challenged to work on important projects that test their : (’‘..: : j i:: : : abilities and give them the opportunity to demonstrate their talent. .: ,?‘. I. .-‘i . v.,i::.‘L .\‘. in return we expect I 1,.‘I: ; I,I >.,.: ,i.I ., We offer acasual, flexible workenvironmentancl ,‘l’lI. ‘I i ;i’ ) superior results. :..: ::x j ‘I.._ .. ,’” THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT - The applicant must have an :<: i: exceptional ability to learn combined with the motivation to excel in ,: I I ‘>< state-of-the-art program design and implementation. To qualify you ‘>/ .I must want to work for a great company producing great products. TliE POSITIONS - The Watcom SQL development group has an immediate opening for a new member of the tools development I team. You will be responsible for design, development and testing on the Watcom SQL administration tools. This systems development work is done in C and C++ for the Windows, Windows 95 and ..: Windows NT GUI environments. Experience with Sybase SQL .,%I :. j1..,:*. $).: Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Watcom SQL or some other SQL % :_ ‘ii‘I based relational database product is a must, and OLE implemen,:.j. : I.. :, : tation experience would be a strong asset. I .jl I’: ~. The Watcom C++ development group has an immediate opening i;..y,I ,. > for a new member of the C++ compiler development team. Current members of this team sit on the C++ ANSI committee and play an : important role in setting the world-wide standard for C++. You will of Watcom <, ‘:“I : initially be responsible for the support and maintenance -’:.& ’ C++. As your expertise grows, you will assume a leading role in the I.:.. :‘Ij 2::.’ design and implemenatation of new features, Expertise in writing >,,; and debugging programs using C and C++ is a must, including < I .; ,I J ]., , excellent debugging skills to the assembly level, ~~. The Watcom C++ development group has an immediate opening for a new member of the core technology team (code generation, linking, debugging). Watcom is famous throughout the world for its state-of-the-art work in this area. You will initially be responsible for support and maintenance of the core technology used in new and existing products. As your expertise grows, you will assume a leading role in the design and implementation of new features. Expertise in writing and debugging programs1 using C and Intel 80x86 assembly is a must. Experience with Digital AXP, Motorola PowerPC architectures, or compiler technology in general would be a strong asset. THE DETAILS - In addition to an intellectually clhallenging and fastpaced environment, we also offer an excellent compensation and benefits package with incredible growth and advancement potential. We are especially interested in candidates who can start immediately so please indicate if this is possible on your resume. For immediate consideration, please send your resume and latest academic transcript (if applicable) to: Attention: Human Resources Powersoft Watcom Products Division 415 Phillip St., Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3X2
what they are
talking about, but really don’t. To finish, people often ask me how I know what I know. Simple, I’ve read good books. If anyone is interested in really knowing where I’m coming from, try Cupitalism, the Unlino~n Ideal by Ayn Rand or Cupitulism and Freedum by Milton Friedman for starters.
This is in regards to Letters to the Editor last week from Steve McCourt and Patti Lenard. First of all, I would like to clarify- that I never intended my
A Powersoft Company
o here we are in the middle of another referendum year in Quebec. The reasons for Quebec to stay in Canada are almost blatantly obvious to Canadians outside of Quebec. Most of them rest on the idea Quebec would impoverish itself if it left. However, the reasons for Quebec leaving Canada aren’t often dicussed in English Canada (or ROC to use a better term}, so here are a few of them: 1. The current constitutional climate is stagnant. After the failure of the Meech Lake and Charlottetown accords, the Chretien government has maintained a stranglehold on any future talk on the constitution. The Liberals have always been a centralist party and are as stingy as ever about giving back powers to the provinces. It is important to emphasize “giving back.” Canada was created as a Confederation, but we are no longer one. The federal government has taken many powers away from the provinces. QueLcc, and some other provinces, want some of these powers given back to them. Presently, if the Chretien govemment keeps its policy on the constitution intact, there is no other national option. The Federal Con-
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October 20,1995
Quebec: Whither go, whv stav? S
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servatives, dislike them as much as we might, were the only party willing to recognize the need to bring Quebec back into the constitution after 1982. In not wanting to discuss the constitution, the Chretien government created an impas se that gave many Quebeckers no other choice than to support the PQ. 2. Recognition of a fact. Under the 1867 Constitution, Canada was created from two founding Nations. (We will overlook the fact that natives weren’t mentioned as a founding nation). Why would that have changed? If anything, Quebeckers have become even more different from the ROC in the last 30 years. Meech Lake was an attempt to recognize this “nation inside a nation” idea by giving Quebec status as a distinct’society within Canada. By the same token, we are a nation of little, distinct nations. It’s true that a Vancouverite isn’t the same as a Newfoundlander just because they speak the same language. But they were not told as a people that they would be “considered” a founding nation. And they still have more in common than a Quebecker would have with any other people in Canada. Quebec is a nation already; all it needs is rec-
ognition as such. Unlike the other provinces in Canada, Quebec has the option of separating. There are seven million people in Quebec and a wealth of natural resources, even without the north. It probably wouldn’t get a chair at the G-7, and would probably be poorer, but it would be a nation nonetheless. On the same playing field as the Scandinavian nations or Austria. Not a world player, but still not bad. 3. It is the democratic will of the people. At any time in Quebec there will be 35%-40% of the population that supports sovereignty. This figure has risen from the early 80’s were it was at about 25%30%. After the rejection of the Meech Lake Accord, this shot up to 75% of the population. Under the new “accord” between the PQ, E3Q and PAD, sovereignty is supported by 53% of the population, with still a high number of undecided voters. At any time, the least popular option is the status quo. A vast majority of Quebeckers want major changes to the constitution. If this plea is ignored by the Chretien government, Ottawa might receive a big surprise this year.
Whose Home Is This? W hat does the word “Canada” mean’? W bile walking through downtown Toronto, I was struck bq the ambiguity of this word. The cultural mosaic, illustrated in e\: ery Toronto Transit Subway car, makes it difficult to pin down a national identity. The influx of people from Asia in major urban centres has made many, who thought their ethnic heritage was firmly planted, feel like minorities. Most cutting of all is the First Nations’ claim on land and history that resonates when the words Oka or Ipperwash are spoken. What is a Canadian in the midst of such echoes? One viewpoint jumped out at me as I walked by Queen’s Park and the Parliament Buildings. These buildings are icons of the “Canada” that is a new Europe and reminded me of the group of people who feel planted; those whose great-grandparents’ parents immigrated during the colonial era. The ancestors of this group were building a second Anglo-European home when they gave affectionate street names like King Street, Victoria Park, or St. George Street. But I didn’t have to walk far to discover a diversity of names from other ethnic backgrounds. Walking through areas like Chinatown or Agincourt, I was surrounded by street signs written in Mandarin. As one of those who thought his
roots were Canadian, I felt pretty out-numbered. But the real discomfort came from my lack of familiarity with the local culture and my inability to communicate in it. Was I still at home heru? The increasingly cosmopolitan complexion of this country has forced many people to ask what home means. What they discover is not always pleasant. In the suburban community, the answer often means barriers, between those born here and the newly immigrated, which result in racial animosity. In religious circles, people fear the relationship signified by the presence of a Mosque, Buddhist Temple, and Church in the same region. In urban centres like Vancouver, the influence of foreign investment from the east makes one wonder about the balance of economic power and the welfare of domestic business. It is not difficult for a native-born Canadian to feel his roots becoming less firmly planted. “Am I still at home here?” very easily shifts to the more rhetorical question: “Whose home is this?’ As my walk through Toronto took me towards Harbourfront, L was reminded of the origins of the word “Canada” and of one diverse ethnic group which has been talking about their home claim for a long time. To them, the immigration influx and power shifts must
feel very much like an old story retold. But this time, the shift in power is towards Asia rather than Europe. The role of the native C;Inadian is now being played by the same Anglo-European ethnic group which once was the newcomer; a very ironic paradigm shift. To those First Nations people whose cultural memory recalls the colonial era, thisnew home claim must seem strange. What does “Canada” mean? Sitting down, looking at Lake Ontario, the words of one Native elder echoed in my mind. “Canada” is an Algonquin word that means village or community. This kind of setting emphasizes interdependence; relying on one another culturally, spiritually, and economically. A functional village requires an openness that welcomes diversity while allowing room for cultural autonomy. Openness facilitates a home where the distinction between native and newcomer is not obvious. If this country is a cultural mosaic, then our national identity is based on our subculture; barriers of language
and tradition
constructive interaction. In a national village, however, individual subcultures support each other so that echoes surrounding the word “Canada” signify an enriched, multilayered identity.
IMPRINT,Friday, Continued
October 20,1995 page 15
“Letter to the Editor” to be published. I sent it simply as e-mai to ti Imprint asking them to research if it was true or not and request that THEY write an article. I still don’t understand why kids of ALL staff of the university get half-price tuition. Especially with proposed 30% cuts to funding from the government. Steve McCourt compares his privileged position to that of Schneiders employees receiving Schneiders products at near cost. HELLO!! Low cost weenies do not compare to $1100.00 a year savings in tuition! I was also not generalizing that all profs’ kids abuse their situation, but that it has a very high potential for abuse. Steve - I DO know how lucky I am to get an education and I think that YOU should have to pay for it like the rest of us. I’m not pretending to be an UNDERPRIVELEGED OSAP recipient. I just don’t want to have to pay for your education anymore! I also did not qualify for OSAP when I finished high school; I had to wait four years to claim myself as an independent before I could qualify. I also require a part-time job to help get me through - do you? Why can’t the university set up a LOAN system for employees’ kids, similar to OSAP? Please print this in the next edition of the Imprint - thank you. ro11een
(Ed&m Ntm: Apologies for the misconception; Letters addressed “To the Editor” me often mistaken as Letters Tu the Editor.)
Collective Soul rocks 7% the Editor, I have debated for a while about writing this letter. I realize I’m not a student but I am part of the UW community, and I’ve been bothered by the article “Rusted Through the Soul” by Alexander Havrlant (Imprint, October 6). After reading the article, I was wondering if Mr. HavrIant actually stayed to hear Collective Soul play. Is he aware of how difficult it is to create perfect sound when the performance selting continually changes? Contrary to the opinion in the article, I found the group to sound
much better live than on their recordings. The bass was not overdone. The Collective Soul songs did “franslate to the Iive setting.” The lighting effects added to their style of music and their stage presence was just fine. I don’t get a light show, see Ed Roland flip his hair in the air, or see people body surfing when Collective Soul is playing in my car or livingroom. “Early eighties sound?’ The writer was maybe between the ages of 10 and 15 then? Collective Soul has their own sound and they don’t play “cheesy rock.” And, the groups listed were just fine for us when I was in university at that time. I commend Collective Soul on a stellar performance. And Rusty..* good, but the lyrics were lost in the music. I also appreciate Mr. Havrlant’s not putting “acid” in his article, which is more than I can say for my letter. 4ue Harvey Chemistry Department
FORUM Natives not getting too much #7 To the Editor, This letter is in response to the ignorant letter written by Joanna Davidson entitled “Natives Not Getting Too Much #@‘(Imprint, October 13). As a member of the Konadaha Seneca Tribe on the Six Nations Indian Reserve near Brantford, Ontario, I was outraged by Ms. Davidson’s letter. While I am very proud of my culture, I was raised in a family who was not deeply involved with issues surrounding Native Canadians. So, when I heard someone say something I didn’t agree with about Natives, in the past I wasn’t angered
much by it. But after reading this RIDICULOUS letter, I was furious. First of all, Ms. Davidson, get your facts straight. Second, don’t assume that the Natives you come in contact with are representative of all Natives. And third, THINK about what you are saying! Let me try to set the record straight here: YES - Natives do have to pay the GST. You might have checked that out before opening your mouth. YES-Native students DO receive funding for their Post-Secondary Education. It’s like a SCHOLARSHIP - you have to apply for it and keep a high average. You have heard of scholarships, haven’t you, Ms. Davidson? NO Natives do not treat their land worse than Non-Natives. Natives have more respect for their Mother Earth because of their heritage. Do you think the depletion of the rainforest and the extinction of species is solely the fault of the Natives? I’ll bet you probably do!
Come down, anytime, and check out my home and land. I’ll bet you can’t even tell that any Natives (heaven forbid) live there. Oh, and Ms. Davidson, are you implying that ONLY Native people catch and sell fish commercially? If you are, then I’m afraid that you are hopelessly misinformed. And also, do you think that ONLY Natives are smart enough to NOT go out on the lalke when it’s dangerously rough ? Please tell me you think that Non-Natives are more intelligent than that ! And, I love the way you cover your tracks so neatly! “ I know I’Jl have a lot of people upset...blah, blah, blah.” Yes some people are probably very rightfully upset (like myself) and some people unfortunately agree with you. But, Ms. Davidson, I think you are too quick. to make judgement on something you obviously know very little about. -Lyndsay
The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow uppecrring at Federutiun HuEI this Saturday, October 2 1st by Dave
Imprint staff
t used to be a science show. This year, however, the emphasis promises to be more on braintwisting daredevil stunts, or to hear the man himself describe it, “High flyin’, bone jarring excitement!” We’re speaking, of course, about Jim Rose and his legendary Circus Sideshow, which wheels into Fed Hall with theMnn.sters @nnger und Women of Wmder Tour this Saturday. On the line from Buffalo, Rose tells Imprint that this year’s show features less disgusts, but more suspense. “You’re going to need a swivel on your neck. Things are going to be happening everywhere, it’s like a ten-ring circus. The inspiration this year doesn’t come from freak shows, it comes from thrill shows you would see in the late- MOs and early- 1960s at a World’s Fair. It’s gonna be wild.” The fresh change is undoubtedly a welcome one. After the hectic past few years, things Kor Rose’s troupe were beginning to take aturn for the ugly. Media outrage throughout Etlrope and North America, tours with Lollapalooza and Nine Inch Nails, and an appearance on Thr X-Fifes all helped make Rose’s circus ;L household name. But the attundant spotlight on Rose’s freaks also attracted a fair share of audience members who could pretty well be classified as “mentally unbalanced.” As detailed in R.ose’s brand spanking new autobiography, Freak Like Me (Dell Publishing), crowds in Scandanavia were performing all manner of self-mutilating stunts and other hostilities, shocking even the freaks, and the show was getting out of control. Having sworn off blood as a spectacle years ago (“anybody can bleed; we’re looking for specialized people who don’t bleed”), Rose relates that “the Scandanavian tour made me realize something had to change.*’ Those who’ve seen the circus can we11 understand why, usually exiting Rose’s show mystified not just by the stunts but moreover by what possesses the freaks to even create these stunts in the first place. That’s where Rose’s autobiography sheds a lot of light. An often uproariously funny story, the book is also a strangely revealing look into Rose’s unassuming life and bizarre career. If one were to
presume by the larger-than-life tradition of Barnum that Rose would’ve chronicled his life by mythologizing it though, they’d be mistaken because he’s done the contrary. He explains, “I wanted realism. I wanted a story that depicts a real person’s life, and they’re not always up-up-up-up-up. The way life is, is up and down, and mine’s no different .” One of the biggest downs can be found in Rose’s early childhood in Phoenix, Arizona. Born crosseyed, Rose felt like a freak every time he looked in the mirror and was reminded of it daily at school. Longing for a day of corrective surgery, Rose wanted to be nothing more than a normal kid. After one unsuccessful operation, Rose underwent more surgery which finally straightened his eyes. “I did become a normal kid, but then ironically kinda longed again for the day of giving people a jolt.” As a youngster Rose was clueless as to what sort of a jolt he’d be giving people later in life, and turned to an uninspiring education at the University of Arizona where he majored in political science. “I always had the interest in the sideshow stunts, but it was more of a hobby at the time. Then the hobby just kept getting bigger and bigger and began to overwhelm things like school and everything else. “But I didn’t like being in the business worlci and I didn’t like polities, so I went through a lot of years wondering, ‘What’s the use?’ and “What am I going to do with my life?’ I wanted to be in theatre and wanted to be an actor, but I thought that was unrealistic because Ididn’t have enough confidence in my talent .” His years spent as a twentysomething were aimless ones, and Rose even toiled for a few years as a used car salesman. With his ont’ltorical talents, he had a natural gift for the occupation, but despised it. ‘The job sucked. If X’d wanted to chase a dream I would have moved to LA, but rather than chasing a dream I opted for a safer route and that was going to college and then moving to Washington, DC,” For Rose;, escaping Arimna was itself initially enough of a jolt, but his experience in IX., where he worked
a handful
of dead-end
jobs, soured and he became quite depressed. Nevertheless, in DC., Rose started story-telling at a club’s open mike session and began incorporating into his act physical stunts. He’d learned the tricks as a kid while working at the Arizona state fair. Rose began to realize that the
crowds reacted more strongly to the stunts-eating lightbulbs and hammering a nail up his nose - than to his stories, so they became his show’s centrepiece. After a trip to Europe, Rose began to acquire more and more stunts, the techniques of which Rose surprisingly details in his book. He calls them “tricks,” but the word is a misnomer because they’re not illusions, they’re all real stunts. Discovering that these stunts were an entire generation removed from contemporary sanitization, Rose and his new wife Bebe (now the Circus Queen) embarked upon a new career, taking him to outdoor shows on the Venice Beach boardwalk in southern California, and then the Bumbershoot festival in Seattle, Washington. At that festival, Rose found the crowds so receptive and the money sogoodthathekeptlookingoverhis shoulder for fear that he was doing something criminal. At the subsequent invitation of a local he decided to stick around Seattle just when the city’s infamous music scene began to bubble. After another half-year of working deadend jobs to keep himself afloat, Rose convinced a small Mid Eastem restaurant to let him put on his show, and he plastered the city with handbills announcing the spectacle. The shows were big successes, with word passing quickly through the underground, and soon freaks and geeks were coming out of the woodwork to audition and become part of his ensemble. Immediately, Rose discovered that crowds would quickly tire of the same acts, so he had tQ keep changing the stunts. It was then that
Rose made the fateful decision to take the show on the road, convincing the other troupe members to quit their day jobs. Their first tour brought them across Canada, with a show in Kitchener being part of that nascent tour. Unsurprisingly, Rose retains a lot of affection for his Canadian audiences. “They’re my first, There’s a lot of my Canadian audience that was aware of the show and came out to see the show prior to Lollapalooza, and of course I don’t get that anywhere else. Canadian fans are more knowledgeable about the show than audiences anywhere else, which means this new show is all the more important for them, so they can see how everything has developed and changed. So what new developments will Rose be bringing to Fed Hall? How about Chainsaw Football? “It’ s a real dick-kicker,” Rose remarks. ‘*For this part of the tour we’re playing Canadian rules . . . longer field and three downs.” Then there’s the Armenian Rubber Man, who’ll be slipping his entire torsothrough a tennis raquet, plus a guy named Tom Comet, a Canadian, who balances a lawn mower on his chin while audience members throw cabbage at it. Want more? How about a Ninja exhibition, a Tibetan Monk act, and all of Bebe, Lifto, and Jim’s trademark stunts. Lest Workmen’s Compensation be concerned, Rose states: “We’ll put our safety record against any other circus in the world. Sure we have 2 or 3 accidents a year, but we also do 250 shows a year.” Last but not least, there’s everybody’s favourite, the Enigma. The Enigma is the head-to-toe
blue tattoojigsaw puzzle. The world record holder for sword swallowing, the Enigma also possesses a healthy appetite for insects and was Jim’s partner on a guest episode of’ the cult-Pave TV show 2% X-Films. Perhaps mosl. shocking of all, and lending a stiffairof legitimacy to the entire shock show spectacular. w;1s a recent profile of Enigma in, of all places. a Nlrrtional Geographic* cover story (“Quiet Miracles ol the Brain,” June 1995). Rose explains how both of these high profile exposures came about: “The producer and some of the writers of 7%~ X-Files are fans and come to the shows. They asked if I would star in one of the episodes and said 1 could help write it. I was too busy to help write, but I said ‘You write it and I’11 show up.’ Enigma was there with me... I played a murder suspect. “As far as the N&ma1 Geographic legitimizing our stunts heck, y’know what, I was even on the front page of the Wall Street Journal - you’re right. I heard in advance that Nafionul Geqyuphic was doing a story on the brain, so I called them up and said, “Boy, have I got a brain story for you !” So I gave them Enigma.” (The story profiled Enigma’s mental control of involuntary gag reflexes.) Rose finishes up our talk by mentioning that movie rights have just been sold on Freak Like Me. Hazarding a guess as to who’ll play him - say, Gary Oldham or Tom Waits - and Rose won’t bite. This doesn’t really matter now, though, because the movie’s years away, You’ve got a chance to see the real thing, right here on Saturday, so do yourself a favour.
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by the five of UW’s recognized
SPORTS Arch-rivals Waterloo by Peter
end Battle in sister-kisser
UW now has two games remaining, versus the surprising Yeomen tomorrow at University Stadium, and at Guelph next weekend. York’s accomplishments since ending their losing streak seem spectacular, but haven’t caught one man by surprise, someone who presided over the demise of another losing streak. “They had a losing syndrome before they started winning games,” said Tuffy Knight, “They get down six points or so and they start to think they can’t win. But now they know better.” Knight knows what can happen to a team that gains confidence with a win or two. In 1989, Knight’s tllrst full year of coaching the Warriors, they lost their first three games to extend their then-CIAU all-time record losing streak to 33 games, a streak that the Yeomen would eclipse in 1993. In week four, the Warriors toppled York, of all teams, but then went on to record four straight wins, finish 4-3, and make the playoffs for the first time since 198 1.
Imprint stdf
hen Waterloo and Laurier lock horns on the fodtball field, both teams always have a lot to prove. Last Saturday, they both proved a lot, so much that they ended up splitting the two points, with a 2323 tie. The Warriors proved they could stop the no.-1 ranked team in the nation, take the ball away from it, and move that ball at will as they rang up a 22-7 third-quarter lead. But the Hawks proved that they can explode offensively at any time, scoring 16 straight points to take a late 23-22 edge. With just 3:35 to play, Ryan Wilkinson seemed to complete a late Waterloo drive by scampering across the leftcomerof the endzone, but the play was called back on an illegal block. Then, with just 2:35 left, Arek Bigos had a chance to complete the upset, but kicked a l&yard field goal attempt wide left for a tying single point. “We played. well enough, but we made enough mistakes to let them back into the game,” said head coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight. “We’re still a young team and we showed it at times.” Waterloo’s offensive line also showed that they could handle the much-hyped Hawk defence just about as well as they’ve handled everyone else this season -- 277 yards rushing, 142 for Jarrett Smith and 89 for Mike Malott. Malott also executed one of Tuffy’s trick plays to perfection, the fullback option pass, a 19-yard wobbler to a wide-open Adrian Thorne late in the half to put UW up 14-7. UW was rewarded for its strong performance by being bumped from ninth up to seventh in the CIAU’s national top-ten list. Laurier quarterback Kevin MacDonald connected on a few desperation plays in thesecond half, finishing only 1 l-of-30, for 26.5 yards, three touchdowns and three
@ Yak
Athena Field Hockey @ Xx-onto Twmament (cont’d thru Sunday)
Safety Shawn His outstanding
Dyson play
secures tie with stellar defensive effort. has been key in the Warriors success.
interceptions. Warriors Tory Locker, Tony Garland, and Eric Panyo Jr. had the three picks for UW. For Garland, it was the third game in a row with an interception. The game was only Panyo’s second start of the year. In other OUAA action last weekend, University of Toronto quarterback Mario Sturino ran two
Red Wings by Ryan Imprint
Pyette staff
tevie Yzerman and Dine Ciccarelli? When asked about these fine fellows, even the casual hockey fan can identify them as the veteran superstars of the Western Conference Champion Detroit Red Wings. Well, now it appears as if Leaf fans can breathe easy again. Both Stevie Y and Dino are on the trading block due to their advanced age and their huge salaries. I debate the
logic of trading two of the best players in hockey today. Yzerman has well pver one thousand career points, and Ciccarelli claims nearly six hundred career goals. Sure, it makes sense to develop young
in order
to be com-
petitive over the long run, but from a fan’s perspective, if you qualify for the Stanley Cup Finals, you don’t have a hell of a lot of tinkering to do with your hockey club. Detroit’s thinking is that now that Sergei Fedorov has arrived on
yards into the endzone to tie a game against the now-third-ranked University of Western Ontario Mustangs for another rare tie. The York University Yeomen managed their third win in four games with a 20-14 result over the McMaster University Marauders. The University of Guelph Gryphons beat the University of Windsor Lancers 17- 11.
The playoff picture: The 5-0-l Hawks are still ranked first in Canada and are still on the inside track for homefield advantage through the Yates Cup, should they get that fidr. Their win over the Mustangs earlier this season gives them the tiebreaker even if they stumble in one of their final two games, at Windsor and back home to host the hapless Marauders. The 4-l-l Mustangs have clinched a playoff berth already, and are just looking to win their last two games convincingly (versus Guelph and at York) and get first-round homefield advantage. The 3-2- 1 Warriors need one win in their final two games, versus York tomorrow and at Guelph next weekend, to get to the post-season. In a tiebreaker with the 3-2-l Blues, the Warriors hold an edge with their win over U. of T. Toronto still has to play McMaster and at Windsor.
in turmoil the scene, Yzerman is no longer necessary in management’s scheme. Don’t worry that Yzerman is the most popular Wing since Gordie Howe, but he suddenly becomes expendable. Nay-sayers claim Yzerman had a bad season during the strike-shortened embarassment, but what older centre didn’t? Doug Gilmour and Wayne Gretzky both had off-years, proving that if they can have a slump, so can Steve Yzerman. Ciccarelli is, simply put, the most under-rated player ever to
play in the National League. Dino causes more traffic jams than a ten car pile-up. The Red Wings could never enjoy as many power-plays if Dino wasn’t the Ulf Samulsson of the Western Conference. The only rap the two stars have is that they are in their mid-thirties, a dangerous time for any athlete. The only goal the two need to accomplish in their careers is a Stanley Cup, and at press time, Stevie leads the Wings in points, and Dino leads in goals. Any questions?
IMPRINT. Friday. October 20.1995
Braves and Indians head for Warpath . by Lance Manion special to Imprint he World Series is about to begin. From the American League comes a young, agressive team enjoying a dream season. For decades, this club has been something of a joke, perennial noncontenders, even rumored to be cursed. This year, though, a vibrant mix of personalities has gelled, transforming a once-moribund outfit into a fearsome, seemingly unbeatable unit. These men have fifty years worth of failure and disappointment dogging theirevery play, but as they racked up win after win on Lheir way to a pennant, even the oldest and weariest of their fans began to hope that this would be the payoff year after all. Representing the National League, meanwhile, is a band of grizzled postseason veterans that has somehow never managed to win when it matters most. Since the dawn of the decade, this talented team has dominated its league but Iost the World Series twice; two years ago, in their last playoff campaign, the hopefuls watched a league
championship slip away to a (supposedly) inferior team. Many baseball fans know how the rest of the story goes: the two teams will clash spectacularly in an epic, seven-game contest full of sudden twists and cruel reversals; the Nationals will eventually capture ail by the slimmest of margins, finally earning their rightful recognition as one of the teams of the decade; the Americans will first force a sevepth meeting with a series of astonishing Game Six heroics. And of course, that marathon sixth game, lasting twelve innings and replete with dramatic comebacks and missed chances, finally culminates in a long fly ball going fair by no more than an inch-- willed fair, it seems, by the frantic batter, leaping and screaming at the plate-- will be remembered forever after as the greatest ever played. The triumph of the Cincinnati Reds over the Boston Red Sox in 1975 is generally agreed to be the finest fall classic in baseball’s history, and I’m too young to remember it myself. Like many fans, I’m
left with written accounts, photos, a few brief moving images glimpsed on retrospective clips: Pete Rose sliding into second with a snarl; Carlton Fisk mouthing “fair! fair!” To have actually watched the entire Series unfold, measured by the tortuously slow progress of seven individual games-- to have actually seen Game Six from start to finish, only able to guess at the eventual
he past three socctx games determined Lhat the Men’s Varsity Squad would not be involved in post-season action. A tie against W incisor. and two losses; one to nemesis Laurier and another to MacMaster, shattered Waterloo’s playoff hopes. A tong trip to Windsor resulted in a l-l draw. An exciting match, with both teams creating nutncrous scoring chances. As usual, keeper Marc Depiero was in fine fornm. He also provided the assist for the tone goal with a huge kick down field. Thomas Kishibe did the rest, an amazing solo effort, heading the ball over the Windsor goalie and managing to blast a shot past sprawling defenders into the
. ~~~o~~t~$o~~~~~
This matchup makes my scalp tingle outcome-- seems an exquisi te pleasure I can only imagine. Which is why the prospect of an Atlanta-Cleveland matchup this week makes my scalp tingle. For a while, actually, I was pulling for an AL pennant for Seattle, charmed by their late-season march on the freefalling Angels and made a true believer after their stubborn clinging to life in the Division Series against the hated Yankees. But Cleveland’s Game
SoccerWarriors‘missplayoffs by Claus Bwmeister special to Imprint
Six win in the ALCS ended the Mariners’ seasun and confirmed-all hysterical predictions in the wake of the expanded playoffs to the contrary-that the two best teams in baseball would face off for the World championship after all. Which offers us a few things to consider: *The Cincinnati Reds are now considered to be the most fearsome team of the 1970s. But in 1975, they had yet to show that they
back ol‘ the net. However, a tie, worth only a point wasn’t enough. The Warriors needed a victory to advance in the OUAA standings. Last Saturday’s contest featured riva’ls Laurier at Columbia Fields. A hard fought battle in the mud and rain ended in a 2-O defeat. A combination of costly defensive errors and poor officiating upset the Waterloo faithful. Co-captain Dennis Peeman was blindly cautioned by the referee. Even the Laurier players knew who ihe “trash talking “ culprit really was. Sunday’sgame versus the Mac also ended in a loss, 6-2. The score however did not reflect the closeness of the match. Chris Brown, of Waterloo, opened the scoring with a blast that finished a mad scramble in front of the net. MacMaster
answered twice. Then, a fabulous strike from Jason Chase, 35 yards out, rocked the crossbar. Dino Besu, off a free kick, was also denied by the crossbar. Waterloo couldn’t buy a goal. Mac got yet another break scoring, making the half time tally 3-1. The second half started with a Warrior goal from Besu. Waterloo kept fighting for an equalizer, but fate was on the Marauder’s side. Their chances finished in goals. Make the final 6-2. The Warriors finish their season against Western and Brock. The incentive not to finish in the basement is enough for the men to try for a couple of victories. Also, the men are aware of the ongoing bet with the Athenas soccer team.. Roast beef, chicken, how about spaghetti?
twice-- to Brooks Robinson and the Orioles in 1970, and to the Oakland A’s in ‘72-and in 1973, after winning 99 regular-season games, they lost the NLCS to the vastly inferior Mets, who had eked out a division chamionship with a paltry 83 wins. *In 1975, the Boston Red Sox dared to hope that this would finally, after 57 seasons, be the year. A 1967 dream season (which saw the Sox go all the way to Game Seven of the World Series, only to lose to Bob Gibson and the Cardinals) notwithstanding, the Sox had been moribund for decades, onty to suddenly rise up as the league’s most formidable team, beating the mighty Oakland A’s (threcpeat World Series winners) in three games straight for the AL pennant.
The similarities to this year’s matchup should be obvious. The Braves, like the long-ago Reds, have lost two World Series and one NLCS (the latter to the supposedly inferior Philadelphia Phillies), while the Cleveland Indians have been a laughingstock for decades, just as the Red Sox were (and largely continue to be). In fact, the Indians even share with the Red Sox rumors of a curse: the Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees, and the Indians traded Rocky Colavito in 1954, allegedly inspiring a vengeful hex. That amazing 1975 Series, which the Reds won by a single run in the ninth inning of Game Seven, came at a time when baseball was in a slump, hurt by the rising popularity of footblall. That the game is slumping even more seriously these days is obvious to all: revenues are down, TV coverage is in decline, and fan backlash to last year’s strike has been a factor in the attendance of all but a few ballparks. That the Indians and the Braves are the respective titans of their leagues is equally obvious. We can only hope that their respective talents will result in as mighty and tight a struggle as that of the Reds and Red Sox. If that’s the case, perhaps the 19’95 Series will do as much to revive public feeling in the game as its predecessor.
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Warrior & Athena Rowers compete at Brock :.:i..
Two members of the Warrior Rowing Team do their thing at the Brock University Invitational at St. Catherines last weekend. Despite a strong showing, both the Warrior and Athena teams placed poorly overall, and are looking to improve their records at the Western Open this weekend.
Check out Campus Ret by Heidi Marr special to Imprint
xams getting you down? Bored, frustrated, tired? Need some excitement in your 1ife:l Come to the PAC and enter our Trivia Scavenger Hunt! Next week, October 23-27, Campus Ret is sponsoring a “Seek and Ye Shall Find the Answers” contest at the PAC. The rules are
easy, the questions are simple, and there are going to be prizes! How do you enter? Fill out the answers to the following questions on a piece of paper or pick up an official ballot in the PAC Office, Room 2039. The questions will also be posted on the Campus Recreation bulletin board in the Student Life Building Drop your answers off in the ballot box in the PAC Office
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anytime during office hours (8:UO4:30) October 23-27. The entry deadline is 430 p.m. October 27 and the diaw will be held Monday, October 30. If you have any questions or concerns, call Colleen Murphy, Student Coordinator of Promotions, at 884-0807. Here are the EASY questions: 1. What year was the Physical Activities Complex (PAC) constructed? (Hint: the date is on a cornerstone of the building.) 2. In what section of the PAC is the lower weight room located? (colour & direction) 3. What does your PAC card get you at the Equipment Centre? 4. How much does it cost to rent a lock for a day locker?5 How much does it cost to rent a racquet? 6. Name three articles the Equipment Centre supplies free with your I.D. card. 7. At what time is the Saturday Special Fitness Class offered? What is the cost? 8. What is the date of the Black Knight Squash Tournament? 9. How much does it cost to book the Columbia Icefield Gyms? 10. What days of the week is Pick Up Hockey available? Pretty easy, huh? Make sure to tell us your name, address, phone number, faculty, and where you saw the questions (e.g. Imprint, PAC, etc.) Don’t let exam stress drag you down-come to the PAC and enter our contest next week. You could have fun and be a lucky prize-winner too! While at the PAC, don’t forget to try out some of our facilities, like the weight room, gym, pool, or squash courts. Get rec’d with Campus Ret!
IMPRINT, Friday, October 20, 1995
Athena field hockey ranked by Carolyn Stark special to Imprint
he Athena field hockey team is quietly asserting itself as one of the best in Canada. This past weekend, the Athenas went on a road trip to Ottawa to compete against some of the country’s best. As it stands, the national rankings place Waterloo at fifth in the country, behind University of Victoria, UBC, University of Toronto, anduniversity of New Brunswick. Saturday loomed as an important and exciting game for the Athenas as they faced off against the University of Toronto Blues, the top-ranked team in the OWIAA. A downpour of rain created a dangerous surface to play on, and the elements took their toll on the athletes. Very early in the first half, the Blues managed to earn themselves an unfortunate goal, which resulted from a scramble in the circle. After that, Samara Berger stepped into the Waterloo attack and proved to be quite a threat to the Toronto defence. On the defensive side of the ball, Waterloo had their work cut out for them, as Toronto lists some of the best offensive players in the country on their roster, including the top scorer in the OWlAA league. Sarah Creighton, Lori Good,
Shannon Morris, and Amy Adair demonstrated excellent defensive skills keeping them out of the circle and unable to shoot on net. Other forwards, Dawn Culverson and Carolyn Stark pressured the Toronto defence into giving up the ball, yet were unable to come from behind and tie up the game. Another Toronto goal in the first half made the score 2-O. The Athenas shut down the Blues the entire second half, due to the impressive goaltending of Yolanda Lewczuk, but were unable to reply themselves. Toronto still leads Waterloo in the standings. The final game of the weekend came on Sunday in a match-up against Queen’s Rookie goalie Tanya Boge stepped in and did a great job, not allowing the Gaels to put the ball past her in the first half. Bemice Willemse scored an early goal, and didn’t hesitate to stp after that. She came back 10 score an additional two, the first Athena hat trick of the season ! Rachel Brohman added to that total, sniping a shot through the goalie’s pads. Rookie forwards Grace Douglas and Carla Munch performed admirably in the circle, narrowly missing on additional goals for the Athenas. The only minor setback came when Queen’s scored, providing a 4-l final in favour of Waterloo.
Margaret soccer
Corey - Athena
Margaret is a first year Optometry ‘student in her fourth year of competition on the Athena soccer team. This weekend, Margaret scored all three Athena goals. On Saturday, Margaret, scored both goals against the Laurier team Sunday, she added giving the Athenas a I-O lead which held for two-thirds of the game. However, McMaster came back to take the win anyway. Margaret has recovered from both a pre-season and early-season injury to lead the team with patience, insight and quiet intensity. Her ball control and knack for maneuvering past all those who defend her continues to astound everyone.
John Shoniker - Warrior Football John is a fifth year Arts student in his final year of play with the Warrior Football team. This past Saturday in the annual Battle of Waterloo with Laurier, John had 4 quarterback sacks and 4 individual tackles against the nation’s number one ranked offensive team. John has been a pillar of strength for the Warrior defense throughout his five year football career. His abilities are well respected and feared throughout the league. He is the Warrior defensive captain and is expected to earn AllCanadian Honours this year. John is one of the only player who has played in every game during his university career.
Friday, October 20, 1995 .r
23 -
Rurrbv-ites fight for first division lives u
by Mark
Imprint staff
aterloo is Rug bY coming to the end of a tough and disappointing season. Going into the final game of the regular season, the Warriors find themselves with one point, no chance to make playoffs and no small task to avoid relegation. The OUAA regulations are these; in the event of a tie for position in the standings, the deciding factor is record between the tied teams. If a tie remains, the deciding factor is points for and against and the resulting plus/minus score. This weekend, the odds favour Waterloo beating the York Yoemen and Guelph losing to Queens. If the odds hold true, the above equation is put into effect and the decision of who gets reIegated to OUAA second division comes down to a point differential between Waterloo and Guelph. At present, Waterloo is at a 40 point disadvantage to Guelph. What is the result of all of this? Waterloo must beat York by approximately 40 points and hope Queens defeats Guelph, racking up as many points as possible in the process. It would appear its time for a Warrior gut check and a little di-
vine intervention. Even more disheartening is the fact Warriors have just come off a three game stint where they could have won some games and avoided this sort of situation. Thanksgiving Friday, the game against Guelph, which was supposed to be the turn around point for the Warriors, turned out to be an exercise in futility for both teams. A dose of hurricane Opal turned the Rugby pitch into a quagmire of mud and grass which all but brought the game to a stand still. Neither team was able to gain any momentum and mount an offense. “It was like watching the game in slow motion” said Warrior coach Ian Pryde. Two penally kicks - one for each side - were all the scoring produced on the afternoon, as the teams drugged their way to a 3-3 tie and a single point each. “The ball felt like it weighed a ton,” said Warrior captain Dale Finlay, who was given the unenviable task of kicking for posts on the day. The weather proved a hinderance to the junior varsity Warriors as well, allowing them only two Brad Miller penalty kicks, on their way to a 19-6 loss. By midweek the weather had
greatly improved, but unfortunately the Warriors’ fortunes had not, when they travelled to MacMaster last Wedensday. A lack-luster first half saw Waterloo down 2 1-O by half time. “ If we’re going to dig ourselves a hole, we need to use a shovel, not a back-ho ” was the reaction of Warrior coach Derek Humphries, A 180 degree turn around at half saw the Warriors score two tries in the first ten minutes of the second frame, bringing themselves storming back into the game and knocking Mac for a loop. An excellent individual effort from Steve Goodacre produced the first Watreloo score, a try just inside the corner flag. A strong run by Nik Krpan off the back of a five meter strum, to the loaded side of Mac’s strum, produced the second Warrior tally. Goodacre managed to slot the conversion of Krpan’s try, adding two points to the Warrior score. Unfortunately, Waterloo were unable to keep the pressure on and ended up on the short end of a 36-12 score. The junior varsity Warriors played a strong, rambling game which produced tries at the hands of props Mike Lippert and Dean Stoltz, and a third from back row player Jeff Stoner.
9 Triton Chip Set MotherBoard ( for Pentiums Only ) .256KB RAM l
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Like their varsity counterparts, the junior varsity Warriors were unable to maintain the needed pressure against Mac, falling eventually to a 27-15 score. The third game of the week was the much anticipated re-match against the Western Mustangs. Humphries said at the conclusion of the Mac game, “ we need to use this game as a spring board to the Western game” and spring the Warriors did. Playing again in wet and muddy conditions, Waterloo staged an impressive first half, holding the Mustangs scoreless. Then, like a repeat of their last game, the Warriors exploded in the second half, capitalizing on three Western mistakes and converting tries. Goodacre pounced on a misplayed ball the Mustang fly-half, playing chip-and-chase to score the eventual try. Josh Windsor put on a one man show on the wing, intercepting two passes in the Western back line that he turned into two of his own tries. Unconverted, the three scores put Waterloo out to a 15-O lead, until1 the referee stepped up once again. 10 consecutive penalties in favour of Western handcuffed the
Warriors both on offence and defence and marched Western down the field for two tries and a penalty kick. To compound what many thought was a distinctly biased display of officiating, two Western attempts at goal were waved off by the touch judg,e, but overruled and called good by the referee, allowing Western to ecsape with a 17-l 5 win. With tears in the eyes of many of the Warrior players at the conclusion of the game, Humphries told them “ that was the best display of rugby you have showed this year. You won that game.” Pryde said later, L‘ we finally geled and played as a team.” After having to watch their varsity teammates suffer such a disheartening loss, the junior varsity Warriors were unable to muster much in the way of offence, going down to Western’s junior varsity squad, 35-7. The lone Waterloo points came on a try from full-back Joel Dunlop, promptly converted by Brad Mille:r. The Warriors must look ahead to Saturday and to the prospects for their 1996 season. It is a matter of do or die if they hope compete at this level next year and avoid relegation to second division.
Two quarterbacks,
one position,
Danschinko by Kimberly Imprint staff
must choose...
or Wilkinson?
hen they take the field tomorrow against the York Yeomen, both Kevin Danschinko and Ryan Wilkinson know that they are going to have to play one of the best games of their lives. For the past two weeks, the two quarterbacks have been sharing the position at the helm of the Warriors offense. Danschinko has started all of Waterloo’s games this season while Wilkinson has finished most. It is this solution that head coach Dave “Tuftjl” Knight has used to combat the problem that has nagged the Warriors all season long. It has worked, Waterloo is undefeated in their past four games but, it won’t continue much longer. As it looks right now, the Warriors are heading to the playoffs but, if they are going to be successful, they must settle on one quarterback to lead this team. Knight realizes this, but neither quarterback has stepped up to show him that they should be number one. “Neither one of them has showed me he is head and shoulder above the otherone or he should be playing all the time.” said Knight who is frustrated himself with the situation. You see, it was supposed to be a banner year for the Warriors offense this season. After the graduation of fifth-year quarterback Steve Bennet, last year’s back-up Pat Got-man was going to step in and give the Warriors the passing attack it has always desired. However, plans of passing the ball more were scrapped when German was seriously hurt in a car accident during Spring Camp. With German unable to play this year, the Warriors had a definite hole at quarterback.
1 ST
Kevin Danschinko (left) quarterbacks. Who will
and Ryan Wilkinson: a tale of two step up into the number one spot?
That’s where Danschinko fits in. Although this is his first full season as a starter, Danschinko has run the Warriors’ offense before. He took 1994 off but was Bennet’s back-up in 1993 and played three games for Waterloo when Bennet was injured. With alightened course load in 1995, Danschinko decided to return to the Warriors. He never expected to be the starter, just hoped to play out his last season. Wilkinson was also around, but after a disastrous spring camp at quarterback, Knight toyed with the idea of moving him to defensive back. It is a good thing he didn’t. Heading into fall camp, the Warriors looked to Danschinko as the starter and had Wilkinson pentilled in as his back-up. It wasn’t until Danschinko was hurt in Windsor that the thought of Wilkinson starting crept into the minds of the Warrior faithful. Wilkinson was outstanding in Windsor despite the loss and against Toronto won the game for the Warriors with a 75yard touchdown bomb to Adrian Thorne. Against McMaster, he did fairly well in
IMPRINT, Friday, October 20,149S
SPECIALS! 103 King St., N. Waterloo 888-6223 fi,lt?At ll?&%n Guisine
limited playing action and against Cuelph two weeks ago, he came in and the Warriors won. This weekend, he had the touchdown that would have won the game for Waterloo however, a penalty called the play back and the Warriors were forced to settle for the tie with Laurier . Danschinko has also played well. In Toronto, he led the Warriors to an early lead despite a nagging hip-pointer. When he left , the Warriors were on top. Against McMaster andGuelph, Danschinko left the games in similar situations. This weekend, in the biggest game Waterloo has played this season, he once again guided them to an early lead before being pulled. Sure, Danschinko has made some mistakes while in there but, so has Wilkinson. Although he doesn’t rack up the same numbers running and passing the ball that Wilkinson does, Danschinko reads the defense better allowing Waterloo’s talented running backs to dominate the games. “Iknow I’m not a strong-armed quarterback who can drop back and throw the ball 50 yards,” admits Danschinko. “But, where I lack in passing is where I’m going to make up for running the ball option-wise, making the right decisions and running the ball hard. “Sure, I’m not a strong passer but, I still do the things that will get the first downs and make the ball move,”
Both Danschinko and Wilkinson have shown signs of greatness but neither one of them has been consistent with the effort. Both would like to be the number one quarterback yet each seems reluctant to prove it. “I just want the team to do well,” says Danschinko. “Of course, one guy would like to play a whole game but I can’t expect that, I’m almost a freshman myself.” “Sure, its hard watching someone in front of you,” admits Wilkinson, “but, as a backup I’m there to help Kevin and the team in situations where Kevin is struggling.” Both Danschinko and Wilkinson are capable of leading this offense but, one of them has got to step up and declare himself number one. Quarterback is a vital position, come playoff time, the Warriors can only go with one. The flip-flopping will not work. So there you see is the problem the Warriors are faced with. On one side they have Ryan Wilkinson, a talented freshmen who is going to be a star. Running and passing the ball, he has done better. However, he is still a freshman and will make typical “freshmen mistakes”. On the other hand, the Warriors have Kevin Danschinko. He is not a dominating quarterback by his own admittance, but he has gotten the job done for the Warriors week after week. He is confident and reliable because he knows the system and is not as nervous starting. “My only concern is that we win and that it says as a quarterback and team player we are winning.” says a determined Danschinko who lost 45 pounds this summer to come back and play quarterback. He has heard the rumours but, knows that he is a leader on this team. “I’m not going to throw a fit or do something stupid,” said Danschinko of what goes through his mind when he’s pulled out of a game for Wilkinson. “I’m a team player, if I were to do that, it would show how immature and unteamorientated I am.” The whispers and doubts however continue to circle the Warriors’ camp as many are calling for Wilkinson to start. But, Danschinko has continued to be the number one quarterback. Unfair it may seem to
some but, not really when you think about it. Yes, Wilkinson has successfully come into the fourth quarters of several games but, who can say Danschinko wouldn’t have done the same if left in the games? Danschinko has only played one complete game and that was the first one of the season in which the entire offense played poorly. Who is to say that Danschinko could not have won the games for the Warriors if given the same opportunity Wilkinson has? On the other hand, there is the fact that Wilkinson has never been able to start a game. Who is to say he couldn’t win if he started? Could the Warriors be 6-O with him as a starter? So you see, there are a lot of questions in this situation and a lot of people doubting Knight’s decisions. It seems the only two people who can force Knight into picking one quarterback are Kevin Danschinko and Ryan Wilkinson. Everyone can have their opinions about who should start but, ultimately either Danschinko or Wilkinson has got to decide whether he should lead the team. Without one doing so, the Warriors will not succeed. In this writer’s opinion, the Warriors must pick one quarterback and go with him the entire game. The flip-flopping, although successful so far, is not going to work in the playoffs. The Warriors’ offense must work as a unit and switching back and forth quartebacks is hurting their timing. If Danschinko is going to continue as starter, he should left in to play the entire game. If Wilkinson is the man, Waterloo must start him. Flip-flopping is destroying the confidence of both players as they constantly have to worry about making mistakes. Not settling onone quarterback is also hurting the team’s atmosphere. Playing one quarterback off the other undermines the stong team unity that has brought the Warriors so much success this season. There is a reason why great championship teams have only one starting quarterback and one backUPIf the team wants a Vanier Cup this season, they must decide who that starter is going to be and soon.
in fine
by Jason Gregoire special to Imprint
Sm5d Dinner Buffit ‘
with deso-~ und Tan&on* Chi&n 5:jopm - 1u:3opm 7 Days A Week YOU
.. .
he cross-country Warriors and Athenas battled it out on home turf this past Saturday. The women raced two loops (5km) of the North Campus course, while the men raced four ( 1Okm). The Athenas, led by team captain Judith LeRoy, placed 5th overall and are currently ranked 10th in the CIAU. Judith had another outstanding race, placing 10th overall Not far behind, Cheryl Turner was 12th. Rounding,out the Athena
contingent were Joelle Carmichael, Sarah Buck, Denise Thody, and Amy Jarvis. Still without the return of injured runner Kim Langton, this was an impressive result for the Athenas and bodes well for the upcoming OWIAA championships where all will hopefully be healthy and more rested. The Warriors also raced well in posting a4th place finish amongst 10 teams, only 10 points behind 3rd place Guelph. Jason Gregoire once again ran well from the front placing second overall in a time of 31~26. In suffering his first “loss”
of the season, the “Jaguar” seemed surprisingly upbeat, claiming he has no intentions of letting that happen again ! Brett Kilty placed 32nd. Mike Tripp was 58th and freshman Gord Kenny had his best performance of this season and should be congratulated for his efforts. Rounding out the Warrior contingent were Paul Godkin, Jon Martin , Kevin Beatty, Christian Brudenjak, Jeff Irwin, and Andreas Vetter. The CNJAA/OWIAA championships are held here in Waterloo on October 28.
TEAM Laurier Western Waterloo Toronto York McMaster Cue1ph Windsor
13 17 19
Oct. 11
DIV, I Queen's Western McMaster York Cuelph Waterloo DIV. II Carleton Rbu Laurier Brock Toronto Trent
FOOTBALLRESULTS York 20 McMaster Waterloo 23 Laurier Western 19 Toronto Guelph 17 Windsor
14 23
19 11
FOOTBALLSTANDINGS GP W L T F A 6 5 0 1 188 84 6 41 1 204 95 6 3 2 1 148 126
6 6
3 3
2 3
6 6
1 1
5 5
UQTR UQTR Concordia Waterloo
HOCKEY 12 at at at
RMC McGill Ottawa Ryerson
Guelph Brock McHaster Queen's RMC Carleton Western
23 17 12
York Laurier Cuelph York Trent Toronto Waterloo
5 41 17
6 6
14 0
4 5
0 1 1
Oct. & Oct. &
IS 11 5 7 8 0 19 15
21 22 21 22
Oct. 21
72 83
10 10
4 3 1
GP 6
W 6
L 0
T 0
F 175
A 74
TP 12
6 6 6 6
3 3 2 0
3 3
0 0
120 105
79. 70
6 6
71 140
EAST DIV. Laurentian Queen's
1 2 6 0 1 2 4 1 4 2
Windsor bock Trent Guelph Windsor
McMaster Laurentian Toronto York Western Waterloo Trent York
6 3
Cue1ph Waterloo Ryerson Carleton
10 10 10 10
1 1 1 at at at
2 3
9 10
2 2
6 7
McMaster Western Laurier Cue1ph Windsor Brock Waterloo
11 9 10 10 10 10 10
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 1 1
Water1 00 Brock
Laurentian Trent
2-12 4-10
8-6 4-10
6-8 l-6
l-6 6-8
34 30
l-6 5-9
9-5 l-6
1-13 3-11
3-11 4-10
2% 26
25 26
Guelph UQTR Concordia Lauren, Laurier Guelph Concordia Toronto Lauren. UQTR York Lauri er Toronto York Western Ottawa
ROWING Western Open
Oct. 20
McMaster Cue1ph Laurier RMC Trent Waterloo
3:DD pm
2:oo 2:oo 2:oo 2:oo
pm pm pm pm
7:oo pm 7:00 pm 7:3D pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 3:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm I:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 PM 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm
19 14 11 11
7 4 3 3 2 3
A 6 7
TP 24 $1
10 10
17 7
0 1 3
4 4 4 3
3 6
S 1
12 9 11 10 16 21 24
25 16 13
33 13 10 8 IS 15 9
11 10 6
York York McYaster
7 7 4
McMaster Ottawa Ottawa
0 0
3 3
12:00 pm
at at at at at
1:00 pm l:oo pm l:oo pm 1:00 pm LOO pm
Oct. 21 ft 22
1:DD pm 1:oo pm 1:OO pn 1:oo pm pm pm
1:OD 3:Oo 1:OO 1:00
pm pm
2:oo pm 2:00 pm 3:oo pm 3:DO pm
OUAA FOOTBALLTOP FIVE STATISTICAL LEADERS TO SCORING 11 Sean Reade/UWO Carrick MacBride/UWO Arek B+gos/WAT Andre Batson/YK 7 Zach Treanor/WLU 7
FC -
C -
S -
TP 66
8 8
24 1s
6 4
54 43
42 42
Cue1ph Queen's Western Carleton Trent
1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Trent Brock Waterloo McMaster Queen's
Windsor Brock Trent Carleton Waterloo Ryerson Western Toronto Cuelph Trent Waterloo Ryerson Queen's Western
East Queen's York Toronto Ottawa Carleton Trent Ryerson
11 10 10 10 9 10 10
8 7 5 3 3 3 0
1 2 24 8 1217 6 3 2 8 6 4 3 7 11 5 110 6 7 0 12 27 8 2 8 22
10 10 10 10 10
7 7 5 4 2
0 2 1 1 6
3 1 4 S 2
; 0 1
PTS 18
Toronto Queen's
Queen’s Toronto
Teena Mora Schona Rae Robyn Tindale
28 3 29 9 22 9 25 8 6 27
Queen's McMaster
17 15 14 13
Oct. 21
Waterloo 13 at Nepean: Carleton York 14 Toronto York Trent Guelph Toronto McGill York 15 Toronto Waterloo Carleton 1% York
Oct. 20
; 3 2
4 2 5 4 2 vs
10 10
6 6 6 5
fl 10 11
: s 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 Fl 1 0 1 1
T 0
CF GA PTS 62 2 24
765 7.9 733 6.2
10 1 5
3 2 3 1
83 69 63 36
3 6
ATT COMPYDS PCT INT TD LG Mario SturinofTO 202 108 1433 53.5 3 7 44 K. McDonald/WLU 160 87 1383 54.4 9 13 60 Warren Coldie/UWO123 76 1109 61.8 4 8 50 Ted Dyer/CUE 148 77 1006 52.0 10 5 82 Mike Kennedy/MAC 126 58 757 46.0 10 4 64 ‘RECEIVING Francis EtiennejTO Zach Treanor/WLU Brad Bunn/GUE Craig Poole/WIND Adrian Thorne/WAT PUNTING Richard Iantria/TO Andy Vasily/WIND
ND YDS AVE 37 621 16.8
20 447 21
18 369 19 365
22.4 19.0 20.5 19.2
TD LG 6 43
6 54 3 82 2 59 3 75
NO YDS 47 1774
AVE 37.7
LK 61
L 0
7.0 6.5 6.9
21 13
13 13 13
5 5 2
5 7 7
14 16
1 25 26
13 15
1 10 10 13
2 2
4 36 255
4 2
WKl I3 9 14 13 5 0 0
TENNIS STANDINGS WK2 WK> WK4 17 8 9 5 18 4 4 1 13 9 5 5 9 12
ii 1
17 14 12 ifi 8 7
6 6 5 5
POINTS 47 36 32
:i8 1
BADM1NToN East Sectional 1 at Toronto West Sectional 1 at Guelph
10:00 1O:DO 1O:DD 10:00
CROSSCOUNTRY Laurentian Dpen Mustang Open
a.m. a.m. a.m.
l:oo p.m. 3:DD p.m.
FIELD HOCKEY At Lamport Stadium, Toronto: Carleton vs Toronto 3:00 p.m. Western vs York 3:00 p.m. Cue1ph vs McGill 1O:DO a,m. Carleton vs Waterloo I1:30 a.m. Queen's vs Toronto 1:00 p.m. Western vs McGill 2:30 p.m. Cuelph vs Queen's 4:00 p.m. Waterloo vs Trent 5:30 p.m. Carleton vs York 8:3D a.m. McGill vs Toronto 10:DO a.m. Cuelph vs Trent 11:30 a,m. Waterloo vs York 1:OD p.m. Western vs Queen's 2:30 p.m. (end of regular season) RDWINC Western Open
8:3D a.m.
W 12
682 609 600
Oct. 21
RUSHING No Sean Reade/UWD 97 L.Jean-Pierre/YK 118 Chris Moore/WIND 98 Jarrett Smith/WAT 94 Mike Mallot/WAT 87
8 6 6
Western McGill Western Cuelph Western Carleton Waterloo Trent Queen's Guelph Queen's Trent Toronto
2 10
Coal s 9 8
1 28 10 1 22 13
TEAM York Queen's McMaster Western Toronto Waterloo Laurier
Oct. 21 8122 Oct. 21 Et 22
2 1
Paula Williams
1 6
10 6
Susan Anderson
12 13
TOP-TEN FIELD HOCKEYSCORERS Player School GP Wendy Johnstone Toran to 12 Becky Price York 12 Natalie Woodhouse Toronto 12 Brenyn Baynham Toranto Pippa George Queen's :: Carolyn Stark Waterloo 14 Michelle Lo Waterloo 14 Melissa Smith Toranto 12 Kri sten Banham McGill 13 Alex Brooks-Hill Toranto 12 Rachelle Brohman Waterloo 14
SOCCERSCORING LEADERS Player School GP Sarah Keating York 10 Andrea Johnston York 10 Kristina Alderdice McMaster 11 Julie Madore Ottawa 10 Sara Mathanson Western 8 Julie Gareau Ottawa 9 Martha Hall Queen's 10 Camilla Vejval ka Laurier 10
SOCCER Lauren. at Carleton Ryerson at Trent Toronto at York Waterloo at Brock Western at Cuelph Windsor at Laurier Lauren, at Trent Ryerson at Carleton Western at McMaster Windsor at bock Cuelph at Laurier Toronto at Queen's (end of regular season)
8:30 an
Brock Carleton York
Western Windsor
1~00 pm
McMaster Lauri er Cue1ph Brock
Western Queen's Ryerson
DWIAA SOCCER Queen's 8 Western 1 Windsor Cue1ph i Ottawa 0 Cue1ph 2 McMaster Toronto : York 3 Laurier 3 0t tawa 2 Laurier Carleton : bock 1 York McMaster : York at Trent at Waterloo at
Oct. 21
lo:00 am 1O:OO am
10:00 am 10:00 am
CROSSCOUNTRY Laurentian Open Mustang Open
2 1
SADMINTON East Sectional I at Toronto West Sectional I at Guelph
: -
TENNIS STANDINGS I II III IV POINTS 10-4 9-5 6-l 14-O 78 12-2 7-7 13-1 6-l 76 6-l S-9 12-2 9-5 64
HOCKEY at McGill at RMC at Queen's at Western at Brcuk at Ottawa at RMC at McGill at Windsor at Queen's at Western at Ryerson at Ottawa at Windsor at Laurier at Concordia
Cuelph Laurier Toronto York
Oct. 21
1 0 1
3 2 1 1 1
FOOTBALL at Western at Windsor at McMaster at Waterloo
2 1
SOCCERSTANDINGS W L T F 7 0 3 16 6 1 3 21
5 5
Carleton Ryerson York Trent
Brock Queen's
3 18 12
70 182 58 90 65 137
Waterloo Western Queen's McMaster Cuelph Laurier HcMaster Queen's Toronto Carleton
CIAU FCKITBALLTOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized; previous ranking in parentheses) I. IAURIER CDLDENHAWKS(1) 2 Calgary Dinosaurs (3) 3. WESTERNMUSTANGS(2) 4'. Ottawa Gee Gees (4) 5. Saskatchewan Huskies (5) 6. Acadia Axemen (7) 7. WATERLOOWARRIORS(9) 8. St. Francis Xavier X-Men (6) 9, Bishop's Gaiters (NR) TORONTOBLUES (NR)
RUGBYSTANDINGS GP W L T F 6 5 1 0 179 6 5 1 0 173 6 4 2 0 107
11 9 7 7 6 4 2 2
1 113 123 0 85 136 0 80 178 0 85 111 0 78 128
RUGBYRESULTS Toronto 15 Brock Laurier 39 Trent Queen's 23 Western McMaster 36 Waterloo
York Western Toronto Queen's Waterloo Brock Ot-tawa McMaster
Scoreboard @WA
ist bock
Windsor i3t Western iat Ottawa i3t Ryerson iat Toronto iat Ryerson at Western at Cuelph i3t Toronto at Windsor iat Ottawa iat (end of regular
Laurier Cue1ph Carleton Trent York Carleton McMaster Laurier
Queen’s Brock Trent season)
TENNIS OWIAA Team Finals at Wl!stern Oct. 20 York 'vs Western Queen's 'vs UcMaster Oct. 21 Bronze Medal Round Gold Medal Round
Jarret Luke/WLU G. Mac%ride/UWO Matt Armstrong/WAT
l:OD p.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:Oo p.m. 3:OD p.m. 390 p.m. 3:oo p.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:OO p.m. 1:00 p.m. l:OD p.m. 2:Oo p,nl. 3:Oo p.m.
12:OO p.m.
6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m.
51 1839
41 31
35.5 34.6
71 60
1455 1073
PUNT RETURNS Corey Grant/WLU Andre %atson/YK Adrian Thorne/WAT Raw1 %anton/WIND Francis Et i enne/TO
21 30
413 242
11.8 19.7
19 33
228 219
KICKOFF RETURNS Andre Batson/YK Francis EtiennefTO Mike Mallot/WAT Kyle Walters/CUE Shawn Dyson/WAT
ND 16
INTERCEPTIONS Kyle Walters/CUE Todd MacKay/UWD Rob McElwain/W'IND Tony Carl and/WAT Jason Foley/MAC
8.1 12.0
79 91 44
YDS 173
AVE 23.3
TO -
LR 55
11 8 6 10
251 227 215 184
21.3 28.4 35.8 18.4
1 1 -
82 74 96 48
NO 4 3 3 3 3
YDS 112 32 23 18 12
AVE 28.0
TD 1
LA 99
7.7 6.0 4.0
14 9
Thev Live in a House, a Very Big House A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibse11 playing through Saturday Theatre of the Arts by Ellen Imprint
Mckay staff
Ddl’s House is the tale of Nora Helmut and her journey of self-revelation. At the outset of the play Noca (Christy Morrow) appears to be a silly,frivolousperson wholivesonly to spend money and please her husband Torvald (Calvin S weers). When a childhood friend, Christine Linde (Lesley Dewey) appears on the scene, however, Nora starts to reveal that there is more to her than meets the eye. A family friend. Dr. Rank (Dylan Roberts) and an employec in Torvald’s bank Nils Krogstad (Joey Morin) help further complicate the action. Nils Krogstad and his involvement in both Christine and Nora’s lives provides the catalyst for all the action that occurs in the play...but 1 don’t want to ruin it for you so I’m not going to tell you any more. The titleA Doff’s Hr,use comes from Torvald’s treatment of Nora. When the show starts she is sitting on a couch looking all dressed up, looking just like a doll, and then she picks up a doll she has bought that just happens to look just like her. Throughout the show Torvald treats her as a little doll whom he has to take care of because she can’t
Torvald doing feels down bend
his life-sized,
anything for herself, and he perfectly justified in talking to her and expecting her to to his will. At the beginning of the play Nora seems to be an aimless bubblehead who has no contact with reality whatsoever, but she slowly reveals that she is smarter than she lets on and just plays stupid to please her husband.
Christy Morrow’s rendition of Nora is extremely strong and she convincingly portrays the different facets of Nora that are revealed thruughout the play. Calvin Sweers also does a good job as Torvald, and his solid and no nonsense character nicely balances out Nora. As well, he also provides some nice comic moments and some rather poignant moments as a man
who thinks he doing what’s best for Nora even if he’s emotionally smothering her to do so. Mrs. Christine Linde is a childhood friend of Nora’s, who is a widow and looking for a job. Her life has taken a much different turn than Nora’s and left her bitter, unhappy and alone. Lesley Dowey’s portrayal of her downtrodden, patient character nicely helps contrast
The Usual Storvline The Usual Suspects directed by Bryun Singer by Jennifer Epps special to Imprint
he tale told in The Usual Suspectsisn’t the type of glossy concept high-priced filmmakers chew over while dining in public on antipasto. Xt’s more like the generic ghost stories camp counsellors dust off’ when they want to quiet the kids; they know all they need is a few stereotyped characters, some dragged-out suspense, and a sudden loud “BOO!” More accurately, I expect, it’s the kind of yarn a couple of movie buff buddies spin for each other while knocking back a few pints of home brew, the ecstasy of dawn rippling up their spines with fingers of pink and gold. (and that’s the kind of poetry you write at 5 a.m., t00.) Before either their eyes or the morning mist have cleared, they’ve pledged to get their little brain-teaser filmed. Director Bryan Singer and screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie have in fact collaborated before. Now, their sights are set entirely on pulling off a jazzy magic trick, and, in that the movie
Nora’s upbeat, carefree character. As well, Dewey’s earnest perlbrmante helps flesh out what could have been a fairly flat character and she is a perfect foil for Nora. Dylan Roberts’ Dr. Rank is a good natured, boisterous soul who never misses the opportunity to pay a lady a compliment. Roberts plays the part to the hilt, yet he also has some key moments when Nora and Dr. Rank are discussing secrets and problems and he lets the other side of his character shine through. Joey Morin’s Nils Krogstad is a cold, uncaring man who wants to save his skin at any cost. Krogstad’s actions are fairly low and despicable, but Morin does justice to the part, and I couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for the character in spile of myself. The set, which changes a few times during the pLay, is fairly basic, but serves its purpose and it is the background set that never changes that really caught my eye. It consists of old chairs, rugs, tables and boxes that are piled on top of each other to form a tower. I bet there was some hidden meaning behind the pile of stuff...but I didn’t catch it. Overall, A Drill’s House was really well done, with some powerful scenes, a fair dose of irony added in for good measure and even a social message or two added in for good measure. I’d recommend seeing it...and hey it’s a good study break!
As Well
goes “poof’ and a surprise ending Doughy and vulnerable with withvery white FBI guy is horrified to pops up without us ever seeing the ered and useless limbs on his left learn that satanic Keyser Soze may wires, it succeeds. When Chazz side, Verbal (portrayed by the dexbe involved. Palminteri, as a plain-clothes de,terous Kevin Spacey) is grilled by On the surface, this is promistective, wants to put the squeeze on Palminteri and Dan I-ledaya, and ing fare, but The Usual Suspects is a thug, he snarls, “I’m smarter than he frustrates them by rambling on all surfaces. The wild bunch in the you.” And that’s what the movie’s cheerfully about extraneous odds title talk tough - “Everybody got about; who’s smarter - crooks or and ends. He is determined, it seems, it right in the ass from the chief on cops, feds or fiends, Singer and to remain loyal to his colleagues: down”, etc.and they trade a lot of quips (We’re supMcQuarrie or us. The Usuai Susposed to find them pects begins with a discute when they goof off’ before the fuzz). astrous fire on a But they don’t behave docked ship and the convincingly. Except concomitant deaths of 27 goons. From then for the diligent on, the police investiSpacey, these actors just stand around the gation provides a movie looking like, schema for the rest of well, actors. When an the film, as we backassociate threatens to track from the eponysqueal on them, they mous gang’s first go all wobbly, and it’s meeting (they come toa scant few baby steps gether in a police lineto utter abjectness; up) through a series of “What? What am I looking at? I don’t see anything..,” which the boys sucjobs cooked up for the leader of the pack, Dean Keaton cumb to thanks to manoeuvers by them by the grinning daredevil Keyser Soze and his consiglieriMcManus (Stephen Baldwin) to (the always remote Gabriel Byrne); type lawyer (uncomfortably enacted the final challenge at the dockyard: the soft-tongued and sleepy-eyed by Pete Postlethwaite). Just call eccentric Fenster (Benico de1 Toro); the baffling, fiery encounter with them robber morons. the unseen, infamous criminal genthe wise-cracking Hackney (played, Talk to someone who loved not surprisingly by a comedianius Keyser Soze. this flick, and they’ll probably splutA hood nicknamed Verbal proKevin Pollak) and McManus. ter, “But it all makes sense in the Meanwhile, Giancarlo Esposito’s vides the enveloping narration.
end! It’s all justified then!” Yeah, so’s a wet dream, but that doesn’t make it inspired. If Singer had imbued The Usual Suspecls with a style - sweaty/sordid, arty/arid, whatever -we might feelrewarded for our attention. But the point-ofview shot in the elevator shaft is our only crumb, and the meat of the picture, the stuff you have to sit through before the big punchline, is devoid of grace notes. We keep wishing Singer would take a side, He doesn’t pursue the police investigation; he just leaves it to lumber. He doesn’t buck up Keaton’s attempts to fly straight; he just drops in the occasional whisper between Keaton and his honey, the almost silent attorney (Suzy Amis). Singer doesn’t even make Keyser Soze sinister, he just bandies around a few rumours. WhatThe UsualSuspec~~lacks is a focus, any focus --compassion versus cruelty, death versus life, we’re not picky. This world of crime already has the bite taken out of it; it’s a tale about shadows that neglects both the forces of dark and light. I’ll tell you the film’s terrible secret: Keyser Soze isn’t really the devil. No banal, smug moviemakers are.
Friday, October 20, 1995
Extra Crispy
A Stitch in Time... How To Make An American Quilt directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse playing at the Waterloo by Johanna Neufeld Imprint staff A liberal arts student at Berkeley decides to spend the summer with her grandmother while trying to finish her MA thesis. Unsure of a recent proposal, her grandmother’s friends share their knowledge of love and marriage. While sifting through their advice and looking for her soul mate, the young woman must decide what she wants in life and who she’ll spend it with. Directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse, the movie is based on novelist Whitney Otto’s book, which explores the relationship of 7 older women and how love has touched their lives. As they piece together the patches of cloth, each one has a different story to tell. Many have felt the pain and hate of marriage, but also the happiness it can bring. Love is like a quilt, as it can keep you warm and secure, yet life is rather cold and empty without it. Winona Ryder plays the young Finn Dodd. Almost finished her thesis, she leaves her boyfriend for the quiet comfort of her grandmother’s Victorian home. Hesitant to accept Sam (Dermot Mulroney), whom she sees more as a friend than a lover, she listens as the older women share their wisdom and years of experience while they sew her wed-
ding quilt. Tempted to be unfaithful after meeting Leon (Jonathon Schaech), Finn is even more confused when her hippie mother shows up with some unexpected news. Ellen Bumstyn is Finn’s open-minded granny, who along with her sister Gladioli (Anne Bancroft) , gives Finn most of the guidance she thinks she needs, The other women in the group are played by Jean Simmons, Maya Angelou, Alfre Woodard, and Kate Nelligan. While working, they do find comfort in each other but not always. The theme of the quilt is where love resides, which makes each one think and remember. Drinks and cigarettes loosen their tongues, as the conversations last long into the night. Flashbacks are used effectively in the narrative, and merge well with the present. Interesting and entertaining, the many tales however have a tendency to confuse the viewer. The soundtrack does add to the picture with selections ranging from the Matondoni Wedding song to Neil Diamond, Louis Armstrong and Verde. Photography is shot in warm hues, and the inviting interiors of the houses belong to yesterday. Images and references to water are numerous. In How To Make An American Quilt, Moorhouse rules in favor of love and hardly strays from the romantic ideal. Cluttered by too many well known actresses and a happy ending, the film is humorous and somewhat enlightening but fails to reveal anything new.
Verbal Masturbation 101
Lisa Gerrard Danforth Music HuU, Turunt~ Saturday October 14 by Wendy Stewart Imprint stafT
o be or not to be . . . “ Shakespeare, Milton, T.S. Eliot, Baudelaire: What would you think if you walked into a concert and someone was quoting these and other luminaries? Walked into Verbal Masturbation 10 1? Lisa Gerrard opened her first solo tour with an absurdly pompous performance by Mark Ellis, a spoken word performer and fellow member of Dead Can Dance. The pace went from slow to death march with the beginning of Lisa’s performance. Dead Can Dance is a world-beat, new age group of musicians headed by Lisa Gerrard and Brenden Perry. According to Lisa’s dad (who was in the lobby aggressively selling programs), Brenden couldn’t attend this tour as he is currently working on a solo project of his own. Lisa’s solo album, “The Mirror Pool,” is currently available.
After the indoctrination into the world of high art, a stone-faced Lisa appeared in her usual long, white robe. The congregation, er, audience was hushed and expectant. I was soon converted as Lisa’s magnificent voice astonished and delighted me. Her low baritone rolled gracefully, slowly rising into a soaring soprano. With a range like that, who needs a second singer anyway? Despite her voice and the talent of her five member band, as the show progressed, the audience began to lose interest. Have you ever attended a long-winded religious meeting? As you start stifling yawns you notice the person next to you has his eyes closed. Next thing you know, YOUR eyes are closed. If anyone asks, you’re so connected to the proceedings that you’re entranced by them. Yeah! that’s it. I had my eyes closed so I could concentrate on the music. After all, there was very little to watch on stage besides great lighting. Halfway through the performance, everyone but percussionist Ronan 0 Snodaigh left the stage. It was the best move she could have made. Drooping eyes snapped open to Rornn sitting alone, centre stage, with a drum held sideways between his arm and lap. A rolling yet staccato melody jumped out and grabbed the audience. According to the program, Ronan records under the name of “Tennta Re.” If you ever have the opportunity, check him out, he has an entertaining and fascinating stage presence. Throughout the show, Lisa stood and sang. Not once did she announce her music or explain any of the unusual instruments that were used. On top of this, the second half of the show consisted of unrecorded music written and performed in part by Robert Perry (brother to Brenden). Much needed spice was finally added to the show as the pulse on stage finally picked up. Lisa even cracked a smile! Though Lisa Gerrard is a solid vocalist, her sombre songs need an outside influence. Her performance with Dead Can Dance is more entertaining and has less of a snooze quotient. In the future, perhaps she will recognize her need for at least one of the Perry brothers.
Glover’s appearing Wednesday
by Amberlee Imprint staff
Big Slide Show at Fed Hall October 25th
kay, some of you may know that this is hardly a new CD, but many of you have never heard of Crispin Glover’s The B& PmhEem because it hasn’t been readily available in Canadian music stores. Well, come this Wednesday you will have the opportunity to purchase this bizarre combination of - to tel1 you the truth I’m not sure how to describe it, although masterpiece comes easily to mind. Some of you may recognize Crispin Glover from his strange roles in movies such as The River’~ Edge, Even Cmvgirls Get The Blues, What 2 Eating Gilbert Grape, Back To The Future, andTwisterjust to name a few. It’s not a coincidence that he has portrayed so many strange, freaky characters - just listen to The Big Problem to hear the “real” Crispin. Following a fanfare, Crispin begins his CD reading passages from his book entitled “Rat Catching.” These dramatic readings, as well as those from his other book “Oak Mot” are accompanied by background electric guitar, keyboards, horns, bongo drums, his own coughs, laughs, bellows of enthusiasm and other hard to distinguish sounds. Needless to say, you can never be quite sure what you are going tti hear next when first listening to this
CD. In between his dramatic readings are songs of spoken poetry. These songs offer a variety of subjects and sounds: circus-like music about trapeze artists; a quiet discussion about feeling clean on his birthday; a loud rap about being an auto-manipulator (masturbator); hating clowny clown clowns; a borderline anthem; freaky harmonies about concubines; and a twisted, slurred cover of Sinatra’s “These Boots.” Crispin definitely gives David Lynch a run for his money with The Big Problem. It’s extremely enjoyable, but definitely too weird to reach the acclaimed status of “top 40.” Reading his books may give you insight to the creation offhe Big Prvblem, but then again, maybe they will only confuse things farther. His sometimes senseless but comical rhymes, lack of complete breaks between songs and readings, slurred hysterical speech and bizarre imagery combine together for a unique effect - an intoxicating effect, without having to go through the actual process, or recovery. Just imagine what kind of effect his live performance could have on you. Well, you don’t have to imagine much longer - Crispin is coming to Fed! This Wednesday he will be performing, selling his books and CD, showing a “13ig Slide Show,” and hopefully just being himseif. I’ve tried to prepare you for Crispin’s eccentric show, but it’s impossible. Freak is definitely a good thing - you’ll see. Don’t miss the best show to come to Fed this term.
hear the rcreal” Crispin
IMPRINT, Friday, October 20, 1995
Kibblesand64Bits.- PartT\h70 by Imprint
of game playing activity around these here Imprint offices, as the Sega Saturn made a return appearance on its promotional tour of university campuses. The most popular game ? Certainly the baseball - easy to learn, fantastic to pltiy head to head, and completely appropriate for the Fall. For a full commentary, read on.. . up to a 162 game schedule, an AllBug! Star Game, or having a Homerun Derby with up to four competitors. At the start of gameplay you can Without a doubt, one of the five most influential video games select your starting line-ups featuring accurate statistics from last seain the history of the world is Super Mtirin Brothers. The idea of a son for all the teams, and players with digitized photos. character travelling through an The main feature that stuck imaginary land, collecting coins and other paraphenalia, jumping out was the smooth play-by-play on or avoiding the bad guys, all en commentary which added to the extraordinary realism of the game, route to solving some sort of quest, has been imitated and imitated with observers believing a real again. There’s Sorzic the Ntxigrballgame was taking place if not viewing the screen. hog, Wmder Boy... And now Bug!, which basiAnother aspect that stood out ca\ly is just a glorified, 3-D version were the different styles of lifelike of the whole phenomenon. You pitchers with overhand or sidearm pitching styles. The Homerun wander around a map that places you in the foreground of a fading Derby was a real bonus, and the perspective of various ramps tend only chance you will have to hit platforms. Instead of coins it’s over 500-foot homeruns. The ingems, there’s bugs to hop on and teractive button controls were well there’s even bonus rounds to enter. Sound familiar at all?
A step forward for Fine Arts? On Monday, East Campus IHall hosted an impromptu exhibition of student art outside the building, as the art inside was cleared out for their respective owners to take home. And gosh, probably most of you missed it! To make up for this loss, you might visit the galleries and halls of ECH, and check out the fantastic student art that’s always displayed there. Fun! Wow!
he past ten days have seen a flurry
Saturn it looks fantastic, all pink and green pastels and flawless 3-D perspective shots. The levels are very long, making for loads of gameplay without a time limit restriction. And there’s lots of stuff to
Get It Right
BBenVs 1 fsto sourceTM For All Your Photographic
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long, and checkpoints are few and far between, making it frustrating to go so far back when you die. More than that, however, access codes at the end of each stage would be a big bonus, so that you don’t have to start way the hell back at the beginning each time you turn on the game. A couple hours of game playing could potentially be saved if this feature was there. Still, if you’re patient, and you have at least a couple of hours to kill, this game is quite enteflaining, even if we have seen it all before.(Greg Krafchick) World
laid out and it didn’t take that long to memorize all the methods of making plays. The few drawbacks were the fact that only four ballparks were available, the outfielders move really fast in covering balls, and gappers that could be doubles are singles. The lack of differences in batter’s stances between power hitters or speedsters reduced the realism but most annoying was the slow load time from the CD-ROM ,which fortunately did not affect the actual game play. With the ability to enthrall all that played, this ball game had everyone in pennant fever. World Series Baseball was nothing less than awesome and the most realistic looking game to date. (Alexander Havrlant)
Baseball NHL
Some might be turned off by the mention of baseball in the wake of the prolonged strike, but with World Series Baseball for the Sega Saturn a true fan’s urges will never be at the mercy of owners or players. This game allows the choice of one of four ballparks; Wrigley Field, Yankee Stadium, Astrodome, and Fenway Park, with a simulated wind that can wreak havoc on catching simple flies if you’re not careful. You can choose a computer or human opponent in playing Exhibition games or League play, with
8 IDFOR BEATLES, EMS, ALICE COOPER, 112, .~.‘.~.~.~~i~.~.“. ..:;;:I;.. ,._.,.,_ ‘(;. _., .i :::.............-.... ”8 AND VARIOfJS 5(‘)‘S AND 60’s STUFF “~~~~~~~~ :.“::.‘...‘.‘.‘. WE BUY, TRADE, SELL NEW & USED DISCS & TAPES. WE ALSO HAVE AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF POSTERS, POSTCARDS & OTHER ASSORTED COLLECTIBLES
for the fact that
any but the most
thing from free lives to helmets that make your antennae shoot elec-
The Source
Passing was difficult, shooting was difficult, telling who the hell had the puck or which player you were controlling was difficult, and the best was yet to come. The game guys at Saturn, for whatever reason, programmed a button on the controller to be the “pull the goalie” button. Granted, there may be times when you will want to do this, but these times are rare. And to make things worse, they did not bother to include a “Put the goddam goalie back in!” button. So, quite by accident, I pulled my goalie in the opening minutes of the second period. Many goals later, the third period began, and joy ofjoys, my goalie was back. My friend then managed to pull his goalie (agtiin, by accident) and I actually won by one goal, but my point is, either study the book well before you begin, or don’t bother. For those of you who just want to enjoy a simple game of hockey with your friends, this is not the game for you. The graphics are great, and the between-periods video clips of the coach in the Dressing Room chewing out the team are fine anddandy(the first cou-
1 have to admit that I have not played this game much, partially because Imprint only gets loaned the Saturn machine briefly, but mostly because this game is damn hard to play. The first time I tried to play was with a friend. It took us about 10 minutes, with the instruction manual, to figure out how to get a two-player game, and that was just the beginning. Whether you play alone or with a friend, this game will be a pain.
With this game, Sega sets out to prove they are a caring, sharing video game magnate, by releasing an updated version of Virfua Fighter for current Saturn owners - 1 believe you can switch your old copy for the new one actually. Rather than extensively explain the game (it’s a one-on-one Karate type of affair, with lots of groovy moves each player can do) it’s probably more relevant to detail exactly what has been updated, and how. First off, 1 was disappointed that there are no new charxters; surely there’s some other fighting style in this big world of‘ ours that’s not covered in the game? Second, I was equally dismayed that no new moves were added for the existing characters -- at least 1 didn’t recognize any, Really all that’s changed is the graphic quality of the fighters, allowing you to see more facial expressions, details of their bodies etc. Due to this fact, the pace of the game seems just a hair slower, but 1 could be wrong. So nothing Earth-shattering then - but at least it’s a boon to people who already own the original (and they all do since it comes with the original Saturn unit) and are looking for something else to occupy their time. (Greg Krafchick)
Friday, October 20,1995
Only $7 an Hour
No Fun At All Civilization by Paul Quarringtcrn Vintage Canada 309 pages, $15.95 by Derek Weiler special to Imprint “I am damned, be in Civilization.”
all because
I wanted
‘ot a bad first sentence: it’s succint, it stokes curiosity, and it introduces a distinct narrative voice. Unfortunately, it’s all downhill from there. The Rheostatics, those quintessential canucks who so loved Paul Quarrington’s 1989 novel Whale Music, should be equally enamored of his latest, It does, after all, rely on a pretty similar formula: lean the narrative against a familiar mass-culture icon (Hollywood this time, not ’60s pop music), populate it with a cast of grotesques, run them through some wacky misadventures, then sit back and watch the fun. But Civilizariczn, unfortunately, is no fun at all. Whale Music, however clichid its story and structure, at least had a pretty high percentage of witty lines to recommend it, but Civilization can’t even boast that. There are only quirks and caricatures masquerading as characters, preposterously contrived situations straining to be funny (without any success at all) and a shockingly flat, boring narrative. Civilization is a period piece, set in the first two decades of the century+ and is presented as the jailhouse memoir of Thorn Moss, a silent screen star imprisoned for some mysterious crime. The story of Moss’s “downfall” begins with his boyhood in Ohio, when he and his dour best friend Jefferson
Foote leave home in search of adventure. After an incredibly uninvolving series of escapades, the two find themselves in the southwestern desert, on an enormous movie set called The World. There, they catch the eye of C.W. Willison, a manic, maniacal director who quickly drafts them into service - Foote as a writer, Thorn as an actor - for the production of his “Flickers.” The good news is that the Willison character isn’t as obvious a pastiche ofreal historical directors as the reader of Whale Music might expect. Granted, Willison’s fictional pictures do recall the work of D.W. Griffith (Birth t$a Nation is redubbedSoutfiem Honor, and the title epic Civilization is modelled on Intolerance), but for the most part Willison, like the collection of lackeys that surrounds him, is an original creation. He’s just not a very funny or compelling one. The constant mutilation of vowels that is the character’s trademark tells the tale: it’s a contrived attempt to be funny that becomes dull and cliched almost immediately, The tics and twitches that define the supporting castfrom Foote’s string of mutilations and bad luck to writer.T.D.D. Jensen’s con games to the beauty-obsessed neuroses of starlet Thespa Doone -are not only poor substitiutes for real characterization, but also just plain unfunny. And Thorn himself, writing the account of his downfall from his tiny prison cell, is the biggest cipher of them all. Quarrington has his narrator vacillate between befuddled innocent, strutting peacock, tragic victim, and cynical commentator, managing to make him unconvincing in all modes. Add some selfconscious and drab metafictive overtones (Moss keeps referring ingenuously to his “writerly task”), and Thorn’s account of his adventures in HollywoodIand becomes an unpleasant, uninteresting muddle.
.,I‘,lations. &$$ast week hzqg$t&nly week of showcancel.:.:. :;.:..A”:; .,,~:i: ,‘:I. “;i;.’ beenthe Fra~~~~~~~:~~::~~gncelled, Oasis and Radiohead postphoned,an~~~~~~~nToylanddidn’t makeit either. So will Sonic Youth ac~~~~~~~~~ke their date.this Tuesday,with MatadorsuperstarsHelium?;‘:fiirillthetragically underratedInnoxnce Mission showupopeningfor Genetumorrow?Will Crispen md Jim Rosehanestlydisplaytheir warpedtalentsatFedHall this wxk? Time can only tell...
29 Phantasmagoria Sierra On-Line sqffware
by Poesy Chen Imprixlt staff ou know, the only reason to lie to your parents about needing a three thousand dollar multimedia computer to type up your essays, is to play games like this. Phantusmagoriu is an interactive adventure game, combining the traditional Dungeons and Dragons game interface with “almost” full motion video capabilities to tell a horror story that is sure to make you shiver once or twice before falling asleep at night (OK, I am easy to scare). The first thing players comment on is how amazing the graphics are for a video game. However, the novelty quickly wears off. First, the price tag. The game itself, seven CDs in all, is about $70. In addition, the official clue book that contains the entire behind-the-scenes look at the making of this game is available for about $30. The clue book is “merchandise” designed to profit from those who can afford to spend more, since the game comes with on-line help. We were able to finish the entire game in less then 10 hours. That is $7 per hour of entertainment. For a game that will surely be buried after one play, it’s not worth it. Phantasmaguria tells the story of a couple who had just moved into a century old estate. The story unfolds as the young and good looking wife Adrian explores the estate and the town. Commanded by the player, she can walk around the estate and its garden, or drive her BMW around. She is searching for cIues to explain the horrific visions she is
seeing in and around the house. Skillful actors and actresses advance the story with video clips. CD-ROM technology provides the massive storaage medium needed to store different scenalrios based on the player’s decisions. PlayingPhantasmagoria is like watching a soap opera, and playing Super Mario during commercials. However, the poor resolution and jerky motions did not do this high quality video production justke. Video quality is sacrificed for storage considerations. The seven CDs were still not enough to store images required for the story to diverge very far from its intended course. The concept of “exploring” is only found on the first few CDs. Towards the end of the game, players are almost given the thing to do next in plain English. Where is the adventure? Without giving away the plot, let’s just say that some images are very disturbing as suggested by the title. To comfort the parents who may be buying this game for their teenage computer whiz kids, Phantasmagoria comes with a “censor” function. Although the default selection is to display the uncensored version, parents can lock the game in censored mode with a password if they ever figured out how to use the computer. The idea of interacting with a movie has been around for a while. With the recent boom in the sale of multimedia computers, this concept finally has a large enough market to materialise as a consumer product. Being one of the first games in this format, its success can open new possibilities for new and better games to be delivered to the marketplace. All in all, Phantasmagoria was an excellent first try surrounded by marketing gimmicks. I am sure we’ll be seeing more games from the creators of Phantasmagoria in the future,
A fear ago, I wrote a scathing of this band’s first album in these very pages. I complained that Oacisl were too arrogant for their own good, that their c!;iims of their eminent North American suw>s were laughable, ana. that all songs iFounded -[like
tory have always ripped off their mentors, and their ability to do it well just shows how gifted they are. So, as much as I hate the fact that they don’t seem to have an original bone in &&rcollective body, T,@ust admit that this t&d is damn fine at what they do, and judging from this atbum, it seems from this album, they’re only getting better at doia8 it. : This is one of those albums fiat you don’t think is affecting you very. much, until you that &lf the; songs. from it slags head ~~~~arious
by Pat
Look Back “WonderwalI” SU
.*.’ ‘ir‘. In Anger,” and “Champagne
pay, J CorJld sit here a ,+$&hat song from the past that each ,,...$ &$f &es@.“’ songs steais from, but it@ _:: , .,pqibtless. If you just sit down and $!@$I to (What’s The Story) Mom‘. t.6 ~$QZory? with an open mind, $you’ll reaIize that it’s just a great %oIlection of songs. Obviouslyl Beatles influences abound, esp& cially on the4th track, which soun& of record stores at an alarming like some kind of tribuk& pace. (U of W’s Dr Disc location sold out their 20 copies in a day and a half!) If the North American public is actually prepared to accept the current British music, Oasis stand in a strong position to expand their following. If you bought Definidely Maybe and enjoyed it, (whcr~? the Story)Morning Glory? will certainly not disappoint. 1f yoti’re one of the masses who has heard a couple of Oasis’ great singles and enjoyed them, I highly recitnways that recall “Defiommend picking this record up. nitely /&ybe, and “Don’t
by Sandy
Imprint staff For many inconsequential
bands, b-sides throwaways,
mostly there to satiate a record company, and little if any effort is put into the songs hxeinFor he Pet Shop Boys, however, b-sides are an experimentation ground for new ideas, and more often than not, the odd b-side will prove to be a better song than a given album track. Thus, for fans of the Pet-Shop Boys’ caustic dance tunes,AEtemariveis a true godsend.
Imprint stafr
The album comes in a limited edition package which is almost worth shelling out an additional ten bucks (although truth be told, it reminds me somewhat of err.. .Ozzy Osboume’s Live and Loud release from ‘92), but even in the regular format, this compilation of the PSB’s four million singles on two CDs provides the listener with all the Pet Shop Boys he or she could want - and then some. B-sides, lost tracks, double-pack bonus tracks, etc. are all helpfully compiled here, resulting in thirty strong songs that not only allow the listener to follow the history of the PSB’s, but also, to a lesser degree, the history of dance music. To accompany the listener on this journey of exploration, the CD’s liner notes consist of an extensive interview with Tennant and Lowe, where they discuss each track, and the frame of mind they were in when recording each track. Conducted by Jon Savage (legendary pop-c& writer, and author of Englurid’s Dreuming), the 26page interview spins off into enough interesting tangents to remain an inter-
Their star-studded debut performance on the infamous 90210 episode doesn’t exactly mesh with The Flaming Lips’ street credibility, but none theless, the fame hasn’t gone to their heads and they’ve produced yet another marvelous album. Oklahoma isn’t exactly a mecca for great music, which initially inspired the Lips to start making it, their way. So what you get is a cdllage of interesting sounds and snippets that you can make with a guitar. “The Abandoned Hospital Ship” doesn’t exactly kick-start the album, but it sets the mood of what is to be expected: a methodic, distorted look into how to create interesting music, and not sacrifice it with meaningful lyrics or screeching guitars. The running of a film projector in the background is pretty cool too. What’s most interesting about the Lips’ music are the twisted lyrics and warped titles to their music. Take “Placebo Headwound” for instance, or “Psychiatric Explorations Of The Fetus With Needles,” both excellent songs that follow
esting artifact by itself, but, of course, remains an invaluable companion to the CD itself. Working all the way from the b-sides for “West End Girls” and “Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots of Money)” to the b-sides for “GoWest” and other tracks from Very, Afternative covers almost a decade of music, and equally as important, production styles. As a necessary result, the second CD remains superior to the first. Honing their production skills to a noble science, cuts like “We all feel better in the dark,” “Too many people” and “Shameless” demonstrate that it was the Pet Shop Boys who helped put the ‘Y in synth/pop (and yes, that’s a good thing). To follow this argument through, if I had to single out one track as an example of a brilliant song that warrants tracking down b-sides, it would have to be “Shameless”, the “Go West” b-side that was inexplicably (according to the PSB’s themselves) left off Very. One can look at it as either a joke or a confession, but either way, the triumphant music behind Ihe lyrics
fuzzed-out acid pop creations is really what creates the interest with The Flaming Lips, which is the approach they’ve taken in making The Clouds Taste Metullie. If you can’t get by that notion alone, than the Lips will never win you over. The Clouds Taste Metallic follow in style to what they’ve been doing the last couple of albums. Their use of samples are interesting, such as in “Guy Who Got A Headache And Accidentaily Saved The World,” where they pipe in a bit of crowd cheers, and some sonic booms at the right moments to add that element of ridicuIousness to it. “Kim’s Watermelon Gun” is another song that is ridiculous, but will no doubt have you singing along in no time. One of my favourites is “Evil Will Prevail” just because it’s a pretty cool message - that being that evil will always win. “Bad Days” is a nice bookend to an album that will put you in a pretty wacky mood. It’s a somewhat of a parody of Frank Sinatra’s “1 Did It My Way,” but of course it’s done in Lips’ fine fashion, puinting out how you can blow your boss’s head off in your dreams. All I can really add now is that The Clouds Taste Metallic is a wicked album that is instantly in-
“We’re shameless, we will do anything to get our fifteen minutes of fame/ We have no integrity, we’re ready to crawl/ To attain celebrity, we’ll do anything at all.“, creates a truly wonderful song, with a sense of showmanship that Andrew Lloyd Webber couldn’t write in a million years - heretofore a rarity, but made easily available through the wonder of b-sides. Not all the tracks are that wonderful. The early b-sides such as “In the night” and “A man could get arrested” suffer from lowerquality production values, but at least fill in the cracks in the PSB’s early history. Such a compilation as this makes sad radio stations such as Energy 108 appear even more pathetic than they already are. Both “Euroboy”
and ‘?5ome speculation,”
the two last tracks on this album, could stand toe to toe with any of the mindless beat-box Eurocrap tunes that people try to pass off as dance music these days - and just think these are tracks they didn’t put on their albums.
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Friday, October 20,1995
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by Pat Imprint
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Merlihan stafr
For some reason Canada was the hotbed of success for Blind Melon with their ‘92 debut release. Sure .‘ No Rain, ” “I Wonder,” and “Change” were pretty catchy tunes, but really, what was the hoopla all about. It wasn’t their live performance, because they totally suck as a live band. Maybe it was the music itself, in that it didn’t cater to any one particular crowd. The hippies loved it, the metal maniacs could get into it, the meatheads could still drink beer to it, and there was even an appeal to the fringe at the begining of so-called “alternative.” Another reason could be tim-
by Chris Imprint
Ed&ton staff
Alluring cover: yes. Alluring album: no. Electrafixion’s debut album Burned is somewhat of a reincarnation of the late Echo & The Bunnymen. Originals lan McCulloch (vocals) and Will Sergeant (guitar) have added Leon Da Silva (bass) and Tony Mack (drums) to form Electrafixion. After Sergeant’s split from the Bunnymen, it looked like he and McCulloch would never work together again. Their situation was volatile and ;1 reunion seemed unlikely. McCulloch reflects. “When the Bunnymen split, things between me and Will were fraught, but they weren’t that bad. It’s just when thr best band in the world stops being the best band in the world....” The
ing. It would be another two years before people heard of Offspring, or Green Day, and Sonic Youth and Nirvana were still considered to be underground bands. Blind Melon had a good wave they were riding at this time which keeps me wondering “Why did they wait three years to release another album?” I’ t-n sure if they had number two out right away they could have kept their appeal to some of the same people. Unfortunately for Blind Melon though, they’ve been forgotten about and wiI1 have a difficult time creating the same hype they had with Suup. The concept ofSvllp is that the band has a hodge-podge of influences and ideas just thrown together to make the songs. Wouldn’t you think that after three years they might be a little more focused in their writing? Obviously not. This soup is definitely not hearty with chunks of whoIesome goodness. It’s more like a watery cream of crap. reunion ensued and writing the initial tracks seem to come easily. In November ‘94 Electrafixion released their first single Zephyr on their own Spacejunk label. Many of those tracks are found on Burrzed. Listening to this album through the first time was difficult, as the genre wears a little thin by the last few tracks. There’s really no vari-
ety between the songs. Tracks such as “Sister Pain” and “Who’s Been Sleeping In My Head?” could be described as “afterna-pop” while others are just straight pop-rock.
ARTS Kicking off the album with a Tom Waits-like introduction with trumpet, trombone, and drums is a bit much, but is theonly timeHoon’s voice sways from his usual high pitched whiny one that is so eleoquentl y recorded on both Blind Melon albums. Immediately jumping into their first single, “Galaxie,” they fire off about the only sign of life on the album. It’s a good single that makes a mild impression that Blind MeIon hasn’t lost their touch of making catchy tunes. “2x4” and “Vemie” follow up and are both interesting enough songs to listen to. They keep in line with old school Blind Melon with Hoon smack-dab in the middle. From there the album digresses into a bland melody of nothing. “Skinned” is a hokey honkey-tonk tune that totally sucks. “Toes Across The Floor” and “Walk” take this same feel using acoustic guitar and harmonica and iots of “oh...oh...ohs” . ..pathetic! “Dumptruck” tries to pick up the pace, but Hoon’s whiny voice is just way to much to handle. “Car Seat (God’s Presents)” is the extreme example of Hoon’s whine. The 410 is pretty much a wasted effort here as Hoon distorts his voice over top of it. None of the songs even come close to redeeming the mood and pace from the first three songs until “Mouthful of Cavities” which comes near the end of the album. But even then this song is a slow acoustic ditty which is on;j interesting because of the duet with Jena Kraus. It’s good only in that it will be the first song that you won’t skip over from the begining. Blind Melon frittered away the energy they created behind them in ‘92 and created music with little relevancy or pomp to hook old or new fans into another serving. Not lost with the eighties are Sergeant’s groovy guitar effects and riffs that incorporate them. McCulloch: “And if it sounds angst ridden in any way that’s because that’s how, deep down, we really are. Just his riffs and guitar style inspire my angst, I suppose.” Yeh, that phaser is really making me anxious. Although Burned is tough to handle in its entirety, there are a few notable tunes that have some redeeming value. The title track from their first EP Zephy- is a good example. Plenty of that angst is here as McCulloch exclaims “Listen, you can’t even see/ What this world’s done to me.” Boy, he’ s hurtin’. The next track “Never” is somewhat of a fusion between the Stone Roses with their characteristic drum rhythm and the Sisters of Mercy with their female voices (na,na,na,na) dubbed over the chorus. Burned could only satisfy the former fans of the Bunnymen. Electrafixion, it seems, has put out an album to satisfy themselves and these fans. Here and there is a good track, but overall the album is dull and monotonous.
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by Nosakhere Boardi special to Xmprint According to Guru, the architect of the Jazzmatazz project, I better “watch what I’m sayin”in thisalbum review. Possibly tiredof critics trying to tear down his experimental fusion of jazz and hiphop Guru issues his plea for us to just “Respect the Architect.” Guru is known to the world as the rough, and rugged rap lyricist of Gang Starr. His partnership with the ingenious DJ Premier assured Gang Starr solid footing in the rap world album after album. In 1993, Guru dropped his solo projectiuzzmatllu Volume I, heralding a new era in hip-hop - an era when seasoned hip-hop veterans with the most street credibility could dabble in softer, more instrumental forms of music without falling off the seilout cliff. On Jaz.gnatau I, we saw Guru working with Roy Ayers, Donald Byrd, Courtney Pine, Ronny Jordan, and MC Solaar. Some jazz
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purists snubbed their noses at this attempted melange of hip-hop with their now socially elevated be-bop. Some hip-hop purists squeezed their nuts in protest at what they perceived as a lullaby move to crossover rap. But the whole spirit of Jazzmatazz is none ol’thtx thlncs. It’s not necessarily intended to fin into any of these rigid molds. Now in 1995, Jumw~az~ Volumc II: The New Reality, has been delivered. On Vhune I[ we see Guru teaming up with people like Me’Shefl N’Degeocello, Sweet Sable, Ini Jamiroquai, Kimoze, Chaka Khan. Mica Paris, Donald Byrd, and Bahamadia. Courtney Pine, and Ronny Jordan are also back once more on Volume If, ensuring the same quality of sound. The album listens like a mixed bag of funk. Contained within that bag is a different funk flavour parcel for everybody. Each song features the architect vibing with a different artist or group of artists, making the end product a compilation of micro-projects, all hosted by his majesty, the Guru. The first single released from the album “Watch What You Say,” quickly climbed its way up both the R&B and hip-hop charts. It features vocals by the legendary Chaka
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Khan, rhymes of course by Guru, and intricate hip-hop beats by the super-talented DJ Premier. With each of these three talented artists doing what they do best, the song can’t help but slam. However, I can’t help but admit that Chaka Khan’s singing of the chorus does become annoying at times as she belts out “watch what you say” in a little girl, “I’m gonna tell my daddy” drone. Another single released is “Respect the Architect.” This song in my diary, is the champion of the album. It features the abstract,
by Alexander Imprint staff
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Jewelby Appraid EarPiercina
IMPRINT, Friday, October 20,1995
freestyle flow lyricist Bahamadia. Her style is absolutely unique and stands as her signature in the hiphop ledger. Unique enough, in fact, that Guru is forced away from his monotone power style and fmds himself flowing and adding on to everything that Bahamadia delivers. Other tracks that can’t be overlooked include “Medicine,” a hymn to buddu cess, where the architect teams up with Ini Kimoze. Here Guru finds it easier to match the rugged style of Kimoze. “Lost Souls” and “Lifesaver” brings the vocal intro into the verse; a key change indicates the chorus with bright backing vocals which is repeated following drum variates. The progression in song intensity with another guitar feature coneludes alongside expressive vocals in what ends the best track of the disc. Disappointingly, after the third
Wanderlust is a group that got its start playing basement parties in the Pennsylvania suburbs. The group features Scott Sax on lead vocals and guitar and also taking on the duties as writer. Bob Bonfiglio performs on backing vocals and carries the task of lead guitarist, while MarkLevin plays the bass and Jim Cavanaugh is on drums. Tunes like “Wanna Feel New” feature smooth electric guitar and polished flowing vocals, while “Prize” uses a cymbal beat to showcase the guitar solo, during which quiet whiny scream vocals and a very rhythmic bass and drums contrast with the rolling chorus. “I Walked” is the first single which established the group with its bass intro, cymbal shimmer, and guitar pattern overlay. A guitar chord
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by Dave Imprint
track, the album loses quality and tails off. Cornier lyrics like “there’s so many fish in the ocean/why you
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Kom’s self-titled album can best be described as across between Rage Against the Machine and Primus, but not quite as good as either of the two. Almost every song features a driving guitar mixed with various effects, coupled with a heavy bass line that keeps the song moving. Each song sounds tight and well-layered. The difficulty is that the album’s twelve tracks tend to blend into one another, as they all sound extremely similar. None of the songs are particularly bad, but you get the feeling that if there had been only eight or nine tracks with the same amount of creative
input, the final product would have been much stronger. Judging by the press release, the quintet seems to have gone through the obligatory angst-ridden youth of drugs and disillusionment. For instance, the lyricist comments that the song “Helmet in the Bush” is “ . . .about a speed problem that I had. You know, you do a lot of speed and if you’re male, your penis retracts severely...Speed takes your soul away, I’m trying to tell people that in this song.” You can almost feel the hurt, can’t you? Well, not quite. The potential is there, and sp few of the verses in some songs hit home, but that’s as far as it goes. Another track that stands out is “Shoots and Ladders,” a song whose lyrics consist entirely of old nursery rhymes. Like much of the rest of the album, the music is hard driving and very good, but the lyr-
are some of the more political 1y conscious songs on the album. They feature Guru espousing views on black-on-black violence, urban decay, and corruption. Guru’s sincerity and concern are more than evident on these tracks. He can be criticized, though, of partiality of consciousness. On one track he may be boasting about how many sucka m.c.‘s he’s going to smoke (hence violent imagery), but then calling for an end to senseless ghetto violence on another. If you’re a rude bony, you’re a rrru’e ~M/o?:. True rude h:v(y- don’t shed ant: tear for the streels. On the whole the album is ground breaking, simply because of the astounding amount of talent it assembles into one recording. In fact, the album not only symbolizes a musical unity but also a spiritual unity amongst musicians from various backgrounds and lifestories. Unfortunately, unlike its predecesSW Jazzymtau I, Volume 11 has stepped into a musical arena where it can no longer set the standard for the jazz-hip-hop fusion. With groups such as the Roots and Digable Planets now also on the hip-hop scene, creative standards have been raised to a very high level. wanna swim with the same one” in the song “Troubled Man” are put to plainer, duller musical tracks. While “Sundial” attempts mellowness, “Coffee in the Kitchen” exhibits a poor choice in contrast between chorus and verse, with a sound that doesn’t work and the chorus seeming out of place in the tune. A bluesy Beatlesque “Deepest Blue” unfortunately has an annoying pause in the middie of the song that ruins the flow while “Brand New Plan” with its allusion to Gilligan’s Island demonstrates starvation for lyrical material and ruins the possibility of making something of the good, though repetitive, tune. This album in general lacks lyrical quality, with mostly first person songs to the point of tedium. Though some songs sound okay, and while the musicianship is top notch this is lost with the poor quality in lyrics and lack of quality tunes throughout. Expect the band to progress in these areas and perhaps release some stellar work later. its had my roommates and I in tears with laughter. At one point, the singer screams out “Knickknack-patty-whack-give-a-dog-abonelThis old man came rolling home” a number of times in the same tone as Rage Against the Machine’s chorus from “Killing In the Name Of.” It’s hilarious, though it’s not supposed to be - the angst is seriously in need of some focus here. I have to admit though, the song grows on you after a while. Even if the lyrics don’t always achieve the intended effect, the music makes up for it in most cases. The two do come together
on a few
tracks that offer a little more experimentation, but the highlights seem to get lost in the shuffle of the endless heavy bass and guitar that typifies the album. All in all a good effort, but the band needs to focus a little more on quality, not quantity.
Friday, October 20, 1995
,de &&:;I.; ‘:i; ,; ‘. _‘,,.. . I .-&#.& ;‘; ._‘, :. :..j. :; . . p~w~‘pq@fam& _::... .:‘. by Greg I m p r i n t
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K&chick s t a f f
Recently the U.K. techno label Planet Dog has been pumping out domestic releases left, right and centre, and this is probably one of the best of’ the bunch. Banco de Caia originally came to prominence over there when they toured with the enormously successful Megadog trtivelling circus, that showcased many different dance, trance, and dub artists. Basically you have a band like Banco, a super-slow ambient outfit c1 Iu Future Sounds of London, and faster, adrenal ized stuff like Eat Static, all forming a show that Iasted for hours. This album is actually more than eighteen months old, but still sounds very contemporary, full of smooth, mid-tempo rhythms and synthesizer effects inspired from around the world. The only true ambience
by Ohad Imprint
Lederer staff
Select burning questions of my youth: 1986: Where can I get those funky fat fluorescent shoe laces? 1989: Oh Cindy Lauper, where did you go‘? 1993 : What happened to that peace dividend people kept talking about? 1995: What the heck is New Rock Alternative? Regular listeners to Toronto’s 102.1 The Edge may be wondering the same thing I am - Just what is this new fangled New Rock Alternative‘? The commercials seem to plug Pearl Jam (circa 1991, I might add) Stone Temple PiIots,
by Brandon Blant special to Imprint After listening to the Show Business Giants new album, I feel compelled to make it my lifelong mission to find and destroy every copy that is produced. Only then will I be sure that t can spare you and future generations the torture that I experienced reviewing this music. Simply by looking at the album cover it appears that this group has awful taste in art and a warped sense of humour. The album sounds like a combination between ska music, the Barenaked Ladies and the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack. Before pointing out all of the reasons why you should refuse to take this album even if it’s offered to you for free, it’s important to acknowledge what has been done
comes with the track “Shanti,” that throws in everything from atmosphere of the jungle, to what sounds like a ray gun from some 50s Sci-fi flick, all to a slow, high-hat driven beat. Besides that, the tracks are never super-adrenalized, nor Valium induced. In any case they’re all good.
band’s like a cross between Transglobal Underground and the Orb, though not as skilled as either of them. Banco’s niche is to keep beats going continuously, chang-
ing the effects overtop and in so doing driving the song forward. Closing track “Maya” is a good example here, the rhythm carrying forward relentlessly as strings and sparkling synths build to a quiet terminus. The cultural 1y diverse sounds used on the album thankfully sound anything but contrived. It’s as if the band actually traveled to India, Borneo, and Arabia (and Egypt according to the cover) carrying a tape recorder to gather and experience this stuff firsthand. With a little more direction as to changing tempo, and with more practice at creating denser soundscapes that don’t drift into background wallpaper, Banco De Gaia would really be onto something. As it is though, they seem more adept at their equipment than many people calling themselves techno artists, and Maya is bursting with ideas that need some honing to take off for the stratosphere, rather than cruise on a shallow course above good 01’ Mother Gaia.
and Silverchair, which makes it sound Iike anything that may sound like Pearl Jam fits the bill. But R.E.M. and the super popular Live also make the cut, if you believe CFNY’s television spots. I tell you, New Rock Alternative sounds a lot like New Country when you step back. Of course, I don’t mean musically, even I can tell Eddie Vedder and Garth Brooks apart (for now) but in terms of marketing, the two new music genres are spitting images of each other. Country music, apparently, seemed to be chugging along just like usual until, about five years ago, this New Country sensation has born in younger artists and lively guitar. A new world of music spread like wildfire and before anyone knew it, Garth Brooks was one of the biggest record sellers in the history of recorded music, there were country music cable channels, and line dancing, the horror that it is, became the thing to do.
Rock music also stagnatedduring the Eighties, until Kurt Cobain and his teenage angst turned a fringe scene into K-mart friendliness in 199 1. And although grunge died before Kurt did, it has spawned in its place New Rock Alternative, and the way CFNY is marketing it, New Rock Alternative is here to stay. CFNY is not alone in the New Rock Alternative revolution. Other players include 103.3 The Edge in Buffalo and WAAF 107.3, competitors in the radio battle to see who can play the most Live. Oh ya, I almost forgot. Candlebox. As far as I can tell, they’re New Rock Alternative. They sound like, uh, Live, maybe even a bit of rehashed guitar hair rock. In short, it’s absolutely the most boring release 1’ve heard in a long time. Sorry boys, both angst and “smarter than thou” grunge just aren’t as coo1 as they used to be.
“I’ve well. “I’ve got gingivitis,” got a crush on Wendy Mesley,” and “Mothra has taken Tokyo” are examples of some of the amusing song titles on the album. At first I thought that this album had potential to be hilarious but it quickly faded away. “The Other Side of Mr. Sulu” is perhaps the only song worth listening to on the album. It has some audio dubs of Captain Kirk and Mr. Sulu from original Star Trek episodes. The main reason why it’s the best song on the album is because it is mostly instrumental. It appears that the band members, two of which are from NOMEANSNO, had a great time The whole making this album. recording is like one big continuous joke from beginning to end, which quickly gets on your nerves. The most memorable of the eighteen tracks is the last one. “Wake up and roar, Bachelor God” is a live recording of a poetry reading at a club in Thunder Bay. For the first couple of minutes, it seems like this could be a complicated and
revealing look at bachelorhood. The poem quickly becomes the most offensive poetry that I can ever recall hearing. I don’t offend easily, but this poem drags on for over eight insulting minutes. There are just two questions that need to be answered. First, what kind of person would enjoy this music? This person would be difficult to describe. In order to relate to this group, you would need to spend most of your day in front of the television watching reruns of just about anything and drooling over journalists. The album is not for any woman that I’ve ever meI and not for any man with self respect. In fact, there may not be anyone on this planet who would enjoy this music. After the not guilty verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial, I guess anything is possible. Finally, what would I rather do than listen to this album again. 3 I would rather be buried alive in the Metro Toronto Zoo only to be dug up later by a hungry animal.
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34 RBX The mx
by Jeff
Imprint staff As a member of the infamous Death Row, which featured artists such as Snoop Doggy Dogg, Dr. Dre, Rage, and Nate Dogg, RRX
stood out as a severely
bitter, murder crazed gangsta who seemed to be a couple of beers short of a sixpack. It was this style of rapping that caused me to greatly anticipate REX’s solo release from Death Row Records. Disappointment Number One: RBX is no longer a member of Death Row. On track three, “A.W.O.L.,” RBX disses Dre and other members of the Row. It seems
Dr. Dre wasn’t giving RBX his props and became money hungry. This came as a shock, but nevertheless his style seemed to be hardcore as always and I was looking forward to 21 phat tracks of some funky-ass shit. Disappointment Number Two: Starting with track nine, “Feathers in the Wind,” RBX starts slowing down and getting philosophical, a style which does not suit a guy
IMPRINT, whose every fifth word is murder. Instead of hearing “you will drown in a pool of blood,” RBX talks about troubles in the world. I realize that people might get tired of the graphic murdering style, but when rap fans think of RBX, they think “crazy-ass murderer,” not Socrates. It would appear that RBX had only a few vintage tracks in him and struggled with filler so that he could have a long-ass al-
-: SAtURDAYa OCT. 21 9:00 AM-S:00 PM
Friday, October 20, 19% ~-
bum. I think a mini-album featuring the first seven or eight tracks would have been a lot better and would have shown the real side of RBX. Disappointment Number Three : Track Eighteen. This wack track, entitled “Fightin’ The Devil,” features RBX going a cappella with a distinctly pop flavour. Ice-T tried this same style on a track a few years ago. It didn’t work then, and it doesn’t work now. This track comes near the end of the album, where tracks usually start to deteriorale as artists struggle to fill out the album. Unfortunately, RBX started filling at track nine Ix- ten, so filler becomes annoying at this point. All in al!, this rcleax starts out strong and fjdes away not quite midway through. While the first few tracks are solid RBX crazy shit, the rest of the album fdiled to capture my interest, as I feel RBX ventured into a style not suited for him. Perhaps if he was still with the Row, I would have heard more of the RBX that was heard on the hit albums Thu Chrmicand Duggys~ylr. If you can look past the latter part of the album or just ignore it altogether, then you’ll enjoy The RBX Files.
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ERIC (Educational Resources Information Centre) CD-ROM. Learn about ERIC the world’s largest source of references to articles on education. This database is useful to all disciplines, and of particular interest to students in English. Psychology,and Sociology. Meet at the Information Desk, Dana Porter Library, 2:OO a.m.
CD-ROM Drop-in CXnics Not sure which CD-ROM index to select? Need help with your search strategy? Drop by one of our clinics to get expert advice and hands-on practice using many of the CD-ROMs available in the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Info Desk, Dana Porter Library, 1:30 p.m.
CD-RUM Drop-in Clinics Not sure which CD-ROM index to select? Need help with your search strategy? Drop by one of our clinics to get expert advice and hands-on practice using many of the CD-ROMs available in the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the info Desk, Dana Porter Librarv. IO:30 a.m.
Using the World Wide Web for Research via UW Electronic Library. Learn search strategies for the vast number of Internet reso6rces available through the UW Electronic Library. Meet at the Information Desk, Dana Porter Library, !3:30 a.m. . . . ._
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K-W & Area Big Sisters: Female volunteers are required to develop 1 on 1 friendships with youths. You must be 20 yrs of age or older and provide 3 hrs/wk for at least 1 year. Access to a vehicle is beneficial. Call for info 743-5206. Volunteers needed to work with Preschool children in childcare settings. No previous experience with children required. 2-3 hours per week. Great experience, Call Billat Notre Dame of St. Agatha Preschool Support Service 7411122. Canadian Mental Health Association provides full training for all its volunteers. You will learn how to enhance your listening skills and how to provide support without assuming control. For more information call 744-7645. Develop your leadership skills. Opportunities available with Sparks, Brownies, Girl Guides, and Pathfinders. For more inlormation call Lynne Belt @ 8848098. Learn about a new culture while you show a new immigrant how to be part of your community. For more informaion, call K-W Host Program 579-9622. K.W. Special Olympics requires volunteers to fill the following positions: Special Event Coordinator, Bowling Scorer For more information call 888-6356. Volunteer Dance Instructorneeded to assist with the instruction of children’s dance classes. Classes are held in the evenings and on the weekends. A time commitment of l-3 hours per week is required. For more information call 8886356. Waterloo Community Arts Centre is looking for volunteers: Reception - staff front desk, various shifts ; Publicity develop communications calendar ; Programs - inventory of art supplies. Call 886-4577 for more info. Friends - a service of the Canadian Mental Health Association needs volunteers to support children in one-to-one relationships. Meetings are weekly at child’s school. Call 744-7645.
words Rates
[I Se over 2O+GSTJ Canadian $26.49
st$s are being accepted during the Fall term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Unless otherwise stated application deadline is Oct. 27/95. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Fir, Needles Hall.
Afl Faculties
of Applied Sciences
Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship: available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship: available to 38 Kinesiology or Health Studies. Warren Lavery Memorial Award: available to 2nd year Kinesiology students with a minimum overall average of 83%. Deadline: Ott 31/95 RAWCU: available to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year Recreation and Leisure Studies. Deadline: Jan 31/96
of Arts
Arts Student Union Award: to all Arts students.
of Engineering
Andersen Consulting Scholarship: available to 38. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship: avaitable to 38 John Deere limited Scholarship: available to 38 Mechanical Delcan Scholarship: available to 4A Civil Randy Duxbury Memorial Award: available to 38 Chemical S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship: available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline: May 31/96 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship:available to 36 Civil, Water Resource Mgt students
of Environmental Studies
Shelley Ellison Memorial Award: available to 3rd year Planning John Geddes Memorial Award: available to ERS, Geography and Planning Robert Haworth Scholarship: available to 38 Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage and Planning, Outdoor Education. Deadline: May 31/96 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship: available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt.
of Mathematics
Andersen Consulting Scholarship: available to 3B Math Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship: available to 38 Computer Science
Sun Life of Canada Award: available to 2nd year Actuarial Science .
Non-students U.S.A. $52.23
of Science
David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology: available to 2A Earth Science, see department SC. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship: available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31/96 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship: available to 38 Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt.
$5/20 words [I 5&’ over 20+GST) Classified 0 Overseas $89.85
Arts and Crafts Sate at First United Church. King and William Sits., Waterloo. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free admision and lunch room is open all day. Live Radio Concert - Scutterbotch IO p.m. on CKMS 100.3 fm.
Doreen Brisbin Awprd: interested females entering 4th year in Spring or Fall ‘96 in an Honours program in which women are currently under-represented. Deadline: Apr 30/96 Don Hayes Award: Deadline: Jan 31/96 Mike Moser Memorial Award: Deadline: Jan l2/96 Tom York Memorial Award: available to all for short fiction - not essays. Deadline: Dee 31/95
l l
Meet Ben Wicks at the Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen Street, N., 743-0271. Young Adults with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Candida, Chronic Mono, Undiagnosed Disabling Fatigue talk session at the United Church, William & King at 730 p.m. For more info call Melanie at 578-7525.
Waterloo Wellington Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association invites KW area Chronic Fatigue Syndrome sufferers, their family and friends to a support group meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, 185 King St., S. Info call 623-3207.
Free noon concerts at Conrad Grebel at 12:30 p.m. No admission charge. Classical Lute and Guitar with Magdelena Tominska. Coming Out Discussion Group explores issues in sexual orientation. Topic: “Gender Roles” Hagey Hall Rm. 378,7:30 p.m. 884-4569 for more information. Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people, and those questioning their sexuality are welcome, Freeport’s Musikfest Variety Show at 7:30 p.m. at the Freeport Auditorium. For info call Gerry at 578-l 512 or Betty at 893-l 964.
University of Waterloo Fine Arts Film Society Taiwanese New Wave. “Rouge” 7:OQ p.m. in UW’s East Campus Hall Auditorium 1219. Foreign Language films with English subtitles. Upcoming popular musical artists “Lorded” and “Nancy Despot” will be performing at the Bombshelteras part of a School of Urban & Regional Planning Academic Research fundraiser
Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo sponsors GLLOWNight, a social evening, in Hagey Hall Rm. 378, 9:00 p.m. Join us to meet old friends and make new ones. Atl are welcome.
Resume Critiquing
Businesses $1 O/20 words [I 5t Deadline: Monday 5 p.m. SLC
Girl Guides Past and Present Want to keep in touch with guiding? Become a link member and join us for lunches and outings, monthly newletters, trips, etc. call tori @ 884-8365 for more info. University of Waterloo Library fall and winter hours. Dana Porter Library building hours Monday -Thursday 8:OO a.m. to 1l:OO p.m. Friday 8100 a.m. to 1O:OOp.m. Saturday 11 :OOa.m. to 1O:OO p.m. Sunday 11 :OO a.m. Davis Centre Library building hours Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to midnight Friday 8:00 a.m. to 11 :OO p-m. Saturday 11 :OOa.m. to 11:OO p.m. Sunday 1I:00 a.m. to midniaht. Short Prose Competition for Developing Writers $2500 first prize and $1000 to runner-up. $25 entry fee. November 5, 1995 deadline. For more information, contact Writers’ Union of Canada, 24 Ryerson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2P3 Rooms in Village Residence are available for immmediate occupancy. Inquire at the Housing Office, Villiage I or phone 888-4567 Ext. 3704 or 3705 for further information on the Village. Distance Education Revised Deadline - Winter 1996. The last day to registerfora Winter 1996 Distance Education course has been extended to October 31, 1995 for all registered and previously registered UW students. Calendars and registration forms are available from the distance Education Office, Registrar’s Office and most department offices. Faculty approval is recommended before submitting an application with the tuition payment of $276.00 per course to the Distance Education Office. Renison College is now accepting residence aplications from undergraduate students for both the winter and spring terms in 1996. For further information, please contact the Residence Office, Renison College at 884-4404, ext. 611.
ouer 2O+GST)
OUR ADVERTISERS # 1 Nautilus Data Corn Bent Camera Imperium To Order Mavis Theatrical Dragon Pallace Waterloo E%owling Lanes UW Village 1 National Computers Watcom X-Disc-C Travel Cuts PC Factory The Beat 6oes On Gino’s Pizza Princess Cinema Onward Computers Vision Computers Waterloo Computer Distributors UW Fed. of Students Dr. Disc Barney’s Jewellers The Bookworm Maraja Palace East Side Mario’s Barron Opticians Waterloo North Mazda K.O.M. Consultants Club Abstract Subshack The Twist Adventure Guide Avis
Friday Oct. 20 930
- 11130 NH 1020
Networking Monday Oct. 23 I:30 - 2:30 NH 1020 ; 2:30 to 4100 - Researching Employers Interview Skills ITuesday Oct. 24 IO:30 - 12130 NH 1020 Individual Career Plan Evaluation Wednesday Oct. 25 2:30 - 4:30 NH 1020 Interview Skills II Thursday Oct. 26 l&30- 12:30 NH 1020 Letter Critiquing Friday, Oct. 27 9:30 11:30 NH1020
Strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Each workshop is 2 sessions long. Monday, Oct. 23 3:30 to 4:30 ; Wednesday, Oct. 25 4:30 to 5:30 ; Tuesday, Oct. 31 4:30 to 5:30 ; Monday, Nov. 6 It 130 to 12:30 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Tuesday, Oct. 31 It :30 to 12:30 ; Wednesday, Nov. 8 3:30 to 4:30. Re isterat Counselling Services, Needles 8 a.II, room 2080.
Classified Deadtine Monday
5 p.m. in SLC
Student Summer Management positions available with College Fro. Send resumes to (519) 675-l 980 or for more information please call Grant DeJong at (519) 439-7437. Positions will be filled by Nov. 30/95. Interviews will be taken on a first come first serve basis. Teach Conversational English year round, short term or for sumer in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tawain, Korea. Excellent pay. No experience or quafifications needed. For free details on living/working conditions, how you can apply, job directories, etc., pick up our free brochure at the Imprint office or the Turnkev Desk. Asia Facts Unlimited. P,O. Box 93, Kingston+ ON K7L 4V6. _ Part-time positions - no experience necessary, evenings and/or weekends, personal presentation in appearance and communication is important. Call 747-4067.
Money Hungry? Call or stay hungry. Unique program will reverse financial situation in a month. Goodbye student debts. 884-0127, ext. 33 by bet. 30.
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LSAT Students: If you want a competitive edge over other students writing the LSAT, consider the experts interest preparation: OXFORD SEMINARS. We offer well priced, intensive 20-hour threeday preparation seminars with personalized professional instruction in classes with limited enrolment to help you maximize your results. To register, or for more information on our upcomin courses, contact OXFORD SEMINAR b! at l-800-269-671 9. What if I’m pregnant? Can I continue my university? For free and confidential help call Birthright. ‘We care. 579-3990.
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