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Planned Parenthood banned from St. Jerome% volunteer fair standard Cathdlic sexual ethics. If we were to provide a booth to them, we would be implicitly suggesting that our students volunteer for this organization.”


lanned Parenthood was missing from the Volunteer Action Centre’s Fair (VAC), held at St. Jerome’s Community Centre lastTuesday and Wednesday. At, the last minute, an executive on the St. Jerome’s student union approached the President of St. Jerome’s, Dr. Doug Letson, with theconcern that Planned Parenthood does not reflect the traditionally Catholic values that the college upholds in its mission statement. The fair was organized as part of St. Jerome’s annual Charity Run, in which the VAC is the lucky recipient of all money raised this year. When the VAC was invited to host a volunteer fair, early in April, it anticipated giving all of its members an opportunity to show at St. Jerome’s. The VAC then provided a list of both members, as well as those that intended, to participate in the fair, to St. Jerome’s, and expect&that all was a go. Until about ten days ago, Planned Parenthood was one of the members intending to operate a booth at the fair. Then, Planned Parenthood was asked to withdraw. In response to the concerns expressed by a lone student, Letson approached the Charity Run Co-Chairs, Andrea Casciato and Diane Giroux. Together, the group decided to approach the VAC with this concern, and ask that Planned Parenthood be pulled from the fair. Explaining the decision, Letson says that “we decided that our position, as an institution, is that Planned Parenthood provides abortion counselling, which goes against


this fair. With government cutbacks, charities are struggling to keep their services alive. And so, it’s an honour to be chosen as the charity of choice this year. But this situation took us aback. Nobody hasever expressed concerns to us about the values of our members. “In the future, we’re going to be more up-front about the nature of our members, and in the case of conflict, we will stand behind our members and what they represent. We made this absolutely clear to Planned Parenthood, that now tie will be mdre pro-active rather than reactive.” In response, Letson acknowledges Planned Parenthood’s valuable role in St. Jerome’s classes, but he explains that “participation in the fair is different than the classroom. For the dissemination ofinformation and the conductingof debates, the proper arena is the classroom. In my mind, the two events are completely different. The issue is not ulti-* matelywhetherourstudentsactuallypa~icipateinPlanned~~ Parenthood, and it’s not that I don’t want non-Catholics to: have access to this information, but we can’t institutionally! support the agency.” Maybe so, says Ms. Donna Randall, Executive Director: of KW’s Planned Parenthood, but working for Planned! Parenthood-has always been an uphill battle. Shecontinues,; however, saying that “what puzzles me is that all this fuss can” goon for just one student. You figure thatotherstudents, in this phase of their lives, would be willing e to stand up against administration.” “The bondm line, of course, is that I didn’t really have

by Patti knard

Letson expresses regret about the decision, explaining that “it’s unfortunate that this turned out this way after our students have worked so hard on the run.” Margaret Bower-Hoel, Executive Assistant, Volunteer Co-ordinator of the VAC, explains that “the VAC is cxtremely grateful to St. Jerome’s for the opportunity to host


to page 5

Playing.himards right


usiness operations at Waterloo have once again come under scrutiny as Brian Lue, a’student in Village 1, East 3, has been reprimanded for selling cut rate computer cards at the Village. Lue had been putting up large numbersofhand-written posters in the quads of both villages advertising Supercom network cards for $37.00, including cable and installation. The cost of the EtherPower cards that Village administration sell is $75.00 including the cable. After receiving word of the cards being advertised, the Resnet office (the office in the Housing Department that supplies the residence rooms with UW network connections) had the Village dons remove most of the posters on campus. That reason for this was the fact that Lue had a) not been given permission to place the posters on the boards, and b) did not have permission to be selling the cards on campus. Permission to vend on campus can be granted by Bud Walker, Director of Business Operations on campus. Lue “understands” why the posters were taken down, and is currently selling cards solely by word of mouth. He did not visit Walker to seek a special UW vending license. Cheryl Skingley, Assistant to the Director/Computer System Support Specialist in Housing, said that the effec-

tive shutdown of Lue’s business was in no way a profnmotivated decision from Resnet. “We sell our cards to the students at the same price we buy them from the Computer Store,” said Skingley. “They could go there and buy them for the same price.? When asked about the general effectiveness of the Supercomcard versus the EtherPower card, Skingley said “In-my opinion, [the Supercom] card is not as good as the one we’re selling.” Lue refutes this analysis, saying, “I’ve been using this card ever since Resnet started two years ago, and I’ve never had any problems.” Lue declined to name his distributor, but provided a sample card to compare to the EtherPower card. Marty Sokoloskie, manager of the UW Computer Store, said that he could find nothing immediately wrong with the card upon looking at it, but added that there are some parts of the network “which are compatible solely with the Ethernet cards. This card may work fine within the residence but parts of the network, especially those that run on Polaris, may not be able to tell what the card is doing.” Although he has been forbidden to advertise his business on campus, Lue says he will continue to sell his cards. He also intends to remain available to those students who have already bought his cards in case they need him to troubleshoot. As of press time, Resnet had no further plans to investigate or approach Lue about his cards.

photo by Kieran Green/ m -

News: Bank reports and parking lots . .-. . . . . . . . Forum: Fee- Scheduling extinct? . . . I . . . . . Features: UW’s own Chilean Labour. . . . . . . . . . . ...*....*.* Science & Technology: World Wide Wait. . . . ..L.......l... Sports: Warriors open season with a bang. . Art% 54-40 or fight at Fed Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . l





























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18, 1998

Pave paradise, put up a parking lot


by Jessica



Come to the Imprint Office, Student Life Centre, room 1116 at 12:30 p.m. All ‘are welcome!


public meeting heated up Sept. 15, when the Mutual Group brought citizens, former tenants, and city officials together to discuss the corporation’s proposed parking lot expansion that would mean the demolition of 26 Waterloo homes. The informational session transpired into a debate over how to best balance the community needs with those of the growing life insurance corporation. Patti M&ague, a Mutual Life representative, informed the citizens that the parking lot which would be between King and Park Street near the Mutual Life office, is necessary to accommodate an increase in employee numbers which have jumped from 2000 to 3000 in the past 10 years. Over 350 employees are on the waiting list for parking. McKague emphasised that the parking lot is an interim solution and that the area could be redeveloped in the future. Almost all ofthe residents who spoke during the question and answer period attacked the Mutual

Group plans. Emotions ran high when residents expreSsed concerns such as: the destruction of the turnof-thecentury houses, the eviction of the tenants, and the increase in traffic in the area. Among the critics of the plan was Dr. Greg Michalenko, in Environmental Resource Studies professor at UW. He blasted the corporation for not consulting the pbblic earlier and

nership would only provide 150 parking spots. Dr. Greg Michalenko suggested that innovative ideas could have come from a consultation with students of “the best architecturedepartmentinthecontinentat the University of Waterloo.” Although the proposed interim solution would pave 140 spaces, Mutual Group’s ultimate plan is tocreate 330 parking spots (pending city approval to close

Mutual Life’s parking needs will rest of 26 loca homes.

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for disregarding alternative ideas to a surface parking lot. “I phoned you... ” directing his comment to McKague, “and you told me that the only reason you chose this (interim parking plan) was because it was the ‘cheapest”‘, The citizens in attendance offered ideas such as subsidizing bus passes for Mutual Group employees, cycling incentives, adding another level to their parking building, and an arrangement to park at the Grand River Hospital. Peter Allison, facilities management director at Mutual Group, said that the hospital parking part-

ine nlan has alread; been approved by the City of Ki tchener. Brent Needham, councillor for Uptown Waterloo expressed disappointment in Mutual Group’s plans, “boarded houses will not create a safe environment for the community.. I’d like to see more thought put into looking into alternatives. People need only look at the Uptown Waterloo Parkade on King Street (for a structure) that fits. That’s my initial reaction. However, I wouldn’t categorize Mutual Life as a bad corporate citizen. ” After g-pause, he added, “I t’s not too late for them to revise their plans.”

Bank mergers given a yellow light by Michael WE CARRY



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plaints, putting measures in place to ensure the privacy of cm tomers, and throwing the market wide open to competition froth other banks, both foreign and domestic. I For students, many of whom h&e the feeling big banks are unresponsive to their needs, these recommendations could translate into

for students and better access to bank loans.



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anada’s “big-six” banks may be allowed to get a lot bigger. Headed by Saskatchewan lawyer Harold MacKay, theTask Forceon the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector delivered its final report to FL . nance Minister Paul Martin last Tuesday. The hefty document-entitied “Change,Challenge and Opportunity”-includes as oneof 124recommendations, the removal of artificial barriers that prevent mergers between Canada’s financial institutions. Although the task force was quietly commissioned twenty monthsago, it was thrust into the spotlight last January when the Bank of Montreal and the Royal Bank dropped a huge bombshell on the financialcommunity: they intended to merge their opera-

banks promised an increase in the level of service and lower costs for consumers. Since the announcements, polls repeatedly showed consumer skepticism of the promises and the finance minister was outraged at having been left in the dark.

-The changes could result ZLrZ’~~~~

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into one giant megabank.

TheCIBC andToronto Dominion followed suit four months later, claiming that increased size was necessary to compete with other banks in the world market. If the proposed mergers were allowed to go ahead, all four

While the report does not specifically address the two proposed mergers, it does conclude that a blanket banon themis not the right approach. “Mergers can be a valid business strategy,” MacKay said. “There should be no absolute ban. However, no such merger should take place if it is not consistent with the public interest.” Much to the chagrinof the big bankers who continually come across ;ts eager to speed up the process, public interest is a concept central to the task force’s re’ port. Mergers aside, it also recommends settingupanindependent ombudsperson to handle com-




access to loans. Reductions in service fees are also men-

rioned ;t”,z:;~;;I

n nanceMinisterisfmished reviewing the report, it will become the subject of public hearings by Commons finance and Senate banking committees. As for the banks in question, their proposals will come under review by the Competition Bureau and the Federal Superintendent of Financial Institutions. Ultimately, though, it is Paul Martin who has the final sayon any mergers and the conditions that would apply in such a situation, and he has already promised that “no major bank merger would be allowed to proceed without public hearings.” “We have not put up a red stoplight, nor have we issued a green light,” MacKay elaborated. “Whatwehavedoneisputup a yellow flashing light.”






18, 1998

1Landlords,*leases UW’s reputation speaks ’. for itself andlegal resources by Laura



heLegal Resources Of lice (LRO) is a student managed service designed to help undergraduates have a stress-free renting experience. d)ur office is located in the Student Services Resource ‘Centre, Room 2123, or you can call us at 8884634 if you need assistance or information. Below are a few suggestions to make renting more student friendly. Cm I break a lease? A common misconception among students maintains that a lease may be broken, with two months notice.’ A lease is a legally binding contract, of which you are legally responsible for monies owed during the term of the lease, There a few alternatives available if you want to terminate your tenancy. First, you can find someone to sublet, or second, you can negotiate with the landlord to have the lease broken. Should all roommates sign the lease? We highly recommend baving all students sign the lease. By following this simple suggestion, you remove the risk of being solely responsible for your companions’ shares of the rent. . Is there f411y new legislation I should know about? A new Iaw called “vacancy de-control” allows landlords to -charge whatem rent they want . when a new tenant moves inio a vacant apartment. You must negotiate the services included in the rent, such as parking and hydro. When can rent be raised and by how much? The maximum increase in rent for 1998 is 3%. The rent can only be increased if at least 12 months have passed since the last increase, or since moving in. The landlord must give 90 days written notice of an increase. For increases, the landlord must get approval by the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal at l-888-332-3234.

Plannedparenthood continued




a problem with us pulling out of the fair. The VAC is helpful to all volunteer organ&ions, and so when push came to shove, we wouldn’t risk having the VAC lose the proceeds of the fair because of us.” But, she responds to Letson’s comments that St. Jerome’s must uphold Catholic values, by saying that “the fact is that in April, when our name was submitted as one of the participants at the voIunteer fair, someone should have identified the problem then.” “There’s something else in question here, though, and that’s the fact that the student who is preventing us from participating is, in fact, saying that the money being donated to the VAC is a conditional gift.”

Are key money and deposits allowed? The largest deposit a landlord may demand is one month’s rent. This must be returned, with interest, at the end of the lease. Any additional charges, including key deposits, are illegal. Are postdated cheques allowed? _ A landlord is not allowed. to ask for postdated cheques. You can provide cheques if it is convenient for.you. Be careful if you do not have a lease because giving a cerlmin number of cheques could be understood as an agreement to stay for a certain length of time. Do I have a right to pri&y? Generally, your landloid has to give you 24 hours written notice prior to entering. There are a few exceptions to this rule: when emergency repairs must be done, if you have given a notice of termination and the landlord is showing your place to prospective tenants, or if you htive an agreement with your landlord to clean your place. Must I renew my lease? Once a lease expires, you do not have to sign another, even if the landlord wants you to. You automatically convert to a monthto-month lease. HOW do I get repairs done? Send the landlord a letter explaining what repairs are required, and asking for a response within a week, If no reply is given, come t6 our office and we will explain what to do next. Must I give a notice of termination? Even if you have signed a lease,youmuststillgiveatIeast60 days notice that you are leaving at the end of the lease. Your can pick up the required form from our office. C&I I iolunteer? Yes. If you are interested in volunteering fdr the LRO, call us or drop by the office and fill out a sign-up sheet, Training will be provided to new volunteers later this month.


nrhewakeofgsvernmentcuts and tuition increases, UW administration has been attacked about its ability to encourage new students to enrol. Forums during the summer, in which students were given an opportunity to question administration about these issues, allowed students to show their concern about enrolment and recruitment techniques.

academicadmission requirements, to participate in an inte.nsive and educational summer program. Six weeksofcIasses,costing$1000.00, prepared the students for additional exams, the results of which the university was prepared to evaluate for admission. The goal of the program is to give second chances to mark-deficient high school students who genuinely want to attend university.

printed in June of this year, further detailed U ofT’s relationships with corporate companies. So, how does University of * Waterloo, a researched-based university, side with respect to recruitment and contract-based research? Well, UW earned over one million dollars in royal ties, licence fees and equity income, as a result of UW academic work. +rther, university professors are

University of Toronto and Mr.~amesUniV~rSi~ of Windsor We ElCh?ly Efi$ Kalbfliesch, Vice President Acarecruiting new students. Is UW Lun~“,e, demic and Provresearch ost, assured conthey bring keeping up? . cerned students to the unithat UW’s reputation as one of the best schools in Canada ensures that UW will have no problems encouraging students to enrol. But this did little to ease students’ minds, especially when universities around Ontario are recrui ting aggressively, creating images of open-minded, progressive universities, prepared to adapt to student needs and requirements. Two prime examples are University of Windsor and University of Toronto. An article in the M&e and MOJVon September 8 featured University of Windsor’s newest effort at recruitment techniques. U ofW offered the opportunity for 12 students, who did not fulfil1 the

University of ‘Toronto’s appreach, on the other hand, is vastly . different. U of T’s policies for recruitment came to light last fall, as George Bush,‘ex-U.S. President and senior advisor to Barrick Gold Corporation, a company that donated money to the U of T for the development of a centre for international studies, was presented with an honourary degree. Students had already expressed concern, in the wake of a 400-million dollar fundraisingand recruitment campaign launched in 1995, that contractual agreements may legally tie U of T to obligations that threaten academic integrity. A mot-r on Business article,


versity it- . self. It is not clear, however, that this amounts to the control of academics by business at UW. Second, enrolment has been steadily decreasing since 1991; statistics show that undergraduate enrolment in 1997198 has decreased from last year, but only by 0.3%. Administration clearly indicated their confidence that UW’s reputation will ensure adequate numbers of applicants and thus quality admissions, especially when conditions for deregulation require an increase in enrolment in many faculties. They did not indicate whether more effort than usual is being dedicated to recruitment this year.




Come & Siee Us!’

Respondingto theVAC’s new commitment to stand behind its members values, she notes that “although they won’t approach it this way, it seems a lot like the VAC will simply be apologizing in advance for its members.” Planned Parenthood does provides information to people requiring information about sexual health,without pronoucingjudgement; but the agency itself is neither pro-choice,nor pro-life. But in response to pressure exerted by Catholic agencies, Planned Parenthood has even been prevented from belonging to United Way since 1976. When asked to explain why KW’s Planned Parenthood experiences so much more opposition than its affiliates in other regions, Randall says in exasperation, “KW is so amazingly conservative;” .


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18, 1998




18, 1998



rch ing for democratic alternatives by Helen




from various groups such as environmental, political and religious movements. He says that “it is important to know that a campaign against a transnational company like Shell Oil must be communicated and linked between several different groups with similar interests to be most effective.” Clarke is the founder and director of Polaris Institute, an organization which helps groups of citizens strive for democratic social change against increasingcorp,ora te political rule. Clarke insists that citizen groups, in partitular those

e are living in a new world that has radically changed,” says Dr. Tony Clarke, avisiting professor at UW this fall. “In the past people believed that governments were elected by the people, but in the. last 25 years nation states with democratic governments have turned into to transnational corporations.” Dr, Tony Clarke will instruct anewCanadianStudiescoursethis fall. ISSW~ in C-orporufe Power and 90 Zhicu/ Ethics will be held in MacKirdy Hall at St. Paul’s United College on Tuesday evenings. Clarke wiil velip critically examine Skills and tzE the “increasing in this new era . political power of of politically tfansnational car- _ powerfut porations in relatransnational tion to the nation state from the companies. One new skill that. standpoint of basic democratic many groups must learn is how to values and principles in Canada.” research the companies they are Clarkewill instruct the course ‘up against. as part of the Stanley KnowlesVisThe role of the Polaris Instiiting Professorship in Canadian tute is to help groups to acquire Studies. these skills and tools through workHe will also hold a special books and videos. lecture entitled C.4~&q$g&%= The Polaris Institute has porute Smrity Stute: Tde Seutxh for worked with CAM, the FederaDemwutic Al~e?~u&~s on Thurstion ofstudents, the PIRG groups, the MetroYouth Council and sevday, November 5 at the Humanities Theatre in Hagey Hall. eral other community based groups. The purpose of the course is to Dr. Tony Clarke is also a create an understanding, from a member of the board of directors of political standpoint, of the meanthe Council of Canadians and is ing of economic globalization. Chair -of the Committee on Transnational Corporations for the “When unaccountable and uncontrollable companies influence International Forum on Globalithe government, democracy, the zation. quality of life and the-values and Clarke’s publications include morals of society are put in jeopMAI: The Multilutmul hzvestmmt ardy,” Clarke says. 0 Agnemetat and the Thrrut to CunuClarke cited “coalition builddim &‘wenign@ and S&W Coup: ing” as one of his personal goals. Cottfrunting de Big BusirtRcs TakeHe hopes to brihg people together OVO- of Canada.


and political ~~h~e~~o~: ethics are on this term’s agenda.


8 c



by Kerry O’Brien, Lisa Johnson and Rachel Beattie (photos)



18, 1998

What is the wildesthrzqststupid thing you did during fresh week?


ulrantothetopofDanaPortertosing ‘Hanggilltough’.”


“lhssedasagirl,kissedsumeguys,and wentqhentaltotbetogaparQ.”

.ndik 1NArts

“I worked. That wasstupid. I should’vebeen PimfM” wa 1NARS




n around

“Danced in the cagesat the Lyric.”

“Jell0 wars and sandcrawls,”

Kiiaabdle 4AScience

Janaandjamie RerreatMnandLeisum

cun help.

the world,



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s Freud said, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” And sometimes, a tool is just a tool. When a tool Jecomes more than a tool, then there is a lro blem. Our story-begins over a week ago, luringFroshWeek,asIwasrunningabout :he campus, snapping photos of fresh peo?le doing frosh things. I found the engineering frosh up at Columbia Lake, engaged in fun activities under the watchful :yes of their frosh leaders. Just as I was [bout to move on from this happy scene, 1van pulled up, and the engineering frosh vegan to gather around in anticipation. what should emerge from the van, under :he guard of black-clad and hooded indiriduals, than The Tool itself. For those of you who have never encountered the tool, an explanation: The Iool is a five-foot pipe wrench, the mas:ot and symbol of engineering at UW. Back to our story: The Tool and its escort mounted a picnic table, as the frosh stood by and :hanted. Seeing an ideal photo opportunity, I fired off a picture. I was promptly pounced upon by an engineering frosh Brganizer, who indicated that I had taken an unauthorized photo of The Tool, and that 1 was not to use said photo. It appears thatTheToo1 is more than just a mascot, it is a “sacred” symbol, whose image is jealously guarded. Things have gotten just a little out of perspective, I think, Engineering is a university faculty. Ir ‘s not a megacorporation like Disney OI McDonalds, nor is it agovernment department or other non-governmental organieation. These sorts of entities need to protect their corporate logos from misuse. It is evidence of an overinflated sense of self-importance when engineering starts to act like these groups. One never sees people from math faculty behaving this way in regards to the pink tie. What bothers me far more than The Tool, however, is the group of individuals who accompany it-the “Tool Bearers.” This “honour guard” dresses in blackcoveralls, work boots, and yellow hard hats. The crowning obscenity of the uniform, however, is the black hood that is worn. The overall look is reminiscent ofa blackdyed Klu Klux Klan member. It is a sight that has bothered me since I first encountered it years ago. Masked annonymity is the province of armed thieves and terrorists. A hood is the trademark of the executioner, a symm bol for faceless violence. A symbol is defined by its context. A swastika, on the ceremonial dress of a native, represents peace. On a red flag or black uniform, it stands for hate and repression. Likewise, a pipe wrench can be 3 symbol of construction and creation. When chained to black-hooded thugs, however, it is loses any positive connotations, and devolves into a symbol of destruction and repression. With its fiercely-guarded symbols and secret rituals, UW’s Faculty of Engineering resembles less an organism of learning, and more a cult or secret masonic order. The modern world has no more place for archaic institutions such as these, The

UW Engineering


is cur-

rently trying to improve the image 01 engineering at UW. But acoat ofpaintwill do very little good when the frame itself is full of rot.

Market Crash: Oh yeah, we’re cool by Rob Schmidt ell, with all the recent economic turmoil I have one thing to say: “We told you so.” “What?” you are asking, “you haven’t said a thing about stocks or business, except for one or two articles that weren’t written byImprintstaff. “How can I say we told you so? . Well, the fact is, we don’t believe we are qualified to tell you what to do and the sad truth is many people on television or newspapers aren’t qualified either. At the very least they have another agenda. Think about it. They have every reason to tell you things are going to get better. Like it or not, media has an effect on society. The vast majority of talking heads (both oral and written) are stockholders themselves. Even after drastic drops, like we have seen recently, they won’t say: uN~w’s the time to put your money in bonds or in your sock” (They may tell you to put it in the bank but it’s a buck or so for a sock so forget banking it). Anyways, imagine the panic as everyone pulls out of the stock market due to that sort of speculation. I’m sure it has


been said that it isn’t so much that the Wall Street Journal knows what’s going on as it controlswhat’sgoingon. Backon track.The fact is that this latest bull run has been a result of investor confidence. What does that mean? Well, regular people have seen wonderful things in the stockmarketand said, “Damn, how can I get me some of that?” and they did, Mutual Funds used to be a much smaller portion of the investing market than they are now. People want less risk and big returns, and mutual funds promise just that. Notice: “Past performance does not guarantee future results” accordingtoTrimarkMutua1 Funds. I heard on CBC (I don’t like to admit that) “Don’t trust anyone under 40.” The reason? Young people will not have Zbeen hurt by previous market crashes (correc.tions). This is true but equally true is that a lot of those same people bitten before have been bitten again. “Qnce bitten, twice shy” -what about twice bitten? Watch for investor bitterness rather than shyness. I asked someone over 40 what 1987’s crash was like. My Dad said: “I didn’t lose


- -..-


any money but it took a lot longer to make money.” Let’s talk about the depression for a moment, During the 1920’s there was a drop in inflation and a growth in corporate profits. Investor confidence was high and many people who were not previously interested in the markets became intrigued by the ease of making substantial amounts of money. North Americans invested big. What resulted was an overvalued stock market that couldn’t be sustained. Are we looking at a depression? No, but I could be wrong. 7&Re~c&recently ran an article contemplating just that. The author and several experts suggested that 1998 has a Iot of similarity to 1929. There are two pieces of advice about investing I’d like to remind you of: “Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose,” and if the advisors knew 100 per cent what to do, why would they tell you? And regarding anything in this article that resembled advice or even an indication I knowwhat I’mtalkingabout, I’m here with my “Beware of Dog” or bull or bear sign.


Fee scheduling extinct?


would like the Fees Department to please congratulate yourselves today as you leave work. Together you have acco,mplished what no other person, organization or even the great power of the universe has been able to accomplish over the last five and a half years. You have forced me to give it up. And all over nothing. You see, for the past five parttime semesters I have taken one or two night courses to finish up my degree. I would faithfully call a kindly gentleman named Wayne Gatsby who would allow me to pay my tuition in two payments instead of one. Mr, Gatsby apparently understood that working full time to live, supporting another person and trying to put yourself through school on $1100 a month was difficult. In case you’re imagining that $1100 is a lot of money, think of all the things you would have to go without if that was your income. He would take me at my word, would kindly say that sending in one cheque for half by the cut-off date and another post-dated one would be fine and all would go on. Mr. Gatsby was taking only a slight risk, but I never let him down. When I called this year, I was informed that Mr. Gatsby was no longer available. I was referred to Joanna Chessure (my apologies if I have the incorrect spelling). Ms, Chessure informed me that the university no longer arranges fees. For anyone. When I asked for any documentation explaining the change so I could go to the appropriate people to hopefully arrange some alternative, I was abruptly informed that the change was just “decided upon,” there was “no documentation,” and no flexibility for exceptions of any sort. Now, I completely understand Ms.Chessure’s position. Her telephone manner was not totally scathing, and she is doing her best with what I know must be an overwhelmingly difficultjob. She even apologized for not being able to do anything. And I also understand the slippery slope implications of making the exception. But after spending the last three hours trying to see if I could perhaps borrow the money from someone, rearranging to pay the phone, electricity, or rent some other way, and even calling the bank to look into a short term small loan that they “just don’t do,” I am finally out of options. What about the parents, you say? Sorry. Both financially destroyed in the divorce. But couldn’t you... Maybe there’s some way... Nope, turns out there’s just no where else to go. I actually considered stealing it, but those damn ethics got in the way. Hey, anybody over there know a good loan shark? 1t’s a good thing that I can maintain the sense of humour. Through all the family upheaval, friends getting killed,

people committing suicide, sister’s breakdown, getting sick and running myself to exhaustion for four years just so I could finish, etc, etc, etc, I’ve always managed to keep the humour. I never thought, however, that the lack of one compromise would do what all those supposedly big traumatic events had failed to do. Wait, wait! I think I’ve got orie more good joke. How many administrators does it take to take away... Well, maybe that one isn’t so funny anymore. You know, I could blame the government, the University who pays presidents almost a million dollars or renovates steps when the money could be spent elsewhere, or any other convenient scapegoats; but I just can’t bring myself to. What’s the point? It doesn’t change anything anyway. But it’s not like this letter will either. People will sigh and give it its deserved amount of attention. (Almost zero, in case you’re wondering; but that depends on who you talk to). But keep in mind I could be your cousin, your neighbor, your son. But for the grace of God, I could be you. Maybe there is no point. Maybe it is just psychologically therapeutic for me to write, but I am not qualified to make that determination yet. I would need my degree for that. To think that I only had three more courses and then maybe I could have become a researcher, or clinician, or even got a better job or have even known that the enormous debts I’ve accumulated have been for something. No chance of that. But I’ll keep trying. Maybe I’ll have a better life next time around. Ifanyone sees Mr. Gatsby, please tell him I appreciated everything he and his staff did.

resume and cover letter to three different companiesnot nearly enough, but I got lucky. One replied, and offered me a placement for four months. This worried me as I was able to work for eight months. I was excited, but at the same time worried. I immediately started to ask around and I found that a professor of mine knew someone in Germany. He found me a placement foranother four months. That easily, I was prepared foreight months ofwork, being paid, and in Germany. Could I have been more lucky? These past months were an experience that I never would have had if I had stayed in Canada. I’ve met people from all over the world, visited countries that I never dreamed 1 could have visited, and learned about different cultures and styles of living. If you’ve ever had a dream to work or study in another country, now is the time to do it. You are young, you have the energy, and’ most of all, you have the time. Once school is out, you will be so busy trying to make ends mee’t that there will be no time for travel. Do it now, while you still don’t have any responsibilities, and remember the three words: Just do it! You would never believe that something so scary (for lack of a better word) could be so much fun!

CheapNet porn To the Ea?itor=


just recently came back from Germany, after spending eight months there for a Co-op work term. If you have ever felt like going on an exchange somewhere, I have three words for you (owned by Nike and told to me by a colleague in Germany with whom I worked): Just do it! I have taken on that new philosophy since being away. I can’t even describe my interesting experiences in such a short amount of space. I just wanted to share a small part of my experience with the rest of the student body. I started thinking about this challenge about six months before I was to start my last work term.

egarding the Frosh week issue’s article “US, legislation threatens freedom on the Internet” and a statement therein: “acure for cancer could be distributed at the speed of light to every corner of the planet, but so could a Nazi manifesto.” This statement implies that being able to distribute the Nazi manifesto is a bad thing. While most of us would agree that growth of the Nazi party and increased support for Nazi social/political views would be a bad thing, the distribution of radical political views should not be viewed as a bad thing. Our society should work to develop citizens who can filter through harmful ideologies and through discernment support views which develop our nation, rather than harm it. Having said that, it is a fine line to “communication anarchy” where anything goes. A minimal set of regulations are appropriate to balance people’s freedom of

I had been studying


JustDo It!




elective, and had thought perhaps I could combine my search for more chemistry knowledge with learning German. What better a place to do it than in Germany? I set out to find a job. The Coop department gave me a lead, and I jumped right in by sending off a

and society’s

need for

non-harmful media when the two .are in opposition. I would argue that an individual’s “freedom” to view pornography does not outweigh societies need to try and eliminate the objectification of women and the sex trade which are proliferated through pornography.

As with most things, the “freedom of expression” and Internet Blue Ribbon campaign(in support of free speech) are not black and white issues. The rights ofan individual are not greater than the rights of society if an individual’s actions are to the detriment ofsociety, but similarly society does not unilaterally have the right to control the actions of the individual. We must recognize this and work to find a balance when it comes to regulating the Internet.

ports. If you get a modem ($lO$50), it can also be used for websurfing and email. I hope that provides people with a more useful perspective on computing needs.



egarding the article entitled “A compu ter buyer’s guide,” I was quite disappointed. With the option of “wiring to the Internet” in many residences, dial-in access, and thousands ofnew frosh, a significant number of UW students are likely considering the value of owning a computer. This article seemed to imagine that students have deep pockets, and that most students are looking for PCs that will run games with blazing speed, specmcular graphics, and throbbing sound. I do not believe this is the case, and I would like to share some more practical information for those who want a PC for academic use. First off, printers are a critical component of any computer system. You should either be able to borrow someones, or load your work on campus computers and print from there. Inkjet printers are the best deal for quality now, and run from $50 (used) to $200 (or more for colour). Used laser printers can also be found for $lOO$200 and new ones for $300. The following is my opinion of a very good non-gaming computer. 32 Megabytes of RAM is good, although 16. will work adequately. Any 100MHz or faster processor (Intel, AMD, or Cyrix) will easily be sufficient for student needs. An 8x or 10x CD-ROM is necessary as most software is distributed via CD-ROM and not on disk. A 1 or 2 Megabyte PCI video card and a 14” or 15” monitor provides ample resolution and viewing space. 17”or larger are nice, but very expensive. Any sound card will do. Fancy speakers are not necessary. A 28.8K modem is sufficient-any faster, and you won’t notice much of a difference. A 1 Gigabyte hard drive is large enough for most people. Such a system can be found used for about $500. Check the Pennysaver, usedcomputer stores, the newsgroups “UW.Forsale” and the For Sale bulletin boards in the SLC. Anewsystemwith theabove options costs around $1000, and if you have an old computer with VGA monitor, many stores will do upgrades to such a system for$400 or less. For even

less, you can get an

older Windows 3.1 system that works very well $400 should be enough to get a used 486 DX33, with 8 Megabytes of RAM, Windows 3.1, Word version 4, Excel and all the trimmings (mouse, keyboard and.14” monitor). This will work just fine for essays and reI

In the poorhouse

recently came down to thermprint offices to demand my hardearned $4.10 bat k from your clawing, greedy hands. Sure, I read the paper, find it informative, insightful, and funny, but that doesn’t mean I should pay for it, goddammit. I mean, what do they have to pay for? Free paper is easy enough to find if you white out everything you find in the recycling bins on campus, Printing? Pshaw. Obviously, you lazy bastards atImprint never even &ought of writing the paperoutby hand.Thenyoucould sell off the computer systems and give me an even bigger refund. But you know what’s really got my goat by the gonads? I told all my friends about my harrowing journey to the dank and slimy offices to reclaim my valued $4.10, and now they’re calling me a cheap-ass bastard and refusing to come to my house for cricket-andCheesy Poofs days. They’ve disowned me and have forever barred me frond going to Loose Change’s on weekends. So what if I panhandle for tier money before we go in? I say, if the sucker’s enough of a dumbass to real& I’m not a bum in my faded Rush T-shirt, then -I deserve their money? , $4.10 is no drop in the bucket for a university student. We have a lot of expenses. Food, beer, clothes, beer, toothpaste, beer, toiletpaper, beer, and of course, Mike’s Hard Lemonade. That was four bucks I was going to use to put my own bastard son through college, and maybe have enough for a Joe Louis afterwards. But you bastards have to make it so goddamn hard on me. I hate you. Reclaiming my fee ruined my life. I have since had to drop out because, after obtaining my muchcoveted $4.10, I became powerdrunk, flew to Vegas, and blew all of it on one hand of blackjack. I won, won again, bet it all, and lost horribly. Now I sleep on a park bench with only old copies of Imprint to keep me warm. Damn you and your $4.10. Damn you fo hell! - Wes Cumu/ho Formerly 4A Accounting






18, 1998

The BeszDispenser by Mark l&z

ThoseLazy, Hazy, Crazy Daysof Summer


41, after nearly flunking out of first year, working off my debt the entire summer, and dealing with deaths, disease, emotional turmoil, and a host of other mis,cellaneous problems and obstacles which life threw at me in its &al fashion, I’m back. Miss me? Thought not. But I’m back anyhow, and boy, what a summer it was! Perfect for a nihilist like myself. Nuclear scares, global recession, our dollar fluctuating more than an overachiever at a bobbing-for-apples stand, and basic weather warnings all over. Oh, and Corr’xklla too. Let’s recap: Summer movies seem to eclipse all, don’t they? I didn’t know what to focus on more: Pakistan, India, or the Ammgddo&ou!xil/a/XFiles pre- hype. But that doesn’t really matter anyway. Not when Nuclear extinction faces the Indian subcontinent. Both sides racing for more weapons, neither looking at a map to see where their enemy is. Someone sooner or later will look out a window and see their enemies homes and say, LLWow, they’re pretty close, aren’t they?” Course, why worry about that, when the biggest question that month seemed to be, “Do Mulder and Scully finally kiss?” What else happened? Oh, Bill Gates has beaten America and has brought out Windows 98, which will force all of us to buy patches and upgrades until the next millennium. And Bill will be there. Unfortunately, I think he’ll beat death too. Somehow, he’ll find a way. Yet, deep in my dreams, I hope and pray that when he is past a normal life-span, when he is

hooked up to machines and computers needed to keep his heart and brain going, I hope he uses his own software to run his life-support system. That way, we can all laugh when he suddenly dies because the doctors put in an incompatible heart. Qh, what sweet revenge that would be. Bill Clinton. Just saying the name now brings groans. I know it’s all been said before, but I have to say, what man wouldn’t want to have sex in the Oval Office? It’s practically an American wet dream, and they are making a good President who happens to have loose pants and interns suffer. But they have a better dollar. Maybe 01’ Jean should sleep around. Lift up our dollar. Now, kill the discussions on this. Please. Course, that’s not all. Not by far. Firestorms in Florida, Frank Sinatra dying, Phil Hartman murdered, pollution warnings, the World Cup (with soccer hooliganism), Ireland getting medieval on its own ass (I guess if you want the job done right...), Indonesia changing governments, and our dollar sinking like theTitanic because of Japan’s economic woes. I’d give my two cents on each of these, but I just don’t have time, Now, with the year coming tu a close faster than Mel Lastman writing a letter to a Spice Girl, I only can wonder what will happen in the last four months before the final year of the century and millennium (which may prove to be more final than we expect, if you believe the hype). Well, whatever happens, I want front row, because I’m sure it won’t be as dull as this summer.

Beyond T

n 1997, General Motors, Genera1 Electric and Microsoft were among the top 10 most profitable, largest corporations on the Fortune 500 list. As these corporations, and many others, reap big rewaids, they tighten their stranglehold overour lives. They impact the food we the eat, clothes we wear and the television we watch. They also influence decisions about oureducation. The 1998/99 academic year shall be a key turning point in the transformation of post-secondary educational institutions. Recent changes to funding and policy in universities have been characterized by new levels of deregulation and corporate control -so much so that it is now a myth that there exists in Canada a universal, publicly funded, and accessible postsecondary education system. The federal government has continued to make cutbacks, changed the Bankruptcy Act, and implemented the Millennium Scholarship Fund. Provincial governments have deregulated user (tuition) fees. Such policy initiativesemphasize private, rather than


McWorld - Corporate Rule and You public, fundingofthe post-secondary education system; transfer the costs of education to individual students, and serve to strengthen a

greater than the combined net worth of the poorest 40 percent of Americans? Next Wednesday, September 23 at 6 p.m. in the Multi-pur-

It is now a myth that there exists in Canada a universal, publicly funded, and accessible post-secondary education system. private, exclusive system. This leads to a deeper student debt crisis and greater social inequities. The Millennium Fund shall soon become a private entity, funded by the corporate sector. People have become great corporate targets. You know, the Nike lifestyle: the “sports utility vehicle” image and the popular Hilfiger and Klein attitude style. How much of your independent thinking do they own? Corporations invest a lot of money, time and energy in appealing to youth. How much time and energy do we invest in learning about these corporations? What are their practices, labour ethics, profits, CEO salaries and what else do they manipulate and control? What about the fact that Microsoft chief, Bill Gates’ net worth is

~~~~?~f 9

WPIRG hosts the premiere screening of “Beyond McWorld: Challenging Corporate Rule.” It is the first video in Canada to provide a real snapshot of the emerging global movement against corporate rule. Tony Clarke, author of T/re silent Coup: Confronting Big Business Take-wemfCmda is our guest speaker. Youth activist Sarah Dopp will introduce operation 2000, a project of the Polaris Institute. Everyone is welcome! Activate yourself!

U W’s own Chilean Labourer by John Lofranco /mprint s&iT


hen I started my interview wi th Ren6 Crespo about his experience with the Chilean coup d’etat that took place in 1973, he asked me if we would be afraid to print things that might be a bit - not offensive - but counter to the historically accepted view point. I told him we would have no problem. So bear in mind that the events that are about to be recounted are not only true, and have been lived through by this very man who works along side us here on campus, but they are quite surprising, and may even seem surreal at times. Though it might sound like someofthisisrightoutofamovie, it is not. Also please note that this is Renk’s story and I am simply paraphrasing his words. The first part of the story is highly historical, incredible, and also true. Chilean society has always been highly politically conscious. Organised labour played a very prominent role in achieving this consciousness. This came at some price in human life and suffering. ;Society in Chile in the early part of this century was run by elite political and economical groups and professionals. In order to prevent unrest in the lower workingclasses, sometimes these groups would make some changes to allow workers to believe that the path to happiness was the one on which they were travelling. This was likely due to much pressure by the worker’s unions, as we11 as student activism which was high in Chile from the beginning of the century on, The students and workers were very united, and bonded against economic oppression. When one was in high school, one would be already active in the student federation, not just to have fun but to assume consciousness ofwhat was going on, to take responsibility for your actions, and to take a place in society in order to improve on fairness, justice atid the quality of life. Not all chose to participate, but the vast majority did, and this made Chileans feel good about themselves, that they were not just a number, but a person, a human being with responsibilities towards society. The culmination of this social consciousness was the election of Salvador Allende as President in 1970. Prior to his attempts at the presidency, Salvador Allende was minister of health, under Chile’s first “social democrat” president. In 1934 he helped

pass laws protecting pregnant women in the work place, as well as the young and old in the workforce. He also dared to say that Chile’s rich copper mines, which produced 75% of the national income, was the salary of the Chileans. He could not stand that thesecopper mines on Chilean soil, mined by Chilean workers, were owned and operated by American companies. Sohe suggested the nationalisation of these mines. In 1954 the Copper Corporation of Chile was created to keep an eye on how their natural resources were used by foreigners. The system they had in place was imperial, even mercantile in nature. They mined the copper in Chile, paying only $. 12 per pound, refined it in the U.S.A., removing other valuable metals such as gold silver and then sold it back in the form of electrical wires and other final products for $.30 a pound. But by the 1970’s, the country and it’s workers had achieved what can be accurately described as a socialist utopia. This state came about as a result of the rule of Salvador Allende, a political veteran of 24 years before he was elected. No one believed that he would be elected. He tried four times before he was successful. Allende became a senator, and then ran for president. The first two times he was far back, but the third time he was extremely close. That was 1964. The President elected was Eduardo Frei, a Social Democrat who’s slogan was “Revolution and Freedom.” It sounded lovely, but it didn’twork. He didn’t manage to get the copper mines out of the hands of the Americans. The vote was close, but Allende was not elected, primarily due to a visit from Juanita CastroFidel’s sister2’4 hours before the election. She spoke on television and radio about how bad it would be if Allende was elected. She prophecied that, if he was elected, there would be an invasion of Russian influence and oppression. She managed to frighten the workers, and Allende lost the presidential race. For the next election, a front called Popular Unity Movement was formed, uniting all the leftist parties, labour organisations, social organisations and Christian groups in Chile. Their collective candidate of choice was Salvador Allende. The day before the election in 1970, the major Chilean newspaper owned by the vice-president of Pepsi-Cola in New York (a Chilean man), showed a pid-

ture of the front of the Presidential house with two Russian tanks on the front lawn, with the caption that this is what would happen if Allende was elected. This time the propaganda didn’t work. Between the time he was elected on September 4 and when he was officially sworn-in sixty days later, there were instructions from the CIA to American bases in Panama to stop Allende from becoming

bought, with a back seat to carry his brother or sister around. Rene payed for it in 12 monthly installments. This was before Allende’s arrival. During Allende’s presidency Rem5 bought a 48-inch TV set for which he paid cash, and took a taxi to the city to pick it up. The President has a summer residence on the coast, in the tourist area of ViIla de1 Mar. It is a

Ren6Crespo - UW maintenance worker who laboured in Chile. photo bv lank lim

President, whatever the cpst. As a result, paramilitary groups of the ultra-right ofChile killed the commander-in-chief of the Chilean army, Ren6 Snyder, in October of 1970. He was killed because he opposed any American influence in the Chilean army. Carlo Pratt was his replacement, and he took the same stand as his predecessor. One of the first things he did when he was elected was nationalise the copper mines. He paid the American copper corporations a fair indemnification for the return of the mines to Chilean hands. Allende made many other swift changes to help the working class. Perhaps too swift. The changes were wide-sweeping and affected the entire nation. There were vast changes in the quality of life of the poor in Chile, though not necessarily at the expense of the rich. For example, in 1963 Rene’s son was born. At Christmas-time the next year, he was old enough to ride a tricycle which Rene

palace for use only by the President, his family and his close friends. When he became President, Allende said that it was a Chilean property which belongs to Chileans. He opened up the palace as a resort for the top students in Chile to come for one week vacations in the summertime. From grade one to postgraduate university students, groups of them came, all paid for by the state, with artists who entertained for free and sometimes visits by the President himself. No Chilean President, before or since has ever done that. Social Services offices provided needy children with clothes, and every school child in the country had half a litre of milk, by decree of law. When Rene first started working with the Chilean Tobacco Company in 1968, there was a lady who came to the door every morning selling fresh homemade bread for the workers to have with their coffee. One day she did not show up. After a couple days he asked the other

workers what had happened. It turned out she died of tuberculosis. She was a former Tobacco Company worker who couldn’t survive on her pension. This was before Allende. When Allende became President in 1970 Chileans went deep into the most beautiful dream. It was a revolution, not Ii ke in Cuba, but a civilised one, according to their own political and social reality. They were making changes, for the better. But that dream could not survive, The best Chile could hope for, accoiding to Mr. Crespo, was that Allende would survive his six year term. In all likelihood, due to economic pressures, the right wing party candidate would have been victorious in the next election, and that would be the end of the dream. Unfortunately, the right wing parties of Chile, assisted by the CIA, U.S. President Nixon and Henry Kissinger (who was, ironically, a Nobel Peace Prize winner), planned to put an end to this dream even sooner. Distributors ofcertain important products in Chile, such as nipples for baby bottles, were paid many American dollars to throw their inventory into the river. This lack of goods caused, as it was intended to, complaints about the government. There was a nation- wide strike of the transport truck drivers, backed by the reactionaries that stopped the country cold in 1972. The reactionaries were trying their hardest to convince the people that the government was at fault. On June 29,1973 there was a dry run for the coup d’etat that was-to occur on September 11 of that same year. One commander of a tank regiment tried to take over the Presidential plaza, but he was turned away by the commander-in-chief of the army. Unfortunate1.y there were some deaths. The minister of defensc was killed, as was the chief of police and guard of the Presidential house. That guard had told the rebels when he was called to surrender that he would die first. But this was just a rehearsal. The workers managed to hold on to control during this coup, and avoided giving up to the fascists who were trying to take over. They held strongly and would likely have died to keep their factories, though they didn’t have to this time. Although the workers could smell the army boots around the corner and the country awaited the big confrontation, they excontinued

to page 16





Friday, September 18, 1998







519-893-9000 i-net: fairviewacura.com


here you are: tenth row on the floor for your favourite Canadian rock band. The lights go down and you are ready to see them live for the very first time. One last check bythe roadies, and out they come! Led by the lead singer who is dressed in a.... Just then a huge Canadian flag shoots up in front of you, blocking your view of the band you paid $40 to see, not just hear. Written across our country’s standard, in what looks to be black paint, is the title to the band’s latest hit single. The flag bearers, loaded on warm expensive beer, scream incoherently at the stage. A couple of songs go by, and even though the band has already played the song emblazoned on the flag, and many other favourites, these big boys dressed in Claude Lemieuxfleam Canada hockey jerseys are getting more and more agitated. You still can’t see. A young woman body-surfs overhead and the crowd is more than helpful in getting her through, until she gets ta the two university age apes who have since dropped the flag (so now you can see, except that they’re now standing on the Maple Leaf) and are “helping” the crowd surfer by keeping her breasts afloat. She

and comescrashing down. Meanwhile up in the front row, similarly sized men are crushing girls much smallerthan they are up against the railing because apparently the guys have a big crush on the drummer, too. Must be the whiskey; better get rid of that bottle. So some drunkard throws his mickey on to the stage, nearly maiming the lead singer. He stops the show and points out the pitcher of ill repute, telling him he’s not wanted as a fan anymore and he’s free to go. In protest, he also sings the next song standing still, taunting anyone to hit him, since he’s now an easy target. These episodes are all true, coming from various concerts I’ve been to, featuring my favourite Canadian band, The Tragically Hip. Quite honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such arrogant behaviour at concerts with other Canadian bands. At a Blue Rodeo concert, also featuring 54*40 and The Cowboy Junkies, there were big guys getting in the way, but it seemed to me it was because they were just big guys, not because they were hammered. And there were Canadian flags, but they were tastefully deployed. Gord Downie of the Hip has loses her balance

Horrorscope by the lmprlnt /mprint stiff






Friday nights aIune...just you, your Kraft Dinner, and South Park are all that await you in the foreseeable future. The Internet will become your home, your life. But don’t despair. Ever cloud has a silver lining, and amidst the endless impersonal e-mails and web pages you can be sure of one thing: at least you’re not a Taurus.

Libra Mars figures prominently in your life once again, Libra. Only you can tame this and turn it toward a greater good. You’re not crazy; twtqotre 0tfG else is. Like it or not, a brassiere, a tube of toothpaste, and a Honda Accord will figure prominently this week.


104 King street s. water100 (across from Waterho

Town Square}


DON’T HAVE SEX THIS WEEK! I cannot begin to stress the importance of this! Whatever pleasure you think you might get from it, Mercury comes bearing everything from STDs to broken condoms and broken hearts. Succumb at your own risk.

Sagittarius With



this month,

you will feel the undeniable

Man, to ‘Wed; 9:30-230, Thurs. & Fri. ‘til8:00, Sat. 9:30-5:30 Opening Sundays this Fall after Thanksgiving Prolxietors: The full-figwed females formerly of Full Circle Foods: Eileen Grogan & Chris Marcel1

urge to

purchase a computer with a GORGEOUS, translucent, bondi-blue case. Resistance is futile. Your PCloving friends are all misguided disciples of Bill Gates. Have no fear: your search for a blind religious zeal is at an end!

Have you been feeling out of place in the universe lately? Wondering where you’re going and what it’s all about? I know what you’re going through. Polaris, the North Star, which has shown lost sailors the way home for centuries won’t be doing yotr any favoursany time soon. Direction awaits you in GER 351.

Aquarius So, was last Wednesday night at the Bomber everything you hoped for? Did you wah’y expect to find happiness in a pair of stitch-on pants and a shoulder-length top? What about love? What about commitment? Was a night of senseless unbridled (or bridled-as you prefer) gratification all that satis.. *never mind.

Pisces A world of pleasure awaits you if only you can summon the patience to take up the ancient art of massage. It’s all in the thumbs, but a little strawberryscented oil never hurt. Beware of pot-smoking long-haired hippie-Jesus-freaks. Colour of the week: purple.


So you think you have all the wild and crazy you’re ever going to need? Hah! Live on the edge! Take a chance! Cultivate an interest in counq music and line-dancing! (The stars predict that amidst denim and rhinestones, you will meet tht person of Unfortunately, your your dreams. spouse will not approve.)

been quoted as saying he doesn’t think flags are appropriate at concerts. He says that the music is not “Canadian” per se, just written by Canadian guys, and the flags are an almost American style jingoism. I have to disagree. First of all, Americans are as disgusted by Hip fans’ use of Canadian flags at concerts as Gord and I are., An American would never write or stand on his or her own flag. .I think that it’s okay to respectfully wave the flag at a concert, just as one might at a sportingevent. The Hip are part of the “Team Canada” of music, so to speak, and we should wave the flag to support them. MattJohnsonofS4’4Oagrees that it can be a problem for bands like the Hip who are trying to break through into the American market. When they play border towns and Canadian fans buy up all the tickets, that doesn’t help the band’s exposure, he says; but at shows in Europe, for example, it’s more understandable because the band represents a piece of home for travelling Canucks, and that’s okay. I guess the point is, if you’re going to wave the flag, don’t be an asshole, or you’ll blow our Canadian stereotype of being friendly, nice, and polite!

Taurus Don’t be a dink.

Nobody owes you anything, least of all respect. Thdre’s no use whining about it. Unless you learn to start standing on your own two feet, the world is going to use you like a throw rug over a puddle on the road to somewhere else. Betelgeuse will show you the way.

Gemini Sirius is bringing good, cushy, government employment into your future. You wifl have benefits, acube to call your own, and an endless supply of office supplies to abscond with. You will have responsibility and the power to make decisions. Now it’s up to you: will you dig the holes or to fill them in?

Cancer Have you cleaned out your fridge yet? You didn’t avoid Scorpios, did you. Not goad. Those Scorpios are renowned for being jerks, and one of them has decided to try to infiltrate your life. Unfortunately, having recovered from last week’s downer, you will be riding a high and won’t nocice.

Leo You have enemies in places you didn’t even know you had. As you read this, they-no,d+is plotting against you. Since leaving the country is not an option right now, be sure to keep one eye open at all times. If respite is a must, temporary shelter may be sought at Queen%. Remember: he has al! your passwords, copies of your keys, ad your PIN.




18, 1998




Success 101:the math way course provides the ideal environment for taking those “Powerful Lessons in Personal Change.” It’s not just academic success, ave you heard about the business success and success with newest course at Waterother people.These are the very loo? You may have heard principles of su?cess that you can that it isn’t just the newest, but apply to everything in all areas of also the hottest. Perhaps you are wondering, why? Because this is your life. We’ll be learning about ways not a course. At least, it is not what we usually mean by “course.” L of defining success and achieving that success. We recognize that This one is offered primarily by students for the students.There ’ each of’us is unique, and successful may mean many different are no enrollment restrictions things depending on the indiwhatsoever. Everyone is welvidual, What is your definition of’ come! success? You may already be familiar You may be somewhat interwith the textbook TheSmen Habits of HighlyEffectivePeopleby ested in this, but not really beStephen R. Covey. We were surcause you are already taking five prised to learn how many people courses and you wouldn’t dream know this remarkable book. Well, of taking a sixth one! You are not it’s a #1 bestseller anyway. If alone. Mariy students think like that. But remember, this is not a you’ve read it, you know what we are talking about. If not, this course. At least not like regular


cpurses. There are no exams, no t&ts and no assignments, whatsoever. But what you learn may prove to be the most important thing you’ve ever learned. There is a saying: “Time is money.” We think that time is more important than money. We know that your time is valuable and you know that you should spend,-or rather, invest it wisely. Just how much of your time is needed to take this course, anyway? Let’s do the math together: There is a half- hbur lecture and a one-hour discussion per week and that is one and a half hours of class time altogether. There are about 30 pages to read from ehe textbook before each lecture. Suppose that you read really slowly and it takes one and a half minutes to read a page. Honestly, I tried and I couldn’t read any

slower than that. Thirty times one and a half minutes is 45 minutes. Then suppose that ie takes you an extra 20 minutes to get to the class and another 20 to get back. Now, one and a half hours class time plus 45 minutes reading plus 40 minutes travelling equals two hours and 55 minutes. Let’s add another five minutes to get three hours because it’s easier to count with. Now you have three hours per week Considering that there are -168 hours in a week three hours doesn’t seem too much. That is 1.78 per cent of your week And remember, we’ve included everything in that 3 hours. How much time do you spend on your other courses? Studying for exams? Doing your assignments? Watching TV? Furthermgre, one of the things you’ll be learning is how to manage your

time, or rather, how to manage yourself, and you’ll find out that by investing that three hours you can save much more than three hours of the week. Given that this is a ten week course it’ll be 30 hours altogether. The Fall term is 15 weeks long and that is 2520 hoursThis is actually 1.19 per cent of the term and the actual time spent in the classroom is less than 0.6%! And remember that you are investing this time, not just spending it! We believe chat the most important investment we can make is investing in ourselves, IfyoWcome to our first meecing, you can learn more about the course and decide if it’s worth that much of your time. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

RUnni.ngfor a great cause l

by Kate Schwass spedal tu /mprht r


ou haye just one more week to get involved in the St. Jerome’s Charity Run. The events, which started on September 13, will run until September 27, The Run includes many

different eyents, so there’s bound to be something for everyone. There will be a tour of the Brick BrewingCompany(with free samples!) and a triptocasino Niagara, which anyone’can sign up for at the Turnkey Desk in the Student Life Centre. There will also be an Oscar

Fedback by Shelley Flynn VP hmtenral speck/ to /mprint


ey Everyone! It’s great to see all you on campus. Summer just wasn’t the same without you! I am so excited to tell you about the Federation of Students firstannual”FEDSWEEK,“September 2 1-26. I’ve spent the summer planning out a cheap, funfilled week for all of you FEDS Members (if you’ve paid your Fed fee, that’s you). Starting Monday morning and continuing throughout the week, you can get free coffee and a Ground Zero breakfast card at: the FED Office. Monday night, we are kicking off NFL Football at the Bomber, with free pool and nachos. On Tuesday, Ground Zero is celebrating its first birthday, and we have free cake and samples (made by our new chef) all day long. Tuesday night is a highlight of the week, as the Bombshelter will become the Bombswick House. Watch Jughead in concert and check out our $2 spe- cials, balloon hats and socials. Make sure you get there early,

because it will be super busy! Wednesday at noon, you can get a free BBQ lunch at the Bomber. There will be live entertainment, juggling and sunshine. All ages are welcome! Wednesday night is Rock n’ Roll night. . enough said. The FEDS are proud to present Spirit of the West Thursday night at Fed Hall. Tickets are $12 for FEDS, $15 for nonFEDS, and can be purchased at the FED Office. The week isn’t over yet! On Friday, we have Rick Bronson, a nooner comedy’act at the Bomber. Finally, on Saturday, you can catch the bus to watch the Warrior Football team crush York at their homecoming. Tickets are on sale at the FED office. After the game you can relax only for a moment and then head up to Fed Hall for Set It Off 1948. The best part of the week is the all the free prizes and giveaways. You can’t win unless you’re there. Well, that’s your FEDS Week. Get out and enjoy it,‘cause it won’t happen again until this time next year. On a side note, tickets for Western’s Homecoming football game against the Warriors are on sale in the Fed Offrce. 1’11 see you this week!

Movie Marathon, a Penny Raffle, and, of course, the Charity Run. The Run itself begins with Opening Ceremoniesen Septembgr 25 at 11:OO a.m. The actual, Charity Run began in the 1970s and is a relay race around Ring Road that lasts for 48 hours straight. Runners get sponsois, and all the money raised goes to a local charity. This year’s chosen charity is the Volunteer Action Center

(VAC) in Waterloo. The VAC held a Volunttier Fair at St. Jerome’s on September 15 and 16. If you missecf the fair but would still like to volunteer at any of the over 125 charities in the Kitchener-Waterloo region, you can call the office between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Co-chairs for the Charity Run are Andrea Casciato and Diane Giroux. These two have donated

a lot of time and effort to make this year’s Run a successful one. They hope that this one will be one of the best ever. If you’re interested in the* day- to-day events, there is a huge calendar in the Community Center at St. Jerome’s University. You’ll have tin, and be supporting a great cause, too. It is a wonderful way to feel as though you have doqe some good while it university. See you-there!

*Sexy but ..+P .:: ‘4 no lace.


*ta. ,e feet.

Exclusively in Waterloo at 133 Weber Street N. 746.4983






More continued




pected to be fighting on the side ofthose in the army who remained loyal. Unfortunately, there was no loyal side. Those in the army who were sympathetic to the changes in Chile were arrested and were unable to try to fight back against the coup. On the afternoon of September IO, however, the general manager of the Tobacco Company



called all the union leaders together for a big meeting. These meetings were a semi-common occurrence, but usually only took place when there were big issues to be discussed. This meeting went from about five o’clock in the afternoon to past midnight, discussing fairly trivial things. As a result of the lateness of the meeting, the general manager told them that they could come into work late the next day.

This was suspicious, but when he got home, Rend told his wife, not to wake him until 8 the next morning. The next day at that time, his wife woke him to tell him that the President was on the radio’saying goodbye. Allende was offered American dollars and a plane ticket to Florida if he would surrender. One of the most poignant images of this ‘story is a picture taken of the Chilean President


Friday, September 18, 1998

in Chile standing on his balcony shooting a machine gun at the planes that were bombing his house. He died fighting. Because thty were told to come in late, the workers were now locked out of their jobs. They were eventually let back in to work, though the factories were under the control of the revolutionaries and the workers could do nothing to fight back. On the way out, they rounded up all-the

union leaders, bused them to concentration camps where they tortured them mercilessly, demanding names and locations of hidden weapons. There were no names and there were no weapons. Unfortunately, RenC was one of those taken away. The story of his sufferings and how he got out make for an exciting story.

All aboard the St. Jacob’s bus! by the Ombudsperson q5eclaJ to /mpr/nt


he St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market Bus starts this Saturday, September 19, 1998. For $2.00, students will be able to able to purchase a ticket to

get on the bus which will take *them to and from the Market for one hour of shopping. Crafts, fresh produce, meats, cheeses, and flea market buys are all part of this famous market. Students may buy their tickets at the Turnkey Desk and

wnlcomp4!flixk! 10% Student Discount

choose either the 900, lO:OO, or 11:OO a.m. departure times. The bus leaves from the Student Life Center loading dock, off the Ring Road. This bus service was brought about by the Office of the Ombudsperson when the need for students to have access to affordable, fresh food became apparent. This service is jointly subsidized by the Ombudsperson and the Federation of Students. So jump on board and enjoy just one of the many services offered to you here at University of Waterloo.

For a great

ride, come

to the SK. Imprint

file photo

Speakingof Ombudspeyson..... by the Ombudsperwn

speclld to Imprint


The World’s Largest Second-#and Goods Dealer. BUY l SELL 9 TR DE USED GOODS e Stereo’s, Word Processors, Cameras, CD’s, Sporting Goods, Household Appliances

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&YFTue 0~10 a.m. to 8 pa & Fri. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m, bturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 4 p-m.

Wed ifws.



he Office of the Ombudsperson is a free, confidential &vice which is available to all faculty, staff, and students at the University of Waterloo. The Ombudsperson’s duties include offering recommenda-

tions and resources to those with concerns, investigating complaints and recommending solutions, and seeking systemic change when necessary. The Ombudsperson assists with such issues as academic petitions and appeals, policy and procedure clarification, landlord and tenant problems, direction with regard to financial aid, assist-

ance with raisingconcerns regarding ethical behaviour and legal help through the Lawyer Referral Service. The office is autonomous and confidential. You may contact the Ombudsperson by calling ext. 2402 or drop by at room 2128.in the Student Life Centre. You can e-mail rhe Ombudsperson at: mniille@waterservl .uwaaterloo.ca.

Seeking the truth by Sara Hope speda/ to fmpfht


here are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the w&y, and not starting.” A profound statement from Buddha. Afthough Buddha wasn’t a university student with lofty things like textbooks and beer to think about, he did have a point. And your opportunity to start on the road to truth may begin at an unlikely time. In the middle of Fresh Week, UW’s only official student-made statutory holiday, who would think to begin an investigation of truth? It is tempting to have the mentality of Meat Loaf: “Who am I, why am I here? Forget the question, someone give me an-



Butt& me, there’s something more. If you are a seeker of truth and a philosopher - a lover of wisdom - there are many others like you on campus. We welcome you to join us in our pursuit- of the

truth. Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer once said, “Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now-always and indeed then most truly when it seems unsuitable to actual circumstances.” Some would think that univcrsity is a very unsuitable time to search for meaning in life - there are better things to think about. Like tuition. Like books. Andyes, to some of you, like beer. But there must be so.qething more! Go ahead, take a chance! Test the waters at the Christian clubs here at UWI Come doubting, be-

cause as Cicero said, “By doubting we come at truth.” For those of you who hate religion, I have news for you, so do I! But I love truth. Truth fears no questions. Almost two thousand years ago, Jesus said, ‘“Ask and it wit1 be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7,8) Are you looking for the truth? Keep looking, and you will find Him.




18, 1998

It’s all Greek to me by Joel Fe&t special to /mprint


he Fr.aternity & Sorority Awareness Club (FSAC) proudly presents Rush ‘98, your chance to see and be a part of the Waterloo Greek society with the Sigma Chi Fraternity and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. _ This is an open invitation to all UW students who want more out of their university experience and want to have a good time, eat free food, and meet new people. But, before you flip the page because you think the Greeks are arrogant, self-centred preps, let me assure you: this isn’t Western. Times have changed since the days of yore when fraternities and sororities were only interested in two things: beer and getting laid. Nor should you expect them to be as shown on the ever-popular Btw~$ Hills 90210. Just like our school, Sigma Chi and Kappa Kappa Gamma are filled with a diverse crowd, possessing different tastes, talents, and convictions. The Waterloo Greek society is filled with people just like you. So please, don’t cling to your old notions of Greek life until you’ve checked us out. Now, you’re probably wondering what you, a high-minded and caring individual, would be doing once involved in the Greek

system. You want to make the world a better place? Well, we want the same things you do. How in the world do we do that? Well, first of all, we involve ourselves with volunteer and philanthropic organizations like The Red Cross Society, The Adopt-AHighway Program, and the Waterloo Food Bank. Second, we ensure that students can have fun in a completely worry-free environment. Do you want drunk drivers on the road? Neither do we! That’s why we’re organizing the Oktoberfest buses that will take students safely to their homes. Still don’t feel safe? The Walksafe program was started by a Greek. This is just another of the many ways we are looking out for your best interests. Third, and most importantly, we help develop lifelong friendships both within and outside of the Greek system. We’re here to help you make the most of your university experience. So, if you missed us during Club Days and want to find out more, come out to one of our many events going on until September 26. But you better hurry, Rush ‘98 won’t around forever, so don’t miss out on an i’ncredi ble experience! For event sch&Z~s or fudw infumatiun,pZeuse fed fm toLa/Z &a/l: sigma Chi: Joel @I 886-9938 Kappa Kappa Gamma: Kanw @ 8854334


ATTESTION AIiL’99 GRADS: ONCE AGAIN THIS YEAR GRAD PHOTOS WILL BE TAKEN Am FederationEall , Photo Session see schedule in your society office FACUHT


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The World Wide Wait? Gimmeabreak by Damn Sphzig h?pf..nt stM


he World Wide Web is changing the way the T world works. And the impact it has is increasing. This might be obvious to students that all get free access in the computer labs, or who dial up at home. Canada has a very high person to PC ratio. Canada is also one of the most wired countries per capita in the world (we have more users than Japan). The odds are that you have email, and maybe even ICQ. The Internet hasgrown much faster than any other technology that preceded it. The argument can be made that technology. adoption breeds more of the same. However, the absolute fact is that the Internet is growing at an astonishing pace. It is growing at a speed that makes it hard to predict the exact numbers of persons using it. The Internet has allowed humans to network across the globe, and is doubling in size every year, with the doubling of persons accessing it occurring every three to six months. To demonstrate this growth, consider that the use of the Internet by Americans grew by ten million persons between August 1997 and January 1998. The most recent surveys of the Internet estimate there are about 70.2 million Americans online. The number of persons using it is well over one hundred million worldwide, Demand for bandwidth far outstrips the attempts to upgrade and improve it. The impact of the Web can be seen quite easily. A very current and powerful example of this can seen in the way the Web is affecting the Clinton scandal. Clinton had applied for an advancecopyoftheStarrreport(now at http://www.cnn.com/ starr.report/), so his cronies and himself could try and spin it positively before the public saw it. However, the U.S. Congress decided to make it available via the Web immediately, albeit in a condensed form. The Internet was predicted to melt down. Melt down it didn’t, but AOL reported usage records, posting over ten million user hours online for the first time in history. CNN saw over 340,000 hits per minute the day the report was released, and put its main news on a separate page. More than six million people read either Starr’s report or

the White House statement duying the first two days after their release. For the first time, the public actually had a chance to read important documents with their own eyes, and make their own judgemerits. The contents of the document are very graphic, and pending Congressional approval, the entire report (all two thousand or so pages) will be released to the public soon. This heralds a new era in politics and in public relations, one in which smarmy politicans and spin doctors will not easily be able to lead the public by the nose. Another impact can be seen in the -way the Internet is changing or replacing elements of your everyday life. The average Canadian watches twenty-six hours of television per week. In a recent American study, however, it was found that using the Internet has begun to erode television viewing, that is, to replace it. Radio programs and videocan now be found on the Net, thanks to Realnetworks’ Realplayer. Newspapers are citing web pages,

Every major and minor car- . Special Forces involvement.That poration is trying to jockey themvery same night, I downloaded an selves onto the Internet wave, in offical United States report on the form of a company website. Special Forces involvement in the New, highly paid professions war (the main website is at http:/ /www.army.mil/ - cmh-pg/). I got the link from a former United States Ranger (Special Forces unit), who is the curator of another website I had visited. Online instant messaging is changing the people way communicate. The most popular form of instant messaging services is ICQ (I seek you): It boasts well over 12 million users, and is experiencing phenomonal growth (wwwsniolbliram). It grew so fast that AOL de‘tided to buy it. Despite this, people continue to flock to the service. ICQ allows you to see when people you have added to your contact list are online. It spring up to feed the demand for allows you to chat, send messages, the growth of this medium. Shopping on the web, once frustrated and exchange files and bookby a lack of protection, is now marks. Even the corporate world beginning to blossom (by this I is using it heavily, despite its noted security flaws. The governments mean it is more than just porn now). Internet stocks simply exof many industrialized nations ploded in 1998. Gaming is behave decided to jump on the Internet wagon. The Fhuncitz~ coming a 17 billion dollar worldwide market, in part due to interPost reported in its weekend ediest in online gaming. Learning tion that the Canadian govern-

MTV was recently caught “hacking” its own website in an attempt to look cool. How avant-garde. and television networks are pointing to web sources as well {CNN reporters often referred to a computer screen while discussing the Starr report). Various media cover Internet events and phenomena {from porn to piracy, and much more) extensively.

through access to primary documencs in an undiluted form is more possible now than ever to the average citizen. For instance, I decided on the first day of my history of the Vietnam war class that I wanted to do my essay on United States


has started

tax filing.




say that

the sec-

ond wave will be Internet tax filing, and that the third wave will be “the mother of all tax collection.” It reports that it has had 4.8 million online customers in 1997. Electronic filing of taxes must be

done through an accredited party (accountant). If taxes are filed using the Www, this would all change quickly. It would result in cost savings, the argument goes. And it will mean a great deal more power will rest in the hands of one agency. The Internet is becoming a medium for people to be heard. For instance, you can read the views and actions of the Taliban onlineat http://www.taliban.com/ You can also read South American rebels’ webpages from the comfort of your snug North American home. These aren’t the sort of people and movements that normally get published by Doubleday. Their speech is usually filtered to us by the media. An example of a movement that was born on the Web is the Anti-Divx mdvement. If you didn’t know, Divx is the pathetic attempt by several large movie companies (Fox among others), to get you to pay to rent digital video discs again and again, by paying a fee every for 24 hours you want to view it. You pay five dollars or so for the inital rental, and after a pre-set time frame, the disc becomes as useful as a coaster. You have to use the conveniently located modem in the Divxplayer to rent it again. Of course, market research will be done on you every time you use it. Hackers use the Web as a medium to be heard. The CIA website was recently defaced (yes, the CIA), an unclassified Pentagon system was broken into, and the New York Times’ website was shut down, for nine hours on Sunday by hackers protesting the arrest of Kevin Mitnick (accused of computer crimes), by the Secret Service. MTV, the network

which is now moreconcemed with image than music, tries to peddle culture over substance, was recently caught “hacking” its own website in an attempt to look cool. How avant-garde. The Internet is poised to become much more important than it already is. Important facets of your life are or will be shifted online, whether or not you want it or like it. One of the great things about the Net, however, is that image doesn’t drive the Web. For now, content does. Let’s hope the Internet doesn’t get spoiled like every other media that came before it. With initiatives such as WebTV being promoted by companies like Microsoft, it just might become another hype machine,



Friday, September 18, 1998


by Rob Schmidt Imprint std


don’t think I’can explain to you how much I like reading the generally uninformative and condescending information given to me by government agencies on technology, especially encryption. *Want a good laugh, check out the CSE (Communications Security Establishment) at www.cse.dnd.ca. The CSE is Canada’s equivalent of the U.S. NSA (National Security Agency}. Both perform similar functions: foreign electromagnetic espionage. Encryption is the act of making a cryptogram. I’m sure most people at some point in their life have opened up a puzzle book to find a cryptogram puzzle. The crypt used there is known as the Caesar crypt (according to legend he was the first to use it). By simply designating a letter of the alphabet to another one, you make a message much less comprehensible. Since the Caesar crypt is a game, it is obvious that encrypting a message using this method is extremely weak, i.e. easy to break.



What we’d prefer is a method that is strong. One such method is RSA, named after the mathematicians who invented it: Rivest, Shamir and Adleman. I’m not going to explain the specifics, they are publicly available on the internet and require a higher than average understanding of mathematics. However, I will explain the practical use of public-key encryption, which RSA is an example of. Imagine for a second that my friend and I want to establish a. secure communication session. We both create a key set domprising of one public key and one private key. We both keep the private keys to ourselves and exchange public keys. My public key, which is now in the possession of my friend, allows him to encrypt a message that can be decrypted only by my private key. Same goes for my friend and his public key. The first question is always, “Can’t he just reverse the method he used to encrypt the message to decrypt it?” Yes, but it would cake him seveial hundred years, or longer, to decrypt the message that way. For all intensjve purposes we can say that this works in one direction.

Where is public-key encryption used? Pretty much every web browser uses it. Take the above example and replace “my friend” with Ticketmaster and it closely describes a “secure” session with any such web site.


Other examples include

encryption software for email, some digital voice encryption machines and many network programs that encrypt outbound data for the user automatically. Applicatidns of this technology are all- electronically based. Most encouraging is in the field of digital signatures. Written signatures are rarely ever proof of the validity of a document. A digital signature gives the ability to verify, character for character a message was written by the possessor of the private key, using his public key. I realize encryption will no,t seem important to all but, encryption is not going away. Recently, United States Pre’sident, Bill Clinton and Irish Prime Minister, Bert Ahem used public key technology to digitally sign the “E-Commerce” document in Ireland. I’m available at rschmidt@imprint.uwaterloo.ca for questions or comments.

3Uminutes (South

by Rob Schmidt fmpfi~t



an you say “Good clean fun” three times fast? Sure you can. Can you accept annihilating vehicles and buildings as “Good clean fun?” Let the fun times begin. Vigilante 8 is one of those games you buy to’ keep. A pick-up-and-go type game. No heavy strtitegy. No confusing story. The two player games are short enough to keep a small group interested when playing makeshift tournaments. Just pick a character and get ready for action. Characters range from Beehive the stereotypical redneck to Houston 3, the bionic woman. There are 8 really decent standard terrains and a couple of hidden ones. Ski resort is a fast downhill slaughterfest. A ski lift is provided to get you back to the top if you are too lazy to drive it. Valley farms is also really decent. I’ve always wanted to blow up barns. The others are also good. The Casino’ City scene tends to be confusing more than anything else. Flying the blimp makes the level a bit more interesting but

awkward and slow on acceleration but still pack some speed. Talk about weaponry. The arsenal is simple and deadly. There is a machine gun on every vehicle and you can carry three of the five other standard weapons or your special weapon individual to the character you are using. The spe-

cial weapons are hilarious. From the Beehive’s “Gamma Swarm” of mutant killer bees, to the “Disco Inferno”, an inflatable disco ball that wreaks havoc on your opppnent, to the “Bass Quake” that demonstrates how deadly bass can be. Gameplay is fairly standard for Playstation. Choosing a split screen is a compromise at best. While the horizontally stacked screens sillow you to see the greatest width and probably the best way to play if you are serious about playing, the side-by-side ,vertical screens allow you to best see the buildings you blow up. I know I’ve concencrated a lot on multiplayer which, unless you are really antisocial with your game console, will be the pieferred play. The single player play offers twd flavours: arcade and quest. Arcade is quick and simple: choose your character, enemies and terrain and away you go. Quest chooses everything for you and gives you a storyline. At least the AI is hard enough to challenge even the best of players. Vigilante 8 is entertaining and challenging. Don’t go without this game in your library. Those of you with Nintendo 64s fear not. Vigilante 8 is expected in early ‘99, and all will kick any twoplayer car game’s ass, literally.

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Vigilante 8 wowsthe crowd blowing it up when your opponent is trying to fly it is a lot more exciting. All the vehicles have character. Beehive’s pick-up truck packed with a killer bee special weapon also has a door that swings open as you go around tight turns. Surprisingly the handling is as expectbd. Sm’all cars are fast and nimble allowing you co avoid enemy targeting. Large trucks are


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SCIENCE - about the size of a postage stamp. It will be about two-tenths of an inch thick -approximately equal to three stacked credit cards - and weigh less than an ounce. Yet the drive’s tiny l-inch disk will store up to 340MB. Initially, IBM expects the drive to be used ad an alternative to high-priced flash memory cards in digital photo and video cameras.

Small remote. controlled planes could hunt for biological weapons

Hypersonic aircraft offers whole new transportation possibilities

Ability to pick sex of infants

U.S. defense scientists have. developed small, radio-controlled planes capable of “sniffing out” the _ presence of biological weapons. are designed to fly low into danger zones looking for up to four suspected types of backria. As they patrol, air is forced into an on-board sampling chamber, creating a vortex in a pool of water. Every five minutes, water from this chamber is pumped over a sensor consisting of four optical fibres, each of which has a probe fixed to its core. Each probe is coated with an antibody to which the spores of a particular bacterium will bind if present in the water. The planes send out electronic signals, generated by a second setoffluorescentantibodies, if they find even minute quantities of the suspected bacteria.

Researchers have developed a technique to select a childs sex . that is 93 per cent accurate. Couples can choose the gender of their babies by using a spermsorting technique followed by artificial insemination. Sperm carrying the Y chromosome, which produces males, have about 2.8 per cent less DNA than’ sperm with the X chromosome, which produces females

A U.S. government research lab has come up with a new design for a hypersonic aircraft which could travel between any two cities on Earth in less than two hours by literally “skipping” across the atmosphere. The US. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Liverrnore National Laboratory announced on Thursday that the new aircraft design, dubbed “HyperSoar,” could fly at about 6,700 mph (10,720 kph), or Mach 10, and would experience far less heat build-up on its airframe than previous design

Smallest I hard drive ever The smallest hard drive ever created has been unveiled by IBM, the widely recognized leader in head drive technology. IBM, which invented the hard chive back in’1956, unveiled the smallest hard drive yet. The new Microdrive will be about 1.4 inches wide and 1.7 inches long

Different diaper to help reduce jaundice Newborn babies must replace their entire blood supply within their first few days. If the haemoglobin from their fetal blood does not break down fast enough, a pigment called bilirubin can build up. causing iaundice and oossiblv biain damike. The treaiment & to expose the babies to ultraviolet light. Nappies (diapers) block UV, so Patricia Millner, a nurse at HersheyMedicalCenterinPennSylvania, has designed one made of a swimsuit fabric that allows 87 per cent of the UV through. This cuts by a third the time babies must spend under hot UV lights. So far, no major company is producing her invention.


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The exquisitely regular spacing of feathers on a bird’s skin is created by proteins that clear the area around each feather, researchers in Massachusetts have

IMPRINT, found. Biologists know that cells desq tined to grow feathers produce proteins called BMPs. The early appearance df the proteins in these ceils “suggested they might help feathers form”, says Bruce Morgan, a developmental biologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Morgan and his student Selina Noramly used viruses to deliver genes for BMPs, or an inhibitor of them called noggin, to the backs of chicken embryos. Skin regions given extra doses of BMPs developed bald patches, while patches that received noggin had tightly packed feather buds (Development, vol 125, p 3775). Therefore, the researchers conclude that the BMP proteins, far from promoting the formation of feathers, actually inhibit them. Morgan thinks BMPs diffuse away from each feather bud and establish a feather-free zone that results in the perfect spacing of feathers.

Hormone-blocking drugs could stop prema- ture labour Australian researchers say they have successfully delayed normal labour in sheep by a week. Many babies die because they are born prematurely, but physicians can’t delay it by more than a day or two, Adam McCluskey and his colleagues at the University of Newcastle in New South Wales decided to try a chemical called Antalarmin that reduces levels of CRH, a hormone that occurs at high levels in women with early labour. Six pregnant sheep were given antalarmin in a solution of ethanol and castor oil. These sheep gave birth to healthy lambs a week later than controls, McCluskey told the International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry in Edinburgh last week. The team is now developing water-soluble drugs that could be given -to pregnant women. .



Normally, it takes between four and ten hours to sober up a drunk. Now the University of Georgia is patenting a high-speed

Friday, September 18, 1998 method (patent WO 96139174). The drawback is that a catheter has to be pushed up the nose or the rectum. The patient is given an enzyme, yeast alcohol dehydrogenase, mixed with an acetate buffer to stabilise the stomach’s pH. A catheter is then inserted. This feeds pure oxygen into the small intestine. The enzyme and oxygen accelerate the conversion of blood alcohol intp acetates and regenerate enzymes in the liver, Severe alcohol intoxication may be fatal. The technique can lower the concentration of alcohol in the blood to below the lethal level of about 1 per cent in less than half an hour.



Gut reactions: Did you know that in pre,paration for the 1976 Olympics, German swimmers suffered the indignity of having l-8 litres of air pumped into their colons to improve buoyancy? Thompson says: “It apparently helped crawl and backstroke specialists, but a breaststroker complained that the gas-filled gut caused his feet to stick out of the water. Perhaps sports authorities will need to test athletes for flatus, as well as steroids.”

Progammer gets hammered The National Westminster Bank admitted last month that it keeps personal information about its customer-such as their political affiliation-n computer. But now Computer Weekly reveals that a financial institution, sadly unnamed, has gone one better and moved into the realm of personal abuse. The institution decided to mailshot 2000 of its richest customers, inviting them to buy e;tra services. One of its computer programmers wrote a program to search through its databases and select the customers automatically. He tested the program with an imaginary customer called Rich Bastard. Unfortunately, an error resulted in all Zoo0 letters being addressed “Dear Rich Bastard”. The luckless programmer was subsequently sacked.










This Rainbowhasnothingto do with pride


ainbow Six is the brain child of authour Tom Clancy. He is the chairman of RSE, and his book by the same name immediately rose to the top of the bestseller’s list, Rainbow Six, the game, is a first person shooter that puts you in the shoes of elite counter terrorism operatives. The name R6 is derived from the name of theinternational force that was formed to combat terrorism throughout the globe. R6 proves to be a game with a great deal of potential. You assume the role of the Rainbow force leader, As the leader, it is your job to prepare your unit for the operation you will face. And you will face plenty of operations. You will be expected to perform in such diverse missions as taking down a South American drug cartel to freeing a European Union currency press operation. There are sixteen missions to play through in the Rainbow Sixsingle player campaign. The objectives you will face may change radically from one mission to the next. One thing you will notice when you play Rainbow Six is that you will die if you run into a room full of baddies without backup. This isn’t Quake kiddies. Some of the equipment you can select is absolutely essential to yoursuccess. The equipmentprovided for your selection is both a strength and a weakness of R6.

While flashbangs (so called because they produce both a loud bang and a bright flash)are a great way to stun enemies before you breach a door, they are the only non I&al weapon at your disposal. A glaring omission in Rainbow Six is the lack of tear gas, and smoke canisters. Another problem that Rainbow Six has can be found in the weapons. The choice of weapons is pretty standard, with the main difference between them is whether or not they are silenced. To further this, when you fire a M16-A2 on full auto, it sounds a heck of a lot like the silenced Heckler and Koch MPSSD. You can tell that it makes a difference when you use it, because you attract a lot less baddies, but it would be reassuring to hear the 16 like it really is. One nifty thing that you get to do when you are using your primary weapons is to zoom in for a long range shot. This is the sniper mode, and it makes taking out bad guys at long range a whole lot easier. It also makes beating open levels easier too. Despite all of this, Rainbow Six has a lot more to like than dislike. It really is a fresh sort of title in this new genre, the thinking first person shooter. I found SpecOps to have ferri ble gameplay, something that RBdoes not suffer from. The visuals of R6 are not the very best out there, but they are easily adequate for the needs at hand. The sounds and voices are a great feature of the game. When a bad fellow walks down a hallway to your left, you hear it from your left speaker. A great new feature that R6 offers for multipIayer is voice communication It is one of the only games to provide this feature to date. The other major title is Fireteam, but Fireteam is still in the midst of beta testing, and hasn’t shipped yet. With a microphone, you can shout at your teammates to fall in, no matter where they are in the world. This title is not without bugs, but an encouraging sign from Red Storm Entertainment is that they have already released a patch for some of these bugs.

Flashbangs were set to only stun opponents for half a second. This meant that, unless you were very, very fast with your weapon change and your rush into the room, you were dead upon arrival. This has been changed to three seconds, a much more realistic amount of time to be stunned for. All in all, Rainbow Six is a game that has a great deal of potential, but needs some polishing before it can truly shine. A problem the game suffers from isspotty AI in the team you command. Sometimes, the AI is simply bang

on, and others, they can’t seem to get around the corner without you holding their hand. This game is undoubtedly a fine effort from RSE, and there is a strong possibility that there will

be an expansion pack and then doubtlessly a sequel to follow up on the success of this title. They will certainly build on the strengths of the originial I look forward to them both.

Here we go again! Warrior football set to dominate the gridiron once again. a first quarter touchdown toss to wideout Chris Krebich. Taking over as the lead runner, Kim racked up 116 yards on the day, including a short yardage plunge in the first quarter to stretch the lead to 21-0, Bradley opened the scoring early in the game with his first touchdown as a Warrior. One potentially alarming note from the game was the disparate halves put up by the War-

to spring leaks, as Laurier’s standout wide receiver Corey Grant found holes in the Warriors’ secondary to help the Hawks na’rrow the gap. While the Warrior defence bent, it did not break, holding the Hawks at bay. A final plus for the Warriors was the incredible penetra-

riors. The first halfr

“roughing the were the output of a unit that got into Laurier punter Ed Becker’s face every time he touched the ball, regardless of how many blockers Laurier put up. In the end, it was a good first game, giving the players the confidence to know they can still pound teams, but also the lesson that they need to hold their ground for the whole 60 minutes.

was a whitewash, as they trounced the Hawks 32-O. Everything seemed to go the

Heshootshe scbesl Dhoto bv Niels Jensen

New Warrior head coach Chris Triantifilou and his coaching staff made their debut in typical Warrior fashion, fielding a physical, hard-working squad, battering the Hawks early and coasting to an easy victory. Triantifilou commented on the victory with: “I hope we scared a few peo-


uestion: take a team with a punishing running game, pounding defense and lukewarm passing g m , and take away several of their best





in the first half started

Stop me if you’ve heard this one bethe Warriors offence will be headlined by a strong running game. Replacing two-time Ontario MVP Jarrett Smith will be a three-headed hydra known as Eddie Kim, Doug Haidner and Mike Bradley. Rotating all three men in various combinations, Kim and Haidner, both large bruising fullbacks, hit the defence like a pair of 240 pound meat tenderizers, softening up the defence for scatback-Mike Bradley to scamper for good yardage. Haidner had 94 yards while Bradley ran for 74. Sort of like the Tampa Bay Buccanneers, except that the Warriors are winning with it. Quarterback Ryan Wilkinson managed 65 yards in the air. Wilkinson put some nice touch on a couple of passes, including fore:


reaching thevanier Cup, losing thechurchill Bowl to a Ottawa Gee Gee team that was later disqualified for ineligible players, the Warriors graduated a lot of standout players, retired the winning coach in CIAU history and entered the 1998 season with a lot of question marks. But there’s no question that a big batch of fried chicken hawk can’t



players and the. coach. What are you’ left with? Well, if Saturday was a proper indication, you’re left with a punishing ground game, pounding defense and a tepid passing game. After

Warriors way, with the defence and offense executing almost seamlessly. On the day the Warriors held Laurier to 190 yards and forced a whopping six turnoverson the partofthe Chicken Hawks. The second haif could have been two entirely different teams. The water-tight

kicker” penalty


TheWarriorsline up against the chickenhawks-b Contest! Phota by Niels lensen


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Friday, September 18, 1998


Better than the World Cup

Hey! That’s my ball! photo

by Mike Fisher courtesy

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0th the men’s and women’s teams posted solid per-formances last week in their final pre-season games against Ryerson. The women played to a O-O tie despite their offensive charge

throughout the game, all the while limiting Ryerson to only a handful of shots. The men started flat and found themselves behind 1 -Omidway through the first half. Once the men regained their legs, Luca Brebeck and Luigi Selbara booted one goal each into the back of the Ryerson net. The men went on to win 2-1 bringing their pre-season record to two wins and one loss. Saturday afternoon both teams fought WLU at home. The women posted a strong second half but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to stop the charging Golden Hawks. The Warriors fell 2-O despite the strong play of left defense Jessica 1Whi te and right fielder Amani Ismail. In the men’s game, both the Warriors and the Golden Hawks booted balls off the post and crossbar that resulted in a O-0 tie. Sweeper Marco Heidl had a strong game for the Warriors. Coach Ed Edgar was particularly pleased with the play of his bench throughout ihe game, saying: “everyone contributed.” Sunday afternoon the two teams traveled to St. Catharines to take on the Brock Badgers.

The women came out and dominated most of the game finished in a l-l tie. Marie Wanakat booted the lone Warrior goal off a nice set-up in front of the Badger net. Laura Munroe, Ann Harris and Jill Johnson all had an outstanding game keeping the ball in the Badger half for a large part of the game. In the men’s game, keeper Kyle Owens kept the Badgers at bay by stopping a fistful of shots. Nick Knees kicked a high shot past the Badger keeper to put the Warriors’up late in the first half. The Badgers later answered back to tie the game l-1. Warriors dominated the second half, but were unable to find the Badger net. The game ended in a l-l tie. The women travelled to Guelph on September 13 and are due to return home September 20 to take on Windsor. Game time is 3:00 p.m. at the North Campus field. The men travel co Guelph September 19 and return home September 20 to take on Windsor. Game time is 1 p.m. at the North Campus field.

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his weekend the Warriors played five games in a pre-season tournament in hot and smoggy Toronto. In their first of five games, the Warriors defeated Guelph 30. Two goals by Joanne Fernandes and one from Chrissy Willemse slammed the Warriors past the Guelph defense to the team’s first win of the season. The women pressed on to game number two, which pitted them against York University.

The Warriors came out on top again 1-O. The goal scorer was Wil le mse. The team’s only loss was to a University of Guelph Alumni All Star team. Despite a hard-played game, the Warriors came up short .by a score of 1-O. Chrissy Willemse led the charge versus Carleton late in the weekend. Willemse blasted three goals into the Carfeton net on the way to a S-O win. The Warriors other scorer was Samara Berger with two. The Warriors’ final game of the weekend, and perhaps the

most promising, was a O-O tie against the UniversityofToronto. Leslie Alexander turned away 20 U of T shots and was a key player in the tie. Warriors’ coach Sharon Creetman was pleased with the play of her team in allowing only one goal all weekend, as well as shutting out York and LJ of T who are perhaps two of the better teams in the league. The field hockey team opens their regular season September 19 at home against Guelph. tiame time is 9 a.m. at University Staditim.





Sammy who? Warrior Ball’gets off to a flying start 3 by Paul Schrelber

hp..nt stti he Warrior Baseball team* opened their season Saturday with a bang, scocing three early runs and relying on the stellar pitching of veteran hurler Matt Lindsay to take an

early lead. Waterloo 6, Guelph Guelph 11, Waterloo

5 2

Lindsay pitched five innings, giving up only one unearned run on two hits, while fanning nine batters, including striking out the side in the fourth. What looked like a sure victory almost disappeared in the sixth, thanks to some sloppy Warrior defence. The Gryphons managed four runs on four Waterloo errors before Troy Brady came in to relieve Matt Beelen and shut Guelph down. Waterloo staged a bottom-ofthe-seventh comeback, taking advantage of twocontroversial balks

Athletes of the week

called by the umpire and a clutch hit by rookie shortstop Keith St. John. Things didn’t go s,o well for the Warriors in the second game, where they were shellacked 11-2. Guelph starter Chad Helm went the distance, allowing only two

SkyDome. Coach Billy Martin’s debut was a successful one, with the Warriors coming out on top 84.

runs, both unearned. He struck

The highlight of the game was Jeff MacDonald’s two-run homer in the third. MacDonald smashed the ball 390 feet, hitting the back of the Warrior bullpen in right field. The dinger was the first by a university player in the Dome. The Warriors got solid offence from veterans Mike Fuchs and Aaron Chu. Fuchs scored two runs, and was one-for-one on the day, with a double. Chu had a two-for-two morning, and picked up an RBI. The Warriors take on the McMaster Marauders this Saturday, September 19 at Bechtel Park, located at University Avenue and Bridge Street. The first game of the.double-header starts at 1 p.m.

out nine Warriors nings.

over .seven in-

The Gryphons got solid hitting from outfielder Gbenga Ajasin, who went two-for-three, walked, scored three times, and knocked in a run. Catcher Ben Kelly helped the Gryphons’ offence by knocking in three runs, including two in the third inning. Waterloo veteran outfielder Ed Langevin was one of the few bright spots for the team, going two-for-two, including a double, a walk and one stolen base. The game waswell-attended despite the football matchup taking place at the same time. . In exhibition action, the Warriors took on the Durham College Lords Friday, September 4 at the

Waterloo 8, Durham Coliege 4 .

No Damn

Eddie Kim Football


Leslie Alexander Eield Hockey

A third year Kin student from Etobicoke, Ontario, fullback Eddie -Kim got off to a blaqing start by running a total of 116 yards, 106 of them in the first half of Saturday’s football game against local rival WLU. Kim scored a touchdown to seal the first regular season win 33-14.Eddie also won the Ray Owens-Player of the game award and the “ONTV Player of the Game” award.


he following is list of the University of Waterloo’s two term sports beginning in late September or early October.

Look for the women to improve on their 7-7 record from last year as a result of recruiting in the off season. Kristen Eisner of Ottawa and hometown recruits Nicole Consitt and Rachel MacGregor lead the rookie charge. Veterans Mary Frances Lapthorne and Adrienne Gilles will provide leadership for the women’s run to the playoffs. The

pre-season begins on October 3 with the annual Alumni Game at 2 p.m. Warrior



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A third year athlete from Waterloo, Leslie Alexander recorded four shutouts over the weekend in pre-season play. She allowed only one goal against in a total of five games. Two of these shutouts .were against two of the top teams in the CIAU, University of Toronto and York university. Leslie faced 21 shots from Uoff alone and led her team defensively.

Your first chance to see the Warriors at home is November 4 versus George Brown College.

Warrior Basketball (Women’s)

4396 King Street, Em,KITCHENER

Friday, September 18, 1998


Mano Watsa

will play a key role in helping the Warriors get back to Halifax and the Final Eight this season. Along side of Mano will be the entire squad of re turning hoopsters. The 98-99 campaign will surely be an exciting one for the men’s basketball team. The pre-season begins on October 17 at Ryerson.

Warrior Volieyball (Women) The women’s volleyball team finished last season with a S-9 record that was good enough for fifth spot, tied with Windsor. The Warriors are looking to improve upon that record with key veter‘ans and good recruiting in the off season. The Warriors first action is October 2 against Seneca College.




The men’s volleyball tea-m finished a disappointing sixth place in the West Division with a record of 2-10. Mark Gatto was selected to the second team all stars for the west division, Like the women’s team, they are looking to improve upon the losing record and gain a birth in the playoffs. The men begin action at the WLU tournament October 2-4.

Warrior Swimming (Men and Women) Both the men and women continued

to page 27





18, 1998


Your ass is grass! UW CrossCountry gears up for Guelph Cross Canada


in order to leap the Cross Canada lenge. You can do it! Start now!


Introducing the all new Cross Canada Challenge ! This term, Campus RecreaRegistration tion brings danada to YOU. The Cross Are you interested in participating in Canada Challenge promotes physical acCampus Recreation Programs this fall? Pick tivity and is a creative way to stay motiup your copy of the Campus Recreation vated. Guidebook and check it out! Memorize Are you ready to get fit? *If you are, these dates to register: here’s the deal: you sign up in Athletics Tuesday, Sept. 22, 8:15X:30 a.m.: and Recreational Services, PAC 2039, pick up tickets at PAC Red North outside -anytime between the hours of 8:30 a.m. PAC 2039. and 4:30 p.m. Registration date and time are on tickRecord your activities in the Cross Canada Challenge Travel Log located on ets. Register in PAC 2039 that week on the bulletin board outside the PAC EquipTuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. ment Centre. A map of Canada is located Remember to register you must pick up a ticket Tuesday morning!!! in the trophy case in the Red North hallway of the PAC. The route is plotted across Canada Leader of the Week and consists of 33 destinations. For every 1 hour of physical activity completed “you” Who could it be? are moved one destination along the Ifyou posses the true Campus Recreamapped route. tion spirit through participating, instructWait, there’s more! Throughout the ing, or coordinating.....it could be you! Challenge, incentive prizes are awarded The Leaders of the Week are nominated and once you complete the Challenge’ and chosen every week. These are indiRoute you receive a free T-shirt and are viduals or teams ihat are dedicated, enthuautomatically entered in the grand prize siastic and help to make Campus Ret fun. draw to win a complete Bauer In-Line Nominations are accepted from anyone, forms are available in PAC 2039, are Skate set. by4:00 p.m. Watch for What are you waiting for? Get goin-g, ’ due each Thursday you only have one hundred eighteen thourhe Leaders of the Week in the next issue sand eight hundred seconds of activity left of the Imprint!

by john Eohnco lmpnt stid7


his year Waterloo’s Cross Country running team is bigger than it’s been in a good while.. With 38 people out to practice in the first week this team is looking to make a mark at the OUA championships on Halloween in Windsor. It is essential that the teams, both m&n and women cake at least fifth place in order to qualify for the CIAU championships which are being held here on the Waterloo Golf Course on November 14th. . The women’s team will be anchored by the healthy return of 1996 CIAU Championship team members Kim Ross and Lynn Coon. Ame-Lia Tamburrini is also in fine form after a hugely successful summer triathalon season. The team will be rounded out by rookie Shannon Smith who has posted some quick 5k times in her high school years. There is one more spot open on the five woman scoring team and there are several rookies a.nd returning vets vying for that spot. In reality, NONE of the spots are secure, as anything can happen in a cross country race. The first iest comes this weekend at the Arboretum in Guelph against some of the stiffest competition the girls will face: Guleph’s women are rhe defending CIAU champions!

The men are a strong bet to finish in the top five at the OUA’s in Windsor this year. Returning veterans Steven Drew, who is on co-op in Hamilton, Alastair Lawrence and John Lofranco should lead the team, at least in practice. As with the women however, no spots are guarenteed, even for your humble narrator and team captain. The rookie squad includes world class triathlete Scott Curry, Pete Collision, a local recruit who tore up the track this summer, and Chris Row, another local boy who is making a comeback in third year after a dissapointing end to a hugely successful high school career. But it doesn’t end there. The convert clan grows with triathletes Greg Milne and Ryan Eagles hot on the heels of the lead group, tis well as cross country skier Ian Murry, Pierre Lebreque was the top 8OOm runner for UW last winter during the indoor track season and he hopes to make an impact on the grass this fall as well. The men also compete in Guelph this weekend against: a Gryphon’s squad that is sure to challenge Windsor and Western for .the OUA title. With new coaches Terry Goodenough and Kathy Northey, this year marks a new era for UWCross Country. With theamount of rookies we have, two or three years from now we will be challenging for the national title once again! This is the CIAU’s team of the future.

Viewsof the future continued


page 26

had respectable years last season. Last season many of the women were first year swimmers, this year many of them will be returning to form a good base for a competitive women’s team, The men also finished outside the CIAU top ten, however, like the women a strong contingent: of first year swimmers returning along wieh rookies will help Waterloo reach CIAU qualifying times. The swim team’s first taste of action come on September 26 with the teams triathlon starting at 8:30 a.m.




Last season Luke Fraser was defeated by Scott Mikalachki of Western in the Bronze medal match. Luke was later named to the first team all stars for men’s singles, while Sheldon Zimmerman was named to

the second team all stars. This season, the improved play of veterans will be counted on as the Warriors shoot for another playoff birth in search for the gold.




The men’s hockey‘team fmished with a record of 15 wins, 7 losses and 4&s. That record was good enough to put them into zhe playoffs againstwindsor. Windsor came out on top by defeating the Warriors 3 games to 0. Jeff Goldie, Mike Chambers and goaltender Joe Harris were named to the _ West Division all star team. This season the Warriors say farewell to coach Don McKee. Dave Cressman will be the Few bench boss for the Warriors, Men’s Hockey begins play October 34 in the York University Tournament and co-hosts the Octoberfest Tournament here with Laurier on Thanksgiving weekend.



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54a40 or fight Canadianrockerscrashthe frosh party


he annual Frosh Concert, a closed event for Village dwellers and spec’ial guests only was a huge success this year. The bands were 54m40 and Hamilton’s Junkhouse, the frosh were primed full of alcohol atid school spirit, and Fed Hall saw the two come together in a huge explosion of a classic rock and roll show. The last song the DJ played before Vancouver’s native sons hit thestage was frosh anthem “Home for a Rest,” by east-coasters Spirit of the West. That got the crowd whipped into a frenzy and they almost didn’t notice the band take the stage. Once 54a4Ustarted playing though, the frosh paid attention. They opened with one of my favorites, from the album Trusted Iry ~X&ns, “Crossing a Canyon? It’s a simple little song, only three chords long. From there, 54.40 grew and grew until they just about blew the roof off Fed Hall (or at least the weaksound system) with their hug&loser, “Love You All.” Openers Junkhouse, who could easily draw headline crowds of their own, were a pleasant surprise; I didn’t know they were playing until four o’clock that afternoon as I was waiting to talk to 54.40 drummer Matt Johnson. Tom Wilson, the lead man for the Hamilton based blues rock band was the consummate rock star. He ranted about Bell Telephone being in the building, he

bragged about stealing cars from Barton High School ‘to drive to Port Dover and go to the beach, then he lamented about how he now drives there with his wife and kids! Abo.ut halfway throuih the show, when his %tone was just about -. done,” he took off his sunglasses and announced that Junkhouse was a rock and roll band and they were going to play some music. They weren’t “Aqua or the Spice Girls” he said, He implored the frosh crowd to listen to the next song, and just chiIl out and pretend they were all smoking a big joint. He had no such luckunfortunately as the radio friendly crowd began to drift precisely w-hen he toh$them not to, Don’t you frosh listen!?! The headliners from Vancouver put,on a stellar show, and when they come backinabout two months, there should be a long line at the ticket window. Neil Osborne, Phil Comparelli, Matt Johnson, and Brad Merritt powered thr&gh a fervent ninety-plus minute set that included some great songs from the ‘new album, as well as old favorites, Comparelli’s infectious smile spread throughout the stage as they played classics “Baby



It is film festival time again in Toronto. That time when millions of movie stars, industry insiders, film buffi and film critics come to what has become one of the worlds largest showcases of new international films. So who exactly goes to the film festival? Well, just about anyone from hard core film buffs who will stand hours in line to see the latest cinematic gem by the Taviani brothers to industry weasels armed with cell phones schmoozing their asses off at the numerous parties. And even the odd celebrity like Neve Campbell,. Gene Hackman, Minnie Driver, MichaeI Caine, Maya Angelou, Dan Aykroyd,

Ran,” “Ocean Pearl,” “Radio Luv Song,” “Assoholic,” “I Go Blind” andacutenumbercalled “Daisy.”

perhaps about giving up hope: “NOW I’m in the presence of the greatest indifference, being wise, being old. Thev can find you &t when ybu get too loud and you start to weep for love and peace.” Some &conciliation might be found however in “Pay For Living”: “How can you breathe, without the air, how can you see without the light, how can you feel without the touch of another?” A show highlight were the vocal styles of female accompanist Coca Love Alcorn. She sang a beautiful rendition of “One Gun,” with Osborne and Phillip Comparelli, as well as their current single, “Since When.” She came back out for the encore and traded licks with Comparelli’s guitar a la Page ind Plant. She also did a vocal/trumpet duet with multi-talented lead guitarist. Her voice is matched only by her improvisational skills, and limited only by the unfortunate Fed Hal1 sound sysphoto by Niels Jensen tern. The .encore’s secThereweresomeveryyounglookond song was the song I wanted to ing female frosh next to me chanthear from the new album, “You ing for “She-La,” and they got their Should Come Over,” with its subwish as the band paused to take tly demanding, yet deeply loving requests from the adoring frosh lyrics: “In a world that~you make crowd. believe there’s no one you can Choices from the new record reach unless you came down some. included “Lost and Lazy,” a song If you need to have a dream make

it for more thanone to be included. We gotta share, the same space and time, ain’t that a shame.‘Ifyou want love you should come over, I’d like some time to be by your side.“The show closed with the loudest song I have ever heard at any concert anywhere. 54*40 proclaimed that they indeed loved us all, and in their love they tried their hardest to make us all deaf! But it was worth it. All in all the frosh seemed like a good bunch. There were very young looking though, but maybe it’s just me. They looked like a very friendly group anyway, One thing is for sure: .for their second night of university, they couldn’t have had a better night for a brilliant live show. It was well worth the long cold wait outside that those not on the guest list had to endure (membership has it’s privileges, see what you get ifyou can volunteer for Imprint). 54a40 will be back in the area in a month or so.“Theystart a cross Canada tour on October 8rh in Victoria B.C. and, according to drummer Man: Johnson, they hope to hit every major centre. Johnson described the night as a different kind of show, with no opening act, just a full two hours, at least, ofS4*40. Coca will bealong, as well as Neil’s brother Dave, who plays keyboards. On stage, Neil promised jugglers and a contest to sing a 54Q40 song on stage, karaoke style. Look for Canada’s premier rockact soon, because jugglers and karaoke or not, they put on a show that is not to be missed.

sucks: Bring on the..Canucks!

Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Bridget Fonda, Don McKellar, Elizabeth Hurley, Janet Leigh, Wesley Snipes, Christian Slater, Meryl Streep, Kiefer Sutherland, Ben Stiller, Billy Bob Thornton, Woods, James Christopher Walken, Billy Zane, Ashley Judd, Matt Dillon and Kevin Spacey. And of coupe the average people who just want to see a few good’movies. So what’s at the film festival this year?

A6& i2~~AQj# focuses on a group of characters play&d by a who’s who of Canadian cinema including McKellar, Callum Keith Rennie, Sslndra Oh, and Sarah Polley. Thesecharacters must deal

fourofwhich arenew includingthe opening night gala, Francois Girard’s T& Red Viblin, which he co-wrote. AIso from Canada is former Kid in the Hall Bruce McCulloch’s directorial debut&g ParR; a film about a grpup of people brought together by their dogs. The film also stars Janeane Garofalo who just can’tseemtostayout of dog movies lately. Cult film maker

with the approaching end of the world&stAVghmon a special prize at Cannes and is sure to come to regular theaters in the fall. Besides Last 1vig/rr, McKellar is appearing in a record six films at the festival,

ing his new film &#wat the festival. Waters ,new offering stars Edward Furlong and Christina Ricci in the story of the trials and tribulations of a rising young photographer.

John Waters


high profile, star studded offerings to low key first films by unheard of directors. Onemovie that has been getting a lot of attention lately is Canadian man of the hour, Don McKellar’s directorial debut-last

is show-

On the obscure movie front U&&y Mon&y from Japan is a quirky action fitm about a bankrobber with very bad luck. Although a bit slow at times this movie’s warped sense of humour and bizarre scenes of vioIence are sure to entertain. But you’ll probably have to wait for this film to come to the Princess. This year the festival isfeaturing a large group of new Japanese films, a spotlight on Kazakhstani film maker Darezhan Omirbaev, as well as their regular features such as Planet Africa (films from around

the world

that deal with


African experience), Contemporary World Cinema and Midnight Madness (off beat films from around the world.) There is guaranteed to be a movie for every different sort of taste.



Friday, September 18, 1998

aIt’s not a porno Romantic, Savour


tea house.

Once Upon A Mattress opens in Waterloo

the aroma of fine teas &coff&es. Browse or buy a book.

by Kerry


limpnhtstati smoke-free 38 Regina NATERLOO





the fairytale about the queen who


wants her son to marry a true princess. To this end, she tests one princess by putting the girl to bed atop twenty mattresses with a sin-

If the princess to feel the pea, princess. The of a different

than others; thechivalric Sir Harry (Brian Grist) and Lady Larken (Jacqueline Sadler) are expecting achild, and forachild to be born out tack. of wedlock would be questionable, The Prince (played by Jean to say the very least. Thus, when Paul Yovanoff) is ironically named the brash and outspoken Princess Dauntless: I say ironically because Winnifred (Claire Porter} arrives, the entire courtgets into a tizzy, hoping against hope that this isone princess who can pass the Queen’s tests. Porter describes the characters as “real. We each have characteristics that are like somebody YOU know.” Hobbs _ is quick to add . that it’s more photo courtesy of Steve R&h of a “live cartoon” onstage: he is a complete momma’s boy to based in reality, but blown up and the fast talking, self-interested exaggerated. Whatever it is; Once Queen Aggravain. She unfairly U&n A M~#~Exs is funny. You can tests every princess suing for catch it every Thursady and FriDaunttess’ hand because she does day at 830 p.m.* for $24, every ‘. not want to lose her position as Saturday at 8:OO p.m. for $27, and Queen when he marries. For good Sundays at 200 p.m. for $2 1. Stumeasure, she has also instituted dent rush seats at half price are the Marriage Law: “Throughout available one hour before the the land, no one may wed, till scheduled staftofthe performance Dauntless to the altar’s led.” Thus, with the presentation of a student all the knights and ladies of the md. ReservatiOns can be made ky court are praying for a princess for calling 888-0000 or by dropping Dauntless so they can get married by the Waterloo Stage Theatre at and...uh, get married. Some more 24 King Street North.

Conference Centre

Pick your own songs

FREE transportation provided FREE admission with UW ID Conestoga


spite the name of the show (and the presence of characters named Studley and Sextimus, among others), please try to get your mindoutofthe gutter. &rall, it would not be proper to have any sort of sexual connotation associated with a musical that is based on the story of the Princess and the Pea. How could you corrupt such an innocent fairytate and still NOwsgettingany... have it keep its innocence? Quite easily, in fact. “This show is great for all ages,” says Dale Hobbs, who is currently performing in the show as Que%n Aggravain, “Kids will b impresed with thifami I iar stoiy, while the sexual innuendo will go right over their heads. The adults will laugh at that.” * Perhaps some backstory is in order. The Princess and the Pea is

Get acquainted with approx. 200 North American employers. Start yourjob search b networking 9


ttce Upon A Mam&.

gle pea underneath. is sensitive enough then she’s a true musical takes a bit


e, University 8L U

of Guelph,

The future of CD shopping



ypically, underground music is hard to find on CD. It is most often dubbedontotapes by DJsand sold as is. CDuctive is setting out to change that. This review is about more than just the music on the disc I received. It is about the changing face of music’delivery. If CDuctive and other companies like them get their way, you will be ordering your CDs custommade. I saw CDuctive first after reading an article on the custom CD trend that is beginning to take shape. I listened to some samples, and wanted to hear more. When my email was returned with an invitation to try the system out, I quickly loaded the site to make a disc. The music styles CDuctive offers are: house, trance, hip-hop, ambient, and more. Future plans include independent rock. 1

quickly settled onto trance and began the task of finding over 70 minutes of music tocall my own. Many of the artists are known, and while the tracks are not gener-

ally the newest, more are added every month. The web interface (http://www.cductive.com) is amazingly easy, with audio samples available online in the form of Real Audio Clips (a free software program to listen to streaming audio on the Net). Adding and removing tracks was quite simple, and my biggest problem was narrowing down my selection to the ones I wanted! I finished and noted the price. An immediate problem I noted with this system for Canadian buyers is that all discs are purchased in U.S. funds, No plans have been made to expand to Canada, despite the fact that this would make the production incredibly cheap. . The price is comparable to what you would pay for a CD in Canada ( 15 bucks or so). The CD

was shipped by regular snail mail, but still made made it in only a few days. The music itself was very much to my liking. If you like underground music, this company has a whole lot to offer you. That means no more buying CDs with only three good songs on them, because you are the one who gets to pick them! Another interesting feature of CDuctive CDs is the label they provide. You get to choose what the CD is called, as well as subtitle it! The sleeve contains both the tracks and times. The disc and liner are a no frillsaffair, but I would much rather save some money than pay for the crapmostbandsputintheirsleeves. One of the great things about CDuctive is the staff they employ. They were very helpful -and promptly answered all of my questions.CDuctive is paving the way !o making CDs that people will like. You surecan’t bitch ifyou hate the songs.



Friday, September 18, 1998

Lighten Learn to Relax: A Practical Guide to Easing Tension & Conquering Stress by Mike


OcltlondeBoo&s $21.95 by Claire

M. Francls


Learpr to Relax is an enlightening, insightful book that offers readers several useful suggestions to help them cope with stress. Quite often when attemptingtodealwithstress, hearing that others have gone through similar experiences is not enough to completely relieve a person’s anxiety. Apparently Mr. George realises this, and does not attempt to pacify his audience with tales of other people’s sorrow in order to demonstrate his empathy. Instead&&m to &fax effectively teaches people ways to solve their problems on their own terms. The author explores life using an intriguing pcrspective. For instance, in “Stilkss, Breath and Calm,” readers arc presented with a food for thought that few knew existed: one’s outlookon life can reveal itself in somechingas simpleas hisor her brcathing patterns. Throughout the five sections of Lunm to Rehx “Roads to ReIaxation, ” “Stillness, Breath and Calm,” ” The Body at Rest and in Motion,” “The Self and Relation-


ships” and “Mind Power” - we find several brief, meaningful essays accompanied by exercises taken from various schools ofphilosophical thought, including yoga and Buddhism. They focus collectively on a simple, central truth: no source of stress is so powerful that it can completely disable a human being. According to Mike George, the road to ridding yourself of anxiety begins with the understanding

of crucial truths about the actual nacurcofstress. For instance, many people tend to react to stress by blaming outside sources. They may point out that their feeling pressured is the fault of various individuals, locations and activi-


YaWi? hvitecl

I ties. However, many people fail to acknowledge that they often have power over the situations that agonize them. Michael George’s boundless wisdom on the subject of relaxation includes gems such as, “If we push ourselves within our limits, we may find success; if we push ourselves to our limits, we will certainly find stress.” ,!JLZ~ to R&zx definiteIy deserves to be treated almost like a work of sacred literature. Indeed, it offers practical femedies for something that has becomeavirtual epidemic among many adults. Its wisdom seems natural and innate to human nature, yet remains unrecognized by those who suffer needlessly because of unwanted tension. Mr. George’s approach is never trite. His book manages to speak to the higher, deeper elements of human consciousness.Leam fo Relax is the sortofvolume that won’t stay on the shelf for very long; most likely a reader will want to take it to bed, and ponder its soulful wisdom in the quiet of a solitary night. Having a stress-free life has become almost an unattainable utopia for the average adult in today’s busysociety. Leum to Relax brings the concept of relaxation to the level of an attainable ideal, urging people to find the answers to their problems from within.

Imprint Arts would like ta issue a general invitation ta all artsy people (from all facm ulties - we know some pretty artsy engineers) ta come and write for the arts section. People who enjoy reading, listening to music, going to plays and concerts are more than welcome. To Coin the Imprint Arts team, come to the Annual General Meeting (see advertisement below) and sign up. It’s more than a job, it’s an adventure.

IMPRINT Publications Ltd.


Breaking Arts Stuff that doesn’t suck

t’s easier to write about stuff that sucks, so for a change, I will tell you all that is right in popular music today. For one, the swing revival. One of the originating genres of popular music has come back into style (and what a style). Zoot suits, fedoras, two-tone shoes...1 don’t care if it’s a flash in the pan, I’m going to ride this wave as far as

Ska.Althoughska’sontheway out (most skaters I’ve met lately are either into electronica or hardcore punk) it’s still one of the more kick-ass genres around today. High-energy and lighthearted, it’s a happy alternative person’s answer to dance music. Try Goldfinger for rougher edge ska, Reel Big Fish for fluff, and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones for the middle of the road. Will Smith. I’m not a rapper,

it will take me.

and I don’t

Check out the Brian Setzer Orchestra, theCherryPoppin’Daddies or the Squirrel Nut Zippers for some of the newer, more popular bands, Big Rude Jake’s a good choice too.

rap in general, right attitude. He makes Not about the he has/is going size of his gun.

by Kerry




pay much



but this guy has the rap that is (gasp!) number of people to kill, or about the

He may not be as popular as some of his contemporary gangstaz (Wu-Tang, especially), but at least. he won’t lose his credibility by having every white thirteen year otd suburban rapper on the continent spraypaint his name on the side of the local Baskin-Robbins. Finally, we have Canada in general. Think about: Name fifteen good Canadian alternative bands. Thank you. Now, name ONE hip hop act Canada has ever produced. See? Think about it: Backstreet

Boys aren’t


Neither are the Spice Girls. Or Slayer. Or Wu Tang. Or Hanson. Getting my point, we only produce quality acts. We let the States produce crap. Canada rocks. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Friday, septm25,199s 12:30,p.m. Student Life Centre, room 1116 All registered University of Waterloo students who have paid the IMPRINT membership fee are invited to attend. The finances of the corporation will be discussed and the new Board of Directors will be voted mc l






18, 1998

Bad Seeds, great music Nick Cave and the Bad Seedspaint T.O. red Nick

Cave and* The 1~1 Bad Seeds w/ Freakwater n


September ivat!?Phoerz~ Toro~

by Kleran /mpn’ntGaR




ome things just defy expia nation. According to phys its, for example, bees should never be able to get off the ground. By the same token, according to the aesthetics of good music, Nick Cave should not be a great artist. He frequently sings slightly offkey, and his lyrics are often strangely cumbersome and unrhythmic. But despite everything, bees still fly, and Nick Cave is one of the best artists out there. His shows are among the best live acts I have ever seen, and his appearance Saturday, September 12, was no exception. . The evening began in a somewhat surreal fashion. Freakwater, a soft-country music band, is not the kind of act one expects to open for The Bad Seeds. The band themselves commented on the confused looks of the people pressed

against the stage. “But we get paid formance is the feeling that one is anyway,” quipped one of seeing an original product. You are Freakwater’s vocalists. The audience responded well to the band. They respect the attitude, even if the music is not to their taste. Freakwater is fronted by two female vocalists who achieve a pretty good vocal ‘blend - similar in sound and quality to the Indigo Girls. ButitwasNick and the boys that everyone was really waiting for. The set was a review of Nick Cave’s best works, covering his whole NickCave-badspawnfiomabadseed. career, all the way back to “From Her photo by to Eternity,” through to the most recent original not seeing a cookie-cutter act that release, “The Boatman’s Call.” will be staged verbatim, right down Many of the songs performed apto the banter, at the next venue, and the next after that (take in a few pear on the recently-released album “The Best of Nick Cave and Green Day shows for a sample of The Bad Seeds.” this). Cave throws all his energy The joy of a Nick Cave perinto each and every song, blasting

the audience with an emotional intensity that is impossible to igriore. When he is not singing, Nick is srill wrapped up in the music, arms waving and conducting with a pent-up, almost violent, energy. No matter how many times one has heard such old favourites as “Tupelo,” Cave still makes them seem fresh on stage. A live rendering of “Mercy Seat” still has the power to send chills up my spine. Nick is the kind of performer Kleran Green who interacts with hisaudience, spending much of his time right at the edge of the stage, taking hold of the hands raised up to him. At one point, an audience member offered a lit cigarette to him. He accepted it and todk a puff. Moving back a few

steps, he gazed reflectively at I:he cigarette, Lhen looked up anb, shaking it demonstratively, stated, “This is what’s wrong with this country.” It is always amazing to watch the interaction between Nick and guitarist/backup vocalist Blixa Bargeld when they perform together in a duet for “Wueping Song.” It gets even better when, for an encore, the two team up for “Where the Wild Roses Grow,” with Bhxa taking the part originally sung by Kylie Minogue. It is a mark of the devotion that Nick’s fans have for him that, after a first and a second encore, the audience still refused to give up. They continued to scream and applaud for almost twenty minutes after the second encore, demanding a third. The first attempt by the DJ to play program music was shouted down by the crowd. An organizer who made an announcement, sayingtheconcertwasover, wasbooed off the stage. It is a shame that Nick Cave makes so few live appearances in this part of North America. A Bad Seedsshow isa treat to be savoured.

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Friday, September 18, 1998


Pirate radio Waterloo CKMS heatsup the airwaves Y

teal S

the air, tafk hard” are the parting words of advice from Christian Slater’s character in the movie Pump up &a Volume. At UW, you don’t need to risk arrest to bring your own brand of humour, politics or music to the airwaves - pirate radio rules at UW. Located in the Bauerwarehouse on the far north end ofcampus, CKMS (UW’s own radio station) is buried from view, but the signal can be heard as far away as Guelph and Drumbo. CKMS began broadcastingon FM radio in October 1977; 21 years later, they’re still going strong. Located at 100.3 FM (95.5 on cable), the radio station is produced by student volunteers and members of the K-W community. With a mandate to provide information, art and entertainment not available through the mainstream media, CKMS is always a good listen. On any given day, programming can include local news, industrial music, Islamic music, rap or Chinese language programming. The shows are usually divided into three hour slots, and the contrasts can be startling. Women are strongly encouraged to get involved with the station. Radio has tradi-

tionally, and continues to be, a male dominated format. Getting involved with CKMS is easy. Call the volunteerco-ordinator Terry at 886

availablity of air-time, and considering other shows already on the air, your show may or may not be selected for a regular time slot. On the entertainment front, CKMS is

the station, drop by and pick up a station schedule. Playing yourown music for three hours may sound incredibly glamorous, but it requires solid musical knowledge, as well as preparation time well before the show even hits the air. Slater made it look easy in Pumpup tie VoZ~me, but itrequires timeandcommittment. Ifyou’ve got what it takes, bring your music and views to the airwaves at CKMS!

This seatneeds a fillin’ ifyou’re a wilh’. photo


set up a training time. After that, all that remains is to practice and record a 20 minute demo of your show. Depending on

by David Eby

planning a series of live-to-air concerts featuring local acts. To find out more about these concerts of regular programming on

Rain? What rain?

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Whether it’s rain or sleet or snow, water ca_n’tfind its way past the Hunstein Parka”. It features 100% nylon Diamond Rip” with Omni-Tech” waterproof, breathable coating. The seams are fully sealed, and the roll away hood features a crushable bill. The snapclosed front storm flap even has a rain gutter.


IMPRINT, Friday, September 18, 1998

Give Peas a chance The


of War

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he Future of War harkens a brave new world for 1 the armed forces of the world. The central premise of this novel is that weapons systems become senile when they cost too much to defend relative to the firepower they can deliver to targets. This is an extremely important consideration and it has not been examined as thoroughly as it should have been. The book begins with a short history of warfare and how weapons systems have evolved and become senile. The history begins some time before the birth of Christ, and extends into the twentieth century. It demonstrates that the trend of senility is the same for each and every weapon system, no matter how complexoradvanced. Someofthe examples given to illustrate this were David’s defeat of Goliath and the fall of the battleship. Goliath was much larger, stronger and better armoured than David. David did not gird himself in the conventional arms and armour of the day, as he was untrained in their use, and he knew he would be sIain by Goliath. He won the battle because he made all of Goliath’s advancements obsqlete with the use of a

hibitively expensive battleship was made obsolete. Battleships are now delegated to defending carrier fleets, when they are used at all. The carrier has been made obsolete in turn. The Future of War predicts that the rise of the precision guided munition (PGM) foretells the senility of the aircraft carrier. The carrier has become enormously expensive since itw;ls created, and

much of the cost is spent to defend it. In fact, the billion dollar Aegis class cruiser was developed to defend carrier groups. The precision guided munition was first used in the late years of the Vietnam war, in 1973. It proved wildly successf-u1 at destroying two bridges that the Americans had been unable to eliminate. It was deployed too late to win the war, but it brought about a startling new age in warfare. The PGM has the potential to make all of the weapons sys terns before it obsolete in a way that has scarcely been seen in the history of warfare. In the book, it is even compared to the GreekPhalanx. It does so because it removes the limits of humans from the equation of war. Technological developments already finished or undeway will see the hypersonic, intercontinental ranged PGM in use by the end of our generation. Imagine a projectile travelling at speeds in excess of Mach 8 (even as high as Mach 20), guided by intelligent sensors and processors. It would have a probability of striking its target in excessof50percent. Itwould be launched from thousands of miles away, with the time from launch to impact to well under a half-hour. The Future ofWar is very well written, easy to read, and hard to put down. Iccontknsalmosttwenty pages ofcitations. It also devotes a chapter to the rising importancmf space control in the development of warfare through the 21st century.

K-W gets good live

St. W.


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range weapon, a lowly sling. The battleship suffered the same defeat at the hands of the aircraft carrier. The battleshipcan project many more tons of weaponry per square kilometer within its’ kill zone. However, the carrier’s kill zone is so much larger that the battleship cannot get close enough to use its’ weapons. Thus, the pro-


Lyric fills live musicgapin K-W by David




from music fans. Combined shows have also been popular, featuring groups of Canadian artists too small to fill the venue by themselves. On Thursday, September 24, the Lyric will continue this trend by playing host to Econoline Crush, Stabbing Westward and treble charger.

DewilYou Know, Econoline Crush mixes pop, rock and electronic sampling. T&D& You Know has sPawned three major hit singles: “Home,” “All That You Are (x3)” and the CFNY favourite “Sparkle and Shine.” Treble charger has been kicking around the Canadian scene for years. Their com-

fter the closing of the Volcane, K-W lost a valuable venue in the local live music scene; however, this vacuum has been filled by the plucky Mrs. Robinson’s, As excellent as Mrs. Robinson’s is for the local and Canadian independ~~~~~~~~~” Who: Stabbing Westward, Econoline Crush ent scene, they just don’t and treble charger ingguitars is pure have the capacity to host entertainment. the mid-to large-size Where: The Lyric, Kitchener Their show is shows that K-W’s populanot to be missed: tion deserves. Enter the When: Sept. 24, Doors at ~:OOp.m. at Edgefest two Lyric. years ago the Formerly known as , Stabbing Westward will bring band donned wigs and sunglasses the home of Chris Sheppard and and provided beach balls for the theiruniquebrandofrhythmdriven the Energy 108 crowd, the Lyric crowd. This isone band that knows music to a show with Depeche has become increasingly known as Mode later next month at the how to put on a show - as long as the large size live venue for which they don’t cancel. treble charger Skydome. Imprint will be bringK-W has been searching. backed out of the Sounds of Sumingan interview with the band next The Foo Fighters, Public Enmerat WaterlooPark this summer. issue. emy, Smashmouth, Blur and Now that you’ve heard the If you’re looking for a loud Catherine Wheel have all graced pitch, see the show. All three bands rock show and a good time, don’t the stage at the converted movie are at the Lyric next Thursday. miss checking out Econoline theater in downtown Kitchener, Crush. On their new album T/%e Don’t miss it. resulting in credibility and respect




18, 1998




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18, 1998


Black Toque Festival Highlights: A Word Essay


verall? Agood show. More organized than last year? Without a doubt. A&od time had by all? Most definite&. This year’s Black Toque festival showcased virtually all local independent talent -with the exception of last minute headliners King Cobb Steelie. The festival ran on two stages from noon until the wee hours of the morning at Laurel Creek conservation area. Many concert goers decided to take up the offer of free camping and turned the event into an all day and all night extravaganza. The beer flowed freely thanks to the help of the Circus room, and a fairly diverse selec-

tion of food was available for hungry attendees. There is certainly room to grow in terms of a consumer village, but then again it was kind of nice riot to see ten stands (standard to all one day 1 festivals) seiling the same needless “earthwaresn. Many of the day’s acts were acoustic and folk based, but there was a seemingly conscious effort to diversify the lineup with punk rock acts such as Pablum (who incidentally were not well received - not a big surprise at a folk based festi-

val), the DJ. wizardy of Leeroy Brown, the groovy funk of Corduroy Leda, and of course the space rockers King Cobb Steelie. The maindrawofthedaywassupposed

managed toentertain eheaudience with upop songs which will make him a whole lqad of dough” - as he jokingly (?) self proclaimed. The rhythmic backup of Dave Tolley on percussio’n was a welcome addition to an otherwise sim-

“On the whole the Black Toque festival is destined for success .”

ence from the annoying and tasteless nuisance of the “guest MC.” King Cobb Steelie proved to have mastered the art of space rock. The band seemed to be trying to take the audience to a “higher plane,” but I’m not sure that everyone in the audience was prepared to transcend themselves. Nonetheless, the band played an enjoyable and creative set. On thewhole the BlackToque festival is destined for success. As long as they continue to remain well organized, and continue to ‘heavily promote their event. Perhaps the most depressing aspect of the festival was that the turn out was lack-luster, although the festival broke even. The field slowly began to fill as the chilly evening advanced, but it was still rather barren, In order for this festival to grow (and thereby attract a greater audience) they may need to secure one or two more “established” acts. The down side of such a decision will mean less time for the local independent scene. If the priority of the festival is to showcase new and local talent then it will probably remain at this size. Either decision will yield to a differen t kind of fe,s tival, but we will have to wait until next year to see what that decision will be.


light of -the main l l stage was Corduroy Leda. The sound ofthe band . is somewhat ecto be Greg Keelor of Blue Rodeo, lectic -a combination ofwalking but the day before the show he bass lines, solid phunkdrumming, lapsed into a diabetic coma. The swirling guitars and the combinaconcert goers and promoters were tion ofangst ridden vocals and lyriobviously concerned for the well cal harmonies. The band found it’s being of Mr. Keelor, but they did groove early, and was able to en* tertain the audience with Iively set not let the bad news cast shadows oier the day’s festivities. of music. The fans were dancing, Asfarasfolkrockwent, White the band was jamming and rhythm Courtesy Phone played a surpris-’ filled the cool evening air. If the ingly energetic and creative set. band can pull together an equally Intense vocals which were backed impressive debut CD (coming out by commendable slide guitarwork soon!) they may help to re-ignite combined to prove that this duo is the local independent music worth “picking up.” Following scene. White Courtesy Phone was Mark Corduroy Leda were followed Perak and his friend Dave Tolley. bythe last minute headliners King AI though they only had the opporCobb Steelie. The band todk the tunity to play a few songs, Mr. Perak stage just in time to save the audi-

So little time -

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somany arts events. by David InpM7ts&F



he world of arts is limit less, and so are the oppor t&ties for those who love the arts. Here is a s&&n of ~,~.~i~~.~..::~~,.:,.’ ,....._._.1 :....:.-.,:....:. .:.,_...A. ..:.. opportunities for arts oriented University ofwaterloo students. Jonovision

Handel’s “Messiah” with professional orchestra and soloists. You must be able to read music. There * is no audition, but you should be able to sing in 4 parts. Call l-800867-328 1 for details. ’ . ..

baseball card collection you used for bookmarks is priceless. Fashion Fashionable,


are you? “Making Headway,” a collection of seven designers, a band and other goodies are presenting at Club Abstract on September 30. Be there or be hopelessly out of style for Psych 100.

The televiVisual Arts sions show thar covers “what University of Wamatterstoteenterloo .graduate agers” is seekKaroline Varining audience Jarkowski’s work is members. If being featured by you have the the Trais Gallery will tog&t tothe in Toronto. Come big city (To~afol 1~‘~w~~willbe~displayuntilSepte~rber30attheTriasCallery. out and support of romo), Jon has some tickets photocwrtesyo~the~rais~allery.ofUW'sown.The addressoft.heTrais withyourname is 80 Spadina Avenue, Suite 306. on them. Call l-416-205-3831. Sotheby’s Rodshow CaIl(416) 363 6242 for details. The world of arts is out there, Handel’s Messiah just reach out and grab a piece for Antique, do you? Sotheby’s veryourself - and if you’re really, Sing, do you? The Celebration sion of the Antiques Roadshow will really, really, really motivated, be coming to the Cambridge GalChorale (an Inter-Faith Mass dome to the Imprint and write leries. Find out that your family Choir) invites all singers to particiabout it! heirloom is worth squat, and that pate in the performance of

A Hole new band by LJsa Johnson /mpn’ntsM


It’s been four years since Hole’s last album, Live ohm@ T4fi, which went platinum and was deemed “album of the year” by many of the major critics. In that time, a lot has changed. CUeb&y SRiti is Hole’s latest offering and will no doubt be hailed as their finest to date. The band has made a natural progression from their ‘91 debut Preq On the hide to the less ag-

gressive, more catchy sound on this al bum. The songs are more radiofriendly and full of hooks, yet still manage to be in-your-face. Along with the loud rock offerings are beautiful ballads, which makes the album much more diverse. And Producer Michael Beinhom adds a final glossy finish to the project. Billy Corgan, of Smashing Pumpkins fame, serves as co-writer on three tracks. Of them, “Hit So Hard” is a lyrically ambiguous song which fits nicely into the “take it or leave it”category. However, the title track is undeniably brilliant in its lyrics, mu-

sic, and production. It is certainly one of the best songs of the year. The savage brutality and hy-

pocrisy of Hollywood ing theme in modern

is a prevailmusic, but





has not yet been conquered so well as here: “Oh look at my face/ MY nameismighthavebeen/Myname is never was/ My name’s forgotten.” And of course, one cannot release a record without the requisite string arrangement. Aerosmith did it, as did Alanis and the Goo Goo Dolls. Hell - even Puff Daddy did it. 1 “Northern Star” is a moving, emotional song that, along with “Heaven Tonight,” that proves Courtney Love can actually sing and not just wail. Her vocals are perfectly and melodically complemen ted by the advent of Canadian bassist/backup singer Melissa Auf der Maur. She adds a wonderful harmony to

each song and her voice melds so well with Love’s that she is definitelyanindispensablepartofthis record. ’ Of the twelve tracks featured, seven or eight are truly single worthy. Those remaining are not themselves bad, just weaker than the rest. “Playing Your Sung” could very possibly be the next single and is, says Ms. Love, “. .. the last grunge song ever. This is the only cynical song on the record.” Most of the songs still maintain a slight air ofcynicism but also contain seeds of optimism. C&b&y Skin leaves listeners feeling fulfilled and hopeful rather than defeated. It is a true rock gem.

Supa Rapper 2000 doubtedly, he is the most technically proficient rapper to hit since Nas’ Illmatic. Though he is well known for his acid tongue lyrics and his other by Mike Downing /mpn’ntsM My father once taught me that if ever in a fight alone against a group of foes,;pick the biggest guy and take him out, then the tithers Canibus will fear you. Well, must’ve known something when he stood up to the foul backstabbing of rap legend LL Cool J, exposing that rapper’s profound lack of true rhyme skills. The story is known. But to summarize, LL dissed him.’ Canibus hit back TKO. LL tried to hit back but failed miserably. Now MC’sfearCanibus. This guy’s lyrical skiils are phenomenal. Un-

worldly metaphors, what is understated is the sheer intelligence of his raps. Canibus is truIy the street rapperforthe21”century. Hetackles

To tell you the truth, this album blows me away. A real departure from the traditional poppy sounds of Shudder to Think, the soundtrack forFimtLtxdu.rtR is not only an intriguing collection * of ah-rock artists but delivers a shocking sound which wouldn’t be out of place in a 50’s diner. Shudder to Think has collected the Iikes of Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins), Jeff Buckley, LizPhair, John Doe (The The), Mimi Parker & Alan Sparhawk (Low), Nina Persson

(Cardigans), Robin Zander (Cheap Trick) and Angela McClusky (Wild Colonials) to guest on various album tracks. The standout tracks stand way out: Liz Phair’s “Erecting a Movie Star” is absolutely fantastic. Even if you aren’t a Liz Phair fan right now, this may just convert you. Mimi Parker and Alan Sparhawk from Low guest on “I just really want to see you” a track so retro you’ll swear it was right from ;he fifties. Corgan’s track “When I was born I was bored”, is mediocre not that it’s bad, just that it pales in comparison to the rest of this album.Anothertracknottobemissed is the moody Appalachian Lullaby featuring the Cardigan’s Nina Persson. With a soundtrack this good, I can’t wait to catch the movie . . .

conspiracy theories, alien landings, the internet, violence in rap, and dishonour to women with equal skill. Coining useful terms such as “Niggonometry” and *‘Hypenitis” along the way. “How We Roll” is the track that impresses me the most. It was the B-side of “Second Round KG,”

now aslegendary asLL’s krypton-

ite. In case you haven’t heard, get some: “If you really wanna show off, we could get it on/Live in front of the cameras on your own sitcom/ I let you kick a verse. Fuck it! I let you kick them all/ I even wait for the studio audience to applaud/ Nowwatchmeripthetatfromyour arm/ Kick you in the groin/ Stick you for your Vanguard award in

front of your mom/Your first, second, and third born/ Make your wife get on the horn and call minister Farakaun/ to persuade me to squash it.” The voice is savage. The mind scope is overwhelming. The eyes are like-a panther’s, The album is the thermonuclear bomb guaranteed to explode on the rap world.

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nothin’ the CD becomes another “listening hype”. In total, Monifah blossomed in most of her songs. The atmosphere she creates

by Toks Tawost hpn!ntstaF Monifah’s anthem *‘Bad Girl” sounds exactly like Mase’s “ Bad Boys”, but with a feminine hype. Monifah is bold, attitudinal, ‘in your face’ and has a rich “Timberland “ sound to her rhythm. Monifah is anything but shy: she is not a people pleaser when it comes to her music. She is sometimes blunt and very uncompromising. She is not afraid of been disliked. She gives herself and then leaves it to us to accept or refuse, but she is nonetheless presenting herself. Her songs are body movement worthy. She is willing to defy norm and she proves this in “Suga Suga” and *LTouch.” She says how she feels and also feels what she says. Monifah is in sdme ways extremely explicit and borderline, so some of her songs are not pleasing to the mind. Monifah explores a variety of production options. From rebellious tempo, her songs move to summery and flowery and

in such songs, indicate her uhderstanding of rhythm. With songs like, “Have you ever been loved,” Monifah attempts to be your typical female. She sings of the loyalty every woman needs’and deserves, Her sweet melodic voice becomes unusually innocent and peaceful. She is, in her way, using her talenttofightforwhatwomenwanc the opportunity to be taken seriously and seen as talented; and secondly, to be given a chance to show what they are made of. For Monifah, it’s all about respect.

by John


hpnhtst%lf Imagine a classic CanRock sound, with driving, rocking guitars. Now add a reggae style bass line and drum beat. Throw in a couple John Popper-esque harp wails (nothi@ as extensive as the big man’s riffs, but that same electrified mouth-organ sdund) and you’ve got one&l& album from Big Sugar. A perfect example of how this band is creating aunique sound for Canadian Rockand Roll is the great cover of fellow Canucks BachmanTurner-Overdrive’s “Let it Ride.” BT0 (Randy Bachmanjn particular) is the band that brought us the classics “Takin’ Care of Business” and “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet.” “Let it Ride” is a similar song on which Big Sugar manage to lay some heavy rhythm and lead guitar over some very “island” beats. Jamaican bassist Garry Lowe is the culprit in bringing in this excellent mix of laid back rhythm section and hammering melody and lead Par=. Big Sugar transform the 70’s classic so that it sounds 1i ke one of their own. That is the beauty of this album: Even the cover is original!



Lowe and, of course, lead man Gordie Johnson, who incidentally wears HUGO, are the main creative men for Big Sugar on this album. Get Heated, ‘cause it definately is!

by Mike


hpmtstll3R Radio personality /DJ/Producer/ Gold record seller Funkmaster Flex’s title got more Slash than Guns 3-r’ Roses. But on the real Flex revolutionized the

gamewiththis60minutesoffunk thing and now his volume three has hit. The ironic thing about it is the60minutescontainscutfroma billion people other than Flex.


There are no less than 50 performers on this CD from several spectrums of the’hip hop cosmos. Sdme tracks are studio polilshed the best of these is de6 nitely Wu Tang’s “Hammerdown.” The Wu negroes leave the neurons heated. Big Pun and Noreaga rep as well. Most are freestyles over other peoples beats. These test the improv skills of the artists and usually an unfamiliar beat and little prep time will eat MC’s. Having said that, DMXand KRSONE take the belts easy. ThatnegroDhasanuncopable buggin’ flow and KRS is iike viagra for rap heads. Gangstar came correct. Mobb Deep handled biz. On the R+B/ hip hop tip, Missy lost out to Mariah Carey and some crew called the League. It wuz phaat! Eight Ball, EPMD and Mr. Murray all reped. Big Pun, Fat Joe and the Terror Squad spat loveliness on an Xzibit beat. The surprise hit came from Shaquille O’Neal who did his thang with Sonja Blade toclose off the album. In the oldie but goodie category, who could deny01’ Dirty’s “Shimmey Shimmey Ya” it’s due props. Ail inall this album will sell because it gives a fresh raw mix of old beats and hot MC’s with new lyrics. Flex has put together another keeper that is bound to earn serious rotations worldwide.

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18, 1998

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by John


Friday, September 18, 1998


fnpnlntstilR The best way to describe a new band in a review is tti compare them to a sound the reader might recognize. Well then, here goes: Gypsy Sol is like Sarah McLachlan singing over a really rockin’ mambo band, made up of Darren Shearer, Cathy Craig, Trevor J, Bedard, Nat Roman, Ewan Miller, Evan Cranley and the singing diva Katey Morley, who looks like a make-up-less Annie Lennox in her album shot. There is excellent and generous use of horns onSz&&~M~~, an album featuring a wide variety of instruments including didjeridoo and synch. The horns are played and arranged by band members Craig and Cranley, while Shearer arranges the many percussive parts on the tunes. There is a wide variety of musical styles on Sudden Move, but Morley’s voice holds it all together. Gypsy Sol have been around the Toronto scene for a long time. In fact I went to grade school with a guy who used todrum for them. They’ve come a long way, and they’re about to make it big. A similar band, Kingston’s Travel Agent (look for them to break through soon too, with a similar horn-driven funkstyle)opened, for Gypsy Sol last June at Toronto’s Lee’s Palace.TheTravelAgentshowwassogood, I decided I didn’t want to bother seeing Gypsy Sol. After hearing the album, I’m kicking myself. Don’t make the same mistake; get as much Gypsy Sol as you can!

by Frank Yang fmpnhtsta# It’s a post-Britpop world. The past year has seen most of the prime movers (Pulp, Radiohead, Blur) move in bold new directions, essentially destroying the myth of an “Anglo sound”. It’s a free-for-all on the British music scent, and the standards by which a “great” album is measured are daunt-


Embrace are the current darlings of the UK music scene. They’re two brothers from northern England -one of them sings, the other plays guitar.;. Okay, it sounds a little familiar, but they’ve got better hair than the Gallaghers. T/reGoodWi/1Outis their debut album, and it’s been hotly awaited by those who are waiting to either place them on a pedestal or tear them down. It’s difficult to discuss Embrace without bringing up their two most obvious reference points, Oasis and the Verve. From Oasis, they take their Stones-eyswaggerand penchant for “na-nana” (and sometimes “la-la-la”) lyrics. Thankfully, they check Oasis-esque excess at the door. The UrbanHymns-era Verve offers up a blueprint for the record -anthemic opener (the first single, “‘All You Good Good People”), followed by a good mix of acoustic ballads and overdriven rockers. Sprinkle liberally with strings. Serve to public. Collect accolades.Though it doesn’t break any new ground stylistically, Good WiDis an engaging listen, heartfelt and upljfting. After you sort out Danny McNamara’s vocals, which straddle the fine line between possessingcharacter and being tone-deaf, there’s a lot of good stuff on this record. It’s not as epic as they’d like to believe,’ but damn if they don’t try. Arnold (named for bassist Phil Payne’s dog) take a different approach.

Hillside, their full-length debut, is a sterling example of lo-fi intimacy. While “Fleas Don’t Fly” is a catchy opener, much of the album is primarily acoustic, with moments of washed-out, reverb-laden electric guitar and quite a bit of studio patter left in. There are also peculiar tracks like “Rabbit”, which is a stream-of-consciousness discourse about... rabbits. Possibly thecartoon rabbit gracing the cover of the record. No one is sure, and Arnold aren’t talking. Hillsde has a definite pastoral, rustic feel to it, Not too surprising, considering their previous release was an EP of demos calledT&Bam Tapes. The name came from the fact that the tapes were recorded, well, in a barn. In fact, it’s tough to believe this trio is from London. They sound like they’d be much more at home out standing in a field. They recently toured North America with Drugstore, bui will hopefully be backin the near fu ture onceHih’Isi& has had a chance to take root. L Embrace are likely to be placed (willingly or not) at the forefront of the new generation of British rock bands, with Arnold probably remaining in the background as critical faves. In either case, these bands offer hope that the future of the UK music scene will remain fresh and vital, and a hell of a lot less cynical.

ingly high. So what’s a young band to do? If you’re Embrace or Arnold, you trade in your angst and fuzzbox for a healthy dose of earnestness and a string section. .

Another damn soundtrack by Chtistopher qesler specihf to fnpn9lt True, first year can be tough, heck., the entire university experience is pretty much one long and tedious up-hill battle for most

students. So be it factor fiction, the premise behind “Dead Man On Campus” remains an appealing yet disturbingly morbid option. That is, to escape failure through the death of one’s roommate, a.k.a. “ the dead man’s clause” (don’t get any ideas). And so from the simple premise arises a simple movie, which in turn breeds a rather simple soundtrack. Simple in the sense that the entire set - of songs does not meander far from the

unrelenting velocity of the mainstream. Considering that The Dust Brothers were the executive music producers, prciducing three songs and performing a fouah, this soundtrack does little to offer any sort of variability. What’s worse is that The Dust Brothers chose to perform a Chemical Bothers remix of “Realize”. I believe the adage goes “too much of one thing sucks!” There are, however, a hand-full of decent songson this U-track CD. Elastica contributes an eerie tune named ?-Iuman” which incidentally is not contained with the film. Oxford’s trippy trio Supergrass adds a happy-go-lucky numbercalled “WeStillNeed More” which offers a sound reminiscent of fellow countrymen the Beatles. Despite havingcollaboratedwith those dusty siblings, American band Creeper Lagoon shows its multi-faceted musical aptiIf tude in “I Became Small and Go”. alternative-funk-metal is in tune with your genre of music, check out Powerman 5000. PMSKoffersanexplosive, angry sound with elements typical of bands such as Tool and Rage Against the Machine. Creed on the other hand subjects the listener to “Bound And Tied”. If you’ve heard Creed before you don’t need to hear them again...enough said. The greatest song on this compilation is definitely “Walking In The Dark” by none other than Goldfinger. This



the life back intoan

otherwise defunct soundtrack and offers the only reason for keeping the album in any collection. Based on that analysis you may want to keep your bonesin your pocket, but don’t altogether discount some of these bands on their own.

GC by Wand



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by John Lofra~~co fmplfntstif Dr. John says: “I don’t wanna know about evil.” No problem Doctor, not with this album anyway. A very spiritual release, Anutha Zone explores the Connection between Lahsa, Tibet, it 29 North, 90 East and New Orleans, Louisiana, at 29 North, 90 West. It starts out very much inan Eastern mood, and progresses beautifully to some fine Western funky blues that Dr. John is best known In the liner notes, he gives praise to all the gods, saying “Hello God, Allah, Jesus, Christo, Buddah, Shiva, Sun-Ra, and to all crickets, coons, critters and gold Grammies that glitter. This is an album that attempts to unite, and it does. Many special guests including the spaced out trance-makers, Spiritualized, and the Kick Horns, who toured with the RollingStones during the making of Flashpoint, make this album is as broad as an album can be, while still maintaining excellent continuity.’ With songs called Zonata, Ki Ya Gris Gris, and The Olive Tree, which take on a more Eastern them

long side titles like Soulful Warrior, The Stroke and Sweet Home New Orleans, which does indeed take us home, Dr. John takes us all around the world, and effectively introduces the Eastern sound into his traditional Western bluesy style. The last track, “Sweet Home New Orleans”, is almost a throw back to the days of big band/swing blues. It is a fitting end to the album, as he fealty makes the listener feel like they’re coming back home, even if, like me, they’ve never been to New Orleans. The journey theme of this album definately engages the listener. This album is the first ip a while that when it finished I had to go put it right back on,again.

by Mike Keenan specllal to Impnbt Juliana Hatfield’s first fulllength release” since 1995’s Only &q%4ing( not counting last year’s excellent EP, PZe~st Do Nit Dismrb) was worth the wait. Indeed, it is possibly her best. album to date, despite p few flaws. Hatfield’s voice sometimes sounds out of place, par&u larly on the album’s punk-tinged opener, “Down On Me”, but she’s such a good songwriter that it usually


doesn’t matter. While she’s always been able to turn out good tunes,noneofherpreviousalbums have been as consistently good as Bed Among the highlights are the first single, “Bad Day”, with its almost Social Distortion-esque guitar intro, and “You Are The Camera”, perhaps the most franMy sexual song Hatfield has ever re-

in “Live It Up,” in which she tells the rich and powerful that “We salivate, visualizing your head on a plate.” But then, someone who once described Bret Easton Ellis’ horrifying novelAm&an &&o as “hilariously funny” must have a pretty strange sense of humour indeed.

Friday, September 18, 1998 The



well with


song, unlike other 80’s sample thieves. Each rappergetsachorus to showcase their talent and varied styles.

by Edc BraIden spedd to the /mpn’nt Rot-A-Blok’s first fgray into ihe music industry begins with Sporty Thievz’ first album. This trio of former tugboat salesmen, Marlon Brando, Big Dubez and album of biblical proportions; a corded. This song also seems to movie theater where the lives of show a newfound self-confidence thugs are profiled. Each track is preceded by a skit introducing the from someone who once said she was “ugly with acapital U.” “Swan song. After several times of lis tenSong” is about suicide, but unlike ing to the skits, most become an“The Edge of Nowhere,” from ’ noyirig, somewhat like having to Please& A&Disturb, which is simpay for parking at your own univerply despairing, this song is much sity. Although this album was reangrier. It also contains elements ’ leased a month ago, most tracks do ofblack humour (the John Cougar not seem dated. ‘Fedz,‘which conMeltencamp allusion in the line tains a sample of the Eurythmic’s “Dear ,Jack, I hate you. Love ‘Here Comes the Rain Again,’ (not Diane” and the absurd overkill in to be confused with ‘Blame it on the different suicide methods dethe Rain’) describes life on the run. scribed,)Alsodarklyfunnyisaline

The track ‘Aquamen’ is perhaps t’he most innovative song to hit the music scene since Will Smith’snowclassic’GetJiggyWit It.’ The plot line of the song is that thy Sporty Thievz have to go scuba diving in the Florida Keys for some Colombian nose candy. At the point when they enter the water, the beat gains an underwater echo and a submarine ping sound. Street Cinema does not depend upon many guest appearances as filler, just Tradegy Kadafi and Peter Gunz. With the exception of ‘Fedz,’ the album isn’t rehashing the Decade Of Greed I’s greatest hits. Instead, the producer opted to use minimalist beats and piano loops, in effect creating a new, fresh sound.

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Engilsh convemation class meets Friday afternoons from 2:00-4:00 pm. in NH2060, September - June. Students, faculty, staff, and spouses are invited to attend. For more info contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814. English ianguags lab is held every Monday from 230”3:20 pm. in Modem Languages 113, September -June. The class has an,emphasis on pronurtciation and listening exercises. Students, ’ faculty, staff and spouses are welcome to attend. For more info contact the international Student Office, ext. 2814

Guitar Lessons, KW central, serious or just fun, all styles, beginner/advanced, RCM affiliate teacher, B.A. Music. Call Michael Bennett at 576-6881.

Whiskey Jacks, Kitchener’s premier Eatery and Night Club, is now seeking energetic people to fill a variety of positions. Applications are being accepted for Cocktailers, Bartenders, Security Persons, D.J.‘s and M.C.‘s. Successful applicants must be fun loving, outgoing, with a ffexible schedule and have some experiertc8. Interested people should phone Mike St. Denys or Don Hums at 578-7205 to set up an interview. Join the Winning team today! Travel - teach English: 5 day/40 hour (June 2-6 Guetph) TESOL teacher certifiC;rte cws8 (or by correspondence) ThOUsands of jobs available NOW. Free info pack, tolt free l-866-270-2941. Student Access Van now hiring! You must have a F Class license. Please contact Jane Farfey at the office For Persons With Disabilities, Needles Hall, room 2051 or call Kristen Miller at 664Part-time staff required for local fitness club. Weight-training knowledge and interest required. C.P.R. an asset. Evening and weekend hours. Call or fax resume to 579-6411 Tutor inranted - $lO/hr - ARC view/ARC info software. Prefer someone who has taken GE0 355. Call 578-2956. Patient, creative student/s with transportation to tutor Waterloo teenager in grade 11 English and grad8 12 math until June 1999. Call 864-7903. Fundraisers required to work with others for local charity. Transportation provided. Phone 747-5650 anytime.

Want to support Joe Clark for leader of the PC party. Call Jack Reynolds at 8860474 for a membership form. Must be in by September 25th.

Investment property for sale $139,900. Triplex, older home. Rents pay for mortgage plus extra money each month! Call 623-1629. Rooms for mnt - close to both universities. Parking, laundry facilities included. Call 746-5673

Professional Tutoring and Editing. Are you achieving the grades you deserve? lmproV8 your essay skills, 8diting, research and writing. E&t. a specialty. Phone (416)260-6113 or Fax 14161 M-0240. English language coaching: improve your speaking, writing and communication. Flexible pricing. Proofreading services. 15 years European experience. Excellent references. Tel. 8667941. Need custom clothes for your rez floor, club, faculty? Tearaway pants, 9 different colours, hospital scrubs, tshirts, hats... Free catalogue. Call l888-400-5455. Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind the Waterloo Chap& proudly announces a fundraising concert with Canada’s own Terry Kelly. Humanities Theatre Wednesday, Uctob8r7th. 7:00 pm. Tickets $15.00 each available by calling 666-6234. Accent Adjustment - want to get rid of your accent? A certified speechlanguage pathologist can help. Call Alana at 884-9669.

Fail 1998 Workshops: Study Skills Program-Reading & Study Skills, Preparing For & Writing Exams. Personal/ Social Programs-Anger Management Skills, Procrastination, Self-Esteem Enhancement. Career Development Programs-Career Planning Working, Interest Assessment. For more courses and info drop into NH 2060.

SATURDAYS Prima Computer Books: The most important peripherals you’ll ever own. Ask in the Campus Bookstore - Fast and easy; in a weekend; admin guides and more. 0 down - free delivery - P It complete computer package, 19’-36,’ sharp TV, VCR, Goldstar beer fridge, Fisher mini sterea system. Call today! 1-800-2679466*


Modcet Busschedule. The bus will pickup. and return on the hour, eve hour until 1l:OO a.m. Tickets$2. 8 OAskattheTurnkey Desk, SLC for more info. Noon hour concerk se&es 12:30 pm. s8i8Ct8d Wetdnesda s at the Cha el at Conrad Ereb8 r college. W 8cf nesday, Sept. 30th 12:30 pm. Modem Quartet. Via Africa - music for string quartet with an african influence.

bvereaters Anonymous weekly meetings: call 658-lb50 for a recording of area contacts. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins, no diet$...we’re a fellowship. NewcomerS always welcome! site: Web www.overeatersanonymous.org/

Residents are reminded to set out their Blue Boxes in a visible location to ensure that the boxes can be seen by the recycling program drivers. For info 883-5150. ext. 237. TLC The Laser Centre Inc., in conjunction with UW School of Optometry, is delighted to announce the opening of TLC Waterloo. The new site is now open to provide free consultations for anyone interested in pursuing r8fractive surgery as a method of correction for nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism. For more info or to schedule your free consultation, contact 68th Hahn at: TLC Waterloo, UW, School of OptOm8try, Columbia Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, tel.: 68% 4602 or fax 666-l 346.. .or ask your eye care professional if you are a candidate for Laser Vision Correction. Ebytown Food Co-operative: organic, locally grown, minimally packaged food for people, not for pro@. Affordable prices! 260 Phillip Street, Building A4, Waterloo Co-operative Residence. Call. 886-6606 for weekly store hours. Career Development Seminars: Thursday, Sept. 24th. “ReSUm8 Writing”- techniques for writing an effective resume. NH1 020,10:3&11:30. ‘Letter Writing’ - learn how to use letters to your advantage in the job search. NH1020, 11:30-12:30. ‘Interview Skills:Preparing for Questions” - understand how the employer prepares for the interview and what this means for you. then view and discuss taped excerpts of actual interviews. NH1 020, 2:30-4:00. TOEFL preparation cour& - the test of English asa Foreign Languagecourse (TOEFL) begins September 22nd and ends November 25th. Classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:00-4:30 pm. This IO week course is designed to prepare people for writing the TOEFLexam. The course fee is $50 and the book is $35. Register at the international Student Office, NH 2080 or call ext. 2814 for more details. Guided Self Changeof alcohol us8: for individuals who may have concerns about th8 amount they are drinking and want to cut down. Call Counselling Servic8s (ext. 2655) to find out more. 0vereatersAnonymousw8&lymeetirgs: call 656-1050 for a recording of area contacts. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins, no diets...we’re a fellowship. Newcomers always welcome! Web site: www.overeatetinonymous.orq/ Waterloo-Germany Exchange - open to all students. Receive UW credits language fluency - International experience - Intercultural skills! Deadline is March 15, 1999. For more info contact secretav in Modern Languages, Rm 313 or the Director at 885-l 211 ext. http:// 2260 Of watarts.uwaterloo.cal-mboehrin/Exchange/mannheim.htm. Join the Family Fun day at Notre Dame of St. Agatha Children’s Centre on Sunday, Sept. 27thfrom noon-!?00 pm. For infb cali Irene or Debbie at 741 -I 122 Gotf8rs be a part of ‘Putting for Kids” at Waterloo Golf Acad8my on Sunday, Sept. 27th from 1O:OO am-6:OO pm. Proceeds to Notre Dame of St. Agatha Children’s Centre, For pledge forms

Friday, September 18 Ubmy Tours: lo:30 am,’ 12~30 pm, 1:30 pm. Meet at the Dana Porter, Davis Centre Library Info desk. Take a guided tour of the library of your choice. UMD Libmry Tours: 11:30am. Meetat

the UMD Librury Public Services desk. Take a auided tour of the UMD Librarv. Monday, September 21 Libmry Tours: 10:30am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm. Meet at the Dana Porter, Davis Centre Librarv info desk. UMD library Tours: I:30 pm. Meet ot the UMD Library

Public Services Desk.

08ti.ing the Most out of Electronic Databases: 2:3O pm. Meet at the Davis Centre

Library info desk.

Success 101 - Come and learn about Waterloo’s newest course anti find out why it’s the h&est...Meet the members of The Success Club-the club with a mission*. Al welcome. Bring your friends tool See YOU at 5~30 D.m. in DC1351.

Tuesday, September 22 Library Touch: lo:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2~30 pm Meet at the Dana Porter, Davis Centre

Library info desk.





12:30 pm.

Dana Porter Library. Regist&ion required (up to a day before the session). Caii ext 5417 Or email jdforga~iibrary.uwaterloo.ca Trellis is the new library.cataiogue. ’

Wednesday, September 23 Coma to thefirst meeting of the Waterloo Ergonomics Student Interest Group! 5 p.m. in the BMH lounge. All students welcome! Libmry TOINS: lo:30 am, 12:30 pm, L1:30 pm. Meet at the Dana Porter, Davis Centre Library info desk. Getting the Most out of Electronic Databases: lo:30 am. Meet at the Dana Porter Library info desk. information for Graduate Students: 2:30 pm. Meet at fhe Davis Centre library info desk. Learn about facilities and SBWices that will make your library research moie effective. Open House for Students with Disabiiities: The Library Connection: 3:00 pm. Meet at the Accessibility Centre, Dana Porter Library. Learn about the services

and equipment




UW Library and the campus office for Persons with Disa’bilitiss. Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo Coming Out Discussion Group. Topic: “Coming Out to Others.” 7:30 pm. Social follows at 9 pm. HH 378. Meet old friends and make new ones. A! wei-

come. Details: 884-4569. Thursday, September Trellis Hands-On Wotihop

24 - IST

Training room,MC10789:30am - 11 :OO am, You must register online for this sessionat: http://www.ist.uwaterloo.ca/ cs/coursas.htmi. Trellis is the database thut links you to the library holdings at UW, WllJ and Gueiph. Learn key search

features. Library Tours:

l&30 am, 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 6:15 pm. Meet at the Dana Porter, Davis Centre Libmry info desk. Trellis Demo: 12:30 pm. Meet at the Information Desk, Davis Centre Libmry. Fridcly, September 2$ Mwketing Your Skills in the New Working World two dayworkshop. Learn how to survive-and thrive-in the world of contmct, short-term, seasonal and partti~88~@J)WllUtli.




is limited. Call 725-7970.

Saturday, Choreogmphetis

September Collective

26 is proud

to present their fourth season formal show at 8:00 p.m. at the Waterloo Community Arts Centre. For ticket info call

894-2 150




RAIBE Hom8 Support needs volunteers with car and time during the day to driveekferjrclientstomediicalandother appointments. Flexible position. Mileage reimbursement available. Call 7447666 Tl18 City of Waterloo Volunteer Services, m-6486, is currently recruiting for the following volunteer positions: ‘Office Volunteer’ - for a busy office to answeer phones, takes messages on Mondays from It :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. “DiOnySia Festival &#iunt88rS” - needed in September for the Greek Festival held at Moses Springer Arena. “Volunteer Drivers & Shoppers’ - volunteers are urgently needed to drive seniors to medical appointments, shopping, retreational and meal programs. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursed. Must have reliable transportation. “Games Room Attendant” - volunteers are n88d8d to help run and play games at Moses Springer CommuniQYCentre. Waiking Track Marshails needed for the ind&r track at the Waterloo Recreation Complex. Hours Sat. and Sun. 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Bnd Mon to Fri from 730 a.m. to 9:OO p.m. WateriCommunity Arts Centre requires a custodian and attendant. The custodian is needed for approx 2 hrs per week. The*attendant is needed to perform receptionist duties for 4 hrs in the eveninas. Big sisters is seeking 16 homework helpers to assist Somalian youth (elementary through high school grades)Training date Wed., September 30th 7-9 p.m. Call 743-5206 to register. Big Sisters- needs 25 homework help8rs to tutor ‘elementary or high&h&l students. Own transportation required. Training Mon., Sept. 28th 7-9 p.m. Call 743-5206 to re&terTutorsare needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written,and oral English. Tutors meet students on campus for 1 term, usually onc8 a week for 1-2 hours. if you have a good working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable and would like to volunteer, register at the tntemationai Student office, NH 2080. For more information about th8 program, call extension 2814 or e-mail darleneOwats8rvl. Big Sisters is looking for female volunteers to develop one-on-one relationships with girls (aged 4-17) and boys (aged 4-11) years, Training sessions are Saturday, September 26th 9:oO am to 4:00 pm. or Saturday, November 21st and 28th. from 9:OO am to noon. Call 743-5206 and register Teen Esteem is a f’lexible, volunteer program that gives women of all ages and walks of life the opportunity to directly affect th8 lies of young girls. Call Cathy Tassone at 621-61 IO for more information. Big Brothers of K-W needs students t0 provide a group recreation program for little brothers - training provided. Call Mike Tyrrell at 579-5150. Hopespring offers one on one support for cancer patients by appointment or drop-in from IO:00 av. to 4:00 pm. Workshops like Yoga, therapeutic touch and guest speakers are available to cancer patients and their caregivers. For more info call 742-HOPE (4673). Youth Drop in Centre opening in Cambridge. Needs workers:

Get excellent

experience. build leadership skills, meet new people, work out new challenges. Must be outgoing, responsible and reliable. Approximateiv 4-6 hours/week. Call 74-1, ext. 2652. VOLUNTEER WITH IMPRINT! Come to the Student Life Centre, room It 16 for all the info!

ti you are interested in any of the following positions, please call Sue Coulter at the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610 and quote the number followina the nosition title. Teach Someone To Read #048-2223 The Literacy Council of K-W is in need of one-to-one tutors for both youth and adults. The Write Place program provides tutoring in reading, writing and math to youth, 16-24 years old. Adult students require help with basic reading and math skills as well. If you are patient, flexible and are proficient in reading or math, come and join the Literacy Council team. Orientation for the two workshops begins September 8, 1998. Hospice of Waterloo Region #081-2008 needs volunteers to provide emotional support, companionship and practical assistance to clients facing a life-threatening illness and also to their families. Volunteers are asked to commit 3 hours a week for a year. Volunteers with a second language are also needed. The next training session will begin on Wednesday, September 16th. Meals Make a Difference #IO332420 and so can you. City of Kitchener, Rockway Seniors’ Centre are looking for volunteers to assist with their Rockway Meal Program. Rockway Meal Program provides meals and social interaction for seniors. Lots of volunteers are needed to greet people as they come in, cook meals, serve meals, clean up and provide one-to-one assistance as needed. Annual Terry Fox Run September 20th #llQ-2348 Be part of a national event which helps to raise funds for cancer research. Volunteer at registration, marshaling, parkincr, etc. Tentative trainina scheduled forseptember 16th. u On the Look-Out For AGood Scrounaerl #02 l-2446 Familv ani Children’s Services would like sdmeone who is not afraid to ask for donations! Volunteers are required to approach businesses for donations for new receiving and assessment homes that are opening in K-W and Cambridge. These new homes are in need of such items as furniture, household appliances, etc. If you have an interest in a fundraising career, here is a chance to gain some experience. Anvthina You Want! #024-148 Freeport Health Care Centre has many positions available so choose one to suit your skills and schedule. Some of the available volunteer opportunities include: assisting with crafts, sports or .games; bartending; beauty salon helpers; drivers; retail services; gardening; library assistants; church service helpers; one-to-one support and much more. Help brighten a resident’s day at the hospital by joining the Freeport team. Become a Supportive Helper #I 23-2372 Christian Horizons requires lots of oneto-one support help at their many residential homes. Christian Horizons is an organiration that serves and supports clients who are developmentally challenged.lf you are a patient, caring person with nood listenirio and cornmuhication skilIz, this is the v>lunteer position for vou. Call for more informajion. Bring Your Energy and Talents #014-43 To the man volunteer opportunities open at The 8 anadian Hearing Society. Positions are available in many areas including fundraising, public relations, tutoring, reception and more. American Sign Language is helpful, but definitely not necessary. The Canadian Hearing Society would appreciate your assistance in providing services to those who are deaf. deafened or hard of hearina.1A Big Broth;= Please! 006-27 Do you have a few hours a week to share some laughter and fun with a boy. from a father-absent home? Couples can spend time with a oung boy, male volunteers are need ecr to provide oneto-one friendship and positions are also available in a recreation program for small groups of boys. Volunteers must by 19 years of age or older in order to be matched with the boys who are aged 6 to 14. Training and support are provided. Become a Big Brother today! Family Fun Day! #075-2457 Notre Dame of St. Agatha is celebrating their 14OthAnniversaryon Sunday, September 27,1998. Help with set-up, clean up and enjoy the festivities in between! The event takes place from noon to 5:OO p.m. and a recognition party will be held afterwards for vulunteers. Please join the the fun while you support a local non-profit children’s centre. If you like working with children and can remain calm during a busy time, call to sign-up. Tandem Biker Needed #O&-2469 K-W Access-Ability needs a volunteer cyclist with tandem experience to ride with a blind backseat rider. Share your love of biking and get out pedaling for a couple of hours a week.

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Fall term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall. All Faculties: Athletic Council Student Athlete Award open to members of a varsity team in Year 2 or above: based on leadershiD and financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/68. Paul Berg Memorial Award - available to students in Year 2 or above; based on involvement in extracurricular music activities on camnus. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Doreen Brisbin Award - interested females entering 4th year in Spring or Fall 1999 in an Honours program in which women are currently under-reprebented. Deadline: ADr. 30/99. Cbmpus Recreation Bursary - based on financial need and involvement in the Campus Recreation program. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Award -financial need, leadership, extracurricular activities. Deadline: Nov. l/98. C.U.P.E. Local 793 Award - available to UW Union employees, their spouse, children or grandchildren for extra-curricular/ community involvement. Deadline: Sept. 30198. Ross and Doris Dixon Student Athlete Award - open to members of a varsity team; based on financial need. Deadline: Ron Eydt Travel Award - open to students who plan to participate in an approved exchange program; based on leadership, campus involvement and financial need. Deadline: Sept. 30/98. c Don Hayes Award - for involvement & contribution to athletics and/or sports therapy. Deadline: Feb. 15/99. Leeds-Waterlop Student Exchange Program Award - students to contact John Medley, Mechanical Engineering. Don McCrae Basketball Award - open to students who are members of or are involved in the UW men’s varsity basketball squad; based on leadership contribution to the team or the Athletic Department and on financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/ 98. McNeil Consumer Products Co. Award open to any based on financial need. Deadtine: Nov. l/98. Mike Moser Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year based on extracurricular and financial need. Deadline: Feb. t5/99. NCR Waterloo Award - based on financial need, leadership and extracurricular activities; must have minimum B+ average. Deadline: Scot . 30198. Programmed Insurance Brokers Opportunity Fund - open to students from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo; based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Undergraduate Bursary Program - the Student Awards Office administers a large number of undergraduate bursaries atid awards to both full and part-time students based on financial need and possibly on other factors such as marks, extracurricular activities, etc. Deadline: Nov. l/98. UW Staff Association Award - available to full or part-time undergraduates in a degree program. Applicants must be current Staff Association members, their spouses, children, grandchildren or dependentsand will be based on academics, extra-curricular invotvement and financial need. Deadline: Scot. 30/98. UW Swimming Legacy Award - open to students in Year 2 or above who are members of the UW men’s or women’s varsity swimming team; based on leadership contribution to the team or the Athletic Department and on financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Doug Wright Award - avaitable to all who have participated in’ a UW international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Ross and Doris Dixon Award - available to all 2nd, 3rd or 4th year for financial need and academic achievement. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Mark Forster Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: Feb. 15&8. Andrea Fraser Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship available to38 Kinesiology or Health Studies. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. Robert Haworth Scholarship - comptetion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to park

planning and management, recreation, natural heritage or outdoor recreation. Deadline: May 31/99. Kate Kenny Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology with an interest in rehabilitative medicine. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Warren Lavery Memorial Award -available to 2nd year Kinesiology students with a minimum overall average of 83%. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Ron May Memorial Award -available to 3rd or 4th year Recreation (Co-op or Regular). Deadline: Oct. 15/98. RAWCO - available to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year Recreation and Leisure Studies. Deadline: Jan. 30/99. Marion J. Todd Memorial Award -available to 38 Co-op Health Studies with interest in health-related research. Minimum 75% average required. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Facultv of Arts: Arts Student Union Award -available to all Arts students. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Concordia Club Award - available to 3rd vear Regular or 3A co-011 Germanic & SlavTc. Deadline: Jan. ‘29/99. Quintext Co-op English Award - available to 4A English. Deadline: Sept. 30/ 98. UW-Manulife Community &World Senrice Award - available to Co-op students in 16 or above who have completed a work-term in the service of others, localty, nationally or abroad who received little or no remuneration. Students to contact Arts Special Programs Office, HHUniversal Electronics International Trade Travel Award - available to 36 Applied Studies/International Trade Specialiration students; based on marks and financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Wescast Industries Continuous Learning Award - open to students in the School of Accountancy; based on marks and financial need. Deadline: Nov. I/ 98. Facultv of Enaineerincr: Jonathan Ainley Memdrial Bursary available to Civil students in 2A or above for financial need. Deadline: Nov. 1198. Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 36. Deadline: Mar. 21/99. Alfred Armbrust Memorial Bursary available to all for financial need. Deadline: Nov. 1198. Andy (Andreas) Baumgaertner Memorial Bursary - available to 3A or above Systems Design for financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. John Bergsma Award in Engineering available to all based on financial need, minimum 75%‘average and leadership/ extracurricular involvement. Deadline: Nov. l/98. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries - available to all Chemical students. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship -available to all. Deadline: Oct. 15198. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship - available to all 38. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. John Deere Limited Scholarship -available to 3B Mechanical. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award -available to 38 Chemical. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. Forging Industry Association Assistantship - available to 2A or above Mechanical with an interest in the forging industry. This award will provide an opportunity for a student to participate in a research project. Students to conta& ~rJ...G. Lenard of Me&. Eng. by . Robert Haworth Scholarship - available to 38 Civil with interest in resource management related to park planning and management, recreation, natural heritage and planning. Deadline: May 31m. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environmental Chemical. Deadline: Mav 31/99. OPE Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship - available to alt 28 & 38 based on extracurricular and marks. Deadline: Nov. 30198. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 38 Civil, water resource management students. Deadline: May 31/ 99. Standard Products (Canada) Ltd. Award - available to all in 1B or above

with preference to Mechanical or Chemical and with a home address in Countv or Municioality of Perth, Huron or Halion. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Viiava Anand Foundation Award -availadIe’ to IA Computer or Systems Design based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Wescast Industries Continuous Learning Award - available to any based on marks and financial need. Deadline: Nov. i/98. Jack Wiseman Award - available to 38 or 4A Civil. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Faculty of Environmental Studies: Shellev Ellison Memorial Award -available t& 3rd year Planning. Deadline: Nov. 30198. John Geddes Memorial Award - available to ERS, Eeouraphyand Planning. Deadline: dct. 3a98. Robert Haworth Scholarship - available to 3B park planning and management, recreation, natural heritage & planning, outdoor education. Deadline: May, 311 99. I.O.D.E. -AppliedEcologyAward-available to all 4th year. Deadline: Sept. 30/ 98. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - avail: able to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/99. Lorne Russwurm Memorial Award available to’ Year 2 or above in Geography; open to both undergraduate and graduate (preference to undergrads) who began their studies as a mature student; based on marks, financial need andextracuiricular involvement. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Jack Young Bursary - available to any in Planning; based on financial need and minimum 70% average. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Faculty of Mathematics: Andersen Consulting Scholarshi available to 38. Deadline: Mar. 31/ !?I9. Bell Sygma Computer Science Award available to 4th year Computer Science. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Certified Management Accounting Bursary - available to full-time students in Mathematics - Business Administration/ Chartered Accountancy/Management Accountancy. Preference will be given to students who attended high school in counties of Perth. Waterloo or Wellington. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Franklin B. Dana Memorial Bursary available to 2A or above Actuarial !&ience for financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. KC. Lee Computer Science Scholarship - available to 28 Computer SC*ence. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Allen Stinson Memorial Mathematics Bursary - available to any based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. Deadline: Nov. 30/98. Wescast Industries Continuous Leaming Award - open to students in the School of Accountancy; based on marks and financial need. Deadline: Nov. I/ 98. Faculty of Science: J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursar& -available to Year 2 or above Earth Sciences based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Sciences, see department. S.C. Johnson & Sons Ltd. Environmental ScholarshiP - available to 3rd year Chemistry. tiadline: May 31/99. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 36 Earth Sciences/Water Resource h&t. Deadline: May 31/99. Physics Alumni Award - available to any in Physics or Physics/Business based on financial need and m ac8demic stand&. Deadline: N&. t/98. School of Optometry Undergraduate Student Opportunity Trust Fund - availatile to anv, in ODtometry based on financial need. Deidtine: Nov. l/98. Science Society Bursary - available to all based on financial need and extracurricular involvement. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Science Undemraduate Student Opportunity Trust Fund - available to all based on financial need and extracurricular involvement. Deadline: Nov. l/

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