Don’t be a fool, stay in school by
Natalie Giis Imprint s&f
urdened with rising tuition costs over the past several years, few students have taken note of the similar growth in faculty salaries. While students paid an average of $2,451 for the 1995-96 school year (a figure which will grow to $3,173 for 1996-97), the average salary for a fi,.~Hprofessor this year was $89,548. The average salary for all Ontario faculty members in 1986-87 was $54,036; it is currently $75,236. I This is only one of a number of facts included in the recently released Facts and Fj&wes: A Cmpendium of Statistics on Ontario Uiziversiti~s, compiled by the Ontario Council of Universities. The fourth edition of the compendium, released earlier this month, provides statistical information for Ontario universities in seven sections: Ontario popularion, financial data, student data, undergraduate scholarships, tuition fees, faculty and stafE, and physical facilities. To the discriminating reader, the report provides a wealth of information on the current state of postsecondary education in Ontario. Nearly 55 per cent of all full-time undergraduate students at Ontario universities are female. Of graduate students, women total slightly less than half of all master’s students and nearly 42 per cent of doctoral students. Figuring more prominently among the undergraduate population, it follows thar womep also receive more
undergraduate degrees than do men. In 1994, women received 58 per cent of all undergraduate degrees awarded in Ontario. Comprising more of the graduate student population, men received 54 per cent of all master’s and doctoral degrees awarded in 1994. The number of individuals attending university as a proportion of the general population has also increased,
Unemployment for university graduates fell to 3.8 per cent in 199S-96 with 34.6 per cent of 18 to 21 yearolds enrolledin full-time undergraduate studies in 1993-94, This figure was up from the 29.8 per cent in 1989-90. Several trends in applicants to Ontario unkersities are also highlighted. Of registered applicants in 1995-96,73 per cent were 19 years of age and under, 24 per cent were 20 to 24 years old and less than three per cent were over 25 years of age. The percentage of applicants applying to a university in their area increased from .33+6 per cent in 1989 to 38:9 per cent in 1995, likely indicative of rising tuition fees and the cost of living away from home.
Average marks of registered high school applicants varied depending on program of study, with engineers leading the pack at 84.1 per cent and arts students pulling up the rear at 77.2 per cent. Average marks for all applicants are still on the increase, having gone from 79.2 per cent in 1994 to 79.6 per cent in 1995 (average mark in 1986 was 76.4 per cent). Atthough the number of international students at Ontario universities has fluctuated since 1986, their enrollment as a percentage of total undergraduate enrollment has declined steadily from 4.0 per cent in 1986 87 to 2.2 per cent in 1995-96. The report also cofirmed that unemployment rates for people with a university degree are consistently lower than those of people with high school education. Unemployment (or university graduates fell to 3.8 per cent in 1995-96 (down from 5.1 per cent in 1991”92), and is significantly less than the 9.1 per cent unemployment rate for high school graduates. Not surprisingly, universiw graduates also get paid more than do individuals witk secondary or partial post-secondary education, and the wage gap is widening. In 1985, median wage for university graduates was $30,276 while non-graduates received $14,375. In 1994, median wages for graduates and non-graduates were $38,801 and $20,746 respectively-justification, perhaps, for the dogged toiling of students through their winters of discontent.
Moulding the student consciousness bY eY=
hey trekked from all corners of the Maple Leaf. From Calgary’s Gauntlet to Mount Allison’s Argosy, eighty-five of this country’s top intellectuals/student journalists invaded Waterloo last weekend for Imprint’s second-ever Student Journalism Conference. Deemed a rip-roaring success, one anonymous observer placed the event perfectly in ‘context when he acknowledged, “It is definitely scary the amount of movers and shakers involved in this get-together. You might say that this weekend constitutes a deliberate ‘meeting of the minds that matter,’ so to speak.” “The future direction of Canada may very well have been decided af this coderence. For better or worse.” This undeniable newspaper elite, known to insiders as the “Pro~eEtorate for EverythingNoble” (PEN), attended a wide
collection of brain-feeding seminars, and were entertained by an army of big-name national journalists like the Globe andMail’s Jane Coutts (Beat Writer) and Andrew DufQ (News Writer), The Toronto Star’s gifted feature writer Peter Cheney graciously accepted keynote speaker St&us and exceeded lofty expectations by wowing the crowd with a litany of his fascinating projects and famous interview subjects. The interaction, the education, the foad and the b all contributed to an ultrasuccessti weekend. Stephen Johnston and the rest of theImprint conference committee deserved plaudits for their outstanding dedication and perfectionism. The titernoon of February 23, a weary group of student journalists grudgingly packed up their belongings and emotionally returned from whence they came, back to their never-ending, mundane duty of making this world a-worthwhile place to live.
What a bunch of freaks, photo
by Gillian
c3i) Georgian College Barrie, Ontario
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A Summer Course at
McGill University
28, 1997
Concrete victories for Waterloo by Dermis Hicks and Cherie Nixon special to Imprint
his year’s Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race (GNCTR) was dominated by Waterloo’s hvo civil engineering teams placing first and third overall at the event. Waterloo’s “Snow Fear” raced their wicked “snowboard” toboggan to a spirited first place overall finish; Placsecond WZ5 Ecole ing Polytechni+e’s fire brigade theme sled, “Caserne 2 1.” Waterloo’s ‘Snow Warrior” beat the critics senselesswith a hot, steerable “noneed-to-lean” entry which placed third overall and walked awav with ‘%est Technical Report” bra’gging rights. The GNCTR is an annual undergraduate engineering student competition (primarily civil engineering) open to universit) and technical college teams from Canada, the United States, and abroad. It’s the largest civil engineering competition in Canada, and one of the largest in North America. I The event involves the design, construction and pcrformante of a concrete toboggan. Design criteria for the toboggan requires a concrete running surface, a total weight of less than 300 lbs, a braking system, and room for five riders. The competition must be held in Canada, alternating yearly between the western and eastern provinces. The responsibility of hosting the following year’s event is offered to the over-
More freaks, but this time in snowsuits. photo
by concrete
all champion, provided that they qua& geographically. This year there were 23 te’ams competing at Carleton University in Ottawa, two of which were American, and the rest Canadian. The University of Waterloo traditionally enters’ a toboggan in the GNCTR each year. Waterloo teams are renowned for their spirit, strong participation and imlovative designs. In 1995, “WatbrLuge” became Waterloo’s first toboggan to take home the trophy for first place overall. In 1996, Waterloo’s “Sharctic Toboggan” took third place overall. This year we continued the tradition by taking both first and third place overall, aswell as numerotis category nominations for both teams. This constitutes the strongest showing ever by Waterloo. Both Waterloo teams did extremely well in every category.
“Snow Fear”, the new trophy owner, was nominated in five categories: Fastest Descent (second fastest at 53 km/h), Best Overall Design, Best Braking System, Best Concrete Design, and Best Team Spirit. “Snow Warrior”, the other Waterloo team, who finished third place overall, had nominations in six categories: Fastest Descent (third fastest at 52 km/h), Best Overall Design, Bcst Concrete Mix, Best Technical Dispiay, Best Aesthetics, and the People’s Choice. Their report was also selected as the best technical report, although there was no formal award for it. The speed of descent was clocked midway down the hill, which means that both VVaterloo teams would have actudl) reached approximately 60 km/h bv the time the sled crossed the fiiish line.
China’s communist age. While most of the country quickly returned to business, the Muslim region had to tighten security after three bomb blasts. The attacks were blamed on extremists opposed to Beijing’s ruie over the vast, oil-rich territory.
might create an atmosphere in which anti-Semitic attacks would be more likely.
Montreal, Canada
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Canada-Native leaders are preparing to take concerns over the disposal of radioactive waste on their Land to the United Nations. The Atomic Energv oi’ Canada Ltd. and Ontario Hydro want to bur)r as much as 20,000 tonnes of nuclear waste on native lands 1,000 metres below the Canadian Shield. The First Ngtions feel that their land is being discussed as if it isn’t even occupied.
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perts say underground storage of radioactive waste poses no danger. China - A week of mourning for Deng Xioping officially ended Wednesday, launching a new era
Turkey-Turkey is insisting that it be admitted into the European Union. Turkish leaders believe Turkey is deliberately being eseluded because of its large Muslim population. Poland - Warsaw’s only synaEuropean Union leaders deny gogue, Warsaw Nozyk, went up this, however, stating a barrage of in flames Wednesday. This sus- reasons for its reluctance to deal petted arson attack aroused shock with Turkey. in a city where most of its Jewish Among these reasons are sepopulation was killed by German vere human rights violations, the invaders in World War IL h belief that Turkish officials ma\ Two days before the fire, an be protecting heroin srr~uggler~, anonymous call had threatened, and a belief that Turkey is not “a bomb has been planted or wilI serious about its desire to be a part be planted very soon.” of the Union. Regardless, Turkey, the only Jewish leaders said a failure by the mainstream Polish parties simult;rneously Muslim and democratic state in the world, is to condemn anti-Semitic actions insising that it is ready to belong. and remarks strongly enough ~--~ l_____III______ _-.- -*-Y-.-=-t-----------‘--- - *I ----*. . a
28, MU
Our home and native land by Bob Needham, Director, Canadian Studies special to Imprint
speaker. A panel discussion with three Native women will follow between 1130 and 4 p,m at Mac Kirdv Hall in St. Paul’s United Cokge. ative Awareness Week runs from Monday, Wednesday, March 5 March 3 to Friday, Under the heading of Teaching March 7 and will feature a variety and Learning Issues - Native Students Orientation Week, a variety of events and activities. Throughout the week, the UW Bookstore of events willI take place, From 10 will display various books in South a.m. to 12 p.m., tours of both Campus Hail. Native Artifacts will WLU and UW will depart from be exhibited in the Museum and the Paul Martin Center. Archive of Games, Burt Matthews Following the tours, there will Hall, Room 1016A and the UW be a lunch at St. Paul’s United Student Life Center and WLU College. The day will conclude Concourse will host a crafts sale. with a panel discussion on the Monday, March 3 - As ’ Senate Chamber in Needles Hall, part of this Performance Day, Room 3001, from 1:30 to 4130 Native author and playwright p.m. Drew HaydenTaylor will be readThursday, March 6 - St. ing and lecturing from 2 to 4 p.m. Paul’s United College will host a at Conrad Grebel College’s Great two hour Iong Feast of TradiHall. This session will include a tional Native Food, beginning at book signing. In the afternoon, 4:30 p.m. Tickets will be distribbetween 6 and 9 p.m., St. Paul’s uted from the College and donaUnited College will host a pertions are welcomed to help cover formance by the Native Women the costs. of Canada. Friday, March 7-The week Tuesday, March 4 - Womwill conclude with a f&n and video en’s DaJr will open with a Vet-todav, with locations and times vet4 be annkunced Native Goman to&e announced.
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Friday, February 28, 1997
Kalbfleisch reappointed by Calv Meit special to Imprint
Multicultural fun for everyone by Julie Primeau, VP Internal UW’s many clubs reflect the wide variety of student interests on our campus. Kanging from Christian clubs to clubs that are fascinated by Japanese animation and representing every interest in between, they also demonstrate how multi-cultural UW’s student body is. Today I want to talk about an event that is taking place very soon in celebration of the culturally based clubs. On March 19, the blood, sweat and tears (OK, slight exaggeration!) of many dedicated volunteers wili pay off with an event this campus won’t soon forget the Multi-Cultural Festival. This event is taking place in the Student Life Centre all day long and finishing up with a Festival Party at Fed Hall.
booths which will be set up betweenl1:30a.m.and4p.m.Clubs and local vendors will be selling food, so don’t bother to pack a lunch on this day!
The Festival fiesta Check out fashions from around the world when student volunteers take the runways by storm. The fashion show will also be an excellent opportunity to learn something about different cultures and traditions. Entertainment
Throughoutthe day and into the night you can enjoy the sounds of live entertainment. The event will kick off with the sounds of steel drums. Between fashion shows, talented UW students will be trying their hand at entertaining the audience. Games galore
Fill your face with international flavors at tIhe various food CI
Don’t miss the excitement of
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-at least he’ll know he’s got a job. The current vice-president, academic and provost at the University of Waterloo has been reapGinted to a second five vear term. beaning that he will rekain in his position until June 30,2003.
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We are in the process of booking some really hot bands so keep your eyes peeled for more details. What I can tell you now is that if you come to Fed Hall on the evening ofMarch 19 you can hear the cool Brazilian sounds of Maracujah. . The Festival Party has been organized as a charity event, so there wiLl be a slight fee of $8 $16, but the money is going to a local charity and the event is welI worth the price! Does this sound like a great event or what? There is still time to get involved in the Multi-C& tural Festival if you are interested. Contact Julie at the Fed Office (888-4042) or just drop by. Tickets and further information will be available soon, so keep watching md I hope to set you there!
Poised for the next century. Imprint
file photo
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Simon Fraser University offers a unique master of Business Administration program,designed fur people who want to prepare for tomomow’s workplace. It’s one more reason why SFU is Canada’stop-ranked comprehensiveuniversity. 1 Specialist program 1 Year-round (trimester) system 1 Optional Co-op practicums (work semesters) 1 New building and facilities 1 Fast track for B.BA./ELComm. students 1 Vancouver location 1 B.B.A./B .Comm. students enter throughout the year Please visit our Web site.
Friday, February 28, 1997
Now that the technology is available, what wouZd you do with a clone of yourself?
by Alison Boehm and Kerry O’Brien (photos)
her out. Julian Walker, 4B Engineering
SarahGriffiths, IB Applied Arts
Let it explain parents. Steve Dibiase, 2B Science
my repoti
card to my
Get it to write all my exams and do all my work while 1 do something better. Janice Ngan, Pre-Optometry
I’d have it lead my second life on the other side of the world.
Jen Barrett, 3A psychology
John Pate-n, 2B Philosophy
I do now but twice as
Teach her to be exactly like me.
much EssaeJoseph,
Manjit Chagar,
2A Math
Federation of Students University of Waterloo
Notice of Annual General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE
GENERAL MEETING of the Federation of Students,Uriiversity of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held:
MONDAY, MARCH 24,1997 at 7:30 p.m. Student Life Centre The agendafor this meeting will include: 1. Ap ointment of Board Directors 2.0 8 leers’ Reports’1996-1997 Any other item for the agendaof this meeting must be in the hands of the President of the Federation of Students by 4:30 p.m., March 7, 1997 to be considered at the General Meeting.
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Mario Bellabarba President Federation of Students
of Waterloo Student Newspaper Friday February 28,1997 Volumel9, Number29
IBe Centre, Room University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario NZL 3Gl
The forum
of the University of Waterlqo community to present their views on various issues longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint.
pages allow members letters to the editor and
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‘The basis of our governments being the q&-Con of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it lefi to ne to decide whether we should have govemnent without newspapers or newspapers withI should not hesitate to But government, xefer the latter.” - Thomas Jefferson
Editorial Editor in Chief Assistant Editor Forum News
News Assistant Editor
Arts Assistant Sports
Patti Lenard
Editor Editor
Board Sandy Atwal
Sports Assistant Features Editor Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant WWW Page Editor WWW Page Assist&t Systems Administrator Graphic Editor Proofreaders
Karsten W, Gitter James Russell Debbra McClintock Jeff Peeters Greg Picken Tracy Hunt Mike
Gillian Downes Paul Rencoret Justin Kominar Mary Ellen Foster Man Nguyen’ Stephen Johnston Lori Hayston Amberlee Howlett Liz Monier- Williams Rob Van Kruistum Patrick Wilkins
How UW’s Computer Science program falls short of hype
Staff Business Ad/Production Ad/Production
Manager Manager Assistant Assistant
Laurie Tiger&Dumas Tania Caza Adam
Distribution Jeff Robertson James Russell
Board of Directors President
Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Director at Large Staff Liaison
Ryan Pyette Natalie Gillis Rob Van Kruistum Jeff Peeters Stephen Johnston Jeff Robertson
Alison Boehm, Peter Brown, Heather CalderRyan Eagles, Chris Edgington, Sean Elder, Jonathan Evans, Kelly Foley, Nancy Ford, Dennis Hicks, Selene Hur, Niels Jensen, Greg Krafchick, Jack Lefcourt, Melissa MacDonald, Calv Meit, Bob Needham, Pete Nesbitt, Cherie Nixon, Kerry O’Brien, Deborah Odhiambo, Dean Palmer, Tasmina Patei, Julie Primeau, Tony Rowlandson, Shawn Saldanha, Adam W. Scott, Astrid Sealey, Natalie Sonosky, Pat Spacek, Prabhakar Ragde, WPIRG, Dan Zachariah Imprint is University independent
the official student newspaper of the of Waiterloo. It is an editorially newspaper
Sorcerer’s Apprentices
Publications, Waterloo, acorporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during falI and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. imprint ISSN 0706 7380. Mail should be addressed toImprint, Student Life Centre, Room 1116, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl.
n the math and computer science building at UW, there is a museum of sorts, known as the Red Room. The walls are covered in computer equipment from the 60s, ancient mainframes that would be hopelessly inadequate today. Unfortunately, these aren’t the only dinos&rs in UW% computer science. By over-emphasizing math and ignoring other aspects of CS, Waterloo faculty do their students and the community a disservice, Waterloo has long been a media darling, especially in the applied sciences. With its excellent co-op program and millions of dollars in research money flowing in, Waterloo is oRen-billed G the “school of tomorrow .” A closer look at the computer science program itselfreveals acurriculum mired in the 1960’s. The program is a throwback to that era, when computers were an interesting branch of mathematics. At Waterioo, students in the CS program take a minimum of 13 math courses, far more than necessary. In their joint report, Compu~~flfl Cutiula 1991, the two major computer ptofessional groups, the ACM and the IEEE, only recommended five or six math courses. The result is that half of Waterloo’s curriculum is taught by math prOfessors, who ofien have no interest in the application of their subject to computer science. Because of this imbalance, Waterloo CS students learn to think in a narrow way, one which favours quantifiable issues over “softerfl ones. This is poor preparation for the real world, where events aren’t clear-cut and controllable. Real-world questions (for example, user interface issues) don’t always have black-and-white answers. Perhaps there’s another reason for the math; when I spoke to the undergraduate computing chair, Arnie Dyck, he said
that the math courses in the CS program, “act as a fiitcr,” presumably to keep enrollment at a certain level, and undesirable students out. Communication is crucial in applied science. Good design requires effective discussions with co-workers, bosses, and users. Other universities recognize this and require a solid arts component. For instance, Simon Fraser’s computing program requires courses in critical thinking, social aspectsofcomputing, and liberal arts. The workplace trend is increasing towards self-employment; sitting in a cubicle and cod-
should be taught in all programs, including Computer Science.
ingksy, Je&zdy degree<;. But most CS students would do poorly in these programs; they have trouble just writing their work reports. No worries: the faculty has helpMy provided a slate of mediocre arts offerings, called “math electives,” for people who struggle in difflcult courses Like PSYCH lai. You’d think the university would encourage group learning too-but students are threatened with hcav penalties for working together on assignments. University isn’t just about practical skills, though. There are many academic areas closely linked with computer science: communications, psychology, sociology, and language, to name a few. Yet few students explore these fascinating areas in any depth; it’s far easier to take “bird cours& for electives and concentrate on the time-consuming core courses. The influence and impact of digital technology is growing quickly. It’s not enough to let experts figure out the issues; people who are building systems should be l
to page
Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and nut of Imprint.
A humble
Tu The E&w;
This letter is a plea to Ms. Melissa MacDonald, who writes the column “Outside the Lines.” I am a heterosexual white male. Once in a while I find myselfphysically attracted to a female. I don’t know why, I just am. I enjoy shows like Home liqnmwment. I gasped as Dale Earnhardt’s Number 3 Chevrolet hit the wall and rolled on lap 186 ofrheDaytona 500 this year. I laugh at Jeff Foxworthy standup. I even like dropping by P.O.E.T.S. for a few beers on Thursday or Friday afternoons. Take a few seconds to form a stereotyped impression of me based on what I’ve just told you. Not that hard, is it? But listen, from the first time I read your column I accepted who you were. Your lifestyle is no concern of mine. I think it’s great that you can be honest with yourself and with your friends. I envy your pride. I would never judge you by your beliefs, your gender, or your orientation. I would consider it an honour to count J~OUamong my friends, even though we’ve never met, But week after week I read your editorial in the hopes that you might say something remotely nice in my general direction. It never happens. You continually brow-beat me, and the other members of,my gender, and sexism orientation, to satis$ your childish desire to take a temper tantrum. You make broad-based accusations against US.You attempt tooppress us. You try to make us feel ashamed to be who we are. The irony is that you have become exactly what you despise, Please stop. Most humbly, -
G. Scott
Thanks extended Tu the Editor,
I would like to publicly thank all of the people that helped out last week with the fundraising walkathon for Youth Challenge International (YCI). The walk was a successas we collectively raised over $500 for YCI. Specifically, I would like to thank Margaret DeFazio, Lindsay Wood, Ariel Szip, Dave Steer, and Kevin Young for their outstanding contributions to the walkathon. I would also like to thank my roommates Kevin Saliba, Brendan Filby and Debbra McClintock for their constant support over the past couple of months. Thanks for your help guys! -
Outside the Lines is still weird To the Editor,
Asker reading the first two letters written by the Melissa advocates, I thought that she would have about squared her account with me, but there were five more afier that. Holy Cow!! When I read the Feb. 21 paper I was totally expecting the inevitable barrage of all your school yard obscenities. I would be a liar if I said that I did not laugh my head off more than once, Some of your letters were darn hilarious. The best one was KDRu’s because I think she may have a senseofhbour not&e my own, though she’d never admit it publicly.
I just want you people to know that when you criticize me like that I always listen, and in this case, as always, I’m able to laugh it off when it is obviously really funny. I do not cry like a baby like some other people I know. Furthermore, because I’ve never met any of my newly acquired critics in person, I feel as though I lose nothing by having them, all of a sudden, hate me. I find it interesting, knowing that I will come out of this feeling completely unscathed when others are so offended, and Christ, in the end, I was receiving a lot more than ever I dealt out, and yet it still does not bother me enough to start whining. I guess my primary objective in writing my previous letter was to tick as many people off as possible with a single entrv into this newspaper. By judging all fou; vindictive letters of reprisal, one may conclude that my first article was a crowning achievement in literary controversy. Hey “If I don’t create some controversy, I’m not challenging anything.” Well. . .duh? Where have I heard that before? I would now like to take this opportunity to thank the editor for providing me with an opportunity to “spout my asinine drivel” to a wider audience than I am used to, I don’t get to do this very otien ya know. I would also like to thank all those who responded, and especially Melissa, who was such a good sport through the whole affair. Without your participation I would not have enjoyed this experience. Finally, I understand there exists some speculation out there as to whether or not I will close with another one of my pearls of wisdom or reveal anymore sources of my philosophical inspiration. I will leave you in suspense no longer, the answer is, of course, ccYes.‘yAnd this time it comes from someone who is not only very dear to my heart, but whose intellect knows no celestial limitations. His immortal words were uttered late one night
to me on T.V. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, say it ofien!“-Ed the Sock. From the one you all love to hate. By the way, I have always loved to play devil’s advocate in times of discussion, ergo I don’t mind your foul language and your hostile opinions. If anything it just makes you all appear at least as bad as me, if not worse. Notice the lack of profanity and personal insult in my reply. I could have been so much worse. hehehe. -
The -
final word on Tutt
TQ the Editor,
In the past two months the Princess Cinema has been subjected to a vigorous campaign launched by the projectionists’ union, which refUses to acknowledge and appears to be ignorant ofthe tough realities faced bv a single screen independent cinema. V\iith the announcement of an eightscreen $4 million multiplex opening two blocks from the Princess at the Seagram Museum site, it should now be abundantly I
When Egyptologists the tomb of Pharaoh as superstition. Less scarring our race for shoes,
clear to the public that owner John Tutt’s stafing cutbacks were absolutely necessary for the cinema’s fLture viability. Over the past twelve years, Tutt has worked hard to successfully build an audicnce that appreciates the type of films he programs. Cineplex has identified this group as the target audience for its new facility. Once the multipIex opens, the Pi-incess will lose its audience along with many of the titles (l3$& l?z&bt, Secrets and Lies Mm-wet’s Museum) it relies on to pay the bills. Without the revenue from thcsc bigger “art” titles, the Princess will no longer be able to screen the lesser-known, more esoteric fare that enriches the cinema’s program and the community. This leaves the future of the Princess in jeopardjr. Support the Princess now. Ii‘vou have previously chosen not to attend thi cinema because of the labour dispute, please reconsider . If you care about your locally-owned independent cinema and small business, write to Tom Stockie at the City of Waterloo and express vour concerns that-without designation as the principal local art house the Priricess may fall victim -to Cineplex’s latest expansion. -
Karen Barker and Niles McCarthy discovered Funkhokamen in 1969, they dismissed his curse than a year later, the ’70s engulfed the world, the next millenium. Revenge wears platform
Out of curiousity, I dccidcd to take a look at the website mentioned by Mr. Hutton in his letter ( to see the speech written by Kevin Strom about Martin Luther King. I expected to see a white racist ranting and raving-to my surprise, what I saw was basicaliy a lengthy and very well-researched compilation of data from a wide range of sources and highly-respected researchers from every part of the political spectrum, both left and right. In all fairness, anyone who takes a moment to look at the speech (which is quite long, about 15 pages), will see that it is basically a compiling of the research of other people over the years, most of which has appeared in countless books and articles about King (i.e., his plagiarism, his attendance at the Highlander Folk School, the sex parties, etc.) These are not Strom’s unique assertions about King, but data gathered from many other people over the years. Also, I definitely think it’s stretching a point to claim that Lisa Hendrikson is guilty of plagiarism. It looks to me that she may have based her remarks in restated/ paraphrased form on some of the research data, most of which, as I say, has been around for years. If it’s true that King’s communism and lefi-wing ideology doesn’t alter his basic idealistic message, as some of the other letter-writers asserted, then Strom’s racism shouldn’t alter the welt-researched facts he presents about King. -Jim
facts as well. During this time, there were many other people placed into the camps besides Jews, although granted the Jewish population was the one most targeted. Into these camps were also placed homoTo the Editor, sexuals, political enemies, the I am becoming increasingly Granted, there are actualQ “mentally infirm,” gypsies, and others, most of whom Hitler acsickened by all the campus coi-n- people out there without a degree cused of being in league together motion created by increases in who have prospered financiaLly. with an agenda centering around tuition. All we ever hear about But, you either have to be really these days is how tuition increases business-oriented, dedicated, or taking over the world. Belonging to one of these’ often ‘forgotten will inhibit the lessfortunate from shit-lucky. Getting a degree groups,’ I felt it necessary to reattending post-secondary institudoesn’t guarantee you zilch, but it mind people that the targets for tions or how they may force curgives you a step up on your cqmextermination during the Holorent students out. (Maybe you are petition. And won’t you be happ) caust were not just Jews. unaware of tuition costs in the when you decide to bite the knife United States, which are higher and attend university, because than Canada). nowadays, with enrollment rates -Jason Ahens 2A Compter Science I may not be among those on the decline, a degree will beclassified as “less fortunate,” but I come more valuable than it curdon’t have my mother spoon-feedrently is. Being in fourth year, I ing me with tuition cheques ei- could care less if tuition rates go ther. I pay for tuition and books through the roof. myself, and saying that is really X’m not promoting higher nothing to be proud of. It’s like tuition rates, but why should I saying I have a high school di- complain if I know that the guy ploma, next door will opt out of univerTo the Edituy, Big fkking deal. There are sity due to costs. It’s just one less plenty of avenues for the student irrational ignoramus to contend A few months ago, one of out there to create their own in- with. Hey, it’s a scary world out your entertainment staffpublished come in order to pay for their there. Good luck and good rida review ofthe James Brown show tuition. Just getting a summer dance! P.S. This message does not at Lulu’s (late November, I bejob and working a little part time apply to those people who are lieve). I realize that this letter is on the side is all you really need. It uninterested in attending univerquite late in its reaction, but I may force s6me of you off of your didn’t want to hand in just ansity. lazy, carpet-fibre-ridden, comother empty letter disagreeing plaining asses,but it’s for the bet- - Tb#nasLang with a concert review, which I am ter. absolutely sure both your staff To hear this constant bullshit and your readers are sick of. like, “Oh, what will I ever do if Now, let me get my ranting they raise tuition again” is disover with. The author of that gusting. Go out and earn some review, LMark Rankin, was either damn money. blind, drunk, looking at the floor, And thin there’s the arguor all three the night ofthat show. ment, “But T already work on the To say that James was lacking in side and T help to pay fi.)r the bills Over the past several weeks I enthusiasm and movement is abat home.” Well, is this something solutely not true. James moved have been reading letters submitJWUwant to do for the rest of your and entertained more that night ted by various students on camiife vou unselfish, caring moron? pus regarding Hitler and the than a band like, oh, I don’t know, If );nur parents screwed you by Holocaust. Throughout a number Sloan has in their entire career. bringing you into their breadRut, the point of this letter is of them it is stated that Hitler’s and-water” world then why don’t intent with this was the exterminot to hack the author of the JB nation of the Jewish race. I am not review. As some of you may deriving this fact, but would like already know, James Brown is to &ake mention of a few other performing in Toronto on April
Rising tuition? Get a job!
King: The last word
you screw them by leaving it. Are you willing to sacrifice your future by living in mediocrity? Even if you have to incur a substantial debt, it definitely beats the alternative of raising your children with their grandmother and living on welf&e.
Best performer this century
not victims
Friday, February 28, 1997 8. To anyone who may have been deterred from ever going to a James Brown show because ofthe review in tie November ’ 96 Imprint, I strongly encourage you to reconsider. Think what vou mav about his off-stage presince, bit James Brown is without a doubt the single greatest entertainer of the twentieth century. It is nearly impossible to find a genre of contemporary music that his artistq has not in some wav influenced. I guarantee that any person with any level of appreciation for live music will thoroughly enjoy the show in April, regardless of how old they are OK how old James is. No matter what anyone says, James is still the man with the crown, the band with the sound, the super-bad super-hero with cape and all able to stop riots with a single UNNH! April 8, Toronto; get ready for the big payback.
Go Internet pricy and deserted To the Editor, I’m worried about the Go Internet Cafe in the Universitv Shops Plaza. A friend and I we& seeking nourishment Sunday around 9:OO p.m. and decided to drop into the Cafe to see what it was all about. It was absolutely deserted, save for the guy behind the counter. Pretty pricy ($4.25+ for a sandwich?), but I’ll try anything once. The exchange that followed was vev unusual. “I’ll go for a Chicken Salad Sandwich,” T said to the guy behind the counter.
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28, 1997
MvI recent public bashing and the outpouring ofresponse it provokcd has stirred some healthy introspection in me. I will continue to write, rant and risk. At feast now I know that someone is listening! I’ll make mistakes and rn) opinions may not always agree with vours, but together we are bridging A gap caused by years of mistrust and mvths. My views are not the feminisi stance or the gay perspective. The views presented here xc mine alone, and they mavi change over time, but perhaps in the journey, in trying to figure it all out, something of relevance will be said, or some understanding will be exchanged. There are many positive things to acknowledge. Homosexuals are making strides. Women are slowly but surely rising to positions of authority. I do not believe that the majority of our generation are overtly sexist or homophobic. That I can write a column without fear is evidence that things are changing. I am gratefttl for the efforts of my filresisters and brothers who
struggled to ensure me the rights I enjoy today. I thank my father for showing me what it means to be a real man-to love and support unconditionally. I thank my mother for instilling tolerance in me. She is a model ofstrength and perseverance despite obstacles. While I’m doling out thank I should send some out to my straight roommates as well. They’ve challenged me, while still respecting and supporting me. 0ur endless dining room discussions have inspired many a column. And I should not forget all the pro-feminist men out there who restore my faith on a regular basis. Most of all though, my gratitude goes out to all the kick-ass women who inspire me with their refus;al to stay in tune. ( Go grrrls ! ) I’ve been lucky to have many people who’ve accepted, nurtured and inspired me. I have no internalized hornophobia or self-hatred. My personal position of semi-tolerance is not enough though. I know too many women who starve themselves. I know too many homosexuals who have tried to kill themselves. I don’t
“They say jump, you say.. . . .” a second, what is this lyric saving? The power of the media runs AC/DC as we usually frolic in media culture, using and being abused by it. The Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom is fighting the Canadian Government and media conglomerates to create a more democratic media enirironmcnt. The Campaign is questioning the growing concentration of media ownership and the lack of a viable alternative to our commercial/elitist fast foad media diet. Major media players fail to discuss media concentratiorqommercialization, and public access to media beyond their shared financial perspective(s) . The Council of Canadians (a non-partisan, public interest organization backed bv the volunteer energy and financial support of over 60,000 Canadians) is coordinating the campaign. The campaign raises three major issues: Who owns the media? Who tells the stories? and What is the message? Who owns the media: The Campaign is challenging Conrad Black’s purchase of Southarn papers, leaving Hollinger Inc. in control of 80 per cent of Ontario’s 45 daily newspapers and over half of Canada’s. Government Committees and Commissions report concern for media concentration, allowing corporations to run newspapers and TV stations like shoe factories. wait
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However, this is where people tune out. The media provide people with information about what is important. People learn more these days from second hand (mediated) experiences, so the media is the window we see the world through. A democracy needs an informed citizenry to think and act on public issues. Media content and perspectives need to match and promote the pluraIitv of voices and opinions for inteihgent decision-making. In TV, five corporations reach more than 60 per cent of aliviewers, The three biggest cable companies hold 60 per cent of the market, and just ten companies control 55 per cent of the revenue generated in radio. Not only are there very few players in the game, but ail of the outlets are commercial enterprises selling audiences to advertisers, providing information as bait. Who tells the stories: The Campaign wants stable funding for the CBC (which Canadians own) to provide an outlet for diverse, Canadian voices, not just marketable ones. The Liberals are chopping a total of $400 million from the CBC’s budget and
ing values. It tries to talk to a citizen rather than a consumer. The CBC should be the rock bottom of public access,not the ceiling. What is the message: In a broad sense the message is “buy this product, this ideologyofconsumerism and corporatism and we will all bebetter off.” Looking at dollars, the message is marketing, as is themedium. why is TV virtually free? Because advertisers have spent more money on 30 second ads for your attention, than producers spend on programs. The same principle is true for the cost of a newspaper, where sales make up a tiny proportion of the revenue. Our very ownImprint canrelate, as two-thirds of its revenue comes from selling students’ attention ($234,537 to be exact). So, in case thou have skipped the above lookmg for the short answer: Who owns the media? Corporations both legally and through addictive ad dollars. Who tells the stories? Those who own the media. What is the message? Shut up, listen, buy and be happy about it. Some people might like being sold to stav somewhat informed. The prick is our collec-
tive vision
one-third of the staff: By 1997-98, when the latest round of cuts take effect, the CBC’s budget will be 40 per cent less than in 1984-85. Programs on the CBC are less restricted to bottom line ratings and advertisd. .
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delude myself into complacency, for 1 know that “the system gives you just enough to make you think that you see change” (Ani Difranco) . I still have much work to do if I want my little sister to grow into a healthy, self-respecting woman. If1 don’t want to feel like I’m lying when I tell her that she can be anything that she wants to be in this world. I work towards women feeling safe,confident and free in their own bodies and personhood. I want us to be able to make informed choices. To those who hurt, ogpressed, ignored, ridiculed,* colLonized, and attacked me, I will quote Helen Reddy of “1 am Woman Hear Me Roar” f;lme: “YOU can bend but never break me cause it only serves to make me more determined to-achieve my final goal. I’ll come back even stronger, not a novice any longer, cause you’ve deepened the convictions in my soul.” Or, as Sinead O’Connor put it: ‘Thank you for breaking my heart. Now I’ve a strong, strong heart.”
of a better
the information to build it. If youwant to get involved or receive more information on the Campaign, contact WPIRG’s Propaganda Watch working group. And remember, Imprint I should be our newspaper.
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At this point, the guv came out from the and __ behind ._ _ counier __ stood beside us looking at the blackboard menu, scratched his head for a bit, went into the back, came out .and stood beside us again, hmm-ed and haw-ed, then returned to behind the counter. “Uh, I’ve never made one ofthose before. Don’t worry-it just may take a while,” he said. My friend and I exchanged a glance that meant, kx’ve just discovered what the world would be like if William Gibson wrote for Beavis and Butthead.‘“‘No thanks, we’ll pass,” I said politely. Then we turned and left, quickly. ‘l’hat isn’t even the scariest part. The scary part is that they charge $2.18
forfifteen minutesof WC&Sti?jh~! Being so deliberately close to University, they MUST be targeting students as primary customers. The trouble is, most ofus get, or can get, free unlimited ‘net a
access with probably twice the bandwidth (even on Watstar) through the University’s computer facilities. Somebodv didn’t do any market research. I’d pay $8,72 an hour for 100 megs per second access and 150watt stereo surround speakers with a 28” screen, but not much less. Do you at least get a $0.50 refund each time you get cc4O4 Not Found?” Maybe they’re billing themselves as a cheaper alternative to AOL. And, I wonder ifour esteemed chefwas also the support guy who helps you when Windows tells vou “Your Gatesoti 9500 NetYork card is no longer working properly. Press any key to Cotigure.” * Conclusion: Ifthey’re around in a month, they must be a front for something or other!
28, WV
I know we’ve already heard far more than enough about Dolly, the stupid sheep who’s only claim to fme is that it was cloned, but I want to throw in my hvo cents. However, before I talkabout cloning, I have to ask what’s wrong with society when I can name the damn sheeh, but not the scientist who cloned it? I even saw a picture in the paper where repGers had a microphone in Dolly% face! ! Why? Is it going to say something inspiring to all the other sheep out there about the joys of being a product of modern medical science? But I digress. What’s reallv bugged me about this whole rn& dia frenzy (besides the fact that the sheep is over six months old -how come we didn’t hear about it before?) Is the panic I hear in everyone’s voice about cloning. I don’t even want to think about how many times I’ve already heard people legitimately wdrrying
about the possibility of someone cloning another Hitler or something and essentially destroying the world. Hello! You are stupid. First of all, this is not going to change the world over night. People were freaking out about the first human test-tube baby too, and, obviously, fears of a CCBrave New World” were never realized. People are insistent about one thing; this technology should never be expanded to include humans. Call me naive, but why not? Now, I realize that two, maybe three, people out there think I have a bit of an ego problem. I’ll admit I have an ego-1 don’t think it’s a problem. But don’t get your knickers in a twist, I am not going to advocate cloning humans just so I can create an army of genetic supermen to take over the world and create a utopian state where I am the undisputed ruler of the universe. That
will all happen in time. No, no, T am going to advocate cloning humans because there’s lots of good reasons to do it.
1. Picture this. A pregnant woman has an accident and critically injures the fetus. No problem, just take a few cells and make a new baby. The same goes for anyone who gets critically injured, or is medically brain-dead. 2. Instead of cloning entire humans, just make parts. Hearts, livers, etc. No more donor shortages.Ifsomeone needs something, take a few cells and do a custom f
3. We, can finally resolve the nature vs. nurture debate. I know, I know, like we need more psychologists in the unemployment line, but hey, inquiriig minds want to know.
Feds: $3. I Weekend Pass: $5. Non-Feds: $4. / Weekend Pass: $6. By Kelly Foley, Vice President Education The views in this column don’t necessarily represent you or me. If you agree or disagree with the views expressed here then let me know. Speak for yourself! or ext. 2340
I’ve been reading&&& Tahe by Edward Greenspon and Anthony Wilson-Smith. The book is essentially an insider expose on the federal liberals in power. Greenspon and WilsonSmith are considered the Woodward and Bernstein of Canada, using persuasive work-your-wayto-the-top techniques to weasel their way into some impressive details. A substantial section of the book is dedicated to the deficit obsessionof’FinanceMinister Paul Martin. Interestingly, Preston Manning read from the book during question period (I am a proud viewer of CPAC) to which the speaker responded “In the
“‘All-h-One Phone Service ”
start from
house, we must not use the words ofothers in order to saythat which we might not otherwise say.” At any rate, the insiders view of a budget is truly fascinating. So I wonder what happened on the inside with this year’s budget, announced last Tuesday. The budget is clearly an election budget with iots of presents for the feel good sectors. Education is no exception. We got infrastructure money, some reasonable tax benefits and an extension of the interest relief program. However, there was one rather odd inclusion. The federal government “is also ready to pursue with interested provinces, lenders and other groups a new repayment option that would offer students another choice. Students would be able to choose between current repayment arrangements and a repayment schedule tied directly to the individual’s income. ‘Tailoring payments to individual circumstances would make the debt more manageable.” Sounds a lot Like an income contingent repayment (ICR) loan to me. Of course, Ontario has been promising an ICR since the election. Up to this point, the federal government hasn’t budged on the issue. I wonder what that deal looked like? What’s really troubling, however, is a single sentence in The Budget &II, a technical document. This proposed ICR would not include any interest subsidy during the repayment stage nor
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any remission or forgiveness. Esbentially what this me&s is perhaps the worst ICR imaginable. I’ve written about ICR’s and negative amortization before but it bears repeating. Essentially, there are good ICR’s and bad ICR’s. The question of an ICR’s value rests in the issue of forgiveness and interest subsidy+ I think we can all agree that interest subsidy while in school is a must. Without it, principles would grow astronomically. Forgiveness is simply an issue of debt management. ‘cirithout it, the problem of negatirwe amortization is exacerbated. With compound interest accruing tier a &dent graduates, the borrower
must make palqnents
larger than the interest% negative amortization
” Negative
ply means your principle gets larger. For example, I borrow $30,000 and graduate with an arts B.A. If I make $20,000 and under the ICR pay 7.8 per cent of my income (figure from the American ICK model) and pay 6.5 per cent interest (the current Canada Student Loan rate at CIBC) my payments will be $1,560 a year but the interest on my loan is $1,950. So the principle gets bigger and bigger, after five years 1 owe $3 1,718.80, after ten years, $34,575.42, in another sevenvears the principle is over $40,000. Essentially, a person with low income and high debt can only rent their education.
Imwrint Fmmrc!!
by Steve Banks and Brian Kalbfleisch
Try so\ving
the pwr\e
fi\\ in the blanks
yocc know
theme!! And remember,
74. dye ‘The Purple Rose of -’
77. 79. 81. 82.
Cowardly It’s like the kettle, Commie
responsible citizens. But citizenship requires the abilit\r to analyze and communicate effectively. ’ Many computing science faculties have received a broad education along with their computing skills; it’s too bad they don’t pass it on. Waterloo likes to fancy itself as the “M.I.T. of the north,” but this is entirely wishf%l thinking. M. I.T. computer science students get a master’s degree in five years; they don’t waste their time with extra math. And the Media Lab at M.I.T. is world-renowned for its study of the social aspects of computer science. Many fine students, who are not particularly interested in mathematics, buy irlto the university’s way of thinking. Instead of transferring to a better program
\etter in the have fun!!!
grid! When
DOWN: 1. White stuff 2.
in a way
83. Rudolph’s claim to fame 85. Get the blue ribbon
86 89. 90.
Red Rose, eg. Ginger’s companion Black and white and red all ova
Vanilla -
Red giants and white dwarfs
Young Frank Sinatra
Use a blue pencil (Blue Eyes’, Velvet Underground Go blonde? 6. Halo 8. Clayquot Sound native 10. Leucocytes and erythrocytes eyes...’ Il. L-the girl with -
3. 4.
Blue and green planet
Steve Martin film 16. ‘My -Heaven’, 17. Blackboard 19, Englishman who went up a mountain came down a throat
21. 23. 26. 28. 31. 33. 34. 38. 39. 40. 43. 44. 46. 48. SO. 51. 52. 55. 58. 59. 61. 63. 64. 65. 66. 69. 71. 73. 75. 76. 78. 80. 84. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 94.
it wi\l spell
a saying
or money
comments please contact at sbanks&~ogosmath.IrwaterIoo.c.a or harrass any Imprint staff members. Release the I-towds. Steve
elsewhere, they buy the line that Waterloo’s way is the only way. Waterloo computing graduates know how to write eficient code. However, they’re not learning to write applications that help people. They can’t learn what their users want, because they can’t communicate effectively. They can’t document their work, or present it to academics, shareholders, bosses, or clients because the) lack experience and confidence. They learn nothing of ethics, nothing of how their work is affecting society and changing the course of history In short, Waterloo’s students are sorcerer’s apprentices; they can work the magic, but lack the wisdom to use it properly.
Luke Skywalker
to the
Sign of segregation’? Children swapping game Most of the characters on Hill Street Blues Black and white horse Red planet Worth six in snooker Green muppet Black and white and red all over Brain’s partner in world domination Fragrant purple bush Black and white and read all over Can be white or brown Had a blue period Black gold Rancid pork and rotten eggs? Surname for 37 across Black suit Sign gas are red Not in a blue moon Caution colour Stop signals Meal for 76 down in Paris ‘B he Velvet’ actor Tickle pink Killer, Blue, or Sperm Ivory’s mate In the red Blind Melon mascot White gemstone Incomparable to an apple Red and bIack, eg. Blue pocket stain Beige White and musk, eg. Little Blue Yellow Xmas drink Red, white, and blue acronym Red __ at night, sailor’s delight
If yourhave any and
eats a bowl of chunky
Thurs., March 6
Fri., March 7 Fri-Sun
Mm,,March 3 Tues., March 4 Wed., March 5
Weaver’s Arms Pub 8pm, Faith Nolan ($5. or what can) Rosemary Sadler - MPR at 7pm, Sponsored by PtRG film “Go With The Flo” 3pm Womyn’s Centre, SLC 2102 SLC 9am-6 pm, free food llam-2pm by Food Not Bombs MPR 4:30-6:30 pm Wanda Whitebird, MPR 7 p.m. Skylark Dance, song, spoken word, oral history from the Carribean Community - MPR 7:30pm. MPR at 9 a.m. CLAY GODDESS - MPR 2 p.m. Ontario Women’s Intramural B-ball Champs, PAC, x5869 4 Tkts you
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placed and paid for by March 7. Call ext. 6331 for information.
Little Bo Peephasclonedhersheep A huge leap in biotechnology has left society reeling by Mike Imprint
Owen staff
ne of the most common ideas in scicncc fiction long held to be impossiby scientists in biotechnoloa
ble has finally become a reality. In an unremarkable setting - a farmer’s field in Scotland - what may be the most significant advance in the ficId ofbiotechnology happily munches on grass and clover, blissfully unaware of the contraversy surrounding her. l)olIy, in. case you have some-
how not heard, is the celebrity of the year, at least in scientific circles. The first mammal to be cloned from adult, non embryonic cells, this ewe represents a huge step in 3 field that always seems able to raise eyebrows, not to mention voices ‘XI~ blood prcssurcs. In the past it was always ASsumcd that the ctoning~,fnnitn;Ils from adult DNA \vas impossible, since adult DNA does not express itself in the same manner that DNA in an embwonic state dots. This stands to reason, as cells hue to specialize after a certain point in development. Once a cell becomes a kidney cell, you don’t want it to spontaneously try to perform the rofe of your pituitary, or a lung cell. To prevent this, DNA d~clops a protein coat over the areas that don’t pertain to its current, specitid functions. This is important for the organs, but a definite problem for people cager to clone animals. Restlarch indicated that once this stage of development had been reached, the DNA was useiess for cloning, as the coated sections of DNA were inaccessible for reading. Stripping away this coating seems to bu impossible due to the fragility of DNA, but with the coating there, scientists had no hope of creating an organism from any DNA other than that from embryonic or reproductive cells. The solution to this problem lay in the timing of the DNA removal -it had to be removed at: a period in which the DNA was not coated to an extent that it would be useful for only one given function. To get DNA at this stage, the mammary cells that were being used as donors for the DNA were bathed in a chemical solution that placed them in a semi dormant stage. In this condition, the DNA coating seems to be absent, and thus the DNA was usehl for cloning. Mer the DNA was inserted into the ova of another sheep, the quiescent DNA was receptive to
the wide range of activities that an embryonic cell has to perform, and acted as though it was a newly fertilized egg cell. This egg cell contained only the DNA which had been removed from the mammary glands, and so the organism that arose from it was exactly the same, genetically speaking, as the original sheep. Essentially an identical twin, but born years later. Inrerestingly, it was not enough to simply insert this DNA and sit back to watch the show. The cells didn’t do much on their own, so the researchers had to turn to the oldest trick in the book, and give the cells a very minor shock to get them moving. A sort of modern day take on the Frankenstein story, The shock replaced the sudden burst of energy&t an ovum experiences just after fertilization. It should be noted that this is all theory for now, as the experiment has only been performed once. Out of the 277 eggs that were worked with, only one managed to successfully take hold in the womb, leading to Dolly. This success race is incredibly low one in two hundred and SeVenhrseven is less than half of one per cent. But even with this low succcss rate, people can’t help but panic at the idea that human clones will no doubt be running amok in the streets tomorrow, leaving behind a Blade Rtinfzer-esque scene of mayhem and bodies. r
Leave it to the Scottish to do something
that humans could be cloned in much the same way that Dolly was. There is no reason why the cells of a human or any other mammal would not respond in a reasonably similar fashion, though no one will know for certain until someone tries it. This isn’t likely to happen anytime soon - the cloning of humans is illegal in many countries and likely to be illegal in more soon (SK right). Oddly enough, this experiment had nothing to do with cloning humans. The real goal of this process was to advance pharmaceutical productions, which it appears to have done. This experiment was a truly impressive display of ingenuiv in biotechnology. Not onlv has it promoted thoughr in bioiechnology, it brings up intruiging questions in more philosophical areas. whatever comes of this new technology, it has to be recognised as a major achievement, not simply the insane workings of a scientis;.
with sheep.
SO the question is, can scientists actually clone humans? The answer is that it is hard to be certain, but it certainly appears
by Mike Owen Imprint staff
thics have always concern
been a
in science.
nOlogy always seems to push the limits of conventional
was curt-
demned for his radical views of the world centuries ago, and the trend of science prompting fear
in the public has continued into the present. In this light, it seemed appropriate tu discuss some of the benefits of this new research into cloning, which appears to have been iargely misunderstood ;tnd misrepreserxed in the media, The clcming of mammals was originally undertaken witfi ane industry in mind - the pharmaceutical industry. Once the techof cloning sheep has been es tablis bed, biotech engi neers will begin adding genetic sequences to the DNA of large animals like cattle to alter the
proteins that the animals produce
in their Currently, .like hormones
milk. high are
microorganisms that have been to secrete these products. This is a messy technique, and extraction can be a real pain. So, if+the products cc&d be secreted in something cleaner that is already a fmd product, purification is much simpler. This means that money is saved, the product can be cheaper, and money is made by &e reaserch group that pioneers and patents the technique, The. company which ru~fs as a spinoff of the research institute where the cloning was perkmed is a pharmaceutical company. On the side of food production, the benefits of cioning are much more questionable. At this stage, the average cow is already a grotesque parody of anything that would be found in nature, and there really isn’t a lot of room for
the gene pool is a perfect reason to control the cloning of cat& being raised for food products. Finally, the issue of the cic~ningofhumansmus&x.onf&ntc-d. This is really a non-subject outside of popular media. The cloning Of humans is just 23 morally repulsive to scientists as it is to the average person, so the prob-
as a result
produced by
In any
case, the idea of cloning for food is actually quite dangerous. Herds ofgene t;calIyideniicd cattle worrf d have identical immune systems, This means that a disease that kills one wili kiti the entire herd, not to mention
the country.
herds This
like it around weakening of
lem shuuldn’t
But it
even &St.
still twinges a curious nerve. Would clones think the same as their “originals?” There are SO many things that would be interesting to observe with clones. However, it isn”t to lx. Many
countries have already made buman cloning iflegal, and Canada is likely ru fokw suit soon. $0 there’s no real disagreement in this area, So there is a lot to deal with elf this
ment in cloning Issues of se& animal rights, and questions pertaining to individuality are all concerns that have to be addressed in cloning. We just have to be carefd not technological
throw baby
out with
this the
by Heather Calder special to Imprint
magine for a second that you can see me as I am writing this. You glance at me, maybe, when you are walking around campus, and maybe you take a second glance. I’m not too bad looking, you think. You might even say hello to me, or smile at me if you see me again samcwhere, or if you are really bold, oRer to buy me a drinkwhen I run into you at the Bombshelter. We talk for a few minutes, and as we leave, yo~-1ask me ifyou can see me sometime. No, I reply. I’m kinda busy, I say. I look a little shy, maybe, or a little snotty. It’s hard to tell which. But, you think, that’s too bad, she’s Fanny, and seems like a nice person, and she’s definitely attractive. And then you walk on, not realizing that when I look in the mirror, I hate what I see there. I might look in the mirror and wonder why, even though I weigh about 30 pounds under what all those charts say I should weigh, I stili look fat. * I zone in on every spot that I don’t think is perfect. I notice that the skin around my stomach is sagging from losing fat and muscle there; I have dark circles under my cyus; I have flab on the back ofmy arms. I peer into the mirror, searching for something, anything, that I can improve. Or, I tnight look into the mirror and notice that I have breasts and hips, and that none of the women in the magazines I read have breasts and hips. It’s not like when I was eleven and didn’t have to worry about my weight. I am getting older and I know that men are only attracted to young girls. After all, Calvin Klein uses them, doesn’t he? Does Kate Moss look older than 15? Am I ever going to meet anyone who will find me attractive? If I starve myself, won’t my periods stop and I can stop being a woman? Or, I might look into the mirror and see a failure. I might see in that reflection of me all of the things I have ever done wrong, No one who looks this way could ever be a success.Tall, thin, white, able- bodied blonde people with good skin always get what they want. I am constantly surrounded by advertisements for diets, cosmetics and anti-aging products, and in some way it is impossible to ignore the message, however subtle, that I ha\ve to Lx ]u’Oung and thin and good- Ior )ki ng to have
success, material wealth, friends, sexual and emotional relationships, and happiness. And I know, from what I seein the mirror, that I will never be that way. Unless I lose just ten more pounds, and cover up those nasty pimples, and whiten my teeth. I could be looking in the mirror and seeing the body that be-
the blackouts, are punishments for not doing my best. If I can achieve my goals, the punishments will stop. Little do you know that I will never achieve my goals. Or, what about all those times that my boyfriend commented that it looked like I was “saving up some nuts for the winter?” And how my mother always told me
What do you see in the mirror?
trayed me when I was ten, when the man who used to come and visit my parents touched me. Touched me in a way I didn’t like. Maybe I never told anyone about that, because I a& just too ashamed about it. Or maybe it wasn’t a friend of my parents, maybe it was a guy I went out with a couple of years ago who just couldn’t listen to the word no. And now I hate my body for what it did to me. I don’t ever want to be considered attractive again. If my body is bony enough, or covered with enough fat, no one will ever want to touch me. Or, it could be that I am a pretty good athlete, mavbe a swimmer, who pushes m-body
that I could be so prew if I wouid just lose my baby EatAnd ever-y time we lohked through the old photo albums and slides she would mention how much smaller I was. Maybe every time I look into the mirier my mother’s voice and my boyfriend’s voice ethos in my head, pointing out all the areas where I am just a bit bigger than “normal.” Not to mention all of the other voices in my head that tell me I’m not good enough, not smart enough, not deserving of love or respect. These are voices that I hear all of the time, voices that continue to haunt me until I can finally go to sleep. Maybe I have never told anyone about those voices because I Ln afraid that someone will
think that if I just get my body fat percentage down to 15 per cent, I can finally become a winner. Maybe when I look into the mirror all I see is a body that isn’t fit enough to get anywhere in the athlete’s i+TorId. Maybe, in some “ay, -1 like &e. feeling that I am starving rnvself. The dizzy spells,
I am crazy
and send
me to
the hospital, where the doctors will force me to eat. As I look into the mirror, I could just be thinking about the fact that I shouldn’t have eaten that cheesecakeafter dinner. I have five or so extra pounds on my zsmnxh and under my chin, .a& if1 could just get enough contrtA
over the way I eat, I could manage to lose that. But I don’t have enough willpower, and I have to keep trying until I do. Willpower is essential to be successfL1, it is a sign of personal strength and ability, and if I don’t have it, I am a failure. And what you might not know about me is that I never had the freedom to make any decisions on my own, because my parents or my aunt and uncle, or my grandma didn’t think I was capable of handling anything on my own. That I couldn’t go out with anyone in high school because my father didn’t want me out of his sight. That I wasn’t allowed to choose where I went to school, that I wasn’t allowed to choose who I would date, that I couldn’t learn to drive or even buy my own clothes. And maybe when I look in the mirror I am reminded that the only control 1 have is over what how much and when I eat. Isn’t it interesting that when you saw me I turned your head, even though T am very underweight/slightly overweight/absolutely normal looking? Isn’t it strange that any one of these things could be going on in my head, maybe even while I was talking to you in the bar? It could be that while I was talking to you I was really conscious about the way my jeans fit, or whether when I walked away you would notice the rolls of fat around my stomach. All you ulcrc thinking was that I seemed like a nice, attractive person \lou wanted to get to know betted. Almost all of us have compared ourselves to the pictures in a magazine and found ourselves to be lacking. Isn’t it interesting that so many ofus continue to buy that message in the form of magazines and commercials and products, even though it shows almost no respect for the fact that we have a natural body shape and aging process? Isn’t it interesting that when people talk about eating disorders, they say things like “I wish I had her problem for a week,” or “Get over it, everyone has problems.” You’ve probably been uncomfortable reading this article. Isn’t it interesting that most of you reading this have never thought or talked
fore, even though I would put money on the fact that you know someone who thinks Iike this? And isn!‘t it interesting that what I might have is called an catin? disorder, even though none of the thoughts that could be running through my head have much to do with food?
know about
disorders l
+ l
1 l l l
approximarely 1-2 per cent of wumen aged 14-225have anorexia, alid 3-5 per cent have bulimia nine out of ten su%xers are women eating disorders can result in death
Dramatic weight loss ( 20 per cent or more) Becoming withdrawn Excessive exercise Fatigue and headaches Always being cold Muscle weakness Obsession with food md calories Noticeable discomfurt around food Complaining of being ‘&too fat,” even when severely urlderweight Guilt or shame about eating Depression, irritahitiv, mood swings Loss of or Gregular menstruation Fainting and dizzy spells Pasty complexion No known physical illness that would explain weight 1OSS
l l
+ 1
* *
Binge a.nd secretive eati “& Alwavs visits bathroom after eatmg Vomiting Ezssive use of laxatives, diet pilis, or diuretic abuse Weight fhm~r;ltiuns (usually with 10-15 ib range) SGAlen glands,broketi blood ve&ls Harsh exercise regimes Fasting Judge&f-worth by wei@x Fat&q muscle w~akn&s
What to watch this weekend in
Chilly receptionat the Icefields Athenas host andcapture silver at OWIAA championships
Varsity sports
Saturday, March 1 Warrior Basketball vs. Western Mustangs 2 pm. PAC
It’s the final home game of the yew und dxjktals ofthe Extreme
Somebody’s gonna win $3,000. mu might actl4aEly be enough 10 cover smzemte’s &4itian! Oh yeah, the 5-8
.:... .,.. I.*:,.. .C>.j::I~’: .,.., _.__ ‘:.’ ,.z;~:l _: .i :._,>.y’.’ ::, :., ,~~:.:~:~.:~i’~,.;~: ::::: .:y,:,. p:# y,“:::” :‘. :: . .’ :. . .: ::r II ~:::(;;:.:..‘-
. ,:,: .,:
TheTopTerts CIAU
1. UQTR Patriotes 2. Alberta Golden Bears 3. Cafgary Dinusaurs 4. Acadk Axemen 5. Guelph Grypl-mns 6. UNB Varsity Reds 7 .’ Saskatchewan Huskies 8. Dalhousie Tigers 9. Manitoba Bisms JO. Watmloo Wam-iors
Jill Thompson keeps her eyes on the ice as she gets ready to land another spectacular jump.
1. Toronto Varsity Blues 2. Wattdoo At&n& 3. Windsor Lancers 4. Saskatchewan Huskies 5. Alberta Golden Bears 6. Manitoba Bisons * 7. Sherbrooke Vert et Or Western Mustangs 9, UBC Thunderbir& 10. York Yeomen
by Nancy Ford special to Imprint he Athena figure skating team finished second overall at the OWIAA championships, held at the Columbia Icefields last weekend. Eleven teams from across Ontario, aswell as McGill, competed in eight free skate events, six dance events, and one team event. Waterloo enjoyed a very narrow me poim lead over Guelph, and two points over Queen’s at the end of the first day of competition. However, by the end of competition the Athenas dropped to 12 points behind Queen’s, the defending OWL%% champions. The bronze medal was awarded to Guelph.
by Patrick
The Athenas started the competition with a great performance by the fabulous foursome of Lisa Guch, Erin M&inlay, Sharlene Slater and Jill Thomson. Their personal best performance earned them a first place fmish in the Pairs Fours event. Slater and Thomson paired up for a second Ontario title in the Senior Pairs category, executing a perfect program to outdistance the competition. Slater
Nancy Ford prepares to help Waterloo two in the OWIM Championships.
her succcss
in the Short Program, landing solidly in second place. Thomson skated to a second place finish in the Open Singles category, her highest ranking of the season. In the Intermediate Pairs event, Gina Cervini and Courtney Gill added to the team’s success
jump up to number photo
a third place finish. Helen Atkinson and Laura Vanderheyden inspired the Athena dancers with a second place finish in the Intermediate Similar Dance event. In the Senior Similar Dance category, Nancy Ford and Lisa Guch waltzed away with the Qntario title. Ford dominated the Open Solo Dance event, adding another Ontario title to the Athena? collection. wi&
The final
of the day was
precision, and the Athenas had an outside chance to win their first OWIAA championship since 198586. Cervini, Ford, Guch, Slater, Vanderheyden and Thomson were joined by Jennifer Harrison, Susanne Smith and rookies Elizabeth Bauer, Sandy
by Patrick
Lee, Ailan McKenzie and Meghan Temowav for a great program skated td music from the movie Swing ZGG. A tie for first place between the Athenas and a strong Queen’s team left the Athenas in second place overall. Athena coaches Carolyn Allwright and Dean Phillips were duly impressed with the team’s performance. “All members of the team were fabulous and performed at their personal best,” noted Allwright.
With an OWLAA silver medal and five Ontario titles, it is clear that the Waterloo team is a force to be reckoned with. In addition, five team members were named to the OWLAA All-Star team Ford, Guch, M&inlay, Slater and Thonison.
astweekend, the Warrior and Athena curling teams competed at the Provincial finals in London, hosted by Western. After a double gold showing last year, both teams were primed and ready to battie with what proved to be the strongest fields seen in years. Unfortunately, a double repeat was not in the cards, but the men held tough and pulled a silver medal out of the
to thh Brock
especially with the men’s draw. Early action saw the Warriors beat M&laster, to go 3- 1, while Laurier beat Western to go 4-O. This set up a gold medal game between the cross-town rivals later in the day. The Athenas had some bad breaks in a loss to Trent on Sunday morning, but finished off the weekend beating RMC to end up with an overall 2-3 record. In the final men’s draw, the Warriors gave Laurier one of their toughest games of the weekend, but a bad pick on Waterloo’s final stone in the eighth end resulted in m _.:.j:, a big steal of two points for the
to Oueens. The second “‘%
On the next sheet, the Athenas played a strong game with Nipissing, only to see a three point lead Slip away in the final few ends. Both teams won their final games on Sunday, with the Warriors beating R&K in another close game, and the Athenas beating Queen’s in seven ends. ’ Sunday proved to be an exciting day, \
mination can pay off and deserve a big pat on the back for a job well done. The Athenas consisted of Susan Fraud, Jami Burke& Tara McAninch, Erin Shaw and Valerie Sloan. All but Susan are firstyear athletes, and next year promises to be a good one as the iadies earned some valuable experience from the weekend’s competition.
28, 1997
Windsor put on ice
Warrior curlers rock by Dean Palmer special to Imprint
by Ryan “Pucks” Pyette Imprint staff
season,” observed blueliner Mark Cardiff. ‘Windsor boasts two G-point scorers, and we held their gunners to one goal.”
he Windsor Lancer pulled
demolition man the lever, releasing the wreck-
ing ball on the rapidly folding Waterloo Warrior hockey season Saturday. Dramatically, before the formerly promising structure crumbled ignobly to ruins, Waterloo forward and unlikely h&o Mike Devereaux revoked the Black and Gold’s condemnation order, sparking the crew to an imperative playoff-like 2- 1 win. The second-year naturai sniper gladly negotiated a brilliant centering pass from a Spartan-efforted Dan Ma&m-ton, bewildered his check and artistically deposited the biscuit under the crossbar and effectively killing the Lancer bid for the Far West divisional title. Devereaux’s mark typified a real-life finger-in-the-dyke rescue mission, redeeming the reeling hockey outfit from re-enacting the hockey equivalent of the ‘78 Red Sox or the ‘87 Blue Jays. One month ago, the Warriors stood twetve points up on second-place Windsor and looked as sure a bet as university tuition hikes. Saturday, carrying a burden of five i0sses in their previous seven games, Waterloo nervously faced relegation to a onegame sudden-death contest with Western. Trampled, demoralized, and encountering hockey suicide, the Warriors, especially cagekeeper Joe Harris, rose Phoenixlike from the sweat-stained ashes. “It was our best defensive effort au
the contest
loomed of vital importance. With four games to play, McKee’s Men needed one win toclinch a first-round bye. They waited until game four. The Waterloo campus justifiably wonders, ‘vvhat the hell’s wrung?” Cardiff
to explain.
Seeit Liveat Half Time! This Saturday,somelucky sham shooter is soinclto win...
Ontario Women’s University
Championship! / Marc.h 7-8-9 * PC Main Gym
Extreme ‘Maximum
in Attitude!
Extreme in Taste!
it was a matter of just becoming complacent, looking too far ahead towards the playoffs. It’s been one year since the last post-season, and we’re excited to get here. When we play our game, no one can beat us. When we don’t, we lose.” Veteran potter Chris Kraerner also touches on an interesting point. “We’re healthy again after two months of injuries. units who’ve been together for, in some cases, two years, were shaken up, and it took a while to find a stride. Now, there’s no excuses,” On Tuesday, the surging Western Mustangs surprised the Lancers 6-2, and gallop into Columbia Ice Fields for a bestof-three set that started Thursday. Cardiff warns not to expect high-scoring &star shootouts, “The team with the best work ethic and overall team defence wins this series.” So, the Warriors, after a hairy, heartsqueezing crisis, continue their quest for a national title by starching out the wrecking ball that, Saturday, aimed straight at them. This time, they w‘ant a crack at the controls.
Tickets:All Sessions:$6 adults / $4 students Tournament Puss(11 games): $15 Cull 8884567, x5869 for ticket info or visit PACoffice
Friday, February 28, VW7
Warriors clinch playoffspot by Peter Brown special to Imprint
Leaders of the Week
points during this season, the Water-
t two pivotal
loo Warrior
basketball team has put together a -0mplcte game. A Three weeks ago, they torched the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks by 37 points to stay within playoff reach. And last Saturday, they never trailed the Brock Badgcrs, led by as many as 30 points, and ended up winning 95 78 to almost clinch a post-scxon berth. This win did more than just make the Warriors 5 -8 on the year; it gave UVV the tiebreaking edge over the Badgcrs, who won by just six points earlier in the year. Last Saturday, the Warriors used uncharacteristically accurate shooting (6 1 per cent from the field) and a huge number of trips to the foul line (3 1-of-40 on free throws) to bury the now 5-7 Badgers. With 6:28 to play in the first half, Brock’s Jamie Clark scored to bring tic Badgers within six, 30-24, before the Warriors stomped on the accelerator with an 18-8 run to make it 46-32 at the half. Watsa scored 1 lofhis game-high 26 points during this span, including a buzzer-beater. Maat led the continued assault in the second frame with scvcn of the Warriors’next nine points to complete a 13-O run dating back to the final minute of the first. Maat finished with 20 points, including 7-of-9 shooting from the f-icld and 14 points in the second frame. Dan
Schippcr had 14, and Mark Eys had 12. Now that the Warriors are assured of a post-season slot, a loss to the Mustangs in tomorrow’s season finale (PAC main gym, 2 p.m.)> means the Warriors can bnly finish fifth or sisth, forcing them to travel to a divisional yuartcrfinal tomorrow,
IMcMaster) place
Ryan Eagles
Ryan Eagles and Rachelle Thompson are this week’s Campus Recreation Leaders of the Week. Ryan is an instructor/guard at the PAC pool, a basketball referee, and the CR Publicity Coordinator. Rachelle is a squash league convener and an instrglctor aswell. Rachelle was a member of the varsity squash team but is now focussing on instruction and has completed her level one instructional certification for squash. Campus Recreation participants, volunteers, and/or staff can pickup and fill out a nomination form at the office for athletics and recreational services. Campus Recreation Leaders of the week set themselves apart by doing that extra deed that makes the Campus Recreation programs better for everyone to participate in.
Fans and sheep watch together as the Badgers, natural enemies of sheep everywhere, go down to the mighty Warriors. by Niels Jensen
Laurie& huge 73-71 come-from-behind win over the Badgers on Wednesday night gives them the season sweep over Brock and thus the edge in any tie with the Badgers. But get this: losses by Waterloo, Brock, and Laurier (and thus a Windsor victory) w.ould create a four-way tie at 5-9. In that case, Laurier gets the home playoff game, Windsor and Waterloo travel, and Brock is out.
game next Tuesday, Mar. 4. A Warrior win parleyed with a loss by either Brock (at or Laurier (at Windsor), adds up to a fourthand a home playoff game for UW next Tues-
l&whelk Thompson
. Athletes of the Week BASKETBALL
2 2
15h h6
127 93
w 30
100 27 24
133 63
123 102 30
71 151
75 156
116 WI
116 92
105 133
TP 36
115 77
I34 101 3.i
104 1s
WEST y-Wcsccrn s-Lddlcad s-tiudph x-McMa5tcr Laurier
Wmdwr Wa
x - clinched g’ - clinched
Feb 19
Guclph MdMJstcr WtTf4373 2 1 I.dkrhcd 22 Waterh Wcstrrn Gueiph I,ak&ed
GB 2.5 5.5 6 X.5
13 I4 13
4 4 2
9 10 11
9 9-s 11
71 55 74 66 71 69 73 69
Finds Team Waimh T.Jkehcad Cxl~ton Otta\#,a
B mck
t12 C;uclph
C;wlph Mdialter
I .nkchcd
L 0 2 5 6 4
I mricr
OUAA Fin.&
spot title
Brock windsor W&&7-ho 1.3iirirr BIvck McMasrer Windsor Laurier SKIING
at Highland
at Nipissing Total
Points 86 101 112 120 194 218 2YY 349 387
OWMA Fmals
Team Lakrhd I.durcntian Carleton C;ucIph Watmlw
Finals at Highland Team
Curling w
Club L
These two graduating seniors saved their best for last and led the Athenas to a strong second-place finish at the OWLAA Figure Skating Championships hosted at the Columbia Icefield on the weekend. Thompson and Slater were part of gold-medal winning entries in the Pairs Four, Senior Similar Pairs and Team Precision events. In addition, Thompson placed second in the Open Singles, while Slater took silver in the Short Program.
0WlA.A Finds
dC Columbia Team QUCCII‘S
Icefields. Total
Watdw Points 98
’ 86
Points 41 47 106 146 211 213 235
66 46 61 52 64 62 53 57 I
30 19
W 13 10 7 7 5
GP 13 12 12 13 14
2.3 0
led the War-
riors to their
first-ever OUAA crown with inspired performances on the weekend in North Bay. Curry placed fifth ar 1 PCI’ +nth in ’ ,op relay rat zes and anchored Water,,
the two individual te,am to third place. Curry and teammate were once again nan led OUAA all-stars.
David Climie
en’s beach volleyball. But it all comes down to one thing: sex. And sex sells (this is probably Srs biggest money maker). So anyway, I subscribe to S1, and I picked up this year’s edition
of Skin Illustrated, when I noticed the continuation of a rather disturbing trend; the steadily decreasing area of coverage 0f the ladies appearing in the magazine. This is the real problem with the swimsuit issue right now. I swear, these models wear less and less every year, and this year S1 is really pushing the limits of good taste. Mere fractions of a centimetre separate some of those shots from a spot inPh@q. This leaves one to ponder; what the hell are they going to do with the models next year? Put sand on their nipples and have them wear strings to cover the rest? Don’t get me wrong, I’m male, and I appreciate gratuitous titillation as much asthe next guy, but S1 really has to draw the line somewhere. Unfortunately, ifthey did draw such a line, they would realize that they crossed it a couple ofyears ago. More and more shots depict topless women barely (sorry about the pun) keeping their nip.ples out of view of the reader. This is no longer swimwear modeling, it is now just a game*of how far S1 can push the social and legal limits of decent exposure. Hey wait, maybe this is a sport after all. There’s nothing wrong with looking at pictures of beautiful women in bikinis. It’s nothing that you can’t see on any regular beach anyway. However, what some of these women are (or aren’t) wearing isn’t fit for a regular beach. And it isn’t fit to appear in Spurts Ilhstmted.
Now, with the team sitting quite solidly out of the playoffs, Oates has finally had it. tier the assistant general manager yelled at the team over a lack of effort during an intermission, Oates responded by telling reporters afier the game that he was unsatisfied with the talent level on the team. Oates placed the blame solely on the front office, which was not bringing in the right players to get the job done. It’s not asthough the Boston Bruins are a poor franchise, so what’s going on? Despite losing their most talent goal scorer, Cam Neely, to retirement, the Bruins management thought the neutral-zone trap would adequately compensate for their lack of offensive and defensive talent. As their 20-33-8 record would attest, it hasn’t. It appears that the Bruins have fallen into the same trap as the Maple Leafs ofthe Harold Ballard era: field a mediocre team, fiil the seats, and watch the money roll in. However, unlike in Toronto
ing and selfish players like Alexander Mogilny, but genuine team players who’s ‘primary interests are the success of the team they are currently playing for. And yes, it finally happened. The Toronto Maple Le;ifs parted with Doug Gilmour, packaging him with Dave Ellett and a draft pick to New Jersey. While both plajrers had great seasons with the Le&, they were both clearly on the decline, and by the time this Leafs team got better, they would be too old to be of any use, In return for sending them to a playoff contender, the Leafs pick up three. young players: Jason Smith, a 1992 first round pick who has played a solid game ail season for. the Devils; Steve Sullivan, a feiShr scoring centre in the Theo Fleur$ mode; and Alyn McCauley, a member of the #l ranked Ottawa 67% and the Canadian Junior team. The only contingency in this deal is signing McCauley, but that should be a mere formality.
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Ahh, late February. The weather gets warmer (a bit), you’ve probably got a nice tan after Reading Week (or days, as the case may bc), and one of the most controversial annual sporting traditions bnce again rears its head. No, not talk about next season for Maple Leaf fans; the
Spo4ts I&4strated
fun, because
Year after year, SI puts out the annual conversation piece, and always to mixed reviews. People write to SI either praising or disparaging it for publishing pictures of scantily-clad, beau&l women. People complain that it is insulting and degrading to women everywhere. Others say that these women are getting paid, and paid well, for showing off their bodies for millions of people to see, so there shouldn’t be anything wrong with it. I’m not going to give you my opinion on the theory of the issue. It would just add to an already overdiscussed topic. I’m more concerned with the content. The swimsuit edition is an annual tradition that millions of people 1oak forward to every year. (If you don’t believe me, check out all of the ads in the swimsuit
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Friday, February 28, 1997
issue and try to convince me that people aren’t reading it.) Sure, they tried to legitimize it a bit more this year with features on tennis icon Steffl Graf and wom-
Apparently, Niki Taylor was wearing too much in this shot, so SI wouldn’t use it.
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These words from Boston Bruin Adam Oates put him in the Bruin’s doghouse, because he dared to question the actions (or inactions) of. General Manager Harry Sinden and owner Jeremv, Jacobs. Hmm. What an interesting concept, a star player, on a team that does not have the talent to do any better than squeaking into the playoffs, speaking out and saying that it’s not worth it. Wow. What a beautiful concept, Adam Oates is a class athlete, who throughout his entire career has been a team player, and a real asset. He has, however, seen his share of garbage in the NHL. He was, after all, dealt from the St. Louis Blues, where he enjoyed several terrific seasons as Brett Hull’s centre over a $lOO,OOQ contract dispute. $100,000. That’s it. So, for Boston he played like an all-star, consistently posting great numbers with a team this on offensive talent.
the 8Os, someone
that peo-
ple will listen to has said that something is very wrong. Maybe, just maybe, if more of today’s alleged team leaders would step up and say they don’t like what’s going on, this world might be a better place. Not whin-
for a real exodus of talent, as the Leafs will look to move Larry Murphy, Kirk Muller and possibly even Tie Domi. So for now, the Leafs are making strides to build a fUture. It’s about time.
Metallica Copps CoEi+feum Monday, February 24 by Jonathan Evans special to Imprint taking to the stage andtearingthroughskullrushing versions of “SO what” and “Creeping Death” in front of thousands of screaming f&x, there’s nothing Metallica’s guitarist and lead singer James Herfield likes more than deliveri& public service announcements. ccAttention.. .attention pcopie,” he growled, “We’ve come here tonight to kick your ass!! !“It was a good thing I wore padded briefs that night ‘cause after two and a half hours of yure metal bliss, there was plenty of freshlybooted behind to go around. Metallica steamrollod into Capps Coliseum Monday night in support of Load, their latest album. I have never been disappointed with a Metallica live show yet, and this offering was no exception. James and crew delivered a tight and incredibly LOUD set, in true Metallica style. After , addressing the crowd, the band cranked out a crunchingly-good version of “Sad but True” and followed up with three songs from the Load album, “Ain’t my Bitch,” “Hero of the Day,” and “King Nothing,‘” which met with screaming approval from the au-
dience. At one point, bassist Jason Newsted and lead guitarist Kirk Harnmett hopped off the stage and onto the floor, taking the time to high-five members of the crowd, all without missing a note of the songs they were still playing. Not too many bands do that for their fans anymore. Helicopters, mortar shells, automatic gunfire, and blinding pyrotechnics announced the arrival of “One,’ the hit single from “.. And Justice for All.” Between the earth-shattering explosions and flashing light, my senseswere effectively nullified for half the song. -The strobes during the meltdown in the middle of the song took care of my vision for the other half. Cool. The rest of the first set featured songs from the other albums in the Metallica collection, with&& theLig-htain.3 “Fade to Black” and “For whom the Bell Tolls” and Ifi!l 5%~ All’s “Seek and Destroy” being particularly noteworthy. The band then handed out guitar picks and drum sticks to the crowd (drummer Lars Ulrich even offered up his shirt!) before leaving the stage for a welldeserved break. After the audience screamed cLmore!” for a few minutes, Metallica returned, hammering out a cover of the Misfits’ “Last Caress” and then shifting into high gear for the highly anticipated “Master of Puppets.” &Enter Sandman” was next.
This is where the real show began. There appeared to be a minor problem with the pyrotechnics &d a small fire in the crew pit that was quickly taken care of:Then, just before the end of the song, the stage blew up. That’s right, then BLEW UP THE FUCKIN’ STAGE! ! ! ! ! It’s quite a long story, so let me try and sum it up for you: “The light standard just blew! ! ! What’s happening? ?! ! Holy shit!! That guy’s hangin’ from the roof! ! Oh no! ! Now the other roadie fell from the ladder! ! Mm, the pyros are goin’ haywire! ! Look ou t, James! There go the rest of the lights!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Guy on fire!! GUY ON FIRE!!!!!!!” Of course, this was all staged, but it was convincing enough to have even me wondering what the hell was going on. The band was back on stage (or what was left of it) in ab&ut five minutes, and apologized for the ccdisastern. They then closed out an already amazing show with a cover of Diamondhead’s “Am I Evil” and jack-hammer renditions of “Fight Fire With Fire” and my personal favorite “Battery.” At the end, the prevailing sentiment in the dishersing c:owd was simply ‘cwow.” Metallica concerts have a reputation among the misinformed for being overly violent. In truth, a Metallica show is actuallvd a very enjoyable experience;
The circus on Parliament Hill Winterludti
Parliament Hill Saturday, February
by Adam W. Scott special to Imprint n my list of things you can nut get away with at the White House, hosting a nationally televised dance party and sucking back a bottle of cheap booze on the lawn both rank pretty high on the list. For-
we live in a country
less obsessed with national security. So last Saturday night, I parked my jeep on the Parliament steps and made my Electric Circus debut. Maybe you saw me; I was one of about half a dozen people in the crowd over the age of twelve. I think the guy stand-
ing beside me said it best, “Look Ma, I’m a pedophile!” So what was it exactly that made me haul my lazy butt off the couch and down to the Parliament Buildings to hang out with little kids in sub-arctic weather? I’m not too proud to say that it was dancers in skin tight silver jumpsuits and a chance to get on TV.
dust out of her hand directly into my eyes, seriously distorting my vision and upsetting my balance for the next several days. As for the show itself, Emjay sounded great, and easily had the
shiniest pants of anyone there. Funky Green Dogs sounded way better than their&me, but how hard is that. OMC defktely looked cool; unfortunately, we couldn’t hear a word of it. So when the singer stuck the microphone out for the crowd to do the cLotus, we didn’t even know what song he was singing, and stayed awkwardly silent.
to feel sorry for the people at the front who were getting squished. Overall, I guess it was a bit of a let down, but the following were definitely three great highlights: I) One of the boys in silver threw a hissy fit and started fighting like a girl with one of the regular folk who jumped on stage and started dancing. 2) The little punk that insisted on crowd surfing got dropped flat on his back onto the ice and I stepped on him. 3) Using nothing but my elbow and the tip of my pi&y finger, I created a giant shadow Puppet of a boob that covered an entire wall of one of the Parliament buildings. It’s special moments like these that make me proud to be Canadian. Because not get away
you certainly
with shit like this at the White, House..
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Smoldering looks
The English Patient directed
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fier the success of movies such as Twister and The Rock last year, there has been a growing trend in Hollywood to focus on the empty-action-thriller genre, with movies concentrating more on special effects rather than traditional elements, like, oh I don’t know, plot. Thankfully, not everyone is adhering to this trend, and Anthony Mingheila’s The EK@& PaGt% is proof of that. Based on Michael Ondaatje’s award winning novel, The Englikb PU&ZZ~ is about four strangers who are brought together at the close of World War II: in an abandoned Italian monastery. There is Hana, the exhausted Canadian nurse, Caravaggio the maimed thief, and Kip, the wary sapper. All three are haunted by the identity of a man burned beyond recognition in a plane crash, known only as “the English patient.” His memories of life before the accident are skiUfully woven through the stories of the other three characters, forming a diverse narrative of life before and after the war, The best thing about The Eq$sh Patkzzt is the scenery and cinematography. Panoramic shots oftheendlessNurthAfii&.ndesert are interspersed with scenes in an Egyptian marketplace, and the lush countryside surrounding the monastery. John Scale, director of photography, has been nomi-
Tristan &ionic Thursday, February 20 by Sean Elder Imprint staff
Don’t hate me because
I’m beautiful,
nated for an Oscar for his work on the film, and it is clearly well deserved. Another major strength is the acting. Ralph Fiennes (Scc3indZer-k List) plays the wealthy aristocrat, Count Aim&y, to perfection. By turns both moody and passionate, his vigorous performance in the flashbacks contrast nicelv with the burned and bitter English patient waiting to die. Despite Fiennes’ expertise, the character is difficult to warm to. Kristin Scott Thomas provides most of the audience rapport, turning in an admirable performance as Katherine Clifton, the spirited wife of a British explorer and the subject of Fiennes’ smoldering looks. Naveen Andrews, Willem Dafoe and Canadian actor Juliette Binoche round out this powerful cast. Fiennes, Scott Thomas and Binoche have all been nominated for Oscars, and are extremely worthy of the distinction.
While Anthony Minghella’s direction does do justice to the beauty of the settings and the strengths of his actors, my only complaint was that the film is a bit long. The pace is lethargic in places, and while the attention to detail contributes much to the film’s appeal, it gets a bit excessive in places. Some scenes, such as Hana cooking or the endless pictures of the desert, could have been cut out without damaging the ambiance. Around the two hour mark I caught myselfglancing at my watch a few times and thinking, “Okay, you can end now.” Despite the time problem, The En&& Patient is still an excellent movie and worthy of the twelve Oscar nominations it has received. If it is successful at the Academy Awards in March, more producers may realize that you can still make a profitable movie without selhng out to special effects.
tice and experience. It’s something that performers must strive to learn. It’s something .that-since their 1991 inception, through numerous lineup changes and the aforementioned volumes of live concerts-Tristan Psionic have learned, inside and out.
“The Pelican Song” soared through the band’s heavy hitting stop and go movements while their new seven inch single offering, “20,000 Coyotes Can’t Be Wrong,” let Sandy McIntosh shy away from vocal harmony to take on something of a vocal edge, The incredible instrumental “Air Traf-
ing a virtual garage show - no thousand dollar sound system, no fIashing lights, no stage, no bar. There was, quite simply, a band and an audience. Instead of instantly dazzling us with tried and true favourites, the band opened and closed the show with entirely new songs, arguably the best ones ofthe night.
before. The evening’s only disappointrnent actually made it better: the Korova Cafe left the band’s lyrics and vocals barely audible, forcing their instruments to speak for themselves. On Thursday night, Tristan &ionic were heard, loud and clear. . . and they’re definitely not cute.
ydney on Sundays are cute.
lighted m ohemise
ented musicians. They have good spirit, good attitudes and good ideas. Their performances lacked only one, crucial element-intensity. Intensity isn’t a personal thing. It’s not a loud thing. (I’ve seen people whisper into a microphone with utmost intensity). It’s something that can come only with countless concerts of prac-
the mindset to make this record. A lot of it was bringing the spirit of Naveed into this record which meant having completely open minds, and not ever scoffmg at an idea. Ifit sounds like’80s hairb;ind rock, who gives a shit? Mistakes can lead to something good. Serendipity is something you can’t depend on, so vou have to leave yourself open for it.
by Gillian Duwnes Imprint staff
he Universihr of Waterloo was one of the many stops on Our Lady Peace’s Canadian campus tour-in support of their latcs t release, Clumsy. Raine Maida (vocals)had some insightful details toshare with Imprint about the production of the album.
This isn’t your first concert promote C&k@, is it?
Besides the Canadian tour, how else are you ing Clumsy?
was the first?
Bcllcvillc. Loyalist ColIege in Bcllcville. The whole Canadian tour is all colleges, because it’s whcrc WC: started. What was it like being road for two-and-a-half promoting Naveed? Kind Sitting
on the years,
of like this. in small
Waiting a lot. There are harder ways of making a living. I don’t mean to souud like I’m complaining. I actually don’t even understand how &many people complain about 1x1~ rough it is on the road. It’s not that bad. You get to do something you love. A srnd price to pay is waiting around for Stuff, drivmg around a lotyou get to see an awful lot ofstuK. That’s about it, We had a really csciting two years. Everyday there d was something new-a new piece of news that was positive for us. I guess we just got lucky in that sc~xx. We tour with a lot of great bands that completcl~ blow yx~ away or might even influence you. Why
Nmwed and C~KW~? Because we were touring for two-and-a-half years. 1 think the main reason for that is because it’s more of a Canadian thing. Nal754 was released in Canada a year , prior to being released everywhere else in the world. So it seems like Canadians had to wait a lot longer, but I think for our Ems in America and around the world, it’s pretty standard. It’s almost a year later, just over a year later. Fortunately, that won’t happen this time because it’s a simultaneous release across the world. Do you recording?
Where Clumsy
It’s our third. Where
Friday, February 28, 1997
We love them both. And you kind of get sick of one so you get to do the other one. It kind of works out that wav-record for as long as you can, then go and tour for as long as you can bear it.
colege support-
The college tour is something we wanted to start off with just so we can play smaller places and do the CoHcgcs,bccausc we aH went to university, and it’s kind of nice to play to students and people that got our music in the beginning. Rut after this we go to Europe and we have a tour booked already in the States beginning April. I think July we come back to ‘Canada, and we’ll do a full, big tour. But it’s crazy how much is already booked. We might be going to Spain-how cool is that? How has the response far for CkzSy?
in your
we have a new bass plays keyboard and and plays cello and stuff, I think we just grew a lot as musicians over the last two-and-a-half years since we started.Naveed was made by four guys that really hadn’t played a lot and we weren’t a real band back then. The whole premise of this band has always been to be open-minded and kind ofhave those corners be as wide as possible for many reasons, one of them being bccausc Our Lady Peace, we hope, is a career thing. In order to make it on records you have to kind of leave the perimeters wide enough to experiment player sings
Because that
Did you changes
go into the studio in mind?
I think we went in the studio with open minds. It probably sounds silly, but even before we started to write we talked about
At a cotrage up north. We just kind of decided to get away from everyone. The four of us went up there and froze our butts off, but wrote a record. Why lease
did you Clumsy?
Just the fact that “clumsy” is a forgivable word. If someone does something drastically wrong and makes a mistake, you define it as “being clumsy.” It’s like giving someone the benefit of the doubt. A lot of the songs, lyrically, are pretty heavy but if you look at it as someone being clumsy, it’s okay. It’s important to do that.
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That’s not for us to sav. We make the records for ourselves. We make it so ifeveryone hates it, at least we have a record that we like or other people really like. It’s different than Naveed, so I think as big fans of music, the bands that we love and grew up with and still continue to buy their records -they continue to evolve, and so I think that for us to go into the studio and make Naveed PUTT TJUO... Why be derivative of your first record? It’s ono thing to go back to maybe your first kind of thing. You can’t say on your secrend record, “We’re revisiting our roots. ” WC haven’t left them. Maybe ten albums down the road ~rou might want to look back on the good old days, but it’s a little soon. Why the drastic sound?
and grow and change. And that’s what Clunzsy does successfully, whether they’re good songs or not, That’s our perspective-but at least there’s enough textures and colour now. We can visit them on the next record and they won’t sound foreign.
were the wriaen?
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I m
Bob D lan Highway
6 1 z evisited
by Prabhakar Ragde special to Imprint
he question you need to ask yours& throughout this review is: why should I listen to, much less purchase, an album released thirty-two years the question ago?Perhaps wouldn’t have occurred to you,but since I brought it up, it might help to know that I first heard this album sixteen vears after its release, when I was in about the
same stage of my schooling as most readers of this paper, and it cut through the mind-numbing pap then infesting commercial radio like a chainsaw through Styrofoam. Thanks to the marketing phenomenon known as Wassic rock,” exactly the same mindnumbing pap infests commercial radio today.. . but I digress. “Like a Kolling Stone” is the album’s opener, possibly familiar to you from the above mentioned classic rock stations, the hit single that broke the three-minute barrier with a vengeance, the one that for so many people symbolizes the ’60s. It succeeds on pure com-
position, no gloss of production here. A snare shot yields irnmediately to enveloping organ,honkytonk piano, blues guitar, and the nasal, off-key voice of Robert . Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan. It’s uplifting, anthemic,and you can’t help but sing along, but it’s a fair bet most people haven’t listened closely to the lyrics, for, on the suTf;lce, it’s a nasty song. Dylan directly addresses what appears to be a rich woman come down in the world. “HOW does it feel / To be without a home,” he sneers in the chorus, voice fLll of vengeance and class hatred. It’s not hard to see that the woman is
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complacency, the Establishment, the status quo, and @plan is an. nouncing the revolution. The theme runs through the album, but never as clear again, for while the wordplay is sharp, the sentences only spa&e on the edge of sense: Thegeonzetfy of innocent jlesb on the bone
Causes Galileo’s math book to flet thrown At Delilah, wbds shbg, But
wwtblessly alone the tears on her cheeks awjkm hw@!Cer
Listening closely to the harder-driving songs-“Tombstone Blues, ” “Froma Buick 6”it becomes clear that it is Dylan’s voice that gives them their fire. He sounds simultaneously like a lifer abruptly released fromprison and a prophet just down from the mountaintop. His delivery takes what would otherwise be standard blues-rock or electric-folk arrangements and twists them into something both compelling and menacing. Dylan’s retelling of the twenty-second book of Genesis in a uniquely American contextHighway 61 runs down the Mississippi River from Minneapolis, all the way to New Orleansvoices his challenge clearly, in case anyonehad missed it by this point. The album looms even larger when some historical context is added, Dylan’s SC+ loncr-withacoustic-guitar anti-hero image was well established and on the way to becoming predictable when, shortly before this album was released, he appeared at the Newport Folk Festival with apickup band and blasted out an earsplitting three-song set. It remains one of the most notorious moments of rock’n’roll, and for the remainder of the year, he was routinely booed by audiences. “Dylan goes electric” became a synonym for breathtaking change. Little details only enhance the myth, The organ sound which defmes “Like a Rolling Stone”
was the result of a casu.alacquaint ante of the producer, a guitarist, sneaking in and noodling away on the organ during one take; you can hear him coming in late on the changes just before the first chorus. The second acoustic guitar on Wesolation Row” is a Nashville session musician flown in for turo takes, during which he was told to play whatever he wanted. But a musician’s personal history, while often fascinating, counts for little in the scheme of things. It is the history of the times that provides the most breathtaking backdrop. The year was 1965. JFK was dead. Vietnam was on the edge of public consciousness but eclipsed by outrage towards segregation in the American South. Yo~lg white activists had begun travelling through the region, assisting the civil-rights movement. They returned to their campuses to organize support and found themselves barred from setting up information !ables.Dylan caught the mood of the times and added his energy to theirs. We know now that those times did not tilfil their early promise. Dylan himself, af& a highly embarrassing fling with evangelical Christianity (followed by one with Jewish firndamentalism) croaked indifferently through a greatest-h-ti s set on last year’s tour. A major Canadian bank currently uses-a Dylan song in an ad campaign, and the backlash comes from misguided Dylan fans, not from loyal customers outraged at the bank’s endorsement of Dylan. The bank could use Marilyn Manson in their next campaign and no one would really care. Young “alternative” bands want nothing more than to land on a major film soundtrack enroute to that bigcommercial endorsement. Listening toH&&vuy 61 Revisited transports me to a point where it seemed that music could help change the world, and it makes me hopeful that someday music will have that ambition again.
Enjoy a flame-broiled
Q 1996
r,r -.-.-_... ,,,_ .-._ ____.. T .... .._. -.,_..-...--.-... .,~, ~FL.T/jel*e is like a warm sweater of wiica ‘\ vintage Kolling Stones or Neil ( Young after being out in the cold Being There >’ xeprise /i world of angn’ noise rock for so L long. Tweedy’s lyrics are neither of that done-to-death cruel irony nor the grade school poetry, (“Hi\:, I made a I-1vme”) -of today’s’countn7 music. What you get is say what you mean lyrics
by Peter Lenardon Imprint stafT
like those cm “Say a plea from a guy
album lx the 13ellevillc, Illinois band, U~clc Tupelo, but it has turned into a kind of movement or scene. The music of Uncle Tupelo was a noisy mixture of guitars and vocals, but it had a strong
Uncle Tupelo broke up in 1994, one ~1f-lits members, Jay E’arrar went off to form Son Volt, while sir7gerisong\yritcriguitarist Jeff Tweeds and drummer Ken Coome; picked up a few other members arid fijrmcd Wilco. Since then, No Dep~~siun has come to be a sort of ethic both against the hegemonic of teen angst rock and evoking &e comfortable sound of the music that’s associated with it. With all of its country licks, progressions and pedal steel, Re-
Friday, February 28, 1897
You Miss
out on the road for a long time. “I’ve been sleepin’ alone/Out on myI own/I’m sure it seems like I’m taking rnv time to get back to you. ” Not DiIan Thomas to be sure, but it feels good. In short, Heidi Ther& has most of the elements of alternative, song oriented pop that I love, mixed with the parts of country music that I iovc, packaged as a coherent album. Put your feet up on the porch railing, listen to these two discs at moderate volume, turn your face to the sun and be thankful that Shania Twain isn’t the only modern interpretation of country * f1Ius1c.
As laid back as mmy of the songs OnBeing There are, Tweedy and-company can rock. Tweedy’s vocals range from a tired confession to a textbook Cobain wail. He can shout it out, and as the whole band proved last week at
the Horseshoe, their Liveperformances are pure joy. They started off with the f’lrst two songs off of Being There, ‘Misunderstood” and ‘&Far, Far Away,” continuing with a set”which was mostly selected from the double album Beiyy
There .
Wait, I’m having a great time and not pumping rn\r fist in the air. Is this okav? Am I some sort of shit-kicking -hick down at the cotillion? About two bars into “I Cot You (At the End of the Century> I forgot all about it and just ehjoyed great songs perfbrmed by a tight band. Lead guitarist Jay Bennett, who sometimes would play piano and, mid-song, pick up his SG to deliver a screaming guitar solo and bassist John Stirratt filled in the songs with backup vocals, creating great Stonesesque three-part harmony. Wilco also played a few songs from their other critically acclaimed album, A.fl. incliding “Must Be High” and “Box Full of Letters” which was spiced up by a rendition of ‘LDue’lling Banjoes” (yeah, the Deliverance song). There is a great deal of hype from the critics about this b&d, but it is not undeserved. It is full of classic sotinds and song structures and is at the same time completely modern.
No, I won’t play uNeedle and the Damage Done.” phom
by Peter knxdon
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by Ash-id Sealey special to Imprint
only a few years ago Canada could boast less than Aa handfull of recognized music artists; Anne Murray and Gordon Lightfoot are really the only turo that come to mind. Oh yes, and let’s not forget the incomparable Neil Young. But of course, this is before my time so babyboomers, feel free to correct me. Never the less, Canadian artists have perpetually had to stand in the shadows ofour neighbours to the south, and have had quite a struggle gaining recogition abroad. Bearing this in mind, about twenty years sgo the CRTC imposed the CanCon, or Canadian Con tent regulation on Canadian radio stations, which meant that all programs had to play 30 per cent Canadian artists. Back in the day, I’m sure the afar-mentioned t was
artists got alot of air time, but today things are much different. Today Canadian artists benefit greatly from the CanConrule. The exposure they receive is much greater as the industry itself dictates that Canadian artists get played. The industry is therefore quite eager to support new talent. Commercial radio however doesn’t give Canadian artists as much exposure aswe do at CKMS. Advertising, play lists, and station operations take up a large chunk of fiscal and “air” budgets. But because community radio CKMS 100.3 doesn’t have to worry about these things, we have more time to play more Canadian music. Two
trate on Canadian artists are The Super Cool Wagon, and the Not So Cool Wagon. These programs air on alternate Friday evenings from llpm to 2am. Kenton and Frank are your respective hosts, and the pair play a mix that fo-
cuses on alternative and new11 released Canadian music. The Super Cooi Wagon itself was named after a song by host Kenton’s favourite band, B. C.‘s Sons of Freedom. The Not So Cool Wagon also likes to highlight local artists around the time that they may be playing. This is a great way to preview local artists before heading out into the scene. CKMS is also a frequent receiver of independant cassestsfrom across Canada. These artists may not get much air time during prime-time slots, therefore Frank likes to pull ‘em OK the shelves and give ‘em some life. If you’re interested in these bands,
in general,
or in Canadian
fm has
what you’re looking for. Tune in to the Wagon boys’ Friday late night program, and you’re sure to hear much more dynamic Canadian artsist who can play circles around Burton Cummings.
by Shaun Saldanha special to lmprint has forged a rather fresh rapperless by Deborah Odhiambo special to Imprint In the early days of hip hop when pioneers like Kool Here, Grand Master Flash and Afrika Bambatta were innovative DJ’s finding, spinning and creating seamless tracks from the most disparate of sounds, club hoppers were too busy getting off on the mind blowing break beats to think
by Chris Edginton Imprint staff Branford Mars&s never compromises himself. His musical past is impressive, with work spanning the years and several genres. Now known primarily as a jazz artist, his former collaborations include the GrateU Dead, Bruce Hornsby and Sting. Most notably, his music and name became household knowledge while working as the musical director of me T6nz&bt
Sbtnv With Jiy
Marsalis’ jazz work though is certainly his best. After winning a Grammy in 1993 for Best Jazz Instrumentd Performance for I Heard
Yim Twice
Tjge Fimt
has gone on to create albums as SUCh norable Bloomiqpn and Loved Ones (with father Ellis). The Dark Eyes takes Marsalis in directions that are new even to him. As this is the first time in the trio format, there is no where to hide; but then again, Mar&s has nothing to hide from.
Bomb Squad (Hank anh Keith ,, music. Ytem ; Long Stem” uses Shocklee -&d Terminator X) that Nirvana’s “Love S&e”, includes gave Public Enemy its definitive some speed metal freakiness, and bricollagc sound of hard bass and a John Carpenter soundtrack, all shrill sirens-not vice versa. within ambient strains. “Midnight This CD pays homage to, In A Perfect World” also has an . and is inspired by hip hop leaders ambient feel to it, but the pulsing and innovators both past and bass that runs within it keeps it present. In the original spirit of from getting too spacey. “Organ hip hop, it has not remained in the Donor,” one of mv favorites, has stagn;int pool of gangsta rap and a wicked Hammdnd Organ sixits posturing bullshit. Instead, DJ ties sounding piece that could really get downright funky with sohe Miami booty shaking bass. Far from being on the weird but cool fringe of experimental hip hop like Divine Stvler and MC 500 Foot Jesus, DJ’Shadow does not quite have mainstream hip hop cross over-appeal. He does retain traditional hip hop break beats in some tunes, however his accessibilitv seems to favour those used t; listening to electronic/techno/ambient/acid jazz type music. Ifyou are looking for something a little different for your hip hop collection, check this CD out.
The Dark Eyes has an overall swaying sound with the trio converging and diverging in equal proportions. The disc begins with the title track which is ten minutes of controlled chaos as drummer Jeff “Tain” Watts wanders into his own territory leaving bassist Reginald Veal and Marsalis on tenor sax to hold down the melody. He drifts slowly back towards the group enabling the remaining two to venture out on their own. All in all the piece is an eye opener as it’s obvious that Marsalis is tr$ng some new matenal. Working through the remaining seven tracks, Marsalis takes the listener through a full range df emotions as he has the ability to direct his colleagues with the precision of an orchestra’s constructor. Adding the horns of Joe Lovano on Yentinal” and Kenny Garrett on “Blutain” allows Marsalis to venture farther than was possible
may shock the ears of Mars&s fans in that its sounds are diverse and, at times, conbed, But put the confusiop under the experienced direction of Branford Marsalis and the final product will always be magical. . ‘ c *.l”* I - - .’ The Dark
by Sean Elder Imprint staff Eric’s Trip, in the past, were the loudest and quietest sounds that emitted from their fans’ speakers . Elevator to Hell, in the present, are a hell of a lot louder, and quite a bit more quiet.
If you live in a trailer park, you’ll love this CD. For the rest of the population, I strongly suggest you leav&e& Shm to the freaks. For their second album, the follow-up to the ridiculously success&l UFrogstompn, silverchair (three highschool students from Australia) wrote one long song, cut it into 13 pieces, and had the nerve to call it an album. The idiocy of their successis painfully obvious when you examine the level of intelligence exhibited in the lyrics. “Freak Show” cl sists ofone morose dirge after another. Morose works for Soundgarden,
eration X. These slackers haven’t matured much since then, and have absolutely nothing new to say. It’s a shame, cohsidering they didn’t have all that much to say’on the first album. Does everything on silverchair’s new album bite? Well.. .not everything. Track 10, “Petrol and Chlorine” is actually good. It was as if they had a moment of lucid thought, and tried something original. And I must admit that 17 year old lead singer Daniel Johns is prettydamn good as alternative singers go. (See, I can be objective.) In all good conscience, I cannot recommend this CD. Hopemy in the titure, silverchair will give creativity a try. Or better yet, graduate highschool and leave us all alone.
band? Not much. Long
Their debut album
This release compiles two of Rick White’s twelve inch vinyl records onto one compact disc. Rick plays almost everything, save for a few bass lines and vocals by his wife, Tara, and some drums here and there by Chris Thompson. Parts 1 and 2 are a fairly good document of Rick’s feelings surrounding the now infamous drug and love induced break-up (of his relationship, not the band). Hence the blunt “I Lost a girl once to a guy who loved her, and he knew how to show it bet-
ter than me.” Part 3 shows a more extreme side: if he’s not screaming, he’s giving melody to the words “I’ve never felt so lost before, I guess it comes with age/ and every year, I’m more aware of every passing day”. This is an album of some of the most personal, unpretentious poetry that one could ever hope to hear in today’s media-driGen world of music. Besides putting his diary on tape, Rick continues to abuse and produce new quirks and methods of recording music. Parts 1-3 is a stereo masterpiece. Drum beats, vocals and guitar lines all fly from left to right and back in a heartbeat, His vocals, sometimes hauntingly beautiful, sometimes downright frightening, are layered comfortably above the musical voice that he’s created for himself. While some of these effects are lost to the live spectacle that is Elevator to Hell (Rick, Tara and Eric%
mer Mark Caudet), they are beautifully strewn throughout these first three Parts for all to hear. Crunching guitars, crashing drums, eerie keyboards. ..aU the heavenly sounds of Elevator to Hell.
Friday, February 28, 1997
Reviews written
by Greg Picken, James Russell and Dan Zachariah
The Cheese
Flip Your Lid
Curb By naming
ClKCSc,” these
guys scum
one step ahead of the critics. Imagine Winger, only cleaned up. But I’m not sure I get the joke. Would it he funny ifsomc-
one put out d really shitty album and called it T/MShit? -
Ofali the albums that I have listened to over the past year, ATLiens is one ofthe most perplexingald superb. It takes a while co settle into the strange synthesizer patterns and the laid-back grooves that Out&Last manufactures, but once you enter this realm, be prepared to lose yourself. With a soothing selection of soul-stirrers to complement OutKast’s fast-paced raps, there is little to dislike about this album. Give it a nvirl and judge it for yourself but be warned: addiction is a distinct --Ix2 possibil it-y.
BR5-49 sit A~istu Somewhere, somehow, something went horribly wrong. This is a county album. You XC, the CD cover has a picture of a rotary dial tclcphonc. who knew? I really should have paid more attention when I read the liner notes. Guess what? These guys are from Tennessee, the album was recorded in Nashville, and the first person they thank in the liner notes is God. Anyway, for your fill of slide guitars, fiddles and some good old conk, uh, music type- stuff’, get BR5-49.
Hey, anyone out there really like Weezer’s first album? Check out
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cuz, well, they
sound the same. Quirky, pop-culture oriented lyrics and nifQ guitar licks combine for an album of meaningless, but fun songs, like the current radio hit “Van Halen.”
1OCDths . . .. . .. .. . ...*.834
Erratum: In the February 7 issue,the Star Wars: OST was listed as being from Bantha Records,It is actually from RCA Victor.
Imprint regrets any inconvenience this may have caused+
MONDAYS UW Stage Band rehearsal at 7:009:00 p.m. in Conrad Grebel College Great Hall Rm 156. Every Monday and Wednesday Chapel Choir rehearsal 3:30-500 pm in Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Outers Club regular meetings are at 7 pm. in ES room1 -221. Come out for social events and updates.
TUESDAYS Beginning Jan. 7 to March 18 the Christopher Leadership course will begin.Thiscoursecoverseffectivecommunication skills and self-confidence. To register & info call Joanne at 74-46307. University Choir rehearsal, 7:00-9:30 p.m. in Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Any questions call Eleanor at 885-0220 ext. 226. Every Tuesday and Thursday 3:305:00 p.m. Chamber Choir rehearsal. Tuesdays, CGC Rm 151 and Thursdays, CGC Chapel.
FRIDAY English Conversation Class in Needles Hall 2080. Sept. to June from 2:00 to 4:OO p.m. Students, faculty, staff and spouses welcome. For info call International Student Office at ext. 2814
I Are you interested in a fast-paced, dynamic work environment that will constantly challenge and intrigue you? A career as a Career Development Practitioner may be for you! For info call the Information Centre at Conestoga College, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, N2G 4M4 (519) 7485220, ext. 516. Distance Education Deadline-Spring Term 1997. The deadline for applying was Feb. 17/97. Implemented again this year is a “late application period” from Feb. 18 to March 1O/97. A late fee of $25. is required to process your application during this period. Co-op students on a work-term in May should apply now. Faculty approval is recommended before submitting an application with appropriate tuition to the Distance Education Off ice, corner of Columbia and Phillip Streets. St. Paul’s United College has rooms available for Winter ‘97 and Spring ‘97 terms. Please call 885-l 460 or drop by for application forms and a tour! Guided Self-Change of alcohol use: for individuals who may have concerns about the amount they are drinking and want to cut down. Call Counselling Services (ext. 2655) to find out more. Now available “What in the World is Going On: A Guide for Canadians Wishing to Work, Votunteer, or Study in Other Countries.” For info/cost call Christine at (613) 237-4820. Attention Bluevale Alumni! BCl’s 25th Reunion is May 30 - June l/97. The Reunion committee is presently compiling a mailing list. It is important that they receive your address now. Please write the school c/o 25th Reunion, 80 Bluevale St. N. Waterloo, N2J 3R5, calf the Hotline at 650-0569 or email at http:/ -dabtykys/bci.reunion. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oscar Arias, Peace Jam Youth Conference which airedJan. 11-l 2 will be available for Internet access on Jan. 17 at http:/ / Canadian Federation of University Women Used Book Sale will be in April this year. To donate books please call 747-5854 or 746-5649 or 886-7427 until Saturdav. Mar. 29. 1997. Getting married? Congratulations! The UW and WLU Chaplain’sAssociations invite you to participate in a Marriage Preparation course on Fri., Feb. 28 from 7-9:30 p.m. and Sat., Mar. 1 from g-3:00 p.m. Cost is $75. per cou-
ple for anyone UW associated - $100. for non-UW associated. For more info call UW 888-4567, ext. 3633 or WLU 8841970, ext. 2240 or call anyone of the Church Colleae Chaolains at Renison, Conrad Grebs, St. Jeiomes or St. Pauls. Fed UP! An art show. UW-SLC (Multipurpose room). Feb. 26-27. No sell?nq. Were you a cadet or staff at Vernon Army Cadet Camp? I am doing research for a book and would appreciate photographs, stories, etc. Please contact me: F. Arseneault, 43 Chancellor Way, Calgary AB, T2K 1Y3, ohone (402)282-61 OO:email: Fr&cis@av&anad&o~. ’ St I LOUIS Aduit Learnma Centres offer English as a second langtage classes for adults in Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge. Levels I-VII avaitable, including TOFEL preparation. Call 7451201 (Waterloo} or 650-I250 (Cambridge) or come in to register. St. Louis Adult Learning Centre, 75 Allen St. East, Waterloo. Artist Beatrice Hogan, February l-28, 1997, at the Waterloo Regional Arts Council Gallery, Market Square beside Gallery 2000 on the third floor. 25 Federick St. 744-4552. International Income Tax Workshop - if you received Canadian funds in the 1996 calendar year, you are required to file an income tax return by April 30, 1997. The workshop will be held in March and will be announced. Contact International Student Office, NH 2080 for forms and info. Do you want some experience that will look awesome on your resume? We are currently accepting applications for the Student Career Advisor Program 19971998. SCA’s are volunteers who help students with resumes, cover letters, interview skills, career planning and job search. Commitment for volunteers is two terms, 3 hjours per week. We are also hiring a Supervisor to co-ordinate the SCA Program. Extensive training is provided so pick up an application today at the Career Resource Centre, NH1 115 or call ext. 4047. Application deadline is March 14. St. Paul’s United CoHege would like to invite all former residents who are graduating a the Spring or Fall 1997 Convocation to a Graduates Banquet. Come and join your friends for fun, food and alas, farewells! PIease call Darlene at 885-1460 to reserve a seat.
Telephone Callers: needed to call older adults on a regular basis to ensure safety. Calls will be made daily or on alternate days depending on need. Must have good communication skills and pleasant telephone manner. Busker Carnival Volunteers are needed in the areas of finance and administration, special events, and logistics. Previous experience an asset. The Sexual Abuse Treatment Programme of Community Justice initiatives is holding its training workshop for volunteer group facilitators of groups for sexual abuse survivors and offenders. Training for group facilitators will be held on Tuesdays 4-6 p.m. from January 28 to April 15, 1997. For info call 744-4095. In Home Support Volunteers to provide support to families of newborn children. Duties include providingemotional support, linking families withcommunity resources and providing practical help. Call Cathv, at CradleLink 7490226. ’ For the followina volunteer oositions contact Sue at tEe Volunte&r Action Centre at 742-8610: Loto Kiosk Retailer - needed to run a lotto kiosk at St. Jacobs outlet mall. #091-l 631. Gallery Shop is needing someone for afternoons, evenings and weekends. #062-20 Recording Secretary needed for monthly Board meetings of a literacy organization. #078-l 155. Treasurer needed by a not-for-profit organization that provides assistance to people with Alzheimeer disease. #128-l 724. Be A Big Brother in our short term group recreational program for boys. Ideal for students with limited time. Transportaton necessary. For more information call Big Brothers at 5795150. English tutor program - volunteers are needed to tutor students on a oneto-one basis in written or oral English. Tutors meet students on campus, once a week for I-2 hours for 1 term. If interested register at the International Student Office, NH 2080 or for more info call ext. 2814.
Canadian Hospital EngineeringSociety’s Scholarship-available to 38. Deadline: Mar. 31197 Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship-available to all 3B. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 John Deere Limited Scholarship-available to 38 Mechanical. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Delcan Scholarship-available to 4B Civil. Deadline: Feb. 28/97 Randy Duxbury Memorial Awardavailable to 38 Chemical. Deadline: Feb 28/97 SC. Johnson & Son Ltd. - Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline: May 31197 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 36 Civil,Water Resource Management students. Deadline: May 311 97. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship-available to all. Deadline: Oct. 14/97. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award-available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award-available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Deadline: Mar 31197. Ontario Hydro Engineering Awardsavailable to 1 B Chemical, Electrical, Environmental or Mechanical. Eligible candidates will be women, aboriginal (native) Canadians, persons with disabilities or visible minorities. Deadline: July 31197. Jack Wiseman Award-available to 3rd year Civil. Deadline: Ott 31197.
Facu ky of Environmental Studies: Robert Haworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31/97. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/97
Faculty of Mathematics:
Health Services is looking for student volunteers for the Pamphlet Resource Centre. Positions require only one or two hours per week. If interested please call Ruth at Health Services, ext. 3544. Office for Persons with Disabilities are needing volunteers to work in many areas such as library research, reading text to tape, computer work, etc. if interested please call 8854211, ext. 5082 Jane Farlev. Big Sisters needs you! Inquire about our short term match program. Get trained now to begin in September 97. Training date on Saturday, March 22/97. Call now to register 743-5206. Learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be part of your community. For more info call KW YMCA Host Program at 579-9622. Waterloo Minor Soccer needs reliable coaches and assistant coaches. Do you have the time and talent to share from May to July? Please call 578-9680. The City of Waterloo Volunteer Services, 888-6488, is currently recruiting for the following positions: Snow Day: to assist with Family Playing in the Snow Day. Volunteers are needed in the hot chocolate hut, to judge events, and assist with registration. Officials for snow activities are also needed. Must enjoy family situations and winter weather. Receptionists: duties such as answering phones, assisting day time users, filing and processing mail. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, reliable and enjoy working with the public. A time commitment of l-4 hour session per week for 4 months is required. Sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday afternoons or Wedneday mornings or afternoons. Sounds of Summer Corporate Sponsorshipvofunteer: assist Director in attaining new sponsors and follow-up with past sponsors. Must have an interst in finance and public relations.
1 SCHCLARSHIPS1 Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendarforfurther criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.
Andersen Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 3B Math. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Electrohome 75th AnniversaryScholarship-available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 K.C. Lee Computer Science Scholarship-available to 2nd year regular Computer Science. Deadline: Ott 3f197. Sun Life of Canada Award-available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. Dead-
IuPCCMINCEVENTS 1 FRIDAY, FEB. Z&,1997 Black History Month Legacy ‘97 presents “Educate to Elevate - What the History Books Didn’t Teach You.” An event featuring youth from our Region at The Maureen Forester Recital Hall, WLU, {Hazel and University). Show starts at 7:30 p-m. sharp. For info call 740-9054, 7463762 or 578-6256. Playing at the Grad House -“My Neighbor Ned” with Mike Busarri. No cover charge. Undergrads need simply purchase a $5. membership, good for the term,
SUNDAY, MARCH 2,1997 “The Skate” - featuring performances from local figure skating clubs. This will be held at the Preston Auditorium from 2 to 3;45 p.m. For more info call 745-7280.
MONDAY, MAR. 3,1997 Native Awareness Week - March 3 to 7. General Week Long Events: Bookstore display-South Camplus l-fall, Native Artifacts-Museum and Archive of Games BMH 1016A, Crafts Sales and Demonstrations-Locations UW Student Life Center-Atrium and WLU Concourse. 3rd Monday-Performance Day. 4th Tuesday-women’s Day. 5th WednesdayTeaching and Learning Issues-Native students Orientation. Day 6th ThursdaySt Paul’s United College . Fest of Traditional Native Food. 7th Friday-Film and Video Day.
MAR. 4,1997
The Bede Lecture Series at Renison College, UW. Professor Dr. Judith Miller will speak on “Revisiting The Morality Plays.” For details call 884-4404, voice mail ext. 628. Benefit Coffee House for Anselma House at Huether Hotel (above the Barley Works) 9-12pm (doors open at 830) Admission $5.00. Live music, poetry, and story-telling. Great performers. Door prize and Raffles.
MAR. $1997
Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo coming-outdiscussion group. Topic: “How Out Can I Be...Or Should I Be” at 7:30 p.m. Social follows at 9 p.m., HH 378. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 884-4567.
MAR. 6,1997
New Cinema from China - films at 7:00 p.m. in UW’s East Campus Hall Auditorium 1219. Foreign-language films with English subtitles. “Back to Back, Face to Face” - 138 min.
ALL FACULTIES: Doreen Brisbin Award-available to third year Regular or 3B Co-op female students in an Honours program in which women are currently under represented. Deadline: April 30/97. Douglas T. Wright Award - available to all who have participated in a UW international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: Ott 15197.
Faculty of -Applied Health Sciences: Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship-available to 3B Kinesiology or Health Studies. Deadline: Mar, 31197 RobertHaworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadtine: May 31197
Faculty of Arts: Arts Student Union Award - available to all Arts students. Deadline: Feb. 28/ 97. James C. McKegney Memorial Awardavailable to upper year Arts students with outstanding performance and/or extra-curricular activities in the Hispanic Area -one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in Spanish America Studies. Deadline: Feb. 28/97.
Faculty of Engineerina: Andersen Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 3B. Deadline: Mar. 31197
3-4-5-7 bedroom houses available for rent, reasonable rates, parking, laundry, some furniture available. All well kept. Call James or Mark at 574-2064 or 241-2985. 24 hr. oaaer. House for rent - 5/4 bedrooms (groups only), washer/gas dryer, gas heated low utilities, Iarge driveway, backyard/ patio. $265./month. Call 742-9562. 5 bedroom ample size, self-contained unit, new lower duplex R2000 quality, 2 complete 4 piece bathrooms, large kitchen, diningroom, tivingroom, free laundry facilities, large paved parking area. $31 S./student plus utilities, May l/97 lease. Phone 416-491-1370. 5 bedroom/2 livingroom in older house - big yard, trees. Half share possibte with present tenant. April I/97 - reasonable - 578-7431.
$9.00 per hour door to door fundraising program for local charity. 9 to 15 hours per week, transportation to area provided. Phone 747-5850 Mon. to Fri, between 9 a.m. to 3 pm.
LSAT-MCAT-GMAT-GRE PREP Spring/Summer classes are now forming. Course formats range from 20 to 80 hours. 20 hour weekends are available for $195. Richardson - since 1979 or prep@ or l-800-41 O-PREP.
Pregnant? Considering adoptive parents? Happity married professional cou. ple seeking birthmother considering adoptive parents for her baby. Warm and loving home environment. Rob or Linda l-800-254-8452 in our home. Legal. Confidential.
Computer monitor problems? Call Dave - a video specialist - at 745-0808. (VGAISVGA only please) Proofreader - experienced, wants to help you improve your essays, improve your rammer, and grades. Give me a call! 8 ary at 746-0762.