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Cuts exp ected to yi eld profits. for Feds .


CRELLIN /mpnirlt sk?c/


he Federation of Students have announced their budget for their 1999-00 term. They are anticipating that a profit of $56,259 will follow widespread cuts and conservative forecasting. The budget announcement came just before the release of the Feds’ audited financial statements. Aithough the statements had not been finalized, Josh Doig, VP Finance, told Imprint the statement will show a profit of about $7,200 last year. Doig said the current budget doesn’t anticipate as large a profit inthe coming year because of improvements that had to be made. %ny capital improvements would be costed out, That’s why we’ve lowered the expected profits of the Bombshelter,“he said. All of the businesses are expected to run at a profit, except Food Operations, which will run at a loss of $24,315. The Bombshelter is expected to make a profit of $47,015, and Fed Hall is expected to come out $71,632 ahead. “We’ve taken a very, very low estimate. I’ve taken the most conservative estimate I can,” said Doig about the profits. “They [past executives] wouid always hope for a sales increase [over the previous year] - we didn’t do that.” Budget cuts include a one to two per cent cut in the budgets of executive,” Doig said. Money has also come out of volunteer recognition.“To pay people $200 or $150 per term is a lot less cost effective than giving our volunteers a little gift,” said Doig, explaining the Feds new volunteer strategy, adding that. paying volunteers in the past didn’t seem to

increase their numbers. Despite the need for more off-campus Dons in the coming year, due to increased enrolment, the off campus Don budget was reduced by $500. Doig said, “The reason they’re getting less this year is because they didn’t use as much last year,” and pointed out that “the off campus Dons themselves are volunteers,” Other than the capital improvements budgeted in, many other areas willseemoremoneyaswell.“I think we’re going to have to do some improvements and spend some money,” said Doig. “We’re figuring we’re going to spend some money. We might as well take it into account now instead of halfway through the year going over budget.” Anewiteminthebudget called “Feds Society events,” will receive $3,000. Doig said that any Fed run organization can use this money and suggested that events such as the launch of the new logo or joint projects with EngSoc might fall under this category. Ahugeincreasewasalsoseenintheamount of money budgeted for promotional materials. The Publicity Commission has been budgeted $4,500 for promotion. “We’re looking at doing a lot more promoting. We’re purchasing permanent boards,” said Doi& Bferring to the big boards the Feds have set up in the Student Life Centre. “Anything we do to promote

pus. It’s a one time thing,” he said. involvement comes out of there,” he said, One of the significant changes also seen in including materials such as mugs and t-shirts that might be used as prizes at events. the new budget is a reorganization which more VP Student Issues Jason Risley has seen the clearly defines money budgeted to cover gensalabiggest budget increase. His travel and adver- ’ era1 office expenses and the executives’ ries. Formerly the executives’ salaries were tising budgets have notably risen. “This budget, the VPSI has the most drastic changes. Last year lumped into the general office category. The was the first year it was budgeted for. . . now general office budget covers staff such as secretaries and office costslike photocopying. Doig things have to be adjusted,” commented Doig. said “the goal was that the businesses would cover their own and the services would cover their own [general office costs] .” As far as wages are concerned, the executive are budgeted to receive $26,400 each, but according to Doig the actual wage for each of the executive is LLabout $22,000” after UI, OHIP and benefits are taken off, Other changes to last year’s budget include recategotizing some items, such as the clubs special projects item, which Doig said uwas kind of just like a slush fund.” Instead of budgeting for miscellaneous projects, more money hasbeen budgeted to the Arts Commission and the Muldcultural Festival. “We weren’t getting an accurate reflection of who was getting it [the money],“said Doig. Similarly, money for the uVoices of Womenn publication was The increased travel expenses are due to the taken away from rhe Womyn’s Centre budget. VPSI’s attendance at an annual university servDoig said money for the publication more ices conference, formerly paid for through accurately belonged in the services special Catherine Scott, Provost of Human Resources projects fund budget. and Student Affairs. The advertising budget, Doig emphasized that the new budget was $3,600 compared to last years’ $200, was an attempt to reflect what was actually spent in increased, according to Doig, because of lack of the past. He said that he thought the biggest awareness on campus about Feds’ change students will feel as a result of this new services,“We’re trying to develop some large budget will be the effect of “the money slotted glossy posters to promote our services on camin for more promotion and involvement.” a



WLU gets an X for discrlmmatmg,againstthe Y


ilfrid Lauriei University, our sisteruniversity to the east, has come under fire for a controversial decision to hire a female psychology professor. “The department is attempting to address a gender imbalance and therefore will hire a woman for this position, as allowed by the Special Program of the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC),” read the job advertisement. Since posting the job advertisement to the usual electronic outlets, both Angelo Santi, new department chair for psychology and Rowland Smith, Laker’s Vice President, Academic, have been inundated with complaints from across the country asking that the ad be withdrawn. “You’ve got to be kidding! They’re not even going to consider applications from Aen - at this point in history?” read one complaint from a Western psychology professor. Laurier was attempting to address a situ-

t, =1. Brum: -tc .!d5 4,o


ation which Santi said “calls for quick action.” 61 per cent of students graduating with PhDs in psychology in Canada are women. Only 25 per cent of faculty, however, turn out td be women. The situation is more critical at WLU, where women hold only three of the 2 1 faculty positions, making up a whopping 14.3 per cent. These statistics might easily lead one to believe that women are discriminated against in hiring practices across Canada. There is another side, however, to the statistical evidence. According to many of WIN’s detractors, it is also important to note how many women are applying for the faculty positions in question. Irate community members like Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship (SAFS) president Dr. Doreen Kimura claim that women are in fact “over-hired.” Statistics submitted to the Senate at Western, for example, show that while women make up a total of 20.5 per cent of applicants for new positions, they make up over 42.9 per cent of new hires, making them. twice as likely to be hired as men. And so the statistical battle continues.


Sports: Arb:

“We have a desire to have an employee group that is balanced in accordance with the number of people available in that profession,” she says, reminding that the university is fundamentally “interested in excellence. n One of the things for which many applaud Laurier, including Scott, is the honesty of their approach. It is better, according to most, to let men know that they will be discriminated against if that is indeed the intent of the employer. “It was better then taking male applicants and not treating them fairly,” says Prof. Santi. This begs the question of whether or not other universities are unfairly favouring women in their hiring practices. According to Scott though this is not the case. “Not to my knowledge,” she says. At printing time, WLU has shown no intention of retracting the job advertisement and enraged membersof the university communtty continue to suggest that the action should be challenged under the OfIlK. As long as the gender imbalance in university faculty continues, this debate is likely to rage on.



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SdmceandTedmology: ai . Yzr .-

UW’s Associate Provost Human Resources and Student Services Catharine Scott feels that Laurier was just trying to make things better. “I think that what they’ve done is out of a genuine desire to address an unfortunate situation. I can’t fault them for wanting to do that,” she said. Scott is concerned that they may be sending the wrong message. ‘Yt’s a very strong message to knock out an entire group arbitrarily,” she warned. Asked if UW would undertake a similar approach to address a gender balance, she replied that it would not. W’s almost as discriminatory as what created the problem,” she noted, speaking of Laurier’s move. Waterloo, like Laurier, also suffers from a gender imbalance in the faculty of many of its departments, particularly those oriented towards technological areas. While UW would not directly ask for women applicants, it does declare itself to be part of an “employment equity program. ” This doesn’t mean affirmative action or quotas, according to Scott, but it may lead the university to more actively recruit women or other underrepresented groups.

Bio-potential .“*.“........,.......,*...................,.......~**....~””........**.................,.*.........*~“.*.,*.........

Sizzling summer in Sports .*........,.................................*.............”...............“.................................“.................. Sweet moments with LusciousJackson


8 14

/ I



Here lies’the Summer of our Moments, happenings and events from the \





available housing. In response to the crisis, UW president David Johnston sent a.personal letter to all UW staff emploring them to assist in rooming the overabundance of student bodies.

nother swingin’ summer has passed us by here at the University of Waterloo, Overthecourseofthelastfourmonths, New computer system delayed-July 16 we have changed presidents, changed Feds and The University of Waterloo has delayed the could have changed Premiers. The University implementation of its new computer system continued to work towards delivering high, . . again. The system, dubbed CECS online, is quality education and the government continbeing developed by Academic Software Incorued to make it more expensive. The number of . porated (ASI), an American software company and has already been delayed several times. students on campus has unexpectedly grown again, particularly in According to the information department technology area (sursources, the remans for the prise, surprise). The Feds and delay are a corother student orporate takeoganisations continver at ASI and ued to refine their “underestimaservices to try to serve tion of the comthe students better. plexity of the UW students earned co-op process at honours for their Waterloo.” achievements across the country and, as Seeking new has always been the Dean of Math case, came under fire -July 16 from their commuA nominating nity and province committee with while pursuing only the mandate of the noblest of causes. identifying the The following is a I think I can... I think I can... I next Dean of Mathematics breakdown of what you missed if you has been constihave been living in a hut in Antarctica for the tuted to replace Alan George, who currently last four months. holds the position interim. The 17 member committee consists of staff, students and facSpaces in tech programs increase -July 30 ulty. Jim will chair the committee. All members of the committee are inviting comments and Injecting an additional $78 million into the Access to Opportunities Program (ATOP), the suggestions. The Dean position is a five year Ministry of Training and Universities expanded appointment which will begin July 2000 the number of new enrolment places to 23,000. New Arts dean -July 16 UW has been able to take advantage of ATOP by increasing enrolment in Engineering by 489 The Faculty of Arts welcomed a new dean on students, in Computer Science by 807 students July 1. The Dean of Arts, Robert Kerron, reand in graduate programs by 127 students. The places Brian Hendley, who held the position program, announced in 1998, has the mansince 19 9 1. Kerron is a member of the Economdate of doubling enrolment in programs such ics Department. as Electrical Engineering, Computer and Software Engineering, Communications EngineerJournalism program ends -July 16 ing and Computer Science. UW’s six year old journalism program, a col: laborative program with Conestoga College, . . 1 . UW takes home six medals -July 30 will not continue m tne upcoming Grads and Faculty of UW’s School of Architec1999-2000 session. The decision ture took six of ten 1999 Governor General’s to discontinue the journalism option was made by Conestoga ColMedals in Architecture. The medals are awarded based on visits to building sites. Recipilege as a response to changes required by the Ontario Minisents included: James Aitken (BArch 19803, Brigitte Shim (BArch 1983), Howard Sutcliffe try of Training, Colleges and Universities. The program has (BArch 1993),Victors Jaunkalns @Arch 198 l), adjunct faculty member Jana Levitt and former a 20 per cent successful graduation rate. adjunct faculty members Ron Keenburg and Michael McCall. Kitchener City Council takes UW built for speed -July 30 on good Samaritan students A three-year agreement between UW and Bell’s -July 16 The volunteer group Food Not Bombs is facing Internet service provider, Sympatico, provides mounting barriers in their attempts to distribthe UW community with high speed Internet ute free food at Kitchener City Hall. After access. Beginning in September, UW students, receiving complaints from local businesses, infaculty and staff will be able to access the Internet cluding Williams Coffee Pub, Kitchener City 30 times faster than standard dial-up access Council recommended that no group be alconnections. The high speed connections are lowed to distribute free food without the exsecured through the use of Nortel’s l-MEG press permission of Council. Food Not Bombs Modem, The price of the service for customers isa non-profit organisation that supports nonof Bell’s long distance is $39.9 5, otherwise,the violence initiatives and believes that food is a fee is $49.95. In exchange for eachsubscription to Bell Sympatico High Speed Edition service right for all. _ from the UW community, Bell will pay a fee to Medical students avoid new fee -July 16 uwMedical residents registered at the University of Toronto have avoided a new tuition fee this Students face housing shortage -July 30 year. U of T has reached an agreement with the Both first-year and upper-year students are Ministry of Health so the ministry will cover the facing a housing crunch of historic proporcost of the fees - for this year. The medical tions. A lack of residence spaces and a surge in schools at Queen’s University, the University of enrolment have led to a noticeable lack of

Western Ontario and the University of Toronto have all considered charging fees to medical residents, but have ail chosen not to for now. Millennium Scholarships to be offered this winter - July2 For the first time this January, the government of Canada will be offering Millennium Scholarships to Canadian university students, The scholarships, which will be given in $3,000 amounts, will be used to help 100,000 full-time students in financial need. To apply for a Millennium Scholarship, simply tick the appropriate box on your OSAP application.

Midnight Sun V-July 2 This year’s version of the Midnight Sun managed a tenth place finish of 29 teams at this years’ big event Sunrayce ‘99, The pride of Canada this year was Queen’s University, who finished an impressive second place behind the University of Missouri-Rolla. Other Canadian entries were kale Technologique Superior, who finished seventh and the University of Toronto, who finished twentieth. The results are in , . + -July 2 Five teams of UW Architecture students have been selected from a group of 3 8 contestants, winning a prize package of $4,000 each. The contest, open to UW Architecture and Planning students, invited development proposals for the public space that will comprise the redevelopment of the Waterloo City Centre. The team that created the entry “Conflux,” Rosa Chang and Robert Garneau, took the honour of the most popular design, as selected by The K-W &co&s readership. In the two categories of Urban Design, Cynthia Toyota’s and Jessica Hawes’ creation, “Waterloo City Square,” and Se)llna Hassan’s design, LcWaterloo Public Space/ won the prizes. William Radford’s contribution, “The Urban Oasis” was noted to be the most innovative. And the prize for community connections went to the teamof Daniel Hall, ChrisI-Iardwicke, Nathasha Lebel, Paolo Martins and David Newman for their entry “urbanis&.org.” The contest was a joint endeavour by The K-W&cord, First Gulf Developers, the City of Waterloo and the University of Waterloo. Each


Intergovernmental Affairs with responsibility for Wornen’S Issues. The new minister is expected to confront many difficult issues such as deregulation and is speculated to have a mandate to bring significant changes to postsecondary education. Royal accolades -July 2 Three U’W professors will be inducted into the Royal Society of Canada on November 19, 1999. The prestigious honour will be bestowed upon PauI Thagard (Philosophy), Mark Zanna (Psychology) and Graham Gladwell (Civil Engineering), The three are among a group of 6 1 to be elected fellows of the Royal Society of Canada this year. It’s coming. . . -July 2 Despite vocal opposition from members of the Waterloo community, including many UW students, First Gulf’s planned development for downtown Waterloo was approved by Waterloo council. The most opposed aspect of the proposed development, a twelve screen theatre will not be scaled back to the six screen theatre, as proposed by community members. Fnrolment goes up -July 2 This year’s first year class will be bigger than ever before. The University target: enrolment of 4,060, which isalready large, was exceeded by 12 per cent giving a whopping 4,549. The number of students who actually arrive in September is routinely lower than the number of summer confirmations. Tax grads -June 18 The new Master of Taxation program graduated its first ten MTax recipients June 17. The 20-month program is offered in Toronto by the UW School of Accountancy. Dream team-June 18 UW Alternative Fuel Team (UWAFT) was honoured with two awards at the 1999 Ethanol Vehicle Challenge, held in Michigan. UWAFT walked away with the Best Presentation Award and the Best Engine Out Emissions Award. Winning a prize of $&SOOUS, the team’s overall ranking was fourth. Feds relestse new logo -June 18 The Federation of Students has unveiled a new logo to represent the organisation in the new millenniuti. According to VP Internal Chris Harold, the rrew “soft and flowing” logo more corporate look to the Feds. The logo was determined by an tries.

The winner

was Science


Feds finally get Canis Lupus-June 18 Controversial Feds movie Canis Lupus has finally been seen by the student community. A botched premiere and long term financial difficulties left the production, headed by director Mike Downing, in question for some time. The movie will premiere an July 5.

FEDERATION OF STUDENTS Universitv of Waterloo I


prize money, The K-W Record initiated the contest and brought the other three parties in on the contest. While the City of Waterloo and First Gulfs interest in the project has an obvious explanation, the Record explains their interest in promoting the development project in terms of fostering public input. Government takes on postsecogdary education -July 2 A new ministry responsible for changes to postsecondary education was created by the recently re-elected Harris government. The new Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, the Honourable Dianne Cunningham, formerly held the portfolio of Minister of

Cycling for opportunity -June 18 Seven UW students returned Monday, June 14, from a4,500 km trekacross the country to raise money for education in Central America. The trip, organized by B.Math graduate Sarah Kamal, raised well over $3,000, which will be distributed to two charity organizations. SLC loses another tenant-June 4 Just weeks after the loss of the Campus Cove, the SLC has lost another tenant. Music in Orbit, the only on-campus music store, has left the building to concentrate on more profitable ventures. According to owner Brian Robinson,


Summer of ‘99

who also runs a Music in Orbit store in Cuelph, the location of the store made turning a profit an impossible challenge. UW undertakes residence renewal-June 4 The university will be undertaking a major residence renewal project to try to deal with the increased demand for residence space at

Just one last game. UW. The University’s plans in&de renovating the UW Apartment, formerly known as the Married Student Apartments, to house more students and building a new residence building in Parking Lot F, between Village I and Ron Eydt Village. The new building wiil be targeted at first year students and will consist of apartment style units which will house four students with a shared living room and kitchen. The renovated UW Apartments will be used to house upper-year students who wish to remain in rcsidcncc. UW is currently gne of a few Ontario Universities which don’t guarantee residence space to its first year students. Conrad Grebel gets a new dean -June 4 Conrad Brunk has been appointed academic dean of Conrad Grebel College, replacing Hildi Froese Tiessen who held the position for 11 years. A faculty member of the college for 23 years, Brunk assumed the position July 1. Brunk is a well respect member of the philosophy community and a founding member of the Peace and Conflict Studies program. St. Jerome’s imports next dean -June 4 Kieran Bonner, hailing from Augustana University in Camrose, Alberta, will become St. Jerome’s Vice-President and Academic dean. BeginningJuly 1,Bonnerassumedtheposition that he will hold for four years. Bonnerhasabackground as a sociology professor. Fed Election gets poor turnout June 4 The Feds hastwo new councilors, but most students probably don’t even know the election happened. Melissa Graham captured 14 out of Presidentjohnston, posing. 18 votes cast to win the Arts student council seat and Marissa Lewis collected 35 of the 85 ballots cast to win the Math student council sear. In total, 100 of the 2,344 students who were eligible to vote in these two elections actualIy cast a ballot. The turnout was disappointing, even by University of Waterloo standads,

President Johnston takes office -June 4 UW’s fifth President, David Johnston, has taken office at the University of Waterloo. Johnston has previously been Principal of McGill University for 15 years and Dean of the law school at the University of Western Ontario. On taking office, Johnston emphasized his commitment to continuing to deliver quality education at the University of Waterloo in every sense and to try to promote the accessability and affordability of our programs. CXJSA ED resigns . . . again May 21 The executive director of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance @USA), tht lobby group which represent the Feds along with the student government of six other universities; has resigned. Andrew Boggs, who has held the post since early 1998, has left OUSA for a position in the Universities Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training. Boggs departure is one of a string of early departures from the leadership of student lobby organisations. His replacement will take office in July. WV wins world championship-May 7 Three Waterloo Computer Science students have taken home the gold at the annual International Collegiate Programming Contest, held by the Association for Computing Machinery. Ondrej Lhotak, David Kennedy andviet-Trung LUG beat out 61 other finalists to take home the $9,000 in prize money. The victory marks UW’s first win since taking home top honours in 1994. Fed Exec begins its term -May 7 The new Federation of Students Executive: President Christine Cheng, Vice-President Education Veronica Chau, Vice President Internal Chris Harold, Vice Preisdent Administration and Finance Josh Doig and Vice President Student Issues Jason Risley have taken office. The new executives have stressed student involvement and Feds awareness as their chief gods. Campus Cove takes a hike - May 7 After a month of failed negotiations, the Campus Cove has decided to leave the Student Life Centre. The Cove, which was owned by the Starburst Corporation, cited not being able to make its h$hhent payments as the chief reason for leaving. SLC Manager Ann Simpson and the rest of the Management board will have to scramble to find a new tenant for the building in order to maintain its viability. Board of Governors hikes tuition May 7 The UW Board of Governors has hiked tuition again. This year’s increase is nine per cent for most programs. Computer Science, Engineering, Optometry and the Masters of Accountancy program will all face a 19 per cent increase. Students lobbied hard at the board meeting to bring the increase down to nine per cent flat, but that motion failed 23-6.

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onstruction work on streets is one of the worst experiences a driver can have. To some, it can be a mild inconvenience whilst for others, it can lead them virtually lost in g strange city. However, it is important that construction work be done, to rmprove traffic conditions (such as what is being done to the bridge

Centre to the University Avenue West entrance of the University, is to improve upon the condition of Ring Road. Warren Paving is in charge of the work done to improve the abovementioned road. The Plant Operations Department is also improving the entrance of the Student

at Ottawa

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Publications Ltd.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Friday, Sept, 24,1999 12:30 p.m. Student Life Centre, room 1116 . All registered University of Waterloo students who have paid the IMPRINT membership fee are invited to attend.

3, I999

Paving the way RingRoadand SLCsee improvments

coin o rated lamdrbkat with attendants SNJ&k: 20% djstiti on d&leaning wash & fold service shoe repair alterations l


Street), put in new pipes for Mmmmm...dirt. ’ residential spaces, or to generally improve the condition of the road. This is what the Ring Road and the front of rhe Student Life Centre have been experiencing from August 10 through until either late August or until mid September. The purpose of this construction, which ranges from the Davis

Life Centre by putting in new tiles for the pedestrian area. Naturally, this is causing some inconveniences. During the period of construction, the entrance at University Avenue West will be reduced to one lane heading into the campus and one lane for heading from the

campus. As a result, the lane may become too narrow for Kitchener Transit buses to negotiate without moving any pylons. Later on, there may be a 710 turning left” sign at the University Street West entrance for at least a couple of days. The bus route has been altered for the University of Waterloo via Columbia bus that will pass Fed Hall and the Church Colleges. As for the Student Life Centre, the entrance towards the Physical Activities Complex has been sealed off. However, one can still go to the Physical Activities Complex without any problems by taking the breezeway that connects the Student Life Centre to the Physical Activities Complex. Hopefully, the construction should end before Frosh Week commences and the freshmen arrive to a better-looking University of Waterloo.

Staff Tara Hillis, Editor In Chief Vacant, Assistant Editor Vacant, Forum Vacant, News Vacant, Arts Vacant, Sports Vacant, Features Vacant, Science Vacant, Photography Vacant, Graphics Vacant, Web Vacant, Systems Administrator Vacant, Proofreader Vacant, Proofreader Vacant, Proofreader Vacant, Proofreader Vacant, Proofreader Marea Willis, Business Manager Laurie Tigert-Dumas, Advertising Production Manager Vacant, Distribution Vacant, Distribution

Welcome to Waterlo, V

isa may be the only card you need, but it isn’t accepted by the registrar’s office. Nor are Mastercard, American Express or Discover. Heck, they won’t even take Interact. According to Canada Trust, you can pay your tuition bills directly from the bank at over a dozen Canadian universities, including Toronto, York, Carleton, Lethbridge and McMaster. But not Waterloo. No siree. You needtopay by--gasp--cheque.Andyoucan’t

pay in person. The university’s


Board of Directors Justin Kominar, President Nieh Jensen, Vice-President Darren Spitzig, Secretary Contributors Tunazzina Abeddin, David Aikan, Jonathan Allen, Dipali Batabval, Bryan Benson, Tim Burns, Tamara Chioreanu, Lianne Chong, Sarah Crellin, Rachel E. Beattie, Tammy Elliott, EMI, UW Feds, Matt Feldman, Nigel F4ear, Heather Fraser, Marissa Fread, Raj Gillm, Kieran Green, Mike Habicher, Niels Jensen, Lisa Johnson, Sarah Kamal, Sanket Khidkikar, Andrew Klein, Jessica Kwik, Helen McEachem, Greg Morey, Albert Nazareth, Joe Palmer, Pascale Proulx, Rebecca Robins, Dave Robins, Eva Rucki, Justine Saccomanno, Ranil Sandanayake, Paul Schreiber, Steven Singer, Big Sisters, Kevin Spencer, Robin Stewart, Jeffery Stewart, John Swan, Desiree Taric, Rob Van Kruistum, Karen Weir, Bil Whatrie, C.W. Wheeler, Simon W&side, WPI RG

Imprint is the oficial student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (-Ah Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 07067380. imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 554677. Address mail to: Imprint Student Life Centre, Rm. 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl Tel: 5 19-888~4048 Fax: 5 19-884-7800 hrtp://irnprint.uwaterl~.ca e-mail: editor@imprinc.uwaterloo.ca


to inconvenience

you doesn’t stop with finances. Want to sign up for classes? Wait in a Ion& long line for your adviser. Want to find out your grades after exams? Wait six weeks for the grade report to show up in the mail. While your fr.osh leaders may deride Laurier as “the high school down the road,” at least they get to check their marks online, The University of Waterloo is famous across the country for its co-operative educa-

tion. On campus, the co-operative department is equally a better

famous. Perhaps infamous would be and more appropriate word. Job postings are handled on a 197Os-era textbased online system known as UAccess,”which is anything but. It’s about as stable as a bull in the Calgary stampede and goes down more times than a Queen Street hooker. The aging system is being replaced - * eventually. CECS .online, its web-savvy replacement (motto: look, we’re finding the ’90s after they end) has been delayed yet again. The latest ETA: January 2000. One minor problem: Access is not year-2000 compliant. Waterloo’s student records are handled by a mishmash of “old and creaky” (Daily Bulletin, January 24,1997) computer systems, some of which, I’ve been told, date back dec-

.ades.They, too, are undergoing replacement. The multi-million dollar Student Information SystemsProject (SISP)encompasseseverything from admissions to distance education. Dave Mason of Information SystemandTechnology -_. :

._: I. :

recently told theDaily&&tin that the University of Waterloo expects to have at lewt 30 fulltime staff on the project. SISP began in late 1992 and isn’t scheduled for completion until at least 2001, By now, you’ve probably been given a nifty piece of plastic known as the WatCard. Don’t lose it, becauselife will be very diffitilt without it. Your multipurpose identification/debit,& brary card may seem neat compared to what you had in high school, but it pales in comparison to what they have at the University of Toronto. U of T’s card features sharp colour photos BB instead of grainy, bIackand-white ones, an embedded chip instead of a magstripe and, last I . checked, didn’t require

Sherlock plugin for theirs. And did I mention the sites are ugly? While virtually every other university (notable examples include Guelph, York, Concordia and Victoria) has a professionally designed site, ours is so 1995. Four years in computer time islike 40 years; nobody brags about their 1950s Lada. Somehow, I don? think we’re living up to our reputation as Canada’s high-tech university.

- Patri&breiber !POONS

by C. W. Wheeler ’

stickers. You’ve probably already ventured onto the University of WaRxloo’s web site. Or, more accurately, web sites. Strangely

enough, the Math Faculty’s site looks



the Co-op Department’s site, And the Faculty of Environmental Studies’ web site bears no resemblance whatsoever to Athletics and Recreational Services’ perpetual work-in-progress. We don’t present anything even re,motely

resembling a unified face to the outside world; we seem like dozens of little universities. And if you want to find something good luck! We don’t even have a search engine.

Meanwhile, the University of Manitoba has a

Wee, bee, bee, b&s We Ethel de too many magkxtl eKpIochg j -ping beans last night.”



you speak!

To theEditor,


t gives me a feeling of great pity when 1 come across people who come up with such ignorant thoughts such as the one Ms, Mulloor shared in the recent Imprint “Campus Question. n Could you explain to me why all Arts students have been brainwashed to disrespect the Engineering profession? Perhaps if students such as Ms. Mulloor started to think before they spoke, the Arts faculty at this University would not have such a bad reputation. I hope that you will reconsider your motives for hatred of people due solely on the career choices that they have made. -Kevin






To the Editor,


that didn’t poke fun at anybody. You should learn that you can poke fun at your own friends, bus when you poke fun at people that you do not know, you can offend people. The day that the Imprint in question was released, I heard from many people who complained about your comment, thus my opinion is in no way an isolated one; there is a silent majority at the east end of campus who did not like your comment. Just once, I would like to openImprint and see positive things written about Engineering students, be it from the staff of Imprint or from a person such as yourself, who is in the ‘Campus Question. n

am an Engineering student, and I recently read the Imprint issue dated July 30, 1999. Reading Reja Mulloor’s comment about where to put the new frosh reminded me that there are still people on this campus who are mto petty bickering between faculties. I have seen many things in Imprint which are against Engineering students since I started here at Waterloo. I do not appreciate it. We have had to deal with a past editor who printed ecli torials in which he called Engineering a cult, said we were archaic and that we were an organization that is full of rot, We never received an apology for these slanderous comments. Having other students at this school -my own peers - fueling this negative attitude towards us, is a very tiegative thing for interfaculty relations. My question is, what reason do you have to say negative things against the people of my faculty, no, actually your comment was against people who are not yet even at this school. Where do you get the right to say things about Engineering students? I understand that your reply to me will say that it was meant as a joke, but to this I wonder how the other people in the uCampus Quesnon” were able to make humorous responses


pissed off

am a small business/restaurant owner here in Kitchener. I have finally been sent the new non-smoking bylaw effective January 1,2OOO. It states that all bars and restaurants will be non-smoking on January 1. I, for one, am extremely pissed off at the fact. This is my business, not the government’s! We are not a communist country and I am sick of being forced to do what these politicians want me to. I would have had no problem going with either a non-smokitrg restaurant or a smoking restaurant, but the choice should be left up to the business, not the government. This way the people have a choice to dine in the restaurant or bar of their choice, What would have been wrong with coming up with a universal Canadian logo which would signify either smoking establishments or non-smoking establishments that would have to be displayed at each and every restaurant or bar? I’m not even sure if this is the answer either because if I choose to be a smoking restaurant, how many non-smoking customers would I lose? Can I afford to lose even c~tfe customer? No! Am I going to lose smoking customers if it’s passed? Yes, Seems like a no-win situation for small business owners. There are many issues that need to be discussed and a plan needs to be worked on. There are also other small business issues that concern us all as small business operators in this

province: over taxation, the rise in property taxes, etc. Is it profitable to own a small business in this province today? Seems I work a lot of hours to break even. Thus far, there has been no support group for us, yet we are the backbone of this country, the working man. We have no one to turn to. 3 I have been hoping that some group of small business ownem would form a coalition to

unify and help support our rights. Thus far, I have not been able to find such a group. Therefore, I am working to create one from scratchU.S.B.O. (united Small Business Owners). Give us your ideas, help us with contributions. We need your support and your firm commitment to get involved.


Frantically Bemused A Frosh’sview on life at UW


o here we go, summer is over, not that I’d be in denial. No sir, not I -not I in the least. For an expectant Frosh, the university experience that had once seemed so impeding, so dramatically imposing, is about to begin. Being so close to the ftero hour, there’s a hesitant expectation that all this nervous anticipation is bound to result in an ulcer or two. When rather, the worse case scenario is no more traumatic than to have to endure a hangover. I mean, a ‘study headache’ in the morning. Where does the term ‘Fresh’ come from anyway? I’d like to do more research on this matured version of ‘Shiner Niner.’ However, it’ll be so much more fun to find out in a Letter to the Edi-. tor demonstrating how much everyone should know. ‘Fresh, frosh, fresh,’ Coming to University just for that name, is as grandiose as becoming an Art student to ask if anyone’s seen your ‘Smock.’ Smock, smock, Frosh! Duck, duck, Goose! Yessir, it’ll be hn. Perhaps this is the unforgettable (no matter how hard you try) ’80s imagery drilled into my head speaking. I still have the occasional nightmare that frosh week will be MC’d by the Hammer Man himself, with Run DMC all decked out in alarm clock necklaces, and Vanilla Ice with his bouffant ‘8 OScoif, letting you know that “Anything less than the best is a felony.” However, thanks to the wonderful Orientation Week information package . . . I know #~~tisjustadream.IknowUWisgoingtobeche extracurricular academics haven and it’s going to rock. It’s rocking now. It will be refreshing notto have to wait hours at the office anymore to sign in ‘late,’ thus being made all the more late. In the most hypothetical of situations, of course. On those mornings when there’s a traffic jam, a delayed bus, the coffee maker’s not plugged in, or that rare, rare occasion you forget what time it is and how fast those persnickety minute hands move! *ots! UW has plenty of Mascoq plenty of hearsay, as well as mysterious, and not so mysterious, legends. (Mascotnapping, who’da thunk?) The most dramatic you’ll hear of is the - dare I say - the Tool! Some witnesses claim the Tool to be your average, run-of-the-mill, five-foot pipe wrench. There are only a scant few photographs of this wondrous behemoth of mechanical utility in circulation. Reminiscent of the Blair Witch hject, very few photographically inclined Artsies have escaped a near encounter with their film intact. As the legend goes: the Tool has always been. It has a few siblings, but other than those, there are no others. Only one other has proven worthy of the Chrome Plating. The Tool has explored the far continent of ‘U of T’ after a mysterious

Tool-napping.TheToolisa~lebrity. Somesay an icon, others say, a god. The Tool has a story that will one day be revealed. I only hope the journalists will surf!ce as well. Porcellino is the big beautiful boar you’ll come across on those strolls by-the Modem Languages building. He’s bronze, 700 pounds, a cast of a 1620’s sculpture and if you rub his shiny nose, you’ll have good luck. If you’re inebriated while you rub his nose. . . well, you’ll have better luck. (Just.. decency, please.) There’s also Waterloo Warriors who will be certain to have you cheering your head*off at the big games. The Pink Tie, I hear, is big. . . very big, inspiringly enough to garner

For an expectant frosh, ;;~m~;~;s k~ Pledge. On the the university topic of mascots, look out for the experience that once underground seemed so impending is ~o~$$‘t~~ pate what manabout to begin ner of fascination and wonder occursinthetunnels, especially the vertigo-inducing one between the South Campus hall and the Arts buildings. Drinking. Note the period. What more need be said? Of course, I could delve into the wondrous shenanigans of the drinker’s experience, but this is after all, a student paper. Just keep your eyes, ears and mouth open. Of course, under proper conditions, such as being of age. ‘The Dana Porter is sinking.’ Is it not. Honestly. It isn’t. There is no worry that the designers did not accommodate for the weight of the books. There is tfo conspiracy. Destroy any notes and silence anyone who tells you that it is . . . especially, tell nobody. Trust me, they haven’t gotten to me. (It’s sinking, face it.) The Dana Porter library is not sinking. Perhaps it is growing taller; the library certainly isn’t sinking. (It is, let’s face it once and for all.) This is going to be fun. -Mike


The Forum Section enables members of the University&Waterloo community topresentviewsonvariousissues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. Letters should not exceed 350 words in length. They can be submitted to: letters@imprint.uwumluo.cu. AlI material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race,


ox xnual


The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, mt the opinionsoflmprint.


Friday, September



3, I999

Cartoon week




Cortaon by Sanket Khidkikar

And in our communitv.





hiie it is important to acquaint yourself with on-carnpusservices, don’t graduate without checking out some of the many resources unique to our community. Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) has links to many of these groups which share a common vision. BarterWorks is a local network of people who exchange goods and services with each other for barter dollars. Instead of paying 100 per cent cash (or federal dollars) for instructional, legal, health and trades services and goods such as books, CDs, video rentals, food and clothing -you pay in barter or a combination of cash and barter. In exchange for being able to take advantage of BarterWorks services, you can turn a hobby into a paying venture or employ yourself with skills you don’t normally use to generate income. You can also create work and develop employment skills to launch a small business. For more information call 749-l 911 or e-mail barterworks@web.net.

Campus Question: DAVID

“Don’t mu&,”

stress yourself






“The more it is,” Pin Sasri IB Math



the easier






Buy hot dogs.”


“Stay away REV. )’


Taryn S&ton 2B Political Science




Sara Tong & Yifan 2i3 Economics


topics and foster links between people locally, nationally and globally. Call 746-4090 for more info. Recycle Cycles is a project of WPIRG run by volunteers and dedicated to cycling and cycling issues. They operate a bicycle resource centre where lower income community members (including students) can purchase inexpensive, reconditioned bikes or use the facilities to work on their own bikes. Volunteers usually spend three or four hours per week in the shop (located in downtown Kitchener) repairing bikes and helping people develop bike repair and maintenance skills. Call WPIRG at 888-4882 for more info about Recycle Cycles. Alternatives is Canada’s foremost journal of environmental thought, policy and action, providing timely and balanced coverage of the latest environmental research and events. Published right here on UW campus. Special student subscription rates are available. Call 8 8 8467ext. 6783 or e-mail alternat@fes. uwaterloo.ca for more info.

“Do you have any useful a&ice for Frosh?”

Joe Maillette Hug Dug Vendor


Ebytown Food Cooperative is the environmentally and socially conscious store located at the Philip Street Co-op Residence that isowned and run completely by volunteers. Ebytown makes available bulk and minimally-packaged foods, household needs and hygiene products that are, as much as possible, organic, vegetarian/vegan, locally produced and environmentally responsible. Anyone can shop at Ebytown; however, those who become members receive a discount on their purchases. The one-time membership fee for students is 15 dollars. Hours vary weekly depending on the availability of members. Gail Ebytown at 886-8806 to speak to the storekeeper on shift for more information or to hear the automated message on the current week’s hours. Global Community Centre is located at 89-91 King Street North in Waterloo. They promote social and economic justice in the world through understanding and action. They provide information about world issues and related domestic

the brown

Ian Weinroth 4B Biology

the food

at the





lots of people.”


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& Cam Ngo


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on Satur-

Joseph Rubin I B Mechanical

of all


Won’t drink too much. It was counterproductive to my marks.” Adam Young 1B Chemical Engineering

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In research we trust Newly developed biotechnology, as controversial as it is powerful, may be coming to a laboratory - and body - near vou MATT

FELDMAN lmpht &a#

and tissues. Since then, science has been able to envision a future state of medicine without organ donor shortages or tissue n any hospital, in any part of the country, the same scenario rejection problems. is being played out. Patients are being told that an organ in Patching or replacing defective organs is not the only applitheir body is defective and must be replaced. Donor organs, cation of embryo research. In April of 1999, German scientists however, are scarce -the waiting list is years long. Doctors are studying cancer development in chicken embryos presented their faced with the grim reality that their patients may die before a findings: A three-day old chicken embryo is approximately replacement organ becomes available. Should an organ be equivalent in development to a human embryo at about four matched to arecipient, there is noguarantee that the transplanweeks. It is here that limb growth begins to appear. Thisgrowth tation will succeed. And if it does, the patient will suffer the was found to be controlled by chemical signals sent between cells adverse effects of anti-rejection drugs for a lifetime. The body’s that triggered development of blood vessels, a process known as immune system must be continually repressed so the foreign angiogenesis. In the chicken embryos, this vessel development organ is not attacked and destroyed. The threat of rejection was carefully mediated but in a cancerous tumour, rapid, constantly looms over a patient’s head, threatening to nullify uncontrolled blood vessel growth results in the proliferation of years of waiting and struggling. A new organ is accompanied by the cancer. If scientists can control angiogenesis, they may be able the burden of further illness and uncertainty. to better control, or even halt, cancer growth. The hope is that From behind those dark clouds of pesthis research may lead to similar studies in simism, however, a ray of hope is beginning humans. to shine. Science is on the verge of a breakAlong with the potential to heal, through that stands to do away with this the potential for controversy is also great unpleasant - and all too common - seeand it has human embryo research pronario. A doctor may be able to simply inject ceeding at a slow pact. In the United some new cells into a failing organ, and a few States, home to much of the world’s most days after the simple procedure, a formerly advanced biomedical research, federal ill patient GUI return to a normal, healthy law prohibits taxpayer-funded study iniife. The cells that doctors may one day be volving human embryos. At issue is the able to inject into any failing organ or rissue fact that human embryo research reare human embryonic stem cells. While quires that they be destroyed in order to their recent discovery has sparked tremenharvest the stem cells they possess. AlIs it a pancreas, a brain or a heart?The dous hope for the future of medicine, it has though 33 Nobel faureates have endorsed answer is: all of the above. Maybe. also spawned a firestorm of controversy embryonic stem cell research, more than that has most research on hold. This new biotechnology pro70 members of Congress have vowed to fight embryo research vokes such opposition because it entails the manipulation of that uses federal dollars. The research itself is not illegal, but human life in its earliest stage - something science has only private companies do not have deep financial wells for projects recently been able to do. Confronting this discovery are oppothat don’t get government approval. If the technology cannot nents who reject it because it requires the destruction of human become extensively utilized, private companies do not stand to embryos. In exchange for the ethical dilemma it presents, even recoup their losses, let alone turn a profit. Millions of however, human embryo research offers fantastic new insight government dollars puts technology into the public domain and into the human condition, our development and the relief of ensures its progression by making it accessible. Researchers at the human suffering. The moral arguments must be resolved and University of Wisconsin were restricted to using a private research must continue. company’s dollars and were even required to set up a separate Stem cells are the most immature human cells ever discovlab to ensure equipment purchased with federal funds would ered. They are taken from an embryo at a very early stage (only not become “contaminated.” a few days after conception, when the embryo is less than 64 The fact that the stem cells were taken from human cells) when their path for development in the body is yet embryos has right-to-life activists enraged. They claim that the undetermined. Their usefulness derives from their physiologiembryos are human beings and should be protected by law. But in testimony before the U.S. Congress, the definition of stem cells as human beings was refuted. Scientists testified that because the cells cannot independently sustain life, the ban, which refers to experimenting on what it calls “organisirns,” exctudes stemcells, thusallowing research to continue. Despite the letter of the law being on the side of science, the debate has not ended and research has not proceeded. Pro-life groups claim that to isolate and culture the stem cells, researchers must destroy living human embryos or take stem cells from freshly aborted fetuses, an issue still hotly debated itself. It is under this premise that great congressional opposition lies - that a human embryo (even symbolically) represents a cal state: they are undifferentiated and can ultimately become human life and is entitled to protection. The destruction of the cells of any part of the body, performing any role. Now that embryos, they claim, is akin to research that tequircs the killing scientific research has enabled their isolation, if scientists can of adults. Scientists disagree, saying that abortion politics should determine how to send them in a desired developmental not be permitted to hold every related issue of medical ethics direction, each cell could divide and grow to ultimately serve a hostage, as it now does. useful function. The ability to culture these cells as liver tissue One supply of research embryos is fertility clinics. These clinics create embryos for use in in-vitro fertilization. A couple may make it possible to cure certain types of diabetes, while hoping to have a child through this method will likely have many growing these cells as neuronal tissue of the brain may make it possible to curb, or even cure, the ravaging effects of Alzheimer’s embryos created, but most are not used. These “spare” embryos, estimated at more than 30,000 in the U.S. alone, await destrucand Parkinson’s disease. Failing organs can, in theory, be brought back to health by the injection of stern cells. tion once a couple either successfully has a child or decides not to continue trying. It is from this source that researchers have During the fall of 1998, a group of researchers from the taken embryos for stem-cell extraction. University of Wisconsin announced that they had been able to Another, more controversial, method involves the creaisolate and grow these cells in a laboratory for up to nine months tion of embryos that are matched to their recipient. Stem cells and had evcan been able to start their differentiation into organs


A doctor may be able to simply inject some ne\rv cells into a failing organ, and a few days after the simple procedure, a formerly ill patient can return to a normal, healthy life

isolated and grown into an organ or tissue through this technique would yield a product that would be implantable without the risk of rejection-if it comes from the cells of the body it is therefore no different from the body, despite its external development, and would nut be subject to attack by the immune system. Science appears to be standing opposite togovernment and a significant fraction of public opinion. And when the government holds the purse strings, the future of the research at large is in their hands. But a compromise may be on the horizon -an intermediate position may be found that would allow the continuation of research while addressing the concerns of peopIe who believe this work should not continue under any circumstances. Scientists agree that stem cell research shows tremendous promise for the future of medicine. But for research to proceed, more embryos will be needed. Thesource of these embryos is the crux of the compromise now working its way through the U.S. government, a compromise that could pave the way for studies to continue in both private and federally funded labs. In July 1999, expert members of a bioethics commission advising President Clinton called for loosening the ban on federally funded human embryo research so that the new tuchnulogy can be further explored. The recommendation, howcvcr, is not a total go-ahead for scientists. It is opposed to the ~rtxtion oi embryos solely tube used as a source of stem cc’lls, but it allows federal funds to be used for stem cell rescxch on embryos which have been donated b y patients of fertility clinics. The commission concurs with scientists when it posits that the potential benefits of the technology “outweigh the moral harm that may be done by destroying embryos.”

Abortion politics should not be permitted to hold every related issue of medical ethics hostage The panel offered specific guideIines for the conduct of federally funded research allowing the research to continue while appeasing both sides in the debate. Its recommendations include the suggestion that new studies must promise major scientific benefit; that substitution with animal specimens not be possible; the number of embryos required is kept to a minimum; that informed consent be obtained from embryo donors; that embryos must not be purchased or sold for rcsearzh; and that research must not be conduotcd on embryos more than 14 d;lys old (the time that marks the first appearance of a nervous system and the earliest possible period of consciousness). These guidelines form a moral framework which provides gruuncls for the continuation of research while countering the claims of pro-lift and religious groups. The framework implies th;lt a biologic event is not “of such moral importance that it should csusc aI1 human embryos to be placed outside the realm of rexarch.” The scientific community needs clear and consistent rules for human embryo research that can onIy come from a ccntrA? federal source. The need for the research to continue is compclling, but so is the need for regulation-federal fundingprovidcs an opportunity to do just that. The time for action is now. Prohibiting the federal funding of embryo research ~CIILJS human health hostage to political wrangling and impedes large scale exploration that could benefit us all. Only through further understanding of human embryos and their development can science gleap insight into the human condition as a whole. Once scientists determine how stem cells form specific tikues and organs, renewable sources of replacements will be available to treat illness and injury. Using stem cells to create cell lines that mimic diseases can also allow researchers to test potential treatments on these cells. The potential of this research is so great that it has caused a review of policy, but a review is not enough. A federal moratorium on such research stalls medicine’s ability to cure illness and enhance life. Bans must be lifted.


Friday, September


3, 1999


How we connected...

Online communities in the claysbeforethe Internet


ow did people ‘get together’ online before the Internet was popular? Before Internet Service Providers (ISPs)were a dime a dozen and even cable was pretty cheap if you have housemates to share it with, what took the place of the ‘net? They still used phone linesand computers, but networks were smaller and the connection wasa little more personal. It wasanerawhereeverysysop(system operator) held absolute sway over their domain. This was the time of the BBS, or Bulletin Board System. Allittooktoconnectwasacomputer and a modem - and a bit of battling with siblings and parents about phone line use (memories of BBSingin

Acres, Iga’S Island; my own was Death’s Vortex. Yes, we tended toward the melodramatic. And there was also ‘kewltok’ - a passing fad which consisted of lowercasing vowels and replacing suitable letters with numbers, symbols, or soundalikes. So *cool’ become ‘k001’ or even ‘/ < OOl’,and there were suchatrocities as ThE aToMiC uNDeRGRouND. And who could forget ‘/< -r4d’ (“krad” - who knew what it meant, but it was usually good). Sysop names were just as colourful (we borrowed from the idea of ‘handles’ originally from amateur radio and still used on Internet’s IRC):FoxyMcCloud,IcyBlackHand of Death, Earvin or Mainstrike (or MaiNSTRiKE-right Chris?). Even the software had interesting names: there were the staid Maximus,

sagebases-lo& topic-oriented discussion areas like newsgroups, but smaller and more intimate, the files area (‘leeching,’ downloading files without giving anything back- was frowned upon severely) and online games. Online games consisted of various simulations or contests,such asLegend of the Red Dragon, Trade Wars


or Barren


tural standards, our networks were bps modems. “Ware9 boards would specified by the FTS (Fidonet Tech- sometimes have system passwords nical Standards) and FSC (Fidonet which were given only after a new Standards Committee) documents. user application was accepted. Only Some the ‘elite’ (or boards got 3133t) were into ‘ware& accepted. ‘Networks were which was Itwas redly cloaksmaller and the fun while it


(an interplanetary trading/war game that could even be played with other BBSes). Or you could chat with the sysop,if he or shewas around. Some few boards even had multiple lines, so you could talk with other users

too. Networking was pretty much only messages;there were no interactive connections. Fidonet was the main network, but there were lots more, like my own FutureNet. BBSes on a

know various definitions - and

more personal .



This ~~sarchived

was the time of the

somewhere; perhaps I will


tantly, the Bulletin Board System’ ~~f~Y~e~ right people the Internet. - to get to But bulletin thesefiieanddiscussionareas. Warez boards are giving way beneath the (the ‘z’ is a ‘kewltok’ throwback), for onslaught of the vast Internet, and the uninitiated, were pirated soft- the era of the online community is ware. You’d be surprised how much passing, maybe it has already passed could be moved over 14.4 or 28.8 into history forever.

Photos AR RUI, Z&P Some!

247 King Street, N., (at University Avenue) WATERLOO Telephone: 74610026 Fax: 746-9064 ple were

brn the Remember, the sys-op iswatching. samearea andcould talk about the many things PCBoard, Renegade or ProBoard or the more ‘elite’ Oblivion/& Iniquity they held common, Running a BBS took a bit more: or Inferno. Many sysopscustomized a dedicated phone line and computheir system with ANSIs (colourful ter (or at least acomputer that could text-mode art) or homegrown exmultitask, usually with DESQview in tension programs. those days- Windows’ multitasking When you logged on (either as sucked, to be blunt). BBS namescame an existing user or as a new user, in all flavours: Looney Toons, The which involved filling out some inAtomic Underground, Toxic Wasteformation about yourself), you had land, Dark Tower, Little Wmg, Green a few choices. There were the mes-


‘hub’) and exchange messagesduring the night or other non-busy times. Messageswere ‘echoed’ around-the net, hence the term ‘echomail for distributed message areas. But unlike Internet newsgroups which reach thousands of messagesper day, most networks would seeonly a few hundred messagesper day in even the most busy ethos. Just asthe Internet has RFCs (Requestsfor Comments) asksstruc-

SCHREWER hipnht sapff


igbmthermightbereadingyour e-mail. Or maybe your little sister. Or the university. Sound paranoid? Maybe. But maybe you should be. Conventional

e-mail is not secure

(it’s the equivalent of sending all your lettersonpostcards).Withanincreasing number of. supposedly anonymous netizen’sidentitiesbeingreveaiedtiese days,investing ina few electronicsecurityenvelopesmaybewctrthyourtime. Inthelastfewmonths,threecompanics have made ultra-secure e-mail available freely on the Net. Imprint took a brief look at what they offer. Hushmail (www.hushmail.com) was the first such service and offers both personal and anonymous accounts. The


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loal maIl(www.1on1mail.com)uses ing the encrypt& messagesnearly im- cypherpunk-strength 2,048-bit possible to crack.De Hushmail client ’ encryption to protect your mail. What is Java-based and can work on most makes 1 on 1special? platforms. Self-destructing e-mail, right out of Mission: Impossible. However, ZipLip (www.ziplip.com) hasone malonlmail isn’t web-based and is curjor differrently availservice uses 1024-bit encryption,




Hushmail: there are no accounts. The user simply surfs over to the ZipLip site,

able for Win-

I the equivalent of sending all your letters on postcards’

where he or she enters themessageusingstandard128-bitweb browser encryption. The recipient will receive a notification that passwordprotected message is waiting for him or her.

version is fodwlling. Eve-. ryonehasmail they wouldn’t

wantsomeone elsereadingsuchaslovelettersro~eirspecialsomeone or a rant about a prof s inability to, say, teach. If you value your privacy, you may want to give one of these tie sewices a shot,





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The Summer of 1999 Fromthe Trebleto the TripleJump,we havehadjust about. JOHN


T Athe -----

SWAN stw

of the Americans. The Brazilian team did themselves a huge favour by finishing third after defeating the Norwegians. Meanwhile, Locsllly: The teams of both Kitchener and Waterloo seemed to go into a nose dive this season. The Kitchener Rangers of the Ontario Hockey League missed the play-offs after a close

t is amazing how time flies, is it not? From Manchester United’s treble sweep to the Pan&n Games in Winnipeg, summer




1999 has had its fill of wonderful moments. Unfortunately, there have also been some moments that are just simply forgettable. So, here are the highlights from the summer term

r 1’:

Manchester United’s Trieple: After fending off Arsenal, Newcastle United and Bayern Miinchen, the Red Devils did what teams like Glasgow Celtic, Ajax and Real Madrid have done, this event being capturing the league title, the domestic cup and the UEFA

‘>.I $.$I.

--However, not everything was bad. The Ontario Games for the Physically Ditibled came [and went] to the KitchenerWaterloo area and put up quite a show. As well, the World Blind Powerlifting Championship at the Albert LMcCormick Arena was well received. Also, the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium hosted the International RoHer Hockey Tournament and attendance was very high for the game. Finally, the KitchenerWaterloo Bantam Lacrosse squad had a fantastic season as they went undefeated before the play-offs (maybe the Bantams should play for the Junior ‘A’ tear@. So, what is in store for the fall term? WeIl, Waterloo Warrior football is back, as well as soccer, cross county, baseball, badminton, ice hockey, rowing, swimming, volleyball, tennisand rugby. For the lassies, field hockey, golf, football, rugby, volleyballbadminton ,swimming,tennisandrowingwillbetheorderofthc season. Internationally, the World Cup of Rugby will be held in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and France during the months of October and November. As well, football is back and raring to go in Europe, Australia and Japan. Finally, the World Series should be held this year, barring a strike by players or umpires.

Champions’Cup.AkxAll we neednow is a caseof beer, Ferguson has to be proud of his chaps for their efforts, including David Beckham and Dwight Yorke. In the final game against Bundesliga chamsettled down to their regular form. Unfortunately, Manchester United will not be able to go for the treble again as the Red Devils have opted to go to the World Cup Championships instead of the English FA Cup. World Cup of Cricket: Australia was the toast of Lord’s as the combination of Stephen Roger Waugh and Mark Edward Waugh brought the trophy home to the island continent. As for the game itself, the Australians overpowered Pakistan as the Wallabies coasted to an easy eight wicket victory. AU Pakistani

loss against (you guessed it) the Windsor Spitfires. The KitchenerWaterloo kink Rats had their inaugural season for roller hockey in various arenas for small crowd?, stuttering towards a 6-12 season. q$.&~:. ,J :,f.’ ,::..,j. . The Kitchener-Waterloo Braves ..L.. _.__...; ..;i...,,.,._ :-.,.._..._ :.,_: _:.: :.i::.+. ..;,);.>> ;:I ,::.fv:.,., .5>.<.,L;:~~*y.% . .:.-:.:., .A... :+:..‘:‘:..,.:A.... .‘.’ ‘.. 1 . .._._..... ~. ,_ ‘. . . . ::: : .:::.:., :,:.:>::i:.:+: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.::: . . ..\. were, at times, absolutely putrid as I-4 _... . . .,.....,.,.,., c .,.,......., <<.>:.. .., . .Cli’.‘.‘.~ ,.,.,. G$.‘.,... .,.,~....,.,) .&,>v ..,.,.,.,. xc:.’,a .;,-:,,..,.,. _ .... ..&>=>I:+:.: this lacrosse team limped to a S-15’ finish, missedtheplay-offsand f&strated the coaching&f* In fact, it was so bad the eeneial manager. I

The Women’s World Cup of Football: An entertaining tourney saw a great final between the United States of America and China. After a scoreless 120 minutes, the game went into a shootout (as typical for the U.S.A., since they always seem to settle things that way). The final shot was taken by Brandi Chasmin, who fooled Gao Hong and ended the match in favour

Kitchener Panthers suffered a bit, I as they lost the top spot to the ~ustpfwcnt . . . hands,, , from touching.. . the ball. TorontoMaple Ldsinthe Major Inter-county League, Luckily, the Panthers got paat the Brantford Red Sox in the semifinals and So, enjoy the fall of 1999 in all of its glory, now will face Toronto in the final. go as quickly as the summer term has.

b Webme

Back! 1

Warrior Football Home Opener

. for it will probably


l dramuralreferees AU applicatons are avaHable in PAC 2039 and are due the 1st we& of acad&c classes.

A screaming good summer From witches to Woodstock, there was a lot to yell about E, BEATTIE /mprlM SM



he last shimmering days of the final summer of the millennium are about to fade into our collective cultural memory. A lot has happened this summer in the world of Arts and Entertainment. Here’s a look at some of the memorable events. Filmgoers flocked not to the hugely hyped, megabudgetbona.nzaStarWursEpiso& 1: The Phantom Mace, but The Blair Witch Project, a little movie with almost no special effects and minuscule . budget. StarWars made a decent amount of money, but is no where near paying off its production costs. The Blrrir Witch Project, on the other hand, is scaring its way into cult status and huge profits based on a brilliant ad campaign. By falsely implying that the film was not fiction, the producers stir *re interest on the internet. The Ib so convincing that the Bu&it&ille (the setting for the story) S1le Department has been flooded with calls offering to ‘help’ search for the three missing film makers. The releasing company wisely waited until after the film. was released to run I




cqmmercials for it, relying on word of mouth to promote the film. The message behindBlair Witch’s success andThe Mtcmmy and The Hamting’s

in the film. Gross out movies did quite well with South Park: Bigger, Longer& Uncut, Austin Powers: The Spy Who ShaggedMe andAmerican

7% ; c.,j:

failures is, not only that you don’t need special effects and big budget if you don’t have a good story and interesting characters, but what the audience doesn’t see is a million times


ter effects. release of film icon Stanley-- Kubrick’s - . last movie, Eyes Wide Shz.4~. Critics and audiences are both raving about Kubrick’s swan song, despite controvets& about nudity, or lack thereof,

Screaming -- girl. a little Hillside

Festival of Friends were al1 burdened by rain. But most of the performers demonstrated their fortitude by bravely playing on. Festival going

on the wet side, Edgefest, Festival, Stardust Picnic and



proved to be fatal this summer with deaths at both Woodstock and Hillside festivals. Woodstock graphically demonstrated that while our parents generation was all about peace, love and flowers, ours is all about anger, fire and vandalism. As the Offspring say in their GenerationY anthem, “The kids aren’t alright.” The American kids, anyway, Canada’s big music fes-

tivals had none of the violence or anger of Woodstock. In fact Hillside, which took place on the same weekend as Woodstock, felt like a bunch of friendsgetting together to share good times and music. As well as festivals, music fans were treated to concerts by great acts from Ani DiFranco to The Tea Party. Ani played amazing shows in Guelph and Toronto. The Tva Party previewed their new CD Triptychat a kickass show in W~erloo. Alanis Morrissette, Dar Williams, Skunk Anansie, Rammstien and Phish also put on great shows. The summer of 1999 wasagreat summer for local theatre as well. Second.com/p@ny. mounted excellent productions of The Secret Gczrden and Sweeney Todd. UW Drama also put on some great shows including Chdsphnd~kandOtherStufi And Waterloo audiences were treated to a great version of Othello in the park. Theatre even came from a very unlikely source: an architecture class. The second year Architecture class at the University of WaterImpresented TheMachine Wrecka, a play about the effects of technology on society. Well, good or bad, summer is over and now it’s time to look forward to Fall and Winter and all the great movies, concerts and plays that will happen in the new millennium.

Just a little honey Luscious LISA

JOHNSON hptinf s&ff


usciousJacksonbeganinl991 and signed to Grand Royal, a label run by the Beastie Boys. Since then, they have inspired the unwavering loyal support of thousands of fans. Such artists as Emmy lou Harris, Debbie Harry and even Kym Hampton, star forward of the WNBA’sNewYork Liberty, lent their voices to the band’s latest release. This CD, Electric Honey, is an eclectic blend of pop, funk, hip- hop, dance, punk, disco and rock. Lead vocalist and bassist Jill Cunniff chatted with Imprint recently, fresh off a stint with Lilith Fair. Imprint: Your music is really difficult to pigeon hole, not many writers compare you to other bands. Jill Cunniff: Yup - it forces people to come up with some description. It’s very easy to just throw people with other bands: ‘Ws between Black Sabbath and Souxie and the Banshees. n I: Is Luscious Jackson filling within the world of music?

a void


talks about touring

JC: I guess our mission was to bring different types of music together and also to have music be a force in bringing people, ideas and cultures together.You know how when you put mixed paints together it becomes mud? It doesn’t have to become mud. I: How does the writing and recording process work within the band? JC: Basically Gabby [Glaser] and myself are the song writers and then, we become the co-producer df dur songs. So it cuts away ugly democratic things which, in a creative process, can be really detrimental. If you’re trying to please everybody in the band, then the song is going to suffer. So our policy at this point is: we don? need too many cooks in the kitchen and what the leader of the song says goes. I believe in democratic government, but I think art is about a personal vision, I: Your music is not particularly political or socially reflective. Is that a conscious choice on your part? JC: Yeah, for the most part, I’m not a big fan of politics in music, 1 just don’t find it inspiring. I think it’s temporal and it doesn’t make for

classic music [because] people’s politicai views change. To me what’s interesting are the nuances of relationships, feelings and emotions.


tind their new music JC: You know, we’re in a commercial business, so I think the actual hypocrisy is in the people who claim they’re not selling out when they’re on a

Sweeet. That’s the passion I like to hear.

I have, that’s what

I: So did the band consider the poiitics involved when you decided to do the GAP commercial, in terms of “selling out”?

major label. We make videos, which are basically commercials - irs a huge marketing system. If you’re out there singing about how much you hate capitalism and meanwhile you’re doing in-store performances and you’re making videos, it’s just hypo-

critical. I: Talk a little bit about what it’s like to be an all female band in this male dominated industry. JC: It’s funny. Right now, alternative radio in America is playing very few women and it has to do with the climate of the music that’s out there. But I think this period is going to pass. We’re really into that metal and rap, mosh pit kind of stuff. What are playing women are VH- 1 in America and, uh... I: Much More Music in Canada? JC: Yup. It’s very strange, it’s almost like everything is split into two audiences. They’re all going for the teen market right now because they have disposable income and their parents are really wealthy. Unfortunately, the music is suffering. But I think that there are enough kids that are still really excited about music, although they may not be the mainstream kids. Pup music

is ar a low ri&kr


-mainstream pop is really vacuous. Not that it hasn’t always been. But maybecontent will come back. Maybe feeling will come back in pop music and it won’t just be this vacuum. .




Friday, September

3, IW9

What did they do with the other 96 per cent? PAUL

SCHREIBER h7pw sraff


our Percent Juice is a dynamic music quartet from San Francisco. In just over a year, they have achieved recognition as one of San Francisco’s most promising upand-coming bands, despite their reiatively brief presence in the Bay Area music scene. Imprint sat down with 4PJ’s lead singer and guitarist, Craig Hordlow, wer bulgar wheat grain with tofu and broccoli to find out just what gives Hordlow and his band their unique sound. Imprint: How did you guys form your band? What got you started? Hordlow: I started playing with a bass player for about a year. We spent a lot of that year writing original music, an entire catalo@e of original music. We decided we wanted to record a CD and found two players who were really good: a drummer/percussionist and a keyboard player. We recorded the CD and the music endeared itself enough to those guys that they wanted to continue as regular members of the group. We realized they had very complimentary abilities. The [self-titled] CD was recorded over the July 4 weekend in 1998. The fact that it was the Independence Day weekend had a big influence on our recording. There were fireworks going on, which is a problem when you’re recording, but it was also very festive. I: Who’s in the band? H: There’s me* I play guitar and sing. James Greenfield is our amazing drummer/percussionist and he also provides vocals. Jeff Lebson plays keyboards and sings. And Mike Kopp, our bassist, contributes some harmony vocals as well. He even sings lead on a tune. Everyone is really considered a vocalist in this group. I: Where

did the name Four Percent

Juice come from? H: The bass player, Mike Kopp, was at work one day, drinking something and he looked at the ingredients. Mike noticed that it only had four percent juice in it. It seemed to be an appropriate name for our music because it was a commentary on the increasing impurity of the times. I: What instruments does your band play? What did you use to record With?

rotation is controlled with a foot pedal. You can give a whirling effect to the music. Drums/percussion: he uses up to 15 instruments, including an exotic-sounding vibraslap. I: Flour Percent Juice has a unique style of music. How would you describe it? H: People tell us we sound like a cross between the Talking Heads, The Barenaked Ladies and world music.



H: Guitar, obviously. I would just call it an electric guitar. Mine is a Ibanez 335. There are electric and acoustic basses. Piano. It was a Steinway grand piano. A grand piano really helps give rhe organic sound of the stytes we’re influenced by, particularly latin and afro-cuban. We had a Hammond organ with a spinning leslie. A Hammond organ has essentially been used in black american gospel music. It’s funky. The leslie is a tire that spins inside of a wooden cabinet. The speed of the

The lyrics are very cerebral and +telligent, as opposed to pop. Pop, in general, has never been known as what they call Aheady. Some people telf us our lyrics are too intelligent t6 end up on the radio.

E. BEATTIE /mpnjrlfSiM

aren’t many places to see live acts in Kitchener-Waterloo these days. Most of the clubs in town play taped music instead of real human talent. One of the few places that showcqes independent music is The Banke. On August 13, The Banke was host to two great independent bands: Dirge and Heater. The audience was small, probably due to the timing, butboth bands made the best of it and turned in fine performances, delighting what enthusiastic fans actually showed upDirge started the night off with a solid set. This five piece is a great mix of sound guitars and solid vocals. The lead singer, although very petite, has a great resonant voice. is




musicians ask me all the time. I’m kinda known for never getting writer’s block as a musician. I’ve developed methods for coming up with ideas, but also finishing them, which is something a lot of musicians have a hard time doing. I find that the best was for a musician to practice their instrument is to play along with music that they don’t ordinarily listen to. It expands your ideas and it makes your bag of tricks a lot deeper. In that bag of tricks, there are many unique and diverse ideas for hooks, choruses and concepts.

I: Doesn’t that compromise your artisticintegri~? H: That’s a hard line to walk, doing both. But I believe I’ve found a way to do it with both a high level of musicality and artistic integrity. It boils down to our songs are 3 4 minutes long. We don’t jam as much on recordings and we obviate our hooks and payoffs.


hard to believe that such a stro rich voice couldcome from someone so small. She is just loud enough so

tbi?Banke August 13

training. David Byrne. Probably my biggest influence musically. A lot of people say we sound similar, because the lyrics are heady and we both sing in the same register with similar timbre. Afro-Cuban music. The reason that’s an influence is that I was at a party a couple years ago and I was playing two sets of acoustic music. Between sets, a woman put on a vinyl afro-cuban album, a very old one. It struck me as I watched everyone get

I: What are Four Percent Juice’s goals as a band? H: We’re currently frustrated with the limitations of live music in San Francisco. So, we’re restrategized. We’re working with producer Daniel Presly (Jewel, Faith No More) in order to achieve success via recording radio-friendly, commercially viable music. That will enable us to sell more albums and thereby bringing major label interest to the project.

I: What are your musical influences? H: Bach. I studied music composition with a San Francisco composer for three years. The elements of music that I learned, such as voice leading and harmony, have enabled me to go back to pop music and do things I wouldn’t have been able to do with-

Heatingup the Banke Heater with Dirge

out that

taxio and the States. It’s easy to see why - this four piece h.& boundless energy and enthusiasm. Their songs are snappy and memorable. The boys rocked and seemed to have a good time regardless of the sparse audience. The band played songs from their debut CD, The Gas Pedal which. recently reached the top ten on the CKMS charts, as well as some new songs. Heater plays very well together, they have great band chemistry. Their voices blend in a perfect pop melody backed up by kick ass guitars. Heater’s music is all about fun and they deliver with infectious spirited tunes and great stage presence. They mix geek chic and straight ahead rock together to form one entertaining, audience

that the music complimented, not competed with, her voice. Toronto band Heater followed. Heater is slowly building a name for themselves across Southwestern On-



If you missed Heater this time, be sure to check them out next time they are in K-W. Also, check out the Banke for great live bands every Friday and Saturday.

up and dance. The music wasso alive. I’d never really listened to that- style of music before. It was inspiring. I: Tell me about your songwriting technique. How do you write? Where do you write? What do you write With? H: It’s a two-fold process. My bachelor’s degree is in English writing, first of all, and I’ve considered myself a writer for over 10 years. I write a lot in journals. I have a vast assortment of music at home. The question is a good one;

I: How are you using the Internet to promote your band? H: We sell our CDs at MP3.com; we have about 20 new people a day downloading our music at MP3 .com and that is growing. We use our own website to provide news, sound clips, short stories, photos and a message board where fans can interact.

Formoreinfmtionon FourPercent Juice, check out http://www.4pj.com.



Friday, September 3, I999

Hot music and bad weather One long festive Summer RACHEL MATT ROB

Toronto Jazz



ummer is often the best time to catch live bands. Summer festivals give audiences an excellent opportunity to See lots of their favourice acts at the same time. The summer of 1999 was agreat summer for festivals. Woodstock’99 will prob ably go down in infamy as a sign of our times but there were lots of other great festivals this summer. Here is a look at a few of the very best summer festivals in 1999.

NXNE Now in it’s fifth year, the North by North East Music Festivd and Industry Conference (NXNE) is stillgrowing. Four-hundred bands were invited to play over three days in 28 clubs in downtown Toronto. This year. the line up was more diverse than ever. In attendance were bands representing lo-fi indie rock, rear-jerkin’ blues, beat-heavy hip hop, twangin’ country, jumpin’ jazz and swing, head-banging metal, mellow folk, hard-core house and a bunch of bands that didn’t really fit anywhere else. No matter who you are, there is something for you at NXNE. While the festival highlighted a few bands who are due to break into major label deals soon, there were a huge number of bands who ran the gambit from absolutely mind-blowing to absolutely crap.

Downtown Festival





As fans in the big tent at the corner of King and John swirl overhead, their blades mix the warm air, the smell of barbeque and the succulent sounds of a bright, young quintet from Austrah.4 It’s the closing days of Toronto’s du Maurier Downtown Jazz Festival, but there is an energy here both onstage and off - that defies the fading day. The massive tent is completely full as Canadian pianist Renee Rosnes takes to the stage with her band. Their sound is exquisite, as this bright and lyrical bunch moves through their solos, but collectively, they retain a striking cohesiveness. Rosnes’ vibrant sound is a product of her impeccable precision. Opening with a slew of pieces from her latest album, she draws out the songs to accentuate their swinging rhythm and funky nuances. It takes far less than her hour-long set to see why it’s .no secret Rosnes and her trio are at the top of their game in Canada and beyond. Charlie Hunter and Leon Parker close the night under the tent with a brilliant show. Hunter, master of soulful notes and the eight-string guitar, teamed with Parker, a devotee of the minimalist school of percussion, to churn out continuously solid grooves heavily rooted in funk and hard bop. The talent the Toronto festival draws has remarkable depth, and the epicenter at King and John is a fabulous showcase for jazz.

It’s hard to go wrong with a line up like Stxdust Picnic had. Guster, Sarah Slean, 54-40, Great Big Sea and Blue Rodeo are all great acts on their own but together they made for a super show. Despite heavy rain, causing the indie stage to be cancelled, the ‘picnic’ was a smashing success, Guster and Sarah Slean both won new fans with their great music and, particularly in Slean’s case, talent for between song banter. 54-40 wins the trooper award for braving the monsoon like downpour and still delivering a rockin’ show. Great Big Sea and Blue Rodeo, the crowds’ favourites, gave generous sets that had the audiences screaming for more.



Hillside is a long tradition in the K-W region. It has the widest appeal of all of the folk festivals in this area. Singers like Penny Lang, David Essig and John Gorka kept the hardcore folkies happy while acts like Corduroy Leda, Sarah Slean and Sloan drew in a younger audience. Besides all the great music Hillside also featured tons of informative workshops on topics ranging from homeopathic medicine to native art. Hillside is probably the most environmentally conscious of folk festijals, there were recycle boxes everywhere and there was even a dishwashing tent so that festival goers could bring (and reuse) their own dishes to enjoy the delicious food on.

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y musical fixes? They include growls of Sepultura, the twang of Johnny Cash, the potency of the vocaf ranges of Yma Sumac and Diamanda Galas and the moaning of bagpipes. Another of the integral ingredients of my aural sustenance is the beauty, heat, diversity and significances of swing music. Once upon a time. oh, about 13 years ago, Terry and I (and sometimes Michael) would treat ourselves to an evening of heavenly cheesecake and coffee served in a friendly, cosy cafe called “Aphorisms” in uptown Waterloo, As important to me as the dessert was, the sultry and addictive music that was always heard there was more significant, That music came from Billie Holiday. It was one of those memorable experiences that started prodding me down a particular avenue of events. It was through Aphorisms and the verbal pushing and shoving of Terry and Michael, that I started hosting a swing show at CKMS. All I knew then was maybe five different musicians from that era. Now, 12 years later, I’m still hosting that swing show called “The Swing Caf6” on CKMS, I have collected about 400 78 rpm records, I have one stand-up gramophone and one Upoctable” gramophone and three (I think) turntables with a 78 rpm speed on them. Yes, I’m stuck on swing. Originally called &jass,” with an unknown date of birth, swing is one of the grandparents of the ever-broadening scope of jazz music. On my show, I generally cakewalk through the

192Os, ’30s and ’40s. Among the artists I play are Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong, character of all characters, hornblower supreme and singer/ scatman to boot and Billie Holiday, who could flood you with emotions in one single note and whose experiences in life were so tragic is also frequently played. On “The Swing Caf6”you’ll also hear Bix Beiderbecke, who had a hauntingly sweet sadness to himself and his music and died before he turned 30, leaving a lasting impression on jazz musicians to follow. Add to the list groups such as Johnny Dodds’ Washboard Band andThe Washboard Rhythm Kings, often with someone playing a banjo and a tuba, who were hotter than the Sahara Desert. No one could blend classical with jazz as masterfully as the “King of Swing,” Benny Goodman. The chaotic, low-down, street-smart, amazing, and for some unknown reason, almost never acknowledged Harry “The Hipster” Gibson is also on my playlist. And there is also Gene Krupa, who drums like a madman and can play the rhythmic beat of an entire tune with matchsticks! And yes, in me there is always a need for bringing about a healthy balance by including the big band style schmalzier stuff too, with Paul Whiteman, Glenn Millerand the Dorsey Brothers. No, I am not grey-haired, arthritic and half-blind. Music from the first half of the 1900’s is not only for the old and lonely! It’s jazz, dang-nabbit! An ageless thing is jazz. So turn up your dial at 100,3 FM on Monday nights and expand your musical knowledge and horizon. The Swing Caft is on from 6:00 to TOO pm,withmorejazzstraightthroughuntil~OO.





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