Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl
Friday January 5, 1996 Volume 18, Number 2 1
Going for a ride, or Being taken for a ride?
ISSN 07067380
Universal by Kieran
Cover photo by Kimberly
Editorial Editor in Chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Features Editor Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant WWW Page Editor Proofreaders
Board Dave Fisher vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant
Staff Business Manager ldvertising/Production Advertising Assistant Distribution
Marea Willis Laurie Tigert-Dumas vacant Pat Merlihan Andrew Henderson
SLC into
Heather Calder Alex Havrlant David Lynch Adam Evans Natalie Gillis
Contribution List Sandy Atwal, David Bauer, Rose Bilicic, Sean M. Boomer, Peter Brown, Reni Ghan, David Drewe, Sean Elder, Adam Evans, Norm Furtado, Kieran Green, Melissa Hunt, Tracy Hunt, Ari Katz, Ohad Lederer, Jack Lefcourt, Patti Lenard, Peter Lenardon, Katy MacKinnon, Heidi Marr, Pat Merlihan, Kimberly Moser, Trish Mumby, Jane Pak, Greg Picken, Rob Potton, Natalie Proctor, Ryan Pyette, Anthony Rizk, James Russell, Annette Van Gerwen, Chad Westmacott, Patrick Wilkins, Nancy Wojcik, WPIRG and The Parking Lot Is Full. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Student Life Centre, Room 1 l16, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our e-mail address is imprint@watservl Our fax number is 884-7800. An on-line version of Imprint is also available on the
World-Wide Web at http://watserv
itchener Transit wants to give every student a bus ass - whether they ask K for it or not. On January 3, 1996, the University of Waterloo Federation of Students Rceived from Kitchener Transit a draft set of terms for a referendum on a new Universal Bus Pass Program. Under Kitchener Transit’s proposal, every undergraduate student at UW will be charged a mandatory, non-refundable “transportation” fee. In return, every student will receive a bus pass valid on every route and during all Kitchener Transit operational hours. The fee proposed by the Transit Authority, if the Program is accepted for September 1996 school year, is $35 for the first year, $40 for the second and $45 for the third year. After that, thei fee will be increased according to the Consumer Price Index for Transportation in Ontario (Ontario CPI). The Federations of Students, under the terms, will be the trustee of the monies collected from the fee. The Feds will keep the interest from the fees, and will
Board of Directors President Vice-President Secretary/Treasurer Directors at Large
Green staff
by David
pay back the principal to Kitchener Transit on a monthly basis. The Feds would retain a certain amount of the monies to cover administration costs of the program. The benefit to Kitchener Transit from this program, according to Wally Beck, Director of Transit, is a guaranteed source of revenues. Kitchener Transit hopes to use the revenues from the program to improve bus service to
he Student Life Centre, less than one year old, is already in financial trou-
The latest budget projections for the Student Co-ordinated Plan, which includes the Student Life Centre (SLC), the Columbia Icefield Gym and Studio, and the Endowment Fund, indicate that a $112,7 17 deficit will be incurred this year. Federation of Students Vice President Operations and Finance Mike Suska assuredImprint that no new fee would be levied to compensate for these losses. “There’s no way we would ask for a new fee, because the students have already paid for the building.” When asked where the money would come from, Suska was adamant that failing any other resolution, the University is ultimately responsible for any debt the Centre accrues. Before things reach that stage, however, there may be some hope. “Essentially, all the stakeholders in the buildings are
instead of cars. “If there is an opportunity for car-users to take the bus, they will,” he said. As proof, the Transit Director pointed to other universities that have adopted similar systems - Guelph, Queen’s and Trent. Guelph introduced the
Kitchener liiinsit UW, Some ideas that have been considered include building a bus terminal on campus, instituting a shuttle bus service, later operating hours at night, and modifying service on the Lakeshore route. Beck believes that the Universal Bus Pass Program will lead to increased usage of buses,
system in January 1995 after a referendum where 70% voted in favour of the plan. According to the original proposal sent by Kitchener Transit in October 1995, bus ridership in Guelph has since tripled. Kitchener Transit is stressing the benefits of increased bus usage, pointing. out the environ-
running trouble
Imprint staff
bus passes considered
responsible for coming up with the difference: that would be Athletics, the Federation, and the University,” Suska said. Some of the problems emerge from a faulty budget draft prepared by last year’s Management Board. There was a seventy-five cent per square foot error made, as the “capital maintenance cost” was doublecounted, according to Suska. Another problem area is the North Campus Recreation Facility which has very high expenses, but no revenue. To alleviate this situation, the Student Life Centre Management Board is investigating the possibility of renting out facilities to community groups. Student-at-large member of the Management Board Chris McGrath feels that the construction delays contributed to the cost overruns being experienced this year. He also Iooks fonvard to the installation of a decent security system, to minimize the rush of vandalism the Centre has been suffering. McGrath encourages any interested students to contact him via email at [cf&grat@aftsul].
mental benefits and the alleviation of parking problems on campus. The main drawback of the program is that undergraduate students w’ho do not use Kitchencr Transit will still have to pay the incidental fee. In the draft terms, Kitchener Transit specified the only groups which it will permit to be exempted from the program: students enroled solely in distance education; students taking courses on an Audit basis only; students on an exchange program at another university; registered users of Project Lift; students on a co-op work term; exchange students from other universities. The UW Federation of Students is holding an emergency Student’s Council meeting in the Student Life Centre Multi-purpose Roorn at noon on Sunday, January 7, to decide whether to take the proposal to a referendum. All students are invited to attend. If the decision is made at that meeting tat hold a referendum, it will be held in conjunction with the spring Federation of Students election. Kitchener Transit has offered to cover the approximately $2000 it would cost to hold the referendurn. 1 e
UW invention celebrated UW News
he “Waterloo Pump,” a University of Waterloo invention that provides drinking water to millions of people in African villages and the developing world, is featured in a “Heritage Minute” video to be shown nationally at movie theatres and on television. Produced by the federal government to celebrate a Canadian achievement, the 60-sec-
install and repair. Field trials of the pump were carried out in several AfYican and Asian countries, which led to the fine-tuning of a reliable version called the Unimade that is now mass-produced and adapted for use in 13 countries. The video will be shown in 633 Cineplex-Udeon and Empire theatresacross Canada beginning January 5. Four theatres in the Toronto area will also display a working version of the pump. The 1CRB Foundation of
The Unimade handpump is now mass-produced and adaptedfir use in 13 countries ond video highlights the development 20 years ago of a reliable hand pump by UW Professors Alan Plumtree (mechanical engineering) and Alfred Rudin (chemistry). The video in feature-film style tells the story of how the researchers,with the help of the International Development Research Centre, developed the practical pump from polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC). The pump is inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to transport,
Montreal, the producer of the 52 existing Heritage Minutes, has distributed the video to Canadian television stations for use as pubIic service: announcements. The video and a scale mod4 of the pulmp along with related UW water exhibits have been shown on the university campus during Science Open House and at the Student Life Centre. The exhibit hlas also travelIed to Fairview Park and Connestoga malls as well as the Kitchener Public Library.
hosts exhibitions
by Nancy Wojcik Imprht staff he UW’s School of Architecture hosted two na tional exhibitions Decemher 13-23, in the Environmental Studies building. These exhibitions of architectural design represented the best achievements of students and young architects from across Canada. The first exhibition ineluded actual student work from the 10 Canadian schools of architecture: University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Manitoba, University of Waterloo, University of Toronto, Carleton University, McGill University, Universitk de Montreal, Universite Laval, and the Technical University of Nova Scotia. The exhibition also contained large panels of photographs displaying student models and drawings. The put-pose of the exhibition
was to display the variety and high quality of design work being done by students in our schools. The show was set up this year by Dean Anthony Eardley of the University of Toronto in response to a request by architects in the UK interested in promoting Canadian
design. touring similar schools On resenting by Ted
IMPRINT, Friday, January 5,1996
The exhibit is presently schools in the UK and a version is travelling to across Canada. the photograph panels repWaterloo was a project Sheridan, which received
the Canadian Architect Student Award of Merit as the outstanding graduating project in 1994. The second exhibition presents results from a national competition for young architects. The competition was sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and arranged by the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal. A jury chose 16 entries which were to be shown as a part of Canada’s contribution to the Venice Bicnnale of Architecture during the fall of last year. This was later postponed until 1996 so it was decided to allow these projects to travel with the original exhibition. Seven of the 16 projects selected were produced by teams ineluding graduates from UW. This exhibition contained 26 framed panels of photomontages anddrawings.
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SACisback by Natalie Proctor special to Imprint AC, or Students Advising Coop, is a commission under the Federation of Students that serves as the primary voice for students with the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services of the University of Waterloo. SAC is working to be more accessible to students. At the same time, SAC needs people to get involved. The duties and functions of SAC, as outlined in the Federation of Students’ By-Laws are: to ensure that students’ views are represented and that students partake in the decision making process regarding Co-operative Education; liaise with the Department of Co-operative Education to further communication and co-operation; and to be responsible for all other issues relating to Co-operative Education. In order to hear student concerns and disseminate information about co-op more easily, SAC is using more methods of communication. An article related to co-op and what SAC is doing will appear in every issue of the Imprint this winter. SAC can be reached by e-
mail at sac @ undergrad.math. Read SAC’s WWW page at http:// Check the SAC board at Needles Hall for things like co-op placement statistics, SAC meeting minutes, and a pretty mug shot of the entire SAC team.
SAC is only us strung and effective as the students that come out and help make a difference. In the fall ten-n SAC helped coordinate the presentation of Power Play, a drama intended to raise awareness about harassment in the workplace. This 40 minute play ran 9 times across campus and will be returning this term. Look for it in early February. Some comments from the fall term were, “More people should see this - especially in the co-op field,” “Many male students don’t realize they too can be sexually harassed - this play really addresses this,” and “1 am really glad you are going to show
this to employers.” SAC hasn’t always been the effective voice it needs to be, and many students quite legitimately aren’t aware of SAC at all. However, over the past couple of years, SAC has been working hard at changing that image. Committees that have run in the past are Communication Between Co-op and Students, Coordinator issues, Coop Fee, Value of the Work Report to Students. They have dealt with issues such as a coordinator evaluation form, publicity, back to campus interviews penalties, and the role of on-site coordinator visits. If any of these issues concern you, or you have ideas of your own, or just want to iearn more about coop and get involved, come join the SAC squad. SAC’s first meeting this term will be Tuesday, January 9, in the Federation of Students board room, located in the Student Life Centre, at 530 p.m.. All students are welcome to attend. SAC is only as strong and effective as the students that come out and help make a difference in the future of co-op at the University of Waterloo. For more information, contact Xander LeRoy, Senior Officer of Academic Affairs at x2340 or
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SSAC by Jane special
Pak to Imprint
n these times of budgetary
constraints and discussions ofenormous funding cuts, we must not forget to consider the impact on the student services offered at the University of Waterloo. That is why we have the Student Services Advisory Committee @SAC). The responsibilities of SSAC include reviewing Student Services supported by incidental fees in addition to making recommendations in regard to the services provided to the students and the level of t’unds we provide. These services include: Safety Office, Walksafe, Art Gallery, Career Services, Health Services, Athletics anal Recreational Services, Counselling Services and ELPP. The 1995/96 rates for the student services incidental fee are as follows: Undergraduate, full-time $45.04; Undergraduate, part-time $13.5 1; Graduate, full-time $32.70; Graduate, part-time $9.8 1. This represents about two thirds of the identified student services costs. Next year, these fees will increase to represent the entire cost of the services. This is in accordance with an agreement signed between the University and the Students to have a three year phase-in period for the fees. Identified costs are
wants based on figures from two years previous. For example, the 14961 9’7 fees will be based on 1994/95 figures. The eleven members on the committee include six students and five university administrators. The committee is based on a set of philosophies including ensuring wide dissemination of information, extensive consultation with the student body, encouraging open discussion and debate and making regular reports of committee activities available to students. One of the more important things to note is that this committee is based on consensus. So, what is SSAC doing now? Five subcommittees have been struck, each consisting of Robin Banks (chair), Bob Truman (resource person), and a student representative to review a service (or two), based on the respective service’s response to SSAC’s review and recommendations made last year. We are also looking at how the budget cuts will affect these services. There are two main factors to consider: the cost of the services to the students and the quality. We want to ensure that students receive the best service possible for the amount that they are contributing. We are always looking for your input, so if you have any, or wouid
d like any further information, please contact anyone of the following members: Robin Banks (chair) rbanks@watarts Dorothy IBattae (Associate Provost, Finance) dbattae@nh3adm Lois Claxton (University Secretary) lclaxton @ provost-admin Peter Hopkins (Associate Provost, Student Affairs) phopkins @ watserv 1, Barbara Schumacher (Director, Health Services) bschumac@mcladm Bob Truman (Director, Institutional Analysis & Planning) truman @ modelt Jane Pak (President, Federation of Students) fedpres@feds.watstar Gus Hosein (Undergraduate Student) ihosein@undergrad.math Chris McGrath (Undergraduate Student) cfmcgrat @ artsu 1 Dalia Thomas (Undergraduate Student) dathomas@ahs Derrick Jewlal (President, Graduate Students Association) gsapres@ watserv 1 Roth Champagne (Graduate Student) rchampag@mansci
News UW News
Canadian engineering students hosted by UW
ngineering education will be the main topic of discussion as about 200 delegates attend the annual conference of the Congress of Canadian Engineering Students being held from December 3 1 to January 6 and hosted by the University of Waterloo.
UW is hosting the annual cunference of the Congress of Canadian Engineering Stidents The annual congress is an “opportunity for the leaders of student societies to meet to discuss the many issues affecting their future and the future of the engineering profession,” said David Bums, UW’s dean of engineering. Delegates will discuss issues relating to the theme: “Education in Engineering” and assess whether the skills acquired at universities are sufficient to prepare graduates for employment in the industry. Workshops and meetings will be held from January 1 to 5 at the Valhalla Inn in Kitchener.
Study predkts harm to smallI performing arts groups
mall performing arts groups will cease to exist in the event of reduced government support, says a study produced for the University of Waterloo’s Centre for Cultural Management and the Income Managers Program of the Association of Canadian Orchestras.
At least 22 of Toronto 3 perfc,rming arts companies wuuldfuld if funding is changed. The study found at least 22 of Toronto’s performing arts companies would fold if Canadian governments move more towards a U.S.-style of funding. Government support has “encouraged the Canadian performing arts to develop artistically” and has allowed Canada to “develop a very vibrant cultural voice,” said the study by Genovese, Vanderhoof and Associates of Toronto. Many smaller organizations “kept alive by arts councils will cease to exist” and the councils will no longer be relevant with an American-type system that provides less than 10 per cent of their operating budgets, the report found.
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Want by Rose Bilicic special to Imprint
oday is the opening day of nominations for the Fedecation of Students (Feds) Ex-
ecutive. At the October Feds Annual General Meeting last term, the executive positions were completely revamped including new positions and new duties and responsibilities. When you vote this term, or if you are interested in running for a position, be sure to keep in mind the new roles of our newly elected executives. The President’s duties are very similar to the past position, with some very important key additions. The President is the Chief Executive Officer and spokesperson for the student body. This means that the President will be the student representative on all of the major governing bodies and committees of the Federation of Students and University community (these include the Senate and the Board of Governors). The President will be the main student voice and will be the liaison between students, faculty, staff, and the Waterloo community. Another large part of the Prcsident’s duties will include sensitive issues such as safety, community, harassment and discrimination. This implies that the President will
to be a Fed? sit on any university committee that deals with these types of issues and will be able to convey the student’s perspective. The President will be expected to be sympathetic and perceptive to the students’ needs and attitudes. The President will supervise the three Vice Presidential Offices as well as the Office of Student Issues. The Vice President Education (VPED) is a brand new position. This individual will be the UW
Be sure to keep in mind the new roles of our newly elected executives representative on our provincial (OUSA) and national (CASA) lobbying groups and any other internal or external committees that deal with educational issues. This means that this individual must be very familiar with academic-specific issues and policies. The VPED wili also supervise Students Advising Co-op, the Academic Transitions and Awareness Commission, and the Academic Access and Quality Commission. The Vice President Adminis-
Building a safercampus by Peter Imprint
Lenardon staff
s the Campus Safety Grant for Women enters its fifth .year, the Ministry of Education and Training continues in its efforts to provide a safer campus environment. The University of Waterloo has been granted another $50,000 to
until Friday, January 19, 1996. He can be contacted at NH 2051 or phopkins@ watserv 1 Any allocation of funds will be determined by the Personal Safety Committee early in February. Projects must be designed “to continue to improve safety on your campus through support for programs dealing with women’s safety, sexual harassment and violence
The Urziversity of W~terluo has been granted another $50,000 to fund safety projects f or women fund safety projects for women. Since this grant has been available it has been spent on security measures like lighting, signs, audits, educational programs and services. Peter Hopkins, Associate Provost for Student Affairs will be accepting proposals for safety projects
Fridav, Januaw 5, 1996
against women. The grants must not be used to launch new initiatives. This funding should continue current activities and support existing internal mechanisms to ensure that women’s safety issues continue to be addressed in the future.”
tration and Finance (VPAF) will act as Treasurer and supervise all the finances and business activities, including advertising and promotion. This individual will supervise the preparation of the Feds budget, and all purchasing and administrative tasks (updating by-laws). It would make sense that the new VPAF have experience and knowledge of the business world including marketing and accounting as well as customer service skills. The VPAF is responsible for the Town Crier, the Fed Page, YouTV and the Publicity Commission. The third VP position is the Vice President Internal (VPIN). This individual will act as secretary of the Federation of Students. The VPIN will be the liaison between Students’ Council, and Faculty Students’ Societies, Residence Councils, Federated and Affiliated Colleges, as well as Federation clubs and services. This person will be responsible for the Arts Commission, Liaison Commission, and the Committee of Presidents. Since this individual will be working with many different groups, it would be an asset for this person to possess strong communication and people skills. Nominations close on Friday, January 12, so if you are interested in running for a Feds executive position - come by the Fed Office (SLC 110) and pick up a form. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the current executives for more information.
ThePrez speaks by Jane special
Pak to Imprint
back to campus. hope that you are all rested and ready for what will be a very busy yet exciting term on campus. As most of you are aware, the provincial government presented its Fiscal and Economic Statement last term. The document states that in 1996-97, ‘&.,. universities will be able to increase tuition fees by JO percent. University tuition will be further deregulated by allowing universities the discretion to increase fees by an additional 10 per cent. The Ministry of Education and Training will work with colleges and universities to deregulate foreign student tuition fees as quickly as possible. Institutions will be required to set aside 10 per cent of any new revenues from tuition increases for the purpose of providing assistance to students in financial need.” Now that the announcement has been made and some decisions have been finalized, it is now our responsibility to make the best out of this difficult situation. However, this should not preclude us from lobbying against other drastic measures that the government may consider taking in the future. So, now that we’ve addressed what we should do, what is being done? The Federation of Students is currently working with the Upper Administration on ways in which the University and the Federation of Students can alleviate some of the financial pressures,
burdens and/or barriers that this recent announcement might have put on the individual student. The Feds also operate a Food Bank. The Food Bank oflfice is located in the Services area in the Student Life Centre (used to be the Fed office). You can also drop by the Fed office if you have any questions or are in need of some food. We will be updating you as things unfold throughout the term. As for the long term, starting in May 1996, there will be a fulltime elected position in the Feds, devoted solely to education issues. Last year, at the October general meeting, students voted in favour of restructuring the current executive structure. One of the changes included the addition of the Vice President, Education position. This position is one of crucial importance, especially due to recent cutbacks in funding to post secondary education. This new position is an expansion of the current Senior Officer, Academic Affairs position and also incorporates a few of the responsibilities that the President currently has. This includes lobbying the government on issues directly pertaining to education, working with external lobbying groups (such as OUSA, CASA). This position will also deal with program quality. and accessibility issues. If you are interested in obtaining more information on current projects or the new Vice President, Education position, please do not hesitate to email Jane Pak at fedpres@feds.watstar.
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Virtually all of WPIRG’s projects are initiated and carried-out by volunteers. VolGnteers provide the ideas, and if the idea is consistent with our mission and we have the resources, WPIRG provides the support to transform those ideas into action. Volunteers are currently running the following initiatives: -Cats iri Crisis: Volunteers are working to raise awareness about the need for cats to be spayecheutered, maintaining a Foster Care Network for displaced cats; and eventually, hoping to establish a no-kill cat shelter.
at the
WPIRG is an incorporated nonprofit volunteer-directed organization with a mandate to research, inform, and take action on issues affecting our community’s wellbeing. We seek to foster social change that is based on respect, diversity, equality, and dignity. WPIRG provides a library, office, and staff support to people who share our mission. Our beginning of term information sessions are scheduled for Thursday, January 1 I, at 9:30a.m., 1213C)p.m. and 5p.m. in the empty room on the second floor of the Student Life Centre (above the food court). WPIRG
170 University
W.est Plaza)
-FEEL (Foundation for the Encouragement of Ethical Living): Volunteers are working to prevent cruelty to and encourage consideration for all animals, human and non-human. -HIP (Hemp Is Progressive): Volunteers are promoting legalization of hemp for industrial use in textiles, fuel, paper fibre, and agriculture. -K-W LETS (Kitchener-Waterloo Local Employment and Trading System): Volunteers have established a community barter system which links individuals, businesses, and organizations and allows them to trade goods or services with other LETS members without the use of regular money. -Recycle Cycles: Volunteers collect and repair discarded bicycles, then sell the bikes at cost to people in the community who can’t afford brand new bikes. -Resource Centre: Volunteers maintain WPIRG’s small library (which contains over 3,000 books and magazines, information not found in other area libraries). Office votunteers also produce the Community Calendar which is a bimonthly compilation of nonprofit events - many organizations and individuals depend on this alternative promotional vehicle that is distributed throughout KitchenerWaterloo. Finally, office volunteers
provide valua.ble assistance to staff and other volunteers working to meet project deadlines. -Sustainable Communities: Volunteers have been focusing on transportation issues, organizing a lecture series this past fall and resuming scrutiny of plans for a costly new highway once an environmental assessment is released. -WRCSJ (Waterloo Regional Coalition for Social Justice): Valunteers from WPIRG and other organizations are participating in a united local effort to respond to the incredible changes happening in Ontario.
chance to learn about the ten billion clubs on campus (that number is a high-end estimate)! The clubs will have booths set up from 8:303 all over the Student Life Centre. If you are interested in starting a new club, or would just like more information, please drop by and talk to me anytime. Rose Bilicic, the VPUA is looking for volunteers to sit on many of the working groups of the President’s Commission on Institutional Planning. These include: Quality of Life, Co-op, International Connections, Distance Education, Teaching and Learning, Graduate Studies and Computer Services. Also, Rose needs volunteers to participate in an interesting new committee called the “Network Communications Group”. This group will investigate innovative and exciting advertising opportunities on this campus, other than the traditional and wasteful paper-hogging patterns of the past. Rose is also looking for people to help her with a new project called “High-School Send-Offs”. These are little parties for high school students who plan on attending Waterloo. They will have a chance to learn more about
Support Services, PALS Peer Mediation, PALS Health Education Service, and 13ACCHUS. Applications to volunteer for these services are available in the Fed Office, or in the Services Area of the Student Life Centre (Old Fed Office). There is a very important Students’ Council Meeting this Sunday (7th), about whether or not the Feds should hold a referendum on the issue of adding non-refundable money to students fee statements to make the Watcard a Kitchener Transit Bus Pass. There are some pros’ and there are some cons’ to this issue, so if you would like to get in on the debate, the meeting is at noon in the Multi-Purpose Room of the SIX. Legal troubles? Questions about that strange new lease you just signed ? Well the Legal Resource Office can help! A free, professional lawyer will be in the office on Tuesday January 9th. If you would like an appointment, call x4634, or e-mail the coordinator at kefoley @ fes. It takes volunteers to make this service operate, and they currently need some! So, if you are interested, come to the training session on Saturday January 6th at
Please call 725-l 514 for an appointment Specializing
in the treufment
* Corn and Calluses * Bunionsand HammerToes * Ingrown Nailsand Fungal Nails * Warts * CirculatoryProblems * CustomMade ArchSupports [ Orthotics)
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Trish Mumby Sr. Officer, Internal tamumby@feds.watstar
n mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmq I fi I
1 1 m I
elcome back everyone! Isn’t it nice to be back? Maybe it’s just me . .. I seem to have developed a strange fear of being anywhere but this nice, cosy campus! Well, the Federation of Students has decided to warm your cockles with lots of exciting things in the next few weeks, and that’s what I am going to tell ou about now! y The concert line-up for January has recently been released, It looks amazing - Rusty & hHead, Coo Goo Dolls, Big Sugar, Pursuit of Happiness, Jacksoul, and a free nooner at the Bomber EVERY Friday! Come on - it’s the beginning of the term - you’ve got nothing else to do! ! Tickets for all of these events are available at the Fed Office. Nominations for the 1996 Federation of Students ExecutiveElections officially open today. If you have ever considered running for one of those crazy one-year posts, this is your chance! Drop by the Fed Office and have a chat with Marilyn
to learn
about this.
Also, volunteers are needed for the “keepin’ them in line” Election Committee. This is the body that makes sure the election is “by-thebook” and things go smoothly. This is agreat chance to get your feet wet with election stuff. Clubs Days are going to be January 9 & 10. This is a great
the campus
1 :oO pm in thle SLC room 2 134. NO
even get to know each other. If you are interested in learning more about these projects, or volunteering, give Rose a call at x3780, or rbilicic @feds.watstar. Many of the services that Feds provide are looking for volunteers. These include: The Food Bank, PALS Phone Line, PALS Academic
and student
experience iis necessary, and the training is very thorough Well, that’s about all that I know for this week. If you would like more info on anything, never hesitate to drop by. You can also visit our Web Site at http:// watserv 1 -fedintrn/
Question: -
by Norm Furtado and Peter Lenardon
does it anyway.
Fridav. January 5, 19%
Beverages poliicy?
“It should ing.*
Mike B&k 3A Computer Science
Huw do you feel about the library’s Nu Food Or
be allowed.
2nd Year Business
“It doesn’t bother go to the cafeteria.”
“I think it’s kind of stupid. You want to eat while you’re studying.” -_ Heather Suvvidis 1st Year Biology
are study-
Sylvia H&her Administrutiun
me. If you need to eat,
“In some ways I can understand it, because books get dirty and destroyed.” Ryan Penty ZA Chemical Engineering
eat in them anyway.”
Ed Dean IB Computer
ccWe’re not all slobs, we won’t all spill it on the books.” Heather Arsenault 1st Year Math
LcI don’t have a problem with it. Every once in a while I sneak something in.” Brian Vyn 3B Systems Design
Cary Burger 1B Applied Studies
Federation of Students University of Waterloo
ELECTION Nomination
PROCLAMATION papers will be available
for the following
President Vice-President Administration and Finance Vice-President Education Vice-President Internal Members of Students’ Council and University of Waterloo Senate Nomination period, Presidential, Students’ Council candidates:
Open: Close:
Notice Candidates
Friday, Friday,
January January
5, 1996 12,1996
to Presidential & Vice-Presidential from “Procedures Governing Elections and By-Elections H
“The Election Committee shall establish a muil-out to all @-term students >fThePresident& Vice-presidential, Senate and co-op seats forfaculties n&ich only have one co-up representative, bulloa including, if desired by %e cundidates, a stcrtemenf of each canMuteS campaign platform. For !!3udents’ Cuuncii Elections. the stutement will be in the form of one Tpewritten 8 112” x 5 3/2”page and must be submittedfor duplication no ‘uter than the closing day uf nominations; for Sena~ Elections, a brirf rtaternent (IO0 words maximum) and/or a personal resume not exceeding ww single-spaced typewritten page in length may be submitted. The required number of copies will be duplicated by the Election Cummittee 2nd will be completed withinfive working days of the close vf nominations. 4s u time and place set by the Election Committee, each candidate must wpply a minimum of two persons st@ing envelopes for the mail-auf. ” “The election mailout will be in the form of a booklet. The booklet wil be !31/2”x 5 1R”an.d the pages will be duuble-sided. Each candidate will get ww side of one page. The cundidates will be listed alphabetically by
!losition. ” All submitted materials must be camera-ready.
Students’ Council Seats to be elected are as follows: A.H.S. Regular .. . .. ...~~...~..~..~......~......~..~......~...............~...... A.H.S. Co-op (both streams) . ...*..~**.*.......*.....................****... Arts Regular ..*.**...-..-.*......*.....*........*.,,......,..,...**..........,..*. Arts Co-op . . .. . .. ..*...+**1.....*.......*~.........**~~........~.....~*.......*.~.. Engineering *...............**.........*,...............**.,.......,,......*....., ES. Regular *..*..*....*.....*..,....~............**........*.........*~,..*...... E.S. Co-op (both streams) . .. ...*......*....*...........*.................. Independent Studies ,....*.*~..*...**....~......................*.*.......,*.* Math Regular ~.......~~..~...........~~................~,~~....~...~..~~~.....~... Math Co-op ***....,....,,.....,......,.....**.....*.***..**..,.........*,.......*.. Optometrey . ..1...*..**.,.....*..*,... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*I....*..............*....*.*....~ Science Regular . ..~...~~~.......~....~.~~..~..,.......~......~~.~,~.~.~......... Science Co-op (both streams) ~~,.......~~.....~...........~.~..~~..~~...~ Renison College . .. .. . .. ..**.*..I..*..*.*..* . . ...*.....**..........**...*,*,*...,.
1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1
St. Jeromes
. .. . .. . .. . .._....__.-......--........-...-....................
St. Jeromes May
Co-op (both streams) . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . . I Terms Of Office: 1, 1994 to April 30, 1997 Qualifications For Elections:
All candidates must be full members of the Corporation, ie., they must be registered undergraduate students who have paid their Federation fees. Nomination papers are available in the Federation Office located in room 1102 of the Student Life Centre.
The following undergraduate seats on the University Waterloo Senate are up for election:
AHS, Arts, ES/IS, Science and one At-Large (term
to April
Nomination forms are available from January 2 to 12, 1996 in the Secretariat, Needles Hall, room 3060 and the Federation of Students Office, Student Life Centre, room 1102. Nominations must be retuned by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, January 12,1996. Elections will coincide with the annual Federation of Students’ elections (February 13th and 14th).
TAKE PLACE 13 & 14,1996
Nelcoming students back for the Winter erm, I’d like to draw attention to the ,esults of our Annual Readers Survey on Jages 12- 14 and thank alf those who took he time to participate. Usually these sorts of su~~eys are opportunities for many readers to vent. heir anger and frustrations, since a disgruntled person is generally more notivated to respond than somebody who’s perfectly satisfied with the status quo. With that in mind, I was pleasantly ;urprised by the mostly positive responses. It appears, however, that we here 31 the paper often take for granted what’s :xpected of us, and whether-or-not readers are in any respect aware as to hou we operate. As concerns the Forum section, several readers complained about “repetitive letter topics,” a “bias against Christians, ” “too many letters of the same view point” and the “biased selection of’ letters.” As flattering as it is to think that imprint receives 50400 letters a week, and somehow selects only those deemed ideologically correct, it just isn’t true. We print all letters received, by “sane” reader and “wackos” alike, just as we do with comment pieces. Thus, the Forum section reflects all the voices on campus of those who wish to contribute, nothing more, nothing less. As far as getting rid of The Pavking Lot Is Full . . . sorry, but staff votes, a Campus Question and the Readers Survey all overwhelmingly favour our keeping the comic. Many people complained about our News section being similarly biased and opinionated. Unlike the Forum section, where opinions are encouraged, the News section should strive to be at all times objective. Perhaps some of the readers criticisms are valid, But some of those specified involved our coverage of Professor Kumar and the CKWR debacle, where readers felt we picked our villains and kept putting the screws to them. The villains, I believe, choose themselves; Imprint merely reports on them. The facl that we continued to cover these stories a: new developments materialised was simply good reporting. To tell half the story and then drop the ball would have otherwise been grossly irresponsible. Regarding the Sports section, reader: want two things: more pro sports commentaries and more Campus Ret coverage. You can expect to see increased coverage of both, with the implementatio: of a Campus Ret page and the soliciting of more pro sports writing, so all you potential Frank Deford’s and Will McDonough’s come on down. As for our selections of Athlete’s of the Week -that’s not our doing, it’s the Athletic Department’s. Fast forward to the Arts section criticisms. There’s lots. Okay, let’s face up to the most oft-voiced, namely, too many obscure music acts and not enough mainstream. ironically, these same criticisms were being volleyed at us before most of you entered UW, when wt were covering Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins and Soundgarden. Going through our past volumes, the sam things were said a decade ago, when U2 and REM were the flaves of the day. “To obscure,” readers say. It never fails. Okay, so I’m obsessing on the negatives. Overall, the responses are encouraging and of course we’ll be striving to make the paper even better thi teml. But to do that, we’ll need YOUR input and YOUR contributions.
Curse of
Radio Canada International In our last issue, a printing error regrettably mixed up pages 11 and 18. It wasn’t our fault. honest.
The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The Imprint is an editorially independent newspaper opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital.Itnprint, Student Life Centre, Room 140, University ofwaterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G I,
Controversy W
orking at Imprint is a job with many perks, and even more hassles. On the one hand, you get free pizza twice a week, on the other hand, that adds up to indigestion. You get to meet a lot of great people, but you also get to deal with a lot of hassles. It can be very rewarding to write that great S~O~JJ,but meeting deadlines without getting booted out of your program is extremely dificult. I’m quite sure that some others here at the paper feel differently from me in this regard, but I like the controversial’ stories. Last semester our News Section tackled a few big issues: alleged harassment by a student member of the University’s Board of Governors, alleged sexual assualt by a University professor, the watered-down decision by Professor Downey regarding that alleged assault, the Federation of Students’ bungling on the first document CASA has produced, the Professor/prostitute at Ryerson, and stidents getting busted for smoking pot in the Bombshelter. During this time we’ve taken a bit of flack for some of these stories. Professor Kumar (the alleged harasser)‘s lawyer has asked to deal with us in writing only because of some quotations we attributed to him. When we attended a protest dealing with President Downey’s decision, the University Secretary Lois Claxton worried that Imprint might publish a story before Downey had made a public statement. While pursuing the Richard Farmer (alleged harassment) story, Farmer repeatedly threatened us with lawsuits, which apparently would be launched by himself (and “his pockets are deeper than ours”), or the University. While neither lawsuit has yet: emerged, Farmer has consulted the Ethics Committee and has sought a re-
traction of the story through those means. The stories dealing with the Federation of Students and CASA were difficult for me personally to write. I had some very mixed feelings: while I agreed with many of the complaints regarding the surtax proposal, and I thought some of the proposals displayed immense ignorance of the Canadian political system (ie: not noticing that education is Constitutionally a provincial responsibility), the authors of the proposal made a good effort. And, to be honest, many of the complaints voiced against the proposal would apply to any improved student aid system. The coverage of this issue was largely negative, as every day new errors were discovered, new complaints were made, and the Feds continually adopted defensive positions. The Feds never threatened us with a lawsuit, though. The Feds never went to the Ethics Committee to attempt to have us silenced. The Feds have not yet informed us that all fLture communication must occur in writing. The Feds have not sent us to their lawyer for answers to each and every question we pose. Imprint’s coverage of President Downey’s Kumar decision was quite negative, focussing on the fact that while Downey had no doubt of Kumar’s guilt, he didn’t find the assault to be “egregious.” He also continually referred to the assault as harassment. I wouldn’t be surprised if Downey was upset by some of the coverage. But Dr. Downey, and the entire administration, continues to be extremely helpful and courteous with Imprint, and that is the sign of professionals. No lawsuits, no Ethics Committee, no lawyers speaking for them when the going gets rough. There are really two points to everything
Cola I’ve said above, The first is that the controversial stories arc both a bigger hassle, but also provide bigger rewards. Ceteris Paribus I’m sure that you would rather read1 about a sexual assault on campus than a bake sale. The problem is that we have people walking in here every week with the equiva.lent of “bake sale stories” already written, while it takes time to track down a Richard Farmer story, a Sehdev Kumar story, or even a Feds-CASA story. We need volunteers to keep this going, and you can make a difference in this area. Even dropping by for a couple hours to proofread Wednesday nights can improve the quality of the paper. It’s amazing what a little bit can do (did I mention free pizza?). The second point is that while the controversial stories sometimes seem watered down (like the excessive use of the word alleged), there’s a reason for that. Until something has been proven by a court of law, it’s not a fact. Imprint does not exist to serve as judge and jury, it exists to inform the student body of relevant information. While we should never back away from a story because it is controversial, we must also always be careful to treat every story with the respect it deserves. Coming out and printing accusations as proven facts would not only be a disservice to the accused, it would be a disservice to the students who quite often depend on Imprint as the sole source of University information. I think it was Peter Parker, the Speclacular Spiderman, who said that “...with greatt power comes great responsibility.” When we’re working down here, we try to remember that. -David
welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. Letters received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, retigion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.
He walked away To the Editur, Student newspaper looks like a lot of fun. I’ve been toying with the idea of getting involved for a long time, so I spoke to Greg Krafchick, the arts editor. Here’s a transcript of our conversation: ADAM: “I’d like to get involved with Imprint after Christmas.” GREG: “Great.” A: “I want to write a weekly blues review.” G: “No way.” A: “Let me explain it.” G: “We’re not running a column about the same thing every week.” A: “Every week would be different. It would have spotlights on local musicians, concert reviews, album reviews, information about venues and events that features blues, even blues history - basically, anything of interest to blues fans in K-W.” G: “These things have to get passed by the staff.” A: “You’re the arts editor.” G: “1 know, but we all have to approve it. Come to me with five weeks ol’sample columns and I’11 look at it.” (Our conversation ended here because he walked away.) Well, the winter term is only twelve weeks long, and this sounds like the kind of test that’s issued with the expectation that it won’t be completed. The imprint claims to always be looking for volunteers, but now 1 would not feel comfortable bringing in an idea that might not fit with the tastes of the Editorial Board. -Adam
process, President Downey made the judgement and iinposed a penalty. Since the ERS department was not a participant in the hearingprocess and has not been privy to all of the information used in the President’s final evaluation of the case, as a department we have neither the basis nor the authority to make some alternative judgement of Kumar. Naturally, individual members of the department have been free to reach whatever conclusions they wished and to communicate these as they saw fit. The allegations regarding Professor Kumar were dealt with by the officers of the University empowered to attend to such matters and according to the process prescribed by University policy. Because concerned members of the University community, including ERS faculty members and students, felt that existing policies and processes are inadequate for dealing with cases like that of Professor Kumar, they have asked the University’s administrators to examine the relevant policies and processes with a view to improving them. The President has indicated that he is supportive of a comprehensive review of Policy 53 Section VII in light of the experience of the Kumar case and two others currently underway, and has served notice to the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo concerning a number of issues which need to be addressed in the review. As well, Dr. Downey has agreed students would be consulted for their views on changes. We regret the grief caused by
this episode to members of the University community, especially to the students who have had experiences that were extremely distressing for them and to all students who have been concerned, as well as to the Kumar family. And, as always, ERS faculty members are happy to discuss matters of concern with any student or group of students who think decisions could be improved. --sully Lerner, Chair, En virunment and Resource Studies
Volcano responds To the Editor, I would like to clarify some of the issues raised by Amberlee Howlett in her recent article about the Rheostatics show at the Volcano. The club was described as a “smokey, teenage infested venue.” On the night in question, 25% of our patrons were under 19 years of age - hardly “infested.” Nevertheless, these under age patrons were paying customers. Their admittance to the Volcano was requested by the Rheostatics. It is not uncommon for bands to request that their shows be open to everyone who enjoys their music. In her article, Ms. Howlett also discusses the fact that there was some confusion about the opening bands on the night in question. Af-
ter local acts had been confirmed and our advertising had been distributed, the headlining act requested that Que Vida be the sole opener for the evening. We did our best to redistribute advertising with the updated billing included. However, it is not always possible to notify all of our public about last minute changes. Ms. Hewlett goes on to denounce the “light show” that was given during the Rheostatics’ performance. For your information, the lighting and sound technicians for the evening were kindly provided by the Rheostatics. Perhaps Ms. Hewlett would like to take this issue up with the Rheostatics. We hope that in the future, you will keep these things in mind so that your journalism will reflect a more reasonable vision of reality. -Lisa Murgan & the Volcano
Animal testing: the debate continues To the Editor, One of the most serious problems associated with animal-based testing is the difficulty with extrapolating data from animals to humans because of inter-species
(Editor ‘s nope: It is indeed a requirement of edituriuipolicyfor aEl those wishing to run columns (e.g, Who is John Gait?) to submit 5 samples to staff for a vote. However, contributions of all materials are welcomed on any topic, in&ding the blues, and we ‘d be mure than happy to run anyfeaturesyou ‘d like to submit on an on-going ba-
To the Editur,
ERS responds To the Editor, In his December l/95 letter to the Imprint, Jan Franssen criticized ERS faculty members for not publicly taking sides in discussions occasioned by Professor Sehdev Kumar’s disciplinary review by University officials under the provisions of University Policy 53 Section VII. No one in ERS in any way condones the behaviours of which Kumar was accused and found guilty in the University’s process for dealing with the case. Under the
Animal testing #2
Good01’ M8Mitf
differences. Human health could be endangered if a given product is judged safe in toxicity tests involving guinea pigs, fish, mice and rats, but is then found to have adverse effects in human beings. Conversely, a potentially usefkl drug may be denied to humans because of misleading and discouraging animal results. Examples of species differences abound: penicillin is toxic to guinea pigs, aspirin is poisonous to cats, and thalidomide was deemed safe in a number of animal experiments but caused major birth defects in our species. Human beings can have reactions to drugs that other species may not experience, or that are impossible to detect or measure in non-human animals. Animals are not able to verbally identify symptoms such as nausea, headaches or fatigue, and therefore, such side effects can go unnoticed. Not all animal research is irrelevant, but its value is severely limited by anatomical, physiological, and pathological differences between human and non-human animals. The limitation of the animal model does not inhere in this or that instance of medical discovery, or in keeping a scorecard, but in the fact that it rests on a restricted and constricting theory of disease, and that it has contributed to tragic shortsightedness in dealing with disease. The Women’s Movement became aware of this limitation when it discovered that the US National Institutes of Health models for disease were always male. This may seen like a silly, amusing mistake, considering the obvious differences between men and women, but the mistake is symptomatic of the allotropic approach to disease, whose principle is that an experiment is always true, for a mouse, or a man, or a woman. It can be demonstrated that money currently devoted to animal research does not, in fact, represent the best use of scarce public health care dollars. Therefore, as a society, it is time hat our level of support for such investigations be reappraised.
I would like to respond to the question implied in Mark Ungrin’s article in the December 1st Imprint. Why do scientists use animal models if they really are so illconceived? In the “publish or perish” world of academia, animal research is attractive because it is relatively fast and easy. It is simple to take an existing animal model, change some variables, and produce a publishable paper. Researchers can publish and advance themselves while showing 1ittle innovation. Scientists can “prove” almost anything with animal models. Given Continued
to page 14
IMPRINT, Friday, January 5, 1996
New Year’s Eve is a stupid holiday that people invest far too much effort in. It's an excuse to have a party, get drunk, spend even more time with relatives, or participate in idle chit-chat over cheeseballs and sodiumfree Triscuits. It’s a complete waste of a holiday that makes people feel they have to participate. What’s even worse than the actual holiday is the amount of pressure and unreal expectations that people put on themselves. You know, those fateful New Yew ‘s Resolutions. The significance of one year ending, and all of a sudden this fresh new start that awaits you is a load of bunk. lfit meant that my debts all of a sudden disappeared, I’d magically be handed a clean slate on my transcript, and even if the University ate my library fines - well then, 1 could see some reason to celebrate, But the cold fact of the matter is that none of these benefits ever happen, let alone because it’s New Year’s Okay, it’s now 1996 and nothing significant has affected my life as of yet. I made the same New Year Resolution as 1 have for the past couple of years; lose twenty pounds. 1 suppose it’s not entirely impossible, but it’s not exactly a priority at the top of my agenda. How about getting a job, moving out of my parents basement, and possibly deciding about
what my future aspirations are to be? At this moment, the threat of a coronary will probably come more from these stresses, than the twenty excess pounds I wish to shed. But, naturally, this year I’m going to come through... yeah right! Unreal expectations are pretty much what makes New Year’s a time to celebrate. I’m
Huw about getting a job and moving out of my parents basement ? l
going to be happier, wealthier, smarter, healthier, and 1 usually always swear off drinking. It’s these hollow resolutions that make us feel good for about twenty seconds into the new year, before we start to wallow in self-indulgent self-pity. I usually wait until the next day because the hangover tends to add nicely to the self-pity part. It’s false expectations of the “new year” that really has made me sour about this holiday, not to mention the significance people actually put on it. The predictions that people make are even more ludicrous than the attempt to
Students’ Council By-Election Nominations for representatives to Students’ Council will - ,open on Friday, January 5, 1996 and close January 12, 1996.
ARTS CO-O& (1) MATH CO-OF 0 These positions end April 30, 1996. Nomination forms are available in the Federation (SLC 1102).
Election Committee
better oneself. The psychics forecast a nervous breakdown for 0-J. Simpson in ‘96, a threat on Mike Harris’ life, that Jean Chretien is going to be ill, and that Michael Jackson will be continually ill. Are any of these “predictions” remotely surprising? Entertainment value aside, these predictions only start fixation on the new year - and people obviously want it. What is probably the worst part of New Year’s Eve is the salutations we give each other. The “See you next year!” salutation has got to be the one that really gets under my skin. Ha Ha funny! But everybody says it and everybody thinks they’re comedians. I’m sorry to squash your fantasy, people, but it’s just not funny. Not even just a tiny bit funny. So if you’re going to be making any last minute resolutions, start with canning the “See you next year. 1” bit, don’t make unreal expectations that you’ll only get depressed about a week later when you realize it’s not going to happen, and ce1ebrate the only aspect of New Year’s worth celebrating; the fact that you get paid time and a half if you happen to be working. On a more positive ending, don’t forget to write 1996 on your cheques when paying your tuition; the bastards at the University will probably charge you twenty bucks for returned cheques.
first staff meeting for the Winter term is today at 12:30 p.m. in Student Life Centre room 1116 All are welcome!
Friday, January 5, 1996
norance of the issues of which she speaks. She says that the children are being re-vac-
cinated because the
Well, now that we’ve had enough Christian dogma rammed down our throats to last us hopefully forever, but probably only until Easter, it is time to get back to reality. This week 1 have to take exception to an opinion piece in the Kit&nerWater& Record. Helen Riddell wrote an article condemning vaccination of children against disease. And while people are free to be morons if they want, I am especially angry that this crap was written by a teacher, employed by the Waterloo County Board of Education. Riddell’s concerns are myriad. She disputes the province’s chief medical officer who has allotted $4.5 million this year to innoculate school children against Red Measles this year as a precautionary measure because thousands of Ontario children have had Measles in the last few years. “At a time when hospitals are closing.., we somehow come up with $4.5 million to inject poison into Ontario’s children,” she says. Riddell however, does not seem to believe in preventive medicine, criticizing this move on the grounds that no one knows how many children will continue to contract this potentially fatal disease if nothing is done. Of the Chief Medical Officer, Riddel! asks , “is he a prophet? Possibly, albeit a prophet of sickness who plants negative thoughts in the heads of worried
argument of Riddell’s shows an inconsistency in her thoughts. For her to have a concern about Measles being reintroduced shows that she must believe that vaccination is an effective tool to wipe it out. However, having said a!1 this, Riddell has saved her best argument for last. She backs up her outrageous claim that parents who allow their children to be immunized are putting their lives at risk by illustrating one tragic story, that ofan 1 S-month-old girl who is now in a “vegetable-like condition” as a result of receiving “the final in a series of three childhood vaccinations. ” “And this is not an isolated incident,” claims Riddell. No? Does this happen all the time’! Riddell does not cite ONE other case, here in Ontario or anywhere else in the world, of this occurring. Of course, I’m sure it does happen. No medical procedure is 100% effective. Nothing works for all of the people all of the time. However, to allow one emotional situation to cause one to ignore the tremendous benefits that immunization has brought the world is just plain stupid. I, and most people I know, have received numerous vaccinations: against Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Rubella, etc. And while I cannot prove that no one I know has avoided a premature death as a result of having any of these inoculations, I am quite sure that no one I know has experienced one because of them. There is, in fact, a reason why people get innoculated. It works! Small Pox has been eradicated, and hopefully, Polio isn’t far behind. These were diseases that our parents and our parents’ parents were forced to live in fear of, and there is just one reason why the vast majority of the youth of today don’t give these diseases a second thought. They have been innoculated. Riddell shows a complete ig-
She is also upset at the amount of money being spent. She thinks that we’re all being manipulated by the “medical hierarchy” so that “a large drug corporation will profit.” She considers the entire effort a waste oftime anyway (ifwe forget for a moment that it is poisoning children) because people from other places are still going to enter the province and undoubtedly some of them will carry Measles and reintroduce it into the system. This
‘We Stctdeht
Offer Expires
Lower Level of the New Student Life Centre
EXT.- DRUG(3784) \
OR 746-4500
vaccine they received as infants is ineffective. She wonders why anybody can suppose that new vaccine will have any better luck. “Why should this second try be more successful,” she asks. Perhaps an elementary course in biology could explain to Riddell the concept of different strains of a disease, and the concept of mutation, not to mention possible advances in medical technology that may have improved vaccines in the last severa! years. I was very surprised to reach the end of this piece and discover that Riddel! is a teacher. Presumably she doesn’t teach courses in logical thought, or her arguments would be more coherent. Presumably she doesn’t teach courses in research methods, or she might have been able to improve her position with a more pertinent statistic than the one case she refers to. And she definitely doesn’t teach courses in Biology. If she did, she might exhibit some understanding of disease and the immune system. Riddell has the gal! to finish her piece by questioning family doctors who administer inoculations. “How informed is he or she on this issue? Does he or she have the facts and information to allow you to make an educated decision?” I would ask exactly the same questions, not of family doctors, but of whoever the heil it was who decided to hire this woman as a teacher. Personally, I’d be a lot more worried about having rnychildren taught that modern medical science is garbage than I would be about getting innoculated,
11 Computer
vs. Companion
(or Crimes against Humanity?)
he last time I did my bank ing, I went to an automated teller. These days, when I communicate tiith my friends, it’s more often through e-mail than over the telephone. Even the elevator, in a dry, mechanical voice, is telling me which floor I’m on. Have we become so closed in our global community that we have withdrawn Corn human contact? I remember a while ago I was stranded at the airport late at night. 1 tried to contact the person who was supposed to meet me, but everywhere I called, I got an answering machine. Finally, I dialed the operator so that I might talk to a human being. I got the Bell Canada automated calling service, The global village seems to have brought the world closer together, whiIe stripping it of all its humanity. This isn’t to say that technology is bad, or that we should regress to rubbing sticks together to start our cooking fires. It just seems that the latest developments in technology have less and less to do with the human part of human nature. The telephone, the automobile, the airplane, even the television promoted some sort of contact with other people. Today, the fax has replaced the handshake, and the cathode ray tube has displaced the friend. I must confess, I’ve played more games with my computer than I have with my colleagues lately. Have we become slaves to the machines which are supposed to make our lives easier and more fulfilling? Those amazing machines. So amazing that we cannot tear ourselves away, We have to
constantly check our e-mail, we have to get to the next level of Doom. As a relatively shy person, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has breathed a mental sigh of relief upon reaching a recorded bus schedule rather than a human being. It seems easier to deal with a faceless, emotionless instrument than a living breathing mortal. Perhaps this is a way to distance or buffer ourselves from the hostilities of the real world and those pesky real people. We seem to have entered a paradox. We are becoming more comfortable dealing with machines instead of people. The more we deal with machines, the less we have to do with people. The less we have to do with people, the less we ktt~1w how to deal with people. The less we know how to deal with them, the less comfortable we are, and we tend to use the machines more often. We have even come to the point where our machines are talking to other machines, removing the human element all together. The electronic age has not made us into a global community, but rather a sea of islands connected by fax, phone, and e-mail. So next time, play scrabble with a friend instead of solitaire with a computer. Take the five minutes to walk down the street and meet faceto-face rather than by e-mail or phone. Hop on a raft and cross the channel between electronic isles to reach out and touch someone. We are still human, after all. -Adam Evans (ironkaliy, submiffed
by e-mail)
he following statistical data was compiled from the responses to the Imprint Readers Surveys published in the November 24th and December 1st issues. Thanks to all those who responded. Our prize winners are Todd Girard, Laureen Laturnas, Tricia Mumby, Wayne Hesch, BJ McMahon, Joanne Shatford, David Robinson, Steve Spidell and Mike Hurst. The data presents a mountain of information, demonstrating trends, preferences and recommendations. Many of these will be acted upon in the coming term, but here the data speaks for itself. A brief commentary can be found in The Rambler on page 8. 1 :
5s :
.. .
Do you read Letters
to the Editor?
5b : Do you read the comics?
5c : Do you read the columns?
1st Year
Sd : Do you read the comment
2nd Year
5e : How
3rd Year
4th Year
do you rate the Forum
9.4% --
More than once a week
Once a week
2 - 3 times per month
Once a month
Less than once a month
This is your first time
4 : How
3a : Did you know Imprint the World Wide Web? Yes 54.9% NQ
do you read Imprint?
of each section
is available
3c : Comments.. . some links don’t work; add Campus Ret articles to Sports; place headlines up fi-ont on issue page; put more mentions in paper issue as to Website location . . .
79.3% ..-- -_ ~- ~-
1 1.3%
What do you like LEAST about the Forum section? the on-going debates over mildly interesting topics; The Parking Lot is Full (multiple mentiuns); that sick comic strip; The Parking Lot is Full cartoon because it’s offensive, insensitive and not very funny; loooooong articles; short articles; too many letters about the same topics; the narrow-minded opinionated columns; The Rant (mu&de mentions); The Rambler; anything written by Pat Merlihan; the swear words; repetitive letter topics over menial comments made in previous week’s paper; not enough James Russell; the section is too long; sometimes it’s just a flamewar in print; some of it’s stupid and1 boring; bias against Christians; too many letters of the same view point; selection of letters seems biased . . -
6a : What
are you interested
in reading
in the News
Highly Features
5g :
5f : What do you like BEST about the Forum section? the on-going debates over mildly interesting topics; Letters to the Editor (mulQ& mentions); Lefcourt (mul!iple mentions); The Rant (mul!iple mentions); Parking Lot is Full (muhple mentions); The Rambler (multiple mentions); it’s relevant and informative; all those great flaming arguments !; I Hate My Generation; the profanity; the opinions; incites discussion; uncensored personal views; it’s well laid out; the topics; opinions that aren’t always politically correct; educational; all sides are presented; variety of topics; Who is John Galt?; angry people who write letters about The Parking Lot is Full; quick responses to peoples letters; the fact that Tmprint prints letters that are negative as well as positive _ . .
3b : Have you visited our WWW page? Yes 13.7% No 86.3%
do you usually
as a whole?
2 : How
I Excellent
32.7% 96.2%
1 IS%
23.1% --.
of Students
UW Administration
331: 43.2%
11.6% ~--. 61.6%
1.9% 15.4%
38.4% 32.8%
61.5% ~._
84.6% 26.9%
19.6% -I
11.8% ---- - I 3 1.4%
Friday, January 5, 1996
6b : How
do you rate the News
mentions); over-concentration on high profile sports; more Campus Ret coverage needed (multipEe mentians); The informer column; game commentaries too long; requires more NFL & NBA coverage & less NHL; lengthy stories; section is too big; low on Campus Ret coverage - I would hope that the amount of coverage given to a certain sport is directly proportional to the number of participants involved; profile stories on non-high profile sports; need more Campus Ret coverage - how many pick upImprint for music reviews compared to the 2000+ players in Campus Ret; lack of intermural sports results - students want to read about themselves, not the elite players; more Raptors, more Leafs; don’t have the same Athlete of the Week for several weeks - give someone else a chance . . .
as a whole? 1
I t
tic :
What do you like BEST about the News section? relevance to student life; the coverage of the cuts to education; nothing about 0.X; detailed, interesting, hard-hitting; broad coverage of issues; Fedback; great coverage ofuniversity news (muZtlTple mentions); clever headlines, controversial topics; very thorough and detailed; solid coverage of on-campus events and UW administration decisions, i.e. Professor Kumar (mz&@Ze mentions); Campus Question (multiple mentions); national news coverage . . .
8a : What
are you interested
in reading
SPORTS 7a : What
are you interested
in reading
in the Sports
High Profile Sports (Football, Basketball, Hockey)
, ---
- I _-
( --_-__ 47.0%
do you rate the Sports
- 7.1% 69.1%
6.0% ~-
1 -- 40.4%
25.5% .l____-.
9.9% 35.4%
3 1.4% --~-.-
Fine Arts
49.1% ----_I 80.5%
37.3% --.--.
I ---
as a whole?
36.4% Good
5.8% _~_
as a whole?
L 29.5% 1
1 ___-__~~23.0%
11.7% .i-----__
20.0?/0 5j4%
18.2% I)(l?j.4%
~~~23.5% -- .-.. I
18.2% li.iiJ:L 57.7%
7b : How
23.5% ! -L-e-..-p_.
Pro Sports~
1. 43 .
21.2% -
Excellent I
.--_. 7.9% - --
I-1’7.7% ._---i-3.1:3”‘“-._.__ 37~3~?~L !
8b : How do you rate the Arts Scoreboard
19.6% _-.- -.-_
7.4% I
45.0% I
in the Arts
Concerts 6d : What do you like LEAST about the News section? the articles are boring; your journalists want to make a big fuss about the news & there are corrections required for misunderstandings; too much written about CKWR; UW Administration news (mu&de mentions); biased opinionated reporting (muZt@le mentions); coverage of Federation of Students (mdtiple mentions); the Federation of Students coverage is dry and boring; Feds telling us how much they do for us; national news - student papers don’t need any; local K-W news; long drawn-out articles like the Kumar one that was shoddily written; some articles are repeated too many times; section should be bigger; stories that get continued to other pages; needs more photos; too politically orientated; David Drewe _ . .
8c : What do you like BEST about the Arts section? information about local concert events; the concert reviews (multiple mentions); the record reviews (multiple mentions) are a good consumer guide; irreverence; intelligent analyses; drama reviews; a few interesting articles; it’s especially good when Greg Hood-Morris writes, he is a demi-God; the record reviews often cover bands I’ve never heard of and therefore exposes new stuff; contrary to popular opinion; the many pages devoted to it; video game reviews; it’s written by students, not old guys that don’t really know anything, like those who write in the city newspapers; the interviews; film reviews; book reviews . . .
7c : What do you like BEST about the Sports section? wish there was more coverage; updates on UW sports (multipZe mentions); great coverage of high profile sports (muZtipZe mentions); the unconventional imagery of Ryan Pyette; Scoreboard - gives the facts quick and simple (multipEe mentions); excellent photos (mdtiple mentions); Campus Recreation (multijde mentions); Peter Brown; excellent articles; athlete profiles (mdtiple mentions); The Informer (multiple mentions); the pro wrestling articles were amusing; good effort covering collegiate sports; Athlete of the Week (muZtipZe menkm); most everything; good balance of high and low profile sports coverage, Western bashing is good too; anything about pro sports; all the great rugby coverage . . . 6d : What do you like LEAST about the Sports section? wish there was more coverage; boring reports of games I don’t care about; not adequately covering the Ultimate Fighting Championship; not enough pro sports coverage (multiple
8d : What do you like LEAST about the Arts section? the video game reviews (multipple mentions); the record reviews mostly deal with “alternative” rock artists and needs variety; the consistently negative reviews (although they are getting better); I haven’t heard of most of the groups mentioned; record reviews (mdtiple mentions); messy page layout & design; lack of rating system; obscure bands; lack of Fine Arts coverage; people who review music for Imprint and don’t give mainstream music a fair review; needs more book reviews; unprofessional commentary & innaccurate reporting (e.g. Our Lady Peace lead vocalist is RAINE, not Baie! ! !); the vulgar photos & headlines & articles - would you let your morn/little brother read it?; boring/dull/full of crap; reviews are too long; too many record reviews (multippls mentions); too much crap; too many Gen X concert reviews; more local stuff is needed; section has no visual consistency or style; sometimes the analysis goes past intelligent and into pretentious; get some reviews of recent video/movie releases; exaggerated, fawning reviews of talent-poor local artists; no attempt at objectivity .. , Continued
to page 14
IMPRINT, Friday, January 5, 1996
9a : What topics would you like to see covered in the Features section? sponsor a writing contest; pretty much anything but the Federation of Students; more about the United States; international issues - e.g.development, peace; local focus, e.g. Global Community Centre, history, personalities; Quebec: what might happen with Bouchard as Premier; why so many supposedly intelligent university students display such apathy toward national and world issues; more personal expcriences;Ali~nsInvadeEcrrth!Rtln, Run, Run Fur Yourlkes.. ‘1 ; stories about ongoing research at UW; computer related stuff; tuition increases; outstanding student achievements; more on Kumar; technological advances related to campus not CR’K; more on drugs/less about school stuff; short stories and poems; why campus food is so expensive if it’s run by Food services; false advertising - re: the lack of places that accept the Watcard; campus gossip . . , 9b : How
do you rate the Features
as a whole?
2.8% 68.6% 17.1% __I .--_ ____-__-~--_--.I.___-7 1.4%
11.5% -_I
do you rate Imprint’s
usage of: Good
from Tht
Man? Still
for friends
I don’t know Mark Ungrin, but judging by his vitriol demonstrations of immaturity (Imprint, Nov 17th, Dee lst,) he certainly isn’t somebody I’d want defending a cause I felt strongly about. I have been following the debate concerning the use of animals for experimentation for the p&t few weeks, and would like to make the following observation. Although both those who support animal research and those who question it appear to have solid documentation to support their views, I must say that I was surprised by the range in the quality of the arguments presented. To date, my only experience with animal rights activists has come from news reports of rangy protests, spray painting fur coats, etc. However, I was taken back by the rational, well articulated, and convincing (if not unbiased) arguments to support their position. Ungrin, on the other hand, does not hesitate in taking till advantage of the reputation of the “animal rights activist,” labelling his opposition “extremists” on three occasions in his latest article. In fact, thecontent of his articles has, thus far, been largely diatribe (possibly the lowest form of rhetoric.) Talk about the pot calling the kettle extremist! -Able Murtun 2nd year Psychology
Animal testing #4
in a cruel and heartless
world? Ccatrc
Realizing the utter futility of higher learning? Then come on down tostudent Life room 1116and let Imprint be: your guide to a kinder, gentler Waterioo. WC here at r--is absurd. Wage slavery Imprint learned ages ago tllat paying somebody clsc for a 3egrcc” is a way of the past, and only the controllers of information will have any place in the new milfenium. This is not just an advertisement for Imprint, this is a one-way ticket out of Loservillc
and toward a bigger and brighter future for YOU! Why do we extend this invitation.. .? Do not ask Imprint
because WC provide
questions. You must make the most important decision of your life: Do I waste the rest of my university experience paying for stifling classes I don’t go to anyway,
consideration and therefore, we feel justified in using them as laboratory tools. The shared characteristics and senf ience are ignored. If we compare all abilities such as sight, hearing, smell or speed, between the Earth’s species, humans might only “win” on intelligence. Differences betjween species in intelligence do not confer upon our species right to use other animals as we please, any more than would differences within our species, for example those resulting from a congenital disability. A mentally disabled person, or for that matter, a normal human infant may not appear to be as intelligent cx as capable of communication as a human adult of average intelligence, but this lesser capacity does not imply that these people should have fewer “rights” than others anId therefore should be subjected to experimentation. Indeed, our conceptualization of humans as the most species should impose a greater responsibility upon us to view those who share the earth ethically and responsibly. Darwin showed us that human and nonhuman animals exist on the same biological continuum. Does it not follow that we should also coexist on the same moral continuum’? -Laurie
To the Editor,
10b : Comments.. . the photos and graphics are both very clear and of high quality; some of the photos are out of focus; there’s not enough; they are all just fine for the Imprint; it would be an asset to the Imprint to include more sports photos; perhaps you should run more than one photo on the cover; please get newsprint where the ink doesn’t rub off so easily; photos are sometimes hard to see, especially concert photos; start printing with non-smudging print, please! !; get a Sunshine Girl; keep up the great job; very blurry photography; keep up the good work, visual stimulation is essential; sometimes the relevance of tha graphics escapes me, but I don’t try too hard to analyze them; with the technology of the school, I believe Imprint can do better; good photos, clever captions; better than you would expect from a small paper; the Campus Question is always good; the covers are generally excellent; the covers are always good; the “Dead Squirrel” cover was offensive ,.
of taking
the many species used and the nearly infinite number of variables that can be manipulated in the animals, researchers can provide “scientific proof’ of any theory they fancy. (Depending on the funding source, scientists have “proven” that cigarettes cause and do not cause cancer). Scientists can control variables in the laboratory much better than they can in clinical studies. While this makes the data “cleaner,” the value of the data depends on the animal model. The high expense of animal research is desirable (to the researchers and to the administrators of their institution, not to the taxpayer) because it pays the bills. In a system designed to pressure university researchers to obtain grants, all or part of their salaries are tied to grants. Consequently, “grantsmanship” becomes a primary concern, encouraging researchers to obtain the most lucrative grants possible in order to balance the institution budget. The primary motive becomes a quest for funds rather than a quest for knowledge, and the validity of the experimental protocol becomes more and more irrelevant.
Animal testing #3
page 9
or do I take the plunge and join Imprint?
Student Life Centre 1116
To the Editur, When we vecugnize that unity of all living things, then at once arises the question--how can we support this l&e uf ours with least injuly to the lives aruund us; how can WP prevent our own l$e adding to the suffering uf the world in which we live? -Annie
Animals are used to model human afflictions because they are presumed to be similar to us. Yet they are also deemed to be so unlike us that they are somehow beyond our ethical
This quotation aptly addresses the central question which most animal protection advocates dedicate their lives to answering. In his latest response in the animal research debate (Imprint, Dee lst), Mark Ungrin accuses a WPIRG volunteer of having an “egocentric little worldview.” How ironic to hear this argument levelled against an animal protectionist; a person who, if anything, has a much larger world view, who is able and willing to examine the: world from the point of view of the needs of other species, and make moral choices to look out for interests other than his own. In reading Ungrin’s vitriol responses to relatively factual and straight-forward letters, 1 have to wonder whose interests he’s looking out for? His own, perhaps! His arguments, and the obvious aggression behind them, are symptomatic of an innate selfishness, of an ability to think of and respond to the world only in so Ear as it will affect him personally. Readers would do well to consider the driving motives behind such articles, and to look with suspicion on people with only their own interests at heart. -Putti
Diabolical atroc:ities
To the Editur, You do not settle whether or nut an experiment is just&!kd or not by mereIy showing that it is uf some use. The distinction is not between useful and useless experiments, but between civilized and barbarous behaviour. Vivisection is a social evil because ifit advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character.
Animal testing #5
Photos and Graphics 1Oa : How
To the Editur, It’s not bad enough that Imprint has to run the sickening justifications of animal hater Mark Ungrin to sully the campus’ good name, but then you have to go and put the photo of a dead squirrel on your cover. At first it looked slightly amusing, and then I noticed it’s flattened out legs. It was vile and disgusting and in extremely poor taste. Have you no et:hics or shame? -Cindy
by Chad Westmacott special to Imprint am sitting in a tai chi garden in Hong Kong Park. It is the middle of November as I sit here in a suit (I just finished work), but it is slightly too warm to wear the jacket, so it is lying beside me. I guess I should mention that I am a student (I’ve actually learned the Cantonese for that-it helps you to barter!) and I’m here in Hong Kong for eight months on a co-op term. Well, two and a half of those months are gone, and 1 have so little time left here, I’m writing to share a little joy with you. Cheesy but true; Hong Kong is so fabulous, I just have to share it. As I was saying, I’m sitting in a tai chi garden in Hong Kong Park. It is dusk, and the sun is playing colour games with the one cloud in the sky. It is white now, but when I was writing “so fabulous,” it was a vibrant pink. Very stunning, especially with the background noises of water falling (there is a fountain nearby) and of exotic birds from the large aviary. I walked through the aviary one day (and I’m sure I’ll do it again) and it contained very interesting birds; I don’t remember the names, but then again I was too busy watching them to memorize names. And the bird aviary is only one small part of Hong Kong Park. Now Hong Kong Park, like most places in Hong Kong, is something you just stumble upon. Tour books are good for getting you out of the flat, but it’s the things that you just fall upon that make Hong Kong so fantastic. We - two other students from UW and myself - stumbled upon this place one day after work. We were walking home and decided to adventure up a concrete path (we are wild!) and lo and behold, we came upon a sign for the park. At this point, I ventured off alone because my roommates wanted to go home and I wanted to see the park. I had just come from the office (sounds professional, eh!) and was walking in a sea of buildings, attacBed by the sharks of this ocean: the cars, trucks, trams, and crowds. The sky sometimes popped through the tops of the building; I’ve since realized that there is a lot of sky here - it just hides itself at first. Needless to say I was not expecting to find this virtual oasis amongst the concrete world. As I mentioned though, you just stumble upon things. And right now you are witness to a stumble. I (just the paragraph before) had to leave this article, but now 1 returned to the park to continue writing and 1 have stumbledbut upon what I’m not sure yet. You see, I wasjust walking back to the tai chi garden, and I saw these chairs set up in the open amphitheatre, and so I had to see what was going on. It’s a bunch of people in white military uniforms with instruments called the RAF (Royal Air Force) band, and this is an annual event called “Promenade In The Park”an open air concert sponsered by Radio 4, the classical radio station here. I know classical music in the park is not very oriental, but it is very Hong Kong. Holst’s “Jupiter” is being played and the large Bank of China tower looms overhead. The music just floats around as you sit here, just a face in a large crowd (although small by Hong Kong standards). I used to make fun of people for liking classical, but it is beautiful if you just let it flow through you, which is what I am going to do now... Cool, now we have Arabian nights dancing with the beat of Dixieland. You can almost see the desert, the dromedaries and a little
Dixieland band playing on its hump. Now Big Band has stole the stage. Come dance with the joy of life. y one roommate and I went to Landau Island for the day. Landau Island is the biggest island in Hong Kong, but it still relatively untouched by Western or Asian business so it contains a definite charm. But after a 45minute ferry ride, a chocolate bar from a local Park and Shop makes you happy that some businesses have come to the island. Anyway, I do not really want to talk about the island in detail, but rather I want to talk about what happened on the island. We had been walking on the concrete path throughout the hills (the human hand is everywhere here) and passed many Buddhist monasteries (seriously, not tourist ones, they were real) to reach the old-fashioned town of Tung Chung. The path finally led us to a road. Ambling along this road, as anyone might on this warm Sunday afternoon, was a cow. It was even considerate enough to walk on the sidewalk so that motorists could pass it. As the cow sauntered off, we walked the other way, still in search of Tung Chung. This road seems to be in the middle of China (although slightly more developed) because of the fields that lay alongside the road and the winding concrete paths running through the fields. And the people! These people were truly beautiful. They were the old ladies and men of the village and they were wearing large wicker hats to keep the hot sun off their worn faces. When we said hello to them, they just smiled and laughedI don’t think many gweilo (the term for white personssometimes derogatory, depending on how you take it) come to this part of the island. As we walked farther we decided to go to Tung Chung Fort instead of the village because it was right there and the town was still a little unknown distance off. The Tung Chung Fort was a fort used by the Qing dynasty of China and then later, the British. Now it is a rural school and a council house, but the walls and the lookout towers still remain. There was Chinese opera music and singing in the air while we walked up the path to the fort. Entering the arches of the fort, we saw why: there was a concert being put on in the school yard. It was a band with Chinese style
instruments (I won’t bother to explain, they really weren’t weird but just different) and two people singing a Chinese opera. Of course I could not understand, but that really didn’t take away from the magic of the situation.
One of the most interesting things was who this concert was for. All around there were locals as I’ve already discussed. They were sitting watching this opera being sung by, I assumed, teachers or performers from the region. I think they were trying to give the locals a bit of their culture on a Sunday afternoon. Well, it worked, and we were able to see a bit of this culture too. The singing bounced off the walls and into the souls of the ladies and men. There they sat, out of place on blue plastic chairs, under their large wicker hats, absorbing the experience 96 1 was. But it all seemed so natural too- even the video camera that the one old man had, taping the entire thing from the top of the wall that used to make up the fort. It is truly hard to describe all the beauty, wonder, and joy of Hong Kong in words alone. The only way to feel what 1 feel is to come here and walk the streets of Sai Ying Pun (an area here), smelling the seafood stores, or go sit in a tai chi garden, or share a sidewalk with thousands of people or a cow, depending on what part of Hong Kong you are visiting. A bus advertising Hong Kong for the Hong Kong tourist association says “Where wonders never cease” and this is the best description of Hong Kong that I could ever give of Hong Kong - wonders never cease.
M~SIC...MUSIC...MUSIC Join Us...Everyone Wekome!! Auditions sturt Jan. 4,1996 Sign up at Music Office, Conrad Grebel College
INSTRUMENTALENSEMBLE: Stage Band: Michael Wood, Director. Monduys, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m,, CGC room 156, First rehearsal: Jan. 8, 1996,
CHORAL ENSEMBLES: Chapel Choir: Sheryl Loeffler, Director. Mondays & Wednesdays, 330 - 500 p,m., CGC Chapel. First rehearsal: Jan, 8, 1996, Chamber Choir:Kenneth Hull, Director. Tuesdays &Thursdays, 3:30 - SO0 p.m., CGC Chapel, First rehearsal: Jun. 9, 1994. University Choir: John Tute, Director. Tuesdays, 7 - 9:30 p.m., CGC Chapel. First rehearsal: Jan. 9, 1996. Credit is available for participation in the above groups... *Register for Music 116, Music 117,2 l&217,3 16,3 17. All number apply to ensembles. *For
reasons, admission
to any ensemble
is at the
descretion of the director. Sponsored by the UW/CGC Music Department.
For more information call the CGC Music Office 885-0220, ext. 226.
drastic action or change.
anarchy,disorder, coup d ‘etat, innovation,metamorphosis, rebellion, transformation, radical change,upheaval, overthrow!
AFTER lo:30
LEATHER JACKET DAY Tuesday, January lla.m.to3p.m.
$320.00 . . . Melton $100.00 deposit BY EXPORT
& Leather: required
Issue: Should there be a referendum that would $$$ to your fees to make your Watcard a Kitch Transit Bus pass?
y the SLC,
or give
us a call at 888-4042 n
WATERLOO CHRISTIA FELLOWSHIP large group meeting on FRIDAY, JANUARY 5 at 7 p.m. \ SLC, Multi-Purpose Room ALL WELCOAUE!
mikewoods,,,on the 5th
something,,,on the 12thandthe26th11 II11 mikephilosopher kings,,,on the 1lth 11
11 jacksouL,on
the 18th
battle with the big girls...
The next Naismith? by Kimberly Imprint staff
Friday Jimgary 5th :.: .::.., Athena BasketWl vs. McMaster PAC.’ 6 pm+ War&r vs. Toronto
: ,: .’ ..
Bask&boa11 Metro Police {ex,). PAC 8 p.m*
W&w Volleybali at York. Excalibur York jruns through Sun&y)
Saturday January 6th Athena and Warrior Track First Chance Qualifier Toranto 2 pm. ,:.,’ .: “.. War&r Hockey ‘, at chs~ph
ess than 24 hours after Santa had delivered his gifts to the world, the Athena basketball team was on the hardcourt preparing for their annual Christmas Invitational. Billed as the next Naismith of Waterloo Athletics, the Athenas played host to teams from Laurentian, Queen’s, Ottawa, Western, Acadia, Concordia and of course Laurier. Entering its second year, the Christmas Shoot-out is one of the CIA U’s premier basketball tournaments of the season. So, while most were still recovering from their Christmas dinner, I joined the basketball team on their quest to bring home the championshipWednesday December 27,199s 11:30 a.m. The team has already practised twice for the tournament so far this week. Despite the fact that it is only two days after Christmas and most of them would iike to be at home with their families, they are all in cheerful moods. After their first practisc, the entire team heads for Coach Kathy Keats office, it seems Santa Puma was a little late with his gifts for the girls this year. They all gather around as they each receive a pair of shorts, a warm-up shirt, t-shirts and socks from their favourite sponsor. “We love Puma,” one of them says before pulling the shorts up to her neck and wearing it as a dress. It seems Puma forgot to realize that not all of them are 6’9” and require x-large shorts. With most of the team under 5’ 1 l”, the shorts fall wet1 below their knees when rolled up a bunch
Brearley by Ryan Imprlnt
Tucks” staff
II Canadians have one thing in common. They know where they were when PauI Henderson scored the winning goal in the 1972 Summit Series to devastate the Russians. Of course, for those of us not born, we have to be content with knowing where we were when Lemieux-from-Gretzky occurred in 1987 to knock off the Red Army. At Waterloo, 1995 ended with another distinctive goal in the echelon of the other two. Most Waterloo students will remember they were at some bar, or house party, or local establishment imbibing some harsh holiday spirits the cold evening Peter Brearley scored his famous goal. Old men will sit around the Bombshelter, describing the moment as if they were there, adding fuel to the legendary marker and quite a lot of bullshit, too. Sure, it wasn’tthe CanadaCup,
During baskets
a time-out, and play
scholarly-looking tighter D.
of times. The girls will take them though, knowing they are lucky to have a cool sponsor that will send them clothes a bunch of times a year. After some more jokes, Coach Keats shows the girls the toumament trophy and sends them on their way with a few words of wisdom. They will all be back in a couple ofhours though.There’s still practise later in the afternoon, scheduled for 4 p.m. 12:30p.m.Themeetingisover and the girls join me in the training room to go over some questions. Its time for lunch and while they would all rather be eating or sleeping right now, they are more than happy to talk about this weekends games. “There’s going to be a lot of competition in this tournament,” says third-year guard Jena Steele. “It’s just going to be a matter of stepping up to meet the competi-
but the Guelph New Year’s Tournament is a prestigious mid-season test, and sure, it wasn’t for national pride, but it did bring a nice new banner for the roof of the Columbia IceFields, and sure, it wasn’t to eliminate the Communists during the Cold War, but it, at least, came against a team whose sweaters contain red (Guelph), just like the Ruskies. For the record, Brearley raced in alone on Guelph goaltender Matt Mullin on an ill-advised Gryphon line change and ‘brought home the banner’ with a ballistic biscuit at 3 126 of a five-minute overtime. Had matters not been decided, a shootout would have occurred. The final count was 4-3, and marked a perfect weekend for the Ice Warriors, who reached the finals against the hosts by downing Queen’s 5-4 and the Toronto Varsity Blues 4-3. In the finale against Guelph, Coach Don McKee employed a little strategy he hoped would help
tion.” “All the teams are tough,” continues fellow guard Christina Williams. “Its just depends on who comes out the hardest.” With a majority of the eight teams ranked in the CIAU’s top ten, any victory will be nice for the Athenas who have already played most of these teams in pre-season action. “We played some incredibly good teams in the pre-season this year.” say captain Lori Kraemer. “So, if you go by our win-loss record, it doesn’t \ook like we did very well. But, when you look at the teams that we played, they are the teams that have been to the nationals in the last few years. “I think we did very well because we kept those games very close and improved with every game. I think that will help in this tournament and the season.”
tells her girls
Lori is doing her best at the moment to sound positive, but it hasn’t been a very good Christmas for the fifth-year Athena. Against Guelph in the team’s first regular season game, she broke her pinky finger and will miss the first games of her last university season this weekend. “l’m a little upset about missing the games,” Lori says, the bitterness evident in her voice as she looks down at finger that just recently lost its cast. “But it’s more important that I’;m back for when it counts. I can’t be risking injury in this fournament..” “Its a funny thing,” says sophomore guard Mary-Frances Lapthome of what happened when Lori’s injury occurred in Guelph. “At first I thought it was her
in timely the Warriors when they resume their regular schedule. McKee sat out ‘big guns’ Steve Smith, Jeff Goldie, Sheldon Gilchrist, and goaltender Joe Harris for the final because the Warriors travel to Guelph again tomorrow for a season match-up. Even without the extra scoring power, the Warriors played a strong defensive game in front of keeper Scott Pattison. Limiting Guelph to a mere 20 shots, the Warriors received opportune scoring from Chris O’Sullivan, Brearley, and Matty St. Germain before Brearley ‘s second goal of the game took care of things in the extra time. Against Toronto the night before, the Warriors and Blues played ‘pass+passie’ and ‘dumpiedumpie’ instead of ‘shootieshootie’, with the final count of shots on goal being 18-15, Blues. The Warriors made their shots count, though, with the first three goals coming on unassisted efforts. Dwayne Johnson, Greg Esdale, and
to1 score
to page 20
fashion Chris O’Sullivan all potted for Waterloo, with the winner coming four minutes into the third period, off the stick of newcomer Chad Lehtonen. Opening the tournament, McKee’s Men dumped a fiesty Queen’s squad, 4-3. This game was the most interesting contest of the Warriors’ season. Jumping out to a 4-O lead after two periods, the game looked very much in hand for Waterloo. Lehtonen opened the scoring, followed by Jeff Goldie, Sheldon Gilchrist, and Steve Smith to build the comfortable margin. Queen’s stormed1 back in the third to score four to tie it up, with the knotter
seconds remaining. Fortunately for the bewildered Warriors, Jeff Goldie settled matters with fifteen ticks on the clock, en route to a 5-4 headshaker. Perhaps most Twilight Zone-ish was the fact that Queen’s was outshot 16-5 in the third, while outscoring Waterloo 4- 1. Hoc key ‘s an incredible game, isn’t it?
IMPRINT, Friday, January 5, I996
Warriors by Peter Brown special to Imprint
othing like some more veteran muscle to round out a team, especially when it comes just in time for the season. During their autumn and holiday exhibition schedule, the basketball Warriors had been gelling just fine, culminating in last weekend’s second-place finish at Ryerson’s Ed D, Armon Classic, where sophomore UW point guard Mano Watsa earned most valuable player honours. But the team got a Christmas present in the form of Tom Balfe, who recently decided to return for his fifth and final year of eligibility.
V-ball by Patti Imprint
Lenard staff
he Warrior volleyball team will begin this year’s regular season play tied with Westem for second place. The team’s record now stands at four wins and two losses. The most recent loss was to Western, and the most recent win was against Brock. The former was a hard fought game that could have gone either way. On any given day, either team could emerge victorious. Chances are then, that the winner must be talented, focussed, and a little bit lucky. Such was the situation on November 29, when Western beat the Warriors in five hard-fought matches. The scores were as follows: 10-15, 15-9, 11-15, 15-8, and 15-11. Both teams exhibited the appropriate talent and mental focus. Western was simply lucky. They capitalized on Warrior errors and pulled ahead to win the match. Against Brock, the Warriors had no problem putting the match away. In true and traditional Warrior style, the match ended in three games, with scores of 15-l 1, I510, and 15-2. *The Black Plague put the
‘96 with Balfe
bouncebackin The former Ontario University Athletics Association all-star forward will come off the bench to add both rebounding and scoring muscle under the glass. Balfe may start eventually, but with tonight’s last-minute exhibition tuneup versus the Toronto Metropolitan Police’s team @p.m., PAC main gym) being his first game with the Warriors, he’ll need some reps before that happens. In the Ryerson tournament’s championship game, the University of Guelph Gryphons, picked by many to contend for the OUAA West crown, dropped the Warriors 73-59. Watsa led the Warriors with 21 points and 7 rebounds. Fifth-
returns games away almost methodically, as if they were succumbing to a routine. This is the style of play that the team’s fans appreciate. They like to see the Warriors demolish their opponents, and in this game, the team obliged. The result is that the Warriors are in good shape as they head back into regular season play after the holidays. They are strong and they are rested. They seemed poised, if not to regain first place in the Westem Division standings, at least to maintain their place and prove themselves ultimately during the play-offs. Again, in the second half of the season, the team is concentrating on improving its mental focus. Team cohesiveness is being perfected and strategies to win are coming together. The goal now is to ensure that the Warriors can play solidly in all games, especially during the hard ones. Matt Reed remains in the list of leading scorers and Al Schroeder will be returning to the team imminently. It seems that everything is now coming together for the Warrior volleyball team. All the loose ends are being tied, and they have almost two weeks to practice before they play again.
year centre Mark Hopkins totalled 14 points and 6 boards, while second-year forward Mike Stroeder had 13 points and 5 rebounds. On Friday night, Waterloo turned a 39-3 1 half-time lead in an 89-56 pounding of Nazareth Gollege. Watsa scored 20, along with 8 rebounds, while Stroeder had 15 points and 10 rebounds. Saturday saw the Warriors perform a similar dismantling of the once-mighty host Ryerson Rams, 100-6 1, Just like Friday night, UW outscored its opposition by 25 in the second half. Stroeder poured in 20 points, while Hopkins ripped down 12 boards. Nick Poulimenos had 13. Tom Kieswetter, entering his
fourth season as UW head coach, has used the same five starters throughout most of the preseason, and looks to stay with them tonight and as the season begins next weekend: Watsa at point guard, Poulimenos at off guard, Hopkins at the post, and Stroeder and rookie Mike Crosby at the forward spots. After tonight’s game, Kieswetter will decide upon what he calls his “playing unit,” that is, the top ten players on his rosters -starters plus five regular bench players. Joining Balfe in the playing unit will be forwards Mark Eys, Scott Carroll, and Matt Williams, along with backup point guard Danny Meichenbaum.
Webster's by RImberly Moser Imprint stafT
here was a lot of ups and downs in the world of sports in 1995, a lot of people who deserved recogni tion and those who didn’t. In the spirit of the new year, I compiled a list of events to savour and events to make you sour. A is for Warrior football receiver Adrian Thorne. In 1995, Adrian set a new standard for career receptions and receiving yardage. Returning in ‘96, it looks like no one will match Adrian’s records for a long, long, long time. B is for those stupid breatheright bandaids that keep popping up all over the place in the sporting world. Got just two words for its believers: Ya right! C is for cross-country stars Judith Leroy and Jason Gregorie, who dominated their respected leagues all year, bring much deserved attention to the world of running. D is for Dennis Rodman. The only person who has changed his hair colour more times than Madonna. E is for Elvis Stojko who showed the world that not all figure skaters wear tights and frilly shirts. F is for Warrior football Head
Balfe is a welcome sight for a team that is deep in talented young players, but short on veteran savvy. He averaged 16 points per league game in 1993-94 as Kieswetter started the 6’6” player at centre. Back at his natural forward spot last season, he scored a career-high 35 points versus the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. Tip-off tonight is 8 p.m. at the PAC main gym. The Athenas take on the McMaster Marauders at 6 p.m. in their home opener,, also at the PAC. The Warriors open with a doubleheader next weekend at Lakehead University. Their home opener pits them against Laurier on Wednesday, January 17 at S p.m.
Coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight who tied the CIAU’s All-Time Record for career wins this season. G is for theTom Glavine who proved baseball fans have short memories. A trouble maker during the strike, Glavine was the hero of this years World Series. H is for the Warrior hockey squad that knocked up Laurier this year in the OUAA semi-finals. I is for Indurain. Miguel won his fifth Tour de France this summer. J is for Jarrett Smith, Warrior football’s next HUGE superstar. K is for Kevin Garnet& the only 19-year old with a Nike commericaI and 4.2 million dollars to spend. L is for York’s Lenard JohnPierrewho threatened the school’s newspaper writer’s after the teams first win this year. M is for Mario, Monica and Michael, the three great M’s that returned to their respected sports with the class Mike Tyson will never have. N is for Northwestern. They might have lost the Rose Bowl but they are still winners. 0 is for O.J. Off the hook. P is for the Black Plague that won the CKJAA West Division over
: JAN. 12,1996
Windsor in March. Q is forQuebec. They kept the country together but lost a team. R is for Ryan Wilkinson. The Warrior quarterback was exciting to watch this fall, giving fans plenty to watch for in 1996. S is for Sharon Creeimen who coached the Athena field hockey team to an OWIAA championship. T is for track and field star Jeff Miller who took a gold medal at the CIAU Championships. U is for the UConn women’s basketball team that went undefeated during ‘95, bringing recognition to women’s athletics all over North America. V is for long time cager Sean Van Koughnett. The fifth-year Warrior nailed down 3 l-points in his final home game at Waterloo. W is for Warren Sapp who had to settle for ONLY 2.3 million dollars in the NFL after it was discovered he sniffed cocaine during his years at Miami. X is for Superbowl XXX. Another Superbore. Y is for the York Yeomen football team that broke its long losing streak and almost made the piayoffs. Z is for the zebraswho burned running back Mike Malott for over 300 yards in rushing in 1995.
I 1 large Pepperoni 1 Garlic Bread
Tournev Continued
page 18
elbow. Even on the bench, I didn’t realize it was her finger because of the way she was holding her arm up. Then the coach goes Lori come on in and I though WOW, Lori’s going to play with a hurt elbow, she’s SO tough. Then I hear its her finger and I was like oh, its her finger. Then, we find out its broken. She is tough.” The inspirational leader of this team, Lori’s absence from the tournament will hurt the Athenas chances of bringing home the championship. However, losing her for the regular season would be even worse and since these games wiIl not count in the standings, she will not risk further injury. “He (my doctor) said I’m not supposed to play for another two weeks,” Lori replies when asked when she’ll return. “He’s not a very nice man to me though, because he knows T”ln going to play sooner than that. 1’11 be back for Friday night’s game against M&laster.” Thursday Dtlcenlber 28, 1995 6:4S p.m. The girls take to the court for their warm-up. It’s been a long day for them as they awaited tonight’s match-up with their cross-town rivals from Laurier. They have already watched the other teams play and know Laurentian is waiting for them if they can pull out the win. Tonight’s game will be their first action of the tournament and the girls are anxious to get going. They come out with all guns blaring but fall behind early. Laurier leads 3 l-26 at halftime. The Athenas, however, refuse to give up and fight back f’or a last second win. They charge down the length of the court to take the game on a last second basket by rookie Krista Fox. 6’3” Jacalyn White leads the charge for the Athenas with 18 points and an amazing 18 rebounds. She is not only the team’s leading scorer on the night, she also leads the team in free dinners. After tonight’s game, she is entitled td two free dinners at the expense of Keats who has promised dinner to anyone who snags more than 15 rebounds in a game. The tallest player on the court, Jacalyn is dominating on the boards and great at bringing the ball up. Defensively she is awesome, knocking away those pesky lady Hawks. A strong inside play, Jacalyn honed her skills this summer as a member of the New Brunswick Junior National team. Alongside Jacalyn is Mary-Frances Lapthomc, affectionately nicknamed Maxie by her teammates. She is the smallest Athena on the court each night but plays with the heart of a 6’9” NBA superstar. She is all over the floor each game helping set up each of Waterloo’s baskets. She collects nine points tonight but more importantly, leads the team in work ethic. When you ice her on the court, you know she’s playing her heart out and loves this game. Guard Jena Steele chips in 12 points and two rebound while Fox collects six in the victory. For Jodi Hawley, it’s good game. Yesterday, she said she expected to win this game and was hoping to win the second. After tonight, she’s hoping her prediction will come true. ‘*It was a good experience for us because that was the first game we’ve put good, full effort in. We never gave up even though we were down. I’m really proud of the team. We never quit and we put it together at the end when it really counted. “We watched Laurentian play their game today, so we know a little bit of what to expect from them. I think it will be a really good
time game.” As for Coach Keats, she is once again trying to catch her breath from the heartstopping games her team seems to thrive on. “Its a trend that I hope we break very soon, or I’ll have a heart attack.” says the coach. The players response: their new year’s resolution is to start winning games by two points to help the coach’s ticker. Friday
December 29, 1995 6:45 p.m. The girls are once again warming up for their game. However, there is a different feeling in the air tonight. They seem a little intimidated by the Lady Vees from Laurentain. They come out strong but fall behind once again. Laurentian leads at the half and cruises to a 66-57 victory. There will be no comebacks for the Athcnas tonight, they are overpowered by the Vees and although they put up a good fight, the Vees are eventually too much for them. Jenna Steele leads the Athenas in scoring on the night with 24 points and four rebounds while Jacalyn White chipped in 12 points and 12 rebounds. Its not exactly the way they wanted this tournament to go but, the Athenas will be fighting for a third place finish in the toumament tomorrow against the Queen’s Golden Gales. A good showing in this tournament helps build the Athenas confidence going into the season and helps build the popularity of the tournament for next year. “We’re hoping to turn this tournament into a really big Christmas event,“says Keats. “So obviously it’s important for our team to get to the championship side of the toumament.” They will also need the help of the local media who, at times, can forget about the Athenas. “The only thing I’ve seen about us,” says Jodi Hawley. “is when we played Guelph. There was in that little SpOrts Beat Column that they run something in between the kiddie soccer and juvenile hockey about our game. I thought well... that was nice.” “Unfortunately,” continues Lori Kraemer. “I don’t think we get the kind of coverage that we deserve when you consider a lot of high school teams get a lot better coverage than we do.” Saturday December 30,1995 5 p.m. It’s supper time and the Athenas are hungry for a victory today. However, they are going to have to win without rookie sensation Krista Fox who was seriously injured in last night’s game. The hero of the first game, Krista’s absence combined with Lori Kraemer still out will hurt the Athenas chances. They come out strong once again though but fall behind early. They trial by ten points for most of the game as the Gales take the game 69-57. Jacalyn White and Jena Steele each chipped in 16 points in the match. Its a sad way for the Athenas to end the week. AAer a lot of hard work, they leave the tournament without a medal. Its alright though, there is always next year. And besides, this is only a pre-season tournament. The real action starts now as the regular season resumes against MC Master on Friday. And, the Athenas are optomistic. Lori Kraemer says it best, describing her last year at Waterloo. “I see very good things for this team. I think this is defmitely the best team that I have played on my five years here and that’s because we’ve got an entire team that can play and not just one or two superstars.”
IMPRINT, Friday, January $1996
by Heidi Marr special to Imprint
ey students-it’s time for another jam-packed term with Campus Ret! We’ve got something for everyone so check out the new Winter ‘96 Pick It Up brochure floating around campus and join in the fun. CR has everything from A to Z and you can register NEXT WEEK, so you’d better hurry and decide which activities to pick up this term. Registration begins on Tuesday, January 9 from 8:30 a.m. - I:00 p.m. in the main gym at the PAC. You can get your tickets then and find out when to register on Tuesday or Wednesday evening. I said we’ve got it all from A to 2 check out these CR activities: Archery, Badminton, Curling, Dance, Equestrian club, Flag Football, Golf, Hockey, lnnertube waterpolo, Juggling, Kayaking, Line dancing, Martial arts, NLS training, Outers club, Playing fields, Quality fitness, Rowing club, Skating, Tennis, Ultimate frisbee, Volleyball, Weight training, X-tra X-am classes, Yoga, Zany FUN! OK, so I cheated a bit on the X and 2 categories, but gimme a break __ we make up for them with the S’s (swimming, soccer, slo- pitch, squash, skydiving, sailing). I’m sure you already know what a great program Campus Recreation is, but here are some interesting stats you may not be aware of. Over 500 teams enter the Competitive
Leagues anually, but there are relatively few women who take advantage of these programs. Come on girls, let’s show them what we’re made of in 1996! About 900 people register in the various tournaments each term. In the Fall, we ran Tennis, Squash, and Volleyball tournaments and they were all a huge success! Stay tuned for info on the tourneys you may want to enter this term. The Recreational Leagues are verypopular at Waterloo. Over I75 teams, or 1,750 students participate each term. Don’t forget to register next week. CR offers over 40 instructional programs each term for various ability levels. Approximately 5,500 people register every year to learn a new skill, or to brush up on an existing one. Around 1,000 students join the club programs each year. Club sizes range from 20-350 members. For info on the various clubs, look in your Pick it Up brochure, or drop by the PAC’s Club BulIetin Board, near the Equipment desk. 4,000 - 5,000 students participate each week in casual open recreation. This includes such activities as swimming, racquets, weight training, skating, pick up games etc. The CR brochure lists open times for the various activities. If you aren’t picking it up with Campus Ret yet, then get a brochure and join a club, register for an instructional program, or add open recreation to your weekly schedule. Everybody else is doing it, so why can’t you?
Informer ifyou wantto know...
elcome back. The Informer still lives! I heard a great little story over the holidays from my cousin who figure skates in Toronto. Perennial underachiever-but-super babe Jo&e Chouinard and has-been Kurt Browning were chatting in the waiting room of a health clinic when another well-known superstar Eric Lindros, ‘the Big E’ arrives for treatment. He sits down and begins engaging Jo&e in some lighthearted patter, stealing her attention from Kurt. Kurt taps number 88 on the shoulder and says in a threatening tone, “Excuse me, buddy. We’re trying to have a conversation here.” Apparently, Lindros just smiled, shook his head, and, attempting to avoid soiling his fashionable attire with Kurt’s blood, simply said, “Lighten up, little man”... The biggest disappointment of my holidays (besides th e nine feet of snow in my hometown! Man, it was tough to drive anywhere) was undoubtedly the self-destruction of the Detroit Lions in their wild-card game in Philley. Everyoneknows red-hot Detroit was the only NFC team capable of dethroning the ‘Niners and the Cowboys, and now, we’ll all be treated to garbage announcers marvelIing at the two dynasty teams, San Fran and Dallas... Another sore spot involved the bowl games. There just weren’t very many good ones. Nebraska destroyed Florida in the much ballyhooed Fiesta Bowl, and the likable underdog, Northwestern, was slapped around by Southern Cal. All the other games went unwatched by most because they sucked or involved crappy teams... If you haven’t heard, Rickey Henderson is pIaying for the San Diego Padres this year, and the Jays really haven’t done anything yet that will revive them from dead-last in the AL East... In the IIHF Junior World Hockey Championships, by the time you read this, our boys will have taken home the gold medal. Again. The American Hockey Program hasn’t
come as far as expected in Canada’s game, losing to the Mighty Ukes (Ukraine), and fan support in Massachusettes is disgraceful for hockey of this calibre. A popular belief is that the tournament should be held in Canada every year where guaranteed good attendance is the norm... After the first quarter of the NBA schedule, there: are relatively few surprises. Perhaps the most startling is that the Phoenix Suns have burnt out, Sacramento actually can field a kingly club, and t,he huge gap between the league powers and the good teams has widened. TheRaptors and Grizzlies are right where they ought to be, although the Raptors have impressively defeated teams that are much better than they are. Remember the Orlando game?... Last Saturday, Coach’s Corner provided fans with a look at theGrapes of Wrath. Cherry demolished the men who denied two nine year-olds the chance to play in a major Christmas tournament. Grapes leaned over his desk and said, “There’s no room for wimps like you in hockey. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.” In typical holiday spirit, Cherry ripped Europeans for showboating, wearing visors, and infecting the NHL with Ulf Samuelsson. Classic Grapes!. . . Sports story of the year for 1995 was Cal Ripken’s displacing Lou Gehrig as the insurmountable “Iron Horse .” Sports story for 1996 will probably be Olympic-related. Remember, whatever you do, this Informer’s for you.
Jamie Coon Greg Pajor Brad Baber Kevin MacKay Jami e Go1den Simon Ferrand Ben Davis Andrew C7ark Gi 11es Bouchard
at at at
McGill RMC Toronto at York at Ryerson at York at Laurentian at. Toronto at Windsor at Laurentian at Western
Lauri er Dec. 2
UQTR Erock Concordia UOTR Waterloo
Western Dec. 3 Jan. 4
Concordia Waterloo
Toronto RMC
11 13
McGill Concordia
MI0 KEST Laurentian Broc k York Ryerson
GP 12
W 7
L 4
GP 11 10 10 11
W 9 6 4 2
FAR WEST Western Waterloo Windsor Laurier
PLAYER J.P. Lemelin Sean Basilio J.F. Rivard Joe Dimal ine Sylvain Rodrigue
F 40
A 41
TP 12
6 10
38 36
2 0
2 2 0
44 45 40
30 51 58
14 12 6
15 12 11
0 3
54 39 42
43 36 50
L 1 4 6 9
T 1 0 0 0
55 54 32 28
6 TP
A 31 40 32
TP 19 12 8
PLAYER Mike Slean David Kantor John Szczurek Ryan MacNeil Ross Clarke Paul Rainville Mike Spence R.Van Huizen
6 5 6
WEST Windsor Waterloo Western Guel ph Brock McMaster Laurier
MW 6 4
PLAYER Steve Ray Dave Sands Ryan Finch Rob Mizak II, Schroeder Andy Brunton Kevin Shank Matt Reed
Dec. 1
ML 0 1
GW 18 13
1 0
4 6
4 2
13 18
2 0
4 5
3 3
1 2
9 11
3 8
6 6
5 4
1 1
3 3
6 5
10 9
2 2
GL 4 3
Western Season Opener
Brock Guelph Queen's
TP 12 8
1:30 p.m.
VOLLEYBALL at Waterloo at McMaster at Ryerson
8:00 8:00 3100
p.m. p.m. p.m.
SEC. I 13
SEC. II 14
9 12 2
13 0
9 4
5 1
Jan. 5
TOTAL 27 24 12
Dave Tremblay Marc Beaucage Jean Roberge Todd Zavitz Pierre Gendron Patrick Genest John Wynne Kiley Hill Darren Dougan Aaron Nagy
13 8
17 18
30 26
UQTR Water1 00 Laurentian Laurentian Western
12 12
11 12
18 18
6 9
8 6
TEAM GP MIN UQTR 7 352:37 Western 8 485:00 Ottawa 11 631:05 York 10 614:04 UQTR 0 429:24
EAST DIVISION TEAM G K Toronto 22 118 Queen’s 14 49 Toronto 20 91 Ryerson 13 42 Toronto 22 75 Lauren. 18 69 Queen's 21 71 York 16 64
TEAM Windsor Guelph Western Western Windsor Western Laurier Waterloo
G 16
2.57 2.83 3.07
McMaster Lakehead Western
Toronto Ottawa
AVG 2.21
Ryerson WEST Water1 00 Guel ph Western McMaster Brock
17 10 19 9 5 Sec. 1 19
20 14 7 0
23 22
17 22 12 5 4 Sec. 2 1B
fi 8 Cross 18
“5: 52 20 17 TP
11 15
19 11 12
55 54 36 34
Waterloo Laurier Guelph Windsor Brock East Toronto York Ottawa Queen’s Carleton
A 7
1 97 4.9
5 130 5.9 6 15 70 5.0 5 16 63 4.9
6 22 103 4.7 4 8 81 4.5 3
11 5 12
13 16 9
24 21 21
VOLLEYBALL at Waterloo at McMaster at Ryerson
Brock Guelph Queen's
6:OO p.m. 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.
VOLLEYBALLSTANDlNGS MP MW Ml GF GA 6 6 0 18 3 6 4 2 13 8 7 4 3 14 13 45 5 7 4 MP 4 4 5 3 5 4
22 2 2 0 MW 4 4 3
32 3 5 4 ML 0 0 2
Carleton Ottawa Western Windsor Carleton York Western
71 4.4
22 111 6.9
101 1 20 122 6.4
69 8 7 84 5.6 36 5 31 72 5.5
46 13 63 0 67 1 38 11
BASKETBALL at Queen’s at Toronto at La kehead at Guelph at Toronto at Laurentian at Lakehead
Queen’ s
at Ottawa
Lauri er McMaster
at Brock at Western
Jan. 6
Jan. 7 Jan. 10 Jan.
Jan. 6
Guelph Laurentian Ottawa RMC McGill McGill Waterloo Western Ottawa Laurier Ottawa RMC York
HOCKEY at Toronto at York at Brock at Concordia at Ryerson at Brock at Guelph at Windsor at Ryerson at Windsor at McGill at Queen's at Laurier
TRACK AND FIELD first Chance Qua1ifier at Toronto
TP 12 8 8
9 10
7 13 3 GF 12 12 9
17 12 GA 0 0 7
4 0 TP
1 0
4 4
8 8 6
Got A Sports Story?
19 93 4.4
15 13 13 17 12
Queen's York
GA 13 18 30 22
K A 89 0
Jan. 9
Jan. 5
10 11
10 69 5.3 5 68 5.2 18 86 5.1 10 59 4.9
It could be about anything you want, even an “1 like Ulf Samuelsson” article. Get involved with Imprint sports: we’re good sports.
8:OO p,m. 8:00 p.m. 8~30 p.m. 2:OO p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8:3O p.m.
8:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
13 10 11 12 10
12 10
Jan. 10
Dec. 1
Jan. 6
19 19
CIAll SWIMMINGTOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized) l* Calgary Dinosaurs 2. UBC Thunderbirds 3. MCMASTER MARAUDERS 4. TORONTOBLUES 5. LAURENTIANVOYAGEURS 6. McGill Redmen 7. WESTERNMUSTANGS 8. UNB Red Shirts 9, Lava1 Rouge et Or 10. Sherbrooke Vert et Or
SQUASHSTANDINGS TEAM Queen's Western McGi11 Toronto Ryerson Waterloo McMaster
CIAU HOCKEYTOP TEN (OUAA teams capitalized; previous ranking in parenthese) 1. UQTR PATRIOTES (2) 2. Regina Cougars (3) 3. WESTERNMUSTANGS(4) 4. UNB Red Shirts (1) 5. Acadia Axemen (5) 6. Lethbridge Pronghorns (6) 7. Calgary Dinosaurs (9) 8. Dalhousie Tigers (7) 9. Alberta Golden Bears (8) 10. St. Thomas Tommies (10)
7 10
T 0
EAST Toronto York Queen ’ s Ryerson Laurentian
11 II
Toronto Western Laurentian Laurenti an Brock Ottawa York Queen’s UQTR
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Flying Radiohead w/Remy The vGm?house Tuesday December by Ohad Imprint
Zero 12
Lederer staff
even exist at this point in Crnc. Their first album, PtiblCl
Like Honey, didn’t even title of Britain’s THING!!!, which is that distinction most
earn them the NEXT BIG good because in itself is alas powertil as
does. They released a kick-ass c.p. in 1994 (My Iron Lung) and an even better sophomore album, this year’s The Bends. Add into the mix an incredible I ive act and you can see why their both critic’s and kid’s faves. And that’s why Radiohead still exists at this point in time. They finally made it to Toronto after cancelting their October gig due to their gear growing becomlegs and taking off in Denver, but the kids (read: young crowd) didn’t mind at all. They were greeted on stage -c&- “a, .* .,+ ‘B‘7 ,.i * ‘- by screaming, sex 9c . * * ** ~2 symbols that they are, and ripped right ** into the title track from The Bends. With three guitars and the incredible energy of lead singer Thorn Yorke, Radiohead’s live act is a biggest one-hit wall of sound, but the Yorke’s inwonders of the credible voice is always at the front Nineties with of the mix. Right from the first “Creep.” But song, Yorke’s voice mesmerized then, Radiohead everyone. went and did Voice aside, he plays guitar what every onerattling his head side to side in time hit wonder never to the drum beat, his short frame
by Annette Van Imprint staff
FThc night began with the usua 1 intro. The lights dimmed to I l warn everybody to take their seats. Then we were left in darkness before five dim spotlights took to the stage. Then they came. One guy dressed in black, two guys in black, then three, then four, then... just when 1 thouht the stage would fill up with a whole comittee of Holly Cole Trios, out came the procession like the way Santa Claus appears at the end of a parade. The Holly Cole Trio turned five-o at the Humanities Theatre December 9th for a special Christmas performance. In cropped clothing of tinsel red and black jacket, Holly opened the main show with a Christmas song. Holly’s perforrnante was witty and impeccable as expected. Her body tapping and grooving orchestrated the evenings “symphony” in an intricately layered, flawless performance. The show centred around Holly Cole’s newly released TEmptutio~ album with interludes of Christmas songs. (Holly even carolled the Christmas blues to the usuai “My baby’s gone, I have no friends” sentiments.) But Holly wasn’t the only performer to take the spotlight that night. Mark Kesla, one of the four guys in black, pcrformcd a drum solo in “Little Boy Blue” off Emp~u~&N. He used vibrations, slide, del;rycd notes, and synthetic sounds using cvcry piecc of his guitarc in
the effects. The song ended subtly with the steady sound of a passing train ~ truly amazing. Replacing David Piltch for the evening, bassist George CuHer performed a solo in “Que Sera” off the Don’t Smoke In Bed album. He played an episode of “violining” with his bow and bass that left the audience strung (no need to excuse the pun __ I meant it.) The evening unofficially ended with the familiar Aaron Davis on piano. Returning to the Temptation album, Davis performed an intimate solo in the sassin’ and groovin’ tune “Jersey Girl.” The encore applause called Holly and Aaron Davis (two of the original three-o, er, trio) back on stage to perform a song written by Mary Margaret O’Hara. The rest of the band resumed their positions to offkially end the evening with that upbeat rendition of “I Can See Clearly Now.” Opening for Holly Cole, Dana Manning accompanied by her acoustic guitar and sassy-sweet disposition performed a set of five songs to an appreciating audience. Her style encompasses the control of Sarah McLachlan with the high, lows and occasional yodelling of the Cranberries. Manning charmed the audience between songs with her youthful humour and small talk. ‘I-he set ended with “walk on the Moon,” one of her more popular songs. To say their good-byes, Holly and her four guys dressed in black lined hand-in-hand to take a bow. Then Holly smiled, waved goodnight and the five of them turned and exited stage right.
kids got back into it and the end of the song completely awed the audience. Yorke held one note incredibly long, long to the point where people are just staring in disbelief. The man’s voice is incredible. From there, they just kept up the flow of hits (including “Planet Telex, ” “Just,” and “Fake Plastic Trees”) including a couple numbers fi-om Pablo Hon~~y, notable the paeon to Jim Morrison “Anyone Can Play Guitar.” They came back after “Fake Plastic Trees” to play a quick encore, including “Black Star” and “Inside My Head,” which Yorke introduced as “ ,.-it’s simple, fast, and I get to crawl around on the floor.” Off came his shirt, the girls shrieked (It seems that not onIy can anyone play guitar, but anyone can earn the adulation of teenage girls), the guitarist writhed on the ground, and the power chords bounced off the walls. Well, other than that, the show was cool. Radiohead, almost lost in the shuffle created by the Oasis-Blur Brit-war, may out-last and out-cool and out-sell all of them.
No, Staying Together
The Hollv Cole Quintet Hurnurritic~s
flailing about but still managing to play. As the band settled into their set, they just got better. It’s a credit to thier catalogue that they can bring out the big songs early, but they did, rattling off“my iron lung” within the first five songs, driving the mosh pit kids into hysteria. Still, the show, like the band, wasn’t about moshing and driving people into a sweaty frenzy. Yorkc showed off his strong voice on the band’s softer “Street Spirit (Fade Out)” followed by “Lucky,” pausing only to ask the audience: “If you’d be so kind, no stage diving for this one _I it’s rather siliy.” The stage awash in red light, the song really hit home. The song is only available on the “Help” cd for Bosnian children, a reminder that it’s al1 fun and games to go to rock and roll concerts, but at the end of the day, there’s still people dying for wars that people over here just don’t-care about. It’s thier saddest song by far. “We still play this song, ‘cause it’s stiil a good song. It’s about a drunk.” With that, they introduced “Creep” and brought the energy level right back up. The
can only
The Odds w/Blue Bottle Fly Volcano Friday December 8 by Greg Impntnt
Picken staff
ollowing the lead of Spirit of the West and treble charger, the Odds made a return appearance in K-W following a successful fresh week performance, dropping in to spend a cold evening warming up the Volcano. St, Catherines trio Blue Bottle Fly opened the show. They seemed to start out a little shaky, but overcame that through the set. It wasn’t until about four or five songs in that they revealed their identity. And it was another couple of songs before they mentioned the name of any of the songs they were performed. To complicate matters, the Odds weren’t even billed as having an
opening act, so when the three guys took the stage, perhaps only one or two people had any idea who they were. However despite, their anonymity, they sounded pretty good. Their sound was good, a nice mix of the standard guitar/ bass/drum trio. Unfortunately, they didn’t really catch the attention or interest of the audience, as the dance floor remained empty through the set. When the Odds took the stage, they fans began to flood the floor, eager to get close to the band. Despite this, they still remained somewhat sedate through the show, a departure from the last time I saw the Odds perform (Edgefest 2 on Canada Day}. Doesn’t really matter though, because the Odds put on a good show. Their set for this night was a nice mix of songs from all three of their albums, with the bulk coming
from their latest and most successful album, Good Weird Feeling. The theme throughout the same though, catchy lyrics, music that hit a solid groove early and a whole lot ofenergy from the band. Right from the start, with “Love is the Subject,” the Odds rocked through hit after hit. Included in this night’s set were “It Falls Apart, ” “Truth Untold,” ‘King of the Heap,” and “Heterosexual Man” among others. My favourite Odds song, was also my favourite song performed, the beautiful “Wendy Under the Stars” off OfNeapolitan. Joining on bass for this number was a stuffed cactus hiding at the back of the stage, a cactus the band tried to pass off as Elvis. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone bought it. Still, great song. Of course, every concert these days must have an encore, and the Odds did not disappoint, playing two. Because they played almost all of their top hits during their show, they had to resort to some new material. To honour, Brad, the bass player from the Pursuit of Happiness, the Odds made their first foray into the world of hip-hop, hamming and jamming it up for the off-thewall “Rarty all Night with Brad.” Not bad, but I think the Odds would be best served to stick to good old rock and roll. All that said, this was a great show by one of Canada’s top bands. Since they got their break opening for The Hip’s nationwide tour last fall, the Odds have kept up the momentum, with a highly succcssful album, popular videos and solid live show. Hopefully, it’ll just keep getting better in 1996.
Friday, January 5, 19%
TheStoryonMorningGlory Oasis
w/ Blinker tile Star 7%c cva,-c~/lollw Wednesday Dcccmber I3
by Ohad Imprint
Lederer staff
asis is the band you love hate. It’s easy, you don’t even have to try. Their arrogance is the stuff British legend is made of. They like almost no oneothcr than the Beatles and themselves, and it’s hard to tell when they’re lying through their teeth or telling the truth. Band mastermind Noel Gallagher is on record as having wished Damon and other Blur bandmates would come down with AIDS. Oh, he took it back, and he WZG drunk at the time, and he apoJogizcd, so it’s okay. They walk and talk like they own the world. Their albun~s arc full of familiar sounding rifk md nlclodius you’d swear you’ve heard before. Oasis press confcrencc moment nutnbcr one: Q: Why is the North American market so hard to crack? Liam: “There’s a lot of bastards” So why is Oasis so damn popular? Why not ‘? Their music is just so good. Their music is fun, it’s put together well, Noel can play and J,iam can sing, the rest of the band aren’t half bad @specially with bassist Paul back in the fold), and just following the band’s trials and tribulations in the press can be fun, from the brotherly rivalry to the Blur-Oasis never-ending feud. Oasis press conftxnce rnomerit number two: Q: What do you think of’ Elastica?
tiam: “They’re shit. They’re bettcr than Blur, but they’re shit.” Thr= Gallagher brothers were in fine form on this cold, snowy Wednesday night. After a short instrumental, the band got right down to business with “Morning Glory,” one of thier heavier tunes, with a seemingly endless crush of high-pitched guitar noise emanating from the six (count ‘em six) huge Marshall stacks on stage. Now that they are stars, it seems the band doesn’t open each show with the fantasy “Rock ‘n’ Roll Star” anymore. “Supersonic” was next, and as upbeat and dancy as the song is, the band stood still and played immobile. During the extended solo, the lightman set white lights flashing at a blinding rate behind the stage, but Liam stood, like a statue, eyes wide open, one hand on belt and one hand clutching beer, for at least a minute and a half. Personality? They’ve got tons. Stage presence’? Practically bursting. Oasis press conference moment number three: Q: WhatdoyouguysthinkofAJanis Morrisettc? Noel: “I liked that first song, about being dumped by some guy. But the second one, I don’t know. ‘I’ve got one hand in my pocket and one hand making a V-sign?’ I’ve got both hands in me pockets, and one of them’s scratching my testes.” The band rolled through their set with little pause, covering most of the tracks from their latest album (What’s the Story) Muming G/my and only getting to a few from their sensational debut album D$nite1~
gaming or supplies, we’ve got it all!! YOUR ONE STOP COLLECTIBLES
32 King
o F s I
wl Al Tuck and No Action Vulcan0 Thursday December 7
by Sean Elder special to Imprint
roving once again that any combination of bands from its roster serve up a winning show, Halifax’s murderecords independent record label sent Al Tuck and No Action to support Superfricndz for an amazing evening of music. Al Tuck got the show rolling with his band’s easy going, melodic brand of music. Accompanied occasionally by a soothing keyboard, Al Tuck and No Action managed to keep the growing crowd’s attention with gems such as “Mr. Fix It“ until guitarist Clyde’s amplifier bccarnc mysteriously broken, leaving him to storm off of the stage mid-song. As the restof No Action soon followed him, Al was left to himself for the last song, ironically repeating”Can I count on you ?” during the song’s chorus. Technical difficulties aside, Al Tuck and No Action’s intimate set earned their audience’s applause. Shortly after AI Tuck’s final notes rang out, his label mates Superfriendz eagerly tackled the stage. The band’s clean guitars and infectious melodies sounded
Maybe. They managed to squeeze into their overly short set most of the hits, including “Hello,” “Roll With It,” where Liam actually danced a jig for a few bars, as well as the summer single “Some Might Say” and concert staple “Cigarettes &Alcohol.” Through all the songs, as Liam sang, Noel played guitar two steps back from the microphone, singing along. After an extended “Champagne Supernova,” the band save Noel left, and he finally got a chance to take centre-stage. Earning tremendous applause, Noel sang the crowd-favourite “Wonderwall” followed by lesser-known tracks “Whatever” and “Talk Tonight,” two songs that came out on singles during the lag between their two albums. Liam returned for a couple more songs and then announced: “This is J Am The Walrus, thank you and good night.” The Beat& cover was performed with lots of vigour, right down to the “koo koo k-chew, k-chew k-chew’%. And that was that. No encore, no good nights. Liam and Noel were the first to leave the stage, leaving Bonehead, Paul and Alan in the spot light for the first and only time. All in all, an excellent evening. The set could have been longer. They could have showed a little life on stage. Still, the music was great and in the end, that’s what matters. When you leave a concert thinking “wow, that was wicked,” then I guess the band has done their job. There’s not that much more to it.
is he flying
like Superman,
throughout theirset, which included most of the songs from their first album, Mock up, Scnle down, as well as some incredible new material such as the intense “Television”. The band took command of the Volcano early on in their show, entertaining aJ1 in attendance with guitaristivocalist Matt Murphy’s on stage rock star acrobatics while gui-
tarist Drew Yamada and bassist Charles Austin helped to plow through their repertoire of songs. While the front three Superfriendz were in fine form, a new addition to the band also held his own. Drummer Lonnie James took the place of Chris Murphy, who had toured with Superfriendz on their last few sweeps of the country. Lonnie closed out the band’s live sound perfectly, as they are much more of an inyour-face variety of band than their recordings actually let on. From start to finish, they played with such amazing energy that the audience’s concentration was riveted to the stage until the show’s end. Finishing up with their frantic instrumcntal “Theme Song,” folfriendz? lowed by an encore of Tireflics” and an obscure Easy Beats cover, Superfriendz proved once again that they are without a doubt a live band. This show left the audience cheering for more, but a soon to be released seven inch single will have to do until the next time the band pays us a visit. When that time comes, maybe they’lJ bring some more of their friends from murderecords.
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A Long, Sonic Unyon Christmas Lee ‘s PaIace Saturday December by Ohad Imprint
Party 23
Lederer staff
am Unyon, hear me roar.” That was the general mood at Lee’s Palace on this festive evening. Anyone familiar with homegrown indie music is familiar with Sonic Unyon, and this was an Unyon event from start to finish. The smalt-but-growing label put on its unusual all-ages Christmas party and had eight bands to provide the soundtrack. Eight bands for under ten bucks? Great idea? Umm, maybe not. As great an idea as it was, hopefully the boys of Psionic fame will take the evening as a lesson: As well intentioned as the event was, jamming eight acts into one evening just doesn’t work. Not only were the sets too short to really be good, but the evening still ran incredibly long, with bands playing from eight to past one. It was just plain exhausting and the size of the crowd that stuck around to catch labelmeisters and all-around cool musicians Tristan Psionic was a mere shell of the crowd that filled the club earlier in the evening. The New Grand were first up, with most of the kids still lining up outside. They were pretty good, an improvment over the first time 1 saw them in Kitchener, opening for Eric’s Trip. Short, fast, upbeat chord-heavy pop tunes to heat up any room. Unfortunately, they were quite the disorganized bunch, taking long breaks between songs to discuss who knows what. Gorp was up next, another band that recently played Kitchener. Lead singer CA.
Smith, with his valley-b0 ‘y blonde good looks, dances inhis own style while the band plays its own style of music. Often the songs were segmented by jazz portions and one otherwise heavy song had an a cappella section in the middle. If fine musicianship is being able to play quietly and simultaneously as a band hitting a high note, then I guess Gorp are fine musicians. Cool noise poetry sums it up. Smoother followed and they got the kids going into the first mosh pit of the night. They sprinkled new songs in with tracks from their debut album Copycat and everybody seemed to enjoy it. Smoother’s sound is synonymous with Sonic Unyon, the fun power pop that just makes you happy, or sad or whatever. They had the kids jumping through “Cudjule” straight into their customary Madonna cover “Material Girl.” Shallow was up next, and their motto for their album Auto Body Cmrsher says it all: it’s so heavy, drop it and it’ll break your foot. That 1 1 says 11. ‘I seeing “.-’ - as -.T,I know .- next .---.A anour SIANsPheric? SIANsPherifiCi to nothing about crushingly heavy music, I’m completely unqualified ferent from any of the other bands on the bill to deliver any type of opinion other than “not or on the radio. No two minute power pop my style.” Kudos to Dave from Kittens though, for stepping in to play drums due to ballads or droning heavy metal crushers here, regular drummer Tony’s broken finger. just guitar-effect-laden music that rocks and soothes all in one song. SIANspheric’s own brand of music was Then the evening came into the long up next, with dreamy space rock music that portion where most of the departures took wanders from the heavy to the sublime. Perplace. Two new Unyon arrivals took the sonally, I’d say their set was probably the best stage, one after the other, Kittens followed by of the night. Their music is completely dif-
Poledo. Before Kittens took the stage, I heard two people talking: “Have you ever seen Kittens play? Do you like Shallow? Watch his eyes. Sometimes he bites the mic-stand.” Well, there you have it. Heavy, heavy music. Screeching vocals. Couldn’t pick out a word. And guitarist/lead singer Shawn’s eyes were full ofhellfire as he played hisbrand of loud, screeching music. Poledo was similar. Loud, chords and bass-heavy rock that sometimes drifted in Sonic Youth country but not successfully. Like Kittens, just screaming into the mic. Maybe it’s too much to ask for new bands to actually be able to sing. I don’t know. It brings up an interesting question though. What makes Kurt Cobain screaming into a microphone so much more important and intriguing than Poledo screaming into a microphone? Probably for the same reason an elelphant is considered much more important than a cockroach. Both are creations of the same God/evolutionary process, but one is preferred to the other for a thousand and one unwritten reasons. Finally, after an eternity of screaming, Poledo finished and Tristan Psionic, the boys behind it all, took the stage, sporting their new bassist. By this point, all were tired and the bands set was exceedingly average. The first time I saw this band, it was about two hundred degrees upstairs at the El Mocambo, and the band played with intensity. This was lost on the band this time around. They played some good songs, a couple of tracks I hadn’t head before and ended the night on a high note, with Tony from Shallow joining the band on stage to sing a rousing version of “Let it Go” in Spanish. A good song to end an average set, and average set to end an exhausting evening.
by Pat
the god of guitar.
The Flaming Lips opera Hntrse, Tm-onto Wednesday November 29 Merlihan
Imprint staff
ancelling The Red Hot Chili Peppers mega tour through Canada and the US was an act of Gawd for fans of The Flaming Lips. The opportunity to reach their fans in a smaller, better venue was an obvious benefit, not to men-
Friday, January 5, 1996
tion a ludicrously cheap ticket price: it was a performance that isn’t easily forgotten. My hearing for one is still ringing. In recent years they’ve graduated from the college underground music scene with mainstream success, but their success is hardly inducive to the “altemative” music mainstreaming that they’ve been accused of. Because oft heir appearance onBeverly Hr’lls 90210 last year playing “She Don’t Use Jelly” they’re ail of a sudden responsible for the mainstreaming
of alternative music. The television show that few people readily admit to watching, was probably responsible for their sold-out audience at the Opera House. As little as the fans there knew, the Lips’ music continues to capture most of their original whackedout fuzzy pop. Their recordings have gotten slicker on the last coupie of albums, which I suppose would instantly classify them as “sell-outs” in some circles. I guess they did sign to a major label (which happened in 1990,) oh and appearing on 90210 is a major symbol of “sell-outs” (so much for a little humour, which is important in their music as it was for their pre-90210 success,) and I guess they’re music is more commercialized (meaning what, that even more people actually like it?) They were America’s best kept secret for close to ten years as legends in the underground, which they hadn’t forgotten when they took the stage in front of the crowd that’s been weanedon90210. These Oklahoma “sell-outs” still haven’t forgotten how to have fun as they hammed it up through their corporate-sponsored spectacle of about -a zillion Christmas lights, and about a zillion decibels of ear grinding music. Feedback from the word go was obviously their perogative as they shrieked through a fairly brief soundcheck and further extended jams between songs. Taking a peruse through their latest offering Clouds Taste Merallic, and their ‘43 mega-hit Trarrsmissions From Tk Satellite Heart, they pulled off a meaty hour and a half set that should put any “sell-out” notions to rest. Besides having more attendance at their show, and Michael Ivens losing a whallop ofhair, these once fiesty independents have a lot of swagger in their step. But they’ve hardly forgotten where they came from, or put their success ahead of creating “creative” music.
Take it from me... by Greg rmprint
Ficken staff
just a couple
I thought of of the movies I saw over Christmas: Dracula - Dead and Loving it: Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. Mel Brooks used to be funny right? This fiim is anemic, and the humour is very thin, None of the performances are truly memorable and the few jokes aren’t really that funny. Leslie Neilsen is just plain bad as Dracula, and no one else fares much better. I suppose it’s safe to say that in the wake of the Naked Gun and Hot Shots movies, that viewers ofthis genre want fastpaced jokes, even if they’re not very funny. This film didn’t have the pacing. At times, it seemed to be a very amateurish production of Dracula, since there were no laughs, the sets were ugly and the actors were severly untalented. Finally, I’ve never seen such a ciaustropho-
bit movie before. Every scene, even the allegedly outdoorsy ones, feel as though they were filmed on a soundstage. If you want to see a good Mel Brooks movie, rent Young Frankenstein or Spaceballs. Don’t see Drucula Dead and Loving it. Sudden Death: Jean Claude Van Damme’s latest film is quite honestly, and suprisingly, terrific. Centred around a terrorist plot to blow up and kill everyone attending the finai game of the Stanley Cup, this film is full of quick-paced action, impressive stunts, and Jean Claude beating the shit out of the Pittsburgh Penguins’ mascot. However, there is very little, if any, martial arts action in this movie. To the credit of the filmmakers, they actually use authentic player names to make the movie even more realistic. Granted, I would have prefered the other team to be the Leafs, but hearing f;dmiliar names made the hockey element feel right. Sudden Death is a Van Damme good movie.
Call Steve’s Rental Department for all the details.
Stine’s Not Fine Superstitious by R.. L. Stine Warner Books, 390 pages Hardcover, $26.95 by Tracy Imprint
Hunt staff
,L. Stine is best know for the children’s book series Goosebumps and Fear Slrecf, but with Superstitious he makes the leap into adult novels. He was better offwriting kids books. The novel starts out with a murder; a woman is ripped to shreds near a campus university. Three more follow each victim either being torn apart or slashed with a knife. The police don’t have a clue. Who did it? This is not really a mystery novel so that doesn’t take to long to figure out. It’s a horror novel so it’s suppose to scare you. It doesn’t. Why doesn’t it scare you? Well it could be that nothing scary happens; you know when someone is about to get and the ‘monster’ isn’t all that horrifying. In fact, the reason he is a monster and why he kills people is kinda stupid and
does not make much sense. Also the way in which the book was written leaves much to be desired. Stine jumps around a lot and leaves a lot of time unaccounted for. Also he begins a chapter as a flashback without any really warning so for a minute I was wondering what was going on. This book would have benefited from some additional editing. The thing that bothered me most was Stine perception of what an adult novel should be. It seems that Stine associates the word adult with sex. I’m no prude but when the novel begins with some girl giving head to a guy she picked up in a bar, and then covers everything from the missionary position to a fat man masturbating in the shower I’m a little turned off. A little sex to spice up a novel isn’t bad but this was just unnecessary and again a little stupid. Another thing that could have been improved upon was the choice of victims. Nobody important was killed. All the victims were secondary characters at best, and most were introduced for the soul pur-
pose of killing them off. This seemed grossly unfair and became very predictable, not something that most horror writers want said about their books. About the only thing I liked about this book was the superstitions themselves. I found a lot of them interesting but I could have read a book on folk tales if all I had wanted to do was learn about them. Obviously 1do not recommend this book, R.L. Stine may be a best seller of children’s novels but does not even come close in his first attempt at adult novels. If you want to read a good example of an author who did make the transition from young adult to adult novels then I strongly recommend The Seuso~ of Passage or Sati both by Christopher Pike. Pike also writes horror novels for young adults and has written the above novels for an adult audience (both are very good - howeverSaG isn’t a horror story). In conclusion, read this book if you want to learn about some obscure superstitions, and if you have a lot of time on your hands.
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Chris Aldwsrth murua currespotldent
Greg Hood-Morris Trip-hop is his thing
I. Pavement - Wuwee Zowec 2. PJ Harvey - To Bringyou my Inve 3. Yo La Tengo - Elect+a-Puru 4. Helium - Dirt czf Luck 5, Sonic Youth - Wushing Machine 6. Bettie Seveert - Lampre~v ‘7. Boss Hog - Boss Hog 8. Spitituatized - Pure Phase 9, Suparchunk - Here’s Where The Strings Come In HI. Dni$store - Drugstore
1. Mojave 3 - Mojll ve 3 2. DJ Krush - Krush 3. Air Miami - Me Me Me 4. Velvet Underground - Peel Slowl?, and See 5. Folk :Ixnplosion - Kids 0.s. T. ’
Sandy Atwal Wuuldn 7 lur Gwg put stupid @er his name
1. Tricky - Maxinquae 2. Oasis - (What’s the Stuly) Moming Glou), 3. Ejastica - Elas&~ :.I 4. Sleeper - Smart 5. Smashing Pumpkins’ ‘-
i. Page and Plant - No
7. Massive Attack - Protection 8. Black Grape - It’s Great Wher 1 You ‘re .Straight... Yeah! 9. Elastica - Elastica 10. Alanis Mon-isette -Jagged Lit tie Pill ..
The Fall - Cur&r-al Caustic The Fall - 27 Puints Fugazi - Rt’ll’ Mc~cii~*irrc Guided I.3y Voices - Alien Luncs Momus I The Philr~wphy qfM~mus Morrissey - Sourltpuw Grammur Pet Shop Boys - Altornutiue Smashing Pumpkins - fI&$n co/lie and h? hfwite bYizh?ss Sonic Youth - Wushing Machine Velvet LJnderground - Pee11Slowb and See
Greg Picken He loves sweaters Ragem
,.,:.i..“I: :.:. .::.:;; 1. Hayden - Everything I Lung F&G 2. Blind Melon - Sully I I:[:.\. 3, Smashing Pumpkins - M&XI :: Cullie and the Injinite Sadness ; 4. Primus - Taies@um the Punchbud 5. Red Hot Chilli Peppers - One Hut Minute 6. Fledgling - Se!/‘ Titled 7. Groove Daddys - Sunburn 8. Seven Mary Three - Americun Stunderd 9. Radiohead - The Bends 10. Black Grape - /t’s Great When You ‘re Straight... Yeah!
more than Mr.
1, treble charger - s+ title 2. hayden - Everything I Lortg For 3. Various Artists -Saturda#%rn-
5. Odds - Good Weird Feeling 6. Crash Vegas - Aurora 7. Various Artists - Sonic Gyon Rock Hits 8. Various Artists - Clueless OS. T, 9. Oasis - (What’s the Story) Morning Glov 10. Green Day - Insomniac
Chris Ed&mm All-around JiMe guy
Edward Richards Quite possibly the molest being un the planet
Brad Hughes DUving a middle cluss death, slow& and silently
Patti Lenard JVho ‘s still mourning the breakup of Ned’s .... .:., s>. .. 1. Elastica - Elastica 2. Pretty & Twisted - Pret& & James Russell Twisted And I say the lord Jesus is his _. 3. The _R$&.? ‘> ,X>.. I1. t$$;,! i&q~ior i _.i Return of:,,,:,._. .‘..‘... .i.:::I,,.,A’x:‘C’ . Renta& I 4.r,yhc Ahis _ f,& .::‘5.. ;: .‘? 1. White Zombie -Astracreep 2000 5. Po@head - &%mmy 2. &rt Bergmann - What Fresh Hell
Spiritualized _purePhase
Folk Implosion - Kr;ds OS. T. Helium - The Dirt of Luck Grant Mclennan - Horsebreaker
1_ Bjork - Post 2. Oasis - (What’s the Story) Morning Gicq 3. Jennifer Trynin - Co&ixanrtl 4. Tricky - Muxinyuac 5. Delirium - Semanlic Spuces 6. Portishead - Dummy 7. Natalie Merchant - Tiger Lily 8. Sugar - Besides 9. P.J. Harvey - TO Bring You My Love 10. The Rentals - Return of the Rentals
7. Black Grape - It’s Great When You ‘re Straight., . Yeah! 8. treble charger - se/p tirlr 9. Portishead - Dummy 10. Massive Attack - Protection
1. Suckerpunch - Curols jkom the l;tt t& rmprint rqch Canyon :. ’ ., :... ..j :‘.,.,_ .. :;. I .I .‘.:. 2. King Kong - Me Hungv ._ Fugazi - &~&$I$$@@ , I’ I’!;:.,~,l~Z~;~I.~3. Tricky - Maxinquae Helium - +j-& f&e ~i@&#~:;I‘f ‘:y! 4. Vegetarian Meat - Let’s Pet Hum - Ya %&#?&#~~~~~~~~&&# 5. Supersuckers - The Sucriligious 11 Inqui]ino. ~~~~$&$~~<:&j~, Suunds c$. , 6. Urge Overkill - I!!%~ the Dragon Mercury Rg$$&%iaip#~i!!?i~r Side ; .’“~.:I” ,.~~\ ~,r ,’ ‘:‘i-‘ii’,‘lii‘; ;:~.i. 7. Red Hot Chili Peppers -One Hot Pavemen+ #$=@wee+Z!$:&& )I:.:::..; ;~Z$, Minute 8. pond - The Practice OJ'Joy BeSF Seals -.~~~Z~%K~, ~j#$$% .$?&$$J shadows .,, : <:; > :.:.. ? ,:;, ., &$&:.::..: ': :'::w+:::. :, .+$f$:::>; I::‘:;;: i ,:;..,..: &,,(;<: ;;$:hi ;,.:.:.;,c.:;,‘y.> fure Death ::.;...:.:; p::+.: <&@L:: :\:$L ..;..:::..:.g Sonic yout~,~~~~~~~~~~~~:~y:. 9. &hers of Loaf - Fee ifee l.~:Y:;,jliix..:. I .‘,<’> ,.__:: .i.:.:..i:‘>:.:fy&;j&.i Vegetarian, ~~~~;~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( .,.jL:, :(::.,__ ,..,.:,,&y, . ):..-r”q$I. 10. BOSS Hog - BOSS Hog JQJ La T~~~~~:~~~~~~~~?i~~l~~~~~:~~~, .:...._..k. .<:,/$ wx,s .” I,“V8 j_..,:_ ;.i;+: ,._._ _,.. i ,*v-“‘I.v>L ., ,.(:.: XI:I:::E.:: ..,:,ji”,: y.._.;.:.:. ..,”._._.:....:x.. i.. “..)> ,.‘I.<. ..;z. .I, I::..,.::~.ii:..:~~.6::~::.~:~~ ._y::’ y$“.<.:;.y; :-..~,z~Greg K&&i& Andrew Hert~.~~~..“~~~‘~~:~::..:i ;;~+$‘$;$ He of ]o()() nicknames j.jfjthoul him*, ~~.~~~~e~~,~e:,~,~~~~~,, I Mellon puper .,:.;;:‘i .,‘I:.+, ;,:: .?;,“f ,_,1,. :.i 1. Smashing Pumpkins J ,.:,:I .:_ ?$‘: : ..-:cf ,&.; ,~,i,i .:‘. p.’Collie and the infinite Sadness :,’_;.i .:...,1,. f fj :;:,.! ...<..,I..$:::..:>.:., 1. Radiohmd --!J” &&&$I ,,. ..i..i.j’.‘;.i:‘. “‘..‘.i2. 2. Mercury Rev - Setl You cm the 3. Tricky - Muxinqww 4. Boo Radleys - Wake Up Uhr Side 5. Portishead - Dummy 3. Bjork - Post 6. PJ Harvey - TO Bring You ,Vy 4. Francis Dunnery - Tall Blonde Love Helliiwpter 7. Black Grape - It’s Great When 5. Weeping Tile - Cold Snap You ‘re Straight... Yeah! 6. Groove Daddys - Sunburn 8. Yo La Tengo - Electrupura 7. The Amps - Pacer 9. Elastica - E/astica 9. Portishead - Dummy 10. Goldie - Timeless 10, Blind Melon - Soup
Lisa Sutton Her hair is nice ZOO
Derek Weiler Tall man uf the office
Sod Look Like 8. Radiohead - The Bends 9. Spiritualized - Pure Phase 10. Phil Ochs -All the News That is Fit to Sing
Dave Fisher Head honcko
Friday, January 5, 1946
1. KRS-ONE - K&ONE 2. Guru - Jazzmatazz Vol. 11 3. Buju Banton - ‘7’iZ Shiloh 4. Various - The Show (S. T.) I 5. Jodeci - The Show. The Hotel+.. 6. R.KeIly - R. Kelly 7. Various 4. Y. Undercover (S. T’) 8. Pharcydc - LabcabdncaliJ+nia :9.AZ-DoeorDie cr.10, I$obb Deep - The Infamous
Brian Eno reissues Portastatic - Scrapbook Rebecca West - Burners Ott S.F. Seals - Truth Walks in S/eep6v Shadows Vegetarian Meat - Let’s Pet Velvet Underground - Peel Slowly and See Wilco - A&f. Yo La Tengo - Ejectrupzrra Patrick Wilkins You know, the guy with the hair 1. hayden - Eserything ILong Fur 2. Beh’VCheerlcader - Fourteen and Crushed 7’ 3. Econoline Crush - A@iction 4. Spooky Ruben -Modes ofirrans-
The GoldExperience ‘.:
by Greg Imprint
Krafchick staff
Technology and music, whether people realize it or not, have always gone hand in hand. Before Hendrix or Page created their guitar magic, the instruments they played had to be invented. “Blue Monday” couldn ’ t have been written without the advent of the drum machine. And My Bloody Valentine would SC very normal without effects pedals and multitracking. These artists took some-
never have
Well now it’s 1996, and the . gizmo . . . du . sample without changing its pitch. Itnagine playing an album (remember vinyl?) on 78 rpm without the voices or music sounding squeaky, and you’vegot the idea, This tool in the hands of a jungle artist like Goldie produces something approaching miraculous. Jungle, for those unfamiliar, has been earmarked by many as the most signifigant musical form to emerge this decade. It’s an edgy,
.: Variaus Artistg’ : ‘.:’‘. Kid&.‘.:. . London . :: : :
by Pat Imprint
wickedly fast monster of a thing, a product of rave, ragga, and a lot of amphetimine sulfate (or something). It charges forward at 200 beats per minute or so, and the effect on the listener can either be intensely upbeat or strangely mellow. Until the release ofTimeless, it’s mostly been the domain of trance techno compilations and renegade DJs in London, but now the form has the benchmark album it needed to see jungle gain the notoriety it deserves It’s a smooth, stately piece of work, meticu,, lously crafted and honed to Derfection. There’s a beat out of place, hich is an accomplishment when you’re moving at something like 500 )rn,
Merlihan staff
Indie-rock gawd Lou Barlow is a very busy man. Primarily responsible for creating Sebadoh, The Folk Implosion, Sentridoh, and other numerous Lou Barlow side projects, this man is an icon of indie-rock music. The Kids soundtrack is the latest of his Folk Implosion releases. With the exception of four tracks on this album, Lou Barlow and John Davis’s Folk Implosion are the main attraction. The Folk Implosion seemed to be in Barlow’s focus for most of ‘95 with a number of different singles, an album, and now essentially another album. His infamous Sebadoh seemed to have been put on the backbumer, with little but singles released since Bakesalu. “Spoiled” was the only Sebadoh single that landed itself
In fact the titleTimeless may well refer to this album’s insane rhythmic progressions, so out there and trippy all the colliding sounds and textures are. At any given time there seems to be several dozen things happening at once, and the human being standing in the line of fire as this goes on is simply overwhealmed. Take the sixth track “Sensual.” A vocal loop resembling a
lonely This Mortal Coil song is the basis for the eight-minute track, but colliding with this is a chaotic mix of cymbals and basses and hand clapsthat uses an entirely different t&e signature. The mind is left reeling, sedated by the mellow ambience of the vocals, but unnerved by the beats overtop, and in the end, you just sit, stunned. This trick is repeated on “Kemistry,” a journey through dozens of time patterns overtop of soulful vocals and synth effects that remind one of Twin Peaks - skill. Two things keep Goldie’s sound grounded in reality - his use of wondertil chauteuses, and his inherant sense of good pop and R&B. The best example of both comes with the third track “State of Mind,” a simple (at least compared to the rest of the album) smooth and optimistic song about facing pain in life, though after all singer Loma Harris tells us “I am stronger now *” She also tells of urban sprawl on the epic title track, an odyssey of flutes and rattlesnake beats and bursting strings that makes twentyone minutes pass as if a dream. There’s more -- the flowing water sounds of “Sea of Tears,” the percussion overload of “Angel” and altogether it’s a fascinating piece of work, a truely groundbreaking, genre-defining piece of work. Yet it’s aiso in possession of a smartpop sensibility, a living room, quiet night in sort of aura, that softens the normally harsh blow of jungle. - - Your sense of what music can be will change upon hearing it, and if the amours of Goldie and Tricky working together on an unspecified project are indeed true, it may change again as the year progresses. In a word, precious.
or&ids, and dates back to 199 1 ‘s Sebadoh !II. It’s a choppy acoustic bit that crosses more into the territory of Barlow’s Sentridoh material which is more complimentary to The Folk Implosion songs. In my biased opinion, “Natural One” is easily one of the catchiest singles of ‘95. It may be a tad slow, but the drum line is catchy as hell, the bass and guitar bits are great in their simplicity, and Lou Barlow is astounding. “Daddy Never Undierstood”
is credited
The Deluxx Folk Implosion which includes the drum mastcry of Bob Fay from Sebadoh. This song could easily belong in the Sebadoh portfolio with its heavier distored guitar work, fuzzed out vocals and it’s brevity clocking in at just over two
minutes. “Notlling Gonna Stop” is another great song that is as catchy as “Natural One.” The fuzzed out
by Greg
Imprint staff
drum line to complement what can only be described as happenin’ lyrics. I never thought I’d say this about any song, but this one perfectly captures the very essence of t& Scooby-Do0 cartobns. Sponge F& qut on “Go Speed Racer Go,” ,Dig gives the soul-funk of the =%&a on the “Fat Albert Theme” ‘. ;;,&&&Q Wolent Femmes are, well, L %the I&I.&t Femmes on “Eep Opp &k A&& (Means I love you)” from the Jetsons. Other solid contributions include somewhat obscure covers by Liz Phair and Mat&al Issue doing “The Tra La La Song” from The Banana Splits Adventurq Hour (don’t worry, I’ve never heard pf k @&h& and offerings from C&Zle&e ‘Soul, Rever,;.@M Hoti& &@c a& Tripping z&&y, _, ..? ‘: t Of @tji& cartygs have the or=casig&$ ,$3&&++ TV’:‘be just a tou&+u@$, so, thaw%?@]! repre-
Who doesn’t remember getting up early on Saturday momings, getting a big bowl of cereal and planting yourself in front of the television for hours at a time, watch-, ing half-hour after half-hour of cartoons. For many, cartoons u’ere life. In that spirit, producer Ralph Sal1 pulled together some of the top acts around to cover cartoon songs ranging from Speed Racer to the Flintstones. Yabba Dabba Doa. This is a great album, although I must admit I just missed most of the shows. I grew up on the tati end of the era represented, watch Scooby Doo every &ybefore, kindergarten. Instead, I ‘was pm? of ;‘:~~&~~~~songs. $&t~&& Tanya the G.I. Joe and Transf@mer genm ,i &nneIIyij.of Belly and,, Juliana eration, but 1 have: seen most of the ,‘:,.Hatfield’&&m to perfbrm “‘&ie and shows on the CD+ In fact, 1% Mb :i. the PUS&&,.” &awned,,by the ing to admit that-1 still w&3 some same mi$s t@t invea&l the I,. of them to this day. ‘Spiderman, Archies (&o re&++&nted QB this every weekday, 3:OU on YTV. God CD), this s&g is j&ta little peppy. bless reruns. Almost to&e point of annoyance, The songs on Saturday Mornbut hey, Jo&a and the Pussycats ing are all very entertaining to liswasn’t exa&y a highly a@mced ten to. Besides being catchy and show, Finally, easily the cutest song invoking fond memories, they’re on the CD comes cc>w”tesy of the all quality performances. How ofAustralia’s answer to tooth decay, ten can you say that about a Fret-@! In their special, childishly compliation CD? hrax)py sound, they cover the childMany people have already ishly happy “open Up Your Heart heard the Ramone’s version of and Let the Sy Shine In,“originall y since it’s received “Spiderman,” done b;y &r;i$&rId’s most famous radio play, and it’s quite repro- ,:.:. pre,~~~~ $$&le&, Pebbles and
CD is that the artists are not just. peforming, they’re paying homage to their childhoods. Matthew Sweet delivers the best song on the CD, covering the theme song from Scooby-Doo, adding a quirky @tarand an up-beat nature of the song is fairly common with Lou Barlow’s projects and has really come to define him. Master of a four-track, Barlow has made simple recordings sound much bigger than they are. This has really developed his skills to make the most of what he has, which he has proven again and again. “Simean Groove” is an instrumental bit which makes for a magnificent bridge into Daniel Johnson’s “Casper The Friendly Ghost.” Johnson’s 104 recordings are fairly complimentary to Barlow’s ditties. Sampling pull-toys, chopping away at an acoustic and combining simple humourous lyrics
makes “Casper” and “Casper The Friendly Ghost,” an added bonus to an already outstanding album. As for soundtrack albums, this one is incredible. However, this soundtrack isn’t all that reflective of the movie. Most of the music that appears in the movie is rap, which only makes two of the thirteen tracks. That’s really fine by me, and it’s great that producer Randall Poster at least picked two worthwhile tracks that better reflect the movie. “Mad Fright Night” by LoDown represents the rap element to the movie, and Slint’s “Good Momreflects the hard ing Captain” altemarock. Both these tracks fit fairly well in the shadows of Barlow’s Folk Implosion, and don’t seem to act as filler. Slint’s performance is a really great show stopper with lots of building guitar work and crashing cymbals. The spoken word lyrics and emotional outbreaks make this song fitting to Kids, and at seven and a half minutes, makes a great finale to a great album.
by Melissa Hunt Imprint staff 1 have a theory. There is an innate reaction upon hearing a really good spy theme. People feel suddenly compelled to hide behind walls, waiting for their enemy agents to come by so that they can shoot the poor morons with their fingers, a la James Bond. If this is true, then this CD does its job well. Secret Agent Sounds, “a compilation featuring some of the top modem instrumental bands in the world today playing spy-themed instrumentals,” is reminiscent of the suave super spies of the 60’s. Finland’s Laika & the Cosmonauts start things off with a rather catchy version of “Mission Impos-
by Pat Imprint
. .
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Merlihan staff
1think The Cranberries should spend less time in the computer lab, and more time at what got them all their fame and recognition. As for interactive multi-media packages, Dosrs and Windows is slick. On the other hand, the five previously unreleased tracks and all this computer wizardry is hardly worth shelling out thirty bucks for. Door and Whdows is entertaining the first time you start pointing and clicking, but it’s virtually pointless beyond that because it’s scope is fairly narrow. Click on a person and they say a sentence, or another icon controls a video display, or you can control the CD player. H’S mindnumbing, and dull after the initial introduction, and its lifespan, as far as you’ll use it, is only about two hours. It’s a kind of a sacrifice that only absolute obsessive fans with too much money should make. Even then, I’d be wary. They advertise rare footage of the group at Woodstock ‘94, which isn’t any reason to believe that it will be any good. Ten-second video clips and concert photos are hardly essential collector items for Cranberries fans.
by Sandy Atwal special to Imprint On the spine and in the liner notes of fsa’s new album is the phrase “home taping is reinventing music.” A pleasant enough phrase, and if found on a sebadoh or guided by voices album, the word “reinventing” would be construed in a positive sense. Unfortunately, this album sucks, and”reinventing” here means “deconstructing to the
IMPRINT, Friday, January 5, 1996 sible,” followed up by British/Japanese duo Shig. & Buzz doing S.P.E.C.T.R.E., an original that brings to mind the background music during most sinister scene of Doctor No. San Diego’s Deadbolt makes a feeble attempt at doing a medley of “ The James Bond” theme and “You Only Live Twice”, even letting a couple of vocals slip Other honourable mentions bY* include The Forbidden Dimension, doing “Operation 69,” Combustible Edison cranking out an ingenious version of “Shot In the Dark,” and Huevos Rancheros present the excellent original, “Smart Bomb.” Finally, California’s Hillbilly Soul Surfers (don’t hold the name against them,) blend the Mancici/ Duane Eddy hit “Peter Guru?’ with Freddy King’s “Hideaway,” to form the perfect bluesy, spy-like ending. The disc is not without flaws, however. Specifically, there was no appearance by Shadowy Men’s ‘5py
School Graduation Theme.” This struck me as odd since the title seems appropriate enough, and there were a whole lot ofbands that sounded like Shadowy Men, but none could compare to those almighty masters of instrumental music. This disappointment aside, the disc was a far cry from a superspy let down. But wait kidz, there’s so much more! Upon opening the disc, I found that the CD doubled as a Decryptograph ( something somewhat similar to a decoder ring,) with secret spy messages to decipher on the inside cover. Amusement for hours I tell you -- maybe even more amusing than the music itself! There was also an address to write to ifyou want to become a part of the Mai Tai spy club, in which you will receive a code name, and secret agent information on upcoming Mai Tai events. Senseless, stupid, fun. You gotta love it.
There’s little about the individuals in the band as regards to a brief history, their insight on world events, or even their favourite colours. Clicking on them and getting a soundbyte saying “1 like Guinness” just takes me back to my days with my Commodore Vie 20. The concept of the Doors and Windows is fairly obvious. Click on a door and you go into a different room - three in total. These rooms provide the meat of the interactive
stuff to explore. There is a pub, a ret room, and a studio kind of room that all have neat little things to play around with. The photo album, scrapbook, and songbook are located in the ret room and provide most of the memorabelia worth checking out. There are video display interview questions to click on, a mini four-date road trip, and you can waste valuable moments clicking on lights in the studio room. The pub is fairly uneventfih with few interactive activities to play around with. The windows con-
cept is somewhat akin to see-andsay toys, which takes less than a minute of exploration and is complete humourless filler. The other side of the coin to this album is the actual music, which you can access in all of the rooms via a computer generated CD player. A live version of “Dreams” from Everyho+ Else /.r Doing& So why Can ‘t WC? doesn’t make a very good introduction to their latest material. Live edits aren’t always the best recorded pieces, but this version takes the cake. The sound is totally flat, the drums muffled, and Dolores O’Riordan’s voice is plain awtil. At least the following tracks are better recorded, andgood songs too. “So Cold In Ireland,” “Away,” and “I Don’t Need” represent the latest material from The Cranberries. These songs are on par with everything they’ve put out thus far. The last track is recorded Live and is the demo edit of “Zombie.” Again, it’s recorded poorly, and doesn’t finish the album off on a strong note. Perhaps an EP or a single would have been more beneficial to the band, and for fans that are just interested in the music. The biggest problem 1 have with this release is the bogus price tag attached to this release. When a band like treble charger can put out a CD ROM and EP for under fourteen bucks, I would expectDoor and Windows to be at least twice as good for the price, which is far from the case.
point of ruining.” The first several tracks, actually almost all of them, are simply two or three tones played on a guitar, wired through some rudimentary effects pedal, with muted whispered vocals sung on top. No antiquated notions of melody, song structure or rhythm for this brit duo. What’s for the band’s next release? Seventy nine minutes of silence? (I reluctantly refrain from suggesting that that would be an improvement.) Things improve marginally on “here am i” where samples from one of their live shows increase the temp slightly, but for the most part,
this is unlistenable feedback. And not even good feedback. This is the antithesis of Sonic Youth’s “The Diamond Sea,” where the grating sonic anarchy they create provides a barrage for the listener to try and make sense of. Fsa on the other hand create a mindnumbing sea of boredom that the listener can’t help but ignore. This is a disappointing release, to say the least, especially from a band that has successfully released interesting excursions on earlier singles, as well as the fascinating remake of Suede’s “The Drowners.” They might do better next time, but I wouldn’t count on it.
by Greg Imprint
Km&hick staff
Imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery, and 1995 was a year in which that old adage was taken to heart by large chunks of the musical world. Rap continued the trend towards endless “old skool” and gangsta rap. The fallout from grunge continued with acts like Live, Silverchair, and Seven Mary Three and on, and on. As for the UK? The journalists over there have declared 1945 the best year for British music since the heyday of punk. Mostly it smacks of a desperate nationalism, a coun-
by Patrick
Imprint staff In 1993, Guns ‘n’ Roses, the most (in)famous band in the world, released The Spaghetti Incident?, a punk cover album. In 1995, Manic Hispanic, not one of the most famous bands in the world, released The Menudo Incident, a punk cover album. The SpughettiIncident?has a picture of spaghetti on the front. The Mewdo Incident has a picture of menudo on the front. The Guns ‘n’ Roses covers include The UK Subs, The New York Dolls, The Misfits, Iggy Pop, The Sex Pistols, and The Damned’s “New Rose.” The Manic Hispanic covers include The Clash, The Buzzcocks, Iggy Pop, The Sex Pistols, and The Damned’s “New Rose” (except on this album it’s the Spanish “New Rosa.“)
by James
Imprint staff You know the Breeders? If you do, for the most part, you also know the Amps. This is due to the fact that most of the Breeders material is written and sung by Kim Deal (formerly of the now-defunct Pixies) as is all ofthe Amps stuff on this, their debut album. The lone exception is one track co-written with Rob Pollard of Guided by Voices (who is also from Dayton, Ohio, like Deal). Popular rumour has it that the Amps is a side
try reacting against the American invasion of ‘92, in the wake of a dismal year musically for England. So everyone’s happy and moreover British, and damn proud of it too. Problem is, these artists think that in order to be proper “Brits” they have to sound like all the proper Brits before them. A few can pull it off - Elastica has the spunk, Oasis the tunesmithery - but so many others sound hopelessly derivative or, worse, opportunistic. Enter Menswear. If ever there was a quickly hyped band it’s them, the only band to appear on Top of the Pops before they released a record. Yes, B&pop is in their bones now, and they’re flogging it for all it’s worth. The album’s even got, like, strings and stuff, ‘cause they’re credible artistes and all. Bollocks. They’re bloody
theives, nicking something from every hot Britband at the moment, shifting loads of units, and drinking loads of free beer (for they are proper partying pop stars, you know). There’s something sad and pathetic about a band that rips off other bands ripping off other bands. But that’s what we see here - the music is Blur and Elastica in a melting pot, Johnny Dean’s vocals resemble both Jarvis from Pulp and Brett from Suede, the lyrics are a pale pastiche of Blur’s “Little Englandisms,” and of course they are young and they are free, just like Supergrass. Why, God, why? The best thing on here is probably the single “Daydreamer,” and its origins speak volumes. It was written by Johnny during his sad, weepy teenage days as a shoegazer in ‘91. It might have stayed that way, but with shoegazing being a four-letter word in the English press these days, it was time to perk it up a bit. Don’t believe me? Think of the words to “Daydreamer” as performed by Slowdive or Spirea X (remember them?) It works, doesn’t it? And it might have stayed that way, had not Menswear jumped on that merry B&pop bandwagon. Menswear: the Silverchair of Britpop. In other words, shit.
W. Ax1 Rose and Duff McKagan sing entirely in English. Jefe, El Hoakie Loco, Tio, and Mad Ralphie sing mostly in Spanish. The Guns ‘n’ Roses album is mostly laughable. The Manic Hispanic album is intentionally funny. If you want to listen to a The New York Dolls song, listen toNew York Dolls, or Too Much Tuo Soon. The only reason to listen to The Spaghetti Incident? is to remind yourself that Johnny Thunders is really dead, and that he’s never coming back. There are, on the other hand, good ceasuns to listen to The Menudo Incident. Unlike certain other punk cover albums named after bowls of food, these are not mere note-for-note reworkings of the originals. The lyrics are reworked: The Buzzcocks “Orgasm Addict” becomes the slightly tamer “Manic Hispanic.” “God Save the Queen” is sung entirely in Spanish. Learn how to say “She’ll make you a moron” in another language. Hear “Before the Next Teardrop Falls”
like it’s never been played before. The most interesting thing about The Menudo Incident is the way it carries British punk standards into an American album. “American Society” becomes “Mexican Society;” the Clash’s “Garage Land” becomes “Garage Land.” Both songs retain the “tick society” attitude of the originals, but update their lyrics to reflect Manic Hispanic’s American upbringing. Many of these songs are listenable in their own right, separate from their original life as classic punk. Some are second-rate ripoffs, funny the first few times around but growing more and more annoying with each listen. Knowing the originals helps, too. And with that being said, if you don’t havelondon Calling orNever Mind the BoZZocks in your record collection, it would be better to save your money and pick up some of the punk classics instead. (Then again, the same thing could be said about the last Rancid album.)
project of the Breeders while Kelly Deal (Kim’s sister) was in rehab for a heroin addiction. Rumour also has it that Kelly is much better now and is hurriedly recording a side project of her own, but this remains to be verified.
Anyway, it is a pretty good album. Though some of it (like the title track) is just pretty surf-pop, there are actually songs with a bit of crunch. “Tipp City” is probably the best example of this. Deal has chosen this opportunity to experiment a bit. There is more variety in the sound on this album than most. For some songs, she’s discovered some new stuff she can use in the fiture; some of it is perhaps better forgotten. To her credit, a lot of the stuff is weird, but catchy. Deal shows much more diversity than I would have thought possible. All in all, I liked it a lot, and it is at the very least an interesting album. If you’re a fan of Deal’s earlier work, it is well worth a listen.
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by Patrick Wilkins Imprint staff There’s a terrible epidemic that spreads every year around the beginning of December -- and it isn’t the flu. It’s a spate of Christmas albums: Bony M, Barry Manilow, A Country Christmas and Jingir Cars, every has-been performer still clinging to the face of the music world throwing together cliched carols and tired traditionals for yet another round of meaningless mall music. Once in a while, however, an album comes out that rises above the genre to provide new music for an old season, md gives the old songs a new twist. Such an album is Stuck m a Cold Steel Yule. Although nearly all of the songs are about the Yuletide season, it’s not really a Christmas compilation. It’s “a collection of songs about winter and some
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Cris and Curt Kirkwood may be gencticaly incapable of sucking, but thus far they haven’t really gotten the attention that perhaps they deserve. They’re probably better known for their influence on other bands namely Nirvana and Soul Asylum, than for what they’re doing with their own music. NO Jolie! is a fairly solid album with fairly decent songs. Perhaps their choice of releasing “Scum” as their first single was a little misleading to what the rest of the album offers. Sure, “Scum” follows the handbook of how to write a radiofriendly “alternative” grunge-style tune, but that’s not how the rest of
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that aren’t.” All the tracks here are original and previously unreleased songs by twenty various Canadian folk musicians and vocalists including Veda Hille, Taxi Chain, Bob Snider and the Thomas Handy Trio. This is the kind of music that’s distinctly Canadian, each piece crisp and sharp like a sunny day in February, crafted with the love of winter that all Canadians secretly harbour. After all, being able to get out of bed despite thirtybelow weather is one of the few things that truly separates us from the Americans.. . Juno-nominated Oliver Schroer’s “Beneath the Ice, They Heard Bells” kicks off the album, patiently developing from muted aleatoric sounds into a fast-paced violin/fiddle instrumental. Don’t cringe at the word ‘fiddle’ -- this is more than jig music, with influences ranging from Celtic to classical within the space of four minutes. If there’s a common theme to the songs on this album, it’s the varie@ of sounds within each seem-
ingly simple track. Some of the best unknown musicians in Canada appear here, mostly experienced session musicians and regionally famous singer-songwriters. Standout tracks include Bob Snider’s ode to a chance winter’s love, Veda Hille’s twisting vocaland-piano “Six Feet of Silence,” and Jani Lauzon’s synthesis of Native American and Catholic cultures into “Rezerection.” Nothing, however, is anything less than beautiful, from a bluegrass “Auld Lang Sync” to a steel-guitar version of “0 Little Town of Bethlehem” to Laura1 MacDonald’s floating harmonic textures on “Song for This Child.” The traditional music of our country is here, Atlantic fiddles and bagpipes, Native American styles, classical chamber music and prairie waltzes. This is one ofthose rare Christmas albums that can be kept on the shelf and played all year round. It serves as a reminder not only of the oft-forgotten beauty of the winter season, but of the beauty of Canada’s rich musical heritage.
the album plays out. This album is all over the place, kind of like last year’s Too High TO Die. B e sides having excellent songwriting, the Kirkwood brothers are pretty competent singers. They don’t have much of a vocal range, but the heaviness of the music doesn’t re-
what draws you to Meat Puppets music. For a three-piece, these guys pack a lot of punches. Besides “Scum,” the rest of the songs follow in similar hard guitar driven patterns, with the vocals floating above it. It’s kind of funny that a country ditty like “Chemical Garden” is one of the more outstanding tracks on the album. There is definitely a southern influence that they’ve gotten from their Texan upbringing, and/or possibly listening to too much Lynrd Skynrd, but I found myself getting into their groove much more with this song, than any other on the album. There’s no doubt that this song takes them back to their roots. which is something that they’ 11never forget. NO Joke! will garner about as much attention as TOO High TO Die, and in the meantime the Meat Puppets will have to be s satisfied with their influence, rather than being big rock n’ roll stars.
ally allow for them to experiment. The music they orchestrate is really
Campus Classified
Rates l Students $3120 words Subscription Rates . Canadian
Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.
All Faculties Doreen Brisbin Award - available to third year Regular or 38 Co-op female students in an Honours program in which women are currently underrepresented. Deadline: April 30.1996. CUPE Local 793Award - available to UnIon employees, their spouses, children or grandchildren for extracunicular/commun&y involvement. Deadline: January 31, 1996. Datatel Scholars Foundation - available to all, grad or undergrad, full or part-time. Deadline: February 9, 1996. Don Hayes Award - available to all based on extra-curricular involvement. Deadline: January 31,1996. Mike Moser Memorial Award - available to all 3rd or 4th year based on extracurricular involvement. Deadline: January 12,1996. Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubille Award available to undergraduates who want to study at a Canadian university in their second official language. Deadline: February 2, 1996. Professional Women’s Association Award of Merit - available to full or part-time undergraduates who have or are facing personal challenges; eg., sole support parent, disabilities, illness or personal trauma Deadline: January 31,1996. University of Waterloo Staff Association Award - available to full or part-time undergraduates in a degree program. Applicants must be current Staff Association members, their spouses, children, grandchildren or dependents and will be based on academics, extra-curricular involvement and financial need. Deadline: Jnauary 31, 1996. Douglas T. Wright Award - available to all who have participated in an international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-tme study at UW. Deadline: October 15 each year. Douglas T. Wright Experience in Japan Award - available to all who have participated in a work placemnt in Japan. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: October 15 each year.
Faculty Health
of Sciences
Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: Januarv 31.1996. Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: January 31.1996.
May 31,1996.
RAWCO Award - available to Znd, 3rd or 4th vear Recreation students. Deadline: Jandary 31,1996.
of Arts
Arts Student Union Award -available to all Arts students. Deadline: February 29,1996. James C. McKegney Memorial Awardavailable to upper year Arts students with outstanding performance and/or extracurricular activities in the Hispanic Area-one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in America Studies. Spanish Deadline:February 29 , 1996.
of Engineering
Andersen Consulting Scholarship-available to 3B. Deadline: March 29.1996. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries-available to all Chemical students. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship-available to all, Deadline:October 11, 1996. Canadian Hospital EngineeringSociety’s Scholarship-availableto3B. Deadline:March Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award-available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in 8uilding Sci ence. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith GUY Memorial Award-avaihble to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Deadline: March 29,1996. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship-available to all 3A. Deadline:March 29.1996. John bre Limited Scholarship-available to all 38 Mechanical. Deadline:March 29.1996. Delcan Scholarship-available to 4B Civil. Deadline:Februarv 29, 1996. 6ow Canada Scholarship-available to 3A Chemical. Deadtine:March 29, 1996. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award-available to all 38 Chemical. Deadline:February 29.1996. SC. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship-availableto3rdyearChemical. Deadline: Mav 31. 1996. Ontario Hydra Engineering Awards-available to 16 Chemical, Electrical, Environmental or Mechanical. Eligible candidates will be women, aboriginal (native) Canadians,persons with disabilities or visible minorities. Deadine: July 31, 1996. Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship-available to all 1B,2B,36&46 based .on extracurricu-
Classified Deadline Mondav 5 o.m. in SLC 1116 Dhone 888-4048 fax 884-7800
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Michael Gellner Memorial Schoilarship available to all 3rd year Regular Health Studies and Kinesiology. Deadlne: March 29,1996. RobertHaworthScholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planningand Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline:
Wanted!!! Individuals, Student organizations and small groups to promote Spring Break, earn money and FREE trips, the Nation’s leader t-800828-f015 H.O.T. ONT, REG. #02204451
Business Opportunity: Investor looking for 2 entrepreneurial individuals experienced in Internet/Computer to start g new business in Kitchener-Waterloo serving Southern Ontario. For appointment call 650-7475.
[15@ over 2O+GsT] Classified Deadline:
lar and marks. Deadline:January 31,1996. Ontario Rubber Group Award-available to all 38 based on experietinterestin rubber industrv. Deadline:Januarv 31.1996. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 38 Ciiil-Water Resource Management students. Deadline:May 31,1996. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial BuMry-available to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursaries-available to all Chemical or Mechanical. Jack Wisemen Award-available to3A or 38 Civil. Deadline:January 31 ,1996.
Faculty Environmental
of Studies
Robert Haworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in re-
source management related to Park Planning and Management,Recrea~ion,Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline:Mav 31.1996. Marcel Pequegnat&holarship-available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Management. Deadline: May 31, 1996.
of Mathematics
Andersen Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 36 Math. Deadline:March 29.1996. Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship-available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: March 29.1996. KC. Lee Computer ScienceScholarshipavailable to 2nd year Regular Computer Science. Deadline&larch 29-1996. Sun Life of Canada Award-available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. Deadline:January 31,1996.
of Science
J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries-available to upper year Earth Sciences. Dow Canada Scholarship-available to 3A Chemistry. Deadline:March 29,1996. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology-available to 2A Earth Science. Deadline: March 29,1996. SC. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemisttv. Deadline: Mav 31.1996. Ontario Rubber Group Award-available to all 38 based on experience/interest in rubberindustrv. Deadline:Januarv31.1996. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 38 Earth ScienceNVater Resource Management. Deadline:May 31,1996. Science Society Bursary-available to all.
Transportation to theVIneyard. Freeshuttie available every Sunday from U of W to the Kichener Vineyard’s meetings at the Concordia Club. For a ride, call Sandi at 579-8463 before Fridav noon. Queen Elizabeth Siiver Jubille Awards. ihe department of Canadian Heritage is once again offering several $5,000 scholarships which are open to undergraduate students across Canada to studay at another Canadian university in their second official language (French or English). Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or permanent residents, currently enrolled in the second or third year of their first undergraduate university program. Students must have sufficient ability in their second official language to pursue studies in that language. Application deadline is February 2,196. For more information and application formscontact the Student Awards Office. Applications am-now being accepted for the Datatel Scholars Foundation Awards program The awards have a value of up to $2,000 each and are available to full-time or part-time students, graduate or undergraduate, in any discipline Applications will be evaluated based on academic merit, personal motivation, external activities including employment and extracunicular activities and on letters of recomendatii. Application deadline is sfebruary 9,1996. Interested students should contact the Student Awards office. ExchangestoFranceorGermanyfor1996
97: $1,500, open to undergraduate and graduates in all fields. Deadline January 12, 1996. Contact the lnternatiinal Programs Offii, NH 3015, ext 3999 or 2288. For a quick $100 design a new logo for the Centre for Ckcupa~al He&h and Safety. For more intwmation caIl ext. 2581
Businesses $1 O/20 words {I 5c over 2O+GSn Monday 5 p.m. SLC 1116, [CC140)
Internet Searching via the Library’s Public Workstations - interested in searching the Internet but aten? sure how? Drop by the Dana Porter Library’s new public workstations (main flr)where staff will be on hand to help iou froh lo:30 -11:3Oam.
Information for Graduate Students -learn about facilities and services that will make your library research more effective, such is compbterized searching,extended loans,dir& borrowing privileges from other academic libraries, etc. Meet at the Davis Centre Library Information Desk, 2:3Opm.
UW Electronic Library on the World Wide Web -learn how to access library cataIogues, indexes,document delivery,electronic books and journals,information servers, etc. Meet at the Dana Porter library Information Desk.S:30am. Information for Graduate Students-learn about facilities and services that will make your library research more effective,such 6s computerized searching,extended loans,directborrowingprivilegesfromother academic libraries,eti. Meet at the Davis Centre Library Information Desk, 2:3Opm.
Introduction to Searching CD-ROMS and Other Electronic Databases-these 50minute workshops introduce you to the the principlesofsearchingCD-ROMsandother databases,and help you prepare for fast efficient searching. Meet at the Dana Porter Library Information Desk, 1030 am.
Introduction to Searching CD-ROMS and Other Electronic Databases - these 50minute workshops introuce you to the principles of searching CD-ROMs and other databases, and help you prepare for fast efficient searching. Meet at the Davis Centie Library Inform&ion Desk, 230 pm.
Internet Searching via the Library’s Public Workstations -interested in searching the Internet but arenY sure how? Drop by the Dana Porter Library’s new public workstations (main floor) where staff will be on hand to heID vou from 1:30-23 wt.
Introduction to Searching CD-ROMs and Other Electronic Databases -these 50minute workshops introduce you to the principles of searching CD-ROMs and other databases,and help you prepare for fast efficient searching. Meet at the Dana Porter Ubratv Information Desk. 2:3ODm. UW Electronic Library on the World Wide Web -learn how to access library catalogues,indexes,document delivery,electronic books and journals, information servers, etc. Meet at the Davis Centre Librarv, Information Dest. 4:3Qxn.
The Cityof Waterloo, Volunteer Services is currently recruiting for the following votunteer witions: Needed YouthVolunteers: Volunteer Dance Assistant: Assist with the instruction of children’sdanceclasses. Atimecommitment of l-3 hours per week is required. Youth and students are encouraged to apply. Gymnastic Assistant: Assist instructor iwth supervision of children’s Gymnastic dass. Minimum age of 13 required. Volunteer Kitchen Assistant: Assist with a senior lunch program Friday 830-l XI. Duties include setting tables, setving meals, cleaning up tables and dishes. This volunteer opportunity is suitable for seniors. Tmnsportation Scheduler: to organize rides for older adults, taking request, then linking them to a driver. Must have telephone and customer service skills. K-W SpecialOlympics Secretary: Take minutes at monthly meetings, Book meetings and handlecorespondence. Newsletter. develop and distribute 4 newsletters per year. 10 pinBowling Coach: coach athletes on techniques of 10 pin bowling. Maintain registration and collect registration fees. Volunteer Driver: A driver is needed to drive seniors. Tlme commitment would be Friday 9:3UlO:15 a.m. and 3:3&%:00 p.m. Forinformation pleasecatl: VolunteerServices, City of Waterloo, 888&356 Canadian Mental Heatth Association Waterloo Branch. Friends, a service of CMt-lA needs volunteers to supportchiklren in onetonne relationships. Meetings are weekly at chiid’s school. Call 744-7645. Learn about a different culture while you showanewimmigranthowtobepartofyour community. Forrnore information call the KW YMCA Host Program at 579-9622. Do you like leisure and recreation? BecomeaLeisureSupportVolunteer. Provide assistance to a person with a disability. Swimming, senior’s programs, minor sports or community programs. Friday evenings, 7:OG10:00 p.m. three volunteers are needed to assist a group of adults with a disability to “explore leisure”. This includes hockey games, crafts, baking, skating, and swimming. Sledge Hockey volunteers needed!! A winter sport enjoyed by people with or without a disabil’i. Similar to hodtey, played with specialized equipment. For more information call Kris at 741-2226 Be a Big Sister Volunteer. If you are 20 or older and fee! you can make a po&iie difference in a child’s life, K-W and area Big Sisters needs you. Female volunteers are required to devdop relationships with girls (aged 4-l 7) and boys (aged 4-l 1). You are required to provide 3 hours a week for a minimum of one year. We are also in need of Big Sisters from a Jamaican, African and Latin American tint. Please call 7435206 for more infofmation .
Introduction to Searching CD-ROMS and Other Electronic Databases-these 50minute workshops introduce you to the principlesof searching CD-ROMsand other databases, and help you prepare for fast efficient searching. Meet at the Davis Centre Librarv Info Desk.l0:3Oam.
“We Are Famiv January 2 - 9 at the Cambridge Public Libraty, 20 Grand Avenue North, Cambridge. Featuring Exhibits on; Families of African Descent, Kwanzaa Holiday Display, Information, Storytelling. Guest Speaker: Ramon Price, Head Curator of the Du Sable Museum of African American History. Open Meeting On Certification, January 10,1996,3:30-5ZIOp.m. Physics 145. On December 6,1995 t&Faculty Association membershipvoted90-40-gtotakethenecessary steps to prepare for certification of the Faculty Association as a bargaining unit under the Labour Relations Act. Comeon January 10 to hear speakers on the certification iSsue, both pro and con, and bring yoiur questions. Each guest will give a brief presentation, and this will be followed by a period for questions and discussion. There is no requirement to be a member of the Faculty Association to attend.
NH1020;January17,12:3&2:00NH1020; Januarv 29.5:30 --7:00 NH1020. Letter Writing: January 9, 1:OO - 230 NHt020; January 17,2:00 - 3:30 NH1020; January 29,7:00 .- 8:30 NH1020 tntenriewing Skills I: January 10, 12:X 130 NH1020; January 15. 500 - 7:OO Networking:
11, 2:30-3130
Self Assessment:January 12,930 - IO:30 NH1030 Researching Occupations: January 12, 10:30- 11:3ONHll15. lnfomration Interview: January 12, t 1130 - 12:30 NH1020. Intro to Career Management for 21St Century: January 16,11:30 - 12:30 NH 1020. &bIWork m: January 19, lo:30 12%) NH102Q’l’t15. Career Plan Evaluation: January 22,5:00 7:00 NH1020.
Resume Critiquing: January 23, 230 4:30 NHlO20. btter Critiquing: January 24,130 - 3:30 NHlO20. Researching Employers: January 26, 1130 - I:30 NH102Wll15.
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