Friday, March 22, 1996 '
Volume 18, Number 32
CDN. Pub. Mail Product Sales Agreement No. 554677
IMPRINT The UW Student Newspaper Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3Gl
Friday March 22, 1996 Volume 18, Number 32 ISSN
Same stuff, dijjfjerentpiles...
UW by David
ing operations such as Food Services, the Computer Store, and the University Club. While
Imprint staff
photo by Charmion
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Student’s Association, WP[RG Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, acorporation without share capitaLImprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA).Imprint is publishedevery Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising.Imprint ISSN 07067380, Mail should be addressed toImprint, Student Life Centre, Room 1116, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G I . Our e-mail address: Our fax number is 884-7800. An on-line version off mprint isalsoavailable on the World-Wide Webat
n the
wake of last month’s early retirement announcement, the University of Waterloo announced a major restructuring of its central administrative structure. While four Associate Provost positions will remain in place, their titles and responsibilities will in cases radically change in ways directly affecting students. Most significantly, the positions of Associate Provost Academic Affairs and Associate Provost Student Affairs will be merged. The new position; Associate Provost, Academic and Student Affairs will be responsible for the Library, Cooperative Education and Career Services, the Teaching Resource and Continuing Education Office, and other areas, as well as undergraduate student relations and liaising with the Federated and Affiliated Colleges. Catherine Scott, the new Associate Provost, Human Resources, will be responsible for the Human Resources Department, as well as the key student services such as Health Services, Counselling Services, Services for the Disabled, the lntemational Students Office, and Athletics. Bud Walker, currently the Director of Data Processing, is being seconded to the position of Director of Business Operations for two years. He will be responsible for &he University’s revenue-generat-
it seems a strange fit, Walker will also be responsible for Housing and Residences. Additionally, a new position of Associate Vice-President will be created. This individual will “provide assistance and advice to the Vice-President Academic and Provost in areas such as inter-Faculty and inter-institutional cooperation, undergraduate affairs, interdisciplinary programs, Canadian exchange programs, and will coordinate academic department reviews.”
a facelift When asked for comment on the changes, Federation of Students President Jane Pak had mixed feelings. “I think there are a lot of benefits,” she began, citing the expanSionoftheroleofHuman Resources as an example. Pak feels that many of the concerns brought up in the PACOHAD report (Provost’s Advisory Committee on Harassment and Discrimination) may be better addressed by this move. She also viewed the creation of an Associate Provost, Information Systems and Technology as a positive, seeing that as a move to fulfilling the vision of the university for the future. Given that Student Services are scattered across several new portfolios, Pak viewed that as first among the downpoints of the restructuring. “The main concern is that student affairs may get lost in the huge Associate Provost, Academic and Student Affairs portfolio.” Pak was also worried about some of the current functions of the Associate Provost, Student Affairs, being lost in the shuffle. “Another concern I have is that there are a lot of portions of stu-
B.C. freezes tuition by Patti
Imprint staff
he government of British Columbia has announced a freeze on tuition fees, despite anticipated cuts in federal grants that have traditionally been used to fund post-secondary education. This move, made on Monday, is being praised by the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) as a step towards maintaining affordable access to education; a step that the CFS is hoping will be mimicked by other provinces. According to the National Chairperson of the CFS, Guy Caron, “this clearly demonstrates that there are alternatives to hiking tuition fees” when faced with having to reduce the debt. “It is,” says Caron, “simply a question of priorities.” Indeed, the NDP government of British Columbia seems to have recognized that students are not likely be able to shoulder increased tuition costs.
Now, students attending school in British Columbia are the envy of those attending school in Alberta and Ontario, as both groups are facing tuition increases of at least 20% by the end of this year. However, the freeze on tuition fees is not being accepted at
Critics suggest that Premier Glen CZark has declared a freeze on tuition us a step to ensure votes 2rt the upcoming election. face vaIue by aU. Critics of the government suggest that Premier Glen Clark has declared a freeze on tuition as a step to ensure votes in the upcoming election. Clark seems to be trying to show that he can balance the debt without decreasing access
to crucial services such as education. Yet the fact remains that during the NDP’s term in office, the debt has risen by almost 60%. Also, this is the second time that the NDP has announced a tuition fee freeze. The first was in 1992, and tuition has risen 25% in the province since that announcement. Clark himself acknowledges that the freeze may not carry into next year, as he is anticipating more cuts in federal transfer payments. It is hard to interpret this situation. Inevitably, the facts speak for themselves, and they are in sharp contrast to Clark’s stated intentions. Unfortunately, as he prepares for re-election, it is difficult to imagine that Clark intends his attempt at a tuition freeze as anything more than a plea for voter sympathy. Regardless of his intentions, however, students in British Columbia are enjoying one more year of accessible, affordable education.
dent affairs, such as involvement in orientation and the funding of student initiatives, which haven’t been placed anywhere yet.” She noted that while many were placed under the Associate Provost, Human Resources, others weren’t mentioned anywhere. A final concern Pak has is that the mandate of the Director of Business Operations includes “investigatingotherrevenue-generating and cost-saving opportunities,” which raises some scary possibilities for students. Pak wondered if “the focus of ancillary enterprises will continue to be non-profit or move to revenue generation ?“Givcn the monopolies many of these enterprises have, such as Food Services, the Bookstore, and Housing Residences, it is possible that students will lose out should the university shift to a profit focus in these areas. Related to that concern was the placement of Housing and Residences under the Business Operations portfolio. “What about the student life aspect of residence,” Pak questioned, “will it be lost.?”
by Derek Dupuis special to Imprint e are all concerned with our own personal safety and modifying our behav iour in such a way as to keep the risk of personal .harm at a minimum. Recently, major institutions have been expected to become more active leaders in ensuring their places of work or study (as with a university) are safe, with the emphasis on the prevention of crime and sexual assaults as well as physical hazards. In the past, the level of safety on campus was unclear, therefore, to address this problem the universily set up a Personal Safely Committee (USC). It originally began in the spring of 1991 as an ad hoc Women’s Safety Committee and soon developed into the PSC when it became obvious that its concerns involved pertinent issues to all members of the campus community. In the past 3 years it has sponsored Campus Safety Audits with the intent of identifying and addressing the personal safety ot students, staff, tkulty and visitors on campus and the surrounding areas. While the term personal safety could be interpreted several ways, one definition could be ‘the feeling of knowing that neither physical nor psychological harm will be brought againstoneselfbyanother.’ The purpose of the PSC is to
Out like
Friday, March 22, 1996
ensure that all areas on campus are safe. To do this the committee coordinators have relied on the help of volunteers to perform Safety Audits, One night was selected when all the volunteers could meet and, forming several smaller groups, they were assigned a specific area of campus to audit. Each group had a leader who recorded the concerns and conclusions of the group. As the audit team walked through campus they were considering in detail the light levels, pathway sightlines, accessibility of emergency phone help lines, areas of access for physically challenged students, potential locations from which a pedestrian might be taken by surprise and any other factors of the campus set up which could affect the feeling of personal safety. Suggestions made by previous safety audits have resulted in several consequential changes. Help lines have been installed near the Village I and I1 residences, the North Campus playing fields and the parking lot behind the Minota Hagey residence. Through improved landscape maintenance pedestrian sightlines have been upgraded near parking lots E3 and C, the PAS building, East Campus Hall and pathways near the ES building and the Federated and Affiliated Colleges. Lighting has been increased around the ESC building, the Physics building, the continued
to page 4
a lion!
University _ Spring arrived in full force this past Tuesday, and Imprint was ther to record it in all its frigid glory. Record lows of minus one millio (minus two million with the windchill) and an estimated snowfall c sixty to seventy feet, made this the best day of spring that Yellowknij never had. Thank you Gaia. Thank you so very, very much+
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4 continued
page 3
General Services Complex and parking lots M, N, and R. Some of the other resulting campus improvements were an increase in signage and better maintenance of pathways. The findings of this November’s audit were submitted to the Personal Safety Committee, the Associate Provost for Student Affairs Peter Hopkins and the appropriate departments for consideration by the audit coordinators Jane Dietrich and Randall Sieffert. Some
of the findings were that the underneath of stairs in the engineering buildings should be blocked off or should at least be more well lit and that both the engineering and science buildings should have secured light switches which limit public access to them. It was also found that the area near theW aterloo Tennis Club should have increased lighting and more signs indicaring, among other things, the fenced in areas which have no exits. The auditors also saw that the area between the Student Life Centre and the PAC should have better Iight-
ing as should the wheel chair ramp outside of the Dana Porter Library. They also suggested that a Help line is needed along the road from FED Hall to V2. Often those of us on campus become aware of existing personal safety issues but might be uncertain where to direct our concerns This is where the PSC steps in. However, the committee does not have a specific on campus contact person. Jane and Randy the current Safety Audit Coordinators believe that their roles could be expanded to include such duties.
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involvement with sensitive issues on campus; to become more actively involved with the PSC. It is hoped that the committee will maintain itself as a monitoring program which gives various groups on campus the opportunity to raise concerns with the knowIedge that someone is listening and will take appropriate steps to see that these concerns are addressed. Thecurrent VPUA Rose Bilicic feels that “the PSCprovides a focus into persona1 safety issues across campus, as well as an information link between departments concemed with these issues. For these reasons it is essentiaJ that this committee continues to exist.” The Director of Safety, Kevin Stewart agrees and says that “although there are other safety committees on campus, it is important to have a committee like this which has as its focus personal safety and security issues.”
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Actions toward this goal began this term with the publication of articles in campus newspapers as well as presentations given to the Village Councils. Both of these actions served to make the campus community aware of where to direct concerns about personal safety. By direct contact with various student, staff and faculty organizations, they believe that a dual purpose is served; increasing access to themselves and increasing awareness of the Personal Safety Commi ttee. But with all of the changes that the university has recently gone through, it is somewhat uncertain as to which direction the committee will continue. The chair of the committee and Associate Provost for Student Affairs Peter Hopkins is taking early retirement. This perhaps creates new opportunities for the FEDS President; whose recently redefined role now includes
Friday, March 22,1996
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IMPRINT, Friday, March 22, 1996
The Fed Horoscope **the psychic Mumby **the psychic Mumhy does nut claim to actually be psychic - but very helpful!
Virgo (August 22September 22) You wilt be leaving town - summer job - co-op... You don’t want to cut yourself off completely to Waterloo. Perhaps you should consider becoming a Watpub Coordinator for your new town. If you dropped by the Fed Office, I sense they could lead you in the right direction.
Aries (Much 21-April 19) Your Landlord/Lady has got you down. Don’t let him/her get the best oi‘ you. Give the Legal Resource Office a call at X88-4634. They have many of the answers you will need in the next few weeks. Taurus (April Z&May 20) The term is ending, you arc keling a little stressed. Perhaps a night celebrating is in order! Relieve some tension at the “It’s All Over” night at Fed Hall on Friday March 24th, featuring the Wax Jungle Alliance. Gemini (May 21-June 20) The weekend of June 14-15 is going to be Your Lucky Weekend! Oh - lucky for you - it is also Summerfest I. You will have fun, you will enjoy, you will return to Waterloo for part I of the biggest party of the Summer.
Libra (September 23-iktuber 22) You may have a friend wh? needs you now. If you don’t have all the answers, don’t be afraid to get them from someone else. There is lots of
Drop by the Fed Office! The psychic Mumby senses that they could lead you in the right direction!
Cancer (June 21-July 22) You Rock! You are so talented - and people are beginning to notice! You should participate in the Turnkey’s Coffct:house!! It is Thursday March 28th, in the afternoon. Contact the Turnkey Desk at 888-4434. Leo (July 2I-August 22) As a Leo, you will be finding yourself in argumentative situations in the coming weeks. Peer Mediation is the peer service for you. My psychic vibes tell me that their number is 888-4567 x 5952 and they would be glad to help. They can mediate anything!
help available: Peer Health Education & Peer Academic Support (8884567 x 5951), Phone Line (888~48601, or Peer Mediation (8884567 xS952). Scorpio (October 234Vovember 20 You are going to be in Waterloo for the summer, and you want to make a difference. One of the biggest volunteer positions on campus is open! You could be the coordinator of the K-W Canada Day celebrations. Contact Lynne at the Fed Office.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) You will be very busy this week. Don’t skip meals! You can get quick, cheap meals from the Bombshelter kitchen. They’re open Monday-Friday 12 pm - 12 am. Just like the C&D’s that we all know and love, they don’t accept the Watc<ard, but it is super affordable ! Capricorn @ecember22-January 19) Travel is in J/our immediate future. For $17 return, perhaps the Fed Bus to Toronto is your best bet. Youknowbestifperhapsamove is in order. For $9 you can get a one way ticket toToronto. Guide yourself to the SLC and get yourself on one of these Friday afternoon busses. Aquan’us (Junuary 20-Februac.Y 18) You will have many late nights in the next weekschool, debt, that special someone... Keep in mind that you always have someone to talk. The PALS phone line is operated by trained volunteers who will listen to you. The lines are staffed from 6pm Midnight 7 days a week. Give them a call at 888-4860. Pisces (February I9-March 21) Your hunger for student politics is feasting on this next week! There is a Students’ Council meeting Sunday the 24th in NH 3004, and the Federation of Students’ General Meeting is Tuesday the 26th, in the Multi-Purpose Room, SLC. You should attend both. You need to have your strong opinions appreciated. There may even be a council seat open in your faculty. Again - Fed Office holds all the answers!
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IMPRINT, Friday, March 22, 1996
Sikh students protest "disappeareances"
In memoriam
n the summer of 1995, W student John Lilly was involved in a serious automobile accident. Last October Lilly passed away as a result of his injuries. Lilly had been President of Village 2 for the 1992 1993 school year. This summer, a tree will be planted at Village 2 in memory of John Lilly. Lilly’s friends are taking a collection for a commorative plaque to accompany the tree. If you would like to contribute to the collection, contact Julie Primeau at the Federation of Students Office, x4042.
ast June, Jaswant Singh Khalra, a middle-aged softspoken Human Rights activist from India, spoke in the Parliament Buildings of Canada on the on-going Human Rights abuses by police and paramilitary forces in the Indian state of Punjab. A few months later, upon his return, he was abducted by the police and has not been seen since. In order to make the general university community aware about the tragic circumstances surrounding the fate of Jaswant Singh KhaIra, a fate that has befallen countless other Human Rights and Civil Liberties activists in India,
the University of Waterloo Amnesty International Club and Sikh Students Association are co-sponsoring a special “Khalra Day” on March 27th. Mr. Khalra, was the General Secretary of the Human Rights Wing of the Sharomani Akali Dal, the pre-eminent Sikh party in Punjab, India. He was investigating the wide-spread “disappearances” of Sikhs at the hands of police forces in the state. This investigation had uncovered the illegal mass-cremation grounds used by the police to eliminate over 25,000 “disappeared” civilians. The Tarn Taran (district of Punjab) Police force was cited by Mr. Khalra as having been the source of at least 6,000 of these extra-judicial killings. In January 1995, Mr. Khalra formally presented this information in a legal case his organization
launched against the state, in which he was a key witness. Khalra was reportedly threatened by police personnel that “if 25,ooO can be ‘disappeared’, what’s one more?” On the morning of September 6, 1995, a’t 9: 15 a.m., as Jaswant Singh Khalra was washing his car, identified members of the Tarn Taran police force abducted Mr. Khalra in front of witnesses. He has not been seen since. Mr. Khalra’s family is afraid that he too may have become another statistic in to the same disappearances he was investigating. The Punjab Police continues to deny having Mr. Khalra in its custody during Supreme Court hearings, but many human rights groups, such as Amnesty Intemational (which has been denied access to Punjab for over a decade), fear he may be tortured and/or kiIled.
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Radioactive Waste: Coming soon to a hole near you by Jeff special
Blundell to Imprint
adioactive waste may be coming soon to a hole in the ground near you. Phase one of a plan to build the world’s first permanent underground storage facility for spent nuclear fuel is now underway. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, a crown corporation established to investigate all facets of our nuclear power program, is holding public hearings in its attempt to get its proposal approved by Canada’s environment minister. The plan, which has thus far cost $SOO million and taken over fifteen years to research, involves storing bundles of radioactive waste in a giant vault several hundred metres deep in the Canadian shield. The research has been paid for by the federal government, Ontario I-Iydro and foreign governments for whom AECL does research, said Ken Dormouth, director of AECL’s nuclear fuel waste management program. A specific site has not yet been chosen.
Dan Rainham of the University of Waterloo’s Student Nuclear Action Group led the attack on the proposal saying that the public is iIl-informed about Canada’s nuclear plans and that the proposal shoufd be rejected. Rainham added that the government should review the very idea of using nuclear power to generate electricity. “Sustainability is a major concern,” he said. “We can’t see any possibility ofsustainability with the continued use of nuclear power. We want to see the scope of the hearings expanded to include the decommissioning of nuclear powered electrical plants.” Terri-Lynn Riley, another member of UWSNAG said that if the underground storage proposal was accepted, we would be passing our parents’ problems on to our children. Riley also pointed out that the environmental assessment conducted by AECL does not consider long-term effects such as cancer and genetic defects resulting from background radiation. She said the plan is not a solution, but merely the “least bad way” of dealing with radioactive waste. “There are cheaper, better, safer and more reliable solutions. One option that has been ignored is not producing nuclear waste,” she said. “Geological disposal is not dealing with the root problem, it is merely treating one symptom.” A further concern of UWSNAG and others is that this disposal plan, if approved, would give a green light to the expansion of Canada’s nuclear power program and to the importation uf radioactive wastes from abroad. “[By approving this plan] we are letting them say, OK, we have a solution. We can continue to produce nuclear waste indefinitely. We
don’t have a problem anymore,” said Riley. Donnouth says that AECL’s research does not include increasing Canada’s output or the importing of foreign fuel bundles. “The EIS [environmental impact study] deals only with Canadian waste. The study looks at five, seven and a half, and IO million [fuel] bundles,” he said. But Riley points out that if the storage method is declared safe, the Free Trade Agreement will force us to accept radiation from our southem neighbours. “Because of Free Trade we can’t close the [United] States out. By law we would have to Jet it in,” she said. TEN
Currently there are 900,000 used fuel bundles stored in Canada, the majority of which are stored in large tanks of heavy water at the Bruce and Pickering Nuclear plants in Southern Ontario. Less than five percent of our nuclear waste is in dry storage, an option only considered for waste over six years old. The burial proposal deals only with cooled waste, minimum ten years old. Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility says that this ten year delay is the crucial weakness of the burial plan. He said that the amount of radioactive waste being produced is increasing each year exponentially. That, he said, combined with the ten year delay between use and burial will result in an ever increasing amount of waste being stored on the surface. “We’re not talking about the disposal of nuclear waste, we are talking about the perpetual maintaining of nuclear waste and the continued expanding of the nuclear power industry,” he added. “AECL wants a piece of paper that says ‘this is safe’ and then they can go ahead and build and sell power plants to their -heart’s content,” said Edwards. “It would be morally wrong for us to support this proposal because this proposal is founded on hypocrisy, it is founded on dishonesty.” Dormouth compounded those concerns when he said that ten year minimum was a low estimate. “That is a low number. The average age of the fuel [being buried] would be over that,” he said. He also said that the process of site selection and preparation will take at least 20 years, meaning no waste bundles will be placed underground until at least 2016. This will necessitate the continue building and maintenance of above ground storage facilities indefinitely. UNHEARD
Andrea Ritchie of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women introduced the concerns of the aboriginal people and others who live on the Canadian Shield.
“The EIS ignores the groups of people who are most susceptible to negative effects, namely women and aboriginal peoples,” she said. According to Ritchie, for some forms of cancer, women are three times more susceptible than men
spent discussing the specific concerns of aboriginal people. Ritchie said this was typical of how the industry has treated native people in the past. “Tlhe aboriginal people have suffered the effects ofresource extraction while not receiving any of the benefits,” she said. The second phase of hearings will take pIace in June and will discuss details of the process such as the depth of the vault, appropriate soil types a.nd thickness of concrete barriers. In the Autumn of 1496 the final public sessions will be held in communities near proposed burial sites. Despite alI her concerns about the hearing process and her own innate pessimism, Riley still believes the project can be halted. She says that while millions of dollars and years of research have gone into the plan, it still might be stopped the same way it was in Britain and America-by loud public opposition,
money as has already been done in Japan. She dismissed these offers saying that people’s health and heritage were not for sale. AECL insists that host communities will be chosen on a volunteer basis only.
Vf the storage method is declared safe, the Free Trade Agreement willforce us to
accept radiation from the United States for disposal in the Canadian shield. ” when exposed to the same levels of radiation. She said the nuclear industry was trying to buy the support of rural communities with promises of jobs and compensation
Ritchie echoed Riley’s critique of the EIS saying that of the 345page document, only 12 pages were dedicated to medical concerns and a mere one and a half pages was
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IMPRINT, Fridiay, March 22, 1996
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SENATE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT ELECTSON Due to irregularities at a number of polling stations, the February 15 vote for Arts and At-large student Senators has been declared invalid. There will be a re-vote. The voting process will be as follows: Ballots will be mailed the week of March 18, 1396 to co-op students. An on-campus vote will be held in conjunction with the Engineering undergraduate student by-election on March 28, 1996 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at which time on-campus ballots will be sealed. These ballots will be counted with the mail-out ballots which are due in the Secretariat by 4 p.m. on April 17, 1996. Brief statements/profiles based on information provided by the candidates are reproduced below;
Research, according to a typical dictionary definition, is “scholarly investigation and study aiming to add to the sum of knowledge in some specific branch”. In this, research, both in its technical and social expressions, has become the preserve of experts. Although research and public interest research may both be performing the task of problem posing and problem resolution, the sirnilarity ends with the words. The way WHRG endeavours to pose problems and the way we encourage the struggle for resolution is very different from the research that is the domain of experts. In fact, it would be more accurate for us to talk about “social investigation” rather than research. We are not interested per se in adding to the sum of knowledge *‘knowledge for knowledge sake” has little place in WPIRG. Instead our investigations are goal directed; they imply action. In this sense our research is a politically motivated and directed undertaking both in terms of the “problem posing” and “problem resolution” stages. lt is not neutral or value-free, but then again no research is neutral or value-free. Typically the process of research follows from a definition of the problem, to the hypothesis f’ormalion, to the instrument construction, to data collection, and finally to data interpretation. In every stage of this process choices are being made and values being expressed. In an automobile research department, the choice between develop-
Services Complex, 125,8884882
ing a thinner metal alloy for automobiles as opposed to designing safe cars has more to do with political valuations than it has with the nature of engineering research. Research is always, and by logical necessity, based on moral and political valuations. In WPIRG, unlike the “academy”, we are simply obliged to account for our values explicitly. We should not be concerned that public interest research is neither neutral or valuefree, our only concern should be its reliability and its integrity. Four of the most important features of Public Interest Research is its expository nature, its documenting style, its analytic perspective, and its motivating interest. 1. Public interest research is expository in so far as it brings out into the open what was otherwise hidden or only partially revealed. In contemporary society knowledge is not common property, instead we live under a knowledge monopoly. This monopolization of knowledge is preserved and maintained to the degree that information which belongs in this public domain is held in private by the state or the private sector, and to the degree that information when it is presented is offered as discreet and scattered units of data which render it meaningless. Public interest research is an attempt to break down this knowledge monopoly. 2. Public interest research is documentary, which very simplyrefers to the compilation and presentation of factual evidence.
For WPlRG, factual evidence refers to both “hard data” and “soft data”. l-lard data is the explicitly testable - the facts and figures. Soft data is the experiential - the lived experience, opinions, feelings and understandings of those involved. This is where public interest research borrows from jourdism, not the naivete of the human interest story, but the awareness of people coming to grips with the problems that confront them, 3. Public interest research, however, has to go beyond being documentary. It has to be analytical. information and knowledge needs a perspective. Public interest research presents its documentation within an analytical framework that roots discussions within a socio-economic-political context. A public interest analysis must deal with the question of power, its constellations, its exercise, its influence, and its prerogatives. For publit interest research, the question of power is central to any analysis and power shouId be dealt with both in its broad economic formations and also in the mechanisms and structures by which it is mediated. 4. Finally, public interest research is motivating. It has ;IS its goal - change; it has its message act. It is therefore important that public interest research develop in such a way that it collapses the traditional split between research and action and constitutes in its place a model of “action research” that is directl,y connected with people’s efforts to preserve and change their life support systems.
ARTS: Surona
of thu FedtJmtiun uf Marques - as liaison cnwnssiuner Studenrs, Student Crw~il representative, UW political club fuunder and president, St. Jerume’s Student I/Gun-fed representative und St Jerome’s Student Union first pear representative, lam experienced and eager tu take part in developing the cruciulpulicies in the next two years that Senate has s~h a vi& r-o/e in. As the payers of trunsferpayment cut backs, education inflution and the declining job market. we musr take aI1 opportunities possible to speak our minds. I rzvant to ensure thatyuur concerns are voiced.
-_ --- - hdrew Wiltor - born and raised in Ottawa; 3rd year Applied Studies Co-q? Sociology student (minor in Economics); Dean’s Iist standing; former Village I Dun (Spring ‘95); f urmer Federation of Students Arts Coop Rup. (1994-9.5); former Village IJ President (1993-W); member of ViIlagc II Ot-ientatinn Committee (I 994); member of PALS ( 1994-present) - “Becuuse not all Senators fromOttawa are bad!” frk !kagga - I am running for the position uf Arts Senator because I dun7 think use have been well represented, krause I think 1 would do u good jub in the positiun, and becuuse of my own personal selfish reasons. Experiences I havp had which may be relevant tu being on the Senate include being the Chuirpersun of the Applied Studies Student Uniunfur the upcoming term, a volunteer on a seven munth Cunada Wurtd Youth project in Inrionesiu, u leudership instructor al rhe National Air Cud~r Senior Leudership School in Alberta, a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award gruldp leader, and a holder uf some student council positions in high schuul.
AT LARGE: Skphrn kfour - my name is Stephen D&ur and IZn in 3A Ekrtrid Eniyineering. I’m running for the undergraduate at-large sear on the IJni~~arsity Senate. During my Universi~ career I’ve held theEnginerring Socir~ positiuns of V.P. Finance, C & D Director and Finance Director as ~7~11as being an Academic Rep. and Eng. Sm. Rep fur my class. I’m interested in expanding my inwlvement to a campus-side level. Ifeel I can best contribute as a member gfSenute since I strongly believe that you only ger as much out of your education as you put in. Qa~d fi&~~~df - a candidate that brings you: Accessibility - can be reached through voice mail and e-mail 24 hours a day, and lives in residence in the heart ofcampus; Experience - worked with members of the Provincial F’arliarnPnr in the Dntariu Legislature as a Legislative Page; Proven L+zaderhip Ability - deputy director ufa summer sailing camp$rst year representative on the St. Jerome’s College Student Union and Fluor Representative on the J.R. Finn House Council. Give yourself a strung voice on the Wniversity Senute!
io students withYrelevant k&e~i$~ourses Career oriented practical programs with proven placement rates in: Computer Programmer/Analyst Business
- Accounting
Business Administration - Management Studies Business Administration - Marketina General Business Off ice Systems Administration Micro Commuter Software
Campus by David
‘(1 think the Laurier people away. ”
Question: --
- -
and Joe Palmer
wili lure some
It’s just
not the same.” Hana Sulumon Psychologv AImanus
Do you
“When everybody they wan2 to party
Tuny Garland 4B Geography
March 22, 19%
has houses, why would on the street?” Adam Driedtic 4B Anthropologv
You can’t break
Astd 38 Honours
think the Ezra street Party will occur this year, Lauder is dunnin a ~art-v on-campus?
“Oh yeah,
I live there.” Lee-Ann Hannah 4A Kinesioiogy
“People will do what they want, St, is a tradition?
Seaiey English
and Ezra Ian Rowe 2A English
by years y hand. m
of strumminq~
And a midnight
every streete
UYes, because the people involved don’t see anything wrong with it.” Jan Bays
“Probably. They did enjoy the freedom?
it before;
I guess they Jae Choi 4B Mech
The last two weeks have seen a whack of opinions surfacing in Imprint’s Forum pages in regards to Eng Sot A’s decision to suspend the h-on Warrior for the remainder of the term. Last week the rants were pretty one-sided; a pair of letters to the editor this week attempt to rectify this, by rationalizing Eng Sot’s decision and even accusing Imprint of a bias in the matter. 1 find the latter to be suitably amusing, not just because bias is an accusation that’s been thrown at Imprint with startling regularity in the past term, but moreover because it’s automatically presumed that we come to the &fence of the hard-doneby Iron Warrior against the bullies of Eng sm. It just isn’t true. Firstly, we don’t have any axes to grind with Eng Sot. Secondly, the Iron Wrrrrior has never exactly been bosom-buddies with Imprint. Indeed, in one respect or another they’ve been putting the screws to us in print for years. How sweet an irony it was last week recruiting disgruntled IW staffers to volunteer for Imprint, with a timely rejoinder that the Feds can’t move in and shut us down. All smugness aside, I felt ambivalent about their fate. The staffers volunteer a lot of time and effort for their paper - time and effort being at a premium for members in the demanding engineering faculty and they do so at no reward to themselves. Surely they didn’t deserve this. But at the same time, there is a reasonable expectation by Eng Sot that the paper reflect its original intent and mandate, and the paper liid seem to be more accurately reflecting an arts rag the past year than it did an engineering forum. A number of engineers responded to last week’s Campus Question on the matter by stating that the real crisis was a lack of communication between the two parties. I couldn’t agree more, and it’s heartening to see the response from the Eng Sot ‘A’ executive reprinted to the right of this column. Although the executive acted within the rules, they failed in diplomacy, so it’s good to see that they’re now taking account. It would be equally wise for the editorial staff of IW to have some of the same self-reflection. So where does the paper go from here? Thankfully, a survey is currently in circulation for engineers asking important questions about the Iron Wurrior’s future. The survey is a collaboration between the paper and the exec, and it’s on the right track. It asks pertinent questions, like, what sort of paper should it be, what sort of material is deemed appropriate, and what editorial control should be placed on submissions. I’d also like to suggest a reconsideration of how editors are either selected or appointed. Expectations should be stated right up front as to what the paper’s intent and policy is, and editors should be obligated to uphold them. Accordingly, the editorial staff should be granted honoraria each term for the time and effort they put into the iron Wurriar. If the Engineering Society really expects a professional paper, as they have claimed, then they should be offering greater incentive for the best publication possible.
The forum pages allou members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and olher articles are strictly those of the authors, not ofImprint. Imprint is an edilorially independent newspaper published by imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint, Student Life Centre, Room 11Ib, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1,
The Iron Warrior part II Eng Sot ‘A’ Executive responds
n March 11,19X1, the Executive of the Engineering Society suspended the publication of the Iron Warrior, the Magazine of the Engineering Society, for the one remaining issue of the term. Although this decision was extreme, it was not entered upon lightly. The Iron Warrior has been a concern since the Fall of 1994 for both the current and past executives. The decision to halt publication was in no way intended to accuse or penalize the members of the Zrun Warrior staff, but to affect a change in the organization of the paper.
tors of the paper were not notified in time to inform staff members prior to general distribution of this letter. This act has demonstrated a clear lack of foresight and consideration on the part of the executive for the men and women who volunteer their time to compile the Iron Warrior.
resulting implications. During a meeting held on March 18 between the Iron Warrior staff and the Engineering Society executive, several strides were made to begin the process of
At this time, we, the executive, wish to apologize for the way in which this decision was implemented and the manner in which Iron Warrior staff were informed of the situation. As it stands, on the morning of March 11,1996, a public
A second point which must be addressed, is the public announcement that the doors to the Iron Warrior office had been locked and any person wishing to retrieve personal belongings within the office must request the door be opened by a member of the executive. The intention of this action was to preserve security as a policy, and not to insult the credibility of the staff members. Unfortunately, this public statement had the effect of implying the members of the Zron Warrior staff to be untrustworthy as individuals.
whole. This includes the circulation of a public survey, designed jointly by members of the Iron Warrior staff and the executive, to poll the concerns and opinions of engineering students at large. The results of this survey will be used to aid in the efforts presently underway to draft an editorial policy/mission statement for the
letter was issued outlining the major reasons for the halt in publication. The edi-
We sincerely making this
Sincerely, The Engineering Jason Varr Dyk President
to the staff
action public and for the
improving and refocusing the Iron Wurrior to reflect the res,olve of the members of the Engineering Student Society as a
An additional point is the strengthening of the bridge of communication between the h-on Warrioreditorial staff and the Engineering Society Executive. This is crucial
to the continued
Society ‘A’ Executive: Tonya Sulley VP External
Keith Wace VP Finance
and success of both parties involved.
Nancy Baggio VP Internal
Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone Thurber for verification. Letters rcccived via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish lcttcrs or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those or the individuals and not of Imprint.
Iron Warrior opinions slanted Tu the Editor, In reading last week’s Imprint, opinions expressed regarding the suspension of thclrnn Warrior were very one sided. Yes, the issues could have been handled in a better manner, however, there are many factors that led to the ultimate decision. Imprint’s coverage last week would tell the uninformed reader that the decision was entirely due to the most recent issue of the 1r0n Wan-ior. This was the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” This was not a rash and hasty action, but more the result of ongoing conflicts between the Engineering Society and the Iron Warrior editors. This last statement I say with irony since the Iron Warrior has always been a part of the Engineering Society. As former Eng Sot Executive, we feel that people should be aware ofsome background on the Iron Wurrior. As it clearly states on the front cover of each issue, the Iron Warriur is “the Magazine of the University of Waterloo Engineering Society.” The Iron Warrior should serve as both an information forum and a medium to express opinions for engineering students. The current executive felt that the editors of the iron Warrior did not adequately represent this. This is a signi tIcant difference from other engineering papers, such as the Toike Oike at II of T. The Iron Wurrior has always been published as a much more professional paper. We’re not saying that Waterloo is better than al1 other schools (we let Muclenn ‘s do that), we just do things a little differently. That’s a fact. However, just like other engineering publications, theIron Warrior is distributed to every engineering society in Canada. In addition, il is read by each Dean of Engineering at each of these schools. Thus, we should be aware that everything that is published in the Iron Wurrior not only reflects on the staffand editors of the paper, but also the entire engineering student population and faculty. This applies not only within the University of Waterloo, but nationwide! It is important to note that due to the fact that engineering at Waterloo is co-op only, there are two distinct societies at Waterloo - A Society and B Society, The iron Warrior has not been canned, but is has been suspended on A Society for the remainder of this term. This means that the decision was not a permanent removal of the paper. A referendum would be more appropriate to do that. It is unfortunate that the affects of this will reflect upon the B Sot paper in the upcoming summer months, but the paper in the summer will consist of entirely different editors and staff. Shingo Yuki and Campbell McConnell stated that “the Iron Warrior staff is the work of amateur volunteers.” We would like to
note that the Engineering Society executive is also amateur volunteers. We agree “that the [Iron Warrior] should be run for the students”. I think that that is what the executive meant by stating that “the paper has always been run in conjunction with the Society and for the Society.” The Society IS the students. The students ARE the Society. The executive is elected to represent the society. Axe1 Noriega stated that this was not a popularity contest. It is clear to us that the executive was aware of this. If popularity was their main concern, they would not have taken this action. As executive in the last summer term, we were encouraged to “shut [the iron Warrior] down.” At the time, we chose not to, hoping that any problems in the summer would resolve themselves with new editors in the following term. It is perhaps unfair to the staff of the Iron Warrior, when this is more an issue between the editors and the executive. However, it is interesting that feedback in last week’s Imprint came fromIW staff and not the editors themselves. To state that the Iron Warrior “no longer serves as a propaganda tool for the Engineering Society” is a bad choice of words. Although Funk & Wagnalls defines propaganda as “any selection of facts, ideas or allegations forming the basis of such effort,” perhaps a better term would have been “promotion” or “information forum.” This is not the sole purpose of the Iron Warrior, but it should always be available to the executive fo publicize events that the Engineering Society organizes. There have been a number of times when the Iron Warrior was counted on to publicize events, and articles or “ads” were not published due to a lack of space, even though they were submitted on time. Please consider this when forming your opinion in this matter. We encourage you to take a look at other recent issues in the last two years, from both A Sot and I3 sot. To conclude, we would like to say that sooner or later something was going to happen. Although it is unfortunate that it happened this way, we support the Engineering Society executive in their decision. We believe that ultimately this will he beneficial to the Iron Warrior and we look forward to reading a quality engineering student publication in the near future.
the Imprint in the last issue (vol. 18, #3 1). I would like to know why all of the above appear to be a onesided commentary. I realize that most people (if not all) in the Imprint would view the shutdown of the Engineering Society paper as not being a good thing, but don’t you think that you sliould have made an effort to show both sides of the story? The first article that I read sounded very negative about the entire situation. The Campus Question featured 8 people who all decried the situation, with not one person showing any support whatsoever for the action. The editorial condemned the action and the 3 letters to the editor featured (regarding the “Iron Curtain”) were all opinions of people that were obviously pissed off with the executive. I can understand the editorial (especially coming from another campus newspaper), but why is there not one indication of any support for the action shown? I would have expected the Imprint to make more of an effort to show both sides of the story, either with more comments from the Engineering Society executive or with a letter to the editor showing a dif’ferent side of the issue. By putting such a negative slant on all the information in Imprint, you seem to me to be trying to influence the way people think rather than letting people make their own decisions with an unbiased view.
None of the opinions here are I~Jprint editoriuis; Imprint editorials must be clearly speci&d us such (and, indeed, there hasn’t been an Imprint editorial in the last >ve years). We don ‘t actively solicit opinions thatjit our narrow viewpoints &her (we write those uurselves, with our individual names attuched), but instead publish the opinions that are forwarded to us. Last week we ran an opinion piece written by two iron Warrior stu@ ers; the writers were disgruntled, but they were unfailing/y fair. Eng Sot A’s reply runs this week. The three letters published were the only ones we received,* we are more than willing to run letters uf contraq) opiniorz, but none in this speclfic case came furth. Likewise, the normal procedure jtir the Campus Question is to ask approximately I2 people, and then find a reasonable variance and balance to arrive at the selected 8. The consensus in this particular question was overwhelmingly one-sided, a literul shutout. Where balance was required was with the news article, and in this instance the writerpulled ofjl-a thoroughly credible job. )
Wusch ko wski
Tu the Editor,
’ note:
under the rest of the Forum section,is an open j&urn for u/I UW students.
the L~fcourt
The space
as with
Eat well, stay fit, die anyway ,4s the great Jello Biafra once said, “Yawwwn.” Has anyone noticed that the whole “smoking is evil” campaign would be more fit-
-Klaus Stedert, (‘cnic ‘Fend-atlarge) & Nick Boldt, (non-smoker with better hobbies)
Butch Dyke Barbie TO the Editor, It’s kinda the nineties, kinda hip and open-minded to hint that Barbie did dig Malibu Stacey’s firm tanned body., as was done in a recent edition of Imprint. But what if Ken wasn’t included? What if it was spiritual and raw all at once? If it was meaningful? The following is a bedtime story for the Gay Nineties: Once upon a patriarchal metanarrative there existed a woman on the outskirts ofacceptableplot-line. She is Butch Dyke Barbie. But her name is not Elarbie at all. Her name is C.J. The problem with C.J. is that
-John Camp&ell and Craeme Skinner
TO the Editor, This letter is in regards to the article, the campus question, the editorial and the letters sent into
ting back in high school? For God’s sake, people, we’re all adults (?) here, or at least the government thinks we are. Remember, they do let us vote. No one has failed to grasp the concept that smoking is indeed unhealthy. We don’t do it because there’s vitamin C in there! We don’t need Awfully Healthy Students, Health Majors and their ilk telling us we’re slowly killing ourselves. We know, amd we’re enjoying it (exhales). The poi:nt is, this whole debate is moot. All ofus have been through the “Smoking’s going to kill you” indoctrination of high school dazegone-by ancl quite frankly, we’re sick of it being bashed into our skulls with monotonous vehemence. This is a “free country,” or so we’re constantly told, and if the Imprint wants to sell advertising space to a legal, above-board company, even ifit does sell cigarettes, it should be able to without being attacked. Are Molson ads causing legions of drunkards around campus, except perhaps in Engineering and Math? I Think Got! (Note: emphysema added grin.) The presence of a cigarette advertisement does not force or obligate the reader to smoke, rather it presents an option that said freethinking reader is fully able to choose should s/he decide. If advertising was truly as stong a motivator as some seem to think, I’d be driving my new Neon (“Hi!“) with $750 grad rebate, and a gutsy 132 hp engine, completely cured of my acne, with a $2099 (plus tax) Pentium from Vision Computer Systems, on my way to Travelcuts for the Official Airline Seat Sale -sucking down a Gino’s Pizza Mega Meal for $29.99 (coupon expires March 22, 1996 - not valid with other offers).. I’m not. Whoops! There goes my Cantel Amigo pager with $10 mail-in rebate...
vs. The
to page 12
12 Continued
page 11
herself Petra and she speaks to the Barbies about the politics ofpower, silence, and control. She explains how they are moulded, mass-produced and programmed to say “Math is hard.” She understands that Lesbian Barbie is invisible because she has a limited wardrobe. Capitalism subsists on accessories. That is why Barbie’s hot pink bodice must, must, must be accompanied by matching heels. There is always something new you need to own to feel complete. So when Heterosexist Pig Ken grabs her arm with “Hey baby, I know what you need,” Petra knows enough to take her Birks and walk away, where C.J. would put her steel-toed twelve holes to work. But that is not the way, for he too is moulded (the poor guy has underwear permanently etched into his body.) He watches his cousin G.1. Joe programmed to grunt “Kill! Kili!” and he is lost too though he’d never admit it or stop for directions. “We are warriors,” says Petra. “It’s time to rip off the rose-coloured glasses. We must fight with
she did not sell very well, despite the authentic welding outfit and strap-on dildo (batteries not included of course and her Harley’s sold separately). No, with her shaved head and meaty thighs Butch Dyke Barbie just didn’t sell. Since that is all that counts, she was stuffed back in box on a dusty bottom shelf. But C.J. would not be marginalized. She hopped on her hog and spread her wild streak throughout the Barbie population. With one lash of her tongue the Barbies’ immobile plastic shells would melt and they would sprout. .. nipples... body hair... labia... pubes .*-sweat glands. ., and even a big bad anatomically correct clit (PANIC! They may demand more than bonding out of sex). Yes, the Barb&s became messy and beautiful flesh. Meanwhile Lesbian-Feminist Barbie didn’t even have to touch them to transform them. Her words were enough (lesbians have such cunning linguistics you know). Her name is not Barbie either. She calls
Teacher Train at University of Western Sydney, Australia! me-year Primary and Secondary qualifications that allow you to teach in Ontario 3 or 4 year graduates
may apply!
MONDAY, MARCH 2541996 Student Life Centre, Food Court 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. or contactWestern S dney’sRepresentatives at: KY.O.M. Consultants P.O. Box 60524
the weapons that set us apart in the first place: our words, mouths, tongues, voices. To my sisters of the flesh 1 say this: Fight on! That we may all lick happily ever afier.” (Like all such tales this story perpetuates stereotypes which obviously do not reflect the diversity of humanity.)
In his March 15 letter to Imprint (“Sick of excuses”) Brent Fraser whines about the Co-op program at UW and takes shots at “math graduates from Brock” and “Western business students.” He then lowers himself further with his comment “*.. the retirement of Brock Fuller was the best thing to happen to AHS Co-op.” In light of University cutbacks and tough job markets, I think a more accurate statement would be that the very worst thing that could happen to AHS Co-op would be to lose someone like Mr. Fuller. Do you honestly think that losing someone with his knowledge and experience will increase the 35% placement rate in your faculty? Perhaps you need a math graduate from Bruck or a Western business student to explain the logic here. During my four years here at UW the Co-op Department has helped me find 5 of my 6 jobs. Each has been challenging and rewarding in terms of experience, travel and pay, making the Co-op fee I pay each term an afterthought. The people in the Co-op Department are the reason that many selfsufficient UW students graduate
debt-f?ee with lots to offer industry in the way of marketable skills. Granted, Co-op’s performance may not always look good when stated in terms of placement rates, but that’s only because of assholes like Brent Fraser who, due to a lack of responsibility and initiative, would rather blame someone else for their problems. Furthermore, your comment “...I don’t think things will change until students begin dropping out of co-op...” would be better kept to yourself, Mr. Fraser. Instead of tainting Co-op in the eyes of first and second year students who will only benefit from this program, why don’t YOU drop out ofCo-op? Not only would this make way for those with something positive to contribute to the program, it would also spare employers any (Bingeman Park and otherwise) the opportunity to assume that all Waterloo students share your shitty attitude, because quite frankly, we don’t. And another thing, if you had bothered to consult with the math grads from Brock you might have realized that Co-op’s placement rate would only increase if students were to drop out of the program. So let’s turn the brain on next time we decide to speak, okay? On behalf of the rest of the students at this University who do not share Mr. Fraser’s piss poor attitude, I would like to apologize to Mr. Fuller and any other members of the Co-op Department who may have been offended by his comments. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and you are the reason that many of the students graduating this May have full-time jobs waiting for them. And Mr. Fraser, let me say that your decision to sign your name “Brent Fraser -3A Honours Unemployed” was greatly appreciated by the rest of us in the Kinesiology Department who don’t care to be
The actions of the OPP riot squad at the Ontario legislature on Monday were disgusting. Though I do not support the OPSEU strike, I do support their democratic right to nonviolent protest. Unfortunately, the protest was marred by extreme and unwarranted violence, but not from the protestors. The UPP went out to “whack ‘em and stack ‘em” as Paul Walter, head of the Metro Toronto Police Association said, and as far as I can tell, this is all too true. It should never be the case that two police forces end up taking sides in a dispute. Both should be impartial, but that was not the case Monday. Metro cops actually had to defend protesters from the OPP riot squad. Granted, Metro cops are not impartial. They have had their grievances with the Harris govemment, and in the early days of the strike, some officers went as far as to say that they would probably be too busy to defend scabs who were getting assaulted. However, on Monday the cops did what they should have done: protected some
innocent people from getting the shit beaten out of them. The protestors did prevent MPPs from entering the legislature on Monday, but this doesn’t even nearly justify the OPP riot squad running into the pickets with such violent intentions. There were options. An application for an injunction against the pickets (which would have made it legal to remove the strikers from the entrances to the legislature) was before the courts and not long afier the ugly attack by the OPP, was granted. And even if it had not been, I find it hard to believe that there was no way to get MPP’s into the building without leaving bleeding unconscious bodies behind them. Of course, I didn’t seethe whole thing, I saw only what the media allowed me to see. However, one of the videoclips X saw remains crystal clear in my mind. An old man, small and frail, is confronted by an OPP riot squad officer in till riot gear. The officer, without seeming to try any other method to more peacefUlly resolve the situation, smashes his shield into the old man.
-Melissa Maedonald and Michelle Pruuse
Sick of complainers To the Editur,
Friday, March 22, 1996
associated with you and your shitty attitude. Thanks for being so considerate of others. Now if, by chance, you would like to change that to read. “Brent Fraser - 3A Honours Employed” there is a good chance that you could do so. I’ll leave it to you to figure out what sort of changes are necessary . . . let’s call it a little exercise in initiative. -Mutt Metcaffe 4B Co-op h?n/Ergonomics
Sick of excuses To the Editor, We are writing in response to Brent Fraser’s letter titled “Sick of Excuses.” At SAC we share your anger and frustration with the coop process. We try to act on it. We would like to clarify a couple of points, however, since one of our articles was used as a key criticism in his (argument. Criticizing the Co-op Department for only having a 350/b employment of AHS students might be akin to criticizing a Nutrition course for having a 35% Mid-ten-n instead of a 50% mid-term. Different faculties have different target ranges for first-round employment. First-rounds attract different types of employers than second rounds. Large Multi-nationals or Major Accounting Firms tend to prefer first rounds. Medium size employers tend to prefer second rounds. First-rounds, although it occurs first, does not necessarily have the best jobs. Thus, the employment rate at the end of first rounds may not reflect Co-op Department success or failure. It may simply mean Continued
to page
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#259224 I
of Students
This can never be justified. I would be very interested in seeing interviews with some of the OPP offLzersS involved. 1 would really like to hear how they explain injuring unarmed people. Most likely, they’d come up with something like they were just following orders, but I didn’t buy it when the Nazis said it!, and I wouldn’t buy it now. There comes a point where adults have to be expected to decide that what the:y are doing is wrong. This has set an ugly precedent. If the OPP riot squad gets off scat free, then they will be fi-ee to attack protesters in the future. Also, politicians have seen that if they want a little retribution for any inconveniences they have suffered due to a strike, the,y have an quick and easy .method.
Additionally, the threat of violence having, been realized greatly increases the chance of violence at demonstrations in the titure. from either side. One can only hope that both the OPP and OPSEU strikers will have the good sense to make every effort to defuse the situation before more blood is spilled.
IMPRINT, Continued
Friday, from
March 22, 1996
page 12
employer demographics. At SAC, we are hoping to track firstround ernploymcnt to observe long-term cmploymcnt rates. For instance, did first rounds rtxdt in 39% employment last year-? Of the question, “how many students found their own job ?” We don’t know. Currently such statistics are not tracked. We’re trying to find out so that we can find out if 35% really is a good employment rate. We agree 3So/ seems low. Your second major point relates to job quality. Have the quality of co-op jobs decreased? Should they be higher? Anecdotal evidence like what you provided abounds but is this reflective of a trend department wide, or in your case faculty wide? Internally, the Co-op Department has recently devised a 1-l 0 scale of job satisfaction as rated by students. SAC has lobbied hard to make this score public and hopes to include them in the job description students fill out that appears in the Career Resource Centre. Your battle cry, “If anyone out there has ideas for improving the situation, let’s hear it,” we share. Tell us. We have a newsgroup for just such a discussion. We have an email address sac@undergrad,math and we have Dear Co-op boxes campus wide. If anyone has suggestions to improve the situation, let’s hear it. At SAC, we Act. As two key examples of SAC action, we point to the Co-op Fee Review committee which is attempting to develop a co-op fee structure equitable to all parties involved. A second example, perhaps closer to the problem you describe, is the International Trade Student Peer Service. International Trade students, a specialization within the Arts Applied Studies program, are responsible for finding their own international jobs with some Co-op Department support. The service proposed will formalize student networking, allowing students to maintain and develop their own connections. By this we do not mean that AHS should pursue a similar sen4x, but ifyou or anyone else has concrete solutions to address the problem - come to SAC. We’ll help implement them. In regards to your personal attack on Brock Fuller, Program Administrator AHS, we do know Brock is highly respected within the Co-op Department for his work and dedication. We do not know your personal problem with him. We would caution any student against taking such a public statement against any specific individual. There’s a little thing called a libel suit... If any student does have a problem with the Co-op Department, or with an individual within the Co-op Department that has not been resolved to their satisfaction, then come talk to us. We will work with Administration to reach an equitable solution. While the Co-op Department still has a number of problems, we would like to point out that the current administration, under the direction of Bruce Lumsden is remarkably pro-student. We would even go so far as to suggest that Bruce Lumsden is the most prostudent administrator on campus. Problems can be fixed and he does listen. There’s been a basic theme to this letter. At SAC, we Act. Come talk to us. -Paul Skippen, SAC Co-chub, Projects, and Kurin Cronhielm, chair, Communications
Special SAC Co-
Once every 22 years To the Editor, On the weekend of March 9-10,1996, I was one of the few fans which attended the CIAU hockey finals in Toronto. I was hoping to see quite a few UW supporters at the games, mainly because they were being hosted so cIose to home. Instead, only one bus showed up for the first game and two buses
for the second. Don’t get me wrong, 1 want to thank the fans that were there. They, at least, made it sound like the arena was full. Things like this just don’t happen every day (once every 22 years). We were one of the top teams in the country, competing for the Canadian championship and there wasn’t nearly enough people there to share the glory. Varsity arena holds close to 7000 people and we didn’t even fill up half of the arena. One would think that during the best game of the last 2 decades, the Warrior booster club would be out in full force. However, Maple Leaf Gardens seemed to be sporting more signs that read “Go Acadia Go” rather than “Warriors Kick Axemen.” I would hope that the next time the Warriors make it to the finals, there will be more people to show how proud we are of them. What’s the point of winning when there’s no one there to watch? -Patricia
Russell once
does a week
To the Editor, James Russell doesn’t masturbate, ever? Funny, E thought he did so every week. Wha is John Gait?seems to cause lots of stir and make James feel good, anyway. . . I knew a guy who had a friend who read the column once, and he said it was the same. -Heother
So Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union is organizing a “bash” this year, hoping that last year’s Ezra Street fiasco won’t reoccur. They’ll present a live band and keep campus bars open to keep students off the street. Last year, youmuy (sarcasm intended) recall that student excess and police belligerence resulted in a riot, complete with charges, injuries, and a media nightmare for WLU. [I still recall watching the news broadcasts the day after the party, and anxious phone call I received from my parents: they were worried that T was probably in jail.] This year, however, this may all be avoided. After the reputation the party dcveloped last year, many students doubt that any on-campus “bash” will be any sort of a replacement. Only time will tell. Last year, before the mayhem that ensued, then-President of WLUSU Ralph Spoltore flew a similar idea with the Laurier administration, the city, and other great naysayers. Needless to say, they shot it down. At the Laurier level, I don’t know why. At the city level, though, too many petty politicians tried to use the issue for cheap political gain. Even now, though, those self-same smallminded peons totally ignore the fact that all of the carnage could have been avoided with their support. It must be nice for city councillors to be able to provoke an incident through their need for easy publicity, and then deny any culpability in a quest for more easy publicity. At least the police seem to realize the error of their ways. Last year, they went
door-to-door in the area threatening (waming, whatever) students. Maybe this was a leap of logic too large for the police to have understood at the time, but, by creating the image of a party so huge that the law had to go door-to-door in advance, they just may have increased attendance. This year, they’re just saying that if they’re needed, they’ll be there. I hope that’s true for anywhere in the K-W area. I’d hate to dial 9- 1- 1 and fmd out that my house was the exception to the rule. But that’s just sarcasm. Really, the police seem to have the right idea by downplaying the odds of their presence being necessary. Only problem is they’re adopting this attitude a year too late. After what happened last year, a lot of students will wander onto the street, just to compare what’s going on with the legend of last year. If the legend had never been created (if an alternative had been provided last year) then avoiding a repeat this year wouldn’t have been anywhere so (difficult. So all we can do now is wait. Wait and see what happens. It wouldn’t be advisable to hang around Ezra that night, but rest assured some people will. One thing to wait for, that will never happen, is for Waterloo city councillors and the Waterloo Regional Police to come out and admit that they played a large role in last year’s violence, through ineptitude and inaction. Keep waiting . . . and waiting. T don’t think they’ll ever admit that last year could have been avoided, if only they’d been reasonable.
To tke Editor, 1 am writing to thank the paper and more specifically Greg Krafchick for the tender and not overly-sentimental coverage of the Dance Department’s final show, Swun Song. My four years here have been hard, both blemished and graced by the gradual closing of my academic home. The emptiness deprived me of many standard university expericnccs (Campus Day activities, orientation of first-year students, a voice in the larger context of university affairs) but it also gave
me freedom I would othenvise have been unable to celebrate. When I arrived at this institution in the fall of 1992, I had no inkling as to my talents in dance. I had no clue what I was doing, I wasn’t a very good dancer and I think the department accepted me because I had a high academic standing. What I discovered was astounding. Now I dance with a small company and am pursuing a rather naively ambitious career as a solo dancer. Some days I think I just might make it. This is what the events of the last four years has given me and many others. When the curtain fell at the March 10th Gala silence came down with it. Silence of potential voices like mine. Imprint has sometimes missed our events and refrained from printing information about our dwindling existence. This year, however, the paper has been great. Both Sonja Sen and Greg Krafchick (and the woman who took the wonderful photo of me seen last November) showed sensitivity and soulfulness. And all three have been incessantly kind in their imagery and words in regard to my work. I am so very flattered; the paper has helped to bolster my self-confidence. My solo in the Gala was an emotional exposure of some scary things living in my head and Greg, I am ecstatic that someone I don’t know could be touched by it. Goodbye and thank you for the support Imprint. -Martha
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and Music
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To those who..chatter
These, yew
students of science, fmt
Are till of nut$Cng but jay and goad cheer. They giggle and chirp At each other and the add burp, While I ican fonvardi and struggle to hear.
in cl.ass
Save you slumber-parties for same otkr time; 1 am paying money fur this :, Vcrsim ofacademic bliss; Shut yuur traps and all will be fine, -Nancy
Fish 'n Canada: Pornography for the ArmchairAngler Porn fuums,
stars dun ‘t weur condoms while fishing guys never
or use spcvmicidul wear life I jackets.
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hen I was growing up in rural Saskatchewan, there was nothing I enjoyed more than going fishing with my dad and my grandparents. We would spend hours out on the water, my patience helled by anticipation of all the fish WC would catch, and their patience tested by my insistence that we stay “just a little bit longer,” as well as my annoying imitation of Roscoe P. Coltrane’s laugh which I would let loose each time I was fortunate enough to catch a - . tlsh. When we couldn’t go fishing, there was nothing I enjoyed more than watching The Red Fisher Show on Saturday mornings. For the uninitiated, Red Fisher was/is (?) one of the pioneers of the fishing shows, such as Fish n ’ Canada, which still dot the Saturday TV programming schedule. The basic format of Red Fisher’s show involved him sitting around his cottage with a couple of his fishing buddies and reminiscing about some of the successful fishing trips they had taken together. There was a lot of footage of Red and his buddies fishing as well as plenty of advice on what techniques would make for the most successful fishing trip possible. Now, I have no quarrel with Mr. Fisher, or any of his buddies. Perhaps this is because he bore a striking resemblance to my grandfather, but more likely because his show had a certain innocent quality about it. It was more than an opportunity for advertisers of fishing equipment to reach their consumers. Red Fisher loved fishing and it was fun to watch him do it. Et was a chance to vicariously enjoy the incomparable thrill of successfully landing a live fish which you alone had lured from the shadowy depths and into your shiny aluminum boat. As muchas 1 enjoyed Red Fisher’s show, and as much as I still enjoy fjshing, something about the new fishing shows bothers me. I have felt it for a while now but it was only last weekend, as 1 flipped on the TV in order to catch Fish n ’ Canadd while 1 ate my lunch, that I realized what it was, Today, these shows are nothing more than commercials for fishing gear with a few minutes of actual program in between; it dawned on me that these shows cheapened and corrupted the joy of fishing in much the same way as porn videos cheapen and corrupt the joy of sex. Once this thought hit me, 1 was surprised at just how many parallels between the two mediums. For example: Both fishing shows and porn videos create unrealistic expectations of the activity which they document. Pornography usually involves guys having sex with beautiful women who want nothing but sex and can have a screaming orgasm at the drop of a hat. As any guy knows, such women do not exist. Fishing shows on the other hand, by only filming wildly successful fishing trips and through the use of time lapse photography, lead the viewer to think that if he/she doesn’t catch a fish on every second cast, there is something seriously wrong with that person. Both fishing shows and porn videos
encourage male-dominated fantasies where fish and women are exploited to meet the desires of men. Porn videos cater to male sexual fantasies about sex-hungry, siliconladen women whose only desire is to exist as the sexual servant of their male counterparts. Fishing shows exploit fish as the plaything of men. They encourag,e the viewer to believe that fish merely exist to provide us with recreational opportunities rather than celebrating fish as some of nature’s most beautiful creations. For both forms of entertainment, the climax is the most important thing. In pornography, orgasm seems to be the only reason given for two people to engage in sex. In fishing shows, everylhing is subordinated to catching a fish; and the more fish one can catch, the better the fisherman is. Neither activity is enjoyed in and of itself. With emphasis on orgasm and the selfish pursuit of pleasure; pornography leaves out intimacy, sensuality, love, and tenderness. In their orgiastic quest for the most fish in the least amount of time, fishing shows often overlook the sheer joy of being out on the water and the opportunity fishing provides to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of nature, whether or not one catches any fish. In addition, neither climax is allowed to take its natural course. In porn videos, the guy rarely, if ever, ejaculates while still inside the woman, as nature intended. On fishing shows, people do not catch fish for food, as was originally the case. They do it simply for the joy of catching them, and then they release them, in hopes of catching them again next year when they are a little bigger. In addition to thle above, the following comments may also be made: both porn videos and fishing shows do not encourage participants in either activity to use any sort of protection. Porn guys do not wear condoms or use sperrnic.idal foams, while fishing guys never wear life jackets. Both forms ofentertainment involve the use of elaborate toys to make the activity more interesting; as ifto imply that either activity is not enjoyable enough on its own. Dildos, vibrators, and the like may be found on porn videos while fishing shows encourage the use of fish finders, jigglers, and rubber frogs. Scandalous. Last but not least, in both porn videos and fishing shows, size is everything; whether we are talking about penises, breasts, or fish. This leaves both the wielder of small flesh and the catcher of small fish feeling wildly inadequate. Based on the above observations, there may be some lovers of porno and Fish tz ’ Canada fans out there who would say that 1 do not know enouglh about either one of them. That may be true. But from where I sit, observing how both pornography and fishing shows have corrupted my innocence, 1 think that ifpeople wa,tched less ofboth types of entertainment, we would all be a lot better Off.
And nowfor somethingcompletelydifferent.,. T
here is no abernative. This is the only way. Bullshit. There is more than one way to do anything. There are aiternatives. Just because these alternatives are not “newsworthy” or widely disseminated does not mean that they do not exist. By popular demand, I’ll take this opportunity to suggest some alternative ways to “restore prosperity to Ontario.” lt is essential that the economy be restored to health. In this matter I agree with Mr. Harris and neoconservatives everywhere. But what does %xnomic prosperity” really mean‘? China’s economy is booming. China’s industry also dumps 40 tons ofraw, untreated waste into its third-largest river every day. Water from this river is unfit for plant life, yet it is the only source of drinking water for many. When the Exxon Valdez dropped its load off the coast of Alaska, the economy, as measured by the GDP, improved. The industrial revolution was an era of tremendous economic growth, but also a time where children were enslaved in factories. Are these examples of the kind of prosperous economy we want? I doubt it. The economy cannot remain an entity unto itself. Rather, it is a means to an end -- that end being enhanced quality of life, individually and collectively. 1 doubt the Chinese villagers really care that business is booming while they drink toxic water that makes them vomit. I doubt that most Ontarians are thrilled that banks make billion dollar profits year after year after year. The goal ofan economy should be to improve people’s living conditions and not just to make money for the sake ofmaking money, Since the earliest economies were established thousands of years ago, this fact has been forgotten and subordinated to a more competitive, seifinterested, and acquisitive attitude. Although this serves some people admirably (e.g. feudal lords, slave drivers, bank executives), the majority has been ill-served by the way economics has evolved. The goal, then, in pursuing an alternative way to secure economic prosperity is to meet the needs of both individuals and society. This seems like an oxymoron, and it is, mostly. Nevertheless, I will briefly
ning Council of K-W). Agreed, there is abuse of the welfare system (as there is everywhere), but this does not mean that innocent victims should suffer. Many students receive OSAP who do not need it, but does that mean that OSAP should be cut for everyone? The government should crack down on the abusers of the welfare system, and leave the rest alone rather than
suggest some alternatives to the current government’s policies that will address this goal. Education: A country’s prosperky lies fundamentally in the level of education of its workforce. Raising tuition fees will be deleterious in the long run. Tuition fees must remain at the same level or be lowered to ensure that Ontario and Canada remain a strong economic
What dues CCecOnumicpruspe~i~” really mean ? China fs economy booming. China )s industv also dumps 40 tons of raw, untreated waste into its third-lurgest river every duy= Wuterfrom this river unfzt forplccnt life, yet it is the only source of drin king water fo many. When the EXXOIZ Vildez dropped its lad off the coast Alaska, the economy, us measured by the GDE impruved.
entity. With regard to public education, staffing cuts should not occur in the classroom. But most Boards of Education have plenty of administrative fluff they can do without. Health Care: Our health care system is envied the world over. Studies comparing out health care system to that of the United States consistently find that our costs are lower, service is fairer and more efficient, and people are healthier. Yet, while foreign countries are lusting after our health care system, we are dismantling it. Common sense dictates that we preserve it. “We will not cut health care spending. I t’s far too important.. .” (The Common Sense Revolution). I Welfare/Workfare: According to Robert Muiialy, a professor at St. Thomas University, workfare only increases the competition for jobs: it does not create them. Further, University of Montreal Associate Professor Alain Noel states “workfare programs are expensive and, to date, it is far from clear that workfare will bring substantial net is a good consavings.” Workfare cept in theory, but not in practice, especially when work training programs are being reduced by $69 million. Assuming recipients have the skills to fill all the vacant jobs available in Waterloo Region, there is only one job for every nine recipients who lost benefits, leaving nothing for 27,000 ofthem (Social Plan-
ruthlessly and mindlessly slashing and burning. Welfare recipients (used to) contribute to the economy just like anyone else by buying food, clothes, and rent. In addition, increasing the economic hardship of this or any group will lead to increases in crime, family violence, and delinquency. The net savings of welfare cuts are less than they appear. Restructuring Bureaucracy: There is a lot of fat to be trimmed in the provincial bureaucracy. Unfortunately, most of what has been cut so far is not the fat, but rather the people on the front lines - the service providers. What should be cut is more middle and upper man-
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billion that could be used to pay down the deficit. Everyone agrees that the deficit is a problem, and I’m sure everyone would be willing to help bail the province out of its debt crisis. Increased Taxes: Taxes on banks, other financial institutions, and large corporations should be increased. This could make another billion dollars or so that can go towards creation of real jobs. Fewer Politicians: Still waiting... Job Creation: If people have jobs, people will have money. If people have money, they will spend it. It people spend money, the economy will be happy. It’s pretty
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simple. Mr. Harris would do well to spend money to create j obs, to boost the economy. 1 + 1 = 2. We can and must preserve the things we value, particularly education and health care. At the same time, we can reduce the debt and keep it reduced, and ensure the long-term health of our economy. Unfortunately, Mr. Bank Chairman won’t get his $100,000 tax cut, nor will you get your 30X, but that’s somethiNg we will just have to live with. As Oliver Wendel Holmes once said, taxes are tht: price we pay for civilization. It is not a perfect alternative, nor, in the interest of brevity, is it complete. But it is a hell of a lot more effective., humane, and sensible than Harris’ ruthless, directionless approach. It’s ironic. The latest figures show that Ontario’s economy has declined over tlhe last while, mainly because of reduced government spending, lower consumer confidence, and the fact that fewer peopie have jobs. IYot what most of us had in mind when we voted PC. But that’s OK. The banks are smiling. As a final note, I am sick ofthe lack of creativity on the part of neoconservatives and the New Right in offering solutions to the social problems facing this province and this country. If anyone has any real solutions (or any comments about this article), why don’t you send me an e-mail, at vjzbogar@cousteau.uwaterloo. I would like to hear what you have to say.
agement jobs. This would achieve almost equivalent amounts of saving, would affect fewer people, and would retain most services at close to current levels. Transportation: Why is the government shelling out $100 miilion to build the Red Hill Creek Expressway in Hamilton, which is not even really needed? Tax Cut: Forget it, and save $5
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Identifying lobby
univers groups
Who they are and why you should by David Imprint
niversity politics is complicated. Having said that, however, it’s really not that difficult to figure things out with a bit of elementary information. The hard part is getting that information. Unless, of course, somebody presents you with that information in an easy-to-use format. So here we go. The first thing to realize is that there is no single voice for universities, although many groups would Like to think that they are that voice. Students, administrations, and faculty each present proposals they believe to be best for the university system. Students, through their role as clients of the system, believe that their voice should be the loudest. Administration, because they are the ones who actually run the universities, believe that they have the handle on what the best solutions are to the universities’ problems. Faculty, as the primary servicedeliverers, feel that they have the best solutions. If you’re wondering who’s right, keep wondering. 1 don’t intend to hand-feed you solutions. My goal is just to provide you with the background of some of the major groups, their philosophical grounding, and their stands on some of the major issues. in Ontario, university administrations are represented by the Council of Ontario Universities, or COIJ. Each school is represented by its President (or equivalent title), and an academic fellow - a professor selected by the University of Waterloo’s Senate. The history of COU began in the early 197Os, and it made an immediate impact. With a budget of over $1,000,000 in its first year, COU was the first university organization to maintain a full-time staff year-round. Although they may argue this, COU is more interested in whether or not universities have adequate funding than they are with whether or not students are financially able to attend universities. For example, the Council of Ontario Universities recognizes that government funding is woefully inadequate, and sees little possibility of changing this in the near future. To compensate, they propose an income-contingent loan repayment program (lCLRP), whereby students would each repay an amount determined by their income, rather than their debt level. COU wants this, however, so that tuition fees can be drastically raised. With such a loan system in place. according to COU, potential students would not view tuition as a financial barrier to access. UGersity administration is represented at the f-.- I 33 level by the Association of Unik erstii ,, .D! f’oIiegesofCanada(~4UCCj.
Since it is primarily associated with the federal funding ofresearch and federal cash transfers for universities, you’ll rarely hear about the AUCC in the general press because the federal government maintains a small direct role in the funding of universities. AUCC doesn’t get involved with tuition rates, because tuition levels aren’t set by the federal government. Faculty representation is in many ways the polar opposite of administrations. In Ontario, faculty are represented by the On-
all heard
tario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, or OCUFA. OCUFA’s executive maintain their full-timejobs as professors at their respective Ontario universities while fulfilling their provincial duties. The OCUFA’s philosophies are definitely more idealistic than COU’s. I still remember the look of incredulity on the then-VP of OCUFA’s face as he argued for the merits of zero-tuition only to be faced by a student believing it to be nothing more than a pipe dream. Faculty are represented at the federal level by the Canadian Association of University Teachers, or CAUT. This organization is best-known on our campus for its role in providing a lawyer free of charge for Professor Sehdev Kumar. If you don’t know why that’s important, chances are you haven’t read this far anyway. Part of the CAUT’s role is to defend
professors from unjust treatment at the hands of administrators - such as that alleged in UW’s Lipczynska case; and to promote academic freedom - as in the Rushton case at Western. And then we come to the students. Students are undoubtedly the black sheep in terms of political lobby groups. While there is only one voice for administrations in Ontario, and only one voice for faculty at the federal level, students in Ontario have the
do they
choice of belonging either to the Canadian Federation of Students- Ontario (CFS-U), or to the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA). Federally, students can choose between the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, or the Canadian Federation of Students. Ontario is not the exception, though. Most provinces are home to at least two student movements with radically different approaches and philosophies. The CFS-0 espouses zero tuition, aguaranteed minimum income for students, open access regardless of financial or academic qualifications, and Ihe elimination of differential fees for international students. CFS-0 also gets involved with other, less relevant to education issues; such as pollution, injustice in third world countries, and the im~olvement of Canadian corporations in pollution and third world countries.
care OUSA, on the other hand, has the primary goal of financial accessibility. Similar to COU, they endorse an income contingent loan repayment program. Their reasons for doing so, however, are quite different. While COU views ICLRps ats a means to increase tuition, OUSA feels that tuition levels are too high already, the current loan system as inadequate, and an ICLRP as necessary without further tuition inc:reases. Nationally, CFS tows the exact same party line as CFS-0. In fact, the two organizations are so closely linked that it’s impossible to be a member of one without being a member of the other. The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, on the uther hand, maintains no provincial arms. CAS.A is solely concerned with the federal government funding of universities, student loans, and other related areas. It’s difficult to say what CASA’s philosophies are, because unlike CFS, they haven’t been around long enough for an enduring image to be developed. In fact, in this first year of operation, CASA has yet to mount a successful campaign in the eyes of its students. In preparing this article I spoke to a few reasonablyinformed students, and the only thing they remembered CASA for was the embezzlement case involving one of its senior members. A few also recalled that Waterloo rejected a CASA campaign proposal in the fall semester. Not exactly the material of which legends are made. In terms of membership, and which school represents the most students, it’s difficult to say definitively which organizations are the largest. CFS claims to have high numbers, but they also represent college students. They also include 25,000 UW students as members, despite the fact that Waterloo withdrew several years ago, and there aren’t anywhere near that many students attending UW. Shady m#ath? Perhaps. CASA and OUSA. are more honest with their numbers. If you actually limit membership estimates to actual1 members, then both CASA and OUSA represent more university students than their counterparts. To tell the truth, though, numbers are becoming increasingly irrelevant. CFS-0 constantly complains that they can’t get enough attention from Education Minister John Snobelen, despite their numbers. OUSA has little trouble getting in with the Minister, because they (according to OUSA) have a rational message to present. CFS is the group that engages in macaroni-throwing protests, constantly getting press for burning peopte in effigy. Other groups more closely follow the axiom: JJOU get moreJies with honey than you do kth vinegur. Which works better? You decide.
IMPRINT, Friday, March 22,1996
Does it guarantee by Kelly Foley Vice PresMent Education-Elect special to Imprint
he tenured, professorate belong to an elite which is rare in society. Strictly speaking, tenured professors are not an untouchable lot, even though they certainly appear to be. Tenured faculty members have traditionally been provided with an unrivalled level of job security and the justification for this privilege has always been a relentless battle cry for “academic freedom.” As a method of ensuring this fkeedom, tenure implies that only those members of the university community that have attained a given level of accomplishment or prestige deserve to have their rights so vehemently protected. This argument fails if we consider that academic freedom is a fundamental principle of the university as an institution, and it
should be equally accessible to all. The preamble to the University of Waterloo’s Policy 53, which deals with faculty appointments and tenure, states that “The University supports academic freedom, which means the freedom to study, teach, publish and debate, independent of current opinion, subject to commonly accepted scholarly standards.” Policy 33 on Ethical Behaviour is also designed to protect academic freedom. Presumably this policy is meant to defend all untenured members of the community. If this policy is regarded as a sufficient guarantee for some members, why is it not sufficient for all? Although academic freedom is most often quoted, Policy 53 states that another purpose of tenure is to “provide stability for the individual and the university.” Stability is certainly an agreeable concept. However, in light of the current fiscal climate it would be difficult to argue that professors deserve that which nobody else can claim. Moreover, the level ofjob security provided by tenure makes it signiciantly more difficult to scale down the number of faculty in times of financial distress. Although the apparatus exists, the process is very lengthy and arduous.
While tenure offers its hotders job security, it does a poor job of meeting its objective of guaranteeing academic freedom. More often than not, money provides a stronger censor than any of the traditional obstructions. Tenured or not, one must compete for grant funds. The policy of federal grant agencies changed in 1970 such that private sector research firms would receive priority. Researchers were then forced to become more entrepreneurial in generating their funding Contractual research with companies such as McDonalds or Microsoft are common. In this highly competitive arena, ideas with a great deal of academic promise could be easily pushed aside by more marketable ideas. As industry begins to play a larger role in university research, it could dictate the type of research that is undertaken-. If faculty are interested in a particular topic, reason-
has taken
an anti-tenure
an inquiry into the accusations. The resulting report concluded that Fabrikant’s allegations were true. The Arthurs report also outlines some systemic weaknesses in the research culture which has allowed or even encouraged this unethical behaviour to occur. The system of promotion and tenure relies too
As industry university
published a study in Psychological Science in which they presented other psychologists with vignettes of faculty-student collaborations on research projects. The professors were then asked how they would assign authorship credits. Junior faculty gave credit to students significantl:y less often than sen-
to play
a larger
it could
the type
is undertaken.
heavily upon the volume of publications as a measure of a professor’s productivity. The episode at Concordia is undisputedly atypicalbut only in the manner in which it unfolded. According to the Arthurs report, the provoking issuesand problems “are not unique to Concordia. ” When taken into context, a breeding ground for disaster is created which the Concordia affair has all too clearly illustrated. It is also well documented that faculty on the tenure track are more aggressive than their tenured counterparts. In 1992, psychologists M. Martin Costa and Margaret Gatz
ior faculty. Anecdotal responses also indicated that “the effect of tenure on fatuity willingness to give students credit may be more than academic m,ythology”. The justification for a process which clearly establishes an elite with their own set of superior rights, must be quite consummate. Of course academia has so many heady concepts from which to draw. This “community of schotars” living in its “ivory tower” has been charged to create and disseminate knowledge freely, as well as define and challenge truth without fear of reprisal. If only we ALL had tenure.
Complement your Degree with hire educiition, (, , Train to be ib
able access to funding could be denied simply because it is not a current priority to industry. Topics which criticize industry may be removed from the course curriculum because they are not considered to be pragmatic investments for the private sector. The principle of academic freedom which universities mean to protect is compromised because researchers are obliged to financially justify their work. Faculty are sometimes prohibited from undertaking research not because it is unpopular but because it is unprofitable. In this case, tenure offers no protection against dwindling resources. The harm that tenure imposes on higher education is magnified in light of its apparent inability to preserve academic freedom. In 1992, at the University of Concordia, Valery Fabrikant killed four ofhis collcagues in the Engineering Faculty after attempting to obtain tenure through bribery and blackmail. Fabrikant accused several fellow faculty of misappropriating authorship credit in academic papers and engaging in conflicts of interest. Following the tragedy, the Concordia commission was established by former York University President, Harry Arthurs, to lead
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OF -:..
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RENOWNED by Amber Wallace special to Imprint
eil Randail teaches courses in Rhetoric and Professional Writing for the University of Waterloo’s English De-
partment. He has published several books about the Internet including Teach Yourself the Internet, The World Wide Web Unleashed, M-Bone and the Multimedia Internet, and Using HTML. Currently, he is working on three books to be published this summer: The Soul of the Internet, N&cape Navigator Gold, and Microsoft Front Pug.
ell me about your book on the history of the Internet? The Soul of the Internet is a combination history of the Net from the perspective of, first of all me, but also an oral perspective of the people who actually put the things together and did all the various development, So, 1 interviewed probably 100 people. Was that internationally? Yes, mostly in the US because that’s where most of the activity occurred. While I certainly didn’t get to everybody, the fact remains that most of the people I got to were able to teI1 me stories of what went on in various places and various technologies. It was quite interesting to hear their view of it. I’m not particularly interested in the actual history of the Internet from a documentary stand point. For one thing, I don’t think it’s all that exciting, but I’m interested in what people have to say about their contributions and there are some interesting things. The early stuffis much more interview based; the later material is based on what I’ve been able to pick up from the Net itself and popular press, from perspectives of various activist groups. So, you get into issues like Internet censorship and the Communications Decency Act in the U.S. Did you find any conflicting information like people taking credit for work that others have done? Oddly enough the actual technology people behind the building of the Internet all tell the same story. And they seem to be telling pretty much the truth. They seem to be very modest. I mean you talk to a person like Vince Cerf who’s considered the Godfather of the Internet and he just tells you about all kinds of other people and what they did. I did have one bit ofcontroversy with one person claiming a great deal that he’s never claimed before. I suspect it’s a bit of a crock. Wasn’t The Soul of the Internet supposed to be out in October of ‘95? Why did things get pushed back? It was a combination of interviews with people getting postponed and getting a hold of people. It’s treacherousthese are busy people. With full-time teaching it’s hard to be scheduling all these things. You know, you teach two or three courses during the day and you go home at night and are too tired to write. And, quite frankly, I had some serious
iurn out problems 1 guess. I just couldn’t get it going for a while, but it’s picking up now again. The publishers are really anxious forThe Soul of the Internet. The book seller put out an article on upcoming Internet books and listed it as one of the most interesting which is really quite funny because I hadn’t written it yet. Hopefully, it will be a book that people will take interest in. I’m hoping it’s the kind of book that people will want to read on airplanes. It’s not a scholarly history of the Net. I wasn’t after that, So, why did you get into the computer book writing business? Because I got into the computer game reviewing business. I originally bought a
on the
64 way back in the early
because,one, I didn’t want to retype my PhD thesis and secondly, because I wanted to play computer games. I was a game player in the pre-computer days with everything from role-playing games to war games to all kinds of strategy games. So, it was about a 50/50 split over why I bought my first computer. Eight months previous to that I was totally against the thing - anti-technological. 1 then picked up a magazine that had some reviews of games and basically said, “I can do this.” And I found out that it was a way of getting free games, because they send them to you so you can review them. I sent in my first review and the publisher asked me to do more, and it took off from there. Then I started publishing for additional magazines and I decided that I should hop on the Internet bandwagon. Actually, as it turns out now, it was fairly young at that point back in ‘93. Since then this thing has exploded. And then I decided that I would like to write a book about how to use the Internet because at that time they did not have the World Wide Web. I sent in a proposal to a company, forgot about it completely, and they phoned me up and said, “We think we can use this, not what you’ve sent us, but the way we’d like it,” which is the way
computer book publishers work, and so I, signed the contract. I had a co-author at the time, but he left the country so I ended up doing it by myself. And that was the first one. It was successful enough that they asked me to do a second one, and a third one. The first book you wrote was Temh Yourself the Internet? Yeah, and the second one was the World Wide Web Unleashed. That’s an interesting story because while I was finishing Teach Yourselfthe Internet the Web was starting to take off. Mosaic had been released, and people were starting to surfaround the Web and sites were siarting to appear. I phoned the publishers and said, “What about a book about the
World Wide Web?” and they said, “Ah, I don’t know. Do you think it will go anywhere?” and I said, “Well, it looks like it.” It was really the first comprehensive book about the Web. It’s hopelessly out of date, even with the second edition, by now because the thing is out of date the day you write it. Now I’ve been trying to get into various other technologies such as html. My next contracted book is about a Microsoft program called Front Page which lets you create Web sites and serve them up on the Web. It’s a great anxiety level because every morning you wake up and you realise you’re way behind. Do you find that writing books interferes with teaching and marking? I’ve been very lucky in that the book writing is actually also the subjects of the teaching I want to do, such as this multimedia course. I teach in the Professional Writing field- This is obviously professional writing, so I can bring those experiences in. Yes, it’s difficult to juggle everything which is one reason I’m actually trying to cut down the amount of writing I’m doing. I don’t like when it interferes in any way, and I try not to let it. It probably has to some extent, but I try hard not to let it do that. I don’t know how success&l I’ve been. You’ll have to askother peopIe about that.
Do you get rich from writing books? No! You don’t get rich from writing these things. You get enough to do things like go on vacation with your family, put up a ret room which iskind ofwhat I’m doing right now. It’s a supplementary form of income. I suppose if I wanted to, and really worked hard at it, 1 could make it into a full time income, but I don’t want to because then I’d be doing things like begging for projects and going to the mailbox every day and praying there’s a cheque there. Are you famous? Nah, it’s just that I have enough technical knowledge that they know I know what I’m talking about. I’m not really highly technically skilled, but there’s enough there. 1 write very well for that kind of medium. And for your audience, I imagine? Yeah, what they normally get are really highly technically skilled people, but they have to redo all their writing, generally speaking. That’s a cliche, but it does happen. I’m able to give them well written prose that they don’t have to do a lot of work on, so that’s why they like working with me. That seems ideal fior the publisher? Well, I would hope. That’s what I seem to be getting. There arc certain projects I wouldn’t take on because they are too technical. I don’t want to write a book on C++ or how to build virtual reality models. I couIdn’t do it. So, what about your competition? Do you buy their books to see what they are doing? I buy almost nothing. I just don’t normally find it very useful.. I normally know what I want to say and how I want to present it. The publisher will keep me in touch with what other people are doing. Frankly, I’m so busy .writing these things I don’t have time to read them. And if people want to send me stuff tha.t’s fine, but I don’t normally take a look at wlhat other people are writing. I’m not being arrogant in any way, I just don’t see the point. Can you tell me more about the projects themselves? One of the most interesting things has been involving students and other people I’ve met in the past. There have been a number of students who have worked with me on my books, their names do appear in them. And in a couple of cases it has led to some really good things. Like what? A couple of students lin English ended up with Microsoft. A couple of people are going through job interviews now. They came in with virtually no computer knowledge and working on the books gave them a jump start into that area. So that’s another thing I’ve been able to bring back to the University So, when are you due for a sabbatical? Not until ‘98, but I may just take a few months andnot be writing books and see how that goes. But somehow., I don’t think that will happen.
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TROPHY : Named after Carl Totzke (the first Director of Athletics at UW; retired in I989), this award recognizes the Male Athlete who displays athletic excellence, sportsmanship, citizenship, and academic success. The nominees are:
Mike Malott
Jeff Miller
Chosen the Football Warriors’ Most Valuble Player this season, Mike was another force up the middle in Waterloo’s respectable I995 campaign. Mike finished second in Warrior career rushing yards and fourth in the CIAU all-time. In 1994, Mike was selected by the Ottawa RoughRiders thirteenth overall, and could possibly play in the NFL this season. Mike also competed in track.
- Track & Field
A mechanical engineer, Jeff has been the number one ranked pole vaulter in the CIAU the past two years. In 1995, Jeff competed in the Commonwealth Games, placing9th with a personal best 5.20 metres. Recently, at the CIAU championships in Windsor, Jeff won the event for the second cons&utive year. He was the 1996 team captain and team leader, and is a definite Olympic hopeful.
AWARD : This award is presented in hon-
our of Hildegard Marsden (the former UW Dean of Women). The award recognizes the Female Athlete who has excelled in athletics at the University of Waterloo, and also represents excellence in academics and student citizenship. The nominees are:
Reed - Volleyball
John Wynne --Hockey
This year’s team captain and biggest offensive weapon, Matt has enjoyed three stellar seasons at the University of Waterloo after beginning his CIAU career at McMaster. An OUAA AllStar last year and the year before, Matt was again selected as one of the OUAA’s finest this season. His leadership, steady play, and powerful presence on the court were crucial for the Warriors’ success this season. :
John capped his career by earning the Sullivan Award thhs season which recognizes the best hockey player in Canida. Wynne captained the Warriors to the National Finals in this, his last season at Waterloo. He was also named to the CIAU all-star first team, OUAA MVP, and OUAA first team all-star. This season, John led the team in points and plus/minus. He is 4th in alltimeWarrior points. .._
---+- Cbach
Of the
The 1995-96 nominees are:
q -
Rice - Swimming
Cross-Country/Track One of the all-time ners
in UW
greatest LeRoy
female came
her own this season, claiming the bronze medal at the OWIAA track finals in the 1500m. In cross-country last fall, she made second team All-Canadian, tanked 9th in the country. A team captain the past two years, Judith was also an Academic All-Canadian in 1993 and 1994.
Kara swam books this female
her way into the UW record season and was the only competitor
at the
championships this year. Other than a bronze medal at the OWIAA championships, Rice set three UW records and won the vaunted Mike Moser Award this winter. The Mathematics student also served on the Varsity Council and the Athletic Advisory Board this year.
Sh aron’ Creelman
[7. TanyMartigs
Field Hockey
IMPRINT, Friday,
March 22,19X
ALSOup for grabs...
The Federation Amy
Amy, a native New Brunswicker, established herself as the top defensive player in the OWlAA this season. Not only was Amy able to shut down some of the top scorers in the country, but her tremendous speed allowed her to be a constant scoring threat. Amy is a young player who plays with maturity and composure. For her outstanding play in OWIAA league play, Amy earned a First Team league All-Star Award earning the third highest number of votes in the league. Amy’s strong play helped the Athena Field Hockey Team capture its first ever OWIAA Field Hockey Championship and finished fifth overall at the CIAU National Championships. She was also named a First Team All Canadian. She played an integral role in the success of the indoor hockey team as they went on to capture the bronze medal at the OWIAA Championships. Amy is currently training with the Junior National Squad, with the 1997 Junior World Cup as her goal. Lindy
of Students Rookies of the Year
5 in doubles, culminating in an OWMA silver medal in singles. On the strength of Lindy’s performances, the Athenas accomplished their goal of qualifying for the playoffs for the first time in years. As a member of the team, Lindy displayed poise, maturity and a wonderful competitive spirit. Her leadership inspired and motivated both the Men’s and Women’s teams on a daily basis. Rachel
Rachel was an outstanding competitor and leader for the team all season long. Always positive and energetic, she has been an example for all team members to follow. Her keenness to excel after three years away from the sport brought her and the team great success. She had accumulated 18 personal bests up to the CIAU championships while setting three school records - in the 55m, 6Om, and 200m. She helped both the women’s 4x200m and 4x400m relay teams to fourth place finishes at the OWIAAs. She also did well in the 30Om and 400m events despite never having run either before.
Finalists at the CIAU Championships. His dominant physical presence and finely tuned puckhandling skills provided a terrorizing balance of power and finesse. He ended up with 20 goals and 22 assists, second on the team and ninth in the OUAA. He was also named OUAA West Rookie of the Year. David
Dave finished the year with a record of 5 wins and 2 losses. His efforts saw him win a silver medal at the OUAA Singles Championships. He was also named an OWAA All Star. His committmen~ and leadership was a great example and a -great inspiration to his teammates.-
John had an outstanding season that saw him place first at the OUAA Championships in the 1OOm breaststroke, while breaking a team record that had existed since 1978. His time in that event also qualified him to compete in the Swim Canada Olympic Trials at the end of the month. His ability to compete in numerous events was very valuable throughout the dual meet season helping the team to be very competitive and to finish tied for second in the league standings with Westem. At the CIAU Chiampionships, John was a major point getter .for the Warriors, highlighted by a fourth place finish in the 50m bieaststrbke. -
- Badminton
This season Lindy played No. I singles and doubles positions and established herself as one of the premier players in the OWLAA immediately. During the season Lindy posted impressive records of 14-4 in singles and 13-
Peter Brearley was an outstanding rookie on this year’s Warrior hockey team which won the OUAA Championship and were
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by The Imprint
Grouse stafff
How low can you go? rice again, baseball bigwigs are trying to use their high level of intelligence in an attempt to improve the game. And as usual, their efforts are falling laughably short. Their latest target is the strike zone. Apparently thesepeoplethink that enlargening the strike zone will somehow magically speed up the games. So, Major League Baseball umpires have been instructed to start calling strikes below the knees. Umpires have objected to this directive and hence, have not been calling the new low strike. One umpire commented that in a spring training game this year, he tried calling the low strike and was rewarded with yelling from both benches. Seems that the players aren’t too happy with the new zone either. So, with players not liking the new zone and umpires not calling if, yet another brilliant idea comes crashing down to earth in failure. How can veteran umpires be expected to change the strike zone that they have been comfortably calling for many years? How can players be asked to immediately adjust to a new way of calling balls and strikes? Apparently these socalled “experts” have never gotten behind the plate and tried calling balls and strikes before. A comfurtable strike zone takes years to perfect for an umpire and trying to adjust it is something that cannot be done overnight. Meanwhile, players have spent years disciplining themselves on the finer points of the strike zone. Changing the strike zone for the players basically forces them to start over from scratch. This coincidental adjustment period would not be a harmonious one for players and umpires, who would both be simultaneously feeling their way through the changes. There would be many disagreements during this extremely tense situation with both sides trying to find a mutually acceptable common ground. Tempers would flare and a general state of discontentment would exist between players and umpires (even more so than now) which wouldn’t exactly be good for the game. The umpires, probably realizing this, are simply preventing it from happening. Television has been calling for faster games in order to keep fan interest. Perhaps television should realize that it’s their fault that the games are this long in the first place. There is a two-and-a-half minute break between innings for commercials. This results in everybody having to wait until the TV people say that it’s OK to continue. In a full nine-inning game, there
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are 17 such breaks. Now, let us examine the rules of baseball. The rules state that a pitcher may take no more than one minute to deliver no more than eight warmup pitches between innings. Give the pitcher 30 seconds to walk out to the mound, plus the one minute of warmups, and you only need a 90 second break between innings. This would cut down those between inning breaks by a full minute, resulting in a 17 minute reduction in game time. It’s a good place to start. Perhaps these TV people shouldrealize that maybe they could try to sacrifice something (for a change) in order to get the shorter games that they want instead of changing the game itself. No CFL
says Smith
f you ever want a lesson in hypocracy and how to break promises, don’t talk to your local politician. Take a course in CFL 1Oi with professor Larry Smith, who moonlights as commissioner of the CFL. As part of the CFL salary cap rules, if a team meets the salary cap criteria then they are rewarded with a draft pick in a “bonus” round of the CFL draft, which occurs before the first round. This offers an incentive to meet the cap. However, Larry Smith recently abolished the bonus round, citing that ofthe teams which exceeded the cap, none were significantly over the cap enough to justify being denied a pick. So, to supposedly be fair, the bonus round was eliminated. What about teams like Hamilton which maintained their position under the cap all season to be able to select in the bonus round? They followed the rules all year in the hopes of being rewarded, and now they get nothing. It has been suggested that abolishing the bonus round will make things more fair to the top teams in the league, who might not get to select until late in the top ten or even into the teens. Who was the top team last year‘? Baltimore. Where is Baltimore now? Montreal. What team has been the beneficiary of recent efforts by Smith to help their cause in their new city? Montreal. What team did Larry Smith play for when he was a young CFLer? The Montreal Alouettes. Coincidence? Yeah, sure. Smith has stated before that one of his main goals was to make the CFL prosperous in Montreal again. He has certainly tried his hardest to tilt the playing field in their favour in an attempt to heIp them gain popularity. Wake up, Larry, they won the Grey Cup last year. What help do they need? Whatever happened to competitive balance? They should be getting NO help whatsoever. With bias like this, Larry Smith now seems apparently unfit to do
Friday, March 22,1496
his job as CFL commissioner. The time is now to get his hypocritical, pro-Montreal agenda out of offlice and replace him with someone whose outlook. stretches beyond the boundaries of Quebec. The whole league is in deep shit, and we don’t need the commissioner trying to nurse along his successful prized franchise at the expense of other franchises who don’t even know if they will live to play their next game. Canadian Football Lengu~, Larry. Rogers
us again
his weekend, I was in Ottawa watching the NCAA basketball tournament on the local Rogers Cable system. Wake Forest and Texas were plaiying an outstanding game that was one of the best that l’d seen so fx. With 16 seconds to play, Wake Fatrest led by one and was going to the free-throw line for a critical one-and-one. I was geared up for an exciting finish. Now, CBS is broadcasting the tournament. It was on Sunday night and it was approaching 7 p.m. which meant that sissy Min~rte,y was on next. The announcers said the usual spiel about stay tuned for Six/-v Minutes, blah, blah, blah. 1 didn’t care, I was too much into the game. Keep in mind that six@ MimtLzs also comes on Global at 7 p.m. So, just as the free throws are about to take place, what comes on but Si.xv Minutes, courtesy oftheGlobal feed. The Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Council (CRTC) and Rogers simulcasting strike again. Needless to say that 1 missed the final 16 seconds, and by the time Rogers rlealized that S~XQJ Minutes hadn’t started on the CBS station yet and switched back, the game was over and Wake Forest was celebrating victory. TerrificI already had a problem with the whole bullshit simulcasting concept in the first place, but how many more games will be cut off at the end by this idiotic policy? While this may have been an isolated incident that doesn’t normally happen, the fact is that while this system is in place, these mistakes can and will happen. The CRTC and Rogers have to wake up and realize that Canadian cable viewers, who pay prohibitive amounts for cable, want to get what they pay for. Why should we have to suffer just so Global can get t:heir myriad ofJ& and Tke Kid promos on about four different channels all at once? This crap is inexcusable. Something has to be done about this before we turn on the NCAA championship on April 1st and get the following scenario. A team trails by two in quadruple overtime and with two seconds left, takes a three pointer and we hear the following commentary : “He gets the ball inbounds, throws up a three, there’s the buzzer and it’s.,...Tru&rs, On Global.”
What’s an EP=E9e.
by Heidi Marr special to Imprint
by Heidi Marr special to Imprint
n April 20-2 1, the UW Fenc in& Club is heading Ot tawa for the Governor General Tournament. Road trips are frequent as the club participates in OFA (Ontario Fencing Association) or Ontario Challenge Circuit tournaments every two months. Last setnester, UW’s “crazy” French exchange student, Oliver “EP=E9e” Machet, won the foil division of an OFA tourney, “Decernberfest”. My questions: What’s the foil division and what does EP=E9e mean’? The main fencing weapon is called a “foil” and this is what club members learn to use as beginners. Advanced members can switch to the heavier, longer weapon, the “EP=E9e”. With this weapon, the entire body is target area, including the feet and head. With a foil, the torso is the target, while head and amis are exempt from oncoming blows. To protect themselves from permanent damage, fencing participants wear a special outfit that consists of fencing pants, socks (kneehighs), court shoes, sous-plastron (undergarment for the weapon arm), jacket, gloves, mask, body wire, and lamai (a metal jacket for electric fencing). I asked Thomas Parry, Fencing Club President, to describe a meeting for me. He said, “A typical night involves showing up dressed to perspire.” On Monday and Tuesday nights, coaches drill beginners on footwork and the basics for an hour and a half. New material is introduced for the last hour. The intermediates do their own pair drills, and then free fence dry (non-clectric) or electric bouts. Thursday nights are for experienced fencers only. The club runs
Vital by Michelle Robinson special to Imprint FTlhis
-_.~~_ -
past weekend. 16 teams plaied in the Campus Ret reation volleyball tournament in the PAC. And, these teams came ready to play some serious volleyball and some serious fun. The teams were divided into two divisions: a co-recreational league and a co-ed competitive league. All the teams played three games in the morning and early afternoon. Then, many of the teams headed over to the Bombshelrerforaspecial lunchdeal for the volleyball tournament. After lunch, the top six teams in each
B admint:on Barrage !
our times a week, approxi mately 160 UW students get together for fun and fellowship by hitting the Columbia Ice Fields for some great badminton action. The Badminton Club meets Wednesdays 8:30- 11:30 pm, Fridays 6:30-9:30 pm, Saturdays I-S pm, and Sundays 11:30-2:30 pm. Badminton is not only fun but it improves hand-eye coordination, agility, and mental strategy. This term, of the 160 members, about 30% are advanced, 30% intermediate, and 40% beginners, so all levels of play are welcome. At the meetings, when members arrive, they “check-in” at the membership board. The executive orianizes games according to level of play, but if players have a favourite opponent, they can request matches. Badminton buffs hit the courts for 20 minute games and change up throughout the meeting. Tony Chang said the Badminton Club is great because “Our club not only promotes athletics on campus, we also try to provide a means for our members to meet outside of the court to get to know each other. We provide an outlet for recreational badminton without ignoring the competitive spirit in all of us”. Each term, the club has an average of three completely subsidized social events. And, every term, they host a tournament so members can show off their skills. Last weekend, the Badminton Club had their tourney, Not only did UW members participate, but badminton players from York and UofT were also invited. Chang said competition was stiff and all participants had to try their best to
of course,
this means
a fencing ladder where challenges are made and bouts are scheduled in sequence. Official scores are recorded and the ladder status is updated on the Fencing Homepage at http://www.csclub.uwat clubslfenci ng. Thomas said the Fencing Club is the best: club on campus “because we are pumping money and time back into our club, instead of taking it out. With $5,000 from a business sponsorship and membership fees, the club has piped all this money back intocoaching andequipment.” The club has purchased a new electric machine, blades, jackets, gloves, body wires, sous-plastrons, and masks. This expensive equipment is available for use by experienced members on Thursday nights for the fencing ladders. With an even split between experienced and beginner members, the club caters to both. Beginner coaching is offered twice a week and intermediate clinics are offered monthly with weekly intermediate
lessons too. See your Pick It Up brochure for meeting times as they may change each term. The Fencing Club has two socials each term. One is a movie night with free grub and the other is a games night at Weaver’s Arms. Meetings and special events take a lot of organization, and Thomas would like to thank his exec members: Nicole Hayes, Treasurer; Richard Rudy, V.P.; Aric Cyr, Master of Arms; Brad Winder, Allan Johnson, John Neu, coaches. He would also like to express his gratitude to Brendan McKay, exprez; Jane Varley, Campus Ret; “and all others who made this year the club’s best ever! ! !” For tnore info about the Fencing Club, check out their website, or e-mail Thomas at toparry @ undergrad.math. For information on the upcotning trip to Ottawa, interested members or nonmembers should contact him by the first week of April. Make 1996 the year you took up fencing.
Get OUT!
division returned to the gym for the single elimination play-off rounds. Competition was I tough for the chance - to play
in the final game. In the end, HUH? defeated TAPE in a tough
game to win the Co-recreational division. In the competitive division, Cheap Sunglasses beat Onslaught to win their division. Special thanks to all of the teams. It was great fun to watch your games. Thanks also to the PAC staff, especially Josh and Kristi who did a great job with clean-up. Big, big thanks to the convenor. Erica Brand1 and the officials for your great job and your hard work made the tournament run really smoothly. Thanks for a highly entertaining day. Thanks to the Mike and Larry at the Bombshelter. See you next titne. It was a blast!
win-there were no dominating singles players or teams in the Men’s or Women’s Doubles. Friday night saw Men and Women Singles fight it out in the Finals. In Women’s Singles action, Susan Ho took the#l spot, with My Linh coming in at a close second. In the Men’s Division, the top two seeded players, Jason Wong from UofT and Rahul Vaidyanath from UW played for the title. Vaidyanath squeezed by Wong for the win. Saturday action saw Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Doubles play but unfortunately, thetour~lament ran overtime and some teams from Toronto couldn’t finish their games. In Men’s Doubles, the top two seeded teams played: Jeff Raaphost and Jef’f Sum of Waterloo were ranked #I but lost to Dennis Ng and Minh Hao, also of Waterloo. Women’s Doubles saw Yin Man, UofT’s #I Female Varsity Player, and Suzanne Wu beat Susan Ho and My Linh of Waterloo. Jeff Sum and Millie Chung looked sure to win the Mixed Doubles but they had to leave the tournament eally and therefore pulled out of the finals. Brian Li and Susan Ho then beat Michael Li and Augusta Yeung. The tournament was a great success and Tony assured me that “After a hard day of competition, participants got some food”. If you’re interested in joining the Badminton Club, or you just want more information, contact Tony Chang at 886-6679 or tchang@mechanical. Check; out their website at clubs/badminto or hook up with the newsgroup: uw.clubs.badminton.
by Daniela special
Hermann t4 Imprint
s the end of term is ap proaching &he Outers Club has its end of term potluck party next Monday, March 25 at 6 p.m. in the Grad House. All members are invited. Please contact Siiren Peik (speik@lenz) for more inforrnation. The equipment room will be open at the regular times (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 530 p.m.) until April 2. After this date contact Fabrice Jaubert (fjaubert@watcgl) or contact Karsten Verbeurgt
(kaverbeu I@neumann) for special arrangements with regard to equipment rentals. Two events have been announced for this Sunday. Koorus Bookan (kbookan@ watarts) will be taking members to a maple syrup farm at a nearby conservation are:a. James Taylor (tayl5980@machl will offer the last kayak session at the PAC pool for this term from 8- 10 p.m. The first general meeting in the spring term is scheduled for Monday, May 6 at MC2066. Regular equipment room hours will resume the same week.
A ScaryForeign Film It’s MILLER Time! The Crucible Theme of the Arts March 27 to 30 by Patrick Wilkins Imprint stafTf
N Wat
in die muzick?
Antonia’s Line directed by Marleen Gorris playing at the Princess Cinema until Tuesday March 26
bY Myfanwy Imprint
oreign films scare some people. They think of strange French films with subtitles and a lot of sex. Antonia k Linr is different: it’s Dutch. It is also an incredibly inspiring story about the corruption ofreligion, the beauty of strength, and the tiberation of the sexes. Set in the Dutch countryside at the end of World War II, Antonio ‘,y Line is the chronicle of the wise, independent Antonia (Willeke Van Ammelrooy). Throughout her life, there emerges over four generations of women as strong as she. Watching her, they
home. Here, the village priest pointedly preaches against illegitamate children, but when Antonia catches the priest at his own sex crimes, he changes his tone and preaches acceptance. When Danielie gives birth to Therese, it is apparant from the start that this is no ordinary child. Therese, at age six, debates metaphysics with Crooked Finger, the local hermit. She studies the meanings of life and time with him, expanding his intellect as much as he expands hers. Danielte and Therese’s teacher, Lara (Elsie De Rrauw), experience love under the approving eyes of Antonia, who has a lover on a nearby farm. Letta leaves the city to live on Antonia’s fdrrn, where she finds both joy and sex with the Curate, a liberated priest. At twenty, Therese
ext Wednesday through Saturday, the University of Waterloo Drama Department presents The C’mcibie, a historical tale of good and evil. Written by Arthur Miller (also known for his award-WinningpIayDeaIh of a Salesman and his marriage to Marilyn Monroe), the play is historically based in late seventeenth-century Salem, Massachusetts. When a group of young women are found dancing (an unforgivable demonstration of lust), the Puritan community calls for an inquiry. Judges are brought in to hold trials, and the women are caught up in witchcraft hysteria. For the first time, these young Puritan women are given -. power. . _They begin _ . imphcating the undesirDanielle able - immigrants, the poor, alcoholics. Abigail, one-time servant and mistress to John Proctor, impli-
MacIsartc Mupie Leaf Gardens Monday March 19
at age six, debates with the local hermit.
by Greg Imprint learn to face life with her same passion and openness. Antonia and her daughter, Danielle (Els Dotterman), return to the farm of Antonia’s birth. There, Daniellc sees corruption at the heart of the church, imagining angelic statues shoving priests over and Christ smiling on his cross. She liberates the retarded DeeDee from her brother’s sexual ravaging3 and brings her to live on the farm, where DeeDee marries Loony Lips, the village simpleton. Artistic, creative, and independent, Danielle decides she wants to have a child without a husband. At this
Danielle to the city, where they meet Letta (Wimie Wilhelm), who volunteers her blond brother for the job. He and Danielle spend the day in a hotel room while Antonia drinks tea outside. After a series of pregnancy-inducing handstands, Danielle and her mother return
also discovers the freedoms of sex; experimenting with her inteltectual equals dissatisflies her. Only when she looks to her home, does she find love with Simon, Letta’s son. When their Sarah is born, the story is brought full circle. Antonia’s greatest joy, Sarah is closest to her in both strength and wisdom. Her young eyes face tragedy and joy, watching and learning from her great-grandmother the complexities of life. As Antonia’s time draws to a close, she surrounds herself with her loved ones. Sarah watches hoping to understand the miracle of death,
to understand
and Danielle to bid farwell. Antonia’s Line comes to an end as inspiring as its journey. Her continuance is confirmed in the movie’s final words: “As this long chronicle draws to its finish, nothing has come to an end.”
He must choose between signing a false confession, and living, or hot ding to the truth, and being hung.
Written in 1952, just before Miller was himself put under trial in the McCalrthy ‘witch hunts,’ The Crucible is not only a look at the seventeenth century, but also the twentieth. It examines the dark side of humanity., not in sordid tales of demonic worship but in our treatment of fellow citizens. Darlene Spencer, direlctor of Thu Cmcible, calls the play “good to get a perspective on real events in history.” This production, she hopes, will avoid the excessive melocirama of other versions, in favourofa more complex analysis of the levels of emotion inherent in Salem’s class struggle. This year’s production, three months in the making, invotves about one hundred people, including twenty-two actors and fifty techies, both professionals and student volunteers. 7’hrJ Crucihlc runs nexl Wednesday to Saturday at the University of Wa-, terloo Theatre of the Arts. Tickets are $10 for the general public, $8 for students and seniors, available at the Theatre Centre Box Office in Hagey Hall, or by calling 8884408.
Y~ICS I Am.. .Entertained Melissa Etheridge w/Ashley
Therese, metaphysics
cates her lover’s wife. No longer are the ‘witches’ the dregs of society -- Elizabeth Proctor is a well respected farmer’s wife. The witch trials become political tools, used to eliminate social and political enemies. In the confusion, John too is accused of witchcraft and jailed.
Picken staff
here were originally two reasons why I wanted to see this show: one, I wanted the chance to go to the Gardens, and two, i wanted to see Ashley Maclsaac play live. I thought Melissa Etheridge was a nice bonus. As it turned out, I was slightly wrong. Apparently Ashley MacTsaac was good. I don’t know for sure, since I didn’t make it to the Gardens until after he’d performed. Got it, sat down and admired the majesty that is Maple Leaf Gardens, lights went out, and then there was Melissa Etheridge. Ah well, I’ll catch Ashley next time. So much has been made about ‘Melissa Etheridge being a lesbian, and how great that is for the gay community. This is both a good and a bad thing, as she also stands to lose the interest of homophobic morons who don’t want to support
anything but “cock rock.” If I like an artist, I rarely concern myself with anything but their music, and after last night, I wouldn’t care if she slept with goats: Melissa Etheridge rocks. The first thing that grabbed my attention was Melissa’s stage presence. Performing on a spartan stage with only a few curtains, speakers and a drum set, she commanded the attention of everyone in the audience. She toyed with them, interacted with them and generally seemed to have as much fun as they did. The second thing that perked my ears was that the set, plus the two immediate encores, lasted two and one half hours. 150 minutes of hard hitting rock ‘n’ roll and smoky ballads and despite professing to having a cold. To me, that seems almost inhuman by today’s standards. That Etheridge is a lesbian came into play in some of the leadins to her songs, but only took centre stage for “Silent Legacy.” Melissa played most of the tracks off her last two albums Y&r Little Secret and Yes I Am, and went back into her first three al-
bums for a few tracks. Included in her performance were the usual spate of hits “Come to my Window,” “1 Want to Come Over,” “Your Little Secret” and “‘I’m the Only One.” The highlight ofthe show could very well have been after the rest of the band disappeared back stage and Etheridge played a pair of songs acoustically, including “Occasionally,” which she performed a Capella, beating out the drum line on the back of her guitar. The second encore brought the show to a close two and a half hours later with “The War is Over,” the powerful last song from Y0ur Little Secret, and a fitting end to the show. While Melissa was terrific, the rest of her band was incredible as well. Lead guitarist John Shanks grooved on solo after solo, as did the bass player Mark Browne and drummer Dave Beyer. Together, the four created a fantastic night of music, and qu:ite nearly blew the Iid off the joint. And to round everything out, 1 saw a hooker on the streets for the first time in my short life. WOW, what a great night.
For the Fugees w/ The Roots Phnemix Cuncert HalI Wednesday March 13
get mad frustrated when I rhyme, thinking about the kids that are doin’ this for all the wrong reasons.. .‘* What is Lauryn Hill of the Refugee C’amp talking about? Is she trying to say that there are peopIe out there making rhymes that shouldn’t be? Is she trying to tell us that she could be the female MC with the tightest flow? Well, after her performance at the Phoenix last Wednesday, I don’t think anyone can dispute it. Fugees came positively rugged, and within the Haitian clique, Hill shone like a ruby in the sand. Fugees brought with them the essence of hip hop -- crazy beats bloated with bass, untouchable lyrics, and an element many probably did not expect - live instruments. It was kind of assumed that the drums and electric guitars and all those
Kookoo Koko
by David Imprint
Taylor w/Mel Brown John Hammond Lull4 ‘s Friday March 15
Drewe staff
oko Taylor, for the many who don’t know, is the Queen of the Blues. Inducted into the blues hall of fame last month, she demonstrated at Lulu’s last Friday all the reasons why she will be remembered for years, as one of the legends of the roots of rock. Mel Brown opened the show, with a spectacular show as always. His laidback style of power-guitar blues was just what the show needed to start off with a kick. Playing many of his familiar standby cover tunes, such “Born Under a Bad Sign,” “If 6 was 9,” and “Sweet Home Chicago,” Mel rocked the house. Ofcourse, if you were going there just to see Mel Brown, you may have felt a bit ripped off. Mel played the same songs he plays in bars around K-W every week, with a much John smaller cover for admittance. John Hammond’s set, however, turned around the feel of the music. From Mel Brown’s power guitar and full band, the sound changed to a one-man blues explosion, as Hammond played solo, singing, playing guitar, with occasional harmonica riffs. For those of you who recognize the name, John Hammond is actually John Hammond, Jr., son of the legendary blues producer, best-knuwn among our generation for his work with the late, great, Stevie Ray
“live” props would be pushed aside to make room for the keyboards, synthesizers and such after the Roots performed. But the Roots left the herb-filled forum after a dope show and left a11 of their instruments on the stage. After one of Brooklyn’s finest DJs performed a hype set, I wondered when the hell they were going to clear all of those instruments off the stage so Fugees could get down. But like a red-eyed Jimi Hcndrix, Wyclef emerged on stage, picked up an electric guitar, and proceeded to play some nextlevel vibes with his teeth. My first thought was that I was buggin’ off some of the ill blends of chronic floating around my head. Giancing around me, however, I realized there were mad heads trippin’ out, actually feeling the music. That’s when I knew it was all real. It was a sold out show, and after getting dissed at the door (I can’t believe they didn’t know who I was - Imprint staff runs things in T.O. man, damn,) we cooled out in the waiting room, and then found a chill spot at the back of the club. L0cal talent, or let’s just say local
by Edward Richards Imprint staff
IMPRINT, Friday, March 22,1996
artist, Thrust, opened the show, followed by the Roots. With a style all their own, they schooled a lot of people in terms of how illy-Philly represents. Minus a couple of members though, it was obvious that although they rocked the house for a solid hour, they didn’t come as hard as they could have. Don’t get me wrong - they were as crisp as sunburnt skin, but Fugees were the stars of the evening. To be quite honest, Fugees didn’t explode until the beautiful Lauryn stepped on stage. With rhymes for days, she formed the foundation of the Fugees’ lyrical fortress. The highlight of their performance was the freestyle session. Wyclcf made R&l3 lovers cringe when his grand finale included the lyrics ‘Land 1 don’t run out of lyrics like RKelly, talking about you remind of my jeep.” I must give Fugees infinite props. Their show was a little short, but it was full of intensity and fire. Like their track “Ready Or Not” professes, you can’t run. You can’t hide from the wrath of the Refugee Camp.
“Spectacular! Meg R an has never been better! A fascinating 8! compebng film...” - SNEAKPRVEIWS.
6 Princess St. W waterloo 885-2950
in Student Life Centre
for Koko Vaughan. In fact, Vaughan’s album In Step was dedicated to Hammond Sr. Hammond’s songs included a many traditional blues numbers, with the set dominated by reworked Robert Johnson songs. “Travellin Riverside Blues,” was one of the high points of Hammond’s set, as was his rendition of Elmore James’ “Dust My Broom.” Hammond’s slide guitar was
“Pretty Woman,” also by Albert King (do not confuse with the piece of shit of the same name by Roy Orbison). When these h~u songs ended more than twenty minutes later, a friend commented to me that the finales to their songs were longer than most alternative songs. All 1 could say as a reply was that their finales were longer than most Ramones albums. And finally, Koko Taylor took the stage. She dedicated her first song to blues fans, her second song, “Beer Ball Boogie,” to beer drinkers, and followed them up with “Let Me Love You Baby,” popularized by Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jeff Beck. Taylor’s set was straight Chicago-style blues. It wasn’t until I wandered close to the stage that I realized just how great a performer Taylor is. There she was, a woman damn close to -- if not already in -- her sixties, putting on a stage show as energetic as most up-andcoming bands manage. Hammond’s One-man Blues Explosion. Her voice was so powerphenomenal. For most of his set, fill that she dominated the stage he was using a steel Dobro for his even whi1e holding the microphone songs. It’s hard to describe just more than a fuotjbn her face! how good his sound was, but if Her finale was Howlin’ Wolf’s you’ll pardon a bit of what may “Wang Dang Doodle,” which brought the crowd out of their seats seem to be rhetoric; it was beyond belief just how good Hammond is. and filled the dance floor. She soon returned for an encore of “Sweet Finally, Koko Taylor and Her Blues Machine took stage. Well, Home Chicago.” The problem with a concert actually the Blues Machine took stage without Koko Taylor to do a review for someone of Koko few songs. An excellent band, they Taylor’s age and magnitude is that opened with Albert King’s “Crosswe don’t know when, or if, she’ll be back But if she is, check her out. cut Saw,” and followed it up with
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Super Heather Nova Born hshelter Thursday March 14 by Greg Imprint
revious to the start of last Thursday’s concert at the Bomber, I’m not sure that many in the audience were fluently familiar with Heather Nova’s work. She’s a fairly recognizable name, has a single on the radio, and, well, what the hell, it’s only six bucks !o get in. By the time her performance was over, however, more than one person (myself included) had become converts to her sound, and her incredible vocal range. She looks overwhelmingly normal - dressed like anyone else in the bar, guitar slung over her neck in typical fashion. But that voice! It swung and swooped through many different styles, making her sound like Kristy Thirsk, Liz Fraser, and a signifigantly less whiny Dolores O’Riordan
8:30 p.m.
All ages show - All welcome!
REVOLUTION (formerly The Twist) 341 Marsland Drive, Waterloo
b-7 I
TICKETS: $15.00 students ; $17.00 other AVAILABLE IN WATERLOO: Readers Ink Bookstore,
140 8867730 ; Looney Tunes in Guelph 886-2375 (Mon.-Sat. IO a.m. to I:30 p.m.) I . . 1, .s .
University Ave., W. ; Revolution
K&chick staff
all in one body. It was quite an otherworldy experience for the listener standing dully with a beer in their hand. Framing all of this was a solid set of backup players that also shifted and changed styles through the performance. On one end of the
supporting Heather Nova Lee 3 Palace, Torunto Wednesday March 13
by Ohad
If you have your Graduation Portrait taken there will be NO SI-ITING FEE! for March & April
To schedule your sitting, call
78 Francis Street., N., Kitchene
ltedercr staff
ere this four-piece called Clove came from, who knows, but where they’re going, at least in the immediate future, is somewhat predictable. The band, which plays a mix of slow and fast, guitar-based quick drum college happy young straightup rock’n’roll, but fronted by the sweet voice of a woman, is releas-
in her
Fridav. March 22.1996
ing an album in about a month’s time, Roller Coaster, which should mean that they’ll be doing opening gigs like this one for what will feel like a lifetime. During their thirty-five minute set, their power-pop tunes earned solid applause from the mature [read: 19+] crowd at Lee’s on this blustery Wednesday night. Personally, I thought the band’s slower tunes were more entertaining. Not
scale was a stripped down, acoustic cover of Springsteen’s “I’m On Fire” that more than did justice to the original. On the other was the closing song, a right rocking piece with squawling guitars and big bashing beats. In short, she did it ail. A notable fixture in the band was a full-time cellist, which perfectly complemented the almost baroque feel to Heather’s voice. Heather also brought along b,y far the most elaborate light show I’ve ever seen in the small confines of the Bomber. A white sheet hung at the back of the stage, upon which were projected a series of endlessly scrolling images, all in full colour. It almost made the band look as though they were rushing through space to match the thrilling loops Heather’s voice navigated. A final song that ended the evening sounded not a little like Bettie Serveert, and with an endorsement like that, you can safely say it was a more than entertaining evening.
only are there about a million and one speedy bottom heavy altema-acts out there right now, but Clove’s slower songs really allowed the lead singer to use her above average voice to its fullest, instead ofjust ranting along, trying to keep up like some of the faster tunes. The slower songs were far more melodic than the loud ones, but the loud songs got just as much applause as the slow ones. Anyway, clheck them out if they make it to Waterloo or your hometown in the next white - they just may have a bright titure and they’re definitely not a waste of time.
A real snow 7 Job l
Snow Jam ‘96: Hi-Standard, 88 Fingers Louie, Ten Foot Pole, No Use For A Name Volcano Thursday March 14 by Patrick
Wilkins staff
now Jam ‘96: If this is what punk is about, then I’ll eat my Buzzcocks singles. The punk of today is merely a shadow of the punk of yesterday. And “modem punk” by any other name would not only be as frantic, it would also avoid the inevitable comparisons to the Clash and the Pistols that are the bane of three-chord garage thrashers from the LA to Vancouver to Bristol and beyond. Which is not to say that it’s all bad. Standing in line for admission (doors open at 9:00, first band goes on at 9: 15, apparently) I heard a great cover of “California Dreaming” by a band who turned out to be Hi-Standard. The Japanese trio slammed through halfa dozen more
great little songs, matched with an endearingly simple stage personality. So far, so good. Second band on was 88 Fingers Louie, from Chicago. The lead singer was the most racist, homophobic asshole I have ever had the misfortune to see onstage. He made fun of Hi-Standard’s accents. He put on a fake lisp for some derogatory comments which will not be repeated here. He spit on the crowd and assaulted an Imprint cameraman. His stage presence reminded me of that of my high school’s allGreen Day cover band, all posing and unnecessary swearing. With that sort of loser onstage, I don’t care how good the music is. In this case, it was more of the same “modem punk,” much less interesting than Hi Standard. The audience didn’t seem too impressed, either. Ten Foot Pole, from Los Angeles, were better. Perhaps aware of the comments made by 88 Fingers Louie, the band took time to
counteract them. Their punk was more varied, incorporating thrash and metal playing as well as a sense of melody. No Use For a Name were almost as good, with more anti-racist lyrics and a true sense of entertainmentBut in the end? Snow Jam ‘96, Kitchener, was not worth the $12 price of admission. I would, however, have liked to attend the Snow Jam shows in Toronto with Trigger Happy and d.b.s., my two favourite Canadian modem punkers. When Trigger Happy played last month, they put on one of the most incredible shows I have ever seen, yet the Volcano was surprisingly unpacked. Snow Jam ‘96 comes along, with big American Epitaph bands headlining, anId skatepunkers are lined up starting at noon. Every band onstage seemed like a Trigger Happy imitator, mediocre at best. It’s a sad statement on how Canadiian music is regarded in our own country, or perhaps on how American music is unnecessarily glorified.
Friday, March 22, 1996
Stay up to date with Imprint Arts on the World Wide Web at The
The Bonzbsheiter Friday March 15 by Kieran Green Imprint staff
hhhh... finally some BOOM Irish culture amidst the annual pointless boozefest that is St. Paddy’s Day at the Bomber. I don’t mean the friggin’ green beer or stupid foam hats either. I mean The Mahones. This Kingston band is the best thing to happen to Irish music since Shane Mac&wan. Those with stamina who stuck it out the whole day m the Bomber were treated, not once but twice, to their unique combination oftraditional celtic sounds and hard-core, high-energy punk. They’re like the Irish Rovers on speed. The Mahones’ afternoon show pulled the most energetic audience response that I have ever seen at a rnatimx gig at the Bomhcr. People were dancing and cheering, and mast of them weren’t even drunk yet! The Mahones always seem to draw energy from the crowd, and then pump it right back into them. The Bomber is a fairly ideal venue for the Mahones, because it allows them to be right close to the audience (although I wish there was a lot more dance floor space). The evening show was one of the best perfbrmances I have ever seen The Mahones give (and 1 have been to a lot of Mahoncs shows). They had not lost any energy from their afternoon show, and they maintained that energy throughout a single, non-stop set that lasted almost three hours. Musically, The Mahones surpassed themselves Friday night. They were engaging in some interesting experimentation with their songs, especially in the instrumen-
tal pieces like Cragatuskn. Bassist Owen Wamica had some particularly inventive solos. Other bands could also learn something from the way The Mahones order their songs in their performances. The Mahoncs have a core set of songs, favourites like “Drinking in the USA”, “Draggin’ the Days, ” and of course 23-unken Lazy Bastard” which fans expect to hear at every show. Bands that rely entirely on their stock songs (i.e. The Rolling Stones) eventually become old and stale. The Mahones have a skill for balancing the old favourites with new works like “Rise Again,” keeping the fans happy and keeping the band fresh. Of course, in honour of St. Paddy’s Day, they threw in some traditional Irish drinking songs like “Wild Rover” and “The Ballad of the Irish Rover.” During their encore, The Mahones even played the first song they ever learned, an lrish children’s song. One of the new pieces that appeared on the play list Friday night was “Celtic Dreams,” a song which will be featured in an upcoming Dan Ackroyd film about the Boston Celtics. That song will appear on their new album, which they promised would be out in the next month or two. I talked to Finton McConnell between the shows about the new album. He said it would have some familiar stuff to keep fans happy, perhaps a reprise of traditional fave “Haul Away Jack,” as well as a host of new material. The new material, he said, would be heavier, closer to The Mahones’ punk roots. McConnell commented that he would be picking up the electric guitar for some of the songs. So keep an eye out for The Mahones’ new album, and delinitely watch for future Mahones shows. Forget the green beer, these guys arereal Irish. Pogutl mahone!
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Ont. Reg. #: 02592241
eticdeer paw! by Patrick Wilkix~ Imprint staff
ure’s Jordy Birch calls on the wrong phone line. “Call back at extension 5 127,” this unwary Imprint interviewer asks. “Extension 1257’?” asks the voice from an unnamed reviewer suddenly realizes hotel room. “No, 5 127.” “ 27 I5?” comes the reply. Imprint that he’s speaking to the man who brought the world the twisted melodic-synth-fuzz-punkpopcore sounds of Pure, and it all makes sense. “Yes, extension 666,” he replies, and hangs up. Ten seconds later Mr. Birch calls back at the correct number. “What’s harkening ?” he asks. And thus begins an interview with the frontman of one of Canada’s best musical exports, the band behind the offbeat sounds of Greed, Puwufunalia, Generatim &Puck, and Extvti furestricrl. Since 199 1, when they were first hailed as “The next best thing since Guns ‘n’ Roses,” through their signing and leaving of the US’s Reprise Records. to creating Shag, The Record Label, gigs across North America and Australia, Pure have it cril harkening. See for yourself at their Thursday, March 28th Bombshelter show. A word of warning I take everything you read here with a grain of Pacific Ocean sea salt. After all, Jordy is, by his own admission, crazy all the time... Kim Fowley called you “The next big thing since Guns ‘n’ Roses.” Are you? You know how soundbites go. We met this guy at a music conference and he wanted to have US for life, SO% for life, He’s a very insane man, extremely insane. He was telling us about how he produced Helen Reddy and we’re going, “Well, who cares, we don’t want to be like Helen Reddy!” He didn’t understand that and he took us out for dinner. Somebody pulled the fire alarm, I’m not sure if it was him or not, and the entire hotel had to come out to the front. He was asking all the women who were in their nightrobes if they wanted to go to his room afterwards, saying “I’m single and I’m straight!” You went to the States first, on the Reprise label, then returned to Canada. What does
that mean to you, the whole issue about being Canadian? At the moment, it’s extra-large to be Canadian. It’s very in vogue. Everywhere we go we’ve always taken a flag with us, so to speak. We’ve always been proud of our accents, our way of life and our culture, just the whole deal. We have such a country that’s so diverse and so peaceful and so happy, as compared to a lot of other people. I’m really proud of where we’re from. The more you look at it, the more you realize how beautiful a country it is. It could be a little warmer... You do a lot of playing in the States. How do you find the States in comparison? Audiences seem to b a little more psychotic there. They go off a bit more, a little bit more. For example, the Turret show was a
pretty good show. Peopie went off, were into it, They seemed really excited to see us. I remember that show pretty vividly. The Turret goes down as one of my top ten shows... I think it’s because I was really excited to see everybody too. But like, at Baltimore, this was just a radio show and everyone went berserk for our music. It was unreal, It’s a different vibe in the States. You’ve had opportunities to do lots of things that most bands haven’t, working for a label, working for yourself, playing the States, Canada, Australia. You’re quite lucky, For sure. That’s what it’s all about. I don’t know if we’ll be an independent band for a long time. I’m open to the whole experience. We all are. We want to do the international tour circuit. That’s our goal, because we want to see other countries. That’s a big reason we do this, is to travel, A lot of people like to travel, and we’re no different. We do this to play music and to travel. If we could sell shoes and travel, we would. I took a Iook at your Internet site [http:// vaxxine.comlsoil pure.html] put up by Todd Simko,and there were some really weird prospective titles on it, Hooked on Sonics, Ridin ’ on an &Bull, Fez People, Pissed as u Cricket and L&n ’ It, and my favourite, My Father AIways Told Me to Stuy Away from the Magnetic Deer Paw. Ummmmm... well... How can I put this gently? Todd really hits the wine. He really gets loaded on the Internet. There have been times I’ve had to stop him from going on the Internet I and saying, “I’m rL,,
from Pure and I’m naked.” Todd, I know this is all promotion, buddy, but no thanks! So it’s not going to be called My Futher Always Told Me to Stay Away from the Magnetic Deer Paw? Well, in his mind, it is. The big thing with him right now is, “What’s with the price of cheese?” He just one night, naked and drunk, was running around his neighbourhood on the west end of Vancouver, screaming, “What’s with the price of cheese?” His girlfriend had to stop him and put him back in the apartment. Sounds like it’s a fun time out on the road. Do you get along with everybody?
Actually, me and ‘Todd are very different, very different ways. He think’s that I’m crazy. He’s very normai until he just lets loose, but he’s repressed. He lets go when he drinks. Me, 1 just let go all the time. I’ve been listening to all the albums consecutively, and it struck me that you’ve made a move in your songwriting from songs about social issues, like “Greedy” aind “Spiritual Pollution” and onto stuff from Extru Purestriui, more personal songs. Kids songs. Children’s tunes.
Is that what you consider it? Eventually, that’s what I’d like to do.
Under name?
Yeah. “God Intended for Me to Surf’ started out as a children’s story for my son. I hope eventually when he’s older he’ll be able to read this and think it’s funny. Wlhat does the band think of this? They think it’s great. I’m getting the sufing squirrel set to illustrations at the moment. 1 want to put it out. I think kid’s books are really good. I think it’s really important. Somebody said, “Those words are a little too complicated for kids. You can’t say ‘critical peers.’ Kids don’t know what that means.” I said, “Yeah. That’s a good reason toput kids books out!” Reading is very important. Television is not. Tetevision can be important, but at the moment, a lot of people aren’t reading enough. Is the next album I going to be a children’s album? It’s definitely not going to be a children’s record. The next album we do is probably going to rock very, very, very much. It’s going to be ‘azy-ass. 3 Warner comes along Id signs you and the txtalbumyouputoutis Slinky the Squirrel Goes I 4- Boston or something? Wouldn’t that be cool? I heard an interview a ago where you said that you Prrreufunaliu because it was
little while didn’t like overproduced... It was a little slick. What’s your favourite 4album now? EP (Extra Purestrl!‘al). I think we’re always growing, but we took a step backwards with Pureafunalia. 1 think Greed was cool, Pureajimalia was not as cool, but it had its merits. &Pack I thought was cool. EP is my favourite now, not because it’s the newest thing, but because it’s got the most soul. Do people know you’re new wave now? I think they’ve alwa;ys known that, man.
Reissue! Reissue! Repackage! :
SleepiQg”, “A Day Without You”! Live versions
7 esterday”
in the Life’* a& “Within
of and
the real, complete,
tpyer, why thifi compilaGm
to Ride”‘! Unreleased songs including the “new” Beatles song “Real Love”! All of it, utter shite I Extraneous tape hiss, false starts, mindless chatter before and L after songs, failed studio experiments, strained vocats and at some points, the utter breakdown of the classic McCartney/Lennon harmony plague v&&y every track on this cumpilation. Such UI obvious act of heinous gluttony must not go unpunished. Somehow, somewhere, somebody must pay, This compilation had to be’ tit. Before
Everyone knows “Yesterday.‘” And everyone knows the same version. Y?w~ is unly me Persian. Tampering with Beat’tes songs is tamper&g with history, with feelings3 menwries, times and places. Even a Gen-Xer such as myself has beard these goddamn songs
Krafchick staff
A brief history of Sting’s musical career: 1978 - An English band called the Police release their first album called Outlandos d ‘Amour, with one Gordon Sumner aka Sting (for it is in vogue to have bizarre pseudonyms if you belong to a band in the late seventies eg. Bono, Captain Sensible) on vocals. Incorporating the in vogue style of using reggae beats with a certain punk/ new wave feel, the band provided a more well read and pop friendly ;untwpart to the snarling punk of the day. An entertaining debut. ZY7Y-1982 - The Police released four more albums, culminating in
After breaking through onto the charts withIn the Trees and the hit singles “Boneyard Tree” and “All Uncovered,” it would be fair to expect a solid third album from Winnipeg foursome The Watchmen. Brand New Day exceeded all expectations for me. What has always stood as a trademark of the band is their ability to mix hard rock beats and mellow ballad sounds together not just on one album, but on one song. That can be heard on the current single “Incarnate,” which is receiving more than enough airplay and videoflow to make it a hit. While retaining the methods that first brought them success, Brand New Day has also allowed them to branch out, incorporating some new sounds and tempos, and enhancing and improving their sound, From the first chords of “Zoom” to the last sounds of “What You Did,” there is hardly a weak track on this CD, and several that stand out. My personal favorite on
the disc is the second track, “Shut up.” It showcases the ability of the band to play together as a unit, without one member overshadowing the rest of the band. Track four, “Dance Some More” is set to an unusual samba beat with a nice accent of trumpet and sounds very different from today’s standard radio fare. The songs on this album avoid falling into one category of music or droning into each other, and instead each stands on its own, apart from the rest. How this transition in sound translates into live performances will soon be revealed when they begin touring in support of the album. Knowling how energetic and exciting they were last summer at the Molson Amphitheatre, its a safe bet audiences will be grooving to the latest sounds of the Watchmen all summer long. With Brand New Day, the Watchmen haven’t just rehashed the formula that brought them success with la the Trees. They’ve grown, expanded, and created an album of very original, occasionally experimental songs. The Watchmen have shown themselves to be a rising force on the Canadian music scene, and if&-LzndfVew Day does anything, it cements that reputation.
lute last nail in the coffin of his credibility, courtesy of his vile, wretched collaboration with Bryan Adams and Rod Stewart on “All For Love.” 1996 - A 45 year old Sting (I think a name change to “Numb” would be more appropiate by now) saunters forth with his sixth “effort” Mercury Fulling. It has slide guitar! Stultifyingly boring arrangements! Pendantic lyrics in both English and French! It is.. .complete shit! Sting tells the Toronto Sun he no longer feels the need to “rot k out.” He appears on Regis and Kathie Lee. Need I say more? 200.3 - A 52-year old Sting happily announces that the Police are to do a reunion tour to celebrate the 25th anniversary ofOu tlandm d ‘Amour, and td make “scads of money.” Called the “Sell Your Body to the Night” tour, fans in Toronto are
asked to choose between Molson Park, the Skydome and a stadium to be built over the entirety of a bulldozed Scarborough (capacity 1,072,OUO) as a venue. And a splendid time is guaranteed for all.
by Greg Picken Imprint
a millian times and a
new version doesn’t work.
just Few, if
any, artis& have a songbook so wellknownas the Beades’, but if a demo vmion of, say, Y3urr1 in the UlS.A7’ or ‘“Baba
O’Rcilly”or “Another Brick in the Wall” were to be released toi day, the artists would be laughed at if they tried to pa& the soxlgs
thesesongs eve&r&e the airwaves, youcoul~ predict tlhat this was going to be a musical abortion. There are two essential reasons as to why this had to be so -- empirical ~~IXXXIS that. don’t even require you listening to this cashgrab. First of al 1 you have to realize that, espti ally when dealing with this point in time, the Be; :Ies’ were a sttldio band. Abandoning five shows afig mthe. ‘66 Candlestick conceti, the Beatles (much to heir own benefit) turned their atiention to George &! Lftin and the EMI studios. The recording process that came out oF their virtual seclusion was innovative, experimental and ultimatety, musically brilliant. The Beatles weremaking and breaking the rules at the same time. Exueriments such as the inchtsion of a string
is both unnecessary
md. ii.&. .Eveyone knows’ “Welp,” Evefyone knows “Tmu*T
by Greg Imprint
masterpiece Is
mdily . avaitz4.M
off._ as anything -.. _ more _
an added bunus to a reissued CD. The packaging of T?wBea~les asa major event in mtiicai history is laughable, if rtat utterly pathetic. While demos and outtikes are ~II age-honoured than
pursuit of purists and complete fanatics alike, they must remain a labour ofiove. Prepackaged masters ot these demos is as oxymoranic as it is moronic, Even the Beatles aren’t good enough to have their shit passed off as gold. So maybe money can’t buy love, but it can clearly
buy tht: Bcades.
the huge commercial success of and what’s more that video for Synchronicip, an album of diverse “Fragile” with Sting in a pirate stylings, fantastic drum work by shirt, bare feet, and guitar in hand Stewart Copland, and poetic yet is just a bit ridiculous. Starting to still angry lyrics from Sting, like slip... both parts of the title track, or even _ I988 - Sting goes on Brazilian rain“King of Pain.” forest-saving overdrive, as well as 1983 - The band decide to call it a any other PC-loving cause he can day, with the assumption that Sting latch onto. will pursue a solo career 1991- Sting puts out his fourth solo I985 - Sting releases The Dream work The Soul Cages. The first Blue Turtles. Here he pursues a single talks of Hadrian’s Wall, what more jazz-like turn on his music, passes for rock music on the album with at least acceptable results. “(If is smooth, tame and airbrushed, You Love Someone) Set Them and it contains a Spanish guitar Free” has a warm, soulful feel, but instrumental called “Saint Agnes rather preachy vocals such as those and the Burning Train.” on “Russians” and “Children’s Urn.. .rather crap, actualfy. Crusade” mar the whole enterprise. 1993 - Album number five Ten 1987 - Mr. Sumner’s third album Summnor ‘s Tales comes out, and it’s not just rather crap, it’s fu0 on, (I’ll skip Bring on the Night) Nothing Like the Sun, a double, is put unadulterated crap. Sting’s MOR instincts are fully developed, and out. It proves to be a further journcy into softer jazz-rock fusion, but CFNY DJ’s actually sound embarthistimeanot-so-pleasantone. Sure rassed when they introduce his “Be Still My Beating Heart,” is fine music on air. also 1993 - Sting drives the absoenough, but there’s lots that isn’t,
by Justin
by Chris
Friday, March 22, 1996
Imprint staff
Imprint staff
It’s a shame when good music Remember goes unnoticed. Branford Marsalis? The guy who used to be the frontman for Jay Lena’s band? Well he and his dad, Ellis, have put together an album that deserves all the press it can get. Loved Ones is classy, melodic, romantic, and moving. With only Ellis on the piano and Branford on saxophone, the songs allow for an expression that is unheard of in popular music today. This one is definitely for the ladies. Romance is in the air when the Marsalis’ lay on their versions of the Gershwin’s “Liza,” or Duke Ellington’s “Sweet Loraine.” The duo lend themselves to a music creativity that takes the listener from one beautiful medley to another. There’s a tight interplay between father and son with both taking turns with melody and rhythm, making the songs a delightful listening experience. But Branford doesn’t play on all of the tracks leaving only Ellis interpret some of these classics with his own flavour and aroma. Standards Iike”Delilah” fromI#&fSi&Story, and “Bess You is My Woman” from PO~JJ and BHS, give the album a familiar edge while Ellis throws in his own creative touches. to
InitiallyJoved Ones was to be a solo effort by Ellis alone, but as the idea progressed into reality he realized that the addition of Branford on sax would nicely complement the tracks. Ellis reflects: “~1s f played through these songs, I thought Branford would sound really good on some of them. Branford, to me, is the most creative and imaginative person playing music today.” So the production of Loved Ones moved on with brother/son Delfeayo Marsalis behind the mixing board. Both Ellis and Branford come to this album with a worldofknowl-
edge behind them. Ellis’ tesume reads a long list including a Grammy nomination in 1985, a professor of music at several American universities, and a board member for the National Endowment for the Arts. Branford is no rookie either, withprevious collaborations with Sting and the Grateful Dead he’s also been nominated for a couple Grammies in I993 and 1995. Loved Ones takes the listener through some of the most romantic songs in jazz history. The ultimate product is soft and sweet, and pleasant to the ear; don’t let Lolled Ones go unnoticed.
I think I’ve figured out what’s wrong with pop music today. It’s Gren, and others like them. They flood the market with the same old crap and lead the gullible general public to believe that this is good music. It’s a conspiracy. They’re out to get us all. This is not paranoia. This is reality. They will stop at nothing until every last one of you is bouncing through a mosh pit and singing along with their mindless melodies. They’re after your money. They’re after your ears. They’re after you. OK, back to the subject at hand: Gren. This band is going to be big. Perhaps not right now, but soon. How do I know this? Well, the radio stations that hold the power to make a band big usually ignore things like musical talent or creative originality. What gets a band played is sounding like the band that made it big just a year or two ago. And, of course, it helps if the songs fit into that three to four minute range that appeals to the public’s short attention span. So, given the fact that Gren seem to have no more talent than anyone else on the radio right now, and that they definitely do not have an original sound, they should be getting all the airplay they need to make you, the humble radio lis-
tener, go out and get a copy of Curnp Grenada Of course, if you do that, their conspiracy grows stronger and we may never get them off the airwaves. Besides, you really don’t need this CD in your collection. The only thing keeping them from sounding like Green Day is the singer. Instead of putting on his best t‘ake British accent (i.e., Green Day) he tries to sound like Kurt Cobain. Chances are this CD will find its way into the “alternative” section of your favourite record store. Who are they kidding? This is about as mainstream as a band can get without infringing on Oasis’s copyrights! There is no reason for this album to exist, other than to squeeze a little more money out of your veins. Don’t be fooled when the DJ on your favourite radio station starts playing Gren all the time. The DJ is probably part of the conspiracy too. Don’t let them get you. There’s still a chance to save yourself. Go out and find a CD by Download or Nick Cave or Negativland. Don’t give in to the conspiracy.
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by Sara Manning special to Imprint Okay already ! Enough with the Green Day clones! Where do they all come from? As if one Green Day isn’t enough! I will admit now, that I only picked up this album because I liked one guys shoes on the back cover...and boy am I regretting that decision! Nothing Sacred has got to be one of the least original albums of the month. I suppose it doesn’t help that I am not a Green Day fan. I get the distinct impression that they’re trying to cash in on Green Day’s
Friday, March 22, 1996 success. Come on guys, develop your own sound a little before you put out an album. Hog is made up of members Kirk Miller on guitar and vocals, Dillinger on bass, and Matt Gillis on drums. The only redeeming thing is that Hogplay well together. I think they could have a chance if they concentrated more on developing their own style. One of the things that really disgusts me is the extent of the style imitation, The singer Kirk Miller, has a voice indifferentiable from Green Day’s lead vocalist. I have seen ,many an Elvis impersonator, but this is ridiculous. If you really want to add another Green Day title to your collection then Hog is a reasonable substitute.
_. :_ ..
ikf&& Ia &I&. EIolfyWdod. Re&%&
by Alexander Imprint staff
sabbte-::: :
by Sara
&kw.. Re9.ise”
“’ Manning tu imprint
1’. ; : ,_ ; -
Yes folks, it’s yet another boring synth pop group, this time from New Zealand. I am not saying that synth pop as a musical style is necessarily boring, just that Babble definitely is. Babble sounds suspiciously like, a mix between U2, Ace of Base and Madonna. No new sounds here, it’s just the same old thing recycled back to our poor ears once more.
better than Tom’s, especially during “Into the Ether,” but their lyrics are quite repetitive and not very interesting. The theme of most of the songs is love, but this album definitely doesn’t inspire feelings of love within me. Ether is what I consider an incredibly boring album. If Babble creates another album I hope that they at least vary the sound of their songs throughout the album to make it a little more interesting. However, if you really like Madonna and U2, and don’t mind hearing the same sort of thing again, you may like this. If you’re looking for new happenings within the world of synth pop, do not look here.
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The track “Made In Heaven” features the typical smooth vocals by Freddie and a guitar solo by Brian May in traditional Queen style. “Let ‘Me Live” uses gospel singers for backing vocals but has more to do lyrically with a suffocating love rather than Freddie’s physical condition. Emotionally “Mother Love” is perhaps the most touching and distinctive song, its slow pace and poignant lyrics are laced with meaning which is enhanced by concert out-takes and concludes with a baby’s crying. The album is “dedicated to the immortal spirit of Freddie Mercury,” and perhaps this is the manner by which this album should be looked at. W’hile this album isn’t a masterwork Queen’s legacy is, and their impact, as well as Freddie’s, on the world wit1 never be forgotten.
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could be heaven for reflects the atmosphere of the mountains and its impact on Freddie in his latter days, though the song is written by drummer Roger Taylor. LJusically this album isn’t the quality of their earlier work and, there was no tune that matched any on either of their two greatest hits albums. Throughout, the general tone is quiet and soft with none of the rousing works like “Bohemian Rhapsody” inciting energy in the listener. “It’s A Beautiful Day” is a very short intro to the album with a piano focus, but the reprise of this song as the last track lasts over 22 minutes and features a few laughs over a bare synthesized music track and ends with what seems to be a statement of “fab” in the last few seconds.
This last album by Queen, put out after the death of Freddie Mercury is composed of late sessions with the star at their Swiss mountain studio shortly before his passing, Supposedly the pain of the illnesses incurred with Freddie’s coping with AIDS was so much that these last sessions were short and far between. Ironically, when he first went there Freddie wondered why anyone would ever want to live or record at this mountain retreat. Perhaps in recognition of this “Heaven For Everyone” with its
cycor plot 183 embrace : project-x flashlight ‘JI saucer house of velvet%, ;i+iIY, r ,<shoemaker levy andrew kenne# I T~~~~~ :;;:$t?the sinistes 1 ’ “++ Jugjjfiasjs :I::.,~;;; ‘i.h T‘<>.:: ,,izpe&qfre”ry monsters of doqm ::,tarbelly my favourite ti&tian. ’ thee special guests greg nowacki : tex oblivion (fashion) :’ Shelley waine X’ ,paint box whisper yes pitchsliver . tory wil helm
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ARTS ,!_I, . .:.,(‘-.
. Dirt:
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SPACE Ystudent
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piano and lap steel (Mike Malone), Banjo (Alex Kisch), as well as the usual percussian and guitar assortment found in most of your generic
by Sara Manning special to Imprint
CALL BETWEEN 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
As is with much modem rock these days, Dirt Merchants have a sound SO familiar that you’re sure you’ve heard it before. It’s not a new sound, but dispite this, Dirt Merchants succeed in entertaining. Throughout the album I am reminded of Sonic Youth in the way Maria Christopher uses her pleasant husky voice and many of the guitar styles and effects used. Alex Kisch’s voice provides a pleasing accompanment to Maria’s on several songs. However the lyrics, when they can be heard, are not very interesting. Dirt Merchants are good musicians and they use a variety of instruments including
570-9593 GIVESOMEONE A SECONDCHANCE. Discuss organ donation
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I did not like “trip trip,”
bands Fate.
by Maryann MaUoy special to Imprint The Sun oJTiphareth is a dramatic journey through the icy realms of Scandinavian and Viking mythology. Most impressive are the vocal lines which will be particularly pleasing for fans of the B lack M eta1 genre, as they sound heavy with projectiles of vomit and yesterday’s lunch while the music is a return to the pre-Thrash Metal offerings of
Mmmmm... OFF e A Dozen : Bagels 3I 1 u . ..Ever Wonder : What Real Bagels Taste
They’re Here.
i 150 University Ave :(at the corner of Philip) n EXP. Mar. 29196 I
: 1 1
like This
a song
Venom and Mercyful stuff is so old its new
again! It’s the signature percussion workofProscriptorthatmakesAbsu the success it is though. Proscriptor manages to take the classic metal riffs of Equitant Ifernain Dal Gais and Shafiiel Lord of Shadows and turn then1 into something worthy of the 2 1 century, while the spoken passages and clean female vocal parts which manifest themselves throught the disk serve to transport the listener to a place hitherto unknown. Most of the seven tracks clock in at around the 10 minute mark with the most impressive tracks
Friday, March 22, 1996
that has several verses of “lalalalalalalalalalalala.,. lalala” haphazardly stuck in the middle of the song, making it sound like they just couldn’t ‘be bothered thinking up any more lyrics. “Bullfight” on the other hand, is my favourite on the album. It’s fast, loud and sounds like its got attitude. The last three songs : on the album, “Glow in the “Mindfuck,” and “c.l.o.l.a,” give the album an interesting twist as they finish off in a jazzy
play it
All in all, a good album. Not exciting, but it has it’s good points and it didn’t bore me to death. If your a modern rock fan then you may like this album. It’s not ,a new sound, but they well.
being the title track, “A Quest Into the 77thNove1,“and “Apzu.” Typical Absu lyrics are as follows: “Munus Sigsigga, Ag Bara Ye, lnnin Aggish Xashxur, Gishnu l-Jr-ma,” “Edin Na Zu, Edin Na Zu,” and the immortal “Zagros, Avagon. Ngga, Shabatu.” Does it get any better then thiis? But wait, there’s more! At no extra cost to you Absu throw in the mandatory stud leather and corpse paint of the Norwegian Black scent aswell as liner notes full of pictures of Viking warriors and symbols of the Satanic/Ellack Metal faith; all in an attempt to conceal the horrid truth: these Norwegians are Texans!
Summer Business: Are you an entrepeneur ? Great opportunity with low start-up cost, management training, earn up to $800/week, vehicle required. Call Greenland Irrigation 1-80036 l-4074. Experience the Fun Life! Be your own boss in Grand Bend this summer. Retail booths available for food, clothing, rentals or pizza location (oven included). Student Venture loans available. From $395. per month. Call London 4734084 or 657-5532 evenings. Window Cleaning: full-time summer, part-time now, $9..hour, ladderexperien ce prefered. Fax handwritten resume and any relevant information to 8936829. Career opportunity in financial planning industry with great potential for income and promotion with opportunity to own your own business. Call Bruce (905) 896-6709. Waiter & waitress needed part time. New pup style restaurant in downtown Kitchener. Apply in person with resume March 25 and 26 (Mon. 8 Tues.} from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., 185 King Street, W., Kitchener. Internet-Teach Conversational English year round, short term or for summer in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea. Excellent pay. No experience or qualifications needed. For free details on living/working conditions, how you can apply job directories, etc., see or pick up our free brochure at the Imprint Office or the Turnkey Desk. Asia Facts Unlimited, P-0. Box 93, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 4V6.
Adoption? Pregnant? Warm, loving, infertile couple anxious to adopt and provide a home for your child. Legal and confidential. Call Mike/Donna collect (416) 757-2289.
House wanted for - summer months: young married couple looking to sublet small house with yard. Please leave a message 579-9 147.
Aoolv unit 54-256
African Pygmy Hedgehogs - adorable pets, hypoaliergenic, odorless, very low maintenance costs. The exotic pet for the 90s - $90.00. Call Jim at 888-8621.
Get your reports, cases, and essays professionally desktop published for better marks! Free pickupand delivery. $1.50/ 250 words. Save this phone number and call Jennifer at 746-5069 for your next assignment. Typing and graphic service. Term papers, report figures resumes, etc. Colour Drinter. 745-9653 am/time.
Phillio Street, tel-
e$dne 746-5761. ’ . St. Jacob’s apartment for temporary rent May/June. Beautiful quiet area. $500./month includes parking, utilities, laundry. 664-3548, leave message. Fall rental - house for groups of 4 or 5. Washer, dryer, convenient location. $265./month. 1 year lease. Call Joe 888-4567, ext. 5693 until 5 p.m. or 7429562 after 5 p.m.
Hamelin-piano at KWCMS Music room, 57 Young St., W., Waterloo. Call 8861673 for reservations. Free noon concerts at 12:30 pm. at Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Canadian Piano Music with Karin Redekopp Edwards, piano. THURSDAY, MARCH 28,1996 K-W Little Theatre presents POWER PLAYS at 7 p.m. in Stage One at KWLT, 9 Princess Street, E., Waterloo. Play runs until Saturday, March 30. Call 8860660 for tickets and info. Performers wanted for the 2nd Annual Sounds of Spring Coffeehouse in the afternoon at the SLC. Register at the Turnkey Desk or call 888-4434.
EVERY MONDAY Outers Club meets every Monday except University holida s and Inter-term breaks. 7 p.m. in M 8 4040. Contact Fabrice Jaubert, ext. 4655 or EVERY TUESDAY To become a better public s eaker, read in public and build yourcon Pidence, ‘oin the Christopher Leadership Course.
Canada $26.49
FRIDAY, MARCH 22,1996 WPIRG Movie Nlght presenting “Les Enfants Du Paradis” Free movie from 8 to lo:30 o.m. in DCl304. SATURDAY, MARCH 23,1996 WannaSee...“TheMan WhoTossedHimself Off?” Meet him in Pilk’s Madhouse at 10 p.m. Theatre Auditorium, Aird Buildina. WLU. The Game - do you like mind games & cryptograms? Win a free dinner at Ali Baba’s! E-mail or call Jared 888-4779. TUESDAY, MARCH 26 Those interested in a career as a Certified Management Accountant are invited to attend a talk by Joeseph Palumbo from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in NH 1020. Waterloo Wellington Myalglc Encephalomyelitis Assoc. invites K-W area chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, their family and friends to a support group meeting at the Adult Recreation Centre, 185 Kina St.. S. Info 623-3207. MARCH 27,1996 Coming Out Discussion Group explores issues in sexual orientation. Topic: Media Images and Role Models. 7:30 p.m., ML1 04. Information: 884-4569. Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgendered people and those questioning their sexuality are welcome. CU1sO Slide/Video presentation; 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., room 1020, NH. CUSO provides overseas work opportunities in developingcountries. For more info call (519) 767128% The Region of Waterloo’s Waste Reduction Office is sponsoring a one-day seminar and trade show from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Binaeman’s Conference Centre in kitchener. tall 883-5150, ext. 231. K-W Chamber Music Society presents 1996 JUNO Award-Winner Marc-Andre
1996 from 7 to 7 0 p.m. Students $90.00 (books included), adults$l 10. For more info call Lolita Nechacov at (519) 5763877. EVERY WEDNESDAY Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo sponsors GLLOWNight, a social evening. 9 p-m, Ml 104. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Waterloo Science Fiction Club WatSFiC) meetin 7:00 p.m. in SLC 1 135, Student Life t entre, UW. Brin a board or card games to play afterwar 3 s. See uw.clubs.watsfic or mail watsfic@calum.csclub.uwaterloo.cafor details.
Transportation to the Vineyard. Free shuttle available every Sunday from U of W to the Kitchener Vineyard’s meetin sat the Concordia Club. For a ride, call ii3 ndi at 579-8463 before Friday noon. ThoseinterestedinacareerasaCertfied Mana ement Accountant are invited to atte I-J to a talk by Joseph Palumbo on Tuesday, March 26 in NH 1020 from 330 Stiff neck, shoulders or back? Cost of massage by professional therapist is covered by UWs health plan. Reduce tension fromstudying,caIlCameronMoffattat7479520. Atbntion Bluevale Alumni! BCI’s 25th Reunion is May Xhlune I, 1997. Ifyou are interested in attending, please contact ti Reunion Hotline at 650-0569. Recycle your phone books. 1996 tele hone books will be delivered during late s ebnrarv and eatlv March. Homer Watson House 81Gallery raffle! “My Mother Bids Me Comb My Hair” pastel by Diio Philpott. Draw on May 12. Cal 748-4377 for more info. K-\ryls new -ional theatre company, UnionTheatre Waterloo launches its secondseason with “Lullaby of BroadwayY AprillO-2l.OnMayl-19co~see”Pats~ Cline-Sweet Dreams: The Fantasy Tour’. For info call 746-1484. ’ The Game - do you like mind games & ctyptograms? WinafreedinneratAli B&&s! Gatherateam Saturday, Man% 23. E-mail mathso& or call Jared 8684779. A krrsary Is offered for 1 year of postgraduate study to &dents of the Municipaiity of Waterloo or students studying at UW or WLU. Approximate value: $3,500. Appliition deadline: April 15, 19?36. For info call 905-522-9537 or the Graduate offces at the above universities. UanalnconcertSunday,May5,1996at 3 p.m. at St. John’s-on-theHill United Church, Cambridge. This seven women ensemblecapturewofidrh~msandharmonies through song, dance and instruments in mu’si. Tiiets $15.00 info 83& 7578. The TOEFL Preparation Course will begin on April 2 and end June 5. Classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 24:3Op.m.forlOweeks.Thecoursefeeis $50. and the book “Building Skills for the TOEFL” is $32. Register at the Intemational Student Office, NH2080 or call
: Monday
Darlene Ryan ext. 2814 for more info.
performers wanted for the 2nd Annual Sounds of Spring Coffeehouse on the afternoon of Thursday, Match 28 in the SLC. Resister at the Turnkey Desk or call
CUSO Slide/Video presentation: 4130 to 530 p.m., Wed., March 27, room 1020, NH.CUSOprovidesoverseasworkopportunities in developing countries. For more info call 519-767-2854. The Recrion of Waterloo’s Waste Reduction Ofi& is sponsoring a one-day seminar and trade show on Wednesday, March 27 from 8 a.m. to 530 p.m- at Bingemans Conference Centre in Kitchener. Call 8835150, ext. 231. Career opportunity! - a unique home based business. Experience your free dom. Positive, success focussed, self* velopment TV Network. Growing faster hth4myJ.! Income while you sleep. (519) Due to adverse weather conditions this week, blue box and recycling cart collection may be delayed in your area. Leave bins at cuti until it is picked up, keeping it dear of snow. For more infocall883-5100.
5 pm.
alsoinneedolBigS&ersfromaJamaican, AfricanandLa~tinAmericandecent. Please call 743-5206 for more infofmation. lnternatlonal Students Need English Tutors. Volunteers are needed to tutor internationalstudentsinoralandwritten English on aone-twnebasis. Tutor meets intemational students on campus for l-2 hours, usually once a week for one term. If you have a good working knowledge of English, are patient, friendty, dependable, and would like tovolunteer, registerat the International Student Office, NH 2080, or call Darlene Ryan, ext. 2814 for more information. Do your thing for the local environment. GREENBACKSrecydesnon-blueboxphstics. We need your help once a month for 2 hours. Next recyciing Saturday, March 23/ 96. Please call Greenbacks at 7254293 to ioin in. ROOF, an agency working with street youth is looking for dependable, empthetic
and open-minded volunteers. ROOF provides excellent learning opportunities in group work, outreach and crisis intervention. We required both day and evening timeandaskforaonceaweek,eightmonth committment. (flexibkforstudentsthat leave during summer months) Please call Patti at 742-2780.
t his course be ins March 19 to May 28,
ing utilities. Call Joe 888-4567, ext. 5693 until 5 p.m. or 742-9562 after 5 Ottawa summer sublet - $333. furnish, utilities included, University of Ottawa downtown, private rooms, roommates wanted, either sex, non-smoker, openminded, vegetarian. Call 884-0127 or anmanols@sciborg. Townhouse for rent - 5 large bedrooms, very clean and spacious, parking, laundry, great for 5-7 people, excellent landlord, 8 minute walk to UW. $1,590.00 plus hydro, available May 1. 699-5019. Summer sublet - 1 room in furnished apartment, Available before May 1. $220./month or negotiable. Directly across from campus. Call Lori 6 7257864. Available Sept. ‘96 - 5 bedroom house, Lakeshore area, quiet location, garage, parking, huge family room, $1,295./ month. Summer negotiable if needed. 725-8772 or 888-7377. Large room, private entrance, private bath, swimming pool, parking, cable, fireplace, shared kitchen orboard, laundry, furnished or not, close to University. $300./month, utilities included. Call 886-9972. Available Sept. ‘96 - 5 bedroom house with great uptown Waterloo location, parking for 4, 1 year lease, $1,295.1 month. 570-2640 or 888-7377. Philllp Street townhouses - available May 1 - fridge & stove, washer & dryer, parking included. 2 & 3 bedroom units.
Tandy 1000 SX computer, DMP 130A dot-matrix printer (no hard drive). Best offer. Call 888-6526 after 7:00 p.m. Simulated oak computer workstation. Best offer. Call 888-6526 after 7:00 p.m.
Summer rental - house with 1 to 5 rooms available. Washer, dryer, convenient
ied Dcadlinc
The City of Waterloo, Volunteer Services is currently recruiting for the following volunteer positions: Needed: Volunteer ComputerTutor: volunteers are needed to tutor senior participants of our Computer Literacy Interest Pilot Project (CLIPP). Advanced knowiedge of Windows applications is required. A time commitment of 4 flexible hours per week is requirecf. Needed: Income Tax Volunteer: volunteers are needed to complete income tax forms for seniors. A commitment of 4 sessions which are 3 hours in length is required. Volunteer Driver: Do you have a car and some free time? A volunteer driver is needed to drive seniors from their home to a senior day program. Time commitment wouldbeFriday9:3&10:15a.m.and3:304:00 p.m. Mileage is reimbursed. for i&mtion m call= Volunteer Services, City of Waterloo, 8&6488. Needed Volunteer Baby-sitter: Volunteersare neededto assist with achildren’s playgroup held on Thursday momin 930 - II:30 am. Responsibilrties inclui!ti reading stories, creative movement and playing with children. Must have previous experience working with preschoolers. Needed volunbr shopper: Do you enjoyshoppingand helpingthose inneed? This shopping program is to assist older adults unable to do their own grocery shopping and have no other means of purchasing groceries and deliver groceries. Volunteer Kitchen Assistant: are needed to assist with a senior lunch program every Wednesday or Friday 8:30 - 130. Duties include peeling potatoes, setting tables, senring meals, cleaning up tables and dishes. Aqustlcvoluntl?efs:areneeded toa&stwithRedCrossswimmingdasses. Volunteers must have completed RLSSC Bronze Medallion and be at least 14years Learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be part of your commun’ . For mofe information &It&K-WY L7CAHostProgramat57S 9622. Do you like leisure and recreation? Become a Leisure Support Volunteer. Pr* tie assistance to a person with a disabilityforswimming, senior’s programs, minor sports or community programs. Want to get wet? Male volunteer sought to aid a gentiemanwithaphysicaldiiilitySwim ming once/week-evenings. Swimming anMale vdunteer sou@ttohelpteenagemalewilhadisabiC ity at Rec. Centre -,‘lqf-r evenings. Male volunteer sought for gentfeman v&kability, wishing to shoot pooUbil. For more information call Kris at 74fBe a Big Sister Volunteer. Ifyou am 20 CM older and feel you can make a positive difference in a child’s life, K-W and area Bigsistersneedsyou. Femalevolunteers are required to develop relationships with girls (aged 4-17) and boys (aged 4-l I). You are required to provide 3 hours a week for a minimum of one year. We are
The Domey Garden Committee needs YOU! Volunteers are needed to plant, organize and fundraisefor the new “Northern Ontario Garden”. E-mail sdmcurry@cousteau or call Larry Lamb at ext. 2464 for more info. SocmrcoactwfAhssistantsareneeckd for teams in all age groups. For more info aboutthesevolunteerpositions, pleasecall Waterloo Minor Soccer at 578-9680. Are both you and a friend interested in participating in a psychology study on problem solving? We need pairs of students who know and like each other. This study has been granted ethics approval from the UW office of Human Research You will each receive $5. in appreciatron for your time, with a posibility of earning a bonus of
another $5. If you are interested, call the universityswitzhboard, 888-4567, ext. 3786 and leave a imessage for Kim with your namesand phone numbers. She will return your call and kll you more about the study.
* Chaos * Waterloo Taxi * Onward Comptuers * Fairview Acura * Picture Yourself * Princess Cinema * Gino’s Pizza * Blue Dog Bagels * Dr. Disc * The Beat Goes On * UW Federation of Students * Data Corn Computers * Vision Computers * Bent * Cl0 * Forbes Studio * Daddy O’s * Microsoft * A-l Storage * Travel Cuts l
* Waterloo Bowling Lanes * Ani Defranco (Michael Grit) * JWG Associates Inc. * Shot In The Dark * Waterloo North Mazda * M & M Bicycles * Club Abstract
Health Canada advises that smoking is addictive and causes lung cancer,l emphysema and heart disease.