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Bar Ops manager fired by Kemp O’Brien KIeran Green
nly three months and three weeks into his job of Bar Operations manager, Frazer Hadwin has been abruptly terminated by the Federation of Students. Keanin Loomis, VP ofAdministration and Finance for the Feds said that the Feds followed “the process of termination” through Human Resources. He refused to give specifics on the details of why Hadwin was fired, but commented that “if it got to the point of termination, then there were grounds.” Neil Murray, Director of Staff and Labour Relations in Human Resources, said that H.R. acts only as an “advisor” to the employer whenever a termination is proposed and does not control whether the termination does or does not happen. However, after further questioning he told Imprint that if H.R. disapproved ofthe termina-
“IwasneverdrunkIt’snotuncomprered in the situation,” comtion, it was filed up to another forum and the employer could not mon in the industry [to have a drink mented Hadwin. terminate until that forum had ruled with bands or promoters] but that’s Hadwin feels that the position upon it. He declined to comment not what the Feds wanted.” of Bar Ops was too much for one on Hadwin’s disperson to handle. “I t’s missal. an unrealistic position. Hadwin also They need someone declined to comwho’s been in the inment on the spedustryfor15years,and cific reasons given that’s one person in by the Federation 100.” for his dismissal. Admitting that he “That’s between was having a hard time meand them.. . but getting adjusted into I don’t feel I had a the job, he also stated chance to talk to that there was a lack of those reasons in a direction from the preemptive way. Federation. [The reasons] were For the present, the not unfair and not Bar Ops position is beFrazerHadwinoutside ofFed Hall. completely ing divided between Imr>rint file Dhoto founded.” Steve Szimanski, Hadwin did Manager of the confirm that one of the stated According to Loomis, it is Bombshelter, Johnny Megalos, grounds for his departure was against Federation policy to drink manager of Fed Hall, and Dan “drinking on the job.” He stated at any time when a Fed employee Moran, the production manager for that he did not consume alcohol is acting in a managerial capacity. the Board of Entertainment (Bent). during 9-5 business hours, but “Policies are good, they’re great, On the impact of Hadwin’s diswould drink sometimes at events. but policies are meant to be intermissal, Megalos commented”It’s
premature to say anything. We’ll have to work a lot harder to pick up the pieces. ” When asked to comment on the specifics of Hadwin’s dismissal, he ;e ferred Imprint to Feds President Christian Provenzano, who declined tocomment. While Szmanski and Megalos will be managing the two campus bars, Loomis has suggested that, for the time being, the duty of programming-booking entertainment on campus-will be handled by a committee. Hadwin was critical of this idea, “Programming by committee, that makes the industryshudder.” Insisting that he is not bitter, Hadwin says “I’m actually glad to be moving along. I was miserable there, I never felt that I gelled in the team. It was a position I felt I could grow into, but the Feds didn’t need someone who had to grow into the position. I would like to thank everybody who supported me during my time there.. . they know who they are.”
Feds pull out of “week of actions9 by Melissa PdttikUUd
fter three weeks of planning, as well as an approval from the Student Council, the Federation of Students have pulled their support of all activities linked to next week’s “week of action.” Initial plans, put together by an organizational committee composed of members of the Feds, WPIRG, and Student Unite Power Action (SUPA), included a panel discussion, a round table and a silent march. The breakdown in communication among members of the organizational committee, and the mistrust resulting from this, Led to the withdrawal of Fed support. There were several main areas of contention, primarily with respect to the parameters and objectives of the events. Concern about the focus ofthe activities was expressed early by the Feds, primarilywith respect to
the fact that the week of action being planned by the organizational committee coincided with the Canadian Federation of Students’(CFS)weekofaction. UW is not a member of the CFS and has an informal policy of maintaining
have a clearly focused event, where we made sure that we were.lobbying only on education related issues,” Narina Nagra, representative ofWPIRG, suggests that the problem was more than just an inability
these things. We were being forced to make all the compromises, to I such an extent that it would have defeated the purpose of the week.” Stewart does not deny that his actions on behalf of the Feds may have seemed inflexible. “I can
some enormous differences with respect to ideology and perspective, he felt that middle-ground could be reached among the members of the organizational committee. Itwasonlyafter the third meeting, held this past Monday, that Stewart began having doubts about the wisdom of involving the Feds in theweekofaction. Heexplains that “all kinds of issues came up, at the meetings like the ability to control the events. We wanted to
to settle on the organization of specific events. She argues that, “Robin’s dialogue was really poor He’s not an easy person to talk to, he had no sense of group dynamic, and didn’t seem to understand how to reach a consensus. He had a ‘my way or the highway’ attitude.” Davin Charney, representative of SUPA, agrees that the position of the Feds was an inf)exible one. “The Feds came to the table with things that they had to do, and they wouldn’t compromise on
that the Feds didn’t compromise a lot, we weren’t in a position to compromise.” He understands that both WPIRG and SUPA were uncomfortable about the restrictions that the Feds wanted to place on the events. But, Stewart argues, “part of my job is to be accountable, and I have to maintain my ability to work effectively with governments and administration. I feel that many of the more radical actions of the CFS do harm to the student move-
News: New UW President. ............................... Forum: Getting Fed up. ................................. Features: Breast Cancer Awareness Month. .................. Science & Technology: Way cool scientist. .................. Sports: Warriors fall to Mustangs. ......................... Arts: Sonic Unyon’s fifth anniversary .......................
ment as a whole, and 1 was concerned about garnering negative media attention as a result of any affiliation to the CFS’ week of action.” Charny sees this, however, as part of the problem. He argues that the Feds are too concerned with maintaining “their reputation and connections. They’re always lookingup. But, we look the other way, and focus on the students themselves* The Feds aren’t interested in education or mobilizing the students they represent. They’re only interested in lobbying.” In spite of the fact that the Feds pulled support on the week, however,bothChameyandStewart are positive about the experience as a whole. “I’m proud that the Feds tried to do this, even though it didn’t work out,” says Stewart. Charneyagrees, noting that “I don’t think this sours the relationship between the Feds and the activists on campus.” WPIRG and SUPA are continuingwith the events as planned.
Page 5 Page 10 Page 13 Page 16 .Page 18 .Page 22
9, 1998
Threestrikes: you’re out Student Council sends strong message to clubs I
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strong message was sent to the clubs at last Thursday’s As tudent Council meeting, where the council voted for the third time to uphold the new ciubs policy. Vice President Internal Shelley Flynn took this opportunity to address council one last time, with her belief that the policy was “intended in the best interests of all undergraduate students and the Federation of Students.” Flynn again asserted that the old policy did not protect the financial interests of UW students. She further argued that the old policy did not give the Feds “an effective tool to assist the clubs in their activities.” She agreed that a higherdegreeofconsultationwith the clubs would have “helped clear up the misunderstandings that have resulted.” She apologized for the the lack of consulation, adding that she was willing to ensure that future changes to the policy are made in consultation with the clubs. Flynn then outlined five plans ofaction,andaskedStudentCouncil tovote in favour ofone of them. Four of these options had been sent tocouncil members earlier in the week, and Flynn presented a fifth option for their consideration at the meeting. The options ranged from reverting to the old policy all the way to abiding to the new policy in its entirety, and thus refusing&b sta-
tus to any club that does not abide by the new pobcy’s clauses. After a lengthy debate, Option Five, the most flexible of the options, was narrowly passed by Student Council.
This option rests on reaching a mutual agreement about financial requirements this term, and comprises four major steps. First, another general meeting will be held to go over the new policy. Second and following this first meeting, all the changes suggested and agreed on by the clubs will be submitted to the Bylaw, Policy and Procedure Committee to be added into the policy. Third, the financia1 requirements are waived for clubs with off-campus national headquarters. Finally, the clubs will be asked to provide acceptable steps to take when settling the accounts of dissolved clubs. Two clubs were represented at this meeting, eachofwhich had an opportunity to ask questions of the council and present their objections. Representatives from both the Waterloo Science Fiction Club(WatSFic)andtheCIubThat Really Likes Anime (CTRL-A) took this final opportunity to formally present their own views. CTRL-A argued that it “finds the policy unacceptable, not just because we think it is impractical.. . and not just because it gives the Feds unprecedented power to dissolve clubs. . .but because this policy was passed without any consultation whatsoever with us, or any other club.”
WatSFic echoed these concerns, primarily focusing on WatSFic’s need to have immediate access to their money at all times. Robin Powell, President of WatSFic suggested that “we aren’t at a11prepared to abide by the new policy.” Both clubs called the new clubs policy draconian, in which the clubs are essentially assumed to be guilty until proven otherwise. Darcy Cassleman, a representative from CTRL-A, argued that the Student Council meeting itself was a display of the attitude that the Feds are taking towards the concerns expressed by the clubs. Cassleman explains that “the meeting itself was rushed, and not enough time was taken to rationafly consider the ideas put forward. The decision was made out of expediency because the Feds seem to have better things to do with their time, It is a shame because this issue is obviously of student interest, and the council couldn’t take the time to address their concerns adequately.” Flynn disagrees with this assessment, however, saying that “we held an emergency meeting to deal with this issue. I feIt that this was an open forum where clubs were free to speak and present their concerns.” Sheconcludes by noting that all members of the Student Council have been elected by the students and deserve, at some point, to be trusted to come to the right decision.
Educationfor globalization by Patti Lenard
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niversity students have a role to play in Canada’s international investment plans, according to discussions at the “Chancellor Summit of the Internationalizationof Investment,” held onThursday at Wilfrid Laurier University. Almost 20 CEOs from major Canadian companies gathered at Wilfrid Laurier University to discuss the internationalization of Canadian investment. Co-organizers, Scott Carson, CEOof the Office of Privatization, on leave from the position of Dean of WLU’s School of Business and Economics, and WLU’s Chancellor and CEO of Royal Bank, John Cleghorn were responsible for bringing this annual summit to WLLJ. The discussion itseIf, organized in three sections, focused on Canada’s participation in the global economy, the role of government in globalization, and the role of universities and their students in the future of Canada’s international economy. Specially selected students were present to ask questions of
theCEO’sand to present theirown views on the issues. Robin Stewart, Vice President, Education, attended as a representative of UW. When asked what specifically was relevant to UW students, Stewart answered that ‘*one issue that was mentioned a number of times is the brain-drain, that is the loss of scientific expertise to the U.S. The CEOs mentioned repeatedly that income tax reform was essential to preventing this.” “But my experience with brain-drain revolves around the issue of compensation. Corporate Canadaisjustnotwillingtoputout the money, so I asked why Canada isn’t offering competitive packages.” Stewart addressed his question to Colin Latham, CEO of Maritime Tel & Tel. “His answer was that it was his find belief that information technology salaries in the U.S. have been artificially inflated by the YZK crisis. He suggested that they were unsustainable and that they’re bound to drop,” explained Stewart. Hoops Harrison, President of the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA), had a different take on the discussions. He explained that “I attended with
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the intention of engaging in an open dialogue with John Cleghorn to discuss the issue of national standards of education. Much to my surprise, he answered the question before I even asked about it, and he is in fact in favour of national standards that he thinks are needed to prepare Canadian students to compete globally.” Although the focus seemed at first to be on the importance of specifically technology related jobs, significant emphasis was placed on the liberal arts education. Scott Harris, Vice President, University Affairs at WLU, commented that “of course technology is more relevant to UW students, so I was disturbed at first with the obvious emphasis on technology. But I was relieved to hear the discussion change course, and to hear the CEO’s place a huge emphasis on a libera1 arts education. In fact, it turned out that most ofthe CEOs were from a liberal arts background.” Stewart agreed with this assessment, saying that, “I think students need both forms of education. Today, if you’re not computer literate, you’re just not literate.”
9, 1998
Hail to the chief by Rob Schmidt
e appointment of the new President of UW was passed this past Tuesday night unanimously by the Senate and Board of Governors, as recommended by the presidential nominatingcommittee. President-Designate, David Johnston will give new meaning to the terms busy lifestyle and community service on campus. Johnston, 57, has more than 50 references to his community service on his resume and it has earned him respect internationally. Nationally his contribution has been recognized by being named a Companion of the Order of Canada- the highest honour given for public
Computer Science and the faculty of Applied Health Sciences. UW Chancellor Dr. Val O’Donovan and Chair of the Board of Governors and Paul Mitchell made the official announcement on Wednesday, October 7. “David Johnston will bring to Waterloo a remarkable constellation of attributes. I have no doubt that the Johnston era will be an exciting period for Waterloo, moving Waterloo internationally in unprecedented fashion,” said O’Donovan. When Johnston starts his sixyear term on July 1, 1999 he will be UW’s fifth president.
se t-vice.
Johnston’s education is in Law, with degrees from Harvard, Cambridge and Queen%. He taught Law ac Queen’s and Toronto and held the position of Dean of Law at Western. Currently, Johnston is a Law professor at the McGill Centre for Medicine, Law and Ethics where he held the position of Principal (President) from 1979- 1994. Fields of Johnston’s legal interest include computing and information, securities regulation, public policy and intellectual property law. Outside the world of academia he manages to keep fit by running daily and enters “one or two marathons a year.” Johnston was twice selected to the All-American hockey team while at Harvard and was the first non-American President of the Board of Overseers of Harvard. David and Sharon Johnston are natives of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Sharon holds a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Science from McGill. Both are “looking forward to making Waterloo our home,” according to sin open letter to students. Christian Provenzano, who sat on the hiring committee, said “Johnston was a holistic. .* fit, his affinity wasn’t to any specific faculty, leading to an interest in linking them together.” At UW, Johnston will hold tenure in both the department of
Weodysellwhatwe czxdtc ores family . ‘.:_ back hundreds of years $3 .>:;s ..:*_ Ij.:., j:.. ;.: ::,2:: :;. I:::;:::,:.<.:<.: ::::.g.:.::.: and dozens of ::.._.. . generations. Sure, the Lett f&y has prc&tied way more than its share of statesmen, war heroes, businesstycoons, doctors, and men of the cloth. They’ve also had the odd poet and even a horse thief. But the real pride of the Lett family has alwaysbeen its brewing tradition. A tradition typified by the legendary Irish Red created by the family patriarch and master brewer George Henry Lett rn the 1800s. Consequently, it was with no small amount of family pride that Patrick Lett decided to recreate this legendary brew in order to slake the family thirst and continue t brewing tradition. ?Io duplicate this family masterpiece right here in Canada he, commissioned the. skilled craft brewers at the Trafalgar Brewing Company. The end result is Paddy’s Irish Red, considered by many to be the gold standard of beer. There are 1 .
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President-DesignateDavid m fmprint
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6 Grublsic
spedal to /mpni7t
he Students’ Society ofMcGil1 University (SSMU)are persisting with their legal proceedings at the Quebec Court of Appeal, seeking tuition equality after losing their lawsuit a year ago. Beginning last September, non-residents of Quebec have been hit with a fifty percent fee hike in accordance with provincial legislation. The Quebec Provincial Ministry of Education instituted differential tuition fees in the Spring of 1997 in order to regulate and economically validate increasing numbers of out-of-province students. The SSMU, led by VP External Affairs Jeff Feiner, and represented by constitutional lawyer Guy Bertrand, will deliver their written arguments and documentation by October 15. Until a decision is made, undergraduate non-residents are paying $3168.30 a year at McGill, compared to $1668.30 for Quebec residents. Differential tuition reaches beyond the scope of individual equality and provincial jurisdiction into a volatile nationalistic dispute. The issue of Quebec as a distinct society is complex, and the philosophical differences of federalism versus separatism will complicate the SSMU’s appeal. “Quebec, without saying it, no longer considers itself a part of Canada,” says Bertrand, pointing out that separatism has even infiltrated elementary schools. “They don’t teach Canadian history anymore, but the history of Quebec.” Nor do they fly the Canadian flag, but the Fleur de Lis. Nor do
they sing the Canadian national anthem. The list goes on. The SSMU believes that the mobility rights of all Canadian citizens should supercede petty provincial politics and economic pretenses. As Bertrand puts it, “we mustn’t stop at the numbers, but at the principles.” The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms expressly outlines these principles. “Every citizen of Canada and every person who has the status of a permanent resident of Canada has the right (a) to move to and take residence in any province; and (b) to pursue the gaining of a livelihood in any province.” The Charter does provide for possible exceptions, stating that the aformentioned rights are “subject to any laws or practices of general application in force in a province other than those that discriminate among persons primarily on the basis of province of present or previous residence.” The SSMU considers the obviouslydiscriminatory grounds of the differential tuition fee policy an affront on Canadian equalityand unity. Bertrand is, himself, nostranger to the separatist cause. A I%qz&e for years, Bertrand was even a candidate for the succession of Rem5 Levesque after his death. Four years ago, however, before the Quebec Referendum, Bertrand decided to focus his considerable political and legal background on unity, rather thancontribute to the “s~~ti&collL~@” ofthe Parti Qu6becois. “Canada has enough regional differences,” Bertrand explains, stressing the importance of courtesy among the provinces. “WC have to learn to live together.”
Friday, October 9, 1998
CircusEnga success
Federalism transplanted by Kath
by Meghan
n response to criticism that engineers are too inwardly focused, a group of community-oriented engineers have spent the month raising money for a great cause.
On Saturday October 3, fifty engineering students volunteered their time to put on CircusEng for physically and developmentally challenged children at the Rotary Children’s Centre (RCC) in Waterloo. With support from both UW’s Federation of Students and all the various departments of Engineering, CircusEng, a day with a circus theme, was designed for the families who use the centre. Ineluded in the festivities were clowns, buskers, crafts, face painting, games, fun, and a barbecue lunch. The entire event was free for the families and was enjoyed by everyone. Some of the highlights included the Beirdo Brothers, Acapell-Eng, Oli the Busker with his unicycle and talent for juggling fire, and of course the clowns. The success of this event was measured in the pride of the children as they showed
their parents the crafts they had made, and their laughter as they learned how to juggle with the clowns. The Centre incorporated this event into their annual fundraising campaign, which kicked off a week earlier. The Engineering Society and RCC are both excited to continue their new relationship and look forward to fundraisers and events of this kind in the future. On Wednesday, September30, the Engineeringsociety held a fundraiser for RCC at the Bombshelter. A raffle took place all night long, and POETS beer (the new engineering beer) was sold for the first time at the Bomber, with proceeds from its sales being donated to
EngSoc would like to theEen?ZFenPZ thank all CircusEw volunteers. two kegs of POETS, over $425 was raised for the centre. Another $100 was added to this figure by local children’s entertainers at the event on Saturday. The Engineering Society would like to thank all of its volunteers and sponsors, especially the Feds and the Bombshelter. CircusEng is looking forward to seeing this new annual event, as well as our relationship with RCC, grow over the next few years.
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EL1 renamedDoug by San
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he oldest academic building on campus, Engineering 1 has felt the trod of countless scholarly heels, has been the site of innumerable exams and has seen its fair share of late night students taking advantage of its midnight quiet to get in some last minute studying. Truly, Engineering 1, initially known as “the chemistry and chemical engineerhas been a vital part of the ing building,” University of Waterloo campus for nearly forty years since its unveiling on December 3, 1958, by then-premier Leslie Frost. Now this UW landmark, and home to the Chemical Engineering Department, has Wright Engia new name - the Douglas neering Building, or DWE, after UW President Emeritus Douglas Wright. Douglas Wright himself has played an integral role in the formation and growth of UW, serving as the first Dean of Engineering (1958 - 1966), the first Chair of Civil
Engineering, and as the university president (1981- 1993). *He iscurrently President Emeritus at UW, and still serves as an adjunct professor of engineering. Throughout these years, Douglas Wright has been a driving force behind UW’s focus on technological excellence, helping Waterloo to develop the largest School of Engineering in Canada. He is also an Officer of the Order of Canada, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and has been named a Chevalier de Ordre National du Merite de France. The change of name took place in a ceremony last Thursday in the DWE lobby. Speaking at the ceremony were Chancellor Val O’Donovan, PresidentJames Downey, Dean ofEngineering
President Emeritus Wright himself. Following his own speech, the President Emeritus proceeded tounveila plaque, a portrait of himself and, lastly, the building’s new sign, making the oldest academic building on campus the newest as well.
9, 1998
Canada, the next Bosnia? Turkey no, pastayes
ecognizing our traditional treatment of Canada’s Native peoples and granting them self-g&&nment is key to helping alleviate tension between French and English Canada, argued Frank Cunningham, Professor of Philosophy ae University of Toronto. Last Thursday, Cunningham gave a talk entitled “Will Canada be the Next Bosnia?,“, and suggested that Canada could fall under the affliction of violence that has plagued nations such as Bosnia and Northern Ireland. Although the history and theory on violent confrontations and their threat to democracy proved interesting but dry, the final conclusion was unexpected. Cunningham argued that violent confrontation between Quebec and the rest of Canada would fall under the “combustion” paradigm rather than the “lid-on-thepot” theory; that is, violence is not boiling, waiting to get free and scald our national unity. Rather it could explode when a combination of elements has just the right mixture and is ignited by a spark. Parts of these combustibles are economic inequalities and the absence of channels for peaceful resolution. In the absence of co-operation, we resort to co-ordination. Large groups co-ordinate differently, identifying language, cuiture, religion, etc. Cunningham suggested this breeds ethnic nationalism, which is especially dangerous when channels for resolutions disappear. A prime example in Canadian political history occurred as Quebec separatists became frustrated when the supreme court told them they were not allowed, legally, to leave. The ties got iore obvious when Cunningham elaborated on the differences between land and territory. When arguments are over territory, neither sharing nor co-operation is possible. Land, however, signifies geographical information, not possession. The Cree
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inNorthern Quebec, whoclaimed thar they would have remained with Canada if the separatism had won the referendum two years ago, could be what “sparks” the violence, he argues. This confrontation over “territory” luckily did not happen. But it could, so what should we do to diffuse this high-test mixture that could explode in our country’s face? Cunningham’s suggestions, indeed the essence of the entire presentation, were quite simple. Politically, we must come to grips with the historical treatment of native people in Canada. We should begin by fully implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People, which recommends selfgovernment for native communities.
Cunningham saw the native issues as more important than existing Canada-Quebec tensions, and working through the native issue could provide some insight intoa model of shared sovereignty and territory. The conclusions he arrived at, however, are arguably a win-win situation. By implementing rhe recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People through self-government and grants of massive monetary compensation and land titles, we fail to breakdown barriers between French and English Canadians. We will nevertheless improve upon the condition of life for the country’s most: important visible minority. The lessons we learn, hopefully, will be transferable. I
by Katia Grubtslc spedd to imprint It’s Thanksgiving time again, which means the leaves are turning, the mid term angst is setring in, and the beer and I%&&~~ beckon. Before you set off for home, hearth and overcooked turkey, take a moment to ransack your pantry for the less fortunate (Remember, after OSAP runs out in mid-November thanks to the fabulous Moosehead marketing department, you may be among the growing ranks of impoverished students). The Food Bank of Waterloo Region is once again holding its annual Thanksgiving food drive, hoping to gather a total of 298,000 pounds of non-perishable food items.
The Food Bank provides almost 300,000 meals a year through various local shelters and charitable organizations. Food Bank Executive Director Sean Strickland explains that “the Food Bank has neveryet fallen shortofits target,” and continues to fill an important shortage in the area. The increased cost of living, high unemployment, and recent cutbacks to social assistance programs, have increased the need for help. Strickland expressed concern about a fifteen percent drop in donations since 1997, although he is “still hopeful that the community will respond,” Donations are accepted at local fire halls and supermarkets, as well as at the “Onkel Hans Food Drive at the Oktoberfest paradk onThanksgiving Monday.
SAC’s “Think by Greg sp?&
SAC Chair
ave you always wanted a question answered regarding the co-op system? Is there a concern that you would like to be addressed? For the continual improvement of the co-op system, your questions and concerns are important and need to be heard. StudentsAdvisingCoop is your forum. Next Wednesday, October 14, from 1200 p.m. to LOO p.m. in the Student Life Centre’s Multi-Purpose room there will be a “Think Tank,” SAC is providingyou, the students in the co-op system the opportunity to talk to members of both SAC and the co-op department.
9, 1998
This “Think Tank” aims to receive input on issues regarding the co-op system, and for your common questions to be answered. However, your comments need not be isolated to the co-op system. Your comments on how SAC can help you are always welcome. Are you concerned about the new online co-op system? Are you wondering why you canonly hand in 18 resumes this round? Doyouhaveotherconcernslike these? Ifso, come to the “Think Tank.” SACaddresses issues and answers questions brought forth by students on a continual basis. The end result ofyour input to SAC is a better co-op system.
Guelph’s Bullring shut down by Christine Murphy spt?c/d tu /mpnmt
he Bullring was a popular bar on campus at the University of Guelph. Unfortunately, this once popular spot was suddenly closed down earlier this week after an emergency meeting was held by the Central Student Association (C.S.A.) who slammed the door closed. Contioversial complications had arose between the C.S.A. and the University Center (UC). Up until this incident, the C.S.A. had contracted the Bullring out to the UC under the condition that the UC followed a few specific clauses set out by the C.S.A. One of these clauses specified that all prior employees from the last term were
to be granted an interview at the beginning of the next term when the hiring process began. On one of these designaed days, a former employee had come in for her interview, but was denied her chance by the manager, who stated that she was an “assertive woman.” When confronted, the manager in question admitted he broke the clause but says it was because the girl brought her child to the interview with her. Due to this, and possibly other incidents, the C.S.A. realized that they had little control over what was going on at the bar. Once this was realized, an emergency meeting was called by the CSA to decide on what to do with the bar. Although no one was available to elaborate on the issue, the sign on the door says “Sorry we’re closed, please come again.”
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9, 1998
by Micheal Zepf and Christine Murphy (photos)
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olding the job I do, I am exposed on a daily basis to the writings of the students of this university. I have become painfully aware therefore, that a good many students simply can’t wrr’te. Now, I know that, having announced my topic, numerous grammar hawks out there will be on the hunt for errors in this column. Let me clearly admit right off the start, then, that I do not have perfect grammar. As anyone who has everproofread one of my essays (ie. my mother the Latin teacher - she hammered certain grammatical points into my head over the years, and many thanks to her for that) will attest, I am all-too-frequently guilty of dangling participles, incomplete sentences and other such faults. Despite my infirm grasp of these grammatical concepts, I can safely say that I do know when touse anapostrophe in the word “its” and when not to. It’s amazing how many students do not. Also unbelievable is the fact that so many still do not know the difference between “there,” “ their” and “they’re,” or between “your” and “you’re,“And every once in a while I run across someone who mixes up “our” and “are.” These are such basic concepts there is no way that people should be making these mistakes in high school, let alone at the university level. Another basic concept which seems to pose a large problem for writers here is verb tense agreement. When one starts to recount a story in the past tense, one usually should being using a verb in the present tense in the very next sentence. I’ve been thinking of creating a new drinking game -take a swig every time someone abruptly and inappropriately changes tense, I could get blazingly drunk with some of the article submissions we get here at Imprint. Beyond the grammar issue, however, Iies a far greater flaw in student writing so many seem to lack any talent for flow. The most important skill in writing is to organize, to take the things that one has to say and order them into a logical train of thought. Each idea should build upon the previous ones, leading finally to a logical conclusion. A story must have a flow from beginning to end. I see so much student writingwhere all the pieces have just been slapped together in no particular order. The ideas are put into blocky paragraphs that have no relation to the ones before or after. It is like building a wall with bricks but no mortar-you havea wall, but it falls apart again at the slightest push. It’s hard toputa finger on the reasons for our rhetorical deficit. Is it because of T.V.? Is it from reading too few books? Personally, I place a pile of blame on the Internet. E-mail has changed the way we write to each other. It’s just too damn convenient. I know how lazy I am about grammar, punctuation, and simply organizing my thoughts, in the the E-mails I send.. . and I’m an editor! Just browse the web for an hour for a sample of some of the worst writing you’ve ever seen. Even the spelling is atrocious. How to fight the trend: my mother always recommended learning some Latin. The grammatical complexities of that language will give you new insight into our own. Take a critical thinking course to improve your style. Of course, reading more books (not just text books) never hurts. Finally, practice makes perfect - come write for Imprint. We are not here for those who know, but for those who want to learn.
Starting to get Fed
The problem with the Feds
ur student clubs face a serious challenge to their ability to serve their members and the university community. The Federation ofstudents voted in a new Clubs Policy in the second week of summer exams (while many students were eitheroffcampusorwritingexams)without seeking feedback or advice from the clubs -those affected by the new policy. Thankfully, on October 1, 1998, the Executive Council admitted their error. Can we correct that error? VP Internal Shelley Flynn assured the clubs that changes can be discussed and the policy can be amended - by the Policy, Procedure and Bylaw (PPB) Committee. However, the Committee replied that it can not change the “spirit” of the policy, only the wording. Unfortunately, some clubs disagree with the “spirit” in particular so, despite Ms. Flynn’s promises, the Committee can do nothing. OnlyanamendmentfromtheStudentCouncil can correct the error and they-in discussion and voting - have made it clear that they are not interested in amending the dubious “spirit” of this policy. What is the “spritual” sticking point? Financial independence. Despite their statement in the new policy that the Feds “reaffirm the rights of students to form associations without undue interference,” the
Even if the clubs wanted to follow the policy, it is not clear how they would comply. The financial section is open to widely varying and contradictory interpretations, including the possibilities that all the monies will be shared equally amongst theclubs (regardless of size or need), or that no club can spend more than the Feds sponsorship amount (regardless of their ability to raise funds). The rest ofthe policy is equally open to debate and interpretation. . The situation, as Ms. Flynn stated on October 1, is blackand white:clubs must turn over their money to the Feds or the Feds will be defrauded. There is, she claims, no room for debate. At that same meeting, Councillor Ron Tsang claimed that policies are drafted topunish the guilty, not protect the innocent. So, in its rush to punish a few unnamed wrongdoers, the Feds have declared all clubs suspect and therefore subject to these rules. There is no protection for the innocent; no appeal procedure to deal with any financial disputes, The Federation of Students is the court of first and last appeal. Why did the Federation of Students unilaterally remove the clubs’ fiscal independence? Why did they vote on an obviously unfinished policy open to so many interpretations? And why did they act with-
out consulting
of Students
has unilaterally
clared that clubs can not be trusted with their own money and that clubs must justify every expenditurenot to their membership, but to the Federation ofstudents. Understand, clubs must justify each expenditure as it happens-not quarterly or yearly, but daily. What would count as “undue interference?”
the clubs,
clean up past problems and what exactly were these problems?); that the policy is still to be reviewed by the PPB committee (did they pass the policy expecting it to be amended by the PPB committee?); and that the executive council made an error in not approaching the clubs (obviously not an error deemed significant enough to delay the implementation of the policy). So it has come to this: the flawed policy has been voted in and ratified and clubs are expected to blindly trust the Federation ofStudents. To date, what actions of theirs have inspired such trust?
the new poky? The Feds answer these questions with inflammatory statements: that certain unnamed clubs have failed to be fiscally responsible, leaving the Federation holding the bag (possibly valid, but does it require such drastic action? How exactly did they
._- -_
There is an Arts mascot To theEditor,
suppose there’s nothing terribly wrong in poking a little fun at the various Faculties from time to time, even it means, in this case, perpetuating the ‘unemployable’ myth tagged onto Arts students. However, the mischievous ignorance exhibited by some of your respondents when asked to propose an Arts mascot (suggestions included a bum on the street, a waiter, a couch, an unemployment line) was actually exceeded by that of your questioner. You see, Arts already has a mascot: Porcellino the bronze boar, who rests outside of the Modern Languages Building. He’s not as noticeable as the giant pink tie but Porcellino does allow you to rub his nose for good luck.
of Feds
To the Editor,
hile reading Kieran’s editorial regarding the Fed Clubs debacle, I got to thinking. . . It occurred that if, under some’bizarre set ofcircumstances, the Federation of Students unilaterally decided to legislate away the financial independence of Imprint because the Imprint staff were deemed too incompetent or too unscrupulous to be trusted with that responsibility, I am certain that this editorial page would be screaming bloody murder for months. I am equally certain that some well-meaning fellow on campus would pipe up, saying, “What’s all the fuss about? It’s onlyImprint! Surely they have more important things to worry about.” It’s all a matter of perspective, I guess.
may be afforded the luxury of “gainingan education for the sake ofenrichment,” not everyone is so fortunate. There are many ways to better the world: building bridges, designing more efficient cars and producing software that helps us write “coherent, grammatically correct sentences.” These are just a few examples of how engineers are “Bettering the world.”
few words from an Engineer
s an engineering student at UW, I’m appalled at what I’ve been reading in theImprint lately. No, it’s not the comments of the amz+ students that is appalling; rather, it is the sheer ineptitude that the engineers employed in defending their treatment of our mascot. There is an easy solution for what to do with the Tool: build a nice secure glass case and place the wrench inside it. Every time it is paraded on campus there is the inevitable inter-faculty outcry, because of the behaviour of the engineers. It is because of this behaviour in the past that has resulted in the “house arrest” that the Tool faces on campus, and it will be the behaviour of the engineers in the future that will lead to the Tool’s undoing. Someone once said that those that refuse to learn from history’s mistakes are doomed to repeat it; the issue of taking pictures of the Tool and the Tool-bearers is another example of the Engineering Society refusing to address the root cause of this problem. Here’s a thought kids: apply a little problem solving, the kind that we learn in school, to the problem of the Tool, rather than falling back on a practice that is more beer-fueled than traditional.
to help and guide them, but these relationships tend to be very controlling, often encouraging people to break off relatiqnships with their family and friends. A 20/20 ABC News report in 1993 stated: “We’ve heard frightening s tories from dozens and dozens of people who have left the International Churches of Christ. They say that they felt exploited and lucky to have escaped with their minds and their lives.” . The ICC has been plagued with problems since its inception about 20years ago. The group was banned from Boston University, where its activities originated, and a Time article in 1992 noted that: “Universities that welcome all manner of oddball groups on campus actively seek to curb these evangelists. Some defectors who number half theconverts since 1979-charge that the church has done them psychological or spiritual harm.” The ICC believes that only people who are baptized in their church are saved, but the Bible clearly states: “That ifyou confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9 - NIV) ManywhoarepartoftheICCdon’t realize what they’re involved with, but I would encourage everyone to seek out the truth, for: “[God] wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4 - NIV) Look at http://members. aol.com/djrtx/resource.htm for more information, or e-mail me at wchagey@uwaterloo.ca May you know God and may He bless you.
don’t vocally hear Funk Flex on his album, he is in each song, scratching and mixing, that’s the main purpose: he’s a DJ (disc jockey) not a lyricist. Ifyou’re looking for lyrics then look to Canibus but as for scratching, production and quality look to Funk Flex or Kid Capri. Many things he wrote about were, in essence, repetitious of what we know about the biz. If he needs a lesson, I can help but please tell this writer to pick up a mic check, rap pages or even a source and get a clue. The world of hip hop is larger and more expressive than just the music. It’s a culture, it lives, it breathes, it suffocates and it grows (when permitted). If some people cannot recognize everything involved and aid its development then try harder by any means necessaryor step. Hip hop needs support where ever it can find it but if you’re not helping, get out of the way. At least this writer is trying, for that I give him thanks and tonnes of respect. It’s a learning process which few know, and even fewer have the patience to learn. -
G. Bridge
In defense of Lauryn Hill
n response to Lisa “Look Mommy, I cap use a thesaurus!“Johnson’srecentlypublished letter “Bettering the world,” I would like to point out that mathematics, computer code and technical drawings are all means by which engineers communicate. In fact, I would venture to say that these “languages” are more uni-
‘m writing about a serious concern and with a warning to everyone on campus. Recently, a group called the Toronto Church of Christ (part of the International Church ofchrist) has been quite active on campus, inviting people to come out to their Bible studies. This group presents itself as a Christian organization and believes itself to be the only true church, but its beliefs and history has led many to identify it as a cult. Two very noticeable charac-
eing a first year student, I take pride that I can walk into the SLC, scoop up the most recent copy of Imprint and hear what my fellow peers have to say about the world. To my surprise, it contained many sections which are of value and interest to the UW students. One of these sections is the music review portion of our respectable Imprint, which brought a tear to my eye. And yet another tear fell when I saw the large range ofmusic which was being reviewed. I found it interesting to hear about other valid likes and dislikes of the UW student body. I came to the reviews of Canibus and Funkmaster Flex 111, I must say I was sorely disappointed. The writer obviously does not understand or know the history,
his is my second letter on behalfofall the hip hop heads at UW. I, once again, was browsing through the music review section and noticed the review a gentleman did on the latest release from Ms. Lauryn Hill. The music review section is meant to analyze an artist’s latest release which cannot be done if you do not appreciate what the artist does, That was apparent with this writer. What was written was uncalled for and inappropriate. If you don’t appreciate the artist then don’t, please do not, review it. You asked someone to come in and review Monifah’s album, and some kind soul came in and did just that. You should have extended the same courtesy for the beautiful Lauryn Hill. She put her soul into that album and deserved better than that. If you can’t appreciate the music then leave it alone. If you have no prior knowledge of an artist, research it or leave it alone. Believe me, if you put an ad out, someone will come and review it for you, Better yet, get someone, like me, on staff to review it. She did not deserve to be verbally trashed like that, even if it is just a school paper. If you’re going to review an album, know that art-
ist, have
Warning: Church Cult To tireEditor, E3ettering Engineering
world style
Tu the Editor,
Implying that engineers have difficulty communicating is a gross malapropism. Besides, how articulate do you have to be to say “Yes, I would like fries with that?” In addition, I would like to remind Ms. Johnson that while she
of the International
of Christ (ICC) are “love bombing” and “discipleship.” Prospective members are showered with attention and affection - a very effective means of recruiting people who may be troubled or lonely. They are also assigned a “mentor”
In defense of hip hop
or the drama
of the hip hop
culture/industry. He missed the essence, the low down nitty gritty, - LLCoolJ saga of the Canibus which actually began with Canibus (not LL). He doesn’t understand the role of a DJ and what he achieves, because although you
an idea of their
know what the music is about, This is the only field where a specialized interest is an asset. You can be objective within the field but in another musical domain, you would be completely out ofwhack. Please have the grace to find
someone who can properly review hip hop forwhat its worth, not what one thinks it ought to be.
In defense of Lauryn Hill #2
‘m writing in response to a CD review in Vol21 Number 11 of the Imprint. It’s regarding the Lauryn Hill CD, “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill”. I’ve CC’d this email to MathNEWS, the reasons for which will become apparent: Eric Braiden’s review is erroneous. “Former Fugees vocalist Lauryn Hill releases her first solo...“’ *‘Once a Fugee, always a Fugee proclaims Hill, who pooh-poohs the notion that the group is unofficially defunct.” “Hill raps, ‘My emancipation don’t fit your equation/I was on the humble/You on every station,’ a lyric that’s been widely interepreted as being directed at Jean [WyclefJ -a charge Hill denies.,. ‘None of the songs on this album are as literal as everybody wants to take them” Entenhnrnent Weekly,#452 October 2,1998. Unfortunately, it seems Braiden’s review is centered more around some sort of perceived jealousy/cash-grab gimmick than offeringan opinionated view of what he’s heard from the CD. I know it must be hard to make sure that facts are presented in op/ed pieces, but maybe music reviews should stick to the music. Perhaps Stephanie Feltham’s review of the Squirrel Nut Zippers is a better example of a review. Apparently, this kind of thing has happened in the past as well as with the review ofHGuoN~~ by the Beastie Boys. An article was printed in mathNEWS about it I’m sure they’d be happy to provide you with the story if you haven’t seen it.
Planned Parenthood To theEditur, don’t often
read the letters
to but I tirade needs
I the editor in theImprint,
think that Brenda Fine’s against Planned Parenthood to be addressed. Dear Brenda, please take off your blinders. Inquiring minds want to know, so why don’t you stop telling lies about PlannedParenthood. They don’t provide abortions for anyone. Your repeated attacks against them is an outrage to women everywhere who have died under
the butcher’s
illegal abortionists. A few years ago, I spoke with Arthur Konviser of Shoppers Drug Mart who told me that they have received threats from Car,adian continued
to page 12
. _ _.
_- _.
12 continued
c., from
page 11
“right to lifers” that if RU-486 was to be sold in this country, that their stores would be bombed by those in the movement. That same movement wants to take the rights away from women to control their bodies. The funny thing about it is this: most of them are men. Catholic clerics and fundamentalist leaders of all major religions have allowed men to control women for two millenia. Isn’t the world a better place because Catholicism controls Brazil, where unwanted kids murder each other in the street for fun? Isn’t it great that countries aroundthe worldcontrolled by religious fundamentalists are some of the most over-populated, povertystricken, and destitute that the world has ever seen? If “right to lifers” are so supportive of life at any cost, why are they not lined up at the Children’s Aid Office and opening up their homes for those unwanted children? Instead, they parade in front of Chapters in Waterloo with pictures of dead babies on their signs, As a practicing physician for over 24 years, I can tell you that the world is a more tolerable place because of the rights that women have earned to control their own body. Why don’t you ask the women in Romania what it was like under their totalitarian regime in this century? Why not move to Saudi Arabia, where women can’t drive cars, or run businesses?Theycertainly have a lot less rights than you do. The women of the world have earned their right to control their own bodies.
Granted abortion should not be used for birth control, but sdme girls, and you might be one of them, may need to have that option some day. Why don’t you ask the police who mop up after yet another murder of an infant or toddler by their mothers or fathers whether those women were ever offered a choice? Right to Life counsellors, some of your friends perhaps, may have spoken to people about keeping their precious fetus, but will they be around at the funeral, if those parents are unfit to raise that child? I doubt it very much. So, Brenda, everything has two sides, and you only presented one of them. Here are some sites from which you may wish to see the other side: Anti-Abortion Violence Movement - Do you condone any of these? http://www.acsp.uic.edu/gangs/aavml.htm Anti-Abortion Violence Movement Increases http://www.acsp.uic.edu/oicj/pubs/cja/ OS0603.htm Dialectics Of Terror: Anti-Abortion Direct Action http://webcom.com/-pinknoiz/right/ terror 1. html Anti-abortion insert claims to educate but cites dubious facts http://riceinfo.rice.edu/projects/thresher/issues/83/96030l/Opinion/Story3.html Post Abortion Syndrome http://religioustolerance.org/abo-posthtm Abortion - All Sides Of The Issue http://religioustolerance.org/abortion.html -Dr*
Friday, October 9, 1998
Chipping away at the stone
ere’s a classic question: “If God is so good, then why does he allow pain and suffering?” I’ve heard some very logical and well-thought-out, deep, theological answers to this but, to be honest, I don’t claim to be all that deep and theological. Nor do I claim to have all the answers. So, I’ll try to explain it in the simplest way I can, and offer a few thoughts to the age-old question. Aristotle commented once about how the gods loved agood joke, popularizing the theory that if there is a god, he is a cosmic joker that enjoys messing around with our Iives. I agree that God has a good sense of humour, but not at our expense. When bad things happen in our lives, there is always a purpose in them. We can choose either to look for it, or become bitter. Sometimes I think God works like a sculptor in our lives, Francois-Auguste Rodin, whenasked how he managed tomake his remarkable statues said, “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don’t need.” Similarly, regarding his famous statue of David, Michelangelo said, “I saw David through the stone, and began chipping away at everything that was not David.”
The pain we experience can serve to help us shed the pettiness that keeps us from fully being who we are. But we must choose to allow it to. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy” (Martin Luther King Jr.). If everyone lived in perfect circumstances, it would be impossible to define the ones with character. It is the most difficult situation that we realize what we are made of. The biblical story of Job illustrates this. When he had everything he wanted, he was able to praise God. When his children die, he goes broke, he gets sick, and his wife tells him to “Curse God and die.” He refuses to, and instead says, “When God sends us something good, we welcome it. How can we complain when he sends us trouble?” (Job 29, 10) Consider a diamond, one of the most valuable stones known to humans. It starts off as an ugly, black piece of coal. Only through intense pressure, and a tremendous amount of time does it begin to sparkle. Pain is inevitable. But it’s just as inevitable, that God can use it for good. (Romans 828)
Ter-Yy Pokvuy
An army’s life for me Big businessbeatsdemocracy
anada’s democracy is eroding as a result of continued deregulation of the economy. Citizens, organizations and even governments within Canada have less democratic power today than 30 years ago. Systematically, our elected officials have given up powers to govern through the creation of international agreements such as NAFTA. These agreements have given “big business” tremendous powers and rights - including the right to sue a government for inhibiting the company’s ability to make a profit. Thirty-years ago, businesses generally waited on the sidelines while negotiations unfolded. Today, business leaders are writing these agreements. NAFTA and the proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment were written, for the most part, by the Business Council on National Issues (BCNI). Business writing agreements to benefit business -or society (or is there a difference?). Does this mean “Big Business” is taking over Canada? Thank heavens - some may argue!! Let businesses run the whole flippingcountry! Business understands the realities of the harsh world ofgIobalization. Only business will balance budgets, be efficient and innovative enough to solve all our problems. Laissez-faire capitalism holds that the cot+ mon good is best served by the uninhibited pursuit of self-interest. This ongoing pursuit, however, has not benefitted Canadians
in general, nor most of the world. United Nations findings state that over the last 20 years the gap between the wealth of rich countries and poor countries has doubled. Canada was recently scolded by the United Nations for its appalling level of child poverty. The number of billionaires in 1996 werecollectively worth more than the bottom 50 per cent of the world (over three billion people). This collection ofwealth is due in part to deregulated economic markets. There is a growing movement, however, that challenges the concept of letting the free market decide what kind of society we want. George Soros, a multi-billionaire thanks to financial markets, recently described what he calls “The Capitalist Threat.” The increasing spread of market values into all areas of life is “endangering our open and democratic society. The main enemy of the open society., . is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat” (1998). Soros argues that competition also needs cooperation. Such co-operation would incorporate the idea of allowing citizens to determine what kind of country they want to live in. Such a country would not have students pepper-sprayed when they stand up against corporate interests. So what kind ofcountry do we want to live in? We have allowed control - democracy - to slip from our fmgers. It is not too late to claim it back.
‘ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I love living in Canada. We have a pirate for a Prime Minister, Hop-A-Long Bouchard as the Royal Opposition, Buddy Holly stirring the pot on all sides, OHIP (at least for now), mountains, fresh-water lakes, most ofNORAD and both the world’s tallest free-standing building and the world’s largest mall. However, we do have our downs. We have our dollar pretending to be at Canada’s Wonderland, the RCMP pretending to be the LAPD and the Van Doos Airborne pretending to be Bill Clinton and Dirty Harry at the same time. Which brings me to the biggest problem I have with this grand country of ours: The Canadian Armed Forces. The Canadian Armed Forces is, to use someone else’s line, “like Switzerland without the knife.” The troops have nothing for them, equipment or money-wise and what equipment they do have is either falling apart or not enough to help. Example 1: the Labrador helicopterthat went down, killing all six crew members inside while it was on route tocanadian Armed Forces Base Greenwood, Nova Scotia. Right now, investigators are searching to see if the pilots had some sort of disease or health problem that could have made them eras h, as well as to see if the debris will give clues as to what went wrong. Well, I’d like to shed some light on this for the investigators. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t the pilots, or weather, or trees, or any act of God. Maybe it was the fact that the Labradorfleetwasmadein 1963and thatall the engines needed to be replaced, lest they fail out. Already there are reports ofmalfunctionsand required engine upgrades, and we
are shelling out millions of dollars to fix these problems instead of buying newer vehicles. Are there any smart people in the military brass? Can they not see the patterns of costly repairs and upgrades and understand that changing over from the 1963 Labrador to another helicopter probably made in 1975 will not help?Theyoverlook the big picture for the small picture, the one that says that some duct tape will keep that rotor on for another year, at least. And while we’re on this subject, why are our enlisted men who wear their uniforms with pride going home and changing into McDonald’s uniforms? Because they are not getting paid ,enough to live. Who has ever heard of that? These are men that we expect to protect us, to die for the country, and we don’t give them anything to help them. No good equipment, no warm quarters or even any proper housing at all, and now no money to buy food for their families or themselves. Of course, this could make our army more deadly. Not becauseofequipment or training, but because they are desperate and hungry. They see the other side as food, That’s enough to make anyone fight more. My plea to the military is this: get new equipment now. Give our fighting men something useful. No enlisted man should have to be a security guard in his spare time, and no country should have one submarine less than the Edmonton Mall. And personally, if I ever fly in a plane and it crashes and they have to send out Labrador rescue helicopters to save me, I’d rather walk. I’d have a better chance of making it out, broken leg and all.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
by Usa Johnson fmpn!htsdW and Punam Ahuja speda/ to /mpni7t
id you know that all women are at risk of breast cancer, no matter what age? So if you think that it could never happen to you, think agam. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women. As such, October is acknowledged as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is an opportunity to bring awareness to this important cause. One major concentration of the breast cancer campaign is on helping to encourage women to perform a proper Breast Self Examination (BSE) once a month.
This is important because the key to beating breast cancer is early detection. Morethan97percentof women whose cancer is found and treated early, with no spreading beyond the breast, will survive. Noonecan know a woman’s breasts better than herself. If you feel an abnormality, get to your doctor immediately to have it checked out, it could save your life. Also, yearly mammograms are suggested for women over forty. However, more and more women are starting ro have them done at a younger age. Mammograms can detect cancer up to two years before a lump can be felt. The highest risk group for breast cancer is women over fifty, so it is essential thae yearly mammograms are a part of your life by this point. There are factors which in-
crease the risk of breast cancer. For example, women who have already had breast cancer face an increasedriskofgettingitagain. If there is a family history of breast cancer (mother, sister, or daughter), or if you have two or more close relatives with breast cancer, then you are also at an increased risk. Most people don’t realize that certain foods can aid in warding off cancer. A high fat diet maycontribute to this risk. It is suggested that your diet consist of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, two to three servings of low fat milk per day, and lean cuts of meat. Also, consider meat substitutes such as lentils, beans, peas, and tofu. Avoid carcinogens, which are cancer-causing agents found in such foods as hotdogs and bacon.
They can also be found in the black char on burnt foods such as anything cooked on a barbecue or burnt toast. Many people, celebrities, companies, and organizations are contributing to the cause, raising awareness and helping to raise money for research. The Rosie O’Donnell show, which has always done a great deal for various charitable organizations, is truly doing its part for breas t cancer. The show dedicates a large part of its daily hour to breast cancer-related issues. Rosie has implemented the “buddy” system, along with the “I Got Squished With Rosie” campaign. For more details on these and other ways in which Rosie is helping further the cause, see the show’s website. Various Canadian retailers are
doing their part as well. Royal Doulton has designed a figurine called “Hope,” dedicated to women with breast cancer. Thirtyfive dollars from the sale of each figurine goes to the Canadian Cancer Society. Nivea skin cream has donated $15,000 towards research, while La Senza/Sil k and Satin will donate proceeds from the sales of T-shirts and pink ribbons to research. Cotton Ginny and Tabi are also selling pink ribbon jewellery, and all proceeds will be donated to the cancer society. It is heartening to know that so many people are realizing the importance of bringing awareness to this horrific disease, It only takes a little on the part of many to make a drastic change. Hopefully one day soon, breast cancer will be a thing of the past.
Fedback by Heather Fawcett specie to fmprint
Well, it’s that time of year again. TheCanadian teams areout of baseball, and the boring NFL run-run-run style of football has overshadowed the exciting passing game of the CFL. What is there left for Canadian sports fans to do? It’s time for that staple of Canadian childhood: that’s right, it’s hockey season! Hockey is not Canada’s offical national pastime though, that distinction falls to lacrosse. But you don’t see people walking around with “Canada IS Lacrosse” Tshirts, or complaining that the Americans are taking over our status as a world power in lacrosse, now, do you? No, hockey has quite the culture attached to it, and that has good points and bad. I love the game, however, I don’t attach the nation’s, or my own, self-worth to the successes or failures of our national team. This year there are a bunch of changes to thegrand old game that are meant to speed things up and make for some exciting matchups. The dimensions of the rink are somewhat different now, as the goal lines are being moved out from 11 feet to 13 feet, and the neutral zone is being reduced in
size from 58 to 54 feet. This will make the endzones bigger, and hopefully allow for more offensive play. They’ve decided to add, in some instances, two referees to the game, to hopefully catch more of the clutching and grabbing that has been going on for the past few years. This new rule will take effect in 20 games for each team. I can see how this might help in the long run, but more penalties will slow the game down as teams get used to the new dimensions of the rink. In other officiating changes, the video goal judge will be allowed to call down to the ref (or refs) and make calls regarding offensive players in the crease. I can only see this causing HUGE problems. This rule needs to be made subjective because, as it stands, if the player is in the crease when a goal is scored, regardless of his involvement in the play, the goal is disallowed. More of these calls will only serve to frustrate everyone involved. The big deal is, of course, the divisional realignment, and the case I’m most excited about is the Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadians being together in
meet in the Stanley Cup finals, but the chances of chat are slim, so I’ll take the divisional realignment, thanks! The unfortunate thing about the start of the hockey season is that it means yet another winter of watching games on TV. The professional games are way too expensive to go to. I remembei back in high school when I had an entirely disposable income, I didn’t go because it cost too much! Now that I actually have a budget, Leaf games just aren’t fitting in. So where does a starving hockey fan turn? We go to the ultimate source for live hockey, and other sports for that matter: the Minor Leagues, In Kitchener, we are lucky to have an OHL franchise, the Kitchener Rangers, who play at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. If that’s too far from schoo1, check out the Waterloo Siskins, an OHA level team at the Waterloo Ret Complex. And of course, there’s our very own Waterloo Warriors at Columbia Ice Fields. If you’re really desperate, you can see some of Laurier’s home games at the Ret Complex as wel!. And remember, it’s cold in those rinks, so bring a friend.
the North
“Yo2d sd3id you didn’t giv.e a fud uhuthockq/ u?zdI #evef-suw some-
East division.
This is a great old rivalry. For some reason it’s just impossible to be a fan of both these teams. This is going to make for some great regular season games, and playoff match-ups too! Sure, they’ll never
onesuy hdjb~/ You Aeldmy hand andwe wulket3VomeiWungwq/ you werduosenifig9nygzi~ on Bobby On-. ” (From “Fireworks,” by The Tragically Hip).
in Prosit! Oktoberfest is coming to campus. We’ve been busy getting ready for the festivities - the checkered tableclorhs are in, the beer mugs are on the way, the beer nuts are being roasted, and our bartenders are getting fitted for lederhosen. Are you ready to polka? Our oompa music will get- you in the mood! Checkout OktoberFed at Fed Hall on Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17, Fed will be decked out in traditional Festhall decor, accompanied by live oompa entertainment. Tickets are six dollars for Feds and eight dollars for Non-feds. And they are going quickly! And for you Hip-Hop fans, Oktoberfest is getting funky just for you, The Bomber is hosting the first ever OctoberFunk on Friday, October 16. Tickets are three dollars for Feds and five dollars for Non-Feds and are on sale now at the Fed Office. Want to go festin’ Bomber style? Check out RocktoberFest on Saturday, October 17. Live oompa music, checkered table-
cloths, and keepsake beer steins guarantee festers a great Oktoberfest experience. Tickets are three dollars for Feds, five for Nons and are on sale now at the Fed Office. Don’t spend your time waiting hours for a cab that may never show up and money on overpriced beerand cab fares when youcould be polka dancing the night away on campus! Zigga Zagga! Zigga Zagga! Oy, Oy, Oy! Other
Fed Events:
l Chantal KreviazukThursday, October 22 at Fed Hall { Feds:$l3, Nons:$l5) l House Hallowe’enFriday, October30at the Bombshelcer {Feds:$3, Nons:$S) l Haliowe’en BashSaturday, October 31 at Fed Hall (Feds:!& Nons:$6) l Halbwe’en Pub-Saturday, October31 at the Bombshelter($Z at the door) Also, check out the Live Swing BandFriday, November 13 at Fed Hall.
Imprint Feahres: WeswA, do \/Oh?
Friday, October 9, 1998
How to overcome hangovers Tip
by Ben Thomas specinl to hprint
angovers are a bitch and can put you out ofcirculation for the entire nextdayafteranightoutdrinking. Since last week was AIcohol Awarensess Week, it would be a great thing to take advantage of this time to reflect on responsible drinking. Alcohol does not necessarily equal a good time. However, for those ofyou who are afflicted by those nasty hangovers, here are some common sense techniques to help overcome the symptoms.
1: Never
pass out
When you pass out after drinking, your body metabolism slows down and your body rakes longer to process all that alcohol. This is the main cause of a hangover. When you get home, just chill out, talk with a friend, go online, or study for Monday’s midterm (yeah right, that’11 happen). Tip
2: Drink
Dehydration hungover feeling.
of water
is the major part of the Ever notice how you get
thirsty no matter how much alcohol you drink? We11 that’s because alcohol is a dehydrating agent. Okay, so you hate water. Try tea (not coffee), diet pop, or something just make sure it’s not full of sugar.
3: Pace
through your body. As soon as it does, you’ll feel it. And you ‘II feel it the next day, too.
4: Don’t
Beer then liquor, never sicker. Liquor then beer, never fear. Hard liquor on top of carbonation can make you very sick. Avoid mixing drinks at all costs.
When you’re out partying and drinking this Oktoberfest, just try to pace yourself. Those five shots you take may not feel like much, but an hour later you’ll be clawing your way across the floor. It usually takes some time for the alcohol to start circulating
Deciding whether he’s a player by Kimberly ImpnirtstH
Elllg urd
oyou want to know if that guy in your class you’re interested in is a player? You’ve done the initial flirtingthing,goneoutforlunch,andjustgenerallyhungouc.Youwentoucona firstdate(on which you and he had a little fun, ifyou know what J. mean). After that, he said that he would call you. He hasn’t. You strongly suspect that this guy is just a player. For those of you who don’t know, a player can be defined as a person who likes the thrill ofthe hunt, but immediately loses interest once he gets what he wants.
But how do you tell if he is a player? It’s kind of like trying to decide whether Pat is a man or a woman, isn’t it? Well, here are a few simple guidelines to help make that distinction a little bit easier for you. 1. If he owns two cell phones and a beeper, then he’s probably a player. 2. Ifheasksforyourlastnamewhenyou call him, then he’s probably a player. 3. If his favourite movie is “How to Be a Player,” then he’s probably a player. 4. If his university major is Ret, then he’s probably a player. 5. If his favourite phrase is: “Oh, she’s just a friend,” then he’s probably a player.
Do 3014C/aveaM ahtic
6. If his little black book is the size of a then he’s probably a player. 7. Ifhis mentor is Bill Clinton, then he’s probably a player. 8. If his room looks like a bordelio, then he’s probably a player. 9. If he dresses like the Butabi brothers, then he’s probably a player. 10. If he has a penis, then he’s probably a player! If it turns out that your beau fulfills six or more out of the above ten requirements, then you now know that he is a player. So the next question is, what should you do about it? There really is only one answer, and ic is
The Eebevatiou Of St-dents’
quite simple: you must move on and prove to him that he’s no,t the onIy player in the game -you can play the field just a6 well as he can. It should be noted here, for the sake of fairness, that being a player is not genderspecific. Most people don’t know that women, too, can be players. It is just too awkward and convoluted to write an entire article using he/she, his/her. But ifyou are a male, disregard number ten, and mustof the list still applies, just: switch words 1ikChe” and “his” with their feminine counterparts. We simply took the female perspective on the subject because, well . . . we am females.
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9, 1998
Horoscopes by the Imprint Guru
by Tara qn?cid
Today is a good day to quit smoking, drinking, eating poorly, oversleeping, watching T.V., exercising, ‘having sex, showering, speaking, breathing.. .
Time to clean out your refrigerator. If the mold at the bottom is moving, do not make it your new house pet no matter how tempting it may be.
Stop trying tocatch up on your work, it’s too late now. Wait until the night before the exam, have a Snickers and a Coke and marathon-s tudy.
If the guy or girl you lust after hasn’t called you yet, then pick up the phone yourself. Be brave in life. Be an optimist. Be happy. Be ware. Be alert - the world needs more lerts.
Money for you as But do not be on the count your peck your
The friend that hurt you will crawling back to apologize. A big person would accept the apology. But a small person like you will takeadvantage ofthe situation and step on their head.
Procrastination is avirtue, and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. March right up to your analretentive friends and tell them so. Better yet, do it tomorrow. Or maybe next week.. .
Do not accept a ride this week, you may just find yourself changingaflattireorpushingastalledcar uphill. And then you’ll just get all icky. That won’t be good for anyone, now will it?
It is Thanksgiving weekend, a time to spend time with your family and give thanks. For example, “Thanks for making my life miserable,” “Thanks for passing the fat butt gene on to me.”
A new wardrobe is in order. Visit rhe St. Jacob’s Factory Outlet: Mali and pick up a new pair of Rceboks and some Levis. Your new duds wiil provide you with a new outlook on life.
Take risks this weekwhen you go grocery shopping. Go on, be outrageous! Grab that box of Kraft Dinner rather than the generic brand macaroni and cheese. You will not regret your choice.
Don’t allow friends or loved ones to peer inside your mind no matter how much they insist. It is just too frightening a place for them. In fact, it’s too frightening a place for you.
is a particular concern of the last few months. despair, a solution may horizon. Remember: chickens before they eyes out.
Any tougher they’d rust.
ktoberfest is one of the most famous events which takes place annually in the K-W area, This Bavarian festivai includes 20 festhalls as well as 35 family and cultural events. The festivities will officially open on October 9, and close October 17. What is Oktoberfest other than an excuse for excessive drinking in overcrowded festhalls? Don’t despair ifdrinking isn’t your thing, as there are numerous sober events going on throughout the week. Many of the Oktoberfest activities will be held in downtown Kitchener on the corner of King and Frederick. The opening ceremonies are free and begin at Kitchener city hall on Friday October 9 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. A family festival will be held at the
Kitchener Auditorium on Oct. 9. On October 11, the International Convocated Bands will be appearing at University Stadium at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are two dollars per adul t and five dollars for a family of four. The Thanksgiving Parade will occur on October 12, starting at 8:45 a.m. It will proceed from King and Erb in Waterloo to King and Cedar in Kitchener. Cans of food will be collected throughout the route for the Onkle Hans food drive. The closing ceremonies will be held indowntown Kitcheneron Saturday, October 17. This is a free event, The Oktoberfest Run, sponsored by the Rotary Club, consists of both a Skm and 1Okm run and will be held on October 18. For more information, please feel free to contact the K-W Oktoberfest Inc.: (519) 570467.
YourFederatiovr of Studetishsevrts.mm.~..m.,,
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Exclusively in Waterloo at 133 Weber Street N. 7464983
Way cool scientist! Trish Schulte investigates the effect of pollutants on fish gene expression . son al acclimation to temperature changes of the environment as well as the evolutionary adaptations of fish species. “We get the fish at differ-
by Helen McEachem imprht staff
rish Schulte, a biology professor at UW, focuses her research on the effects of low-level pollutants on the metabolism of fish. Why does she study fish? “To help us understand how organisms respond to the environment. Humans are changing the environment at a rapid rate and we must be able to predict the effects of this and understand the process.” “A lot of research has already been done on the effects of large spills on fish, but I study the effects of very low, but continual levels of dioxins, PCBs and other industrial waste products. One of the effects of chronic low doses of pollutants is ‘wasting,’ which is weight loss that occurs even though the fish is eating. This is a metabolic problem and so I study the effects of pollutants on the gene regulation of products that support .metabolism.” Dr. Schulte observes changes in the gene expression of fish along the eastern coast of North America that result from their sea-
ied genes such as lactate dehydrogenase, which is responsible for helping to maintain metabo: lism in a low oxygen environment and during strenuous
in the area of the inserted DNA when the gene is turned on, The effects of pollution and other factors affecting the metabolism of the fish on the expression of the gene can then be studied by the measurable amount of light that is emitted. Dr. Schulte also uses Northern blotting techniques, DNA cloning and sequencing as well as some transgenesis. Dr. Schulte completed both her B.Sc, and her M.Sc. at UBC. She decided to try to combine evoIutionary biology and molecu-
the genes on and off
lar genetics, an area of research
T h e s e
are the fish of quences photo courtesy of T. S&Me choice. She can be studies fish that are low on rhe linked to a reporter gene which food chain so that her results can produces firefly luciferase - the be used to help predict the effect substance that makes fireflies of pollution on higher level fish. glow. When the new DNA, comDr. Schulte studies gene exposed of the regulatory sequence pression using the regulatory and the firefly reporter gene, are DNA sequences from well-studinjected into fish tissue, it “glows”
which at that time was not heavily pursued. She did her senior project on the biochemistry of fish exercise with the help of Peter Hochackka, a well-known Canadian scientist. After a lengthy search for other researchers who were working on similar ideas, Dr. Schulte final1y found Dennis Powers at Stanford University in California. She received an NSERC scholarship which helped her to get into the Stanford program. Her novel perspective on biology and her knowledge and practiced skills in the area of molecular evolution
also made her a more highly qualified applicant. After graduation, Dr. Schulte was quickly offered a position at UW where she has been busy teaching and setting up her laboratory for the past year. This year she teaches human molecular genetics and human physiology. “I work hard and the students here are very strong and appreciate interesting lectures. An part of my job is to important interact with the students. Interacting with professors was very important when I was starting my career and I want to give the same experience to other students.” Though Dr. Schulte is just beginning to establish herself at UW and is still settling in here, she hopes to continue following up interesting aspects of her field. “I will pursue interesting avenues and not be bound to preconceived notions,” Dr.Schulte says. “Though I enjoy teaching, my research is my real love’and it is what I have always wanted to do. I want to remain in a position where I can pursue my research interests wherever they may take me.” Keep up the good work!
You are what vou eat af
his article is not about health. It may seem that way. Tt may seem like another revealingarticleabout the food you eat and how you can avoid cancer or how you can achieve child-bearing hips, but it isn’t. This article is about an invasion - an invasion or possible conspiracy involving processed food and the private property known as our anatomy. This article reveals secrets secrets exposing the truths about the identities of the passengers riding on your everyday Fig Newton or Skippy Peanut Butter or Captain Highliner Fish Sticks. You think Billy “Chubbs” Clinton had some secrets. Well, Cappy Highliner has secrets that would make even Monica blush. What
crets? They are the filth found in our food. The rubbish revealed in our refreshments. A few years ago the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released a list of buried treasures found in edibles on the
Fig Paste
market place. They are definitely not as appealing as the secret found in the middle of a Caramilk bar. Here is ehe list exposing the truth about the strangers you let visit your stomach:
by JP. Lewis spedal to fmpdnt
Chocolate; Chocolate Liquor
a thirteen insect loo-gram samples
Fish (Fresh/Frozen)
up to 60 microscopic insect fragments per six loo-gram samples or up to 90 fragments in one sample; an average of more than one rodent hair in a set of six samples or up to four hairs in any one sample.
l five percent of fish or fillets with “definite odor of decomposition” over 25 percent of fish area; or 20 percent of the fish fillets with “slight odor of decomposition” over 25 percent of fish area
Tomato Paste (Pizza and Other Sauces)
Peanut Butter
l in loo-gram samples, either 30 fly eggs or 15 eggs plus one larva; two larvae per twelve samples; or mold count averaging 40 percent (30 percent for pizza sauce) in six samples
average of 30 or more insect fragments per 100 grams. Average of one or more rodent hairs per 100 grams
Coffee Beans ten percent insect-damaged,
insect infested, or moldy
Mushrooms (Canned)
to eat, you can entertain with descriptions of the garthey are ingesting. Hopel in two up to 20 maggots per 100 you didn’t read this article grams of drained mushrooms; up you were eating. It may have ruined your appetite. If you haven’t e’aten yet and aren’t concerned with your lunch choice, why not experiment with the vending machine right outside of the Imprintoffice? Yes, the one with’ steak sandand wiches cheese burgers. You can’t lose with those types What’slurkingin yourcupboard? of deals and photo by Darten Spltzig freshness.
Pepper a average of one percent insect-infested or moldy by weight; or one percent excreta per pound
a bite them bage fully while
to five maggots two millimeters (about one-twelfth of an inch) or longer; or 75 mites There you have it. The next time you take your friends out for
are fresher than Will Smith. Did you know there is a vending machine at Pioneer Sports World that makes fries? Fries out of a vending machine? That’s technology.
9, 1998
What do suction and voltage have in common? Wedding bells are beeping!
pitched sourid frequency. The same principle, which worked so well on ‘man’s best friend’ has been adapted to work on man’s worst enemy - well, his worst enemy since the film ‘Jc1w.s’ was made. The Shark ‘POD’ (Protective Oceanic Device) emits a low volrage electrical field extending to around eight metres in all directions. The charge is too weak to cause harm to the shark but strong enough to send the hungry horror elsewhere for dinner. Now divers can get closer than ever to these fanged and fearsome creatures.
A Chinese couple in Singapore made history this week by tying the knot on the Net! The couple exchanged vows on the last day of the Chinese Mid-Autumn festival-a time when many Chinese people marry. The marriage was filmed and transmitted live to a specially created web site, allowing the couple to share their special day with family in Malaysia and the rest of the ‘on-line’ nation. The electronic spectators signed the on-line guest books and sent congratulatory cards.
Home is where
l3lack hole doffs veil for scientists
the hut is h?Y S&&s# reports that researchers are closer to penetrating the secrets of black holes after focusing 11 powerful radio telescopes on the centre of our galaxy. A black hole lies there, shrouded in dust and hidden by starlight. It is thought to weigh the equivalent of 2.6 million suns, since its’ gravitational pull is so strong that stars swirl around it rapidly. Another odd fact about this fellow is his measurements. Using radio telescopes, they have discovered that it is highly elliptical, with measurements of 30 light minutes by 8 light minutes. To give you an idea of how large that is, light can travel around the Earth seven times in one second. This model doesn’t conform to typical theories about black holes because the stellar objects are thought to have a round shape, due to the way they are thought
Wouldn’t it be great if you could just head off into the country and take all your home comforts with you ? Now you can thanks to the ‘Ecolodge’. The odd looking dome construction is a complete portable home but doesn’t need any electric, gas, sewer or water connections. Solar panels on the roof provide electricity with batteries to maintain the supply at night. It might be just the trick if you’ve had enough of freezing in a bugfilled tent. If you’re going to set up the strange looking construction in a field though, better let the farmer know first in case you set off a nationwide alien-alert!
Don’t make me zap you! You might remember those hand-held devices which scared off threatening dogs with a high-
to attract matter. The shape it was previously thought to have was an accretion disk. An accretion disk is essentially a sphere of matter that is being sucked into the black hole. Attempts to explain the elliptical shape have failed to turn up convincing results. The theory was that jets of gas caused the unpredicted shape, but current models are not able to pin this down conclusively.
Gene therapy on fetuses that will be aborted An issue that could explode into the public view soon involves the rights of the unborn, and the ethics of performing research upon them. French Anderson of the University of Southern California tendered the proposal. He wisely allowed three years for the public to become informed and to debate the issue. He is both lauded for entering into such bold research, and questioned by others who are worried that the rights of the unborn, future notwithstanding, are being abused, Anderson seeks to attempt to
treat a condition called alpha-thalassaemia. Apparently, everyone carries four copies of the gene that is defective in people with alpah-thalassaemia. If all four copies are defective, the fetus often dies before it is born, or shortly thereafter. He
is going to heat pre try badly.
up the masses
Blast from the past!
Nm S&z& reported on November 11, 1965 that; “The idea of “test-tube babies” is no longer something to be woven into the plot of a sciencefit tion novel. Serious-minded scientists are not only thinking about cultivating human embryos on the laboratory bench they are developing the techniques which will make this a practical possibility. In the current issue of Thdamet( 1965, ~012, p 926) Dr R. G. Edwards, now at the Physiological Laboratory of the courtesy of htQ://wvw.shark-pics..com/ University of Camplans to insert genes that work bridge, describes work do-ne there and at John Hopkins Hos- -3 properly. Aconcern with this is that the pital, in Baltimore. small size of the fetus might allow Dr. Edwards has taken eggs from ovaries, or parts of ovaries, the genetic material to cross over to the reproductive system, enaobtained from 16 women who for bling the the-rapy to continue one reason or another had to have down through su-ccessive genthese organs erations. removed.” (11 November 1965) Moral opinions aside, this one - With Dam Spitzig
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Warriors .fall to Mustangs Waterloo 3-l after 44-20 loss in Western’s homecoming byDavidAiknun
JpedaltoImpdnt aturday’s football game between the Waterloo War& ors and the Western Mustangs had every indication S that the Warriors would not continue the string of relatively easy victories that they have had thus far this season. To begin with, there was the fact that Western head coach Larry Haylor needed only one more victory to give him the ah-time career wins record in Mustang football his tory, There was also the Mustangs’ quest for vengeance against the Warriors. Waterloo manhandled Western in their last three meetings, especially last year as they spoiled Western’s homecoming and won the Yates Cup on their turf. In fact, prior tosaturday, Western’s last victory over Waterloo was in 1995 when they squeaked by 23-22, The Mus-
Justtryandtakeitfbmmel photo ty Owen Gregory
tangs believed that enough was enough, and were prepared to redeem themselves for their past performances. Finally, the record-setting victory and the payback could be administered in front of a sold-out homecoming crowd ofclose to 8,000 noisy and annoying Western students and alumni. Thus, the stage was set between Ontario’s two undefeated teams, with the Warriors anxious to once again rain on the Mustang parade. Unfortunately, the Mustangs remained undefeated as they ran over the Warriors 4420. The Western running game, led by the league’s leading rusher Scott Crawley and Fabian Rayne, proved to be too powerful as they rushed for 366 yards. Waterloo’s defensive squad seemed to never leave the field, Waterloo’s rejuvenated offence was nowhere to be found early in the game as they were forced to punt in their three opening drives, The Mustangs, however, scored on their three opening drives and were ~~30-7 at the half. Quarterback Ryan Wilkinson, who has been playing like Dallas Cowboy great Troy Aikman with his superb throwing arm this season, returned to his old form as his rushing capabilities were superior to his airattack. Wilkinson had an outstanding 81-yard touchdown run in the second quarter to close the Western gap to 24-7, but was overshadowed by the fact that he threw interceptions in the drives that preceded and followed that. He finished the day completingonly 10 passes out of 27 attempts for 133 yards, with three interceptions and no passing touchdowns. Mike Bradley continued to have a great year as he earned 140 yards on the ground and scored two touchdowns, while Eddie Kim contri buted for 50 yards. But don’t worry too much about the outcome of Saturday’s game, Warriors fans. This match was considered by
many to be a Yates Cup preview, and remember this: it was only a preview. So what if the game may have cost them home-field advantage for the championship game? Last year the Warriors needed to come up big in London and they
Ha!Ha! Missed me! photo by Owen Gregory did, so there is no reason why that won’t happen again. Despite the loss, the sight of the large and enthusiastic Waterloo crowd in London must have been comforting to the Warriors, and all those who attended should be commended. The Warriors’ next game is Saturday, 290 p.m. at University Stadium against the McMaster Marauders, who have cracked theCIAU’s top ten rankings this year. So come on out and show your support, the game promises to be a good one.
Lan’t wait for winter?
the warnings
are coming
in. Barely a newscast
goes by that doesn’t mention a future filled with sty winter weather courtesy of La Nina, El Nino’s
equally ferocious,
but colder other half. Already parts of the are under a foot of snow. And as tropic-lovers cower further under the covers of their bed each morning and silently vow to finally check out Florida real estate, I can’t get enough, I want to see the sky rip open and watch as snow pours through. I want winter, and I want it now. Rockies
If you are a skier or snowboarder who is suffering from similar cravings, you’re no doubt dreaming of new snow, new gear and new destinations. After many months since the last flake faded away, the time has come to reignite the desire for the steep and deep. The Toronto Ski and Snowboard Show blows into Toronto October 15 through 18 and dumps its goods for all to enjoy. Two hundred exhibitors will fill the National Trade Centre at Exhibition Place in what is a deal-seeking student’s winter dream. Whether you’re looking for this season’s products hot off the assembly line or gear from last year, this is the place. Manufacturers will be on hand to
showcase the latest and greatest developments in this year’s alpine, cross-country and snowboard equipment. People shopping for end-of-line gear will see big discounts, while used gear is for sale, too, organized in its own designated area. But gear isn’t the only thing you’ll find for sale. The show features special Z-for-l travel deals, clothing and even vehicles if a new sportster is what you need for your next trip. If this isn’t enough to get you stoked for carving tracks, daily performances on a ski ramp feature World Champion aerialist Lloyd Langlois, whocan duplicate indoors what he has done on mountains: nail incredible jumps full of twists and flips that leave jaws hanging open and kyes wide.
Slo-PitchToumy:the Jays have had their
time, now it’s your time! Get a team together (min. 10 players) and register for the baII tournament before October 20th in PAC 2039. The cost is only $3O/team, and your team is guaranteed 3 games. Levels of play include: open and cDQd,
Comingto a Parkinglot NearYou!
3pm,attheWK. “Not including gamesat WRC
Oktoberfest Ball Hockey Tournament Saturday, October 17th, 9am-Spm. Each team is guaranteed 4 games. Entry deadline is Tues., Oct. 13th in PAC 2039. Round up your players and register today! Game on!!!
9, 1998
Warrior crossvictorious
Fighting on the fields
Men ranked#lO in Canada
by lara Hammonds spec/al
by John tofranco ImpdntstiUF
he Waterloo cross country team had their most successful weekend in recent memory, as we took home the men’s team title in the Waterloo Open, both Athlete of the Week honours, and managed to be ranked number ten in the entire nation. The con&i&on was against the cold weather and the tough hilly course rather than with the other teams as the Warriors rolled over the rest of the field, winning by a 35point margin. Stephen Drew was ninth overall with a nearbest 10k time of 33:24. Men’s captain Alastair Lawrence was right on his heels, finishing tenth in 33:33. Rookie Pete Collison ran a much improved -06 to finish thirteenth. Male Athlete of the Week Scott Curry was Zth, and managed to come back on Sunday to win a triathalon for the swim team. James Rowe, John Lofranco, David Harmsworth and Mike Tripp finished Z&h, 24th, 30th and 33rd respectively, a result which translates into one heck of a battle for the last four spots on the OUA team. Mark Nicholson is also in on that battle, though he didn’t race this weekend due to injury.
The entire Waterloo squad raced this weekend, as it was on our home turf. The golf course will also be the site ofthe CIAU championshipson November 14. Peter Van Driel, Andrew Silcock, Mike Brubacher, Jeff Middel, Greg Milne and B&b Kline all managed to run the 1Ok course in under 40 minutes, a successful run by cross country standards. Jason Gregoire made a successful comeback into the running game after a two-year hiatus. Running under the banner of UW Alumni, Jason managed 19th spot in a time of 34:37. Another UW alumnus, Phil Demsey, was 22nd in 3506. The women had a successful day as well, finishing fifth overall, and fourth out of university teams. Led by captain and the female Athlete of the Week Ame-Lia Tamburrini’s 45second personal best, the women look poised to take on the top teams in the league. Ame-Lia ran 19:ll over the 5k course to finish 14th. She was followed closely by Lynn Coon (l&h, 19: 17) and Shannon Smith (24th, 19:32). Kim Ross had an excellent race as well, and she looks to be returning to the form that allowed her to help the Waterloo Athenas win the national title two years ago. Jill Patterson improved as well,
Athletes. of the week
though she was still suffering from the effects of a cold. Kim Neumayer, Andrea Brookefield, Annie Richardson and Jen Coleman rounded out the team for the ladies. Annie’s time was especially notable as she shaved almost two minutes off her personal best! The story of the day, though, has to be the incredible numbers of volunteers and fans at the meet. Never before has the cross country team garnered so much attention. The Super Fans stopped by on their way to an ill-fated football game, and were a much appreciated addition to the crowd. As cross country virgins, they learned quickly, and were soon running around the course, cheeringun the women, being prompted with names by the men’s team. Hopefully they’ll be back, with even more Super Fans, for CIAU’s in November. Terry Goodenough, Kathy Northey, Tim Mussar and Brian Cartlidge did an excellent job of organizing and running this meet, They couldn’t have done it without the volunteers, who consisted of members of the track team, former (and future?) cross country team members, and many others who helped and cheered our teams to successful runs.
Bike ‘til you puke
to /mpni7t
ith a little less than five games left in regular season action, the Warrior women are out for goals. With the games from last weekand these mid-weekgames, Waterloo is playing hard and strong in order to make good standing for the playoffs.On Tuesday, September 29, the Warrior team traveled to Toronto to take on the Varsity Blues, who are currently ranked first in the Ontario division. In a hard fought game, with both strong attacking and defending, the Warriorwomen came up short with a l-Oloss.This weekend, the women traveled to Ottawa to take on Western, Carleton and McGill. Waterloo played their first game Friday night against Western. Even though the ladies kept attacking the Mustang defense and had eleven shots on
Columbia Ripzone
net, a O-0 draw occurred. On Saturday, Carleton was the first match for Waterloo. The first half proved tougher than first anticipated with an unexpected goal from Carleton. The Warriors fought back hard, with Joanne Fernades scoring a goal during free play, and Chrissy Willemse scoring two goals, both off of penalty corners. The final score was 3-1. The momentum kept up for the final game against McGill. With three goals scored during free play action, McGill was unable to recover. The final score was 3-0, with the goals coming from Femades, LucieCharron and Laurie Good. On Monday, the Warriors took on York University at Lamport Stadium in Toronto where the Warriors dominated both offensively and defensively. Unfortunately, the Warriors were unable toovertake York. With agoal from Irene McConville, the final score was I-1.
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bykuidesz im@7ts&if
Ame-Lia is a third year Kin student who this past weekend showed what running in front ofthe home crowd can do for one’s motivation to improve. After running a personal best last weekend at the Western Open, Ame-Lia went on to improve once again, this time by a full 45 seconds over the same 5k distance. Her time of 19: 1 f .2 and 14th place led the Warriors to a fifth place finish in the Waterloo Open Invitational Cross Country meet. Ame-Lia has been working hard all summer training for and competing in triathalons. She is in the best shape of her life and looks to lead the women’s cross country team to the CIAUChampionships held here on our golf course on November 14. . _ I, , r’l
Scott Curry, a fourth year Kin student from Waterloo, demonstrated his multi-sport athletic prowess this past weekend. Competing for the Warrior swim team on Sunday versus Toronto and Broek, Scott completed a Sk run, 16k bike and 1000m swim to win the triathlon competition among the three swim teams. Scott’s win is the first for Waterloo over the six years of that competition. His time was 3 minutes and 49 seconds ahead of the second place finisher from Brock. On Saturday, competing as a cross country Warrior, Scott finished in 25th place in the Waterloo Cross Country Open. This placing helped Waterloo to win the Waterloo Open Invitational Cross Country meet.
ctober brings many things into the K-W region: drunken slobs in lederhosen, drunken slobs under colourful leaves, and drunken hyper slobs chewing candy in costumes. However, for those who wish to get completely incoherent without artificial ingredients, the BikeCentrehassomethingforyou. The Campus Bike Centre is holding a six-hour Endurance Event on Saturday, October 31 around Columbia Lake. For six hours, contestants will ride a 6.5 km loop for prizes like gift certificates and bike accessories. After the contestant rides five laps, they are eligible for the prizes and the post-event pizza. There will even be a prize or two for best costume. Rememberzit is not a competition but a test of endurance. And all you need to get in is $25 (you get a Tshirt and “swag” bag for your efforts), a bike and a helmet (they are mandatory for the event). Registration for the marathon takes place Monday 9~30 a.m. - 7:oO p.m. and Tuesday toThursday 11:30 a.m. to 7:oO p.m. at the Bike Centre, locatedonthelowerlevelSLC
104 King Street S. Waterloo (across from Wafer100 Town Square)
88377734: Mon. to Wed. 9:30-5:30, Thurs. bz Fri. ‘til8:00, Sat. 9:30-530 Opening Sundays this Fall after Thanksgiving
They will also have a table for registering in the SLC Atrium on October 15-16 and on the 22-23 from 1 I:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. For more information call the Bike Centre, x5 174 or head down there for registration forms.
The hII-figured
of Full Ctde
dr Chris
n mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
with a $10.00 food purchase
Exp. Oct. 31/98
Friday, October 9, 1998
Rugby women’s win a team effort by Pat&h
WeodyseUhtwe carftdrinkombes
t all came together on Saturday. Everything the women’s rugby team has been working on all season came together and they won. After visualizing it all week at practice they made it happen. The women’s rugby team took on an undefeated team from Guelph in the most important game ofthe season so far, and they won! It was a perfect day for rugby, a bit of sun and a nice cold breeze, and the Warriors took advantage of it. They came out hard in the first half, playing the best 40 minutes of rugby they’ve played all year. They won the rucks, the strums and jumped on every unclaimed ball on the field. The Warrior forwards were able to win the ball
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over and over and, for the first time this year, the Warrior backs were really able to get into the game. Strum-half Jan Adams was able to get the ball cleanly out to the backs and to first year player Kate Longpre, who had an amazing game at fly-half. She contributed to all the Warrior back plays being successful and allowing the Warriors to move the ball up the field. Kerri Webb and Sara Escobar, at inside and outside center respectively, took every ball and ran every play with 100 per cent intensity, with Sara having her best game of the season, Using every gain to their advantage and after coming close to scoring a number of times, the Warriors finally managed to put it down in the end zone. The try was scored by Heather Moyse, and was truly initiated by all fifteen play-
Welcome Grads, To Your Last Year... For the best in
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l su r packages available *Y r S, we have gowns & colours for uw & WLlJ ‘personalired, professional service *all work retouched at no extra charge
by Christine
ers. It was exactly the way rugby was meant to be played. The only worry at this point was the second half. Sofarthisseason thewarriors have not been able to finish as strongly as they’ve begun, but this game proved different. The Warriors were working as a team and no one was going to let theothers down. The women kept their spirits up for the entire second half but let the Gryphons spend a little too much time in their end. Guelph managed to push in a try part way through the second half but could not make the conversion. The Warriors didn’t let this get them down and they pushed Guelph back down into their own end. Special commendations should go out to the Warrior pack who was a big part of this push, especially Andrea Linton who was voted player of the game for her efforts at prop. Andrea could often be seen driving Guelph in the rucks and then looping ou t with the backs tocreate an overlap. Andrea proved she could play anywhere on the field and be successful. Another great effort was put forth by firstyear athlete Amanda Husk who played her first full varsity game at prop and was one of the keys to the Warrior’s success. All fifteen women contributed to this win and should be proud of the way they played. The final score of this game was Waterloo 7, Guelph 5. The Warriors hope to keep up the intensity and growth they’ve shown in the first half of the season and thrive through into the latter part of the season.
Soccer women see red
Oct. 31/98
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Warriorsovercome ejections, come out with a win and a tie
by Emily Oliver spedal to hprint
oing into this past weekend, the Warrior women’s soccer team was hoping for a mid-season turn-around. AJthough the first half of the 1998 season had been somewhat disapointing for the team, they were optimistic that this weekend could be the start of a giant climb back up the standings, directed by coach Bruce Rodriguez. Saturday’s action saw the team facing a tough and well-rested Windsor Lancer squad in Windsor. The Warriors got the quick start they needed, when rookie right-winger Amanie Ishmail jumped on a rebound and scored only 10 minutes into the game. Just seconds later, rookie right
found the back of the net with a bullet shot from 20 feetout, putting the Warriors up 2-O. The score held into the second half until a speedy Lancer striker broke through the Warrior defense to score Windsor’s first and only goal of the game.
As tensions rose, tempers flared and the Warriors’ emotions peaked. Centre midfielder Jill Johnson was issued a red card and ejected from the game for her tough, fiesty play up the middle, while Warrior captains, sweeper Laura Munro and stopper Emily Oliver, both received yellow cards for their high intensity play. Fortunately, the Warrior defense and an outstanding performance by netminder Marie Wonacot preserved the hard fought 2-1 victory. Sunday afternoon saw the Warriors facing cross-town rivals the Laurier Golden Hawks at Varsitystadium. Freshofftheirwinat Windsor, the Warriors were pumped and ready to take it to the Laurier team. Obviously the high emotions from the win versus the Lancers was still fresh in the minds of the Warriors, as Angela Farace was issued a controversial red card in the opening minutes of the game. Forced for the second time in two games to play a woman short, the Warriors shifted into tough de-
- -
fensive soccer and patiently waited to capitalize on an inevitable Laurier mistake. Their patience payed off early in the second half, when the Warriors were awarded a free kick. Warrior Emily Oliver corked a bullet shot into the back of the net from 30 yards but. Unfortunately, thecelebration was short lived as the referee nullified the Warrior lead by awarding the Hawks a controversial penalty shot. The Hawks capitalized on the poor call by scoring their first goal to tie up the game. Tied at lI, a player short and only ten minutes remaining, the referee dealt the Warrior team another blow. The referee, persuaded mostly by the WLU fans, put the Warriors down two women by issuing a red card to Emily Oliver. Now playing two short,
the Warrior
strong play from Jessica White, Laura Munro and Michelle Girodat -were able to come out with a lI tie. The Warriors’ next home game is Saturday, October 17 at 3~00 p.m. at Columbia Lake field.
Friday, October 9, 1998
SquashTourney results Black Knight Squash Tournament Champion: Bart Sommerville The Black Knight Fall 98 Squash Tournament was held last weekend at the PAC. Thirty-five participants played three matches each before entering into the single eiimination round. The tournament was hosted by Campus Recreation and Black Knight. BK representatives flew in from Vancouver to market their products. The players were able to select from 16 awesome Black Knight racquets togive them that squash edge! At the end of the tournament the grand prize draw, a BK racquet, valued at $180, was won by Mact Deltaan, Other players who entered won various other sponsored products. The competition was fierce. After the round robin play on Saturday,Bart Sommerville finished with three perfect matches (81 points) and there was a four-way tie for second (79 points) between Chan Lam, Brian Abdalla, Ravi Kanani, and Chad Brekko. On daytwoofthe tournament, the players were seeded according to their Saturday scores. The B division was divided into four pools of players that had relatively similar scores. The single elimination process quickly determined who ruled the courts.
Leaders of the Week
Bart Sommerville won the overall championship title of the tournament by beating Chad Brekko in a close three game match. The ‘B’ Pool was won by a rired soccer star, Enrique diaz Deleon. In Pool C, Jagdeep Bachhercleaned up bywinningall thegames his challengers presented. Josh Safer did the same in Pool D; systematically winning each game he played. In the C division there were five players battling it out for the title. Danny Ho went on to claim the C division championship title, as well as winning the Campus RecT-shirt. The tournament was a chance for squash players to challenge themselves, and others, as well as win prizes and have fun! The spirit of competition was kept alive and will continue in the squash courts at Waterloo.
Newest Campus RecProgram a success Riverdance, here we come! !! A whopping36 participants enjoy the instruction of Katie Mullen and Laurie Nicholson, two first year srdents with a passion for dancing. TheprogramwasanafterthoughttotheFalJ 98 CR agenda but the reels and jigs of Irish Dance keep the participants on their toes. As Will Smith would say, “ri’s a jz&y good time. ”
Ron Shih
Jessica Kwik
Ron Shih is keeping busy this term by taking on the volunteer position of Bouldering Executive. Ron also organized and ran three open houses for the Bouldering Wail. He is also a founder and co-president of the UWCampus Response Team. He has been promoting climbing and bouldering all over campus and coordinated the clinics offered through the Outers Club.
Jessica Kwik has excellent devotion and commitment to Campus Ret and her fitness classes. She is very enthusiastic and willing to accommodate others. She is a YMCAcertified instructor who demonstrates the CR spirit through her energetic and pleasant personality. Jessica is in her third year of Health Studies and she also likes to write for Imprint on occasion. Keep smiling!
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Smell ya later Sonic Unyon puts on a pungent show the staff label.
gonic JJnyon Annwersary
80 James St. North, Hamikon &&r3,1998
by IhId
hrpn’nt staff
the Hamilton-based
Today, partially collapse of distributer
due to the Cargo, the label distributes Epitaph, Touch and Go and many other independent labels from North America and Europe. Needless to say,
for parades which was on display in the hallway. The next location was the local skate park where hardcore thrash bands pounded out some
they’ve become a force in
kay, here’s the situation: 20 bands, three venues, a hoard of indie kids, a skate park and more corduroy than you could shake a stick at. Yes, it was heaven. Sonic Unyon celebrated their fifth anniversary as one of Canada’s premier independent labels with style - an indie fan couldn’t ask for more. Established by members of Tristan Psionic, Sonic Unyon started slowly, distributing CDs and 7# singles for themselves and a group of their friends, including
the Canadian independer scene. Saturday’s eelebration was made great by the choice of venues, bands performed in five different locations. The first location was the new Sonic Unyon store, which features all of the CDs distributed by the Unyon, plus a selection of other independent labels. The other locations were spectacular. Dragon City
NC 17 (treble charger), Hayden, Poledo, Smoother and others.The fact that many of these original members are recognizable commodities in the Canadian music industry is largely due to the hard work and do-it-yourself ethic of
was some kind of festival hall for the Chinese community in Hamilton. There were huge lamps, dragons and giant banners with Mandarin script on them. It was really cool. My favourite was the head of one of the dragons used
very loud music
for the benefit
the skaters who were putting on asmuch of a show as the bands on stage. It was like going to a video shoot for NOFX.
The other two locations were both located in the Union Hall, immediately beside the Sonic Unyon store. The highlight of the Union Hall was the elderly cou;ing the snack bar behind Is. You could almost see losing what hearing they had Ieft.From the looks on their faces it was evident that they had their doubts about the sanity ofanybody who would pay money for tickets to the show, let alone enjoy that racket. Oh well, can’t please everybody. The bands, ah, the bands. Standouts included the New Grand, who put on a rockin’ show in the Union Hall. Blonde Redhead, the art rock band from New York (that sounds a great deal like Sonic Youth), brought the festival to a crashing close at the Dragon City. Their surreal guitar sounds and bizarre vocals, coupled with the fact that a pair of the band members are twins lead to a dis-
tinctlyunusualatmosphere. It was great. Thrush Hermit put on an amazing show, playing tracks from Sweet Homewrecker and their new album, due out on the Unyon shortly. Echo Send also played a really fantastic set. Their band consists of one member from Sianspheric, and two people who were not immediately recognizable. Their sound was definitely space rock - they transformed the basement of the Union Hall into their own personal jam area. Steve Peruzzi, the lead singer of Sianspheric and the most recognizable member was notably absent from the entire festival. Mayor McCa stunned the crowd by tap dancing and playing guitar at the same time, his sound was distinctly Beck-like and his busker attitude entertained the crowd packed into the store for his entire set. It’s easy to say that the Sonic Unyon show was great, that much was inevitable given the bands on the roster, It wasn’t inevitable that
the show would be fantastic, but it was. Happy birthday Unyon!
une mimon uL comics Superman is just Grant Morrison DC One Million
it does seem quite strange that nearly all of the super-beings of the distant future share a common obsession with
Superman himself lives on in distant future, as does im-
years. Well, not really, but the Iast mnth’s comics make it appear that way by carrying a cover
date of November 85, 271 AD: exactly one million months after Superman’s debut in Action Comics. DC has declared the DC One Million event, with all comics this month
that magicnumber.
This unique marketing stunt resuks from comic publishers making the recent realization that comic book numbering is arbitrary. In this particular crossover event, most of the DC Universe titles give us a look at the 853 century versions ofthe heroes and villains we’re familiar with. But,
nal heroes. Aparently humankind will finally find a cure for the nasty sodisease
Marvel and nearly all the Amazons ofParadise Island. So, there’s enough first hand accounts to keep future historians
known as originality. Also, it is odd that today’s world is remembered in such detail by our descendants after
there misfits
Of course, are still social who
put-ting on costumes and cau-sing trouble to keep the future’s super-heroes busy fighting crime.
some 83,000 odd years. On the other hand, a surprising number of DC’s characters
turn out to act ulally live enough to see th at future.
super The future shown is largely a Utopian one, with most problems solved by - science. For example, nature is kept unpolluted by putting all human cities in what they callTesseract
themselves after the twentieth century’s origi-
patterning C Comics’ super-hero comics have been going strong for the last 83,333
mortal villain Vandal Martian Manhunter,
Savage, the Captain
There is also still a division of society into the haves it’s and the h ave-n&-although now those who have information
that run the world. We are also shown the interesting future of the Internet. In the future, it becomes the telepathy (by then it’s an inborn ability) based Headnet. It’sodd however, that despite enough evolution to produce telepathy (or is it genetic engineering), future humans haven’t changed much physically they’re still as dependent on the super heroes as ever. Given that DC has established that the ca-
pacity to develop super powers is genetic, I would expect the whole human race to be super-heroes by the 853 century. However, the story itself, despite some amazing leaps of credibility, is highly entertaining, and well worth
checking out. I find it fascinating to see the various
takes on life and
super-heroes in the extremely distant future, Also, thanks to this event and 1994’s ‘Zero Month’, my collection boasts a complete run from Zero to One Million of Action Comics and Detective Comics.
9, 1998
Will swing for food byPattiLenard Impr/nt
unique opportunity to witness traditional Chinese folk art and culture at its best is coming to Kitchener-Waterloo. Direct from Taipai, Taiwan, the National Acrobats of China will put on a one-time show at the Centre in the Square on October The perfect movements and flexible showmanship that you will witness have their roots in ancient Chinese civilization. Since the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. - 240 A.D.), Chinese performers have dazzled and amazed audiences with their spectacular expertise. Today’s troupe is composed of unique performers, most of whom have been trained from early ages at the Fu Hsing Academy, a school for performing arts
chat has preserved the traditional, systematic teaching methods of ancient China. The performers are thus experts in various areas, including dramatics, music and dance. They have mastered dif-
ferent skills at varying levels, with the intentionof promotingexquisite traditional acrobatic arts through performance to continue the process of transmission from generation to generation. The result is a performance
that combines uniquely Chinese musicand dance movements with stories based in Chinese culture and history. The audience can an expect an awesome display of talent that bears homage to Chinese folklore and myth. Using everyday household items throughout their performance, this skillful group of 35 performers have provided encertainment and relaxation for audiences all around the world, The aim of today’s National Acrobats of China is to make traditional folk acrobatics arts versatile and to open a new era of art while continuing their performance of traditional Chinese acrobatics. Tickets for this performance cost between 25 and 34 dollars, and can be purchased over the phone by calling the Centre in the Square’s box office, at 5781570.
0 I
519-893~9000 i-net: fairviewacuracom
A bunch of bull Sunshadow directed by Susanna Edwards by Rachel E. Beattie imprint staff
hen we hear of bull fighters most people think of macho men crying to prove how rough they are by attacking animals. What some people may not realize is that bullfighting is not: exclusively a male pursuit, The new documentary&&&~~ tells the story of one Spanish woman who tries to break into that most macho of worlds, Cristina Sanchez has set
by David Eby Impr-bt St@
ell, I guess it was inevitable. As an editor of a paper, or just a section of the paper (let’s say Arts) things are bound to cross your desk that rub you the wrong way. In fact, you might think that it is so wrong that you wouldn’t want to print it+ It finally happened. One of the things that I think is just plain wrong is cruelty to animals. Yes, I am a vegetarian, but in this case, it’s irrelevant. Veggie or not, few people disagree about the fact that hurting animals is not fun, under any circumstances. Which brings us to the point of this rant. The story above this deals with a woman who tortures and kills domesticated animals for sport. The documentary that glorifies this woman (the basis of the piece) makes few or no references
out to show the world that she can be both feminineand a bullfighter. As she says, “In the arena I’m a bullfighter. I’m not changed into a man. Being a bullfighter is not being a man.” The film goes to great lengths to show that Cristina can be both a swaggering and powerful killingmachineand a woman who loves to dress up and even still sleeps with her teddy bear. Director Susanna Edwards does a good job of illustrating the loneliness that Sanchez faces as a result of her career choice. However, as is the problem with many documentaries Edwards does not dig deep enough. Suns&&w fails to question certain topics. First of all, no mention is made of the
very valid criticism that bullfighting is not a sport but violent form of animal cruelty. Another aspect that would have been interesting is Sanchez’s relationship with her father. He controls both her personal and professional life. Sanchez appears to be in her Iate 20’s yet she still lives at home and her father makes all decisions abour her life. Stins/r&~?w is an interesting peek into a different culture but a peek is all it is.
to the ethics of bullfighting (or lack thereof) and functions as a promotional piece for Spanish bullfighting. So why would Imprint run a piece implicitly promoting bullfighting? As arts editor I had three main arguments against running the piece: first, 1 was disgusted personally by the documentary; second, I felt that: the community at large would be revolted by the concept as well; third, I was disgusted by the documentary. The question then becomes, do I have the right to choose and not choose what goes into the paper? Or maybe more accurately, should I as arts editor censor the content of the section for considerations outside of the usual (racism f sexism / homophobia) concerns? The answer, overwhelmingly at the Imprint, was no. And perhaps that answerwas right. I mean, who am I to choose what people should or shouldn’t read. If I feel
that readers might be disgusted by it, than where is the harm in letting them decide for themselves? Or, maybe as the editor it is my responsibility to decide what the baseline ethics are for the section. The questions, as always, come more easily than the answers. The Arts section covers a wide variety of topics, some of interest to me, others not so personally interesting. The issue here is not whether I find bullfighting interesting; the issue is whether or not the Imprint should act as a promotional forum for something that may be morally repugnant. I say no. Others say yes, Read the article, see the documentary if you must, bu c let’s make an agreement. I’ll print the well written article about crap, but you’ll have to recognize it as such and decide for yourself. Deal?
MEGfi MIX FRlDfIyS party with joho brent
for those about to rock - free pool
Yes, PJ, yes it is by Rachel E. Beat-de /mprint sta/T PJ Harvey
is finally
back with her fifth
mellowed a little since her last album.
not to say the songs don’t tell the story of frustrated love and pain. It is also not to say
the album doesn’t rock. Songs like “The Sky Lit Up” and the single “A Perfect Day Elise” are up-tempo memorable songs, The album like rr . . alsos. contains e ,a--.soft ballads _. “Angelene” and “The Kiver.” Harvey’s lyrics contain the same emotion and anguish as in previous albums. In the song, “Girl So Sweet” she sings, “‘I don’t mind if you take me down’ and ‘I don’t mind if you break it ail’, but ‘How much more can take YOU from me?“’ Harvey’s songs still tell stories of destructive relationships, jealousy and loneliness. However her songs are less personal as she describes other people’s stories. This takes
341 MARSLAND DR;WATERKN%,~i886 - 7730EXT.24
away some of the power of the songs, there is nothing a’s heart wrenching as “Send I-Iis Love To Me” from her To BP-ing YOU My Luwe CD. Is ?Ziis D&z? contains a mixture of sounds, the song “Catherine” contains a heavy primal drumbeat and Harvey’s vocals are pushed to the back, while the song “Electric Light” lives up to its billing with a buzzing electric sound in the background that creates a 1950s science fiction movie feel. The album is closest in sound to Harvey’s collaboration with John Parish,
by Frank Yang fmpfint stiuT Ron Hawkins (no, not the Rockin’ Ronnie one, the other one) is back. After putting to rest the ghosts of his former outfit The Lowest Of The Low on 1996’s 728 &X-W Of My Ex~as,Hawkins has returned with the first record featuring his new crew, the Rusty Nails. In retrospect, Excess was the transitional record, containing both Low-esque rockers and ballads and Nails-era horndriven swing-punk. For the open-minded, S#-ar Mtz&neis a terrific record, finely-honed by months of incessant touring. This isn’t music you dance to, so much as a soundtrack for getting piss-drunk and mean. St-ar M&ine puts the final Nail in the coffin of the Low. While Hawkins’ self-described “mangrel” rock is a different creature than the products of his past life, it is still undeniably Ron, Hawkins’ wicked lyrics and wordplay remain intact, as he once again proves he is one of Canada’s premier wordsmiths and songwriters. His best moments recall early Elvis Costello for sheer brilliance and venom this could be This Year’s Model meets Spike. High points on Star Machine include “Pokerface” and “Be My Alibi,” in which Hawkins throws a bone to all Low fans. In it, he rocks out like it’s the summer of 1993, and it’ll bring a tear to many an eye. Per-
The songs are mellow and subdued but still carry a strong emotional punch. It just takes a closer listen to fully appreciate. However some of the songs are mixed so that Harvey’s voice often fades into the background of the song and is very difficult to hear. Is TXvs fksk~9’represents a step in the continuing evolution of l?J Harvey. Her sound is maturing with each album. Fans of Harvey will find a lot they can like in this CD but new listeners wilt probably enjoy it as well.
haps the only disappointment here is the absence of the slower, acoustic numbers which had previously allowed Hawkins the opportunity to stretch out lyrically. Listeners will simply have to make do with his faster-tempo numbers. . . how tragic. The dissolution of the Low in the fall of 1994 was a dark day for Canadian music, whose only silver lining was the possibility of all members remaining musically active and creative. Sadly, this scenario has yet to be fully realized. After several false starts, Steve Stanley returned with the Bastanados but they have been M.1.A for some time now. More promising are John Arnott’s rootsrockers the Pollyannas (a project with exmembers of Crash Vegas and Weeping Tile, among others), who are set to release their first record later this fall. Star Machine may be difficult to track down outside of the T.O. area (it’s being released independently), but will surely prove worth the hunt. All hail Ron Hawkins,
9, 1998
by Vcronlca Hart speaaf tu ftnpfint
but then swings into electric guitars not unlike those of Sonic Youth. The next three tunes are slow and beautiful and, with the sound up it’s just as if you were in the back of the Rivoli attending your own private concert. At times,
Woo Hoo . . . this ain’t like Z!!! That’s right kiddies, that band forever immortalized by this year’s frosh CD had been hiding a deep dark secret. Graham Coxon, the usually drunken guitarist for Blur, is the next 104 indie rawk God. He has released his first, solo effort on his label, Trans-topic. Coxon wrote the eleven songs on X+8 22& is Too High. ” He laid the tracks down in five days, which is quite a feat since he played every instrument. The talent doesn’t end there: Coxon picked out all the artwork and hand wrote lyrics and a bio for the cover. This guy couldn’t be more d.i.y., even if he tried. Each song is different from the previous one. The first song, “That’s All I Wanna Do” startsoff like your typical acoustic ballad,
I could swear Coxon sounds exactly like Syd Barrett but that just might be the way cool accent. The next great song, “Hard + Slow” is a little more upbeat and is sure to be one of the most loved. You can listen to it over and over again and never get sick of it. It’s followed by a couple of other little ballads. “Waiting” took some getting used to, It was like listening to a really slow metronome, but after
by Helen
impfint staff I must admit that it was the cover that atuacted me to this album. Like most people, I had not heard of Donna Marchand before. The cover appears eerie and nostalgic and depicts images of strange shapes, colours and clouds mingled with photos from Marchand’s family photo album. I soon discovered’ that, as expected, many of the songs on the album focused on memories of past experiences. The album as a whole is very interesting and puzzling. Marchand bbviously put a great deal of effort into the wordy lyrics
of her folkish songs about lust, child abuse, children caught in the crossfire of war and weary soldiers. But, even with Marchand’s great gift for wordiness, I still found the lyrics to be somewhat cryptic. Each song seems to have what Marchand considers to be a moral, though often it’s hard to tell exactly what it is. Eventually I just gave up trying to figure out her point and just listened. The music was expertly arranged and included such unusual instruments as sleigh bells, congas, accordion and saws as well as the usual guitar, drums and piano. Most of the songs are very upbeat and keep you listening. They have a kind ofcampfire song feel. The title track “In From the Cold” is dedicated to “all the weary soldiers.” This song seems
to while you’re
on your way to the
by Davld
/mph t staff Ah, a concept album, a rare event in today’s musical world. Even rarer from a band that takes its name from the dog hand puppet on Mr. Dressup. Not only is LX’ng a concept album, but the concept itself is curious. The entire album’s lyrics surround local history and politics in the area the band calls home - K-W. Song topics include: the hardships local black settlers faced after escaping from the U.S.; native leg&d; Mackenzie King’s tendency to consult the spirit world; the Preston women’s hockey team and many others. If you miss history class, this might just be a good CD to listen
Themusiconthisalbumruns from the excellent to the mediocre: when it’s good it’s very good, and when it’s mediocre it’s still not all that bad. The excellent include tracks like “Cold Summer,” a strong track both
instrumentally and vocally. The soaring harmonies and the combination of Tammy Stinson’s voice with Mike Wert’s is strong throughout the album -when it
the third time, it stuck in my head and now I wait to hear Graham’s voice swing up and down over the monotone beat. All the previous songs get you in that yummy little sleepy feeling, all mellow and cool, then a11 of a sudden you’re slapped with guitars and drums, ripping you from your happy place and slamming you down into a punk wonderland. Graham sums up his debut as “angry and puerile to depressing and rural.” He forgot to add in how kick ass it is! I’m sure all out there won’t share my enthusiasm: this album was not made for the masses to consume and put on next year’s frosh CD and play until all goodness is bled dry. It’s written for those music fans who are looking for something a little less commercial and a little more sincere. Inspired by the greats of folk and indie rawk (i.e. Leonard Cohen, J Mascus, Thurston Moore, and Yo La Tengo) Graham Coxon has produced a CD that would complete any 104 lover’s collection.
to be about a soldier who returns from war and yet is still “lost” since he has spent years fighting for something that he didn’t believe in. “If They Take us in the Morning” is the most interesting track. This song tells the story of those people who were left off Schindler’s list and are living in hiding waiting to be captured by the Nazis. Though this seems to
The UW Orientation Committee thanks our community sponsors for their generous contributions to a successful 1998 Orientation Week.
be a serious and depressing subject, the tune is very upbeat and is quite catchywith an old fashioned sound. This album is quite well done and is an excellent product of months, if not years, of work. Unfortunately, though she has a great deal of talent for writing lyrics and music, Ms. Marchand lacks the ability to sing. Maybe no one had the heart to tell her. I’ll give her an “A” for effort.
occurs. The only major criticism of this album is that Finnigan’s Tongue just didn’t take advantage of Tammy’s voice frequently enough. The band’s sound could be described as a cross between early R.E.M (pre - Outofi%ze) and the Tragically Hip. In fact, this band would not be out of place in the general Kingston area; listeners will also get strong Weeping Tile flashbacks (if the band had a male lead) when listening to Digging. As difficult as it may be to pull off a concept album, I would say that Finnigan’s Tongue has managed to do it. Although it does get tired in places, it also gives a sense of continuity that seems to be missing in many other CDs. It also gives the band a strong card to play when looking for gigs in the local area. Don’t take my word for it though, go see the band at the Jane Bond Oct. 17.
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Career Development Seminars: Thursday, Oct. 13th. “Interview Skills: Selling Your Skills’ - SLC Mu&-purpose Room, lo:30 -12:30. ‘SuccessfullyNegotiatingJobOffers’NH1020, 2:30-4:OO. Wednesday, Oct. 14th. “Resume Writing” - NH 1020, 12:30 -1:30. ‘Letter Writing” - NH1 020, 1:30-2:30. “Create Your Own Future: The Enterprising Edae” - NHl020.3:30-530. Residents are reminded to set out their Blue Boxes in a visible location to ensure that the boxes can be seen by the recycling program drivers. For info 883-5150. ext. 237. There is a severe backlog in the workload of the Student Awards Office. fn order to deliver financial aid programs to students accurately and on time, the Student AwardsOfficewilJbeclosedon the following three Wednesdays: October 14 and 21. We are sorry for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Rooms in the Village Residences are available for immediate occupancy. Inquire at the Housing office, Village I or phone 888-4567 Ext. 3704,3705 or 6360 for further information. The Food Bank of Waterloo Region is holding the annual Thanksgiving Food Drive from September 30th to October 14th. Call 743-5576 for more information. TLC The Laser Centre Inc., in conjunction with UW School of Optometry, is delighted to announce the opening of TLC Waterloo. The new site is now open to provide free consultations for anyone interested in pursuing refractive surgery as a method of correction for nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism. For more info or to schedule your free consultation, contact Beth Hahn at: TLC Waterloo, UW, School of Optometry, Columbia Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, tel.: 8884502 or fax 886-l 348...or ask your eye care professional if you are a candidate for Laser Vision Correction. Ebytown Food Cwperative: organic, localtygrown, minimallypackagedfood for people, not for protit. Affordable prices! 280 Phillip Street, Building A4, Waterloo Co-operative Residence. Call 886-8806 for weekly store hours. TOEFL preparation course-the test of English as a Foreign Language course (TOEFL) begins September 22nd and ends November 25th. Cl&es are held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2:00-4:30 pm. This 10 week course is designed to prepare people for writing theT0EFLexam. Thecoursefee is$50 and the book is $35. Register at the lntemational Student Office, NH 2080 or call ext. 2814 for more details. Guided Self Changeof alcohol use: for individuals who may have concerns about the amount they are drinking and want to-down. Call Counselling Services (ext. 26551 to find out more. Ovem Anonymousweekly meetings: call 658-1050 for a recording of area contacts. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins, no diets...we’re a fellowship. Newcomers always weloome I Web site: www.overeatersanonvmous.oral Waterloo-Germany Exchange - open to
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FRIDAYS English conversation class meets afternoons from 2:00-4:00 pm. in NH2060, September-June. Students, facutty, staff, and spouses are invited to attend. For more info contact the international Student Off ice, ext. 2814. SATURDAYS Farmer’s Market Busschedule. The bus will pickup and return on the hour, every hour until 11 :OO a.m. Tickets $2.00 Ask at the Turnkey Desk, SLC for more info. MONDAYS The ouiers Club has its generat meetings at 6130 p.m. in MC4040. This is where we organize and announce upcoming events. An event will be held after most general meetings. Events are also at: http:// announced watservl .uwaterloo.ca/-outers/ frontpge. html WEDNESDAYS Noon hour concerts series 1233 pm. Selected Wednesdays at the Chapel at Conrad Grebel College. Wednesday, Sept. 30th l2:30 pm. Modem Quartet. Via Africa - music for string quartet with an african influence. Overeaters Anonymous weekly meetings: caH 658-l 050 for a recording of area contacts. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins, no diets...we’re a fellowship. Newcomers always welcome! Web site: www.overeatersanonymous.o@ NoonHourConcertsSeries 12:3Op.m., October 14th and 28th at the Chapel at Conrad Grebef Colkge at the University of Waterloo. Contact: Julia Richards, Music Secretary, 885-0220 ext. 226. Pascal Club meetsevety Wednesday at l2:OO noon in SLC2133. A faculty/staff/ graduate student reading club with a Christian orientation. This term we are discussing ‘Listening for God” a collection of short stories by various modem American authors. Al I welcome. Details: Chaplain Graham E. Morley, ext. 3633. emaii: Office SLC2126 and g2morbeyO watservl .uwaterioo.ca Grace Christian Fellowship: a gathering place for Christians and those interested in Christianity. Cost supper, singing, Bible Study and more. You are Wetcome. Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. in McKirdy Hall, St. Paul’s Coliege through-
out term.
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RAISE Home Support needs volunteers with car and time during the day to drive elderly clients to medical and otherappointments. Flexible position. Mileage reimbursement available. c a I I 744-7666
TheCityofWaterlooVolunteerSeNices, 888-6488, is currently recruiting for the following volunteer positions: ‘OfficeVolunteer’-forabusyofficeto answeer phones, takes messages on Mondays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. “Dionysia Festival Volunteers” needed in September for the Greek Festival held at Moses Springer Arena. “Volunteer Drivers & Shoppers’ -volunteers are urgently needed to drive seniors to medical appointments, shopping, recreatjonal and meal programs. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursed. Must have reliaMe transportation. “Games Room Attendant” - volunteers are needed to help run and play games at Moses Springer Communitv Centre. Walking Track Marshall8 needed for the indoor track at the Waterloo Recreation Complex. Hours Sat. and Sun. 8:OO a.m. to 8:OO p.m. and Mon to Fri from 7:30 a.m. to 9:OO p.m. Waterloo Community Arts Centre requiies a custodian and attendant. The custodian is needed for approx 2 hrsperweek.Theattendantisneeded to perform receptionist duties for 4 hrs in the eveninas. Big Sisters is seeking 16 homework helpers to assist Somalian youth (etementary through high school grades)Training date Wed., September 30th 7-9 p.m. Call 743-5206 to reaister. Big Sistenrneeds25 homewok helpers to tutor elementary or high school students. Own transportation required. Training Mon., Sept. 28th 7-9 p.m. Call 743-5206 to register. Tutors are needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutors meet students on campus for 1 term, usually once a weekforl-2hours. tfyouhaveagood working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable and would like to volunteer, register at the IntemationatStudentO&e, NH2080. For more information about the program, call extension 2814 or e-mail darlenea watservl . Big Sls&rs is looking for female volunteers to develop one-on-one relationships with girls (aged 4-17) and boys (aged 4-l 1) years. Training sessions are Saturday, September 26th 9:OO am to 4:00 pm. or Saturday, November 21st and 28th. from 9:OO am to noon. Carl 743-5206 and register Teen Eata~~ is a flexible, volunteer programthatgiveswomenofall~s and walks of life the opportunity to directly affect the lives of young girls. Call Cathy Tassone at 621-6110 for more information. Chldmm’s lntmmatbal Summer \rillages - CISV - (Waterloo Region), a non profit organization promoting international understanding through children & yoting adults, requires volunteers for Adutt Leadership positions in Europe, Mexico & USA for July ‘99. If you enjoy working with children, possess leadership and communication skills, and are 21 years or older, then this unique experience could be for you. For more information, contact Susan Hewitt at 745-2098 orcome out to our Information Night at Grand River Collegiate, 175 Indian Road, Kitchener, Friday October l6th, 7:30 p.m. Big Brothers of K-W needs students to provide a group recreation program for little brothers - training pro-
vided. Call Mike Tvrrell at 579-5150. Hopesprfng offers one on one support for cancer patients by appointment or drop-in from IO:00 am. to4:OO pm. Workshops like Yoga, therapeutic touch and guest speakers are available to cancer patients and their caregivers. For more info calf 742-HOPE (4673). We need your support! The WaterlooIWeffington Chapter of the Crohn’s and Colits Foundation of Canada is seeking volunteers to join its Cake and Cookie Campaign team. If you have a knack for sales and want to be part of the team that helps coordinate this campaign call the chapter hotline at 748-2195 or Sylvie at 1-800-387-1479 ext. 18. Other volunteer opportunities are also available. Help usfind the cum for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative Colitis! BE A FRIEND Are you available to volunteer, a few hours per month, during the school day? The FRIENDS Service of CMHA unites adult volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Do you have a keen interest in children and their well being? Are you reliable, patient, sincere and have a trusting spirit? Please call today to make a lifelong difference by befriending a child. 7447645 ext. 317 or visit www.cmhawrb.on.ca, A child will be @ad you did! love Babies? Volunteers needed to provide support to families with newborns. Duties include providing emotional support, linking families with community resources, providing practical help. Call Bonnie at CradleLink, 7490977 Ext. 230. Volunteers urgently neededTuesdays from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. to provide a nurturing environment for children under 2 while young parents participate in a support group. Call CradleLink, 749-0977 Ext. 230. fnterested in Arts? The Waterloo Community Arts Centre has numerous volunteer opportunities available. Call 8864577 or drop by at 25 Regina Street South, Waterloo. if you are interested in any of the following positions, pleasecall Sue Coulter at the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-6610 and quote the number following the position title. Desperately Seeking Bus Drivers #I01 655 City of Kitchener Seniors REALLY need you to be the bus driver for their twenty seat bus. This bus provides frail, yet independent, seniors with the means to attend the Victoiia School Day Program, right from their own front door! If you have a perfect F dass driving record, as well as excellent people skills, call to Join this fun team. Library Links For Life #067 Needs volunteers. Be part of an exciting NEW project that brings the joy of reading to chiidren in home day care settings and community programs. If you love reading, like story-telling and have experience working with children, this couls be what you have been waiting for. Use your excellent communication skills to inspire others to discover books and library services. “It is Better to Build Children Than Mend Adults. ..* #038-253 is the philosophy at the Learning Disabilities Association of K-W. Buddies are needed to help 6-l 2 year olds with learning disabilities participate in a Saturday morning recreation program. Volunteers with a positive attitude and a love of children are required to assist them in crafts, gym and other activities. Buddies like you could help to bolster the self-esteem of one of these children. Curator Skills to Share #104-2491 Waterloo Community Arts Centre requires a volunteer with good communication, design and people skills to be curator of their gallery. Come work with exhibiting artists and the gallery commitee in planning the details and coordinating and hanging of shows. Please call for more details. Weekens Never End? #150-2252 Then share some of that extra time with Homer Watson historic house and gallery, greeting visitors and answering their questions. This location provides an excellent opportunity to learn about local history and culture while performing some tight clerical duties. Saturday and Sunday shifts are only 3-4 hours. Cdl for information. Supervise Swim Sessions #060-2441 during family swim time, Friday mom-
ings at the Rotary Centre. This volunteer must be independent, mature and have the ability to swim well, as there is no other supervision. Reliable, responsible volunteers &as8 call. Heart and Stroke Foundation needs volunteers to organize Hoops for Heart and Jump Rope for Heart fundraising campaigns. Minimal time commitment. No door-to-door. Great on resume. Contact Jordan 561-I 139.
Friday, October 9-25 “Cofors of Art” Waterloo Community Arts Centre Members’ Show and Sale. Free admission, everyone welcome. Call 8664577 for more infomation. Saturday, October 10 20th Annual Great Oktoberfest Barrel Race from IO a.m. to I p.m. on King Street in Upfown Waterloo. Preregister by calling 885-1921 or register that morning. The cost is $30 per team. Traditional Thankgiving inthe Victorian Era at the Woodside National Historic Site until October 12. Join the friendly staff from 1O:OO to 5:00 p.m. Call 57l5684 for more information, Wednesday, October 14 Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo Coming Out Discussion Groups. Group 1: “How Do I Meet People?” Group 2: Movie Night. 7:30 p.m. Social follows at 9 p.m. HH 378. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. Grace Christian Fellowship: gathering place for Christians and those interested in Christianity. Meets at 4:30 p.m. in McKirdy Hall, St. Paul’s College throughout term. 888-1970 ext. 2739 and qmorbey@wlu.ca Friday, October 16 HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre will be hosting Dr. Joe Knackstedt, Uroiogist at 7:30 p.m. Topic Prostate Cancer: Current Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment. No admission, space is limited. Call to confirm vour olace 742-4673. Sunday, October 16 USA College Fairs, Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Check out www.pbissett, consutting.com Monday, October 19 The K-W Endometriosis Support Group will be meeting from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. For further information, please contact Melanie Q (519) 651-3463.
Applications for the following schotarships are being accepted during the Fall term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.
All Faculties: Athletic Council Student Athlete Award - open to members of a varsity team in Year 2 or above; based on leadership and financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/ 98.
Paul Berg Memorial Award - available to students in Year 2 or above; based on involvement in extracurricular musicactivities on campus. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Doreen Brisbin Award - interested females entering 4th year in Spring or Fall 1999 in an Honours program in which women are currently under-represented. Deadline: Apr. 30/99. Campus Recreation Bursary - based on financial need and involvement in the Campus Recreation program. Deadline: Oct. 15198. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Award -financial need, leadership, extracurricular activities. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Ross and Doris Dixon Student Athlete Award - open to members of a varsity team; based on financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Don Hayes Award - for involvement & contribution to athletics and/or sports therapy. Deadline: Feb. 15/99. Leeds-Waterloo Student Exchange Program Award - students to contact John Medley, Mechanical Engineering. Don McCrae Basketball Award - open to students who are members of or are involved in the UW men’s varsity basketball squad; based on leadership contribution to the team or the Athletic Department and on financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15198. McNeil Consumer Products Co. Award - open to any based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Mike Moser Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year based on extracurricular and financial need. Deadline: Feb. 15/99. Programmed Insurance Srokers Opportunity Fund - open to students from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo; based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98.
Tuesday, October 13 Trellis Hands-n Session at 12:30 p.m., Dana Porter Library. Registration required (up to a day before the session). ext. 5417 or email Call jdforgay@libraty.uwaterloo.ca.TRELLlS is the new library catalogue. Learn Key search features. Wednesday, October 14 Using the Web for Research at 9130 a.m. Meet at the Information Desk, Dana Porter Library. Learn how to find many of the latest Internet resources available on the Web. The starting point is the UW Electronic Libralv. TRELLIS \Hands-On Workshop - IST Training room, MCI 078 9:30 a.m. - 11 :OO a.m. You must register online for this session at: http://www.ist.uwaterloo.cal cs/oourses.html. TRELLIS is the database that links you to the library holdings at UW, WLU and Guelph. Learn key search features. Thursday, October 15 Ffnd Journal Citations And Complete Articles -- Fast. 930 a.m. Meet at the information Dest, Dana Potter Library, ERL is our latest Web resourc8. Learn how to retrieve citations from different indexes and all with just one search. Trellis Oemo at 12:30 p.m. Meet at the Information Desk, Davis Centre Library. TRELLIS is the database that links you to the library holdings at UW, WLU and Guelph. Learn key search features. Tuesday, Octobr 20 TRELLfS Handslon Session. 12:30 p.m. Dana Porter Library. Registration required (up to a day before the session). Call ext. 5417 jdforgay@tibrary.u~terloo.ca TREz?l is the new library catalogue. Learn key search features.
Undergraduate Bursary Program - the Student Awards Office administers a large number of undergraduate bursaries and awards to both full and parttime students based on financial need and possibly on other factors such as marks, extracurricular activities, etc. Deadline: Nov. l/98. U W Swimming Legacy Award - open to students in Year 2 or above who are members of the UW men’s or women’s varsity swimming team; based on leadership contribution to the team or the Athletic Department and on financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Doug Wright Award - available to all who have participated in a UW international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: Oct. E/98. Faculty of Applied Health Scfences: Ross and Doris Dixon Award - available to all Znd, 3rd or 4th year for financial n88d and academic achievement. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Mark Forster Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: Feb. 15/98. Andrea Fraser M8mOt’ial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: Oct. 15/98, Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship - available to 38 Kinesiology or Heatth Studies. Deadline: Mar. 31/W Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to park planning and management, recreation, natural heritage or outdoor recreation. Deadline: May 31/99. Kate Kenny Memorial Award - avaitable to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology with an interest in rehabilitative medicine. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Warren Lavety Memorial Award - available to 2nd year Kinesiology students with a minimum overall averageof 83%. Deadline: Oct. 15/98.
Ron May Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Recreation (Co-op or Regular). Deadline: Oct. 15/98. RAWCO - available to 2nd, 3rd or 4th year Recreation and Leisure Studies. Deadline: Jan. 30/99. Marion J. Todd Memorial Award-available to 3B Co-op Health Studies with interest in health-related research. Minimum 75% average required. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Facufty of Arts: Arts Student Union Award - available to all Arts students. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Concordia Club Award - available to 3rd year Regular or 3A Co-op Germanic & Slavic. Deadline: Jan. 2W99. UW-ManUlif8 Community & World Service Award - available to Co-op students in 1B or above who have completed a work-term in the service of others, locally, nationally or abroad who received little or no remuneration. Students to contact Arts Special Programs Office, HH. Universal Electronics International Trade Travel Award - available to 38 Applied Studies/international Trade Specialiration students; based on marks and financial need. Deadline: Oct. 15/98. Wescast Industries Continuous Learning Award - open to students in the School of Accountancy; basedon marks and financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/ 98.
Faculty of Engineering: Jonathan Ainley Memorial Bursary available to Civil students in 2A or above for financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 3B. Deadline: Mar. 21199. Alfred Armbrust Memorial Bursary available to all for financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Andy (Andreas) Baumgaerlner Memorial Bursary - available to 3A or above Systems Design for financial need. Deadtine: Nov. l/98. John Bergsma Award in Engineering available to all based on financial need, minimum 75% average and teadership/extracunicular invotvement. Deadline: Nov. l/98. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries available to all Chemical Students. Deadline: Nov. l/96. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship -available to all. Deadline: Oct. 1!5/98. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship - available to all 38. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. John Deere Limited Scholarship -available to 38 Mechanical. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award -available to 38 Chemical. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. Forging Industry Association Assistantship - available to 2A or above Mechanical with an interest in the forging industry. This award will provide an opportunity for a student to participate in a research project. Students to contact Prof. J.G. Lenard of Mech. Eng, by Oct. 15/98. Robert Haworth Scholarship - available to 38 Civil with interest in resource management related to park planning and management, recreation, natural heritage and planning. Deadline: May 31/99. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmentat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environmental Chemical. Deadline: May 31/99. OPE Foundation UndergraduateScholarship - available to dl2B & 38 based on extracurricular and marks. Deadline: Nov. 30/98. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Civil, water resource management students. Deadline: May 31/ 99. Standard Products (Canada) Ltd. Award - available to all in 1B or above with preference to Mechanical or Chemical and with a home address in County or Municipality of Perth, Huron or Halton. Deadline: Nov. 1198. Vijaya Anand Foundation Award - available to 1A Computer or Systems Design based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Wescast Industries Continuous Leaming Award - available to any based on marks and financial n88d. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Jack Wiseman Award - available to 38 or 4A Civil. Deadline: Oct. 30/98.
Facufty of Envfronmental Studies: Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning. Deadliire: Nov. 3oB8. John Geddes Memorial Award - avaitable to ERS, Geography and Planning, Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Robert Haworth Scholarship - available to 38 park planning and management, recreation, natural heritage & planning, outdoor education. Deadline: May, 31#9. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/99. Lome Russwurm Memorial Award - avaitable to Year 2 or above in Geography; open to both undergraduate and graauate (preference to undergrads) who bsgan their studies as a mature student; based on marks, financial need and extracurricular involvement. Deadline: 0;;:. 30198.
Jack Young Bursary - availabie to any in Planning; based on financial neea and minimum 70°h average. Deadline: Nov. l/9& Faculty of Mathematics: Andersen Consulting Scholarship - avaitable to 3B, Deadline: Mar. 31/99Bell Sygma Computer Science Award available to 4th year Computer Science. Deadline: Oct.30/98. Certified Management Accounting Bursary - available to full-time students in Mathematics - Business Administration/ Chartered Accountancy/Management Accountancy. Preference wilt be given to students who attended high school in counties of Perth, Waterloo or Wellington. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Franklin B. Dana Memorial Bursary - avaitable to 2A or above Actuarial Science for financial need. Deadline: Nov. 1198 Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 38 Computer Science. Deadline: Mar. 31/99. K.C. Lee Computer Science Scholarship - available to 28 Computer Science. Deadline: Oct. 30/98. Allen Stinson Memorial Mathematics Btirsary - available to any based on financlai need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. Deadline: Nov. 30/98. Wescast Industries Continuous Learning Award - open to students in the School of Accountancy; based on marks and financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. FacuHy of Science: J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries - avaitabie to Year 2 or above Earth Sciences based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98.
David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Sciences, see department. S.C. Johnson & Sons Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31/99. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Earth Sciences/Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31199. Physir;s Alumni Award - available to any in Physics or Physics/Business based on financial need and good academic standing. Deadline: Nov. l/98. School of Optometry Undergraduate Student Opportunity Trust Fund - availableto any in Optometry based on financial need. Deadline: Nov. l/98. wince society Bursary - available to all based on financial need and extracurricular Snvotvement. Deadline: Nov. l/98. Science Undergraduate Student Opportunity Trust Fund - available to all based on financial need and extracurricular invotvement. Deadline: Nov. l/98. .
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