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Volume 18. Number 22


CDN. Pub. Mail Product Sales Agreement-No. 55

IMPRINT The University Of Waterloo Student Newspaper






Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo,

Ontario, 888-4048

N2L 3Gl

Friday January 12, 1996 Volume 18, Number 22

l’Vot big enough


the both

of us..,

ISSN 07067380

Independent Removed by Sheena Kennedy special to Imprint


Cover photo by Pat Meriihan

Editorial Board Editor in Chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Features Editor Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant WWW Page Editor Proofreaders

Dave Fisher vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant VaCan


vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant

Staff Business Manager idvertising/Production Advertising Assistant Distribution

Marea Willis Laurie Tigers-Dumas vacant Pat Merlihan Andrew Henderson

Board of Directors President Vice-President SecretaryJrreasurer Directors at Large

his term, if you want an on-campus the usual



Food Services fare, you will have to direct yourself to South Campus Hall instead of the Student Life Centre. The international food cart has moved from Brubakers to the Festival Room. The international food cart is host to visiting

Restaurants from SLC

be able to create a more pleasing display and have more room to operate. The amount of food on the cart at Brubakers and the popularity of the selections created a traffic flow problem, making it

restaurants were featured. “The Student Life Centre has to be viewed as a whole building,” Murdoch says, “not just a cafeteria.” In addition to this, Food Services plans to use the cart


rants, offering students a variety of ethnic flavours. The most successful vendors were Al Madina, home of Egyptian cuisine, and Vijays, with its offering of Indian dishes. These two restaurants, alternating with another vender who will offer a mix ranging from Greek food to Pita Pockets, now occupy a space of the counter of the Festival Room Cafeteria. Mark Murdoch of Food Services said that a number of factors prompted the decision to relocate the vendors. For one, the space available at the Festival Room is larger than the cart in Brubakers. The vendors will

our food wherever we are because our food is good. The only problem is that a lot of students don’t yet know where we have moved to.” The down side of the Festival Room location is the shorter hours, The Festival Room is open daily from 10130 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., whereas Brubakers, a far more visible location, is open from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekdays. Wkn


out the competition...

difficult for students who simply wanted a sandwich from Brubakers. There was also a conflict between what was offered at the international cart and food available at many of the special events held in the Student Life Centre. In some cases,the same

space at Brubakers to provide some new menu choices starting this term. Ideas include home baked pretzels and an omelette bar. Shokry Lawandy of Al Madina says that he doesn’t mind being moved to the Festival Room. “People will buy



Question ask.ed“What was your worst experience with Food Services?” in the November 10th issue last term, two of the eight respondents mentioned the high prices at Brubakers. As both the Al Madina and Vijays vendors provided good food at reasonable prices, it is possible that the International Food Cart was stiff competition for Brubakers. On the other hand, the Xntemational Table could be a draw for the less frequented Festival Room. For more information about this and other changes at Food Services, visit their Web Site at http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca:80/infofs/index.html .

Heather Caldcr Alex Havrlant David Lynch Adam Evans Natalie Gillis

Contribution List . Sandy Atwal, Marianna Basic, Rose Bolicic, Peter Brown, Heather Calder, Reni Chan, Christine Cheng, Ryan Chen-Wing, Corey Diamond, David Drewe, Alain Gaudrault, Kieran Green, Alex Havrlant, Sheena Kennedy, Greg Krafchick, Jack Lefcourt, Peter Lenardon, Sarah Mahailovich, Justin Matthews, Heidi Marr, Debra McClintlock, Katy McKinnon, Pat Merlihan, Kim Moser, Joanne Murray, Joe Palmer, Myfanwy Parri, Greg Picken, Rob Potton, Al Revesz, Ryan Pyette, James Russell, Troy Siedle, Paul Skippen, Greg Stephens, Eric Sutherland, Paul Walker, Patrick Wilkins, Nancy Wojcik, WPIRG and The Parking Lot Is Full. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (UCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Implint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising.ImprintISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed toImprint, Student Life Centre, Room 1116, University of Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3G 1. Our e-mail address is imprint @ watserv 1.uwaterloo.ca Our fax number is 884-7800. An on-line version off mprht is also available on the WorldWide Web at http://watserv 1.uwaterloo.ca/-imprint/

Hoffa alive and well at UW...

Facultv by Peter Lenardon Imprint staff n Wednesday, the University of Waterloo faculty association got together to ask questions, air opinions, and share ideas about the current move towards certifying the association as a legally protected collective bargaining unit: a union. The word itself provokes many strong opinions and prejudices, and the forum sought to ease some of the anxieties faculty members have about it. This week’s meeting was simply an information session. . Professors had a number of queries, mainly concerning the




and how

the academic climate would change in the event that the faculty association is certified. Others questions like the level of dues, the affect on university governance, administrative costs, and the process for possibly becoming

discusses unionization decertified were raised. The meeting began with two fifteen minute addresses, one expressing a view in favour of certification and one against. Doug Lorimer, a history professor at Laurier spoke in favour of certification. Professor Lorimer was the president of the Laurier faculty association when it became certified and is currently the head of the collec-

the need for a legalized bargaining unit at all, and expressed a desire to avoid an adversarial “us-them” environment. Many of these concerns were echoed by faculty members dilring the question and answer period which followed the speakers. For those faculty members who expressed views against certification, the mood ranged

There is a ‘%ertain amourzt of mythology” surrounding unions tive bargaining unit there. Next,

Roy Cameron


against the certification of the faculty association. Professor Cameron is from the faculty of Applied Health Studies and distributed a list of some of the anti-certification side’s “core concerns.” These concerns questioned

from viewing unionization as “repugnant” to those merely wondering if the merit principle would still be enforced. The usual arguments against unions were also made: Unions tend to encourage mediocrity, create expensive and inefficient bureaucracies, and set the university administra-

tion against the faculty in a hopelessly adversarial relationship. Arguments in favour of certification stressed the improved positions of both the faculty association and individual professors in dealing with everything from salary negotiations to employment issues like tenure. Ian Macdonald, president of the UW faculty association also pointed out that there was a “certain amount of mythology” surrounding unions. This more than likely pointed to a “lack of information” on the part of most professors. Indeed, the bulk of the questions and comments during the question and answer period concerned this scarcity of information. Professors who were still undecided about whether or not to support certification often expressed their uncertainty about what to expect from their faculty association or the university administration after certification. Continued

to page 3



Friday, January 12,1996


Bus Terminal on Hold by Peter Imprint

Lenardon staff

ast week, Student’s Coun cil voted down a motion to bring Kitchener Transit’s proposal for a Universal Bus Pass to a referendum along with the upcoming Federation of Students elections. The proposal however is not dead. It may still come to a referendum in the upcoming year. Students were to vote on whether or not they were in favour of paying a non-refundable “transportation” fee that would give them a ride on Kitchener Transit buses. The most contentious point of this plan was that student’s who don’t ride the bus would have


to pay as much as those who ride it all the time, however the referendum was not voted down on that basis. Rosemary Crick, chairperson of the committee considering

The proposal is not dead. Universal Bus Passesat Waterloo outlined a few concerns that Student’s Council had about the proposal. First, the proposal itself was quite short and general in its content. The intention of Kitchener Transit was to ascertain the level

of student support for the program before working out specific details. Apparently, this method had been used at other universities with similar programs. Council was looking for a more detailed account of how the bus pass system would work before they put a question to students in a referendum. A second concern was that the university administration was not approached about the program along with the federation of Students. Council did vote to continue discussions on the subject as it may come to a referendum in the future. Student input about the proposal would be valuable as always.

Continuing education offers 52 courses 9000. Professional development arketing for small busi- courses include: Starting Your nesses, dealing with Own Business, How to Manage grief, learning about Effective Media and Community murder investigations and WinRelations; Introduction to Condows 95 are among 52 courses flict Management Skills and Stratoffered through the University of egies; and Creative Thinking and Waterloo’s continuing education Probiem Solving. Business comprogram this winter. munication offerings include: The courses, some of which Writing in Business: Strategies start later this month, cover areas for Delivering Your Message; of professional development, Mastering English Grammar; business communications, com- Developing Effective Presentaputing skills and personal develtion Skills; Page Layout and Docuopment. They include nine new ment Design; Proposal Writing; courses and one offered on-line and Writing for On-Line Delivthat deals with technical writing. ery. The new offerings are: MarComputing skills include keting Your Small Business; Digcourses on Directions in Office ital Darkroom; Chronic Pain Manand Personal Computing; Introagement: A Workshop for Healthduction to the IBM PC and Care Professionals; Introductory Compatibles; Introduction to the Japanese, Part Two; Active LisApple Macintosh; Planning a tening in the Workplace; Grief Local Area Network for Your Work: Getting Up After Being Office; Desktop Publishing; and Down; Windows 95; IntroducBeginner’s Guide to the Internet. tion to C++; and ISO 9OOO/QS- Personal development courses UW News



Union Continued


page 2

But by far the largest concern seemed to be whether the current quality of education and an acceptable degree of academic freedom in teaching and research would be maintained. Some professors also complained that there was not enough consultation and not enough information coming from the faculty association itself. This forum was the first chance faculty members got to air some of their concerns about certification. Macdonald also provided assurances that the faculty association will continue to operate in the same manner it currently does, should its members eventually decide to unionize. The associa-

include Couples’ Communication Workshop; Introduction to Acting; Basic Fiction Writing; MidLife and Aging; and Personality Growth and Personality Types. Many courses are offered over four to six weeks and people can learn in a “not-for-credit environment, free of formal evaluation and the concern about credit,” says Don Kasta, Administrative Director of UW’s Office ofTeaching Resources and Continuing Education. “A lifelong approach to leaming can enrich individual lives beyond the workplace,” he says. “We hope our general interest and professional development courses will make a significant contribution to lifelong learning.” For more details: Course calendars are available by calling (5 19) 888-4002. E-mail: conted@corrI *uwaterloo.ca Homepage: http:// www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infoded/ cent-ed.html

discussions tion will still choose its executive in the same manner as well as representing the interests of all faculty members. The difference according to Macdonald would be that the association and its individual members would be protected by law and therefore have their rights better protected whether in salary negotiations or other terms of employment like tenure and disciplinary action. In the upcoming weeks, the faculty association will hold an action meeting and a vote will be taken to determine whether or not the certification process will proceed. If the members present vote in favour of beginning certification, the first step is card signing.

These cards are in a sense a formal way of applying to the newly empowered faculty association that would be formed if it is certified. Professors who sign the card are agreeing to be represented in contract negotiations by the association under the terms of Bill 7, the provincial labour law. The purpose of signing these cards is really the same as a petition. If 40% of faculty members sign a card, then the faculty association can apply to the Ontario Labour Relations Board to hold a faculty wide ballot on whether or not to become a certified bargaining unit. The ballot is run in the same manner as an election, and if the majority votes yes, the association becomes certified.

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4 No taxation


CFS by Sarah





he Canadian Federation of Students have designated February 7 as the Pan - Canadian Day of Action. They are hoping to bring attention to the government’s financial policy, specifically, the reasons behind the cutbacks and their validity. The Canadian Federation of Students contends that there is no real need for the drastic reductions in government spending to various post-secondary institutions. “It’s not fair, pay your share,” sums up the position that the CFS plans to take on the matter, The Canadian Federation of Students feel that the Canadian government should consider why their taxation policies appear to benefit those in society who can afford it the most. They claim that it is unfair that the poorest segments of the Canadian population should have the greatest relative burden of taxes while at the same time they are losing invaluable services in the form of government cutbacks. Guy Caron, the National Chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students believes that “Unless the federal government ceases this plan of action, Canada’s social programs


An example of this would be the federal government’s policy on deferred taxes. Companies are allowed to defer (postpone paying) their taxes as long as they continue to reinvest some of their profits back into capital investments. As long as a company continues to upgrade their buildings and equipment they can continue deferring their taxes. This can accumulate to substantial amounts, as in the case of Shell Canada Corporation, who currently owes the Canadian government $89 1 million in deferred taxes. Examples such as this one have resulted in Canadian corporate contributions to publit revenue being the lowest out of the G7 countries. Combined, these corporations owe the government $40 billion, Another large loophole in the govern-

will be obliterated , and millions of Canadians will suffer as a result.” The Canadian Federation of Students believes that the reason why the government has run out of money is because their taxation policies are unsound. Consequently, they are centring their attack on the government’s taxation policy towards large businesses and on the wealthiest ten percent of Canada’s population. They feel that changing these polities would be a better solution to Canada’s fiscal problems then continuing such detrimental actions as cutbacks to needed services, including post-secondary institutions. They contend that companies and corporations are not contributing their share of the tax burden. To support this view they point to various tax loopholes that exist for the benefit of corporations.


Imprint staff

IMPRINT, Friday, January 12,1996

cuts ment’s taxation policies, they contend, is in their policy towards wealthy individuals and families. In particular, they mention the government’s policy towards family trust funds and inheritance, neither of which are taxable under our current laws. Approximately I,700 of Canada’s wealthiest families shelter enough income in these taxexempt areas that they have reduced their tax payments by $100 million. Canada is one of the few countries that does not tax inheritance.It has been estimated that if Canada had similar taxation policies to other countries in this area , it would bring in an extra $15 billion a year. On February 7 the Canadian Federation of Students hopes to bring new response to the declared goal of reducing the deficit. They propose that the problem need not be solved with destructive cutbacks, but rather with a re-evaluation of current government taxation policies towards corporations and wealthy individuals. “The deficit and debt were not caused by social spending,” claims Michael Mancinelli of the Canadian Federation of Students, “they were caused mostly by .. . the unwillingness of governments to collect taxes from the wealthy and profitable corporations.*’ “It’s disgusting that governments are now demanding that the poor and unemployed shoulder the burden of the debt.”

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TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 AT 2:30 P.M. room 1020, Needles Hall hear from faculty


and students in the program


IMPRINT, Friday, January 12,1996


by Peter


Imprint staff


s of January 2, 1996, the prohibition of food in the library will be relaxed somewhat. Food is still not allowed


up in the librarv

in the library, but students can en-joy beverages from closed containers while doing research or studying. . The consumption of food in the library has been a problem for some time. Many students ignore

signs that indicate the prohibition of food, and beverages and piles of refuse from food and drink containers has been the result. This garbage leaves the library open to insect and pest infestations as well as underscoring the contradiction of providing recycling bins while prohibiting food in the library. Joan Macdonald, Head of the Davis Reference and Collections Development, studied ways that the problem of food in the library can be solved. It was apparent that students would not comply with the ban on food, but staff lacked the time required to patrol the library for violators. The recommendation accepted by the Library Council amounted to a compromise given these constraints. Signs will indicate that beverages only, in closed containers, will be allowed in the library. All other food will be disallowed. Containers will be provided for recyclable materials and trash. However, in computer and CD-ROM rooms no food or beverages will be allowed in order to protect equipment. It is thought that students are likely to comply with putting their refuse in containers. Staff will still cite the “No Food” rule when faced with messy food consumption and will enforce it as soon as signs are posted and additional recycling containers are provided. -

Waterloo hosts Conference of Canadian Engineering Students by Ryan


Imprint stafr ast week, starting on New Year s Eve, the Waterloo Engineering Society hosted the Congress of Canadian Engineering Students (CCES). It is the annual meeting of the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). Just under two hundred engineering students participated. Delegates were sent from engineering societies across the country to participate in this six day conference based at the Valhalla Inn in Kitchener. Executive members from the CFES and councils of the four regions the West, Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic also attended. This year’s main focus was on engineering education, so topics of most speakers and workshops were picked thusly. Delegates had a variety of choice of speakers through the week many of whom emphasized the importance of those skills qualities not found in an engineering education. By far the most popular speaker was a UW economics professor, Larry Smith. In his




humourous and captivating manner he conveyed the necessity of passion in achieving much more then adequacy in an engineering career. Ironic it may have seemed, an economist advising engineers, but this advice applies to most everyone and further shows the value of all areas of study. Workshops were run on a variety of subjects of concern to engineering societies like finances, establishing web pages and publishing of the CFES’ Project magazine. The least exciting but perhaps most important was probably on the policy changes of the CFES. On the Thursday there were industry tours of a number of sites in the area including ComDev (the conference’s main sponsor) and Uniroyal. Perhaps the most interesting tour was the CBC building in Toronto, the most high tech broadcasting building in the world. During the conference the executives were elected and schools put in bids to hold CCES ‘98 and to hold the Canadian Engineering Competition. Each night all the business was put aside allowing people to relax and meet engineering students from so many parts of Canada.

.: III ..


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The six days concluded with the plenary meeting, closing dinner and the final party. In the plenary meeting all resolutions of the CFES were debated and voted on. It weighedin at a mere five hours or so. At dinner the CEO of ComDev and the Dean of Engineering at WW, Dr. Bums, both addressed the delegates. After dinner everyone got together for the farewell party to say good bye at least until next year.

r6l.la9lI 61996

.. Ill



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IMPRINT, Friday, January 12,1996


News... Get involved!

) anywhere


* airport service * for people or t3arcels

by Trish Mumby Sr. Officer, Internal tamumby@feds.watstar


Happy end of the second week of 1996! I am going to take this FEDtastic opportunity to tell you about some things that are going on with some of the Fed services. There are lots of them, and they are looking for millions of volunteers (millions, I tell you!!!!). If you are interested in anything I mention in this wee article, just drop by the office for more information. The Gay and Lesbian Liberation Organization of Waterloo (GLLOW) has big plans for this term. The highlight of the term will be a dinner and dance-at the Waterloo Inn on March 9 in celebration of their 25th anniversary. Svend Robinson, an MP from British Colombia, is the distinguished guest of honour. Tickets will be available at the Fed Office. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet one of our country’s most renowned politicians. GLLOW has also finalized its office hours. Their office hours are Mondays from 11:30 a.m.-l p.m. and Wednesdays from lo:30 a.m. 1 p.m. This is in addition to their regular 7: 30 p.m. - 9: 30 p.m. Monday through Friday evenings. They are holding a Coming Out Discussion Group, with a social gathering afterwards, from 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. this Wednesday in ML 104. The Women’s Centre has been hard at work planning their term. Their focus right now is organizing Women’s Week, which is a huge undertaking. They are producing their traditional journal of Women’s poetry, stories, cartoons, and just about anything else, called Voices. If you are interested in sub-

mitting to Voices, just drop by the Centre. They keep lots of office hours, seven days a week, so visit anytime: someone is usually around. For those who may not know much about the Women’s Centre, it is a resource centre for all students. They have an extensive library that you can borrow from, on issues such as the environment, women’s health, and historical Canadian Women, just to name a few. There are many other services that I would like to tell you about, but I just can’t. They still need volunteers. These services include The Legal Resource Office, The Food Bank, BACCHUS, Peer Mediation, Peer Health Education, Peer Academic Support Service, and the Student Part-Time Employment and Volunteer Centre. These services are running, but it takes volunteers to keep office hours and plan activities. Fed services are 110% student operated, and they are what we make them. If you feei you have some spare time and are interested in volunteering, don’t be shy! There is extensive training, and everyone is new to the programs at some point or another! I have noticed a huge increase in the number of people who come into the office to volunteer, or just to ask, “what’s up with this FED thing, anyway ?’ type questions. This makes my day! It is so exciting to tell a student about what their $23.55 does for them (Hey - I get my kicks however I can these days!). I am sure that there are many more people who have the same questions who are not visiting the office to ask about volunteering. That’s fine - I know that it can be difficult to get into the office, and you may not want to sit

Continuing UW News






arketing for small businesses, dealing with grief, learning about murder investigations and Windows 95 are among 52 courses offered through the University of Waterloo’s continuing education program this winter. The courses, some of which start later this month, cover areas of professional development, business communications, computing skills and personal development. They include nine new courses and one offered on-line that deals with technical writing. The new offerings are: Marketing Your Small Business; Digital Darkroom; Chronic Pain Management: A Workshop for HealthCare Professionals; Introductory Japanese, Part Two; Active Listening in the Workplace; Grief Work: Getting Up After Being Down; Windows 95; Introduction to C++; and IS0 9OOO/QS-9000. Professional development courses include: Starting Your Own Business, How to Manage Effective Media and Community Rela-

and have one of us yip at you.

So 1 to tell you how else you can find out about all we have to offer. You could check out our WWW site athttp://watserv 1 .uwaterloo.ca:80/ -fedintrn/. There you can find out about all of the services, businesses, offices, clubs, societies, by-laws and policies and lots of other stuff that you’ll just have to find out for yourself! We also answer many questions via e-mail. When the Kitchener Transit issue was up for debate, I was surprised to see how many students took the opportunity to e-mail me and ask questions. It warmed my heart to see that there were so many people out there that are paying attention to what is going on around them, and want to make sure that their student government does right by them. In case you were wondering, the proposal to call a referendum on increasing the FED fee to pay for a KW transit pass for every man, woman and child registered at UW, was defeated. KW Transit was invited back next year with the hope that between now and then, some progress could be made on issues concerning route modifications to improve service to students in exchange for the fee (...I just noticed I am off topic - sorry!). As this second weei grinds painfully to a close, we can definitely say that the holiday excitement and novelty of a new term has officially ended. That’s right, we can now stop greeting each other with, “Hey - Happy New Year!” and go back to the usual, “Hey, did screw you on the last prof assignment too?’ Have a lovely week everyone!

just want to take this opportunity

to learn

tions; Introduction to Conflict Management Skills and Strategies; and Creative Thinking and Problem Solving. Business communication offerings include: Writing in Business: Strategies for Delivering Your Message; Mastering English Gram-

“A lifelong approach to learning can enrich individual lives beyond the workplace. ” mar; Developing Effective Presentation Skills; Page Layout and Document Design; Proposal Writing; and Writing for On-Line Delivery. Computing skills include courses on Directions in Office and Personal Computing; Introduction to the IBM PC and Compatibles; Introduction to the Apple

Macintosh; Planning a Local Area Network for Your Office; Desktop Publishing; and Beginner’s Guide to the Internet. Personal development courses include Couples’ Communication Workshop; Introduction to Acting; Basic Fiction Writing; Mid-Life and Aging; and Personality Growth and Personality Types. Many courses are offered over four to six weeks and people can learn in a “not-for-credit environment, free of formal evaluation and the concern about credit,” says Don Kasta, Administrative Director of UW’ s Office of Teaching Resources and Continuing Education. “A lifelong approach to learning can enrich individual lives beyond the workplace,” he says. “We hope our general interest and professional development courses will make a significant contribution to lifelong learning.” For more details: (lome cdendars are available by calling (5 Z9) 888-4002. E-mail: conted@corrl .uwaterloo.ca. Homepage: http:// www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infoded/ cent-ed.html

Waterloo Public ‘Interest Research Group General Services Complex Room 125,888-4882 E nvironmental

Bill of Rights

Manick Duggar is a public servant who wants you to know your rights. Manick is an employee of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario and will be giving a presentation and workshop on Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) in DC1302 next Thursday (Jan. 18th) from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. The EBR was proclaimed into Iaw in February 1994. The EBR providesOntarioresidents with new tools to participate in, and seeks to enhance governmental accountability for, environmental decisionmaking. The EBR enhances the ability of citizens, groups and regulated parties to participate in environmental decision-making in a number of ways. For example, if a ministry proposes a new law or programs that may significantly affect the environment, the ministry puts notice of the proposal on the Environmental Registry The public has 30 days to comment. When the ministry puts its final decision on the Environmental Registry it must indicate how public comments influenced the decision. Any two Ontario residents can ask a minister to review an existing law or to review the need for a new one. Requests for review are sent to the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO), then forwarded to the appropriate ministry. The ministry deals with the actual request and the EC0 monitors the process and facilitates if necessary. The ministry makes the final decision whether to conduct a review or not. The EC0 may review that decision and report to the Legislative

Assembly. If someone is breaking an environmentally significant law, any two residents can ask a minister to investigate. Residents must submit a summary of the evidence and a sworn statement to the EC0 alleging the violation. The EC0 will send the request to the appropriate ministry. The Minister must either conduct an investigation within 120 days, or explain the reasons for not investigating. Individuals may take someone to court if they are breaking or about to break an environmentally significant law and are harming a public resource. Individuals can sue for an actual contravention only if they’ve asked for an investigation and received an unreasonable response from the minister. The EBR also protects employees who use their environmental rights to expose polluting employers from workplace reprisals. Ernployees who believe they’ve been penalized because they’ve participated in the ERR can complain to the OntarioLabour Relations Board.


he Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Eva Ligeti, Ontario’s first Environmental Commissioner, was appointed in May 1994 for a five-year term. The Environmental Commissioner, an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly, reports directly to the Ontario Legislative Assembly and is responsible for: I. monitoring Environmental Registry use 2. monitoring reviews and investigations 3. monitoring EBR-related

Lommission by Rose Bilic:ic and Eric Sutherland special to Imprint he University of Waterloo is about to face some hard decisions. The next 5 10 years should see a dramatic growth in technology usage throughout the world and Waterloo needs to be on the forefront of this wave. In preparation for this time, President James Downey formed an Institution& Planning Commission in September of 1994 to examine the current status of the University and to write a paper to help guide the


court actions 4. providing public education about the EBR 5. receiving employer reprisal complaints 6. reviewing ministerial compliance 7. conducting investigations at the request of the Legislative Assembly 8. submitting an annual report and other special reports to the Legislative Assembly.

T he Environmental


The EBR provided for an Environmental Registry. This computerized bulletin board is accessible at the ECO, at more than 300 public and First Nations libraries, community information centres and to computer users who have a modem. The Registry contains informat ion about the EBR, each ministry’s Statement of Environmental Values (SEV), and ministry proposals and decisions. s tatements Values

Each of the 14 prescribed ministries have posted a Statement of Environmental Values (SEV). These statements explain how the ministry will apply and integrate the purpose of the EBR when it makes environmentally significant decisions. The SEVs help the EC0 and the public evaluate government decisions. For more information, contact the Environmental Commissioner: phone: (4 16) 325-3377 toll free: l-800-70 t -6454 fax: (416) 3253370

January 20th/21st, but that time is still negotiable. The reports that the focus groups would be looking at are: Coop Education, Graduate Studies and Research, Quality of Life, Continuing Education, Governance and Decision Processes, Human Resources, InternationalConnections, Undergraduate Teaching and Learning, and Computing. Student’s views on these issues are required so that a unified voice can be heard throughout the report, rather than the words of the University’s elite. A broad spectrum-of students is being sought - from those

Fresh, unconstrained views of the future are especially sought...


in n&ng



decisions. This Commission is made up of 14 individuals, representing each of the faculties, staff, alumni, and students. Over the past year several attempts have been made to get a broader student perspective on some of the key issues.

Commission’s Working Groups teams of individuals that were charged with a thorough examination of a particular area. These focus groups would meet f’or a couple of hours, likely on the weekend of

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Unfortunately, due to the high student workload the student voice has not yet been heard clearly. As such, an invitation is being extended for all students to participate in a formal review of the activities of the Commission to date. The review would be in the form of several focus groups, each of which would took at the reports of the




are currently


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IMPRINT, Friday, January 12,1996

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e’re back and in full force. Students Advising Coop, a commission under the FEDS, met Tuesday, January 9 and discussed an ambitious number oftermprojects.Forthosethatdon’t know, Students Advising Co-op works as a liaison between the student population and the Co-op Department. We help raise student concerns with the Co-op department, and provide the student perspective for the Co-op Department. But before we start, we wish to give the Co-op Department a double pat on the back. First, they actually had the “Official Co-operative Student Record” available at 10:00 a.m. like they said they would. Well done! Any of the senior students can tell you that Co-op doesn’t always get the records out at the time they promised.. . And second, Bruce Lumsden, Director of Co-operative Education, has promised to use his “influence” to oppose a co-op fee increase when tuition increases next year. Historically co-op fees rise at the same time and rate as tuition. If co-op fees rise at the 20% rate, they would be $493. Students Advising Co-op will be using our influence, with the help of student population support, to help Bruce in this endeavor. As SAC’s top priority we hope to get a Co-op Fee Review commit-


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established. In the “Report of Working Group on Co-operaEducation for the Commission Institutional Planning,” the report recommended that “a committee made up of senior University Administration, CECS Department members, and students be created in order to review the co-op fee issue and come to a resolution that is equitable for all individuals involved.” Students have al ways complained about the Co-op Fee and SAC hopes that since Faculty, Alumnae, Students and the Director of Co-op, Bruce Lumsden, wrote t.he report, that we will have the push to finally resolve this issue. As a second major issue, SAC will attempt to address the issue of student accountability. As the Working Group on Co-operative Education Report states “one of the fundamental problems facing cooperative education is the lack of direct accountability. Although students directly fund a large percentage of CECS, and are the reason the program exists. They have no formal role in the development and operation of the co-op program. ” We would like to get permission to sit in on Co-op Department meetings. We do not want “voting” power; we just want to attend. SAC would like take on a higher profile on campus. We will be providing on-going articles in the Imprint were we will provide up-to-date information issues facing co-op students. One of the key


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UW News


Heritage forum examines Lake Erie’s protected areas


he state of protected areas in the Lake Erie basin will be assessed at a cooperative forum next week at the University of Waterloo. Academics and other experts will give presentations at the January 11 forum, sponsored by the Heritage Resources Centre at UW,


tee the tive on

in brief

Parks Canada, Parks Ontario and the FOCALErie group. The all-day event begins at 9 am in the William Davis Centre, Room 1302. “Parks and protected areas offer a widening array of services to society which are often insufficiently understood and taken into account in education, planning, management and decision-making,” said professor Gordon Nelson, a geographer and chair of the Heritage Centre. He said the forum is aimed at making those services and associated issues better understood. particularly waterquality in Lake Erie.

Top scientist becomes research vice-wesident at uvir

I I 1

Two for One : Bagel and Cream Cheese :I i Daily 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. i


top scientist, Carolyn Hansson, has assumed the post of vice-president, university research, at the University of Wa-

150 University at Philip (valid until January 31, 1996) blllrlllrrlrllrlrllla~


year term of office on January I st. She took over from interim Dean of Research Gary Wailer who continues as a professor of psychology. Prior to her position at Queen’s Hansson was a research scientist and head of the research department at the Danish Corrosion Centre in Denmark; member of the technical staff at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey; chair of the materials science department at the State University of New York at Stony Brook; and research scientist at Martin Marietta Research Laboratories in Baltimore. She has held more than 30 research grants and contracts, published over 90 papers and made in excess of 100 technical presentations. Well recognized for her work on concrete and related materials, Hansson will also be a full professor in UW’s mechanical engineer-

Hunsson has held more than 30 research grants and contracts, published over 90 papers and made in excess uf IOU technical presentations. terloo.


features we would like is, “Coordinator visits-Why do we have them anyway ?’ To illustrate how a co-ordinator visit might be helpful, SAC hopes to provide a monthly feature on Co-ordinator Success Stories, where the co-ordinator “saved” a student from a bad situation. We will also be updating our WWW Page, putting up more “Dear Co-op” boxes around campus to help answer co-op questions, and we will be providing a more active “Advocate of Last Resort” service. If you are having problems with coop,have tried everything to resolve the problem within the department, and you still have gotten a “fair” deal, Come See SAC. We can help. SAC will also be looking at other issues such as International Trade co-op, Co-ordinator Evaluations, and a ?-star” rating system forjobs. We will also be submitting to the Co-op Department a “RedCarpet Treatment” proposal. As virtually every school in the province seems to be scrambling to develop Co-op education, SAC would like to make sure that the University of Waterloo remains Number One in our employer’s minds. We plan to be busy this term, and we can always use more volunteers. If you want to help out, come on out. Our meetings are every Tuesday at 530 p.m. in Needles Hall room 1030. if you have any questions or comments, please contact SAC directly at SAC @undergrad.math.

Hansson, previously head of the department of materials and metallurgical engineering at Queen’s University’s, began afive-

ing department. Hansson has a strong interest in promoting high quality research, both basic and applied, across aI1 disciplines at UW.



Friday, January 12,1996



What1 do vou think the most il zportant issue of this year I’sFideration of Students election should be?

by David Drewe and Rob Potton (pho~m)

“Making sure that people without lots of money can still go to school.” Karen Kuushansky 4B Computer Science


“The underfunding. I’m graduating, it doesn’t matter too much to me”

“Where is the ...and the price



4B Engineering

cost of beer on campus




pubs.” Brad Dew48 Math

VIow they handle the cuts, Where will the money come from? Jennifer Fetter 4B Psychology/Applied Studies

really going of beer at the Bomber.” Tanya Macknis 1st Year Arts

Ryan Wiseman 1st Year Geography



3A Mechanical

Winston Cao Engineering

1st Yeat Environmental

Sally Leech Science

Co-op money




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Last week in this space I responded to a number of comments made in our Annual Readers Survey. It appeared that many readers had misunderstandings about the way imprint operates, so 1 took the opportunity to attempt a few clarifications. The main point of contention several readers had with Imprint was that our selection of articles was biased. I thought that I’d sufficiently explained otherwise. Nevertheless, this week we received a letter and an accompanying Q-signature petition outlining Imprint’s bias against Christians (see facing page). A failure to respond would be ignorant, so permit me to once again assume a defensive position and flog an extremely tired horse, namely, that Imprint does not have a bias against Christians or anybody else. On the one hand there’s a part of me that wantsto apologize and promise to make amends. I like to think I’m a nice enough guy, 1 don’t set out to deliberately offend anybody, and I have a good many friends and family members who are devout Christians. Thankfully, most of the Christians I know are strong enough in their faith to tolerate a little dissent, and none of them has ever expected an apology just because of the strong opinions of a few university students. On the other hand, there’s a part of me that wants to take the gloves off and remind those offended that this is a university. Universities are supposed to examine and challenge. For the time being, 1’11 keep my response restricted to the text of the petition itself. Mr. Ratajczak is adamant that James Kusseil’s declaration “There is no God” is offensive to “everyone who believes in a Supreme Being.” Three points: firstly, Mr. Russell’s coIumns are in no respect the views held by the newspaper, they are written as his alone; secondly, Mr. Russell is not exactly the first person to have held this belief; and thirdly, there are a great many readers who are equally offended by the notion that there is a God. Mr. Ratajczak also maintains that the Pwkhg Lot is Full cartoon “portraying Jesus urinating from the clouds... belittles the vital importance of the Son of God in the Christian tradition.” All the evidence in the named October 27th cartoon suggests the figure isn’t Jesus, but instead God (“Look Mommy, God’s crying”), thus being potentially offensive to Christians, Muslims and Jews equally. So far the complaints have been monopolized by Christians, except for one asserting the cartoon as a “Christian propaganda mouthpiece... (for) depicting God as being an,elderly bearded white male, an obvious plug for the Christian God-the Father figure.” The text of Mr Ratajczak’s letter is the same as the petition, except for two very subtle differences - the 9”s being substituted with “Wells, and the line “I feel that the newspaper should respect...” being replaced by “We demand that the newspaper respect the religious views of the students it is supposed to represent.” [Italics mine.] But since many students at UW don’t hold religious views, it’s’ difficult acceding to the petition’s “demand*’ or myopic rationale. Concluding both the letter and petition is an expectation that Imprint “reflect the views of the students, not to insult them.” This is precisely the way Imprint already operates. Restricting freedom of expression is more of an insult to many other students. Imprint isn’t a rogue elephant. Ironically, Mr. Ratajczak would prefer that we became just that, stampeding over the views of students he finds personally offensive, and only “reflecting” the views he “expects.”

-4AvC (Me?

F 0 R u M The forum pages aHow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Imprint is an editorially independent newspaper published by lmprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint, Student Life Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G 1.


called Gothophobia; Get over it!


ittle children can be cruel. They have a natural tendency to attack people, particularly other children, who are different - be it a di ffcrence of appearance, ability, or intelligence. The tendency often lasts into the teenage years. Unsure of themselves, they pick on others to build up their own self-esteem. By university it is expected that they have outgrown this tendency. However, 1 have encountered quite a few little children in university who do not seem to have matured beyond

this stage.

I should preface my little story by saying that I usually look a little different. My wardrobe is almost entirely devoid of colour - 1 wear black. I like to decorate my clothes and myself with chains and spikes and other odd items. Some of my clothes are a little out of the ordinary for a person of the male gender. And sometimes, when T go out, 1 have been known to put on a little black makeup. All of this is just a surface thing I thought, but it seems to be a thing that some people can’t get over. One Friday night recently, myself and my significant other set out to a new club in downtown Kitchener. We had heard that the music and crowd might be to our taste.When we arrived, there was already a long line on the sidewalk waiting to get in. A friend, who was already in line near the front, pulled us in to line with her and her friends. Seconds later, a gentleman behind me grabbed my arm and loudly declared, “There’s no way you’re get-

ting in there before me you fucking goth freak!” Now I suppose he had every right to complain about us butting into line ahead of him. However the friend who pulled us in had already butted in about six others before we arrived, and he hadn’t complained at all about them. 1 can only conclude, based on his language, what his main problem was: we looked different from him and everyone else in the line. This is not a new experience for me or any of my “goth freak” friends. We have had similar insults thrown at us in bars, on the street, and from people in passing cars. For every person who actually has the nerve to shout something, there are at least three more who just stand there and stare rudely. And for some reason, the most rude people are the ones I encounter in bars and clubs that are frequented by university students. After that verbal assault Friday night, we decided to go elsewhere and moved on to Phil’s. 1 walked from the front of Phil’s to the back, to see if any other friends were there. The whole


of the bar T saw almost

every person I passed practically give themselves whiplash as they turned to stare at me. Do people realize how stupid they look when they do that? What startles me most is the level of homophobia displayed, particularly by university-aged males in the club scene. I look different, therefore I must be gay (I’m not), and gay scares them. The mere possibility

that one is gay is, for them, sufficient grounds for stares, insults, and sometimes even physical violence. Just like little kids on the playground, so many men in bars seem to need to prove themselves by beating someone else. Think for a moment, if you are someone who goes to clubs on a fairly regular basis. On average how many fights a week have you witnessed or been involved in. One or two a week? I’d say that’s a good average. I like to compare average clubs most university students go to with ones that are only frequented by “goth freaks” like me (there are none in KW, you mainly find them in Toronto). While normal clubs average one to two fights a week, fights in “goth” clubs almost never occur. I have probably made some unfair generalizations in my rant. To be fair, I have had many people come up to me in clubs and compliment me on the way 1 look (a tip to you guys out there: a lot of females have told me that they think more men should try wearing a little black eyeliner and/or lipstick now and then). My point simply

is this: there are quite a

few of you out there who are judging by appearance and who seem completely unable to cope with things that are different. Grow up and deal with it! Either come over and talk to me before you make a decision about me, orjust keep your stares and your comments to yourself. -Kieran


Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. Letters received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.

LCBouncer duties” To the Editur, On January 4,1996, I was witness to a horrible crime. It can be added onto the long list of senseless violent acts against women. The disgusting display I witnessed began as I stood patiently in a long queue to enter Phil’s Place on King St. and University Ave. As I tried to keep warm by furiously rubbing my hands together, I was stunned to see three bouncers suddenly rush up the stairs from the club carrying a young student in the air. The student was not drunk, abusive, nor was he at any time acting violently, as he was viciously heaved out onto the cold pavement. One of the bouncers then stood at the doorway, crossed his arms and smiled smugly at the student who was attempting to regain his composure after his short flight. At that moment, a young female student rushed up the stairs and came to the aid of her friend. She helped clean the snow off her companion and made certain he was not injured. She then marched bodily toward the bouncer and demanded that Phil’s return her friend’s jacket which had been checked in at the coat-rack. The bouncer, who was at least 100 pounds more than the young


woman, flatly refused and told her to get the F.. . out or he’d hit her. The young male student tried to pull his female friend away from the situation because he feared violent repercussions if they continued to demand for the return of the coat. A few people in the line shouted to the bouncer to “...at least give the coat back.” The bouncer caved to the demand of the crowd and sent another bouncer to retrieve the jacket. After the coat was returned to the male student the young woman continued to complain about the way the whole situation was handled. As she argued with the bouncer at the doorway, the bouncer suddenly lurched forward and pushed the young woman, with extreme force, against the door and then again, straight to the ground. Her male friend immediately jumped in and wrestled with the large bouncer in vain (since he too was shoved to the ground). The bouncer then shouted rude obscenities toward the young woman (such as bitch, whore, slut, etc...) before he locked them out and returned to the front of the line to resume his “bouncer duties.” When I finally came to the front of the line, I decided to share my opinion with this grotesque human being. I told him that I thought his behaviour was repugnant, childish and that he should be arrested for such unnecessary violence. He simply smiled and said that “.. .he knows what he can get away with.” He said that the “F...ing bitch got

the other


what she deserved,” and that he’d “hit her harder if she came back for more.” As a rule I do not believe in the use violence or force, but at that moment I wanted to hit that man of garbage. However, I was able to contain myself because I knew that if I hit him, I’d become as disgusting as him. I hope the readers of this insert remember this story before the next time they think of going to Phil’s Place for a good time! -Ronnie








They had the coolest buggies Tu the Editor, Regarding Greg Picken’s review of Satu&~~A4~rni~g on MCA Records: what do you mean “T& Banana Splits Adventure Hour (don’t worry, I’ve never heard of it either)” ????! Of course you’ve never heard of it, at the ripe old age of 19! For your edification and enlightenment,TheBanana Sprits was the penultimate “children’s” entertainment of the early to mid seventies. (Right up there with theLeague of the Americas - Wonder twin powers, Activate!) The Splits creators had to have been the biggest acid heads on the planet (and that’s goin’ some, considering the era) judging by the psychedelic characters and plot lines. They had the coolest buggies/golf carts/jeep hybrids that they cruised around on. While the early seventies are distant enough for me to be slightly fuzzy in recall, a web site dedicated to info about the Splits has been established and is frequently updated. The four Banana Splits were: Fleage, a beagle; Bingo, an orange monkey; Drooper, a lion with a southern drawl; and Snork, a dumb elephant. The creators are supposed to have launched a lawsuit against the behemoth McDonald’s due to the uncanny simliarities between their “Grimace” and one of the Splits. According to the Web, the actual name of the theme song was “Doin the Banana Split” by love crooner Barry White (the Chorus is “Tra-la-la la-la-la-la”). For more information on this seventies treasure, check out http://terminus.caseware.com/nostalgia/tv/ banana-sp1itiananaot.ht-m Signed “Wasting time on the Web again,”

A Kumar reminder To the Ed&q In the summer of 1994, a group of students went to the Himalayas under the supervision of Professor Kumar from the University of Waterloo. A trip that was meant to be

Soon after they extra cash, the around after all. Granny is back longer

sold Granny to the sausage factory for some Hawthornes realized that they wanted her They returned to the butcher shop, and now where she belongs... and what’s more, she no wets herself or tells boring stories.

an exciting educational opportunity turned into a nightmare - especially for one woman. The student reported 2 serious incidences of sexual harassment upon her return. Dr. Downey of UW found the student credible. In November 1995, Downey was quoted in the UW Gazette, “While Professor Kumar’s unethical behaviour towards her was reprehensibIe, the more so because of his position and the circumstances in which the behaviour occurred, it did not in my judgement, constitute adequate grounds for dismissal.” Kumar was suspended during the investigation from January 1995 until September of the same year. Downey felt that this was punishment enough. Kumar was fined a loss of six months salary that will be absorbed over a two year period, The sympathy went to Kumar for the financial hardship, not the student. Sexual harassment violates University Ethical Behaviour Policy (Policy 33), and federal and provincial legislation. Sexual harassment is a crime. UW claims that they will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment. However, in this case, it has been accepted. The outcome of this case has enraged and disappointed many students. Kumar has tainted the atmosphere at the university, especially within the faculty of Environment and Resource Studies. ERS __ is a__well _. ___~~___ known renutable moeram JT I v

world-wide. A strong commitment to social and environmental change is taught. Downey’s decision has failed the teachi:ngs of the faculty, and most importantly, the students. The students supported Kumar’s dismissal but now feel a sense of powerlessness. Until people in a position ofauthority realize the damaging effects of this abuse, sexual harassment will not only be accepted but permitted to continue. -Terri


Censor To the Editor, I have an idea that might improve the paper. One of the most offensive things I find in Imprint is the letters which are written solely to call for censorship of something or another. Since a student whom you purport to represent is offended by these letters, you obviously shouldn’t print them. Therefore, I propose that letters calling for censorship be automatically censored, Since I used bold print, you know that I am serious. I expect that you wilI begin with this letter, since I find it offenave. --David





Friday, January 12,1996

How Have We All Become Morons? a question



You read a magazine article that says that all men are potential rapists. Your male friend asks you to go for coffee to an area of town that you are unfamiliar. Do you go? I suppose I automatically jump into defence mode when I hear and read that all men are potential rapists, and rightfully so. In a society that says it despises generalities about race, religion, sex, and personal character, it is laughable that it is generally accepted that all men are evil, that all men don’t pay their child support, that all men are violent towards women, and that all men are potential rapists. It’s the “monster within” mentality that is just assumed when a male violates a female. I can’t and won’t accept the “timebomb waiting for an opportunity” analogy when entire generations of males are condemned for being violent. The “monster within” is a hoax, a myth that society has assumed as an answer for the inexplicable use of violence used towards women and men. Not only does this belittle the problem of violence (and I strongly believe that there is one,) but is entirely useless information that doesn’t provide any groundwork for a solution. A friend strongly believes that “Ninety-five percent of men are assholes, and the rest are jerks.” Do you tell her/him that this stereotype is not only wrong, but hurtful to the plight of women, and generations of innocent men? Again, I jump into defence mode, which is hardly the appropriate reaction when these beliefs are based on misinformed sources, and/

or have some unresolved conflict with a past incident. I can tolerate and understand that kind of emotional expression, but it is wrong to condemn all men. The “us” and “them” attitude can be chalked up to the ultimate cheesy “communication problem” that men and women so furiously argue about. Like any kind of relationship, these communication gaps can be worked out, with both parties as equal negotiating partners. I don’t see the sitting down and discussing so much, as I see the anger, f?ustration, tears, and general animosity which fuels a pretty good fight. The belittling of men and women’s inadequacies to get along is hardly going to achieve immediate happiness, but it’s a beginning. Making these minor consensus between men and women will hopefully lead to those greater achievements. The mass sterilization of mankind may sound a little tempting to some, but goes beyond attempts at peacehI solutions to “unlearning” behaviours that are inappropriate. I’m well aware that some men are violent, that some men are rapists, and that some men are beyond rehabilitation. In the same way I am also aware that some women are violent, that some women are rapists, and that some women are beyond rehabilitation. I’m almost certain that the majority of violence is caused by men, but is it enough to condemn all men - no matter how innocent, no matter how wrong? A man writes a newspaper the validity of female slogans in which you you write a letter?



he last several months have seen a remarkable shift in political and philosophical attitudes in this province. What few shreds of compassion and altruism were left in our world have been steadily plowed over by greed and individualism. What kind of world is this where we cast off those below us on the social ladder to the wolves, while we foolishly pursue our own version of the elusive American Dream? In the name of “economic prosper@,” the conservative govemment of this province has reneged any of its responsibilities to care for those who cannot care for themselves. Meanwhile, most ofus have tacitly given our approval, and frighteningly, many of us have even supported the government’s classist, racist, and fascist policies. However, if you actually believe the rhetoric about how the government will create thousands ofjobs, reduce the delitit, and restore prosperity to the province, you probably also believe that monkeys could fly out of my butt. What this government is really doing is increasing the polarization of our society and redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich. I agree that the deficit needs to be reduced to ensure the long-term health of this province. But there are other alternatives to how this can be done. Making wel-

Tuesday,January16th at 11:OOam in the Ann DavisCentre, RoomDC1302

neglect my own needs nor do I think anyone should neglect theirs. But taking care ofoneselfstill leaves much room to consider the other members of your society. In fact, by helping others, you hetp yourself. Ask yourself what makes you human. Is it the fact that you are made of flesh and blood, and sometimes a brain? Or is it the fact that you are a member of society? If you had all your working parts, but were the only human being on the planet, would your existence really matter? What makes us human, beyond the scientific definition, is that we are social beings. We are creatures of society, and we also create society. Whatever we do to the web of

My Xmas present to ME Harris would be a “~i~~s~~~~a”~n~~~~ It is easy to escape and live in history book.. our own little dream worlds. Until we get hit in the pocketWe are becoming book ourselves, we won’t give a damn what happens to American. anyone else. That’s a lousy think back a few years, or visit any fine American city such as Detroit, Atlanta, Los Angeles, or Washington D.C., and observe for yourself what we will become in a few years. We are becoming American. Don’t peg me as a socialist, because I do not consider myself to be one. If you want to label me, call me an altruist sometimes, and a greedy pig other times. I do not

Computers humans

column in a questioning perpetrated believe. Do


fare children go hungry so that the rich can get a (perceived) tax break is unethical and, moreover, defies “common sense.” My Christmas present to Mr. Harris would be a history book, then he could learn how the Reaganomics that he is re-inventing on this side of the border backfired in the U.S., and why it will backfire here as well. Perhaps I’ll expand on this point in a future commentary, as well as look at some alternative measures for reducing all three deficits (economic, social, and environmental). For now, just


chines replacing annoying humans. Evans asks if we have become slaves to our computers. This is not a new argument. People have been decrying the loss of humanity to technology for a long, long time. Wah wah. For every advance, there must be some sacrifice. The technology makes your life easier in some ways, but more complicated in others. E-mail is a quick (and here at UW, free) way to communicate across the entire world, but you must learn how to use a computer first. I’m sure cavemen really loved fire at first, but before long some of them were doubtless grumbling over the fact that they now had to spend some of their time looking for kindling. What the hell is so great about

and a place that we can both meet.


Sure, I have had the run-around from automated answering systems, and that sucks. But I have also had to deal with more than enough incompetent human operators who seem just as incapable of giving me the information I require, so I don’t see automated systems as much of a bad thing, merely annoying ma-

there when you want them, you can just turn them off when you’re tired of them, they don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink, they don’t borrow your CD’s and never give them back, and they don’t bum money off you. People are noisy, messy, irrational. While computers can be fi-ustrating, they are at least consistent


“All things are connected like the blood that unites us. We did not weave the web oflife, we are merely strands in it. Whatever we du to the web, we do to ourselves. ” -Chief Seattle -Vilku


good, bad.

astweek, Imprint’s pages contained a piece by Adam Evans promoting human contact instead of the ever-incrcasing reliance on technology. I have to disagree with just about every point he made. I like ABM%. No, they’re not human, they can’t smile at you while you try to explain to them why you’re so poor, but they are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I like that. I prefer that. I am willing to trade human contact for convenience. I like e-mail. Perhaps it would be nice to see the smile on my friends faces when I contact them, but, like ABM’s, I can contact whoever I want, 24 hours a day, etc., etc. I don’t have to work to find a time


attitude, and one we must change if we want, this province, nation, and world to thrive socially and economically.



in what they do, unlike humans, whose moods, needs and desires are constantly fluctuating. Evans thinks that this dependency on technology leaves us not knowing how to deal with other people. I have two responses to this. First, have people really ever known how to deal with other people, or is this some skill that this generation has only just lost? I don’t think it can be reliably claimed that in the past people were any better at dealing with others than we are now. My second response is; who wants to deal with other people? If there is one sort of people 1 don’t understand, it is “people” people. I like computers. I am not going to take Evans’ advice and find a friend to play scrabble with, I’m going to stick to good old solitaire on my PC. And while there may be one or two people out there who I actually enjoy spending time with, the rest of you, for the most part, I can do without.

-James Russell (ironically, submitied

in person.)


IMPRINT, Friday, January 12,1996

The Fat

in the Sv stem

ornetimes life can be really good. At other times, it can be quite difficult. I’m graduating this semester, so I’ll be avoiding the 20% tuition hike that students attending UW will be facing next year. Attendance at Universities is down across Ontario, and Universities are still wondering whether or not this decline is “a blip.” They’re also unsure whether or not tuition hikes had anything to do with this decline. Think about how many people you know who have been forced to take a semester, or even a year off for financial reasons. Think about how many people you know who’ve taken on part-time jobs and have had their studies suffer. Then think about the Universities’ collective indecision. 1 think Universities are, to a certain degree, sympathetic to the plight of their students. The problems they face in acting on our plight are two-fold. First of all, they must balance these concerns with those of faculty and staff pay demands, cuts in government grants, and the ever-escalating costs of library resources, lab equipment, and other research facilities. Secondly, I really think that some bureaucrats and administrators do not know what living like a student is like

anymore. They have read about it (I’ve heard some actually even read Imprint), but they haven’t lived it. As a consequence, they don’t believe that tuition hikes are having an effect on enrolment. At least, not yet they don’t. While the Tories have done Universities a great deal of damage with the funding cuts, they do have one philosophy with which I agree: Universities cannot be all things to all people. The truth is that there is waste at the University of Waterloo. The Faculty of Arts maintains severrteen departments. Each of these has its own Chair, Undergraduate Officer, Graduate Officer, and some of them even divide these tasks further, segregating service for Co-Op students and regular-stream students. When a faculty member accepts the responsibility of chairing a department, their teaching load is reduced. This means that student course offerings are reduced, or that the department must hire someone to teach the course at extra cost. Given this cost, mightn’t it make sense for some of the Departments to pool their resources’? Even without the pending Harris axe over our heads, it would seem to make sense.

Recently, there was a submission to Imprint of some material that might have offended some people. Some of the sentiments expressed could be interpreted to be homophobic, and some of it WIS outright sexist. For all of you who are reading this now and getting terribly concerned, don’t worry; you will never see it. The material was rejected by Imprint staff. And while many people voted against including this material in Imprint on the grounds that they personally saw no merit in it, there was some discussion of a point I find very disturbing. That idea was that the material would be contrary to “community standards .” This is exactly the sort of bullshit catchphrase that politicians like to throw around (e.g. “family values”) because it sounds good and is completely devoid ofmeaning. Who is the community? What are its boundaries? Who is included and who isn’t? Exactly what are it’s standards? When you can answer these questions, then you can throw around phrases like community standards, not before. Imprint is a student newspaper. Undoubtedly the vast majority of the readers are UW students. So even if we limit the ‘*cornmunity” to UW students, the argument that it will contravene the community’s standards still doesn’t hold. UW students submitted this stuff and it presumably doesn’t offend them. Imprint’s mandate is to represent- the students. Should that mandate be changed to representing students who are completely in agreement with the status quo, and screw everyone else? Oh no! Imagine the horror if a student newspaper published something politically incorrect! If a student newspaper published the sentiments of a person who has different ideas than most ofus! Please keep in mind that I am not promoting homophobia or sexism. What I am promoting is the idea of being allowed to publish ideas that will offend people, maybe a lot of people. I’m quite sure that at one time an article promoting the idea that homosexualsare regular people would have offended a lot of A +?

people. I’m sure that at one time anyone printing the idea that women could vote or benefit from a university education would have been called crazy. I’m sure that at one time the idea that Blacks could be human beings instead of pieces of property would have quickly been shouted down. 1 realize that in these examples, I have chosen ideas that were once unpopular and are now mainstream, and I don’t want to give the impression that I hope sexism or homophobia make a comeback into mainstream idealogy, because I don’t. What I want to do is illustrate that if these ideas had been repressed because they would have offended “the community,” the world would be poorer for it, and ifImprint starts refusing to publish students opinions simply because people will get upset, then everyone will be poorer for it. I think the fact that political correctness has so much power is a bad thing. Right now there are certain groups which are untouchable. Political correctness has empowered those it sought to empower to the point that people must live in fear of offending them. I can express unpopular opinions about economics in my column, and that is fine. But I think that I would not be allowed to express unpopular ideas about, for example, women. The Editor would probably pull such copy for fear of a lawsuit, and I don’t imagine that that fear is groundless. Charges such as “creating a poisoned environment” are very serious business these days, and if Imprint, as the official student newspaper, printed misogynistic comments, I’m sure that the charge of Imprint creating a poisoned environment for women on campus would rear its head fairly quit kly . Nonetheless, I would like to seeImprint take on such controversy. Hopefully, we wouldn’t get sued, but perhaps some meaningful dialogue can result. Perhaps some understanding between opposed groups could be reached. But this can only occur if potentially offensive material arises to start the debate. If the media fears to offend, serious issues, fundamental issues, will remain buried, and that isn’t going to solve anything. s L. .d 1 1




The waste across the entire University system is even worse. There are quite simply too many programs in too many places. Find a University in Ontario that doesn’t offer a program in undergraduate psychology. I dare you to try. Attending the University of Waterloo, we can see much overlap. I’m most familiar with my own department, so I’ll use Political Science as an example, but I don’t mean to imply any blame. Waterloo offers a good number of courses in Political Science. Laurier offers a similar amount. There is a wealth of course similarities, but rather than pooling resources to either improve variety for students, or to cut costs, the two Departments continue attempting to exist as islands unto themselves. A couple summers ago, a group of Politi-

cal Science students at this University were worried about the paucity of summer course offerings. One of the solutions they proposed was to improve the communication between the Universities and to improve the ease of cross-registation. Can you guess the main reason why that suggestion was rejected? Whatever you’re thinking, the answer is much more trivial. .. are you ready? Classes at Laurier start on the hour, while classes at Waterloo start half past the hour. Timetabling would be extremely difficult. Jump to your own conclusions about how much could be cut without harming quality. -David


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Public Accountability Anbal Research by Troy special


Seidle to Imprint

hat does it mean to be “accountable” to the public? The meaning is clear when we’re talking about our elected representatives in govemmerit. We elect them. Our tax money underwrites their salaries. They represent us in making policy and spending our tax money for their programs. If we think they’re not doing weil, we can vote them out of office-in other words, we can hold them accountable for their actions. So public accountability has two components: first, a responsihi& to fulfil a public trust; and second, an obligation to be answembZe if that trust goes unfuifilled. In other words, you gotta’ do the right thing or else pay the piper. Does this principle of public accountability apply to the biomedical community in its use of animals? Absolutely! The logic is inescapable. Most animal research is underwritten with public finds (namely, our tax money). And most animal research is ostensibly conducted for thepuhZic welfare. It is not just the individual researchers who should be considered accountable to the public. Research institutions should be accountable for institutional compliance with national guidelines and provincial laws for the quality and humaneness of the research undertaken. We’re just now starting to see the shoe drop on Arnerican universities that have been squandering research funds provided by the federal government. Funding agencies should be accountable for the nature of the research they fund and their monitoring of that research. This should be the case for governmental and quasi-governmental agencies such as Health Canada, the Medical Research Council of Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, as well as for private organizations such as the Cancer Society or Heart and Stroke Foundation, that raise money from the public through charitable donations rather than through taxes. Regulatory agencies should also be accountable for their actions and inactions. The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC), the national arms-length, quasigovernmental body charged with overseeing animal research, which sets guidelines for the care and use of animals in laboratories, should be responsible and answerable for the humaneness and appropriateness of approved research protocols involving animals.

Detractors like to characterize animal advocates as a small but vocal band of social misfits, unrepresentative of the general public. This is obviously a self-serving caricature calculated to undermine the force of our claims against the biomedical community. The caricature can be easily dismissed. Just a few years ago, an administrative official observed that the Government of Ontario gets more mail on animal protection issues, particularly animal research, than on any other. Consider what opinion polls say about how representative our views are. The proponents of animal research love polls because surveys typically indicate that a majority of people are in favor of animal research. However, they fail to note that polls also indicate that this support is not carte blanche. The public is concerned that the

the very people whose behavior the rules are to govern are more or less those who develop and enforce the guidelines. That includes the CCAC, animal care committees and assessment panels. Ours is a voluntary, self-administered, peerreview system, or the proverbial “fox overseeing the hen house.” The research community has been careful to maintain the balance of power throughout the system. In a democratic system, majority rules, and they do. For example, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies is the only nonanimal-user represented on the CCAC, and their input represents less that 9% of total membership, Animal care committees usually have one community member out of a total of eight or ten people. And in the assessment program, numbers of panel members typically vary from 3 to 5, one of whom

potal Scientific Use of Animals Year Research Teaching 1975 1989 1,553,377 82,725 1991 1,987,084 65,716 1992 1,833,476 80,649 1993 1,688,880 95,263 care and use of animals be appropriate. They want animals to be used only in experiments that are medically significant. They want animals to be used only when no other methods are available. They want suffering to be minimized and they wanf the 3 Rs of reduction, refinement and replacement to be pursued more vigorously. Being responsive to the concerns of the public is what public accountability is all about. That responsiveness should begin with actions undertaken to remedy the problem at hand. But that alone is not enough. Webster’s defines “accountable” as “subject to giving an account: answerable.” The research community cannot be answerable to the public if it operates in secrecy. Accountability entails openness.. . openness in the foxm of public access to information and public participation in the oversight and decision-making process. If I were grading the research community’s responsiveness to the public’s concerns about animals in laboratories, I would give it a D+ on action and a D- on openness. Let’s take a look at the status quo. The Canadian system is fundamentally a closed system--i.e.

tions conducting animal research, the number of animals used at the given facility, the nature of the research being undertaken, the content of assessment reports on institutions, etc. It is for these reasons that I give the research community such poor grades, in addition to the fact that is has chosen to spend so much of its time and energy fighting animal protectionists, rather than being responsive in a positive sense. It is busy painting horns and tails on animal advocates and shamelessly inflating the benefits of animal research. What are some of the things the biomedical community and its overseers should be doing? Let me give you my wish list. My list begins with Federal legislation to protect animals in labs, or rather, the distinct lack thereof. The CCAC claims “that the achievement of

in Canada: 1975 - 1993 1 Testing Totals II 2,699,012 313,863 1,949,965 227,674 2,280,474 200,881 2,115,006 257,833 2,04 1,976

being a community member. As such, community representation varies from as high as 33% to as low as 20%. For an equitable system for the animals, there should be equal representation of non-users of animals with users on all these bodies. Despite the fact that there are typically anywhere between five or six institutions falling under Provisional Non-Compliance with CCAC Guidelines concerning animal health and well-being, the CCAC, in its 28 years of existence, has never seen fit to call on economic sanctions against the institutions-their strongest enforcement tool. In Canada in 1993, the estimated number of animals used in research, teaching and testing were 1,688,880 (research), 95,263 (teaching), 257,833 (testing) giving a total of 2,041,976 animals used that year. These and certain other nation-wide animal use statistics are published periodically by the CCAC in their newsletter Resource, however, it is nearly impossible for a member of the public to obtain any other specific information regarding animal use, including: the names of institu-

optimal conditions for animal care and use is more likely to be approached through the CCAC program which is considered preferable under Canadian constitutional conditions, to attempting national legislative control. Legislation has always tended to enforce only minimal acceptable standards.” While legislation may once have been thought to enforce only minimal standards and be difficult to change, the increasing use of enabling legislation overcomes those limitations. Enabling legislation provides general outlines and a commission instituted by the legislation draws up the specific regulations-which allows for relatively easy amendment in the light of changing public sensibilities and scientific capabilities. Furthermore, there is no reason why legislation could not incorporate the existing peer review system and make it more effective by ensuring enforcement through sanctions (which, as mentioned, are notoriously ineffective). It would eliminate the unevenness of the present system (some animal care committees take their responsibilities very seriously, others do not). By providing effective legal

in requirements for such committees, it could mandate much more effective responsibility, operation and control. It could extend the requirements to private institutions which are presently unevenly administered and ensure appropriate training and standards for animal care technicians. Most importantly, it would require public accountability and a minister responsible to the parliamentary body. The public provides funds for research through taxation. It is quite remarkable that the research establishment believes it owes no demonstrable responsibility to those on whom it depends for its funds. In addition, my wish list includes a few more new policies that the biomedical community should put into place. These policies lend themselves to the “just say NO!” approach. They include: NO more Category D and E experiments (extremely painful, as classified by the CCAC); NO more experiments with only marginal value to human and animal health; NO more primates taken from the wild for research; NO more dogs and cats taken from animal shelters for use in experiments; NO more penalizing students who refuse to dissect or vivisect animals in teaching labs. Aside from new policies, my wish list also includes new programs. At the very least, all institutions that have a stake in animal research should develop programs that promote alternative methods. These institutions include public and private research-funding organizations as well as the research institutions themselves. Their alternatives programs should expand the capabilities of alternative methods and encourage the broadest possible use of existing altematives. The US National Institutes of Health director Dr. Bernadine Healy recently remarked that the use of animals in research is a privilege that scientists in today’s society can avail themselves of. This implies that with privileges come responsibilities. In other words, the biomedical community can be held accountable if it continues to ignore the public’s concern for animals in laboratories. The Canadian public cares about animals. And the public wants to know how its tax dollars are spent. They don’t want official secrets; they want accountability. To obtain information concerning the use of animals in research and teaching at the University of Waterloo, visit the Office of Human Research and Animal Care in Needles Hall 3015, or call 8851211 ext. 6005.

The rights of women in Sudan...

A by Patti Imprint



Lenard staff

udan has been ravaged by civil war for thirteen years, and few people outside the area have been paying attention. Over 1.3 million Sudanese, majority of whom are civilians, have died, and the media has shown little reaction. Both Canada and the United States have condemned the war, but it wages on without much international interest. For most of Sudan’s independent history, civil war has raged on. Sudan, Africa’s largest country, was granted independence on January I , 19%. Before this date, it was governed jointly by England and Egypt. The country is a diverse one, and is home to more than 500 cuitural groups. The largest groups include the Muslims, who live primarily in the northern areas of the country, with the Christians and the traditional African cultures sharing the south. Generally, the civil war has been described as a north-south conflict. To an extent, this has proven to be true. The north has been developed significantly more than the south, and the religious and material differences have historically caused armed conflict. Yet, the conflicts in Sudan are much more complex than this. They exist not only between geographical regions, but also between various governmental platforms such as those who support imposing a strict form of Islam throughout the country, and those who support liberty of conscience. The only significant period of peace began in 1972, when the Ad-

Ms. Anisia Women’s

dis Ababa Accord was signed, and allowed the south to have self-rule. This period of peace ended in 1983, when the government in place, led by Jaafar Nimelri, dissolved the south’s self-rule. In its place, a system of three regional govemmerits was imposed. As well, the government attempted to impose an extremist version of Islamic law throughout the country, and unhappiness turned into war. In an effort to help their country, two Sudanese women, Fatima AhmedIbrahimandAnisiaAchicng Olworo have been travellirlg throughout Canada to inform individuals about the atrocities being committed in their country. They speak primarily about human rights issues with special for:us on the violations of women’s rights. The following islmprint’scovcragc of the talk, held at tht: Waterloo Mennonite Church, or1 November30,1995. Ms. Fatima Ahmed Ibrahirn, a Muslim woman f-ram the north of Sudan, was the President of the Sudanese Women’s Union in 1965, an organization that she helped found in 1952. In 1965, she was also the first woman elected to the Sudanese Parliament. She played an instrumental role in passing the original legislation granting equal rights to working women in 1968, She is also currently the editor of the magazine Sudanese Women’s Voice, although the magazine has been banned by the govemment now in power. As a result, it is being published underground, despite the fact that Ms. Ibrahim is living in exile, in London. MS, lbrahim spoke first and included in her speech many histori-


Achieng Olworo, Voice for Peace.


of the Sudan’s



cal facts about Sudan. She mentioned the fact that Sudan’s poverty has largely been a result of foreign imperialism. She believes that countries such as Egypt. Britain and Turkey have historically taken advantage of Sudan’s resources and have benefitted from the inexpensive labour provided by the uneducated Sudanese, This has instilled hatred in the hearts ofthe Sudanese citizens, who, despite living in acountry endowed with valuable natural resources (oil in particular), have anextremely low standard of living. The result was that the Sudanese people did not know where to turn to for aid, and unfortunately, turned on each other, In fact, the country was engaged in civil war in 1955, before the country had even been granted full indcpcndence. Ms.Ibrahim believes that the aid then offered by the United States in 1957 was simply anew form of’ colonialism that prevented the Sudanese from developing their own country. She argues that the Wnifed States supported the military regime in place, and that because of this, peace was impossible. This government banned all political parties, trade unions, and women’s groups, and was overthrown in 1964. Ironically enough, this was the same year that women were finally accorded the vote. By 1969, full equality rights were granted to all working women. However, Sudan fell victim to another coup d’etat in 1969, and by 197 1, all women’s movements were banned. The new government also executed Ms. Ibrahim’s husband after he refused to take a position that they offered to him in its executive branches. Ms. Ibrahim herself spent two and a half years in a co-ed prison after refusing to take on the position of Minister of Women’s Affairs. Relative peace came over Sudan in 1972 with the Addis Ababa accord, and lasted until 1983 when the present conflict began. This conflict heightened in 1989 when Nelmeri’s government was overthrown by a regime controlled by the National Islamic Front. This regime seems to be searching for complete and uncontested control of Sudan, under the guise of trying to implement Islam throughout the country. According to Ms. Ibrahim, thousands of people are being arrestedand imprisoned without trial, and torture is being practiced regularly. Women, especially, are being treated unfairly, as their torture often includes being raped. She believes that it is possible for peace to return to Sudan. Several opposition parties came together this year to sign a national agreement dedicated to removing the current government peacefully. None of these parties is based on religion. Yet, Ms. Ibrahim points out that women’s groups were not in-

Ms. Fatima Ahmed Ibrahim, elected to Parliament.

the first

vited. She ends her talk by stating that peace will ultimately return to Sudan, and allow it to prosper, but only when al1 types of discrimination are eliminated. Ms. Anisia Achieng Olworo, a Christian from the north of Sudan, has a different story to tell. She lost both her parents in this conflict, and grew up with Christian missionaries. She feels that the conflict is

..- the ideal woman “should luok after her children, her reputatiovt and herhusband, ” largely due to north-south tensions. She states that the north of Sudan has historically used and abused the south as a source of cheap income. The result has been a rich, Muslim north, and a poor, Christian south. Ms. Olworo claims that no government has ever been good to the south, and this area of the country has largely been left to fend for itself. She believes that stopping the war is not the only solution to Sudan’s problems. All types ofslavcry must be abolished and relief food must be provided. As well, three generations of children in southern Sudan have never attended school. Education is required for them to compete in this developing country. Family separation throughout



the last fifteen years has been rampant, as displacement has become the only way to survive. As a result, many people are left without permanent homes and will have nowhere to go when the war is over. These people will need help establishing themselves. Ms. Olworo states that her goal in travelling throughout Canada is to raise awareness of the brutalities being committed in her country. She wants to show others the effects of the war on innocent civilians. She points out that war has traditionally been looked on as a male activity and is quick to add that women too, are being killed in large numbers. Discriminationagainst women, which has always been a widespread problem in Sudan, and gender issues, must be dealt with now. Ms. Olworo believes that it is time for women to start speaking up for themsc=lves. After all, women are being raped regularly while being incarcerated in coed prisons. On March 9,1995, the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations issued a resolution criticizing the human rights abuses occurring at the hands of Sudan’s current government. The commission urgently appealed to the Sudanese government to put a stop to these violations against women. The current President of Sudan, Chnar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, has stated that the ideal woman “should

look after her children,


home, her reputation and her husband.” This type of discrimination and the wartime atrocities that have been committed against women have largely been ignored by the intemational community. It is this abuse of power that Ms. Olworo and Ms. lbrahimaretryingintheirownunique manner to eliminate.

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RT mom


Icemen by Ryan Imprint

“Pucks” stafr


ne question surrounded the Waterloo Warrior Ice Hockey team in 1995. Would the Black and Gold be able to conquer the Western Mustangs? Nineteen Ninety-Six immediately answered this perennial head scratcher in convincing fashion, as the Warriors staked themselves out to a one goal lead midway through the second period, and rode it roughshod the rest of the way, roping the ‘Stangs 3-2. Steve Smith scored the winning marker at 11104 of the middle stanza, his second of the game, and from then on, the Warriors handcuffed Western’s potent offense for the remainder of the game. This certainly bodes well for the rest of the season. As the Warriors battle for first place in the Far West Divi-


freeze sion, a Mustang mainstay for the last few years, being able to play late 1980’s Montreal Canadien-like stingy team defence and playoffstyle hockey becomes extremely important. Not only did the Warriors prove they could beat the Mustangs, but also, that they could beat them in their own barn. London native and Warrior defenceman Chad Palmer, in front of all the hometown boys and girls, opened the scoring for the Warriors three minutes into the festivities. Western knotted it up halfway through the first, but the Warriors’ Steve Smith beat the clock, scoring with ten seconds remaining, and gave Waterloo a 2-1 lead heading into the intermission. In the second frame, Smith scored his game winner, and Western added a powerplay goal. After that, the game tightened up, the Warriors played the checking style,



and Joe Harris confounded the Mustang shooters. All this added up to the biggest win so far of the season for Waterloo. Based on the fact that Waterloo has played progressively better with each outing and is now considered a major force in the OUAA, the Warriors have charged into the CIAU rankings as the eighth-best team in the greatest hockey nation of the world. Western is ranked seventh and is currently two points ahead of the Warriors in the standings. An added carrot involves the bye bestowed to the divisional winner in the first round of the playoffs starting in late February. On Saturday after the huge win OWi Western, Waterloo visited Guelph in a date with the Gryphons, the team the Warriors knocked off in overtime last week during the New Year’s Toumament. Not wanting a let down after





to page 20


by Peter Brown special to Impriat he Naismith is long forgotten, along with all those other preseason tournaments. The time has come to see exactly what kind of team the Waterloo basketball Warriors have become. Tonight, the Warriors kick off their regular season in Thunder Bay and, for the first time in five years, figuring out this team is a bit harder than just saying, this team can go as far as Sean Van Koughnett can take it. The early line? Waterloo has lost exhibition contests to both of the teams touted to contend for first place in the OUAA West, the University of Guelph Gryphons and the University of Western Ontario Mustangs. But the Warriors were neither dominated nor intimidated by these two powerhouse squads, losing two quite winnable matches. If they can score an upset or two and beat all of the Lauriers and Windsors of the world, the Warriors should be headed back to home-court advantage in the first round of the playoffs. And ifthe ball falls fortuitously, maybe even a trip to Halifax is in the cards. It’s been ten long years since Waterloo’s last division title, a drought made all the more frustrating by UW’s venerable basketball tradition. The first test is this weekend’s doubleheader roadtrip to play the Lakehead Nor’ Westers. “It’s always a tough tip [up to Thunder Bay],” UW head coach Tom Kieswetter says. “It’s probably better that we’re going early in the year because we’ll have lots of energy and we’re free of injuries.” With the graduation of all-star point guard Peter Brown (no relation to your humble scribe),

the Mustang game, the Warriors scored two power-play goals, one short-handed effort, and an empty netter to stave off the Mid East Division leading Gryphons, 5-2. Third-year centre Marc Vaughan opened the scoring on a snapper from the blue line and defenceman John Wynne continued his fine offensive season with a glorious highlight film-type, shorthanded, unassisted effort to make the count 2-O. In the second period, Sheldon Gilchrist scored to put the Warriors up 3-0, but Guelph stormed back with two quick goals to make the contest interesting. The final frame saw John Wynne put away the game with his second biscuit, and Mike Chambers added an exclamation point with an empty netter. Joe Harris wasnot terribly busy

the ball through

Lakehead’s keys boil down to forwards Craig Law ( 17.1 points and 8.3 rebounds per game in ‘94-‘95) and Craig Law (17.1 PPG). “For us to have some success defensively, we’ll have to contain those two,” Kieswetter says. The Nor’Westers finished 6-8 and in fifth place last season. For Tom Balfe, who surprised the campus by returning over the Christmas break for his final year of eligibility, tonight’s season opener will be just his second full game since his return. In last Friday’s win over the Metropohtan Toronto Police team, Balfe looked decidedly tentative.

the doughnut


the fuzz.

“He’s been here for a week,” Kieswetter says. “We’re not saying that he’s Superman coming out of the phone booth. We’re going to have patience with him, and he’s going to have some patience with himself. There’s a lot of rust to clean out, but we can see the progress that he’s made in just a week. We’re targeting that about early February he should be back to where he was last year.” Kieswetter downplayed the issue of whether, and/or when, Balfe would start. “I think people place too much emphasis on who starts. Ifyou want to look at contributions to the team,

how about who finishes? We have about seven or eight players who could start at any given time.” Using all of his ten-member playing unit is all part of K&wetter’s plan for ‘96. “We’re looking to play a pressure defensive style. Because of that, we’ll need a strong bench. We think that if we can force teams to use their bench, it’s to our advantage.” With the outstanding play of Watsa in preseason tournaments (most valuable player at Kyerson’s Christmas tournament and all-star nomination in just about every other one so far), the biggest substitution to watch will be when rookie Dan Meichenbaum comes in to spot Watsa at point guard. “When [Meichenbaum] comes on, we can’t let things fall off. He’s made a huge improvement in games, and a part of it is that he gets to play against Mano every day in practice,” Kieswetter says. Next Wednesday’s (Jan. 17) home opener against the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks features what will likely be the most improved squad in the OUAA West this year. With the graduation of the team’s only legitimate inside player, forward Shawn Roach, Laurier’s transformation into the Ferrari of perimeter teams is complete. Forget about posting up- how about putting up? Three-point field goals, that is. A quartet of guards will lead the air attack: Third-year players Peter Kratz and Dan Pace, and fourth-year duo Jim Toole and point guard Tony Weis. The addition of Golden Hawk players Andrew football Scharschmidt (6-3, 195) and Andrew Warmeth (68,280) should help in the paint, but vJon’t change the complexion of this team radically.


IMPFUNT, Friday, January 12,1996

A's grab second by Ryan Imprint

Pyette staff


he Waterloo Athenas Vol leyball team played host to a mini-tournament last weekend with mixed results. The Athenas, who are coached by Dena Deglau, went undefeated through the round-robin qualifying round before dropping the gold medal final to the Wilfrid Laurier Lady Hawks in a thrilling four set final. Going into the tournament, the Athenas were 2-2 in league action, Laurier stood at 2-3, Guelph at the same 2-3, and Brock floundered at o-4. Led by the deadly veteran trioka of Paula Sloan, Colleen Dcloyer, and Andrea Kaufman, the Athenas dusted off both Guelph and Brock in convincing fashion, annihilating the latter 15-l 1, 15-6, and 15 5, and the former 16 14, 15-8, and

15 12, both three set wins. In the Brock contest, Andrea Kaufman set the stage for her fabulously played tourney, getting down and dirty with thirteen digs, many of which resulted in Athena points. Colleen Deloyer asserted herself with eight kills and seven blocks, both team leading numbers, Cathy Herzog produced a spirited effort, contributing five kills and eight digs. After knocking off the Badgers, the Athenas disposed of the Guelph Gryphons, also in three sets. Kaufman once again led the way with a phenomenal twenty digs and gorgeous setting (her specialty), and the spikes were more prevalent than on Road Warrior’s shoulder pads. The Athcnas really overshopped in the aggressive department, and cut down on their errors. Deloyer had a game-full of kills with thirteen, Cathy Herzog added eight, Ana Kasumovic

pitched in five, and so did Paula Sloan and Sarah Kidd. On Sunday, the Athenas battled their fiercest rivals, the Laurier Golden Hawks, twice. In the early match, Waterloo played inspired ball, forcing Laurier on the defensive, and finally, earning a glorious five set win in a see-saw affair, 1511, 10-15, 15-5, 13-15, and 16-14. Teamwork prevailed, as the Athenas passed the ball around on a regular basis, using an impressive, high-tempo offense that is crucial in any OWIAA match. Once again, Deloyer was the go-to girl, acquiring eleven kills to go with her nine blocks and ten digs. Kasumovic followed up nicely with ten kills and eight digs. Paula Sloan employed stupendous serving, chalking up five aces in the five games. In the final match, Laurier reversed the strategy on the Athenas, taking the play to Waterloo and

Skiers ‘skate’ well in klassical’ by Joanne Murray special to Imprint


t’s back to the old winter routine of 6 a.m. practices at the mighty Chicopee and devoting weekends to hardcore racing for the racers on the varsity Nordic ski team. Members have been doing ski-specific training all fall, and the blessing ofsnow now allows the team to demonstrate their dedicated efforts. The teams first race occurred at the annual training camp, held December 18-22 at Duntroon Highlands. On-site accommodation allowed the skiers to make the most of their five days, which included technique work, long distance skiing, telemark lessons, and a team classical race. Rookies Allison Lampi placed first for the Athenas in their 4km race, followed by Joanne Murray and Julie Murray. First place for the Warriors in their 8km race was earned by Dave Climmie, followed by Steve Daniels and rookie Tim Bell. Another optional night race saw extreme skiing at its best, whereby the entrants

skied a short, intense course, allowed them to show off all of their virtues. The first weekend back to school marked the annual team pursuit race on January 6. A classical race was held in the morning, and a skate race followed in the afternoon. Based on results from the classical race, the fastest skier starts first in the skate race, with all subsequent racers starting according to the difference between their time and the winners. The result is an all out, intense race between competitors, with the overall winner being the first person to reach the finish line. The men raced 7km for both the classical and skate race, while the women skied a 3Skm course for their races. Stevie Daniels increased his narrow classical victory over Dave Climie to a wider margin as he charged to the finish line for first place, while Brad Frenette had an impressive showing with his third place finish. Jessica Maier skied a solid classical course, with Joanne Murray hot on her trail at three


at tourney winning in four sets. The final score was ll-15,13-15,15-9,and I l-15. Andrea Kaufman, for her weekend efforts, earned Athlete of the Week honours as the Athenas disappointedly settled for silver. Next action for the Alhenas is tonight in Hamilton. The Athenas have a monumental task in defeating the mighty Marauders, who have dropped only three games in six matches so far. They sport a spotless 6-O record. Hopefully, if the Athenas play the way they displayed at times on the weekend,

they can become a blemish on that perfect Mac record. Next home action is Wednesday against the Laurier Lady Hawks.


seconds behind and Alex Mihailovic also close behind. Jessica and Joanne skied together for most of the race, with Joanne ultimately winning by a narrow margin. Despite pressure from Julie Murray, Alex jostled for the lead and held on to third place. The following day saw some of our eager skiers heading back to Duntroon for the Fit Company Resolution Races. In the men’s 1%-n skate race, Steve Daniels held on to his early lead in the mass start to earn an uncontested victory. Brent Curry did Waterloo justice in a final sprint with two other racers to earn second place, while Normie O’Reilly earned the third best placing for the Warriors with his eighth place. For Athenas, Julie Murray led Joanne Murray for most of the race, with Joanne beating her out by one second in a sprint finish to earn fourth place. The team is off to Orangeville this coming weekend for a skate race on Saturday, and some people will also be racing in Haliburton on Sunday.

Athena Jodi Hawley (4) dishes inside to the post. The Athenas couldn’t overcome the full court press, dropping 71-52 game to McMaster last Friday night.



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IMPRINT, Friday, January 12, I996

Warriors ranked

l ..AND


by Paul


Walker to Imprint


‘ith the NFL coming to a close, the only teams left standing amongst the broken bones and shattered dreams of the other disappointed hopetils are the Cowboys, Steele=, Packers, and the Colts. Although some “experts” were proven wrong this time by both the Packers and the Colts, you can be assured that this time things will go as predicted. Battling for the AFC title are the Steelers and the Colts. The Colts, who just came off an exciting upset against the Kansas City Chiefs, will not fare so well against the powerful Steelers. The Steelers, who had their dreams crushed by San Diego fast year at this point in the playoffs, are determined not to be denied their well-deserved title of being the best in the AFC. Their defence, anchored by two behemoths, Greg Lloyd and Kevin Greene, has been phenomenal this season and has the ability to shut down almost any offense thrown at them. Along with their defensive power, the Steelers have an offense that is capable of putting up big numbers against the average defensive line and weak secondary of the Colts. The Colts’ offensive line, on the other hand, will have a

hard time containing the Steelers. Although the game plan of throwing short quick passes has worked for Harbaugh and the Colts, it will be surprising if he even has enough time to complete that task. Not to mention the fact that Marshall Faulk just had knee surgery and will probably be unable to play in this game. Overall the Colts just do not match up well with the Steelers. It is true that the Colts are capable of pulling out a win in what many consider no-win situations, but this Cinderella season will come to an abrupt end when their carriage takes them into Pittsburgh. In the NFC, things are pretty much the way it was predicted to turn out. The lingering question people had at the beginning of the season was who Dallas would be playing for the title. Well, this year fate will bring the Packers into the terrifying confines of Dallas to face off with Emmitt Smith and Deion Sanders. Brett Favre, who is living up to his league MVP status, will for the sixth time realize that they just do not have what it takes to beat a team like Dallas. It is more than just the abilities of each individual player on either team that starts Green Bay in the hole; it is also their playoff experience. Dallas has been here before on many occasions, and to win this game is noth-

ing but a formality to achieve their ultimate goal of winning the Super Bowl. The Packers on the other hand are still wide-eyed babies when it comes to the playoffs, and even getting to the Super Bowl is not expected of them as it is for the Cowboys. If the Cowboys do not win, their season will be seen as a failure, while for the Packers, they have already confirmed their presence as a quality team in the NFL. The Cowboys have the talent and the determination to win this game and probably will. These two playoff games are sure to be fast-paced and exciting to watch. All four teams have an explosive offense and so much of the weight will be on the shoulders of the defense. Ball control and turnovers will decide this game as it does just about any other game, but after Joe Montana throws up the coin to kickoff SuperBowlXXXexpectto see Deion Sanders being chased by the boys in yellow and black.

page 18

in handling 18 shots. Predictably, John Wynne remains seventh among scorers in the OUAA points parade, and was named Athlete of the Week for his leadership role in the two big wins. The Captain is not just scoring; he’s potting at opportune times. Also for the Warriors, Mike Chambers had two assists to go along with his empty net goal. Despite the Warriors’ revealing weekend, they still could not earn the respect of a dejected opposition. One jilted Gryphon sourly noted, “That’s just great. Waterloo is peaking now, but it’s still two months away Tom playoff time. Let ‘em win now. We’ll get ‘em later.” So now, the Warriors realize they must not let the sour grapes displayed by others becomes a prophesy this season. They have answered the 1995 question, but have brought upon themselves a new question in 1996, ‘Have they

peaked too early in the season?’ What some people don’t realize is that, in finding the right formula, a team can remain unbeatable for some time. Even so, every hockeyplayerknows that one poor game in every seven is almost expected and the secret is to win even whenaflatgamearises. We’ve now bore witness to what the Warriors are capable of, and the possibilities are creating higher hopes than dreamed of at the beginning of the season. The Warriors can win: the dangerous thing for the rest of the league is that now everyone knows it.





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ou hate to start the week off by ridiculing someone, but here we go! The Preparation H ‘ Asshole of the Week Award’ goes to Atlanta Hawk guard Steve Smith, the former respectable Michigan State alumnus. Against the Ftaptors in an overtime win, Smith proved to be the ultimate in unclassiness by trash-talking the quiet Damon Stoudamire during the final moments of the fourth quarter. The incident began when Smith stole the ball and dunked it home, then started yipping and showing off to the fans, shrugging his shoulders as if to say, “Wow, I have talent to spare. I can’t help being this damn good.” Well, maybe it’s me, but Steve, you’re playing an expansion team and that behaviour is uncalled for in this situation. Firstly, I would bet a million bucks he doesn’t pull that shit when he dunks on Michael Jordan or Hakeem Olajuwon. Secondly, if the Hawks get that hyped up over beating the Raptors, it means they’re either really not that good or they took too much crystal meth before the game. Understandably, the display brings up the whole question of why people can appreciateDeion Sanders. At least Deion does his little dances in front of whether it be everybody, Jacksonville or Kansas City. ‘Prime Time’ doesn’t pick on just the inferior teams. He does it to everybody. I hate players who think es .

they’re good because they can outplay an expansion team. Who wants their highlight reels to have opposition like theGrizzlies and theclippers? Do something against the Bulls or Magic to earn our respect.. . Didn’t you just FEEL the NFL was going to have a Cinderella team like tie Indianapolis Colts this season? I mean, after so many years ofthe same teams, the same conference champions, the powerhouse dynasties, the cosmos just dictated that a team would emerge fi-om relative obscurity. The great thing about the NFL is that, like baseball, only the best teams make it into post-season action. The Colts were pretty good this year in a strong AFC East... InCoach’s Corner on Saturday night, Don Cherry applauded the Canadian Juniors for theirteam effort in the World Championships. When Ron Maclean asked Grapes to name a standout, he wouldn’t, stating it was a “total team effort.” Cherry then leaned into the camera and said to the team, as well as every Canadian, “Don’t let anybody tell you different. We’re the best. We prove it time and time again, but we still go out and management has the Russians teach us how to play skilled hockey. Don’t listen. We’re the best.” He’s right. We are. The other major point Grapes dealt with was the horrifying benching of Cam Neely by Bruias coach Steve Kasper. Cherry called Kasper a

“twit,” and declared this humilation as the ail-time insult to one of the hardest working hockey players. Cherry showed a clip of Neely crying in the post-game press conference and mentioned that it brought tears to his eyes. Neely, as most will recall, battled back for two years from a career-threatening knee injury that was exponentiated by league idiotUlf Samuelssoa. Neely is a role model for any athlete who loves to play so much that he/she would devote every hour of his/her life to returning to the game. Some people may say that perhaps Neely was struggling but he is undoubtedly Boston’s best player. Can anyone imagine Gretzky or Lemieux or any big star being embarassed like Neely was? Grapes was seething with fury and called for Kasper’s head. Maclean mentioned that big loser Harry Sinden was behind the scenes, pulling the puppet strings, and he’s probably right.. . Has anyone noticed the Roman numerals in this year’s Super Bowl? It’s XXX. Thirty. This, of course, makes the NFL championship the ‘Porno Bowl’, and if the league got into the spirit of the number, they wouldn’t allow anyone under eighteen years old to watch the game. Or another suggestion entails that the league could provide a provocative half-time show involving naked cheerleaders and players... Until next week, take care and keep informed.



IMPFUNT, Friday, January 12,1996

The Spirits Approve

CFL fallingapart at the seams

Imprint stafr S by Ryan


inking deeper into the quicksand once inhabited by such outfits as the World League of American Football and the USFL, the Canadian Football League (CFL) threw the Canadian public a pass with a new announcement concerning the rescheduling of the Grey Cup. The pass was not a tight spiral, though; it was more of a ducky wobbler that culminated in a bomb. The league announced that the Grey Cup, a Canadian institution that was won for the first time by an American team last season, will be played the same weekend as the Vanier Cup, the symbol of supremacy in football at the Canadian University level. Now, personally, I feel this is like shooting yourself in the foot. The league is forcing people to choose between one or the other because the media coverage can only extend itself so far for each event. The Vanier Cup Committee is flabbergasted at the new turn of events, and sorry to say, it once again hurts the CFL’s image. Of course, by now, the CFL’s image is akin to someone who goes around getting hit by a bus and enjoys it. As a Canadian, and a Canadian that is proud to admit it, you’ve got to be disgusted with this turn of events. In fact, any loyal sports fan in this country should want to kick CFL commissioner Larry Smith right in the

The Spirit of the Game editedby Dan Diamond Hockey Hall of FameProductions/RandomHouse Hardcover,$48.00

Imprint staff by Ryan



o, wait! Don’t turn the page! You’re not in the Arts Section. Due to the immense popularity of book reviews, the sports section has decided to become vogue and jump on the bandwagon, too. And we’re not reviewing any shitty books either. The Spirit of the Game is rather selfexplanatory. is exclusively hockey-oriented, reliving the vivid memories of Canada’s nation-wide passion, and focussing on the rich history of the National Hockey League. Beneath the cover photo of Lord Stanley’s most frequent possessor Hem-i Richard trying to sneak around the incomparable Bobby Or-r is the catchphrase “Exceptional Photographs from the Hockey Hall of Fame.” They’ve got that right. Never before have I seen a sporting compilation that contains as many quality photographs as this one. Truth be told, the entire book is not only cot‘fee table material, but one that provides visual candy for the reader over and over again. The dedication is “for everyone who cares for the game,” and sadly, this is exactly the case. Jf you’re a follower of hockey, at least prior to the point when Sega was invented, then this book is a necessity as a collectible. The knowledgable fan will be able to appreciate the evolution of hockey as it is portrayed in the collection of photos on display. If you don’t care about hockey and would rather drink a bottle of Citromeg than attend a game, then the book will be less meaningful. However, the photographs are worth the look, anyway. They are indescribably perfect. As for the text, there are merely three or


four sentences for each picture, outlining the background, setting, people involved, and circumstances surrounding the photo. Even that is nice because the text is written by Milt Dunnell, one of Canada’s most recognized sports writers. The book is divided into two sections; the first, entitled “The Spirit,” deals with different, intriguing aspects of the game, while the second section, entitled “The Game,” deals with the historical time frame of hockey through the years. Each decade from the 1920’s up to the 1990’s is represented separately. It’s not easy to be distinguished in this collection. Only Maurice Richard, Bobby Orr, Gordie Howe, and Wayne Gretzky earn their own sections. Other areas of interest include “Banging and Crashing (easily the most interesting photos)” and “Paying the Price (which features more blood than the Red Cross).“The all-time Bloody Photo team has honourable members in Leaf Doug Gilmour and obscure goaltender Russ Gillow. Everything is related in importance, with the Stanley Cup, in “The Silver Chalice” chapter, receiving multiple pages of coverage, while junior hockey, the Canada Cup, andwomen’s hockey each receive more humble mention. Without a doubt, this book receives four hockey sticks. On television, this collection is offered for $175, but that particular offer includes autographs of star players. Realistically, the book is fifty bucks, and surprisingly, even for a cheap guy like myself, the price is reasonable for a birthday or Christmas gift. A leafing through these pages is akin to a stroll through downtown Toronto’s Hockey Hall of Fame, and for many, a walk down memory lane.


backside to make him aware. The announcement is typically Canadian, though. In business, economics, and political science, we arc taught that Canada is basically a subsidiary of the United States and we depend on the foreign dollar for our prosperity because of our relatively low population. Well, here it seems that the CFL is saying, “We no longer want to compete with the early-season NFL schedule so we will move our championship to appease the few Americans interested in our game. Their money means more to us.” Thus, Canadians have to now make a choice between the university ranks and the professional game. I know what I’m going to choose: the CIAU. In fact, I never want to read another word about the CFL. I don’t care if it is a very potentially exciting time with Doug Flutie reportedly being traded close-by to the Toronto Argonauts. The league has already made double their allotted fair share of stupid bloopers with expansion to the United States and the potential removal of the “patronizing rule” that places a quota of required Canadian-born players on Canadian teams. The league has stepped on the end of the rake and had the shaft hit them in the face enough. They don’t need to drag down the CIAU. The CFL should hurry up and die, already. We’ve been waiting for years.

of the week

John Wynne

Andrea Kuufman

Wurriur Hockey

Athena Vblleyball

John is a fourth year Sociology student and team captain on the Warriorhockey team. In Saturday night’s 5 - 2 win over the Guelph Gryphons, John, a defenceman, had an outstanding game, scoring a shcrt-handed goal in the middle of the first period and an important power play goal at 15:46 in the third to increase the Warrior lead to 4-2. Wynne also assisted on Steve Smith’s winning goal in Thursday night’s upset win against the fourth-ranked team in Canada, the Western Mustangs, in London. John, who routinely exhibits tremendous puck control, led a Watior defence that allowed only 4 goals in the last two games. John is a former OUAA All-Star and Athlete of the Week winner and plays the game, in the words of one observer, “like the puck is tied to his stick with a string.”

Andrea is a fourth year Kinesiology student and setter with the Athena Volleyball team who earned Athlete of the Week Honours for her performance on the weekend. She is currently ranked 12th in the province in both categories of digs per game and total digs. At the Waterloo Invitational, Andrea recorded a ‘down-and-dirty’ 53 digs in 4 matches and in the Gold Medal Match against the Wiifid


Lady Hawks,

she contrib-

uted 6 stuff blocks. The team quarterback, ‘Andy’ is capable of running a fast offense. She did a terrific job throughout the weekend during the times when the passing broke down and saved, many times, guaranteed opposition points. Andrea is the senior member of the Athenas and has won Athlete of the Week honours before.

lmie Co1den Martin Balleux Jeff Goldie Sean McKegney Chris Clancy Andrew Clark Simon Ferrand Cilles Bouchard


Jan. 5




EAST Toronto Queen's Laurentian Ryerson York Ottawa Carleton

BASKETBALLRESULTS Queen's 64 Carleton Toronto 99 Ottawa Western 81 Lakehead Cuelph 75 Windsor Laurentian 80 York Toronto 75 Carleton Western 65 Lakehead Queen's at Ottawa Laurier at Brock McMaster at Western BASKETBALLSTANDINGS CP W L F 2 2 0 174 1 1 0 64

54 69 64 44 79 54 47









80 99 139

1 1

0 0

1 1

79 69





GP 2

W 2

L 0

F 146

1 1 000 000 000 000 1 0




7s 0 0 0 0 44 111

PLAYER Sean Basilio

14 14 14 14 13 14

TEAM Western Ottawa UQTR York UQTR Guelph Water. Windsor Brock Toronto

5. Rodrique Matt Mull-in Joe Harris Rick Pracey Mike Edwards Ryan Spring

A 123 54



Concordia Waterloo Windsor Cuelph Queen's Ottawa UQTR

7 13


13 7

20 20




10 4 8 10 6

10 16

20 20


19 19 19

9 13


J.F. Rivard J.P. Lenelin Joe Dimaline



MIN 11 616:30

CA 24


14 9 13 8 7 14 13 8 13

35 22 41 22 23 48 44 28 49

2.62 2.79 3.02 3.07 3.11 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.61


802:16 472:37 794:04 429:24 424:09 796:4S 761:14 482:16 748:19










Ottawa Queen's Carleton Ryerson

5 3 5 4

3 1

2 2

9 4

7 6

6 2

WEST Guelph Brock Western Laurier Waterloo

w 4 3 3 2 2

L 1



2 2 3

6 4 4

CENTRAL Lauren. &Master Toronto York Ryerson

W 4 2 2 2

L 0 0 0 3

PTS 8 4 4 4




EAST Queen's Carleton Ottawa Trent

W 4 3

L 2 3

PTS 8 6

1 1 0

2 2 3

2 2 0

Jan. 5 Queen’s




TP 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

111 44 0 0 0 0 75 146


MID EAST Guelph Queen's Toronto RMC FAR EAST UQTR Ottawa McGill Concordia

CP 14

W 8

I 6




14 15

3 4





T 0 0 2 0

F 52 42 45 41

A 50 65 65 89











14 15 14

8 8 5

4 5 9

2 2 0

57 62 55

38 62 66

G K 26 130 24 119 20 92 26 95 13 42 18 69 19 S9 13 49 26 82 20 66

A 10

S TP PPG 6 146 5.6


1 126 5.3

0 6

12 104 5.2 26 127 4.9

5 16 63 4.9 4 8 81 4.5 7 2 3 0

19 85 4.5 4 55 4.2 21 106 4.1 14 80 4.0


10 8 8 TP 24 IS 18












York Brock Ryerson

14 14 14

6 7 4

5 7 4

3 0

49 70

A 64 46 60




14 9

FAR WEST Western Waterloo Windsor Laurier




F 69 77

A 46 51

TP 22 20

14 14 14

TEAM Toronto Toronto York Toronto Ryerson Lauren. Queen's Ryerson Queen's York

TP 16

MID WEST laurentian


PLAYER Mike Slean John Szczurek R.Van Huizen Ross Clarke Ryan MacNeil Pad Rainville David Kantor Paul Carter Mike Spence Rob Raher

TP 17



Steve Ray Dave Sands Rob Mizak Kevin Shonk Ryan Finch Matt Reed Andy Brunton D. Schroeder 0. Brownlee Steve Dunlop

Windsor Cuelph Western Laurier Western Waterloo Western Windsor Western &Master

C 19 23 17 21 20 20 18 16 12

K 105 123 49


A 0

S TPPPC 23 128 6.7

1 2S 149 6.5 6


94 S.5


1 22 114 5.4 84 11 10 105 5.3 73 78 53 50

13 0 13 0

16 102 5.1 9 87 4.8 10 76 4.8 6 56 4.7

46 0

22 68 4.5


10 10

3 4

T 2 0

5 4

8 10










Ottawa Queen's Carleton Trent RMC

EAST 3-1 3-3 3-3 1-2 o-3

6 6 6 2 0

Queen's HcMaster Western Jan. 6 Toronto York Guelph Lakehead Jan. 9 QUeen's Jan. 10 Laurier

Master WEST McMaster Guelph Western Brock Lakehead Waterloo Windsor Laurier

CP 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3

EAST Toronto !Fs



at at

Brock Western

35 65 s2 56 36 64 39 54

BASKETBALLSTANDINGS W L PF PA 2 0 144 106 2 1 168 94 2 1 189 182

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 2

120 121 107 146




126 111 12s 166 191

GP 2 1l

W 2 1l

L 0 0 O

PF 144 101 65

PA 106 35 64

1 1

0 0

1 1

64 65

65 81

2 0

0 0

2 0

71 0

191 0

Laurentian Ottawa Carleton Ryerson



3 5 6 2

10 5 7 5 7 8





Ottawa RK York

at at at


Western Toronto York Brock

RMC Ryerson Brock Cuelph Western Ryerson Windsor McGill Queen's Laurier

2 2 2 1 o-r 2 3 S 2 2 3 2

Laurentian York McMaster Ryerson Toronto

8 6 4 4




G 17




14 14 15

9 12 9







Laurentian Western Western Laurentim Toronto McGill Laurentian McGill York

15 14

8 12 17 16

15 11

A 18

19 22

18 19 1s 9 8



8 7





16 12

15 15 14

8 8 9

15 15 12

TP 3s 34 32 31 31 29 27 27 26 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 21


22 21

22 12

9 5

36 8 Cross 18 15

5 4 Sec. 2 18


11 1IS


12 0


8. 9.






Jan. 13

Jan. 14

57 54 52 20 17 TP 55 54 36

Jan, 17

Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 17

34 1

VOLLEYBALLSTANDINGS MP MW ML CF GA 6 6 0 18 3 6 4 2 13 8 7 4 3 14 13 4 2 2 x 9 5 2 3 10 s 2 3 7 11 7 2 s 13 17 $ ; :L 3 CF :

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Guelph Waterloo Western Laurier Brock

4-1 4-2 3-l 2-3 O-4

TP 12 8 8 4

Jan. 13

4 4 4 0 TP


Jan. 13 8 14



Dinosaurs (1) UBC Thunderbirds (2) MCMASTER MARAUDERS(3) TQRONTDBLUES (4) LAURENTIANVOYAGEURS(S) McCi11 Redmen (6) WESTERNMUSTANGS(7) Montreal Carabins (NR) UN5 Red Shirts (8) Lava1 Rouge et Or (9)

Jan. 13







CIAU HOCKEYTOP TEN @DAA teams capitalized; previous rankings in parentheses) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


UQTR PATRIOTES (1) Acadia Axemen (5) Regina Cougars (2) Calgary Dinosaurs (7) UNB Red Shirts (4) Alberta Golden Bears (9) WESTERNMUSTANGS(3) UATERIJXIWARRIORS(NR) Manitoba Bisons (NR) Lethbridge Pronghorns (6)

Jan. 17 Jan. I8


TEAM UQTR UQTR Brock McGill UQTR WR Waterloo



HICKEYSCDRINC LEADERS PLAYER Marc Beacauge Dave Trewblay Todd Zavitt Pierre Gendron Jean Roberge Patrick Genest John Wynne Dar ren Dougan Kiley Hill Aaron Nagy Greg Pajor Kevin MacKay Jamie Coon Todd Marcellus Brad Baber Kelly Nobes Ben Davis


19 20 14


4-O 3-2 2-o 2-3


10 19 Sec. 1

West McMaster Lakehead Western Waterloo laurier Guelph Windsor Brock East Toronto

CENTRAL Waterloo Guelph Laurentian Ottawa Concordia McGill McGill Waterloo Windsor Ottawa

Jan. 14 Ian.


BASKETBALL Queen's at Laurentian Carleton at York Ottawa at Ryerson Waterloo at Lakehead Brock at Windsor Cuelph at Western McMaster at Laurier Carleton at Ryerson Ottawa at York Waterloo at lakehead Toronto at laurentian Cuelph at Waster Laurier at Waterloo Western at Windsor York at Queen's

6:15 8:W 8:DD 8:30

2:oo 2:Do 2:oo 8:DO 8:DO 8130 2:DD 8:OD 8:OD 8:oO 8:DD

p.m. p,lr, p.m. p.m. p.a. P.R. p.1. p.a. p.r. p.m. p.r. p.n. p.a. p.m. p.m.





Jan, 13


Jan. 13 York Invitational ftl4

9:OO a.m. 9:OO 1.11.

Jan. 13 Jan. 14

Jan. 16 CIAU SWIMMINGTOP TEN (DUAA teams capitalized; previous rankings in parentheses)







Jan. 17

Jan. 12


tI0CKEY at McGill




EAST Toronto Queen's York Ottawa Ryerson WEST Waterloo Cue1ph Western McMaster Brock


4 4


BASKETBALL 101 Carleton 81 Ottawa 71 Waterloo 57 Lakehead 90 Carleton 65 Laurentian 55 Windsor 65 Western

EAST DIVISION WEST Western Cuelph Brock Laurier McMaster Waterloo Windsor Lakehead

1 0


7:oo p.m.

BASKETBALL at York at Ryersm at Lauren. at Lakehead at Ryerson at York at Windsor at Lakehead at Western at Laurier at Lauren. at Queen's at Waterloo at McMaster Western at Windsor Carleton Ottawa Queen's Waterloo Carleton Ottawa Brock Waterloo Cuelph McMaster Toronto York laurier Cuelph

laurier Waterloo Brock York McMaster Waterloo Ottawa

6:00 p.r. 6:DO %:I5 6:30 6:DD

6:DO 4:00 6:30 7:DD 7:DO 4:o0 6:DO 6:DO 6:DO 6:DO

p.a. p.m. p.a. p.a. p.m. p.t~. p.a. p.m. p,n. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

VOLLEYBALL at Guelph 6:OO p.m. at McMaster 6:OD p.m. at Windsor 6:DD p.m. at Ryerson 6:DD p.m. at Guelph 6:OQ p.m. at Laurier 6:OD pm at Queen's 7:DD p.m.

TRACK& FIElD York Dpen at York Univ. Don Wright Challenge at Western SWMING Guelphhaterloo Invit. at Waterloo at Guelph

Queen's at Windsor at Western at Waterloo at WlTR at Laurentianat Queen's at RMC at Western at Windsor at Laurentianat RMC at Concordia at Waterloo at McGill at Toronto at

Toronto Brock Ryerson York Ottawa Laurier Cuelph Toronto Brock Ryerson Waterloo Guelph Ottawa Western Concordia York

SWIMING Cuelph/Waterloo Inv. at Waterloo at Cuelph 9:DD a.m.

1O:OO a.m. 2:Oo p.m.

8:00 a.m.

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:4s p.m. 2:uO p.m. 3:30 P.P. 7:LK.l p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m, 7:4s p.m. 2:Oo p.m. 2:Do p.m. 3:30 p.m. 7:30 p,r. 7:00 p.r. 7:30 p.m.

8:OO a.m.

TRACKANDFIELD York Open 1O:OO a.ti. Dcm Wright Tear Challenge 2:DD p.4. at Western

Brock Laurier Waterloo York Queen's York McMaster Waterloo

VQLLEYBALL at Windsor at Guelph at McMaster at Laurentian at Toronto at Ryerson at Guelph at Laurier

6:00 p.m. 8:DD p.m. 8:OO p.w. 1:OO p.m. 4:DD p.m. 8:DD p.a. 8~00 p.m. 8:DO p.m.

Campus Ret the WWW by Heidi Marr special to Imprint


ampus Rcc is now offering surfing-the web that is. That’s right, students can now surf the World Wide Web for information on CR activities. Check out the Department of Athletics and Recreational Services webpage at http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/ infoath/index.html for info on all aspects of UW athletics. Find out about varsity teams, the scoreboard, and various activities. The website also offers info on job and volunteering opportunities with Campus Ret, leagues and instructional programs, and equipment and services. You will soon be able to access all the CR competitive and recreational schedules as well. How con-

computer, you should rush out and participate as much as possible. Join a club, take an instructional program, skate, swim, weight train, pIay your favourite pick-up activity in the gyms. We want to see you at the PAC and the Columbia Icefields more than ever! Campus Ret also has a newsgroup, uw.campusrec, that I venient! you can access for your convenI The homepage links ience. You can also join the \ * you to various club websites, newsgroups for the badminsuch as the badminton, outers, ton, outers, and rowing clubs. martial arts, ski and kendo clubs. (See page 3 of your Pick it Up However, just because you can acbrochure for info.) CR realizes the cess CR by computer doesn’t mean importance of changing cornmuniyou can stop participating in CR cation technology, and we hope to activities. This convenience is no continue with the trend of offering excuse to abandon your regular ’ UW students information in a manactive lifestyle. Now that you can ner you will appreciate. Keep on learn about the CR activities via surfing the net with Campus Ret!


the Slopes


Get CRACin’ with CR


o you know what CRAC is? CRAC stands for Campus Ret Advisory Council. It’s made up of reps from residences, ulty associations, and estedCRparticipants. cil meets 3-4 times per term to discuss current issues in the CR program. Anyone can attend meetings, and a list of dates is available from the Campus Ret tension 3533. IfyouwouldliketobeaCRAC representative, contact your residence house council or your faculty association to indicate your interest. Or, attend the first meeting of the Winter term on Wednesday, January 17 at 4:45 p.m. in Village . 2, West 102. Eve. ryone is welcome. The CRAC acts as an advisory body to the full time CR staff. It makes recommendations and helps establish policies that govern our Campus Ret program. The CRAC ensures two way communication between CR participants and administration. Throughout the term, the Council takes on a variety of projects through committees such as the Student Conference, Sponsorship, and Accessibility Committees, and the Protest and Conduct Board. CRAC has an executive committee which provides leadership for the council, Each term, 6 people are chosen to serve on the executive


and applications; are available at the CR office. This executive committee is great leadership experience. Apply today. If you are interested in becoming involved in Campus Ret, developing leadership skills, and meeting new friends, then the CRAC is for you! Make sure to attend the first rneeting on January 17 at 4:45 p.m. Get CRACin’ with Campus Ret!

CR Jobs Jobs Jobs I

Ski Club





ow that the snow is here, presumably to stay, the UW Ski Club (UWSC) is hitting the slopes. They have a jam-packed term planned and you can get involved for the bargain-basement price of $35. That’s right, for $35 you can get a UW SC t-shirt, free hot waxing, free skiing or snowboard-ing at Chicopee all term, and discount day trips to such hot spots as Blue Mountain, Horseshoe, and Bristle Mountain, New York! The Ski Club is one of UW’s largest clubs, with expected membership to reach 500 this winter. Skiers and snowboarders of all levels are invited to join the club. For






snowboarders new to the sport, the club provides two boards for your convenience. This year, C hicopee also has a designated snowboarding park on the hill. Make ‘96 the year of the slopes, and learn to ski or snowboard with UWSC. Last weekend, the club already went on two trips. On Friday, members paid $25.00 for an all-day trip to Horseshoe Valley. What a dealthe cost included the bus and lift ticket. Saturday night saw the UWSC at Blue Mountain for nightskiing, again for the low, low price of $25. Future events planned include not only weekend get-aways, but


out for

the tree!!

Tuesday or Thursday day-trips too. Think of skiing off some of your stress during the week at one of Ontario’s best ski resorts. Sounds good to me. Interested in joining this exciting club? It’s easy. Simply take a cheque to the PAC reception office, room 2039, and sign up anytime all term. But you better hurry so you won’t miss out on any of the excellent trips planned. For info on the club, and upcoming trips, call the UWSC hotline, at 725~SKII. The message is changed regularly for updates, so call today, because the UW Ski Club gives you more for less!

s your wallet singing the blues? Do your rent cheques bounce? Are you getting tired of eating Krafi Dinner? Why not get a job with Campus Ret this term and earn some much-needed cash. CR offers a variety of jobs for all interestsone of them may be the job you’ve always wanted. Drop by the PAC reception office, room 2039 for applications and details. Interested in umping a snopitch tourney? Slo-pitch umpires are needed for the sno-pitch toumament on January 27-28. Application forms are available at PAC reception immediately. The tourney is sure to be a huge success, so give it a try! Please contact Michelle Robinson at the PAC for more info. Referees are also needed for CR leagues. Refs will be rated based on previous experience or certification, which will determine rate of pay. All refs can expect between $7.02-$9.06per game. What a deal! Refs can work to improve their ratings during the term and the improved rating will carry over into

the next term. If you play and understand any of-the CR competitive sports, register in the Referees’ Book in the PAC, room 2039 and ask for Joe Cascagnette, or contact him at extension 5639 ASAP. If you know you’re going to be around in the Fall term, you might want to consider applying for a position as Student Program Coordinator. Each term, CR hires a number of motivated students to work in all aspects of the CR prog-ram. SPC’s earn $347.00 per term for their efforts with Campus Rec. These students are involved in leagues & tournaments, fitness & instructional programs, aquatics & racquets, publicity & promotions, and accessibility & special projects. Applicants must have a willingness to learn, enthusiasm, and a working knowledge of the CR program. The application deadline is Friday, February 2, in the PAC room 2039, and job descriptions are available from the receptionist. Apply for these great opportunities today!

TheBiggestShowin the World,..EVER! of songs from their newest release, as well as a couple from Siamese They started the night Lb-cum. with “tonight, tonight”, and went straight into “in the arms of sleep”, both from Mellon Collie, with James Iha pausing at the end of the song to say “I hope we’re not too mellow for you. I know, I’m in my pyjamasbut I’mstiil rockin’. We’ll really rock later.” Leave it to James to wear his PJ’s on stage. Speaking of which, I’m beginning to wonder if Billy has any other clothes. You know the outfit he wears in their newest video and in the photo in Mellon Collie? Well he was wearing it on Wednesday and a friend tells me he also wore that outfit for the Tuesday show. I guess it doesn’t matter what Jimmy Chamberlin was wearing ‘cause he was hidden behind his drum kit, and D’arcy? Well, she was into the seventies superstar look with her little white dress, heavy make-up, and flipped hair. She came out in PVC later. A definite highlight of the first set was the somewhat “unplugged” version of “Today,” The couple thousand voices singing along with Billy didn’t however, drown out his voice, which, as cheesy as it may sound, soared high above the crowd and the venue. With barely a pause after “Today,” they went

by Reni Ghan special to Imprint Hey, do me a favour, will ya? Do you have a ticket yet?” “Not exactly, why‘?” “Well, you look like my friend and she couldn’t come tonight. Will you use her ID and pretend to be her so I can get into the show tonight?”


t nine a.m. on December 9, 1995, CFNY announced two Smashing Pumpkins shows, the first on January 2nd and the other the next night at the same venue. Tickets were to go on sale two hours later but here’s the catch: lead vocalist Billy Corgan insisted that tickets only be available at three places in Toronto. And to curb the activities of scalpers, ticket sellers checked your ID, put your name on a list, and gave you a maximum of two vouchers, to be exchanged at the door for “commemorative” tickets. “Sorry man, don’t wanna risk not getting in.” I ended up speaking to a bunch of people who had lined up since four o’clock, wanting to be at the front of the pit. Doors opened at 7:30 (I can’t even imagine standing out in the ficezing cold for that long) and fans waited two hours before the show started. Apparently, at MuchMusic that afternoon, Corgan apologized to the fans who were at the show the night before. Although the band wanted to wait until everyone was in the door, they had no choice but to start at l&20. Their two-and-ahalf hour show was originally scheduled to start at 9:30. Line-ups move real slow when you have to check every name off the list.

1 - _ _ 1


straight into “Lily (my one and only),” as Billy swayed and bopped

.all his

Sage, he still doesn’t

All that aside, the Pumpkins took the stage on time the second night. And I must say, it was a spectacular show. They started the evening with a forty-five minute acoustic set, playing some of their softer songs from their latest release, Mellon Collie und the In+ nite Sadness. Men Billy Corgan made it public that he intended to make the next Pumpkins album a double al-


the recipe


bum, many fans were afraid it would be a commercial scam like countless other double albums - a couple of good songs and the remainder of the tracks just plain crap thrown together as filler. Critics predicted that this album would mark the end of the Pumpkins. I, and many others, were surprised to find that the album is simply bril-

liant. The first set consisted


like a teenager in love, much to the crowd’s delight. Said Billy: “Silly, I know I’m silly...actually, that was originally about a cat, that song. No really, I had a cat named Lily. I couldn’t sing the Darryl song. It wouldn’t quite be the same with Darryl, but Lily worked out well.”

The second, harder set was an hour jam packed definitely worth After filling the tion using the track, the band the second time,

with energy and the half hour wait. fans with anticipainstrumental title took the stage for greeted by a wall

The Other Biggest Show In the World...EVER! Bruce Springsteen Massey Hall, Toronto Monday January 8 by Corey Diamond special to Imprint


onday night at Massey Hall, Bruce Springsteen showed Toronto fans that he is still the Boss. However, this wasn’t the Boss they were used to. New Jersey’s favourite son didn’t bring his famed E Street Band with him. In fact, he didn’t bring any band at all. Bruce was joined only by his acoustic guitar and his harmonica to play an evening of musical storytelling. Like his predecessors Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan, SpringSteen’s name has become synonymous with an era. Monday night’s performance proved that he de-

mands the same amount of respect as those that he has followed. Opening with the title track to his new album, The Ghost of Tom Joad, Bruce quickly took hold of the crowd. Bruce’s fans, who may not have yet adjusted to thenew style of music, were told early on that quiet was needed for the entire concert. Apart from a few outbursts of “Brooooooce” and handclapping, the crowd of 2800 generally com-

plied. The theme of the concert was then set to showcase material that Bruce just recently penned. In a nation of plenty, Bruce explores the flipside of the coin. “Straight Time” explores how an ex-con fights with the urge to re-offend much like an addict fights with an addiction. Amongst the eerie backdrop of lights, Bruce relayed the story to a crowd that was intent on

listening to the paradox that the song presents. After the chilling narrative of “Highway 29”, it was time for Bruce to please the old fans with some reworked staples from his previous eleven studio releases. First came “Darkness on the Edge of Town” and this is where it became apparent that Bruce not only excels at being a remarkable singer/songwriter, but also a gifted guitarist. Playing a twelve-string, Bruce drove the song as hard as he ever did. He then delved into “Johnny 99” and the title track to his 1982 solo acoustic album, Nebraska. The highlight ofthe night came when Bruce played a string of three unreleased songs. One, “Dead Man Walking,” is to be included on the soundtrack to the new Tim Robbins film of the same name. After reworking the popular “Born in the

USA,” complete with slide guitar, Bruce let his heart flow through his words. Introducing most ofthe next few songs with stories, Bruce became enthralled in the life of the common person. With “Balboa Park” (about Mexican drug runners in Southern California) you could tell that Bruce’s vicarious account of the plight of immigrants is one that is heartfelt. The evening’s serious side, with proceeds of the tickets going to Toronto-area food banks, was complemented by Bruce’s ever present humour. Responding to someone who persisted clapping during one song, Bruce said that “I think I know what I am doing up here and I don’t need a rhythm section.” He then told the crowd that it was a “community event and that to feel free to hit the person beside you who is doing that !” Later

on, Bruce introduced the song “My Best Was Never Good Enough” as a song of “nothing but cliches.” With references to everyone in the book, even Bruce couldn’t help but breakdown and laugh. Having been mesmerized and amazed at the storytelling of the evening, the audience expressed its appreciation with two one-minute standing ovations. This is, perhaps, a true testament to the artist that is Bruce Springsteen. As humble as he always is, Bruce thanked the crowd and walked away. With a European tour in the works and rumours of an E Street Band reunion, this is probably the last close-up glimpse that Torontoarea fans will get of Bruce for a long time. What they saw proved that there is strength in simplicity, and Bruce Springsteen is the one who can convey that.




Fridav, January 12,1996

12 Monkevs: The Great Critical Debate 12 Monkeys directed b-y Terry Gilliam playing at the Hyland w Myfanwy parry special to Imprint


ou know the saying “Don’t believe the hype?” Well, it definitely applies here. As usual, we are promised a breathless, edge of the seat thriller. In the end, we know that we’ve been scammed. You see, Twelve Mon&e~js starts out well: there’s fastpaced action; there’s frantic suspense; there’s Brad Pitt. But, as the movie continues, things wear thin. Twelve Monkeys begins with James Cole (played by Pulp Fiction’s Bruce Willis), a 2 1 st century prisoner who volunteers to travel back in time to 1996 in exchange for freedom. However, the scientists in charge of this journey goof; Cole ends up in I990, hospitalized as a mental patient, raving about his mission to save the human race from a deadly virus. Enter Brad Pitt as the insane Jeffrey Goines, a fellow nutcase and the son of a prominent virologist. Now enter psychiatrist Kathryn Railly, played by the lovely, but not altogether talented, Madeleine Stowe. Railly believes Cole to be mad, but, nonetheless, is shaken by his horrific vision of the future. Fast forward to 1996, where Cole is sent next. This time, he kidnaps the good Doctor Railly, battles the insane Goines, and be-

Dominican Republic Experience Benefit Siegfhed Ha I1 Friday January 5 by Patrick Wilkins Imprint staff


ast Friday’s

coffeehouse at St. Jerome’s College saw Siegfried Hall occupied with couches, tables, candlelight and four hours of great music. Six local bands and solo artists donated their time and equipment in aid of Dominican Republic Experience, a third world poverty awareness program. A relaxing and entertaining night followed, more than worth the price of the four dollar ticket. UW’s Hoover & Shawna played first, with a quick set of cute and quirky acoustic songs about laundromats, motels, tattoo parlours, and more. The duo (Hoover’s guitar and harmonica, Shawna’s vocals) haven’t released any material yet, but look for these guys in the future. A fun stage presence and being one of the cutest bands this side of cub can’t hurt either. K-W band Dirge were next, with a few songs from their selftitled indie release, and a cover of The Cure’s “Just Like Heaven.” Unfortunately the sound levels weren’t quite right for most of the set (a problem that continued throughout the show). Despite this, a good performance from a hardworking band. Check out their live on-air broadcast on CKMS

gins a search for the Army of the Twelve Monkeys, the group about to leak the killer virus. From here on in, things go downhill. Predictably, the movie gradually fizzles into a dopey romance flick with a little action thrown in for flavour. Stowe’s fawn-eyed Railly stems to forget Cole’s murderous tendencies and falls hopelessly for him. This Iittle sub-plot is so distractingly annoying that the rest of the movie is pointless. Hey, Evil Guys! Just let the bloody virus loose, and put everyone out of their damn misery! On the positive side though, Brad Pitt gives a good performance of what seems to be his fave type of character - the quirky, endearingly demented psycho. This is the movie’s strong point; there is enough energy, insanity, and nervous twitches in his portrayal of Jeffrey Goines to make us seriously doubt Pitt’s own mental health. (The fact that he always looks crosseyed helps too.) Unfortunately for Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt’s delightedly dysfunctional performance is so dead on that Willis’ character is eclipsed. While it is not the best acting attempt, Willis does do a credible enough job. He mixes the correct amount of confusion-and derangement to make Cole believably screwed-up, but he still manages to be pretty tedious. On the other hand, some of the futuristic scenery was impressive. It wasn’t overly innovative, but had


see, monkey

welve Monkeys is one of the best films that I’ve seen in years. It’s one of those rare movies that lingers in your head for hours, colouring your world with its after-images for hours after you’ve left the theatre. The impact of Twelve Mon-

The story starts (with a chilling intro) in a horrific, post-apocalyptic future, with Bruce Willis playing a timetraveller sent back to gather information about a plague that devastated most of the human race in 1996. One great thing about Twelve Monkeys,, however, is that it has much more scope than the average time travel movie, and the sci-fi elements are only part of the plot, not the plot in its entirety. They are also tightly controlled, without confilsing the audience, except intentionally. The romantic interplay between Bruce Willis and Madeleine Stowe, while admittedly running along predictable 1ines, is remarkably tinged with intense feeling and undercurrents of sexiness. Their strong performances were quite impressive, especially Willis’, as he conveys the disorientation and wonder of a stranger in a strange land with immediate intensity. Brad Pitt’s enigmatically fascinating role is an unusual departure for him, which works very well and reveals his tremendous scope as an actor. IPlaying a genuine looney toon (some metaphorical cartoon clips add to the asylum scenes), Pitt pirouettes through the movie, laughing gleefilly in twitchy anger and existential despair. He is definitely a wonderful and importint part of R,veZve Monkeys, el-

keys of mood, isto ove+lmingly which all aspects one of the


movie contribute - the vaguely haunting music, the brilliantly insane acting, the cinematography that makes you feel like you’re in a nightmare from which you don’t want to wake up. The best way to describe it would be as shrieks of manic laughter ricocheting through the walls of a decaying and gothic madhouse, where life’s filthy edges grasp at you like so many whispery, tainted spider’s legs.

away, I’ll just say this about it: it’s an extremely satisfying and unexpected one. No letdowns here; it has an ‘oomph’ that lives up to the movie’s buildup of tension. AI1 in all, in my opinion of Twelve Monkqys is that it’s an excellent piece of work. That said, not everyone agrees with me; it delinitely is not to everyone’s taste. But give it a try - you might even (like myself) want to see it twice!


just enough of that post-apocalyptic feel to be cool. Wild animals wandering through dead, abandoned cities was definitely eerie, even though it did bring to mind that Wizard OfOz song about lions and tigers and bears. On the whole, however, this movie is really nothing but a waste of time. So what if there were a couple good points? You’re better off staying home and watching the Star Wars trilogy instead. Even Jabba the I-M has more appeal. m -1

Princess” and the instrumental “Locomotion” were stunning in sheer chordchanging virtuosity, and his surprise a capella song was excellent - a rarely heard song style that obviously takes a lot of guts to do in a live setting. My Neighbour Ned nearly got lost between Matt and Scott Deneau, but a redeeming sense of ironic humour made his set memorable. Introducing his songs with tales of spittle, leap years (if we didn’t have them, in 2395 March would come 100 days earlier), and “our sexually preoccupied society” showed that a musician doesn’t have to play to a packed house to enjoy performing. Show-closer Scott Deneau played with a per... . z$pa.: ::.:... 1 2..f. : 6:, sonal intensity that matched Matt Osborne? Or a manic Bruce beautiful, simple guitar McCulloch? You decide. work with lyrics that sound like they come straight from February 24th. his diary. “The more times I almost After the intermission came get killed, the heavier the material three different ‘guy with a guitar’ gets.” The highlight of his act was performers. First, Mat-t Osborne. a single piano and vocal piece beEither Matt Osborne is an incredfore slinging back his guitar for ibly funny and highly underfamous two more songs. guitarist, or he’s been possessed by If you would like to find out a band of magical musical Iepremore about the program, or make chauns. His stage presence is wild, much-needed donations of summer his songs are either very humorous clothing or school or medical supor very personal (look for his CD plies, call Paul Tratnynek at St. Mary’s High School at (5 19)745Doggie Blues), and he plays as if stuck on fast-forward. “Pepperoni 6893.

12 Monkeys directed by Terry Gilliam playing at the Hyland by Katy Imprint

MacKinnon staff


1965 Re-Releaseof Classic Russ Meyer Thriller! Brand New 35mm Print! fhme

GO-GO Girls chicken race around the desert in Pot&es, while beating up the men they come across. R. M. FILMS



all the


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26 Imprint YOU

wants to t&e to the movies!


IMPRINT, Friday, January 12,1996

in a Violent

Days, Sarajevo Nights by Elma Soj~ic Key Porter Books Limited 200 pgs., $26.95


by Dana Julien special to Imprint



any familiar television images come to my mind when I think of Sarajevo, a cosmopolitan European city that has been one of the focal points of the bloody war in the former Y ugoslavia. But thebook ‘Sarajevo Days, Sarajevo Nights’ did more to elucidate the conditions in Sarajevo and the experience of those who live there than any news reel ever could. Sarajevo Days, Sarajevo Nightsis a collection of letters written to various people between July of 1993 and June of 1995 as well as a personal diary written between the onset of the conflict in April, 1992 and April of I993. The author, thirty-four year old Elma Softic, a former teacher of philasophy and lifelong resident of Sarajevo, writes from a deeply pcrsonal perspective about her experi-


right! In conjunction with Alliance, Imprint wants to to a sneak preview of Frum Dusk To lhwz, the new t’ilm with fave wunderkid Quentin Tarantino’s paws all over it. Tarantino, the legendary writer/director of Reservoir Dogs and Yui’ Fictic~n, is both screenwriter and star in this nuw pit. Picking up the directing duties is acclaimed action director Robert Rodriguez, the man responsible for El Muriachi and Lksperado. With this sort of talent you can expect fireworks, and a cast featuring Tarantino, Harvey Keitel, George Clooney and Juliette Lewis doesn’t hurt either! We’ve got heaps of tickets-So what are you waiting for??? The preview screens this coming Thursday, January 18th. To score, get your fannies down to the Imprint office in Student Life Centre room I1 16 as soon as possible. It’s that easy!! treat


My Jerusalem by Brmyvn Drain ie Doubleday 284 pages, $16.95 soft


Tonight: TheMighty Fishermen w/Dripping Season, The New Grand & Shortfall, Volcar~o; Saturday: Rusty & hHead w/Supergarage, Fed Hall; Shades of Black, Volcuno; Hayden, BathurstSt. Theatre, Toronto; Thursday: Squirrel w/Paintbox & Mrs. Torrence, Vohno; Jacksoul, Bombsheifer; Looking ahead: January 19, my neighbour Ned, w/The

has been, she would not miss experiencing it and wishes to remember it forever. A clear alld thoughtful writer, Softic at times obtains a level of clarity that perhaps cannot be obtained under circumstances less, dreadful than hers, and which allow her to effectively communicate her observations, her thoughts and the emotions that these give rise to. In one of her final diary entries, Elma Sofiic remembers a boy repeating the number eighty-four. Wondering about the number’s significance, she asks the boy “...what’s eighty-four?” The boy replies, W’s an eighty-four (M84 152 mm howitzer) that hit my mother.” I found this book to be exceptionally worthwhile reading. I was stunned by how much I have in common with Elma Softic and thankful that 1 don’t have too much in common with her. I recommend this book to readers interested in history and phiiosophy as well as anyone inrcrested in gaining perspective about their own lives and learning about human nature




ences and the experiences of Sarajevo itself. Translated by Canadian born Nada Conic, Sofiic’s letters and diary chronicle not only events such as the horrific mortar attack on a breadline in May of 1992 which was reported to have killed or injured 178 people, but also more ‘mundane’ events, such as hiding in the basement of her downtown residence during periods of intense shelling and evading snipers on her way to work. Softic also paints a detailed picture of some more trivial matters, such as burning shoes and carpets to cook dinner and shitting into plastic bags which are then thrown onto trash heaps on the street. On a deeper level, Soft& writing is a window to her own painful self-actualization. She writes because she has to write, because it seems to be the only thi.ng that allows her to make sense out of a violent, tragic world. In her struggle to find the purpose of her existence, she indicates that, as miserable and terrifying as the war


Blowseeds & Jacob’s Room, the Beat: January 19, Hemp Fest Benefit wl Scott Deneau, Finnigan’s Tongue, Rob Juneau, The Rhythm Method, kkmo; January 20,Shuille Demons, Volcano; January 20, Motiirhead w/ Belladonna & Speedball, Lulu ‘s; January 20, Henry Rollins, The Embassy, Loniion; January 22, Go0 Go0 Dolls, Fed iid; January 25..

by Heather Calder Imprint staff


ronwyn Drainie spent 199 l1993 in Jerusalem with her family, wandering the streets and occasionally the countryside. This book is the culmination of those two years during which time Drainie alternately loved and hated the Holy City, in the end coming to think of it as hev+s. Jerusalem has always inspired people to write about it - perhaps its nature as a shape-shifting, multifaceted and owned city gives its inhabitants the opportunity to make it theirs in words. Although Drainie comes to Jerusalem as half-Jew, she subtitles her book “Secular Adventures in the Holy City,” because she approaches it with a mixture of fear and skepticism. She is not one of the many Jews from North America who have come back to the Promised Land to claim it as their own; neither is she a secular Zionist; neither does she write as a

Palestinian who struggles to keep a grasp on the land in which she was born. One of the most refreshing parts of this work is Drainie’s attempt to see the city on its own terms, to be critical of all motives and unforgiving of all propaganda. Since we tend to villain& Palestinians who kill but not Jews who kill, this is a refreshing change. Drainie’s description of Jerusalem is all encompassing. We hear

about everyihing from her trips to the supermarket to enrolling her sons in a school, from having COG fee with her well-to-do Jewish neighbours to visiting a women’s collective in a Palestinian town. She writes with humour and, more importantly, humility -- a quality her G&o& column often lacks. Resides being quite interested, as well as sometimes moved, by her narrative, 1came to like Drainie. At times she is like a kid in a candy store. I Ier fortk, ostensibly, is culture, and she is writing about one of-the richest and most diverse cultures around. 1 got the sense that she never finished learning her etiquette or deal with the Middle Eastern idea of time. If you are at all interested in Jerusalem, despite any various allegiances or biases you might have, this is a good book with which to begin. Drainic is a true outsider. She shows us the Jerusalem she experienced, never attempting to please everyone but showing the faces of the city she sought to discover. My Jerusalem can be slightly dated in its political allusions, but since it is now affordable in paperback, it should not be missed.


UWStudentLife Building(CampusCentre- downstairsby theBank)- 884-9078

Don’tforgetaboutourotherLocation:146KingSt West,titchener - 743M5



Friday, January 12,1996


Lots of Landough The Illustrated Star Wars Universe art by Ralph McQuarrie text by Kevin J. Anderson Bantum Books 208 pgs., $50.00

and by Joe Imprint

Palmer staff

ver the past year or so we’ve seen the market get flooded with a multitude of Star Wars paraphanelia. It all started with the trilogy written by Timothy Zahn. Since then a couple more trilogies have been released along with several stand alone novels. Even some of the older stuff has been re-released. Remember the Han Solo Adventures? Today, just about anything from limited edition lithographs to a collectable card game is available for the Star Wars fan to add to his or her collection. Even if you aren’t a die hard Star Wars collector, The Illustrated Star Wars Universe could be the book for you. That is, if your don’t mind deleting fifty electro-bucks from you debit card. This isn’t the first time an illustrated guide for Star Wars has been made. This, book however takes a unique standpoint. Eight of the most significant worlds in the Star Wars universe are detailed on the high gloss paper within. Each world is described from the viewpoint of a character in the Star Wars universe. For in-


stance Dagobah’s wonders are revealed in the journals of Halka Four-Den, a scientist sent by the Emperor to examine the strange swamp planet. Perhaps one of the most interesting accounts is that of Curascant as described by Pollux Hax, the chief of the Emperors propaganda dissemination section. Even though the world is described as a majestic paradise, . glimmers of the evil, cor/

ruption, and prejudice can be read between the lines. Overall, the book is exceptionally well done. Kevin J. Anderson has done a superb job at writing a book that is smooth and enjoyable to read. Perhaps the best thing about this book is the artwork. Ralph McQuarrie has composed a whole slew of original artwork for this

book, All of which is quite spectacular, Star Wars has always been an extremely visual experience and if this book wasn’t at least as visually stunning then it would have been a waste. Luckily, this is not the case. In fact the pictures in this book are so wonderful that they easilyjustify two thirds ofthe price. Would you expect anything less from a book entitled The Illustrated Star Wars Universe? Many of the scenes are vast panoramas with immense depth without sacrificing vibrancy of colour. Others are brooding mysteries like the strange artifacts found in the pyramids on Endor or the bizarre inhabitants of Dagobah’s swamps. Gotta love those forty foot slugs! This is a wonderful book and the effort: put into producing it would warrant the hefty price tag but it all comes down to one question. How big of a Star Wars fan are you? This isn’t an item the average person would pick up on a whim. A lot of the information presented is the kind that many would find interesting but only big Star Wars fans would miss. How many people have ever wondered how a pathetic scavengerrace like the Jawa’s could get their hands on those huge sandcrawlers? Although this book doesn’t explain all, or even most, of the mysteries in the Star Wars universe it does add depth to just a few of the worlds. This book may not be for everyone, or even most people, but it is a wonderful book nonetheless,

Red Pack of DuMaurier Red Emma du Maurier Theatre Hurbourfron t, Toron to Wednesday November 29 by Al Revtsz special to Imprint y first opera: On Novem ber 29th a few friends and 1 went to the Carol Bolt/ Gary Kulesha operaRedEmma. As Emma Goldman lectured and wrote on the social effects of drama an opera presented great potential in dramatizing the life of a dramatist. Goldman noted the power the arts have in its showing of society to itself. To her the arts added to a political critique and gave insights to social change. More important, Emma Goldman defended the arts as a right to pleasure - to her stauncher compatriots she declared “If I can’t dance I don’t want to be in your revolution.” Red Emma is set in the Chicago-New York industrial belt of the late 1800’s. The story begins with the Haymarket Affair - a Chicago hanging of political activists - and how it politicized Goldman. It concludes five years later with Alexander Berkman ‘s attempted assassination of an industrialist, Henry Frick. The opera brings a group of four young ideal-


ists into a setting of violence and anger. Labour solidarity and anarch-syndicalism were clashing with Capital and Government. Yet this is kept to the periphery, left as a backdrop; Red Emma is more a coming of age in the big city story. The opera explores Goldman’s attitudes regarding free-love and equating personal with political and the emotional conflicts or understandings within her social circle. She believed that no outside

sanction should be required for love, not from the state, nor church, nor society and tiends. Her love life broke a number of conventions. Goldman also believed our daily life was the root of political transformation and how we live, with each other, sets the overall political structure. The opera transfixed on the personal of Emma Goldman.


it wasn’t


well. Many of the scenes were too long and often the two voices of music - human and orchestra clashed. The whole effect left me sort of muddled. There were excellent pefiorrnantes and many good scenes. At times I could empathise with the characters. Yet it wasn’t enough. It didn’t entertain. Perhaps an opera isn’t the best place for a story of a working-class anarchist revolutionary rather than Apollo or Caesar? I don’t know, it was my first opera. (and I would definitely like to see another!) I doubt many people left the opera inspired to learn more about Emma Goldman or the time period ofthe piece. The opera raised no questions. I can’t overlook an irony of the entire affair. The opera attempted to place Emma Goldman into her everyday life, to demystify her iconic persona, so to speak. Yet it doing so it missed an important aspect of who she was. When Emma Goldman gave a lecture tour she ensured open access to the audience, Free seats for those who can’t pay. Red Emma was performed at a commuter-access opera house for a price, well let’s not say how much. Perhaps this is State of the Art?

The eves have it d

Watch Me by A.J. Halt St. Martin’s Press $3 1.99, 326 pages by Greg Imprint

Picken staff

ilence of’ the Lambs was an incredibly riveting book. The film version was a masterpiece, garnering all the top Oscars that year. I thought it was one of finest books I’d ever read. Apparently A.J. Holt did too, so he tried to write his own version. Only he called it Watch Me. Extremely obvious comparisons and allusions aside, this isn’t a half bad book. On almost every level Watch Me works as a solid psycho-thriller. Unfortunately, it’s just solid. Not great, not bad, just solid. In what can only be described as a critic’s nightmare, there just isn’t anything wonderously good or glaringly bad to say about this novel. What I can say is that Watch Me is very well constructed. The plot is tight and moves quickly, not really leaving any time to lose interest. Basically, Watch Me is the story of a really, really bad guy, known as The Iceman, who does terrible things to people, and who is being hunted relentlessly by the courageous FBI agent. Being a little less cynical, Holt adds some nice twists, with the Van Helsingesque William Hawkins, the aged criminologist enlisted to help catch The Iceman and a nice turn on the quickly-tiring Internet theme. In Wutch Me, the Internet is presented as a place where people of similar interests can gather. What a novel concept. Of course, these people


are a11 demented serial killers, so maybe that’s not such a good thing. Down with the Internet! Easily the strongest element of Wutch Me are the characters. Jay, the female lead is an amalgamation of every female lead in psychodramas in the past few years. The progression of killers are an amusing combination of fetishes and quirks, and even though they kill people, they’re all quite amusing. And of course, the lceman is a character you can quite easily hate. He is evil, very, very evil. Now, if 1 have one strong complaint about this book, it would be leveled against two scenes involving the use of vibrators by female characters. Maybe I’m just out of touch with mainstream North American culture or just a little naive, but does every single (read, not-involved-in-a-relationship) woman need sexual pleasure from her plug in pal? Or is this just some sort of disgusting male fetish transfered into print? Since A.J. Holt seems to have this Silence ofthe Lambs complex, let me evaluate this book on that grounds. It doesn’t come close to matching the dark, sombre mood and while the characters are a little more diverse, i.t’s just not as scary to read. While the bad guy is a real nasty son of a bitch, he’s no Hannibal Letter. Then again, who is? All said, Watch Me is the kind of book you can sink into easily and enjoy. A.J. Holt is definitely an author to look out for. Maybe Watch Me will be his Red Dragon. And hey, if you don’t believe, listen to Robert Leuci, who said of Watch Me “Terrifying - I think we have a new Silence of the Lambs.”




18 \



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by Dave Imprint

Fisher staff

The recently released 5-CD Velvet [Jnderground box set Peel SZowly and See is a VU fan’s wet dream. More than just a career retrospective, the package is a definitive collection featuring the band’s entire released discography, many unreleased gems, a handful of familiar songs in their original and alternate single takes, and a whole pile of demo tapes. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with the legendary ’60s avant-garde New York punk godfathers and Warhol protCgCs (and at the risk of sounding like a pathetic Allan Cross wannabe), the Velvet Underground was a band that never so much as broke the Top I00 chart in their day but became arguably the most influential prototype for modern rock of the 1980s and beyond. U2, REM, Hiisker Dii, Sonic Youth . . . all are indebted to the Velvets. With so much material collated in a single package, one is compelled to question the merits of it all, i.e. Is much of the material just. filler or is most of it worthwh@@ For a neophyte the forme$!$@.& well be the case, but for;.z$%&&$~~ .,. assemblage is first ~l~s’af’f &e wtiy in both artistic v@@ &$K&&’ lous attention $$j,~&&&:.. +:$:f:,$5 An exq@$@ &&k %&turing a

it’s the aggressive rhythms and exThese albums are preceeded by the first disc of the package, the perimentation of songs like “I’m Waiting For the Man” and “Euronever-before-released nascent demonstration tape with Lou Reed, John pean Son” which would forge the band’s future destiny, and become Gale and Stirling Morrison laying down six tracks clocking in at a. :::. by others for decades to .:.:.::., .._::,. Iemulated .,._ .:‘, I. total of 78 minutes (! !). . .. r:l ~;~:jype. Four


songs -


&$. T:::‘;;:’ ‘!‘+‘?&eir follow-up



I.,. 4(I ) m Waiting For “ii.~&#&$@7zite Furs, ” “Heroin,” Heat, is pure noise and .>.:;::,,,,,‘:‘.::.:: ....; the Man,” and “All Tomorrow’s $$$#j@dl the way. The stereo sepa~~~~~~n the disc here are different Parties” - would later turn up on .T::>::8: ;::;.:> the band’s legendary debut album. ti@#$@t most fans are probably But on the original demo tape these fan@&’ with, and permit some equ&ki&e experimentation on besongs sound entirely different, and ..f it’s not just because the band perha@&$the listener t&manipulate at forms them without Nice or the aid @Il.“’ One @ny favour$e VU tracks of a drummer. ether, “I H&$&l.;.I Her Call :&Iy Name,” In their earliest form, the Vel@ith ,;a guitar I.@ gu&Fnteed to vet Underground sounded wholly .‘cle&r a rot>& of h:gqers, sounds .. ay.;some here, ‘;,“$~:Y;:,:j11 :: grounded in the folksy Greenwich Village coffee-house stylings of” I”’ The thir$&.$“[a~d 4th disc) Bob Dylan. The genesis ofthe son@ &stances. itg$g 633 the sonic asis subtly evident, but for all of tie ::$&lt thatpr@$ededit, and the songs lyrics taboo subject matter the @u- :I-:..“‘play more iike pe&ive pop numsic sounds terribly maudlin~~$ld’$:’ bers. Et’s@@ther &at recording, dated by the Velvet’s lofty @a@d+ and ix’j$ I&wise @Ide&‘out with a ards. In fact, “Venus in l+-s” ‘a& bun&@&nateria1’bot~’ unreleased most sounds in danger of’tiollapsan~;~#+iously avail$e. ing into Simon & G+$@&el’s I$l~~~~;z:l .Z$$ the time tM Velvets re“Scarborough


S:’.$ ::i: .:,i





However the extreme repetition of the third song disappointed special me greatly. The lyrics gave no justice to the voice singing them. Kitchenet’s local band Jacob’s Unfortunately, by this point my Room is a band that shows some high had become a low for the future promise. Their six song band. After the third song I couldn’t album Committed gives a variety help but listen hypercritically to of songs which range in fast to the lyrics of the next three songs; slow tempo. Their mixture of lyrI’m sorry, but their writing really its and music gives faint needs help. I mean, “Ring, ring, remembrances of Northern Pike ring the phone,” ad infinitum is with a splash of Sarah McLachlan hardly the work of a strong and a twist of The Tragically Hip. wordsmith. From what I can tell Sitting down to listen to the they are trying to sing about life tape I was taken aback by how the and love and the meaning of, but first song was so upbeat. Listening the redundancy is just too much. to Mark Perak’s voice and the great “Don’t Colour My Eyes” reguitar playing by Jeff Vasey, I was stored some of my faith in the band again, but I did not have such a looking forward to the rest of the tape. The next song “Mesmerpositive view as I did when I first ized” started qff with a really great started listening to the tape. The >a#+ .,~,a, _ . I . * . a?,e-4sp~n~~~.lffaC~F~~Fga~,anL, , ..<t .I , I. 1 I :. &m *.4 ~~.m~.*Vr+P*“JrT~.~ul 95d ,PrPn*4sCIrn-

by Maryanna

Basic to Imprint

Wow! Hard-hitting fast-paced catchy punk-rock - how original! And from a band on Epitaph no less! Who would have thought... Okay, so this isn’t exactly an innovative recording. It probably won’t go into the history books as one of the most important albums of 1996. It isn’t a bad album though. And it is a great representative of what the Epitaph label is all about: the nineties version of punk rock. So what does it sound like? Well, lyrically, it’s just silly. Take “Hotdog in a Hallway” for example: “I always know where she sat, and when she’s on me I get flat. Some broken ribs, a punctured lung, that’s why I love her.” At least listening to NOFX doesn’t force you to think after a long day of


This isn’t to say && &~~~..a~ .:.F# spiralling out of commission. bad, but VU fans W;.&&&&is’d’i’&c. z”his is the l~&@t)ulb before it dies, more of a curio~~~, zt.t&%timplet$&s,G,. with Reed p&r$ng some ofhis most artefact, esp&&f!y’. given &.“:‘s memorable work, despite a record lengthy p&q&.&@s. Nonet&&, company tieking up his every inlisteniaP-:~~:f~r;:~jrliest ,Wrsions tention. Finally we get the original ma~gj$&$$jj~~~~s all.:& more full length version of “Sweet Jane,” _::..i &pyst$g~.:.i y’ just &lie way Reed wanted it, with :.:.+li.G:‘:’ @$t& tiyq.the band acquired th,,reprise and everything. I’ve al?;‘. dfurmner Mieen Tucker and Ger,ways heard live recordings and -G;.::%in chqteuesse Nice and recorded ,..I? boots of Reed performing the song I” tl@r-&but album, they were ar@ with the denouement and wondered __.::.,sing but dated. Reqd and.,,:.::~ale what was happening. Now the truth turne$&& comis revealed. __,__.,, :,:.‘.: music ins&-&, _,_,, ,p@@$$$$the sw$!&icisrn with Loaded is more noticably pol,,,,eqw83~~:~a~~..~~~capes. The reished recording than the rest, perton of gr~&$&&s, pfints of o]d,‘:i;: ‘j;@! &-&,@$&$$%at still sounds haps too much so, but again the ... 1. __ ,_ posters a&&$ti~bills, and an e$z#$~~~:i:l-~~~~~~~~~~~ thirty years down the songs are all uniformly superb. This _,. lent ese$pby David Fric.!c~~;@~‘,l$$&. ?$@&&: += disc is padded with lots of material to.. &&: ,fhe 1jstenF$ @#~~&,~~~~ ‘1’:;,‘T.i:Zf”“‘The album contains SOme gorlater found in different versions on ~~&&n~~ geous pop songs, especially “I’ll Reed’s solo records, like “Satellite . ,. .,despita:i:~~~:.~~~~.:,~., ‘. ‘. : ~&#&@&@f~ &#&@‘~everBe Your Mirror, ” “Femme Fatale,” of Love,” and the best of the previtheless :.’.~rdl~~.~~~~ightfonvard. and “All TomorTow’s Parties,” all ously released live recordings. The discs are broken individusung by the incomparably haunting Like Hank Williams %&es ally into the four albums the VelNice. Collection, VU’s Peel SZowly is a vets released in their life-span and Never a pure member of the music fans dream-a box set of padded-out in chronological order band, Nice would be booted before complete material that respects the with all of the unreleased material. the time of the follow-up album, so fan. It’s worth every penny. drum introduction. The song had a tint of 70’s funky flair to it. So far not bad. I was really impressed

by Justin Mathews special to Imprint

classes. Yes, this CD is definitely not something that makes you think. The music itself isn’t bad. There is, of course, the typical four chord guitar progression over top of a hard and fast drum beat, usually quiet in the verses, then loud and noisy in the chorus. The only hint at originality (though it has been done before) is the ska influence that shows up in a few of the songs. The great part about this is that just when you start to get bored of the same old guitar bass drums rock song, these great instruments like marimbas and horns pop up. I think that’s why I like “Philthy Phil Philanthropist” the best. instead of the usual cheesy guitar solo expected from most guitar based bands, a neat little marimba tiff happens. Plus it fits wonderfully with what the rest of the band is doing. I guess the best way to describe this CD is that it works. It’s not doing anything that hasn’t been done before, but it’s still good to listen to.

song is strong with the members arranging the tune skillfully. From there the band teased me with a good song and then a shit song. The song “Don’t Believe the World” (thankfully the last song on the album) had some frankly lame lyrits that flowed together with the music like sewage. Just as I thought “oh he’s going to tell a bit about whatever he wants to say” he stops and the instrumental starts. It just doesn’t gel. Now, this is not to give a totally negative view on this tape; there are some good points. Jacob’s Room ties to convey the problems of the twenty-something age group asking questions in typical Gen-X style. Perak has a fine voice and the band plays well together. All they need now are some lyrics that work in concert with the instrumentation. I can see the band doing well.. .eventually.

by Greg Imprint

Krafchick staff

In August of ‘94, Echobelly became the first of the UK’s “New Wave of the New Wave” bands (a moniker that lasted all of fifteen minutes) to release their debut album. Thus before Elastica or Shed Seven or These Animal Men or Smash had long players out there, there was the Echobelly album, ready to be fawned upon. Well it’s a year later, and Echobelly find themselves in the uneviable position of being the first of said musical crowd to release the proverbially difficult second album. As with many sophomore slump albums, it’s not a case of an act sounding particularly bad, they just sound very bland and uninteresting. Echobelly’s first album, Everybody ‘s Got One, was a tuneful, melodious piece of work, highlighted by lead singer Sonya Aurora-Maden’s big-voiced delivery on love and feminism. It had weaknesses, namely a tendancy towards preachiness, and a lack of strong music on some tracks, but overall it

‘i’here’s no standout moments like the Beatlesesque turn on “1 Can’t Imagine the World Without Me” or the use of didgeradoos on “Bellyache.” Instead the best song on here is “Natural Animal,” and even there Sonja warbles her way to the outskirts of Dolores O’Riordan territory, which is hardly a good thing. There’s also “Dark Therapy,” with its guitar effects that hit some very pleasant notes and force the listener to pay closer attention. The first two tracks, “Car Fiction” and “King of the Kerb,” both have reasonably catchy choruses, and they sound all fine and good on the radio, but for a sustained length of twelve songs, there just aren’t enough ideas here. All is not lost for Echobelly however, as American labels still seem interested (Madonna’s apparently a big fan, and tried but failed to sign them to Maverick) With some regrouping and a renewed focus on strong musical ideas, Echobellycan beassuredofastrong future ahead. After all, with a charismatic frontperson like Sonya Aurora-Maden, this band isn’t going to fade away easily. In the end though, I think the next Anyhowtown album will beat Echobelly at their own game.


Friday, January 12,1996

John Osboume has always been quite an intriguing figure for me partially because of the hype and hatred people felt for him for biting bat’s heads, and mostly because his music was the first that I really took an interest in. I guess I have my older brother to thank for that, but it has been the music that has undoubtedly sold my soul. Last year a tentative album release entitled&Ray was dumped at the last minute. Rumour has it that either the record company, or Ozzy himself felt that it wasn’t

good enough for public consumption. On that note, Ozzmosis is released, and the music hasn’t exactly (pardon the pun) sunk in. Satan himself might even cringe with the release of Ozzmosis, but paradise isn’t quite lost. Its success will primarily rely on the legions of die-hard rockers from the seventies to buy it, which they undoubtedly will. And, eventually, the songs will grow on you with extended amounts of repetition. In October, Ozzy’s promotional tour was essentially a greatest hits package. Ozzy put on a show that was to remind us of what he was, however, Ozzmosis doesn’t reflect that very well. If his mantra used to be “let the madness begin,” it has taken on a new meaning. The music is a re-hash of a lot of what he’s already done, only it’s just not as good and getting staler by the minute. The tour was problematic, only because he didn’t play any material from 0zzmosi.s. A concept that I have come to realize was smart record company strategy, disguised as keeping fans in suspense of mindblowing metal. Whether you like Ozzy or not, at least everybody has heard ofhim, and it’s not because he sucks. Mr. Osbourne has built a solid career writing songs that meant some-

thing to the people and times he wrote them for. I don’t think Ozzy knows who he’s writing for anymore. It’s nothing new that he speaks about death, warning of doom and gloom, gawd, and failure. Those are pretty over used themes that I wish he could have avoided, or at least not made them so distinguished. The first, and only single thus far is “Perry Mason” which is orchestrated with building keyboards, lots of sliding squealing guitars, and of course the token metal riff throughout. It’s not a bad song, but then again, it’s not a great song either. “I Just Want You” and “See You On The Other Side” are token sing-a-along songs that Ozzy is so great at conjuring up. “Ghost Behind My Eyes” is another song that is pretty catchy, and will eventually grow on you. “Thunder Underground” is the heaviest Ozzy gets on this album. The metal riff is in full effect, and some of the lyrics are kind of cool. How about “Your bullshit culture licking/can’t stop the deathwatch ticking” for one of the better ones? Ozzmosis may be less appeaiing than past masterpieces iikeBZizzard of Uzz, or Speak To The Devil, but it is a timepiece further documenting the thirty-odd year career of John Osbourne. Unlike other dinosaur rockers, there is no denying that Ozzy is still a topnotch act, which sets him aside from the rest.

by Patrick Wilkins Imprint staff

used as a soup bowl a carpenter a heel through a cheekbone”) I suffer a sort of mental anesthesia. Somewhere along the third track through, I’m overcome with a strange sort of paranoia. I’m afraid that the Kittens are about to tear through my speakers and rip devastating sonic

I’m scared of the Kittens. Then again, so is everyone else who’s heard them. Winnipeg’s Kittens are renowned in their hometown for an unpretentious, nosounds-barred sound that lies somewhere between heavy metal, rock ‘n’ roil, and a bevy of escaped mental patients attacking a sheet metal factory with blunt objects of their own devising. The music defies description while challenging music reviewers across Canada to think up more and more bizarre ways of expressing its innate loudness. I’m scared of the Kittens. I have yet to listen to Tiger Comet from start to finish. Even from the first screamed lyrics (“Skull cap

madness in the sanctity of my bedroom. Being present at a Kittens concert, I’ve heard, is much like having a madman beat one’s ears into one’s head with a guitar. The only difference is that the Kittens do their evil work from onstage, and thus avoid physical assault charges. (Although they have been

kicked offstage for ‘being too loud.’ Only in Winnipeg....) It’s been over a year since the Kittens released their first CD to a far-too-innocent Canadian audience. fiberman was reasonably well received, although poor recording and muddy production obscured their sound. riger Comet, on the other hand, has none of these obscuring qualities. This latest aibum is much more dangerous. All the noise is upfront and very close; the lyrics, as with D&~-man, are provided inside in a stream-of-consciousness chunk. This is because the typical Kittens song consists of about a dozen words formed into a reasonably coherent sentence, various portions of which are screamed during a chaotic jumble of guitar noise and drum bashing. It really really really shouldn’t work. But the Kittens are sincere in their intentions to destroy the listener’s eardrums, speakers, and sanity. Listen to the Kittens; see them live if you dare. But don’t say you weren’t warned.

fuckin’, YOU FUCKING ARGHGHHHHHH.... FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.” Yeah, them’s good song words! Lyrical genius is not one of Deftones’ strong suits. Adrenaline really grows on you, like an infectious sore. Initially you might think ‘wow, this sucks!’ Adrenaline contains a lot of distorted, two chord, crunchy, banger crap supported by phlegmy rocker screeching and growling typical of most metal albums. Let’s face it folks, all that heavy metal has going for it is Theresa Roncom. After a bit, another side to this album becomes more and more apparent. Besides definite Metal Queen influences, Deftones totally rip off Rage Against the Machine. The soft talk-swear-growl-curse-

scream combo that distinguishes anything Rage is everpresent on Adrenaline. After my first listen I liked “Bored, ” “Fireal,” and the bonus track (they’re a little tamer and they actually progress beyond the power crunch scream combo). The song that kept me listening was “7 Words” I(‘you fuckin’ p-i-g”), and I think I can attribute this to strong lyrical insight that had me searching for something within myself. I turned the volume up and kept listening and listening. Now it pains me to remove Adremline from my CD player. If you are not offended by a gratuitous use of the word “Fuck” and you like Rage Against the Machine you might want to check Deftones out.

by Pat Imprint

by Greg Imprint

Merlihan staff



I chose to review Deftones after my roommate bought Adrenaline, specifically for one ten second bit in one song. I thought he was an idiot but for anyone who has seen the video or heard the song “7 Words,” it is easy to see that lyricist/vocalist Camillo “Chino” Moreno is merely revealing his unbridled sensitivity and misunderstood nature when he quietly says “shut up you don’t know me, shut up you don’t know me, squeal like a pig man you



by Sandy Atwal Imprint stafr One would think that by now, Morrissey must have a certain amount of say over how his material is released. If that is the case, he is severely screwing his fans with the release of his new single as a two-part CD. The choice of “The Boy Racer” as a single gets Moz an A for effort, but the piss-poor execution strictly warrants an F-. If you already have the album, and you now want to buy these two singles, here’s what you’re looking at: On the financial side, you’re shelling out $I 1.99 for both parts, plus GST and PST, and what you end up with is two versions of the same song you already have on the album, and four live songs. In this case, the live songs are “London” (wow! A Smiths song! Trust me, the novelty wears off pretty quickly.)

and “Billy Budd”’ on part one and “Spring-Heeled Jim” and “Why Don’t You Find Out For Yourself’ on the other. $27.58 for four live songs is absolute bullshit. The latter two versions aren’t bad, but still hardly worth the forking out of that kind of cash. Luckily, the release by Parlophone of a pre-RCA single almost makes up iFor the aforementioned debacle. If not, it at least offers fans an alternative to RCA’s gouging. Although the title track “Sunny” is commendable for its blatant reference to heroin addiction, the true gem here is “BiackEyed Susan.” It’s one of his best “post-Smiths, but still sounds like the Smiths” songs yet. Even the last track, “A Swallow On My Neck” is a jumpy little number more than worthy of B-side status. So, despite tlhe slings and arrows of those doubters who aren’t following Morrissey’s career, but still think he should stop, the actual songs he releases are still quite good. Of all the truly new material that’s been released in the last year, includingSout@aw Grammur(one of his strongest albums to date) very little dross is apparent. However, his marketing sorely leaves something to be desired. -

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IMPRINT, Friday, January I2,1996

by Alain M. Gaudrault special to Imprint

by Andrew Henderson Imprint staff

Out with the old and in with the new, a motto Anthrax has been adhering to a lot in the last few years, The most drastic measure taken in redefining the group was the unapologetic bodting of their lead vocalist, Joey Belladonna. Many old Anthrax fans were anticipating the release of the exvocalist’s solo effort, partly to regain some of that old Anthrax sound, partly to see whether Joey could actually write music. The latter concern stemmed mainly from statements made by his old bandmates that his artistic input while in Anthrax was next to nil. Belladonna’s self-titled debut album has pretty well cast those words in stone. None of the songs on this outing have any redeeming qualities whatsoever, unless of course you consider tired, rehashed speed metal 133s andJoey’s melodyimpaired vocal lines revolutionary. The music is so dated, and the musicianship so mediocre, it’s a wonder this band was signed at all. 1 see no major label interest any time in the near future. The guy needs a new angle, and most of all, a set of skilled, creative musicians to back him up. Till then, he’ll just keep fading away into metal obscurity. Tough luck, Joey.

When I saw Chrissie Hynde on Friends last month I thought she was hard up for cash. The solution: do a guest appearance on a popular T.V. program. A few days later, 7Yze isle of View hit the stores. What an amazing promotion. Not only was I relieved to see Hynde and the rest of the group recording again, but performing on the number one sitcom on T.V. to plug it. WOW! Now all that was left was to put out a stunning album for all of their

TtHA PSICHAPTER University of Waterloo

by Chris Edginton Imprint


It occasionally bkes me a while to warm up to a new band. I hate it the first time, consider it the second time, learn it the third time, and love it the fourth time. Eventually it outplays many of my other disks. Such was the case with Schtum. My initial listenings were’ somewhat forced 7as it took effort to get used to the vocals of Christian McNeill, but after a few rotations, the tunes had stuck. The music is

fans, old and new, to listen to and be left awe-inspired. Unfortunately, the album is only a mild success. I have always liked The Pretenders. Their minimal rock and roll style appeals to me in the same way the hard and simple melodies of The Velvet Underground do. This album is true to the simple, but effective, music of The Pretenders. This is an unplugged session of a bunch of Pretenders classics like “Brass in Pocket,” “Back on the Chain Gang,” and “Sense of Purpose.” Overall, this album was a good idea. The unplugged trend is still in high gear, (although it is wearing a little thin for me), and their style works well with this format. The tempo of most songs is expectedly slowed down. “Brass in

super, but that voice certainly takes a little time. Out of Derry Ireland, Schtum pound their way through their first full-length debut albumcrow, with twelve excellently diverse tracks. Having played extensively within Deny at over one hundred gigs, Schtum toned their distinctive sound during which they released three EP’s. “It definitely gave us a chance to develop and bury the parts that were pure ‘shite”’ recalls bassist James Cunningham. Touring with Manic Street Preachers, Carter USM, and opening for Therapy established them as one of Ireland’s most energetic bands while at the same time gave them a solid base in radio and TV. With

the backing of Sony’s “Work” group, Schtum’s North American audience can only grow. These tunes are solid, with the tight interplay of McNeil1 and ivan Birthistle on guitar, catchy with the shifting beats of Cunningham on bass and Rory McCarron on drums, and completely original throughout. “Skydiver” and “New Year Dawning”are standouts, both with poundingvocals and strong musical appeal. As with many Irish bands, the pressure and unrest of Ireland often seep into their lyrics. McNeil1 often takes a strongly opinionated view but insists .that: they’re not political. “You could call the songsanti-authority, but

that’s as far as I’d take it. It’s really dodgy to mix politics and music unless you really know what you’re talking about, which most people don’t.” Schtum waited three EP’s to produce a great debut album. I think that it was worth the wait.



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Campus Classified

Rates l Students $3/20 words Subscription Rates l Canadian

IDITORIIN-CHIEF An opportunity to gain valuable work experience to enhance your resume/potiolio, IMPRINT, the UW Studeni newspaper is looking for a full-time, one year contract, salaried employee for the I t.school year commencing Vlarch l/96 to March 31/97. 4s Editor-In-Chief you would De responsible for organizIng volunteer staff, overseeing all production/layout for 311sections of the paper and be familiar with IBM compatible computers/desktop publishing. If you enjoy a challenging, fast paced environment, please submit letter of application, resume and samples of writing to IMPRINT, Student Life Centre, roum 1116, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl b) February 9,1996.

I Ii

TUESDAY, JANUARY 16 Travelling to Europe this summer? Travel Cuts is sponsoring a talk on Europe on a Budget. Know your options! Join us in room DC1302, Ann Davis Centre at 11 a.m. Admission is free. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 Want to get involved on campus? Help out with Homecoming then come out to SAA’s first General Meeting and meet some cool people. 5130 p.m. at Needles Hall, 3001 (the Board Room) THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 Want to find work in Australia, Europe, Asia or anywhere else in our global community? If yes, then come and find out how to go about it. Career Services, with the support of the Student Affairs Off ice is organizing the event, “So, You Want to Work Abroad” which will be presented in the Multipurpose room, Student Life Centre starting at 11 a.m. Panelists, including students, alumni and organization/program reps will tell you how to prepare, find and qualify for work/ internship and volunteer positions outside of Canada. Everyone interested is encouraged to attend. If you would like more information about the event, please call Elisabeth at 888-4047 or email: eadrian 8 nh 1adm .uwaterloo.ca



Doreen B&bin Award - available to third year Regular or 3B Co-op female students in an Honours program in which women are currently under represented. Deadline: April 30.1996. CUPE Local 793 Award - available to Union employees, their spouses, children or grandchildren for extracunicular/communityinvolvement. Deadline: January31, 1996. Datatel Scholars Foundation - available to all, grad or undergrad, full or part-time. Deadline: February 9, 1996. Don Hayes Award - available to ail based on extra-curricular involvement. Deadline: January 31,1996. Mike Moser Memorial Award - available to all 3rd or 4th year based on extracunicularinvolvemeni Deadline: January 12,1996. Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee Award available to undergraduates who want to study at a Canadian university in their second official language. Deadline: February 2.1996. Professional Women’s Association Award of Merit - available to full or part-time undergraduates who have or are facing personal challenges; eg., sole support parent, disabilities, illness or personal trauma. Deadline: January 31,1996. University of Waterloo Staff Association Award - available to full or part-time undergraduates in a degree program. Applicants must be current Staff Association members, their spouses, children, grandchildren or dependents and will be based on academics, extracurricular involvement and financial need. Deadline: Jnauaty 31, 1996. Douglas T. Wright Award -available to all who have participated in an international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-tme study at UW. Deadline: October 15 each year. Douglas T. Wright Experience in Japan Award - available to all who have participated in a work placemnt in Japan. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. D&&n&: October 15 each year. -


Faculty Health

of Sciences

Mati Fo&er Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: January 31,1996. Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: January 31.1996. Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship available to all 3rd year Regular Health Studies and Kinesiology. Deadlne: March 29.1996. Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resourcemanagement related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: Mav 31. 1998. RAWCO Award - available to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year Recreation students. Deadline: January 31,1996.



Arts Student Union Award - available to all Arts students. Deadline: February 29, 1996. James C. McKegney Memorial Award available to upper year Arts students with outstanclig performance ardor extracurricular actbities in the Hispanic Area-one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in America Spanish Studies. Deadliie:February 29,199s.



[I 5@ over 20+GST] l Non-students $5120 words $26.49 l U.S.A. $52.23 l Overseas $89.85

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.


Anc&senConsultingScholarshipavailable to 3B. Deadline: march 29,1%6. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursarbs-available to all Chemical students. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all. Deadline: October ll,1996. CanadianHo@talEngineeringScciit)/s Scholarship - available to 38. Deadline: March 29, ‘19.96.


(‘I5@ over 2O+GST) Classified Deadline:

Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award - available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Deadline: March 29,1996. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship - available to all 3A. Deadline:March 29,1996. John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 3B Mechanical. Deadline: March 29,1998. D&an Scholarship-available to 48 Civil. Deadline: Febtuary 29,1996. DowCanadaScholarshipavailabIeto3A Chemical. Deadline: March 29,1996. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award - availabie to all 36 Chemical. Deadline: February 29,1996. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadtine: May 31,1996. OntarioHydroEngineeringAwards-available to 16 Chemical, Electrical, Environmental or Mechanical. Eligible candidates will be women, aboriginal (native) Canadianqpersons with disabilities or visible minorities. Deadine: July 31, 1996. Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship - available to all 1B,2B,3B&4B based on extracurricular and marks. Deadline: January 31 ,1996. Ontario Rubber Group Award - available to all 38 based on experiendnterestin rubberindustry. Deadline: January31 ,1996. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 3B Civil - Water Resource Management students. Deadline: May 31, 1996. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary available to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursaries - available to all Chemical or Mechanical. Jack Wisemen Award - available to 3A or 38 Civil, Deadline: January 31,1996.



RobertHaworthScholarshipcompletion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management,Recreation,Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31,1996. Marcel kquegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies,Planning,WaterResourceManagement. Deadline: May 31,1996.

FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 38 Math. Deadline: March 29,1996. Ekztrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: March 29,1996. ICC. LeeComputer ScienceScholarship available to 2nd year Regular Computer Science. Deadline: March 29,1996. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2ndyearActuarialScience. Deadline:January 31,1996.



J.P. Bickell Foundation Bur@esavailable to upper year Earth Sciences. Dow Canada Scholarship-available to3A Chemistry. Deadiine: March 29,1996. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Eati Science. Deadline: March 29,1996. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental scholarship - available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31 ,I 996. Ontario Rubber Group Award - available to all 3B based on experience/interest in rubber industry. Deadline: January31,1996. 4Aimd kquegnat Scholarship - available to 38 Earth ScienceIWater Resource Management. Deadline: May 31 ,I 996. Science Society Bursary - available to all.


Businesses $10/20 words [I 5s over Z!O+GST) Monday 5 p.m. SLC 1116, [CCl40)

Monday, January 15 Introduction to Searching CD-ROMS and Other Eiectr?nic Databases-these 50minute workshops introduce you to the the principles of searching CD-ROMs and other databases,and help you prepare for fast efficient searching. Meet at the Dana Porter Library Information Desk. l&30 am. Tuesday, January 16 Introduction to Searching CD-ROMS and Other Electronic Databases - these 50minute workshops introuce you to the principles of searching CD-ROMs and other databases, and help you prepare for fast efficient searching. Meet at Ihe Davis Centre Library information Desk, Wednesday, January 17 InternetSearchingviatheLibrary’sPublit Workstations -interested in searching the Internet but aren’t sure how? Drop by the Dana Porter Library’s new public workstations (main floor) where staff will be on hand to help you from 1:30-2:30 pm. Thursday, January 18 Introduction to Searching CD-ROMs and Other Electronic Databases -these 50minute workshops introduce you to the principles of searching CD-ROMs and other databases, and help you prepare for fast efficient searching. Meet at the Dana Porter Library Information Desk, 2:30om. UW Electronic Library on the World Wide Web -learn how to access library catalogues,indexes,document delivery,electronic books and journals, information servers, etc. Meet at the Davis Centre Library Information Dest, 4:30om. Monday, January 22 Introduction tosearching CD-ROMSand Other Electronic Databases-these 50-

TransportationtotheVineyard. Freeshuttie available every Sunday from U of W to the Kitchener Vineyard’s meetings at the Conoordii Club. For a ride, call Sandi at 579-8463 before Fridav noon. Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubille Awards. The department of Canadian Heritage is onceagain offering several $5,OOOscholarships which are open to undergraduate students across Canada to study at another Canadian university in their second official language (French or English). Candidates must be Canadian Ciiens or permanent residents,cutrentlyenrolled inthesecondor third year of their first undergraduate university program. Students must have suffident ability in their second official language to pursuestudies in that language. Appliition deadline is February 2, 196. For more information and application fours contact the Student Awards Office. Applications are now beiig accepted for the Datatel Scholars Foundation Awards pmgram. The awards have a value of up to $2,000 each and are available to full-time or part-times&dents, graduate or undergraduate, in any discipline. Applications will be evaluated based on academic merit, personal motivation, external acQvit& in&ding employment and extracurricular activities and on letters of recomendatiort. Application deadline is February 9,1996. Interested students should contact the student Awards office. ExchangestoFranceorGermanyforl99& 97: $1,500, open to undergraduate and graduates in all fields. DeadlineJanuary 12, 1996. Contact the International Programs office. NH 3015. ext 3999 or 2288. For a quick $100 design a new logo for the Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. For more information call ext. 2581

The Cityof Waterloo, Volunteer Services is currently recruiting for the following volunteer positions: M: Youth Volunteers: Volunteer Dance As&ant: Assist with the instruction ofchiMren’sdanoedas.ses. Atirnecommitmerit of 1-3 hours per week is required. Youth and S~UCWS ;ue encouraged to apply. Gymnastic Assistant: Assist instructor with supervision of children’s Gymnastic cl=. Minimum age of 13 required. Volunteer Kitchen Assistant: Assist with a senior lunch program Friday 8330-i :30. Duties indude settingtables, serving meals, deaning up tables and dishes. This volunteer opportunity is suiile for seniors. Transprtation Scheduler: to organize ticks for older ad&s, taking requests, then linking them to a driver. Must have telephone and customer service skills. K-W Special Olympics Secretary: Take minties at monthly meetings, Book meetings and handle correspondence. Newsletter: develop and dlistribute 4 newsletters per year. 10 pin Bowling Coach: coach athletes on techniques of 10 pin bowling. Maintain registration and collect registration fees. Volunteer Driver: A driver is needed to drive seniors. Tome commitment would be Friday 9:~lo:15 a.m. and 3:30-4:00 p.m. Forinformation pleas;ecall: Volunteer Services, City of Waterloo, 888a Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Branch. Friends, a service of CMHA needsvolunteers to support children in oneto+ne relationships. Meetings are weekty at child’s school. Calll744-7645. Learn about a different culture while you showanewimmigranthowtobepartofyour community. for more informationcallthe KW YMCA Host Program at 579-9622. Do you like leisure and recreation? BecOme a Leisure Support Volunteer. Provide assistance to a person with a disability. Swknming, senior’s programs, minor sports or community progmrns. Friday evenings, 7:00-1000 p.m. three volunteers are needed to assist a group of adutts with a disability to “explore leisure’. Thisindudeshookeygarnes,crafts, baking, skating, and swimming. Sledge #&key volunteers needed!! A winter sport enjoyed by people with or without a d&ability. Similar to hockey, played with specialiied equipment. For m informatioln call Kris at 741-2226 Be a Big Sister Volunteer. If you are 20 or older and feel you can make a Ix>sitive difference in a child’s life, K-W and area Big Sirs needs you. Female volunteers are required to develop relationships with girls (aged4-17)andboys(aged4-11). Youare required to provide 3 hours a week for a minimum of one year. We are also in need of Big Sisters from a Jamaican, African and Latin American decent. Please call 7435206 for more information.

senAssessment:J;~uary12,9:30-t0:30 NH1030. Researching Occupations: January 12, 10:30- 11:30NH1115. hlfolTMtion Inte&ew: January 12,t1:30 - 12:30 NH1020. lntrotoCa~Mar1agementfor21stCentury:January16,11:30-12:3ONH1020. Jotwork warch: January 19, lo:30 * 1230 NH1 020/l 115. Career Plan Evaluation: January 22,500 7:00 NH1 020. Resume critiquing: January 23, 2:30 4~30 NH1020. . IAter Critiquing: January 24,1:30 - 330 NH1020. - Researching Employers: January 26, 11:3O-1:30NH1020/1115. Preparinq for the Worl<p&ce: January 30, 5:ti - 6:ti NH1020. S&f MarketingPlan Assessment: January 30,6:OO - 8100 NH1 r320.











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